March 22, 2018 | Author: Gudea Tby | Category: Thermal Expansion, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Pressure, Acid, Vacuum Tube



COBRATHERM random polypropylene tubes and pipe fittingsTechnical and practical manual which is necessary to use COBRATHERM system in the field of waterworks and sanitary facilities. 1. Introduction This technical manual, which is addressed to the professionals who are working in hydrothermosanitary field, results from the development strategy which has been adopted in the last few years. TIEMME Raccorderie firm has been investing its capital in high technology and human resources since it was incorporated in Lumezzane Gnutti Group. Thanks to these actions, the traditional range of products was renewed, including a wider range of articles in order to comply with customers’ requests and meet their needs. The TIEMME general catalogue, not only includes traditional pipe fittings, but also the following new products which are already available on the market: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ball valves Brass bibcock Compression fittings for copper pipes Compression fittings for multilayer pipes Compression fittings for Cobra-Pex pipes Compression fittings with O-Ring for polyethylene pipes Brass generic fittings Press fittings for multilayer pipes Copper and bronze soldering fittings Soldering fittings Copper and bronze press fittings Polypropylene pipes and fittings Cross linked polyethylene and multilayer pipes Manifolds Radiator valves and lockshield The TIEMME System Quality organisation has been amplified, achieving the ISO 9002 certification with KIWA, the primary certification Authority in the water field in Europe, in May, 1999. As in addition to the numerous and authoritative written articles published in specialised stamp, the company’s certification is the guarantee that the products are projected, constructed and tested to in order to satisfy the users demands. The updating of certificates and other detail information are at the customer’s disposal at the TIEMME Commercial Offices. Moreover, after having invested its capital in high technologies and human resources, our firm also intends to concentrate its attention on communication and information field in order to give its commercial partners and installers all advice and technical information which are necessary to correctly use our products. To meet these needs, TIEMME firm shows a series of technical and practical manuals which are necessary to use our products according to the system concept, also mentioning dimensioning methods. Wishing You a good and profitable work and hoping that You will appreciate this useful manual, we remain with our best regards. TIEMME Raccorderie S.p.a. The Chairman As it can be seen, TIEMME firm made a great effort, as it not only offers single products, but also a wide range of products which are similar and compatible one with the other, forming a “system”. This manual, just like those which are related to other firm products, aims at emphasising this new concept of “system”, also providing all information which are necessary to easily and correctly use various components. According to our firm, it is necessary to guarantee product certification in order to meet customer’s needs, as the customer himself will have to issue a Conformity Declaration with system rules, thus assuming precise responsibility. 1 The manual includes an appendix concerning all specifications which are commonly and frequently used. Tube and pipe fitting duration also depends on other aspects. it is necessary to subdivide them into other groups. hoping that they can be rapidly and easily consulted by technicians and installers. COBRATHERM tube and pipe fitting duration depends on the following parameters: • Mechanical stress = pressure • Thermal shock = temperature • Stress duration = time Regression curves graphically show the connection between these three parameters. As regards chemical compatibility between the material and carrier fluids. 2 . thermal expansions which are not well compensated. this manual only deals with and analyses those systems which are compatible with them.4 paragraph on page 4. single-tube. Considering COBRATHERM system-product purposes. As in the case of all plastic pipes. etc. air conditioning units include manifold. in short. PP-R tube and pipe fitting duration strictly depends on system highest working temperature and pressure values. radiant panel systems and so on. This manual thoroughly examines traditional supply systems (with series-connected sanitary facilities ) – see picture 1 and picture 2. 220 picture 2 COBRATHERM tubes and pipe fittings can be used for the construction of any supply system of fluids which are chemically and physically compatible with the material and lowest and highest temperatures and pressure values which are allowed by the system. such as for example. It will be possible to provide useful information which are necessary to use various system products and guarantee system dimensioning according to existing specific rules. These values are checked according to the kind of sanitary facilities which are used and building obligations. it will only be possible to give general instructions. These groups must be split up starting from the system which is included in the group in question. The sizes which are shown in the pictures at the right side of the page are indicated in [mm] and they refer to most common sanitary facility installation. For example. the chemical compatibility with carrier fluid. systems must be divided into different groups and after having divided them into the two traditional fields of water systems and sanitary facilities and air-conditioning units. Generalities As it was previously mentioned in the introduction. these manuals aims at better explaining how to use our product systems. picture 1 160 (*) 160 (*) This value is suitable for outer supply tubes. referring the reader to the specific regulations on the subject. see regression curves which are shown in the diagram on page 5. In case of those systems whose dimensioning is calculated following complex procedures.2. Consequently. see material list which is shown in 4. In order to reach this target. Concerning this. 25 0. battery ignition effect which is due to the combination of non-homogeneous materials such as copper and steel. such as vibrations or small water hammers which always take place in the system.25 0. it is necessary to follow the thermal insulation regulations which are in force. 4. • Lightness during transport.90÷0. BEC 6006 random copolymer polypropylene type 3 is not only manufactured according to the regulations which are shown in the table.22 0.3 75 Table I Density at 23 °C Yield stress E modulus traction Breaking strain Brinell hardness test Resilience (Charpy) at: Resilience at : 23 °C -30 °C 23 °C -20 °C ISO 179/2D / DIN 53479 ISO 179/2D / norm. The experimental data which are collected thanks to a direct observation with the help of practical tests are available upon demand. buildings are characterised by management. RANDOM POLYPROPYLENE – TYPE 3 SPECIFICATIONTABLE SPECIFICATIONS Fluidity index – MFI 230/2. Consequently.15 2. Condenser water formation is obviously due to carrier fluid temperature. Thanks to this characteristic. COBRATHERMsystem The system is characterised by plastic components which are subject to polyfusion welding.91 27 900 >800 49 It does not 40 31 2. relative humidity value and the diameter of the tube in question.2 Low thermal conductivity 4. it can be used for foodstuff supply (see chemical compatibility table) • Very good mechanical and functional characteristics (duration. • It is complies with DIN8078 and DIN 16887 regulations concerning the lowest long-lasting hydrostatic force. 16 REGULATION/TEST ISO 1133 / Proced. The Table I on the right side of the page shows all material specifications. applications. expansions. etc. 12 DIN 53735 / Code M ISO R1183 / DIN 53479 ISO R527 / DIN 53455 ISO R527 / DIN 53457 ISO R527 . highly reducing their sound diffusion along the supply system.) • Lower pressure loss thanks to its smooth inner coating. movement and installation. plastic material damps sound-wave propagation. TIEMME COBRATHERM system reaches both goals. • It can be easily installed The raw material which is used for the construction of COBRATHERM system has a very high volume and surface resistivity.3 Sound-proofing properties Random copolymer polypropylene type 3. unlike metal tubes which are subject to stray currents.0 2. In any case.22 W/mK and heat loss per linear metre are lower than those of metal tubes. scale ISO 179/1eA ISO 179/1eA ISO 306 / DIN 53460 ISO 75/B / DIN 53461 DIN 52612 VIDE 0304 (1-4) Adiabatic calorimetry DIN 53483 DIN 53481 VICAT A/C° melting point Dimensional stability maximum temperature Linear thermal conductivity Thermal expansion coefficient Specific heat at 20 °C Dielectric constant Dielectric rigidity 4. reference regulations and regulations which are related to endurance tests. • Very good behaviour in the presence of deposits and abrasion phenomena.2 140÷150 75 0. consequently COBRATHERM systems can never generate electro-magnetic interference. is able to absorb mechanical stresses.3. offering the following advantages: • High dielectric properties • Low thermal conductivity • Soundproofing properties. but it also complies with national laws which are in force concerning the materials which are used for the construction of foodstuff supply pipes (further details will be provided upon demand). supply systems which are manufactured will never be subject to electroerosion phenomena. 4.Velocità D ISO 2039 (H358/30) MEASUREMENT VALUE UNIT g/10 min g/10 min g/cm3 N/mm2 % % N/mm2 KJ/m2 KJ/m2 KJ/m2 KJ/m2 °C °C W/mK mm/m°C KJ/KgK --KV/mm 0. reception and data transmission systems. This technology was successfully put on the market according to two concepts which are necessary for most installers: guarantee working schedule by using innovative materials which offer great technical and economic advantages. this material is also characterised by a very low dielectric constant value and a reduced pressure loss factor. • Non-toxicity.1 Dielectric properties Thermal conductivity value of these pipes. 3 . unlike metal tube systems. A lower heat loss which passes through pipe walls also determines a lower condenser water formation in special outer thermo-hygrometric conditions. etc. therefore water systems with above-mentioned characteristics are considered as a great technological step forward. becoming totally insensitive to the magnetic field action of any frequency. pressure. if COBRATHERM system is used for hot or refrigerated fluid supply. Nowadays. which is equal to 0. PP-R polypropylene – type 3 COBRATHERM system tubes and pipe fittings are manufactured by using BEC 6006 random copolymer polypropylene type 3 which is specially produced by PCD Polymere for the construction of fluid supply systems. random polypropylene type 3 is one of the best electrically insulated materials. According to the values which are shown in Table I. thanks to its very good mechanical and dynamic properties. temperature. The material which is used for the construction of COBRATHERM system is also: • Suitable for the construction of tubes and pipe fittings which are used for drinking water supply. check and measurement computerised systems. ambient temperature. Thanks to this characteristic. Propane gas 100 Liquid soap 10 Mustard Caustic soda 100 Sodium sulphate sat. 100 10 >40 100 98 sat. Sodium chlorate 25 Sodium chlorite 5 Liquid chlorine 100 Chlorine (dry gas) 100 Chlorine (wet gas) 100 Chloroform 10 Calcium chloride sat. sol. sol. sol. Apple juice Orange juice Lemon juice Fruit juice Tea Sodium thiosulphate sat. Vanilla Vaseline Wine Xylene 100 4 . Sodium chloride sat. sol.5% of chlorine Potassium carbonate sat. Wax Cyclohexane 100 Cyclohexanol 100 Potassium chlorate sat. 10 100 al 100 conc. Sodium nitrate sat. Sodium carbonate sat. 100 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Commonly used anti-freeze Chromium-plating baths Benzene 100 Ethyl-benzene 100 Sodium bicarbonate sat.(°C) (%) 20 60 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Substance / Fluido Conc. sol. T. sol. The material which is used for the construction of COBRATHERM system is stable even in the presence of water or other foodstuffs. Potassium permanganate sat. sol. sol.4. chemical compatibility of commonly used substances is indicated below. 100 sat. sol. Formaldehyde 40 Glycerine 100 Liquid glycerine low Gas oil Glucose Sodium hypochlorite 5 Potassium iodide sat. Ethyl chloride 100 Methyl chloride 100 Potassium chloride sat.4 Non-toxicity Copolymer polypropylene type 3 is a material which is insensitive to the chemical agents which are in contact with it. sol.(°C) (%) 20 60 100 100 100 100 all sat. Chemical endurance of the pipe when it is not subjected to mechanical stress Substance / Fluido Conc. sol. sol. Beer Liquid bromine 100 Butane (gas) 100 Butyl alcohol 100 Butyl acetate 100 Soluble cocoa Limestone Bleach 12. sol. sol. it is non-toxic and it can be used for fluid. sol. Coke Potassium chromate sat. sol. Carbon tetrachloride 100 Tetrachloroethylene 100 Thiophene 100 Turpentine 100 Trichloro-ethylene 100 Urea sat. sol. Copper nitrate 30 Nitrobenzene 100 Oleum all Peanut-oil Animal oil Camphor oil 98 Fuel oil Coconut oil Almond oil Cod-liver-oil Motor oil Corn oil Linseed oil Olive-oil Silicone oil Turpentine oil Paraffin oil 98 Octane Ozone <0. sol. sol. sol. sol.5 ppm Liquid cream Paraffin 100 Petroleum 100 Perborax sat. T. Toothpaste Liquid detergent Diethyl ether 100 Dimethyl-formamide 100 Dioxan 100 Hexane 100 Heptane 100 Ethyl acetate 100 Ethyl hexane 100 Petroleum ether 100 Flour Phenol sat. sol. Potassium persulphate sat. sol. Sodium phosphate sat.(°C) (%) 20 60 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Very good resistance Good resistance Quite resistant Unresisting Substance / Fluido Vinegar Acetone Acetic acid Benzoic acid Boric acid Hydrochloric acid Chromic acid Phosphoric acid Formic acid Photographic acid Glycolic acid Lactic acid Muriatic acid Nitric acid Oleic acid Accumulator acid Sulphuric acid Chlorine water Distilled water Drinking water Sea-water Soda-water Boric acid solution Hydrogen peroxide Aqua regia Ethyl alcohol Starch Ammonia gas Liquid ammonia Aniline Conc. Sodium sulphite sat. As COBRATHERM system can also be used for the construction of industrial processing plants. powder or gelatine supply in the field of food industry. Iso-octane 100 Wool-fat Milk Liquor all Lemonades - Margarine Jam Menthol Methanol 100 Methyl ethyl ketone 100 Mercury 100 Diesel oil 100 Naphthalene 100 Potassium nitrate sat. T. it is generally equal to 1.(*) – P = 10 bar = 1 N/mm2 • highest working temperature – T = 60 °C • safety factor – f = 1. The curves resulted from accelerated tests concerning pressure and working temperatures which were conducted according DIN 8078 regulation in order to calculate PP-R pipe lowest life cycle. For example. expansions can be absorbed by random copolymer polypropylene type 3 thanks to its deformation properties which are due to its low elasticity coefficient. but system components are easily installed underground. After having determined system life cycle. it is possible to determine highest working pressure value [P]. Regression curve diagram is commonly used to determine PP-R pipe system life cycle. it is possible to calculate the equivalent highest working pressure value thanks to the following equation: EQUIVALENT STRESSES [N/mm] HOURS it is possible to achieve the following equation: σ = (1/2•3. 4 mm • highest working p. according to the example. or COBRATHERM tubes are under-floor. temperature. it is necessary to analyse the following parameters: pressure. Even if all this does not happen.4) • 1. thus favouring expansion absorption.4) • (20 .8 bar 5 .s) • f [1] Regression curve diagram and: σ = stands for mechanical stress indicated in [N/mm2] which is exerted on pipe walls because of pressure. it is possible to calculate [P] value of a tube with 20 x 3. The various parameters are calculated thanks to the following equation: σ = (P/2s)•(d e . draw a line which is parallel to abscissa axis (red broken line) which starts from [s] value and reaches working temperature curve in question (which. In order to prove that underground installation does not generally cause any problem.4) = 6. considering pressure and working temperature values. Thanks to the regression curves which are shown in the diagram on the right side of the page. thermal expansions etc. according to accelerated ageing tests. N° [1] formula is commonly used to determine supply system duration. it is possible to compensate the stresses which are caused by thermal expansions.66 After having calculated mechanical stress. considering pressure and working temperature values.5 thermal expansion coefficient which is higher than that of metals and commonly used building materials.5.s) and: A = indicates system yearly life cycle [2] Above-mentioned equations can be better explained thanks to the following example. P = 20•3. Considering the following data: • tube outer diameter – de = 20 mm • tube wall thickness – s = 3. This is due to supply system route deviations. duration. is equal to 60°C).5/1.5 Mechanical characteristics In order to determine COBRATHERM tube and component mechanical characteristics. It is also possible to determine system duration and highest working pressure in the period in question. the experiment and the applications in the field of waterworks and sanitary facilities. P = stands for the highest working pressure indicated in [N/mm2] d e = indicates pipe outer diameter [mm] s = indicates pipe wall thickness [mm] f = stands for safety factor.5 = 3.4•(2. thanks to [2] equation. indicates pipe duration. according to the example. The point which is determined and which is shown on abscissa axis.5) / (20-3. it is possible to determine PP-R pipe characteristics.4. it is equal to 5 x 105 hours. Similarly. thanks to the presence of insulating sheaths.1. thanks to [2] equation: 4.3. which are required for the construction of hot and cold water supply system having a thickness which ranges from 9 to 20 mm. Thermal expansions COBRATHERM system is characterised by a P [bar] = A•s•(σ/f)/(d e . which correspond with more than 50 years.5.4 mm diameter throughout a period of 20 years at a temperature of 80°C. 0 36. Expansion compensation Picture 3 TO BE NOTICED: Pipe length [L] which is necessary to calculate expansion coefficient [ΔL] always corresponds with system parts which are measured between two fixed supports – see the diagrams which are shown in picture 3 and 4.0 10.0 1. When expansions or shrinkage reach values which cannot be compensated by supply system development and natural form.0 60 9. if possible.0 While positioning fixed points.00 18.0 42.0 8.5 60. consequently. sliding supports (PS) and expansion arms (BD).15 mm and. to facilitate technician and installer’s work.50 9.0 37. the following data: • ø 20 mm tube which is used • 10 metre long system part • Thermal head Dt = 40 K (10 ‹ 50°C) .0 22.0 48.0 13. in case of exposed supply systems.5 SUPPORT DISTANCE TABLE [cm] Temperature [°C] 20 40 60 70 85 90 105 115 130 65 75 80 100 105 120 80 60 70 70 90 100 110 80 85 100 110 125 140 Table III ΔL = stands for material constant = 30 = indicates the outer diameter of the tube which is used = indicates thermal expansion to be compensated Fixed points (PF) Pipe length [m] 6 ΔL ΔL Arm [BD] Pipe linear expansion which is caused by temperature rise and shrinkage which is due to refrigerated water supply can generate tensions which act on some supply system points and. supporting pipes and favouring expansion and shrinkage phenomena. besides being unaesthetic. according to tube diameter and working temperature. can exert undesired stresses on some system components such as elbow joints.0 7.00 12. it is necessary to use.0 31.5 27.0 22.0 20 3.0 6.0 15.5 45. Picture 4 Bar or roll length (m) Considering.5 18.5. etc.2.50 3. Type 3 copolymer polypropylene pipe thermal expansion linear coefficient is equal to the following value: α = 0. which is the following: LINEAR EXPANSION TABLE [mm] Length L [m] 10 1.5 75.0 81.00 12. it is very easy to calculate system length total expansion value.5 45. all calculations have been converted into a graphic form and thanks to the nomogram which is shown in picture 5.5 15.00 7.2 32x5.50 6. the minimum length of the arm [Bd] to be achieved must be calculated as follows: [3] and: ΔL = stands for total expansion value [mm] α = indicates linear expansion coefficient Δt = indicates the thermal head the tube is subject to [K] For designer and installer’s convenience.0 67. Expansion joint calculation ΔL = L • α • In order to create an expansion joint forming one or more curves. linear expansion value will be equal to 0. for example.50 9.0 90.0 18.15 mm/m°C this means that if every pipe length indicated in linear metres is subject to a temperature rise which is equal to Dt = 1K.0 52.00 4.0 36.0 30. Arm [BD] Fixed points Sliding support (PS) (PF) ΔL 4. The procedures and calculations which are indicated below are necessary to solve the problem of thermal shrinkage and expansion absorption of COBRATHERM tubes. tees.00 13. it is possible to rapidly calculate expansion arms. calculation is solved as follows: ΔL = 10 • 0.00 9. thermal expansions cause circuit length twisting and bending which.0 72. k de and: BD = k • √ de• ΔL [4] Ø Tube 20x3. supply system course deviations to compensate thermal expansions.0 9.15 • 40 = 60 mm BD = 30 • √ 20 • 60 = 1040 mm Even in this case.7 50x8.0 54.0 27. Supports will be fitted at the distance which is shown in Table III.0 54. Sliding supports will be installed between two fixed points according to pipe length. curves.0 6.0 50 7.00 10.0 63. the Table II on the right side of the page shows linear expansion values related to some system lengths and commonly used thermal head values.On the contrary.0 21.50 15. it is necessary to use appropriate anchoring points (PF).5 30. System and tap rigid pipe fittings will act as fixed points. In these cases.0 Δt [°K] 30 40 4.0 24.0 40.0 5.4 63x10.0 45.4 40x6.0 60.5 36.5 12.0 30.0 18.0 2.3.0 27. Table II 4.0 24.00 6.0 4. on pipe fittings. above all. it is necessary to use special pipe clamps and create a supply system which is able to compensate thermal expansions.0 3.5.4 25x4. EXPANSION ARM LOWEST LENGTH [mm] 4. mm and [v] speed values indicated in m/s. it is possible to determine this technological system application fields. thanks to its technical characteristics such as salt-water and vibration resistance.Nomogram which is used to calculate expansion arm 4. Thanks to the diagram which is shown in picture 6 of the following page. This manual makes a calculation example related to commonly used water systems and sanitary facilities.5. refers to water flows at a temperature of 10°C. it is possible to determine [R] unit pressure loss values which are indicated in c. is used for the construction of boat and ship technological systems. The diagram which is shown in picture 6.6. considering [Q] flow indicated in l/s. Thanks to material malleability. garden irrigation systems. lightness.1. it is very easy to calculate the total pressure loss of a straight or presumably straight system length. its soundproofing properties. etc. etc. etc. COBRATHERM system. pipes with a very smooth inner coating are subject to extrusion.4. Fields of application Considering above mentioned COBRATHERM tube and pipe fitting specifications. farm supply systems. considering [L] pipe length which is indicated in metres or in equivalent metres. shows how it is possible to define a straight “equivalent” pipe length every local pressure loss point. collected data must be updated and multiplied by correction factor [fc] which is indicated in the diagram of picture 7.a. 7 . Consequently. this system can be used both in civil and industrial field. purifying systems which are used for the supply of processing fluids or fluids which are used in food industry (after having previously checked their chemical compatibility with carrier fluid). compressed air supply systems. air conditioning unit condenser water drain pipes. The applications in the industrial field include. in case of different temperature values. Civil systems includes hot and cold water supply systems for sanitary use. on the contrary. besides above-mentioned systems. non toxicity.6 Continuous and local pressure losses SYSTEM LENGTH [m] TEMPERATURE VARIATION [ΔT ° C] LENGTH VARIATION ΔL [mm] Picture 5 Random polypropylene pipes type 3 are subject to pressure losses which are lower than those of other kinds of pipes. According to the highest temperature and pressure values related to a system duration which is equal to 50 years. low temperature heating plants. The paragraph 4. 25 l/s of water at 60 °C. Picture 8 Picture 6 4. branches. thanks to the nomogram which is shown in picture 8. [Le] equivalent length could be calculated as follows: R = ζ • (v2/2g) = λ • (v2/2g) • (Le/D) Pressure loss [c. for example. on the contrary. [Le] value depends on [λ] friction coefficient.1. Any jet disturbance causes a local pressure loss whose extent depends on the kind and consequence of the disturbance.2. it is possible to calculate local pressure losses considering system [Le] fictitious length values which are shown in table IV. The direct method is based on the specific calculation of each pressure gradient which is due to fluid flow stoppage. Equivalent metre method Picture 7 Fluid temperature [°C] 4. according to the diagram which is shown in picture 6. Recent experiments seem to confirm this theory. Comparison of the two methods Considering that the two methods are equivalent./m Correction factor [fc] FLOW [l/s] Considering. thus achieving a total fictitious length which will be used to calculate continuous pressure losses thanks to traditional method. Speed [m/s] 4. These lengths are added to real system development indicated in metres. According to the equivalent metre method. it is necessary to update [R] value at a fluid temperature of 60 °C. its variation not always corresponds with that of [λ] friction coefficient. each obstacle must be replaced by a fictitious system length which determines the same pressure loss. while flow speed is equal to 0. it is necessary to mention local pressure losses which are caused by the presence of nodes. The following methods are commonly used to calculate local pressure losses: the direct method and equivalent metre method. while./m] and ζ indicates local drag coefficient v stands for fluid speed γ ndicates fluid specific weight [Kg/m3] g stands for gravity acceleration [m/s2] [ζ] values related to any kind of pipe fitting are indicated in table IV. pipe fittings.a.3. Thanks to the diagram which is shown in picture 7. therefore local pressure losses are not only due to speed as it is stated by direct method.1..6.R = 80 • 0. it results that R value is equal to 80 mm of c. This calculation can be easily and rapidly made.848 = 68 mm di c. but even if [ζ] local drag coefficient can be affected by Reynolds number.6.6.6. Thanks to equivalent metre method.1. Local pressure losses Besides continuous pressure losses which are due to the resistance caused by the friction which is exerted along pipe walls. it is possible to determine fc correction factor which is equal to 0. 4.a. etc. a system which supplies 0.Before calculating system length.1. m] thus achieving the following equation: Le = (ζ/λ) • D According to this relation.a. /m.848.88 m/s. it is possible to rapidly calculate [H] value according to [v] speed and [ζ] drag coefficient value.a. Direct method [H] local pressure loss can be calculated thanks to the following expression: H = ∑ζ • v2 • γ / 2g 8 [5] Drag coefficient [ζ] . according to the following equation: COBRATHERM tube pressure loss diagram PRESSURE LOSS [mm c.1. 60 0.10 0.90 1. 6).30 1.25 1.20 0.40 0.60 1.40 0.70 0.20 2.60 1.70 1. bathroom hydrosanitary supply system development is unchanged both in case of galvanised steel tubes and random polypropylene tubes.50 0.60 0.00 6.00 0. Deposits.20 3.80 1.8.90 0.60 0.00 2.00 0. It is well-known that random polypropylene type 3 is highly abrasion-resistant.40 0.9.45 2.35 1.60 1.10 4.40 0.20 1.70 8.30 0.80 0. Thanks to tube expansion and shrinkage.50 1. limestone or galvanic treatment chips from detaching from pipe walls.90 2. the latter are detached from the walls and removed. the installer is not obliged to carry out unfamiliar operations.80 0.00 1.2 di 16. As it is shown in the diagram of picture 2.00 0.40 3. which are higher than those of calcareous deposits.60 1. Table IV 9 .00 2.90 resistant to the elements which are commonly present in hydrothermosanitary facility water and they are also characterised by a very smooth surface.70 0.00 2.40 0.6 di 21.30 3. besides offering all above-mentioned advantages. For this reason.40 2.50 1.40 0.60 4.40 0.80 3.30 2.40 0.55 0.60 3.6 3.90 12.90 4.60 0. thus preventing rusty particles.30 2.00 3.40 0.6 di 33. it can be achieved according to the same installation procedures which are followed in case of traditional steel pipes.50 0.20 4. Polyfusion procedure which is necessary for part connection can be easily and rapidly followed (see Sect.20 5.40 2. it is possible to avoid all problems which are due to tube corrosion and those which are due to deposit formation.00 2. even if water contains suspended impurities and at an high flow speed.20 2.50 0.70 1.85 0. they can be easily carried.50 1.80 1.80 2.80 3.20 1.00 1.90 0.90 0.80 3. 4.25 2.00 2.20 0.10 7.70 1.20 1.Table which is used to calculate local pressure losses Equivalent metres [eq.50 0. which can seem to be obvious and relatively important.60 3.30 0. which is higher than that of calcareous deposits.00 4.20 9.80 1.80 2.2 di 26.80 1.50 Ø 20 Ø 25 Ø 32 Ø 40 Ø 50 Ø 63 di 13.70 1.00 1. Thanks to this characteristic. Thanks to random polypropylene pipe thermal expansion coefficient.00 0.00 4. it is possible to avoid the latter phenomenon.20 0. Male elbow joint Reduced elbow joint M.60 2.30 3. [ζ] 0.10 1.80 0.0 2.60 0.00 1. Lightness COBRATHERM system tubes and pipe fittings.80 1.70 0.85 2. 4. are also very light and consequently. Easy installation Even if COBRATHERM system is manufactured by using an high technology raw material.40 5.60 1.7. Thanks to this characteristic.40 0.40 0.00 0.60 5.50 0.40 2.60 10.10 0. m] 4.50 5.50 0.60 0.70 3. abrasion and corrosion COBRATHERM system components are Kind of pipe fitting Coupling 90° elbow joint 45° elbow joint Tee Reduced tee Tee Reduced tee Tee Reduced tee Tee Reduced tee Male tee Reducer <2d Reducer 3d Male nipples Reduced Nipples M.2 di 42 0. it is possible to avoid down times.00 0. 1). As random polypropylene is very rigid at above-mentioned temperatures.5. In order to create a supply system at maximum temperatures. During pipe heating. Exposure to UV rays 5. hammer blows. for example: • ø 20 mm tube ‹ 160 mm lowest radius • ø 25 mm tube ‹ 200 mm lowest radius • ø 32 mm tube ‹ 256 mm lowest radius If. it is also necessary to pay attention to future thermal expansions which will take place until usual ambient temperature is reached and to following expansions which are due to carrier fluid temperature. • if male conic nipples are inevitably used. for example. deformations. 5. make sure that sharp parts such as brick or concrete pieces do not damage tubes or pipe fittings. it is necessary to avoid dynamic stresses such as. When installation takes place in cold winter periods at temperatures which are up to 0 °C. male pipe fittings with conic thread. 5. do not use direct flames. such as. During COBRATHERM tube storage before their installation. without causing female pipe fitting deformation. in any case do not use a large quantity of it in order to avoid buckling stresses which act on female pipe fittings during part welding. UV ray prolonged action causes material early ageing.2 Low temperatures Picture 10 Picture 12 5. by cutting them. keep them in their original packaging in order to protect them from dirt. The exposure to sun rays also implies the direct exposure to UV ultraviolet rays. it is necessary to use lowest bending radiuses which are 8 times as higher than pipe outer diameter. by forcing them. 5. It must be reminded that COBRATHERM system components must not be installed or stored in places which are exposed to direct sun light for more than 6 months (after this period. make sure that they are not crushed by people. Tube outer surface cutting can cause break propagation phenomenon which is due to cutting. Because of this ageing. on the contrary. While sticking insulating sheath parts. During the installation of under-floor tube and pipe fittings. Contact with sharp parts Tube surface must not be in contact with sharp edges or other sharp parts. Transport and movement Tubes and pipe fittings which are used for the construction of a supply system are generally located far from sun rays. bar shaking. oils. special stabiliser no longer has its effects). In these cases. in case of underground pipes (see also at 5. if possible. wheelbarrows etc. if possible. Pipe continuous bending In case of very large radiuses. in case of underground components. hemp as a sealing material. cold-bending takes place.5. bending radiuses are 8 times as lower than pipe diameter. Connection with other pipe fittings The connection between COBRATHERM system female pipe fittings and other kinds of male pipe fittings must take place according to the following procedures: • do not use. It is necessary to remove ice deposits from the systems order to prevent them from causing breaks or cracks. such as dust. for example. such as. fats etc.3. 5. Picture 9 Picture 11 10 . do not to tighten pipe fittings too much. Warning and precautions Products must be handled with care in order to avoid undesired shocks.1. scratches or incisions. besides following the above-mentioned instructions. COBRATHERM system components must be handled with care in order not to damage them. pipe length fall from a framework. • use sealing material such as PTFE (Teflon‚) tape or paste.4. etc. • do not use. product loses its starting physical and chemical properties. Similarly. Tubes and pipe fittings which are faulty as they are incautiously carried or those which are subject to building damages must not be used.6. check if the kind of glue which is used contains substances which are chemically incompatible with COBRATHERM system tubes and pipe fittings (see the table on page 4). it is necessary to heat the tube by using an hot air jet which acts on the part which is subject to bending. making sure that pipe cutting is perpendicular to tube axis – see picture 14. Polyfuser is provided with a pre-calibrated thermostat according to the kind of material to be welded (BEC 6006) and a special warning light switches off when correct plate and die working temperature is reached (250 ÷ 260 °C). Figua 14 After above-mentioned heating time. Picture 16 [L] height corresponds with pipe fitting welding bell depth and indicates welding area length. insert those with lower diameter in outer connection and those with higher diameter in inner connection – see picture 13. if necessary.] Cooling [min] π make sure that terminals to be welded are perfectly clean ( without dust. during this phase. cut the tube to the desired size by using special shears. Ø [mm] 20 25 32 40 50 63 5 7 8 12 18 24 4 4 6 6 6 8 2 3 4 4 4 6 Table V Picture 13 ø 20 mm tubes ø 25 mm tubes ø 32 mm tubes ø 40 mm tubes ø 50 mm tubes ø 63 mm tubes L = 16 mm L = 18 mm L = 20 mm L = 22 mm L = 25 mm L = 29 mm ∑ Then. weld various parts together. Figura 17 Picture 15 A perfect welding is achieved under working conditions which are indicated in Table V.6. Installation In order to achieve a perfect installation. it is necessary to carry out the simple and necessary operations which are indicated below: ∏ After pipe cutting. a simple fine with fine teeth or a blade – see picture 15. fat. remove the tube and the pipe fitting from dies and rapidly connect the two parts without rotating them – see picture 18. After this working phase. Parts must be perfectly connected within the time interval indicated in Table V. Insert the tube into pipe fitting bell in order to reach fit depth which is shown in picture 16 and determined by the action of polyfuser die. this phase can last from 10 to 30 minutes according to ambient temperature. Heating [sec. The presence of an irregular bead shows that tube and pipe fitting are not correctly aligned. While fitting the dies. thus narrowing fluid passing area. it is still possible to correct tube and pipe fitting alignment. Higher heights cause the formation of a large bead which is located in and outside the tube. The joint which is achieved must be cooled according to the minimum time interval which is indicated in the above-mentioned table before being subject to any kind of stress. The. clean them with alcohol. ∫ by using a common pencil. corrections are no longer allowed. oil or other substances which are usually present in the builder’s yard). besides following above-mentioned instructions and suggestions.] Interval [sec. start polyfuser in order to pre-heat the equipment. Picture 18 11 . draw tube fit height on pipe fitting welding bell – see picture 16. After having carried out these preliminary operations and having started polyfuser. insert at the same time the tube and pipe fitting into the corresponding polyfuser dies. ∂ First fit the dies having the diameter of the pipes which must be used on polyfuser plate. remove the burr of the two terminals to be welded by using special boring gauges. ª In order to achieve system part welding. it is highly recommended to cover open terminals with a clean cloth or other suitable waterproofing protections. solvents or other noxious substances.2 – Clause 27. After a further period when pressure value is reached within 30 minutes. after this period. water leaks must not be present along the supply system. Consequently. before including these systems in building structure. . pressure test must take place at a steady temperature throughout test period. . Repair the tube following the instructions indicated below: . it is only necessary to wash the system with water in order to guarantee its inner cleaning. in most cases. According to UNI 9182 regulation – Sect. Tube and pipe fitting packing and product non-toxic properties guarantee fluid sliding inner surface good conditions.5 times as higher than highest working pressure. Thanks to random polypropylene characteristics. the manometer shows that pressure initial value has a tolerance which is equal to 30 KPa. apart from dust or building loam. 5 – Par. in case of PP-R systems. Thanks to COBRATHERM system component characteristics. the rules which regulate waterworks testing standards (according to UNI 9182 – DIN 1988 regulation). inner courtyards.2 bar (20 KPa) compared to initial value. it is possible to repair it by using special dies – see picture 20. Picture 20 12 . Even if the regulation in question is related to high density PE-X pipes. while the following section deals with calculation procedures. “covered” with the structures and hidden.insert at the same time [A] mending trunk into female mending die.3 and 0.both tube and mending trunk must simultaneously reach melting point. wait until the joint is totally cooled. In fact. final pressure value must not fall below 0. Pressure testing Picture 19 º If the tube is accidentally perforated by a nail or a drill bit.”Cold hydraulic times as higher than highest working pressure and this value must be reached within 30 minutes during the two following tests.2. this section only deals with technical regulations concerning system pressurisation test.carefully clean and dry the tube length to be repaired. 7. it is not referred to PP-R systems. a temperature variation of 10°C can also determine a pressure variation which ranges between 0. However.6 bar (60 KPa). In fact. they must be necessarily subject to pressure testing in order to check if leaks are present along the whole system. If supply system lengths are unfinished at the end of the day. The main check lasts 2 hours using a pressure value which corresponds with that which was achieved during preliminary test.A sudden cooling process would generate great inner stresses which act on welding area. If the hole of the tube to be repaired has a diameter which is higher than that of the die or if it is a passing hole. System testing and washing The joint must be slowly air-cooled – see picture 19. pressure testing is divided into three phases: the pre-check. Thanks to thermal expansion characteristics of these pipes. it is necessary to use welding plate connection . double ceilings etc. During this first check. After the check. the pressure value which is achieved must not be lower than 0. Moreover. During pre-check phase. tube can be repaired by cutting it and using a normal coupling. PP-R tubes are installed without using glues. therefore it is necessary to make some considerations.insert mending trunk into the hole within throughput time which is shown in Table V.. After all test phases. then cut tube shank. thus compromising system cleaning. see heating times indicated in Table V. Make sure that oils and fats do not filter through the system whether accidentally whether through operator’s negligence. Supply systems are subject to a pressurisation test in order to check if leaks are present. random polypropylene tube and pipe fitting supply systems are laid underground. . with a 10 minute interval between the two tests.8 bar (30 ÷ 80 KPa).2. not only include this test. Each phase is characterised by a specific pressure and test duration. but also other important tests such as contemporary highest flow test and loudness test which concern designing and dimensioning aspect (see Section 8)and not installation merely “mechanical” aspect.1. 7.after welding. while pipes are subject to a more than four consecutive hour exposure to a pressure value which is 1.5 Hot and cold water supply system for sanitary use at man’s disposal must be subject to a preliminary washing operation in order to remove all working and installation residues which are potentially unhealthy.5 times as higher than highest working pressure with at least 600 KPa. . . While fitting dies on polyfuser. As regards DIN 1988 regulation. the main check and the final check. when pipes are exposed to a pressure value which is 1. Finally. water leaks must not be present along the system. test pressure is 1.7. Supply system washing tests”: “Tests are conducted on the whole hot and cold water supply system before fitting taps and closing holes. they are subject to expansion. Tests are passed if. It is possible to carry out separate tests according to different systems”. 27. the last test phase is characterised by two system pressurisation alternating cycles at a pressure of 10 bar (100 KPa) and 1 bar (10 KPa) with a 5 minute interval between one cycle and another. Therefore.1.insert mending die and male terminal into the hole to be repaired. As it often happened in the last few years. Sanitary facilities This chapter analyses the procedures and calculation methods which are necessary to dimension water system and sanitary facilities of two bathrooms and a kitchen for domestic use.8. According to present standard current meters which are installed in civil and not luxury houses. 8. General calculation method Contemporaneity factor was previously used to dimension water systems and sanitary facilities. as it is shown in Picture 21. it will be possible to install independent heating systems and hot water supply systems for sanitary use. it is not allowed to use washing machines and dishwashers at the same time. it is necessary to consider a standard house which is part of a residential complex which is made up of 86 apartments and which is located in the outskirts of a famous town. main cold water supply system will be connected to single wall boilers and bathrooms.flow tary facility [l/s] Sink Washbasin Bidet WC Bathtub/Shower Washing machine Dishwasher 0. Considering the kind of generator and the small horizontal system.50 0. thus determining the highest supply flow during peak periods.15 0.2.00 1. General specifications In order to make real technical dimensioning calculations.20 0.10 0. considering that bathrooms which are present both in civil or industrial buildings and in barracks are dimensioned following the same procedures. thanks to this method. Domestic sanitary facilities have the following general characteristics: Kind of sani.75 3.10 0. Therefore. it is not possible to consider every single case. In other terms. Calculation example refers to series-connected sanitary facilities. From wall boilers.75 0. This effective and tested method was replaced by UNI 9182 regulation which is based on the concept of “load units” and system dimensioning is calculated according to this parameter. The calculation example which will be made is related to hot and cold water supply system for sanitary use. it was possible to determine how many sanitary facilities which were connected to a certain circuit or part of it could be used at the same time.10 0. Introduction Picture 21 8. As this manual is not specifically used to calculate sanitary facility dimensioning.00 2. Consequently.50 2.75 --1.75 0.50 Table VI 8. The house which was taken as a calculation example and which is shown in Picture 22 is made up of two bathrooms (a main bathroom and a service one with washing machine) and a kitchen.1.00 1. therefore the case in question is not considered.15 0. the case in question represents almost all kinds of sanitary facilities.3.15 Load unit cold hot water water 1. considering the installation of COBRATHERM random polypropylene tube and its relative welding pipe fittings.50 0. Calculation examples which are shown on the following pages are made according to this method. it is not possible to install hot water circulation systems for sanitary use. Picture 22 13 . hot water supply horizontal system will be connected to every single domestic sanitary facility. 005 bar per linear metre. calculating pressure losses and adding them by using coefficient ζ method [ζ]. it is possible to start dimensioning cold water supply system which will be fed by [A] riser.005 [bar/m] = 0. This more practical and rapid method will be used to make calculation examples. cold water [lu] value is equal to 4. the above-mentioned sanitary facilities would reach a highest flow value which is equal to 0.10 [l/s] • branch length: 3. it is possible to calculate [lu] value of all sanitary facilities (see regulation F. According to the traditional method of “contemporaneity factor”.25 and. m] 2 90° curves = 1. Now. contemporary highest flow value would be equal to supply point whole flow. in order to determine [1] system length pressure loss from sanitary facility to [x] node.2. the whole system length [1] up to [x] node is characterised by a pressure loss which is equal to: Δp1 = 4. diagram. it is necessary to calculate [1] system branch. Then.u.4 mm • unit pressure loss: 0. metres • 2 90° curves: 1. considering the following values: • real length: for example 2 metres • under-sink pipe fitting: 0.4 Series-connected sanitary facility supply system Considering the specifications which are indicated in previous paragraph. a contemporary highest flow value which is equal to 0.6 [m eq] • 0. The second easier procedure is based on “equivalent metre” method. WC and bathtub. which.9 [eq. it is possible to use a pipe having a diameter of Δ 20 x 3.4 mm and. m] • COBRATHERM tube: ø 20 x 3.0 lu However. As regards cold water supply system. Consequently. According to COBRATHERM tube pressure loss diagram which is indicated on the right side of the page and considering the flow value in question. n° [2] branch pressure loss will be calculated achieving the following results: • sanitary facility flow: 0.10 l/s. of the regulation itself. this load unit value corresponds with a contemporary highest flow value which is equal to 0. in the presence of several sanitary facilities in the same bathroom.25 l/s. First. hot water system will reach a load unit total value which is equal to 2. It is now necessary to determine contemporary highest flow value which is achieved by a group of sanitary facilities. then it is possible to make analytic calculations by using calculation form which is shown on page 15. It is necessary to start calculation procedure from the sanitary fitting which is in the most unfavourable condition up to supply riser shaft. Following the same calculation procedures. para el agua caliente se conseguirá un valor total de unidad de carga igual a 2. bidet .6 [eq.4. UNI 9182 regulation is based on load unit method [lu] and. as it is shown in Table IV on page 9. As it is not possible to consider the case in question. this means that pressure losses are calculated considering a system fictitious length which determines the same resistance value. values indicated in Table VI ): • cold water: 3. m] and: • real length = 0. Considering the main bathroom which is made up of a washbasin. it is necessary to determine which sanitary facilities can be used or not at the same time. consequently. calculation would be the following (see l.25 con.1.5 and. Análogamente y con el idéntico razonamiento.25 l/s. that is to say it would be equal to 0. consecuentemente. On the contrary. whose supply diagram is indicated in picture 23.4.018 [bar] Picture 23 14 .30 l/s. according to the kind and number of main bathroom sanitary facilities. it is necessary to number every single system part as indicated in picture 23.1. Then.29 l/s (contemporaneity factor is equal to 57%). and in UNI 9182 regulation F. according to the values indicated in Table F.7 [m eq] • 0. it must be dimensioned according to sanitary facility highest flow value. thus determining separating pressure value. As this system length is connected to a single sanitary facility. it is possible to start dimensioning bathroom hot and cold water supply system.1.9 eq. it is necessary to define system length and pressure losses which are due to the presence of pipe fittings. curves etc. m.005 [bar/m] consequently: Δp2 = 3.8 eq. metres Adding all these values.8 [eq.1.2 table). If all sanitary facilities were used at the same time.5 l/s (see Table VI). This problem can be solved in two different ways: the first method consists in evaluating real system part length.8. is equal to 0. un caudal máximo contemporáneo de 0. considering the data indicated in the table F.2.7 eq.005 [bar/m] = 0. it is possible to calculate the flows which are necessary for every single sanitary facility or supply point.0 lu • hot water: 6.3.023 [bar] As in the case of length [1]. consequently. As regards bathroom sanitary facilities in question. in this case. first consider system length which is connected to the washbasin and which is indicated by n° [1]. it is possible to obtain a length which is equal to 4.9 [m] under-bidet pipe fitting = 0. a unit pressure loss value which is equal to 0. 4 0.0•0. consequently.9 [eq.0 [m eq] • 0.4 mm COBRATHERM tube. m.5 bar) Table VII Length n° 1 2 3 4 5 [n°] of sanitary facil.2 [m] male elbow joint = 0.025 Δp Δp total supply length + Min.10 0.4 20 x 3.u.3 [m] tee = 1.0 20 x 3. it results that Δp4 value is lower than P(y) value.20 0.035 = 0.035 [bar] After having calculated Δp3 value and having added it to Δp1 value. N° [5] system length will be connected to three sanitary facilities. m] • unit pressure loss: 0.018 Δp Δp total supply length + Min.5 bar) .75 3.10 0.20 [l/s] • branch length: 3.8 [eq.56 (y) --0. P. Max.63 (w) --- Table VIII 0.4 20 x 3.15 l/s.9 3.10 [l/s] • branch length: 4.004 0.5 20 x 3.6 3. calculation will be made considering length [3] lower flow.25 1.75 4.035 0.50 3.75 1.009 [bar/m] = 0. = water supply tube residual lowest pressure value (which is generally equal to 0. length diameter flow [l/s] [eq. According to the previous contemporaneity factor method.009 [bar/m] consequently: Δp3 = 3. as in the case of previous branches: • sanitary facility flow: 0. system (*)[bar] [bar] 0. therefore the latter value will be used to make following calculations.9 [eq. m] • COBRATHERM tube: ø 20 x 3.] ø [mm] [bar/m] [bar] 1.75(Q) 15 (*) Corrected values related to fc = 0.009 0.022) + 0.10 0.75 1. It is now possible to calculate n° [3] length. which are conn. comparing [y] node resistance values. n° [4] branch pressure loss will be calculated achieving the following results: • sanitary facility flow : 0.014 0.0 4.65 (z) --- 0.016 [bar/m] = 0.2 [eq.523 0.005 0. contem.0 [eq.25 l/c.021 0. it is possible to determine the following [y] node system lowest working pressure: As in the case of previous [x] node. to thesystem 1 1 2 1 3 HOT WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CALCULATION Branch Pipe Unit pressure Δp loss length l.56 = 0.6 [eq. Max.005 [bar/m] = 0.005 [bar/m] and.] ø [mm] [bar/m] [bar] 0.018 0. This pressure value is generally equal to 0.57 (k) --0.518 --0.50 0.124+0.9 [eq.005 0.016 0. m] • COBRATHERM tube: Δ 20 x 3. system (**)[bar] [bar] 0.014 0.25 4.0 [eq.2 [m eq] • 0.055 0.30 4.048[bar] Length n° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [n°] of sanitary facil.4 20 x 3. p. = water supply tube residual lowest pressure value (which is generally equal to 0.019 0.7 3.00 0. 4. to thesystem 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 COLD WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CALCULATION Branch Pipe Unit pressure Δp loss length l.00 0.80 (*) – Min.512 --0.15 0.20 0.523 [bar] P(y) = Δp + Δp = 0.[1] and [2] branches come from [x] node and.53 (x) --0.2 4.5 [m] elbow joint = 0.023 0.848 – see nomogram which is shown in Picture 7 on Page 8.20 0.523 + 0.4 20 x 3.50 1.5 [bar] and this means that [x] node lowest pressure value must be equal to: • max.022 0.521 --0. which is equal to 0. p. as it was previously seen. whose total load unit value is equal to lu = 3. for example. thus obtaining the following data: As in the case of previous system lengths.4 20 x 3.123+0.0 4. Δp4 = 3. • branch length: 3. As the two sanitary facilities in question cannot be used at the same time.u. contem. m] 2 90° curves = 1.4 0.50 0.088 0.9 3. considering that system length contemporary highest flow value can be equal to the whole water flow which is sent to the bidet and washbasin.021[bar] Adding this value to the residual supply lowest pressure value.005 0.6 3.50 0.9 [m eq] • 0. flow value would have been equal to 0. which are conn. length diameter flow [l/s] [eq.012 0. In order to calculate system dimensioning and above all to determine the lowest pressure value which must be guaranteed when separating from [A] riser.4 20 x 3. m. flow value is equal to about 0.566 0. Considering.9 [eq.4 20 x 3. m] n° [5] system length and using ø 20 x 3. consequently: Δp6 = 4.75 0.10 0. (**) – Min.7 3.20 l/s.066 0.031 0.0 6. This value will be added to the residual lowest pressure value which must be achieved by water supply tube after having neutralised continuous and local system resistance.5 = 0. which corresponds with 75% of total value.004 0. they have two different pressure loss values. m] real length = 1.548 --0.4 mm.4 20 x 3.4 20 x 3. Δp1 higher value will be considered. m] 1 90° curve = 0.048 0.65[bar] 5 P(X) = Δp 1 + 0. P. [z] node lowest pressure value will be equal to: P(Z) = Δp + P(y) = (4.56 [bar] 3 1 [x] node calculation procedures must be followed to calculate all other node values.10 0.4 mm • unit pressure loss: 0. m] real length = 1.016 [bar/m] consequently: N° [6] branch will be calculated according to the following procedures.15 [l/s] • COBRATHERM tube: ø 20 x 3. m] real length: 2.4 20 x 3. contemporary flow : 0.4 mm • unit pressure loss: 0. it is possible to obtain the value which is indicated in Table VII – column 9.015 0.515 --0. 01 [bar/m]. Consequently.10 [bar]. has the following pressure loss: supply system and [B1] bathroom supply system have the same values. 16 ..Now. while [B2] bathroom is characterised by wall water systems (as it is shown in picture 21).3).025 [bar] 2 In conclusion. and. they are equal to 4. As the latter can be available in various versions and models. main supply system dimensioning calculation must be made following UNI 9182 regulation specifications.3 [l/s] see Table VII – column 3 and 4. this [lu] value has a highest contemporary flow which is equal to 0. The pressure gradient which is caused by cut-off cock will be calculated according to a traditional pressure loss diagram which is provided by the manufacturer or.4 mm diameter. considering a 10 [eq. In the case in question. According to curve 1 indicated in table F.90 [bar] The value which is determined whose pressure loss is generated by the boiler and relative fittings is the lowest pressure value which must be guaranteed during separation from [A1] riser in order to guarantee correct domestic sanitary facility hot water supply.5) to kitchen washbasin load units (which are equal to 1.4. it is not possible to indicate its approximate resistance value in terms of equivalent metres. Calculation procedure is unchanged. on the contrary. [7] pipe length total pressure loss is equal to: Δp7 = 4.5. it will be possible to achieve the following pressure value which must be reached while separating from [A] riser in order to guarantee the correct [B1] main bathroom sanitary facility cold water supply system. it results that final system length up to the boiler must be dimensioned by 6 [lu]. Wall water systems less interfere with waste pipes using fewer connections.5 [bar]. [Q] node must supply 4. thus achieving a contemporary highest flow value which is always equal to 0. tubes having a lower diameter could have a lower flow and be noisy.85 [bar] Then. but it is necessary to consider system cut-off cock.m] length.m] length. is equal to R unit drag coefficient [bar/m] is subject to a [fc] correction factor which corresponds with a water temperature which is equal to 60 °C (see Pict. having for example a Kv value which is equal to 6.80 [bar] As regards hot water supply system for sanitary use.3 l/s contemporary highest flow. cut-off cock. in fact. 0. pipe length will have 25 x 4.8 and a 0.5). As it can be noticed. it results that various system lengths are achieved by using standard diameter tubes. [B1] and [B2] bathrooms are different one from the other: [B1] bathroom is characterised by traditional under-floor water systems.2 mm diameter until it is separated from kitchen washbasin. which. considering that water supply tube has a residual pressure value which is equal to 0.031 [bar/m] = 0. As it can be noticed. thus standardising all components. 3 sanitary facilities have the same flow). by using its [Kv] value according to the following formula: Boiler Picture 24 Δpv = (Q / Kv) 2 indicating “Q” value in [m3/h] and Δpv value in [bar]. therefore they are more rapidly installed. as in case of previous length. From the analysis of Table VII and VIII. as it is shown by UNI 9182 regulation. it is possible to achieve the following equation: 8. Then. it is possible to determine the pressure value which must be guaranteed until pipe length is separated from kitchen washbasin. Adding [Q] node load units (which are equal to 4. Adding this value to the lowest pressure value which is necessary for [Q] node bathroom supply system. Considering [B1] bathroom [Q] node pressure value.8) = 0. 7 on page 8).2 mm diameter.3 l/s. Δpv = (3.124 [bar] • 0.011 [bar/m] ΔpB1 = Δp(Z) [bar] + Δp7 [bar] = 0.1. unit pressure loss will be equal to 0. it is possible to obtain the following equation: Consequently. The standard tube which is commonly used for the construction of the whole domestic supply system has 20 x 3.149 [bar] Indicating this value in column 8 of Table VII and adding it to [z] node lowest pressure value.3) / 6.3. it is necessary to calculate last length up to the boiler in order to determine [A1] riser hot water supply system lowest pressure value. Δp7 = 0. having a pressure gradient which is equal to 0.01) = 0. value will be equal to: Δp total Δptot = Δp(J) + (5 • 0. This method causes sanitary facility overdimensioning. and.1. considering 5 [eq.5 [lu] having a flow value which is equal to 0.4.0 [m eq] • 0. calculation procedure is unchanged and results related to [B1] bathroom are indicated in Table VIII. in the absence of this diagram. it is necessary to calculate n° [7] length until it is separated from the riser. facilitating builder’s yard organisation and speeding up pipe laying.025 [bar] = 0. in this case lowest pressure final value is referred to [Q] node – see picture 24 – and two bathroom supply systems start from this point. System length load units are achieved by all bathroom cold water supply system sanitary facilities in question. Standard tubes are generally suitable for all sanitary facilities.124 [bar] Adding above-mentioned value to cut-off cock pressure loss.5 load units (even in this case. Considering that [B2] bathroom hot water Picture 24 shows hot and cold water supply systems. Practical considerations P(J) = P(Q) + Δp(Q-J) = 0.3 l/s (UNI 9182 regulation – Table F. tube will have 25 x 4. but it guarantees successful supply system performances.6 • 0. 10/180 5/90 5/50 1/25 1/15 1/8 20 x 20 25 x 25 32 x 32 40 x 40 50 x 50 63 x 63 17 .5 Conf. welding curve Codice R103B2020 R103B2525 R103B3232 R103B4040 R103B5050 R103B6363 d x d1 E 29 36.5 45 56 70 88 L 16 19 24 22 27 28.5 45 57 70 88 L 16 16 19 194 24 23 27 30 L1 15 15 15 15 17 18 19 19 Lt 59 63 63 63 73.5 36.F.5 36. R103 .5 36.5 70 88 E1 29 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 46.5 45 56.F.9. F welding nipple Codice dxG R102B2004 R102B2005 R102B2504 R102B2505 R102B3205 R102B3206 R102B4007 R102B5008 R102B6309 20 x 1/2” 20 x 3/4” 25 x 1/2” 25 x 3/4” 32 x 3/4” 32 x 1” 40 x 1”1/4 50 x 1”1/2 63 x 2” E 29 36. R102 . R101 .5 45 45 45 56. welding coupling Codice dxG R101B2020 R101B2520 R101B2525 R101B3220 R101B3225 R101B3232 R101B4040 R101B5050 R101B6363 20 x 20 25 x 20 25 x 25 32 x 20 32 x 25 32 x 32 40 x 40 50 x 50 63 x 63 E 29 36.5 36.M. Range and dimensions Art.5 Z 28 33 42 44 53 61.5 56.F.5 70 88 L 16 19 19 24 24 24 22 27 29 L1 16 19 19 19 19 24 22 27 29 Lt 34 41 41 46.F.5 45 45 56 70 88 L 16 16 19 19 24 24 23 27 30 Lt 44 48 48 48 56. F welding nipple Codice dxG R100B2004 R100B2005 R100B2504 R100B2505 R100B3206 R100B4007 R100B5008 R100B6309 20 x 1/2” 20 x 3/4” 25 x 1/2” 25 x 3/4” 32 x 1” 40 x 1”1/4 50 x 1”1/2 63 x 2” E 29 36. 5/140 5/100 5/100 5/100 5/60 5/60 1/35 1/20 1/20 Art. R100 .5 63 63 70 Conf.5 36. 10/250 10/150 10/150 10/100 5/90 5/70 1/55 1/30 1/20 Art.2 81 81 89 Conf. 10/130 5/80 10/120 5/80 5/50 1/30 1/20 1/18 Art.5 52 50 60 64 Conf.F. 5 36.5 36. R106 .5 61. threaded F welding curve Codice dxG R104B2004 R104B2504 R104B2505 R104B3205 R104B3206 20 x 1/2” 25 x 1/2” 25 x 3/4” 32 x 3/4” 32 x 1” E L 16 19 19 24 24 L1 15 15 15 15 17 Z 28 33 33 42 42 Z1 57 59 59 67 69 Conf.5 28.5 45 45 56 45 56 70 L 16 19 24 22 27 19 24 24 22 22 22 26 26 29 29 29 L1 16 19 24 22 27 16 16 19 16 19 21 21 22 21 22 27 Z 28 33 42 44 53 33 42 42 44 44 44 53 53 62 62 62 Z1 28 33 42 44 53 33 37 37 41 41 41 50 50 67 60 60 Conf.5 18 . 5/100 5/60 5/60 5/35 5/35 29 36. R105 .5 45 45 Art.5 61. welding connections Codice d x d1 x d E R107B202020 R107B252525 R107B323232 R107B404040 R107B505050 R107B636363 R107B252025 R107B322032 R107B322532 R107B402040 R107B402540 R107B403240 R107B503250 R107B504050 R107B633263 R107B634063 R107B635063 20 x 20 x 20 25 x 25 x 25 32 x 32 x 32 40 x 40 x 40 50 x 50 x 50 63 x 63 x 63 25 x 20 x 25 32 x 20 x 32 32 x 25 x 32 40 x 20 x 40 40 x 25 x 40 40 x 32 x 40 50 x 32 x 50 50 x 40 x 50 63 x 32 x 63 63 x 40 x 63 63 x 50 x 63 29 45 56 70 88 45 45 56 56 56.F.5 36.M.Art. threaded F welding curve Codice dxG R105B2004 R105B2504 R105B2505 R105B3205 R105B3206 20 x 1/2” 25 x 1/2” 25 x 3/4” 32 x 3/4” 32 x 1” E L 16 19 19 24 24 Z 28 33 33 42 42 Z1 41 44 44 52 52 Conf.5 16 19 28 33 Z1 41 41 Conf.5 28.5 36. R107 .5 45 45 Art.5 36.5 36.5 36.Tee with F.5 36. 5/60 5/60 Art. threaded F welding curve with 2 hole supporting flange Codice dxG A E L Z R106B2004 R106B2504 20 x 1/2” 25 x 1/2” 50 50 29 36.F. R104 . 5/120 5/70 5/40 1/20 1/15 1/8 5/70 5/50 5/40 1/25 1/25 1/25 1/15 1/15 1/9 1/9 1/9 36.5 70 70 88 88 88 E1 29 45 56 70 88 36. 5/100 5/70 5/70 5/40 5/40 29 36. threaded F.By-pass curve with M.M. R108 . welding tee Codice d x d1 x d R108B200420 R108B250425 R108B250525 R108B320532 R108B320632 20 x 1/2” x 20 25 x 1/2” x 25 25 x 3/4” x 25 32 x 3/4” x 32 32 x 1” x 32 E 29 L 16 19 19 24 24 L1 15 15 15 15 17 Z 28 33 33 42 42 Z1 56 59 59 67 69 Conf.M. 1/100 1/60 1/40 Art.5 45 45 Art. welding curve Codice R111B2020 R111B2525 R111B3232 d x d1 E 29 36. R109 .5 16 19 Z 46 46 Z1 80 80 Conf. welding tee Codice dxGxd R109B200420 R109B250425 R109B250525 R109B320532 R109B320632 20 x 1/2” x 20 25 x 1/2” x 25 25 x 3/4” x 25 32 x 3/4” x 32 32 x 1” x 32 E 29 36.5 36. R113 .F. R112 .F.5 45 45 L 16 19 19 24 24 L1 Z 28 33 33 42 42 Z1 41 44 44 52 52 Conf.5 45 56 70 88 L 16 19 24 22 26 29 Z 22 26 33 31.5 36.F. R111 .Inset cut-off cock with F. 1/20 1/20 19 . threaded F.5 36. 5/80 5/50 5/50 5/30 5/30 36.Art. R114 . 45° welding curve Codice d x d1 R112B2020 R112B2525 R112B3232 R112B4040 R112B5050 R112B6363 20 x 20 25 x 25 32 x 32 40 x 40 50 x 50 63 x 63 E 29 36.5 45 L 16 19 21 Z 28 33 38 Z1 35 41 47 Conf.F. 10/200 10/120 5/60 1/40 1/20 1/10 Art. 5/180 5/100 5/50 20 x 20 25 x 25 32 x 32 Art. 5/100 5/60 5/60 5/35 5/35 Art.F.5 40 44 Conf. welding connections Codice d x d1 E L R114B2020 R114B2525 20 x 20 25 x 25 36. welding terminals Codice d L R113B2020 R113B2520 R113B3232 Ø 20 Ø 25 Ø 32 150 180 200 Z 35 37 42 Conf. 4 10.Welding female cap Codice d R135B20 R135B25 R135B32 R135B40 R135B50 R135B63 20 25 32 40 50 63 E 29 36.5 45 56 70 88 L 16 19 24 22 28 30 Lt 22 27 33 37 45 45 Conf. 100 mt 100 mt 10/160 60 mt 20 mt 16 mt 20 . 5/100 5/50 1/30 16 19 24 Art. R117 . 10/350 10/260 10/130 1/90 1/40 1/30 Art. R135 .5 45 L Z 28 33 42 Z1 55 60 71 Ch 30 37 47 Conf.5 36.Straight pipe fitting with flat seat pipe union Codice dxG E L R117B2005 R117B2506 R117B3207 20 x 3/4” 25 x 1” 32 x 1”1/4 29 36.M. R400 .5 4 mt 4 mt 4 mt 4 mt 4 mt 4 mt Conf.PP-R random polypropylene tubes which are available in bars Codice d Sp L R400B20 R400B25 R400B32 R400B40 R400B50 R400B63 20 25 32 40 50 63 3.5 45 52 45 56 70 L 16 16 19 16 19 19 19 20 23 20 22 25.F.4 4.5 29 36.7 8.Elbow joint with flat seat pipe union Codice dxG E R118B2005 R118B2506 R118B3207 20 x 3/4” 25 x 1” 32 x 1”1/4 29 36.5 45 36. 10/250 10/150 10/150 1/160 1/140 1/120 1/80 1/70 1/60 1/45 1/40 1/30 Art.2 5. R115 . 5/120 5/80 1/40 Art.Art.5 L1 17 20 20 25 25 22 30 30 28 30 30 30 Lt 34 41 41 42 43 47 50 52 52 55 55 60 Conf.5 Ch 30 37 47 Conf. R118 . welding reducer Codice d x d1 R115B2520 R115B3220 R115B3225 R115B4020 R115B4025 R115B4032 R115B5025 R115B5032 R115B5040 R115B6332 R115B6340 R115B6350 25 x 20 32 x 20 32 x 25 40 x 20 40 x 25 40 x 32 50 x 25 50 x 32 50 x 40 63 x 32 63 x 40 63 x 50 E 29 36.5 45 16 19 24 Lt 58 64 75.4 6. • that. n° 477 of December 6 1991 – Art. • that quality control tests are conducted according to the following product regulations which are in force: .ISO (1133 – R1183 – R527 – 2039 – 179/2D – 179/1eA – 306 – 75/B) . • that PP-R material which is used complies with DIN 8078 – ONORM B5174 and BGA KTW regulations. and manufactures hydrothermosanitary system parts.D. Technical Manager 21 .VDE 0304 (1-4) TIEMME S.A. • that COBRATHERM tubes are dimensioned according to DIN 8077 regulation. • that PP-R material which is used is suitable for the construction of drinking water supply tubes and pipe fittings. September 23 1998 CONFORMITY DECLARATION TIEMME RACCORDERIE S.p. according to the regulations which are in force and in particular: • 46/90 Law – Art. according to DIBT.DIN (53735 – 53479 – 53455 – 53457 – 53479 – 53460 – 53461 – 52612 – 53483 – 53481) . 7 – “System safety rules” • P. according to ONORM B5014 regulation. which has its head office in Via Cavallera 6/A – 25045 – Castegnato (Bs). firm. PP-R material which is used is a suitable raw material.A. 5 – “46/90 Law enforcement regulations” DECLARES • that COBRATHERM tubes and pipe fittings are manufactured by using random copolymer Polypropylene of type 3 – BEC 6006 – according to national laws which are in force concerning the materials which are used for the construction of pipes which convey foodstuffs.p.Castegnato. I dati tecnici e descrittivi potranno essere variati senza alcun obbligo di avviso preventivo .Italy Tel.Release 1/98 9999C0003GB . ++39 030 2142211 r. senza preventiva autorizzazione E’ vietata la riproduzione totale o parziale del presente catalogo.Telefax ++39 030 2142206 E mail: [email protected] Cavallera 6/A (Loc.a.25045 Castegnato (BS) . .Barco) .
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