Civil Dbr r1

March 19, 2018 | Author: Sripara Krishna | Category: Structural Load, Structural Steel, Concrete, Industries, Civil Engineering



CIVIL DESIGN BASIS REPORT FOR THE COALHANDLING PLANT DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION TECPRO SYSTEMS LIMITED COAL HANDLING SYSTEM FOR 1 x 500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION 'A' Date: 30-05-2013 DOC NO. : TS1171.GGN.C.DBR.CHP.001 ITEM : CIVIL DESIGN BASIS REPORT FOR THE COAL HANDLING PLANT PROJECT : COAL HANDLING SYSTEM FOR 1 x 500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION 'A' OWNER : DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION C.H.P. CONTRACTOR : TECPRO SYSTEMS LIMITED Rev: 1 Rev Date Reason for Issue By Chkd. 1 30-May-13 REVISED AS PER DVC COMMENTS DB AB Signed (Initials) JHARKHAND DESIGN CRITERIA FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURE & FOUNDATIONS PROJECT DOC NO AS PER CONTRACT.:.001 By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’.GGN. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 0 of 8 .DBR. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD.1171-C-DBR-001 PROJECT DOC NO BY TSL.CHP.Document No.GGN. TS1171.TS1171.CHP.05.DBR. No 1 Date 30.001 Rev.C.:.C.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS. Document No. No 1 Date 30.05.CHP. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD.DBR. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 1 of 8 .001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’.C. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: TS1171.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS.GGN. JHARKHAND SECTION – 1 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Rev. Minimum reinforcement to be provided at top face of footing even if it is not required.001 By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: 1. 2. 2. The design criteria are meant to be used as a general guideline. The walls shall be provided with reinforcement on both faces for section 150 mm or more. 2. shall be designed as per relevant IS Codes. machine / equipment foundations.2 FOUNDATION AND UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES 2. building foundations. 2. provisions as per Technical Specifications shall prevail. Ground water table shall be considered at FGL for design purpose.1.DBR. foundations system recommendations for various buildings. if necessary at the time of construction.3 Raft foundation shall be designed as per IS 2950.1. trenches etc.0 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’.CHP. water retaining structures. Minimum reinforcement to be provided at top face of footing even if it is not required. Rev. Notwithstanding the provisions laid down here.4 For machine / equipment foundation IS 456 / IS 2974 shall be followed. underground structures etc. Effects of uplift and reduction in bearing capacity due to underground water table shall be considered.C. shall be as per Geotechnical Investigation Report.2. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 2 of 8 . JHARKHAND GENERAL All structures. even if not required from design consideration.2. 2. TS1171.2.0 DESIGN METHODOLOGY 2.1 mm.1 All designs of RCC structures shall be carried out by limit state method as per IS:456 (latest version) unless use of working stress method is specifically mentioned.2. to ensure sound engineering practice.5 All underground structures shall be designed as per IS 456 as cracked section limiting crack width to 0. No 1 Date 30.GGN. 2.1 Subsoil conditions. SP34 & IS: 13920. in case of any ambiguity/contradictions.2 Reinforcement detailing shall be as per IS 5525.Document No. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD.2. Construction in general shall follow provisions of IS 456 and IS 3370 for normal and liquid retaining structures respectively. Check for crack width shall be in accordance to IS 456.05.2 Isolated and strip foundation shall be designed as per IS 456 ensuring settlement / relative settlement in conformity with provisions of IS 1904. equipments. average ground water table levels.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS. 2. Constructional features for various buildings / structures / members shall generally be in conformity with Tender Specification subject to modifications. 1 Where stresses due to wind (or seismic) and temperature are combined with those due to other loads. the allowable stresses in concrete and reinforcement steel shall be increased by 33. by the equipment manufacturer needs to be satisfied. 3. Following minimum factor of safety shall be followed. water retaining structure shall be designed as un-cracked section as per Technical Specification. 2. 2.GGN.1 All building substructures shall be checked for uplift. Rev. 2. Deflection limit.3. sliding and overturning stability during both construction and operating conditions for various combinations of loads.5.50 (b) Factor of safety against sliding shall be 1. (c) Factor of safety against overturning due to wind.5 INCREASES IN STRESSES. 2. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: TS1171. 2.C. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 3 of 8 .5 minimum as per Technical Specification. PVC water bar as specified shall be provided at each construction / expansion joint. All machine / equipment foundations shall be designed as per IS 456 / IS 2974 generally in accordance with Tender Specification.Document No.2.C.3 LIQUID RETAINING STRUCTURE. as reqd. It shall be ensured that the difference between the natural frequencies of these beams and the operating frequencies is more than 20%.5 minimum as per Technical Specification.0 STABILITY OF STRUCTURE.6 Dynamic analysis shall be carried out for beams supporting screens.2 Bearing Capacity of soil shall be allowed to increase by 25% under seismic / wind load combination.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS.C.CHP.5. rotating equipment and conveyor supporting beams in gallery.3.3. 2. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD. 2. No 1 Date 30.4 MACHINE FOUNDATION.001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’. seismic or other lateral load shall be 1. .DBR.3 In all liquid retaining structures. 2. vibrating feeder.1 R.05.2 All water retaining structures shall be designed assuming ground water table at formation level. if any.33% in case of working stress design.20 and due to any other loads shall be 1. 3. JHARKHAND 2. (a) Factor of safety against uplift due to hydrostatic forces shall be 1. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: TS1171.-1 or table 16.2 From fire resistance point of view minimum thickness of reinforced concrete members shall be as per fig. 4.CHP. above graded level) By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 4 of 8 . 150 mm (b) Ground floor slab (non-suspended) 150 mm (c) Water Retaining slabs / walls 200 mm (d) Cable / pipe trenches / underground pits / Launder Walls and base slab 125 mm (e) All footings (including raft foundations) 300 mm (f) Parapets 150 mm (g) Sunshades 75 mm at edge. (h) Precast louvers / fins 50 mm (i) Precast trench cover / floor slabs / louvers 75 mm (j) Paving 200 mm (k) Basement walls and base slab 200 mm (l) Silo / bin walls 200 mm (m) Underground reservoir below ground water table 200 mm (n) 200 mm Above ground water table 4. 5. 5. No 1 Date 30.0 MINIMUM HEIGHT FOR PEDESTALS OF STEEL COLUMNS 5.GGN. JHARKHAND 3. pits.05.Document No. etc. 5.a of IS-456.2 Stair and ladder pedestal shall be kept 200 mm above the finished floor level.3 Pedestals to Steel Columns for Equipment structure: (a) Equipment in open area Rev. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD.1 Pedestals to steel columns for building structures shall be: Top of RCC foundations (pedestals) shall be normally be kept at a higher level so that the column base plates together with gussets and stiffeners remain above finished floor level (FFL) unless specified otherwise. only 90% of dead load shall be considered.2 In case where dead load provides the restoring force. trenches etc.0 MINIMUM THICKNESS OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 4. Foundation levels for columns shall be decided to accommodate underground services.DBR.13 : Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS.1 The following minimum thickness shall be followed:(a) Suspended floor / slab / walkways / canopy slabs. as required (300 mm min.C.001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’. No 1 Date 30. minimum thickness of the layer shall be 75 mm. pedestals. Grade of cement shall be minimum 43 grades or 53 grade conforming to IS 8112.001 By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: 6.C.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS. sulphate-resisting cement shall be used. TS1171. Grade M25 All RCC members except where other grades are specified e. the environmental exposure condition of “Moderate” shall be considered for all design condition. 8. JHARKHAND (b) Equipment in covered area : as required (150 mm min. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD. Grade M 7. Pre cast concrete work etc. foundation and super structure. Grade M35 For all railway load bearing structures. Grade M 10 Foundation below brick wall.2 Minimum cover to the reinforcement shall be as per IS: 456. roof slabs.GGN.Document No. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used. Grade M20 Base plate encasement. binding layer below foundations.DBR. 7.1 The following minimum grades of concrete as per IS: 456 shall generally be used for the type of structures noted against each grade. (a) Open area : 300 mm above paved level (b) Covered area : 450 mm above FFL 7. pavement around building including plinth protection work.CHP. 7. floor slabs. As per IS 456. grade beams. trenches and underground structures.g.0 REINFORCEMENTS Rev. encasement of structural steel work.0 CONCRETE MIX 7. cable and pipe trenches. drain etc.) (c) Structure and equipment supplied by vendor data subject to minimum as specified above : MINIMUM HEIGHT FOR ENCASEMENT TO STEEL COLUMNS In case the top of pedestal is kept at a higher level so that the column base plate together with gussets and stiffeners remain above finished floor level (FFL) the column bases as well as the column sections shall not be encased in concrete above FFL as per following. However requirement of table 4 & 5 of IS 456 shall be satisfied depending on the exposure condition. Water retaining structures below and above ground. Grade M30 Crusher Foundation.05. for underground structure if reqd.3 Minimum cement content shall be governed by the requirement of IS: 456.0 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’.5 Fill concrete. from FFL. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 5 of 8 . (c) Clear distance from the edge of sleeve or anchor plate to the outer edge of pedestal shall be 75 mm. Minimum grade of grout shall be one grade higher that used for concreting. Workmanship. Crushing strength of the grout shall generally be one grade higher than the base concrete.C.001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS.3 Nominal thickness of grouting shall be at least 50 mm for building columns and pedestals of major equipment.GGN. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: 8.DBR.0 GROUTING 9. No 1 Date 30.2 Intermixing of different grades of rebars or rebars of different material composition in same structural shall not be allowed. For secondary posts.0 MINIMUM COVER TO FOUNDATION BOLTS Minimum distance from the center line of foundation / anchor bolt to edge of pedestal shall be the maximum of the flowing: (a) Clear distance from the edge of base plate / base frames to the outer edge of the pedestal shall be minimum 50 mm.1 Material.1 TS1171. Minimum Crushing strength shall be 30 N/mm2 9.CHP. 11. 9. stair and ladder base etc. JHARKHAND Reinforcement bars shall be as per the following codes: High Yield Strength Deformed bars : Grade Fe 415/Fe 500 of IS: 1786 (Having elongation as per Table 3 of IS : 1786) Mild steel bars : Grade I of IS: 432 : IS:1566 Welded wire fabric 8.0 CONCRETE MAKING 11.2 9.05. Inspection and Testing of concrete shall conform to IS 456.Document No. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 6 of 8 .1 Ready Mix non-shrink flow-able grout shall be used for under pinning work below base plate of columns. Non-shrink cum plasticizer admixture approved by OWNER shall be added in the grout. For grouting of base of machine foundation high strength flowable ready mixed non-shrink grout shall be used. Type and grade of grouting for structural columns and equipment bases shall be indicated. Rev. 10. grouting shall not be less than 25 mm thick. (b) Clear distance from the face of pocket to the outer edge of pedestal shall be 75 mm. 2.0 COMPUTATION OF LOADS. 2. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: TS1171. 2. monorail & elevator loads shall be computed in accordance with provisions of Tender Specification. temperature loads.DBR. Dead loads. seismic loads. erection and maintenance loads.CHP. JHARKHAND 11. 2.001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’. imposed loads.2. No 1 LOAD COMBINATION. However 40 mm and down graded aggregates may be used for foundation under special condition with prior approval from Employer.0 Rev. steam piping (static and dynamic) and other piping loads.GGN. loads due to differential settlement and any other loading conditions which can occur during the design life of the facility.05. a minimum surcharge load of 2.3 OTHER LOADS. imposed loads.4 BASIC LOAD CASES. Basic Load Cases shall be as defined in Tender specification. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD. seismic loads. etc. variations of water table. equipment loads.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS.0 GENERAL All structures shall be designed for the most critical load combinations of dead loads.2 Unless specified 20 mm and down graded aggregates shall be used for all structural concrete works.Document No. equipment loads crane loads.1 Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using coefficient of earth pressure at rest or coefficient of active earth pressure (whichever is applicable).. 11. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 7 of 8 . m shall also be considered for the design of all underground structures. 2.0 t / Sq.C.2. crane. 2. Stresses imparted to structures due to differential settlements. SECTION – 2 LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS 1.2 EARTH PRESSURE LOADS.3 Special requirements for concreting of major equipment foundations shall be as per Tender Specification. 3.2 In addition to earth pressure and ground water pressure. Date 30. temperature loads. wind loads. creep and shrinkage shall also be considered in design of relevant structures. wind loads. b) DL of foundation & soil wt. (DL of conc.S) against buoyancy of machinery hatches. with wedge action. above it without any wedge action. JHARKHAND 3. 4.O. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: TS1171. 4.0 LOAD COMBINATION FOR UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES.DBR. channels.GGN.001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’. Following loading combination shall be considered in addition to the loading from superstructure for the design of sub-structure of pump house.Document No. Intermediate dividing piers of pump sumps and partition walls in channel shall be designed considering water on one side only and other side being empty for maintenance. surcharge pressure and ground water pressure from outside and no water pressure from inside. Rev.1 The individual members shall be designed for the worst load combination of forces such as bending moment.3 Base slab of the pump house shall be designed for the condition of different combination of pump sumps being empty during maintenance stages with maximum ground water table. The load combinations are as follows. of structure & soil restoring on side projection if any in the vertical plane.0 The F. No 1 Date 30. axial force shear force and torsion.4 Design shall also be checked against buoyancy due to ground water during construction and operation stage.) / uplift pressure > 1. Permissible stresses for different load combination shall be taken as per IS 875 3.1 Only liquid pressure from inside and no earth pressure and ground water pressure and surcharge pressure from outside (applicable only to the structures which are liable to be filled with water or any other liquid. 4. Wagon Tippler.2 considering dead wt. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 8 of 8 .9 + soil wt. sumps.05.9 times the actual value. tanks. 4. underground basement/tunnel due to ground water shall be > 1.C. and other underground structures. Inclined wedge action of soil is not considered in this case. TP’s.) 4. reservoirs. a) DL of foundation & the soil wt. For this condition maximum 15 degrees wedge action of soil is considered in restoring the forces. Track Hopper.O. TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD.2 Earth pressure. 0. of structure as 0.2 Criticality of erection / maintenance loads shall also be checked separately in combination with other simultaneously occurring loads.CHP. trenches.0 considering dead wt.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS.S against buoyancy of underground basement/tunnel due to ground water shall be > 1. (Total DL) / uplift pressure > 1.2 The factor of safety (F. Rev.C. 4.CHP.001 12-February-2013 DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION Coal Handling Plant Main Package For 1x500 MW BOKARO THERMAL POWER STATION ‘A’. By DB TITLE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR CIVIL DESIGN Page 9 of 8 . TECPRO SYSTEMS LTD. By DD Approved By AB Date PROJECT: TS1171.GGN.DBR. stipulations of Technical Specification of NIT shall prevail and shall be binding in case of any conflict therewith.13 Description REVISED AS PER DVC’S COMMENTS. No 1 Date 30.05. JHARKHAND 4.6 Notwithstanding the Design Criteria detailed hereinabove.5 Special Structures Additional loading criteria for special structures shall be as per Tender Specifications.Document No.
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