CLD Project Files

March 30, 2018 | Author: Christopher Griffin | Category: Sonar, Input/Output, Read Only Memory, Computer Engineering, Digital Electronics



Projects for CLD(E,F) 2014 Computer Logic Design (Spring 2014) Submission Details/Deadlines: 1- High level Design of Circuit- 28th April, 2014 2- Complete implementation of the circuit in Logic Works.- 7th May, 2014 1 Project 1: Traffic lights Problem If the three traffic lights (leaving yellow) are written as R, G and G- where G- is the green light to turn right, then the traffic signals operate as follows. The traffic lights operate with the following signals R x0 G x1 G1x You have to design a circuit controlling all the lights. Each state should stay there for 4 clock cycles. Input Clock Pulse CP Output Light connections A0, A1, B0, B1, C0, C1, D0, D1 e. You have to design a circuit that gets input from the counter. C0…C3. counts the frequency of all the numbers and produce the output on six LCD’s i. you will have 24 output lines. They already have a display and the dice counter. E0…E3. The LCD has 4 inputs and displays the number placed at its input. B0…B3. The dice counter has five outputs.Project 2: Dice counter Problem A company is producing dice. D0…D3. But they now need a circuit to count the actual number of times each side appeared. F0…F3 . four to tell which number has appeared and one to tell that a new sample is available. Input Clock Pulse Sample Available Sample Data CP SA D0…D3 Output Count of 1-6 A0…A3. To check the balancing of the dice they have made a mechanical equipment to throw the dice and read the answer. The capacity should be 4 words. And two outputs as overflow and underflow indicators. A delete input with 2 outputs for data.Project 3: Queue of 2-bit words Problem Implement a queue of 2 bit numbers. A1 DA Output Delete Data Overflow Underflow D0. It should have an add input with 2 inputs for actual data. Input Clock Pulse Add Add Data Delete CP AA A0. D1 OF UF . Project 4: Stack of 2-bit numbers Problem Implement a stack of 2 bit numbers. Input Clock Pulse Add Push Data Delete CP AA A0. It should have a push input with 2 inputs for actual data and a pop input with 2 outputs for data. The capacity should be 4 words. And two outputs as overflow and underflow indicators. D1 OF UF . A1 DA Output Pop Data Overflow Underflow D0. Every position should know weather there is data available or not. It should also have a delete input with 3-bit position input and a bit for output. Input Clock Pulse Insert Delete Position Insert Data CP IA DA P0…P2 ID Output Delete Data DD Nothing to Delete DF Data Already present IF (delete failure) (insert failure) . This should be set on insert and cleared on delete.Project 5: Linked List of bits Problem Design a linked list of 1 bit numbers with capacity for 8 bits. It should have an insert input with 3-bit input for position and a bit for actual data. Input Clock Pulse Input Available Input Command CP IA C0. Until the current command is completed.3. C1 Output Output Available Output Signal OA S0…S2 .Project 6: Robot Controller Problem A computer needs to control a robot. don’t take a look at the next input from the computer.3 and 2 clock cycles. where the computer sends the following commands: Do nothing 00 Turn right 01 Turn left 10 Move forward 11 You have to design a circuit that accepts these commands and sends the robot the following signals Do nothing 000 Turn right 001 010 011 Turn left 101 110 111 Move forward 100 100 So they respectively take 1. Assume that the clock pulse you are using gives pulses exactly one minute apart. So you will have 28 output lines for the display. The circuit you will design will keep the time in 24 hour format and will give its output to 4 seven. which is connected to an actual alarm. The alarm will ring as long as this signal is ‘1’. B0…B6. You will also have an alarm output. C0…C6.Project 7: Alarm clock Problem You have to design a digital alarm clock. D0…D6 AP .segment displays. You will set this output at 1200 hrs everyday and it should remain set for 5 minutes. whose input is 7 bits controlling the seven segments. Input Clock Pulse CP Output Display output Alarm Output A0…A6. Input Clock Pulse Input Available Input Data INT acknowledge INT NOT ACK CP IA ID INTA INTNA Output Data Read Signal Output Data Output Available R OD OA . input available will be set in the next cycle also. then reads data and sends data read signal. To read data from the serial device it check input available flag. It will discard its buffer.Project 8: Serial I/O Controller Problem A serial I/O Controller will interrupt the CPU when 8 bits are available in its buffer. if the CPU does negative acknowledgment. It will provide the CPU with data when the CPU acknowledges the interrupt. If more data is available. in total four inputs and 2 outputs. YA0…YA2 . BOD XE. one to enable the memory. setting the output available flag. X and Y for ROMs. BE AS. In the following A and B are the prefix for devices. data available and the actual data. The devices should be able to simultaneously place requests and get data if they are going for different ROMs while one should wait when going before one of them. Input Clock Pulse Memory enable ROM Select Address lines Output Available Output Data CP AE. YE XA0…XA2. Assume one request arrives in one clock cycle. Each ROM has three address lines. There are two devices each of which needs access to the ROMs. BOA AOD. and no request can arrive from the same device until the first is satisfied. one to select which ROM to use. BS AA0…AA2. You are to insert a circuit between the devices that allows both devices to use both ROMs. Each device has five outputs. However the memory can take many clock cycles before it sets output available and gives the data. three to select the address in the ROM. while there are two inputs. YOD Output Output Available Output Data Memory enable Address lines AOA. YOA XOD.Project 9: Memory Controller Problem A computer has 2 ROMs each containing 8 words of 1-bits data. BA0…BA2 XOA. an enable input while produces output of a single bit. it sends relative motion. You have to design a circuit that is given relative motion in both directions from mouse device and is to continuously output x and y coordinates. A RESET input can be used to set both to zero. The relative motion is coded as follows: Fast motion 110 Slow motion 101 No motion 100 Slow negative motion 011 Fast negative motion 010 Input Clock Pulse Reset X and Y Up/down input Left/right input CP RESET RY0…RY2 RX0…RX2 Output X position Y position X0…X7 Y0…Y7 +2 pixels +1 pixel no change -1 pixel -2 pixels .Project 10: Mouse Controller Problem The actual mouse device never sends screen coordinates. CS1 D0…D3 Output Timer Expire TA. Four output lines correspond to the channels and are set high as soon as the corresponding timer expires. Zero means to disable a channel.Project 11: System timer Problem Computers contain a timer containing programmable channels. Input Clock Pulse Input Available Channel Select Duration CP IA CS0. You are to design a circuit with four programmable channels. Programmable channels mean timers of different durations. TD . An enable input. two channel select inputs and 4 lines for duration input can set any channel to a given duration from 1-15. TB. TC. each disabled initially. Input Clock Pulse Response CP R Output Ping Maximum time P M0…M3 . PING and RESPONSE. It makes available the 4-bit max number of cycles at its output.Project 12: Ping reporter Problem Design a circuit that communicates with a device using two lines. Your circuit counts the clock cycles between each PING and the following RESPONSE by the device. Every PING will be followed by a RESPONSE and the max time before RESPONSE cannot exceed 16. Assume that no stale RESPONSE replies may occur. max. which will be given the 4-bit speed of a vehicle at its input every clock cycle. Input Clock Pulse Input Speed CP I0…I3 Output Max speed Avg speed Min speed Note: X0…X3 A0…A3 N0…N3 . each 4-bit long giving the respective value. avg & min.Project 13: Speedometer Problem You have to design a circuit. It has 3 outputs. Input Clock Pulse First Number Second Number CP A0…A7 B0…B7 Output Answer C0…C14 .Project 14: Multiplier Problem Design a circuit that can multiply two 8-bit numbers.You can ignore decimal portion in average. You will need to use adder circuits in the design of the multiplier. which can do the following: Display A Display B Input A Input B A=A+B B=A+B A=B . Input Clock Pulse Command Available Command Input Data CP CA C0…C2 A0…A3 Output Output Available Output Data OA D0…D3 . While it has four more inputs to read A or B and has 5 outputs. 4 for displaying and 1 as output available flag.A B=A 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Your circuit has three inputs to read the command and a command available flag.Project 15: Calculator Problem You have to design a processor for a calculator. Magician will take the guess after every 4 cycles. In the end magician should tell in how many turns user is able to guess the correct number. otherwise H or L will be set accordingly.Project 16: FunBrain Magician The FunBrain Magician is game that will pick a secret number between 0 – 31. If the answer is correct CA will be set to 1. If the guess is high or low. User guesses what number it is. FunBrain will give a hint. User will ask the magician to generate the random number by setting input GRN = 1. Input Clock Pulse CP Generate Random number GRN Guessed Number C0…C4 Output Correct Answer Number of guesses High Low CA D0…D4 H L . Every position should know weather there is data available or not. In that case there should be two 2 bits for source & destination.S1 D0.D1 A.P1 I0…I2 S0. Your circuit has 2 inputs A. This should be set on insert.B 00 01 10 11 A Seven segment display is attached to each node.B Output 4 Seven segment display showing the contents of each node (insert Data Already present IF failure) Note: If node is empty then Seven segment display should display E . It should be able to insert input with 2-bit input for position and 3 bits for actual data. It should also be able to swap data of 2 nodes. It should be able to rotate data right & left.Project 17: Circular Linked List Problem Design a linked list of 3 bit numbers with capacity for 3x4 bits. Input Clock Pulse Insert Position Insert Data Source Position Destination Position Command CP P0. B to read the command Command Insert Rotate right Rotate left swap A. Each player roles a dice and output can only be between 1 to 6. Input Clock Pulse Cell no CP CN (on every turn) Output Winner Player WP Project 20 Snakes and Ladders It’s a two player game.Project 18 16-bit pseudo random generator It should generate 16 bit random number. Each player will mark the cell on its turn.. You need to fix the positions of snakes and ladders on the cells. or diagonal row wins the game. The player moves number of cells ahead according to face value of dice. Make sure your system should not generate the same random number on the same seed. Input Clock Pulse Seed CP S0…S15 Output Random Number A0…. The game also has to display the turn of each player. Input Clock Pulse Start Dice Roll CP 1 to start and 0 to stop Output Position of each player on board Winner Player WP Project 21 . with each cell having a unique number. You have 0-99 cells. The first one to reach 99 will win. Each cell of the grid is assigned a unique combination (id) of length 6. You have a grid of size 20x20.A15 Project 19 Tic-Tac-Toe Game It’s a two player game. The player who succeeds in placing twenty respective marks in a horizontal. vertical. The cell will be marked by giving its unique id. L2 P0…P6 . The snake (initially 3 bits long) moves in a 16 x 16 grid. L1. he wins. Input Clock Pulse T (Trigger Device) SR(Sound Received) I(Input Speed) Speed of Sound(m/s) CP set to initiate distance measurement process set when the echo is received set when speed of sound has to be updated S0…S15 Output ES(Emit Sound) Distance (m) Signal for the Sound Emitter to initiate pulse D0…D15 Project 22 Snake Game You are required to design the famous single player game called Snake. Food appears at random locations on the grid and the size of the snake grows by one each time it eats. There are 5 levels in the game. You do not need to design the emitter and receiver. assume that the hardware is available. as in submarine navigation) to navigate. receives the echo. You are required to design a similar device that emits an acoustic wave pulse. such as other vessels. communicate with or detect objects on or under the surface of the water. If the snake hits one of these obstacles. Twenty points leads to the next level where the size of the snake is again reset to 3 bits and new obstacles (bricks on certain locations on the grid) appear. and using the time difference between these two events calculates the distance of a far off object. it dies and game is over. Input Clock Pulse Up Down Right Left CP 1 to move up 1 to move down 1 to move right 1 to move left Output Level Points L0. If the player scores 100.Distance Measuring Device (SONAR) Sonar (originally an acronym for SOund Navigation And Ranging) is a technique that uses sound propagation (usually underwater. Each food item increases the points by 5. Bats are the pioneers in nature to have mastered the technique of echo-location based on the same principle.
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