Class No Opac



Class_No_OpacClass Number ^20.11 0.05.133 001.535 001.642 001.642 001.6424 001.6424 001.6424 001.6425 001.6425 001.6425 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 Title Authors International journal of multiphase flow Hetsroni, G.; Simpson, H. C. Atomisation and spray technology : An international Eisenklam, Paul handbook of fluid dynamics Streeter, L Machining with single point tools Khare, M. K. Computer aided engineering journal Problems of small scale electronics units around delhiGoel, a case Rakesh studyKr. Handbook of air conditioning system design Reliability engineering & system safety Soares, C. Guedes; Kondo, S.; Mancini, G. P-V-T relationship for gases Gupta, C. P. Key words Journal of the institution of engineers Journal of institution of engineers Journal of the institution of engineers Bearings, lubricants and lubrication Shing, D. V.; Sinhasan, R.; Malik, M.; Ghai, R. C. Design of refrigerant piping Prakash, Rajendra Modern machining processes Pandey, P. C.; Shan, H. S. Journal of the royal aeronatical society Bradbrooke, Joan, Au. Fluid mechanics and fluid power Sharma, S. C., ed. Handbook of 100 new small industry schems, 1972 Japanese, Indo Sears list of subject headings Miller, Joseph Sulzer technical review Farm machinery Bushyev, N.; Alexeyev, G.; Plaksin, V. Conditioning and weathering Aeronautical quarterly Handbook of mechanical design Maitra, Gitin M.; Prasad, L. V. Indian academy of science : proceedings Admiralty navigation manul Proceedings of the cfd symposium cfd division of aesi University of roorkee research journal Mathur, B. S. Future trends in mechanical engineering research and development Gaps in technology Counting education course for mechanical engineers Learing-Aided dynamic scheduling and its appllications Nakasuka, to routing Problem Shinichi Heat and mass transfer 2000 ; proceedings Loknath, M. S.; Venkateshan, S. P.; Prasad, B. V Investigation on analytical thermal performance prediction Chawla, of solar Devinder pond S.; Saini, J. S. Handbook of experimental stress analysis Hetenyi, M. Fortran 90/95 Chapman, J. Stephen Rule-based expert systems Buchanan, B.G., Ed. Action diagrams Martin, James, Au. Buildfing expert systems Hayes-Roth, F., Ed. Guide to fortran programming McCracken, Danial D., Au. Mastring turbo pascal 5 Hergert, Douglas, Au. The ABC"s of 1-2-3 Gilbert, C., Au. Understanding dbase 3 plus Simpson, Alan, Au. Manual : dbase III Williams, Robert E., Au. Advanced techniques in dBASE III PLUS Simpson, A., Au. Business graphics with lotus 1-2-3 Osgood, William R., Au. Principles of interactive computer graphics Newman, William M., Au. Methematical elements for computer graphics Rogers, David F., Au. Computer aided graphics and design Ryan, Daniel L., Au. Computer graphics Hearn, D.; Baker, M.P. Page 1 Class_No_Opac 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 001.6443 003.3 003.5 003.54 003.7 003.7 004 004 004.16 004.16 004.64 004.64 004.64 004.64 004.64 004.64 005 005.1 005.1 005.1 005.1 005.113 005.117 005.13 005.13 005.13 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 Procedural elements for computer graphics Rogers, David F., Au. Microcomputer graphics:art,design and creative modelling Batty, M., Au. High-rersolution computer graphics using fortran77 Angell, Ian O., Au. Engineering graphics and design with computer applications Cook, D.I., Au. Computer-aided graphics and design Ryan, D.L., Au. Introductory to course in computer graphics Kingslake, R., Au. Device independent graphics Sproull, R.F., Au. Simulation in research and development : proceedingsJavor, A., ed. Cybernetics human capabilities and limitations in industrial operations Information systems : failure analysis Wise, John A., ed.; Debons, Anthony, ed. Analysis and design of discrete physical systems Analysis of discrete physical systems Koenig, Herman E., ed.; Tokad, Yilmaz, ed.; Kesa Theory and problems of data processing Lipschutz, M.M., Au. Peter nortons interoduction to computers Computer aided drafting in mini and micro computer Sikdart, P. K.; Porey, P. D. Microcomputers and microprocessors Uffenbeck, John, Au. Inside Auto Cad Raker, D., Au. Inside AutoCAD release13 for windows and windows NT Soen, F., Au. 1-2-3 Tips, tricks, and traps Andersen, Dick, Au. Pascal Chirlian, Paul M., Au. Norton utilities version 4.0 ;an illustrated tutorial richard Evans, evans Richard, Au. Windows API bible Conger, James L., Au. Computer studies a first course Shelley, John; Hunt, Roger Software engineering : analysis and design Easteal, Charles, Au. Sioftware engineering :an industrial approach Radice, Ronald, Au. Object-orinted software engineering with C++ Ince, Darrel, Au. Estimation, planning and control of programming activities Mastering turbo C Kelly-Bootle, S., Au. Requirements engineering and rapid development Graham, Ian, Au. Object oriented programming using C++ Chandra, B Matlab programming for engineers Chapman, Stephen J., Au. Programming visual basic 6.0 Balena, Francesco, Au. Manual; wordstar Williams, Robert E., Au. Teach yourself auto CAD for windows Gibb, J. Introduction to fortran 90/95 Chapman, Stephen J. Learn pascal in three days Abolrous, Sam A., Au. Raipidex computer course Gupta, V., Au. Object-oriented programming in turbo c++ Lafore, Robert Mastring windows 95 Cowart, Robert, Au. Alan simpson's windows xp bible Simpson, Alan Teach yourself windows 98 in 24 hours Perry, Greg, Au. Mastring microsoft office 2000 professional edition Couter, Gini, Au. Teach yourself microsoft word 97 in 24 hours Jones, L., Au. Mastring microsoft office 97 Moseley, Lonnie E., Au. From fortran to C Kerrigan, James F., Au. The spirit of C : an introduction to modern programming Mullish, H., Au. Theory and problems of programming with C++ Hubbard, John R., Au. Artificial intelligence Time, Life, Ed. AutoCAD release12 instant refernce Omura, G.; Callori, B.R. Mastering auto CAD for windows Omura, G., Au. Theory and problems of programming with C Gotteried, Byron S. Teach yourself Stevens, A., Au. Page 2 Class_No_Opac 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.133 005.1333 005.42 005.42 005.42 005.42 006.33 006.33 006.6 006.6 021.64205 025.43 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 Programming with fortran 77 Mayo, E. William; Cwiakala, Martin Understanding pointers in C Kanetkar, Yashavant P., Au. Object-oriented analysis and design with applications Booch, G., Ed. Completre text on basic programming Holmes, B. J., Au. Visual C++ 5.0 developer's guide Bennett, David, Au. Borland C++4 object-oriented programming Faison, T., Au. Introduction to basic Morton, J.B., Au. Object-oriented programming in C++ Barkakati, N., Au. Teach yourself visual C++ 5 in 21 days Gurewich, Ori; Gurewich, Nathan Introduction to fortran 77 and the personal computer Hammond, R.H., Au. The C programming language Kernighan, W . Brain; Ritchie, M. Dennis The dictionary of computing and digital media : Terms Hansen, and acronyms Brad Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming Gottfried, with CByron S., Au. Theory and problems of computer graphics Plastock, R.A., Au. Systems programming Donovan, John J., Au. Systems simulation Gordon, G., Au. Systems programming and operating systems Dhamdhere, D. M., Au. System simulation Gordon, Groffrey Expert database systems :a gentle introduction Beynon-Davies, P., Au. Expert systems : Introduction to first and second generation Nikolopoulos@FAu. and hybrid knowledge based systems Computer graphics including cad, autocad and C Kuthe, A.M. Dr. Gsraphics programming with direct 3D Glidden, Rob, Au. Union catalog of peridical holdings Dewey decimal classification and relative index Dewey, Melvil Atlas copco manual Diplomacy of detente Bell, Coral Professional amateur Boyd, T. A. Calender Servicing motion picture sound equipment Cameron, James R. Sound equipment motion picture projection public address Cameron, systems James R. Indigenous design : a case study of cable making machinery Singhal, R. N. Comperhensive glosary of technical terms engineering comprehensive glossary of technical terms enginnering-II Engineering glossary IV Electric cradle dynamometer Bhandary, P. R.; Keshav, M. S.; Chetty, V. J.; Bha Indian agriculture Agarwal, A. N. Adventure into the unknown Hawkins, Laurence A. Prienciples of industrial waste tretment Gurnham, C. Fred Model code of safety regulations for industrial establishments for the guidance of government and indus Reference india Gupta, K. L. Small scale industries Gupta, Kali Charan general catalogue of machine tools, woodworking and sawmill machinery, general engineering plant and President radhakrishnan's speeches and writings Research in industry Furnas, C. C. Members of the standing commission for science and technical terminology Engineering glossary II Engineering glossary I Small Scale Industries King's english Flower, H. W.; Flower, F. G. Thesis and assignment writing Anderson, Janathan; Durston, Berry H.; Poole, Mi U. P. government dictionary Influence of temperature and rate of strain on the properties Work, of Clyde metals E.; in Dolan, torsion Thomas J. Page 3 Class_No_Opac 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030.016 030.030 030.071 030.071 030.071 030.071 030.071 030.071 030.071 030.071 030.09 030.09 030.09 030.1734 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 Mechanical Engineering Houghton, Bernard Open university Perry, Walter Institution of engineers jabalpur local centre Modifications of prospectus Modern jupiter Miller, John Anderson Prospectus Prospectus of the bachelor of engineering SI the inertnational systems of units Page, Chester H.; Vigoureux, Paul Research journal Research Papers Mechanical catalog Meteorology and air navigation Shields, Bert A. Directory of science instruments & components manufactured . in india Engineering contracts and specifications Abbert, Robert W. Souvenir Comprehensive glossary of technical terms Text book of elementary surveying Markanda, S. C.; Sehgal, S. B. Instrument manual Kothari's industrial directory of india First get-together of research and industry Contracts in engineering Jucker, James Irwin Technology forecast for 1980 Weber, Ernst; Teal, Gordon K.; Schillinger, A. Ge Scientific research in british university and colleges Mechanical engineer's catalog 1964.Mechanical Engineers catalog 1963 Report on examination reform Engineering bulletin : proceedings Shurig, D. G., ed. Engineer and society Semler, E. G., ed. Engineering bulletin : proceedings Shurig, D. G., ed. Rubber research in india-two decades Chakravarty, S. N. Units and conversion factors Bhaskaran, K. A., Ed. Heat bibliography Larousse modern french-english dictionary Dubois, Marguerite-Marie World educational crisis :a systems analysis Coombs, Philip H. evaluation in higher education Higher education in engineering and science Estrin, Herman A.; Houten, Robert W. Van Achieve learning objectives Practical speaking for the technical man Dietrich, John E. Report of the education commission education and national development New american political systems King, Anthony Ability and educational opportunity Halsey, A. H. Histry of roorkee university Mital, K. V. History of engineering Fleming, A. P. M.; Brocklehurst, H. J. History of technology Singer, Charles; Holmyard, E. J.; Hall, A. R. Agricultural problems Mamoria, C. B. Russian english dictionary Smirnitsky, A. I. Cassell's dictionary Breul, Karl English-german german-english dictionary Wildhagen, Karl; Heraucourt, Will Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the english Webster, language Noah Definitional dictionary of electronics Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary Webster, A. Merriam New english russian dictionary o'brien, M. A. Chambers's technical dictionary Tweney, C. F.; Hughes, L. E. C. Page 4 Class_No_Opac 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 030.31 055.133 21.402 300.11 320.6 33.7 333.335 333.642 333.642 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.7 333.72 333.72 333.72 333.72 333.72 333.82 333.82 333.82 333.82 338.04 338.2 338.4766 338.476684 338.642 338.642 338.642 338.9 338.927 338.9542 339.7916 363.12565 363.731 Dictionary of modern english usage Fowler, H. W. English russian dictionaty Moller, V. K. New english russian and russian- english dictionary O'Brien, M. A. Cassell's german & english dictionary Betteridge, Harold T. Definitional dictionary of fluid mechanics Hari, Prashad, Au. New international dictionary of refrigeration Object-oriented programming in turbo C++ Lafore, Robert Heat and mass transfer 2002 Saha, Samir Kumar, Ed. Systems approach to social engineering Kak, S. K., ed.; Srinivasan, T., ed.; Basu, B. N., ed Planning for 21st century : proceedinge Pragmatic strategies for process utilities with special emphasis on conservation of energy and environm Agricutural engineers' handbook Richey, C. B. Small industry enterpreneurs handbook Mehan, K. K. Handbook of reserved small cottage & tiny industries National seminar on energy conservation National energy confcerence Alternative energy sources :an international compendium Veziroglu, T. Nejat, ed. Sharing the sun solar technology in the seventies Boer, K. W., ed. Sharing the sun solar technology in the seventies Boer, K. W., ed. Wind energy utilization Workshop on alternative energy strategies Basile, Paul S., ed.; Wilson, Carroll L., ed. Wind energy conversion systems ; proceedings Savino, Joseph M., Ed. Energy supply-demand integrations to the year 2000 Basile, Paul S., Ed. National energy conference Intersociety energy conversion engineering conference Intersociety conersion engineering conference Intersociety energy conversion engineering conference energy balances-some problems and recent developments International workshop on energy conservation in buildings Pragmatic strategies for process utilities with special emphasis on conservation of energy and environm Offshore energy technology board: strategy for research and development Energy saving : the fuel industries and large firms energy conservation : a national forum Veziroglu, T. Nejat, ed. Advisory council on energy conservation New energy conservation technologies : proceedings Millhone, John P., Ed. Tripartite energy consultations Energy: the key resource Report of the working group on energy elasticities Energy policy review Industrial entrepreneurship & management Mittal, D. C. Commercial vehicle performance and fuel economy Smith, Gray L., Ed. Status & growth strategies of chemical and allied industries Plastic and plastic goods industries Jain, S. K. Handbook of 100 new small industry schemes Part -2nd Small industry entrepreneurs handbook Mehan, K.K. Handbook of 2000 small industry lines Symposium on collobration beturete countries of africa for the promotiov of science & technology Ap-tech Economic backwardness of uttar pradesh Energy saver's handbook for town and city people Lipschutz, Ronnie D.; Bleviss, Deborah L.; Alschu Vehicle accident analysis and reconstruction methods Brach, Matthew R.; Brach, Raymond M. Information about industrial emissions to the atmosphere Page 5 Class_No_Opac 370 370 370 370.73 371.102 371.102 378 378 378.4 382.5 388.044 388.927 389.1 420.1123 420.5 491.43321 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500.2 500.2060773 500.2060773016 503 503 508.542 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510.1 510.284 510.62 International journal of mechanical engineering education University convocation bulletin Annual session Bulletin of mechanical engineering education Lamble, J. H.; Parker, J.; Duncan, J. L. Effective teaching Morris, Fred C. Art of teaching Highet, Gilbert Dynamic university Husan, Zakir Report of the investigation of engineering education Model curriculum and syllabi for core subject in engineering Import trade control hand book of rules and procedure Economic investigation of solid journal bearing operation Wright, in freight Roy service M.; Taylor, on two Donald large E.; class Ferber, i railways Robert Appropriate rural technology strategies for development & extension Handbook of industrial metrology Fatigue life : analysis and prediction : proceedings Goel, V. S., ed. Journal of the department of modrern european languages Oxford hindi-english dictionary Mcgregor, R.S., Ed. Human factors society 25th annual meeting : proceedings Sugarman, Robert C., ed. Human factors society 29th annual meeting : proceedings Swezey, Robert W., ed. Human factors society 27th annual meeting : proceedings Pope, Alan T., ed.; Haugh, Linda D., ed. Human factors society 26th annual meeting : proceedings Edwards, Richard E., ed. Human factors society 30th annual meeting : proceedings Human factors society 30th annual meeting Human factors soiety 31st annual meeting Human factors soiety 31st annual meeting Human factors society 28th annual meeting : proceedings Alluisi, Mary Jane, ed.; Groot, Sybil De, ed.; Alluis Unclassified quarterly progress report on physical science Anual report 1960 Argonne national laboratory publications Chambers dictionary of science and technology Walker, M.B., Ed. Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia Considine, Douglas M., ed. Progress of science and technology in uttar pradesh Computational mathematics Demidovich, B. P.; Maron, I. A. Marthod of weighted residuals and variational principles Finlayson, Bruce A., Au. Introduction to mathematical statistics Hoel, Paul G., Au. Shop mathematics part 2 advanced shop mathematicsNorris, Earle B., Au. Advanced engineering mathematics Kreyszig, Erwin, Au. Advance engineering mathematics Kreyszig, Erwin Mathematical handbook ; higher mathematics Vygodsky, M. Mathematics methods of statistics Cramer, Harald, Au. Introduction to mathematical ststistics Hoel, Paul G., Au. Advance engineering mathematics Kreyazig, Erwin, Au. Mathematical methods in engineering Karman, Theodore V., Au. Graphic ststics for engineering students Thadani, B. N., Au. An outline of statistical methods Arkin, Herbert, Au. Practical mathematics Toft, Louis, Au. Advanced mathematics for engineers Prasad, chandrika, Au. College mathematics Clark, Charles E., Au. Tretment of experimental data Worthing, Archie G., Au. Mathematics and its applications in engineering and industry Singh, Bani, ed.; Murari, K., ed.; Gupta, U. S., ed. Mathematics of modern engineering Doherty, Robert E., Au. Calculator decision-making sourcebook Foundations of applied mathematics Greenberg, Michael D. Page 6 Class_No_Opac 510.62 510.62 510.62 510.78 510.78 510.78 510.78 511 511.2 511.322 511.322 511.322 511.322 511.33 511.42 511.6 511.67 511.8 511.8 511.8 511.8 512 512 512 512.5 512.52 512.9434 512.9434 512.9434 512.9434 512.96 512.96 512.96 512.96 512.96 512.96 512.96 513.12 513.815513 513.815516 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 Applied mathematics for enginers and physicists Pipes, Louis A., Au. Higher mathematics for engineers and physicists Sokolnikoff, Ivan S., Au. Foundations of applied mathematics Greenberg, Michael D. Principles of computer programming Rajaraman, V., Au. Fortran iv programming and applications Sass, C.J., Au. Computer programming fundamentals Leeds, Herbert D., Au. Fortran iv Organick, E.I., Au. Advanced mathematics for engineers and scientists Spiegel, Murray R., Au. Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems Axsater, S; Silver, E Multiple integrals, field theory and series Budak, B. M., Au. Fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, fuzzy methods Bandermer, Hans, Au. Fuzzy and multi-level decision making Fuzzy modeling and control Nguyen, Hung T.; Prasad, Nadipuram R. Basic euuations of engineering science Hughes, William F., Au. Numerical methods and fortran programming McCracken, Daniel D., Au. Combinatiorial algorithms :Generation,enumeration,and Kreher, search Donald L.; Stinson, Douglas R Numerical mathematical analysis Scarborough, James B., Au. MAthematical and physical modeling of primary metalsSzekely, processing Julian, poperations Au. Scheduling computer and manufacturing processes Blazewicz, J.; Ecker, K.H. Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms Goodman, S. E., Au. Mathematical modelling in science & technology abstracts Rounding errors in algebraic processes Wilkinson, J. H., Au. Textbook on algebra Prasad, Chandrika, Au. Higher algebra Linear algebra and matrix theory Nering, Evard, Au. Finite-dimensional vector spaces Halmos, Paul R., Au. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of matrices Ayres, Frank, Au. Fundamentals of matrix computations Watkins, David S., Au. Textbook of matrices Narayan, Shanti Matrices Narayan, Shanti Theory of functions Knopp, Konrad, Au. Table of functions with formule and curves Jahnke, Eugene, Au. Problem book in the theory of functions Knopp, Konrad, Au. Theory of functions Knopp, Konrad, Au. Problem book in the theory of functions Knopp, Konrad, Au. Introduction to the theory and integrals Carslaw, H. S., Au. Elements of the theory of functions Knopp, Konrad, Au. Elementry mathematics arithmetic. algebra. analysis Hedrick, E. R., Au. Practical geometry and engineering graphics Abbott, W., Au. A text book of descriptive gemometry Garg, D.P. Operational methods in applied mathematics Carslaw, H. S., Au. Advance calculus for applications Hildebrand, Francis B., Au. Problems in mathematical analysis Demidovich, B., Au. I. t. I. workshop calculations Das, B. R. Course of modern analysis Whittaker, E. T., Au. Mathematical analysis Apostol, Tom M., Au. Calculus Phillips, H. B., Au. Methods of applied mathematics Hildebrand, F. B., Au. Numerical computation Williams, P. W., Au. numerical analysis an introduction Walsh, J., ed. Introduction to numerical analysis Hildebrand, F. B., Au. Introduction to numerical analysis Hildebrand, F. B., Au. Page 7 Class_No_Opac 515.0212 515.252 515.252 515.33 515.35 515.35 515.35 515.35 515.35 515.35 515.35 515.35 515.353 515.353 515.354 515.4 515.4 515.43 515.43 515.43 515.63 515.63 515.63 515.63 515.63 515.63 515.63 515.64 515.7 515.7 515.723 515.723 515.723 515.73 515.73 515.85 515.9 515.9 515.9 515.9 515.9 515-33 516 516.24 516.24 517.6 517.7 519 519 519 519.2 519.2 Basic physical and chemical data Kothari, L. S., ed.; Rao, C. N. R., ed. Non linear control Chatterjee, B., Au. Response of linear systems : a programmed text Strum, Robert D., Ed. Differential and integral calculas Piskunov, N., Au. Elementry treatise on differential equations and their applications Piaggio, H. T. H., Au. Difference methods for initial-value problems Richtmyer, Robert D., Au. Numerical solution of nonlinear boundary value problems Kubicek, with applications Milan, Au. A tretise on differential equations Forsyth, A. R., Au. Differential equations for engineers Creese, Thomas M., Au. Nonlinear two point boundary value problems Bailey, Paul B., Au. Stability of motion Liapunov, A. M., Au. Theory and application of liapunov's direct method Hahn, W., Au. Spherical harmonics and partial differential equations Nand, Brahma, Au. Partial differential equations of mathemaics physics Bateman, H., Au. Modern computer methods Elementry course of infinitesimal calculus Lamb, Horace Text book on tntegral calculus Prasad, Gorakh, Au. Advanced calculus Buck, R. Creighton, Au. Tables of integrals and other mathematical data Dwight, Herbert Bristol, Au. Elements of the differential and integral calculus Granville, William Anthony, Au. An introduction to vector analysis for physicists and engineers Hague, B., Au. Matrix-tensor methods in continuum mechanics Borg, S. F., Au. Vector and tensor analysis Lass, Harry, Au. Text book of cartesian tensors Narayan, Shanti, Au. Theory and problems of vector analysis and an introduction Spiegel, to tensor Murray analysis R., Au. Introduction to vector analysis Davis, Harry F., Au. Via vector to tensor Bickley, W. G., Au. Variational methods in engineering ; proceedings Brebbia, C.A., Ed. Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis Kolmogorov, A. N., Au. Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis Kolmogorov, A. N., Au. Fourier transforms Sneddon, Ian N., Au. Theory and problems of laplace transforms Spiegel, Murray R., Au. Theory of problems of laplace transformations Spiegel, M. R., Au. Analytic function theory Hille, Einar, Au. analytic function theory Hille, Einar Self organization in nonequilibiim systems: from dissipative Nicolis, structures G., Au. to order through fluctuations Functions of a complex variable Chaturvedi, J. C., Au. Fundamentals of complex variable Tyagi, B. S., Au. Foundations of potential theory Kellogg, Oliver Dimon, Au. Functions of a complex variable Macrobert, Thomas M., Au. Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable Copson, E. T., Au. Differential calculus Narayan, SHANTI, Au. Elementry treatise on coordinate geometry of three dimensions Bell, Robert J. T., Au. Plane trigonometry and tables Wentworth, George, Au. Spherical trigonometry Todhunter, l., Au. Engineering analysis : a survey of numerical procedures Crandall, Stephen H., Au. Modern operational mathematics in engineering Churchill, Ruel V., Au. Introduction to probability theory and its applications Feller, William, Au. Introduction to applied mathematics Sokolnikoff, I. S., ed. Elements of applied mathematics Zeldovich, B., Au. Intensive course on probabilistic methods in engineering Nigam, N. C. Probability area tables Page 8 Class_No_Opac 519.23 519.23 519.2320223 519.4 519.4 519.4 519.4 519.4 519.402462 519.4028553 519.4028553 519.4028553 519.4028553 519.4028553 519.4028553 519.5 519.5 519.703 519.72 519.9 520 520 520 523.98 526.8 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530.15 530.15 530.415 530.415 530.44 530.7 530.7 530.7 530.7 530.81 530.81 530.81 530.812 530.812 531.0285 531.11 531.11 531.11 531.112 531.1133 Measurement uncertainties in science and technology Grabe, Michael Theory of stochastic processes Cox, D. R., Au. Time series charts Quality improvement programme Applied numerical analysis Gerald, Curtis F., Au. Numerical methods Jain, M. K.; Iyengar, S. R. K.; Jain, R. K. Computational methods for data analysis Chambers, John M., Au. Numerical computing and mathematical analysis Pizer, Stephan M., Au. Numerical methods for engineers Chapra, Steven C; Canale, Raymond P. Numerical recipes in C Press, William H., Au. Numerical recipes in fortran Press, William H., Au. Numerical methods for science and engimeering Stanton, Raiph G., Au. Numerical methods in fortran McCormick, John M., Au. Numerical methods in science and engineering a practical Rajasekaran, approach S, Au. Numerical methods in fortran McCormick, J.M., Au. Scientific data analysis an introduction to overdetermined Branham, systems Richard L., Au. Data in doubt Hey, John D., Au. The art and theory of dynamic programming Dreyfus, Stuart E., Au. Linear programming principles and applications Srinath, L. S., Au. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of complex variable Spiegel, Murray R., Au. Travel to distant worlds Gilzin, Karl Our space environment Stern, Phillip D. Astronomy Sarkar, Madhusudan; Dutta, Benode Behari Scientific user of earth satellites Van Allen, James A., ed. Introduction to study of map projections Steers, J. A. Relaxation methods in engineering science Southwell, R. V., Au. Physics ; part 1 Resnick, Robert; Halliday, David Physical laws and effects Hix, C. F.; Alley, R. P. Introduction to modern physics Richtmyer, F. K.; Kennard, E. H.; Lauritsen, T. Definitional dictionary of modern physics Foundations of physics Lindsay, Robert Bruce; Margenau, Henry Experimental study of heterogeneous expontial assemblies Smith, A. B. Methods of mathematical physics Courant, R.; Hilbert, D. Methods of mathematical physics Courant, R.; Hilbert, D. Optimum design of straight-walled diffuser Kline, S. J.; Abbott, D. E.; Fox, R. W. Flow regime data and design methods for curved subsonic Fox, diffusers R. W.; Kline, S. J. Introduction to plasma physics Thompson, W. B. Process instrumentation Subba Rau, M. G.; Karanth, P. K. Basic instrumentation lecture notes and study guide : part 1 National Symposium on instrumentation conference handbook Instrumentation for mechanical analysis Measurement systems Engineering units and physical quantities Hvistendahl, H. S. Units, dimensions, and dimensionless numbers Ipsen, D. C. C. A. Cutter's 3- figure auther table fully revised edition SI Units : a source book Ramaswamy, G. S.; Rao, V. V. L. Computer applications in continuum mechanics : proceedings Dynamics of multibody systems : proceedings Magnus, K., ed. Analytical dynamics : A new approach Udwadia, Firdaus E., Au. Multibody systems handbool Schiehlen, Werner Argone accelerator users group Change in shock tunnel tailoring mach number due to driver Pennelegion, gas mixtures L.; Gough, of helium P. J. and nitrogen Page 9 Class_No_Opac 531.1133 531.1133 531.1133 531.1134 531.32 531.34 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 Theory and performance of simple shock tubes Glass, I. I. Shock tube research : proceedings Stollery, J. L., ed.; Gaydon, A. G., ed.; Owen, P. R Production of strong shock waves ; shock tube applications, Hall, J. design, Gordon and instrumentation 5th international congress on rheology Onogi, Shigeharu, ed. Electromechanical and electroacoustical analogies and their use in computations and diagrams of oscill Mechanics of the gyroscope Deimel, Richard F. Introduction to fluid mechanics John, James E.A., Au. Engineering fluid mechanics Mironer, Alan, Au. Frontiers of fluid mechanics Yuan, Shen, Au. Science of fluds Michelson, Irving, Au. Fluid mechanics for engineering technology Granet, Irving, Au. Fluid mechanics Hansen, Arthur G., Au. Mechanics of fluids Shames, Irving H., Au. Engineering fluid mechanics Kumar, K.L. Principles of fluid mechanics Eskinazi, Salamon, Au. Boundary algorithms for multidimensional inviscid hyperbolic Forster, flows Karl, ed. Fluid mechanics of turbomachinery Wislicennus, George F., Au. Introduction to fluid mechanics Fox, Robert W., Au. Fluid mechanics White, Frank M., Au. Encyclopedia fluid mechanics Cheremisinoff, N.P., ed. Mechanics of fluids Massey, B.S., Au. Experiments in fluid mechanics Granger, Robert A., ed. Solutions manual to accompany fluid mechanics White, Frank M., Au. Lectures on fluid mechanics Goldstein, Sydney, Au. Fluid mechanics and fluid machines Mathur, M.L., Au. Developments in fluid mechanics and space techanology Narasimha, R., ed.; Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul, ed. Thermofluids Sherwin, Keith, Au. Applied fluid mechanics Roy, D.N., Au. Mechanics of fluids Rao, N.S.Govinda, Au. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics Prasuhn, Alan L., Au. Basic fluid mechanics Peerless, S.J., Au. Fluid mechanics : a laboratory course Plint, M.A., Au. Essentials of engineering fluid mechanics Olson, Reuben M., Au. Annual review of numerical fluid mechanics and heat transfer Chawla, T. C., ed. Elementary fluid mechanics Vennard, John K., Au. Basic mechanics of fluids Rouse, Hunter, Au. Fluid mechanics Khan, Irfan A., Au. Fluid mechanics Kaufmann, Walter, Au. Principles of fluid mechanics Li, Wen-Hsiung, Au. Fluid mechanics Landau, L.D., Au. Fluid mechanics Landau, L.D., Au. Fluid mechanics Lu, Pau-Chang, Au. Essentials of engineering fluid mechanics Olson, Reuben M., Au. Elementry fluid mechanics Vennard, John K., Au. Engineering fluid mechanics Garde, R. J., Au. Foundations of fluid mechanics Yuan, S.W., Au. Fluid power theory and applications Sullivan, James A., Au. Introduction to fluid mechanics John, James E. A., Au. Fluid mechanics and fluid power : proceedings Fluid power theory and applications Sullivan, James A., Au. Fluid mechanics source book Parker, Sybil P., ed. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics Sullivan, James A., Au. Page 10 ed. ed. Au. Co. natonal N.J.. Pijush.. ed. Solution manual for introduction to fluid mechanics Fox. Fluid mechanics of internal flow : proceedings Sovran. G.. W. P. Au. Principles of fluid mechanics Kreider... National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid power : proceedings Fluid mechanics Kundu. financial incentives and the reactions Buiter. Au. Au. Fluid meters their theory and application American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Gino.K. R. Ed. Earl M. Au. Au. Fred H.. Page 11 ..P. Victor L. R... Solution of problems in fluid mechanics Douglas. Production standards.S. Au. Au. Milton. P. Fluid mechanics Allen. Fluid mechanics and fluid power : proceedings Kachhara. Fluidics II basic fluidics Fulidics I basic Fluidics Fluid Engg. Ali Bulent. R... Fluid mechanics Granger. Au.. Verma. Au. Au. L.M. Handbook of fluid dynamics Streeter. Au. A.. conference Ed. Au. C. Ruth H. R. C. Au.. Au. ed. A.. Walter R. Ed.. Fluid mechanics Dodge.Class_No_Opac 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 532 Engineering fluid mechanics Roberson. Philip M. Conference on fluid machinery . Experimental fluid mechanics Bradshaw. Mechanics of fluids Duncan. A. Solution to problems in elementary theoretical fluid mechanics Brekert. Jan F. Terry Annual review of fluid mechanics Sears. Au. Rutherford. Au.. Au.. Karl. Szabo.. ed.. Yves.. Au. Mechanics of Fluids Walshaw.applications Daugherty. yensors. J. workers S. Karl Advanced fluid mechanics Binder. R.J. Au.L. Elements of fluid mechanics Seshadri. Bay.C. N. Principles of turbomachinery Turton.....C.V. Theodore. Resistance of various materials to cavitation damage American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ed. Au. Fluid mechanics & fluid power Jain.. Finite element computational fluid mechanics Baker..L. Encyclopdia of fluid mechanics Cheremisinoff. Russell A. John F. Au. L. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics Gerhart. Au. Co. John J. Ed. Au. Au. Advanced fluid mechanics Binder. Vectors. Fluid mechanics Rogers.. Fluid machinery : proceedings Kisbocskoi. Robert A. Glenn M. Hartz. proceedings Kisbocskor. Plasma physics and magnetofluid mechanics Cambel. Fluid mechanics experimentation Malhotra. Hammi Fluid mechanics of mixing Uram.. Au.. L. Au. on fluid mechanicsand flu Engineering fluid mechanics Bertin. and basic equations of fluid mechanics Aris. Fluid mechanics Cox. Introduction to fluid mechanics and heat transfer Kay. Fluid machinery : performance analysis and design Wright. Fluid mechanics with engg . C.. ed... William R. of J. Elementry theoretical fluid mechanics Brenkert. John A. ed. Au.. Au. Mechanics of fluids Massey.C. Glen N. N. Robert W. Fluid mechanics and fluid power : proceedings of the 16th Kachhara. Cavitation bubble trackers Lecoffre. Conference on hydraulic mechanisms Cavitation in fluid machinery Wood.. Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics Van Dyke.. P. Fluid mechanics and fluid power on national conference 31st Fluid mechanics fundamentals Debler. Au.. A. B. R. Gad Computational methods for fluid flow Peyret. S.05 532.. Shih-I. L. P. V.0525 532. Turbulent shear flows 3 Bradbury. Degrez. Theory of propellers Theodosen.0527 532. Lamer. Au. L. A. Modern developments in fluid dynamics Goldstein. Submersible seage pumping systems handbook SWPA.J. Lawrence Ideal and incompressible fluid dynamics O'neoll.0533 Conference on hydraulic servo-mechanisms : proceedings Laser anemometry advances and applications : proceedings Turner. ed. ed. ed.. John. Theory of hydraulic machines Vasandani.F. Carscaller. Fraser. K. Au.051 532.052 532.. Au. Frank M.05 532.0527 532. Roger.. H.051 532. S. Au. Au.0501515 532.002 532.0527 532. G.. Fluid Transients Wylie. Theory of laminar flows Moore.05 532. Brebbia..051 532. Au.. Au. Au. C. Compressible fluid flow Oosthuizen. Scott.05 532. Numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow Taylor. Ed. F..0525 532. Axial flow turbines Horlock.051 532.05 532.02 532. dynamics B.D. F.0525 532.L. A. Modern developments in fluid dynamics high speed flow Howarth.D. Fluid flow for chemical engineers Holland. F. Foundations of fluid dynamics Gallavotti.052 532. Giovanni Flow. Turbulence Bradshaw. Au.. R. Simon. P. Two-phase flow in complex sysems Levy...005 532. Au.Class_No_Opac 532 532 532. Victor L.. J... John L. ed Turbulent reacting flows :proceedings of the international V.0527 532. Au.052 532.. A. Advanced engineering fluid mechanics Muralidhar. Au..05 532.. workshop Ganesan. Au.Benjamin. F.K.. Salomon.. mixed flow. and propeller pumps Dicmas. Ed. Shoei-Sheng. Au. J.. Jean..05 532.. Au.05 532. Au. Viscous flow theory : I-laminar flow Pai.G Fluid dynamics Streeter. ed.05 532..dimensional turbulent boundary layers Fernholz... ed. Patrick.. William E. Au. E. Physical fluid dynamics Mccormack. Lecture notes in physics Ehlers.052 532. Numerical methods in fluid dynamics Holt. ed... C.. Theodore. Au. on Ed.H. Au.J..0525 532. ed. ed. Au.051 532.051 532. Au. Applications of fluid dynamics Round. Transport phenomena Bird. Computatonal fluid dynamics an introduction Grundmann. ed. Lock. Durst.012 532.. Ronald L. J. Robert H. Computational methods and problems in aeronautical fluid Hewitt. ed. Phycal fluid dynamics McCormack.052 532. ed..05 532. Modern developments in fluid dynamics Goldstein.05 532. P.. P. ed.05 532..A. An introduction to turbulent flow Mathiew. R. L.05 532. Happ..S. Dick.O. Co.. H. Maurice. Fluid dynamics and flow-induced vibrations of tube banks Zukauskas.r. Launder. Ed. Byron.0527 532.05 532.052 532.0527 532. Fluid dynamics of jets Pai.. Modern development in fluid dynamics high speed flow Howarth. Au.A.05 532. L. Incompressible flow Panton.051 532. M. Handbook of multiphase systems Hersroni. : proceedings Illingworth.. ed. Au.. Morgan.0527 532. Fluid power international conference Modern developments in fluid dynamics high speed flow Howarth.0533 532.C.05 532.. Julian Turboblowers Stepanoff. Hydro-electric power Lyndon. Au. Potential flows computer graphic solutions Kirchhoff. Shih-I. B. Au. Francis H... Theory of laminar flows Moore. Page 12 ..002 532.E.052 532. Vertical turbine. K. Munchen H. ed. K.E Turbulence Hinze. Viscous fluid flow White.0527 532.H. turbulent reacting flows 19& 20 d Three .Induced vibration of circular cylindrical structure Chen. C. Crane. Pumping manual Water hamer Symposium of plasma dynamics Clauser. Au.. Au.. Au.0535 532. Au. Roger C.0595 532.H. Fluid for power systems Warring.0535 532. Au. Au. Au. Au.. Au.G. Au..D. Au. Centrifugal compressors Boundary layer theory Schlichting. Heat pump technology systems design installation. Au.0535 532. Modern compressible flow with historical perspective Anderson. Au. R. A treatise on turbomachines Gopalakrishnan@FAu. Au. Introduction to hydro dynamics and water waves Mehaute.E. S. Fluid mechanics Landau.. Wind-tunnel technique Pankhurst. S. Multiphase flow dynamics 1 fundamentals Kolev. Robert T. Victor L.. Byron. Au. Gaseous conductors theory and engg.13237 532. John D.. Paco A. and Langley. George E..0535 532.. Au. Hector J. Shih-I. Walter.0595 532. Au..406 532. J. Au. Au. S.13237 532. Compressible fluid flow Saad.. Au. applications Cobine.. Fluid mechanics. Hydraulic machines turbines and pumps Kochin.M. V.2 532. James A. Co. Page 13 . Hydraulics Russell. Au. Bernard. Mechanical theory of compressible fluid flow Von Mises..G.5 532.0535 532. Au. R. Problems in hydraulics Paradise.0535 532. Au. Au. Au.C. Au. Compressor technology : proceedings Design and operation of industrial compressors Rotating fluids in engineering and science Vanyo.... Ranald V. Residential heat pumps : installation and troubleshooting Sutphin. Au.5 532.13432 532.. Au.0533 532.Class_No_Opac 532.A.5 532.5 532.0535 532. Peter. Boundary layer theory Schlichting. O. Au. Compressible-Fluid dynamics Thompson. Michel A.2446 532. L...5 532. thermodynamics of turbomechinery Dixon. V.2 532. Au. Michel A.0535 532.406 532. Automatic and fluid transmissions Giles. Equations. Au. Turbomachines Balje. Philip A. Treatise on hydraulics Hughes...135 532.0535 532.5 532. Solutions manual for fundamentals of gas dynamics Zucker.5 532. Au. Hermann.0533 532. tables and charts for compressible flow AMES. Boundary integral equation method for porous media flow Liggett.. Industrial hydraulics Pippenger.H. H. Foundations of radiation hydrodynamics Mihalas.4025 532.S. Power hydraulics Pinches.2 532.0535 532. Michael J. Dimitri. Physicochemical hydrodynamics an introduction Probstein.406 532. Nikolay I.L. Flow measurement Baker. Non-linear oscillations Hagedorn. Au..5 Viscous flow theory II-Turbulent flow Pai. Ronald F.43 532.. troubleshooting Billy C.32 532. Au. Pumps fans compressors Cherkassky. J. Au. Fluid mechanics Streeter. James P.M. Axial flow compressors Horlock. Viscous Fluids Lagerstrom. Theory and problems of fluid mechanics and hydraulics G iles.0535 532. Aircraft hydraulics Conway.. Shih-I. Au.5 532. Au.13452 532. Transport phenomena Bird.. ed. Hermann. John J. Semenov. Richard..0535 532. R.E.406 532. Hydraulics Dunkerley. Alan. Wind -tunnel testing Pope.. Solution manual for compressible fluid flow Saad. Ira H. Au.5 532. Au. S.5 532. R.5 532.. Au. Oil hydraulic power and its industrial applications Ernst.5 532. D. Theory of wing sections Abbott.406 532. Introduction to the theory of compressible flow Pai.0533 532.G. James Dillon. Au. Boundary-layer theory Schlichting. Principles of turbomachinery Shepherd.4025 532. High speed wing theory Jones.13432 532. Hermann.0535 532.4951 532.. Au. Robert.13237 532. . E.5 532.H.. Au. Using centrifugal pumps Allen..67 532. Au.J. Au. solids L. George E. Centrifugal pump user's guidebook problems and solutions Yedidiah. Pumps and blowers selected advanced topics Stepanoff.. flow D..fluid power : proceedings Water hammer in hydraulics and wave surges in electricity Bergeron.5 532. Benjamin Turbo-blowers and compressors Kearton. Yasundo. Douglas.. Au. Roos.67 532.. Au. Linear control systems Melsa.67 532.5 532. Solutions to problems in streeter/wylie : fluid mechanics Aleandrou. Au.5 532. Fluid mechanics Streeter. Au. Fluid mechanics & fluid power Fluid mechanics & fluid power : proceedings Fluid mechanics & fluid power : proceedings Hydrulics and fluid mechanics Silvester. ed.5 532.6 532. Hydraulic transients Streeter. William S.5 532. Ed.5 532. Au. Au.. W.. B. John. Au. Theory and problems in fluid mechanics Liples.5 532.67 532. Applications of fluid mechanics to wind engineering Cermak. at purdue Eckhard A.5 532..5 532.. applications A. Au. Pressure-probe methods for determining wind speed and Bryer. Text-book on hydraulics Russell. Au. ed. Treatise on hydromechanics : part 1 hydrostatics Besant..H. Au. Magnetohydrodynamics Kulikovskiy.8 532..5 532.. E. Hydraulic presses Oehler. Control system fundamentals Levine. Page 14 .5 532. Au.. Rotating stall and casing wall boundary layers in an axial Lakhwani. Au.6751 532.J.8 532. Robinson. Hydraulics King. Au.5 532.8 532. Gerhard..5 532.Class_No_Opac 532. Control and dynamics systems Takahashi.5 532.. Hydroelectric Stations Kuznetsov. Principles of automatic controls Nixon. L. Ronald P. Victor L. M. Au. Klaus H. Au. W. L.67 532.5 532.5 532. Pneumatic and hydraulic system Bolton. Hydraulics Harris.. Wylie.. Ranald V.6751 532. Igor J. Au. direction Au.8 532.51 532. Val S. Air compression and transmission Thorkelson. John A. Terry Iir-gustav lorentzen conference on natural working fluids Groll. A.. Theory and problems of hydraulics and fluid mechanics G iles. Hydraulic and fluid mechanics Lewitt.5 532. Frequency response Oldenburger. Ascher H. Au. Modern control systems : a manual of design methodsBorrie.. System modelling and control Schwarzenbach. Ascher H. Jack E.8 532. W. Flowmeter : computation handbook Rhelogy and non-newtonian flow Harris.67 532. Ed. Au. Andreas Dynamics and thermodynamics of comperssible fluid flow Shapiro.8 532.8 532. Richard. Robert R. Handbook of surfaces and interfaces Dobrzynski.5 532. Au. Au.8 532.W. Hydrodynamic resistance and the heat loss of rotating Dorfman. Au. Au.51 532. flow compressor C.8 532. Andrey Gennadievich.. Centrifugal pumps Karasik. Principles ofFeedback control Wilts.. ed.. Victor L. H. Au.. Au. James L..5 532. Centrifugal and axial flow pumps : theory and design and Stepanoff..5 532.. McGuire. E. Floyd E. Rufus.M. ed. Hydraulics and its applications Gibson. Au. Automatic control engineering Raven. Au.58 532.8 532...J. Pneumatic and hydraulic contol systems Aizerman..J.598 532..A.5 532.. Sam Process centrifugal compressors Kudtke. Au. Theroretical hydrodynamics Milne-Thomson. A.5 532.67 532.8 Dynamics and thermodynamics of compressible fluid flow Shapiro.N.. R. Fluid mechanics .67 532.5 532..67 532.5 532. H.. J.A.. Tl-59 Manual for estimating centrifugal compressor performance Lapina. Au. Horace W. Au. Tr. Charles W. Leonard Centrifugal Pumps design and applications Lobanoff. Jrancis H.. Charles H. Au. Au.885 532. Automatic process control : an introduction Coxon. Konstanty J. Automatic control systems Kuo. Au. Au. Au. Benjamin C. Analysis and design feedback control systems Thaler.P.8 532. Plasma phenomena in gas discharges Franklin. Au. Automatic control systems Kuo.8 532..02 533.. John J. M. Alexander D. Elements of automatic controls Garg. Au. Modern concepts in control theory Prime.8 532. Au.8312 532.885 532. R. Physics and fully ionized gases Spitzer..8 532..8 532. A. Hydraulics and hydraulic machinery Kothandaraman.8 532.8 532.8042 532. Air and gas compression Gill.8042 532.. Introduction to theory ionized gases Delcroix.8312 532. Fundamentals of gas dynamics Zucker. Au.8312 532. Feedback control: theory and design Kurman. H.2 533. Theory of nonlinear control systems Minorsky.2 533. Au. Control of fluid power McCloy. Modern control theory Tuo. Benjamin C. H.. American control conference : proceedings Automatic feedback control Ahrendt. G. A.. Automatics control engineering Raven. Au. Proceedings of the international conference on fluid sealing King.. Dynamics of automatic controls Oldenbourg.Class_No_Opac 532..2 533. J. Francis H. Au.. S.. Julius T... Nau. John E.8 532.C. ed. Howard W.. Au. Gas power dynamics Lewis. Au. Au.2 533.13 533. Au. Benjamin C.L. George J.8 532. Technical refernce book on valves for the control of fluids Introduction to dynamics and control Power.8042 532. Au.8672 532. Fluid flow mechanics Rao.8312 532.8312 532. B. Raoul N.. C.. Au.F. Au.. A.C. Nonlinear automatic control Gibson. Flow of complex mixtures in pipes Govier. Au.8 532.8312 532. J.8323 532.8 532... Millard H. Hydraulic valves and controls selection and applicationPippenger.2 533. N.2 533. ed.. Hydraulic analysis of unsteady flow in pipe networks Fox. Page 15 .W. E. L.. Fundamentals of gas dynamics Owczarek...8 532.. W. Gas dynamics Cambel. Au. Au.2 Automatic control engineering Raven.. George... Lyman. Ernest E. Thomas T.8312 532. R. Au.H. Au.8 532. Stability of nonlinear control systems Lefschetz. A.8312 532. R..8312 532.. Introduction to automatic controls Harrison.8 532. Stephens. Jerzy A. Au.. Au. Nicolai. R.8 532.8 532. Howard L. D. Au. Au. Au. Au. S.. Au.. Introduction to fluid logic Fitch.S. America control conference Automotic control : proceedings Design of hydraulic control systems Lewis. Fundamentals of gas dynamics Emmons. Au. D. Robert D..8 532.. Ali Bulent.2 533. Gasdynamics : theory and applications Emanuel. Au. Solomon. William R. C. Francis H.2 533. e Fluid sealing: proceedings Fluid sealing Fluid sealing Fluid sealing Dynamical theory of gases Jeans.8 532. Au.. Govinda. Automatic control systems Huo. Modern control theories Csaki.885 532.885 533. Frigyes. Au. Industrial automatic controls Lajoy. Au. Au. Au... Henry M.8312 532. Theory of automatic control Netushil. Au. Au.2 533.885 532.. Characteristics of mechanical engineering systems Holmes. Fluid power servomechanisms Borrows. Dynamic of automatic controls Oldenbourg. Au.2 533..8042 532.. ed. Au.. J. ed. Au... systems Robert W. Au.H.2 533.. Thehnical aerodynamics Wood. Airplane performance stability and control Perkins. Krishnamurty. three Morris convection E. Aerodynamic heating in the slip. Conference on fluid mechanics-fluid Power :Proceddings Hydrodynamics Lamb.R. Aero dynamics of turbines and comressors Hawthorne.62 533. H. Modern developments in gas dynanics Loh. John E. Introductory gas dynamics Chapman. Irfan A.275 533.276 533. Au. R.62 533.275 533.62 533. Au... O.6 533. Aerodynamics for engineering students Houghton. ed..2 533. Au. uniformly S. Gilkey.5 533. N Principles of ideal-fluid aerodynamics Karamcheti. Fundamentals of hydro-and aerodynamics Tietjens.67 535 535 535. Austin H.G.25 536.. W. Foundations of aerodynamics Kuethe. Numerical and Physical aspects of aerodynamics flows Cebeci. A. 73 536.62 533... Au. Shih-I. R.D..M. Helicopter book Lent. Wallace D.. R.406 533. O. Au.. ed.2 533. Au.. plate L... with a K. Au.62 533. Elements of gasdynamics Liepmann. Lawrence.G. Au. Foundations of aerodynamics Kuethe. Au. Elements of hypersonic aerodynamics Cox.. Manfred. A. F.2 536. Au. Gas dynamics Oswatitsch.62 533. Henry B. Au. ed. D. Arnold M.6 533.274 533. H. W. Supersonic flow and shock waves Courant. R. william G.. Robert P. Lang S. Aerodynamic theory Durand..5 533.6 533. Au.6 533.. Au. Applied hydro-and aeromechanics Tietjens... Au. G Comparative performance of two warm-air perimeter and Childs.G. Entropy Fast. Aerodynamics of wings and bodies Asley. Flow research on blading : proceedings Dzung. S.4 536... Au.2 533. Au. systemsand aplications Warring. Centrifugal pumps and blowers Church.62 533. R. R. E.W. Au. Akins..67 533.62 533.. Au. molecule Barry flow regimes L.6 533.25 Magnetogasdynamics and plasma dynamics Pai. N. Free convection of a low prandtl number fluid in contact Chang.. Lewis. Pease. Karl D. ed. A. Physical measurements in gas dynamics and combustion Ladenburg. R. General theory of high speed aerodynamics Sears. Theoretical aerodynamics Milne-Thomson. John J.62 533. ed. Tuncer. Hypersonic aerodynamics Truitt. Dynamics of real fluids Richardson. Aerodynamics of turbines and compressors Hawthorne.Class_No_Opac 533. C. David Fundamentals of optics Khanna. Robert Wesley. Aerodynamics for engineers Bertin. J.. North.62 533..62 533.. Au. M. vertical Buris. Au. R. Au.62 533.62 533.. R.. ed.. E.62 533.276 533. Au...2 533. Handbook of generalized gas dynamics Benedict. G.62 533. Herb Page 16 . Au.62 533.. ed. Hypersonic flow theory Hayes. D.62 533. Fundamentals of aerodynamics heating Turitt.2 533. Courtland D.276 533. Solution manual for fluid mechanics Khan.. Au. intermediate and free Reeves. Klaus.62 533. Au. L. ed. Alan J. ed. Au. Robert Wesley. Eyewitness science light Burnie. Aero-thermodynamics and flow turbomachines Vavra. R. Aerodynamics : the science of air in motion Allen.. R.. Aerodynamic components of aircraft at high speeds Donovan.H. Introduction to aeronautical dynamics Rauscher. Sir Horace.G.. B. heated R.M. Pumps : selectoin. Bankoff. A. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow Patankar. Introduction to aeronautical engineerin Kermode.. Au. Schlieren methods Holder. Au. W..6 533. Suhas V. Holt. Au. W. Au. Au. Au. Foundations of aerodynamics Kuethw. K. Steltz.62 533. M. Au. W.. W. Roose..5 533.6 533. Theory of transonic flow Guderley.H.. H. R..6 533. William Frederick. L.T. Gulati. J. Supersonic flow and shock waves Courant. Research development and public service activities ISI handbook 1978 Hydraulics and hydraulic machines. Wind engineering : proceedings Kumar..25 536. Gunnar B. Krishen.001171 620. D.00151524 620. The laser doppler techniques Drain.6 536. Au.0028 620.. Werner G.. Industrial instruments for measurement and control Rhodes.735 539. Kuzman.. W. Au. Andersson.0028 620.J PCB poisoning and pollution Higuchi.25 536. Large engineering systems 2 : proceedings Savage. Theories of engineering experimentation Schenck. L.56 612. Engineering experimentation Tuve. Au. Francis T. Forrest C.70212 537.22 551. T.Class_No_Opac 536.. Technology of instrumentation Pearson. G. Directory of current research Two-phase flow instrumentation Laboratory manual of applied instrumentation Chandra..842 551. Austin E.50787 536.0028 620. Hydrological aspects of mountainous watersheds : proceedings Microbiology Pelczar. Modern physical chemistry Ghosh. Au.0028 620. J..0028 620. Instrumentation for engineering measurement Cerni.. John. Au. of electric Victor analogy Vaporization equilibrium constant and activity coefficient Smith. N. Development and control of dust explosions Nagy. hy ASHRE . Procedure for determining heating and cooling Task loads Group for computerizing on Energy Requirements energy calculations for heating Occupational biomechanics Chaffin. Kentaro. E. Geor Finite element methods for convection dominated flows Hughes. Sarkisov. A. L. Industrial instrumentation fundamentals Fribance. Ed. C. Au. G. William K..0028 620. ed.41 536. Instruments for measurement and control Holzbock.. Au.41 536.44 536. H.M.0025 620... Johnston. Eric B. Don B.0028 620. Au. Au. Green..... Industrial instrumentation Eckman.T. Au.0028 620.5 551. medium Paul S. Infinite elements Bettess.7 615. E. Process control instrumentation technology Johnson. Study of the overall problems of the true-temprature.0028 620. convection Childs. R. hypersonic Palmer. S. Ed.. Sharp. Au.709143 576 604.. ed. H. P. J. electrically James conducting r. Fisher.394 548 548. Curtis D. G. having semi-continous ope Tempreture distribution in the workpiece study by means Paschkis.74 541. Zero gradient synchrotron Structure of atomic nuclei Cook. Handbook of thermodynamic tables and charts Raznjevic.0028 620. Mark A. systems Robert and aW. Instrumental methods of analysis Willard..I.. G. Michael J. R.0028 620.754 61. charts K.0028 620. Au. Thomas J. Roe.. Au. Curtis. Instrumentation manual Komissarova. B.0028 620. Thomson Dislocations in crystals Earthquake engineering Earthquake disaster mitigation Meteorological satellites Widger. Stephen bomb calorimetry S. ed. ed.. Au. Hilbert.. Peter...0028 620. Hobart H. Morris systems E..2 61. Some developments in techniques for temperature measurement : proceedings Heats of formation of some inorganic compounds by fluorine Wise. Slow motion of a permanently magnetized sphere in an Barthel.0028 Comparative performances of a warm-air ceiling panelRoose.7 607. Mechanical engineering laboratory instrumentation and Dooolittle. Instrument technology Jones. Dislocations and mechanical properties of crystals.3 541.0028 620.02 539. Bal Chemical kinetics :foundamental and new development Denisov. Au. Krishna. R. Lykoudis. ed. B.0028 620. Au. O. Au. Suresh. E. ed.C Page 17 . J. ed. C.. Annual numper Anual number Handbookof dimensional measurement Farago...0044 620. Principles of engineering instrumentation Ramsay. Industrial instrumentation Tyson..954 620 620 620.518 553.22 551.0028 620. Smith. George wind tunnel M. Donald P.. Au. Likhtenshtein. its application Jesse Seymour.2 608. Ed. 00420285 620. William David. Au.0040285 620.. S. B. Au.0028 620.K. Measuring techniques in hydraulic research : proceedings Wessels.0028 620. Mechanical Measurements Sirohi. B.Jeff Design process improvement :a review of current practice Clarkson.. CAD: computational and methods Mullieux. Julian C. F.R. optimization C..0042 620. H. Design of devices and systems Middendorf. Au. and parameter designWu.. Au.. Clifford. B. W. Harles W. New Approach to engineering tolerances Gilson. Ann. The CADCAM process Hawkes.0042 620. Computer-Aided design and manufacture Besant.0044 620. Austin E. Course on computerapplication to engg. Audio and video systems Gupta.. Au.. Richard H.0028 620. F. C. Defence research and development organisation : proceedings Advanced techniques in auto CAD Thomas. G. of materials M. Methods-time measurement Maynard. Engelmann. Eckert..0044 620. Measuring instruments Gilpin. Dean. John.0042 620.. T. Geoffrey M.0042 620. C.00420285 620. G.Class_No_Opac 620. Au. Electronic instrumentation and measurement techniques Cooper. ed. Industrial instrumentation fundamentals Fribance.. B.0042 620. Au.0028 620. ed. and parameter design Wu. Day. Strain gage primer Perry.F. Mechanical engineering laboratory Messersmith. ed. R.0028 620. S.. S.0044 620.. Jones' instrument technology Noltingk. Case studies in engineering design Matthews. Seliger. K. Bond graphs for modelling engineering systems Blundell. Au. J. Page 18 . Introduction to the use of computer packages for statistical Moore. Tempreture measurement in engineering Baker. Oscilloscope techniques Haas.0044 620.0044 620.. Rhys. C. Au.0044 620.004250285 620. G.. Instrument technology Jones. F. Au.0028 620. S.L. R... Jones' instrument technology Radnai.. Design engineering Design engineering seminar Holdeman. Jeff. QIP short term course on computer aided design in engineering Advances in formal design methods for CAD : proceedings Gero... Au.. G. Computer-aided design and computer -aided manufacturing:the Krouse. R. Au. Dyson.. Experiments planning..0028 620. E. Claudia Design data hand book for mechanical engineers Mahadevan. Jones' instrument technology Randnai. ed. Alfred. F. Fits. analysis. K. Reddy.00420285 620. Au. B.00420285 620. tolerances and engineering measurement Tarasevich.004250285 620.M.00420285 620. Computer-aided design :an integrated approach Hsu.0044 620. Rudolf. revolution Mechanical measurements Beckwith. ed. Balaveera Introduction to the design and analysis of experiments Clarke. Forrest C. problems Foundations of computer-aided design Onwubiko. Au. William H. J. E. L... Rudolf. J.. A.0028 620. Y.00420285 620.0044 620. Au. Au.. T. Au.004202585 620. Experiments :planning..0044 620. Engineering quantities and systems of units Lewis. Au. Au.0042 620. John S.0028 620. Au.. Au.0028 620. Au. W. R. Computer aided design in engineering Human aspect of computer-aided design Majchrzak. Measurement of high temperature mechanical properties Loveday. Life cycle networks Krause. Au.0044 620. Au. C.0044 Instrumenation devides and systems Rangan.A. Au.00420 620. M. Au. Developments in flow measurement-1 Scott. Integrated computer aided design of mechanical systems Meguid. Industrial instrumentation Tyson. optimization C. CAD/CAM Au.0042 620. analysis.004250285 620. analysis Richard W. G. Mechanical engineering experimentation Tuve.0028 620. Au.004250285 620.0044 620.. B.. John W..0044 620.0044 620..0042 620.. Harold B.0044 620.00420285 620. A. Au.0044 620. Mechanical laboratory methods Smallwood.0042 620. ed. A. C. Au. Au. Au. Chinyere.0042 620. Au. E. C. Au.. Au.. Instrument technology Jones.0042 620. . Richard C. Au. R. N. Measurement systems application and design Doebelin. Richard C.0044 620. R. Robert P.0044 620. Aerodynamic measurements Dean. Krishnan Kuman. ed..0044 620...00452 620.0044 620.0046 620. John G. Measurements in heat transfer Eckert.0046 620. Au. Flow measurement symposium Cotton. P. A.0044 620. P.. O.. ed. Reliability -based design Rao. M.. Au.V..0045 620..0044 620.0044 620.0045 620.0046 620. Au. C. Introduction to instrumentation and measurements Northrop.0044 620. Quality control and reliability Krishaiah. E. Au.E. G. Ernest O.Class_No_Opac 620.0044 620. Stress analysis Zienkiewicz. David. W. J. Ed.0046 620.0044 620.0044 620.0045 620.0044 620.0044 620. Au..0044 620. Mark B. ed. Repair manual ford and mercury truck rear axles Effective maintenance for high productivity : proceedings Pontiac chassis shop manual Chevrolet truck owner's guide Jawa motorcycle Owner's manual Information on your new chevrolet Advance maintenance manual Armstrong siddeley Page 19 . Au. fluid and thermal Webster.. ed.. Au.0045 620. Singiresu S.0044 620. Ed.0044 620.. V.0044 620. Ernst G. Practical reliability engineering Newton.0046 620..0044 620. C.00452 620. G. Measurement techniques in mechanical engg. Au.0044 620. Au. Measurements and instrumentation in heat engineering Preobrazhensky.. Theory and application of mechanical engineering measurements Moore. Sweeney. Au.. Mechanical variables measurement solid. Robert C.0045 620. Reliability improvement with design of experiments Condra. Au. Mechanical measurements Beckwith. Measurement of geometric tolerances in manufacturing Meadows. Experimental methods for engineers Holman. G. V. Grant. L.0044 620. Au.00452 620..... H.0046 620. C. Au. K. P. Rao. Au.0044 620. Measurement of tempreture and humidity Wylie. S.0046 620. R. Thomas G. Robert B. Au. Measurement systems : application and design Doebelin.0044 620. Ernest O. Ernest O. A. Mechanical measurements Beckwith.0046 620.0046 Manual of air navigation Fundamentals of temperature pressure and flow measurements Benedict. J. C.0044 620. E. Ed.0044 620..P. Handbook of reliability engineering and management Ireson. Experimental stress analysis and motion measurement Dove. Fluid flow measurement in the mid-1970's : proceedings Spencer.. Thomas G. Nathan H. Clyde F. International flame research foundation industrial flams Beer. ed. Trick pohotography with video recarding Agarwal. Hot-wire anamometry Perry.0044 620. R. High Pressure measurement techniques Peggs.0044 620. Holister..0044 620. C. R.A.00452 620. Au. for experimental testing Practical guide to maintenance engineering Dounlop. Au. J. Flow measurement by the differntial-pressure methods Experimental strss analysis and motion measurement Dove. Au. J.0044 620... Ernest O. Jens Trampe. Coombs. Physical measurement and analysis Cook. Au.. Lloyd Mechanical reliability improvement :probability and statistics Little.0044 620.0044 620. Au. Combustion measurements Goulard. Experimental methods for engineers Holman. Measurement systems : application and design Doebelin. Acoustic noise measurements Broch.M. ed. Engineering measurements Collett. Handbook of precision engineering Davidson.0044 620.0044 620. Au. James D. Measurement systems application and design Deobelin. Precision engineering Suryaprakash.. J. Au.0044 620.0046 620.... Air navigation Bauues. 1 620.04 620. L.1 620. G..1 620... H. U. T. P. Page 20 . Au.007 620. Sushil..01 620. Au.007 620. Charles E..1 620. C.00724 620.1 620. Hugh W.1 620. Au. H.007 620. Introductory quantum mechanics for the solid stste Longini. Au. I. Ferdinand L.1 620. Frist course in continuum mechanics Fung. Ed. Au.1 620.1 620. Au.1 620. Applied mechanics Fuller.1 620. Advanced in applied mechanics Yih. ed. Au. G. ed. Au. L. Au.. Au. Engineering mechanics statics Malvern.. William.. Philip Gustave. H. I.1 620. Ed.1 620. Au. Chia-Shun.1 620. Engineers' handbook Aggarwal. British contribution to the engineering education Graduate programs in engineering and applied sciences Engineering education Engineering departmental reort and theses Penniman. Engineering mechanics Meriam..1 620.. Hemchandra. Germain. Au. Lawrence E. Au. Au. Charles..1 620. Engineering mechanics Higdon.1 620. Elementary wave mechanics Heitler. S. L. national congress on applied mechanics Engineering mechanics Singer. Engineering materials Kumar. ed. Au. Smith.01 620. Arthur. S.02 620.01 620.007 620.1 620. Mechanics for engineers Morley. R. Reddy.Class_No_Opac 620. Au.. Y.S. Proceedings of the sixth u.1 620..1 620. Au. ed. Elementry mechanical engineering Gupta.1 Exhaust maniford maintenance Research journal Achieve learning objectives Short term course on effective teaching Handa.. W. Lawrence E. Au. Handbook of mechanical design Maitra. C. David Experimentation and uncertainty analysis for engineers Coleman. J.1 620.A. Dynamics : part 2 Ramsey.. Engineering mechanics Kumar. Archie.. Au. Course in continuum mechanics Sedov.1 620. J. Fundamentals of engineering mechanics Levinson.1 620.1 620.. C.1 620.1 620. national congress of applied mechanics Mechanics of materials Laurson. P. Au.. K. Examples in applied mechanics Advances in applied mechanics Dryden. Introduction to mechanics of continua Prager. Mechanics Smith.s. Au.1 620. Developments in theoretical and applied mexchanics : proceedcings Dynamics Ramsey. Trevor I. Au.005 620.. Williams. L.. Mechanics Fox. K. L. Introduction to the mechanics of a continuous mediumMalvern. Advanced in applied mechanics Chernyi. Hemchandra.1 620.. E.B. Au.1 620.1 620. Au. R.007 620. A. Fred B. R.1 620.0046 620.C. Consolidated glossary of administrative terms Industries guide for entrepreneurs Engineers' handbook Engineers' handbook Aggarwal.. Au. A.L. Course in continuum mechanics Sedov.. C. Anual number technical papers Short history of technology Derry.. S.M.... Au.02 620. Mechanics Kittel. L. W. A. Gitin M Applied mechanics Rosenberg.0072 620.1 620. Richard L.02 620. Principles of engineering mechanics Harrison. Engineering mechanics Langhaar. Au. Analytical mechanics for engineers Seely. P.1 620.009542 620.1 620. Engineering mechanics Meriam. L.. Mechanics of materials Popov. Au.103 620. C. Au.. Au. Au.1 620.1 620. Ferdinand P.. Au. E.103 620. Engineering mechanics Barve. Au..1 620. ed. Henry.10285 620. A Applied mechanics Basu. R.. S.. Au. David.. Applied mechanics : proceedings Gortler..statics Best.. Applied mechanics statics Housner. Jr.1 620. engineers Ferdinand statics P. Instructor's manul to accompany vector mechanics for Beer. Frank.. R. Analytical mechanics Lurie. B.. Engineering mechanics statics Cook.1 620.1 620. Au.103 620. Au. Mechanics of materials Popov. Jacek Engineering mechanics Hagerty. Au. Au. Theory and problems of engineering mechanics statics McLean.1 620. Archie. Au.103 620.103 620.1 620. and dynamics W. George W.1 620.. ed...Class_No_Opac 620. Archie. R. Bela I. Engineering mechanics Higdon. Engg. Analytical mechanics for engineers . Lemaitre. G.1 620. Seibert. Au.104 620. ed. ed. H. Richard J.. E.1 620. Experimental mechanics : proceedings Adams. Principles of engineering mechanics Harrison. Au.. Au. Solution manual engineering mechanics statics and dynamics Sandor. Alfred.1 620.1 620. Johnston.. Engineering mechanics volume 2 dynamics Meriam. Mechanics Fairman. Mechanics for engineers dyanmics Beer. Ed. Windstein. P. Mechanics statics and dynamics Shames. Artur. Experimental mechanics : proceedings Applied mechanics : proceedings Hetenyi. Meachanics of the formation and adhesion of deposits arising from the compustion of liquid fuels Advanced engineering dynamics Harrison... Engineering mechanics Higdon.1 620. Irving H. R. Dwight F. ed.103 620. Au. Au. Mechanics for engineers ststics Beer. P. P.. Au. Au.. Russel E..1 620. F. James H. Classical mechanics Goldstein. M.. ed. E.R. L. Peter J. Au. K.I. Skrzypek. F. J.1 620. W.1 620.1 620.1 620. J. Au. W.. A. Au. J. George E.1 620. Herbert. F. Au. Experimental mechanics 2 : proceedings Rossi.. J.1 620.103 620. Au. Eggem Developments in theoretical and applied mechanics : proceedings Frederick. Au. G.1 620.. Belyaev.1 620. Design data and methods applied mechanics Computing in applied mechanics Hartung. Experimental mechanics : proceedings Rossi. Edward W..G Mechanics Den Hartog..104 First course in continuum mechanics Fung. Solution of superlarge problems in computational mechanics Kane. E.. David I. F.. Physical non-linearities in structural analysis Hult. Engineering mechanics Higdon. Bela I.. Surface mechanics Ling. R. Irving H.103 620... Y. Au.1 620.1 620. Modeling of material damage and failure of structures Ganczarski. ed. Applied mechanics Sayer. Mechanics for engineers statics and dynamics Beer.1 620.1 620..1 620. ed. Vincenti.1 620. Au. Archie.. Au. Engineering mechanics statics Shames. A.. Applied engineering mechanics Jensen. W.1 620. Engineering mechanics Higdon. Engineering mechanics statics Sandor. Engineering mechanics Grinter. Daniel. Kraige. Au. Au.103 620.103 620. Fundamental engineering mechanics Ogrodnik. Ferdinand P. Page 21 .1 620. Au. Au.1 620.. H. ed.. ed. Textbook of engineering mechanics Bansal. Archie. Stress waves propagation in solids Wasley..103 620. Ferdinand P. B.1 620. P.103 620. Ed.. Au.1 620. Theory and problems of continuum mechanics Mase.L.104 620. Au.102 620. Engineering mechanics Gunder.. Au.1 620. Charles L. Instrument encyclopedia Batey. Linton E. 106 620. Ed.1064 620. John B. Fundamentals of solid mechanics Fung.1053 620.106 620. Au.11 620.J. Saini. Engineering dynamics Biezeno. Dahl. electrcally conducting Pneuman.1064 620.. Hugh L. W. C. B.11 620.1064 620. Au.. K.. Johnston. V. Au.. Rao. Robert R. P..104 620. D. Hot films and hot wire anemometry : theory and application bulletin tb5 Lecture notes on fluidics and fluid power control Srivastava.106 620. Au.. L. B. Laboratory experiments and demonstrations in fluid mechanics Landis. W. riveted joints W. Max. effect on the static strength of aluminium alloy test specimens of the attachment of thermocouples by a Vector mechanics for engineering dynamics Beer. concentric Engineering dynamics Biezeno.1053 620.106 620. Jr. Au. D. On the variational principles in fluid dynamics Krzywoblocki. Introduction to the properties of engineering materials Pascoe. plates H. Concept of force: a study in the foundations of dynamics Jammer. Au. J. Ferdinand P. applications Smallman. Edward F. and shear William H. Seastone.. F. R. V. ed. Cox. S.. ed. S. fluid mechanics Rajendra. ed. Stephen H. H.11 620.P. Short term summer course in topics in advanced fluid mechanics Prakash.105 620.. M. N.. Charles. J. B. Cayci. l. C.K.106 620.P. Russell E. Mechanics of solids and fluids Long. S. Au.1064 620.. Au. within twoPaul finite. L.. C.J. Fred and heat transfer Nonsteady fluid dynamics Crow.1064 620.105 620. M.. Colwell. V. George S. Processes. An introduction to the mechanics of solids Crandall. Handbook of materials science Lynch. S.106 620.E.. Miller. M.. Essential solid mechanics Young. Solid mechanics and design Sundararajan. S.1064 620. Charles T.. Curricula in solid mechanics Liebowitz.1053 620. Li. S.11 620. Rajendra. Static strength of rivets subjected to combined tension Munse. J.11 620.. D. S. Ed. Au. Vector mechanics for engineers statics Beer. Engineering mechanics of deformable bodies Byars.105 620...11 620. Fibre-reinforced materials technology Parratt. Advanced mechanics of solied Srinath.. Y. C.. J. Handbook of engineering materials Miner... J. Two-phase fluid flow : proceedings Fluid power abstracts Stephens. V. Mechanics of engineering materials Benham.105 620. L. Au.11 620.106 620.1054 620.I. H. Ferdinand P... S. A. Stephen H. B. Biomedical fluid mechanics symposium QIP Short ternm summer course in topics in advancedPrakash. Q.. Workshop on soli mechanics : proceedings Solid Mechanics Kazimi.. connecting Munse. Strength of materials through problems Sarkar. Saini. ed.105 620. Au.. J.105 620. A. Ed. Mechanics of elastic contacts Hills. Au.105 620..Class_No_Opac 620. Study of the practical efficiency under static loading of Wilson. Joel H. Clauser. Au.. E. J.. S.104 620...11 620. Computational methods for fluid dynamics Ferziger. Crawford. Norman C.106 620. R.106 620..11 620. Handbook of mechanical wear Lipson. Magneto-fluid -mechanics of a viscous. Douglas F. Au.11 Mechanics : part 2 dynamics Meriam.11 620. Lykoudis. Metals and materials : science. A.. Au.106 620. Geol. A. short term summer course in topics in advancedPrakash. Saini. M. Solid mechanics Kazimi. Au. M. Au.105 620. Henry R. K. S. Au.104 620. J. Au. R. Mechanics :part 1 statics Meriam. A. fluid mechanics Rajendra. Introduction to the mechanics of solids Crandall.105 620. Plastics chemistry and technology Driver.. fluid Gerald contained W. H. Page 22 .106 620. Flow measurement in closed conduits : proceedings High pressure engineering Pugh. Mechanics of the solid state Rimrott. P. Foundations of solid mechanics Fung. Walter E. Au.1064 620.105 620. Au.1053 620. Flow measurement in closed conduits : proceedings Materials for metal cutting : proceedings Materials handbook Brady.105 620..105 620. Z...105 620. Y.11 620.105 620. M. ... Au.11 620.112 620. Sturges.. R. Theoretical and experimental analysis of members loaded Sidebottom.11 620. S. Au. ed. part 2 Timoshenko. Morris. Mechanical behavior of engineering materials Marin.testing and properties for technicians Fellers. Strength of materials : part 2 Timoshenko. Investigating mechanical failures : The metallurgist's approach Ross.. Wayne. N. M.11 620. Robert M. ed. Au.11 620. Au. Engineering materials Bahl.112 620. S. Concise encyclopedia of composite materials Kelly.. Strength of materials Bedi.M. William F. textLawrence for engineering H.112 620.112 620. Au.11 620. Harmer E. J.11 620. Solutions manual advanced mechanics of materials Cook. C.. Au.. Materials & heat treatment Hackworth. Charles D. Robert B. Au.11 620. : proceedings William B.. Au. Ulric S. Plastics materials properties and applications Birley.11 620.11 620. S.. Leroy D.11 620.M. Au. S.. Experiments in materials technology Higgerson. Robert D. Young.. Das. D.inelastically Clark.. Chemistry of engineering materials Leighou... S.112 620.112 620. Strength of materials Case. M.. ed. Au. Advanced mechanics of materials Cook.112 620. F.. Robert D. ed.. N.11 620.. Thermodynamics of structure Brophy. Robert D. Mechanical behavior Hayden. Warren C. Robert D.112 620. S.11 620.112 620. P. Strength of materials :part 1 Timoshenko. Residual stress in design. Testing of bituminous mixtures Broome. An introduction to mechanics of materials Talukder.112 620. Materials testing and heat treating Clark. Joseph. Au. K.. Marlyn E.11 620. W.11 620. Jere H. Mishra.112 620. Strength of materials Belyaev. Au.11 620.11 620. Nathan H. Omar M. C.11 620. A. Composite materials handbook Schwartz.11 620. A.112 620. Au. Strength of materials for technology Bruch. Au.11 620. Structure Moffatt. Au.11 620.. Au. Testing and inspection of engineering materials Davis.1103 620.. Au. Bob Statics and mechanics of materials Riley. A. John. Au. William A. Au.11023 620. Au. ed. Howard. D. Au.. eccentrically Omar and M. Au. W. Roger T. Mechanical behavior of materials under dynamic loadsLindholm. Au.112 620. Au. Arthur P.11 620. Rubber and plastic technology Chandra. Au.11 620. Au. Materials science.11 620. Nature and properties of engineering materials Jastrzebski. Strength of materials Timoshenko. process and materials selection Young.112 620. Au... Au.Class_No_Opac 620. Sidebottom... Mechanical behavior Hayden. Au. R..11 620. Page 23 ..11 620. Engineering materials and processes Clapp. Advanced mechanics of materials Cook. ed. Strength of materials Stepin. Don H Mechanics of solids Fenner... Advanced mechanics of materials Boresi.112 620. Au.11 620. Advanced mechanics of materials Cook.11 620. William G. Strength of materials Shanley. Theory of plantes and shells Timoshenko. K.11 620.. Au. Au.11 620...11 620. E. P.11 620. William O. Wayne.11 620. Au.. Advanced mechanics of materials Boresi. Mechanics and materials for design Cook. Anthony... Electronic properties Rose. Au. Wm.112 620.112 620. Engineering matrerials Judge.112 Mechanics of composite materials Jones. Zbigniew D.materials Marin. Strength of materials . Robert M Mechanical behavior of engg. S. Joseph. S. Advances in materials : proceedings Engineering applications of advanced materials Solution key for elements of materials science an introductory Van Vlack. students Mechanical testing of advanced fibre composites Hodgkinson. P. Au. Au. Bela I. E. Au. O.112 620.112 620.. Alvin. S.. Matirix methods of structural analysis Kanchi.112 620. Anderw.112 620. Behavior of materials under dynamic loading Huffington. Au.112 620. Arthur.112 620..112 620. R. V. Advanced mechanics of materials Ford. U. Au.. Kiran C. Bob. George Hamor..112 620.. Au.112 620.112 620. J. Au. F. Au. Au.112 620.. P. Au. Mark B. G. John N. Au. Au. Deformation and strength of materials Feltham.. Elements of materials science Van Vlack. H. M.112 620.112 620. A. Mechanics of materials Miller. V.. Au. Theory and analysis of structures Jain.112 620. Strength of materials Feodosyev.112 Strength of materials Bedi. Strength of materials Pytel. P. Strength and resistance of matels Lessells.112 620. Strength of materials Jindal.112 620. Au. Damping of materials and members in structural mechanics Lazan. Fatigue in materials : Cumulative damage processes Puskar. Au.. Au. Elementry mechanics of solids Singh. Moire fringes in strain analysis Theocaris.. Au.112 620. Problems in strength of materials Hearn. Lawrence H. A.112 620. R. Experimental stress analysis Dally. O. Handbook of industrial materials Page 24 . Principles of experimental stress analysis Moore. Encyclopedia/handbook of materials. Au. G.. Pericles S. S. B.. Practical stress analysis in engineering design Blake. Advanced strength of materials Den Hartog.112 620.112 620. Strength of materials Sandor..112 620.112 620. Alexander...112 620. James W. Au.Class_No_Opac 620. Mechanics of materials Sloane. Norris J..112 620.112 620. Au. Strength of materials Giare. Charles O. M. Introduction to stress analysis Harris.112 620.. Au. Strength of materials Prasad. Theory and practice of reinforced concrete Dunham. ed.112 620. Howard M. R. Stength of materials Morley.112 620... Classical mechanics of particles and rigid bodies Gupta. E. ed. Au. Au.112 620. Experimental stress analysis principles and methods Holister.P.. Arthur. A. J. Mechanics of materials Lancaster.112 620. John. Au.112 620. E. Au...112 620.. Au.112 620. Au. J.112 620. Au.. Introduction to experimental stress analysis Lee. Strength and properties of materials Elberfeld.S. Henry R. Au. Investigating mechanical failures Roos.112 620. Pashupati Nath.112 620..112 620.112 620. Hugh. Au. Pashupati Nath. Strength of materials Marin. B. Strength of materials Feodosyev. P.112 620. Au.112 620. John M. Elementary mechanics of solids Singh. Au.112 620. parts and finishes Clauser. J. Theory of structures Morley.112 620.. S. Au. Strength of materials Cernica. Au. Advanced strength of materials Clark. Au. Materials and structures Salmon. Au... D.. D. Structure and properties of engineering materials Harris.112 620. Principles of holography Smith.112 620. Au.112 620. Joseph.112 620. Mechanics of structures Junnarkar. Au.. Benjamin J. Theory and analysis of structures Jain.. Applied stress analysis Durelli..112 620. B. Au.112 620. Structural mechanics Darkov. A. Au.112 620. Moire analysis of strain Durelli. Au. Au.. Anton. Stength of materials Kinasoshvili.112 620. Au. Au. Au..112 620. Postbuckling behavior of structures Esslinger. Jainti. Clarence W. Au. Au. C. 11223 620. Thad Page 25 . e Engineering mechanics of solids Popov.. Plastic flow and fracture in solids Thomas. B. Tracy Y.. ed.1123 620.112 620. aspects Principles of fracture mechanics Sanford. Effect of brack shoe action on thermal cracking and on Wetenkamp. Au. ed.. H.. E. Mechanics of deformable solids Shames.. L. Raymond J.11223 620.. Corrosion mechanisms in theory and practice Marcus. Properties of materials at high rates of strain : proceedings Science of hardness testing and its research applications Westbrook.. William A. L. Mechanics of deformable bodies Sommerfeld.J. Alfred P..112 620. Mechanics of materials Gere.112 620. Au. Solution manual to accompany advanced mechanics of Boresi. C. M.1123 620.. A. Strength of materials Singer... Au. Au.S. Ferdinand L. Au.. William. Arnold. Introduction to the theoretical and experimental analysis Durelli. S.. Underwood. Conrad. Theory and problems of strength of materials Nash.1121 620. Failure analysis : techniques and applications : proceedings Dickson. andKidk physical C. G.112 620. Au. Handbook of properties of enginering materials and design Shariff. Mechanics of solied with applications to thin bodies Wempner.. Mechanical engineering science for technicians course Oxley. Au...1123 620. Au.. effects in fatigue Robert L. Matrerials testing Gilkey. Au.11223 620.. Strength of materials Warnock. Egor P. Au.1123 620. Materials and structures Salmon. Symposium on fertting corrosion Corrosion fundamentals Brasunas.strain Engineering mechanics of solids Popov.1123 620. G.11223 620.. Glenn. ed. Ed.1123 620. V. S. Formulas for stress and strain Roark.112 620. Au.112 620.H. George W.. Au. ed. Irving H... Metal fatigue Sines.. Solution of problems in strength of materials and mechanics Urry. Analysis of stress and deformation Housner. I.. Ed. Au.1123 620. Elements of strength of materials Timoshenko. Au.Class_No_Opac 620... Au. Au. failure of wrought Harrysteel R. ofA.....112 620. railway car wheels Omar M. Introduction to plasticity Prager. solids Au.. Reinforced concrete construction Hool... George A.. ed. E.. Deformation and fracture of solids Caddell. Au. Corrosion engineering Fontana. Au. ed. Fatigue design Osgood. Au.1123 620. data Abdulla for machine elements Advanced topics in strength of materials Shah.1123 620... R. Egor P.1123 620. Introduction to mechanics of solids Popov... Materials science and engineering Raghavan.1123 620. Gerald. ed. P. ed. Vreeland. of stress A. Egor P.1120 620. Carl C.. ed. Mars G. Sidebottom..112 620. Herbert J. Stephen P.112 620. Au..11223 620.1123 620.112 33 620. E. Bergm Laser materials processing : proceedings Banas. Anton de S.112 620. Elastic liquids Lodge. P. H. Strength of materials Poorman. Introduction to plate and shell theory Turner.112 620. Sch An Engineer's approach to corrosion Trigg.112 620.112 620. ed. Strength of materials Ryder. materials Arthur P. ed.112 620. Au. L.1123 Stress corrosion cracking and embrittlement Roberttson. John H. Murphy. F.1123 620... Omar M. Robert M. William D.112 620. Egor P.112 620. J.1123 620.112 620. George.. E. Au..F.. Solution manual engineering mechanics of solids Popov.. Dimensioning and strength calculations : proceedings Kisbocskoi.1123 620.1123 620. Au. James M.112 620. Analytical and experimental methods for residual stress Champoux. Au. Stansbury.112 620.112 620. S.J. ed. and Au. E. Strength of materials Stepin. C. ed. H..112 620. Sidebottom.112 620. Au. Au. Constitutive equations in viscoplasticity: phenomenological Valanis. Au... Fatigue failure of metals Kocanda.1122 620.1123 620.112 620. Whitney. Fatigue design procedures Gassner. V..112 620. Au.1123 620. J. : part2 A. Mechanics of materials Timoshenko. C. Au. Richard J. Elastic and inelastic stress analysis Shames.J. cutouts Will J. R. Elber. structures Owen.. ed.Class_No_Opac 620..11230287 620. Au. A. T. Fred B. Mechanics of materials Pytel... Irving H. ed.11233 620....1123 620. Au. Fundamentals of metal fatigue analysis Bannantine. Basic questions in fatigue Fong.1123 620. John J.1123 620. Introduction to the elastic stability of structures Simitses.Z.. S. Advanced mechanics of materials Seely. Volker.L.11232 620. Micromachining of engineering materials Geough Mc.1123 620. J.1123 620. Au.11232 620. Inelastic behavior of aluminum alloy-I-beams with web Worley.. Page 26 .J. S.1123 620. Modern plastics Barron. Julie A. Edward H. Mechanics of bimodulus materials Bert. Basic questions in fatigue Wei. and fatigue Mechanical behavior of materials Bowman. W.1123 620. Krishan Kumar Engineering mechanics of folids Popov. R. Mechanics of Materials 1 Hearn. and intelligent material syste Mechanical behavior of materials Meyers. ed. Rochard P.11232 620. Eliahu. Hall. Ohlsen. Wolf. ed. Mechanics of materials Hearn. Mechanism of fracture : proceedings Goel. ed. Au. K. Mechanics of materials Hearn. T. Dynamics of elastic containers pertially filled with liquidRopoport. Archie. Andre Marc. Stiles. ed. proceedings Corrosion prevention Turner.Bruno. S.. Mechanics of fatigue crack closure Newman..1123 620. Au. Theory of elastic thin shells God'denveizer. Viscoelesticity Flugge. Au.11232 620. Au. Mechanics of materials Higdon.11233 620.11232 620. Harry.1123 620. Theory of elasticity Timoshenko.M. fracture and fatigue Sih.11232 620. D. Plasticity and creep of metals Lubahn.C. Chawal.. Introduction to the theory of plasticity for engineers Hoffman. V.. Charles W. I. William J. ed. Sethuraman.. or without S.11233 Mechanics of materials Higdon.. J.1123 620.. for deformation.. ed. William Defects. Robert P.1123 620. Ed.. Weiss. K..D. Au. crack-stiffenres R.1123 620.11232 620. Strengh and elasticity of structural members Woods.1123 620. Plasticity for mechanical engineers Johnson. Au.11232 620. D.11230287 620.. Egor P. Oscar.1123 620.11232 620.1123 620. Au.1123 620. Recent advances in creep and fracture of engineering Wilshire.1123 620.11232 620. Mechanical behavior of materials : engineering methods Dowling. Au.. Arthur P. Au..11232 620..1123 620..11233 620. Vladimir V. Au.11233 620. Kyuichiro. Au.1123 620.11232 620. Jeffrey T.1123 620. Archie. Elasticity in engineering mechanics Boresi.J. Mahanty. Au. ed. Au. Fatigue design life expectancy of machine parts Zahavi. ed.1123 620. Joseph Mechanical behaviour of engineering materials: Volume Haddad. Jann Fatigue crack growth Verma... Au. E. fracture.11232 620.... Mathematical theory of plasticity Hill.J. Elastic-plastic fracture studies of rectangular panels with Maiti.1123 620.11232 620.11232 620. Au.11232 620.1123 620. Mechanics of visco-elastic media and bodies Hult. Au. ed. J. Henry Strain gauges and strain measuring quipment Strain gages Variational methods in elasticity and plasticity Washizu. A. Jan. Norman E.1123 620. Andrew. Theory of elesticity Timoshenko. Elasticity in engineering Sechler.. E. Thermoineelasticity Boley.1123 620.1123 620. Richard W. Au.. Au. and ed. E. George J. Dhirendra. Plasticity and modern metal-forming technology Blazynski. Keith Mechanics of fatigue Bolotin. ed. Au. Au.1123 620.. S. materialsB. Theory of ellastic stability Timoshenko. Transactions of the american Foundrymen's society ... Fields.1123 620. Ernest E.. Wilhelm. Deformation and fracture mechanics of engineering materials Hertzberg. Gangloff. Au. R. Au. G. Advances in deformation processing Burke...11233 620. Kiusalaas. Au.. 2 dynamic Yehia loading M. C. Creep Investigation of creep fracture and bending of arsentical Dollins... W. R. B. G.. Mechanical behavior of materials : proceedings Fracture of engineering brittle materials Jayatilaka. M. G. K.1126 Mechanical testing of plastics Turner. L.G.1126 620. Felgar.11233 620.1126 620. G. D. A.11233 620. Plasticity and creep of metals Lubahn.. : proceedings S.1126 620.11233 620.. R.1126 620.1126 620. Methods of analysis and solutions of crack problems Sih. Betzer. Page 27 . ed.. Ed. ed. ed.1126 620.. S. Harold. Constitutive equations in plasticity Argon. ed. Landes.. of matrials O.11241 620. D.. ed. F. r..A Nonlinear fracture mechanics for engineers Saxena..11245 620... S. C. Symposium on propreties related to fracture toughness Fatigue design handbook Rich..11233 620.1126 620. Neal D.11245 620. ed. N.1126 620..1126 620.. Fracture toughness : proceedings of the 1971 national symposium on fracture mechanics part 2 Mechanics of curved composites Akbarov. M. C... A. Stress distribution and strength condition of two rolling Radzimovsky. J. Au.1126 620.Class_No_Opac 620.P. Au. L.1126 620. Engineering plasticity Slater.1126 620... G. Leckie. Fracture mechanics and technology : proceedings Sih.1126 620. and max W.1126 620. Apperance of cracks and fractures in metallic materials Eisenhuttenleute. Unified theory of fracture Jagannadham.. Fracture mechanics criteria and applications Gdoutos.. lead alloys Curtis for W. Au.1126 620. and bending of lead and lead alloy cable Dollins. Jwo Review of developments in plane strain fracture toughness Brown. Advances in research on the strength and fracture of materials Taplin.1126 620. S. Au.A. that M. Ed. Ali S. H. L.D. Garrett.11233 620. B. M. J. testing W.11233 620. Chow.1126 620. Marcinkowski.11233 620. Paul G.C. G. E.. C.. E.. cylinders pressed Eugene together I.1126 620. ed. Theoretical and experimental analysis of members made Sidebottom. Corten. Yung-LI. Use of computers in the fatigue laboratory Mindlin. Au. ed. ed. Nestor Three-dimensional crack problems Kassir. Dolan. Joint international conference on creep Creep. J. Fracture mechanics : proceedings Tyson. The effects of microstructure on fatigue crack growth Knee..11243 620.D.. J..1126 620. F. Handbook of fatigue testing Swanson. Tension testing of non-metallic materials Torsional properties of steels at high rates of strain Jones.. K. ed. C. Au. A. Three-dimensional constitutive relations and ductile fracture Nemat-Nasser.1126 620.1126 620. Mukherjee. C. Pan. : proceedings M. C. Verein Deutscher. Ray... Cecil E. Au. Symposium on effect of temperature on the brittle behavior of metals with particular reference to low tem Cracks in composite materials Sih.1126 620. E. Thomas J. Au. fracture.1126 620. Fracture and fracture mechanics : proceedings Tait.1125 620. D. A. R.G. Fatigue and fracture in steel and concrete structures Rao Madhava.. Inelastic behavior of ductile members under dead loading Clark.. ed..N. G.1126 620. Numerical fracture mechanics Allabadi. Recent advances in fracture mechanics : honoring melKnauss. williams Shapery. T.1126 620. Low-cycle fatigue and life prediction Low cycle fatigue : Proceedings Fracture mechanics Perez.1126 620. Hypersonic shock tube Yoler. ed.1126 620.. sheathing Curtis W. ed. ed. Engineering plasticity Heyman. Fracture mechanics Ewalds. Advanced in research on the strength and fracture of materials Taplin.1126 620.. Nonlinear fracture mechanics : Saxena. ed.. G.11233 620.1124 620..1126 620. Richard C.. Symposium on methods of measuring viscosity at high rates of shear Determination of the shear stability of non-newtonian liquids Lawson. R. H. ed.1126 620. Guz. Ashok Fatigue testing and analysis Lee.A. Yusug A. cable sheathing Stress analysis of notch problems Sih. G..11233 620. M.1126 620. ed. Ed.. R. Bassani.1124 620. ed. Au.. Dharmarajan. M.creep Costello. H. Yal De S. Au.11233 620. J.. Elastodynamic crack problems Sih.1126 620.1125 620. ed. R.1126 620. 11274 620. Carl T. Critical review of the criteria for notch-sensitivity in fatigue Yen.1126 620.Class_No_Opac 620.. A. Mechanics of composite structures Vasiliev. J..11295 620. ed. John M. E.J.. Robert M. Au.1126 620. Warren J.G. K. to aerospace N. Treatise on materials science and technology Tomozawa. S..1126 620. of fracture John mechanics M. West. : proceedings Role of subsurface zones in the wear of materials Solecki. Gangloff.1126 620. Murat E. C.G. Felix. Au. ed..11292 620. applications D. Pressure vessel technology : proceedings Cengdian... Rokhlin. ed. Nondestructive materials characterization with application Meyendorf.C.. P. ed. Green.1126 620.118 620. ed... ed.118 620.I. W. Fracture :an advanced treatise Liebowitz. Ernest W. Theory of flow and fracture of solids Nadai.R. Hydraulic fracture mechanics Valko. Sozer. F. ed. Doremus. Resistance of materials Seely.1126 620. D. Fred B. Jr. Ed. P.. proceedings Sih. B. G. Photoelastic coatings Zandman. R...1126 620. R. C.... Liu. D. of C. Robert P..1127 620. Mechanics of fibrous composites Herakovich.. R. H..1126 620.P. Van. Au. ed. S.11292 620... Introduction to nondestructive testing Mix. Au. Brittle behavior of engineering structures Parker. Cleavage fractures of ship plants Wilson. Au. ed. Dolan. Fracture and fatigue control in structurtes applications Barsom. Au. Valery V. Handbook of adhesives raw materials Flick. D. Lucia Advanced composite Materials Pilato. Dynamic crack propagation .. ed. H. Fracture mechanics : perspectives and directions Wei. J.1127 620..1127 620. Introduction to the non-destructive testing of welded joints Halmshaw. Au. Au... T. Robert E.1127 620.H. Process modeling in composites manufacturing Advani.. A. Jones. Au.1126 620. Quality technology handbook Sharpe. Digital photoelasticity : advanced techniques and applications Ramesh. B.11295 620..B. metals S...1126 620... Au. Wilbur M.F. Au.1126 620. J. G. P.. Peter. R.. materials Nagy. alloys Chesnutt.P. Robert H. G..1126 620.1126 620.. Minoru. Au. R.. New Procedures in nondestructive testing : proceedings Holler.. Metallic fatigue Harris. ed. Practical application of fracture mechanics to pressure-vessel technology Numerical methods in fracture mechanics : proceedings Owen.K. Microstructure fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth Chakrabarti.. Albert S.. Fracture of brittle solids Lawn.. J. Au. S.1126 620. Suresh G.1127 620.11295 620. Non-destructive testing Birchon..1126 620. C. ed. rate in titanium A.. Photoelastic effect and its applications Kestens. Nichols. Au. The mechanics of fracture and fatigue Parker.J. Luxmoore. ed.. Hechtman.. ed. High temperature creep crack growth Thouless. Structural Adhesive joints in engineering Adams.1127 620.1126 620. ed. A. R.1126 620. Au. Max Mark.11295 620.. Mechanical properties of engineered materials Soboyejo. ed. Prospects of fracture mechanics : proceedings Sih..R.11299 620.. Dean. Mechanics of fracture and fatigue Parker. Page 28 .11292 620. oy W. ed. Au. Au. Fracture mechanics retrospective Barson.1127 620.118 620. Brittle fracture story Tipper. D. Jean. Au. Au. Man. Louis A. C. ed.118 Fracture mechanics in engineering practice Stanley. C. Elst.1127 620. Ed. Roman.. W Fracture and fracture mechanics case studies : proceedings Tait.1126 620.11274 620. Garrett. Paul E.1127 620.1126 620. ed.. R.1127 620. Nondestructive testing McGonnagle. Bruckner.. Earl R. Engineering fracture mechanics: numerrical methods and Owen. Raymond F. A.. ed. M. ed.. Ultrasonic tresting of materials Krautkamer. Josef.1126 620.11292 620.1127 620. Richard P. Wole Surface preparation techniques for adhesive bonding Wegman. Recent developments in nondestructive testing Nondestructive testing handbook Birks.11299 620. Treatise on photo-elasticity Coker... Ed.. Fatigue and fracture toughness-cryogenic behavior Hickey.11292 620. Broek. D.11295 620.1126 620.1126 620. Photoelasticity Frocht. Au. G.11292 620. Au. A. R. Introduction to noise analysis Harris. Charles E. Waloddi. David M. ed.2 620.23 620.. Structural adhesives in engineering Noise and vibration conference P-195 : proceedings Advanced applications in acounstics.173 620. Handbook of noise control Harris.17 620. manufacture Agarwal..118 620. ed.S. Michael..192 620. Mechanical properties and phase transformations in engineering Antolovich. R.T. HSLA syeels technology & applications : proceedings Korchynsky.163 620. F. Noise and vibration control Beranek.199 620.23 620. structuress. Industrial noise control handbook Cheremisinoff.23 620..G. Folke k..L. R.118 620. R. S. Handbook of noise assessment May. Richard H. Au..23 620. Au.23 620.23 620.G.G.W.. Walker. Au. Applied plastic product design Davis. and performance B. Feit.. J. M. Seymour/carraher's polymer chemistry an introduction Carraher.2 620. Bruel & kjaer Noise and vibration White.S.144 620..O.. Noise Control in mechanical services Woods. Lecture notes on fibre composites : dsign. Advanced composites : proceedings Ceramic technology and processing King. Jerome E. Colloquium on fatigue Weibull. S. Industrial noise control fundamentals and applications Bell..163 620. Ed.Class_No_Opac 620. ed.1723 620.W. Noise and vibration conference P-342 Sound. ed.2 620. Secrets of noise control Thumann... Ed. Edward B. D.. Niose 2000 : proceedings Zonderland. Robert L. Ed. noise and vibration Fahy. Au. R.D. Noise Control solutions Montone. Peter P.163 620. Paul N. Industrial noise control and acounstics Barron..materials S. L. Causes and Prevention Speller.A.23 620.. Cyril M.23 620.2 620. Cheremisinoff.118 620.166 620. Au.23 620.O. Environmental noise control Magrab. David Measuring sound Structural damping Ruzicka. Krock. T. T. Use of glass in engineering Oliver..2 620.23 620.K.23 620. ed. Lewis H.23 620.. ed. Au. Au.D.23 Modern Composite materials Broutman. New ways of increasing the strength of metals Ivanova. Frank N.. Ductile fracture of metals Thomason. Miscellaneous fasteners Keeley. Ledwidge.... Corrosion of austenitic stainless steels mechanism. L.. Au..166 620. Daryl N. Source book in failure analysis Fracture: measurement of localized doformation by novel Gerberich. Ritchie.163 620. Metal fatigue in engineering Fuchs.16 620.. Au. Au.l. F.2 620. Machinery noise and diagnostics Lyon.J. L. D.23 620. W. L. e Handbook of composites Peters. Au. ed. Au. J. Noise control handbook of principles and practices Lipscomb. Polymeric materials Adhesive bonding Shields. Ed. monitoring Raj.. Randall F. techniques W. Metal fatigue Pope.. Wayne V.192 620. ed...23 620. P. and their interaction Junger.. S. ed.23 620. J.19 620. W. Ed.118 620. Richard H. John Emerging trends in vibration and noise engineering Kundra.. H. Alan G. Walker. Handbook of industrial noise control Faulkner..199 620. R.. Davidson.17 620. ed.23 620. ed.. D.Leo Page 29 .. I. L.23 620. Noise and vibration White. Noise control in industry Webb. Baldev Corrosion . Noise in foundries Noise Control in mechanical services Woods. J. Odqvist.2 620. Au.23 620. Miguel C. Lawrence J. ed.199 620.14 620.23 620. ed.. Pieter. Frank. Albert. and H. mitigation Khatak. Handbook of industrial noise control Faulkner. V. ed.23 620. Ed.23 620. Gerberich.. N. R.3 620.3 620. Nonlinear vibrations in mechanical and electrical systems Stoker..3 620. Au. H.. Au. Ed. Charles E. Anton.r Jones.. A. Machine-tool vibration Tobias.25 620. ed. Applications of random Vibrations Nigam..3 620. Roger A.3 620. Vibration damping of structural elements Sun. Au.B. Marurice. Au.. Francis S. Crede.. J.3 620. Jr. Acoustics source book Parker. C.23 620. Daniel J.3 620. Mechanics of sound generation in flows Muller. V. H.M.. Au. Damping of vibrations Osinski.. G.. Au.L.A.3 620..W. Au.3 620. Au. J.3 620. ed.23 620.J.Class_No_Opac 620. Crede.P. P. IIiya applications I Noise and vibrations of engines and transmissions : Proceedings Vibration with control. Shock and vibration handbook Harris. ed. Cyril M. Au. Charles E.T. Ralph A.3 620.3 620.M... P. E. Au.. Mechanical vibration analysis Srinivasan. Ed.3 620. measurement. William W.G. Au. Use of high-intensity ultrasonics Puskar.25 620. Asok Kumar. Vibrational mechanics: Nonlinear dnamic effects. Au. Vibrations and control systems Beards. ed. Theory of vibration Shabana. crown J.3 620. Robert D. ventilation Au.B. Effect of vibrations on the mechanical properties on h.W.. R. J. Fundamentals of vibration engineering Bykhovsky.3 620. Shock and Vibration handbook Harris.. Au.3 620.. Acoustics of ducts and mufflers with application to exhaust Munjal.. Vibration of mechanical and structure systems : with microcomputer James. ed.25341 620. Mechanical vibrations Tse. Elements of mechanical vibration Freberg. C. system design Thermal and acoustic insulation Daimant.. R.3 620. applications Principles of vibration control Mallik. M..3 620. nimonic c. Leventhall. Acoustics1974 Stephens. Victor Mechanical vibration practice with basic theory Ramamurti. V. and stability Inman. ed.. ed.. Nonlinear vibrations in mechanical and electrical systems Stoker. approach. Au. Theory of vibrations for engineers Cole.28 620.3 Noise in the next ten years Noise and vibration from high-speed trains Krylov..3 620. Fundamentals of vibration analysis Myklestad. Page 30 .C. L. Au.3 620.25 620. Theory and problems of mechanical vibrations Seto. Au. Au.3 620. C. and M.3 620. K.3 620.A..3 620. R.3 620. Charles E. A . ed..B.25 620... Random vibration in mchanical systems Crandall.3 620.. W. Mechanical impedance methods for mechanical vibrations Plunkett. Colin H. Sybil P. Fundamentals of vibration study Manley.L.3 620..G. H.3 620.3 620. E.. Au. Mechanics of vibration Hansen. max and Ed.R.3 620. Shock and vibration handbook Harris. Introduction to water waves Crapper. Ed. Vibration monitoring and diagnosis Collacott. Machinery vibration Wowk. general Blekhman.F.. Crede.. Engineering noise control Bies.3 620. Au.. Acoustics and vibration progress Stephens.75 Theory of vibration with applications Thomson..3 620. Au. Hansen. Francis S.3 620.M. Fundamentals of vibrations Anderson..3 620. V.23 620..E. David A. Stephen H.. Zbigniew.. Vibration fundamentals Mobley.3 620. Flow-induced vibration Blevins. N. Keith R.3 620.3 620. R.D.3 620. S. Au. Vibration of bearings Ragulskis..J.25 620. Cyril M. Engine noise and noise suppression : proceedings London noise survey Parkin. Au. ed. Mechanical Vibrations Tse.3 620.23 620... Rotating machinery vibration Adams.3 620. Au. Mechanical vibrations Den Hartog.. Au.O. William T. Isidor I. Cyril M. ed.. Au.. ed.P. Au. ed. M.. plates and shells Kalnins. Au. Mechanical vibrations Grover.C. Au. S.L.. E. S.M.82 620.K..Class_No_Opac 620. Introduction to mechanical vibrations Steidel. K. Au. Systems analysis and design method and invention Leslie. Au. Research techniques in houman engineering Weimer. Systems dynamics Ogata... V.. H. Robert E. Fundamental of noise and vibration analysis for engineers Norton. ed. Au. I. Generalized methods of vibration analysis Harker.. Ralph J.3 620. Ed. Au. N. Richards.427 620.. Will J. Shock and vibration instrumentation Vibration and noise in motor vehicles Experimental techniques in shock and vibration Worley.. measurement W. Au. Au. Handbook of nanotechnology Bhushan. Vibration isolation Baker. Vibration problems in engineering Timosheko. J. Au.3 620. K.72 620.3 620. Vibration problems in engineering Timoshenko. D.3 620.. T. Jon.72 620. Keogh. Au. ed. applications G.V. John N. Bharat Nonotechnology and nanoelectronics : Materials..3 620. D..301 620. Ronald C..3 620..304 620.3 620..7 620.3 620. Vibration beams. Au. ed. F. Medical engineering Page 31 . Au. an introduction for applied scientists Moon. and engineers Francis C. Active control of vibration Burrows.3 620.. J.. Fundamentals of acoustics Kinsler.R.C.3 620.3 620. Vibration theory and applications Thomson.G. Au. Chaotic vibrations . Dynamics of rotors Niordson. Lawrence E. A. Roger.C.P.. stiffness P. Theory of vibrations McLachlan. Jens Trampe.. Au.S.W.30212 620. Katsuhiko.3 620. Au. M. N. Katsuhiko. Advanced in enhanced heat transfer Jensen.. Basic vibration Control Bramer... M.5 620. Au. Au... Au. Au. Random vibration of mechanical systems Piszczek.B. ed..353132 620. Vibration and shock isolation Crede. M.. vibration and noise analysis in vehicles Gibbs. Au.. T. G. devices. F. Rockwell. T.73 620.3 620.. Vibration analysis tables Bishop. Vibration of mechanical and structure systems :with microcomputer James.4022 620. Mechanical vibration and shock measurements Broch.. Vibration protecting and measuring systems with quasi-zero Alabuzhev. P. G.44 620. Vibration control Macduff.3 620.3 620..3 620. A. ed.3 620.D. Machine health monitoring using vibration analysis Vibratory condition monitoring of machines Rao. Charles E.H.3 620. Ed.3 620. Hand book of human vibration Griffin.3 620....72 620.35192 620. J. Ed.3 620. S. Au. Smith.3 620. J. William T. Fahrner. ed. Inverse problems in vibration Glawell. Au.5 620..K. Introduction to random vibrations Nigam. Flow-induced vibration Blevins.72 620.M. Au. System dynamics Ogata. Au. R. Au. System indentification of vibrating structures Pilkey.. Computer aided mechanical design and analysis Ramamurti.82 620. Au. Vibration measuring and exciting instruments Flow induced vibrations : proceedings King. Vibration and shock in damped mechanical systems Snowdon.. Introduction to physical system dynamics Rosenberg. Arturs.3 620. ed. Au.. Clive L. Robert F.82 620. Robert D. ed.3 620. Ed.3 620.. techniques Interoductory system engineering Mahalanabis. E. C.. Dynamic vibration absorbers Hunt.3 620. CAD/CAM/CAE for industrial progress Surface contact in theory and practice : proceedings Barwell..3 620..L. ed. Dym.J.R.427 620.3 620. K.82 Stress.308 620. W.3 620... J. Practical experiences with flow-induced vibrations Naudascher. Wolford.353111 620. Introduction to random processes in engineering Balakrishnan.C. Chartered mechanical engineer G. Prem M. machanical engineering march Emerging trends in design engineering Yadav. ed. Mechanical engineering a decade of progress Semler. Creative thinking and how to develop it Easton. R.. Ed. Low. Prof. G. Ganesan.K. Advanced short term course in mechanical system dynamics Course work problems in mechanical and industrial engineering Advanced short term course in mechanical system dynamics Mechanical engineer's reference book Smith H.S. ed. A. S. Fortune making in your spare time 5th ISME. P. Mechanical engineering : proceedings of the eighth isme Agarwal..86 620. Onkar. Bevis Brunel. Ed. E. S.. : proceedings Sanjeev. Cecil F. Mechanical engineer's handbook Marks.00420 621. Bhavikatti.. 4025 621. Page 32 .. William Mechanical engineering : proceedings Mechanical engineerng : proceedings Abstracts of theses 4th Meeting of all india solar energy working group 204-Specialist course on design of heat exchangers Design and dynamics of mechanical systems Refrence course in computer application to engineering problems QIP short term course on computer aided design in engineering Jain.. Frank A. B.2 science for engineers Robb. research and development Course work problems in mechanical and industrial engineering Mechanical Engineering : abstracts Mechanical engineering and workshop on rural development : proceedings Mechanical engineering : proceedings Abstracts of M.82 620.. theses Mechanical engineering update and challenges ahead Bharani. ed. Mechanical engineering bulletin Ghosh. C. Charles W. on Ed. conference on mechanical engineering Future trendsin mechanical engineering.00420285 Advanced in bioenginering Brighton. Suresh Mechanical engineering Rajput. K. conference R. Christine..82 620. Industrial safety Materialien zu den weiterbildungsseminaren Course work problems in mechanical and industrial engineering American machinists handbook and dictionary of shopColvin.. in the information K. research and develpment Souvenir Jeyakumar. John A. Advanced summer school in mechanical handling Course work problems in mechanical and industrial engineering Poket-book fo mechanical engineers Allan Low. David. Goldstein. Edward Advanced short term course in mechanical system dynamics Mechanical engineering Singh. Ergonomics abstracts Stapleton... Department of mechanical engineering research papers Future trends in mechanical engineering.. Stanley. Angam Journal of the institution of engineers Journal of the institute of engineers Journal of the institute of engineers Journal of the institute of engineers Journal of the institute of engineers Mechanical engineering laboratory Messersmith.Class_No_Opac 620. L. S. terms Fred H. Seth.. ed. E. S.47 621. Warner. ed. Course work problems in mechanical and industrial engineering Challenges in product and process design and development Mohammed. Chandra. R. ed. ERA : proceedings R. ed. Ed.0022 621. Ed.S.86 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621.. Goel. air C. S.. butt Ghosh.072 621.. P. S.. Investigation of parametes affecting mould and casting Rathnamaiah.072 621. Paul B. Gupta.0218 621.H.072 621.072 621. F. and Nikolai design V.04 621. Factors affecting the peproduction accuracy in electrical Razaq.072 621. R. ed. Ghosh. Samuel S. of pure Dharmendra. Raina.01 621.00724 621.072 621. P. flash Om. Gupta. Gupta. Tewari. P.C. scale Mehta. Erik. H.072 621. C. principles of measurements and instrumentation Morris. Mehta. with and Raghu without Nath. K.042 621.. K. Page 33 . C.04 621. S. air Narasimha. Design and equipment Obert.. Machinery's handbook 25 Oberg.072 621. Design and equipment Obert. H. discharge Shaik machining Abdul. Joseph De.Class_No_Opac 621. L. P. Gupta. Saini.04 621. S. Harry L. Analysis of mindlin flat plate for free vibrations using finite D'Souza. P. Analytical investigations of the performance of packed Reddy. for Pandey. Computerized approach to material requirements planninh Sabhlok. repair Ajit Singh. E. steel Wear studies in partial ehl contacts Sastry. Alternat sources of energy Energy conversion systems Renewable energy power for a sustainable future Boyle.0044 621. of gt to manufacturing B. K.042 621. of mig welding Ghosh. of flow Patwardhan.072 621.. of submerged G. alloy S. P. thickness Pankaj.072 621. Machinery's handbook Schubert. process L. usin Investigation of dry-out during evaporation in a horizontal Sthapak. of combustion S.042 621.0223 621. Study of the influence of polarity on mechanical properties Reddy. Pandey. John R. V.042 621. in Subba. B. element Fabian method Savio. AL-Zn-Mg K. alloyed mild A. C. M. D. Burning velocity and blow-off studies of laminar flamesSahay. Lal. John Hancock Mechanical Engineers' handbook Salisbury.072 621. boiling J. ed..072 621.017 621.072 621. Lestz.072 621. items of B. Khare. Conducting energy audit : proceedings Seminar on curriculum development in mechanical Engineering Study on wear mechanism of coated carbide tools while Garg.. S.. its alloys Lal. K. phase P.072 621. Gupta.. Ed. Pandey. Rakesh..007 621. spherical C. Alan S.0223 621.. E. properties Pradyumna. for sa weldments Computer aided design of gating systems in moulds Mathur. D. C Effect of the welding parameters on the fatigue properties Singh. S. Pandey.017 621. J. K. machining Mukesh K. welding P. C. Gaindhar. Au.. C.. S.042 Gupta. vitiation Sharma. D. Au. P.. Au. vacuum Gaindhar. K. J. bed solar R..07 621.072 621. Effect of sand variables on the dimensional accuracy of Jain. Gaindhar. C. C. Donald A. Rakesh. Gupta.dual K. Bhattachary Optimization of welding parameters in relation with plate Goel. steel V. Edward F. Pandey. Varma. welding Yongyuth.0222 621. L. Au.072 621. Green.. Sudhan. K.. tube evaporator B. in a small Brij M. Sinhasan. L..072 Measurement of air flow Ower. weldments P. manufacturing N. Buring velocities and explosion pressures of acetyene-freon-12-air Sharma.. P. control Ashok model K. Godfrey. Ashok. Effect of welding on the microstructure and mechanical R... Sethuramiah. Ram Laminar free convection heat transfer from vertical cylinders Nagendra. Kenneth Kent's mechanical engineers' handbook Carmichael.072 621. M..072 621.072 621. P. (C-Mn) K. organization P. Weldability studies in certain carbon and alloy steels Umale.. ed. Investigations on the failures in kruoman bridge girders Salathia. heaters Saini. Ashok. Singh. P. J. Study of bubble growth and departure in nucleate pool Saini. Shiv mixtures Prasad.072 621. Machinery's Handbook Ryffel.. groove Agarwal. C.042 621.042 621.bombs effects of alloying elements on the properties of aluminium Sharan. and wires H. Anand. Fluid dynamic measurements Time-saver standards for building types Chiara. the stock P.P. L. Hernry H.072 621.s handbook Oberg. QIP short term summer course in renewable energy systems Varma. industries N. and their Capt. arc weld Khanna.072 621... Au. A. K. C Investigations into short circuting metal transfer in co2 Pisitpiputtana. moulding J. R. J. Gaindhar. J. Development of the computer based aggregate inventory Rathore. Patwardhan.072 621.072 621. andRajendra. On some aspects of generalized aproach for the application Somasekhara. Callender. Au. railGupta. V. Continuing education course for mechanical engineers Lecture notes on laboratory techniques and experimental methods Thermodynamics Lee. Jones. of hazL.017 621. K. K. weld metal Khanna.. Tewari. type C. Erik..072 621. geometry A. v-process Chandra castings K. Robert Creen power : the eco-friendly energy engineering fundamentals Khartchenko. Gyorog. Stability of the turning process Shanker. V. R. Investigation on thermal cycle mechanical properties of Pal. D. Energy:technology and directions for the future Fanchi.04 621.. in N. P.. Colin. John Francis. Transducers in mechanical and electronic design Trietley. Influence of pulse parameters on some mechanical properties Rathi. Jones. J. Machinery.0222 621. A.072 621. Gupta.. characteristics K.. V. Edward F.. Au. Investigation into the fatigue and fracture toughness behaviour Raghavendra.. Hans.072 621.tran A contribution to the analysis of space mechanisms Beggs. Effect of vibration during solidification on structure andShukla. Grover..072 621.. Ram Study of vibration response characteristics of a humanSingh. I.072 621. Gaindhar. M.072 621. Performance of externally-pressurised gas-lubrication porous Tewari. Varma.072 621. J. Goel. Singh. N. Gupta. G. M Augmentation of surface-to-bed heat transfer in gas fluidized Raghavan. Pressure distributions. Analysis of grooved hydrodynamic journal bearings Krishna.. Sinhasan. Grover.072 621. R. Nigam. alloys C. Force and moment characteristics of motor-cycle tyresSinghal. Forced circulation heat transfer during boiling of freon-12 Sharma. Shukla.. N.. K. cd-100 P. R. Bhattacharya. L.. body through Narendra. P. containing A. J. shockJohn conditions Elwin by conditions An experimental investigation of the maximum knee joint Dayal. V. Simulation of thermal stresses using photoelastic method Misra.072 621. H.modelling S.072 621. of aluminium Pandey.072 621. Shan. Theoretical and experimental studies on the characteristics Narasimhan.. process Mehta. Pandey. Saini. S. P.072 621. of double D. M. B. solutions Sudarshan. annular two flow with heat. Shukla. study of S.. type cryorefrigerator Investigation of the effect of boosters on the performance Lamba. Free vibration analysis of rotor-bearing system Raj. J. William for cylinders Robertoscillating in a free surface Investigation of heat translission in four strocke C.. S. Investigation into erogonomic aspects of a bicycle pump Pertap.. exposure S. Singh. Stability and relative of journal bearing systems by liapunov Sinhasan. L. of jerk pump M. Surendra Project report Mohan. arrays K. Investigation into the structural response of a small diesel Satyanarayana. Analysis and optimisation of flow line production systems Hiba. C.072 621. K. S. K. P.. factor Udham. plate collector Properties of r22-r12 mixtures and their application to the Kandlikar. bearings Malik. Bhattacharya. S. K. K.072 621. under the influence of mo Fundamental machinability study of metal turning at elevated Ichimiya. C. B. properties Goel. P.072 621. Modification and improvement in plant layout of fabrication Acharya. P..injection systems and fuel spra Analysis of fluid-structure interaction under hydrodynamic Jackson..072 621.072 621. Tarek.072 621. Systematic system approach to evaluate and analysis Goel. Gopi.072 621. M. temperatures. a horizontal H.072 621. methods Ram. penny D. A comparative study of new concepts of tool life assessment Singh.. industrialL. engines Saxena.072 621. K. Sinhasan. forging S. Varshney. bedsVijay R. C. Analysis of externally pressurised gas lubrication porous Bajpai. B Relative comparison of coeff. Varma. the productitity S.072 621.072 621.072 621. loading Shrilevel walking Buoyacy effects and pulsation effects on heat transfer Rao. Singh. S.072 621. M. organization Simulation of solidification of casting Kushvahan.072 621. of a manufacturing S.072 621. planning Chandra M. C. Joshi.072 621.072 621. C. Jain. S.S. V. Gupta..072 621. J. Gaindhar. Investigation on effect of crossflow in boiling heat transfer Singh.Class_No_Opac 621..R. P. confjgurations Sunil. Bearings with compressible fluid Wadhwa. conical Sharad. R. D. tube C. S. Analysis and design of pipe networks Rajiv J. fin N. crack Printed circuit board manufacturing in an electronic industry-a Kumar. H.. Gupta. K. Joginder Heat transfer from rotating short blades Raghava Char. systems Singh. K. D. binaryTriloki mixtures Nath. L. Gupta. Sinhasan. K.072 621. added-mass. G.072 621. D. Dalela.. Gaindhar. M. Ram. in agra Nigam. Malik. Gupta. P.. S. to air V. Pandey. Mehrotra. Joseph Stiles a variational method in potential flows with a free surface Bai. V. S. F. K.072 621. Ryoichi and thermal effect on accur comparative study of four noncircular porous journal bearing Kumar.072 621. P. R... flowing Seshagiri in a uniformly heated horizontal pipe Natural convection heat transfer from horizontal rectangular Sane.072 621. Mahender. V.072 621. Tirumale S. K. Naik. S.. S. Rajesh S. P. mechanical D. and damping coefficients Poter.072 621. manufacturing Parimal Bakul. Vaporization of liquid fuel drops on a hot plate under pressure Ramalingam.. Singh.072 621.. Study of material damping of circular plate of unifor thickness Gupta. enclosureq K.. modes of Grover. analytical Nigam..072 621. vibtation G. V. Transient analysis of three dimensional space frame Shan. expansion engine K. Page 34 .072 621. Study of parameters to produce quality castings by centrifugal Nassif.072 621. G.. plantDeepak of hero-honda V.072 621. K. & freon-22 C.. Umesh. S.. Kumar. K. development of a scheme for noise level prediction in an Srivastava... Studies on transportation noise around national monuments Chandradharappa. binary G. M. Radhey. Jain.072 621. Ram Lal.072 621. Forced convection condensation of pure refrigerants and Tandon.. K. M. K. Gupta. A. M. Wadhwa. P. L.072 621. D. Heat transfer during pool boiling of lithium bromide-water Singh..072 621. Investigation of pulse tube refrigerator and valveless piston Narayankhedkar. engine M.072 621. C. H. and rolling process Analysis of multilevel situations in material requirement Sadiwala. P. V. V. of friction and interface shear Singh.072 621. G. D. C.072 Group technology aproach to production planning in flexible Barua. Photoelastic determination of stresses in an elastic sphere Gupta.072 621. bearings Malik. Dilbagh Singh. Mohanty.072 621. M. Kwang June Studies on heat transfer during freezing of food products Albin. K.. Khare. D.072 621. Mahesh different Kumar. C. Optimised design of a compact gear set Srivastava. S. journal Sunil K. P. in metal Dalela. C. study J. inside Varma. flat S.072 621. V. Saini. shaped P.072 621. Sinhasan. K. case B.. Maintence policy evaluation on aircraft lamps and bulbs Singh. Mehta. Analytical and experimental studies of flow patterns during Soliman. Jain.. Bhupinder Computerised calculation of optimum insulation thickness Kumar. V. ofM. carrier J. Moolchandani. J. Amarjit. Misra.Class_No_Opac 621. vessel D.072 621. C Supercritical power plants and their applicability in indian Khanolkar. Shik Influence of welding parameters on the temperature isotherm Singh. Investigation of stability of solar pond Mandhan. Kathirvel. V. Singh..072 621. in Naveen mig welding Kumar. P.072 621. bridge using Nigam. C. Determination of P-t-X behaviour of refrigerant absorbent Bhaduri...072 621.. K. K. N.P. Gakkhar. Singh. Shukla.072 621. P.C.. for interactive Sanat. Gupta. Ram Photoelastic determination of discontinuity stresses at Yoganand. characteristics P. K. Mehta. K. L.. Devendra Singh. A.072 621. Gaindhar.072 621. heatM. J. M. Reliability analysis of an automotive system Kathuria. R. P effect of surface rougghness on the performance of hydrodynamic Tripathi.072 621. Motion trajectories of a crankshaft in hydrodynamic journal Balakrishnan. V.. steel P. P. Gupta. Dinesh.. promoters Saini. Application of group technology in manufacturing system Goyal.072 621.. Production planning in manufacturing system using group Singh. S. with perforated Mathur. rigid bodies B. Pandey.K. K. transportAtul of fish Kumar. M. C. Nigam..072 621. P.. C. Performance evaluation of a cavity type silencer. Varma.072 621. H.072 621. Free vibrations of bimodulus composite plates Dixit. P. Karunakar. K.. C.. Shan. Srinavasa. Eigenvalues and mode shapes analysis of 3-Wheeler structure Tiwari.072 621. Laxman S. C. Krishnan. context S. Dalela. Shan. V. Saini. Goel. Malik. P. a cylindrical H. P.072 621. P. S. R Balancing the engine repair assembly line in 510 army Singh. Ram Effect of frame flexibility on stability and handling characteristics Reddy. Sinhasan.072 621.072 621.072 621. S. Static and dynamic analysis of compensated partial hydrostatic Budhalakoti.072 621. technology Chandra S. Design and development of software in autolisp language Agarwal.072 621.. K. K.072 621. K. Kumar.072 621. K. Singh. mag welding M.072 621. Malik. operations Gaindhar. S. Seerah. Use of computer in estimating cooling laods Shrivastava. H. Goel. S. personnel Khanduja. Combustion studies on two interacting pmma spheres Gangavati.072 621.V. S. Varma. S... spaces Singh.. V. J.. D. under R. C. journal Girish bearings C. mixtures Shishir Chandra... A. Agarwal. a cold S. Shukla. research J.. Comprative study and optimized design of refrigeratedSharma.072 621.armoured Maj N. Page 35 . V. Ghosh.. C. Breazu. Sinhasan.. base workshop Capt.. V. in a convective Prakash flow field B. ponds Temjenyanger. Investigation of heat transfer augmentation in a shell and Agarwal. test rig M. V.. S. Optimum design of macine tool geart boxes Satsangi. Singh. Singh. R. aproach Mahadevan.072 621. the ends of J. Ravindra.072 621. Khanna.. K.072 621. Prem Saran. tube heat Rishi exchanger Kumar. Prakash. by turbulence K. C. Bhupender Analytical investigtation of stability of salt gradient solar Pongen. K. C Dynamic analysis od oil lubricated lobed bearings damped Madhok. Charan. M.. activities Dharam Pal. Mahender. of P..072 621. P. Computer aided facility layout for an overhaul bay a wheeled Nayak. Bhupinder. D.072 621. D.. Gupta.072 621. S. Prakash. Sailesh. P. for roof Tajendra. Two dimensional analysis fluid-structure interaction forKumar. Anil C. Influence of type of flux and polarity on flux consumption Reddy. cooled Manik peripheral Chandra. Anil Kumar. Pandey. and metal P. S. Samar Statistical Quality control in production Gupta. C. Design of documentation for effective control of maintenance Chopra. in submer S.. bearings Sinhasan. Pandey. Analysis and design of king post using statistical approach Mathur. D. Jain. Sinhasan. Mesurement of heat of respiration of fruits and vegitables Gupta... by finite R. N. Goel. Dimensional drafting softwares for mechanical drawing Pashmforoosh. H. Sinha.. Computer implementation to find the shortest path subject Jain.072 621. Khare.072 621. Brij M. water using bound Investigation on fracture properties of medium management Reddy. S. Jai in constant Raj. Satish C. K. usingHarpal. Sanjeev. L.. D.072 621.. R.. S. element Singh.072 621. system Varma. K. Effect of welding parameters on diffusible hydrogen in Gupta.072 621.072 621. Anil. P.. Ali Reza.072 621. Varma. R. M. K.flow Bhattacharya.072 621. Performance evaluation and economic optimization of Pratihar. O.072 621. L. Force & moment characteristics of ply pneumatic tyresK. Agarwal. Bhagat Ram. Gupta. P. R. Sanjay K. and wall Varma. Machine replacement analysis : a case study in miningRao.072 621. journal G. deposition Gupta. undermatching Bhupinder.. L. P. engineering drawing Effect of suspension system on dynamics of motor-cycles Bhat. Ram. P.072 On Performance characteriatics of hydrodynamic partial Raju. Ajay Kumar. Gupta.072 621. S.072 621.072 621.072 621.072 621. Singhal. P. input Mehta. Gupta. System analysis of pumping units for energy conservation Rao. in 510 army J. Syta. Effect of pulsed current parameters on weld characteristics Jain. S. CO2 welding Akhil. H. Welding quenched and tempered steel astm a-517 with Singh. J.072 621. pedestals Praveen side constraints K. industry P. ba L. motorcycles Goel.. solar heating Anil Kumar.. C. journalMalik. S. Saini. K. Design of solar heating dryer for a textile mill Chhabra..072 621.072 621. N. K M. Seetharama. Bhaduri. Prakassh. in india Bhaduri. electrodes Prakash. N. P. V. H.072 621. K. N. Pandey. submerged Sinhasan. Investigations into erogonomic aspects of a bicycle pump Pertap. Effect of vibrations on stresses around a spot welding Puri. bearing B.. bearing M. for shillong H. C.072 621. H.. K. P. meerut Khare. Divakar. Simulation of hermetically sealed compressor and capillary Bawa. Heat off respiration for indian fruits Aggarwal.072 621. Charan. Issler... teaching M. metho D. tube Sewa Singh. A. condensation Hassan inside horizontal tubes Feasibility studiy for optimization of cold stores with air Jain. S. W. steam generator K.072 621. C. Prakash. G. optimization of refrigeration machinery Kumar.traub Mehta. L. C. pulsed K. Singhal. 200 mw V. R.072 621. and tapping M.072 621. a machine Jain. S. Gupta. gradient Akhiles. in welding Kaushal process K.. methanol P. Bryant.072 621. S.. P. Ashok. Khare. H. Varma.072 621. S.. Design of 210 M. David. gaseous Prakash.072 621. K.. S.072 621. Khare.072 621. Human resource management in bhel hospital. produced S.. Study of performance of focussing type solar collectors Ram. sandP. Amit. K.072 621. Ghosh. Saini. J. V. Asheim. Gakkhar.072 621.fuel Case study in network planning of installation of turbine Solanki. conditions Suman.072 621.. Computer aided profile design of cams for single spindle Misra. K. Major Tej. Agarwal.. products Manish. Prakash. Varma.072 621. relevent to R. by Kumar. J. welding Kaushal..D. N. Arvind. layout Anirudha for drilling N.. L. Some investigation on the wear of coated carbide tools Ghosh.. full mould Pradeep process Influence of welding parameters on properties of ai-Zn-Mg Singh. J. generator S.072 621. Jag Mohan Lal.072 621. Breazu.. K. Reliability analysis of an automotive power system Sivaperuman. generation N. V. Computerised checking of a given multi-spindle gear train Punde. Computer simulation of transient temperature distribution Sharma. Singh. Anil Kumar. Gainghar.072 621. inside Agarwal. K. Murli. Mehta. J. Prakash. P. P. P. P. Fuel injector modelling Sardana. J. Page 36 .072 621. Rajendra Heats of respiration for indian fruits and vegetables Kumar.. Varma. in Varma. K. tools Pradeep K. R Experiment study of heat-transfer augmentation by twisted Kumar. of biogas Satya in de Optimisation of shell and tube condenser design Krishan. Gaindhar. wit Study of some parameters related to electro-chemical Ghafghazy. Varma. Gakkhar. Gaindhar. Some investigation on the machining ratio of coated carbide Joshi. Optimisation and design of 1-ton solar airconditioning plant Malik. P. K. C. alloy Denesh weld produced K. S..072 621. pond J.072 621.072 621.072 621. Pandey. Gaindhar.072 621. P. B. Amit. K. in a reactive Rajeev.072 621. Pandey.. C. Gakkhar Study on the combustion behaviour of pmma speeres Shakeri.072 621. Performance evaluation of solar domestic hot water system Murthy.. Kumar. Computerized load calculations for buildings Kasana. Gupta.072 621. Study of flame propagation rate of biogas air mixture under Batra. inside Agarwal. T.. Surendra Kumar. Experimental study of aldehyde emission in a two strock Tapas. Optimal analysis of an integrated design for manufacturing Singh. Gupta. K. R Air flow visulization in the cylinder of two stroke engineKumar. P. Conservation of materials and energy in a paper plant Govil. Varma. tubes V. cold storage H.072 621. spark Vinayak ignition D. R. Gakkhar. Sanjay K.072 621. Charan. Freeze drying time at various surface temprature profiles Joshi. load Influnce of transverse magnetic field on bead characteristics Yadava. Kumar.072 621. Sharma. H.072 621.Class_No_Opac 621. S. H. P.072 621. Varma. discharge machining Cyrus. R. hardwar Jain. tape Rajiv.072 621. J.072 621.072 621.. Subodh.. K.. H... Mange. Thermal properties of fruits and vegetables at low temperature Mishra.the P. S. Mashaallah. tape Rajiv. in Ram CO2 welding Dhani.072 Comparative study of freon ejector refrigeration system Kumar. Study of tool temperatures. S. N. Mehta. R. C. R. tubesV. Comparative study of brass castings produced by v-process Kumar. Investigation of thermal performance and stability of salt Gupta.. K. K. Prakash. P. V.072 621.. Prakash. Rao. M.072 621.load Charan. Pandey. substance V. L. machining Pardeep titan-31 K. environment Satya. Influence of flux basicity on element transfer during submerged Winny. Effect of process variable on the quality lm6 alloy castings Mohan. automatic Major O. Gaindhar. H. Charan... S. Satya. W.072 621.072 621... Khanduja. K.072 621. tool S. use Prakash. steam condenser Gupta. Rajendra. S. Effect of flowing exfiltrated air between roof and false ceiling Kamesh. Gupta. Prakash. unit S. C. N. M.element C. Bhaduri. ofJoshi. M. B. C. P.072 621. V.072 621. C.. K. C Combustion of single isolated carbon particle in a stagnant Sainj.072 621. N. Pandey. Ashish K. Sharma. Experimental study of heat-transfer augmentation by twisted Kumar. green Kumar. Sayta. Paul Analysis of solar energy operated power unit.072 621. H. engine Pundir.. on air-conditioning Rajeev Kumar. environment Surendra Kumar. Prakash. P.. Erection of 210mw capacity stem turbine and accessories Gupta. Mehta. Singh. S. S. K. steam K. molding method Construction of 500 mw capacity thermal power plant Gautam. tig welding M.using refrigeration Kumar. of Rajeev. Theoretical study for the ignition of hydro-carbon droplet Kumar..072 621. Charan. Anil. as the S.. J. Computer aided design of riser Khanna. Charan. C. as working Charan. conditioning Charan.072 621. K. forces and chip formation in Sood. M. V. on air S.072 621.. Dinesh. and Amit. Gakkhar. Khare. Babanna. by P. Bhattacharya. Investigation of performance of a 20 kw solar assistantPandit. Khare. Pundir. P. A.M. V.072 621. H.. Effect of welding parameters on spatter in CO2 welding G upta. Maj arc N. R. C. Effect of ventilation of space between roof and false ceiling Agarwal.072 621. Vishnu. K.072 621. P. Ramesh. withB. K. S.. Charan. solarSaini.. Job shop & flow shop scheduling : development of a heuristic Srinivas. Varma. M.072 621. approach V. lathe P.072 621. Rajerdra Heat and mass transfer analysis during precooling of food Jain. Investigation of shell-lined gravity die casting process Sharan.. V.072 621. Akhil. Simulation and optimization of dry cooling of condenser Biradar. P.072 621.. Lakshmi Kanta. Engineering departmental reports and theses Engineering departmental reports and theses Penniman. Kanwar S. C. Identification and ranking of noise sources in a three wheeler Jayakrishnan. Moolchadani.072 621. C Gakkhar. M. Arun. K.072 621.R. Shan.072 621. S.s. Komal. P. B. C. Pandey.. Saini. C. Spot welding wire wrapped liner Singh.. Effect of tyre parameters on the stability and hadling characterstics Jagadeeshs.072 621. C... L. A. R. P.072 621.072 621. Vivek Krishna.072 621.072 621. basic and B. IL. S. base Maj. K. Optimizations planing and layout design of manufacturing Gupta.. K. Control of melt carbon in open hearth furnace Bartaria.072 621. Ram Krishan. K. P.plates Gautam. Reliability analysis of a conveyor system with one server Tewari.. K. Hamant. C. Study of causes of low productivity of a picture tube manufacturing Srivastava. Siva. Computer aided design of spur gears and shaft Srivastava. N. neutral Ghosh. Scheduling in fms subject to constraints Duggal. C.072 621. Some investigation on drilling performance of glass-textolite Gadker. Computer in extrusion process Gupta. C. Pandey. S. K. Investigation on deep hole drilling by electrochemical process Bhatnagar. iron spun Kumar. Sinhasan.072 Influence of welding parameters on mig cladding of m. P. J.. Kumar. stainless Khare. P>. K. Free vibration analysis of mindlin plates using heterosis Trivedi.072 621. Breazu.072 621. Pandey. D. Khare.072 621. J. C.. S. C.. M.072 621. P. K. S. Khanna.072 621.L..072 621. P.072 621. L. a given N. Investigation of performance of a double exposure solar Agarwal. Manpower planning and line balancing for a shop of a heavy Chaturvedi.072 621..C. Ranjit. J. S. C.. S. Malik. chheoki Capt.072 621.072 621.of P. Dalela. by various manu Effect of type of covering and polarity on melting rate in Tyagi. Jain. Fracture toughness characteristics of 6063 (H9) aluminium Kalra. Satish C. Application of a multiple criteria project crashing model Caprihan. welds Bijay Kumar. Breazu..072 621. K. segments S. workV... Major of AL-Mg P. K. A.. Gaindhar. produced R. V.. line T.072 621. Page 37 . Singh. Mitra.a M. R. of K. Jain. of co2 Ravi. Development of 2-dimensional computer graphics software Kuthe.. Generalized a. Pandey. Raina. Pandey. S. of T. Dalela. a Khare.. S..Class_No_Opac 621. Singh.. Optimization of the production of top grade s.. D. context K.their Dalela. Shailesh Kumar. Influence of turbolence affecting parameters on the performance Sethuram. Study of weld metal properties of electro-slag welds using Varadhan. Gupta. Some investigations on grooving and chip notching of coated Seth. P. by mig P. C. P. M. M. Mehta. R.072 621... Goel.072 621.. H. Gaindhar. Subhash Gajendra.072 621.072 621. T. K.072 621.pproach to design of machine tool gear Nehrabi. Gupta. super thermal M. Sinhasan. Jain. Gupta. P. Investigation into the flow acoustic sources in reactive Dhar. silencers Satish Kumar. Bhattacharya.072 621. air Vijai stream Kumar.. development of human body vibratory models through Gupta. finite elements Devendra K.. M.072 621...072 621.. motor-cycle Goel. M. and their Cap. Jain. S. K. mmaw V. moulding S. N.. V...072 621. Computer aided design of flanges for pressure vessels Kumar. metal P.. boxesPratap C.. C. industry Samir K. Computer aided kinematic design of machine tool gear Misra. C.. Prakash. P. Cpmputer integrated manufacturing of cams for single Wadegaonkar. Jain.072 621. R. S.072 621. Vivek. S. Gupta. Atul Kumar. in the indian Roy.072 621. Saini. P. arc welding S. Prakash. P. Investigation on elecro-chemical drilling with rotating electrodes Singh. tools M. Investigation on the failures in krupman bridge girders Salathia. process R.g.072 621. Computer aided overall layout of 508 army workshop at Nair.072 621.072 621. M.. Sanjay K. P. C. engine R. collector Arun Kumar. Ram Analysis of journal bearing systems Sharma. R. Wear of coated carbide tools while machining 18-8austenitic Jain. S. shop K. steel M. I. Breazu. anthropomorphic Tikam C. Khare. A. Investigation of fracture properties of boiler grade steelJoshi. B. Huzur. S. Pandey. K.072 621. Dinesh Kumar. Nigam. for the ash Rahul. Bhattacharya.. alloy deposited P. Machinability of cementedcabrides when machined electrically Varma. Agarwal. Gupta. pipes Vinaya. M. J. Investigations on the surface finish in drilling of thermoplastics Goel.. Deepak. electrodes Gupta.. Ashok effect of welding parameters on the strength of steel spot Singh.speed K. Khare. C. P. Computer aided simulation of a multi product assembly Kumar.072 621.072 621. Ranjeet Sen. C.072 621. C. Prakash. L Investigation of parameters affecting various properties Kant. cells Atul. M. P. M. P. bonded Yogendra sand Singh. R. handling Sahaipal. S. C.. Elastohydrostatic analysis of compensated thrust bearings Sharma. Optimum planning of manpower and machines an army Vohra. Ghosh. system S. N. fluxes P. Pramod plant and K.. Panday. S. Shukla. Alok K. lathe Pandey. mould Khanduja.072 621. C. carbide Khare. Studies on the combustion of pmma sphere in a convective Gupta. Sandeep.072 621. S.072 621. C. K. C.072 621. Khanduja. P. K. C.weldin K. Dalela.072 621.. p Investigation of various parameters of hot coating of resin Misra.072 621. Scheduling of parts in flexible manufacturing system Tyagi. box elements Majid. Fractural behaviour metals under large deformations Kumar. S. K.072 621.072 621. C. remedies S. Effect of pulsed current parameters on weld bead characteristics Ghosh. Rajiv. Sinhasan. Gupta. M.. chart P. repair Ajit S. Ashok Comparison of process stability and weld quality of similar Tyagi. Vivak. S. M. C. for Mehta. manual M. Gaindhar. Goel.072 621.072 621. Khanna. Hot alignment of multi-cylinder steam turbines Singal.. in shellKhanduja. Stress intensity calibration for C-shaped speciments Saran V. Pandey. Invertigation of heat transfer correlation in pool boiling Patel. Gupta. J. spindle automatic Aatul. P. Kapil K. V. K. V.072 621. and non-circular Sinhasan. bakelite M.. Elastic plastic analysis of cylindrical pressure vessels with Aggarwal..072 621.process Liliana I. Wakhlu.. R. work Chandra. Arora. S. flux region N. Issler. Khare.072 621. Singh. R. through Virendra nozzies ARC behaviour during submerged arc welding of low carbon Gupta..072 621. Varshney. B. pvc perspex Vijay. K.. Prakash. G. D. Sinhasan. absence Satya. element method R.072 621. Mehta. to Hari indian Narayan.. enviroment Hazlett. steelKhanna.072 621.. K. R.. incoloy Brijesh 800 C. journal R. Studies on wear mechanism of widalon tk 15 in machining Goel. means for tuning optimization Vibrations of locally modified mechanical and structural Palazzolo.072 621.072 621.. Sha Heat transfer and pressure drop in two phase flow of condensing Prakash. S. efficiency S. P. K. industries Sinha.072 621. P. Satish Chandra. internally Satish pressurized C. Page 38 .steels P. of properties S. K. K. D. Ashok.072 621.Class_No_Opac 621. Sharma. Virendra Kumar.. lead t Investigation of parameters affecting the strength and harcness Mohan.072 621. S. H.. Varshney. Saini. cutting G. Prakash. of liquidGupta. andKhanna.. Singh..shets design of an optimal inventory policy for a-class refractory Jain. P. Mehta. Heat transfer During condensation of freons with forced Mishra. policy V.cylinders Gopal Dass.. S.072 621. C. machined M. Shan. Pandey. R. K.072 621.072 621. C. P. delay time study.072 621. P.072 621. K. J.072 621. Dynamics of distributed parameter rotor systems : transfer Ruhl. Erdmann-Jesnitzer. refrigerant C.072 621. Raje Heat and mass transfer in evaporative tubular heat exchanger Rana. Heat transfer from horizontal surface to the pool of aqueous Has. Pandey. L. Analytical and experimental investigation of heat transfer Vedamurthy.072 621. refrigeration Varma.. R. An investigation of fusion controlled metallurgical bonding Silva. Varma. Gupta. Advanced concepts of the stability of two-wheeled vehicles-applications Singh.. Heat transfer across redevelopingt turbulent boundary Agrawal. Digvijai of mathematical analysis to actu Computive studies of some gas-lubricated lobed journal Chandra. R. V. solutions Prakash. S. layer over M. P. in the Prakash. surfaces L. tubes V. Investigation on pool boiling heat transfer in the high heat Prasad. M. T.072 621. for Grover.072 Some investigations on rockdrilling using pdc bits Jadoun. Singh.. Effects of burnishing and peening on the properties of Neema. M..N. Singh. Rajendra.072 621. configurations Malik. S. K. in Eugene a marine A. Sinhasan. sampling Deep..072 621. R. subject Nazimto Safarali roadway roughness input Performance of cemented carbide tools in intermittent Bhatia. cylinders having K.. S. C. bearings D. items Madhukar. by centrifugal J. and Khare.072 621.. Thermodynamic properties of refrigerant-absorbent pairs Bhaduri. Vrashne Static and dynamic characteristics of non-circular bearings Kumar. Photoelastic determenation of stress intensity factor for Saxena. Heat Transfer boiling of refrigerants under swirl flow conditions Agrawal.. V.flD Coupled vertical-lateral dynamics of pneumatic tired vehicles Nathoo. Static and dynamic analysis of elastothermohydrodynamic Nair circular K.. Nayak. C. Prakash. A. R. Lal. H. M. Kailash Nath. Application of the booking system.072 621. plates Lal.072 621. Investigation of heat transfer phenomenon in nucleate Rajvanshi. various Sudesh end closures Kumar.. Varma..072 621. Singh.072 621. for vapour Shishir absorption Chandra. Gupta.. V.072 621. J.. L. in a fluidized V. heat Saini. Pandey. B.. Pandey. tube Stability of single track vehicles Goel.072 621.surface Shukla. of clay-bonded moulding sands Study of underwater welding parameters Khan.. materials Rajendra. Dharm Das.. C. Bhupinder.072 621. P.072 621.. circulation Dayal inSaran. heating Gopal. N. K. R. & freon-22 C. freon-12 Gupta. S. F. C. horizontal Charan. P Static and dynamic analisis of compensated hydrostatic Ghai. Study of the factors contributing to tool failure in interrupted Chakraverti. Shukla.072 621. mixture a watch Some investigations on the surface finish in drillings ofAngira. Hydrodynamic journal bearings with rolling pads Malik.072 621. systems Alan Brian Development of a solar powered refrigerator Singh. Convective droplet vaporization with transient liquid-phase Krishan. of casting Metha.072 621. Ashok. Varma. a L.072 621.072 621. pool boiling Anil at high Kumar. Thecretical aid experimental investigation of freeze-dehydration Trifoncva. matrix Roland and Luther finite element techniques An investigation of the damped dynamic vibration absorbers Grover. Lalit. S. P. D.072 621. Moolchandani. Singh.072 621. Mohammad Ibrahim. Pandey. Heat transfer and pressure drop in forced convection boiling Singal.072 621. C. H. Gaindhar.072 621. Moinuddin.072 621. C. B. Charan. Lal. inside horizontal C. K. S. flux J. cutting S. H.. under non-standard Mitra.. bearing Mahesh. D. Lal. P. D. demand P.. C. Sha Analytical evaluation of modal loss factors and radiation Nigam. C. of L. group incentive A. R. Prabhakaran. phase C. P..072 621. Prakash. bearings Sinhasan.. flatPande.. D. Rajendra Singh. Rajendr Studies of nucleate pool boiling of liquids on in-line horizontal Bansal. manganese Subodh.072 621. Investigations on fatigue crack growth rate of mediam Kumar. P. V. incorporating Gopal K.072 621.. rectangular G.castin Design and planning for drilling a 7000m deep wild catKooner. motio The dynamic cutting of metals Smith.. well U. Sinhasan. D. Sharma. systems Forced convection condensation inside horizontal tubes Abis. Variant process planning system for turned components Mohan. D. journal Ramesh bearings Chandra. D. N. N. Rajendra. Programme evaluation & review techniques and its application Khanna. K. and C. P. Ghildiyal. V. Study of laminar and turbulent burning velocities Agrawal. P.072 621. H. Chandra. N.. S. Finite element analysis of plastic deformation in metal forming process Effects of bearing deformation on the performance of hydrodynamic Jain. Mehta. of different Prakash.072 621.072 621. Leopoled V.072 621.072 621. combustor Two-phase non-equilibrium flow of dichlorodifluoromethane Charan. produces N.072 621. plate P. Role of deformability index in the evaluation and control Khanduja..072 621. by finite Sinhasan.. Sushil. Gupta. bed N. proceedings Steam tables thermodynamic properties of water including Keenan. N. Au.10212 621. Au. Joseph H. C.10212 621.. P.10212 621. N...10212 621.10222 621. Heat and mass transfer analysis in cold preservation of Ansari. P.. L. P.10212 621. problems Virendra Kumar. Charan. Heat Power Norris. Satterfield. 2 charts H. Frederick G. Thermodynamic properties of compressed water Tsu. circular Hari and noncircular... Sharma.165 621.106 621. part I-overall powerplant de Tables and diagrams of the thermal properties of saturated Marks.1 621. ambient P. V. R. Steam turbines and their cycles Salisbury. in gas turbine J. Au. C. Westermann tables for the metal trande Jutz. M. Joseph liquid H.16 G. Pandey. journal bearings R. C. Au. C. Laboratory techniques and experimental methods in mechanical Srikantiah. Au. with varying Gupta. William J.0724 621. Advanced summer school in engineering mechanics Mailhotra.072 621.1 621.10212 621.072 621. Analysis of shape in electrichemical die sinking operation Asthana..1 621. William J. and Lionel superheated S. Au. Steam turbine theory and practice Kearton. combustors. Edgar. Saini.1 621.10212 621. Thermodynamics charts Ellenwood. P. C. P Unsteady vaporization of an isolated fuel droplet in a convective Gakkhar. Turbines a vapeur et a gaz Stodola. Au.072 621.1 621. M. R.1123 621. Steam Turbine theory and practice Kearton. Hermann. Au. Ed. Keyes. Sinhasan. Au.1 621. Au.. Au. C. P. C. Varma. Au. annular Satish passages Chandra. C. Harry L. Khare. C.. K..10222 621. Dharm Das. food Firoz Akhtar. P. C. Au.072 621. part Hottel.1 621. Eastohydrodynamic analysis of grooved and pressure Chandrawat. vapor. K.. Thermodynamic Charts for combustion processes .. Gupta.165 Some studies of die-filling problems in cold forging of steels Dalela.165 621. Pandey. Lecture notes on fluidics and fluid power control Nature and properties of engineering materials Jastrzebski.1 621. zbigniew D. Valves and valve gear mechanics Dalby. J. Computer aided analytical studies of some facilities design Khare. K. Au. Au. J.. An omni-directional velocity vector probe suitable for use Macfarlane. C. C. Earle B. Thermodynamic preperties Keenan. J.1 621. S.Class_No_Opac 621. C. William J.. Ed. Steam its generation and use Design feature and initial preformance data on an automotive Hoagland. E.. Tables de constants and numerical data Haenny. Au. Au. Narayan. Properties of steam at high pressures Tempreture response charts Schneider. Au. steam Elementry steam power engineering MacNaughton. Morton. G..165 621. Suresh.10222 621. solid phases Steam tables Steam tables Vaishwnar. P. Laminar and turbulent burning velocities Agarwal. Neema. steam L. Williams.. and Au. G. Elementry heat power Solberg. Au.1 621.10212 621. desing developmen Steam turbine theory and practice Kearton. Ripper's steam engine theory and practice Goudie. dam..11 621... H. William J. Pandey. Au. Seikan.16 621.072 621. Thermodynamicproperties of steam Keenan. Steam engine theory and practice Goudie. Rakesh environment Parkash.. engine Ed.10222 621. P Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of non-circular Solanki.. Gupta. Au.. S.. Some investigations into the process of metal removalJilani... Steam power engineering Ishigai. Locomotives Bell.165 621.. A.072 621. Au.1 621. Au... Frank O. Keeneth Steam Turbines theory and design Shlyakhin.1 621. A.1 621. Joseph H. by edm Syed Tariq.165 621.152 621. T. Steam tables and mollier diagram Keenan. Heat and fluid flow in steam and gas turbine plant Page 39 . B. Stress and strain Symposium on stress-strain -time temperature relationships in materials Blasting guide Jain.. K.072 621.. Ramesh Chander.J. William J. C. Prakash cond Rigidity analysis and optimization of machine tool structures Bahl.1 621. W. Joseph H. Properties of steam Sareen. S.072 621.10212 621. Condensation of superheated steam .. Gas tables Keenan.. Pandey.1 621.072 621.072 621.112 621. Joseph H. ed. 183 621.184 621. B.3 621.. E. Fred. N. Au. S. H. L. B. Au.194 621. Ed. 150 years of development Testing automotive materials and components Wright. Taylor. R. ed. Powerplant Technology El-Wakil.19 621. L.194 621. Rufus T.3 621.2320287 621. Local streesses in pressure vessels Forman.185 621. W. Au. Au. ed.182 621...194 621. Douglas M.171 621. ed.L.256 621. Boiler-house practice Pull. A.202 621.. Marine steam boilers Milton.. W. Steam-plant operation Woodruff.. Power plant management Emerick. Au.25 621. R. W. Robert Henderson. Au. R.. William Mechanical engineers' handbook Baumeister.Smite. Lionel Mechanical Engineers' handbook Kutz. G.. Power factor problems in electricity supply Stubbings. J.. Edmund C. Au.Class_No_Opac 621. testing and operation Swift. Au. H. Boiler corrosion and water treatment Babcock central station boilers Handbook of applied instrumentation Considing.. Silvanus P.19 621.18 621. Pease.181 621.3 621. Gustaf A. Power plant theory and design Potter.3 Discrete field analysis of structural systems Dean.19 621. Steam boilers Croft.. Oil hydraulic power transmission and control : proceedings Imperial and chrysler service manual Electrical engineering economics Bolton.184 621.252 621. Optimization of vehicle cooling systems devenport. Ross. Charles Donald. L. Terrell.2878 621. Don H.19 621.202 621. Alexander H. R. M. 1989ASME boiler and pressure vessel code 1983 ASME boiler and pressure vessel code Boiler plant instrumentation Kent. Au.19 621..202 621. Abstract of papers presented at the indian institute of science symposium on hydraulics & hydraulic mac Conferences techniques papers and communications technische vortrage Kent's mechanical engineers' handbook design shop practice Kent. Oliver.194 621.19 621.2 621. Combustion processes Lewis. Steam power ststions Gaffert. 1989 SAE handbook 1985 SAE handbook Pumps and other fluid machinery abstracts King.2 621. Donald L. H. ed. Pilots'powerplant manual Shedenhelm. Philip J. G. Alexander H. Power plants Zerban.25 621.. Pumps for nuclear power plant Power plants and future fuels Steam boiler operation : pricciples and practice Jackson.256 621.. M. Elementry lessons in electricity & Magnetism Thompson. Ed. Magnetism and matter Stoner..1977 621. Hydro-electric plant construction Foster. Arthur Lemuel Text-book of electrical technology Theraja.184 621. H.. James J. B. Frank G.3 621. Au.1845 621. Electricity meters and meter testing Stubbings. Ed. G.2072 621. Limit analysis using finite elements Mallett. Au.. ed Oil fuel for Steam boilers Strohm. Au. ed.2 621. The Efficient use of steam Lyle.. Calculations of pressure distribution in study supersonic Klanfer. M.19 621..3 621. D. L.19 621. D.. electrical communication Albert. Elementry vectors for electrical engineers Stubbings.194 621. Myer Escher Wyes 1805-1955... ed. Au. J.19 621. Computer simulation of automotive cooling systems Tenkel.19 621. flow with Laura arbitrary downwash distribution Steam power plants starting.. Page 40 .3 621.26 621. W. Au. Au.19 621. Everett B.. Au. Steam power plants Zerban.3 621.1845 621. C. Au. S. Theodore. Marks. Hydraulic turbines Daugherty.. J.184 621. W. E.31937 Generation. T. ed.3121 621. Isaac. H. Shock and structural response Barton. Higginbotham.ray tube at work Rider. Philip Control engineers' handbook Truxal.3 621. Problems in electrical engineering direct currents Lyon. Waldo V..31701 621. Heat power engineering Barnard. William H. electricity. Fawcett. Hughes. High temperature conversion heat to electricity Phelan.. O. Power plant engineering Morse.319 621. Elecrical technology Hughes. Au. A. transmission and utilization of electrical power Starr.3 621.3121 621.3 621. H.. Theory and applications of electron tubes Reich.3 621.305 621.. Y.. B. D Question and answers on distribution and use of electric Carr. A. Handbook of automation computation.3133 621.31912 621. power T. A. Earl W. Miller.3121 621. L. Introductory electric circuits Walsh.3 621. R. Modern power ststion practice Hunt. William T. Simon. Power sources 5 Collins.31243 621.3121 621. electron microscope Burton.3 621. Parker Foundations of technical electrical Mallett. Charles Merrick. Au. John B. Au. G. Sir James Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings Gay. High voltage direct current convertors and systems Cory.. S..3 621. Starr. Diagnosing of troublems in electrical machines Walker.3133 621. Fredrick T. Au.3 621.3 621. H. Herbert J. Mathematical theory of electrical and magnetism Jeans. Au. B. Wilfred E.. Edward Classified examples in electrical engineering Monk. Simple calculation of electrical transients Carter. D. S.3 621.3193 621. B. Millard V. R. Charles De Van Mechanical and electrical systems in construction and Dagostino. Neale. Electric resistance strain gauges Dobie.3 621. whittaker's arithmetic of electrical engg. H. F. E. Hydro-electric engineering practice Brown. E. ed. Electrical engineering science Morley.312 621.319 621. John G. T. Page 41 .312 621. Ed.Class_No_Opac 621..3 621. CAthode. Francis J. Edward Basic electrical engineering Fitzgerald. Electrical transmission and distribution Kapp.3 621. Perren Theory of alternating current wave-forms Kemp. Guthrie Power station work Molloy. Martin A. J. Kenneth S. Arthur. Standerd handbook for electrical engineers Electrical technology Cotton. Electric lifts Phillips. W. Fuchs.31701 621.301 621.. Electrical equipment for industry Lipkin. G. energy Gerlach.... Electrical transmission and distribution Kapp.3 621.3 621. Vinycomb.3133 621. Au.3 621. B. Edward M. Use of models and scaling in shock and vibration Baker.3132 621. John F.. ed. Lecture notes planning of hydro electric power plants Forter-Smith.319 621.3 621.3 621. Matter.312 621.. Mahesh. E.3 621. T. B. S.3 621.. Miles Elements of electricity Timbie. H. Samuel Problems in electrical engineering Smith. William N. Bolton. Gordon Electricity and magnetism Purcell.3 621.3 621. J. Dynamo electric machinery Sheldon. Alternating current rectification and allied problems Jolley. architecture Frank R. O. Power plant engineering Varma.3 621. ed. Walter. Principles of direct-current electrical engineering Barr. and control Grabbe..319 621.3132 621.3 621. Electrical insulating materials Warren. Bernhardt G. D. Electrical design of overhead power transmission linesTaylor. Kohl. James R. Alternating current work Maycock. W. R. David E. W. Peter C. E.3 621.3 621. Eugene M. A. R. G.3121 621.F. J.3 621. Applied electromagnetics Plonus. Applied energy conversion Skrotzki. Wooldridge.. Ramo. W. H. K. Introduction to computing : IBM systems/3 Murray. L.381952 621.38195 621. T... General electric transistor manual Giorgis.38153 621.38195 621.. wordperfect. Fortran programming Jain.. Barnett.W. Donald Typical oscilloscope circuitry Intelligent machine vision :Techniques. Using lotus 1-2-3 Supercalc4. E.381952 621... Insider's guide to IBM PC hardwareand software Sandler.381952 621. LAnce A.. S. Michael. C. Network programming in C Nance. Illustrated auto CAD for all versions through relase 10 Berghauser.381528 621. Fortran Programming Jain. W. lllustrated lotus 1-2-3 (release 2.. Au.381952 621. Au. personal Au. Page 42 .. Babu.38 621. H.W.33 621. Frederick Automatic protection of A. Waltz. Simulation modeling and analysis Law. E. Artificial intelligence : human effects Yazdani. Ed. M.381952 621. Ed. Y. Basic electronics Faruqui. R.381952 621. M. Albert Paul.381 621. J. Au. Robert J. Au. Au. Working commodore 64 Lawrence. P. J. Structural design optimization Iyengar.381548 621.G. Mastring crosstalk xvi Gofton.381952 621. Au. Machine learning : an artificial intellence approach Kodratoff. M.K. Digital computer electronics :an introduction to microcomputers Malvino. Au. Corey. R. computer CP /M handbook with mp/m Zaks. on C.381952 621..381952 621. Au.381952 621..381952 Symposium on illumination Earthing principles and practice Ryder. Ed. Guide to using lotus 1-2-3 Baras.38195 621.. K.367 621. J. Electrification of agriculture and rural districts Golding.38154 621. Captain J. and Warrner.. Gottlieb. T. E. Walter C. G. wordstar..38 621.381 621. W. William H.38195 621. Wsi How to run a hard disk PC Wrona. H. Rodnay Advanced techniques in lotus 1-2-3 Lunsford. G. B. Ed.37 621. implementaions Batchelor. Ashok K. Ronald E. E. Au.381 621. Au.. Introductory transistor theory Schiesel. Maskara. Au. L. Payne..38195 621. Ralph. Au.38043 621. Sergey Y. Teresa.W.381548 621. L. Computer organization and programming with an emphasis Gear. Au. Advanced electrical measuements Michels..Class_No_Opac 621. Au. P..381533 621.01) book Mylius. Au. Gomes. P. A. Au.. Real-time personal computer for data acquisition and control Joseph. S.... and applications Bruce.381952 621. Theory and design of valve oscillators Thomas. Z80 Assembly language programming Leventhal.381532 621. circuits Stubbings. David IBM PC and XT user's handbook Staff.381952 621. Fortran programming Jain.. Notes on linear circuit analysis Scott.R.381952 621. N.381582 621.328 621. N. Robert G.38195 621. Edward M.3815483 621.. Introduction to artificial neural systems Zurada.38195 621.381582 621. Smart sensors and mems Yurish. High speed photography : proceedings Rolls. W.. Oscilloscope in industrial electronics Middleton. Au. Au.381952 621. Basic electricity for communications Timbie.38132 621..321 621.38043 621.3811952 621. Kelton. Artificial intelligence an engineering approach Schalkoff. Au.M. Ashok K. Au. Donaldson. David W. Au. Maria Four easy ways to use this catalog Telecommunication measurement equipment Tektronix Transistor manual Cleary. dbase3plus Thomas W. Atomic power .381952 621.381 621. Industrial electronics catalog Digital methods for signal analysis Beauchamp.38132 621..381952 621. the William. Jerome T. T. Data acquisition for signal anlysis Beauchamp.38195 621.G. Transistor circuit theory Mercury-arc current convertors Rissik. A..381952 621. ed. J. Averill M. Heat engines and applied thermodynamics Dey.4 621. Designing with programmable array logic Talking basic : an introduction to basic programming for Davies. L.R. C.381952 621. Au. Inchley's theory of heat engines Baker.. H.381952 621. Ed.. Michael F..C.38411 621. High.4 621.381952 621. The Illustrated lotus1-2-3 Mylius.C. Au.384 621. David Allan. R. Engineering know-how in engine design-part21 Engineering know-how in engine design (part17) Engine testing SP-582 Theory and practice of heat engines Grundy. IBM PC troubleshooting & repair Guide Brenner. Au.3919 621. H.part10 Engineering know-how in engine design (part20) Engineering know-how in engine design (part16) Engineering know-how in engine design (part19) Engineering know-how in engine design (part18) Engineering know-how in engine design (part12) Heat engines Ballaney. G. of Ed.5/2. E. Heat engines Low...4 621. David Alllan..381952 621.4 621. Experimental investigation and mathematical presentation Woschni.381952 621.C. Computers in design engineering Wexler.381952 621. A.. on fortran A.4 621. Heat engineering Shvets.38491 621.3919 621.. ed.4 Using 1-2-3 special Edition Introduction to fortran programming Rao. Microprocessors in industry Hordeski. relations Using turbo C++ Schildt.. Programmer's guide to foxpro 2.H.4 621.4 621. Fortran 77 with applications to science and engineering Jain.4 621. Introduction to microprocessors : software... V. Radio engineering Terman.4 621. to international Davis B.4 621. Au. M. 4 Au.4 621. Au. Cwiakala. Joanna. Glyn. of rate G. Elements of heat engines Pandya. Clarence L.4 621.. Au.381958 621..381952 621. Martin Elements of computer science Emery. P.382 621. Au. John R. James Ambrose. K. Au..Class_No_Opac 621. R. Power plant testing Moyer. Elements of heat engines Patel. Au.381952 621. Bernet S..K. Introduction to the theory and use of the analog computer Garg. Heat engines Allen. Au. Au..L. M.. Au..4 621. R.3919 621.4 621.381952 621. Au..frequency measurements Hund... Introduction to computer programming with an emphasis Nydegger.A.381958 621.C. William. programming Levnthal. Au.N..Wright.P. heat release in diesel engines depe Heat engines Low.4 621. Mukherjee. Introduction to microprocessors with the intel 8085 Seeger. N.4 621. N. Au.381952 621.381952 621.381952 621... Ed. August Admiralty handbook of wireless telegraphy Analog computation and simulation Rajaraman.381952 621..3919 621. Basic exercies for the IBM personal computer Lamoiter.4 621. Jean-Pierre.381952 621. Gordon B. Au.384 621.4 621. users G.4 621. Au. Engineering know-how in engine design.381959 621. Au. Electronic analog computer primer Stice. Au. D.384 621. of language Au. Frederick Emmons Radioisotopes industrial applications Guest.T.4 621.4 621.381952 621. Textbook on radio and television Goyal. Computers and the policy-making community : applicatons Bobrow. Au..381952 621. Page 43 . Au. Au. Analog computer techniques Johnson.6 Dickler. disciplined style Davis. Programming techniques in computer aided design Sabin.. H. Swanson. Heat engines Babu. H. S. K. Au. J. Au. Au. Theory and problems of programmingwith fortran 77 Mayo.A. r. hardware. Au. I. Robert C. Au..381952 621. N. James E. Redifon computer programming service Fortran 77 : a structured. A. 4 621.402 621. Vincent W. performance P. Thermostatics and thermodynamics Tribus. G. R. Eric C. Introduction to thermodynamics classical and statistical Sonntag. Fundamentals of classical thermodynamics Van Wylen..4 621. Franzo H. Au. Au. B.. C.4021 621. R. refrig. Thermodynamics data for pure compuonds . Herman J.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Richard E. Thermodynamics properties . Thermodynamics Van Wylen. Herbert B.4021 621.402 621.. Thermodynamics of the steady state Denbigh.. Au. J. Ed. Ed..engine Ed.4021 621. David Allan.402 621. Au. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics Sommerfeld.4 621. K. Au... Gordon J.4021 621. V..4021 621. J. Au.. Kumar. thermodynamics.402 621. Au. J.4021 621. Au. Elementry engineering thermodynamics Young.. Van. International journal of heat and fluid flow Geothermal energy : the case for research in the united kingdom Thermal Power plant Parakash..steam W. H. F.402 621.. Brownell.4021 621. Page 44 . Au. J.4021 621. S. V. Introduction to thermodynamics.4 621.. Heat and thermodynamics Zemansky. All india seminar on metallurgical problems in power projects Automotive organic rankine-cycle powerplant-design and Patel.4021 Modern power station practice Sherry.4021 621. Solutions manual Fundamentals of classical thermodynamics Wylen. Mark W.. Au. Vincent W.4021 621.. Au.402 621. Gordon J. M.4021 621.402 621. Kumar. Thermodynamics Durham.4 621. Element of engineering thermodynamics Sabersky. Heinz.. K. Thermodynamics for engineers Saad. De.. Michel A.4 621... J.4021 621. Basic engineering thermodynamics Young.4021 621.. A. Design eatures and initial performance data on an automotive Syniuta. Au. Thermodynamic network analysis of biological systems Schnakenberg. Au. Introduction to thermodynamics : classical and statistical Sonntag.4021 621. Symposium on effects of low temperatures on the properties of materials B G handbook Heat bibliography Thermodynamics for the foundryman Veinik. Au. Au. Seminar in the field propulsion Handbook of applied thermal design Guyer. Heat engines Low. Au. Franklin P. Ed..4021 621. N. Au. Au. Basic engineering thermodynamics Wallace. Chang L. Engineering thermodynamics Gupta. Arnold. Albert I.. Rolf H. Au. steamcalc David. Au. Gordon J.. K.L. Rational approachto automotive radiator systems design Emmenthal. Analytical thermodynamics Soo. Engineering thermodynamics Stoever.4021 621. Au. Au. Statistical thermodynamics Tien. Au. Heat Transfer Ballaney.4021 621. gasprops. S. Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics Smith.4021 621. mechanics Au. Au. Kenneth. and statistical physics Crawford.4021 621. data Advanced engine technology Heisler.4021 621. Au. Au.4021 621.. Au.4021 621. the kinetic theory of gases.4021 621.. John R. Au. T..part B Smith.. Au. Au. Thermodynamics Wark... Heat.. Buford D. Au. D. part II-reciprocating steam Turbine rankine cycle automotive engine developmentHodgson. S. Richard E. Au.Class_No_Opac 621. Au. D.4021 621.4 621. David L.. Ed. Thermodynamics Callen.4021 621.4021 621.. P.4 621. Thermodynamics of irreversible processes Groot..4021 621.4021 621.402 621. Modelling of chemical reaction systems : proceedings Ebert.. Thermodynamics Wylen.4 621. Gordon J. H. Au.4021 621. Technical thermodynamics Sushkov.4 621. Au. Au.. Au. L. Applied thermodynamics for engineering technologistsEastop. P. Introduction to applied thermodynamics and energy convcersion Tyldesley. Myron. J.. Thermodynamics problems in S I units Smith. D..4021 621. Van. Sears. and Francis ststistical Weston. 4021 621. Au. Thermodynamics Hawkins.. L. Au. David A. Applied thermodynamics formerly heat powe Norris. Au. Engineering thermodynamics Howerton. Joseph. Au.4021 621. W. Au.4021 621.4021 621. E. Introduction to thermodynamics and heat transfer Mooney.4021 621. Newman A. gases compressib Engineering thermodynamics Jones. Elements of thermodynamics and heat transfer Obert. David A. Au.. Au. Au. John R.4021 621. Nature of thermodynamic cycles and themodynamic efficiency Ledwell.4021 621.. J... of combustion Joseph and H. Francis F. Max.A. M. Au.4021 621.4021 621.. Van.4021 621.4021 Engineering thermodynamics Spalding.. Introduction to thermodynamics and heat transfer Moony. James B. R. L.. A.. T.4021 621. Applied thermodynamics problems for engineering Peck. Engineering thermodynamics Nag.4021 621. Applied thermodynamics for engineering technologistsEastop.4021 621. products V.. Au. Engineering thermodynamics Hall.4021 621. Au.4021 621.4021 621. M.4021 621. Treatise on thermodynamics Planck. T. M. Applied thermodynamics Robinson. Au...4021 621. Myron.4021 621. Thermodynamics Hawkins.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Edward F. Au. Edward F. Ernest J. I. Au. Au. Glen E. Au.4021 621.. Au.. component Au.4021 621.4021 621.. Au.. Paul J... Fundamentals of thermodynamics Leonard. Au. Applied thermodynamics Robinson.. Au. Elements of engineering thermodynamics Moyer. Concept of thermodynamics Obert.4021 621.4021 621.. Principles of engineering thermodynamics Kiefer. Introduction to thermosdynamics and heat transfer Mooney. Engineering thermodynamics Myers.4021 621. Au.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Page 45 .4021 621.. Solutions manual introduction to thermodynamics Sonntag.4021 621. Thermodynamics Finck. Gas tables thermodynamics properties of air products Keenan. Au. Au. Introdyuction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes Prigogine. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics Gyarmati. B.4021 621. Au.. James A. Joseph. Wiliam.D. M.. George A.. Paul H. William.4021 621..4021 621. Thermostatics and thermodynamics Tribus.4021 621. Mechanical engineering thermodynamics Mooney. Au.. Thermodynamics Lay. Au. Fundamentals of classical thermodynamics Wylen.4021 621.4021 621. K. J.. Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics Moran. Au. P.. Au. Au. Au. Thermoelectric thermometry Dike. Joachim E. Au. F. Textbook of thermodynamics Hoare. David A.Class_No_Opac 621. Earle B.4021 621.4021 621. Introduction to ststistical thermodynamics Hill. David A. E.. Au. Course in thermodynamics Kestin. Au... Richard E. Course in statistical thermodynamics Kestin..4021 621.4021 621. Joseph Louis. ed. P. Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics Howell... Au..4021 621. Thermophysics King. Terrell L. Second law of thermodynamics Montgomery. Au. George A. Au. S. T. Thermodynamics Mathur. Au.. Theory and thermoelasticity with application Nowinski. allen L. D. Au.4021 621. Gordon J. Au. Mcconkey. Thermodynamics and thermophysical properties of combustion Glushko. Material and energy balance computations Henley.4021 621.4021 621. J..4021 621.4021 621. Au. M. Ed. Williams C. Au. Istvan Genetron 22 thermodynamics properties Principles of engineering thermodynamics Goodger. Carroll M... Thermodynamics reynolds. Au. Michael J. Edward F.4021 621. Engineering thermodynamics : fundamentals and applications Huang. Thermodynamics Holman.. Au. Au. Frist course in thermodynamics Oberai.. P. Au. Thermodynamics Obert. Au.4021 621.. applications M. M. Thermodynamics of fluids Lockey.4021 621.. Au. Virgil Moring. A... Introduction to chemical thermodynamics Everdell. Au. Myron.4021 621.4021 621. C. H..4021 621. Richards.Class_No_Opac 621. H. Kenneth. A... J.4021 621. fluid Scott. Wayne C. Au. Au. Au. Au. Thermodynamics Faires. Au. Au. A.4021 621. F. Kenneth. Au.. Thermodynamics of heat power Faires. Simplified fdmfor flow and thermal problems Bhattacharyya. R. Textbook of thermodynamics Epstein.. Engineering thermodynamics with applications Burghardt. Ed. Thermodynamics Wark. Virgil Moring. Thermodynamics Everett.4021 621. Fran.4021 621. Heat and thermodynamics Roberts. M.. Thermodynamics Keenan. Thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids : proceedings Page 46 . P. Au.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Thermodynamics Gupta. P. Max. Solutions manual to accompany engineering thermodynamics Reynolds. Applied hydrocarbon thermodynamics Edmister. Thermodynamics Faires.. Engineering thermodynamics work and heat transfer Rogers.4021 621. H. Rolf. Au. William C.4021 621. Jasse S. M. Au.4021 621.4021 621. Au.and Au. Thermodynamics Bazarov. Thermodynamics Wark.4021 621. David. K. Enginering thermodynamics Gupta.4021 621. William C. Au.. Classified problems on thermal engineering De. Themodynamics applied to heat transfer Lewitt. Modern developments in thermodynamics Gal-Or.4021 621. Au. JANAF thermochemical tables Stull. J..4021 621. H. Thermodynamics: for modular instruction Irey. Au. Au.4021 621.. Au. Gilbert Newton. Frederick D. Charles E. I.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Au. Au. Thermodynamics for engineers Doolittle.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Advanced thermodynamics for engineers Wark. Au. A.4021 621. Au.4021 621. Problems on thermodynamics Faires.4021 621. Lester C. Richard K.4021 621.. Paul S. Engineering thermodynamics problems Arora.4021 621. Au.4021 621. Adrian Treatise on thermodynamics Planck. Principles of thermodynamics Kaufman.. David. George.4021 Advanced engineering thermodynamics Bejan. Au.4021 621. Arthur Stanton.4021 621. Engineering thermodynamics Reynolds.4021 621. Au. Au. Thermodynamic cycles and processes Hoyle.4021 621. Au. Thermodynamics Babits. Thermal science :an introduction to thermodynamics. Au. ed.4021 621. Au. Engineering thermodynamics with applications Burghardt... Au. Thermodynamics Lewis. C.4021 621.. Au.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621.4021 621. Au. Au. M.. Russell. Thermodynamics Lichty. Au. Au.. Engineering thermodynamics with heat transfer Haberman.. Kenneth Second law analysis of energ devices and processes Thermodynamics and phusics of matter Rossini. E. Au.4021 621. Engineering thermodynamics with applications Burghardt.. Russel. Engineering thermodynamics Boxer. heat transfer principles of chemical thermodynamics Reid. P. Au. Joseph H.4021 621. Virgil Moring. David. Technicasl thermodynamics Bosnjakovic.4021 621. G.4021 621. William L. Au.. C. mechanics Elaine P.. David. Au. Fundamentals of thermodynamics Adams. M. Au. Solutions manual for engineering thermodynamics with Burghardt.4021 621.4021 621. Mechanical engineering thermodynamics Plint. Donald E. Benjamin.. Virgil Moring. Thermodynamics cycle and processes Hoyle. Au. G. Ed. Thermodynamics of irreversible processes Haase. D. Au. Thermodynamics Evertt. Narendra.4021 621. W. Sadik Heat transfer Holman. Letters in heat and mass transfer Heat transfer Isachenko. Au.research studies for 1954 Antwerpen.4022 621. ed.4022 621. Au. Andrew F.. QIP advanced topics in heat transfer Handbook of single-phase convective heat transfer Kakac.4022 621. Van..4022 621. Sadik. p.4021 621. transfer Rajendra. Kalyan.4021 621.4022 621. Heat transfer Hilman.4022 621. First national heat and mass transfer conference Bose. Heat transfer Holman. Au. Ed. ed. R. F. Heat transfer soviet research Hartnett.4022 621.4022 621.4022 621. Ramesh K.4022 621. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute Saad.T. Uirich. H. P. Ashley F. jhonson. R Heat transfer Holman...4022 621.4022 621.4022 621. H.4022 621. Letters in heat and mass transfer Condensers :theory and practic Thermal science data book Nijaguna. T..4022 621. Page 47 . A.. ed. R. P. Tables of thermodynamic and transport properties Hilsenrath. transport Eric F. J. Au. Joseph F.. ed.. ed. Ishwar K.4022 621. V. Energy conservation in heating. Progress in international research on thermodynamic and Lype.Class_No_Opac 621.4021 621. Au. Heat transfer . J.4021 621.4022 621. Heat trnsfer and fluid mechanics institute Charwat. Ed. Heat transfer Holman.4022 621. Mannes. Thermoelectric thermometry Dike.4022 621. Heat transfer Holman. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute Giedt... Ed. B. Miller. Masi. Warren M.. Afgan.4022 621. P. N.4022 621. Applied hydrocarbon thermodynamics Edmister.4022 621. buildings C. V. Depew. Epstein. C. Solutions manual to accompany heat transfer Holman. Fundamentals of heat transfer Incropera.4022 621.4022 621. Joseph. Irvine.. P... Creghton A. ed. Zuber. Ed. R.4022 621. N.4022 621.. P. Au.... Heat transfer soviet research Hartnett. Irvine.4021 621.4022 Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics convention : procedings Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics convention Advanced in thermophysical properties at extreme temperatures Gratch. ed. N.4021 621. Nicholas P. J..4022 621. J.4021 621. Frank P. ed. Ed.. properties ed. T. J. Proceeding of the 1961 heat transfer and fluid mechanics Binder. Mehrotra. C.4022 621.. K. Au.. B. Heat transfer japanese research Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer Incropera.. J.4022 621.K. Hartnett. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute Second national heat and mass transfer conference Numerical methods in thermal problems : proceedingsLewis.. ed. Eichorn. M. Zuber. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: proceedings Emery. Thermodynamics: for modular instruction Irey.. Zuber.. N. J. Au..4022 621. Aero-space applied thermodynamics manual Elements of thermal science Gupta... P. Aung. W.4021 621..4022 621... Introduction to heat transfer Incropera. Heat exchangers selection rating and thermal design Kakac. D.. Handbook of heat and mass transafer Cheremisinoff.. T.4022 621. R Heat transfer soviet research Hartnett.. Au. J. and pressurs ed. Smith. cooling and ventilatingHoogendoorn. J. Ed. J. Au. F.4022 621. Warren H.. Advanced thermodynamics engineering Annamalai. Heat Transfer Grigull.4022 621..4022 621. F. Shah... M. F. e Short term summer course in advanced topics in heat Prakash. ed.. J.. Handbook of heat transfer Rohsenow.. P. S. P. P. L.. ed. and solids Y..4022 621.4021 621. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute Mason. Puri.. Serge. ed. Irvine.. James P. P. ed. Ed. T.4021 621.4022 621. James A.4022 621.. Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics convention Thermodynamic and transport properties of gases. Wayne C. Au. Win Solution manual for engineering heat transfer Karlekar.4021 621. Frank P. P.4021 621. Richard K. J. Frank P. institute R. liquids Touloukian. P.4021 621... Michel A. Au. J. Au. ed. Au. Ralph P.4022 621. Manfred. Sharma.. and R.4022 621.. R. ed. James G. Handbook of heat transfer fundamentals Rohsenow. G. Hahne. Food technology Food technology : ingredients research needs Heat transfer .. F..4022 621. Hartnett. Phillips. C.P.4022 621.4022 621. Patrick G. Warren E.. Hahne. Grigull.4022 621. Gill.4022 621. W.. Fleddermann. P. Stein.Class_No_Opac 621. Heat transfer Thermal design and optimization Bejan.tulsa Rosson. Non-newtonian flow in the process industries :fundamentals Chhabra. Yunus A.4022 621.4022 Numerical heat transfer Shih. D.. heatEd. Hartnett.4022 621. R. Au. F. Van Heat transfer . Thomas F.4022 621. e Heat transfer. Advanced topics in heat transfer Gupta.4022 Progress in heat and mass transfer Irvine.. Heat transfer . Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Advanced in heat pipe technology : proceedings Reay. James P.4022 621.. Heat and mass transfer 97 : proceeding of the third ishmt-asme Dreitser. ed.4022 621. Oife. N. William N.4022 621.4022 621. ed. ed.. Heat transfer .los angeles Knudsen. U.philadephia Martini. W.4022 621. ed. Progress in heat and mass transfer Martynenko.4022 621. R. ed. Annual two-phase flow Hewitt. E. applications Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Page 48 . lectures in heat transfer Heat Transfer 1970 Grigull.4022 621. Heat transfer Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Heat transfer : a practical approach Cengel.4022 621. J...chicago Akers.4022 621.A.louisville Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Heat transfer in boiling Hahne. Oleg G. W. D. Peter. Paul A. M.4022 621.buffalo Altman. R. O'Toole.4022 621. Heat transfer .4022 621. Heat transfer Heat transfer .4022 621. Convective and interfacial heat transfer Hsu. Tien-Mo Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: proceedings Sarpkaya. F.4022 621. and mas transfer conference and f Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: proceedings Libby. C.4022 621. U. J Heat transfer .. Nichols.4022 621.4022 621. W.4022 621. Ibele. Warren M. ed..4022 621. Au.. engineering Au. P.4022 621.4022 621.4022 621. Y. Sympo Heat transfer .4022 621. Heat transfer ..4022 621.. Donald O. Louis..atlantic city Antwerpen... E.. Binay K. Compact heat exchangers Kays.. Van Atta. Heat transfer . W.. Heat transfer : principles and applications Dutta. D. ed. W. Au. Griffith.4022 621..4022 621.4022 621. W. Turgut. S. ed. Heat transfer Energy conversion systems Grimes. Van Heat transfer . ed. Au. Heat transfer . C. Ulrich. Daniel B.4022 621. A.bobton Churchill. ed.4022 621.houston Bernath.4022 621..4022 621.4022 621.. ed.4022 621.4022 621. G..seattle Quandt..4022 621. George Heat exchangers Hyyniszak. Mikesell.cleveland Balzhiser.4022 621. Deans. Y. Sium.. A. W. G.. B. Harold F.4022 621. H. Richard E. Hart Progress in heat and mass transfer Grigull.. Au. W. ed. C. J. Process heat transfer Kern. louis Antwerpen. E.. James P.storrs Akers.... Erich.4022 621. Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute Heat transfer and fluid mechanical institute Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute Heat transfer Fundamental research on heat and mass transfer Gill.4022 621.4022 621. Adrian. ed. Tsatsaronis... ed. C. Principles of engineering heat transfer Giedt. Progress in heat and mass transfer Hetsroni.4022 621.4022 621. Design and optimization of extended surface heat exchangers American Society of Heating. J. Afgan. G. ed.4022 621.. H. Robert C. Convective boiling and condensation Collier. V.4022 621..4022 621. Progress in heat and mass transfer Eckert. John G.4022 621. Au. F.4022 621. Au.4022 621.4022 621. H. C. Au.. P. ed. Refrigerations Two-phase flow in pipeliens and heat exchangers Chisholm. Two-phase flow in pipelines and heat exchangers Chisholm. J.4022 621. process.4022 621. Alan. ed. ed. ed... ed. ed Heat and mass tranfer Heat Transfer. Zuber. Progress in heat and mass transfer Schowalter. Au.. Algirdas A Heat transfer in flames Afgan. ed. A. Thomas F..phase flow and heat transfer : proceedings Veziroglu.4022 621. Theory of laminar film condensation Fujii. Au. Au.4022 621..4022 621.4022 621. Novak.4022 621. Zukauskas.Class_No_Opac 621. Vincent. W. Benjamin.4022 621. T.4022 621.4022 621. R. Heat transferr Turbulent flows and heat transfer Lin. J. Lindon C.4022 621.4022 621. systems N. S..4022 621... Au. Theory and fundamental research in heat transfer Clark... Au.. Tsiklauri.4022 621.. Catton... ed.4022 621. ed. R..4022 621. S. Au. ed. ed. Hodgkins. Phillip Progress in heat and mass transfer Dwyer. R. Sideman.. Heat and mass transfer to extended surfaces Amercian Society of heating. ed.. K. Heat transfer : proceedings Tien. E. R.4022 621. Benjamin. Carey.. Milton S.. Au.. Max.. ed.4022 621. M. Au.4022 621. Engineering heat transfer Janna. parabolic D. D.4022 621.. Hartnett. Brian..4022 621. J. ed. Warren H. Process heat exchange Cavaseno..4022 621. e Transient two-phase flow : procedings Plesset. Van. K. C.. Au.. F. Heat and mass transfer Eckert.4022 621. Heat and mass transfer sourcebook Styrikovich. C. ed.4022 621.4022 621. G. R.4022 621..4022 621. Schlunder.. ed. E. George W. Computer-aided heat transfer analysis Adams. G. Co. G. J. Mikhail A.4022 621.4022 621. E. Ferrell. heat and mass transfer in chemical.. J.4022 621. E.. ed. H. Theory of heat radiation Plank. William S. F. D. W. Au. Conduction of heat in solids Carslaw.4022 621.....4022 Two.. N.. C. Two-phase flow and heat transfer Butterworth. Au. Properties of gases and liquids Reid. Lu Heat transfer : fundamentals and industrial applications Colver. P. ed. Muralidhar. T. D. Fundamentals of heat transfer Thomas. Genmix : a genral computer program for two-dimensional Spalding. H. A.4022 621. O. G. ed. U. Hewitt. L.4022 621. Beer. Heat exchangers : design and theory sourcebook Afgan.4022 621. Irvine. Engineering heat transfer Gupta.. Introduction to heat and mass transfer Eckert. Fundamentals of heat transfer Grober.4022 621. F. Au. ed. Heat transfer Chapman.. J. Maurice A. Au..4022 621.. engineering ed.research and design Gidaspow. Heat transfer Gebhart. J. Durst. Au.. Ed. ed.4022 621.. J. Dimitri Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Heat transfer Holland. Progress in heat and mass transfer Eckert.. Co.4022 621. R..4022 621. Page 49 . Moving boundary problems in heat flow and diffusion Ockendon. Heat transfer Gebhart. Heat and mass transfer : proceedings Heat transfer with phase chang Preckshot. ed. N. R. P.. Au. Y. Minkowycz. E..4022 621. ed.. Nejat.. W..4022 621. Tetsu.4022 621. Alan J. Recent advances in heat and mass transfer Hartnett. Mass Transfer-transport Properties Antwerpen. Two-Phase momentum. V. Variational principles in heat transfer Biot. Ed. Y. ed.. and energy G.. Au... E. Au. Heat transfer minneapolis hsu. H. G. Au.. Computational fluid flow and heat transfer Sundararajan. P... phenomena Au. Radiation heat transfer Kreith. Au. Au..reactor Jean J. N.4022 621. Heat and mass transfer Eckert.4022 621... Problems in heat transfer Krasnoshchekov.4022 621. P. Development in heat exchanger technology-1 Chisholm.4022 621.. Au. heat. Au. Heat transfer in nuclear reactor safety Bankoff.4022 621. Erich. M.. ed. James R. Computer-Aided engineering heat transfer and fluid flow G osman.. Entrophy generation through heat and fluid flow Bejan. R.. and mass transfer Bennett. Au. heat.. condensation. M. G. Heat and mass transfer 2006 Mishra.4022 621.4022 621. Au... Heat and mass transfer Exkert. O. C. Au. Vedat S. Ulrich. S. ed. Au. Au.4022 621. ed... industries Textbook on heat transfer Sukhatme. Conduction heat transfer Arpaci. Au. L. George Merrick. Ed.4022 621. Vedat S. Shao Ti. Au. Heat transfer1970 Grigull. Afgan.4022 621..4022 621. design ed. Fluid-bed heat transfer Botterill. Au. Subhash C. G. P. R. Au. W. M. Au.4022 621. E. Ed.4022 621. E.4022 Heat exchanger design Fraas.4022 621.. for Ramesh the process K.. R. G. with J. liquid Au.4022 621.4022 621. Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer Anderson. Fundamentals of momentum .4022 621.S. Au. Au. E.4022 621. Sonduction heat transfer Schneider. Convective heat transfer Burmeister. ed. S.. hydrodynamics and heat transfer in fuidized beds Zarbodsky. Arthur P.M.4022 621. Treatment of thermal radiation in heat transfer problems Mishra.. C.4022 621. P. Engineering heat transfer Welty. R. Au.4022 621. M.4022 621. Frank.4022 621. Au. Heat and thermodynamics Zemansky.4022 621. Radiation heat transfer Sparrow.4022 621.4022 621. Ed.4022 621. A.4022 621. Principles of heat transfer Webb. Au. and mass transferWelty. H.4022 621.. Au..4022 621. Engineering calculations in radiative heat transfer Gray. Au. Au.. Compact heat exchangers Kays.. applications Au.4022 621. Robert. Louis C. Au. Au. Heat transfer phenomena Bosworth. Au.4022 621. P. International developments in heat transfer Element of heat transfer Jakob.4022 621. Dale A. Au. Mark W. fundamentals Sjoerdand Van.4022 621. Au.. Au. Convective heat and mass transfer Kays. Frank. Au. Au. A. Au. Au. W. Moment.. Au. Au. Page 50 .4022 621.4022 621. E. Frank.4022 621.4022 621... Hilbert. W. Compact heat exchangers and enhancement thechnology Shah.4022 621. Heat transfer in tube banks in crossflow Zukauskas. Max..4022 621.. Subhash. Convective heat and mass transfer Kays. Elements of heat transfer and insulation Jakob. and gas-liquid flow Whalley.4022 621. problems Engineering heat transfer Gupta. Measurment techniques in heat transfer Eckert. Boiling. D.4022 621. E.. Max. Principles of heat transfer Kreith. Aubrey I. C. Thermal radiation heat transfer Siegel. James R. Au. S. Heat and mass transfer Eckert..B. J. Hahne. Arthur P.4022 621. Au.. Ralph L. Principles of heat transfer Kreith. Heat transfer engineering Schenck. Au.4022 621. Heat transfer in a reciprocating hollow piston partially filled Bush. Adrian.4022 621.. A. G... W.4022 621..4022 621. Au.. Ed. Convection heat transfer Arpaci. Au. Boiling phenomena physucochemical and engineering Stralen. Engineering heat transfer Hsu.4022 621. ed. R. Elementry heat transfer analysis Whitaker. Au. Au. Stephen. J.. D.. E. Heat transfer calclations by finite differences Dusinberre.4022 621. Introduction to heat transfer Brown.4022 621. George.. A. E. S.Class_No_Opac 621. Heat exchanger design Fraas..4022 621. Two-phase flow and heat transfer with applications to nuclear Ginoux. . Oliver.. Thermal radiation heat transfer Siegel. G. Gilkey. Au... Au. Heat conduction Ozisik. J. Gilkey. Ed.4022 621. Au. Au. ed.4022 621. ducts John R. Au. F. C. Analytical methods in conduction heat transfer Myers. Ed. He Technology of forced flow and once-through boiling Poppendiek. Thermal physics Morse. M. M. temperature M. R. ed.. M. Au. V. Heat transfer in heat rejection systems Sengupta.4022 621.4022 621. Solutions manual heat transfer textbook Lienhard.. Franz Standards of tubular exchanger manufacturers association Convective mass transfer an introduction Spalding. Heat and mass transfer in boundary layers Patankar.4022 621.. Page 51 .4022 621.4022 621. Ward. Robert D.. G.. M.4022 621. Heat transfer Ozisik. K.4022 621.. B.4022 621. heat McCuen.. C. M. E.4022 621. Au. Heat transfer McAdams. Rudy.. Heat and mass transfer data book Kothandraman. Treatise on radiative transfer Sobolev. M.4022 621. He Thermal radiation heat transfer Siegel. Au. Introduction to engineering heat transfer Simoason.4022 621. Mussalli.4022 621. Two-phase flows and heat transfer : proceddings Kakac. J.. Sharma. Multiphase flow and heat transfer Dhir.4022 621.. Au.. Au. Heinz F.4022 621. P.4022 621. Au.. Foundamentals of phase chage:boiling and condensation Avedisian. Fundamentals of heat transfer Mikheyev. Fundamentals of heat transfer Mikheyev.. Au.4022 621.4022 621.4022 621. ed. flux P. Chen. Kenneth E. John H... Robert.4022 621. of Frank a direct L..4022 621. Radiation heat transfer Sparrow. Performance of small-pipe warm-air perimeter heatingBahnfleth. Heat transfer Isachenko. R. Au. Au. .. Au.Necati.... V.4022 621.4022 621. P. Mayinger. Radiative transfer and interactions with conduction and Ozisik...4022 Extended surface heat tansfer Kern. M.4022 621. Graham B. Computational heat transfer Jaluria. Au. P..P. William H. C. Wen-Jei. C. Numerical properties and methodologies in heat transfer Shih. Workshop on heat and mass transfer for asian and pacific countries Heat transfer in the turbulent incompressible boundaryReynolds. S. Au. W. Au. Au. John R.4022 621.4022 621. Herman J.4022 621.4022 621. William H.... T. D. Heat and mass transfer 2004 Vidyanathan.4022 621.4022 621. Optical measurements Feldmann.4022 621.4022 621.. V.4022 621. Au. M.. Au. Heat transfer in cold climates Lunardidni. Notes on convective heat transfer Suri. Response of linear systems a programmed text Strum... Kays. Necati.Class_No_Opac 621. C. Au. S.4022 621. ed. S. Lundberg. E. Subrata.4022 621. Yusuf G. Heat transfer in annular passages with variable wall temperature Reynolds. D. One-dimensional two-phase flow Wallis.4022 621.. Robert. Au. Theory of energy and mass transfer Lykov. Glen E. P.4022 621. Heat transfer Jakob. ed Thermal systems : proceedings Experimental study of the operating characteristics and Palmer. andC.. Au... Heat transfer textbook Lienhard. Philip M..4022 621.4022 621. O. Virgil J.. Au. Kline. Mayinger. E. Heat and mass transfer 94 Sukhatme. C. Paris. John R. Jones. ed.. Robert W.4022 621..4022 621. S. M. Au. electrode George heat transfer M. Au. Aleksei Vasilievich. curent electric QIP Advanced topics in heat transfer Gupta. Chen.4022 621.. layer with W. Au. Heat and mass transfer Eckert. A.4022 621. Heat emission characteristics of warm-air perimeter heating Jamieson. systems Donald R... John H. Necati. Fundamentals of heat transfer Mikheyev.4022 621. R. Chuan F.4022 621. proceedings T. Au.4022 621. Yogesh. wallW. Textbook on heat transfer Sukhatme. Au. Au.. Max. K. constant C.4022 621. ed. V. Applied heat transmission Stoever. United analysis and solutions of heat and mass diffusion Mikhailov..4022 621. Au. Roose. convection M. Torrance. Heat transfer and fluid flow in rotating machinery Yang.. Heat transmission McDams. ed. T. S. Donald Q. V..4022 621.4022 621. E. Allen J..4022 621.. Li. Haragopala. William. Flame structure Fristrom.4023 621.4023 621. .. Godfrey W.4023 621.4023 621. Howard B. Fuel injection and controls for internal combustion engines Burman... ed. A. F. I. Optics of flams Weinberg. Fuel testing laboratory methods in fuel technology Himus. Page 52 . Thomas F. Ed.4022 621. S. Atomisation of liquid fuels Giffen.4023 621. Kenneth Kuan-Yun.. ed.H. Charles E. Au. rediation and temperature Gaydon. John.. Au. Ed.4023 621... Fuels.Class_No_Opac 621. Advancd combustion methods Weinberg.4023 621. S.4023 621.4023 621. Ed.. Smith. ed... N. Oxidation and combustion reviews Tipper. Au.. Advences in pase change heat transfer : proceedings Mingdao.4023 621..4022 621. ed.4023 621.4022 621.4023 621. V..P. Combustion of sprays of liquid fuels Williams.4022 621. Au. T.. Marion L. MHD power generation Bunde.4022 621.G. Xia Smart control of turbulent combustion Yoshida.4023 621.4023 621. ed Heat transfer Practical applications of heat transfer National heat and mass transfer Ramachandran. Liquid thermal conductivity a data survey to 1973 Jamieson. Flames their structure. Advanced in heat transfer Irvine. Au..40220202 621.4022 621.4023 621. Au. D.. Operation of oil and gas wells Muraviev. Principles of combustion in the steam boiler furnace Pratt.4023 621. Forman A. Combustion institute european symposium1973 Weinberg. Au.4023 621. James P.. Au. Vladimir Y. Arcot.4023 621.. R. Handbook of essential formulae and data on heat transfer Wong. Au. Yang.B.4023 621. Au. Au. S. Hartnett. Fuel econimy and CO2 recorders Maujer. Joseph O. Combustion of synthetic fuels Bartok. Use of secondary surfaces for heat transfer with clean gases : proceedings Thermal conductivity : nonmetallic Liquids and gases Touloukian. Ed. Au. B.4023 621.. Y. George H. Properties of combustion gases / systems Aircraft Gas Turbine Development Department.. A. Au. Ed. Thermal diffusivity Touloukian. D. J. engineers Au.. Fuels and combustion Smith.. Liquid atomisation and combustion systems Efficient use of fuel Fluidized bed combustion Oka.4023 621. and thermodynamics Shah. E.. Au.4023 621... A. N.. .4022 621..M. Experimental heat transfer.. Au. Ed.. Alan Fuels and combustion Sharma. T.4023 621. ed. Ed. F. A.. Au. R. C .4023 621. J.4023 621.4023 621... K. Gershtein.. Alternate fuels for engines Rao. Chander Combustion theory Williams.4023 621. Y. Au..4023 621. K. Donald c.4023 Laminar flow forced convection in ducts Shah. ed. for H. George W. Fuels and combustion Sharma.4023 621. Combustion technology : some modern developmentsPalmer.4023 621. ed.. F... CRF handbook Combustion theory Williams.A. K.. C Third symposium on combustion Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields Muravyov. Abbott A.4023 621. Au.. R.. Molecular theory of gases and liquids Hirschfelder.. fluid mechanics.. Forman A.P. Auth. Paul G. ed. Mohan. Combustion driven oscillations in industry Putnam. Au. R. Progress in energy and combustion science Chigier. Ganic.4023 621.4023 621.Murty.4023 621.. combustion and furnaces Griswold. Felix J. Introduction to combustion phenomena Kanury.4023 621.4022 621. Fuels and combustion handbook Johnson. ed. Computational fluid dynamics in industrial combustion Baukal. Au. Au. Particulate carbon formation during combustion Siegla.4022 621. Arthur D. ed. ed.4023 621.Y. S.. Au. Xin. Some fundamentals of combustion Spalding..4023 621.4023 621. Simeon N.4023 621.R..4022 621. Principles of combustion Kuo. Au. Au. engineers Henri. with aRobert warm air W. S.W. Au. Bernhardt G.40230223 621. P. Au.4025 621. Marks' standard handbook for mechanical engineers Baumeister. Standard handbook for mechanical engineers Avallone.Class_No_Opac 621. analysis and optimization of heat exchangers Heat pipes Dunn.K.42 621. Au.. Heat transfer of finned tube bundles in crossflow Stasiulevicius.421 621. V. Rai. Aircraft engines Judge. Principles and applications of stirling engine West. and design of turbomachinery Lakshminarayana. Theory and design of steam and gas turbines Lee. Ed. S Refresher course in design of heat exchanger Thermal analysis and control of electronic equipment Kraus. W.. H.421 621. Summer school on design.421 621. Arthur W...406 621... Au. R.4025 621.4023 621. Course on design construction-testing of urbo machinery Turbine design and application Glassman. A... ed. A.406 621. D. ed. Au.. D..W..406 621.4025 621. Earl ASTM power test codes steam turbines Turbomachiery fluid dynmics and heat transfer chunll.4025 621.41 621. G. Steam and gas turbines Skrotzki. A.4025 621. Au. Combustion. Au. C.4023 621... ed..421 621. Arthur J. Fluid mechanics. Heat mass and momentum transfer Rohsenow.. Hah. Au. G. Combustion in engines Technical data on fuel Spiers. Ed. ed.42 621. Thermal analysis Chihara.4023 621. E. R.4025 621.4028 621. James. Heat pipe theory and practice Chi. Konzo.. Au. Structural dynamic aspects of bladed disk assemblies Srinivasan. Gas turbine principles and practice Cox. Au.406 621. Au. Au. K.. T.. Page 53 . : part 1 B. J. John F. Sir harold Roxbee..403 621. Heat pump fundamentals Berghmans. ed. Introduction to heat pipes Peterson.42 621. C. Co. W. D... Au.. Ed.. C. Turbine design and application Method of performance estimation for axial flow turbines Ainley. A. George Merrick. J.. Thermal insulating measurements Practical thermodynamic tools for heat exchanger design Soumerai. Au.4023 621. Theory and design of gas turbines and jet engines Vincent. Gupta.404 621. air pollution & combustion devices Gupta.. heating Buckley.4025 621. Characteristics and combustion of future hydrocarbon Rudey. Gas turbines for aircraft Judge. ed. Joseph M. Corrosion and deposits in coal-and oil-fired boilers and gas turbines Gas turbine power Dusinberre. Au.. ed. R. D. Office of coal research department of the interior washington Combustion charts of octane-air mixtures in si units Gakkhar.421 621. Future automotive fuels Colucci.4025 621. R. Au. Electrical aspects of combustion Lawton. P. Warren M.403 621.... G. A. Co.406 621. Handbook of turbomachinery Logan..406 621.4025 621.406 621.4023 621. D. Liquid piston stirling engine West.W. Theodore. Outdoor-airsupply and ventilation of furnace closet used Roose. Aircraft engines Judge. Eugene A. Au..G. ed. Avallone. Baumeister.421 621. acoustics.4024 621. systems Norman A. Theodore..4023 621. Ge Refresher courses dept.. G. P.406 621.421 621.4023 621.. P. Elementry theory of gas turbines and jat propulsion Keenan. Britsch. Introduction to gas turbine Shepherd.4025 621.42 621. M.4028 621.P. Au.4023 621. H. Eugene A. Steam and gas turbines Yadav.406 621.4025 621.421 Combustion stability Remenyi. Combustion engineering and fuel technology Shaha. Au. Solar energy :proceedings Aircraft Engines Judge. Au.. Au...421 621..4023 621. Au..42 621. J. Au. Heat pipe technology Heat Pipe Information office. Allan D.421 621. A. Au. C. ed.. A. Internation symposium on combustion High speed compression .43 621..43 621..43 621.43 621. J. V.43 621. Au.43 621.421 621.43 621. ed...43 621..43 621.. Dibble. Two-stroke engines: technology and emissions Blair.43 621.43 621.43 621. Edward F.. Au. and radiation Kamal. Charles H. Au.43 621.43 621. Co. Mounir M. Internal combustion engine in theory and practice Taylor. Aircraft carburation Thorner. Au.. Richard. Charles Feyette. Steam power and internal combustion engines Craig.43 621.43 621. S.F..421 621.W.421 621.43 621. Engine noise excitation. toC. Twenty-first symposium (international) on combustion Page 54 . George G.43 621.43 621.E. Carburation Fisher.43 621. Engineering know-how in engine design -part 21 Internal combustion engine Wimperis.43 621..43 621.43 621. A..43 621. R. Robert W. Introduction to internal combuston engines Stone. Au..43 621. C. Ed. Paul W. ed. Au. Lester C. Yuriy Symposium on combustion and flame and explosion phenomena Twentieth symposium (international) on combustion Symposium on combustion ( combustion and detonation waves) Symposium on combustion in engines and combustion kinetics International symposium on combustion International symposium on combustion International symposium on combustion International on symposium combustion International symposium on combustion Internal combustion engines conference bucharest Eighteenth symposium (International) on combustion Engineering know-how in engine design (part9) Combustion Warnatz. Aircraft and missile propulsion Zucrow. Lester C. J. Au. Twelfth symposium on combustion Internal Combustion engines Lichty..43 621..B. Dudley P.43 621. M. Carburation : theory and practice Brewer.43 621. Au. Internal combustion engines and air pollution Obert.43 621. H. Gordon P.43 621.43 621. J. Fourteenth symposium on combustion Fifteenth symposium on combustion(international ) on comustion International symposium on combustion Seventeenth symposium (International) on combustion Combustion system design Khavkin. Au..43 Gas turbine theory Cohen. Charles Fayett.43 621.. U. Maas.421 621.I.43 621.43 621. Au. Au.43 621.43 621.43 621.J. Testing of internal combustion engines Young..43 621. combustion engine Automatic control of internal combustion engines Krutov. Au..43 621.43 621.. Robert H..43 621. Principles of optimalizing control systems and an application Draper.. H. Au.S.. vibration. Au. Gordon P.B.43 621. Sixteenth symposium (International) on combustion Combustion Glassman.43 621.43 621. Principles of jet propulsion and gas turbines Zucrow.ignition engine Dicksee. M. A.. Au. Au. Liquefied petroleum gases Williams. C. Symposium (international )on combustion Internal-combustion engines Lichty. Lassanske. the internal Au.Class_No_Opac 621. Design and simulation of two-stroke engines Blair.43 621. Au..43 621. Testing of internal combustion engines Greene.43 621. Charles Fayette. Polyphase flow in turbomachinery Brennen. Au.. Au. Irvin Thirteenth symposium on combustion Internal combustion engine in theory and practice Taylor. Internal combustion engine in theory and practice Taylor.. Fundamental of internal Combustion engines Gill. Au.A. Au. Mechanical engineer's contribution to clean air Engine combustion analysis : new approaches P-156 Combustion in engineering Internal combustion engine fundamentals Heywood.L. ed. W. Au. N.. G. Donald E. Au. Au. C.M.43 621. Internal combustion engine Pye.43 621.. Au. T.43 621.43 621.43 621. Arora.43 621. pollutant form Workshop on computer graphics lecture notes Combustion flames and explosions of gases Lewis. QIP short term course in topics on I.43 621. Dryer.. Ed. Internal combustion engines Kumar.43 621. Conference on engine performance modelling Internal combustion engine Pye. Marco. Explosion and combustion processes in gases Jost. C. Maas.. R.C. P.43 621. I. C.c. Edward F.43 621.43 621. Au.43 621. and Richard.43 621. ed.43 621.. Schafer. Au. Fuel injection equipment: analysis and design Internal combustion engine Pye.. Digital calculations of engine cycles Emissions from two-stroke engines Nuti.43 621. C.43 621. engines & combustion Gupta. ed. Au. D..theory and design Maleev. H.. conference Ed.43 621.43 621..43 621. S. ed Thermodynamics and gas dynamics of internal-combustion Benson.43 621. D...43 621.. V.43 621. L. Basshuysen systems. Winterbone. engines and combustion Thermodynamics..43 621.43 621. Sir Harry R.. Au.43 621. J.43 621..43 621.43 621.43 621. M.R. Au. Au. simulation. Au. A.. Au. Au. Short term course in topics on I.. ed. C. Irvin. Au. Edward F. Elements of internal combustion engines Rogowski. Au. Internal combustion engines : analysis and practice Obert. Au. Ratary valve engines Hunter. Van. D.43 621. Internal combustion engines Polson.. Jay P. Chemistry problems in jet propulsion Penner. Warnatz.R. combustion and engines Milton. Ed. W. Au.J. engines and combustion Ganesan.C.K.43 621.. ed. C. V.Class_No_Opac 621. on i.. J.. Page 55 . IX national conference on I.43 621. H. D.43 621. Au. Woldwide view of diesel combustion emissions and analysis P-130 Internal combustion engines Arcoumanis. Constantine.43 621. engines and combustion : proceedings of the xvi national Bose. Supercharging of internal combustion engines Zinner... Mechanical engineering Internal combustion engine handbook : Basics. Au. S. Yarin. ed.43 Proceedings of the combustion institute Gore. Beery..43 621.. Combustion :physical and chemical fundamentals.43 621. E.. Au. K. International Symposium on combustion volume two. John B..43 621. J.R. Au. Au. components. Emissions from combustion engines and their control Patterson. Wilhelm.43 621... Au.A.. Au. engine Rowland S. engine & combustion Second international clean air congress Englund. J. Bernard.43 621. Thermodynamics and gas dynamics of internal-combustion Korlock engine F. Design of modern turbine combustors Mellor. Gas-Phase combustion chemistry Gardiner. Internal cmbustion engine Taylor.43 621. Au. and R. Fayette.43 621. U.R. Ed. Marcus C.43 621. Brian E. A.W. P.43 621...S.43 621. Rowland S.43 621. Frederick L. Combustion researches and reviews Internal combustion engines Benson. engines and combustio Combustion of two-phase reactive media Hetsroni. High speed internal combustion engine Ricardo.. D.43 621. I.. Arthur W. Noise control in internal combustion engines Baxa.. Combustion Glassman.43 621.43 621. Engine noise symposium P-106 : proceedings Short term course in topics in advanced fluid mechanics Internal combustion engines . persopectives. Internal combustion engine : analysis and practice Obert. Inman.43 621.43 621.P. Fred Testing of high speed internal combustion engines Judge.. experiments.43 621. modeling Dibble. Andrzej.435 621.43 621.43 621.43 621. Engineering know-how in engine design (part13) Diesel-engine combustion analysis Hsu. I.434 621. G.43 621. Au. Bertrand D.. h. Rogers. C.436 Workshop on criteria for change of engine oil Oil and gas power : proceedings Dynamic of droplets Frohn.enginesKowalewicz.43 621. Au.433 621.434 621.433 621. Advanced developments in ultra-clean gasoline-powered Zhao.434 621.43 621. C. Ed.C. Page 56 . Au.. engines and combustion : procedings Oil and gas power Marine and pipeline oil and gas power : proceedings Wet steam 4 Conference on steam turbine research and development Steam plant for pressurized water reactors Wet steam 2 Internal combustion engines applied thermosciences Ferguson.435 621. Arthur H.43 621. George W.436 621.43 621. Combustion and heat transfer in gas turbine systems Norster. Rocket propulsion elements : an introduction to the engineering Sutton.43 621..433 621. Au. H. C. Gas explosions in buildings and heating plant Harris. Jack L..433 621.43 621.. engines and combustion I. Gasoline automobile Hobbs.J.R. C. F.433 621.43 621. C. Au. E. Ed...43 621..43 621.43 621. William measurement H. Bibliography on gas turbines Gas turbines theory Cohen. engines and combustion : proceedings Oil and gas power conference I. engines and combustion Workshop on perspective of alcohol fuel utilisation in I. C. techniques and fundame Burring a wide range of fuels in diesel engines Diesel engine engineering Makartchouk. Au. Engines and combustion I.43 621.436 621. vehicles Frank Fuquan Gasoline-engine management Schwarz. R. George E. Physical and chemical character of diesel particulate emissionsLipkea. Au.43 621. Au.433 621. George of rockets P. Combustion systems of high-speed piston I.433 621. Au.43 621. engines and combustion : proceedings Liquid atomization and spray systems : proceedings Gas engine manual Anderson. ed..Class_No_Opac 621.. Technical advances in gas turbine design : proceedings Rover gas turbines : Test calculation Rover gas turbines Small gasoline engines Stephenson. engines and combustion Design and development of small internal combustion engines Liquid atomisation and spray systems I.43 621. engines I.43 621. Colin R.433 621.43 621. Optmizing the super-turbocharged aeroengine Panting.433 621. Saravanamuttoo..434 621. I. R. Andrei.43 621. Au..434 621. Arnold.43 621. Aircraft engines and gas turbines Kerrebrock. C. engines and combustion : procedings I...4352 621.43 621. Combustion International symposium on combustion I. Julian R.43 621.433 621.43 621. Au.. Au.436 621. C. H.43 621. George P.. Au. C. Edwin P. LP-Gas for engines Gas turbine combustion Lefebvre. Piston ring scuffing Rocket propulsion elements Sutton.43 621.436 621.433 621. International symposium on air breathing engines Corrosion fatigue of steam turbine blade materials : proceedings Jaffee. Au. C.434 621. Au.47 621. June. Au.436 621.D... Au. Geothermal energy utilization Wahl. D.. Solar engineering of thermal processes Duffie. High-speed combustion engines Heldt. Energy policy strategies for uncertainty Cook. processes Jesse C. Au. M. Maintenance of high-speed diesel engines Judge. Solar engineering of thermal processes Duffie. ed.436 621. David O. ed.436 621.47 621.436 621.47 621. Au. V. Au. Bruce....47 621. Au.Class_No_Opac 621. Daniel J.47 621.47 621..436 621. Sam D. heat releasa N. W. Au... Energy the biomass options Bungay. Ed. engines SP-587 Operator's instructions for caterpillar diesel engine and electric set Diesel-engine management Bauer.436 621. Arthur W.L. Au. L...436 621.D.436 621. Fred E.4361 621. S..436 621.436 621.. Maintenance of high speed diesel engines Judge. Au.M. b.. Au.47 621.436 621. Lesley. C. Au. fuel/air mixing Design and development of diesel engines and components SP-626 Diesel and high compression gas engines Kates. Au. High speed diesel engines Heldt. Au. Principles and performance in diesel engineering Haddad. Au.. Standard practices for low and medium speed stationary diesel engines Diesel engine operation and maintenance Maleev.. Combustion in piston engines Oppenheim. Au.L.436 621. Energy conversion Chang.C. 2 J.. Ed. Au. Arthur W. Nineteeth symposium (international)on combustion Solar world forum : proceedings Hall. in direct-injection D. Energy in america's future the choics before Us Schurr..45 621. Au. P.4361 621. Thermo and fluid dynamic processes in diesel enginesDesantes.47 621. ed.4362 621.. I. Energy demand: facts and trends Chateau. Henry R. Au.47 621. Servicemen's refernce book for caterpiller tractor Diesel engine reference book Lilly.. Agami. P.. ed.. engine allowing N. Page 57 . T. Prediction of heat releasein a quiescent chamber diesel Whiehouse. Au. John A. Sam H.47 621.for Ed.436 621. Gunnar. heating and thermal comrmal comfort BRE Building Research Series.436 621..M. ed.. commericial Fred S. Co. Future energy production systems heat and mass transfer Denton. Au. Au. Space heating with solar energy : proceedings Hamilton.4361 621.. Au. John A.436 621.436 621. Daniel.. Arthur W. Design and applications in diesel engineering Haddad. Complete solar house CAssiday.436 621. A.436 621. Ed. Ed.436 621. Sheldon S. Morton.. High speed diesel engines Judge.47 621..4362 621. C.47 621. Ed. P. John A. John A.K.47 621. Diesel engine principles and practice Pounder. Richard W.47 621.47 621. buildings Ises solar world congress 1987 hamburg National renewable energy convention of solar energy society of india Report on reasearch and development Akil Bharthya sangosti Energy. Howto save energy and cut costs in existing industrial and Dubin.. Au. Au. Effect of changes in design and porating conditions onWhitehouse.. Diesel engine Holt.M.47 621... Edgar J. Horst Modeling engine spray and combustion processes Stiesch. Au.4362 621. Edward F. Ed. diesel engines Looking in on diesel combustion Scott. National solar energy convention : proceedings Solar energy thermal processes Duffie. Glenn C.47 621. Solar energy thermal processes Duffin.47 621.436 621.47 621.436 621. Design and sizing of active solar thermal systems Reddy.R. Alternative fuels for compression and S. Aircraft propeller design Weick.47 621.436 621..47 Diesel and gas engine power plants Boyer..47 621. Solar energy the awakening science Behrman. Au. S.47 621.. Diesel engine combustion and emissions sp-581 Advanced diesel engineering and operation Haddad. B. J. H.47 621. M. Rajendra Solar energy research & applications :proceedings Energy conservation Towards clean energy Ghosh. Conservation of mass and energy Whitwell. R.47 621. Advances in solar energy technology Garg. Energy research and development programmes in western Simeons.. Principles of solar engineering Goswami.47 621. P..47 621. Phoenix. Alternative energy sources v Veziroglu. Nayak. Advanced winter school in new energy transformation technology Modern machining processes Pandey.47 621. M.. Au. K. Ed.47 621.Class_No_Opac 621. H. Butler..47 Energy sources-the wealth of the world Ayres.47 621.47 621.. Paul N. J. ed. Paul N. MAthematical modeling and numerical techniques in drying Turner.47 621.47 621. Amulya Kumar N.47 621.H. K. proceedings Rangan.47 621. MAgnetohydrdynamic energy for electric power generation Grundy.47 621. Au. Critical materials problems in energy production Stein. Advance in solar energy technology Bloss. Solar energy for domstic heating and cooling Eggers-Lura. S.47 621. Thermal energy storage Kovach. Analysis and design of energy systems Hodge.47 621. Au.47 621. Au.. proceedings Solar energy technology handbook : part A Dickinson. Solar energy applications in the tropics : proceedings Lim.47 621. S. H. H..47 621. Design of refrigerant piping Prakash. ed. P.47 621.47 621. Introduction to energy Cassedy. Page 58 .47 621. Siegfried.47 621. Nicholas P.47 621. Au. technology Ian. John C..47 621. Au. Solar energy Messel.47 621. B. T. H.. Eugene.47 621. Energy technology handbook Considine.. Ed... E.47 621..47 621..47 621. The thermoeconomics of energy conversions Sayed EI. P.P. Laboratory manual on solar thermal experiments Garg. Energy optimisation in manufacturing and material processing Shah. Au. Solar energy in development countries Solar energy Energy development -quality of life Solar thermal energy utilization Solar energy a uk assassment Air-conditioning load calculations Verma. Craig B. ed. Cox. Yehia M. P. ed. Eugene G. Solar selective surfaces Aginhotri. Robert F. Francis De.47 621.47 621.47 621.. Au. Malik. ed. Au. ed. P. Yogi D. ed. C.47 621.. Renewable energy basics & technology Gupta. Fernand Solar energy .47 621.47 621.47 621. Douglas M. Advances in solar energy technology Garg. Cheremisinoff.. Bill B... Shan.. Reviews of renewable energy resources Sodha..47 621. T. Au. Ed. Solar energy principes of thermal collaction and storage Sukhatme.47 621. S.. Au... Frank.. ed. P.. Cheremisinoff. Au. A. James E. W. A. Prakash. europe Charles.47 621. H.47 621. Jan F. Au. O. William C. Sun mankind's future source of energy Winter. Ed. Au.. Solar Energy Rural technology Reddy. Chaman L. Kreith. Au..47 621. S. Edward S. C.47 621.47 621. K. Solar energy technology handbook Dickinsom. Walter J. Ed.. Power cycles and energy efficiency Hoffman.47 621.. Nejat. K. Energy management principles applications benefits savings Smith.47 621. Charles. Renewable energy technology for the new millennium : Banerjee.47 621. ed.47 621...47 621.. Gasohol for energy production Cheremisioff...47 621. Au. World symposium on applied solar energy : proceedings Arizona. ed. William C.47 621. Grid Integration of wind energy conversion systems Heier.47 621. ed. Rajandra Design of air conditioning Sharma.. Suhas P. Michael. Ed. Ed. Kreider. Thermal energy storage in aquifers design and Applicationa Schaetzle. ed. Energy systems an analysis for engineers and policy makers Bailey. ed. 4778 Solar thermal engineering systems Tiwari.47 621.47 621..47 621.. R. Arthur R. Energy Parikh. Au.473 621. Introduction to energy technology Venikov. ed.476 621. Sybil P. proceedings R. Au. Energy storage Sil Verman. Au. Chaman.. Joseph. Introduction to energy conversion Kadambi. Direct energy conversion Kettani.47 621. Nema.. Howard T. Energy resources McMullan. P. Au. a practical handbook Khandelwal.470212 621. Building for energy conservation O'Callaghan. T. Au. V.47 621.Class_No_Opac 621. Graphic standards of solar energy Braden. ed.. Richard L. New energy technology Hottel. David A..47 621. T. Energy saving techniques for the food industry Casper. Au. Solar engineering technology Jansen. Au. Den. Solar energy : its potential contribution within the united kingdom Solar energy conversion : the solar cell Neville. Sun Power :an introduction to applications of solar energy McVeigh.47 621.. M. Energy management Ottaviano. Page 59 . C. Verma.47042 621.. Energy management and conservation Patrick.47 621. Energy basis for man and nature Odum.471 621.. T. V. Solar age resource book Mc Phillips..47 621. Wolfgang. K. Au. ed. C.476 621. Energy its physical impact on the environment Devins. Solar energy fundamentals and applications Garg. ed. Kreder. H. Mcgraw-Hill encyclopedia of energy Parker..475 621. T. ed. Au... Au. Trnsys a transient simulation program QIP short term summer course in solar energy thermal Gupta. N.47 621. Hudson Home. Advancesin energy systems and technology Auer. Ted J. Peter. ed.. Solar heating and cooling .47 621. S. Au. Richard C. Energy : a crisis-a dilemma or just another problems Doolittle. and mass transfer in continua Slattery.475 621. H. Climatological and solar data for india Seshardi. John C. Rudman. Solar design decision book Montgomery. Au.. A. C..47042 621. Victor B..4778 621.476 621.. Au.L.47 621. H. Solar heating and cooling active and passive design Kreider. Energy and the environment : a risk benefit approach Ashely.47 621. H. Thermal storage of solar energy : proceedings Ouden.473 621. J. Recent advanced in solar energy conversion systems : Sarviya... Energy management and operating costs in buildings Moss. Dorothy J. J. C.. Au.. Energy methods in stress analysis Richards. Au. Au. Au. Delbert W. Au.. Au. E.47 621. Au.470212 621. Ed. M.473124 621. Introduction to energy conversion Kadambi..474 621.47 621.47 621.4753 621. C.476 621. Biogas technology .. David A. Keith J. Ed. N. Energy.471 621.4703 621.47 621..47 621. P. Au.473 621..47 621.473 621. N. Au.. Solar radiation on inclined surfaces Sarker. Au.. Bhagoria. Holt.. Dale R.. ed. De. Solar energy for heating and cooling of buildings Patton. Marshall. control Au. Ali.47 621.477 621. Petrolium Refining industry . Au.472 621. Au. Au. M . K.. J. processes C. W. G.. ed.. Solar electricity : an economic approach to solar energy Palz. E.47664 621. Plant engineers and managers guide to energy conservation Thumann.47 621. R.. Spruille..476 621. O.. energy saving and environmental Sittig.47 621.47 621. Martin. ed. engineering practical design. energy.. resources demand and conservation Kashkari.475 621.473124 621. Direct energy conversion Soo.. and economics Jan F. ed. Kirit S. Au. Energy from bioconversion of waste materials Renzo. Au. Au. Au. Au. Au. P. Jesse S. V. Momentum. J Climatological and solar data for india Seshadri.. Au. Au. Practice guide to solar homes Guides.P. Industrial energy conservation Reay.. Sun power McVeigh. Au. Richard H.47 621. Solar noise storms Elgaroy. K. Albert. Au.. Hydrogen technology for energy Mathis. Au. ed. Jan F. Au... E.483 621. T.4778 621. L. Operating manual for the argonaut reactor Lecture notes on reactor shielding Grotenhuis. E. Walton A..55 621. J.4778 621. purdue James F. J. C. Solar thermal engineering Lunde. Gas turbine performance Walsh. Bruno A..48 621. Nejat. Philip P. Au. V. type Werner. ed. S. Halliday. A. Solar homes and sun heating Daniels.4778 621. ed. M. a case study for the federal repub Advances in nuclear engineering : proceedings Dunning. Structural mechanics in reactor technology Rector development program progress report Reactor engineering division Structural mechanics in reactor technology : proceedings Structural mechanics in reactor technology Jaeger. W.483 621.. Paul... J. ed. William A. ed.surge and system response 1986 international compressor engineering conference-at Hamilton. Raymond..Class_No_Opac 621. intelligent G. E.483 621.478 621..48 621.483 621. K. ed. Duncan. R. Jan E.483 621. ed.. Page 60 . Au. Au. ed. Ed.48 621.54 621. Au. Solar heating design process active and passive systems Kreider. T.51 621. ed. Hydrogen energy Nuclear power and the enerrgy crisis Burn. Balalberti.48 621. Thermal effect disposal from power generation Zaric. Solar heating design Beckman.4778 621. M. R.. ed. Nuclear engineering and design Bonilla.. Au. Peter J. Richard. Au. RK. homas A. Nuclear energy maturity : proceedings Sher.. C.. Geothermal energy Hruger. J.4778 621.. Jan F.483 621. M. Au. Charles F.481 621.48 621. Au. Advances in non-destructive examination for structuralNichols. ed. Mantega. Boley.4778 621.4778 621. Ed.502 621. ed. Nejat. Compressor Stall. B. Richard S. Vianello.. Thomas A. John R..483 621.483 621. E. ed. P. Nejat. potential L.48335 621. integrityR. Au. Methods for reducing the effect of barometric pressure in measurement of octame number Pneumatic handbook Introduction to computer simulation of positive displacement Soedel. Symposium on nuclear energy : proceedings World hydrogen Energy Veziroglu.483 621. Amu-anl summer study program : proceedings Consolidation of lanthanon fission products in alloys Knighton. Mancini.51 621. ed. W School of nuclear science and engineering Rylander. ed.483 621. Cohen. Nuclear reactor plant data Thermal and nuclear power stations Sterman..48072 621. David Basic vacuum technology Fitch. G Radioactive waste disposal Rodger..4792 621.. Pneumatic conveying design guide Mills.4835 621.51 621. Au.483 621.. George. Solar collectors in architecture : proceedings Palz. Monika. Solar heating and cooling of buildings Greeley.483 621. Thermal power plants and environmental control Neporozhny. Accident sequence model. Gueron..4778 621.48 621.. P...483 621. Ed.4835 621. ed.48335 621.4778 621.. Jaeger. decision Kafka.56 Solar cooling and heating : proceedings Veziroglu.... compressors Ed... Wind energy : an assessment of the technical and economic Jarass. Steam generating and other heavy water reactors : proceedings Reactor development program progress report Nuclear fuel performance : proceedings Development and manufacture of magnox fuel Stewarrt.483 621. W. BS Handbook of heating ventilation and air conditioning Kreider.4838 621. ed. W. R. World hydrogen energy : proceedings Viziroglu. Passive solar house designs Lumsdaine. Introduction to nuclear engineering Stephenson.48 621.. Solar heating and cooling recent advances Paul...48 621. : human actions system Apostolakis.S.5 621. Zoran P. Offshore and underground power plants Noyes.483 621. ed. T.48 621. Robert.. Atomic energy Diamant.483 621. Au. Mancini.483 621. response. 56 621.56 621. Refrigerating and ai Ashrae thermodynamics properties of refrigerigerats Domestic refrigerators and room air conditioners1970 Lecture on some interseting refrigerating plants and their automation Danfiss piolot-operated regulators for refrigeration plants Refrigeration applications to fish.. Methods of testing for household refrigeratiors combination American refrigeratiorSociety of freezers. fruit and vegetables in south east asia Recommandations pour la preparation et la distribution des aliments congeles Current studies on the thermophysical properties of foodstuffs Refrigeration .56 621.56 621.56 621.56 621..56 621. Heating.. Carl H. Parker.. Robert E. Procedures for simulating the performance of Stoecker. H. 1987 Ashrae handbook heating. Turnquist.56 621.56 621. H. ventilating and air-conditioning systems and equipement Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Current topics in refrigeration & air conditioning Handbook of air conditining heating and ventilating Stamper. ed.56 621.56 621. Braccian Symposium on domestic refrigerator and room Dolan.56 621.56 621.56 621. air conditioning and coid storage prenciple Gunther.56 621.56 621.. Ashrae handbook & 1973 systems 1988 Ashrae handbook equipment Bulletin of mechanical engineering education Lamble.56 621.56 621. ed.56 621. and Refrigerating household freeze and ai Long haul transportation of respiring perishable commodites American in refrigeratied Society of Heating.56 621.56 621. Eugene.56 621.. at purdue Werner.56 621. Tr. Wilson.56 621.56 621. Lewis 2000 International compressor engineering conference Soedel.56 621.56 621.56 621. Roger W. Andrew D. Artificial intelligence in thermal systems design:conceptsand Sciubba.56 621. III. Handbook of air conditioning heating and ventilating Strock. and applications Raymond C. Herbert & operation W. J. containers Refrigerating and ai Refrigeration and air conditioning Prasad.56 621.I.56 621. ed. Manohar. C. Clifford Ashrae guide and data book fundamentals and equipment for 1965 and 1966 1989 Ashrae handbook fundamentals Developments in the design of thermal systems Boehm. J. Richard L.56 621.56 621. Roberto Ashrae handbook & product directory 1978 applications HVAC water chillers and cooling towers : fundamentals Stanford application.56 Modern refrigeration and air conditioning Althouse.. applications Enrico.56 621. Au.56 621.56 for energy calculating Compressor reliability a multiple responsibility Refrigeration engineering Macintire.56 621.56 621.. Refrigerating and ai 1996 asgrae handbook heating.Class_No_Opac 621. Consumer satisfacton how to achieneit American Society of Heating Refrigerating & air -C Hanbook ofair conditioning system design Refrigeration systems for perishable food delivery vehicles American Society of Heating. ventilating and aiconditioning systems and application National symposium on refrigeration & airconditioning Ashrae handbook of fundamentals 1986 Ashrae handbook refrigeration systems and applications Ashrae guide and data book 1961 Fundamentals and equipment Ashrae Handbook & product directory 1974 applications Ashrae handbook and product directory 1980 systems Ashrae handbook & productory 1979 equipment Ashrae handbook of fundamentals Handbook of air conditioning system design HVAC systems design handbook Haines..56 621. Precooling of fruits and vegetables American Society of Heating. T.56 621.56 621. Methods of testing for rating room air conditioners Methods of testing for rating positive displacement refrigerant compressors Positive displacement compressors Refrigeration in the chemical industry Page 61 . Au. Refrigerating and ai Refrigerating data book application Design engineer challenges the supplier American Society of Heating.56 621. J. Au. ASHRAE.56 621.56 621.56 621. Melli.F. components W.56 621.56 621. Koral.56 621..56 621.56 621.56 621.and Ed. Heat transfer Refrigeration enginerring Macintire. Au.56 621.56 621.56 621. Au.56 621. J.56 621. Judson. W. Principles of nutrition Wilson. Au.56 621.56 621.56 621. chloride Bo. hexahydrate Recommendations for chilled storage of perishable produce Recommended conditions for cold storage of perishable produce Principls of refrigeration Dossat. Toards an ideal refrigerated food chain ASHRAE Standard : method of testing flow capacity of American refrigerant Society capillary of Heating tubes.56 621. S.56 621. Au.. Progress in the design and construction of refrigeration systems 1990 International compressor engineering conference at purdue : Proceedings Page 62 . A.56 621. Design analysis of thermal systems Boehm.56 621. Au. Heating and air conditioning Jennings. Cooling. Au. design & operation Smith. David R.56 621. Recommended conditions for land transport of perishable foodstuffs 2000 International refrigeration conference at purdue Tree. Heat pumps Brodowicz.56 621.56 621. Packing ststions for fruits and vegetables Saving of energy in refrigeration Guide to refrigerated storage Heat and mass transfer in porous structures Freezing . Co. Robert F.56 621. Au. Au.. Roy J.56 621. W.56 621. Au. Burgess H.56 621. Kazimierz.56 621.56 621. Design standards Today's compressor lubrication and its environmental chemistry in hermetic application Freeze drying of foods .. ed. Au. R.56 621..56 621. frozen storage and freeze-drying of biological materials and foodstuffs Principles of refrigeration Dossat. T. Roy J. Refrigeration techniques in developing countries Distillation Van Winkle... proceedings Fisher. ed... John F.56 621..56 621..56 621. Roy J. Eva D. David R. Mattew.. USNC/IIR-purdue refrigeration conference . Au.56 621. Effect of oil on the refrigeration system Design of thermal systems Stoecker. Foodservice refrigeration Ley.Class_No_Opac 621. Refrigerated storage of fruit and vegetables Mechanical refrigeration Sparks. Proceedings Tree.56 621. R..56 621.56 621. Storage of low temperature heat in salt hydrate melts calcium Carlsson. Frank R.56 621. Fan application testing and selection American Society of Heating.56 621.56 621... F.56 621. storage and transport: biological and technical aspects Automatic control of bigger refrigeration plants Mixtures of refrigeraan fluids: properties and applications 39H System weathermaker with ratimgs based on entering and leaving air temperatures Automatic refrigeration Andersen. Au..56 621.56 621. C.. Au. Household electric refrigeration Wostrel. Burgess H.56 621. ASHRAE standard : thermal environmental conditions American for humanSociety occupancy of Heating.56 621. A.56 621. Au.56 621. ASHRAE Refrigerating Standard and Air :m Thermal insulation recent developments Dillon. J.56 621.56 621. ed.56 621.56 621.56 621. Ed.56 621. Design data Low tempratures and electric power Freeze-drying of foods King. Au. Co. Recommendations for the processing and handling of frozen foods Air Conditioning and refrigeration Jennings.. Au. Thermophysical properties of refrigerant12 Watson. H.56 621.56 621. Au. Au. Heat exchangers air conditioning .56 Prenciples of refrigeration Dossat. Joseph B. freefing. Refrigeration and conditioning Stoecker. Au... F.heat pumps Vaporisers : selection. Au. Sandra J.56 621.56 621.56 621. Norman R. 56 621. Au.S. J..561 621. ed. C.56 621.56 621. P. W. Carrier freon refrigeration compressors and condensers Summer school Programme current topics in refrigeration and air conditioning Refresher course in refrigeration and air conditioning QIP Advanced short term four week course in design of Gupta.56 621. systems Herbert W.56009 621.56 621.56 621. Sanjeev Bulletin of the international institute of refrigeration Air-conditioning and refrigeration system design Sahgal. L.56 621. John R.. W. ventilating and air conditioning Hall. Food analysis : theory and practice Pomeranz.56 621. design Bhupinder Thermal comfort and moderate heat stress Investigation of the pressure characteristics and air distribution Gilman. P. Heating. ventilating and air-conditioning Stanford..56 621. Refrigeration & airconditioning Progress in refrigeration science and technology : proceedings Progress in refrigeration science and technology : proceedings Cryogenic engineering present status future development : proceedings Progress in refrigeration science and technology : proceedings Progress in refrigeration science and technology : proceedings Refrigeration Refrigeration Application of refrigeration Conference mondiale world conference Bulletin of the international institute of refrigeration Refrigeration & Air.56 621. Au.56 621.56 621. L. Jain. and air conditioning C.5611 621.5611 621. Charan.56 621.. Sharma. Philip. Food microbiology Frazier.56 621. S. Heating ventilating air conditioning guide 1954 American society of heating . conditioning K. R.561 621. systems Conserving energy in refrigeration Furgerson. Heat Pumps Sporn. H.56 621..conditioning Progress in refrigeration science and technology Refrigeration and air conditioning Acreconf 2001 Agarwal.5611 Guide de l'entreposage frigorifique Recommandations pour la preparation et la distribution des aliments congeles progress in the design and operation of refrigeration equipment and in the procegerating of fruit and veg Some thermophysical properties of refrigerants and insulants Refrigeration engineering Macintire.56 621. Refrigeration nad airconditioning data book Prasad. ed. Au. Au. Prediction of cooling/freezing times for food products Trichloromonofluoromethane Engineering conference : proceedings Heating and ventilation Allen. Page 63 .56 621. for airS.56 621. V... Yeshajhu. Au.56 621..56 621.56 621.5607 621. Ed. Progress in refrigeration science and technlogy 16th International congress of refrigeration Refrigeration Refrigeration and air conditioning : proceedings Progress in refrigeration science and technology : proceedings Refrigeration Refrigeration : proceedings Refresher sourse on airconditioning & refrigeration systems Singh.561 621.56 621.Class_No_Opac 621.. ventilating engineers guide 1935 Analysis and design of heating . Au. Konzo. P.. Au.56 621.56 621.56 621.56 621.56 621. F. Au. W. in F. Ed.5611 621.56 621.56009 621. Au.56 621. plenums R. J.56 621.56 621. P.. Air conditionibg engineering Jones.56 621.56 621..56 621.56 621. refrigeration C.56 621.5607 621. conditioning Summer school programme current topics in refrigeration Varma. Au.56 621.56 621.. Manohar.E.. P. Dhar. P.56 621..56 621. & airH.56 621.. F. box-type Martin. Environmental factors in the heating of buildings Anapol'skaya.. Thermal Properties of foods and agricultural materials Mohsenin. Charles H. Samuel C. Dieter W. Au.56697 621. Air conditioning principles and systems an energy approach Pita.. Au. J. Thermal environmental engineering Threlkeld. Au..56697 621. Arthur M. and air conditioning systems estimating Khashab.5693 621.562 621. W.5693 621. Billy C..5693 621. Au. and refrigeration Melvin A. Owen R. P..564 621. F...56697 621. A. Tested solutions to . HVAC systems operation. and air conditioning . ed.562 621. air conditioning and heating in textile mills Sorokin.56697 621. & optimization Monger. Ed.5693 621.566 621.. Guide to domestic heating installation and controls Burberry. manual A. Co. Heating Bassett.. Au. Au. Ernst. Thermophysical properties of refrigerants Investigation of the pressure losses of takeoffs for extended-plenum Konzo. Ken-Ichi. Ralph C.. Au. C. Au. Air conditioning refrigerating data book Trane air conditioning manual Heating and air conditioning Allen. type Gilman. L. Au. John R... Simplified design of hvac systems Bobenhausen.5693 621. C.5693 621.. Edward G.5693 621. Au. Billy C. Refrigeration and air conditioning Langley. Au. Au.5647 621. ventilating . Au..564 621. Albert.. W. Au. Au. C. Au. M. F.56697 621. analysis and McQuiston. Boyce H. Au. John R. Au. Richard C.569 621. Au. P. A..5693 621..5693 621. John L. Weather analysis and forecasting Petterssen. Domestic heating and hot water supply Barton.5642 621. Heating.56697 621. J. Solar energy for refrigeration and air condotioning International conference on energy saving in refrigeration Naijin.5692 621... Au. ed. J. Ventilation. Au. Air conditioning appllications and design Jones. T. Prenciples of air Conditioning in theory and practice Patel... Au.562 621. P. e Low-temtrature preservation of foods and living matterFennema. Au. Achitects' data Neufert..56697 621..564 621. N.5663 621.. T.5693 621. design Faye C.. Comfort heating Langley. Air conditioning systems design for buildings Sherratt. Au.. Au. P. Parker. Automotive air conditioning Dwiggins. Optimizing havc systems Thumann.. Heating ventilating and air conditioning Mcquiston.5693 621. Au. Control systems for heating... Air conditioning refrigerating data book Air conditioning applications and design Jones. Au.56697 621.. Au. Faye C. M.56697 621.. Principles of heating.5693 621. C.56664 621. Peter. Au. Air conditioning and refrigeration Severns. Howard L.56697 621. air conditioning Stanley F. D.5693 621. Refrigeration and air conditioning Ballaney. Au. Applied air conditioning and refrigeration Gosling.5693 621. ventilating and air conditioning Haines.56664 621.. Jerald D. Au. Au. duct J. Nuri N. Design of industrial ventilationn systems Alden. Holl. maintenance..5693 621. Thermophysical properties of refrigerants Fluorocarbon refrigerats handbook Downing.. John E. L.56697 621. prenciples and techniques Gruenwedel. Au. ventilating. Air conditioning through worked examples Eastop. Sverre. ASRE air conditioning-refrigerating data book Scientific basis of air conditioning Kimura. C. Page 64 . Residential and commercial air conditioning Burkhardt. William. Air conditioning and energy conservation Sherratt. Refrigeration and air condotioning Jordan.. Roger W. R. Refrigeration and air conditioning Arora. Whitaker. Cheng..56193 621. Au. Automatic control of heating and air conditioning Haines.56697 621..5693 Air conditioning in summer and winter Holmes.564 621.. Seichi.566413 621. design problems in air conditioning Ramsey. Au.5693 621. William H.5693 621. Richard E.56697 621. systems William Mine ventilation and air conditioning HArtman. Food analysis . P.56720 621. Au. ventilating and air conditioning Greene.. Heating ventilating air conditioning guide Amercan Society of Heating and.5693 621. Au.5693 621. Heating.5693 621.Class_No_Opac 621. Au. Samuel handbook of rotordynamics Ehrich. George N. Elliott F. Au. R.59 621. Au.8 621..71 621.67 621. Fortrand on decsystem-20 Advanced in crygenic engg. K. A.. Harland. Thomas M. C. Au. Mechanics and design of cam mechanisms Chen. Pump characteristics and applications Volk. Mechanics of machines Doughty. Dean. Mechanical impact dynamics rigid body collisions Brach. Raymond M.6 621..8 621. Ivan I.57 621.stall and surge Tramm. ed... D. Au. Erdman. Gavriel. D. analysis and synthesis Sandor.8 621.59 621. Rolland T.. K.61 621. ed. Au.. Kinematics of machines Hinkle. Theory of machines Bevan. Sandor.. Ed.. C. Au. Kinematics of machines Guillet. ed. : proceedings Timmerhaus.L. ed.. George L. Advanced mechanism design . Applied kinematics Bilings.8 621. Rotor dynamical instability Adams.. Handbook of industrial engineering Salvendy. Ed. M. P.. Mechanics of machines Doughty. drugs and foodstuffs Freezing preservation of foods Tressler. D. Ed. Theory of machines Bevan.59 621.8 621.6 621. Arthur A. S.8 621.7 621.8 621.8 621. Au. ed..59 621. Wallace B. Centrifugal pumps : larry bachus and angel custodio Custodio. ed... Mechanical design synthesis with optimization applicaations Johnson. R. Cryogenic engineering Flynn. Au.Class_No_Opac 621. Samuel Mechanism design : Analysis and syntheis. J. H.603 621.W. Roy....8 Fundamentals and applications of freeze-drying to biological materials.69 621..C. Igor J. Page 65 .57 621. Advanced in crygenic engineering Timmerhaus. Wietzel.. Advances in cryogenic engineering Timmerhaus.71 621. ed. Angel. Thermal insulation in cryogenic engineering Kaganer.. . Russel B. ed. ed..pumps.. C..71 621. A.. Investigation of single stsge axial fans Ruden. Au. P. Stress concentration design factors Peterson. Thomas. Freezing preservation of food Tressler.. Freezing preservation of foods Tressler. K. William C. D.. Au. Au. Ray C. Applied linkage synthesis Tao. Maurice L. George N.8 621. P.. Industrial engineering handbook Majnard. Donald K.8 621. Donald K. etc. Machine elements a text book dobrovolsky. Cryogenice research and applications Sitting. Thomas M. K.. Marshall. Au. B.8 621.59 621.D. F Centrifugal compressor and pump stability.8 621.8 621.67 621. Igor J. Genger.8 621.flow fans.59 621. Handbook of industrial engineering Salvendy..8 621. B. ed. Mechanics of machinery Ham.8 621.8 621. H. Cryogenic engineering Scott. Au.59 621. Cryogenic engineering Flynn.7 621.. Thomas.75 621. Au.67 621. G. Applied kinematics Billings. Au. Theory of machines Bevan. Vibration in rotating machinery Blade profiles for axial. Au.8 621. Au. ed. Advanced in cryogenic engineering : proceedings Timmerhaus. Michael.58 621. J. Fan Y. H.. V.. Fredric F. Au.62 621. Pump questions and answeres Carter. G. Karassik.57 621. D. Krutzsch. Au.8 621. Harland. Au.. Mechanisms in modern engineering design Artobolevsky.. Van. Au. ed. Thomas.E. D. Theory of machines Bailaney. Wright. Ststistical quality control handbook Statistical quality control handbook Handbook of standard time data for machine shops Hadden.59 621. Au. Iceberg utilization : proceedings Husseiny. Victor K.8 621. Gavriel Industrial engineering handbook Maynapo.. compressorsCarter.59 621. Donald K. Au. Arsdel. Pump handbook Karassik.57 621..: proceedings A. ed.71 621.59 621.. ..8 621. Au.8 621. Au. Au. Mechanical technology Rowe. Fine mechanisms and precisoin instruments Trylinski. Ya..8 621. Au. Lee.A.81 621. Joseph Edward. V. VL . Theory of through worked examples Ryder. Au. Machanization of motion Harrisberger. Au. Au. ed. Virgil M. Peter. Theory of mechanisms & machines Lal. Ray C..A. Au. M. Virgil Moring. Au. Au. Robt. N Transactions of mechanism Transactions of the second conference on mechanisms Theory of machines and mechanisms Prenciples of mchanism Dyson. Design of machine elements Trikha.8 621.81 621. Au. Advances in creep design Smith. F. Virgil Moring... Franklin D.8 621. Howell Newbold. B. S. Leander W..8 621.81 621.. Au.8 621. F. Analysis of mechanisms Shigley.. Alex.H.I. Au. V. Machanical design synthesis with optimizations Johnson. Theory of machines Mckay. Vijay K.81 621. A. Au. Au.. Mechanism Keown. Theory of mechanisms and machines Zinoviev. Au. L. Varadan. Au.8 621. Transactions of mechanisms Transactions of mechanisms Transactions of mechanisms Theory of machines and mechanisms : proceedings Bautista.8 621..8 621.81 621. machines Au..81 621. Jagdish.B.8 621.8 621.8 621. Optimum structural design Spunt.R.8 621. Joseph Edward.81 621. Thomas.8 621. Solutions manual to accompany electromagnetic and electromechanical Matsch. Au. Introduction to the mechanics of machines Morrison.81 621..81 621.. Au. Theory of machines Bevan.8 621. Javier. Virgil M. Earth moving operations Design of machine elements Faires.. Robert McArdle.8 621.8 621.8 621.81 621.8 621. Au.8 621. Au.. Process equipment design Brownell.81 621. W.8 621. Electromagnetic and electromechanical machines Matsch.8 621. Au. Emilio. Au. Mechanism design : analysis and synthesis Erdman. Au. W.Class_No_Opac 621. Theory of mechanisms and machines Ghosh. Au. Leander W. Au. Problems on the design of machine elements Faires.8 621. ed. Stength and deformation in nonuniform temperature fielda Fridman. Dynamic analysis of machines Shigley.81 621.. Au.8 621.8 621. LLoyd E. Amitabha. Arthur G... Au. Au. ed. Dynamic of machoines Marples. Elements of mechanism Schwamb.G. C.8 621.. Problems in mechanism Leutwiler. Design of machine members Vallance. Otto.8 621.A. Cam synthesis Gonzalez-Palacios. Kinematics Tyson. Ed. G. Garcia-Lomas.. Au. Au. Kinematic analysis of mechanics Shigley. Elements of theory of machines Shah. Joseph Edward.81 621... Au. Au. A.. Vasundara V.81 621. How to sketch mechanisms Jones.8 621. Au. Joseph Edward. R.8 621..8 621. Au...L. Dynamics of machinery Holowenko.81 Mechanics of machines Ramamurti. J.8 621. e Principles of mechanism Dyson.8 621. Theory of machines Green. Elastic wave scattering and propagation Varadam.8 621. Theory of machines Shigley. Design of machine elements Faires.8 621. Richard W. Leonard.8 621. Mechanisms for intermittent motion Lichtwitz. Page 66 . Biomechanics symposium -1979 William. Problems on the design of machine elements Faires. N. F.M. Au.8 621. P. ed. Erwin. Salomon. Andrew D. Dynamic motion : chaotic and stochastic behaviour Casciati. Mechanisms and dynamics of machinery Mabie. Proceedings of the 11th national conference on machines Saha. Au. William J. Au. Au.V. Au. Charles M. Dynamics of machinery Hartman.. Au. Au.811 621. Mechanism Beggs.C. Au. J.811 An introduction to the mechanics of machines Morrison M. Au.811 621.811 621.811 621. Au. Stability theory of dynamical systems Willems. Au. Charles F.811 621.811 621.811 621. Kinematics and dynamics of machines Mertin..811 621.81 621. Giancarlo.. Kinematics and dynamics of machinery Stejskal..811 621. Paul. Au.H. Vladimir. B..811 621. Further engineering dynamics Maltbaek. Noise and vibrations of engines and transmissions Mechanical engineering practice Shoop. Spacecraft dynamics Kane.. Robert. Au.811 621. Au. ed. M. J. Rama B.J.811 621. H. Au.811 621.. G. Au. Jr.811 621. Fluid structure interactin applied numerical methods Morand. ed.811 621.811 621. ed.81 621.. systems Edward J. Analytical methods in rotor dynamics Dimarogonas. George H. John.. ed. Crossland.811 621. Robert. James B.. Mechanisms and dynamics of machinery Mabie.K.. Mechanism of solid friction Bryant.. and S.811 621.C.81 621.811 621. Synthesis of dynamical systems Porter. Au.. Dynamics of rotors and foundations Kramer. Au. Au.J... Clark.. Werner Advanced Dynamics Bhat.. Nonlinear and dynamic programming Hadley. Dynamics of physical systems Cannon..L.. Henri J.811 621.811 621.811 621.. Hamilton H. Lavik... System dynamics and mechanical vibrations Findeisen..811 621.811 621.S. Thomas R. ed.B. Ahmed A.. Advanced dynamics for engineering Downey. Mechanism synthesis and analysis Soni. Dynamics of structures Clough. G. Au. Frank.811 621. Brindley.. Solutions manual for mechanisms and dynamics of machinery Mabie. R. Dietmar Advanced dynamics Bhat. Au. Henry J. Au. Au. Donald P. Dukkipati. and control of dynamic systems Palm. Modiling and analysis of dynamic systems Close.. Au.81 621.81 621.. Mechanics of machines Hannah. P.. Fault diagnosis in dynamic systems . Brian. Rao.Class_No_Opac 621.811 621. Ron. Donald T. Dynamics of flight-stability and control Etkin. Machine dynamics Bapaiah..811 621. Dukkipati. Modeling. F.81 621. Multibody systems handbook Schiehlen.. Chaos and nonlinear mechanics Kapitaniak. Hamilton H. Process dynamics Campbell. Stephens. Introduction to system dynamics Shearer. Lowen. Dukkipati. Computer aided kinematics and dynamics of mechanical Haug. J.811 621. J.H.. (nacomm-2003) Theory of sensitivity in dynamic systems Eslami.811 621. Hamilton H..81 621. A. J..811 621..l. Au.811 621. Vibration of structures and machines Genta. John.811 621.. Manual of applied machinery design Mankani. Au.. Dynamics of multibody systems Shabana... Au. L. G. Principles of dynamics Greenwood. theory and application Patton. Au. Ray W. Rao V. Computational dynamics Shabana. H. Glenn L. Advanced dynamics Bhat. Dynamics of machinery Mabie. How to simplify work Rotor dynamics Rao. Rama B..811 621.811 621.811 621. Au.. M.. Au.. Rao V.. Au.811 621. Dynamics : theory and applications Kane.811 621. Tomasz. ed. Au.811 621.. Au.811 621. analysis. M. Bernard. Joseph Stiles.811 621. Page 67 . Au.811 621. Au. Machine dynamics Sneck. Rama B. Thomas R. Ahmed A.811 621. Dynamics of rotor-bearing systems Goodwin. mechanisms Ed.811 621. Au.811 621. Au. 815 621. B... George H. Au. Au.812 621. Au.N. A. Egor P. Machine elements design and calculation in mechanical Neimann..812 621. Au. Ronald L. Au. Introduction to continuum mechanics Calcote. Mechanical design Childs. Frederick Fongsun.811 621...81133 621. Stability criteria for linear dynamical systems Porter. Au. Elements of applied mechanics Junnarkar. W. N. Au..815 621.811 621.81171 621.811531 621..811 621.81104 621. Au. Dynamics of mechanical systems Prentis. Foundations of mechanics and thermodynamics Noll. Fred B. John W. Advanced engineering dynamics Ginsberg. Au. Glen V. Applied mechanics dynamics Housner. Machine design : theory and practice Deutschman. Au.8112 621. Au.812 621. Michanics Breneman.815 621. Au..81133 621.and vehicle engg... Au.. Kinematics and dynamics of machines Martin. Horst. Au. Computational methods in structural dynamics Meirovitch.812 621.. Au.81171 621. S.. Aaron D.811 621. H.811531 621.. Au... Au. Au. A. Au.811 621.8113 621. Aviation mechanic Norcross. Combined control system for the process industries Pavlik.Class_No_Opac 621.M. Vibrations in rotating machinery Engineering mechanics :statics and dynamics Tayal. D. Ed. Au. Au. Kinematics and dynamics of machinery Maxwell.. Robert E. Laboratory manual me 80 dynamics of machinery Alvord. Experimental designs Cochran.811531 621. Au.811 621.. Ernest O. to Samuel. Elements of servomexhanism theory Thaler. Mechanical analysis and design Burr. Au.. Jerry H.. Continuum mechanics Chung.8111 621. Dynamic analysis and feedback control Doebelin.81133 621. Au.... S.. William G. Component element method in dynamics with application Levy. Peter R. Leonard. aeronautics.Peter.811 621. Au. Au.81171 621. T. Au. Au. G. Principles of mechanics Synge. Au.8112 621. Arthur H. Dynamics of multibody systems Roberson. Process dynamics and control Archer.J.815 621.811 621. Norman H. tools W. Principles of industrial process control Eckman.M. Multibody dynamics Huston.H. J. S... Stanton E. Analysis mechanics for engineering Seely. Advanced dynamics Timoshenko. Au.815 621. H. Au. F. Au. Elements of structural dynamics Berg.81235 621. Robert L. Introduction to the design servomechanisms Bower.. Au. and flight mechanics McCormick.. Pneumatic mechanization Van Dijen. Gerald.8117 621. Surface mechanics Ling. Au. Au. Wolfgang. Carl. Stability of motion Hahn. Barnes W.81235 621. K. Stability theory Leipholz. Au. Basic ship theory Rawson. Au. Second year engineering science mechanical Bird. F. Au. Au.8111 621. George W.812 621.812 621.814 621. Au. Au. Introduction to dynamic system analysis Beachley. Advanced multibody system dynamics simulation and software Schiehlen. George J.811 621. Manual of machine design and strength of materials Castle.. John L.W.815 621. engineering Gustav.. Machine design Winston..B.. Aerodynamics..812 621. Ernst.812 621.81133 621. Frank. Donald p.K. Page 68 .81103 621. Introduction to mechanics of solieds Popov... Lectures in analytical mechanics Gantmacher. Lee R. G. Au. Kinematics and dynamics of machinery Sadler. John L.815 Rotordynamic 2 problems in turbomachinery Rieger.8112 621.812 621.811 621..J. ed..811 621. J. earthquake Au. Au. Introduction to dynamics Hardenbergh. Au. Mechanical springs Wahl..8113 621. Au.811 621.81133 621. Au. Donald E..F. Au. Mechanics of solids with applications to thin bodies Wempner. K... John A.815 621.815 621.815 621.815 621. Douglas C. J. M. Thomas A. Joseph E. Machine tool design handbook Case studies in engineering design Matthews. Harold A. Au. Design of machines Hinkle. Robert Henderson Standard handbook of machine design Shigley. Kpoor.815 621. Ed..815 621.815 621. Au.815 621. Machine design theory and Practice Walter. Richard M. Au. Fundamentals of machine design Orlov. Au. Machine design Hyland. Machine design Bradford.815 621. Principles of engineering dsign Ramamohana. Design and technology Garratt. Au. Elements of machine design Patel.815 621. Henry J.815 621. Principles of optimal design modeling and computation Papalambros.815 621. Rhea. Balaveera Machine design data handbook Lingaiah. Fundamenals of mechanical dsign Phelan.Class_No_Opac 621. A.815 621.815 621. Au. Machine design Movnin.. Au...815 621. K. Au.815 621. Vasant Abaji. Au.. Pyo Nam Theory of machines and design Kumar.815 621. P.815 621. First year engineering drawing Parkinson.. Au. Techniques in engineering design Pitts. J. John E.815 621. Proceedings of the 1957 design engineering conference Mechanical design handbook Rothbart.H. Clifford Engineering design for safety Hunter. Text book of machine drawing Gill. Au. Design data handbook for mechanical engineers Mahadevan..815 621. Axiomatic design : advances and applications Suh.. Au.815 621. Au...815 621. Au. Mechanical engineer's reference book Parrish A.C. Fluidic Systems design Belsterling.815 621. Fundamentals of si units in engineering Lingaiah. k. Pipe drafting and design Parisher. Thomas A. Theory and practice of machine design Mandke. Engineering design Faupel. Rolland T. Au. Charles A. K.. James. 1959 Design engineering conference 1958 Design engineering conference 1961 Design engineering conference Mechanical Design Waldron. G.815 621. Robert C. Reliability-based mechanical design Cruse. Reddy. Au.H. Charles R. Design reliability Lipson. Manjula B. Au. Paul H. k. Reddy.815 621.815 621.. K. Au. Machine design data handbook Lingaiah. Waldron... P. Page 69 . Panos Y. Harold A Numerical optimization techniques for engineering design Vanderplaats. Au. James N.S.815 621. Garret N. K.815 621. Dr..815 621. A. Machine design Hyland..815 621. Optimal Engineering design Siddal.815 621. Machine design Patel.. J. Industrial design in engineering a marriage of techniques Flurscheim.. charles H.815 621.C.. P.815 621. K. Au. Robert A..815 621.815 621.. Machine design construction and drawing Spooner.. R. K. Mechanical design and systems handbook Rothbart. Au.815 621.815 621. ed. Au.815 621.815 621.815 621.815 621. Au.815 621.. Principles of forging design Schey.. Charles.. Machine design data handbook Lingaiah. BAlaveera Design data handbook for mechanical engineers Mahadevan.815 621. P. Roy A. Au.815 621..815 621. Ed. Joseeph H. [email protected] Machine design Black. Louis J. Mischke. R. Introduction to engineering design Gibson. Kenneth J..815 621. Troubleshooters'handbook for mechanical systems Emerick.815 621.815 621..815 621.C.815 621. Product engineering design manual Greenwood...815 621. Fundamentals of machine component design Juvinall. Au. Au.. ed. Design data book Design and development of an air. A Course in machine design Pujara. Ed. Mechanical engineering design Shigley. of damping in yaw on a jet. Barlam. Donald J. J.D. Eliahu... Introduction to optimum design Arora. Kewal K.. M. B. C. human factors in engineering and design Sanders. Solutions manual to accompany mechanical engineering Shigley.R. Pat L. Design theory of fluidic components Kirshner. Detail design Light gage steel design manual Machine design problems Myatt.815 621.815 621. Machine design Levinson.815 621..815 621.815 621. Geoffrey. S. Engineering education : proceedings Selection of materials in machine design Design engineering : proceedings Davies. Au. Au.. Au.815 621. Joseph Edward. Engineering design for performance Sherwin. B.815 621. Au. Mechinacl enginneering design Shigley. Engineering design Taylor. Irving J. components Krishna P.. Au.815 621. E.. Design of machine elements Spots.815 621. Statistical design and analysis of engineering experiments Lipson. Au.. Jasbir S.815 621.. Jack A.815 Design data book Kalaikathir.S. Dimension control in design Fortini.815 621. Mechanical design of heat exchangers and pressure vessel Singh. Design of machine elements Spotts. Mechanical engineering design Shigley.F.815 621. Nonlinear problems in machine design Zahavi.. Joseph Edward.815 621. Mechanical engineering design Shigley. Engineering design Roylance. Design note book elementry meachanics and strength Shanley. Au. Au.815 621. Au.815 621. Au. Au. Au.815 621. Ed. Joseph M. Introduction to design and analysis Keppel. Keith.815 621.815 621. P. Page 70 .815 621. Joseph Edward..815 621. A. Au. Charles. David Concrete structures Vazirani. Richard M.815 621.F. I. L...F. Ed.815 621. T. Lawrence J. H. Vladimir L. Machine design Maleev.815 621. Design engineering conference Elementary problems in engineering Leach.. of materials F. ed.815 621. Fundamentals of mechanical design Phelan.815 621. Au.815 621. Engineer's approach to corrosion Trigg. Joseph Edward. Joseph Edward. Machine design Shigley.815 621.815 621. design Joseph Edward.815 621. Series of lectures on machine design Kamnev. Au. V.815 621. Mechanical engineering design Shigley.815 621. J.. John. M.W. Jig and fixture design Jones. ed. Joseph Edward. Au.815 621. J. Au..815 621.815 621. T. Au. G.. Mark S.. Product design and decision theory Starr..815 621.815 621. Ed. Principles of materials selection for engineering designMangonon.815 621. Au.bearing for the measurement Cox. Stress and strength considerations in design Mankani.815 621.F. Solutuin manual to accompany mechanical engineering Shigley. Ed. Au. Fatigue design of machine components Sors.F.815 621.815 621.815 621. Au. G.815 621. Earlwood T.815 621.815 621.815 621.. Au.N. Au. Mechanical design of machine elements and machines Collins. Planetary reducers Kamnev. Designing cost-efficient mechanisms Kamm..815 621.blowing mo Mechanical estimating guidebook Gladstone. Au.... Au. Au. Franklin D. Theory of machines and mechanisms : proceedings Rao. design Joseph Edward.815 621.. Au.815 621.815 621. Au. F. Au. Theory and practice of machine design Mankdke. Au. Martin Kenneth.815 621. V. Advances in mechanical engineering Mruthyunjaya. ed.Class_No_Opac 621.815 621. Au. 8155 621. ed.C.8150285 621. Agostino Theory of ground vechicles Wong. Au.815049 621. Ed..S. Vehicle suspension and steering systems SP-952 Brake design and safety Limpert. Applied optimal design Haug.815049 621.815049 621.. 1st.D. application Nigel H. Au. Engineering drawing Verma. National seminar on vehicle dynamics -2003 Ramji. Kenneth E. Au.8155 621. Au. M.815049 621.J. S.8151953 621.8151 621. Nonlinear systems analysis Vidyasagar. Au.8155 621. Au. Analysis of contingency tables Everitt.8155 621.8155 621..R. Au. Fundamentals of engineering drawing Luzadder. Frederick E.815049 621.8155 621.815046 621.. Au. Rudolf.M.. Au. Robert J. Dash. Dynamics of vvehicles on roads and on tracks Sauvage..815049 621. Engineering drawing for intermediate engineering students Sharma. Au.8151 621. David A.8155 621. Statistical design and analysis of industrial experiments G hosh.L.8154 621.8155 621. B. Thomas E.815049 621. ed.8155 621. Au. Au.8155 Machine building industry Design data sheets Turbosupercharger maintenance Polydyne cam design Stoddart.8150285 621. Warren J. B.8152 621. Ray C.. Ed. Henry Cecil. A.. Turbine design and applications Glassman. Theory of ground vechicles Wong. Manual of engineering drawing for students and draaftmen French.. Au.8155 621. Kale.3rd Electric vehicles : a decade of transition Bates. Shop. Arthur J. Thomas D. Au...815049 621.815 621. Au. Principles of perspective drawing Shah.K. M..8154 621..D. ed.. Machine drawing exercise book Gupta. James Dr. : part2 B.815049 621..Y.8155 621. Race car vehicle dynamics Milliken. John F. William F. Milan.. David Accident reconstruction technologies Backaitis. Utility vehicle design handbook Hoelzle. Andrew D. First year engineering drawing Parkinson. Vehicle emissions--part 2nd .. Mechanical design synthesis Johnson. Systems analysis and design Kendall. Franklin D. Amrtyn. Au. Au.Class_No_Opac 621.815049 621.. Mechanical design and analysis Slaymaker. Engineering drawing Sketching..8155 621. David A. Vehicle dynamics Dukkipati. E. Mechanical drawing Jones. Dynamics of vehicle on rodes and on tracks Apetaur. Au. Ray C.8155 621. Bradford..815 621. C. Au.C. Au. Stanley H. Thomas E.8153 621.815049 621. 24 Worked engineering drawing examples Jones. Technical drawing Giesecke. O. A.815049 621..815049 621..8155 621.8155 621.8151 621.815049 621. Page 71 . A manual of engineering drawing for students and draftsmen French. Folkestad. Au. J. Schedule-based dynamic transit modeling : theory andWilson..8154 621. Technical drawing problems Spencer. Work book in isometric & orthographic projections Aggarwal. Machine Drawing Bhatt.8152 621. Ed.8155 621. Au. Optimum design of mechanical elements Johnson. Au.815049 621. Au. Au. Au..8155 621. Rao V. Fundamentals of vehicle dynamics Gillespie.. Ed. Systems analysis and design Thierauf. N.. Thomas E.. Au. Koona. Au. Au. Nuzzolo... Henry Cecil. R.G.M.8151 621. Versalog slide rule Fiesenheiser. Dynamics of vehicle on roads and on tracks Anderson... Computer aided machine design Dimarogonas. Edward J. Engineering drawing and design Madsen. Ron J.8155 621.815 621.. Gilles. Au. Au. Basic technical drawing Spencer. Au. William S. J.. Fundamentals of engineering drawing and technology French.Y.815049 621. I. C. Introduction to experimental design Ray. Subir. Handbook of vehicle-road interaction Cebon. Au.. Au. Advanced vehicle technology Heisler.8155 621. Engineering condition monitoring practice.. ed.D. Intermediate engineering drawing Parkinson..8155 621.B. William P.8156252 621. Vijay K. Dynamics of railway vehicle systems Garg. Vehicle system dynamics Advanced vechicles and infrastructure systems Nwagboso. Au.8156258 621. J. H.8156252 621. Vehicle system dynamics Lugner... Au.8156042 621.8156252 621.8171 621. Au. Maurice. Au.816 621.K. Machine Drawing instruction manual Garg. Machine drawing and design Abbott. Au. Coenraad.Class_No_Opac 621. Wolf-Heinrich.K. Ed.8155 621. M...8156252 621.8156252 621.8155 621. P.81567832 621. Au.. Physics of tire traction theory and experiment Hays.. pavement interface Wambold. Au. David. New chrysler industrial torque converter Condition monitoring Analysis of plates McFarland. Au.. Engineering drawing from the beginning Cousins. Sponsored course on tyre mechanics and testing Goel..8156252 621. interaction D.8156252 621. Ed.817 621.. Aerodynamics of road vechicles Hucho. Warren J. O. Ed. Au.. Text book of practical geometry or geometrical drawing Lakshminarayanan. John C.. ed.. Phillip L. V.8155 621. Au.... Ed.F.V.8156252 621.8155 621. Vehicle system dynamics Pacejka. Heinz Dynamics of vehicles on roads and on tracks True. Au. Ed.8155 621. Au.81562514 621. Donald F.815516 621.816 621.8156252 621. Page 72 . ed. Au. Dr. Au. Au..K. Au. Engineering drawing for technicians Au.8156252 621. F. Au. Ed. Au. Au. Interpreting engineering drawings Jensen. V. Engineering drawing for advanced students Dunne. H. Henry Cecil. Analysis of shells and plates Gould. Au.8156252 621. P.. Aerial ropeways and funicular railways Frenkiel. Au. Au.8156252 621.C. Cecil H. Machine design drawing room problems Albert. Au. Vehicle traction mechanics Yong. M.. tire.Y. Fundamentals of engineering drawing Luzadder. Au. Railroad track mechanics and technology Kerr. Raymond N. Engineering graphics Spence. Au. Au. 17th IAVSD symposium lyngby Mechanics of road vechicles Steeds...8156252 621.8156252 621. Hans Dynamic of vehicles on rodes and on railway tracks : proceedings Hedrick.H. Au.8155 621. J. Terramechanics and off-road vechicles Wong. Au... methods and Barron.8156252 621.816 621. James C.8156252 621. Au. W.815516 621. DYnamics of vehicles on rodes and on tracks Willumeit. V. Au. Technical drawing Giesecke. Tyre mechanics and testing Goel. C. Machine drawing Lakshminarayanan.8156252 621. Zygmunt. W.. W.. Frederick E. Arnold D..8155 621. A.8156252 621. A.8155 621. Tyre Performance and testing Goel. Au.8155 621. W. Au..K. Au.M. 1st Course on advanced vehicle system dynamics Pater.8156252 621.8156252 621. Essentials of descriptive feometry Higbee. Karl. V.8156252 621.. V. Modern railway track Esveld.P. Hans B. Christopher O.G.81776 Manual of british standars in engineering drawing and design Parker.. Dr.8155 621. Vehicle.8156252 621. Research exposition and colloquium on tyre pavementSingh. Ethical problems in engineering Alger. A. Dynamics of vehicles on rodes and on tracks Slibar.8155 621. suspension and handling Dixon. Ed. Philip L. Peter.8156252 621.8155 621. Tires. Technical drawing problems Spencer.. Dynamics of vehicles on roads and on railway tracks Pacejka. Multibody computer codes in vehicle system dynamicsKortum.8155 621.D.. applications Ron.8156252 621.8156252 621. Technical drawing Abbott. Exercises in engineering drawing Shah.. . Au.. Au.859 621..S. R. Wallace D.. Z. Rotordynamics of gas-lubricated journal bearing systems Czolczynski.. Computational geometry for design and manufacture Faux. Clutches and braks design and selection Orthwein.85 621. bevel. Moreland.. Pradeep K. Gears spur. P. Richard B. G. Au. I. Earle. Walter B.833 621. Watton..B. E.... Au..83 621.822 621.T. internal. William C.833 621. Ball and roller bearings Houghton. B.866 621. ed. Handbook of power drives Traction draves : selection and application Heilich III.. ed. R.M. epicyclic and wormHoughton. Ball and roller bearings Advanced dynamics of rolling elements Gupta.833 621. Gitin M.833 621.822 621. H. helical.R. Au.8661 621. Developmentof boilers Glinn.82 621..825 621. Au. J. Arvid.833 621. Manual of gear design section three Buckingham.86 621. Harold. Virgiliu Niculae.822 621. Savu Crivat. Au. Gear noise and vibration Smith. P. ed. ed. Analytical mechanics of gears Buckingham. Transient dynamics of a flexble rotor with squeeze filmBuono. Au. Spring designer's handbook Carlson. Charles A. Raymond A..863 621. Earle Plastics gearing selection and application Adams.. Torque converters or transmissions Heldt. MAterials handling handbook Bolz. Au. R. Au.847 621.H.822 621. Darle W. American machinist gear book Logue.833 621..823 621. Au.822 621.852 621. Ed. Au. J. Au. Au. W.822 621.8251 621.. ed. Computerized operation of power systems : proceedings Savulescu. Materials handling handbook Kulwiec..822 621. Au. George E.852 621.. Harold A. Ball and roller bearing engineering Palmgren.833 621. Au.822 621. Au.850285 621. Derek J. Kingsbury vertical thrust bearings for hydroelectric service Computer-Aided design of bearings and seals Kennedy. ed..S.Class_No_Opac 621.822 621.822 621.83 621.. Frederick W.. Robert C.825 621. J.825 621.822 621. F.823 621. Clifford E.822 621. Design manual for roller and silent chain drives Jackson.83 621. G..863 621. Au.time nuclear reactor kinetics Stacey. Fluid cluches and torque converters Larew. Handbook of belting conveyor and elevator Belt selection and application for engineers Erickson. Plain bearing design handbook Welsh.. P. Symposium on testing of bearings Hydrostatic and hybrid bearing design Rowe..8251 621. Francis E. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher. Ed. Refractory linings : thermomechanical design and applications Schacht.824 621. Au. Au. Chains for power transmission and material handling Graham. Hagemann. Charles Sliding bearings Constatinescu. Krzysztof Bearing systems principles and practice Barwell. Page 73 . C. Helical springs Friction-clutch transmissions Jania.. dampers D.822 621. Rotor-bearing dynamics design thechnology : part 7 5th Meeting of all india solar energy working group Shaft design for finite life Burke. Ed. 3rd Meeting all india solar energy working group Space. Magnetic bearings : proceedings Schweitzer. Practical gear design Dudley..8251 621.D.85 621. Torque converters or transmissions Heldt. P.. Bulk solids handbook Woodcock. Au. Adjustable-speed drives Rodgers. E.. Study of pool boiling in an accelerating systems Merte.867 Why machine parts fail Lipson. Au. F.M.822 621. Au. Weston M. Au. Au..866672 621.822 621.824 621. P.86 621.8483 621. R. Charles H. Handbook of gear design Maitra. Design and application of heavy-duty clutches Harting. Au..886 621.8672 621..8776041 621. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher. Irving H.S. O. R. Au.882 621. Au.886 621... An introduction to computational fluid dynamics Malalasekera. Au. Au..8672 621. ed. Finite element applications with microcomputers Pottes.886 621. Finite element approximation for optimal shape designHaslinger..886 621. CRANE and HOIST engineering Design of pressire vessels and piping Short terms refresher course on design of pressure vessels and piping Crane design theory and calculations of reliability Kogan.886 621.W.. Au.. Au. and nuclear system Finite elements method in machine design Zahavi.886 621. A. Ed... Anthony Lawrence.886 621.8776041 621...H.. Robert D.886 621. John E. Mathematics of finite elements and applications Whiteman.. Zienkiewic Finite elements 1-2-3 Baker. A shop and draftinh room abridgment of the american-unified Cobleigh.886 Piping handbook Nayyar. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher. Integrated theory of finite element methods Robinson.882 621. ed. Pressure vesssel design : nuclear and chemical applications Harvey. Au.886 621. Leonard J. C. J. Eliahu.O. Dennis R. Developments in pressure vessel technology-4 Nichols. Kenneth H.applications Au..886 621.886 621.. Y. R.886 621. proceedings Caldwell. E.. S. K. R.. Alan J.886 621. D.. Introduction to finite element computations Hinton. Au. klaus-Jurgen.J. Au..876041 621. Pressure vessel systems Kohan. screw threads and their gag Shaft seals for dynamic applications Horve.88 621.. Finite element software for plates and shells Hinton.876041 621. Gilbert. Practical seal design Martini.886 621.886 621.. Helguero M... State-of-the -art surveys on finite element technology Noor.. T. John. Au. : theory and J.886 621. J. Au. H.Frank. Au. Pressure vessels Chuse. to fluid dynamics Au. Piping stress handbook Victor. Au. Finite element method displayed Touzot. John F. Klaus Jurgen. Mechanical face seal handbook Dahlheimer. Introduction to finite element analysis . J.886 621. ed.. E. Au. Finite elements theory and applications Numerical methods in finite element analysis Bathe.. Finite element method in engineering Rao. Finite element analysis in fluid dynamics Chung. Pressure vessel design manual Moss. Au.8672 621.G. ed. H. S.886 621. Au. John C.N.. Design of recirculating ball screw assemblies Basu... standards Henry R. Finite element method Davies.886 621.J.886 621. Numerical modelling in diffusion convection .J.876041 621..876041 621.. Finite elements methods for nonlinear problems : proceedings Bergan.H. Computional methods in engineering and science with Nakamura.885 621.. Au. Au. Au.885 621.. Au. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher. J. R. Au. Moscardini. T. Finite elements methods Zienkiewicz. Au. Wunderlich.Class_No_Opac 621. Pressure vessel design : nuclear and chemical applications Harvey. Graham F. Page 74 .886 621. Au.885 621.886 621. P. Au. fored. Alan J.886 621.886 621. Ed. theory and applications Martin...886 621. Ahmed K. ed. J. Oden. Energy and finite element methods in structural mechanics Shames. J. ed.886 621.886 621. Finite element method for engineers Huebner. Ed. An introduction to the finite element method Reddy.886 621.886 621. Au.. Finite elements special problems in solid mechanics Oden. Harold C.873 621. Numerical methods in finite element analysis Bathe. A. Mohinder L. R. Au. Bathe. Tinsley.886 621. Au...8672 621.886 621. Les. W. Ed. Au. Au. ed. Practical introduction to finite element analysis Cheung. K. Introduction to fastening systems Chaddock.886 621. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis Cook. Finite elements methods Davies. Robert. Josef. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher.886 621. W Finite elements : a second course Carey. H. Au.8672 621. Au.K. applications Shoichiro.R. Friction and lubrication of elastomers Moore. proceedings Brebbia.R. G. Ed. Gartling.A.. ed Developments in boundary element methods-1 Banerjee.887 621. Boundary element techniques : theory and applications Brebbia.886 621. Boundary element methods in engineering science Banerjee. Oden. Au. Numerical methods in offshore engineering Zienkiewicz. E. ed. R. ed.. K Mechanics of elestic structures Eisley. M. W...O.887 621. Boyd.J. Finite element method in thermomechanics Hsu.. Ed.D. lubracation Jones.C. Au. Nonlinear finite element analysis in structural mechanics Wunderlich. Au.A.. Modern developments in lubrication mechanics Walowit. Au. McComb. W Techniques of finite elements Irons. mechanics Ahmed K.89 621.887 621... R.887 621. Ku. Fundamentals of finite element techniques Brebbia. Finite elements of nonlinear continua Oden.. Thomas J.886 621. R. Spilk Computational methods for the solution of engineeringBrebbia.. Richard Theory of film lubrication Boswall.89 621.. Herbert. C. ed... Formulations and computional algorithms in finite elements Bathe. Au. T.. Ronald L. Ed. Standard handbook of lubrication engineering O'Connor. Joe G. Stagg.A. Olgierd C.. Elastohydrodynamics Gohar. Au. Ed.886 621. ed.887 621.. R.. Au.. J. Au. Au.. Au.886 621. ed. Mathematical foundations of the finite element methodwith Aziz. ed. Au. C. Lewis. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher.89 621..887 621.. Introduction to boundary elements : theory and applications Hartmann. C.886 621. Au.89 Finite element method linear static and dynamic finit element Hughes. and shells Au. Proceedings W.886 621. Scott. Ed.A. Finite elements in fluids Gallagher. ed.8861776 621. C. Au. O. Charles.8872 621. Numerical methods in coupled systerms Lewis..89 621.. M.. ed.. Introductory lectures on the finite element methods Zienkiewicz. Industrial tribology the practice aspects of friction.89 621. Stein.. Bathe..T.. analysis Thomas J.886 621. Masataka. Monograph on tribology for design engineers Vhowdiah...887 621..886 621. equations Francois. ed.887 621.C.886 621. R..A. ed.89 621. K.S.8861 621. Butterfield. P. Au.89 621. Au.A. in engineering C. Tinsley. Friedel. ed. E.. Advances in industial tribology Bhatia. analysis Klaus-Jurgen. ed. Bruce. D. Chandrakant S. CRC handbook of lubrication ( theory and practice of tribology) Booser. Au..K..C. O. Mervin and wear H. Page 75 . Thomas A. O. R..886 621. Finite element analysis . theory and programming Krishnamoorthy.886 621.887 621.. Boundary element methods applied mechanics Tanaka. Tai-Ran.. Boundary element methods in elastodynamics Manolis.P.89 621. ed. Finite element and boundary element techniques from Stein.886 621.89 621. of plates Ernest. Au. Finite element methods : an Introduction Huston.886 621. C..886 621.89 621. P.89 621..887 621.. Ed.applications A. K. Morgan. to partialdifferential equations Short term course in lubrication engineering Handbook of tribology Bhushan. Au.887 621.W.A. and engineering point of view New Developments in boundary element methods Brebbia. T. Au. Robert D.Class_No_Opac 621. Finite elements and approximation Zienkiewicz. Bayer. C. J. ed. C..886 621.89 621.. ed..K. Wear considerations in design Lipson. James J.886 621. Engineering differential systems Kersten.89 621.. Tribologie der polymere Uetz.H. Au.H.886 621... Au. R. Boundary element techniques in engineering Brebbia. J. Finite element method in engineering science Zienkiewicz. Numerical methods and software for dynamic analysis Hinton. Tribology in machine design Stolarski. ed. Au. Ed. G.886 621. mathematical E... Au... John Handbook of analytical design for wear MacGregor. Au. Au. G.K. Elementary finite element method Desai.. Computational methods in nonlinear structural and solid Noor..A. Douglas.887 621. J.. R. ed..8872 621. Au. .W.89 621. Tribology handbook Neale.886 621.. New concepts in finite element analysis Hughes.. Desmond F. Introduction to tribology Bapaiah.89 621.. Harvey G. Au. Implementation of finite element methods for navier-stokes Thomasset. Boundary element methods . ed.. Bharat. ed. problems C.89 621. J. Cruse. R. ed.... Charles. D. S.89 621.89 621. Godet.. Principles and practice of lubrication Nash... H. H.. Rhee.89 621.89 621.89 621. C..V. Frontiers of tribology and condition monitoring Santhanakrishnan. M..... Au. ed. ed.N.bearing databook Someya.89 621.. ed. Basic lubrications theory Cameron.89 621.. ed Page 76 . friction and lubrication Industrial tribology Tribology-friction.89 621.89 621.89 Tribology of internal combustion engines Thermal effects in tribology : proceedings Dowson. Godet. ed.89 621. C. C. Raymond C. ed Lubrication Gunther. ed..89 621. e Other tribological problems Tribology in 2000 and beyond Prashad.89 621. M.D. as used P.. ed.89 621.. engineering : proceedings Role of viscosity in lubrication : proceedings Bridgeman.. R. ed. Au. I.. ed. Ed.89 621. Tsuneo. Ed. ed Advances in tribology Engineering approach to surface damage Lipson. M. G. D. Conference on tribology -key to the efficient engine Engine lubracation SP-640 Surface effects in adhesion. I. Au.. Dudley D. Richard E..89 621. Au. J. M. Au. M.. Godet.. C. Sharma. Christensen. ed. M.89 621. Au.W. L..89 621. Au.Class_No_Opac 621.V. Taylor.89 621..89 621. lubrication and wear : proceedings Optimum rerources utilization through tribo terotechnology Prakash.. V. Glaeser.89 621. Sudhir. M.. C.. V. J. Rheology of polymers Vinogradov. Tribophysics Suh.89 621.. A. ed. Recent advances in tribology Singhal. International conference on optimum resources utilization through tribo terotechnology and maintenance Advancs in industrial tribology Bhatia.89 621. ed.89 621..89 621. ed. Au. QIP short term course in lubrication engineering Wear of materials Ludema.89 621. in Mr.89 621. Taylor. M.. A. ed.89 621. C. and lubrication Buckley. Gas Lubrication Constantinescu. Lubricants and their applications Hebda.. Kajdas...89 621.. Fluid film lubrication Gross. Alfred W. ed. ed.. Au.89 621.. ed. William A. friction. Au. wear. Bharat. tribology handbook Kragelsky.89 621. Basic lubrication theory Cameron. ed... Godet. Taylor. F.89 621. J. ed Cavitation and related phenomena in lubrication : proceedings Dowson..89 621.89 621.. Non-conventional lubricants and bearing materials such Love.89 621.89 621.89 621. Oscar C. Tribology : friction and wear of engineering materials Hutchings. Gordien Teching tribology Handbook of micro/nano tribology Bhushan.89 621. Journal ...P.89 621. principles and design applications Arnell.. Duncan.89 621.M. V..89 621. Lubracation in motor ships Tribology data handbook Booser.89 621. Au.89 621.. nuclear Au. P. Theory and practice of lubrication for engineers Fuller. Industrial tribology : proceedings Documentation wear. Nam P.89 621.. S. Tribology in iron and steel works : proceedings Industrial tribology : proceedings Malhotra. ed. Au. T. Au..89 621. A. Design of aerostatic bearings Powell. Taylor. D. M. D.89 621.89 621. Tavadze.89 621. Peter A.89 621. Tribology . and maintenance Braham.. C.. Colwell. Proceedings of the jsle-asle international lubrication conference Sakurai. K... ed. ed. Shar Internal friction in metals and alloys Postnikov.89 621. Wear 35th anniversary issue novel aspects of wear Dowson. G. ed.. ed.. Friction wear lubrication . K.. Modern trends in the production and utilization of lubricants : proceedings Tribology congress Tribology of reciprocating engines : proceedings Dowson.89 621. N. W. Au. Donald H... Superlaminar flow in bearings : proceedings Dowson.. ed. Impact wear of materials Engel. ed.89 621. .. Mayo D. Koenigsberger... Huang.. Bhattacharyya.. Tool engineers handbook Wilson..902 621.. ed. proceedings N. 1st All India machine tool design and reserch conference Sen. A. M. Robert S. ed. D. U. Rao. : proceedings Gopal Ch.89 621.89 621.992 6214021 The wear of non-metallic materials : proceedings Dowson. Tool engineershandbook Wilson.89 621. ed. M. Machine tool technology Bahadur. Hahn. Frank W. Godet. C. ed. ed. Tribology convention Viscosity of lubricants under pressure Hersey. M.. B. C.. ed.902 621.. ed Fluid film lubrication osborne reynolds centenary : proceedings Dowson. M.. S.. K. K.. S. Rao... ed. R. Ghosh. Bhattracharyya.. conference ed..9 621.9 621..9 621. M.. Terminology and procedures for turning research Die design handbook Advanced computer-aided fixture design Rong. ed. ed Tribological processes in solid body contact areas Hebda. M.902025 621. C. Godet. 17th all india manufacturing technology design & research Murty. M.9 621..902 621. K.902 621. : B.. S. Viscosity of lubricants under pressure Heresey. Au. HArvey. ed. 4th All india nachine tool design and research conference : proceedings 3rd All india nachine tool design and research conference : proceedings 2nd All india nachine tool design and research conference Damodaran... 1st All india nachine tool design and research conference Sen..902 621. Advances in manufacturing science & technology : proceedings Lal. ed Tribological design of machine elements : proceedingsDowson...902 621. A. ed.89 621. K. proceedings G. D.902 621.902 621. ed. Design of safety devices for hydro electric power plants Pertap. A. Ed. F.902 621.902 621. D. ed.902 621.. Dr.9 621.9 621..V. Tool steel handbook Tool design for manufacturing Curtis. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias.. Page 77 .902 621. Taylor. R. Strategies for bridging the gaps in manufacturing technology Lahiri. Tools and dies for industry Towards improved performance of tool materials : proceedings Advances in manufacturing science & technology : proceedings Advanced technologies for design and manufacture Radhakrishnan. Bir.902 621.902 621.902 621.902 621. P.. D. ed.. ed. Chattopadhyay. A.. Samuel H.902 621. Tiwari. G. : proceedings A. Richard F.9 621. ed.92 621... conference R.. C. M.: Srihari. S.902 621. ed.89 621.992 621. M. Mahender Problems in thermodynamics Bhaskaran. Venkatesh.902 621. C. 8th all india machine tool design & research conference : proceedings Fifth all india machine tool design & research conference : proceedings Aimtdr-76 : 7th all india machine tool design & research conference : proceedings 16th all india manufacturing technology design and research Suryaprakash.902 621... Yiming Dr. Ed. D... P.. ed. Ed. A.. A.: Gopal proceedings Ch..... S.902 621. conference M... Godet. Mayo D. Godet.902 621.. Advances in machine tool design and manufacturing Technology Basu. Au.. C. Mark A..902 621. Taylor. L. Taylor. Philip D.89 621.902 621. ed 18th Aii indiaManufacturing technology design and research Paul. ed. ed.. Hopkins.89 621. ed..984 621. K. Godet.94 621.89 621. C. N. ed. Robert I.89 621. S. M.... : proceedings G. ed Fluid film lubrication osborne reynolds centenary : proceedings Dowson..... Taylor..Class_No_Opac 621. proceedings Advance in manufacturing science & technology : proceedings Lal. Ed.89 621. Ghosh. : ed. ed.. R.. Machine tool design & research conference : proceedings Aimtdr-76 :Seventh all india machine tool design & research conference : proceedings Machine tool industry Machine tool and production trends : proceedings Advancements in machine tools and production trends : proceedings Collected papers Central machine tool institute Standard data for turret lathes and hand screw machines Directoty of machine tool and production engineering research and development in india Course on computer techniques for design of machine tool structures Handbook of modern grinding technology King. G.P. Emerging trends in manufacturing : proceedings Rao. ed.902 621. A...902 621.. N. K. Kajdas. M. Taylor.9020285 621. Frank W. ed Lubrication and wear convention Interface dynamics : proceedings Dowson.902 621. Ed. H..193 624.. ed.5 628. G.171 624. Sharma. C. ed.165 623. Euval S...19 623.53 Metering pump handbook McCabe. Lawton.106 628. Advanced structural dynamics : proceedings Donea. Wilson.7 625.86 623. ed.152 624.152 624.4025 624. Untroduction to structural analysis An introduction to structural analysis Smith. Au. A. Robert E.2 625.. Marine auxiliary machinery McGeorge. Lanckton. David Infrastructure issues IMechE@FAu. Au. ed. K.. Werner Thermodynamic derivatives for water and steam Rivkin. 4th printing with new and revised methods-1957 Pollution engineering and scientific solutions Barrekette. Thomas.. Tomorrow's world: international railtech congress'98 Jones. Louis. D.5 628. Seminar New Trains Gilbert.. H. Ed.815 625.86 624. Structural steel design Souvenir Seminar on heavy earthmoving tunnelling and construction equipment Heat engines Takk.7 625. H.334 623. Groombridge. Thomas F. Roeds and road transport problems : proceedings Roads and road transport problems : proceedings Measuring road roughness and its effects on user costGillespie. W Annual report Symposium on coal preparation Bituminous coal storage practice Stoek.. Edward L. Industrial air pollution control equipment for particulates T heodore.53 628. Vibrations of shells and plates Soedel.14 625.. Yuanhui.1 625. Steam and air table in SI units Irvine. L.162 628. Yiu-Wah U-M-I dessertation infirmation service Cou. Solomon L..76 625. 1998 Annual book of ASTM standards Comptes rendus Hydraulics research Pragmatic strategies for process utilities with special emphasis on conservation of energy and environm Environmental engineering Water engineering Slagg.Class_No_Opac 621699 622 622. K. Au. S. Au. Hippard. Dwyer. Page 78 .334 622. Johnstone Symposium on Stability of distillating fuel oils Symposium on high-purity water corrosion Manual on industrial water .171 624. J. Railway infrastructure Dawson.171 624. Ed. W.171 624. Au. linear systems ed.451 623.. C. Robert L. R. Steam power lant auxilaries and accessories Croft.1 625. ed. Gary L. Au. P. Terrell.1 623..of Klaus-Jurgen. F.. Steam turbine performance and economics Bartlett.072 628 628 628. A.H. Philip G. Plates and shells with cracks Sih.451 623. M.18 624. D. Indoor air quality engineering Zhang.193 624. J Fundamentals of rail vehicle dynamics Wickens..171 624.451 623.1 625. Structural analysis program for static and dynamic response Bathe. Handbook of experimental stress analysis Hetenyi. Ramashwer Machine Drawing : part 1 Gupta. Railway traction and braking IMechE.. Earthmoving and excavating plant Hammond.1 628.171 624.. M.1821 624. Stanley O. Taylor. Au.. J. W.1776 624.. Symposium on low-temprature properties of high-strength aircraft and missile materials Low-temperature properties of high-strength materials-1960 Rocket and missile technology Gas Turbine Engineering Harman. U-M-I Dessertation information Service Luk. T.171 624. and comfort D.1776 624. T. Char-Ming Turbulent condensation in a horizonal tube Brauser. A.1 625.171 624. Au. Railway carriage & wagon manual Handa. Charles.8 627 627.2015313 625. C. Langtry. Rolt Manual of civil engineering plant and equipment paxton. Aeronautical conference london Pritchard. Arthur C. N. Fundamentals of structural integrity : Damage tolerantGrandt. Thermodynamic charts for combustion processes Hottel.14353 629. Heinrich Ernst Airplant structures Niles.10222 629.243 629. T. Atmospheric pollution : proceedings Benarie. Barkley.243 629. Properties of water and steam in SI-Units Schmidt. Air pollution Colls. Ed.243 629. Ed.. Air pollution Stern.. M. W. Michel M. ed.23 629..23 629. McKinley Aeronautical research council technical report for the year 1945 Aeronautical research council technical report for the year 1945 Lewis flight propulsion laboratory AR&DB silver jubilee seminar Basics of Aerothermodynamics Hirschel.13435 629.. Vehicular engine design Hoag. Au. Jaroslav J. H.14353 629. H. Hand book of industrial fire protection and security Mechanics of vehicles Toborek. Passenger car engines Design. Instructions type dr steam turbine General electric.53 628. Page 79 . Colin. H. Au.222 629. workshop Anil. Au. Ed. Automobile suspensions Campbell. Donald. Wind tunnel techniques Instrumentation studies for plasma jet and hypersonic wind Hill.224 629.2 629. C.53 628.13452 629..Class_No_Opac 628. Au.922 629. Leading change : the transportation electronic revolution Proceedings Energy and the automobile Automobile engineering :Vol iii: automobile marketing and Chhikara.13072 629. Au.13452 629. Jornsen Car suspension and handling Bastow.53 628. Anderew G.243 629. Au. ed.. Au..13072 629. J. P. Ed.53 628. Automotive design Lipson. Stapp car crash conference : proceedings Truck systems design handbook .. Au. Mathematical theory of rocket flight Rosser.1322 629. A. H. ed.24 629.. Co.53 628.185 629.244 Air pollution-threat and response Lynn. Design and performance of gas turbine power plants Hawthorne. ed.1322 629. Principles of high speed flight Conway. Au.13 629. Ed.134352 629.. Ralph D.. Au.1323 629.A. Au.2 629. Au.23 629. Au...I. J...13431 629... Advances in automobile engineering : proceedings Carter. W. Alfred S. pt-41 Automotive design LIpson. Kevin L. Lawrence. design Alten and nondestructive F.13334 629. Aircraft powerplants Bent. M. Olson.A. production and testing of aluminum alloy pistons for automotive engines Automotive transmissions and power trains Crouse. Automotive Design Automotive chassis Hendt.2 629. R.222 629. Au. Stanley.. Systems approach to air pollution control Bibbero. Robert J. Au. C. Au. F.13 629.. evaluation Elements of aerofoil and airscrew theory Glauert.. ed. .2 629. William H. David A.. ed. National conference on advances in aerospace manufacturing : proceedings Principles of aeronautical radio engineering Sandretto.14353 629. O.1092 629. Paul E. P.. Ernst. W.53 628.13 629. ed.2 629. Jet Propulsion engines Lancaster. R.13442 629. William tunnel W.techniques Au. Steam tables 1964 Bain. Laurence.2 629.046 629.1341 629.10212 629. High speed problems of aircraft and experimental methods Donovan. Industrial air pollution monitoring Clarke. E.243 629. Automotive chassis: engineering principles Reimpell.165 629. R. ed.24 629.. Jeremy. 1985 SAE handbook index Control and diagnostics in automotive applications : proceedings Automotive laboratory Book of the car Jacobson. C... Au.2502 629.. Joseph Automotive mechanics Course. Chevrtolet truck parts catalog Engin bearing service manual Parts supplement Chrysler maintenance manual v-8 cylinder Solution to math problems from industry Tempest shop manual Dodge truck shop manual Ford galaxie shop manual Chrysler and imperial service manual models Owner's manual chevrolet trucks Fordomatic ford car.277 629.244 629.25 629. Design of automotive engines Kolchin. Ed.287 629.25 629.Class_No_Opac 629.2874 Automatic transmissions Larew.2528 629.2874 629. .2874 629.254 629.25 629. and Ed. William H. Au. Chart.2874 629.287 629..256 629. Au.truck Ford truck shop manual supplement Plymouth service manual Truck Maintenance Ford truck shop manual Thunderbird shop manual Ford truck shop manual Page 80 . Air conditioning shop manual Ford car select aire conditioner shop manual Farm Tractors Gelman. Au.27 629. Locomotive inspection.. William H.2482 629.28 629.2441 629..2441 629.2528 629. Fuel systems and emission controls Chek.2874 629.253 629.2870519 629.25 629.2874 629.2441 629. Au. Thomas.25 629..287 629.28 629. maintenance and lubrication guide Automotive cooling systems: oreration and service Birch. Automove mechanics Crouse. James. Diesel exhaust emission control Diesel particulate emissions : landmark research 1994-2001 Johnson. Au.2874 629. Ronald K.2549 629. V. development issues Automotive electroncs handbook Jurgen. A. Clifford M.277 629. Au..28 629.2482 629. Automotive electronics and computer systems Brady.2874 629. Tata diesel vehicles Service manual cars and trucks Automotive service technology Tempest... Fuel systems and emission controls Chek-Chart. Mechanics of pneumatic tires Clark. : key Fuquan research (Frank).2874 629. Automotive sensory systems Nwagboso. Tire pavement interface Tyre models for vehicle dynamic analysis Bohm. Walter B.28 629.2482 629. Robert N.2549 629. Au. B.. Chistopher O..2874 629. F.2874 629.25 629. Samuel K.253 629. Au. Au.25 629. 1985 SAE handbook 1989 SAEhandbook 1985 SAE handbook SAE handbook 1982 1982 SAE handbook :part 2 1965 SAE handbook Maintenance manual for 6-cylinder Electric vehicle technology explained Larminie. Chrysler maintenance manual supplement Homogeneous charge compression ignition (hcci) engines Zhao.2874 629.287 629. Ed. Au..25 629.. John H. Automotive mechanics : principles and practices Heitner.28 629. Au.. ed.255 629.. Ford transmatic drive shop manual Automobile driver's manual Kalissky.253 629. Au. ed.283 629. 2878 629.. Francis.D. Advanced techniques in wordperfect Nelson. IBM PC at user's reference manual Held.2878 629.2878 629. Au.2878 629. cyberneticws Ed. Andrew Proceedings ofthe second national conference on the peaceful uses of space Soviet automatic control Video for multimedia PCs Botto..2878 629.2878 629.2878 629. Soviet automatic control : essential serials in electronics Zhuk.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629. Wordperfect tips and tricks Neibauer. James. Au.5 652. Alan.2878 629. Page 81 .2878 629.2878 629. Mastring wordperfect 5 Kelly. Au. Au.2878 629. Alan R.5 652.2878 629.028553 650.8 629. David J. QIP advanced short term in-service course in cntrol systems Automatic control for commercial air conditioning Climbing and walking robots: from biology to inddustrial Dillmann.2878 629.028 650. Au. Au.2878 629.8 629.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629.892 650.442 629. Wordstar instant reference Clark.2878 629. Au. and K.2878 629.8 629. Mastring word perfect 6 for DOS Simpson. Greg.Class_No_Opac 629..2878 629.2878 629.028553 650. Kay Yarborough.2878 629.5 Dodge passenger car shop manual Buick chassis service manual Chrysler and imperial service manual supplement models Pontiac tempest chassis shop manual Valiant service manual Corvair parts catalog Ford car shop manual Pontiac hydra-matic manual Pontiac tempest shop manual Plymouth valiant service manual Technical service manual Falcon shop manual Chevy II shop manual supplement Buick special chassis service manual Corvair-chevy II parts catalog Ford special servece tools catalog De soto passenger car service manual De soto passenger car service manual supplement model rs-1 Chrysler service manual Tempest chassis shop manual Ford econoline and falcon club wagon : shop manual supplement Plymouth service manual supplement Corvair parts catalog De soto passenger car service manual Buick special chassis service manual Dodge passenger car shop manual Chevy II shop manual supplement Ower's manual chevrolet passenger cars De soto service manual Chrysler shop manual Pontic chassis shop manual supplement Suspension shop manual Plymouth service manual Service manual supplement : model M1 and M2 Technical service manual Chrysler service manual models Ford transmatic drive Fuel cell systems explained Larminie. Gilbert.353 629.2878 629. Au.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629.2878 629. Karsten Wordperfect instant reference Harvey. applications Rudiger.02855369 652.2878 629.8 629. Susan Baake. Dicks.2878 629.2878 629.8 629. Berns. Au.. Au..1 658.. Management of an enterprise Balderston.. Au.1 658. Industrial administration Basu. Project management with CPM. Au. P. Canby. Page 82 . Engineering economy De Garmo.0 simplified Bolocan. L. Au.. Udai.. Principles of industrial management Alford. Au. Management by objectives . Au. Business letters Smart.1 658. Au. Au. Principles of industrial organization Kimball.1 658. C. Cases for administrative action Newman. Cases in industrial management Seimer. Stanley J. Dexter S.. 110 tested plans that increased factory profits Dutton. H.1 658.115 658. Au. Lawrence L. ed.049 658... C. Au.15 658. Readings in industrial organization and public policy Heflebower. Au.15 Microsoft word 4. Dynamic management : research and development Srinivasan.054 658. S. Stephen J. Au. Principles of inventory and materials management Tersine. Au.. Effective industrial management Lundy. Au. Project economy Roscoe. Control charts in factory management Rich. Au. Industrial organization and management Bethel. J.. PERT and precedence Moder.. David. James L. Principles of business management & engineering economics Gole. P. Factory management Lockyer. Lawrence S. ed.049 658. applications and reserch Carroll. Engineering and organization Laitala. Management for engineers Semler. Canby. E. Essentials of industrial management Bethel. Engineering economics Chand. Wiliam H. Organization for production Roscoe. Textbook of industrial engineering and management systems Dalela. Occupational rating plan Landes. ed... Teacher's manual for management of an enterprise Balderston. M. Suresh. Richard J. Au.5 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658. Great exhibit graphics PBC@FEd. Industrial organization and management Davis. Ralph Currier. Au. Stanley.1 658.1 658. Au. Lawrence L. a systems approach Vrat.. Au... S.H. Au. Au.1 658...1 658. Au.1 658. Introduction to business data processing Orilia. Prem. K.1 658... R. L.N. Tara.Class_No_Opac 652. Au. Beyond management Pareek. Management of an enterprise Balderston.. Au.Dr. Industrial management Lansburgh. Karunes.1 658. Elements of industrial engineering Shepard.. diagramming Joseph J. William H.. Industrial administration Vance. Hugo. Paul. Walter Kay. Seymour. Administrative action Newman. Richard B. Au. Ed. William R. Dynamic factors in industrial productivity Melman. William B. K.115 658. G. Au. Essentials of industrial management Bethel. Au. George Hugh. Ed.. Au. Factory organization and administration Diemer.. Dalton E. Au. Thomas M.1 658. Globalisation. Richard H. G. Fundamentals of financial management Chandra. Lawrence L.0285 658. Au. Au.. flexibility and competitiveness : proceedings Sushil. Andrew. Au. Charles A. Data processing management Parkin. Au. Au. Au. Au. Au. Productivity management .115 658.. Au.. Au. Organization and management in industry and business Cornell. Management principles and practices McFarland. Simple study of managerial economics Vasudevan. Survey of research in management Dayal. Au.115 658. Canby.1 658. Au. Momaya. C. Au. Accounting Hill. Prasanna. Au. E. Au. Edwin Scott... Ishwar. Principles of industrial engineering Gilpin. ed. Industrial management Spriegel. K. William B. Everett.. Edwin Scott. Au. Complete handbook of maintenance management Heintzelman... Human factors in organizational design and management Brown.155 658.. Bramley.155 658. Sudhakar M. M. H. William B. Management science Thierauf. Au. Elements of supervision Spriegel.1552 658. Hancock. Small plant management Hempel. T..155 658... Au.15 658. Au..S. Heinrich. E. Theory and problems of financial management Khan.155 658.G. T. Management of maintenance Handbook of industrial energy analysis Boustead. Au. Hendrik.33 658. Capital economics growth and devlopment Singh.4 658. Au. Au. Practical die design and die making Marshall.155 658. John E. A. G... L. William.33 658.15 658.33 658. Programmed text in microeconomics Primack. Engineering economy DeGarmo. Profitability through plant management National growth through excellence in plant management Maintenance engineering handbook Higgins. Press tools and presswork Waller. L.4 658. Factory organization and management Burnham. Forrest D. Wage incentive methods Lytle. George A.155 658.15 658. Au.4 Simple study of management accounting Vasudevan. P. Microeconomics Seth. H.1552 658. Page 83 . Joseph. Lindley R. Wage and salary fundamentals and procedures Michael. Au. K.155 658.155 658.. H.202 658. Au. MY. Damodar. Elements of industrial organization Burnham.202 658.. Au. Richard C. Au. Procuctivity management : a practical handbook Prokopenko.. Introduction to financial management Mukhi. Jain. Paul.155 658. M.3 658. G.152 658. Supplementary cases and problems in management accounting Dearden. S. L. dies and gages Dowd. Techniques of pressworking sheet metal Eary..202 658. Au. Au. Au. Au. Au. Industrial safety handbook Handley.33 658. Esther H. Advanced manufacturing Macbeth. Microeconomics Seth.155 658. proceedings ed. F. M.33 658. M. Au. Au. ed.155 658. Au... Theory of econometrics Koutsoyiannis. B... Business mathematics Highland. Courtland A. Jerry. John. R.33 658. Au... Martin L. -2 : O. C.4 658.. Albert A. Au.2 658. Au. H. Au.32 658. Basic econometrics Gujarati.3142 658. Value engineering case study .. Au. K. Principles of economics Sundharam.Class_No_Opac 658..33 658.314 658.. Eugene L.202 658.. Au. Principles of engineering economy Grant. Management planning and control systems advanced concepts Dermer.152 658.. Mechanical presses Makelt. M. William Engineering maintenance :a modern approach Dhillon.3142 658. M. Au. Tool engineering punches. William R. Donald F. ed. Michael J. Cost control handbook Wilson... H. Applied cost engineering Clark. Au. Engineering Economy Thuesen.155 658.. Au. Douglas K. Edward H. Au.3142 658. D. Rajwant.. Managerial and engineering economy Taylor.202 658.. Pressworking of metals Hinman. P. Lionel B.. Y. ed. H.. Au. Progressive dies design and manufacture Dallas.155 658. Robert J. Ed. Charles Walter.155 658. Theory and problems of financial management Khan. Personnel Management Jucius. K. and cases Au.155 658. Engineering economic and cost analysis Collier.202 658. W. I. W. R. William J. Au.1552 658.26 658. Au. Au. Time series and systems analysis with applications Pandit. Economics of development and planning Jhingan. Au. Industrial safety handbook Handley.155 658. Au. John A. Daniel B.. Economic theory and operations analysis Baumol..2 658.15 658. Ledbetter..2 658.LPD-1 Johnson.. E.. Au. 4032 658. K. Salah E. Nyles V. Au. Richard B. Operations reseach Swarup. Total quality Omachonu.4034 658. and information Siemens.4033 658. Garth W. Production and operations management Muhlemann. First international conference in operations and quantitative management Intelligent optimisation techniques Karaboga. J. Eimaghraby.4 658.. David B. Harvey desions M. P. S. JoelE. Lieberman. Gill. Au. Au. Elmaghraby. Salah E. Fundamentals of operations research Ackoff. Carl.403 658. Au. F.4034 658. Operation research Lancaster. Au. Deshmukh.. Wilde.4012 658. L. Frederick S.. Mathematical programming Reinfeld. Au. and Blank.G.. ed.. Au. Principles of operations research with applications to managerial Wagner. George K. Au..4034 658..Class_No_Opac 658..4034 658.4034 658.4034 658. programming A..4034 658. Statiscal procedures for engineering. Au.L. Ross. Advanced operations management Mohanty..4034 658. Optimization . Principles of operations research with applications to management Wagner.4034 658. Au.. Principles of operations research with applications to managerial Wagner. The power of six sigma Chowdhury.T.4032 658. Matrix management systems handbook Cleland. Robert E. Ed. science Leland. Harvey decisions M. and other Jerome networks D. e Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms Deb. S. J. R. M. Au. F. Managerial economics Varshey. S. Herbert L. C. Joseph J. D. Mathematical methods in management Gregory. ed.. Ferrell.4034 658. Lawrence.. Au. R.4034 658. Au.G. Management guide to PERT/CPM: with gert/pdm/dcpm Weist. Operations research Hillier.4034 658. Introduction toindustrial and systemsengineering Turner. Critical path precedence networks Bennett. Kanti.401 658. ed.. Au.4034 658. Operations planning & control Colley.4034 658.. Systems modelling and control Schwarzenbach. Systems analysis and design for safety Brown. Au.4032 658.. Handbook of operations research :models and applications Moder.. Quantitative approaches to management Levin. D..... ed. William G. Au. Managerial analysis Schellenberger.. Au.4034 658. C. Au.. Au. Arthur C.4034 658.4034 658..4034 658. Kalyanmoy Optimizaion: theory and practice Beveridge. Ray. operating . Recent trends in operations management Handbook of operations research foundations and fundamentals Moder.4034 658.. Management information systems Chacko..4034 658. F.4013 658. Subir TQM-based project planning Kimbler.4034 658.401 658. Pham.. Joseph J. David I. Management scinece in organizations Lyon. Production and operations management: a life cycle approach Chase. Management models and industrial applications of linear Charnes..4034 658. Geoffrey Advanced operations management Mohanty. ed. R. Systems analysis for production operations Pegels. Ed.4034 658. Concepts for operations management Wild. Au. John L... Gordon S. Operations management Laufer.. D. S.4034 658. Au.4034 658. Au..4032 658. Cost and optimization engineering Jelen. Au. D. Au. Network analysis for planning and scheduling Battersby. Au. Rijchaert. Wayne C. Handbook of systems analysis Bingham John E. Operations research planning.. Richard I. Au. Au. theory and applications Rao. Lieberman.403 658.4032 658. Au. David W. Au.4034 658..4013 658... management. M. ed. Au.. Introduction to operations research Gillett. Harvey decisions M.4034 658. Billye E. Russell L.4 658.4032 658.4034 658.. Maurice.403 658. J. Operation research : methods and problems Sasieni.4034 658. D. Gerald Optimization and design Avriel. Alan.. Short term summer course on recent trends in operations management Operations research Sharma..4034 658. Vincent K. Gerald J.. Page 84 .P. systems Nicolai. Operations research Hillier.4034 Executive decisions and operations research Miller. Frederick S.4034 658. Albert.4034 658.4032 658. Carol.P.. Davies. ed.4032 658. Au.4038 658. Y. l. Claude S. Management accounting text and cases Anthony.5 658. Bela G. Bernard.4034 658. Hkalid.4063 658. Au. Performance analysis of manufacturing systems Altiok.407124 658. ed.5 658.5 658. Essentials of management science/operations research Buffa... Information processing management Szweda. Franklin G.quality. Au. Production/ operations management Moore. J. Handbook of solid modeling Lacourse. Sucessful reengineering Petrozzo.. Au. Sheikh. Re-engineering for sustainable industrial production : proceedings Camarinha-Matos.4035 658. organization H.5 658. Elwood S.4063 658. Au. Henry C. West. Norman N... Operations research : methods and problems Sasieni. Ed. Manufacturing organization and management Amrine. Hayden. Operations management Dervitsiotis.. Economic analysis Barish.4034 658..4035 658.4034 658.4034 658. Bruno A.5 658. Au.. Programme state of art lectures : proceedings Optimization of industrial unit processes Liptak.challenges Production and operations management : an applied modern Martinich.4035 658. D. Elwood S. Luis M. and industrial Michael applications J. toFerrara... Maurice. Au. Ralph A. Au. Statistical methods for decision making Chance.. Charles Water. Elwood S. Au.4038 658.5 658. Peihua Operations management selected readings Groff.404 658.5 658.4034 658. Vrat. Raymond R.5 658..4040285 658. and CRM Au. manufacturing Frank Information. Au.5 658. B. Surface mount technology for concurrent engineering and Classon.5 658. Au. strategy Shaw. Au.. approach Joseph S.4038 658. SCM. Management in industry George. Jon Manufacturing management and engineering handbook Moski. Daniel P.5 658..5 658. Management accounting Khan. meet relentlesscustomer Lynette. and Norio.E. Modern production management Buffa. E.. ed. Au.5 658. S.5 658. Morgan.. Handbook of industrial engineering and management Ireson. ed.5 658. Manufacturing management Moore. Au. Information systems concepts for management Lucas. Organization of logistic support systems : proceedingsBureau. Foundations of optimization Wilde. Introduction to decision theory Jones.5 658.4035 658. Fulvio. Modern management Walters.5 658. Project management in manufacturing and high technology Badiru..5 658.. Au. future Ed. ed. Concurrent engineering: automation. Au. Harold T. M.5 658. Douglass J.Class_No_Opac 658. Page 85 . ed.5 658. Au. Computerized project control Drigani. Donald Managing concurrent engineering : buying time to market Turino. Tayfur Production management Mayer. Franci deman Concurrent engineering and design for manufacture ofShina... and prospects Arun. ed. Product management : value. electronics Sammy products G. Au. C. Au.based manufacturing technology. Au. Robert N. Lippitt..5 658. Au.5 658. William A. Advances in production management systems perspectives Okino.5 658.4034 658..5 658. Eugene L. technology Charles. Andrew Concurrent engineering : methodology and applicationGu. Gene K. Au. William Grant. Benwet.4034 658. Au. Job evaluation methods Lytle. J.profit and Cook. Au. Au. and techniques Kusiak.. Au. Franklin G. Production management Goel.price.4035 658.42 658. K.404 658..cost. tools.. Henry C. Operations management for global economy challenges Kanda. A guide to the project management body of [email protected] 658. Prem.5 658. Au. ed. ed.. J. Manfacturing management Moore.5 658. operations Adedji Bodunde.5 658. R.. Franklin G. Grant. Kostas N.. Gordon L.5 Introduction to operations research Churchman. Concurrent engineering fundamentals:integrated product Prasad. Management development and training handbook Taylor. Manufacturing resource planning with introduction to ERP... and process Biren organization Recent trends in production managment Gaindhar.5 658. Information systems concept for management Lucas. Au.. Models for production and operations management Buffa.. E. The Networked supply chain: applying breakthrough BPM Poirier. 514 658. Breakthrough thinking in total management Hoffherr. Robert Goodell. Donald P.. Production planning and control handbook Wilson.5011 658..... Computational intelligence in manufacturing handbookWang.542 658. Quality control handbook Juran.. Au.. E. J. Joachim. Modelling production management systems : proceedings Falster. Wortmann.57 658. Au. Frank M. A. Amos.61 658. Au. Herbert M.5 658.. Mark Product development and design for manufacturing Priest.. handbook Perry. W. Material requirements of manufacturing Smolik. B.72 658.. M. Integrated models in production planing. Impact : effects of fast transient loadings : proceedings Ammann.. Leonard A.28 660. Chemical engineering data book Roos. Plant Maintenance and safety engg. W. Product design for modularity Kamrani. proceedings Andrew E. Mittal. Harinder S. Alex H. Au..51 658. Materials management systems Brown. Lubliner. D. Thomson M. production R. Clyde & product M. ed. K... and work design Niebel. Mohamed Engineering design and manufacturing management : Samurel.72 658. Industrial organisation estimation & project planning Singh. Au. Kumar.. Engineering methods for robust product design: using Fowlkes.. ed.575 658. Myrup. Seder. Theory of inventory management Whitin. Himmelblau. Marray J. Au. John W.Class_No_Opac 658. Total materials management Magad.. J. Salhieh. W. K. Munnecke. and M.562 658. E.72 658.5011 658. F.51 658.7885 658. Sa'ed M. Au..7 658. ed. Andrew Design for assembly Andreasen.2812 Lecture notes on recent trends in production management Gaindhar. Collaborative systems for production management Jagdev.5 658... Quality control handbook Juran. Robert H.. M. Eugene L. R. Juran's quality control handbook Juran. develop Product development and production engineering Foulard. V.51 658.. M. ed. maintenance A.5752 658. in technology Creveling.. Marketers guide to successful package design Meyers. Myrup. Studer. Mecham.8 658. Lightfoot. Manufacturing systems analysis with application to production Baudin. Jose M. baseWilliam standaardization F. J.. C. ed. C. W. J. Methods. scheduling Michel. J Simple study of modern marketing management Vasudevan.7 658. ed. Wing.823 658575 660 660 660 660 660. J. Au. Donald W. C. S. Selected topics in transport phenomena Bird.. Kamliu. ed. Peter. Kusiak. Supply chain management and reverse logistics Reese.. K.514 658.5692 658. D.. Frank M. inventory quality.53 658. K.787 658. Gryna. C. M. M. Gryna. Jun. D. W. salt R. B New Approach to construction management through building Laing. Jr. Group technology Arn. Frank C.575 658. Au. Improving productivity by classification. R. Au. S..51 658.. Au. ed. Ideas that can help you All india seminar on producitivity maximisation in industries All india seminar on industrial engineering techniques in Dave.8 658.5 658. S.202 660..202 660.. Francis J. M. Optimization of chemical processes Edgar. Johan C.5752 658. Au..5 658. Au.. taguchi methods William Y. L. Vogel. Stewart. J. Claude Design performance Duffy. Au.514 658. Gabor. Inyong. R. O'Donnell. C. Au. M. Jain. Purchasing and supply management Dobler.5 658.. Knut.. Process vessel design for frozen-wall containment of fused Kessie. Rahim.. T. standards. C.562 658.514 658. Chemical engineering division summary report All india engineering students congress-86 Chemical engineering division summary report Chemical engineers. Page 86 . coding and data Hyde. Group technology production methods in manufacture Gallagher.. management Kamal. ed.575 658. N.B.. Selot. Production management systems : proceedings Hubner.. Au.. Group technology :applications to production management Ham.503 658. John M. H. Flexible assembly systems Andresen. Au. Au.5 658. J. Ben-Daya. E. Heinz..28 660.28 660. Au. and time standards Design management : a hanbook of issues and methods Oakley.. Au. Ali K. Benjamin W. Sanchez..7 658. Chemical engineering division summary report Lawroski.562 658. Au.. ed. K. Production innovation management Holt. S. measurement M.. Glen D. T. ed. Purchasing and inventory control Menon. 03 661. oxidation of melt-refining Jhonson.6 662. skulls R. R.a M.. L.4022 660. G... Rauh..0731 661. Johan drive unit E. C. J. H. E.45 Mass transfer of single. Steindler. L. Irving. C. Au. J.6 662. ed. ed. Au. W. edward N. K. Epoxide resins Potter. ed. Rosato.4 668. Gisbert Nylon plastic technology Plastics films Briston. Solubility of metals in liquid zinc Johnson..5384 666.3 668. L... D. R. Effect of particle size on the properties of gas fluidized Sutherland... G.. Preliminary report on conversion of uranium hexafluoride Knudsen.0731 661.using Barghusen. Just. Burris...S..89 661. Fundamental of momentum.442 668. Dominick V. Gas Engineers handbook Fuel management and inventory in the ebr-IIfuel cycle Dillon. K. W.and E. Kessie. M. Jonke. fluid-bed J. B.4 668. E.7031 661. L. R..29453 660. Heat transfer engineering Schenck. Au. E.03 661. for the ebr-II fuel cycle facility All india seminar on cold storages UK oil shales past and possible future exploitation Diesele from the woodshed Cummins.2964 660. John D. Steunenberg. volatility processes L.0731 661.3 668. Advanced in pressure sensitive adhesive technology-1Satas. William H. A. cadmium Dean in laminar and turbulent flow Heat and mass transfer to a gas-fluidized bed of solid particles Ziegler. E. C. Weiss. Nylon plastics technology Coloring of plastics Webber. Au. John J. Fischer.804 661... Engineering development of fluid-bed fluoride volatility Ramaswami.. Robert C. Levitz. Au. one-step Lawroski.Class_No_Opac 660.. volatility A.4 665.. J. Hilbert.. Design of a remotely removable and replaceable crane-bridge Graae.28427 660.. Techn.. Irving. Plastic films Briston. James R.6 662..2964 660. J. Laboratory investigations in support of fluid bed fluoride Trevorrow. Louis C. Gunther. G. Ebr-2 skull reclamation process part II. fluid-bed S. heat and mass transfer Welty.4 668.6 664. Iqbal Plastics materials Brydson. beds K.412 668. J. Frilette. processes A.03 661. Handbook of adhesives Skeist. irradiated V. G. R. E.drying Carls. Norman M. Optimization of efficiency of a cesium diode converter Sanathanan. John Injection molding handbook Rosato.. and fluorin R. moltenE.4 668. J. Ira G. M. their use as blending components of petrol Fracture behaviour of polymers Kinloch. Surface tretments for improved performance and properties Burke.0673 661.. Yuriy I. A. A. Alb Ministry of defence defence standard Methane derived alcohols .0431 661.0431 661. A. Lyle Advenced casting technology : proceedings Easwaran. Volker. J. Thermodynamic study of the urania-uranium systems Ackermann..A. J. to uranium I.dioxide Levitz. Vogel. Viscoelastic properties of polymers Ferry. Donatas. solid uranium sphers to flowing Traylor. R. pro Small-scale demonstration of the melt refining of highly Trice. uranium-fissium Steunenberg. Dillon. Thomas G. Distillation of uranium hexafluorid and bromine pentafluoride Ivins. alloys K. Burris. Donald V. Ivins.2982 660. H. R. ed. ed. Richard O. Mechanism and kinetics of the reaction between nickel Jarry.. Levitz. N. G.. Durability of structural adhesives Kinloch.. Radiation problems associated with the handling of the Steindler. Gunderson.0731 661. Richard in a 0. ed.. L. Proskauer. volatility processes Martin J. Jonke. Preparation of metals by magnesium-zinc reduction Knighton.4022 661. processes Irving E. Au.82 661.. ed. I.4 668.4 668. Theory and practice of swirl atomizers Khavkin.4 668..4 668. W. A.. Levenson.0431 661.0731 661. Jonke.J. Page 87 . J. Laboratory investigation in support of fluid bed fluoride Steindler. in N. Engineering development of fluid-bed fluoride volatility Knudsen...3 668. M. Studies of metal-water reaction at high tempratures Liimatainen.0731 661. G.28423 660..294515 660.. N. Pierce. Dictionary of plastics technology Kaliske. C.02852 665. Studies of metal-water reactions at high tempratures Baker. Gunther. SC. John Plastic in our lives : a vatavaran report Malik.. packed column Process for the recovery of uranium from nuclear fuel elements Levitz.374 668. V. Halide slagging of uranium-plutonium alloys Bennett. processes D. A.89 662. Burris. actinide elements Martin J. Resings rubbers plastics yearbook 1955 Mark. ed. A.. S.0731 661. T.5-inch-diameter O. Engineeering development of fluid-bed fluoride volatility Chilenskas.0385 661.. Nuclear criticality control in the ebr-2fuel cycle facility Hesson. Burris.0431 661. techn A. Louis. Chatterjea. John J. Howard E. Preparation of alloy for first core loading of ebr-II Hampson. ed. Malcolm S.. J. M. Ed. Robert H. Metals handbook Lyman. Peter A... P. R.016 669.. Metals handbook Davis. Ramachandran.. ed. Marc A. Forging handbook Naujoks. R. M. Madhekar. S. Applied metallurgy for engineers Burton. W. Au. Heat treatment 1979 : proceedings Metallurgist's manual Bamford. T. 1985 SAE handbook Steel and its heat treatment Thelning. Tait. Harold Thermomechanical processing of high-strength low-alloy Tamura. Making.0321 669. Handbookof stainless steels Peckner. Pierce. T. and data Charles S..016 669. plastics Yearbook 1955 Mark. R. N.. ed. Metals handbook Boyer. B. R. V. D. 669. Au. Taylor.. Metallic materials specification handbook Ross. Bacterial leaching of metals from ores Karaivko.. aspects S.. H. L. Elements of metallurgy Swarup. ed.012 669.. Mehrabian. Progressin metallurgical research : fundamental and applied Mehrotra. Industrial failure of engineering metals & alloys Nijhawan.. Thermoelectric power of metals Blatt.016 669. R. J... steels Imao.. : proceedings ed. Ed. T. Physical chemistry of process metallurgy : the richardson Jeffes. Engineering metallurgy Mondolfo. principles. W.Class_No_Opac 668. C. ed. History of metals Aitchison..00212 669. Metals handbook Boyer.36 Resins .. ed. R. Robert. ASME handbook engineering tables Huckert.. Teats. Ed. Kiepur Interpretation of metallographic structures Rostoker. Matelsengineering-processes Heat treatment of engineering components : proceedings Elements of phyical metallurgy Guy.0284 669. Hiroshi. Metals handbook Abel. E. Shock waves and high-strain . Donald.016 669. Carl L Encyclopaedia of metallurgy and materials Tottle. Bruce. Au. Taylor.. Powder metallurgy Leszynski. Au. Karl-Erik. B.. Page 88 . Tanaka.. F. Lawrence E. Merle C. Engineering physical metallurgy Heyer. S.142 669. Au. rubbers . D.. C. and metallography : proceedings Northwood. M. Au. G.. Waldemar. Lois A. Ed. G. E Howard. Engineering metallurgy Lips. conference J. Mechanical metallurgy Dieter.. Au. G. B. E. Harris. Donald M.. Barrett. S. P. Robert B. Handbook of nonferrous metallurgy principles and processes Liddell. Elementry metallurgy Frier. R. Wendy L. Weis Elements of metallurgy Swarup. ed.. ed. LIquid metals 1976 Evans. Foiles..45 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 669.1 669. Ed. ed. Frilette.25 669. Donald C. Schroeder. Sekine.. Au. Metals handbook Lyman... Industrial steel reference book Bagchi.. H. Frank J. Metallurgy and plastics for engineers Nutt. Francis. Corrosion microstructure. Jesse. Au. Tomo Advance in letal processing Burke. K.. Defects and failures of metals their origin and elimination Polushkin. Ed. B.rate phenomena in metals Meyers.A. E. E. Murr. Au..016 669. Proskauer. Leslie. I. Albert G..1 669.. ed..142 669.0284 669. Physical metallurgy Chalmers. Au. White.. shaping and treating of steel Camp.016 669.0072 669. Werner. R.. M. ed.. H.0283 669.016 669. Forging design handbook Sheridan. ed.016 669. t. Biblioraphy of order dis-order transformation Bullock. Au. Induction probe for measuring liquid levels in liquid metals Johnson.016 669. ed. Au. Au. Jackson. Au. F. Ed. I.. Structure of metals crystallographic methods. William. A... R.016 669. Austenitic grain-size conrol of steel Nijhawan.. George E. Au. William E. ed. Bernstein. Derek O. Joseph. D. J.. 669. carbon block 1990 Anuual book of ASTM standards : matals test methods and analytical procedures 1982 Anuual book of ASTM standards :part 4. nondestructive testing Annual book of astm standards 2002: Metals test methods and analytical procedures 1982 Annual book of astm standards :Rubber..95 669. bu 1966 Book or ASTM standards with related material : part 4 Annual book of astm standards 2002 1982 Annual book of astm standards:Plastics.94 669.. R. Chatterjea.91 669..liquids. High temprature materials Hehemann.. Au. P. W.91 669. J P.91 669. D. L. L.91 669. J.91 669..91 669. Annual book of ASTM standards Shupak. Effect of second -phase particles on the mechanical properties of steel : proceedings Handbook of aluminum Totten. nomenclatute Conrnillot. Creep strength in steel and high-temperature alloys : proceedings Practical reference guide to welding aluminum in commercial Armao. Fundamentals of metal casting Flinn. Au.91 669.25 Steel and its heat treatment Bullens. R. Solidification General metallography Jerabek. E.91 669.91 669.George. diagrams Kent.94 669.... lead.95 669. Albert G. P Robert.. pressure vessel.96722 669.91 669.George. railway: fast 1982 Anuual book of ASTM standards : section3.91 669. Arthur C. Physical metallurgy Haasen. ed. Mackenzie.91 669. cellular L. R. 1982 Annual book of astm standards: Thermal insulation.91 669. W. ed.. rinforced P. Page 89 .. Physical metallurgy principles Reed-Hill.91 669. R. and Cornillot. Green.91 669. Peter.gases. Dickson. E. Lukens.95142 669. Au. C. A. Aluminum : properties and physical metallurgy and phase Horn.nickel.91 669.Scott Aluminum : properties and physical metallurgy Hatch. H.9 669. R.91 669. K.J.Class_No_Opac 669.96732 67.structural.7322 669.applications Frank G. H. building seals and sealants.96722 669.Materials.General Lukens. Au.91 669. Mervin.. fire standards. Strength of metals and alloys Gifkins. Henry S.91 669. alloys. K.91 669. D.94 669.36 669. film. plastics.. Joan 1982 Annual book of astm standards : paint. Bailon. Richard A.91 669. ed. Annual book of astm standards 2002 1965 Book of ASTM standards with related material : Part 16 1967 Book of ASTM standards with related materials : part31 1982 Annual book of astm standards:Plastics. Plastic deformation of metals Honeycombe. Proceedings Mc Queen.. D. substance William M.96142 669..91 669. Ault. B. test methods. ed.Scott Handbook of aluminum Totten.91 669. Ed.test method Annual book of astm standards 2002 1982 Annual book of astm standards Lukens.91 669. Joan high modul 1958 Book of ASTM standards with related material : part 2 1946 Book of ASTM methods of chemical analysis of metals Annual book of astm standards 2002 1956 Supplement to book of ASTM standards including tentatives : part3 1959 Supplement to book of ASTM standards including tentatives : part2 1982 Annual book of astm standards:Light metals and alloys (including electricalconductors) 1982 Annual book of astm standards:Electrical insulation-specifications:solids.. O.91 669.91 669. Au. Au. ed. John E.. Titanium with speciel refernce to the analysis of titaniferous Thornton.9 669..9 669.96 669.9 669. B.. ed. precious metals. ed. Physical metallurgy of titanium alloys Collings.. Robert. E.722 669. Au. CAr Microstructure and design of alloys : proceedings Yield point phenomena in metals and alloys Hall. Robert E. natural and synthetic-general test methods.95028 669. Strength of metals and alloys . Au.. Mackenzie. Rapid solidificastion technology soyrce book Ashbrook.. Van. Elements of physical metallurgy Guy. and tin. F.7 669. Forsyth.steel.metals test methods and analytical procedures 1966 Book of ASTM standards with related material : part 2 1982 Annual book of astm standards : nonferrous metals . Non-ferrous metal industry in india Nijhawan. Ed. Ed. R. ed.95722 669.91 669. G. ed.Joel. E.9 669.96722 669.91 669.reinforcing.Robert 1960 Supplement to book of ASTM standards including tentatives : part2 1982 Annual book of astm standards:Metallography.tests for formulated products and applied coatings. . H.H. ed. H.. Au. Just-in-time an executive briefing Mortimer. and Mikell systems P.. Manufacturing analysis Kipers... Au. Human factors in manufacturing : proceedings Bullinger. Au.. Norrie. Au. CIRP Manufacturing processes Amstead. R. steinhilper. R. ed. Flexible manufacturing systems CIRP annals : manufacturing technology CIRP annals : manufacturing technology CIRP annals CIRP annals Fundamentals of modern manufacturing materials. H. J.. R. Au. Nigel. Manufacturing processes Begeman.. Rapid response manufacturing :contemporary methodologies Dong. O. Sherif D. Myron L. ed.. D.. James F. Design and production process Jain. ed. CIRP : unified terminology Oerlikon machines Principles of manufacturing materials and processes Compbell. Flexible manufacturing systems : proceedings Lindholm. James S. Groover. K. D. Modern manufacturing processes Morris. A. Manufacturing processes Harding. Au. James S. Planing and scheduling of production systems Artiba. Keith R.. processes and systems Kusiak.. Page 90 .. Design for manufacturing and assembly Molloy. J. L. P. B. Flexible manufacturing systems : proceedings Warnecke. V.. John A. Engineering design products.Class_No_Opac 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 Manufacturing technology : proceedings Radhakrishnan. Au. James F. Au. Au. CIRP annals CIRP annals CRIP CIRP CIRP annals Industrial Engineering Mittal. ed.. CIRP annals CIRP annals 1978 Manufacturing technology Principles of manufacturing materials and processes Campbell. H-J... J... CIRP processes and materials of manufacture Lindberg. Au. Andrew. ed. Au. Au.. Myron L. ed. CIRP CIRP CIRP annals Materials and processes Young. Au. Richard F. ed. Roy A... Jian tools John and technologies Flexible manufacturing systems : proceedings Rathmill. B CIRP annals1987 manufacturing technology Production engineering : proceedings Intelligent manufacturing planning Guand. Vijayaraghavan. ed. Engineering for thre control of manufacturing Plossl. Introduction to manufacturing processes Schey.. V. Materials and process Young. C. Manufacturing advantage Slack. Au. Au. Manufacturing and supply systems management Wu. Processes and design for manufacturing Wakil. B. Joe Lawrence. processes. K. Flexible manufacturing systems : proceedings Warnecke. John. Manufacturing processes Begeman. Au... A. Serope Queueing theory in manufacturing systems analysis and Papadoulos. Paul. Productionhandbook White. John A. Industrial and manufacturing systems Leondes. Au. B. Ed. James G.. ed. Qun. Au. Au. Richard T.T. Shao. International seminar on manufacturing technology beyond Vidyasagar. E.. Frank W.. Au. Manufacturing systems theory and practice Chryssolouris.. Peter L. V. Au. ed. R. Au... Philip manufacturing Lubben. Manufacturing engineering transactions : proceedings Product modeling for computer integrated design and manufacture Sriram. D. Agile manufacturing : the 21st century competitive strategy Gunasekaran.. Answers to survey question in engineering manufacturing Schaller. Rajamani. Joseph. Manufacturing systems enginering Hitomi. Handbook of product design for manufactiring Bralla. Paul.. Wang. A. Ming Cellular manufacturing systems : Design. Rapid manufacturing Pham. Manufacturing planning and estimating handbook Willson. Jianzhong. Au. A.. ed. A.. Rao. M. Robert H. Human factors in manufacturing : proceedings Lupton. Ed. Total manufacturing solutions Basu.. Materials and processes in manufacturing Degarmo. Au. Short term course on manufacturing systems Advanced systems for manufacturing : proceedings Manufacturing technology : foundry. Harvey. Manufacturing engineering transactions : proceedings Manufacturing engineering transactions : proceedings Just. Materials and processes in manufacturing Degarmo. Au.. ed.. ed. Katsundo. T. C. P. ed. 2000 M. K.Class_No_Opac 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 Engineering manufacturing methods Schaller. Au. T. Thukaram University of roorkee refresher course 66/67 production Iyer. C. Manufacturing science and technology Dalela. Au... Reza A. H. International conference on manufacturing automationDeng.N. Ed. planning andSingh. control Nanua. Dynamic manufacturing creating the learning organization Hayes. engg. design H. Materials in manufacturing processes Datsko. Ben Manufacturing facilities design and material handling Meyers. Cornelius T. Technology and creativity Dasgupta. Ron. process and enterprise design Wang. Flexible manufacturing systems Maleki... Roger W. forming and welding Rao. Au. Paul.. design XYand manufacturing in global c Integrated product... Design engineering conference Engineering design Dieter. George E. Agile manufacturing : the 21st century competitive strategy Gunasekaran. Au. Fred E.. R. Subrata Intergrated distriubted intelligent systems in manufacturing Cha. Shahrukh A. R. Advanced manufacturing technology: proceedings Blake.. Hand book of cellular manufacturing systems Irani. Page 91 . Short term course on manufacturing systems Singh. D. Au. George. : advanced C. Au. Group technology specialist division elderd. A. methods Gilbert S. Suresh. Divakar Manufacturing engineer's reference book Koshal.. E. ed. Au.. Manufacturing engineering and technology Kalpakjian. Heavey.D. Rao. Manufacturing technology Haslehurst. A. Refresher courses 66/67 production engineering Iyer. Design and operation of fms flexible manufacturing systems Ranky. Gilbert S. Extended summaries of papers presented to the tenth international conference on production research x Production engineering Manufacturing engineering transactions : proceedings Manufacturing engineering transactions : proceedings Production processes : propetivity handbook Bolz. Au. Hoang Practical reliability engineering Oconnor.1 670.11 670. Elias S. Fumihiko. ed. Organization of maintenance Iron and steel. Lamberson. Ed. Rao. Boulger. Manufacturing technology beyond Vidyasagar. Ulrich. John R.. John T.1 670.1 670. Y.C. James D. Improvement of reliability in engineering Tool and manufacturing engineering handbook Dallas.. Joseph W..11 670. T. Au. Materials handling equipment Rudenko. International research in production engineering : proceedings Show. Ed. availability and maintainability Foster. Au.B.285 670. Applied reliability-centered maintenance August.2 670..2 670....0045 670. Kant. B.0045 670. specifitions C. ed. H.R. M. welding and advanced solidification Thomas. Charles.. H. A. Mine Transport Karelin.. Corlett. Tool and manufacturing ebngineers handbook Wick. Plant layout and materials handling Apple. Daniel B. Industrial design and human development : proceedings Vazquez. James M. M. Mechanical handling equipment Parameswaran. S. Advanced in manufacturing : proceedings Production engineering : proceedings Development of production systems : proceedings Gudnason. James M. James M. N. Au. tolerances and engineering measurement Tarasevich. K. M. John A. Co. Richard.. R. Au.. Ricardo Jardim. principles of computer-integrated manufacturing Vajpayee... R. Reliability in engineering design Kapur.. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing Meadows.. Mechanical reliability Moss. Reliabilty of engineering products Wassell. J. Serop. ed. autom asia Engineering production : proceedings Simulation of manufacturing systems Carrie. Computers in manufacturing Rembold.Class_No_Opac 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670..T. British cranes Materials handling systems design Apple. Maintainability principles and practices Blanchard. Cornelius. B. Benedict. Allan. A. Ed.1 670. Au. Page 92 .A. processes Brian -viii G.202 670. Au. Tolerance design : A handbook for developing optimal Creveling.. Practical plant layout Muther. Artificial intelligence and robotics in manufacturing Leondes. ed. Jim Handbook of reloability engineering Pham. Automated manufacturing Hundy. ed. Patrick D.202 670.028542 670. Au. Plant layout and design Moore. Computer-aided tolerancing : proceeding Kimura. W.1 670.V. ed. Alejandr Modeling of casting. Benjamin S. Mathematical definition of dimensioning and tolerancing principles Fits.2 670. Materials handling .11 670..0045 670. James m. Metal asia. Plant layout Shubin. ed. L. E.0045 670.11 670.285 Refresher course 66/67 production engineering Iyer. Au. Tool and manufacturing engineering handbook Drozda.285 670. Advances in concurrent engineering Goncalves.2 670.1 670.2 670. ed.11 670. Plant engineer's reference book Snow.2 670..223 670. C.25 670. M. F. Au. Au.11 670.. N.2 670.2 670. Competetive manufacturing : proceedings Production engineering : proceedings Production engineering : proceedings Production research abroad on conference Manufacturing engineering and technology Kalpakjian.202 670.003 670. Dennis A. Ed... Au. Au. Perdro Ramirez.0045 670..2 670. H. ed. Materials handling Immer.11 670. C. Au. Au. Reliability. Margain. N. T. Au. Material handling systems desgin Apple. Au. traffic and transportation Tyler.. Thomas J.2 670. Au.285 670. Dallery.285 670.. M. Peter R.. Ed. Conserving energy in space conditioning Conda. Interchangeable threded work Computer automation in manufacturing Boucher. S. Cihan H. A. Computer aided analysis and optimization of mechanical Haug.J. Ali K.425 670... Manufacturing systems engineering Hitomi. G. W.28563 670... Leno C. dynamics Simulation in manufacturing : proceedings Heginbotham.42 670. Knoledge-based systems in manufacturing Kusiak. Au.. Q.. Application of operations research to product movement Hertz.425 Computer integrated manufacturing Gay. S.. Mastering auto CAD Omura. I.. Thomas O. Metrology and precision engineering Scarr. Bowden. Mark approach Systems techniques and computational methods Leondes. P. S.. Analysis and modeling of manufacturing systems : gershwin Gershwing... J..285 670.42 670. G. process G.4217 670. (cape Ed.285 670. B. Shop floor control systems from design to implementation Bauer. J. Materials handling Assembly automation : proceedings Guttropf. Cornelius..425 670. Computer graphics and CAD fundamentals Morris. Noel M. Au..42 670.285 670.. J.285 670. Au.285633 670. Stewart C.. Au.. ed.285 670. K.E. H.285 670. dallery Stanley papadopoulos B. J. Ed. Optimization methods for manufacturing Leondes. ed. Au. R. D. Lecture notes in control and information sciences Thoma.4021 670.42 670.285 670.. Brandom.....285 670. A.42 670.42 670. Das. Daniel T.425 670. Page 93 .42 670. Au. engineering Joseph. Advances in manufacturing systems : design.. Galip. Design for X concurrent engineering imperatives Huang.285 670. Anatoli Microcomputer applications in manufacturing Ulsoy. Cooperating expert systems in mechanical design Huang. uncertainty and decision Graham. J...285 670.. Thermodynamic efficiency of chemical processes Seader.. Ed. Au. Au. C.285633 670.42 670. Expert systems knowledge.285 670. Computer-aided analysis of mechanical systems Nikravesh.. A.B. P. principles of engineering manufacturing Black. Revolution in manufacturing : the smed syestem Shingo.285633 670.285633 670. Ly Manufacturing engineering principles for optimization Koenig.. ed.42 670. ed. John A. Au. Artificial neural networks for intelligent manufacturing Dagli. Industrial inspection methods Michelon. Cornelius. Andrew.Class_No_Opac 670. ed. Sferro. Shigeo. Engineering metrology Hume.285 670. Au.28'563 670.42 670. Cornelius.28563 670. Ed... Staking blending reclaiming of bulk materials Wohlbier. Au. Au. Browne. Au. Direct engineering : toward intelligent manufacturing Kamrani. Au. ed. W. Au. Handbook of geometrical tolerancing Hanzold. 18th International conference on computer-aided production GeoughMc. K.M. B. modeling Sodhi. G.42 670. Lecture notes on CAD/CAM Davies. Au.285 670. for producing turbine engine airfoils Simulation in manufacturing : proceedings Micheletti. ed.425 670. systems E..425 670. Manufacturing systems processes Leondes. ed. and analysis R. G. A. Manufacturing technolgoes for machines of the future Dashchenko.. R. Ed. D. G.. R. ed. Operational methods in computer-aided design Leondes. Guo Q. Duggan. Mastering autocad release 12 Omura.285 670. Cornelius. Ed.285 670. Theme : the changing role of industrial engineers : proceedings Joint military-industry packaging and materials handling symposium Getting robots and automation systems to work Mechatronics HMT [email protected] 670. R. Ed.4021 670. 2003) Optimisation of manufacturing processes :a response surface Evans. Expert systems tools and applications Harmon.285 670.285 670.285 670.285633 670. F. Metology laboratory manual Bahl.42 670. Ed. smith Yves Agent-based manufacturing :advances in the holonic approach Deen.. Au. Lecture notes in engineering Brebbia. Computer -aided analysis and design of the shape rolling Lahoti.285 670.425 670. T. ed. D. J. Lewis D. Au. Au. Harvey C. Fundamemtals of quality control and improvement Mitra.425 670. Total quality control engineering and management Feigenbaum. Au.426 670. Amitava. Total quality management Oakland.426 670. Au. Fundamentals of mechanical inspection Jenkins. Fred H. Numerical control and computer aided manufacturing Kundra.426 670. Au..427 670. Quality control . Au. K.425 670.427 670. Peter. Eugene L. Suresh.426 670. Quality control sourse book Hingwe. Rough Surfaces Thomas. Dale H..426 670. theory and applications Hansen. Fundamentals of cim technology Goetsch. Au. Industrial quality control Charbonneau. Quality control in industry :methods and systems Rutherford..426 670. Management of quality and its control Tapiero.. Au. John S. ISO 9000 : a manual for total quality management Daresh.. Statical quality control Grant. Au. Quality manager's complete guide to ISO 9000 Quality control . Continental. Au.426 670. Joe.426 670. Amitava Quality circles .425 670. Total Quality control Feigenbaum. Au. Au. Suresh. Au.426 670. tools and theory Amsden. W. R.. Eugene R. Acheson J.426 670. Computer integrated manufacturing Weatherall. Computer-aided design and manufacturing : methods and Rembold.. Au. A.426 670..426 670. Amsden. Au. Au.426 670. tools U.426 670. Quality control and industrial statistics Duncan. V. Quality control : theory and applications Hansen. Rolland. A. R.. Au. David L. John S. ed. H. Au. V.. Au.426 670. CAM developments in computer-integrated manufacturing Kochan. Eugene L. Alan. ed. Robust design and analysis for quality engineering Park. Bertrand L. John G. Au. Implementing total quality Cullen. Taguchi techniques for quality engineering Ross. Sung H. Quality &reliability QC circles : applications. Ed.425 670. James Robert.practical experiences : proceedings Implementing quality through Jacjson. Norbert Lloyd.426 670. Au.426 670. Acheson J. Au. Clifford W. Quality control and reliability Enrick.. D. John.Class_No_Opac 670.427 670.426 670.426 670. Au. Bertrand L.. Pradip V. ken.426 670.426 670..426 670.427 670. Product assurance principles Carrubba. An introduction to quality control for the apparel industry Mehta... Robert T..426 670. A. Quality control and industrial staristic Duncan.425 670.. T.. ISO 9000 : a manual for total quality management Dalela.426 670. Fundamentals of quality control and improvement Mitra. Au. Dillmann. Principles of interchangeable manufacturing Buckingham. Reverse engineering Ingle. Davida M. Page 94 . Quality assurance the route to efficiency and competitiveness Stebbing.. A.425 670.. A. Au. S. Quality control methods Kennedy. Earle. Quality control in automation Stout. Au.. Sverre Mechanical inspection Armstrong.. Lionel.426 670.. Au. Systems and control : proceedings Industrial standardization its principles and application Gaillard.426 670. V.426 670.426 670. Phillip J. Au. a handbook of scientific inspection Machines.. K.426 670. Au...426 670. Quality control Feigenbaum.426 670. Surface metrology seminar papers Quality control systems Taylor.427 Metrology and gauging Parsons.426 670. Au. Introduction to meteorology Petterssen. Au. Gages and their use in inspection Colvin. Statistical quality control Grant.426 670.. J. Au.425 670. Kathryn A. Au.426 670. Au. Total quality management Oakland. Au. Charles S.4261 670.426 670. Au.426 670. T.426 670.426 670. Total quality management Besterfield.426 670. simulation Hannam. CAM development in computer.427 670. Au. Introduction to computer-aided design Mischke. workshop Manufacturing high technology handbook Tijunelis. Donatas.. V.4272 Implementing cim Kochan. Elements of computer-aided design and manufacturing Pao.427 670. F. Computer aided design of multivariable technology systems Leininger.427 670. ed. Daniel. Twelfth national convention of production engineers and national seminar on manufacturing automation Understanding robotics Hunt. Au. & P. Ed.exchangers Information control problems in manufacturing technology Hardt. and Joseph. Intelligent manufacturing systems l.427 670. nations ed. ed.427 670.427 670. Page 95 .. K.... Computer-aided design and manufacture Basant. C.427 670. systems V..427 670. ed. Automation Seminar on computer and industry Numerical modeling of manufacturing processes Jones.427 670. ed. O'Leary. Digital control of systems Fargeon. H. Ed.427 670. Charles R.427 670. heat Ed. Assembly automation and prduct design Boothroyd.. Au. Flexible manufacturing systems in practice : applicatin Talavage. Encyclopedia of industrial automation Graham.. V. Karwowski.427 670.. Au. manufacturing Mikell P. Geoffrey. vessels J.427 670. Glenn A. Assembly automation and production design Boothroyd. production systems.427 670.427 670. F..427 670.4272 670.427 670. ed. McKee. Au.427 670.427 670.. Au. B. O.427 670. Dewhurst. CAD/CAM Y. internatioal N. in developing J. ed.427 670. P..427 670. F..427 670.. Ed. W. Warm Design of work in automated manufacturing systems : Martin. Advances in manufacturing technology II : proceedings McGoldrick. Computer-aided engineering for manufacture Milner.integrated manufacturing Kochan. ed. Au. Wi Automated inspection and product control : proceedings Mckee. Knight. Fong.427 670. Danial. G. and computer integrtated Groover.427 670. T. Philippe. Intelligent manufacturing Milacic. Computer programs for mechanical design of pressure Gupta.. P.. Computer-aided mechanical design and analysis Ramamurti. Anna. E.427 670.427 670.427 670. Computer applications in mechanical engineering Use of computers in mechanical engineering : proceedings Workshop on computer applications in mechanical engineering Manufacturing automation @B@F Advances in computer-aided manufacture : proceedings McPherson.427 670. Computer aided design in mechanical engineering Ramamurti. Design of work and development of personnel in advanced Salvendy.427 670... B.427 670..427 670.R.427 670. J.. Computer integrated manufacturing handbook Hunt.. Armen. : proceedings G. ed.. F.. Au. Au. Au. C... R.. Ed. New frontiers in manufacturing : proceedings Teale.Class_No_Opac 670. .427 670.. B. A. Geoffrey. ed.427 670. Roger. Au.427 670. Flexible manufacturing systems in practice Bonetto.427 670. ed.427 670. D. Computer-aided tolerancing Bjorke. ed.. ed. ed. Torres.427 670. Oyvind. Au. Product design for manufacture and assembly Boothroyd. Au. Peter. Geoffrey Automated manufacturing : proceedings Rooks. ed.427 670. Operation and flow process charts Advanced in manufacturing technology 3 : proceedings Worthington.. Robot technology and applications : proceedings Rathmill.427 670.427 670. V. manufacturing V. I. E.. Roger G. D. V.R.427 670.C. ed.427 670.. ed. K.. proceedings T.. K. : proceedings D.N.427 670.427 670. II Simulation in manufacturing systems :priceedubgs of the1st Nagarur. design. MacConaill. Automation. ed. Waldemar Practice of petri nets in manufacturing Dicesare.. Au.. C.C. manufacturing Gavriel.427 670.427 670.427 670. D. S. Keith E. F. Effective CADCAM CAD/CAM as a basis for the development of technology Encarnacao. D..427 670. Computer aided manufacture and numerical control Dimensioning and tolerancing Fortran II general information manual Robot technology Coiffet.. Computer aided design prouduction and inspection Nambiar. Map/Top networking : a foundation for computer-integrated Jones. ed. Ed. Warman. Robotics and factories of the future Juneja. ed.. Au.. N. ed. Richard P. Microprocessors and their manufacturing applications Kochhar.4272 670. Philippe. Richard A..4272 670. G. G. Page 96 .4275 670. Group Technology : proceedings Burbidge. ed. and computer integrated Groover. Tony. K.4767 Robotics Popov. manufacturing Mikell P. Robot Grippers Pham. American control conference : proceedings Automated inspection and product control : proceedings Numerical control in manufacturing Wilson..4272 670. Mechatronics HMT. production systems. Simulation applications in manufacturing Hurrion.4272 670. ed. Annual review in automatic programming Goodman. Antti J. T. Y. Au. K... Au. R. Robotics and their applications in india Bhattacharya. Kedzior... ed. Assembly with robots Owen. Industrial robots Tanner. A. ed. Robots 9 : proceedings Robots 8 : proceedings Industrial robot technology : proceedings Robotics Digital computer methods in engineering Hovanssian. D. D. Au. Computer integrated manufacturing and engineering Rembold.4272 670. Au. ed. Au. Surender.444 670.444 670. Au. Au. John J.4272 670.4272 670.. Au. Introduction to robotics mechanics & control Craig. Foundatons of robotics analysis and control Yoshikawa.. E.. Devdas. Fred. Donald D. K.Class_No_Opac 670. Industrial robots : computer interfacing and control Snyder. Ed. Digital computer simulation Maryanski. P.441 670.Robert Integrated and simultaneous design for robotic assembly Rampersad. Au. Tsuneo Robot technology Liegeois.4272 670.4275 670.4422 670. Au.. Au.4272 670. Textbook of robotics 2 structure..4272 670.4272 670.4272 670. Shahen A. Au. U.. Production and use of industrial robots Industrial robots and computer integrated manufacturing Kumar.4272 670.4272 670. Kolk..441 670.4272 670. T.. W. Au.4272 670... ed. The mechatronics handbook Bishop. A. A.. H. ed. Toshio.446 670. Au. MacConaill. Frank W. Charles H. Moshe.. ed. E.43 670. Shimon.. Hubert K.4767 670. ed. Gio.. CAD.4767 670.CAM. Ed..442 670. Au. Man-machine communication in CAD/CAM : proceedings Sata.. N. Fundamentals of robotic mechanical systems Angeles. Ed. Kansy. D.4272 670. Robotics : proceedings Theory and practics of robots and manipulators : proceedings Morecki.. ed. Wesley E. Au. Computer graphics programming Enderle. Automation. Au.443 670.4272 670.. Au. William R. K.4272 670.4272 670.4272 670. B.. Co. ed. Pfaff.. Heginbotham.4272 670. G.4275 670.4272 670.4421 670.4272 670. ed.4272 670.43 670. A... Au.. Mark J. Database design Wiederhold. control and operationShoham.. Au. Ernest. Mechanical CAD lab manual Voisinet.4272 670.programming. Numerical control for machine tools Barron. Flexible manufacturing for small to medium enterprises McGuigan. P..4275 670. John L. Robot technology Claude.4275 670. Richard. Alain. ed. G. Jorge Development in automated and robotic welding Waller. An introduction to robot technology Coiffet.. Fundamentals for control of robotic manipulators Koivo. Bianchi.444 670. Robotics and their aplications in india Bhattacharyya.4421 670.4272 670. ed.4272 670.. Handbook of industrial robotics Nof. Robot manipulators : mathematics.44 670. B. Mechatronics system design Shetty. Laurgeau.442 670. Distribution sampling for computer simulation Lewis. Computer simulaton Seshagiri.. Advanced robot systems Robillard. and control Paul. Computer integrated manufacturing : proceedings Puente.4272 670. 11 671.11 671. W. Shop airthmetic for the machinist Air chucks and fixtures Centre lathe practice : pert 2 Tool-room practice Jig. David. Doall contour saws Workshop practice Atherton. K. Frank W..12 671. tools and fixtures Gates. William.11 671.11 671.11 671. Workshop technology Gupta. George V. W.. Au.part1 Chapman.11 671. A... Au. W.. Manufacturing processes laboratory instructions manual Singh.11 671. Au. A. Workshop practice Rajput. H.J. Au. Elements of workshop technology Chodhury.. Capstan & turret lathe practice Monday. Co.11 671. Philip. Modern toolmaking methods Jones. Joseph W. Properties of metals at elevated temperatures Smith.121 671..11 671. wright. K. William R. F. H. Jigs. Ed. Ed.11 671. W. P. Au. Factory equipment Roe...121 671. J. J. ed. Fundamentals of tool design Wilson. William H. A. Au. N. J. ed. J. R. J.11 671... Workshop technology Chapman. W.11 671.. Au.. A.11 671. Shop theory Searle. Au.. Richard F. Hajra. workshop technology . A. Hajra.121 Experimental modelling in engg. Au. K. Au. Metal analysis Workshop technology Chapman.11 671.11 671. Au.11 671. ed. A. Au. P. Frederick E. Warnecke. Frank W. Workshop technology : pert 3 Chapman. Au. Treatise on planers Machine shop traning course Jones. C. S. Au.11 671.121 671.12 671. Kaushish. Franklin D. W.11 671. J. W. C. tools and fixtures Gates. Charles O.11 671. J.12 671. fixture & clamp design Workshop technology : part 1 Chapman. Au.11 671.11 671. Au.11 671.. S..11 671. Machine tools at work Herb..121 671. W. Turing and boring Jones. Albert A.11 671.12 671. Au. Holes contours and surfaces Moore.121 671.. Mechanical technolog Patel.. Halsey F. Franklin D.12 671.. David@FAu. Au.72 671 671 671 671 671. Au. A. H... S. Au. Jigs.. W. Metal design and fabrication Frisch.11 671. Elements of workshop technology Choudhury. Worhshop technology : part 2 Chapman.12 671. C. Basic Engineering processes Crawford. Modern workshop technology Baker. Philip.121 671. Gear manufacture and performance Guichelaar. Fundamentals of tool design Wilson. Au.Class_No_Opac 670. Workshop technology : part 3 Chapman. Tool design Jeffries.. General engineering workshop practice Workshop technology : part 3 Chapman. Estimating manual Fitting tools Gupta... Page 97 ..6 670. K.K. K. Susan. Au. ed. Au. J.12 671. A.. W. Toward the factory of the future : proceedings Bullinger. Shop kinks Grimshaw.. J. Tool Engineering jigs and fixtures Dowd. N. Robert. Principles of tool engineering Bloom.11 671. Raymond R.11 671.121 671.. Machine shop practice Durney. Au. Au. Better tool cribs Raisglid.11 671. H. franklin D.12 671. J. Au.121 671. Au.11 671. Au. K. J. Introduction to tool engineering Owen. Au. Au. P....25 671. I. Merton C. Moulding plants sand plants shot blast systems New materials. Die design handbook Wilson... Au. Foundry core practice Dietert. Au.25 671. Ed.. Au. A. Krishnan. Casting and forming processes in manufacturing Camplell. Fundamentals of solidification Kurz... Ed. Steel foundry practice Bidulya.2 671.2 671. W. refining process N. ed.121 671.25 671.2 671.25 671. ed. Au. J. K... Wood patternmaking a textbook McCaslin.25 671. Au. Lawrence E..24 671.. K.23 671.2 671.. Patternmaking for gears Offiler.. Injection moulding machines Whelan. William H.. Harry W. Au.. E. Bakelite moulding Foundry core and mould making Sarkar. Au.253 671. John. Au. Foundry technology Beeley. Au. Solidification and casting Davies. D. J. John R.. Modelling the flow and solidification of metals Smith.2025 671. ed. William H. Au.2 671. Page 98 . ed.... Steel casting handbook Briggs. D.2 671..2 671.2 671.23 671.2 671. Joseph A. Laboratory studies of iodine behavior in the ebr-II melt Chellew. Au..a dream or a nightmare for the foundry industry Souvenir &Technical papers Foundry directory Banerjee.2 671. Jigs and fixture Boyes.2 671...D. F.2 671. James S. Principles of pattern and foundry practice Richards. Au.24 671. C. Principles of metal casting Heine. B..2 671. Die-casting Harb. Au. D. Tool and Die Maker Mahajan. E. Au... William E. ed.. J. Steel Casting handbook Solidification and casting of metals Clay-Bonded foundry sand Parkes. Au.25 671. K.25 671. V. C. Patternmaking Shelly.. Frank W. Richard W. Modern foundry practice Howard. G.2 671. Jig and fixture details and units Hardy. Honesty. John.2 671. Sarat C.252 671.2 671. R. Testing.23 671.. Au.23 671. M.. W.23 671. Fisher.. P. Au.253 Tool engineering analysis and procedure Doyle. evaluation and measurements in metal casting Panigrahi. Foundry work Wendt. D. A.2 671..23 671..25 671.. Au.2 671.2 671. Foundry technology Sinha. Au.21 671. E.. G. Au.2 671. Au. Au. Au. R.23 671. Hot rolled carbon steel structural shapes Institue of indian foundrymen Study report on guide to design of grey iron castings Recent developments in foundry technology : proceedings Higher educational course Neumann. Herbert J.252 671.2 671. Text book of foundry technology Lal..21 671. Priniples of metal casting Heine. Foseco foundryman's handbook: facts figures and formule modern doundry practice Howard.Charles. H.23 671. T. Au.2 671.. W. C. Au. Foseco foundryman's handbook Brown. Richard W. P. Au. R. Au. Solidification processing Flemings.2 671. Casting Campbell. Peter Foundry practice Salmon. Fundamentals of metal casting technology Mukherjee.25 671. W.Class_No_Opac 671. Technical manual carpentry Plastics molding Delmonte. Ed. Introduction to foundry technology Ekey.23 671. Charles O.23 671. C. Installation and maintenance of woodworking machinery Sheinov. ed. M. . F. A.. Petroleum production engineering oil field development Uren. Transactions of the american foundrymen's society : proceedings Hopper feeds as an aid to automation Swiss-type automatics : part2 Morgan.Class_No_Opac 671.3 671.3 671. D. Production handbook Carson.3 671. P. Earle.3 671. Gary F.3 671. P. G. Sven.3 671. Au. Au.. Buckigham. Jones. John Robert.3 671. Handbook of metalforming processes Theis.3 671. H.3 671..3 671.3 671.. Benjamin W. Au.. Production engineering Buckingham..253 671. New Trends in materials processing American Society for Metals. Betzalel.casting machines Applications of numerical methods to forming prosesses Armen.3 671.3 671. Roger W.3 671. Technique of production processes Connelly. Au.3 671.3 671. R. benjamin W. Au. K. Au. Earle.3 671. Die design and construction Vezzani. Hewi Handbook of metal-forming processes Avitzur. P.3 671. Metal forming plasticity Lippmann. ed.3 671. Young. Handbook of human factors Salvedy. Metal sapinning application of the process equipment tools & procedure Mechanised work-handling on the machine tool Set-ups on automatics Shell moulding Centreless grinding Air-operated production aids Theme : modern trends in metal forming techniques Page 99 .. Edward N. N. Metal forming handbook Process modeling tools : proceedings Collected papers Hydraulic operation of machine tools Hydraulic pumps and motors for machine tools Development of production engineering discipline in india Singh.3 671. ed.. Herman C.3 671. A. E.3 671.3 671. Au.3 671.3 671.. Au. Co. Gordon B.3 671. Roger W. Gardon B. Taylan Production technology HMT Bangalore.. Matericals processing and design :modeling simulation Ghosh.. Harold A.3 671. Au. Orlan William.3 671. Designing for production Niebel. C. Au. Introduction to .3 671. Co. and applications Somnath..3 671. Nontraditional manfacturing processes Benedict. ed.3 671. Au. Hydrulic circuits for machine tools Tool-room practice : part4 Spark machining Die. H Metal forming handbook Altan. Au. Bolz. W. Production processes Bolz. ed.3 671.3 671. Au. Au.3 671.3 671. Au. Lester Charles.3 671. H. Benjamin W.Henry Metal forming plasticity Lippmann. : proceedings S.. Harry. Orlan William.3 671. Production processes Bolz. the theory & use of the analog computer Garg. Au.3 671. Production design and process engg. ndustrial production models a theoretical study Dano.3 671. Au.3 671.3 671. A.285 671. Production handbook Carson. Production engg.. manufacturing processes Begeman.3 671.3 Diecasting die design Barton.3 671. Au. Designing for production Baldwin.253 671. Ed. Engineering tools and processes Hasse.3 671. Au. Product design and process engineering Niebel.3 671..3 671.. Metal processing Boston. Au. Metal processing Boston.. ed..3 671.3 671. Au. Production engineering science Pandey. Gavriel. Myron L. Niebel. . production systems : planning. Au.31 671.31 671. estimating and ratefixing Whitehead. Joseph H.312 671. L. Thomas E. Au.. Au.312 671. Work simplification Lehrer. Production control Bethel. Au. flow localization S. S.312 671. Au.. Au. A.312 671.302 671. analysis and control Riggs..31 671. Franklin G.302 671.312 671. Production planning and control Landy. Au. Ralph M.31 671. Au. Laboratory manual for motion and time study Niebel. Formability and workability of metals plastic instability and Semiatin. Au. Motion and time study applications Barnes.312 671..31 671. Au..312 671. How to control production costs Carroll. United stste agency for international development university of wsconsin project university of roorkee Principles and design of production control systems Scheele. Product control text and cases Voris.. Integrated production control systems Bedworth. Au. Au. A. Phil. C. Phil.. Ed. Metalworking bulletin annual 1975 Introduction to the principles of metalworking Rowe.. William H.301 671. Estimating machining costs Parsons. Au.31 671. Au. Machine-shop estimating Nordhoff. Motion and time study : principles and practice Mundel. Evan D. Phil Planing.. Au. Ralph M. Motion and time study laboratory manual Smalley. Au. Au..302 671. Martin R. Au. Production control Reinfeld. Elements of production planning and control Eilon. Au. Page 100 . David D. A. W. Benjamin W. Motion and time study Nadler. Au. Au.31 671. Plant production control Koepke. Au..301 671.. Manufacturing planning and control systems Volimann. Process engg.312 671.. Gerald. Au. Motion and time study improving productivity Mundel.. Au. Edward V.31 671..31 671. Au. Machine-shop estimating Nordhoff. Au. Methods engineering Krick.....31 671. M. samuel Solution manual for production control Moore. Nyles V.31 671. Au. Elements of production planning and control Eilon.312 671. Au. Au. Production control : a quantitative approach Biegel. Au.. Geoffrey W. Au. Marvin E. Geoffrey W.. Au.312 671..31 671.302 671.312 671. Work Study Currie.312 671. Work methods traning manual Barnes. William. C. Au.. Au. Thomas M.312 671.312 671.302 671. Motion and time study Niebel.31 671. Au.312 671. Production control Moore. How to chart timestudy data Carroll. Motion and time study Barnes. Work-factor time statdards Quick. Production planning and inventory control Magee.. Ralph M.312 671.312 671. R.301 671. Au.312 Principles of industrial metalworking processes Rowe. Franklin G. W. Au.312 671. Methods engg. Robert N.31 671. Benjamin W.. W.31 671. Marvin E. New product planning and development Kelemen.. Ralph M. Fred E. Robert A.. Au. Work sampling Barnes... John E.312 671. Timestudy for cost control Carroll.. Au. Application of petri nets in manufacturing systems Desrochers.. Alan A.Class_No_Opac 671. Ralph M.31 671. Au. Ralph M. Repetitive manufacturing production planning Gassner. Work-study college programs Wilson. Motion and time study problems and projects Barnes.. Lawrence L..31 671. Samuel. John F.. James L. Andrew L. Au.302 671. Schutt.. Harold E.. Au. Krick.. Ed.31 671. Au. Manufacturing controls Smith. Au. Charles A. Edward V. Motion and time study for lean manufacturing Meyers.301 671. Motion and time study applications Barnes. James W. Au.31 671... Kanawaty.31 671... Introduction to work study George.312 671.312 671. Au. Dictionary of production engineering Cutting tool materials : proceedings Analysis of material removal processes DeVries. J.35 671. Avitzur.32 671. Ergonomic process management : a blueprint for quality Kohn. Kutr.35 671.. bar and wire Adle. Don Occupational ergonomics: principles and applications Tayyari. Au..35 671.35 671. Production to near net shape source book Van Tyne..32 671. R. C. Vern Cost reduction in product design Chow. Au. Advances in occupational ergonomics and safety 1997Das. Au. Lindley R. International cold-forging congress Drop forging for modern manufacture Extrusion processes. A.313 671. Flat rolling a comparison of rolling mill types : proceedings Rolling of metals theory and experiment Underwood.35 671. V. ed. D. Au. J. Claude E. Au. J..35 671. l.L.314 671. Thomas. Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics:Vol. Au.332 671. an Guide to the ergonomics of manufacturing Helander. ed. Extrusion of metals Pearson. Manual on cutting of metals with single-point tools Asme. A. Machining-theory and practice Merchant. ed.314 671. Kazuaki.313 671.Class_No_Opac 671. George A.313 671. Michael O.. John. Au. Laser machining theory and practice Chyssolouris. Harris.314 671. Au.35 671.M.35 671. Kaiser aluminum forging product information Adle.35 671.313 671. Milton C. Machining data handbook Metal cutting principles Shaw.34 671. Frank. Au. Ergonomics man in his working environment Murrell... Au.313 671.35 671. Arthur E.32 671. machinery.35 671. to concurrent M. Au.E. grinding Au. George. Machining with carbides and oxides Wilson. Tool and cutter grinding Connell. Au... Biman Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics volume Harris.. Metal machining Doyle.34 671. Smith. Au. Roberts. ISO and ANSI ergonomic standards for computer products Smith.. A. Au.35 671.332 671. Design for manufacturability : a systems approach to concurrent Helander.. implementation and compliance Advanced in bioengineering Bell...35 671.. Frank R.33 671.313 671..35 671.35 671..349 671.35 Engineering physiology : bases of human factors /ergonomics Kroemer. Study of machinability of metals Iwata. E.J. H.35 671. Nontraditional machining processes Weller. two Don : Job design and product design Ergonomic design for organizational effectivenss Neill. :a Wanda guide to J. M. Electrochemical machining De Barr.34 671...313 671. Manufacturing automation: metal cutting mechanics machine Altintas.. Page 101 . Kaiser aluminum rod.313 671.313 671. Contini. Au. Cost reduction from A to Z Higfins.35 671. Au. J. Metal machining theory and applications Childs. Au. Adam C. Renato.. ed. Value analysis value engineering Falcon. approach M. Au. Ed. ed. H.M.313 671. Edward F. Au. Lawrence E. presses E. J.. Au.313 671. F.35 671. E. Theory of metal cutting Black. William Wai-Chung. Rolling bearings Punches and dies Stanley. B. J.. Frank A.. Machining with carbides and oxides Wuksib. J. and James compliance P..3491 671.332 671. Au. Robert S.332 671.33 ed. Tool Steel simplified Palmer. F. Au. Advanced methods of machining McGeough.. tooling Laue. Martin. W.35 671. Robert M. Plastic working of metals and non-metallic materials inCrane. Design and use of cutting tools Clair. tool Yusuf vibrations and cnc design Bibliography of electrochemical machining including electrochemical Bannard. William D. Frank W. Biomechanics monograph Byars. Au. Value engineering : a systematic approach Mudge.. Ed. ST.. Au. Nerem.H.313 671.313 671.349 671.E.. K.. Nagamachi. Warren R. Kroemer.314 671. Co. Oliver.. ed. Paul H. Tool steels Roberts. Au.. 35 671.K. A. J.35 671. F. S.356 671. ed. Milling methods and machines Lambert..35 671. New developments in grinding : proceedings Shaw.A. M. F. Au. S. Brian K... H. Machinability : proceddings Grinding seminar Surface modification technology14 : proceedings Sudarshan.353 671. ed. R. course on metal processing Modern machining processes Pandey. Au. F.35 671.A. Modern machining processes Pandey..351 671. Bruce W...35 671.356 671. Au.35 671.. Modern machine tools Town. S. Au.352 671. Jeandin.. Emerging trends in metal machining Introduction to the study of spark-erosion Mironoff. V.35 671.A.352 671. J.. B. B..35 671. H. O... Au. ed. ed. F. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias. Chandra Prakash Machine tool design Visveswaran.35 671. C.. Arthur D. ed.. Ed. Advanced machining processes Jain. Influnce of metallurgy on machinability : proceedings Nontraditional machining : proceedings Influence of rate of strain-hardening in machining : proceedings Oxley. B.352 671.353 671. Ed. F... 1 Koenigsberger. J.35 671. Koenigsberger. N. ed. A. S. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias. ed.... e Page 102 .356 671. P. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias.35 671. Mechane tool design Mehta.. K. A. P. S. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias. Douglas T.. Hahn.. A.. ed.356 671.356 671.. A.356 671.356 671.. ed.35 671. International journal of machine tool design & researchSchmidt. V. Machine tool design and research conference : proceedings Koenigsberger. A.C.356 671.356 671. Machine tool design and research conference : proceedings Koenigsberger. F. S.356 671. Koenigsberger.. Workshop precision grinding Planing and milling Jones..356 671. Investigation of twist drills Benedict. Part A. Au..356 671. Au. R. Machine tool design Mehta. Au... Koenigsberger.. Machine tool design and research conference : proceedings Koenigsberger. Machine tools and machining practices White. ed. Koenigsberger. S...35 671. Determination of the shape of tools for use in electrochemical Tipton. Shan. S. International journal of machine tool design & researchSchmidt. Franklin D. Drilling technology handbook Chugh. ed. A.351 671.356 671. Au.. C. ed.356 671.. F.35 671. C. S.... Matthematical control machines Loskutov. Amitabha.351 671. International machine tool conference : proceedings Lane.A. ed. Machine tool design and research conference : proceedings Davies. S. of roduction engineerng Sharma. Fundamentals of milling practice Avrutin. ed. Hahn. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias.35 671. F.E.35 671.35 671..356 671. Au. A.356 671.356 671. A.35 671.. Koenigsberger. Koenigsberger.. A. Machine tool design and research conference Davies. S.Class_No_Opac 671. Electrospark machining of metals Krasyuk. Programming for numerical control machines Roberts.K.. Advanced grinding practic Hamilton. ed. Tobias. Eisele.356 671. S. Eisele.356 671.356 671.. L. ed.. Machine tool design course Machine tool design and research conference : proceedings Tobias. ed. Machining data handbook Metal cutting theory and practice Bhattacharya. Nicolas. ed.C.. ed. Au. P. S. M. ed. Au. O. Tobias..356 671.356 671. ed. Lectures on metal machining and machine tols Q. Au. K.. F. S.. Warren T. Au. Machine tool design and research conference : proceedings Tibias. P... H. Metal cutting bibliography Electromachining : proceedings Crookall. ed. ed. F. P. I. F. F. Au..35 671... T. R.356 A Text. N.35 671. Au. Advances in machine tool design and research : proceddings Tobias.356 671. M.. machining Ed. S.. B.. Machine-tool dynamics an introduction Welbourn. Fundamental principles of heat transfer Whitaker. A.41 671.. E. Stephen. N.357 671. Au.41 671. Plasticity theory and its application in metal forming Gopinathan. B.357 671. Au.. ed. Gopal Chandra. Machine tool operation : part2 Burghardt. B. Z. Au..356 671. Characterization of coatings: physics techniques part2Myers. Ed. Boiling heat transfer and two-Phase flow Tong. N.. J.359 671.. V. Hahn. Michael Matador : proceedings Davies.4 671. V..357 671. J. G. R...4022 671.41 671.356 671.heat. L. Herman W.356 671. Au.. Sava.I. Ed... Cutting-tool materials Simons.. Fundamentals of deformation processing : procedings Backofen.356 671. C. F..4 671. Machine tool design Acherkan.. B. Thermal conductivity Tye. Matador : proceedings Davies. ed.356 671. Matodor . lubrication Au.36 671. Au.A Centre lathe course programme12 Powder metallurgy its physics and production Schwarzkopf. Fundamentals of electrochemical machining Faust. Fundamentals of momentum.356 671. K.. Metal Forminfg processes and analysis Avitzur. proceedings Kochhar. J. Testing machine Tools Schlessinger.357 671. All about machine tools Gerling. John J.. A. Au.. J. cuttingand S.4 671.. Joseph.357 671. Walter A. Au.4 671. Au. ed. Au. The numerical control of machine tools Simon. A.356 671. Burke. N. Au.357 671. Betzalel. Au. Metal Forming tool profiles and flow Blazynski.. e Machine-tool work fundamental principles Turner.37 671..4022 671. Modern trends in cutting tools Kane. ed. Ed.365 671. Kinetics of electrode processes and null points of metals Antropov. H. F.Class_No_Opac 671.. Machine tools for engineers Hine.357 671.357 671.. M. Charles R. Electromechanics Skilling.. Au. ed. D.356 671. Heinrich. Raymond. R. Au. Heat Treatment ' 79 Elliott. Electroohysical and electrochamical phenomena in friction Postnikov. Paul. Au. Metal forming part 1: forging and related processes Walkins. C.. T..357 671. Au.. Eisele. Design of automatic changer for knee type vertical spindle nc miliing machine Design and production of metal-cutting tools Rodin. Au. Au.357 671. Au.. Frank W. James R. Au. P.. Matador : proceedings Atkinson. S. A.. and mass transfer Welty. Wilhelm.P. Peter International journal of machine tool design & researchSchmidt...357 671. O. K. O. Co. High-velocity forming of metals Wilson.. B. Hand tools Peatfield.. Automatic machine tools Town.356 671. E. William P. Barrow.357 671..41 671. ed. George E. Electroslag welding and surfacing Paton. Au. S.357 671.. Accuracy of machine tools Reshetov..41 671. Hugh Hildreth.. A. ed.. Ed. Henry D. H.4 671. Cof Physical and thermodynamic properties of ammonia-water Macriss.. Au. E.41 671. Au. L. T.357 671.. Eisele. John F..357 671.411 CNC programming handbook Smid. Long.4 671. Au.356 671. Principles of machine tools Sen.356 671. Au.4021 671.3592 671. Geo. ed. Au.. Charles L. Computer numerical control Pollack. Eric N.S. A. Au. Electrical methods of machining forming and coating Chromium plating Page 103 .. Galvanizing sheradizing and other zinc diffusion coatings Proskurkin.41 671. ed. Machine tool operation : part1 Burghardt.4022 671. Ed. Practice and theory of electrochemical machining Wilson.4022 671. Hahn. Computer numerical control Pusztai.357 671. Henry D.357 671... International journal of machine tool design & researchSchmidt. R. Design and Construction of machine tools Town. Au. S. Industrial electrochemical processes Huhn.. Au. mixtures R.. T. D. ed. ed. Recommended practicces for welding austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel piping and tubing Welding handbook Oates.52 671. ed..52 671.52 671.52 671. Au... U. Recommended practices for test methods for evaluating the resistance spot welding behavior of automo Weldability of steels Stout. R..52 671. : proceedings International solar forum : proceedings International conference & exhibition on solar building technology International conference & exhibition on solar building technology : proceedings Energy saving in buildings : proceedings ehringer. Arc welding in machinery design and manufacture New lessons in ARC welding ARC welding Welding processes and procedures Morris. Oxwelder's handbook Handbook of structural welding Lancaster. Ed. Andrew D. and application S. Alexander M.. Au. H.52 671. Arthur L.. . Welding Engineering Rossi. M.. Joe Lawrence..52 671. Boniface E. Au. Samir. Welder's handbook Stewart.52 671.52 671.47 671.47 671. Welding : principles and applications Jeffus.52 671. O..52 671. Erich.47 671. Ed.. V.52 671. Welding environment Welding power handbook Manz.52 671.52 671.52 671. ed.S. F.52 671. Hoobasar.427 671. Au. soldering. therm Welding and its applications Rossi.52 671. veritication N. Solied phase welding of metals Tylecote. ed. E.52 671. Computer modeling of sheet metal forming process : theory Wang. ed. John P. ed. B. Au. ed.52 671.52 671. Zito. Welding handbok Phillips. Specification for underwater welding Standard welding termas and definitions : including terms for adhesive bonding . Basic welding techniques three books in one Griffin. Arthur L.52 671.. Edward A. Diffusion processes in solid-phase welding of materials Fal'chenko. Tang. L. Procedure handbook of arc welding Haiser aluminum foil Adle. Robert S. Au. F. Co. ed.. R..52 671. Saitta.52 671..5 671.52 Automation and its levels in manufacturing industries Nirjar.brazing.52 671. Design for welding Green. Au.52 671. Co.4523 671.52 671..47 671. Au. Welding handbook Phillips. Au..52 671. Welding qualifications Welding handbook : welding science and technology American Welding [email protected] 671.... M..52 671.. Larry Effects of weldings on health lll Zakhari. Craig. Standard procedures for determination of moisture conten of welding fluxes and welding electrode flux c Afro-asian conference on welding and metals technology Electroslag welding and surfacing Paton.52 671. S. Ed.52 671. ed..52 671. Modern welding Althouse.52 671.52 671.52 671. Ivan H. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels Folkhard. Au. Au.52 671. Effect of welding on health Philips resistance welding handbook Pipe welding procedures Rampaul... T.. Recommended prectices for stud welding A. Arthur.52 671.M. C. JOM-7 Residual stress and distortion American Welding Society@FCo. Biliographies Fenton. J.E. Heat Effect of welding Radaj. Welding technology today principles and practices Stinchcomb. Dieter Page 104 . William R. Au. W. Kaiser aluminum electrical bus conductors technical manual welding handbook Phillips. B.52 671. John. Au.52 671. Au.52 671. Au.52 671.52 671. Industrial safety Armstrong.52 671. Robert D.52 671. Au. A.Class_No_Opac 671. Maintenance welding in nuclear power plants : proceedings Flenner. Manual metal-arc welding Welding processes Houldcroft. Ed. John.52 671.52 671. Au.L.. Charlotte. Advanced pipe and tube welding for enginering craftsman The Engineering Industry Training Board. Quality and Kearns. I fundamentals Linnert. Welding theory Welding handbook Kearns.52 671.52 671.52 671. Welding technology Koenigsberger.52 Metal-arc gas shielded welding for engineering Craftsman Balchin. Effects of welding on health iv Palmer. F. Au. T. Welding inspection AWS Committee on Methods of Inspection.. V..52 671. V. Au. Welding handbook Underwater welding of offshore platforms and pipelines Weir. Bernard.. H Welding handbook Phillips.52 671.52 671. Facts about fume : a welding engineers handbook Weldasearch system 2 Robotic welding Lane. Explosive welding of metals and its applications Crossland. Au. Au.52 671.52 671. Robert J.52 671.52 671. Deborah. Winifred G. Ed.52 671. Pipeline welding and inspection : proceedings of a conference Weir. Au. ed. Welding design and processes Hilton. W.Class_No_Opac 671. Au. Advanced welding Systems Cornu. Au. Au. Peter. B.52 671.52 671.52 671. Weldability of steels Stout.52 671. B. Jean. Bibliographies Nespeco. Richard. Tungsten arc gas shielded welding for engineering craftsmen Friction welding of metals Vill. Welding technology for the aerospace industry : proceedings Weir.H.. Au. Au.52 671.52 671. Robert D.. ed. N. Philip D.52 671... Advanced welding systems Cornu. P.52 671. Peter. Au. welding manual for engineering steel forgings Tremlett.52 671.52 671.52 671.52 671. J. A. Co.52 671. Au.52 671.52 671. Safety W... Au. W. Welding handbook Welding handbook Weisman.52 671. Welding metallurgy : vol.52 671. C. G. Basic welding and fabrication Kenyon.52 671.C. T. Au. Which process Houldcroft. H. ed.. J.52 671. ed. S. Welding handbook Brien..52 671.H. F. L.. Welding and cutting Houldcroft. S. I. George E.. Jean. O Annette Welding handbook Oates. F.52 671.52 671.52 671. : proceedings Debrah. Standerd welding terms and definitions Electroslag processes principles and practice Hoyle. O' R. Page 105 . Au. Arthur L..52 671.52 671. Ed. Welding handbook Phillips.52 671. Aws welding handbook : engineering. Jean.52 671. R. Au.52 671. Metallurgy of welding Lancaster. Au. Au. Exploiting robots in arc welding fabrication Weston.52 671. Costs.52 671. D. Debrah.52 671. Standard methods for mechanical testing of welds Recommended practices for stud welding A. William Welding Handbook Brien. J.. Au. Modern ARC welding technology Nadkarni. Science practice of welding Davies.. Co.52 671. Fundamentals of welding metallurgy Granjon. Control of distortion in welded fabrications Investigations into lamellar tearing Welding encylopedia Jefferson.52 671.52 671. W. Ed. Au.52 671... Weston. Au.52 671.52 671.52 671. General welding and cutting for engineering craftsmen Advanced weldings systems Cornu. Specification for stainless steel electrodes for shieldedAmerican metal arc Welding welding Society@FCo. and use Automation and robotasation in welding and allied processes : proceedings Welding Metallurgy Kou..52 671.52 671.52 671.520218 671. The welding and fabrication of non-ferrous metals : proceedings Seminar on welding in the engineering industry The welding Environment Welding research council bulletin Advances in welding processes Rail steels.520218 671.Cerjak.Trends Mechanical engineering bulletin Transiation Masumoto.52 671.520218 671.520218 671. Specification for welding shielding Gases American Welding Society@FAu. arc welding Specification for carbon and low alloy steel rods for oxyfuel American gas welding Welding Society@FCo. Specification for surfacing electrods for shielded metalAmerican arc welding Welding Society@FCo. Specification for covered copper and copper alloy arc welding American electrodes Welding [email protected] 671. Specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy electrodes American for shielded Welding metal [email protected] 671. Ed. C. Mahin.developments. ed. T.52 671.520218 671.52 671.52 671. Welding metallurgy of structural steels : proceedings Koo.alloy electrodes American for arc welding Welding and [email protected] 671.. R. Specification for magnesium alloy welding electrodes and American rods Welding Society@FCo.. Specification for bare stainless steel welding electrodes American and rodsWelding [email protected] 671.52 671. W.52 671. Welding for energy sector Underwater welding for offshore installations Weldability of materials : proceedings Patterson.52 671.52 671.52 671. Sindo Alminium weldments : proceedings Welding and fabrication of non-ferrous metals Seminar on welding equipments & processes ..52 671.520218 Weld thermal simulators for research and problem solving International welding conference : proceedings Steel sheet and strip welding Laser Welding. Specification for fluxes for brazing and braze welding American Welding Society@FAu. K. ed. Welding processes Houldcroft.520218 671. Electron and laser beam welding : proceedings National seminar and exhibition on weldings Welding in offshore constructions Welding and metals technology Significance of defects in welded structures : proceedings Kanazawa. Specification for copper and copper alloy bare welding American rods and electrodes Welding Society@FCo. Filler metal procurement guidelines American Welding [email protected] 671. cutting Specification for nickel and nickel-alloy welding electodes American for shielded Welding metal Society@FCo. ed. Specification for nickel and nickel-alloy bare welding electrodes Americanand Welding rods Society@FCo. P.520218 671.52 671.52 671. Takeshi.52 671.processing. Ed. Kobayashi.520218 671.52 671.52 671. I.52015118 671.520218 671. albert S.52 671. Jay Y.520218 671. Specification for carbon steel electrodes for shielded metal American arc welding Welding [email protected] 671.520218 671.52 671.52 671. machining and materials processing : proceedings Albright.520218 671. Specification for filler metals for brazing and braze welding American Welding Society@FCo. ed.520218 671. Specification for tungsten and tungsten. Ed.. arc welding Specification for bare aluminum and aluminum-alloy welding American electrodes Welding and [email protected] 671. A.520218 671. Specification for low-alloy steel electrodes for shielded American metal arc Welding welding [email protected] 671.52 671..52 671.520218 671. Specification for carbon steel electrodes and fluxes forAmerican submerged Welding arc welding Society@FCo. Page 106 .Class_No_Opac 671. rods Specification for titanium and titanium-alloy welding electrodes American and Welding rods [email protected] 671.. ed Advances in welding processes Welding in offshore constructions Advances in welding processes National welding seminar Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena H.52 671..52 671.52 671. 5212 671. Wilbur M.. Au. G.5204 671.521 2 671. W.5212 671. Howard B.5204 671.Class_No_Opac 671. Ed.5212 671. Au. Au. Specification for stainless steel electrodes for flux cored American arc welding Welding and stainless Society@FCo. D. ed.5212 Specification for consumable inserts American Welding Society@FCo.. Mechanized automated. John A.52042 671. Au.. Stress relieving heat treatments of welded steel constructions : proceedings Analysis of welded structures Masubuchi.5204 671.52042 671. International conference on computer technology in welding Lucas. Ed. Au.5212 671.5212 671. Weldability of ferritic steels Bailey. Exploiting advances in arc welding technology Recommended practices for gas tungsten arc welding American Welding Society@FCo. S.520218 671.520218 671. Norman. Specification for bare electrodes and rods for surfacing American Welding [email protected] 671. Recommended practices for air carbon arc gouging and cutting Specification for carbon steel electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc welding Plasma arc metalworking processes O'Brien. Research journal . Computational welding mechanics Goldak. material I.5212 671.520218 671.520285 671. Specification for welding of industrial and mill cranes and other material handling equipment Recommended practice for gas tungsten arc welding of titanium pipe and tubing Fumes and gases in the welding environment Specification for welding earthmoving and construction equipment Local heat treatment of welds in piping and tubing Specification for qualification of welding procedures and welders for piping and tubing Standard for welding procedure and performance qualification Design and analysis of fatigue resistant welded structures Radaj. Koichi. Specification for carbon steel electrodes and rods for gas American shielded Welding arc welding Society@FCo. Specification for low-alloy steel electrodes for flux cored American arc welding Welding [email protected] 671. J.520218 671. J. Specification for carbon steel electrodes for flux cored American arc welding Welding [email protected] 671.5204 671. J. Recommended practices for plasma arc cutting Submerged-arc welding Feng. Weld failures Harrison. G. Robert L. welding joint design Hicks. Welding joint design Hicks.. Au. Specification for carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes American and fluxesWelding for electroslag [email protected] 671.520423 671.5212 671. Dieter.520422 671.520218 671. Rudy.5212 671. steel flux cored rods f Specification for low-alloy steel electrodes and fluxes for American submerged Welding arc [email protected]. Specification for welding electrodes and rods for cast lron American Welding Society@FCo. Recommended practices for gas tungsten arc welding Recommended practices for gas metal arc welding Practical welding technology Mohler.5204 671. Tests of welds Wilson.5212 671.520422 671.520218 671.520218 671.520218 671. Specification for zirconium and zirconium-alloy weldingAmerican electrodes Welding and rods [email protected] 671. welding Specification for copper and copper alloy rods for oxyfuel American gas welding Welding Society@FCo.. Au. Fatigue strength of welded structures Maddox.520423 671.520285 671. Test methods for evaluating welded joints Recommended practices for automotive weld quality resistance spot welding Standard methods for mechanical testing of welds Modern welding technology Cary. Specificationfor carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes for American electrogas Welding welding Society@FCo.. J.520422 671. Au..52042 671.V..520218 671..5204 671.5212 671. Houldcroft P.5212 671. Au.520423 671. Specification for low-alloy steel electrodes and rods forAmerican gas shielded Welding arc welding [email protected] 671.520218 671.521 671. treatment Au.5212 671. and robotic welding Recommended practices for plasma arc cutting Laser-arc processes and their applications in welding and Krivtsun. Recommended practices for gas metal arc welding Recommanded prectices for gas metal arc welding Recommended practics for gas tungsten arc welding Page 107 .52042 671.5212 671.5212 671.520218 671. .732 671.. Milk.53 671.56 671. J.5213 671..823 671.. ed.. procedures Ed. Material management in manufacturing Brace. Standard methods for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content of martensitic.53 671. Soldering manual Standerd symbols for nondestructiv examination Standard symbols for welding. Au. water Thomas jet metal J.52141 671. E. and ferritic Notes on arc welding and oxy-cutting applications basic Thomas. Ed. Production. Mathematical process models in iron-and steelmaking : proceedings Page 108 ..56 671. manufacture and inspection of critical brazed components Soldering Thwaites.73 671. Welding of cast iron Recommended practices for electrogas welding Welding of non-ferrous metals West. Thermal spraying practice. High-temperature brazing in controlled atmosheres Sheward..56 671.. Decision systems for inventory management and production Peterson.56 671. Edward M. Au.52141 671. Philip. planning Rein.56 671. Perspectives in hydrogen in metals Ashby. 1985 Structural welding code reinforcing steel Structure welding code-steel Practical gas metal and flux cored arc welding Gellerman..53 671. Applications of nonlinear programming to optimization Rauch.52722 671..64 671.591 671.. Ed. Co.5212 671. bainifit.. Lecture notes on advances in metal cutting Khare. M. Ed..734 671. Sergiu T.56 671. E. Hilaris. Metal cutting tool hanbook Stability in the dynamics of metal cutting Chiriacescu. steels B. Milton C. Metal cutting seminar Standard method for evaluating the strength of brazed joints in shear Brazing manual AWS Committee on Brazing and Soldering. Welding zinc-coated steel Electroplaters'process control handbook Foulke.56 671. Au. G. M. G.53 671. Au.. &P. cutting John tool A.522 671. Eur Ing J A.522 671.53 671.5212 671...734 671. and nondestructive examination Recommended practices for design. G. Ed. Gardner Electroplanting and metal finishing Banerjee.522 671. methods M. Ed. brazing. D.theory.52734 671. Ed.53 671.56 671. C.53 671. D. : proceedings ed.52141 671.56 671. Au..73 671.. K. ed. Recommended practices for gas shielded arc welding of aluminum and aluminum alloy pipe Guide for steel hull welding Structural welding code-aluminum Commentary on structural welding code-aluminum Recommended practices for welding of chromium-molybdenum steel piping and tubing Metal cutting Trent. Tandon.52722 671.64 671. Au. ed.7 671. P.Class_No_Opac 671. S.. properties and applications of alloy and special Nijhawan. Brazing Roberts.and application Advances in thermal spraying : proceedings Recommanded practices for metallizing with aluminum and zinc for protection of iron and steel Sheet metal forming and energy conservation Principles of engineering economics analysis White. Robert A. John A.52722 671. Recommended practices for resistance welding Recommended practices for plasma-arc welding Recommended practices for resistance weldings coated low carbon steels AWWA Standard for welded steel tanks for water storage. Hirth.015 Pulsed arc welding Street. Repetitive manufacturing production planning Gessner. R.734 671.52722 671.5212 671. Au.85 672 672. ed. and control H.5213 671.56 671. M...53 671. Exploratory clinic on new instrumentation requirements for metal cutting : proceedings Experimental investigation of an underwater high pressure Labus. P. Metal cutting principles Shaw. T. C. Au.52141 671. J.56 671. F. Au.52673 671. Metal spraying Rollason.735 671. E. Au. Industrial brazing practice Roberts. 93 720..6424 OO1. Edgar. Industrial design : an introduction Industrial design for electronic products New italian design Alessi.7722 693.76041 681. ed.2 681. Pascal .P. Alberto. Gyroscope through the ages Symposium on aluminium pressure vessels Pressure vessel research towards better design Dynamic analysis of pressure vessel and piping components Sundararajan.01518 697 697 697. ed. R. W..6424 RF 001 RF 671.2 681. SAE transactions Combustion McCabe. Howard P.. I. ed. D. F. District heating combined with electricity generation in the united kingdom Industrial ventilation Air conditioning engineering Jones. Au. Study prepared under the national register of foreign collaborations Handbook of precision engineering Davidson. Thorpe. ed. S. ed. E. Ed.76041 690 690.32 672. Bulletin of JSME Arai. Malcolm. cim Ferro alloy industry in india Injection moulding of lastomers Penn.. E.760 41 681. Au. SAE transactions Allen. Harry.. Sei Distribution of air within a room for year-round air conditioning-part Straub. Steel designers'manual Low cost housing for developing countries Aluminum in school construction Thermal insulation handbook Turner.93 697. Injection moulding of elastomers Penn.S. Au.. S. D. Jon Flow measurement engineering handbook Miller.73 678 678 678. W. Tsuyomu. Building services : proceedings The integration of building services engineering into the design and construction of process facilities Modelling methods for energy in buildings Underwood. W. K.round air conditioningStraub... Au. William.2 681. Tyre technology French.for Ed.. an introduction to methodical programming Findlay. William.32 678. Chen. Harold part 1E. Artificial intelligence in industry:artificial intellegence implications Kusiak..320954 681 681. L. Stanley F.28 745. Tom. Tom. S. Gilman. Michael Ming Visual research methods in design Sanoff. A.76041 681. C.93 697. William C. Harold II E. R.36 672. Indian journal for the chemical & processing industry Circumferential cracks in pressure vessels and piping Wilkpwski. Au.832 696 696 696.2 745. Konzo. Saitta M. W.. ed. Decorating with giftwraps Modern technical writing Sherman..54 808.P. ed. India N.76041 681. Au. Subba. Alexander Page 109 .44945 745.. Au. B. M. Henry. Leb manual of appritence instrmation High speed testing Measurements as a tool in mechanism design Fisher.92 697. Handbook of instruments and instrumentation Sensor technology handbook Wilson. Au.02 697. ed. Maeda.81 693.. Riichi Mastring turbo pascal Swan. Showick Welding handbook : Materials and applications-part 2 Oates. Stutz.52 67-28563 673. G.753 681. Leslie Welding of hsla structural steels : proceedings Rothwell. J. Distribution of air within a room for year. A. 346-refresher course on airconditioning & refrigeration systems design Handbook of instrumentation and controls Kallen..2 745.2 681.Class_No_Opac 672.2 681. Rao.52 Steel rolling technology pf pipe and tube and their application : proceedings Induction heat treatment of steel Semiatin.. Joseph C.2 681. C. E. A. The pearson concise general knowledge manual Thorpe. Theodore A Mao of soviet union Opsearch: journal of the operational research society of Jaiswal.066 914. Gray. S.70223 B40M56 D513m73 D513m73 D641m73 D6m42 OO1.. 71 Maynard's industrial engineering handbook Zandin. Kjell B Page 110 .Class_No_Opac RF621. Class_No_Opac Year 1978 1985 1961 1977 1985 2000 1960 1992 1975 1987 1975 1973 1972 1975 1976 1976 1962 2002 1971 1997 1913 1978 1952 1962 1985 1980 1938 2005 1965 2002 1970 1971 1964 2000 1985 1950 1999 1984 1985 1983 1972 1989 1988 1997 1986 1986 1984 1981 1990 1985 1996 A900 7416 MIED9486 MIED469(SC) MIED5435 MIED8737@AMIED8738 UA MIED2950 MIED M-117 MIED7181@AMIED7179@AMIED7178@AMIED4754@AMIED7180 MIED8509 MIED5066 MIED5065 MIED5064 MIED7175@AMIED7174@AMIED4692@AMIED7177@AMIED7173@AMIED7176 MIED7185@AMIED7183@AMIED7184@AMIED7182 MIED7171@AMIED7169@AMIED7168@AMIED7167 MIED2317@B66@AMIED2316@B65@AMIED2315@B64@AMIED2318@B67@AMIED720@B68@AMIED2721@ MIED587G 132196 MIED9913 MIED902 MIED3731 MIED2078 MIED2313 MIED8261 MIED7093 MIED2876 1 MIED2433 MIED602G MIED3561 MIED3666 MIED10030 MIED C-22 MIED M8094 MIED358(sl) 294032 MIED9042 MIED9006 MIED9043 MIED8839 MIED8990 MIED8983 MIED8572 MIED8569 MIED8961 MIED8836 MIED8360 244916 MIED9264 MIED9872 Page 111 . Class_No_Opac 1985 1987 1987 1985 1994 1986 1985 1984 1961 1987 1963 1978 1982 1998 1989 1991 1987 1996 1986 1986 1989 1992 1996 1989 1988 1991 1974 1988 1998 2002 2004 1999 1986 1995 1999 1994 1999 1996 1995 2001 1998 1999 1997 1997 1991 1998 1996 1994 1995 1997 1996 1995 MIED8230 MIED8901 MIED9001 MIED8716 275501 MIED9262 MIED8363@AMIED462(SL) 230217 MIED2226 MIED8828 MIED2427 MIED2425 MIED7611 MIED10068 MIED9389 MIED10039 MIED8833 MIED9864 MIED8986 MIED8987 MIED8985 MIED9685 MIED G -573 MIED9716 MIED9158 MIED9715 MIED4739 MIED9459 MIED10059 296833 MIED10546 MIED10280 MIED8570 MIED G-575 294033 MIED9828 MIED10093 MIED9829 MIED G-577 MIED10207 MIED10092 279750 MIED10091 MIED10090 MIED9801 MIED9988 MIED10069 MIED8564 MIED9809 MIED574G MIED9989 MIED10003 Page 112 . Class_No_Opac 1995 2001 1994 1985 1995 1994 1986 1995 1997 1987 1988 2000 1990 1986 1992 1978 1993 2003 1991 1997 2005 1997 1968 1963 1978 1979 1957 1977 1977 1936 1966 1966 1987 1969 1965 1980 1950 1955 1954 1969 1980 1980 1965 1948 1969 1967 1966 1971 1954 1971 1971 1953 MIED10004@AMIED9939 MIED10156 MIED10123 MIED8804 MIED9926 MIED9686 MIED8975 MIED9688 MIED9927 MIED9146 MIED8803 MIED10094 MIED9705 MIED G-553 MIED9677 MIED G-531@AMIED9928 MIED9935@AMIED9676 MIED10311 MIED9714 262747 MIEDG-612 277430 134634 77494@A51996 MIED7988 MIED2(SL) MIED2088 MIED6959 MIED1041 MIED535 MIED5250 MIED9575 MIED9576 119907 MIED5248 181897 MIED2577 45779 MIED3750 MIED3072 MIED3785 MIED1616 MIED2886 MIED537 119908 119904 119901 MIED3683 MIED2447 131528@A131531@A131529@A131530 MIED3815 MIED1733 Page 113 . Class_No_Opac 1970 1976 1980 1979 1958 1979 1967 1973 1961 1966 1957 1942 1969 1954 1997 1973 1964 1960 1989 1966 1933 1971 1962 1963 1942 1977 1973 1980 1983 1976 1971 1960 1970 1961 1963 1962 1958 1966 1978 1961 1997 1925 1958 1979 1961 1956 1960 1976 1983 1986 1930 1940 151333 MIED374(SL) MIED6540 MIED6955@AMIED6956 MIED2077 MIED6953@AMIED6958@AMIED6957@AMIED6954 MIED2901 MIED4500 MIED2154@AMIED2155@AMIED2157@AMIED770 MIED2916 MIED888 MIED2531 122604 28001 MIED C-04 MIED9574 MIED5741 71856 MIED8692 MIED7151 MIED2565 173985 MIED1500 MIED2167@AMIED1484 MIED3774 MIED5573 MIED5159 MIED7302@AMIED7389 MID7546 MIED4924 139075 MIED6759 MIED6(SL) MIED3773 MIED9(SL)@AMIED1637 MIED3876 MIED2073 96136 MIED25(SL) MIED117(SL) MIED9921 MIED2136 48645@A48646@A30413@A49476 181898 MIED1183 MIED3899 MIED1203 169807@A169808 MIED9579 MIED499(SL) MIED1164 MIED1132 Page 114 . Class_No_Opac 1926 1978 1955 1957 1985 1965 1998 2002 1999 1997 1988 1961 1971 1989 1981 1976 1978 1976 1976 1974 1985 1973 1977 1976 1982 1980 1972 1977 1984 1988 1976 1975 1975 1976 1981 1976 1975 1977 1977 1983 1970 1986 1936 1972 1971 1971 1985 1959 1971 1982 2005 1973 MIED2448 MIED1102 MIED1165 MIED1115 MIED9577 MIED6940 MIED10001 MIED586G MIED015G MIED010G MID8696@AMIED8698 MIED2959 MIED3798 MIED9045 MIED6812 MIED6089 180839@B1@A180840@B2@A180841@B3@A180842@B4@A180843@B5@A180844@B6@A180845@B7@A1 MIED7591 MIED5410@B1@AMIED5411@B2@AMIED5412@B3@AMIED5413@B4@AMIED5414@B5@AMIED5415@B6@ MIED4977 185782 MIED4957 185781 MIED5190 212091@B1@A212092@B2@A212093@B3@A212094@B4@A212095@B5 191183@A191184@A191185 MIED4253 169293 MIED8184@AMIED7624 MIED8697@AMIED8695@AMIED8699@AMIED8704 169284 169282 180420 169286@A169283@A169292@A169289@A169287 211097@A211095@A211096 169288 169281 169291 169295 201024 MIED4961 MIED8196 MIED9823 132197 132194 132195 MIED2710 MIED7621 MIED3777 MIED8239 320147 MIED4740 Page 115 . Class_No_Opac 1974 1971 1982 1963 1950 1956 1965 1934 1981 1977 1953 1984 1988 1985 1985 2005 1981 1985 1983 1982 1986 1986 1987 1987 1984 1961 1960 1965 2001 1976 1984 1970 1972 1947 1913 1971 1967 1971 1951 1954 1967 1940 1967 1935 1951 1972 1950 1943 1997 1936 1977 1978 MIED4463@B2@AMIED4462@B1@AMIED4892@B3 MIED4917 MIED7024@AMIED7023 MIED3382@B2@AMIED3383@B3@AMIED2942@B4@AMIED2943@B5@AMIED3389@B9@AMIED2947@B6@ MIED1020 MID2587 MIED4011 MIED2133 MIED6922 MIED5143 MIED1729 MIED7669 MIED8709@AMIED8710 MIED8755 MIED M-6 322225 MIED7445 MIED8217@AMIED8218 MIED7927@AMIED7928 MIED7926 MIED8694 MIED8693 MIED8723 MIED8722 MIED8216@AMIED8215 MIED3206@AMIED3173@AMIED3171 MIED3217@AMIED1708 MIED3265 322227 169513 MIED7674 MIED G526 151369 MIED366(SL) MIED2596 MIED169(SL) MIED3769 MIED3824 MIED91(SL) MIED1571 MIED3942 MIED151(SL) MIED546 MIED2649 MIED3874 MIED386(SL) MIED2629 MIED1464 MIED9918 MIED545 MIED282(SL) MIED185468 Page 116 . Class_No_Opac 1958 1941 1978 1970 1974 1961 1974 1971 1986 1973 1995 2001 1999 1964 1964 1999 1966 1988 2001 1988 1988 1963 1959 1972 1963 1958 1962 1991 1972 1972 1945 1945 1952 1947 1948 1930 1952 1948 1961 1964 1949 1962 1978 1978 1952 1974 1927 1952 1978 1967 1974 1956 MIED1584@AMIED1614 MIED1154 185468 MIED3948@A118035 182831 MIED1547 169806 MIED3949 MIED8826 MIED4320 MIED9803 290872 291435 MIED435(SL) MIED3771@AMIED3883 306768 MIED3847@AMIED3946 MIED8884 308469 242746 MIED8684 MIED2244 MIED3721 MIED4321 MIED6764 MIED6770 MIED430(SL) MIED9652 MIED G 56 MIEDG-561 MIED26(SL) MIED138(SL) MIED6760 MIED27(SL) MIED6761 MIED284(SL) MIED6775 MIED6785 MIED1149 MIED2161 MIED286(SL) MIED360(SL) MIED3826 182882 MIED507G MIED244(SL) MIED376(SL) MIED361(SL) MIED G-564 MIED497(SL) MIED9870 MIED3848 Page 117 . Class_No_Opac 1970 1978 1977 1972 1944 1957 1983 1954 1978 1968 1966 1963 1966 1944 1962 1912 1967 1956 1947 1929 1946 1963 1950 1947 1959 1987 1962 1972 1961 1957 1951 1965 1978 1959 1962 1977 1967 1965 1953 1947 1950 1970 1960 1914 1949 1956 1944 1950 1948 1976 1972 MIED29(SL) MIED289(SL) MIED3968 MIED378(SL) MIED377(SL) MIED6769 MIED7585 MIED322(SL) 185467 MIED3767 MIED10024 MIED G-532 MIED3732 MIED82(SL) MIED2243 MIED544 MIED3499 MIED6755 MIED 313(SL) MIED2641 MIED13(SL) MIED272(SL) MIED32(SL) MIED225 (SL) MIEDSL428 MIED301(SL) MIEDSL265 160857 MIED6754 MIED6783 MIED457(SL) MIED429(SL) MIED2945 MIED363(SL) MIED364(SL) MIED227(SL) MIED3905 MIED3727 MIED160(SL) MIED36(SL) MIED89(SL) MIED226(sl) MIED3720 MIED2644 MIED59(SL) MIED1192 9800 76151 MIED221(SL) MIED G-565 MIED3816@AMIED3797 MIEDM-113 Page 118 . Class_No_Opac 2005 1965 1960 1973 1994 1994 1977 1975 2002 1992 1992 1960 1968 1986 1964 1990 1983 1977 1982 1964 1957 1957 1971 1958 1949 1940 1972 1958 1955 1978 1936 1955 1962 1953 1958 1960 1962 1973 1960 1984 1965 1984 1964 1960 1971 1971 1986 1978 1996 1990 1962 1965 320118 168869 MIED2084 MIED M-501 MIED10002 MIED10019 169956 170919 294031 MIED9726@AMIED9698@AMIED9678 MIED9650@AMIED9938 MIED3877 MIED3945 MIED9497 118023 243031 MIED7584 164949 MIED463(SL) MIED427(SL) MIED107(SL) MIED466(SL) MIED426(SL) MIED67G MIED467(SL) MIED456(SL)@AMIED455(SL) MIED408(SL) MIED1565 MIED414(SL) MIED9578 MIED3879 MIED1706 MIED298(SL)@AMIED297(SL) MIED297(SL)` MIED963 MIED971 MIED6774 MIED5280@AMIED5279 MIED1870 MIED7641 MIED2391 MIED7796 MIED133(SL) MIED1569 MIED9912 MIED4607@AMIED404(SL)@AM IED4580@AMIED4577@AMIED4579@AMIED4578 MIED8367 212410 MIED10099 MIED9888 MIED3186@AMIED3185@AMIED3187 MIED2464 Page 119 . Class_No_Opac 1958 1971 1958 1970 1961 1950 1971 1979 1988 1970 1971 1967 1962 2004 1962 1978 1965 1985 1986 1989 1978 1988 1986 1960 1975 1988 1996 1987 1976 1980 1967 1978 1961 1987 1954 1956 1987 1958 1964 1959 1987 1979 1980 1961 1977 1969 1975 1988 1984 1989 1987 1978 MIED1419 130772 MIED1420 146992@A146991@A146990@A146989 MIED3275 MIED303(SL) MIED144G MIED213G MIED9245 MIED38G 139923 MIED118G MIED1812 322226 MIED315G 182835 MIED73G@AMIED74G MIED324G@A262625 MIED503G@AMIED501G MIED9090@B8@AMIED8258@B6@AMIED8257@B5 MIED198G MIED345G MIED506G@AMIED504G MIED344G MIED199G MIED8687 MIED9808 MIED8900 MIED405G MIED387G MIED372G 183795@A170596 MIED43G MIED8923 25610 17872 MIED162G MIED152G MIED33G MIED176G@AMIED605 MIED8561@BVol 6 182642 MIED44G@AMIED9270 MIED69G MIED9077@AMIED103G 118037@AMIED77(SL)@A236716 173980 MIED9084 MIED7830 MIED9152 MIED9009 173006 Page 120 . Class_No_Opac 1975 1964 1995 1971 1967 1968 1978 1999 1969 1988 1984 1957 1985 1960 1963 1954 1941 1960 1958 1972 1964 1962 1985 1983 2002 1959 1958 2004 1990 1937 1962 1961 1977 1986 1985 1970 1956 1956 1958 1975 1974 1975 1984 2002 1972 1964 1988 1954 1965 1973 1999 1985 MIED416G MIED68G MIED9863 MIED443G 150980@A138654 118030 185841 292705 MIED4032 MIED8764 MIED262G MIED2352 MIED346G@AMIED9132@AMIED347G MIED274G@AMIED273G MIED85G MIED1152 MIED1225 MIED273(SL0 49310@B1@AMIED268G@B2@A47171@A13119 MIED241G MIED84G@AMIED83G MIED245G MIED328G MIED7962 MIED639G@AMIED640G MIED690@AMIED2355 MIED267G MIED609G@AMIED610G MIED9634 MIED1175 MIED498G MIED1824@AMIED469(sl)@AMIED1169 MIED6935@AMIED5307@AMIED5308@AMIED5305@AMIED5306 MIED8256@B4@AMIED8255@B3@AMIED8253@B1@AMIED8254@B2 MIED167G MIED311G MIED4614 MIED4613 MIED3707 188337@A188334@AMIED308G@AMIED307G@A236720 MIED153G 170599@A170598 MIED7829 MIED10202 137236 MIED2981 MIED8763 MID819 MIED2750 99284 292836 MIED325G Page 121 . Class_No_Opac 1953 1987 1916 1962 1986 1978 1949 1960 1992 1948 1965 2002 1987 1954 1988 1956 1973 1986 1973 1997 1977 1976 1982 1983 1985 2005 1986 1996 1973 1999 1964 1953 1956 1966 1957 1987 1978 1948 1964 1964 1956 1978 2002 1982 1977 2000 1955 1981 1959 1978 1974 1960 MIED821 MIED8926 MIED620 MIED3456 MIED9604 169164 MIED2345 MIED290G MIED9691 MIED1178 171996 307270 MIED9241 MIED606 MIED9080 50432@AMIED109G 9003 MIED9131 MIED9003 291271 168981 180197 MIED7806 211091 MIED8708 320219 MIED418G MIED9950@A277219@A277218 185840@A171159 292837 115768 MIED368(SL)@AMIED128G 50435 139079 50442@A50438@AMIED110G MIED9633@AMIED8814 185469@A185098 MIED1193 MIED4514 MIEDG MIED613 183915 MIED596G MIED7718 171631@A171632 MIED10203 MIED628 211093 MIED1106 180262 MIED500G MIED3G@AMIED4006 Page 122 . Class_No_Opac 1957 1994 1960 1959 1985 1960 1958 1958 1982 1986 2002 2002 1985 1972 1972 1978 1993 1961 1960 1979 1955 1960 1959 1952 1957 1986 1989 1989 1961 1981 1987 1989 1981 2002 1956 1975 1954 1958 1983 1989 1935 1977 1953 1942 1958 1984 1976 1970 1989 1960 1970 1908 MIED612 262627@AMIED519G MIED174G MIED235G MIED8528 MIED1229@AMIED1230 29919 MIED39G MIED242G MIED421G 295912 307276 MIED420G MIED478G MIED4162 187118 MIED9718 MIED4460 MIED438G@A118036@AMIED437G@AMIED608 183904 MIED1388 MIED1157 MIED1191 50488 71886 MIED8502 238427 MIED80G MIED1471 183824 MIED8856 MIED9600 MIED7571 MIED595G 27831 173280 24281 MIED6773 212249 MIED9362@AMIED604 MIED622 167622@A185842 MIED238(SL) MIED3873 MIED62G MIED8275 MIED539G 170050 242270 54027 122631 MIED618 Page 123 . Class_No_Opac 1953 1984 1953 1938 1962 1956 1970 1961 1956 1963 1983 1986 1987 1964 1962 1936 1985 1926 1974 1997 1941 1967 1965 1934 1960 1971 1961 1977 1962 1978 1985 1973 1996 2004 1960 1965 1957 1998 2000 1913 1983 1961 1978 1985 1968 1960 1956 2000 1969 1958 1986 1970 MIED6771@A147659 MIED240(SL) 147657@AMIED51G@AMIED50G MIED2866 MIED3502@AMIED1633 MIED1639@AMIED1640@AMIED431G MIED3413@AMIED4221 MIED2346 MIED1070 125154 MIED7516 MIED8084 MIED8323@AMIED8322 136499 125140 MIED619 MIED470(SL) MIED623 MIED5658 MIED9969 MIED2513 MIED3040 MIED170G MIED2509 MIED211G 133480 MIED2328 187108 181070@A125138 173014 MIED8228 MIED4502 MIED9862 307278 MIED1079 122621 MIED627 MIED9960 MIED26G MIED624 MIED7563@AMIED7562 MIED1476 MIED49(SL)@A185305 MIED8526 122311 MIED8242 MIED2350 291759 118339 76170 MIED9072 MIED3994 Page 124 . Class_No_Opac 1968 1972 1962 1987 1989 1951 1963 1963 1977 1963 1967 1984 1962 1954 1973 1987 1989 1960 1962 1984 1977 1978 1969 1965 1948 1960 1969 1966 1978 1973 1948 1964 1972 1972 1969 1971 1981 1978 1978 1954 1958 1962 1966 1976 1941 1977 1960 1983 1986 1958 1962 1964 118039 MIED4576 71865 MIED173G MIED395G@AMIED396G@AMIED397G MIED684 MIED2024@AMIED2023@AMIED2026@AMIED2025 MIED4322 153917 MIED1980@AMIED1981@AMIED1982 MIED3817 MIED8829 MIED1489 MIED1488 MIED543G MIED8966 MID397(SL)@B1@AMID396G@B2 MIED2232 MIED1474 MIED7601 172999 185304@A186193@A173015 119469 MIED4053 MIED2338 MIED1453 119470 MIED2842 191069 136479 MIED688 MIED3934 136478 MIED7349 MIED6278 MIED6279 184161 188836 188837 MIED141G@AMIED6756@AMIED3894 MIED614 MIED6762 125128 169487 MIED625 171160 MIED6777 MIED8276 MIED9413 MIED607@AMIED283G 122684 MIED231G Page 125 . Class_No_Opac 1962 1956 1971 1966 1969 1957 1962 1948 1948 1959 1961 1965 1960 1987 1969 1932 1957 1934 1934 1954 1966 1964 1948 1957 1950 1959 1953 1970 1989 1982 1943 1951 1954 1935 1953 1964 1959 1986 1960 1965 1982 1970 1959 1973 1984 1992 1961 1963 1962 2005 1964 1952 MIED236G 76163@AMIED230G MIED86G 130945 123592 MIED184G@AMIED1219 MIED113G MIED609 MIED111G MIED122G MIED413G MIED90G MIED70G@A53303 MIED163G MIED4615 MIED175G MIED1188 MIED58(SL)@AMIED64G 14910 MIED617 MIED150G MIED4513 MIED210G MIED616 MIED31G MIED611 MIED1580 125136 238426 211254 MIED99G@B6@AMIED98G@B5@AMIED97G@B4@AMIED96G@B3@AMIED95G@B2@AMIED94G@B1 MIED3893 MIED615 MIED76(SL) MIED373G MIED121(SL) MIED65G MIED8878 MIED60G MIED81G MIED7568 153873 MIED3274 MIED87G@A136484 MIED7883 277420 MIED3733 MIED2432 MIED320G 320451 MIED3247 MIED1728 Page 126 . Class_No_Opac 1952 1979 1961 1961 1949 1962 1962 1976 1959 1960 1964 1963 2003 1956 1956 1982 1981 1966 2002 1982 1977 1983 1964 1979 1963 1975 1999 1976 1988 1987 1994 1978 1992 1965 1969 1963 1957 1974 1961 1978 1960 1950 1941 1962 1961 1966 1959 1980 1955 1957 1977 1996 MIED1726 MIED7512 MIED3289 MIED4212 MID3282 MIED2230 MIED3177 181545 MIED3283 MIED3276 122306 MIED3901 307056 MIED741 MIED742 MIED7236 MIED6797 MIED4003 MIED588G MIED7213 182890 MIED8232 MIED3277 181362 MIED1715 MIED4673 309412 172383 MIED8530 MIED8208 277418 184932 MIED9836 MIED3280 183856 MIED1686 MIED1129 169810 MIED1490 MIED8460 103497 MIED2069@AMIED1561 48995 MIED1478 MIED1456@AMIED2068@AMIED1848 234493 MIED1472 MIED7575 MIED1180 50423 185962 277431 Page 127 . Class_No_Opac 1997 1986 1977 1961 1978 1987 1986 1956 1974 1978 1959 1988 2000 1998 1982 1997 2000 2005 1984 1997 1998 1956 1960 1987 1995 1978 1986 1992 1987 1987 1988 1975 1989 1986 1987 1982 1961 1986 1980 1953 1982 1995 1995 1931 1958 1948 1940 1962 1959 1951 1982 1972 MIED10129 MIED8247 173230 MIED1847 173233 239264@B4@A239263@B3@A239262@B2@A239261@B1 239265 54579@A50420 148074 185964 MID756@AMIED757 MIED8834 MIED10122 277263 MIED8863 277795 291434 321069 MIEd7961 262740 309210 MIED890 MIED1657 MIED M-76 MIED9879 185266 MIED9088 244605 MIED M-86 244875 MIED9068 MIED M-21 MIED61G MIED8907 235198 MIED7728@AMIED7581 MIED1858@AMIED1116@AMIED1455 MIED8753 183065 MIED689 MIED7589 MIED9822 MIED3631 MIED679 MIED1540 MIED1842@AMIED1844@AMIED1843 MIED2658 MIED1924 MIED114 26633 MIED7602 MIED179 Page 128 . Class_No_Opac 1938 1984 1966 1992 1972 1983 1982 1980 1959 1977 1983 1982 1976 1965 1956 1965 1976 1983 1966 1944 1980 1965 1960 1971 1963 2004 2004 1966 1983 2000 1999 1997 1953 2002 1998 1988 2004 1974 1992 1988 2001 2003 1990 1947 1985 1963 1956 1965 1946 1947 1960 1962 MIED2877 MIED260G MIED3944@AMIED3748 MIED9807 145016 MIED7747 MIED7573 MIED6944@AMIED6945 MIED1560 173978@B2@A173372@B1@A173977@B1@A173373@B2 MIED8840 MIED9651@AMIED8294 168628@A172704 MIED309 MIED686@AMIED687 MIED3819 169307 MIED8713@AMIED9458 MIED126 MIED2874 MIED9824 MIED79 118027 MIED4001 MIED1978@AMIED1977@AMIED1979 MIED10548 MIED10547 MIED3662 MIED8715 292839 MIED10037 293154 MID1813 298730 290875 MIED8848 MIED605G 172120@A138790@A138296 277701 MIED8780 309088 320081 262742 MIED1040 MIED7931 MIED2252 MIED1038 MIED2821@AMIED2822 MIED1026@AMIED1023 MIED1037 MIED2251 MIED1042 Page 129 . Class_No_Opac 1956 1960 1961 1984 1958 1985 1953 1962 1989 1987 1960 1986 1980 1976 1983 1982 1985 1962 1969 1955 1971 1961 1961 1972 1960 1943 1968 1957 1948 1969 1959 1941 1978 1967 1971 1990 1970 1954 1986 1963 1961 1965 1970 1969 1954 1938 1967 1969 1913 1986 1976 1960 MIED1044 MIED1713 MIED2665 MIED M-2 MIED1668 MIED M-75 MIED1669 MIED1721 MIED9806 MIED8209 MIED534 MIED8293 181896 MIED5577 213410 MIED8031 236658 MIED2205@AMIED1062 MIED327 MIED661 133024@B11@A134274@B12@A150250@B13@A180593@B14@A187394@B15@A187395@B16@A186972@ MIED384G MIED1104 149541@A149540@A149539 MIED3823 MIED3882 MIEDSL53 MIED1130@AMIED1082 MIED3282@A76228@A76229@A76230@A76231@A76232@B6@A76233@B7@AMIED3790@B8@AMIED3791 128481@AMIED239SL MIED1173 MIED2529 171995 MIED323 149538 279870 MIED4009 MIED1389 MIED206(SL)@AMIED207SL@AMIED206 SL MIED454(SL) MIED1158 MIED164 MIED186 SL MIED3112 MIED1061@AMIED2206@AMIED3659 MIED2527 MIED3788 MIED3098 MIED2403 MIED208SL 168290@A168289 MIED590 Page 130 . Class_No_Opac 1969 1999 1967 1972 2002 1972 1949 1990 1965 1965 1938 1953 1988 1959 1987 1948 1976 1973 1952 1970 1989 1997 1965 1988 1968 1966 1978 1984 1969 1961 1997 1953 1976 1961 1969 1989 1980 1960 1959 1984 1957 1976 1963 1957 1965 1957 1961 1988 2003 1987 1987 1976 122622 307059 118025 168305 321073 MIED3670 MIED1392 239266 MIED2865 MIED2729 MIED2598 MIED1255 236722 MIED1254 MIED9022 MIED1097 168292@B2@A168291@B1 139078 MIED1577 MIED432 242546 MIED10063 138649 MIED08816@B2@AMIED08815@B1 130769 146174 MIED350@AMIED352@AMIED354@AMIED353@AMIED351 232083 146173 MID2227 292835 MIED896 MIED7205 138648 MIED5200 071855 211090 MIED1398 MIED2406 MIED254 MIED2404 MIEDSL256 MIED445SL MIED1578 MIED263SL MIED1394 MIED127(SL)@AMIEDSL127 MIED204 MIED 592 MIEDSL425 MIEDSL424 MIED255 Page 131 . Class_No_Opac 1959 1959 1957 1978 1959 1965 1976 1976 1980 1961 1993 1961 1972 1968 1968 1985 1984 1984 1956 1952 1965 1984 1975 1964 1978 1978 1976 1975 1962 1970 1966 1975 1960 1955 1954 1960 1975 1962 2003 1962 1970 1986 1988 1975 1961 1995 1978 1969 1972 1979 1997 1955 MIED2420 MIED2407 MIEDSL23 MIED8450 MIEDSL299 MIEDSL102 MIEDSL156 166215 MIED9739 MIED2860 244921 MIEDSL35 MIED3907 MIED3820@AMIED2999 MIED2997 MID8081 MIED8536 MIEDSL252 MIED1737 MIED1727 MIED 2466 MIED253 MIED M-39 MIED2304 MIED183858 MIED4747 MIED M-44 MIED M-38 MIED2229 MIED3779 MIED5204 MIED M-40 MIED3288 50425 50431@B4@A50429@B3@A50427@B2 135151@B1@A135152@B2 171989@A170594 MIED1838 296834 MID2431@B2@AMIED2430@B1 MIED5107 227629 MIED8893 154127@A169512@A154126 MIED1465 MIED9733 MIEDSL370 MIEDSL279 168304 MIED9826 MIED9907 25325 Page 132 . Class_No_Opac 1975 1966 1977 1940 1966 1962 1964 1990 1986 1957 1968 1965 1984 1946 1947 1986 1964 1966 1968 1942 1940 1973 1982 1941 1975 1946 1995 1958 1987 1964 1973 1964 2000 1989 1949 1949 1979 1985 1978 1984 1978 1959 1999 1985 1980 1974 1985 1995 1995 1999 1985 1940 185303 MIED192(SL)@AMIED3000@AMIED194@AMIED3881@AMIED3891 169952 MIED1390 123038@AMIED4022 MIED1996@AMIED1995 MIED4019@A122451 275101 MIED9449 MIED1475 MIEDSL185 MIED4021 MIED7814 MIED2553 MIED1550 MIED9827 MIED4020@A122452 MIED5546 122453 MIED3723 MIEDSL482 MIEDSL359 MIED8864 MIEDSL483 MIED465 25388@B2@AMIED736@B3@AMIED737@B1 MIED9825 MIED1742 MIED8872 MIED3699 MIED5722@AMIED5309 MIED3113 292701 238699 MIED2532 28526 MIED8537 MIEDSL295 170779@AMIEDSL270@AMIEDSL271 MIEDSL292 170600 MIEDSL287 MIED10034@AMIEDSL296 MIED294(SL)@AMIEDSL294@AMIEDSL293 MIED8939 MIEDSL472 MIED8366 277143 MIED9794 320304 236684 MIED1393 Page 133 . Class_No_Opac 1980 1954 1939 1978 1973 1942 1975 1970 1954 1968 1951 1950 1972 1981 1952 1979 1962 1954 1967 1961 1977 1982 1966 1988 1952 1968 1966 1970 1995 1966 1961 1959 1989 1972 1959 1967 1955 1963 1987 1931 1985 1980 1959 1966 1975 1978 1978 1980 1952 1969 1965 1980 MIED8539 MIED1549 MIED2558 192575 MIED8532 MIED2533 169230 123037 MIEDSL193 MIED4010 MIED6772 MIED1089 MIEDSL165 184032 MIED6779 MIEDG524 MIED3725 71891 118021 MIED1075@AMIED3880 169258 MIED9079 MIED3462@AMIED355(SL)@AMIED357(SL)@AMIEDSL356 236683 MIEDSL352 MIEDSL101 MIEDSL321 MIEDSL100 278259 119856 MIED1144 MIED1145 MIED9024 MIEDSL132 MIEDSL349 128490 MIED1251@AMIEDSL212 MIED2863 MIED8906 MIEDSL422@AMIEDSL423 231866 182965 MIED1632@AMIED1184 MIED2890 185963 169953 187601 MIEDSL448 MIED1397 122310 MIED2847 172846 Page 134 . Class_No_Opac 1956 1995 1961 1985 1961 1965 1929 1988 1951 1957 1938 1949 1973 1965 1976 1976 1954 1962 1965 1941 1986 1991 1957 1971 1976 2003 1950 1952 1959 1995 1967 1952 1956 1976 1958 1999 1927 1978 1984 1973 1964 1961 1990 1988 1990 1959 1980 1964 1982 1969 1950 1966 MIED738 MIED9701 MIED3875 MIED217(SL) 48183 125133 MIED2576 MIED8905 MIEDSL447 MIED1105 MIED423(SL) MIED3897 MIED4377 MIEDSL232 168311 MIED3724 MIED1543 MIED1520@AMIEDSL486 MIED4031 18512 MIED9425 244919 MIED816 151335 MIED7206 291281 MIED1722 MIED1522 MIEDSL46 MIED9798 123165 MIED1008 MIED1523 MIEDSL383 53460 MIED10038 MIED538 185910@A181780@A185268 MIED329(SL)@AMIED8364@AMIEDSL329@AMIEDSL330@AMIEDSL331 MIEDSL484 123178 MIED1514 MIEDSL382 242376 MIED381 (SL) MIED1511 227639 MIEDSL444 MIED9275 122309 MIEDSL458 MIED20 Page 135 . Class_No_Opac 1967 1999 2004 1999 2002 2000 1999 1990 2001 1978 1978 1983 1988 1990 1982 1961 1977 1985 1976 1932 2003 1997 1988 1988 1985 1996 1961 1959 1957 1960 1968 1968 1974 1970 1936 1976 1965 1951 1968 1997 1979 1975 1934 1958 1988 1960 1989 1953 1950 1962 1961 1945 MIEDSL123 MIED10062 307071 296277 293644 294730@A294729 MIED10064 MIED381G MIED10145 181762 171001 212154 242377 MIED9602 MIED7884 MIED2337 184034@A184033 MIED9081 171347 MIEDSL442 295681 278260 242380 242379 MIED8754 293155 MIED2190 MIED2223 MIED 1864 MIED1224 136056 MIED678 149537@A161082@A. 138652 MIEDSL487 153102 123039 MIED1146@AMIEDSL485 MIEDSL406 MIED9957 277768 169939 MIED1391 MIED 1743 MIED 8773 52582 242747 76135 22963 76153 MIED1563 MIED721 Page 136 . Class_No_Opac 1983 1975 1977 1968 1961 1961 1963 1956 1963 1949 1978 1953 1956 1957 1951 1916 1954 1954 1981 1978 1988 1991 1985 1977 1978 1986 1990 1983 1987 1971 2000 1998 1998 2005 1970 1982 1985 2004 1975 1954 1981 1976 1988 1974 1991 1972 1979 1973 1977 1977 1975 1986 MIED8231 172993 185258 146995 MIED1503 MIED1744 MIED3660 MIED1739 MIED3661 MIED1718 186227 MIED1730 MIED2081 MIED1738 MIED412 MIED2083 MIED752 MIED1734 MIED8578 MIED6264@B1@A170586@B1@AMIED6265@B2A@A170587@B2A@A170588@B2B@AMIED6275@B2B@A17 242381@A242382 MIED9727 231865 173009@A173124 MIED8576 MIED8547 MIED9740 243046 MIED9277 227687 294727 294726 277427 320065 227688 MIED9365 MIED9366 320068 152767 MIED2434 211862 227684 MIED9237 227686 MIED623G@AMIED622G MIED4378@AMIED4379 184158 152766@B1 MIED6277@A170591@A170590 188193 MIED8250 MIED9247 Page 137 . Class_No_Opac 1977 1962 1956 1950 1973 1957 1995 1986 1987 1987 1961 1975 1968 1973 1989 1989 1971 1980 1974 1952 1951 1984 1996 1961 2004 1987 1981 1984 1983 1981 1975 1983 1978 1991 1977 1963 1988 2003 1989 1989 1997 1957 2000 1948 1973 1977 1987 1979 1993 1994 1998 2003 169951 MIED1556 MIED1396 MIED1499 227689 MIED1504 MIED9833 MIED9246 242383 MIED8546 MIED1521 169969 98196@B1@A98197@B2@AMIED3794@B3@A98198@B4@A98199@B5@A98200@B6@A133025@B7@A136 149536 MIED9142@B1@AMIED9143@B2@AMIED9144@B3 242378 MIED4424 212046 149997 MIED1725 MIED1719 MIED9276 MIED9983 71854 320122 MIED8549 MIEDG552 MIED8970 MIED551G MIED G-552 149765 MIED8548 180384 309147 168287@A169260 139071@A139072@AMIED2246@AMIED2245 MIED9260 320069 MIED9987 MIED9986 MIED9984 MIED88SL 294453 51081 149465@A151264@A151104 MIED8787 MIED9261 184788 MIED9949 MIED9804 MIED10040 320059 Page 138 . Class_No_Opac 1967 1998 1984 1985 2002 1975 1986 1980 1959 1956 1974 1985 1990 1968 1983 2002 1951 1946 1996 1975 1975 1975 1986 1987 2004 1996 1999 1972 1946 1959 1976 1978 1972 1987 1982 2003 1976 1971 1952 1982 1976 1978 1976 1978 1979 1977 1975 1976 1974 1980 1982 1971 232715 277428 MIED7619 MIED8922 292899 149761 MIED9094 183823 MIED1557 MIED1555 227685@A180230 MIED9692 242219 170924 MIED8580 296835 MIED1470 46092 MIED9855 151304 149758 149759 MIED8574 MIED8881 320116 MIED624G MIED13G MIED4176 MIED7937@AMIED7935 MIED2334 149692 187301 153653 MIED8789 MIED7580 320060 168868 138269 MIED7934@AMIED7936 211920 153652@A181940 185307@A171346 171344@A161081 185306 233843 169228 185308@A149462 170202 MIED4691 MIED8241 MIED7565 MIED3973 Page 139 . Class_No_Opac 1974 2001 1958 1968 1975 1987 1986 1974 1988 1979 1982 1963 1996 1958 1957 1998 1968 1977 1979 1950 1994 1964 1982 1967 1965 1991 1995 1947 1955 2002 1976 1961 1961 2001 2000 2000 1979 1999 2000 1979 1989 1989 1990 1963 1984 1949 1972 1988 1952 1957 1948 1956 MIED4741 292703 MID824@AMIED823 132428 151975 MIED8374 MIED8238 152684 MIED9014 210664@A181942 MIED8577 MIED66SL MIED10097 MIED898 47064 277274 MIED3001 167620 MIED7715@AMIED6495 MIED468G MIED9700 MIED434G MIED7604 MIED516G MIED4012 244920@A275011 MIED9837 MIED119(SL) MIED4146 MIED10206 234091@AMIED1486 138903@A138905@AMIED1485 MIED1487 293641 293639 295919 181941 305456 MIED604G 183796 238428 MIED9640@AMIED9641@AMIED9642@AMIED9643 MIED9933 MIED2335 MIED8910 27740 MIED280G@AMIED521G MIED8880 13683 49146 24083 MIED1631 Page 140 . Class_No_Opac 1975 1951 1977 1989 1972 1979 1962 1989 1977 1983 1990 1951 1937 1965 1994 1979 1986 1958 1979 1959 1979 2000 1965 1987 1975 1972 1956 1972 1962 1983 1956 1968 1976 1995 1987 1986 1987 2000 1985 1961 2004 2005 1982 1986 1978 1998 1983 1989 1990 1995 1974 1972 153674 17883 187958 MIED9418 MIED3998@AMIED3999 183601 MIED9682 MIED9156 185147@A185148@A185145@A185146 211726 MIED9603 MIED203G@AMIED1992@AMIED1991@AMIED1993 MIED481G MIED479SL MIED9689 214013 MIED8859 MIED1850@AMIED1181 210665 48304 MIED8797 MIED10130 MIED1867 MIED9238 149769 MIED4394 MIED897 MIED4426 MIED2348 MIED7811 MIED507 126548 170723 MIED9800 MIED8707 MIED9683 MIED9369 290944 MIED7977@AMIED7976 MIED1662 320061 309377 213064 242535 185959 MIED10035 234090 MIED9639 320437 277000 151263@A149464 MIED4161 Page 141 . Class_No_Opac 1974 1973 1984 1986 1979 1940 1972 1979 1972 1998 1972 2005 2002 1971 1979 1956 1951 1972 1982 2000 2002 1993 1997 1958 1966 1979 2001 1981 1980 1975 1974 1971 1955 1976 1970 2000 1979 1979 1977 1981 1965 2001 1970 1962 1982 1980 1970 1972 1974 1985 1976 1987 MIED5206 MIED4926 MIED7742 MIED M-9 MIED7283@B2@AMIED M-61@B1@AMIED M-60@B1@AMIED M-73@B3@AMIED M-68@B2@AMIED M-69@B MIED25021 MIED M-100 MIED M-65@B2@AMIED M-67@B2@AMIED M-63@B1@AMIED M-71@B3@AMIED M-70@B3@AMIED M-66@ MIED M-32@AMIED M-29 277426 MIED M-99@AMIED M-30@AMIED M-28 MIED611G MIED599G MIED3735 MIED7281@AMIED7280@AMIED7282@AMIED7284 MIED3903@A30192 MIED 290 132198 MIED7243 MIED583G@AMIED582G MIED0602G MIED626G@AMIED627G MIED621G@AMIED620G MIED901 MIED415(SL) MIED7285 MIED581G MIED7420 MIED7419 MIED4797@AMIED4799 MIED4511 MIED4066@AMIED4065 MIED2653 MIED5434 MIED3869 MID G-582@AMID G-582 MIED M-62 MIED5704 MIED5341 MIED6942@AMIED7068 MIED2931 MIED10158 MIED5161 MIED2353 MID7292 MID6470@AMID6473@AMID6469@AMID6472@AMIED6471 MIED3870 MIED4257 MIED4481 MIED8020 MIED M-20 MIED M-85 Page 142 . Class_No_Opac 1949 1971 1973 1959 1986 1988 1971 1973 1915 1985 1963 1960 1959 1979 1914 1997 2004 2004 1993 1972 1996 1985 1999 1972 1990 1986 1981 1982 1988 1989 1990 1986 1987 1991 1989 1986 1968 1988 1986 1986 1975 1989 1988 1975 1977 1976 1987 1969 1966 1988 1984 1987 23044 MIED3667 MIED4258 MIED1100 MIED8237 MIED9076 MIED5657 154089 138 137@A51628@A11990@AMIED2519 MIED2388 MIED2387 MIED1581@A150833 99543 277434 309148 321525 MIED645G MIED M-11 262628 MIED M-94@AMIED M-93 MIED021G MIED M-3 MIDM9312 MIDM8497 MIDM7272 MIDM7188 MIDM9029 MIDM9302 MIDM9331 MID8519 MIDM8489 MIDM9473 MIDM9017 MIDM8445 MID7331 MIDM8674 MID8518 MID8940 MID4928 MIDM9301 MID9033 MID4802 MID5337 MID5177 MIDM8496 MID3159 MID2824 MIDM8676 MIDM7908 MIDM8485 Page 143 . Class_No_Opac 1986 1987 1976 1990 1986 1987 1984 1989 1991 1986 1978 1983 1983 1983 1972 1989 1986 1973 1991 1989 1983 1991 1986 1983 1967 1983 1964 1977 1978 1973 1973 1955 1974 1977 1982 1975 1983 1974 1986 1975 1959 1967 1978 1987 1979 1989 1987 1978 1976 1984 1985 1986 MIDM8093 MIDM8500 MIDM6222 MIDM9342 MIDM8159 MIDM8481 MIDM7905 MID9443 MIDM9474 MID8492 MID5713 MID7662 MID7903 MID7660 MID4062 MIDM8937 MIDM8099 MID4309 MIDM9475 MIDM9040 MIDM7643 MIDM9454 MIDM8470 MIDM7906 MID2934 MIDM7904 MID7330 MID7439 MID6541 MID4706 MID4707 MID6491 MID4705 MID7329 MID7659 MID7333 MID7897 MID7328 MIDM8149 MID6552 MID5039` MID6490 MID6543 MIDM8484 MID6542 MIDM9303 MIDM8482 MIDB5467 MIDM5123 MIDM7894 MIDM8090 MIDM8447 Page 144 . Class_No_Opac 1986 1988 1984 1987 1986 1987 1984 1989 1986 1988 1988 1988 1989 1986 1982 1990 1989 1991 1985 1988 1986 1983 1986 1986 1991 1988 1989 1981 1986 1974 1989 1987 1989 1988 1984 1983 1982 1981 1983 1974 1975 1987 1984 1969 1985 1986 1980 1988 1981 1986 1987 1984 MIDM8144 MIDM8682 MIDM7907 MIDM8478 MIDM8162 MIDM8487 MIDM7912 MIDM8933 MIDM8307 MIDM8679 MIDM8774 MIDM8928 MIDM9326 MIDM8301 MIDM7261 MIDM9340 MIDM8936 MIDM9476 MIDM7891 MIDM8683 MIDM8305 MIDM7653 MIDM8306 MIDM MIDM9453 MIDM8680` MIDM9027 MIDM7258 MIDM8448 MIDM4558 MIED M9308 MIDM8498 MIDM9030 MIDM8931 MIEDM7911 MIEDM7654 MIEDM7265 MIDM7010 MIEDM7651 MID6798 MIEDM4825 MIDM8472 MIDM7890 MIDM3152 MIDM7932 MIDM8098 MIED6889 MIDM8779 MIDM7009 MIDM8309 MIDM8932 MIDM7909 Page 145 . Class_No_Opac 1981 1991 1988 1990 1991 1982 1985 1989 1990 1975 1978 1982 1982 1990 1987 1982 1988 1989 1988 1983 1984 1989 1981 1982 1983 1991 1959 1961 1981 1983 1986 1990 1985 1981 1986 1989 1990 1982 1986 1982 1979 1988 1986 1989 1989 1989 1991 1991 1988 1986 1988 1991 MIDM7263 MIDM9481 MIDM8777 MIDM9329 MIDM9478 MIDM7646 MIDM8095 MIDM9223 MIDM9338 MIDM4770 MIDM5716 MIDM7267 MIEDM7648 MIDM9420 MIEDM8536 MIEDM7266 MIEDM8999 MIEDM9032 MIEDM8778 MIEDM7542 MIEDM7913 MIEDM9306 MIEDM7006 MIEDM7187 MIEDM7650 MIEDM9480 MIED1716 MIED1720 MIEDM7007 MIDM7541 MIDM8303 MIDM9305 MIDM8091 MIDM7015 MIDM8474 MIDM8935 MIEDM9328 MIDM7189 MIDM8491 MIDM7273 MIDM6432 MIEDM8930 MIEDM8479 MIEDM9307 MIEDM8944 MIDM9031 MIDM9479 MIDM9477 MIDM8675 MIDM8480 MIDM8677 MIDM9444 Page 146 . Class_No_Opac 1987 1987 1990 1982 1990 1981 1981 1986 1983 1982 1988 1982 1987 1990 1986 1987 1989 1987 1981 1986 1985 1986 1985 1984 1987 1982 1982 1986 1987 1989 1981 1989 1983 1990 1987 1986 1983 1990 1990 1981 1983 1987 1981 1984 1986 1983 1989 1988 1986 1990 1985 1986 MIDM8501 MIDM8486 MIDM9341 MIDM7644 MIDM9367 MIDM7021 MIDM7016 MIDM8304 MIDM7910 MIDM7647 MIDM8681 MIDM7260 MIDM8483 MIDM9339 MIDM8477 MIDM8499 MIDM9304 MIDM8471 MIDM7017 MIDM8302 MIDM7933 MIDM8488 MIDM8089 MIDM7893 MIDM8475 MIDM7268 MIDM7259 MIDM8461 MIDM8776 MIDM8945 MIDM7013 MIDM9026 MIDM7649 MIDm9344 MIDM8476 MIDM8473 MIDM7543 MIDM9445 MIDM9343 MIDM7014 MIDM7645 MIDM8300 MIDM7005 MIDM7892 MIDM8150 MIDM7652 MIDM8929 MIDM8618 MIDM8160 MIDM9327 MIDM8092 MIDM8308 Page 147 . Class_No_Opac 1990 1989 1989 1986 1985 1985 1982 1989 1989 1968 1978 1982 1980 1977 1975 1980 1976 1984 1988 1978 1970 1988 1981 1986 1985 1978 1987 1969 1984 1968 1989 1983 1983 1975 1983 1976 1979 1964 1983 1988 1962 1975 1974 1966 1975 1985 1979 1984 1977 1978 1976 1976 MIDM9421 MIDM8934 MIDM9419 MIDM8490 MIDM8096 MIDM8097 MIDM7274 MIDM9028 MIDM9330 MIDM3027 MID7241 MID7661@AMID7667 MID6919 MID7119 MID5116@AMID5180 MID7275 MID5334 MID8155 MID9000 MID5283 MID4804 MID2840 234893 MID8493 MID8157 MID6435 MID8494 MID4645 MID7902 MID3158 MID9423 MID7901 MID7665 MID4930 MIDM7655 264032 MID7237 MID2166 MID7898 MID8938 MID4254 MID7332 MID4704 MID2906 MID4753 MID8158 MID6564 MID7899 MID5714 MID6565 MID5176 MID5333 Page 148 . Class_No_Opac 1976 1989 1988 1976 1983 1985 1977 1984 1983 1985 1973 1973 1919 1936 1936 1936 1932 1936 1974 1927 1929 1939 1932 1999 1946 1962 1978 1939 1966 1930 1966 1945 1909 1964 1956 1963 1939 1949 1957 1976 1987 1962 1967 1950 1965 1958 1962 1925 1973 1931 1973 MID5225 MID9300 MID9034 MID5335 MID7663 MID8156 MID5336 MID7900 MID7664 MID8154 MIED4202 MIED4311 MIED1697 MIED2733@AMIED2734 2655 24947@AMIED2655@AMIED157G 7586 MIED1405@AMIED2022@AMIED637@AMIED1681 MIED4967 MIED2626 MIED632 14957 MIED2395 MIED10095 MIED2537 MIED2248 170921 MIED1920 MIED2759 MIED2568 183418 MIED6758@A025948 115772 MIED2380 MIED1676 126546 MIED1250@AMIED514@AMIED513@AMIED2100@AMIED881@AMIED517@AMIED515@AMIED511@AMIED5 MIED422 MIED899 MIED M-41@AMIED M-48@AMIED M-42 MIED8879 MIED3722 MIED2339 MIED3549 185097 58442@AMIED1628 MIED1231 59672@A059669 MIED658@AMIED659 MIED4507 MIED1067@A057557@A057553@A059617@AMIED1634 152752 Page 149 . Class_No_Opac 1976 1947 1952 1956 1914 1983 1983 1956 1937 1979 1976 1965 1959 1955 1957 1959 1940 1985 1950 1957 1952 1974 1975 1987 1970 1957 1970 1957 1964 1920 1963 1966 1915 1958 1986 1955 1993 1989 1985 1971 1974 1974 1962 1962 1936 1950 1977 1901 1939 1940 1939 1934 169229 11056 48820 MIED643 MIED629 MIED9368 214316@A214313@A214314@A214303@A214304@A214308@A214306@A214315@A214295@A214294@A21 MIED1166 48374 183600 99286 MIED2465 MIED1185 24876 MIED779 MIED636 MIED2652 MIED8277 MIED1168 MIED634@AMIED1694@AMIED633@AMIED635 MIED1140 161586 161585 MIED8871 185100 MIED1241 139076 MIED1683 139922 25042 MID1715 MIED2839 11004 MIED501 MIED8226@AMIED8573 MIED2709 MIED9985 MIED9214 230214 MIED3778 MIED4962 MIED4964 MIED2228 MIED1900 MIED581 MIED2066 MIED7709@AMIED7708 MIED7162 MIED584 MIED550 MIED553 MIED551 Page 150 . Class_No_Opac 1937 1929 1937 1942 1946 1969 1957 1960 1944 1950 1939 1940 1936 1965 1943 1935 1978 1928 1937 1910 1954 1944 1901 1954 1938 1960 1963 1978 1958 1953 1915 1991 1964 1958 1945 1953 1975 1964 1943 1931 1928 1932 1934 1958 1958 1954 1929 1924 1929 1965 1967 1931 MIED561 MIED556 MIED2630 MIED685 MIED566 MIED3929` MIED1860 MIED1854 MIED1539 71859 10076 MIED555 MIED580@AMIED574@A11810 MIED401(SL) MIED554 MIED662 186595 MIED582 MIED583 MIED2536 MIED3900 MIED571 7039 MIED3890 MIED577 MIED2342 MIED4393@AMIED2347 170851 MIED1204@AMIED1217@AMIED1170 MIED1236 24679@A17955@A024678 244672 MIED2091@AMIED494G MIED778 MIED3700@A048443 MIED1174@AMIED219G 172385 MIED3271 MIED548 MIED579 MIED570 MIED567 MIED576 MIED1582 MIED1497@AMIED1462@AMIED1498@AMIED1454 MIED1235 MIED585 MIED558 MIED586@B3@AMIED589@B8@AMIED681@B7@AMIED588@B6@AMIED587@B4 146415 MIED2949 MIED564 Page 151 . Class_No_Opac 1935 1952 1937 1974 1941 1943 1937 1979 1980 1954 1985 1961 1961 2001 1934 1963 1958 1962 1935 1944 2003 1959 1961 1961 1962 1960 1997 1990 1971 1984 1989 1990 1985 1984 1989 1988 2000 1987 1997 1982 1987 1982 1990 1986 1987 1983 1988 1994 1989 1984 1987 1988 MIED1698 26573 MIED575@AMIED560 149928 MIED568 MIED557 MIED1997 MIED7560 MIED7561 MIED769 MIED319(SL) MIED1985@AMIED1986@AMIED1987 MIED63(SL) 306006 MIED569 MIED1869 MIED1872 MIED1866 MIED573 MIED559 320223 MIED1876 MIED1878 MIED2266 MIED1983@AMIED1984 MIED1862 MIED9954 MIED9669 138787 242536 239258 MIED9923 242740 MIED7582 MIED8984 242748 321016 MIED8571 MIED9931 190570 MIED8977 190569 MIED9495@AMIED7704@AMIED9463 MIED8725 MIED8980 MIED8540 236721 MIED9687 242624 MIED232710 MIED8981@AMIED9460 236680 Page 152 . Class_No_Opac 1987 1967 1985 1968 1988 1974 1987 1978 1985 1995 1977 1989 1988 1995 1968 1990 1984 1984 1983 1988 1963 1947 1951 1979 1933 1938 1971 1965 1987 1956 1973 1969 1984 1945 1966 1972 1968 1971 1970 1964 1967 1926 1959 1965 1954 1987 1961 1964 1974 1940 1941 1971 MIED9041 MIED2935 MIED8979 169805 MIED8838 182833 MIED8854 MIED7569 236739 MIED9936 169804 MIED2160 MIED8802 MIED9919 122617 244915 MIED7677 MIED8851 MIED8533 236714 MIED1689 MIED475(SL) MIED768 182884 MIED683 MIED2418@AMIED2419 MIED3947 MIED56(SL) MIED8565 MIED1548 MIED4777 MIED4781 MIED8959 10616 MIED4958@AMIED4783@AMIED4786 MIED4959 MIED4782 MIED4779 MIED4780 MIED4785 MIED3730 MIED2681 MIED2394 MIED3888 47964 236718 59105 MIED92G MIED4484 MIED3892 MIED2624 MIED3669 Page 153 . Class_No_Opac 1971 1965 1987 1974 1995 1974 1974 1957 1974 1967 1989 1987 1976 1984 1981 1946 1949 1966 1968 1981 1970 1959 1961 1978 1951 1968 1959 1960 1955 1963 1977 1970 1981 1952 1941 1978 1971 1951 1951 1971 1984 1961 1982 1977 1959 1966 1953 1957 1986 1962 1956 1970 138643@A138644@A138645@A138641@A138642@A138638@A138639@A138640 MIED3728 MIED M-78 MIED4969 MIED9997 MIED4968 MIED4970 MIED3887 MIED4963 MIED4800 MIED8895 MIED9310@B8@AMIED9311@B9@AMIED9309@B7 169285 201027 MIED7717 MIED2437 MIED1403 MIED2825 150701 MIED439G@A153679 MIED3545 46498 MIED302G MIED493G@A242531 MIED304G MIED4686 101011@AMIED491G 52381 18756 MIED300G 185137@A185134@AMIED6843@A153700@A185138 MIED495G 232716 MIED508G MIED2627 242530 128486 26193 MIED57G 128597 MIED476G MIED489G MIED452G 168308 101722@A101512@A101508@A101010 122619 MIED441G MIED592 MIED8243 MIED453G MIED450G MIED4683 Page 154 . Class_No_Opac 1959 1982 1955 1959 1978 1989 1968 1952 1987 1986 1931 1957 1963 1988 1962 1955 1988 1978 1966 1966 1960 1955 1930 1988 1951 1957 1958 1975 1948 1960 1979 1976 1962 1969 1960 1970 1958 1974 1958 1971 1959 1975 1940 1962 1960 1948 1974 1957 1974 1961 1999 1955 MIED459G MIED451G MIED6757 MIED2004@AMIED2006@AMIED2005@AMIED2003 MIED492G MIED9154 MIED409G 25875 MIED8841@AMIED130G@AMIED129G 236744@A236743 MIED2628@AMIED2620 MIED3500 MIED177G MIED218G@A238790@A236852 MIED131G 24194 236736 186228 MIED215G 14610 MIED116(SL)@AMIED115G MIED216G MIED596@A45752 236737 MIED353G 17896 MIED93G 151450@A168520@A168521 MIED159G MIED145G@A122618@A236682 183403@A183404 185789 MIED166G 122307 MIED362G MIED348(SL) MIED1406 154826 MIED178G MIED161G MIED1125 MIED5324 MIED2854 MIED3119@AMIED229G MIED228G 50231 MIED4682 47974 MIED6776 MIED1071 MIED10046 MIED47G Page 155 . Class_No_Opac 1988 1961 1999 1989 1974 1955 1961 1959 1948 1966 2004 2004 1960 1995 1967 1986 1943 1978 1977 1977 1928 1957 1973 1973 2002 1963 1963 1986 1984 1982 1984 1976 1982 1942 1964 1974 1958 1957 1969 1973 1965 1989 1957 1984 1937 1965 1987 1978 1937 1971 1976 1957 MIED259G MIED1109@AMIED379G 291270 MIED9657 182826 MIED593@B1 MIED180G MIED3775 13607 MIED34G 307280 307064 MIED6765 294536@A294535 123179@A125139@AMIED7706@AMIED3541 MIED8769 10450 MIED7800 MIED411(SL)@AMIED410G MIED412G MIED1035 MIED594@AMIED158G 192571 MIED4027 320214 MIED3089 MIED249G MIED275G 236681 MIED276G@A193630 MIED9107 166212 MIED277G MIED2623 MIED251G 149730@A149739 45643 MIED317G@AMIED220 122624 138788 119855 MIED9095 MIED1114 MIED8229 11673 MIED316G 236745 173010 MIED2621 MIED5034 163231 MIED825 Page 156 . Class_No_Opac 1970 1970 1965 2002 1960 1989 1976 1960 1976 1959 1961 1954 1962 1977 1975 1985 1975 1970 1976 1975 1975 1983 2005 1981 1971 1981 1997 1954 1959 1973 1983 1968 1963 1978 1981 1985 2002 1986 1990 1961 1960 1974 1987 1977 1965 1973 1978 1981 1970 1964 1968 1966 MIED4325 MID5113@B1@AMID4326@B1@AMIED5114@B2 MIED4443 292898 MIED1400 MIED9074 163233@A163236@A163235@A163234@A163232 MIED2939@AMIED2938 186561@A170595 MID2357@AMIED508 164951 MIED3281 MID2326@AMIED2063 MIED7414 MIED5241@B4@AMIED4203@B1@AMIED4350@B2 MIED137G@AMIED136G@AMIED9917 MIED5242 MIED4205@B2@AMIED4206@B3@AMIED4207@B4@AMIED4208@B5@AMIED5069@B6 MIED5245@AMIED5243 MIED533G MIED5244 MIED7873 320082 230750 132184 MIED16G@AMIED17G 277121 MIED2458 MIED977 MIED4547 MIED7613 MIED15G MIED14G 185103@A185104 MIED7353 MIED135G@A192196@A262624 293643 MIED19 244123@AMIED8794@AMIED8793@AMIED8792 MIED3851@AMIED3852 MIED3850@AMIED3853@AMIED3856 MIED M-35 MIED8875 183722 MIED3855 137233 MIED M-89 MIED18(SL) 132456@B3@A132455@B2@A132454@B1 MIED3854 MIED3858 3856 Page 157 . Class_No_Opac 1984 1970 1972 1970 1964 1950 1978 1996 1958 1998 1967 1974 1985 1972 1977 1982 1957 1951 1958 1988 1967 1968 1969 1969 1971 1987 1967 1966 1971 1969 1965 1984 1982 1959 1978 1960 1953 1965 1961 1955 1963 1956 1985 1977 2001 1970 1978 1975 2003 1999 1981 1983 296113 MIED3859 MIED4007 132459@B6@A132458@B5@A132457@B4 145015 116761 MIED5747 MIED10198 29765 MIED07G MIED3857 MIED M-33 232081@AMIED8705@A230749 MIED4718 MIED5282 211717 MIED975 MIED974 MIED976 MIED9218@AMIED9217 MIED4724 MIED4722 136239 136238 146188 MIED8503 MIED4725 MIED4726 MIED4719 MIED4721 MIED2727 MIED8747@AMIED8748 MIED7417@AMIED8746@AMIED8745 MIED2455 MIED5746@AMIED6438@AMIED5748 MIED2454 MIED2459 MIED2762 MIED2453 MIED2457 MIED2452 MIED2456 MIED8043@AMIED8048@AMIED8909@AMIED7536@AMIED7517 173850 294029 128596 MIED7544 MIED5109@AMIED5108 MIED607G 293151 MIED7022@AMIED7025 MIED7620 Page 158 . Class_No_Opac 1976 1986 1974 1974 1997 1970 1978 1959 1980 1967 1977 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 2003 1970 1990 1987 1959 1977 1976 1961 1961 1957 1963 1959 1979 1983 1975 1972 1986 1980 1977 1960 1979 1959 1955 1969 1961 1970 1977 1974 1974 1973 1977 1980 1963 1970 1971 1991 169381 MIED388G@B1@AMIED389G@B2@AMIED390G@B3@AMIED391G@B4@AMIED392G@B5@AMIED393G@B MIED8504 MIED4716 MIED C-07@AMIED05G MIED125G@A136237 MIED5744@AMIED5745 MIED602 MIED6475@AMIED6474 MIED4723 153650 160830 146309 136240 MIED4717 146310 306606@AMIED9844 MIED4720 MIED9627@AMIED9378@AMIED9377 MIED7612 MIED6780 192145@A192146 185142@AMIED3680 101641@AMIED12G MIED104G MIED343@AMIED6784@AMIED1247@A118029@AMIED343G MIED314G MIED1588@AMIED1587 MIED8269@AMIED8268 MIED7719@A212408 149737@A149771 135881@A136473 236851 MIED7453 173100 MIED288G 182830 173231@AMIED285G MIED2462 MIED4640 MIED351G MIED5017 153732@A186337 MIED4914 153680@AMIED4870@AMIED5093@A149774 135880 MIED7352 MIED477G 138647@AMIED2336 136498 MIED105G 244917 Page 159 . Class_No_Opac 1989 1965 1970 1959 1950 1984 1959 1985 1974 1978 1969 1962 1982 1979 1981 1980 1971 1966 1963 1984 1983 1982 1962 1952 1975 1958 1955 1966 1999 1976 1963 1950 1961 1958 1980 1958 1973 1994 1962 1977 1976 1963 1950 1974 1984 1988 1987 1957 1970 2006 1966 2006 MIED9150 187246 137232 MIED4004@AMIED8G MIED4235 MIED248G MIED600 236727 149274 180676 MIED3088@A185139 125135 MIED8274 MIED7126@B2@AMIED7125@B1 MIED446G@A211863 189991@A184029 132463@B10@A132462@B9@A132461@B8@A132460@B7 MIED155G MIED7186 MIED7802 MIED278G@AMIED7452 MIED258G MIED261G@AMIED1747 MIED599 161550 MIED601@AMIED1065@AMIED4G 76147@AMIED6781@AMIED440G MIED247G MIED10102 MIED3668 MIED21G MIED6763@A76145 MIED312G MIED603 MIED154G@A322505 MIED6830@AMIED168G MIED8866@A173012 MIED9711 MIED30G MIED8461@AMIED6943 180350 MIED5037@AMIED2202 MIED22G MIED71G 236687@A296681@A296682 MIED9213 MIED8560 MIED78G@AMIED1099 138651 MIED613G 185787 MIED614G Page 160 Class_No_Opac 1972 2004 1994 1975 1969 1957 1987 1987 2001 1978 1963 1941 1963 1967 1959 1972 1977 1957 1954 1954 1961 1974 1954 1986 1986 1984 1962 1968 1981 1977 1981 1980 1973 1970 1983 1971 1978 1971 1986 1957 2002 1994 1960 1984 1970 1953 1975 1985 1986 1965 1974 1984 136466 MIED606G MIED641G 149740 MIED496G MIED598@AMIED1248@AMIED140G@AMIED139G MIED8456 MIED182G@AMIED7450@AMIED8858 306134 MIED5850 MIED55G MIED1186 MIED54G 118038 MIED600 136500 MIED5195@AMIED5198@AMIED5197@AMIED5196@AMIED5194 MIED958 MIED6768 MIED1585 MIED189G MIED5547@AMIED6551 MIED597 MIED8455 MIED5742 MIED8282 MIED220G MIED209G MIED7350@A99542 185844@B1@A185846@B3@A185845@B2 MIED183G 183896@AMIED234G MIED233G MIED371G 212409 MIED471G MIED460G 138789 MIED2871 MIED1741 292699 296796@A236734 MIED970 MIED9371 128484 MIED1731 MIED4956 MIED9372 MID8103 MIED3286 MIED M-36 MIED9370 Page 161 Class_No_Opac 1978 1988 1959 1982 1987 1964 1973 1961 1970 1975 1988 1977 1986 1981 1975 1946 1965 1970 1962 1983 1953 1975 1954 1951 1976 1984 1965 1988 1958 2004 2001 2001 1944 1985 1954 1986 1973 1979 1973 1971 1955 1963 1914 1955 1969 1914 1948 1974 1980 1975 1952 1977 MIED7440 MIED8927 MIED2414 MIED7598 MIED8507 118828@A118829@A118830@AMIED3792@B4@A120205@B4@A118831@B5@AMIED3793@B6@A133023@ 150154 MIED2231 150155 MIED4738 MIED9069 MIED75G 236679 MIED7607 149821 50700@A76184 125946 125947 MIED7515 MIED7579 25284 168283 50259 14963 151758 230748 MIED4684 MIED646G MIED1086 320066 293150 293640 MIED3701 MIED8102 52315 MIED8654 150156 MIED6500 153651 138650 45635 MIED4487 MIED631 MIED522@AMIED521 MIED3395 MIED5080 MIED1682 154503@A151377@A149738 MIED7743 MIED5079 73627 MIED7833 Page 162 Class_No_Opac 1980 1978 1977 1974 1969 1978 1975 1962 1949 1981 1968 1987 1983 1988 1976 1994 1972 1961 1977 1978 1954 1976 1983 1977 1987 1978 1970 1975 1995 1949 1997 1976 1972 1951 1975 1973 1980 1945 1947 1940 1986 1986 1946 1950 1958 1959 1958 1986 1954 1960 1955 1950 183889 MIED M-83 165548 MIED4685 138783 189707 152764@A161579 MIED2323 138906 MIED M-5 MIED7307 MIED8850 212265 MIED9145 185965 MIED9736 MIED4983@AMIED4982@AMIED4984@AMIED4981@AMIED5247 MIED417G@A76176 MIED5226 180351@A173282 MIED1735 MIED M-10 MIED8297 187122 MIED195(SL) MIED9499@A185106 152744 MIED M-16 MIED9693 MIED926 309209 MIED5462 MID5269 MIED4324 MIED M-17 164913 MIED6649 MIED2397 MIED2398 MIED639 MIED8862 MIED8453 MIED2855 MIED657 48109 MIED1101 48165 MIED9374 47977@A101255 MIED1179 47979 MIED651 Page 163 Class_No_Opac 1972 1958 1948 1978 1965 1951 1969 1939 1976 1977 1971 1968 1973 1974 1967 1978 1996 1949 1984 1953 1955 1956 1959 1962 1988 1990 1967 1981 1961 1996 1946 1992 1969 1954 1947 1960 1973 1982 1931 1951 1987 1973 1922 1963 1946 1951 1982 1913 1960 1996 1998 1986 171584 MIED655@AMIED656 MIED654 MIED7577 129912 MIED1172 MIED4499 MIED181G MIED7239 168629 MIED4416 MIED4565@AMIED4564 MIED4417 MIED7238 MIED4498 MIED7895 MIED10121 129907 MIED8520 129908 29184 46750 129910 129911 MIED9446 MIED9504 MIED3962 MIED7896 MIED4787 MIED10029 MIED2401 MIED9860 118333 118331 MIED2856 102883 MIED8902 211921 MIED2625 MIED2325 MIED8527 MIED4960 10321 73628 10444 24106 211325 MIED638 MIED1223 279832 279831 MIED8649 Page 164 Class_No_Opac 2000 1942 1985 1953 1973 1953 1957 1937 1990 1948 1978 1958 2002 1955 1983 1988 1957 1979 1986 1982 1975 1998 1982 1999 1985 1951 1946 1953 1960 1982 1975 1945 1987 1950 1950 2000 2004 1946 1957 1985 1983 1988 1989 1964 1998 1983 1972 1985 1995 1975 1971 2000 MIED10161@AMIED10162 11064 MIED8819 MIED647 MIED5310 MIED646 77413 MIED402(SL)@AMIED403G@AMIED402G MIED9636 MIED650 170201@A173008 MIED900 320305 24748 MIED8818 MIED9015 50493 226076 MIED8554 MIED7600@A211450 MIED M-45 MIED10160@BVol. I@AMIED10159@BVol. II MIED7570 MIED10044 MIED7834 MIED1801@AMIED8782 MIED640 MIED649 MIED645 MIED8882 MIED M-37 MIED648@AMIED1244 MIED9025 55244 MIED6767 MIED10125 307269 17894 MIED815 MIED8045 MIED7596@A212087@A212088@AMIED7595 MIED9211 MIED643G MIED3995 MIED10101 201033 150981 MIED8022@AMIED8070 MIED10036 MIED M-46@AMIED M-47 133359 293156 Page 165 Class_No_Opac 1980 1958 2000 1996 1994 1987 1961 1956 1973 1953 1983 1970 1986 1983 1981 1983 1957 1985 1982 1979 1978 1985 1978 1984 1976 1977 1982 1978 1983 1966 1983 1971 1977 1962 1972 1969 1959 1961 1978 1984 1915 2004 1999 1975 1956 1986 1998 1965 2002 1978 1967 2002 MIED6894@AMIED6895 MIED2321 293157 293248@A293249 293247 MIED8512@AMIED8513 MID2322 MIED2319 152763 MIED820 MIED7599 MIED5112@AMIED4327 236686 212090 MIED7876 MIED7533 MIED2320 MID8021@B1@AMIED8069@B1 MIED7642 MIED6507@AMIED644G 174750@A174897 MIED7981@B1@AMIED7982@B2 MID7671@AMIED7670 MID7834 MIED6492@AMIED5110 MID5388@B1@AMID5387@B2@AMID5332@B2@AMIED5331@B1@AMIED5388 MIED7668@AMIED7986 181927 232718 MIED4790 MIED7963 131989@AMIED3993@A128598 173984 MIED2324 MIED8830 MIED4456 MIED1053@AMIED1051@AMIED1052@AMIED1049@AMIED1050@AMIED1048 MIED1259 173983@A171345 230210 MIED2612@AMIED2619 320087 299750 152765 26186 MIED8283 320083 MIED4784 320090 236738 MIED4459 320218 Page 166 Class_No_Opac 1943 2004 1956 1955 1946 1957 2004 1978 1985 1953 1965 1974 1968 1974 1985 1974 1984 1988 1951 1954 1984 1962 1999 2003 2004 1930 1984 1984 1982 1981 1977 1979 1976 1987 2003 1974 1984 1977 1982 1981 1963 1977 1954 1977 1987 1976 1982 1974 1980 1991 1970 1976 9790 307281 46778 48086 10024 47866 320080 MIED1030 232701 47486 MIED8904 MIED4485 MIED4788 MIED4483 MIED8958 186560 MIED8044 MIED8876 MIED641 18643 MIED7983 MIED1031 299749 307275 307268 MIED2400 MIED9089 231871 MIED7537 211856@B1@A211857@B2@A211858@B3@A211859@B4 169937 MIED48G 172845@A171156 MIED8511@AMIED8510 MIED597G MIED5041 MIED7703@AMIED7702 186559@A173158 211094 188994 MIED5G 172997 MIED340@AMIED1703 173007 MIED9149 164538@A164539 MIED7096 MIED310G 214836@A191174 281291@AMIED9943 MIED4916 MIED257G Page 167 Class_No_Opac 1952 1981 1978 1998 1988 1998 1979 1972 1978 1983 1976 1975 1978 1971 1978 1978 1977 1985 1981 1997 2000 1979 1980 1980 1977 2003 1999 1989 1978 1983 1979 1980 1956 1996 1999 1985 1978 1969 1979 1987 1978 1999 1975 1996 1980 1987 1981 1983 1976 1980 1978 1997 47305 188995 185780 MIED10048 MIED9057@AMIED9056@AMIED9055@AMIED9054 MIED10100 183851 MIED4927 MIED5347@B1@AMIED6946@B1@AMIED6947@B1@AMIED5348@B2@AMIED6948@B2@AMIED6949@B2@ MIED7632@AMIED7631@AMIED7630@AMIED7635@AMIED7633@AMIED7634@AMIED7637@AMIED7636@A MIED5252@AMIED4976@AMIED4974@B1@AMIED5251@AMIED4975@B2 MIED4929 MIED5770@AMIED8078@AMIED8079 MIED7334 MIED7170 MIED5067 MIED5787(ii)@AMIED8077 MIED7987 MIED 6812 MIED642G MIED578G MIED6437 MIED6993 MIED6994 168522 MIED10296 296830 MIED8942 MIED5766@B1@AMIED5767@B2@AMIED5768@B3 MIED9121@AMIED9122@AMIED9119@AMIED9120@AMIED9118@AMIED9123 MIED6544 MIED8312 MIED398G 277229@A277230@AMIED9591 MIED20G@AMIED19G 236952 170928 232717 190343@A190342 MIED8919 186226 MIED10041@AMIED10042 184183 MIED9967 MIED7449 MIED8917@AMIED8918 MIED7815 MIED7701 164537 MIED8264 173283 262743 Page 168 Class_No_Opac 1997 1972 1989 1976 1977 1982 1997 1978 1971 1977 1997 1977 1977 1976 1976 1974 1974 1977 1975 1985 1979 1975 1976 2002 1968 1968 1981 1983 1982 1982 1981 1977 1978 1977 1977 1977 1968 1970 1980 1975 1978 1978 1978 1975 1976 1981 1978 1977 1977 1980 1977 1975 MIED9959@AMIED9881 138784@AMIED449G 243034 173005 153918 MIED7351 MIED9952@AMIED9882 MIED214G 185790 169379 277273 171994 173374 164952 173281 236685 MIED149G@AMIED148G 184184 MIED4867 231868 MIED205G MIED4776 MIED M-15 MIED593G 169898 MIED3062@A169899 99541 MIED7745 MIED7451 MIED7397 190597 169380 MIED8865 168310 167621 170920 MIED3908 MIED3909 188619 169290 173001 169303 185847 MIED5340 170930 MIED8463 180422 171158 172843 MIED6566 185783 170592 Page 169 Class_No_Opac 1978 1982 1977 1980 1973 1977 1981 1976 1983 1980 1981 1957 1976 1974 1978 1958 1982 1956 1976 1976 1956 1978 1959 1982 1984 2004 1977 1974 1975 1964 1954 1971 1977 1965 1959 1962 1964 1968 1964 1973 1958 1982 1987 1960 1956 1987 1972 1960 1986 2004 2005 2000 MIED6753@B3@AMIED6751@B1@AMIED6752@B2 211861 170929 MIED188G@AMIED8104 136476@A149770 169048 188993 173000@A170922 MIED7750 MIED187G 83946 MIED2062@AMIED2061 169383@A169382 MIED4978@AMIED4980@AMIED5246@AMIED4979 185786 MIED767 211852 MIED822 169384 172872@B1@A172873@B2@A172874@B3@A172875@B4@A172876@B5@A172877@B6@A172878@B7@A1 MIED2390 173976 MIED764@AMIED765 MIED8529 MIED8462 320086 172847 188207@A188206@A188205@A188204@A188203@A188202 MID5033@B2@AMIED5025@B3 MIED3238@AMIED3224@AMIED3252@AMIED3257@AMIED3241@AMIED3191@AMIED3216@AMIED3215@A MIED3192 MIED5552@B3@AMIED5553@B3@AMIED5551@B2@AMIED5550@B2@AMIED5549@B1 170785@BE@A170784@BD@A170789@BJ(a)@A170790@BJ(b)@A170791@BK(a)@A170786@BF@A170787@ MIED1704 MIED1705 MIED3168 MIED3268 187119 MIED3240@AMIED3182@AMIED3220@AMIED3242 187117 MIED6848 MIED7749 MIED8811 MIED1709 MIED2082 170049 MIED4163 MIED895 MIED8182@B3@AMIED8181@B2@AMIED8180@B1 307060 320137@A320136@A320138 292702 Page 170 . Class_No_Opac 1975 1970 1972 1983 1971 1951 1970 1996 1973 1974 1979 1959 1966 1989 1997 1998 1978 2003 1973 1988 1978 1987 1988 1967 1986 1961 1974 1980 1979 1972 1965 1994 2000 1973 1960 1972 1969 1970 1965 1965 1974 1986 1974 1957 1973 1972 1940 1969 1967 1967 1971 168282 123 MIED4618 MIED4630 230747 MIED4636 MIED1258 MIED4621 MIED9905@AMIED9904@A279711 MIED M-12 MIED M-97 99539 MIED1205 MIED3704 MIED9500 MIED10201 MIED10205 184163 320221 MIED4625 MIED9503 MIED4464 MIED9502 8558@AMIED6575 128483 MIED9324 MIED2047@AMIED2048 MIED4624 184165 184164 134603 MIED4398 262741 MIED23G MIED4620 99540 MIED4627 MIED4626 MIED4642 MIED2754 MIED2753 MIED407G MIED9283 MIED9286@AMIED7311 MIED4575@A149463 MIED4672 MIED4633 MIED727 MIED4619 MIED4644 MIED4634 MIED4629 Page 171 . Class_No_Opac 1961 1972 1963 1958 1973 1980 1976 1976 1977 1961 1971 1989 1976 1967 1971 1948 1975 1990 1980 1971 1940 1978 1979 1967 1961 1968 1968 1962 1978 1978 1980 1975 1959 1987 1972 1974 1976 1972 1978 1956 1970 1971 1993 1979 1959 1977 1986 1974 1988 1986 1990 101157 180794 MIED143G MIED1196 MIED7305 MIEd9288 MIED7309@A180797 MIED7314 MIED9285 101159@A101158@A173159 MIED4643 MIED9273@AMIED9272 MIED7310 182956 MIED6778 25088 MIED5040 MIED9450 99538 130771 MIED2510 MIED5545 MIED7308 180796 101156 MIED879 MIED4632 MIED326G MIED7316 MIED2756 MIED9291 MIED1674 MIED2755 MIED8796 MIED4631 MIED4623 MIED7315 MIED4622 172844@A171157 MIED733@AMIED735@AMIED734@AMIED142G MIED878 130770 MIED4608@A232713 MIED9730 MIED7099 MIED723@AMIED725 MIED7312 MIED8795 MIED7306 MIED8817@AMIED25G MIED8183 MIED9451@AMIED9452 Page 172 . Class_No_Opac 1976 1972 1982 1973 1950 1988 1980 1978 1967 1978 1971 1982 1983 1974 1987 1990 1980 1983 1973 2001 1989 1988 1983 1983 1985 1978 1983 1991 1982 1982 1973 1949 1974 1953 1974 1973 1973 1982 1972 1962 2000 1931 1980 1978 1978 1973 1947 1989 1975 1954 1935 1988 MIED6556 MIED7304 MIED9289 MIED7313 MIED1151 MIED8558@AMIED8579 MIED6884@B1@AMIED6885@B2@AMIED6886@B3@AMIED6887@B4 MIED7294@AMIED7295@AMIED7296 MIED4250 MIED7297 148030@A148031@A148032@A148033 MIED8750@AMIED7160@AMIED7159@AMIED7161@B3@AMIED8749@B4 MIED8751@B6@AMIED8752@B7 MIED4444 MIED9282 MIED9631 MIED6578 MIED9295@AMIED8139@AMIED9293@AMIED8141@AMIED8142@AMIED9296 MIED4164 MIED584G MIED9281 MIED9387 MIED8140@B2@AMIED9294@B3 MIED9292 MIED8765@B8@AMIED8767@B10@AMIED8766@B9 MIED5655 MIED8143 MIED9628 MIED8948@AMIED8951@AMIED8947 MIED7122 168306 MIED1723 MIED4480 MIED1673 MIED M-98 MIED M-13 MIED M-14 MIED7872 MIED 4638 MIED1407 MID C-24 MIED2622 183853 182889 MIED7102 168288 17915 242622 170203 MIED502 MIED2162 MIED8868 Page 173 . Class_No_Opac 1951 2000 1978 1980 1973 1988 1969 1953 1961 1982 1986 1940 1980 1984 1973 1955 1988 1992 1970 2000 1978 1977 1969 1978 1936 1971 1994 1977 1970 1967 1982 1955 1980 1959 1956 1962 1966 1953 1968 1958 1977 1981 1963 1980 1978 1958 1969 1956 1939 1946 1980 1980 25852 MIED9109@A230746 186558@A185099 MIED9104 MIED4628 MIED8891 MIED7301 MIED1732 172996 MIED9290 MIED8185 MIED2580 MIED9831 MIED7964 138653 MIED1256 MIED8857 MIED9708 138785 MIED10089 173002 169308 168284 173376 MIED2634 128487 MIED9719 169227 185380 98295 232712 MIED2045@AMIED2043@AMIED2044@AMIED273@AMIED2041 99949 MIED1194 MIED3503@AMIED2105@AMIED1064@AMIED728@AMIED729@AMIED730 MIED1461@AMIED480G 169304 14937 168307 MIED2053@AMIED2054@AMIED2052 170382 242749 MIED2851 181926 173011@A174397 MIED1066 128488 MIED2040 MIED1401 24873 211854 99650 Page 174 . Class_No_Opac 1985 1957 1968 1957 1977 2005 1964 1976 1963 2005 1975 1962 1960 1959 1969 1976 1961 1949 1944 1983 2003 1976 1976 2005 1982 2001 1956 1978 1958 1956 1954 1960 1964 1958 1960 1940 1953 1960 1976 1976 1953 1953 1956 1971 1982 1991 1998 1953 1988 1992 1988 1984 MIED9287 MIED1094 137234@B1@A137071@B3@A137235@B4 MIED1093 MIED6535 308729MIED MIED4133 166148@B21@A164204@B21@A186148@B22@A180678@B23@A180679@B24 118336 308729@A309108 MIED6352 MIED4123 MIED4122@B2@AMIED4129@B3@AMIED4130@B4@AMIED4131@B5@A121074@B6@AMIED4125@AMIED4 118337 128489 170593 MIED1660 48375 MIED1227 MIED8108 307058 182834 MIED7578 320453 211919 292704 MIED2039 52647 MIED2424 MIED2494 MIED2525 MIED8534 122312 47971 100731@A101824 MIED34@AMIED2534 MIED3902 MIED1121 MIED1G MIED517G@AMIED518G 118026 MIED1512 MIED3886 MIED3813 212267 MIED9593 MIED G-559@A236660@AMIED9448@AMIED558G@B2@AMIED559G MIED266G MIED269(SL) MIED9597 MIED269G MIED615G@AMIED619G@AMIED618G@AMIED617G@AMIED616G Page 175 . Class_No_Opac 2002 1979 1954 1961 1959 1934 1960 1955 1971 1966 1920 1959 1964 1971 1959 1955 1971 1951 1971 1988 1958 1993 1988 1961 1959 1959 1966 1970 1952 1978 1957 1958 1953 1987 1956 1954 1975 1953 1958 1966 1961 1958 1982 1962 1930 1986 1932 1995 1969 1967 1957 1939 294787 277769 MIED3898 MIED3729 MIED788 MIED318G MIED1112 48175 128594 MIED490G MIED202G MIED520G 126549 128480 MIED2098 MIED1113 137076 MIED1232 128595 236659 MIED11G MIED9737 MIED G-530@A237074 MIED1849 MIED2864 MIED1856 MIED2746 MIED419G MIED1596 180194 MIED1611 MIED1612 MIED1609 MIED8887@B2@AMIED8886@B1@AMIED8888@B3 MIED1610 MIED1608 161582 MIED3895 MIED1622 MIED41G MIED1855 MIED3825@AMIED3726 MIED7818 58879@AMIED3878@A58566@A59132@A58563 MIED2615 MIED200G MIED666 MIED1579 126935 MIED201G MIED2656 26886 Page 176 . Class_No_Opac 1964 1962 1978 1955 1964 1972 1961 1983 1958 1993 1982 1994 1995 1989 1996 1988 1987 1957 1969 1975 1982 1983 1989 1993 1989 1956 1985 1960 1989 1967 1970 1974 1994 1991 1983 1969 1983 1990 2001 1973 1967 2000 2001 1980 1993 1995 1964 2001 2003 1994 1979 1956 MIED5444 MIED7255@AMIED7254@AMIED7253@AMIED7257 180195 49713 136497 MIED9732 MIED2698 MIED7567 MIED1832@AMIED3943 MIED9704 212152 MIED9738 MIED9832 238355 262745 MIED8770 MIED8771 MIED1572@AMIED1568 153675 MIED190G MIED191G MIED9466 MIED9016 MIED9709 244606 48049 MIED9233 MIED1851@AMIED1852 MIED9505 MIED3992 MIED4052 151852 MIED9710 244682 MIED7572 MIED4145 MIED7564 243032 MIED10124 MIED4541 136467 306735 295920 182736 MIED9694 MIED9958 MIED3849 MIED10174 MIED608G MIED9799 184160 MIED1541 Page 177 . Class_No_Opac 1988 1978 1988 1980 1967 1990 1960 1982 1993 1993 1961 1980 1989 1988 1949 1941 1968 1950 1961 1948 1963 1973 1987 1974 1941 1970 1968 1973 1988 1941 1980 1976 1989 1995 1961 1962 1961 1958 1947 1955 1945 1975 1967 1970 1963 1965 1952 1975 1998 1960 1957 1981 MIED9235 184159 MIED9240 183594 MIED3770 MIED9594 MIED660@AMIED1853 MIED197G MIED9889 275090 MIED1873 183602 MIED9023 242744 MIED1252 MIED1395 125134 MIED1574 MIED1107 47257 MIED1988 136472 236717 151449 MIED2564 MIED3821 122623 136475 MIED9075 MIED2581 184114 168867 242625 MIED9861 71860 71862 MIED2461 71894 10663 23074 12182 185263 MIED4352 MIED3768 MIED1748 MIED8538 MIED3904 214385 277417 MIED G-545@AMIED G-544@A170780@A170781 MIED1119 183852 Page 178 . Class_No_Opac 1955 1971 1997 1943 1940 1937 1965 1969 1988 1982 1988 1973 1965 1961 1980 1982 1953 1952 1983 1975 1958 1981 1957 1969 1986 1985 1973 1993 1978 1994 1959 1983 1996 1978 1998 1992 2002 2001 1984 1984 1977 1989 1991 1968 1959 1958 1961 1996 1957 1976 1984 1957 MIED3501 133377 262744 MIED2142 MIED2613 MIED2617 MIED3896 MIED3827@AMIED42G@AMIED5743 MIED237G MIED7603 MIED2964@AMIED2965 138786 MIED2862 MIED2725 MIED 550G@AMIED 549G@AMIED 548G@AMIED 547G@AMIED546G@AMIED550G@AMIED549G@AMIED54 211867 MIED6782 MIED461G 235013 MIED305G MIED2859@AMIED1147 182885 MIED375G 118338 MIED8458 MIED8273 153677 MIEd G-541 MIED7707@AMIED9102 MIED9734 50089 MIED9414 277203@A277202@A278253@A278256@A278257@A278255 185269 277432 277702 294785 291278 201035 MIED9415 MIED4540 MIED9416 MIED9995@AMIED9996 120551 MIED892 MIED2204 MIED2203 277012 MIED891 MIED9796 MIED7816 MIED1573@AMIED124G Page 179 . Class_No_Opac 1972 2003 1968 1965 1995 1960 1951 1955 1983 1962 1983 1966 1963 1962 1993 1983 1989 1948 1999 1987 1984 2001 1972 1992 1978 1996 1973 1989 1963 1957 1976 1975 1962 1956 1976 1951 1952 1986 1982 1983 1971 1983 1983 1956 1960 1973 1983 1989 1975 1949 1959 1978 136055@A136052@A136053 320062 136054 MIED2463 MIED9813 MIED893 MIED540 25379 MIED334G MIED1418@AMIED2873 MIED 336(SL)@AMIED8296@AMIED336G 136501 MIED1925 MIED1460 MIED9934 MIED333G MIED246G MIED1253 MIED10060 MIED9044 MIED7985 MIED10131 MIED5788 MIED9601 184156 MIED9866@AMIED9865 136474 MIED332(SL)@A238789 MIED1592 MIED670 MIED2893 169811 MIED6992 MIED669 MIED400G 48413@AMIED474G MIED1558 MIED8245 236953 MIED9106@AMIED8295 180352 211449 MIED7519@AMIED7518@AMIED7535 MIED 1601 MIED6991 MIED5723 MIED7597 MIED338G@AMIED337G 161580 34445 MIED671 99228@A322528 Page 180 . Class_No_Opac 1973 1957 1956 1976 1989 1987 1993 1992 1966 1992 2004 1978 1993 1999 1989 1992 1991 1987 1995 2000 1991 2003 1988 1959 1986 1978 1977 1990 1960 1975 1979 1961 1978 1965 1980 1965 1980 1961 1980 1931 1941 1951 1941 1960 1959 2002 1978 1955 1929 1964 1988 1956 MIED4351 MIED1604@AMIED1602@AMIED1605@AMIED1603 MIED1047 MIED1607 MIED306G@AMIED8915 MIED9891 MIED9962 MIED9948 MIED4792@AMIED4791@AMIED4461 MIED9947 306732 210663 MIED9945 291757 MIED9961 MIED9944 MIED9893 MIED9892 MIED9946 MIED10127@AMIED10157 MIED9963 MIED600G MIED8869 MIED1452 238870 185960 185908 242271 MIED1508 164914@A164912 MIED8280 MIED1463 MIED9494 MIED2880 181856 180349 MIED672 MIED1141 182883 MIED665 39540 MIED10G MIED288 MIED1216 MIED3506 296294 187180 MIED2104 MIED2633 MIED2102 MIED8711@AMIED8712 51835 Page 181 . Class_No_Opac 1984 1981 1964 1961 2002 1965 1940 1975 1958 1966 1936 1967 1927 1961 1954 1917 1961 1988 1978 1981 1980 1988 2001 1983 1983 1984 1993 2001 1997 1996 1984 1977 1966 1984 2001 1989 1976 1980 1989 2003 1984 1998 2001 1960 1992 1974 1996 1976 1986 1972 1965 1988 MIED7878 236715 180347 MIED1209 296293 MIED3003 MIED2632 MIED3465 MIED1081 MIED5421 MIED264 180348 MIED2679 MIED676@AMIED677@AMIED673@AMIED675@AMIED674 MIED3889 MIED2642 MIED3884 MIED8855 183797 MIED6920 MIED7673 MIED8531 MIED591G@AMIED590G MIED7454@AMIED7455 MIED7545 MIED7729 MIED9890 MIED G-590 MIED10032 MIED9924 MIED8041 MIED5926 MIED4538 MIED9887 307211 MIED9632 MIED5068@AMIED7511 MIED6813 MIED10033@A296278 MIED601G MIED7676 277213 MIEDUN MIED1162 275598 164540 MIED9955 MIED1898 244596 MIED542G 126547 239498 Page 182 . Class_No_Opac 1951 1980 1959 1989 1976 1946 1983 1999 1979 1976 1984 1983 1978 1961 1976 1968 1973 1961 1978 1975 1940 1963 1986 1968 1955 1951 1949 1978 1962 1937 1986 2003 1954 1985 1970 1915 1971 1969 1987 1983 1975 1953 1987 1982 1985 1958 1955 1955 1978 1979 1995 1987 MIED1600 MIED8191 MIED1226 MIED9212 169940 MIED1005 MIED7720 307061 211851 MIED1439 234629 MIED7721 189704 MIED306 99285 182774@AMIED5769@AMIED5175@AMIED5907@AMIED6280 MIED4701 MIED1658 187123 149764 MIED1597 MIED1659 MIED8244 149927 MIED1562 MIED1519 27830 MIED1684 MIED1623 30003@A13237@A55239 MIED8249 320085 MIED1182 MIED236719 119675 MIED668 MIED4220 118833 169165 MIED7804 MIED5163 MIED1156 MIED8553 MIED7801 233775 MIED2329@A169962 MIED1606 MIED1619@AMIED2688 MIED9136@[email protected] MIED7967 MIED9717 MIED8768 Page 183 . Class_No_Opac 1992 1983 1951 1973 1977 1976 1963 1963 1987 1983 1987 1977 1974 1982 1953 1996 1972 1984 1986 1983 1979 1978 1978 1988 1978 1976 1975 1977 1984 1982 1977 1992 1979 1975 1984 1975 1982 1988 1989 1984 1980 1973 1984 1991 1974 1980 1983 1973 1991 1973 1995 1984 MIED9853 MIED7566 MIED1618 MIED M-19 MIED M-18 170210 1180034 MIED120G@A118034 MIED8916 MIED7606 238788 168286 149757 MIED7233 MIED2341 262746 172701 MIED7810 MIED9239 212266 MIED7886 MIED G-522 181072 MIED9243 173183@A185843 173013 151305 169256 3242 189992 169964 244854 183599 169558 MIED7885 MIED9135 212153 MIED8874 MIED8921 MIED7812 211853 136471 MIED9137 MIED9731 MIED523G MIED525G MIED8109 173849 MIED9994@AMIED560G 161549 MIED9795 MIED555G Page 184 . 6 145398 211855 170778 MIED9096 260129 211727 185309 183595 MIED4702 MIED538G 183849 243037 189279 MIED7807 MIED4319@AMIED566G MIED7513 183596 MIED8892 MIED9234 99281 MIED8962 MIED9002 183793 MIED8920 188863 189280 183597 183887 MIED7803 MIED9334 118020 151378 MIED M-56 MIED9596 MIED09G MIED629G MIED8860 171154 123594 138782 MIED1516 MIED4543 MIED9092@AMIED9091 MIED711 151519 244594 MIED9411 184113 MIED7971 Page 185 .Class_No_Opac 1987 1981 1985 1972 1982 1978 1989 1984 1983 1977 1980 1973 1987 1979 1986 1973 1984 1971 1981 1978 1988 1988 1980 1988 1984 1980 1988 1980 1981 1979 1981 1981 1989 1969 1972 1974 1991 1998 1994 1983 1968 1964 1973 1983 1973 1984 1928 1975 1988 1990 1972 1985 MIED8870@A236661 211253 MIED9138@BVol. Class_No_Opac 2005 1980 1971 1982 1985 1981 1989 1969 1992 1982 1986 1976 1976 1980 1992 1953 1997 1970 1929 1991 1956 1970 1980 1970 1972 1975 1993 1989 1974 1972 1986 1987 1983 1967 1970 1999 1981 1998 1970 1973 1982 1974 1976 1958 1962 1958 1993 1974 1979 1982 2000 1975 320089 183854 169803 MIED7687 MIED8820 194108 MIED9244 MIED4395 MIED10096 MIED G-537@AMIED535G MIED8248 153101 170597 MIED563G MIED G-529@AMIED528G MIED6766 306135 182955 MIED712 244918 MIED1246 146249 183127 170927 135226@AMIED5281 MIED5162 MIED9624@AMIED9625 MIED8357@AMIED8353@AMIED8359@AMIED8355@AMIED8356@AMIED8354 MIED4858 MIED4516 MIED8194 MID8655@AMIED8656 MID7407@AMIED7408 123593 MIED3996 292834 MIED7000@BE@AMIED6996@BA@AMIED6998@BC@AMIED6999@BD@AMIED7002@BG@AMIED7003@BH MID C-09 MIED3554 161581 MIED7867 161891 187121@A174749 MIED1663 MIED2224 MIED2349 244901 MIED M-58 MIED6324 MIED8358 MIED017G 171990 Page 186 . Class_No_Opac 1976 1989 1964 1987 1987 1986 1982 1954 1971 1954 1964 1951 1986 1949 1959 1976 1981 1980 1992 1984 1972 1976 1984 1988 1986 1982 1997 1998 1980 1970 1969 1968 1967 1982 1980 1967 1978 1976 1970 1965 1965 1963 1962 1952 1977 1973 1986 1980 1955 2005 1981 1973 171988 MIED9412 MIED2235 MIED8963 MIED9225 MIED8772 8353 MIED2085 MIED4425 MIED889 MIED3985@A085591 MIED2659 232708 MIED2036@AMIED2035 76 171991 99713 MIED6574@AMIED6656 MIED636G MIED7838@AMIED5614@AMIED6963 MIED4548 MIED5061 MIED637G MIED8762@AMIED8761 MIED8310@AMIED8195 201028 MIED638G MIED10043 MIED6646@AMIED6576 MIED3754 MIED3713 MIED3745@AMIED3746 MIED2850 MIED7244@AMIED7293 MIED6577 MIED2841 MIED6965@AMIED5613@AMIED6967@AMIED6964@AMIED6966 MIED5062 MIED3714 MIED2716 MIED2441 MIED1962@AMIED1963@AMIED1961@AMIED1965 MIED6284@AMIED6285@AMIED6291@AMIED6287@AMIED6288@AMIED6286@AMIED6290@AMIED6293@A MIED2685 MIED5328 MIED4811 244135 MIED6865 MIED1818 321078 MIED7327 MIED4539 Page 187 . Class_No_Opac 1984 1987 1952 1920 1976 1958 1946 1960 1961 1961 1981 1995 1964 1971 1974 1974 1950 1974 1981 1984 1966 1978 1977 2004 1978 1962 1987 1987 1968 1984 1998 2001 1998 1958 1996 2004 2003 1988 1988 1985 1998 1979 1973 1988 1978 1929 1958 1955 1957 1973 1976 2005 MIED8262 MIED M-82 MIED1696 MIED1724 MIED4869 MIED1171 48812 MMIED2435 MIED2435 MIED2460 184111 MIED9942 MIED4033 164002 MIED4871 4871 MIED1507 MIED6325 234894 234892 MID7118 188828 174176 320091 172998 MIED2087 MIED080G MIED8495 MIED2994 201034 308462 308459 308463 MIED5426 308461@A308464 308460 307245 MIED8759 MIED8760 MIED10020 MIED10022 MID6306@B1@AMID6307@B2@AMID6308@B3@AMID6309@B4@AMID6310@B5@AMIED7245@B6 MIED4501 MIED8696 MIED5330 MIED621 MIED2080 MIED2079 MIED543 137078 169305 320074@A322680 Page 188 . Class_No_Opac 1976 2002 1978 1998 1974 1968 1987 1957 1964 1978 2002 1942 1948 1947 1955 1955 1967 1996 2005 1943 2004 1947 1978 2006 1961 1975 1959 1947 1960 1959 1978 1969 1994 1973 2002 1985 1996 1961 1970 1967 1992 1958 1966 1966 1952 1996 1987 1981 1965 1973 1964 1959 161380 299697 180261 MIED10047 161381 133840@B1@A133842@B3@A133841@B2 170048 MIED1656 MIED2247 MIED509@AMIED510 MIED589G MIED2399 MIED2417 MIED3278 MID945@B2@AMID954@B1@AMID946@B3@AMID955@B2@AMID947@B4@AMID952@B2@AMID953@B3@ MID944@B1@AMID941@B2@AMID940@B1@AMID935@B2@AMID936 MIED3284 MIED579G 321071 MIED224G@AMIED223G 320064 MIED108G 186194 322113 MIED4515 MIED4857 MIED3287 47135 MIED652 MIED653 MIED3715 126934@A126933@A126573 MIED9964 MIED4458 MIED2 230215 MIED03G MIED1624 MIED3755 MIED4793 MIED9998 MIED1518 MIED1879 MIED1517 MIED1857 MIED9814 MIED9007@AMIED9965 MIED9038 135240@A135239 161584 MIED3273 58876 Page 189 . Class_No_Opac 1966 1953 1960 1960 1985 1997 1971 1984 1985 1989 1985 1982 1982 1965 1956 2003 2004 2002 1978 1978 1959 2003 1995 1993 1956 1986 2001 1958 1956 1975 1969 1947 1966 1958 1974 1959 1956 1961 1958 1968 1962 1963 1961 1960 1946 1957 1962 1958 1957 1964 1960 1959 149926 MIED2857@AMIED9166 MIED1505 58366@A58875@A58424@A58427 MIED10021 MIED10023 277974 MIED534G 230212 242745 230213 99544 99545 MIED3989 MIED1896 32021 320088 320130 174732 174731 MIED1897 320131 MIED9835 275088 MIED1045 MIED8265 292772@AMIED8279 MIED2274 MIED2256 MIED5548 MIED4650 MIED1034 185105 MIED2273 MIED24G MIED2280 MIED1615 MIED2284 MIED1895 MIED1899 MIED2271 MIED1889 MIED2278 MIED1901 MIED1028@AMIED1027@AMIED1024 MIED2257 MIED2279 MIED1888 MIED1046 MIED2250 MIED2277 MIED2276 Page 190 . Class_No_Opac 1968 1963 1961 1963 1960 1960 1960 1959 1961 1962 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1957 1959 1961 1962 1963 1962 1961 1961 1957 1963 1958 1963 1946 1960 1963 1964 1960 1960 1961 1962 1956 1957 2003 1962 1973 1995 1971 1973 1958 2001 1988 1993 1986 1989 1988 1987 1987 MIED1891@AMIED1890 MIED1919 MIED1880 MIED2254 MIED629.2878 MIED2281 MIED1909 MIED2253 MIED2270 MIED1885 MIED1907 MIED1908 MIED2285 MIED1916 MIED2289 MIED2275 MIED1904 MIED1882 MIED1893 MIED2272 MIED2255@AMIED2249 MIED1886 MIED2283 MIED1905 MIED1918 MIED1892 MIED2286 MIED1033@AMIED1029@AMIED1022@AMIED1025 MIED1903 MIED1883 MIED2288 MIED2259 MIED1887 MIED1881 MIED1906 MIED1894 MIED2258 320129 MIED3272 MIED4531 MIED9930 MIED4210 MIED M-53 MIED1069@AMIED1245 320076 MIED8995 MIED9810 MIED8997 MIED8993 MIED8996 MIED9456 MIED8994 Page 191 . Class_No_Opac 1988 1978 1965 1928 1928 1973 1957 1940 1986 1972 1956 1989 1951 1972 1957 1951 1998 1958 1982 1961 1981 1954 1973 1962 1954 1951 1959 1997 1982 1949 1949 1980 1910 1943 1950 1959 1958 1959 1957 1958 1947 1959 1955 1985 1967 1939 1960 1953 1988 1967 1959 1993 MIED8835 188038 MIED2867 MIED2650 MIED2674 136470 MIED2000 MIED2508 238873 MIED5160 MIED1833 277425 MIED2484 MIED464G MIED2074 MIED2492 MIED585G MIED10085@AMIED2479 99534@AMIED8969 MIED2500 MIED45G MIED2488 136469 MIED1932 MIED2478 MIED2511 MIED2489 MIED06G 212291 MIED2480 MIED2514 MIED7574 MIED2503 MIED2486 MIED2507 MIED2475 MIED2499 MIED2477 MIED2501 MIED3702 MIED2512 MIED2557 MIED2498 MIED9100 115771 MIED2483 MIED2471 MIED2495 MIED9087 MIED3678 MIED2469 MIED9723 Page 192 . Class_No_Opac 1980 1978 1960 1957 1993 1993 1958 1979 1975 1979 1980 1977 1979 1975 1976 1984 1961 1988 1957 1978 1978 1973 1983 1997 1963 1950 1984 1986 1988 1977 1976 1969 2002 1984 1979 1955 1987 1942 1950 1986 1983 1968 1978 1950 1937 1962 1925 1960 1989 1942 1977 1989 188040 188041 MIED2651 MIED2544 MIED9424 MIED9724 MIED1243@AMIED1128 182887 172992 182888 182886 153210@A153211 181774 181775 185264 MIED9086 MIED2426 MIED291G MIED1242 182643 185903 MIED52G 212156 263210 MIED2883 13033 MIED7622 MIED8080 MIED8724 169958 168285 1118022 309659 MID8190@B2@AMIED8189@B1 236726 MIED2164 244949 25411 MIED2163 244695 MIED9066 125130 184162 MIED2608 MIED2614@AMIED2611 16 MIED2648 MIED1817 243033 MIED2518 169954 238869 Page 193 . Class_No_Opac 1969 1977 1987 1979 2001 1997 2004 1979 1975 1976 1976 1978 1978 1977 1964 1978 1982 1976 1983 2003 1997 2000 1974 1973 2003 1970 1983 1970 1977 1980 1977 1978 1983 1978 1983 1990 2003 1968 1978 1973 1982 1958 1977 1985 1980 1977 1974 1959 1976 1975 1961 1974 185267 173848 238874 MIED8281@A181930 293619 277421 320067 MIED8235 188048 169967 169253 169259 MIED185305 169957@A169255 182373 182617 MIED7714@A192573 99537 MIED7959 302317 MIED634G@AMIED635G MIED10142 185902 151334 MIED10312 153698 MIED9728 122629 185905 212274 MIED7527 185904 MIED M-91 185901 MIED M-92 MIED9457 302316 118335 173847@A183066 139077 212275 MIED2574@AMIED1816 169254@AMIED10079 MIED9110 MIED9464 182644@A182645 MIED185902 MIED2584 MIED9108@AMIED9675 183857 MIED1819@AMIED1820 MIED7705 Page 194 . Class_No_Opac 1957 1978 1967 1959 1983 1999 1999 1977 1978 1975 1993 1960 1982 1986 1978 1988 2000 1989 1998 1997 1975 1954 1959 1961 1957 1981 1993 1993 1969 1955 1958 1963 2003 1999 1961 1998 1977 1937 2001 1997 1962 1997 1995 1992 1977 1996 1977 1993 2001 1977 1977 1972 MIED2543 185909 MIED3991@A122308 MIED4015 MIED7520 292838 MIED18G 172702 172994 188046 MIED9725 MIED2505 212290 MIED8246 185911 MIED8883 MIED603G MIED9254 MIED9956 MIED9972 149377 25412 MIED2502 MIED1827@AMIED9915 MIED2506 212289 MIED10232@A291758 277770 188047 MIED2524 MIED2019@AMIED2010@AMIED2017 MIED1834 320144 296794 MIED2018@AMIED2473@AMIED2013@AMIED2014 MIED9971 298977 MIED2472 290945 320113 76181 277717 277691 306083 169959 MIED10250 MIED M-87 277694 306731 188051 169966 136468 Page 195 . Class_No_Opac 1977 1961 1983 1987 2001 1988 1984 1983 1980 1985 1986 1981 1975 2000 1983 2003 1988 1990 1999 1988 1962 1951 1976 1990 2001 1995 1990 2005 2002 1971 1995 1977 1983 2004 1997 1997 1957 1987 1979 1994 1998 1988 1960 1959 1986 1960 1973 1958 1989 1965 1982 1961 MIED M-88 MIED2706 MIED7625 MIED M-77 290871 244694 MID8251 MIED8240 182832 230219 MIED8271 184929 211092 308348 233140@A277011 306132 MIED8908 MIED9255 289630 MIED8832 76137 173234 180200 277013 295943@A293645 278043 277765 321076 306730 MIED7712 278224 169965@A185262 276999 322174 MIED9999 MIED10000 MIED2072 MIED8914 188039 MIED9817 276997 MIED9153 MIED3214@AMIED3200@AMIED3172@AMIED3253@AMIED3202@AMIED3210@AMIED3212@AMIED3225@A MIED3211 MIED M-8 MIED3213@AMIED3176@AMIED3203@AMIED3233 210177 50473 MIED9929 MIED4727 201026 MIED3199 Page 196 . Class_No_Opac 1965 1963 2004 1982 1964 1965 1962 1959 1984 1965 1962 1965 1962 1964 1965 1959 1963 1962 1965 1965 1963 1964 1962 1961 1964 1964 1976 1975 1983 1980 1974 1965 1964 1964 1982 1975 1968 1986 1983 1972 1990 1970 1979 1982 1996 1995 1982 1983 1987 1955 MIED3264 MIED3231 321072 212048 MIED3244@AMIED3230@AMIED3229 MIED3267@AMIED3228 MIED3175 MIED436G 262626 MIED3269 MIED3174 MIED3266 MIED3181 MIED3235 MIED3254 MIED3208 MIED3226 MIED3169 MIED3262 MIED3263 MIED3227 MIED3234 MIED3170 MIED3205 MIED3232 MIED3248 MIED5072 MIED5191@A169280 227552 182880 169302 MIED3261 MIED3243 MIED3249 MIED7134 169279 MIED4789 MIED8853 MIED9854 MIED9852 MIED9851 MIED G-568 MIEDG-567 MIED G-569 MIED G-570 MIED G-572 MIED9850 MIED G-571 MIED G-567 MIEDG-570 238868 MIED506 Page 197 . Class_No_Opac 1956 1954 1956 1960 1979 1927 1988 1981 1960 1976 1961 1954 1960 1952 1945 1956 1953 1969 1960 1981 1939 1959 1955 1966 1981 1961 1973 1977 1956 1968 1986 1972 1989 1977 1971 1969 1939 1975 1989 1952 1964 1958 1977 1985 1976 1984 1951 1953 1979 1977 1985 1984 MIED157 MIED1199 MIED1477 MIED758 !89950 MIED718 MIED8703 184928 MIED3497 153916 MIED1189 MIED2165 125141@A125142 MIED1187 9919 MIED520 71866 185737 MIED1108 184927 MIED1110 MIED740 MIED1195 MIED3251 192572 MIED3204 170776 173160 MIED1567 99533 227630 138270 MIED9256 164950 160938 161588@A130360@A136051 28650 163415@A125984@A123785 MIED9157 MIED1554 123784@A163416 MIED1510 169968 227631 168519 MIED7725 MIED716 MIED763 227542 169049 230211 MIED7748@A227543 Page 198 . Class_No_Opac 1935 1954 1967 1927 1960 1964 1986 1983 1978 1982 1966 2001 1982 1982 2001 1965 1967 1982 1958 1946 2001 1956 1959 1982 1982 2001 1982 1960 1982 2002 1982 1990 1982 1982 1966 1982 2001 1983 1957 1961 1943 1986 1970 1972 2002 1984 1971 2003 2003 1983 1984 1963 MIED2647 MIED762 227634 MIED717 MIED3632 MIED G-556 227555@A227553@A227554 212243@A212244@A212242 170847 227546 MIED3695 293845 227548 227551 293844 MIED3698 MIED3697 227549 MIED1001 MIED719 293843 MIED1002 MIED1003 227657 227547 293842 227682 MIED1004 227681 296602 227550 242375 227627 MIED8515 MIED3694 227626 292706@[email protected] MIED9140 MIED739 MIED3485 MIED2563 187796 194111 170926 309904 227658 170923 320070 320071 MIED8756 227633 96517 Page 199 . Class_No_Opac 2000 1987 1977 1995 1998 1985 1985 1998 1983 1955 1984 1988 1982 1966 1975 1983 1982 2002 1969 1970 1975 1981 1961 1997 1998 1986 1987 1968 1957 1974 1983 1969 1972 1985 1981 1973 1968 1984 1954 1954 2000 1971 1978 1961 1953 1949 1961 1995 1994 1987 1991 1977 MIED580G MIED8690@AMIED9253@AMIED8691@AMIED9252@AMIED7998@AMIED9251 MIED5229@AMIED5230 277433 276996 231870 MIED8466@AMIED9373 277704 MIED8151@AMIED8152 MIED2542 MIED8452 MIED8941 21860 MIED4742 MIED5239 MIED7865 MIED7300 307057@A292813 MIED4745 120056 MIED6866 MIED7303 MIED1092@A103401 MIED10098 277264 MIED8653@AMIED8652 MIED8562 118033 MIED2582 MIED4756 MIED7864 MIED4744 MIED4757 MIED8647 201025 MIED4755 MIED4743 MIED7997 MIED1134@AMIED1233 MIED2070 MIED10143 MIED9248 MIED6304@AMIED5240@AMIED8648@AMIED5232@AMIED7299@AMIED7298 103430 MIED8319 MIED2547 MIED1202 MIED10144 MIED9674 MIED9078 244683 214424 Page 200 . Class_No_Opac 1959 2001 1953 1999 1992 1997 1986 1957 1959 1960 1986 1990 1988 1983 1979 1997 1989 1977 1980 1984 1981 1963 1983 1985 1988 1986 1998 1986 2001 1999 1967 1967 1986 1985 1998 1996 1987 1998 1996 1993 1996 1993 1991 1995 1993 2004 1997 2000 1980 2001 1971 1986 MIED1586 29092 MIED2708 292901 275291 277374 239210@A239211 MIED2569 MIED1930@AMIED1931 MIED3658 233842 MIED9916@A232707 MIED9357 MIED7590 MIED7503 MIED10031 MIED631G MIED5231 MIED7504 MIED8464 212151 MIED1926 MIED8163@AMIED8164 MIED7984 MIED8925 232706 MIED9970 MIED8454 290923 MIED016G MIED2828 MIED2831@AMIED2833 MIED M-96 232080 MIED10328@AMIED10329 MIED9980 MIED9333 277141 277014 277436 277714 275089 244124 277826@A277825 277716 MIED10426 277424 306771 212405 290870 MIED4665 MIED M-95 Page 201 . Class_No_Opac 1967 1999 1989 1977 1980 1963 2000 1963 1984 1984 1973 1985 1984 1976 1988 1994 1978 1996 1995 1997 1977 1963 1973 1962 1955 1993 1951 1967 1972 1953 1969 1970 1967 1972 1999 2003 1985 1967 1979 1969 1981 1969 1977 1973 1976 1984 1983 1979 1998 2002 2001 1995 MIED2836@AMIED2827@AMIED2844@AMIED2846@AMIED2835@AMIED2832@AMIED2843 MID C-16 MID C-12 MIED5228 MIED8236 MIED1998 290942 MID2356@AMIED2392 231869@AMID8153 230216 170918 231872 MIED7817 MID5457@AMIED5141 MIED8924 MIED10008 MIED562G MIED9878 MIED9981 MIED9982 211896 MIED1927 MIED4923 MIED2528 MIED2539 306767 MIED2562 MIED3675 169938 MIED2572 MIED3676 122630 MIED1846@AMIED1845@AMIED1617 MIED169938 307266 299699 MIED9067 183825 181598 118028 MIED7605 185734 MIED369G 161583 152685 MIED7724 MIED7723 211866 298733 308322 290882 MIED9834 Page 202 . Class_No_Opac 1997 1994 1988 1984 1985 2003 1989 1979 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2001 1986 2003 2003 1988 1978 1987 1999 1986 1989 1994 1988 1987 1988 1986 1993 1982 1982 1994 1987 1994 1996 1985 1996 1958 1948 1986 1977 1986 1956 1982 1998 1967 1987 1950 1923 1996 1995 1970 306734@A306733 MIED9656 MIED8719@AMIED8720 MIED8552@AMIED8666@A233822 230209 299698 242743 MIED9037 290881 290878 290879 305672 309119 290876 MIED M-7 306729 306525 MIED9231 212855 242770 293152 MIED8825 MIED9232 MIED9875 MIED9098 244693 MIED8972 MIED9082 MIED9713 MIED7871 MIED7870 MIED9991 MIED8321 MIED9940 MIED9877@A277713 MIED9266 MIED9805 MIED2351 MIED2687 MID8288 173161 MID8087@AMIED8085 MIED2579 MIED7609 277001 MIED3786 MIED8557 MIED2059@AMIED2060 MIED700 MIED9812 MIED9966 MIED3784 Page 203 . Class_No_Opac 1970 1941 1953 1982 1944 1942 1961 1989 1997 1952 1985 1989 1977 1994 1965 2001 1981 1993 1995 1948 1951 1996 1983 1966 1988 1941 1996 1993 1978 1952 1973 1992 1952 1961 1982 1997 1999 1987 1993 1945 1948 1988 1998 1985 1976 1973 1934 1985 1988 1988 1986 1986 125127@A050609 MIED2578 30233 212597 MIED2540 MIED2637 MIED1964@AMIED1968@AMIED1967@AMIED1969 MIED9036 MIED9925 MIED2470@AMIED1570 MIED8266 242545 169261 MIED9802 MIED3923 MIED10288 MIED7608 MIED9703 MIED9811 MIED2482 MIED2491 MIED9867 MIED8252 MIED3002 MIED9410 26632 277715@A276998 MIED9816 172995@A171992 MIED1810 MIED4434@AMIED4433 277695 MIED1802@AMIED1807@AMIED1809 71125 212085 MIED9876@A277852 MIED10066 MIED9427 MIED9830 MIED2493 MIED2490 MIED9141 290943 MIED8014 MIED7958 MIED4427@B1@AMIED4427(C)@B3@AMIED4427(B)@B2@AMIED4428 MIED713 MIED8233 MIED8912 MIED8968 MIED9165 MIED9426 Page 204 . Class_No_Opac 1986 1986 1988 1989 1987 2005 1983 1998 1988 1994 1993 1988 1985 1987 1999 1987 1968 1988 1989 2002 1987 1984 1983 1997 1990 1988 1994 1987 1992 1986 1987 1947 1988 1973 1985 1977 1983 1981 1983 1985 1982 1982 1985 1963 1985 1997 1976 1974 1994 1963 1981 1989 MIED8823 MIED8524 238912 MIED10005 MIED8361 321068 MIED7869 277142 MIED10233 277693 MIED9992 MIED8781 MIED8788 MIED8827 277827 MIED8799 124848 MIED8897 MIED9008 298726 MIED9004 MIED8362 MIED7968 MIED02G MIED9638 MIED8813@AMIED8812@AMIED8815 MIED630G MIED8556 244673 MIED9265 236954 MIED2701 MID9012@AMID8467@AMIED9013 MIED4314 MID7836@AMIED7837 MIED6498 MIED7610 MIED7586 8556 MIED7866 MIED7592 MIED7593 MIED7929 MIED2236 MIED7930 MID C-02 212406 MIED4801 MIED10007 MIED3628 MIED8706@B1 239260 Page 205 . Class_No_Opac 1987 1981 1986 1985 1986 1982 1988 1985 1984 1998 1989 1985 1985 1989 1985 1992 1984 1990 1984 1985 2002 1994 1997 2003 1987 1985 1984 1976 1987 1969 1963 1987 1983 1978 1963 1971 1980 1983 1986 1989 1983 1993 1987 1988 1969 1981 1987 1981 1988 1975 1979 1986 MIED554G MIED9560 MIED9167 MIED9133 MIED8861 MIED7722 MIED8721@A244948 MIED9164 MIED8272 MIED10026@AMIED10025 238345 232702 MIED9073 MIED633G MIED8263 244947 MIED9467 MIED9993 MIED8852 MIED8650 299824 277435 277692 306005 MIED9599 MIED9130@AMIED9129 MIED9128@AMIED9127 MIED5115 MIED8299 123847 MIED1546@AMIED1545@AMIED1544 238871 MIED9126@B3@AMIED9125@B2@AMIED9124@B1 MIED7614 MIED1958@AMIED1960@AMIED1959 MIED3933 MIED7587 MIED7576 MIED8227 MIED9465 MIED8040 MIED9843 MIED9039 MIED8822 MIED4429 MIED8298 MIED756G MIED7882@AMIED7881 MIED9267 MIED7877 MIED8311 MIED8971 Page 206 . Class_No_Opac 1982 1985 1972 1950 1998 1962 1967 1990 1985 1947 1944 1960 2002 1962 1967 1959 1961 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1962 1974 1941 1937 1966 1959 1953 1960 1959 1942 1967 1954 1990 1940 1951 1915 1954 1942 1911 1942 1958 1955 1954 1969 1955 1922 1948 1915 1946 1969 184931 233141 MIED M-4 MIED882 277139 MIED1921 100721@A100720 MIED9673 232711 MIED2515 11805@AMIED694@AMIED695 18 MIEDG598 57425@AMIED8425 100722 MIED1135 11 MIED1240 25448 10016@A12310 11837@A11836@A11835@AMIED705@A11834@AMIED707 MIED1239 59367@A57445@A58460@A58476@A57605@A57594@AMIED8426 171583 MIED2599 MIED2636 MIED2838 51104 MIED3504 MIED1127 57597@A57598 MIED2535@AMIED1237 100726@A100728@A100724@A100699@AMIED8427 24137 MIED9672 MIED2607 46074@A25400 MIED2667 26623 MIED2594 MIED2676 MIED701 MIED2538 MIED2837 26227 118032 MIED2616 MIED2645 MIED2590 MIED2671 MIED2591 MIED3636 Page 207 . Class_No_Opac 1950 1950 1968 1966 1958 1968 2001 1959 1991 1928 1969 1994 1975 1958 1959 1930 1946 1985 1958 1958 1956 1987 1987 1985 1966 1958 1982 1952 1964 1941 1941 1952 1981 1944 1984 1961 1920 1987 1964 1987 1989 1967 1974 1973 1967 1950 1941 1984 1971 1979 1936 1955 MIED2589 MIED2551@A135 MIED7710@A180617 163524 47992 MIED3782 320210 48154 275091 MIED2675 MIED3922 MIED9707 154190 MIED1126 65 MIED2640 MIED2684 MIED7888@AMIED7921 MIED6282@AMIED6281 MIED759 MIED2751@AMIED2752 MIED8214 MIED8521 MIED7887 MID2892@AMIED2887 50067 MIED7889@AMIED7879 MIED709 87801 MIED2639 MIED1055 13562 232704 MIED1200 MIED7960 MIED2998 25447 MIED9236 MIED3245 MIED8967 MIED9258 183401@AMIED3787 181071@A174843 154112 183402@A231688 MIED1575@AMIED2517 504 MID7737@AMIED7738 137255 183195 MIED2600 MIED8421 Page 208 . Class_No_Opac 1936 1961 1962 1980 1957 1976 1987 1942 1951 1974 1966 1956 1957 1974 1951 1972 1983 1987 1963 1958 1957 2004 1979 1999 1979 1998 1980 1958 1949 1941 1943 1998 1980 1958 1958 1958 1981 1958 1958 1960 1960 1978 1962 1960 1960 1960 1958 1957 1957 1957 1961 1986 14 MIED1971@AMIED1972@AMIED1973@AMIED1976@AMIED1974@AMIED1975 MIED1513 192574 MIED1829 169021 MIED8563 MIED2560 MIED1942@AMIED1943 154840 MIED8023 25834 MIED2548 183399@A183400 MIED2058 169941 MIED9058 MIED8373 MIED1593 53518 17836 320212@A320213 MIED G-540 306769 MIEDG-540 277422 181928@A188338 MIED1938@AMIED1835@AMIED1941@AMIED1944@AMIED2549@AMIED2554 MIED2567@AMIED2057 118024 MIED2555 306133 99818 MID2055@AMIED2056 MID8437 MID8438 MIED7163 MID8439 MID8442@AMID8440@AMID8441 MID8449 MID8433@AMID8434 MIED7207 MID2191 MID8446 MID8444@AMID8445 MID8435 MID8448 MID8447 MID8443 MID8436 MID8432 MIED8193 Page 209 . Class_No_Opac 1977 1975 1968 1984 1953 1956 1947 1957 1948 1960 1950 1958 1962 1960 1969 1959 1959 1981 1987 1956 1941 1984 1963 1982 1988 1989 1942 1994 1959 1995 1945 1942 1999 1961 1958 1962 1961 1948 1962 1955 1950 1994 1963 1979 1957 1954 1961 1962 1955 1957 1953 1955 169306 MIED4649 125137 MIED9134 24858 25348 MIED2552 MIED2583 MIED2546 12 MIED2485 MIED2571@A54362 MIED1815 MIED1837@AMIED1831@AMIED1830 212047 MIED2662@A54014 MIED2570 211864 236742 MIED2476 MIED2556 MIED8943 MIED2002 236678 MIED8849 MIED8885 MIED2559 MIED9914 MIED2566 MIED9868 MIED2664 MIED2654 MIED10065 MIED2135 MIED1120 101149@A101150 MIED1929 MIED2657 MIED1823@AMIED1822 18574 24859 MIED9712 101463@A101464@A101465 212837 MIED2573 24860 54018 MIED2541@A101147 MIED2474 62943 MIED2661 MIED2660 Page 210 . Class_No_Opac 1997 1997 1997 1998 1997 1997 1999 1992 1995 1969 1996 1975 1967 1978 1971 1977 1976 1978 1952 1974 1919 1944 1983 1959 1975 1970 1981 1954 1960 1937 1980 1919 2000 1953 1975 1964 1988 1962 1984 1991 1952 1961 1962 1950 1980 1954 2000 1975 1969 1980 1992 1952 277699 277766 277698 277767 277697 279590 277140 MIED9880 MIED9856 125843 27696 MIED5205 MIED5203 MIED8260 153682 153681 169262 212089 45678 149760 MIED2680 MIED2597 212086 MIED2009 MIED5947 MIED4666 227635 MIED2008 51091 MIED2588 99817 25408 MIED10126 MIED1966@AMIED2593@AMIED2592 MIED5486 MIED2423 MIED8842 MIED1954 214835 244923 25078 MIED1956@AMIED1957 MIED1955 MIED1936@AMIED1934 MIED9215@AMIED9216 MIED3637 294777 MIED5284 MIED7120 MIED7874 244922 MIED2071 Page 211 . Class_No_Opac 1994 1993 1970 1972 1984 1972 1975 1972 1965 1985 2001 2002 1975 1985 1961 1980 1971 1965 1960 1983 1915 1972 1988 1915 1982 1956 1917 1977 1954 1984 1967 1984 1984 1970 1974 1975 1984 1945 1963 1963 1962 1973 1982 1977 1978 1972 1968 1969 1970 1971 1978 1962 MIED9670 MIED628G MIED5285 151303 235681 MIED7128 MIED M-26 MIED7172 185735 MIED4920 292900 MIED594G 180231 MID8873 MIED1661 210611 MIED5487 189932 MIED1970 MIED7623 MIED2670 MIED4234 MIED699 MIED2668 MIED7727 MIED3630 MIED2692 MIED385(SL) 135232@A135230@A135231 MIED3818 135241 232703@AMIED8259 MIED9706 135228 149772 MIED4919 MIED8088 9859 113736 MIED1949 MIED1950@A96449 151368 MIED7746 171349@A171348@A153676 185259 138272 MIED117121 147390@A138646@AMIED1951@A135242@A117121@A117122 MIED4140@AMIED4139 138271 MIED5948 113735 Page 212 . Class_No_Opac 2003 1965 1973 1988 1992 1993 1988 1958 1983 1990 1961 1945 1967 1965 1950 1980 1970 1969 1959 1990 1960 1969 1968 1951 1949 1968 1982 1971 1975 1976 1980 1967 1947 1968 1982 1976 1968 1975 1964 1964 1965 1977 1969 1976 1971 1971 1962 1959 1978 1971 1970 1965 306004 113737 136477 MIED8973 244681 275150 MIED10006 13 MIED7583 244125 113734 MIED2595@AMIED2618 MIED3920 133216 MIED2575 MIED8614 128482 MIED3747@B3@AMIED3634@B2@AMIED3633@B1 MIED1077@A71@AMIED1124 MIED380G 72@AMIED1123@AMIED1078 MIED7289 MIED3781@AMIED7711 MIED1076 25373 MIED3917 MIED7726 MIED3918 169963 173232 189950 125149@A125145@A125146@A125153@A125148@A125143@A125150 MIED1085 118031 211895 169050 MIED4648 149767@A149768 MIED4030 135171 MIED488G@A122620 186338 118832 MIED72G MIED4175 MIED4026 MIED1542 720 185260 MIED5494 MIED5656 MIED708 Page 213 . Class_No_Opac 1993 1985 1978 1977 1977 1984 1953 1982 2001 1941 1989 2001 1978 1983 1959 2001 1995 2001 1984 1986 1998 1999 1980 1974 1962 1968 1980 1957 1968 1966 1979 1992 2003 1973 1973 2002 1978 1981 1973 1958 1988 1969 1939 1992 1987 1948 1958 1950 1926 1954 1977 1992 MIED632G MIED9097 MIED5848@AMIED5847@AMIED5849 MIED8438 MIED8137@AMIED8138 MIED7809 MIED2487 MIED8597 309902 53074 MIED9263 309909 MIED5342 MIED8640 MIED887 309898 MIED625G 309897 MIED9280 MIED8589@AMIED8641@AMIED8601 MIED10049 MIED10067 MIED8637 MIED8626 MIED4700 115770@A125132 99535 MIED2700 MIED3397 MIED3400@AMIED3398@AMIED3401 MIED8635 25437 306009 MIED4698 MIED8590@AMIED7492 309908 MIED7464 99951 99712 MIED2699 MIED9279 146994 MIED2504 MIED9635 MIED5420 MIED2610 MIED2606 MIED2609@AMIED2603 MIED2682 MIED2605 169960 MIED9598 Page 214 . Class_No_Opac 1977 1965 1981 1988 1988 1979 1987 1976 1988 1981 1973 1980 1978 1980 1983 1981 1974 1974 1969 1979 1987 2002 1966 1976 1968 1977 1977 1977 2004 1996 1991 1988 1970 1980 1982 1976 1974 1987 1950 1985 1983 1994 1977 1962 1989 1990 1983 1968 1975 1961 1984 1989 MIED9221 101690@A101625@A101629@A101689 MIED7467@AMIED7466 MIED9071 MIED9226 MIED7469@AMIED7468 MIED9257 MIED9356 MIED9139 MIED7457 MIED7462@AMIED7463 MIED8585@AMIED7461 180719@B2@AMIED8586@B4@A211513@B3 MIED7471@AMIED7470 MIED211514 MIED7472@AMIED7473 MIED4713@AMIED7483@AMIED7482 MIED7479@AMIED7478 MIED4699 212233 MIED8634 309657 125750 99950 146993 MIED9222 169047 190191@A190192 309899 309900 279712 MIED9227 MIED9219 MIED8612 MIED7744 180386 MIED4697@AMIED4694@AMIED4693@AMIED4695@AMIED4696 MIED8913 23 MIED8591 227545 309906@B1 MIED9220 MIED8615@AMIED7474@AMIED7475 MIED9637 242217 MIED8638@AMIED8636 MIED7493@AMIED7494 MIED7498@AMIED7497@AMIED7496@AMIED7495 25 227628 MIED9228 Page 215 . Class_No_Opac 1972 1987 1973 1985 1987 1975 1973 1988 1973 1966 1978 1976 1985 1987 1982 1972 1983 1975 1973 1997 1977 1990 1986 1985 1974 1978 1973 1978 1975 1975 1981 1993 2005 1984 1996 2001 1998 2005 2000 2004 2004 1998 1984 1996 1992 1999 1992 2004 1993 1992 1998 1992 MIED5188 MIED8205@AMIED8206 147646 MIED8824 MIED9259 149762 147645 MID8545@AMIED8544@AMIED8542 MID4698 MIED8047 MIED7500 MIED9363 MIED9278 MIED8700 230218 147644 MIED7288 MIED5260 MIED5202 MIED01G MIED5185 244708 MIED8550 MIED8068 MID5186@A180387@A180389@A180385 MIED5343 185907 MIED7499 MIED5187 180388 MIED6796 309661@A309656@A309662 321658 321651 321644 321657 321656 321655 321654 321660 321652 321661 321650 321649 321648 321647 321646 321645 321653 321663 321676 321675 Page 216 . Class_No_Opac 1997 1998 2005 1990 2005 1998 2005 2001 1995 1998 2005 1998 1985 2005 1998 1985 1985 1979 1982 1975 1981 1983 1990 1979 1987 1991 1930 1987 1980 1997 1988 2001 2004 1985 1989 1959 1982 1998 1967 2001 1983 2002 1980 1989 1983 1999 2003 1981 1989 1978 1979 1980 321674 321673 321672 321659 321662 321670 321664 321665 321666 321667 321668 321669 321671 321070 309654 MIED8606 MIED8602 MIED8639 MIED8607 MIED8605 MIED8611 MIED8609 242589 99536 MIED8702 243045 MIED1717 MIED8551 MIED9274 277375 242218 309894@A309895 309907 MIED8610@A309903 MIED9011 MIED771@AMIED777 MIED8625 309910 MIED7490@AMIED8616@AMIED7489 309896 MIED7485 293637 MIED7486@AMIED10076@AMIED7487 309911 MIED8559 309655 309912 MIED8624@AMIED7484 309658 MIED7488 MIED8628 MIED8627 Page 217 . Class_No_Opac 1990 1986 1956 1950 1973 1970 1985 1979 1986 1999 1985 2000 1951 1985 1985 1983 1983 1986 2000 1989 1990 1982 1958 1976 1982 1963 1982 1976 1985 2004 1982 1978 1986 1998 1981 1975 1975 1983 1979 1959 1986 1972 1975 1952 1939 1985 1986 1967 1976 1977 1956 1973 309653 MIED8608@A309905 MIED776 MIED4822@AMIED7481@AMIED7480 MIED7477@AMIED7476@AMIED8623 MIED8620 MIED8599 MIED8595@AMIED8594 MIED8592 MIED10061 MIED8618 309913 24325 MIED8603 MIED8596 MIED8593 MIED8642 MIED8604 294060 307074 243036 MIED7212 MID2424 189683 275557 MIED4921 MIED8621 MIED8613 227632 321077 MIED8946@AMIED8949@AMIED8950 MIED8617 MIED8588 309893 MIED8622 149763 149766 MIED7875 181929 MIED4669 MIED8575 MIED8633 169955 MIED761 MIED722 MIED8629 MID8701 MIED8630 168349@A171582 169970 MIED760 185736 Page 218 . Class_No_Opac 1985 1986 1976 1988 1962 1969 1969 1989 1986 1974 1978 2005 1983 1965 1958 1908 1958 1962 1977 1972 1983 1972 1978 1957 1981 1984 1974 2004 1982 1961 1977 1982 2001 1956 1957 1991 1998 1998 1990 1989 1955 1962 1970 1958 1983 1958 1958 1987 1981 2004 1998 MIED8207 227544 227683@AMIED7808 MIED8821 MIED1218 MIED G-566 MIEDG-566 MIED9990 MIED081G 172119 169163 320073 MIED7813 MIED1688 126545 MIED1871 MIED1702 MIED0823 MIED2233 MIED6499 MIED3919 MIED8318 151394 MID8083@AMIED8082 MIED2707 211865 MIED7618 186597 320072 MIED7121 71852 169294 MIED7509 322334 MIED1736 MIED1740 277703 MIED08G MID C-08 277419 277423 MIED2075 MIED2946 MIED3548 MIED9469@AMIED9470@AMIED9471@AMIED9472@AMIED9468 MIED7992@AMIED7990@AMIED7991@AMIED7993@AMIED7989 MIED3838@AMIED3835@AMIED3837@AMIED3836@AMIED3834@AMIED3833@AMIED3839@AMIED7422@A MIED 3555@AMIED3557@AMIED3558@AMIED3556@AMIED3560@AMIED3552 MIED8989 MIED8365 306605 309901 Page 219 . Class_No_Opac 1956 290924 Page 220 . Class_No_Opac AMIED720@B68@AMIED2721@B69 Page 221 . Class_No_Opac Page 222 . Class_No_Opac Page 223 . Class_No_Opac Page 224 . Class_No_Opac 180844@B6@A180845@B7@A180846@B8@A180847@B9@A180848@B10@A180849@B11 D5414@B5@AMIED5415@B6@AMIED5418@B9@AMIED5419@B10@AMIED5417@B8@AMIED5416@B8 Page 225 . Class_No_Opac D3389@B9@AMIED2947@B6@AMIED3384@B7@AMIED2941@B1@AMIED3387@B8@AMIED4255@B10 Page 226 . Class_No_Opac Page 227 . Class_No_Opac Page 228 . Class_No_Opac Page 229 . Class_No_Opac Page 230 . Class_No_Opac Page 231 . Class_No_Opac Page 232 . Class_No_Opac Page 233 . Class_No_Opac Page 234 . Class_No_Opac Page 235 . Class_No_Opac 5G@B2@AMIED94G@B1 Page 236 . Class_No_Opac Page 237 . Class_No_Opac Page 238 . Class_No_Opac Page 239 Class_No_Opac 15@A187395@B16@A186972@B17 @AMIED3790@B8@AMIED3791@B9 Page 240 Class_No_Opac Page 241 Class_No_Opac Page 242 Class_No_Opac Page 243 Class_No_Opac Page 244 Class_No_Opac Page 245 Class_No_Opac Page 246 Class_No_Opac @B2B@AMIED6275@B2B@A170589@B3A@AMIED6266@B3A@AMIED6276@B3B Page 247 Class_No_Opac 200@B6@A133025@B7@A136502@B7 Page 248 Class_No_Opac Page 249 . Class_No_Opac Page 250 . Class_No_Opac Page 251 . Class_No_Opac IED M-68@B2@AMIED M-69@B3@AMIED M-59@B1 MIED M-70@B3@AMIED M-66@B2@AMIED M-64@B2 Page 252 . Class_No_Opac Page 253 . Class_No_Opac Page 254 . Class_No_Opac Page 255 . Class_No_Opac Page 256 . Class_No_Opac Page 257 . Class_No_Opac Page 258 . Class_No_Opac MIED515@AMIED511@AMIED516@AMIED512 Page 259 . Class_No_Opac 4315@A214295@A214294@A214309@A214311@A214305@A214312@A214301@A214307@A214302@A214300@A214298@A214310 Page 260 . Class_No_Opac Page 261 . Class_No_Opac Page 262 . Class_No_Opac Page 263 . Class_No_Opac Page 264 . 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