Module-5 Module-5Knowledge Management Module overview Module overview Introduction Definition Evolution Need, drivers, scope Approaches in org Strategies in org Components and functions Understanding nowledge !earning org, " components of learning org Knowledge sources and documentation Introduction Introduction Knowledge is rapidl# displacing capital Unsta$le marets necessitate, reshaping of product % pro&ect lines A$ilit# to e'ploit its own intellectual resources( )nl# the nowledgea$le will survive( Knowledge is the e# driver for decision support and decision maing and ena$les effective decision $# maing nowledge a$out past pro&ects Introduction Introduction *(KM re+uires a strong culture of sharing ,( nowledge, sills, competencies and insight that the emplo#ee possessed at all levels of the organi-ation( .(/lo$al maret and increasing nowledge re+uirements What is Knowledge What is Knowledge Knowledge is &ustified true $elief( Ayer, A.J. (195!. The Problem of Knowledge. Knowledge is a fluid mi' of framed e'perience, values, conte'tual information and e'pert insight that provides a framewor for evaluating and incorporating new e'perience and information( Knowledge "anage"ent Knowledge "anage"ent KM is the process of capturing and maing use of a firm0s collective enterprise an#where in the $usiness1 on paper, in document, in data$ases 2called e'plicit nowledge3 or in people0s heads 2called tacit nowledge3( What is Knowledge Manage"ent# What is Knowledge Manage"ent# Defined in a variet# of wa#s( KM in education4 a strateg# to ena$le people to develop a set of practices to create, capture, share % use nowledge to advance( KM focuses on4 ◦ people who create and use nowledge( ◦ processes and technologies $# which nowledge is created, maintained and accessed( ◦ artifacts in which nowledge is stored 2manuals, data$ases, intranets, $oos, heads3( What is Knowledge Manage"ent# What is Knowledge Manage"ent# $Knowledge "anage"ent is a disci%line that %ro"otes an integrated a%%roach to identi&ying, "anaging and sharing all o& an enter%rise's in&or"ation needs. Where does KM co"e &ro"# Where does KM co"e &ro"# 5echnolog# ◦ Infrastructure, Data$ase, 6e$, Interface /lo$ali-ation ◦ 6orld wide marets, North American integration Demographics ◦ Aging population, worforce mo$ilit#, diversit# Economics ◦ Knowledge econom# Customer relations ◦ 7ualit# Increase in information ◦ Speciali-ation, 8olume, )rder (ata, In&or"ation ) Knowledge (ata, In&or"ation ) Knowledge *wo ty%es o& +nowledge *wo ty%es o& +nowledge Explicit knowledge ◦ ,or"al or codi&ied ◦ (ocu"ents- re%orts, %olicy "anuals, white %a%ers, standard %rocedures ◦ (ata.ases ◦ /oo+s, "aga0ines, 1ournals (li.rary! Implicit (Tacit) knowledge ◦ In&or"al and uncodi&ied ◦ 2alues, %ers%ectives ) culture ◦ Knowledge in heads ◦ Me"ories o& sta&&, su%%liers and vendors 3eed &or KM 3eed &or KM Increase profits of revenues 9etain e# talent and e'pertise Improve customer retention and satisfaction Defend maret share against new entrants Accelerate time to maret with product :enetrate new maret segments 9educe costs Develop new products and services 4volution o& KM 4volution o& KM A no of theories have contri$uted to the evolution and development of KM as a su$&ect( ;<"<1 peter f Drucer1the nowledge worer ;<**1 Michael pol#ani =tacit and e'plicit nowledge ;<""><*1 $uilding awareness of KM 4volution o& KM 4volution o& KM In ;<.?0s the development of s#stems for managing nowledge that relied on wor done in artificial intelligence and e'pert s#stems gave rise to concepts as nowledge ac+uisition, nowledge engineering, nowledge $ase s#stems( In ;<<?0s due to internet KM initiatives were thriving 5oda# KM appears to $e highl# sought after 57M and $usiness process reengineering( KM drivers KM drivers @efore going on to understand the framewor and the infrastructural necessities for implementing KM s#stem within an org, it is essential to understand the e# drivers that are applica$le to an# $usiness enterprise( 5he $road classifications of KM drivers are4 ◦ Knowledge $ased drivers ◦ 5echnolog# drivers ◦ Intra organi-ational drivers ◦ A9 drivers ◦ :rocess drivers ◦ Economic drivers Knowledge .ased drivers Knowledge .ased drivers Successful companies appl# what the# learn to critical processes, at a faster rate than their competitors( 5his is made possi$le $# the integration of compan#0s nowledge processes with its $usiness processes to su$stantiall# enhance $usiness performance( 5he +ualit# and effectiveness of a decision are anchored directl# to emp a$ilit# to access e# information( Effective KM s#stems allow people to learn from past decisions $oth good and $ad and to appl# the lessons learned to comple' choice and future decisions( *echnology drivers *echnology drivers 5echnological impetus has revolutioni-ed the wa# the individuals as well as org communicate, store and e'change data at a lower cost and higher speed( 5he increase of computer has significantl# contri$uted to the high volumes of information, which are availa$le to an individual( Information can $e moved across locations electronicall#B it is people who turn that info into efficient decisions rel#ing upon their intelligence and e'pertise( Intra organi0ational drivers Intra organi0ational drivers Uncertainties in$uilt in new products and service development processes lead to comple' reliance among and $>w different functional areas and re+uire inputs and cooperation from different departments to achieve &oint o$&ectives( Companies rel# on pro&ect centered teams for the onl# purpose to $ring together the $est of their talent and e'pertise( 56 drivers 56 drivers It include the need for improved nowledge transfer, sharing and creation in cross functional teams of nowledge worersB 5o deal with comple' and changing emplo#ee e'pectations, together with the need to prevent loss of nowledge as teams are put together and reesta$lished( 5eam mem$ers are mi'ed up across pro&ects over time and across segments where their functional e'pertise is valued more than their nowledge gained during the process of partnership with the mem$ers of other functional areas( 7rocess drivers 7rocess drivers )rg have $een terrified $# generation of outmoded solutions and repeating mistaes committed in the past $ecause the# effectivel# identif# or move $est practices an e'perimental nowledge from one location to another or from one pro&ect to another( 5he a$ilit# to foresee and respond to maret trends is a critical capa$ilit# re+uired $# an org( 7rocess drivers 7rocess drivers An org must $e a$le to picture the overall scenario or canvas and should not react onl# on the $asis of tendenc#( An org needs to $e proactive and anticipate the forces that will shape the marets in their field of operation( As competitors $ecome increasingl# receptive to customer needs, companies must match the effort, using the right application of nowledge within the proper structures and process 4cono"ic drivers 4cono"ic drivers 5he promise of rising returns indeed maes the process a more promising investment than man# fi'ed assets( @asic economic theor# suggests most assets with the e'ception of nowledge are su$&ect to diminishing returns( KM 8co%e 8hi&ts to Wider ,ocus KM 8co%e 8hi&ts to Wider ,ocus KM 9 Its 8igni&icance KM 9 Its 8igni&icance ::ersonal • Improved earnings potentials • More effective personal decision maing • 9aised +ualit# of life :Industrial • /reater competitive effectiveness • @etter products and services • @eneficial for customers and consumers Societal • Increased progress from $etter educated citi-enr# • Improved social and economic environments • More desira$le societ# KM 9 Its KM 9 Its Real Real 8igni&icance 8igni&icance 8"all Actions ;ead to /road /ehavior 8"all Actions ;ead to /road /ehavior <ur Wor+ Is /eco"ing More =o"%le> <ur Wor+ Is /eco"ing More =o"%le> May.e 9 Just May.e 9 May.e 9 Just May.e 9 We 3eed to ?nderstand We 3eed to ?nderstand KM a%%roaches KM a%%roaches :ossi$le approaches that needs to $e adopted $# org in implementing KM s#stem( 5hese approaches depend on strateg# adopted $# the org in harnessing and leveraging their intrinsic nowledge( ◦ 9epositor# model approach ◦ Communities of practices approach ◦ Continuous learning approach ◦ @usiness intelligence approach KM a%%roaches KM a%%roaches 6e%ository "odel a%%roach4 ◦ e# focus in on document management and the reuse of e'plicit forms of nowledge( =o""unities o& %ractice a%%roach ◦ facilitates the transfer of nowledge $# e'perts within affinit# groups through dialogue and interpersonal discussions KM a%%roaches KM a%%roaches =ontinuous learning a%%roach4 ◦ facilitates application of the nowledge ac+uired $# individuals in pro$lem solving as well as enhanced decision maing /usiness intelligence a%%roach4 ◦ creation of enterprise wide repositories and the e'traction of valua$le information and nowledge through the mining of these repositories KM strategies in org KM strategies in org 6hat nowledge to shareC 6ith whom to share nowledgeC Aow will nowledge $e sharedC 6h# will nowledge $e sharedC What +nowledge to share What +nowledge to share Knowledge sharing program will differ considera$l# depending on the t#pe of nowledge $eing shared Knowledge sharing are limited to specific function, such as sales and mareting or research or a specific area of e'pertise such as engineering Knowledge sharing s#stems allow in var#ing degrees of new and promising ideas that have not #et $een authenticated( With who" to share +nowledge With who" to share +nowledge Knowledge sharing programs aim at sharing either an internal or an e'ternal audience Internal nowledge sharing programs t#picall# aim at maing the e'isting $usiness wor $etter, faster or cheaper, $# arming the front line staff of an org with higher +ualit#, more up to date and easil# accessi$le tools and inputs to do their &o$s E'ternal nowledge sharing poses greater riss than internal sharing programs1raising comple' issues of confidentialit#, cop#right, and in the case of the private sector, the protection of proprietar# assets = $ut it ma# also offer greater potential $enefits 5ow will +nowledge .e shared# 5ow will +nowledge .e shared# 5he principal channels $# which nowledge will $e shared ◦ Dace to face ◦ Aelp dess ◦ 5elephone ◦ Da' ◦ Email ◦ Colla$orative tools ◦ 6e$ ◦ Com$ination of a$ove Why will +nowledge .e shared# Why will +nowledge .e shared# 5o contri$ute to org performance ◦ Increasing speed ◦ !owering costs of operation ◦ Accelerating innovation ◦ 6idening the client $ase 8trategy 2s KM strategy 8trategy 2s KM strategy =o"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent =o"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent If #ou want to manage nowledge, record the current state of nowledge within #our organi-ation it is nowada#s a rather difficult tas( the# used to thin that $# &ust having a nowledge manager or a group of nowledge managers the# would $e a$le to maintain a certain level of +ualit#( 5hese managers will review the content and decide if something should or should not $e listed in the nowledge repositor#( Knowledge lea+s Knowledge lea+s 5he $ig downside of this is that there a few people who are deciding or the complete what assets are useful and that #ou need to have an# assets in the first place( 5he nowledge that wasn0t shared in assets or wasn0t approved $# the nowledge manager simpl# evaporated and was in $est case &ust not listed in the repositor# $ut in worst case the information was lost( If #ou want to prevent nowledge leaing it is most liel# #ou will need three components4 ◦ )rgani-ation components ◦ 5echnolog# components ◦ Knowledge processes *hree co"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent *hree co"%onents o& +nowledge "anage"ent =o"%onents o& KM =o"%onents o& KM 5hese three components are tightl# lined and ena$les a continuous process of nowledge recording( 5here is no small group that is deciding for ever#$od# what is useful( It is ever#$od# that decides what is useful for ever#$od#4 in some cases e'plicitl# as in uploading and rating assets in the repositor# and other cases much more passive $# &ust having a conversation on the social networing platform( ,unctions o& KM ,unctions o& KM 6e can divide all the functions performed $# KM in five main categories4 ◦ Inter"ediation ◦ 4>ternali0ation ◦ Internali0ation ◦ =ognition ◦ Measure"ent ,unctions o& KM ,unctions o& KM ◦ Inter"ediation4 Intermediation refers to the $roering or nowledge transfer $etween an appropriate nowledge provider and nowledge seeer( ◦ Its role is to EmatchE a nowledge seeer with the optimal source of nowledge for that seeer( ◦ @# doing so, intermediation ensures a much more efficient transfer of nowledge( ,unctions o& KM ,unctions o& KM 4>ternali0ation4 E'ternali-ation refers to the transfer of nowledge from the minds of its holders into an e'ternal repositor#, in the most efficient wa# possi$le( 5he function of e'ternali-ation is to provide the sharing of nowledge( 5his is where Competitive Intelligence>@usiness Intelligence comes in( 5hrough KM tools it is possi$le to trac the vast +uantit# of data a$out competitors F from news stories to price changes( ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent Internali0ation4 Internali-ation is the e'traction of nowledge from the e'ternal repositor#, and the filtering of this nowledge to provide greater relevance to the nowledge seeer( Knowledge should $e presented to the user in the form most suita$le to its comprehension( 5his function ma# include interpretation and>or reformatting of the presentation of the nowledge( 5o implement this function, companies can $uild #ellow pages thus mapping and categori-ing the sills and wor e'perience of the organi-ation( Another aspect of internali-ation would $e the documentation of $est practices( ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent ,unctions o& +nowledge "anage"ent =ognition4 Cognition is the function of s#stems to mae decisions $ased on availa$le nowledge( Cognition is the application of nowledge which has $een e'changed through the preceding three functions( Measure"ent4 Measurement refers to all KM activities that measure, map and +uantif# corporate nowledge and the performance of KM solutions( 5his function acts to support the other four functions, rather than to actuall# manage the nowledge itself( 4nd o& "odule-5 4nd o& "odule-5 5han #ou