CKM KM Module 5 Notes

April 4, 2018 | Author: Sahil Goutham | Category: Business Process, Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Information, Behavior



Module-5 Module-5Knowledge Management Module overview Module overview  Introduction  Definition  Evolution  Need, drivers, scope  Approaches in org  Strategies in org  Components and functions  Understanding nowledge  !earning org, " components of learning org  Knowledge sources and documentation Introduction Introduction  Knowledge is rapidl# displacing capital  Unsta$le marets necessitate, reshaping of product % pro&ect lines  A$ilit# to e'ploit its own intellectual resources(  )nl# the nowledgea$le will survive(  Knowledge is the e# driver for decision support and decision maing and ena$les effective decision $# maing nowledge a$out past pro&ects Introduction Introduction *(KM re+uires a strong culture of sharing ,( nowledge, sills, competencies and insight that the emplo#ee possessed at all levels of the organi-ation( .(/lo$al maret and increasing nowledge re+uirements What is Knowledge What is Knowledge  Knowledge is &ustified true $elief( Ayer, A.J. (195!. The Problem of Knowledge.  Knowledge is a fluid mi' of framed e'perience, values, conte'tual information and e'pert insight that provides a framewor for evaluating and incorporating new e'perience and information( Knowledge "anage"ent Knowledge "anage"ent  KM is the process of capturing and maing use of a firm0s collective enterprise an#where in the $usiness1 on paper, in document, in data$ases 2called e'plicit nowledge3 or in people0s heads 2called tacit nowledge3( What is Knowledge Manage"ent# What is Knowledge Manage"ent#  Defined in a variet# of wa#s(  KM in education4 a strateg# to ena$le people to develop a set of practices to create, capture, share % use nowledge to advance(  KM focuses on4 ◦ people who create and use nowledge( ◦ processes and technologies $# which nowledge is created, maintained and accessed( ◦ artifacts in which nowledge is stored 2manuals, data$ases, intranets, $oos, heads3( What is Knowledge Manage"ent# What is Knowledge Manage"ent#  $Knowledge "anage"ent is a disci%line that %ro"otes an integrated a%%roach to identi&ying, "anaging and sharing all o& an enter%rise's in&or"ation needs. Where does KM co"e &ro"# Where does KM co"e &ro"#  5echnolog# ◦ Infrastructure, Data$ase, 6e$, Interface  /lo$ali-ation ◦ 6orld wide marets, North American integration  Demographics ◦ Aging population, worforce mo$ilit#, diversit#  Economics ◦ Knowledge econom#  Customer relations ◦ 7ualit#  Increase in information ◦ Speciali-ation, 8olume, )rder (ata, In&or"ation ) Knowledge (ata, In&or"ation ) Knowledge *wo ty%es o& +nowledge *wo ty%es o& +nowledge Explicit knowledge ◦ ,or"al or codi&ied ◦ (ocu"ents- re%orts, %olicy "anuals, white %a%ers, standard %rocedures ◦ (ata.ases ◦ /oo+s, "aga0ines, 1ournals (li.rary! Implicit (Tacit) knowledge ◦ In&or"al and uncodi&ied ◦ 2alues, %ers%ectives ) culture ◦ Knowledge in heads ◦ Me"ories o& sta&&, su%%liers and vendors 3eed &or KM 3eed &or KM  Increase profits of revenues  9etain e# talent and e'pertise  Improve customer retention and satisfaction  Defend maret share against new entrants  Accelerate time to maret with product  :enetrate new maret segments  9educe costs  Develop new products and services 4volution o& KM 4volution o& KM  A no of theories have contri$uted to the evolution and development of KM as a su$&ect(  ;<"<1 peter f Drucer1the nowledge worer  ;<**1 Michael pol#ani =tacit and e'plicit nowledge  ;<""><*1 $uilding awareness of KM 4volution o& KM 4volution o& KM  In ;<.?0s the development of s#stems for managing nowledge that relied on wor done in artificial intelligence and e'pert s#stems gave rise to concepts as nowledge ac+uisition, nowledge engineering, nowledge $ase s#stems(  In ;<<?0s due to internet KM initiatives were thriving  5oda# KM appears to $e highl# sought after 57M and $usiness process reengineering( KM drivers KM drivers  @efore going on to understand the framewor and the infrastructural necessities for implementing KM s#stem within an org, it is essential to understand the e# drivers that are applica$le to an# $usiness enterprise(  5he $road classifications of KM drivers are4 ◦ Knowledge $ased drivers ◦ 5echnolog# drivers ◦ Intra organi-ational drivers ◦ A9 drivers ◦ :rocess drivers ◦ Economic drivers Knowledge .ased drivers Knowledge .ased drivers  Successful companies appl# what the# learn to critical processes, at a faster rate than their competitors(  5his is made possi$le $# the integration of compan#0s nowledge processes with its $usiness processes to su$stantiall# enhance $usiness performance(  5he +ualit# and effectiveness of a decision are anchored directl# to emp a$ilit# to access e# information(  Effective KM s#stems allow people to learn from past decisions $oth good and $ad and to appl# the lessons learned to comple' choice and future decisions( *echnology drivers *echnology drivers  5echnological impetus has revolutioni-ed the wa# the individuals as well as org communicate, store and e'change data at a lower cost and higher speed(  5he increase of computer has significantl# contri$uted to the high volumes of information, which are availa$le to an individual(  Information can $e moved across locations electronicall#B it is people who turn that info into efficient decisions rel#ing upon their intelligence and e'pertise( Intra organi0ational drivers Intra organi0ational drivers  Uncertainties in$uilt in new products and service development processes lead to comple' reliance among and $>w different functional areas and re+uire inputs and cooperation from different departments to achieve &oint o$&ectives(  Companies rel# on pro&ect centered teams for the onl# purpose to $ring together the $est of their talent and e'pertise( 56 drivers 56 drivers  It include the need for improved nowledge transfer, sharing and creation in cross functional teams of nowledge worersB  5o deal with comple' and changing emplo#ee e'pectations, together with the need to prevent loss of nowledge as teams are put together and reesta$lished(  5eam mem$ers are mi'ed up across pro&ects over time and across segments where their functional e'pertise is valued more than their nowledge gained during the process of partnership with the mem$ers of other functional areas( 7rocess drivers 7rocess drivers  )rg have $een terrified $# generation of outmoded solutions and repeating mistaes committed in the past $ecause the# effectivel# identif# or move $est practices an e'perimental nowledge from one location to another or from one pro&ect to another(  5he a$ilit# to foresee and respond to maret trends is a critical capa$ilit# re+uired $# an org( 7rocess drivers 7rocess drivers  An org must $e a$le to picture the overall scenario or canvas and should not react onl# on the $asis of tendenc#(  An org needs to $e proactive and anticipate the forces that will shape the marets in their field of operation(  As competitors $ecome increasingl# receptive to customer needs, companies must match the effort, using the right application of nowledge within the proper structures and process 4cono"ic drivers 4cono"ic drivers  5he promise of rising returns indeed maes the process a more promising investment than man# fi'ed assets(  @asic economic theor# suggests most assets with the e'ception of nowledge are su$&ect to diminishing returns( KM 8co%e 8hi&ts to Wider ,ocus KM 8co%e 8hi&ts to Wider ,ocus KM 9 Its 8igni&icance KM 9 Its 8igni&icance  ::ersonal • Improved earnings potentials • More effective personal decision maing • 9aised +ualit# of life  :Industrial • /reater competitive effectiveness • @etter products and services • @eneficial for customers and consumers  Societal • Increased progress from $etter educated citi-enr# • Improved social and economic environments • More desira$le societ# KM 9 Its KM 9 Its Real Real 8igni&icance 8igni&icance 8"all Actions ;ead to /road /ehavior 8"all Actions ;ead to /road /ehavior <ur Wor+ Is /eco"ing More =o"%le> <ur Wor+ Is /eco"ing More =o"%le> May.e 9 Just May.e 9 May.e 9 Just May.e 9 We 3eed to ?nderstand We 3eed to ?nderstand KM a%%roaches KM a%%roaches  :ossi$le approaches that needs to $e adopted $# org in implementing KM s#stem(  5hese approaches depend on strateg# adopted $# the org in harnessing and leveraging their intrinsic nowledge( ◦ 9epositor# model approach ◦ Communities of practices approach ◦ Continuous learning approach ◦ @usiness intelligence approach KM a%%roaches KM a%%roaches  6e%ository "odel a%%roach4 ◦ e# focus in on document management and the reuse of e'plicit forms of nowledge(  =o""unities o& %ractice a%%roach ◦ facilitates the transfer of nowledge $# e'perts within affinit# groups through dialogue and interpersonal discussions KM a%%roaches KM a%%roaches  =ontinuous learning a%%roach4 ◦ facilitates application of the nowledge ac+uired $# individuals in pro$lem solving as well as enhanced decision maing  /usiness intelligence a%%roach4 ◦ creation of enterprise wide repositories and the e'traction of valua$le information and nowledge through the mining of these repositories KM strategies in org KM strategies in org  6hat nowledge to shareC  6ith whom to share nowledgeC  Aow will nowledge $e sharedC  6h# will nowledge $e sharedC What +nowledge to share What +nowledge to share  Knowledge sharing program will differ considera$l# depending on the t#pe of nowledge $eing shared  Knowledge sharing are limited to specific function, such as sales and mareting or research or a specific area of e'pertise such as engineering  Knowledge sharing s#stems allow in var#ing degrees of new and promising ideas that have not #et $een authenticated( With who" to share +nowledge With who" to share +nowledge  Knowledge sharing programs aim at sharing either an internal or an e'ternal audience  Internal nowledge sharing programs t#picall# aim at maing the e'isting $usiness wor $etter, faster or cheaper, $# arming the front line staff of an org with higher +ualit#, more up to date and easil# accessi$le tools and inputs to do their &o$s  E'ternal nowledge sharing poses greater riss than internal sharing programs1raising comple' issues of confidentialit#, cop#right, and in the case of the private sector, the protection of proprietar# assets = $ut it ma# also offer greater potential $enefits 5ow will +nowledge .e shared# 5ow will +nowledge .e shared#  5he principal channels $# which nowledge will $e shared ◦ Dace to face ◦ Aelp dess ◦ 5elephone ◦ Da' ◦ Email ◦ Colla$orative tools ◦ 6e$ ◦ Com$ination of a$ove Why will +nowledge .e shared# Why will +nowledge .e shared#  5o contri$ute to org performance ◦ Increasing speed ◦ !owering costs of operation ◦ Accelerating innovation ◦ 6idening the client $ase 8trategy 2s KM strategy 8trategy 2s KM strategy =o"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent =o"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent  If #ou want to manage nowledge, record the current state of nowledge within #our organi-ation it is nowada#s a rather difficult tas(  the# used to thin that $# &ust having a nowledge manager or a group of nowledge managers the# would $e a$le to maintain a certain level of +ualit#(  5hese managers will review the content and decide if something should or should not $e listed in the nowledge repositor#( Knowledge lea+s Knowledge lea+s  5he $ig downside of this is that there a few people who are deciding or the complete what assets are useful and that #ou need to have an# assets in the first place(  5he nowledge that wasn0t shared in assets or wasn0t approved $# the nowledge manager simpl# evaporated and was in $est case &ust not listed in the repositor# $ut in worst case the information was lost(  If #ou want to prevent nowledge leaing it is most liel# #ou will need three components4 ◦ )rgani-ation components ◦ 5echnolog# components ◦ Knowledge processes *hree co"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent *hree co"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent =o"%onents o& KM =o"%onents o& KM  5hese three components are tightl# lined and ena$les a continuous process of nowledge recording(  5here is no small group that is deciding for ever#$od# what is useful(  It is ever#$od# that decides what is useful for ever#$od#4 in some cases e'plicitl# as in uploading and rating assets in the repositor# and other cases much more passive $# &ust having a conversation on the social networing platform( ,unctions o& KM ,unctions o& KM  6e can divide all the functions performed $# KM in five main categories4 ◦ Inter"ediation ◦ 4>ternali0ation ◦ Internali0ation ◦ =ognition ◦ Measure"ent ,unctions o& KM ,unctions o& KM ◦ Inter"ediation4 Intermediation refers to the $roering or nowledge transfer $etween an appropriate nowledge provider and nowledge seeer( ◦ Its role is to EmatchE a nowledge seeer with the optimal source of nowledge for that seeer( ◦ @# doing so, intermediation ensures a much more efficient transfer of nowledge( ,unctions o& KM ,unctions o& KM  4>ternali0ation4 E'ternali-ation refers to the transfer of nowledge from the minds of its holders into an e'ternal repositor#, in the most efficient wa# possi$le(  5he function of e'ternali-ation is to provide the sharing of nowledge(  5his is where Competitive Intelligence>@usiness Intelligence comes in(  5hrough KM tools it is possi$le to trac the vast +uantit# of data a$out competitors F from news stories to price changes( ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent  Internali0ation4 Internali-ation is the e'traction of nowledge from the e'ternal repositor#, and the filtering of this nowledge to provide greater relevance to the nowledge seeer(  Knowledge should $e presented to the user in the form most suita$le to its comprehension(  5his function ma# include interpretation and>or reformatting of the presentation of the nowledge(  5o implement this function, companies can $uild #ellow pages thus mapping and categori-ing the sills and wor e'perience of the organi-ation(  Another aspect of internali-ation would $e the documentation of $est practices( ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent  =ognition4 Cognition is the function of s#stems to mae decisions $ased on availa$le nowledge( Cognition is the application of nowledge which has $een e'changed through the preceding three functions(  Measure"ent4 Measurement refers to all KM activities that measure, map and +uantif# corporate nowledge and the performance of KM solutions( 5his function acts to support the other four functions, rather than to actuall# manage the nowledge itself( 4nd o& "odule-5 4nd o& "odule-5 5han #ou
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