Civil-V-hydrology and Irrigation Engineering [10cv55]-Assignment

April 3, 2018 | Author: Mohan Raj | Category: Evapotranspiration, Rain, Drainage Basin, Irrigation, Soil



Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering10CV55 Assignment Questions Unit 1: INTRODUCTION & PRECIPITATION 1. Define hydrology. With a neat sketch, explain the Horton's qualitative representation of the hydrologic cycle. 2. Discuss briefly the importance of hydrology and its practical applications in civil engineering. 3. Draw the Horton’s qualitative representation of hydrological cycle .Explain the cycle of all components /phases? 4. Draw a neat sketch showing the catchment Hydrological cycle. Write down the 'water budget' equation for any one of the zones. 5. Explain with neat sketch, Horton's Engineering representation of' Hydrologic cycle. 6. Hydrology is a highly inter - disciplinary science. Justify. 7. What are the seasons of India? Discuss the movement pattern of wind during monsoon and retreating monsoon seasons in the country. 8. Describe the features - type, amount and distribution of rainfall, of the three seasons of rainfall in Karnataka. 9. List out the various practical applications of hydrology? 10. Define precipitation. Explain different forms of precipitation? 11. What are the forms of precipitation? Explain any one of them? 12. Describe various types and forms of precipitation. 13. Describe the methods of recording of rainfall 14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of recording type of rainguage? 15. Describe the principle of working of a float type recording rainguage with a neat sketch. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. 16. Differentiate between recording and non - recording type of raingauges. 17. Critically compare recording rainguage (self) with non recording type rainguage. 18. Describe the three methods of determining the average depth of rainfall over an area. Bring out the merits and demerits of each method. 19. An area is composed of a square of side 10 km and an equilateral triangles placed on the left side. The annual precipitation recorded at four corners and the centre of the square considered clock wise from the top left corner is 460mm, 650mm, 760mm, 800mm and Dept of Civil Engineering, SJBIT Page 1 The isohyetal as map for the storm gave the areas enclosed between different isohyetes as follows. 125 and 120mm respectively and the normal rainfall for the broken gauge is 98cm. 0. 20. 23. 74. 0. During a particular storm the precipitation recorded by stations P.10. Thiessen polygons constructed for a network of the raingauges in a river basin yielded. 22.16. Assume the storm centre to be located at the centre of the area. 18 and 16cm during a storm. 114. The apex of the triangle has recorded 600mm of annual precipitation. Q. 21.11. 786 and 1040 respectively. 0. 207. 95. Explain the method of checking rainfall data for consistency and show how records can be adjusted for the current regime. Q. 0.07. 0. A catchment is in the shape of an equilateral triangle placed over a square. 25. 26. the average depth of precipitation that may be expected over an area of 2400 Sq. 158. P. Determine the average depth of rainfall by Thiessen mean and arithmetic mean method. During a month. 156. Q and R are 660.10. 95. If the rainfalls recorded at these gauges during a cyclonic storm are 132.06 and 0. A storm produced rainfall of 65. S and T are 1200. Find the mean precipitation over the area by Thiessen polygon method and find the percentage difference with that of the arithmetic mean method. 27. R and S are 135. 1135 and 1350mm respectively. If the normal annual rainfall for these four gauges are 115. 0. 138. 108 and 150 mm respectively. a rain guage went out of order while the other four gauges in the basin reported rainfalls of 110. Explain how the double mass curve method is used to test consistency of rainfall record. 24. The normal annual precipitation of five rain gauge stations P. 70 and 100mm respectively.12. 120 and 115mm. 135.11. 90.09. The instrument at 'T' is inoperative during that storm. and R respectively. Q. estimate the monthly rainfall at the broken gauge. Thiessen weights of 0. Rain gauges of the apex of the triangle and the next two successive corners of the square record 23. determine the Theissen mean rainfall for the catchment.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 700mm respectively.08. The normal annual rainfall at the stations X. and 100mm at three stations P. Estimate the missing precipitation at station T. due to the storm of 27th September 1978 which lasted for 24 hours. 792. 0. 780. Dept of Civil Engineering. Estimate from depth –area curve . Estimate the missing storm rainfall at station X. 0. SJBIT Page 2 . 1020. R. If the error is to be 2% less than this. SJBIT Page 3 . determine the additional number of stations required. Determine the percentage error in the arithmetic mean for the area. one of the rain gauge stations 'X' failed to record the rainfall. (-8.5. These values are given below: 158 145 132 95 148 142 140 130 137 130 163 164 155 143 115 135 163 135 143 130 146 161 Station 177 144 178 162 194 168 196 144 160 196 141 at station A in cm 143 132 146 147 161 155 152 117 128 193 156 Yearly Precipitation average yearly precipitation in cm ` i) Find out if any inconsistency in precipitation record of station A is indicated. derive it. A catchment has five rain gauge stations. 29. Dept of Civil Engineering. since when. The annual rainfall data being reported from a station A for 22 years are available. 12 and 9mm. six neighboring stations have been chosen and the annual rainfall values of these stations have been averaged for all the 1987 1988 1989 1990 1984 1985 1986 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 years on record since 1969. since 1969. Explain the method of finding optimum number of rain gauges in a catchment. What are the recommendations of Indian standard institution on rain gauge network establishment? Briefly explain optimum number of rain gauge stations in a catchment. a change in the precipitation regime is indicated? ii) Adjust the recorded data at station A and determine its mean annual precipitation. 32. And if yes. 81. 69 and 90 cm of rainfall in a year. Coordinates of these four stations in km with station 'X' as the origin are (18. During a storm. 30. If you use a formula. 16). Data in four surrounding stations during the same storm are recorded as 7.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering Isohyet 21 10CV55 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 enclosed 54 134 203 254 295 328 353 371 388 391 Area 5 0 5 5 0 5 0 0 5 (mm) 3 (km2) 28. 31. 10. In order to check the consistency of the data. 4) . 74. which record 66. 7 For a 10% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall. mins.9 3. If the average depth of rainfall over the basin is to be estimated within 10% error.1 0. A catchment has 8 rain gauges of which one is a self recording type and 7 are the standard type. with a neat sketch. if annual precipitation at the 8 stations are? Station A B C D E Rainfall (cm) 74 87 94 88 104 F G H 118 60 95 34.2 0. Dept of Civil Engineering. 600. SJBIT Page 4 . 880 and 680mm respectively. Determine the additional number of gauges needed. 36. A catchment has six rainguage stations. 5 10 15 Accumulated rainfall . 200.6 C D E 102. Explain mass curve analysis.8 2.3 F 98. Determine the missing rainfall record at station 'X’.8 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1. Define rainfall hyetograph.8 136. calculate the optimum number of stations in the catchment. at four existing raingauge stations in a basin are 105.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 (-13. 79. Following are the rain gauge observations during a storm: Time since start of storm. -21) and (-16. 37. 39. For a 5% error in the estimation (E) of the mean rainfall. of additional rain gauges. How to construct the double mass curve? 38.3 110. 23) respectively.0 2. The annual rainfall at 7 rain gauge stations in a basin is 580. 940. What is the percentage accuracy of the existing network in the estimation of the average depth of rainfall over the basin? How many additional gauges are required if it is desired to limit the error to only 10%. 33.5 1. 450. what should the required no.7 2. the annual rainfall recorded by the gauges are as follows: Station A B Rainfall (cm) 82. Define intensity.5 2. 70 and 66. The average annual rainfalls in cm. cms 0.1 Construct i) Mass curve of precipitation ii) Hyetograph. In a year. duration and frequency of rainfall.9 180. 35. Describe the factor affecting evapotranspiration process. giving their relationship with evaporation. b) Actual and potential evapotranspiration c) Field capacity and permanent wilting point d) Depression storage and interception. ii) The probability of occurrence of an annual rainfall of magnitude 100cm at a station P iii) 75% depenable annual rainfall at the station. Explain how consumptive use can be estimated using the Blaney . Describe the factors influencing evaporation rate from an open water surface. Discuss briefly the various abstractions from precipitation. Unit 2: LOSSES FROM PRECIPITATION 1. explain the measurement of evaporation using IS class A pan. Dept of Civil Engineering. With a neat sketch. State Dalton's law of evaporation and discuss the significance of each parameter in Dalton's equation. 2. Describe briefly a) Reference crop evapotranspiration b) Actual evapotranspiration 5. Define i) evaporation ii) potential evapo transpiration iii) Actual evapotranspiration iv) Pan coefficient. Define evaporation. 6.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 40. 3. 7.Criddle method. Briefly explain "Evaporation Process". 4. The annual rainfall values at a P for a period of 20 years area as follows Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Annual 120 84 68 92 102 92 95 88 76 84 101 rainfall (cm) Determine i) The value of annual rainfall at P with a recurrence interval of 15 years. SJBIT Page 5 . 9. 10. Define the terms potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration. Distinguish between a) Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate. 8. Pan coefficient is 0.9 for the evaporation pan considered. 16.15 2. Explain any three methods for determination of lake evaporation.Pan evaporatimeter. What are its drawbacks? 14.30 3. Define pan coefficient with a neat sketch.0 7. Write a neat sketch showing the IS . °C Monthly % of sunshine hrs.8 sq. km and at the end of Dec it was measured as 2. Effective rainfall cm Nov 18.5 Feb 14.T.7.0 7.8 Jan 13. mean monthly Dept of Civil Engineering. if the water application efficiency is 65% and the (Cu) coefficient for the growing season is 0. What are the measures taken to reduce the rate of evaporation? 18. Calculate the daily lake evaporation from the following data from a class A pan.22mm.55 sq km. Explain i) Actual evapotranspiration ii) Potential evapotranspiration iii) Available water. Determine the E. Following are the data of average monthly percentage sunshine hours (p). Assume pan coefficient-0.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 11.20 2. if 9 litres of water is removed from an evaporation pan of diameter 1. The water spread area in a lake nearby in the beginning of Jan in a year was 2.0 20.6 Dec 15. 19. and irrigation requirement for wheat. Calculate the loss of water due to evaporation assuming pan coefficient of 0.75. to maintain the stipulated water level in the pan? A rainfall of 9mm has been recorded simultaneously. What is the actual evaporation. Describe the importance of pan coefficient in the determination of lake evaporation.10 2. Date 7/6/06 8/6/06 9/6/06 10/6/06 11/6/06 Rainfall (mm) 06 Water added (mm) +08 00 16 03 05 +12 -05 +10 +09 13. 17.5 7.5 7. 15. SJBIT Page 6 . 12. Describe how it is used to measure the evaporation rates. Explain the IS1 standard evaporation pan.8 from the following data: Month Mean monthly temp. 55 0. 16.26 8.8. Define infiltration.0 22.75 0. 24. What are the factors that affect infiltration? 23.19 7. Determine the evapotranspiration and irrigation requirement for wheat if the water efficiency is 65% and the consumptive use coefficient for the growing seasons following data. 25. Explain the factors affecting infiltration capacity.7 0. 21.7 0. the method of determining infiltration. 25.5 7.Index and W . If the area of the basin is 300 sq.1 2.14 9. Explain factors affecting Infiltration capacity.25 8. SJBIT Page 7 . 16. 27. Month Mean Monthly Monthly % Effective Temperature (°C) Sunshine hours Rainfall (cm) Nov 18 7. 28.6 Dec 15 7.5 0. At site the value of evaporation in cm from Jan .5 16 11 8 If a farmer grows vegetables from July to December. 17.73 7.4. Explain with a neat sketch.Index.5 0.4. 21.3 3.65 0.2 2. what is total evapotranspiration during that time period? 21.52 9.Dec are 16.7. Total observed runoff volume during a 6 hr storm with a uniform intensity of 15mm/hr is 21.30 2.6xl06 cum.7. 28.5 Feb 14.2 8. fo and k in the Horton’s equation can be obtained from the Experimental data. 16.2 9. Explain the methods of estimating yield of a catchment. 14.6. 16.7.0. What is the significance of the outer ring? 29. Month Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec P 7.6 0. 30.8 0.3.88 Tm 12 15 20 22 22 20 20 15 10 K 0. What are infiltration indices? Distinguish between Φ .95 8. Describe a double ring infiltrometer for measuring infiltration rate. Define infiltration.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 temperature (Tm) and vegetable's crop coefficient (k) for a place at 20°N latitude.55 0. 16.8 Jan 13.8 0. 26.58 7. find the average infiltration rate for Dept of Civil Engineering. Explain how the constant fc.7. The rate of infiltration from the beginning of a storm are given below Time (mm) 5 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Rate of infiltration mm/hr 600 54 22 20 16 14 12 08 08 Fit an infiltration capacity curve of the exponential form.index. The resulting runoff is observed to be 2640 hectare . 25.8 cm.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 the basin. Also determine W . ii) What is the average infiltration capacity for the first 10 minutes and for the first 30 minutes? 32. 1. The total observed run off volume during a 6 hour storm with a uniform intensity of 1. Define infiltration.3 1. If the area of the basin is 400 km3.0 cm/hr. 10 and 3mm / hr in successive one . An infiltration test on a ring with 35cm diameter yielded the following data. final steady infiltration rate Dept of Civil Engineering. Determine the values of initial infiltration capacity (f0). Time from the starts (mts) Cumulative vol. A 6 hour storm produced rainfall intensities of 7.8 The rates of rainfall for the successive 30 min period of a 3 hr storm are 1.00 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 5.hour intervals over a basin of 800km2. 2. 5.4 0. Determine the ø . estimate the ø -index of the storm. A storm with 10. 36. 31. Corresponding surface runoff is estimated to be 3. Time from start (hr) Incremental rainfall in each hour (cm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0. 34.index iii) w .9 1. 37.index of the basin. find the average infiltration rate for the basin.8. Infiltration equation for a basin is given by f = 5 + 21e-4t.5 2. 33.6. Explain briefly: i) infiltration capacity ii) ø . Establish ø . 3.5 cm/hr is 21.6 1. SJBIT Page 8 120 . 12. where f is in mm/h and t is in hours.2.6 x 106 m3. 2.index.5 35. of water added (cm3).0. Given the time distribution of the storm as below.6cm.6.0 0. 0 2 5 10 20 30 60 90 150 0 178 658 1173 1924 2500 3345 3875 4595 5315 i) Determine the infiltration capacity rates for the time intervals. 18. 38. (10 Marks) 42. 12.index method.5 6.1 2. 43. The infiltration rates measured during a test are listed below. For a storm of intensity more than f0. An infiltration test using a ring infiltrometer with 30cm diameter yielded the following data : Time from the start 0 2 5 10 20 30 60 90 150 210 278 658 1173 1924 2500 3345 3875 4595 5315 (minutes) Cumulative volume of 0 water added (cm3) i) Determine the infiltration capacity rates for the time intervals in the experiment. (Hint: consider Φ per 15 . The mass curve of a rainfall of duration 100 min is given below.6cm and Φ -index of 0. 18. A 6 hr storm producing rainfall intensities of 7.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 (fc) and decay coefficient (k). SJBIT Page 9 . 25. Determine the parameters of the Horton's curve.index and w .minutes for calculations) if the runoff is 39mm. (10 Marks) Time (min) : 0. Calculate the total surface runoff from the catchment Dept of Civil Engineering.6cm/hr . 39. Determine the Φ . 12 and 9mm.0 41. Rainfall during the successive 15 minutes of a storm are 6. by the graphical procedure. Determine the Φ .8 5.5 2.5 10 f(mm/h) 8 : 30 60 90 150 7. What are phi .index? Explain determination of effective rainfall of a watershed by the phi .index for the catchment. determine infiltration depth and average infiltration rate for first 15 and 60 minutes. 24. 10 and 3mm/h in successive one hour interval over a basin of 800 sq. 20. If the catchment had an initial loss of 0.6 2.6 3.index for the basin. The resulting runoff is observed to be 2640 ha -m. ii) What is the ultimate infiltration capacity rate fc? iii) What is the average infiltration capacity for the first 10 minutes and for the first 30 minutes of the experiment? 40. 12. Compare any three methods used for determining runoff. Write a note on water budget equation.0. 5. Annual rainfall and runoff in mm.0 mm/h . Distinguish between i) direct run off and base flow. 2. over a catchment area are given below : Year 1980 81 Rainfall 910 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 1110 605 1300 1470 990 1480 520 1195 900 660 750 (mm) Runoff 305 515 245 620 750 403 654 165 472 390 275 230 (mm) Develop a rainfall . Assuming the Φ – index value as 3.0. List the factors affecting runoff. 6. Unit 3:HYDROGPRAPH 1. 11.2 2. Explain 'Unit hydrograph theory'.index for the storm. 6.0. ii) overland flow and interflow. Define runoff. 3. net runoff and W. explain the various components of a flood hydrograph. SJBIT Page 10 . Find the correlation Dept of Civil Engineering.18.5 1. Define Runoff. 2. 4. 2.0 and 12. In a 140-min storm the following rates of a rainfall were observed in successive 20-min intervals 6.8mm.0mm/h and a initial loss of 0. What are the components of hydrograph? Explain how base flow is separated from a simple storage hydrograph.0 . With a neat sketch. 10. What is unit hydrograph? Discuss its use and limitations. With a neat sketch. 8.runoff relation by the method of least squares.6 3. Critically explain any five factors affecting runoff. Derive the unit hydrograph from an isolated storm.13. 7.5 rainfall (min) Cumulative 0 rainfall (cm) 44. determine the total rainfall.0. Briefly explain 'schematic representation of runoff components. explain the runoff process. Also explain any one method of base flow separation. 9.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering Time from 0 start of 10CV55 20 40 60 80 100 0.3 3. Define the term Runoff and list the various factors that affect the runoff of a given area. if the 6 .hour unit hydrograph for the basin has the following ordinates (m3/s) at 3 – hour intervals: 0. 3rd hour and after 3rd hour respectively. 0. The base can be assumed to have increased linearly. Given below are the monthly rainfall P and the corresponding runoff R values covering a Dept of Civil Engineering. 130.7 and 0. Derive the ordinates of a 3 – hour unit hydrograph. 15. The ordinates of a 4h unit hydrograph of a basin area 630 Km2 measured at 2 hour interval are given below. Work only up to the peak. 15. Duration of rainfall = 4 hours Runoff coefficient = 0.8 for 1st hour. Zone I II III Area 20 ha 30 ha 50 ha 40 ha Time of concentration 1 hr 3hr 2hr IV 4hr Determine contribution to runoff from all the zones at the end of each hour starting 1st hour ending 8th hour after commencement of rainfall. If the rainfall for a particular year is 125cm.5 0 16. 17. The data in respect of a catchment are as follows : Intensity of rainfall = 1 cm/hr. Obtain the ordinates of 6h unit hydrograph for the basin using S curve technique. Derive the unit hydrograph for a catchment of 200 km2 if the following discharges were Time (hrs) Discharge 17 18 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (m3/s) observed in the stream as a result of 6 – hour rainfall storm. 0. SJBIT Page 11 . 52. 150. 2nd hour.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 coefficient. 130. 14. 0. 80.5. 27. 20. 90. what will be the runoff for that year? 13. 5. Time hrs 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 4h UH (cumec) 0 25 100 160 190 170 110 70 30 20 6 24 1.6. 5 9. Volume of direct runoff after separation of base flow = 10.75mm3 .3 1. SJBIT Page 12 . if the stage and corresponding discharge data of a stream section are available? 21. Develop a correlation equation between R and P.4 7. km .6 0. Calculate Φ .6 1.1 12 16 Month 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 P 30 10 8 2 22 30 25 8 6 R 8 2. Plot the rainfall histogram and mark the Φ . Catchment area = 430 sq.4 0. (t + 12)0.8 where Tr = return period in years and t = time of concentration in area is given by I= 100Tr0.index of a storm from the following data. Runoff started at 3pm on 17/8/2007 Time of rainfall (hrs) 15 18 21 24 03 Depth of rainfall (mm) 12 15 09 22 02 19. the land use pattern has 20% agricultural land (c = 0.1 3. A catchment is divided into five sub areas as given below : Subarea (km'*) 1.55 0. where I is in cm/hr and t is in min.index on the plot.2 3. Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 P 5 35 40 30 15 10 5 31 36 R 0.5 Runoff coefficient (c) 0.5 0. How do you determine the stage for zero discharge. Rainfall intensity of a Watershed of 5 sq.2 …. Assume a concentration time of 35 min and use the function I = 75T0.9 Calculate the 25 year flood using the rational method.0 6.85 20.5 3 2 1 2.2 0.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 period of 18 months for a catchment.22 . 10% forest land (c = 0. Dept of Civil Engineering. c = coefficient of runoff. Estimate 50 year peak flood for the area. The watershed has a slope of 0.5 10 138 8.6 0.16) and rest is impervious.3).5 (t + 16)0.005 with maximum travel length of 2000m.7 0. 11. What are the basic equations used for flood routing a) Hydrologic method and hydraulic method. What is the necessity of irrigation? 3.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 Unit -4: ESTIMATION OF FLOOD & FLOOD ROUTING 1. Define Irrigation. Define irrigation. 6. List the methods of irrigation and explain any three methods. 8. What are the methods of applying water to crops? Explain any two surface irrigation methods. 6. Describe a numerical method of hydrologic reservoir routing. What are the benefits and ill effects of irrigation? 5. (including subgroups) 12. 7. What are the benefits that can be accrued from irrigation projects? Explain in brief. What do you mean by flood control? Explain any two methods of flood control. Distinguish between a) Hydraulic and hydrological method of flood routing b) Hydrologic storage routing and hydrologic channel routing c) Prism storage and wedge storage. 13. 9. Mention any two empirical formulae for estimating flood? 3. SJBIT Page 13 . 4. 4. Explain Flow irrigation with the help of neat sketches. What are the primary objectives of an irrigation method? List the various methods of irrigation adopted for distribution of water in the field. Unit -5: INTRODUCTION TO IRRIGATION 1. Define the term irrigation. List the benefits of irrigation. 5. List out the various methods of application of irrigation water. What is Bandhara irrigation? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Explain Phad Dept of Civil Engineering. List the benefits and ill effects of irrigation. What are the reasons for adopting it? 2. What are the types of flow irrigation? Explain any two flow irrigation systems. What do you mean by the term flood? Mention any two factors affecting flood? 2. 10. when water is be supplied Dry density of soil Effective root zone depth Dept of Civil Engineering. Explain frequency of irrigation and irrigation efficiency. 16. How do you estimate the frequency of irrigation on the basis of soil moisture basis? 7. 14. What are its advantages? List some crop rotations. 17. After how many days will you supply water to soil in order to ensure sufficient irrigation of the given crop.5 mm. With neat sketches. if the field capacity of the soil = 30%. if Field capacity of soil = 28% Optimum moisture content. permanent wilting point = 14%. Define crop rotation. List the advantages of sprinkler irrigation.7 m Page 14 . Write a short note on infiltration galleries. 20. List its advantages and disadvantages. effective depth of root zone = 70 cm and daily consumptive use of water for the given crop = 10. Explain drip irrigation. 6. What are the physical properties of soil? 4. Write short notes on supplemental irrigation.5 g/cc iv) Effective depth of root zone is 75cm v) Daily consumptive use of water for the given crop is 11mm. 5. After how many days will you supply water to soil in order to ensure sufficient irrigation of given crop. explain Bandhara irrigation. 3. What are the functions of irrigation soils? Explain briefly. Discuss Phad system of irrigation as applied to Bhandhara irrigation. After how many days will you supply water to soil (clay loam) in order to ensure efficient irrigation of the given crop if: i) Field capacity of soil is 27% ii) Permanent wilting point is 14%. List its advantages and disadvantages. Give brief classification of Indian soils. What are the limitations of sprinkler irrigation system? 18. density of soil = 0.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 system of irrigation. 8. 9. SJBIT = 16% =13 kN/m3 = 0. 2.0125 N/cm3. Unit – 6: SOIL-WATER-CROP RELATIONSHIP 1. 15. 19. iii) Density of soil is 1. with its limitations. Explain i) Gross command area ii) Culturable command area iii) Consumptive use 5. Obtain the relationship between them.1 cms 12. delta and base period. The intensity of irrigation for rice in this area is 50%. SJBIT Page 15 . Delta and Base period. When will a soil be fertile? How can soil fertility be maintained? 13. Define duty. Define various irrigation efficiencies used in irrigation system. 8.75 m Daily consumptive use of water for the given crop =1. What do you mean by Duty and Delta? How are they expressed? 2. 4. Obtain the relationship between Duty. 3. Calculate the depth of available soil moisture in the root zone of the clay loamy soil using the following data. Write a note on crop rotation? Unit –7 :WATER REQUIREMENT OF CROPS 1. 6. Determine i) Duty on the field during transplantation ii) Duty at the head of distributory assuming losses of water to be 20% in Dept of Civil Engineering.25 m Daily consumptive use of water for the given crop = 20 mm. What are the factors affecting duty? 7. A water course commands an irrigation area of 800 ha.5 gm/cm Root zone depth = 1. Define 'flow duty' and 'quantity duty'. Also find after how many days will you supply water to the soil in order to ensure efficient irrigation of the given crop if Field capacity = 27% Permanent wilting point = 13% Dry density of soil = 1. The transplantation of rice crop takes 15 days and the total depth of water required by the crop is 60 cm. After how many days will you supply water to soil (clay loam) in order to ensure efficient irrigation of the given crop if. Field capacity of soil = 27% Permanent wilting point = 14% Density of soil =13 kN/m3 Effective depth of root zone = 0.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering Daily consumptive use of water for given crop 10CV55 =12 mm 10. Define duty. delta and base period and establish the relationship between them. 11. A main canal taking off from a storage reservoir has to irrigate a land with the following crops. the details of which are given below. and area under each crop in the command area are given below. The base period. iii) Calculate the discharge required in the water course. intensity of irrigation and duty of various crops are given in the table below. duty at the field of difference crops. 9. Find the required reservoir capacity to cater to the needs of the crops. calculate the capacity of the main canal. What is the total volume of water required for each crop? 12.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 the water courses. Base period. Crops Base period Duty @ field Area under the (days) (Ha/cumec) crop (Ha) Wheat 120 1800 4800 Sugar cane 360 800 5600 Cotton 200 1400 2400 Rice 120 900 3200 11. Culturable command area of a reservoir is 50000 hectares. SJBIT Page 16 . Culturable command area under a canal system is 50000 hectares. Crop Crop period Area to be irrigated Duty (days) (Hectares) (Hect/cumec) Sugar cane (Perinnial ) 365 1250 850 Paddy (Kharif) 120 1500 850 Wheat (Rabi) 120 2500 1700 Assuming 25% losses in the canal system and giving an allowance of 20% for peak demand. Base period Intensity Crop of Duty (days) Irrigation (%) (hectares / cumec) Kharif 110 30 900 Rabi 120 45 2000 Sugarcane 360 20 2500 10. Determine the discharge for which the canal is to be designed. Find out the reservoir Dept of Civil Engineering. Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 capacity. Carrying canal water over the drainage ii) Carrying drainage over the canal. With a neat sketch. explain the cross drainage works constructed for bypassing canal over drainage. 6. Base period.1 8. if it is serving 24000 ha of paddy.8 20. if the canal losses are 5% and reservoir losses 8%. 6000 ha of maize and 12000 ha of cotton? The following depth (cm) of water is required during different months? Month Paddy Ground nut Maize Cotton September (1-30) 7. explain any one type in each of cross drainage work 2.3 15. intensity of irrigation and duty of various crops are given in the following table: Crop Base period Duty Intensity of irrigation (days) (hect/cumecs) (%) Wheat 120 2000 20 Rice 140 900 15 Cotton 180 1600 10 Sugarcane 360 2500 20 13. 6000 ha of ground nut.9 — — — October (1-31) 29.9 — 3.0 November (1-30) 20.0 16.7 6. What is a Canal? Explain the general considerations for alignment of Canals. Unit – 8: CANALS 1.6 December (1-31) — Assume 25% canal losses and 20% reservoir evaporation losses. 4.2 23. 5. Explain various considerations for alignment of a canal. 3. Design an irrigation channel in alluvial soil according to Laceys silt theory for the Dept of Civil Engineering. With a neat sketch.4 4. What shall be the reservoir capacity for the season. SJBIT Page 17 . 16 meter per kilometer.8 m is sufficient for the canal. 8. Full supply discharge = 35 cumec. Side slope of channel=½(H):1(V) 7.7 m. 18. 10. Design an irrigation channel in alluvial soil according to Lacey's silt theory for the following data: Fully supply discharge =15 m/sec. SJBIT Page 18 .1 and Chezy's C .9. List the functions of head regulator and cross regulator work.16 m/km Critical velocity ratio =1 9. for the following details.0225 and m = 1. Lacey’s silt factor=0.0225 Bed slope of channel =0. Side slope : 0. Lacey's silt factor = 1. 11. Design an irrigation channel to carry 50 cumecs of discharge. Check whether his design can be adopted. Take CVR = 1. The channel has a bed slope of 0.49. Design an irrigation canal for the following data using Lacey's silt theory.00. A channel section has to be designed for the following data: Discharge Q = 30 cumecs. 17. 15.1. silt factor = f = 1 side slope = 1H : 2V. Use Kennedy's theory. Discharge = 45 cumecs Manning's Rugosity coefficient = 0.0. Whether the trial depth is suited for the discharge? Dept of Civil Engineering. 14. Explain the design principle of trapezoidal notch type of fall. Side slope of channel =2 H: 1V 16. Justify the statement. Assume trial depth = 2. What are the factors to be considered in alignment of an irrigation canal? What are the main functions of head regulator and cross regulator? 13. Explain salient features of each of them. Silt factor f . The channel is to be laid at a slope of 1 in 4000.726 in the equation V = C RS. Write the steps involved in hydraulic design of an aqueduct. "Lacey's conception of design of canal on an alluvial soil is superior to Kennedy’s concept".8m. Give the classification of canals. Design an irrigation channel to carry a discharge of 45 cumecs. An irrigation engineer has designed an irrigation canal using Kennedy's theory.Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering 10CV55 following data: Full supply discharge=10 cumec. Assume a trial depth for D as 1.5 H : 1 V Find also the longitudinal slope. Assume N = 0. He had concluded that full supply depth of 1. 12.
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