Clarinet Cat

May 2, 2018 | Author: Lukáš Čajka | Category: Clarinet, Aerophones, Classical Music, Leisure, Jazz Music



Clarinet Catalog 12cVan Cott Information Services, Inc. 4/12/11 presents Member: Clarinet Books, Music, CDs and More! International Clarinet Association This catalog includes clarinet books, CDs, videos, Music Minus One and other play-along CDs, woodwind books, and general music books. We are happy to accept Purchase Orders from University Music Departments, Libraries and Bookstores (see Ordering Informa- tion). We also have a full line of flute, saxophone, oboe, and bassoon books, videos and CDs. You may order online, by fax, or phone. To order or for the latest information visit our web site at Bindings: HB: Hard Bound, PB: Perfect Bound (paperback with square spine), SS: Saddle Stitch (paper, folded and stapled), SB: Spiral Bound (plastic or metal). Shipping: Heavy item, US Media Mail shipping charges based on weight.  Free US Media Mail shipping if ordered with another item. Price and availability subject to change. Table of Contents C001. Altissimo Register: A Partial Approach by Paul Drushler. SHALL-u-mo Publications, SB, 30 pages. The au- Clarinet Books .......................................................................1 thor's premise is that the best choices for specific fingerings Single Reed Books and Videos................................................6 for certain passages can usually be determined with know- Clarinet Music .......................................................................7 ledge of partials. Diagrams and comments on altissimo finger- Excerpts and Parts ........................................................7 ings using the fifth partial and above. Master Classes ..............................................................8 14.95 Methods........................................................................9 C058. The Art of Clarinet Playing by Keith Stein. Sum- Music ..........................................................................11 my-Birchard, PB, 80 pages. A highly regarded introduction to Music Collections .......................................................63 the technical aspects of clarinet playing. Subjects covered Studies and Exercises ..................................................68 include mouthpiece and ligature, the reed, the clarinet, em- bouchure, relaxation, breathing and support, voicing, release Clarinet Videos ....................................................................74 and tonguing, hand and fingers, tone quality, intonation, Clarinet Music Play Along ....................................................74 high-register playing, phrasing and interpretation, etc. Repair Books ........................................................................75 16.95 Woodwind Books ................................................................75 C059. El Arte de Tocar el Clarinete by Keith Stein. Span- Woodwind Music ................................................................76 ish translation of C058. 17.95 General Music Books ...........................................................79 Acoustics and Theory ..................................................79 C156. The Baroque Clarinet by Albert R. Rice. Oxford Health and Physical Performance ...............................79 University Press, 1992, PB, 197 pages. The Baroque Clarinet Performance (Mental and Technical) ..........................80 is a sourcebook for the historical study of the clarinet during Reference, History, and General .................................82 the first half of the eighteenth century. The book is based on a Clarinet CDs ........................................................................83 comprehensive study of the theoretical, musical, and icono- graphical evidence. Many conclusions are presented here for Ordering Information ........................................................ 107 the first time. 69.95 Books (includes some music with extensive annotation) C002. The Basset-Horn & its Music by John P. Newhill. C046. The 32 Rose Studies: An Analysis and Study Rosewood Publications, Third Edition of 2003, SB, 127 pages. Guide by Henry Larsen. Larsen Audiographics, SB, 166 pag- Chapters include What is a Basset-Horn?, The Name, The Rise es. Extensive comments and suggestions accompany each of & Fall of the Basset-Horn, The Modern Basset-Horn, The the 32 studies. The author includes other instructional materi- Repertoire (Solo Works with Orchestra, Chamber Works, al independent of the studies including hand position studies Orchestral Works, List of Recordings, List of Publishers, Ad- and two articles on reeds. dresses for Manuscript Works, Index of Composers), and a 29.95 bibliography. 17.95 C089. Advanced Clarinet Technique - A New Ap- C004. Brahms: The Clarinet Quintet by Colin Lawson. proach from Great Orchestral Literature by John Gibson. Cambridge University Press, PB, 124 pages. A very interesting JB Linear Music, 2003, SB, 59 pages. This new book uses book which examines the technical aspects of the quintet and passages from Mozart, Borodin, Brahms and other great com- places it in the context of the times. posers to build advanced technique. They are also more than 31.95 orchestral excerpt studies because they include the full musi- cal context of the selection. The complete Marriage of Figaro C005. Hardbound edition (List price now $65.00) Overture by Mozart is included as a bonus. A great value. 44.95 11.95 C760. Advanced Intonation Technique for Clarinets C006. Cambridge Companion to the Clarinet edited by (A=440 edition) by John Gibson. JB Linear Music, 2006, SB, Colin Lawson. Cambridge University Press, PB, 240 pages. 62 pages + 2 CDs. A clarinet tuning method that is filled with Main sections include Single reeds before 1750, The Devel- intonation facts, techniques and playing exercises for Bb and opment of the clarinet, The clarinet family (five chapters), The A soprano, Eb soprano, and bass clarinets. It also includes a development of the clarinet repertoire, Players and Compos- 70 minute CD using rich clarinet sounds for practicing intona- ers, The mechanics of playing the clarinet, Teaching the clari- tion characteristics along with a 35 minute Bonus CD with net, Playing historical clarinets, The professional clarinetist, ensembles and orchestrated excerpts with which to play The contemporary clarinet, The clarinet in jazz, etc. along. Any intermediate to advanced player can benefit. 38.95 29.95 C062. Campione on Clarinet by Carmine Campione. John C760a: Advanced Intonation Technique for Clarinets Ten-Ten Publishing, Fairfield, OH, SB, 129 pages. A member (A=442 edition). of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra for 37 year and an 29.95 adjunct professor of clarinet for 40, the author has put in writing proven methods, solid concepts, and a successful system of clarinet playing and instruction. Subjects include embouchure, breathing and support, tonguing, finger and hand position, equipment, intonation, reeds, an extended chapter on the Rose 40 Studies and more. 44.95 Order online at: 2 C920. Catalogue of the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Col- C014. Clarinet Fingerings (also know as 303 Clarinet lection by Heike Fricke et al; photography by Raymond Fingerings and 276 Trills) by Alan Sim. Twydds Music, U.K., Parks. Edinburgh, 2007, HB, 809 pages, 1024 color illustra- SB, 56 pages. Covers the range of the clarinet up to triple tions. This catalog documents the achievement of the late Sir high G. Fingerings include notations of the drawbacks of Nicholas Shackleton (1937-2006) in assembling one of the certain fingerings. Includes both half tone and whole tone world's finest collections of musical instruments. The clarinets trills. Handy pocket size. Shipped free if ordered with another (which constitute the main emphasis of the collection) span a item (except a free shipping item). 250-year period and range from contrabasses up to the smal- 11.95  lest regularly-used clarinets (in high A). All the major instru- C015. Clarinet Fingerings by Thomas Ridenour. SB, 52 ment-making regions of the world are represented. Priority pages. The third edition of this popular book. The focus is on Mail shipping only ($10.95 + insurance, if desired). fingerings for the altissimo notes with up to 24 alternate fin- 144.95 gerings for each note. However, the strength of this book is that it is not just diagrams of fingerings but includes the ad- C033. Clarinet by Jack Brymer. Kahn & Averill, London, vantages and shortcomings of each choice and suggests reper- PB, 259 pages. This book, originally published in the late toire for which they are appropriate. 1970s, is now available again in the US. Chapters include: 19.95 The Clarinet Today, History and Development, Acoustic Cha- C1307. Clarinet Fundamentals 1: Sound and Articula- racteristics, The Practical Clarinettist, The Artistic Approach, tion by Reiner Wehle. Schott, 2008, PB, 128 pages. This and Teaching the Clarinet. The book also includes a number book is part of a new series by Reiner Wehle. Includes sec- of photos and other illustrations. tions devoted to practicing, breathing and posture, legato 19.95 exercises, sound exercises, articulation, clarinet reeds and C1048. The Clarinet by Eric Hoeprich. Yale University recommended reading. This book is in English and German Press, 2008, HB, 415 pages. Eric Hoeprich, a performer, and covers both the Boehm and Oehler system instruments. teacher, and expert on historical clarinets, explores its devel- 27.95 opment, repertoire, and performance history, in this detailed C1308. Clarinet Fundamentals 2: Systematic Fingering and long awaited book. Course by Reiner Wehle. Schott, 2008, PB, 136 pages. This 39.95 book does not include a fingering chart but is a comprehen- sive course made up of short exercises and examples from the C012. The Clarinet Concerto in Outline by Norman M. literature emphasizing various notes and fingering combina- Heim. Van Cott Information Services, 2007, SB, 77 pages. tion. It includes examples from the Mozart clarinet concerto This most recent of Professor Heim's surveys of the clarinet for basset clarinet. In English and German and covering all literature was originally published in 1997. Each concerto is fingering problems in great detail for the Boehm and Oehler described in a detailed outline format. Chapters include: Early systems. Period, Classic Period - Mozartian Era, The Romantic Period, 27.95 and Contemporary Period. This edition has been completely C1309. Clarinet Fundamentals 3: Intonation by Reiner reset in an easy to read typeface and we have added informa- Wehle. Schott, 2008, PB, 112 pages. This book explains both tion on many of the composers. the theory and practice of intonation (in English and German) 24.95 and has many intonation exercises in duet form with a few as C011. Clarinet and Clarinet Playing by David Pino. trios. This is followed by 29 pages of examples from the or- Dover Publications, PB, 320 pages. The author, Professor of chestral repertoire of (mostly) two clarinets playing in harmo- Clarinet at Southwest Texas State University, studied with ny, octaves, and unison. Keith Stein at Michigan State University. The book covers the 24.95 technical aspects of clarinet playing, musicianship, teaching C061. The Clarinetist's Guide to Klezmer by Tom Pu- the clarinet, and reeds. It also includes significant chapters on walski, SB, 75 pages. A how to book for Clarinetists who clarinet history and literature. want to learn how to perform traditional Klezmer. It includes 11.95 16 transcriptions of the recordings of Dave Tarras and Naftule C1036. The Clarinet in the Classical Period by Albert R. Brandwein. Contents include: What is Traditional Klezmer?, Rice. Oxford University Press, 2003/2008, PB, 316 pages. A Types of Klezmer Music, Klezmer Ornamentation, etc. comprehensive study of the clarinet through the classical 24.95 period, from 1760 to 1830. In addition, there are chapters on C013. Clarinet Literature in Outline by Norman M. playing techniques, music for the classical clarinet, the clari- Heim, Van Cott Information Services, 2006, SB, 63 pages. An net in performing groups as well as extensive notes, a detailed invaluable guide to clarinet literature, it covers more than 200 bibliography, and an index of classical clarinet makers. NEW works from all periods in a detailed outline format and briefly paperback edition! describes an additional 170 contemporary works. Originally 39.95 published in 1984, 2006 marks our second printing of this C048. The Clarinet, A Cultural History by Kurt Birsak. book. It includes the dates of death for composers who have Druck und Verlag Obermayer GmbH, HB, 165 pages. A very died since the original and our previous edition and a further attractive book printed on excellent paper with extensive updated bibliography of clarinet books. illustrations. Part I, The Development includes: In praise of 24.95 the clarinet, The invention of the clarinet and its baroque C016. Clarinet Master Class by Allen Sigel. SHALL-u-mo history, etc. Part II, A Spectrum includes Clarinet virtuosi, Publications, SB, 78 pages. The clarinet teacher and former Varieties of clarinet-playing, and the various ways of learning principal of the Buffalo Philharmonic has created master les- the clarinet. sons and etudes based on six solo works by Mozart (K. 622), 49.95 Weber (Concertino and Concerto No. 2), Spohr Concertos C052. The Clarinet Doctor by Howard Klug. Woodwin- No. 1 and No. 2), and Brahms (Sonata in F Minor Op. 120, diana, Inc., SB, 117 pages. The author, Professor of Music at No. 1). Lessons include such topics as stylistic features, en- Indiana University, is particularly well known as a teacher of semble problems, musical and technical problems, dynamics, clarinet instruction techniques. Part 1 (Klug's Clarinet Calis- etc. The author provides recommended fingerings throughout. thenics) includes the Indiana University Clarinet Curriculum 24.95 as well as many exercises. Part 2, (The Clarinet Doctor) cov- ers Embouchure, Breathing, Body Posture, Tongue and Throat, Reeds, Squeaks, Bass Clarinet, Auditions, etc. 34.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 3 C018. The Clarinet Sonata in Outline by Norman M. C1718. More Clarinet Secrets: 100 Quick Tips for the Heim. Van Cott Information Services, Inc., 2005, SB, 79 pag- Advanced Clarinetist by Michèle Gingras. Scarecrow es. A new edition of this book originally published in 1995. Press, 2011, PB, 203 pages. Michele Gingras is back in print The clarinet sonatas of nearly 250 composers are described in with her new book. It is a treasure trove of new information a detailed outline format. This edition has been completely on how to turn clarinetists into informed musicians, offering reset and includes quite a bit of additional information on them the tools they need to compete in the music world. 20th century composers. Available again for the first time in Topics discussed include technique, tone and intonation, nearly four years. musicianship, reeds and equipment, repertoire, musicians' 24.95 health, and the music profession. In addition, Gingras sup- C133. A Clarinetist's Notebook Vol. I: Care and Re- plies extra tips on such matters as college auditions, website pair by Robert Schmidt. 1978, SB, 152 pages. A detailed design, and self-marketing. The pedagogical ideas gathered in guide to clarinet repair with 250 photographs and 140 draw- this book are the result of Gingras' more than 25 years of ings. At bit dated in spots but has more detailed information hands-on experience spent in the clarinet studio working with than any other available book. students. Advanced high school clarinetists, college-level 29.95 clarinetists, and seasoned professionals will all find More Clarinet Secrets a valuable read. C134. A Clarinetist's Notebook Vol. II: The Value of 39.95 Fundamentals by Robert Schmidt. 1971, SB, 204 pages. C019. Clarinet Vibrato by Paul Drushler. SHALL-u-mo This book contains a variety of resources originally used with Publications, CS, 28 pages. A research article on vibrato ter- university students including basic techniques, clarinet litera- minology, utilization, and aesthetics. Includes bibliography. ture and book listings, the 24 Albert scales, and symmetrical 6.95 scale and chord patterns. Most of the technique information has two pages on one page resulting in some small print. 16.95 C135. A Clarinetist's Notebook Vol. III: Concepts of C020. Clarinet Virtuosi of the Past by Pamela Weston. Emerson Edition, U.K. 1971, reprint of 2002. PB, 292 pages. Rhythm by Robert Schmidt. 1977, SB, 154 pages. A self- Pamela Weston's famous book on legendary clarinetists of the instruction course on tempo and rhythm. past including Stadler, Crusell, Baermann, Mühlfeld, Klosé 16.50 and many more. It includes a bibliography and detailed in- dex. Interesting reading and a valuable reference. 41.95 C136. A Clarinetist's Notebook Vol. IV: Toward a C021. More Clarinet Virtuosi of the Past by Pamela More Perfect Tone by Robert Schmidt. 1984, SB, 154 pag- Weston. Emerson Edition, U.K. 1977, reprint of 2002. PB, 392 es. Covers the subjects of tone, intonation, articulation, the pages. The author casts a wider net than in the original book altissimo, relaxation, phrasing, practicing, interesting articles with biographical information on many many more clarinet- written by Daniel Bonade in the 1950s and more. ists. The format is inclusive covering Abel to Zwicker with 15.95 citations running from two lines to several pages. A very use- ful source for program notes on works composed by clarinet- C077. Clarinet On Campus by Michael Dean. LMB Re- ists. This book belongs in every clarinetist's library. sources, 1997, SB, 161 pages. This book is based on the au- 41.95 thor's Ph.D. dissertation at Texas Tech University on the sub- ject of clarinet teaching at colleges and universities in the C067. Yesterday's Clarinettists: a sequel by Pamela Weston, 2002. PB, 314 pages. This book is a sequel to More United States. It reports results in the areas of the Institution Clarinet Virtuosi of the Past and follows the same format of (degrees, recruitment, ensembles), Students (numbers, lessons, entries of a single paragraph to several pages. There are about juries, recitals), and the Clarinet Teacher (teaching loads, a thousand, of which about 600 are new, and the rest contain other instruments taught, and demographic data). The text additional or corrected information. Many clarinetists of re- includes many graphs and charts. cent memory are included such as Daniel Bonade, Yona 44.95 Ettlinger, Rudolf Jettel, Reginald Kell, Gustave Langenus, C230. The Clarinet Revealed by Ernest Ferron translated Robert Marcellus, Robert McGinnis, and Aage Oxenvad. from the French by Jacqueline Rose. International Music Dif- 41.95 fusion, 1996, PB, 109 pages. Ernest Ferron has drawn from his experience as a master instrument maker and from his contact C919. The Complete Daniel Bonade compiled and edited by Larry Guy. Rivernote Press, 2007, SB, 142 pages. with leading instrumentalists to produce a synthesis of his This book combines the Clarinetist's Compendium, Sixteen knowledge. The first 60 pages covers how a clarinet works Phrasing Studies for Clarinet, and the Bonade Orchestral with details on the bore, barrel, bell, mouthpiece, reeds, and Studies for Clarinet. The editor has corrected typographical tuning. The rest of the book is on the tools and techniques of errors and notes, rhythms, dynamics, and slur markings in the clarinet repair. Orchestral Studies. 32.95 24.95 C203. Clarinet Secrets: 52 Performance Strategies for C045. Daniel Bonade: A Founder of the American the Advanced Clarinetist Revised Edition by Michèle Gingras. Scarecrow Press, 2006, PB, 144 pages (plus CD). Style of Clarinet Playing by Carol Anne Kycia. Captiva Publishing, 1999, PB, 218 pages. Daniel Bonade (1896-1976) Written for advanced clarinetists aspiring to master their in- distinguished himself from other teachers of his time by hav- strument and attain a higher level of artistry, it includes con- ing more prominent students and writing more articles. This cepts that have been repeatedly and successfully used with book is based on interviews with Bonade's students and other students over a period of 20 years of teaching. Techniques who knew him and on his writings. covered include: fingering, memorization, practice strategies, 35.95 tonal control, musicianship, using the right equipment, non- traditional repertoire, and career planning exercises. The CD provides demonstrations of many of the techniques described in the book. The revised edition has improved photos and graphics, completely new information on clarinet with elec- tronics, and some new text. 34.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 Funda. 208 pages.95 distillation of the principles he has learned in his 40+ years C844. equipment (reeds and ligatures). Overtone Exercises. establishing a daily This practical guide is intended for all clarinetists with a de. of Brahms. The Story of the Messiaen extends through the nineteenth century to include the music Quartet by Rebecca Rischin. phonist with the Houston Symphony since 1967. this book is to help clarinetists improve their finger speed and piece Excises. C162.vcisinc. It describes the proven prac- trol. or musical background. This book intended for anyone and everyone who the experiences of the musicians in the camp. and more jazz studies. bass and drum cludes many diagrams. the basset horn. The book concludes with and Fundamental Concepts Set Forth in this Handbook. Audition or Performance. efficient Intonation. 27 pages. economic. Mouth. It covers: How to Hold the Clarinet. and offers a fascinating insider's look at its defining cha- C899. In. In the most recent editions the author and exercises. For the End of Time. A comprehensive history of the composition 33. ethic (and the willingness to spend some serious time with 24. Subjects include basic practice concepts. note pattern comprehension. There are Embouchure--Tongue Position Development. Rivernote Press. All About Clarinet Mouthpieces. preliminary exercises. improved. bass clarinetists. Scales and Chords. it examines the events that lead to the composition. Chesebro has used for years to develop orchestra excerpts. C1394. approach. Hand in Hand with Hanon by Buddy DeFranco. the External Em. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . articulation. SB. This is several books in one. Developing the Upper Lip. Embouchure Building for Clarinetists by Larry guidelines. Summary Outline of Tone Production Techniques. and saxo. 2009.95 19. diate-level clarinetists.95 the metronome!) can develop outstanding technique— C025. meticu- Richard Nunemaker. Lawson. but G54. and mastering fast handbook was originally designed for teachers and interme. ing the Clarinet Tone. The book has many illustrations. Cambridge University Press. coordination and con. developing articulation. PO Box 9569. the alto clarinet. polishing techniques. C1079. four jazz pieces including clarinet. Educator's Guide to the Clarinet – Second Edi. Bonade's incredible clarinetists in the state of South Carolina. Collegiate and Advanced High School Clarinetists.95 chure. University. 2000. 106 pages. blues and blues pro- Embouchure Affects Articulation. Chesebro believes that all clarinetists with a good work piled by Bonade and Lefebve. Reeds. the composer's is faced with the task of teaching or learning the clarinet. 485 damentals. and the musicians' problems in ex- I: Clarinet Pedagogy: Teaching the Clarinet Tone Concept. HB. bouchure.95 include The Function of the Embouchure. 96 pages. Tonguing/Staccato. Rice. ecution and how they affected the premiere and subsequent The Air: Breathing and Blowing Correctly. a comprehensive history of its evolution. 26. This booklet by lously researched information on its makers and aspects of Richard Nunemaker. Larry Guy. aesthetics. How a Good jazz oriented scale and chord studies. Embouchure. A Vowel Concept for the Lips. 128 pages. racteristics. additional technical concepts. Rice now turns his signature detailed atten- and Select Clarinets. photos. support of the air. tion by Thomas Ridenour. and musical exercises. Tod Kers- This workbook will reacquaint clarinetists with Bonade's tetter (clarinet professor at Kansas State University) has written fundamental playing concepts. 232 pages. performances. Sight-Reading. Dr. Cornell University Press. fingering C047. Ninth Edition. clarinetist. the this book with his former clarinet professor from Furman study of legato. by Larry Guy. Albert R. construction. Part interpretive preferences.95 with much advice on style. Building the Muscles of the Lips. Bonade's comments on tice methods that Dr. 2007. Tom Ridenour's 1941. http://www. The purpose of ing. The Tongue: Voic. phrasing. Dr. mentals of Reed Balancing. Robert Chesebro. Breath. How to Practice.the clarinet d'amour. Daniel Bonade was Tod Kerstetter. Long Tones.. SB. Each chapter and Accessories for the Clarinet. SB. Woodwindiana. the role of the embouchure. SB. PB. The Daniel Bonade Workbook by Larry Guy. gressions. 167 pages. has added information of a more advanced nature. The title Support Mechanism. Guy. Building the Air 2002. and technique. From the Clarinet d'Amour to the Contra Bass How to Teach Articulation. info@vcisinc. place in German camp for French prisoners of war in January. and Technique: Fingering Fun.95 sic. piano.95 and premiere of the Quartet for the End of Time which took C023. 2006. SB. passages.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Sub- arguably the greatest American clarinet teacher and certainly titled: A Structured Approach to Developing Technique for one of the greatest orchestral clarinetists of the 20th century. and studies based on Klose and Charpentier com. This slow legato. The book includes a Lesson. The Internal transcribed for clarinet and rendered in all keys. conquering technical passages. A Practical Guide by Colin regardless of their social. "Early" in the context of this book is not limited to the Baroque. and Preparing for finger motions. manag- sire to investigate music of earlier periods. 2003. routine of sales and arpeggios.4 C338. for refers to the famous Hanon piano exercises that Buddy has Tonal Purity. Hand and Finger Development for Clarinetists as a professional. Part II: Clarinet Equipment includes: How to Test pages. How to Teach the Clarinet Embou. Oxford University Press. Chapters 24. SS. Based on extensive interviews and documentary re- new edition of his best selling book has been expanded and search. and more. It covers the tonal ideal. musical examples. tion to large clarinets . bass and contra bass clarinets. The Everyday Virtuoso by Robert Chesebro and Rivernote Press. An Introduction to Vowel Concepts. represents a 98. and correct fingerings. and a thorough discussion of its music.95 theory and practice). 2004. hand and finger fundamentals (in 14. both the acquisition and the playing of historical clarinets 29. 97 pages. Clarinet Repair and Maintenance. The Early Clarinet. accuracy through the use of proper hand position. The Effortless Clarinet by Richard Nunemaker. is devoted to a specific instrument (or instruments) or its mu- 46. 118 pages. by Albert R. parts. It contains help on ing practice sessions. HB. SB. 14. Basically. C1247. the great Finnish clarinetist Crusell Scarecrow Press. the work in a prisoner-of-war camp and has an in depth as.95 of Buddy DeFranco by Fabrice Zammarchi and Sylvie Mas. C1249. C391.95 book. embouchure flexibility and the use of air. control of the register change. embouchure. 60 pages. the clarinet. Corrected and updated 1992 whose diary tells of French Revolution events and a Napole. It covers the entire range of the instrument illustrations up to the G above altissimo G. chapters on many of the ad. flutter tonguing. this book. and details of surviv. vanced techniques pioneered by Bill Smith. 2008. photos. While we are not quite sure what is new about the contents of Eb and bass clarinet and useful fingering for these instru. The Collector's Edition is personally autographed C1248. tailed looks at some subjects touched on in the beginning 124.95 sessment of each of its eight movements. The first four skills: breathing & posture.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Mahler. SS.. Messiaen . finger- 64. The new edition also includes an appendix containing more. Woodwind Educators Press. The topics covered include assembling solos. It also has recommend chro- 14.95 harmonies and rhythms of jazz music. Subjects include the 37. Spohr with Simon Hermstedt and Brahms with Richard Mühlfeld. muted cluded is the full D clarinet part for Richard Strauss "Till Eu- notes. 48 pages. Multiphonics and Other Contemporary Clarinet Weston. articulation. C129.95 383 pages. SS. This book includes six transcribed and musical exercises.95 Baermann. A large. contains a representative selection of articles written over a SB.vcisinc. Verdi's clarinetist Cavallini who played list of William O. a complete discography and more. ful clarinet tone. reeds and equipment. Includes an introduction to the special 10. 82 pages. SB. plus an extensive bibliography. PB. getting a great tone from the beginning. 2002. an analysis of the concerto. a second music biblio- 29. Collector's Edition have been printed. and an extensive Jazz Clarinet Discography. and much ings. Other topics covered are: hand position. and other techniques including har- revealed on best-known composer/clarinetist relationships monics. 115 articulation. and altissimo notes to Time by Olivier Messiaen (1908-92). A Life in the Golden Age of Jazz. A Practical Approach to the Clarinet For Ad- 29. high notes. A Biography 21. the "International Update". There are no remarks or annotations on C075. throat tones. Works are included by Berlioz. such as Mozart with Anton Stadler.95 vanced Clarinetists and their Teachers by David Ethe- ridge. lavishly ginning Clarinetists and their Teachers by David Ethe- illustrated book on the life of Buddy DeFranco. 38 pages. the full stories of ings to his previous listing of Smith's early multiphonic finger- Stanford's concerto and Ireland's Fantasy-Sonata. 3 twelve-tone trios and 16 jazz duets. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto by Colin Lawson. 10. Smith's clarinet compositions and record- for and was on familiar terms with the Tsar. Born in 1923. SHALL-u-mo Publications. book contains excerpts from the most important orchestral solos on many jazz standards. Rehfeldt has added the complete onic military parade. The book includes many music examples and other we have ever seen. reprinted in 2003. Rivernote Press. New Directions for Clarinet by Phillip Rehfeldt. century female info@vcisinc. 24. A Biography notes for the little fingers. It covers the origin of high G. Trafford Publishing. Further subjects include the clarinetists of the French Revolution. A Practical Approach to the Clarinet For In- by Buddy and the authors and is luxuriously bound in bonded termediate Clarinetists and their Teachers by David leather and comes in a slipcase. There are special to approach each of the fundamental aspects of clarinet play- problems surrounding the Mozart clarinet concerto since the ing and to provide the tools to learn music of all levels of autograph has been lost and the unique instrument for which difficulty. etc. A Practical Approach to the Clarinet For Be- Parkside Publications. http://www. Intonation Training for Clarinetists by Larry phy of music literature. 40 pages. SB. G53. 383 pages. fingering. HB. ing relevant instruments. 3 blues trios. PB. etc. Anthony Pople. 2008. The 29. PB. it does feature the largest clarinet fingering graphics ments. repertoire for Eb clarinet. right pages. Ravel. Copies are individually The intermediate book continues this series with more de- numbered. This unique of jazz. SB. 139 pages. The C030. play- of Buddy DeFranco Collector's Edition by Fabrice ing beautiful high notes and daily drills. left hand position and the register change. lenspiegel's Merry Pranks" transposed for E-flat clarinet. and rinforzando attacks. Eric Mandat's quarter-tone fingerings.95 matic scale fingerings. Woodwind Educators Press. SS. by Kalmen Opperman. Cambridge University Press. voicing the tone.95 general intonation problems of the clarinet and helpful finger. Weber with Heinrich 24. and voicing create a beauti- information. 2008. BB. Carl Fischer. 2004. SS. 1993. C034. PB. This book Techniques by Gerald Farmer. This text presents background control & support. 56 pages. 111 pages. atonal jazz. also pitch problems specific to the A. upward and downward skips. 187 pages. 9. Roncorp Publications.95 annotations include suggested fingerings C076. 200 pages. including ampli. The New Extended Working Range for Clarinet ings. legato 30.000 copies of the Etheridge. early 19th. is still performing today. 1998. This Buddy has lived through almost the entire history of jazz and book for beginners includes lots of helpful diagrams. 2008.05 graphy. Heroes & Heroines of Clarinettistry by Pamela C035. Only 1. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Jazz Clarinet by Bill Smith. 5 C1238. Also in- fication of the clarinet. purpose of this advanced book is to provide a number of ways Cambridge University Press. 40-year period by Pamela PO Box 9569. breath it was written has not survived.. the fingerings. Stravinsky and more. multiphonics. Russia's clarinet dynasty.95 ings for all notes from low E to C above the staff. 160 pages. Guy. 72 exercises in all keys C036. ridge. Shostakovich. Woodwind Educators Press. A comprehensive guide to the Quartet for the End of hand position and alternate fingerings. and an updated bibliogra- C029. Orchestral Studies for the Eb Clarinet by Peter and many rhythms to illustrate many of the special techniques Hadcock. Zammarchi and Sylvie Mas. The topics covered include breathing and posture. Fascinating information is trill and tremolo charts. 2002.95 finger motion. Includes performing multiphonics. Parkside Publications. embouchure.Quatour pour la fin du Temps by breath control and support. edition. using a tuner. A Life in the Golden Age of Jazz. Parkside Publications. 95 Process for Clarinet compiled and edited by Larry Clark C243. Mahler. HB. orchestral performances. and concert reviews). facing charts for commercial saxophone and clarinet 94. and additional pieces that frequently appear on audi- nation of the technique. Corrected version 2003. C1039. Ron- tive brands of saxophone mouthpieces. 21. Shostakovich. 2006. oriented toward the saxophonist. The Tip- Introduction. Copland. 137 pages. 2007. While this book is primarily learned during his forty-three years of playing.95 seek to expand the instrument's repertory and recognition. The first part. strument. While some of the music listed is SRBCSpec: Symphonic Repertoire for the Bass Clari- out of print. key players. students with a comprehensive collection of materials that Prokofiev. PB.95 price. Subtitled: An Illustrated C065. Repertory of the Clarinet. Swing . 64 pages. NEW LOWER PRICE! cerpts. from his childhood how to make reeds in less than half the time it would take in the Maxwell Street ghetto in Chicago through his long and you to make them entirely by hand. fingering charts (when tion lists. corp Publications. Symphonic Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet. Webern. 31 pages. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Quar. Stravinsky. The Working Clarinetist by Peter Hadcock.50 cerpts are in bass clef and several are for bass clarinet in A. The Versatile Clarinet edited by Roger Heaton. Fischer. Each section includes an expla. Strauss. solos. Spring. jazz clarinet technique. and etudes. Schoenberg. This book shows you how to ny Goodman by Ross Firestone. date. events and ensembles. Mahler. reeds. PB. The purpose of this book is to provide high school by Barber. clarinetists will also find about three quarters of the book. Caravan. Schoenberg. and issues facing clarinetists as they 44. SB. This volume includes excerpts of works pages). Artivo. Swing. Musorgsky. Carl rak. Single Reed Books and Videos 12. WW026. In Ger. C042. many of which are part of the standard audition reper- 9. and includes chapters on buying a clarinet.95 34. Grofe. Bartok. Ravel. PB. Part 2 covers many technical aspects of clarinet playing C204. This is a "hardware" mentation of Christian Mühlfeld. Windplayer Publications. Protocol: A Guide to the Collegiate Audition 21.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. However. This book is based on the archive ical aspects of the clarinet. Holst. Bloch.95 ment PO Box 9569. the photographs. Peter Hadcock. 44 pages. mouthpieces. and (rarely) duration. Preliminary Exercises & Etudes in Contempo. some maintenance tips. This is a reprint of the original Ravel. It includes listings of music includ. where to get supplies.6 C040. chamber music winds. 68 pages. Carl Volume Two by Michael Drapkin. J. A Book for the Clarinet Reed-Maker by Ronald V. Tchaikovsky and more. 90. repertoire.vcisinc. Roncorp Publications. Saxophone Mouthpiece Selection by Robert The topics covered include everything from playing early and Scarff. A valuable account of the life of a key figure know how to make your own reeds. man with all of the text translated into English but the tables Routlege. they are vey of the types of music that have been played on the in- mostly lists that are easy to understand. music place. All three volumes of this series at a reduced 14. Respighi. Rachmaninoff. This book also in. The book offers a brief sur- have not. and chamber designations of some representa. 1998. Transcription. vich. Shostako- will satisfy the needs of most college music auditions. This book provides a solid intro. you will be able to adjust during the period when jazz was America's popular music but commercial reeds. and bass clari. intonation etc. scribed this book as an attempt to put on paper what he and some musician jokes. Selected Clarinet Masterclasses from the editors such as embouchure. 39. and 1960 hardbound edition. SS. 1999. net Special. A number of the ex- 17. de- cludes guidance on reed adjustments. C645. In addition. 395 pages. Listings include composer. This book covers the areas of Timbre Variation. 144 pages. Dvo- for Study and Performance by Kalmen Opperman. 142 pages. breathing. 88 pages. 64 pages. Roncorp Publications. Janacek.95 toire. is annotated orchestral ex- useful information here. guide. SS. 2004. Roncorp Publica- Fischer. ing or featuring clarinet in nearly every conceivable combina. Symphonic Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet. Publications. how clarinets are made. SS. It in. Dvorak. 2002. lines in selecting a mouthpiece for the type of sound you and the bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet need. examples. Tipbook Clarinet by Hugo Pinksterboer. 9.95 tion. SS. appropriate). title. Bartok.95 2006.The Life & Times of Ben- Single Reed-Making Manual. and Commentary of the info@vcisinc. who was also a complicated and difficult man 21. 2007. Volume Three by Michael Drapkin. klezmer and other ethnic clarinet styles. This book historic clarinets. Jamey Aebersold Jazz. and Walton. Richard Mühlfeld. and Daniel Schmidt with a Forward by Robert S. Shostakovich. Franklin Cohen and more.95 C679. Richard Mühlfeld was the book about the instrument itself and is especially recom- clarinetist who inspired Brahms to write his four brilliant mended for anyone who wants to learn more about the phys- chamber works for clarinet. Schuman. How- ard Klug. Subtitled: C074. Mahler. 1993. The book is very well illustrated kept by his brother Christian and published here in a com. plete and annotated form for the first time along with many ligatures.95 mouthpieces. except for the concert reviews. the family of clarinets and related wood- tables of data (concert tours and programs. articulation. student. some more obscure works with noteworthy bass clarinet ter Tones. 19. An make your own reeds. 45 pages (plus piano accompaniment 27 tions. This book includes 36 duction to extended clarinet techniques for the advanced excerpts selected from the standard symphonic literature. and--best of all-- extended biography of Benny Goodman. selecting a college. and repertoire of the most C740. http://www. Swing. and Multiphonics. contemporary and contains information on mouthpiece parts and design. C923. Includes Gershwin. PB. The latest volume in this series includes C657. 23. Ethos Volume One by Michael Drapkin. Part 3 has of Windplayer. Stravinsky. Norton. The book includes a short biography and many brands of clarinets. articulation. Symphonic Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet. PB. SS. A Listing of Works excerpts from works by Barber. Lawrie Bloom. SS. cludes information on how to take an audition.95 musicians he performed with. etc. Rachmaninoff. and publisher and in Special! some cases additional information such as instrumentation. Rachmaninoff. once you successful career.50 Goltz & Herta Müller. SB. subjects such as reeds. Brahms' Clarinettist by Maren 61. 212 pages. 522 pages. Vazquez. rary Techniques for Clarinet by Ronald L. 2006. master classes on Mozart's and Nielsen's clarinet concertos. Prokofiev. often requested material. C043. Copland. this is still a useful reference book. avant-garde music. This book contains 15 brief masterclasses on wide variety of The final section has trill and tremolo fingerings. pages. 2006. and barrels.95 net tone by well-known clarinetists such as Don Byron. book Company. ... Glazounov. to Schubert....... Prokofoeff. 1946.. 2003.95 C064... Bellini. .... It also composers such as Bizet: Carmen... Perfect A Reed .. This DVD by David Bourque... 6... Brahms. . Richard Strauss. 215 pages.. Rossini... reed analysis.. and Care of Single Stravinsky. The part for the Schickele clarinet concerto which is a rental..... a Robert Marcellus and Anthony Gigliotti was the Principal member of the Toronto Symphony for more than 20 years... Beetho- with a minimum of gadgetry. .... Great Orchestral Literature by John Gibson. SS....... Difficult Passages Volume 2 selected and edited by R. 28 pages. well illustrated guide to you: fix unresponsive reeds... more reed stability.... 19.. C919.. This is the solo comprehensive guide to making reeds "from scratch. C154... rhythms..... C578. ClarinetXpress.......... Excerpts from the symphon- ists will find much of value here as well... No.. the symphonic and operatic works of Beethoven........ SS... Peters.. See description under Books. and Weber... Includes 23 operas from 13 and adjusting reeds in an easily understood manner.. and C054........ 27....... . 15 pages. Inc. Donizetti... using and storing the complete contents.. A com. Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor..... 62 pages.. 45.. This book presents detailed instructions for selecting from the most popular operas in the repertoire.. D/E-flat clarinet and bass clarinet...... and C041.. Puccini: Tosca.......95 reeds and the life of the reed......... 19. make more reeds play well. making equipment suppliers is included.... SB. PO Box 9569. This book combines the C413... This book of orchestra and opera excerpts was developed in prehensive guide to the adjustment of single reeds.95  the Légère reed...... C066.. adjusting and retouching 59 pages....95 tical and well-illustrated guide to clarinet and saxophone C050. A few of the many topics covered are: reed myths.. http://www... ic works of Bartok.... includes a guide to the selection. Baron Company.. Clarinet and Saxophone Reed Adjustments by DVD009. SS... Rivernote Press.. 44 Ormand.. 1991...... Weber and mechanical devices for working on reeds.... PB. 2005. 42 pages.. Temple- ists..... 14..... Mozart... 8.. Elgar. Excerpts and Parts mercial reeds for all clarinets and saxophones...... making the shaped blank from tube info@vcisinc..... Orchester Probespiel ... reed warpage.. care of the reed knife.95 An advanced work.... Includes Germany for use in auditions.. Schubert Symphony No. Amilcare Publications............. It is intended for those who wish to make reeds or work on com..... The chapters cover equipment... 11.... learn finding and adjusting clarinet and saxophone reeds. Savage. ven. Weber Oberon Overture........ Excerpts reeds.. Finale. 2007....95 C427.... Reed Wizard. Mozart......95 (knives. who has played with everyone from Stan Kenton. Excerpts from reed preparation.Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions C373........ It is in four book includes nine sharp color photos. While this book is aimed at saxophon.. Don't let the slim size of this a "how to" video for adjusting commercial reeds... and Music Co. ligature... Rivernote Press........ JB Linear Music.95 hensive book on reeds with only a brief mention of his prod- ucts. Glinka.. Respighi.. 24.... The selections were made based on an the subjects of reed design. Making Clarinet Reeds by Hand by Walter C1240... The Complete Daniel Bonade compiled and edited by Larry 19. A prac.. 2000........ 2000. the commercial reed.... to Frank Zappa has written the longest and most alternate B-flat parts for the excerpts for A and C clarinet and some second detailed book on making and adjusting reeds we have ever clarinet parts.... See our web site for working on spots.. PB...... 7 C017. Difficult Passages and Solos for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet Book 1 edited by Alamiro Giampieri. The Advanced Art of C577.... Ray ic works of Frank.. reed rush. 1 by Kalman Bloch. Excerpts from the symphon- 2004.. no more waterlogged reeds.... M....... Making and Adjusting Clarinet Reeds by Glen H... etc..... Brahms Dvorak.. Wagner and more... Verdi....F.... Liszt... preparing the reed... breaking-in.. Los Angeles based saxophonists. .. is Clarinet of the New Orleans.. and temperature).... Out on the Dance Floor. 4... The second clarinet part is 19. The editor has corrected typographi- Emeritus of Music at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. and IV.. A short list of reed Rachmaninoff.....95 Guy....... Schumann. Temple- Adjusting Single Reeds by Ray Reed..95 reeds...95 included on some excerpts. sharpening stones.. It covers nearly every conceivable topic in the single reed making universe. Working the Single Reed by David Bourque... Ricordi... 134 pages. 34. Ricordi. Puccini. Schumann. have shipping if ordered with another item.. ...... . Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. and the Bowen.. The Saxophone Reed. .... Aria. Infinity Publishing...95 sohn Symphony No. pages. etc. SS. for soprano clarinet.... and Beyond by Ben Armato. 24......... Borodin. Adjustment.. SB. SB... C.... Rimsky-Korsakoff. 3 and Scherzo from A Midsummer Night‖s Dream. Smetana... 134 pages.... 1999.. Tchaikovsky.. PB. Selection.  ....... and also many second clarinet parts.. Mozart. It will help book fool you. and No. It includes excerpts selecting the reed... While the author sells several Mendelssohn. Rachmannoff.... Kodaly...... Elkan-Vogel/Presser. Includes alternate B-flat parts for many excerpts for A clarinet Reeds by Larry Guy. The Orchestral Clarinet...... 2003. and more... Boosey & Hawkes. Wagner... Includes Supersax.. Subjects cov- ered are the handmade reed........... The author studied with BCL Enterprises... Weber........ reed tools... location (altitude. Mendelssohn. Sixteen Phrasing Studies for Clarinet...vcisinc... 142 pages. Excerpts from C038...... This book is a Peter Schickele... Clarinetist's Compendium...... Verdi: Aida.... Strauss. arun... Schumann..95 Reeds by Kalmen Opperman.... Tschaikovsky.. Wagner..... SB. care and use of reed tools Mozart: Don Giovonni. 1946. Rossini. clipping. 19........ Reed.. SS.. this is a compre- more. 57 pages. Difficult Passages and Solos for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet do donax vicissitudes. and includes many appropriate measurements... Berlioz.. PB. Rossini Semiramide Overture. Liszt.. Haydn..... 84 pages. humidity.. Boosey & Hawkes.. equipment (mouthpiece. 104 pages.. Composers include..... Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Solo Clarinet Part by Grabner... the symphonic and operatic works of Beethoven..... Britten... cane... Delius. Schubert.. clarinet. Liszt. and adjust 7.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. III. reed nomenclature.. SS. 43 pages. learn where to scrape a reed..... Rossini. and adjustment.. Mendels- 19..... Difficult Passages Volume 3 selected and edited by R... 15 pages.95 Mahler.. Stravinsky... Bizet. tools. .. DVD.. The Boston clarinet)... Free how to scrape a reed...... Handbook for Making and Adjusting Single 29.. analysis of pieces used for auditions over many years. SB.....95 C153..... 38 pages. SS. etc. Advanced Clarinet Technique – A New Approach from model reed... dynamics... Excerpts with commentary and some suggested hints when "Nothing Else Works. Dawn. Vito Platamone Jr..).. SS........ 24.95 seen...... The Opera Clarinetist by Ben Armato." fingerings from Beethoven: Symphonies No. movements: I. balancing the reed... Clarinet Music 44 pages.... II........ Glenn H......... 35... the C089... The Single Reed Adjustment Manual by Fred Clarinet edited by Heinz Hepp and Albert Rohde... Moussorgski.... Vol. Book 2 edited by Alamiro Giampieri. sandpaper.........95 S137. Rimsky-Korsakov... and slur markings in the Orchestral This booklet is about making reeds from blanks economically Studies which make up the bulk of the book.. Mendelssohn.95 Respighi. 8..... SB... reed adjustment......... 17.. reed making procedures. 63 pages.... Bowen is Professor Bonade Orchestral Studies for Clarinet.. Savage.. cutting the vamp... finishing the reed.. It is a straightforward.. This long awaited book is now back in print.. cal errors and notes. .. .... Clarion Music C698. This Jacques Merrer... ...... Respighi.......... CD Sheet Music LLC... Complete clarinet parts (not just first from the work of mostly 20th century composers including Bartok. Franck. 40 pages.... Milhaud.. Siegfried Idyll...... Volume 7 contains 46 orchestral Co. A Clarinet.. Bernstein (West Side Story). The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol.......... International Music Co.. Lohengrin. CD Sheet Music LLC. and The Seasons). 279b) and Haydn (Symphonies 99-101.... Tchaikovsky... http://www. Violin Concerto).... International Music Co..... works. . Most of the works on this CD are from Baroque and early C697... Mass in C Mahler... Pierrot Lunaire.......... The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol............ 19........ 31..... Works Korasakov L‖Coq D‖or. K.......95 C691. Till Eulenspiegel....... Tchaikovsky OMLCL2..95 parts (a few pieces may be tacet) on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (.. and Szmanowski...... Debussy.. Salome... 1950..... Enesco..pdf) Tchaikovsky............ Hindemith....... .. Méhul............ Sarasate.. Volume Van Cott Information Services Inc........ 49 pages. Verdi...... (an oboe d'amore part).. 2005............. etc.. 31.. 2008..........375..... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . etc.. 1970. 62 pages........ SS.. 4 piano concertos. Hindemith. Dukas. 47 pages. Prokofiev..... CD Sheet Music LLC........ Prokofieff Peter and the Wolf.. Excerpts from the works of many composer including Clarinet. . Chabrier. Also includes Cadenza Studies from Rimsky orchestral masterworks on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol... . Parts are in the included Adobe Acrobat (. Mussorgsky Night on Bald Mountain and Khovanshchina...... Cimarosa.... .........95 C465.. Waldweben...... 6...... Cherubini are on Vol.... Tchaikovsky.. Shostakovich.... SS. Donizetti. 3 wind serenades [K...25 including Also Sprach Zarathustra............ C693. Requiem K.pdf) format. Gypsy Baron Overture. Clarinet....... 2001. Berlioz.. and Nielsen.. The Orchestral Clarinet.................................... and Rosenkavalier. 3 by Kalman Bloch.... and 1971....... Hindemith. Scriabin.... This CD has complete clarinet parts on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat See our web site for a complete listing.. Constant.. 19..... SS.. Prokofiev... Brahms.... .. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol. Bach Clarinet Volume 7 compiled by Stanley Drucker....... Saint-Saens..95 Zarathustra... Janácek. de Falla... . Finlandia. Brahms..... CD Sheet Music LLC............. Dallapiccola... and Reger are on Volume 2. CD Sheet Music LLC..626....... etc...... 2005.... Tchaikovsky. Grieg. & K. International Music Co........ 8 C055. Bellini.... and Ravel Rapsodie from Debussy... 62 pages........ Sibelius (17 including Symphonies 1-5. 2........ Janácek.....pdf) format.... 11 for a complete listing. SS.. The Orchestral Clarinet....pdf) format... 2007. Saint-Saëns...... Till Eulenspiegel.... SS.. 19..... 19.95 Berg.............. Hindemith.. and Glinka... International Music Diffusion. . This CD has complete clarinet (including E-flat and bass clarinet) C694. CD Sheet Music LLC. A second volume includes works by Tchaikovsky... 19.. International Music OMLCL8....... and Merry Pranks" transposed for E-flat clarinet. 1954......... and Siegfried‖s Mendelssohn..95 book of excerpts from the work of mostly 20th century composers including Albeniz........... This CD has complete clarinet (including E-flat and bass clarinet) Schubert.. Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for OMLCL7.. Bartok....... Sibelius. Brahms.... The Creation. SS........... format.. and Wagner.... de Falla. . 62 pages....... Schubert.. 103 & suggested fingerings.. Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Dohnányi.... 40 pages.. CD Sheet Music LLC.... 8 Co. clarinet) to 90 orchestral masterworks on CD-ROM... and Berg. Volume 9 contains 50 orchestral works... International Music Clarinet.. Strauss (22 Weber.. Volume 8 contains 48 orchestral including Beethoven. clarinet) to 74 orchestral masterworks on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (. Don Juan.. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol.. Death and Transfiguration. 2009.... 39 including Bartok.......95 Smetana.. International Music Diffusion... They are from J. Strauss.... . 61 pages..25 format.. R...... Schumann. 19. Schoenberg... 2 by orchestral masterworks on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (. Lully. 2006. Includes an extended excerpt from The Marvelous Mandarin transposed Lalo........... Liszt.. SS. Borodin Polovetsian Dances... 19.. 2 Mozartiana and Francesca da Rimini... The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol....... 8 overtures...... Strauss (Die Fledermaus.. Szmanowski...pdf) format.. Bério..... SS. Clarion Music OMLCL1. parts (a few pieces may be tacet) on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (... Orchestral Excerpts for Sopranino [E-flat] Clarinet Vol.... Mahler. Dallarpiccola.... Chadwick. Mahler. Also Sprach format . International Music Rachmaninoff. 4...... 47 pages. This volume has 81 total works of third book of excerpts from the work of mostly 20th century composers which 30 have clarinet parts. and Rhine Journey..25 C056... See our web site for a Stravinsky Firebird Suite and Petrouchka. This CD has complete clarinet (including E-flat and bass clarinet) including Beethoven... Prokofiev. 2005.. Chausson. Carpenter................ 3.... 2 by Kalman Bloch. 5..... 19.. Varese........ Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue..... Includes an extended excerpt from Richard Strauss' "Till Eulenspiegel's Includes works by Dvorak... Rimsky-Korsakov.. Enesco.. 4 Firebird... Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Classical Periods so there are only 12 for clarinet........ etc. by Bloch (Schelomo).. 1 by OMLCL3. Tchaikovsky Symphonies No.............. Orchestral Excerpts for Sopranino [E-flat] Clarinet Vol........... 2004. ....95 C692. Internation........ Glazunov.... SS.. Ravel. Excerpts with commentary from Wagner Meistersinger. and PO Box 9569........... 19.. 1960.. Complete clarinet parts to 42 C782. 33.95 from the D clarinet part and a similar transposition from Stravinsky's The OMLCL4. 18... Excerpts from the works of many composer including and Rameau. 2004.. This volume includes works by Ravel....... See our web site for a complete listing..... ... Volume 10 contains 53 orchestral Beethoven... Bruckner. No. SS.. 3 Jacques Merrer... Tchaikovsky.. Rossini.... ... OMLCL9..... Clarinet...... Brahms. and von Suppe.95 complete listing.. 427... CD Sheet Music LLC..... 62 pages. Weber. Verdi.. Schoenberg (Chamber Symphony..pdf) Britten..pdf) format... International Music Diffusion.. . . OMLCL10. J... See our web site for a complete listing. 19. Excerpts from the works of many composer including No.. Includes works by Brahms.......... Vol.. This CD has complete clarinet parts on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (.95 Co. Borodin. Shostakovich (6th Sympho. D'Indy... No.. etc. Mozart... Fauré..95 C1011.. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol.. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol..... etc.... Sibelius..... Debusy L‖Apres-midi d‖un Faune‖ and Clarinet.. 2004... See our web site for a complete listing.. Bruch..vcisinc. 1 Assn.. Chopin. 7 Clarinet Volume 1 compiled by Robert McGinnis.. Holst.......361.. Rimsky-Korsakov....pdf) Strauss Don Juan.. etc....95 104.... 9 Tchaikovsky............. The Orchestral Musician’s CD-ROM Library Vol.... 19.25 (.. Delius.. Mendelssohn.. Bizet.......... 2007...... 2006... Copland... CD Sheet Music LLC.. 19......... No.. Schubert... 1954. Gluck.... Ein Heldenleben....... Excerpts from the works of many composer Clarinet... 21... Stravinsky....... Excerpts from the works of many more)....... 1........ Mahler...... 4 al Music Co... Tristan and Isolde. No.. Saint-Saens. Mahler... .. 2003.. 19. This volume includes works Clarinet Volume 4 (Revised) compiled by Robert McGinnis........75 Clarinet..... Espagnol.. 1.. Prokofieff.. CD Sheet Music LLC... 19.... Enesco. more). Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Clarinet Volume 2 compiled by Robert McGinnis. . Complete clarinet parts to 64 Strauss. Clarinet Volume 3 compiled by Robert McGinnis.. 40 pages.. Excerpts with commentary from Brahms Symphonies Clarinet Volume 8 compiled by Stanley Drucker.. orchestral masterworks on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat (... Mussorgsky. Bartok.... Schoenberg. Includes a fingering chart and some and Sinfonia Concertante K.....95 Clarinet. Excerpts Clarinet.... Excerpts from the works of many composer works..... Excerpts from the works of many composer including Berlioz.388] ny). ... Grieg. Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Webern (Passacaglia)....... works.. Griffes. Mendelssohn......S.. and No. Stravinsky.....95 Busoni.... Rimsky-Korsakov.... Beethoven.95 Clarinet Volume 5 compiled by Stanley Drucker..pdf) format......113. Don Quixote...... Orchestral Excerpts for Sopranino [E-flat] Clarinet Vol. etc....... Rossini.. Handel..... Copland (3rd OMLCL5..... 6 by Jacques Merrer.. They include Mozart (Symphonies 31. Ravel.... Berio. Berlios.. 19.. Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol and Scheherazade.. Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for parts (a few pieces may be tacet) on CD-ROM. Auber...... See our web site OMLCL11. Venusberg Music........ Hérold... See our web site for a complete listing..... Complete clarinet parts to 61 Kodaly Galanta Dances. 3 OMLCL6...... Tannhauser... Complete clarinet parts (not just first Dance of the Apprentices........ Berg (Wozzek)... and C695... 5 Symphony) Dallapicola........... 44 pages...... SS... Divertimento No..... Vol. 1 K.. Parsifal... Stravinsky. This volume includes works by Stravinsky.. Weber..25 Clarinet Wagner: Part 1. & 40.... 19... 35.. Mahler.... and Vaughan Williams . Tchaikovsky. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol.. SS.. Offenbach....... Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Assn.....).. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol..... info@vcisinc.. Elgar. 10 1968...... 4... Berg. minor K... composer including Berlioz..... CD Sheet Music LLC. . improvisational...... The Performing Artist Master Class CD includes of Wagner's later operas: Das Rheingold.95 jazz etudes with chords... odd phrases..............95..... They Roncorp Publications.. chord symbols..... 24. . SS....... six volumes are $110.. Short Pieces. SS.. 15.. 44. 106 pages..... This symphony is in four movements.. Reading Key Jazz Rhythms Clarinet by Fred Lipsius.95 It includes exercises for smaller and larger intervals and ten etudes for C157. Advance Music... 129 pages...... Daily Studies.. Some fingerings are provided.. in seven keys with some emphasis on difficult fingerings....... 1999...... . Lohengrin....... Tannhauser..... 57 pages.. 66 pages. SS.. 19...... 1... 56 pages... Lohengrin...50 Baermann edited by Harry Bettoney....... See description under Books..... The Daniel Bonade Workbook by Larry Guy.. The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vols....... It C158. 19......... 28 pages... Includes a brief introduction that discusses of Baermann. Heim.. See description under Books.......75 C106. Excerpts from the miscellaneous works and of the rhythm section alone...... ... swing phrasing. SHALL-u-mo Publications... The guide tone etudes (guide tones are the essential or defining Kalmus. Baermann Method for Clarinet Part 3 by Carl Baermann edited by Harry Bettoney............... 21 Solo Etudes Clarinet by Jim Snidero... 1996. Body and Soul. 19. 39......... you can always return to a guide tone and play rhythmically around it...... Includes fingering chart. collaborations... Includes excerpts from the following works: Rienzi.... part two is C062... 221....95 demonstrates the 24 melodious etudes together with a professional rhythm Symphonic Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet. The primary difference between this C1439...... Southern Music Co.... 92 pages......50........ Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg... influ- ences..95 clarinet techniques and wonderful resource for fingerings...... Jazz Conception.. Includes some second and third clarinet parts... 40 pages clarinet and for current bass clarinetists who are searching for more + CD. Fairfield.. Carl Fischer............95 C678........... 64 by Carl has 15 solo etudes for jazz phrasing.95 C107.. Three in volumes are $129.. This is an excellent source of detailed bass pages. SS. and compositional OMLCL12. Rivernote Press........ This is the entry level book in this series which has 21 original jazz information on how to become proficient on their instrument. articulation.. This book is intended which may be very helpful or clutter the pages depending on your perspec- for use with students to improve their ability to play in the altissimo register.... 17.. and improvisation....... articulation.. Götterdämmerrung... ..... See description under Books........ Begin the Beguine.. 15. Twenty studies (many named) clarinet with rhythm section....................... and Tristan und Isolde .... Interna- soloist and rhythm section on on separate stereo channels.50...... Baermann Method for Clarinet Divisions 1-2 by Carl Baer- mann edited by Gustave Langenus.... Ken E..... CD Sheet Music LLC....95 instrumental examples/demonstrations and an in-depth discussion by Eddie OMLCLSET. Warner Bros.. SS...... Siegfried.......... Hinze...... Advance Music. SS....... .95 C016... Eddie has chosen 14 gende Holländer....... 24. 18...... 1963.... See description under Books. Part three of the C338....... playing jazz standards..95 are ideal for learning the basic language of jazz.. 68 pages + CD...... 15 original Division 3 of the Baermann Method.. classical and ballads to demonstrate and share his technical... The CD includes performances of each piece with the C773..95 compositions in various styles of Latin.95 studies. Advance Music. SB.... ......95 Publishing. range fingerings are dated as they show only two touches for the right Van Cott Information Services Inc...... . or 11 volumes for $203....vcisinc... The Music of Eddie Daniels Clarinet Solo Transcriptions the Volta method book.. Blue Waltz................ See descriptions under Books......... Baermann Method.. .50.... Volume 12 contains six rhythmic jazz vocabulary.....95 etudes with chords.... SS. Two & section..... 1992. International played together as a duet (with or without the CD accompaniment) PO Box 9569. 78 pages....95 tional Music Diffusion... C043.... This is a collection of 24 easy to medium C036.. Baermann Method for Clarinet Part 5 Op....pdf format........ four volumes Soft Shoe for Thad.......... Carl Fischer. tions... 1938... and Parsifal. Campione on Clarinet by Carmine Campione... and 24 simplified guide tone versions of the etudes... Carl Fischer. This book provides an opportunity to study and learn clarinet Clarinet Wagner: Part 2........... The Baermann edited by Harry Bettoney. 1993... It would be C1445..... C1443....... OH. John Ten-Ten “Preparatory Studies. consisting primarily of scale and chord 2004.. 49..... 29. International has some additional instructional material on jazz playing. Ken suitable for high school age and up coming from the clarinet to the bass Peplowski clarinet with rhythm section...... and Waltz for Mirabai....... Wagner Orchestral Excerpts from Operas and Concert Any etude and its corresponding simplified guide tone version can be Works for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet edited by F..... consisting primarily of scale and chord studies. Volumes One... excerpts of Eddie‖s transcribed solos (from 5 of his most popular CDs). 119 pages.. 2005. SB.....95.. The Man I Love...... interpretation and improvisation..... 9.95 Baermann Method.. The first two Master Classes parts of the famous Baermann Method. seven Part 1...... .. clarinet in chord changes might actually be performed (the rhythms are the same in both versions)... Complete contents of all volumes are listed on our web site..... This book C633. Intermediate Jazz Conception Clarinet by Jim Snidero.. Part three of the pages........ Part one is theoretical.... Baermann Method for Clarinet Division 3 by Carl Baermann C061....... Sibelius Symphonie No. 6............... . eight volumes for $147....95 C143.... 12 skills.....95... . Part CD includes performances of each piece with the soloist and rhythm section five of the Baermann Method... Kendor Music. SS...95 volumes for $184........ Parsifal.. 55 pages. 2009. 46 pages.... Siegfried Idyll. The CD includes performances of each piece with the soloist and rhythm section and of the rhythm section alone... The Clarinetist’s Guide to Klezmer by Tom Puwalski. harmonic and complete clarinet parts on CD-ROM in . . Solos. The Development of the Altissimo Register for Clarinet by edition and C107 is that this book includes fingering recommendations Norman M.. 64 by Carl practice......... 53 pages..95 The Twilight of the Gods. 2005.. 21. ... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . The Bass Clarinet (Method) by Jean-Marc Volta.... http://www.....50. Stompin' at the Savoy...... technique.. The Working Clarinetist by Peter Hadcock.... This is an adaptation of Peplowski clarinet....... SB.. Tristan and Isolda.. tive.... The bass clarinet parts are Methods (by title) mostly in bass clef (some are for bass clarinet in A)......... Roncorp Publica- The Meistersinger von Nürnberg........ Easy Jazz Conception Clarinet by Jim Snidero... Parkside Publications... Part C1444... Publications....95 pieces in the book are: Solfeggietto/Metamorphosis. This CD has techniques and improvisation techniques along with melodic.. Autumn are $73... PB. the principal bass clarinet of the C075. Clarinet Master Class by Allen Sigel... nine for $166. See under Books....... All 12 volumes of the Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library styles.... 9 11 contains six Wagner orchestral works and the early operas: Der Flie.. composition techniques... . 19....... SS... 10 One.. Daily Studies. 2000... 17. The illustrations are a bit small and the extended and Performing Artist Master Class CD transcribed by Miles Osland... C1520. Die Walküre.................50.. jazz...... The first and notes for each given chord type) are followed by a melodious version as the last movements call for clarinet in A and the middle movements....... ...... The Valkyrie...... 75 edited by Gustave Langenus.. Orchestral Studies for the Eb Clarinet by Peter Hadcock..... SB.... and transcriber Miles Osland on the following topics: Classical and jazz 12 Clarinet... Advance Music.... 12 pages. SB. ... 21.... The for Clarinet at a discounted price............... 19. and C865.... Siegfried........... 21..... Summer's Gone.. The Rhinegold... The Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library Vol...........95 phrasing and ways this book can be used.95 Music Co. 69 pages + CD... SS.... 19. SS...........95.... SB..... five volumes are $92. The Flying Dutchman. PB.......... A French/English language method for the bass clarinet by Jean-Marc Volta... 24. See description under Books.. Carl Fischer. Fingering Chart for Bass Clarinet by Jean-Marc Volta....... East of the Sun.... SS... You can also improvise along with the play-along tracks using the Three by Michael Drapkin.. Baermann Method for Clarinet Part 4 Op... Baermann for the Alto and Bass Clarinet adapted by William C1446..95 Tthe entry level book (although it isn't much different from the next book).. 1 Clarinetto I Part by Jean Sibelius.. ... Stride Rite.. 212 pages........ Rhoads. 38 pages + CD..... SS. ...... SS....... .. Dan Block four of the Baermann Method..... This is the same fingering chart as in C1241. 2 pages.. On the accompanying CD the soloist (Ramon Ricker) B-flat....  ........ So if improvising is new to you and you find yourself getting lost.. See description under Books......” ....... Carl Fischer.... 55 pages....... Tannhaüser..95 Music Diffusion..... 1996. Note: Three volumes for the same instrument are $55.. Jazz Clarinet by Bill Smith......... 48 pages + CD. 1976. 1938... level jazz etudes. .. Suenos........ 1939.... 24.. and A Faust info@vcisinc. 1996... 139 French National Orchestra... ..... 1 for Flute.95 known composers from the 18th........ and an Appendix containing all the C1574... Contains a detailed introduction to musical concepts.95 C131.... CD Sheet Music LLC. exercises (Introduction & Allegro)...... arpeggios and technical exercises in all keys (42 pages) and nearly 40 we carry this method... SS..... Boosey & improvisational techniques including scales.5 x 16 inches)... (page size 10.. It also C102.95 key signatures. .... 1993....... Ravel clarinetist....... 25 Daily Exercises... It includes chalumeau. The Clarinet......... Book 2 continues the range to C above English and Spanish...... The Boosey Woodwind Method Clarinet..... and others. Cavallini (Rêverie Russe for Flute... 8. 36 pages.... 10. Most of & Cello). Suite for Flute... Complete Method for Clarinet Vol....... Beethoven (Quintet for Piano and Winds)......... Trio for Clarinet.. phrasing.. for beginners (doesn't move too fast). Glinka (Trio Pathétique........... 3. ....  ..... Next..95 C1013.. Quite a few are in the form of duets........ Hawkes....... basic technique. and exercises in the Carl Baermann Method Thurston & Alan Frank.. SS.... Op. The second half of the book introduces keys are introduced at the end of the book.......... Cello & Piano)..... 32. for Clarinet. and edited by David Hite........... 48 pages...... A Comprehensive Method by Frederick J.. English. Alphonse Leduc. .. the technique and expression........ Cello & given to helping the student improvise over chord sequences..... This collection makes available eight essential clarinet Includes accompaniment CD with rhythm section... articulation and register fundamental elements of good technique are introduced alongside the change exercises...... Includes minor keys... SS.... The Boosey Woodwind Method Clarinet.... 40 pages. of varying 85 pages....... C509.............. 7... SS 119 pages. 1949.............. A good C508. Hendrickson Method for Clarinet Book Two by Clarence V. Studies & Exercises Technique for Clarinet by John O'Neill. Clarinet Methods........ This book is about two thirds duets (primarily paniment Book. 19th and early 20th centuries.... New Orleans.. Violin. 1968..) and de Clarinette) by Aurelio Magnani. 1A by Rudolf Jettel.... 12.... The book begins by teaching elements of jazz C174.............. Book 2.....) left over from part A. This book contains 28 relatively advanced studies (etudes)... turns. Keyboard Mozart and the author) with the rest being famous clarinet works.......95 skills through both theoretical and technical studies of scales and chords.......vcisinc......95 with more emphasis on minor scales both harmonic and melodic. Additional and introduces alternate fingerings..........70 the staff and adds sixteenth notes and more complex rhythms. excerpts that may be useful to more advanced players.. The pieces are written in a variety of styles. 24..40 accompaniment for the pieces in books 1 and 2.. salsa... 14......... bossa nova......... Lefebvre...... 19......... 1976. Clarinet for Beginners Book II Intermediate by Avrahm Schott.95 (1856-1921) received the Spanish International Gold Medal in 1900.. value.95 Boosey & Hawkes... Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the the book... Cello. Doblinger.. The text is in English. Viola & Piano).... The Jazz Method for Clarinet Volume 1 by John O'Neill..... Foundation Studies for Clarinet (Baermann Book 3) expanded C579... CD. Clarinet.5 x 16 inches). .. for Clarinet..... The CD is a recording of most of the pieces in the book (page size 10.......... Cello.... including blues.. Bruch (8 Piece for Clarinet... 2002. Following on from the best-selling Jazz Method for Clarinet. Van Cott Information Services Inc... 88 pages plus include: Baermann (Complete Method for Clarinet. and German.. 2002.95 Clarinet & Piano).... 96 pages...... With book I.. Ensembles jazz skills to a new level.95 published method books in that it is well illustrated and comes with a CD.......... 28. nerzählungen........ Klarinetten-Schule Vol. Includes chords.. etc.. Includes a fingering chart... Fibich (Quintet for Clarinet.... and for Piano. & Piano)... Part B of the first book in the School for Clarinet continues with a (Serenade for Violin... The Boosey Woodwind Method Clarinet... Alphonse Leduc... Liadov (8 C171............. 27.......... Five Divertimenti for 2 Clarinets & Bassoon.......... Improvisation is encouraged from an early stage Kroepsch.......... SS............ While this isn't a method for starting most young fingerings and additional material.... PB. Clarinet. ... Boosey & Hawkes.. Viola. C172... along with studies from Baermann... Doblinger. Quintet for Piano & Winds. 1942. 1941.. .... jazz waltz.. It emphasizes good sound and tone control..... This book is typical of many recently construction..... 1949.. Many... Trio for Clarinet......... SS... Titl 48 pages. 2010............. French) Horns. the book encourages improvisational for the extensive number of altissimo fingerings up to high C.. 2007..... 144 pages.. Russian Folk Dances).... This is a continuation of course for players of all ages.... scales and principles of articulation...95 suggestions for listening and reading. modal concepts and chord Hawkes.. 1950. Southern Music Co..... David Hite has arranged the scales... Develop- vatory Method.... It is primarily useful exercises and original pieces. Clarinet & Piano)..... methods.. Boosey & Hawkes.... and Piano).. d'Indy (Trio accompaniment CD with rhythm section. the low register.. Complete Method for Clarinet Vol.... Violin few basic concepts (trills. . 30 Studies after Augmont).. SS.. .. There are "over the break" preparatory exercises and the building technique with progressive studies.. Schumann (Märche. vibrato and interpretation of rhythms through SS.. 1948. He has also included some suggested third edition (revised and enlarged) that was prepared under the direction of Alan Frank and Thea King. as well as over 30 works for clarinet with instruments including duos. Quintet for Clarinet & School for Clarinet method series by the long-time Vienna Philharmonic Strings. calypso.... Part A of the first book in the trilingual (German. ..... Keyboard Accom... 10 thumb and most low C bass clarinets now have three... Mel Bay Publica. 8..... Particular emphasis is Strings. 1946..... Saint-Saëns (Tarantella for Flute......... Viola & Piano)....... Schott.. Studies & Ensembles..... Italian.. . Oboe.... Scores and C1014....... 1 (Méthode Complète the staff) it introduces a variety of time signatures (6/ info@vcisinc.......... arpeggios........ taking the student through the basics pages of orchestral excerpts....95 de Clarinette) by Aurelio Magnani...... Doblinger. 52 pages.. rhythmic subtleties of jazz....... includes exercises based on chromatic scales and intervals.. 46 pages........... Clarinet Staccato from the Beginning by Reginald Kell.. Of note are complete Hendrickson. include: Amberg (Fantasiestücke.95 tions.95 break itself is approached from above........ 104 pages plus CD.... 27.... Primarily scale studies in all keys.... 1979.. German.. but difficulty.. With supplementary for intermediate study ............. reggae and South African...... etc... SS...... The Jazz Method for Clarinet Volume 2 Developing Jazz parts are included for many ensemble works........ Spohr (Fantasy & Variations). ...... & Hawkes........... they are ideally suited to both students working alone and those learning with a teacher.... ....... Complete Jazz Clarinet Book by William Bay... etudes and duets...... Similar to Baermann Vol.. 83.. 56 pages + CD.. articulation. The second half features an in-depth study of the theory.... 64 pages + CD. 49. While it is fairly slow moving in terms of range (book 1 goes to a G above C183. .... but the primary focus here is the clarion register. Methods.. Brahms (Quintet for Clarinet & samba. & Cello)... French........ 76. . 15............. Clarinet. Reger (Quintet for Clarinet & Strings). Klarinetten-Schule Vol........ and Cello)........ 34.. meters.. and a German system clarinet Korsakov (Quintet for Piano & Winds)...... ....... Text is in French..... Rimsky. A local clarinet teacher suggested scales... http://www...... Belwin... 2 (Méthode Complète musical notations........... Klarinetten-Schule Vol......... 3 by Rudolf Jettel. SS... step-by-step instruction and a progression of specially written pieces. 15... studies and exercises. however.. relatively small intervals.. This book includes many fingering illustrations scale exercises (similar to Baermann Book 3). Belwin...... Hendrickson Method for Clarinet Book One by Clarence V........ 44 pages..... The text is in English. 1950. ...... 2002. Doblinger... many staccato exercises. ragtime. 167 pages......... This is the for Clarinet Book 3 in order of keys. and C184.............. Gambaro. fingering chart..... 5/4..95 Horn....... 2 by Rudolf Jettel. 63). Hummel (Serenade No. PB..... PB.... Klarinetten-Schule Vol... SS. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Clarinet for Beginners Book I Elementary by Avrahm Galper.. Fingering recommendations are given throughout. PB.. and is given direction through the systematic study of scales and arpeggios This book stands on its own as a useful and inexpensive source of material and advice on ear-training and chord patterns. & Piano)... PB. 2100+ pages... This method by Italian clarinetist Magnani Includes quite a few duets and some trios.. Boosey & useful exercises many of which have a second part... Langenus ing Jazz Technique for Clarinet will help the intermediate player take their (Complete Method for Clarinet)........ 1B by Rudolf Jettel.. good intonation... Rose (32 Etudes for Clarinet) PO Box 9569..... 19... which underlies C831.....  .......... SS........... it has a wealth of useful material for the intermediate student and C473.... PB... PB.... and the first Hendrickson. This book is based on the study of C474............ Boosey C173. 24... Klosé (Conser......... is exercises of greater difficulty and in more extended 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians........ This method provides a complete Galper... Schubert (Der Hirt auf dem Felsen)..... Zemlinsky (Trio for Clarinet. Mozart (Twelve Minuets for 2 Clarinets or Basset 48 pages...... Book 1... mordents. Full of C832. PB....95 C635... trios and quartets by 20 familiar and lesser French... guiding students from their first note..95 beginners......... Clarinet & Piano). Boosey & Hawkes. 177 pages C833.... It is progressive.............95 and to keys of three flats and sharps.. 141 pages rhythmic patterns... 1970. Includes Piano). chord progressions for “live” accompaniment of the tunes....... swing.. ........ The book concludes with a Bach Courante. More etudes by Klose. A follow up course for individu- Eugène Gay. 1946.... This collection makes available a wealth of music for solo clarinet volumes...... A number of duets C1009. Klosé Celebrated Method for Clarinet (Complete Edition) by includes etudes used in some areas for high school level auditions.. PB...... 101 pages.. ......... 158 pages....95 from the Opera "Der Freischütz" by Weber (Kroepsch). Busoni (Elegie and minor scales with basic exercises.. and solo works by 28 composers from the C224. W.............. trills... an mordent... Lazarus Method for Clarinet Part II by Henry Lazarus revised elementary music theory..... ... the first 167 Kroepsch exercises....95 ry material.. The publisher describes it as...... Fingering suggestions are given here and in all pages.. 32 pages.. Fingering in the Higher and Altissimo Registers.. 1 by Wm... 11 some of which are exercise-like while others have more musical variety.... etc....... 1 by Robert Miller. Progressive Clarinet by Peter Gelling.. C120.95 C118..... and Slap Tonguing)....... (Adagio).. 1972.... Modern Course for the Clarinet Book 1 by James Collis.... revised and enlarged by Simeon Bellison........... Gower and continues the method in the rest of the keys and also includes music from H....... Durand. SS.. minor and flats.. etudes.... Modern Course for the Clarinet Book 4 by James Collis.. Includes fingering chart..... 32 pages...... Henri Elkan Music Publisher. Méthode Progressive et Complète for Clarinet Vol. 48 pages.. Lazarus Method for Clarinet Part III by Henry Lazarus revised 96 pages + CD............... Nieman. 1953...... 1936... 23...... Many diagrams and photographs help Fischer...... A popular one volume method that C145............ PB..... This method moves along at fingering exercises. Weber...... the author and others.. PB.. Henri studies. Musical examples are taken from classical.......... 26........ Fingering chart for Boehm clarinets.95 Boston Music Co.... Part one of this al or like-instrument class instruction. SS...... 2010.......... Short Synopsis on the Bass Clarinet (Petit Précis de C221.. Introduces many techniques and method includes many exercises....... The selection of music is fresh and C116. Baermann extended major and Rhapsodie).............. This is a very well illustrated... 1932. 160 pages (large format). Ferling.. studies in melodic interpretation (all duets)..... 2009.. Hovey... various types of flat.... Aside from introducing turns.95 Church Co..... ..... 19th and early 20th centuries.. 33 pages........... Effects (Vibrato. 24.... Gade (4 Fantasy Pieces)........ slow methods........... LPT Publishing.. Embouchure Suppleness..... 44 pages. PB....... 14......... Billaudot... PB.95 by Piazzolla... 48 pages. and other composers..... 48 pages. PB. ... Music (single pieces & one composer collections by composer) this book is all etudes by Gariboldi.... Glissandos.............. Mason (Sonata for Clarinet & Piano).. .... 17. putting the C117...... This Elkan Music Publisher. 21......... 16..... studies in articulation... . (Duo Concertante)... 1969..95 C223. 19.. Voxman. in keys to one sharp or concepts such as expression markings and accents. The text is in PO Box 9569. 88 pages... Henri Notes. 6. Modern Course for the Clarinet Scales and Arpeggios by Baermann... Modern Course for the Clarinet Book 6 by James Collis.............. major and minor melodic scales... 155 pages (large format)...... Jeanjean (Variations on "Au Clair de la Lune").... book which has side by side text in French and English has some introducto- introduces major and minor keys with 2 and 3 sharps or flats.... Gower and C220. Carl Fischer.. It includes scales and chords C219.. 55. and an original etude for the study of register jumps... The DVD features lessons on: basic techniques... Carl Fischer. lesson by lesson method... keys with 4 flats or sharps... and Concert system clarinets. 1200+ Baermann and more.. Cavallini (30 Caprices for Clarinet)... 72 pages...95 C239......... Langenus Complete Method Part II by Gustave Langenus... Stark... A New Tune a Day for Clarinet DVD Edition by Ned Bennett... Works include: Baermann. Méthode Progressive et Complète for Clarinet Vol... 293 pages.... and Exercises for Elkan Music Publisher.............. SS.. Continuation of Part I.. 27..... Simeon Bellison...............95 absolute beginners................. CD Sheet Music LLC.. Rubank.... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... Berg James Collis. Mazas........ Virtuoso Studies and instrument together...... Clarinet Solos & Duos. 2004. Famous beginning method for individual or like- Animam from Stabat Mater by Rossini (Liverani). 5........ The DVD shows a clarinet being played.. 1963. ...... "A Comprehensive....... Carl Fischer..E.... Lazarus Method for Clarinet Part I by Henry Lazarus revised by C601.. duets.... Beethoven (3 Duos for Clarinet and Bassoon)... and the fingerings on screen at the same time........ This book contains many duets and other pieces of music with less moving method (all in the lower register) that should be excellent for exercises than some other methods. 1973......... basic music Duos by Gustave Langenus.. . Includes fingering charts............. etudes by example of improvisation in the style of Charlie Parker..... Elkan Music Publisher. Langenus Complete Method Part III.. SS. but moves faster by Simeon Bellison..95 any beginning or intermediate method. Includes fingering charts for Boehm and Albert Motives from Bellini's Opera "La Sonnambula" (Cavallini)... 134 pages... The text is entirely in French...... 15 Melodious Studies (Lazarus)..95 C602....95 scales. 118 pages.. Klosé (Souvenir). 19..... 14.... Fantasie beginning student.. SS......... posture... covering all aspects of clarinet playing for the Three Operatic Duets (Lazarus)....... ......... Preparatory Exercises.95 C1495. .. Ferling.. music..95 30 etudes by Muller and more exercises by Lazarus.... C225.. ............ The C706.. 5... Scores and parts are included for many ensemble works... including duets and rounds to ensure that those vital practice hours Fischer. Rubank Advanced Method Clarinet Vol. 1966......... Ghost C222.... Billaudot... Rubank... This book covers similar material Elkan Music Publisher.. Rubank Intermediate Method Clarinet by J. and some C119..... and how to approach the first piece............... looking after the instrument... C639.... http://www... PB..... John book concludes with a chromatic scale for clarinet and piano........ scale and chord studies... Studies for Advanced Pupils (Lazarus). All major (4 Pieces for Clarinet & Piano).. This book is similar to the previous one... 139 pages.... Baermann and info@vcisinc..... 52 pages.. Ornamentation.... 5 Gariboldi.... ..... clarinet basics.... Fingering chart for Boehm with some 16th notes by the end...... Intermezzo from the Opera "Tsar's Bride" (Rimsky-Korsakoff/Bellison).. Part two C238.... PB.95 including sonatas..... Carl exciting.... ... for Clarinet & Piano)...... duets..... Barret......... and ornamentation...... PB. Debussy (Première harmonic minor scales........ Rubank Advanced Method Clarinet Vol. .. The playing is in a Includes the 24 Albert scale studies... SS.... Rubank Elementary Method Clarinet by N...... Henri Clarinette Basse) by Michel Pellegrino. Includes an audio CD with both performances and backing tracks.. 1932........ the Lazarus Method. pop. Carl Fischer....... 29.. LPT Publishing. alternate fingerings..95 Solos by Various Composers.. C1575.... Carl Fischer....... volumes of collected works: Easy Duets in two books and Album of Short Hinke.... Langenus Complete Method Part I by Gustave Langenus..... concertos..... Brahms (Sonata Nos.......... and jazz sources....... Henri 18th... Modern Course for the Clarinet Book 2 by James Collis. Tango Etude No........ Staats.... ..... etc. SS............. 19. Skornicka and C1008....... 48 pages.. ..... Voxman... 14.. more or less "pop" style................... ........... Mozart. ....... .. range to altissimo E.. .... Cujus 1933... SS.. 1 & 2). Register Exercises... Includes Three Intermediate Duets (Lazarus).... 1940. Carl Day features the same logical.......... grace notes....... This book is intended to follow Bach....... Modern Course for the Clarinet Book 5 by James Collis.... 22. .. The concluding volume of and covers more ground...... and pieces keys with no more than two sharps or flats.. Morceau de Salon (Kalliwoda)..... Glazunov (Saxo- minor scales. One of the famous clarinet 2001.95 C237.......95 Eugène Gay....... C236.......... whole tone scales. Continues articulation studies............ 64 pages plus CD and DVD................. 85 pages.. Progressive Beginner Clarinet by Peter Gelling........ More difficult pieces.95 phone Concerto [for clarinet & piano]).. Henri Elkan Music Publisher.....vcisinc..95 Hyacinthe Klosé.................. 14.... All of the material in this books is in good pace with a range to high C. A New Tune A C115.. SS.. keys of one sharp and flat......... SS.. 14.. 62... Fauré (Berceuse).. Concert Fantasia on instrument class instruction.95 exercises. Air Varié (Rode)... gentle pace and keen attention to detail that made earlier editions so popular. 1949.....95 articulation..95 Fantasia on Rigoletto (Bassi).. 2 by and trios are included............. Introduces remaining notes need to volume 1 of the Advanced Method but in keys from three to five sharps for chromatic scale... The New Imperial Method for Clarinet by C..... Rubank.L. 14.. 25 blues. Rubank........ Also included are two complete Elkan Music Publisher...... H.." .... Features many short pieces rather than clarinets. ....... SS.. C........50 guide the student through the lessons. SS.. 1960....... more complex rhythms.. SS....... PB. Fingering chart for Boehm clarinets...95 notation... Henri H... 72 pages + CD and DVD.. 17. Modern Course for the Clarinet Book 3 by James Collis... .. 1967. 14...... the by Simeon Bellison. 24 pages. Lemoine.... .95 are never boring. 80 pages...... 2 by Wm..... 2006..... Flutter Tonguing or Growl...... 6.. trills.. Includes fingering chart.. staccato.. SS.............. Mendels- Van Cott Information Services Inc.... 14. SS....... 11 pages (score format).... Giordani (Caro mio bien).. Pleyal.. L. II.. Albinoni Adagio for Clarinet Quartet by Tommaso Albinoni challenging piece that begins Lento which after a few measures evolves into arranged by Balázs Horváth. Reinecke ( PO Box 9569......... Lemoine....  ..... Album of Short Solos by Various Composers: 30 familiar works Andante con moto.. Capriccio for Clarinet and Orchestra (Rossini in Paris) Piano movements: I... EditionDarok. SS... Campagnoli........... .. SS... includes piano score and parts. Paganini (14 Caprices). C1147... The rhapsodic nature of this piece and the 8 measure pleaser and may find a place in college and professional recitals (possibly as half step shift in the middle of the piece (without changing key signature) an encore).. SS. 1968. Zen-on Music. 2 Op.......... The famous Albinoni adagio arranged for clarinet quartet (3 B-flat in mixed meter (5/8.. College inspired by a visit to Rossini's birthplace to hear the first opera he composed level with a duration of about 14 minutes... and the expression will challenge the student and please the more experienced range spans two and one-half registers.. Kendor Music. Richter (Seppl... Duration about 8 minutes..... It is tonal but with some dissonance. Schumann (Träumerei). 40 + 8 pages.........F...... SS... 1969......... The composer notes that it may be performed as written or with the C1230..  ....... Concerto for Clarinet and Strings by Malcolm Arnold (transcrip- Easy Duets: Book 1: works by Fodor..... McLeod. .... A work for professional performers... SS.. college level with a duration of 2:30. 10 + 5 Goodman Rag) Allegro non troppo.. C1112..... This rates as an intermediate piece between powerful outer movements. Advanced college or professional 18 + 7 pages. Faber Music...... This popular set of waltz variations (on a theme from level..... Grand Duo Concertante)........ W..... Lengnick. Nola was a popular novelty ragtime tune Pierné (Pièce in G minor). Ludwig Music. This piece is for high voice (soprano). pages.... Allegro vivace. This piece is in three movements: Allegro con brio........ SS... with many repeated figurations...... and more. Weber (Bauernwalz. Joyeux départ (Vivo).25 quintet by Béla Kovács....95 Hummel) was completed by Russian-American composer Victor Babin Van Cott Information Services Inc. Badinerie performers and should appeal to many audiences.... III... Put Your Loving Arms Around Me..25 Cohen................... .. In the first movement... It is a good concerto for a Polka)..... This familiar Andantino..50 Stravinsky (3 Pieces for Clarinet Solo).................... This piece was originally written for clarinet in A and that part is also included.... 4.. Prokofiev (Visions Fugitives). ...  . 36 + 8 works by Mazas.... Dialog Reduction by Dominick Argento........ written in 1915..... Schubert (Ave Maria).. sectional solo piece commissioned by the City of Hoedown (Mad Cow)...... II.. Saint-Saëns (Sonata in Eb major).........  .  . Hillandale Waltzes for Clarinet with Piano Accompaniment Wordsworth.. An Birmingham Symphony Orchestra for an international wind competition.. Dvorák (Humoreske).. SS.  ...... 3 Romances).. 19.... and IV. Divertimento Op.....95 difficulty to Arnold‖s Concerto and is excellent repertoire for the college C956... Spleen (Andante).. Lento............ 1998.. advanced.95 in Paris....... 34. The pieces are: 1..... Pleyel......... Nola (Clarinet Quartet) by Felix Arndt arranged by James "Red" major)... 14 pages...... SS... 9............ 3..... Gebauer. These two pieces are quintets for four four B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet..... The Perilous Shore..... 10.. 4 + 1 pages....... Wanhal... 5.... It is in three C516.... difficult solo work for clarinet Hawkes..95 Queen's Temple Publications. SS. Burlesko for clarinet (or violin) and piano by André Ameller.... Boosey & music. C1228. professional level piece. Slow and fast sections (without the mixed clarinets and bass clarinet)......... 165 for clarinet and piano by Isaac Albeniz C611... 16.... 135 for 2 clarinets by Malcolm Arnold.. 1990...... Volckmar.... 12.... 22..... Written for Michael Collins and premiered by him....... SS.. It is an appropriately C1425.  . this is a very personal work by Adams who played college level..95 will add to challenge for the intermediate student....... (Concerto in Bb C1440. It is in three movements: Allegro.. (includes parts and score). 19..... Six C634. 1994. Lengnick....... 1-4).. A brief. Dedicated to Frederick Thurston. Boosey & Hawkes.)..... This "bubbling the altissimo and is in rather small print. The Sonatina is similar in style and clarinetist.. and 5..... including Brahms (Cradle Song).A. Ludwig Music. Une caresse à ma Femme C811......... and piano is based on poems by William C834.. 2 + 1 pages. 1974... 4 + 1 pages..... 25 + 7 pages..95 The technical aspects requires quick arpeggios and sudden changes of C932. Parade (Allegro Moderato)....... 16 + 7 pages....... and Furioso with the middle movement as a quiet interlude tango was originally written for piano. Mozart. The second movement was pages. organist.......... It requires both B flat and A clarinets and is in three movements: Une Réjouissance (Molto allegro ed esuberante). A brief piano transition leads to the Scherzando section which is score...... Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Malcolm Arnold..... This is excellent material for a recital performance by an intermediate student..... Dedicated to Benny C1210...... 1981.... Haydn...... 9. Scherzo (Allegretto)... Faber Music.. SS. style with little dissonance....  ... 19.. and III...... 2006." Early Boosey & Hawkes.. allegretto leggero) Arutiunian... 17... This work was commissioned by the Verdehr Trio in 1992.....  .. b-flat by Victor Babin edited by Dennis Nygren. 40 + 15 pages. 1998.. 1986. 15... 1966.95 meter) alternate to the end of the piece....... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... Chant d'Amour for clarinet and piano by Isaac Albeniz You Know What Sailors Are.... 4 + 2 pages.. piece probably best suited for an encoure (clowns are optional).. and Allegro con fuoco and is written in conservative arranged for clarinet..... This is a and the return of the Allegro melody to the end... It is in 8 movements with bass clarinet playing on four......... but the triplet figures and grace notes along with playing it with the proper The clarinet part is well written...... Chant de marins (Andantino).  ... Wagner (actually Baermann) (Adagio for Clarinet & Strings)..... senza trascinare)... Duration about 2:45..... Three movements: I...  .....05 Alexander Arutiunian (1920-) is an Armenian born composer and pianist. SS..... Introduction (Lento). Milton Babbitt allegro e spiritoso). the clarinetist is instructed to "Improvise a cadenza as jazzy and way out as you please.. 38. soprano clarinet on three.. To Be Sung Upon The Water by Dominick Argento. EditionDarok..... 1994..... Includes parts and a cadenza.25 (Allegretto......... Alphonse Leduc.. fine with a bass clarinet on the fourth part..... Three movements: I.... Capriccio for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Claude Arrieu....... This piece is dedicated to Franklin college student............. Spohr (Concerto Nos. Suite for Trio (Violin. Amphion......... 6/8 etc. 1996. http://www............ Mozart... 1971..... 1951........ C. ...95 Malcolm Arnold........55 C1007..95 showpiece" was written for Jack Thurston and is from the 1954 film comedy C1077.. ... Jean Absil (1893-1974) was a Belgian composer. This is an advanced work that ranges high into Queen's Temple Publications....... SS...... 2000.... 12 sohn (Concert Piece for 2 Clarinets & Piano)....... Tango Op... A short....... The second movement requires the most Fibich (Poéme)... III...... My Ends Are My Beginnings Clarinet in B-flat (Bass Clarinet) (Andante amoroso. C559... 15.. 9 + 4 pages.. Peters. Concerto for Clarinet No... 138 (Five Easy Pieces) for clarinet Goodman.... SS. II. 22...... Handel (Largo)... 26... pages....... 2........ Geminiani.... ... Cinq Pièces Faciles Op... Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles C560..This is a long (about 17 minutes)... Reger (Sonata Nos.. 10... 4 pages... SS.................. .. Final (Allegro non troppo).......... Weber (Fantasia & Rondo... Dedicated to and premiered by George Silfies...95 de Conservatoire National Supérior de Paris of 1971.. SS.... 1947/1994.25 er).................... This cute arrangement is for four B-flat clarinets but it works 1 & 2)... Gnarly Buttons Reduction for Clarinet and Piano by John Adams... Clarinet and Piano) by Alexander Leduc.. 1952... and Un petit Train du Plaisir (Molto Solo by Milton Babbitt.. Advanced high school/early Schumann (Fantasy Pieces.. technique with thirty-second note arpeggios. Scherzetto for clarinet and piano by Malcolm Arnold.. 12........... and based on the concerto's themes. 1922.....50 clarinet (doubling bass clarinet).... medium level college student. SS.vcisinc.... fast (Scherzando.. For upper college level and advanced professor at the Brussels Conservatory. This piece was written for the Concours High school level and above. EditionDarok. Book 2: tion for clarinet and piano by the composer)... After a short Moderato introduction the piece takes off with a catchy Allegro melody followed by a short Lento section arranged by H.95 C841.. arranged by Béla Kovács....... switching to bass clarinet for the middle section... Bruni... ... suffered from dementia.. 2001.95 (1916-) is an American composer noted for pioneering serial and electronic V009.... It is a good first unaccompanied work for a beginning level Adler... 87 by Malcolm Arnold.. 36 + 15 (Adagio). 2002. SS.......95 the clarinet and whose father was a professional clarinetist who later info@vcisinc.......... and one tacit.. Undine)... Delacroix.. Tango & Chant d'Amour by Issac Albéniz arranged for clarinet clarinetist and is also suitable for professional recitals. contrasting movements that series editor Paul Harris says "combine wit and lyrical melody with moments of darker and more serious writing......... Canto XIV (A Klezmer Fantasy for Clarinet Solo) by Samuel dynamics. 9/8.... 115 (Piano Reduction) by from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary. Fantasy for Clarinet Op. addition of Klezmer effects.. (3 Duets for 2 Clarinets)... This will be a real audience very familiar melody. (The Pre- or alto saxophone and piano by Jean Absil.. 9. Viotti.... . The book contains ten Bach chorales.00 Schirmer.......... The printing is about the same size. 5 + 2 pages.. Well-Tempered Clavier........ 32 pages....00 Books.. 6 + 2 pages......... 933.. Woodwindiana... has dynamic markings added and more articulation markings. the arranger has put them together as one info@vcisinc. 10. The piece Western International Music. 2002.. 9.. are predominately equal. Most at a moderate difficulty level..... 953.. grade 3.. (includes 1953. SS.. 2003. Bach Sonata III in D Minor BWV 527 arranged and edited by C060........ 36 pages. 1947.............. Excellent recital literature for trio or He also added a piano part that works very well. J.... Alphonse Leduc........ Bach 15 Two-Part Inventions arranged by Gunther Joppig.. Better high school clarinetists and above..... Western International Music..... 13 (1908-1972) in 1947..... it is No... Julie reports.... arranged for clarinet trio.... E-flat Alto or Bass Clarinet by Glen A.............. SS. 16... 22..... Twenty-one duets selected from Bach's piano.. 1982........ This Bach Sonata has been arranged for two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with an alternate by Stanley Hasty......95 Bach work for cello... They are at the upper intermediate level at a minimum........... Two movements from the popular (Andante con moto). Luis Baez and Don Carroll) are C1554....... SS... Bach Chromatic Fantasy freely transcribed for clarinet Howard Klug.... but WW010 generally has more space C1483. violin..........60 score and parts). I might suggest it is grade 3+..... (includes Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (PWM Edition).....S........ part for bassoon..... Bach Sonata I in E-flat Major BWV 525 arranged and edited by C1245...50 WW010... Two Clarinets and Bassoon.... (includes score). 28.. C443...... 4 in C minor for violin and harpsichord....... and uses the lower range of the clarinet....... Southern Music Co.... 952.. 1996.95 Presto (mm=184) for the balance of the piece. Leduc.. 2000..... .. 16. 1017 by Johann Sebastian Bach Cello transcribed by Julie Ann Giacobassi.. G. ."  .com PO Box 9569....... J.... SS...... SS.. They can be played by any like Davis. 5 pages. The remainder of the piece is fugue nicely arranged for clarinet and bass clarinet..... G..... 899....  ........... SS.. 2002. 7. This Bach Sonata has been arranged for two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with an alternate Caravan........ (includes score and parts). ..... sonatas adapt well for clarinet trio. 2001. Upper Includes: Invention XIII (Allegro).. ............. 4 pages.........  . .....  .... 18. Includes score and parts........ SS... Bach (for Cello BWV 1007-12) arranged for 2009....... (includes score and parts)........ Invention II (Moderato)... and flute works... 14..95 has been arranged for two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with an alternate C211.00 Tom Martin of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.vcisinc. Invention III (Allegretto)........... This edition was prepared by legendary clarinet performer and educator Hasty....... . Bach Sonata V in C Major BWV 529 arranged and edited by Many of the pieces in this collection are less difficult than those in our other Howard Klug.. 939... Individual parts for all instruments.... 9...... Invention V (Allegro ma non troppo)................... Bassetti Paletti Publications. Invention VII Shall-u-mo Publications.... 2001..95 Ricordi... SS.. 941.............. 1966. SS.... Early college level with the tempo as the main challenge. Bach 21 Pieces for Clarinet transcribed by Alamiro Giampieri.. .... edited by Sharon Davis............95 has stops rendered as grace notes...... and Invention X (Allegro). 2008.... (includes score).... ...... Sargent.............. Howard Klug.. 19. It includes a performance on CD by part for bassoon... (includes score)... 1965............................ or Two Clarinets and Bass Clarinet by David Glenn........................... 5.. 68 pages.. 10......... SS..... SS... 22..95 Sebastian Bach arranged by William Schmidt edited by Sharon Davis....... Contrapunctus XIII (from Art of Fugue) Clarinet and Bass studied in Warsaw and Paris and performed as a violinist in the 1930s and Clarinet Duet by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by William Schmidt.. There are actually two Bourrées which The following... ......50 C210... ..... The works by Bach in this book are for has been arranged for two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with an alternate clarinet with piano accompaniment.......... 2004. SS..... SS. 3) Clarinet and Bass Clarinet Duet (sources identified)...... This Bach Sonata Bach books." .... 2004. A Bach begins with a short Andante section in 3/4.... SB/SS.. and 988.... 6.. Woodwindiana... Individual parts for all instruments.................. SS....95 also suitable for oboe.. College level.... .........95 (Allegretto)..... SS.. These short pieces are from BWV Clarinet by Ulysse Delecluse.95 Clarinet Duet by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by William Schmidt C1537.S................. 900.. clarinets and in a few cases include basset notes (with alternates).. This Bach Sonata has been arranged for two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with alternate Fischer.... 16.......... (compared to WW010) has the suites transposed so they will sound in While the title make is sound as if these are easy pieces this is not the case. 5......... Invention VI intermediate level... BWV 772-786 by Johann Sebastian Bach.95 arranged for two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet... (includes score).95 Basset Horn Trio.. Woodwindiana. 12... They have been arranged to Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by William Schmidt edited by Sharon place them in a suitable key for the clarinet......... Includes: transcribed for B-flat.00 and are at the upper intermediate and lower advanced levels. 16.. Fish Creek Music. Individual parts for all instruments...... This is from the Sonata Giacobassi.95 C441.. 1999...95 C440.. ........ arranged for Clarinet (or Alto Flute or English Horn) and Keyboard by Karl While this music was originally transcribed for English Horn by Julie Ann Kraber..........  ....... J. 10..... Contrapunctus XII (from Art of Fugue) Clarinet and Bass fingerings....... The publisher lists this as clarinet choir (doubling parts)..... alternative note) in the bass clarinet part.... She C1302.... Allegro con spiritoso in 9/16... 3 + 1 pages.... 8... Johann Sebastian Bach – Six Unaccompanied Suites for C1280..... 1998. The publisher rates this dance-like with a brief Allegro section in 2/4 where the tempo accelerates to at grade 3..... 16........ Bach Sonata IV in E Minor BWV 528 arranged and edited by Howard Klug... SS.. Hite.......95 Zimmermann....... 14......... Individual parts... and Invention I (Allegro).... 33 pages............ ........ Woodwindiana... Six Suites by J... Individual parts for all instruments. SS. etc........ As they are to be played one after the other with a da first years at Leipzig.. and ten movements selected from Bach part for bassoon. Carl Howard Klug... .. SS................. 927. Keys from three flats to three sharps..... 2) Clarinet and Bass Clarinet Duet by tions............. Bourrée from the Third Violoncello Suite by Johann between lines..... Woodwindiana.. . Bach Clarinet Duos adapted by Gustave Langenus.. 16............60 Sebastian Bach arranged for Clarinet and Piano by David L....... This Bach Sonata has been duets transcribed from works for clavier... Adagio in E-flat major S... 16.. This book contains 15 two-part inven- C1348. The editor has provided suggested tempos and some C1345. score and parts).. Woodwindiana... concert key. "All the guys in the clarinet section here (Dave Breeden. Contrapunctus XV (from Art of Fugue) Clarinet and Bass Clarinet Duet by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by William Schmidt C262.. 928...95 Grażyna Bacewicz (1909-1969) was a Polish composer and violinist. (includes score).... There is a separate clarinet part. a Hasty student....95 C710.................S.) or orchestra. SS......S... 931. SS.. Sharon Davis writes that this piece by Bach contains a C551.... 1982.  . C442..... ..... 1994... clarinet and saxophone....S...  .. SS........ Bach Sonata II in C Minor BWV 526 arranged and edited by C424.... Polish Caprice for Clarinet and Piano by Grażyna Bacewicz.... (includes score and parts)....00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. early 1940s before shifting to composing as her primary activity. J.... 19 pages. "Baby Bach" Pieces for Beginning Piano transcribed for using it personally and with their students..... 943... .............. 60 pages. 1947.......... C1511.... 2002... Clarinet Trio. 49... This Bach Sonata Schirmer.... these “pre-classical” Italian instrumental-type form capo to the first movement.. SS....... Four Inventions (Vol..... .. Bach 15 Etudes arranged by Ulysse Delécluse.. Bach for the Clarinet Part I transcribed by Eric Simon..... 33 pages....00 works for keyboard (French Suite.......... Individual parts for each instruments... The duets are in score format.... edited by Sharon Davis......... C716..... There are ten works for solo clarinet adapted C444. Western International Music...... Intermediate level.....  .. Western International Music.... Ethos Publications. Bach for the Clarinet transcribed and edited by Ronald L. Four Inventions (Vol. "puzzle... Bach for the Clarinet Part II transcribed by Eric Simon........ There are a few low Ds (with C161. See description under part for bassoon. 23.. International Music Co........ 33 pages.. were written in 1722-1727 by Bach are the fifth and sixth (of seven) movements of the third suite originally for either a pedal harpsichord or an organ during his last year at Cöthen and written for solo cello..... 32 + 15 pages.... the English Horn player in the San Francisco Symphony.. SS............. Bach Allemande and Courante from Suite #1 for Cello Western International Music.. This edition 691... 2004... parts for E-flat clarinet and bassoon.95 C1346........ ...... Bach Sonata VI in G Major BWV 530 arranged and edited by from Sonatas for unaccompanied violin in this book as well as ten clarinet Howard Klug... Transcribed from Bach‖s cello and violin work C1349. http://www.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . .... Improvisation (Andante Expressivo e rubato)............... 9. This is the source of the famous C1328. Clarinet Sonata Clarinet and Piano by David Baker. A relatively recent four movement piece for solo Concerto (Quartet). Cojarco Skelter (Allegro).... College by Amy Marcy Beach transcribed by John Gibson. In four movements: 1.......... 37 + 10 pages.. 1) Clarinet and Bass Clarinet Duet of the County Down (Giocoso)..... and piano by Béla Bartók edited concert pieces.. They are Minueto by Sidney Forrest. SS. Duo Concertant Op. SS... 36 + 10 pages...... Molto moderato and II............. 14 C1347.. and French...... These are the string quartet parts for the Baermann Music.. 12 + 4 technically demanding...... Duetti per due clarinetti by Johann Georg Heinrich Backofen festival lists. A very entertaining (and frequently recorded) extended Polacca............ Dance.95 1955. The composer states his goal was to write a clarinet concerto which would make the instrument sound at its "magical best" in info@vcisinc. 2010..F............... The parts are equal and about 8 minutes. Editio Musica Budapest..... German. She was also the first advanced work with a strong jazz influence in three movements: 1.... 2 by Heinrich Baermann edited by H...... 26 + 9 pages...... The piece includes 5 Van Cott Information Services Inc..... Ricordi...... 12 No. 7 + 2 pages... 97 for Clarinet and Piano hopes that a child might be inspired to love the clarinet as he had.. Dialog (Tempo Rubato).. Skye Boat Song (Andante) and 4. Musically..... be sufficient for these pieces. 1991......95 Strebel...... In 1964....vcisinc.. Allegro vivace. this piece was previously attributed to Richard instruments and requires a high degree of virtuosity. SS.. An interesting set of six pieces for the advanced intermediate player..... Duo Op.... 2...95 SB.. Adagio by Heinrich Baermann arranged for clarinet and piano by er...... 27. and lists this as grade 3 (out of 6)... Three Folksongs from the County of Csík for Clarinet and Adagio (C216)......... SS. 23 ...... ... Advanced high school or early college level with a duration of time marked Andante espressivo (eighth note = 92)...... Marion Bauer (1892-1955) was a composer and music educator who was also a renown jazz performer.. .. Adagio non troppo. 9 pages (score format).95 Emerson Edition... pher Ball. Written in 1934. that make "From Grandmother's four folksongs are: 1. Boosey & Hawkes... The Lark in Clear Air (Andante affettuoso).... Soliloquies for solo B-flat clarinet by Leslie Bassett. 23. Christopher Ball (1936-) is a British Ltd. Vivace......... The music is at times extremely brilliant and Heinrich Baermann edited by John Newhill... 1958... Op.... This piece is dedicated 1935.. Reed-Pipers' Jig (Allegro Music/Kendor Music...... Intermezzo (Moderato). 7.95 the duration is about 3 minutes.. C1196...... The Star Garden" so interesting to the performer and audience............ 11 + 4 pages........P.95 on the editing in English.. Barat............ In three movements: Allegro non troppo........... Southern Music Co..... 2008... author..... 23 String parts by Heinrich Baermann edited by Harald Strebel.... 13.. Publisher (Andantino).................. http://www.. .. SS.. Baermann Concerto (Quintet) for Clarinet in E-flat major The primary challenges are rhythm (although not as difficult as many Eastern Op... Three movements: Verbunkos.....95 Christopher Ball with piano reduction by Russell Denwood... SS....Early college level..... An to Leslie Craven. but they will be enjoyable for clarinetists of all Includes: Invention IV (Allegro ma non troppo)...... ...... 5... 33 for Two Clarinets and Piano by Carl college level..95 pages. Alphonse and it is probably on the upper end of that difficulty level.... 14.95 and Invention VIII (Allegro vivo). The piano part is mostly accompani............ 1953.. and instrument manufacturer....... Rondo... Air Varié Op... Pastoral C1386.. 23 Piano Reduction by Heinrich Baermann edited by Harald European dances). .... 14.... . Hans-Georg Bach revealed that it was actually the middle a very strong Hungarian flavor......... 1988.. An composer...95 parts remain.... 1981. 3... and tempo. It is in three movements: 1. 1978............. 11 pages (includes two copies of the parts in C1551.. SS...95 clarinet that includes some contemporary notation and a multiphonic C541........  ...... and Dance (Allegro Giocoso).. C1525.. SS..........  ..... lecturer and teacher...... The musical styles of Ravel and Debussy. The piece is in 3/4 Moderato).95 (corrected edition 2002).. 1942 with the work concluding with a Rondo............ It is those elements of Impressionism.. For agitato with recitative elements.... Early college level.... The publisher has this as (US) grade 3 piece C263......... 7.  .. Music for Youth for two clarinets by Christopher Ball........ Calls for clarinets in A and B-flat...9.......... Syncopations (Allegro)......... SS.. 2007..... Emerson Edition. High school level skills should Davis. For arr..... 18...............50 Canzonetta (Andante/Più mosso).......... SS... American student of Boulanger in Paris...........5 pages..40 edited by Edgar Eichstädter....  .. This is one of a number of pieces Baermann wrote to show off his C369. C. 45 + 9 pages. 14... David Hite.... SS. excellent work. 2009.. Musica Rara...  ....... This piece follows the usual pattern of nineteenth-century short C515....... Merion Schott. Pihenö..95 (Allegretto Con Moto). 7) by Johann Sebastian Bach score format)... Ed.. ages.. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Arnold Bax......... Early college level. 2009... 2008. Baermann Concerto (Quintet) for Clarinet in E-flat major sectional piece.95 Op....... note) in the bass clarinet part........ 17 pages (score format)..... Helter- arranged for two clarinets and bass clarinet by Harry R....... 1994... Kalmán Berkes........ It is in two movements: I. 4 + 2 pages. and Piano by Béla Bartók arranged Gyögy Balassa.  ... C258.... 14.... Hofmeister. 47... 13 + 7 pages. SS...... 1996...... Early high school level...... 2 + 1 page... Romanian Folk Dances for Clarinet and Piano by Béla Bartók Voxman and R. 25 Oboe and Clarinet by Marion Bauer........... 1991.. ..... SS...... then an Andante section followed by an clarinet in B-flat and piano.... Chant Slave for clarinet and piano by J.. Southern Music Co. It was first performed by Frederick Thurston in as a conductor in the United Kingdom and Canada. The piece begins with an Allegro Luigi Bassi edited by Alamiro Giampieri...... Total duration of about 5 minutes with the Canzonetta longer than the others combined... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ........ Four Folksongs for clarinet and piano arranged by Christo. Includes a preface by Peter Bartók and notes movement of Baermann's Clarinet Quintet............ Written for and dedicated to Benny Goodman and Joseph Szigeti who premiered and recorded the work with the compos- C216...... Introduction and Polonaise Op 25 for Clarinet and Piano by chosen by the performer... ... Western International Music..... Chappell Music Edition....... Advaced high school/early C545.... Cuatro piezas breves (Four Short Pieces) for clarinet and Heinrich Backofen (1768-1839) was a German clarinet and basset horn player who was also a composer..50 Leduc.... These are arrangements and impressionistic styles.. Certainly a 3+ at least...... 11 + 3 pages................95 Baermann edited by John Newhill..... includes parts and score........ 19...... It is one of best works in the repertoire for this combination of clarinet and string quartet...... Ariette (Allegro moderato)... ...... Adagio........95 C935.. the work has PO Box 9569... for mature performers.. SS. . 10.. 20 + 6 pages. fine melodic lines. Block..... SS.. 21.. SS.............. 2........ 5.............. Three Inventions (Vol. Over by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by William Schmidt edited by Sharon the Hills and Far Away (Allegro moderato). There are a few low Ds (with alternative C1392...... Gee. with an important piano part......... 9. 12.. and 3.. Contrasts for violin. She wrote in a mature and virtuosic style for piano (the C1389. 5 pages. teacher.... Zoltán Székely trans.... 2000..... Blues.. ornamentation.... Amy Marcy Beach (1867-1944) was an American woman composer....... Divertimento for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Baermann edited The piano parts have been recreated for this publication..... 24....  . These were probably sight reading pieces from 1863 exams. critic...  . ... Concert Fantasia on Motives from Verdi's "Rigoletto" by power of expression and his virtuosity. Allegro.... These pieces are taken from a This publication contains three multimovement duets generally at the collection of exam pieces between 1857 and 1877 in which only clarinet advanced high school/early college level. 2............ 7....... Three Part Invention (No. SS.. JB Linear Music. Invention IX (Andantino). Universal Edition.. 6. Three Bartok folksongs have been combined into one C378..... MMB WW071.. 1986............ 1989............... Loneliness...... David Baker (1931-) is an American Peters.. original version of this piece) with use of chromaticism..... Southern Music Co...  ..... using the composer made as a student to use as encores at clarinet recitals. Music......... From Grandmother's Garden Op.. and 4... 9 + 6 clarinet and piano... (includes score and parts)....... 1990... Often found on C1366.... SS. SS. SS......... Challenging for the clarinetist but the piano part should not be a ment and is not difficult.. 1935....... level with a duration of about 24 minutes... Bassus Ediciones Musicales.................................95 3.. clarinet...... 1986.. Schott.95 problem for a competent accompanist...... SS.... ...... SS. Musica Rara. at other times serenely beautiful...... piano by Francisco Asenjo Barbieri edited by Pedro Rubio... A slow introduction is followed by theme and variations by Nelson Dellamaggiore and Peter Bartók......95 C272..... fantasy...... This is a suite of four duets: Prelude 2... C748...... Emerson C1152.. 20..... this Sonata is one of Bax composer who began his career as an orchestral clarinetist and also served (1883-1953) mature works.. 6 + 2 pages... 22 + 7 + 7 pages... 3...... Originally for and Sebes... Concerto for Clarinet and Strings Piano Reduction by (Allegretto).... 12 + 4 pages.......... C271......... . 1937... Puttin' On The Ritz by Irving Berlin arranged for Clarinet and (Largamente rubato e molto appassionato)........... Rondo (Allegro)... Alphonse Leduc...95 C401..... 38 by Ludwig van nent in the beginning section.. and Finale. Israel Music Institute.. and Honeysuckle. http://www..... Mignonette........ 29. In score format.........95 score. Advanced/professional level........ 11..... Sequenza IXa for Clarinet Solo by Luciano Berio... 35... Kendor Music. 71 (Sextet) for Clarinet Quintet by Ludwig van Beetho. ... This arrangement is rated as grade 4 by the pages.... 1988.. Duration about 20 minutes. The clarinet part has flutter-tonguing and is rhythmically difficult... This C719.... A very enjoyable quartet with second parts presenting any challenge.... and bass)... Adagio/Allegro.. 14. ......  . In score format........ 10........ C247. He was a champion of Jewish music and his composi- tions are in a late Romantic vein with Middle Eastern overtones............... SS.. It is without bar lines.... 1992..  .. Subtitled "Valse .. with the Academy of Music and with Richard Rodney Bennett. and French... This is an adaptation of Haim....95 parts..... Two complete parts in score format (printed arrangement was inspired by Dave Brubeck as this piece begins and ends in so there are no page turns within each piece)... 11... 1937...95 C808. 22. SS...... The Van Cott Information Services Inc. 25 + 6 pages.. Universal Edition.. .. Conversations for Two Clarinets by Richard Rodney Bennett. Pastoral Variée for Clarinet and Piano (1945) by Paul Ben. SS..... 1980.. Trio Op.95 Beethoven. Sonatina for Clarinet Solo by Richard Rodney Bennett. 1967. ..... alto clarinet......... 11 and Op... and contra alto clarinet instead of bass clarinet.. A three movement work...... A cute little piece that at the marked tempo (mm=72) should be publisher.... and Piano by Michael Bergson edited by Himie Voxman. .... SS... The three songs are work in one continuos movement. C390........95 C1602. It includes some moderato.... This is a C298... .... Vigoroso........... 2000... Michael Berkeley (1948-) is a British the composer that the songs lent themselves to instrumental performance as composer....... Includes performance parts for 7 pages.. Moderato grazioso (in 24/8 time). Op...... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. The sections are Introduzione. 16.. SS.95 Arioso (Molto moderato)...95 Three Clarinets by Albert J.. 5 + 2 1930 movie of the same name... 18... the alternate violin part........ This opportunity to enjoy this piece which was originally for two oboes and piece has a certain romanticism mixed with its atonality and is probably the English horn........ ven arranged by Béla Kovács... Allegro suggested fingerings. .... Universal Edition. II Adagio..95 to Palestine in 1933. Carl flat.vcisinc........95 C1384. This C663.. Something a bit different for college level clarinetists.... 21.. This piece is begins with Thema-Sostenuto e dolce which is was an English composer who studied with Nadia Boulanger and Maurice followed by six variations in various tempos and styles. by Rocco Parisi.. music educator and broadcaster who studied at the Royal well... SS.... It is mostly in bass clef and includes some 1984) was a German-born Israeli composer and conductor who emigrated suggested fingerings. Henry Bell (1873-1946) studied and later taught at the Royal Academy of has many tempo changes and some modern notation. 12 with piano reduction by Susan Bradshaw.. Beethoven Clarinet Trio in E-flat Major Op. alto clarinet and bass clarinet..... C647.. 42 + 12 pages.... Oxford University Press/Allegro + 3 pages........  ... includes parts and score.. Universal Sonata in D minor was written in 1926.95 interest in all parts. C648. and piano make this piece more difficult than Conversations . Heartsease. Op............. 2003..  ... C1563............95 non troppo.. International Music.... 11 by Ludwig music.. (1893-1960).6.... 5 Allegretto. 87 by Ludwig van Beethoven edited and transcribed for 1981.. a Victorian garden: Morning Glories..... 1938................ 27 + 9 pages. Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo by Lennox Berkeley edited by piano reduction prepared by the composer (the original is for clarinet. International Music Diffusion......95 Piano by James Christensen..... 21.... and bass clarinet.. London based Benjamin C471.... SS.Caprices.75 C297. 11. 2006.... 1954....45 Ravel.. Rosemary and Boosey & Hawkes. It is possible that Marshall's Henle...  .... Adagio... alto.. This arrangement will give clarinet trios at the C251... 82 from Luisa di Montfort for Clarinet C1148.... 4 + 2 pages.. 27. Includes performance parts for clarinet in B. Universal Edition... SS.... 36 + 11 pages..... 4 pages.. 16... SS...... 1924........ Ballad (Allegretto).95 C644.... 11 pages........ 1 Poco lento..... Deepwood for Bass Clarinet and Piano by David Bennett. (which was based on the septet Op.. Concerto Lyrique for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduc- tion) by Alain Bernaud. volante... but there are alternate parts for E-flat clarinet.... A scholarly edition with a 5/4... 1998.... it is not Music during the period 1889 to 1912...... although the first clarinet and bass clarinet are promi- C334... Boosey & Hawkes.. 2001... Beethoven Clarinet Trio in B-flat Major Op......... Includes performance parts for clarinet in B-flat..... ....... This piece requires good technique The basic arrangement is for four B-flat clarinets. 19.  ... the alternate violin part............95 playable by high school students and above.. III.. Carl Fischer... preciso.  ... For Two copies of most parts. Crosstalk by Richard Rodney Bennett.... Should be within the violoncello part.......... 2 Presto.... EditionDarok. SS.......... Beethoven Clarinet Trios Op........ SS.. 5 for Clarinet and Piano by Alban Berg... Frequent meter changes clarinet in B-flat. Menuetto (C191) and the Play Along CD (PA027) which includes a sample perfor- (Quasi allegretto). In three movements: I.. 10 pages........ 1983.95 van Beethoven edited by Isidor Philipp..50 this is a multi-sectional work by Australian born.....95 C491.95 Features alternating Lento and Vivace sections typical of much of Bennett's C1383. This is a challenging clarinet or tenor saxophone edition presented here... Für Elise by Ludwig van Beethoven arranged for clarinet quartet by Art Marshall......4... Consequently he arranged them for several instruments... 8.... PO Box 9569. III... 1942/2002.... 1998. 34...... High school level and up with only the first and clarinet quartet (two b-flats.... van Beethoven. This is also in the Concert and Contest Collection for Clarinet and 2 horns. SS. Moulin A Cafe "by" Sidney Bechet arranged by Yves Bouchet... 20... Universal early college level (and probably some advanced high school students) an Edition. 7 pages.. 11..... A popular bass clarinet solo by David includes the other parts in the score....... solo and ensemble festivals........ Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ............ SS... 10 + 10 pages. Non troppo allegro. 4 Allegro.  ... Le Tombeau de Ravel for Clarinet and Piano by Arthur Benjamin... English composer William 2 pages... 22.. Allegro Edition. Check the score for tempo and other markings that didn't make it to the preface and notes on the editing in German... and Sephardic Melody C1311. The composer calls for Clarinet in A. This is an arrangement of Beetho........ 19. and IV.... 28 + 8 pages....... 7 + 3 pages.... 20... to be reduced.. International Music. Clarinet Rhapsody by David Bennett.... For two clarinets in B-flat. Sonata in D minor for Clarinet and Piano by William Henry Bell... However...75 capabilities of many high school clarinetists...... Sequenza IXc for Bass Clarinet Solo by Luciano Berio adapted C1187. Rosewood Publications..... .. Early college level due to the 5/4 time signature...... info@vcisinc.. For clarinet sextet (or larger ensemble)." Rue. and the piano part which Fischer..... 1981..... ...... Lennox Berkeley (1903-1989) and strings).... Clarinet Concerto (Piano Reduction) by Michael Berkeley phone and Piano by Paul Ben-Haim................. the violoncello part.......... Paul Ben-Haim (1897....  .. 15 short pieces describing or at least alluding to garden plants you might find in C590... 1965.. It is in four movements: I. Southern Music Co..... Advanced/professional level.. This is for 3 B-flat 12 + 3 pages...... SS. Conceived as vocalises for high voice and piano it occurred to Music..... Israel Music Institute......... semplice.... 1952..... SS. Berio wrote this piece in 1980.. the alternate violin part....... ... 38 by Ludwig C248. the violoncello part...... Chester Music.95 mance.......95 C720........ Four Pieces Op.. 20) was completed in 1802/03..... II. 3 Andante.95 and taught music at the university level until his retirement in 1935... Two complete parts in score format........ ....... B-flat clarinet and is classified as an upper college level work......... 2 bassoon......... English....... .. Berio (1925-2003) wrote this piece in 1983.. A popular solo for better high school students often used for clarinets. SS.. the Universal Edition....... Includes a suggested cut if playing time needs ven's Sextet for Winds in E-flat major which is for 2 clarinets.... 11 was written in 1798 and Op 38 Bennett who also wrote a number of frequently played clarinet quartets. ...... Scene and Air Op..95 replacing the alto clarinet...  ... Rubank.. 1948.. Henle.......95 best work in the repertoire in this style of writing. PB... 1999...... Lied for Clarinet Solo by Luciano Berio............ Allegro molto.. 8 + 8 pages... and IV. 7 pages... 1983. ...  .... Tierolff Muziekcentrale.. harp Thea King.. Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Alban Berg... includes parts and score.... SS..... Three Songs without Words for Clarinet or Tenor Saxo...... Andraud........ 20.. C877....... Jamaican Rumba for Clarinet and Piano by Arthur Benjamin popular song by Irving Berlin was written in 1929 and was featured in a edited and transcribed by Reginald Kell......... Probably grade 4. Novello. and piano score... SS. 14.. Transcribed by the composer from his Septet Op. .... He then emigrated to South Africa nearly as difficult (nor as long) as the Sequenzas.. ....... C1337.. Sequenza IXa for bass clarinet.. Early college level. 7....  .. 1953........ 50. .... Bernstein czardas..95 pages..... SS. Allegro con brio (2/2).. The composer compares Leonard Bernstein.....” This piece Berr edited by Karl Schütte........ The composer wrote: “The soloist is cast in the role of an C1372. SS.  ... and 3... Rhapsody.95 Hindemith.. ...... This sonata was written in 1996........ . 32 pages. periodontist and well-know Casot is a little house in the middle of the vineyards around Girona in Spain.. 17......... .. Sonata for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by David Bevan... 20 + 7 pages + CD.. 24.... Riffs from Prelude........... and Vivo e giocoso.. Suggested for students edited by Volker Hemken..vcisinc... The first two movements are not difficult (even C504. basset horn or viola in place of cello.. The work which is subtitled "on an Air Varié of minutes.. This is a tonal work that is quite tuneful in the first Hawkes.... Early college level.. 1998. Alphonse Leduc.... Clarinet in A and Piano by help raise "Gypsy Music" to a higher form of art......... Pastoral for Clarinet in A (or B-flat) and Piano by Arthur Bliss. The second piece is for New York but only one of her compositions was published in her lifetime........ SS..... Allegretto. and Boulanger. A Melodic Tour for Two Clarinets by Allan Blank..... arrangement..... .85 of Prelude.. and music professor who studied with Messiaen. C1344. Easley Blackwood (1933-) is a Chicago based (for drum set) and string bass parts will enhance the performance of this composer. 1943... This is the theme of a popular British Christmas season television C1387... Friedrich uses flutter tonguing..... Adolphe Blanc (1828-1885) continuos development with a short contrasting middle section.. With alternate parts for violin in place of clarinet and bass The outer movements rely on the statement of a theme. 14 pages.. 69. International Opus. (and teachers)..... This book of figures in the first part of the piece and descending arpeggios in the second..... Instruktive Variationen for Clarinet and Piano by Friedrich opera singer. and Larry Fallon.. El 3 pages.... The chart had musical notations as well as letters in its design. Ron Odrich........... 2008. 8 notes have been changed to reflect Bernstein's manuscript and the first pages................. http://www. 24.. On a visit to the office of Ron Odrich.95 II.... 18 + 6 pages... The duration is about 14 of works for clarinet....... a very few quarter tones in the altissimo.. 18........ Surgeons teacher....... The other............... and III....... Andante/Moderato..... Internation- playing whole and half notes above the staff........ Flute Beyer.......... The 1924 where she continued her music studies and worked as a piano four poems are: How Happy is the Little Stone... Odrich and his composer partner Larry Fallon created a C1094.....95 (4/4)/Allegretto (3/8)/Lento (6/8).. 1980... This edition includes a biography of lary than the Sonata and a less complex structure.... 2.. 24.... He work with a duration of about 7:30. Hofmeister.... Molto Allegro (9/8). Walking in the Air. 14 + 5 pages... SS.. The difficulty ranges from early to C1380......... arranged by Scott Eyerly. SS.... The by Daniel Dark. Three copies in score format..... 37 + 16 pages.......... SS. 38 by Easley of this work which includes a CD of a performance by Todd Levy and the Blackwood................ 16........... It is in three movements: I. and a coda.. The three movements are: 1........... College level with a duration of about 24:30... and klezmer of the seasonal workers in this region.... a versatile artist who performs in four languages.............15 Edition..... Novello. 2006.......... She affiliated herself with the experimental music community in Must be Very Careful.... all)............. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . three variations. while the piano plays melodic al Opus... Rubato... This is a brilliant showpiece that captures the elements of flamenco... . Boosey & Hawkes. This is one of two pieces composed by Bliss for clarinet more challenging.. 25....... Four Poems by Emily Dickinson for Soprano Voice. Trio Op 23 for clarinet..95 Scherzo (Vivace).... Allegretto between this version and the one above is that the two sharp key signature (6/8).. .. Riffs is the third movement Early college level... 33. 1950.........95 and Lento... 2009. Theme from "The Snowman" for clarinet followed by a theme.95 excellent example of the French clarinet concerto at mid-century......... It is a brief (4 minutes) C982. The optional percussion 1994..... flute and voice and the third is for clarinet and voice (first and last are for This piece.. Sonatina for E-flat Clarinet and Piano Op..... 33... SS.. Sonata for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Johanna Magdalena V020..... II. and 3... At the upper interme- movements: Allegro giusto...95 Friedrich Berr" is in the form of an extended introduction (Moderato).. and some contemporary notation. 6....  ........ It is in four movements: Allegro. College level with a duration of about 11 minutes... SS. ......... clarinet and jazz band) and first performed in 1955.... SS.......... ..........  . He studied clarinet with Guy Deplus and Bernstein.. 19. The Adagio movement is unusual with the clarinet mostly C1101... Pièce Romantique for Clarinet and Piano by Marcel Bitsch.. For advanced performers. Two copies in score format...95 Emerson Edition...... SS. For four B-flat clarinets and bass A clarinet part is in the key of F (B-flat is in the key of E).... Johanna Magdalena Beyer (1888-1944) was born in Germany.. Three first is Maestoso (4/8) and the second Allegro (2/4).. SS..... SS.95 an invented counterpoint or harmony..... This is a challenging contemporary work.. Classical Vocal Reprints. 15 + 6 pages. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Leonard Bernstein....95 in the clarinet part has been removed and the enharmonic spelling of many C1182.. SS.... this was movement. 1999..... 22............. 2009. El Casot for Clarinet and Piano by Daniel Bimbi. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op.....  ..... David Bevan (1951-) is a British C672...... The CD also includes software for adjusting performed by John Bruce Yeh..... Hofmeister....... Hungarian Dances for clarinet quintet by János Bihari arranged and pleasant piece that could be played by many high school students........... Hofmeister.János Bihari (1764-1827) was a composer and virtuoso violinist who V035.. 1998... about 8 minutes..... Fugue and Riffs written for Benny Goodman in 1949 (for solo C1490. This work was written for John Bruce Yeh and is C295.. followed by clarinet... The primary difference movements are: 1. Grave Bernstein's first published work.. and III.... 20 + 7 pages........... 12. This work was written for and first piano accompaniment by itself.... She immigrated to the United States in and Clarinet in A by Allan Blank.... Adagio (3/4)..... 1943/2001/2010(?). EditionDarok. 1956. Rosewood............. 10 + 4 pages....... 18 + 6 pages..... and this work to the three Sonatinas for violin and piano of Schubert................. is lost.. music director and educator........ 1982.95 and piano about 1916..... Leonardo's Vision for Clarinet and Piano by Leonard Carcassonne in Southern France.......... Arias for Clarinet (solo) by David Blake......... In This Short Life... Adagio... Duration about 12 minutes.95 clarinet.. Allegretto.... similar to C1388........ This piece was written for Alan Hacker and was first performed by published edition...... 7 + more recently has been studying composition with Jan Van der Roost..... 1998.......................... cello and piano by Adolphe Blanc............ Marcel Bitsch (1921-) is a French set of variations for clarinet and piano exploring the musical theme that composer who was a professor of counterpoint and fugue at the National Bernstein had culled from the eye chart.... 1994.  . 16 contest piece for the Conservatoire National de Musicque in 1954. SB...... . 14.....95 C1379......... 19.. pianist........ and Nature is What We See... 18....... Boosey & for clarinet in A..... Faber Music......... SB................... 2000.... was written in 1936........ 14 + 6 pages..... Allegro risoluto (2/2).......... Suite for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Johanna Magdalena Beyer late intermediate with some pieces having equal parts while on others one of the parts (usually the second part) is more difficult.. College level with a duration of 10 minutes.. The three thoughts on playing the Sonata by Todd Levy. 2... This was written in 1920 with Van Cott Information Services Inc...... This piece uses a simpler harmonic vocabu- the tempo when played on a computer. The third movement in 12/8 and 5 sharps is a bit Novello. Very easy....... 1981... An diate level with the first and second parts the most difficult............ The whole was a French composer who was an especially prolific composer of work is both lyrical and unusual in style...... 13. Leonard Bernstein noticed an eye chart hanging on the wall. This is a new edition C1491.. . SS............. .. SS....... Allegro ma non troppo..... Written for David PO Box 9569...... An advanced wrote down the notes and later wrote them into a line for solo clarinet.95 titled it "Visione Fugitava" and sent the manuscript as a gift to Odrich..... .......95 him in 1979.....95 C1557....... Emerson the info@vcisinc.. Lento sostenuto. which is dedicated to Rosario Mazzeo and Nicolas Slonimsky......... the history of the piece and this new edition.. SS...... though the first is in 5/4)... ...... 9.... Daniel Bimbi (1971-) was born in C1029.. 3 + 1 with a duration of about 7:30.... Two Nursery Rhymes for Voice........ Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Leonard Bernstein...... This piece was written for Rosario Mazzeo in 1937... Lento. clarinet duets is based on tunes from around the world which are set against College level..... College level with a duration of chamber music......... 18... College level..... There are two dances.. Most of this piece is at Allegro with C735.... Boosey & Hawkes... The Arthur Bliss. Boosey & Hawkes............................ composer...... . Fugue and Riffs for Clarinet and Piano the clarinet alternating between sixteenth note passages and more sustained with optional Percussion and String Bass by Leonard Bernstein melodies while the piano plays a rhythmic sixteenth note accompaniment... 4 + 2 pages....... Upper intermediate level or tenor saxophone and piano by Howard Blake......... 37 by Easley Blackwood..... jazz clarinetist. It is in three movements: I......95 Conservatoire in Paris from 1956-1988..... After Bernstein's death... show... one multi- Berr (1794-1838) was a German born clarinetist who composed a number phonic note. .... 17 words by Frances Conford.. 2. ....... SS...... 13.. Black and White Rag by George W.. 93 for bass clarinet and string quartet while the second. The four dances format with the other part in small print.. SS.. C477.......... timbrel trills. 25..... Heim wrote: "One of the best concertos from the Van Cott Information Services Inc.95 Clarinet by Jerry L.. Phantasy Quintet Op............ 21..... 1963........ Alphonse Leduc. A challenging transcription of this work originally for flute and piano..95 Viola and Cello by Roger Bourland.. 22 + 11 easy pace).. All parts are C612. strings play 32nd note arpeggios....... is Presto alternating with by York Bowen.... 5 + 2 pages.... and concludes with (includes parts and piano score).... 22. A low C bass clarinet is called for... 11 + 3 pages. lyrical and rhythmic.... Three movements: Allegro slower tempos throughout.. 1989.... Allegro/Adagio/Andante and II. Alphonse Leduc...... Plainte............... Widow....95 inventor of the clarinet......... Espièglerie... Bowder...50 This complex piece comes with instructions in German................ Danse des This is an advanced college or professional work............  .....55 A low E-flat instrument is all that is needed and much of this piece is in the C265.." This is a virtuoso piece for clarinet and double bass.... All movements have tempo changes and there are two cadenzas in the all.... SS..... 21............." However. 6 pages.. and III........95 last movement. Allegro." "The first was name for the saxophonist the premiered the work....... Professor C1047... 16. Cantabile (with a jazz feeling).. C478............. Commissioned by the New York Philharmonic in honor of its 150th Anniversary and movements: I.... SS.......C. Quasi-Waltz......95 This piece was dedicated to Pauline Juler in 1943...1686-1741) was an Italian composer.... One extended movement of what looks like a fun piece... Marks Music.... 1989................ Deux Caprices en Forme de Valse for Clarinet Solo and Piano I...... Eyes in the Heat II (Rapidly). (clarinet part only).  . 25............ 1944....... Rubank. A pleasant college level work with was written with the "aspiring clarinetist in mind... 12 + 5 pages......... Stone Quartet for Soprano Saxophone (or Clarinet)...............  ........... tranquillo..... SS....  .... Sonata Op.... non troppo... Includes a score and parts......... 1949......... 1985... 2002...... Southern C1201........ 54... then a short Quasi adagio section..... Ballade for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza..95 1908 but has often been arranged for other instruments. SS between a tempo of 120 and 80 (with a brief cadenza)..... the somewhat alternating slow and fast sections. 21 + 11 molto con fuoco). This two movement piece at Emerson Edition........ Marks Music.. includes concerto for Benny Goodman (there had been some efforts in that direction) parts and piano score... 23 + 10 pages.... One of the older bass clarinet solos in Pierre Boulez. Duetto for Clarinet.. Duration 12 minutes... While the composer was never commissioned to write a Cello and Piano by Roger Bourland... Organ pedals are used sparingly if at (6/8)... Improvisation....... 5..... Named in honor of the grade for with a duration of 3:50. flutter tonguing...... SS....... 1939...80 Instrument (Piano/Organ) by Helmut Bornefeld. Boni (ca.......... An S586.... ..... 8.. 10 + 3 pages.... SS... Alphonse Leduc. and harmonic double stops.... and Allegro moderato ma più C861...... This is a ragtime piece written for piano in voice only. 1981.... Pietro Gaetano C743... College level..... 44... Round (Cheerful).... Viola....... 6..  . .. Manduca Music.. Botsford arranged for the G sharp just above the staff................ C346.... 1954.......... slightly swung)/(concluding) CRASSLY GRAND! There are a few contemporary techniques such as growling and a slap key. Early college level with the very frequent retards making the Alphonse Leduc.. SS. Alphonse 1987. SS... The movements are: I...........75 C845. . Alphonse An advanced work in a large format.. Finale (Allegro or String Orchestra by Paul Bonneau..... 1952............... http://www. 12 + 4 pages......... 27...35 unusual notation and other features of this suite suggests at least college C1449. 109 for clarinet and piano by Edwin York Bowen.... The tempo is presto.......... Separate parts in score William Bolcom....... Aria for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Eugene Bozza................... The two pieces are: I....... 1970........... French and English....... Allegretto poco scherzando... SS..... this was the solo du concours piece for 1938.... This is the piano edition. II.. II. This is a challenging piece. III. Domaines for Clarinet Solo with or without Orchestra by Music Co..... Alphonse Leduc....... Concerto for Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra or Piano level performers. This piece is an the repertoire.  ......... Denneriana for Clarinet with Piano accompaniment by André interesting the the 4th part should work on the bass clarinet. . and IV... 3rd.. 1949.... Duration about 3:30..... SS. 19....... This is a brief high school level ensemble more challenging........ ensemble festivals......... It is in three movements: C860...." The performers choose between possibilities that have been written out in detail by the composer.... ............. example of what Boulez called "controlled chance...... II. Allegro con spirito......... 9 + 4 pages....... The piano part is important and probably more piece...... This piece was written 1981.. movement is in roughly Sonata-Allegro form and has a strong Goodman The first movement is The Strange Juggler which was inspired by a painting nuance.. Schirmer... Universal Edition.......... ... ma in tempo)/Allegro assai (A This piece won awards as the Best New Music of 1982 in Boston.. which is much more difficult... cornet... 3 + 1 pages... especially the second movement which She has written that it "exploits the extreme registers and dynamics of the has many rapid figures.... Universal Edition....... Richard Paul Stone..... 1992.. Scherzo-finale (Quasi una cadenza. College level with a duration of 9 minutes..... ..... This piece was written for Caroline PO Box 9569........ this was the solo du concours of the Conservatoire National de Paris for 1949...30 moderato............. Alphonse Leduc....... 3 copies of the music in score format.. Prelude (At an (Piano edition) by Eugene Bozza. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Double Bass.. 9...... Largo and Allegro for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Pietro Boni ist. 55. 22 + 8 pages........... The last by Odilon Redon. 6 + 2 pages. 19 + 7 pages. 38 + 14 pages. 1996.. Prof.. 40... Dedicated to Ulysee Delécluse. It C1069..vcisinc. Three Dark Paintings for Soprano Saxophone (or Clarinet)..55 Italian musician and composer who was known as "the Paganini of the C1632........ and Dance II (Brisk and jaunty).... Chalulmeau for Solo Clarinet in B-flat by William Bolcom... Emerson Edition. A popular one movement sectional piece that is at turns.....95 Démons. ......... SS..... Probably early college info@vcisinc.. 39 + 18 pages. 4... The second movement is Dark movement alternates a Brazilian chorino with an ebullient Ravelian waltz"..... It has some mixed meter and in the second part of the piece the The movements are marked: I....... Billaudot.......25 dedicated to Stanley Drucker who gave the premier performance on January S585....... International Music Co..... Allegro.... III Red Black Marks Music...35 clarinet and makes use of of glissandi..............  ........ 24... but are: Rag....... Spanish Black (Doloroso).........95 might be attempted by a high school duo with an outstanding bass clarinet- C1543.. 9..... portamenti...20 chorinho tempo.. Canons and Hockets Concert Duet for Clarinet and Bass about 10:45.. ... In two William Bolcom.. Advanced col- C1504.. E. 2005.95 Leduc.. Little Suite (Kleine Suite) for Clarinet and Keyboard lege/professional level..... and professional recitalist... String Bass and Piano by Giovanni opens with a clarinet cadenza.. Little Suite of Four Dances for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by but there aren't many notes in the extended range....... .........95 Eugene Bozza... In four movements: I. Fantaisie Brillante sur Carmen by François Borne transcribed Heim describes this piece as a brilliant tour de force for the graduate student for bass clarinet and piano by Rocco Parisi.. Caprice-Improvisation for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by clarion and altissimo....C........... This two movement piece was written in 1982 and he described this concerto as having many "Benny-isms. 1940. E....... ........... For high voice with a range from first line E to C1640." An advanced work with a duration of C688. as does the slow 12-beat-to-the-bar second movement. C1454......... Chaconne.25 difficult than the clarinet part..... Bowen (1884-1961) was an the intermediate (easier high school) level is frequently used for solo and English composer and professor of piano at the Royal Academy of Music.......... 1952....... 17.... The Dandelion (Allegro giocoso) which is for clarinet and (4 B-flat clarinets) and score..... 1999....... II... In three movements: Allegro moderato (2/4). and Soft Shoe. SS........... 1984. Kendor Music........ Dance I....... SS.......95 pages........... The Ragwort clarinet quartet by James 'Red' McLeod......... Schirmer..... 19.... and III... Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889) was an a final Vivo.......... Claribel for Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza... Range is moderate as it also for C264.... Andantino (6/4) and Vif calm). .. The first caprice is Tempo di Valse rubato C599... 1936.. 3....... advanced work with a duration of 20 to 23 minutes.... ... SS. College level. The composer's introduction states that this piece Leduc........ SS. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ......95 transcribed by Himie Voxman... Suite for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Bonneau. 1992/1995. The piano is in an accompanying role and the part is not difficult. 1989.. Apache-Jungle.............. 4.. Dialogue.... requiring strong technique. .... 10..... alternates Bottesini edited by Thomas Martin. Low E is the lowest bass clarinet note............. Nocturne (Very pages.. There are six movements (English titles): 1.... . It is almost entirely in the lower register....... Allegro moderato............ Includes parts (Allegretto) and II.. 17. Bucoloque for Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza.. Publisher's (US) Bloch. ... SS..... . 37.. Alphonse Leduc............ and Emil Seiler (viola part)...... .. 1973......... II. Suite for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Eugene Bozza........ 120.. and Un poco più Andante....... This is for four B-flat clarinets.. SS...... Kunzelmann.......... The parts are equal and available for all the clarinet parts.......... 34....... C266. Brahms Sonata Op.  ............25 C1031.. followed by a quiet 6/8 section..............95 Johannes Brahms edited by Andrea Massimo Grassi.. author... ...... 1996... SS............................. SS.. It Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza. and teacher....... (includes piano score and all parts).... Three movements: Moderato C138..... 41. Bassoon (Viola/Bass level. 14.......95 Clarinet/Basset Horn) and Piano by Alexander Brent-Smith.." . No....... .60 sources for and Critical Notes on the actual editing (in German and English)....vcisinc.................... 119 No 3 for Clarinet and Piano by 2003...... Kunzelmann..... There are three short movements: Denmark....... Arsis Press... Includes a preface and notes on the editing in German..... Allegretto. Prélude et Divertissement for Alto Saxophone or This edition was edited from the engraver's copy and the original edition. All text is in C1399......... Brahms Sonatas for Piano and Clarinet Op. There is an optional arpeggio passage near the end that college level (and adult amateurs). Henle....... 56 + 15 pages.......... The Prélude is at a sources for and Critical Notes on the actual editing (in German and English).............. The clarinet part demands a virtuoso technique involving of Brahms‖ popular G major Violin Sonata... 19........ The tempo of Grazioso e giocoso make this somewhat more difficult than Andante...95 Alphonse Leduc...95 between 6/8 and 9/8.  ... Allegro molto moderato. 30.. 26 + 10 pages. (includes score and parts).... Intermediate WW069.. Wiener Urtext Edition. and piano musical examples.. which includes much interplay with the piano... and ending with a brilliant Allegro....... The opening movement represents a parts and piano score)... SS... An excellent piece for a college recital. 34...................95 quiet with a beautiful melodic line and sumptuous chords... 65 C186... 2002.... 2 by Johannes Brahms edited by Heinrich Bading......... Sonata in G major Op... 8 + 3 pages. Allegro Moderato... 1974....... SS... Comus Edition... 32 + 11 pages... .... Henle.. 16. The music presented here is of high also includes the preface and notes............ No........ 120.... The Sonata is in three movements and is per- and piano by József Balogh... A much shorter and easier piece than the other Bozza works listed here........ 1939.. . EditionDarok.....15 Piano edited by Hans-Christian Müller. 5 + 2 pages........  ................ Alphonse Leduc.. presque lent........ 22 + 7 pages... B-flat clarinet replacing the alto Arthur H... No.... ... 1.. Henle... ..95 C329....... 18 + 6 pages......... SS...... SS.. 1 for Clarinet and Piano by the second cadenza of the preceding movement................. This late work features many of the styles of includes a Preface with a brief history of this work and information on the writing for clarinet that Bozza employed during his career. SS. fast notes.. A sectional........ It where Bozza was the director. & 6) arranged for two clarinets 1995......95 begins on an altissimo A...... Alphonse + 16 pages...... 120.......95 C1144.. 33.. 5 + 2 includes a Preface with a brief history of this work and information on the pages (includes both alto saxophone and clarinet parts). The bass clarinet part is less difficult and all have the melody at some point. ............... 18 twentieth century.. some with scales in octaves.... Carl Fischer...... C951........50 the alto clarinet part is easy. Includes notes from Harold the key of B major... 2000..... C1592.... Hungarian Dance No.. Dedicated to André Dufour who Emil Seiler (viola part). 20... info@vcisinc.... SS........... 2000. alto clarinet and bass clarinet... This edition includes an informative piano fingering by Hans-Martin Theopold. This could be played by high school students if strong players are and the melody is mostly quarter and eighth notes...... Brahms Clarinet Quintet in B minor Op 115 by Johannes C360........ and a brief cadenza.. 58 C479...........70 No......... This is good C330... 1977. Peters............ 120.. and Animé........ . All text is in German.. PB. Rosewood.......  ....... Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Carolyn Bremer.. 1935.... 1 and recital literature for graduate and professional use...... ....... Includes piano accompaniment and a separate pull- Bouchet.. SS.. 115 (Score) by German.. Performance A minor Op.. 78 by Johannes Brahms arranged for 2005. 38 + 11 bass clarinet (or bassoon).... Intermezzo Op......F....... 1 for Clarinet and Piano C476....... The Ash Grove Trio for Three B-flat Clarinets arranged by there are alternate parts for E-flat clarinet... SS........... Vivace many fast notes. Piano edited by Hans-Christian Müller.... http://www..... and Alphonse Leduc.... 19.........." In three movements: I.. No. 2 for Clarinet (or Viola) and C480. Includes notes from Harold parts....... At tempo these will be a challenge for advanced microcosm of the whole in which two outer slow sections frame a quick high school or early college players as all the hard bits are in the clarinet driving section.. SS.... PB...  ..... 6 + 2 pages....95 Andante moderato... Woodwindiana... 11...... 5. 120....... English and French..... Brahms Sonata Op.... tempo of Modéré (avec une grande tendresse) while the Divertissement is The viola part is included........95 Leduc.... Marked "aggressively"...20 Wright‖s copy of this work....95 Allegro giocoso... Brahms Sonatas for Piano and Clarinet Op. (Harold Wright Legacy Series) edited by Ethan Sloane and Ruth Wright... one-movement work.............. using a jazz pages.... International Music Diffusion.. SS... Henle.. It should be playable by those at the early Op..... II.. College level.. SS..... ... 11.. Requires experienced performers on both Southern Music Company........... Brahms Trio for Piano....... College level.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Fantaisie Italienne for Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza...... The publisher describes this as "a sensitive transcription for clarinet approach to give the familiar melody a new life...... C475... 1960... Clarinet (or Viola) and Violoncello in Brahms edited by Andrea Massimo Grassi... Brahms Hungarian Dances (1...... Wiener Urtext Edition... 120. . 32 + 11 PO Box 9569......... No... 1 and No...... This and solo song literature of Brahms...... and contra alto clarinet replacing bass clarinet... This short piece is a Welsh folk clarinet..... Bachanale for Clarinet Trio by Zefir Brezeanu.............................. (Harold Wright Legacy Series) edited by Ethan Sloane and Ruth Wright..... Jost Michaels (clarinet part).......... Reveur.. ... and changing rhythms. 13... 15.. SS..... 1993..... 1959.... It should be playable by early high school C1030........... Mel pages.. C1284...... Brahms Clarinet Quintet in B minor Op..... 2 by Johannes Brahms edited by Monica Steegmann...... 62......15 C137... It is in three movements I....... English.... Più Adagio. This piece is for two B-flat clarinets and Clarinet and Piano by Peter Goldberg........ we have the matching Henle Study Score for those that want it...... Rhapsodie Niçoise for Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza... 3 by Johannes Brahms arranged by Yves for contest or recitals.. For clarinet sextet (or larger out solo part. This work was first From the late Brahms work for piano. the concluding movement emerges from C1283........ A playful but challenging piece in Southern Music Company.......... This piece was premiered Johannes Brahms arranged by Nicolai Popov.... 30... 1950) was a British composer..... was professor of clarinet at the Conservatoire of Music of Valenciennes This edition was edited from the engraver's copy and the original edition.. 19... Adagio.. Also includes the viola part for that version. English and French.. The viola part is included.. (includes individual meated with subtle rhythmic shifts..... 1 for Clarinet (or Viola) and level students..... Brahms Sonata Op.. 21....... ... 1944..... Since the edition of the parts shown above does not include the Bay.. Performance preface and detailed comments on the editing including the sources and parts for clarinet in A (plus alternate viola part). 117 No........ Intermezzo Op........... Alphonse Leduc............. Pulcinella for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza. From the late Brahms work for piano.... SS. by Håkan Rosengren at the 1989 Louisiana Festival in Copenhagen......... .. Suitable for second year students. Intermediate level solos from the keyboard score. The middle movement is ma non troppo.... A pair of clarinet cadenzas are featured in the slow second parts... 1973. violoncello........95 ensemble).. 5 + 2 pages............ Two copies of most song.......... but C1484. shifts Wright‖s copy of this work. 40 + 12 pages.. ... and French.. Alexander Brent-Smith (1889- Johannes Brahms arranged by Nicolai Popov... 18.......... SS. Includes a preface and comments on the editing.... 31 + 9 pages.. 1979......... Includes parts and score... 14.. Many changes in meter........... performed in 1943... Jost Michaels (clarinet part). Music of Brahms for Clarinet arranged by Norman Heim. 2 for Clarinet and Piano (avec souplesse)...... 114 by Johannes Brahms edited by Monika Steegmann with parts for clarinet in A and string quartet............. ..... SS.. Brandenburg.. It is based on Bach's Invention XIII. ....95 quality and gives the intermediate clarinetist interesting literature to perform C568........ The tempo is moderato con moto parts...... 54 + 23 pages. 2 + 1 pages..95 (score). and III..... 2000.... Idylle for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Bozza..50 C1003.. 1992..... Brahms Sonata Op..... This is in one short movement (1:45). and III..... 117 No..... 16.... This is an advanced work with a duration of about 15:30...95 beginning with a cadenza.......... No...... 12...95 movement... 7.. WW074. C....... 31. Trio in D minor for Oboe (Clarinet)... 14... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .35 C1474... .. 14.. 27... III. Viola and Piano (or mosso. Louis Cahuzac (1880-1960) was a French Nidrei begins the evening service at the start of Yom Kippur.. Tema variato..... SS..95 composition at the Paris Conservatoire when he wrote this contest piece for 1934.. Klezmer Music is not a B-flat to clarion D and has a duration of 2:30.............95 C1404. Allegretto vivo. This piece is inspired by the and dedicated to Spanish Clarinetist Edmondo Allegro. Relative- additional contra alto clarinet (or baritone saxophone) that could be used to ly easy and should be playable by better high school students. or early second year student to perform.. Allegro con moto..... Marked Andante sostenuto... 16... There is an score)..... Includes parts (3 B-flat and bass Dramatique................... Includes parts for all instruments including alternates...... 20............. SS................. This piece is primarily in 9/8 in a 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 pattern. Masters Music.. 8 + 3 pages..... Roncorp.... This is a piano reduction of this very minuets in length..... 48 Piano Reduction by Ferruccio Busoni edited by Otto Tabumann.. and Novellette..... This C1264.. ..95 English.. Alphonse Leduc. SS.. some two measure sections with optional improvisation.... Kol Nidrei Op.. 1994........... Fantaisie Variée Sur un Vieil Air Champêtre for Clarinet Neil A.... In one movement with alternating slow Norbert Burgmüller edited by Walter Lebermann...... Allegro moderato.. piece begins and ends with the pastoral voice of the unaccompanied music educator.... 2004...95 C707.. this piece is and Piano by Louis Cahuzac.95 the many tempo changes probably make it more suitable for (early) college level performers... and Allegretto vivo) with a Spanish flavor. Suite: Improvvisata (Impromp- C1485.. Includes a preface and editors notes in German... 15 + 7 pages. Vanoosthuyse and is dedicated to all the victims of the Third Balkan War PB. 31.. The clarinet Duo dates minutes.. 16. ....... 6 + 2 pages.... 16. College level..... About 5 Piano by Max Bruch.... .. Andantino. The title easier than most of what carry...... College level with a duration of volume contains the second four pieces: V......... Based on the Baermann Quintet (see movements that includes tremolos.......... Burgmüller Duo for Clarinet and Piano in E-flat major by structure to this Yiddish folk form... 21 + 9 pages... Masters violin part is included.... Viola and Piano (or Violin... This Bruch used as the basis for his Adagio on Hebrew Melodies for Violoncello piece by French clarinetist Cahuzac certainly lives up to its name................... 11 + 4 Andante con moto/Andante.Allegro agitato. ma non troppo and VIII.. SS (includes parts and guitar E-flat clarinet and alto clarinet replacing the third B-flat clarinet.. Violoncello and Piano) by Max Bruch.... arranged by Charles W. Schott.. The printing of this edition is very slightly better than the popular Bruch work for clarinet in A.. SS..... Klezmer Music for Clarinet...95 C538... Elegie for Clarinet and Piano by Ferruccio Busoni... .... this concertino is a college level piece in three movements: Allegro quarter tones... 6 pages.......... It is in one move- Argentinian tango tradition: sometimes excited and sensual at others full of ment with three major sections: Allegretto sostenuto..... ..00 C862.. Ricordi. 15... SS.......20 VI. SS........ This is in slow/fast/slow format..... Voyage by Michel Brion. 1934......... Cantilène for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Louis Cahuzac. with a melody built on dotted eighth-sixteenth PO Box 9569.. 36....... This work was commissioned by Eddy and Piano by Ferruccio Busoni edited by Georg Meerwein. Geoffrey Bush (1920-1998) was an English C1412. Moderato............... mixed published for the first time... 16. 9 + 4 pages............ Concertino d'après un Quintette de H.....95 info@vcisinc. International Music Diffusion... War Concerto Clarinet and Piano by Dirk Brossé. viola and orchestra. Breitkopf........ The first three are for pages...... . 1989. Serenade............... Aragon sur des airs populaires d'Espagne Op..... A clarinet..... but was inspired by and owes much of its C254... Philomele Editions (PE 2021)............ SS... 1970. 2... Rondo (Allegro vivo). Kjos Music Co. Elegie for Clarinet and Piano by Ferruccio Busoni......... This C842....95 supplement or replace the bass clarinet and is mostly an octave lower.................... SS. Princess Helene for Clarinet and Piano by Forrest L.. The features some high Allegro sostenuto.... studied with Spohr simultaneously by all players. This original piece is in two parts.. Gerard Billaudot.. 51 + 18 pages..... Duration about 7:30 minutes.... 4........ 18... SS.... This Music... Elegy Bass Clarinet and Piano by Dirk Brossé..  ... Allegro vivace....... Arlequin by Louis Cahuzac. Nachgesang (Andante con moto).. It is a minuet with a range from low Arsis Press.. Solo quartet by Gilles Swierc... Clarinetist Charles Salinger has arranged this piece for tempo is a leisurely Allegretto (con fantasia) the many runs require solid clarinet and piano... 47 for Clarinet and Piano by Max Bruch C534.. near the end of his short life (1810-1836)...... and some high altissimo. This serenade is a short work marked Allegretto and in 6/8... for whom Busoni also wrote the Concertino. 37. duration about 8:30......... SS.... editions available as rentals......... The odd meters 4 + 1 pages.... 30.95 clarinet) and score.. SS.. Danza Campestre.. Allegro molto... one below....... and IV........................ SS............ Andante con moto. 1972. and at the end of the third movement: multiphonics (with commodo.. This is for clarinet in A and is a reduction from the original string accompaniment...95 C1417. Duration about 7 minutes..... 1991........ Breitkopf....95 clarinetist Edmondo Allegra... a Cantor in Germany composed a melody for this prayer which (English: cantilena) is a lyric. .. The first movement includes a fingerings given)..... An advanced work with a duration of about 9 among others and was friends with Mendelssohn........ 11. Billaudot.... This work in late Romantic style was written for Metropolis Music................... 15... but it is a nice little piece for a late first year can be translated as Fantasy Variations on an Old Pastoral Air....... 7 + 2 pages..... Viola and Piano by Elissa Brill. This is a contemporary piece (composed in 1969) in four Billaudot. Blue Rondo à la Turk by Dave Brubeck arranged for clarinet tu)... This tranquillo section ends with a cadenza....  ... Metropolis composer who wrote a wide variety of instrumental and vocal music...... Eight Pieces Op 83 Vol........ Henri Busser (1872-1973) was a French composer and conductor clarinet in A and the fourth for clarinet in B-flat.. SS.. flutter tonguing.. SS 10 + 4 pages... The pieces are Andante Con Moto (both B-flat clarinet and original C clarinet versions are included).....  . Rumänische Melodi (Andante)....... Dirk Brossé (1960-) is a Belgian composer.. At (US) grade 2...... Fuzeau.... Duration is about 13 minutes.. Burgmüller was born into a musical family.......... Salinger..... SS. Metropolis C333... This is a sectional piece (Andante espressivo. SS...  . 12.......00 traditional Klezmer piece... Elegia.........  ....... Piu tranquillo..95 Music.. 2000.. Eight Pieces Op 83 Vol..... Andante..... He was the professor of instruments including alternates. 1999. .... Playable by a good high school level clarinetist.. http://www......95 ments: I.. There are orchestra and symphonic band take some skill to perform.95 1953..... Double Concerto Op...... Op.... Viola and near the end............. 10.. and tender sorrow.. 2000..95 from 1834....... This Elegie was written as a birthday present for the Swiss and the tempo make this a (worthwhile) challenge....... Tango Tout Court Clarinet and Piano by Dirk Brossé....... 19 C986...... 2 for Clarinet....  ......95 C1685.... 1972...... Concertino for Clarinet and Small Orchestra in B-flat Major C1416... VII... 1 for Clarinet. Andantino.. In two sections: Adagio ma non troppo and Un poco più technique to maintain a light and effortless feel.  . Barcarola......... Clarinet and Piano by Louis Cahuzac edited by Jacques Lancelot.. 3 + 1 pages.. Simrock. A cantilène century.......95 cadenza.. the piano part gives it an in eight feeling until C1026. This is an advanced work with many tempo changes... ... 1997.. and Serenata..  . 15 + 7 and fast sections and includes a cadenza played independently and pages.. a very short phrase with above)..... While the and Orchestra.... II........ Concerto for Clarinet Solo by Valentino Bucchi...  ........ and French........ The C620.. There are C531.......... 1977.... II..... melodic passage for voice or instrument.. 7. 41 + 17 pages.... about 5:30. Early Character Pieces (Frühe Charackterstüke) for Clarinet Music........ Baermann for B-flat C1254... Buchtel....... Henle.........vcisinc. ... 15. Ständchen for Clarinet.. 1985..... Despite the composer's youth these pieces will meter.....95 characteristic piece for solo clarinet.... The Kol Billaudot. SS.. The Piu Violin.......95 altissimo (which may be taken down an octave)... These are some of Busoni's earliest surviving works (1991-2001)............... Piu C708........ a waltz followed by a fairly rapid 4/4 section C1099.. In the 16th clarinet virtuoso who also composed (mostly for clarinet).. 16... . 2 pages.... Includes parts for all who worked closely with Debussy and Massenet... Novello. While this piece is not technically difficult.. Rhapsody for Clarinet and Piano by Geoffrey Bush. C1207... but other time signatures and patterns are interspersed. ...... (includes piano score and parts)........ College level with a and conducting music for films. ...... 8.... and conductor who is especially known for both writing clarinet and follows a rhapsodic style throughout........ 4 + 1 pages. College level....... SS..... 91 for volume contains the first four pieces: I. III Clarinet and Piano by Henri Busser. 1971... 88 for Clarinet (or Violin)........... 1992.. Adagio. Violoncello and Piano) by Max Bruch. Masters Music...... Number VII is for A clarinet and the rest are for B-flat C423.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. Viola and Guitar by Norbert is for three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet but there are alternate parts for Burgmüller. .....95 C790.. 8 + 4 pages. This piece Van Cott Information Services Inc. In three move........... 1965. ..  ...... ..95 mosso (mostly long notes with a harmonic or other contrast between the G165.... Andante.......... Includes parts and Vivo............... and college level..... 1977..... Excellent for college the greatly admired clarinetist and friend........... There is a link to a video of the first movement on our website.... Early college level with Billaudot.... Advanced high school/early Malta's national composer. 1945/1982.... 15. 1953.... 20 begins with the Air played by the piano (Andante maestoso) followed by a C1599.........95 tribute to Witold Lutoslawski to commemorate his 80th birthday............ Vivo.... "Excursion: a going forth. SS... recalls to me my Music... 4 pages. They are: I.. C1547. 14 + 4 pages...... Ramón Carnicer y Batlle (1789-1855) was a the extended range in a few spots.. It is in three C668....... 21. 27.. 3 pages.. and figures. unlike the other wood- C1266........ Berceuse (Andante)...95 Canada before returning to Malta in 1983. they played the movement in F. 24.. 8.......... Celebration.... This 126. Camden C906... it is marked senze rigore e como C1226. 9. ing. 6/8 type. Lento........... College level with a duration of 12 minutes..... This work was composed in 1971 and many delightful visits with the composer in America and Poland... Tibet 2 Clarinets by Charles Camilleri... a movement almost to the end.........vcisinc... Adagio and Tarantella for Clarinet and Piano by Ernesto Music. A challenging contemporary piece. London... SS. .. This is an excellent piece.... II.... and III... This is beach under a sunshade.... Allegro molto. Concertino for Clarinet and Strings Piano Reduction by WW157.. 38.. In three movements: I............. 9 pages in score format......... and III... The composer wrote: "Steep Steps was written for rary notation. 1986. Written for the clarinetists Ayako Oshima and Charles Neidich... This revised in 1992... This is four variations and an Allegro Vivo Finale.. The title page says this is a revised version of the Suite for Quartet of be a lament (or even a slow dance) and has many complicated rhythmic Alto Saxophones..... II.... Cramer Cavallini edited by Alamiro Giampieri... C358. lento This piece.95 C747.. Fantasía with Clarinet Obbligato for Clarinet and Piano by wind instruments...... 1961-62.... Early college ments for Alto Saxophone.. This work was composed in C1606... "Gra" which means game in Polish was written as a recital...... College level.........95 summer of 2001.. 2/4.. Nova Music Ltd. Hiyoku for two clarinets by Elliott Carter... this piece offers some 2... Carefree afternoons.......... 5 + 2 pages......... This piece was composed in WW219. Tempo I (5/8)..95 outward from a mean position or axis.. Four Greek Songs Clarinet and Piano by Charles Camilleri...... 3/8... In three movements: Pastorale C1418. Metropolis Music Publishers.. Early college level minutes.... SS...50 one movement with a number of sections. Allegro moderato.... 34 + 11 pages. which is the most challeng- C600..... SS... The five movements are: 1....... 17 + 6 pages...20 C1419......... the clarinet overblows at the twelfth..... frequently-changing and playful in character (yet based on the same material throughout)..... Its title comes from the fact that. 14 + 6 pages... 1951 and revised in 1977....... College level..... Bassus Ediciones Musi.. The post cards are: I. is in the key of G-flat...  .. Boosey & techniques (including multiphonics and quarter tones) and uses contempo....... 1945/1957/1993. and VI.......  . V.... Allegro vivace.. Printed in score format on four somewhat oversized sections.. 1883.... .. Games amongst the ruins.95 the edition with piano accompaniment.95 clarinet part is in bass clef........ The bass variety from Cahuzac's more frequently played works.. ....... Sonata Op 128 for Clarinet and Piano by Mario Castelnuovo- The first portion of the piece is Andante sostenuto and is connected with a Tedesco.. 1978......95 with all parts of equal difficulty.. 5/8.. Caravan....... 16. 1884.. SS........ Summer Parade.... 1998.......... 1995..... Both the flute and clarinet parts include the and III. 25 + 11 pages.... and finally it goes back into 5/8 and accelerates or pleasure... a digression.  .... Pastoral for English Horn and Piano (including arrange- two parts such as vibrato on one part and none on the other............ This piece was composed in 1998. 1990. . SS..... There are four pieces: I....... II..... Three Bagatelles for Flute or Clarinet and Piano by Paul Carr... one of the most famous for clarinet and piano by Cavallini espressivo/Andantino/Animato/Andantino.. Cramer Music. III........ a large interval that Ramón Carnicer y Batlle edited by Pedro Rubio. A showpiece.. one that lies neatly under the fingers . Tea.. In three movements: I. II. 1931.. Ricordi.. 24 + 11 pages...... 1972....... 50 + 17 pages... edition... 20.... 34. 2001.. This is followed by Edition. 9.. Charles Camilleri..... during the students studying this type of music. Ricordi. 3/4 variety..... Village Dance... Sonatine for Flute and Clarinet by Jean Cartan.. The first movement may score........ The Presto features quite a bit of mixed meter... Three movements: I...... Associated Music Publishers.. 12 + 7 pages. 2008. 5 pages.... Better high school players and above.. Professor Heim describes this cadenza to the Allegretto billiante section which concludes it..... inspired by computer info@vcisinc. the most difficult..................95 III...... http://www......... and 5..... 1974... SS. advanced piece has one multiphonic note and gives a fingering suggestion Vivo/Moderato. Something unusual for a senior or graduate 1994..  .. 15. each part is 6 pages.. The songs are not named.. 16..95 Duration about 12 minutes. From 1950 onward he lived in Australia (performing as a piano player in Asia and the United States)....... level.. 24...95 conductor (especially of opera)......... Hendon Music...... SS.. 2001.. forms the basis of much of this composition. Allegro..... Everything is explained in some detail... but as it develops the rhythms and the interplay between the parts becomes more complicated... 3.. 1991.95 piece is different than most of his works for clarinet and was apparently C1054.. 16 + 4 pages.. Presto...95 for both the Boehm and German system clarinets. An advanced piece as a monumental work of four movements with excellent writing for college level piece with a duration of about 9 minutes...... IV... Adagio.... IV..... In a duration of 7:15.... The parts are a neat but busy manuscript. SS. wrote.. 9... The last movement.95 Merion Music... He rates it as grade 6. but as David Hite misterioso/Lento espressivo/Presto. Pastorale Cevenole for Clarinet and Piano by Louis Cahuzac.. This piece by American C1197.45 Carr. The C1420. SS... It is in three movements: I......... and IV. a deviation from a definite path.. SS..... variations and have the technique to perform them. Presto...... Upper division college level. Metropolis Music. 6.... 1993 edition...... . An this starts as a straight forward dance. Southern Music..... SS..... Duration about 7 keeping your place in the canons can be a challenge.... Variations sur un air du Pays d'Oc for Clarinet and Orchestra or Departure.  ... College level... SS. SS. 17........... Heugel...... Agitato è (1807-1874) is based on original themes...... SS........ III.. 12 + 4 pages... SS........ ......... SS.95 C1405... Frantic C269..... Alphonse Leduc....... The Cévennes are a mountain range in Southern France and this brief work contains echos of those mountains. Canonic Suite for Four Clarinets in B-flat by Elliott Carter.... 3) Molto meno advanced work...95 C843..... 2) Vivace (in 2/4..." This piece includes many extended C1493.. 6 pages.... Giocoso (2/4). SS.. Sunday Afternoon.. Strong rhythmic and articulation skills are required...... Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Gary Carpenter.... Includes parts (3 B-flat and bass clarinet) and score.. and Rondeau (Vif).. Allegro 6/8 with dotted quarter = Publications/Goodmusic Publishing........ I believe that when the Thurston Clarinet Quartet recorded this work.Statico... For those who love fantasy a piece that listeners will enjoy... Excursions for Clarinet in A by Ronald L. PO Box 9569. Post Cards Six Sketches for Solo Clarinet in B-flat by Paul improvisando.. Gra for B-flat clarinet alone by Elliott Carter. They include quite a bit of mixed Charles Camilleri (1931-2009) was a Maltese composer and is regarded as meter but it is of the easier 6/8. First Impressions of a warm climate... 1) Libero (no time signature or measure lines........ Inc.. (Sans lenteur).. 9 pages (score format).. ..... . a journey chiefly for recreation Giocoso (2/4... SS.. pages..... 22....... The Three Bagatelles are I... SS. Steep Steps for solo bass clarinet by Elliott Carter.. ........ 1999... . and professor of composition. Hendon Music/Boosey & Hawkes. Virgil Blackwell..95 the clarinet...25 Metropolis Music.. Images for Three Clarinets by Charles Camilleri.. Andante piacevole. by British composer Carpenter (1951-). SS.. 9. 9. 8....... Roberton Allegretto con moto (mm=92) and III......95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. III..... Lento..... and Clarinet in A) by Elliot Carter.... Allegro.. Dance Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Carr.. composer Carter is sectional: Allegretto (5/8)...... II... 13 + 6 pages... Deciso (mm=112). Five English Postcards Clarinet Quartet by Paul Carr. 4....... This is a professional level piece written Cavallini edited by David Hite... Another Music...... II... Comus clarinet cadenza and an Allegretto version of the Air....  .. Moderato. 21. Seesaw Music............ . Viola. fun to play. composer......" An advanced work that uses cales. Adagio e Tarantella for Clarinet and Piano by Ernesto C1070. II. 8 + 4 pages... .... Hawkes. 1999.... Evening in the square.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. Libero . The rest are straight forward and dance-like. II. 9. mostly)... some of which is of the more difficult 4/4.. . Metropolis composer wrote: "This clarinet piece.50 part for the other instrument in small print.. Sonatina Clarinet and Piano by Charles Camilleri....... Andante molto. 1999.. Girl on a Piano by Louis Cahuzac...... ........ 13 + 4 pages............. Clarinet and up a professorship at the Conservatoire. C1652...... These challeng- C1374........ Celtic Memories for Clarinet Quartet arranged by Lloyd Theodore Presser... 13 + 2 C850.... 1961. Emerson Edition... 8 pages..... B-flat... Promenade for Clarinet and Piano by Robert Clérisse.. These advanced duets are for various combinations of E-flat. mamma Ob147.....6...  . 2000.. .... An advanced work. Friedrich Cerha (1926-) is a leading Music. The Allegro (Allegro Assai) moves along at a well.  . SS.... 8 + 4 pages. SS. .95 C1128........... Stürmisch.. Upper intermediate level. http://www............... [it was] composed and studied with Stanford....... College level. SS........ Scherzo.. 8 + 2 pages. International Opus...... Breitkopf."  . Six Irish classics are China and educated there and in the United States (DMA from Columbia featured in this rewarding medley for 4 B-flat clarinets.. Introdu- zione (Larghetto).. The publisher rates this as grade 3. or for 2 Clarinets and Piano. Concerto No... 8 + 3 pages..... Musica Rara.. SS..  ...95 (Piano Reduction) by Ernesto Cavallini edited by Davide Pedrazzini.... This is followed by four virtuoso C1299. Two String Quartet by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. 8 + 3 pages.. and Bass pages. Nocturne No.. A very versatile edition of this piece. Theme.. Kjos Music.95 4 pages..95 C1647. 11.. 16 pages... Fan C940. Larghetto affettuoso.... 1993... 1997.. SS..95 C1489............ College level.. Some altissimo contrapuntal lines in a Latin style similar to the Ravel Habanera.... 56 for clarinet and piano by James Cohn. Includes several sections in different styles and tempos......15 by Himie Voxman.... and IV. Nocturne (Andante.... 4 pages. Theodore Presser Co........ Inspired by Lu Xun's (Zhou Shren.. 19. 2005.. Energico... Hu Xuan Dance (Lively).. Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral.....95 hearing and highly expressive... .......  . In 1870 Cavallini returned to Milan from St.. 1980.7. 2010... Prelude... 21 + 23 pages........ this is an advanced work with a duration of 4-5 minutes...95 (16 bar) clarinet quintet is the statement of the theme "O mamma. While this C535... 14.......... was one of original in 1845 as using Weber as a model and writing "with typical Italian the finest viola players of her day and also an excellent composer who bel canto lines and tricky technical passages.. IV.. 6 pages. The tunes are: St....... A two-part (obviously) piece written in 1881 as a submission for the Prix de Rome competition.95 some work...... Publisher's (US) grade 3. Ave Maria (Offertorium) for Soprano..... 8 + V034.. This work was commissioned from her for David.. 20 + 4 good addition to the repertoire of college level performers..... 5....95 Music. Robert Lienau.. Lento and Adagio.... 10 for Clarinet in A and clarinets by Paquito D'Rivera.... ... 11. Duration 3:45. Three Pieces for Clarinet Alone Op. This very short (also a simplified version). 5b for Organ and Clarinet in A by Franz ing duets were dedicated to Cavallini's friend Serverio Mercadante.... In three movements: I.. arranged by George Waln. 9. Kendor Music. College level. Polonaise (Andante moderato).... Clarinet by Keith Ramon Cole.. Wind Song (Prestissimo)..... 15........" It is in the theme and publication.. includes parts and PO Box 9569... 26... 78 by James Cohn.. The two dances are Los Tres Golpes and Invitación... Slide follow. piano at the original tempo... Score.. Intermezzo... Siciliana... Slow Cerha....  .. SS.. Carnival of Venice (Carnevale di Venezia) for Clarinet in E-flat "edited by Pamela Weston..95 Dance (Allegretto).... Gregorian "Vexilla regis" and the old hymn "Da Jesus an dem Kreuze and bass clarinet..... It is in score format..... 12 + performing one of the major clarinet quintets (Mozart or Brahms). SB.... B.........95 ment to a rousing finish.... Doblinger..  ..... 1960.... Kendor Music... II.. Kirchensonate Op.. Adagio-Tarantella for Clarinet and Piano by Ernesto Cavallini Xun is China's best-known 20th Century author of essays and short stories.. con moto e cantabile).. In four movements: I.95 C1102. Chen Yi (1953-) was born in Conley. A 1994. and III. Quintet in F-sharp minor Op...... 27.. 14. SS.... Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801) was an Italian composer who C1616... .50 pages..... This is faster parts of the piece are easy to play but the two cadenzas will require an early college level piece.  ........ There are two slow Riddle Song...... Irish Gems clarinet and piano arranged by Lloyd Conley. Andante and Allegro for clarinet with piano accompaniment by was an early work of Coleridge-Taylor.. XLNT ruhig... then Adagio assai followed by a cadenza... They are: I... than gains in speed and intensity before a brief conclusion by the Hawkes. 1974.vcisinc........ The preface by Luigi C660. Austrian composer and conductor........................95 C1060... The rapid tempo and is distinguished by its frequent use of triplet figures.. 2005........... 2000. Duration about 8 minutes... Allegro energico. II.. 1945... 2009.50 arranged by Sidney Forrest......... Suitable for an intermediate player...95 SS........ In four movements: I. III..............95 Xaver Clausing edited by Edgar Eichstädter.. La Calma belongs to this period."  ......... SS.. II........ Next comes the familiar lullaby Too-Ral-Oo-Ral-Oo-Ral..... Sehr C1452.... Danny Van Cott Information Services Inc......  . A relatively brief piece. SS..... This piece was composed in 1934 based on the pages. 11... Alphonse Leduc. 1999. 21 C863. 1996............. Billaudot.. with variations and a concluding coda.95 variation form with an opening Allegro.. 17. Hofmeister.. and professor of music. (parts only).. A movement from the Aires Tropicales (Suite) with challenging theme from Paganini and 15 variations in a variety of styles..... patrick's Day in the Morning.. Allegretto scherzando. festivals.... SS.... A real showpiece...... III. Edizioni Musicali Eufonia.. II.... The Andante begins in a beautiful and lyrical C879. Duration C543....  .. 2006. Carnovale for clarinet in A and string quartet by Ernesto primary sections....... These pieces are dedicated to Jon Manasse... 47... Yet He called on the Chinese people to rise and give battle to feudalism..... 1981. another edition.. 2002... .. 11....... Neil A...... La Calma Romanza senza parole for Clarinet and Piano by Ernesto Cavallini edited by Colin info@vcisinc... SB... Three Grand Duets for 2 Clarinets by Ernesto Cavallini edited of about about 3 minutes.  ........95 C939............ SS. 5. This piece was composed in 1941 and this is the first conceived for his own [Cavallini's] virtuoso qualities. Monologue (Impressions on The True Story of Ah Q) for C1486.. 1881-1936) The Bio of Ah Q............ 1 in E-flat major for Clarinet and Orchestra also worked in St. SS. . It has a short cadenza near the end Cavallini edited by Pamela Weston... 39....... Musikverlag Alexander Mayer.. III...95 conductor........... 12.. 1942. Quintet for Clarinet in A and String Quartet by Friedrich C970... This is one of Cerha's most recent II. 11.. Allegretto marcato. before tuplets) and II.. 1999... Fentone Music..95 and Piano by Ernesto Cavallini.... E-Flat. Finale (Allegro agitato). (parts copies in score format.. It by Rebecca Clarke......... 1999..... Allegro.. Petersburg and took and Piano..  . 12 + 4 pages. InternationalOpus. and Raphael Sanders. Boosey & fashion. That's an Irish Lullaby.......... Lu for intermediate clarinetists (publishers grade 3).... Clarke also describes this piece of which this is the first publication since the who was born in England in 1886 and died in New York 1979......... SS. An compositions and been described as a work that is accessible from the first advanced piece with some high altissimo.. Emerson Edition................ 11.... 17......95 but only two notes in the lower extended range.... 34.. ...... Boosey & Hawkes. Clarinet (or Flute) 2 pages.. Variations on a theme of Paganini for Bass flat Clarinet and Bass Clarinet) by Paquito D'Rivera..... 27.. Oxford University Press.. In four movements: I... 1979. 18 + 11 pages. and then the theme (Andantino).... III... An advanced work for both lively renderings of Money Musk and Rakes of Mallow bring the arrange- performers..... Two Cuban Dances by Ignacio Cervantes arranged for two C673.. and eight variations. Southern Music.... Piano by Luigi Cherubini edited by Robin De Smet........ it is well regarded and will be a Ernest Chausson edited by Robert Fontaine.. XLNT Cerha....00 Marked Adagio ad lib... Quintet for Clarinet in A and String Quartet by Friedrich Lei.. 19 + 6 pages.. Concerto for Oboe (or Clarinet) and Piano by Domenico cara!" from Il Carnevale di Venezia is suggested as a brief encore after Cimarosa arranged by Arthur Benjamin. 8 Duette für Klarinetten (Clarinets in B-flat...... unaccompanied B-flat clarinet by Chen Yi..... Sonatina Op... ........ ..... Allegro. Lazarus Edition.......... Franz Xaver Clausing (1910-1994) was a German composer of Clarinet) by Christoph Cech... SS. up tempo excerpts of Irish Washerwoman and O'Keefe's dances: I Ox Tail Dance (which has a slow tempo but many 5.... C1353..... 20 for Clarinet and Piano by Frédéric Chopin Introduction... 26.. 3 + 1 pages............ The cover (but not the music) says C603........... 5.. College level. SS.  .. and Pastoral for B-flat Clarinet and Viola Magistrelli (in Italian and English) provides a brief biography of Cavallini... Seven well known Irish tunes arranged 2 pages.. 14 church and organ music..95 sections in contrasting tempos........... Allegro giusto.... and 9. 1986. 5. 1977. Excursions. See our web site for details...... In two C598..  ...................  ..... Starting with the University)... Doblinger.. Petersburg and Vienna.95 stund.... 1978. and IV....... only)... or Flute..... An (upper) intermediate level solo for. C828. SS.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 5. Chinese Ancient Dances for Clarinet and Piano by Chen Yi. Habenera from Aires Tropicales for Clarinet Trio (E-flat..... Festival Solo for Clarinet and Piano by James Collis.... Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) was an Afro-British composer. Lento. 47 + 15 music by one of the outstanding composers of the twentieth century........ 8 + 2 pages.. This piece has C1514.. Early college/adult amateur level.. Uses some clear contemporary college level students and more advanced performers.... http://www.95 C829.. C299...... 11 (Piano Reduction) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by David Hite with piano has similarities with the Concerto for clarinet.95 Copland.... 1990..... Rondo (Allegretto).. 1950.. 32 + 12 pages. Mélodie et Scherzetto Op.. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in B-flat major Op.... Editions Musicales company. 4. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in E-flat major Op....... 11 (Piano Reduc- tion) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by Pamela PO Box 9569...95 instrument and wonderful recital literature for advanced performers.. Also nicely printed but slightly smaller print. 39..95 Toccata. 45 + 13 pages.... and IV... Rondo in B for 2 Clarinets and String Quartet (Piano C537.... Andante Musica Rara...... Sonata by Arcangelo Corelli arranged for clarinet and piano by Eric includes vocal and clarinet parts and piano score. ...95 (Vivace)..... 1962... SS.. Ludwig Music.. SS..... Allegro Assai.... 1 Op. Zetulbe...... transcribed and translated by Pamela Weston. Heim wrote that this is music is of high value.. The music has drive ry..... 22 Boy. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in F minor No. 13.... Edition. Presto leggiero.. 1991. 9 + 3 pages........... 9 + 2 pages.. In four movements: Prelude song to the Shatas. Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra by Aaron Copland..95 ments: Poco Adagio-Allegro.95 (Piano Reduction) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by Pamela Weston.. In two sections... Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Clarinet and Piano by Reduction) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by Cindy & Don Christensen. Corigliano.... 27 + 11 pages. C616. ..... 28 + 11 pages. Emerson Edition.... 1947/1989. ... SS.... SS.... The style is similar to C407... This edition has larger print than the players and the rhythm plays an important part in setting the mood of the Southern edition (above) and the piano reduction is more complex. . . 43 + 12 pages... Alphonse Leduc... II...... 2 Op. Written for Benny Goodman and some portions show a jazz last movements that is within rests or cued in the Music Rara.........  ... SS. ....... Kunzelmann. Transcribed by the composer from his similar to Weber but was written earlier..... II...... 3 Op....... This V010........ II. Romanze (Cantabile)......... and Antiphonal Washerwoman... SS..95 notation for accelerating info@vcisinc... Reliances Concerto for Clarinet in E-flat and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Bernard de Crépy.. and Gigue) is suitable for upper intermediate students..... The scene for the aria is the hall of a C1513.. Allegretto moderato (in 12/8)... International Music Diffusion. 19.. 11 (Piano Reduction) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by Irene Alberti. From Ganges' Beauteous Strands by Bernhard Crusell edited... . Not too difficult.. 28... 68 for clarinet with piano C252.. ....95 (Allegretto)..... 19..... 64.... 1993..... Elegy..50 an Ossia for a section that goes above altissimo E.. 1948.. tempos Boosey & Hawkes..... It is a very nice concerto. 19...... includes piano score and parts.... SS.. 29.  ...95 court's A Thousand and One Nights.. Mother Machree. includes individual parts and piano score Van Cott Information Services Inc... Rondo recital piece for college level and professional performers.. a nomadic Indian tribe... SS. Sarabande (Largo).... 1998. The words are from Richard C1354.. Three movements: Allegro Vivace.... John Corigliano....... In three movements: Prelude moderate and mercifully there are piano interludes between most sections (Andante con moto).... 13..... Adagio..... . Lento and interest for performer and listener and is an excellent recital piece for espressivo.. Suite for Three Clarinets by Arnold Cooke... Allegro..... I.. Kerry Dance... College level.. ... Emerson notation and technique.. 1977...... 18. Editions Musicales variations at various tempos. A virtuosic showpiece but the range is Transatlantiques...... Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Aaron Copland.. This is the piano reduction by (slower). 1990....... Sonata in B Flat for Clarinet and Piano by Arnold Cooke.. 1962. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. the statement of the theme (a Swedish Air). III. 19........ edition has been beautifully prepared and printed.... Quartet Op... Boosey & Hawkes. Introduction et Air Suédois Varié for clarinet and piano by (but not by much) intermediate level.. Yet another edition of this work.. Four Reduction) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by Brent Coppenbarger. Upper C933. SS... Concerto for Clarinet in E-flat major No... Ethos Publications. Sextet for string quartet. This is a one-movement sectional piece..... Another edition of this texture with independent material when playing with voice...... movements: I..... 38 + 14 pages... Emerson Edition.......... The original is for a Breitkopf/Musica Rara. Clarinet Caprice for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by James Rondo (Allegro vivace). 1 Barnefield (1574-1627).  .......... 9..95 C1570. flute... 36 + 12 pages.......95 Edition.. In four movements..... This is good recital literature for college level with a DC and ending with a Coda.  ... and Violon- of a third to a sixth or more on quarter notes in cut time. 1 (Piano 1959/1989.95 which alternate for the rest of the piece... The style is typical of Copland at the time of Appalachian Spring and C277....95 Paradise. 1 for Clarinet......... 4 + 2 pages... 80 + 28 pages.. In three movements: Andante semplice. ......... Intermediate level with performer.... and Finale. it will be good exercise for the clarinetist.. 17....... 2 No. A one movement work with several sections and an extended C744.. and Gigue (Allegro)................ This three movement work (Courante. Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) clarinet in A............. Billaudot.. 8... 21...55 V045. As compared to C291. This piece is from the incidental music Crusell was an Italian was a highly influential and successful violinist and a wrote for an extravaganza called The Little Bondswoman (Den lilla composer of Baroque music.. and piano.  .. SS.... The first part of the clarinet part is similar to the Kunzelmann edition (the print is not as large) piece is an Adagio in 3/4 which is followed by faster 6/8 and 2/4 sections while the piano reduction is more like the Southern Music version. 9 by Arcangelo Corelli arranged for clarinet in A and an Introduction.. SS. Lento.. 1988.. III. The Wearin' of the Green....... 34.......95 C778...... The concerto is in a style Hawkes. 28....... Viola.... G. 30 + 10 pages.. . 1991...... SS.. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Op... Universal accompaniment by Arthur Coquard.. there are differences in articulations....... ... Bernard de Crépy (1939-) is a French composer Novello.... and III.. Allegro con brio. SS... Adagio......... 11........ Schirmer. Prof... ments: I.. 19.. This march-like work is in 4/4 at an Allegro tempo. SS. Alla Marcia clarinet and piano by Arnold Cooke.. 1992.. the Clarinet Concerto with the strong jazz influence..95 Gavotta.... This transcription is excellent reduction by Jean Knox........ first The string parts are not as difficult as clarinet part with the strings primarily Allegro moderato dotted quarter = 76 (6/8) then Andante con espressivo in an accompaniment role...... Hanson..  .... It has a duration of about 6 minutes and rates a 5 out of 9 on the publisher's difficulty scale.. Southern Music Company. SS...... 16. Allegro molto vivace... .. Universal Edition.. This excellent recital music Sonata for Violin and Piano (1943)....95 C1109... The This piece was the Solo de Concours piece for 1904.... In three movements: I.... the Musica Rara edition.... It has three movements: Cadenzas. Violin......... In three move- pastorale........... and clarinet..... This four movement work is beautifully who was for many years a professor of composition at the Paris Conservato- written for both instruments in chamber music style... and III.......... sings to entertain the piano by Laurence Boulay edited by Jacques Lancelot...... hence a reference in her Transatlantiques........95 influence..... and the Irish large orchestra. 24... ....... For soprano voice. 7 + 2 pages.... and Allegro........ An enjoyable trio from English composer Cooke.. SS.... C343... 1978... SS....... The final movement is mostly upward or downward interval jumps C380........ 11 + 4 pages.. Tempo di of the piece. 1992.. All parts require good Kunzelmann.... Boosey & Hawkes. Duration about 4:30. 32. difficult work that uses some contemporary C1391...... 40 + 12 pages. For soprano voice.... 7 by Arcangelo Corelli arranged for clarinet and Baghdad caravanserai... This is a long (30 minutes). and C825... II...... Brilliant use of the Duration about 9 minutes...  ... SS.... and IV.... ... and Weston shows some material in the solo part in the first and the composer... Sonate No. SS.............. Allegro vivace. clarinet and piano by Aaron repertoire for the professional and advanced college students..95 pages. Four move- tic for the violin. and five piano by Laurence Boulay edited by Jacques Lancelot. As it Fell Upon A Day by Aaron Copland... Boosey & Universal Edition... 1980... SS....vcisinc.. Concerto for Clarinet in B-flat major No. 1960... Menuetto (Allegro).95 Bernhard Henrik Crusell. .. This edition includes two pages of description by the composer.... and Allegretto giusto... An advanced piece. May be the best work written by Crusell and is excellent recital C853... Allegro. Sonate No..... SS.. slave of Ali Baba.. Allegretto scherzando...... While characteris- cello by Bernhard Henrik Crusell..... Corrente (Allegro). 30.... slafvinnan) which is based on the Ali Baba story from Guilbert de Pixer- Sarabande.. C930........ Mid-high school level.... 1988...25 fast movements.. 8 + 4 pages.95 1929... It features an interesting dialogue between the flute and clarinet which adds to the (Piano Reduction) by Bernhard Henrik Crusell edited by Pamela Weston. 1989.. Clarinet part edited by Timothy provides a technical challenge for the clarinetist... Piano reduction. SS... She is dressed as an Indian dancing girl. SS..... 1981.. 5 cadenza.... ....... It beings with a short Andante school.. ..... & Cello by Ingolf Dahl......95 Musicali Eufonia....... hence the name: 1...... and 4......... This is Vol.. the second movement features a very ing. 18.......  ..95 1927... Advanced high school or early college level.. Alcazaba (original)............ Hofmeister..... Hey Judah(original)... Sephardic Waltz.......... 8.... Suite for Emma for Clarinet and Piano by John Dankworth................. 62 for Basset Horn (or Violoncello) and Piano by Franz Danzi edited by Kurt Janetzky....... Music C1572. etc........ 11 + 4 pages.......... It begins with a Doina with solos performer. C1133. 19 + 5 pages.95 C1433.. SS.... Includes parts (3 B-flat and bass clarinet) and score.. 2 of the Ten Klezmer Duos which are: Judería..... They are of equal difficulty.. Advance edited by György Balassa. Advance Music...... 1952. 240 for Clarinet and Piano by Giusto Dacci edited by Colin Bradbury..... Aida di G.... (III) expressively in a minor key.. Andante clarinet) and score... Scherzo (ala Mendelssohn)... theme.... early college....... 23. SS... 23 with each of the clarinet parts 3 pages long...... As above but for two clarinets Quartet (Piano Reduction) by Franz Danzi edited by Sigfried Beyer. ...... and Allegretto. PO Box 9569. SS. Woodwindiana.. . 23.. adult amateurs) and listeners alike. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . and the teacher of Weber... . C433...... and III........95 Breitkopf & Härtel/Music Rara.. 6/8. 2002.. Mozart's "Don Giovanni" although you would never know it from this This challenging clarinet quartet in one movement was inspired by the composer's 1992 klezmer tour to Eastern Europe..... Sonate in F Op... 1996..." and 4......... SS.. 1986.. About 4 minuets long.... .. Burlesca is in 6/8 at Moderatamente Mosso...95 intermediate range....... SS. John Dankworth was born in London in which may also be enjoyed by adult amateurs............. . This fantasia on Aida was published approximately two years after C597... Carl Fischer.... Rag... Four Concert Piece No. Includes parts (3 B-flat and bass clarinet) and score.. Advance Rara.. 1 of the Ten and III.......... Concert Piece No.... 10 pages (score format)........ Chusidl....) In two connected movements: Meditation and Dance C1622........ Ten Klezmer Duos (Sephardic) for Two B-flat Clarinets by their 9 step difficulty scale. Intermezzo. 2005....... Chusidl & Bulgar.. This piece was written for Emma Johnson who Using the most well-known theme from the Haydn Surprise Symphony. Khyberian Catfit (original). SS..... includes parts and score. SS..... SS. band leader..... 2.. 10 pages (score format).. 58 + C1562.95 and Jazz Caprice) which the publisher describes as "perfect for the private studio with high school students . This is Vol...... Three movements: Allegro. 5 for Clarinet and successful career as a jazz musician......95 Allegretto (cut time) and Moderato (3/8)..... The (Waltz.. 20.. Variations on the Theme by Haydn Op. I....... . 1971.. coda.. Walzer by Franz Schubert by Ferdinand David... SS. Miramar.. It is in four Randall Cunningham has fashioned an attractive set of variations at the movements: 1.. Woodwindiana. 23.. Allegretto.. 1996.. Concert Piece No.................... Concert Piece No. College level.. the publisher rates this a 7 on C1488... 21...... SS... 19.95 11 pages. Las esuegras de agora. . Schott. Franz Danzi (1762-1817) C1434... Miserlou....... Three Progressive Clarinet Duets by Bernhard Henric Crusell. Street Song. Sacromonte.... Rumanian Hora. cellist. This piece was written in 1947 No.... 2007.. Ofelia... Dautremer. He wrote three concert Advance Music. "The first movement is written lacher Bulgar. theme....vcisinc... 15 pages (score format).............. 2. 3.95 for each of the soprano clarinets........... SS.. Larghetto/Allegretto....... An advanced work. A sectional work with a duration of about 7:15....... Advance C344............... La rosa se enfloresa.....50 intermediate level. 15. college and professional level receitals... alto clarinet [alternate B-flat]...... El Llano..... 2005. (I would place it right in the middle of the performers with a duration of about 18 minutes.. 23.. and 5..... Crusell (1775-1838) wrote a free use of the priests' motive to link together a selection of the work's best number of works for clarinet.. Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Franz Danzi edited by John Newhill. 2 in G minor for Clarinet and String Music. This work has an introduction.. and a virtuosic conclusion......... Two movements: Andante con some time signatures like 7/8 and 10/ info@vcisinc.......... 2005. (audio on our website) is marked Lento and developes several figures one of Woodwindiana. 24........ continues to this day...... 2003. was a composer... ...... 24 pages (score format)... variations. Generally at the upper intermediate level. Concerto a Tre for Clarinet... Shepherd's Dance..... . .. At least two of these in B-flat... Alphonse Leduc.. 2/4........ SS.... 2 in D minor.....95 mit Mandlen. Tango. This piece is Music... 35 + 7 pages.. 3. 2. .....95 C606..... 1 in F...... 6 + 2 pages. 4..... 2005...... 13... Scherzo......... Lebedik un Freylach. Verdi Fantasia Op.. 2005. Frey. Sinagoga. ..... Larghetto sostenuto... SS......... Elegia e Burlesca for Clarinet Solo by Pietro Damiani... They are arrangements of traditional klezmer tunes except owns a basset horn should be able to play.. 1943.  .... Bulgarian Bat Bite for Clarinet Quartet by Mike Curtis..95 (1906-1978) composed this piece as the Solo de Concours for 1943... Ten Klezmer Duos for Two B-flat Clarinets by Mike Curtis.. Lazarus Edition..95 extensive mixed meter with rapid changes between 5/8.......95 moto and Allegro vivace........ Advance Music. ..95 and was first performed by Benny Goodman... Advanced high school/early college level..... The duets are C1566.. Filigree. These duets are at the advanced end of the known tunes.. The rhythmic structure of the measures is unusual. Dedicated to Heinrich Baermann... 19 + 19 pages..." These are equal duets C1212...95 Rara....... Introduction................... A Klezmer Wedding Edition for Clarinets by Mike Curtis....... Mike passes the melody around so all the parts are interest.... This is a popular piece Op 8...... Chester........ .. 1 in B flat major for Clarinet and triplets.... 1991............... and composer that Piano by Randall Cunningham......... 3 in B flat major for Clarinet and String 7/8.... 6 for Clarinet and Piano by Randall It is a sectional piece with a variety of tempos and time signatures and has a Cunningham.... Global Tour for Clarinet Quartet by Mike Curtis. 14........ 3/4.. Music instead.. [US] Grade IV. The Elegia C1142.... 22 + 9 pages..... Klez "Rozhinkes virtuosic conclusion.. Jazz Waltz......... and a different styles.. The difficulty lies in the edition. ...... 2009... This piece is also known as Fantasy on 'La ci darem la mano' from Advance Music... 8 pages. .......... Rebn's Tanz.........  ...... 6 + 2 pages.." .. Gypsy Moods Op.. No. ..95 Quartet (Piano Reduction) by Franz Danzi edited by Sigfried Beyer. Sonate in B-flat Major for Clarinet and Piano by Franz Danzi C1438... and Yoshke. clarinet cadenza in the middle..... Edizioni and about 5 minuets long. Suite for Two Clarinets Op... Funky. ............ the first performance of Verdi's opera at the Cairo Opera House. and Samuel Levi... and (IV) sixteenth note patterns. 5 pages. Prof Heim wrote. 58.... This is an arrangement made in 1822 by an unknown arranger of the second and third movements of the third duet Op. 15......... Ballade.... Andalucian Lily C1114. Pavane. The duos: Boruch Ato Bo´ir...... II. While there are a few measures of bass clef.. Violin.... 7... by Ferdinand David Van Cott Information Services Inc. and No. II.. For clarinet Cuando el Rey Nimrod.. It makes Edition Peters.. SS..... as solo piano with obbilgato clarinet..." This particular work has not been in print dances in the huapango style will be enjoyed by players (advanced high in many years and has just been published.. includes parts (3 B-flat and bass clarinet) and score............ After studying at the Royal Academy of Music he began a highly C1143.. Rebn´s Tanz. Valse........ This is followed by a Hora... Cadiz PA04. http://www. Recommended for Advance Music... 2001...... 2004..... This is an interme.... In three movements: I..... 13 + 7 pages.. The edition includes notes from the editor.. 8/8... and a Frylach..... 21.. The variations feature (I) staccato eighth note patterns... College level.. and the third movement is a theme with several variations and a long C1432.95 beautiful melodice style in the clarinet with fully-scored piano accompani- ment. SS..... Includes piano accompaniment on CD and printed music for both clarinet and piano (score).............95 where noted...... Theme and Variations from Sehnsuchts- Terkische.. The piano part requires an excellent Fun for the performers and the audience....... 10 by Randall Cunningham. College level.. SS. Récit et Impromptu for clarinet and piano by Marcel (original)........ 19. C345.55 Mike Curtis....... 12......... Dedicated to Fabio Di Càsola.95 intermediate level and are only slightly progressive in difficulty..... anyone who Klezmer Duos.... C1435. 10 pages (score format).... 5 Huapangos for Two Clarinets by Mike Curtis. (II) C1078... 1961....... A set of six separate duets which is similar to the opening of Rimsky-Korsakov‖s Hymn to the Sun........ For advanced college and professional diate recital and contest solo........ variations......... Schott. 1991. 3 in C...... 13 + 7 pages........ .............. 15..... The clarinet parts are in individual booklets.95 C1382.... Like Music...... 17. 3....... 23 + 6 (see below).. They are: 1........ and bass sometimes titled Sonata Concertante...... this work has an introduction..... 9/8/.... ...... Marcel Dautremer Yoshke... became the BBC 1984 Young Musician of the Year at age 17. This piece is in concert B-flat would be at the intermediate level with the rest being more difficult with (although it has sections in concert D-flat).... SS.. Klezmer Triptych Clarinet Quartet by Mike Curtis. Santa moderato introduction which is followed by two more extended sections: Cruz........ 2.. 5 Huapangos for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet by Mike Curtis...... 9.. SS..... Las Islitas....... These five original pieces under the title "Potpourri........ Includes parts (2 B-flat.. It is in the neoclassical style.. 14... Duration 22:45........ ..... 3 + 1 pages. 24.....95 figures making this work more difficult.. II........ 5 pages..............  .. composer who has lived in Sweden since 1957. and quartets.. Gehrmans. Three Essays for Clarinet and Piano by Norman Dello Joio.....).. Agitato and II.... This edition Deutscher Verlag für Musik. vatory.. 5..... 8 + 2 edited by Jean-Pierre Dautel and revised by Jacques Lancelot...... SS. Francois (1759-1803) was a flutist and bassoonist........... Includes parts and score.... 6. College level.. Nordiska Mu.......................... tonguing and fractional accidentals.... This quartet with Claude Debussy arranged for clarinet and piano by David Hite. Second Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Francoise Devienne and Arabesque No... Allegretto.. ... Prélude.... Music Rara. III.. and Gigue...... con molto tranquillo. 1928. 17. A college level work.. Gavotte... SS.. con brio. SS.. 12 + 4 pages.95 attractive edition that includes both of these Debussy clarinet pieces..... after further study. His work has been described as possessing a Brahmsian complexity mixed Allegro molto/Allegretto... 6. Allegro giusto). Early college level with a total duration sections for contrast. 4.... 1 is different from the out of print Piguet edition while (2/4).. Sonate for Clarinet and Piano by Edison Denisov (Denissow)....... 10 pages...... .. 1962. This piece is in composer and pianist who studied in his native country. 1962........95 C1593.... ...... Durand......... French Suite for Four B-flat Clarinets by Yvonne Desportes.. . Six Music..... 42......95 Debussy pieces arranged for clarinet or saxophone and piano..... This is a reproduction of the original 1912 Durand edition of the First Arabesque and meters).  9..... Allegro energico...... Zimmermann.......... .... 1910... C1650.. SS.. Adagio (3/8) and Rondeau Arabesque No..... SS. 1974.........F.95 good technique.. In three movements: Allegro con spiritoso (C)............ Bourrée..  . Premiere Rhapsodie and Petite Piece for Clarinet and Piano by Delmas.... And advanced work for both performers...... 24 + 11 pages.. three movements: I.. Billaudot...). the tempo is Allegretto scherzando.... but calls C385.......... Professor Heim wrote that the solo part is scored arranged for solo clarinet........ and professor at the Paris Conser- C548.. as well as concertos and operas. Sarabande.. . 13...... SS.. II.. trios. The language is intense........95 fast part. . I.  ...... 12......... The second movement is florid.... suggestions........ Durand... Early college level Chenille (Allant... Comus Edition........... edited by David Hite. 51 and was C1451....95 C941...  . 2004...... 18.... 1 is Musicales Transatlantiques... 8..... Southern relatively challenging parts for all players may be Desportes' best........... Editions on sketches found in the Harold Wright studio library.. Where......... The key has been raised a half-step to D from D principally in the upper two registers and is florid with ornamentation flat. Masters Music..95 which is out of print from the publisher and the Second Arabesque (see C1155.... 1960.95 Kovács.. 30 + 10 pages....vcisinc.. Beautiful in the slow sections and brilliant in the in score format. flavor.. In two sections: piano parts by Klaus Schilde.. Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Claude Debussy edited C1239. with a duration of about 7 C536..... Moderato... Danse by Claude Debussy arranged for clarinet quartet by Jean Pulitzer Prize-winning American composer.. Gunnar de Frumerie (1908-1987) was a Swedish he embarked on a career as a composer and music educator. The Second Sonata is for A clarinet with an alternate part of B-flat clarinet... 1973. and III..... College level with a duration of 16 minutes. Norman Dello Joio (1013-2008) was a C1634.. La fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair) by minutes.. Premiere Rhapsodie for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) wind duets...... 1995.95 Marks Music...... Fantaisie Italienne Op.... French.. 1939.... In two movements: I... SS.... Andante (with alternating faster sections and a cadenza). They were originally for piano... 1993. 32 + 10 pages..95 Musicales Transatlantiques.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ....... Arabesque No. Tenor Saxophone or Clarinet and Piano by Claude Debussy arranged Van Cott Information Services Inc........... challenging rhythmic figures....  ........95 Papillon (Assez vif.... 23...95 2008.. Three Debussy Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Claude to the measure and has many fast notes while the Rondo has a Mozartian Debussy edited by Ethan Sloane and Thomas Weston...  .. 12 + 3 pages.......  . The Girl with the Flaxen Hair (La fille aux cheveux de lin) by Southern Music Co. 6 Duos for Two Clarinets by François Devienne edited by Béla for sensitive playing by both performers..... SS. Allegro throughout with cantabile and expressivo sostenuto.... Footsteps in the Snow.. .. A brief but enjoyable piece.  .... PO Box 9569. Billaudot...95 C1396...... Premiere Rhapsodie for Clarinet and Piano by Claude Debussy C1216.............95 Lento..... 17 + 4 pages. Edison Denisov (1929-1976) was a Russian by B...... 12.... Minstrels.95 C989.. Lauren Publications.. 14.. Arabesque No. 4.... SS 23 pages. SS.. 14.. These are three contrasting pieces with both melodic and technical elements.. ......95 a duration of about 5:45..... Adagio originally for piano. 39... Petite Pièce for Clarinet and Piano by Claude Debussy... 2...... Durand.... http://www. This composition is his Op.......... A new and Lent and Mème mouv... includes parts and score..... Durand... Includes (in English... 1989.... Allegretto grazioso (also with a variety of tempos transcribed by Alfred Piguet.. 1987....50 (Denisov also wrote a sonata for solo clarinet in 1972...... 5. Thilde......... Vienna and Paris......  ........ One of the standards are at the intermediate level (with some variation in difficulty) and presented of the clarinet repertoire.... Now a popular recital piece... flutter Claude Debussy transcribed for clarinet and piano by E.. 2 is almost identical to the Piguet version (above)...... The arrangement is for 3 B-flat clarinets and bass the whole life cycle with a musical dedication and 3 movements: I.......... 15.  ......... The pieces are La Plus Que Lente. 11. Billaudot..... Not especially difficult..... About the same by J.. SS... poco rubato and II....... In two movements (I........ Le in difficulty........... SS...... 3. Editions pages.. This edition of in three movements: Allegro con spiritoso (4/4).... 38.........95 1910.... Concerto for Clarinet (Konsert För Klarinett) Strings...... 2008. Two Pieces: Clair de Lune and Rêverie for Soprano or present a problem in the first movement... this piece has mixed meter. 18 + 5 pages...... Sonate for Clarinet (solo) by Edison Denissow.. Lucas.... 7. 19 + 8 pages........ Michael Leonard...... 2......... II.... Minuet...) ......... all originally for piano. These duets by Claude Debussy...... Adagio (2/4) and Kreutzer.95 C539............ 15 + 4 pages........ 14. Rubato...  ............. SS........ 1974............ Promenade for clarinet and piano by Marc Delmas. They 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. Devienne...... An advanced work....... 22 + 6 pages...... This is good material for college and professional recitals... A challenging contemporary piece which includes flutter tonguing and some multiphonics (fingerings provided). SS. Southern Music.. Southern Music. 1 C643... 6 pages.... 1988.. Written in 1993 this includes notes on the piece.. 24 (1810-1873) that is now available only in this format...... All parts are interesting....... and German) a preface with the history of these C1211......... . 14. 18 + 8 pages..... The arrangements are based edited by Laurence Boulay and revised by Jacques Lancelot... Devienne (1759-1803) was a bassoonist and flutist who composed a large number of pieces for wood- C285..... Not just the birth of a butterfly but about 100 years ago.. C980.. Sonatina for Clarinet Solo by Csaba Deák.95 C898.. Breitkopf & Härtel. 1977.. includes parts and score..... The pieces are The Girl composer and teacher who was blacklisted in 1979. The Adagio is played with one beat C1100........ pieces and extensive notes on the editing. SS............ and III. Peters........... SS.. Two popular difficulty level as the Weber Concertino... by Alfred Piguet..95 with an impressionistic elegance..... College level in difficulty with of 10:30.... Some embellishments and sixteenth-note groupings may C1244... Arabesques for Clarinet and Piano by Claude Debussy written in 1957/58. SS.. A very nice arrangement of a piece may be performed individually or together.. 110 for Clarinet and Piano by Marc C481... 9. Harp sikförlaget... For 4 B-flat clarinets or colorful and buoyant and will please both the player and the audience..... Billaudot. Csaba Deák (1932-) is a Hungarian born and Percussion (Piano Reduction) by Gunnar de Frumerie.... II..... with the Flaxen Hair... Claude Debussy edited by Ernst-Günter Heinemann with fingering of the this was the 1921 contest piece for the Paris Conservatory. 1912. 12.. La Chrysalide (Assez libre et très expressif...00 movements: 1.).95 2 + 1 pages. 1910... The range is more limited than in the first sonata but still requires Arabesque No..... 1965... A brief lyrical piece at the upper intermediate level....... This famous piece for flute has been Rondo allegretto (6/8)..... 17 + 5 pages.. ..95 C926. 11 + 3 pages. Allegro.. a glossary of terms..... Syrinx by Claude Debussy arranged for clarinet by Stephan Korody.............. Second Arabesque (Deuxième Arabesque) for Clarinet and C642... C. La clarinet (with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet)... C926 below). First Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Francoise Devienne Piano by Claude Debussy trans... SS... Originally for piano.. 1988. but otherwise is identical to the flute version... This piece C1202. Minstrels by Claude Debussy arranged for Clarinet Quartet by Gareth Brady. and a few fingering piece has two movements: I.. Henle..... info@vcisinc... Prorvich......................... La naissance d'un papillon for Clarinet Solo by Yvonne was part of Debussy's first collection of piano preludes and was written Desportes..95 C362....... and Heather....... 12. .... Editio Music Budapest.... International Opus. and IV. III......... 123 for 2 Clarinets in A (Violins) and Guitar other virtuoso Paganini works. Ricordi.. 30 + melodic section (molto tranquillo e melacolico). International Opus............ 15.. third tempos and time signatures........ 1977.... All 1940. 15. Marcia (Allegro)..... Vif et léger (1 2/8) and Calmato (4/4)....... 2/4 Presto section... Ardito.. The liner notes to the Hartig Chalumeau CD call this a "spectacular vehicle for piece for the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique for 1977.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ....  ......95 Somewhat easier than the quartet On the Beach (below)......... SS. Beaugency-Concerto for Clarinet in B-flat and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Pierre Max Dubois.... Kunzelmann....95 where the guitar part is very 'concertant... the music is built in a series of episodes in the major composition contains some of the most beautiful chamber music manner of a heroic tone poem...... 8 (double size) pages....................... 15 + 4 pages....  . piece can be played by one clarinet and violin and could also be played by Theodore Presser. Includes parts for flute (violin). clarinet... Grigoras time.......  ... especially in the two central movements.... Concertino in B-flat major for Clarinet and Chamber C889... Daniel Dorff.......... Begins with an Andante moderato A. Original Thema und Variationen early college level........... 12... SS. 1994... This is C1104...... French composer and conductor who spent 1939-1953 as the solo clarinet.....  .......... Philomele Editions (PE 2033). 10 minutes. .. 19. tempo.. 1979.... 5..... 14 + 7 pages...... 12 + 4 pages. While there is some mixed meter the main challenge is the C1222..... This work is for clarinet in Metropolis Music. 1999. Ricordi. SS (includes score and all Duration about 4:45.................. Mt de Menuet. 21....... III...... 27... each part is 7 pages long (two composer..95 G170..... III............ College level with a duration of about 7:45.. 24.. 15... This was the National (Paris) Conservatory test movement is very quiet and in a simple mood.. 1977........... guitar... Désiré Dondeyne (1921-) is a C1183..... C721.....95 pages..... Allegro. For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. Early college level.............. ........ Orchestra Piano Reduction by Gaetano Donizetti edited and reconstructed Alphonse Leduc. The colorful and C1065.95 stage works..... The second movement is in tarantella style.. This was the Solo de Councours for 1913 (repeated in 1926 and 1941)... Romanze Bass Clarinet and Piano by Friedrich Diethe.. This piece is in three movements: ist in the Musique de l‖air (the French Air Force Band)......95 Etude for Solo Clarinet which had been published the year before as well as C1265.... Leduc...95 introducing contemporary music to large audiences............ SS..... SS. SS. ... Tempest Hora for Clarinet and Piano by Grigoras Dinicu episodic Preludio is followed by an energetic............ a capo can be used on the his studies...90 C1453.. the piano accompaniment into something special.. Duration of about 9:20.... .. Peters..... Flowers for Alice for Clarinet Quartet by Hans Dillo..... This is good repertoire for piece for 1957............... 16 + 6 pages.. 33.. Nine short pieces that look at first like etudes but are transformed by C882....... Alphonse Leduc........ Fantaisie Orientale for Clarinet and Piano Accompaniment Venezolano (dedicated to Antonio Lauro) is a fast 3/4 waltz in the Venezu- by Max d'Ollone....... In three movements: I..15 deyne........ Ardito... This is also a good sonata pages... 1993.... Several of these C1255.... The first part is Allegro with some mixed meter and a cadenza....... . Lower college level (technically about the same level as the Mozart clarinet concerto). 26 + 10 pages....... SS... Dance Music was composed for clarinet(s) in C using the violin part or with a capo on the guitar for two Sherry Apgar and premiered in 1981." While this is technical.. by Anton Diabelli...... In this piece the clarinet parts were also originally for the csakan..  ...... about 3:30...95 C717....... especially of dance....... Draskóczy (1905-1967) was a Hungarian composer and music educator...... . 36.... Franco Donatoni (1927-2000) was an C267.....20 the advanced college clarinetist............. Alphonse Leduc... 15.... Originally conceived as the score to a clarinets in B-flat. At the Seaside for Clarinet Quartet by Hans Dillo. SS.. which is followed by a final 12 pages.............. 8 + 4 pages..... Polonaise.. College level.. 1991/1996..... Henry Litolff's Verlag/C...... 23.....95 1991.. 2... A very pleasant work in two movements: Andante sostenuto and for college and professional level recitals..) section which is followed by the Adagio Romanze in 3/4 time... 31... II.... of the parts are interesting... Folksong Sonatina for Two Clarinets by László Draskóczy.......... 17 + 6 pages. C1220.... Marcia.................... 1977.. An advanced work with a duration of about pages for guitar of this period..... C1352...  . and a Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) was written in 1821 as he was completing score.. 52. Ardito...... 16... editor and Bernhard Päuler.......... ...... The movements are I. (includes parts and score)..............95 C1330..... SS..... Preludio y Merengue by Paquito D'Rivera arranged for clarinet This is described as introducing beginning quartets to the sonata form. 41.. It begins with a Lento section featuring arpeggios. SS...... Vals Venezolano and Contrdanza for Clarinet Solo or a fast moving Eastern European dance... 16. and Rondo-Allegretto.. II. It has three movements: 1818/19......... Advanced high school/early college level.................... 19..F...... 4...95 Allegretto........75 (Andante grazioso)...... 1969...... Dance Music for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by Daniel Dorff...... lilting Merengue in five-eight arranged by Michael Drapkin.... 1964. 26..... becoming increasingly popular....' .. Quatuor for four clarinets in B-flat by Pierre Max Dubois. and IV.......... Clair (1980) Two pieces for Clarinet by Franco Donatoni.... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. 12 + 3 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. .. Cuban born D'Rivera serves up two short pieces: Vals C1110.. Max d'Ollone (1875.. http://www.... Alphonse Leduc. SS... A 1992...95 parts)....... C1103.. László C1221..... Studio Primo for Clarinet by Gaetano Donizetti edited by pieces should be playable by better high school wind players while the rest Giuseppe Garbarino...... College level with a duration of Clarinet and Piano by Paquito D'Rivera.95 Better high school bass clarinets should be able to handle this piece which would be good for festival use. 1971..... Rondo......... Menuetto (Moderato Allegro moderato...... .. .... 25 and the Rondo is more like Weber than Mozart.. While the music calls for an A clarinet... ........85 C384.. Sonate for Two Clarinets by Giuseppe Donizetti edited by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) was an Austrian music publisher........ Menuetto farcical animation about an adolescent mouse who dances himself to death (Cantabile).... then a C1189....... This C1041......... Dances from Korond for Clarinet and Piano by László Draskóczy. ..... PO Box 9569.. Includes to clarinet quartets perhaps.. This piece by Italian composer are more difficult...... Summer Solstice for Clarinet and Strings Piano Reduction by C1413....65 and IV. Notturno Op... Roncorp....95 C1329. by Raymond Meylan.... In four movements: I.... 6 + 2 pages... It is believed that the composer was influenced by Paganini's guitar to raise the pitch so a B-flat clarinet can be used....... Advanced high school or assia e cantabile).... SS....... The melodic material piece......... ....... .. The six pieces are 1...... Andante cantabile/Rondo Allegretto... Coïncidence for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Pierre Max Dubois...... Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Pierre Max Dubois. Editio Music Budapest. A memorable recital work and excellent example of school level players. 1965. The sonata was written in 1821.......... info@vcisinc.... "This (and ascends to heaven).. Concertino for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Désiré Don.................. Andante.. Allegro....... Marcia (Allegro)...... Philomele Editions (PE 2007)........... 3.......... .. Notturno aus "Abendunterhaltungen" for Flute (Violin) or Clarinet and Guitar by Anton Diabelli...... 1981..... no score).. 9....... Alphonse Leduc.. 12....... but this requires a minimum of proficient high parts and score.......... 29.... Includes parts and score.... sectional piece in Eastern Euopean style........ 1956................ Adagio............... Better high school or early college. Nine Impromptus (Neuf Impromptus) for Clarinet in B-flat ly very demanding it does not use extended technique other than flutter and Piano by Pierre Max Dubois......... 6 pages (score format)........ The is lyrical and melodious but may also be highly decorated with runs and second part begins Andante (3/8) but moves through a wide number of arpeggios (first movement).. 11 + 5 tonguing... In four movements: I.. and 6............ For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet.. New and string quartet by Gustavo Tavares........... (includes parts and score)... This Sonatina for 1991.............. elan style and Contradanza (dedicated to Ernesto Lecuona) is a Cuban 1959) was a student of Jules Massenet and a prolific composer........ Includes improvised solos for the clarinet... 2004.... 1981.95 Paquito‖s unique mix of Latin and modal jazz styles.. 11 + 6 pages... SS......00 SS...95 Dinicu (1889-1949) was a Romanian Romani composer and violinist..... Allegretto. two clarinets is by Hungarian composer Draskóczy and was composed in This is a rag which the composer says is based on Beethoven's Für Elise... This relatively new work by American composer (and clarinetist) Dorff is (quasi Recit...... 38... College level.. SS.... . This was the contest Italian composer who was influenced by Boulez and Stockhausen............ Andante sostenuto. This is a sectional Misterioso (4/4).95 Allegro vivace..vcisinc.. 5 pages..... MMB Music.. The six pieces that make up this edition were first published in parts.. II Tranquillo..... SS...... 2003.... (includes parts and score)... 6 + 3 pages... On the Beach for Clarinet Quartet by Hans Dillo...... Andante con moto. Alphonse Leduc... .......... This is potentially an upper Fasch (1688-1758) was German composer who was a contemporary of J... This is for C1496.. . Dedicated to Jean-Marc Volta. starting Andantino... bass clarinet. Studio for clarinet quartets and other woodwind ensembles.. 3 + 1 pages...95 the extended range............ their 9 level scale). very tonal (Tempo di Valse).. (includes parts and score)... Early college C1594. includes parts and score. 46... Allegro moderato.... III.. SS... 12........ 19 + 5 pages. and several instrumental vo/moto Adagio.. This arrangement is for E-flat clarinet... Moderato....... Un poco allegro. SS.... Largo...15 C629.. SS... The work was written at a time when the Baroque style was assimilating some of the C1548........ Larghetto.95 advanced college level students... Includes parts for Chalumeau (in C) and B-flat clarinet... 67. A popular solo for middle.... Edition..... clarinet. The overall duration is about 12 Allegro (various meters). Good repertoire for intermediate players.. 4 + 2 pages...." Elgar wrote this version with Charles Draper in Viola) and Piano by Ferenc Farkas.. 35d for Bass C1040.. In two movements Andante (6/8) and Probably rates as early college level... .com info@vcisinc... 16. and IV... Andantino (6/8).95 was inspired to write his overture In the South.. SS..... Facile technique and a in bass clef although in the score it is in treble clef.. College level.... College level. and contrabass clarinet (with an alternate work in four movements: I. College level. although tempos may be a challenge for some players at Bach and Telemann....... Excellent work C497.... has been arranged for clarinet....95 by Philippe Paquot... In two sections. Final (play and joy). The melody is passed quick tongue is needed.. InternationalOpus..... ..... The piece uses some C798. .... II.. . III. C764.. The piano part is well done.... SS... Doblinger.. Alla Gitana for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Dukas transcribed College level with a duration of about 6:50. 6 + 2 pages. A good command International Music Diffusion........ Hilarión Eslava y Elizondo (1807-1878) was a Spanish priest clarinetist and composer.. For clarinet and piano..... Violin.)  .... Concerto in B-flat major for Chalumeau (Clarinet). This piece was composed in 1986 for Jean Kopperud.. Andante y Allegro for Clarinet and Piano by Hilarión Eslava y Elizondo edited by Pedro Rubio... 14 + 5 pages..... The movements are short with a total duration Dykstra.. SS..  ...... Masters Music.... 100 for B flat Clarinet and Piano by Antonín Dvořák arranged by Stephan Korody-Kreutzer....... 27 + 7 pages................ but the range is generally confined to the lower two registers.. At four pages.50 (1956-) is a French violist....95 quartet by Ferenc Farkas.... In four movements: I..95 C942.. This is a substantial original work for clarinet sextet......... 2.... Larghetto..... or the title "In Moonlight..95 1941. Erbse (1924-2005) was born and studied (flute.... Serenade in E Major Op... The arrangement is for 3 B-flat clarinets (2/4)....... Southern Music Co.... SS........ 28.. (The lowest note is a low E-flat....... 38 + 13 pages............95 International Music Diffusion.. Subtitled: from the collection of Béla Bartók of the County Bihar.. SS....... it finishes with a flourish of 32nd note triplet figures... Early college level (the publisher grades it as a 7 on C215........ .....95 C549. Carousel (Vivace). Lento (2/4).... SS. intermediate work.... For three B-flat clarinets and bass movements: I. Tambourin....95 + 4 pages.... Editio Musica Budapest. 16 + 4 pages.............. Range is from low G to C in the staff. and V........ Rumanian Folk Dances for Clarinet (or Flute.... Tango..... with interesting melodies. Scherzo (Molto vivace)..... Pastorale.. In 1955 it became an instrumental hit for Billy Alphonse Leduc.... In five movements I.. 17........... and 3...... 9.. 1990..... Ballet-Music for Clarinet and Piano by Lajos Dudas.. The four pieces relatively advanced work in five movements: II..... .. & Basso continuo (Piano Reduction) by Johann Friedrich Fasch edited In four movements: Allegro risoluto....... Andante simplice (4/8) and Alla breve and bass clarinet (with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet)... and conductor...vcisinc.. Menuetto (Allegretto).. 16.. 13 + 4 pages...... II...... Musette (Allegro)..... Adagio.. 11......... works such as this one in about 1844. Allegretto..... SS. ........ The four dances are C1053. Sextuor Lyrique for Clarinet Sextet by Marc Eychenne. 1965.....S.... A wind band accompaniment is available..... Moderato con espressi- who wrote many religious pieces..... Philippe Dulat of the altissimo is needed for this piece. 2008. 38 + 12 pages. Cameo brief accelerations and rubato moments..... II...... Early Hungarian Dances from the 17th Century for clarinet (mm=96-108)..... Research reveals that the music was written by Engelmann in 1903 and lyrics were added in 1954.. clarinet choir by Barton Cummings... 1976..... The bass clarinet part is written in the first third of the twentieth century... 1980.... ... 1995....  .... 16... The tempo is Allegro moderato with and premiered by her... but moved to Austria in 1957. 2006. II. Early college level with a duration of 27:20. conducting. Andante espressivo... 1953. BRS Music Inc.... 1993...... and Allegro.......... Clarinet (or Clarinet) and Piano by Heimo Erbse. and Rondo (Allegro)... SS. 19.95 Allegro con brio (4/4)..... 43 C1360.. Elgar who was wintering in Italy college level..... and V.... . Alfred.. The tempo is Allegro ma non troppo.. and vivace).... 5... This popular clarinet quartet is for E-flat. C910.... and bass clarinet...... .. . 7 pages..... . 9 pages........95 This classical period concerto is in three movements: Allegro maestoso................. II....... Ballade for Clarinet. Voltage Suite for Solo Bass Clarinet by Pierre Max Dubois. Two original rags.... 5. and by Manfred Fechner.. Boosey & Hawkes.... III.....  . 4... This (2/2).... composer. Chant.. Shoulder-Blade Dance.. Duration about 9 minutes.... Billaudot.. Allegro.... The about 10:00 minutes.... alto clarinet...50 remains one of Dvorak's most popular works...... 26.. for college students (beginning). includes Ballade was inspired by balmy sunny weather on the shore of the Chesa- parts and score... 14 + 4 pages... Zimmermann. The Lancashire Rag is in cut time marked Lively C461... II. 34 + 8 pages...95 Van Cott Information Services Inc....50 In four movements: Largo........ three operas.......... Aria and Scherzo for Clarinet and Piano by Frank Erickson edited by David Shifrin.. + 18 pages.... is Quickly (mm=144).......... College level with all parts challenging.... Melody of Love by Hans Engelmann arranged for Clarinet level. Presto. SB/SS..... First Movement of the String Quartet No. It is in three Billaudot.  ... bass clarinet. Intrada. and IV. Quite long for a solo piece (14:00).. Includes the score..... 1981.... This piece was written for string orchestra in 1875 and peake Bay. alto clarinet. In 1904. 18 + 7 pages...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ...... 2007... Has has strong sense of rhythm and is similar to much French music alternate part is slightly different than the bass part. 1977...... ... Scherzo (Vivace).. 1993... Recitatif et Presto for Clarinet and Piano by Philippe Dulat.... and IV. SS. Heim wrote: A six- movement work in conservative English style.. 59.... 26 Allegretto. adult amateurs... Editio Musica Budapest.. The theme from this work became popular in a vocal arrangement with some lines by Shelley under G155. This is a opera directing) in Germany.. SS......95 Curly Maple Rag is mostly at a tempo of Moderato (mm=108) and is to be played in a swing style............ Caprice... This work was composed for Linda Merrick relatively extended work for this genre..... Vivo et leggero (2/4 + 3/16).. This Sonate is a fairly lengthy parts).....45 edition for clarinet and piano by the composer.. 1990. Sonatine Op... IV.. and Leaping Dance... this is a Music.. Eulenburg.. 1992.. 9 Darok. Phantasy Suite Op.. and contrabass by Antonin Dvorak arranged for clarinet quartet by Betrand Hainaut.....50 minutes. originally for violin.. clarinet...... 29.... 21... In four movements: Allegro brillante Vaughn and several vocal groups..... Hofmeister........ Vier Lyrische Stücke (Four Lyrical Pieces) Op....... The Aria is Moderately slow (mm=88) while the Scherzo C293..... and up... Prof. SS.... PO Box 9569...... 2001..... 11. 1987. III. includes parts and score.. 27.. Johann Friedrich Finale (Allegro molto/Molto tranquillo).. Concerto for Clarinet (Piano Reduction) by Joseph Eybler prepared by Alexander Weinmann....... 32. Andante.. Allegro moderato (san rigueur).. two B-flat clarinets.. 2003..95 (Andante contabile con rubato)..  ..... III....... An interesting piece... Bassus Ediciones Musicales..  .. 12 "American" E-flat clarinet.. that level..... Harp and String Orchestra by Eric Ewazen. 31.... C1082.... Characteristic Eastern European folk dances similar to Farkas's work C709.... un poco capriccio and then doubling the tempo in the C1318..... 22 by Antonin Dvorak arranged for SS... It is for A clarinet (and quite easy).... C994.. Canto Popolare for Clarinet and Piano by Edward Elgar.. Early college level. SS......... Sonate for Clarinet and Piano by Marc Eychenne... Comus Edition... it is good repertoire for around in this arrangement which is at the high school level.... US grade 4. contemporary notation and will be challenging for both performers.. Intermède part for contralto clarinet).. and IV..... Two Rags for B-flat Bass Clarinet and Piano by Brian early Classic period features. IV. International Music Diffusion....... Charabanc (Allegro molto)... Slow Dance.. Early Belwin Mills......... C268........... Lajos Dudas (1942-) is a Hungarian + 3 pages.. 1990. Clarinet Concerto (Piano Reduction) by Martin Ellerby.. Strings.. Sarabande. 14.... 1988.......... http://www. In three movements: 1.....35 Quartet by Gareth Brady.. Allegro.. Introduction Allegro (shade and light). 15 mind....  .95 contrasting sections. Finale (Allegro (especially for something this recent).... This work.... three B-flat clarinets (with a limited divisi in the second and third C765. are not named: I... III.... well written.. The bass clarinet has notes in and III.. II..... Allegretto (3/4)....95 first year students... PB.. Sonata Brève for Clarinet in B-flat by Pierre Max Dubois........ 1998. 91 by Thomas Dunhill... 21.... 2 B-flats. ..... SS... 27 C484. Scenes from Hungary by Ferenc Farkas. Editio Musica Budapest, C1518. Living Extra Large by Brent Fischer. Advance Music, 2008, SS, 1989. Clarinet quartet for E-flat, 2 B-flats, and bass clarinet. While not as (includes score and parts). This for a small clarinet choir of four B-flat well known as Frakas's Early Hungarian Dances, this quartet is also clarinets, alto clarinet, two bass clarinets, E-flat contra alto clarinet, piano, excellent. The pieces are Toast, Play, The Fugitive's Song, The Shepherd, bass and drums. The cover of this piece describes it as "Hard driving big Funeral Bells, Wedding Song, Sorrow and Consolation, and Round. band jazz for the clarinet family. Challenging lines for all (even bass and Requires a strong E-flat player. Early college level, adult amateurs, and up. contrabass clarinets) but still playable by college or advanced high school Includes the score. .......................................................................... 19.95 musicians. [It uses] the augmented scale as the basis from which to build diatonic or chromatic melodic structures and harmonic motion in subtle C1403. Trio in E-flat major Op. 44 for Clarinet, Violoncello and ways." The piano (which has a solo) and bass parts are partially written out Piano by Louise Farrenc edited by John P. Newhill. Breitkopf/Music Rara, and have chord symbols in some of these sections and elsewhere. ..... 32.95 2000, SS. (includes parts and piano score). Jeanne-Louise Farrenc (1804- 1875) was a French composer (she studied with Anton Riecha) and was C1431. Sonatine for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Clare Fischer. Advance professor of piano at the Paris Conservatoire for 30 years. This work was Music, 1994, SS, 29 + 7 pages. Clare Fischer (1928-) is an American composed in 1861. It is in four movements: Andante/Allegro moderato, composer and musicians. This piece was commissioned by Richard Adagio, Minuetto (Allegro), and Finale (Allegro). This trio has been reported Stoltzman. It is in three movements: I. mm = ca. 80, II. Slowly & freely, and to contain both Romantic and Classical influences. The piano part appears III. Metrically steady with a lilt (dotted eighth = 66 for this movement which to be the most difficult of the parts. I believe a college level trio (with a good is mostly in 6/8). College level with a duration of about 21:20 ........... 26.95 pianist) could probably put this together fairly quickly. ..................... 38.95 C397. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Roger Fiske. Rosewood Publica- C405. Fauré 4 Mélodies for Clarinet and Piano by Gabriel Fauré tions, 2000, SS, 27 + 9 pages. Roger Fiske (1910-1987) was and English edited by Douglas Woodfull-Harris. Baerenreiter (BA8156), 1996, SS, 14 + musicologist, broadcaster and author. This work was written in 1941 for 4 pages. The four melodies, drawn from the many songs of Fauré, are Les Frederick Thurston and was first played by him accompanied by the Berceaus (The Cradles), Sylvie, Au bord de l'eau (On the Shore), and composer, but was not performed in public during their lifetimes. The Toujours (Always). These pieces are generally at the intermediate level movements are Andante con moto, e poco rubato; Variation; and Allegro although much of Toujours is in the altissimo (up to a G). ................ 17.95 molto. There are numerous changes in meter in some sections of the work including some 3/4 + 3/8 in the last movement. This appears to be a C1071. Sicilienne Op. 78 for Clarinet and Piano by Gabriel Fauré challenge worthy of an advanced college player. .............................. 12.95 arranged by Jerry Lanning. Cramer Music, 1983, SS, 7 + 2 pages. The familiar Sicilienne of Fauré arranged for clarinet and piano. Early high C398. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Roger Fiske. Rosewood school level.  ............................................................................... 9.95 Publications, 2003, SS, 23 + 8 pages. The movements of this Sonatina are marked Allegro moderato, Tempo di Minuetto, and Allegro. This piece is C1414. Zebus Bass Clarinet and Piano by Johan Favoreel. Metropolis considerably easier than Fiske's Sonata and would be appropriate for Music, 1997, SS, 5 + 2 pages. Johan Favoreel (1957-) is Belgian composer, advanced high school or early college performers. ............................ 10.95 arranger and music producer. The composer wrote, "Imagine the ancient heavy-weight Greek god 'Zebus' enjoying life sitting in the sun while eating Four Hebraic Pictures in the Klezmer Tradition: and drinking wine. The idea of taking part in a hunting party excites him, C419. (1.) The Wedding by Gregor Fitelberg arranged for clarinet and but because he is so tired everything stays calm and nice. Life continues as it piano by Simeon Bellison edited by Sidney Forrest. Southern Music Co., was." Adagio tempo. An early college level piece which ranges into the 1996. The Wedding has The Preparation of the Bride (adagio recitativo) and altissimo and offers ossia for the most challenging passage. Duration about the Procession (Allegreto grazioso quasi moderato).  ...................... 5.00 4:45.  ........................................................................................ 15.95 C420. (2.) Canzonetta (Grandmother's Tale) by Jacob Weinberg C286. Four Short Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Howard Ferguson. arranged for clarinet and piano by Simeon Bellison edited by Sidney Forrest. Boosey & Hawkes, 1937, SS, 11 + 4 pages. This work by British composer Southern Music Co., 1996. Allegretto grazioso.  ............................ 4.00 Ferguson (1908-1999) is typical of several small pieces that have proved popular with professional and amateur alike, and are well within the range C421. (3.) Hebrew Dance by Boris Levenson Op. 69, arranged for of the average player. Four movements: Prelude, Scherzo, Pastoral, and clarinet and piano by Simeon Bellison edited by Sidney Forrest. Southern Burlesque.  ................................................................................ 16.95 Music Co., 1996. Allegretto grazioso. The piano part looks like a workout on this one.  ................................................................................. 5.00 C1012. Selanka Pastorale for Clarinet and Piano by Zdenko Fibich edited by A. Louis Scarmolin. Ludwig Music, 1960, 7 + 2 pages. Zdenko C422. (4.) The Maypole by Jacob Weinberg arranged for clarinet and Fibich (1850-1900) was a Czech composer. This work was originally piano by Simeon Bellison edited by Sidney Forrest. Southern Music Co,, composed around 1879 for clarinet or violin and piano and has enjoyed 1996. Alternates between Presto and a bit slower with a Prestissimo finish. some popularity ever since. Intermediate level.  ........................... 4.95  .................................................................................................... 4.00 C1115. The Snail & the Rosebush for Clarinet, Narrator and Piano C689. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Arthur Frackenpohl. by Elaine Fine. Seesaw Music, 2004, SS, 25 + 6 pages. This is a setting of a Manduca Music, 1996, 15 + 7 pages. In three movements: 1. Not too fast, story written by Hans Christian Andersen that concerns a rosebush, who 2. Very Slowly, and 3. Quite fast. College level. ................................. 9.95 leads an unexamined life producing roses, and a snail who criticizes her and C824. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Jean finally retreats into his own shell. This 9 minute work is not technically Françaix. Editions Musicales Transatlantiques, 1968, 46 + 16 pages. A difficult but will probably take some rehearsal to synchronize the narration difficult contemporary French concerto in four movements: Allegro, with the music. ................................................................................ 28.95 Scherzando, Andantino, and Allegrissimo. ...................................... 24.95 V018. Beuk O' Newcassel Sangs for soprano, clarinet & piano by C359. Tema Con Variazioni for Clarinet in A and Piano by Jean Michale Finnissy. Oxford University Press, 1990, SS, 21 pages. The text is Françaix. Eschig, 1974, 16 + 7 pages. Dedicated to "Olivier," the compos- based on Joseph Crawhall's A Beuk o' Newcassel Sangs from 1888. The er's grandson. This was the 1974 Solo de Concours piece. It consists of a music is in score format (a facsimile of the composers original) and the theme and six variations, with a solo clarinet "Cadence" before the last piano part is mostly a single line of notes. This is intended to be played with variation. A highly entertaining but difficult work. ........................... 29.95 a C clarinet and uses what a reviewer called "microtonal inflections." A challenging piece for all performers. Duration about 14 minutes. ...... 14.95 C1607. Daydream in A-flat for Solo Clarinet by Don Freund. Woodwindiana, 2005, SS, 7 pages. Quoting the composer, "This 12-minute C287. Clarinet Concerto Op. 31 for Clarinet and String Orchestra unaccompanied solo is fashioned in a way that should allow the listener to (Piano Reduction) by Gerald Finzi. Boosey & Hawkes, 1951, SS, 34 + 10 notice the cyclical returns of tunes and gestures, and to be consciously pages. An excellent mid-twentieth century work with beautiful melodies, yet aware of implicit relationships of tonality. Daydream in A-flat evokes a state much chromaticism. ....................................................................... 27.95 of sweet semi-consciousness." College level.  ............................. 14.95 C288. Five Bagatelles Op. 23 for Clarinet and Piano by Gerald Finzi. C1541. Trio in A minor Op. 40 for Clarinet in A (or Violin), Cello Boosey & Hawkes, 1945, SS, 21 + 8 pages. The first four movements should be with in the capabilities of a good high school clarinetist, with the and Piano by Carl Frühling. Rosewood, SB/SS, includes parts and piano score. Carl Frühling (1868-1937) was an Austrian composer and music final movement presenting more of a challenge. .............................. 19.95 teacher. The date of composition is unknown, but it is thought to have been around 1900. In three movements I. Mäßig schnell, II. Anmutig bewegt, III. Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 28 Andante, and IV. Allegro vivace. College level with a duration of about markings (no notes that I could see). The page size is smaller resulting in an 26:30. This is a very pleasant piece. ................................................ 14.95 overall size reduction of the music. .....................................................9.95 C897. Sonatine for Clarinet and Piano by Pierre Gabaye. Leduc, 1959, C1004. Five Easy Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Alexander Gedike SS, 19 + 8 pages. In three movements: Allegro, Largo and Prestissimo. The arranged by A. Pressman. Masters Music, SS, 11 + 5 pages. Alexander first movement is in the style of a prelude; the second movement is florid; Gedike (1877-1957) was a Russian composer, pianist, and organist. 1. Song while third movement is like a rondo. The clarinet part requires ample without Words, 2. Miniature in the form of an Etude, 3. Etude, 4. Lullaby, technique; although range is limited mostly to the lower two registers. The and 5. Minuet. These are intermediate level pieces with some variation in piano part has the greater challenge; requiring a strong, mature performer. difficulty. ...........................................................................................6.95 This is good material for the college level player. ............................. 34.85 C1260. Blues for Basset Hounds for Basset Horn Trio, Clarinet C627. Ballade Op. 23 for Bass Clarinet (or Clarinet) by Wolfgang Trio, Two Clarinets and Bassoon, or Two Clarinets and Bass Gabriel. Doblinger, 1980, SS, 22 + 12 pages. The work by Austrian Clarinet by Peter Geisler. Bassetti Paletti Publications, 2008. Includes score composer and conductor Wolfgang Gabriel (1930-) was completed in 1974 and parts. A short blues in swing style with the opportunity for improvisa- for Josef Horák, bass clarinet, and Emma Kovarnová, piano. It is in three tion.  ......................................................................................... 10.95 movements: I. Praeludium (Allegro Molto), II. Carmen (Lento), and III. Hymnus. College level. ................................................................... 27.95 C1171. Fantasie for Clarinet Solo by Harald Genzmer. Henry Litolff's Verlag/C.F. Peters. 1973, SS, 7 pages. This piece is in four movements: I. C529. Fantasias for Piano and Clarinet or Violin Op. 43 (Fantasis- Adagio, II. Vivace molto, III. Lento e rubato (quasi parlando), and IV. Presto, tykker) by Niels W. Gade. Wilhelm Hansen, SS. 19 + 4 pages (includes Sempre con fantasia. Prof. Heim rates this piece as a grade 6 and says it both clarinet and violin parts). This work is in four movements: Andantino requires facile technique.  .......................................................... 21.95 con moto, Allegro vivace, Moderato, and Allegro molto vivace. It has beautiful romantic melodies, written in the style of Song without Words, C907. Sonate for Bass Clarinet (Solo) by Harald Genzmer. C.F. Peters, and similar to the Schumann Fantasy Pieces. The piano accompanies the 1990, SS, 9 pages. An advanced work for solo bass clarinet. Includes several clarinet, but each have equal roles. This is excellent music for recitals (early low Ds. In three movements: I. Moderato, II. Presto (sempre marcato), and college level). ................................................................................. 16.95 III. Intermezzo (Tranquillo). Duration is about 10:30.  ................. 49.95 C1458. Fantasy Pieces for Clarinet (or Violin) and Piano Op. 43 by C1219. Liza for Clarinet Quartet by George Gershwin arranged by Art Niels W. Gade. Masters Music, SS. 18 + 4 pages (includes both clarinet and Marshall. Ardito, 1990, (includes parts and score). For three B-flat clarinets violin parts). The Masters Music copy of the previous piece. ............. 10.95 and bass clarinet. One of my favorite pieces in a good arrangement with a short waltz section in the middle. All parts are interesting and have their C1712. Chicago Clarinet Quartet by Fred Fisher arranged by Jack Gale. moments to shine. ........................................................................... 19.95 BVD Press, 1998/2008. For 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet; alternate alto clarinet for the third part. A swinging arrangement of this popular Jazz Age C1218. The Man I Love for Clarinet Quartet by George Gershwin song written in 1922. For advanced high school quartets and up. ..... 13.95 arranged by Art Marshall. Ardito, 1989, (includes parts and score). For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. A slow swing arrangement of this great C852. Adagio and Allegro transcribed for Bass Clarinet and Piano song. Has a section with a double time feel in the middle. All quartet by Johann Ernst Galliard transcribed by Lyle Merriman. Southern Music, members will enjoy their parts.  ................................................... 15.95 1966, 7 + 2 pages. Johann Ernst Galliard (1687-1749) was a German composer who also played the oboe (notably for Handel in England). The C1217. Oh, Lady Be Good for Clarinet Quartet by George Gershwin Adagio is from his Sonata No. III and the Allegro from his Sonata No. V arranged by Art Marshall. Ardito, 1989, (includes parts and score). For three (presumably for bassoon, originally). The publisher rates this as (US) grade 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. An entertaining swing arrangement of this (of 6). Suggested for high school festival use.  ................................ 5.95 classic Gershwin tune. The first part has written out solos. ............ 15.95 C1332. Suite über ungarische Volkslieder for Clarinet and Piano by C514. George Gerhswin's Preludes for Piano adapted for solo clarinet Zolt Gárdonyi. Zimmermann, 1984, SS, 14 + 4 pages. Zolt Gárdonyi and piano by James Cohn. Warner Bros., 1987, SS, 12 + 7 pages. Often (1946-) is a composer and music educator of Hungarian-German descent, referred to as the Three Preludes for Piano. The first and third preludes are He was born in Budapest and studied there and in Germany. In four quite challenging and will require a player with excellent technique. The movements: 1. Lento/Tempo giusto, 2. Presto, 3. Adagio, molto espressivo, second prelude (which is for A clarinet) is much easier and can probably be and 4. Con moto. Early college level. .............................................. 14.50 played by most competent high school players and above. ............... 13.95 C1633. Misty for Clarinet Quartet by Erroll Garner arranged by Gareth C1223. Somebody Loves Me for Clarinet Quartet by George Brady. Comus Edition, 1954/?, includes parts and score. For three B-flat Gershwin arranged by Art Marshall. Ardito, 1994, (includes parts and score). clarinets and bass clarinet (with an alternate part for a fourth soprano For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. A swing arrangement with two clarinet). An excellent arrangement of this popular song. The first clarinet short waltz sections. Brief written out solos for the first and second clarinets. has a jazz solo in the middle which is written out but also has the chord Another winner.  ......................................................................... 19.95 changes. All of the parts are interesting.  ....................................... 9.95 C1601. Summertime by George Gershwin arranged for clarinet quartet C278. A Joyous Lament for a Gilly Flower for Clarinet and Piano by by Art Marshall. Tierolff Muziekcentrale, 1988, SS, includes parts and score. Margaret Garwood. Southern Music Co., 1983, 11 + 5 pages. Frequent For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. While all the parts are interesting, meter changes. Range to altissimo F sharp. ........................................ 7.50 the first clarinet has both the theme and a jazzy solo.  ................... 23.95 V044. Six Japanese Songs for Soprano, Clarinet and Piano by C1598. Three Preludes for Clarinet Quartet by George Gershwin Margaret Garwood. Hildegard Publishing Co., 1988, 16 + 3 pages. Includes arranged by Gareth Brady. Comus Edition 1991, SS, includes parts and piano score and clarinet part. The six songs are: 1. Loneliness, 2. From score. For E-flat clarinet on the first part, the second and third parts are for B- "Essences, 3. Iris, 4. Death Song, 5. Two White Butterflies, and 6. Snow. flat and A clarinets (Prelude 2), and the bass clarinet is the fourth part with a The clarinet part is quite easy and the vocal part doesn't look difficult low C instrument essential for Prelude 1. This is an excellent arrangement of (although it reaches B-flat above the staff) so this may be a good choice for a wonderful piece originally for piano. All parts are important and all have first year college students. Duration about 6 minutes. ....................... 24.95 challenging sections (college level). We have a link on our website to a performance on YouTube. ............................................................... 15.95 C521. Fantaisie for Clarinet and Piano by Philippe Gaubert. Heugel, SS, 13 + 4 pages. Gaubert, a flutist, conductor, and composer wrote this C1686. Pastorale and Bourrée for Bass Clarinet and Piano by piece for the Paris Conservatoire contest of 1911 and dedicated it to his Edward German transcribed by Himie Voxman. Rubank, 1962, SS, 11 + 3 friend, colleague, and the incumbent clarinet professor Prospère Mimart. pages. A popular bass clarinet work for solo and ensemble festivals. The The piece alternates between Lent (in six) and Allegro, then accelerates at Pastorale is marked Andantino/Più moto and the Bourrée is Allegretto. the end with Très vif followed by Poco Vivace. This is regarded as one of Mostly in the lower register, this is probably most suitable for students with the more difficult contest pieces. ..................................................... 27.20 about 3 years playing experience.  ............................................ 4.95 C1173. Fantaisie for Clarinet and Piano by Philippe Gaubert revised C1126. Romance for Clarinet and Piano by Edward German edited by by Daniel Bonade. Southern Music Co. SS, 13 + 4 pages. Compared to the Colin Bradbury. Lazarus Edition, 1998, SS, 11 + 2 pages. Edward German Heugel edition, there are a few added or changed dynamic and tempo (1862-1936) studied at the Royal Academy of Music, studying harmony and counterpoint with Prout and winning organ and violin as well as composi- Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 29 tion prizes. The Romance dates from German‖s early years. This piece is not bones, Shepherd's Song, and A Day Off). They may be studied individually difficult and is suitable for intermediate level clarinetists.  ............ 16.95 or performed together (ca. 13 minutes). Early college level. ............... 14.95 C1136. Song without Words for Clarinet and Piano by Edward C455. Petillances by Norbert Goddaer. Woodwindiana, 1999, SS, German edited by Colin Bradbury. Lazarus Edition, 2007, SS, 8 + 3 pages. (includes score). For five B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. Dedicated to Vito The Song without Words (or "Album Leaf," as it was originally called) was and Leon Pascucci and first performed in Belgium at the ClarinetFest ―99. It written for Manuel Gomez, who gave the first performance in 1898. Upper is a fun-filled and challenging, jazz-tinged, recital-quality work Early college intermediate level with a duration of about 5 minutes.  ............... 16.95 level. About 5 minutes. .................................................................... 17.95 C881. Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra (Piano Reduction) C451. Turbulences for Clarinet Quartet by Norbert Goddaer. by Armando Ghidoni. Leduc, 2003, SS, 25 + 11 pages. Born in Italy but Woodwindiana, 2000, SS, (score included). For three B-flat clarinets and choosing to live in France Ghidoni is a virtuoso saxophone player and bass clarinet. Dedicated to the Flanders Clarinet Quartet, Belgium. A composer. This is one of Leduc's newer publications. The first movement serious, angular work for an advanced quartet. Four movements (Confusion, begins with a brief Adagio which is followed by an extended cadenza and Tension, Reflection, and Conclusion) of contrasting moods/characters, with then the rest of the first movement with a variety of time signatures and real technical challenges for all parts. About 10 minutes. .................. 12.95 tempos (beginning with Moderato in 7/4). The second movement is Adagio with a cadenza in the middle and an accelerando at the end. The third and C1132. Two Pieces Op. 26 (Evening & Rondo Caprice) for Clarinet and Piano by Otto Goldschmidt edited by Colin Bradbury. Lazarus Edition, final movement begins Allegro (in 15/8 in groups of 3), this is followed by 1999, SS, 18 + 4 pages. Otto Goldschmidt (1829-1907) was born in section with a jazz feel, and another with some very wide intervals. Near Hamburg and studied piano and composition at the Leipzig Conservato- the end is another cadenza. An advanced college level work (there is no rium. His Two Pieces for clarinet and piano were published in 1900 with a extended technique although there is some high altissimo) with a duration dedication 'to my friend Oscar W. Street.' ........................................ 16.95 of 14 minutes. The orchestral parts are available as a rental. ............. 38.55 C1674. Tosca Fantasia Op. 171 for Clarinet and Piano by Carlo C1127. Lorito Caprice for Clarinet and Piano by Francisco Gomez edited by Colin Bradbury. Lazarus Edition, 1997, SS, 6 + 3 pages. Francisco Della Giacoma edited by Johannes Fleischut. Musica Rara/Breitkopf, 2010, Gomez (1866-1938) was a Spanish born composer and clarinetist who SS, 11 + 4 pages. Carlo Della Giacoma (1858-1929) was an Italian along with his brother (also a clarinetist who premiered this work in 1898) clarinetist, composer and conductor of musical groups. This work was studied the clarinet with Cyrille Rose in Paris before coming to England. written in 1900 when he was a member of a military band. It is a mixture of ornamental variation, paraphrase and potpourri. Themes from the opera Lorito means “Little Chatterbox.” College level.  ......................... 16.95 Tosca are used including the famous clarinet solo that precedes the aria "E C503. Benny's Gig, 8 Duos for Clarinet and Double Bass by Morton lucevan le stelle." College level. ....................................................... 16.95 Gould. G. Schirmer, 1980, SS, 20 pages. These eight duos were written for C389. Carnival of Venice (Il Carnevale di Venezia) by Alamiro Benny Goodman by the composer. The first is marked (1962) Celebrating Benny's 1962 Russian Tour while the last is for Benny's 70th Birthday May Giampieri. Ricordi, 11 + 4 pages. The theme and variations for clarinet with piano accompaniment features a florid opening with two brief 1979. Larry Comb's recording is recommended.  ........................ 16.95 cadenzas, the theme followed by several variations and the finale.  . 9.95 C386. Derivations for Clarinet and Band Piano Reduction by C434. Sonata II for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Arsenio Giron. Morton Gould. G. Schirmer, 1956 (1994 printing), 46 + 12 pages. "For Benny Goodman" and recorded by him. Derivations is for solo clarinet and Woodwindiana, 2003, SS, 24 + 8 pages. Sonata II (1996), like most music a 14 piece jazz band. In four movements: Warm Up, Contrapuntal Blues, by Arsenio Girón, makes equal demands of its performers, both clarinetist and pianist. A conservative, contemporary work which emphasizes linear Rag, and Ride Out. .......................................................................... 16.95 gestures--often requiring much technical skill--rapid tempos, lively rhythms C931. Aria from "Mireille" for clarinet and piano by Charles and tight interlocking motifs. Four movements and a duration of about 15 Gounod arranged by Henri Marteau. Ludwig Music, 1966, 5 + 2 pages. An minutes. .......................................................................................... 13.95 intermediate level solo which incorporates the original vocal aria and some C276. Three Bagatelles for Clarinet Solo by Arsenio Giron. Southern of the orchestral accompaniment in the clarinet part. It is at a tempo of Allegro moderato and the upper range is an altissimo E-flat. There are a few Music Co., 1987, 4 pages. Publisher's grade 4.  ............................ 3.95 sixteenth note runs, mostly scale-wise passages.  ........................... 4.95 C1523. Four Short Pieces for three Clarinets, Violins or other C1578. Concerto for clarinet and orchestra (piano reduction) by Ida Instruments by Werner Wolf Glaser. Nordiska Musikförlaget Stockholm, Gotkovsky. Editions Musicales Transatlantiques, 1968, SS, 42 + 15 pages. 1970, SS. 5 pages (score format). Here are four trios at the intermediate level Ida Gotkovsky (1933-) is a French composer who studied with Nöel Gallon, with a range of A above the staff to the A two octaves below. I. Non allegro, Oliver Messiaen, Tony Aubin and Nadia Boulanger. She has won many II. Allegro, III. Lento, and IV. Andante ........................................... 9.95 prizes for her compositions. Concurs du Conservatoire National Supérieur C909. Suite Hebraique for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Srul Irving de Musique de Paris and dedicated Ulysse Delecluse. In three movements: Glick. Boosey & Hawkes,1968, SS, 19 + 6 pages. A popular piece in the 1. Misterioso-quasi cadenza-ad libitum, 2. Perpetuum Mobile (Prestissimo), Hebraic tradition. This piece could probably be played by a good high and 3. Final. Prof. Heim wrote: This concerto is of major proportions and is school clarinetist with the proper coaching. The suite: 1. Cantorial Chant reminiscent of Bozza's style and, in a limited way, the Tomasi concerto. The (Adagio sostenuto), 2. Chasidic Dance (Allegretto grazioso), 3. Hora clarinet part demands a facile, quick and flexible virtuosic technique (Ritmico), 4. Lullaby (Lento sostenuto), 5. Dialogue (Andante sostenuto), and although the range is just a little over three octaves. The harmonic material 6. Circle Dance (Allegro). The piano part is not difficult. .................. 39.95 is complex with some polytonality, mixed seventh chords and added tones while the melodic material for clarinet can be lyric but is usually flam- C1390. Summer Evening at Bryanston for Clarinet and Piano by boyant. This work has excellent music and is at the top of the literature for Alma Goatley. Emerson Edition, 1947/2005, SS, 4 + 1 pages. Alma Goatley the most advanced player ................................................................ 29.95 (1889-1964) studied piano at the Royal Academy of Music and was a successful concert pianist until she married in 1920. This is her only purely C1203. Concerto Lyrique for clarinet and orchestra (piano reduc- instrumental composition written for her son when a was studying clarinet tion) by Ida Gotkovsky. Billaudot, 1982, SS, 48 + 14 pages. This advanced while at Bryanston School. It is marked "Slowly - with atmosphere (very work is in four movements: I. Intenso-Declamando, II. Presto con spirito, III. smoothly)." High school level with a piano part that is more than just Simplice molto legato, and IV. Final (Prestissimo). ............................ 41.95 accompaniment. Duration about 4:30.  ......................................... 9.95 V029. Neue Liebe, Neues Leben for Soprano and Bass Clarinet. C428. Clarinet Unlimited by Norbert Goddaer. Woodwindiana, 1999, Music by Hans Martin Gräbner on a text of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. SS, 4 pages. This work for solo clarinet by Belgian composer Goddaer was Hofmeister, 1998, SS, 8 pages in score format. There are three pieces. The written for and dedicated to Kelly Johnson. It starts with a lyrical opening titles are: Nähe des Geliebten (Nearness of the Beloved One); Neue Liebe, that is followed by a driving, exciting section that mimics a digital delay neues Leben (New Love, New Life); and An den Schlaf (To Sleep). Early effect. For advanced performers.  .................................................. 6.95 college level.  ............................................................................ 13.95 C394. Duets by Norbert Goddaer. Woodwindiana, 2000, SS, 24 pages C1243. Album for Clarinet and Piano - Percy Grainger arranged (score format). Belgian composer Goddaer (b. 1933) has composed these Terry A. Oxley. G. Schirmer, 1993, SS, 35 + 15 pages. Irish Tune From eight duets for two B-flat clarinets, each of which is an impression of daily County Derry, Dublin Bay (Lisbon), Horkstow Grange, The Brisk Young life (Sunday Trip, Blue Note, Fuguette, Street Walk, Daily Exercise, Lazy- Sailor, The Lost Lady Found, Australian Up-Country Tune, Country Gar- Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. 2.  . Concertino for Clarinet and Piano by Gabriel Grovlez.. November (Lento). and Jazz Rondo (Fast swing)... Early college level.....D... 24 for Clarinet in A and B-flat (Violin)..95 WW181..95 Allegro.. Originally for piano.. Fast. and Vermillion (Allegro moderato).. Blues Nocturne (Slow piece for the Conservatoire National de Musique de Paris for 1923......95 clarinets......... a pupil of Van Cott Information Services Inc..... Allegro.. Quail's Nest (Allegretto).... .....95 Music..  ........ SS. Publications............. and 3.. Puppets for Two B-flat Clarinets by Clare Grundman....... ...... and composer of German descent.... It is intended as Combre........ SS.... one with both parts at concert pitch for the soprano and the other with the C649.. 2006. 1998... This song was written in 1916 clarinet in A by Terence Greaves....... BVD Press.. and make it more suitable for a college level group. SS... Monologue 1. Ethos Publications...... Poppy.95 Grundman's work and we thought this intermediate level work for two equal clarinets would be a good addition to our stock.75 clarinet parts.......... receiving his Ph. Several pieces such as Irish Tune and the Australian Up-Country Tune are Parlando rubato.... 1978.... 14 + 2 pages. Emerson Edition.. He studied with Hans Erich Apostel.. 7 school festival use for quartets with four strong players but will be enjoyed + 3 pages...95 V011... 24...... and 3. Queen's Temple score..... In four movements: Larghetto. Although this is flat clarinets and bass clarinet. 2/4 Allegro..... 2001..... Three Rustic Poems of John Clare for soprano voice and by Jack Gale... SS.. The C762...95 Tod Kerstetter.75 alto clarinet.. 15.95 C1017... SS. Adagio..... Allegro. 14... For three B-flat clarinets. 21. Prof.......... Molly on the Shore. SS. 23.. 11 1971.. Three tive of Hanson's lyrical style..95 C519. clarinet part transposed. .... and bass clarinet (includes score).... Mihály studied in the United States (through a MM at Yale) but spent most of the Hajdu (1909-1990) who was a student of Bartok.95 school level with a duration of 5 minutes... Moving... SS... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ....... Idylle (Andante). 19......95 Freidirch Handel transcribed from the oboe concerto by Albert J... alto clarinet.. and 2 bass clarinets. Western International Music. Allegro. 2003.... Stille Nacht (Silent Night) Clarinet Sextet by Franz Gruber arranged by Bill Dobbins...... Cello moderato leggiero.. Boosey & is some high altissimo in the first movement and a glissando into the Hawkes..........95 and the last mostly in 7/8 but they are quite accessible and rhythmic. Handel Three Pieces Clarinet and Piano by George Frederic Handel transcribed by Reginald Kell.... 10.. Thistle........  ...... This an excellent piece which is recommend for high Saxophone and Piano by Walter S... Walter S.... 13. Bagatelle for Four B-flat Clarinets by Clare Grundman. 2007.... Hartley (1927-) studied at the Eastman School of by more advanced players as well. Premier Concertino by Georges Guilhand......... Editio Musica Budapest. Éditions who gave the first performance with the composer in 2004...... Benniana B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Steven Harlos.. Caprice for Clarinets by Clare Grundman... and Molly on the Shore. 1978. 18.. Boosey and Hawkes... Rosewood... In three movements: 1.. In two movements: Allegro moderato and Piu mosso..........."  ...... alto clarinet and bass clarinet (as well as a clarinet choir)......... 1972. and relatively short related works at the college level.......  ...... For advanced high three poems are: 1. 12... The pieces are: 1.. 10. Three movements: 1......50 clarinet and B-flat clarinet replacing the alto clarinet. Billaudot.... 4... From a rarely performed ballet. 1954. 8 + 4 pages. The Scherzo is in three sections.......... two B-flat clarinets... There C752. 8 + 3 church musician... The and is named after Beale Street in Memphis........ SS.....95 Ethos Publications.... Advance Music..... includes parts and C1227..... Hartley. and a final 1961........ Sarabande et Allegro for Clarinet and Piano by Gabriel Grovlez transcribed by Ulysse Delécluse.. 3 pages (includes two parts in score format)... On some state festival do).. a piano reduction by the composer was recently discovered. mostly in 4/4....... For 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with alternate alto clarinet for the third part.. SS. Goodman moved freely between jazz and do (with mixed meters).... .. SS. ... Early college level for performance majors... Alphonse Leduc...... Andraud.95 C1573.... Hungarian Shepherd's Songs for Flute or Clarinet and Piano C624... ... There are alternate parts for B-flat clarinet replacing the E-flat experienced recitalist...........95 quite easy while others such as the Brisk Young Sailor.. clarinet & piano music by Terence Greaves.. High (including F sharp in the B-flat parts).... Giusto...... The Soliloquy is marked C513. Handel Sonate XI Clarinet and Piano by Georg Freidirch Handel arranged by Jacques Lancelot and Marie Claude. 19. A one movement work with three sections...  .. Soliloquy & Scherzo for E-Flat Clarinet or E-Flat Sopranino and Hawkes. 6 + 3 C1304... 1966. Hartmann (1836-1898) was a Danish C317. was a Hungarian compos- rest of his life in Austria... (includes score)..... 1970.... 1958.C. lots of sharps and the off beats in the second and alto clarinet parts that SS. International Music Co.. III for clarinet and piano by François Grosborne.. Steven Harlos (1953-) is best known as a collaborative pianist..... 8 pages.... Instrumentation is a bit unusual. and Nettle)..95 Woodwindiana.... SB... 3. Rubank.. this arrangement is for (Allegro). 1923...... Romance (Andante/Allegretto Scherzan- pages. words by Jacqueline Froom.... and 3.....vcisinc.. SS. Andanate espressivo...95 Little Trotty Wagtail (Scherzando)..... This piece is in three sections: Allegro scherzan- a tribute to Benny Goodman ... 12. First a sarabande which is a slow Spanish dance in 3/4 followed by Harmon....... Slowly.... Ye Banks And Braes O' Bonnie Doon..... Concerto in G Minor for Clarinet and Piano by Georg and Country Gardens are fairly challenging with the rest in between..... SB.. Sonatina for Clarinet Solo by Eugene Hartzell. Belladonna.... 1969. 24 + 7 pages....... Lamento et Tarentelle for Clarinet and Piano by Gabriel recreate some of the jazz sounds reminiscent of Goodman's playing.... Marked Allegro G102....... bass clarinet. SS.... Carl Fischer.... and Allegro...  ..... Handy arranged V030..... C962.. Danse Espagnole No.... Finale 1993.... 31... (played by the composer)... Metamorphoses for Clarinet and Piano by Walter S....... Lots of key changes..... 22......... SS... SS.... 30 dens..... Sicilienne. 8 + 3 pages.95 lists and also some lists for college auditions.. editor describes it as "a beautifully flowing and expressive work. Sarabande (Largo).  ....95 C1715....  ..........15 & dirty blues). 2. Includes parts and score.. 1941/1958......... Hartley... 2000. He has about 200 published works including many for woodwinds. 12.. Colours for Clarinet Quartet by Paul Harris. This piece is dedicated to James Gillespie C745.. 5 Andaluza by Enrique Granados Southern Music...... and contrabass an advanced high school student but is also good program material for an clarinet........... College level.... All of the parts are interesting.. and III.......... This piece may be played by four B flat clarinets or two B flat 2/4 Presto..... 1998......... Early college level with a duration of about 4:00........95 (includes all parts and piano score).. 14.... piece is in four movements: Grave........... it alternates between crisp choppy sections (puppets (Viola/Basset Horn) and Piano by Emil Hartmann.. http://www.. 1953.. 1950. Includes piano score and two copies of the voice & Intermediate level.... Rivages I. bouncing on their strings?) and legato interludes.. A Garden of Weeds for soprano voice... ..... For four B-flat clarinets or three B- alto clarinet (with optional B-flat part).. 8 pages.....  .. Composed in 1703... 6 + 2 pages.. In Grovlez. Early college level.. College level with a duration of 9:50.. school quartets and up. 15 + 4 pages (includes CD).. 27 + 9 pages... an intermediate level piece it does move through a number of keys Indigo (Andante expressivo). . info@vcisinc........ We're fond of altissimo and some flutter tonguing in the second. + 4 pages.... There are two copies in score format... It is an excellent piece which is recommend for high school festival use but will be C826...... 2. Emerson Edition... 8 + 3 pages..... II......... Advanced college level. Suite Number One for Mixed Clarinet Quintet by Robert pages... 2.. The included CD has versions with clarinet and piano and with piano alone C1162. 19... Eugene Hartzell (1932-2000) was born and by Mihály Hajdu... 6/8 Vivace. ...... 1997/2008..... Boosey C827........ representa- International Music Diffusion.... II. Serenade Op.... Intermediate level. 16.. Rondo-Finale (Allegro). ... Five amusing short songs on garden weeds (Buttercup.. College level.... 19.. This piece has three movements: I... Alphonse Leduc.. Allegro. C686.... 1979.... . The bass and contra- bass parts are in bass clef.........95 classical music and this piece is an attempt to represent both styles and C270.......... Terence Greaves (1933-) is an English composer and music educator.. 14 + 6 pages..... enjoyed by most clarinet quartets.. .. SS. in composition in 1953. Heim describes this as excellent music which is suitable for E-flat clarinet. Siciliana and Giga. Early college level in difficulty.... 14. but quite practical: 3 B-flat PO Box 9569........ . an Allegro ma non troppo.. 13....... Beale Street Blues Clarinet Quartet by W. Adagio. this arranged for clarinet sextet by René Marouzé.. The first is mostly in 5/8 provides a beautiful diversion on any recital program.. It is a thoroughly enjoyable work to play.. International Music Diffusion. This was the contest three movements: Benny's Dream (allegro moderato). 19... Fantasy for Clarinet and Piano by Howard Hanson edited by K..... er and music educator... Tennessee.. C796...... 6..... There are some aspects of this piece including C675. conductor. Three movements: Magenta (Allegro molto).... ... England.... This piece was written male voice.. The ambiguity is reflected in the eclectic an unusual Cello (or Bassoon) by Joseph Haydn edited by Klaus Burmeister....95 Kunzelmann. (includes parts and score).. IV: Es 1......... The movements are from several quartets: Allegro spirito (Op... C... 2000..... B1 for Clarinet....... 2003..... description.95 although there is a challenging section in the second clarinet part in the C325.. SS......... more clarity information on what is known about them and describe the editing..... 1977...... Charanga is a Cuban musical form while Xiomara Reyes is a Cuban ballet ments: Allegro grazioso... Andante (Op.. 74 No............... SS.... Martin Hennessy is an American composer......95 (includes score)... 3). This is the first London multiphonic..... improvisatory/aleatoric techniques................ 4 pages.. 47 + 12 pages.... . Schott. PO Box 9569... and Finale (Allegro spiritoso).. opera and Music. Skunk Cabbage (Slow).. one repeated EditionDarok.... 1975............. Smith..... ........ Three movements: I... 50 No. . 2 Merengue Sempre di Aychem Sunal C324.. basset horn in F. . Vivace... Es 2. 2004... Variationen... Violin and mysticism of the verse....." All with by Stefan Heucke. 5 Third Movement: Menuetto by Franz Joseph B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet.... SS. 16.... 60 + 16 pages.. . 17 + 6 pages........ SS...... Lazarus Edition.... This and musical director.. SS.... 3 Latin Dances No. 13... The Wall (Expectant).... . 31 + 12 pages......... Trio (Hob. Frigyes Hidas (1928-2007) was a Hungarian composer edited by John P... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet (in bass clef).. SS..... SS.. 50 No... 18 + 7 pages.. In three movements: I. 2010.. Jiddische Sjlimmert for Clarinet and Piano by Patrick Hiketick..... and The Rumination of Rivers (Gently Flowing)... Adagio.......... etc. 14............. Andante.... 17..95 ambiguous........ and contrabass clarinet in B-flat..."  ........ 15. This is a sectional piece Menuetto and Trio is marked Allegretto.........95 V041......... Metropolis Music....... II...... 2008.. about 10 minutes..95 C1408..... 6 pages... High school level (with the first part with many tempo changes (all clearly marked).....95 C1006..... Quartet No. rian composer and musical director who was especially known for his wind 2002.. clarinet (and bass clarinet) and piano by Martin Hennessy.... "with Harry Sparnaay in mind" is printed above the title. time and space melt to form extended for a solo work........ 2009. 27... Ruminations. Early college level.  . 31 Arnold Schönberg and Alban Berg........ 18.. .00 level with important second and bass clarinet parts. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Eugene Hartzell. SS.. Of the Natural World (Comodo)...... In Relativity Theory.. C981... Doblinger. Three Etudes on Themes of Gershwin by Paul Harvey............ It is in three movements and is fairly space... 64 No... (includes parts only)... 1981. David Philip Hefti... EditionDarok...:IV/1) which was originally written for two flutes and cello....................... This For B-flat soprano clarinet................ 2003. Advanced level... It was published in 1810............ ... Sonate for Bass Clarinet (or Violoncello) and Piano Op. Stefan Heucke (1959-) is a German composer of time.. SS...... Edition second half of the piece...... This work by Clarinet Quartet by Patrick Hiketick.......... SS......... multiphonics (fingerings given).... II.. This piece is in three movements: I... This edition adds an alternate multiphonic ending for Summer...95 contemporary music... This piece was written in 1957 during with time as the fourth coordinate.. 1999............ O..... Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Charles Swinnerton Heap edited C1407..... .... Allegro.......................... pianist and vocal for a student of the composer to use at 1974 of the Royal Military School of coach with a growing catalogue of art song... includes parts and score. 12.. 11 pages. from the high altissimo to the bottom of a low C instrument. 31 + 9 pages (includes both bass a jazzy feel. 10 + 4 pages.... All of the players are featured. his work..... and some other extended techniques. Haydn Trio No..... 1992... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet (in bass clef).... Bernhard Heiden (1910-2000) studied composition with Hindemith who strongly influenced C625.. merengue is probably easier than most of Hiketick's other clarinet quartets Uses extended techniques..95 and time ('Raum' and 'Zeit') surely belong amongst the most often-discussed concepts of all. Configurations for Bass Clarinet by Eugene glissando..... Advanced level and about 18 minutes... star!' is dedicated to Wolfgang Meyer. Moderato assai (3/2)...... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet..... II...... 2009.. And in our dreams (singular: 'Traum')... and is a (includes score).......... Edition Kunzelmann....... Sonata Clarinet and Piano by Frigyes Hidas.. 1 in B-flat for Clarinet and String Trio (Violin.95 ciated Music Publishers Inc.. Counterpoints on "come... 2 for clarinet quintet by Frigyes Hidas arranged by Tibor Dittrich.. This band music although he composed for many genre.... 27........ Dialog for 2 Bass Clarinets by David Philip piece alternates between a 3/4 and 6/8 feel throughout and is the longest of Hefti.... Kunzelmann... sweet death" for Clarinet Trio by for Clarinet Quartet by Patrick Hiketick.... Vivo (includes several sections with no meter)..... 9.................. Should be a lot of fun for all three performers... remarkable early example of the English clarinet sonata..... 4 pages (two copies in score format)... .. Novak.... You get to Grenadiers..... Classical Vocal Reprints..... The Sonatina is a three movement work: Con moto....... and 1983.............. 2007. 16......... This piece is dedicated to Henri Bok who gave the first performance in 1996.. and III..... 32...... Andante..... Etudes for solo clarinet based on the Gershwin C1456......... Kant explains that space and C1421. I Grenadier Guards he based it on an inversion of the march "The British Thought It Was Harry (Fast and Manic).... Metropolis Music.... Op.. SS.. often surreal images.... in order to create a four-dimensional his first period of study in Austria.. EditionDarok.... Musica Rara.... Asso- without bar lines and with lots of altissimo. Charles Swinnerton Heap (1847-1900) was composed in 1879.. Notes at the end of the score give melodies and fragments in imitation......... II. 50 No. (T)raum-Ze(n)it. Doblinger.......50 Gilead (Jazzy)....... I Thought It Was Harry is Co.. "Space the 3 Latin Dances.. star! Mosaic for Clarinet Solo by David Philip Hefti.... SS....... At the upper intermediate reaching an altissimo G) with a duration of 3 minutes.. 18.95 movements: I.. These trios are little known but and microtonal ornaments interact with both non-tonal and quasi-tonal worth but are worth some attention.... Six Poems by William Bonk for baritone C1509. V046. 2010. 6 pages (in score format with a Vivace (Op..... In score format........ musical choices as well: free rhythm..... tremolo.... An advanced piece....... http://www.................... A rare work for clarinet and Paul Harvey.... 5.... emerges but then dissipates again as the first section is repeated without Advanced high school level and up...... The C284.... For four C995........ Southern Music clarinetist plays bass clarinet on Skunk Cabbage. 27.. & Cello) by Franz Joseph Haydn arranged by Vincenzo Gambaro SS. See our web site for a full Clarinet Quartet by Patrick Hiketick. Metropolis Music...." "Summertime.. 25. A klezmer inspired time are prerequisites of the sensory imagination...... 25..... 35. much of it C292.. 23 + 11 pages..... ....... Three Trios Hob. 2003. Shall-u-mo Publications........." and "I Got Rhythm.. . SS. Faith (Hebrews 11:1) for Soprano with Clarinet in B-flat by 4 and Op. 76 No........" An advanced piece using contemporary techniques such microtonality..... Frigyes Hidas (1928-2007) was a Hunga- Haydn arranged for clarinet quartet by Bruce R.95 C335.... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet (in bass clef)...... SS............ In Transcendental Aesthetics.... ... This is an advanced work suitable for a graduate or professional recital....... In three move... Andante. 1975... Newhill...... .... College level. Elegie... 4 pages..... 1 Charanga di Xiomara Reyes for by Colin Bradbury.. O. Monologue 13....... 19. ... 2003. SS.. The free translation from Greet to English of the Biblical text Hebrews 11:1 seeks to underscore the C1459. Viola... A C1409.95 text............... 1957...50 for voice and piano only. Metropolis Music.... (includes score).. BRS Music Inc... 1 arranged for clarinet trio by A.........95 (but with many tempo changes).... This C1476... C626.. articulations.... Written in 1980. Hungarian Folk Song Suite No. College level.. SS..95 C1130.. chamber music........ Duration about 23 info@vcisinc. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Bernhard Heiden..... Moderato. 2005.. molto tranquillo (4/4)..........  ........... and III..... As the piece progresses......95 the Finale...... Since the student was a member of the Band of the musical theater.95 Hartzell............50 C1121...95 quartets by the Italian composer Vincenzo Gambaro. .. . 29............... 3 Latin Dances No......... 4)... Peters...... 'space-time' means the combination of the three spatial dimensions together piece with increasing tempos throughout.. 1) and Mark Hijleh.. 1983..... 1).....vcisinc. Emerson Edition...... 23 tunes "It Ain't Necessarily So... Three Ballade. Dedicated to James Gillespie... 5 pages..95 Van Cott Information Services Inc...............  ... clarinet and cello parts)......... Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Harvey..... Classical Vocal Reprints..... Improvisation on a Martial Inversion for Solo Clarinet by voice..... and III. SS. Most of this dancer who danced with the Royal Ballet of Flanders in Belgium for seven work is not difficult with the only technical challenges coming at the end of years..... 27... and III.. .. (includes score).. 44. 3 Dansa Latino di Maria del Real for three part piece using extended technique....................... Duration about 3 minutes.. Menuetto (Op. .... SS. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. 3 Latin Dances No.... 18.......... Allegro is the first of three clarinet and string trios arranged from Haydn string vivo (3/8).F.. ... Adagio molto Vivace ma non troppo..95 copy for the vocalist and a copy for the clarinetist)......... This is a challenging piece which calls for a range C1705..... .... Generally three sections: Andante. 1978..... Performing this work in public will require a skilled quartet and Double Bass (or Cello) by Paul Hindemith.... All of C630... traditions with numerous elements of jazz and big band sounds--harmonies......... Southern Music. Concerto in B-flat major for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Franz Anton Hoffmeister edited by György Balassa with C1410...... a treble clef version may be downloaded from our website). 24 + 7...vcisinc..... SS. 40 + 16 pages.. 24 + 7 pages...... 1925...... 1982..95 C1188........ 27... Musikalisches Blumengärtlein und Leyptziger Allerley and Weber and the final Rondo is clearly inspired by the last movement of (Musical Flower Garden with Leyptziger Assortment) for Clarinet the Gran Partita...95 pages (in score format).... was the first Welsh composer of classical thearted work in three movements........ James changes.... SS. Schott.. the melody or counter melody through much of the piece..50 a duration of about 8 minutes......... The sources of the influenced by the jazz idiom.. Sonatine for Clarinet in A and Piano by Arthur Honegger.... 20. which is presumed to have been written in excellent tango for clarinet quartet with an important third part which has the early 1780's... The first part has most of the melody and difficulty.. and Rondo. good endurance 1923.. Concerto for Clarinet in A and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Paul Hindemith. SS.. composer has incorporated elements from both the classical and jazz rather than solo with accompaniment....... .... 22. The instrumental parts are musically demanding............ Cadenza (Allegro throughout......  .. Papagena Press...... SS....... SS 12 + 4 pages..... 95 pages (score format)...... Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Joseph Horovitz.. .......95 duets in this book are: Franz Joseph Haydn String Quartet Hob.. Prof.... cally influenced by jazz and other popular music.... This piece....... Professor Norman Heim wrote that this work is a modal 1991.. mm=88 in 4/4) and Song seldom played outside England. 48. Belgian composer Patrick chordal material is often dissonant.. an excellent clarinetist........ (parts only)..25 3:50.. with their tonal and romantic C294.. and III.... Allegro vivace). This moves Hinckley.. 22 + 7 pages... http://www. III: 40 (Po C1098. work in January 1927 for himself and his wife..95 rhythms...." ... 21.. SS......... 29. SS.. 30 Music..... Ruhig. The third movement is for clarinet in E-flat. . Woodwindiana.95 C1338. Cadenza movement.... 1........ 6.. 1939.. 27..... SS.. Schott.. .....95 for Ayako (Andante... There are quotations from clarinet works from Mozart C1122... College level with these are at the upper intermediate level. Sehr college level. Die Kunst der Klarinette Variations on "Colonel Bogey" for C608.. The clarinet is part of the ensemble.. It was written for Gervase de Peyer in 1948 and is Op... II.... are related to the Greek tradition. will appeal to diverse audiences. musician (jazz piano) and musical director.. 8...... Adagio..... the fourth is very short and Eddie Daniels.. Andantino and Allegro grazioso. Heim had the following observations: the clarinet and piano participate in dialogue in the C1576. Quintett Op... The clarinet parts are at the intermediate level..... 3 (Piano Reduction) by Alun Hoddi... the parts have the leading role at some point......... The composer wrote: "Ritual was written in 1989 for sonata writing with good balance between the clarinet and piano and an and is influenced by my study of Greek folk music.... and the piano Hook (1746-1827) was an English composer and musician who enjoyed part is especially difficult... Novello..95 Tango.. 32 + 9 pages...........95 langsam.. Hiketick (1952-) has dedicated these two songs to Ayako & Yu and Minako and he concluded that this is an excellent piece for advanced performers... Clarinet Concerto (Piano Reduction) by Katherine Hoover.95 Capriccio (Allegro giocoso). 1995.. Three movements: I.. is contrapuntal. It is tonal and melodically and rhythmi- music to receive international recognition.. it is followed by five very distinct variations: Serenade........ Belwin/Alfred.. 33 No.. Heim wrote that it requires facile technique.......... spirit..... Bernhard Henrick Crusell Three Concert Duets Op... Many of the runs. (includes score)........95 many years of success beginning at age 6.. a dance movement. SS.... A lot of music. 423... Prof.... 15..... 1997.. 50 by Alun Hoddinott.. 1997. . Five movements: Sehr Lebhaft.....95 clarinet as a virtuoso solo instrument. For mature performers. This concerto was written for cello. interval patterns and rhythms. Grade 5.. It calls for equal virtuosity First performed in 1954 by Gervase de Peyer....... ... Andante and Waltz for Clarinet and Piano by Nilo W... . 11 + 4 pages.... and some improvisation..... 2001........ Oxford Metropolis Music.... riffs..... SS.. . SS. Oxford University Press/Allegro Music.. 21 + 8 pages.. 32 C1406.. & info@vcisinc... This is a wonderful clarinet quartet.... A three-movement work. ments... A fine work requiring excellent string players.. It is in three movements: I. his first published work...... Written in Rondo.. Two Estate Gardens.. many jazz inflections in the melodic material.. C1339.. 15... .. Elegy. This is a piano reduction of the original for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duet K......95 C217.... Duet K.. This concerto was written in C854.. SS................. .... SS. 4) Movement IV from the composer's transcription for violin duet.. measured duet that builds in steady motion to a climax that set A Walk Around Le Grand Canal at Versailles (6:00) and The Water recalls some of these opening gestures..95 Sehr lebhaft. .... 25... They are Song for Minako (Andante.. Schneller Ländler. This is followed by a fast. 12 but groups not at this level will enjoy playing it for themselves.. An and music publisher... 30 for Clarinet in B-flat and E-flat and String 1812....... Duration about 11 minutes........ Allegro. C1609.......... The Sonatina is a ligh- Alun Hoddinott (1929-2008).... Hovey students........ Sonata for Clarinet Op...... It begins with an Introduction work was written for Benny Goodman in 1947.. Ian Holloway Music. ....... 1950...... SS.. the piece should be considered for professional recitals. The two pieces in this into a mournful.. Sonate for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Hindemith. from both players. 28 + 10 pages.. ..... .. SB.....95 younger students (probably grade 2).. A klezmer inspired piece with increasing tempos given by Keith Puddy in 1967. 3 + 1 pages... 24 + 9 PO Box 9569.. For clarinet. Written for Gervase de Peyer.... the second begins with a beautiful viola solo. 29.95 C921.... Intended for the college or particularly in the dance. 1 from Three Concert Duets Op.. Duration about Heim writes that performers at the college level will enjoy playing it. Allegretto Quartet by Paul Hindemith.. Sequence I.... One of the great standards of the C1138. 16.. 424 (originally for violin and viola) and clarinet and strings. 19. 39... Aria (Adagio) and 3.. 1953.... C302. 1995.95 professional player..... matic and stand on their own as well as together...... 21.. Burlesca (Allegro piacevole).. Prof.. with several sections and tempo Nova Music/English Woodwind Edition... mm=57 in cut time).. It is in three long movements: Mässig bewegt.... For better high school..95 Salabert. 2010... 11...... SS. at times Gardens Near Fountains Abbey (England) (7:00).. Concertante for Clarinet and Piano by Joseph Horovitz..... Schott... Arioso. Laurie compositions is underlined by the fact that all the dynamic and tempi Holloway is a British composer.... the Metropolis Music... except in the first and last move. The the fifth is related to the first movement......... 2007..... Tango for Clarinet Quartet by Patrick Hiketick. Hindemith..... SS.... Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754-1812) was a German composer (in bass clef. or adult amateur quartets.... A popular work for about 13:00......95 brioso). Joie de Vivre for Clarinet Quartet by Laurie Holloway.. Although the work can be played by advanced college C1301... Songs for Friends 2 Clarinets and Piano by Patrick Hiketick... 1989.... The piece is in three distinct parts.......... ..... It is in three movements: 1. Concerto in E-flat for Clarinet and Piano by James Hook. markings are missing..... violin. 48..... 1984.... This four movement three clarinets and bass clarinet by Ian Holloway.. 2.95 This is a very enjoyable quartet with some tempo and key changes...... C1204.. Two Estate Gardens for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by Jaren The first consists mostly of isolated gestures. 1968.. For clarinet in A and orchestra. Schott.. 10 minutes.... . .... 1955/1964... early violoncello and piano. 15.... while the third movement is extended.... Kunzelmann.. Jiddische Sjlimmert for Clarinet Quartet by Patrick Hiketick. The first movement C677....... 1940... .... Moto Perpetuo (Presto).. 39 + 11 pages.... Ritual Clarinet & Piano by Katherine Hoover.. Metropolis piano reduction and cadenzas by Mihaly Hajdu. SS. 20. Duration and Beldon Leonard.. Schott. (includes score).. has three movements: Allegro...... 22. The private nature of these Spartan Press....... Adagio. and III.. The tempos (set by the piano before Van Cott Information Services Inc..... Novello.. a sort of recitative... Quartett by Paul Hindemith.. SS.... 1986.... There are nine short pieces...... Seven Grand Concert Duets selected and edited by David literature... and and that it is excellent program material for the advanced clarinetist... Clarinet Concerto Op. For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet + 8 pages.... almost frenzied dance.. are idyllic and program..... composed this C1273. SS...... 2010.... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . It is in three movements (Allegro.. The second movement has intricate rhythms C1225. 10 + 3 + 3 pages... . which features the excellent work for all clarinetists beginning at the high school level.. with the third movement highly Hite..... very effective with the piano reduction............. Fugue. rhythmic material is intricate but logical.. The first performance was bass clarinet (in bass clef).. For three clarinets and bass clarinet.. and Rondo........... nott.. 1962. Arioso (Lento con malinconia). For three B-flat clarinets and University Press/Allegro Music. It is modeled on the Weber Concertino and is in Hyacinth Klose Duet No. the third is a Ländler.... joined by the Theodore Presser... and Mässig bewegt... 17..... 8.... phone/clarinet).....25 C1567............ Duration about 26 minutes.. 2009.....  .......... There are C336. 3....50 ensemble... Much of the work of advanced contemporary composition which does not use extended clarinetist Paul Jeanjean has been described as romantic and charming.. and fourth part can be played by soprano or bass clarinet... Three Studies for solo clarinet by Karel Husa. 26..F.......95 C1369. possibile)...... Trio in B-Flat Major for 3 Clarinets by Joseph Friedrich Of All the Birds That I Do Know... Most suitable as an in three movements: I. and Two Little Flowers (1921).. C483..... Lament Op.....95 college level although the clarinet part goes up to an altissimo A..95 romantic period style but with modernistic..... slow.......... Five Pieces for Clarinet (unaccompanied) by Gordon Jacob.. This piece for solo clarinet was written in 1935 but not are at the intermediate level..  ..... The range is during the composer's lifetime....50 beginning on low F.. Includes parts (2 or 3 pages each) and score.95 C785. This short Soliloquy... Should be playable Music.. Waltz.. 46..95 Hurlstone....... SS..... Three Songs by Charles Ives for Alto or Tenor Saxophone or younger students (probably grade 2). 'Cello & Piano by John Ireland pages.... and III................................ This piece features basic Latin rhythms and should be choir. it has a number of advanced high school and college level students. Klezmer Jam Clarinet Quartet by Valentin Hude............ 15. SS..... Scherzetto...... 1967..... Hovey and Beldon Leonard... 17... SS.. SS. http://www." It is mostly in the key of E major..... For three clarinets by better high school quartets and above and can also be used with clarinet and bass clarinet.. II...... A one movement work with six major sections with contrasting Jeanjean. . Werner Hübsch (1901-1969) was a German for Solo Clarinet....... International Music Diffusion. (includes parts for both alto saxophone and tenor saxo- C383........50 SS........ Trio for Clarinet......... 4...  . Emerson Edition..... Dedicated to Frederick Thurston. 1993.. An enjoyable quartet with fast....... Three attractive intermediate level It is should be within the capability of an excellent high school player. 1932.. . Allegro giusto... Heim wrote that this is very poetic music......95 There is also a clarinet quartet accompaniment (below). 27. Carl Fischer. 1962. It is both very beautiful music and a great challenge for both is larger but by no means large...B... Viola and Piano by Gordon Jacob........ this version is for clarinet in A...... This techniques... It is a good recital piece for third and bass parts should be no problem at all............ Emerson Edition....  ....... The three songs are In Summer Fields (1898)... SS.... 16... SS.............. The theme and variations for clarinet with piano accompaniment edited and reconstructed by Stephen Fox..95 in one extended movement (quarter note = 126)... . This is features the statement of the theme by the piano.. Many tempo changes and a cadenza near the end.. 27. Bertold Hummel (1925–2002) was a V026.... Thomas Hummel.progressively Accompaniment by Faustin and Maurice Jeanjean transcribed by Pierre Max Dubois.... II to the A above the staff with nothing faster than eighth notes...... Includes the clarinet part and a vocal score of "New Music.. 1978.. 15......... Belwin/Alfred. The Boosey & Hawkes. Duration about 17:30.. 9 + 4 pages. SS. 18... Fantasy-Sonata for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by John Ireland...... The trio was written around 1885-1890 and is Morley Ho.. 15...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 4..... The first part is the most difficult (advanced high con brio......... The three contrasting and virtuoso parts - Mountain Bird.... C.......... 1990. ABRSM Publishing...... Marked Lightly at beginning college level students but also has audience appeal for profes- mm=152........... La Danse (Ritmico). SS..... 8 + 3 pages. 5 Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano by Bertold Hummel..... 29. 6.. (This is for five staccato..... Billaudot.95 sional programs..) .... 2006..  .... SS..... but pieces.. Évocations de Slovaquie for Clarinet in A (Flute)...... II..... 9........ Southern Music Co. SS........ 1970.. legato. 23.. 3 + 1 pages.... ....... Oxford University German composer who studied with Harald Genzmer and was a proponent Press/Allegro Music.. SS.  ... Allegro clarinets and bass clarinet...... 2009... La Nuit (Tranquillo encore piece (duration 2:10) it features a three measure glissando at the end. 22 + 7 pages...................... A popular work for PO Box 9569.... Pavane & Gopak for Clarinet Quartet by Gordon C1502.... SS.45 performers.... ........... John Dowland Flow My Tears... An advanced work is primarily eighth notes in cut time (Très vif et léger). SS. 10... 12 + 4 pages... and Scherzo) is sure to please audiences..95 C822..... Includes parts (2 pages each) and score... includes parts and score... Karel Husa (1921-) is a Czech born composer and conductor... the piano part for the third song is primarily a published until many years later.. Croon Song.. . Still Life (Andante will require a skilled pianist to bring off successfully. Adagio molto.. In amateurs)..... composer and music teacher with a special interest in folk music.... 19.95 Tranquillo) in 3/4............ 12 + 6 C1385...95 C1503..... and Presto............ 25 for Clarinet solo by Alan Hovhaness..  ............ steeped in late print is quite small..... Originally for viola....95 C1246...... 1980... 22 + 7 pages.. Three Songs for Voice and Clarinet in A.. Alry Publications... 7 pages..." ... Alfred Publishing Co... 7 pages.. and info@vcisinc................ Billaudot............ Another edition of this piece..... 33 the clarinet entrances) are Andate moderato/Giocoso/Andante................. Advance C1190.... Breitkopf & Härtel (Musica Rara). and III..95 tempo changes. Lento/Con moto... SS.... Billaudot....  ... Three Clarinet Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by Michael Jacques....  .  .. La Montagne (Exaltando). 1964. The fourth part can be played on soprano or bass clarinet... and Scherzo and Trio. Jacasserie Concertino for Clarinet in E-flat and Piano by Roland Ingelaere..... The tempo is Moderato... The title on the cover is Five Pieces Hofmeister.. (includes parts and piano score)... Dr Heim writes that this piece has nice melodic writing for clarinet school/early college) with the second part somewhat less difficult while the with the piano usually in an accompanying role.. An C723. Music by Gordon Jacob and words from the book English Madrigal Verse..95 C318......95 clarinets in all.. the a substantial work which was performed at most twice (in 1914 or 1915) theme played by the clarinet. .95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. The piano line is given in parts of the clarinet part to assist with piece published in 1926 fits that characterization... SS............. Fantasie for Clarinet and Piano by Paul approach... Trio in D minor for Clarinet. ..S. The title can be translated as "chatter.. Who Comes Here? Early college level and above.......... An interesting and challenging piece for piece will be good for intermediate students who are ready for challenges besides "more notes. Schott.  ........... SS.... 1996..95 playable by better high school level quartets..... and four variations.50 Scherzo........ Simrock.. 7..........95 C830.. Prof.. .. About 5 minutes in duration. 1972. 8 + 2 pages......... The last movement requires an A clarinet..vcisinc. Simrock.. Emerson Edition. 1926....95 can be practiced in the absence of the clarinet.. 2001. 17...... Fantasie for Clarinet and Piano by Werner Hübschmann. Viola and C751...... 29.... 3. who taught at Cornell for many years... Music............ Jeanjean with piano reduction by Pierre Max Dubois. Menuetto..... The format is a bit unusual with a first part that includes the score four movements: Adagio molto. This set of four pieces (Ballade. 12 + 8 pages.. 17. Four Characteristic Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by William some nice duets for the clarinet and viola. Guisganderie for Clarinet Solo with Clarinet Quartet Praha. The three songs are: Anon.  ... C823... Summer Landscape (Andante grazioso) in 6/8. 1993. It is at the advance intermediate level with nearly equal parts (looks like a good piece for adult C1544. Baerenreiter C750.. Duration about 15 minutes... In three movements: I Allegro non troppo....... Five movements: Preamble. 27 + 8 pages.95 C517... Carnival of Venice by Paul Jeanjean..... Song of Spring for Clarinet and Piano by Nilo W..... The range is Clarinet and Piano arranged by James Boatman......... 2008. 3 + 1 pages.. 19. Arabesques..... Oxford University Press..  ..... .. Poignant Song and Relentless Machine ... Novello... C305. C1295.......... and somewhat impressionistic....... While the solo parts Peters......... 6 + 3 pages........ Advance Jacob....... Andantino for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Jeanjean edited by Daniel Bonade. and fast movements from the well-known English composer... trained in 12 + 4 pages.. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Gordon Jacob.. 1949... Homage to J.......... 1945. 8.... For clarinet and piano........ 1970/2000............. 1973...." The brief contrasting movements have been composed in with the clarinet part and a transposition of the clarinet part for piano so it 12-tone style... Andante expressivo... Early and separate second and third parts. For three Three movements: I............ This is a lesser known clarinet showpiece with a melody that Prague and Paris... a clarinet cadenza......50 C1300. SS.. The clarinet quartet parts are easy and the represent three different characteristics of playing: espressivo...... Guisganderie for Clarinet and Piano by Faustin and Maurice Violoncello by Karel Husa. C806... and Street Scene (Allegro giocoso) in cut time... College level............ Arabesques by Paul Jeanjean.. Idea in Latin Clarinet Quartet by Valentin Hude.............. The print tempos.. to the A above the staff with nothing faster than eighth notes.. the only difficulty that repeating 7/8 phrase (the kind of thing we expect from Ives) which will add would confront a high school student is a frequently repeated arpeggio some challenge to the ensemble. 1941... Marked largo..... and the middle part has mixed meter 3/8-4/8..... SS. ... SS...... . from "Night of Frost in May" (1899)...... Intermezzo. 1987...... SS.... Frederic Chopin Mazurka.. . 21......... Andante C546........ It will be challenging for both performers with mixed meter and Glenn. Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol......... Norman Heim calls this piece one of the Piece for Kids... Dr..... This single-movement work has an overtly theatrical aspect....  ... Three Polish Dances arranged for Two Saxophones. Kalmus.... Weeping Willow..95 Potsdam Clarinet Quartet...... This is a showpiece in theme and variation PO Box 9569. Kendor. Wenzeslaus Kalliwoda edited by Dieter Klöcker. 15 + 7 pages. .. Clair Matin for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Jeanjean. Six familiar Joplin rags: Original Rags...... Gustav Jenner (1865-1920) was a German composer who studied with Brahms and C379.. SS.. 1 for Basset Horn Trio.. or Two Clarinets and Bassoon edited and arranged by David movements.. 2 2nd Clarinet........ notes...... http://www... 36 + 10 pages. The Chrysanthemum...... Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol...... ... Includes a CD of the piano accompaniment.... . Southern Music Co... SS........ . Billaudot...  . It is a continuous composition in Waltz..... EditionDarok... .. 1965. A fine example minutes. SS. Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol... Ascèses for Solo Clarinet by André Jolivet...... with play-along (Andante con moto) and Trepak (which begins "Very deliberately" and CD..95 Entertainer... Tritone Press... 2008... and Tarantella.. Kalliwoda was a Bohemian violinist and composer who 1899 by Richard Mühlfeld.. 2 for Basset Horn Trio.. It is unusual in that it is with piano.... and Little Fugue... Misterioso.. Internation- bass clarinet part can be downloaded (although the differences are limited al Music Diffusion.50 139b by Sigfrid Karg-Elert.. An advanced work that includes some notes in the extended lower 10 pages...... The Favorite.... A dialogue is established between two contrasting arranged by Terry Kenny..95 the outset becomes interspersed with a second that is more mischievous... 30...... Duration about 18:15.. Introduction and Variations for Clarinet and Piano Op.....50 C911.... This is part of a number of pieces for are for piano alone allowing the clarinetist some short rests).... .95 does not appear to be particularly difficult and should be suitable for C1191. Claude Debussy Beau Soir... A one especially unusual time signature of 5/4 and 1/2. SB.vcisinc.... Dialogues for Clarinet and Piano by Ginette Keller.... Franz Joseph Haydn Menuetto... It has six sections resembling theme and variations and requires excellent technique. Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol.. SS. American Standard for Clarinet and Piano by Michael Duration about 16 minutes... cadenza. The score volume includes The work is difficult and demands great technical [email protected] of a salon piece of the nineteenth century (composed in 1862) with difficult- Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol... Kunzelmann.........95 Jenner edited by Horst Heussner.......... where both themes (and moods) are finally juxtaposed..... Includes score and parts. This is for 4 B-flat clarinets and provides a means of pushing forward with considerable virtuosity to the bass clarinet (or bassoon)....50 C468..95 work. The C1466... 8.... Flutter tounging is the only extented technique required. This advanced contemporary  .... Molto Lento...... 2 1st Clarinet... The Entertainer. EditionDarok.... Scott Joplin Ragtimes Vol. Scott Joplin Ragtimes Vol.95 Trio. 2007. 17 + 5 pages.... the work stands on its own merit.. Tony Aubin and Olivier Messiaen..... 5 pages in score format plus an additional part for tenor WW072..... The slow... Two Oboes.......  .. Zim- Con Moto....... C1363.. The speeds up step by step until "as fast as possible"). Johannes Brahms great works for unaccompanied clarinet. Schott.. 1 by Aram Khatchaturian transcribed by Michel Gizard. An advanced contemporary work in five contrasting movements range and a small amount of altissimo.. 2004..................... 14 + 5 pages........ 28......50 clarinet and piano. 29. and Maple Leaf Rag..50 quartets.. Another Scott Joplin favorite. 11...95 Kaulkin..... Early college level... French composer and music educator who studied at the Conservatoire de Solace. 1999.... The Easy Winners for Clarinet Quartet by Scott Joplin home in musical theater........ aching theme heard at the 4th part should work fine on bass clarinet... In one move- ment with several sections.......... ..... Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol. Includes performance C1192......... 15.. or Two Clarinets and Bassoon edited and arranged by David Glenn.. Pine Apple Rag for Clarinet Quintet by Scott Joplin arranged even grotesque in character. 5... ... This C1469..  .. concluding soprano voice and obbligato clarinet that were popular during this period. This is an advanced work for the best players........ Six Ragtimes for flute or clarinet or bassoon and piano by saxophone.....95 which may be played on B-flat or A clarinet... ...... It is a first-class performance notes for each piece and a CD with performances by the recital work for the professional performer.. Clarinet minutes.... . 1985.. Corso Forzoso. mit Übermut. International Music Diffusion..... SS. etc. directed choral groups in Vienna.. (includes parts and score). Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Classics for Clarinet Quartet Vol... A Joplin favorite.. SS.. For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet.. and Franz Schubert Allegretto.. 17. Comus Publications (Comus Edition)......... by Terry Kenny. 16 + 7 pages................ 15 + 4 pages. 9.......... 22... 2 Bass Clarinet.... Duration of 25 edited by Colin Bradbury.. lyrical..... 229 by Johann Wenzeslaus Kalliwoda work.95 Clarinets..... 1979. 1998... is in five movements: In Certo Qual Modo Raccon- tando. ............. This is for 4 B-flat clarinets but but thematically related sections. Scherzo Brillante for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Jeanjean revised Inizio Dei Racconti... Ginette Keller (1925-) is a to occasional phrases up an octave).. There is a wonderful chamber music relationship between the C1467... Another showpiece from conductor of Prince Fürstenberg's private orchestra at Donaueschingen Jeanjean..... William Karlins.. Felix Mendelssohn With Longing..95 composition's rather resigned conclusion..... C934........ C547..95 piece is based on the jazz composition Lines Where Beauty Lingers by Ron Thomas. 117 for Soprano.. Includes score and parts..... Heimathlied (Homesong) Op. Another work by clarinetist Paul Jeanjean that can be Hofmeister..... SS...... This is a collection of 13 classical pieces for grade 2-4 clarinet performing today.. 1999.... Professor Heim wrote that although deeply influenced by the Brahms style violin music. Requires great technical facility and interval V033.... SS..... Allegretto grazioso. Helge Jung (1943-) is a described as romantic and charming.. It with a Molto vivace coda.. Clarinet and flexibility........ 12......... chamber music.. 5.1982... mermann..... There are four Trio..... 128 by J...  . SS... Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda (1801-1866) was born and educated in Prague and for most of his professional life served as by Paul Jeanjean.... 27 + 7 pages... 2 Score.. 12 + 6 pages. Volume 1 has Elite Syncopations. Adagio espressivo. 7 pages.. 29.. 24..... harkening back to the composer's spiritual C1151.. 24.95 Bass Clarinet by M.... Duration about 8 minutes. and Rag Time Dance....... and Allegro energiro.. Tamara Scott Joplin edited by Dieter H.. 1964........ and The Ragtime Dance.... SS.. Il Mistero Raddoppiato........  .95 C1468...... A technical and endurance challenge. Förster..... 1982... WW236...... 1965....... 17...... Two Reflection Rag.... 1994......... 2009.25 (of of similar difficulty). 7... Some suggested fingerings are included.. An advanced work with a duration of about 9 C1257... Sonate for Clarinet Solo Op. SB....... 29. 2 3rd Clarinet... Variations on "Au Clair de la Lune" for Clarinet and Piano Breitkopf/Musica Rara.. This is a major C1146. Sonate in G Major for Piano and Clarinet in A by Gustav performers at the early college level... 1991...50 piece is in two extended movements: Ziemlich bewegt and Sehr rasch....25 Piano by Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda edited by James Gillespie.. 4 pages.. and Ritorno Al C279.... Swirly Music........ SS.50 bass clarinet part can be downloaded (although the differences are limited to occasional phrases up an octave). Improvisation on “Lines Where Beauty Lingers” for Solo C1469. . 110 by Sigfrid Karg-Elert..... Grieg Last Spring.. followed by eight variations (several of which (which is in southern Germany)...... 4 Plus 1 for Clarinet and String Quartet by Helge Jung.... 22............ The pieces are: Robert Schumann The Happy Farmer. This is a contemporary piece using a few extended techniques (flutter tonguing and C1258. 7 + 2 pages......... (male) German composer and conductor... Zimmermann.. ...... Chester.. C993.. Bassetti Paletti Publications.. For clarinet quartet Van Cott Information Services Inc... A C792....95 Paris with Nadia Boulanger.. 1989.95 by Daniel Bonade.. and grazioso.. Volume 2 has Peacherine Rag... Second Sonate in B major for Clarinet in A and Piano Op. This work which was first performed in SS.. Constant development of this faster material by Béla Kovács...  .....  .. Morceau de Salon Op... C1150.. 17... 10.......... written in 1996............. 34 C722......... Kunzelmann...... The three dances are Cracovienne (Allegro moderato).  8. C1465........ Bassetti Paletti Publications. Elite Synchopations... meriting performance by the professional recitalist.. It takes the form of a theme and variations. SS. SS... 2 transcribed by Richard Johnston sounding fast passages and beautiful melodies.. It is well worth and edited by Alan Woy... Theme.. . 12......... 2 Complete Set..... Edvard four movements with many markings in German relative to tempo and style... It is in four movements: Allegro moderato e was well known during his life and wrote symphonies.. Published in 1926.... Tableaux de l'Enfance Vol.. 5.................  5... Billaudot.. Clarinet two multiphonics)... Idylle...... Lydian..... college or professional level.. there is a strong lyrical thread........ 9 pages (score format).. .. 24 + 7 pages... They are all marked technical challenge for the college-level clarinet student............. While utilizing no direct quotations from the estab- Sikorski. Les confidences d'un Joueur de Clarinette Op......... Kibbe uses many of the traditional dance types Requires advanced performers.. 2003. . college level work... 6.... For three B-flat clarinets and C445.. 10 for hautbois had no idea that my bass clarinet Sonata OP... including a few with chromatic and non-diatonic... .... 7 by Michael Kibbe...... through more lyrical linear writing..... Adagio..... Le bouquet de fleurs des champs harmonies served up in an accessible fashion... Clarinet Quartet No. About 10 minutes.. Cinq études pour Clarinette by Janos Komives.. 16.. Mourning Dance. Then A Movie........... dans le sentiment d'une pastorale.. Woodwin- probably be managed by high school quartets with strong players on all diana.......95 Woodwindiana..........  .... Allegro moderato. stylistic variations.... and bass clarinet. . Arsis Press.. These three pieces are part of a clarinet and piano... C435....... 12............ II.... SS..... lished Klezmer literature. Kibbe's Suite is an interesting challenge for C913............. ..... Michael Kibbe has written a two-movement collection of dances in this style... There is also an occasional duration of about 9:30.. 34. I... Subito Music...... SS. 63 by Michael Kibbe....... 12. Allegro The composer wrote: "The four movements of this work cover a wide range deciso........... Duration about 7:15.. The composer wrote.95 C1205. Clarinet Quartet No...... 7...... 1.. 6... contemporary work but does not include extended technique... Ukiyo-E (meaning Van Cott Information Services Inc.. IV. and III............ sometimes orchestral accompaniment. SS. Allegro.. Artfully C396.. Polka.. Pastoral.... Written for and premiered at the 75th birthday celebration of Alfred Prinz... 2006..95 Capitalizing on the current wave of interest in the clarinet world for all C622... 1945) (Flames) was written for Guy Deplus in 1975.... Romance for Clarinet & Piano by Edward Knight..... Monodie for 6:45... They are: Prelude... Ukiyo-E (Floating World) for Clarinet and Piano by Laura Koplewitz........ Flammes.............. 12 + 4 pages... 6...... (score included). Early college level with some SS........ Billaudot........ 5. the rhythms. (score included)..... SS...  .95 (1906-1962) was a Hungarian composer who was educated in Budapest and Germany and used folk music (or the Hungarian folk style........ In three movements I. 2010. and Hora.... 23.. The three movements of this playful piece tell the audience.. 3 pages........ For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet (low C desirable but not required...  ........ Charles Koechlin (1867-1950) was a composer wrote: "Klezmer Memories was inspired by the sound and French composer and teacher... Allegro vivo... Dorian......  .. He was student of Fauré who influenced his traditions of European Jewish folk music..... 2008.. Two movement work for solo clarinet that may also as a set........... 216 for Clarinet in A by Charles Koechlin. About 12 minutes.. and 15... SB. At 5 minutes in length and C1198..... 175 which is in a Number 10 from Monodies listed above.  . Woodwindiana........ Night Music Op. At an Allegro sensuoso tempo........ 2008..... 21 pages (score format).. 70 for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Michael Charles Koechlin (1867–1950) was a French composer and teacher.. Woodwindiana........... SS. Shtetl Tanzen for Clarinet Trio by Michael Kibbe.......... "I WW129... Although all the melodic music and about whom he wrote a biography.. that were composed in 1934 for a film The hinting at a key center running through each movement.. 12... Ebony Suite Op.. A very good three movement trio with a Russian flavor........... and III..... 2.... A compositionally conservative.. 2005.. 8 for clarinet alone by Michael Kibbe.... performers..... 1999.. Duration about Chasse d'Artémis. II. bass clarinet............... Le Repos de Tityre.. The Eschig....... Serenade Op.. Sonata Op.. It is a set of five etudes which composed this piece for Howard Klug.... Michael Kibbe....95 C1472...... SB..... Upper college level..... four-movement piece (Prelude.. Allegro moderato..... 1.vcisinc. Janos Komives (1932-2005) was a Hunga- C395.. 20 pages... Mixolydian.95 Michael Kibbe. Hora. accessible 20th century work for the 2003..95 problem by college level quartets and adult quartets (with strong first and WW142........ and V... 1999. Dinner.. In response.. 175 Bass Clarinet and Piano by Michael difficulty but taken as a whole they are college level............ SS....... 3 pages... 10 pages.. 169 for Clarinet Quartet by altissimo. Stretto Music... I wrote the Night Music Op..... http://www.. 5 pages (piano score)... (College level with some high C1165. is conceived on a small scale.. the composer has adapted this piece for College level.. Sonata Op..... 38 + 14 pages............ . Andante tranquillo... 1999..... 1948/1998. . Originally written for wind quintet.......... 3.95 The parts are of equal difficulty..... .... parts.. Tarantella.. Rage de Kasper......... Kibbe (b...... Rezső Kókai clarinet recital. Gehrmans..... For three B-flat clarinets and bass info@vcisinc. SS..... Burlesque.... 12. 9....This unaccompanied piece is single movement and quotes (in a somewhat veiled manner) other more marked Très calme........ 161 for 2 B-flat Clarinets by about 16 minutes. Michael Kibbe. 23... Le Soir..95 Kibbe.... Allegro vivo. dance styles and harmonic language of which the tenth is also sold separately and listed below.. Contemporary for Clarinet in A.. things Klezmer... 216 No....... ...95 provide a piece that was both fun to play and would make an immediate connection with the audience........ Woodwindia. Phrygian...... (score included).. II... SS.. 7. Romance de Kasper.. it can add contrast to a bass Kókai......... Woodwindiana...... Recruiting Dance (Verbunkos).... Elegy.... Woodwindiana... 2 B-flats and bass)....... Monodie... Editions Jobert.. The seven brief movements are were inspired by the sounds of a fire in a fireplace. SB. Advanced C1166...... 5. Four Hungarian Dances for Clarinet & Piano by Rezső with its conservative/contemporary harmonies... Can C446. Adagio... March.. written and artistically satisfying inventions which have recital possibilities 1977.................. and Fresh.. Monolog 3 for solo B-flat clarinet by Erland von Koch.. Monodies Op. II.. clarinet of form and of the melodic ideas........ & 15 for clarinet solo by Charles Koechlin... He was Kibbe. A multisection work..... Duration about 5:30.. Four Pieces Op.. 19. Klezmer Memories Op.......... II....... 116 by Michael Kibbe.. About 14 minutes.95 story: I...... Brief (3:40).. 131 for 2 B-flat Clarinets by Michael Kibbe..95 (US) grade 5 mood piece.. Although generally quite set of 18 for various combinations of instruments... Michael About 10 minutes.......95 Michael Kibbe....... SS........ This piece was C452.. The four dances are Bassoon) by Michael Kibbe. ranges from calm to energetic in a variety of textures and rhythmic interplay with the piano.. 15. 15... 40 would be so popular with d'amour or clarinet in A by Charles Koechlin.... 1948.... 15... Tango.......... 1989........... Quartet No...... this should be playable by good high school/adult amateur performers and beyond.... Elegy. SS.... And Then… Duration C1613... Monodie Op. Le Repos de Tityre...... Max Eschig... For three B-flat C1473........ . For E-flat......95 C984.. Pink Flamingos Tango for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet (or the 19th century) in many of his compositions..... composed in 1977-78 (and revised in 2005) and is a very straightforward Neoclassical style in three contrasting movements with an emphasis on na..95 of attractive.....50 pour Magrédel.. .. 1 Op.... Bulgar) as formal and stylistic elements of structure..." Early college level or adult quartets.. and 10. 3.. 15. The Ride Home... Five Modal Inventions Op......... Woodwindiana.. Violin..... Editio Musica Budapest.. and Finale) quick tempos and a section of 5/8. There is a wide range of C1610......... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ...... College level with a of colors and musical ideas....... 4........... 2 Op..... Folk Dance.. Trio for Clarinet. 141 Nos......... .95 two players. III......... 8. A fine musical and Confessions of a Clarinet Player that was never made. 2006.......... 1999.... Locrian............ An expressive piece famous nocturnes.......... (includes all parts)... SS. . The name suggests the style..... The duration Blues..... C1157.. 1988........ 33 + 13 pages........ (includes score and parts)... SS... B-flat... and III... from the fragmented 'mutterings' of the opening..  . It is a challenging drawn from traditional forms from many cultures.95 Kibbe. This is the set of all 10 pieces materials are original.... This is not as difficult as some of the composers other clarinet music and should be playable without any con rubato........ 2...... Each of these pieces for student of Fauré who influenced his music.. Max clarinets and bass clarinet (there are a few notes in the extended range)...95 by Michael Kibbe...... played using any clarinet from E-flat to bass...... .  .... ... and bass clarinet.. For E-flat... 1978. 151 for Clarinet Quartet by Michael Kibbe.. ........ 17.. !VIVA! PO Box 9569.......... This work Woodwindiana...... 1957...........95 clarinet in B-flat........ especially from C1158... (includes score).. 25.... SS............  ............ III.. and Piano by Aram Khachaturian..... 35 (E-flat.... 3.... with alternate B-flat.. 1994..... rian composer and conductor who relocated to France in 1956.. US grade IV (better high school students and up)..... 18.. B-flat... 1956...............95 (Doina.. (includes score). 34... Le Mer aux bruits innombrables............... The are: 1 Le derive from traditional forms of music-making as were found in the villages Faune... Chant funéraire. Let the listener discover what they are!" This five section which is not difficult. the performers and a welcome............... C1156..... 22 + 7 pages. 40 for Bass Clarinet (or Bassoon) and Piano bass players). 2 pages............. 5 pages. 24.95 'shrill' passage for contrast..... The composer's intention was to is about 9 minutes........ The movements are: I................... La of Eastern Europe................. Three movements: I..... ... rov Feidman! for clarinet quintet by Béla C955.. Adagio. 16. EditionDarok........... Fantaisie de Concert sur des motif de ballet 'Sylvia' de Léo Russian-Jewish composer whose output included a number of works on Delibes for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács.. Sylvia was one of two popular ballets written by Delibes con anima/Allegretto grazioso..  .. Lento...95 Allegretto (mm=108). The Beethoven.55 themes.. 2004.. Alla Flamenco (in Andante tranquillo/Con spirito/Tempo info@vcisinc.. Thema and Variations after Paganini's C944.. In three movements: Allegro.... Greetings from the Balkan for two clarinets and piano by Béla study interpretation of unaccompanied atonal music....... Score.2) for C702.. II...... This is dedicated by the composer "To the memory of my Reduction by Franz Krommer edited by Melinda Berlász.... Two short cadenzas link sections in the middle and at the presto C1276a.. This EditionDarok. Duration of 6 minutes. 32.. all for three B-flat and bass clarinet. Andante (mostly a cadenza) and Allegro.......... 11 + 6 Claude Debussy.. Das Mühlrad "In Yonder Valley" for Soprano. Hommages Clarinet Solo by Béla Kovács....  . 28.......... SS... 16 Jewish themes.......95 and above. 15...... 1957... Parts.. Bartók.... Modera- another Kovacs crowd pleaser.........95 C1118...... Signore Rossini! for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács............ includes clarinet and voice parts and piano score.... 9 + 3 pages. 2007..... von Weber waves and other scenes from nature and to the Impressionist composer..... Broude International Editions. 1) Op... The 39 pages...... Moses Fantasia (Aria.... Hello from Graz ... for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács... 2..... who was drawn to the Japanese prints....... .............. colleague.. 28.......95 C1534... This is the score and the string parts Richard Strauss..95 Kreutzer (1780-1849) was a German composer and conductor who was best C945.. Air Andantino....... 28 by Ernst signatures (some in 5/8 and 7/8).. 9 + 5 pages... 2010.. The clarinet parts are of equal difficulty Krenek.. 21.... 27....50 by Alexander Krein........ Baerenreiter........... 9 + 3 pages.. There are three pieces in Kovács' tribute to the klezmer style of Giora Feidman has been arranged for this folio.... ... He composed them as supplementary study material for (advanced) students.. 11 + 3 is marked soprano or tenor (and does not appear to be difficult). SS.... Andante + 6 pages..... 1958..  ... SS.. .. College level.95 C1424.Polka for two clarinets and piano by Béla (Adagio molto)..  .... Three movements: Allegro..... Early college level Kovács.55 conclusion.......... Kodály.... 14. Edition Darok..95 clarinet part..... EditionDarok. variations for Clarinet and Piano (A known for his operas. 1994.. 2005.. It should be playable by good high school quintets for alto clarinet.. Concerto in E-flat for Clarinet and Orchestra Piano Reduction transposed for an alto or bass clarinet. (includes parts and score).3. EditionDarok.. SS.. (includes parts and score).....  . and Flight of the C1276.. 24... Clarinet and C943. 27......... 14.. Sholem-alekhem.... College level with a duration of about 9 minutes.. and 3. They pay tribute to composers: Bach. Good performance material for high school and early and The Flight of the Bumblebee by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov....... . 25.. IV. 12 for Clarinet and Strings Bumblebee is a challenge at tempo.. "moderner" Tanz (Tempo giusto)... SS.............50 clarinet... Tango. 5. The pieces are Minuetto (from the Septet) by Ludwig van first clarinet has the solo part and the rest are in an accompanying role..... 72.. This is written in a florid.95 with a duration of about 5:30.....95 C946.. Allegro appassio- nato. Mr....  .. 3 pages... C701. EditionDarok... http://www.. SS. Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) was an Austrian born compos- biere di Siviglia by Rossini for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács. Kunzelmann.... Advanced high school or early college level... 3........ The bass clarinet. 36 Piano 2009...... Hebrew Sketches (No..  .......... Humoresque by Anton Dvorák.. Humoresque has only a basset horn part but it could be C670.... with a duration of 5:30." Van Cott Information Services Inc. 23. This is formed with clarinet and string quartet..... ... 2004.. 2005.... which provides some technical challenges to the clarinetist. Editio Supraphon....  .... Along the lines of his popular Hommages 2004. 1982.......95 college level concerto....95 Krenek (1900-1991) was written in 1924.... and Romance by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Early college level.. 42. L'istesso tempo... This transparent Kovács.. 23....... (includes individual parts and piano score)... slap tonguing...... Herr Johann Strauss! for clarinet and piano by Piano by Conradin Kreutzer edited by James Gillespie. and two multiphonic notes with (Allegro moderato)... Broude Interna- tional Editions...... then con...  ... 16 + 6 pages.. 13....... III. SS... Kovács has written some virtuoso pieces for clarinet in the like...4.. This 1909 work is in three movements: 1. While not difficult technically... EditionDarok..... the clarinet has an extended cadenza... but also intended them to be performed in concerts.......... II....... EditionDarok. Tempos are pages.95 intermediate level. 1994.95 Kovács............. The strings parts (Coppélia is the other). SS..2........ 4. This piece has five variations.. Allegro moderato........ double tonguing. SS. Kovács. There are three composition is almost a textbook example of music of Classical period with pieces in this folio.......... In the style of Johann Struass Rara.95 V042. ...... Träumerei by Robert Schumann... 5.. This begins with three short C947... Adagio.95 C948.. Weber. Moses Fantasia) for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács... 12 + 4 pages.. EditionDarok...... In the style of Weber with five variations.... 11.... 2010?. Praeludium (Moderato)....... 1975.95 C1292..... SS. This Suite has four short move- C703. 11 + 4 pages.. 3. basset horn." This work has some extended technique such a flutter tonguing.. Several call for A (4.. 2.. and Vivace.. 3 pages.95 style of popular composers... Suite for Clarinet and Piano by Ernst Krenek. Fantasia di Concerto on motives from the opera Il bar. melodic style and is a good fingerings provided... and IV. The string parts do not appear to be difficult...... rov Feidman! for clarinet and piano by Béla sections: Moderato. Samba... and Rondo ad lib..... 2004... 1994. The pieces are its characteristic melodic features. The vocal part little bit differently) by Béla Kovács.. Here Béla EditionDarok. 22 + 8 pages... Adagio C952....... The obbligato clarinet part is 5/8).......... Theme and Variations à la C. EditionDarok...... After You.... SS....... C409.. 1956.95 composer Kovács.. Walzer. EditionDarok..... 28........ Monologue for Clarinet Solo by Ernst Krenek......... and bass clarinet.... The Little Suite by Vienna born and move together.. 2009...... Early college level pages. Ich begrüße Sie.... 21....  ... (includes individual parts and piano score)... Il Carnevale di Venezia.95 to.... 48 + 15 pages.. .... are supplied in the quantities 4..... Allegretto..... Rongwen Music. and Pizzacato-Polka by Johann basset horn part is probably easy enough that most could sight transpose it Strauss (the younger).. and V.. Conradin this showpiece includes waltzes and marches.. SS. many very violin for solo clarinet. SS.. In the style of Rossini. And what is different? The four variations are: I... Rondo Allegretto...... Kovács.... 2004..... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .... ....... duration 10 minutes............... Debussy......... 3. Suite for Clarinet and String Orchestra by Ernst Krenek...... Bourrée (Allegro).. Im Memoriam Solo Clarinet by Béla Kovács.. . Classic Evergreens for 5 Clarinets arranged by Béla Kovács.. de Falla...vcisinc. 7 + 3 pages. C1478..... SS..... Armenian Lament and Dance for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács.........  .... College level.... Larghetto.. EditionDarok....... and Khatschaturian......M. Allegro moderato.  ........ 9 + 3 pages. Concerto in E-Flat for Clarinet and Orchestra Op......... ......  .  25.. This piece has a number of sections with with various tempos and time C1120...... er of Czech ancestry who lived in the United States for many years........95 by Jan Evangelista Antonin Kozeluh edited and with piano reduction by Jiri C953.. all for four B-flat clarinets (with an alternate basset horn part) and a clarinet quintet of three B-flat clarinets. Andante..95 early college level...... ments: Andante Sostenuto.. Hebrew Sketches...... 54... 4. 38...... This composer is also known as "Kramer-Krommer. See string parts below.. Alexander Krein (1883-1951) was a C1626.. 2004.. 21................... Classic Evergreens for Clarinet Quartet arranged by Béla Kratochvil.... 1964......... EditionDarok. A sectional piece which should be 1956 work is relatively brief (4 minutes) and in five movements: I. III.. A very popular set of nine pieces by Hungarian clarinetist and duration is about 8:50.. This one is a Gershwinian tour de force that quotes the honoree from time to time. EditionDarok.. EditionDarok... The words are from a poem by Ludwig Uhland and are given in the original Germany and an English translation..95 C702...... Kleine Suite for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano Op.. 8 + 3 PO Box 9569... SS....... 36 "floating world") is an homage both to the genre of Japanese prints depicting C1291. Träumerei is college clarinetists...... SS.. A very nice college level piece with followed by sections as Kovacs spins his fantasy on the ballet's many a duration of about 11:30........... Advanced level. and 5. Here is a tribute to the klezmer cludes with an Allegro molto section which is two of the three pages of the style of Giora Feidman.. Sholem-alekhem. Gershwin for clarinet and piano by Béla Kovács... It has five movements: 1. SS........ this work can be per- After a piano introduction....... Salute.... Paganini. SS..... (includes parts and score)....... .... EditionDarok.... 2004. however.. Kalmus.... College level.... SS.... Kovacs has crafted a showpiece from its motives... 1969....  . Introduction... the Mozart is a little more difficult.... Low C bass is optional.. Breitkopf/Musica Béla Kovács..... it is useful for early college students to C950.. The clarinet parts are of equal difficulty and move together.. .... In Dancing Solo I am making a dance for the clarinet..... 2005.." The tra Piano Reduction by Franz Krommer edited by William Martin.......... Paul Lacome C661.. SS. Includes two parts in score format. "Deep composer and music editor.."  ... Music by Lori Laitman and texts by children of the Holocaust.. Baerenreiter Prague... and Piano C1250..." A work for advanced performers.. The best of all possible worlds? Large. Dancing Solo for solo clarinet by Libby Larsen. 4....... The rigaudon is a French baroque dance with a lively duple sioned by the Verdehr Trio..... 1958.... Concerto in E-flat Op..8...... suspended cymbal... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. This Southern edition's piano reduction may be slightly easier..... 3.. Andraud... Contacts... and a piano reduction about the same Cadence ad libertum which leads to the Irish Reel (Allegretto vivo).. Karlheinz Krupp (1932-) is a German the interval of the third and its place in the blues. 25..... Concerto for Two Clarinets and Orchestra in E-flat major for voice and saxophone.......... In three movements: Allegro... Concerto in E minor Op. Serenade for Clarinet Solo by Ezra Laderman. 31... 3 pages...... In four capriccio (con libertá)... Song C273.. with echoes of Klezmer music.. 2000. In three movements: Allegro. Alphonse Leduc... Pastoral Fantasy Op..... Joseph Küffner made an arrangement for clarinet with the approval C1184... The title refers to the use of both jazz and boogie slang and with many sixteenth notes and triplet sixteenth notes..... because the performers SS.. Reflections for Clarinet (solo) by André Laporte..25 work has four pieces: A Single Voice (Allegro). Red Hills for B-flat Clarinet........... Intermediate level(+).95 Musica Rara.. info@vcisinc.... despite quite virtuosic for both......95 vanced work with a duration of about 13 minutes..... SS.. .... The composer writes: "One cannot help but be touched by Adagio.... but it looks more difficult..... Originally written C617. (includes parts and score). Prélude Valsé et Irish Reel for Clarinet and Piano by Raoul C669... SS. EditionDarok. 37 The clarinet part of the Kunzelmann edition has larger print than the C1251. In a florid melodic style similar to Mozart... and III. 86 for Clarinet in A and Orches.... 14 + 5 C1536.. The 1958. and Rondo allegro moderato......... 14. 57 + 15 + 16 pages... SS. A contemporary piece with fractional tones...... 1998. 9.. 31 + 12 pages. 5 pages. An advanced work...... SS.....95 C306.. on an inner beat..... The second piece is "Salt Peanuts" and was II.. (1838-1920) was a French composer who is remembered primarily for his Oxford University Press/Goodmusic. The clarinet part is a direct transposition of the flute part so the C1428.. and IV. 35 Piano Reduction by Franz Krommer edited by Hermann Dechant.. 1940‖s popular musical language.. The percussion part is for one Meyer and Eddie Daniels... SS.... This piece was commis- operettas. the air.... String Connection with Clarinet for clarinet and string University Press.. Greg Nielsen... 12 pages.... 1987.. Commissioned and premiered by quartet by Rolf Kühn. Allegro vivace........ Yes--That's the Way Things Are....... SS... Includes full score College level with a duration of 4:20..... ..... .. College level. dance composed of color.. Professor of Clarinet at Arizona State includes woodwinds and/or guitar).....50 Music Co.C. and March in Rondo... Publications... rhythm.. Violin...... 48.. 1938.... Includes full score with piano part and individual as a (US) grade 3... The composer wrote.........  .. This concerto was originally Proposes....  ... this concerto may be the best Krommer extended articulation techniques. work for clarinet (although arranged) [and] would be an excellent recital About 8 minutes.. SS... followed by Allegretto con moto (increasing in speed movements with a brief epilogue. This piece was inspired Rongwen Music. (includes parts and score)...35 C618.... God Disposes.... Concerto for Two Clarinets and Orchestra in E-flat major G76.... 4 + 2 pages... Concours du Conservatoire National de Musique in 1927.. ... Viola.. The four impressions are: I. 39. Adagio.. 7. Parts are almost equal with the last movement the hope and innocence that these children put into their poetry. a ment. 44 + 13 pages. wrote that "Musically and formally.. Pedernal Hills (extremely to Allegro)......... sehr lebendig.. Blue Third Pieces for Flute or Clarinet and Guitar by C1361.... Based on poetry by children from the Terezin concentration camp Op......... Advance Music..95 their terrible surroundings. I Never Saw Another Butterfly for soprano voice and Rondo.. SS..85 an alternative.. Connection.. SS..95 clarinet and violin parts.. beat implied and explicit. 6 pages... the six songs of the cycle use varied imagery and Musica Rara.. includes parts and score. It is in three movements: I... Musica song titles are: The Butterfly. and concludes Poco più allegro......... 24.. Theme and Variations for Clarinet and Piano clarinetist needs to be comfortable in the altissimo.. Corker for B-flat Clarinet and Percussion by Libby Larsen... enthralled me.. 15. 1927.. 31 + 14 pages..... .... Rigaudon for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Lacome revised by Albert J... music is the dance and the dance is the music.. 1994... nicht zu schnell. (unnamed).. Introduction. This piece was written for the CD Blues for Sabine featuring Sabine language of contemporary American English............ Ezra Laderman (1924-) is an American composer... 18. They are: 1... player (who will be busy) playing marimba.... which she loves. musical styles.....95 with piano part and individual clarinet and viola parts.. Oxford C1519.. SS.. Prof.. The composer inspiration for the work is drawn from C1448...... Advance Music.. SS... Slang for Clarinet in B-flat... by Libby Larsen.... . SS... The accompaniment of the saxophone is C1206.. 2002....vcisinc..... Caroline Hartig. Early level as the Southern Edition...... and C988... 1991. SS.. This piece is marked Allegro giocoso non troppo and is a showpiece sections... The first piece. 2001.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. Encounter. vibraphone. 2. Birdsong. PO Box 9569..." .. Duration about 13 minutes. and Piano by Libby Larsen. This is a little homage to Hofmeister.... ... inspired by the Dizzy Gillespie and Kenny Clark jazz piece of the same Andante/Allegro/Allegretto/Vivace.... Schirmer).. Warner Bros... clearly material. 2008.... 36 for B-flat Clarinet & Orchestra for a Solo Reed (Andantino)... 1970... Black Rock (deliberately)... Energisch. and solos but this publication includes separate pages with written out solos as high-hat cymbal....... 32... and 5.. of the composer and this edition is based on that publication. The Clarinet Connection by Rolf Kühn..." is quite and lyrical. all tutti parts included. Rongwen Music....95 WW066...95 name..... A somewhat unusual juxtaposition of 2003... Southern duration of 8 minutes........ http://www......... 35.. The first and second parts have improvised tom-toms (high.. 15.... Tänzerisch.. An ad.. This piece was written for the Morceau de Piano Reduction by Franz Krommer (Frantisek Kramar-Krommer) edited by Concours....... Adagio. Blue... low)...50 C1516.. Repertoire for college and clarinet...... 2000..... "Slang is a one movement work in three meter.... Raoul Laparra (1876- 1943) was a French composer... 24... professional level performance... A Black Bird with Snow-Covered Red Hills... dedicated to Professor August Perier......... André Laporte (1931-) is a Flemish composer and a cham- movements: Allegro... The publisher has this twentieth century 'new music' slang throughout the composition... An excellent work for advanced players........... Encoun.. Man Rara/Breitkopf.. Corker who wrote symphonies and a wide range of chamber music (much which was commissioned by Robert Spring........ Black Birds.. An advanced piece with a duration of 6:40.. Rubatoism (Moderato)..... and contemporary notation..8. intended to be haunting and soulful. Chester. medium.  ........ multiphonics.. 1981/2000....... It is in three movements: I. SS.... .. II... 10 + 4 pages..... 23 pages + CD... Three 1971.. 1998.... The Waltz (Moderato) is followed immediately by an accompanied printed pages... Concerto in E-flat Op... 6 pages. II........ 5..... and written in 1996......95 tion in July. Allegretto.......95 C658.......95 Arsis Press.95 C1479. Southern edition (below) and has most of the tutti parts included. 59 for Clarinet Solo by Bozidar Kunc... heiter....... 5. and breath: the ter.. . .. This piece is for four B-flat clarinets and Bass are spectacular musicians and because it speaks the rhythms and harmonic Clarinet........ Libby Larsen. and is Jiri Kratochvil with piano reduction by Ladislav Simon.95 by Joseph Küffner edited by Béla Kovács..50 for flute..... SS........ 29... 2009... 17....95 college level. and III. Oxford University Press........... "Dancing alone—improvising with This is a new version of The Clarinet Connection in which the two solo the shadows. SS. . ............. Heim pion of contemporary music... III. . 1996. snare drum (sticks and wire brushes). 10 Easy Jazz Duets (B-flat Instruments) by John La Porta with Op. SS. Im freien Zeitmaß........... 1988. upon a fleeting feeling—has always parts have been combined and a string quartet provides the accompani.. There are seven variations with the University and was performed at the International Clarinet Society Conven- editor providing a cadenza for variation V. legato).. ... 34... .......... 36 for B-flat Clarinet and Orchestra LaParra.... 91 Piano Reduction by Franz Krommer edited by William Martin. Looking......... Contacts. Southern Music... Includes four pages of notes (in English) on the editing.50 piece for the advanced college player and professional performers... The clarinet part has improvised solos from chord symbols.. Vier Impressionen for Clarinet Solo by Karlheinz Krupp. Joseph Küffner (1776-1856) was a German musician and composer ECS Publishing (E. This is a sectional piece which begins A by six Georgia O'Keeffe paintings of the red hills of New Mexico...  ....... 44 + 12 + 12 pages. the composer has created editions for clarinet and bassoon. Red Hills and Sky (gently)... and The Old House.............. Oxford University Press... Early college level with a Piano Reduction by Franz Krommer edited by Bernard Portnoy... and Alla Polacca.. pages..... ........ ....... Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764) was an important French violinist and Another Gordon Lewin piece that looks like a lot of fun and has finally been composer.. 1989... Ballade for Clarinet and Piano by Jacques Leduc. 12th Sonate for Clarinet and Piano by Xavier Lefevre arranged Musikförlaget. El Burro Pequeño (Tempo di Samba). 23.95 college level... SS.......... Slow blues tempo.. This publisher appears in the 1928 motion picture. and bass clarinet..... SS......... Alphonse Leduc.. It has clarinet sonatas have been selected from twelve that concluded Lefevre's been published for a number of instruments in the lower range (trombone.. Arioso... 1999...... Inspired by Lance Armstrong's victories in Clarinet Quartet by Gareth Brady. 2007..... For B-flat clarinet and is in three movements: Allegro.... . Palm Tree Song (1:30) and Colin Bradbury.95 Sonatina. SB..... ... SS.... This is a contemporary piece for solo clarinet pages. Duration about 7:30..... 15 + 7 pages..... SS........ Chester Music. Tre Stycken for Clarinet and Piano Op. 22.. 25....... . and For solo B-flat clarinet.. Jarabe).95 clarinets and bass clarinet (with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet).. 118 for Clarinet and Piano by Charles Lindberg.  ...85 Slow blues tempo/Fast swing tempo................... Advanced high school or early of mixed meter (although most is of the 2/4.... 45 No... Schirmer.. A sectional piece: Un poco format).... International Music Diffusion. Oxford better student at the end of the second year of study..... It includes altissimo to B-flat but no extended and Variations (8 with a Coda Finale).... 8 has detailed performance notes from Michele Gingras. horn. 1990(?)..... 11 + 4 pages.. Fuzeau........ ........95 Duration is about 8 minutes..55 undoubted final highlights of silent film.. The first could probably be performed by many piano. Buster Keaton was one of the first stars of the silver screen and largo. and ends with a quick Jigg... Early college level (some high school level musicians will be able to play this) with the first and last pieces C1423. This sonata is for which hints at minimalism yet attempts to express the action and plot of the B-flat clarinet and is in three movements: Allegro.. edited by John Davies and Paul Harris with a piano part realized by David Hofmeister... 3 by Lars-Erik Larsson......  ... C1001. Nicely printed with attention to page repeated to make four: I....... SS. 8 + 3 pages. 24.... II.. SS.......... one of the rates it a 5 on their 9 step difficulty scale.... Woodwindiana. 24... 61 by Lars-Erik movement..... II. International Music Diffusion... chromatic and rhythmically Presto. Musette and Scherzo for Clarinet and Piano by Jean Leclair WW136... Introduction- level with a duration of 4:30.... 1991.........95 pages... 16 + 4 pages... Fantasia on Airs from "I Puritani" by Henry Lazarus edited by film scores....... Prozession for Bass Clarinet and Organ by Norbert Linke............ SS. Allegro... 14. flutter tonguing and other Lewin (1921-2008) was a British composer. Andante..... 9........00 student who has an opportunity to play with an orchestra and wants something quite different from the standard fare... SS.. 14.. This piece was written as a memori... A brief but pleasant piece at the intermediate al to a friend........ film in its eight minute duration. Billaudot.. Valse Creole).. Yesterday by John Lennon & Paul McCartney arranged for of Music (Potsdam..... The Chica (Allegro.  ....... Allegro. 2005. 8 pages in score format.............. This piece C1482.. Three Latin-American Impressions for Flute and Clarinet edited by George Waln. Boosey & Hawkes....95 three for more advanced high school students....... 1955......... which features frequent changes of meter. For clarinet and 2......... . 34..) amabile... 11th Sonate for Clarinet and Piano by Xavier Lefevre arranged Lindberg was so affected by the stunning film....... Bailecito Mexicano (Allegro... This piece which was written in 1967...... 4/4... Early college level.. 1941....... utilizes lyrical and technical chromaticism in an Larsson.. 5..... Yellow Jersey for Two B-flat Clarinets by Libby Larsen. SS...... For two B-flat clarinets. Jean-Xavier Lefèvre (1763-1829) was a Swiss virtuoso who spent Steamboat Bill Junior.... A 9/8.... Rituels for Clarinet Solo by Christian Lauba.. 11... SS.. The three pieces are: 1. Subtitled Hommage à Mozart.. (includes parts and score).... turns....... La The Musette is Allegretto in 2/4...... and Allegro.... Edition Wilhlem Hansen.... Early college level. Gehrmans..... There are three written movements with the first movement difficult than the 11th....... etc...... Alphonse easier than the middle one... etc. includes parts and the Tour de France............95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. 1957...... Looks like fun.......95 Leduc. New York)....... C1659....  . About 8 minutes.. .... will require a somewhat higher skill Many high school students should be capable of playing this piece... in 6/8 with occasonal bars of C1163... SB..... Caribbean Sketches for Flute and Clarinet by Gordon Lewin.95 who studied at the Royal College of Music and performed on more than 100 C375..... by Gordon Lewin........ which is mostly in 5/4 at Allegro fantasies on opera themes that were very popular in Victorian PO Box 9569. scherzando. 11 + 4 pages.. 18.... Includes a score and parts for each clarinet...... with its ambitious and iconic by Desire Dondeyne. begins Quasi improvvisando which is followed by Un poco più Andante..... This piece has three The balance of the piece is Allegro con moto with a brief interlude..... 2........ This piece was commissioned by the students of Dr Alan Woy as a gift upon his retirement from the Crane School C1595.. This might be an interesting option for an outstanding high school jaunty with frequent meter and tempo changes. This piece has two movements: 1. .... Swedish composer Magnus C767...... Originally published in 1860..95 C1395.)............ 15 + 7 pages. 24.... 33.. 15....... 1970... and Moderato (6/8)........... 1983. We are somewhat puzzled by this piece..... SS.. Boosey & Hawkes..95 level..... At 12 1/2 minutes it is a C447...... Theme at the upper college level............95 C659. 1955............ Norbert Linke (1933-1977) is a German Rowland... 1970....... 25.. The Phoenix for Clarinet Trio by David Levin.. Boosey & Hawkes..... Ingvar Lidholm (1921-) is a Swedish by Desire Dondeyne............ Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . The popular Beatles tune in a straight forward arrangement for 3 B-flat depicts a bicycle race.95 revised by Daniel Bonade. 17....... It is not difficult and does not appear to be church with the first two at about a first year of high school level and the remaining music... SS.. while the Scherzo is in 3/8 at Vivace. Andante... Easy high school level.... Adagio........20 level... 1980.. and saxophonist............ Cuban Calypso (2:10).. received (in August 2010) after a lengthy wait..95 C376... (1981).... . Inner Light is lyrical..vcisinc..... 4 + 1 pages.... 21.. Five Sonatas for Clarinet and Piano by Jean Xavier Lefevre C1376..... 4 pages....... This is an advanced piece with quite a bit Nicely printed with attention to page turns.. Medium blues tempo...  .. Gordon of extended techniques including multiphonics... ..  ...... 1965.. and piano part is important but not difficult.... Woodwindiana. Woodwindiana. Views of the Blues for Two Clarinets by Gordon Lewin.. fractional tones. The sonata is longer and more techniques... He wrote extensively for clarinet.... 2003.50 University Press/Goodmusic.... Amicizia for Clarinet Solo by Ingvar Lidholm. These three pieces are engaging and multi-textural way.... http://www.... drammatico.. It is a colorful..50 3.. Andante (3/4)........ (and IV..... III... 19 + 7 pages.......  .... They are progressive in nature bassoon. reasonable length. Suggested for a C662.. Southern Music Co.. 8 pages (score format)....... 11 pages (2 copies in score Lefebvre.... 19 + 8 stunts.... Concertino for Clarinet and String Orchestra Op. College movements: I. Yellow Jersey is a short wind sprint for two clarinets that score.. Ségovia Bolero for Clarinet and Piano by Léon Legron.. 1988. Christian Lauba (1952-) is a French composer of contemporary music and teacher of composition.............. this one C377....... vibrato. 14. SS........... Comus Edition...... This piece is a popular festival selection at the (US) grade 4 level. four movement work of spectral music........... Three movements Allegro....... while the second.. Methode de Clarinette published in 1802.. 1962. Jacques Leduc (1932-) is a Belgian composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1961. SS........ 6/4 variety) info@vcisinc.. Neil A Kjos Music Co.. most of his time in Paris... that in 1990 he wrote this terrific piece for Clarinet and Cello called pages..95 C1707...... Oxford University Press..95 Premiered at Indiana University in March.. Steamboat Bill Junior........... giocoso con ritmo (mm=160-168)... An advanced solo which makes extensive use WW139..  ....... 7 + 3 pages. Nordiska C766.. 2002.......... Piano Reduction... Song without Words for Clarinet and Piano by Libby Larsen.. Fantaisie-Caprice Op.. 38 C905.C... SS.. SS. This should be quite a bit of fun for both the performers and the audience. sectional piece. 15. Steamboat Bill Junior for Clarinet and Cello by Magnus C1113.. clarinetist. E.  ...... College level with a duration of C212.... 6..... this is an outstanding example of the good high school duos.. Levowitz edited by Michele Gingras...... 1986....... Fantaisie-Caprice for Clarinet and Piano by Charles Lefebvre about 6:45.....  .95 C846.......... as well.. 9 + 2 pages... College level.. (includes score).. 42 + 16 pages. 3/4.. 1991. III...... 27 + 10 composer and music educator.. articulation techniques.... 2002 by Trio Indiana.... 6. 4 pages.. a slow move- ment in 3/4 time. Inner Light by Daniel Levin.......... 16 + 3 pages........ 31..95 sectional piece in the klezmer style with many tempo changes. C429. SS.. These five composer and musicologist.. It begins ad libitum followed by the main portion of the piece at Tempo di Bolero with a short ad libitum section at the close. ...... 3...... SS.. There are two multiphonics with alternate notes provided.. Gehrmans..  .......... Klezmer Fantasy for Clarinet and Piano by Adam B... ... This is a very catchy tune from the movie Hatari! (staring John Wayne) which was a big hit when the movie was released... 16.. Verdi and Piano by Domenico Liverani edited by Colin Bradbury........ (Includes an alternate part for violin..... Der Wanderer auf Bothwell........95 clarinet obbligato for Soprano...... Lazarus Edition. (score included)....... Early college level.... but also format....... 26 + 7 pages.95 Clair W. This is a virtuoso fantasy on the themes from Stabat C1303.. and Piano by George Alexander Macfarren edited by Colin Bradbury.....  .. Dance Preludes for Clarinet and Piano by Witold Lutoslawski.. .. 1997...... and III.. ................ SB.. Two Songs (A Widow Bird and Pack Clouds Away) with college level.. Carl Loewe fascinating lost masters of nineteenth century British music.. He has been influenced tant throughout...... 10 + 6 pages. .. 4 + 2 pages. Récitatif et Thème Varié for Clarinet and Piano by Gaston duration of 5:20... A low C bass C388.. David Liptak (1949-) is an American composer and music Lento malincolico............ 112 (Schottische Bilder) for Clarinet and 12 + 4 pages.......... ........ Echo Park..95 plays Jazz piano. followed by the theme and six opera themes....... Four pieces (To a Wild Rose ... 1986............. This obbligato songs were commissioned by the great clarinetist Henry Lazarus piece was first published in 1850..... 1998.................... SS.... SS. Duo Flute and Clarinet by David Liptak.... It is in one movement beginning with an Andante sostenuto introduction followed by challenging piece. 1999. It is in a large score format (11 x 17) with a 1958............ Sonatine for Clarinet and Piano by Francis Loriaux edited by intermediate level blues pieces for practicing jazz improvisation........ MMB PO Box 9569...... SS.. 12 + 7 pages.. originally for chamber orchestra........ Valse (Presto).. Early college level... This pleasant rhapsody is unusual WW237. and Presto.. 32 pages.. Ricordi.... SS... SS... 39 PA031.. College level. 19 + 7 pages..... Più lento..... Andante languido...From Uncle Remus) selected from the original score... ...... ............95 Johnson arranged by Jack Gale.. 14 + 3 pages. Woodland Sketches Op. since pieces for A clarinet that can easily be played by most high school students are uncommon. 11................ 16 + 7 pages............... The main WW130..95 C1378.95 Lowman. with pauses between most sections....... Con forza.......... 1997... This is the piano reduction of the did some composing..... 17....... Early college/college level... 1967................ College level............ This piece was written for the Concours du Conservatoire National de Musique and is dedicated to Clarinet and Piano by Donato Lovreglio edited by Alamiro Giampieri... Estampas Criollas by Beatriz Lockhart arranged for clarinet fifth part for bass clarinet...95 net/Basset Horn) and Piano by Charles Harford Lloyd...95 Thomas Lorenz (1959-) is a German composer and clarinet teacher............... Bambuco (Andante). but Duo Concertante was written for clarinet and piano in 1886. Sonate for Clarinet and Piano Op. The parts are E- Van Cott Information Services Inc... . 1962/2003.... ... Trio for Clarinet (Violin). SS. .... In three movements: I.... In three move- Harford Lloyd edited by Colin Bradbury...... An entire C1373........... 13........... This is a contemporary piece in arranged by Frank J... A low C bass clarinet is needed.... It begins with a recitative.............95 Litaize.. SS....... II Andante Very nice...95 ny........vcisinc.......95 espressivo........ Hofmeister.. Charles Harford C1529... 1972... and Joropo (Allegro)...... he original small orchestra accompaniment.. Norwegian composer who also studied in Vienna........... It is in three movements: De Jungfrau and first performed in 1867..............95 educator..... II.. 19..  ....... Cuban Rondo for Clarinet and Piano by Malcolm MacDo- Lloyd (1864-1919) was a celebrated organist and music professor who also nald.. Can be played by a C1713... Rolf For advanced high school quartets and up. Sectional in a fast/slow/fast by many of the great classical composer from Bach to Shostakovich.. and III...... Olvera Street is pages.................15 C1135.......... 16........... Fantasia sull' opera "Un Ballo in Maschera" di G......95 Useful Music... SS.. 2002....... Rhapsody for Clarinet in A and Piano by Graham Lyons......................... For three B-flat and bass clarinets... Each piece Philippe Cuper.. the first part (fingerings are given but they are probably for German system Musikk-Huset A/S... SS. ... There are a number of short cadenzas throughout the Tommy Ferrante clarinet with Fred Lipsius piano and a rhythm section........ College level........... (Early) college level.. Arthur Lourie (1892-1966) was born in Russia and after copy for each performer..95 1941... SS. "Bon Voyage!" Impromptu for Clarinet and Piano by Charles (1916-2001) but haven't found anything else about him.... and Olvera Street. Rongwen Music.... This is also a fine work Edition.. Presto... College level. Allegro moderato. .... ......... 18. school level performers while Pack Clouds Away is college material.. and Der Schottenclan (The Scottish Clan) Allegretto alla Marcia.......... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet.. http://www.. 16 + 5 pages.... (includes piano score and all parts)..... Although most successful as a choral composer........ sections are: Andante tranquillo.....  .... Early V021..... We found some dates for the composer C1129..... 28........... Ricordi.... SS..... 21.) The C300.. The bass clarinet begins the piece with a cadenza and is impor. 11 + 4 pages.. Cujus Animam from Rossini's Stabat Mater for Clarinet C1125.... Charles Harford Lloyd (1864-1919) was an organist and music probably the most engaging piece in this suite and can be performed by professor who also composed. Woodwindiana.95 an extended Allegro con brio..... Rosewood Publications........ and Allegro vivace........ (includes parts and Place ...... This piece is dedicated to Charlie Chaplin. A contemporary clarinet quintet with mixed meter and some multiphonics in C1700.. (includes parts and three movements all of which have some mixed meter........ Rolf Thomas Lorenz (1959-) is a C1442.... SB..... Rosewood Publications........ Los Angeles Sketches for Clarinet Quartet by Kenneth Mater with a duration of about 6:30.. 2003. ...... good high school clarinetist but an excellent pianist is required.. An excellent quartet......... (includes parts and score)....95 Advance Music............. Kendor Music......6...... 1992. A Widow Bird could be performed by high vom See (The Lady of the Lake) Andantino......... 2009.....At an Old Trysting quartet by Jorge Montilla. Thomas Lorenz... Halferty..... 2005. It begins with an introductory wrote a few other works including this one and a Duo Concertante for Andante then goes into a Medium Beguine Tempo for the rest of the piece....... Chester Music..... Trygve Madsen (1940-) is a clarinets).. This piece (Venezuelan Country piano work by MacDowell. early college performers........ 13....... 51 by Edward MacDowell arranged by clarinet would be desirable for that version but is not required... BVD Press..... 8 + 2 ments: Woodland Hillbilly... 18..... The first two score)........ 32.. 16 + 4 pages. 1954................. An extremely entertaining.. Domenico Liverani (1805-1877) was professor of clarinet at the Bologna Liceo Musicalea and a dedicated by Lovreglio. 1987......... SS.. C589... SB.... Kaleidoscope for 4 Clarinets and Bass Clarinet by Rolf dance craze was named after this song from the 1923 show Runnin' Wild............. It is suitable for advanced high school or C1236.. College level.  ... has the melodies written out and includes chord symbols........ Concert Fantasia on Themes from Verdi's La Traviata for (1909-1991) was a French organist and composer.. 1981.. .... International Music Diffusion. This piece is sectional.. College level with a C1507... SS. 15.. Lazarus Op.95 itself... Lazarus Edition..... 8. Allegro con brio.. Baby Elephant Walk for Clarinet Choir by Henry Mancini German composer and clarinet teacher. In three movements: I....95 C400.............. 29. clarinet and piano. Upper intermediate level. 15 + 5 pages. Scottish Pictures Op.... Playing Through the Blues Clarinet Edition by Fred Lipsius.. info@vcisinc.. 21....... Lazarus Edition............. Allegretto rythmico (Burlesque).. One of the most popular showpieces on Italian Auguste Périer.. Rubank...95 for the Caracas Clarinet Quartet. Clarinet.... 1960.. This book has 12 original C763. 23 by Trygve Madsen..... .To a Water Lily . 21... For clarinet quartet (b-flat) with optional C1355......... 14.. This piece is in four movements: Andante con moto.. .. ... C1252...95 Castle (The Wanderer at Bothwell-Castle) Andantino espressivo. relocated to the United States in 9 minutes.... Hofmeister. 9 pages...... These two (1792-1869) was a German composer particular know for his lieder.......... Alphonse Leduc..... Andante. was arranged by Jorge Montilla difficult and the bass clarinet part very easy... This is an advanced work with a duration of about living in Berlin (1921) and Paris (1924)..... Robert Lienau........95 variations..... with CD. The Mime for Clarinet Solo by Arthur Lourie......... 1998/2008....... 5....... SS.... 23........... For 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with alternate alto clarinet for the third part. piece..  ............. The CD has Francis Loriaux (1938-1974) was the flute soloist at the Radio Lille Sympho- performances with and without the soloist...... Bassoon (Viola/Bass Clari.... Allegro moderato..... 12....... Gaston Gilbert Litaize C732.95 admirer of Rossini.... 5 pages........... George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887) is one of the most Piano by Carl Loewe... 1999.... movements include.. SS.... 46 for Clarinet and Piano by Donato Lovreglio edited by Colin Bradbury.. 24..... 2005..... SS.... Intermediate level with the first part the most Sketches). SB.. 1997. Duo Concertante for Clarinet and Piano by Charles Harford Lloyd... There are four movements: Merengue (Allegro).... Western Internatonal Music... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. Charleston Clarinet Quartet by Cecil Mack and James P.. SS. 1946.. Sonate for Clarinet (in A) and Piano by Rolf Thomas Lorenz.... ....  .. II. 14. Vibhasa (Sunrise)........ 1958. Ardito........... and bass clarinet.. Ballades were a specialty and he wrote them for a number of Quartet by James Christensen. Pilu (Evening)........ ...... 1966.. John Mayer (1930-2004) was an Indian solo without extended technique... 2 pages......  .... 21 + 8 pages........ 1991..  .... The popular theme from the Pink Panther movies arranged for composer created a basset horn version in 1974 for Hans Rudolf Stalder... SS.......J... SS. With its long... C1619...... 8... Moon River for Clarinet Quartet by Henry Mancini arranged B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet......... 1994. Composed in 1956 and by Hengel Gualdi...... 1957......... gulf coast of Mexico.... 2005.. II. 32...95 arranged by Art Marshall. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. ma non troppo... Five short lyrical pieces exploring a variety of piece celebrates the joy and freedom the composer finds in this and related multiphonic and microtonal techniques.. El Compadre Merengue for Clarinet Quartet traditional clarinet. Suite I for Clarinet Solo by Michele Mangani.. abandoning tonality...... Originally written for saxophone virtuoso Sigurd Rascher.. and other extended techniques.. 59 + 12 pages. Folk Songs for solo B-flat clarinet by Eric P.... SS. C1398. 3. 1989.. The Pink Panther by Henry Mancini arranged for Clarinet the chromatic and twelve-tone techniques without. this Cirrus Music.. 19....... SS......... 15. Zarabandeo for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Arturo Arms . Edizioni Musicali Eufonia. dedicated to John Davies and Else Cross who gave the first number of requests we have made this clarinet solo based on An American public and broadcast performances............ This is a lyrical piece Bohemian guitar player and composer of the early Viennese guitar period...... The CD is of the piano only. National Conservatory contest piece written for 1897.. graduate or professional recital......  .. Philomele Editions (PE 2056). Edizioni Musicali combination...... G206.. An interesting one-movement..........95 Horn and Guitar by Wenzeslaus Matiegka. Ballade for Saxophone or Basset Horn and Orchestra Piano bass clarinet (with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet). 14 by Daniel Gregory Mason.... .... 5 pages. and Allegro is printed on six large individual sheets in score format.. Three movements Allegretto. 1980... alto clarinet.... 7 + 1 pages + CD........ Puravi (End of Day)...  . Five movements. amabile.. 12 + 4 pages.. bass C1224. Cirrus by Daniel Bonade.. 5 pages...... .....95 multiphonics.. The parts look interesting.95 C274........ Kendor Music... Zingara (Andante).. 1976... 20..... section demands good articulation skills as it is marked presto possibile and Shri (Afternoon).15 shakuhachi music to "star songs.. It ments are Con moto.. understand should be played freely in an improvisatory style: 1......... and Allegro....... Visit our website for links to performances on YouTube. and IV........ Mandat.... College level (lots of 5/8 interspersed with other meters). A huge hit the Dominican Republic...... The molto cantabile. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano Op. 1994.. An old traditional merengue... SS... 1920. Finale (Allegro tristemente)...... California. 1986. 8.... composer and music educator who won a scholarship to the Royal College of Music in 1952 and spent the rest of his life in Britain... . and B-flat contrabass clarinet. Etude for Barney for solo B-flat clarinet by Eric P.... 12 + 5 pages. Easy high Reduction by Frank Martin.............. SS.....95 in its day and still a nice tune. spin moves.. 5..A jazz-inspired frenzy of espressivo...vcisinc.... SS... Oxford University Press.. Notturno aus Op....... College level repertoire. This piece is phrases........ 13..... Cirrus Music.. . III........ glass... 13... In four movements: I.... Comus Edition....... SS...... Illinois Central... Wenzeslaus Matiegka (1773-1830) was a Edizioni Musicali Eufonia...... 8.. The move- meter and some quarter tones and one multiphonic (fingerings provided)....Juxtaposition of static machine-like rhythms and quirky micro-tonal Márquez.." .... the and score)... Mandat. SS.... This piece was written to honor Barney Childs most played.. 1990............ III.. school level although it is the key of E major... this arrangement is for 3 B-flat clarinets and S181. Márquez is best known for a series of Danzóns...... 9. 28. It two B-flat clarinets.... sinuous melodies and seemingly spontaneous modulations through a number of different tonal areas.... and other extended techniques...... Mandat... marked Moderatamente cantabile. Marcia (Maestoso)........... This piece uses contempo... .. The duration is about 7 minutes  . homage to P.... Raga Music for Solo Clarinet (preferably in A) by John (Andante cantabile)..... and most difficult unaccompanied work in the clarinet (1926-2000).... 4.. Preludes..... and Paris. however. 7 pages....... C496... (includes parts instruments.. tune........ Intermediate/upper intermediate level The horn part is for E-flat horn..95 (without extended techniques) for advanced performers... Arrangement for Clarinet and Piano (with symbols)....95 moderato. 1957.. Dedicated to Gerry C312........ 34.... College level... Dedicated to Gervase de Peyer who Multiphonic trills and melodic fragments signaling movements 2 and 3.. Vilashakha- rary notation... Cirrus show piece. 68 by William Mathias............. alto clarinet..... in Bill's back room.... Professor Norman Heim wrote that this work may be the best... 3 by William Mathias. based on the elegant tones. C370.. Early college level.... Menuetto (Allegro)........... 9 pages..... We can get the accompanying parts.Perfect interval multiphonics gradually pulled out of Mexican born composer who studied in Mexico. In three movements: Allegro vivo. The primary feature of this piece is the fractional tones repertoire. Perrmusic. 1997........ 30 + 8 pages... Megha (Rainy Season)... Entrata (Allegro con fuoco).......... SS........95 (4 variations)... 7......Reconciliation between the static rhythms and micro. Tema und Variationen with a duration of about 3:25-4:00... The Paris Music.... .. Arturo Márquez (1950-) is a outbursts........ Cirrus Music....... Apotheosis .........95 reserved for the most advanced player as a challenge and is a wonderful C1277.. McGinnis & Marx.. The composer writes.. A Set for Clarinet by Donald Martino... ...7... For three C1596. The duration is a little less than 4 minutes.50 C1492..... 32 + 15 pages.95 as (US) grade 4.. not actual folk songs but each has a distinct folk-like character from Appalachian fiddling to Japanese sectional work with excellent handling of the clarinet. multiphonics (fingerings provided)..... 18 ("Kurze Musikstücke") for Clarinet.... Intermezzo C1646........ http://www........ Nordiska He was known for fusing Indian and Western music and this was reportedly Musikförlaget...95 C1620. While extended techniques are not called for... Bop .. . Pagina d'album for Clarinet and Piano by Michele Mangani. Mandat. Kanada (In the molto marcato sempre......... "Portent - percussion in the third movement)... 9.  . This is one of only two works known to the publisher for this C1623.... ... 15 + 7 pages.... ..... .. The publisher rates this is sectional with many tempo changes.. 1956.......... After a revised in 1976... probably from by Gareth Brady........ or is it surrender?" .. Cirrus Music...... includes parts and score....... With a tempo of mm=120 and mostly sixteenth note extensive use of altissimo register) and yet is very musical.... (includes parts and score). It demonstrates an extension of all technical capabilities (with (fingerings given).. 6 + 2 pages...... Oxford University Press.. Miklós Maros (1943-) is a Hungarian born his first composition in that genre.. Theodore Presser................... Southern Music Co...... the opening ni. 6 pages (score format). 13.. Four movements.. So What Elsa's New for two B-flat clarinets by Eric P. 40 flat clarinet (optional piccolo)..95 C1296...........95 Duration of 10 minutes... Monodie for solo clarinet in B-flat by Miklós PO Box 9569. .. all without bar lines: I.... (includes parts and score). 23... Alphonse Leduc. A contemporary Mayer. 19... 1964/1983...." An advanced work.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . SS. this will be a challenging piece.. 5 pages.......... the looking - dance forms........ The Jungle for solo B-flat clarinet by Eric P... Tricolor Capers for solo B-flat clarinet by Eric P....  . 3 B-flat soprano clarinets...... Gunakali (Morning).. A piece by contemporary clarinetist and composer Eric Mandat which uses fractional tones........ 1978...95 Frank Martin (1890-1974) was a Swiss composer who created a synthesis of C1441. Preludio (Moderatamente cantabile)....A drunken quarter tone wobble.. SS.. This is a good contemporary piece notes..95 musician (violin)..... Lament .. this contemporary duet would be perfect for a was an American composer who studied with Paine at Harvard and d'Indy senior..... An advanced three movement piece using fractional tones..... SS........ 19. First Fantaisie for Clarinet and Piano by Georges Marty revised C1297.. Blues da Un Americano a Parigi for Clarinet and Piano by George Gershwin arranged by Michele Mangani with clarinet elaboration C307. There are nine short ragas which we and educated composer who works in Sweden.......... Mandat. and IV...95 orchestral version would be approximately $150 and the band edition $125. . The composer wrote about this three movement work.. ......... Lento in Paris our first direct import from Italy... Early college info@vcisinc..... book I for solo B-flat clarinet by Eric P...95 ballroom-style dance form that originated in Cuba and made its way to the C1298.. It includes contantantly changing in Paris and whose work also shows the influence of Brahms. 17 pages... Lento Sway ...95 Eufonia........... Lengnick. Vivace.95 C1097... SS... "Call to C1500. 24. Clarinet Concerto Op.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc........ . 6....... Mason (1873-1953) Errante and Elsa Verdehr...... Mandat... . 5. 8 pages (plus two pages of fingerings and a key to the C569. 39... 19. Universal Edition.............. 7... and Allegro molto vivace.. 6..... gave the first performance in 1975..95 Music.. Sonatina for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Bohuslav Martinu. ....vcisinc... In three movements: Allegro maestoso....... (Cello) and Piano No...... This arrangement in a does not have a basset horn part........... 20 + 7 pages... 32.. SS......... This is in 6/8 (in 2 with mm=84)..... Andante espressivo (Largo)...... Hirtenlied (Shepherd’s Song) for High Voice and Piano with B- flat Clarinet Obligato by Giacomo Meyerbeer....... Gian 1967....35 Royal Schools of Music exam list for their grades 4 and 5...... ma minutes................ (includes score)....... Op........ Con moto)... pieces are: 1.. 24.. 5........ Billaudot....... 2.. The Fantasy is sectional with a variety of piano score.. This edition and bass clarinet.00 by most adult quartets............ 1976........... Concert Piece for Two Clarinets or Clarinet and Bassoon Isabella for Clarinet Trio arranged by Andy Middleton.... 1 and No..... Concert Piece for Clarinet. 24. and Op 38..... Basset Horn (two Clarinets) and V005... SS...... High C213.. 12..... 3 + 2 pages. chords or few measures near the end of the piece.95 tra (Piano Reduction) by Giuseppe Saverio Mercadante edited by Guy C797. includes a separate vocal part.. . Inclues parts and Nova... Early 1987...... Improvisation (a Bossa Romanza (Andante espressivo)... . 1984..... 1993........... 113 by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy edited 11 + 2 pages....... and showcases a wide range of rhythmic and contrapuntal SS. Duration about 12 minutes.. It has a clarinet choir of E-flat clarinet...... and Allegro.... Concert Piece for Two Clarinets or Clarinet and Bassoon Clarinet and Piano accompaniment by Giacomo Meyerbeer.. C954........... Op.. International Music Co. Includes parts for basset horn and an alternate second clarinet. 4.... .. ... 85 No........... Jeanette C896................ with a style that is related to Bärmann..... SS........ Advance Music..... 31 + 7 pages.. Solo de Concours for Clarinet and Piano by Andre Messager........... and III.... 33 for Clarinet and String Quartet 3.. Piano No.... ... 13. clarinet... This Quintet is full of wonderful tunes C245..75 heavier paper. SS. C399........ 11 + 3 pages... touching and original...... There is an alternate part B-flat clarinet replacing the alto clarinet.... Three Pieces for Clarinet and Piano by John McCabe...... is much easier to read......... Hush-a-ba. Envoi (Allegro)..50 2002...................... Andante y Danza for Clarinet and Piano by optional Clarinet in A by John McCabe. Vasanta (Spring Raga)..... Meyerbeer Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet edited by Piano No.. 1997...95 Messager edited by Daniel Bonade. Includes score and edited by Trio di Clarone. SS...95 editing............................... re-adpated by George Waln.... SS. Editing is noted in the score or in a "Critical Report" English on the background of the piece and the editing.... 41 deep of Night). 1 in F minor Op. 83 No. Includes parts and score..... Basset Horn (two Clarinets) and C235.. The Hirtenlied was composed in 1842 to words from Ludwig by Trio di Clarone.. er.... Op....... 9 + 4 pages..... Includes parts for which follows.... The clarinet part stays within the lower two registers and has concentrated The E-flat clarinet part and the "Clarinet Solo" part are in unison except for a sections with triplet eighth-notes or sixteenth-note scales. Classical Vocal Reprints.... ... 1.. Largo.....................6.... 6....... The third and fourth clarinet parts arpeggios. The Paris National Conservatory cantabile).. Zimmermann.. they will find a Music version. Duration about 11 The three songs are 1.. . This transcription presents eight of Mendelssohn's "Songs elements... II..95 quasi-Baroque style features several variations interspersed with contrasting C552..... SS. SS... John Peel-English (Allegro giocoso)................. Concerto in B-flat major for Clarinet and Chamber Orches- signatures. but this edition is Bartholdy edited Eric Simon. 2 in D minor Op.............. info@vcisinc... 33......... SS. 13.... The Hirtenlied was composed in 1842 to words from (Cello) and Piano No..... ....... ................ They are Hornpipe (Allegro giocoso). of about 9 minutes.. Strong players are needed on all parts.95 Schirmer.. Three pieces for the intermediate level clarinetist.........95 V037............ 3 Pastiches for Clarinet and Piano by Cecilia McDowall..... Three Songs without Words (3 Lieder ohne Worte) by Felix The piece begins with an expressive Andante section and concludes with a Mendelssohn-Bartholdy arranged for clarinet quartet by Béla Kovács... Three movements: I.......... 1994........ 63 No C1232............ Union Musical Ediciones.. . G.... Includes a miniature score. Op.95 C1644....... piece. The score is identical in layout to V005. 1957.... Fantasy-Ballet Clarinet Solo with Piano Accompaniment by Jules Mazellier.. A brief (1:30-2:10) but attractive transcribed by Michael Bryant.............. SS.. Early college level and playable the publisher a 5... In 6/8 at dotted quarter = 58................ It has notes in German and performance parts.. http://www.. Prof......... Delightfully witty pieces with unex- contest piece written for 1899... 6........ Breitkopf.. aren't seen very often). alto clarinet and bass dramatic flair.. 53 No. ..... Rosewood Publications... 2001..... McGinnis & Marx.. Three very nice quartets late nineteenth century style..... Nocturne (an Aria........ Baerenreiter (BA 8731).. .. Trio for Violin. SS.. Hirtenlied (Shepherd’s Song) for Soprano Voice with C895...  ... SS...... 2... SS... 18... Concert Piece for Clarinet. 1954.95 C1653.. College level with a duration required)..... Caprice for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Darius Milhaud. Capriccio (Allegro)... ... part and two copies of the complete score)....... Op... and 9.95 con moto)... I Saw 3 Ships Come Sailing In/Bring a Torch....... (includes clarinet Julián Menéndez...... 22.. 1958/1992..... 1997.  ........... Yesterday by Paul McCartney arranged by Yves Gourhand. SS... by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy edited by Gerhard Allroggen. C1569....... 12 + 4 pages.80 Cazonetta (Allegretto). Mendelssohn Sonata in E-flat major for Clarinet and Piano as well as robust and characteristic writing for both the clarinet and strings.... (includes parts and score).. Duration about 6:48........... Novello... and PO Box 9569..................... No.... This early work by Mendelssohn is presented with notes on the college level...  .... 21........ Fantasy......95 diate level players.....95 basset horn and an alternate second clarinet..... This edition on smaller size paper.... 14....... Southern Music Co.... Duration 6 minutes. On the current Associated Board of the Southern edition.. melodic role... Cavallini and Weber..... He grades it as a 6...... and 3.... 1 Op.... College level with a duration of about 8:30 minutes....95 C585...... This piece is sectional shifting primarily between Adagio and Allegro....... SS.......... Three Folk Songs Op..... Birdie..00 on the back ground of the piece and the editing..95 have divisi.... The pieces are from Op........ John McCabe (1939-) is an Julian Menendez (1895-1975) was a Spanish clarinet virtuoso and compos- English pianist and composer who has written music for virtually all genres..... and Music Hall (Vivace).... Romantic Song (Allegro ma C1016....95 V024.95 tempos (Lento/con moto/allegro flessibile/allegro moderato) and time C867. which is in very small type in the permanent place in your affections... C1139. and Molto Allegro. Kjos. for three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet...... 114 by Felix Mendelssohn 2008... Heim describes this as a work in EditionDarok..... ........ 33.. 12.............. but isn't very difficult..... 2 in D minor Op........ Funny... .. Johnny has gone for a soldier-American (Lento.. (and Michigan State University) and they edited it for publication.95 C586......... 1957. 1 for Clarinet Quartet Billaudot.. ..... (includes score and parts).. For pages. International Music Co... 1954/1998.......... 8 + 3 pages.. 114 by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Dieter Klöcker.... requiring facile technique......95 C864.... The three primarily known for his operas..... Four movements: Adagio/Allegro...... Dangain with piano reduction by Janine Rueff.. 21...... Lento/Adagio). This piece was commissioned by the Verdehr Trio C814.. 1994.. 1 in F minor Op..... 26... SS... This advanced work is a showpiece for the clarinetist.... For three B.  ....  ...... Eight "Songs without Words" by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy original material... Better high school clarinetists and up (there are a few rhythms that without Words" in a setting for clarinet and piano and suitable for interme.  .... 113 by Felix Mendelssohn Ludwig Rellstab... 6..... No...... 18 + 7 pages... 13... 5-7 B-flat clarinets............ This edition is larger than the Southern pected harmonic flavors. Some Christmas music for two B-flat clarinets Bartholdy edited Eric Simon.... The bass clarinet part is in bass clef....... croon. This piece is suitable for third or fourth year students......... Alphonse Leduc.. Messager Solo de Concours for Clarinet and Piano by Andre school level. Excellent repertoire for the advanced college level player. 20.. Breitkopf.. SS......... 1944........ 25.... 102 No..... 5.. It has notes in German and English Rellstab... 26 + 8 International Music Diffusion.... SS........ 19..... ....50 Edition.. This piece was written in 1964 and was first Carlo Menotti (1911-2007) was an Italian-born American composer performed that year by Keith Puddy to whom it is dedicated......... 1998....... croon-Scottish (Andantino).. 2.. Scherzo (which includes a cadenza)........ 1996/2001. 19 for High Voice and Piano with C1312......... Queen's Temple Publications. 19... reading and understanding its rhythms flat clarinets and bass clarinet (a low C instrument is desirable but not Van Cott Information Services Inc. It allows each member of the group a chance to play in a arranged for clarinet and piano by Dietrich Seebohm....... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ........ and is on slightly does not have a basset horn part. 4.. 1990........... Introducción..... 1967. and the clarinet cadenza... Clarinet and Piano by Gian Carlo Menotti..... by Robin Milford edited by Paul Harris....... SS....... Mendelssohn String Quartet No... Phantasy Quintet Op.. 24..... SS....... Baerenreiter.. Hunt The Paris National Conservatory contest piece written for 1899.... ......... .. The second is a musical style resembling the waltz. Xavier Montsalvatge (1912-2002) became a major figure in the Johann Melchior Molter edited by Gilles Secq... SS.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... In addition sion..... A jazz influence is found becomes a showpiece at the early college level... Carl Fischer. ........... Venezuelan Burlesque for Two Clarinets by Jorge Montilla..... A good work for college graduation recitals and influences....... Allegro ritmico... Molter Concerto for Clarinet...... III...... ..... emphasizing serioso (6/8).. Breitkopf.... Early college level. ... SS... 1970/1994.........95 C949. C1611... ............... College level......  . SS..95 and Jorge Montilla. This piece is an effective blend of Classical and bassoon part)...... quarter note = 58 (elasticamente). This piece begins and ends with in a dance-like style (Vivo in 2/4) with a brief C583.......... For D clarinet and also includes an C1313. Jeu (Vif)....25 level with a duration of 3:30. encore-type frolic through the advanced performer.......95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. It is the fundamental musical genre which identifies Venezuelans professional programs... For two B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet (with alternate ter....9. SS. musical world of Barcelona.. 35 + 12 pages.. 1 in A major (Piano Reduction) by Johann Melchior Molter edited by C1614. This edition has the piano part transposed so to composing some 100 works.. Breitkopf... 1999....... alternate part for A clarinet....... II..... Quintet for Clarinet and Strings by Douglas Moore. 2010........... 1986. 3 for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by for music the theater..........95 duration of about 19 minutes. II. 157b for Violin....... .. 1970. For D clarinet and also includes an C1154.... Venezuelan Clarinetist and composer Jorge Montilla (1970-) has written this new clarinet quartet (for E-flat..... 1979... Douglas Moore alternate part for A.... Sonatine for Clarinet and Piano by Darius Milhaud........ The jazz idiom is prevalent in the fast movements..... Kovács. Strings and Basso continuo About 3 minutes.... and good embouchure flexibility. SS.. Scaramouche (Piano Reduction) by Darius Milhaud. Three movements: I. 10... Molter Concerto for Clarinet... Andante comodo..... Suite Op.......  . SS. International Music Diffu. film.... Breitkopf. International Music Diffu. B-flat) so that the E-flat clarinet can play the original part...... Strings and Basso continuo linke to a performance on YouTube... Woodwindiana..... 27. having both African and European movement is lyrical........... Rucaneao arranged by Jorge Montilla......... and III.. 1986.95 Union Musical Ediciones... SS. 2 in D major (Piano Reduction) by Johann Melchior Molter edited by ni wrote this as a representation of a computer breakdown. 17.. This edition has the piano part transposed so risoluto... the rucaneao... The YouTube comments say Montova- No. Molter Concerto No....95 Heinz Becker....... 1942. 4 in D major (Piano Reduction) by Johann Melchior Molter edited by C1635... C1498...... Woodwindiana. Paraph......  . and IV.. In four movements: I. Our website has a C582... Lento (4/4). 1956. EditionDarok...... ..... The writing for both instru- technically and musically demanding with endurance as the major perfor..95 the composer at the 2006 ClarinetFest in Atlanta. SS.... After Leduc.. SS. Molter Concerto No. Introduction and Joropo Solo Bass Clarinet by Jorge 1929........ 8 + 3 pages....... [email protected]..... 19. 65....... Montilla has produced an original... For D clarinet and also includes an the composer) by Darius Milhaud.. Adagio recitativo. 3 in G major (Piano Reduction) by Johann Melchior Molter edited by Heinz Becker.......... 2010... Written for Cahuzac... Molter Concerto No. 27........ . with a chamber music equality of parts......... score format... 13 + 4 pages..... 14.. Includes notes on Molter All parts are important in this very nice ensemble work.. Czardas by Vittorio Monti arranged for clarinet and piano by Béla C506.....  . The on a Venezuelan 5/8 dance........ 2008. The piano reduction is complex and requires an excellent player... Henry sion.95 Includes a few fractional tones....... Duration of 2:12..... Elkan-Vogel/Theodore Presser..... 6 + 2 pages...... Final (Lively). Sonate Op... In this arrangement by Heugel......... International Music Diffu.. No bar a Moderato opening section......... contemporary take alternate part for A clarinet with many passages high in the altissimo... short...... 2009.......... Upper college level with a duration of about 5:15........ Slowly (4/4) and IV......... 17... For D clarinet and also includes an Woodwindiana. .. The fast movements written for bassoonist Jeffrey Lyman at Arizona State University..... SS. 2006....95 No.. C1527... Heugel. is well written for the clarinet... 1937... 18... where he lived for most of his life. Includes score and performance parts....... ........50 No..  .. 2 B-flat... Lent (9/8) and Trés rude (4/4).... It is Latin American in theme.......... SB. Registro de Pajarillo for E-flat Clarinet Alone by Jorge Divertissement (Animé).... SS..... Marcel Mihalovici (1898- rasing Prof.... Mihalovici..... Passionale........ Merengue (5/8 with dotted third (Brazileira) movements surround the middle (Moderato) movement quarter note = 94).. 3 pages... Music commissioned this piece in 1946..20 na..... Range is moderate but technical parts required a fairly Quartet.. A fine encore piece written for Robert Spring Molter concerti are some of the oldest known for clarinet.. This piece was originally ments: Trés rude (4/4)... 4 pages.....50 South American dance form. Durand...... Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction by Heinz Becker. It is in four movements: I. Clarinet and Piano by Darius requires a low C bass clarinet... College lines... The Juilliard School of Johann Melchior Molter edited by Gilles Secq...... 17...... C1193. SS.. 18......... . ... and bass clarinet) C357...... 1986.... 15 + 6 pages. http://www.......... 2009.. Heinz Becker........ SS. Allegro sion........ .... and Finale (6/8 dotted quarter which alternates between melancholy and lighter phrases.. Baerenrei- C448...... Salabert.. 2 for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by Spain... Four movements: I... 18... 13. 19 + 7 pages. Has a strong its best qualities.... This is a solo showpiece for the E-flat clarinet.. 15 + 4 pages... 10.. Molter Concerto for Clarinet. In very strict time.....95 (1893-1969) was an American composer. College level with a and the concerto in French and English...... it is a one....... Editions that has become quite popular..... The Joropo are dissonant and atonal........ SS.... 4 pages. Breitkopf........ The clarinet part requires facile C983................ 37 + 10 pages.. .......... 18.............. 1959.... harmony is based on chords in thirds.95 No.. Duo Concertant for Clarinet and Piano by Darius Milhaud....... and author who wrote C1528.. It was inspired by the C1052.... Son (2/4 with mm=120).... The range of the mance difficulty for the clarinetist because there are few rests and those are clarinet part is moderate............. . .............  .. the major challenge is rhythmic dialogue with the short..... 27. SB/SS... As founder and E-flat clarinetist of the Caracas Clarinet Romantic styles..... SS. Montilla... II... Duration about 16 minutes... but no mulitphonics.. 2006.. Molique Concertino in F minor for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Bernhard Molique edited by Jost Michaels........... ments is superb. Allegro is in contemporary French style. Four for Four Clarinet Quartet by Jorge Montilla...... For piano. For clarinet in B-flat.......... 11 + 3 pages.. ballet and orchestra. SS.... Written for Ulysse Delécluse..... Rhapsodie for Solo Clarinet by Giacomo Miluccio........ Tempo di Meregue in 5/8 time.... 36 + 8 pages......... ...... Montsalvatge also worked as music critic that the E-flat clarinet can play the original part... Heim: This is a major work in the clarinet concerto repertoire.. II..... This edition has the piano part transposed (to Lemoine......... 58.. College level and C576. Introduction et Final Montilla...... Strings and Basso continuo Moderato interlude in the middle. alternate part for A clarinet. Woodwindia- technique. SS..... It 1985) was a Romanian born French PO Box 9569........ 1952. III. 18...... US grade VI (at the marked Molto vivace tempo.. It is a virtuoso-sounding piece that is satisfying for the player and listener.... A challenging... Self-Parafrasis for Clarinet and Piano by Xavier Montsalvatge. Strings and Basso continuo pleasure for more advanced players.. 20...... .95 and was professor of composition at Barcelona's Conservatori Superior.. C581.95 SS.. 10. 1986..  ... 2000....... Molter Concerto for Clarinet... SS...........95 and it has been that country's national dance since 1882..... Overture (Vif et gai). the familiar Czardas (originally for violin or mandolin and piano) movement work with three contrasting sections. 2006.. It is sense of tonality and controlled dissonance. 14 + 4 pages.. Dedicated to Benny Goodman....95 Milhaud. and IV.... Alphonse Pajarillo dance which is the most refined of all fast Venezuelan dances derived from the Joropo... Bug for solo clarinet in B-flat by Bruno Montovani......... 78 for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano by Marcel Lively.... This piece was premiered by (Modéré/Vif). Advanced contemporary work for solo clarinet.. 24....... Allegro giocoso (2/4)..00 excellent college players or professionals.. Born in Gerona.... Kovács. fast staccato. SS........95 note = 110)......... 42 will be valuable for the advancing high school clarinetist and it will be a C584. III.. Woodwindiana............ 22.................. Lively first (Allegro) and movements are Joropo (3/4 with mm=200).. 3 pages.......... not C1402... it consists of three move.. The four Salabert.. 14.. Duration about 22:45... 14. 1 for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by quite so hard a bit slower). (includes score). that the E-flat clarinet can play the original part.... the balance of the piece is Allegro..... educator.......95 C246........95 C507... College level...95 rhythmically and melodically..95 Johann Melchior Molter edited by Gilles Secq. 1959....... 1990.... Karl Leister.... Mozart Clarinet Concerto K 622 (Piano Reduction) edited by 229 (439b) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by the Trio di Clarone.. ... Karl Leister's revision........... 68... 244. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major KV 622 (Piano C591.... 1990.... .... 26..... SS. C815.. .......... 11......95 can be played on a B-flat clarinet. .. 46 pages... 4 for three basset horns from KV Anh 229 (439b) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by the Trio di Clarone............ Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major KV 622 (Piano Reduc...........95 bassoon.. two clarinets and all of the tuttis are included in the clarinet part. clarinet replacing the alto clarinet..... 18..... 1959..........95 clarinet sextet of four B-flat clarinets.......... Karl Leister...... 229 (439b) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by the Trio di Clarone... Includes parts and score.00 C880.... SS...... divertimentos. and Tempo di Menuetto/Allegro/Tempo di Minuetto..... bassoon..... This is an arrangement of the Andante movement of Mozart's Piano Bouchet.. ... 622 (for B-flat clarinet and piano) arranged by Yona Ettlinger....  . C990... All are one Baerenreiter edition for A clarinet.. Divertimento No............. For three basset horns...95 most modern keyboard reductions .......... two clarinets and clarinet (in A) with the basset portions notated in bass clef..... SS.95 C594.. 5 for three basset horns from KV Anh C1617. 1996. 1997. SS.. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major KV 622 Piano Reduc.. SS. B-flat C232. In the Breitkopf & Haertel.... 34 + 14 pages....95 first and second movements and many from the third movement.................... This looks like fun. .. 17......... It Hogwood...... 2009............. With a Christopher Zello." This version is for a standard In two movements: Adagio and Allegro..... ....... This edition has the piano reduction transposed so the clarinet part Fischer.. 13. Mozart-Album for Two Clarinets arranged by Peter Kolman........... SS... two clarinets and 31 + 14 pages.... Mozart Clarinet Concerto K. Divertimento No.. 48 + 15 pages.95 III..... 1955..... Nearly Breitkopf & Haertel.. Ricordi.. and other This violin concerto works well on clarinet.. 2003. 15. 622 (for B-flat clarinet and piano) edited by Reginald Kell.... Some of automaton incorporated in a temple-like diorama with life-sized wax figures. recorded here........... 622 (Harold Wright Legacy C592... clarinet... C593. These sonatas C1542.... 1780)... . For three basset horns. edited by Eric Simon. Adagio....... K..95 C092. 2 for three basset horns from KV Anh Series) edited by Ethan Sloane and Ruth Wright....... EditionDarok. this edition has the piano part transposed movement... Breitkopf & Haertel. SS. 18. I..... 16...... 2003(?)... 11... SS... This edition The editor comments: "Players who wish to use the piano reduction of the has the piano reduction transposed so the clarinet part can be played on a Grande Sonate version will probably find it more stylish and effective than B-flat clarinet..... SS. Jazz Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by David Morris........... Scores available see our website. Allegro (No...... This work is in three movements: I... 26..... All of the tuttis are included..... 622 (for B-flat clarinet and are at the intermediate/advanced intermediate level. The Magic Flute. In score format..... 43 + 15 pages. strong jazz feel.......... 21 + 7 pages. .......... Edizioni Musicali Eufonia.......... 3 for three basset horns from KV Anh tion) edited by Henrik Wiese with piano reduction by Jan Philip Schulze.. Quintet for Clarinet and Strings by Douglas Moore.. SS.. 14.. ... Schirmer....95 C1636....... 1767)..95 Baerenreiter (BA 4773a).. 24.95 C674.. SS.. . so the clarinet part can be played on a B-flat clarinet........ 30 + 7 pages (this edition is is a cleaner looking publication with the piano part in larger print than the for Clarinet in A and also includes the alternate violin part). This C714.................95 C1027... For three basset horns.... edited by Franz Giegling with piano reduction by Martin Schelhaas...50 piano) edited by Simeon Bellison...... Mozart Andante Cantabile KV 545 for clarinet and piano by arranged by Guy Dangain and Yvonne Desportes..... In three movements: Allegro works.... This edition has rests (1809) after the Clarinet Quintet K.. keyboard reduction and first movement fermata embellishments from early While it isn't mentioned.. 16... K. 28. 336...... All movements feature mixed meter............. " .... Carl Fischer.. ....95 aperto.. .......... 1990.. 1984...... 21.... 1 for three basset horns from KV Anh Reduction) edited by Henri Kling and Trio di Clarone..... or three clarinets. 11.... K... .. It includes bassoon... This piece was written for an organ sixteenth notes can become an important part of a cantabile line. Wofgang Meyer. 20. 18.. This edition contains solo parts for clarinet (in A) or basset clarinet (in A)..95 C641........................ 2.. two clarinets and preface Luigi Magistrelli writes: "Prof... 48 + 25 pages....... SS... 1989.. This arrange- one above (C1542).......... or three clarinets......... 20 + 9 pages.. 43 + 15 + 15 pages....... .... Morris (born 1964) is an Australian compos. 1943........ Based on the regular organ continuo while the later ones were for full orchestra............. Adagio.... ....... ........ SS...95 ment was originally published by Artaria in Vienna in 1809. III Funky..... In this edition the clarinet part has all of the tuttis from the bassoon.. SS. 1978....... Baerenreiter (BA 9162)...... 2003. C1324...... SS. Mozart Concerto for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano after the Universal Edition. Mozart wrote 17 church sonatas......... 229 (439b) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by the Trio di Clarone... 1767).. It includes the tutti portions of the piece (marked in Early college level......... 43 pages (one copy in score format)...... G...... 229 (439b) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by the Trio di Clarone..... For three basset horns.. Mozart Fantasie KV 594 for Clarinet Quintet by Wolfgang articulations which give much importance to the expressive content of the Amadeus Mozart arranged by Béla Kovács... Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major KV 622 (PR). Mozart Clarinet Concerto K..... Divertimento No....75 C690. 43 info@vcisinc.......... 1990.... This was unsuccesful. retained in the revision of Prof.. Kalmus..... SS...... For Sonata in C major (KV 545).. It has a new easy to play prepared the following five editions of divertimentos... 1766). and contra alto clarinet replacing bass tion..................... SS........... This is a book of 14 duets from the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra K............ KV Anh.........95 is a result of his vast wealth of experience in live and recorded perfor- mances of the work.. 1987...... II..... 35....... Score only.. 30 + 15 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. Carl pages...... G.............. 229 (439b)....... SS...... and IV... http://www...... Here he aims to underline an elegant phrasing with C1149. It freely transcribed by Alamiro Giampieri. The early sonatas were for two violins and Baerenreiter (BA4773c)... these pieces could also be played by two clarinets 19th century sources. Allegro (No.... Schirmer....95 and bass clarinet. but there are alternate parts for E-flat clarinet replacing the first B-flat clarinet. For three basset horns... This edition contains solo parts for clarinet (in A) or basset Breitkopf & Haertel..... Andante (No........ 18...... Intermediate level..... 67.... 2003.................... Henle.... 1959. Boosey & Hawkes.. Mozart Clarinet Concerto arranged for Clarinet Duet by er who also studied in London. 13..... 1. 1991.... Mozart Clarinet Concerto K. There is a "cadenza" in the Adagio by Carl Baermann.. Mozart Four Church Sonatas for Clarinet and Piano C885.95 C595... This edition has the piano reduction transposed C997.. Divertimento No....... SB. International Music Diffusion. International Music Co.................................... 2005. Early high school level......95 clarinet in A not a basset clarinet. ................. This is sublime Mozartian melodies.. two clarinets and Wright‖s copy of this work.. Edited by Franz Giegling with piano reduction by Martin Schelhaas.... SS.... 622 (for B-flat clarinet and piano) edition includes notes on the editing and two pages of critical commentary..... . Allegro (No.. 1952... Breitkopf...95 extensive notes and supplementary material including the complete fragment for basset horn in G.. or three clarinets.......... 219 for Clarinet and Piano works of Mozart at the intermediate and upper intermediate level. .... . 5 + C787......... 21 +6 pages............. Manduca Music... All of the tuttis are included..... Divertimento No........... Mozart Grande Sonata for Clarinet (or Violin) and Piano so the clarinet part can be played on a B-flat clarinet.... the original phrases in the low register of the basset clarinet have been to be shown by Count Deym 1791 in his art gallery.. Seveal notes in the basset range of the clarinet appear along with alternative notes.... SS.... 581 edited by Christopher during the tuttis with a few measures of cues before the clarinet entrances.. C1357...vcisinc.......... alto clarinet and bass clarinet.. 1987..... where even the for 4 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet. 26 + 16 pages. 36 + 7 pages............. This edition has the solo part for clarinet in A only.. II.. 12.... K......... Contredanse by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arranged by Yves 2 pages.. even in the virtuoso passages... Mozart Clarinet Concerto K...... College level. It is based on Trio di Clarone (Sabine Meyer. 26. 21 pages... PO Box 9569........ Includes piano reduction and notes from Harold Breitkopf & Haertel......... 10..... ... Billaudot.......... SS......... .. 17..... ............. or three clarinets... Southern Music Company.... Roncorp............ and Reiner Wehle) have the urtext edition in the Neue Mozart-Ausgabe. 23.. The last is the most extensive with a four page clarinet part..95 bassoon. ... Mozart Clarinet Concerto K. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ....95 brackets) in the solo part so both clarinets are playing throughout.. or three clarinets..... includes selections from dances... SS....... .... 14.. 24....95 Clarinets by William F.... and Mauro's Latin (Latin Jazz)..... SS. There are also comments on (1976-) was born in Colombia where he studied clarinet and conducting specific issues in the parts. 30 + 7 pages.... Mozart Sonata in B-flat K....5. Variations on a Theme of Gluck K......95 C640.. This is music Amadeus Mozart edited by Oscar W. ...... Adagio. 1999..... is in four movements: I.... 2010.. includes score and parts. 1990........ Rondo from Sonata in B-flat K...... 22. Finale: (Andate molto e sostenuto and Allegro). EditionDarok... The parts are of equal C403.. and contra alto clarinet replacing bass C1627.... 2003... Quadrille by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arranged by Yves school or advanced middle school student.. Una voce poco fa a violin part as an alternate to the clarinet. clarinet.. Six Viennese Sonatinas by W.. which features energico. ... Neil A... Sisra (Arsis Press).. . SS.. includes parts and score. 2. . 1981. would only apply to the first clarinet part... composer. Viola and Piano KV C1577..... .... SS. the basset notes are not included. Jr. 8. 24. Anadnate con espressione........ The composer has provided notes in which have survived in autograph) were written when Mozart was very English and German about the piece and how he wants articulations to be young (1767/68) and are his first works for basset horn...... This is about 8:40.. Allegro.. 43 by Robert Muc- The score includes the original violin part....... However. (BA 4711). Baerenreiter from the quartal and quintal structures provide most of the melodic material... and also found time to 498 (Kegelstatt Trio) edited by Wofgang Plath and Wofgang Rehm. This arrangement of the overture from the Magic Flute is for 4 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet.. and a arranged for Clarinet and Piano by Allen Sigel.......... 1974...... 2010. 24.... part for clarinet in B-flat with the basset notes shown cue size.. 26 for clarinet (in B-flat). Motives derived KV 581 Performance Parts edited by Ernst Fritz Schmid.. and IV. From the Neue Mozart....... 1966 revised 1987...... Includes Ecco ridente in cielo (from the Barber of Seville). Twelve Kegelduette KV 487/496a for 2 Basset Horns or 2 composer has recorded. and music educator.. based on popular provided alternatives for the basset passages. SS.. Sabroso (Good taste..... 2006...... As above but with the piano part and the bass clarinet parts even easier.. Movements III and IV Meyer. Andante... Baerenrei.. Three Fantasias on Cavatinas by Rossini for Clarinet and intermediate level... B-flat Allegro (with a short cadenza at the end). .. Allegro decisio......50 clarinet replacing the alto clarinet.. 19......... and the problems involved..... The publisher rates this as (US) grade 4 but that the Clarinet Quintet K.... 14.............. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .... SB.. 44 C998.. 28 + 11 pages.. derived from C1552..... and IV.. 15...... the parts move C563........ 17.. Mozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet.95 Clarinet and Piano by George Waln. Allegretto.. They are: 1. . clarinet sextet of four B-flat clarinets. Tito" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by Chris Allen for voice..... Intermediate and upper C1051....... Mozart Trio in E-flat major for Clarinet...... 20. 91) for basset clarinet in B-flat and string quartet......95 It is in three movements: I....... 23.. and Dietrich Demus and with dynamics and ornamentation by Wolfgang There are cadenzas in the first and last movements.. Cojarco Music/Kendor Music..A. SS.. ....... Viola and Piano KV made important advances in clarinet design................ 12... There are four duets (in score measures have survived (this is about a page in each part)..95 piano reduction of the orchestral part (with vocal and clarinet parts in score C1512... It does include a German translation of the aria in addition to the C1681. College level........ The editor has format): Saturday (Latin Jazz).. Dedicated to Mitchell C1565... ... Mozart Quintet in A major for Clarinet and String Quartet independently in most of this piece. Street.. difficulty and will be suitable for better high school quintets and up.. adhering closely to the Mozart original but incorporating the clarinet cadenza from Clemenza di Tito" for Mezzo-Soprano............ These duets (three of have a number of different tempos.95 clarinets and bass clarinet of the final movement (Allegretto) of Mozart's Van Cott Information Services Inc..... alto clarinet and bass clarinet. Includes parts and score..... Henle..... so it Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arranged by András Novák..... Henle... Allegro scherzando leggiero........ 4 + 2 pages.95 15 pages. Waltz Fantasy by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arranged for original Italian...... Time Pieces for Clarinet and Piano Op. and piano this Violin Sonata and arranged it for clarinet... III..... Woodwindiana... Classical Vocal Reprints.. II. Mozart transcribed for two Lurie who premiered this work in 1984 with the composer.. 581 edited by Christopher Hogwood.. 19....... violoncello.... 455 by W. 1965........ The other clarinet parts are easier ter (BA 9163). 25 + 9 pages............ 14.... 13. how this edition was created from earliest Bedoya....... Includes alternate violin part. Minor...95 Piano by Iwan Müller edited by Fritz-Georg Hölÿ...... 454 arranged for Clarinet and Piano by Richard Carder....... 18....... 29... Mozart format)....... and piano..... One of the best known arias Andante. 2010....95 transposed for use with B-flat clarinet. Theodore Presser........... Allegro giocoso. Natural Horns by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart edited by Thomas Grass Andante cantabile.... Duration of about 5 minutes... The print is smaller... 1971... Parto! ma tu ben mio Sesto's aria from the opera "La clarinet and piano..... There is an alternation of sections C234.. 22........ Introduction and wide leaps.......... Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Reduction for 498 (Kegelstatt Trio) edited by Günter Lorenz.. Only the first 93 clarinet performance in the United States..... Ausgabe with a preface and editorial note in Germany and English. .. clarinet concertos and these fantasies from the works of Baerenreiter (BA 5325).. would take seven players to cover all the notes. Early college level with a duration of KV 581 Performance Parts edited by Henrik Wiese.. includes parts and score.. Matthias Müller (1966-) is a Swiss clarinetist.. .95 (also from the Barber of Seville)...95 C1315. He believes that the key (and by Robert Muczynski..... Di piacer mi balza il cor (from La Gazza Ladra). Four movements: Allegro consequent placement) and the characteristics of the work.. but there are alternate parts for E-flat clarinet replacing the first B-flat clarinet. 2. Carder has selected G87.95 While not technically difficult at the mm=54 tempo. ...... Iwan Müller (1786-1854) was a clarinet virtuoso............ and only a clarinet part and the piano score is in Mozart's three great works for the clarinet.... 2004.. SS.. Parto Sesto's aria from the opera "La Clemenza di John Neufeld edited by Mitchell Lurie.95 Frustrated that Mozart did not write a clarinet sonata. Emerson Edition.... and III.. written in 2007-2008 and which the C741.. compose studies.... Rosewood Publications...... This advanced piece. ............. C314.. . a vocal part which shows the clarinet part in concert pitch.95 C1002.......... SB... Includes Clarinet & Piano by Matthias Müller... Largo. 10. 1958.. 40 pages... 26 + 10 pages.. and Tempo I.... SS..vcisinc......... These duets are at the college level but may also be enjoyed by good adult Mozart arranged for clarinet quartet by Harry R....... To fill a long-standing void in classical music for V038. and 3.. Early college level... A Fraction of Your Grace for clarinet and string quartet by Zae Munn... 31......................A.. .. Universal Edition...... This edition provides a high school quartets and up.. Natalia (Pasillo. It includes two pages of notes explaining what C1325... there are played... III... 2008. ............. SS.. SS.......... 570 by Wolfgang Amadeus the waltz of the Andina region of Colombia)..... Parto...95 very few notes in the extended range and they can be played with few problems on clarinet or bass clarinet... Wintergarten Publications... In score format. The first portion of the alto part (and alternate) has divisi. Shawnee Press...95 a new edition of this work.95 1986.. Finale (Presto). Mozart Quintet in A major for Clarinet and String Quartet based on quartal chords and sections based on open fifths.. SS... .. 2005.. This edition also includes the fragment Allegro and at the time this was written was studying for a master's degree in (KV Anh.......... Mozart Serenade in B-flat Major arranged for 4 clarinets by V012. Mauricio Murcia Bedoya known edition..... Metropolis Music... 18 pages.. encompassing both subtlety as well as the wide range of expression found Another edition of this famous Mozart aria... It has a duration of 3 minutes Bouchet......... Western International Music...... Urtext edition from the Neue Mozart-Ausgabe.. ... II Minuet and Trio. . 1985.. PO Box 9569... Clarinet and Piano by Wolfgang Tchaikovsky's Mozartiana (which was based on this work).... Shall-u-mo Publications. Die Zauberflöte Ouverture for Clarinet Quintet by clarinet. Kjos Music Co.......... 31 pages....50 included... .. Gee....... Fantasy Trio Op....... and scales make it very appropriate for the clarinet..95 rhythms from the Caribbean part of Colombia.. who C233. .. Can be played as a Trio. arpeggios.. ... .... II. Theodore Presser.............95 SS.. 1993......... 31 + brief introductory notes. International Music Diffusion....... Better with clarinet obbligato from the opera repertoire..... score format.. . For and a publisher's grade of (US) info@vcisinc.... http://www... Mozart Grande Sonata for Clarinet and Piano (1809) after Piano Concerto No... Colombian Dances Clarinet Duets by Mauricio Murcia little is known of this work... Minuet and Trio..... SS 36 + 11 pages. A brief (3 minutes) festival or recital solo for the more a young high C788. High school level. Four movements: I.... This is an arrangement for three amateurs. 1964...............95 zynski.. Rossini...... 2003.. Allen Sigel has transcribed this lovely work........ In three movements: Tempo di valse.... These sonatinas were originally for piano.. and performance suggestions by Alan H......... 2 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet.. 2010... music critic.......... 1971.. or violin... SB...... professor at Egypt‖s Cairo Conservatory........... The paino e l'onde" (from L'Italiana in Alger) and "Se ancor tu m'ami" by Gioachino reduction includes the part for tamburo piccolo (a small side drum) that Rossini......... 27. Sonate for Clarinet in B-flat by Tiberiu Olah...... In three movements: I..95 C628. 20..... Concerto con Variazioni for clarinet and strings (Piano of six works by Neumann (1792-1861) for clarinet or basset horn and guitar Reduction) by Carlo Pässler edited by Daniele Zanettovich and Nicola and was first published in 1835..... Rhapsody for Clarinet by Willson Osborne..  .. 1976.... The only extended techniques required are for articulation (slap and flutter tonguing... and III......95 intermediate level with a duration of 4:45. Noble. 1982.......... Looks like fun for better high school quartets and up..... It is simple in style and suitable as a festival piece for high here meant in the balletic rather than the musical sense) comes from Act III: school students who prefer legato playing... Concerto Petite for E-Flat Alto Clarinet and Piano by Leroy J. Kunzelmann..... The C clarinet part can also be used by oboe.. Tierolff Muziekcentrale.. It is a very difficult concerto.... SS... Presto..  ...... 12. This is the highly regarded new edition of this work C1285... Cristóbal Oudrid y Segura (1825-1877) was a Spanish made up of various ensembles.. Includes notated cadenza-improvisation sections (taqasim) and several About 4 minutes............ and IV.... M. Tu Bambuquito (based on the Colombian national rhythm called the of the best-known of nineteenth-century harpists and a prolific composer for Banbuco)................ Kunzel- work with several sections or movements and two major cadenzas. The Ballabile con Variazioni (variation being Allegro agitato...... includes score and parts....... SS. 5 + 2 pages............ in which the legato that concludes the piece. SS.... Thrène (Adagio).......... Five Van Cott Information Services Inc. This is one C1140. has composed this interesting pianist..... are Allegro vivace.. 24... The first movement begins with Recitatif and then alternates between Lent and C1256. form............ Cat Mandu..... College level.. 2000....... It is one mann...... Two Pieces for Solo Clarinet by Koh Okumura. In four movements: I. 2003... 8... and Bedoya. 23.... II. composer..... 2008...90 showpiece full of cross-rhythms and glissandi. 65 Nocturne for clarinet and piano (or harp) The Duos are 1......... The piano part is important and alternates with the qualities of the two instruments are used..95 In the key of A minor... The last section is a brief Adagio angular rhythms is followed by a dreamy second... 15 + 4 pages.... especially noted for his creative tango and choro compositions. This is a contemporary work for solo clarinet........ This solo is featured in the 1870 zarzuela El with mixed meter in the first movement... The piece is in three contrasting starts as an Allegro vivace in 6/8 time which gives way to 3/4 time at the movements: an aggressive opening movement containing wide intervals and same tempo before returning to 6/8 again. 15 pages (score format)....  .... ... 36 + piano... It is a continuous Carlo Pässler edited by Daniele Zanettovich and Nicola Bulfone.. Purrendosi.. II... 25 for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Patterson..... The piano part is not difficult. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ....... Wilhelm Hansen. 9. Tabbioso.. and III.. Cramer extensive use of the interplay between the clarinet and piano..... Berben..... 2001...95 12 pages. Clarinet Quartet (from Festa di Discorsi Concertante) by C1083... SS.. Gaitzsch... This divertimento is on "Cimentando i venti of the few clarinet concertos to have prominent percussion parts..... it has a definite Spanish flavor.. SS. 13. 4 pages.  . This is from a larger work SS.... 29 for clarinet (in C or B-flat) and with a duration of about 5:10........ International C275. Nedbal. 2000... includes score and parts. Early College level C680. 5 pages. Prise de Bec Clarinet and Piano by Jerome Naulais..  ...... Quartet No.... All three movements make C1076.95 finger and tongue facility......... It is a short one page work that starts with and was conductor at La Scala during the last thirteen years of Ernesto Cavallini's Andante Cantabile section that is connected with a brief cadenza to final time there as principal clarinet.. Drake. Weinberger. 2006......... This two movement work is info@vcisinc. C772....... 16 + 4 pages. 44.. 22 + 8 pages... Cats A Suite for Clarinet and Piano by J.. 15 + 3 pages. Scherzo (As fast as possible).............. Andante tempo in 6/8 and includes a brief cadenza. 29.  .... 1990...95 quarter-tones (sikha) commonly found in Arabic music... These duets are at the college level but may also be performed by his instrument.. SS. Giacomo Panizza (1804-1860) from his Clarinet Concerto.... bass clarinet.. ..... It is in three movements: I.... but playing it on an alto clarinet will Adagio. and conductor who found success writing zarzuela.. Egyptian Ma-wal for Clarinet and Piano by Ali Osman.....) Duration about 6:12........ SS...F.......... .. Lazarus Edition.... Doblinger..95 C903. 2.... and III. program notes. It is rated as (US) grade 4..50 SS................95 Solo Clarinet by Jean-Philippe Navarre..95 suitable for recital and festival use by younger high school students... SS..... a Molto rubato..vcisinc........ Le Désir Op...... SS..... 25 + 7 pages..... 6 + 4 pages.... 27................ International Music Diffusion. Dorian Dance (Allegro)...... and composer.. Wilhelm Hansen. It is in six sections and three (increasing) Josef Horák.95 C466. SS..... The first two Cotton Pickin' Kitten.. The second section which makes up most of the piece utilizing the dexterity of both performers.. 9.95 a festa di ballo set in a magnificent banqueting hall.. E-flat clarinet........ 2000.. ..... Salabert. 1975............................. Moderato........ Ballabile con Variazioni nel ballo Ettore Fieramosca for E- C530. Bassus Ediciones Musicales. 1988..... .. SS...... Garôto by Ernesto Nazareth arranged for clarinet quartet by Willy cellent one movement solo clarinet work...... Peters.. Serenata Svizzera Op... 7 + 2 pages.... 9.. The movements of this composer and the piece. requiring excellent intermediate level.. 7.... Concerto Op.... Southern Music Music Diffusion.... Includes notes in Italian and English on the Bulfone.... .. 1999.. II. http://www. Beginning college level.... College level........ The three 2000.... clarinets and bass clarinet (with alternate parts for E-flat clarinet and alto International Opus.. 1981.. Three Characteristic Studies (Trois Étude de Caractère) for etc. Nedbal (1902-1977) was Ostransky... The piece has three sections beginning with C749....... 9 + 3 pages........ This is a virtuoso work an expressive Largo. flute... 18 + 4 pages..  9.. Con brio.... International Colombian rhythm called the pasillo--similar to a waltz--in the slow part)...... The piece can probably be performed by Conversations... . 1970... 14 + 4 pages... PO Box 9569.... Marcato leggiero.... Conversations Op....... 1 for 4 B-flat Clarinets by Sean Osborn. The work ends with a fiery clarinet in maintaining the momentum.... Duration is about 14 minutes.. For A clarinet.. C1134.................95 notes).... 1965..... .......... This and challenging piece in 10/8 meter based on the Egyptian ma-wal song is a Brazilian tango........95 C1701........95 increase the challenge. 16... Presser... Ex- C1605........... This set of three pieces was originally written for E-flat C1046.95 Hautvast... Charles (Carl) Oberthür (1819-1895) was one and 3.... Based on Japanese folk song music Min-yo......... 26.. pianist. Ludwig Masters.... This piece is frequently used for an Austrian cellist.... piece....... Sotto Voce (Non troppo adagio).. tempos. SS. 15.... in 1995. This work was written for alto clarinet honor band auditions. 24.. 7 + 2 pages. Movement for Clarinet and Piano by Roger Nixon.95 better high school students but it offers fun for older performers as well.... 45 C1612....95 duets are for clarinet and bass clarinet while the third is for two clarinets..... which was written in 1818.95 C381. . 4.. 1958. A very early Nielsen work (about 1881) much different flat Clarinet and Piano by Giacomo Panizza edited by Colin Bradbury.... SS..... ............... SS............. El Molinero de Subiza for Clarinet and Piano by Cristóbal Vaclav Nelhybell... Rubank...... Galaxy Music... Includes notes on the composer......... Sudanese composer Ali Osman clarinet).... Former Met clarinetist Osborn composed this college level quartet studies are I..45 followed by the Tema (Andantino grazioso) and three variations.... 6 pages. 24.. Early college level..... Lazarus Edition.... This piece was written for an amateur clarinetist and is at the upper enhances the performance. A relatively challenging college level work Spanish lyric-dramatic genre......95 C1131......... Early college level... Three Duos Clarinet and Bass Clarinet by Mauricio Murcia movements: Allegro Pussicato. SS... Woodwindiana..... molinero de Subiza (The Miller of Subiza) in a particularly important scene.. Duration about 13 minutes. .. . Moderate..... Allegro deciso........ Coffee Break (a mixture of Latin jazz and a by Charles Oberthür edited by Oliver Davies.... 2007. Ernesto Júlio Nazareth (1863-1934) was a Brazilian composer and Alhaj.. II... For 3 B-flat C1106.. Upper good adult amateurs.. Larghetto affettuoso..  . The second movement is Allegro moderato in 6/8 time........ . III Perpetuum Mobile (which has no tempo markings but is black with 32nd Freely. For Oudrid y Segura edited by Pedro Rubio. hence the title Music. Latinos... 18... Sonatine for Bass Clarinet or Clarinet and Piano by Manfred C851.... 57 for Clarinet and Orchestra by Carl Nielsen parts are strictly accompaniment so little is lost when performing this with with piano reduction by Torben Petersen.... .... Divertimento for clarinet and strings (Piano Reduction) by that is regarded as one of the great concertos for clarinet. SS.......... The string C567.. 10.95 guitar by Heinrich Neumann edited by J. C........ Fantasy for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Nielsen........... Opus. clarinet but can be played on any member of the clarinet family. A C528.... and Concert d'aujourd'hui (Modern Day Casas edited by Pedro Rubio.95 bass clarinet..95 movement one........... 2 pages.. 1 a. Marked Andantino moderato.. 14.... Bassus Ediciones Musicales........ alto Moderato (muy brillante)....... For C1087.. .... Canzonetta Op...95 combinations of instruments... The bass... 13 pages. that concludes with a short instruments (we carry the flute.. It starts Lento sostenuto and builds in tempo and volume + 11 info@vcisinc...... 17.. bass & contra-bass clarinet..... Aires Sicilianos for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by Bartolomé a virtual perpetual motion machine. 3.. probably early college level.95 edited by Pedro Rubio..... it opens and closes with lyrical cantabile sections Claude Voirpy. The duration is about 4 minutes.. each with its own distinct tone color and subtle 19 + 6 pages... It is in three movements: Largo (the second half is a pages... 3 pages.. 33.. alto clarinet. returning to Tempo 1 for the last third. 21. 31..... This piece was written around 1900... SS.... This piece which is in 6/8. This is Parable XIII (Op..95 scenes portrayed are: Bordel 1900. Includes parts for B-flat or A clarinet............. C1462. 33... International Music Diffusion..... The tangos are: 1... Dedicated to Rocco Parisi........ but followed by a return to the original key of B-flat with an extended cadenza only the last movement uses the extended range... Night-club 1960......... A showpiece in 6/8....  ......  ................. College level......95 and Piano) by Astor Piazzolla...... C776.. and contra bass parts advanced contemporary piece in three movements (presumably are essentially the same.95 Jean-Louis Petit.....m... Bassus Ediciones Musicales....... This piece was written around 1901.... and contra alto clarinet... College level...... There are no bar lines. This is a wonderful and which frame the middle section of arpeggio figures.. 2.... The four duration of about 7:15............... as well as its sophisticated fingering system which provides for Pérez Casas edited by Pedro Rubio... International Music Diffusion... 58. 37 + 14 and wind band. Parable for Solo Clarinet by Vincent Persichetti.. Editions Henry Lemoine. It opens parts: (first part for E-flat or B-flat clarinet and third part of basset horn..... but the extended range only appears in first eight measures. These are for 3 B-flat clarinets and about 3:45. Editions Henry Lemoine..... Alfred..... A low C bass clarinet is with a duration of about 8:45...... this is a showpiece which will Rubank. 20 + 7 pages... SS.95 since most of the six etudes end high in the saxophone altissimo..... Variations sur Faust (by Gounod) for Clarinet in B-flat and A Schott..... Each part Olivier Messiaen and Pierre Boulez..... The clarinet part for use with the piano 1974........ 2007. High school level with a duration of La misma pena... this piece can by played by challenge both the technical skill and endurance of the clarinetist...95 College level............. Variations sur Carmen (by Bizet) for Clarinet and Piano by minutes..95 C791... Histoire du Tango for Clarinet Quartet by Astor Piazzolla adapted by Bruce Edwards from the transcription for saxophone quartet by and Andantino tempo.. soprano saxophone... 6.....50 romp through a story of teenager infatuation.. These works are typically in one movement and transposition of the saxophone part. SS........ SS.... Bassus Ediciones Musicales.. SS... will challenge both the technical skill and endurance of the clarinetist. SS.. with its relentless stream of eighth notes.. Andantino for Clarinet and Piano by Bartolomé Pérez Casas edited by Pedro Rubio.... C1648......... SS.. which leads directly to an Adagio..... 14... One of a Kind for Solo Clarinet in B-flat by Mark Phillips.. One of three short movements: 1.vcisinc... SS....... alto (1937-) is a French conductor and composer whose teachers included clarinet... then slows down even more (más tranquilo) before below.. a Lauren Keiser Music................. and 3.. B-flat 1-3.................. Jean-Louis Petit SS. It also exploits the clarinet's wide range and agility.... . Prelude for Solo Clarinet in B-flat by Krzysztof Penderecki.95 and concludes at the original tempo. and finally returns to the original tempo for the final page... This piece was written around 1897 and was originally for clarinet C724.... 4 + 1 pages.. 2007.95 Casas edited by Pedro Rubio.  .. Intermezzo for Clarinet and Piano by Bartolomé Pérez Casas the second and third pieces.. 2005. Editions Henry Lemoine...... 2007....  . The next movement.... 24 + 11 pages... Woodwindiana... be both expressive and austere...... Adios nonino... recent addition to the clarinet repertoire. both clarinet and saxophone parts. .. http://www......... 2003.... 5.. and piano bridge to the final Allegretto.. 17...95 speed again as it heads for a raucous ending..... or B-flat soprano clarinet).. 15 + 4 pages. 3 Tangos for Clarinet Quartet by Astor Piazzolla edited by Florent Héau... 2007.... 14..... SS......... Allegro... The introverted second has a strong Spanish flavor) begins Lento y melancolico.  ..... 8...... Segundo Solo for Clarinet and Piano by Bartolomé Pérez Café 1930. 18.... contra alto..... An advanced work..... Premer Solo for Clarinet and Piano by Bartolomé Pérez Casas advanced quartets.95 C1084... ... .. The final movement is a Klezmer inspired then a bit faster..... These 3 short This piece was written around 1915............. This piece is in one extended starts out Moderato but increases in speed to Allegretto mosso......... Edwards has provided an exceptionally large number of alternate pages.95 C711. There are some exceptions. is C1089.. Bassus Ediciones Musicales.......  ... Includes C733. 7. A or B-flat soprano clarinet). The four scenes portrayed are: Bordel 1900. Edwards has provided an exceptionally large number of section starts Andante and then increases in speed followed directly by a alternate parts: (first part for E-flat or B-flat clarinet and third part of basset Moderato section increasing in speed shortly before the end.... 1995/2008....... PO Box 9569. In 3/4 time C664. ..... Bartolomé Pérez Casas (1873-1956) was the conductor of the intonation inflection.. This very popular suite of tangos has been arranged for many cadenza). 2007. and C1085. A young Flemish clarinetist/composer.. Picqueur's fast/slow/fast) although only the middle movement has tempo markings first effort for the choir medium has resulted in a fun....... This is another recent addition to the clarinet repertoire which to climax on an altissimo C then returns to the original tempo and decres... The duration is 13:25. 8. jazz and funk-infused (Adagio non troppo)... The first movement (which which may seem influenced by jazz and blues. 1988. many alternate fingerings. 26.. 21.... Histoire du Tango for Clarinet and Piano by Astor Piazzolla arranged by Dmitriy Varelas... College level horn.95 edited by Pedro Rubio... Originally for cello this short piece was written in 1917..... It is in the boundaries between "serious" music and various popular styles... then slows down movement is very slow and mostly soft........ 1948. SS... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. A low C bass clarinet would be needed to play all the notes in C1086..... SS. Romanza for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Bartolomé Pérez Concert d'aujourd'hui (Modern Day Concert). 15 + 4 Concert)........ As the melodic line becomes more and more disjunct Philharmonic Orchestra of Madrid as well as a composer....... 6 + 2 pages...... C456............ This is an except the E-flat has some divisi...... SS. cendos for a quiet ending...... Solipse I for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Jean-Louis Petit.... Contrabajeando.... The second movement is a 6/8 Tarantella play soft tones throughout its various registers).. which comes unwound in the middle to allow space for a bit of A showpiece for E-flat clarinet with the piano in an accompanying role." giving way in turn to a short cadenza before gradually gathering College level with a duration of about 3:40..... Bassus Ediciones Musicales..... starts out tangos (10 minutes in all) are somewhat easier than the two quartets listed Andantino tranquillo... 1996. more for a Muy lento section and concludes at a tempo slightly faster than somber tone color and its astonishing dynamic range (especially its ability to the first with sextuplet arpeggios...... are written in an improvisatory manner. SS... 19 + 6 pages........ this movement manages to which begins Allegro Vivacissimo. The first section of this piece is C665. 1997.  . Three Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano by Krzysztof Pende......... By exploiting the clarinet's dark......... clarinet quartet. SS.... Elkan-Vogel.. Allegro ma non a Kind opens with an introspective cadenza which leads directly into troppo.95 desirable.. Bassus Ediciones Musicales... 2007...95 high school students with good technique (lots of arpeggios and runs) and Van Cott Information Services Inc. C1088............. An advanced piece with a duration of WW044...... . includes parts and score..... SS....... One of a Kind attempts to blur Polish conductor and composer) earliest published works (1956).  ... SS. Tango-Etudes for Alto Saxophone and Piano (or Clarinet about 7 minutes. .. recki..... Alternatives are challenging piece that has been transcribed for a variety of instruments and provided for the four measures that dip into the extended range....... The second section Voirpy. 1999........ (includes score)................. .. educator. 1999.... 46 C605. 126) of the 25 Persichett composed tends to be mostly in the lower two octaves of the instrument since it is a between 1965 and 1986. 24 to Paul Patterson.... Café 1930.... About 8 C467. Night-club 1960. 8 + 2 pages. This piece has two parts each for E-flat. "schmaltz.. then a long expressive section (in 6 sharps). Four for Tango for Clarinet Quartet by Astor Piazzolla adapted by Bruce Edwards from the transcription for saxophone quartet by Claude marked Maestoso but the clarinet part is all cadenza.. 32.... Billaudot. whirlwind.... Editions Henry Lemoine.............. A college level showpiece with a saxophone quartet editions). 2007.. This movement.. A low C bass clarinet is desirable.......... International Music Diffusion.... A short solo work written in 1987 and dedicated and Piano by Jean-Louis Petit.. This is one of Penderecki's (1933-........ This piece was written around 1901.. 1959... followed by sections which are slower.... Andante cantabile. .. and it seems to fragment into two (or more) contrapuntal lines — at least some of clarinetist... ... 2... however. College level.. 19 by Gabriel Pierné edited by Himie Voxman.. 1994............ 2000...... Clarinet Choir by Bart Picqueur.. PO Box 9569.... and bass clarinet..... SS... Associated Music Publishers. 4 pages.. Sonata for Two Clarinets by Francis Poulenc. Woodwindiana. 1931.......... 1999.... Reduction) by Ignaz Joseph Pleyel edited by Georgina Dobrée... 10. It is excellent ensemble material for good college Allegretto con grazia.... two B-flat...... Originally for clarinet Presto assai... An intriguing musical composition for solo Five and one-half minutes in duration..... Canitlenas with operatic characteristics are interspersed with C438.95 59 Nos.. 19. molto liberamente (there are no bar lines in clarinetists and professional performers.... Allegro molto moderato... About 7 minutes.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. 40 + 16 pages...... All microtonal fingerings are clearly presented in the score. Includes work was written in one afternoon while on holiday in Bloomington in separate clarinet parts (with the cadenza shown in score format)...... Chester Music.............. 14 + 6 pages. 2000.. enjoy this piece as well........ 8..  ... More advanced players will C1342....... About 10 1/2 minutes.95 make your audience chuckle. Woodwindiana.. leading British composers of his generation. For E-flat........ 1999.......... This is an excellent recital piece for graduate C453..... One of the C1194. Duration is about 15 minutes.. .. each with a distinct in C." ... Premiered by Howard Klug in 1996.... SS. 10 pages... 34 + 12 pages......... Sonata for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Alfred Prinz........ Allegro (4/4). and III. 23 highly-contrasting duet is an equal challenge for both players. 12..... and Vivo marked With abandon and is based primarily on triplet and sextuplet figures (various meters).. This 3:30 extensions into the altissimo register. 29...... Andante tranquillo.... Prestissimo....  ... 1999...... Dry Heat B-flat Clarinet Solo by Whitney Prince. Marked Allegretto scherzando...... These pieces are from the Duets for Violin....... SS.... 29. Andante .... ..... students and professionals.. 9.. 1977 (Editio Musica Budapest/Eulenburg Zurich).... 4. Also included is a formal analysis by the C436...... Largo.. 16... The contest piece for 1931 at the Paris Bernard Rands.. Prof Heim wrote.......... 16..... 1 for Clarinet and Piano by Hauke Piper... Woodwindiana.... this work is a series of five short sketches... 13. exciting and fuoco. Microsuite for Solo Clarinet by William Pottebaum. Prof.. 11 + 9 pages.... .. 1999.. SS....... SS..... .. 33 + 9 pages.95 Alfred Prinz.. molto ritmico. 6 pages.. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in B-flat major (Piano Alfred Prinz in 1995... Dedicated to Howard Klug and 1919..... landscapes. The marked tempos are: Moderato. II...... different states. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by the RCM...... This is an advanced work that calls for duet is for one A and one B-flat clarinet. Idylle Printanière Op....... Anthony Powers (1953-) studied in Paris with Nadia Boulanger and at York University with David Blake and Billaudot... SS. trailing off at the end.. This work for solo clarinet is by legendary Vienna clarinetist Alfred Prinz for C524. Woodwin- diana.vcisinc.. III.... SS...." . Revised edition.. A continuous work with five major sections: Con moto C1161. Romanza.... tango... Piano reduction and cadenza by Olivér Nagy....... College level with a duration of about 5:50....... SS. SS.... and beautiful. and Allegro con Woodwindiana.. Scherzo Irresoluto.. 24 + 11 C449..................... Premiered by Trio Indiana and C1645. Chester Music... The clarinet part has been minutes.... It was arranged for clarinet and piano in 1997. The C1615... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .....95 Piston (1894-1976) was an American composer of ballet... 2008...... This is an unaccompanied premiered by him in Vienna in 2002. 4 and 1.. un poco Reduction) by Ignaz Joseph Pleyel edited by György Balassa. SS. this two-movement work was premiered by Alfred Prinz in 1983.. he dropped the form of separate capacities of the instrument by a master performer. one giving way to the next.... SS.. The music is in score format.. Written in 1995 for 1968.. this three-movement. "The style of this minute spoof of music from the Marriage of Figaro presents several of the work is strongly Classical with hints of Romanticism and it is excellent well-known melodies in a funny and surprising juxtaposition. Scherzo Fantastique B-flat Clarinet Trio by Alfred Prinz.. 1969. Alfred Prinz.....  ...... SS..95 clarinet which utilizes quarter.. Wood- C459............95 C430. tango.. 1968..95 movement is rubato... Il convegno Divertimento for Two Clarinets and Piano by Howard Klug......... Woodwindiana. Walter duration of about 3:15..95 C439. In four movements: I............ 2007.95 and organ. ... a low C bass clarinet..... frameworks that support a language of poetic intensity and magical and finally Allegro... Tango Suite No...prelude..... Allegretto.. Duets for Two Clarinets (No.. 14....... Professor Heim describes this work as good repertoire for the advanced college level player...95 Oxford University Press/Allegro Music. III......... Duration 5:15. This edition has been prepared from two early personality..... 1987............ edited by Millan Sachania. Allegretto..... some time before 1797. One of the best pieces in the and challenging for all. Publications. 11.. "This relatively short and very accessible Amilcare Ponchielli edited by Gunther Joppig.. Woodwindiana... Five Drawings by Alfred Prinz....... No....... For four B-flat clarinets. orchestra.... 2002... SS. Op... Musica Rara........ Dr... SS...95 movements and instead used connected sections which resembles the form of a potpourri. pages... and is named for his new Kunzelmann... Andantino.... Meeting Duo for B-flat Clarinet and Bass Clarinet by Alfred Prinz....... Nicely constructed to emphasize both the lyrical and technical composer called this work a divertimento. Edition stupido) demonstrates Prinz‖s playful humor.......... this single-movement piece illustrates great rhythmic C1510. A scampering.. 8. 12..... 18.95 C1063... impressionistic...... Klug writes. SS. Heim wrote: "Fast parts are bright and happy...... 1999...... His music often takes its inspiration from the tension between C1471. .... Woodwindiana.. A challenging info@vcisinc..... Preludium and Rondino for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by composer.. seasons or emotions Advance Music.... SS.. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in C major (Piano C454.. Nachtstück (Night Piece) for Bass Clarinet and Piano by virtuoso passages......... Adagio and Rondo Allegro.  .. 4 and Op. Monolog by Alfred Prinz...... 10... 47 who are comfortable with the rubato style.... Pleyel completed this work. Woodwindiana. Written for and C198.... 1989. 2 for Clarinet and Piano by Alfred Pratt edited by Colin Bradbury.. Fun are romantic. poco più mosso (2/4)..... (includes score).  .....  . .. About 7 pages......95 dedicated to the clarinetist Charles Draper.......  .... minutes. Allegro aperto..95 C303.. Excellent for the study of this technique.. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Francis Poulenc..... While the 1994.95 fingers and a fast tongue... SS...Scherzo for Clarinet and Piano by Paul Pierné....and eighth-tones.... Trio..... Bloomington Quartet by Alfred Prinz..  ...... In our opinion.95 prepared with attention to page turns. this is a college level piece with a Water Piston....... Moderato... 11.. Guaranteed to repertoire for the average college level player....... 10.. Idylle Printanière (1913) is one of a pair of pieces adventurous student and adult amateur who want to try a tango............ high altissimo and some flutter tonguing. 2000... Ricordi...... air...... Three movements: home in Indiana. http://www......... Shall-u-mo interplay between the two instruments and high contrast of musical moods. The fourth movement con- pages.... 1999.  ......... and slow sections virtuosic romp for three B-flat clarinets in an attractive ABA package...95 (includes score)..... To paraphrase from the cover: A and in this case between sea and air... 2009.. Professor Heim regards this as one of the best concertos written in the twentieth century. (includes score).......... II. 29...... Oxford University Press/Allegro Music.. Sea / Air Solo for Clarinet in B-flat by Anthony Powers. About 9 editions and includes notes on the editing. The third movement can be improvised over an accompanying C1137.. Alfred cludes the suite looking back on what has been... 8 + 3 pages. edited by David Glazer......" College level. The first meters.. 17. SS... 17 No.95 this movement--the piano plays sustained chords).. Figarello's Morningsong Duet for Soprano & Bass Clarinets clarinet range is concentrated in the lower two octaves with only brief by Alfred Prinz.. A pupil of Parry and Stanford at the Royal College of Music... Andante...95 Allegro Vivace (with an extended cadenza). this piece is Pratt (1873-1959) composed substantial orchestral works as well as a considerably easier than the Piazzolla tangos and will be good for the number of salon pieces.. originally for clarinet Trio Indiana. and chamber music. The second has a fixed meter and is set up as a multi- faceted tale.. College level.... There are three movements: Presto. 7 pages (score format). SS... 11 pages..... and IV.. These duets are probably suitable for third year students who can play in the altissimo (up to F)..... 15. 2006. and IV.. . 1999.... 22 + 8 pages........ II.... this four movement work (I. The clarinetist is required to have quick (depending on the time signature)........... 19.... 6 pages......  ..... An advanced work featuring complex suite consisting of four movements .. 11 pages (score format)..... It is (3/4). SB..95 sonorities..95 C341... 9 + 7 pages.. Assai lento (4/4). Lazarus Edition.. 2) by Ignace Pleyel arranged and premiered by Ricardo Morales and Howard Klug..... 7 + 3 ostinato although a melody is also included. his contemporary as a student at C1092.. ... 1979..... ...... Lusingando.. windiana.. ........ About 5 minutes....95 repertoire and can be played by an excellent high school student.. and Vif.. Three movements: Allegro Tristamente..... Three movements: I.... 13... This piece was written for Robert Spring.. be they physical properties. Powers's music is characterized by strong architectonic Conservatoire. . 1991. Rachmaninoff Vocalise Op. 21 pages.. Very slow......... and dedicated to Julie De Roche.......... SS....95 delightful movements evoking a bygone era. SS.95 arranged by J................ SS. SS... 8 pages. 2002..... The same key as above... Vocalise Op.. International Music C1336... 13.. Not a difficult piece.. Pièce en Forme de Habanera for Clarinet and Piano by Music edition............95 nand Rebay.. 1972...... This piece is for extended range bass clarinet. composer and music educator... .. Mists (Lento melancolico).. Spring (Allegretto). ... 1972.. This edition is in the original concert key of C# minor with the C486............. Lied Bass Clarinet and Piano by François Rasse. but with a few differences in dynamics and and Piano by Paul Reade. 9.. It is in four movements: by Serge Rachmaninoff edited by David Campbell... 2009.. Universal Woodwindiana......... Pavane pour une Infante defunte for Clarinet or Saxophone the Leduc edition.. 34 No. Capriccio. II.... 34 No... Overture on Hebrew Themes Op......... 1951.... Bassus Ediciones Musicales.. 1978. 1994.. 9 + 4 pages.. III. 1922.... 14....  ...... ......  . (includes score). He includes a second version of the clarinet expert keyboard player... 4 + 2 C1123..... II....... 1968.... ... Henri Bok believes that this may have been piano and string quartet by Serge Prokofieff. As fast as possible/Tranquillo/Tempo primo...... and III...95 college level player with the first..... This suite was created from the music of a popular BBC TV series and C1233............ Allegro energico... .. This piece was written in 1998 Edition. This large scale.... 14...... 1995...1991.....95 C1526. .... This book has five original duets in score format............. Includes parts for both B-flat and E-flat instruments...... 13....  ............ Bells (Chimes) or Bells (Glockenspiel)..................vcisinc..................... 4 + 2 pages.......... 2002... 10....... 12... Suitable for high school and recreational players... Suite from The Victorian Kitchen Garden for Clarinet and obvious selection of an A clarinet............ 1992...... SS. 6... Doblinger. B-flat..... 1926...........  ......... 2006. but C1015.... Fresh with a few bars of 3/8. SS... PO Box info@vcisinc... 21 + 5 pages... The piano part appears to be a copy of S371.. 19 for clarinet in A and piano by Pascual C393.... and Summer (Flowing).......95 C437. 1 in D minor for clarinet and guitar by Ferdi- Newsreel (Vivace).. Allegro con They are intended for young players (about third or fourth year or so). SS.95 13 pages... Michael Leonard.. Alan Rawsthorne (1905-1971) was an English composer who studied at the Royal C518.. 4 + 1 pages.. Screwball for Clarinet Duet by James Rae....... expression is conveyed through both tempo and dynamic changes.. this Theodore Presser Co.....35 Maurice Ravel transcribed by Gaston Hamelin. Dedicated to Jorge Montilla..... Alto or Tenor) and Piano by Maurice Ravel edited and and reset so it is easy to read although smaller than the Leduc... ... for young players (about third year or so)..... 14 for Clarinet and Piano by Serge best music. Rabaud Solo de Concours for Clarinet and Piano by Henri conservative range and is not difficult.. Virtually nothing is known about this composer aside from movements with sections in each.. Molto vivace.. They are entirely in the chalumeau register and full participation at the melodic action. SS. An interesting 11 pages... SS........ Lyrical Concerto for Bass Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Gibraltar............ score)... would be suitable for an inexperienced student to play with their teacher...... 1991.... Metropolis clarinet.. Andante con moto... Southern Music Co.. Leduc.... the intermediate level................... Universal Edition. 24.. followed by a faster ben cantando tempo. 10 for Clarinet and Piano by Henri Rabaud edited by Stanley Drucker... 15..... Woodwindiana.... 21.... SS.......... 4 + 1 pages..95 other instruments that occupy the same tonal region including the bass C1415..... (Duration 2:35)  ..... 9 + 2 pages....... 48 C1064... The clarinet part has been lightly edited for the most part (Soprano. Fuzeau. Queen's Temple four-movement piece contains many challenging altissimo register passages......... 4 + 2 pages...... Ferdinand Rebay (1880-1953) was an Austrian composer.......95 and IV. 14 for Clarinet and Piano Manchester College of Music and in Berlin.... For advanced players.... The Paris National Conservatory contest tion) by Alan Rawsthorne with piano reduction by Gerard Schurmann... 29...... The Paris National Conserva- tory contest piece written for 1901.95 Andante molto espressivo introduction........ SS....... 1992. 10...... Sonata No..50 Oxford University Press/Allegro Music... SS.. The 10 original duets in this book are the easiest of any of is written... This followed by C1262............... For three B-flat clarinets and bass pastorale).. This is a one movement............ 32 + 7 minutes. François Rasse (1873-1955) was a Belgian C494... his niece Gertha Hammerschmied..... Queen's Temple performed by Emma Johnson..... In three SS.... http://www...................... This piece is at an Andante tempo and has a duration of 4 Reduction) by Simon Proctor. 9... Air-Edel Associates.. Jazzy Duets Flute & Clarinet by James Rae....... Duration 19:00.... Sonate No.. Air-Edel Associates......... this C1231. and 3.... three movement sonata 1994....... SS.. WW046............. He wrote 600 pieces for guitar apparently inspired by C501.95 clarinet legend Prinz (1930-)...........95 shown in the US).. It is in five movements: Prelude (Andante Publications.. SS............. 4 + 1 pages.. quasi Allegretto. as usually for Rebay... SS.... 1921.... Better high school players and up..... A short original duet by Rae in a Vivace 2/4 with several tongue-in-cheek Prinz witticisms... SS... and Invention. SS..  ......... and bass clarinet...... 34 for clarinet in B-flat............... Elegía Op... and returns to the original tempo near the end.... Vocalise Op. The piano reduction requires an Campbell who has recorded it. Solo de Concours for Clarinet and Piano by Henri Rabaud... 2 for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by Alfred Prinz. piece written for 1901.. in a concertant style giving the guitar part a the duets by Rae listed here........... The beautiful opening Allegro molto Van Cott Information Services Inc......... This conservative contemporary work explores the lower range of the E-flat clarinet and 15. C502. Dedicated to Trio Indiana........ SS... For E-flat..... Andante mosso.. Five original duets in the "Latin American" idiom. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Alfred Prinz.... 1998.....95 Alphonse Leduc. Boosey & Hawkes..... 17. In four movements: I. This concerto has excellent music for the advanced part with the piece transposed an octave lower........ International Music Co. The duration is C523........ Masters Music. Lots of dynamic contrast....... Publications. 1 for E-flat Clarinet and Piano by Alfred Prinz....95 utilizes many repetitive and unifying rhythmic patterns.... Universal Edition. The first is Organ Interlude (Slowly and flexibly with molto vibrato quasi "Wurlitzer")..... ...........50 Piano or Harp by Paul Reade...... Boosey & Hawkes.. Also includes an optional part for Medieval Cupped Bells that can also be played on Tubular C490. 15..... 32 + 10 pages........ In three movements: 1... Moderato..95 Rabaud... ......95 experience players who haven't been exposed to jazz.... the first published work written for bass clarinet and piano.............  ..  ....... Contest Piece (Solo de Concours) Op.. ...50 C687... 6.. Duration 16-17 minutes. 14 + 7 pages.....50 Music....5. A bit above the middle of and joyous.. It is for clarinet or trumpet and also includes an alternate C1581.. SS. third and last movements containing the C1481.... about 9 minutes...........  . 15................. Latin Clarinet Duets by James Rae... These parts are larger than the Southern C813....... which employs many special techniques. ...... SS. Aria.... 13... 2..................... 11.... This is the melody taken down an octave in the first part of the piece instead of just the theme for the BBC TV show Antiques Roadshow (which has also been repeated.. 9 + 4 pages.... Molto Vivace.. spirito.......... Trio (1997) by Alfred Prinz..... This book has five original duets in score format. SS........... 34 No. A nice arrangement of the Rachmaninoff Vocalise by with a pleasant sprinkling of dissonance... For an Actor: Monologue for Clarinet (in A) by Shulamit Ran... About 12 minutes. 11 pages....... . 2002.. Easy Jazzy Duets Clarinets by James Rae... 36 + 11 pages....... Jazzy Duets 2 Clarinets by James Rae...... It is in three movements: I.. Originally written for the serpent. The Paris National Conservatory contest piece written for 1901. Universal Edition.... Woodwindiana...95 Rachmaninoff transcribed by Claude Crousier... This piece has a C214....... 3 pages........ Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra (Piano Reduc- Company.... multisec- cheerful and melodious piece is especially well-suited for performance on tion avant garde work... 30 + 8 pages. Theme from the Antiques Roadshow for Trumpet or Clarinet pages.. Cinerama for Clarinet Quartet by James Rae.50 the fact that this piece (written in 1864) is among a few piece by him in the Madrid Conservatory Library and that at the time of its writing he lived in C415.95 C1499...... 2001. Southern Music Company... 2004......... 11 + 4 pages.. .. 3 + 1 pages. .. .. Early college level.......95 Rachmaninoff edited by Stanley Drucker............. Exotica (Allegro clarinet (there are a few optional notes in the extended range)..... 15.. they could also benefit more Requires strong technique..... Sonata No..... 14 for Clarinet in A and Piano by Serge part for a C instrument..... It begins with an An excellent piece for this combination ..... Non troppo allegro.. A relatively recent work (1989) by Austrian The parts are on facing pages.... 43.....  .... Philomele Editions.. 13...95 pages.. In two ritmico)..... While intended contemporary piece with lots of energy in the first and last movements.. Early college level... (includes Ramayón Barrett edited by Pedro Rubio...... In mid-twentieth century style 2000.. 5 + 2 pages... This work was first performed in 1976 by David Pino who Piano Op.... For four B-flat clarinets (we thought excellent work for mature players (a strong pianist is required).. Moderato.  . and Poco allegretto. There is some mixed meter but it is of the C727.. 35 + 9 pages.. .. Hora for B-flat Soprano Clarinet and Piano by Alfred Reed.. The Flight of the Bumble Bee for Clarinet and Piano by B-flat clarinets are needed for this work. 1979...... 15. repertoire...... The complexity of the rhythms make much is without bar lines...95 1995........ Allegro Agitato.... (Piano Reduction) by Julius Rietz... virtuoso clarinet part with string parts primarily in an accompanying role.. Presto. Sonate Sentimentale Op.. The full marking for movements: I.. Four movements: Moderato ed amabile. Masters Music.. "I wandered lonely as a cloud" (Slow... 32......  .. this piece is the composer's Five Dances for Five Clarinets..9. 9.. Quintet in B-flat major Op.... 49/1 for Clarinet and Piano by Includes some performance notes...... 1916.. Sonate in F-sharp minor Op..... It uses contemporary notation (but not extended techniques) and moto) and Tarantella (Molto vivace).. teacher and clarinetist and a proponent of New Music..... SS...... SS...  .....50 movements: Allegro dolente.. This is an C992... 9..... Early college level.95 flavor.... Incontro duet for clarinet and cello by Johannes Reiche..... 11. Allegretto... Largo. in composition from Eastman and studied with C1580.... an import piece in the clarinet C1365..... 5 pages (in score format). SS. Universal Edition.. SB. SS.. 1....... In four move- in his own right.. "Your laughter frees me and lends me wings" (Fast and the following section is Allegro Appassionato ma non troppo presto........ 44. Marks Music.... The first and last movements of through the first and last third on the piece.... As above....... SS............. PO Box 9569.. Early college level. .. Includes an introduc.........95 the longest and best sonata by Reger.. 6 + 2 pages.... Vivacissimo.. or adult amateur quartets. 29. C1209.. An inexpensive edition of these two advanced solo piece.. The separate flute and clarinet reminiscent of Brahms late clarinet works.. in modo declamatio. II.........95 with a duration of about 8:30. . Burlesco.... and Finale. SS...... The slow central movement parts have been written to take advantage of the flutes high register and the brings a set of variations and the finale is a rhythmically marked Tanz-Rondo lower range of the clarinet....... 8.. and Allegretto con grazia.. 2 + 1 pages. 29 C1263...95 and the paper is better in the Universal Editions. 1929.. It is a contemporary piece in three Introduction is a relatively short and marked Adagio.... 45... 1966. 1995............. 256 by Carl Reinecke.. Sonate in A-flat major Op... The last piece is at the intermediate level.D.. 1971/2000.... Musica Rara/Breitkopf.... Queen's Temple Allegro affanato. conductor.. Boosey & Hawkes.. SS. and III.... 2006.. 2008.. 11..95 major proportion and in sonata form.. SS......... Menuetto...... In four movements: C1272.. 44. Con moto.....95 Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov arranged by Geoffrey Emerson.. .......... cello or double bass Allegro. Adagio... and Allegro affabile....... the melody will first produced in 1900... which joyful). 4 + 2 pages. . 2.vcisinc. 39 + 14 pages..... Universal Edition....B. Early college level...... Andante... and English. 1904...95 was scored for clarinet in A for the first two movements and clarinet in B-flat for the last two movements.. 7 pages in score format. and 3.... Deutscher Walzer (Molto modera- year students.. Philomele Editions.. Larghetto........ .  . In four school............. Technically similar to Sonate Op... 49 moderato is a sonata movement constructed on two themes strongly romantic elements within its classical form.. In four move- this quintet as a beautiful piece of music for clarinet in A and strings and ments: Moderato. Allegro vivace.. SS.. 5 pages. Two Pieces (Albumleaf & Tarantella) for Clarinet and Piano by Max Reger edited by Eric Simon.. 7.. 264 by Carl Reinecke WW184..... has been transcribed from the original work for violin and piano...... It includes some flutter tonguing.. 27... .. drifting).. This piece is from a transitional period and includes ments.95 be familiar to any clarinetists who have performed Reed's Fifth Suite for C731....... SS. Pierce. A good E... This is an Publications.... 7 pages..... Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in G minor Op.. sonatas.... 89 for clarinet and string er.....  ... This is a modern piece for solo clarinet is marked quartet by Anton Reicha edited by Kurt Janetzky. 22 by Carl are 1. a Scherzo and a final set of Mendelssohn-Bartoldy and Schumann to the clarinet concerto........25 Max Reger. Early college level.. 2 in A minor for clarinet and guitar by Ferdi..75 it is followed by 14 mostly short variations... II.  .. Duration is 1:10.. It has a challenging. Hofmeister... (1920)...... SS. III.. 24... and 4. Both A and C1237.F. This work is notes each movement is in a major form and could stand by itself.. 27...........95 C1531.. (includes score).. SS..... 11.. The has written some performance notes.. ....... The four miniatures C544.. 3. 11.  .... Joviality for Clarinet Quartet by Jenny Rees..... II... 7.... The original equal difficulty. There are instructions for for his many woodwind quintets... SS.. Suggested for advanced high Piano by Max Reger.. 169 for Flute or Clarinet and edited by Bernhard Päuler. Legende (An- Van Cott Information Services Inc... All parts are interesting... Sonate No.. . and III. 3... C726... Hoe-Down for E-flat Soprano Clarinet and Piano by Alfred 1988.. C671. 49 Nos. 1962.. 107 for Clarinet and Piano by Max info@vcisinc.. . 35 + 7 pages...  .... Emerson Edition. 49/1.... The latter gives the sonata a bit of a serenade movements: I... 3/4 variety.. includes parts and Piano by Ferdinand Ries. It is believed to have been written after 1941 (the work (its interesting history is told in the Preface) fills a gap in the clarinet date of the first clarinet and guitar sonata). A very pleasant quartet in one extended movement at Vivace..  ..... Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838) is perhaps best remembered today as a and composer who wrote prolifically in all forms and for most instrumental student and friend of Beethoven but was a successful pianist and composer and vocal combinations. 69 + 16 pages..... Adagio con moto.......... Two brief pieces by Reger (1873-1916) : Albumleaf (Andante con needed. 2.... http://www........ Fantasy Pieces for Clarinet and Piano Op... There are four are not at all difficult and can probably be played by most second or third pieces: I... 18.... Cantabile. 1966.95 the fourth part was ok on bass clarinet)..... 1909. Johannes Reiche (1955-) is a German composer.. 1 & 2) for Clarinet and Piano by Max Reger.. in the way of some central European folkloric dance... ..... An advanced work.... This piece might be a good C715. German.... This was discovered in 2005..... Sonata in B-flat major Op. Quintett in A major Op. 2.... . 6 + choice for a senior or graduate recital where a piece of new music is 2 pages. Rietz sought to transfer the musical qualities of works by sonata form.. Hofmeister.. Vier Miniaturen for Two Clarinets in B-flat by Johannes Reiche... International Music Co. parts for all movements. Kalmus..25 transcribed by Alfred Piguet. SS.... conductor and cellist. This edition includes complete A and B-flat C1335.. Three Studies on Flight for Solo Clarinet by Russell Riepe... Breitkopf. SS.. Rondo Allegro.Suono Solo for Clarinet by Johannes Reiche.. 33 + 7/7 piano score... 1988.. Peters. Hofmeister.... Julius nand Rebay. Includes an introduction in French..... Larghetto....95 quartet by Max Reger.. The clarinet parts are fine but the piano parts are somewhat clearer and many changes in tempo and dynamic level. Adagio. Musica Rara.... 6/4... moving everywhere: (Very fast and spirited).... C..95 C1371.... and IV. The introductory section is marked impetuso and these pieces more difficult than they appear. a few multiphonics..... Moderato/Allegro. and Prestissimo assai..... Intermezzo (Moderato)... Allegro moderato.... Russell Riepe (1945-) is an American composer who holds a Ph... It is in three variations ending by a march... Upper college level finally concluding Moto più presto. the use of the A clarinet in a minor C632. SS... Suolo ...... the melody will be piece for an intermediate level student. "Wild gives way to an extended and somewhat slower tranquillo section before Spirit .. 35 + 9 pages... Vivace..  ................ .. College level.... . Marks Music. 1973.. Amadeus Verlag..... This is a major work in four movements: a drone tone that can be sounded by a synthesizer.. Brietkopf.. It is in three movements: 1.95 C1278. SS.. Diskurs for Clarinet Solo by Johannes Reiche. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. 49/2 for Clarinet in A and 4/4. The first three Reinecke edited by Jerry D. Vivace... German...95 Southern Music. Romanze in G major for Clarinet and Piano by Max Reger Band.. Viola and Piano Op. followed by a slow movement. 22.. Hofmeist.... 1996. Duration is 1:20. and English.95 C1381...... Introduction and Allegro Appassionato for Clarinet and Nadia Boulanger....... This piece C1208. This well known and much arranged piece is Reed........ 1985.. 146 for clarinet in A and string key results in a dark sonority...... 6 pages.. The opening movement is in repertoire. E..." Some contemporary notation but no Anton Reicha (1770-1836) was a contemporary of Beethoven and is know extended technique besides some flutter tonguing... "senza misura. While the direct source of actually an orchestral interlude from the opera The Legend of Tsar Saltan. Vivace. Professor Heim described C725...95 tion in French... Carl Reinecke (1824-1910) was a renowned German pianist pages..... 1998. The parts are of to)/Intermezzo (Allegro).... The clarinet part is for A clarinet. Two Sonatas (Op.... 15 + 4 pages..... ...B.. Trio for Clarinet... early college level. SS. Canon (Lento ma non troppo).......... 46.95 familiar to any clarinetists who have performed Reed's Fifth Suite for Band. The manuscript for this piece Rietz (1812-1877) was a German composer. 20...... 2004. SS.95 C1362. SS. Includes some performance notes. SS..... ...... Alan Ridout (1934-1996) tranquillo/Molto vivace)......) and was first published in 1840. Adagio.... For flute or clarinet (this edition has only the clarinet and piano parts).... Peters....... 21.. 1952. Intermezzo (Allegretto C1037.95 and returning to the original tempo just before the end....... Emerson Edition......... The movements in this work are based on works of art with a duration of about 12 minutes. composing in a linear and chromatic style... few measures....... Kunzelmann... 1978....... Allegretto (in 6/8)... Museum Pieces for Clarinet and String Quartet (Parts) by in 1839..... Alan Richardson (1904-1978) was a Scottish born editing by Romero in 1874.. Clarinet Sonate (Klarinettensonate) Op......  . Early C1111..." The C631. Intermezzo (Allegretto vivace/Andante Ridout.... The clarinet and cello parts are probably early college level while while little known today was a German composer and conductor who the piano part appears to be more difficult. ... SS.... Station of the Cross-Chassériau (Rondo with Chorale C1317.....95 Leduc...... Concertino for Clarinet and Strings (Piano Reduction) by Alan vivace/Piu lento. This short and enjoyable concertino has energetic first and last (in college level students...95 Rara).. movements except one). The publisher rates this an 8 on their 9 step scale of difficulty... This piece was written for the Solo de Concours in 1952... Allegro ma non (includes both clarinet and cello parts)... Piano by Ned Rorem.......vcisinc. There appear to be some spots for German (actually born in Liechtenstein) organist... Carl Reinecke edited by Richard Müller-Dombois... C... College level Speed Music Room.... B-flat clarinet replacing the alto clarinet.. and 4......... IV.. II.. College level........ Includes both oboe and clarinet parts.......... Scherzo.... Fantasie Op. A catchy melody. 33 +11 pages..... Bass Clarinet and Piano by Alan Romero y Andia edited by Pedro Rubio......... (includes parts SS. Taches.... Traces .. Trio Sonata for Viola.... info@vcisinc...... 24. This piece was com- minutes... alto clarinet and bass clarinet.. C1305. The five poems are 1978) was a performer (piano) as well as a composer and was particularly Words. but there are C1333..95 lag....... SS.. He changed some sections (some of which are shown) and also added seven bars near the end of the Allegretto.. Andante con moto... For clarinet sextet (but works fine for a recording we have) increases the energy. SS... This piece may be played entirely (Allegro)... 6. Clarinet and son.. Allegro energico....... .50 without knowing exactly what was in the original............. . 24 pages (2 copies in score format).20 specified sections.. Equestrian better than that of the Menedez version below..... Poppies in October... 3.. This trio is in four movements: 130 by Karl Gottlieb Reissiger.. SS.... Poppies in July.. SS.. This is a sectional piece beginning Andante composer and pianist who studied at Royal College of Music and was a Van Cott Information Services Inc. Emerson Edition.... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... Antonio strong influence of Brahms....... An advanced work with This piece is in three movements: I....... Bassus Ediciones Musicales.. SS..95 C1268.. Lignes........ Five poems of Sylvia Plath for Soprano... and VI.. V.... Two Pieces for Clarinet (Contours & Scintillements) for Solo Moderato... ...95 C1038.... 24....... Forberg Musikver- College level with a duration of 11 minutes. 1974............. This is a relatively extended work (14:35) in five sections: C771. Denise Roger (1924-2005) was a French composer and pianist was known for disregarding the trends of contemporary music and keeping her C991....... 167 by three movements are: 1. An Julian Menendez............. 12 + 4 pages.. The middle section is agitato followed by a Calmato lieder. Amadeus color effects...... 1968.. 27. You can listen to samples on the Around 1950 Julián Menéndez.... this work first published in 1893 reflects a for Clarinet and Piano by Antonio Romero y Andia edited by Pedro Rubio... Richardson edited by John White.. PO Box 9569.. 50 dante).... composer...................... C.... Alain Roizenblat (1934-) is a French by an Andante which ends with an extended cadenza leading to the Finale composer who studied with Tony Aubin. V040.. and Rondo.......... 1978..... http://www. 19.............. SS.3 Pieces for B-flat Clarinet (E-flat and Bass Clarinet) composer and composition professor..50 and III. Inspired by the canvases of artist Gérard Besset.. ... This piece was commissioned by the J.......... Andante molto... . 1978. 2...... 23. The Hanging Man. Duration 2:40.. Duration is about 16 minutes.. the clarinet begins with a cadenza followed Phillip Rhodes.... and III. etc...... .. 16........ En Verdine by Django Reinhardt arranged by Yves Bouchet... 26......... 28 by Ferdi- alternate parts for E-flat clarinet.. SS.. They are: I.. The "Pierrot" Music Box (Waltz tempo). Fantasía (on motives from Lucrecia Borgia by Donizetti) notes with rhythmic activity in the piano and there are many wide skips in the clarinet part.... 17 + 6 pages... Alan Richardson (1904. advanced work with a duration of 17:30.. 29..... C855.. 1992. contrapuntal lines and splintered writing.. Moderato..... Ferdinand Ries (1784- 1838) who was pupil of Beethoven in Vienna was a German composer.... 7 + 2 pages.......... Allegro Speed Art Museum of Louisville for the dedication of the Hattie Bishop giusto.. III.... 38........... Roundelay for Oboe or Clarinet and Piano by Alan Richard.... ... and Finale (Allegro molto agitato ed appassionato....95 pleted in June 1973 and was premiered in 1974. This piece in 3/4 time with a tempo of Lazarus.. 1936/1989..... ....... Primer Solo Original for Clarinet and Piano by Antonio C1600. Union Musical Ediciones.... 105a for Clarinet describes himself as "a lyrical abstract painter.. Belwin-Mills. tempo of the first movement (from a marked 92 to about 126 as on a International Music Diffusion.... Breitkopf (Musica and contra alto clarinet replacing bass clarinet... 5 with two variations (Alla Polacca).. 22.. The printing of this edition is much in the museum (there are pictures in the score)....... SS........ Karl Gottlieb Reissiger (1798-1859) troppo.. 1988. 58 pages....... 20... In several movements...... a great Spanish clarinetist revised this piece composer's web site.. Duo Brillant for Clarinet (or Violoncello) and Piano Op... Andantino.. SS.25 5/8 and 6/8) movements with a beautiful slow movement in between. Rob. 19.. Joseph Rheinberger (1839-1901) was a I............. ...) This is for four B-flat clarinets...... Described by the publisher as "A short three movement work with some interesting sonorities. Heim says this work requires mature Romero y Andia was a Spanish clarinetist.......F..F. In four movements: Allegro. The two poppies pieces are relatively easy while the other three are Andante moderato con moto... ......... quasi Andante).. Duration 3:25......... (includes parts and piano score). Upper intermediate level with a duration of 3 advanced............... Landscape- Seurat (Miniature).. on a B-flat soprano clarinet or E-flat and bass clarinet can be used in Duration is about 8:20.. SS. publisher performers on both instruments.... by Donizetti) for Clarinet and Piano by Antonio Romero revised by The parts have been made from the score but are completely readable.. Boosey & Hawkes........ 13 + 4 pages. Allegro appasionato... Fantasie for Clarinet and Piano by Pierre Revel..95 Bronze (Furioso)..... Allegro non troppo...... 1984.. Peters..... The subsequent movements are Largo... multiphonics but only the primary note is specified....... .... Undine Sonate for Clarinet in B-flat and Piano Op.. 12...... SS..... Pierre Revel (1901-1984) was a French C779..... Finale (Allegro moderato)......" these three pieces unite tone and Piano by Joseph Rheinberger edited by Bernhard Päuler. Museum Pieces for Clarinet and String Quartet (Score) by Spanish clarinetist had been playing and recording this edition for decades Phillip Rhodes..... II..... 1990.. Prof... International Music Diffusion..... Vivace. educator....95 studied with Salieri and replaced Weber as the Kapellmeister of the Dresden Court in 1828.....B.... This is one of five clarinet works marked Lent and begins Lent (mm=40) with the tempo increasing after a by Reissiger who was better known for his vocal music (operas. Technically the clarinet part often has long C1081. Le Bouquet-Picasso (Fast).. It is in three main sections with conclusion. 2000... ..... Contours is Reissiger...... and Lady known for his gift for melody.. Bassus Ediciones Musicales..... This was written C856.. SS.............95 pages. Violoncello and Piano Op.....95 quintet as well as there are only 5 notes of divisi on the third clarinet part.... At the marked tempos this is probably an early college level work. who C1532... Trio for Clarinet.. was an English composer who showed a strong interest in composing at an quasi Presto). Musically. and a final Allegro vivace (in 3/8)....... Allegro vivace. Non troppo allegro... 2008......95 minutes.... 11. The three pieces are: Verlag.. A Bacchanal (Giocoso).. International Music Diffusion. 1985. 13 + 7 pages. SS..................... College tempo of mm=120 increasing to mm=138 about a quarter of the way in level. SS........... conductor and a celebrated piano virtuoso.. 31 + 7 pages.. Scintillements is marked Avec fantasie with a subdivisions. Phillip Rhodes (1940-) is an American by Andante cantabile which contains several short cadenzas (as do all the composer and music educator.95 and the inventor of a type of clarinet that bears his name. It is sectional starting with a Prélude (Moderato) followed and Piano by Alain Roizenblat.. .. Cranking up the C777... a duration of about 14 minutes........... 29 + 7 pages Allegro..... This piece was composed in 1856 and published with and piano score). composer and pedagogue. Alphonse college level. II.. Ariel....50 to make it more brilliant and virtuosic........ 1969......... with the middle section a theme and four variations.... 1957...... Fresques......... 146 for Clarinet and Piano by Karl Gottlieb independence. 2007. College level with a duration of 28 professor of piano there from 1960 until his death.... .... ... 7 + 3 pages................. nand Ries edited by Dieter Klöcker and Walter Genuit...  .. 13 + 5 pages.. 27........ Comus Edition. Fantasía para Clarinete (on motives from Lucrecia Borgia Variations)............. and Theme Original Clarinet by Denise Roger... This is an excellent Romantic style work which will challenge early age.... ... Duration about 18 PO Box 9569....... UnitedMusic... Commissioned by Linda C1533.. This is the same piece as above with parts for both B-flat clarinet and Saint-Saëns... Alphonse Leduc..... Alphonse transcribed and adapted by Jacques Lancelot...95 Allegro for piano followed by a clarinet cadenza. A sectional piece: Andantino maestoso...... 16 + 8 pages.. A C1080. Not too difficult. 51 sostenuoto in which the piano introduction is followed by a clarinet of the piece significantly different... Solo Brilliante for Clarinet and Piano by Antonio Romero very pleasant college level piece.. .. .. This piece Rossini was a student in 1809.. Archduke Rudolph (1788-1831). 5 C1624. 11 pages.. SS. Calm is the fragrant air... (Variations in C Major) for + 1 pages.... II... Early college duration listed on the music is 11 minutes but an online video lasts about level with a duration of about 5:10.... 15 pages..... 12. + 3 pages. The movements (a Rondo was incomplete): Allegro moderato.... SS. Ricordi. Prof... ... by Piguet.... (includes parts and piano score). who was a patron. Duration about 5 minutes.. 30 + 7 pages....... I suspect that this version is more cadenza and the section also ends with a cadenza.. SS. Allegro.......... 34 + 10 pages.... Theme and Variations for Clarinet and Piano Allegretto. Amadeus oboist.. The clarinet part is similar with differences Rara).. Somewhat similar to the Sonatina.. which is Variations (Moderato) the second and third parts have the melody Heim says this is an excellent example of mid-twentieth century French some of the time. 4 + 1 pages.. 20. It is in the typical introduction. It concludes Piú C870....... The tempo is Andatino con moto/Tranquillo. and III...... 27 by Miklos Rozsa.. The cataracts The theme is based on an aria from Rossini's opera "La donna del lago" blow their trumpet.... singing style and has a duration of about 2:15.. Breitkopf (Musica Rara).. SS.... Violoncello. and Tancredi. La gazza ladra. In Jost Michaels... 12 + 6 pages.... Petite Fantaisie for Clarinet Quartet by Gioacchino Rossini C1199. jazz influences may be detected in the final movement..... Rosetti (1750-1792) was also known as Anton prominent French composers during the inter war period. 1950............. Scherzo allegret- piano part is somewhat less difficult in this edition than the Sikorski..00 Romance (Adagio un poco).... ..... Durand. It serves as an early example of the melody and invention found clarinet and may be played with the original orchestral parts (which are in his operas. conductor.... Allegretto mosso.. 21........ Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso Op...95 SS..  . 1966.... This work is in three movements: I.. 14.......... This piece is in a Rösler or Rossler. it begins Allegro brioso movements: I........ This piece is in one movement throughout the first movement (Andante) while in the second movement with three major sections: Allegro (3/4).. . 26. Allegro assai. .. Advanced high school/early college with the first part the writing for clarinet and as an outstanding work in the concertino repertoire most difficult. 2002.. and Larghetto (five variations). 1967... A potential showpiece for a good high school clarinetist (or more advanced player if the tempos are pushed).... 23 + 10 pages. 3....... Then there is a brief authentic...... 23..... includes Leduc..... It has three movements: Allegro C520........ 13.95 unknown...........vcisinc.. SS. 2)...  . Duration about 8 minutes... This piece was part of an album given as a present to Mercedes Schott. Introduction.. Saint-Saëns Sonate Op 167 for Clarinet and Piano by Camille pages. SS.. ... II..... .. and Adagio/Andantino/Tempo di the high altissimo.. 28 for Clarinet in A transcribed and arranged by John Neufeld edited by Mitchell Lurie. SS.... and III Rondeau (Allegro molto).. Wordsworth Miniatures solo clarinet in B-flat by Edwin Roxburgh... Violoncello and Piano by Nino Rota. night. http://www..... Andante and Variations (Andante und Variationen) for Merrick. first published in 1819.. Durand.... Variations for Clarinet and Piano by Gioachino Rossini C1066..........95 C746.... Allegro scorrevole. Theme and Variations for Clarinet and This clarinet sonata (published in 1822) was dedicated to Count Fredinand Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Gioachino Rossini edited and arranged by Troyer..... Waters on a starry Verlag.. Trio for Clarinet.. Reminiscent of Italian opera aria.. ..... The piano parts are similar although this one has one beautiful writing for clarinet with the piano primarily in accompanying role more staff per page (on slightly larger paper) so there are less page turns..95 14:30.95 for advanced performers..... Universal Edition.. ... Tempo di Menuetto/Trio.... is unfortunately ends with a 5/8 vivace section....... Roncorp.. Score format... This piece was written when arranged by Michael Drapkin..... the archduke's chief steward and a noted amateur clarinetist.. SS..95 C1660... Broude followed by the theme.. SS..... 2 for Clarinet in A and Piano by Archduke playable by good high school players with the rest being more advanced.. Oxford University Press..95 and Vivace. Early college level with a duration of about 10 minutes.00 reveals that the piano part was transposed so a B-flat clarinet could be used to play the original C clarinet part.... 26. Reduction) by Antonio Rosetti edited by Hanspeter Gmür. The which alternates with poco meno sections through the piece... and five variations.. 1969.. 6... SS...50 C1124.. con spirito....... .. College level.....95 C614.... 2003. Edwin Roxburgh (1937-) is an English composer......95 which had is premier in 1819. 15 + 6 pages.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. Advanced college level.... It works very well on orchestra.. 1973. 2000. and Clarinet and Orchestra or Piano by Gioacchino Rossini. 1988.. friend.... SS.. 13. .... Adagio (4/4) and Allegro (2/4). College level. Sonata for Clarinet Solo Op.. . ... 19..... 19 + 7 pages... Kunzelmann.... Rongwen Music. C615.. and III Allegrissimo........ 48... Western and Piano (originally for violin and orchestra) by Camille Saint-Saëns International Music......... This trio is in three noted primarily in articulations and that it is spread over more pages.............. 1960.. 1921....95 Clarinet and Orchestra Piano Reduction by Gioachino Rossini edited by Sergio Bosi and Michele Mangani.... College level with a duration of about 7:20. SS.. 16.. 6.... Jeanine Rueff (1922-1999) was a French parts and score....... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. Andante quasi adagio... ..... 12.95 by Gioachino Rossini edited by David Glazer with piano arrangement by C1117.... ...... SS... 1912....... In three January 1878....... and that it is good recital literature for clarinetists from high school through There are some minor differences in the clarinet parts with only the ending professional level..... SS. Bassus Ediciones Musicales. Variazioni in Do Magg.... 19 + 6 pages. .95 C927........ Comparison with the relatively new Italian edition below available in the Orchestral Musician's CD-ROM Library [email protected] Brothers. 51 for Clarinet and Piano (originally for cello or violin) by Camille Saint-Saëns trans... 1930...  .... 15... Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears..95 y Andia edited by Pedro Rubio. In two move- C574..... Albert Roussel (1869-1937) was one of the most 1980.. SS... 6 pages. Allegreto. Sikorski.. II... 1993. the Neufeld/Lurie version more dramatic. and composition student of Beethoven.95 scorrevole [flowing].. The pieces are from Il barbiere di Siviglia... Some of these duets will be C1116....... 11 + 4 C218.... theme and variations format with a showpiece introduction including a short cadenza............ Rondo Finale (Allegro capriccioso).... SS. The first movement is a edited by Pamela Weston. left a number of fine works... Sonatina for Clarinet Solo Op...... ..... 34 pages. 17. This is the version for clarinet and piano... Dedicated to the Marchesa Madeda Mina di Sospiro.... 20........ Ricordi.......... This work is in three movements: I. Edizioni Musicali Eufonia.. Nino Rota (1911-1979 de Orleáns y Borbón on the occasion of her marriage to King Alfonso XII in was a renowned Italian composer best known for his film scores.. It was originally for clarinet in C and small was written for violinist Pablo de Sarasate in 1863..... The miniatures are: 1. Fantaisie for Clarinet and Piano by Gioachino Rossini. The middle portion of the piece is Moderato with a short cadenza in the middle.. 27......95 Marcia comodo/Moderato e dolce/Minore Adagio espressivo/Maggiore C1181.. This is a difficult (but three movements (with an unusual sectional final movement): Allegro popular) work for the advanced performer.............. This edition includes notes from the editor.....15 C1535.. 1958. SS....... SS........ (includes parts and piano score). Romance in D Op. Concertino for Clarinet and Piano by Jeanine Rueff...... Introduction...95 to. 24 + 9 pages..... .. Heim wrote that this is C clarinet (bravo!). 2....... Sonata Op. The theme with seven variations while the second is in rondo-scherzo style but arranger of these nine duets.... SS.... Dedicated to Bronislau Kaper. SS... and Piano by Ralph Hermann.... Andantino.................... Some 13 + 3 pages.. ... 16. and 4........ Billaudot. The first part has the melody Paris (this was the concours piece in 1950)... C416..... Sonata in D for Clarinet in A and Piano by Nino Rota.. 28. Trio in E-flat Major for Clarinet. 2002........... Favourite Pieces from Rossini Operas for Two Clarinets ments: Tema con variazioni and Vivo e giocoso..... 2007....... 41 by Miklos Rozsa... 14 + 4 pages..... 16... It requires a good command of moderato.. SS.... 1988.... Another Archduke Rudolph of Austria edited by Dieter Klöcker.. This is an arrangement for 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet composer and a professor at the National Superior Conservatory of Music in of a piece originally for clarinet and orchestra. Concerto in E-flat Major for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano C1174.. Elisabetta.. Duration about 22 minutes. Andante. Aria for Clarinet and Piano by Albert Roussel.. high school or early college level... Otello. Andante semplice.. 12 C1556.. 21... Rudolph of Austria edited by Himie Voxman. Prof.. Il turco in Italia.. 1945.......... Breitkopf (Musica edition of this popular piece. .. edited by Peter Jost....... SS.. 2010..... 10. and 3...... 1984.. Sonatine for clarinet in B-flat and piano by Pierre Sancan... William Schmidt..... In four movements: I.. C564.............. and Ceremony (Mysterious.............. SS. SS. SB. the second section of the piece for the clarinet has can be translated as "I dreamed of you.......... Violin..95 major American poets: James Agee (Cabaret Song). Presser. While not technically difficult... Brightly... Some mixed meter... This piece was written in 1998 and change frequently).. Andante sostenuto... . ... dancing...... Lightly... elegiac.. 20 + 6 pages. 28 + 10 pages. 19 + 8 pages.. . Othmar Schoeck (1886-1957) was a Van Cott Information Services Inc.. College level with a duration of about 7:30. beautiful. 9 + 4 pages. Boosey & Hawkes. Folksong. Slow... signatures shifting between 6/8...  .. Fantasy on "The Miller's Tears" for Clarinet (in A)... 1963.... it begins with the clarinet alone.. especially in the second movement.... 167 for Clarinet and Piano by Camille Saint-Saëns Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908) was a Spanish violin virtuoso and composer. Henle....... 1997. ... The third piece is difficult... 7. V023.. College level with a duration of about 8 minutes. C532.. 6 pages.. the three and four sharps in the first piece with orchestral accompaniment.... clarinet....95 The clarinet part for first two pieces is easy. 19..... II......95 first prize with this piece at the International Clarinet Association composi- tion in 1996....... 26. . 10 years. This piece was inspired by the song "Dem it is on festival lists for IN...... Easygoing...... 16. It is an advanced contemporary piece using extended techniques such who died prematurely. driving. Thumbing..... This piece is intended to piece was written for David Shifrin.... glissandos.. Commissioned by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra in III... ...... Giocoso (allegro).. See our web site for sample audio files and links to the image of the first part of the score.................. SS.... 10....95 64th notes providing a technical challenge..... . Serenely........ Andantino Op.....vcisinc.... poet. 20 for Clarinet and Piano by Pablo de C1455........ 11... Quite fast.... Edizioni Musicali Eufonia......95 important as is ensemble with the moving line in the piano part. Moderate.. 6 for Flute... and Piano porary piece was written in 1972 by Sven-David Sandström (1942-) a by Peter Schickele.. Elkan-Vogel.... French and most popular work... College level. Close to ... 1 by Florent Schmitt. 1993... J'ai Rêvé de Vous for Solo Clarinet by Yukari Sakurai. II... In three movements: 1.... SS... with recordings of both the piano and string versions of this piece with Ciro tional Music Diffusion.. The "light" in the title refers both to personal enlighten........ Quiet and Easy. SS.95 1997/2001......... Western International Music.... Duration of 6:30. ..... Allegro vivo (but with many changes in tempo).... are from from three vo..... Nose- The four movements carry the listener through four contrasting moods. Adagio non troppo... 1984...... and some sixteenth notes that will require cello and Piano by Simon A.... After an introduc- tion at a medium fast tempo (With Good humor) this piece alternates C609.." one of about 50 songs written by Mark Warshawsky (1840. 1998... Deep Ellum Nights 3 Sketches for Clarinet (B-flat/A) and Piano by Scherzo Music/MMB Music... ... the piano joins the clarinet in a intermediate level piece at an Andante tempo... 21 + 18 pages. 14........... Quartet for Clarinet (in A)...... 24 + 8 pages. A joyful...... SS. Sargon..95 C1397........95 Altissimo up to high C. 12 + 4 pages...... Andante expressi- texts... III... pianist. Sustained..... SS. meter and and program music.. 19........ clarinetist at this level is the frequent accidentals... NY........ There are three WW121. This is a brief. It is in three sections: Allegro. 13 + 4 pages..... Elkan-Vogel. AB Nordiska Musikförlaget........ 14..... EditionDarok. .. http://www.. 52 C1716.. 25 + 8 pages... this is one of Saint-Saëns earlier adult increases the difficulty. and performer." While Camille Saint-Saëns.. Sargon..... 29. Sonata for Two Clarinets and Piano by Gary Schocker.. The C1719..... Sonata II for Clarinet and Piano by Gary Schocker. .. Zigeunerweisen Op.. 1975. The publisher rates this at (US) grade 3 and (includes parts and piano score).. Theodore Presser. However.... College level marked Très calme.. Schoeck..95 diana... The composer + 1 pages....95 works... and multiphonics (fingerings given).... 2006... Leduc... The only difficulty for a Moderato tempo that gradually accelerates to Presto for an internal climax.... Allegro. ... The composition contest Three movements Allegro moderato....... Central Park Variations for Clarinet and Piano Lalo Schifrin. 1995.. Sonata for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Gary Schocker. III. Souvenir (not fast ..... Patterns in Blue by Simon Sargon. serene). conservatory professor and composer.....95 evoke the mood of Elm St..... and piano.. 5 pages (score format)... (includes parts and piano score).. Duration about 6 minutes.. In This piece has been recorded by Jonathan Cohler... SS. Ulysse Delécluse...... Violoncello.95 three movements in a fast/slow/fast form.. None of the C718. . and Song for Lannatch (Still. glissando..."  . and Allegro. Suggested as a lighter piece for a college recital... Breitkopf......95 honor of principal clarinetist Gregory Raden.. 1976.. This piece is dedicated to 1976. 2007.... minutes.... We have been unable to find any Scarponi. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Struttin' for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Simon A. 41 for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Othmar Sarasate arranged by Jósef Balogh... Carl Sandburg (Snatch of Sliphorn Jazz). Toward the Light for Clarinet and Piano by Simon A.. Bluesy and Slow and Sexy) and very fast sections Theodore Presser Co....... II.25 C565.. Patterns in Blue is flutist/composer/pianist won the 1993 International Clarinet Association a cycle of three mood pieces employing elements of the jazz idiom... The title slow tempos.. and writes that although this piece has elements of both a Theme and Variations somewhat melancholy work.... with mixed meter and some wide intervals. Elegia for Danny for Clarinet and Strings (Piano Reduction)) conclusion in 2/4. 19. While not that difficult musically.. 8 + 3 pages.. Dear Diary for Clarinet and Piano by Gary Schocker. While traditional in many respects it includes a surprising Prestissimo C1621.. and 2006...... 1991/2001.. clarinet.95 C1618.." "Je te veux. ... Tempos are given throughout (they Woodwindiana. Sonate Op.. It includes a Preface in German... all dealing with different aspects of loneliness... Sargon. shaping of phrases is with a duration of about 13:30..95 C819. OH.." movements: I.. SB/SS.rubato)..... This contem.. II..... was his of this piece from Henle... finished in the top three at ClarinetFest '99 in Ostend. Clarinet in A and Piano by pieces: "La Diva de l'Empre... This is a new edition This piece (Gypsy Airs).. For clarinet in B-flat and piano. mostly in 12/8.. This piece has a few notes in the extended range. Simon A. a noted For medium voice (mezzo-soprano)...........95 piece and following the music there is a Comments section with notes on C737.. It is in a slow.. 9... Vivo.... and V. 9/8 and 12/8). (Deep Ellum) in the Dallas of the 1930s. [email protected] by Ciro Scarponi.... 15 + 7 pages... 2. Belgium..95 level." and "Le Piccadilly... .. 1998.. C922.. 13... and TX... College level. 20 + 6 pages.. Cafe Music for Clarinet and Piano by Eric Satie arranged by the editing.... This piece won a First Prize in the 2003 Sanremo information about the composer of this piece which was written in Paris in International New Music competition.. 21. . it does include trills..95 C1497.. Pierre Sancan (1916-2008) was a French C812...... Kalmus. This is an playing in a free and improvisatory style... 13 + 5 pages...... This piece by Schocker..... Sonatina for Contrabass Clarinet (in E-flat) and Piano by three sketches are Dark and Smoky. Originally generally at an intermediate level... (includes parts and piano score).... III. Swedish composer and music educator who taught at Indiana University for In four movements: I.. Jósef Balogh has arranged it as a showpiece for clarinet English by the editor which provides some background information on the and piano..... flowing... There are three elegies: Song for Bert (Flowing).. SS. 26. 5 pages... Alry Publications.....  ... 4 1907) a well-know Yiddish composer... Sargon... for Clarinet and Piano by Sven-David Sandström. between slow (Laid Back. ... SS. SB... Composer and flutist Gary Schocker won (including Hot and Wailing)..... C566.. It is in three movements: I.....95 then slowing again before building to an even faster conclusion.. ... SS...... 17....... IV Sad Story. SS. This 9 minutes piece is sectional and at generally as flutter tonguing. It calls for the clarinet to be tuned a quarter tone below the piano and IV... 10.. 16. College level with a duration of about 6 minutes.. 49. SS. 9 + 2 pages plus a CD C770. Sargon.... C1164. It is dedicated to a handicapped child 1984. 30 No.. G153.. About 10 minutes. Early college culminating in the lightness and joy of dance........ . SB/SS. 2006. SB... 1977... and Tempo di Rag.. KlezMuzik for Clarinet and Piano by Simon A... Tarentelle Op.. ........ Weird Little Pieces for Bass Clarinet Solo by Gary Schocker... Violon...... Fast.. Dedicated to Michèle Gingras.. Woodwin- parts are particularly difficult. 2003... Elegies for Clarinet and Piano by Peter Schickele... SB. Duration about 5 minutes.. Allegro moderato (with time C1288.. SS.. Interna........ SS.. This piece by Schocker that was written in 1999 has just been published. In five ment as well as the dance implication of the term "trip the light fantastic... and IV. Dedicated to Ross Powell. some facility on the instrument..... Sargon... ..95 C313... dance-like piece. written in 1878 for violin and orchestra.... An advanced work with a duration of about 20 and for the piano to have most of the bass range pressed down and secured... 1927...... 1992. This jazz influenced Simon A.95 Milner's Trern.  . Theodore 16 + 8 pages.. 29. suspended)...... 1988... 15........ C1287..  ..... Sonata Op. Durand.. 12 + 4 pages. 19......95 James Boatman.... and Kenneth Patchen (Lonesome Boy Blues).. SS. it cannot be put into any formal category.. PO Box 9569... . 1970.. 16....... Duration about 11:30. This duration of about 16 minutes... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... The first line translated is C781..50 Piano by Franz Schubert arranged by Stephan Korody-Kreutzer.. C1200. Includes a piano score information and detailed comments on the editing....50 composer and music educator. 102 for Bass Clarinet or duration of 13:45.... International Music Diffusion..95 (1922-) is a French composer and music educator..... Sore for clarinet and bass clarinet duet by Patrice Sciortino. USSR. written in 1979..... The CD lists the date of this sonata as 1928 information and detailed comments on the editing. The bass clarinet part is is a world premiere edition never before published....... and IV........ and French..... but also. Nicht schnell mit viel Ton zu was born in Germany and lived in Sweden....... Fünf Stücke im Volkston Op.. . Sectional with a fast/slow/fast format....... that is C774... Clarinet and Piano by Franz Schubert edited by 4 pages....... Non Solo..... The Adagio is Langsam mit C795......... Sonata "Arpeggione" in G minor for B flat Clarinet and more impressive in performance than the piano edition. ...... 17........  .... This would be a real show ter...... 8.. Gemessen.. which makes it an early work for the bass clarinet as a solo instrument.95 away fighting in the Crusades) and sings this song.. In this edition.. provided the fingerings..... SS.... Lauren Keiser Music Publish....50 guitar but played with a bow that was briefly popular in the early 1820s. two B-flat clarinets.. http://www. SS. SS...........vcisinc. Van Cott Information Services Inc.. Sed Etiam for 2 clarinets by Patrice Sciortino.... 19... Nothing above a high C..... the parts have been C789. 21... and contrabass C527........ Schott.... Jupiter. mit zartem Ausdruck......... 1988. Mars...... II. G......... Oboe) and Basso continuo in B- Schumann edited by Ernst Herttrich with fingering for the piano part by flat major by Gregorio Sciroli edited by Nikolaus Delius with Basso Hans-Martin Theopold....... 70 for Bass Clarinet or Clarinet and movements. The title appears to have been inspired by the Latin phrase transcribed and edited by Richard Stoltzman. ............95 Allegro molto.... These are first two of three violin sonatas movements.. transposed to G minor putting the clarinet in generally easier keys than the 1992.... 1988.. (includes all parts and piano score)... The arpeggione was an instrument similar to stopper for a graduate or professional recital... Includes only the original German text and notes on the edition mers.... 18 + herum for Soprano. The written by Schubert in 1816..... 18 + 6 pages....... 132 for clarinet (or violin)..... 4 + 7 pages. 16.........95 both parts and notes in the extended range for the bass clarinet.. Includes notes by the editior..... Written by Schumann for oboe and piano......... SS.... International tounging...... As If for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Patrice Sciortino....... 4 pages... There are a few low Ds......... Breitkopf....... Ruth Schonthal (1924-2006) vanitatum (Mit Humor).. includes all parts and score. Associated and Soleil. nevertheless full of harmonic surprises.  .... Fantasy Pieces for Piano and Clarinet Op. Henle. Franz Schubert. 2 Sonatines for Clarinet Op. The is a challenging and relatively lengthy work (the first B-flat part for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Franz Schubert transcribed by Eric is six pages long). The Shepherd on the Rock (Der Hirt auf dem Felsen) by Joachim Draheim. The first is the same as the piece above but this second is Vif and has an interesting array of interactions between the parts. alto clarinet....... SS. and finally in spielen. This is an advanced piece which includes some flutter Piano by Robert Schumann transcribed by Jean-Marc Volta..95 three movements: I...... In this edition... ensemble with piano is required in many places.... Another version of the piece above which would probably be even C550.. Andante. Excellent for college and professional recitals. . info@vcisinc..... Dedicated to Jean-Marc Volta..... For high voice and piano with clarinet Four short movements: I.... 20 + 7 + 7 pages....... 16... 16 + 4 pages... 24 + 9 pages...... Revised edition continuo realized by Hugo Ruf................... In Schubert's one act Singspiel "Die Verschwo- renen" (The Conspirators). 1992..95 in German and English.. An attractive edition in instruments.. Includes notes by the composer and Smith... 14....."  ........ the edition for clarinet in A was published at the same time.... SS.95 tional Music Diffusion....95 Music Diffusion...... 46. Stark und markiert.. 94 by Robert Schumann edited by Georg Meerwe- V039...95 markiert..... 22.....95 C799......... Boosey & Hawkes. Märchenerzählungen (Fairy Tales) Four Pieces Op....... 9.95 Clarinet and Piano by Robert Schumann transcribed by Jean-Marc Volta..... Non solum. Sif ...... 4 pages with two copies of the parts C1679... clarinet and piano. This piece..................... The College level... contains nine pieces... International Music Diffusion. 24..... Schirmer... the editor has chosen to keep the work in its original key and C780... 1998.. College level with a the US where she studied with Hindemith at Yale graduating in 1948.. .. SS...... innigem Ausdruck while the Allegro is Rasch und feurig (Allegro con brio)......... ........ Adagio and Allegro PO Box 9569.. The text is in German.... 2002. .......... and III. Helene enters full of melancholy (her husband is English. Includes a preface with historical Robert Osborne.................. Venus. Lebhaft und sehr (flute or violin) obbligato................. 16 pages (score format)..... Sonata for Clarinet (Flute. An advanced piece that includes mixed meter..... Mercure. Advanced college level with the difficulty extending Simon. 14 + 4 pages... Patrice Sciortino (1922-) is C525.. This is beautiful writing for all three instruments in a style similar Franz Schubert edited by Walther Dürr...... 4. There are two ing.. Mexico...... The text is in German......... SS.. Baerenrei... 36 + 15 pages....... In three contrasting C784. a Basso continuo part for cello............ A nice recital piece for college and professional level perfor- large print... In English... Posth 137 by Franz Schubert in score format.. Three movements: through all parts. Classical Vocal Reprints.. 1 clarinet. IV. SS.. SS.......95 C562........ However for parts in score format.. 15.. Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (The Shepherd on the Rock) by markiert.... Smith (Bill Smith) who has apparently C783.. The second sonata is for B-flat clarinet. 1987..... SS. This edition includes a CD recording International Music Diffusion.... 1992. SS. They are I.. For Clarinet in A.. Tight Piano by Franz Schubert arranged by Douglas Woodfull-Harris. As If for Bass Clarinet. Vanitas (Arsis Press).... International Music Diffusion... which are: Lune. 2002..... SS.. sehr V019.. Saturne..... and V. For a clarinet sextet consisting of E-flat clarinet. Sisra "popular" style and were originally for cello and piano. International Music Diffusion. . 137 No.... written in 1849.... This is a good combina- tion.. 2005. A good transcription for mid-level high school students....... . 39 + 15 pages + CD.....  .. viola and piano by Robert Schumann edited by V001. flutter and slap tonguing.. II.. Romances Op... to the Fantasy Pieces........ was originally for horn or violin or cello and piano.50 felicitous and satisfying quality of the works is perfect for the clarinet as they are full of memorable melodies contained in a formal clarity.. 2002........ III. ....... 73 by Robert C259... SS.... SS. with flowing melody and accompaniment in other 25 + 4 pages...95 work. Die Verschworenen....... Episodes for Solo Clarinet by Gunther Schuller. nich zu schnell...... 53 Swiss composer and conductor.95 C704...... 17. Love Letters for Clarinet and Cello by Ruth Schonthal. Romanze: Ich schliece bang' un still in with fingering for the piano part by Klaus Börner.95 mostly in bass clef and the piano accompaniment is only for the last of the seven movements.. 1966..................... Lebhaft... sed etiam which means Not only... .... 1992... Duration approximately 9 minutes.95 numerous multiphonics (fingerings given) and some high altissimo. 1988.... Lebhaft...... Sonatina from the Violin Sonata in D major Op.... One is Moderato dolce and features many time signatures......... the range up to altissimo F and other technical demands would be perfect for a graduate recital. an alternative oboe or flute part.............. Bewegt.. .... 17.. .................. 1990. Langsam.... ...... College level with a C775...... . Patrice Sciortino Duration is 7 minutes........ Nick zu rasch. edition is for A clarinet........... ... 34... Patrice Sciortino of Richard Stoltzman and the pianist Richard Goode performing them...... 27. Henle... This piece includes parts with parts for clarinet in A and B-flat.... For high voice. 1979....... Includes parts and score......... 12 pages with two copies of the For a clarinetist it rates as an advanced high school level piece. This (1922-) is a French composer and music educator...95 C332.... These are pieces in the C1095.. International Music Diffusion...... Sonata in A minor "Arpeggione" for B flat Clarinet and a French composer and music educator......... Zimmer- mann.. 1996.... Exultrance by Patrice Sciortino....... Patrice Sciortino (1922-) is a French Baerenreiter edition..... but there is very little published music for it... 1994..... Features some high altissimo in the place it at the early college level... 24 + 11 pages.......... Allegro vivace.. International Music Diffusion.. bass clarinet.. and a separate clarinet part. SS 16 + 6 pages............. (attacca from movement II and faster at the end). Vibraphone and Marimba by Patrice use the piano part from the authoritative New Schubert Edition....... An advanced contemporary piece with employ extended techniques except flutter and slap tonguing.. Le Semainier for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Patrice Sciortino........ II...  .......95 Sciortino...Sof for Clarinet and Accordion by Patrice Sciortino.. This is a challenging contemporary piece although it does not Music Publishers.. and French... 14................ Baerenteiter (BA 5619). SS... 1988... Ruhiges Tempo. This advanced duet dedicated to Jean Mark Volta the bass clarinet........... III...... SS... Interna- "Anxiously and quietly I creep around... Includes a preface with historical for clarinet. 9... First performed by dedicatee William O. 22... ...95 C985..  ... 2007.. SS.. Dr Heim wrote. III.. The work is in Tempo primo. S.. Violin. C1028. while the second (Delicado y expresivo) is nocturnal in Clarinet Alone Composition Contest at the ICA ClarinetFest ‖99 in Belgium. Van Cott Information Services. III. Largo.. The twentieth-century style it will appeal to advanced performers. 1942... James Scott (1885-1938) was one of the most author. 7........ A collection of songs a duration of about 15 minutes.  ... Prelude.. primarily due to the mixed C1560... conductor and music educator. The last piece is really two C1538. ... 95.... 2011..95 Assai Moderato. 5.... Duration about 8:45....  . C902.. When Jesus Wept by (blues).95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. . ......... This piece works Druckers and premiered by them in 1984... All pieces are without bar motion to the music.95 remains a viable and wonderful vessel for my musical imagination ...... 11... Prelude..... SS....95 part.. Tibetan Dance.......... 14 + 5 pages........ II... 2001...... Légende et Divertissement for Bass Clarinet and Piano by different pieces that happen simultaneously.. Jules Semler-Collery with loud dynamics and aggressive rhythms and the other starts gently in the (1902-1988) was a French composer..M. Cinco Bocetos for Clarinet Solo by Roberto Sierra..... 16 + 7 pages..vcisinc. William Billings... This presentation.. Subito Music.... The movements are titled: Femme Fatale is for both church and concert settings. the longest of the three. violin and piano by Bright Sheng.... 8. Italy and is apparently the only surviving example of a Basso continuo About 10 minutes in length. 5 pages.......... and concludes with long section in a moderate swing tempo with New Orleans jazz style with improvisation encouraged.. at times.... Femme Fragile (berceuse). educator and includes parts and score. .. as if one is hearing songs from a distant memory. Jerusalem based composer has woven a story about a woogie (Veloz a Rondo) are lively and fast in character. and a part with the clarinet range with alternates provided. Southern Music Co... Walls of Zion......) Canción del campo there are hints of the use of serial techniques.. Southern Music Co.... Tibetan Dance for clarinet in B-flat. There is a general C914.. 22.95 sonata for B-flat clarinet...... character... but with its good rhythmic cells and melodic motives act independently of each other. Nobody Knows Advanced level......... Subito Music. Elie Siegmeister (1909-1991) was an American composer.. E. Cello & Piano by Allen Shawn...95 A college level work... (includes parts and score).. SS.... Concertino for Clarinet and Strings arranged for Clarinet Duration about 16 minutes.. Concerto for Clarinet by Artie Shaw.... 17.. A Talk with the Unseen for Solo B-flat Clarinet or Solo Bass first movement of the Sonata (Salseado) follows the traditional Allegro Clarinet by Sergiu Shapira..... SS.. This is a college level piece C915. 19..... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Village Shenanigans (carefreely) PO Box 9569... and Edition Peters... 54 and a score that includes an accompaniment part suitable for keyboard.. ... Both B-flat and A clarinets are needed. SS. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Roberto Sierra. 3..." Duration about 16 minutes.. 7. II... and images of the tropical nights.E.... Ritmorroto for Solo Clarinet by Roberto Sierra.. 1984............ Interlu- Semplici (Andante).. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. The composer wrote "the work is anchored on the last 1970) a composer... begins with a rubato section. The cycle the dissonance..30 Sclater.... programmatic virtuosism from both players..95 C1559..... and Finale dio nocturno (Nocturnal Interlude) glances at the beautiful and ephemeral (Allegro). Struggle.. A Cornish Jigg (Lively.... Rhythmically).. and Feministe Furieuse (scherzo)... 1994........... There are a few notes in the extended bass ly in the first few pages. The Bashful Farmhand (Lively....... SS. David Shifrin..95 an extended clarinet cadenza at the end.. 16 + 6 pages. ..... and the music premiered the same year by Gervase De Peyer.. Cabaret Music for Clarinet.. 10 pages... 1997. 18... 10. one starts in the low register Jules Semler-Collery.. ... 2006.. The C431.... 9. with abandon)............ 1995.. 8 + 2 pages.... and 6. Songs 1. and 3. "The music's tonality shifts quietly at times..... Rustic songs inspire (2.. (includes parts and score). Gradually they travel in opposite directions ending in the Legend is at a slow tempo (mm=52) and opens with a cadenza followed by reverse positions from which they began. Five colorful sketches (bocetos): (1.. with the first two playable by better interme- C458... 2..... The work diate clarinetists (the last is fast and will require reasonably good technique). Schirmer......... The materials of this work are drawn from tricky part)...... The other two are more difficult and will required advanced fragments of folk tunes the composer heard while living in the northwest high school or early college level skills.... and III... 1994. ..25 and Piano by Matyas Seiber..... The composer wrote: "I feel the sonata form still with a duration of 6:30. Consolidated Music Publishers...... Clarinet Quintet (Clarinet and String Quartet) by Cyril Scott.. Woodwindiana... Andante.... Scherzo (Allegro)... .. 33 + 10 pages. II..... SS. is technically challenging.. .... and features skips of fourths and fifths.  .. Five Old American Songs for Clarinet and Organ arranged by Shaffer. followed by a boogie-woogie with a clarinet Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen and Amazing Grace are written in a cadenza. The cradle sioned and written for The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and its song is at the intermediate high school level (some quintuplets are the only Artistic Director...95 the Trouble I've Seen... and 5 are in the classical style....... Arsis Press.50 part of China.95 second study explores contrapuntal ideas... 2. Five movements: Toccata (Allegro)....95 modal tendencies.. Duration about 6:00... This work won the Bass Sonata pattern. 2006..... so when played by two clarinetists they each have their own part. Rumanian Whirling Dance for Clarinet and Piano by James Sclater. Six Folksong Studies Set 2 for Clarinet and Piano by James scale similar to the mixolydian mode.... Better high school level quartets and first and second clarinet part and another with the first clarinet and viola up with a duration of about 2:30..) Canción de la montana (Mountain Song).. which employs added tones.............. 5.. This is the first edition available for sale... Scarborough Fair (Flowingly.. 1961/2008...... 2. There is a musical approach to (Country Song) and (4.. In four sections: C900.. 1953.. Previously a rental only. Resignation.....)......... .. Schirmer. The three folksongs in this set are: 1.... Divertissement begins Pas trop vite mm=138 which alternates with a slower tempo of mm=100. not too professional level work with a duration about 17 minutes. Three Faces of Woman for Clarinet and Piano by Jeanne E.... SS... They are: 1. Six Folksong Studies Set 1 for Clarinet and Piano by James meter in the first and third movements.... 24.......... In four movements: I.) Final con pajaros (Finale with birds) that quotes and old use of polytonality.. For B-flat clarinet and piano...... 9..... G.95 C1153.  . Galaxy Music. As a set these pieces are a little easier than the first group and will be suitable for better high C736..... Questioning...... Schott.. It is in C1393...95 slowly). Advanced high school or early college level... This arrangement is for 3 B-flat which appears to have had a number of corrections (cut and paste) especial- clarinets and bass clarinet......." Duration about 15 minutes.. This rhythmic idea and the simulation of polyphony..... This piece was commis- subdued)..C............ Schirmer.. three movements: I. Ophelia Rag Clarinet Quartet by James Scott arranged for Clarinet in A and Viola) and Piano by Elie Siegmeister.. 11. The three folksongs in Prestissimo. 1953... 34.. Carl Fischer..... Concertino for Clarinet and String Quartet by Bright Sheng. info@vcisinc..... high register. 1995....... Matyas C918. SS. author and poet was described by Eugene Goossens as movement. Recitative (Rubato).... SS....00 three movements.... 39... It is a college level work. The treatment of rhythm gives an interesting forward Catalonian folk tune titled Song of the Birds. Melodic material is characterized by scales that have lines.. and successful...... This is a this set are: 4...... 29. 8 + 3 pages..." It was composed in 1951 and cent........ 32 + 8 pages.... The scherzo that follows (Enérgico) and the closing boogie- Its Romanian born.......................... Prepared from a manuscript especially well for clarinet ensembles..... 34 + 12 pages. Amazing Grace..... 1986. Tambourin (Vivace)........... In the first piece the is one of the most musical of the concertino genre.I...... and composer who teaches at Bennington College in Vermont... .. This is a substantial work with James Sclater.. 442 + 8 pages.. SS... SS. Song (Melanconico and piano is tacet). Sclater..... ..... The three pieces of Ritmorroto are studies in new conservative treatment of range other than a few altissimo a and a-flats.... clarinet quartet by Gary Van Cott.) Preludio to Britain after World War II. with mocking humor (mm=72). Unlike most Chinese folk music this music has a seven-note C1561. becomes real in the last movement.. The clarinet part is very musical and........ Subito Seiber (1905-1960) was a Hungarian cellist and composer who immigrated Music. 1994. complex seventh chords and closes with (5. Cyril Scott (1879.. SS............ piece is one of the few examples of clarinet music of the 18th century in Includes notes on the composers and the composer's notes on the piece. Southern Music Co..... Allen Shawn (1948-) is an American Allegro Molto (mm=190).... mm=108............. It is supplied with a piano score.. Three movements: I....50 (1955-) who lived near the Tibetan border during his teenage years.. Cradle Song (Slowly... C761. demanding high search for a superior being into an attractive.. http://www..  .... Variaziani (Prelude) starts the set with the exciting rhythms of salsa while (3....... This is a challenging and exciting piece that was composed for the popular African-American composers for ragtime piano. and 5..... 8. G.." ... 4. Blues and Finale for Two Clarinets in A (or C1682...... This work is in two sections............. ... SS. Tibetan Dance was written by Sheng school level clarinetists. The first two movements are reminis- "the father of modern British music. vcisinc. critic and broadcas- Intermezzo (Andante)... 3. SS.....95 C1367.... Lively.... Rek (Drift) for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Thorkell Si.. Adagio ma non troppo introduction with a cadenza leading to the theme. The leads straight into the third movement.... The main challenge for the PO Box 9569.... Dedicated to Bernard Portnoy... 1973 & 1975..... melodic lines are atonal and are frequently characterized by extremely wide Subito Music... Tres Pensamientos for Bass Clarinet and Percussion by enough for any good clarinetist to perform and enjoy............ About 4 1/2 minutes... Arthur Somervell (1863-1937) was an by Bulgarian/Canadian composer. Universal on that popular Afro-Caribbean rhythm. The composer wrote..... 15 + 8 pages.. Hildegard Publishing by Andreas Spaeth edited by Colin Bradbury....... and all-round man of the arts English music educator and composer.. third piece....... Clarinet.. 12...... 2004...... SS. SS... .... 7 for Soprano.. ... 1983.. SS. The first movement is Muntuno and is based in part C522..........  .. Clarinet Quintet for clarinet in A and string quartet by Arthur C912......... 167 No.. The clarinet part is not difficult (early college level)........ 24. Five Pieces for Clarinet Alone by William O. Gently clarinets are required for this piece... Finale (Allegro)... In four movements: I.. Allegro Pastoral...... He studied in Reykjavik clarinetist. 1963. Arthur Somervell (1863-1937) was an Tenuto Publications... Tres Fantasias for clarinet.. and Fantasy...... 1988. Anglo piano. Hasana Tanz for Clarinet Trio by David Snow..... Duetto für Klarinetten Op.  . High college level work.. this is only a mild challenge in the Soler y Soler edited by Pedro Rubio.............. Four Icelandic Folksongs for Clarinet and Piano by Thorkell Edgar Eichstädter. Contante (with cencerros and congas)....... ..95 (Adagio non troppo). Duration about 3 Composition Contest at Indiana University.. cello & piano by Roberto Sierra.. (includes score)... and Piano edited by Ian Graham Jones and Richard Platt..... piano at the Royal College of Music.. 12 pages.. It is in three C450.... 25............ 1998.. For 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with alternate alto clarinet page musician of the national revival movement........... This Clowns is a piece that many musicians either love or hate....... Musette...... II.. Trio in E-flat major Op..... Allegro... 16........... College level.....95 has slow and fast sections and ends with in a tempo di barcarolle.. Soler was know primarily as an oboist and may have something different............. 1986......... guiro.........  .. Hofmeister. 1986. . 18.... for the third part and an alternate A clarinet part for bass. and III...... includes parts and (1801-1862) was a Czech composer and conductor who was an important score... At that time it was entitled Duo Concertante for Pianoforte and Music. 2000.. SS.. 27 for Piano.... I hope that they are easy C1032... Woodwindiana.......95 the character of Bulgarian folk music.. SS. College level.... SS.... 16.....95 performance in 1870 with clarinetist Henry Lazarus and the composer at the C835..95 composed this piece (ca.. The inner two move- ments are for B-flat clarinet...... 167. Thorkell parts). Sonatina for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Walter Skolnik. B-flat.... Sigurbjörnsson (1938-) is an Icelandic composer. SS.. Bassus Ediciones Musicales..... ... 2004. This klezmer- con momentos de violencia (with sizzle cymbal....." There are five Roberto Sierra.... This relatively new piece by English composer of a conservative style.... Lazarus Edition.. SHALL-u-mo device. 8 pages.................. Send in the II. SS..... She Bavaria...... 2003. An they may be played by jazz players in a jazz style. 34 + 8 pages.... A short suite in varying dance like rhythms..... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . features humming while playing... The third movement (Doce) is a free exploration jazz rhythms with atonal melodic lines derived from 12-note sets. Better high school players and above who are looking for 15 + 6 pages..... 4....... 14 + 7 pages............ original duets in score format with some variation in difficulty.. ...... Southern Music Co........... composed in piece the meter changes in every bar...  .. 8 pages (two parts in score format)... 29.. 36... 2008..... A challenging work for both perfor- 1978.....  . Somervell. Allegro. Baerenrei.95 This is a challenging work for bass clarinet and percussion.... Sonnets for Clarinet and Piano by Melvin Solomon.. Comus Edition... This piece was commissioned by Linda Clarinet in A which was an appropriate given the importance and challeng- Merrick who had some input to the composition..... Four C and the C sharp above that.... 12..... 1979...... This is a relatively long ter. Marked Lieblich und freundig bewegend (con moto) this is of Music where she was later a professor.. SS..... Emerson Edition........ .......... you edition includes historical notes and a critical commentary on the editing. contains three movements which are traditionally notated and played mers..... 10 + 4 pages. The opening movement contains much This is a scholarly edition prepared from the composer‖s manuscript and syncopation and is almost rag-like in style. This work had its first public a college level piece with a duration of about 3:30.. SS.. Primer Aire Variado Op.....95 diverse styles and genres. Smith. While none have time signatures... Duration about 7 minutes. Intermezzo (Allegretto).... Smith... 2.... 8 + 3 pages.. 14... Includes an alternate part for violin.... They have in common a combination of the first movement as well).. Allegretto work...... that should be playable by many high school tranquillo.. movements: I Con precisión ritmica (with bongos and congas).. Company. 34... Includes notes on performing this piece in level clarinetists.. SS...95 school level. clarinetist.... which is almost bee-bop in style and Van Cott Information Services Inc. Jazz Set for Solo Clarinet by William O. The Romance is a relatively brief Blago Simeonov (1934-) is in three movements: I.... SS. 14... 49 + 12 [email protected] initially explores the chalumeau register of the clarinet in a theme that is C249. Philip Sparke (1951-) is a ing nature of the piano part.... somewhat rhapsodic.. If you love it.. Duration about 6:45. In three movements: I.. 1840) for his brother who was a clarinetist. 28. In three movements: Adagio/Allegro comodo. 36 + 11 pages........95 movements: Rhapsody. The Alpenlied was published as a supplement to Sechs Schweizer studied with Sterndale Bennett and George McFarren at the Royal Academy Lieder Op.. SS...95 C805. Sostenun- flowing. and the USA and has worked in Reykjavik as a teacher.. 55 C916.  .. Norsk Musikforlag A/S. Although of the 12-tone row that Schoenberg used in his Suite for Piano Op. Finale (Allegro vivace). Norsk Musikforlag A/S....... The slower second movement includes notes on the editing.. Andante grazioso. and teacher....... II..95 transformation of small rhythmic and melodic cells as a compositional C1160. 2004..... gurbjörnsson.......... A will find this to be a faithful arrangement with all the parts of interest..95 C1641. Romance in F for Clarinet and Piano by Arthur Somervell.. This work Rosewood Publications..... Smith.... SS...... This piece College level with a duration of about 11 minutes.. ... This five movement solo work... http://www......... 2004. While measures are marked.50 C681.  ......50 Subito Music. 19 + 4 pages.. One movement contains multiphonics while another other C917.. František Jan Škroup quartet by Gareth Brady. III.... He is internationally known as a pianist and composer: his works are in work (each part is 8 pages) at the early college level..... 12.. Southern college level performer will be the two brief sections in the high altissimo to Music Co.. This is a theme and three variations on an original theme which begins with C1522..... . Blago Simeonov.... Jazz Set for Two Clarinets by William O.. "I have written several based on Bach's Choral "Es ist genung" (which is heard midway through in Jazz Sets for various instruments... Subito Music... and III. 8 by Johann Sobeck edited by C1521. 17... For E-flat.... Slow..... (includes score and individual Sigurbjörnsson.. 2003.... 13. 7 for Clarinet and Piano by Pedro Rek. Tema y Variaciones for Clarinet and Piano by Roberto Sierra.. Clarinet (or Violin) and Violoncello by Frantisek Skroup edited by Martin Harlow..95 C1293.. 2001. (includes all parts and piano score)......... Alice Mary Smith (1839-1884) was one Andreas Spaeth (1790-1876) was a born near Coburg in what is now of the most accomplished female musicians and composers of her time.. .. 2008. ........... C1597..  .. Three Bulgarian Dances for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by C402. Humoresque........... III...... Andante... 1981... Duration about 5 minutes. Scherzo (Allegretto)............. 9..... SS. 2 cencerros.............. The second movement (Coral) is Edition. and 4.... and bass clarinet... Vivacissimo.. tending to assimilate seemingly unrelated elements.50 minutes..95 in swing style. II. 6 pages. There are many sections with different tempos and in parts of the Publications........ Despite the title both A and B-flat American composer Skolnik (1934-) is in three movements: I. 1994...50 equally well by players without jazz experience. SS. Clarinet Concerto Clarinet and Piano by Philip Sparke. Sensual 2002. 10.. Sonata for Clarinet (in A) and Piano by Alice Mary Smith V022. This Edition. 19..... this is no time signature. It looks like fun and should be playable by to/Allegretto (quasi andante) grazioso. II.. trumpet and III.... 21.. they may be performed advanced work with a duration of about 11 minutes....... Alpenlied Op. Lament better high school level clarinetists.... Four movements: 1. and contemporary British composer who studied composition...... These four short pieces are somewhat easier than the composer's C1267.. and influenced work was the winning piece in the 1997/1998 Clarinet Trio wood block)... and IV.. Vivace...  ... Send in the Clowns by Stephen Sondheim arranged for clarinet ter)... SS. This piece uses the constant interval leaps... and Alla galoppo fuocoso...... Johann Sobeck (1831-1914) was a Czech (Bohemian) composer........ Universal later taken up by the band while the soloist weaves a filigree descant...... 1968. info@vcisinc. and bassoon. International Music Diffusion.................. SS. Musica Rara...... 21.. The editor notes this piece was composed in band accompaniment available.. Heim wrote that this is one of the best-known minor (Piano Reduction) by Ludwig Spohr revised by Carl Rundnagel clarinet concertos and a good piece for high school clarinetists.......... Three movements: Allegro vivace...25 SS....... 35 + 11 pages...... This is perhaps one of the most interesting concertos by Stamitz....... 1977......... this edition includes parts so that C734..25 Pierre Max Dubois. 20 + 7 pages + CD..... SS.F... presumably for Hermstedt........ 27 + 11 pages. Breitkopf & Early college level... This very attractive edition has a score manuscript from the Austrian National Library.... Concerto in E-flat for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduc- by John Newhill..... A very brilliant work that also is excellent recital material..95 Härtel............ SS. Concerto in B-flat major No. International Music Co....... 80 for clarinet and piano by Louis Spohr edited C342. The editor has transposed the accompani- ment preserving the original basset horn part... 1957..... 57 (Piano Reduction) by Ludwig Spohr edited by Friedrich clarinet or bassoon........ For advanced performers..... 81 for by Ernst Wedam. 4 in E the clarion register.............F...... Billaudot......95 clarinet and string quartet by Louis Spohr edited by Himie Voxman.. 3 for Clarinet and Orchestra extends to b‖‖‖. II. This work is in three movements: Himie Voxman. . . Allegro... SS........ ..... 26 for Clarinet and Piano by Ludwig Spohr C1074.. A showpiece.............. . International Music Co..... 19..... College level.. Southern Music Co..... (Piano Reduction) by Ludwig Spohr edited by Carl Rundnagel. 18 Trios Vol.......... 33........ 18 Trios Vol.. 11...... Fantasia and Variations on a Theme of Danzi Op........ SS. 1992... SS..... Prof.... 17.) ............ 9 pages....95 1809. 26 for Clarinet and time. 56 shows off the jazzier side of the clarinet. 81 for (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz edited by Walter Lebermann with piano reduction by Theo Mölich.. Three caprices for solo use of the instrument... 1976......95 mixed meter and an improvised blues solo that can be played by any of the soprano clarinetists... 23..... SS.. Romanza (poco minor (Piano Reduction) by Ludwig Spohr revised by Carl Rundnagel and adagio). 47 + 16 pages.. Adagio... 33 + 11 pages........ 1996.. SS........ Musica Rara.... but not published until 1888.. This concerto was originally tos.. 29 + 12 pages.... Musica Rara. (there are 2 copies of clarinet and string quartet (Piano Reduction) by Louis Spohr edited by the clarinet part which is in score format). Potpourri Op... 1996. Six German Songs Op. Duration about 8:00....... 57 for Clarinet and C1411........ and Rondo.... ....... Trois Caprices pour la Clarinet Seul by Anton Stadler edited edited by Robert Cavally......... 2 in E-flat major Op........... ..... 4 in E minor editor....... C.95 Allegro.. Metropolis Music....  .. . Spohr Concerto No... 1 for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano troppo... The range is limited for the clarinet. 19 + 7 pages.....25 WW039...... .. SS... Adagio...... This Music Co...... SS.. 11. .95 C489. 31. Three move.........95 in B-flat.... (There is a concert Rara. clarinet.. There accompanying role in the original version. This previously unknown work was discovered by Himie original was with orchestra with this edition based on what is believed to be Voxman in 1972.. College level... Concerto in E-flat major (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz For high voice and piano with B-flat clarinet obbligato.. 15 + 8 pages.25 primarily based on arpeggio patterns and requires strong technique............... 32 + 8 pages.. 20... 23.. Concerto in B-flat major No... Schirmer edition and it has better page turns...... .. 22......... ..... There isn't any obvious editing...50 recognizable such as "du lieber Augustin" in the first caprice. 3 for Clarinet and Orchestra January 1815 by Johann Simon Hermstedt.. . Originally for basset horn in G. 1996.. Edition Peters... The Clarinet and Piano by Louis Spohr edited by Himie Voxman. SS.. 1 Op. and Rondeau with cadenzas provided by C340..... Advanced high school or early college level. 1980. and III.. .... This is a college level satisfactory for performance......... An alternative part for B-flat C1169. This concerto is based on a request of Princess Sondershausen.. 26.... As above.......95 written for a basset horn in G. International alternating between Allegro molto and Andantino....... Musica printing is better than the G....... 35.. this edition is for clarinet Spohr's arrangement for clarinet and piano. and C1657.. International 1997.... C.. Larghetto... Adagio. Brilliant by Fritz-Georg Höly.. SS... Concerto in B-flat major No... It is in three movements: concert key and a separate clarinet part for B-flat clarinet... 17......... SS. Concerto in F major No.. A showpiece of its C1167. 1981. Andante Moderato...... 10 + 6 pages. Bassetthorn Concerto for Basset Horn or Clarinet and Härtel.. 1965....95 C280... and Vivace non troppo. Three movements: Allegro vivace.......... Spohr used two tion) by Carl Stamitz edited by Himie Voxman.......... Breitkopf & C1530....... .com PO Box 9569..... Originally written for basset horns. 1965.. 1977. Musica Rara. This is a copy of the Breitkopf edition on slightly heavier (PR) by Carl Stamitz edited by Johannes Wojciechowski. Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz edited by Willy Hess.. 1969. In three movements: Allegro... 2 by Anton Stadler..95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. 29 + 12 pages.. .. .. Since the strings are mostly in an Allegro (4/4).... For clarinet in A.... 3 clarinets. This is a (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz edited by Johannes Wojciechowski. and Vivace non C588.. Three movements: Allegro moderato...... 21.......... this piano reduction should be are cadenzas provided in the first two movements.. Kunzelmann..) . 3 for Clarinet and Orchestra Rondo al Espagnol...... and Rondo al Espagnol..... ... 33 + 15 pages.. Spohr Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No.95 V008.. 103 by Ludwig Spohr.. Three movements: Allegro moderato. .. Concerto in B-flat Major for 2 Clarinets and Orchestra C488.95 Piano by Ludwig Spohr edited by Stanley Drucker.. Baerenreiter.. 19.... This edition appears to be a copy of piece is similar to a version for 9 clarinets written in 1984 by the Dutch the Peters edition......... Ranges up to high c‖‖‖ but includes WW040... A copy of the Breitkopf edition which is slightly easier to read Reduction) by Karl Stamitz edited by Guy Dangain with piano reduction by although this is on heavier paper.... For clarinet in A..... http://www... This edition has very C540....... Piano Reduction by Ludwig Spohr edited by Stanley Drucker. ..... SS....... Spohr Concerto No.... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet... SS. Larghetto. Peters.. ..... 1-5..... 19. 1 but more difficult.... In three movements: Allegro moderato.. ... International Music Diffusion.... 1965...................... International Music Co.F............. SS..... Siciliano con espressione.. 1957. above........ 1 by Anton Stadler. Early college level.. C408..... 33 + 15 pages....95 ments: Allegro... Wonderful recital literature clarinet which incorporate popular songs of the day some of which are and the most popular of the four Spohr concertos. 1965... and Rondo Alla Polacca..... 13........ Spohr Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No.. Variations on a Theme from the Opera "Alruna" for limited dynamic markings but does have the parts for some of the tuttis.... Clownery for Clarinets by Harry Stalpers. (This is a different concerto than C342........95 1996. It is much cheaper but the Peters edition is somewhat composer Harry Stalpers (1926-2001).. difficult work that is good recital literature. A brilliant virtuoso work that C406.. Parts are the same as volume 1. Comparable in brilliance to Concerto No... Amadeus Verlag..... Excellent recital piece.95 edited by Stanley Drucker....... Andante moderato (2/4) and Tempo di Minuetto (3/8)...... C... Includes the music and a recording of the accom- paniment by the radio orchestra of Südwestrundfunk (Germany) conducted C487.95 edited by Stanley Drucker. Romanze.... SS.... SS....... 20 + 7 pages. SS. 19........ 35 melodies from Peter von Winter's opera Das unterbrochene Opferfest.......95 C1019.. 24. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ......... using generally C1170... As above. The third movement has an unusual Spanish flavor.... Spohr Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No. SS.95 C339... ......... 18. and a bit from The Magic Flute and God Save the King in the second.....95 Peters....... The clarinet part is Music Company. alternatives for some difficult passages. The + 11 pages..... Spohr Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No.. compose this work in 1837 by the clarinetist Johann Simon Hermstedt at the Kunzelmann.. It has been attributed to with the piano and vocal parts in normal sized type with the clarinet part in Stamitz based on the style of the clarinet part. paper........... SS. 36 + 11 pages. (includes score).. Volume 2 has trios 6-18. In three movements: I.... 2 clarinets and bass major Op.. In one movement with tempos (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz edited by Stanley Drucker.............. 2 in E-flat these trios can be played by 3 basset horns..... The is a challenging quartet with easier to read..95 work with the two clarinet parts generally moving together in thirds. 24..... Peters..... 29... oboe or flute..... Spohr Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No....... 27 + 10 pages........ This piece was written in 1814 and premiered in C685...... Concerto No.... Volume 1 has trios Demnitz...... 3 in F minor (Piano Reduction) by Ludwig Spohr edited by Carl Rundnagel........ and Rondeu.... 17.. 19. Spohr was asked to edited by Fritz Georg Hölÿ with piano reduction by Adrás Borgulya....... Clarinet in B-flat... 1 in C minor Op... 3 in F clarinet is also provided..... 29.... 1977....... The range is more limited than in first two concer...95 C1168.vcisinc... Rondo (Allegro)........ Fantasia and Variations on a Theme of Danzi Op........ . and 5... 10..... choirmaster. Le Violon du Soldat. but is above average. It has great audience appeal and is appropriate for college and professional recitals. Schott. 2001........ This edition has much more editing of is a cadenza in the second movement.. There This is the same concerto as C408... edited by Nicholas Hare... 80 Piano Reduction by Charles Villier C1427......... and III... Andante moderato..... Walzer im Ländlerstyle Op....80 Edition........ 19...... Allegro moderato.. Bucolico pesante.. pages. 27 + 8 pages. Adagio.. 24 + 7 pages.. Sikorski..... Originally published in 1919.... Rosewood Publications...... This relatively early work by Stanford (1880) was composed for movements call for an A clarinet and the last a B-flat clarinet.... 1971. Both A and B-flat is in three movements: I. Advanced high similar.. . 20.. SS...... written before the poet was 19.... alternates an C587.. Separate parts for clarinet C1422.. orchestra (piano reduction) by Franz Xaver Süssmayr edited and completed by Michael Freyhan. Revised fantasia centering on an Irish lament.... . and the cadenzas bass with the cello as an alternate........... Three Intermezzi Op. Heim wrote that the fast dynamics and articulation and a written out cadenza for the first movement. troppo-Allegro (3/4). Sikorski............ SS..... SS.. Chester.. Clarinet Concerto Op... Concerto in B-flat major (Piano Reduction) by Johann Hofmeister...... Trillenium Music..95 that..... Solo part is quite demanding technically and requires C1375......... Four move- minutes.. 40 + 8 pages.... while the second movement is a C304..... .. SS.... Allegretto grazioso. An April Day by Oscar W. This is a very nice addition to the repertoire for advanced players but the C1108.. Stainer & Bell..... 1980.. 6 + 1 Stamitz.. Commissioned piece... 8 pages (two parts in score format).. 44.......... Caoine (Adagio... an Austrian folk dance..95 school level and up. 18 + 8 pages......95 SS... flat....95 C1072. 2. ....... Peermusic.. and Moderato con moto.. C1683. SS....... Stocks (1884-1956) was a British organist........ The piano reductions are melody with the other strings in an accompanying role. Don Stewart This piece is early college level and has a more interesting middle move... 1967..... Metropolis Music..... ... Concerto in B-flat major No... Wessex Pastorale for clarinet and piano by Harold Carpenter this concerto are longer movements and more ornamentation than others by Lumb Stocks revised by Daniel Bonade... (includes score and 4 parts)..... 28. Doblinger... 1977.. Perpetuum Mobile for Clarinet Quintet by Johann Strauss Jr.....F. This work is written with great sensitivity for the clarinet The piano reductions are similar..... 1993......... WW133.. 13.....  .. 1992........95 important since few other late Romantic works are in the repertoire. Schott.. systems it is No.. For soprano voice.. .... 5:45. Quasi Adagio (9/8) and Allegro moderato (2/4). Chester Music... 1920/1989....... 1958...95 Francis Galpin..... was left unfi- Van Cott Information Services Inc. H. 25. This piece and Olivér Nagy.. the Concerto is more original and innovative than the Sonata and is larger ensemble since the first three parts have divisi. SS..... 5.. 29 + 11 pages.Polka by Johann Strauss transcribed by Michel Gizard.... Concerto in F major for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano C607.......... The piano part is more difficult with many 3 against 2 rhythms... SS.... 8 but notes that in some numbering C382. Concerto in E-flat major (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz by friends and students of Lee Gibson.. Sonata Op... Violin and Piano by Igor Stravinsky (arranged by the composer)...... info@vcisinc...  ... G... it has three movements: Andante non edited by Arthur H... with several tempo changes after refer to this piece as Concerto No. 10 (Piano Reduction) by Karl movements displaying the clarinet at its best. 1959... 2006. 20...95 G149.... 1972. This edition contains notes on the most significant differences between the C301. C255...... The tempo is Andante tranquillo (mm=76). .... The first duet is ment than Stamitz other concertos.... This work was written in 1902. Suite for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano by Halsey Stevens..... . Aria-Andante moderator.. 27.. 48 was written for a fellow student when Strauss was 15. 25...............95 C1350. SS...... SS..vcisinc. but this is the first publication. SS... Marche du Soldat. Street........ 129 for Clarinet and Piano by Charles Villier suite has the pieces: 1.. . 12. SS.. One of the most Villier Stanford edited by Colin Bradbury... it Concert........... and Allegro C1043. The third is short and edited by Johannes Wojciechowski.. Prof......... Wrtten in 1855.....95 Johann Strauss II arranged for clarinet and string quartet by Peter Totzauer... Man lebt nur einal!. 1999.... http://www.. .. but seems a bit more difficult. includes score and parts....... Southern Music.... 39 + 12 pages.... SS.. For clarinet quartet (3 B-flats and bass.... SS... High school level....... College level with a duration of about 16 alternate A clarinet part for the third and fourth movements. There are at least two recordings that composer..... One of the most pleasant works in the entire clarinet repertoire with the slow C1107......... Early college level. (1935-) is an American composer and woodwind performer...... Concerto in E-flat major (Piano Reduction) by Karl (Carl) Stamitz intensive melody with a brittle rhythmic background. The bass line of the score calls for a double somewhat smaller....... C. 167 by excellent finger dexterity. ........ 4.. 1993. Schirmer...  .. movements have rhythmic drive...... 1970..... Billaudot. Tango-Valse-Rag... 17... 24 + 8 pages...50 C469..... This formally simple but polytonal. 57 C570............. Early college level. and Rondo-Poco allegro........95 ly: Allegro moderato.... Three movements: Allegro... 16..... .. This tion) by Halsey Stevens.... and Peters.. 6 + 2 PO Box 9569.. Concerto in B-flat major for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano International Music Diffusion....Polka by Johann and Josef Strauss transcribed by moderato.50 This concerto was published for the first time in 1958 and includes notes about the editing and cadenzas (some are really eingänge) by the editor...... the title Stamitz edited by Jacques Lancelot.... 16.50 altissimo to F (in the B-flat part)....95 a perfect canon but with contrasting sections.. Christmann.. Romanze in E-flat major for clarinet and orchestra (piano Reduction) by Karl Stamitz..... 1953.... Romance Clarinet (in B-flat or A) and Piano by Christa and voice...... It is in three movements: Allegro.. Includes be easy enough for many high school musicians (all parts). 2001....... and Rondo alla Scherzo. 17.... and of the more difficult Stamitz concertos.. 11.. 44 + 10 arranged by Béla Kovács. SS... B-flat clarinet... Stanford edited by Pamela Weston. .. This work is based on part of a poem by Henry Wadsworth Steenhuyse-Vandevelde...95 concerto was published for the first time in 1953... Konzertsatz in D Major for basset clarinet in A and C1494...... and triplet figures. . premiered by Charles Draper in This familiar piece has been arranged for a quintet made up of E-flat. College level and advanced (Carl) Stamitz edited by Jost Michaels. 7 pages... SS... Usually identified as Stamitz's Concerto No. Concerto in B-flat major (Piano Reduction) by Carl Stamitz work sounds best with the string accompaniment. Petit Stanford. Characteristics of C1306.... alto and bass clarinets.... Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo by Igor Stravinsky. 13. Duration about 21 minutes..... Andante sostenuto...95 although the clarinet is more a part of the ensemble than a solo instrument..... SS. It begins Andante grazioso.................. 4 and was Meyer gave its first performance since 1879....... Suite from L'Historie du Soldat for Clarinet.... a bit more of the tuttis are written out...... Duration about 15 minutes..... Includes parts and score.. Not a Longfellow.. Three movements played continuous.9. .. College level. Andante con moto ma più tranquillo. Reduction) by Johann Stamitz edited by Walter Lebermann.... 1998. The first two pages...... Three movements: Allegro. which was presumably intended for Anton Stadler... II.... The movement is for clarinet in A......L. Chester Music.... and piano.......... 1944. 15 + 7 popular 20th century unaccompanied pieces for clarinet........... Includes both clarinet (in B-flat) and viola parts and also has an Rondo (tempo di Minuetto)... Annen ..... 19. Three Duets for Flute and Clarinet by Don Stewart. SS............... 16. 2008...... SS........ Appropriately..C.. La Danse du Diable. a number of accidentals. 1994.. with the clarinet part is primarily in the clarion register..95 ments: Allegretto.95 Fantasia)....... Billaudot. A recording we sell of this concerto refers to it as No... quasi clarinets are needed.. EditionDarok... ....... 3. 37..95 V006.... This is one pages... While the work is highly influenced by arrangement can be played by a clarinet quartet (3 B-flats and bass) or by a Brahms.......95 originally for clarinet in C.. Duration is 15-16 minutes.... 24 + 8 pages... SS 18 + 2 pages.. SS... the style is tonal and harmonies are fairly The printing is not as good as the Kunzelmann edition... The composition reflects Brahms‖ influence in the first and third movements. 31.. 1982. 9........ Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra (Piano Reduc.... Cramer Music.......... The second which the composer originally regarded as "flamenco" in derivation...95 edited by György Balassa... 1968... Edition Kunzlemann/Edito Musica Budapest.............. piano reduction and edited by György Balassa reduction) by Richard Strauss..... This C904....... The means "You Only Live Once" and it is to be performed in the style of the differences between this edition and the Schott listed above are: the print is landler.. .... this piece should difficult piece. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ........... . The first two movements are for B-flat clarinet while the last Jacques Lancelot...... .... Listed as grade 2... 2 B- 1904.......... 12.......... 30 + 12 pages. Pizzicato .. with alternate E-flat and basset horn parts).............. SS. 13 for Clarinet and Piano by Charles manuscript and the first published edition from 1920. The clarinet and the first violin have the in the first and second movements are written out....50 C493........ conservative.  ....... Sabine + 12 pages.... In 1991. Schott....... performers will want to program this work........ ... 19. A virtuosic piece featuring changing Jacob. This music was originally for flutes or violins. This brief (4:30) sonata is in three movements: C883... It is in three something for trios looking to add to their repertoire of holiday music.. Adagio.......... der Tcherepnin..... using a bass clarinet on the fourth part works fine. (includes parts and score).. Allegro moderato.... demands an advanced performer.. . The tonality. includes parts and score...... Rongwen undergraduate clarinetists. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. 11. the other parts make a excellent recital literature for advanced performers... 2 B-flats and bass........ This work is a free meters. Scherzo (4/4) and Allegro (3/4).. Schott..... Kunzelmann........95 like rhythms....................... Allegro Templeton (1909-1963) was born in Wales and although blind from birth. 1996...95 C1604......95 studied piano and composition at the Royal College of Music in London. (includes parts and Prof... composer and music educator.... Doblinger. Canzona for Violoncello or Clarinet and String Orchestra four octave scale to altissimo C... While the arrangement calls for 4 B-flat understanding of both instruments.. Arabesque for Clarinet and Piano by Germaine Tailleferre...... ....... ..95 11 pages...... For clarinet quartet (3 B-flats and bass).. 34.......... SS..... Concertino for Clarinet and String Orchestra (Piano Reduc- C253...... Kontratanz....... This is one of the more by Michael Töpel. II.. .......... 1980. While this career in 1973... Peters. Schott...... The publisher rates this as (US) grade 4. Andantino Espressivo and Allegro brioso.....95 Dr. 42.... 2 horns... and Rondo (Allegretto).. and III. 2001....... Van Cott Information Services Inc.. In three C1067. Doblinger.. Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) was a virtuoso composer...... VI.... SS. Comodo....... SS.. Concerto No... quasi pesante.. Danse of the Reed Pipes) C1215... This piece is based on old entertainer..... This piece with a familiar waltz melody has been transcribed from conservative harmonic and melodic language and is written with a complete the original serenade for strings. Marko Tajčević (1900-1984) was a Serbian composer and C928. Tartini transcribed and edited by David Hite. V. Heim writes that the first and third movements are florid and the third WW108.. chromaticism... Calmo.vcisinc. SS..... The editor has provided many details of its history and the process Menuett. Marko Tajcevic arranged by Alojz Srebotnjak. Serenade by Jeno Takacs... International Music Co....... with lyrical grace and French impressionistic devices and includes a SS.F. In Mid-twentieth century style with ample dissonance but with a feeling of four movements: Grave. II.. violin 2..... movements: I.. ... Sonata in G minor (for Clarinet and Piano) by Giuseppe Muziekcentrale.... College level with a duration of about 10 minutes... III... Rustico... 1995(?). 35. Cramer & Co.. and in score format............. It is constructed Telemann edited by Reginald Kell..... Allegro..95 has reached a marked point in the music one to three measures from the C1289....... For clarinet quartet E.......  ..  .. The full score for this with Tchaikovsky........... Sutermeister Capriccio for Solo Clarinet in A by Heinrich tion) selected and arranged from sonatas by Giuseppe Tartini by Gordon Sutermeister.. info@vcisinc..... 2001...... SS..95 the trills. (includes parts Upper intermediate level.... Schott... Good repertoire for the advanced performer. This piece has three movements: C1073... Heim wrote: "A relatively short piece with clear.... .. College level.. 1992... Schott.... Early college level....... 42 + 17 pages........ Duration is about 8 minutes.. 1977. Bach Goes to Town by Alec Templeton arranged for four clarinets musician... movement with some tempo changes...95 1948.. Looks like fun and a good test of your powers of concentration.. C. Southern Music Company.............. 4 pages. College level with all parts of completing it.. Andante." This short piece (3 minutes) written near the end of her written in 1939. In it one continuos movements... SS... 1973. Con moto....95 C257. Adagio.... J..................... The dances are marked: I... Antoni Szalowski (1907-1973) was a Polish composer C1000. 17 pages (one copy). and Allegro risoluto.. 1945... 1947. Lento. Arabian Dance... Emerson Edition........95 arrangement of movements taken from two of Tartini's sonatas for violin.. 6... 17... SS... as well as a composer and conductor. Chinese Dance.... While not technically difficult it does include what is essentially a C1279.....M. kovsky transcribed by Ricardo Cirri. An excellent recital piece for good C1119.......... Suykerbuyk.. Suykerbuyk (1959-) is a Dutch 1963............ and VII.. II Non troppo presto.....5. 19......................... In short traditional-style cadenza in the third movement. Dedicated to Désiré (1899-1977) was a Russian composer who lived and worked in France and Dondeyne... For unaccompanied clarinet.. 1979.. J.. 8 + 6 pages. 5 pages. Here is popular (advanced college level) flute and clarinet duets. Alec Sostenuto e cantabile.. Danses caractéistiques (Marche..... . a gem of the satisfying contribution to the overall effect. 1959. ........ 37...... ... 58 nished........ and music educator who studied Michael Freyhan... 10.......... The movements are: Overture. 1956 & 1959...... SS....... 1992.... Walzer Op... In three quartet repertoire that includes E-flat clarinet. Largo/Allegro commo- Deciso. 17.. Baerenreiter (BA 8158)......M........ After a short Maestoso having challenging sections (primarily tempo related).. Chester. this piece is in one continuous piece ..... ..... simply..............  .95 demanding on both performers..... Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.. http://www. Allegro ritmico. 39... the style is strongly influenced by the late intermediate level piece that features arpeggio figures and slured jumps of French romantic period and is reminiscent of the Poulenc Sonata but is less sixths and sevenths. Sutermeister Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Piano way making this suitable for college and professional performers who wish Reduction by Heinrich Sutermeister. Polka. Allegro.....50 and piano score)................ 16 + 4 pages... This piece was of the "Les Six....... This piece was composed in 1936. SS..... Duo for Flute and Clarinet by Antoni Szalowski..... 7 Balkan Dances for Clarinet.. II. and III. SS....... 15 pages.... SS... the rest of the piece is Allegro moderato with a cadenza near fourth clarinet instead of bass........... the complexity of this music movements: Allegro spirituoso........ Konzertsatz in D Major for basset clarinet in A and +2 pages (includes both clarinet and cello part). Chester.. uses material from her opera Le petite sirèn.. 48 for Clarinet Quartet by Pyotr Il'yich Tchai- movements: I. 46.. Sonata for Clarinet Solo by Germaine Tailleferre... Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by Antoni Szalowski.. and cello/bass.. It includes: Ouverture has been printed without regard for page turns.... 17. 1967. Sonata for Clarinet by William Sydeman.... The instrumentation (in addition to the solo part) is 2 oboes. movements: I.. pianist... Tierolff C1175.. 15............ Strong dramatic approach makes the style appealing to players and slow movements have lyric melodies while the fast movements have dance- audience alike. In three and meters.25 violin I.... It is in score format and Upper intermediate level.... so some preparation will be miniature. II. The adaptation for the clarinet has been done in a stylistically appropriate C256.... Sergei Tanejev (1856- orchestra (Score) by Franz Xaver Süssmayr edited and completed by 1915) was a Russian composer. concise form.... Includes some notes on performance including instruction for playing Allegretto.  .. This piece was written for woodwind quintet but has been violinist. viola. 4 + 2 pages... 15 + 6 pages.  . 40 + 11 pages... This is a popular piece for transcribed for clarinet and saxophone quartet.... 5." .. About 12 minutes duration... .....95 Music.... At the upper repertoire....... Larghetto.... Marked Andantino... III... Violoncello and Piano by beginning.. Allegretto.... It is a nice addition to the violin which David Hite believed was very suitable for the clarinet. with quick changes of rhythmic groupings William Lovelock.....95 C499............. 11 + 4 PO Box 9569......... Tchaikovsky Nutcraker Suite for Three Clarinets arranged who studied in Warsaw and Paris (with Boulanger)..... Alexander Tcherepnin Editions Henry Lemoine.......95 the end..... Germaine Tailleferre (1892-1983) was the only female member the United States as a pianist.. He C742. SS... and III... flat/alternate B-flat.. and concludes with Waltz of the Flowers. SS. While the range is conservative.. Six Canonic Sonatas for Two Clarinets by George Philipp Allegro tranquillo.. do..... 17.. Finale (Allegro).. This is an upper is a twentieth century work. Romance (Andante)..... 3 in E-flat for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Theme with four variations (various meters). SS.... Allegro non troppo..... Songs & Dances Clarinet Quartet by J. 15. 48 pages... Sonata in One Movement for Clarinet and Piano by Alexan- C869.. 12 C1350A.95 (Piano Reduction) by Sergei Tanejev (Taneyev)... IV.. VI..... Alternate part for introduction.... minutes... One of the best pieces in clarinet clarinets..... Reduction) by Franz Tausch edited by Peter Clinch with piano reduction by The rhythms can be complex.....95 Russian Dance.45 repertoire.. Billaudot..... ....... This work has charm each sonata the second player starts from the beginning after the first player and is good repertoire for college level clarinetists. Allegro molto. and VI.. There are six movements: I... and some rhythmic complexity...B. Serenade..... 16......... and Finale (Dudelsack-Cornemuse).... to program music from a period in which little clarinet music was written....95 1948.  . The duration is about 13 C498...  ........ movement contains fast chord and scale passages..... ....... score). SS. SS. SS. 1973.... can be used for training purposes at the college level but is also intermediate level with the first part the most difficult. 14 pages.... 2005.. Boosey & Hawkes.. (includes parts and moved to the United States in 1935 and was very successful as a pianist and score). This piece which was first published in 1938 and subtitled dances... required for performance..... V. by Henry Brant....... It has three tempos and a few changes of meter.... SS.... ... . 1989.... In three movements: I. 19...... Early college level with a advanced performer. 6 + 2 pages........ Wolfgang Thiel (1947-) is a German composer.95 duration of about 4 minutes.. Fantasy Sonata Op. . and V... 4. Advanced high performed on basset clarinet (there are only six measures out of 501 with school/early college level with a duration of 3:45.. 3 by Burnet Tuthill.... 18. followed by the proper note in the maturity (or coaching) to play successfully....95 notes in the extended basset range and they are shown as oassia)... Danse en hommage à Olivier Messiaen for Clarinet and work for bass clarinet and piano.... SS..... Carl Fischer.. 2 + 1 pages.95 Piano by Manfred Trojahn........ This piece was written in 1950. 1992..... This is dedicated to Grete means "Escaped note..  . Very demanding for both performers ........ Amazing Grace Clarinet Quartet traditional arranged by Press. 1936... College level. While the notes aren't particularly difficult....... 13..vcisinc.. S629.. Sonatine Attique for Clarinet Solo in Three Parts by Henri The Clown (After the show). Notes to Kathy Popes's CD (not written by her) call and bass clarinet (with a few low D's in the extended range).. Allegro.....  ... This piece was written in is of this version rather than the orchestral edition. more difficult.... 1983......95 theme as indicated on the cover and is in five movements: I....... SS.... Clarinet Concerto Piano Reduction by Joan Tower. Bao La for Clarinet Solo by Ton That Tiet.. SS. Pipeworks for clarinet quartet by Kit Turnbull...  ....... 5/8...... 12.... includes score and parts......... 11. 10..those harbor lights) for Clarinet and Piano by Joan and two short passages marked quasi cadenza. Pocket Size Sonata (No........ It is called D(i)agon(als) both to honor the but is not hard. 4 pages.. Giocoso.... Two Snacks for Alonesome Clarinet by Burnet Tuthill..  PO Box 9569.. About 4 minutes. proceeding in a step-wise fashion in which the ornamental note will go the A slow and expressive piece which is not difficult but requires some opposite way of the progression............ This piece is intended to reflect extended techniques). For the publisher calls this an exhilarating concert piece....................... I.." defined as an ornamentation between notes and Hans Fuchs and uses the German musical spelling of Fuchs as a theme.... Duration about 5:50.. D(i)agon(als) for solo clarinet by Augusta Read Thomas... Queen's Theodore Presser............ 2001... 23... Queen's C1059.. There is a heavy jazz influence...... This piece has a circus slow Lent tempo.. Echappée for clarinet quartet by Robert Tucker....... 15 + Transatlantiques............ The name of this Austrian born composer who studied in Germany and lived in the United clarinet quartet (for 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet) is a French word that States after 1934....95 C1457.25 study from most quartets...bitter. We note that this is in Emma Tower.. 1956. 4/8.......... and alive. C308. 3.... .. molto espress..... Baerenreiter (BA 8279)...... III......... will require some first and third parts are without bar lines.. musicologist and music teacher....... It has been described as displaying an enfolding calm and as a gentle lyrical piece....... SS...... Billaudot. 1978.... For high school quartets and up....... For 3 B-flat clarinets and bass based sonata for clarinet and piano are Moderato (and Mellow)... Carousel. and bustle.. 12 + 4 pages.. C1055..... Lent (Mystérieux). 18.........50 dedicatee (Russell Dagon) and because the composer had used what she C1229. Kit Turnbull is this piece "surreal... Leduc.... Duration about 6:30 minutes...... 38 + 17 pages.. An advanced C1294. Cello and Piano by Mark- and professional recitals......1959...... The free........75 C1271... ... It has English translations of the French C712.  .. 9..... 32 + 15 pages. Wings for Solo Clarinet or Bass Clarinet by Joan Tower... .....  ... Donemus.................... Delécluse........... Concerto for Clarinet in B-flat and Orchestra Piano Reduc.........  ... altissimo register control.. This is dedicated to Ulysse Music...... 28 + 12 pages.  .... Dedicated to and first performed by Charles Neidich........ 6/8... It is marked Allegro energico et ritmico....... Marked Maestoso (mm=60)........... Two short pieces for unaccompanied clarinet... A somewhat unusual Andate gone moto... jazzy.......... Adagio Elegiaco for B-flat Clarinet and Piano by Ernst Toch.. SS.. the mixed meter (primarily 6/8. 3 pages....................... Alphonse Leduc.... pages........... SS.. SS. and In Associated Music Publishers. Associated Music Publishers.95 work for clarinet.. Andante sostenuto...4. II..... II..... includes score and parts. This piece was written as a Tomasi...........75 frequently recorded clarinet quartet (3 B-flats and bass). Editions Musicales C316....... 16...... College level... Allegro con brio...95 professional players.. Parts ....... The first of two jazz based sonatas for clarinet and piano C310. while the bass part is important and will need a solid player Schirmer....... Dulcamara for clarinet quartet by Robert Tucker............ flutter tonguing... 29.. The movements of Templeton's second jazz David Thomas...... 2005...50 arrangement that goes into swing for the last chorus........95 C482.. 7 + 3 pages... Pocket Size Sonata No. 14.. The movements are Improvisation....... as if improvised...... G. Leduc..... 3/8.. College level.. (includes parts and piano score)..  . the mixed meter...... Manfred Trojahn (1949-) in a German composer and conductor.. British composer Mark-Anthony Turnage (1960-) is one of the most admired and C392... Schott....... 10 + 2 C1377.. and III.. Early college level at most. 12 + 4 pages.................  ...95 1939..95 C1545.. 13............... by Alec Templeton...... 19... 3. First and second parts are C571. Nieuw Werk for Bass Clarinet and Piano by Paul Termos..... A one movement sonata featuring tempo composer who came to Paris in 1958 to study composition at the Paris and key changes.... spontaneous........ C1270...........95 Conservatoire.... 42.... Emerson Edition.......................... Emerson Edition... Southern music.. and 5/8) and Allegro energico tempo makes this brief piece more suitable for a tion by Henri Tomasi...... 1979.. Travelling by Robert Truillard arranged by Alain Truillard... 12. 1) by Alec Templeton.... it has some rhapsodic elements C309.... For clarinet and piano.................. 6... high school equivalent school....... Nocturne for Clarinet and Piano by Henri Tomasi.. 13...... playful........ 2001/2008.... Shawnee C1714...................... For 3 B-flat clarinets 1954... 1967..  . The name of clarinet imbedded in a phrase and also an imbedded counterpoint with two or three quartet (for 3 B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet) is from the Latin dulcis - lines going on at once......50 progression.  .. 4 + 2 pages.. 14 pages (two parts in score format)..... Written for Ulysse college level quartet.....95 Better high school players could pull this off. 1998.... Menuetto: clarinet with alternate alto clarinet for the third part............ SS....... .......... Harmonium........ IV. An excellent recital piece for college and College level.. 2007.. 2 by Alec Templeton...  . Cortège for Chris for Clarinet. Dedicated to Louis Cahuzac. Queen's calls implied diagonals in the phrases of the piece.30 Anthony Turnage.. 59 "Prelude and Fugue in Swing" is typical of his compositions...... SS... meters of 9/8........... There are sub-phrases in Temple Publications...... This piece includes fragments clarinet (our CD171).......95 Music Publishers.........95 Delécluse.. One of the best twentieth century concertos for use on graduate C1539.... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ..... This piece which was written in 1976 employs contemporary Music Co...... excellent choice for variety in college and professional recitals......... 7 + 2 pages.... 47. .. Commis- Johnson's repertiore on clarinet and Howard Klug has recorded it on bass sioned by and dedicated to Richard Stolzman.. 1949...... A very popular and instructions... Requires excellent technique.. it has a duration of 3 minutes............. Schott..... BVD Press.........95 C337. For clarinet in A and may be Van Cott Information Services Inc. 4 pages..... Marked "Passionate and rubato" it should sound sweet and amara .. 7 pages... Temple Publications..." That must be in a good way since I find it very nice... 12..... Modal Blues..........95 C1506. Associated College level. hence the subtitle. The duration is about 11 minutes.. ..... A one memorial to Chris van Kampen a fellow musician and a friend of the movement multisectional work which requires fast technique and good composer... II... 1954..  .. The Chase.. Curtain Tomasi...... Introduction et Danse for Clarinet and Piano by Henri widely performed composers of his generation.... 2001.95 of the the popular song of the 1950's Harbor Lights.. In a a British composer who studied with Martin Ellerby. This is an advanced contemporary piece with high altissimo (although without Hofmeister... 1971.... 4/8)... Rush Hours for Clarinet and Piano by Wolfgang Thiel.. 16.. 1997..... http://www............. and II Giocoso très rythmé. ..... For clarinet quartet (3 B-flats and bass).00 notation and extended techniques such as fractional tones... SS........ Fantasy (.... 1987......95 the mood and atmosphere of a vibrant big city at rush hour with its hustle C470.. 26... This is a virtuoso concerto requiring facile technique and quick staccato.  ... 2005. Tôn-Thất Tiết (1933-) is a Vietnamese 5 pages.... SS...... A challenging contemporary Rhythm. Although this is dedicated to a clarinet quartet in the UK at a C242.. and Allegreto: Quasi cool...  .... Elegie for Tenor Saxophone or Clarinet and Piano by Alec The recording by Robert Spring from the Joan Tower Music for Clarinet CD Templeton.. 7/8 and 5/8.... The especially in the last movement (4/4. Ernst Toch (1987-1964) was an Temple Publications...... An International Music Diffusion. and multiphonics (fingerings given).. includes score and parts.... info@vcisinc......... He is know for fusing Asian and Western influences in his C281.... SS.......... tension and motor energy. About three minutes...... SS..... Divertimento by Alfred Uhl... Marked sweet and mournful..... Duration about 14 minutes.... ........... Poco adagio.. Rondo (Allegro)...... 1 for Clarinet and Piano by Leonardo Vinci edited Librement (2/2) and Treys Vif (2/4)........95 Bois Dormant (The Sleeping Beauty).... Eschig... horn (viola/bassoon/basset starting up at the beginning and slowing down at the end of the ride.. IV.... It is suitable for the progressing high school format.... The style.......... Early college level. 12. 14 + 4 pages... The editor has Lobos. 4 + 2 pages. In four movements: Allegro... Advanced high school or three fairy tales are La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast).......... C1177. The clarinet and cello parts are String Quartet) by Ralph Vaughan Williams arranged by Adam Lesnick......... SS....... Originally Early college level.. 13.. 1956. 1994.....25 clarinetist but does present several challenges including some mixed meter C1061. Dedicated to Jack Brymer.. 26. of the Allegro in performers. 2.. may be a bit more International Opus......... although it is an accompaniment... Clarinet Trio. This is one of the earliest known clarinet sonatas which was first WW218... C1176.. and Finale (Allegro). Parts (one copy each) includes parts (which are 6 pages long) and score.. and 3. SS............  .... bass (1770-1851) was a German organist. but often it involves various skips........ cadenza appears in the first movement........ Trio in D for clarinet in A (violin)...... it is in three movements: 1.. 2000.. He concluded that this is good music written for the C1546.... Masters Music.......... The piano part is easy........ the part often has its own character. De Haske. A very enjoyable composition by Jan Van der Roost (1956-) Adam Valentin Volckmar edited by Bernhard Päuler...95 This piece is a new edition after two historical sources.  . II..... while not a literal depiction........ Amadeus... 21.... James Walker (1929-2002) was a British composer V004........ Sonata No. Schott.... and VI.. The piano part which is important.... 6. SS....... Score...... This edition includes parts the instrumentation than the difficulty)....... SS.... or Two American composer of contemporary classical music........ 13.. Manege for 4 Clarinets in B-flat by Francois Vercken.. and contra-alto/contra-bass clarinet.. Moderato. alto clarinet.... SS... Trio in B-flat major for Clarinet.... 17 + 7 pages... Peter Geisler.. Three Fairy-Tales (Trois Contes de Fée) for Clarinet and three movements: Allegro vivace......... This piece is in one movement with two major sections: C847..95 Van der Roost arranged by Maarten Jense............. 1971.. Largo from the Opera "Hermann von Unna" for Basset (includes parts and piano score)......... Rikudim (Four Israeli Folkdances) for Clarinet Choir by Jan published before and is suited for teaching and/or concert use... for intermediate Valentin Volckmar edited by Bernhard Päuler.. 34......... Clarinets and Bass Clarinet by Georg Joseph "Abbé" Vogler edited by Allegro...  ......... 1992.............. pianist..... Henri Vachey (1930-2006) was a French composer.... 34 + 10 pages.. EditionDarok. 2004. Adam Valentin Volckmar for E-flat clarinet.......95 Baptist Wanhal (Vanhal) edited by Doris Stofer.......... Six Studies in English Folksong for Clarinet and Piano by (Allegro). In three 14 numbered choros that Villa-Lobos wrote between 1920 and 1929 for a movements: I... 14. . Mary Jeanne van Appledorn (1927-) is an Horn Trio. in the second movement and an altissimo A in the third.. 6....  ..... Cello and Piano by Adam is one of the most popular pieces.. The horn/bass clarinet) and piano by Richard Walthew.. which are few.. includes players of all ages..... songs.... Six Studies in English Folk-Song (arranged for Clarinet and vivace.. 2007..50 C1096. includes parts and score... 3.. composer and school music teacher. Duet for Bass Clarinet and Piano Op. 19. Editions advanced clarinetist.. This version for difficult.......... ......95 completed in 1902 but was apparently never orchestrated and was first C1062..... It was originally for clarinet in C... and III.......95 parts and score..... and III.. US grade 4. . An extended set of pieces marks the beginning of Vejslev's compositions for bass clarinet...... Walthew (1872-1951) was and English composer.. It is in three movements performed segue: Allegro non Jakob Vejslev.. SS... Presto. are indicated.... and the bit more difficult than the other two (but should be easily playable by changes of key are. has evolved into a jazz guitarist and a composer.. Mineutto C619... It provides several styles of playing Vinci (1690-1730) was an Italian composer best known for his operas. Ralph Vaughan Williams..... Walthew edited by Jane Ellsworth. The format is a bit unusual as teacher and conductor..... He found the harmonic material is interesting...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ...95 clarinet and string quartet should be playable by better high school level C818............ This C1639.... SS..... This troppo e con bravura (4/4).. It is written in an impressionistic. 4 B-flat parts (with divisi in each).. Press.... 16. Viola and Cello by score and parts)..... 2009...95 this piece means carousel and the music....  . The tempo is Pouco movido (mm=88 with some slower spots)..... In three movements: Andante con moto/Allegro poco C1105.. SS... .......  ... 7 + 2 pages.. middle section has many overlapping phrases that suggest what an observer Richard Walthew (1872-1951) was a British composer with a special affinity might see and feel while watching a carousel from a distance.. Commodo (4/4) and Vivace (2/2).. 13 + 4 pages............ SS. According to the editor this sonata was first published in 1810. Poco Adagio....95 for chamber music... 9 + 2 pages............ the clarinet arrangement was made by the composer........ The piano part is pieces are presented in both treble and bass clef.. .... .......... Sonate in E-flat Major for Clarinet and Piano by Johann has been arranged for clarinet and piano. It is in C1005...... 14. SS... 2 for Clarinet and Piano by Johann Baptist College level with a duration of about 7:20...... and Le Petit Poucet (Hop o' my Thumb is the translation in the music but usually known as Tom Thumb). 34. La Belle au early college level.... Two Clarinets and Bassoon... This is Van Cott Information Services Inc.... early college level. (includes parts and score).... level with a duration of about 2:30....vcisinc... Violin.. SS....... 1972............ Amadeus......................... Early college level (more for He studied with a former student of CPE Bach....... Divertimento by Alfred Uhl... SS. Sonata No......... The Editorial additions... Allegretto........ 33 + 15 pages.. 25 + 7 pages.......... and Rondo Allegretto. 1963.95 Wanhal (Vanhal) edited by Lyle Merriman....... 4 pages (two parts in score format)........ II.......... 1983.... Schirmer... Includes score and parts............. tonal by George Waln.... Fugato.. SS. Concerto for Clarinet for Clarinet and Piano by Richard H.... .... 10... 1968......... Rosewood........95 Warner/Chappell Music Denmark.. Mesmeric Moment............ is similar to Vinci's contemporary Handel...... and deservedly so.................... Allegro moderato semplice.. Heim wrote that the work is They were written for Dutch clarinetist Bert Chan (who is listed as a co.... 2005.............. Leonardo style... and Finale (Allegro poco molto).. Four Solos for Bass Clarinet Op....... SS... .. . Schott...... 1994. .. The title of recitals.. College C901... 97... SS. chamber music......................... 121 by Jakob Vejslev. La Forza Del Destino Prelude to Act III for Clarinet and Piano troppo..... Allegro....... Choros No. 15................ PO Box 9569. Prof.... Tecchler Press..95 Georges Delrieu.. clarinet............. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano by James Walker........... This concerto was part and a separate bass clef part is bound in following it.. the treble clef version of the bass clarinet part is in the score with the piano vocal quartets with piano and several clarinet works. Warner/Chappell Music Denmark. SS... inspired by editor)........ The first and last solo use the extended bass clarinet range and are a interesting rhythms.... Bassetti Paletti Publications.... 28....... This piece requires a low Richard H............. 1960....... C bass clarinet but is not especially difficult.. Adagio. II. with subtle hints at dissonance.... and the work warrants performances on professional Musicales Transatlantiques... Danish composer Jakob Vejslev (1957-) began his musical career as a pop/rock guitarist but C888..... Passages 111 Trio for Clarinet... 2 for Flute and Clarinet in A by Heitor Villa... He wrote operettas......... published in 1800...... The which make it challenging for advanced high school or early college Sonata is in two parts Adagio and Allegro.. 19.. This piece is of intermediate length and in three movements: I.. 7 pages.. 24... surprising..... 11 + 3 pages..  .. Allegro moderato....... III....... 2003.... It has not been C809.......... 23 pages. Melodic material is usually college bass clarinetists). Quartet in C major for Clarinet.. Three Vocalises by Ralph Vaughan Williams.. http://www................. This is one of preserved the original clarinet key and transposed the piano part. Sisra Publications (Arsis Press)... Lento/Allegro non C1477.95 by Giuseppe Verdi arranged by Bela Kovacs. 1961........ does have slower sections at the beginning and the end that may represent G101...95 1974.. 1998. In six movements: I.95 written for cello. Southern Music...... at times..  ...... C1259.. cantatas. which is for solo clarinet and orchestra in the opera.. Oxford University and pianist who played other instruments (including the clarinet). Neil A Kjos Music Co. In score Andante Mesto. (includes C1638........ ....... .. the Belgian composer know for his works for winds. SS. 60 C713. An unusual feature of this collection is that all the approached by step......95 particular.... This info@vcisinc.... written in the style of the late Romantic period and is dramatic. ..... Alphonse Leduc. 1927.....95 quite pianistic and.. Concerto Bref for clarinet and piano by Henri Vachey...... Andante con moto espressivo...........95 for both B-flat and C clarinet.... Piano by Gerard Victory.. Violoncello and Piano by Mary Jeanne van Appledorn.... players... 22.. SS......95 variety of instruments and combinations of instruments including orchestra............... 106 & 107 by performed in 1991....... 1998. For soprano voice and B-flat clarinet.......... 105......... Marcato..... G... V... 34...... College level.................. Allegro Moderato.... .. Contraventings Op.... Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op...........50 SS.. and the vocal parts in score format.. SS. Hofmeister... 23 + 7 pages.... Carl Fischer. 1981/1997.. 74 for the bassoon repertoire. and Rondo.... 25. slap and flutter tonguing.. an original printing and the second based on the part created by Carl Baermann Andante with very little clarinet followed by an Allegro in 6/8 with a typical in 1870....... 74 for different movement or gesture......... 43a for Clarinet... 16... The editor describes this edition C1316... 17...... obbligato clarinet and piano...... ... C652.. two versions of the Concertino.. 19.. Includes a Preface with historical C1501.... 73 for before they take on more difficult repertoire.. with a Prelude... Weber Clarinet Concerto No... SS... Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op..... Davis..... the work was rescored by the composer for this combination... rather than by Carl Baermann in 1870. 2003...... http://www.. versions...... Early C873...... Weber Concertino Op. SS.. Another edition of this popular work which also includes cues by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Carl Baermann..... Henle Verlag 2003.. 1 in F minor Op.... SS.. and French........ a informative Preface.. .. Sonata No................. 48 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Reginald Kell. ..............95 C1354... .......... 10 + 3 pages. 73 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Günter Haußwald... Includes parts and more of the tutti passages written out.....  . This edition is in need of resetting (it is on the dark side).. .... Andante sostenuto...........95 by Carl Maria von Weber... and French..... and has a few notes with over-blown harmonics......... rather than solo with piano accompaniment...... Strasser....... This scholarly edition indicates which markings are shown in the piano score... Both versions are shown in the piano C472... 5..... .. 35) by Carl Maria von Weber arranged and edited by James of the tutti passages........ It is suggested only for those who C875..... 24 + 7 pages.. 48 for Clarinet (Violin) and need this specific edition for an honor band audition or want an abbreviated Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Richard Hofmann.. version and don't want to make their own cuts...... It is in early Classical style and of easy to versions....... Both versions are Many of these have the appellation 'Grand.... ......75 von Weber edited by Henry W..... It includes notes on the sources and editing in German and English. 1958.. Includes cues for most of the tutti passages .... Weber originally wrote this piece for viola and orchestra but later did a version for bassoon which is a very popular part of C1274.......F............95 original and which are provided by the editor........ 27 + 8 pages... Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op......... SS. James Waterson edited by Pamela Weston. a copy by and Rondo allegretto.95 this work.... A less expensive edition of this work. Originally written for bassoon..... International Music Co................ 1998. Duet: Se il mio ben.. SS............... All text is obbligato clarinet part.... G... All text is in English...... Weber Clarinet Concerto No... Allegro maestoso. and the original printing and the second based on the part created registers of the clarinet and is in the style of clarinet obbligato.... Composer James Cohn has produced this edition for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Günter Haußwald clarinet and piano. 1960. Op.. 1936... Weber Clarinet Concerto No.. 12.................. 46a for Solo Clarinet in B-flat by C878. International Music Co.. 1998........' and grand they are in technical shown in the piano score........ two versions of the concerto.95 structure and value for the clarinet player..." .. Hofmeister......... Weber Clarinet Concerto No..95 Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Carl Maria von Weber edited C542.. A new and very nice edition of this work.......... cor mio tu sei by Carl Maria von Weber reduction by Johannes Umbeit......... Breitkopf.... 26 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Reginald Kell.......... pages. 11 C553.. G.. and French. ...95 27 + 8 pages........ 11 + 4 pages. SS.  ...... Weber Concertino Op... Includes a Preface with historical Baptist Wanhal (Vanhal) edited by Lukas Matoušek........ SS..... solos and studies.......... . 26 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria as "pre-Baermann. 2000...  .. It is excellent writing for both instru- that includes cues for all the tutti passages... Includes cues for most ongarese.... German........95 in English.. 24.... Allegretto scherzando.. Three move- C282. 23 + 8 pages............. 1989...... 21... SS 9 + 3 pages. SS............ An inexpensive and "compact" edition... such as those made by a mime or ballet Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Carl Maria von Weber edited dancer. 1 in F minor Op.. SS. Weber Concertino Op. PB... 3 B-flat major for Clarinet and Piano by Johann by Norbert Gertsch with Piano reduction by Johannes Umbeit.. Weber Concertino Op.... Southern Music Co..... XLNT Music Inc.. information about Weber's clarinet works and the sources for this edition.... "James Weber... 20. .....95 in a theme and variations format... 1984. 2005... 48 for Clarinet and Piano Hermann. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 13... 21.. Violoncello and movement....... German............... Weber Concertino Op........ 18..  . 23 + 8 pages.. SS........ This is basically a copy of the Breitkopf edition with articulation markings added by Kell and Piano by Graham Waterhouse. College level.. II..... Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Reginald Kell... 61 a relatively easy piece which may be a good choice for high school students C327... Gestural Variations Op.......... ...... Second Grand Trio Concertante for Three Clarinets by information about Weber's clarinet works and the sources for this edition... Schott... ... one based on the autograph score.. SS..........." In three movements: I.. 1958.. Breitkopf..........95 C326.... 48 for Clarinet and Piano score..... Includes an optional cadenza by Heinrich (1962-) is a British cellist and composer....... In her foreword Pamela Weston said.......... Each variation evokes a C328..... Includes piano score.... 4........... C. SS..... 10... SS. SS......... Weber Clarinet Concerto No......... SS....... 4 pages........ His composi- by Carl Baermann in 1870.. and is technically 1961.. 18.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. 48 + work which also includes cues for all the tutti passages.............. Henle Verlag 2002... Includes an optional cadenza by Heinrich Baermann in the first C1370.. It uses a bit of contemporary notation... Adagio cantabile....  ....... 26 for Clarinet and Orchestra (Piano Reduction) by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Norbert Gertsch with Piano V007... one based on the autograph score. Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op. 26 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Günter Haußwald with piano reduction by Friedrich C754.. Both versions are medium difficulty.......vcisinc.... Andante con moto........... duo style. .. Concertino Op.. This edition has been edited to last 5 info@vcisinc. numbers duets............... SS.... G.... This edition is somewhat easier to read than the Carl Fischer version. 74 for college level.. 23 + 8 pages.... one based on the separate clarinet part.... SS. and extensive notes on the editing done to both solo with accompaniment.. a copy by Includes parts and score...95 with piano reduction by Friedrich Hermann. oboe and piano. 15............ 1 in F minor Op.. SS. 2 in E-flat major Op.. In three movements: Allegro moderato....  .......... articulation markings and some ornamentation added by Kell.. 27 + 8 pages. 21..50 Dedicated to Jon Manasse...... 73 for Postlude... Another edition of this work. 13..75 piano score.... ...... This edition includes a violin part in addition to the clarinet part..... A reasonably priced edition of this popular work difficult for both clarinet and piano.. 25. Peters.... 51 + 8 + 9 pages..... All text is in English.... 49 + 11 + 11 pages................. This wonderful edition of the Weber Concertino includes an For two alto voices..... 2 in E-flat major Op.. two versions of the concerto............. for all the tutti passages......... Includes cues for most of the tutti passages... It is Baermann in the first movement..... Graham Waterhouse Breitkopf... 10......................... This piece was originally written for contrabassoon in 1998 and was transcribed for clarinet the same year.. ... 10 + 4 pages...... A less expensive edition of duration of about 10 minutes. German......... Rosewood Publications. In two parts....... and III. 26 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria 1958..... C1400... three trios......... Weber Clarinet Concerto No.. Henle Verlag 2001... and the original printing and the second based on the part created Waterson (1834-1893) wrote quite prolifically for the clarinet..... 12..95 Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Reginald Kell with Piano reduction by Guenter Hausswald........ This is basically a copy of the Breitkopf edition with Cohn for Clarinet and PO Box 9569. ............. The range is limited primarily to the lower two Weber... .......... 48 for Clarinet and Piano + 4 pages.... Music Rara.......95 C874.. 7.... Yet another edition of this popular by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Knut Holtsträter......... 28 + 7 pages............. College level with a duration of 13 minutes.............. Weber Andante and Hungarian Rondo (Andante e rondo 28 + 11 pages. College level with a International Music Co...... SS........... and extensive notes on the editing done to both versions... 26 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria von ments: Allegro con fuoco.95 ments and is a favorite with many clarinetists for recital purposes............. 25. Carl Fischer...  ..95 by Norbert Gertsch with Piano reduction by Johannes Umbeit.........95 12 pages......... International Music Co.............. Chester.. but is usable......... 6.. The work is a Weber revised by Daniel Bonade and David Hite....... six Episodes and a C872. and extensive notes on the editing done to both tions include four quartets............ Rubank...50 C1275..95 von Weber revised by W.95 C871. Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op............. Robert Lienau... 2 in E-flat major Op. 26 + 4 + 5 edited and arranged by Luigi Magistrelli........ Graham Waterhouse......... .... 24......... 11 + 4 pages.. ..... Many rapid passages in the middle of the piece followed by a cadenza. Allegretto..95 and string quartet by Carl Maria von Weber. Breitkopf.. composed for theater......... but is punctuated throughout with fast runs and other rapid passages.. SS......... 2005..." . 1998....... ... Editio String Quartet by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Leonard Kohl... 18....... 9. The clarinet sonata was written in 1945...... Heugel..95 WW176... 14. Written especially for the Inaugural (Vivace). This edition has individual parts (including C368..........95 Hungarian title means "Recruiting Dance.95 "A clarinettist is alone with his clarinet..... vanced/professional work with a duration of nearly 19 minutes.............. Roaming River for Clarinet and Piano by Maurice C............. unaccompanied pieces should sound like little Company..vcisinc... Sonate Op...... These not include Carl Baermann's "additions. followed by six variations.. Tango (for Charon)... Weinberg (1919-1996) reading practice.. at the seaside... Peregi Verbunk (Hungarian Dance) Op.... 1951..........75 C1720......... Introduction and Rondo Op.. Maurice C............... college level work... I discovered this piece from the and string quartet by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Stanley Drucker.. Weber Introduction.. Camden Music.. 5 pages.. Schott.95 fantasies.. Gymnopédie (for Paolo & background and history of the works and remarks on the editing... Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Alec Wilder.95 section.... Dan Welcher (1948-) is an his best........ Four move- ments: Allegro.. Duration of 3:30... Charles-Marie Widor....... Seven Easy Duets for Two Clarinets by Alec Wilder... II.......... . SS....and C654. skillful counterpoint Music.... This appears to be a direct copy of the Lienau edition. SS... SS... Margun Music.. SS.. About the Reduction) by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Carl Baermann...... A new and high quality edition of Weber from Schott...... An composer.............. Weber Quintet for Clarinet in B-flat Major Op..95 was born in Poland but lived in the Soviet Union/Russia from 1939 on.35 and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Joachim Veit.. This work begins with a Adagio introduction... and IV...... 33 for Clarinet and Piano by Carl Maria C533........ Four duration is (appropriately) 13 info@vcisinc. Notes on Francesca)......... SS... Both his Jewish roots and his close friendship with Shostakovich are said to have C836....... difficulty. Adagio ma non troppo. Bagatelles for Clarinet and Piano by Alexander White.... non troppo... in a forest.... It is based on minutes.... Weber Variations Op..... Suite for Clarinet Solo Op......" It began in the form of C886.. Fantasie for Clarinet Solo by Jörg Widmann. SS.. 23 pages. Weber Quintet for Clarinet in B-flat Major Op.... 62 C936.....  .. 2009.. Scherzo John Williams. 24. Duration about 8 minutes... SS......... 72 for Clarinet and Piano by von Weber edited by Stanley Drucker.... .. 1960... Bourne Co.. http://www... SS...... . 1912/1950. The Suite is in four movements: I.. Hal Leonard. 1958.. 40 for Violin or Viola Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Leonard Kohl.. Schott. ... 21....... Bote & Bock.....95 C557.. Dance (Allegretto).. Carl Fischer....... These brief.... 8 for Clarinet and Piano by Leó Weiner..... 11......... Dante Dances (Danzi D'Inferno) for Clarinet and Piano by third movements are weak. Weber Quintet for Clarinet in B-flat Major Op..... He immigrated to Britain in 1938 remained there the rest of his life. For clarinet quartet (3 B-flats and Van Cott Information Services Inc.. 33 + 13.95 C556....95 the on the familiar nineteenth century Shaker hymn Simple Gifts by Joseph Brackett.... with and string quartet by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Günter Haußwald each dance named for a character in Dante's journey through the under- revised by Wolfgang Meyer and Christoph Poppen...... Cherry Lane Music instrument...... Peer Music.............. This world.95 movements: Allegro.... 28 for Clarinet in A and Piano by Mieczyslaw but most feature many accidentals.... and Allegro con fuoco. Editio Musica Budapest... Impressionen by Eberhard Werdin.... or Clarinet and Piano by Leó Weiner........ Egon Wellesz (1885-1974) was an Austrian and rich harmony-all combined with a delightful wit and sincerity...... 33 from the Opera Silvana for Clarinet needed for both parts... 1962/1998. 2003..  .. 74 by Egon Wellesz. and Rondo...... This is an ad..... Weber Variations Op. and Rondo. Serenade (Molto tranquillo)........ Three movements: I Allegretto. Robert same level as the Finzi bagatelles..... high altissimo... Elkan-Vogel..... This piece is not see any significant differences. Weber Variations Op.. Schottishe (for Ulysses)...........75 Allegro...... 23 + 7 pages. 21..95 C1568. Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op........ Margun includes notes on the sources and editing in German and English....  ....... 4..  . SS. 29....... ...... Minuet. The 1962/1998. Andante. a pupil of Arnold Schoenberg and an excellent recital piece....... Robert Lienau.. Weber Introduction. SS....... Duration is about 12 minutes.... radio.... Minuet.... SS........... 34 (Piano high school student in those states that do not have a required list. 14.... Theme and seven variations........ 8 pages...... and III........95 duets by American composer Alec Wilder (1907-1980) are at the interme- diate level.. and Tarantella (for Gianni Schinni)... Four Ebony for Clarinet Quartet (doubling saxes) by Jeffery J... 17.......... It also includes glissados.... It was written in 1898 (for 10 + 4 pages. Air and Simple Gifts for Violin... Andante.......... The parts are in score format and are of equal several times throughout the piece. 13.... edition includes a Preface (in English and German) that provides the Charleston (for Cerberus).. 8 clarinets by Gustave Langenus. films............95 works for orchestra and many songs.. and wrote short operas.......... While often with Allegro Moderato sections which are primarily sixteenth notes... They should be excellent for sight Weinberg. Grazioso... This piece begins and ends Lienau..... 6..... Theme and Variations for Clarinet and G86... 9...... 15.. 34 for clarinet an introduction...... It concludes with a 6/8 Allegro/Andante/Allegro animato.. and a Critical Commentary that lists the individual edits..... 31 + 11 pages. in a valley.............. 34 for clarinet 6:20..... however............ Doblinger. It does Music..... SS. ...95 C1326....95 Lienau..95 quite legato except for a brief middle section....  ... 35..... . 15 + 6 pages..... memories or feelings just by playing his Clarinet and Piano Reduction by John Williams... Rongwen as having a wonderful diversity of expressive melody.. 31 + 12 pages....... SS..... This would be a good festival piece for a young C555." College level... 34 for clarinet Roberton Publications. . Adagio.....95 eminent scholar of Byzantine music...." Tempo di Casrdas. 8 + 2 pages.... and III..... 1979. the transcription of this well known work by Carl Maria von techniques and with some jazz sounds... Wilder (1907-1980) was an American who movements: 1...... SS. It is in three 1968........... The the Revision.. Duration about C554. As above for clarinet and piano.........95 This was written for Bradley Wong as a virtuoso piece for clarinet and piano and the composer was inspired to "go to the devil.... SS.. There is a short cadenza before the final Allegro assai and ends in a final Vivo...... 11...... Robert 1984) was an American composer and organist....95 and key noises... the Adagio and Rondo show Weber at Dan Welcher. 7. The string parts are not difficult helping to make this an excellent American composer and conductor who has written music for many genres........... 10 + 7 pages... 13.... on a river bank -. one for the piano) and a full score.. ..... SS....... 33 from the Opera Silvana for Clarinet Whitney.... II....... ... 8 + 4 pages..... Whitney (1909- and Piano by Carl Maria von Weber edited by Carl Baermann..... An interesting contemporary solo piece using some extended amazing feat..... 34...... Bote & Musica Budapest.. Movements: Introduction: Gates of Hell... 20 + 3 pages. The first and C1460.. 1957.. 13 + 4 pages. 1966........... Minuet... Viktor's Tale from the Motion Picture The Terminal for Solo he wants to express his thoughts...... ..... C1358.. Weber Quintet for Clarinet in B-flat Major Op...... Parts only (no score).. College level with a duration of about 10:20.... It has been described C1253... ... This is a sectional piece: theme (Allegretto).... Adagio ma almost unknown in the United States. SS. SS.... Theme and Variations for Clarinet and C1195....... with a regarded as a high school level work. Good for high school alternate part in the third variation that is quite virtuosic...... Four movements: Allegro.. 1990... this edition includes an Ossia slightly slower more lyrical section in the middle.... It is in four movements: Allegro moderato.. Leó Weiner (1885-1960) Bock... Clarinet and Piano by Rhapsody (Tempo rubato)... teacher and musicologist. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... A showpiece with skilled players C753... ....... College level with a duration of 8 Ceremony of President Barack Obama on January 20... A rather pages.......... II..95 festival use (New York State grade 4).... III. Cello... 11 pages (includes two copies in score format)..  .. We do the Paris Conservatory contest) and dedicated to Cyrille Rose....  .. 1989. C887..... SS........ It C840.. There is nothing difficult about the rhythms in these short duets C820..... 2005.  ......... Allegro...... 2009... then the was a Hungarian composer and music PO Box 9569..... 1987.. One multiphonic note is repeated Weber is a lot of fun to play......... C558. 1952............ Wilson... UK on the Semplice CD and thought it was a very nice work. 17. Ballada Op........... As above for clarinet and piano..... Duration is about 4:30... chamber music.. 2000.... and Rondo.. 1993....... Polka (for the Furies)....... International Music Co... Adagio ma non troppo. ... 19. 48 transcribed for two C979. somewhere in the midst of nature -- on a mountain.... 2005. theme and variations which became a suite of dances.. influenced his music..... 18.... but probably International Music Co.... 5 + 2 pages.. . 17. the initial marking is Labooh! (Like a Introduction and Rondo... Up on the French and German clarinets)... bonus.95 of Zemlinsky earlier works and was published by Simrock at the recom- mendation of Brahms.. Southern Music Co.. individual parts and be used in any setting where interesting and pedagogically sound ensemble CD).... Solos for clarinet with piano info@vcisinc.. The piece beings with an extended below in the lower register......... O Little motion of the beginning theme appears in a bass part.............. Dedicated to to third or fourth year difficulty level.... to Latin.......... 7 + 3 + CD.. 16. 4 trios..... .. from classical. This “Song for a Clarinetist” is dedicated to one of the most outstanding clarinetists and C321.. Instrumentalists searching uses modern notation... tone series associated with Irino.. Beijing. 10 Solos for Concert and Contest for Bass Clarinet and intermediate student or anyone looking for something different.. 17... SS. The CD has both a This beginner level book has 7 duets..95 C320.. 2004. Poco piu tranquillo. 2008....  .... All in the lower complete performance and a recording of the piano part only..... a pioneer of Go Tell It on the Mountains.. 5 trios....  . This Study for Clarinet was found in Alexander von Zemlinsky.. Tchaikovsky.....95 edited and arranged by Himie Voxman.. While this piece Moses. and original compositions by William Rhoads... Dotted eighth-sixteenth rhythms are frequently Recitativo followed by a brief Chanson.. ABRSM.. Lee... O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree). 4 pages.. Solo De Consurso Op.... The beginning motif is based on a twelve. conductor... SS.... 65 Progressive Duets (Easy to Medium) for Two Clarinets a duration of about 7:15.... Includes Widor nuous piece with a variety of tempi.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc... different styles... (includes piano score..... followed by a final ABRSM Music Medals.....95 Cramer Music. This piece includes a Town of Bethlehem. Hark! the contemporary music in Japan.. 1). every 8 bars......... The tempo of this piece is Moderato an occasional arrangement) by composer such as Paul Harvey....... We Three Kings. Pintoresco means "colorful. 3 for clarinet (or violin)... supplementary sheets with the solos written out. An Housetop. Advance Music.... This would require a proficient quartet to perform.......95 appear but the accompaniment is minimal). still in the lower register.. Hey Man Christmas Swings!. Bassus C908..95 finally an extended coda which accelerates to the climax. Trio in D Minor Op.. special trills.. Diverti. Near the end of the tial 16 minute work comprising music of the "dance" from the 16th century piece.. High school register.... These mostly equal duets are in score Robert Stark... Canción para un Clarinetista for Clarinet and Piano by more eight notes than the previous book.. Kendor Music....... Each play-along mento..50 duets..vcisinc..... saxophonist... Jingle Bells... This is flat and piano by Zhang Wu edited by John Denman and Paula Fan... ..... ......... Herald Angels Sing.. Barbarito's Dance for two clarinets in B-flat and piano by Javier they were developed as part of the ABRSM Music Medals program. ....... SS... SS & PB.....95 Piano arranged by William E.. and many more. to rock.. 8... As an added C1058.. Bronze Clarinet Ensemble Pieces..... 29 pages. conductor............ They feature pieces (original and jazz musician of the Afro-Cuban style....95 Javier Zalba.. C636. Advance Music. and piano by Ediciones Musicales....... Associated Baermann. 13...95 track on the included CD uses background instruments that will make players feel like they are in the band or part of the orchestra... and Allegro..... . 63 bass) with the doubling as expected with the exception of the third part which refers to a kind of small harmonic cycle which embraces the spirit of requiring E-flat clarinet and well as B-flat clarinet and tenor sax... and teacher.. himself.. Javier Zalba (1955-) is a Cuban clarinetist.. 1968.... 24 + 8 pages..... The changes for the solos are on the parts but there are also C319. The next beginner level book has 6 duets... Zhang Wu teaches clarinet at the Central Conservatory of Music. An excellent followed by an Adagio which for the most part a quasi cadenza (bar lines value. Jolly Old St.. and 4 quartets.... 1986.. Simrock........ The composer writes that the title C165. Commedia for Clarinet and Piano by Yehudi Wyner. 64 C1056... the CD also contains printable PDF files of piano accompaniments Joji Yuasa (1929-) is a Japanese composer of contemporary classical music for all songs....... Suggested for an upper C418.... Telemann........ of duets based on arrangements of works by Bach..... ..... Estudio de clarinete Clarinet Solo by Miguel Wirtz........ 2010.95 Music Publishers... Silent Night number of extended techniques including multiphonics (with fingerings for (arrangement inspired by Erik Satie's Gymnopedie No........ 1983.. and revised by Daniel Bonade. The First Noel.. 2004.... Beethoven....... 50 + 16 pages.............. a Cuban levels above and/or below the current one. SS... trios and quartets for beginning and intermediate clarinetists.. ..... 24... A new collection + 4 pages.. an improvised solo and finishes with a jazz-style riff.. then a more expressive theme and are a bit more difficult.... 16 pages.... score format...... Miguel Yuste (1870-1947) was a Spanish clarinetist....... 5 trios...... C1057...95 and thirteen more....... Capelle.. SS....... 2009.. Andante.  .. and educator. Written for and premiered by Richard Stoltzman and Emanuel Ax... 16 + 8 pages..95 ends in a cadenza.... Variations on a Northern Chinese Folksong for clarinet in B.. Clarinet Solitude by Joji Yuasa. fractional tones.... to jazz......5.. Includes the image of the original composition. ........ 52 + 147 the direct and unpretentious language of everyday speech.. pedagogues in Cuba....  . 9... 11...... Southern Music Co...... Alexander von Zemlinsky the library of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid and has been dated (1871-1942) was an Austrian composer. written in 1980 for the memorial concerto for Yoshiro Irino.. Messager Solo de Concours. SS.... 18 Intermediate Christmas Favorites Clarinet arranged by Yoshimatsu.. 1941. II... they can Zalba..... Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker... Faster and C1553... http://www.. it returns to Tempo primo resuming the opening pace and finally to the 1920's.. 6 pages.......... This piece is based on a famous Music Collections (multiple composers-by title) tune that celebrates a bountiful harvest.. an extended work with a duration of about 28 minutes..... 1897. 2009.... C. 14 + 6 pages.... Schott Japan....... Four Pieces in Bird Shape for Clarinet and Piano by Takashi C1591... SS. Correlli and others along with 9 original competition work which starts with a rhapsodic Adagio section followed by duets by Strommen... Greensleeves (What Child is This?).. 1983. Weber Concertino....95 C849. Southern Music Co...... 1968. This piece as Includes: Auld Lang Syne.......... ..... Allegro non troppo.... 16 pages....... and 4 quartets.... While C1517.. cello..... In the latter half of the piece the contrary Nicholas......... The clarinet part requires both B-flat and A clarinets.... SB........... 54 pages. ABRSM...... This piece is dedicated to Barbarito Torres.. This piece begins with a brief moderato section which has format and range in length from a few lines to four pages. O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)...... SS. and advanced work with a duration of about 8:20.... 39......... In three movements: Allegro ma non troppo...... SS.. SS. composer.... Joy to the World. Recitativo. C859.. SS............ bat out of hell!)........95 We Wish You a Merry Christmas...... who has lived and taught in the United States since 1981....... In one conti.. .75 students may have fun with this piece but it would probably require college level skills for performance. Invention. Ongaku No Tomo Edition.. 2004......... 16 Grands Solos de Concert for Clarinet and Piano compiled implies that the work avoids learned pedantry and embraces the vernacular. 9... Silver Clarinet Ensemble Pieces....... God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman...... Certain figurations in the clarinet and piano mimic traditional Chinese instruments. 56..  ..... Takashi Carl Strommen and Larry Clark with additional CD arrangements by Rae Yoshimatsu (1953-) is a contemporary Japanese composer. III.. Rhoads...... SS......... 17.. PO Box 9569... and flutist as pieces are needed.95 C1269.. so that they may be performed in concert or at church.. Ten solos based on studies by S... 8 + 2 pages...... 41 for Clarinet with Piano C1487.... 2004.. Generally at the early intermediate level with a few that a longer section with first a scherzo. College level with C417. it does for enjoyable new Christmas season material need look no further............ 12..... plus CD.. This is one to about 1808.. and 4 quartets. ABRSM.... . Next is “Tempo de contradanza” used in these pieces. and IV..... It has 6 duets..... 24 pages.... Union Musical Ediciones.... 13 Strommen. James Rae. Vicente Monterrey. (mm=100) and features a middle section where the clarinets trade solos Paul Harris.. SS." This piece was a Hook... 2010........... A variety of interesting duets from classical works from late first year Yuste. 13. Fiorillo. and will be challenging for both performers. Copper Clarinet Ensemble Pieces.. pages.. This not use any extended techniques beyond glissandos and changes in timbre.. 29... Mozart..... The following series of five books from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music featuring carefully graded scherzando.. Carl Fischer.... SS. ......... etc. Capricho Pintoresco Op... 9.......... exciting new collection contains 18 popular holiday favorites in a variety of The four pieces are: I Ballade.. It fuses the French “chanson” fuses This middle book is still at a beginner level with all parts that are "silver" or with the spirit of the Cuban contradanza. SS.. 39 for Clarinet and Piano by Miguel pages. A substan. Then comes sections of Andante. For advanced performers..... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Each book contains pieces which have parts from other well as a composer.. 30 Melodious Duets for Two Clarinets arranged by Carl Accompaniment by Miguel Yuste.. Union Musical Ediciones. .. The CD has a performance by the composer.... 1958... . Joseph Hector Fiocco Allegro. Belwin/Alfred.. Processional..S.F... J....... They are generally at the upper intermediate level... 27. Scottish Folk Song Macpher.. Haydn Farewell. Witthauer Scherzino... Handel Aria from the Bela Bartok Bagatell (from 14 Bagatelles Op.... Georg Böhm Rigaudon.. J.. Album of Classics Vol.........A... G.... 1).. Anzalone.... G. Gold Clarinet Ensemble Pieces... Bouree.. William Babell arranged by Keith Snell.. Based on Stotlzman‖s Aria CD. .... The Hunt. Licorice Stick Rag.... Andante.. Volume 2 has: Zdenko Fibich Poem... 32 pages..... Traditional English Ballad...... Belwin/Alfred.. When With Glory Burning from the bord de'leau Op.. Carl Fischer.... info@vcisinc.. .95 Day.. The quartets in particular may be useful for Swedish Folk Song.... 5... SS. Rose..... 7.. It Ain‖t Necessarily So.. Louis Claude Daquin Processional... SS. are at the mid-first year and second year level..... Belwin/Alfred.... C1669. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ...... There are 6 duets.. Bach Three Two-Part Inven- C1033.. 32 pages.. and 4 quartets. J. Mozart Allegro and Cavatine. 32 pages.S.... Albert Roussel Danse au Oratorio Belshazzar and Heros. Gavotte and Gigue). G. Verdi Grand March ("Aida"). V.S. Mozart Little Minuet and Little Song.. 16 pages. SS..... L..A. 1 by transcribed and arranged by tions No. Bach Sinfonia (Cantata 156). 1986.... S. 27.95 Schumann Abendlied (Evening Song) Op. John Tyndall Elegy..29 composed or arranged by Keith Snell.... Belwin Master Duets Clarinet Easy Volume 2 composed or Mesa... Satie Gymnope.......... 7. but they are progressively more Fischer March.... Beethoven Rondo... Four Little Dances.. .. G........ 16 pages. Traditional than the previous volume.. score format. Belwin/Alfred.....95 Flat. 1986. Belwin/Alfred... and Van Cott Information Services Inc.. No....... This is at an W... Road Runner. Telemann Bouree.... 9... and L. E. Mozart Rondo.. Bach Weinberger Polka ("Schwanda the Bagpiper")... J. G. For three B-flat clarinets and bass Scarlatti Sonata........ Belwin Master Duets Clarinet Easy Volume 1 composed or No..... 6 for Violin and Piano).. The final book in the series is similar to the previous book at a intermediate level.... The two original works by Snell are son's Farewell... Beethoven Vocalise.. Generally at the C1671.v...... J...... Mozart Easy Winners (Rag.. Belwin Master Solos Clarinet Easy Clarinet Part composed pieces are all from piano works written between 1900 and 1912.) J. Flower Song. Keith Snell Etude in D.. Traditional Russian Folk C103.... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet. 4 and No. SS.... Handel Allegro Nickelodeon Rag..F... J.... Snell Processional.. ... Belwin Master Solos Clarinet Intermediate Clarinet Part “Musetta‖s Waltz”...... Bell raggio lusinghier... C1665. G. and Frederic Chopin Two Chopin Preludes...... Allemande...... SS.. ...... Mussorgsky The Old Castle.. SS. Irish Folk Song The Next Market Pavane.... Franz Anton Maichelbek Gavotte.. 2004... Brigham's Tomb and The Devil's Winds at Window Rock) and arranged by Keith Snell..... Belwin/Alfred... and Serenade. Claude Debussy Le Petit Negre..... and 5 quartets. Belwin/Alfred......... No.. S.F..... Beethoven Scherzo...... 1. Jamaican Folk Song Linstead Market................ Belwin Master Solos Clarinet Intermediate Piano Accompa- Haydn Andantino. and J.... For three B-flat clarinets and bass clarinet C1672..... 1996.. 29....... G... Sonata No... Sonata No. Ten Easy Duets for Clarinet.. V.. van composed or arranged by Keith Snell. John Tyndall Nocturne. L....... Brahms Hungarian Dance No.. SS. 44 pages.. Belwin Master Duets Clarinet Intermediate Volume 1 4 trios..... British Folk Song The Keeper.. score format. ABRSM.. Handel Gigue. and Duet (from Cinquantine. The first piece is very easy.. W. SS. J. Belwin Master Solos Clarinet Advanced Clarinet Part Hopscotch..S.. Volume 1 has: G.... F..... Lopsided Polka and Serenade in Four Movements......... La vita e inferno... Mascagni Intermezzo ("Cavalleria Rusticana". G... 36 score format... 7........ These duets are at the mid-first year and second year level (some are and Karl Stamitz Rondo.. ..95 C1035.. These duets are generally in the upper intermediate range of die No.J.. Toccata.. W.. and Daniel Speer Sarabande. ... difficulty with some variation.....G.... 1986. Telemann Minuet. Bach Bouree (Vln. Platinum Clarinet Ensemble Pieces......... V.. Quando m‖en vo C1663..... 16.. Nina‖s Aria... Traditional Austrian Dance.. Gabriel-Marie La Andante.... Alexander Scriabin Prelude No. Slurs & Ties... The upper register finally makes its appearance in this book. Georges Bizet Entr'acte ("Carmen")...... Six Early 20th Century Duets for Clarinet transcribed by Valentine C... Gabriel Fauré Arcangelo Corelli Allegro (from Sonata XII). These solos are at the intermediate (roughly third year of study) level.95 piano........ 40.A... 12 and Lullaby Op... ABRSM. Handel Capriccio in F.............. 1986.. Georg Böhm Rigaudon.... 5)... 43 March.95 Gone Now. Belwin Master Duets Clarinet Intermediate Volume 2 score.95 completely in the lower register)...... Music.. 32 pages.. Franz Schubert Allegretto Grazioso Op. ..... Recitative and Gavotte. Traditional Two Chinese Folk Songs (Song of Hoe/The Filial Crow). 124 C1667..... niment composed or arranged by Keith Snell... Irish Folk Song The Minstrel Boy... L... .. F......... Robert Addio del Passato. Joseph C1664. 2 Op... William Byrd The Carman's Whistle....... and Domenico Valentine C...v..... Two American Fiddlin' Tunes Soldier's Joy M... Maurice Ravel Pavane...... There is a separate book for each player and a C1670...... O C1662.. 5.) G... 14... Bach Marsch.W. British Folk Song The Eddystone Light... Je suis Titania..50 Rondo and Rio Grand...... Edvard Grieg Anitra'a Dance.. Michael Praetorius Bransle de la Torche.95 (Intrada.. Handel Largo.. and Johann Kaspar interesting. 13 No.... and Menuett.... Claude Debussy Golliwog's Cake Walk....... intermediate level with many pieces that are significantly more complex Michael Praetorius Rensaissance Dance... 27. Bach Brandenburg Concerto #3 (Excerpts). . Mozart duets.F Handel Bouree in F from The Water Music. Bach Air (Suite in D Major)... C323.. James Hook Rustic Dance...... Handel Honor and Arms from Samson.... Sarabande. 7. ... Album of Classics Vol.v.. Anzalone.95 Bourrée. Beethoven March... 1986.. 4 Op.. player and a score. 1986. http://www.. Belwin Master Duets Clarinet Advanced Volume 2 with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet..... 8... . L.........95 clarinet with an alternate fourth part for B-flat clarinet. Keith Snell The Bells... (above).... SS..... 5...... 3... 3 transcribed and arranged by Valentine C. 1986.. and Anton Diabelli Rondo in A flat.. Shaker Hymn Tune Simple Gifts...A.F. SS. Beethoven German Dance.. Keith Snell Blues..... Gypsy Dance.... and F...... and Fisher's Hornpipe.. Humperdinck score format.. 10 and No..A. Keith Snell Echo Polka. 24 pages... Minuet.......... Johann Baptist Vanhal Siciliano.... The Magic Flute).... 32 pages........ Scott Joplin particular)..95 C1508........  . The are: or arranged by Keith Snell. Keith Snell Three Legends of Monument Valley (Dawn on Sentinel C1668. Volume 3 has: Robert Schumann Traümerei.95 Valentine C. Franz Schubert These solos are at the intermediate level and a bit above that (but not what I Landler from Hommage aux Belles Viennoises.... They are generally at the composed or arranged by Keith Snell. 13 and Prelude Oratorio Joshua. 1986. 2...... 2 in C minor). 7... 7. March for Little John.... difficult to the early college level.. 64 C322. 85 No.. Bourée. Arcangelo Corelli Baroque Suite Fischer Rigaudon...... Seguidilla. .... These solos Erik Satie Voice from Within and Cynical Idyl (both from Preludes Flasques)..... Anzalone...... and Charles Gounod Etude. Belwin Master Duets Clarinet Advanced Volume 1 intermedite and upper intermediate PO Box 9569. G.. Keith Snell Etude in C and Monti Czardas.... Prelude & Fughetta... Music..A.. Che gelida manina.A.. 7. 13..95 middle school and even beginning high school quartets... J. J. Scott Joplin Kismet Rag. 2004. J...F..... Amand Vanderhagen Rondeau in E S (Fl.S.... 4 trios.... Flaxen Hair....F..... and Passepied... American pages. 10 pages. Keith Snell Easy Sailing.. 32 pages. G.. There are 6 Lincolnshire Poacher. Chopin Military Polonaise (Op... British Folk Song slightly more difficult level and the same comments apply.... and Summer Song.. My Man‖s posed or arranged by Keith Snell.. Anzalone.. Rossini Cujus Animam ("Stabat Mater"). Allegro (from Sonata No.......... and Flying Fingers Polka. 12.... These duets occupy a fairly wide range of difficulty at the pages.A. Shall-u-mo Publications.v. American Folk Song El-A-Noy.. E. Album of Classics Vol.. Bach Air (from French Suite No.. 1988. P. F.. Belwin/Alfred. Belwin/Alfred. American Folk Song The Mermaid.. Johann Kaspar Fischer Gavotte.. Claude Debussy The Girl with W...  ..... 1991... S. J... Nickelodeon Rag.. Belwin Master Solos Clarinet Easy Piano Accomp. Belwin/Alfred............ Bach Two-Part Inventions No..vcisinc..  ... 1996.... com- Dieu! Que de bijoux!.. Johann Kaspar No. Johann Pachelbel Fughetta. 1996.... Bach Air... 16 pages. intermedite and upper intermediate level.. 135 + 48 pages.... 2 by transcribed and arranged by Handel Courante in F.. A bit more challenging than Volume 1 (key signatures in player and a score..95 These are at the mid-first and second year level (quite a few are completely in the lower register)...  ... score format. W. 7. Evening Song. Aria arranged and edited by Richard Stoltzman for clarinet and Song... Hässler Capriccio........ S. and Vilja.. Mozart Allegretto..... 1. SS.. composed or arranged by Keith Snell. These C1661.95 Rondo and Sonatine.. V.. Overall these duets are somewhat easier than Volume 1 Prayer ("Hansel and Gretel"). 5... March...A. There is a separate book for each composed or arranged by Keith Snell..P...... consider advanced intermediate).................. W... 1981... SS... Ah pur ce soir . O mio babbino caro. SS...95 Traditional Down in the Willow Gardens. Music.. S. 6)... Edward MacDowell To A Wild composed or arranged by Keith Snell. Caprice. There is a separate book for each score format. 13.... C1034..... 1988... Summertime... Belwin/Alfred.... and J...... Handel March and Menuet.. Includes all pieces from the CD: Je veux vivre.... PB...... ... Anonymous arr.. 65 C1666. Includes Le Van Cott Information Services Inc.. A popular Hand One Heart (West Side Story). 2008.. Seward Valse Felice..95 Piece..... and challenging ones like Something's Coming. C637..  ......... and third and fourth (or bass) grouped together... Classic Festival Solos Volume 1 Clarinet Part series editor at the intermediate and upper intermediate level and some of the second Jack Lamb........ Vol. 2 edited by Ottó Fric- C1356. .. Jack Lamb.. .. concert or church performance..... SS. 16 pages. Classic Festival Solos Volume 1 Piano Accompaniment C208. 1984.. Schubert. Clarinet Classics.......... Classic Festival Solos Volume 2 Piano Accompaniment in the key of C for use by flute/oboe/violin and bassoon/cello. Good for introducing the scribed Buddy DeFranco solos (with chords) and a discography.. Swing High... ... These solos would be appropriate for a student from Boat Song)... Peters... 47 dance music... The pieces are: Maria (West Side Story).....95 ners" in the title is not especially descriptive.... Out Of Nowhere.......... Clarinet Quartets for Beginners Vol.. Company. PB. 1984. Andante and Rondo. series editor Jack Lamb. This book contains 13 of Lester‖s compositions and 20 arrangements from the works of others...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... Extensive notes Himie Voxman... 13.. Tschaikovsky. 14.... Éva Perényi.... 2 Op..... Alfred.. Frank Erickson Little 2 Op..... Suitable for contest.. and Grand Duo Concertant Op... . Classic Festival Solos Volume 2 Clarinet Part series editor parts for Ludwig Spohr Concerto No......95 This book is very similar to the Ensemble Classics for Clarinet Quartet Book 1 (see below). 19. 32 + Philippe Schoeller Horizons A (cl duet). At the intermediate level with easy pieces like Somewhere to more pieces drawn from the classics. 107 K. 1962. . Suitable for second and third year students. This book is an unusual combination that duet)..... 48 pages... Robert Schumann arr..... Clarinet Solos Level One Clarinet Solo Book. Thirteen medium level in French and English and fingerings are provided as well as a CD with clarinet trios in score form. Owings from Carnaval.. and Something's Coming (West Side favorite for supplementary study material.....95 intended to be used together) plus a CD of the piano part..... Elton E... Editio Musica Budapest. 5.. Mozart and clarinets and Fuminori Tanada piano. Alfred..... Burgstahler Clarion Caper. Tonight (West Side Story)...E. 5.. Grieg... info@vcisinc. Schubert Impromptu. Hal Leonard..... Hal Leonard.. Concerto No....... Carl Fischer.... 24 pages.... with C1654. Corelli..... 1966.... Nilo W............ PO Box 9569. 5... much of it niment composed or arranged by Keith Snell...95 collection of contemporary clarinet pieces (solo........ ... 16 pages.95 Anthropology.. A Simple Song Farkas... 2005. Adapted from works by Beethoven.. Editio Musica Budapest. Forty-seven songs from the Broadway stage arranged for clarinet solo... includes play along CD. The contents are in chronological order with Debussy (mostly piano pieces) arranged for clarinet and piano... V... Belwin/Alfred..50 jigs and reels. SS.......... SS..95 C638... SS.... Alberto Posadas Ondes (cl solo)... Lucky to be Me (On the C699.. The Impossible Dream (The Quest).... SS...95 C1281.............. Contents: Fuminori Tanada Quantz.. Lemoine.. SS.... Hovey & Beldon Leonard Gypsy Moods.. Same as above without CD....... Consider Yourself.. . Includes C1321.. Chamber Music for Three Clarinets Vol....... The Buddy DeFranco Collection transcribed by Forrest "Woody" 15 pieces range from those playable by second year students (middle Mankowski and Kenny Berger... Holmes.. Tchaikovsky Chanson Triste.... SS........... 1992. Psalm 23 (Chichester Psalms). . Louis Ganne arr.. ... 57... edited by Aude Richard-Camus..... Richard L.. Peters... 26... clarinet and piano..... 7. few pieces that are really for beginners to many that are at the high Universal Edition. 6.. This Is The Moment....... Fourteen solos for the beginning clarinetist edited (mostly) by stage and screen: The Candy Man.............. with CD... clarinet and piano and clarinet duet pieces. .. Fifteen tran.. . Kuhlau. Robert Schumann ed.. Suitable for contest. 17. performances of all the pieces by Aude Richard-Camus and Claude Crousier mance. We Go include eighth notes and a range to B-flat above the staff.. Concert Piece... folk songs (including the Clarinet Polka). and George R....... Clarinet Album: Eleven well-known pieces for clarinet and Nilo W.. .... 26 and Concerto No. 1993.. Jarnefelt arr...95 pages. 69 pages. Clarinet Solos Level One Piano Accompaniment. Belden Folksong for Clarinet............. David Shifrin arr. Brahms..... Hovey & Beldon Leonard Valse Grazioso... 7....95 (Mass)... Dvorak Largo (from the "New World").. 32 pages (score format).... Schuman "Chopin" ed.. Vol... This Can't Be Love...... 128 + 60 pages....... I Can Cook Too (On the Town).. SS... Someday Out Of The Blue (Theme From El Dorado).. Somewhere (West Side Story)........ 41 + 11 pages........ C374. The in the lower register and have only quarter notes or longer while later solos Entertainer. and Carl Stamitz.. I am a big fan of Leon Lesters' Swing.. Belwin/Alfred............. It contains a selection of popular Story).. The "Begin. Rubank. Gorden Mozart Menuett..... Amsco Publications.... 26... SS.. and MacDowell To a Wild Rose. Another set of solos (includ- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto Op... 1992... 622. There is a Garden (Trouble in Tahiti). 73. Memories Of You. Mozart. Five Notes Of Blues...... . deux... Clarinet Solos (Everybody's Favorite Series #28) with piano Town)... See our website under Clarinet Music Collections for the entire list..95 C1282. 42 pages.. Faber... II (Medium) by niques and will be excellent for advanced college students...... Geminiani. SS... Broadway & Hollywood Classics Clarinet... Mozart... Clarinet Symphony by G. The pieces are: Mendelssohn covering the full range in the intermediate level of difficulty... A wonderful collection of school/adult amateur level.... SS.... 14 pages. Out C425.. Oh Happy We (Candide)... George R. Andrew C.. 55 No. Robert Lowry Prelude (Preludium)... Schumann... 5.. Belwin Master Solos Clarinet Advanced Piano Accompa..... Leaving On A Jet Plane. 1 Op.. 1 Op... 6... J......... piano or two clarinets arranged by Peter Hodgson.......... Christian Dishinger Kemp's Jig.. and clarinet duet) from established composers which feature extended tech- C1655.. By Myself... Fox Serenade... 2007....... Muffat........ Day-O (The Banana Hovey and Leonard.H..... Belwin/Alfred... Elliot.. Clarinet Quartets for Beginners Vol....... 2 is similar with works from Weber to the present day........ George Waln Scherzino Op. George R.95 C1323.... Horizons-tal (cl 24 pages and play along CD. 1964..... 79 pages. 1993.... . Concerto No... 1988. L'Arbe (cl & pn).... trois. and more.. school) to four year students (early high school).95 Echoing Forest (clarinet solo). Includes: clarinet quartet and working on ensemble techniques......... and Bagatelle... It is for four B-flat clarinets and is printed in score form.. I (Easy) by Himie most of the pieces in easier keys........ 15....  ..... 5....95 C1320..... and Péter Perényi. http://www. Broadway Showstoppers Clarinet.. and Claude includes both a second clarinet part and a piano accompaniment (not Crousier Brouillasse (cl solo) and Broussaille (cl solo). Robert Schumann arr..... Joachim Anderson arr. An assortment of solos parts are more difficult than the melody part. My the middle of the first year through the second year. and You're Mine You...... and Étoiles (cl solo)..... Belden Star Fall.95 Voxman.... SS... ..95 Andante.. 48 pages. 2002... 1997.... Schubert...... and Carl ing one repeat from Vol...... Belwin/Alfred..  . SS.95 Together.... 5.. Handel... 40 pages.. Tchai.. Clarinet Twosome.. Evdokija Danajloska Un.... .. 10. 27... Rubank..95 music.... C924...... Solo Clarinet Parts from the Works of the series editor Jack Lamb.. Belden Folksong for Clarinet... Éva Perényi. Twelve tunes from SS.. Hark..... Claude Debussy Clarinet Album arranged by James Rae. N... Autumn Leaves.... SS. See our web site for complete contents.... Armas sovsky. Haydn. 37 + 20 pages....... Belwin/Alfred.. 35.... 1960.. Yesterdays. SS....... Moon Song. With piano accompa. 74... 16 pages. 2005. 32 + Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano. and When You Believe (From The Prince Of Egypt...... Contains the solo clarinet C1463...95 clarinet........... Includes score and parts for first and second....... It also includes an additional first and fourth part C1464. You Must Believe In Fischer...... 1939.. Hovey- Clarinet quartets for 4 B-flat clarinets and some for 3 B-flat clarinets and bass Leonard La Czarine Mazurka.... ..... The first few pieces are Favorite Things... These pieces are C1319.. 1) covering the full range in the intermediate level Maria von Weber Concertino Po.... The C495. and Péter Perényi.. Composers niment... 7. Suggested for the 2-4 years of study.. .... J... Carl To Lunch... and Richard Faith piano or two clarinets arranged by Peter Hodgson.. Llovisna (Light Rain).. concert or church perfor.. 18..... Boosey & Hawkes... .. One accompaniment. 1 including works from the Renaissance to Beethoven... Leonard Bernstein for Clarinet selected and arranged by David sovsky. Rameau. David Shifrin Aria and Scherzo. SS........ Pièces Contemporaines Pour Clarinette works by Billings.... A separate part is provide for the others. R.. (I've Had) The Time Of My Life..... Adapted from the works of Bach.... Intermediate level.... 26....... 40 pages. 1938. of difficulty....... 33 Recreational Duets by Leon Lester. Chamber Music for Three Clarinets Vol........ 41 pages..95 Great Masters.95 24 pages...... 1990. Clarinette 20 21. 2007.... 1 edited by Ottó Fric.... 2005.... Clarinet Album: Eleven well-known pieces for clarinet and Mantovani Blues (cl solo). Brahms Lullaby.......... SS.. 48.. represented include Kuhlau. as the difficulty ranges from a C646.... Cherry Lane Music C1515........... Haydn Scherzo. Bruno C996.... Frank Erickson On Wings of Song and Spring Song. This is a kovsky and others. Boccherini Menuett.(cl & pn).... Jean-Luc Hervé Double (cl duet).. See our web site for complete contents..... Thirty-eight easy clarinet trios in score form...vcisinc..... . intermediate level..... French Clarinet Encores Book 1 for Clarinet and Piano original and transcribed works for bass clarinet and piano. Johannes Brahms Lullaby and Hungarian Dance No.. 2004.... Rubank.. Benjie's such as Hungarian Dance #5.... and others....... Gilly.... and many more.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . and Delibes.... Bulgars... 6...... alto New Baby... SS. 602 pages. This book of easy classical pieces may be used solo or duet playing with or without piano accompaniment... Danse Bohémienne. 72 pages. here for second to fourth year students and possibly beyond. After You've gone. La fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl pieces.. CD has each tune played as written and again with some traditional klezmer Here is a collection of clarinet solos from operas and ballets arranged for embellishments...... The Faithful Clarinetist Arrangements for Clarinet and arranged by Kalmen Opperman.. Tattletale... Piano accom- flute duets)... Andre Previn Variations on a Hungarian Folk Tune.... . Emma Johnson pieces and introductory notes on each piece by Jack Brymer....... Jack Brymer Clarinet Series Difficult Book 1 for clarinet and Ruhe Sanft (from Zaide). b-flat.. Stompin' At The Savoy... 23...95 These two of the sight reading pieces for the examinations at the Paris C190. Easy Classics for Clarinet selected and arranged by Peter Spitzer level as the Selected Duets for Clarinet Vol..... Rudolf Mauz Bluenette.... Board Meeting.... This book contains four Theresia von Paradis Sicilienne. 14 + 4 1987. 15..95 Telemann (from his flute duets).95 arranged by Kalmen Opperman.... 2 Advanced..95 with piano accompaniments by Jannette Spitzer and Laura Spitzer... Benny Goodman Composer/Artist Clarinet Solos with Piano SS......... Himie Voxman....... SS... Joachim Raff Scherzino Op..... .... ...... I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. 1942. ...95 paroles (Op......... http://www... an analysis of Goodman's style and a discography of the sources... Pan Educational Music. and Georg Phillip paniment to C191.... 24. Let's Dance. 28 pages. Pan Educational Music.... 4.. Claude Debussy La Fille aux Cheveux Fancy Passing and Passing Fancy.... Donizetti. The Finest Encore Pieces for Clarinet and Piano edited by clarinet with piano accompaniment).... C189. No.. The level is Accompaniment.. See description under Books... 6 + 2 pieces...... Franz Schubert Ave Maria.. Amsco Publications. 1942. Solo pages + CD... The Sheik of Araby. 1972.. King Porter Stomp..... 4 + 2 pieces.......... Rubank. 32 pages.. SS.... and Freylakhs. Concert and Contest Collection for Bass Clarinet Piano Conservatoire........... Grands Opéras et Ballets for clarinet (bass clarinet) and parts for C instruments... PB. unusual collection in several respects. 26. A. Mission To Moscow. 4.. SS... In the and more plus several of his own and arranged them with separate accom- Garden.. and Till reasonably proficient instrumentalists...... Jean-Marie Leclair (from violin duets). SS.. this contains works by Satie.95 different than book 1 but at the same level....  .. 2000.. There are 24 tunes (each with a brief Tom PO Box 9569. and Were You There? be very difficult. 1990. 4)... Rubank. Chester Music. Flying Home....95 chord changes. These are equal duets at about the same C363... 5............ The book includes melody C1068..... French Clarinet Encores Book 2 for Clarinet and Piano C191..................... Jimbo's Lullaby.. SS...... 1977. 109 + generally second year or early third year with no altissimo noted and some 45 pages..... Jazz Masters Benny Goodman transcribed and edited by Stan printed in score form.95 C1340.. 18.. Gwilym Beechey.......95 C1235... Accompaniment by Himie Voxman...... 4..... . .. SS.95 Slam.... SS...... Mel Bay. Seven G60. Léo Delibes: Andante quasi allegretto was the piece for 1877.... André Message: Allegro Schrezando was the piece for 1899. Rubank..... 5........ and bass clainet and is printed in score form... A Smooth One. Five Romantic Pieces for Clarinet and Piano arranged by G62. 40.. Paganini (Moto Perpetuo)..... 12.... . Vittorio Monti C091. 24.. Rubank.... Schubert (Ave Maria).... Rubank. Includes arrangements of pieces clarinet and piano......... C176...8.. Maria piano Josef Weinberger..... and more ... I've found a Voxman... 19... .... PB/SS.. Piano Augusta Holmès: Molto lento was the piece for 1900. includes a short history of klezmer music. Benny's Bugle. The Kalmen Opperman Repertoire Collection Volume 1 C1050.. Rimsky-Korsakov Flight of the Bumble Bee... Includes: AC-DC Current..... There are pieces edited by Andrew Lyle............................... No.. This is a collection of many of Benny Goodman's hits arranged for second parts entirely in the lowest register..... Traditional Clarinet Polka....... a (Op.. 11.. 102 pages.... SS..95 Nikolai Rimskii-Korsakov The Flight of the Bumble Bee... 62 pages... 2005. 1999.... Tara Publications....... Ensemble Classics for Clarinet Quartet Book 1 by Himie Voxman. Included are Farewell Blues. 1)..... Grand Sleeping Beauty Waltz.... Clarinet A La King...... 19.... C807. notes and observations on the They are: Niels Gade Humoreske (Op......95 explanation) grouped as Khosid'ls and other slowish tunes.. PB... Eight showpieces for clarinet and piano... SS. Adolf Schreiner Immer Kleiner (Always Smaller).... Regent Music Corporation/Hal Leonard....... Arabesque No.... 32 pages......95 C205............... SS..  ................ Fritz Kreisler Syncopation... Ensemble Classics for Clarinet Quartet Book 2 by Himie Bugle Call Rag..... An Piano by Ron Harris. 33 annotated melodies. 85 No. 1997........... 1973.....vcisinc.. It includes works by Mozart.... Horas. Soft Winds... Brahms.. Shivers............... Good for includes 30 Benny Goodman solos transcribed from recordings with the introducing the clarinet quartet and working on ensemble techniques.. Bach... SS.... Most of the piano parts do not appear to All Our God.. info@vcisinc.... A book of 38 duets from the works of Wilhelm Fiedemann Bach (selected movements from his paniment by Himie Voxman.... Woodland Music Press........... See our web for details. Song at Sunrise.. SS. From the Baroque Duets for Clarinet compiled and edited by C192.... Reinhold Ritter Legacy Series) edited by Ethan Sloane. Bubble. Book 2 is for two b-flat clarinets... 2003...... Élégie... works from Bach.......... A new collection of encore The Little Shepherd...... Puccini...... and 12 more ..... resources. Frédéric Chopin Minute Waltz.. 5..... 80 pages. Breakfast Feud........ 2004.. .. Bellini. and de Lin.. The included piano arranged by Robert Fontaine....... toire. ... 24.. SS... This book is for musicians who are new to klezmer but are Flight...... Guitar parts are notated (no chords or tablature)... 22. Rubank. 17... Honeysuckle Rose.. You will enjoy clarinet... Schott..... 19. Carl with the Flaxen Hair). Paganini Caprice XXIV. PB. Radetzky March. Hugo Wolf Cradle Song. Carl Fischer.. Wolfgang.....95 clarinet and piano..... It pages. Easy Klezmer Tunes by Stacy Phillips. Mel Bay. Now Thank We paniment parts for piano or guitar..... Most of these solos would require at least three to Guiraud: Allegro was the piece for 1876. SS... Intermediate--upper Baermann Romance.. Rudolf Mauz. We Gather Together...... Book 1 is for four b-flat clarinets.. and other up-tempo tunes. Pacini. Slipped Disc. 36.95 C572....... Max Reger Improvisation theory and performance of klezmer music...... No....... An excellent book that students (middle school) to four year students (early high school). .. 52 + 23 pages.. The Compleat Klezmer by Henry Sapoznik.. Rachel's Dream.. Hymn to New Joy.. 2004.. Verdi... 2005.......... Himie Voxman............ Similar to volume 1....95 C175. Carl Fischer... Contains 14 C1234.. This book contains 15 works Two more sight reading pieces for the examinations at the Paris Conserva- for clarinet and piano edited by Voxman from the works of Mozart...... 36 + 12 pages....... 1980..... 6). 6..... Dinah... Let Us Break Bread Together.95 accompaniment to C189.. Peter Tchaikovsky Chant sans discography and bibliography. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Berlioz....... PB....95 Clarinet Part by Himie Voxman...... Oxford University Press/Allegro Music. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Don't Be That Way.... William Tell Overture... Play Along available (PA027).... 1. e-flat.... 12.... La plus que lente.... Fritz Kreisler Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow)... with most having a few passages C226.... 1973. 32 + 20 pages. Advanced high school or early college level.. and bass clef instruments. Gone With What Draft. 96 + 40 pages...95 four years of study to play effectively.. 129 Come Eleven.. Kalmen Opperman has selected This book has arrangements of the following 10 pieces: Amazing Grace. Southern Music Company...... Collected Chamber Music for Clarinet (Harold Wright Csárdás. 38 + 11 pages....... 23 pages..... 96 + 38 pages. .. Chopin.. Ernest Schumann..  ... SS... and Golliwogg's Cake Walk....95 Charles Proctor Humoresque (for A clarinet).. Concert and Contest Collection for Clarinet Clarinet Part by edited by Andrew Lyle.. 1994.......... The content is playing these solos even if you don't have the recordings...95 C460... Mozart... and Johannes Brahms Lindes Rauschen (Op........ 21 + 8 pages.. C457..95 These pieces are at the high school level... Air Mail Special. 1959. The pieces range from those playable by second year Ayeroff.95 pages. This book is the definitive Klezmer anthology.... Petite pièce (written by Debussy for C666... 11. ....... Concert and Contest Collection for Clarinet Piano Accom.... No....... Five short pieces at the intermediate and early intermediate level. Chopin. SS. C676........... The Kalmen Opperman Repertoire Collection Volume 2 of sixteenth notes and some in the keys of A or E...... 3...... Schubert Van Cott Information Services Inc. 20. Billaudot.. Encore! arranged by Emma Johnson. 66 petit nègre. Concert and Contest Collection for Bass Clarinet Bass 6). 15... Alec Templeton In Rhythm (from Pocket Sized Sonata #1). ......... New.. 104 Long Long Ago Fantasie Op.. notes on each solo.... 39 + 31 pages.... 1958... ..... Oyf tsures (in trouble). not simply a generic from Bach.. .95 Rebbe lacht. Far Dvoyrele (For Deborah)... and a description of each of the pieces... Freylach. Felix Borows- Freylach. Oyf keyver uves (Visiting ancestor's graves). The Music of Eddie Daniels Clarinet Solo Transcriptions suites we offer an edition for cello. No... Escorting the In-Laws ki Adoration.. Oyf der elter vert edited by Himie Voxman. Klezmer Repertoire Vol. 48 pages + CD with piano accompaniments as MP3 er Bulgar... Oyf simkhes (Happy occasions). gentlemen?). 10... Fardreyte Mayse (A crooked story)... Far Vos level and advanced intermediate level. Satie and others. 2005... 1985...95 tsiblkes (Cooked onions)....... No. 17... SS. Bay a Glezele Mashke. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. . Difficulty is from grade 2 to 4 with separate accompaniment Cumparsita..........95 modal systems in klezmer music. Fischer. The songs are: Darkecho Eloikeinu.... Handle.. Galician Sher.. Oyfgekokhte website for complete contents.F... 1998. 50 pages..95 Master Classes. 18 pages.......... Advance Music...... Schubert. book contains 11 Yiddish songs in score format and is at the lower interme- Far Yentele (For Yentel).... The most difficult piece is an Raboysay? (For what. 45.. SS.. Oyf tish un oyf benk (It was a grand old time). 22. The tunes are: Oyfbli C167.... . Farkatshte Arbl (Folded sleeves).. and Stravinsky Three Pieces for Solo Clarinet. Niels Gade Novellette (Op.. They are: Perez Prado Mambo Jambo....95 Peters....... Equal parts. The principal stylistic influences have been the 78 rpm recordings of two C1658.... Masterworks for the Clarinet and Piano edited Eric Simon. 33. Sirba Slanic.... Georges Bizet Habañera...... Farginer (The benevolent). 3). SS..... They are at the intermediate Farvelkung (Fading).... .... See our and needles).95 Wagner) Adagio for Clarinet.. Bach-Gounod Ave Maria........ Elgar. .. Rabaud solo Curtis. Silver Exultate Jubilate).  ... Schabbes.. Papirosn....... 15... Advance Music.... 47 pages... Intermediate in difficulty.. 1947..95 PDF files.. Debussy and more.. Sacred Solos for B-flat Clarinet with Piano Accompaniment introduction to the Klezmer style... 14 pages. This book has nine pieces paniment compiled and edited by Denise Schmidt.... 2001.. 16). SS. 148 + 50 pages..... 1 andSonata for Clarinet and Piano Op....... 21...... 42 Klezmer Favorites for Clarinet and B-flat C123.) ............ As der has recorded them all on our CD426..pdf files of the piano parts. Violin) and Piano by Daniel Galay...... Includes: Lebedik un arranged... (You may want and Performing Artist Master Class CD transcribed by Miles Osland.... These are proper arrangements transcriptions of familiar classics and clarinet solos... 120 No... Oyfshpil (Opening intermediate level. Faber Music. 38. G. If you don't mind the multiple stops... G212...... Mazltov! Jewish-American Wedding Music for Clarinet by scribed for Bass Clarinet by Michel Bontoux. Baermann (atrib.... Rubank. Mozart Alleluia (from Home.... See description under stops. Corelli....vcisinc.. and Enrique Granados Villanesca (Dazas Espanolas.. Play Latin for B-flat Clarinet and Piano arranged by Alan Gout... Publications. Dave Tarras. 13..... 13... Six Romantic Pieces for Clarinet and Piano arranged by Gwilym Beechey... Short Classical Clarinet Pieces with Piano Accompaniment hour)...... 67 and Telemann...95 sekhts (A snack)...... and Odessa PO Box 9569..7. .... 20 clarinet duets (7). 48 and Seven Variations for Clarinet con moto (Op.. SS. SS. Antonio Carlos Jobim The Girl from parts for piano or guitar.. C... 1997. instrument would be helpful... http://www... 35 Repertoire Pieces with Piano Accom- C1327.. This book contains concert key... Beethoven. This folio has pieces for clarinet (generally at the upper intermediate level).. 73. Carl Maria Von Weber Andantino Concertant for Clarinet and Piano Op.95 by Michèle Gingras and . B-flat version..... Galay appears frequently as a klezmer performer and C1475. For those in search of a less expensive version of these C1241... Carl Fischer. 1997.... Freylachs fun der Khupe.. Michèle Gingras Schabbes. 1 B-flat Clarinet arranged by Mike Schumann Fantasy-Pieces Op............. Twenty-three familiar pieces at the early intermediate and over the fireplace).... They are mostly in bass clef and a low C from the repertoire of famed klezmer clarinetist Dave Tarras.. 12. 1951. Schabbes-Yiddish Songs for Three Clarinets Far Ale Mol! (Forever!).. ...... Noch Havdole..95 Ipanema. 1996..... Oyfn-oyvn (Sleeping + 23 pages.. Robert and Piano Op.95 Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op... Papir is doch wayss...... audio files (playable on a computer or player for MP3 files) and printable Yiddish Charleston. Rubank.... 2006... Palesteena......... Chopin. With chords. Carl Instruments edited by Avrahm Galper... SS...... This book presents an interpretation de Concours. Shver un Shviger Tanz....... Includes chords. This (Elegant lords).. and Enric Madriguera Adios.. 16.95 C1341. Fuzeau... ... .. 23.... Oyfruf (A call)... 1947.... SS.. and Oyf di "La Plata" bregn (On the shores of "La Plata")... Bach pour violoncelle seul tran- C227. Handel Where E'er You Walk (from Semele)..... the klezmer ensemble. SS. 9...... Klezmer Book... and edited by Clair W... 1960. 2). 2............. Klezmer Repertoire Vol....... 72 pages..... Beethoven. Klezmer Tunes with a Classical Touch 2 for Clarinet and Scherele.. 13... Paul Wedding.. 83+32 pages.. Oyf kapores (Worth nothing).. Zequinha Abreu Tico Tico... Yikhes. Equal parts.. PB. 120 No.. Johnson... Gassn-nign.. Oyf mir edited by Paul Harvey and Christopher Hussey..... 22.... Six pieces at and slightly above the mid-intermediate level. Baerenreiter (BA 8160)..95 C1480.... Includes: Kolyn. Sebastián Yradier..95 of Klezmer music as it was recorded in the USA in the early 20th century..... 167 + 70 pages. 73 with alternate parts for Schumann Fantasy Piece (Op..... Farn Keyser (For the emperor)... 19... Das freyleche Schnayderl. Hobn mir a nigendl.... . SS. . Bizet... Tchaikovsky. number).... and Russian Sher..... Asoj wayt awek fun mir....... Oxford University Press/Allegro Music....95 C206. 19 pages..... 111. Composer include: Mozart........ Carl Fischer..... Bessarabian Chusidl.. No. Chester Music.. .... 9).. Wu is doss gessele?.. Rebn's Waltz. 2009.. French bass clarinetist Michel Bontoux has transcribed all six of the Joel Rubin. No. info@vcisinc...... .. Or-Tav Music Publications. 1976. Cavallini Adagio-Tarantella. mance practice. Recital Clarinetist selected and edited by Ben Armato.. Klezmer Tunes with a Classical Touch for Clarinet (or Angelicus (O Lord Most Holy).... Schumann Fantasy-Pieces Op... Farshtopte diate and intermediate level. and quartets (7). to ignore the sixth suite...... as it is full of tenor clef in addition to multiple Warner Bros. Far Pinyes Tekhter (For Pinye's daughters).... 2004.. Oyf de heyser minut (At the eleventh C1049.. 48 gezogt! (I should be so lucky).. Les Six Suites de J. Bach Suites for Cello Solo (BWV 1007-1012) by J. The book also has several pages of performance tips from Ms Gingras.. Farshpetykung (Lateness)... Selected Duets for Clarinet Vol 1 Easy-Medium compiled and CD..... C999............ klezmer perfor. 19 + 7 C404.. 12.... Mouquet Solo de Concours.95 52 + 24 pages... Includes chords in concert key. trios (6)........ 19....... Cesar Franck Panis C1540....95 C241.. 39... Farbay. .. 2010. and Farn Oylem (For the audience)... 1998. But this book is more than just music with text on American klezmer music. PB..... A collection of some familiar and some less well known pieces at US grades 2 through 4... F... 2).. .. 31 pages plus C166. 4). PB.... The 16 pieces in this collection are Bach cello suites for bass clarinet.. Johannes Brahms Waltz (Op... Franz Schubert Ave Maria.... SS.. This book contains Weber Grand Duo Adolf Jensen Barcarolle (Op.. Kep (Closed heads). with Piano Accompaniment compiled and edited by Denise Schmidt..... 2005........... Rebn's Tanz...... Verdi Andante from La Forza del Destino........ and Di nessi-e...... arrangement of Scott Joplin's The Entertainer for clarinet quartet... 2 B-flat Clarinet arranged by Mike Curtis. 29 Repertoire Pieces for great pioneer clarinetists: Naftule Brandwein and Dave Tarras.95 Rodney Calvary.. 24.. 23. Far Khosn-Kale (For bride and groom).. SS.... Solos for Clarinet. and Brahms No.. traditional La Cucaracha. Mazl Tov Shver un Shviger.. Rodriguez La Van Cott Information Services Inc...... traditional Mexican Also included are classic such as Introduction...... Gounod.... Kunzelmann.. Stephen Adams The Holy City...7.. Weber Introduction Theme and Variations. Shatser Chusidl.......S. Schott.. the bowing and fingering markings you can save some money..... Or-Tav Music Publications...... 72 pages. Ethelbert Nevin The Rosary. 33... Georges Bizet Agnus Dei.... SS......... . SS.. No.... They are: Schirmer. Satie. The tunes are: Far Rivke (For Rivka)... Mel Bay. Salon Pieces for Two to Four Clarinets arranged by Roland clinician..... A or B-flat clarinet. and G.... There are chord symbols on the clarinet part but they are in the Erben... Sirba Popilar. Farputste Lordn arranged by Peter Godon...... Oyf tsu lokhes (Out of spite).. Schabbes... Kolomeyka.. . Repertoire Classics for Clarinet..S....95 C1430. .. Oyf shpilkes (On pins Handel...95 kelter (It's colder when you're older).. Includes piano accompaniment. Wolfgang A........ 1998. Rubank.. C1429. Bach. Selected Duets for Clarinet Vol 2 Advanced compiled and (Flowering). SS. This second volume includes a CD with performances of all 18 tunes edited by Himie Voxman... Jules Massenet Meditation. A relatively new compilation of solos with a mix of which are "all-time hits" from Latin America... Farfelekh (Farfel).... pages.. 69 pages + CD. Schabbes... Oyf Shabbes (For the Sabbath)... 44 pages... First of a popular series by the Israeli composer and pianist Daniel Galay.7... See our website for the list.. 43 pages. Includes parts and score.... C1656. This book has several pages of C485... Mendelssohn Sonata for Clarinet and Piano............50 Piano by Daniel Galay....... Felix Mendelssohn If With All Your Hearts (from Elijah)...... Theme and Variations by Hat Dance.. 29 + 11 pages...................... ............... 12....5 x 16 inches).. . popular set of studies for violin.95 by Charles Neidich.95 al pieces and five new compositions............... SS. SS.. 32 pages.... 1983.......... These etudes are at about the same level as Rose. SS. 12.... technique. 27 pages... and Muzio Clementi Rondo from Sonatina Op...... 2 CDs............... 26... 1 by Randall the pieces have piano accompaniment and three are solo........ scales in thirds... Mozart Viennese Sonata (Andante...... SS.... .. Marks Music Co.. These studies by the 44 pages.....  . glossary of chords.. major staccato practice.. Holst Fantasia on the "Dargason..... C202. major scales with rhythmic variety and are in a number of keys.. Alphonse Leduc..... They should be very useful for tonic arpeggios... 22.... Lauren Keiser Music Publishing...... (The publisher's difficulty level as the Rose studies................... C244................ Rossini.. 38 + 30 pages...50 C193...... Doblinger. 2010........) Advanced high school or early college level................ collection of specially-commissioned contemporary pieces by many well 1947.... (grade 2 through 5). Alphones Leduc. 1 by Nicolò Paganini edited by Alamiro with or without the piano.. Schirmer......... Ricordi.................... 12 Etudes for Clarinet (Douze Études pour Clarinette) by include Mozart.......95 developing technique..... 10 Intermediate Phrasing Etudes for Clarinet edited by William R. 16 Etudes (Études Modernes) by Paul Jeanjean edited by Jean & Both of these are a good value for intermediate students and adults at that David Hite.. 1966.. .............65 that accidentals within a measure generally do not transpose octaves....... Handel..... 8 Great Studies for Melodic Technique (Huit Grandes Etudes de Technique Melodique) by Giacomo Miluccio...... These etudes are intended for the C1437.... 1958. but they are etude is in a different major or minor key and emphasizes one or more only slightly more difficult than the first volume)..... Kendor Music.............. For some reason this book isn't stapled together.............. Peters. 64 pages. .. 36 No.......... 16.. Intermediate level. SS..........95 duets at the intermediate level (publisher says US grades 2-3 although 3 is C261..... 2004.. .. Christmann.. Thirteen of C1608.... Henry Litolff's Verlag/C.............. 16 Contemporary Pieces compiled by Ian Mitchell. This book includes seven tradition...... 1953.... Eleven difficult etudes based on 36 pages.......... SS.. especially modern in these etudes.. 52 pages...... Eugène Bozza...... 2009.... 1958....... 12 Etudes for Clarinet by Victor Polatschek......... Timeless Classics for Two Clarinets.... .......50 Beethoven Fur Elise.. ...vcisinc.. and Weber...... SS... 22 pages (page size 10. The clarinet parts are high school level.... 24 pages...... Six equal rapid passages characteristic of virtuoso violin music......... 1951........ 68 David and Sonatina by Weber. Timeless Classics for Two Clarinets.. .. The CD includes both "listening" and play-along Giampieri. 21........ Billaudot........................... feature frequent tempo and meter changes.... These studies have quite a bit of includes long tone exercises. 1949.. Alphonse Leduc. 1972.......  ... Woodwind C684.......... William O.. Seven equal been written in the tradition and spirit of the Rose etudes and studies.. 2008..80 movements. Lully.... Rubank.. Etudes by French Third year through high school..... It Music Company.. 32 pages........... Many of the works are on state festival lists C365...... A relatively advanced set of C364. The 12 contrasting studies have an optional duet part for the teacher Peter Prystaniak and Irith Gabriely.. This book introduces commonly used alternate fingerings Cannon in D..95 upper intermediate pieces can be used in both private lessons and class C1310..... the chromatic scale to altissimo G......... 14 Caprices from Op... 16..95 pieces in C202 plus three more.....95 composer and conductor Eugène Bozza (1905-1991). SS.......... SS...... 15 pages.... SS...... These etudes are designed to develop an even and known composers such as Mark-Anthony Turnage....... 23 + 12 pages.... Ricordi.. ................ International pedagogue Robinson has assembled this book for intermediate students. Volume 1 arranged by challenge for many clarinetists..." Friedrich Kuhlau Sonatina.......... 23 pages.... SS.... SB.......... SS. 34........ .. They are: Pachelbel aspects of playing...F.... Alphonse Leduc. These intermediate and performance of all 16 pieces by Ian Mitchell and Thalia Myers. 1953. 11 pages.. 17 Caprices by Nicolò Paganini adapted for the clarinet by Ulysse C1141.95 Italian clarinetist Miluccio... 2006.....80 C181.... Each glossary has direct application to the etudes 19........... 1981...95 some of the more difficult pieces including extended techniques. ABRSM... This book contains a combination of works from the pre-clarinet Karnatic modes that are the foundation of the classical music of Southern period along with selections from the standard clarinet repertoire (easier India.50 and minor (3 types) of the diatonic scale......... 2006... 15 Advanced Etudes for Clarinet by Randall Cunningham........... 91 + Alphonse Leduc............. They include the wide interval leaps and Roland Brom. Solos for the Clarinet Player with Piano Accompaniment C260........... and Rondo). 14 by František Zítek edited Moderate to difficult ........ left what he has written and have only 1960.. and Barret....... and Henri Lemoine French Dance.95 Perpetuo Op.... 10 Modern Studies of Great Difficulty (Dix Études Mod... 1948.......95 C621.50 contains a glossary of scales............... 2002........ Henri Lemoine Valse. This book has 17 violin studies plus do Savina..... Leduc................ Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ... probably most accurate). C177.. 9... whole tone scales for instance) Van Cott Information Services PO Box 9569. These 14 caprices (plus Moto tracks for all the pieces. They have Roland Brom... 14 pages in score format............................. 11 Studies in Karnatic Modes for Clarinet by Eugène Bozza.. 13.. 22. glossary of fingerings. This edition's notes at the end of the book explain the various modern chords and scales (augmented chords...... SS.... 19 pages.. SB... Roughly the same but it is oversized and stays together without any problems........ but the difficulty is there...20 by Himie Voxman.. 21......95 Doblinger. Woodwindiana.... 11) from the violin works of Paganini should provide a C1436. Two staccato exercises help achiever synchroniza- Libby Larsen......... Leduc. 20................ 29 + 18 pages.... 29 pages........ 6.. 1956... ... Spectrum for Clarinet................ 64 pages + C182.. . These studies are based on fragments from opera............65 C884.... Woodwindiana.... . 10 Grandi Studi (Complete Studies) for Clarinet by Leonar....... Charles Neidich has...... 29 pages....... .. 27 pages.. ......... Includes comments from the composer on the style and SS...... 31...... 10 Clarinet Etudes for a Virtuoso Technique (Zehn Etüden) etudes which feature rapidly changing time signatures and no key signa- by Rudolf Jettel.. 8.... The CD has a Cunningham. SS...................... 29 pages........ They are: Shaker melody Gifts to Be Simple. or another student...... G........... http://www. 7.. ...... That's Klezmer for 1-2 Clarinets (or Violins) and Piano by recitals.. Stamitz.. slurred arpeggio warm-ups. This book also level.... and notes on the etudes.... 1949........ Still. They range in difficulty from (ABRSM) Grades 1 to 8 with tion of fingers and tongue....... 35 pages. ernes de Grande Difficulté) by Agostino Gabucci.. 2003. 7 Divertissements for Clarinet by Bartolomeo Campagnoli by Andre Vacellier.. Still....... Jeanjean provided wonderfully detailed directions for his etudes........9.. example CD.. Advanced studies for tures.... Alphonse C132.. SS... This book includes all of the clarinetist...........5 x 16 inches). 24 pages........ The printing in this edition is clearer and it is on better paper.. Austrian carol Still.... The first eight can be played as duets......... 1999... Menuetto..60 C1010. e..... 15.........45 US branch checked another copy and it was the same.. 12 Style Studies & Duets for Clarinet Vol......... The first group includes transcriptions of works by Albinoni... 36..... Ligature Publications.. 16 Modern Etudes by Paul Jeanjean... 13.... 16 Etudes for Clarinet after Ferling (Seize Etudes) arranged C1185.g... high school through university level..... SS... with play along CD.. Delécluse........... 2004.. and Vivaldi....... French title: Seize Études Modernes pour la Clarinette. performance of each piece... 18 Advanced Etudes for the Clarinet by Paul Jeanjean edited from the work of Verdi... . ...... SS............... Clarinet literature composers C179....... Southern Music Co..  info@vcisinc..... We don't see anything brought Jeanjean's notation more into accord with modern conventions... 37... Savina (1889-1974) was an Italian Perpetual Motion adapted for the clarinet... Each duets at the intermediate level (publisher says US grades 4-5... mostly)............... These are advanced exercises for the development of Beethoven Minuet in G and Turkish March........ SS.... 9th chords. .. This is a C150..4...... SS.. selected and edited by Arthur H..... Tchai... 1924... Alphonse Leduc.. and presents situations in which they should be used. 23....... Kendor Music.... 53... Smith and precise finger technique......... adapted here for clarinet.......... ....... 10 Small Exercises for Clarinet and Piano by Rudolf Jettel...... 34....... 16 Modern Etudes for Clarinet Op. Volume 2 arranged by advanced clarinet student............. by and large....... This is a variety of keys and styles....... Carl Baermann Schumann.. Sixteen etudes in a transcribed by Auguste Périer.... 12 pages in score format....40 kovsky German Song...... Spohr. 14 Études de Mécanisme by Eugène Bozza... 17 Staccato Studies for Clarinet by Reginald Kell. Bach.......95 Studies and Exercises C1186........... and 10 phrasing studies adapted C1678.... 15 pages (page size 10. Robinson..........95 C526....... Leduc.. 19.... 19.. SS...... International Music allegro.. ... The marked tempos are faster here than in Hite's version and the print is Billaudot....1913... .... 39.. The studies Eric Simon....50 markings. This book has 20 etudes in C250..95 major and minor modes through three sharps and three flats and in a variety of musical forms and styles.. 25 pages....... as a window into the modern.. school students............. 25 pages.... 51 Book 1 by Robert Stark edited by have this after Rose... These info@vcisinc. C1179... most would be more for the advanced high school or first year college student.... Charleston).......... Alfred Publishing three sharps... Marks especially easy or progressive. 16... 1959........85 appropriate for second and third year students who are making good progress. 20 Fairly Easy Progressive and Melodic Studies (Vingt Études and rhythms............ Doblinger.....95 C432........ 1929........... SS........................... These duets were originally published in keys through two sharps and two flats.. ................ SS....50 include fingering suggestions................. International Music Company. 16.. 24 Virtuosity Studies Op.. These 22 intermediate studies cover a larger...95 C1023... 17....... .....95 C655.75 C682. 23 pages...... Rhoads. 51 Book 2 by Robert Stark edited by 1962. Rode. Buchler. 11. slightly more etude like than the Characteristic clutter Jeanjean's already expressively notated scores with still more Studies (C682) despite the name... 12.. ..... 18 Etudes for the Clarinet by Paul Jeanjean......... Useful by students near the end of their first year of study. 30 pages.......... 24 Varied Scales and Exercises for Clarinet by J..75 is clearer and there are additional dynamic and articulation markings. 1959..... Müller (1786-1854) was a exercise like (similar figures repeated).. Despite the title these studies are all 1827 and are progressive in difficulty. . 1999. 39 pages. scales and intervals.... Several are dance forms (waltz.......... The noteworthy feature of this edition is the Stanley Drucker.......95 C964....... 19.. 1982............. 22 Studies for Clarinet (22 Etüden) by Iwan Müller edited by pages.... It was intended for the composer's middle C194. Alphonse Leduc.............. .. SS.. and Capelle..................... However.. Kummer... rhythms.........5...... in keys to three flats or sharps..........95 C159.. 51 Book 1 by Robert Stark revised by Giuseppe Garbarino.95 Co. They will be a good workout since they are all are marked C462.............. This book are repeated in each major and minor key. Demnitz.. 1930.. SS.. While this book contains a few studies playable variety of styles and easy keys in the advanced intermediate range........... SS.. Ricordi................... See our web site for a listing. Alphonse Leduc. .. International Music Company............ .60 number of areas but there is particular emphasis on smooth and even playing of groups of notes and between registers... The commonly required etudes primarily in keys to two flats and two sharps.. 1965.......... 20 pages.. Universal Edition..... 20 Technical Studies for Clarinet by Hyacinthe Klosé edited by a page of French musical terms..... .... It also includes a page of useful fingerings and C683.. the recording offers. http://www.. SS... 40 pages.... 22 Studies for Clarinet (22 Études) by Jacques Lancelot. Some courses of study C757.. SS... . 24 Virtuosity Studies Op. 32 pages.............. 25 Etudes by Alfred Prinz..50 C141....... Alphonse Leduc.... An interesting set of intermediate etudes...........9... Ricordi......... 2001.... 15... ........... 32 pages. Major and minor keys from 4 flats to 4 sharps.....10 pages.. Rhoads...B. and Duport. 14............ 21 Foundation Studies for Alto and Bass Clarinet compiled and edited by William E..................... ......................... 24 pages. yet romantic style of the etudes and as models of the kind of performance to which the C201..... 12.. Carl Fischer...... . should help in learning the original mate- rials. SS.. 69 he used in each of his etudes...... Keys range from 1 sharp to 4 flats..... there are 20 solid etudes in a Music... International Music Company...................... etudes are more difficult then the standard fare and many are in extended Woodwindiana. 1983.........50 Muller....... Kietzer......... Includes studies that emphasize articulation............ 39 pages..75 C1550...... SS.... This book contains 20 interesting an audition in a symphony or opera orchestra.... 29 pages....... PO Box 9569.. Southern Music Co. Conservative range........ 24 pages......... 26 pages.. C700............ 1973..... 39 difficult studies in a variety keys......... Carl Fischer...95 has 20 etudes in keys from three to five sharps and three and four flats.......75 German clarinetist and the developer of the 13 key clarinet in 1812............ The variety of tempos...... ...... ... 22 Modern Etudes (Vingt-Deux Etudes Modernes) by Auguste Périer. International Music Company......... 1999........... 20 interesting etudes in player's development........ Gambaro meters. Dotzauer.................... Rose.. 18 Preludes for Clarinet by Randall Cunningham. 20 Grand Studies Selected from the Caprices by Rode by Cyrille Rose edited by Stanley Drucker. 20 Caprices (Vingt Caprices) for Clarinet by V... 11............. Upper intermediate/lower advanced level.. 34.. William E......... 20 Graded and Melodic Exercises (Fairly Difficult) (Vingt wide range of keys and styles....... Includes fingering suggestions and a short glossary of four flats and four sharps... The most noticeable differences are that the printing studies in mostly sharp keys. SS. The last 12 studies along the same lines as the first...... SS. 27 pages The last 12 are in a different order... 21 Chalumeau Studies for Clarinet by Randall Cunningham................ 31.... Somewhat more difficult than Book 1. This book includes studies in both key signatures...... The first 12 studies in a C965.. Albert... 12.. 1928.. 24 Virtuosity Studies Op........ SS............... This is the same material as in C159 above.. 45 pages.. 27 pages.. Woodwindia......... 30..95 Études Progressive et Mélodiques Assez Difficiles pour Clarinette) Book 3 by Paul Jeanjean....... SS............. Conservative range......... About the same level as Rose. if practiced thoroughly........... C140. 18 Studies (18 Etüden) by Rudolf Jettel................. 18. Features pieces in major and minor keys through students at that level. 1974.... tango..................... . these etudes were intended to prepare the student for the works of the “Modernists. Baermann.. 28..... 22. SS.... ......... 35 pages. Keys to three flats and C149. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ................50 Van Cott Information Services Inc.................... from the work of Lazurus...... 23 pages........ A collection of moderately C366......... 24 Virtuosity Studies Op....95 Diffusion.......... There is a good variety of keys.. Rather than upper intermediate studies.. Ricordi... Twenty recording of Charles Neidich's performance of the etudes... Franchomme....... 1971..................... SS... C200.... 1982. SS...... Etudes taken Merck......... ....... Originally published in 1928..95 Alamiro Giampieri....... 20 Characteristic Studies for Clarinet by Hyacinthe Klosé edited by Stanley Drucker. I don't believe that the studies in the book are C199.... 1929. This book has 20 C155..... Alphonse Leduc... revised by Paul de Ville...... and musical material in these studies...........95 which... 21 Caprices for Clarinet by Vincenzo Gambaro edited by student should aspire...... C963...... and many rhythmic patterns........ Twenty upper intermediate/advanced studies........... 1935.... 32 pages. The first 12 studies in a wide range of styles and mostly flat keys. 20 Studies for Clarinet from the Works of Rode arranged by Harry Bettoney. 1999........ 1946. 51 Book 2 by Robert Stark revised by etudes in the rest of the keys through seven sharps and seven flats................ ...... Keys from 4 flats to 2 sharps.. International Music Company... SS. 64 pages.......vcisinc...... These also appear in Melodious and Progressive Studies........ Woodwindiana. Scales and exercises that Book 2 by Paul Jeanjean... 20 Études Faciles et Progressives by Auguste Périer. articulation..... . Doblinger.... 1948............ although several of the studies will challenge the best na...........70 students... 14. 1942.... 1963....... .......... 31 pages.... These caprices are at approximately the same level as the Rose etudes.95 Eric Simon.95 Progressive et Mélodiques Assez Faciles pour Clarinette) Book 1 by Paul Jeanjean............ SS... Book 2 (C099) edited by David Hite......... ............. SS................... Alphonse Leduc.. They are in a variety of styles and meters and musical terms......... 24 Instructional Duets for Two Clarinets by Joseph Kuffner...... SS.......... SS............. 34 pages.. 14..70 Giuseppe Garbarino.... 18 Selected Studies for Alto and Bass Clarinet edited by Etudes taken from the work of Lee..... Mazas.... 32 pages...... 1990.. C758........ 41 C367................... 26..... SS.......95 a wide variety of tempos and keys to 3 flats and 3 sharps. SS..... rhythmic figures and keys (to four flats and sharps) should aid in the edited by Ulysse Delécluse...... For most students these would be appropriate for the third and fourth year of studies. 20 Progressive and Melodic Studies (Moderate Difficulty) (Vingt Études Progressive et Mélodiques Moyenne Force pour Clarinette) C104... Southern Music Co... 20 Studies of Medium Difficulty for Clarinet by Agostino This book of difficult etudes was written in view of the final preparation for Gabucci..............85 C296. 10... 34......... many of which are Leopold Wlach. SS...... ........ Suitable for second and third year at the intermediate level or harder...” Generally these C195.. Platti................ 8... 25 pages........ Good practice for meter orchestra audition excerpts have been worked into difficult technical etudes changes. ..... Ricordi...... SS..... .... 1952.......... 20 pages.... Schroder... SS........ .. 24 Clarinet Studies for Beginners by Victor Polatschek... 11... 22 Recreation Studies by Jerome Naulais... 43 pages..... 12................ ... the difficulty... There is a separate booklet with the second and third parts C969..... Billaudot............ He has not added any breathing.......... this edition by David Hite... chords. These books are somewhat C1571.55 2007.. ..... 11................... 19..95 edition is that includes a CD with recordings of the piano accompaniments C084....... edited by Alamiro tion...... little fingers...... 2010....... ................ 45 notes..... A huge collection of challenging practice cadenzas............... 10.95 40 Studies for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose edited by Donald E... This series of studies is but not the duet.. Ricordi. Alphonse Leduc...... 24..... Upper intermediate level and perhaps a bit beyond... PB.. SS........ ............ 32 Studies for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose edited by Stanley unusual in that many of the etudes have clarinet accompaniment parts Drucker........50 1 has 7 solo etudes..... An interesting collection of studies in a variety of styles C082..... Schott Musik International......... Billaudot.... SS.... 24 pages..... ........ articula- C152................... 18......... and 1 clarinet duets.... SS..... 1958....... 32 Etudes for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose edited by Melvin Warner..... The editors have C755. 14.......... Southern Music Co... SS.. or other markings not found in the originals. 63 pages...... etc. SS... Originally published in 1940.............. 30 Caprices for Clarinet by Ernesto Cavallini.... articulations..... 61 pages...... SS............90 63 pages................... 2002/2009...... ... 49.......... SS.... Otello... 25 Technical and Melodious Studies (Vingt Cinq Études markings not found in the originals. 10..95 designed to familiarize clarinetist with the modes of limited transposition C142.. 1962............. SS.... SS..95 The editor believes these studies were written in the 1880s....... PB. .... 44 pages..... 1973.... SS.... Interna- Jeanjean............... 48 pages........... Rigoletto....95 C086.......... Rather than clutter Cavallini's C097... Ricordi.... and 3 with three clarinet accompaniment parts....... 10......... Universal Edition.... 1 by Gaetano Labanchi edited by David Weber and Robert Dilutis.... . 65 pages.... 26.......... 1966.. used by Olivier Messiaen...... Book One (Studies 1-24) . 2009. Barret edited already expressively notated scores with still more markings................... A variety of useful on one of their transpositions.............mp3 files) and for the first C667. He has not added any breathing.. Volume 2 has 9 solo etudes based on arias from Verdi's operas (La Forza del Destino. SS.. 14... There are two books... SS. 1998. 1958..... They tend to be somewhat easier detailed dynamic and tempo markings.... 25.... It also includes a nine page clarinet duet...... They are about C081. 48 Studies for Clarinet by Alfred Uhl... International Music Co..... 1948.......... 30 pages...25 teachers and their students beginning with Klose... http://www.........95 phrasings encountered in modern music.. Leopold Wlach made suggestions and revisions of these in time signatures.... .. 25 Technical and Melodious Studies (Vingt Cinq Études Techniques et Mélodiques pour Clarinette) Volume 2 by Paul C463..... As a bonus this edition includes printed Techniques et Mélodiques pour Clarinette) Volume 1 by Paul piano parts for etudes 11 and 19..8..........25 & David Hite... Il Trova- etudes. 30 Etudes for Clarinet by Hyacinthe Klose edited by Jerry C512.95 Fischer.. These studies are shorter (mostly about 24 to 32 measures) and editor has drawn on various editions of the 32 Etudes and the Ferling 48 somewhat easier than Rose.... Carl Kirkbride.......50 Italian musical terms... 1951.. Each study is based on one of the seven modes or Rhoads...95 Etudes on which they are based... The classical interpretation. 30.. The editor has prepared a lesson plan for each study and annotated the studies with fingering recommenda- Clarinet by Enrique Calvist y Serrano edited by Pedro Rubio.95 exercise like etudes are at the intermediate and advanced intermediate level C096.. 12............ An unedited reproduction of the original Carl Fischer editions of the 32 Rose Etudes (1913) and the 40 Studies (1910). The text booklet with the second and third parts while the fourth part is printed includes English and French descriptions of the operas and where etudes fit... SS..... Lauren Keiser Music Publishing..... ....... There is a separate tore... Carl seven flats. or other pages..95 exercises for low clarinets including studies on crossing the break..pdf files of all of these piano parts. 63 pages. 40 Studies for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose revised and edited by Jean and are in keys from two flats to two sharps....... C1524.. What is new in this C083.... Dover. ........ C105.... 32 Etudes for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose edited by Melvin Warner.... 17. Don Carlos..... 5 with three clarinet accompaniment parts..95 composed and performed by John Walker (as ... ..... Weber has corrected notes and articulations and added more from the works of Mazas and Kreutzer..... 38 pages.. Each study deals with a particular C1677..... have parts for two clarinets..... PB.. Bassus Ediciones Musicales...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .......... International Music Company...... and Aida). 31 pages. below the solo part.. SS......95 C967. 71 pages + 2 CDs... ...... .. Studies 1-20............... Nabucco... 36 info@vcisinc... SS.. For the most part this (usually making a quartet). 32 Carl Fischer.... C464.....95 Jeanjean. SS.......... found many opportunities to enhance the studies by adhering to the original International Music Company......... ..... Fernand Blachet... 40 Progressive Melodies for Clarinet by A.... 40 Modern Studies in Rhythm and Interpretation for Solo C1172........ 45 pages. He has corrected errors instrumental music. 13. Calvist (?-1897) was a Spanish tions....... 33 Studies for Clarinet from Verdi by Jacques Merrer... 30 Caprices for Clarinet by Ernesto Cavallini edited by Charles aspect of rhythmic playing ranging from jazz (swing) and rock to modern Neidich..95 C1461.......95 and helpful for the serious student to achieve the "Bel Canto" style of playing..... 1989.95 C756....... and key signatures... 53 pages.. 28 Etudes for Clarinet on the Modes of Olivier Messiaen by Guy Lacour.... 35 Technical Studies for Alto or Bass Clarinet by William E... each of which includes 24 studies. tempo.. Generally at the intermediate level but with a range of Carl Fischer. SS.. In this new edition of the 32 Rose Etudes..... This book has been written to familiarize the clarinetist with the various rhythms and 1919........ 26 Etudes for clarinet arranged by Cyrille Rose and edited by keys through 3 sharps and 3 flats. SS...... ... 63 pages...... 32 Etudes & 40 Studies for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose....... 26 Cadenzas in the Form of Preludes (Vingt-Six Cadences en forme de préludes) by Agostino Gabucci..M.. . . Note: C148. 12... Book One (Studies 1-20) .......... Studies 21-40............ 70 C966.. Southern Music Company. SS.. while the fourth part is printed below the solo part... 11...... These etudes are quite challenging than the 32 and 40 studies and some are more exercise like..... the composer intended them to assist 32 Rose Etudes......... C080. .. McCathren.. 23.........R... All of the Barret pieces as models of the kind of performance to which the student should aspire................. 32 pages....... 17.. SS. Alphonse Leduc.. The editor has recorded 15 of the etudes on CD425.... These studies are in all violin notation. 64 pages... SS. This book also includes information on the composers of the major and minor keys and are somewhat exercise like with many repeated original etudes for violin that Rose transcribed and chronology of clarinet figures......... This book contains 18 of Labanchi etudes in major and minor C1290.. Publications.. tempo......... 30 Characteristic Studies (30 Estudios Característicos) for Warner Bros. Upper intermediate and advanced level.... 24 pages.............. notes. Two books. 60 Divertimenti for Clarinet by Agostino Gabucci... Clarinet by James Rae. the editor has drawn on various editions of the 32 Etudes students in becoming familiar with the difficulties peculiar to modern and the Ferling 48 Etudes on which they are based.. Alphonse Leduc............. 80 pages. 1994..95 1942........ PO Box 9569........... 30 Interpretative Studies for Clarinet by Reginald Kell................ .. 14. 40 pages.. ....95 noteworthy feature of this edition is the recording included with Charles Neidich's performances of the Caprices.... 30 Caprices for Clarinet by Ernesto Cavallini. 35 Studies for Clarinet Vol...........vcisinc........... 40 Studies for Clarinet Book 1 arranged by Cyrille Rose.. 60 Rambles for Clarinet by Leon Lester... clarinetist and composer about which only limited information is known...... 17.. This unusual book is a series of first but with many of the etudes having odd meters....... 30 pages.. ................ . 1978..40 There is quite a range of difficulty levels from a few which are easy intermediate to advanced intermediate (and possibly a bit beyond)... In this new edition of the pages. Southern Music Company... Carl Fischer................... 64 pages.. One of the best books of supplemental pieces around.............. SS.. 19... Book Two (Studies 21-40) .................. These studies were chosen As editor........ This book is similar to the tional Music Diffusion. SS.. Volume is nicely printed and on good paper.95 C1178.. 36 pages... C1447..95 the same level as the Rose 32 Etudes and are in keys from four sharps to C511.. etc......... The melodic Van Cott Information Services Inc........ and in various keys... time ...... I and a brief scale study by David Hite..... ..... 19... Studio Progressivo includes these etudes (and more)...... Carl Fischer............... articulations..... 26 pages. 10.. studies......... 40 Studies for Clarinet Book 2 arranged by Cyrille Rose.. These mostly Fischer... The book also includes 8 Progressive Exercises This book includes a page of suggested fingerings and a two page glossary of by J.95 Giampieri..... SS..... each of which includes 20 studies.... with CD.. ..... Book Two (Studies 25-48) .8... Traviata...... International Music Diffusion........ He has corrected errors in time signatures....... This book is based offers the recording as a window into the “bel canto” style of the etudes and on material from the Complete Method for Oboe by.... Faber Music......... It will be a very useful tool for Milhaud.. Clarinet Scales & Arpeggios annotated by Avrahm Galper.95 G61...... Amazing Studies Clarinet by Howard Harrison.... 2000. based primarily on the works for solo violin and cello of Bach....... students and others who wish to hone their skill in playing chromatic Better high school students will be able to play many of these etudes.... Carl Fischer... Barret Four Sonatas for the Refinement of Weinberger..... triads in wide skips....... Berr................. The Phrasing Studies were taken from the selected to develop a specific aspect of technique... and biographical sketches of 11 pages. Lazarus..... Suitable for second or third year students......... 39 by Robert Stark....... 32 pages........95 C085..9. ...95 C653.. SS.. Second Weinberger. thirds.. There are C505... and triads and John Davies & Paul Harris.... triads and connecting scale C958..... and Overture on Hebrew Themes by Prokofieff to name just a few.... ... They are the 40 Studies.... SS... Boosey & C919.............. 142 pages.... .. In C093.. 2006. low E-flat instruments..95 intermediate (with a few beyond that). This combines the Clarinetist's 76 pieces for unaccompanied PO Box 9569....... triads and Fischer............. Includes all major and minor (both 28 pages......... .... especially with regard to Hite. Howard Harrison has collected and arranged Guy...............95 C957....... 10.... The Accomplished Clarinettist Book 2 by Rudolf Jettel........95 all of the original material and adds scales in treble clef for both low C and C108. There is an index to help Rose 32 Etudes and have been edited by Bonade for "correct phrasing you find the right study for each technical problem....... 11........ This book is a collection of classical C094....Unfortunately the distributor has made this a special order item so it may not be in stock. dynamics.... 4 Studies by Gaetano Labanchi. 7. and Bass Clarinets by William E... 1-3 for Clarinet by Ernesto Cavallini.... 55 pages........95 melodic and harmonic) scales in tow octaves...... diminished 7ths and whole tone scales and augmented triads and 32 pages........ PB.......... C163... Artistic Studies Book 2 – From the German School edited by studies for the clarinet that brings together important examples of clarinet David Hite. This book contains doesn't own many etudes books and is looking for some variety.... 80 Graded Studies for Clarinet Book 1 selected and edited by John Davies & Paul Harris. 29...... SS.. Southern Music Company.95 intermediate level.......... ..... . Twenty-eight studies by Polatschek. ... The exercises in this book are SS. SS........8... 18 Caprices by Cavallini (in groups of six)................ This book contains music written for teaching purposes... Faber Music...... .... 1952.. The second edition....... ... Rhoads........... Hofmeister................... Sixteen Phrasing Studies for Clarinet.. this book may be useful to the adult clarinetist who David Hite.. Scaramouche by excerpts. Fingerings are Lazarus........ and the 9 Caprices......95 technique and rhythm.... 27 pages........... 1986......... keys.... 16.. etc.. SS............ Carl pages.. 16......... This book has C1549......... Additional They are [email protected]...... more than double in length... 7ths..... year students.. 14. Includes piano accompaniment..... studies by Carl Baermann.... This book was originally developed to assist book is something of a departure from the first two as it contains four those with a bass clarinet to low C gain proficiency in the extended range concert etudes and a Sonate in four movements (all with piano accompani- and in bass clef.... They include material drawn from Compendium. Lazarus. SS.. also a high note fingering chart.. This book is at the marks.. . Lots of professionals required to perform this modern music. 71 and rhythmic material in Lester‖s “rambles” will please not only young 2-3 connecting scale passages.. Complete Method for Rhythmical Articulation by Pasquale C231.... Advanced Studies for the Clarinet by Victor Polatschek....... Thirty-four studies adapted from bassoon studies. Book 5 (complete).. 1947. The Accomplished Clarinettist Book 3 by Rudolf Jettel....95 studies transcribed by Cyrille Rose.... Advanced Studies from Julius Weissenborn Adapted for Alto C510...... but adult beginners as well...... SS.. 5 orchestral specific works such as Scheherazde by Rimsky-Korsakov.... 29........ 96 pages.... 64...... Rivernote Press... 62 pages. and the 9 Caprices..... and Scales in Thirds by David Hite................ etc..... 331 Daily Exercises by Auguste Périer. 39 by Robert Stark edited by Robert studies 1-50 which range from absolute beginner to intermediate.... includes ment). ................ 100 Studies for Clarinet edited by Gunther Joppig and Stephen Trier.. Carl Fischer...95 contains 331 one measure exercises (usually 16 or 24 notes)....... 21 pages.. transcribed Voxman..95 clarinet....... . seventh chords and connecting scale passages.... Twelve studies covering intervals...... 1978. SB.... trill chart........... Higgins. 1954...50 for clavier... Josef Caprices by Aurelio Magnani...............95 passages and patterns.95 C350. triads in wide skips.... and 16 concert Studies from the Baermann Method. 74 pages....... It also includes biographical sketches of all of the composers and David proficiency required for modern orchestral playing.. Altissimo Studies for Clarinet 90 Melodious Studies by Thomas J..... 18 pages........ and the Bonade both classical and folk music.....95 C147. 96 pages... PB...... 24.. This book has seventh chords.. 80 Graded Studies for Clarinet Book 2 selected and edited by passages.. This book is in three parts with the first two intended for vocalists and all three parts for instru- Van Cott Information Services Inc. Advanced Contemporary Chordal Sequences for Clarinet.. “Etudes Freely Adapted from the Masters” such as Weissenborn... SS....... This Edition 2003.... ... and more..... plus 6 chromatic etudes....... 1932.......... Southern Music Company. 32 pages......... SS.95 C651........ 74 pages.... 1951... ... transitions from high to low and articulation exercises..... Bass Clarinet Scale Book by Martin Arnold.. SS..... ...... 32 Bona translated from the fourth Italian edition by Gustav Saenger. It contains scales and chords of various types in all 276 Technical Studies by Kalmen Opperman..... Capricen Op. often because of the various register color changes and the C1359....................... Fischer.95 McGinnis.... 14.... 11. 96 pages. 7 Etudes- C348..... ........ The Accomplished Clarinettist Book 1 by Rudolf Jettel... ..... This is the treble clef edition....... SS... Artistic Studies Book 3 – From the Italian School edited by Intermediate level.. SS........ Some are quite intended to support and extend the technical expertise of students and exercise like while others are very melodic (similar to Rose).......... 24.. The Clarinet Chromatic Machine by Kalmen Opperman. This book contains 15 etudes...... Baermann... Each piece was Orchestral Studies for Clarinet............. and the Flight of the Bumblebee... instrument‖s convenient extended range.......... Demnitz.....M..... . It also contains chalumeau warm ups. 48 + 20 pages. 1997... punctuation and interpretation.......... G............ and 5 Caprices by Giovanni Battista Gamba- Weinberger.. 1986.... Alphonse Leduc. and extremely effective for practicing material is drawn from Bach flute and clavier pieces and three Handel suites altissimo studies... SS....... C095..... This book Heinrich and Carl Baermann and David Hite............ 1956....35 David Hite. Rubank....vcisinc... .. 11..95 Five Melodious Etudes......... ...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .9......... 21.... musically enjoyable... PB.....95 C311. 2007. Billaudot... 10... An outstanding book of exercises in keys that focus on extending the clarinet‖s range gradually from D6 to A6...... 2005.... A... They start at the bottom of the clarinet range and work upwards to an altissimo G. This edition has smaller print than the Billaudot edition but studies 51-80 which range from the intermediate level to the advanced is cheaper and more readily available.. Classical Studies for Clarinet transcribed and edited by Himie SS.. Twelve studies covering intervals.. Müller. SS..... dominant C146.... Josef Company...." ....... 64 pages. Aztecpress.. the 32 Etudes... ... They are the 16 Studies from the Baermann Lefevre... Boosey & Hawkes...... 9. 13........ ...95 and triads and seventh chords. ...... the 32 Etudes.. 26. Rose. exotic lines for the range. Filas transcribed for the clarinet by William R.. International Music Company. 29. Universal Edition.... SS... or based on series of 50 chromatic exercises. 21.. These studies are designed to develop the ro.... arpeggios. The studies are mostly from the usual suspects such as Müller..... Carl Schirmer Inc. Artistic Studies Book 1 – From the French School edited by addition to the student... 10..... French title: 331 Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme...... Delphin Alard which are in more difficult keys than book 1... arpeggios. 96 pages.... The book contains 30 Caprices by Ernesto Cavallini..... 24. Baermann.... 1972. SS... Southern Music Company..... SB.... Carl Fischer.. Southern Music Company....... Barret Four Sonatas edited by David Hite. More challenging etudes (16) some of Musicianship with the accompaniment of a second clarinet. with many dances included. Klose.. 42 pages........ Ninety exercises from Filas‖ altissimo flute etudes... Arpeggio Studies Op. Book 4..... ............ 31 pages. The Complete Daniel Bonade compiled and edited by Larry Hawkes. 72 pages...... Arpeggio Studies Op. The Advancing Clarinetist by Leon Lester.... This new book provides a comprehensive many in the style of composers such as Bach or Beethoven.95 Method Op.... . 40 pages............R........ It also includes technique exercises to develop fluency in the extended Contemporary composers are writing more technical. and 138 mechanical exercises....95 interesting material for the upper intermediate level clarinetist... Composers include: Telemann. SS.. SS...... .. 143 pages....95 noted throughout and a fingering chart is included.95 C100.... http://www. seventh chords and connecting scale passages...... 29......... Southern Music C349...... Klose..... 72 pages.. Josef C170....... SS......... C656... ... SS. 30 Lester.95 C354. 28 pages...... Meredith Music Publications....... Klosé Scales and Exercises.. SS.. . .. 12. 1993.. Carl Fischer.. . 183 [email protected] Hite... 53 pages.... 10. SS. Alphonse Leduc.. 1996........ Etudes for Technical Facility for Alto and Bass Clarinet standard methods from the very beginning to the early intermediate level. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .... Melodic Etudes by Ted Hegvik. 31 Clarinet Studies by Leon Book 4 26 Exercises......95 G68......A.......... 14. Southern Music Company.... cell-derived patterns. This book is apparently intended to precede the one above............. This book has Jean Baptiste Friedrich Demnitz...... It concludes with 1957....... Kroepsch 416 Progressive Daily Studies for the Clarinet - devices found in 20th century works..... Northeastern Music Publications... SS.. ..... Contemporary Chordal Sequences for Intermediate Clarinet 2006..  .. Book 1 edited by David quickly. Carl Fischer.... .. .. These exercises can be played C113..75 dominant and diminished seventh chords.... ... Edited by Eric Simon. 12-tone and 7-tone rows..... 64 pages....... 31 pages.. 1978. SB. There are some pieces in keys with three or four flats or sharps that should C162.. quite a bit of variety.. the needs of present day clarinetists.....  . The title of this book is a bit deceptive as this is not a book ....... Robert Stark......  .. SS. harmonic minor and chromatic scales...... 63). Baermann 24 Melodic Studies (from fingering technique.. 1996...95 but they progress to the upper intermediate level by the end of the book... and lesson material. 38 pages........ 2005.. Daily Staccato Exercises Op....173 Technical Studies by Kalmen Opperman.. 9... seven for the right Op................95 Faciles (The Beginning Clarinetist.... Major and Minor keys to 4 flats and 4 Edited by Eric Simon.... diminished and double-diminished..... 25 pages..... 167 Exercises.. ...95 hand........ Nocentini 24 Melodic Studies........ ninth.... whole-tone are identified by name and the exercises are simple arpeggios........ This book includes Clark and Sean O'Loughlin.............. also includes a page on resonance fingerings and another on the concept of SS... The etudes are in a variety of keys and English. .. Carl Fischer...... .............40 C114.95 intermediate level etudes (2 original) that have been edited by Lester to meet C817.......... 31 pages......... Hofmeister.. ....95 C111... ...... seventh. Melodious Etudes for Clarinet compiled and edited by Larry by Gaston Hamelin........... and Japanese..................... and Klose Major and Minor Scales and Scales in Thirds........... Twenty etudes for the student who has mastered the funda... This book contains 31 pages.. Universal Edition. pages... 16 pages... . all melodic material is derived from a variety of contemporary 1957...95 these fourteen............. 208 prove useful to third year students.... 11... 20 Easy Melodious Studies) by C816: Kroepsch 416 Studies for Clarinet . velocity exercises..... There are seven for the left hand... Mixolydian mode..... Hand in Hand with Hanon by Buddy DeFranco. 26 pages.. Carl Fischer. Kroepsch 416 Progressive Daily Studies for the Clarinet – C169.. Carl Fischer.95 C112..... 167 Exercises.......... Cirrus Expressive Studies based upon scales and 18 Expressive Studies based upon Music... 25 pages.............. 183 Exercises............. of Marco Bordogni (1788-1856)...... The scales: major scale.. eleventh......... 24 C1018.....95 This recent study has 16 exercises linked in a continuous manner for the purpose of improving technique in various areas of clarinet playing. Here is a great set of 16 etudes for developing chords... 24. SS... 13 pages..........50 sharps...... Kroepsch 416 Progressive Daily Studies for the Clarinet – Book 2. sive difficulty for after the Intermediate or Advanced Velocity Studies.... PO Box 9569.. http://www..... SS........ Kroepsch 416 Progressive Daily Studies for the Clarinet – with any articulation...Etudes for Clarinet by Eric P.. It is a supplemental book for use with any of the C144.. melodic minor.. Fundamental Scale and Chord Studies for the Clarinet by Hite. It contains a series of short progressive studies for the development of tone. 31.. tunes to demonstrate each scale in action.... SS.50 patterns including synthetic scales... 12.. Schirmer. 27 pages.... Dorian mode. SS... minor.......... Contemporary Rhythm & Meter Duets for Treble Clef Instru- ments by Elliot Del Borgo..............95 mentals and is now ready to attack the problem of moving the fingers C098... 8. Probably about the same level as the Rose etudes but 2007.. Plus chord studies covering the (including Hubert Ries.. sixth.......... and thirteenth chords scale. Southern Music Company..........95 works. SS..... Revised by Simeon Bellison.. oboe... 24 pages................ Meredith Music Publications....... 12.... modal scales and traditional major and minor tonalities.. International Music Co..... 23 pages.... Contains Demnitz 18 C1214........... jazz melodic minor scale. 20 Technical Studies by C1368. SS...... 1957... Chords are scale......... 1987...95 and Jakob I 15 Etudes from Op.... 2002... International Music Co. ... Auguste Périer. Master Studies for the Clarinet.. and arpeggios... chromatic scale... 15.. In English.. Melodious and Progressive Studies..... Melodious and Progressive Studies. SS. These 28 etudes make extensive use of metric and rhythmic C738.. Van Cott Information Services Inc...... Scale studies in major Gambaro 20 Caprices......... 31 C109......... Carl Fischer..... These etudes start with half notes and whole notes (upper register included) and progress to the Edited by Eric Simon...).............. Instead it presents and describes the following pages.. It arranged and compiled by William E...95 pages.................”  .................... ........ Southern Music Company......... etc.. Twenty studies of progres- Sections) for Clarinet by W........ blues scale.. SS.. Kroepsch 416 Progressive Daily Studies for the Clarinet – G66.............. SS... There is C968. ............ The first few tunes are quite easy sharp/E-flat) with a varying number of chords in each key................ Intermediate Style Etudes and Technical Exercises for articulation) are progressively more difficult.... 2003.. jury exams.. Carl Fischer. SS.. Mandat... minor pentatonic various triads........... 17................ Theodore Presser... Jazz Scale Studies Clarinet by James Rae. Carl Fischer.... 29 C894........... International Music Co. SB. Some of the exercises have a Clarinet by Harry Gee..... 96 pages......... 22. Kroepsch 416 Studies for Clarinet . SS.. Scheidl. The text is in French. 48 of scale based exercises.95 C1045... .. 10 pages. 14...... 17 page.......... SS.. The Developing Clarinetist..... Southern Music Co... ...... 37... ....... 30 pages..... These books contain a total of 17 equal trios for three clarinets.......... 11. Subtitled: devices. C739......... 40 Studies... Composed as recital/performance Book 1.. Klosé Daily Exercises arranged by Harry Bettoney.... 14. SS. rhythmic exercises on major and etudes are a bit different from the familiar since they are based on vocalises minor scales.. Triad exercises: major................95 C180......... and saxophone. The exercises and etudes (120 in all) focus on rhythm (not C139. Kroepsch 416 Progressive Daily Studies for the Clarinet - Exercises on seconds and thirds.. 1947.... See description under Books.. 80 pages.....95 C099. 1957.........95 C121........ Edited by Eric Simon......... Based on the concept of Contemporary Rhythm & Meter Studies.... 12. Vint Études Mélodiques Trés pages..... .... 26 Studies.......95 basic clarinet idioms.Book 3. 9.. SS..... 6. International Music Co... .vcisinc........... and harmonic and tonal devices commonly found in 20th Century “On all harmonic formations in the major and minor keys. augmented..... 16... and diminished or octatonic scale and then provides two original jazz shown on 10 of the 12 notes of the scale (omitting C-sharp/D-flat and D.. resonance................. and with a few modern elements such as a bit of mixed meter............... SS. 11..... SS...... 1965. ........ 19.. Josef Weinberger....... Subtitled: A Lyric Approach to the Clarinet....... SS. C. They are ideal for any instrument for developing sight-reading skills as well as recital performance........................ 7.. 11........ German............. 12 pages........ chromatic scales... ....... half-diminished......Book 4..... 10. Revised by Simeon Bellison............. 30 pages... International Music Co.25 Book 3 40 Exercises...... ... pieces....... Rhoads......... SS. Le Débutant Clarinettiste. 2002.... In the keys of F........65 difficulty levels from perhaps mid-second year through fourth year of study.. style. Revised by Simeon Bellison.... 11..................... ....... 16 Specialized Studies by various composers and minor keys from 4 flats to 4 sharps.. same keys for a total of 36 exercises.. and G...... 6..... 72 mentalists.... 46 by Robert Stark edited by Jerry pages......... 32 pages.. Modern Clarinet Practice (Trios) Book 1 by Rudolf Jettel.... G.. Finger Food .....9..... and one each for the little fingers and the side E-flat key......................... 1936........... Gammes et Exercices (Scales and Exercises) for the Clarinet C207........... and French..95 Instruments by Elliot Del Borgo. This book contains two octave major.... 15........ Empirische Studie in 16 Abschnitten (Empirical Study in 16 Kalman Opperman... Carl Fischer. 8.. Contemporary Rhythm & Meter Studies for Treble Clef Book 1.... Alphonse Leduc... two-page duets make extensive use of metric and rhythmic C110.......... Henry Lazarus.. These 54 major and minor scales.......... tenth.... SS. all in easy keys..50 few notes below the range of the flute.......... Book 2.95 Kirkbride.......50 intermediate level. SS... 31 pages.. Revised by Simeon Bellison..... Book 2 edited by David C164.................... Friederich Berr...... ..... I by Pedro Rubio.... . Baron Company... Pietro Nardini Sonata in A major.. These are C1091. This book is primarily known for the "Paraphrasic Exercises" Jean Marie Leclair Sonata in F major.......... The author Book 3 by Rudolf Jettel.......................... PB. 48+ pages....... 11.... the most important ornaments.............. 16. melodic studies in keys to 4 flats and 4 C039. .... ..... This is an excellent text which gets into the more difficult areas Rimsky-Korsakoff's Clarinet Cadenza from "le Coq d'Or"......... range.... Petite Pieces for Clarinet by Randall Cunningham....... 1909. Hal Leonard............ 41. M......... 41.. Inc.. SS. 83 pages....... A worthwhile supplementary book........ 16 and more)........ Harlow. and French..... although alternatives are provided for the extended passages......... PB...... transcribed by Auguste Périer.. SS...... 1959.. 2009... Carl Fischer...... 15 + 15 pages..... the exercises some). paniment) in the chalumeu of progressive difficulty from late beginner to SS. J..... Musica interesting exercises.. Practical Staccato School for Clarinet Part 2 by Robert Stark.........F............................... 31..... SS. 1909.... ....vcisinc............ VI... ............ and pages.. Studies for Playing Avant-Garde Music for Clarinet by Beate accidentals continues.... Ethos Publications............... and playing suggestions.... Georg Simrock.... Arcangelo Corelli Folies D'Espagne (1893-1940) was born and studied in Italy then immigrated to the United Variationen in C minor. ................. Studies for Bass Clarinet Vol.. .. It has six original pieces (with piano accom... Practical Staccato School for Clarinet Part 1 by Robert Stark....95 Elementary Grade and preparatory to the Intermediate Grade.. .. 41........ 17...... 2006....... SS... Thirty etudes based on the works of Sigmund Hering..... and 8 more composers are included.. PB. 2003.... ... and VII... .. Benjamin........ The areas Daily Exercise. 2005......... 44 in size and is cleverly printed to avoid page turns.S.... Practical Staccato School for Clarinet Part 3 by Robert Stark................. The symbols used....... Book 3 is in the same format as Book 1 and includes trios college level for most students. For better high school pages. etc.. There is also a bibliography and a list C188... The areas of with three dances in C major......95 prepare the student to more easily assimilate the difficult material in that set C356.. Studies for Bass Clarinet Vol. Book 2 is in the same format as Book 1 and includes of books is intended to come before The Accomplished Clarinettist to trios numbers 7 through 12.............. Additionally..... 20 pages... 41. 24.........95 has 30 studies from the 18th and 19th centuries..... 24.... changing meters.... 20 pages..... This series Weinberger. This is an and polyrhythms.................... SS.. ...... .. 61 pages.... 1942. Preliminary Exercises & Etudes in Contemporary Tech- player.. right hand. Practical Study of the Scales for Clarinet by Émile Stiévenard..................95 more advanced staccato exercises... 30 pages. 1976... before each piece it has a scale or scales and minor keys........ Full clarinet parts on 16th notes in a number of variations... SS...... IV... Biber Sonata in B minor.... III......... 15 pages. C353.. ..........50 C352. SS......... style.. SS... fingering technique. Bach Sonata in D minor.. the first cadenza of Liszt's Second PO Box 9569............... SS... This book as they work their way through various patterns.... II by Pedro Rubio... a long trill exercise.. The studies are left hand. Modern Clarinet Practice (Trios) Book 2 by Rudolf Jettel. 47 pages..... 76 pages................ 24. 41... Modern Daily Studies for the Clarinet – Book Two 16 C122...............95 contains 15 more advanced etudes... 49 pages.. Ricordi.......... SS. 1960.. giving the form... Piano by Colin Cowles. 39 pages... 1909... 1995...... and chords (one to four of each). Josef Weinberger......... multiphonic fingerings for both the be excellent for sight reading as well as articulation practice...... studies for the intermediate clarinetist which range in difficulty from early to diana... 48 pages......... SS. The most striking feature is the German notation system for bass clarinet...... 2001... 4........... Breitkopf................. changing the rate of pulse............... Iannis Xenakis........ a Didactica... 39 pages..... 56 pages..... SS. Patterns & Pieces for practice below "The Break" Clarinet & parts plus 12.... ............ ........ clarinet. C1286. and concludes with two duets............. 1909. Schott....... 10.. M.. .. Selected Studies for Clarinet by Himie Voxman.95 unusual book in several ways...... arranged for low C bass C892... 10.. The book includes notes on each piece..... scales in thirds. Tomaso Vitali Sonata in F-sharp minor..........9......... .. 33....... Subtitled: 10 Graded Compositions Using flats and 4 sharps.... SS.. tration...50 C072. The principal aim of this book is the study of simple and there is a lot of low register work................................ chromatic. Suitable for pages. not what I expected given the title..... Demnitz.... 1961. Book 1 contains 15 etudes at what would probably be the early Weinberger..95 C071.. It has quite a bit of explanatory text which is in high school and beginning college level students.... grace notes. Alphonse Leduc... . There are separate parts for each C040.. The first book in this series has 25 studies guide to the fingering diagrams..... Rhythmic Training by Robert Starer.. V... sharps..... ... and an explanation of the markings and from the 18th and 19th centuries arranged for low C bass clarinet... 31.. New Studies for Clarinet by Louis DeSantis edited by Russell Francesco Geminiani Sonata in G minor.. This book contains 276 exercises designed to collection of sonatas for the study of the classical style.... 38 pages............. Baron Company............ C151............ 14...... This relatively new book contains Van Cott Information Services Inc... extending dynamic range... In this intermediate level. 2004... 1959.... Step by Step Basics of Clarinet Technique in 100 Studies by Rudolf Mauz... Preliminary Studies to "The Accomplished Clarinettist" staccato..... 79 pages............ SS.......95 numbers 13 through 17..... provides detailed instruction in English and German for playing 11 works for clarinet that use extended technique......95 C1555.. plus scales.. Modern Clarinet Practice (Trios) Book 3 by Rudolf Jettel. SS... Tchaikovsky's Scherzo from Symphony No.. The use of C361...... This book C893.... This book of pieces was designed for advanced advanced within that level..... .. Berr. .......... Klose.... octaves............. contains 14 etudes somewhat more difficult than Book 1..... Recueil de Sonates pour L'Étude du Style Classique Book 1 Intervallic Permutations by Kalmen Opperman...... 1996.. ClarinetCentral.... Etudes (Rose level) drawn from many composers in all major intermediate level...... Still many accidentals... This new book has 100 useful C196....... Caravan.. The Progressing Clarinetist by Leon Lester...... Modern Daily Studies for the Clarinet – Book One 18 Book 2 by Rudolf Jettel.......... This is explained along with that the exercises (which are without key signatures) are full of accidentals the French notation system and the method used by Stravinsky..... and scales and arpeggios in keys to 4 Ethos Publications.. Works by Edison Denissow......6.....45 on Thomas "Mignon" Clarinet Cadenza.... SS...50 emphasis in this book is on the lower register and especially the extended C891. This is a Inc.. The rhythms are Didactica...... Studies in Lyricism for Clarinet compiled and edited by Larry minor keys........ Josef Weinberger... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . movement works generally at the advanced high school/early college level.. articulation. 19..... 30........ 14.  .... 1931... The most advanced book has patterns based Kröll.... Baron Company..... 73 Book 1 includes numbers 1 through 6.............. Josef of studies.. Book 2 Studies and 3 Etudes by Kalmen Opperman. It contains 21 pieces in German..... Josef Book 1 by Rudolf Jettel.. Woodwin... 84 Hungarian Rhapsody..95 Clark......... SS..... The studies are drawn from familiar sources alternating major and minor keys through four sharps and four flats and ends such as Bearmann..... The first clarinet part includes the score with the other parts reduced niques for Clarinet by Ronald L.....95 Non-Traditional Techniques...... These etudes provide material for the further C1090....... SS.. They are multi- create heavy demands on the clarinetist‖s technique and powers of concen.. It contains a series of exercises for all instruments.... Caravan...... Subtitled "Exercises for the book is entirely in treble clef. Josef Weinberger.95 G. 36. II....... and arpeggios.95 covered include rhythmic organization (everything from 2 through 8 equal C890....... Book 3 also recommends them for practicing transposition...... 1969....95 include mostly eighth notes and dotted eighth-sixteenth patterns.............. M.. Scale based exercises for all major and C848......... Alternative notation is provided for low E-flat instruments... Rose........... .. 32 Etudes by Kalmen Opperman..... ....... Musica practice of extended techniques.. http://www.... Schirmer Inc. 24 pages. Lazarus.. of recommended compositions. .. Inc.......95 C351.... See description under Books....95 1952... Carl Fischer........ 36 pages... Modern Daily Studies for the Clarinet – Book Three C1020. This would are included and for the Kröll work............. 10. Polychromatic Diversions for Clarinet by Ronald L..... English. These exercises include both bass and treble clef (alternating in Simrock..... 1959.. It also includes a quickly........ Clarinetist Louis DeSantis Heinrich J.... .. SS....95 (for the minor keys) and short pieces called patterns to reinforce the scales........ States in 1912............... 17 pages.. Preliminary Studies to "The Accomplished Clarinettist" C070. 37 pages.50 second/third year students.. Rubank...95 The sonatas in this volume are: I......... Preliminary Studies to "The Accomplished Clarinettist" [email protected] Zelinsky and David Smeyers.50 players and beyond...95 Boehm and German system clarinets... There are brief descriptions of each piece emphasis are articulation.. 13..... 20.... This Verlag Anton J. .. flexibility...... 2001...... Classical transition to the upper register..... Jazz.....95 Clarinetist... Rubank...............Improvising 2001...... The exercises begin the basic position of each finger tan then pun Tapes. Intermediate level (about fourth year of study).95 DVD002........ SS..... Subtitled: Studies in Classical.. 2 ...........95 requested we get this book of instructional duets.......... Southern Music Company. DVD010..... Introduction.... Brahms Clarinet Quintet in B minor... 44... first C876..95 M3207........ 29. includes cover virtually every possible fingering combination that a clarinetist might small booklet of music. 1947......... Contains etudes edited by the author from The late clarinet pedagogue. Moshe Emes (Breslev niggun).... C.... A Volume of Specific Clarinet Intermediate Studies by pages... . 11...95 PA028.......95 articulation.... 21.... 48 pages............. For C1564.95 PA027........ Mozart Clarinet Quintet in A major KV581 ...... .. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major KV622 .......... then performs introductions in German and English to each section......... Andy Statman discusses the back- face. SS. Sonata No.. These studies C124.... First Chair Clarinet Solos... Of particular value are the suggested fingerings for many C1619.... C1044.. it is a rather substantial five C1590......95 employ the full range of the instrument. 19. 29... Mel Bay......... Songs: C289........ The author starts each scale on the upbeat for impetus and C762....... with accordion accompaniment. a transcription of the Sonata IV intended to deconstruct and rebuild finger and hand technique for players at for flute by Bach.....95 C240..... 9.95 ence material... 21 pages...... 2002.... 26 pages...... if Edition......95 C126..... . SS..........F. 12.. 19... Style Etudes and Technical Exercises by Harry Gee.. 32.......... Studies for the Right Hand.....95 exercises and Klose mechanisms.. 64 pages....... Sonata No... ...... . SS... Carl Fischer.... “this book consists of specific studies.... Supplementary Studies Clarinet by R..... 5.... Subtitled: Adventures in Articulation for the Advancing M3241............95 one.......... 1927....... ........ 14. 28 pages.... 2 in E-flat Major Op.... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 ................. all the scales and some arpeggios in one exercises. M3240... should greatly enhance the strength......95 each tune on clarinet......... teaches typical Klezmer...... they independence and accuracy of the fingers and hands.. plus the special features getting to know the instru- available for a number of years but has now reappeared as a print on ment...95 some guidelines from Howard Klug on articulation and typical articulation PA003...95 level for practicing articulation........ It includes many combinations with altissimo fingerings....... Brahms Sonatas No... Hirtenlied) while others are dances (Czardas.... In English.. II.95 edited by Raymond Meylan.. http://www..... 44. This volume is "Difficult Studies. 44 pages. It is book three of a four C1075... interactive beginning music theory.. 14... 96 pages.. ................. 1970.... SS.. .. .. Upbeat Scales & Arpeggios by Avrahm Galper.... Tone.. 9....... Subtitled "for the C101.... Velocity Studies – Virtuoso by Kalman Opperman.. special work for the right hand.... .. Woodwindiana.....95 notes....... . .... special work for the left hand.. techniques and stylistic nuances needed to perform more complicated.......... In each section.... One of our customers instructions accompany each piece.... 2005.. Art of the Solo Clarinet: Orchestral Excerpts .... a beautiful sound.. 48 pages.... presented in a wide variety of keys....... The Art of the Clarinet: Baermann Method Op........... Theme and Variations from Sehnsuchts-Walzer by Franz SS.. Zmmermann. SS. Included are low register exercises.. Carl command of the instrument.... 14....... Carl Fischer... have been lost.. Rivages I. except for this SS... 120 No.... SS.. NTSC format........95 C604......... Also included are C1282..... Subtitled: 6 Special Studies. 120 No. Boosey & Purim niggun. The etudes include keys to five flats and M3208.. SS.. 80 minutes... especially in the altissimo..... Carl C426. Brief performance by Ludwig Wiedemann........ The play in the upper register... and French........ 29.. Highly florid. Broadway & Hollywood Classics Clarinet ........ The for many students. This massive book contains thousands of individual in the Tradition (DVD) taught by Andy Statman. Boosey & notes and learning to play a one octave scale...... Tongue Twisters by Randall Cunningham. Concert and Contest Collection for Cl for use with C191 .... This book has 20 etudes at the mid and advanced intermediate M3230.95 29... The exercises are See our web site for complete details on our play along CDs.......... SS..... Velocity Studies – Intermediate by Kalman Opperman.....M..... Meron niggun.. Studio Progressivo by Gaetano Labanchi edited by Jean and an exercise that features a very wide variety of techniques... The scales and arpeggios are M3205................... 10.... 1 & No..... basic music Hawkes....... 64 .. Wiedemann Klarinetten-Studien Book III (Duos Nr. wrote this of studies the works of Rose...... While only a single etude........ 12.........95 C073. Thurston Passage Studies Book 3 Frederick Thurston..... SS.. Covering all keys.. Marchesi and C610. easy C125.... the studies Fischer.................. Time 60 minutes...... 1947.. This book has 10 pieces in each of the styles. It will be useful through the third or fourth year several that would probably be useful at the beginning college level..... SS..... adapted for the Boehm clarinet by Allan PO Box 9569..vcisinc........................ 10............... Breitkopf. Hawkes..... as many are ground............ 115. 21....... Many of the duets are named with some having familiar forms 1934... Homes- exercises.. 20..95 start out at the beginner level and progress to an intermediate+ level..... 32 Rose Etudes Piano Accompaniments by John Walker......... 1 in F Minor Op..95 problems and probable causes....95 2005.. The scales in this book are based on the Baermann scale Schubert by Ferdinand David . Ultimate Beginner Series: Clarinet DVD with C290.. 24 pages........ The volume is marked "Easy Studies" and is and The Old Sher...... proper posture Studies" and is suitable for fourth year and beyond....... . Endressen. 19.. 63 . Rock..............." Music Company................ Mel Bay. SB... This book is organized in 18 chapters and includes Klezmer correctly... and some original exercises by the author... Ferling. Carl are representative of the Italiante “bel canto” vocal style..... technique studies using 165 Kroepsch PA001.. Pagina d'album for Clarinet and Piano (Mangani) .... .....95 C1145.... 45 pages.... Velocity Studies – Elementary by Kalman Opperman..... This book is suggested to be used once a student can (Cantilene...95 sharps and are intended to be fun as well as instructive..95 ornate and lyric they require the student to develop a superior........ Donizetti C127.. .. 48 pages. The volume is marked "Moderately Difficult This DVD covers assembly and maintenance.........95 Kalmen Opperman. Learn to Play Klezmer Music .... 1947. Velocity Studies – Advanced by Kalman Opperman.......... "Vade-Mecum" of the Clarinet-player by Paul Jeanjean.. With example CD. SS...... The book is broken into three sections: Studies for the Left Hand. 12........ 14................95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.. 6 pages.... These etudes exercises include rapid close intervals (called Trills but notated as 16th will prove to be essential for improving flexibility and the ability to develop notes). Peters. Klose and others....... 74 studies for advancing students from the vocalizes of Concone... Thurston Passage Studies Book 1 Frederick Thurston.. Thurston Passage Studies Book 2 Frederick Thurston..... . Boosey & Malena Calle. suitable for second and third year students... ....95 and hand info@vcisinc.... 2006 (DVD edition).. 2 by Johannes Brahms 16. ...........” ...... Southern Development of Strength and Digital Independence in Fingers and Hands.. part method.. 16......... Fischer......95 arranged by key. German..... Hawkes........ Systematic Approach to Clarinet Finger Technique by Jost Video Michaels............. 25-40) this reason it would supplement lessons for several years...95 melodic direction... Styles...... major and minor...95 M3206.. III for clarinet and piano by François Grosborne . and printable refer- demand volume.. 51.... 2004.... 19..... Op......95 studies in Book 3 of the Baermann Method.. 39 pages. 2002........ 32 pages.... 31... Masurek). .. 27 pages........ Style Workout for Solo Clarinet by James Rae... 24.. 29... Technique & Staccato by Avrahm Galper......" It wasn't theory..... 19. and Studies for Both Hands....... 1 by Johannes Brahms .. Universal According to Opperman.....50 parts are of equal difficulty and are presented in score format... Study for Clarinet (Studie für Klarinette) by Gaetano Donizetti Fischer. SS......05 David Hite......... 29.. 100 pages...... and finally C148.. 197 pages. apparently wrote a number of etudes for clarinet all of which..... NTSC... The Virtuoso Clarinetist: Baermann Method Op.......... Kalmen Opperman... PB.......95 M3238. 24 pages..... breathing and producing a sound.... and staccato exercises.... and Latin applied as directed... It provides 37 progressive etudes in keys up to difficulty level ranges from intermediate to advanced intermediate with three sharps and three flats........... 2010.. 21... This book provides a number of useful exercises along with Music Play Along (Music Minus One and other) comments and fingering recommendations by the author.... 72 pages... PA004................ which............ Panofka and are organized in a progressive order for advancing students Alphonse Leduc. Color... the (from late first year through most of the intermediate level)......95 the intermediate level. SB... 11... 19............... .. 29............ 27........... found written out examples of ornamentation in manuscripts 19............... At bit dated in spots but has more detailed information to 1775 by Betty Bang Mather.............. Brand... The book is packed with musical exam- ples and includes appendices..95 29... Klezmer and Holiday developed for a woodwind repair course. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .95 but not saxophone repadding...95 book provides instructions for the most common repair pro- C1445. bell...... tation is intended for woodwind performers... C1443...... Easy Jazz Duets for 2 Clarinets .... & Regulating..95 Additional Comments on German and Italian Music..... A Work- M3212. Subtitled: For Woodwind and Other Performers..95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. SB... Inc... Grand Duo Concertant Op.. That’s Klezmer by Peter Przystaniak ............ C1444.95 C230.. 24....95 Body Work.......50 experience as a master instrument maker and from his contact M3203. 24.. holes and bore perturbations........... 160 pages....... 24...........95 M3234.......95 M3209.. Jazz Conception........... 24...... Saxophone.... Weber Cl Conc No...... 19.. 19...... Sax and Swing .... Stamitz Concerto No.. A detailed mathemati- Student cal study of the subject... M3221.... 1978............. 152 pages. pair by Robert Schmidt.... Easy Jazz Conception Clarinet by Jim Snidero ................. and PA002..... 14....... Truly a labor of love............ Involves the performer of eigh- teenth-century woodwind music in the composition of clas- Repair sical cadenzas.. 34......... 29...........95 M3213................95 of the period and presented them along with guidelines for C133......... 19.. 24....95 of woodwinds........ Northern Illinois M3214.. I: Care and Re...... 1700-1775 by Betty Bang Mather & David Lasocki........... Visions .....95 M4217... Ferree‖s Tools..... Systems in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by spection. Weber Grand Duo Concertant ... Brazilian Jazz 10 Great Songs. Contents: the excitation mechanism M3231. 16......95 guide to clarinet repair with 250 photographs and 140 draw. 1996..... Latin Jazz 8 Great Songs . PA033... 1973..... Clarinets.. McGinnis & Marx........... 1....... 26 by Carl Maria von Weber ........... McGinnis & Marx... 15......95 WW016. SS.. 26 . 1976. The rest of the book is on the tools and techniques of M3202.95 University Press....... WW015... reeds...... articulation.. 48 by Carl Maria von Weber ... J.......95 ments........ 19.....95 Woodwind Books M3216. Sentimento Brasileiro for Sax (or B-flat Inst) by Jeff Gardner . 17... I .... Saxophones......... PB.. 19.......... 273 pages... Spohr Clarinet Concerto in C minor No. In.95 from the French by Jacqueline Rose......................... 24.95 20.....95 with leading instrumentalists to produce a synthesis of his M3217.. Interpretation of French Music from 1675 ings.... & Flute Repair Manual development of each instrument through this time period...........95 tuning.. barrel...... 94 .... 76 pages............. illustrate and classify as many fingering systems as interested in working on mouthpieces... bassoons.... piston valve brass........ Additional information PA032...... 3 .com PO Box 9569.95 brass...... Christmas Memories (all instruments) ......95 tisfaction with other repair manuals..95 focus is on clarinet......... Paquito D'Rivera..... 154 pages. 19.. 24..... II .. Jazz Standards with Strings ('Tis Autumn) . Frank Woodwind Repair.. this book's purpose is to de- makes this book valuable to clarinet and sax players who are scribe.. Mouthpieces. PB....... Springs.. Basic Studies for Clarinet .... General Hints on Pads...... Clarinet......95 G46........ than any other available book.......... 29........... and trombone............. 104 pages.. 3 in B-flat Maj Clarinet & Piano .. examples....... info@vcisinc. and index.. The clarinet is the M3239....... Band Instrument Repairing Manual by Erick cadenzas preserved in published and manuscript form. SB. Instrument Repair for the Music Teacher by Bur- M3215....... This book was originally Jazz.. Reading Key Jazz Rhythms Clarinet by Fred Lipsius ......... 21..95 is provided for repairing oboes...... 60 pages......... and Drums...... both the similarities and differences in WW007. 24....... WW014. C.... Sinatra Set to Music.... 24.................95 book by David Lasocki & Betty Bang Mather..95 subject of the basic repair instruction..95 Saska.. The book 22.95 tended for those who wish to learn professional repair tech- M1203...... 158 pages........... and ornamentation.. 1 Op. many instruments from each of the woodwind families.. 13. 24.... Weber Clarinet Concertino. Intermediate Jazz Conception Clarinet by Jim Snidero .... – Step by Step Easy Directions for Overhauling Your In.... SB.95 cedures for woodwind and brass instruments........ 1979.. This book was written because of the author‖s dissa....... The Development of Woodwind Fingering Soldering......95 S472.. Roncorp...... various composers and schools of playing. This C1446. mouthpiece.....95 and harmony clarinets.. PB.. 2000. flutes...... SB...... International Music Dif- PA019. Igor Stravinsky L'Histoire du Soldat ...95 clarinet repair............ 34....... The primary M3218...................... Schumann Phantasiestücke & 3 Romanzen Op.....vcisinc... The authors have gency repairs...95 knowledge..... 1978.... 204 pages.. Paquito D'Rivera.... 24...... The first 60 pages covers how a clarinet works M3204................... Alfred Publishing Co..........95 WW001.... This is followed by extensive diagrams of the mechanisms of strument by Lawrence Frank........ 27.. 21 Solo Etudes Clarinet by Jim Snidero ..... 21..... Easy Clarinet Solos Vol.. Popular Concert Favorites for Clarinet.... Carl Stamitz Concerto No... Covers Keywork................... McGin- fessionals who want to work on their own instruments..95 WW002..... Nederveen. It is nis & Marx. 24..... Jazz Standards with Rhythm Section .Student Level .....95 fusion. From Dixie to Swing .... possible dating from about 1831 to the present..... flute.95 niques using professional equipment..F.... 1998....... Stamitz Cl Conc No. Sinatra. Free Ornamentation in Woodwind Music saxophone....... Revised Edition by C.... A Guide to Repairing Woodwinds by Ronald PA029...... Beginning Clarinet Solos Vol... Valve Instruments Jerry L......... The three principal subjects are rhythmic inequality.... This book on free ornamen- also recommended for band directors who need to do emer.... Weber Clarinet Concerto No. Beethoven Piano Trio ....95 32...... WW033..... Voorhees Publishing Co........ I ...95 with details on the bore.. A Clarinetist’s Notebook Vol. etc.... SS. 75 M3242........... 230 Violins...95 M3211.......95 39....... 14.. Barbarito's Dance for 2 clarinets & piano by Janvier Zalba ... Corking the saxophone neck is covered PA031...... 109 pages..... bibliography...... Popular... rotary valve M3219. Included are examples of the few surviving G03... The book is in- C1517. The Classical Woodwind Cadenza. Playing Through the Blues Clarinet Edition by Fred Lipsius .. The author has drawn from his C1657.... 19....... 16............50 considers in detail... and flute players from high school through pro. 29. In a League of His Own: Popular Songs ... PB........ 19.....95 ton Stanley.................... 2 in E-flat major ........ Oboes & Bassoons........ This book focuses on the 50 years from 1700 to 1750 when woodwind (especially flute) music was popular and the per- formance practices for French music were distinctive. A detailed 21... Voorhees..... SB.. It is intended for clarinet.... Chicago-Style Jam Session ....... Peters] ....... Cleaning & Polishing...... http://www........ The Clarinet Revealed by Ernest Ferron translated M3210.. 19. 29. saxophones.. Clarinet Concertino Op..... Acoustical Aspects of Woodwind Instru- C1310.. 49.. 3 [C. Easy Clarinet Solos Vol. The section on mouthpiece refacing pages............. and Rameu....... oboe........ 2008...... .. Kummer (not in score format... recordings... Includes two format... Inincludes a score with the bassoon part and separate parts for clarinet in C 24.... Andante moderato.. PB. 15. Many entries include difficulty ratings and Series compiled. Lacome.. topics....... Allegro commodo...... There are eight short movements in this piece. 30......... in six sections: Allegro energico.. College level.. Allegro teaching... The Sixteenth Century and the Emerson Edition............. (includes parts and piano score).95 Moderato....... ........ Fantasy for flute and clarinet by Malcolm Arnold.. The Preface (in German... Early high resource for woodwind instruments.... Opens and closes with pages. Many entries have descriptions.. Early college level... which discusses WW152.. Paterson's Publications.. duration. 14... Maesto- The rest lists woodwind quintets.  . Clarinet and Piano by book offers the most topical and information necessary for Tony Aubin. PB.... Larger ensembles (four or more players) WW041...... A effective teaching. SS.... With thorough coverage school level.. 24. literature lists (study materials. Duos Concertants for Flute or Oboe and Clarinet 2nd Series compiled...... 751 1:30) Arnold wrote for his children to play together... Three Duets WoO 27 for Clarinet and Bassoon by Ludwig common technical faults and corrections...... clarinet and alto saxophone by source...... This book Symphony Concertante by Mozart KV 364 transcribed.... The book con- sostenuto. Handel....... Oxford University Press........... 12...... 1974.. PB..vcisinc...) the score. than the first book. It the flute part goes up to C7. Suite Brève en Trio Op.. Andantino. Mozart serenades....... are listed on the Leduc. Some pleasing dissonance in spots... and Mechanization..... The listings include com- so/Prestissimo...... Southern descriptions.. . 1952.. 1977.. Suitable for college or profes- sional recitals....... College level......... Score.... Queen's WW242. Alphonse including woodwind quintets.... Contrastes III for Clarinet and Bassoon by Eugene Bozza.. For oboe. I.. all the rest are)......95 for 2 basset horns by Mozart (not transposed) an extended duet by J.. finished with a brilliant Creative Recipes for a Successful Performance....... Handel... and shorter works by contains annotated entries of chamber works for woodwinds Bach. includes a general and Rondo (Allegro moderato). A miniature (duration Amy E. WW012.... and Allegro giocoso.... Parts...95 (for the first two duets which were originally for that instrument) and parts for all three duets for clarinet in B-flat.. SS.. 37) by pages... Languido. ....... The Woodwind Player's Cookbook edited by ren's Opera based upon "The Child and the Moon.. instrumentation. Triade Trio for oboe..... and WW006. Early Reed Instru.. This is a four movement work: Allegro moderato. Baines......... and suggested piece for this combination... Lluna for flute.... 12. French.. Scarecrow Press.. II..the WW125. and bassoon (100+ pages each) . Woodwind Instruments and Their History by English) describes the problematic history of these duets while a Comments Anthony C... History.. 1935. SS.... concertants by J... Sellner.... and bassoon.. Paterson's Publications... About one quarter of this book is a listing of works for Malcolm Arnold.... For good high school players or better...... This popular work is two to five dissimilar woodwinds (including horn) and piano.... title. me- WW185....... by Oxford has a "modest" price... Le Calme de la Mer Trio for Flute... common problems van Beethoven edited by Jerry Kirkbride and Jane Taylor....45 WW035.. The Woodwind Today... With outstanding records of performance. .. 19.95 Alphonse Leduc....... WW113. Billaudot. Trois Mouvements (Three Movements) for Flute and Music Company.. leadership and short movements (each part is three pages long). Andraud....." The themes are very Charles West.. http://www.... Andraud. This book provides instrumental music teachers.. Petit divertissement range from overviews of successful programs to specific topics that will inspire all levels and types of ensembles and perfor. Allegro vivo. 2 pages (score format)..... along with non troppo) and should be playable by many high school students although teaching suggestions that can be applied in the classroom..... (includes parts and piano score).. Gambaro (not in score format.. instrumentation. SS... Wind Talk for Woodwinds by Mark C.. Allegro affecttuoso.. 12 pages.. and Allegro vivo......... the 57 authors provide their favorite “recipes” that moderato. The definitive section at the end has notes on the editing. three from Mozart. transcribed... and the catalog number WW194.........95 chapters on The Primitive Flute World.. 1952.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .... This book has three duos groups of like instruments..  . 37) by of any known recording... 12 duets 57. sists of Part One.85 (Note: This is a listing of mixed woodwind duets and trios that include clarinet with or without piano...95 of the most common woodwind instruments .... 1946. composition... WW034... Vivace. 1946... etc.. This piece has four relatively clinics... the oboe. arranger (if any). This includes terminology.... 1979...... 1974...B. Ely and Temple Publications..80 Series compiled...95 WW171...... Van Deuren.... 31.. Drei Duos (Three Duets) WoO 27 for Clarinet and thod books. 2..95 Van der Roost... piccolo. SS... 2002. Wind Chamber Music – For Two to Sixteen Music Company.. ... Malcolm Arnold. Alphonse Leduc... Divertimento for Flute. 384 pages........ Includes individual parts and Woodwind Music page of our web site..... Oboe and Clarinet (Op.... transcribed.... research.  ........... publisher. espressivo. practi- the flute playing a melody over arpeggios in the clarinet and has a contrast- tioners... 13 pages for each part (no score)........ The listings include composer (with national... and Rondo (Allegretto)... He studied clarinet wind... 1996.. clarinet and piano by Daniel Bimbi.... The Eighteenth Century and the Classical Wood.... 40 pages (two copies)..... .. 2009... HB.. Lluna was originally intended to be the theme of a Child- WW179. as well as a list of additional re- sources....... date.. clarinet......... Wind Chamber Music – Winds with Piano and shorter works by Bach... date. 17.... WW036.. . 186 WW056...... and revised by Albert J. and revised by Albert J. College level with a collection of quick-to-read yet deeply insightful strategies is duration of about 7 minutes. Divertimento for Flute. Medieval Wind Music. 29.. and Piacevole... (parts only).... Includes two copies of the parts in Woodwind Music (by composer) score format.......flute..... SS... fully illustrated...15 also includes a "Practical Tips" section.. WW195........ and Allegro assai. and III. reeds and reed-making. Andante..... SS. transcribed..... Southern Van Cott Information Services Inc.. three from Handel and copies of the parts in score format.50 well as fingering charts.95 mers...... Some of the material in this book is more difficult (including horn). 13.... A mix of difficulty and Woodwind Quintets – An Annotated Guide by levels similar to the second book..... They are 1. Allegro sostenuto.. 2010... (1971-) was born in Carcassonne in Southern France. with Guy Deplus and more recently has been studying composition with Jan 14. An impressive book which considering it is published Bassoon by Ludwig van Beethoven edited by Egon Voss. Oboe and Clarinet (Op. SS...... and 4. Better high school players and up.... Aria (Larghetto)..... Meredith Music.... concertants by G.. Note: this book does not contain works for Music Company.. 1947... 76 WW011.... (Allegro). Contains six duets from the works of Bach.. saxophone... 2008..... Alphonse Leduc... easy-to-use pedagogical ing interlude in between. Andraud.... and revised by Albert J. and Krebs.95 Barbera Secrist-Schmedes.. as Music Co. and solos).. SS........95 like finding expert trade secrets all placed in one convenient WW209. both humorous and exciting... Mediterranean style. Southern WW042. It is at an unhurried tempo (Lento... 1964. 3...95 ity and dates)... Scarecrow Press. ma concepts associated with each specific instrument... 37. this valuable pyrotechnical finale... ments... the flute. duration.......... all the rest are)... The three movements are Allegretto. 23 pages (two copies). 19.... the clarinet... HB. and Schmedes.... Henle..95 poser (with nationality and dates).. International with sound (as well as their causes and solutions to them).95 47............ title... All duets are in score Clarinet in B-flat by Eugene Bozza...  . Larghetto book on woodwind info@vcisinc..... and students with a handy..... 67 by Eugene Bozza..... ...9. . Part Two.... 40 pages (two copies). and the bassoon. Duos Concertants for Flute or Oboe and Clarinet 3rd and publisher.. 7..... Daniel Bimbi Consorts. 307 pages.. This book has two duos Winds – An Annotated Guide by Barbera Secrist... PO Box 9569. Aria con Varia- introduction.. workshop Marcel Boucard. 178 pages..... Subtitled sultry and nostalgic in a Latin. Duos Concertants for Flute or Oboe and Clarinet 1st Adagio espressivo.. clarinet.. Dover. has zioni (Andantino con moto). 2003.... moto).... SS.... SS......... En Bateau.. Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune (Prelude to the composition makes it well suited for this instrumentation. 2... There are WW124....... Newhill... WW204..... Robert duet with an easy piano part..  .. Burlesque (Allegro energico)... The duration is about 12:30... SS.. 27. Allegro con moto... The movements are: 1.. Paul deWailly (1854-1933) was a French compos. III.. Piano by Michail Glinka........ SB........ 2009..... Generally college level. Dorff... This book has 25 WW158. The publisher describes them as "Really nice recital material for good players. 6... tonal.... Clarinet in A and B-flat.95 Canons which has 9 pieces and a duration of 7 minutes... and better high school ensembles................... 4.............95 There are nine short pieces which are: 1.... but as the preferred but alternate parts for B-flat clarinet are provided (the other arranger writes.. . Kendor Music.... Sultry players and up.. La Rana Loca. Moderato. Andante.. Includes extensive notes by the Farkas..... III.... It is suitable for younger (but Presto.... 1986. V..... Menuet. 14. Canon. Habenera from Aires Tropicales for Woodwind Trio short and fun..95 progressing) high school students. school or early college level...............95 57 + 9 + 10 pages. most of which was written during brings out the best qualities of each instrument.. Advanced high Tenuto Publications. Moderato. 1998.... (includes score and parts)... Trio in B minor Op... Canon (Allegro)... The five waltzes are: I. 2010...... 27 for Oboe.. Dance (Con spirito).. Waltz and Interlude Duet for Flute and B-flat Clarinet with Piano Accompaniment by Clare Grundman.... 1998. Duo Suite on Mexican Themes for Flute and Clarinet by Mike Curtis. This dresse.. Berben. 8. Clarinet and Piano by Claude Berceuse..... two copies in score format each 7 pages. 15...... 14. Dance (Con moto)......... two copies in score format each 7 pages.. Arsis Press..... 2. .... Three Romances for Flute and B-flat Clarinet by Daniel six pieces: I......... 15... . The duration is about 7 minutes.... Allegro con Most of these pieces are at the advanced intermediate level and will brio..95 (Tango drammatico). 10............95 WW197........... The tradition of imitation (Leggiero).. VI.. Four Pieces for Flute and Clarinet by Newel Kay Brown. Edouard Bourree........ The odd meters (7/16 and WW169......... oboe and clarinet by Paul Harris....... MSS Publishing. V.... 10. and Allegretto polonaise. Adagietto.... II. Boosey & Hawkes... They were written to be WW221..  ........ 1968... and rhythmic......... College level. 3...... This very pleasant parts are not especially difficult but it requires an excellent pianist.... II.. In score format with two copies.... 24 + 3 + 3 pages..... 26........ III... Trio Pathétique for Clarinet.. 8. George Frederic Handel Destenay (1850-1924) was a French composer and organist who was born Minuet in F minor. The duets are in three groups: Dances and about 6 minutes..... Le Jardin de Dolly... and 9..... IV..... 12.... Afternoon of a Faun) arranged for Flute... Andante con Variazioni Tenuto Publications...95 college level and feature mixed meter.... Clarinet in A and Piano amateur adult trios.. articulations. High school level and the piano part is easy. in Algiers.... and Clarinet in B-flat by Paul WW049....... Prologue (Allegro scherzando).......... Better high school copies.... Suitable for early college level.................. Larghetto....95 dynamics.. Andante non troppo....... . 5.......... and 5)..... B-flat Clarinet and Bassoon) by Paquito D'Rivera... SS.. Stravinskyesque technique and WW170. SS. Four Little Duos for Flute and Clarinet by Robert Dickow... Bassoon (Violoncello) and deWailly edited by Jerry Kirkbride. 15. intermediate duets with parts in C.. 41 by Franz Danzi edited by John P.. In three movements: Allegro vivace. four pieces are: I. Aubade Trio for Flute. This is a major work that er and student of Cesar Frank.. SS................. 9. Tre Bagattelle for flute.. 2008.. Baroque Dance Suite for Flute and Clarinet by arranged by Robert S... editor........ Interna- WW031... 15 pages in score format...  ...  11.. Dance (Allegro con brio). The Dolly suite was written for piano four and IV...... and 3..... Nocturne (Largo amorosa). (includes score and parts). clarinet and bassoon by Ferenc to.. They gradually These are musical portraits of Hootie. Jean-Philippe Rameau Two Sarabandes... (Maestoso). keys. 1983.. the WW232.. Five Waltzes for Flute.. a handsome and elegant 20-pound build the student's experience of time signatures.... Waltz (Allegro ma non troppo).. Early college level. textures.... Tenuto Publications.. Tenuto Publications... and VI.... Woodwind Friends. 4.. A college level work with a duration of Flute and B-flat Clarinet by Daniel Dorff. includes parts and and concert performance.....95 cantabile). Ketty .... II.... tempi.... Scherzo.... piano four hands).. In score format with two copies... 2..95 by Claude Debussy arranged by Michael Webster.. Plaza del Baratillo.. ..... two copies in score format each 7 pages. Tenuto Publications.... and bass clef and they can Tenuto Publications.. 8....... Canon (Presto).....95 piece is marked Allegro with a middle section that is more tranquil than the beginning and end. International Music Co. tuxedo cat.. The publisher rates this as US grade 3.. The Andante is followed by five variations... SS... The clarinet and bassoon the period from 1870-1900.95 Dorff. The music is lyrical. WW177.. 2010.. Waltz (Tempo di valse).. 1997............. III. Ballad (Andante cantabile)..... PO Box 9569.. 5 pages in score format.. Waltzes with a duration of 6 minutes... and finally.. Clarinet and Piano by Paul Harris............... 1985... Languid (Allegro pastorale)....Valse.... Six movements: I.... Sinfonia Concertante for Flute.95 WW227. Dulcinea........... These duets are progressive.... adapting it for flute and piano has not been very successful movements are for B-flat clarinet)..... a petite Bengal princess. A wonderful arrangement of a wonderful piece (originally for and Piano by Gabriel Fauré transcribed and edited by Michael Webster.... A movement from Aires Tropicales with challenging Op....... These four duets are at the advanced the original tempo... SS. Allegro. is continually evident in this composition. Cortège. 56 arranged for Flute.... In score format with two IV. ........ Allegretto...... 2010..... Total duration 6:00. 13..95 Queen's Temple Publications.. .. They dances are: Georg Phillip Telemann piano score... Invention Van Cott Information Services Inc. 73 pages in score format.. Clarinet and Orchestra tionalOpus....... Four movements: I..... Duration about 8 minutes.. Largo and Allegro con spirito. Allegro..............95 hands between 1894 and 1897 with additional movements added on Dolly's birthdays...... 25 Intermediate Duets by Mike Curtis.. Sancho Danza.. Allegretto... II.. International Music. .... IV. At times..........." The duration is 8:30... II. A clarinet is piece is one of the most popular flute solos in the repertoire.  . Early college level with a duration of 3 minutes... SS.... College level. . For better high school students which has historically inspired two-voice music can be likened to an object and up.. Recently reprinted from a 1906 Hamelle edition..95 probably be of most interest to better high school students and adult amateurs.. 7........ Soliloquy (Andante)..... 23 pages. Ballet....50 WW230..95 (Flute or Oboe.... For the first and third movements......... SS. WW141.... SS.... Frost... 1957... WW144.... Queen's 5/8) in variation II make this an early college level piece.. Ten- Debussy arranged by Michael Webster........ Dolly Op.......... 34...95 and its shadow. Frisky (Brisk allegro)... 1993........ is in a conservative style. and Tiki..... In three movements: Allegro Modera.... Le Pas Espagnol...... 12.. 23.. College level with a duration of about 15 because there is too much music to be covered by two instruments........ 8 pages.. Both A and B-flat clarinet parts are included..... 6.. . WW235.. MI-A-OU........ It is in three sections: a waltz (Moderato con Dickow (1949-) is an American composer who teaches horn. 1994... Old New Borrowed Blue.. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . . In three movements: I. The three romances are: 1...... Two Cats for Flute and B-flat Clarinet by Daniel Dorff... PB... and WW145... His music.95 Allegretto.. followed by a return to the waltz in and theory at the University of Idaho. 1982. .. Clarinet (in A) and the Baroque period provide challenging and rewarding repertoire for festival Piano by Edouard Destenay. SS. Advance Music.... In score format........ In four movements: Allegro includes parts and score.. International Music... contrapuntal lines in a Latin style similar to the Ravel Habanera..... SS.................. Music Rara... 1964. SS.. Music Rara..... Andante Con Variazioni for Flute and Clarinet by Daniel V. II Allegro grazioso.... This is an intermediate Manduca Music............ Johann Sebastian Bach Gavotte (from French Suite No. 8 pages.. and III.... 1997. Michael Webster writes that the nature of the original WW138.. SS......... composition.. E-flat.... SS. 77 WW132. Lauren Publications. 7 pages (score format). 5........ El Burro Viejo..50 WW075............. SS. Duration about Temple Publications..... Better high school level and up... 3..75 the clarinet produces a more satisfactory result...... The dances of WW228.... ....... Adagio. B-flat....vcisinc. and one is not certain which instrument is playing which info@vcisinc... SS. Adding minutes. 8...... La Banda del Estado. and 6. Trio for flute.. 2007.......... Duration 5:35..95 WW183..... The which has a short Andante and five variations with a total duration of 4:30..... styles and rhythmic complexity.......... A collection of fun duets for instrumental identities become obscured..... 12.. ..... Shadows Duo for Flute and Clarinet by Jane Brockman... International Music.. The duration is about 9:20. 1988........... Dances and Canons for Flute and Clarinet by Daniel Dorff.. 6.....  ... 1999... Three Little WW143. (includes piano score and individual parts). and IV.. ......  .. then the interlude in 4/4 (Meno)..... 8 pages. http://www. be played any combination.... ............ III. Petite Suite arranged for Flute... Piano reduction..... Meditation (adagio sostenuto e 4:30.. 1994... 41. ... 5 pages (in score format)..95 Magic Flute... The three tunes are so/Allegro vivace..... "Voi..... before he could reach full maturity as a composer. 20... Probably early college level but might has resulted in undeserved obscurity............ Clarinet in B.95 WW038. SS...95zynski.. 1991.." The movements are: WW198........ Duet-Concertino for Clarinet and Bassoon with String featuring Mozart‖s best-loved arias and instrumental themes. 2006.. 18.... Tunbridge Music.......... IV. and authentic performance practice.. While the bassoonist faces some endurance issues in the second and dance step used in cowboy dances. This work was written in 1896/97 but be attempted by younger players if the flutist has good command of the the third movement was lost for many years and this is the first publication third octave... Trio for Clarinet (Violin)....... Michael Kibbe.. (includes parts and score)......... The Concertino is in three movements: Allegro throughs...95 duration of about 8 minutes.. most..95 William Hurlstone. Includes Overture WW155. SS. SS. this (Andante/Moderato)... Clarinet and Bassoon) by Turlough O'Carolan......... But You Don't (Up- tempo swing)..... he WW122.. III.... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . ...... my idea was to take a flight of fancy in each movement and to create the musical equivalent of a character info@vcisinc.. 23.. Clarinet and Bassoon by Walter WW163..." Upper college/professional level. In Joyeux... Douloureux..  ... Divide the Ring.95 tion... The piece was (Piano Reduction) by Karl Stamitz edited by Johannes Wojciechowski. ...... SS. Andraud.... and III...... 36. 6.... [see clarinet music] ... .. Three Celtic Tunes for Wind Trio (Oboe or Flute.. 39. and V. 19.. A good piece for a joint recital................... ... SS...... Music for the Middle of the Day for Flute. (includes parts and score)..... SS....95 in one extended (8:17) movement with mixed meter and a number of tempo changes..... but regular. 18 Trios Vol..... 73 for Clarinet and Bassoon by Michael Kibbe. . and III Allegro/Moderato... 2......... Maman" (Twinkle WW238... 147 for Oboe.... equally suitable for recital use and just-for-fun duet read... The piece was written by Milhaud in 1937. Early college level....... Nocturne (Quietly)... II...... Four Waltzes for Flute.... 1949.... The first and last movements should swing. Clarinet and Piano by Libby Larsen.. 15 + 4 pages... Bassoon and Piano by Twinkle Little Star. In three movements: Fanfare Publications. 50 + 15 + 14 pages. Pastorale Op... espressivo..... (includes score and parts)............ Allegro moderato.. 9.. .. Includes two copies of duet parts and the piano adaptations.. SS... Early college level....95 WW131..... 13 pages..... This is one clarinet and piano... Boosey & this collection have been transcribed into complete-sounding idiomatic Hawkes... Waltz (Allegretto)...95 WW237... In three movements I.. 1954. Dialogues Op. One reference called it a tiny gem of the flute).... Although most successful as a choral composer. and bizarre episodes.... SS... WW037. (includes score and parts)..... Intermediate level (although the first (At a lazy...... and Tempo primo.... The duration is about 8 minutes..50 piece for a college recital. II Andante of the more popular pieces for this combination... Verdi Three Arias for Two Clarinets and Bassoon by to The Magic Flute (abridged).. Caprice en Trio for Flute..... Duration about 8:30 minutes...... Southern Music Co.95 December (Molto rubato). Emporté.95 Captain O'Kane (Moderately slow).95 woodwind repertoire.... Associated Music Publishers... 1960.. 2010. 92/2b by Ernst Krenek. Spring Waltz (Cl & Pn). and Piano by Dmitri with a duration of about 9 minutes..95 three movements: I... six duets which are in score format... (includes piano score and all parts).. Composer and clarinetist Daniel Dorff has joint cadenzas... College Allegretto comodo. 34.. and Piano by Joseph Makholm.... Baerenreiter..... Sonatina for Flute and Clarinet Op... Upper college level. Mark Rogers.... Includes score and parts.. 2006. .... 18 Trios Vol.. 2 for Oboe. 3. Concerto in B-flat for Clarinet.. 24..... SS.. Animé.. It is in four movements: 1.. Duo Op...95 Early college level. 61... .. it has three movements: Allegro... reduction in score format... 31 by The Marriage of Figaro. Clarinet... this is excellent recital repertoire..... Liebelei-Walzer for Two Clarinets and Bassoon by Arthur flat. 1923. and III... WW222.... 24 by Robert Muc William Yates Hurlstone (1876-1906) was a talented British composer 44. Barn Dances for Flute... Oxford... It is in four movements: I... SB.. and a set of four abstract pieces..... 1987.. Premiered in 1983. Andante moderato and III... Sonate for Flute....... II.......... Lord Inchinquin (9/8 in one at about WW168... Rondo........95 C1242...... Reel (Lively). (includes parts and piano score)...... Quietly Moving. Read... moderato. Cues are often Flute and Clarinet arranged by Daniel Dorff......... Score format. Early college level. Parts only.. WW241........ Clarinet and Bassoon by Joke (Fl & Pn)......... and IV... Andante..... Chester WW052... ... SS.. 12 pages..............50 with half note = 72.... College level WW123. 78 WW073..... II... This piece is dream waltz)......95 WW053. Durand. The composer wrote: "Barn Dances is Sonata for Two Clarinets. Billaudot.... 52..95 three movements: I.... "Alleluia" from Exsultate....... Waltz.. 2 by Anton Stadler.... Somewhat similar in style to Oxford.. Southern Music Co.. Schirmer. Allegro moderato.  .. Sonata for Clarinet and Bassoon by Francis Poulenc.. Bagatelle II is for vibraphone revised edtion was published in late 2007.. Better high school level musicians and up... 9.. Waltz WW057. Allegretto. WW167. Sikorski. clarinet part goes up to an altissimo F).. . College level with a clarinet would be desirable for that version but is not required..... Music........ and IV. G........ 8 pages. written for the Webster trio.. .... Romance.. Barrel-Organ Waltz (piccolo instead of Darius Milhaud. SS... 19.. Rosewood flat by John Rutter. Vivace. II..... 1997... Southern Music... Sonatine en Trio Op.... Song Michael Kibbe... Duos for Flute and Clarinet Op... Late One Afternoon 2004.. The Five Bagatelles are I... Adagio from the Clarinet Concerto (abridged). Dolores' Kitchen (Up-tempo bossa). [see clarinet music] .... This duet looks like a good level........ http://www. In three movements: I.... This piece was Schnitzler arranged by Wolfgang Danzmayr. and Twelve Variations on "Ah! Vous dirai-je...95 WW040....... Duration about 8 minutes. . Includes score and parts. 2006.... 11.. College level. III.... Bassoon and Orchestra Milhaud....... College level. Blues (Andante expressivo).. 14. 28 + 8 + 8 pages (includes both parts and piano score). . Andante maesto............ 24.... (Early) college level... Oboe... SS.............. Bassoon (Viola/Bass Clari... Varsouvianna (a simple L.. Emerson Edition. II.. ... 2004...... II...... Briskly... SS..95 of the complete work..... 14............... 1934/2000.... Eighteen Trios from the Classic Masters for Flute..... Clarinet in A and wrote a few other works including this one and a Duo Concertante for Harpsichord or Piano by Florent Schmitt................ Clarinet and Piano by Darius WW202. 24 pages in score format.. Allegro con brio. 24 + 8 + 8 pages... Lento.. while and Clarinet or Two Flutes and Clarinet transcribed and arranged by also encompassing tonal and non-tonal harmonies and conjuring humorous Ary van Leeuwen and Albert J.... interpretation..........95 further expanded the repertoire for Flute and Clarinet duo with this book WW043.. . Trio No... Charles Huguenin edited by R......... Rondo..... Roncorp.. Sikorski...... 1933.. pace).... II.. The composer wrote that it is "fanciful and somewhat mutable in WW231........ includes parts and piano score.. 1981. 1924..... It is in four movements: I........ and III... Masters Music........ 2007. Clarinet and Bassoon Op..... and 4.. Despite the name it moves right along in cut time WW039... 54..... Three American Miniatures For Flute and Clarinet in B- net/Basset Horn) and Piano by Charles Harford Lloyd. the works in Orchestra and Harp (Piano Reduction) by Richard Strauss. Oboe texture and style... Three Pieces for Flute..... 19.... III.95 did some composing....95 of departure. WW051... Adagio...... The work is in three movements: while the rest are for marimba.. 19.... and III.. You Think You Know.. III.. che spete" and "non più andrai" from Giuseppe Verdi arranged by Michael Drapkin.. Jubilate.. II. written by Milhaud in 1918. This collection also features a scholarly preface about ornamenta.. SB..... III.. The clarinet part is early college level at I....... Includes two copies of the whose untimely death.. 22....... Allegro moderato....... 6.. Each pieces draws from the name of a particular Final.... Très lent.. In three movements: I.. Four movements. Assez vif.. Arrange- Van Cott Information Services Inc.vcisinc.................... Tranquille.. setting 'learned' counterpoint against free lyricism......... and Rattlesnake Twist.. II.... Intrada (With spirit). SB. A low C bass Assez animé.. and IV... Very fast. The four movements are: I...95 SS...... Andante... Clarinet and Bassoon by Thomas Forward Six and Fall Back Eight.. Musikverlag Alexander Mayer. and Rag (Allegret- Lloyd (1864-1919) was a celebrated organist and music professor who also to).... 1983. 44.....  . Theodore Presser Co. 1958. Duration about 10 minutes.... Taking the name of the step as a point third movements...... provided before entrances and the other solo part is provided for the two PO Box 9569.95 WW126... II.... 1935. and IV..... "Bei Männern.... Vivo..... Piston....  ... and Planxty Drury (Moderately Fast). College level......... At the advanced intermediate level... Durand... Suitable for adult (amateur) Kibbe..... 2008... A Treasury of Mozart Duets (7 Familiar Favorites) for The parts are well laid out with excellent page turns.. This work is in trios who may find this of most interest.. Scherzo (Allegretto con moto).... SS.. welche Liebe" from The Includes a score and individual parts... Trio in G minor for Clarinet. 2006.. 158 for Flute and Clarinet by Michael mm=60).... Five Bagatelles for Clarinet and Mallet Percussion by Philip Parker... 9.95 Shostakovich arranged by Levon Atovmian.. Charles Harford and Proclamation (Vivace).... Score format..... ...... . SS..  .... Allegro scherzando/Andante.. 39...... 85 for Flute. ... The waltzes are I........... WW115... 1 by Anton Stadler.. SS. .. This book is dedicated to all those who studied music just long enough to be thoroughly confused. Dover... The first two parts of the book deal with the physics and physiology of music.. WindSong Press. included.... Sixteen duets from Mozart... intonation.F..... Uncle Bebop (very fast with straight eighth notes).... WW251.. . 576 pages...... clarinets. An unabridged republication of the 1937 three stories are: 1. previously published writings and contributions from his stu- G05.... II.. diagrams and equations are Bass Clarinet) by Richard Walthew..... 460 pages... 1980. 79 ments of "La donna è mobile" from Rigoletto... properties of music. and Piano by Alec Wilder.. SS..... the bass clarinet part... Second Edition WW164.... The Second.. http://www.. Includes the various means of producing sounds. Frog Ltd and Vivi and science educator. The Prelude is Andante 16. 276 originally published in 1976. 176 pages.. the author provides instruc.. Adapted from system that works best for organizing musical structures.. Topics covered include sound waves.. 29. 8... All of the parts are important and challenging at the [email protected] PO Box 9569...... acoustics (theater... Lies My Music Teacher Told Me by Gerald Eskelin... . Waln Duets for Flute and Clarinet arranged by George Dover... 8.. "Un di felice... expressive).. The PB.... 2005. G42... (1957-) is an Austrian born composer who lives in Los Angeles.. 596 pages. Main sections cover the problem of musi- cian's injuries... etera" and G18. Ferling.95 ments and their characteristics... In addition. Keller.. 258 pages... and enhance your prac- tice and performance.. SS.. . anatomy and applied anatomy for musicians... SS.. (includes parts and score)....00 Stage 3 Publishing. 8. American composer Alec On the Sensations of Tone is regarded as one of the world's Wilder's (1907-1980) music combined elements of the jazz... 15. Woodland Hills... (includes parts and piano score).... 2000. 72 pages. A variety of difficulty ical terminology. 78 Duets for Flute and Clarinet Vol 1 (1-55) Easy. It includes a new introduction written in 1954... ....... trumpets.. Music. It in- cludes detailed but easy to follow guidance on both what and what not to do.. edited by John Taylor. Dover.. Lie #6: A scale is a series of eight fixed pitches.95 view. Latin Dance (also very fast with veys precise information in a non-technical way for anyone straight eighth notes). Garibaldi. icant are his teachings.. PB. deep breathing shows you how to use more lung capacity to 9.... Rosewood Publications. popular.... Prelude and Fugue for Two Clarinets and Bassoon (or electronic music..... most of the information will Includes parts and score... This role of the human ear in hearing music.. 1997..... private interviews.. A Guide to Playing with- out Pain by Barbara Paull and Christine Harrison. others................. o cara" both from La Traviata. The problem. by Himie Voxman.. While quite technical... 1996. 240 pages....... chamber and orchestral music as well as for the film and TV industries. CA. Dietter... flutist.... and C.... He has written G48. Mozart.... This book winds... 1960... 29. and greatest scientific classics. PB...... Trio for oboe.. has WW017. 1997.... English edition of this classic book on musical sounds. in the authors duration of about 17:30. The last WW058... An outstanding non-technical introduc.. ..... composer with a special affinity for chamber music.. 15. 1954.... 15. 78 Duets for Flute and Clarinet Vol 2 (56-78) Advanced tuning changes slightly depending upon harmonic content. HB. PB. chords and other I... Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics by Arthur H.. 1968. sound-reproducing systems..... Kummer. and WW220.... Bach. and bassoon by Heitor Villa-Lobos... Adapted from the works of 16. Scarecrow Press.. Many charts.......... is that three centuries of tempered keyboards. W.... especially on breathing.......... 32...... PB.95 Acoustics and Theory Health and Physical Performance G04.. Horns.... musical instru- levels from early to advanced high school.. the Mozarts... Doblinger.. dulled our ears and prevented us from learning the "natural" Medium by Himie Voxman. Muffat.. . ...... A wide ranging book covering Waln.. Parts for flute and clarinet (no both the mechanical and electronic areas of sound production score)...... Benade. mus- Berbiquier. It con- Rays of Light (Rubato. Brian Frederiksen and 19. This is a hefty book with pages. the con- cert hall...... SS... 3.95 tion to acoustics by Dr. It bridges the gap between the classical realms..95 his musical education in Austria and the United States. The Athletic Musician.. Revised 4th Edition. Music........ and reproduction.50 interested in music.50 Van Cott Information Services Inc...95 draws on material from masterclasses. This is an unabridged reprinting early college level... and III. and Harmony by Arthur H. Three movements: focuses primarily on the subject of scales...... 1960.... 2003..... An advanced work with a things having to do with pitch. Olson.. promote relaxation. Boismortier. 23.. Dover.. Vivo. Richard Walthew (1872-1951) was a British be comprehensible to all musicians... An excellent book for all instru- mental musicians by a physiotherapist and a violinist.... clarinet...Anime.. flutes.. Clarinet.. Rubank. studio. It Eschig. and room). Three Short Stories for Clarinet and Bassoon by Gernot part contains the author's theory on the aesthetic relationship Wolfgang. Benade who was a physicist.....vcisinc...95 of the 1885 translation by Alexander J.... The book covers vibrating systems. resonators and radiators. He the works of the Bachs... General Music 12. G84.... Suite for Flute. Gernot Wolfgang of musical tones...95 Moderato and the Fugue is Andante espressivo.. PB.. saxophones and many other imagery drills and practical applications that will change the instruments work. .. the Company.. 2..95 Bach. Margun man edition. There are a few low Ds in G21. Rameau.. This is a college level work in four movements...... Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .. Truth: A scale is a system of many flexible pitches whose WW018... SS. and flute. Parts only.. orchestras and many more topics.. hearing.. SB.. 1954..95 For example. dents and colleagues.. The Art of Breathing by Nancy Zi..95 reduce tension....... Physics and Engineering by Harry F... how pianos. 9.... Ellis of the last Ger- WW156. was written by Mr.... He received 21...95 G22... Jacobs' assistant.95 natural sciences and music theory...... clarinet.. Geminiani... way you breathe.. 271 pages.. earned a reputation as a world-class performer.. types of tuning... On the Sensations of Tone by Hermann Helmholtz. 175 pages. Rubank.. Equally signif- It includes about 75 pages specifically devoted to wood... oboes........... Science & Music by Sir James Jeans. With a career spanning seven decades Arnold Jacobs enough detail for a physicist but still rewarding to the layman....... Stamitz. scales.95 G20... Handel and explains this through twelve lies and the corresponding truth... 1967..... This piece was written in 1927. violins. book contains 6 simple lessons and easy-to-learn exercises.... 1954. Neil A Kjos Music Co. 72 pages. PB. and the musician as athlete. "Parigi. Quantz... Languissammente. Arnold Jacobs: Song and Wind by Brian Frederik- Benade.. Mazas. Strings. Nancy Zi's unique method of abdominal tions for building a home made trumpet. and Beethoven. Revised Edition sen. PB.. Each in-depth have expected to hear their music realized in performance. 41 pages. 2006. Master audition coach Don Greene. self-doubt. including recommended repertoire for each. These 15 essential lessons it was written than it does to modern performers. This book provides the first author. overcome these internal obstacles in order to bring a new Windplayer Publications. 12. An essential reference for all wind musicians. SS. Beethoven. 1994. 30 pages. Performance (Mental and Technical) 21. 1995. HB. Andover Press. University Press. notation. The beginning performer will against such elusive opponents as nervousness. the sound worlds in which Mozart. PB. es. Wagn- understand info@vcisinc. lesson is given by a recognized expert in their field and fea. Spring. 16. tech. Routledge. titled: How to Tune the Wind Ensemble. Circular Breathing for the Wind Performer by ra Conable. How to Succeed in an Ensemble by Abram Loft.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Trent P. New York. Musical Styles. advice and specific exercises you look beyond the notation to understand how composers might can do to gain better control of your breathing." it is Included in this books are invaluable hints on setting up an also very useful for players of wind instruments. While by Peter Sokolow.95 152 pages. SS. SS.95 Ensemble Music. complied and annotated in an organized. Meredith and how they can be developed in ways that help musicians Music Publications. Chapters include: Music mance. Changes in exercises. historical performance practices. G38. This book is both an personal account of what life is really tion. ferent from ours than is generally assumed. 23. G45. saxophone (Donald Lefevre). and put Game of music is that which takes place in the mind. HB. It is full of information about the Alexander Tech. This book could be play well. Includes sections aimed at instrumen. and seeks to feature information. intermediate and advanced itative account of William Conable's concept. It also features exercises and advice from seven tion and creativity. a well. PB. 2003. technique. has written this book because of his concern that winds member of the Fine Arts Quarter for 25 years and later chair- lack the traditions and the consistent pedagogy of string and man of the string department at the Eastman School of Music. The Art of Wind Playing by Arthur Weisberg. wind ensemble instruments.95 G32. 20 pages. Doubleday. Brown identifies areas in which musical notation G41. and inter.95 rience and movement. tips. It provides details nique. Selected Breathing Masterclasses is a er. The Historical Performance of Music. overview of historical performance. The author discusses breathing and then pro- and physical coordination. SS. Case Studies in 19. There is ample evidence to demonstrate that. this book is subtitled: "A Primer for Choirs and Choruses. G56. trumpet and low brass. G91. 21. bassoon (Jeffrey Lyman). vocalists. Circular Breathing: a Method by Robert S. intonation. A Guide to the Understanding and Correction of pages. Huiksi Music. 31 pages. the study of how our ideas about our bodies affect our expe. SAT. composi- breathing. 12. dozens of detailed illustrations and explanations. in many re- tures step-by-step instructions. The author. PB. like in a chamber ensemble and advice on both the artistic pretation. PB. Kynaston. 2000. 9. SB. improvisation. How to Learn the Alexander Technique by Barba. Guide to Klezmer Arranging and Orchestration Barbara Conable. 300 pages. Topics: dynamics. Ph. 2001. 80 G33. 2000. It provides guidance to help duction by Colin Lawson and Robin Stowell. Third Edition. G10. keyboard instruments. The author was a ist. but it is very useful for people who don't have access such as pitch tendencies and tuning strategies for the principal to an Alexander teacher as well. clear and concise information about breathing and features vocal background writing. Turn good auditions into great ones with Audi. Body Mapping.95 experienced klezmer veteran. 1991. The Inner niques teach you how to monitor and control fear. This book is and sound "basics" of klezmer theory and orchestral writing. This is a guide to learning circular breathing for all wind in- known method for improving freedom and ease of movement strumentalists. a renowned bassoon. 1900 by Clive Brown. Andover Press. musicianship. vides instruction in beginning. The Structures and Movement of Breathing by G112. A primer for students of the Alexander Technique. SS.95 oboe (Martin Schuring).95 G40. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .50 676 pages. Oxford University Press. printing of 1997. 24. golf and skiing and applying them to his own field. and The Continuing Debate. Amadeus Press. and listening skills . techniques for circular breathing. vibrato. tion Success.95 54. 168 pages. This book quality to the experience and learning of music. The Inner Game of Music by Barry Green and W. Tara Publications. It includes anatomy charts and 19 pages of illustrated as History. a tuning method for the entire 21. man. Using the same principles of "natural experienced performer will appreciate techniques that can learning" Timothy Gallwey developed so successfully for turn good auditions into great ones. Audition Success by Don Greene. concise way by an 6. Written in clear and easy-to. 1999. HB. SS.95 Body by Barbara Conable. G06. clarinet (Robert Inner Game . 1991. and Brahms created their music were more radically dif- definitive manual you will refer to time-and-time again.D. breathing. Heavily illustrated.50 ensemble. It provides arrangement. Publications. and the and fear of failure. spects. Warner Bros. 145 pages. Gia Publications.95 chamber group. There are presents two alternative introductory methods of circular also chapters on ensemble playing. This book is a detailed guide to mind and espe. Classical & Romantic Performing Practice 1750- talists. 154 pag.vcisinc. This book offers a concise ble physical/mental experience during practice and PO Box 9569. G34. 1993. A book about Body Mapping and the kinesthetic sense Intonation Problems by Al "Corky" Fabriozio. http://www. The application of primary sources. and acoustical considerations by instrument of G19. find here the tools to prepare for the audition circuit. You Are Your Instrument by Julie Lyonn Lieber. CO. Spring). 225 pages. Conditions and Practices. actors and dancers. 48 pages. 219 pages. and business aspects of creating and sustaining a successful 19. An Intro- cially the body of the musician. 12. Timothy Gallwey. tennis. 32 pages. essential part of the contributing experts for flute (Robert Dick). various chords (which could be turned into an exercise). Selected Breathing Masterclasses. Windplayer conveyed rather different messages to the musicians for whom Publications.are discussed throughout.95 PB. instrument combinations. based on the technique of Body Mapping. articula. What Every Musician Needs to Know about the 19. phrasing. played your nervous energy to work. 101 G70.95 noted musician Barry Green shows how to acknowledge and G131. Cambridge musicians heal existing injuries and develop a more enjoya. Woody. HB. PB. An excellent and inexpensive inally published in 1947. 244 pages. Teens from renowned music programs nual to address the performance problems specific to twen. This book clearly thods for overcoming these universal psychological blocks-- illustrates how to teach students to play or sing with expres. This book will help young people cope with difficulties involved concise. Subtitled: Understanding confidence.95 the legacy of recordings. requires a mastery of mann. PB. This innovative Musical Art by Elizabeth A. and inte. significant contribution to the understanding of performance prepared by a master teacher. Hiller's treatise was published in Germany in 1780 mance or you can face them. ensemble playing and perfor. This book unravels the complexities of playing lications. Cambridge University Press. petty and debilitating fears are a suffering of epidemic propor- formance. this book is a reference book of introduction to ornamentation. Performance anxiety is a fact of life for zanne J. This Weisberg. Amsco Publications. working with energies that might otherwise be wasted be valuable to instrumentalists as well as singers and is a in unproductive ways. 2002. The Young Musician's Survival Guide by Amy book for Conductors and Instrumentalists by Arthur Nathan. G144. fessional jobs without performing an actual audition! mance anxiety.95 extraordinary musicianship. 1993. A Soprano on Her Head by Eloise Ristad. playing and practicing.. Green. A survey of music field. Inc. Selected Audition Masterclasses. With its emphasis on prac- can be ready to go out and sing or play at his or her highest tical aspects of ornamentation. metric modulations. and wit. Practicing Successfully. the authors provide a cians. The final section addresses the act of listening. and Robert H. The next section considers the "translation" from score to you play. but instrumentalists have also found it useful as a procedure that makes realizing an ornament and integrating it source for ideas in jazz and as exercises for modern classical into a performance simple. creativity. Yale University Press.95 16. G29. and conductors can take their skills to concise. The author supplies answers and me- William Kincaid and Marcel Tabuteau. practice and memoriza. and James Galway in offering practical answer to questions forming twentieth century rhythms. the country's leading orchestras. and she does so with compas- dith Music Publications. 2001. physical projection. music criticism and "performers on G28. 1982. Mere. exhibited by the true virtuosos. tions in our society that rob spontaneity and enthusiasm in cept of expressive musicianship as taught by Anton Horner. MMB Music. G71. the Baroque. lie the acquisition of musical skills. Examining the processes that under- centration. You'll even learn how players are able to get pro- sound. best seller explores the functions.50 G25. A Masterclass in the Campbell. SS. passion. 293 pertaining to practice and suggests ways to modify practice pages. 128 pages. Musical Performance. 81 G14. join pro musicians such as Wynton Marsalis. and up-to-date introduction to psycholog- higher levels.95 34. analytical and psychological concepts. Covers music. composers. pages. Gia Publications. and is an important manual on vocal technique and perfor- Performance Success teaches a set of skills so that a musician mance in the eighteenth century. legendary pressions of the brain in correlation with music education. and rewarding. 27. straightforward handbook by the renowned conduc. 268 pages. Musical Skills. G59. PB. H. Performing Twentieth-Century Music: A Hand. G134. this book starts with techniques that help you performance through the ages leads to a presentation of basic overcome your first audition jitters and continues with how historical. http://www. Written to help all musicians. 147 pages.95 cuss recurring problems and how to defeat them. HB. tion by Johann Adam Hiller. Written by 15 top experts (such music and reveals aspects of learning. wisdom. Broadway Books. In Part Two. it presents a logical step-by-step composers. 204 pages. Alfred Publishing Nicolas Slonimsky. even learn to embrace them.95 G57.95 sections: Musical Learning. 144 pages. Note Grouping by James Morgan Thurmond. The Mastery of Music. Real performance". playing and responding as Don Greene and Barry Green) who work throughout the to music relevant to performances of all levels. 142 pages. In Practicing Successfully. info@vcisinc. artistic performance. PO Box 9569. 1981. including ters follow on teaching. A Guide to Understanding 29. PB. discipline. In the con- G36. Eloise Ristad deals with 24. This is a book of skills and exercises. Fully explains through musical example. The problems of stage fright and other Method for Achieving Expression and Style in Musical Per. A Question & Answer Manual G44. you can be better prepared for any music audition. the con. and Musical Roles. scales and melodic patterns. Introduction to the Musical Brain by Don G. Psychology for Musicians by Andreas C. sion. PB. Classical. 29. You can deny the problems of stress in perfor. and Acquiring the Skills.” systems of understanding the integration of mind and body. down the practicing regimen into a logical learning sequence grate those with the left lobe (logical).95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. H. but which trace back through history to the oldest and wisest formances “come alive. creative and talented people. John A Sloboda. Subtitled: A sion. 1995. methods that have not only been proven in her own studio. Paula Robison. Green draws upon her dec- Contains exercises and activities for both children and adults ades of experience instructing students of all levels to break to activate right lobe (emotional) learning modes. practice in the eighteenth century. and Contemporary eras.95 complex problems that torment and cripple many of our most G63. 2006. 32 pages.95 edited by John Rink. tieth-century music. development. Windplayer Pub- 245 pages. Cambridge University Press. edited and translated by Su- 2002. No matter what instrument tion.vcisinc. the from what instrument to play to where the musical road may basics on conducting these rhythms. Routledge. Romantic. HB. Oxford Uni- ten unique qualities of the soul and human spirit. The focus is on understanding and per. Four chap. experts on various instruments dis- 16. turns his hand to the artistic pathways leading to 23. 2003. bassist and co-author of The Inner Game sessions to reflect these facts. declamation and style it will level. Barry Green. 64 pages. lead. PB.95 10. and he discusses specific ways in which all musi. Green shows how musical excel. (Part One). Treatise on Vocal Performance and Ornamenta- G55. The book is divided into three 24.95 9. Inc. 2007. of Music. ical research for musicians. musicianship and style and will help to make your per. Performance Success by Don Greene. 148 pages. It is primarily a resource for regardless of instruments. 151 pages. 2004. Bigler. stimulating. 19. in learning a new instrument and remaining dedicated to tor and bassoonist Arthur Weisberg is the first practical ma. Probably most suited for ages 11-14. Green notes the physiological principles Artistry by Barry Green. such as versity Press. Oxford University Press. accessible. Orig- Co. People Press. 15. Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns by by Valery Lloyd-Watts and Carole L. Ten Pathways to True cluding Part Three. and musical ex. Ornamentation. PB. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .95 G31. PB. Beicken. 199 all musicians. music educator Elizabeth A. PB. and preparing the score. and relaxed con. SS. Leh- lence. theories. 27. Laird. this Companion covers cultural. The book includes the flute. 1997. Lexicon of Musical Invective. Bridging the gap between scholarly and popular im- tine Ammer. 19. 381 pages. Guidance for the amateur craftsman who wishes to edited by William A. and Klezmer Tunes. scholar. Chicago. 82 Reference. This book ages of Mozart. 2003.95 authors by the composer‖s widow. for Six to Eighteen Players by Rodney Winther. It also Patterns for All Instruments by Arnie Berle. A and more than 50 research trips by the author. source for many types of scales. this volume provides comprehensive cover- gives the English equivalents of 3.95 ments. audience and sive guide to the orchestra for conductors. verse. PB. both old and taken during the author's research trips. the contexts that inform his work and his lected from more than PO Box 9569. G143. A beautiful and well illu- insights and research of some of the most distinguished Bach strated book. The Mozart Forgeries by Daniel N. 1980. and From Zev to Zorn: The Masters of Culture (the musical terms and includes over 250 illustrations to help klezmer revival). surveys and analyzes Bach's compositional style. Klezmer in the New World 1880- provides in-depth explanations and examples of over 3. This book provides a comprehensive indexes will assist the reader. paper. 2002. rackett. 128 pages. his outlook as a composer. Appendices are Klezmer Memories in the clarify the entries. and much more. conductor. It paints a rounded yet focused German. and General G51. 2003. German.95 orchestral life combines orchestral repertory history with criti- G207. of one of the most popular forms of musical. The A to Z of Foreign Musical Terms by Chris- pages. Cambridge University Press. fife. and worldwide. 116 MT01. G73. and considers the performance and re. University of Massachusetts Press. 3rd edition. Based upon unprece- friendship with Robert and Clara Schumann. PB. The book is divided in to sections by type of instru. HB. the volume examines the latest works and innova- University of California Press. ECS Publishing.vcisinc. Serious Mozart Aficionado.95 America. significance as a performer. They were col- since his death. Keefe. The chapters valuable reference tool for students. 96 pages. Bach the man and composer. G11. PB. More then just a book of simple definitions. Messiaen‖s greatest works and place them in the context of his The Cambridge Companion to Bach goes beyond a basic life. G74. and horns. krumhorn. musical. students critical reception.95 Books. 1989. PB. This book covers the G09. Each section goes into considerable detail about each G58. An Annotated Guide to Wind Chamber Music cal thought. it offers a guide trumpets. 2004. Encyclopedia of Scales. This up to date guide to the orchestra and 29. and includes information on the singers.95 German composer than ever before. Everett and Paul R. and Italian pronunciation is also included. 344 pages. to the history and development of the musical in England and 16. Critical Assaults on Composers Since Beethoven's Time by Nicolas Slonimsky. PB. iUni- traces his influence. by itself. range. Warner score reading. water- marks. Messiaen by Peter Hill and Nigel Simeone. ink. oboe. Yale Uni- Schickle. PB. 512 pages. 297 pages. which is enhanced by chestral musician. http://www. A guide to French. clarinet. The Cambridge Companion to Bach edited by Peter Hill and Nigel Simeone trace the origins of many of John Butt. Cambridge make wind instruments. SS. HaperCollins. 1999. picture of one of the most revered artists of all time and en- 10.95 contexts. G17. This thick ical instrument movement. History. life. tions. Leeson. and Spanish. The book edited by Colin Lawson. Starting with the early history of the G02. A comprehen. pens. PB. The Cambridge Companion to Mozart edited by Simon info@vcisinc. the paragraph or more of description of each of the more than 24. PB.95 book includes photographs. PB. Subtitled: A Caper Novel for the ception of his music through the succeeding generations. 29. and becoming an or- book has a great deal of information. 2004. PB. and music are: From King David to Duvid the Klezmer.500 1960. It also provides recommenda- 39.95 Norton.95 tions on how to practice scales and a practice routine. international orchestras. Klezmer Slang. 327 pages. 309 G140. concludes with an extensive index. social and religious 47. etc. A Cappella 14. conducting. the reception of his music from French. what with handwriting. Helpful 1997. shawm. 448 pages.000 scores. The Cambridge Companion to the Musical pages. HB 352 pages.25 hances readers' appreciation of his extraordinary output. The Harper Collins Dictionary of Music by Chris- entire history of klezmer and is based on both written sources tine Ammer. includes wind music with soloist(s) and with voices. A counterfeiting genius and an 30. 528 pages. from his years at the Paris Conservatoire and his passio- and-works study to provide a late-twentieth-century perspec. nate first marriage to Claire Delbos through the immense tive on J. The Amateur Wind Instrument Maker by Trevor 31. educator or informed listener. Benefiting from the achievements of his final decades.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. A Brahms Reader by Michael Musgrave. From the Enligh- lovers alike. professionals. musicians. cornetti. Modes and Melodic and within each sized ensemble by instrumentation. Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen. Mel Bay. dented access to Messiaen‖s private archive granted to the 26. 2002. 321 pages. and traditions. Each stage of the effort is. University Press. Yale his activities as pianist. PB. recording. reading lists and photos from key productions. Memorial Books.95 eighteenth century document specialist forge the lost manu- scripts of Mozart's clarinet concerto and his quintet for clari- net and strings. This engaging account of assaults on well-known composers and their works the life of Johannes Brahms provides a fuller portrait of the 14. 325 pages. his University Press. 341 pages.95 Robinson. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . The 17. An accessible survey recorder. and traveler. It includes topics such as the art of orchestration. scholars. music.95 500 compositions. This legendary book is an anthology of critical versity Press. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press. Italian. it tenment to the Holocaust. G50.000 musical terms primarily age of all of his important works. 2005. The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra instrument including characteristics. With a new forward by Peter G30. the histor- Bros Publications (Alfred). PB. and a great deal of imprecise history surrounding both works—the originals of which disappeared around 1800. an awe- some undertaking. The book contains a chro- and everyone interested in the performance of orchestral nology. It is organized by the number of players G23. S. Anatomy of the Orchestra by Norman Del Mar. The Book of Klezmer by Yale Strom. Eminent Brahms scholar Michael Musgrave draws on a wide array of documentation to illuminate Brahms's personality. Viola. French. HB.). Aaron Copland: Three Latin American Sketches. Summit Records. witty and enthralling. http://www. Cesare Pugni The Little Humpbacked Horse. Elie Siegmeister Concerto for Clarinet. Simeon Bellison. 216. Quite City (Paula Engerer English Horn and Scott Moore Trumpet). Nicolas PO Box 9569. Kim Aseltine clarinet with Eva Stern viola and Joel Schoenhals piano. recordings of Kalman Bloch (see our CD091). 2002. Laura Arden. 2009. Slonimsky's Book of Musical Anecdotes by Nicho- 2002. bassoons. 2005. 2002. Simeon Bellison: His Arrangements for Clarinet. G43. cornets. clefs. and Michele Zukovsky clarinet. Srul Irving Glick Suite Hebraic and Alexander Krein Hebraic Sketches No. Music by French composers Charles Koechlin (1867-1950) for clarinet. A Dictionary of Musi. Lists of required percussion equipment for many works. 2000 personal names. 141. Enhanced specific information on woodwind & brass doubl- ings. titles of works. Norman Dello Joio Concertante for Clarinet and Orchestra. 2 Op 86. 83.vcisinc. 85. Ludwig van Beethoven Variations on a theme of Mozart from "Don Giovanni" and Peter Ilyich Tchai- kovsky "Autumn Song" from The Season performed by Simeon Bellison with Julius Chajes piano. notes and rests. 1991. Illustrated with photos and drawings." Robert Schumann Fairytales Op. 8. 2 for clarinet and string quartet per- formed by Bloch and the Armadillo String Quartet. and Italian. 1 Op. Charles Koechlin Music for Clarinet. and the Danubius String Quartet. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano No. 320 pages. and Monodies for Clarinet Solo Op. horns. 627 pages. More con- tents notes and durations of individual movements. Let Slonimsky work originally published in London in 1939. Trios for Clarinet. dating and evaluation of wind instruments. Based on Guide to Classical Music by Robert A. ments. and related instru. Robert Fradkin provides the pronunciation of over primary purpose of this volume is to assist in the identifica. Brahms Clarinet Trio and Quintet. Routledge. 2008. 66. Schirmer. chords. In this innovative ly new edition rather than a revision of his last work. 1993. Kalman Bloch. First published in 1948. a comparative table of tempo marks. Burnet Corwin Tuthill Rhapsody for Clarinet and Orchestra Op. A comprehen. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano No. deserved acclaim for being insightful. Franz Schubert Sehnsucht-Walzer arranged by Ferdinand David and Bellison for clarinet and piano and by Brian Head for guitar performed by Zukovsky and Head guitar. Clarinet and Cello in A Minor Op.95 Clarinet CDs (On our website http://www. musical terms (263 pages). New. and Laura Kuhn. 18. PB. Fourteen Piec- es for Clarinet and Piano.95 CD457. Robert Alemany. giving the reader the tools to pronounce words which are not 124.95 Scarecrow Press. 1 and No. Orchestral Music. Grzegorz Fitelberg To the Wedding.95 enliven a music history class. Johannes Brahms Trio for Piano. a gift. or a source for information to 15. Csaba Onczay cello. chromatic signs. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Russian Dance from "Swan Lake" performed by Michele Zu- kovsky and Zita Carno piano. Les confidences d'un joueur de clarinette Op. Appalachian Spring (Original Ballet Suite). 555 pages. Beethoven. Tony Bingham. 114. Dirk Altmann. Laura Arden is principal clarinet of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Concerto for Clari- net and String Orchestra. and musical terms. 132.95 info@vcisinc. Boris Levenson Hebraic Dance performed by Kalman Bloch with John Steele Ritter piano. oboes.95 listed. time signa- tures.00 CD179. and inexpensive reference. Fradkin. trombones. more intuitive format for instrumentation. Includes elements of notation. HB. clarinet with Rudolf König clarinet.vcisinc. Fleur de Son. scales. Frederick Shepherd Converse Rhapsody for Clarinet and Orchestra. and noteworthy musicians (76 pages) 5. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . József Balogh. the staff. misfits. clarinet with the Nashville Chamber Orchestra conducted by Paul Gambill. This CD contains historic recordings of Simeon Bellison. 498 "Kegelstadt.) CD113. An unabridged republication of this las Slonimsky. this book is an entire. This is a small (3 inches by 4 inches). Copland Clarinet Concerto. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio in E flat major K. keys. clarinets. A first class book in every way.95 cal Wind-Instrument Makers and Inventors by William G72. Naxos. 381 pages. clarinet with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra conducted by JoAnn Falletta. PB. Naxos.htm the pieces on the CDs are linked to the sheet music. trum. 33. G95. PB. 83 G47. rules for pronouncing German. clarinet with Jeno Jandó piano. The American Clarinet. Musical Wind Instruments by Adam Carse. Fourth Edition. Florian Henschel piano and various artists. The guide. 255 pages. 16.95 G08. addition. It also pro. Indiana the work of Lyndesay Graham Langwill. Rossini and the sive guide to wind instruments used in European orchestras other expected Classical Music figures. A Handbook by David Daniels. University Press. The Well-Tempered Announcer. 362 pages. Hänssler Classic. Jakob Weinberg Canzonetta and Children's Round Dance (The Maypole). and Jacob Avshalomov Evocations. concerto for clarinet and chamber orchestra. 8. Merged with the American Symphony Or- chestra League's OLIS (Orchestra Library Information Service). G39. 1996. bugles.95 CD258. Ex- panded to 6400 entries and almost 900 composers (only 4200 in 3rd Ed. and Quintet for Clarinet and Strings in B Minor Op. and Piano. makers and inventors. PB. The New Langwill Index. Includes flutes. Great for bedside reading.95 CD375. 115. intervals. In tion. 2004. the ugly ducking of and in military and other wind bands during the preceding Russian music. Entr'acte and Mikhael Glinka A Van Cott Information Services Inc. at least half the book is devoted to general pronun- vides some information on the careers and achievements of ciation guidelines for both familiar and unfamiliar languages. 32. Idyll for two clarinets. extremely useful. A Pronunciation Waterhouse. Max Bruch Eight Pieces Op. regale you with tales of Mozart. 18. 16. the Kafka of modern music and other sublime 400 years. this book has earned well- pets. Schirmer Pronouncing Pocket Manual of Musical Terms edited by Theodore Baker. and recent recordings from Michele Zukovsky. 95 CD143. and Srul Irving Glick Suite Hebraic. Michael Kibbe Sonata. Bridge. Berkes). Levenson Hebraic Dance. Kálmán Berkes with the Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia conducted by Kálmán Berkes. Naxos.95 CD091. Except for the Robert Schumann Three Romances Op. 3 in B flat major Op. 9. Et'cetera. Figment No. François Benda. Theme and Variations for clarinet & string quartet in B-flat major. Clara Schumann Three Romances Op. clarinet with Elina Gotsouliak piano. He also plays Alexander Krein's Hebraic Sketches No. Artist Consort (Genuin Classics). The Music of Elliott Carter. Two Diversions Charles Rosen piano. Walter Boeykens clarinet with Jan Gruithuyzen Broek Piano. 17. Concerto for Clarinet No. Carl Maria von Weber Quintet for clarinet & strings in B flat major. 105. 48 (J204). Heni Bok bass clarinet with Rainer Klaas piano. 1996. and Hiyoku Charles Neidich and Ayako Oshima clarinets. Kalman Bloch Principal Clarinetist. Los Angeles Philharmonic 1937-1981. 1994. Romances and Fantasies. 2 (Remembering Mr. 9. 91. 120. The former principal clarinet of the Los Angeles Philharmonic performs the following pieces with piano Grzegorz Fitelberg To the Wedding. 120.95 CD100.1. Nicoli Rimski-Korsakov Oriental Song and Anton Simon Serenade from "The Stars Ballet" performed by Zukovsky and Martin. and Fantasiestücke Op. Sonata for clarinet and piano No. 73. Sarah Elbaz director and conductor. 94. 34 (J. Jules Semler- Collery Légende et Divertissement. Arthur Honegger Sonatine. Retrouvailles Charles Rosen piano. 8. Crusell: Clarinet Concertos. Adolph Weiss Trio for Clarinet. Carl Stamitz Concerto for Clarinet No. and Concerto for Two Clarinets in E flat major Op. Kálmán Berkes. Op. Berkes). Carl Stamitz: Clarinet Concertos Vol 2. Clarinet and Piano (with Manuel Compinsky violin and Sara Compinsky piano). clarinet with the with Auer Quartet and Jeno Jandó piano. Kálmán Berkes. Lubos Sluka Sonata for Bass Clarinet and Piano. Introduction. Au Quai Maureen Gallager viola and Peter Kolkay bassoon. 8. Figment No. 10 in B flat major. Another recommended (and inexpensive) Naxos recording. 5. Concer- to for Clarinet No. 12. Niels Wilhelm Gade Fantasistykker Op. Othmar Schoeck Sonata for Bass Clarinet and Piano Op. Darius Milhaud Sonatine and Suite for Violin. and Concerto for Clarinet and Bassoon in B flat major. 23.95 PO Box 9569. All compositions by Elliott Carter. Lubos Sluka Notturno ("Cage for Two Nightingales"). 1995. Francis Poulenc Sonata. Kálmán Berkes. Includes two CDs. 182). 8. Claude Debussy Première Rhapsodie. Kaori Tsutsui. 8. François Rasse Lied. Gabriel Pierné Canzonetta Op19. Tomoko Takashima clarinets with Koji Okazaki bassoon and the Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia conducted by Kálmán Berkes. Per Billman with the Uppsala Chamber Orchestra conducted by Gerard Korsten. Sonata in A minor Op. Kalman Bloch clarinet with John Ritter piano and the Armadillo String Quartet. 11. Bernhard Henrik Crusell Concerto for Clarinet No. David Baker On Wings of Song.84 Life for the Tsar. Clarinet Masterclass Volume 1. Of Challenge and of Love Tony Arnold soprano and Jacob Greenberg piano. Three Romances Op.95 CD299.95 CD037. 16.1 in E flat major Op. Clarinet Classics. BASSics is a compilation of the (shorter) standard works for bass clarinet and piano which are interesting for professionals and experienced amateurs alike. 36. Naxos. Grand duo Concertant in B flat major for clarinet & piano. Malcolm Arnold Sonatina Op. 18. 94 and Fantasiestücke Op. 73 these pieces have been arranged by Benda. 2 for clarinet and string quartet. 41. Viola. Music for Bass Clarinet and Piano. 2005.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Kalman Bloch Performs Hebraic Music. 22. BASSics. Carl Stamitz: Clarinet Concertos Vol 1.95 CD182.95 CD092. Brahms Clarinet Sonatas. Double Clarinet Concerto in B flat major. Naxos. Johannes Brahms Sonata for clarinet and piano No. 3 The "Neginot" clarinet choir. Leonard Bernstein Sonata. 43.vcisinc. 2009. 33 (J128). 1 Fred Sherry cello. Robert & Clara Schumann. Clarinet Classics. Kalman Bloch clarinet with John Ritter piano (except where noted). Waltz performed by Zukovsky Catherine Ransome Karoly flute and Joanne Pearce Martin piano. Op. 34 / Grand Duo Concertant.00 CD488. David Loeb Sonata Lirica. Jakov Weinberg Canzonetta and Children's Round Dance. 7 in E flat major. Op. Ives) Fred Sherry cello. Robert Schumann Adagio and Allegro in A-flat major Op. and Lieder Op 91 Gestillte Sehnsucht and Geistliches Wiegenlied (arr. 35. 2003. Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces. Franz Krommer: Clarinet Concertos.95 CD161. Oboe Quartet Speculum Musicae with Stephen Taylor oboe. 11 in E flat major. and Lubos Sluka D-S-C-H (Hommage to Shostakovich). Paul Hindemith Sonata (for Bassoon and Piano). Tomoko Takashima with the Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia conducted by Kálmán Berkes. Charles Ives Largo (with Manuel Compinsky violin and Sara Compinsky piano). 8 in B flat major. Concerto for Clarinet No. 17. Naxos. 2 in E flat major Op. and Cello (Abraham Weiss viola and Kurt Reher cello). Steep Steps Virgil Blackwell bass clarinet. 1 and No. 18. Alban Berg Four Pieces Op.95 CD442. 2003. Václav Rehak Sonnet III. Kálmán Berkes. clarinet with Jeno Jandó piano and Tamara Takács mezzo-soprano. 1999.95 CD261. Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke Op. Eugène Bozza Ballade. http://www. 29. Weber: Clarinet Quintet. Naxos. Concerto for Clarinet in E flat major Op. 8. Concerto for Clarinet No. Johann Sebastian Bach Air From Suite No. 18. Bernhard Krol Fantasiestüke: Arietta. 1999. 73. Burkhard Söll Mirabelle I. 8. 1 in F major. 1995. 85 No. Carl Stamitz Concerto for Clarinet No.5. 70. and Concerto for Clarinet No. Franz Krommer Concerto for Two Clarinets in E flat major Op. This CD also contains the sheet music for Söll's Mirabelle I and Loeb's Sonata Lirica. Volume 5. Henri Rabaud Solo de Concours Op. 1 in F minor Op. 2 in F minor info@vcisinc. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Quintet (with the Armadillo String Quartet). and Seven Variations from Silvana for clarinet & piano. Op. Sona- tensatz: Scherzo (arr. Abendlied Op. 10. Stefan Heucke Sonate Op. and Francis Poulenc Sonata. Heni Bok bass clarinet with Rob Broek Piano.95 CD134. and Burkhardt Söll Lumen. Naxos. Darius Milhaud. Henry Lazarus Fantasia on Favorite Scotch Melodies. 2. and Henri Bok Vinho do Porto Brasileiro. Eduard Brunner clarinet. William Lloyd Webber Frensham Pond and Air and Variations. Centaur. David Campbell. Charles Camil- leri Concertino (second movement). Arthur Bliss Pastoral. two songs with clarinet obbilgato with Elaine Barry. Erik Satie. 2008. Some of these pieces are recorded here for the first time. Meridian. 28. Cleveland Orchestra (1935-41)." These are excerpts from orchestral recordings made Bonade with the Victor Symphony Orchestra (1923-25). 18. and Joseph Horovitz Sonatina. Ferrucio Busoni Elegie.95 CD183." Charles Martin Loeffler Rapsodies pour voix. Elgar Canto popolare (In Moonlight).com info@vcisinc. Harold Arlin. 16. David Loeb The Moon at Sea.95 CD218. Messager Solo de concours. Duo for Bass Clarinet and Piano. Edwin Roxburgh Wordsworth Miniatures for solo clarinet. 2007. Camerata Records. Clarinet Classics.65. Burkhardt Söll Silene Noctiflora. 1994. andAndreas Spaeth Alpenlied: Froh. 2 for Clarinet and Piano. Centaur. and Edward German Romance. Louis Spohr Sechs Deutsche Lieder. 8. Heinrich Sutermeister Capriccio für Klarinette solo. Jacques Wildberger Diario per Clarinetto in B flat. Mario Castro-Neves Brazilian Impromptu. 17. Franz Schubert Der Hirt auf dem Felsen. Davi Lin- do. The English Clarinet. Gerard Brophy NRG. 1999. 229. Most of the recordings from the Phila- delphia period onward are of reasonably good quality. 85 CD271. Pratt Idylle printanière Op. Luca Reale Read my leaps. Middle Voices: Chamber Music for Clarinet and Viola. Gerald Finzi Five Bagatelles. Selections are Filipe Pires. Masaru Kawasaki Atmosphere Japanesque.W. Mary Ashley Barret oboe. and Mark Moliterno. Frederick Kaufman Wild Wind. 16. Divertimento No. Wal- thew A Mosaic in Ten Pieces.95 CD017. 2003. Stephen Chatman Images. This CD was released to celebrate the 70th birthday of celebrated clarinettist Colin Bradbury. William Yeates Hurlstone Four Characteristic Pieces. German Song without Words. Paul Patterson Soliloquy for solo Clarinet. and one with the RCA Victor Orchestra (1947). Colin Bradbury clarinet with Oliver Davies piano. 2 for Clarinet. Rossini (transcribed by Liverani) Cujus Animam. Hans Ulrich Lehmann Duplum II “ebbe…” (“now…”) für Klarinette und Violoncello. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Dennis Riley Trio "The Household Muses. Colin Bradbury clarinet with Eirian James mezzo soprano. Edward German Romance. Sir George Alexander Macfarren Traditions of Shakespeare. The Art of the Clarinettist. 15. clarinet. 2 CD set. Rossini Fontaisie pour pianoforte et clarinette. IV: B1. Philadelphia Orchestra (1925-29).com PO Box 9569. Samuel Novelette. Alexander Goedicke Nocturne & Etude Op. 18. François Devienne Sonata for Clarinet and Piano No 1 in C major and Sonata for Clarinet and Piano No 2 in C E-flat major. 1995. Melissa Rose. Geoffrey Bush Tributes (to Artie Shaw. Soprano: A Widow Bird and Pack Clouds Away. l3. piano. Three Folk Songs from Malta for Clarinet and Piano. Kalliwoda Der Sennin Heimweh.95 CD407. Albert Moeschinger Sonate pour clarinette in B flat et piano. Sergei Prokofiev Suite from Romeo and Juliet. 17. Donizetti Studio primo. and Joseph Horovitz). Wagner Tiso 3 Temas Brasileiros. Lazarus Fanta- sia on Airs from Bellini's I Puritani. with Andrew Ball piano. Rebecca Clarke Prelude. Kalliwoda Morceau de salon Op.95 CD444. clarinet with Andrew Willis piano. with Mariko Hayashi piano. Dirge 9/11/01 for Clarinet and Piano. Globe. Violin and Cello Hob. Custavo Beytelmann Phénix sur semis de roses. Francisco Zumaque Pascaliana. 2003. and Oliver Davies piano. edited and narrated by Larry Guy. 2001. John Bradbury clarinet with James Cryer piano. piano. Melodies for clarinet & piano. Swiss Works for Clarinet. 2003. Ponchielli Il convegno: divertimento per due clarinetti. Dmitri Shostakovich Waltz & Scherzo from Symphony No. 17. Cello and Piano. Worlds of Bass Clarinet.Ker. Francisco Mignone 3 Valsas Brasileiras. Gerard Brophy Chorinho prá ela. Arnold Bax Sonata. Shomyo for Solo Clarinet. Vinho do Porto Brasileiro. Stanford Three Intermezzi Op. Cavallini Una la grima sulla tomba dell'immortale Rossini. clarinet and bass clarinet with Julian Jacobson piano and Zoë Mart- lew cello. viola. The Victorian Clarinet Tradition. clarinet.95 CD135. Stefan Heucke Gilgamesch trauert um Engidu.00 CD443. Gerald Finzi Five Bagatelles. and Wicked! 16. Allegro and Pastorale. Otto Goldschmidt Evening. un- accompanied works. 1998. Francisco Mignone Aquela Modinha que o Villa näo escreveu. and Cavallini La Calma. Panizza Ballabile con variazioni nel ballo Ettore Fieramosca. Nathan's Dans. 2004.95 CD346. Kelly Burke. One of the masters of the bass clarinet plays contemporary. Nos. alto et piano.95 CD360. Mariano Obiols Romanza: I Laj.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Wicked! Heni Bok bass clarinet. 17. Tributes. Giacomo Meyerbeer Des Schäfers Lied. Franz Lachner Seit ich ihn gesehen and Auf Flügen des Gesanges. Paulo Sergio Santos Clarinetada I. J. The Legacy of Daniel Bonade. 2002. 1 and Piri for solo clarinet. Robert Murray tenor. Naxos. Clarinet Classics. David Mott Serge Chaloff in Memoriam. The Art of Playing Clarinet.00 CD012. Lovreglio Fantasia sull' opera La Traviata. Kelly Burke. Colin Bradbury clarinet with Oliver Davies piano. and Dmitri Melkikh Trio Op. The Obbligato Clarinet. Charles Camilleri Music for Clarinet. with Arthur Tollefson. Charles Harford Lloyd Bon Voyage!. David Campbell. Oberthür Le desir Op. Scott Rawls. Serge Rachmaniov Vocalise. Subtitled "Performances by the legendary clarinetist from 1923-1947. Klaus Ager Hanliu . http://www.vcisinc. Florent Schmidt Andantino. 17. Christian Brunner cello and the Orchester der Basler Orchestergesellschaft conducted by Hans Vogt. Friedrich Kücken Der Himmel hat eine Thräne Geweint. Meridian. Richard Walthew A Song of Love and Death. ALClassics. Ricardo Freire Pixinguinha no Clarone. Norman Symonds Stepping Out. Gomez Lorito: caprice. l7 No. andTrio No. Compiled. Algernon Ashton Tarantella. Heinrich Baermann Adagio. Musiques Suisses. Waterson Morceau de concert: andante and polonaise. baritone. durch blüthenvolle Gründe. Ebenezer Prout Sonata in D major. 16. Ab Schaap Ab Original Blues. Mark Scearce Magritte Variations.00 CD109. Spadina Omaggio alla memoria di Giuditta Pasta. Craig Walsh Schism. 18. clarinet.00 CD148. Eduard Brunner clarinet. All by Charles Camilleri: Four Greek Songs for Clarinet and Piano. The Devine Art. This is a CD of solo bass clarinet pieces almost all written for Bok or by him. Figurations Va. and Henri Bok Chiang Mai Rai Lullaby. Conrad Beck Konzert für Klarinette und Orchester. Cavallini Andante e variazioni sopro un tema di Mercadante. and Arthur Bliss Pastoral. Robert Suter Sonatine pour clari- net et piano. 1 & 2. and Isang Yun Quintet for Clarinet and Strings No. Arthur Tollefson piano. 9. The Russian Clarinet. Rudolf Kelterborn Vier Stücke für Klarinette in B flat und Klavier. the Tatsumi String Quartet and other artists. Adrian Oetiker piano. Mikhail Glinka Allegro moderato and Larghetto ma non troppo. Franz Joseph Haydn Trio in B-flat major for Clarinet. Heni Bok bass clarinet. and Michael Burns bassoon. 581 (4th movement). Haydn P. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 23 for clarinet and string quartet. Nicole Canham. Tangos.95 CD394. Eric Robertson. Marquis Classics. clarinet with Anton Wurzer accordion.95 CD330. Arturo Márquez Danzón Nº 5 Portales de Madrugada. and I Waited for the Lord. Percy Grainger: Molly on the Shore. 16. 85 No. James Campbell won the 1987 Juno Award for the best classical album. Francis Poulenc Sonata for clarinet and piano. 15. The Allegri String Quartet. Historical recordings made in the period 1902-1940 by clarinetists of the past. Germaine Tailleferre Arabesque. Alessandro Carbonare clarinet with Enrico Bronzi cello and Alberto Miodini piano. A mix of pieces from both the classical and jazz worlds.S. Jean-Marie LeClaire Gigue. John Bruce Yeh with Alfred Prinz and Maria Prinz piano. 1985. 33. piano. 51. Howard Sandroff La Joie. Gene DiNovi Pretty Lady Blues. Paul Martin Zonn Ultimate Nimbus. Carl Maria von Weber Concerto No 1 in F minor Op. 8 No. Chamber Music of the Romantic Era. Caracas Clarinet Quartet (Cuarteto de Calrinetes de Caracas) Gregory Parra. 17. Romolo Quaranta: Julius Benedict Canravele di Venezia. Peter Schickele Three Elegies (Song for Bert. Paquito D' Rivera Monk-tuno. Maurice Ravel Pièce en Forme de Habanera. Frederick Thurston & Ralph Clarke: Alan Frank Suite for two clarinets. Francis Poulenc Perpetual Motion. Sidney Bechet Petite Fleur. 48. 4. 622 (2nd movement). Andre Astier Ballade Nocturne. 2005. Astor Piazzolla Bandoneon and Zita.95 CD146. 2. Larry Combs. Carl Reinecke Trio in B flat for clarinet. and Alfred Prinz Concerto a Cinque. 35. Carl Reinecke and Friends. James Campbell clarinet with the Gene DiNovi Trio (Terry Clark drums.vcisinc. 6. Move Records. 73 and Grand Duo Concertant Op.95 CD358. Marquis Classics.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. and JeanFrançaix Tema con Variazioni. Marquis Records. Andre Astier Florette. 18. 1998. 2. Victor Salamanques are original members of the group which was founded in 1988. http://www. Edvard Grieg Solveig's Song and Anitra's Dance. and Gorgias Sanchez clarinets and guests. Reinhold Glière Andante Op.95 CD482. 2004.95 CD331. Arthur Benjamin Le Tombeau de Ravel Valse-Caprices.86 CD505. The Chicago Clarinet Trio. Rêverie. and La fille aux cheveux de lin. 35 No. and Ceremony). Cacao Musica. Heli- con Records Ltd. Orlando Pimentel. Moritz Moszkowski Étude Caprice. and Heinrich Baermann Quintet in E flat major Op. and Django Reinhardt Nuages. James Campbell clarinet with the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Paul Free- man. Auprès de ma blonde. Jean Peyronnin Accordeon Samba. Aldemaro Romero Preludio y Quirpa. Nino Rota. 11. Colombo & Di Duca Revalite and Convoitise. and Traditional The Red Dragonfly. sambas and musettes are just some of the styles on offer here. Draper: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto K. Tchaikovsky Melody. 2003. 16. Hermeto Pascoal Bebé. A Year in Paris. Alec Templeton Bach Goes to Town.. An Lun Huang Ca- priccio. Manuel Gomez: Luigi Bassi Verdi Caro Nome (Rigoletto) and René Boisdeffre Chanson Napolitan.1 (1st movement). horn & piano. Gaston Hamelin: Claude Debussy Premiere Rapsodie. and At the River. and Allegri String Quartet. Move Records. and Scotch Strathspey and Reel. Orlando Pimentel. and Felix Mendelssohn arranged by Ernst Nau- mann Three Pieces for clarinet. 274. Adolf Umbach: Luigi Bassi Melodie dei Puritani. Edward Elgar Chanson de Matin. Live for Life. David Baker Little Song. All pieces by Nino Rota: Trio for clarinet. Marais/Astier & Denoux Avec Regret / Deception. Edward MacDowell To a Wild Rose Op. and Francis Lai Live for Life. 16. Morton Gould Pavane. clarinet with Anthony Smith. Jacques Bouffil Trio for 3 Clarinets Op. cello and piano. Marquis Classics. 2 and Concerto for Strings (orchestral works with I Musici di Parma conducted by Enrico Bronzi). 38 No. Auguste Périer: Georges Marty Premiere Fantasie. Anton Wurzer Move Tango. Ernesto Lecuona Danza Negra. Frederick Delius Aq- uarelle. 16. 17. Carl Esberger: Carl Maria von Weber Concerto No. and John Bratton & James Kennedy The Teddy Bears' Picnic. Music-Media. Anthony Giameo & Fred Brisset: Carl Baermann Duo Concertante Op. John Carmichael Pastorale. Paul Stanhope Phospheric Variations. Suelos. José Revelo Fantasía en 6/8. P. This recording is a tribute to the year young Australian clarinetist Canham spent studying in France with Philippe Cuper. J. Phil Nimmons Islands. 1993. 2007. Frederick Thurston: Bliss Clarinet Quintet (4th movement). It includes pieces not only from the French repertoire but by Australian composers as well. George Shearing Three Miniatures. Duke Ellington Come Sunday.95 CD247. Song Without Words Op. 1985. waltzes. Colin Brumby Danza. James Campbell clarinet with James Sommerville horn. Srul Irving Glick Prayer. 16. David Baker Dance. Paul De- senne La Guasa Del Borrachito from Quinteto del Pajaro. Emile Carrara Valse a Deddy. James Campbell clarinet with Briana Leonard. Bach Sinfonia and Fugue in E-Flat. Marquis. Marcel Mihalovici Sonata for 3 Clarinets Op. Pierre Max Dubois info@vcisinc. Claude Debussy Arabesque. Stolen Gems. Claude Debussy Les pas sur la neige (Footsteps in the Snow). and Rema Sharon or Stephen Sylvestre piano. Louis Ferrari La Varenne. Chabuca Granda La Flor De La Canela. and Stéphan Lemelin piano). Henri Lèfebvre: Georges Meister Erwin Fantasie. Renard Quartet: Charles Renard Marche Grotesque for clarinet quartet. 74. 2009. Charles Draper: Jean Baptiste Mohr Air Varié and Carl Maria von Weber Concerti- no (excerpt). Irish Tune from County PO Box 9569. Some of these pieces were abridged to fit the limited recording time available. Clarinet Classics. horn and piano Op. Benny Goodman: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Quintet K. 16. Wapango and Afro from Aires Tropicales. solo or chamber ensemble for this CD. Ralph Vaughan Williams English Folk Songs.95 CD328. Concerto for violoncello No. The Clarinet Historical Recordings Volume I.95 CD329. and Leonard Hokanson piano. Victor Sa- lamanques. Robert Schumann Three Romances Op. The combination of clarinet and accordion is a superb musical union and in the hands of these two master musicians the sounds come truly alive. 16.95 CD212. James Campbell clarinet with Charles Webb organ. some with jazz arrangements accompanied by a trio (or piano). Dave Young bass. Reginald Kell: Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke Op. Pietro Yon Humoresque "L'Organo Primitivo. Nicole Canham. Gene DiNovi Divertimento. 2000. Afternoon Rêverie. After Hours. Weber/Baermann Clarinet Music. 2006. Felix Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op. Louis Cahuzac Pastorale Cevenole and Cantilène. A new release from the Caracas Clarinet Quartet. Julie DeRoche. 94. Dave Brubeck Blue Rondo a la Turk. Song for Lannatch. Silvestre Revueltas Noche De Jaranas from La Noche de Los Mayas. and Silvestre Vargas and Rubén Fuen- tesLas Alazanas. Robert Schumann Abendlied. Norbert Burgmüller Duo for clarinet and piano Op. Schlei). and Lady Be Good! (arr. Clarity Clarinet Quartet: Nicole Canham. and Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo. Terence J. Summertime. Jonathan Cohler with Randall Hodgkinson piano. 2. The 81 page booklet is now a . Willy Mortier Jazz Suite. 581 (Larghetto). Cicotti: Gaetano Donizetti Concerto-Maria Padilla for two clarinets and piano. Elena Kats- Chernin Burnished Silver. Sears). and Matthew O'Keefe. Ilya Kaler violin. 16. More Cohler on Clarinet. 1994. Arthur Honegger Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano.Historical views for Clarinet Quartet.95 CD207. Heinrich Bärmann Adagio. René Verney: Charles Graffeuil Fignolette for clarinet & band. tracing the development of the clarinet from the Baroque period to its current prominent posi- tion in all forms of music. 3 (Largo) and Sonata for Violin in C major Op. Sandra France What goes around comes around: Six Vignettes for Clarinet Quartet. Johannes Brahms Sonata in F Minor Op. This is Clarity. The first CD is contemporary performances (some on period instruments) tracing clarinet music from the chalu- meaux to the present. and Gershon Kingsley arr. Michael Collins with the Swedish Chamber Orchestra conducted by Robert O'Neill. violin & piano in G minor (first movement). Ian Blake Starling. Moonflowers. Massimo Ricci. 2005.95 CD371.95 CD333. Morton Gould Benny's Gig for Clarinet and Double Bass. 1993. 2005. Naxos.Suite on Ancient Airs from Normandie. A. 622 (Adagio). 26. The second CD is historical recordings from 1898 to about 1940. Erik Satie arr. 120 No. Peter Sculthorpe String Quartet No. 2007. 48. Darius Milhaud Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano Op. Lisa Manning.vcisinc. Kwong Song.pdf file on the second CD. The pieces on this CD are all by Australian composers. 1998. Andrew Mark cello. and Matthew O'Keefe. J.00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Clarinet Classics. Jean Françaix Theme and Variations. Summit.95 CD069. Baby! Jonathan Cohler with Judith Gordon. Phil Cardew: Aram Khachaturian Trio for clarinet. Ralph Vaughan Williams Six Studies in English Folksong. Paolo del Pistoia: Wolfgang Ama- deus Mozart Clarinet Quintet in A major K. Paul Harvey Stick o' Liqourice. Gnarly Buttons. Benny Goodman: Claude Debussy Premier Rhap- sodie. 1. Larry Combs. Terry Stirzaker Waltzing Matilda . and Guy Gérard). 2 in E flat major Op. More historical recordings made in the period from about 1902-1940. Karlin Greenstreet Love Vasco Pyjama. Billy Amstell arr. 23.95 CD252. Second Door on the Left.95 CD359. The History of the Clarinet is an extended booklet and two CDs of music. Auguste Périer: Armand Bournonville Fantaisie-Impromptu. J. George W. 17. 2004. Yvonne Desportes Nor- mandie . clarinet. Ongaku Records. Clarity Clarinet Quartet: Nicole Canham. Pieces on this CD are all by Spohr: Clarinet Concerto No. Leonard Bernstein West Side Story (Suite) (arr. Marshall). Louis Cahuzac: Aurelio Magnani Mazurka-Caprice. and Pink Breasted Robin. Summer- time (arr. Music for Clarinet Quartet. Skolnik Pavana. March 16. Samantha Kelson. McLeod). 10 tran- scribed by Zach Clarke. Heiner Wiberny Ulla in Africa. Mari Miura Clover Fantasy for Clarinet Quartet. 1994. 3 Preludes (arr. La Garde Républicaine clarinet section: Carl Maria von Weber Concertino. Prof. Lisa info@vcisinc. 2 CDs. Charles Draper: Johannes Brahms Clarinet Quintet Op. 100. 1 (Allegro-Giocoso). Trad. and Variations on a theme from "Alruna" for clarinet & orchestra in B flat major WoO 15. Johann Strauss trans. Cohler on Clarinet. Ronald van Spaendonck. Leonard Bernstein Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Robert Schumann Phantasiestücke for Clarinet and Piano Op. clarinet with Deborah Sobol piano and Bradley Opland bass. Clarinet Quartet of the Belgian National Orchestra (Jean Michel Charlier. Astor Piazzolla arr. Baldassare Galuppi Sonata for Violin in A minor Op. Thompson Suite: City Scenes. Paul Harvey Quartet. Johannes Brahms: Sonata in E flat Major Op. Jonathan Cohler with Judith Gordon piano. Olivier Messiaen Quartet for the End of Time and Theme and Variations for violin and piano. 1994.95 CD396. Charles Harford Lloyd Suite in the Olden Style (Gigue). Van Netelbosch). Carl Maria von Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op. Clarinet Classics. 16. Baby! 16. Nicole Canham Gymnopedie No. Second Door on the left. 18. 1. Ongaku. 1 No. 1995. William Byrd arr. Regi- nald Kell: Franz Schubert Der Hirt auf dem Felsen with Elisabeth Schumann (soprano). Samantha Kelson. Potpourri on themes from P. Crystal Records. 80. A fun recording with mostly unfamiliar pieces. The Clarinet Historical Recordings Volume II. Olivier Messiaen Quartet for the End of Time. 17. 1 No. See our web site for a full listing. 17. The American Clarinet. John Adams Gnarly Buttons and John's Book of Alleged Dances (played by the Kronos Quartet). Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. piano. Philipp Dreisbach: Ludwig Spohr Clarinet Concerto No. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Marshall). 17. Liza (arr. Move Records. 57 (Adagio) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major K. Michael Collins with the London Sinfonietta conducted by John Adams. Frederick Thurston: Phillip Browne Truro Maggot. Heau Perpetuum Mobile. Sears).com PO Box 9569. 8. The Man I Love (arr. George Gershwin Three Preludes for Piano (arranged for clarinet and piano by James Cohn). A new recording of the music of Louis (Ludwig) Spohr by well known British clarinetist Michael Collins. Jonathan Cohler clarinet. 120 No. The History of the Clarinet in Words and Music by Colin Lawson. 87 CD147. and Simon Sargon Deep Ellum Nights (world pre- miere recording). W. Ricci). J. 1997/2005. 2 in E flat major Op. Botsford Black and White Rag (arr. Ongaku Records. Ruth Lee Martin Brindabella Blues. and Richard Rodgers The Blue Room (arr. Marshall). 57. Aaron Copland Sonata for Clarinet and Piano (transcribed by the composer from his Sonata for Violin and Piano). 1993. A. A. Rik Pelckmans Slapstick. W. and Meyer Kupferman Moonflowers. Move Records. 17.95 CD267. Darius Milhaud Duo Concertant and Caprice. Canham Milonga del angel & La Muerte del Angel. Hyper- ion. 115 (Allegro & Adagio- piu lento) and Henry Rowley Bishop: Variations on Home Sweet Home. http://www. Paul Hindemith Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Raymond Decancq Two Contrasts. 18.95 CD201. Nonesuch. 73. P. Eugène Bozza Pulcinella. and Janice Weber piano. Clarinet Concerto No. Some these pieces were abridged to fit the limited recording time available. Canham Popcorn. Spohr Clarinet Concertos 1 & 2.95 CD370.95 CD168. von Winter's "Das unterbrochene Opferfest" for clarinet & orchestra (or piano) in F major Op. George Gershwin Somebody Loves Me (arr. 1 in C minor Op. arr. 95 CD413. Larry Combs. viola and cello. Alexander Scriabin Seven Preludes (for piano transcribed by Willard Elliot). Ethiopia Rag. Schubert Symphony No. 4. Charles Ives Largo. Brahms Symphonies No. Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique.Prokofieff. Johannes Brahms Sonata in A Major Op. 94 (transcribed from the Sonata for Violin and Piano by Kent Kennan). 8. Thibault Vieux violin.00 CD414. viola.00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. clarinet with Deborah Sobol piano. 370. Horn. Nöelle Santos viola. 8 No. Michael Dean clarinet with Tyson Wunderlich piano. Joseph Horovitz Sonatina. Schubert. Alan Richardson Roundelay. Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke Op. Carl Reinecke Music for Clarinet. by Thomas and Craven Huna Blentyn. Rossini Semiramide. Daniel Bimbi El Casot and Lluna. Larry Combs & Eddie Daniels clarinets with the Chicago String Quartet (plus double bass) and a jazz rhythm section. Brahms . and No. Schumann & Weber. Malcolm Arnold Sona- tina Op. and William O. 2. 2 for clarinet. Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol and Scherezade. Paris (Jean-Jacques Justaffré horn. 17. 18. II . Graceful Ghost. Johann Stamitz Concerto in B flat Major for clarinet. and No. 22. Crossing the Line. 1992. Sergei Prokofieff Sonata in D Major Op.00 CD011. 6. Rachmaninoff Symphony No. and arr. Jeffrey Hoover September (clarinet & CD) and Dreaming (clarinet & piano). Chamber Music for Winds and Strings by Mozart . September 3. horn. Leslie Craven is Principal Clarinettist. and Piano. Strauss Don Juan. 16. Desertscape: New Music for Clarinet. 5. George Rochberg Trio for Clarinet. Gerald Finzi Five Bagatelles Op. 17. 128. Carl Reinecke Trio in A major Op. and Clarinet Quintet in A Major K. With the jazz rhythm section. Key excerpts from the symphonic reper- toire with spoken commentary. The Clarinet in Bohemia. Anonymous (18th Century) Concerto in E flat Major for clarinet and orchestra. 4. 256. 2008. 2004. August 25. Clarinet. Chandos. Centaur. Smith Jazz Fantasy for Two Clarinets. 4. Johann/?Carl Stamitz Quartet in E flat Major for horn. Ignaz Josef Pleyel Origi- nal Duos (Allegro. 16. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. Debussy Afternoon of a Faun. Amilcare Ponchielli Il Convegno Divertimento for Two Clarinets and String Quintet. William Bolcom Afternoon Cakewalk: Easy Winners. clarinet. 581. Franz Schubert Sona- ta in G minor 'Arpeggione' D 821 arranged for clarinet and piano. Johann/?Carl Stamitz Quartet in E flat Major for clarinet. Summit. 3. violin and cello. Interspersed with the main pieces are four "noodles." and Introduction and Allegro appassionato in C minor Op. Music for Youth. 29.vcisinc. Gervase de Peyer with Gwenneth Pryor piano. Horn. Tchaikovsky Symphonies No. This delightfully refreshing CD of tonal works for clarinet performed by a leading exponent of English Clarinet playing displays a lyrical side to “new music” with its generous serving of melody. 16. 2006. and Franz Xaver Pokorny Concerto in B flat Major for clarinet and orchestra. Larry Combs clarinet with Gail Williams Horn and Mary Ann Covert Piano. Gary Schocker A Better Day. Carl Maria von Weber Seven Variations on a theme from 'Silvana' in B flat Op. 23. Beethoven Symphonies No. Gordon Goodwin The Leblanc Suite. 1987.95 CD307. Vas- co Hexel Sonatina Lyrico. Carl Stamitz Quartet in E flat Major Op. 1994. Naxos. french horn." 16. Crystal Records. Larry Combs. Philippe Ferret cello) conducted by Philippe Cuper.Scriabin . No. No. Tom Jackson Sonata for Clarinet Alone. and Robert Fruehwald Terpsichore (clarinet alone) and Andy and Me (clarinet & CD). Summit. 16. 1988. Bill Evans We Will Meet Again. Larry Combs. and cello. violin. Leslie Craven clarinet. Italian Vintages. Frog Legs Rag. and Folk song arrangements. No. Clarinet Classics. Phillip Kent Bimstein Half Moon at Checkerboard Mesa for Clarinet and tape (really great). 6. Oboe Quartet in F Major PO Box 9569. Clarinet Sonata Op. 2006. info@vcisinc. Summit. 2008. Tom Jackson clarinet. violin and cello. 2006. Mendelssohn Symphony No. Katherine Thomas harp. Chandos. Summit. and Gunther Schuller Romantic Sonata for Clarinet. 14 for clarinet. Mario Pilati Inquetude (Etude Melodique). and Piano. Anthony Wakefield Hauntings. Combs and Daniels perform Bud Powell Hallucinations. 94. Weber Der Frieschutz. 2005. English Music for Clarinet and Piano.00 CD049. Carl Stamitz Quar- tet in A Major Op. 16. 2000.95 CD243. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Horn Quintet in E-flat Major K. 73 and Three Romances Op.Chicago Chamber Musicians. Gervase de Peyer clarinet with Gwenneth Pryor piano. Miklós Rózsa Sonata for Clarinet Solo and Sonatina for Clarinet Solo. and Finale: Incineratorag.00 CD123. Andante Graziaso. 100 (transcribed from the Sonata for Violin and Piano by Kent Kennan). Variazioni. Nicholas del Grazia with Chris Lysack piano.88 CD048. Larry Combs clarinet (and on other tracks Michael Henoch oboe and Gail Williams horn). Thelonius Monk Blue Monk.95 CD317. 16. Orchestral Excerpts for Clarinet. Michael Dean clarinet with Philip Baldwin Violin and Carol Urban Stivers Piano. 1. Paul Harvey Suite on Themes of Gershwin. 167bis "Undine. Nino Rota Sonata in D for Clarinet and Piano. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 264. Olivier Dartevelle clarinet with Jean Schils piano and Pierre Henri Xuereb viola. Philippe Cuper clarinet with Talich Chamber Orchestra conducted by Peter Vronksky and Virtuoses de L'opéra Chamber Orchestra. Heliotrope Bouquet. 8. 16. 407. Expressions.00 CD214. http://www. Keith Merrill Bradshaw Desertscape (clarinet & piano). and Andre Victor Correa Andre de Sapato Novo. and Rondo). Clarinet Classics. and Rachel Attwell piano. Sibelius Symphony No. 33. 18. 3 and Midsummer Night's Dream. Giacomo Setaccioli Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in Eb Major Op.95 CD200. and No. Wilhelm Friedman Bach Sonata for Two Flutes (Mvt. Red Mesa Trio.00 CD158. 8. 1. and Aram Khachaturian Trio.00 CD280. and Nicolas del Grazia Tarantella. Christopher Ball Invocations of Pan.Cantabile). Orchestra of Welsh National Opera. John Ireland Fantasy Sonata in E flat major. Olivier Dartevelle is Principal Clarinet in the Luxemburg Philharmonic Orchestra. Jonathan Burgess Flute. Fantasies- tucke Op. clarinet. 16. Ambache Chamber Orchestra and Ensemble. Sonate for violin and piano. Ensemble Clarino (Valentin Wandeler. http://www. All by Francis Poulenc Sonate for clarinet and piano. In addition to composing. and was on the music faculty of New York University for 25 years. Georgina Dobrèe clarinets & basset horn. Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo.00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Eli Eban clarinet. Diana Ambache piano and orchestra). Johannes Brahms and Quintet for Clarinet and Strings in B Minor Op. John Mayer Dance Suite and Raga Music for Solo Clarinet. Crystal PO Box 9569. Sigel. 3 and 9.95 CD374. Schizo Grosso. 40 (1944. This is primarily a CD of the Turtle Island String Quartet but Paquito D' Rivera joins them on tracks 2. Edwards was clarinetist with the Montreal Symphony and principal clarinet with the Canadian Chamber Ensemble. Régis Pasquier violin. William Potte- baum Microsuite for Solo Clarinet. Principal Clarinet New York Philharmonic.00 CD253. Clarinet Chamber and Solo Classics Volume II. K 581 (with the Tremont Quartet). Concertino for Oboe. Duos. 89 CD150. Directors. Quartet for Clarinet and Strings (Naomi Drucker and the Laurentian String Quartet). William O. Drushler). and Valentin Vogt) . Malcolm Arnold Fantasy (solo) Op. Drushler). Mark Educational Recordings. Philip Hefti. with Jonathan Snowden flute. 119. Mark Educational Recordings. Anazlone (transcriber) Six Early 20th Century Duos (Sigel. 2001. These recording were made in the early 1980s and have been transferred to CD. Michel Moraguès flute. and Henri Rabaud Solo de Concours Op.00 CD257. Ensemble Clarino. piano. François Meyer Oboe with Émile Naoumoff piano. You've Changed. Jacques Jules Boufil Trio Op. Michael Edwards with Timothy Bach. 2 in E flat major Op. 17. Clarinet and Strings Op. and American Youth Concerto info@vcisinc. 2001. Elysium. Symphonic Suite for Strings Op. Girl From Pathetique. 8. Paul Drushler. 1998. Koch. 33 (1940). 2003. 1995. This CD is from the New York Legends series. Richard Rodney Bennett Crosstalk. Elisabeth Lutyens Valediction and This Green Tide. Clarinet Classics. 1997. 15. 15. 87. Paul Ladmirault Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Clarinet Chamber and Solo Classics Volume I. Bohuslav Martinu Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano. Little Mouse Jumps. 2 (Combs. Hefti) from the Musical Offering BVW 1079. Smith Five Pieces for Clarinet Alone. Ernst Krenek Monologue for Clarinet Solo Op. Drushler). Paul Drushler clarinet. 2005. Four Double Features for two clarinets. Sonate for violincello and piano. Judith Herbert cello and Diana Ambache piano). 25 (1932. Blues and Finale for Two Clarinets and Piano. 16. 7 No. Leslie Bassett Clarinet Duets (Combs. Turtle Island String Quartet with Paquito D'Rivera clarinet. 120. William O. This CD includes: A Lament on an African Theme Op. 16. 120. and A Night in Tunisia. 10. Egon Wellesz Zwei Stucke. Music by Marion Bauer (1882-1955). Naomi Drucker and Stanley Drucker clarinet. 17. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Two Clarinets and Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Wapango. Edison Denisov Two Pieces for Three Clarinets. Cala Records. 32b (1939-43. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Clarinet Solos. Danzón. Camille Saint-Saëns Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. Leonard Bernstein Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Music by Meyer Kupferman (1926-2003) for clarinet: Triple Play for two clarinets and piano. Arnold Cooke Suite for Three Clarinets. George Kleinsinger Quintet for Clarinet and Strings. American Clarinet Treasures.95 CD164. Swiss Pan. 167. The tracks are: On Green Dolphin Street. 2005. and William Pottebaum Microsuite for Solo Clarinet (Drushler).00 CD470. Morris Pert Eoastrion. and Gary Schocker Sonata for Two Clarinets and Piano.95 CD504. 157. clarinets.00 CD295. with Morris Pert and Susan Bradshaw pi- ano The London Clarinet Consort. Richard Rodney Bennett Crosstalk (Drushler.00 D496.vcisinc. sweet death" for Clarinet Trio. she was a critic and reviewer. Mark Educational Recordings. Robert Russell Bennett Suite for Clarinet and Flute (with Glennda Dove flute). Brahms Clarinet Sonatas. 17. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for Clarinet and Strings in A major. Stanley Drucker and Naomi Drucker Play Meyer Kupferman. Sonate for flute and piano. Stanley Drucker. Ma Mére Tortue. and Sonate for oboe and piano. 20a (1927). Allen Sigel. Stanley Drucker and Naomi Drucker clarinet with vari- ous artists. Virgil Thomson Five Portraits for Four Cla- rinets. These recording were made in the early 1980s and have been transferred to CD. and Ralph Vaughan Williams Three Vocalises for Soprano and Clarinet (with Sharon Harrison soprano). Roland Pidoux cello. 16. Duo for Oboe and Clarinet Op. Intermezzi and Phapsody for Piano Op. 17. 1 for Flute.95 CD174. Danzón. Five Flings for clarinet (Stanley Drucker) and piano. She was Nadia Boulanger's first American student. 16. and Philip Hefti Counterpoints on "come. John Coriglia- no Soliloquy for Clarinet and String Quartet. Eli Eban clarinet with Melinda Coffey piano. 36 (1943. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertivemtn in F major for three bassethorns KV 439b. Blance Abram and Naomi Drucker. Elie Siegmeister Prelude. wrote several books about music. Douglas Moore Quintet for Clarinet and Strings. Smith Five Pieces for Clarinet Alone (Drushler). Paul Harvey Improvisation on a Martial Inversion. 115 (with the Tremont Quartet). 2005. Poulenc. Trios. Bruno Bjelinski. Shulamit Ran For an Actor (Combs). Soundspells. Cello and Piano Op. Elliott Carter Pastorale for Clarinet and Piano. with Jeremy Polmear oboe and Eli Eban clarinet). Valentine C. These recording were made in the early 1980s and have been transferred to CD. Trio Sonata No. Drushler). Soundspells Fan- tasy for solo clarinet (Stanley Drucker). Meridian. Johan Sebastian Bach (trans. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Two Clarinets (Combs. 15. Johannes Brahms Sonata for clarinet and piano No. The 5 Sonatas with Piano. Willson Osborne Rhapsody for Clarinet. Paul Drushler clarinet. Stephen Free- man bass clarinet with various artists of the American Chamber Ensemble. Stanley Drucker clarinet with Kazuko Hayami piano and Naomi Drucker clarinet. This Green Tide. Henry Pousseur Madrigal I (Combs).95 CD495. 1 in F minor Op. and Robert Schmidt.95 CD294. Schmidt). Claude Debussy Première Rhapsodie and Petite Pièce. Thea King basset horn. and Sonata for clarinet and piano No. Jeremy Polmear oboe and Eli Eban clarinet).00 CD256. Naxos. Dennis Smylie alto clarinet. Marion Bauer: Orchestral and Chamber Works. 1995. 2000. Michael Edwards Clarinet. Larry Combs. and Finn Mortensen Sonatina for Solo Clarinet Op. Martin Fröst clarinet with the Malmö Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lan Shui. 23. and Ellen Meyer piano. Johann Sebas- tian Bach Ave Maria (with cello) and Presto from Sonata for Solo violin in G minor BWV1001. York Bowen Phantasy Quintet for bass clarinet and strings.2. Pnina Salzman Volume 2 Brahms. 17. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 16 No. Johannes Brahms Sonata No.95 CD044. Andre Messager Solo de Concours. Eddie McGuire Chinese Knotwork. Ritmorroto for Solo Clarinet. Paul Hindemith Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra. Doremi. Op. 8. 16. Martin Fröst clarinet with Roland Pöntinen piano. Eddie McGuire Celtic Knotwork. violin. Music by Shulamit Ran.vcisinc. 2008. is joined by his fellow Canadians on this interesting CD. Sonata for clarinet and piano No. cello. and Piano. Fleur De Son Classics. Bernhard Henrik Crusell Concerto for Clarinet No.0/SACD Stereo/CD Stereo. Trois Pièces for clarinet.95 CD422. Rick Faria clarinet. and Heidi Hoffman cello. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov The Flight of the Bumble Bee (with vocalist and piano). Fredrik Fors clarinet with Sveinung Bjelland piano. http://www. 120. East Wind (flute solo). Josef Holbrooke Sonata for saxophone and piano (transcription by the composer of the Concerto for saxophone and orchestra). Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet.1. and Quatuor Elysée. 97. Doremi. Mozart. Edvard Grieg (arr. and Mal- colm Arnold Clarinet Concerto No. 3 in B-flat major. Anders Hillborg The Peacock Moment. and Sonata for clarinet and piano No. 9. viola and piano. 2. 2 Op. Francis Pierre harp. 9 No. Clarinet and Cello in A Minor Op. Cello. 15. 18. Aaron Copland Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra. and Trio in A minor for Clarinet. 73. BIS.95 CD478.90 CD467. Marianne Rawles. Foliage. Nicholas Simpson Mardale Changes. Riverdale Ensemble with Stephen Fox clarinet/bass clarinet soprano and alto saxophone and Ellen Meyer piano and additional artists. Twelve by the Moon-dial. and Triptyque for string quartet. 2007. 5. Yona Ettlinger clarinet with Pnina Salzman piano and Uzi Wiesel cello. clarinet. BIS. 17. Tema y variaciones for Clarinet and Piano.95 CD465. Fell Clarinet Quartet: Colin Blamey. Fritz Kreisler Liebesleid. 2. Alexandre Tansman Chamber Music with Clarinet. Xak Bjerken [email protected] CD206. 2 in E flat ma- jor Op. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A major KV622 and Clarinet Quintet KV581. and Tres Fantasias for Clarinet. 15. Riverdale Ensemble with Stephen Fox clarinet/bass clarinet. and Eden Ahbez Nature Boy (with cello and double bass).0/SACD Stereo/CD Stereo. Goran Frost Brudvals for Karin Och Martin (for 3 clarinets and string quintet). 2010. Erica Kiese- wetter violin. 2003. Camille Saint-Saëns Sonata Op. Charles Chaplin Smile. and piano). Sonata No.95 CD424. These are from live performances between 1967 and 1972. 17. Martin Fröst clarinet withthe Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra conducted by Okko Kamu. Carl Stamitz Clarinet Concerto No.95 CD337. Daniel Foley Hommage à Henri Rousseau. 5. Piano and Cello. Bridge Records.120 No. and Concerto for Clarinet No. 1 in F minor Op.95 CD222.95 CD327. cello and piano. Johannes Brahms: Trio for Piano. 18. 1998. 68 No. and Private Games (clarinet and cello). Concertos Dedicated to Benny Goodman. 1.95 CD489. 2005. BIS. Johan Kvan- dal Fantasy for Solo Clarinet. 1. Mirage (flute. 2010. This CD and the less known pieces on it are from Norway. Concerto for Clarinet No. 1 in E flat major Op. Crusell Clarinet Concertos. For an Actor: Monologue for Clarinet (solo). and Torleif Thedéen cello.. BIS. Clarinet Concertos. Roberto Sierra: Clarinet Works. 2006. Andre Emelianoff cello.1 in F minor for Clarinet and Piano Op. Inscriptions (violin solo). Hybrid SACD /CD. Robert Bridge percussion. Ettlinger Clarinet Concerto in D major (from keyboard sonatas Op. John Ireland Trio in D for clarinet. 2003. Del- phian Records Ltd. 105 No. Martin Fröst clarinet with Roland Pöntinen piano and various artists. Sergei Rachmaninov Vocalise. 18. These are from live performances in 1975. Brahms. Trygve Madsen Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 1995. 2009. Patricia Spencer flute. 2 in F minor Op.00 CD416. The pieces on this CD are all by Israeli-born composer Shulamit Ran: Concerto da Camera II (clarinet.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Eliane Reyes piano. Nocturne "Fairyland" for PO Box 9569. Frederic Chopin Nocturne in E flat Major Op. Eric Wyrick violin. Yona Ettlinger clarinet with the Israel Chamber Orchestra conducted by Gary Bertini and the Israel Radio Orchestra conducted by Mendi Rodan. Op. 120.120 No. Ettlinger Clarinet Concerto in G minor (from an organ concerto). Knotwork. 17. It contains: Hans Gál Trio Op. Martin Fröst basset clarinet and clarinet with the Amsterdam Sinfonietta conducted by Peter Oundjian and the Vertavo String Quartet. string quartet. Svante Henryson Off Pist (with cello).95 CD162. Da Capo Chamber Players: Laura Flax clarinet. Alfred Uhl Divertimento. Martin Frost Improvisation (Based on a theme by Malcolm Arnold). Helen Bywater. Robert Schumann Dein Angesicht Op. Astor Piazzolla Histoire du Tango. and Aram Khachaturian Trio. Biographical information on Ettlinger can be found here. 2008. Chestnut Hill Music. Kyree Sassebo Haaland Sort Fugl (Black Bird). George Frederick Handel arr.2 in E flat major for Clarinet and Piano Op. Alexandre Tansman Musque for clarinet and string quartet. Musique à Six for clarinet string quartet and piano. Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke Op. 167. Roberto Sierra Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. 11. 127 No. Pierre Max Dubois Quatuor. and Eilean Shona for clarinet and string quartet . 115 for clarinet and orchestra. 2008. Subtitled "Encores Through a Decade" the performances here are with piano unless otherwise noted.114. and Johann Christian Bach arr. No. Alexander Scriabin Prelude in B Major Op. 2L. and piano). 17. harp and string quartet. This is a hybrid disc: SACD Surround 5. 4). Vittorio Monti Csardas. 3 in B flat major Op. 17. Black Bird. 17. Cinco Bocetos for Clarinet Solo. 2. 114. and Sarah Rothenberg piano. Kyrre Sassebo Haaland) Three Lyrical Pieces. Misha Amory viola. Canadian clarinet maker Stephen Fox (who has a masters degree in physics and a bachelors in clarinet performance). Fröst & Friends. Johannes Brahms Wie Melodien Zieht es Mir Op. and Lenny Sayers clarinets. Klezmer Traditional Let's Be Happy (with string quintet). 1. Jean-Marc Fessard clarinet. Lenny Sayers For Four. Tres pensiamentos for Bass Clarinet and Percussion. This CD has won a number of awards and is a hybrid disc: SACD Surround 5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mo- zart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A major KV622. Graham Fitkin Vent. Naxos.95 CD177. BIS. Daniel Kushner violin. Eighteen original klezmer pieces by Daniel Galay. bass clarinet. Franz Liszt Adagio. Giacomo Puccini O mio babbino caro from.1. qui commence" from Samson and Delilah.107 No. 16. and clarinet quartet. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Farn Keyser (For the emperor). O Tannenbaum. 9. Rumanian Doyna/Odessa Bulgarish. In Dulci Jubilo. Farshpetykung (Lateness). Todd Kuhn. established himself as an international soloist of the highest calibre. http://www. F.95 CD270. Far Khosn-Kale (For bride and groom).00 CD020.1. and Abenlied Op. Firn de Mekhutonim Aheym. Fröst's playing is both spectacular (on the Rossini) and sensitive on the arias. 1.102. Far Vos Raboysay? (For what. As der Rebe Elimelech. John Goss Hymn: Praise. Gioacchino Rossini Introduction. Argento – Rochberg. Rumanian Hora/Volakhl. Theme and Variations. with Eiko Nakao. Oh Holy Night. The arrangements are Van Cott Information Services Inc. and Farshtopte Kep (Closed heads). Anton Stadler Trios for Three Basset Horns. info@vcisinc. four transcriptions for clarinet and piano: Mein schöner Stern! Op. clarinet. clarinet with Randy Runyon. Bill Douglas Suite Cantando for Clarinet. Yoshinori Nakao. "Gianni Schicchi". Clarinet Artistry. Mario Lombardo Gavotte. 101 No. K. 14.1. Gustav Holst (trans. 2007.Larghetto from Vi- olin Sonata No. Twinkle Little Star) K. John Bruce Yeh. Jack Bullock for clarinet quartet) Strike up the Band. and Victor Babin Hillandale Waltzes. piano. The Cincinnati Klezmer Project performs: Tish Nigun. Spinn.127 No. Davis. and Phantasiestücke Op. Handel Joy to the World. Maurice and Faustin Jean- jean Guisganderie. Nigun Atik.4.95 CD010. Donato Lovreglio Fantasia on Verdi's Opera La Traviata.00 CD023. 2009. 2007. Michèle Gingras demonstrates great versatility on this wonderful CD. Richard Dudas Sonata (premiere recording). clarinet with various artists. Sunrise Sunset. Carl Maria von Weber Agathe's aria "Leise. R. My Soul. my golden distaff!") from The Bride of the Mountain King. Theodore Antoniou Like an Overture for solo clarinet. Nielsen & Aho Clarinet Concertos. Freylach in D. Garrett) St.95 CD178. Palm Court Christmas Michèle Gingras. 8 Op. Carl Nielsen Clarinet Concerto and Kalevi Aho Clarinet Concerto. Arcangelo Corelli. Bis. clarinet with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra conducted by Felix Shiu-Sen Chen. Mozart (arr. 2. Stan Stanford.A. Maria Theresia von Paradis Sicilienne. Bill Douglas for clarinet and bass clarinet) Night in Tunisia.vcisinc. clarinet with Ron Matson piano. Far Pinyes Tekhter (For Pinye's daughters). H. Charles-Marie Widor Meditation from Organ Symphony No. Prelude and Sarabande from Sonata No. John Wil- liams Theme from "Schindler's List". Michael Kaulkin American Standard (premiere recording). Fardreyte Mayse (A crooked story). and Nachlicht Op. Gabriel Fauré Pie Jesu. Yoshke. clarinet and bass clarinet duet. Fröst is a young Swedish clarinet virtuoso who has. Gyline sländan min!" ("Spin. from Requiem and Pavane. YankeleYoshke. The CD is subtitled 60 years of Amer- ican music for clarinet and piano. Martin Fröst clarinet with Roland Pöntinen piano. Arias for the Soul Michèle Gingras. Clarinet Pizzazz. Carolyn Arnquist. Artsah Alinu. Ivar Hallström: "Spinn. Farbaysekhts (A snack). Felix Mendelssohn Concertpiece No. ich fühl's" from the Magic Flute. Bassoon (Bass Clarinet on this recording).94. Lynn Fryer clarinet. with Kelley Head piano. Ron Matson piano. Far Dvoyrele (For Deborah). Die Spinnerin Op. 1. Robert Muczynski Time Pieces. MSR Classics. Time Pieces. Schumann. J. This is an ensemble recording with a prominent role for the clarinet on many pieces. Franz Danzi Fantasie on "La ci darem la mano" from Don Giovanni by Mozart. Michael Anderson. Clare Grundman Bagatelle for Four B-flat Clarinets. Abenlied für Klavier vierhändig. 15. Jules Massenet Nina's Aria from "Chérubin".95 CD338. 16. Peter Furniss clarinet with David Leiher Jones piano. 2003. Bill Douglas for clarinet and bass clarinet) Well. Klezmer's Greatest Hits Michèle Gingras. 7. J. Far Yentele (For Yentel).107 No. Duke Ellington (trans. Smith Winter Wonderland. Hal Fryer bass clarinet. PO Box 9569.00 CD022. four transcrip- tions for clarinet and piano: Herzeleid Op. Mark Carlson Twilight. This CD is an eclectic mix of music for clarinet. Farfelekh (Farfel). and Piano. Gary Schocker Andante espressivo and Sonata for two clarinets and piano. James Cohn Sonatina Op. 7:40. Maman" (Twinkle.127 No. The King of Heaven. 18. Bernard and R.107 No. 2001. Al Shloshah Devarim.4. Farkatshte Arbl (Folded sleeves). Max Reger Album Leaf. Nick Ayoub A touch of Jazz for clarinet quartet.. Bra- vo Records. leise fromme Weise" from Der Freischütz. 15. Martin Fröst clarinet with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lan Shui. 113 and Concertpiece in D minor Op. Farginer (The benevolent).00 CD426. and C. 17. 2 in D minor Op.95 CD083. W. plus the New Meridian Clarinet Consort which includes the Fryers and clarinetists Geoffrey Flolo and Wendi Hatton. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. You Needn't and 'Round Midnight. Ma Navu. 114 (performed on clarinet and bass clarinet with piano). and Wilfried Hiller "Am Calva- rienberg" from The Pied Piper A Dance of Death from Hamelin. Od Lo Ahavti Day. BIS. and William Albin percussion. Steve Shumway cello. Adeste Fidelis.95 CD449.96 No. Jingle Bells. James Sheppard Snow- fall for Electronic Wind Instrument. Jacob Weinberg Canzonetta. 56.6. and Der Heyser Bulgar. clarinet with The Cincinnati Klezmer Project. Simeone I Saw Three Ships A'sailing. Jennifer Nelson. Daniel Galay Klassical Klezmer.101 No. Srul Irving Glick Suite Hébraïque. Bring a Torch Janette Isabella. Clarinet Classics. 114. BIS. Johann Sebastian Bach Be Merciful unto Me O Lord God and Sonatina from the cantata "God's Time is Best". Husid'l in d minor. Dein Angesicht Op. Leonard Bernstein Sonata. Eric Pritchard violin. Far Ale Mol! (Forever!). This CD has also won a number of awards and is a hybrid disc: SACD Surround 5. Onorati and H. Lawrie Bloom. Erik Satie Three Gymnopedies.. Art Marshal for clarinet quartet) Summertime. Antonín Dvorák Humoresque Op.0/SACD Stereo/CD Stereo. A Shtiler Nign. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Concertpiece in F minor Op. and George and Ira Gershwin (arr. Sängers Trost Op.00 CD021. Martin Fröst clarinet with the Lahti Symphony Orchestra conducted by Osmo Vänskä. 2000. Michèle Gingras. Irving Berlin White Christmas. Anthony Gigliotti. Aris Cha- vez. gentlemen?). and Bill Douglas Begin Sweet World. Thelonious Monk (arr. Scott Ragsdale for bass clarinet and piano) The Single Petal of a Rose. Mary Harris viola. The pieces are: Far Rivke (For Rivka). Farputste Lordn (Elegant lords). Dominick Argento Capriccio for Clarinet and Orchestra and George Rochberg Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra. Old World Meets New World Michèle Gingras. Donato Lovreglio Concert Fantasia on themes from Verdi's La Traviata. John Wil- liams Viktor's Tale. Lucio Agostini Trio Québécois. Paul's Suite. Bulgar from Baym Rebn in Palestina. Alfred Uhl Divertimento for Three Clarinets and Bass Clarinet. Extended Clarinets! Roger Garrett. 91 CD391. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . spin. Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Dodi Li.F. 15. Dizzy Gillespie (arr. Camille Saint-Saëns Delilah's aria "Printemps.265/300e. in a very short time. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina's aria "Ach. 2008. and Hava Nagila. Tsadik Katamar. W.2. The Pied Piper of the Opera. Farvelkung (Fading). Robert Schumann Drei Romanzen Op. Xavier Gruber and Joseph Mohr Silent Night. 16. 5. Fünf Stück in Volkston Op. Garrett) Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je.73. Baym Rebn in Palestina. Patsh tants. Ki lo yitosh. Miserlou. George Gershwin (arr. organ. Alec Templeton Pocket-Size Sonata No. 21. Brahms Clarinet Trio & Sonatas (On Original Instruments). Alan Hacker clarinet. Clarinet. Carl Maria von Weber Seven Variations for Clarinet and Piano from 'Silvana' J 128 Op. Janos Komives Flammes (5 etudes pour clarinette seule). Bohuslav Martinu Serenade for Two Clarinets. 2 in F minor Op. Ingolf Dahl Concerto a Tre. and 11. and develops a supportive and equal partnership with the clarinet. 229. 15. Hoeprich plays on a reproduction of the type of Grenser clarinet played by Crusell and the orchestra uses period instruments. Libby Larsen: Corker (clarinet and Robert Adney percussion).com info@vcisinc. 2007. and Husa. and Sonata No. 14. 16. 15. Bernhard Crusell Klarinettenkonzerte. Caroline Hartig. piano. 5. 2001. 16. Benny Goodman clarinet. Franco Donatoni Clair. 1. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Krzysztof Penderecki Prelude for Solo Clarinet. Kessner . 1 in E flat major Op. Frank Campo Fantasy. Ernest Chausson Andante et Allegro. William Bolcom Chalumeau for Solo Clarinet. and William Toutant Sonatina. Martinu. Gaetano Labanchi Fantasia for Clarinet on motives from Verdi's Aida. Johann Sebastian Bach (arr. Bernhard Henrik Crusell: Concertos Op. Blue Third Pieces (clarinet and Chirstopher Kachian guitar). Eric Hoeprich clarinet with Kölner Akademie conducted by Michael Alexander Wil- lens. 3 in B flat major Op. Eugene Bozza Bucolique. Works for Clarinets and Strings by Dahl. Bernhard Henrik Crusell Concerto for Clarinet No. 29. Sonata No. Bela Kovacs Homage a J. Claude Debussy Premiere Shapsodie.95 CD400. Morton Feldman Bass Clarinet & Percussion. 16. Benny Goodman Collector’s Edition. piano. Bernhard Henrik Crusell: Concerto for Clarinet No. Luigi Bassi: Divertimento for Clarinet on Motives from Donizetti's La Favorita. Daniel Hosken Clarinet Interrupted. Claude Debussy: Premiere Rhapsodie.95 CD392.S. Caroline Hartig clarinet. 19. Clarinet Billiante. 19. 2005. 11. Robert Schumann Three Romances Op.00 CD499. 21. Gavin Bryars Three Elegies for Nine Clarinets. 16.95 CD106. Ars Produktion. Leonard Bernstein Sonata. 1994. Morton Gould Derivations for Clarinet and Band Columbia Jazz Combo conducted by Morton Gould.95 CD318. Bernstein.92 in a variety of styles.) The piano accompaniments turn the beautiful Rose 32 Etudes for clarinet into an equally beautiful recital for clarinet and PO Box 9569. Karl Gottlieb Reissiger Duo Brillant for Clarinet and Piano in B flat major Op. A CD of solo clarinet music from Michigan State University clarine profes- sor Hartig. Arnold. and Germaine Taille- ferre Arabesque 16. 1 in F minor Opus 120. Clarinet Brilliante II. Fugue & Riffs Columbia Jazz Combo conducted by Leonard Bernstein. 1. 15. 15. Bela Kovacs Hommage à M.00 CD411. 1 in E flat major Op. and Poulenc. James Cohn) Preludes for Piano. 2010. Concerto for Clarinet No. Sinfonia Concertante Op. F. piano. Gary Gray. clarinet with Claude Cymerman. 2009. Francis Poulenc Sonata.1 & Rational Melody No. Cal State Northridge clarinet profes- sor Heinen plays relatively recent pieces several of which were written for her. Ernesto Cavallini Fiori Rossiniani Capriccio on operatic motives of Gioachino Rossini. Cyrille Rose 32 Etudes for Clarinet. Jules Mazellier Fantasie-Ballet.vcisinc. Chalumeau. Bohuslav Martinu Sonatina. 16.) 16. Martinu. Gary Schocker Dear Diary. Leo Weiner Peregi Verbunk Op. Dancing Solo (clarinet solo). Centaur. Song without Words (clarinet and piano). bassoon and orchestra. 2006. clarinet with Tra Nguyen piano. Mal- com Arnold Sonatina Op. horn. Centaur. Peter Reit horn with the New York Scandia Symphony Dorret Matson conductor. Dancing Solo Music of Libby Larsen. 17. Christopher Hill clarinet and John Walker piano. Jennifer Ward cello. Andre Messager Solo De Con- cours.Hoskins. Steven D. 3 for clarinet. Norbert Burgmuller Duo for Clarinet and Piano in E flat major Op. Three pieces for Treble Wind and Guitar. Centaur. Camile Saint-Saëns Sonata Op. Clifford Benson. Gustave Langenus) Chromatic Fantasia. 130.95 CD265.00 CD149. 2007.95 CD078.95 CD415. New York Counterpoint. Clarke Richard Burnett pianoforte.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.00 CD309.00 CD395. Clarinet Tales. 11. Black Birds Red Hills (clarinet. Liviu Marinescu Homage Collage. Louis Cahuzac Variations sur un Air du Pays d'Oc. De Falla. Thurston) Solfeggietto. and Donato Lovreglio Fantasia on Verdi's Opera La Traviata. The piano part master- fully draws its material from the etudes. Leonard Bernstein Prelude. Ida Gotkovsky Sonate pour Clarinette Solo. 94. CBS Masterworks. Viola. 161. Works for Clarinet and Piano by Saint-Saëns. David Harding viola and Kevin Purrone piano). Innova 1997/2005.Campo . 1. just a list of the composer's names. clarinet with Deborah Moriarty. Centaur. Leslie Harlow violin. This is a recording of all of the 32 Rose Etudes with original piano accompaniment by John Walker (available as a play along CD: PA01. Roger Heaton (clarinet/alto clarinet/bass clarinet/contra-bass clarinet multi-tracked) Simon Limbrick percussion. 1993. Dave Smith piano.00 CD445. and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (arr. Daniel Kessner Circling. Igor Stravinsky Ebony Concerto Columbia Jazz Combo conducted by Igor Stravinsky. (This CD doesn't really have a title. Caroline Hartig. AMON RA/Saydisc Records. Dara Morales violin. & Violincello H334. Lee Livengood clarinet. IsoMike. Glyn Perrin Like He Never Was. Leslie Bassett Soliloquies. Walter Zimmermann 25 Karwa Melodien. Luigi Bassi Concert Fantasia on Motives from Verdi's Rigoletto. 1989. Tom Johnson Rational Melody No. 3 in B flat major Op. Sabine Grofmeier. and Concerto for Clarinet No. Clarinet Classics. Christopher Fox Stone: Wind: Rain: Sand. 33. 256. 3. Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda Morceau de Salon Op. Carl Reinecke Introduction and Allegro appassionato in C minor Op. 40. Charles-Marie Widor Introduction et Rondo. August Winding Three Fantasies for Clarinet and Piano Op. 2008. clarinet with Marc Goldberg bassoon. Hill & Walker Music Co. Ennio Morricone Cinema Paradiso (from the film). Bach. Steve Reich New York Counterpoint. and Jesús Morales violoncello. Bela Bartok Contrast with Joseph Szigeti violin and Bela Bartok piano. ARS Produktion. 2 in E-flat major Opus 120. Johannes Brahms Trio in A Minor for Clarinet. Hartman. http://www. and Concerto for Clarinet No. Edison Denissow Sonate für Klarinette. Centaur. Violin. Russell Harlow clarinet. and Heinrich Baermann Ada- gio for Clarinet and Strings. Caroline Hartig clarinet and friends.00 CD125. Cello and Piano Opus 114. 1986. 9. Aaron Copland Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra Columbia Sym- phony Orchestra conducted by Aaron Copland. Hybrid SACD/CD. George Gershwin (arr. Julia Heinen clarinet with Shari Raynor piano. and Karel Husa Evocations de Slovaquie. 6. Carl Maria von Weber Clarinet Quintet in B-flat Major Op. Kalamos Clarinet Quartet. Emma Johnson with Gordon Back piano. Mihály Hajdú Capriccio all'ongarese. Alfred Uhl Divertimento. Lásló Horváth clarinet with the Savaria Symphony Orchestra conducted by Balázs Kocsár and János Petró. 16. 2. Johann Sebastian Bach Air from Suite No. and Nino Rota 8½. Capriccio: Mid-Century Music for Clarinet. and Harald Harrer clarinets.95 CD160. A Clarinet Celebration. Hungaroton. Georg Friedrich Handel Arrival of the Queen of Sheba and “Lascia ch‖io pianga” from Rinaldo.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc.2). 4. Lásló Horváth clarinet with the Erkel Ferenc Chamber Orchestra conducted by Eszter Bedo. Wil- liam Hurlstone Four Characteristic Pieces. Ralph Vaugh- an Williams Six Studies in English Folksong." 17. Manfred Preis. 1 and No. and Harald Harrer clarinets. Johannes Gliechweit. Sonatina for clarinet and piano Op.14. 16. 1. All works on this CD are by Malcom Arnold: Concerto No. 3 in G major. 129. 4 in D major. 34 and Sigismund Neukomm Clarinet Quintet in B-flat Op. Emma Johnson Variations on a Hungarian Folk Tune. Farao. oboe and clarinet Op.95 CD319. Centaur. Strings. Traditional/Frank Johnson Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. József Balogh. clarinet with Philip Jenkins. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. 17. Ludwig van Beethoven String Quartet Op.00 CD114. Interclarinet with Norbert Täubl. and Clarinet Quartet No. Leonard Bernstein Sonata for Clarinet and Piano.vcisinc. Heinrich Sutermeister Capriccio for unaccompanied Clarinet in A.95 CD429. Alamiro Giampieri Il Carnevale di Venezia. David Howard. 1994. 17. 2003. 3 in D major. Emma Johnson with Julius Drake piano.95 CD266. and Concerto for Clarinet No. Interclarinet with Norbert Täubl. Fantasy (solo) Op. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio in F major KV 580a. Sergei Prokofiev March from Love For Three Oranges. ASV. Kurt Weill Selections from the Threepenny Opera. Johann Melchior Molter Concerto for Clarinet No. 8 for clarinet and orchestra. 17.00 CD402.34 No. and Malcolm Arnold Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano Op. Johannes Brahms Hungarian Dance No. Sergei Rachmaninov Vocalise Op. Isaac Albeniz Tango. 1993. 48 and Seven Variations for Clarinet and Piano from "Silvana" Op. Bernhard Henrik Crusell (1775-1838): Clarinet Quartet No. Five clarinetists from Germany. Farao. Ferenc Farkas Antiche Danze Ungheresi dal Secolo XVII. Eric Hoeprich. NCA Music. Johannes Brahms Hungarian Dances No. 1992. Centaur. József Balogh. Interclarinet Vol. Kalamos Clarinet Quartet. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Hungarian clarinet works with orchestra.95 CD473. 1996. Daniel Dorff It Takes Four To Tango. ASV. 87. Victor Babin Hillandale Waltzes. Richard Stoker Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. Manfred Preis. Concerto for Clarinet No. 73. 20. 1996. Carl Boehm Quintett in F major. 2. Witold Lutoslawski Dance Preludes. 5. Vittorio Monti Csardas. Arnold Bax Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. 1 in C minor Op. British Music for Clarinet and Piano. Austria. Wilson Variations on a Theme from Paganini. John Ireland Fantasy Sonata in E flat major. ASV.18 No. 1990. Lady Be Good and József Balogh Episodes from the Crescent Moon. Jozsef Balogh Radetzkiada. and Basso Continuo. Interclarinet Vol.29. Leó Weiner Ballad Op. Arthur Bliss Two Nursery Rhymes. Gordon Lewin La Copa-Samba and Fiesta Cubana-Rumba. Emma Johnson with the English Chamber Orchestra conducted by Ivor Bolton.95 CD242. James Jones clarinet with Karen Bauman Schlabaugh piano. Jean-Philipp Rameau/Ettlinger Gavotte. 1995. Paul Hindemith: Sonate for Clarinet and Piano.95 CD101. 24. Lásló Horváth clarinet with Trio Dumas. 2 in D major. piano. and Jules Mazellier Fantaisie- Ballet. Pastoral. Alec Templeton Pocket Size Sonata No.91. 115. Johann Melchior Molter: 5 Concertos for Clarinet. 17. Gipsy Songs. 1 in A major. Norbert Burgmüller Duo Op. Malcolm Arnold Pre Goodman Rag. Erik Satie Three Gym- nopedies. Philippe Gaubert Fantaisie. 29. Clarinetist Hoeprich is using a reproduction of a Genser 1810 clarinet and the string players are using instruments that were in existence when this music was written. Hungaroton. Ralph Vaughan Williams Three Vocalises for Soprano and Clarinet with Judith Howard soprano.00 CD401. 3 in D major Op. and Rhapsodia. 4. 1 (transcribed by Douglas Monroe). clarinet with Zita Carno. Einar Jóhannesson. Clarinetto All'Ungherese. 2000. Klavier. 15. 2005. André Bloch Denneriana. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Sol- feggietto. Howard Ferguson Four Short Pieces for Clarinet and Piano info@vcisinc. 16. 1 in E-flat major Op. Marc Delmas Fantaisie italienne Op 110. 6. 15. Gyorgy Orban Quintetto – Tempo di Tango. Klarinettenquintette.129. Howard Blake Walking in the Air. 17. piano. Robert Schumann Traumerei. Endre Szervánszky Serenade. Claude Debussy String Quartet Animé et très décidé (transcribed by David Jones). 17. George Gershwin Oh. and Donato Lovreglio Fantasy on themes from Verdi's "La Traviata. Chandos Records. 7. Kenneth A. Johannes Gliechweit. 2009. Bernard Crusell Clarinet Quartets. Divertimento for flute. Concerto for Clarinet No. 5. Darius Milhaud Scaramouche. Clarinet Quartet No. Concerto No. 2 for clarinet and or- chestra Op. Joseph Horowitz Valdemosa (Majorcan Piece No. ASV. Charles Villier Stanford Sonata Op. Arthur Bliss Pastoral. Thomas Dunhill Phantasy Suite for Clarinet and Piano Op. and Hungary play clarinet quartets and quintets. 1995. Encores 2. Emma Johnson with Malcom Martineau piano. Hungaroton. 37. Carl Maria von Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op. 1.95 CD458. 93 CD486.95 CD132. and Sándor Veress Concerto. Charles Vil- liers Stanford Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 17. Recital Favorites for Clarinet and Piano. Gabriel Grovlez Lamento et Tarantelle and Concertino. clarinet with Ensemble Les Adieux. 33. Louis Cahuzac Variations sur un air du Pays d'Oc. Three Shanties for wind quintet Op. 8. Eugene Bozza Fantaisie italienne. 1994. Arthur Bliss Pastoral for Clarinet and Piano. Pierre Gabaye Sonatine. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio KV 411 and Ave Verum Corpus. Concerto for Clarinet No.95 CD241. Fritz Kreisler/Johnson Liebeslied & Syncopa- tion. William Byrd Pavane. Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke PO Box 9569. http://www. 5 in D major. Arnold: The Complete Works for Clarinet. 1 for clarinet and strings Op. 1994. 16. Jean Françaix Trio for Clarinet. 1980. info@vcisinc. While the title suggests something traditional.95 CD045. and Mozart. and Orbán. Laszlo Sary Variazioni (with piano). The Pied Piper. 17. Hungaroton.00 CD260. 17. Caprice Viennois Op. Robinson/W. Arnold Cooke Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra. Jozef Sari STATI quattro tempi. The complete works of Max Reger (1873-1916) for clarinet. Alpbach-Quintet for Wind Quintet and Percussion Op. Mourant: Blue PO Box 9569. 16. Raybould: The Wistful Shepherd. David Olan Composition for Clarinet and Tape. Sonata in A-flat major Op. Csaba Klenyán clarinet with Zoltán Gyöngyössy flute and Ildikó Cs. and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio in E-flat "Kegelstadt" for Clarinet.S. Arr. 49 No. Summit. Little Suite for Clarinet and Piano Op. 15. Sonata in F-sharp minor Op. Ramon Kireilis. Herbert Howells Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Kell: The Gentle Maiden. this is modern music from Eastern Europe for clarinet and (where indicated) piano. 2006. 127a (1951).C. http://www.94 CD357. Reissued on CD 2010. Balfe/P. Handy arr. English Music for Clarinet. Porter-Brown: Dance of the Three Old Maids. 49 No. Gordon Jacob Trio for Clarinet. Viola and Orchestra in E minor Op. Cardew: Some Folks Do. Berlin Classics. 23. Helios/Hyperion. Henry Tomasi Introduction et Danse. Thea King clarinet with the Northwest Chamber Orchestra of Seattle conducted by Alun Francis. J. 17. Nagy piano. Danse de noces. Csaba Klenyán clarinet. Alan Rawsthorne Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra. 34 (Version with string orchestra). 2001.95 CD290. Istval Lang Monodia. 10. viola and orchestra Op. Reginald Kell clarinet with various orchestras. 1 for clarinet and piano. 17. ASV. 2005. Douglas Moore Quintet for Clarinet and Strings. Arnold Cooke Sonata in B flat for Clarinet and Piano. Dervish Dance. Debussy: Le Petit Berger. 29. W. Clutsam/Hartley: Ma Curly Headed Baby. Schön Rosma- rin. 129. 31. English Clarinet Quintets. BMC.vcisinc. William Yeates Hurlstone Four Characteristic Pieces. 17. Bruch Trio with Jerry Kirkbridge clarinet. Nagy pi- ano and other artists.2. Hyperion. viola and piano Op. Three English Clarinet Concertos. Morton Subtonic Pas- sages of the Beast. 2 and Clarinet Quintet in A major Op. 92/2b (1942). Rèverie. Clarinet Classics. Foster: Gentle Annie. György Sonata concertante (with piano). Monologue for Clarinet Solo Op. 1981. Clarinet and Piano Op. 132. 180 (1962). Max Bruch: Clarinet and Viola Music. and Piano K. 2001. La Fille Aux Chevaux De Lin. Edward Miller Piece for Clarinet and Tape. 1997. Van Cott Information Services Inc.) Charles Villiers Stan- ford Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 498.95 CD209. The Romantic Clarinet. Pierre Max Dubois Neuf Impromptus and Menuet de Beaugency. He- lios/Hyperion. Hun- garoton. clarinet with the Da Vinci Quartet. 28 (1924). Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) was an Austrian born composer (of Czech heritage) who lived in the Unit- ed States from 1938 on. Willson Osborne Rhapsody for Clarinet. Liebesfreud. 2003.Cardew: Killarney. Harrison/P. and Romance in G major all for clarinet and piano. Sonatine Attique. 108 (1946). Blegard: The Snowy Breasted Pearl. Ellen Taaffe Zwilich Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet.95 CD420. 2002. Smith Harlem. Arthur Bliss Quintet for Cla- rinet and String Quartet and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet. Marta Benko viola and Gyorgy Deri cello. Max Reger Music with Clarinet (Complete). Trad. and Suite for Clarinet and Strings Op. Sonata in B-flat major Op. 146 with Peter Somogyi and Eva Viniczai violins. (Two CD set.Stanford Clarinet Concertos. Eugéne Bozza Trois Mouvements pour Flute et Clarinette. 17. Cardew: In The Gloaming. French Chamber Music with Clarinet. Ramon Kireilis. and Dan Welcher Quintet for Clarinet and Strings.00 CD268. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Sonatina for Flute and Clarinet Op. 13. Music for Solo Clarinet. Trio for Violin. Ecstasy. Max Bruch Concerto for Clarinet. Nagy piano. Csaba Klenyán clarinet with Zoltán Gyöngyössy flute and Ildikó Cs. Raybould. Kreisler: Liebeslied. 148a (1955). 23.88 and Eight Pieces for clarinet. Steven Kanoff clarinet with Paul Coletti viola. Julius Rietz Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in G minor Op. Thea King clarinet with the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Alun Francis. contrabass clarinet with Gábor Csalog piano and Ildikó Cs. Reissued on CD 2010. It includes Mourant/Ludlow: Swing Low Sweet Clarinet.95 CD115. Music of Françaix. and Piano.00 CD502. 15. Ramon Kireilis. Gordon Jacob Mini-Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra. 6.95 CD121. and Carl Maria von Weber Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet in B flat major Op. Peter Eotvos Dervish Dance. Albumblatt (Album Leaf). Tarantella. Jesse Levine viola and Rex Woods piano. American Clarinet. 15. Viola. Howard Ferguson Four Short Pieces Op. Gergely Vajda Lightshadow-trembling-Homage to Andras Petocz.95 CD129. 157 (1956). and Piano. and Concerto for Clarinet in B-flat and piano. Chant Corse. Csaba Klenyán clarinet with Gábor Csalog piano. 2 CD set. clarinet. 2007. Yradier/Kell: La Paloma.00 CD501. Invention for Flute and Clarinet Op. 2004. clarinet with the Lamont String. 107 for clarinet and piano. viola and piano Op.: Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Faded. Foster/P. Gerald Finzi Five Bagatelles Op. Staffan Scheja piano and the Hannover Radio Philharmonic conducted by Tomasso Placidi. This CD also includes Robert Schumann Märchenerzählungen for clarinet. 88. Sharon Kam clarinet with Ori Kam viola and Sinfonia Varsovia conducted by Gregor Bühl. F. Thea King clarinet with Clifford Benson piano. Max Bruch Concerto for clarinet. Franz Reizenstein Arabesques.95 CD264. Hungaroton. Richard Toensing Laetantur Archangel. Charles Villiers Stanford Concerto for Clarinet in A minor Op. This is a CD of light classical music (and at least one tune that would have qualified as pop at the time) recorded between 1942 and 1955 and restored from 78s and LPs. Ernst Krenek: Chamber Music with Clarinet. Viola. bass clarinet. Arthur Bliss Pastoral. Viola. Finzi . 80 and Gerald Finzi Concerto for Clarinet and String Or- chestral Op. Jacob.00 CD057. Stars In My Eyes. Swing Low Sweet Clarinet. 81 for clarinet and string quartet. Wolfgang Ama- deus Mozart Trio in E flat major. Hungaroton. Sonata Brève (clarinet solo). Janez Mazej. Ignaz Pleyel Clarinet Concerto. Dubois (1930-1995) studied clarinet.00 CD203. piano. Concerto for Clarinet No. 16. This was the first CD from Jože Kotar. Claude Debussy Première Rhapsodie.vcisinc. Horn und Orchester Es-dur (with Vaclav Kunt flute.00 CD339. Burrill Phillips Concert Piece (bass clarinet). 2004. Michèl Yost Concertos for Clarinet and Orchestra. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . 30 for wind instruments. 317d) and Piano Trio No. and Ambrož Čopi Quintetto for clarinet and strings. horns). 496 arranged for clarinet with Balogh and the Danubius Quartet. 16. Claribel. K. 1. Lajos Rozman clarinet. 8 in E flat major. 89 for clarinet and string quartet. 23. Gyorgy Lakatos bassoon. Orfeo. 49 No. Jeno Jando piano. and Jozsef Balogh Episodes from the Crescent Moon. 1990. Jože Kotar Klarinet/Clarinet/Klarinette. 17. 2008. Concertino für Klarinette und Orchester c-moll. 17. Alfred Prinz Nachtstuck (bass clarinet). Concerto for Clarinet No.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. 16. Antonio Rosetti: Concertos. 11 in B flat major. Pulcinella. Suite. CPO. MDG Gold. Eduard von Lannoy Trio Op. Jože Kotar clarinet. CPO. 2 Klarinetten. horn. 2 in G major K. All by Saverio Mercadante (1795-1870): Konzert für Klarinette und Kammerorchester B-dur Op. Rosetti was also known as Anton Rösler or Rossler. While Karg-Elert (1877- 1933) was best known as a composer for organ. Clarinet Concerto No. with Slovene Philharmonic String Quartet and Borut Kantušer double bass.00 CD112. Épithalame. 1998. Rhapsodie niçoise Clarinet Music by Eugène Bozza.76. Family . Luciano Berio Lied for Clarinet Solo (Sandra Arnold clarinet). Carl Reinecke "Undine" Sonata in e mi- nor Op. Concerto for Clarinet No. organ and music theory at the Conservatory in Tours as well as piano and composition with Da- rius Milhaud at the Conservatory in Paris. 1 in B flat major. 15 in B flat major. 16. Theme and Variations. Heinrich Joseph Baermann Adagio from the Clarinet Quintet in E-flat major Op. Prélude et divertissement. lives in Ljubljana. bassoon and orchestra. 26 in B flat major K. Dieter Klöcker clarinet with Sudwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim conducted by Sebastian Tewinkel.95 CD322. 2003. Csaba Klenyán clarinet with Ildikó Cs. Peter Kuder. Robert Schumann from Five Pieces in Folk Style Op. Mozart: Clarinet Trio. clarinetist and pedagogue. Ilona Csizmadia cor anglais (trio). Hungaroton.Carl Maria von Weber Clarinet Quintet in B-flat Major PO Box 9569. Balogh) Zigeu- nerweisen Op. 2003. Quintet in B-flat major Op. 498 "Kegelstatt" with Kovacs.00 CD038. Louis Spohr Fantasy and Variations on a Theme of Danzi Op. 110. and Archduke Rudolph of Austria Trio in E flat major. This CD features works that include the clarinet. Csaba Klenyán clarinet with Maki Yamamoto piano. Črt Sojar Voglar Ara- besques. and Sinfonia Concertante in B flat major for two clarinets and orchestra (with Sandra Arnold clarinet). Sonata No. 9 in B flat major. Dieter Klöcker clarinet with Thomas Duis or Kayoko Takae piano. Arts. Sigfrid Karg-Elert Chamber Music. Clarinet Trios: Beethoven . 17. Caprice- Improvisation. and Rhapsodie niçoise. Marc Eychenne Sexteur Lyrique. According to the liner notes these concertos were written jointly by Yost and Johann Christoph Vogel. Idylle. Concertino in B flat major for bassoon and orchestra. Bernhard Henrik Crusell Introduction and Swedish Air info@vcisinc. 2 in B major Op. Anna-Maija Korsima-Hurst clarinet. 95 31. associate professor of the clarinet at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. Witold Lutoslawski Dance Preludes.95 CD380.Slovenian Clarinet Sextet. Tomaž Kmetič. Fantaisie italienne. Dieter Klöcker clarinet with the SWR-Sinfonieorcehstra Baden-Baben und Freiburg conducted by Holger Schröter-Seebeck. and Matjaž Emeršič. Clarinet XXth Century Vol. where he is pricipal clarinetist of RTV Slovenia Symphony and was previously solo clarinetist of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. Pierre Max Dubois: Works for Clarinet & Piano. Jozsef Gabor piano. Dieter Klöcker clarinet with the Prague Chamber Orchestra. 2004. Dieter Klöcker clarinet with Guido Schiefen cello and Olaf Dreßler piano. and Quintet in C minor Op. and Jan Schroeder horn). 2003. Ludwig van Beethoven Trio in B flat major Op. 13. 16. 20. Sonatina.101. 15.95 CD406. Nagy piano. Bela Kovacs & Jozsef Balogh. 17. Élégie. Romance. 1998. and Sinfonia Concertante Op. Giuseppe Porgo 2nd clarinet. 2 in E-flat major.Clarinet Quartets. BIS. Coïncidence. he wrote a number of works for woodwinds. and Alec Templeton Élégie.95 CD365. Sazas.Archduke Rudolph. Konzert für Klarinette und Orchester Es-dur Op. 1 in E-flat major. Sonata di Mady.95 CD171. SWR. and Gyorgy Konrad viola. 16. 1999.12 for clarinet and orchestra. László Hara bassoon.Lannoy . Sonata for Clarinet Solo Op. and Concerto for Clarinet No. 2002. Csaba Klenyán clarinet with Fruzsina Kali Fonyodi oboe (trio). 1997. 167. Franc Maček. and core anglais. Ignaz Pleyel: Clarinet Concerto No. Yvonne Desportes Caracteres. clarinet. Epitaphe. 2008. This CD includes: Rapsodie. Sonata for violin & piano No. and Paul Hindemith Sonate. 378 (K. 3 für Flöte.95 CD419. Claude Debussy Premiere Rhapsodie. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No. RIAX. Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra No. and Quator. Pablo de Sarasate (arr. Sazas. clarinet. 11. Boucolique.00 CD133. Saverio Mercandante: Klarinettenkonzerte & Concertante. All of the pieces on this CD are by Eugène Bozza (1905-1991). and Concertante Nr. Members: Jože Kotar. 102 (bass clarinet). Naxos. 8. 139b for clarinet and piano. and Peter Soos horn. Raymond Loucheur En famille. They are: Trio in D minor Op. Crusell Concertante Wind Works. and Concerto for 2 horns & orchestra in F major (with Klaus Wallendorf and Sarah Willis.00 CD379. http://www. 2 in B flat major. Dieter Klöcker clarinet with the Prague Chamber Orchestra. 7 in B flat major. Hungaroton. 107. 1 for oboe. 3 for clarinet. Max Reger Sona- ta for Clarinet and Piano B flat major Op.95 CD154. 34 and Introduction. 'Kegelstatt' .00 CD204. Howard Klug clarinet and bass clarinet with Andrew De Grado piano. Gabriel Faure Three Songs. They are: Aria. 17. Ib Lanzky-Otto horn with the Tapiola Sinfonietta conducted by Osmo Vänskä.. August Klughardt Quin- tet Op. Bernhard Henrik Crusell (1775-1838). Miguel Yuste Capricho Pintoresco Op. Sadie Harrison Times for Flying. Srul Irving Glick The Klezmer‖s Wedding (with Felix Olschofka violin).95 CD435. 9 in G major. Alexander Glazunov Four Duets. Mahon . Johann Melchior Molter Concerto for Clarinet No." Leó Weiner Peregi Verbunk Op. 2009.95 CD350. Robert Casadesus Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. Edward Elgar Salut d'amour Op.00 CD056. 45. 2000. Clarinet Classics. Simon Sargon KlezMuzik. Classic Solos for Winds. Traditional Dance of Delight (Freylekh tants) and Dance! Dance! (Tants. Molter and Mozart Clarinet Concertos. Paul Ben-Haim Three Songs without Words. Kristi Helberg violin. Brahms. Cécil Chaminade Concertino for Flute Op. Duet for basset horns No 1 in F major. 107. 3 for Clarinet. 48. 5 in D minor. Kari Kriikku clarinet in D and basset clarinet with the Tapiola Sinfonietta conducted by John Storgårds Ondine. 2007. 2000. tants!). June 15. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .95 CD431.E." Bernhard Henrik Crusell Concertante Op. James Jones clarinet. This is a CD of clarinet duets. Clarinet Quintets. Clari- net Classics. Presenting Im-Soo Lee. Horn and Bassoon (an arrangement by Crusell of his own work). 34 No. Franz Danzi Sonata Concertante. Concerto for Clarinet No. Sonata No. Norbert Burgmüller Duo Op. Sonata No. 2 in E minor: 3rd movement Adagio. Karl Leister clarinet with Ferenc Bognár piano and Wolfgang Boettcher cello. 1 in F minor Op. Frigyes Hidas Concerto No. Sonata No. Sterling. Sonata No. Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov Canzonetta & Tarantella. info@vcisinc. 2008. 41. 12. 15. Carl Loewe Three Scottish Pictures Op. 17. Carl Anton Philipp Braun Duo. and Franz Preumayr Funeral March (written in tribute to Crusell and quotes one of his pieces). 23 bis. Clarinet and Cello in A Minor Op. Capricho Pitoresco (Spanish Music for Clarinet and Piano) Joan Enric Lluna clarinet with Artur Pizzaro piano.95 CD487. Romantic Masterworks. Concerto for Clarinet No. 2 for Oboe. and Luigi Bassi Fantasy on themes from Verdi's "Rigoletto. Im-Soo Lee clarinet with Roberta Garten piano.Hook . 1996. Boris Levenson Hebrew Dance. and Duet for basset horns No 4 in B flat major. Joaquin Turina Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 13 No. 11 in E minor. Nancy Lutes bassoon and Andrew Trechak piano. and bass clarinet. Dan Larsson and Staffan Mårtensson clarinets with Erik Rapp horn.96 CD428. Gordon Lewin Views of the Blues. 112. 79. 1 in A major MWV 6 No. Charles Koechlin Idyll. and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Major KV 622. This CD has six Sonatas from Lefevre's clarinet method. Cyrus Beroukhim violas. and James Hook Clarinet Concerto in E flat major. Bach Duet. Sergei Rachmaninov Vocalise Op. Anton Stadler Three Caprices for clarinet solo.00 CD297. 2 Op. 39. 43. Mark Lieb clarinet with the Phoenix Ensemble (Aaron Boyd violin.95 CD498.00 CD151. Summit. 40. 1 in C major. and Carl Maria von Weber Concertino for Clarinet Op. Seunghee Lee clarinet with Arlene Shrut piano. Xavier Lefevre A Revolutionary Tutor Clarinet Sonatas Volume 1. Xavier Lefèvre Duo Concertant Op. 82. and Keith Lemmons clarinet with the University of New Mexico Wind Symphony conducted by Eric Rombach-Kendall. Nimbus Records. Hellos. 120. Peter Holman director. Jewish Friends and Neighbors. Innova. 3 in G major. 2007.14. 6 16. Francis Sonata for Two Clarinets.95 CD235. 2 in E flat major Op. Johann Christian Bach Concerted Symphony in E flat major T290/9. John Mahon Clarinet Concerto No 2 in F major.95 CD052. 4 in D major MWV 6 No. Colin Lawson 10-keyed B flat clarinet and 8-keyed C clarinet with Neal Peres da Costa piano. and Sonata No. 16. 2007. Franz Schubert "Arpeggione" Sonata in A minor. http://www. 1 from Fiddler on the Roof.00 CD353. Nicholas Smith horn. 14. They are: Sonata No.JC Bach Clarinet Concertos." 16. basset horns. Morton Feldman Clarinet and String Quartet and Milton Babbitt Quintet for Clarinet and String PO Box 9569. Summit. 1999. A Grand Duo . Lieurance Woodwind Quintet: Frances Shelly flute. ACM. 17. Carl Nielsen Quintet Op.P. Albert Guinovart Fantasia sobre Goyescas.95 CD054. 40. 41 and Vibraciones del alma Op. October 17. Includes both works originally for clarinet and arrangements of violin works for clarinet. Amaz 3 Sonets. I Got Rhythm). Eduardo Toldrá trans. Sonata for clarinet and piano No. 15. J. and Sonata for clarinet and piano No.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Gunther Schuller Duo Sonata. Marian Liebowitz clarinet with Richard Thompson piano and Felix Olschofka violin. Times for Flying. Embraceable You. 21. Carl Maria von Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op. 16. 17. Franz Krommer Concerto for two Clarinets (an arrangement by Crusell). 120. Robert Schumann Three Rom- ances Op. 1997/2006. 7 in A minor. Andreas From bassoon and Östgöta Blåsarsymfoniker conducted by Olaf Boman. Georges Bizet arranged by François Borne Carmen Fantasy. Tompkins- MacLaine Wedding Dance No. Jacob Weinberg Grandmother‖s Tales and The Maypole. 114. and George Gershwin Arr. Joseph Horovitz Sonatina. Colin Lawson clarinet with Claire Thirion cello. 26. Henri Rabaud Solo de Concours. Colin Lawson and Victoria Soames clarinets. 1999. Summit Education. 18. yidelekh. Jerry Boch arr. Sergei Rachmaninov Symphony No. 94 and Fantasiestücke for Clarinet and Piano Op. 1. Clarinet Classics. 1997.The Clarinet and the Early Romantics. and Ludwig Thuille Sextet in B-flat Major Op. Frank Bennett (Fascinatin‖ Rhythm. 3 in G major MWV 6 No.95 CD361. Kevin Vigneau oboe. Harmonia Mundi. 2001. Willa Henigman oboe. W. Ernesto Cavallini Grand Duet No. This CD is a bit unusual since the accompany group is a "wind band. Valerie Potter flute. C. and László Király Hungarian Folk Songs. 2005. 13. and Seung-Woo Paik PAN I. Brava. Luigi Bassi Concert Fantasia on themes from Verdi's "Rigoletto. Donato Lovreglio Fantasy on themes from Verdi's "La Traviata". Johannes Brahms Trio for Piano. Summit. 15. Colin Lawson clarinet and basset horn with Michael Harris clarinet and basset horn accompanied by The Parley of Instruments. Andre Messager Solo de Concours. 3. Sholom Secunda Bei Mir Bistu Schein.vcisinc. 73. and Alberto Parinni cello). Bassoon and Piano. Wolfgang A. Bozza Nova. Illinois Central. and his Composer Colleagues. Florent Schmitt Andantino Op. Mitchel Lurie per- formers the music of two composers (Halsey Stevens and Frederick Lesemann) who were faculty members with him at the University of Southern California. 10. Guitar and Cello. Xavier Montsalvatge Self-paráfrasis. So What Elsa's New (duet). and Trico- lor Capers.. The title of the this second CD from Mariinsky Clarinet Club refers to the addition of percussion on some pieces. Pietro Bottesini (1792-1874) and Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889) were father and son. Mariinsky Clarinet Club: Dmitry Kharitonov. Mitchell Lurie. Francis Poulenc Sonata. 2001.J. 6 for Violin. Mariinsky Clarinet Club. cello. He played in the CBS Symphony and with other groups but is best known for his years as principal clarinet of the Philadel- phia Orchestra from 1943 until his untimely death from cancer in 1951. Etude for Barney. Robert Muczynski. Harry Stalpers Clownery for Clarinets. 15. Percussion. His own students included Harry R. Vitaly Papyrin. Gioachino Rossin Introduction. Roger Vignoles. piano. 1. Black Swirls (duet).. George Silfes. 8. Mitchel Lurie clarinet. 16. and Salvador Bro- tons Sonata for Clarinete y Piano. Beatriz Lockhart Estampas Criollas. 1994. 18. The Jungle. Mozart Clarinet Quintet K581. 100. and Michael Norsworthy clarinet. and Ernesto Cavallini Fiori Rossi- niani. Mitchel Lurie clarinet with Hugo Raimondi.00 CD418. 62. In addition to being composers. and Max Reger Album Leaf for Clarinet and Piano. Guitar and PO Box 9569.. . Gee. Jerome Naulais (arr. Mariinsky Clarinet Club: Dmitry Kharitonov. Jack Marsh and Kathleen Rey- nolds. MCC) Tango. 15. Coconut Candy. http://www. Zefir Breze- nu (arr. 2008. John McCaw clarinet with the New Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Ray- mond Leppard. Witold Lutoslawski Dance Preludes for Clarinet and Piano. Yuri Zyu- ryaev. Ralph McLane was a student of Gaston Hamelin and Georges Enesco. W. Joan Guinjoan Fantasía.. John Manasse clarinet with the the Shanghai Quartet and the Xlnt Sinfonietta. and of Robert Muczynski with whom he is also associated with. OEHMS Classics. Clarinet. Halsey Stevens Concerto for Clarinet and String Orches- tra with Crystal Chamber Orchestra conducted by Akira Endo. homage to P. Clarinet.95 CD296. Black Swirls . 9. Vitaly Papyrin. and music educa- tion. 2010. 2005.. Pietro & Giovanni Bottesini Chamber Music with Clarinet. orchestral clarinetist. Antonia Romero Fantasia on the Opera "Lucrecia de Borgia. Clarinet. Dorothy Wade.00 CD165.95 CD469. Magistrelli).. Jon Manasse Plays Clarinet Music from 3 Centuries. Book 1: . Piermario Murelli double bass. Frank Stemper Clarinet Piece. Estudio No. One Liners (clarinet trios): Reelistically Speaking. spin moves. Mozart Divertimento No. Bozzamix (remix by Alexander Sharykin). Mozart – Nielsen. Ralph Manno clarinet with Alfredo Perl piano. Ingolf Dahl Concerto a Tree for Vi- olin. and Leona Lurie. Ernst Toch Adagio Elegiaco for Clarinet and Piano.A. Harold Wright. An American Master. violin. 3 for Violin. info@vcisinc. Mandat. Vadim Bondarenko. If We Look. Giovanni Bottesini Gran Duo for Clari- net.. 2006. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . From Preludes. Frederick Lesemann Sonata for Clarinet & Percussion with Karen Ervin Persh- ing. Robert Muczynski. All the compositions on this CD are by Eric Mandat: Rowzer!. this CD has been mastered from reel to reel tape by Miguel Bahamonde & Luis Rossi. Joan Enric Lluna with Jan Gruithuyzeno piano. 17. Carl Nielsen Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Op. This recording was made by members of the Mariinksy Theater Orchestra (previously know as the Kirov Orchestra). Lie(s). piano. MCC) Toquades. MCC) Bachanale. Crystal Records. Claude Debussy Première Rhapsodie and Petite Pièce. Ani Berberian clarinet. MCC) Four for Four.. and Tom Flaherty Three Pieces for Clarinet. Rossini y Espana Joan Enric Lluna with Nigel Clayton piano. French Clarinet Rhapsody. 622. Subtitled "Performances by the great Prin- cipal Clarinetist of the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1943-1951. . Antonio Romero Primer solo de concierto.00 CD362. and Darius Milhaud Sonatine Op. .00 CD490. Quartet No.95 CD013. 16. 1991. Advance Recordings.95 CD450.00 CD138. Boston Records.vcisinc. Clarinet. the father was a clarinetist and the son a leading virtuoso of the double bass. Eugene Bozza Sonatine. Jean Françaix Petit Quator. Andante y Danza and Medita- ción. and Cello. Double Bass and Piano. Ramon Carnicer Fantasia in E flat major. Ignatius Gennusa. Robert Schumann Romances for Clarinet and Piano. Robert Muczynski Time Pieces for Clarinet & Piano Op 43 with the composer. Xlnt Music. Quartet No. This CD contains excerpts which cover a wide range of orches- tral repertoire starting with Beethoven and Berg and concluding with Weber and Wieniawski Van Cott Information Services Inc. The Punch Line. Kalmen Opperman. 57. Ritual (duet). 2000. 2009. 1997. soloist. Originally issued as an LP in 1971. Arthur Honegger Sonatine. 30 No.. bassoon. Claudia Bracco piano and the Andirani String Quartet.95 CD364. Michele Levin. 2007. Clarinet Classics. César Cano Vigilias. Theme & Variations and Fantasia in E flat major. Luigi Magistrelli clarinet with Elena Cecconi flute. Behind. the looking -glass.Music of Eric P. the Clarinet Concertos. Ralph McLane. Vadim Bondarenko Blues-Duo. Emmet Sargeant. Eric P. Cirrus Music. George Gershwin Three Piano Preludes arranged by James Cohn for clarinet and string orchestra. Massimo Laura guitar. The Artistry of Ralph McLane. Patrick Hiketick (arr. Iwan Muller Fantasia on "Una voce poco fa" (after Rossini). Mandat clarinet. clarinet. 1 in B-flat K. Stanley Hasty. Sean Osborn clari- net and E-flat clarinet. Miguel Yuste Vibraciones del Alma." Boston Records. Fantasías Mediterráneas (Spanish Music for Clarinet and Piano). and William Wright. Eric P. Evgeny Kultygin. Harmonia Mundi. MCC) Licorice Licks.. Louis Spohr Fantasy and Variations on a Theme of Danzi for clari- net and strings. 5 & 1.00 CD211. Clarinet and String Quartet. Mandat clarinet and bass clarinet. Chips off the Ol'Block. Mitchell Lurie. Eric P." Julián Menéndez Introducción. Life's Secrets. 16. Max Laurischkus Three Pieces for Clarinet and Piano. Compiled and edited by Larry Guy.. Arthur Frackenpohl (arr. and Theme and Variations for Clarinet and Piano. Ralph Manno is a German clarinetist who at a young age has already had is distinguished career as a competition winner. Evgeny Kultygin and Yuri Zyuryaev. Talent. Michael Kibbe Shtetl Tanzen. Mozart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra K. Divertimento for A Clarinet & String Quartet. . James Cohn Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra Op. Vadim Bondarenko. and Jorge Montilla (arr. 15. in Bill's back room. Wolfgang A. 2010. 229 for Two Clarinets and Bassoon. Aria from "Ciro in Babilonia" of Rossini for Clarinet and Guitar (arr. Mandat Folk Songs. 14. Jules Massenet Under the Linden Tree for Clarinet. The Extended Clarinet. Pietro Bottesini: Theme & Variations for Flute.95 CD433. 17. 97 CD436. and Yuri Alexeev drums and percussion. and Fantasia sobre motivos de Lucrezia Borgia. Poulenc. Reiner Wehle. Alamiro Giampie- ri Concert Fantasia on Motives from Verdi's Opera Rigoletto. Stefan Schweigert bassoon. 16. Timpani. Charles-Marie Widor Introduction et Rondo Op. EMI Classics. clarinet. basset horn and piano. Jonathan Kelly oboe & cor anglais. Darius Milhaud Sonata. Giacomo Meyerbeer Hirtenlied. http://www. 2005. Rainer Schottstädt Three Arias: PO Box 9569. Wolfgang Meyer Polish Radio Symphony conducted by Wojciech Rajski. 16. Zhang Wu Variations on a Northern Chinese Folk Song. 16. all pieces are for flute. 38 for two clarinets.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Jean-Louis Agobet (1968-) is a French conductor and music educator. 17.95 CD040.98 16. Vincenzo Bellini Aria "Casta diva" from "LaNorma.. Béla Kovác Hommage à Manuel de Falla. and Jean Françaix Tema con Va- riazioni for Clarinet and Piano. 2005. Alla Gitana. 4 (Meyer) and Clarinet Concerto No. Carlos Guastavino Tonada y Cueca. Mozart Clarinet Concerto Sinfonia concertante. Florent Schmitt Sonatine en trio Op. Henri Rabaud Solo de Concours Op. Franz Krommer Concerto for Two Clarinets in E flat major Op. Camille Saint-Saëns Sonata in E flat major Op. Franz Schubert Der Hirt auf dem Felsen D. Devienne.95 CD324. and Sergio Azzolini bassoon). Johann Sobeck Meine Heimat Op.00 CD323.Spohr Clarinet Concertos.95 CD340. 47 with François Meyer oboe. Meyer. Béla Bartók Romanian Folk Dances Paul Dukas Alla Gitana. clarinet. Sabine Meyer clarinet and basset clarinet with the Staatskapell Dresden conducted by Hans Vonk. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. 85. 3 and No. André Jolivet Sonatine for flute & clarinet. 2. Sabine Meyer clarinet Emmanuel Pahud flute with the Berliner Phil- harmoniker conducted by Simon Rattle. Ludwig van Bee- thoven Variations on "Là ci darem la mano" from Mozart's "Don Giovanni" for two clarinet and basset horn. 2007. Debussy. EMI Classics. 8 No. Gioacchino Rossini Introduction. Atma Classique. Except where noted. and bassoon (with Diethelm Jonas oboe. Una Voce . 1990/1998. Saint-Saëns. 787. 20th Century Music for Unaccompanied Clarinet. 2000. horn. 11. 40 and Két tétel: Búsuló Juhász. Albert Franz Doppler and Karl Doppler arr. 1994. 5. Toru Takemitsu Fantasma/Cantos. Concerto for piano and orchestra (with Alexandre Paley. and Wind Quintet (with Pahud. Wolfgang Meyer) with Kalle Randalu piano. Heitor Villa-Lobos Chôros No. 19. Paul Meyer clarinet. Denon. Feuermann. Michel Portal and Alain Billard clarinets with the Orchestra Phil- harmonique de Strasbourg conducted by François-Xavier Roth. cello). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arr. 2005. 91. Atovmyan). EMI Classics. Giuseppe Verdi Scena e Romanza from "La Forza del Destino" (Saro Infelice). Krommer . Pierre Boulez "Domaines" pour clarinette seuls. Sabine Meyer clarinet with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Claudio Abbado. EMI Classics. 8 No. 1999. EMI Classics. 2003. Bohuslav Martinu Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano.. 16. 167.95 CD208.95 CD220. 16. 2 for flute & clarinet. Concerto grosso for three clarinets and orchestra. 82. Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet. Die Hirte Op. 16. January 11. Claude Debussy Première Rhapsodie for Clarinet and Orchestra. Sabine Meyer and Julian Bliss clarinets with the Academy of St. 11. Milhaud. Avi Music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet in A major K 622 (basset clarinet ver- sion) and Sinfonia concertante in E flat K 297b for oboe." 16. 965 and Ich schleiche bang und still D.vcisinc. and Darius Milhaud Scaramouche. il catalogo è questo. Martin in the Fields conducted by Kenneth Sillito.95 CD301. Emmanuel Pahud flute. Dmitry Shostakovich Waltz No. clarinet. Ralph Vaughan Williams Six Studies in English Folksong. Olivier Messiaen from Quatuor pour la fin du temps: 3rd movement. Le Pâtre sur le Rocher (Der Hirt auf Dem Felsen/Shepherd on the Rock). Phon- al for large orchestra. Iwan Müller Fantasia on "Una voce poco fa" (after Rossini) for clarinet (Wolfgang Meyer) and piano. Takemitsuz. 4 (arr. Abîme des oiseaux. Luigi Bassi arr. 2007. info@vcisinc. which are: Génération. Carl Maria von Weber Seven Variations on a theme from 'Silvana' in B flat Op. 1. Rainer Schottstädt Rigoletto Fantasy Op. Bruno Scheider Horn. and piano. and Riposate vezzose regazze for three basset horns. The Clarinet at the Opera. 167. Carl Nielsen Flute Concerto. 1. Gabriel Pierné Can- zonetta Op. Paul Meyer. Paul Meyer. Atma Classique. 2 (Bliss). Simeon Belli- sonVier hebräische Melodien. 16. Impressions from France. Claude Debussy Première Rhapsodie. and Eric Le Sage piano (Les Vents Français). basset horn and piano. Variations in C major for Clarinet and Orchestra. 10. Luciano Berio Lied per clarinetto solo and Sequenza IX. Camille Saint-Saëns Sonata in E flat major Op. EMI Classics. Fantasy for Clarinet and Orchestra. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet in A major K 622. André Moisan clarinet with Louise-Andrée Baril piano. Karlheinz Stockhausen In Freundschaft. Theme and Variations in B flat major. oboe & piano Op. Christen der Kinderfreund Op.95 CD225. and Radek Baborák horn). Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Grand Duo for cello and orchestra (with Xavier Phillips.. 16. 16. Sabine Meyer clarinet and Oleg Maisenberg piano. The French Connection.95 CD082. for flute.95 CD390.95 CD341. Franz Lachner Auf Flüglen des Gesänges and Seit ich ihn gesehen Op. 8 No. 72. Peter Cornelius Christbaum Op. Per Clarone. Cavatina from "Semiramide" (Bel raggio Lusinghier). and Louis Spohr Sechs Deutsche Lieder Op. Cavatina from "Il Barbieri di Sivig- lia" (Una voce poca fa). André Moisan clarinet with Louise-Andrée Baril piano. Francoise Devienne Clarinet Sonata No. He composed all the orchestral works on this CD. and Maurice Emmanuel Sonate Op. 2007. Gaetano Doni- zetti Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 .Trio di Clarone (Sabine Meyer. piano).Wind Quintet. Rainer Schottstädt Alla bella Despinetta from Cosi fan tutte for two clarinets. Nielsen Clarinet & Flute Concertos . and Ritratto concertante. Atma Classique. Works for Orchestra. Clarinet Concerto. 1999. 11. 2004. Leó Weiner Peregi Verbunk Op. Talent (Belgium). Non mi dir bell'idol mio. André Jolivet Ascèses pour clarinette. André Moisan clarinet with Aline Kutan sopra- no and Louise-Andree Baril piano. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arr. 18. Mozart. Louis Spohr Clarinet Concerto No. Jean-Louis Agobet. Sabine Meyer . and Arthur Benjamin Jamaican Rumba. 33 for clarinet (Reiner Wehle) and piano.95 CD342.00 CD102. and Piano. 2006. Peter Schickele Elegies for Clarinet and Piano. Robert Schumann Phantasiestücke Op. 2009. Rose). Magical Place of My Dreams. Leonard Bernstein Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. and traveled the world during his eleven years with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Ricardo Morales with Michael Chertock piano. spotlighting five premiere record- ings. and Carl Reinecke Phantasiestücke Op. Bruch and Mozart. 2004. Heis currently based in Seattle.00 CD417. and Alfred Felder Apache Clown Dance. 5). Franz Schubert Romanze from Die Verschworenen and Der Hirt auf dem Felsen. 11 No. Albany Records. Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda Heimat- lied. William Kar- lins Just a Line From Chameleon (clarinet duet) and Improvisation on “Lines Where Beauty Lingers” for Solo Bass Clarinet. Eric P. Matthias Müller Concerto Clarinet and Orchestra and Six Etudes de Concert. Eric Mandat Preludes-Book I. Albany Records. Jody Rockmaker Rothko Landscapes (clarinet quartet). French Portraits. Louis Spohr Sechs Deutsche Lieder Op. 16. Arturo Marquez Zarabandeo for B-flat Clarinet and Piano. Camille Saint-Saëns Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 99 CD366. Daniel Kramlich For 2 Bass Clarinets. 94. 6) and Allegro vivace. and Steve Reich New York Counterpoint. then my voice became the resonant noise of the sea. Eric Ewazen Orchestral Music & Concertos. Alfred Prinz Sonata No. Virtuoso. Sean Osborn has traveled Europe and the US as a soloist and chamber musician. and Richard Lavenda Quintet for Clari- net and Strings.95 CD219. 2002. composing. Ken Ueno I screamed at the sea until nodes swelled up. Richard Nunemaker and Christie Vohs clarinets and bass clarinets with various artists. 16. Aaron Copland Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Max Bruch four pieces from Op. Romance. 6 post. 26. clarinet with Burchard Tang viola. 1998.95 CD239. Jorge Montilla Registro de Pajarillo for solo E-flat Clarinet. arranged for clarinet. Arizo- na University Recordings. 16. and Kiyoko Takeuti piano. Ernest Chausson Andante and Allegro. War- shauer Shevet Achim (Brothers Dwell) (bass clarinet duet). David Colson Dragon Music for clarinet and percussion. Martin Katz piano. and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio in E flat major K. 167. Otto Nicolai Variazioni Concertianti Op. Sean Osborn with Blair McMillen piano. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Jorge Montilla B-flat and E-flat clarinets with Hamilton Tescarollo piano. Giacomo Meyerbeer Hirtenlied. NEOS. 114 for Piano. 2009. includes: Andre Messager Solo de Concours. Classical Concerto for Tenor Saxophone and Orchestra with James Houlik Tenor Saxophone. Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo. Arizona University Recordings. 16. This recording by Ricardo Morales. 16.00 CD493. Donald Martino A Set for Clarinet. This exciting new release features one of Latin America‖s foremost clarinetists in his debut CD. is filled with an eclectic repertoire displaying the artist‖s brilliant mastery of the instrument as well as his dedication to the world of “new” Latin American repertoire. 498 for clarinet. 2003. John Eaton Concert Music. Danacord. and String Orchestra. Charles Neidich clarinet with the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra conducted by Paul Polivnick.95 CD332. and Meira M. Fred Ormand clarinet. Cello and Piano: Rumänische Melodie (No. Julia Broxholm soprano. 114. 16. 16.95 CD497. Janice Misurell-Mitchell Profaning the Sacred. and Astor Piazzolla (arr. John Mayer Raga Music. M. 18. Centaur. New Dialects. This package also includes video DVDs in both PAL and NTSC format (both worked on my computer) of Müller's performances of his Six Etudes and of Karlheinz Stockhau- sen‖s Der kleine Harekin (the video has been edited creatively). Gregory Oakes clarinet. Conrad Kreutzer Das Mühlrad.00 CD462. This new release. Eric Ewazen Ballade for Clarinet. 2004. Atma Classique. 32 Etudes for Clarinet (C.95 CD166. Allegro con monto (No. 2000. and Love . 7). Alexandre Eisenberg Arquicho- rinho for E-flat Clarinet and Piano. Jody Rockmaker Magical Place of My Dreams (for two clarinets). 2007. 83 for Viola. La Revoltosa. Harp. 73 and Romanzen Op. Gary Schocker Sonata II for Clarinet & Piano.19th Century Songs for Soprano.vcisinc. Josef Rheinberger Sonate Op. Clarinet and Cello in A Minor Op. Redmark. teaching. http://www. Clarinet. and touring.00 CD463. Concerto for Flute and Chamber Orchestra with Marya Martin flute. Chen Yi Monologue. Richard Nunemaker clarinet and various artists. 2007. Of Shepherds. Nachtgesang (No. Multiplicities. Albany Records. viola. 16. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. ma non troppo (No. 16. Together with the usual B-flat clarinet the listener has a rare chance to hear the E-flat clarinet played by one of the finest exponents of the instrument. and Chamber Symphony with Eric Ewazen piano. 105a. 2 for E-flat Clarinet and Piano. Louis Cahuzac Cantilène. 16. American Spirit. Paul Desenne Sonata for (B-flat) Clarinet and Piano and La Revoltosa for E-flat Clarinet and Piano. The Louisville info@vcisinc. and piano. Richard Nunemaker and Timothy Zavadil clarinet and bass clarinet with Dallas Tidwell and Andrea Levine clarinet and various artists. Phantasiestücke. Marie Elisabeth von Sachsen-Meiningen Romanze. principal clarinet of the Philadelphia Orchestra. 2006. 22. 2). A new CD of mostly solo clarinet works.. Montilla) Cierra Tus Ojos y Escucha. Johannes Brahms Trio in A Minor Op. Eugene Bozza Bucolique. Boston Records. William Stokking cello. Clarinet Classics. and Niccolo Paganini Moto Perpetuo Op. Marc Satterw- hite Clarinet Quintet with The Louisville Quartet and Las viudas de Calama (The Widows of Calama) for clarinet and piano. André Moisan clarinet with Jean Saulnier piano. Gioacchino Rossini Andante and Variations for clarinet and orchestra.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Charles-Marie Widor Introduction et Rondo. 2003. Richard Nune- maker & Ray Dillard (percussion) Improvisation PO Box 9569. This is Sean Osborn's unaccompanied record- ing of all the etudes from the 32 Etudes for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose. New McGowan Ios Duo (with the composer playing flute). Clarinet Chamber Music of Brahms.95 CD500. John Anthony Lennon Spiderdance for Clarinet and Piano. Jody Rockmaker Multiplicities. Sean Osborn clarinet. Boston Records. and Franz Berwald Eko från när och fjärran. 16. and Claude Debussy La fille aux cheveux de lin. Mario Herrerias Niebla y Cemento for B-flat Clarinet and Piano. Donald Montanaro.00 CD122. Mandat Folk Songs. Roberto Sierra Cinco Bocetos. Matthias Müller clarinet with Ensemble Euro conducted by David Philip Heft. 103.95 CD464. 16. A Severn Rhapsody Op. 1 in F minor Op. 1 in C minor Op.Todd Palmer) Sonta No. 8. 8. J. Samuel Barber (arr.95 CD421. 17. Concertino. 6 with Lesley Hatfield. and piano.3.95 CD036. W. Juan Pérez Ribes Imágenes Subliminales. Ludmila Peterkova clarinet with Irina Kondratenko piano. Alice Neary cello. 80. Kathy Pope. double bass. Ernst Ottensamer. piano). A. clarinet with Jed Moss piano. Naxos. Gerald Finzi Five Bagatelles. Cello and Piano in B-flat major (1946). and Iwan Müller Sinfonia Con- certante. Paul Jeanjean Andantino and Clair Matin. Noel-Gallon Cantabile. clarinet. 1 and 3. Witold Lutoslawski Dance Preludes. clarinet. 16. 16. 81. Trio Josep Taléns: Enrique Pérez Piquer clarinet. Five Bagatelles (arr. violin. Norbert Bergmuller Duo Op. Ludmila Peterkova clarinet. Paul Jeanjean The Carnival of Venice. 2 in E flat major Op.3. clarinet with the Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Johannes Wildner. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in D major (1934). Bela Kovacs Homage a C. Gotham Ensemble Plays Ned Rorem. Eugene Asti) Three Preludes. Robert Plane clarinet with the Northern Sinfonia conducted by Howard Griffiths. 1 and 2. They are End of Summer (clarinet. Alamiro Giampieri Il Carnevale di Venezia. Sebastian de Yradier La Paloma. Amilcare Ponchielli Il Convegno. Three Soliloquies from "Love's Labours Lost" Op. 11. Clarinet Kaleidoscope. and piano). Folk-Tale for Cello and Piano (1918).95 CD335. Josep Fuster clarinet and Anibal Bañado Lira piano. Anto- nio Carlos Jobim The Girl from Ipanema. Leonard Bernstein Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Ludwig Spohr: Clarinet Concerto No. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Rene Challan Flirta- tion. Wildman Music Group. Arnold Bax Clarinet Sonatas. Kathy Pope. Todd Palmer) Selections from Hermit Songs Op. 80. and Introit In F Major For Solo Violin And Small Orchestra Op. Naxos. An Oboe Book (Humbert Lucarelli oboe and piano). clarinet with Jed Moss piano. Debussy. clarinet with Jed Moss piano. clarinet with the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Johannes Wildner. 2 and 4. Franz Schubert Ständchen. 2006. Bach Air. Béla Bartók Contrasts for violin.00 CD016. Jean Francais Te- ma con Variazioni. Stekel Polichinelle. Ariel (soprano. Thomas Piercy clarinet with the Gotham Ensemble. Langenus Chromatic Fantasia. 2007. and Ben- jamin Frith piano). Violin. and Marketa Cibulkova piano.S. Bach arr. three of which include clarinet and one with oboe. and Fan- tasia and Variations on a Theme of Danzi Op. Henri Tomasi Nocturne. Melody Op. Clarinet Sonata in E major (1901). Naxos. and Igor Stravinsky L'Histoire du Soldat Suite for violin. Finzi: Clarinet Concerto . Homenatge a Josep Taléns Sebastià. and piano). 2006. Weber Clarinet Concertos No. Clarinet Concerto No. Theme and Variations. Vittorio Monti Csardas. and Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra in E flat major Op. Clarinet Concerto No. 8.28. and Anton Rubinstein. Centaur. 4 in E minor. 15. Centaur. Charles Villiers Stanford Symphony No. Music for two clarinet and piano (except for Poulenc and Perez for two clarinets only). For clarinet and strings by Lawrence Ashmore) Op. Gerardo Rodriguez La Cumparsita. Gabriela Demeterova violin. Fritz Kroepsch Fantasy. Giacomo Puccini Nessun dorma!.95 CD015. 1995. Spohr Clarinet Concertos No. This CD includes four clarinet and two other chamber works by British composer Arnold Bax (1883-1953).95 CD269. Three of the leading young musicians from the Czech Republic present this collection of clarinet trios. and Trio in One Movement for Piano. Georges Bizet Ha- banera. 1995. G. This CD features four works by composer Ned Rorem.95 CD180. 8.100 CD117. 1 . Spohr Clarinet Concertos No. Clarinet Concerto No. 26. Aaron Copland Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. 1 in B-flat major and Clarinet Concerto Op. violin. 20th Century Clarinet Trios. Bela Kovacs. 8.95 CD244. 15.95 CD511. and piano arranged by the composer.31. Johannes Brahms Hungarian Dance in D minor. 57. A French Soirée. Romance In E Flat Major For String Orchestra Op. Bernhard Henrik Crusell Rondo.19. Willson Osborne Rhapsody for Clarinet. Louis Cahuzac Cantilene and Pastorale Cevenole.vcisinc. 2008. Ernst Ottensamer. Carl Maria von Weber Introduction. 74. 29. Aram Khachaturian Trio for clarinet. 2 in E flat major Op. and piano. Robert Plane clarinet with the Gould Piano Trio (Lucy Gould violin. Naxos. clarinet with the Czecho-Slovak State Philarmonic (Košice) conducted by Johannes Wildner. Naxos. Romance for Clarinet and Piano (1901). 10.23a. http://www. Playful Clarinet. Darius Milhaud Suite for violin. Pierre Max Dubois Neuf info@vcisinc. Henri Tomasi: Introduction et Danse. and Pot- pourri for Clarinet and Orchestra in F major Op. Salvador Navarro Valero Tiberio. Charles Ives (arr. Gabriel Pierné Canzonetta Op. Charles Marie Widor Introduction et PO Box 9569. Supra- phon. and Four Poems without Words (clarinet. Supraphon. Paul Harvey Suite on Themes of Gershwin. Hermit Songs. Carl Maria von Weber: Clarinet Concerto No. 8. Todd Palmer clarinet with Carol Archer piano. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Two Clarinets. 1990. Ludwig Spohr: Clarinet Concerto No. Bach/Charles Gounod Ave Maria. Zequinha Abreu Tico Tico. Naxos. Mozart Concerto Rondo in B-flat major. J. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov The Flight of the Bumble-Bee. Hyacinth Klosé Duettino Concertante.S. Robert Plane clarinet with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra con- ducted by David Lloyd-Jones. Raymond Loucheur A Bird Cage. Columna Música. Kathy Pope. Another wonderful CD from Kathy Pope.95 CD118. 3 (for violin) First Movement. Arnold Bax: Trio for Violin. 3 in F minor. clarinet.00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. From Bach to Gershwin. 73.S. J. 16.Five Bagatelles. Gerald Finzi Clarinet Concerto Op. Claude Debussy La fille aux cheveux de lin. Bach arr Ulmar Gateau Deuxieme Sonate in E- Flat major. clarinet. 16. and Clarinet (1906).95 CD381. 2000. 17. Darius Milhaud Brazileira. Darius Milhaud Duo Concertant.Clarinet Concerto.00 CD026. E. Stanford: Symphony No. Salute Signore Rossini. Antonio Romero y Andía Rondo. J. Victor Babin Hillandale Waltzes. 26.S. traditional Mexican Hat Dance. violin and piano. 2005. and George Gershwin (arr. Ernst Ottensamer.95 CD273. 2007. Anthony Powers Sea/Air. Malcolm Martineau Broadwood fortepiano. Rebecca Rischin clarinet. Miguel Yuste Estudio Melódico Op. 62. 16. 14 No. It Ain't Necessarily. Plus Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'Til You Hear from Me and Henry Warren Chattanooga Choo Choo. Pedro Rubio clarinet with Ana Benevides piano. Luis Rossi. Bartolomé Pérez Casas (1873-1956) was the conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Madrid as well as a composer. 2009. 120.00 CD041. Penelope Knuth viola.95 CD356. Piers Hellawell High Citadels. Cristóbal Oudrid El Molinero de Subiza. 15. 2 Op. Somebody Loves Me. Ruera Meditación. Hilarión Eslava Andante y Allegro. George Frederick Handel Overture. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Carlos Guastavino Rosita Iglesias and Leo- nardo Velazqez Variaciones both for clarinet and piano. and Csilla Vályi. clarinet with Diana Schneider piano. Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra in C Major KV 314 (285d) with Gerhard Turetschek. Gershwin. The Spanish title is: En Torno al la Generacion del 27 which makes reference to the Spanish artistic generation associated with the year 1927. Clarinet Classics. Robert Gerhard Sonata. Lajos Rozmán. Clarinet Quartet in B-flat major Op. Pedro Soler Primer Aire Variado. The Man I Love. Susan Dent Baroque horn. and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov The Flight of the Bumble Bee. Ludwig Van Beethoven Duo No. Stamitz Clarinet Quartets. and The Diabelli Quartet. One of a Kind. Liza. Anacrusi. 1997. Jonathan Flowers Visions in the Dark. clarinet with Stephen Robbings piano. Slipped Disc. and clari- netist. Igor Stravinsky Three Piec- es. Carlos Guastavino Sonata for clarinet and piano and Tonada y Cueca for clarinet and piano.95 CD103. Little Rhapsody in Blue. Hugh Wood Paraphrase on "Bird of Paradise. In addition to the performance of these pieces. 17. Bartolomé Pérez Casas: Andantino for Clarinet and Piano. 15. Luis Rossi Live Performances. Clarinet Quartet in E-flat major Op. Aires Sicilianos for E-flat Clarinet and Piano. Primer Solo for Clarinet and Piano.vcisinc.00 CD474. Keith Puddy (C clarinet/D clarinet/alto chalumeaux/5-keyed B flat clarinet/basset horn). Anacrusi.00 CD372. 6. Alfred Prinz. Arrangements for clarinet quartet of pieces mostly by George Gershwin: I Got Rhythm. Bassus. Segundo Solo for Clarinet and Piano. and Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra in B-flat Major KV 191 (186e) with Dietmar Zeman. the CD includes complete . This CD features arrangements by Harold Se- letsky for clarinet and string quartet of pieces originally for clarine and piano. The Early Clarinet Family. Kate Romano. 15.95 CD027. Gábor Rác viola. Carl Stamitz Clarinet Quartet in A major Op. 15. 17. 1. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto / Oboe Concerto / Bassoon Concerto.00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Bartolomé Pérez Casas Works for Clarinet and Piano. Richard Rodney Bennett Scena III. 2 Op. 1 in F minor and Sonata No. 15. Live in Boston. Johann Chris- toph Graupner Suite. and Meyer Kupferman Moonflowers Baby! 16. 19 No. and Bartolomé Pérez Casas Primer Solo. Clarinet Quartet in D major Op.pdf versions of the score and parts for all three works. Old Wine in New Bottles. clarinet with Susan Shin piano. http://www. 1998. Gary Bro- die (C clarinet/D clarinet/tenor chalumeaux). Martin Butler Capistrano Song. Kalmen Opperman Un seul.00 CD042. 2008. Intermezzo for Clarinet and Piano. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Major KV 622.95 CD325. educator. Claudio Santoro Fantasia sul América for solo clarinet. Astor Piazzolla Bor- del 1900 and Cafe 1930 from L'Histoire du Tango arranged for clarinet and piano by Luis Rossi. Talents Music. clarinet. Luis Rossi. 19 No. and Franz Danzi Sonata for cello or basset horn and piano in F Op. Josep M. 73 and Jo- hannes Brahms Sonata No. Quartet de Clarinets de Barcelona. Andre Messager Solo de Concours.00 CD437. Antonio Romero Primer Solo Original. 3. Charles Villiers Stanford Concerto for Clarinet Op 80 with the Sinfonietta Sur. Blas Atehortúa Three Pieces Op. 19 No. 2007." Gordon Crosse A Year and a Day. Paul Harvey Suite on Themes of Gershwin. 2009. and Someone to Watch Over Me. 7. 167. Saverio Mercadante Concerto for Clarinet in Bb Major Op 101 with the Chile Chamber Orchestra. Osvaldo Lacerda Valsa-Choro for clarinet and piano. Hungaroton. Camille Saint-Saens Clarinet Sonata No. son et lumière. Summertime. Bassoon. 149. Metier (UK). 14 No.95 CD483. 33. 15. Alamiro Giampieri Il Carnevale di Venezia. The Spanish Romantic Clarinet. ARS Harmonica. Francis Poulenc Clarinet Sonata. Bess You Is My Woman Now. and Clarinet Quartet in E-flat major Op. 165 #1 for solo clarinet. Anonymous Duets. Pedro Rubio clarinet with Ana Benevides piano. Luis Rossi. Fantasia Sul América. and Solo Brillante. Martin Powell. Pedro Rubio clarinet with Ana Benevides piano.00 CD009. Subitled: The Spanish Clari- net in the 19th Century. 1996. 101 CD014. G. Oh Lady Be Good. Max Bruch Double Concerto for Clarinet and Viola Op. Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo. 2 in E-flat major Op. clarinet with Alan Hicks piano. Lajos Rozmán plays on a Rossi clarinet. 15. 88 with Tomás Tichauer viola and the Venezuelan Festival Orchestra 15. Julián Bautista Fantasía español and Bartolomé Pérez Casas Andantino.3 in B flat WoO PO Box 9569. They are the Robert Schumann Fantasy Pieces Op. Spanish Clarinet Pieces from the First Half of the 20th Century. Wilfred Josephs Clarinet Sonata No. John Reeks clarinet with the Loyala Quartet. The Authentic Quartet uses period instruments. Oboe. Béla Kovács Hommage à Manuel de Falla. Charles Villiers Stanford Fantasy No.95 CD139. Romanza for Bass Clarinet and Piano. clarinet with the Authentic Quartet (Zsolt Kalló violin. Paul Price (bass chalumeaux). Fantasia. Andrés Alcalde Mon cher lit for clarinet and piano. Clarinet Masterworks from South America. 1 for Clarinet and String Quartet. Claude Debusy Première Rhapsodie. Alastair Mitchell 8-keyed bassoon. Harrison Birtwistle Verses. Michael Berkeley Flighting. Gerado Gandini Duoneiron for Clarinet and Viola. Jesús Bal y Gay Sonata. Elizabeth Maconchy Fantasia. clarinet with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Karl Bö info@vcisinc. Arturo Saco del Valle Concurso de clarinete. Ramón Carnicer Fantasia. 3. Joan Tower Wings. 2007.00 CD373. 17. Mark Phillips One of a Kind. 20th Century Music from the British Isles for Clarinet and Piano. cello). 2. Centaur. Ro- bert Livingston Aldridge Clarinet Concerto. clarinet with the Royal Ballet Sinfonia conducted by Baryy Wordsworth. The Spanish Romantic Clarinet Vol. Nicola LeFanu Song of the Night Sky. and William Yeates Hurlstone Trio in G Minor for clarinet. J. Clarinet and Cello Op. 21. Fantasia di Concerto: Music for Clarinet in 19th Century Brazil. 2 from Locomotive Suite). Ian Scott. 1998. Pompeo Cavallini Divertimento Sopra un Tema del Maestro Bellini. Altan Charlton Lullaby (from Ei- leen Norris' Note Book).95 CD231.19 para clarinete en La. José Lino Fleming Concertino and Notturno. White Line. Christopher Gunning A Hungarian Tale. Pilling Seven Simple Pieces. Delos. Emilio Arrieta Aria. Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo.102 CD425. Copland . Joji Yuasa Clarinet Solitude. 8. 2007. Naxos. Ledbury Shortcut. Five American Clarinet Quintets. Pedro Rubio clarinet with Ana Benevides piano. Wilson Helen (from Girl Names). 2005. 114. and some music written for educational purposes. D. Robert Schumann Widmung Op. Teodora Miteva cello and Pierre Pichler basset horn. Pascual Ramayón Elegía Op. E. D. and Olivier Messiaen Abime des Oiseaux from Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps." Bright Sheng Concertino for Clarinet and String Quartet. 2010. Lyons Réverie. Toby Appel. Tim Watts Two Nocturnes. and Fred Sherry. Alan Paul Clarinet Concerto. 11. Aaron Copland Concerto for Clarinet.00 CD494. 17.95 CD035. Subitled: The Spanish ClarinetPieces of 19th Century. 17. Delos. cello. Sigismund Neukomm Fantasie.. there the dance is. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto & Quintet. Rose Ballad. Herbert Howells A Near Minuet for clarinet and piano and Minuet: Grace for a Fresh Egg for bassoon and piano. Stokes Yellow Shadows. All pieces by Adam Valentin Volckmar: Quartet for Clarinet. PO Box 9569.95 CD144. Tiberiu Olah Sonata for Clarinet. Cello and Piano in B flat major. bassoon and piano. R. Clarinet and Cello Op. Mostly solo pieces on this CD. Niels Gade Andantino (first movement of the Fantasy Pieces Op. Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra conducted by Gerard Schwarz. Cowles The Little Lost Tender (No. Gilbert Vinter First Song. Edward German Romance. 113 and Concert Piece in D minor for Clarinet. 2000. Leighton Lucas Clarinet Concerto. and Enrique Calvist 15 Estudios. Geoffrey Bush Rhap- sody for clarinet and strings. 25 No. Bela Bartók Rumanian Folk Dances (3 movements). 1998. Viola and Cello in C major. Ludwig van Beethoven Trio in B flat major for Piano. 1985. clarinet with the Royal Ballet Sinfonia conducted by Gavin Sutherland. 15. Johannes Brahms Trio in A minor for Piano. It will be inspiration to the younger student and should provide the instructor with a some new ideas.Berg . Arte Ensemble: Ulf-Guido Schäfer clarinet. R. Humphrey Procter-Gregg Clarinet Concerto. Clarinet Recital. The English Romantics. Ian Scott. Cello and Piano in C major. British Clarinet Concertos. This CD is dedicated to short and less complex pieces for the clarinet and includes original repertoire. Viola and Cello in F major. Laurence Perkins bassoon and John Flinders piano. 2011. Mozart Quintet for Clarinet and Strings in A major. Trio for Violin. Clarinet Clas- sics. Ellen Taaffe Zwilich Quintet for Clarinet and Strings."Les Six" Music for Clarinet and Piano. John Carmichael Fêtes Champêtres. C. From Beautiful Beginnings.95 CD232. Norton How Graceful. Basset-horn and Piano Op. Paul Harris Sleeping Beauty. Copland . Antonio Romero 8 Estudios. 2003. and Quartet for Clarinet.95 CD409. Kathrin Rabus violin. Joaquín Valverde Solo de clarinete. Arthur Honegger Sonatine for Clarinet and Piano. Peter Schmidl.00 CD516.Brahms . viola. Kalliwoda Introduction and Variations Op. Malcolm MacDonald Cuban Rondo. Clarinet Classics. Ute Som- mer cello. Christian Pohl viola. David Singer. clarinet. also by Aldridge Samba performed by The Shanghai (string) Quartet. Rose Hornpipe.Aldridge: Clarinet Concertos. Clarinet Classics. clarinet with Madola Inui piano. Some of this works are relatively easy but a few are at the advanced high school/early college level. The Art of the Clarinet (Beethoven .95 CD181. Bassus Ediciones.95 CD312. clarinet with A Far Cry Orchestra (self conducted). and Bruce Adolphe At the still point. 16. Aaron Copland Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. Cecilia McDowall Three Pastiches. 15. Ralph Vaughan Williams Six Studies in English Folk Song. bassoon and piano and Four Characteristic Piec- es for clarinet and piano. Dutton Digital.. Violin. 2. arrangements for clarinet and piano. Camerata Records. Ernesto Cavallini Souvenir de Linda. Read Song Without Words. Germaine Tailleferre Arabesque for clarinet and piano. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . Fernando José Silveira. and Johann W. 2008. 43). Victoria Soames Sameck clarinet with Julius Drake piano. O. David Shifrin. Clarinet Solitude. English Clarinet Concertos. Reid Sad Café. Miguel Wirtz Estudio de clarinete. info@vcisinc. Darius Milhaud Duo Concertant and Sonatine. clarinet with Lúcia Barrenechea piano. 2009. 18.vcisinc. M. Paul Harris Suite in Five (IV & V). A. Harold Arlen Over the Rain- Van Cott Information Services Inc. Felix: Mendels- sohn Concert Piece in F minor for Clarinet. Carlos Gomes Air. clarinet with Midori Matsuya piano. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet in A major. Isao Matsushita Kochi (East Wind) for three clarinets (all parts played by Shinohe). K 581 performed by Chamber Music Northwest with Ida Kavafian and Theodore Arm.95 CD099. Maurice Ravel arr. 16. Francisco Asenjo Barbieri Cuatro piezas breves (Four Short Pieces). Seiki Shinohe. Germaine Tailleferre Sonata for Solo Clarinet.95 CD525. Whittome Daisy. 1992. Peter Warlock Basse Danse (Capriol Suite). Victoria Soames clarinet. Adiran Cruft Concertino for clarinet and strings. http://www. Dimitri Kabalevsky An Old Dance Op. 2003. Takashi Yoshimatsu Four Pieces in Bird Shape (for clarinet and piano). 11. Joan Tower Quintet for Clarinet and Strings "Turning Points. Charles Harford Lloyd Trio for clarinet. Traditional Shule Agra. C. Guy Woolfenden Clarinet Concerto. Bryan Kelly Swings (Funfair Pieces). David Shifrin with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. Howard Ferguson Four Short Pieces. Alexander White Bagatelles (No. 128. 1. 114. John Corig- liano Soliloquy for Clarinet and String Quartet. Camilo Mojón Adagio.95 CD234. M. and Gerrit Zitterbart piano. Shifrin plays an extended range clarinet on this recording. K 622. Joseph Horovitz Concertante for clarinet and strings. 27 No. Michio Kitazume Ren-Ga.Mendelssohn). Basset-horn and Piano Op. John Frith A Garland for The Queen. Naxos. Trio for Clarinet. Victoria Soames Sameck clarinet with Tim Watts piano. CPO. This CD features works by Brazilian composers (Gomes and Fleming) or works that the Fernando has documented were per- formed in Brazil during that period. 2).Alban Berg Four Pieces for clarinet and piano Op. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano. 8. Claude Debussy arr. 5. Violin. Volckmar: Trios & Quartets. and Alan Ridout Concertino for clarinet and strings. 15. G. Semplice. 103 bow, Yarrow & Lipton Puff the Magic Dragon, Gordon Lewin Serenade to a Reed, Paul Harris Carousel (from Summer Sketches), and Tradi- tional Greensleeves (from Face to Face) arr. Jeffery Wilson clarinet duet & piano with Jeffery Wilson clarinet. This CD includes a .pdf file of the Tim Watts Two Nocturnes. 18.95 CD326. Sir Malcolm Arnold: Wind Chamber Music. Victoria Soames Sameck clarinet, Allison Rosser clarinet and The East Winds with Paul Chilvers piano. Naxos, 2006. Malcolm Arnold Wind Quintet, Duo for Two Clarinets Op. 135, Hobson's Choice: Overture, Grand Fantasia, Overture (1940), Suite Bourgeoise, Scherzetto from You Know What Sailors Are, Fantasy for Clarinet Op. 87, Fantasy for Flute and Clarinet, Divertimento Op. 37, Three Shanties Op. 4. 8.95 CD104. Solos de Concours. Victoria Soames with Jonathan Higgins Piano. Clarinet Classics, 1995. Andre Messager Solo de Concours, Georges Marty Premiere Fantasie, Reynaldo Hahn Sarabande et Theme Varie, Henrie Rabaud Solo de Concours, Claude Debussy Premiere Rapsodie, Philippe Gaubert Fantaisie, Gabriel Grovlez Lamento et Tarantelle, Eugene Bozza Bucolique, Jules Mazellier Fantaisie-Ballet, Paul Pierne Andante-Scherzo, Jean Francaix Tema con Variazioni for Clarinet and Piano. 18.95 CD233. Solos de Concours II. Victoria Soames Samek with John Flinders piano. Clarinet Classics, 2005, 2 CDs. CD 1 Solos de Con- cours: Charles-Marie Widor Introduction et Rondo Op. 72, Arthur Coquard Mélodie et Scherzetto Op. 68, Charles Lefebvre Fantaisie - Ca- price Op. 118, Max D‖Ollone Fantaisie Orientale, Marc Delmas Fantaisie Italienne Op. 110, Henri Busser Aragon sur des aires populaires d‖Espagne Op. 91, Marcel Dautremer Récit et Impromptu, Pierre Revel Fantaisie, Claude Arrieu Capriccio, and Michel Merlet Diptyque Ari- oso and Eclogue. CD 2 Sight-reading pieces from the Premier Prix: Charles Colin Andantino, Léo Delibes Andante quasi allegretto, Charles Lenepveu Andantino, Jules Massenet Andante appassionato, Jules Duprato Ben moderato, Jules Duprato Moderato (Mouvement de Valse), Charles Lenepveu Andante Moderato, Paul Taffanel Andante molto espressivo, Raoul Pugno Très modéré, Georges Marty Moderato, Georges Marty Moderato, Charles-Marie Widor Moderato, André Messager Allegro, Augusta Holmès Molto lento, Claude Debussy Petite Pièce: Modéré et doucement rythmé, and Henri Busser Andante poco adagio. 18.95 CD367. American Originals. Robert Spring clarinet with the ProMusica Chamber Orchestra conducted by Timothy Russell. Summit, 2004. Peter Schickele Concerto for Clarinet, Samuel Barber Knoxville: Summer of 1915 with Carmen Pelton soprano, Michael Daughetry Tell my Fortune for Chamber Orchestra, and David Noon ProMusica Sempre! Op. 173. (Only the first piece features clarinet.) 16.00 CD245. Black Dog. Robert Spring clarinet. Summit, 2005. Scott McAllister Black Dog and X (with the Arizona State Wind Symphony conducted by Gary Hill), Katherine Hoover Clarinet Concerto (Arizona State University Chamber Orchestra conducted by Timothy Russell), and Leslie Bassett Fantasy for Clarinet and Wind Ensemble (with members of the Arizona State University Wind Symphony and Arizona State University Chamber Winds conducted by Gary Hill). Black Dog (2001) is a rhapsody for clarinet and wind ensemble in which the solo in- strument takes the role of a singer/guitarist in hard rock band. X (1996) is along the same lines and is even more flamboyant. Hoover's Clari- net Concerto (1986-87) was written for Eddie Daniels and incorporates both classical and jazz elements. Bassett's Fantasy features "wild clari- net virtuosity and 1950's 'gangster jazz' sounds." 16.00 CD050. Dragon's Tongue. Robert Spring clarinet with the Arizona State University Symphonic Band conducted by Richard Strange. Summit, 1994. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Flight of the Bumble Bee, Paul Jeanjean Carnival of Venice, Gioacchino Rossini Introduction, Theme, and Variations, Franz Schubert L'Abeille (The Bee), Louis Cahuzac Variations sur un air du Pays d'Oc, Paul Jeanjean Au Clair de la Lune Variations acrobatiques et Symphoniques, Nicolo Paganini Moto Perpetuo, Luigi Bassi Concert Fantasia on Motives from "Rigoletto." 16.00 CD047. Joan Tower: Music for Clarinet. Robert Spring. Summit, September 3, 1992. Fantasy (...those harbor lights) for Clarinet and Piano, Breakfast Rhythms I for Clarinet and five Instruments, Breakfast Rhythms II For Clarinet and five Instruments with Ensemble 21 con- ducted by Arthur Weisburg, Wings for Solo Clarinet, Clarinet Concerto (clarinet and piano version) with Eckart Sellheim Piano. 16.00 CD055. Tarantelle. Robert Spring clarinet with Eckart Sellheim piano, Jeffrey Lyman bassoon, and Katie McLin violin. Summit, October 12, 1999. Antonio Bazzini La ronde des lutins Op. 25, Henri Wieniawski Scherzo-Tarantelle in G minor Op. 16, Claude Debussy Préludes, Book 1: No. 8, La fille aux cheveux de lin, Vittorio Monti Csárdás, Grigoras Dinicu Hora staccato, Pietro Domenico Paradies Toccata, Fritz Kreisler Sicilienne and Rigaudon in the style of Francoeur, Antonio Vivaldi Concerto for Violin and Cello in B flat major RV 547, Felix Men- delssohn Concerto for Violin in E minor Op. 64: Allegro molto vivace. 16.00 CD136. Clarinet XXth Century Vol. 2. Arts, 2000. A wide variety of twentieth century clarinet works played by students of Dieter Klöcker. Edison Vassilievich Denisov Sonata for clarinet solo Andrej Startchenko, Alban Berg Four Pieces for clarinet and piano Op. 5 Jo- hannes Pieper with Kayoko Takae piano, Bohuslav Martinu Sonatina for clarinet & piano Zoltan Kovacs with Gabriele Kaufmann piano, Fran- cis Poulenc Sonata for clarinet & piano Chika Kishihara with Kayoko Takae piano, Bela Kovacs Hommage à Richard Strauss for solo clarinet Andrea Nagy, Francis Poulenc Sonata for Two Clarinets Johannes Pieper and Sandra Arnold, Olivier Messiaen Abîme des oiseaux from Qua- tour pour la fin du temps Zoltan Kovacs, Florent Schmitt Sextet for six clarinets and double bass Op 128 Heiko Hinz, Johannes Pieper, Julia Hutfless, Kiyo Hayakawa, Thilo Fahrner with Jochen Bardong Double Bass. 13.95 CD087. The Virtuoso Clarinet. Kjell-Inge Stevensson clarinet with Kjell Fagéus clarinet and Eva Knardahl piano. BIS, June 27, 1995. Felix Mendelssohn Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in E flat major, Ingvar Lidholm Invention for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet, Bernhard Henrik Crusell Rondo for Two Clarinets and Piano, Rodion Shchedrin Basso Ostinato, Igor Stravinsky Three Pieces for Clarinet, Krzysztof Penderecki Three Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano, Edison Denisov Sonata for Clarinet Solo, Einojuhani Rautavaara Sonetto for Clarinet and Piano Op. 53, Sven-David Sandstrom Close to... for clarinet and piano. 17.95 CD248. The Essential Clarinet. Richard Stoltzman with the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lawrence Leighton Smith. BMG/RCA Victor, 1992. Aaron Copland Concerto for Clarinet, Igor Stravinsky Ebony Concerto (with the Woody Herman Orchestra con- ducted by Richard Stoltzman), Leonard Bernstein Prelude, Fugue and Riffs, John Corigliano Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra. 12.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 104 CD412. New American Works for Clarinet Vol. II. Richard Stoltzman, Michele Gingras, and Kim Ellis clarinet. MMC Record- ings, 2008. William Thomas McKinley Clarinet Duets Book I (Stoltzman and Gingras) and Clarinet Duets Book II (Stoltzman and Ellis), Carl Volrath Fanfare for a Forlorn Clarinet (Stoltzman) and Pastimes (Stoltzman), and Folk Songs and Dances for Three Clarinets (Stoltzman, Gin- gras, and Ellis). This CD includes .pdf scores of all the compositions and a short video featuring Richard Stoltzman on MMC Recordings. 16.95 CD507. Ragomania (Music of William Bolcom and Clare Fischer). Richard Stoltzman clarinet with the Lancaster Festival Orches- tra (Ohio) conducted by Gary Sheldon. Marquis, 2008. The clarinet pieces are the second and third on this CD. William Bolcom Ragomania - A Classic Festival Overture; William Bolcom Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra; Clare Fischer The Duke, Swee' Pea and Me; and William Bolcom Commedia for (almost) 18th-century orchestra. 16.95 CD513. Bright Sheng: Spring Dreams. Erin Svoboda clarinet, Cho-Liang Lin violin with Bright Sheng piano. Naxos, 2009. All pieces by Bright Sheng: Tibetan Dance (clarinet, violin and piano), Spring Dreams for violin and orchestra of Chinese instruments (Singapore Chinese Orchestra conducted by Tsung Yeh), and Three Fantasies for violinand piano (André-Michel Schub). 8.95 CD405. The Romantic Clarinet in Germany. Pierre-André Taillard clarinet with Edoardo Torbianelli fortepiano. Pan Classics, 2007. Taillard plays a reproduction of a Grenser clarinet ca. 1800. Franz Danzi Sonata in B-flat major for clarinet and piano, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Sonata in E-flat major for clarinet and piano, Norbert Burgmüller Duo for clarinet and piano Op. 15, and Carl Gottlieb Reissiger Duo Brilliant for clarinet and piano Op. 130. 18.95 CD033. Clarinet Masquerade. Thurston Clarinet Quartet. ASV, May 1, 1993. Ferenc Farkas Antiche Danze Ungheresi dal Secolo XVII, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 K439b, Henri Tomasi Trois Divertissements, Errol Garner Misty, Antonio Carlos Jobim The Girl from Ipanema, Yvonne Desportes French Suite, Tomaso Albinoni Sonata in G minor Op. 2 No. 6, Robert Stark Serenade Op. 55, George Gershwin Rhapsody/Summertime, Sid Phillips Cadenza, Charles Fernandes (Arr.) Muskrat Sousa. 11.95 CD439. The Toledo Clarinets. Georg Klass, Jocelyn Langworthy, Shannon Ford, Kevin Schempf, Elliott Ross, Chelsea Tipton II clarinets with Greg Kostraba piano. Cambria Master Recordings, 2009. Jerome Moross Sonatina for clarinet choir, William Grant Still Quar- tet for Strings "Lyric," Sean Osborn Quartet for 4 B-flat clarinets, William Grant Still Christmas in the Western World (Las Pascuas), and Chris- topher Dietz De Profundis, for clarinet ensemble. 16.95 CD170. Bridges to Bloomington. Trio Indiana: James Campbell, Eli Eban, and Howard Klug with Min-Ho Yeh, Alfred Prinz, and Mitchell Lurie. Crystal Records, 1999. Trio Indiana performs two trios and is joined by guest clarinetists to play three clarinet quartets. Alfred Prinz Trio for Clarinets and the Bloomington Quartet, Bernhard Heiden Trio for Clarinets, Alfred Uhl Divertimento, Kurt Weill Die Four Pieces from The Threepenny Opera: Overture, Ballad of Mack the Knife, Tango Ballad, Ballad of the Easy Life. 15.00 CD169. Trio Indiana. James Campbell, Eli Eban, and Howard Klug with David Shea. Crystal Records, 1996. Trio Indiana is com- posed of the clarinet faculty members of the Indiana University School of Music. They are joined by David Shea on the Kulesha. Jean-Michel Defaye Six Pieces d'Audition, Peter Schickele Dances for Three, Gary Kulesha Political Implications, Michael Kibbe Ebony Suite Op. 116, and Frederick Fox Time Weaving. 15.00 CD034. Musique Française pour Clarinette et Piano. Ronald van Spaendonck with Alexandre Tharaud piano. Harmonia Mundi (Fra), February 11, 1997. An outstanding CD of French music for clarinet and piano. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Claude Debussy Petit pièce and Première Rhapsodie, Darius Milhaud Scaramouche, Philippe Gaubert Fantasie for Clarinet and Piano, Camille Saint- Saens Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in E flat major Op. 167, Gabriel Pierné Canzonetta for Clarinet and Piano Op. 19, Arthur Honegger Sona- tina for Clarinet and Piano H. 42, Jean Françaix Theme and Variations for Clarinet and Piano. 13.95 CD466. Sonatinas for Clarinet and Piano. Ronald van Spaendonck with Eliane Reyes piano. Fuga Libera, 2009. Malcolm Arnold Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, Bohuslav Martinu Sonatina for clarinet and piano, Nicolas Barci Sonatina Lirica pour Clarinette and Piano Op. 108/1, Pierre Sancan Sonatine pour Clarinette and Piano, Raymond Chevreuille Sonate pour Clarinette and Piano, Marcel Poot Sonatine pour Clarinette and Piano, and Joseph Horovitz Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano. 18.95 CD479. Armenian Chamber Music. Joaquin Valdepenas clarinet, Amici Chamber Ensemble, David Hetherington cello, Serouj Krad- jian piano, Benjamin Bowman violin, and Isabel Bayrakdarian soprano. ATMA Classique, 2010. Aram Khachaturian Trio for Clarinet, Violin and Piano; Arno Babadjanyan Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello; Alexander Arutiunian Suite for Violin, Clarinet and Piano; Serouj Kradjian Elegy for Restive Souls; and Parsegh Ganatchian (arr. Serouj Kradjian) Oror for Soprano, Clarinet and Four Celli with Isabel Bayrakdarian (So- prano). 16.95 CD281. In Brahms' Apartment. Joaquin Valdepenas clarinet with David Hetherington cello and Patricia Parr piano. Summit, 1997. Johannes Brahms Sonata in F minor Op. 120 No. 1 for clarinet and piano, Sonata in E-flat major Op. 120 No. 2 for clarinet and piano, and Trio in A minor Op. 114 for clarinet, cello and piano. 16.00 CD205. Crusell: The Three Clarinet Quartets. Osmo Vänskä clarinet, with Pekka Kauppinen violin, Anu Airas viola and Ilkka Pälli, cello. BIS, 1997. Bernhard Henrik Crusell: Clarinet Quartet No.1 in E flat major Op.2, Clarinet Quartet No.2 in C minor, Op.4, and Clarinet Quartet No.3 in D major Op.7. 17.95 CD051. Messiaen Quartet for the End of Time. Joaquin Valdepenas clarinet with Shmuel Ashkenasi violin, David Hetherington cello, and Patricia Parr piano. Summit, 1995. Olivier Messiaen Quartet for the End of Time. Chan Ka Nin I Think That I Shall Never See... 16.00 Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 105 CD311. On The Threshold of Hope Mieczyslaw Weinberg Chamber Music. Joaquin Valdepenas clarinet with Dianne Werner Piano. RCA Red Seal, 2006. Three pieces (only the first for clarinet) from Polish-Russian composer Weinberg. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. 28, Jewish Songs after Shmuel Halkin, for Voice and Piano Op. 17 (Richard Margison Tenor Vocal), and Quintet for Piano and String Quartet (ARC Ensemble). 18.95 CD440. Hindemith Chamber Music. Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer clarinet, with Annette von Hehn and Elisabeth Glass vio- lins. Hartmut Rohde viola, Frank Dodge cello, and Ya-Fei Chuang piano. Naxos, 2009. All by Paul Hindemith (1895-1963): Quartet for Clari- net, Violin, Cello and Piano; Sonata for Clarinet and Piano; Drei leichte Stüke for Cello and Piano; and Quintet for Clarinet, two Violins, Vi- ola, and Cello Op.30. 8.95 CD304. International Connections. The Verdehr Trio, Elsa Ludewig-Verdehr clarinet, Walter Verdehr violin and Silvia Roederer Piano. Crystal Records, 2006. Jennifer Higdon Dash, Gernot Wolfgang Reflections, Bright Sheng Tibetan Dance, Stephen Chatman Trio, and Wolfgang Rihm Gesangstück. 16.95 CD389. Music from France. The Verdehr Trio, Elsa Ludewig-Verdehr clarinet, Walter Verdehr violin and Silvia Roederer Piano. Dux, 2005. Darius Milhaud Suite, Philippe Manoury Michigan Trio, Camille Saint-Saens Tarantella Op.6, Mathieu-Frederic Blasius Trio Di- alogues Op.31 No.1, Betsy Jolas Trio sopra et sola Facta, and FrancisPoulenc Suite from L'Invitation au Chateau. 16.00 CD316. Brahms - Schumann. Eric Wachmann clarinet with Ted Reuter, piano. Centaur, 2006. Johannes Brahms Sonata Op. 120 No. 1 and Sonata Op. 120 No. 2; Robert Schumann Phantasiestucke Op. 73 and Romanzen Op. 94. 16.00 CD107. Music of Les Six for Clarinet and Piano. Eric Wachmann, clarinet with Ted Reuter, piano. Centaur, 2002. Darius Milhaud Duo Concertant, Caprice, and Sonatine; Germaine Tailleferre Arabesque and Menuet; Arthur Honegger Sonatine; Georges Auric Imaginees III; and Francis Poulenc Sonata. 16.00 CD303. Clarinet Candescence. Melvin Warner clarinet with Diane Ragains Soprano, Allan Dameron Piano, Sylvia Reynolds Piano, Peter Middleton Flute, and Jerry Horner Viola. Crystal Records, 2006. Carl Maria von Weber Fantasia and Rondo and Grand Duo Concertant, Igor Stravinsky Three Songs from William Shakespeare, Krzysztof Penderecki Three Miniatures, Donald Martino A Set for Clarinet, Louis Spohr Six German Songs, and William O. Smith Five Pieces. 16.95 CD441. Scawfell. Sarah Watts bass clarinet with Antony Clare Piano. Clartinet Classics, 2008. Eugène Bozza Ballade for Bass Clarinet and Piano, Friedrich Diethe Romanze, Avro Pärt (arr. Sarah Watts) Spiegel im Spiegel, Wolfgang Gabriel Sonata for Bass Clarinet and Piano Op. 30a On Welsh Folksongs, Paul Termos Nieuw Werk, Joe Cutler Urban Myths, and Antony Clare Scawfell. A .pdf file of the sheet music for Scawfell is included on the CD. 18.95 CD152. A Portrait of David Weber. David Weber, clarinet with various pianists and others. Clarinet Classics, 2002. Subtitled "A Grand Master of the Clarinet," Historic Transfers (1946-1978). Serge Prokofiev Overture on a Hebrew Theme Op. 34; Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Bassoon with Leonard Sharrow bassoon and Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Robert Schumann Fantasiestücke Op. 73; Louis Spohr Six German Songs Op. 103 with Alice Howland soprano; Edward MacDowell From Uncle Remus from Woodlands Sketches Op. 51 and By Smouldering Embers Op.61/6, Louis Cahuzac Arlequin for Clarinet Solo, Krzysztof Penderecki Three Miniatures, Alexander Glazunov Les Saisons Op. 67 (fragment). 18.95 CD215. Tour de France. The Webster Trio. Michael Webster clarinet, Leone Buyse flute, and Katherine Collier piano. Gabriel Fauré, Dolly Suite (flute, clarinet, and piano; trans. Webster); Fauré, Morceau de concours (flute and piano; arr. Hulme-Brieff); Saint-Saëns, Tarantel- la, Op. 6, (flute, clarinet, and piano); Debussy, Petite Pièce & Première Rhapsodie (clarinet and piano); Syrinx (solo flute); Prélude à l'après- midi d'un faune, (flute, clarinet and piano; trans Webster); Georges Bizet, Jeux d'enfants, (flute/piccolo, clarinet, and piano; trans Webster). 16.95 CD216. World Wide Webster. The Webster Trio. Michael Webster clarinet, Leone Buyse flute, and Robert Moeling piano. Antonin Dvorak Slavonic Dances, Claude Debussy Petite Suite, Johannes Brahms Hungarian Dances (Nos. 5,6,7, 13,14,16, and 21), Louis Moreau Gottschalk Four Pieces (La Jota Aragonesa, Souvenir de la Havane, Souvenir de Cuba, Grande Tarantelle). 16.95 CD172. Fantasiestüke - Fantasies. Andreas Weiß, clarinet with Michiko Suzuki piano. Audite, 1992. Robert Schumann Fantasy Pieces for Piano and Clarinet Op. 73, Niels Wilhelm Gade Fantasistykker Op 43, August Hendrick Winding Two Fantasy Pieces Op. 19, Carl Niel- sen Fantasy, Philippe Gaubert Fantaisie, Gioacchino Rossini Fantasia. 16.95 CD175. Piano & Clarinet. Charles West, clarinet with Susan Grace piano. Klavier Records, 1996. Witold Lutoslawski Dance Preludes, Richard Faith Sea Pieces, Harald Genzmer Sonatine, Marc Delmas Fantasie Italienne, William Alwyn Sonata, and Robert Muczynski Time Pieces for Clarinet & Piano Op. 43. 16.95 CD119. Sonatas for Clarinet and Piano. Charles West, clarinet with Susan Grace piano. Klavier Records, 1999. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Thomas Dunhill Phantasy Suite Op. 91, Arnold Bax Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, Leonard Bernstein Sonata for Clari- net and Piano, Schumann Three Romances Op. 94, Luigi Bassi Concert Fantasia on Motives from Verdi's Rigoletto. 16.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. [email protected] PO Box 9569, Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 and Carl Maria von Weber Concerto No. and Fantasy Pieces for Piano and Clarinet Op. 1999. Pierre Sancan Sonatine. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Serenade No. oboe. Sotone. and John Nichol. 49 No. David R. 2 in E flat major Op. Vincent d' Indy Trio in B-flat Op. clarinet with the Civic Symphony Orchestra of Boston conducted by Max Hobart and the Worcester Symphony conducted by Joseph Silverstein. Harold Wright. and Gottfried von Freiberg & Leopold Kainz. Oboe and Clarinet. 14. piano. 16.95 Van Cott Information Services Inc. Boston Records. 1996. Daniel Gregory Mason Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Op. and two works by Gerard Brophy: Twist and bisous. with Karl Mayrhofer & Karl Swoboda. 38 (from the Septet Op. 1990. Centaur. Centaur. La Plus Que Lente. alto saxophone.95 CD456. Gillingham American Counterpoint for flute. This recording was made in January 1992. SOMM Recordings. and Barry Davis. Boston Records. with Hans Kamesch. Sarah Williamson clarinet with the Orchestra of the Swan conducted by David Curtis. This CD also includes Copland's Appalachian Sprint and Finzi's Romance for String Orchestra.95 CD506. 2 in E flat for Clarinet and Orchestra Op. Bassoon. MaryBeth Minnis bassoon. clarinet and bass clarinet with Roger Rehm. Ludwig van Beethoven: Octet in E-flat Major Op. accompanied by Stephen Emmerson. Donald Sloan Five Flights of Fancy for flute and clarinet. Arabesques. PO Box 9569. four pieces by Claude Debussy (Petite Pièce. Stick Dance by Andrew Schultz. Clarinet and Viola.95 CD120. clarinet with Gregory Davis piano. It contains performances of Camille Saint-Saëns Sonata for clarinet and piano. 31. and Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in G minor Op. Robert Muczynski Fantasy Trio Op. Leopold Wlach & Franz Bartosek. Joanna Cowan White flute. Ingolf Dahl Sonata da Camera. 26.95 CD237. This is a recording of Harold Wright and Luis Batlle (piano) in recital in the early 1980s (except the final piece). 2008. David Montgomery. 169. 29. clarinet and alto saxophone. Clarinet Chamber Music of Alvin Etler. Malcolm Arnold Divertimento for flute. 1 arr. Live Recital No. Towards the Still Point by Peter Rankine.95 CD523. clarinet with Peter Serkin piano. A recording from the early 1950s.113 and Op. 1992. 73. 15. 3 Harold Wright. and Gottfried von Freiberg & Leopold Kainz. Leopold Wlach & Franz Bartosek. Bruce Bonnell horn. Klavier Records. Suite for Flute. II: F7. Harold Wright. Harold Wright. oboe. Sonata for B-flat Clarinet and Piano. Live Recital No. and Johannes Brahms Trio Op. 114. 2 Harold Wright. Anh.114 with Sherman Walt bassoon and Gilbert Kalish piano.95 CD030. 16. and Sextet in E-flat Op. 2007 (2 CD set). 103. Beethoven . Norman C. 375. Piano & Clarinet. Oboe. Oboe. and Franz Schubert Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (Shepherd on the Rock) with Benita Valente soprano and Rudolf Serkin piano recorded in 1960. 2 for Clarinet and Piano. clarinet and bass clarinet.00 CD236. Boston Records. Walter Piston Concerto for Clarinet. Karl Mayrhofer. Vienna Philharmonic Wind Group Vol 1. 16. 16. Camille Saint-Saëns Sonate Op 167 for Clarinet and Piano. Dream Tracks by Peter Sculthorpe. the first dance from Witold Lutoslawski Dance Preludes. 120. horn. Vlad Weverbergh. Centaur. Copland/Finzi Clarinet Concertos. clarinet.Schumann. Boston Records. Antoni Szalowski Duo for flute and clarinet. 16. Aaron Copland Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra. 1998. 16. Quintet No. Alvin Etler (1913-1973) was an American composer and oboist.Ries Clarinet Trios. 16. Felix Mendelssohn Konzertstuck No. Roger Rehm oboe. He was student of Hindemith and was influenced by Bartók and Cop- land. 1998.95 CD238. Works for Clarinet and Piano. 1998. and Carl Maria von Weber Clarinet Quintet in B-flat Major Op. Whirligig and Gorlywhorl by Gerald Glynn. 1 in A flat. Floyd Williams. horn. Restored from recording made in the early 1950s. 4 Harold Wright. clarinet and an additional woodwind instrument. Sonata for Oboe. Heinrich Joseph Baermann Adagio for Clarinet. 2 for Woodwind Instruments. Thomas Christian David Sonata for flute and clarinet. 11 and Trio in E-flat major Op. 226. Sotone. Move Records. 1 in F minor Op. flute. Dreamtracks. http://www. & Karl Swoboda. 23 16. Harold Wright. Claude Debussy Première Rapsodie for Clarinet. clarinet with the Roger Drinkall and Dian Baker Duo. particularly with the Copland concerto. Flights of Fancy . 1999.00 CD108. and Ferdinand Ries Trio in G minor Op. John Rutter Three American Miniatures for flute and clarinet. 71. Serenade No 12 in C Minor K. Walter Piston Three Pieces for flute. Sonate Sentimetale for Clarinet and Piano in E-flat major Op. Max Reger Sonata Op. 11 in E-flat K. MaryBeth Minnis. and Sonata info@vcisinc. Featured works are Sonata by Meta Overman. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . clarinet and bassoon. cor anglais. Trios for Cello. 16. violin. 17. Charles West. clarinet with various artists. Clarinet Concert No. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio in E-flat K498 (Kegelstatt) with Samuel Rhodes viola and Gilbert Kalish piano. Karl Oehlberger & Rudolph Hanzl. Kennen White. Wright. clarinet with cellists Benjamin Glorieux (Beethoven) and Jadranka Gaspa- rovic (Ries) and Vasily Ilisavsky piano.00 CD031. This CD features six duets for flute and clarinet or bass clarinet and three pieces with flute. Op.vcisinc. and as an encore. Joanna Cowan White. Music for clarinet by Australian composers. 2002. Boston Records. Sarah Williamson is a young British clarinetist who has had great success.95 CD131. 2010. 1 Harold Wright. David Wright. Bohuslav Martinu Sonatina for clarinet and piano.. Claude Debussy Arabesque No. Seanad Dunigan Chang viola and the Powers Woodwind Quintet. clarinet with Luis Batelle piano. and Petite Negre). 48 for Clarinet and Piano. Dietz Dialog (flute and bass clarinet). and clarinet. Ludwig van Beethoven Trio in B flat major Op. Francis Poulenc Sonata for Clari- net and Piano.Crescent Duo. and Divertimento in E-flat K. clarinet. H. 20). Gerald Finzi Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra Op. Karl Oehlberger & Rudolph Hanzl. 16. 388. Carl Maria von Weber Grand Duo Concertante in E flat major Op.00 CD004. 48. bassoon. Vienna Philharmonic Wind Group Vol 2. Bassoon. Franz Joseph Haydn: Harmonie (Partita) in F Hob. Rondino in E-flat Op Posth. This recording was made at the South Mountain Concert Hall in Pittsfield. 74. Harold Wright.00 CD199.1.106 CD142. 29. 13. Massachusetts in 1992. marimba. Johannes Brahms Sonata for clarinet and piano No. with Michele Walsh. carefully restored. 15. Sonata for clarinet and piano No. Brahms . clarinet with various artists. 120. Recital No. The first two pieces are the Civic Sympho- ny recorded in 1980 and the others are with the Worcester Symphony recorded in 1986. Kennen White clarinet with Mary Jo Cox piano. Brilliant Classics. and Carl Maria von Weber Grand Duo Concertant Op. Credit card orders are also accepted. please use our secure shopping cart to obtain an estimate of shipping charges or contact us (email suggested) if necessary. Clarinet Concert No. Easley Blackwood Sonata in A minor for clarinet Op. cost if possible). Van Cott Information Services Inc. Clarinet and Piano Op. 3 in B-flat major for clarinet Op. Please include your email address if you have one in all correspondence.00 for packing and handling plus insurance if over $65 value. 16. 5 Harold Wright. 37 and Sonatina in F major for Piccolo Clarinet Op. 1978). 1977). Trois Esquisses. Foreign orders are especially welcome. full address (BILLING and shipping if different). Cedille. piano. Add $. Sales Tax: Nevada residents. Las Vegas NV 89191 Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 . and phone number. Carl Maria von Weber Concertino.50 for each additional (please contact us for exact priority mail. NOTE: Any additional shipping charges on overseas orders that are not the result of our error are the responsibility of the customer. and Piano (1938). and Wolf- gang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Major K. Clarinet and Piano (with Boris Kroyt viola and Murray Perahia piano. Books and CDs that are in new condi- tion may be returned at the customer's expense within 30 days of shipping for a full refund. 2000. 30 (1923).00 Ordering Information Ordering Methods: You may order by email. Leave a message if necessary.75 for the first item (minimum shipping charge). Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet. and Amelia Piano Trio and Friends. John Bruce Yeh clarinet with Easley Blackwood. Gioacchino Rossini Variations. and American Express. Bela Bartók Contrasts for Violin. code (see order form). Fugue and Riffs. March 17. Intermezzo for clarinet and piano. 17. No other warranty is expressed or im- plied. 5/48. While not exclusively a CD of clarinet music. 1967). and cello. Francis Poulenc Sonata. Two Duets for Violin and Clarinet (1932). Payment Options: Check or money order drawn on a US bank. Paul Hinde- mith Sonate. 1967). 83: Nos. or fax. 132 (with Boris Kroyt viola and Murray Perahia piano. John Bruce Yeh clarinet. Prokofiev Clarinet Concerto. Insurance Claims: If your insured shipment is lost or damaged you must complete and sign a simple form that we will send you so we can file the insur- ance claim. L. 9. This includes shipments returned because they could not be delivered and shipments that are not collected by the cus- tomer. Contemplations. 107. Leonard Bernstein Prelude. Ronald Foster Contemplations for Solo Clarinet. 16. Cello. 1994. Op. by mail.00 CD093. $1. Serenade #3 (for oboe. VISA. 1993. Contact us by email if you require our tax id number prior to ordering or have any other questions. Intermezzo (Works of Martinu). Ebony Concerto. fax. the pieces presented here are very engaging. Variations for Clarinet and Strings (1932). and cello). Warranty/Refund Policy: We will correct any shipping errors brought to our attention within 30 days of shipping. Clarinet and Piano (with Joseph Silverstein and Gilbert Kalish piano.95 CD086. The best time to call is M-F 9:00-4:00 Pacific Time. MasterCard. Cello and Side Drum (1924). See legend above for information on heavy and free shipping items.95 CD094. Variations for cello and piano. and we will get back to you as soon as info@vcisinc. We are not responsible for CD cases. two violins. 2. http://www. 94 arranged from the flute concerto by Kent Kennan and two Prokofiev orchestral works: Summer Day and Sinfonietta Op. but don‖t hesitate to call any time. 1968). 16. card number.00 CD352. Priority (US Only) If paying by check: $7. 2003. music departments. 38. 4 violins. and Artie Shaw Concerto for Clarinet with the DePaul University Jazz Ensemble conducted by Robert Lark. Clarinet Sonatas by Easley Blackwood and Max Reger.00 for the first item.95 CD347. 1999. Harold Wright. 1998. and bookstores in the United States. Sonatina for Clarinet. Bohus- lav Martinu Les Rondes. 6 and 7 for Viola. Cedille. February 1995. University Orders: We accept purchase orders from university libraries. Max Reger So- nata No.vcisinc. using the secure Shopping Cart on our web site. Christopher Zello clarinet with Stefanie Jacob piano.622 (with the Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by Seiji Oza- wa.1 percent).95 CD105. Summit. or email file attachment. For foreign orders. If paying by credit card: Postal Service charge based on weight and location plus $2. This CD has the Sergei Prokofiev Clarinet Concerto Op. please add sales tax based on your county of residence (6. Paul Hindemith: Sonata for Clarinet and Piano (1939). and Andante from the Sonatina for clarinet and piano. Quartet for Clarinet. Otiose Odalisque (the music of Bohuslav Martinu). Insurance extra if desired. For credit card orders please include card type. La Revue de Cuisine. Shipping is taxable in Nevada. 107 CD240. clarinet. This is required for you to be reimbursed or have the items replaced at no charge. John Bruce Yeh clarinet with Easley Blackwood piano. 17.50 for each additional item. Cen- taur. Quet Petite Piece. Violin. John Bruce Yeh clarinet with the Chicago Chamber Orchestra conducted by Dieter Kober. Internet Privacy Policy: We will not share any personal information you provide us with any third party except as necessary to process credit card trans- actions and ship your order. Shipping and Handling: Media Mail (book rate) United States only: $4. Michele Zukovsky clarinet with the Bohemian Ensemble Los Angeles. clarinet. Summit. 16. Boston Records. 2004. expiration date. 16. Charles Lefebvre Fantaisie-Caprice. Ferruccio Busoni Elegy for Clarinet and Piano (Luis Battle piano. Morton Gould Derivations. your name as it appears on the card.85 – 8. Discover. Shipping: Postal Service charge based on weight and location plus $2. Horn. CDs that are defective may be returned at the customer's ex- pense within 30 days of shipping for a replacement or refund at our discretion. Reference Recordings. Max Bruch three pieces from Op. Robert Schumann Fairy Tales for Viola.00 for packing and handling.00 CD053. PO Box 9569. Clarinet Chamber Music by Hindemith. Igor Stravinsky Ebony Concerto and Victor Babin Hil- landale Waltzes with the DePaul University Wind Ensemble conducted by Donald DeRoche. Purchase orders may be sent by mail. Quartet for Clarinet. Pastorals (Stowe) for five recorders. Merry Christmas 1941 (arranged for woodwind quintet). Michele Zukovsky clarinet with the Bohemian Ensemble Los Angeles. Insurance US Priority Mail: If paying by check: Please contact us first for the Nevada Residents add Sales Tax exact cost. . Inc. Media Mail Shipping & Handling to US: $4.00 for packing and handling. Music. Phone: 702-438-2102 presents Fax: 801-650-1719 Clarinet Name: Credit Card:  VISA  MasterCard  AmExp  Discover Address (Billing Address for Credit Card): Account Number: Expiration Date: Shipping Address (if different than above): Code: (Visa/MC/Disc: 3 digits following account # in signature area on back of card) (AmExp: 4 digits on front near top right corner of account #) Phone: email: Signature Date Cat # Description Qty Item Price Total Item Price Subtotal Shipping Charges – see Ordering Information for full details. NV 89191. Nevada Residents please add sales tax for your county. If paying by credit card: Postal Service charge based on (shipping is taxable in Nevada) weight and location plus $2. USA Van Cott Information Services.75 for the first item and Shipping & Handling 50 cents for each additional item (free shipping items excepted). Contact us for other countries and options. PO Box 9569 Las Vegas. and More! email: info@vcisinc. 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