civil1 btech

March 21, 2018 | Author: Anonymous HynYICVuv7 | Category: Earthquake Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geomorphology



Civil EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur Dean of Resource Planning and Generation Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur - 208016, India Geotechnical Engineering. . M. The Department also encourages its students to engage themselves in various extra-curricular and co-curricular activities to improve their overall personality.Tech. program in Environmental Engineering & Management (EEM) administered by the Department is a unique programme in the country. degrees in Civil Engineering with six specializations (Engineering Geosciences. Geoinformatics. R&D organizations.Tech. and Ph. and educational institutions. development of creative ability to handle the challenges of civil engineering. Structural Engineering. degrees in Civil Engineering. leadership and organizational skills―essential to building a successful career. degree in Civil Engineering with specialization in Environmental Engineering. The Department offers B. The Department emphasizes on the broad grasp of the fundamental principles.Tech.Tech.Tech. and B. and Transportation Engineering).-M.D. Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur aims to produce high-quality technical manpower to cater to the needs of industry. The inter-disciplinary M. and Ph.D.Preface Preface Contents About the Department Research Areas Major Laboratory Facilities Special Initiatives Sponsored Research Projects Consultancy Projects Continuing Education Books Faculty Members About the Department Established in 1961. deep understanding of the specialization. and to induct the spirit of team work. Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering. and the capacity to adapt and solve problems of inter-disciplinary nature. reinforced concrete. traffic flow theory. traffic safety. In-situ Testing. Apparatus to Calculate Sudden Losses in Expansion. geo-spatial data processing. Exploration Seismograph. Digital and Auto Levels. ERMapper. High Performance Liquid Chromatograph. Particle Soot Absorption Photometer. WDXRF. . constitutive behaviour of geomaterials. Environmental Engineering Laboratory Ion Chromatograph.Preface Research Areas Soil-structure interaction. Geotechnical Digital System (GDS). HDTLC. stochastic hydrology Environmental chemistry. pavement design & maintenance. photogrammetry. GPR Survey Instrument. Geoinformatics Laboratory Robotic and Motorized Total Stations. Particle Absorption Soot Photometer. earthquake engineering. Arclnfo and ArcView. Single and Dual Frequency Geodetic Quality Differential GPS Receivers. Spectrum Analyzer for Surface Waves. wastewater treatment. Software for Geospatial Applications: ERDAS lmagine. AAS. Hydraulics Laboratory Complete Infrastructure for Physical Modelling of Rivers for Studying Scour Patterns and River Training Works. UV Visible Spectrometer. surface & groundwater management. shallow sub-surface stratigraphy of sedimentary basins. Permanent GPS Reference Station for Engineering and Scientific Applications. urban mapping. LBS. physical modeling of foundation systems. Leica Photogrammetry Suite. atmospheric pollution & its effects on climate Transportation network optimization. Weather Monitoring Station. AutoDesk and Bentley Microstation Suites. flood and noise propagation modeling Fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology. highway financing Remote sensing of earth resources and environment. Contraction and Bends. Condensation Particle Counter. Terramodeller. petrology and geochemistry Structural dynamics. GCECD-FID. Fog Chamber. Water Analysis Equipment. climate change and response of earth systems. Cloud Combination Probe. Hydrology System. Digital Flame Photometer. TOC. Digital Theodolites. Hydro-Metrological Observatory. GC-MS. environmental systems. ground improvement. GPS. Integrated GPS and INS system. Stereoscopy Station for the Worldwide Aeronet Project. slope stability Mechanics and modeling of rivers. and steel structures Major Laboratory Facilities Engineering Geosciences Laboratory Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Resistivity Meter. CHNOS Analyzer. neural networks & genetic algorithms. driver behaviour modeling. Terrestrial Laser Scanner. mechanics & stability. Drill Cores Scanner. pavement material characterization. Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Advanced Cyclic Triaxial Testing Facility. traveler information system. modeling & management. Navigational GPS Receivers. Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer. traffic facilities design. Terrascan. tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology. masonry. railway geotechnology. Geosynthetics Testing Facility for Geogrids and Geonets. Seismic Down-Hole Testing Facility. concrete. Fluid Friction Apparatus. flow & transport through saturated porous media. Momentum Measurement Apparatus. Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposition Impactors. Vertical Laminar Flow Work Station. LiDAR. SCPT Plate Load Test Facility. Cloud Condensation Nuclear Counter. Hydrobios Sediment Corer Echo Sounder. visualization & applications in archaeology. Optical Particle Counter. integrated hydrologic modeling. Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Digital Photogrammetric Workstation. Polyworks. Range Camera. Aerodynamic Particle Sizer. knowledge extraction. soil dynamics and liquefaction. Petrological Microscopes. Facility for Hydraulic Testing of Pipes. Driver Testing Equipment. 3-D Modeling of an Archaeological Site Using Laser Scanning Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment to Measure Skid Resistance of a Pavement . Fatigue Test for Bituminous Mixes. Rotational Viscometer. Transportation Engineering Laboratory Centrifuge Bitumen Extractor. Shake Table Test Facility for Small Scale Models.Preface Structural Engineering Laboratory Pseudo Static Cyclic Testing Facility. Asphalt Content Tester by Ignition Method. Profilograph. Thin Film Oven Test. Marshall Test. British Pendulum Tester. Fibre Optic-Based Strain and Temperature Measurement System. Equipments for Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete. Traffic Speed Measurement Radar. State-of-the-Art Teaching Laboratory for Structural Dynamics. GPS Set-up. Accelerometer-Based Wireless Measurement System. Stone Polishing Machine. Vibration Survey System (including eccentric mass shaker) for Insitu Measurement of Dynamic Properties of Existing Structures. Vehicle Detection and Classification System. Construction Materials Testing Facilities including NDT equipment. Preface Seismic Strengthening of Non-ductile RC Building Pressure Flow Scour under Bridge Dynamic Triaxial Testing Facility High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer . ISRO) Air Pollution Modeling Comparative Chemical Characterization & Evaluation of Toxic Potential of Metals Emitted from Combustion in Diesel vs Biodiesel Engines (DST) A Hybrid Scheme for Enhancing Seismic Performance of a Open-Ground Story RC Buildings (DST) Study of Liquefaction Potential Alluvial Soil along Indo-Gangetic Plains (DST) Investigation of Dynamic Interference Effect of Two Nearby Shallow Foundations (DST) Zero Discharge Toilet System (URBAN) Paleoseismic & GPS Studies in Himalayas (JICA) Ganga River Basin Management Program (MOEF) Hydrodynameterological Feedback & Changes in Water Storage & Fluxes in NW India (MOES) Analysis of Size-Segregated Composition & Distribution of Organic Compounds on Ambient Air Particles in Northern India (DST) Ambient Air and Stack Monitoring Techniques Diesel Particulate and NOx Emissions Experiments in Earthquake Engineering International School on LiDAR Technology Future of the Past: Use of Modern Technologies in the Study of the Past Principles of Transportation Engineering Seismic Design of Bridges Seismic Design of Steel Structures Seismic Retrofitting and Strengthening of Structures . academicians and others to help mitigate earthquake disasters (www. National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering (NICEE) is an outstanding source of information related to earthquake engineering for the interested professionals.Preface Special Initiatives Centre for Application of Science and Technology (CAST) is dedicated to using science and technology in archaeological investigations. and to review the laboratory testing procedures. Sponsored Research Projects Airborne Altimetric LiDAR Sensor: Comprehensive Accuracy Analysis & Modelling of Flood Wave Propagation (MHRD) Environmental Health Assessment (NILU) Consultancy Projects Analysis and Process Modification of Existing CETP at Ankleshwar Design of River Training Works: River GangaSeismic Analysis of Cairn BSPL Pipeline Project Hydraulic Model Study of Bridge on Ganga Active Fault Mapping in Eastern Part of Kachchh. Railway Technologies Cell (RTC) has been established to assist the Indian Railways with validating and implementing the standards for the design of railway formations. develop design charts.nicee. Gujarat Propagation of Confined Masonry as a Preferred Building Typology 3D Modelling for Railway Corridor Environmental Pollution Sources & Their Apportionment in Solan District Study of Sub-soil Characteristics for Various Structures at Arjun Sahayak Pariyojana Continuing Education Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Cloud Microphysis (DST. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. Mohapatra: Computational Hydraulics. 2009. Soil Arching. Surveying. 2005. Response of Seismically Loaded Structures with Nonlinear SFSI—A Numerical Study by P. Nihar R. 2003. Paleoclimate Reconstruction. Surface Water Hydrology. GPS. Durgesh C. Raychowdhury. Patra: Pile Foundation. Mukesh Sharma: Air Quality Modelling and Management. Experimental Hydraulics. Numerical and Constitutive Modeling for Granular Materials. Prishati Raychowdhury: Soil Dynamics. KG. Environmental Modeling. Optimal Design and Analysis of Foundation Systems. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Paleo-tsunami Deposits. Oxford University Press. Frequency Response in Pipe. Pavement Design. Pattern Recognition. Pavement Evaluation and Maintenance. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Stability of Structures. Finite Element Analysis. Flow through Open Channels by Rajesh Srivastava. Oxford University Press. Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Mantle Dynamics. Masonry and Steel-RC Composite Members. Bharat Lohani: Remote Sensing. GPS and Remote Sensing Applications. Ashwini Kumar: Nonlinear Mechanics. 2007. 2010. Seismic SoilStructure Interaction. Traffic Facilities' Design.Preface Books Faculty Members Numerical Methods for Engineering and Science by Saumyen Guha and Rajesh Srivasatava. Debajyoti Paul: Geochemistry. Paleoseismology. Norwegian Institute for Air Research. GIS. Energy Dissipation Devices. Animesh Das: Pavement materials. Principles of Transportation Engineering by Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das. Knowledge Extraction. Phase Distribution of Organic Pollutants in the Atmosphere. Onkar Dikshit: DIP. Javed N. Slope Stability Analysis. Indoor and Ambient Air Exposure of PAHs and Fine Particulate to Women and Children: Health Impacts in terms of Morbidity by Bartonova and Mukesh Sharma. Transit Systems. VDM Verlag Dr. Mechanics of Composite Laminates. Rai: Experimental Seismic Behavior of Structures. Stability of Slopes. Pranab K. PHI Learning. Partha Chakroborty: Traffic Flow Theory. GIS. Amit Prashant: Engineering Properties of Soils. Ashu Jain: Rainfall-Runoff Modelling. Prabir K. Anubha Goel: Fate and Transport of Pollutants. Climate Change. Soil-Structure Interaction and Ground Engineering. Geomorphology and Sedimentology. Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening. Liquefaction Analysis. Basudhar: Soil-Structure Interaction. Fate Processes of Organic Pollutants and Parameter Estimation. Liquefaction Potential Evaluation. Uncertainty Modelling. Priyanka Ghosh: Foundation Engineering. . Stochastic Hydrology. Neural Networks. Malik: Active Tectonics. Sudhir K. Pedestrian Safety. Eco-hydrology. Rock Mechanics. Computer-Aided Design. head.ce. Tripathi: Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties. S. Vinod Tare: Water and Wastewater Treatment. Structural Damage and Health Assessment. Sudib K. Health Effects of Inhaled Particles. Rajiv Sinha: Fluvial Geomorphology and Sedimentology. Stochastic Optimization of Structures. Vinod Vasudevan: Traffic Safety. Sachchida N. Ground Improvement Techniques. Jain: Earthquake Engineering.iitk@gmail. Samit Ray Chaudhuri: Structural Dynamics. Gupta (Head of Department): Random Vibrations. Saumyen Guha: Anaerobic Wastewater Website: www.) INDIA Phone: (91-512) 2597631 Fax: (91-512) 2597395 E-Mail: head_ce@iitk. Openings. Rajesh: Geo-environmental Engineering. Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction. Electrical Properties of Mars Atmosphere.Preface Purnendu Bose: Water and Wastewater Treatment. Fog Sudhir Misra: Durability and Deterioration of Concrete . Remote Sensing Applications. Shivam Tripathi: Statistical Hydrology. Mishra: Multi-scale Multiphysics in Mechanics and Materials.P. Contact: Head Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur 208016 (U. Cloud Microphysical and Electrical Fate and Transport of Heavy Metals in the Subsurface. Structural Connections. Engineering Control of Particles. Structural Health Monitoring. Performance-Based Design. Rajesh Srivastava: Flow and Transport through Variably Saturated Porous Media. Numerical and Physical Modelling Techniques. Structural Testing. Railway Geotechnology. Abiotic Remediation of Groundwater Resources. Chakrabarti: Steel-Concrete Interface in Composite Construction. Microbial Ecology. Sediment Transport. Structural Dynamics. Highway Financing and Policy Analysis. Earthquake Engineering. Bioremediation. Reliability of Structures. Ground Improvement Techniques. Non-destructive Testing. Advanced Concrete Material. Lacustrine Sedimentology. Nutrient Uptake in Plants. Earthquake Engineering. Modelling and Simulation of Environmental Systems. Sekhar K. Tarun Gupta: Instruments for Aerosol Measurement. Vinay K. Characterization of Atmospheric Pollutants.iitk. Climate Change. Rehabilitation of Sarvesh Chandra: Soil-Structure Interaction. Concrete Materials.
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