Climate Change and Biotechnology

March 17, 2018 | Author: Faisal Ahmed Reefat | Category: Biofuel, Agriculture, Global Warming, Carbon Sequestration, Fertilizer



Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 Climate Change : The Global Scenario Climate Change: Picture in Bangladesh 2. Biotechnology: Solution to the Problem? 2.1 H o w Climate Change And Biotechnology World Scenario And Bangladesh Perspective The role of biotechnology to fight global climate change can be crucial. By reducing greenhouse gases and fine-tuning agricultural and industrial processes, the developed countries are already profiting from it. Being a country very prone to natural disaster, Bangladesh too is starting to realize its importance. This report tends to show various biotechnological approaches taken by different nations and how these can help us prepare for the future. An action plan in this regard has also been proposed. Greater research and rapid implementation of the findings are crucial towards securing our nation’s progress and development against the disturbing future that lies ahead. Jalish Mahmud Riyad Exam Roll: 502, 4th Year Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Dhaka. 2 Can Green Biotechnology Improve the Situation? 2.1.1 Greenhouse Gas Reduction 2.1.2 2.1.3 Less fuel consumption on farms Carbon Sequestration Reduced Fertilizer Use Crop Adaptation Protected and Increased Yield With Less Surface 2.2 How Industrial Biotechnology Can Tackle Climate Change 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9 The Textile Sector Plastic Production Pulp and Paper Production and Bleaching Chemicals Industry Biofuels Food Industry Tanning and Leather Industry Dye Industry Industrial Biotechnology in Bangladesh 2.3 Bioeconomy 2.3.1 The 78.1 Billion Dollar Canadian Bioeconomy 3. Discussion 3.1 3.2 Following the Golden Examples Constraints 3 3.3 Recommendations 4. 5. Conclusion Reference LIST OF FIGURES Figure no. 1 2 3 4 Figure name Global temperature rise (1860-2000) Projected impacts of climate change Changing pattern in Bangladesh Bangladesh: One of the most climate vulnerable countries Page no. 7 7 8 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Impact of global warming on Bangladesh Vulnerability of Bangladesh to various natural calamities Water salinity intrusion in Bangladesh Water salinity in winter Soil salinity in (a) 1973 and (b) 1997 Impacts of SLR in Bangladesh SLR at three points in Bangladesh Agricultural emission of methane Agricultural methane emission in BD compared to that of Germany and Czech Republic Soybean area in Argentina: total, no-till and round up ready Bangladesh CO2 emission Sectoral consumption of natural gas in Bangladesh Fertilizer consumption in Bangladesh Even more mouth to feed US lbs of insecticide per planted acre and % acre of Bt corn Emission of CO2 per wash cycle using enzymes at 30°C instead of 40°C Potential GHG emission reduction from bio-based polymers Comparison of petroleum used by PLA and traditional plastics Comparison of emissions between plastics produced from petroleum and maize GHG emissions reduction in pulp bleaching Overview of chemicals that can be obtained from major biomass constituents by established or possible biotechnological processes Biofuels CO2 profile saving by feedstock Impact of enzymatic versus traditional wastewater treatment Scenario of Canada's GHG emission Proposed bioeconomy-based solutions to Canada's climate crisis Canadian industry sector GDP Main components of Canada’s bio-based economy 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 15 15 17 18 20 21 24 25 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 35 37 38 39 39 km 16 3 Context of C sequestration impact 2007 : car equivalents 18 . 16 2 Tractors per 100 sq. 1 Table name Nitrous Oxide produced in agriculture (% of total) Page no.5 LIST OF TABLES Table no. 6 . the Government of Bangladesh. Over the last 35 years. The ultimate goal is to show the potentials of biotechnology as the most powerful tool against battling climate change in Bangladesh. What role is green biotechnology playing in helping to fight climate change? How will that role evolve in future? Whilst not an exhaustive overview of these issues. But is that enough? Being a developing country. with the support of development partners. and is expanding communitybased disaster preparedness.1 The 2006 report by economist. seasonal tropical cyclones. Moreover. It has been scientifically proved that biotechnology can indeed contribute to a low carbon footprint and make our crops better prepared to face the worse consequences of climate change. These investments include flood management schemes. warned that temperatures could increase by 2 to 3°C in the next fifty years. cyclone and flood shelters. Some say that we are already late in taking proper actions and that this single problem can wipe the development we made in the last 20 years in reducing poverty and increasing income. crop adaptation to climate change and dealing with the twin issues of climate change and population growth. cyclones and storm surges. In addition.8° to 4° C by the last decade of the 21 st century. It is here and it is now. droughts and storm surges are likely to become even more frequent in the coming years. this project paper illustrates the benefits that biotechnology can have in the areas of greenhouse gas reduction.2 . besides taking necessary actions to save our people and property. the significant role industrial biotechnology can play to bring down green house gas emission rate and energy consumption is also worth mentioning. 1. Nicholas Stern. its impacts are going to be too fast and too furious for our natural world to cope up with. Introduction Climate change is no longer something to happen in the future. Bangladesh is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world and will become even more so as a result of climate change.1 Climate Change: The Global Scenario The intergovernmental panel on climate change predicts that global temperature will rise between 1. So. Many scientists around the world are now referring biotechnology as the magic bullet against climate change. and if nothing is done. and the raising of roads and highways above flood level.7 1. the Government of Bangladesh has developed state-of-the-art warning systems for floods. commissioned by the UK government. how far can we afford to fight against the ever-increasing climatic problems? Due to our delayed response and glaring negligence about climate change. coastal polders. has invested over $10 billion to make the country less vulnerable to natural disasters. Floods. we have to bring about a significantly positive change to help our environment revitalize. by as much as 5 to 8°C by the end of the century – a catastrophic scenario. industrial energy-consumption reduction. . having already quadrupled it in the last 50 years. if more dramatic predictions come to pass. Unabated. population displacement and threatened ecosystems. Figure 2: Projected Impacts of Climate Change Among the other worrying consequences of climate change predicted by the Stern Report are declining crop yields. the world faces the daunting task of having to double its rate of agricultural production over the next 25 years3. climate change could cost the world at least 5% of GDP each year. ocean acidification. malnutrition and heat stress. storms and floods caused by melting glaciers (which could affect more than 30% of the world’s agricultural lands).8 Mann (1999) showed the changes in global temperature (1860-2000) and reportedly. 1998 was the warmest year ever (up to 2000). the cost could rise to more than 20% of GDP. Figure 1: Global temperature rise (1860-2000) Climate change’s most obvious manifestation would be the change in weather conditions: more heat waves. These effects could be particularly dramatic in the light of growing population levels: in order to feed the overall population. the temperature changing pattern has shown a significant change and points toward a continuous rise (fig 4).2 -0. The three main calamities are: flood. As we know. So.4 0.0 -0. Even if we stop all sorts of climate-changing activities now. 0. temperature rise is the ultimate factor that drives the other effects of climate change.6 Deviation (°C) Y ear Figure 3: Temperature changing pattern in Bangladesh Bangladesh already is in the top country list of tropical cyclones and floods (fig 4). the future calamities (by 2050) predicted by IPCC (Intergovernmental panel for climate Control) in their conference at Brussels (2007) are inevitable.4 -0. Figure 4: Bangladesh: One of the most climate vulnerable countries . as the sea level rise and annual floods and cyclones will inundate significant portions of the country.6 0. Millions of people will have to leave Bangladesh for their lives.9 1.8 0.2 0.2 Climate Change: Picture in Bangladesh Over the years. The overall area-specific vulnerability to different calamities is shown in fig 6. this indicates a horrifying future ahead. cyclone and annual drought. the energy consumption per capita was only 89 kg. Although Bangladesh has little contribution to climate change compared to other countries. . In 2004-05. The geological position of Bangladesh has made it very vulnerable.10 Figure 5: Impact of global warming on Bangladesh From the figure above. With the rise of GDP. its people are going to be among the first to experience the consequences. Among its neighboring nations in South Asia. the energy demand. however. is going to increase by 50% within a few years. it is clear that the effects of climate change and global warming is going to be very harsh indeed. Bangladesh comes 2nd in the least energy consumption per capita list (after Nepal). 11 Figure 6: Vulnerability of Bangladesh to various natural calamities . 1998) and cyclones (SIDR.12 Increased temperature will cause even more natural calamities. Both of these factors causes fall in crop yield. which signals drastic climate change. devastating floods (i. 1988. The SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC) analyzed sea level changes of 22 years historical tide data at three tide gauge locations in the coast of Bangladesh. Figure 7: Water salinity intrusion in Bangladesh Figure 8: Water salinity in winter In the last 35 years. soil salinity and water salinity have taken an alarming form. causing steep fall in agricultural yields. As we have seen in the recent years.AILA) are occurring with narrow intervals. The study revealed that the rate of sea level rise (SLR) during last 22 years is many fold higher than the mean rate of global sea level rise over 100 years. . a Figure 9: Soil salinity in (a) 1973 and (b) 1997 b The Third Assessment Report (TAR) of IPCC indicates that the global sea level rise will be 9-88 cm (from 1999 to 2100).e. There are also rise in water salinity intrusion in the mainland (fig 6 and 7) and soil salinity (fig 8). saline water gets even deeper into the mainland. During the winter. as summarized below • In case of static altitude of the coastal areas with stagnant delta development process – 10 cm SLR – 2020 inundate 2% of the country – 25 cm SLR – 2050 inundate 4 % of the country – 1m SLR – 2100 about 17 % of the country • Twenty million people. Institute of water modeling. 14. 29. and other businesses will be directly affected. main economic species in the Sundarbans. • Human habitation possible prevents inland migration. 2006) Figure 11: SLR at three points in BD SLR will have powerful overall impacts on Bangladesh5. • Loss of the Sundarbans and other coastal wetlands would reduce breeding ground for many estuarine fish. Rice production will be drastically reduced Impacts of climate change will have the following effects on Sundarbans5: • • • • • 10 cm SLR will 25 cm SLR will 45 cm SLR will 60 cm SLR will 1 . km coastal area will be inundated.13 TAR/ NAPA 100 90 80 70 SLR (cm) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Year 2030 Year 2050 Year SMRC 9 8 7 mm/ yr 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Year 2100 Hiron Point Char Changa Station Cox’s Bazar Figure 10: Impact of SLR in Bangladesh (ref.846 sq.8 million people will be landless. engaged in salt/ shrimp production. which could reduce their population. fishery/ agriculture.M SLR will inundate inundate inundate inundate destroy 15% of the Sundarbans 40% of the Sundarbans 75% of the Sundarbans 100% of the Sundarbans Whole Sundarbans • Species like Sundari. would be replaced by less valuable Goran and Gewa. . • As a result of 1 metre rise in sea level. and tens of thousands of people will be environmental refugees. we will see how these technologies put forward novel solutions to climatic problems. discussions on how a bio-based economy can help our country boost its biotechnological approaches can be greatly beneficial to understand its potential both economically and strategically. Biotechnology: Solutions to climate Change? Biotechnology has several different sectors that can contribute to the solutions of global climate change. the government and private sectors are working alike to combat climate change with this new and sophisticated biological tool. European Union countries are chiefly shown as models. Also. In many countries. The roles of agricultural biotechnology (also known as Green Biotechnology) and industrial biotechnology (White Biotechnology) are worth mentioning in this respect. .14 2. In the upcoming sections. We’ll also see examples of how they are implemented around the world and how the problems they are attributed to can be solved in similar fashion in Bangladesh. Crop adaptation 3. with latest estimates showing that it accounts for 48% of methane emissions and 52% of N2O emissions in the EU. Agricultural practices-such as deforestation.75 kg of CO2 into the .15 2.currently account for about 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions. This resultant reduction in tractor use also helps to protect the structure of the soil which reduces erosion.1.1 GREENHOUSE GAS REDUCTION Agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction 2.1. Crop protection and increased yield from less available arable land 2. This in turn means a reduction in fuel use and lower CO2 emissions since farmers need to spray pesticides less frequently on their fields. in terms of greenhouse gases. cattle feedlots and fertilizer use .1. # Barfoot and Brookes’ study (2009)6 indicated that. Green biotechnology can help farmers produce food sustainably through: i) Less fuel consumption on farms through a reduced need to spray crops ii) Carbon sequestration iii) Reduced fertilizer use and N2O emissions 2. given the likely impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity and the role played by agricultural practices in contributing to global warming.1 Less fuel consumption on farms GM herbicide tolerant crops help farmers by reducing the need to plough fields in preparation for planting crops saving fuel. Agriculture is also a major source of methane and nitrous oxide (N2O). It is important to mention that N2O has 310 times and methane has 20 times more ability to trap heat than CO2. GM Insect Resistant Crops have been developed to require fewer insecticide treatments.1 How can Green Biotechnology improve the situation? Green biotechnology offers a “toolbox” which can help farmers produce food sustainably through: 1. agricultural biotechnology techniques will play a role as one of the solutions available in the fight against climate change. In addition. each litres of tractor diesel consumed contributes an estimated 2. Solutions Whilst there is no one solution to these problems. The agricultural practice of ploughing is also known as ‘tillage’ and the second example below explains how GM crops reduce fuel use by allow for the adoption of ‘reduced tillage’ or ‘no tillage’ systems. 144 million kg of CO2 (arising from a reduction of 416 million litres of fuel). This may be because of using low-octane-number diesel. the fuel savings associated with making fewer spray runs (relative to conventional crops) have resulted in permanent cuts in CO2 emissions. Therefore. Data and examples of EU as a model • In 2007 this amounted to a reduction of 1.578 million litres of fuel). the majority of methane emission is blamed on agriculture. Bangladesh Perspective In Bangladesh.81 kg/ha and 35. # The adoption of reduced tillage or no-tillage systems in respect of fuel use results in reductions of carbon dioxide emissions of 88.16 atmosphere.66 kg/ha respectively. Data shows that >65% methane is produced in agricultural processes7 (fig: 11).090 million kg of CO 2 (arising from a reduction of 2. which is way over most of the European countries (fig: 12). Over the period 1996 to 2007 the cumulative permanent reduction in fuel use was estimated at 7. Figure 12: Agricultural methane emission (% of total) . 32 2005 91.88 1995 93. 4 tractors produce more than 12 kg of CO2 in an area hourly.79 litres of diesel 100 sq.29 So. km arable land From Barfoot and Brookes’ study. km = 0. gallons of diesel needed for 0. 0. we can calculate the amount of GHG produced per 100 sq km. we can calculate that 1. So. Orange: Czech Republic and Tan: Germany) Similar studies show that >90% N2O is attributed to agricultural processes8 (Table: 1). 1 Gallon diesel = 3.72 So. km Year 1961 Tractors 0. Table 1: Nitrous Oxide produced in agriculture (% of total) Year Value 1990 91.79 litre = 1.29 X 3.404 acre = 0. .86 With technological advancements.32 2007 3.76 From this data.1 litre diesel is needed per 100 sq.83 2000 91.1 X 2.404 acre Gallons of diesel needed per acre = 0.404 = 0.17 Figure 13: Agricultural methane emission in BD compared to that of Germany and Czech Republic (Blue line: Bangladesh.75 kg = 3 kg CO2 is produced by 1 tractor in BD. the use of tractors and other agricultural machineries is increasing gradually8.77 1991 2.57 1981 3. (Table: 2) Table 2 : Tractors per 100 sq.72 X 0.87 (per 100 sq. km arable land) 1971 2. Undisturbed soils absorb carbon and convert it into organic matter in the ground. .2 Carbon sequestration As previously mentioned.1.18 In Bangladesh. the no-till area nearly doubled in the US and a 5-fold increase was recorded in Argentina. In addition. Data and examples • In 2007.1. if we can reduce the amount of diesel being used (by using GM crops). aerates the soil and releases carbon back into the atmosphere. over time soil quality is enhanced and becomes carbonenriched since more crop residue can be left on the fields.64 metric tons more carbon each year than an acre of land in conventional tillage. they theoretically produce 15000 kg CO2 per hour. the organic matter becomes a stable sink for carbon. allowing farmers to adopt conservation or “no-till” farming practices. So. The figure below depicts the high correlation between GE soy-bean adoption and no-till growth in Argentina. less carbon in the soil becomes oxidized through exposure to the air and therefore less CO2 is released into the atmosphere. If left undisturbed for several years. we have more than 5000 tractors now. we have a great chance to reduce GHG emission in our agricultural sectors. So. however. 2. One report estimates that an acre of no-till land stores 0. with GM herbicide tolerant (HT) soybeans estimated to account for 95% of the no-till soybean area9. and decreases the economic costs and environmental impact of productive farming. no-tillage agriculture saves fossil fuel use in tractors. Besides soil preservation. since the soil is not inverted by ploughing. As a result. crops developed with agricultural biotechnology reduce the need for tillage or ploughing. Even a single tillage pass. 179 million tonnes of carbon dioxide which would otherwise have been released into the global atmosphere. the additional amount of soil carbon sequestered since 1996 has been equivalent to 83. • Details of the carbon dioxide savings for 2007. Table 3. identified by Brookes and Barfoot are shown in the table below.19 Figure 14: Soybean Area in Argentina: Total. Context of C sequestration impact 2007 : car equivalents Bangladesh Perspective . and Roundup Ready • According to Barfoot and Brookes (2009)10. No-Till. t h e t o t a l p l a n t a t i o n a r e a o f B a n g l a d e s h Figure 15: Bangladesh CO2 emission u n d e r r e f o r e s t a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s was 625. nitrous oxide stays in the atmosphere for more than 100 years. I n 2 0 0 0 . Using biotechnology.3 Reduced fertilizer use Nitrous oxide or N2O has a global warming potential (GWP) of 296. Biofertilizers are also being used in place of chemical fertilizers to further reduce the environmental hazards caused due to chemical fertilizers. Bradyrhizopium sp. pesticides and fertilizers. With a huge pool of existing plantation and natural forests in Bangladesh. Biofertilizers broadly includes the following categories12: A) Symbiotic nitrogen fixers. Reduced fertilizer use will also mean less nitrogen pollution of ground and surface waters.000 ha. Generally the forests of Bangladesh can sequester 92 tC/ha. with an annual planting rate of 22.. Rhizobium sp.000 ha.20 Bangladesh has a very high atmospheric CO2 amount and the emission of CO 2 is ever increasing (fig 6). In addition. N2O from agricultural fields happens when nitrogen fertilizers applied to crops interact with common soil bacteria. A lot of debate is going on the overuse of chemical herbicides. or about 300 times greater than carbon dioxide.g. 2. bacterial pesticides and viral pesticides are being developed which will help in reducing the use of chemical pesticides. Bangladesh has a lot of degraded forestlands and other wastelands to be reforested.The diazotrophic microorganisms are the symbiotic nitrogen fixers that serve as biofertilizers e. GM crops with higher photosynthetic ability and C sequestration capacity can significantly reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. This means that one kilo of nitrous oxide is equivalent to 296 kilos of CO2. .1. Like the examples shown in case of US and other countries. They become an environmental hazard because they undergo degradation by microorganisms and ultraviolet light which releases toxic chemicals in the environment. The term biofertilizers is used to refer to the nutrient inputs of biological origin to support plant growth which is generally achieved by the addition of microbial inoculants as a source of biofertlizers. on average and 190 tC/ha in the reforested degraded hill forests in particular 11 . it can be assumed that Bangladesh is playing a major role in mitigating global warming.1. makes it extremely difficult to have enough yield without fertilizers.21 B) Asymbiotic nitrogen fixers. soil and waterways. C) Phosphate solubilising bacteria. the situation is worsened for the biodiversity as the harmful chemicals are washed away with rain. Azolla with Anaebaena is useful as biofertilizer. so the plants need less fertilizer. Data and examples • GM rice and canola has been developed13 that uses nitrogen more efficiently. This technology has the potential to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer lost by farmers every year due to leaching into the air. the everincreasing pressure on whatever amount of land remain. They accumulate the biomass which helps in improving the physical properties of the soil. The more fertilizer is used. Bangladesh Perspective Bangladesh largely depends on chemical fertilizers because of its high crop demand and limited arable land. This is useful for reclamation of alkaline soils besides providing partial tolerance to pesticides. multiply in the water logging conditions and fixes the nitrogen. The following figures show the nation’s dependence on fertilizer. Bacillus are capable of converting non-available inorganic phosphorus present in the soil to organic or inorganic form of phosphate.g. the soil becomes enriched with nitrogenous compounds thereby serving as biofertilizers e. The blue green algae. Azobacter sp. the more N gets into the environment. Azospirillum sp. With the population being doubled in less than 40 years.Some bacteria like Thiobacillus. On the death of these nitrogen fixers. With its extensive river-system. This so-called “Nitrogen Use Efficiency” (NUE) technology produces plants with yields equivalent to conventional varieties but which require significantly less nitrogen fertilizer because they use it more efficiently .The asymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria can directly convert the gaseous nitrogen to nitrogen rich compounds. Azolla. . which is an aquatic fern contains an endophytic cynobacterium Anabaena azollae in the leaf cavities providing symbiotic relationship. The most common blue green algae are Azobacter sp.. and Azospirillum sp. 22 Figure 16: Sectoral Consumption of natural gas in BD In 2009. produced from fruits and vegetables waste from the markets of Dhaka15. is being produced on the organic waste composting plant at Bhulta (Narayanganj) in the outside areas of Dhaka. named Waste Concern Jaiba Sar (WCJS). The Bio Fertilizer is recently approved by the government in Bangladesh. the first of its kind in the country with a huge capacity. The plant. has formally released its first high quality organic fertilizer. WWR Bio Fertilizer Bangladesh Ltd. The new born bio fertilizer. (A) . uses local fruit and vegetable waste from the city’s markets as raw materials. This means the soil surface is not inverted which helps trap soil moisture.1. high water-stress areas are expected to increase from 19% today to 35% by 2070. This works in two main ways: i) By reducing water loss ii) By improving drought tolerance i) Minimising water loss from agriculture Agricultural biotech practices have been developed to reduce the amount of ploughing required before planting their crops. The gravity of the problem becomes apparent when we consider experts’ predictions that agricultural output will need to double by 2050 to feed a growing population. if current trends continue.23 (B) Figure 17: Fertilizer consumption in Bangladesh (A) and (B)14 2. ii) Improving drought tolerance Plants react to stresses such as drought by consuming large quantities of stored energy normally used for growth and seed production. implying significant changes in the quality and availability of water resources. In EU.2 CROP ADAPTATION Agriculture accounts for 70% of all water use (96% of overall water withdrawal in Bangladesh). Agricultural biotechnology can play a significant role in enabling farmers to improve yield by using water more sustainably and helping to cope with water scarcity. resulting in irreversible damage to the plant or even death. Agricultural biotechnology practices which improve drought tolerance have an immediate positive impact on the plant’s resilience – and the energy available to it for growth to maturity and seed production. Current research projects . Less ploughing also means less fossil-fuel use. predicted water shortages in agriculture have been identified as the single most significant constraint on crop production over the next 50 years. Drought conditions can therefore drain the plant’s energy reserves. less CO2 emission and less soil erosion. Under drought conditions this can mean the difference between having a crop to harvest and crop failure. biotechnology. where rice normally can’t be grown as a result of lack of rainfall. Maintaining yields during water stress will help preserve grower incomes and yield more grain for the food and energy value chain. and in the process will expand their capacity and experience in crop breeding. and biosafety. 60. he said. compared to 56. seed multiplication. The Bangladesh Meteorological Department recorded 47.5 tonnes of rice per hectare in test plots. . hybrids and varieties are being developed that use water sources more efficiently and therefore perform better during water deficits. Kenya has recently announced its intention to commence field trials with this type of maize. • Hybrid crops have been developed to tolerate drought and periodic water deficits. a change experts characterized as an impact of global climate change. which can survive up to 27 days without water16. and distribution. The new rice variety was even successful in Panchagar district. The national agricultural research systems. has successfully tested the rice. While no plant can grow without water.5 tonnes per hectare but only if there is no drought.000 mm in 2007.In Bangladesh. In 2010. the rice has produced 3. The current timing for the availability of the crop is 2017. Bangladesh Status The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). experts said. and seed companies participating in the project will contribute their expertise in field testing. Existing rice varieties can produce up to 4. with the help of two Bangladeshi organizations. as well as reducing the need for irrigation. The rice is suitable to grow in the July to September cropping period.000 mm in the same period of the last year.000 hectares (250. Bangladesh witnessed the lowest rainfall in 15 years. • The Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) partnership. demonstrating that a GM solution to this important issue is well beyond the theoretical stage. Drought affected about 100. The varieties developed through the project will be distributed to African seed companies through AATF without royalty and made available to smallholder farmers as part of their seed business. both public and private.000 acres) of land in Bangladesh’s Barindra and other northern districts during the July to September period. though can’t be grown in winter as it is intolerant of cold.24 • Drought-tolerant maize has now entered the regulatory phase of development in the US.000 mm in 2008 and 66. several companies plan to introduce GM crops that will further improve drought tolerance. Over the next decade. is a five-year public-private partnership aiming to develop new African drought-tolerant maize varieties incorporating the best technology available internationally. farmers’ groups. The project will involve local institutions. August and September 2010. The measurements are countrywide averages. July. led by the African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF). The existing rice varieties in Bangladesh wither and die after 10 to 12 days if water is not available in the land.000 mm of rainfall in June. and under favorable soil and environmental conditions. Myanmar. Vietnam and West Africa.000 germplasms. In Bangladesh. The rice was also tested by 36 farmers in eight districts of Rangpur division. BRRI scientists deviated from the IRRI concept of dwarfism for high yield. who said they were happy with the results.25 India has already released the rice variety under the name ‘Shahabagi’ in 2009. most of which are local. BRRI is now moving ahead with a radical idea. and it is now grown on 235. for example. Before sending the new variety to farmers in Bangladesh. eight varieties. BRRI dhan27 for the non-saline tidal areas. These are awaiting final evaluation by the National Seed Board (NSB) for release as new cultivars. and 4-5 t/ha in the transplant Aman seasons compared with no more than 2-3 t/ha of the traditional varieties. have been collected and preserved in the BRRI gene bank. Nepal. yields about six to seven tonnes per hectare and is also able to be grown in shrimp enclosures. The new plants are expected to bring about 2025% yield improvement over the existing MVs. 3-4 t/ha in the Aus. BR17. India.000 hectares of Indian farmland. A few BRRI MVs are now widely grown in some other countries. . Developed by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). of which two are aromatic. BR20 and BR21 for the high rainfall upland situation (direct-seeded Aus). and restructured the IR8 plant type to suit local agro-ecological and climatic conditions. During the early years of research.(53 inbred and 4 hybrid). Over time. Very recently. About 8. BRRI is now undertaking breeding for flash flood submergence tolerance in varieties : BR11 sub1. With appropriate management. where up to 1 million hectares of land has been affected by salinity. Varieties with intermediate height. BRRI Dhan 47 withstands moderately saline water. BR18 and BR19 have been developed for the Boro areas (depressed basins) in the north-eastern region of Bangladesh. BRRI has successfully released 57 high-yielding Modern Varieties41 (MV) . BRRI followed IRRI in developing semi-dwarf photoperiod insensitive varieties. Sumba sub. have been developed. BR22 and BR23 with photoperiod sensitivity for late transplanting in the Aman season after the recession of the flood water. having relatively longer growth cycles and mild photo-period sensitivity have been developed. are suitable for varying ecosystems and have a wide range of disease and insect resistance.IR64 sub1. that of developing a new rice plant type with 'cluster grains' panicles. and BRRI dhan30. these MVs may yield 5-7 t/ha in the Boro. Bhutan. the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute carried out its own tests over the 2008 to 2010 period. a new salt-resistant variety of rice is helping thousands of small-scale farmers adapt. Some of them have even reported of having used only 44 kg fertilizer compared to 80 kg needed for traditional varieties. such as. The MVs developed in the 1980s and 1990s. BRRI dhan 31 and BRRI dhan 32 for rainfed lowland areas. Swarna sub1. due to reduced crop damage and by promoting more intensive use of existing land. Bt crops are proving to be a valuable tool for integrated pest management programs by giving growers new pest control choices.3 billion. and other crops to impart intrinsic protection from insect feeding.26 2. it is perhaps not surprising that China recently announced its intention to invest $3. • The latest Brookes & Barfoot (2009) global impact study shows that since 1996. some fungi can also produce toxic substances known as “mycotoxins”.3 PROTECTED AND INCREASED YIELD WITH LESS SURFACE Agricultural biotechnology lessens the pressure for land use changes by increasing yields on existing land. a real problem for farmers in maize and cereal cultivation.g.1. This is also the case for fungal diseases. China faces the onerous task of feeding a fifth of the world’s population with less than a tenth of global farmland. Confronted with land degradation. As an example. chronic water shortages and a growing population that already numbers 1. biotech traits have added 67. Figure 18: Even more mouths to feed Data and examples • One of the early successes of biotechnology was the ability to insert genes from a naturally occurring soil bacterium. especially where unprocessed maize is a key part of the diet. Bt maize is a powerful tool to reduce the level of fumonisin which could have significant benefits in developing countries. high levels of fumonisin. For many farmers. As well as causing yield losses. double-cropping.8 million tonnes and 62. Since fungal infections arise at the point of insect damage. into maize.. There are over 300 known toxins. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).4 million tonnes respectively to . For example. each with specific effects. cotton. is associated with oesophageal cancer and neural tube defects.5 billion in research and development of GM plants17. e. one of those 300. 44 million tonnes of canola. The percentage of damaged fruits reportedly ranged from 2. it is possible to reduce the costs of small and marginal farmers by 25-80 percent.18 percent to 1.85 million tonnes of cotton lint and 4. 2.7 percent in non-Bt brinjal hybrids. The technology has also contributed an extra 6. and aubergines (eggplants) and chickpeas that are resistant to insect pests called the fruit and shoot borer and the pod borer.9 million ha of soybeans. Lbs. Bangladesh has approved Bt brinjal. or 23% of the arable land in Brazil. maintaining global production levels at the 200 levels would have required additional plantings of 5. of Insecticide Applied per Planted Acre and % Acres of Bt Corn Bangladesh Status Bangladesh initially started its GM crop research with potatoes that are resistant to blight.5 million ha of cotton and 0. Figure 19: U. 3 million ha of corn. On average.27 global production of soybeans and corn.5 percent to 20 percent in Bt brinjal to 24 percent to 60 percent in non-Bt counterparts18. This total area requirement is equivalent to about 6% of the arable land in the US.06 percent to 0.3 million ha of canola.4 percent as compared to 0. Heavy use of pesticide sprays also adds to the cost of non-Bt brinjal production. it costs Bangladeshi farmers US$300/ha to produce hybrid non-Bt brinjal. The major achievements of BRRI are42: . largely due to the reduction in pesticides spray. The average shoot damage in Bt brinjal hybrids ranged from 0. 60 percent is spent on crop protection (based on a field assessment and estimates prepared by BARI consultants). With growing Bt brinjal. Recently.S. • This study also shows that if GM technology had not been available to the (12 million) farmers using the technology in 2007. Of that. high temperature. etc. cold.2 How Industrial Biotechnology Can Tackle Climate Change Industrial or white biotechnology is one of the most promising new approaches to pollution prevention. Elongation of basal internodes with thinner culm made BRRI dhan32 vulnerable to lodging. The biochemical aspects of submergence tolerance have been explored. Industrial emissions have substantially fallen over the past 30 years in most western European countries. insensitive. Strongly photoperiod sensitive variety is more affected by flash flood submergence than weakly sensitive and insensitive variety. resource conservation. BRRI dhan40 and BRRI dhan41 show and reproductive phases with salinity levels of 8-10 dS/m. However. Regrowth of a tolerant variety during post submergence period was found to be associated with the amount of residual carbohydrate content and higher stability of chlorophyll during submergence period. early maturing varieties can be harvested in early October and should be grown. Grain yield of T.0-6. Younger seedlings (30 day old) from October seeded bed produced very low yield while sixty day old seedlings produced more than 5 t grain yield but thirty and sixty day old seedlings from November seeded bed can produce more than 5 t grain yield. Submergence tolerance was also found to be related with higher PDC and ADH activity. BRRI Hybrid Dhan2 has a growth duration of 148 days and the yield is 20% higher.28 • • • • • • • • • • • • Many advance breeding lines have been screened to identify materials tolerant to different abiotic stresses like salinity. . aman rice is affected by the amount and distribution of rainfall during lean period of October to November. Under such condition. and cost reduction. varieties differ in root growth. • 2.0 mg/kg). All the BRRI varieties have the potentiality to produce roots at 7-14 DAT even when the mean minimum temperature is 120C. flash flood. IR64580-8-1-2B-9-1-2-1 and IR66043-2B-R-3-2-3-3 were selected for ratooning ability. Micronutrient-enriched rice43 : i) GR BRRI Dhan 29 is Vit A enriched ii) High iron and Zinc: BR7517-2R-2-1 has Fe (5. BR10 and BR23 have shown similar tolerance score at reduction division stage with the same salinity levels. This is mainly due to technology improvements1. BR7517-2R-4-1 has >25 mg/kg Zn in polish rice. The morphophysiological reasons for higher grain yield of BRRI dhan29 than BR3 and BRRI dhan28 than BR1 are probably due to a) better top 3 LAI during ripening phase b) higher crop growth rate and panicle growth rate and c) higher number of filled grain per panicle and filled grain per m2. However. Biorefineries are able to transform any bio-based waste material into a valuable feedstock for the production of other bio-based materials. and saving 30% of the electricity used on the laundry. (See Graph) . all these sectors can make significant contributions to mitigating climate change. By using biotech processes. The possible emission reductions for such processes are estimated to be as high as 633 million tons of CO2. food and feed. A newer example on how biotechnology solutions could help reduce carbon emissions is the harvesting of biogas from waste digesters and wastewater streams. more than Germany’s total reported emissions in 1990. without sacrificing cleanliness. paper and pulp. the substitution of oil-based materials and the creation of a closed loop system with the potential to eliminate waste. and 80% of the electricity for washing laundry is used to heat the water. Washing machines are one of the biggest consumers of household electricity. 2. a WWF report found. the substitution of fossil fuels. washing temperatures can be reduced from 40°C to 30°C.2.29 today’s technologies will most probably not be sufficient and adequate to achieve the ambitious objective set by the European Union to become the world leader in combating climate change.5 billion tons CO2 per year by 2030. textiles and energy. This one small step has not only had an impact on electricity bills but has also significantly reduced CO2 emissions. A recent report published by WWF Denmark identifies the potential to be between 1 billion and 2. With the new generation of cold water enzymes.1 The textile sector Enzymes have been used in detergents since the 1960s and since then have helped to reduce the amount of detergent released into the environment as well as decreasing the energy needed to do laundry. It uses enzymes and microorganisms to make products in sectors such as chemicals. The report identifies four fundamental dimensions of industrial biotechnology: Improved efficiency. Applications of white biotechnology can contribute to meet the EU’s environmental objective to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% in 2020.5 billion tons of CO 2 emissions per year and support building a sustainable future. Studies show that CO2 emissions can be reduced by 100 g per wash by washing at 30°C rather than 40°C19. In fact detergent enzymes represent one of the largest and most successful applications of modern industrial biotechnology. Industrial biotechnology has the potential to save the planet up to 2. and.8 GJ/tonne of textiles can be made. chemicals in detergents and contribute to reducing both the duration of the washing cycle and water consumption. the rinse water required is reduced by half. A comparison of the amount of water used in the bleach clean-up process shows that by using a specific enzyme22. With the use of an enzyme that degrades residual peroxide during the second post-bleach rinse. because the process is milder on the cotton. a higher yield is achieved24. it is possible to reduce the use of chemicals and therefore the amount of water needed to rinse the fibers by as much as 30-50%. before cotton can be dyed. often less desirable. Also.2 Plastics production . Traditionally.30 Figure 20: Emission of CO2 per wash cycle using enzymes at 30°C instead of 40°C. Use of enzymes in the laundering process leads to a reduction of eco-toxic substances between 5% and 60%.2. owing to the reduced energy consumption. which in combination with the energy savings makes the process cheaper. water heated to 30-40°C can be used and less energy is needed21. Finally. do not present risks to aquatic life. By substituting the enzyme for a reducing agent in a hot rinse.6 to 1. Another application of enzymes in the textile industry is in the treatment of cotton fibres. Enzymes are bio degradable. and so minimize the environmental impact of detergents. depending on the product. meaning that there are important energy savings. the enzymatic process reduces the pH (acidity) from 14 to 9 (7 = pH neutral) and temperature from 95°C to 55°C. 6300 to 19 000 liters of water per tonne of textiles are saved. 2. With a biotechnology process. fibre strength and softness are improved and. Enzymes partly replace other. it goes through numerous processes including a series of chemical treatments and rinsing in water. Compared to the traditional chemical process. additional savings of energy around 1. release of CO2 is lowered by 100-120 kg/tonne of textiles produced23.20 Textile bleaching is usually done using hydrogen peroxide followed by at least two rinses in hot water (80-95°C). ) they reduce already energy use by 26% and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 56% across a variety of applications compared to alternatives25. biotech processes allow for the production of biobased plastics from renewable resources. less energy may be expended. biobased polymers may contribute up to a 50% decrease in terms of energy consumption and up to 67% savings of CO2 emissions during the production process26. excellent insulation ability. few resources are consumed and global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are reduced. Using biotechnology processes to produce plastics. natural gas and coal. Today. Figure 21: Potential GHG emission reduction from bio-based polymers . Depending on the type of bioplastic. the production of biobased polymers has a great potential to reduce greenhouse gases. etc. biomass is an additional raw material source for plastics.g. light weight. In many cases. they contribute to a reduction of dependency on fossil fuel in some specific sectors. tunable properties for optimum food protection. Besides crude oil.31 Plastics in general are important materials contributing significantly to environmental protection: due to their tailor-made properties (e. Even though today biobased plastics make up only a small portion of all plastics produced. Enzyme technology can also be applied during the bleach boosting or refining processes of kraft pulp [pulp from wood chips]. water and chemical intensive process. it is now possible to reduce the amount of chlorine chemicals by 10-15% and to cut the energy used during the bleaching process by 40% which means lower emissions during power generation27.2.The conventional chemical process requires boiling wood chips at around 160°C before bleaching the pulp with chlorine dioxide. . resulting in less CO2 production28. With the application of biotechnology processes.32 Figure 22: Comparison of petroleum used by PLA and traditional plastics Figure 23: Comparison of emissions between plastics produced from petroleum and maize 2.3 Pulp and paper production and bleaching GHG emissions reduction in pulp bleaching Converting wood into paper is an energy. 2. a technology was developed using corn starch as a polymer filler that reinforces the tyre’s compounds and optimizes their properties. To reduce the energy consumed by the tyres hitting the road.7g/km. Out of every five full tanks of fuel in a car. Last but not least.4 Chemicals industry Biotechnology can be used to produce various bulk and fine chemicals that are currently produced from fossil fuel based feedstock. Traditional chemical compounds such as silicia and carbon black (which give tyres their deep black colour) can be replaced with a renewable and environmentally-friendly additive. but fermentation involves more electricity. the improved filler helps reduce tyre noise level by some 50%. fermentation has reduced the use of non-renewable resources by 80%. Since 1990. This new technology decreases CO2 emissions by 7. one is consumed by tyre friction on the road.33 Figure 24: GHG emissions reduction in pulp bleaching 2. Producers now use yeasts or fungi in a single integrated biological process. most chemical processes have been replaced by fermentation. The energy used in the chemical and the biotechnological processes is about equal: chemical synthesis uses more steam (energy) which comes from fossil fuels. However. the vitamin B2 manufacturing process starts with glucose and is followed by a sequence of six chemical steps. . volatile organic compounds by 50% and emissions to water by 66% while the residuals (34%) are inorganic salt and biomass. The move to bioprocessing for production of vitamin B2 resulted in a 40% cost reduction and in a drastic reduction of wastes and pollutants. compared to chemical synthesis. Traditionally. .5 Biofuels Several studies have been published on the eco-efficiency of biofuels 30. Further innovation in the biofuel supply chain. reporting CO2 savings with the present biofuel technologies between 20 and 80% (depending on the feedstock and conversion process) compared with using conventional petrol. less fuel intensive cultivation of crops and low carbon conversion processes could help to achieve further CO2 savings as well as a more sustainable use of biomass.34 Figure 25: Overview of chemicals that can be obtained from major biomass constituents by established or possible biotechnological processes29 2. And it is estimated that this can increase to 90% and higher for second generation biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol. such as high energy feedstock.2. by making juice products that are more cloud-stable [that stays clear and does not precipitate particles from the pulp] or by reducing the content of unsaturated fat in fat spreads.6 Food industry There are different drivers for the use of enzyme technology in the food industry. Reduced waste of bread by the use of maltogenic amylase Recently a special amylase has been commercialized that diminishes the crystallisation of starch. Finally many enzymes applications in the food industry are advantageous mainly due to their impact on processing conditions in food manufacturing plants. Enzyme technology can improve the quality of the food product.35 Figure 26: Biofuels CO2 profile saving by feedstock31 2.2. for instance. The industry can save both money and energy. . reducing waste of bread by allowing bread to stay fresh and moist longer. centralized bakeries and make fewer deliveries to retailers. This effect has provided industrial bakeries with new opportunities for changing their production and delivery setup in order to produce at larger. The technology can further reduce processing costs by reducing chemical and energy use and processing time. while less waste bread also means more efficient use of agricultural raw materials. where enzyme use may result in savings of energy and chemicals. 36 There are significant environmental gains due to better utilization of agricultural raw materials.8 Dye industry Thanks to the production of dyes through more environmentally friendly processes. In early times. Bioprocesses to produce biobased colourants have been developed and recently patented as an alternative to traditional chemical synthesis. as well as through wastewater treatment. increasing its wetting properties or assisting the formulation of emulsified liquids] and soda requirements during the tanning process. A reduction of GHG emissions of up to 54 t per million loaves of bread sold can be obtained32. including agricultural emissions.2. production of fertilizer and traction. 2. Some 15% of the reduction comes from savings in energy consumption during milling and baking and 15% comes from reduced transportation.2. enzymes can help to reduce the potential environmental impact of dyes. the surfactant [a molecule that lowers surface tension. the enzymes are almost entirely produced by microbial fermentation. the enzymatic synthesis of these colourants can be obtained at ambient temperature. the agricultural load. Soaking enzymes reduce the required soaking time. under mild conditions. Enzymes that remove hair during the tanning process reduce the sulfide requirements for the process. . the enzymes were derived from animal excrement and later on from the pancreases of cattle. the global saving potential is in the order of 8 million GJ of energy and 0. Reduced soaking time leads to electricity savings in turning the drum where the hides rest. Assuming that the environmental improvements by switching from conventional to enzyme-assisted soaking and de-hairing/liming are applicable worldwide. The environmental impacts of producing and delivering the enzymes to the tannery on the one hand and the savings in chemicals and electricity on the other have been evaluated via a LCA33 study. The major contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions is also. g. Some 65% of the reduction stems from savings in the production of wheat.7 million tonnes of CO2 per year. e. 2. This comparison of conventional and enzyme-assisted bovine soaking and de-hairing /liming processes indicates that the application of enzymes in the tanning industry is justified by considerable energy savings and considerable reductions in the processes’ contribution to global warming. While the creation of chemical-based dyes requires temperature up to 70-90°C in harsh conditions.7 Tanning and leather industry Enzymes have been used in the tanning industry for centuries because they are efficient in degrading protein and fat. Today. in this case. Production of microbial biomass protein and single cell protein. reduce by a factor of 2 the impact on the ozone layer. Production of amylase and gluco-amylase for scarification of low cost starch. Production of tannery enzymes: There are 175 tanneries in Bangladesh now. Production of biofertilizer (has reached commercial stage). the results are quite encouraging and a good number of projects are in advanced stage which can be taken up for commercialization35. The enzymatic dehairing and bating of hides have been widely accepted as an . Genetic improvement of industrial micro-organisms like citric acid producing Aspergillus niger through gamma radiation.(has reached commercial stage) Mass scale production of Spirulina (has reached commercial stage). as compared to classical chemical sludge. An LCA34 showed that. • • • • • • • Bioconversion and bioprocessing of agricultural and agro-industrial residues for feed.2. 2. enzymes can reduce by 10 times the impact on global warming. reduce by a factor of 3 the impact on abiotic [non living components in the environment) depletion and decrease by a factor of 3 the impact on marine toxicity. Modern biotechnological programs involving gene transfer technology have yet to be started in real earnestness. fuel and chemicals.9 INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY IN BANGLADESH In the field of industrial biotechnology Bangladesh is yet to make real breakthroughs.37 Figure 27: Impact of enzymatic versus traditional wastewater treatment Enzymatic treatment of coloured wastewater was shown to cut toxicity towards human cells in half. Whatever has been possible is through classical/old bio technology methods. However. These two sectors only can greatly reduce energy consumption and harmful gas and chemical emission. On degradation it releases methane. Within the Recycling Center Concept the landfill gas is being captured and used to generate energy. This project aim was to reduce CO2 emission by 80. Bioindicator (Azolla filiculoidis) for arsenic pollution has been developed. Prevent composition of greenhouse gas: The WWR composting methodology is aerobic. Application of the methodology generates Certified Emissions Reductions (carbon credits). but old-tech sector. was registered by WWR in May 2006. An example project. use of commercial enzyme (a mixture of alkaline protease and lipase) in the bating step needs import of about 400 MT of bating powder. Preservation of fruits. Bangladesh has a very cheap labor which can greatly elevate the success probability of industrial biotechnology. The tannery industry is also a rich. which is both a medicine and health food. Emission reduction: WWR reduces greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste by preventing both the composition and the emission of greenhouse gas. However. . Prevent emission of greenhouse gas: In a landfill organic matter decays anaerobically. a new Bacillus strain FS-1 has been found36 which can do the de-hairing process with 100% efficiency. the Dhaka Landfill Gas to Energy project. Bangladesh has innovated the technique for large-scale bioremediation (through duckweed) of arsenic from groundwater. in Dhaka. This makes capturing the gas eligible for receiving carbon credits. Production of alcohol from agroindustrial residues – a few distilleries in the country are already utilizing >50. Bioenrichment of cereal food by microbial fermentation. Bangladesh holds great possibility in industrial biotechnology.000 MT of molasses for the production of ethyl alcohol. Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) has developed spirulina tablets. The first project under the AM0025 methodology. turning organic waste into compost without producing methane.000 tons between 2006 and 2010.38 • • • • • • • alternative to the chemical process (Manachini et al. costing almost 25 million BDT. The sequencing of the jute genome opens the door for various research (on its tolerance to stresses) and industries on the “GOLDEN FIBRE” and this can greatly contribute to our economy as well. was registered by WWR in December 2005. 1988). Recently. In these two sectors other countries have done marvelous jobs in implementing biotechnology. The methodology obtained approval by the CDM Executive Board under registration number AM0025. Bangladesh. vegetables and spices by radiation and bioprocessing. a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect 21 times more than CO2. The chief export sector is the garments industry. Commercialization of this strain after proper modification can both save money and help improve the environmental damage done by the chemical steps. where various chemical processes are done. this footprint is larger than the automotive and aerospace sectors respectively. 39 Fig 28: Scenario of Canada's GHG emission . health and chemical or energy industries is a classic example of bioeconomic activity. And these processes are very much economically profitable as well.3. into new sustainable production and manufacturing processes. It is closely linked to the evolution of the biotechnology industry.39 2.4 percent of the GDP.3 Billion Canadian Bioeconomy Biotechnology is driving an economic shift to a broader “bio-based economy” which integrates biologic products and technologies.38. CO2 emission is reduced more than 240 mt37.3 billion dollars.3 Bioeconomy Bioeconomy refers to all economic activity derived from scientific and research activity focused on understanding mechanisms and processes at the genetic and molecular levels and its application to industrial process. 2. The evolution of the biotechnology industry and its application to agriculture. Canada’s bio-based economy is valued at 78. Canada’s bioeconomy solution has lessened the GHG manifold. derived from renewable resources. At 6.1 The $78. 40 Fig 29: Proposed bioeconomy-based solutions to Canada's climate crisis . 41 Figure 30: Canadian industry sector GDP Figure 31: Main components of Canada’s bio-based economy . So both technically and economically. Being economically insolvent.42 3. biotechnology has proved its user-friendliness. might be the first to encounter the destructions of nature. No region can insulate itself from these climate changes. they have shown the courage to lead the world in building a greener planet.1 Following Golden Examples "Given the nature and magnitude of the challenge. UN Secretary General As can be seen in this report. although being a low contributor to global warming. That is why the traditional industries and agricultural systems are still a great threat to climate. The fact that daunts countries like us to adopt biotechnology is the risk that is associated with it. many EU countries have adopted biotechnology and profited both economically and environmentally. their technology. many countries in the world are acting fast to mitigate the likely climatic problems they might suffer from. Bangladesh. one that guarantees the highest level of international cooperation. They have significantly lessened the GHG emission in the respective fields and the energy consumption graph in those sectors are also downwards. national action alone is insufficient. Via crop adaptation. Within a few years they have already set a standard for other countries that are soon going to follow. But here too. carbon sequestration. From the developed countries’ perspective. we cannot that much afford to gamble with our industries. That is why we need to confront climate change within a global framework. It is very much expected now that within decades. . being further refined. reduction of GHG. will show them light in the dark days ahead." . But the adoption of bio-based economy can be even more economical. Agricultural sectors have recently been revolutionized by the introduction of biotechnology. as shown by the example of Canada. increased yield and virtually all sectors in agriculture they have both shown promise in acting against climate change and meeting their food demand. No nation can address this challenge on its own.Ban Ki-Moon. it was a huge challenge to come up with a controversial idea (biotechnology) to reshape their already-established industries. But what we have to understand is this is a global problem and only a few countries cannot do much of a good while all the rest are neglecting the issue. Many countries have adopted biotechnology as their ultimate weapon in this race against time and have already started getting the results. Discussion 3. As discussed above. They have made strong legislative decision towards implementing the newest technology available to fight climate change. The National Institute of Biotechnology has not been able to show the promise that is expected of it. Integration of molecular and cellular biology with conventional breeding technologies can be used for the development of new and improved crop varieties The recommended action plan also includes- . Inadequate fellowship program for higher education and research Unavailability of databases of scientific community and recent progress on Biotechnology research and development in the country Inappropriate purchasing mechanisms and customs licenses consistent with the nature of biotechnology products.43 We all understand the threats of climate change to our country. Difficulties in transferring technologies to the users due to inadequate infrastructure and support services. Weak coordination and networking among the research institutes and universities involved in biotechnology research. But it is high time that we react quickly and join with the forces battling against this monstrous problem. The following difficulties make the matter worse:        Inadequate financial resources to carry research programs.    3. Time needed to develop biotechnology products is long. For safeguarding the future of our next generations. The majority of biotechnology samples require rapid and environmentally controlled transport.2 Constraints There are a lot of technical and legislative constraints towards building a bio-based economy. industry and environment. Inadequate private sector investment for promotion of biotechnology research and business. institutional development and funding for the application of biotechnology to solve the problems in agriculture. The crop and forest biotechnology policy has only been finalized in 201040.3 Recommendations Bangladesh needs a clear policy. 3. The biggest truth is the lack of government initiative to uplift biotechnology. Inadequate number of qualified researchers and technicians in the institutions. Unappealing salary and incentives for researchers and technicians. climate change must be faced seriously and biotechnology just shows the required potential. So their genes should be looked up for and should be tried for transferring to other species of shrimp. This will provide greater shelter of sundarbans and its flora and fauna. This can just be the large-scale-boost that is needed to uplift our position in pioneering biotechnology research in different environmental sectors. Modern Biotechnology (rDNA technology) is still in its initial stage in Bangladesh. have been formulated. .  Build database of endangered species and proper biotechnological approach to safeguard their existence. These universities are also pioneering in different sectors of biotechnology. animals and microbes. The necessary policies. food security and safety.  Finding cure of the massive top-dying disease of sundari tree via biotechnology. Salinity-tolerant. The whole world is working together in this issue. 4. indicus) and Western White Shrimp (P. Indian White Shrimp (P. Sonnerata apetala and Avicennia officinalis) are suitable for mangrove forestation in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. although Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission had a program titled “Genetic improvement of industrial microorganisms” as early as 1970's. Yet.  Strengthen the public awareness programme on the recent development of biotechnology. A number of universities are now teaching biotechnology and some very enthusiastic and talented new researchers are being produced there. Bangladesh holds a great possibility in playing a vital role against climate change.  The giant tiger prawn P. There are a good number of graduate and non-graduate students and young scientists who will soon fill the gap of experts needed for these techniques. Conclusion Biotechnology in Bangladesh is still in its dormancy. As a result. drought-tolerant.44  Provide appropriate environment to encourage research and investment in the field of biotechnology. though late.  3 species (Heritiera fomes. monodon. all the resources are now available for industrial and agricultural application.  Introduce the newly-identified Bacillus FS-1 in the tannery industries. the huge shrimp business in the coastal regions can be saved by conferring salinity-resistance. vannamei) are very much salinity-tolerant. Bangladesh has already been successful in sequencing the jute genome.  Use of biotechnology to achieve sustainable agricultural development. So.  Develop infrastructure and human resource development on biotechnology. We have a rich genetic resource of plants. water-stress-tolerant crop species are being worked on here and these are the exact tools we need to combat the impacts of climate change. Conduct extensive research on these species and try to transfer their resistance gene to other fast growing plants to confer and strengthen the coastal shield. Life Cycle Assessment Supports Cold-Wash Enzymes International Journal for Applied Science (2005) 20. G. Inc. 24. www.. Climate Change and Strategic Adaptation Provisions for Coastal Bangladesh. GM Crops:global socio-economic and environmental impacts 1996-2007. Conservation Tillage and Plant Biotechnology: How New Technologies Can Improve the Environment By Reducing the Need to Plow” Richard Fawcett. Brown Publishers.sciencemag.tradingeconomics.pdf 17. Biotechnology: A Guide To Genetic Engineering.ifap. Stern Review on the economics of climate change. Speech by Jack HM Treasury.84 21. 2006 3. 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