Clothing Technical Manual

June 11, 2018 | Author: M. Rohan | Category: Documents



Clothing Technical Manual Version Three - August 2010

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

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Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3




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Contents Page

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

1. Introduction

Page 5

2. Ethical Trading Requirements, CR and Community Plan

Page 7

3. Legal Requirements

Page 11

4. Tesco Product/Component Safety Requirements

Page 30

5. Metal Contamination

Page 67

6. Fabric Standards

Page 72

7. Garment Product Standards

Page 74

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Contents Page (continued)

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8. Measuring Guide

Page 79

9. Sealing Process

Page 116

10. Inspection Procedures

Page 122

11. Contacts

Page 136

Appendix 1- Technical Charges Summary Appendix 2 - Broken Needle Record Form Appendix 3 - Hand Sewing Needle Control Form Appendix 4- Metal Detector Calibration Form Appendix 5 - Metal Detected Product Log Appendix 6 - Metal Contaminants Detected Form Appendix 7 - Tesco Sample Submission Tags Appendix 8 - Tesco Fault Table Appendix 9 - Tesco AQL Report Appendix 10 - Q.C Inspection Process at the Distribution Centre Expectations of a Tesco Workbook Needle Detector Supplier Contacts Zip Supplier Contacts Interlining Supplier Contacts Press Fastener Supplier Contacts Test Houses Contacts

Page 154 Page 161 Page 162 Page 163 Page 164 Page 165 Page 166 Page 167 Page 170 Page 171 Page 151 Page 139 Page 140 Page 146 Page 147 Page 148 Page 4

1. Introduction 1.0 1.1

Introduction Updating the Manual

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1. Introduction

It is the aim of Tesco to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. The Tesco Clothing Technical Manual gives you the tools to help achieve this throughout our clothing range and supersedes all previous issues. Tesco Clothing Technical Manual should be used in conjunction with: • • • •

Delivering Clothing to Tesco Supplier Manual Tesco Textile Performance Testing Manual Tesco Packaging Manuals Supplier Welcome Pack – Technical Requirements

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

1.1 Updating the Manual In future you will receive additions to keep the manual up to date, and current. When additional / replacement pages are sent to you, it is the suppliers responsibility to ensure the relevant pages are updated and that the relevant people within your organisation have access to it. One person should be nominated within your company to be responsible for updating the manual, and returning the acknowledgement of receipt.

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2. Ethical Trading Requirements CR and Community Plan 2.1 Tesco Ethical Policy 2.2 Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) 2.3 Ethical Trading – SEDEX 2.4 Corporate Responsibility 2.5 Community Plan 2.6 Audit Requirements related to Ethical Trading Appendix 1

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2. Ethical Trading Requirements, CR and Community Plan

2.1 Tesco Ethical Policy We aim to act responsibly in our commercial and trading activities. We cannot claim to have all the answers to complex ethical or social issues. However, we will do what we can to ensure that the labour standards of people working for our suppliers will meet the relevant international standards.

2.2 Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Tesco are founding members of the Ethical Trading Initiative. The ETI exists to improve and promote good practice in the implementation of codes of labour practice. It is a UK based alliance of companies, trade union organisations and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) committed to working together to achieve that aim. The ETI has developed a code of labour practice called ‘The Base Code’. This code consists of nine basic principles and reflects the most relevant international standards with respect to labour practices, which are used as a basis for its work. ETI Base Code Employment is freely chosen Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining is respected Working conditions are safe and hygienic Child labour shall not be used Living wages are paid

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Working hours are not excessive No discrimination is practised Regular employment is provided No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed

A members – Retailers who want to monitor and work with data regarding ethical trade. B members – Factories, Growers, Production sites who are maintaining data.

Tesco is committed to working with suppliers to ensure that the ETI Base Code is applied in our supply chain. Performance in this regard must be measured, transparent and ultimately a pre-condition to further business.

AB members – Brands, Manufacturers or Importers who want to maintain data on their production sites and look at key data about their suppliers.

More information can be found online at:

Detailed information on how to register and upload data is provided on the Sedex website:

2.3 Ethical Trading – SEDEX SEDEX (Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange) is a secure webbased system for companies to store and maintain data on labour standards at production sites. This data is made available to companies with which they are in a trading relationship, in order to drive and demonstrate improvements. All primary suppliers of Tesco own label products are expected to register and upload their site details onto SEDEX. There is a membership fee which depends on which class of membership is appropriate.

2.4 Corporate Responsibility Corporate Responsibility is integral to our entire approach to business, from Board level to the checkout. Our Corporate Responsibility Strategy and our Customer and Community Plans have been developed using feedback from our stakeholder groups including existing customers, potential new customers, our staff, suppliers and farmers, investors, None Government Organisations (NGO’s) and Government.

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2. Ethical Trading Requirements, CR and Community Plan

We have various active initiatives, examples of which include the following: Reducing CO2 emissions from our UK businesses. Working to find a universally accepted measure of the carbon footprints of our products with the aim of labelling products so customers can compare as easily as they can currently check nutritional profile. We are installing the worlds most advanced recycling machines in 120 of our stores. We also have targets to reduce packaging and to label all packaging according to whether it can be recycled. We are reducing usage of our carrier bags by rewarding customers with clubcard points for re-using bags by rewarding customers with green clubcard points for re-using bags. Through our Regeneration Partnerships we have provided a lifeline into work for nearly 4000 long-term unemployed people since 1999, helping to transform some of our most deprived communities.

2.5 Community Plan As the Tesco business grows internationally, we are strengthening our environmental and community performance in all the countries in which we operate. It is our intention that every country in the Tesco Group has its own community plan. The plans have consistent themes covering health and nutrition, suppliers, the environment, and making our stores more locally orientated. Individual commercial categories will have their own initiatives relating to the community plan. Suppliers should check with the relevant commercial category to ensure they are aware of any current initiatives and check the impact of these on their products.

2.6 Audit Requirements related to Ethical Trading The ethical risk rating of each primary supplier site that produces Tesco brand products is based on the SEDEX Risk Assessment tool. This tool assigns an overall rating based on: Country Industry Site Profile The Completed SEDEX Self Assessment Questionnaire The risk rating determines the ethical audit activity required by the site and supplier.

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Risk assessments will be reviewed if country or industry risk levels change. Requirements for Ethical Audits by Risk level Low Risk: Suppliers will be expected to maintain their site profile and self assessment questionnaire on SEDEX and review it every 6 months. Medium Risk: Suppliers will be expected to maintain their site profile and self-assessment questionnaire on SEDEX and review it every 6 months. In addition an ethical audit by a Tesco-recognised Third Party auditing company is to be carried out at least once every 2 years. High Risk: Suppliers will be expected to maintain their site profile and self assessment questionnaire and review it every 6 months. In addition an ethical audit by a Tesco recognised Third Party auditing company is to be carried out annually. Those suppliers with high risk countries and industries within their supply chain will be expected to provide evidence of comprehensive ethical assessment programmes within their secondary supply base. A list of Tesco recognised third party audit companies is available through your Tesco contact, primarily the Technical Manager. If a supplier is found producing Tesco product in an unapproved site, they will automatically be issued with a $30,000 fine for sub contracting.

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2. Ethical Trading Requirements, CR and Community Plan

Ethical Audit Procedures Suppliers requiring an audit must appoint a Tesco-recognised third party auditing company to conduct ethical audits. Once the audit is completed the supplier must grant permission to the auditor to upload the audit report and corrective action plan onto SEDEX. If an audit has already been carried out at the request of another retailer, and if that audit meets the full requirements of the Tesco Ethical Trading Code of Practice, then no further audit is required. Suppliers must ensure that within 6 months of the audit the auditor has verified all corrective actions. Where corrective actions are required and verification requires longer than 6 months from audit date a progress report must be sent to the relevant Tesco Technical Manager.

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Suppliers may have already developed an ethical assessment programme either independently or with industry bodies or third party companies. Suppliers should inform Tesco of these programmes. Tesco will seek to agree a mutually acceptable process to verify and if possible recognise these existing programmes. All third party ethical audits will be commissioned and paid for by the sites (or Supplier). We also charge suppliers of Tesco branded products (not sites) a set cost each quarter as a contribution to cover some of the costs of our Ethical Trading Programme.

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3. Legal Requirements 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Due Diligence Current Legislations and Standards Current Legislations and Standards Guidelines Tesco Terms and Conditions

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3. Legal Requirements

3.1 Due Diligence

Product Surveillance Testing

‘Due diligence’ is a term for ensuring that the necessary policies and procedures are in place to maintain consistency of product. To ensure all our products are safe and legal, Tesco has well defined Quality Assurance procedures, which minimise the risk of supplying an unsafe or unsatisfactory product to our customers. For every product sold, Tesco must be able to clearly demonstrate due diligence in order to show that all possible action has been taken to ensure that the product was both safe and legal. Whilst the defence of Due Diligence is only recognised in the UK, it can be used as mitigating evidence in Central Europe.

Surveillance testing of products on sale in store is part of Tesco’s legal due diligence program across Tesco UK. Suppliers are invoiced directly for any surveillance tests carried out on their products.

Tesco expects all parties in its supply chain to take all reasonable precautions and jointly exercise due diligence to avoid offences being committed. It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure adherence to UK Legislation, European directives and British Standards codes of practice and to keep informed of any future amendments and additions. Suppliers are expected to be proactive in undertaking risk assessment of all merchandise in order to identify which specific legislation affects their product area and to take appropriate action in order to support a due diligence defence. All documentation relating to a product must be kept by the supplier for a minimum of six years, toys 10.

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Suppliers may access results for any surveillance test failures via a secure website. As part of new supplier induction access details will be provided by the Garment Technologist responsible.

Clothing products, in particular those that have a legal / safety risk associated with them (examples below) will be checked. • Fibre composition • Labelling (e.g. flammability) • Toy safety (EN71) • Product promotional claims (e.g. ‘waterproof’) • Nickel content (for prolonged skin contact) • Chrome IV (in leather) • Selected chemical tests (high risk items from our restricted substances list) Surveillance testing is targeted by product risk and by supplier risk. For instance, a new supplier of children’s products would face a high level of surveillance, whereas an established supplier of ladies wear with a good track record will face a very low level of surveillance. Surveillance testing levels will be reviewed seasonally by supplier and altered according to supplier performance in surveillance testing failures, legal challenges, product recalls and customer complaints.

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3. Legal Requirements

3.2 Current Legislation and Standards

9. The Food Imitations (Safety) Regulations 1989.

17. BS 3084: 2006 updated Specification for slide fasteners.

3.2.1 Legislation and Directives

10. Personal Protective Equipment (EC Directive) Regulations 1992.

18. BS 7907: 1997 Code of Practice for the Design and Manufacture of Children’s Clothing to Promote Mechanical Safety.

1. Trade Descriptions Act 1968. 2. Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended by The Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994, Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982, The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002.

11. The Trademarks Act 1994. General Product Safety Regulations 2005 ( Directive 2001/ 95/ EC)

3. The Rag, Flock and Other Filling Regulations 1981.

12. General Product Safety Directive 2001 - Statutory instructions 2005.1803 General Product Safety Regulation

4. The Nightwear (Safety) Regulations 1985, The Nightwear (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1987 (SI 1985 No.2043)

13. The Footwear (Indication of Composition) Labelling Regulations 1995.

5. The Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986 including Amendments 1988, 1994, 1998.

14. The Dangerous Substances and Preparations (Nickel) (Safety) Regulations 2005, The Toy Safety Regulations 1995 ( 88/ 378/ EEC)

6. The Children’s Clothing (Hood Cords) Regulations 1976 (SI 1976 No.2)

15. Council Directive 76/769/EEC – Restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (azo colourants).

7. The Consumer Protection Act 1987 (commencement No.1) Order 1987 8. The Consumer Protection Act from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 replaces several pieces of legislation in force prior to May 2008. The regulations introduce a general duty not to trade unfairly towards their customers. They apply primarily to business to consumer practices, but elements of business to business are also concerned where they are likely to affect consumers.

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19. BS EN 14682-2004 – Drawstrings and cords on children’s clothing. 20. EN ISO 3758:2005 - Textile-care code using symbols. 21. EN 1413: 1998/ISO 3071-Determination of pH

16. Safety of Toys BS EN71 – All relevant parts of the standard. Part 1: 2005 Specification for mechanical and physical properties. Part 2: 2006 Flammability. Part 3: 1995 Specification for migration of certain elements. Part 4: 1994 Graphical symbol for age warning labelling.

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3. Legal Requirements

3.3 Current Legislation and Standards Guidelines 3.3.1 Trade Descriptions Act 1968. This covers the accuracy of product description. False or misleading information on products breaches both the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and The Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 which requires that goods sold will be as described. It is an offence to apply a false trade description to goods, or to supply goods to which a false trade description is applied. Examples of where products could breach these Regulations: • A misleading statement or symbol on a garment - where a consumer is likely to be misled into believing that a product comes from one country when in fact it comes from another. For example, a garment stating ‘Authentic American Workwear’ or displaying the American flag could mislead the consumer into expecting that the garment was made in America. • Information on packaging must be accurate and must not mislead the customer. For example promoting an element within a garment that is not a component. Such as, using a wrinkle free swinger when in fact the garment does not have this property. Any claim must be substantiated with relevant documentation. • Care label wording must not contradict the care label symbols. • In the UK the authorities do not need to disprove this claim, they can simply challenge Tesco to prove it.

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3.3.2 Country of Origin labelling It is not currently a legal requirement in the UK for country of origin to be stated on clothing products, however, where stated it must be accurate. Under The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 there is a legal obligation not to mislead and to specify country of origin on certain products, and we require all suppliers to follow the guidelines set out below: • PLEASE NOTE it is a legal requirement for ALL Central Europe products to display Country of Origin on the label. • All Disney product and packaging must have Country of Origin stated on the technical label. • Where prints, badges, trims, tickets and labels could suggest to the customer that the garment has been made somewhere other than the country of manufacture, then the actual country of origin must be stated. E.g. a print of the American flag on the front of the garment, or, when the 24 character description implies a certain country, such as 5 pocket western jean.

It is the supplier’s responsibility to confirm whether a country of origin label is applicable for a particular product and to specify the Tesco Additional Care instruction code 146 to the packaging supplier. If during the development process, the print or design changes, it is the responsibility of the product supplier to ensure the country of origin is added where necessary and to confirm this change with the Tesco Technical Manager.

3.3.3 Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended by The Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 This legislation requires that goods sold be: • Of satisfactory quality • Fit for their purpose • As described

• Where product carries a licensed print or logo, the supplier must ensure that the licensor has agreed to remove the country of origin from the product. The licensor’s decision must be confirmed in writing to the relevant Tesco Technical Manager. • If there is any doubt about a design, print or wording of the 24-character description then the country of origin must be added to the technical label.

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3. Legal Requirements

In order to comply with this legislation Tesco require that all fabrics are tested by an approved laboratory to assess if they are of a satisfactory quality for their intended end use. Suppliers are responsible for supplying acceptable quality fabrics and ensuring that their products are made to a suitable standard to ensure their fitness for purpose. All labelling must be accurate and must not mislead the consumer. To be superseded by the Consumer Protection for Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

3.3.4 The Rag, Flock and Other Filling Regulations 1981 This legislation applies to down filled products for example, outerwear jackets or gilets which are filled with down and feather filling, and is there to maintain a standard of cleanliness of the filling. In order to prove compliance with this legislation Tesco requires a test report from an approved laboratory in compliance with the Tesco laboratory accreditation policy, which meets the requirements of BS 1425: Part 2: 1991.

3.3.5 The Nightwear (Safety) Regulations 1985, The Nightwear (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1987 All garments that are sold as nightwear or commonly worn as nightwear are affected by these regulations. Certain product categories must be tested and pass the British Standard BS5722: 1984, Flammability performance of fabrics and fabric assemblies used in sleepwear and dressing gowns. This is a test to assess whether the garment is slow burning and relates to the whole garment, including all threads, trimmings, decorations and labels. Only elastic and elastic threads used for gathers in the garment are exempt. Children’s (aged over three months and under 13 years old) nightdresses, nightshirts, dressing gowns and bathrobes (except bathrobes made from 100% cotton terry towelling) must pass BS5722: 1984. Products, which meet the flammability performance requirements, must carry a label with one of the following labels: • LOW FLAMMABILITY TO BS 5722 (in black letters) • LOW FLAMMABILITY TO BS 5722 (in black letters) and KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE (in red, 10 point, upper case letters) • KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE (in red letters, 10 point, upper case letters)

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Children’s pyjamas, bathrobes made from 100% cotton terry towelling, all adult nightwear and all clothes for babies up to three months old (including those which are not nightwear), must carry a label stating: • KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE (in red letters, 10 point, upper case) In keeping with these Regulations and the requirements of the General Product Safety Regulations 1994, the Tesco Procedure for Flammability Labelling in the Tesco Textile Performance Standards, lists criteria for labelling product with ‘KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE’. A garment is required to be submitted for the flammability testing.

3.3.6 The Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986 including Amendments 1988, 1994 The purpose of these Regulations is to ensure that consumers are not misled, and given an accurate indication of fibre content when purchasing textile products. The supplier is responsible for providing a test report showing fibre composition from an approved independent laboratory, in accordance with the Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986. The fabric used for this testing must be from bulk.

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3. Legal Requirements

Under no circumstances will any garment be accepted without this test report. Fibre composition stated on the technical label must be accurate +/-3% to the percentage stated on the fabric test report. Where a fabric has a fibre that constitutes less than 3% of the total this should still be identified. Pile fabrics- velour, velvet, fake fur etc - where the fibre composition is different, the face must be quoted separately from the back, e.g. face 100% cotton, back 100% nylon. (NOT 50% cotton 50% nylon, as the pile content can vary dependant on the level of cropping). Socks – Test the following sizes children’s size 12.5-3.5, men’s size 9-11 and ladies size 4-8. Note men’s one size product test 6-12. If sizes fall either size of this please consult the Tesco Technical Manager. The Tesco Textile Performance Standards states the Tesco requirement for labelling of textile products and components. The Tesco Textile Performance Standards lists the only permitted generic fibre names that can appear on products sold in Europe. • For products sold in Europe, elastane is the only permitted European generic fibre name. E.g. ‘spandex’ is the American fibre name for the fibre elastane and not acceptable.

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• For products sold in Europe, fabrics must be tested and correctly labelled with their generic name i.e. viscose, modal, etc. Rayon is the American generic fibre name for regenerated cellulosic fibres and is not acceptable for use in Europe. • Generic fibre names cannot be used together to describe one fibre ie.100%cotton/silk is NOT acceptable. • ‘Viscose modal’ is not permitted as a fibre composition as both names describe two different fibres. • Trademarked™ or registered® names can only be used in conjunction with the permitted European generic fibre name. (See also number 10- this section). E.g. Lycra® elastane; Tactel® nylon. Wool is a permitted fibre name and is used to describe fibre obtained from sheep or lambs fleeces or a mixture of such fibres and certain fine animal hair (alpaca, llama, camel, cashmere, mohair, angora, vicuna, yak, guanaco, beaver, otter), etc. In order to show compliance with these Regulations the supplier must substantiate any specific wool type named on the fibre composition label. For example: • Merino wool – the supplier must substantiate the claim that the wool is from the merino sheep.

These wool fibres are not easily identified and Tesco accepts test reports from a woolmark approved testing house for Merino and for cashmere test reports must be from a Cashmere & Camel Hair Manufacturers Institute (CCMI) approved testing house. A garment from bulk must be cut in half, and one of the two halves-sent to each lab for fibre composition analysis – it is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that these tests are carried out. The Tesco Textile Performance Standards states the conditions under which The Woolmark label for 100% Pure New Wool and Wool blended garments can be used.

3.3.7 Clothing (Hood Cords) Regulations 1976 and Cords & Drawstrings on Children’s Clothing BS EN14682 -2004 These regulations specify that the hood of a child’s outer garment should not be designed to be secured by a cord drawn through the material. This applies to garments whose chest measurement does not exceed 44cm flat. Tesco does not permit functional drawcords on the necks or hoods of any children’s garments, irrespective of the chest measurement of the garment.

• Cashmere – the supplier must substantiate the claim that the hair is from the goat.

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3. Legal Requirements

3.3.8 The Consumer Protection Act 1987

3.3.9 The Food Imitations (Safety) Regulations 1989

This is a general safety requirement for consumer goods, which requires that all consumer goods are reasonably safe and takes into account the following:

It is an offence to offer for sale any non food product or component which has the form, odour, colour, appearance, packaging, labelling, volume or size which is likely to cause people, particularly children, to confuse them with food and put it in their mouth or suck or swallow them. This action may result in death or personal injury.

• Whether published standards or codes of practice have been adopted. • Suitability of instructions or warning labels given on the product.

For example, buttons which look or smell like children’s sweets would breach this legislation.

• If the product is as safe as it could be within the scope of current knowledge or technology. The General Product Safety Regulations 1994 incorporates the general product safety requirements of The Consumer Protection Act 1987. There are a number of specific safety regulations that must be applied to goods sold by Tesco. Tesco has also adopted its own code of practice for Flammability labelling, see the Tesco Textile Performance Standards, which is over and above the requirements of the law.

3.3.10 Personal Protective Equipment (EC Directive) Regulations 1992 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must satisfy basic safety requirements to ensure the health protection and safety of users. This Regulation is relevant to clothing and component parts, such as reflective strips on garments, and accessory products such as sunglasses, which have a protective value. Such product offered for sale must be assessed by an Approved Body for compliance with this regulation. A list of ‘Approved Bodies’ within member states of the European Union is available from the UK Department of Trade and Industry.

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A product that complies with this Regulation should carry the CE mark, which must be affixed to each product and its packaging so that it is visible, legible and permanent (where achievable). The CE mark indicates that the product satisfies any requirements applicable to them.

3.3.11 The Trade Marks Act 1994 It is an offence to fraudulently use or apply a registered trademark without authority from the registered owner of the trademark. Goods labelled as such would be considered counterfeit. • This would apply to the use of Lycra® on products. The supplier must prove that the product contains Lycra® by providing a certificate from Invista, the owners of the trademark, which permits them to use the Lycra® trade name on the product. • Products displaying the Woolmark label must be from a supplier that holds a licence from The Woolmark Company. A copy of the licence must be submitted to the Technical Manager. • Trademarks cannot be used independently on a fibre composition label. They must always carry the registered mark ® or trademark ™ symbol and be used in conjunction with the permitted UK generic fibre name. E.g. NOT Lycra, but Lycra® elastane; NOT Tactel, but Tactel® nylon.

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3. Legal Requirements

3.3.12 General Product Safety Regulations 2005 (Directive 2001/ 95/ EC) This legislation requires that any product placed on the market must be a safe product. A ‘safe’ product is any product which under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, including duration, presents no risk or only the minimum risk compatible with the product’s use and which is consistent with a high level of protection for consumers. Under these regulations all products sold by Tesco must be safe and fir for purpose. This is generally seen as ‘common sense’ legislation. A risk analysis must be conducted by the supplier to reduce or eliminate potential risks associated with the product.

3.3.13 Toy Safety Regulations 1995 (88/ 378/ EEC) Products, which are categorised as a ‘toy’, are any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children of less than 14 years of age. Although a product may not be sold as a ‘toy’ it must be risk assessed as to whether it has a ‘play value’. For example, a hot water bottle cover in the shape of well known Disney character would not be sold as toy, but would retain a ‘play value’ and must therefore comply with these regulations.

3.3.14 The Footwear (Indication of Composition) Labelling Regulations 1995 Footwear offered for sale to consumers must display a composition label relating to component parts, in the form of a pictogram or in written format, as shown in the regulations. The label must indicate the material: ‘leather’, ‘coated leather’, ‘textile’ or ‘other materials’, which constitutes at least 80% of each of the three component parts: upper; lining and sock; outer sole.

Toys must comply with the following requirements under these Regulations:

Each component part is identified as follows:

• Satisfy essential safety requirements by being manufactured in accordance with the relevant national standards.

• Lining and sock – Lining of upper and insole.

• Upper – Shoe outer face attached to sole.

The following must be considered when risk assessing a product:

• Bear the CE mark on the toy or packaging.

• Outer sole – Shoe bottom attached to upper.

• The age of the consumer and the use of the product.

• Bear the required name and address details of either the manufacturer or retailer who has responsibility for the product within the EU.

The label must be attached to at least one article of footwear in each pair and can be printed, embossed or displayed on a sticky label on the product.

• Potential hazards incorporated in the product e.g. sharp edges, insecure components, or toxic coatings on components. • Instructions on packaging that can be misinterpreted or which has insufficient warnings causing harm to the consumer.

• Be accompanied by warnings where necessary. • The manufacturer must hold documentation that the toy satisfies the essential safety requirements.

Tesco has certain criteria that suppliers must follow and these are stated in the Product Safety Requirements section of the Tesco Clothing Technical Manual.

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3. Legal Requirements

3.3.15 The Dangerous Substances and Preparations (Nickel) (Safety) Regulations 2005 This legislation regulates the use of Nickel in items that pierce (e.g. earrings) or come into ‘direct and prolonged contact with the skin’. In garments this affects components such as rivets, studs, zips, poppers, belt buckles and eyelets. In order to demonstrate compliance with this regulation a test report from an approved lab is required from the component supplier or clothing manufacturer. Please see the Tesco Textile Performance Standards gives details of the test standard for clothing products.

3.3.16 Council Directive 76/769/EEC – Restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (azo colourants) Certain Azo dyes used in textiles and leather have potentially cancer inducing properties. Please see the Tesco Textile Performance Standards and Restricted Substances Code of Practice for the lists of Azo dyes that are banned. Suppliers should obtain written confirmation from fabric manufacturers that the dyestuffs they use do not contain Azo dyes and test reports will be required.

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3.3.17 British Standards: Standards and Codes of Practice

Part 2: 1994 Flammability

BS Standards and Codes of practice specify test methods and are followed to demonstrate compliance with The General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). Where a British (BS) or European (BSEN) exists for safety this will need to be complied with to demonstrate compliance with the GPSR.

This section of the code relates to costume clothing and accessories, and would be relevant to fancy dress items. Product that does not meet the standard required must carry the label: ‘Warning! Keep away from fire’.

3.3.18 Safety of Toys BS 5655/EN71

However Tesco has its own code of practice for Flammability labelling of garments, which should be followed in this situation – see the Tesco Textile Performance Standards.

Part 1: 1989 Specification for mechanical and physical properties Sections of this code of practice have been applied to component parts, as the code specifies that small components are tested to a 90 Newton pull test. Parts that become detached must be of a certain minimum size that is judged by penetration into a truncated cylinder. The parts must not have any sharp points or edges and any removable component which does not meet these requirements would make the product unsuitable for a child under 36 months of age. Tesco requires all components incorporated in garments and accessories for children of 36 months and under to meet the above requirements. Please also see Tesco Toy Manual.

Part 3: 1995 Specification for migration of certain elements This section limits the migration of certain elements from the accessible parts of a toy and has been adopted for component parts on clothing, e.g. buttons and trims. Under the code accessories would be tested for toxicity. Tesco requires all components used on children’s clothing (under 3 years) to comply with this standard.

3.3.19 BS 3084: Updated 2006 Specification for slide fasteners Tesco has identified approved zip suppliers (Please see relevant section of the Tesco Clothing Technical Manual) to ensure that all zips used on our products meet this specification.

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3. Legal Requirements

3.3.20 BS 7907: 1997 Code of Practice for the design and manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety The Safety / Component and Trim section of the Tesco have been compiled in Clothing Technical Manual conjunction with this code of practice which takes into account the functionality and associated risks in the design and manufacture of children’s clothing. The Tesco Clothing Technical Manual may take further steps than the Code recommends, to ensure safety in some areas, and to ensure you do not make reference to the Code of Practise without cross referencing to the Tesco Manual. This standard has the effect of being a legal requirement under the General Product Safety Regulation. Further testing may be requested by the Tesco Technical Manager that may be over and above the legal requirement.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

3.4 Tesco Terms and conditions 3.4.1 Definitions In relation to the terms and conditions set out below (“these conditions”) the following words shall have the following meanings Buyer

Tesco Stores Limited or such other company which is: a) its holding company or subsidiary (within the meaning of s.736 of the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies Act 1989) or b) the subsidiary of any such holding company; or c) its associated company (within the meaning of s.416 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988) as may enter into a Contract with the Supplier;

Call of Order

Buyer’s requirements from time to time which is placed by the Buyer with a Supplier pursuant to a Contract;


the Code of Practice on Supermarkets’ Dealings with Suppliers;


any contractual arrangement relating to the supply of goods to the Buyer by a Supplier including an arrangement pursuant to which Call Off Orders may be placed by the Buyer from time to time depending upon its requirements


an order placed with a Supplier by the Buyer for the supply of a specific number of goods other than a Call Off Order;


any quotation from a prospective Supplier to the Buyer in accordance with which the prospective Supplier offers to supply goods to the Buyer;


all specifications and descriptions of any goods supplied or to be supplied;


the person, firm, company or other entity with whom a Contract is entered into by the Buyer.

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3.4.2 Basis of Contract

3.4.3 Alteration of Specifications for own label goods

3.4.5 Quality control

These Conditions shall be deemed to be incorporated in every request from the Buyer to a Supplier or prospective Supplier for a Quotation, every Order and every Contract. Every Quotation and every acceptance of an Order by the Supplier constitutes unconditional acceptance of these Conditions. These Conditions shall prevail over, supersede and exclude any inconsistent terms or conditions contained in or referred to in the Supplier’s Quotation, acceptance of an Order, correspondence or elsewhere. No addition to or variation of or exclusion of these Conditions or any of them shall be binding upon the Buyer unless confirmed expressly and specifically by a director of the Buyer, in writing.

A - No alteration to any Specification for own label goods shall be of any effect unless made by a director of the Buyer in writing.

A - All quality control procedures issued by the Buyer shall form part of these Conditions. If either the initial quality control procedures are not completed to the Buyer’s satisfaction, or at any time thereafter ongoing quality control procedures are not complied with to the Buyer’s satisfaction, then the Buyer may terminate the whole or any unfulfilled part of any applicable Contract at any time without further liability to the Supplier other than to pay for any goods which the Buyer has received and which it does not reject pursuant to any provision of these Conditions.

A - Any contract that commits the Buyer to a term that exceeds one year in duration requires the signature of a director of Tesco Plc otherwise the contract shall not be binding on the Buyer.

A - Any forecasts provided by the Buyer to the Supplier shall be estimates of the Buyer’s requirements for the goods and shall not be binding on the Buyer. The Buyer will only be bound once it has placed an Order or Call off Order with the Supplier. As a result, the Buyer shall not be liable to the Supplier if a forecast proves to be incorrect.

B - The Supplier agrees to comply with all requirements of the Buyer in respect of delivery, warehousing, invoicing, quality control, return of returnable packaging or delivery materials, bar coding and other such requirements (including any amendments to the requirements) as are notified to the Supplier from time to time and these requirements will form part of each Contract. The Buyer agrees to give the Supplier reasonable notice of its requirements.

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B - The Buyer may make alterations from time to time to any Specifications for own label goods upon giving reasonable notice to the Supplier. The price for the goods which are supplied to the new Specification shall be increased or decreased by such amount as shall be reasonable to reflect such alteration.

3.4.4 Forecasts

B - The Supplier shall arrange for representatives of the Buyer to be given access at all reasonable times to the Supplier’s premises and any premises where goods, or any materials from which goods are manufactured, are manufactured, processed, packaged, stored or collated for the purposes of inspecting and examining such materials, the process of manufacture, processing, packaging, storage and collation, or any goods being supplied or to be supplied to the Buyer. Any such inspection or examination shall not absolve the Supplier from responsibility or liability under these Conditions nor imply acceptance of the goods by the Buyer. C - The cost of any testing, checking or product evaluations of any goods deemed by the Buyer, acting reasonably, to be necessary shall be borne by the Supplier.

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3.4.6 Delivery date A - Where a date for delivery of goods is specified in a Contract and/or where the Buyer is entitled to, and does, notify the Supplier from time to time of a delivery date, such date must be adhered to strictly by the Supplier and time shall be of the essence. B - Failure by the Supplier to deliver goods on the date specified or notified by the Buyer (including failure to deliver any instalment(s) where permitted) shall, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Buyer, entitle the Buyer to reject those goods and/or terminate the whole or any unfulfilled part of the Contract pursuant to which they were to be delivered without further liability of the Buyer to the Supplier. C - Unless stated to the contrary in a Contract, the Buyer shall not be obliged to accept delivery by instalments. D - Unless agreed by the Buyer to the contrary: >> D1 - the Supplier shall insure the goods for an amount as specified by the Buyer, or in the absence of such a specification, an amount equal to the Contract price for the goods with a reputable United Kingdom insurance company previously notified to and agreed by the Buyer against all risks including but not limited to theft, pilferage and non delivery for any reason from the point of production to the Buyer’s branch or warehouse or, in the case of goods supplied on an ex-factory basis, to the location where the goods are collected by the Buyer or its agent;

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>> D2 - payment for the goods shall be by such method and such currency as notified by the Buyer from time to time, in exchange for proper documents and the Supplier agrees to accept payment by BACS if requested by the Buyer; >> D3 - all goods shall be accompanied by a delivery note in such form and containing such details as the Buyer shall notify to the Supplier from time to time. E - A receipt note in the form notified by the Buyer to the Supplier from time to time (including any amended form) which is issued by the Buyer’s branch or warehouse or, in the case of goods supplied ex-factory, by the Buyer’s or its agent’s driver is the only proof of delivery of any goods that will be accepted by the Buyer and the Buyer shall not be liable to pay for goods unless and until the prescribed receipt note for them is produced to it. F - In relation to all Contracts under which goods are supplied for delivery by the Supplier to the Buyer’s branch or warehouse: >> F1 - the goods shall be delivered, carriage and duty paid, to the address for delivery notified to the Supplier; >> F2 - notwithstanding F1 above, the Buyer may agree with the Supplier from time to time to contribute towards or reimburse the Supplier for any carriage and/ or duty charge and the Supplier shall submit to the Buyer a separate invoice for these charges;

>> F3 - the Supplier agrees to comply with latest version of the Buyer’s standard drop and drive procedures contained in the Buyer’s Revised Drop and Drive Procedure Manual. G - In relation to all Contracts under which the goods are supplied by the Supplier on an ex-factory basis: >> G1 - delivery to the Buyer shall take place at the location where the Buyer or its agent collects the goods; >> G2 - the Supplier agrees to comply with the Buyer’s Primary Distribution and Supplier Operating Agreement or equivalent agreement and/or procedures as are issued by the Buyer from time to time. 3.4.7 Title and risk A - Title to and risk in any goods delivered to the Buyer pursuant to a Contract shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery to the Buyer notwithstanding any purported retention of title by the Supplier until some later date or attempt by the Supplier to transfer risk at an earlier date. B - The Buyer shall take title but shall not accept risk in any goods delivered in excess of the quantity ordered save that in respect of any such over-delivered goods the Buyer shall be entitled to display them for sale and to sell them without first giving notice to the Supplier.

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C - If the Buyer sells any goods pursuant to B, the Buyer shall pay the Supplier, upon receipt of a valid invoice, for them as if they had been delivered pursuant to the Contract to which they were surplus provided always that the Buyer shall be entitled to retain from that payment the cost of the sale, storage and other charges and any other monies due from the Supplier. D - If the Buyer fails, or elects not to sell any such overdelivered goods it shall be entitled to give notice in writing to the Supplier to remove them or any of them within seven days of receipt by the Supplier of such written notice and to refund to the Buyer any and all expenses directly or indirectly incurred by the Buyer as a result of their delivery, including but not limited to the cost of moving and storing them, failing which the Buyer shall be entitled to dispose of such goods whether in accordance with B or C or otherwise and the Buyer shall be entitled to deduct from any future payments due from the Buyer to the Supplier the amount of any expenses referred to above together with the amount of any expenses incurred in connection with the disposal of those goods.

3.4.8 Acceptance of goods

3.4.9 Returned goods

A - The issue by the Buyer of a receipt note for any goods shall not constitute any acknowledgement of the condition or nature of those goods.

A - Whenever and for what reason goods are returned by the Buyer to the Supplier or are uplifted by the Supplier on the instructions of the Buyer, the Buyer will issue an official return to supplier note in the form (including any amended form) notified to the Supplier from time to time. The Supplier’s or carrier’s signature or that of its agent or employee or subcontractor on such document or on the Supplier’s uplift note shall constitute acceptance of the details set out within the document unless a counter notice rejecting those details is served on the Buyer within three working days of the date of the document.

B - The Supplier acknowledges that the goods supplied by it are purchased by the Buyer for retail purposes and that the Buyer’s distribution procedures prevent examination of all goods until after they are displayed for sale and that some defects may not be discovered by the Buyer until a consumer draws them to its attention. C - If it is found within a reasonable time (bearing in mind the facts recited in B) after delivery of any goods to the address for delivery that the goods or part of them are not in accordance with the applicable Contract or do not comply with any Specification or sample or are not of satisfactory quality or are not suitable for the purpose for which they are intended or are in breach of any of the warranties given by the Supplier under 3.4.13 below, then notwithstanding the provisions of clause 3.4.9.B below, the Buyer shall have the right to: >> C1 - reject those goods or any of them and to require the Supplier to remove them or any of them and to refund to the Buyer the price paid by the Buyer together with all expenses directly or indirectly incurred by the Buyer in consequence of such rejection or removal; and >> C2 - to treat the Contract and/or any unfulfilled part of it as wholly repudiated by the Supplier.

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B - Except where otherwise agreed in writing, where any goods in which the Buyer has already taken title are returned by the Buyer to the Supplier, title in those goods shall not pass to the Supplier and shall remain in the Buyer until the Supplier has paid to the Buyer all sums due under the Contract pursuant to which they were supplied. Until such time as title shall pass to the Supplier, the Supplier shall at its expense keep the goods separate and apart from other goods, properly stored, protected and insured and in such a way as to identify them clearly as belonging to the Buyer and shall take all steps necessary to ensure that it neither becomes nor is deemed to be the reputed owner of the goods and the Supplier shall not sell or dispose of the goods to any third party without prior agreement in writing by the Buyer.

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3.4.10 Store Faulty Returns July 2010 Reports will be issued at the end of each period advising suppliers of faulty returns performance and charges. Charges will be debited at the end of each financial half. Reasons for the process: A - To raise delivered quality standards for customers, to gain their lifetime loyalty and ensure consistency. >> A1 - Customers will have confidence in Tesco quality and keep coming back to shop with us. >> A2 - Suppliers address quality issues, raising standards and reducing faulty returns.

How it works: Supplier will be advised of Sub Group Returns targets at the start of each financial half. A - Suppliers to be charged for customer faulty returns above the sub group average (returns target): >> A1 - Charging is based on suppliers average cost price for that sub group product. Please contact your relevant Technical manager for full details. >> A2 - No charging will be applied for faulty returns 0.1% or under or if only five garments or less have been returned as faulty at that period.

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>> A3 - Faulty returned goods are collected by nominated charities and sent to their depots. Garments will be available for a four week period from receipt of returns report for assessment by supplier. Photographs can also be provided upon request. Please contact us on: >> A4 - This process will operate separately to customer complaints of a serious nature which have been referred and require investigation and follow up. An admin fee of £25.00 is charged plus the selling price of the article.

>> A4 - delivery by the Supplier of goods that: Aa1

are not of the nature, quality, substance and quantity described in the Contract and any Specifications;


do not comply with all Relevant Legislation (as defined in clause 3.4.13.A2, of these Conditions); or


contain defects in design, materials or workmanship, or foreign matter or are contaminated.

3.4.11 Wastage

3.4.12 Costs of resolving consumer complaints

A - The Buyer and Supplier agree that for the purposes of clauses 3.4.8 and 3.4.9 of the Code, the principal factors which are likely to amount to negligence or default on the part of the Supplier which might result in wastage of the Supplier’s goods at the Buyer’s stores are:

A - Where the Buyer can resolve a consumer complaint, which results from a breach by the Supplier of any of these Conditions or any other terms of a Contract, in store by refunding the retail price or replacing the relevant goods, the Buyer may require the Supplier to make a payment to the Buyer for resolving the complaint provided that:

>> A1 - failure by the Supplier to comply with the Buyer’s requirements as to delivery, warehousing and quality control; or

>> A1 - the payment shall not exceed the retail price of the goods;

>> A2 - failure by the Supplier to notify the Buyer of a change to a Specification; or

>> A3 - the Buyer notifies the Supplier of the complaint.

>> A2 - the complaint is justifiable; and

>> A3 - failure by the Supplier to meet specified delivery dates and times; or

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B - If a breach by the Supplier of any of these Conditions or any other terms of a Contract results in a consumer complaint which cannot be resolved by the Buyer in store by refunding the retail price or replacing the relevant goods, the Buyer may require the Supplier to refund to the Buyer any costs incurred by the Buyer in resolving the complaint provided that the Buyer is satisfied that the complaint is justifiable and the Buyer submits a full report on the complaint to the Supplier.

removed by the Supplier prior to disposal so that no such reference remains which might lead any third party to associate the goods with the Buyer.

C - Notwithstanding A and B above, the Buyer may agree with the Supplier from time to time an average payment to be made by the Supplier to the Buyer for resolving consumer complaints.

>> A1 - will be of the nature, quantity, substance and quality described in, and will comply in every respect with the provisions of, the Contract pursuant to which they are supplied and all Specifications;

D - The provisions of this clause shall apply only to payments by the Supplier in respect of consumer complaints, to the exclusion of the other terms of these Conditions.

3.4.13 Disposal of own label goods A - In the event of the non-delivery to the Buyer, or the return to the Supplier for whatever reason, of any goods which are manufactured, packaged or labelled in such a manner as to identify them in any way with the Buyer, the Supplier shall not under any circumstances dispose of those goods to a third party without the prior written consent of the Buyer. Any specific instructions given by the Buyer in respect of such disposal shall be strictly adhered to by the Supplier and, in any event, all references to the Buyer’s name, address trade marks and any other indications of the Buyer’s identity shall be totally

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3.4.14 Warranties and indemnity A - The Supplier warrants to the Buyer that all goods supplied by the Supplier to the Buyer:

>> A2 - will comply in every respect with the provisions of existing legislation and statutes, of either United Kingdom or EC origin, and all Regulations, Statutory Instruments, Directives, orders, Decisions or any other requirements made thereunder including those which relate to, or control the nature, substance, quantity, quality, fitness for purpose, packaging, packing, labelling, sale, offering for sale, use, marking, constitution, importation, exportation, transportation, possession, dealing, make-up or trade description of such goods (referred to below as “Relevant Legislation”); >> A3 - will be free from defects in design, materials and workmanship, free from any adulteration and will not contain any foreign matter;

>> A4 - will not infringe the rights of any third party established under trade marks, trade names, copyright, patents or any other protection whatsoever; >> A5 - will not be the subject of any security interest or adverse title. B – The Supplier warrants that any documents relating to goods that are delivered to the Buyer are valid and that the information contained in the documents is correct. C - The Supplier warrants to the Buyer in respect only of all Orders and Contracts under which goods are supplied for delivery in the United Kingdom from a territory outside the United Kingdom, that it shall obtain any necessary licences for the exportation, transportation and importation into the United Kingdom of the goods, shall satisfy itself that such licences have been properly obtained and comply with the existing legislation and shall ensure that these licences are delivered to the Buyer where required by the Buyer to enable import clearance without demurrage. D - Subject to the provisions of E the Supplier accepts full responsibility for, and shall indemnify and hold the Buyer harmless against, any action, claim, damage, injury, loss (including, without limitation, economic loss, loss of profit, revenue or goodwill), costs (including management and legal costs), or penalty whatsoever awarded against or incurred or paid by the Buyer resulting or arising directly or indirectly from a breach by the Supplier of any of these Conditions or any other terms of a Contract.

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E - The Supplier shall not be liable to indemnify the Buyer in accordance with D above if, and to the extent that, the loss suffered or incurred by the Buyer results from the contravention by the Buyer of Relevant Legislation by reason of the Buyer’s own wilful or negligent act or omission. F - The Supplier accepts full responsibility for, and shall indemnify and hold the Buyer harmless against, any costs (including costs pursuant to a Court Order), civil penalties or fines incurred by the Buyer in defending proceedings brought by any third party (including any prosecution) wherein allegations are made in relations to goods which would, if true, amount to a breach of these Conditions, whether or not such claim is successful and whether or not the Buyer secures an order that any other person should pay those costs. G - Any descriptions given by the Supplier in relation to any goods supplied shall be deemed to be representations made by the Supplier and, where any such description is found to be materially wrong, the Buyer shall be entitled to the remedies described at 3.4.8 C1 and 3.4.8 C2. 3.4.15 Insurance A - The Supplier shall for so long as it is party to a Contract with the Buyer hold and maintain in force at all times and for a period of ten years thereafter a product liability insurance policy, with an indemnity limit of £5,000,000 or such sum as the Buyer may from time to time reasonably require in respect of injury or damage to persons or property arising out of the manufacture or sale of goods supplied by the Supplier to the

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Buyer and the Buyer shall be entitled to inspect such policy at any time on reasonable notice and shall be supplied with the current premium receipt from time to time on demand.

of the goods commercially unviable or where a claim by any person that the goods have been interfered with becomes public knowledge. 3.4.17 Buyer’s property

3.4.16 Contamination A - In the event that any goods supplied by the Supplier (whether or not such goods have been supplied to the Buyer) are discovered to have been contaminated whether deliberately or accidentally prior to delivery by the Supplier, the Buyer shall be entitled, without further liability to the Supplier: >> A1 - to suspend delivery of; and/or >> A2 - to terminate any Contract for; and/or >> A3 - to require the Supplier to collect at its own risk and expense any stocks already held by the Buyer of any goods so contaminated and/or any goods of the same description as those so contaminated and/or any other goods supplied by the Supplier the resale of which the Buyer, in its absolute discretion, considers is or will be commercially unviable as a result of the contamination and the Buyer shall be released from any obligation which has already arisen to pay for, and shall be entitled to a full refund of any sums already remitted in payment for, any such goods. B - For the purpose of A, goods will be deemed to be contaminated where they contain any substance or possess any quality or attribute which, in the Buyer’s opinion, is actually or potentially harmful to consumers or renders re-sale

A - The Supplier shall be responsible for any property of the Buyer which may be issued to the Supplier in connection with any Contract. In the event of any loss of or damage to the property whilst in the Supplier’s possession, whether or not caused by the negligence or fault of the Supplier, its employees or agents, the Supplier will be liable to the Buyer for the full new replacement value of the property or the value of the items in question, whichever is the higher, unless the damage is reasonably repairable in which case it shall be liable for costs of, and ancillary to, the repair. B - The Supplier hereby assigns to the Buyer with full title guarantee all the copyright and all other rights of a like nature conferred under the laws of the United Kingdom and all other countries of the World in any artwork which has been created (and by way of present assignment of future copyright in any artwork which will be created) for use on or in relation to any “own-label” goods to be supplied to the Buyer. C - All working drawings, labels, specifications, manufacturing data, plans, designs, patterns, descriptions, information and components supplied by the Buyer in connection with any Contract or Order together with any copies made by or for the Supplier and any copyright, design right or other proprietary right in any or all of them:

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>> C1 - shall remain the Buyer’s property;

3.4.19 Confidentiality

3.4.21 Electronic Data Interchange

>> C2 - shall not be disclosed to any third party without the Buyer’s consent;

A - The Supplier shall not announce or disclose the existence of any contractual arrangement or any dispute between the Supplier and the Buyer (including a dispute referred to under clause 3.4.24) or its terms unless specifically agreed by the Buyer or as required by law or any regulatory authority or where a disclosure is to the Supplier’s professional advisers. Any such announcement or disclosure by the Supplier shall in any event be made only after prior consultation with the Buyer.

A - The Supplier must be included in a recognised electronic data interchange process system. The arrangements for the placing and receipt of Orders and Call Off Orders, invoicing and any other agreed transactions electronically shall be in such form and containing such details as the Buyer shall notify the Supplier from time to time. These procedures, as amended and notified to the Supplier from time to time, are deemed to be incorporated into these Conditions and, therefore, in any applicable Contract or Order.

>> C3 - shall be used only for the purposes of fulfilling a Contract; >> C4 - shall be returned to the Buyer immediately upon demand.

3.4.18 Force majeure A - Notwithstanding any other provision of these Conditions the Buyer shall be entitled to suspend delivery of any goods and/or cancel any Call Off Order and/or terminate any Contract for goods if, due to any cause beyond its reasonable control (including but not limited to fire, explosion, flood, war, riot, terrorist activity, weather, industrial action, strike, lock out, stoppages of work, governmental intervention, breakdown of plant or machinery), it is hindered or prevented from taking delivery of, or reselling or using such goods and it shall have no liability to the Supplier for any loss suffered or incurred as a result of such suspension, cancellation or termination and shall not affect the rights and liabilities of the parties already accrued at that time.

3.4.20 Termination of Contracts A - The Buyer shall be entitled forthwith to terminate any Contract by written notice to the Supplier if: >> A1 - the Supplier commits any breach of any of these Conditions or of any other provisions of any Contract; or >> A2 - the Supplier commits any act of bankruptcy or has a receiver or administrative receiver appointed of the whole or any part of its assets or if an order is made or resolution passed for the winding up of the Supplier or its business or the Supplier becomes subject to an administration order or enters into a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or the Supplier is the subject of any equivalent event or proceeding under the laws of any jurisdiction; or

3.4.22 Coupon Handling Procedure A - The Supplier acknowledges that due to the flow of customers at the point of sale, the Buyer’s policy (in accordance with industry practice) is to redeem all coupons presented by customers and not to check non-retailer-specific coupons in supermarkets. B - The Buyer will redeem all coupons without requiring proof of purchase and will debit the value of the coupon to the Supplier’s account.

>> A3 - the Buyer reasonably apprehends that any of the events mentioned in A2 is about to occur in relation to the Supplier and notifies the Supplier accordingly.

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3.4.23 Health and Safety A - The Supplier shall, and shall ensure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors, comply with any applicable health and safety laws and regulations and, when on the Buyer’s premises, comply with the Buyer’s current health and safety conditions as notified by the Buyer from time to time. B - The Supplier shall ensure that any of its premises and those of its agents or sub-contractors, that might be visited by the Buyer’s or its agents’ or sub-contractors’ employees comply in all respects with any applicable health and safety laws and regulations. C - The Supplier shall provide the Buyer with written information on the health and safety arrangements at premises to be visited by the Buyer’s employees or those of its agents or sub-contractors. D - The Buyer or its representatives may from time to time inspect the premises to review the arrangements for health and safety.

3.4.24 General A - The fulfilment of a Contract shall not be sub-contracted or assigned by the Supplier either wholly or in part and neither shall the Supplier assign in whole or in part the benefit of or under a Contract without the prior written consent of a director

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of the Buyer. Where the Buyer consents to the assignment by the Supplier of the whole or part of the benefit of or under a Contract then, once it has received written notice of that assignment, it will render performance of its relevant obligations under that Contract to the named assignee until it received written instructions to the contrary from both the Supplier and the named assignee save that in the event of a dispute between the Supplier and the named assignee the Buyer shall be entitled, at its sole discretion, to pay any sums due from the Buyer into court pending the resolution of that dispute. B - No waiver by the Buyer of any breach by the Supplier of any provision of these Conditions or any other provision of any applicable Contract shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. C - If any provision of these Conditions is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby.

or principal place of business or such other address as may at the relevant time have been notified to the party giving the notice. The notice or information may be given by pre-paid registered post, special delivery or express delivery service, or by email, or by facsimile transmission or by transmission via a reputable private courier company and any notice or information so sent shall be deemed to have been properly and effectively given, if sent by registered post, special delivery, express delivery service or by courier the day delivery is signed for on behalf of the addressee or, if sent by facsimile transmission or by email, 24 hours after it has been transmitted. Any notice or information sent to the Buyer shall be marked “for the immediate attention of the Company Secretary”. F - All Contracts and these Conditions will be construed in accordance with the laws of England and, subject to clause 3.4.24, the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute which may arise out of, under or in connection with any Contract or these Conditions but the Buyer may in its absolute discretion bring proceedings in the courts of any other country which may have jurisdiction.

D - Tesco may set off any sums owed by the Supplier under these Conditions and/or under any contract to Tesco against any sums owed by Tesco to the Supplier.

3.4.25 Dispute resolution

E - Any notice or other information required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these Conditions shall be in writing addressed to that other party at its registered office

A - The dispute resolution procedure under this clause 3.4.24 shall apply where there is a complaint by a Supplier which relates to the Code.

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B - For the dispute resolution procedure to apply, the Supplier must submit a written complaint to the Buyer, stating that it is a complaint under the Code and setting out fully the nature of the complaint. C - The Supplier must submit the complaint no later than three months from the date it became aware of, or should have become aware of, the event giving rise to the complaint. D - Any outstanding issues will be referred by the parties to the Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR) no later than 90 days from the date that the written complaint was received by the Buyer. CEDR will act as the recognised mediator for all disputes under the Code but the individual mediator in each case will be agreed between the Buyer and the Supplier. The Buyer and the Supplier agree to adopt CEDR’s standard procedures and will agree on a time and a neutral venue for the mediation. E - The Buyer will meet the mediator’s costs of conducting the mediation and preparing the report except where such costs are due to the default or unreasonable conduct of the Supplier during the mediation process. F - If at the end of the mediation process the complaint still has not been resolved, the Buyer will notify the Office of Fair Trading that the mediation was unsuccessful.

3.4.26 Fraud A - The Supplier agrees to co-operate with any investigation carried out by the Buyer into actual or suspected fraudulent behaviour and shall grant representatives of the Buyer access to its records and employees for the purposes of investigating actual or suspected fraudulent behaviour. B - If the Buyer reasonably suspects that the Supplier or its employees, agents or subcontractors have acted fraudulently, the Buyer may: >> B1 - suspend or terminate any Contract; >> B2- suspend any payments to the Supplier until the investigation is completed. C - The Supplier accepts full responsibility for any fraudulent behaviour on the part of its employees and those of its agents or contractors, and shall indemnify and hold the Buyer harmless against, any action, claim, damage, injury, loss (including, without limitation, economic loss, loss of profit, revenue or goodwill), costs (including management and legal costs), or penalty whatsoever awarded against or incurred or paid by the Buyer resulting or arising directly or indirectly from such fraudulent behaviour, including, without limitation, any benefit or advantage received by the Supplier, its agent or subcontractor from the Buyer as a result of the fraudulent behaviour.

G - The timetable for resolving complaints under the Code may be extended by mutual agreement at any time in the process.

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4. Tesco Product/Component Safety Requirements 4.1

Safety, Components and Trims

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4. Tesco Product/Component Safety Requirements

4.1 Safety, Components and Trims

4.2 Emergency Product Withdrawl (EPW)

Tesco operates a very high standard of safety in ALL of our merchandise. As a supplier to Tesco it is your responsibility to ensure the goods you supply are manufactured to our high standards of safety and quality.

As a Tesco Supplier, should one of your products need to be withdrawn from our stores for any reason, whether it be from a serious customer complaint or because of an unacceptable standard, we reserve the right to request compensation to cover costs incurred by Tesco.

This section sets out specifically the requirements for products and components that are mandatory and those which are Tesco own Standards, in particular, the General Product Safety Regulations (2005) which state that it is the supplier’s and producer’s responsibility to sell safe products. This refers to “products which under normal or reasonable conditions of use present no risk to the consumer, in particular children”.

A serious safety issue will result in a compensation claim of £5000. This will include an upheld broken needle complaint.

The following points cover the general quality assurance/safety requirements for all products, components and trims. Any exceptions will be specified by the relevant technologist. Please also refer to the following sections for our approved suppliers & contact details: Zips Press Fasteners Interlining Test Houses

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4. Tesco Product/Component Safety Requirements




Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance


Accessories on clothes – key rings/bracelets


* On trouser and skirts attach to belt loop with a loop Kimble for security


* NOT permitted OVER 36 MONTHS * All trims must be phthalate free * Must pass 90N pull test. * Must be tested for toxicity * Must comply to Tesco restricted substances manual * Must not be made of glass, rubber, wood, seashell, or real pearl. * Must be free of sharp edges. * Must not look like or smell like food * All metal components must be non ferrous nickel free * Must not be positioned in the neck area * Prior to sealing stage any accessories on clothes must be submitted to the Technical Manager for approval * On trouser and skirts attach to belt loop with a loop Kimble for security * On tops please discuss attachment place with Technical Manager – the trim must NOT be attached at the neck line

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* On tops please discuss attachment place with Technical Manager – the trim must NOT be attached at the neck line

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. LEGISLATION * General product Safety Regulations 2005 * Fibre composition * EN71 part 1, 2 and 3 * BSEN 12472:1999/ BS EN 1811 Nickel safety for coated and plated elements. LABELLING * Additional sticker is required – please consult Technical Manager

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* Straps to be quick release/breaking point of less that 40N. The best place to locate the quick release on bag straps is on the webbing. * All decorations to withstand pull test. * All Metal components to be nickel free * Fibre composition not legally required on bags

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual LEGISLATION * General product Safety Regulations 2005 * Fibre composition * EN71 part 1, 2 and 3 * BSEN 12472:1999/ BS EN 1811

ADULTS * Fibre composition not legally required on bags 3

Battery operated components

FOR ALL CHILDREN * Electrical components must not be accessible. * Lithium batteries not allowed. * Battery operated component must be enclosed in a sealed unit prior to attachment to the garment. ADULTS * As for all Children

* Must be securely stitched into the garment.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Durability wash test. * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. LEGISLATION * EN71 part 1 * BS EN 50088 (1996) Safety of Electrical Toys * BS EN 62115: 2005 Electric Toys Safety. * Compliance to WEEE directive LABELLING * In accordance with EN71 part 1 for “CE” marking * WEEE symbol

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* Only permitted if machine applied and passes 90N pull test. * Must be tested for toxicity * Must comply to Tesco restricted substances manual * Must not be made of glass, rubber, wood, seashell, or real pearl. * Must be free of sharp edges. * Must not restrict stretch e.g on necks and cuffs

* Must be attached by Machine

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * Must comply to Tesco Restricted Substances Manual

SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT OVER UNDER 36 MONTHS * Must withstand a 90N pull test. * Must comply to Tesco restricted substances manual * Must be tested for toxicity * Must not be made of glass, rubber, wood, seashell, or real pearl. * Must be free of sharp edges. * Must not restrict stretch e.g on necks and cuffs ADULTS * Must be free of sharp edges * Must not restrict stretch e.g on necks and cuffs

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Hand Sewn

* General Product Safety Regulations 2005

* must have hand sew needle policy of one in one out * Must withstand 90N pull test * Must not be attached with continuous thread * Sew 3 beads then cast off and start again with maximum float length 1cm



* Wash inside out * Iron on reverse * No spare beads to be supplied on any children garments

* Cast off every 6 beads with maximum float length 1cm

* EN71 Parts 1 * BS7907-2007 Design and manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * 90N Pull Test LABELLING Additional care codes:

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SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR UNDER 36 MONTHS * Metal D rings/ buckles must be fully welded and comply with testing requirements.



ALL CHILDREN *Must be Phthalate free. * Must be free from Nickel and non ferrous. * All components must be free from rough/sharp edges * All components must be tested for toxicity

* Prongs must be compatible to buckle size. FABRIC BELTS * Fabric must be cut in one piece along the grain.

ALL CHILDREN AND ADULTS BUCKLES, KEEPERS AND PRONGS * Must be free from rough or sharp edges. * One piece plastic moulded keepers may be used. * Metal components must be made of brass, or meet stainless steel specification to avoid rusting.

* Backings where used must be cut to finish 2mm from edge of belt, min 3mm. All fabric edges turned in.

EYELETS * Eyelets on fabric belts to be made of brass, clenched to neat smooth segmented rose finish. If rolled finish required, then a backing washer must be used. * Eyelets must be from a Tesco approved source

* Stitching joins NOT permitted.

ELASTIC BELTS * Eyelets and rivets not permitted on these belts. * D rings or clasps must be free from rough edges.

* All stitching secured to prevent run back.

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * Durability wash must be submitted * Determination of free and released Formaldehyde if requested by departmental technologist. * For fabric belts, if sewn into garments, and certain belt buckles as agreed with the departmental technologist, should be carried out in garment form and submitted at technical evaluation stage. * Nickel safety for coated or plated elements must be submitted at technical evaluation stage. LEGISLATION * BSEN 12472:1999/ BS EN 1811 Nickel safety for coated and plated elements. LABELLING * Fibre composition must be on the belt care label * For non- machine washable belts, a “Remove belt before washing” label is required.

PU BELTS Discuss usage with departmental technologist. BELT BELTS Stapled loops are not acceptable on any age range Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

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* All prints must be Phthalate free * No side or back neck ties permitted * Must not be continuous loops * To be joined by either press fastener or Velcro. * Plastic back bibs NOT permitted 7


Bootees / Pram Shoes / Walk in sleepsuits


Decorative Bows


* Non slip fabrics for example dot printed twill must be used for the soles of all baby bootees and baby shoes. * Baby walk-in sleepsuits must have non slip dotted soles from 6 months upwards * Non slip dots must be phthalate free and comply with Tesco requirements

* Bows must not be functional * Discuss minimum circumference of bows, tail lengths and length of ribbon with your Technical Manager * Bows must follow the draw cord regulations * All bows must be secured with a lockstitch * The ends of ribbons must be adequately secured to prevent fraying or unravelling * If ribbons finished with heat-seal or laser cut there are no sharp edges * Fixed tails of bows are to be maximum 5cm in length

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* Consult Tesco Textile Testing manual

* Must be securely stitched into the garment.




REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis


* Consult Tesco Textile Testing manual

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing manual * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * BSCN14682: 2007 Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstring on Children’s Clothing

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REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis


* Two piece adjusters not permitted for use



* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual



* Webbing must be woven to specified width, not cut to width * Split widths of webbing are not permitted * Clips and Adjusters must be made from an appropriate material with a suitable width to support the product, if metal must be non-ferrous and nickel free * Must be free from rough / sharp edges * Ensure an adequate thread and stitch type is used to securely attach the webbing to the D rings, clips, and adjusters

* BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

FOR ALL CHILDREN * No jewelled or 2 part buttons permitted * Toggle buttons must be assessed for shape, catchment and attachment hazards * Can only be fabric covered if 1 piece. ALL * Must meet all Tesco guidelines * Must be phthalate free * Must be non ferrous nickel free * Must not be made of natural wood, rubber, seashell, real pearl or other limited natural resource material * Must not be made from acrylic polycarbonate, glass or polypropylene as these materials will not withstand the pull test * Polyester is the recommended substrate and is best to be solid colours * Nylon may be used - providing no sharp injection points or blemishes

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* BSCN14682: 2007 Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstring on Children’s Clothing

* Machine lockstitch only with a minimum of 10 stitches. Hand stitch or chain stitch is NOT used * Buttons must be attached to a foundation of either 2 pile fabric or to a 1 ply with interfacing behind * Thread trimmed automatically at sewing machine to 0.3-0.5mm maximum, thread wipers and air blowers must be used. The use of scissors must be avoided

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Buttons attached to the garments must be worn by children to have a pull test of up to 90N conducted as outlined in the Tesco Textile Performance Standards. This includes the spare button. * Button strength submitted at technical evaluation stage. * Durability wash submitted at technical evaluation stage. In garment or panel form. * Nickel safety for coated or plated elements (Max 0.5ug/ cm2/ week) submitted at initial/ buying sample stage.

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ALL (continued) * Buttons must not resemble food * Casing must be fully cured. Hot washing or prolonged soaking can soften it. * Must not be made from waxed pearl as it may have high lead content * Metallic effect can be achieved but must not be used on dry clean products or heavy wear products such as coats due to strength limitations * Real leather is allowed as long as it meets Tesco requirements regarding heavy metals and conforms to the leather code of practise * Must be free of injection mould flash or rough edges * If applied to the neck area, the neck stretch must be unaffected and care taken to prevent cracking or distortion * Jewelled button acceptable provided made from polyester or nylon and conforms to Tesco requirements. Do not use jewelled effect using acrylic polymers or polycarbon resins as they will not pass the pull strength * Jewelled 2 part buttons must meet wash, dry clean and iron requirements * Glue if required must be water based glue * Composite buttons are not recommended. If used the components must be clamped or glued with epoxy resin adhesive and withstand testing requirements * Toggles must be resistant to abrasion and the cords attached by bar tacking – see float length section * Traditional toggles with sprat head attachments may be used, cut cord ends must be covered using sprat heads stitched to the product * Spare buttons are governed by the same criteria * All buttons must satisfy BS4162, and must not contain toxic elements above stipulated by BS5665/EN71 part 3 toy standard.

* Hopper feeds preferred to ensure uniform feed and avoidance of needle deflection.

* All buttons must satisfy BS4162, and must not contain toxic elements above levels stipulated by BS5665/ EN71 Part 3 Toy standard * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

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* A thread tension system must be in place to ensure correct tension achieved after bobbin change. * Whipping and heat sealing must be used on all heavy weight fabrics/ garments e.g. coats. * The first button from each spool to be sewn onto spare fabric, last button to be cut off fabric. * All garment wash items must have buttons attached only after the washing process.

LEGISLATION * General Product safety Regulations of 2005. * Refer to BS 7907- 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety. * If the product can be said to be ‘toy like’ it must refer to all parts of EN71. * BSEN 12472: 1999/ BS EN 1811 Nickel safety for coated and plated elements. * BS 4162: 1983 Method of attachment. Note: Spare buttons, sequins, beads or any other component must not be attached to a Children’s wear article in a kimballed poly bag due to a Small parts choking hazard. This is not permitted. Spare buttons are only required on the following Children’s wear product- Back to School, Outerwear, Premium and Branded or as advised by the relevant Technical Manager. Spare buttons to be lockstitch attached to the Technical label and meet 90 newton pull testing.

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Cords and drawstrings Please refer to the regulations for exceptions

HOOD AND NECK AREA YOUNG CHILD – UNDER 7YRS * NO drawstrings, functional cords or decorative cords



* Drawstring: Cord, chain, ribbon, string or tape of any textile or non textile material which passes through a channel or loop(s) or eyelet(s) or similar to adjust the size of the opening, or part of the garment or top fasten the garment itself.

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual

OLDER CHILD – OVER 7YRS * NO drawstring or functional cords * Decorative cord maximum length 75mm including any attachment * NO elastic cords * Halter neck to have no loose ends – one continuous loop WAIST AREA ALL CHILDREN * Drawstrings must have a fixed point to prevent the cord being removed from the garment laid flat), functional cords, decorative cords and adjusting tabs 140mm MAXIMUM TIE BELTS OR SASHES * Can be tied at the front or back of the garment. Tie belts and sashes must be over 3cm in width, MAXIMUM 36cm from point tied, on younger the tie belts or sashes must NOT hang below the hem of the garment LOWER HEMS WHICH HANG BELOW THE CROTCH ALL CHILDREN * Drawstrings, decorative cords and functional cords must NOT hang below the hem of the garment * Drawstrings or cords at the lower edges of garments shall lie flat against the garment when tightened or fastened * Adjustable tabs can be MAXIMUM 14cm and must NOT hang below the hem of the garment

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LEGISLATION * BSCN14682: 2007 Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstring on Children’s Clothing

* Functional cord: Cord, chain, ribbon, string or tape of any textile or non textile material with or without embellishment, such as pom-pom, toggle, feather or bead, of fixed length which is used to adjust the size of the opening or part of the garment or to fasten the garment itself. * Decorative cord: Cord, chain, ribbon, string or tape of any textile or non textile material with or without material embellishment, such as pom-pom, toggle Page 39

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Method of Attachment


Cords and drawstrings Please refer to the regulations for exceptions

BACK AREA ALL CHILDREN * NO drawstrings, decorative cords of functional cords * Tie belts and sashes – see waist area section above

DEFINITIONS (continued)

SLEEVES YOUNG CHILD – UNDER 7YRS * SHORT SLEEVE ABOVE ELBOW drawstrings (laid flat), functional or decorative cords to be MAXIMUM 75mm OLDER CHILD - OVER 7YRS * SHORT SLEEVE ABOVE ELBOW drawstrings (laid flat), functional or decorative cords to be MAXIMUM 140mm LONG SLEEVES – BELOW THE ELBOW * Drawstrings, functional cords or decorative cords must not hang below the sleeve hem – they must be fully inside the garment LONG SLEEVES – BELOW THE ELBOW * Consult the Technical Manager * Draw cords must be secured at one point to prevent the draw cord being removed from the garment ADULT * Consult the Technical Manager * Draw cords must be secured at one point to prevent the draw cord being removed from the garment

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feather or bead, of fixed length and not intended to be used to adjust the size of the garment or to fasten the garment itself. * Sash: Drawstring, decorative or functional cord of material minimum 30mm in width worn around the waist area of the garment, and tied. * Loop: Cord or narrow strip of fabric curved in shape, which may be fixed or adjustable in length, where both ends are attached to the garment. ATTACHMENT * The ends of all drawstrings, cord and functional sashes must be secured to prevent fraying by use, for example by heat sealing or bar tacking.

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Cords and drawstrings Please refer to the regulations for exceptions


Method of Attachment

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ATTACHMENT (continued) Garments must not be designed to have drawstring, decorative or functional cords emerging from the back, or to be tied at he back of garments. Note; sashes are exempt. * Drawstring, where permitted must be secured by at least one bar tack equidistant from the exit points. * Fixed loops which protrude from the garment to be maximum 75mm in circumference. * Halter necks must use; for example: Velcro, button, and press stud to close the loop and to prevent loose ends. * Belt loops must lie flat against the garment and be secured at both ends.

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SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS UNDER 36 MONTHS * Only permitted after discussion with the Technical Manager

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

Manufacturer must have a documented procedure to manage consistent application

ALL * Not permitted on the following surfaces as not secure bases; - Textured fabric, e.g. velvet, velour, ribbing or uneven surfaces - fabrics with very high amount of stretch - fabric with a coating that could affect the bond of the glue to the fabric - seams, embroideries, pockets, and pocket bags - areas of uneven surface where there could be inconsistencies in application pressure

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

* Must withstand distortion that could result breaking, cracking or coming apart


* No rough or sharp edges permitted * Must withstand motif durability testing and 90 newton pull testing if of relevant size 13

Dressing up costumes

TESTING REQUIREMENT * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * Must be able to withstand repeated washing – 5 wash durability test * Additional care codes required; - Wash inside out - Iron on reverse



* All governed by EN71 Parts 1, 2 and 3. * Must conform to all Tesco requirements on restricted substances * Must conform to all legislation listed in Tesco testing/ legislation compliance section * Fibre composition must not be stated on care label as the product is classed as a toy

* EN71 Parts 1, 2 and 3 * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

ADULT * EN71 Part 2 * Must conform to all Tesco requirements on restricted Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC * BS7907 Code of practise for the design and manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * EN14682 2008 Safety of children’s clothing – cords and drawstrings Page 42

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Dressing up costumes


Method of Attachment

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ADULT (continued)


* Product must be clearly marked for ADULTS on packaging * Discuss with the UK Tesco Technical Manager if the CE mark is required per style, this will effect the need for the fibre comp to be stated on the care label

* Ensure appropriate warnings are used in accordance with EN 71 parts 1,2,3 incl. age specific warnings ADULT TESTING REQUIREMENT * EN71 Part 2 * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC


Embroideries/fusible motifs and badges



* Accessories that could pose a choking hazard should not be hand sewn on for this age group (discuss with Technical Manager) * Any embroidery/appliqué in the foot area must use a lining to enclose the loops and thread ends.

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * Must be able to withstand repeated washing – 5 wash durability test LEGISLATION

ALL CHILDREN * No fusible badges, motifs or embroidery * All components must be Phthalates free * Knitted fusible backing must be used on the back of the embroidery to protect the skin * All edges on badges must be sealed to prevent fraying. * Must be free from sharp edges. * No float loops over 1cm on the back of the embroidery * If used for nightwear components must conform to the Nightwear (safety) Regulations 1985

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* BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

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Embroideries/fusible motifs and badges





ALL * Must be made of elastane to achieve stretch and recovery performance. * If used for nightwear components must conform to the Nightwear (safety) Regulations 1985 Flammability – All garments

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance

* Elastics can reduce blood flow if designed too tight. Ensure conformance to relaxed and extended measurements stated on size chart, and agreed with Technical manager


Labelling to be permanentIncluding all aspects of print quality and method of attachments.


* Must be free from sharp edges. * No float loops over 1cm on the back of the embroidery * All components must be Phthalates free

* Elastic must not site against the skin – please ensure the elastic is covered with either fabric or cover seam stitching to protect the skin


Method of Attachment

See Labelling Requirements in this section for requirements.

* Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

* ALL Kid’s day clothing must have a fire warning (FW) label to be incorporated on the front of the permanent sewn in care label & applied to the side seam/ back waist for all ages. The fire warning wording to read; “KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE” (Upper case 10 point red lettering) on care label.

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Flammability – All garments


Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance LEGISLATION * BS 5655/ EN71 Part 2: 1994. Flammability; relates to costume clothing and accessories, and would also be relevant to fancy dress items. Products that do NOT meet the standard required must carry the label: “WARNING KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE.” Also see Tesco Textile Performance Standards. * Exceptions: shoes (this does not include novelty slippers) PLEASE NOTE: CE must follow requirements BS EN14878- and in this must add lettering of : “WARNING- KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE.” LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations 1985. * Refer to BS 7907- 1997 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety. * Nightwear (safety) Regulations 1985 PLEASE NOTE: CE must follow requirements of BS EN 1478 and the country of retail legal requirements.

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Flammability – Nightwear, additional requirements for wadding if used.

DEFINITIONS * Children’s night wear is defined as garments for children over 3 months and under 13 years of age and not exceeding the following maximum required measurements: - Nightdresses: Chest 91cm, Length 122cm. - Dressing gowns, bath robes and other similar garments: Chest 97cm, Sleeve Length: 69cm.

FLAMMABILITY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS relates to the whole area of the garment including all threads, trimmings, decorations and labels.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All relevant testing reports/ results must be submitted at the first fit/ buying evaluation stage.

* Nightdresses, dressing gowns and other similar garments commonly worn as nightwear must satisfy the flammability performance requirements specified in clauses 3.1.1 and 3.2.1 of BS5722.

However, elastic thread and elastic used for creating gathers in the material are exempt.

* Pyjama and cotton Terry Towelling bath robes do not have to comply with the flammability standard; however they must carry a permanent label stating whether or not they meet the flammability standard. * Babies garments i.e.: Designed for less than 3 months and having a chest measurement of not exceeding 53cm must carry a permanent label stating whether or not they meet flammability standards. * NB one piece garments with legs should be treated as children’s pyjamas. * One piece garments which can be worm by an infant beyond 3 months should be treated as children’s nightwear. If the garment has legs it should be treated as pyjamas. * Nightwear made of and trimmed with synthetic fabric which melts without decomposing when ignited as part of the BS test can be taken to meet the flammability requirement.

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* Interlinings must be made from 100% polyester to achieve flammability standards. * 100% Polyester or Nylon threads MUST be used on nightwear to meet flammability requirements. * Lace on Nightdress and dressing gowns MUST be made 100% polyester to comply with flammability requirements.

* Tests required for cellulose fabrics submitted at technical evaluation stage according to The Nightwear (safety) Regulations 1985 and BS5722 submitted t technical evaluation stage. PLEASE NOTE: CE must follow requirements of BS EN 14878- and in this must add lettering of “WARNING- KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE” LEGISLATION * Nightwear Safety Regulations 1985 * BS 5722- 1991 Performance of fabrics and fabric assemblies used in nightwear garments i.e. Sleepwear and dressing gowns. * General Product Safety Regulations 1985 * Nightwear & Fire: - A guide to Nightwear (safety) Regulations (DTI) * EN71 Part 2 Dressing Up Outfits

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Flammability – Nightwear, additional requirements for wadding if used. (continued)


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* Multi layered fabrics: Fabric produced from a series of different layers e.g. quilted fabrics must be tested as a whole.


* Fabrics must be assembled as they would be during manufacturing for the purpose of testing.

* All Kid’s Nightwear garments must have a KAFF label attached to centre back neck or back seam. * In addition, all elements of nightwear department must have the FW reference added to the care label which inserts the words “ KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE” (upper case 10 point red lettering) on to the care. *Babies Garments/ Pyjamas & Cotton Terry Towelling Bath Robes must include the care labels references according to test results.


Flash Flame

FABRICS WHERE A FLASH FLAME TEST APPLIES * Products made from 100% cellulose or cellulose rich fabric/ yarns with a raised hairy surface must be assessed.


LEGISLATION * Must follow requirements of BS EN 14878 submitted at 1st fit / buying sample evaluation stage. * General Product Safety Regulations 1985

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Float length

UNDER 36 MONTHS * Float/ thread end length in hand/ leg/ foot/ maximum 1cm in length with NO TOLERANCE above this. * On baby bootees all overruns of seam must be at the back of the foot. * On baby grows, sleep suits, snow suits etc, seam on foot must start and finish at back of heel (i.e. overruns at back of heel)

* Products must be examined inside and out to ensure that there are no loose objects or threads left inside.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All durability wash testing to be submitted at buying/ 1st fit stage. * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

ABOVE 36 MONTHS * Standard for float/ thread end length is to be maximum 1cm in ALL AREAS * Products must be examined inside and out to ensure no loose objects or threads are left inside.

* Refer to BS 7907- 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety.

ADULT * Maximum float length 1cm 20

Faux Fur, Pile fabrics and trims

FABRICS WHERE A FLASH FLAME TEST APPLIES * Products made from 100% cellulose or cellulose rich fabric/ yarns with a raised hairy surface must be assessed.

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 LABELLING * Ensure fibre composition is labelled correctly for face and back of fabric – see textile manual * All labelling on faux fur to state that it is ‘faux’ For example, it is not permitted to write ‘fur lined hood’

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ALL CHILDREN * Hats or caps must have plastic inserts to stiffen and/ or straighten the peak, and have round corners to prevent loss of vision when worn * Metal wire must not be used on any children’s headwear - use a plastic boning substitute * Chin straps must not be used on styles for children under 18months * Chin straps must have a Velcro attachment for quick release * Cord hanging from the ear sections must be under 7.5cm in length * All decorations must pass 90N pull test * All metal components must be nickel free and non ferrous

* Products must be examined inside and out to ensure that there are no loose objects or threads left inside.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual parts. LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

ADULTS * Hats or caps must have plastic inserts to stiffen and/ or straighten the peak, and have round corners to prevent loss of vision when worn * All metal components must be nickel free and non ferrous * Metal wire used in hat rims must be secure and clamped in the rim

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Requirement Refer to DRAW CORD SECTION for further information UNDER 36 MONTHS * * Sleepwear not to have hoods * Macs and Rain coats to be discussed with the Technical Manager ALL CHILDREN * Restriction to hearing and vision must be taken into consideration when designing hooded garments * Risk assessment should be performed for the possibility of entrapment. Detachable hoods should be considered. ADULTS * No specific requirements

Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

TESTING REQUIREMENTS ** Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * Hoods with wadding hoods to be assessed for flammability.

POINTS TO CONSIDER: * Thickness of wadding, lining required in the hood to be discussed with Technical Manager as specs & requirements may vary. * Using a fabric with increased thickness or bending stiffness can reduce risk of suffocation for products intended for children

LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * BS EN 14682 : 2005 Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstrings on Children’s * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

* Towelling and/ or mesh linings help to reduce fabric becoming a conforming hazard. * Hoods must be designed to avoid close contact of the fabric to the child’s mouth and nose to make sure breathing is possible.

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Hooks and eyes

UNDER 36 MONTHS * Hooks and eyes are not permitted

Loops on duffle coats must be bar tacked across base, to reduce the size of loop to specification, and ensure securely attached.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

ALL * All components must be Phthalate free * Must be non ferrous and nickel free ROULEAU LOOPS * The size of loop and button/toggle should be designed as appropriate to the age group of the product, and be agreed with Technical Manager

* BS EN 14682 : 2005 Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstrings on Children’s

* To avoid catchment, the loop should have an opening length measured as circumference (fully extended from the point of stitching to the end of the loop) to maximum 75mm. 24


UNDER 36 MONTHS * Decorative and fashion jewellery must satisfy small parts criteria. * Essential products that do not pass the small parts criteria e.g. hair accessories, must be designed to a shape which minimises it as a choking hazard. * Must be non ferrous and Nickel free. * Must be free from Phthalates. * Jewellery must NOT be decorated with any accessible glitter that can be transferred onto eyes or skin * Glass must NOT be used. * EVA foam must NOT be used. AGES 4 YEARS AND ABOVE * * Design should be considered appropriate for age of child aimed at. * Elasticated necklaces are not permitted

LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

* General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * Necklaces must have break strength of less than 1.85kg and maximum length 400mm. In most cases the break can be made by NOT welding one of the links closed * Decorative and fashion jewellery must meet critical gauge criteria. * Essential products that do not pass the small parts criteria must be reviewed with the departmental technologist. * Nickel safety for coated or plated elements submitted at technical evaluation stage.

ADULT Please refer to the JEWELLERY MANUAL Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

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Jewellery (continued)


Lace including crocheted fabric/ mesh/ open weaves


Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance LABELLING * Jewellery tested for ages 3 years and over must carry the warning “Not suitable for children under the age 36 months.

UNDER 36 MONTHS * Rigid lace for garments must have holes with a maximum circumference of 7mm. ALL * Must be Phthalate free. * Monofilament yarns not permitted. * Viscose lace not permitted on any product. * Lace on nightdresses and dressing gowns must be 100% polyester to comply with Nightwear (Safety) Regulations 1985.

* Where lace is applied to a garment, it must be securely attached and meet all testing requirements.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

* Where garment constructed from lace, the lace must be sufficiently tested to prevent unravelling in wear and wash. * Scalloping must leave edges clean without fraying.


LED lights (Light Emitting Diode)

UNDER 36 MONTHS * Not permitted in garments ALL OTHER AGES * Obtain specification from supplier, confirming it conforms to Class A


Lingerie Components

* Factory cleanliness is key to preventing cross contamination, and must be demonstrated to Tesco Offices.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * First batch to be certified as safe by toxicologist. * New reports required if composition changes. * Safety data sheet must be completed and submitted prior to contract seal.


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Method of Attachment

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Liquid filled Products E.g. Badges.

UNDER 36 MONTHS * Not permitted in garments

COMMENT : Factory cleanliness is key to prevent cross contamination of products, this must be closely controlled by supplier to Tesco Stores Limited

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * First batch to be certified safe by a toxicologist. * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. * New reports required if composition changes * Safety data sheet must be completed and submitted prior to contract seal.

ALL OTHER AGES * Must meet TESCO safety standards * First batch to be certified safe

LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 * Refer to BS 7907 – 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * If the product can be said to be ‘toy like’ must refer to all parts of EN71 * BSEN 12472:1999 / BS EN 1811 Nickel safety for coated and plated elements UNDER 36 MONTHS * Bite and tear test ASTM F963 92003) * If smaller than 1.5 gauge, must pass TTF P115b 29


UNDER 36 MONTHS * Magnets are NOT permitted. ALL * A strong magnet can affect the performance of a pacemaker or a defibrillator, so strength must be determined as the minimum required for functionability.

* Must be designed to avoid the heart/ chest area when worn.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Determine the strength, or Gauss, of the magnet, and ensure that it’s kept to as minimum. * Note that the strength of a magnetic field is measured in unit of Gauss (G). * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual. LABELLING * Ensure warning placed on garment giving care givers awareness of potential hazard to consumers with pacemakers or defibrillators.

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Method of Attachment

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Metal Components – including all buttons, Buckles and Clasps

ALL * Must meet TESCO guidelines. * Must be non ferrous and nickel free. * Steel as substrate must not be used as it can rust. * Must be free of rough edges * Exposed areas must be smooth and free from irregularities. * For metal fasteners and eyelets the gauge of the brass strip must be minimum 0.37mm on the drawn barrel. * Prong fasteners- ring must be made from brass, and a minimum strip thickness of 0.5mm. This reduces the risk of the prong cracking.

* Roll setting eyelets (opposed to split setting eyelets) must be used on all products.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Consult Tesco Textile Testing Manual.

* Must not be applied to areas of uncontrolled thickness e.g. seam turnings or stitching lines. * Manufacturer’s compatible dies must be used. * A manual check must be carried out to confirm that the popper prongs have all been pierced into the basic fabric – and none are left protruding. * Hoppers and machinery must be cleaned once a week, and with brass rod.

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* Durability wash submitted at Buying/1st Fit stage in garment or panel form. – Please note must be on the correct fabric and interlining quality and correct construction LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 * Refer to BS 7907 – 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * If the product can be said to be ‘toy like’ must refer to all parts of BS EN71 particularly part 3 Migration of certain elements -Nickel Safety for coated or plated elements submitted Buying / 1st fit stage. (Max. 0.5ug/ cm2/wk) * BSEN 12472 – 2005 Nickel safety for coated and plated elements

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Method of Attachment

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Neck ties

UP TO AGE 5 YEARS * Conventional neck ties are NOT PERMITTED * Detachable necktie must be used, clip on or Velcro * Where Velcro is used, ensure edges are trimmed back to avoid sharp points

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. * Discuss wash capabilities and separate care labelling prior to sign off LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005


Plastic bags e.g. over bags

Please consult DC MANUAL for bag specifications

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Ensure all appropriate warnings are applied, dependant on end use of product * Suffocation warning must be on the plastic bag


Pom- pom/ bobbles/ Tassels and fringing

UNDER 36 MONTHS * No Pom Poms to be used on garments for children under 36months

POM POMS * Pom Poms must be attached securely and pass 90n pull test

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * Check for thread security by pinching at least 5 threads together and pulling firmly. If the threads pull a way easily , then the pom-pom is unacceptable

ALL * All trims must be Phthalate free. * Must be deformable by 50% (squishy) BOBBLES * Defined as fabric circles attached to products. * These are allowed providing they are securely attached and meet all testing requirements.

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* Trim uneven pile on pom poms rather than pulling out individual threads

* All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements.

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Pom- pom/ bobbles/ Tassels and fringing (continued)




Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance

TASSELS AND FRINGING * Like Pom Poms, threads can be removed if pulled. Threads must not be able to be pulled from the tassel or fringe.

LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

ALL * Print method to be considered to limit cracking when stretched, consider fabric type and customer

REFER TO TECHNICAL MANAGER on product by product basis

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements.

* Printer must be set up to limit cross-bleeding (colours running into each other)

Discuss styled prints, such as glitter prints with your Technical Manager to discuss allowances of shedding

* Raised plastic motifs, rubberised prints and any other similar additions must be attached securely, tested for durability

* Assess the print type with your Technical Manager to avoid issues with banned / restricted chemicals, paints, and inks * Must be attached securely to avoid peeling, rubbing, tearing, or quick wash off – refer to testing manual * All childrenswear (up to 14 years) must be assessed for the Phthalates * Prints may change the burning characteristics of a garment, potentially reducing the level of safety offered by the basic fabric class, refer to textile manual

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*Refer to BS 7907 – 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 LABELLING * Where prints, badges, trims, tickets and labels could suggest to the customer that the garment has been made somewhere other than the Country of manufacture, then the actual country of origin must be stated. * Additional care codes required; - Wash inside out - Iron on revers Page 56

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Method of Attachment

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ALL * Use Elastane courses unless otherwise agreed in advance with a Tesco Technical Manager. Confirm how many courses required at development stage.

Refer to styling requirement from buying / design

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements.

UNDER 36 MONTHS * No hand applied sequins.

HAND APPLIED SEQUINS OVER 36 MONTHS : * Thread: embroidery or general sewing thread 120’s quality.



* Sequins (machine attached only for this age range) must be flat, round, with smooth edges and have a centre punched hole. * Maximum diameter 5mm. ALL AGES * All trims must be Phthalate free. * Must be free of mould ‘flash’ or rough edges. * If applied to neck area, the neck stretch must be unaffected, and care taken to prevent cracking or distortion.

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Ribs should be compatible with the garment and its components as well as comply with the Tesco Testing Performance Standards

* Minimum 4 stitches of double thread * If applied singly, double knot off after each sequin.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

* If applied in a group, knot off after each third sequin with a maximum float length of 1cm

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Sequins (continued)


Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance

MACHINE APPLIED SEQUINS: * Thread: monofilament of a minimum 80 denier is an acceptable option except on true knitwear. To avoid scratching skin, ends of monofilament should be cut and not be in skin contact. *String Sequins: These can be lock stitched or chain stitched.


Seams and sewing threads

ALL * Monofilament thread must not be used in the construction of Kids’ garments. Permitted use only for machine applied sequins. * No loose thread ends or uncut floats longer than 1.0cm * 100% Polyester or Nylon threads must be used on Night wear (Safety) Regulations 1985. * Compliance required to EN71 Part1

* Harsh or rough threads must not be used. * Chain stitch must not be used with heavy thread counts to reduce abrasion. * Standard bulk threads have a tendency to fray and must be avoided. As an external decorative feature, double high twist thread products should be used instead * Please ensure to use suitable seams and threads for the fabric and garment construction

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TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * EN71 Part 1 *Nightwear Safety Regulations 1985 * BS EN 14878 * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005

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Seams and sewing threads


Method of Attachment

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* Seams must withstand wear * Seam allowance must be significant to reduce seam failure * Any heavily embroidered/ appliqué or metallized yarn embroidered products for nightwear or children swear must have a knitted fusible interlining applied to prevent irritation





Sound nodules/ Noise levels

ALL * Must comply with acoustic requirements. * Battery operated components are also included.


TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 LABELLING * Ensure appropriate warnings are used on labels.

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Method of Attachment

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Silicon Tapes

ALL *Silicon shoulder tape must be used on all knitted/ jersey. * Framilon/ Mobilon tape should be used in shoulder seams * Woven tape is not acceptable unless agreed with the Tesco Technical manager.

* Tape must be attached – either inserted into the seam using over lock stitching / or chain stitch attached, lockstitch must not be used

TESTING * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements.

* Tape must be attached so that it does not come into contact with the body (seam turned towards back) 41

Socks and Tights

UNDER 36 MONTHS * Float/ thread end length in hand / leg/ foot/ maximum 10.0mm in length with NO TOLERANCE above this. ALL OVER 36 MONTHS * Standard for float/ thread end length is to be maximum 10.0mm in hand/ leg foot.

* Products must be examined inside and out to ensure no loose objects or threads are left inside. * Harsh or rough threads must not be used on ROSSO toes * Rosso toe seam must be as flat and soft as possible

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LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 * Refer to BS 7907 – 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. * Please refer to the Sock Fibre Composition Standard Operating Procedure when testing socks LEGISLATION * General Product Safety Regulations of 2005 * Refer to BS 7907 – 1997 Design and Manufacture of Children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

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ALL * Must comply with EN 71 parts 1,2 and 3 * Must comply to other related standards – see Tesco testing/legislation compliance section


TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. * EN 71 Parts 1,2 &3 LEGISLATION * Toy (safety) regulations 1995 * General product safety regulations 2005 LABELLING * Ensure appropriate warnings are used in accordance with EN 71 parts 1,2,3 incl. age specific warnings



ALL CHILDREN * EN 71 parts 1,2,3 * Must be non ferrous and Nickel free * Spoke ends to be covered and meet tensile pull test of 120N * Easy glide frames must be used * Automatic opening mechanisms NOT permitted * Additional swing ticket required - please consult Technical Manager

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TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. LEGISLATION * General product safety regulations 2005 * BS7907 – 1997 Design and manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety

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Method of Attachment

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ALL * Velcro fastening used must have no sharp edges and all corners must be trimmed * Avoid positioning Velcro fastening close to the face * Velcro must be phthalate free


TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements.


Waddings and Quilted Waddings

ALL * Must be made from 100% polyester, Produced using heat bonding methods and low melt polyester. * Resin treated wadding not permitted. * Use a heat bonded scrim on the outer edge of the wadding to prevent fibre migration. * All loose ‘down tough’ type wadding to be double bagged to prevent fibre migration. * Waddings in nightwear – to be assessed and evaluated for tog rating. * Wading Fibres must not percolate through either the lining or the outer fabrics. The weight of the wadding must be agreed in advance with the Tesco Technical Manager.

* Seams to be adequate to ensure no migration of fillings. * Seams must withstand wear * Seam allowance must be significant to reduce seam failure and the exposure of fillings.

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. * Flammability of wadding must be tested, and submitted at 1st Fit / Buying sample stage. * Durability wash, in garment or composite form, submitted at 1st Fit / Buying sample stage. * Determination of free and released Formaldehyde, submitted at 1st Fit / Buying sample stage. * Durability of waddings and quilted waddings to wash submitted at technical evaluation stage. * Thickness of wadding submitted at 1st Fit / Buying sample stage. * Tog rating (nightwear) BS 4745 at development stage. * Air permeability BSENISO 9327- 1995 and achieve result of greater than 10 litres/ m2/sec @ 100 pa, submitted at technical evaluation stage.

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Waddings and Quilted Waddings (continued)


Method of Attachment

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* Note All Fabrics , where joined together make one composite fabric, must be tested together in the correct construction e.g. Quilted Fabrics LEGISLATION * If used in nightwear garments must comply with Nightwear safety regulations 1985 & BSEN 14878 * General product safety regulations 2005


Washed Garments- that use stones or enzymes

ALL CHILDRENSWEAR – UP TO 14YRS * Sand / Stone NOT to be used for childrenswear due to potential safety implications of stones remaining in pockets etc. ADULT * An acceptable alternative to stone washing is an enzyme wash (refer to Textile standards) * Sand must be free from aluminium chips to ensure metal detection is possible * 100% inspection document for adult wear to show thorough check for removal of stones / sand

RIVETS/ EYELETS * Attach press fastener to garment washed styles AFTER they have been washed. BUTTONS * All garment wash items must have buttons attached only after the washing process

TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. LEGISLATION * BS7907:2007 Design and Manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * General product safety regulations 2005

ENZYME WASH * Rinse cycle must be adequate must to remove any residual chemicals.

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Washed Garments- that use stones or enzymes


Method of Attachment

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance

STONES AND SAND * Check all garments thoroughly at the final examination to ensure that all stones have been removed. Rinse garments thoroughly to remove any dust or sand residue * It is recommended to sew up the pockets at manufacture stage to limit sand / stones being retained



ALL CHILDRENSWEAR – UP TO 14YRS * Metal zips must NOT be used on garments intended for children under 36 months * No metal top stops or bottom stops. * Pullers can be metal, provided they meet the criteria in ‘ALL’ section above and are non ferrous nickel free * Coil zips must NOT be used on garments intended for children under 36months * All zippers must have plastic moulded stoppers top and bottom * Zips must start 1cm down from the collar/neck edge to reduce the risk of trapped skin and irritation

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TESTING REQUIREMENTS * All parts must meet the Tesco Textile Requirements. * Appropriate testing on zip puller submitted at contract seal stage for 36 months and under. * Durability wash carried out in garment or panel form, submitted at technical evaluation stage. * Nickel safety test for coated and plated elements to be submitted at technical evaluation stage.

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Zips (continued)

ALL CHILDREN INCLUDING UNDER 36MONTHS * Must be Phthalate free * Must be non ferrous and Nickel free. * Must be free from rough/sharp edges. * Zip guards to be used to avoid entrapment- especially in the neck area. * Decorative pullers should be risk assessed, and where appropriate, design hazard assessment conducted. * Polyester zip tapes should be used for greater strength.

STONES AND SAND * Check all garments thoroughly at the final examination to ensure that all stones have been removed. Rinse garments thoroughly to remove any dust or sand residue


TOP STOPS * Must not be claw type * D stops (only on metal zips), and injection moulded or welded top stops, must be used. * Cut coil ends must not protrude above the top stop. * Open end zips must have a top stop to retain the slider when the zip is unfastened.

* It is recommended to sew up the pockets at manufacture stage to limit sand / stones being retained

* General Product Safety Regulations 2005 * BS7907 – 1997 Design and manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety * BS 3084:2006 Slide Fasteners (Zips) * EN71 Part 3 Toxicity

BOYS FLYS * Do NOT use functioning zips on boys fly openings for boys aged 5 years and under. Mock openings with and elasticated waistband, press stud, or button fly’s should be used. * Slides with plastic elements reduce the risk of entrapment. * Where metal zips are used for ages above 5 years, they must be designed with an inner flap at least 2cm wide, and secured by stitching across the fly opening at the bottom.

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Method of Attachment


Zips (continued)

ADULTS * Must be Phthalate free * Must be non ferrous and Nickel free. * Must be free from rough/sharp edges. * Zip guards to be used to avoid entrapment- especially in the neck area. * Polyester zip tapes should be used for greater strength.

Tesco Testing/Legislation Compliance

TOP STOPS * Must not be claw type * D stops (only on metal zips), and injection moulded or welded top stops, must be used. * Cut coil ends must not protrude above the top stop. * Open end zips must have a top stop to retain the slider when the zip is unfastened. ALL * All zips must be from an approved source – Please see our approved Zip Suppliers * Pin lock zips must not be used - only auto lock NEW ZIP SUPPLIERS * Please refer to our approved Zip Suppliers supplier procedure

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for the new zip

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5. Metal Contamination 5.1 Broken Needle Control 5.2 Control of Hand Sewing Needles 5.3 Machine Needles 5.4 Pins 5.5 Staples 5.6 Sharps Boxes 5.7 Poppers / Metal Components 5.8 Metal Detection 5.9 Compensation Appendix 2 - Broken Needle Record Form Appendix 3 - Hand Sewing Needle Control Form Appendix 4 - Metal Detector Calibration Form Appendix 5 - Metal Detected Product Log Appendix 6 - Metal Contaminants Detected Form

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5. Metal Contamination

5.1 Broken Needle Control This safety requirement is for all garments for Tesco. Under no circumstances should any machinist hold a spare needle. They must only be distributed by a supervisor or authorised person, who should store spare needles in a locked cupboard. If a needle breaks the operator must call the supervisor. Service engineers must ensure that no needles are left behind on machines after maintenance work. Needles should be removed from any machinery lying idle. If a needle is broken during a sewing operation, and all the fragments of the broken needle cannot be found, the garment being sewn – and also those close to the operator’s machine – must be passed through a metal detector to locate any hidden fragments of needle*. This must be documented in the action taken column of the ‘Tesco Broken Needle Record Form’ (Appendix 2). This documentation must be kept for a minimum of 6 years after production.

* All fragments of the needle found MUST be placed in a container and taken to the Needle Control Area.

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5.2 Control of Hand Sewing Needles All suspect garments must be re-inspected carefully until every part of the needle is accounted for. If any parts are still missing, dispose of the entire garment safely and ensure that the supervisor records the complete procedure. Old (whole) needles should be placed in a secure container kept well away from work stations. All broken needle parts should be securely taped to the ‘Broken Needle Record Form’ (Appendix 2). Documentation must be kept for a minimum of 1 year from shipment date. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that this policy is applied to all areas of the factory, including the sample room, embroidery and appliqué machine, machines that are positioned out of the main flow of manufacture and operations that are performed outside the supplier’s premises. The needles used in tag guns should be controlled in a similar manner to the above controls for needles, with spare needles being locked in a secure cupboard, and broken/bent needles being documented.

Where products require a hand sewing operation i.e. embroidery, beading or accessories, they must be managed using a controlled hand sewing needle procedure. Any hand sewing operation on a product must be with the agreement of the Tesco Technical Manager for a specific style. Hand sewing repairs are not acceptable. There should be a limited number of workers with access to hand sewing needles. A documented ‘one in, one out’ needle distribution system must be in place and documented using the ‘Tesco Hand (Appendix 3). Sewing Needle Control Form’ Documentation must be kept for a minimum of 1 year from shipment date. An area should be designated as a quarantined hand sewing area. There must be no hand sewing needles anywhere else within the factory, other than in the controlled hand sewing area. All products must be metal detected after manufacturing operations have been completed, and prior to delivery to Tesco.

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5. Metal Contamination

5.3 Machine Needles

5.5 Staples

5.8 Metal Detection

To avoid potential needle damage, replace machine needles twice daily, following an established and approved procedure. For knitted products, check each machine every hour, and record the results for later inspection.

Staples must not be used anywhere on the production floor. This includes on incoming goods , cutting room, sample room, packing and on any paperwork used on the factory floor.

Metal detectors are the best way to ensure that needle control procedures are effective, all products must be metal detected after all manufacturing operations have been completed, and prior to delivery to Tesco.

5.4 Pins

5.6 Sharps Boxes

There are two types of metal detector:

Pins must not be used in any part of the factory. This includes the sample rooms, cutting, make-up, inspection or packaging area or any other areas where garments/components are handled.

Must be used in the control of small metal waste including cutting blades.

Where pins are used in packaging for another customer this must be done in a separate area quarantined from any other production and the issue of pins must be controlled.

5.7 Poppers / Metal Components

• General Purpose Metal Detectors, which detect all metals. Use them for garments that do not have any metal components such as zippers, press studs, buckles etc.

It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure this policy is applied to embroidery, appliqué, printing etc operations whether in house or at another site.

• Must have training by nominated supplier

• Must have correct machinery serviced regularly for poppers/ computable photograph on certificate • Must be purchased by nominated supplier

Trims and components are often secured with pins. Suppliers must ensure that any deliveries of raw materials are secured with tape or an alternative to pins.

• All poppers around m/c to be in containers labelled correctly

Cutting Pins - one in one out policy if used, on stripes, plaids, checks to be covered with plastic or foam covers.

• All to have signed data sheets

5.4.1 Pins on ties Suppliers who manufacturer ties, are permitted to use pins during make-up. However they must follow the Broken Needle Control, Control of Hand Sewing Needle and Metal Detection Policy.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

• All broken and damaged poppers to be removed from area and disposed of in sharps box • All to have correct pinch settings and tested in house at hourly intervals • Non-chemical metal/nickel free

• Ferrous Only Metal Detectors. Use them to inspect garments that contain approved non-ferrous, non-magnetic components. Please specify this when ordering components. The only type of metal detector approved by Tesco for 100% inspection is a conveyor belt type, with an aperture through which the garments pass. Handheld metal detectors are not acceptable. The detector must automatically stop the conveyor system and sound an audible alarm when triggered. The conveyor belt must not be able to operate when the detector is faulty or has been switched off.

• Protective equipment and eye guards/finger guards

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5. Metal Contamination

The audible alarm and conveyor belt should only be capable of being re-set by a key switch, the key being held by the person responsible for the department. The key must not be left in the machine. Any new metal detectors purchased must have a printer or production data recording facility to record calibration checks, the style numbers of product detected and contaminants detected. The metal detector must be capable of detecting a 1.2mm ferrous test standard at any point in the metal detector aperture. A sample to test your machine can be obtained from the machine manufacturer. In case of garment with accessories, the metal detector must be capable of ignoring a representative sample of non-ferrous accessories and allowing it to pass undetected. In case of garments without accessories, the needle detector must at least ignore a non-ferrous test coin. A sample to test your machine can be obtained from the machine manufacturer.

To conduct the calibration test – the test standard should be passed through the aperture at the point of least sensitivity, i.e. mid height and central, on a plastic support, previously shown not to be detectable. This should be conducted in three positions across the conveyor belt, left side, middle and right side. Calibration checks should be conducted hourly everyday, and when the machine is started up and at the end of the working day, using an approved 1.2mm calibration card. These checks must be documented using the ‘Tesco Metal or by keeping Detector Calibration Form’ (Appendix 4), the print outs generated by the metal detector. Best practice can be found in using two metal detectors placed at 90 degrees or even through a twin head metal detector. Position across the conveyor belt in a 9 point check.

All products that have been processed through the detector must be quarantined until the following calibration check has been successfully completed, only then can they be released from the quarantine area. If a detector fails a calibration check, all product that has been passed through the metal detector since the previous successful calibration check must be passed through the detector again, once normal operations of the detector have been re-established. The metal detector must be positioned within the natural process flow of product after all sewing operations and attachment of swing tickets and packing metal free zone. The metal detector manufacturer must approve the sitting of metal detectors. All operations and maintenance engineers must have been trained by the manufacturer or an approved agent, Records must be kept of all training, maintenance, servicing and repairs. Documentation must be kept to record the product that has passed through the metal detector – Please see ‘Metal Detected Product Log’ (Appendix 5).

When passing the 1.2mm test card with the accessories or the test coin, the needle detector must detect the 1.2mm ferrous test card.

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5. Metal Contamination

Preferred Approved Metal Detector suppliers are: • Loma (Cintex) Limited

In summary records must be kept to support operations of the metal detector are:

• Lock Inspection System Ltd

• Style number, date and time of products metal detected

• Mettler Toledo (Safeline-YDS)

• Contaminants detected and follow-up action taken

5.9 Compensation Compensation of £5000 will be levied against administration and loss of reputation for each upheld broken needle complaint.

• Calibration checks of metal detector 5.8.1 What to do when metal is detected

These records must be retained for 1 year after shipment.

All garments on the halted conveyor belt must be placed in a rejection bin for inspection before being passed through the metal detector again. Only garments that pass this second test are acceptable. Products rejected again must be searched to find the contaminants that have triggered the alarm. Once the contaminant is identified and removed, all garments must pass successfully through the metal detector again before being accepted. Any contaminant detected must be kept with documentation confirming source of contaminant and action taken to prevent future contamination – Please see ‘Metal Contaminants Detected Form’ (Appendix 6).

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6. Fabric Standards

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6. Fabric Standards

Any garment is only as good as the fabric from which it is made. Ensuring fabric quality, colour and consistency are correct prior to production begins will save time, effort and money. Please refer to the Tesco Textile Performance Standards and the Tesco Clothing Colour Quality Manual.

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7. Garment Product Standards 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23

Buttons Buttonholes Checks Colour Variation / Shading Drawstrings / Ribbons / Tie-Ends / Bows Elastics Fabric General Seaming Interlinings Laying Up Needles Piping / Binding Pockets Pressing Quilting Stress Points Stripes Swimwear Tailored Jackets Tailored Skirts Tailored Trousers Lined Garments Zips

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7. Garment Product Standards

7.1 Buttons

7.3 Checks

7.5 Drawstrings / Ribbons / Tie-Ends / Bows

Secure buttons, using lockstitch button sew. Hand sewing or chain stitch is not to be used.

Match checks across the centre front and centre back. Cuffs and collars should be balanced, and pockets must match unless the design specifies that the pockets are to be cut in a different direction.

All cord ends to be finished, type of finish to be discussed with relevant Technical Manager.

Buttons must be attached to a foundation of either two piles of fabric, or to one ply of fabric with interfacing behind (as a minimum). All garment wash items must have buttons attached only after the washing process.

Side seams should be matched unless otherwise agreed at costing stage.

7.4 Colour Variation / Shading 7.2 Buttonholes No button, or buttonhole markings should be visible on production garments. Remove loose threads from the centre to ensure that there is no snagging of the fabric. Change buttonhole knife blades regularly, keeping them sharp, and set correctly. Buttonholes must be lock-stitched.

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Any deviation in fabric components or trim colour from the original specifications must be sent for approval to the Buyer and Technical Manager before production begins. Mixed shades within a garment are unacceptable. Every supplier is responsible for keeping colour continuity cards for all batches of fabric delivered throughout the contract. Deliveries which show noticeable shade variation not previously notified to the Product Development Manager will be rejected automatically, and returned to the supplier.

All drawstrings – whether functional or mock, should be fixed securely at one point using bar tacking or lock stitching. Ribbon ends must be heat-sealed.

7.6 Elastics Finished measurements must not fall below the approved size specification. A relaxation should be added to the measurements of all pre-cut elastics. Waistband elastics should be attached on the round.

7.7 Fabric Examine the fabric for faults before production begins. Monitor piece lengths, widths, strung and unstrung faults, colour continuity and any other attributes affecting quality.

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7. Garment Product Standards

Only fabrics that have passed testing to Tesco Performance Standards may be cut. Fabric flaws are not acceptable in garments unless they are inherent in the design, and have been agreed at the buying stage with the Tesco Technical Manager and Product Development Manager. Make sure that all fabrics with raised fibres, which produce a nap and those with a cut-one-way design are cut so that separate panels and separate garment pieces run in the same direction. The nap may run in opposite directions on different garments within a style only if agreed at costing stage.

7.8 General Seaming Sewing tests to determine the correct balance between thread size and needle size are essential, and must be performed before production begins. Use bulk fabric to ensure that fabric, thread and needles are compatible. All seams must be extensible to the base fabric. Bulk thread must be used in the loopers of all over-locking seams for knit/jersey garments. The number of stitches per 3cm should be appropriate to the fabric and garment.

Neck closure seams should be placed 1cm past the shoulder seam, towards the back of the garment. Necks must also be cover seamed on all knitwear, leisure wear, and sleepwear unless otherwise agreed in advance with the Tesco Technical Manager at pre-production. Secure seam ends neatly by latching back, turning back or by tacking. Felling should be latched off with no run back of loose ends. Any product intended to have a frayed effect for childrenswear is to have topstitching no more than 2mm from the edge of the fraying, for example twill appliqués.

7.9 Interlinings Use the approved fusing methods and settings specified by your interlining supplier for maximum efficiency. In addition, the following trails must be performed before beginning production to ensure accuracy and consistency: • For each new style samples should be fused to establish the precise setting. (Your fusing supplier can supply you with a full fusing specification based on the fabric being used and the garment part being fused). All suppliers are responsible for conducting wash and pull tests at this stage to check the effectiveness of the fusing.

• During production, the fusing press must be checked at least twice every day to ensure that the correct temperature, pressure and time is being used. The fusing press must be checked at the beginning of each shift and after breaks when the machine has not been running. The fusing press should also be checked before a new interlining quality or fabric base is put through to ensure the fusing specification for the new quality is being met. • The temperature should be measured at the glue line for accuracy and the results documented. Belt speed should also be measured with a stop watch and documented. • Wash and pull tests must be carried out twice daily during bulk production to check for correct adhesion. At least one wash and pull test must be carried out for each interlining quality used during the day. (For non-woven interlinings pull tests should achieve a Tear not a kg/Newton measurement). • Signs of delamination, bubbling, strike-through or strikeback results should be noted along with the action taken to correct this. • Approved Interlining Suppliers.

Do not use lock stitch on stretch fabric.

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7. Garment Product Standards

7.10 Laying Up

7.13 Pockets

7.17 Stripes

Unstable fabrics, such as knitted or elastic materials should be relaxed prior to cutting. The length of time is dependent on the fabric type, but should be no less than 12hours, and should be documented.

Reinforce the top corner of every pocket using either a triangle/ square tack or bar tack.

Match stripes across the centre from and centre back, and ensure stripes across sleeves and collar points are balanced. Stripes must not deviate from a straight line unless otherwise agreed with the Product Development Manager / Technical Manager. Side seams to be matched unless otherwise agreed at costing stage.

Alternatively a laying up machine with an overfeed facility should be used.

7.11 Needles To avoid potential needle damage, replace machine needles twice daily, following an established and approved procedure. For knitted products, check each machine every hour, and record the results for later inspection.

7.12 Piping / Binding All piping and binding must lie flat, without roping or puckering. Cut the binding accurately on a 45degree bias. Seam joints should not fall on a focal point of the garment.

The top edge of every pocket should have a turnover of at least 2cm, unless otherwise agreed at pre-production.

7.14 Pressing Always use a steam iron with a vacuum, taking care to avoid seam indentation, “glaze” or distortion.

Standard for matching stripes at all seams will be set at red seal stage.

Button through styles must be unbuttoned before pressing.

7.18 Swimwear

Allow each garment to dry before folding/packing.

Suppliers are responsible for testing both the outer and lining fabrics for transparency. The Tesco Technical Manager must be informed of results.

7.15 Quilting There should be no fibre percolation from wadding through the fabric.

The colour of swimwear linings should be white unless otherwise specified by a Tesco Product Development Manager.

7.16 Stress Points Reinforce all stress points. Areas such as belt loops, pocket openings, crotch joins and zip flies must be securely bar tacked.

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7. Garment Product Standards

All swimwear must have a gusset or front lining, unless otherwise agreed with the Technical Manager. Linings must also be used with fabrics that become transparent when wet. Close fitting swimwear e.g. trunks, swimsuits must have a hygiene sticker stating ‘in the interest of hygiene keep underwear on when trying on this garment’.

7.19 Tailored Jackets All components must be washable unless agreed at pre-production stage. Lining is to be attached to the shell, by a tape at the shoulder point and at the base of the underarm. Pockets to be closed by loose tacking, with a minimum of 2cm gap at each end. Attach spare button next to the technical label on a satin ribbon. Hems/cuffs to be felled unless agreed at pre-production stage. Garment to be turned through lining sleeve – closure of seam must be neat.

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7.20 Tailored Skirts

7.23 Zips

Hem depth to be 2.5cms minimum unless agreed at pre-production.

Reinforce the base of every open-ended zip where it is attached to the fabric. The zip slider must not be obstructed.

Bottom edge of lining to meet top of skirt hem allowance.

Laid-on-zip construction is not acceptable, unless it has been previously agreed with the Tesco Technical Manager.

Attach spare button next to technical label on a satin ribbon.

7.21 Tailored Trousers

All open-ended zips must have a top stop kob to prevent slider coming off the top of zip when open.

Inside legs to be stitched as a single seam.

Open ended garment must have a right hand insertion zip (RHS zip pin goes into the zipper head).

All seams to be 4/5thread overlocked as specified on seal comments.

• Approved Zip Suppliers.

Attach spare button on front waistband curtain on a satin ribbon.

• Zips Tesco Product/Component Safety Requirements.

For size 16 and above the waistband is to be folded back on itself and held in the hanger. Total garment width must not exceed hanger width.

7.22 Lined Garments Lining to be attached to shell by a tape at shoulder point and base of armhole on tops and jackets, and at crotch for lined trousers.

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8. Measuring Guide 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5

Ladieswear Skirt Dresses Trousers T-Shirt & Jumper Shirts & Blouses

8.3.14 Swimwear Short Trunk 8.3.15 Swimwear Brief Trunk 8.3.16 Regulation Swimsuit 8.3.17 Triangle Bikini 8.3.18 Hat & Bootie 8.3.19 Bib

8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3

Menswear Trousers Knitted Tops Woven Tops

8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.3.8 8.3.9 8.3.10 8.3.11 8.3.12 8.3.13

Childrenswear Skirts Dresses Trousers T-Shirts & Jumpers Hem Shaping Shirts Dungarees Hooded Jacket Sleep Suit Bodysuit Pinny Strappy Vests Vest

8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 8.4.7 8.4.8

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Ladies Briefs and Bras Underwired Bra with Centre Front and Wing Plunge Bra with Straight Wing Underwired Bra or Non Wired with Cradle Floating Gusset Brief Bagged Out Gusset Brief Thong Rectangle Floating Gusset Short Lace Panel Brief

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8. Measuring Guide

8.1 LADIESWEAR 8.1.1 LADIESWEAR SKIRT A - WAIST B - TOP HIP - Measure 10cm below natural waist at an angle. Do this by measuring 10cm down at side seam and c/front and following this line C - LOW HIP - Measure 20cm below natural waist at an angle. Do this by measuring 20cm down at side seam and c/front and following this line D - LENGTH - Measure under waistband to hem E - HEM WIDTH F - WAISTBAND DEPTH

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8. Measuring Guide

8.1.2 LADIESWEAR DRESSES A - BUST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole B - WAIST - For measurement position refer to size specification C - HIGH HIP - Measure 10cm below waist D - LOW HIP - Measure 20cm below waist E - HEM WIDTH F - LENGTH - Measure from side neck point to hem G - UNDERARM H - OVERARM - Measure from shoulder point to sleeve opening I - SHOULDER - Refer to size specification to see if this measurement is including or excluding neck binding J - SLEEVE OPENING K - X FRONT - Measure at 15cm below SNP L - X BACK - Measure at 15cm below SNP M - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat N - BICEP - Measure 2.5cm from armhole in a straight line O - BACK NECK WIDTH – Measure from side neck point to side neck point (excluding neck trim) P - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line to seam Q - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line to seam

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8. Measuring Guide

8.1.3 LADIESWEAR TROUSERS A - WAIST - Measure along top edge front and back placed together. B - HIGH HIP - Measure 10cm below natural waist at an angle. Do this by measuring 10cm down at side seam and c/front and following this line. Unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager C - LOW HIP - Measure 20cm below natural waist at an angle. Do this by measuring 20cm down at side seam and c/front and following this line. Unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager D - INSEAM – Measure from crotch point to hem (inside leg) E - THIGH WIDTH - Measure straight through crotch point parallel to hem (X fork) F - KNEE - Measure straight at ½ inside leg point parallel to hem G - HEM WIDTH H - OUTSEAM -Including waistband unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager (outside leg) I - FRONT RISE - Including waistband unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager J - BACK RISE - Including waistband unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager K - WAISTBAND DEPTH

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8. Measuring Guide

8.1.4 LADIESWEAR T-SHIRTS & JUMPERS A - BUST / CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole B - WAIST – For measurement position refer to size specification C - HEM WIDTH D - LENGTH -Measurement taken from side neck point to hem E - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat F - BICEP - Measure 2.5cm from armhole in a straight line parallel to the sleeve hem G - UNDERARM H - OVERARM - Measure from shoulder point to sleeve opening I - SHOULDER - Refer to size specification to see if this measurement is including or excluding neck binding J - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure from side neck point to side neck point K - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line to centre back neck L - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck M - SLEEVE OPENING N - X-FRONT - Measure at ½ armhole point

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8. Measuring Guide

8.1.5 LADIESWEAR SHIRTS & BLOUSES A - BUST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole B - LENGTH - Measurement taken from c/back neck point to hem C - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat D - BICEP - Measure 2.5cm from armhole in a straight line parallel to the cuff E - UNDERARM - Measurement including cuff F - OVERARM - Measure from shoulder point to cuff G - HEM WIDTH - Measurement taken above the style line if it has a shirt tail H - CUFF WIDTH - Measurement taken with cuff fastened I - SHOULDER J - X FRONT AND X BACK - Measure at ½ armhole point K - COLLAR POINTS L - COLLAR LENGTH - Measurement taken from the centre of the button to the centre of buttonhole M - COLLAR STAND DEPTH N - TIE SPACING O - COLLAR SPREAD

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8. Measuring Guide

8.2 MENSWEAR 8.2.1 MENSWEAR TROUSERS A – WAIST RELAXED ON HALF B - WAIST EXTENDED ON HALF C - TOP HIP – 8cm from under waistband D - LOW HIP – 18cm from under waistband E – X FORK/THIGH – Measure 2.5cm down from crotch point parallel to hem F - KNEE - Measure straight at half inside leg point parallel to hem G - HEM WIDTH - Measure on half H - FRONT RISE – Including waistband I – BACK RISE – Including waistband J – INSIDE LEG (SHORTS) – Measure straight down from crotch point to hem K – INSIDE LEG (TROUSERS) – Measure straight down from crotch point to hem

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8. Measuring Guide

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole

H - NECK STRETCH – Extend the neck with the bottom of the rib or collar edges level and measure straight across

B - HEM WIDTH – Taken from side seam to side seam point in a straight line (excluding shirt tail if applicable)

I - X SHOULDER – Take from shoulder to centre back neck to shoulder in 3 point measure


J - NATURAL SHOULDER – Measure from the side neck point to the shoulder point


D - CENTRE BACK NECK TO HEM E - FRONT NECK DROP – From SNP imaginary line F – BACK NECK DROP – From SNP imaginary line G - BACK NECK WIDTH – From side neck point to side neck point

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K - X FRONT – Measure at 15cm down from side neck point

N – SLEEVE LENGTH FROM CENTRE BACK NECK – Centre back neck to cuff end and pivot at shoulder at shoulder point (3 point measure) O – BICEP – Measure 2.5cm from underarm in a straight line parallel to the cuff P – ELBOW – Half length of sleeve measure parallel to cuff Q – CUFF – Measure on half

L - X BACK – Measure at 15cm down from side neck point M - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT – From shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat, leave sleeve fabric relaxed

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8. Measuring Guide


N - X BACK – Measure at 15cm down from side neck point

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armh ole

O - ARM HOLE STRAIGHT – From shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat, leave sleeve fabric relaxed

B - HEM WIDTH – Taken from side seam to side seam point in a straight line (excluding shirt tail if applicable) C - SIDE NECK POINT TO HEM D - CENTRE BACK NECK TO HEM E - FRONT NECK DROP – From SNP imaginary line F – BACK NECK DROP – From SNP imaginary line G – BACK NECK WIDTH – From side neck point to side neck point H - FRONT YOKE – Measure along seam from neckline to armhole I - YOKE DEPTH FRONT – Side neck point to yoke seam in a straight line J - YOKE DEPTH BACK – Centre back neck to yoke seam in a straight line K - X SHOULDER – Take from shoulder to centre back neck to shoulder in 3 point measure L - NATURAL SHOULDER – Measure from the side neck point to the shoulder point M - X FRONT - Measure at 15cm down from side neck point Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

P - SLEEVE LENGTH FROM CENTRE BACK NECK – Centre back neck to cuff end and pivot at shoulder point (3 point measure) Q - BICEP – Measure 2.5cm from underarm in a straight line parallel to the cuff R – ELBOW – Half length of sleeve measure parallel to cuff S – CUFF – Measure on half T – COLLAR CIRCUMFERENCE – Measure centre of button to centre of button hole U – COLLAR LEAF EDGE – measure along top edge of collar from point to point V – COLLAR POINT LENGTH - Measure the length from the collar point to where it is attached to the collar stand. W – COLLAR DEPTH AT CENTRE BACK – Measure depth of collar fall at centre back (excluding stand) X – COLLAR STAND DEPTH AT CENTRE BACK – Measure depth of collar stand at centre back (excluding fall) Y – TIE SPACING – Measure on the body Z – COLLAR SPREAD – Measure on body point to point Page 87

8. Measuring Guide

AA – BREAK POINT FOR LAPEL AND COLLAR – From side neck point to centre of top button hole in one measure AB – COLLAR LENGTH (FORMAL JACKET WITH LAPEL) – Measure along the seam attaching collar to garment AC – HOOD OPENING – Measure along the front opening of hood AD – HOOD WIDTH – Measure along the width of hood at widest point AE – HOOD HEIGHT – Measure the height through the centre of the hood

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3 CHILDRENSWEAR 8.3.1 CHILDRENSWEAR SKIRTS A - WAIST RELAXED - Measure along top edge straight B - WAIST EXTENDED – Stretch elasticated waist until fabric is flat, measure along top edge of waistband, do not overstretch fabric C - HIGH HIP - Measure 10cm down from waistband at each side seam and measure straight across D - LOW HIP - Measure 20cm down from waistband at each side seam and measure straight across E - LENGTH – At the back of the garment, measure from the bottom of the waistband to the hem. If there is no waistband, measure from the top of the garment F - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight G - WAISTBAND DEPTH – Measure from the top of the waistband to the bottom of the waistband

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8. Measuring Guide

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I - LENGTH - Measure from side neck point to hem

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole B - X- FRONT- Measure at half armhole point - Measure from seam to seam

J - SHOULDER – Measure seam to seam. Refer to size specification to see if this measurement is including or excluding neck binding

C - X - BACK - Measure from imaginary line to centre back neck seam

K – SHOULDER SEAM – Measure from side neck point to shoulder point along the seam

D - WAIST POSITION - Measure from side neck point down to graded measurement position refer to size specification

L - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat

E - WAIST - Measure straight

M - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure from seam to seam

F - HIGH HIP - Measure 10cm down from waist line at each side seam and measure straight across

N - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line to centre back neck seam

G - LOW HIP – Measure 20cm down form waist line at each side seam and measure straight across

O - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck seam to seam

H - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight


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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.3 CHILDRENSWEAR TROUSERS A - WAIST RELAXED - Measure along top edge straight

G - OUTSIDE LEG -Including waistband unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager

B - WAIST EXTENDED – Stretch elasticated waist until the fabric is flat, measure along the top of the waistband, do not overstretch the elastic

H - INSIDE LEG - Measure straight from crotch point to hem

C - HIP - Measure 7cm up from crotch seam for boys and refer to size specification for girls position. Measure straight across, unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager

J - BACK RISE - Including waistband unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager

D - THIGH - Measure at crotch point parallel to hem

I - FRONT RISE - Including waistband unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager


E - KNEE - Measure straight at half inside leg point parallel to hem F - HEM WIDTH – Measure straight

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.4 CHILDRENSWEAR T-SHIRTS & JUMPERS A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole

F - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat

B - XFRONT & XBACK - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

G - FRONT RAGLAN - Measure straight excluding neck rib

C - HEM WIDTH – Measure straight across at hem D - LENGTH -Measure from side neck point to hem E - SHOULDER – Measure seam to seam. Refer to size specification to see if this measurement is including or excluding neck binding

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H - BACK RAGLAN - Measure straight excluding neck rib I - BICEP - Measure at armhole in a straight line parallel to the sleeve hem

L - HALF SPAN - Measure from centre back neck to cuff end M - OVERARM - Measure from crown to cuff end N - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure seam to seam O - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (side neck point to side neck point) to centre back neck seam


P - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck seam to seam

K - SLEEVE OPENING - Measure straight


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8. Measuring Guide


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8. Measuring Guide











I - ELBOW WIDTH - Measure at half underarm point

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole

J - UNDERARM - Measurement including cuff

B - X - FRONT - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

K - BICEP – Measure at armhole in straight line parallel to hem

C - X - BACK - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

L - CUFF WIDTH - Measurement taken with cuff fastened straight

D - HEM WIDTH - Measurement taken above the style line if it has a shirt tail. Always measure straight across

M - CUFF DEPTH- Measure from seam to cuff end.

R - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (side neck point to side neck point) to centre back neck seam S - COLLAR CIRCUMFERENCE - Measure centre of button to centre of button hole T - COLLAR LENGTH - Measure along top edge of collar edge to edge

E - LENGTH - Measurement taken from side neck point to hem

N - HALF SPAN - Measure from centre back neck to cuff end

U - COLLAR DEPTH - Measure at centre back excluding the collar stand

F - SHOULDER - Measure seam to seam

O - OVERARM - Measure from crown to cuff end

V - COLLAR STAND DEPTH - Measure at centre back

G - YOKE DEPTH – Measure at the back from the side neck point to seam.

P - BACK NECK WIDTH – Seam to seam


Q - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck seam to seam


H - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.7 CHILDRENSWEAR DUNGAREES A - TOTAL LENGTH - Measure from the fold of the shoulder to hem B - BODY LENGTH - Measure fold of shoulder to crotch fold C - INSIDE LEG - Measure straight from crotch point to hem D - WAIST - Measure straight E – HIP/ SEAT- Measure 7cm up from crotch and measure straight across, unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager

K - TOTAL STRAP LENGTH - Measure with strap adjusted 5cm from strap fold to centre of adjuster L - STRAP WIDTH M – BACK POCKET POSITION FROM HEM N – POCKET OPENING – Measure along finished pocket opening. O – POCKET DEPTH – Measure down the centre of the finished pocket.

F - THIGH - Measure at crotch point parallel to hem G - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight H - FRONT BIB WIDTH - Measure top edge of bib I - BACK BIB WIDTH - Refer to size specification for measure point position J - FRONT BIB DEPTH - Including waistband, unless agreed otherwise with Technical Manager

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8. Measuring Guide

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole

J - BICEP - Measure at armhole in straight line parallel to the sleeve hem

B - XFRONT - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

K - HALF SPAN - Measure centre back neck to cuff end

C - XBACK - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

L - OVERARM - Measure from crown to cuff end

D- HEM WIDTH - Measure straight

M - CUFF WIDTH - Measurement taken relaxed

E - LENGTH - Measurement taken from side neck point to front hem

N - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measured seam to seam

F - SHOULDER - Measure seam to seam

P - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (side neck point to side neck point) to centre back neck seam


G - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat H - FRONT RAGLAN - Measure straight

O - FRONT NECK DROP - Measured seam to seam

Q - HOOD HEIGHT - Measure at face opening R - HOOD WIDTH - Measured at widest point

I - BACK RAGLAN - measure straight

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8. Measuring Guide



M - XBACK - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole

N - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure seam to seam

B - TOTAL LENGTH - Measure from side neck point to foot seam

O - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck seam to seam

C - BODY LENGTH - Measure from side neck point to crotch fold

P - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (side neck point to side neck point) to centre back neck seam

D - HIP WIDTH - Measure 7cm up from crotch fold

Q - TOP FOOT PANEL LENGTH - Measure from seam to seam

E - SHOULDER - Measure seam to seam

R - FOOT WIDTH - Measure across the width of the middle of the foot

F - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat G - HALF SPAN - Measure from centre back neck to cuff end, in a 3 point measure

S - FOOT LENGTH - Measure from the end of the toe closure to the edge of the heel in line with the heel closure

H - OVERARM - Measure from crown to cuff end I – BICEP – Measure at armhole in straight line parallel to hem J - CUFF WIDTH - Measure straight K - CUFF DEPTH - Measure seam to cuff end L - XFRONT - Measure at half armhole point seam to seam

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8. Measuring Guide

A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole

H - CROTCH WIDTH - Measure as shown on diagram (edge to edge)

B - BODY LENGTH - Measure from side neck point to crotch fold

I - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat

C - SIDE SEAM LENGTH - Measure from seam at underarm to leg opening edge including binding

J - HALF SPAN - Measure from centre back neck to cuff end, in a 3 point measure

D - FRONT LEG OPENING - Unfasten the garment. On top of the fabric measure the front leg opening, along the curve, from the side seam to the front crotch seam or opening

K - OVERARM - Measure crown to cuff end

E - FRONT LEG OPENING - With the garment face up, stretch the front leg opening until the fabric is flat along the edge of the elastic. Measure the stretched front leg opening from the side seam to the crotch seam or opening. The crotch must be closed. The front and back elastic edges must be free from wrinkles but do not overstretch

M - SHOULDER - Measure seam to seam excluding neck binding

F - BACK LEG OPENING - Unfasten the garment. On top of the fabric measure the back leg opening, along the curve, from the side seam to the back crotch seam or opening

P - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure seam to seam



G - BACK LEG OPENING - With the garment face down, stretch the back leg opening until the fabric is flat along the edge of the elastic. Measure the stretched back leg opening from the side seam to the crotch seam or opening. The crotch must be closed. The front and back elastic edges must be free from wrinkles but do not overstretch

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

L - BICEP - Measure at armhole in a straight line parallel to the sleeve hem

N - TOTAL SHOULDER - Measure across straight from crown seam to crown seam O - CUFF WIDTH - Measure straight

Q - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck seam to seam R - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (side neck point to side neck point) to centre back seam S - DEPTH OF BINDING - Measure seam to edge T - KEY HOLE OPENING DEPTH

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.11 CHILDRENSWEAR PINNY A - CHEST - Measure across at bib seam H

B - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight D

C - TOTAL LENGTH - Measure from SNP at fold of strap to hem D - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from top of shoulder strap to underarm E - FRONT BIB WIDTH - Measure along top edge of front bib F - BACK BIB WIDTH - Measure along top edge of back bib G - FRONT BIB DEPTH - Measure down at centre front H - TOTAL STRAP LENGTH - Measure from end to end I – STRAP WIDTH

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.12 CHILDRENSWEAR STRAPPY VEST A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole F

B - WAIST POSITION - Measure from apex down to graded measurement position refer to size specification C - WAIST - Measure straight D - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight E - LENGTH - Measure from apex to hem F - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - F – Measure from top of shoulder strap to underarm G - FRONT NECK WIDTH - Measure straight from apex to apex excluding straps H - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure straight from apex to apex excluding straps I - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (apex to apex) to top edge of binding J - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (apex to apex) to top edge of binding K - TOTAL STRAP LENGTH - Measure from where strap is attached at front to where strap is attached at back

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.13 CHILDRENSWEAR VEST A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole B – WAIST POSITION – Measure from side neck point down to graded measurement position refer to size specification C - WAIST - Measure straight D - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight E - LENGTH - Measure from side neck point to hem F - SHOULDER - Measure seam to seam. Refer to size specification to see if this measurement is including or excluding neck or armhole binding G - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat H - BACK NECK WIDTH - Measure seam to seam I - BACK NECK DROP - Measure from imaginary line (side neck point to side neck point) to centre back neck seam J - FRONT NECK DROP - Measure from centre back neck to centre front neck seam

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.14 CHILDRENSWEAR SWIMWEAR SHORT TRUNK A - WAIST RELAXED - Measure along top edge straight B - WAIST EXTENDED C - HIP WIDTH – Measure 7cm up from crotch, straight across D - THIGH - Measure at crotch point parallel to hem E - HEM WIDTH - Measure straight F - SIDE SEAM DEPTH - Including waistband, measure down to the top of the leg opening G - FRONT RISE - Including waistband, measure from top of the garment down to crotch seam following the curve H - BACK RISE - Including waistband, measure from top of the garment down to crotch seam following the curve

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8. Measuring Guide


H - SIDE SEAM LENGTH - Including waistband

A - WAIST RELAXED - Measure along top edge straight

I - FRONT RISE - Measure from top edge to gusset seam including waistband

B - WAIST EXTENDED – Stretch elasticated waist until fabric is flat and measure along the top edge of waistband, do not over stretch elastic C - THIGH - Measure across at top of leg opening D - FRONT LEG OPENING RELAXED - Measure along the curve from side seam to crotch seam or opening

J - BACK RISE - Measure from top edge to gusset seam including waistband K - CROTCH WIDTH (CENTRE) - Measure at narrowest point, edge to edge

E - FRONT LEG OPENING EXTENDED – Stretch the leg opening until fabric is flat and measure from side seam to crotch seam or opening F - BACK LEG OPENING RELAXED – Measure along the curve from side seam to crotch seam or opening G - BACK LEG OPENING EXTENDED - Stretch the leg opening until fabric is flat and measure from side seam to crotch seam or opening

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J - LENGTH AT BACK K - SHOULDER - Measure edge to edge L - ARMHOLE STRAIGHT - Measure from shoulder point to underarm with body fabric flat M – FRONT NECK WIDTH – Measure straight from apex to apex including straps 8.3.16 CHILDRENSWEAR REGULATIONS SWIMSUIT A - CHEST - Measure 2.5cm below armhole B - WAIST – At the back of the garment, with the garment relaxed, measure straight across C - THIGH - Measure across at top of leg opening D - HIP WIDTH – Measure across at top of leg openings E - FRONT LEG OPENING RELAXED - Measure along the curve from side seam to crotch seam or opening

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F - FRONT LEG OPENING EXTENDED - Stretch the leg opening until fabric is flat and measure from side seam to crotch seam or opening G - BACK LEG OPENING RELAXED – Measure along the curve from side seam to crotch seam or opening H - BACK LEG OPENING EXTENDED - Stretch the leg opening until fabric is flat and measure from side seam to crotch seam or opening I - LENGTH - Measure from centre front neck point to fold at gusset

N – BACK NECK WIDTH – Measure straight from apex to apex including straps 0 - CROTCH LENGTH P – CROTCH WIDTH (CENTRE) – Measure at narrowest point Q - CROTCH WIDTH (BACK) – Measure along the back seam between the leg openings R - SIDE SEAM LENGTH - Measure from seam at underarm to leg opening edge including binding S - STRAP LENGTH

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.17 CHILDENSWEAR TRIANGLE BIKINI TOP A - INSIDE CUP LENGTH - Measure including binding B - OUTSIDE CUP LENGTH - Measure the side of the cup from the side seam to the outside edge of the strap attachment C - INDIVIDUAL STRAP LENGTH - Measure apex to strap end excluding clasp D - BOTTOM WIDTH - Measure along the bottom of the cup at the seam E - BODY WIDTH – With the top open, measure along the bottom edge (excluding the closure)

BOTTOMS A - WAIST RELAXED - Measure along top edge straight B - WAIST EXTENDED – Stretch elasticated waist until fabric is flat and measure along the top edge of waistband, do not over stretch elastic C - THIGH - Measure across at top of leg opening D - FRONT LEG OPENING RELAXED - Measure along the curve from side seam to crotch seam or opening E – FRONT LEG OPENING EXTENDED – Stretch the leg opening until fabric is flat and measure from side seam to crotch seam or opening F - BACK LEG OPENING RELAXED – Measure along the curve from side seam to crotch seam or opening G - BACK LEG OPENING EXTENDED - Stretch the leg opening until fabric is flat and measure from side seam to crotch seam or opening H - SIDE SEAM LENGTH - Including waistband I - FRONT RISE - Measure from top edge to gusset seam including waistband J - BACK RISE - Measure from top edge to gusset seam including waistband K - CROTCH WIDTH (CENTRE) - Measure at narrowest point, edge to edge

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.18 CHILDRENSWEAR HAT & BOOTIE A - LENGTH – Measure from centre of top of hat to bottom of ribbing B - WIDTH – Measure across from one end of ribbing to the other C - RIB DEPTH D - CIRCUMFERENCE – Measure from one point in a circle round the hat E - WELT WIDTH F - WELT DEPTH G - BOOT OPENING LENGTH - Do not stretch too much H - BOOT OPENING WIDTH I - FOOT LENGTH – Measure from the foot seam to the heel underneath the foot J - FOOT WIDTH – Measure from one side to the other underneath the foot

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8. Measuring Guide

8.3.19 CHILDRENSWEAR BIB A - TOTAL LENGTH – From top edge of strap to the bottom of the bib B - BIB WIDTH – Measure straight across C - BIB DEPTH D - From top edge of strap to the bottom edge of strap

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8. Measuring Guide

Wire play


I - CUPSEAM TO BACK APEX EXC. (TOP WING) - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along edge of elastic from the cup seam to inside the back strap.3. Including the wire casing. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )










J - BACK CURVE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. Measure along the stitching from the top edge of the back apex to include the first set of hooks and eyes. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )


Exposed wire


D - WIRE PLAY - 1. 1.0cm min - 1.5 cm max between the top of wire and bottom of bartack. ( NO TOLERANCE )


E - LOWER EDGE OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure garment flat. 2. Measure along the bottom edge of the centre front from cup edge to cup edge (valley of scallop on lace) ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

A - TOTAL UNDERBAND - 1. Measure the garment flat on the straight. 2. Include the hook and first set of eyes. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) B - LOWER EDGE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment flat on the straight. 2. Measure along the edge of the elastic from the point where the wing meets the cup to include the hook or first set of eyes. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) C - AROUND CUP- WIRECASING - 1. Measure the garment flat. 2. Measure along the outer row of the twin needle stitching. 3. Measure from the top edge of the top cup edge. 4. Do not include elastic picot edges. 5. Tape measure should be on it’s edge with the cm’s next to the stitching. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

F - TOP EDGE OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure garment flat. 2. Measure along the top edge of the centre front from cup edge to cup edge. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

K - VERTICAL CUP DEPTH - 1. Measure the garment in the hand 2. Measure along the edge of the seam from neck edge to cup edge (excluding wire casing). ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) L - DEPTH OF WING AT WIRE CASING - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the outer of the twin needle stitching from the underarm to the underband (excluding picot edge). ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) M - FRONT STRAP TO RING - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure the centre of the strap. 3. Measure from the front apex to the end of the front strap at ring or join to back strap. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

G - DEPTH OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure the garment flat. 2. Measure from the top of the centre front to the base of centre front excluding picot edges of elastic (measure to valley of scallop on lace). ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

N - BACK STRAP (ADJUSTED 5CM ) - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Ensure there is a 5cm adjustment before measuring the strap. 3. Measure along the centre of the back strap. 4. Measure from the attachment point at the front strap to exclude back curve where applicable. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

H - APEX TO SIDE CUP AT WIRE - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the edge of elastic from the front apex seam to the cup seam. 3. Excluding the wire casing. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

O - NECK EDGE - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure from the front of seam along the neckline to the apex (exclude wire casing). ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) Page 108

8. Measuring Guide


O CF drop

J - CUP HEIGHT - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the seam from the cross cup seam to top cup edge. 3. Ensure the fabric is smooth when measured. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )





back strap position





8.4.2 PLUNGE BRA WITH STRAIGHT WING A - TOTAL UNDERBAND - 1. 1.Measure the garment flat on the table. 2. Include the hook and first set of eyes. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) B - LOWER EDGE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment flat on the table. 2. Measure along the edge of the elastic from the point where the wing meets the cup to include the hook or first set of eyes. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) C - LOWER EDGE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment flat on the table. 2. Measure along the outer row of the twin needle stitching. 3. Measure from the underarm to the top of the top cup edge. 4. Do not include elastic picot edges. 5. Tape measure should be on it’s edge with the cm’s next to the stitching. ( NO TOLERANCE ) D - WIRE PLAY - 1. 1.0cm min - 1.5 cm max between the top of wire and bottom of bartack. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

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E - LOWER EDGE OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure garment flat. 2. Measure along the bottom edge of the centre front from cup edge to cup edge. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- ) F - TOP EDGE OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure garment flat. 2. Measure along the bottom edge of the centre front from cup edge to cup edge. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- ) G- DEPTH OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure the garment flat 2. Measure from the top of the centre front to the base of centre front excluding picot edges of elastic. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) H- APEX TO SIDE CUP AT WIRE - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the edge of elastic from the front apex seam to the cup seam. 3. State whether including or excluding the wire casing. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

K - CUP WIDTH - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure from top of CF across high point to top of wire. 3. State whether including or excluding the wire casing. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) L - BACK STRAP POSITION - 1. Measure inside of strap to 1st hook and eye. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) M -FRONT STRAP - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the centre of the strap. 3. Measure from the front apex to the end of the front strap at ring or join to back strap (excluding ring). ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) N - BACK STRAP (ADJUSTED 5CM ) - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Ensure there is a 5cm adjustment before measuring the strap. 3. Measure along centre. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) O - NECK EDGE - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure from the CF cup seam along the neckline to the front apex (excluding wire). ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

I - TOP EDGE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment flat. 2. Measure along edge of elastic include the 1st hook and eye. 3. Including the wire casing. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

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8. Measuring Guide


J - APEX TO SIDE SEAM - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the edge of elastic from the front apex seam to the side seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) E




K - SIDE SEAM TO BACK APEX EXC STRAP (TOP WING) 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along edge of elastic from the side seam to inside the back strap. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )








8.4.3 UNDERWIRED BRA OR NON WIRED WITH CRADLE A - TOTAL UNDERBAND - 1. Measure the garment flat on the table. 2. Include the hook and first set of eyes. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) B - BOTTOM EDGE OF CRADLE - 1. Measure garment flat on the table. 2. Measure from side seam to side seam straight. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) C - SIDE SEAM - 1. Measure the garment flat. 2. Measure along seam from the top edge of wing down to the underband edge excluding picot edges. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- ) D - LOWER EDGE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment flat on the table. 2. Measure along the edge of the elastic from side seam where the wing meets the cup to include the hook or first set of eyes. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

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E - WIRE PLAY - 1. 1.0cm min - 1.5 cm max between the top of wire and bottom of bartack. ( NO TOLERANCE +/- ) F - TOP EDGE OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure garment flat. 2. Measure along the top edge of the centre front from cup edge to cup edge. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

L - BACK CURVE OF WING - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the stitching from the top edge of the back apex to include the first set of hooks or eyes. 3. The tape measure should be flat. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) M - FRONT STRAP TO RING - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the centre.3. Measure from the front apex to the end of the front strap at ring or join to back strap. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

G - DEPTH OF CENTRE FRONT - 1. Measure the garment flat. 2. Measure from the top of the centre front to the base of centre front excluding picot edges of elastic. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

N - BACK STRAP (ADJUSTED 5CM ) - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Ensure there is a 5cm adjustment before measuring the strap. 3. Measure centre. 4. Measure from the attachment point at the front strap to include the hook or eye. ( 1 Tolerance +/- )

H - OVERBUST SEAM - 1. measure garment in the hand. 2. Measure along the seam from cup edge to cup edge. 3. State whether including or excluding wire casing. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

O - NECK EDGE - 1. Measure the garment in the hand. 2. Measure from the CF excluding wire, along the neckline to the front apex. 3. Where a scalloped edge measure along the valley of the embroidery / lace. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

I - DEPTH TOP CUP - CENTRE OF NECKLINE / SCALLOPED EDGE TO HIGH POINT - 1. Measure garment in the hand. 2. The highest point of the cup shaping / excluding wire. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- )

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8. Measuring Guide




J LEG EDGE ON ½ - Leg edged together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

A WAIST RELAXED ON ½ - From side seam to side seam along waist line. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

K LEG EDGE EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of leg edges together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

B WAIST EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of measurement no 1. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

L HIP ON ½ - From leg opening to leg opening (bottom of side seams) straight across. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

C FRONT RISE - From centre front (CF) waist edge to back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

M FRONT COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CF waist edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

D BACK RISE - From centre back waist edge to back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

N BACK COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CB waist edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

E SIDE SEAM - From waist edge along seam to leg edge. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )





F GUSSET LENGTH - From front gusset edge through to back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) G FRONT GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )


H BACK GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) I GUSSET AT NARROWEST - Gusset at narrowest point leg edge to leg edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

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J LEG EDGE ON ½ - Leg edged together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

A WAIST RELAXED ON ½ - From side seam to side seam along waist line. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

K LEG EDGE EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of leg edges together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

B WAIST EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of measurement no 1. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )


C FRONT RISE - From centre front (CF) waist edge to front gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )


D BACK RISE - From centre back waist edge to back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) E



L HIP ON ½ - From leg opening to leg opening (bottom of side seams) straight across. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) M FRONT COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CF waist edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) N BACK COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CB waist edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

E SIDE SEAM - From waist edge along seam to leg edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) F GUSSET LENGTH - From front gusset edge through to back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )


G FRONT GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along front gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) I



H BACK GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along back gusset seam. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- ) I GUSSET AT NARROWEST - Gusset at narrowest point leg edge to leg edge. ( 5cm Tolerance +/- )

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8. Measuring Guide



8.4.6 THONG A WAIST RELAXED ON ½ - From side seam to side seam along waist line. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )


B WAIST EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of measurement no 1. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )


C FRONT RISE - From centre front (CF) waist edge to front gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) D BACK RISE - From centre back waist edge to back gusset seam. ( 0.5mm Tolerance +/- )



I GUSSET AT NARROWEST - Gusset at narrowest point leg edge to leg edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) J LEG EDGE ON ½ - Leg edged together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) K LEG EDGE EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of leg edges together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) L HIP ON ½ - From leg opening to leg opening (bottom of side seams) straight across. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) M FRONT COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CF waist edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

E SIDE SEAM - From waist edge along seam to leg edge. ( 0.5mm Tolerance +/- ) F GUSSET LENGTH - From front gusset edge through to back gusset seam. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )


G FRONT GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along front gusset seam. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )


H BACK GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )


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8. Measuring Guide

8.4.7 RECTANGLE FLOATING GUSSET SHORT A WAIST RELAXED ON ½ - From side seam to side seam along waist line. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) L K C J G



I GUSSET AT NARROWEST - Gusset at narrowest point leg edge to leg edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) J LEG EDGE ON ½ - Leg edged together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

B WAIST EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of measurement no 1. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

K LEG EDGE EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of leg edges together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

C FRONT RISE - From centre front (CF) waist edge to front gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

L HIP ON ½ - From leg opening to leg opening (bottom of side seams) straight across. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

D BACK RISE - From centre back waist edge to back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

M BACK COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CB waist edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

E SIDE SEAM - From waist edge along seam to leg edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) F GUSSET LENGTH - From front gusset edge through to back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )


G FRONT GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along front gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )


H BACK GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )




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8. Measuring Guide


J LEG EDGE ON ½ - Leg edged together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

A WAIST RELAXED ON ½ - From side seam to side seam along waist line. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

K LEG EDGE EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of leg edges together. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- )

B WAIST EXTENDED ON ½ - Maximum extension of measurement no 1. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) C FRONT RISE - From centre front (CF) waist edge to front gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) D BACK RISE - From centre back waist edge to back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) E SIDE SEAM - From waist edge along seam to leg edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) F GUSSET LENGTH - From front gusset edge through to back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) G FRONT GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along front gusset seam 5mm H BACK GUSSET WIDTH - From leg edge to leg edge along back gusset seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

L HIP ON ½ - From leg opening to leg opening (bottom of side seams) straight across. ( 1cm Tolerance +/- ) M FRONT COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CF waist edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) N BACK COVERAGE - Taken from specified measurement down from CB waist edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) O SIDE FRONT SIDE SEAM - Along Seam from waist edge to leg edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- ) P SIDE SEAM TO LACE AT WAIST - Distance from side seam to lace front panel along the waist edge. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- ) Q SIDE SEAM TO LACE AT LEG - Distance from side seam to lace front panel along the leg edge. ( 0.3cm Tolerance +/- ) R LACE AT WAIST EDGE - Along lowest scallop from front side seam to front side seam. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

I GUSSET AT NARROWEST - Gusset at narrowest point leg edge to leg edge. ( 0.5cm Tolerance +/- )

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9. Sealing Process 9.1 Buying Sample / First Fit 9.2 Selection Meeting 9.3 Counter Sample / First Fit 9.4 First Fit, Second Fit, etc Sample Submission Requirements 9.5 Red Seals 9.6 Green Seals 9.7 Press Samples 9.8 Production 9.9 Production 9.10 Repeat Contracts / Running Lines 9.11 Self Red Sealing 9.12 Self Green Sealing Suppliers 9.13 Procedure for Disney Products 9.14 Packaging 9.15 Batch Coding Appendix 7 – Sample Submission Tag

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9. Sealing Process

To ensure all our products meet the required standards, all suppliers must adhere to the following procedures. As part of the agreed contract, it is the responsibility of the supplier to supply all sampling and wearer trials free of charge.

9.1 Buying Sample/ First Fit

9.3 Counter Sample / First Fit

The initial development sample, representing concept ideas, selected by the Tesco buyer for range development. The buying sample can only be used as the First fit sample if it has been made to the Tesco block and stamped suitable ‘For Fit’. A Sample Submission tag must be attached to all fit samples, and must include up to date information. Please see ‘Tesco Sample Submission Tag’ (Appendix 7).

If the buying sample cannot be used to first fit, a sample will be required in the correct base cloth.

Buying sample / First fit samples must be to Tesco blocks/specs.

9.2 Selection Meeting

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all garments are fitted and measured prior to submission to Tesco. All samples must be to Tesco blocks/specs and to be fitted on live models or dummies (children’s wear only). It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all styles are suitable for the intended end use. Contact for the British Standard Children’s Dummies (used by Tesco) Models of London Telephone: 020 8896 2440

This is a meeting between the Tesco Technical Manger, Buyer and Supplier to agree styling, make up trims, fabric and fit etc. Testing requirements, packaging and critical paths will also be agreed. For block, specs and technical information please use the Tesco Technical Library.

For Alvanon Products please visit the website by the following link for Worldwide Contact Details . Also see the attached AlvaForm Stand information for each department.


Technical Library Charges



Page 117

9. Sealing Process

9.4 First fit, Second fit, etc Sample Submission Requirements • Size as specified by Design/Specification pack or Technical Manager • Correct paperwork must be submitted, i.e.: >> Proposed spec showing measurement discrepancies >> Tesco product specification sheet correctly completed >> Test request form fully completed • Until the sample is sealed, subsequence samples will be referred to as Fit 1, Fit 2, Fit 3 etc. Once it a fit sample is sealed by TESCO it will be referred to as the red seal sample. 9.4.1 Tesco Workbooks Please refer to Expectations Of A Tesco Workbook. 9.4.2 Ways of Working Please contact the relevant Technical Manager of the department for the Ways of Working Handbooks.

9.5 Red Seals

9.6 Green seals

• Must be an approved pre-production sample from the proposed factory

• Must be an approved sample representative of final production, including final labelling and packaging

• Approval may be subject to additional conditions / agreed amendments • Sample may or may not be in final production colours / logos • The sample should be made with the correct fabric construction (but not necessarily from approved bulk fabric) • May require minor cosmetic adjustments – confirmed in writing to the supplier at the time of sealing and recorded on the sealing tag • Capable of passing all testing requirements specified by Tesco • Be correct for size, styling and fit If a supplier is not authorised to Self Red Seal, a sample should be submitted to the Tesco Technical Manager for Approval. Please see Ladies, Mens or Kidswear Ways of Working documents, section 9.4.2.

• Green seals must be submitted a minimum of 10days prior to delivery. • Two Green Seal should be submitted to the buying team • If supplier is Landed to FOB, 4 green seals are to be submitted to buying team (2 to be tagged for Tesco and 2 to be tagged for the supplier to have). • All samples must be submitted with correct packaging, as to be displayed in store. • Correct paperwork must be submitted: >> Approved size spec showing measurement discrepancies >> Tesco product specification sheet correctly completed >> Original copies of test reports - with cover sheet correctly completed and approved test request form indicating that all requested tests have been completed. >> Completed AQL form >> Green seal tags must be completed and attached to the samples. The information required on these is as follows: • • • •

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Date Supplier Tesco style number Signed by the suppliers technical representative Page 118

9. Sealing Process

The Tesco Technical Manager will sign these and keep one for reference and give one to the buying team. A green seal sample will not be returned to the supplier, ensure a similar sample representative of samples submitted to Tesco is kept by the supplier. Stock of the green seal tags can be ordered from the following suppliers: Unisto Ltd Albury Lodge The Street Albury Surrey GU5 9AE T: 01483 209100 F: 01483 209109 Contact: Mona Simpson

Sam Hing Ho Haberdashery Co., Ltd. 80-82 Nam Cheong Street Kowloon, Hong Kong T: (852) 2391 1611 F: (852) 2789 0710 Contact: Edwin Wong

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

All paperwork should be sent by e-mail to the relevant Tesco Technical Manager, and also a hard copy included with the submitted samples. Please ensure paperwork is sent to the relevant email account. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Paperwork to be sent in one e-mail per style, including all three documents as attachments. Tesco style number, description, manufacturer and seal type are to be included in the subject line of the e-mail i.e. AF011319 Graffiti print Long sleeved t-shirt Long Fung 2nd Fit

9.9 Production Please see Tesco Textile Performance Standards. Production should not commence until all fabric testing and red seals are approved as laid out in the Tesco Textile Performance Standards. Any tests that fail this standard must be discussed and agreed with the Tesco Technical Manager. The supplier must conduct an AQL inspection on bulk production (90% complete). This should be submitted via e-mail prior to shipment/ delivery into depot, if not submitted with green seals. No style will be approved for delivery into the warehouse without a satisfactory AQL report from the supplier (refer to Inspection Procedures, Section 10) complete test reports and green seal.

The web based system Eqos is currently being used for Tesco International Sourcing, Please be aware that this system will be available to use within 12-18months for all UK Tesco divisions and UK suppliers.

9.10 Repeat Contracts/Running Lines

9.7 Press Samples

When a contract is repeated, please refer to the relevant Tesco Technical Manager for details of the required sealing process.

All press samples submitted must be addressed to the buyer and made to production standards in bulk cloth, inclusive of all bulk trims.

For continuity lines, a full AQL report and current satisfactory fabric test report must be submitted to the Tesco Technical Manager every six months.

9.8 Samples for Direct Samples requested for Direct are an addition and must be correct for both colour and styling. The samples will be photographed for the website, so all details must be correct.

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9. Sealing Process

9.11 Self Red Sealing

9.13 Procedure for Disney products

When a supplier has consistently been a green sealing supplier then the Tesco Technical Manager may decide that the supplier can be given the status Self Red Sealing. This requires a nominated person within the supplier’s organisation to become responsible for understanding the Tesco standards and ensuring the products that it produces for Tesco consistently achieve the standards. This will mean that the supplier can approve there own red seals and proceed into production without prior approval from Tesco Technical Manager.

As for UK product except:

9.12 Self Green Sealing Suppliers When a supplier has consistently delivered green seal samples and relevant test reports which are to an acceptable standard then the Tesco Technical Manager may decide that the supplier can be given the status of Self Green Sealing. This requires a nominated person within the supplier’s organisation to become responsible for understanding the Tesco standards and ensuring the products that it delivers to Tesco consistently achieve the standard. This will mean that the supplier can approve their own green seals and deliver to the Tesco warehouse without prior approval from the Tesco Technical Manager. Self Green Sealing suppliers can have this position revoked by Tesco at any time if there is due cause. Self Green Sealing suppliers may still have random inspections performed on their products in the Tesco warehouse.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

• One extra samples (of smallest size) to be submitted with green seals for Disney approval, unless sent directly to Disney by supplier. • All factories manufacturing Disney product for Tesco MUST have a Disney Audit before commencing production.

9.14 Packaging All suppliers to Tesco Stores Limited must be given authorisation to use the packaging website www.tescodesign. com this allows the supplier to view and obtain the references for all of the packaging required to be on the products.

Please see table illustrating the additional information required for batch coding in garments and on packaging. One Site

Two or more sites

Additional information required on technical label


Require site code. Additional number to be added and placed below the supplier code. **

Batch code information for traceability (on garment)

Small ribbon with batch number printed on, attached underneath the technical label. Numbering E.g. 001, 002

Small ribbon with batch number printed on, attached underneath the technical label. Numbering E.g. 001, 002

Batch code information for traceability (on packaging)


Additional sticker with site code and batch number printed on it. To be placed directly below the barcode label.

All packaging must be from nominated source unless previously agreed with the packaging team. Please contact the packaging team regarding any packaging queries.

9.15 Batch coding All the following products must be batch coded: Continuity lines Multi shipments* Basic lines Schoolwear

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9. Sealing Process

The batch code must be documented by the manufacturer, and a clear route of traceability identified to the fabric batches. • If the site code is required an additional number will be added to the New Line sheet as part of the “Additional care instructions”. * For garment dye/ wash products the batch code must refer to the dye/ wash lot in bulk production. ** For site code, please refer to your Tesco Technical Manager. If the product is packed, the site code and batch number both needs to be on the packaging as well as the garment.

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10. Inspection Procedures 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18

Acceptable Quality Levels Control of Non-Conforming Products Definitions of Non-Conformities and Type Quantity Position Size Severity Garment Inspection Criteria AQL Sampling Plan Tesco Distribution Centre (DC) Inspections Rejected Products Approved Re-Processors Failed Merchandise and Cancellations Tesco Clothing – Incorrect Delivery / Quality and Supplier Compensation – Aug 2006 Customer Complaints and Compensation Surveillance Testing Emergency Product Withdrawal (EPW) 3rd Way Landed to FOB Inspection Processes

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10. Inspection Procedures

Tesco uses the Inspection by Attributes system for inspecting products. This scheme is based on BS6001 Part 1, 1991/ ISO2859-1. With this scheme, there is an established Acceptable Quality Level (AQL). This specifies the number and level of inspection required for each line. It classifies products according to whether they are conforming or non-conforming i.e. whether accepted or rejected based on quantity and type of faults founds. Each fault must be counted, and further classified according to whether they are critical, major or minor. BS6000/IS2859 series of standards “Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes” and is subsequent guide BS6000 are available from BSI. Factory should conduct in line inspections, and final inspections prior to AQL. Supplier and factory to refer to the fault table (Appendix 8).

Use either a roving inspection system, or a fixed examination station within the production line. Whatever the method, every supplier should ensure that it examines all the key elements in garment production, including sizing, make-up, labelling, and check these against the red or green seal sample and the relevant paperwork. All results must be recorded for later inspection.

10.1 Acceptable Quality Levels Stock must be inspected by the supplier to AQL level 2 (No critical accepted, 1.5 major, 4 minor) prior to delivery. Check using the red seal sample (or green seal sample if this is available) and all relevant paperwork approved during the sampling procedure, ensure the packaging details are examined against the contract. Record the results on a Tesco AQL report (Appendix 9). The form should be submitted together with green seal samples and paperwork as outlined in Section 9 - Sealing Process. The AQL should be conducted when 90% of stock is completed, if this takes place after the green seal samples are submitted, the AQL form must be submitted for approval prior to delivery. (Green seals should be submitted from first production). Notify the Tesco Product Development Manager and Technical Manager of any deviation in production from the approved sample prior to this inspection.

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10.2 Control of non-conforming products Products which do not conform to our standards must be marked clearly and quarantined. These garments may not enter the production process again without corrective action. Factory should be able to provide documents of reworking, including number of garments and type of faults found, if requested by a TM. Any non-conformity, that cannot be rectified, must be discussed as soon as possible with the relevant Tesco Technical Manager, to decide the most appropriate course of action.

10.3 Definitions of non-conformities and type 10.3.1 Critical - None A critical non-conformity is one that poses a strong possibility of resulting in hazardous conditions for customers using the product. It also applies to product not conforming to current legislation. 10.3.2 Major – AQL 1.5 A major non-conformity is one that risks causing a failure during usage that would render the product unfit for purpose or would reduce the aesthetic appearance of the product resulting in poor sales and is likely to result in customer complaint.

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10. Inspection Procedures

10.3.3 Minor – AQL 4

10.4 Quantity

10.7 Severity

A minor non-conformity is one that has a low risk of reducing the fitness for purpose of a product, and does not affect the appearance, but is a departure from the sealed sample standard.

If a small fault occurs once in a garment it may be classified as minor, but if the same fault is occurring three or four times this should be classified as major.

Is the fault slight or obvious? A severe crease that would need to be washed out would be classified as major, but light creasing at an underarm caused during transit could be classified as minor.

A safety related or legal non-complaint fault is by its nature defined as critical and should therefore be rejected.

10.5 Position

The list of non-conformities is not exhaustive and any inspection should be carried out using the green seal as a reference of acceptable standard. Any deviation from the seal sample should be noted.

The decision as to whether any other type of fault should be classified as major or minor if it is not easily definable from the above definitions or is listed in both the major and minor categories, is dependent on 4 points:

A fault on the front of a garment or at a focal point would be classified major whereas the same fault set in a less obvious position would be classified as minor

10.6 Size A small slub could be classified as minor where a large slub would be a major fault.

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10. Inspection Procedures

10.8 Garment inspection Criteria Critical



Insole tacks

Shaded panels.

Dirty mark / oil stain.

Dirty marks or oil stains. Any metal contaminant in a product including needles pins, metal splinters, tag gun needles, thread trimmers

Fabric faults, bars slubs and snags, ladders, dropped stitches, holes and cuts. Preparation basting/tacking stitches

Insecure studs, rivets, poppers, buttons and eyelets, and hooks and eyes

Twisted straps.

Functional hood cords on garments for children below the age of 14years.

Incorrect registration of print / print fault/ fading/ shading.

Fibre composition labelling outside of 3% tolerance or required fibre comp not included.

Misplating (hosiery).

Pocket position alignment not straight. Stripes not matching (compare to seal and tolerance set). Uneven hems ( 0.5cm for straight grain, 1cm for bias cut)

Incorrect price labelling.

Neck stretch below 32cm on all adult wear. Roping at hems or seams.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Preparation basting/tacking stitches Pocket position alignment not level (under 0.5cm)

Stripes not matching (compare to seal and tolerance set) Misplating (hosiery). Roping at hems or seams. Broken or cut stitching.

Neck stretch below 28cm on all childrenswear. Missing fire warnings (where requested or legally required)

Fabric faults, bars slubs and snags.

Skipped stitches Puckered seams.

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10. Inspection Procedures




Broken or cut stitching. Insecure motifs including badges, plastisol placement prints, welded plastic badges, bows.

Insecure linking and hem felling.

Thread ends (over 2cm in length on adult clothing).

Skipped stitches.

Thread ends/ loops (of any length) in any area of garments for children aged 36 months and under.

Floats (thread loops) behind embroidery, jaquard knitwear and hosiery longer than 1cm on garments for children 36 months and under.

Needle damage.


Insufficient seam bite.

Glazing, over pressing, impression marks or boarding out.

Puckered seams. Holes in pockets. Sleeve lining unsewn or twisted.

Any type of animal or insect infestation, or evidence of.

Thread ends over 2cm in length. (Critical on childrenswea)

Rust or discolouration on any metal components. (should be major – not safety or legal)

Unsecured buttonhole, cut stitches.

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Uneven topstitching.


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10. Inspection Procedures



Insecure pile on fur used on any garments for children 36 months and under.

Glazing overpressing, impression marks or boarding out.

Use of monofilament thread.

Open ended zips without a top kob for all garments for children 14years and under.

Any misleading statement on labelling i.e. misuse of trade mark


Incorrect size label / packaging/ barcode/ swing ticket.

Wadding fibres migrating. Faulty zip.

Chipped enamel from a metal component. Insecure button (adultwear).

Incorrectly positioned button/ popper/ hook/ eye.

The above faults are not an exhaustive listing Whatever the size of the sample, no critical faults are acceptable. Please note Tesco standard is the Normal Level 2 unless specified by the Tesco Technical Manager.

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10. Inspection Procedures

10.9 AQL Sampling Plan SAMPLING AND INSPECTION BY ATTRIBUTES METHODS (MIL - STD - 105 E / ABC - STD 105 / DIN - 40080 / BS - 6001 / ISO 2859 Type Category of inspection

Final inspection/ on-line Inspection

Final Inspection

Final Inspection

Reduced level I

Normal level II

Increased level III

Sample size level

Of already produced units (on line) OR of shipment quantity (final)

Of shipment quantity (final)

Of shipment quantity (final)

Sample size (in units)




















Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













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10. Inspection Procedures

10.9 AQL Sampling Plan (continued) SAMPLING AND INSPECTION BY ATTRIBUTES METHODS (MIL - STD - 105 E / ABC - STD 105 / DIN - 40080 / BS - 6001 / ISO 2859 Type Category of inspection

Final inspection/ on-line Inspection

Final Inspection

Final Inspection

Reduced level I

Normal level II

Increased level III

Sample size level

Of already produced units (on line) OR of shipment quantity (final)

Of shipment quantity (final)

Of shipment quantity (final)

Sample size (in units)




















Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













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10. Inspection Procedures

10.9 AQL Sampling Plan (continued) SAMPLING AND INSPECTION BY ATTRIBUTES METHODS (MIL - STD - 105 E / ABC - STD 105 / DIN - 40080 / BS - 6001 / ISO 2859 Type Category of inspection

Final inspection/ on-line Inspection

Final Inspection

Final Inspection

Reduced level I

Normal level II

Increased level III

Sample size level

Of already produced units (on line) OR of shipment quantity (final)

Of shipment quantity (final)

Of shipment quantity (final)

Sample size (in units)



















Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













Sampling size













Defects accepted













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10. Inspection Procedures

10.10 Tesco Distribution Centre (DC) inspections Every product arriving at our Distribution Centre should be in full compliance with Tesco specified requirements (Appendix 10). Despatching products that fail to meet these criteria is a waste of time, and costs you and Tesco money. All deliveries should be in accordance with the ‘Delivering Clothing to Tesco Supplier Manual’. The Quality Assurance team will undertake inspections based on a supplier risk assessment. All clothing suppliers will be ranked as HIGH or LOW risk. All new suppliers will automatically be classed as HIGH risk, their deliveries will always be checked. The Quality Assurance team will check incoming goods on a random sample basis, across both high and low risk suppliers. If a critical fault is found during an inspection, the delivery will be returned. However CE does not always return, this will be discussed with the relevant CE team

10.11 Rejected Products Where garments are rejected during a Distribution Centre inspection, but the reject level is within the tolerance allowed for shipment to be accepted, the rejected garments will not be put back into stock. In this instance the rejected garments will be passed to the Technical Manager for assessment and forwarded from them to the supplier. The supplier will be debited for these garments. Rejected bulk stock cannot be held in a Tesco Distribution Centre, as space is always in demand. Any rejected product must be removed from the Distribution Centre, within five working days of the failure. Any goods remaining in a warehouse after a removal request has been made to the supplier, will become the property of Tesco, to be disposed of without further delay.

10.12 Approved Re-Processors

Deliveries which are found to deviate from the agreed standard will, at the discretion of the Tesco Technical Manager, be returned to the supplier for whatever remedial action is deemed necessary or cancelled.

Garment re-processing should be conducted following discussions with the relevant Tesco Technical Manager. The supplier will be responsible for organising the reprocessing and all costs.

All communications to supplier will be conducted by Head Office when a quality non-conformance is highlighted at the warehouse. The Tesco Technical Manager and buying team will determine action required.

A list of approved re-processors with the production skills to meet Tesco’s standards has been drawn up to conduct all third party inspections and rectification when required. Please see on the right of our Approved Re-Processors for the UK, followed by two used for CE (see overleaf)

For delivery non conformances, stock management and supply chain will contact the supplier direct. Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Denwells Stafford Park 12, Telford, Shropshire TF33BJ [email protected]

EX-Press Processing Ltd 3rd Floor, Bolton Textile Mill Cawdor Street, Bolton BL4 7EA [email protected]

ICS Distribution Ltd ICS House, Halfords Lane Smethwick, West Midlands B66 1BP T: 0121-5581212 F: 0121 -5581818 Rav Khangure M: 07973 113 953 [email protected] Raspberry Designs Murat Tepe, 97 Lockfield Avenue Brimsdown, Enfield EN3 7PY F: 0208 805 7267 [email protected]

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10. Inspection Procedures

WT Sea Air Ltd – Request for Costing Hucknall Industrial Est. Unit 5, Daniels Way, Off Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham, NG15 7LL T: 0208 7508641 F: 01153 680931 Hugh Churchyard – General Manager T:01322 621 150 M:- 07899 982766 F: 01322 621 151 [email protected]

TRIOS s.r.o Pezinska cesta, 903 01 Senec T: +421 (0)2/4592 80 94 E-mail :[email protected]

PANOBA s.r.o Karpatske nam.20, 831 O6 Bratislava Tel: 0948 256 481 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the Tesco Technical Manager is advised of the re-processor being contracted, and that the re-processing has been performed to Tesco standards. This will then be randomly inspected when booked back in to the Tesco DC. All merchandise which fails during re-processing should be assessed following Classification of Non-Conformities guide.

10.13 Failed Merchandise and Cancellations Products commissioned by Tesco, but subsequently cancelled, or which fail to meet the required standards of production should be disposed of according to the following guidelines: Seconds, overmakes, cancellations, stockbuys and failed merchandise should NOT be disposed of in the UK until at least six months has elapsed after the end of the season for which the products were intended, or as negotiated with the buying/ merchandise team. All identifying labels/marks should be removed from Tesco garments, including hangers and swing tickets. ALL sew in labels must be cut, to remove any reference to Tesco.

Tesco expects to receive full credit for merchandise returned to the supplier either because the order has been cancelled or the goods are found to be faulty. If in doubt about any of these procedures, consult a Tesco Technical Manager for advice before initiating any action.

10.14 Tesco Clothing-Incorrect Delivery/Quality and Supplier Compensation - Aug 2006 Incorrect deliveries i.e. lateness, wrong packing, bar-coding and poor quality, affects Tesco Clothing dramatically, both in terms of lost sales but also in the management time to resolve the issues. Suppliers who deliver non conforming stock/orders will be charged. This is to compensate for extra resources required to manage the non conforming stock. In the following pages we cover incorrect deliveries broken down into the three headings • Late deliveries • Poor Quality • Incorrect Packing, Bar-codes etc

Garments that include the Tesco motif (or equivalent branded property of Tesco e.g. F+F) as an integral part of the design must not be disposed of without prior agreement of the Tesco Product Development Manager/ Technical manager. The Tesco logo is owned exclusively by Tesco.

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10. Inspection Procedures

10.14.1 Late Delivery

10.14.2 Quality

In these instances the following compensation will be sought:

Each product ordered at Tesco Clothing has a planned in-store and exit date. If goods are late for any reason, then the sell through percentage is affected and the Tesco Team has to re-organise other stock to occupy planned shelf/hanging space.

Although Tesco aims to give its customers the very best price this is NOT at the expense of quality.

• Pay for all remedial work at the Tesco nominated re-processor who knows what Tesco is exactly looking for

If/when a Quality issue occurs the Supplier will be expected to

• Compensate for additional handing at a rate of £1/box or £5 per palette

Therefore we request the following for late deliveries • 1 week delay • 2 week delay

5% off Net Cost Price 10% off Net Cost Price

PLUS • Cancellation of all/part quantity: >> 1-2 week delay would result in cancelling 1 or 2 weeks worth of sales >> weeks plus would result in whole order being cancelled

• Pay for all remedial work required in country to meet the agreed standard of quality • Pay for transport costs to/from the DC to the re-processor • Compensate for all additional handling costs @ £1/box or £5/palette • If the remedial work then results in lateness, the previously mentioned lateness compensation must also be paid PLUS £2,000 compensation for handling/managing the issue

PLUS £2,000 compensation for handling/managing the delay/store launch etc. However, CE does not ask for a £2,000 compensation they calculate on loss of sales / profit. However, no financial compensation would be requested if • Supplier air freights the goods to meet original in store date • If delay is caused by Tesco Stores Limited This includes delays for fabric, packaging, accessories delay etc, unless otherwise informed and agreed in writing by Tesco Clothing in advance.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

10.14.3 Delivery Compliance Tesco Clothing has spent time compiling the DC delivery manual and all of our suppliers should have been through a Tesco Supplier Induction so that deliveries can flow smoothly through the DC to the stores.

PLUS £2,000 compensation for handling/managing Please contact Tesco DC for Supplier Handbook (How to Deliver into Tesco) and to book a Supplier Induction to Tesco DC.

10.15 Customer Complaints and Compensation All of our customer returns are monitored by our stores, Customer Services Centre at Dundee and approved third parties. If there are a high number of returns on an individual style or a pattern of similar issues across various styles from the same supplier, we reserve the right to request compensation to cover costs incurred by Tesco.

However, from time to time supplier deliveries cannot be accepted into the DC without remedial work being commissioned to ensure that the product gets to stores and the customer without a hitch.

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10. Inspection Procedures

10.16 Surveillance Testing Tesco routinely test products to evaluate them for safety, legality and performance, this forms part of our due diligence programme. The costs for this testing are to be incurred by the supplier. Any non conformances the supplier will be contacted directly by Tesco.

Regarding product recall, please refer to the Technical (Appendix 1) Charges Summary table.

Compensation Table COMPENSATION Primary



1Wk delay = 5% off Net Cost Price

Cancellation of all/part quantity 1-2 week delay = cancelling

2Wk delay = 10% off Net Cost

1 or 2 weeks worth of sales.

£2000 compensation for handling/managing the delay/ store launch etc.


Pay for all remedial work and transport costs to/from the DC to the re-processor

If the remedial work results in lateness, lateness compensation will also be required PLUS for CE deliveries, 5% off the Net Cost of each affected PO.

£2000 compensation for handling/managing

Delivery Compliance

Pay for all remedial works and transport costs to/from the DC to the re-processor

5% off the Net Cost of each affected PO.

UK- £2000 Compensationhandling/managing for major non-compliance CE-EUR £5- per each non conforming pallet

10.17 Emergency Product Withdrawal (EPW) As a Tesco Supplier should one of your products need to be withdrawn from our stores for a any reason whether it be from a serious customer complaint or because of an unacceptable standard, we reserve the right to request compensation to cover costs incurred by Tesco. A serious safety issue will result in a compensation claim of £5000. This will include an upheld broken needle complaint.

Late Delivery

3 weeks plus= whole order being cancelled

NOTE: In reference to section 3.4.10 Store Faulty Returns will be reported monthly and charges applied, twice yearly. If a supplier does not receive any notification no charging is applicable. Please refer to section 3.4.10 for guidelines, or contact the relevant Technical Manager for information and support. Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

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10. Inspection Procedures

10.18 3RD Way Landed to FOB Inspection Processes



• All Tesco orders must be inspected by SGS prior to shipment.


4 x samples required for fit meeting/sign off

Green Seals

2 x samples for Tesco UK 1 x sample for supplier 1 x sample to be returned to the factory

Green Seals must be first garments off the production line with all swing tickets / over riders attached. To be submitted to the UK buying office for approval. All comments from green seal fit session to be recorded on the workbooks. Green seals are tagged with seal and signed off by TM, supplier will send 1 x green seal to the factory. Factory will need to submit the green seal, along with all documents (stated on the Supplier inspection packet checklist for 3rd party inspections, and approval for the SGS pre-shipment inspection.

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Inspection preparation

• All inspections must be arranged by the factory with SGS directly. SGS require 5 working days notice. All 1st inspections will be paid for by Tesco International Sourcing. If SGS fails an inspection, the factory will have to re-book at their expense. • The supplier must also book the forwarder, the forwarder will require 14 working days notice. • Inspections will be carried out against completed bulk orders; these orders need to be produced 100% ready for shipment, including packaging. • Before the factory contact SGS the factory must ensure a “Supplier Inspection Package Checklist” has been completed, and the necessary documents are available for the SGS inspector. This will include the green seal and trim card which has been returned by the supplier. Factory must return this form to the supplier for checking, with the confirmation of the SGS booking, prior to the SGS inspection.

• SGS will carry out an AQL on the order, if the inspection has passed SGS will issue a “COIR” (Certificate of Inspection Release). The factory will need to send the COIR to the supplier, forwarder and appropriate hub. • The forwarder will then release the container for loading. No goods can be shipped without the COIR approved form in place. • If the SGS inspection fails, the AQL form will be sent by the factory to the supplier and hub. The hub will send to the appropriate UK TM. The UK TM will assess the points that the inspection has failed on, and take appropriate remedial action / sign off. The factory will have to meet the action required by the UK TM, and re-book SGS for inspection.

GARMENT INSPECTION PROCEDURES Factory must ensure that the technical manual has been followed for production. Tesco reserves the right to visit a supplier’s premises at any time to inspect any line against agreed standards. Any faults found will be discussed during the visit to find ways of improving production. This will be following up by a report written by a Tesco Technical Manager, listing the issues and any action points arising. The report should be signed by both parties to confirm agreement.

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11. Contacts

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11. Contacts

Useful Websites

Tesco Accredited Third Party Audit Companies

ETI Audits

Workbooks [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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11. Contacts

Re-Processors Denwells Stafford Park 12 Telford Shropshire GU14 0NY TF33BJ [email protected]

EX-Press Processing Ltd 3rd Floor Bolton Textile Mill Cawdor Street Bolton BL4 7EA [email protected]

ICS Distribution Ltd ICS House Halfords Lane Smethwick West Midlands B66 1BP

WT Sea Air Ltd – Request for Costing Hucknall Industrial Est. Unit 5, Daniels Way Off Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham NG15 7LL

T: 0121-5581212 F: 0121 -5581818

T: 0208 7508641 F: 01153 680931

[email protected]

[email protected]

Raspberry Designs Murat Tepe 97 Lockfield Avenue Brimsdown Enfield EN3 7PY

TRIOS s.r.o Pezinska cesta 903 01 Senec T : +421 (0)2/4592 80 94 E-mail :[email protected]

F: 0208 805 7267 [email protected]

PANOBA s.r.o Karpatske nam.20 831 O6 Bratislava T: 0948 256 481 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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Needle Detector Supplier Contacts




Mettler - Toledo Safeline Ltd

Lock Inspection Systems Ltd

Loma- Cintex




Khalid Alvi Mike Lodge

Simon Taylor

Mike Rothwell and Ian Craig




+44 (0)161 624 0333

+44 (0)1252 893300

+44 (0) 778 883 3106 (Khalid Alvi) EMAIL ADDRESS



[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]


Head Office, Sales and Manufacturing Southwood Farnborough Hampshire GU14 0NY United Kingdom



Mettler- Toledo Safeline Ltd Montford Street Salford Manchester, M50 2XD United Kingdom

Lock Inspection Systems Ltd Lock House Neville Street Lancashire Oldham England OL9 6LF

T: +44 (0) 161 848 8636 (Switchboard)

F: +44 (0)161 624 5181


Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

F: +44 (0)1252 513322

Page 139

Zip Supplier Contacts




Albert Zips Hong Kong Ltd






Mrs. Reese Kwok

Stanley Cho

Ms.Jiyeon Bae




+852 2545 3862

82- 2 - 569 - 7411





Albert Zips Hong Kong Ltd Unit 903, 9/F 1 Minden Avenue Tsimshatsui Kowloon Hong Kong

[email protected]; [email protected] WEB ADDRESS

[email protected] [email protected]


Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3 HEAD OFFICES ADDRESS

Dulon Headquarter Unicorn B/ D Samsung- Dong 140 - 17 Kangnam- gu Soeul South Korea 135 - 090


HHH Headquarter 7F,Pacific Building 236-3,Nung-Dong,Kwangin-gu, Seoul, 143-180, Korea

Page 140

Zip Supplier Contacts (continued)




Ideal Fasteners Corporation

Jan Zippers





Michael Moore

Ms Wicky / Ms Suki

Keith Large




+44 161 223 0829

+852 2371 2633

+44 116 2375767



+44 7702 067 829

+852 2371 2321



Ideal Fasteners Corporation 42 West 38th Street, Suite 200 New York NY 10018 USA

[email protected]

T: +1 (212) 244 - 0260 F: +1 (212) 697 - 0221

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3



Kesbond Limited 100 Kingfisher Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7FS England


Hung Wai Zipper Co., Ltd Unit E & F, 10/F West Gate Tower 7 Wing Hong St Cheung Sha Wan Kln, Hong Kong

Page 141

Zip Supplier Contacts (continued)





Prym Éclair

Opti/Coats PLC




Elizabeth Mullins (UK Sales Manager)

Andy McQueen & Gordon Dowie



0032 56560638

07860 959133 / 07860 188970


0208 806 6880


07789 085935


Klestro 2000 Ltd 36a Windus Road London N16 6UN


[email protected] [email protected]

Head Office Eclair Prym Detavernier Sabrina T: 0032 56 56 06 38 F: 0032 56 56 06 38


1 The Square Stockley Park Uxbridge Middlesex UB11 1TD

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 142

Zip Supplier Contacts (continued)





Slik Zips

Talon International




Merlyn Evans

Martin Glass

Kathy Sit




852 2410 9885

+44 (0)161 955 4225

(852) 2947-0888



+852 6712 5751



[email protected]




[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]



Salmi Flat 305 S/F Star Centre 443-451 Castle Peak Road Kwai Chung, New Territories Hong Kong Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

(852) 2947 0188


Slik Zips Manchester Adamson House Towers Business Park Wilmslow Road Didsbury Manchester M20 2YY United Kingdom HEAD OFFICES ADDRESS

Talon International Unit No. 101, 1/F. Sunbeam Centre, 27 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon Hong Kong

Page 143

Zip Supplier Contacts (continued)




Tex Corp Limited


Zee Zippers




Sharmila Das

Maki Watanabe (UK)



+91-9810007043 +91-124-4629100 – 99 extn 135

+44 (020) 7448 1333


91 - 44 - 28577133




[email protected]

[email protected]


Sanjay Dy - General Manager Zip Industries Ltd (ZEE ZIPPERSO) 72 Marshalls Road Egmore Chennai 600008 India HEAD OFFICES ADDRESS

Tex Corp Limited Mohammadpur Khandsa Road Gurgaon - 122002 Haryana India

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3


YKK Europe Limited 5th Floor 15 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4DN

Page 144

Zip Supplier Contacts (continued)




86 - 21 - 67756212 MOBILE NUMBER

0 - 1356 - 4948853 EMAIL ADDRESS

[email protected] [email protected] WEB ADDRESS HEAD OFFICES ADDRESS

Wanmei Lane369 Yinxi Road Song Jiang District Shanghai China Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 145

Interlining Supplier Contacts




PCC- Precision Interlining USA

Vilene Interlinings (worldwide)

Kufner Textilwerke GmbH




Mr. Dennis Liu

Graham Crossley

Dominik Kufner



+852 2786 0090

+44-1422-32 79 00



[email protected]

[email protected]




(498) 972- 4960 HEAD OFFICES ADDRESS

Irschenhauser St. 10 81379 Munchen Germany F: (4989) 723- 6629





PCC Asia LLc Unit 2501 Billion Plaza 8 Cheung Yue St. Cheung Sha Wan Hong Kong T: +852 2786 0090 F: +852 2742 6965

Precision Custom Coatings LLC 200 Maltese Dr. Totowa, NJ 07512-1404 U.S.A. T: +1 973 890 3873 F: +1 973 890 9248

Vilene Interlinings Lowfields Business Park Elland West Yorkshire HX5 9DX Great Britain T: +44 (0)7860 463784 F: +44-1422-32 79 99

Freudenberg & Vilene International Ltd 8/F1,828 Cheung Sha Wan Road Kowloon Hong Kong T: +852 2786 83 68 F: +852 2786 28 47

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 146

Press Fastener Supplier Contacts




Prym Éclair

Scovill Fasteners (UK) Limited





Kevin Watkins (Customer Service and Sales)

Keith Waghorn

Klaus Diller/ Ying Tang




+44 (0) 1594 562631

+44 01663 765 118

+49 0202 74 93 700



[email protected]


+44 (0) 1594 564663 HEAD OFFICES ADDRESS


[email protected] [email protected]

Prym Fashion UK White Croft Lydney Gloucestershire GL15 4QG


Scovill Fasteners 4 Ashley Gardens High Lane Stockport Cheshire SK6 8AB M: +44 07791 230 213


YKK Stocko Fasteners P.O Box 130661 D- 42033 Wuppertal Kirchnofstr. 52 D-42327 Wuppertal Germany F: +49 (0) 202 74 93 200

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 147

Test Houses Contacts




SGS Consumer Testing Services

Bureau Veritas

Intertek Labtest UK Ltd




Valerie Sollis

Alan Kirwilliam

Simon Chee




+44 (0) 20 89913410

+44 (0) 1925 854 360

+44 (0) 1942 265706




[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]







SGS United Kingdom Ltd 7th Floor, Westgate Hanger Lane Ealing London W5 1YY United Kingdom

Bureau Veritas 29 Rufford Court Hardwick Grange, Warrington WA1 4RF

Intertek Labtest UK Limited The Warehouse Brewery Lane Leigh WN7 2RJ

M: +44 (0) 7968 933 240

T: +44(0)1942 265700 ext 234

M: +44 (0)784 156 9981 Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 148

Test Houses Contacts (continued)



Specialised Technology Resources Ltd

High Street Textile Testing Services Ltd



Simon Allit

Paul Jones



+44(0) 118 939 8700

0113 248 8830



[email protected]

[email protected]





Specialised Technology Resources (UK) Ltd Bullbridge Ambergate Belper Derbyshire England DE56 2EY

High Street Textile Testing Services Limited 118 Lupton Avenue Leeds LS9 6ED

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

M: 0785 293 4759

Page 149

Mould Prevention



Martin Berman Emily Yim PHONE NUMBER

+852 2956 2991 EMAIL ADDRESS


Micro-Pak Ltd Suite 2104 Sun Life Tower Harbour City 15 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Hong Kong Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 150

Expectations of a Tesco Workbook The below is our current WOW for filling in Tesco Workbooks. The use of EQOS will be introduced, we will update you accordingly.

1. Design Brief Tab

2. Design Brief 2 Tab

Add Sketch – (this should be a simple front and back picture cut from the Design brief 2 tab) – Also add Design/fabric details, Technical details, & fill in all highlighted yellow areas.

This should have a full technical design sketch with all styling details, measurements and any special requirements, details.

Factory site must be added before any sample is fitted to each work book on the deign page and brought into all fit sessions.

3. Photos This should have any additional images/photos that you feel are relevant to the style - (maybe interior linings, details etc).

4. Graded Spec This should be added from the Tesco Block Library – Blocks should be confirmed with/by your Tesco Technical Manager. Highlighted areas in yellow should be filled in accordingly: • • • •

Sketches to be added as on the front design tab Discrepancies to be added at the end of the spec Date to be added to the spec Factory, suppler details, block etc all to be added as highlighted

Factory site must be added before any sample is fitted to each work book on the deign page and brought into all fit sessions. • Base measurements should be changed accordingly after fit each fit sessions by the supplier in response to any fit comments made. • Date and if the spec was approved or rejected MUST be edited appropriately after each fit session.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

1st fit, 2nd fit and Green Seal Specs • Ensure any spec changes are highlighted and changed for the new 1st fit from the graded block spec (visibility of block spec changes are clear through the fit process of style). • Measure garments before submission for a fit session - add garment measure discrepancies to the spec - highlighted in yellow. • • • •

Add/fill in size and date measured. Add date of fit session to spec. Confirm 1st spec is approved or rejected (next to date). Continue the same process to green seal.

Page 151

Expectations of a Tesco Workbook

1st Fit example:

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

2nd Fit example:

Green Seal Fit example:

Page 152

Expectations of a Tesco Workbook

5. Product spec

6, Fabric, TRF, AQL, Fit for purpose Tabs

This is were the landed supplier should add the fit comments as discussed in their fit meeting held with their Technical Manager and Buyer.

These should all be filled in by the supplier

This page should always be headed with the following x4 things before filling in fit comments: • • • •

Who’s was present in the fit Date fitted Model used Which fit is it - 1st fit, 2nd fit, Green Seal etc

Under comments please date when you are sending through comments and sign your name. All workbooks must be sent through electronically within 48hours after the fit session, and must be sent to the relevant Technical Departments: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 153

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT

Technical Charges Summary Products


Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Food and Non-Food

SEDEX subscription


Primary site


Mandatory all suppliers


Food and Non-Food

Tesco Technical Library subscription




Mandatory all suppliers

£750 – £2750

Food and Non-Food

Tesco Technical Library training


Supplier or primary site

Before completing Specification

Mandatory all suppliers


Commercial Category / PIU

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

Before production starts


Non food audits vary by company £895 a day

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)



Scale of charges dependent on supplier size/ number of products

See appendix 3 for details

Cost per head for 2 day training session. Day 1: Tesco Technical Library Process Training Day.

Factory Approval / Visit Non-Food

Approval Auditing

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

(Travel & Accommodation + Expenses)

Page 154

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT



Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)


Factory Approval / Visit Non Food

Approval Auditing

Commercial Category / PIU

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

Before production starts


Non food audits vary by company

Travel & Accommodation

Food and Non-Food

Re-audit in case of failure

Commercial Category / PIU

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

Before production starts


Non food audits vary by company

Travel & Accommodation

Food and Non-Food

Ethical Audit

Third Party company

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

Per Audit

Medium and High Risk Sites

£200 - £2000


Ethical Trading Program supplier cost contribution

Trading Law and Technical



Mandatory for all suppliers of Tesco Branded Products

£326.24 per annum

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Depends on size / location

Page 155

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT



Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)


Factory Approval / Visit Food

Product |Integrity Unit (PIU) Maintenance Audit

Trading Law & Technical

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

Minimum every 2 years

Mandatory all suppliers

£835 per day

Samples, Travel & Accommodation costs


Product |Integrity Unit (PIU) Maintenance Audit.

Trading Law & Technical

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

Minimum every 2 years


£835 per day

Samples, Travel & Accommodation costs

Food and Non-Food

Pre-delivery inspections- 1st Production or AQL

Commercial Category

Primary site Reprocessors Packing Sites

As Required

If required only

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Samples, Travel & Accommodation costs.

Page 156

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT



Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)


Additional Product Testing Non-Food

Surveillance Testing

Trading Law & Technical


Requirements set by product type

Risk assessed priorities only


Dependent on complexity of tests

Risk based testing program


100 person home trial

Trading Law & Technical


Where applicable

Products failing QB test

Up to £1200

There are additional charges where the combined weight of the samples is over 500g

Compliance against specification and benchmark also charged. Supplier responsible for sample provision, benchmark purchase and repacking/debranding.

Non-Food Grocery 1

100 person home trial

Trading Law & Technical


Where applicable

New lines

Up to £1200 + £240 for any partial testing (eg. Fragrance screening prior to full test.

There are additional charges where the combined weight of the samples is over 500g

Compliance against specification and benchmark also charged. May incur re-testing cost for NPD lines post failure. Supplier responsible for sample provision, benchmark purchase and repackaging/ debranding.

Food and Non-Food

Market Review

Tesco Commercial Category


Where applicable

As required

Sample costs

Sample costs

Run as required by the Tesco Commercial Category

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 157

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT



Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)


Food and Non-Food

Artwork & Repro

Design Agency


Per design

Mandatory all suppliers

Variable see latest price matrix

Amendments and errors will be charged

Amendments and errors will be charged


Validation of legal label copy and barcode integrity

Trading Law & Technical


Per Barcode

Mandatory all suppliers


Amendments and errors will be charged

Cost of Refund Cost of Goodwill gesture Large claims referred to supplier Legal claims notified in advance to supplier


Incidents / Non-conformances Food and Non-Food

Product Complaints

Tesco Dundee


Per complaint

As received from customers


Non-Food Clothing

Metal Foreign Body

Tesco Commercial Category


Per incident

In the event of an incident


Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

This applies unless covered by a separate returns agreement.

Clothing Category ONLY

Page 158

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT



Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)


Incidents / Non-conformances Food and Non-Food

Enforcement Challenges

Trading Law & Technical


Per incident

In the event of an incident


Legal action costs

Non-Food Hardlines

Product Returns

Tesco Commercial Category


Per Return

As received from customers

£26.50 for 2 man courier

Cost of processing return and cost of product will be debited to supplier

£6 for 1 man

Food and Non-Food

Public Recall

Trading Law & Technical


Per incident

In the event of an incident


Additional costs may be charged by the commercial category for loss of profit and/or related costs at stores and depots

Food and Non-Food

Emergency Product Withdrawals

Trading Law & Technical


Per incident

In the event of an incident


Additional costs may be charged by the commercial category for loss of profit and/or related costs at stores and depots

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Products returns below a value of £20 will not be returned to depot.

Page 159

Appendix 1 - Technical Charges Summary Charges are correct at the time of publication but are subject to change. Charges are subject to VAT



Charging Department / Company



When applied

Fixed Charge per unit (subject to VAT)

Variable Costs (subject to VAT)


70-80,000 (guide)

Typical if National Press UK and Ireland

Incidents / Non-conformances Food and Non-Food

Product Withdrawals / Recalls pos costs

Tesco Commercial Category


Per incident

In the event of an incident

Food and Non-Food

Product Withdrawals / Recalls press article costs

Tesco Commercial Category


Per incident

In the event of an incident

Food and Non-Food

Bar Code Non-scan

Trading Law & Technical


Per incident

In the event of an incident


Trading Law & Technical

Available to all Tesco suppliers



Costs at Stores Costs at distribution centres Visit (3rd party) and TPA costs if persistant

Supplier Training TFMS

Supplier Training 2 day course

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

*Cost includes 1 night accommodation and evening meal

Page 160

Appendix 2 - Broken Needle Record Form


Tesco/Supplier Style Number

Operator Number

Operation/ area on garment

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Needle Type Size

All Parts Found Yes / N

Action Taken if no

Supervisor Signature

Taped Needle Pieces

Page 161

Appendix 3 - Hand Sewing Needle Control Form


Tesco/Supplier Style Number

Quantity Out

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Supervisor Signature

Quantity In

Supervisor Signature

Page 162

Appendix 4- Metal Detector Calibration Form



1.2mm sphere detected Yes/ No

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Action taken if no

Supervisor Signature

Page 163

Appendix 5 - Metal Detected Product Log



Tesco Style number

Factory identification number

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Quantity of style metal detected

Contaminant found: *Yes/ No

Supervisor signature

Page 164

Appendix 6 - Metal Contaminants Detected Form


Tesco / Supplier style number

Action taken to trace source of contaminant and rectify

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Contaminant found

Supervisor Signature

Page 165

Appendix 7 - Tesco Sample Submission Tags

Tesco Sample Submission Tag – to be used on all Fit Samples Technical Comments:

SAMPLE SUBMISSION Season: Date: Supplier: Factory: Description: Design Number: Tesco style number: Department:

Merchandising Comments:

Purpose of sample: Size: Block reference: Fabric information: Washing details Merchandising signature:

Technical signature

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 166

Appendix 8 - Tesco Fault Table

Fault Code Description ONLY (Used for Q.C - KPI report)

Q.C Reason Codes ONLY (Used for Q.C -KPI report )

Garments Construction

Damage / Safety

Fabric / Marks

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

01 - 26

02 - 15

04 - 08

Fault Code

New Fault Description


Hem/Stitching/Seam Weakness


Damaged trim/handle/lace/strap


Fit Issue - size


Broken Zips


Marked/Damaged shoe sole


Marked/Damaged shoe upper


Safety Issue


Broken Fastening (clasp/clip/stud)


Broken Component (heel)


Dye/print Faults


Cloth Flawed / Pilling


Marked/creased Cloth / Leather


Marked shoe heel


Cloth faded in light

Page 167

Appendix 8 - Tesco Fault Table (continued)

Fault Code Description ONLY (Used for Q.C - KPI report)

Packaging / Wastage

Customer Returns

N/A Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Q.C Reason Codes ONLY (Used for Q.C -KPI report )

16 - 28

18 - 24

Fault Code

New Fault Description


Damaged by Security tag


Odd Pairs (footwear)


Incomplete/damaged set or packaging


Incorrect labelling


Missing Part


Customer Goodwill


Wastage stock/stores


Poor Wash (Shrunk/Stretched)




Lining split/damaged


Colour loss in wash


Broken jewellery and accessories Not applicable DO NOT USE THIS CODE Page 168

Appendix 8 - Tesco Fault Table (continued)

Fault Code Description ONLY (Used for Q.C - KPI report)

Fault Code

New Fault Description



Dry Cleaning problem Not applicable DO NOT USE THIS CODE



Unjustified Not applicable see code 27/28/29 DO NOT USE THIS CODE




Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Q.C Reason Codes ONLY (Used for Q.C -KPI report )

Page 169
















































Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 170

Appendix 10 Q.C Inspection Process at the Distribution Centre Q. Why so TESCO carry out Q.C inspection on UK & HUB deliveries at the D.C • Identify HIGH RISK suppliers • Monitor Suppliers Performance • Ensure Guide Lines set in the TESCO CLOTHING TECHNICAL MANUAL are maintained

Q. Reasons why the Technical Team would request a Q.C Target Inspection at the D.C • Suppliers FAILING to address RED SEAL comments & concerns • GREEN SEAL sample DO NOT MEET TESCO REQUIREMENTS (GREEN SEALERS –MUST represent BULK PRODUCTION) • Legal Implication effecting Product Safety • Customer Store complaints • Monitor New suppliers

Q. How does the Q.C Process Work • Q.C Inspections are carried out across 7 Categories

Category MENS

Category LADIES

Category BOYS & GIRLS

Fast way Hanging P.O.N:- 206


Category SHOES


Q.C Inspections carried across 2 D.C


Daventry 1 P.O.N:- 460

HIGH RISK SUPPLIERS A – Q.C Inspection Report with Photographs or Samples is sent to the relevant Category Technical Team

A Q.C Inspection Report can ONLY be action & finalized by Technical Manager Merchandisers Buyer Who would issue an A.T.R document or Release the stock?

FAILED Q.C Inspection

A Monthly Q.C Summary Report is sent to the all the Technical Team Highlighting HIGH RISK suppliers

FAILED Q.C Inspection

R.T.S can ONLY be issued to HUB Suppliers If the stock is rejected & will NOT be returning back to the D.C

UK Suppliers A.T.R Issued under R.T.S (Return to Supplier)

DENWELLS LTD (RE-PROCESSING) Andrew Wells – 01952-210458 [email protected]

A New P.O.N’s is issued ONLY Re-work & Re-delivered back to the D.C

EX-PRESS PROCESSING LTD John Crawley – 01204-705757 [email protected]

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

HUB Suppliers A.T. R Issued under R.R.P (Repair Repack)

Page 171

Sock Fibre Composition Standard Operating Procedure

The standard operating procedure as listed below must be followed when testing all socks for fibre composition. With the exception of the elasticated yarns within the welt, all fibres must be quoted within the sock. This includes any reinforcement yarn and all yarns in the design.

• The fibres which make up the Welt, Main and Heel & Toe components should be identified and recorded separately. All fibres within the sock should be identified within the exception of the elasticated yarn within the welt of the sock.

Receipt of sample • A full sock should be submitted for analysis with the relevant paperwork clearly stating Tesco as the retailer • The following sizes should be submitted for testing : Mens – size 9-11 Ladies – one size Childrens – size 9-12 Babies – 6-12months


Main - spun cotton


- filament nylon / elastane


• The sock should be cut with scissors into three components – Heel & Toe, Welt and Main Body.

- decorative nylon


• The three components are manually dissected into their constituent parts. Any additional yarns present should be separated and kept within the relevant component i.e. decorative yarns and elasticated yarns in the leg or foot section of the sock.


• All components are placed in the oven and dried for between 4-16hrs or until a constant mass has been achieved. • Upon removal from the oven place in a dessicator for not less than two hours. • Weigh back the components listing the weight, the component and fibre/s present.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3


- spun cotton


- filament nylon


Heel & Toe - spun cotton


- filament nylon


Note: If present any additional components present should be listed as above i.e. stretch yarns in the leg of foot of sock.

Page 172

Technical Library Annual Registration Fees Template

Annual Sales £2,720

















>50 Number of Specifications >10


>£25 million

>£50 million

>£100 million

Fees are based on a combination of the number of specifications and annual sales, and are irrespective of the number of sites.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 173

Product Catalogue – Tesco- Children’s

Thank you for choosing AlvaProducts.



• Please place your orders through our web-site:

United States Orders

[email protected]

United Kingdom Orders

[email protected]

Outside the US and UK

[email protected]

• Suppliers, Manufactures or sourcing offices may use the following user-name and password:









User Id: TEOV Password: teov0638 • NOTE: Please submit your order by selecting the “Confirm Order” button, located at the bottom of the “Check Out Page”. You will receive an order confirmation summary with a five (5) digit reference number. Please use this reference number to track your order. If you do not receive this reference number, please contact our customer service representatives.

AlvaForms Currently Available for Tesco

SIZE Infant 0-3 months

SIZE Girl 12-13 months

Item # - TEO-UIF003M-0510

Item # - TEO-GGL0013-0510

PRICE Full Form - £680 GBP Half Form – Not available Slack Form – Not available

PRICE Full Form - £850 GBP Half Form – Not available Slack Form – Not available



Detachable Head Detachable Hands Detachable Feet Detachable Arms Detachable Shoulder Caps Measurement Lines Height Adjustable Metal Stand

Detachable Head Detachable Arms Detachable Shoulder Caps Measurement Lines Height Adjustable Metal Stand

* All AlvaForms are subject to a £45 GBP handling fee.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 174

Product Catalogue – Tesco - Adults

Thank you for choosing AlvaProducts.



• Please place your orders through our web-site:

United States Orders

[email protected]

United Kingdom Orders

[email protected]

Outside the US and UK

[email protected]

• Suppliers, Manufactures or sourcing offices may use the following user-name and password:









User Id: TEOV Password: teov0638 • NOTE: Please submit your order by selecting the “Confirm Order” button, located at the bottom of the “Check Out Page”. You will receive an order confirmation summary with a five (5) digit reference number. Please use this reference number to track your order. If you do not receive this reference number, please contact our customer service representatives. • AlvaForms said within the uk are subject to 17.5% VAT To request the status of your order, please write to: Please use or write your [email protected] order confirmation number or invoice number to facilitate the response.

AlvaForms Currently Available for Tesco

SIZE Men 40 Item # - TEO-MMN0040-0603-MF PRICE Full Form - £1,500 GBP FEATURES Collapsible Shoulders Collapsible Hip (right side only) Detachable Arms Detachable Shoulder Caps Detachable Leg (left side only) Detachable Feet Attached Hands Soft Belly Measurement Lines Height Adjustable Metal Stand Standing Pegs (sold separately)

SIZE Womens 24 Item # - TEO-WMS0024-0606 PRICE Full Form - £1,350 GBP FEATURES Collapsible Shoulders Collapsible Hip (right side only) Detachable Arms Detachable Shoulder Caps Detachable Leg (left side only) Soft Belly Measurement Lines Height Adjustable Metal Stand Standing Pegs (sold separately)

* All AlvaForms are subject to a £45 GBP handling fee. **Please note that the prices of the Ladies Stand may differ from the above quote. This may not be the most up to date price.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 175

Product Catalogue – Tesco - Adults

AlvaForms Currently Available for Tesco

SIZE Womens 12 Item # - TEO-WMS0012-0702 PRICE Full Form - £1,545 GBP FEATURES Collapsible Shoulders Collapsible Hip (right side only) Attached Hands Detachable Feet Detachable Arms Detachable Shoulder Caps Detachable Leg (left side only) Soft Belly Measurement Lines Height Adjustable Metal Stand Standing Pegs (sold separately)

SIZE Womens 12 Petite Item # - TEO-WMS0024-0702 PRICE Full Form - £1,545 GBP FEATURES FEATURES Collapsible Shoulders Collapsible Hip (right side only) Attached Hands Detachable Feet Detachable Arms Detachable Shoulder Caps Detachable Leg (left side only) Soft Belly Measurement Lines Height Adjustable Metal Stand Standing Pegs (sold separately)

* All AlvaForms are subject to a £45 GBP handling fee.

Tesco Clothing Technical Manual - August 2010 : Version 3

Page 176

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