Civic Trust Awards Brochure 2009

March 19, 2018 | Author: herb707 | Category: Architect, Urban Renewal, Crane (Machine), Business, Engineering



The Civic Trust Awards 2009 He has been involved with many aspects of the Trust's work including the Architectural Heritage Fund to which he still acts as a consultant. She is leading the bid to inscribe Portsmouth Harbour. His planning experience includes periods with Cheshire and Leicestershire County Councils and with the City of Toronto Planning Board. and past Design Champion on the LDA Board. He integrates theory and practice of landscape architecture in an extensive output of international projects. academic and writer. Eelco is an advisory board member of Architecture + Design Scotland. Now retired. Sudan and the UK. Norway. A former Trustee of the Civic Trust. Keith joined the Civic Trust National Panel in 2007.National Panel David Prichard David Prichard is a director of Metropolitan Workshop LLP. guest critic and lectured at numerous universities and judged several awards and international competitions. Emma Cullinan Emma Cullinan is a journalist who writes about architecture for the Irish Times newspaper. local authorities and major developers in Ireland. Libya. He is a registered Access Consultant (NRAC) and a member of the RICS Inclusive Environment Consultant Scheme (IEC).differing futures for historic dockyards across Europe (2000) and chapters in Maritime City Portsmouth 1945 to 2005 (2005). Eelco Hooftman Eelco is a founding partner of GROSS. Professor Keith Bright Keith Bright is Emeritus Professor of Inclusive Environments at the University of Reading and an independent access consultant. Victor Rose Victor worked for the Civic Trust for over 43 years. Celia Clark Campaigner. She is active in promoting sustainable design in schools and broadcasts to the public on TV and radio on a regular basis. has been awarded the European Landscape Award 2006 by Topos magazine. Spithead and the northeast coast of the Isle of Wight as the first 'cultural seascape' on the World Heritage list. Building on previous work for the Environmental Design in Architecture course at the Martin Centre in Cambridge University. she taught history of architecture and building conservation at the university of Portsmouth from 1989 to 2008. the leading registered social landlord in London. Richard has co-ordinated a renewable energy systems course for a Master's programme at the Architecture Department University of Bath. award winning competition designs and visiting lectureships. Celia's publications include The Tricorn: Life and Death of a Sixties Icon (2009). providers of external design skills to leading architectural firms. He has a keen interest in green technologies with specific expertise in living walls. Martin Bradshaw Martin is a former Director of the Civic Trust and past President of the RTPI. Jordan. He was Director of Planning for West Yorkshire Metropolitan County up until 1986. GROSS. Chris Churchman Chris is a Director of Churchman Landscape Architects. Buildings for all to use and The Building Regulations Explained. he was an Awards assessor for many years before being invited onto the National Panel of judges which he has chaired since 2004. . Angela is a past member of the English Heritage/CABE Urban Panel. He is a member of CABE's Inclusive Environment Group and the Building Regulation Advisory Committee (BRAC). He has been involved with the Civic Trust Awards from its beginning in 1959 and continues to play an important part in the Awards. Angela Brady RIBA FRIAI FRSA Angela is a director of the award winning practice Brady Mallalieu Architects. She is a CABE Enabler and member of RIAI Council. Beacons of Learning: Breathing new life into old schools (1995). Chris’s appointment to the Panel this year brings a fresh focus on landscape and public realm issues. The practice's recent work embraces architectural. MAX. Landscape Architects. Vintage Ports . Stephen’s wealth of experience in the housing sector has spanned many organisations with both local and national scope. He has been recognised as one of the Mayor’s London Leaders on sustainability and he serves as a member of the Court of the University of Greenwich. She is also the editor of House magazine. Formerly a director of low carbon consultancy XCO2. developers of a new design of vertical axis wind turbine optimised primarily for installations on or near buildings. the consumer publication of the RIAI (Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland) which features architect-designed houses. Education Officer of the Civic Trust from 1989-1991. he ran his own planning consultancy. Richard is chief technical officer of Quiet Revolution. Richard Cochrane CEng MCIBSE Richard is an environmental engineer. MAX. Stephen Howlett Stephen Howlett is Chief Executive of Peabody Trust. His many publications include The Access Manual. urban design and regional planning commissions for government agencies. He has been a Design Advisor to CABESpace since 2002 and has previously acted in a similar capacity for the GLA. Angela has been an Awards assessor since 2000 and joined the National Panel in 2005. David has been a RIBA external examiner. . just think how car ownership increased in that half century and how we all move around more. briefs. civic realm or social housing is fundamental to our quality of life. Good management of our environment whether town centres. Combining the experience of the Housing Corporation and the assets of English Partnerships should bring about the ability to have the ‘single conversation’ with local authorities and stakeholders. the Titan Crane has been restored and made accessible to the public offering amazing views over the now silent shipyards and is a fitting symbol of past industry that was the district’s raison d’etre. We saw a crop of restoration projects which raise the need to credit the original designer as well as the current team and can beg the question as to why the building was allowed to decay and whether backlog maintenance is awardable. Education submissions feature well and all new schools will be more energy efficient. In the housing sector. Some were high density and with corridor access and concierge which will incur higher management and service charges. Our ever increasing affluence has changed our settlement patterns. and a privately funded new town at Adamstown.the Awards’ 50th year. After post war rationing. There the developer has paid for a new railway station and is building an entire town centre under the controls of the local authority who pioneered a special development zone mechanism reminiscent of the joined up thinking of the new town development corporations – bold stuff that makes most UK housing led developments schemes seem timid and just estates not communities. schools. a fun walk amongst the trees. where there is a need to build over 200. positive local opinion and above all. some designs and briefs were for offices and had intrusive access roads and parking which we would not encourage. Over 40 award schemes have followed since in the UK. which post war were often built on the edge of town. and hospitals as Awards in those years testify. Churches do need toilets and lobbies and extra facilities but those briefs seem to rarely lead to successful modern interventions – so William Morris’ dictum that ‘save the best of the past. Society’s reaction to rapid social change spawned the conservation movement that helps our heritage tourism industry today. albeit achieved in some cases by shopping mall-like interiors and we wonder if those environments will be conducive to learning. which many households can ill afford. motorways. not just by location but by land use and building type so planners. confirmation that the scheme makes an enduring civic contribution through its environmental. which was what we liked about the Samworth Academy. is welcomed by the Civic Trust. The retail sector is in a post-mall era having rediscovered the open street but this does expose more architecture. the brave new world saw huge investment in social housing. The universities sector. launched in December. contexts. Mechanisms such as local authority mortgages and improvement grants helped small scale initiatives to improve whole areas of our cities. This year there were 430 entries and the panels of assessors referred 247 to the National Panel with their recommendations The National Panel’s duty to assess and compare the merits of projects across different regions. multi-storey car parks. and we had well organised development corporations to make things happen. This review ends with praise for the excellent entries from Ireland this year. Alex Gordon. but no other brings together the diverse array of projects that make up our habitat. parks. all of which have figured in the Awards. all done without PFI. It is a testimony to the durability and relevance of our Awards that they are as sought after today as they were then. especially so for 2009 . hence bypasses. business parks and so forth. The Homes and Communities Agency. The speculative office sector has taken on the urban design mantra of active frontages and permeability with such schemes as New Street Square. the building industry has experienced several booms and busts. The rushed housing programmes of the 1960’s have led to a regeneration industry which is addressing issues caused by previous poor management and inadequate funding for maintenance. A shadow has been cast by last year’s implosion of hyper-capitalism and the chronic uncertainty for us all as we enter terra incognita – but even if we build less in the current downturn. has a good example of permeability at Northumbria City Campus where public through routes help encourage integration of gown with town. where the now hibernating Celtic Tiger has helped deliver some real exemplars – government offices. committees and clients can find appropriate precedents. and the observatory in Kielder Park. The Civic Trust Awards have helped society raise expectations and move away from mediocrity to a better world of exemplars. and to encourage best practice in housing we are hoping to launch a special award for housing management next year. the legacies of this period must be well designed and built. when planners planned.000 homes per annum. out of town shopping centres. It too is ‘about people and places and a sense of local belonging’. On the outdoor theme. Though supportive of public open spaces having good facilities within them. but the new must look like the new’ is a real challenge to designers. when President of the RIBA twenty five years ago. this is another example of how the Civic Trust wants to help society to learn from experience and raise expectations. it was disappointing to see relatively few schemes submitted. It is an honour to be a national judge and for me to chair the panel. scales and budgets is not taken lightly and provokes much debate and clarification of which particular qualities are sought. Local authorities used CPO powers in those days. came up with the expression ‘long life. . execution. Positive intrusions into landscape are the Kew Walkway. resource and socio-economic impacts. In Glasgow. as well as inappropriate density and cheap construction. We expect excellent design. low energy and loose fit’ – that is still a very sensible mind set for designers and less abstract than the sustainability word. The Trust’s Awards Archive is an asset we hope local authorities and the public will use and we want to make it searchable.Comment David Prichard chairs the National Awards Panel and reflects on this year’s entries It is 50 years since the Civic Trust launched what was then the first awards scheme to promote an improved built environment and is now one of the longest running award schemes in Europe. Reflecting on the last five decades. Sadly many of the new learning spaces do not achieve a good relationship to the outdoors and cost plans are inadequate for the ‘learning landscape’ concept that would help future generations engage more with the outdoors. university buildings. we saw several examples of new buildings placed in urban parks. Schools still repeat the familiar building-in-a-field layout rather than engage with the street and open their doors to the community. ynghyd â chadwraeth gynaliadwy a mwy o gyfle i’r cyhoedd gyrchu amgylchedd hanesyddol Cymru. Amcanion Cadw yw sicrhau gwelliant eglur yng ngwarchodaeth a chyflwr yr amgylchedd hanesyddol. The present owners have respected the age and fabric of the building and the scheme comprised restoration. conservation schemes and promoting the 127 monuments in the care of the Assembly Government. It has been sensitively brought back to life as a hotel and spa. I gydnabod hyn. participation in and appreciation of the historic environment of Wales. Cadw was established as an executive agency of the former Welsh Office in 1984 and this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. Much care has been taken to preserve the relationship of the building to its formal and informal garden landscapes. rhoi grantiau.25 years of Restoration in Wales sponsored by Cadw and the Welsh Assembly Government Bodysgallen Hall Hotel BDK ARCHITECTS BDK ARCHITECTS Owner The National Trust (managed by Historic House Hotels Ltd) Entrant Bowen Dann Knox Architects Architect Bowen Dann Davies Partnership Main Contractor Historic House Hotels Ltd Bodysgallen Hall Hotel originally won a Civic Trust Award in 1984. Cadw yw adran amgylchedd hanesyddol Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. BDK ARCHITECTS Cadw is the historic environment division of the Welsh Assembly Government working for an accessible well protected historic environment for Wales. Mae Cadw yn gwneud hyn drwy systemau diogelu. Cadw does this by systems of protection. the formal gardens have been reformed to match the original designs. This is an original Elizabethan house which was the home of the Mostyn family. Mae’n gweithio dros amgylchedd hanesyddol yng Nghymru sy’n hygyrch ac yn ddiogel. BDK ARCHITECTS BDK ARCHITECTS 08 . Cadw is sponsoring an award which marks the best restoration projects in Wales over the past 25 years. new building and reconstruction as well as preservation of some original features. cynlluniau cadwraeth a hybu’r 127 o henebion sydd yng ngofal Llywodraeth y Cynulliad. cymryd rhan ynddo a’i werthfawrogi. along with sustainable conservation and increased levels of public access to. grant giving. Cafodd Cadw ei sefydlu fel asiantaeth weithredol yn yr hen Swyddfa Gymreig ym 1984 ac eleni mae’n dathlu ei ben-blwydd yn 25 oed. In recognition of this. Cadw's objectives are to achieve a demonstrable improvement in the protection and condition of the historic environment. mae Cadw yn noddi gwobr sy’n nodi’r prosiect adfer gorau yng Nghymru dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf. Beautifully refurbished. the building now provides bed and breakfast accommodation in a stunning rural setting. The scheme received a Civic Trust Award in 2007. This project demonstrates the value to a community of restoring part of the former industrial infrastructure of the region so that it can be used as an important new leisure facility. This impressive work is truly restorative in that no new components have been added or invented. The Restoration of Neath Canal (Resolven to Ysgwrfa) PETER RICKETS PETER RICKETS Owner Neath Canal Navigation Co. Traditional materials were used wherever possible and original plasterwork and doors have been reused. PETER RICKETS THE SPITALFIELDS TRUST Allt-y-bela THE SPITALFIELDS TRUST .THE SPITALFIELDS TRUST Entrant The Spitalfields Trust Architect Morris Higham Architects Developer The Spitalfields Trust Main Contractor The Spitalfields Trust Structural Engineer Kenneth Brown This is a remarkable exemplar restoration of a 16th century hall and tower house which was derelict and thought to be beyond repair. The £4 million project was jointly funded by the Welsh Office and the Prince of Wales Trust. Entrant Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council The upper section from Resolven to Ysgwrfa was completed in 1990 and received a Civic Trust Award in 1992. restaurant and visitor facilities. the building has been cleverly designed with the middle elevation lowered along the waterfront to allow views to and from the older quayside buildings. Austria Owner Ars Electronica Linz GmbH Entrant Treusch Architecture Architect Andreas Treusch Client’s Representative Harald Jakober This building is a delight. The restaurant in particular has been well fitted out. with its sophisticated display of computerised changing lights. At night time. which became City of Culture in January 2009. Viewed from across the river. animation and vibrancy to the river front. 10 . this scheme is fresh and exciting. which brings life. to view films and light shows electronically projected onto the façade of the glass building. the building is electrified and exciting. 3D viewing cinemas. The building is fully accessible. and has a double skin. Providing a stunning multifunctional exhibition venue. Internally the Ars Electronica building is well designed. this project acts as a showcase for Linz. Intriguingly. The roof of the lower quay side building is used as stepped theatre seating. acting as a backdrop to the high tech light and animation exhibitions. the existing building is retained within the new extension. Popular and well used. and will no doubt continue to be an iconic futuristic gateway. and provides excellent views over the Danube and the city with countryside in the distance. naturally ventilated façade.City of Culture Award sponsored by the Civic Trust ANGELA BRADY Ars Electronica Innovation Arts Centre Linz. An attractive hard landscaped public square has been added adjacent to the historic buildings. the European Capital of Culture initiative is an opportunity for European cities to transform and showcase their cultural life and development. the Civic Trust is encouraging practitioners to look further afield for precedents from Europe that help us to raise our expectations and standards by learning from others. ANDREAS BUCHBERGER/TREUSCH ARCHITECTURE ANGELA BRADY .TREUSCH ARCHITECTURE TREUSCH ARCHITECTURE TREUSCH ARCHITECTURE At night time. with its sophisticated display of computerised changing lights Launched in 1985. By sponsoring the Award. the building is electrified and exciting. The Civic Trust introduced the City of Culture Award in 2006. The community has been very involved in the design of the scheme. consisting of salt tolerant and hardy perennials. The scheme has acted as a catalyst for the redevelopment of the area. Previously run down and dominated by a patchwork of tarmac. Denbighshire Owner Denbighshire County Council Entrant BCA Landscape Architect Brock Carmichael Architects Access Consultant Denbighshire CC Access Officer Developer Denbighshire County Council Landscape Designer BCA Landscape Main Contractor Edmund Nuttall Ltd. encouraging movement along the Promenade.Hard Landscaping Award sponsored by Charcon BCA LANDSCAPE BCA LANDSCAPE BCA LANDSCAPE Drift Park Rhyl. and include an innovative outdoor public art and photo gallery. which is one of the most deprived. grasses and pines which can withstand the prevailing conditions. open air theatre. The overall design detail is strong and the scheme has transformed the experience of walking along the sea front. mini golf and play areas. where photographs have been turned into ceramic tiles. The development has given back confidence and pride to the community. The spaces are well planned. The improvement to the seafront encourages links to the town centre and provides a fresh environment to attract residents and visitors. Quantity Surveyor E C Harris LLP Services Engineer Paul Moy Associates Structural Engineer Alan Cumber Additional Organisation Stephen Broadbent Artworks Ltd. and robustly constructed. and has been instrumental in the regeneration of this neglected seaside town. The five sheltered gardens include a water park. Unique features celebrate local events and characters. 12 . Planting is attractive. including the local primary school who planned and designed the shower heads in the paddling pool. Rhyl’s West Promenade has been transformed by this scheme. The award is of special significance to Charcon in combining an appreciation of good hard landscaping design with the recognition of schemes that positively relate to their settings and the people they serve. and robustly constructed. The regeneration and improvement of both rural and metropolitan areas continue to be immensely important for the community sense of pride and well-being they create. Chris Hudson. Charcon's aim is to encourage attractive schemes that demonstrate a unique approach to hard landscaping. comfortable and importantly sustainable environments. an Aggregate Industries business. with a strong empahsis on innovative design. Divisional Director.BCA LANDSCAPE BCA LANDSCAPE BCA LANDSCAPE The spaces are well planned.Building Materials Division . and for the new opportunities they attract. practical and durable hard landscaping solutions are vital elements in the process of creating lasting sympathetic. is delighted to be associated with the Civic Trust as sponsor of the Hard Landscaping Award for the sixth successive year. The development and use of creative. Commercial Products . encouraging movement along the Promenade BCA LANDSCAPE Charcon. this six storey block provides 147 mixed tenure homes around three sides of a shared landscaped courtyard. 14 . who are positive about this improvement to their neighbourhood. and from the street. it is a prototype. high density schemes for key workers in London. The scheme provides views of the nearby canal and park. Previously used as a warehousing site. low cost. and is bright and cheery. contemporary looking building. The project is to be commended for its achievements in the fields of procurement. Eye catching balconies hung from large roof mounted steel cantilevers are painted in bright shades. The landscaping provides a focus when viewed from above. More than simply a residential building. providing life and animation. the scheme provides 650 sq m of affordable workspace to be assigned to a community-run regeneration agency ensuring a lively mix of use and activity on the street. Entrances and corridors are common to TIMOTHY SOAR all and also benefit from the use of bright colours. London TIMOTHY SOAR TIMOTHY SOAR Owner First Base Ltd and English Partnerships Entrant Allford Hall Monaghan Morris LLP Architect Allford Hall Monaghan Morris LLP Landscape Designer Charles Funke Main Contractor Bovis Lend Lease Quantity Surveyor Faithful & Gould Services Engineer Waterman Building Services Structural Engineer Adams Kara Taylor Acoustic Consultant Richard Woods Fire Consultant Warrington Fire This scheme is the result of a study to design and develop sustainable. This provides a real benefit to the local community. and the end result is a cheerful.Housing Award sponsored by Homes & Communities Agency Adelaide Wharf Hackney. construction and efficiency. Homes and Communities Agency . we believe that sustainable development and good design are critical to the success of regeneration and place making. who are positive about this improvement to their neighbourhood. Adelaide Wharf is a well designed.” Kevin McGeough. A strong. contributing to the economic and social value of development whilst minimising its effect on the environment. which has been won by Adelaide Wharf. The scheme provides a real benefit to the local community.TIMOTHY SOAR TIMOTHY SOAR TIMOTHY SOAR The end result is a cheerful. attractive scheme. sustainable community benefits from the inclusion of all its members. Providing sustainable. The HCA is committed to helping communities. contemporary looking building. residents and tenants influence our work and the decisions that affect their services and their lives. We are delighted to be sponsoring this year’s Housing Award. Policy Manager (planning and design). low cost homes for key workers in London. “At the Homes and Communities Agency. including older people and those who are vulnerable. An 11 person lift provides access to the upper floor. A very successful scheme which illustrates how inclusivity can be an integral part of the design process. London Owner London Borough of Haringey Education Services Entrant Greenhill Jenner Architects Architect Greenhill Jenner Architects Landscape Designer Farrer Huxley Main Contractor Higgins Construction Quantity Surveyor Dunlop Haywards Services Engineer Norman Bromley Partnership Structural Engineer Conisbee Additional Organisation The Bridge Seven Sisters New Deal for Communities (NCD) The first project of its type to be funded by the Government initiative 'New Deal for Communities'. with excellent signage and automatic doors. facilities such as ramps and handrails are incorporated seamlessly and have obviously been considered at design stage of the scheme. it is easily recognisable from the street. and all entrances and exits have flat thresholds and immediately covered areas. The scheme is extremely inclusive. children’s play centre and out of school club. The internal spaces are very flexible – the upstairs hall in particular can be adapted according to individual and group needs.Inclusive Design Award sponsored by Bristan CHARLOTTE WOOD The Triangle Children. community events and performances. 16 . The sensory playroom and gardens have specialist features. but are used by all the children in mainstream play. The scheme provides an improved street frontage and landmark quality as well as a sensitive gateway to an attractive local park. the Triangle Centre is a new two storey building which provides accommodation for an existing 75 place nursery. Young People & Community Centre Haringey. The new centre is also accessible to the wider community for training and healthcare services and includes a multi-purpose hall for sports. CHARLOTTE WOOD CHARLOTTE WOOD CHARLOTTE WOOD CHARLOTTE WOOD CHARLOTTE WOOD Facilities such as ramps and handrails are incorporated seamlessly and have obviously been considered at design stage of the scheme Bristan is the largest supplier of bathroom taps. Design Engineering Manager at Bristan said. The driving force behind Bristan’s range is a firm belief that everyone deserves good design. “No one should feel alienated by the design of the buildings. is investing heavily in extending the range in 2009. enclosures. decorative heating and bathroom accessories in the UK and is the number one supplier for choice amongst consumers. Peter Manning. and we are very proud to be sponsoring the Inclusive Design Award”. irrespective of age. size or disability. showers. retailers and specifiers alike. plumbers. The company has over 100 products within its inclusive design portfolio. public spaces or products that they use. It’s extremely encouraging that so many organisations that we have seen through our partnership with the Civic Trust share our vision. . and with the help of a team of dedicated designers and a specialist occupational therapy advisor. which is unusual for many convention centres. with visitors to the venue using restaurants. bars and facilities at the neighbouring Albert Dock. The two forms of the arena and convention centre are joined by a light and airy atrium. and at night the upper levels appear to float above their base. exhibition venue. 18 . conference centre. The scheme is well linked to the city centre.NightVision Award sponsored by the Civic Trust Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool TIM SOAR TIM SOAR Owner Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool Entrant Wilkinson Eyre Architects Architect Wilkinson Eyre Architects Access Consultant Buro Happold Developer Liverpool Vision Landscape Designer Gustafson Porter Main Contractor Bovis Lend Lease Services Engineer Faber Maunsell Structural Engineer Buro Happold The scheme on Liverpool’s regenerated King’s waterfront provides a multipurpose arena. the architecture reinforces the setting of its illustrious neighbours – the famous Three Graces and Hartley’s Albert Dock. At ground level. with generous and well detailed external spaces. The building was actually sunk into the redundant King’s Dock to minimise its impact on the skyline and maintain views from the River Mersey of the city’s famous Anglican and Catholic cathedrals. TIM SOAR the scheme is filled with natural light. with the ability to quickly split the main auditorium into three smaller spaces. Internal space is very flexible. The cladding is artistic and inventive. which cleverly reduces the bulk of the structure. It has created a real focal point for regeneration. as well as in the newly re-energised city centre. hotels and public space. Through its scale. the Accreditation will be given to those places which are well managed and maintained throughout the night. and the Civic Trust is delighted by the way in which this scheme has benefited Liverpool. A well managed evening economy enhances the economic. drinking and socialising in town centres can be seen as a success story. it has also highlighted concerns. Following the publication of their ‘NightVision’ Report.The building was actually sunk into the redundant King’s Dock to minimise its impact on the skyline TIM SOAR TIM SOAR Whilst the rapid growth in eating. TIM SOAR TIM SOAR . Designed to encourage town and city centres to develop inclusive. the Civic Trust is launching its new standard for town and city centres – Purple Flag Accreditation. cultural and leisure potential of our town and city centres. vibrant and safe evening economies. both during the day and evening. making the bridge a unique civic space as well as a walkway. who study a nearby wrecked barge. It has encouraged many more people to cross the river. the scheme also accommodates seating. the S-shaped footbridge across the River Aire creates a catalyst for regeneration of the waterfront. English Partnerships. The scheme has transformed the community’s relationship with the river. and has created a visitor attraction. the scheme is an important entry point into the town centre. 131 metres long and 4 metres wide. the bridge seeks to reestablish the river as a central asset for Castleford. and the end result has proved very popular. Channel 4. Rowecord Engineering Ltd Part of a wider regeneration project which involved thousands of local people. whilst providing a landmark for the town. The structure is simple and elegant and fits sympathetically within its environment. The community was very much involved in the planning and design of the bridge. Designed for pedestrian use. Tony Gee and Partners Additional Organisations Yorkshire Forward. increasing connectivity and improving the quality of the public spaces on the riverside. Forming a pleasant alternative to the narrow pavements on an existing road bridge. including school groups.Partnership Award sponsored by Homes & Communities Agency The scheme has transformed the community’s relationship with the river HCA Castleford Footbridge Yorkshire Owner Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Entrant Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Architect McDowell and Benedetti Main Contractor Costain Ltd Quantity Surveyor Philip Pank Partnership Structural Engineers Alan Baxter & Associates. It has improved the quality of life for many residents and has generated a new level of civic pride in Castleford. 20 . Homes and Communities Agency . providing the heritage of the future. It has improved the quality of life for residents and generated a new level of civic pride in Castleford. we believe that truly sustainable environments must have qualities that help them to be enduring and adaptable to existing and future generations. Policy Manager (planning and design).a project that offers an opportunity for the local community to interact with the natural environment and provides a catalyst for regeneration. whilst being sensitive to their environmental impact and to the needs of those who will live or work in buildings and places. At the Homes and Communities Agency. The simple and elegant design of the footbridge provides an appealing landmark for the town and has transformed the community’s relationship with the river.HCA HCA “The Homes and Communities Agency is a proud sponsor of this year’s Partnership Award which has been won by Castleford Footbridge .” Kevin McGeough. the scheme is inspirational in rejuvenating an industrial structure. The site and area have now been transformed by the speculative building scheme and the ‘Fort’ is home to a hotel. It is an inspired intervention. The new roof structure provides a penthouse level of accommodation. and giving it modern function and meaning. restaurant.President’s Choice Award sponsored by the Civic Trust Fort Dunlop Birmingham DANIEL HOPKINSON DANIEL HOPKINSON DANIEL HOPKINSON DANIEL HOPKINSON Owner Urban Splash Ltd Entrant shedkm Architect shedkm Developer Urban Splash West Midlands Landscape Designer Martha Schwartz Main Contractor Urban Splash Build Quantity Surveyor Simon Fenton Partnership Services Engineer Bennett Williams Structural Engineer Curtins Originally designed by Sidney Stott and WW Gibbings. as well as creating one of the country’s largest green roofs. The views from the building. and is a positive signal for the city. shops and over 100 businesses. This is a bold move and the scheme is now a beacon of regeneration for Birmingham. the building has lain derelict since the 1980s. An excellent billboard for optimism and regeneration. this iconic landmark building has had a spectacular impact on its location since its construction in the 1920s. The decision to express the new accommodation as a glass box set within the brick shell is both expressive and practical: the decks between the walls offer service access and a means of escape. Originally a tyre store for neighbouring factories. and particularly the roof terrace. offer a stunning panorama showing the urbanisation of the area. 22 . the scheme is inspirational in rejuvenating an industrial structure DANIEL HOPKINSON The Civic Trust Awards were established in 1959 to recognise and reward the best schemes in the built environment. the Civic Trust . we are launching the ‘President’s Choice Award’.DANIEL HOPKINSON DANIEL HOPKINSON DANIEL HOPKINSON An excellent billboard for optimism and regeneration. The Civic Trust Awards are a terrific opportunity to recognise the good work that is being done. and enhance their local communities. imaginative new building and proper regard for the spaces we all share. is particularly outstanding. and landscaping to public art." Griff Rhys Jones. We need good restoration. and the winning schemes look good. feel good. This Award is given to the scheme which. in the view of the Civic Trust’s President. To celebrate fifty years of the Civic Trust Awards. The Civic Trust is very proud that Griff Rhys Jones has not only joined the Civic Trust as our President. “The Civic Trust is here to encourage imaginative solutions to built environment challenges. but is such a passionate believer in the value of designing with people in mind. the Civic Trust Awards have highlighted those schemes which are outstanding in terms of design and bring a real benefit to our communities. From architecture to townscape. President. Built Entrant Collective Architecture Ltd Architect Collective Architecture Ltd Main Contractor Maclean And Speirs Quantity Surveyor Armours Construction Consultants Services Engineer ARUP Structural Engineer ARUP Rising 150 feet above ground level. it is an outstanding symbol of Scotland’s engineering prowess and industrial heritage. A viewing platform is situated on the gantry.have been detailed to minimise their visual impact.Placemaking Award sponsored by The Scottish Government Titan Crane Clydebank ANDREW LEE Owner Clydebank Re . standing above the new urban quarter which is being developed. The scheme offers an opportunity for people to engage with their heritage on a new level. whilst the existing structure has been carefully restored. At night. The scheme has proved hugely successful with residents. local clubs and schools. innovative and attractive computerised digital LED illumination brings the scheme to life. allowing visitors to walk along the jib and see the industrial landscape and the crane’s lifting equipment. Originally designed by Sir William Arrol. The lift shaft is punctured with tall windows providing spectacular glimpses of the existing structure during ascent. the Titan Crane is a prominent and recognisable landmark. The interventions necessary to make the crane accessible .a lift shaft and a circular escape stair . It is also a powerful emblem of the regeneration of the area. creating access to the very top of the structure. tourists. This major restoration scheme has brought the crane back to life as a visitor attraction. silhouetting the diagonal structure with changing coloured and white light. 24 .Scotland . Michael Russell .ANDREW LEE ANDREW LEE This major restoration scheme has brought the crane back to life as a visitor attraction ANDREW LEE “Through planning reforms and our sustainable policies. We chose to work with the Civic Trust to establish this new Special Award for Placemaking in Scotland. we are seeking to support the creation of more distinctive places of enduring quality. recognising the importance and value of good urban and rural design in our lives. The Titan Crane is an inspiring and long lasting example of how a sympathetic approach to cultural and historic aspects of spatial development can enhance the creation of new places in Scotland. the Titan Crane in Clydebank. The first winner of the Special Award for Placemaking.” Minister for Culture. illustrates how a creative approach to conserving heritage can enrich the unique character of a community. is a goal yet to be fully achieved. It provides access to a range of shops and restaurants. ensuring that the needs of everyone are addressed. and has created a new café culture with a lively.Streets Award sponsored by CABE New Road Brighton JIM MAYOR Entrant Brighton & Hove City Council Architect Gehl Architects Landscape Designer Landscape Projects Main Contractor Edburtons Structural Engineer Martin Stockley Associates Woodwork Consultant Woodscape Light Design Esther Rolinson This scheme is an external public space which is situated at the heart of the city’s Cultural Quarter. motorist dominated street scene incorporating rigid features such as kerbs and crossings into one where pedestrians are able to move freely over the whole area and have priority over other users. including those experienced by some disabled people. The inclusion within the design of attractive features such as bespoke seating and lighting has improved the experience of many people who use the area. welcoming atmosphere which is pedestrian friendly both during the day and in the evening. By adopting the concept of a shared space the scheme has transformed a traditional. Lanes and North Laine area. Theatre Royal. As with all shared spaces however. Dome and Museum. and several world famous destinations including the Pavilion. Jubilee Library. Local people were involved in the design process through a series of workshops and it is clear that the scheme has improved the experience for many people who use it. 26 . businesses and residences. Brighton and Hove City Council have made an ambitious commitment to delivering flexible and enjoyable city streets. even though it is in the heart of the cultural quarter. To begin to create streets fit for people we need to develop thinking and encourage innovation. urban design and public space. Unfortunately established development and management processes often ignore design quality and result in spaces that don’t work for people. By working across departments with talented designers. they can deliver economic environmental and social benefits for communities and they should be of the highest design quality. but is focused on the needs of the pedestrian The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) is Government’s advisor on architecture. Brighton and Hove have transformed New Road into a high quality flexible space. JIM MAYOR . Streets are public spaces that we all use everyday.JIM MAYOR The scheme retains vehicular access. which has witnessed a flourishing of formal and informal cultural life. Therefore we are delighted to sponsor this year’s Streets Award. the wide carriageway and associated clutter left little room for people. In New Road. and has become a destination in its own right. we see this as an opportunity to celebrate and learn from those who are delivering great streets. and the building materials are high quality. These complicated circulation routes are critical to the function of the building. The courts themselves are vertically stacked and address a glazed atrium on one side. This is a dramatic building which is iconic and impressive at street level. 28 .Sustainability Award sponsored by Aggregate Industries Civic Justice Centre Manchester TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON Owner Allied London Properties Ltd Entrant Denton Corker Marshall Ltd Architect Denton Corker Marshall Ltd Developer Allied London Properties Ltd Landscape Designer Hyland Edgar Driver Main Contractor Bovis Lend Lease Quantity Surveyor Gardiner & Theobald Services Engineer Mott Macdonald Structural Engineer Mott Macdonald Additional Organisations Her Majesty's Court Service. Manchester City Council The largest court complex to be built in the UK since 1892. providing a pleasant working environment for staff. and very assertive. The building creates its own aura and is commanding of its own character. The design is innovative and has readdressed the form and layout for a building with a traditional function. The scheme is wonderfully abstract. Unusually. which is in itself undergoing considerable regeneration. Internal spaces and circulation routes are carefully considered and planned. pods within the atrium are used as meeting rooms. with spaces feeling calming and relaxed. The visual and acoustic separation between public and private areas is very good. allowing court officials and judges to access the courtrooms via independent routes away from the public areas. separating and protecting vulnerable witnesses. this scheme houses 47 courtrooms and 75 consultation rooms. The courts and public areas have natural ventilation and daylight. This new scheme is situated in the heart of Manchester’s Spinningfields quarter. TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON . In March 2009. Aggregate Industries became the world's first company to be certified by the BRE (Building Research Establishment) to BES 6001 the standard for the responsible sourcing of construction materials.TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON This is a dramatic building which is iconic and impressive at street level TIM GRIFFITH / DANIEL HOPKINSON Aggregate Industries has been working to be a more environmentally sustainable business for over 10 years. we also have taken up the challenge of dramatically changing the shape of the built environment. recognised and rewarded. We support the Civic Trust Sustainability Award so that excellence can be revealed. As a Goldleaf Founding Member of UK Green Building Council. and for five of these we have been supporting the Civic Trust as the Special Awards Sponsor for Sustainability. . It includes a 1912 Protected Structure. and the level of internal finishing is high. Owner The National Trust Entrant Cowper Griffith Architects Architect Cowper Griffith Architects Landscape Designer Cowper Griffith Architects & The National Trust Main Contractor Haymills Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon LLP Services Engineer Max Fordham LLP Structural Engineer Scott Wilson An attractive new facility on the site of a previous visitor centre. A very beautiful and elegant scheme. The new office development is enhanced by natural light and ventilation.Awards 7–9 Merrion Row & The Billets Dublin Anglesey Abbey Visitor Centre Cambridge GRAFTON ARCHITECTS GRAFTON ARCHITECTS GRAFTON ARCHITECTS PETER COOK PETER COOK GRAFTON ARCHITECTS Entrant Grafton Architects Architect Grafton Architects Main Contractor John Paul Construction Quantity Surveyor Leonard & Williams Services Engineer OPW Engineering Structural Engineer Barrett Mahoney This scheme provides new office accommodation for the Department of Finance. making it a pleasant and attractive working environment. this scheme is well proportioned and modestly set in its landscape. This is a truly public building designed with visitors in mind. The scheme has brought an historic building back into use as an integral part of the new building complex. is well designed and cleverly acts as a sun screen and as an acoustic buffer to the city traffic. such as timber and aluminium introduce an industrial reference. The main staircase. Simply used materials. The simple new building accommodates multi use space. which is used for education as well as for private functions. The revenues generated by this building will undoubtedly mean that the gardens can be well maintained for public use and benefit. which links with the adjacent Government buildings. The six chimneys sit well in the surroundings and continue the tradition of the local Dublin roofscape. which raised the particular challenge of incorporating new accommodation within the character of the existing structure. The estate itself comprises around 100 acres of garden and parkland. PETER COOK PETER COOK . and the elements of the house date back to the 12th century. positioned at the front of the building. café. The dramatic new atrium forms the centrepiece of the building. The use of timber detailing reinforces the building as a gentle addition to the park. The scheme is an integral part of the refurbishment of the park. with a light and spacious atmosphere. accommodating reception. and the new south entrance façade with its deep blade walls in brickwork is an especially elegant solution to the fusion of old and new. PETER COOK Owner Cadbury Trebor Bassett Entrant Stanton Williams Architects Stanton Williams. and the quality of the internal spaces is high.Awards Avenham Park Pavilion Preston Cadbury Trebor Bassett Dining Block Redevelopment Birmingham PETER COOK PETER COOK/VIEW PETER COOK/VIEW Owner Preston City Council Entrant McChesney Architects Architect McChesney Architects Landscape Designer Fenella Griffin + Edward Hutchison Main Contractor John Turner & Sons Quantity Surveyor Boyden & Company Services Engineer RYB Konsult Structural Engineer Atelier One A new building in an Edward Milner designed park. performance space. This is a popular and well used civic piece of architecture that responds well to its setting and provides an important facility for local residents and visitors to Preston. toilet facilities. This is a calm building with a fascinating approach to symmetry. with elements of the old reflected in the detailing of the new elevations. The construction and detailing are good. 32 . The pack of cards roof forms an attractive canopy and the lovely scheme is in a beautiful setting. The intervention of the atrium is simple and efficient. display and waiting areas. Weedon Partnership Developer Stanton Williams Main Contractor Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd Quantity Surveyor Edmond Shipway Services Engineer Cundall Structural Engineer Faber Maunsell Acoustic Consultant Equus Partnership Project Managers Atisreal Ltd Planning Supervisor Turnberry Consulting Additional Organisation Morey Smith This bold project blends new and old to transform the 1920s Dining Block at the heart of the Bournville Village Conservation Area into a new public face and headquarters for this leading global business. The retained façades have been refurbished. the scheme has made a positive contribution to the street scene. this scheme provides a café. rangers’ base. and multi function area which can be used as a classroom. and overall. Simple in concept and execution. and provides a light and airy space. the scheme also includes a café and exhibition space which encourages wider community involvement. showing a good use of internal space. The conversion work has been undertaken to high design standards using quality materials. The scheme is carefully sited to ensure that it doesn’t impede any views of St Paul’s Cathedral. it is visible and welcoming. The building accommodates the state of the art technology that allows visitors to enjoy the information service. but is orientated to avoid solar gain. with views of the river Tamar. and the triangular shape allows the public to use the widest section whilst staff facilities are housed in the tip. The full height glazed frontage provides natural light. This is a well resolved and satisfying building executed with panache. Existing materials. Plymouth HUFTON AND CROW TREVOR BURROWS TREVOR BURROWS HUFTON AND CROW Owner City of London Entrant Make Architects Architect Make Architects Developer City of London Landscape Designer Townshend Landscape Architects Main Contractor Skanska Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Arup Structural Engineer Arup Additional Organisations Seele.City of London Information Centre London Clarence and Brewhouse Royal William Yard. HUFTON AND CROW Entrant Golley Slater Architect Acanthus Ferguson Mann Architects Developer Urban Splash Main Contractor Midas Projects Ltd Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon LLP Services Engineer Hoare Lee Originally designed by Sir John Renee. Watson Steel Structures This imaginative scheme brings new life to a high profile site. The existing structure has been retained and the interiors are designed as modern interventions. TREVOR BURROWS . have been used where possible. It illustrates how contemporary design can be successfully introduced to a heritage context. In a stunning setting. such as granite slabs. these two Grade I listed Naval buildings have been renovated and regenerated to provide housing. Physically. this development contributes to the fabric of Plymouth as a whole by preserving a set of most striking and historically rich and significant set of buildings. The folded metallic envelope is distinctive and functional. in line with English Heritage’s requirements. the tower has been dismantled. The top lit civic hall and narrow stair hall are formed between the classical façade of the existing City Hall. the project is structured around two dramatic spaces. Dorset Cork City Council Civic Offices Cork THE LANDMARK TRUST THE LANDMARK TRUST Owners The Landmark Trust. Previously a surface car park. The outer glazing of the double façade is fritted with a graded pattern to give shading from the sun and also acts as a buffer from wind and city noise. this scheme provides an administrative building and car parking. Its restoration has aroused considerable local interest and has also attracted visitors from all over the country. The careful restoration of this landmark building has preserved this historic folly for the future. providing space for networking and connecting the various levels of the building. and this new building. The small internal spaces within this historic folly have been imaginatively used to provide attractive accommodation. and all materials used in the restoration have been reclaimed or locally sourced. Previously at risk from coastal erosion. Smedmore Estate Entrant The Landmark Trust Developer The Landmark Trust Main Contractor Carrek Structural Engineer SFK Consulting Built in 1830 as an observatory and folly. the tower was derelict from the 1930s until 2007. The tower is a significant feature in the landscape and can be seen for miles around. THE LANDMARK TRUST JOHN PARKER JOHN PARKER Owner Cork City Council Entrant ABK Architects Architect ABK Architects Access Consultant ABK Architects Developer Cleary Doyle Contracting Ltd Main Contractor Cleary Doyle Contracting Ltd Quantity Surveyor Cleary Doyle Contracting Ltd Services Engineer Homan O' Brien Associates Structural Engineer Michael Punch + Partners Additional Organisation Billings Design The result of a competition. The scheme forms a new covered street for the city which also serves as a foyer to the concert hall and a public meeting place.Awards Clavell Tower Kimmeridge. moved 25 metres inland and restored for holiday letting. 34 . The structure has been rebuilt on new foundations. The stair hall is a central place for staff. two production kitchens and lecture theatre. and the timber façade is attractive and well done. Including six teaching kitchens. Internal spaces are spacious.000 registered students and over 1. resulting in a simple elegance. Supple Ltd Quantity Surveyor Bruce Shaw Partnership and AKC Chartered Surveyors Services Engineers Arup. The scheme represents the latest addition to the main campus. robust. This restrained scheme comprises five new buildings providing accommodation for 250 students. PETER COOK PETER COOK . ensuring that they benefit from maximum natural light. Bedfordshire PETER COOK PETER COOK CORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PETER COOK Owner Cork Institute of Technology Entrant de Blacam and Meagher Architects Architect de Blacam and Meagher Boyd Barrett Murphy O'Conner Landscape Designer de Blacam and Meagher Boyd Barrett Murphy O'Conner Main Contractors PJ Hegarty. J. John O'Donovan & Associates. which covers 80 acres. Student Accommodation Cranfield. A combination of full and part time students attends a wide range of courses. This is a well considered plan which creates interesting spaces and views. the Cork Institute of Technology has four separate campuses.500 staff. low budget scheme. requiring new residential buildings at the main Cranfield site. Malachy Walsh and Partners With 12. The new buildings fit well into the existing campus. and all student rooms are either east or west facing. the university is moving from three campuses to two.F. Homan O'Brien & Associates Structural Engineers Arup Consulting Engineers. a student centre and tourism and hospitality building. Owner Cranfield University Entrant Stanton Williams Architect Stanton Williams Landscape Designer Christopher Bradley-Hole Landscape Main Contractor Mansell Construction Services Ltd Quantity Surveyor Northcroft Services Engineer K J Tait Structural Engineer Barton Engineers Planning Supervisor Davis Langdon Project Managers Schal Fire Consultant BRCS Acoustic Consultant Sandy Brown Associates As part of a rationalisation of its estate. the new building provides the latest facilities for students of all ages in an attractive environment. The scheme is sensitively sited in relation to the existing 1960’s buildings and forms an attractive landscaped access route. A good. the scheme is a real benefit to the growing Institute.Cork Institute of Technology Cork Cranfield Stringfellow Hall. Home to a new administration building. including evening and weekend classes and continuing professional development studies. does not differentiate between the two. enclosing private courtyards. and are well used by residents and their children. Diarmuid Gavin Designs 36 Part of the Dublin Docklands Masterplan. The elevation facing the park is particularly successful with the amoeba shaped windows creating an attractively lit feature at night. Built on a brownfield site and adjacent to a mainline railway viaduct. It combines private and social housing. Animation is provided by the cafés and restaurants at street level. The scheme is popular and is highly regarded for its educational and social benefits. London NICK GUTTRIDGE GERRY O’LEARY GERRY O’LEARY GERRY O’LEARY Owner Hanover Quay Partnership & Dublin Dockland Development Authority Entrant O’Mahony Pike Architects Architect O'Mahony Pike Architects Developer Hanover Quay Partnership Landscape Designer Brady Shipman Martin Main Contractor Hanover Quay Partnership Quantity Surveyor John Sisk & Son Ltd Services Engineer Delap & Waller Consulting Engineers Structural Engineer Burke Jenkins Consulting Engineers Fire Consultant Michael Slattery & Associates Additional Organisations Lumon. this scheme is composed of two urban blocks. whilst brick wings shield the affected windows from the noise and intrusiveness of the railway. NICK GUTTRIDGE Owner FreeForm Arts Trust Entrant Ash Sakula Architects Architect Ash Sakula Architects Access Consultant Design Access Landscape Designer Ash Sakula Architects Main Contractor Mansell Construction Services Ltd Quantity Surveyor Faithful & Gould Services Engineer Michael Popper Associates Structural Engineer Dewhurst MacFarlane Hothouse is a workspace. Predominantly residential. This is a well mannered piece of architecture which provides a mixed use facility. NICK GUTTRIDGE GERRY O’LEARY . The main rooms overlook a neighbouring park. it also houses offices and retail facilities. which engage well with the community. setting and context. the building is long and narrow. and introduces a new way or urban living. A high density development. developed on a tight budget. resource and venue for the local community. This is a good scheme. and commendably. The courtyards provide a quiet ambience well away from the noise of urban road traffic that surrounds the site.Awards Hanover Quay Dublin Hothouse Hackney. which brings benefits to the area and local community. The scheme has been imaginatively designed and developed to overcome its limitations and make full use of its potential. the scheme provides good spaces. entered through an apparent crack in the ground. Delicately placed in the landscape. and the use of meshes and grilles provides lightness to the structure.5kw wind turbine and photovoltaics. and an enjoyable destination for walkers during the day. and broadening the overall enjoyment of a visit to the gardens. and were strategically placed as a result of intelligent research to ascertain the position of tree roots. . providing education and interest. whilst heat is provided by a woodburning stove. The corten steel supports mingle successfully with the tree trunks. the scheme allows the natural elements to dominate the environment. The ‘Rhizotron’. a warm room. is a walk-in viewing area illustrating the world of tree root biology. The building also acts as an observation area for the forest during the day. It is an astronomical observatory housing two telescopes in rotating turrets. Designed for educational and amateur use. toilet and kitchen. The scheme is proving extremely popular. this is a unique building that provides a stimulating environment for introduction to astronomy by night. Whilst obviously an engineered structure. and provides a series of spaces which allow several groups to use the scheme at the same time. the facility can be used by large groups.Kew Treetop Walkway and Rhizotron Kew Kielder Observatory. Power is generated entirely on site by a 2. Owner Forestry Commission Entrant Charles Barclay Architects Architect Charles Barclay Architects Main Contractor Stephen Mersh Quantity Surveyor Burke Hunter Adams Structural Engineer Michael Hadi Associates Additional Organisation John Aynsley Architectural Metalwork The observatory is an all-timber 'land pier' standing on Black Fell above Kielder Water. The Walkway is beautifully designed and constructed. Kew Entrant Marks Barfield Architects Architect Marks Barfield Architects Access Consultant Earnscliffe Davis Associates Main Contractor WS Britland Quantity Surveyor Fanshawe Structural Engineer Jane Wernick Associates This clever scheme takes visitors 18 metres up into the tree canopy for a bird’s eye view of Kew Gardens. Kielder Water and Forest Park Northumberland CHARLES BARCLAY CHARLES BARCLAY PETER DURANT Owner Royal Botanical Gardens. a welcoming. inspirational refuge for its visitors.Awards Kings Place Islington. Landscaping is particularly important in this scheme. this scheme is located at Charing Cross hospital and provides support. and provides a relaxing. the site enjoys water on two sides. non institutional facility. Internal spaces are well planned and perfectly detailed. making it a tranquil and attractive space.CO. protected from its immediate environment. The scheme is quite imposing but manages to retain good engagement at street level. including offices. combining the commercial environment with civic involvement. The office accommodation subsidises the building of the cultural venue.UK 2008 Owner Parabola Land Ltd Entrant Dixon Jones Ltd Architect Dixon Jones Ltd Access Consultant Tuffin Ferraby Taylor Developer Parabola Land Ltd Landscape Designer Dixon Jones Ltd Main Contractor Sir Robert McAlpine Quantity Surveyor Gardiner & Theobald Services Engineer Arup Newcastle Structural Engineer Arup Newcastle Project Managers Gardiner & Theobald Management Services Acoustic Consultant Arup Acoustics Additional Organisation Arup Façades A new architectural landmark offering an exciting mix of facilities.UK 2008 RICHARD BRYANT/ARCAID. arts venue and public space. and includes internal and roof gardens. London Maggie’s Centre Hammersmith. London RICHARD BRYANT/ARCAID. The building is naturally ventilated. Owner Maggie’s Centre Entrant Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Architect Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Access Consultant Vin Goodwin Landscape Designer Dan Pearson Studio Main Contractor Rok Quantity Surveyor Turner and Townsend Services Engineer Arup Structural Engineer Arup Planning Supervisor TSP Schal Ltd Approved Inspectors Butler & Young Group Lighting Consultants Speirs & Major Associates Fire Consultant Warrington Fire Consultants The first Maggie’s Centre in England. The three layered glass façade provides protection from the sun and street noise. Close to the largest regeneration area in London. the scheme is situated in a large residential community.CO. bustling city street. as well as being a distinctive public face. The level of detailing is excellent and the overall scheme has an attractive simplicity. This building is a unique response to a complex. given the relatively harsh physical nature of the surrounding urban environment. with a mixture of open spaces and individual rooms. each room opens onto an internal garden space. It is an open house. Despite its city centre location. The use of materials is exciting and robust. 38 RICHARD BRYANT RICHARD BRYANT . information and a place to relax for cancer patients.UK 2008 RICHARD BRYANT RICHARD BRYANT RICHARD BRYANT/ARCAID.CO. with pedestrians being able to see into the building. New Art Exchange Nottingham New Cancer Research Facility. lecture theatre. studios and rehearsal spaces. housing a directorate. It brings together all the cancer research facilities within the University of Glasgow. Natural ventilation and light are provided by the quirky. workshop spaces. which contrasts with the historic nature of the site. The full length windows and glass walls allow light into the centre of the building. Set in a Victorian neighbourhood. and uses high quality materials. Designed by an artist. the Exchange is a sophisticated and welcoming addition to an urban neighbourhood. The 4 storey building accommodates a gallery. The building is a crystalline cube. the building is distinguished by its wonderful black brick façade. and its ground floor opens up into the surrounding walled garden. The scheme engages with the local community by placing a café at the entrance. providing an inspiring working environment and stunning views. The layout of the building has been well thought out and the double height gallery on the ground floor is particularly airy and visually exciting. A high quality design. The form and materials are very modern. this scheme provides an arts centre which is devoted to the promotion of black and Asian arts. PAUL ZANRE . the innovative patterned glass external glazing functions as an unusual solar screen. reflecting the advanced nature of the research work. HELENE BINET PAUL ZANRE Owner Beatson Institute for Cancer Research Entrant Reiach and Hall Architects Architect Reiach and Hall Architects Access Consultant Reiach and Hall Architects Developer University of Glasgow Estates & Buildings with Cancer Research UK Landscape Designer Ian White Associates Main Contractor Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd Quantity Surveyor Turner & Townsend Services Engineer Hulley & Kirkwood Structural Engineer URS Corporation Acoustic Consultant RMP Acoustic Consultants Planning Supervisor Beattie Watkinson Planning Supervisors Additional Organisation Arup Façades This new build provides state of the art research facilities. seminar rooms. Beatson Institute for Cancer Research UK and the University of Glasgow Glasgow PAUL ZANRE HELENE BINET HELENE BINET HELENE BINET PAUL ZANRE PAUL ZANRE Owner New Art Exchange Entrant Hawkins Brown Architect Hawkins Brown Access Consultant Nottingham City Council Access Developer New Art Exchange Main Contractor Bodill and Sons Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Furness Green Partnership Structural Engineer Price and Myers Acoustic Consultant Ion Acoustics Project Managers Focus Consultants Theatre Consultant Charcoal Blue Additional Organisation Nottingham City Council Planning Located on the site of the original art exchange. The internal layout is well thought out. different sized windows which offer unusual and intriguing views into the building. social area and laboratory. and the tallest is a talisman of the scheme. This well used new route provides an excellent connection for staff. Owner Northumbria University Entrant SLR Consulting Ltd Architect SLR Consulting Ltd (Public Realm) & Atkins (City Campus East buildings) Developer Northumbria University Landscape Designer SLR Consulting Ltd. The varying height of the buildings maximises sun penetration. it is pleasantly landscaped with some fine sculptures with a gentle gradient. Landscape Management Services Ltd (Landscape Contractor .Awards New Street Square London Northumbria University – City Campus East Newcastle upon Tyne JAMES BREWER SLR CONSULTING JAMES BREWER SLR CONSULTING PETER COOK JAMES BREWER SLR CONSULTING Owner Land Securities plc Entrant Bennetts Associates Architects Architect Bennetts Associates Architects Access Consultant All Clear Design Developer Land Securities plc Landscape Designer Whitelaw Turkington Main Contractor Sir Robert McAlpine Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Cundall Structural Engineer Pell Frischmann Additional Organisation Simon Harris & Co The scheme creates a contemporary destination with a substantial group of buildings set around a new public square. with the distinctive sculptural screen gates being designed by a student. as well as providing a new public space which makes a considerable local economic impact. just one of many pieces of sculpture which provide interest and character to the scheme. 40 . The palate of stone. Volker Stevin (Intersite Bridge) Quantity Surveyor Turner and Townsend Services Engineer Faber Maunsell (for City Campus East) Structural Engineer WSP Consulting Engineers (for City Campus East) Project Managers Gardiner & Theobald Additional Organisations Nicolaus Wilderberg. Well detailed materials have been used to unify the diverse spaces.Ellison Square) Main Contractors Sir Robert McAlpine (Contractor for City Campus East). and can also be used as raised podia on which to display work. The university community was involved in much of the design. with dark stone ‘rugs’ defining performance spaces and movement routes. Landscape Management Services Ltd The scheme comprises a new public realm for two university schools. The urban regeneration project brings vitality to this area. The curved space between the buildings is filled with giant granite pods which provide informal seating. The overall development links the two campuses across the carriageway and railway line which separates them. A series of pedestrian routes integrates the development with the lanes and courts which characterise the adjacent Fleet Street conservation area. glass and steel is softened by an attractive growing green wall. a new bridge and the redesign of an existing quad to provide a square. students and the public between the city centre and other areas. the apartments are designed behind a retained Victorian façade. including operating theatres. curved white walls and busy window proportions. d-raw associates This is a flagship building in an area composed of offices. some of which are located at children’s height levels. the building includes top floor play decks which open out into the fresh air. retail. which led to the construction of the striking ark like building on the steep hill. The Reiss building is concealed behind a dramatic and innovative opaque milled acrylic ‘veil’. which houses the store. an additional 13 dwellings. owner’s penthouse – and at the rear of the building. WILL PRYCE WILL PRYCE Owner Children’s Ark Partnerships Ltd Entrant BDP Architect BDP Developer Children’s Ark Partnerships Ltd Landscape Designer BDP Main Contractor Kajima Construction Europe (UK) Ltd Quantity Surveyor Gardiner & Theobald M. the bespoke façade is extremely effective as the entire building glows at night. DAVID BARBOUR / BDP . The scheme has made an important civic contribution to Brighton’s skyline. the scheme has placed a window in all inhabited rooms. the scheme reflects the company’s branding and the style of the street. Whilst the HQ building is contemporary and striking. It is a good mixed use development. which is lit by LED light strips.Reiss HQ London Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital Brighton DAVID BARBOUR / BDP DAVID BARBOUR / BDP WILL PRYCE WILL PRYCE Owner Reiss Limited Entrant Squire and Partners Architect Squire and Partners Developer Squire and Partners Main Contractor Como Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Hilson Moran Structural Engineer Fluid Structures Project Managers Buro Four Project Services Additional Organisations The London Planning Practice. New Church Health Planners This scheme successfully meets the challenge of integrating the proposed paediatric hospital within an already congested medical site. the scheme fits harmoniously with its surroundings. managerial hub. Designed to take on the shimmering quality of silk. bars. with a proliferation of windows. Services Engineer BDP Structural Engineer BDP Lighting Consultants BDP Acoustic Consultant BDP Fire Consultant Safe Consulting Additional Organisations Lesley Greene Arts Consultant. The site was restrictive.S. restaurants and housing. making the hospital a pleasant and airy working environment. Very sympathetic to children. Beautifully detailed. design studios. Maximum use has been made of natural daylight. With its horizontal alignment. This densely designed project sits well with the scale and complexity of the surrounding buildings. Through careful design. providing an identity for the council and a strong focal point for the community.Awards Runnymede Civic Offices Surrey Samworth Enterprise Academy Leicester MARTINE HAMILTON-KNIGHT PETER COOK / VIEW Owner Runnymede Borough Council Entrant Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Access Consultant All Clear Design Landscape Designer Grant Associates Main Contractor Willmott Dixon Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Max Fordham Structural Engineer Dewhurst Macfarlane and Partners Acoustic Consultant Applied Acoustic Design Project Managers Buro Four Planning Supervisor Mann Williams Fire Consultant Jeremy Gardner Associates This newly completed scheme provides a civic facility and contains police station. It is a very strong example of a positive contribution to the civic realm. and overall spatial distribution and flexibility are good. affording a long view of the council offices beyond. the school is acting as a catalyst for community integration. Clustering space is provided by the courtyards. Owner Academy Trust: Department for Children. A central street connects three different wings. colourful and open. The main bulk of the building is set back from the street to create a generous public space around an existing mature oak tree. stimulating and yet functional scheme. This is an exciting. The building defines the space and adds to the original context and the street. café and council accommodation. and the dining room in particular is well lit. with the communal dining hall and new church located at the entrance. providing a surprising sense of community for such a large building. toilets and interview rooms. café. Located in a difficult borough. Schools and Families. Natural lighting is maximised with large areas of glazing to one wall in each room. David Samworth. Diocese of Leicester Entrant Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Access Consultant Buro Happold DDC Landscape Designer Churchman Landscape Architects Main Contractor Gleeson Building Ltd Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Buro Happold Structural Engineer Buro Happold Additional Organisation St Christopher's Church A new academy for 3 – 16 year olds which also provides religious and sporting facilities. which is a real achievement for a school. Both spaces are used by the community. The clever geometry allows natural light into the building providing a welcoming and attractive working environment. together with routes through to the library. The double height entrance hall engages with visitors. 42 MARTINE HAMILTON-KNIGHT MARTINE HAMILTON-KNIGHT PETER COOK / VIEW PETER COOK / VIEW . library. and is open to the community outside school hours. Hickton Consultants This new museum is at the heart of a regeneration area and is part of a plan to establish a cultural quarter. and is used by a local. This is a top quality scheme which has brought back the romance and grandeur of arriving in London by rail. HELENE BINET . This is a beautiful building. The station has been transformed into a destination in its own right. bringing investment in shops. the lecture theatre is eye shaped which makes for a better relationship between the audience. extended and modernised. The external courtyard allows activities within the museum to spill out in summer months. speaker and screens. while also creating a new public space for Lincoln. restaurants and local transport links. The museum houses archaeological and historical artefacts and is well used by the community. The scheme itself has acted as a tremendous catalyst for the regeneration of the surrounding area. and William Barlow’s soaring train shed. Now accommodating the Eurostar service. with superb and clever views of the cathedral through carefully placed windows. HELENE BINET Owner Lincolnshire County Council and Lincoln City Council Entrant Panter Hudspith Architects Architect Panter Hudspith Architects Main Contractor Caddick Construction Ltd Quantity Surveyor Burke Hunter Adams Services Engineer Arup Structural Engineer Price & Myers Project Managers Focus Consultants Additional Organisations Event Communications. The design of the museum has been developed to create connections throughout the site and improve links with an adjoining gallery and gardens. Internal spaces are carefully and creatively designed. without neglecting its architectural heritage. making it a real European facility. the scheme has updated the station. St Pancras Station has been beautifully reorganised.St Pancras Station London ‘The Collection’. national and international community. new Thameslink station and Underground ticket hall. City and County Museum Lincoln HELENE BINET LONDON AND CONTINENTAL RAILWAYS LONDON AND CONTINENTAL RAILWAYS LONDON AND CONTINENTAL RAILWAYS Owner Union Railways (North) Limited & London and Continental Railways Entrant London Borough of Camden Architect Sir Norman Foster and Alistair Lansley Developer London and Continental Railways Main Contractor Rail Link Engineering Services Engineer Bechtel Ltd Structural Engineer Ove Arup & Partners Originally renowned for George Gilbert Scott’s station building and Midland Grand Hotel. The showpiece dome in the centre of the scheme provides an unusual viewing area which has become an iconic image on the city skyline. the dome provides a vantage point over the city. Materials are hard wearing. proving that excellent design transcends time. which is accessible to all. The streets are protected from rain by oversailing glass canopies. mixed use scheme which is a real enhancement to Belfast’s streetscape. gallery. sun parlour and theatre. the updated Pavilion brings a real benefit to residents and visitors. and its transformation gives a new identity to the civic landscape. Vaughan Engineering Services Ltd Structural Engineer BDP A new retail led. The scheme provides a good continuation of the street outside. whilst the new South East staircase opens up the roof top terrace and improves the flow and circulation through the building.Awards The De La Warr Pavilion Bexhill on Sea. with natural ventilation. DAVID BARBOUR / BDP DAVID BARBOUR / BDP PETER COOK Owner Commerz Grundbesitz Investmentgesellschaft (CGI) Entrant BDP Architect BDP Access Consultant Donaldsons Developer Multi Development Corporation Ltd (and in-house architect T+T Design) Landscape Designer BDP Main Contractor Farrans-Gilbert Ash (FGA) Quantity Surveyors Cyril Sweett. and provides a well used civic facility. and the construction and detailing of the scheme are of a high quality. East Sussex Victoria Square Belfast PETER COOK Owner De La Warr Pavilion Entrant John McAslan + Partners Architect John McAslan + Partners Access Consultant David Bonnett Associates Developer De La Warr Pavilion Trust Main Contractor Heasman Spicer Quantity Surveyor Maynard Mortimer & Gibbons Services Engineer Rybka Structural Engineer FJ Samuely and Partners Project Managers Cragg Management Services Planning Supervisor WSA Originally designed by Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermeyeff. this restoration and transformation scheme has brought a stunning building back into public use. Now housing a new reception area. The scheme has filled a retail gap without resorting to a standard mall. terrace. This is a landmark building for Bexhill. which preserve the light and promote the outdoor ambience. Gardiner & Theobald Services Engineers BDP. 44 . Proving extremely popular. This work has maintained the vibrant quality of the original and given it a new lease of life. JBE Building Services. foyer. providing a popular cultural and meeting venue. and opened in 1935. Both the restoration and extensions integrate in a restrained manner. yet it does not dominate its site or the surroundings. The scheme is vibrant and well liked by the local community. Exilarch Foundation.Westminster Academy at the Naim Dangoor Centre Westminster. Designed around an open atrium. Westminster City Council. Capita Symonds A new secondary school housing 1175 pupils. London TIMOTHY SOAR TIMOTHY SOAR Owner Westminster Academy. projecting balconies at each level protect the teaching spaces from the sun. the 5 storey school provides a secure and stimulating environment. In contrast to the colour-banded exterior the interior is more neutral but enlivened by acoustic baffles and bold graphics which pick up the colours used outside. the scheme is located in a gritty urban context where 95% of pupils are bilingual. Schools and Families and Exilarch Foundation Entrant Allford Hall Monaghan Morris LLP Architect Allford Hall Monaghan Morris LLP Developer BDP Landscape Designer BDP Main Contractor Galliford Try Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer BDP Structural Engineer BDP Project Managers Studio Myerscough. TIMOTHY SOAR . Department for Children. who use the sporting facilities outside school hours. The main building is large and clad in glazed terracotta panels ranging from bottle green to yellow in stratified bands. To the south. . this 1930s lido has been saved for the community. this scheme replaces existing facilities and includes a conference venue. and the facilities are well used. The scheme is a good example of how an existing facility can be brought up to date without losing the historical qualities of the existing building. and brings the cityscape to ground level. Owner National Trust for Scotland Entrant Gareth Hoskins Architects Ltd Architect Gareth Hoskins Architects Ltd Access Consultant Ralph Appelbaum Associates Landscape Designer Gross Max Main Contractor Morrison Construction Quantity Surveyor Thomas & Adamson Services Engineer Max Fordham LLP Structural Engineer David Narro Associates Project Managers Jacobs Babtie Planning Supervisor Stewart Anderson Associates . The new hard landscaping provides seating. this scheme re-establishes a physical and visual connection between the two. Owner Scottish Widows Entrant Eric Parry Architects Architect Eric Parry Architects Access Consultant David Bonnet Associates Developer Hanover Cube (Development Manager) Landscape Designer Eric Parry Architects Main Contractor Bovis Quantity Surveyor Northcroft Services Engineer Hilson Moran Partnership Structural Engineer Ramboll Whitbybird Planning Supervisor Northcroft Fire Consultant SAFE Lighting Consultants Spiers & Major Associates Originally designed by Rowbotham and Smithson. a water feature and a cascade. The scheme opens up an old Roman thoroughfare. gym and children’s activity centre.Commendations 5 Aldermanbury Square London Brockwell Lido London Culloden Battlefield Memorial Centre Inverness ANDREW LEE PHOTOGRAPHY DAVID CHURCHILL DAVID CHURCHILL TIMOTHY SAUR TIMOTHY SAUR DAVID CHURCHILL Sitting between a square and a street. which now includes dance studio. The scheme is built in a conservation area. with high-level ventilation via parapets and roof cowls. This new scheme has made a contribution to the area. and in part rebuilt the lido. The scheme has refurbished. café. and relieves congestion with its generous ground floor public spaces. Local people were extensively consulted during the design process. and sits unobtrusively in the landscape. whilst making connections across the wider site. and creates a third space. shop and staff accommodation. The challenge of designing a naturally ventilated building that could respond to extremely high visitor loads was met by a passive ventilation system. Owner Lambeth Council Leaseholder Fusion Lifestyle Entrant Pollard Thomas Edwards Architects Architect Pollard Thomas Edwards Architects Developer Fusion Lifestyle Main Contractor Cosmur Construction Quantity Surveyor Graham Bryant Services Engineer Stewart Anthony Limited Structural Engineer Conisbee User Group Brockwell Lido Users Group Interior Design Revolution Design ANDREW LEE PHOTOGRAPHY ANDREW LEE PHOTOGRAPHY The result of an international design competition. combining opening windows and low-level vents. A new church was designed as part of the scheme. Accommodating 650 staff. Owner Grosvenor Limited Entrant Grosvenor Limited Architect BDP Developer Grosvenor Limited Landscape Designer BDP Main Contractor Laing O Rourke Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer WSP Structural Engineer Waterman Group Additional architect Groupe 6 48 This ambitious scheme brings together a number of educational institutions onto a single site and acts as a catalyst for local regeneration. Structural interventions are appropriate and well executed. The entrance façade in clear structural glass is dramatic and provides a clean and open feel to one of the main access points to the retail development. the building is sited amongst family housing. The clear glazing engages well with the street. The courtyard is attractive. The site encompasses Grade II listed buildings designed by Sir Henry Pilkington and the scheme combines new build with refurbishment. It is inspiring to see a social landlord investing in a high quality building. The entrance area is dramatic and the retention of the full length of the original drill hall as the library is a real technical feat. and the scheme is highly energy efficient. Owner East Thames Group Entrant Fletcher Priest Architects Architect Fletcher Priest Architects Access Consultant David Bonnett Associates Developer First Base / Laing O'Rourke Landscape Designer Charles Funke Associates Main Contractor Laing O'Rourke Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Waterman Services Structural Engineer Waterman Structures Acoustic Consultant Applied Acoustic Design Additional Organisations Ramboll Whitbybird. the curved form of the café helps to reinforce the enclosure of the elevated park. DEGW . and encourages local people to use the ground floor public café. The cantilevered and curved café flies above steps leading to a new park. which enhances local engagement. resulting in a building of unique character. Universities at Medway Kent CHRIS GASCOIGNE PHOTOGRAPHY CHRIS GASCOIGNE PHOTOGRAPHY NICK GUTTRIDGE East Thames Headquarters London DAVID BARBOUR DAVID BARBOUR DAVID BARBOUR NICK GUTTRIDGE An anchor store of the new Liverpool One retail scheme.Commendations Debenhams Liverpool Drill Hall. Owner University of Kent Entrant RMJM Architect Stephen Cutler Access Consultant Invicta Chartered Surveryors Developer RMJM London Landscape Designer RMJM Main Contractor Wallis Kier Quantity Surveyor Northcroft Services Engineer Faber Maunsell The scheme provides headquarters for one of London’s largest registered social landlords. the project demonstrates contemporary urban retail design. With a sense of fun and quirkiness. It transforms the historic centre of Coventry and links a busy street with the quieter spaces of the square and cathedral. smaller house. Overall. Kent Herbert Art Gallery and Museum Coventry MORLEY VON STERNBERG DENNIS GILBERT Jerwood Space Southwark.El Ray Dungeness. Owner Private owner Entrant Simon Conder Associates Architect Simon Conder Associates Main Contractor Ecolibrium Solutions Quantity Surveyor Listers Services Engineer Zef Structural Engineer Fluid Structures The result of a competition. This is a successful civic building and makes a real contribution to the public realm. with gallery and restaurant. both with the management and the users. this scheme encompasses the refurbishment and extension of an existing art gallery and museum. Owner Coventry City Council Entrant Pringle Richards Sharratt Architects Architect Pringle Richards Sharratt Architects Access Consultant Earnscliffe Access for People Developer Coventry City Council Landscape Designer Edward Hutchison Landscape Architects Main Contractor Galliford Try Construction Quantity Surveyor Turner & Townsend Services Engineer SVM Consulting Engineers Structural Engineer Alan Baxter & Associates Project Managers Gardiner & Theobald Management Services Acoustic Consultant Sandy Brown Associates Lighting Consultants Lichttechnik Martin Klingler Planning Supervisor Philip Pank Partnership Fire Consultant WSP Buildings DENNIS GILBERT The scheme provides an excellent non profit rehearsal facility. this is a good example of an eccentric seaside building. this scheme is a gem of an architectural solution. London PAUL SMOOTHY AND CHRIS GASCOIGNE PAUL SMOOTHY AND CHRIS GASCOIGNE A new two bedroomed family house. The extension creates an inviting new front to the gallery. The new performance spaces are busy and popular. The new building and conversion work has been undertaken boldly and with imagination to delightfully transform the war damaged school buildings. The new house incorporates a 19th century railway carriage that formed the basis of the original. the scheme has made a positive impact on the regeneration of the area. this scheme develops the local tradition of improvisation and experimentation. The interiors are nicely detailed. and the atmosphere is vibrant and energetic. Owner Jerwood Space Entrant Munkenbeck+Partners Architects Architect Munkenbeck+Partners Architects Main Contractor Harris Calnan Quantity Surveyor Jackson Coles Services Engineer Atelier Ten Structural Engineer Dewhurst MacFarlane Acoustic Consultant Sandy Brown Associates . Clever and unusual. whilst the glazed arcade and sweep of steps complete the enclosure of the square. which is particularly fitting in its Dungeness Beach location. Commendations Kings Norton Restoration Birmingham Lifestyle Academy, Newcastle College Newcastle CHRIS GASCOIGNE/VIEW ROS KAVANAGH PHOTOGRAPHY ROS KAVANAGH PHOTOGRAPHY Lincoln Place Dublin KENNETH FISHER KENNETH FISHER Winner of the second BBC2 Restoration series in 2004, the project involved the restoration of two medieval timber-framed buildings. A community led scheme, the restoration has resulted in facilities for both tourism and education. This project has brought back to life a complex of ancient buildings, previously suffering from lack of investment. They are enjoying a new lease of life and should now provide a valuable community resource for many years to come. Owner Parochial Church Council of Kings Norton Entrant APEC Architects Architect APEC Architects Main Contractor Linford Building (Midlands) Quantity Surveyor Ridge and Partners Services Engineer Briar Associates Structural Engineer Hancock Wheeldon and Ascough Additional Organisation Birmingham Archaeology CHRIS GASCOIGNE/VIEW This new build provides college facilities for a range of subjects, including sport, beauty and hospitality. It is also a training resource for businesses throughout the region, and operates some commercial health and beauty facilities. An imposing and large building, the academy has excellent views of the city. The visual impact and character of the building is highest in the evening when light filters through the random window arrangement. Owner Newcastle College Entrant RMJM Architect RMJM Access Consultant ADAPT Developer Newcastle College Landscape Designer LAND Main Contractor Sir Robert McAlpine Quantity Surveyor Todd Milburn Partnership Services Engineer Greenroom Structural Engineer Create Engineering Acoustic Consultant Sandy Brown Associates Project Managers Turner & Townsend Additional Organisations EXRM, Technogym The scheme provides a small office building extension on a narrow triangle. The new building is connected through to the existing one at first floor level. This new space has improved the working environment; there are well-lit floorplates which divide up well for open areas and enclosed offices for separate divisions within the organisation. The new building fills a vacant corner which is highly visible in the city; it is modern though appropriate for the site. Owner Sheehan & Co Solicitors Entrant McCullough Mulvin Architects Architect McCullough Mulvin Architects Main Contractor Hassett Construction Quantity Surveyor John D Skelly & Associates Services Engineer Niall MacManus Structural Engineer Kavanagh Mansfield & Partners 50 ROS KAVANAGH PHOTOGRAPHY mima & Centre Square Middlesbrough Minstead Study Centre Winchester Mount St Anne’s Dublin CHRISTIAN RICHTERS FOR EEA MIKE PEET GERRY O’LEARY GERRY O’LEARY MIKE PEET CHRISTIAN RICHTERS FOR EEA A new gallery of modern art which brings together the town’s collection. Including education facilities and café, the scheme is surrounded by a new public space. The gallery provides a dramatic glazed front to the square, and shows a good choice of materials. The scheme is liked by local people and is playing an important role in regenerating the emerging Cultural Quarter. The building makes a bold statement about external space which is especially suitable for such a gallery. Owner Middlesbrough Council Entrant Middlesbrough Council Architect Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects Developer Middlesbrough Council Landscape Designer West 8 Main Contractor Miller Construction Quantity Surveyor Gardiner & Theobald - Newcastle Services Engineer Buro Happold Structural Engineer Buro Happold Project Managers Turner & Townsend The scheme provides residential courses for primary school aged children and promotes a respect for nature and sustainable living. The building is constructed from locally sourced timber and the overall use of materials is good. The scheme replaces a number of temporary buildings, and can accommodate up to 38 residents. Sustainability has been a clear driver for the scheme, and the heat source and ventilation are both commendable. Owner Minstead Study Centre Entrant Hampshire County Council Architect Hampshire County Council Architects Access Consultant Hampshire County Council Architects Landscape Designer Hampshire County Council Architects Main Contractor Carillion Plc Quantity Surveyor Hampshire County Council Architects Services Engineer EDP Structural Engineer Hampshire County Council Architects GERRY O’LEARY Located in a suburb of Dublin, this residential scheme provides 172 units of social and private housing. A combination of apartments and houses, the scheme feels spacious. The buildings are well designed, with no differentiation between social and private housing. Excellent attention has been given to the materials and the public realm has a generosity of space. The grounds are attractive, leading to a great sense of openness, and are used by residents and local people. Entrant O’Mahony Pike Architects Architect O'Mahony Pike Architects Developer Park Develoments Group Landscape Designer Brady Shipman Martin Main Contractor Sisk Quantity Surveyor Park Developments Group Services Engineer Delap & Waller Structural Engineer DBFL Consulting Engineers GERRY O’LEARY Commendations Nant Clwyd House, Ruthin National Film and Wales Television School Beaconsfield JAMES BRITTAIN PHOTOGRAPHY MORLEY VON STERNBERG GEOFF BROSTER Nile Street Apartments Hackney, London GEOFF BROSTER JAMES BRITTAIN PHOTOGRAPHY Wales’ oldest timber framed town house, this Grade I listed building has been repaired and restored to provide a museum and visitor attraction. Rooms are furnished in styles to reflect the building’s history. Accessibility is limited due to the age of the building, but imaginatively, computer views are available of the non accessible areas. A thoughtful and high quality restoration project which ensures that the building continues to play a part in the lives of the community. Owner Denbighshire County Council Entrant Donald Insall Associates Architect Donald Insall Associates Landscape Designer Denbighshire County Council Main Contractor Chester Masonry Construction Quantity Surveyor John Pidgeon Partnership Services Engineers Lightwright Associates; Bob Sylvester Structural Engineer Mouchel Parkman (Services) Ltd Historical & Interiors Consultant Charles Kightly Archaeology CPAT 52 A new education building which reflects the school’s positive decision not to relocate to central London, but to commit to the local area. The new building makes good use of the restricted site, and the facility includes teaching spaces, café bar and cinema. Natural ventilation and lighting are attractive, and give a spacious and airy feel to the building. Local residents are encouraged to visit the building, which acts as a showcase for this national institution. Owner National Film and Television School Entrant Glenn Howells Architects Architect Glenn Howells Architects Landscape Designer British Landscapes Associates Main Contractor Verry Construction Quantity Surveyor Clarus Consulting Services Engineer Buro Happold Environment Structural Engineer Buro Happold Environment Planning Supervisor Turnberry Consulting Ltd Project Managers Schal Acoustic Consultant Hoare Lea Acoustics MORLEY VON STERNBERG GEOFF BROSTER MORLEY VON STERNBERG This scheme provides private, shared ownership, keyworker and affordable rented housing, along with youth club and external play areas. An incredibly dense scheme with character, it is inserted in a strongly urban area. All of the tenures have access to a roof terrace, which is popular with residents. Already a local landmark, this nicely detailed scheme has added considerably to the local environment. Entrant Munkenbeck + Partners Architects Architect Munkenbeck+Partners Architects Developer Peabody Trust Main Contractor Mansell Ltd Quantity Surveyor EC Harris Services Engineer Atelier 10 Structural Engineer Ellis and Moore Owner Tewkesbury Borough Council Entrant Architecton Architect Architecton Access Consultant Tewkesbury Borough Council Developer Tewkesbury Borough Council Landscape Designer Architecton Main Contractor Ellis & Co Quantity Surveyor Press & Starkey Services Engineer IDP Ltd Structural Engineer Ralph L Mills Associates Paint Analysis & Conservation Perry Lithgow Partnership Timber Analysis Demaus Building Diagnostics Ltd Wallpaper Analysis & Conservation Allyson McDermott Historic Interiors. This is a sensitively handled scheme. The project is comfortable. Owner University of Kent & University of Greenwich Entrant RMJM Architect Stephen Cutler Developer RMJM London Landscape Designer RMJM Main Contractor Wallis Kier Quantity Surveyor Northcroft Services Engineer Faber Maunsell . and also houses a cafe. which is a real achievement. as is the rear elevation. The overall design fits in well with its surroundings. the scheme combines conservation with sensitive modern insertions. Virtually all areas are wheelchair accessible. The refurbishment is an integral part of the area’s regeneration strategy and this well executed scheme has contributed to the enhancement of the public realm. which has been carried out with excellent craftsmanship. the Centre provides a space for exhibitions and education. café. Universities at Medway Kent NICK GUTTRIDGE PETER COOK/VIEW A conservation and expansion scheme. With lecture theatre. Owner Orleans House Gallery Entrant Patel Taylor Architect Patel Taylor Access Consultant Adrian Cave Associates Landscape Designer Parklife Main Contractor Killby and Gayford Ltd Quantity Surveyor Boyden and Company Services Engineer Michael Popper Associates Structural Engineer Alan Conisbee & Associates Planning Supervisor Faber Maunsell Additional Organisation Coopers This repaired and restored Grade II listed timber building now houses the town’s Tourist Information Centre and exhibition centre. exhibition space and teaching rooms. it is refined and has successfully retained a sense of its own history. The scheme is popular and is used extensively by the community. The internal layout makes good use of the original structure. family friendly and well thought through – and is a good educational asset for local children and adults.Orleans House Gallery New Arts Education Centre Twickenham PETER COOK/VIEW ARCHITECTON Out of the Hat Tewkesbury Pilkington Building. and makes the scheme an excellent example of a fully inclusive historic building. Wallpapers & Paint NICK GUTTRIDGE The refurbishment of the former canteen building at the Chatham Naval Dockyard has resulted in a new hub for the university campus. The detail of the stairs is lovely. the building has been derelict since 1997. Adamstown District Centre Dublin GERRY O'LEARY PHOTOGRAPHY KEITH HUNTER PHOTOGRAPHY KEITH HUNTER PHOTOGRAPHY Restoration of Garrison House and Grounds Millport ROGER BROOKS ROGER BROOKS GERRY O'LEARY PHOTOGRAPHY A new infant school accommodating 90 pupils. performance space and a general relaxing oasis in a robust neighbourhood. Owner CCDC Entrant Lee Boyd Designer and Architects Architect Lee Boyd Designer and Architects Architect and Stone Consultant Heath Access Consultant The Adapt Trust Developer CCDC Landscape Designer Derek Carter Associates Main Contractor Hunter Clark Quantity Surveyor Morham & Brotchie Ltd Services Engineer Cundall Structural Engineer David Narro Associates Project Managers Armour Construction Consultants Approved Inspectors John Arnott Associates Additional Organisations Campbell & Co. this scheme makes provision for language impairment. and the overall scheme is of considerable benefit to the community. Buschon Henley Originally built in 1745. and attempts to retain some historic connectivity. Owner Charteridge Properties Entrant O’Mahony Pike Architects Architect O'Mahony Pike Architects Access Consultant Metropolitan Workshop Developer Jude Byrne Landscape Designer Gross Max Quantity Surveyor Mulcahy McDonagh Services Engineer Delap & Waller Structural Engineer Arup Dublin Planning Supervisor Stephen Little Associates Project Managers Lafferty Project Management Additional Organisations Delap + Waller Eco Co. library. AOC Scotland . It integrates well with its setting and the sensory garden is especially successful. and primary education. surgery and council services. The building design creates a central courtyard which can be used as a teaching resource. the garrison building now provides a museum. Infrastructure is already in place.Commendations Pinewood Infant School Farnborough Plot B. This scheme has restored and rejuvenated the building to provide a focus for local people and visitors to the island of Cumbrae. which are indistinguishable from each other. Archaeologists and stone conservationists were consulted to ensure that the historic nature of the building was not lost. this scheme will ultimately house over 30. varying degrees of learning difficulty. With considerable community support. The school has been rebuilt following an arson attack.000 residents as well as associated retail and commercial facilities. with a new railway station close to the proposed town centre. The development has been well co-ordinated and planned by the local authority and is a good example of a large and sustainable scheme. Owner Hampshire County Council Entrant Hampshire County Council Architect Hampshire County Council Architects Access Consultant Hampshire County Council Developer Hampshire County Council Landscape Designer Hyland Edgar Driver Main Contractor Brazier Construction Quantity Surveyor Faithful & Gould Services Engineer RHB Partnership Structural Engineer Price and Myers Acoustic Consultant ARUP Planning Supervisor Capita Symonds Additional Organisation WSP Buildings 54 An early stage of a new development. Accommodation includes private and affordable housing. student union and restaurant on the largest campus in London. the school has a calm and pleasant atmosphere. Owner Queen Mary University of London Entrant Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Main Contractor Morrison Construction Services Quantity Surveyor PH Warr Services Engineer Max Fordham Structural Engineer Adams Kara Taylor Acoustic Consultant Fleming & Barron Planning Supervisor Lewis & Hickey Fire Consultant SAFE Consultant Additional Organisations Rexon Day Building Control Ltd. and originally designed by James Craig as part of his New Town masterplan. which is also used by the wider community. it has now been opened to everyone as part of a project to rejuvenate the city’s historic spaces. this square was previously only accessible to residents and businesses in the surrounding area. and is a positive addition to the public realm. providing 200 rooms. With new paths. which make full use of light and ventilation. Part of a World Heritage Site. PFA Consulting JOHN COOPER 2008 ROD DORLING ROD DORLING Dating from 1770. Owner Wolverhampton City Council Entrant Baart Harries Newall Architect Barrt Harries Newall Landscape Designer Camlin Lonsdale Main Contractor Thomas Vale Construction Quantity Surveyor G G & P (UK) Ltd Services Engineer Faber Maunsell Structural Engineer WhitbyBird Acoustic Consultant BDP . the scheme has provided attractive and well used routes to link two key areas of the city. Although busy. The classrooms are designed to be ‘schools within schools’ and the building itself faces outwards. the scheme makes a significant contribution to the general regeneration and invigoration of the area. A real civic achievement. The scheme illustrates a good use of natural ventilation and light especially in the ground floor restaurant. London St Andrew Square Edinburgh St Jude’s Primary School Wolverhampton PETER COOK / VIEW JOHN COOPER 2008 PETER COOK / VIEW PETER COOK / VIEW PETER COOK / VIEW The scheme forms the final stage of a student village. Owner Edinburgh City Council Entrant Gillespies LLP Architect Gillespies LLP Developer Edinburgh City Centre Management Company Landscape Designer Gillespies LLP Main Contractor Land Engineering Consulting Engineer Parsons Brinckerhoff Structural Engineer Dewhurst MacFarlane (café only) A new school which is used by both children and the wider community. Circulation space is generous. The design of the school follows an escarpment and the terracing is a good response to a difficult site. with some spacious double height areas. Built on a brownfield site.Richard Feilden House Tower Hamlets. Lincs County Council Stonemason Atelier 109 Bronzework Fabricators Smiths of Derby The result of extensive conservation work. combined heat and power unit use. resurfaced and redesigned two squares which form the approach to the town centre. Owner Historic Scotland Entrant LDN Architects LLP Architect LDN Architects LLP Access Consultant Buro Happold Limited Developer Historic Scotland Main Contractor Mansell Quantity Surveyor Murdies Chartered Surveyors Services Engineer Rybka Structural Engineer Elliott & Company Planning Supervisor Hardies Additional Organisations Campbell & Co Design Consultants. the area has been much improved by reducing the dominance of road traffic. One North East 56 . Owner Highways Department. in addition to a multi use pool. and rainwater harvesting are commendable. The excellent BREEAM rating. Sunderland arc. Lincolnshire County Council Entrant The Stamford Town Partnership Architect Letts Wheeler Architects Access Consultant Harrison Goldman Developer Stamford Town Partnership CIC Landscape Designer Wolfgang and Heron Main Contractor Wrekin Construction Company Ltd Quantity Surveyor Focus Consultants (UK) Ltd Structural Engineer Technical Services Partnership. Tyne & Wear Partnership. and is situated adjacent to the imposing football Stadium of Light. The first designated conservation area in 1971. The Centre displays some attractive internal spaces. and the uncluttered civic space and its public art are proving popular. Local people were widely consulted before and during the development. Much of the original fabric is still visible. which adds to the visitor experience. The building offers an historic and educational resource. which is in a beautiful setting. a wellness suite and a cafe. the scheme bravely attempts to develop a shared surface and uses attractive materials. CFA Archaeology RED BOX ARCHITECTURE / CRITICAL TORTOISE RED BOX ARCHITECTURE / CRITICAL TORTOISE DON LAMBERT PHOTOGRAPHER KEITH HUNTER PHOTOGRAPHY The building has an unusual and distinctive design for a sports facility.Commendations Stamford Gateway – Completion Phase Stanley Mills Perthshire Sunderland Aquatic Centre Sunderland RED BOX ARCHITECTURE / CRITICAL TORTOISE DON LAMBERT PHOTOGRAPHER KEITH HUNTER PHOTOGRAPHY This scheme has partially pedestrianised. and the pools in particular are light and spacious. with schoolchildren being encouraged to work as Junior Guides. The scheme provides the region’s only 50m competitive swimming pool. The restoration captures the industrial and austere nature of the original mill. Owner City of Sunderland Entrant Redbox Design Architect RedBox Architecture Developer City of Sunderland Main Contractor Balfour Beatty (Northern Ltd) Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Services Engineer Arup Structural Engineer Arup Additional Organisations Sport England. Simply executed. Integration within the community is excellent. including exhibition and community spaces. this scheme brings back to life a Category A listed Bell Mill. Atkins (Highway Consultant) IAN MCLELLAN A new business and arts centre. the scheme accommodates performance and exhibition space. Owner Sunderland City Council Entrant Sunniside Partnership Architect Reid Jubb Brown Partnership Developer Sunniside Partnership Main Contractor Kendall Cross Holdings Ltd Quantity Surveyor Elliot Dent Services Engineer Ove Arup Structural Engineer Ove Arup Additional Organisation Kathryn Hodgkinson . this scheme is the first element to reach completion. The scheme demonstrates excellent sustainability and inclusion. the scheme creates a new public space linking Regent Street with Piccadilly. studios and meeting spaces. Block W1 London IAN MCLELLAN thePlace Sunderland TIM SOAR The first ‘Building Schools for the Future’ (BSF) project in London. café. meets or exceeds good practice guidance. art gallery. and connects to a new build complex.The Michael Tippett School Lambeth. and combines restoration with contemporary design. incorporating retail. the scheme is created from six refurbished Grade II listed Georgian terraced houses. and in general. It has a good relationship with the up and coming regenerated historic core. Interestingly. offices and residential accommodation. The restoration and remodelling project has resulted in a mixed use block. this scheme accommodates up to 80 students aged between 11 and 18 with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Regent Street. London DENNIS GILBERT / VIEW TIM SOAR The Quadrant. The Grade II listed Nash facades to Regent Street and Swallow Street have been retained and restored. The school is non threatening and provides a friendly environment for children as well as making a positive contribution to the local built environment. A good example of urban mending – with an excellent sustainability rating. the scheme provides a much needed facility for creative start up businesses. Owner The Michael Tippett School Entrant Marks Barfield Architects Architect Marks Barfield Architects Access Consultant LCE Architects Landscape Designer Edward Hutchison Landscape Architects Main Contractor Apollo Education Quantity Surveyor Dobson White Boulcott Services Engineers Gifford. Light and quirky. with provision for bus drop off. Following improvements to the streets. Owner The Crown Estate Entrant Allies and Morrison Architect Allies and Morrison Access Consultant David Bonnett Associates Developer City and West End Landscape Designer Allies and Morrison Main Contractor Sir Robert McAlpine Quantity Surveyor Gardiner & Theobald Services Engineer Mecserve Structural Engineer Campbell Reith Project Managers BURO Four Planning Supervisor PFB Construction Management Services Lighting Consultants Light & Design Additional Organisations Modus Operandi Art. Pinnacle Structural Engineer Gifford Part of a strategic masterplan. DPDS Developer The New Swindon Company Landscape Designer LDA Design Main Contractor Dean and Dyball Quantity Surveyor Gardiner and Theobald Services Engineers Halcrow Group Ltd. The design reflects the shell of a boat. Rooney Melville & Partners Access Consultant Urban Design Developer Birmingham Museum and Heritage Services Main Contractor Wates Construction Quantity Surveyor Urban Design Services Engineer Urban Design Structural Engineers Urban Design. and this scheme has redeveloped the area to provide a new town centre square. Threefold. the new boathouse shows good form and structure. the town hall has been closed since 1996. Owner University College Entrant Belsize Architects Architect Belsize Architects Main Contractor Kingerlee Ltd. and the public foyers opened up. With a copper roof. It is a beautiful and simple scheme and utilises appropriate materials. making the area more welcoming. dignified and comfortable enjoyment of all people using the Town Hall. TMC Structural Engineer Halcrow Group Ltd Light Design Speirs & Major 58 . Access has been considerably improved. Owner Swindon Borough Council Entrant LDA Design Architects LDA Design. The renovated building has doubtlessly made a major contribution to the civic life and appearance of the city. The landscaping has softened a large space and encourages people to make use of this improved public space. A strikingly designed building in an attractive location. and includes changing rooms and clubhouse. providing for the safe. A large scale timber façade serves to both integrate a large TV screen and conceal an unattractive car park. Quantity Surveyor Mcbains Cooper Consulting Ltd Services Engineer G F Cross & Sons Ltd Structural Engineer AKSWard Ltd MARTIN PHELPS PHOTOGRAPHY MARTIN PHELPS PHOTOGRAPHY NICK KANE Wharf Green provides a first impression for many visitors.Commendations Town Hall Birmingham University College Oxford Boathouse Oxford MARTIN PHELPS PHOTOGRAPHY NICK KANE Wharf Green Swindon MARTINE HAMILTON KNIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY Originally designed by J A Hansom and constructed in the 1830’s. meeting and public performance space. This scheme comprises the repair and re-ordering of the interior of the Grade I listed building. Owner Birmingham City Council Entrant Birmingham City Council Architects Urban Design. Giffords Project Managers Invigour Ltd Acoustic Consultant Moore Lea Acoustics Light Design Light & Design Associates A replacement for the former Grade II listed building. the building is eyecatching. with clean lines. Flooding of the site is an issue and has been simply addressed by raising the structure on ‘stilts’. com . Owner Hampshire County Council Entrant Hampshire County Council Architect Hampshire County Council Architects Access Consultant Hampshire County Council Architects Landscape Designer Hampshire County Council Architects Main Contractor Mansell Construction Quantity Surveyors Hampshire County Council Quantity Surveyors. An extension and refurbishment project. Detailing is robust and the overall ambience is pleasant and light.Winchester Discovery Centre DAN KEELER DAN KEELER This flagship scheme provides a library. along with education facilities for schools and community groups. Davis Langdon Services Engineer White Young Green Structural Engineer Gifford madeinearnest graphic design + art direction proud to be designers of the civic trust awards brochure madeinearnest. the scheme creates some attractive internal and external spaces. The façade of the new extension is deliberately simple and regular to act as a foil for the more sculptural qualities of the original architecture. art gallery. exhibition space. performance hall and café. Property Service Services Engineer White Young Green Structural Engineer Fenton Holloway Exhibition Designers Haley Sharpe Design Project Managers Torfaen County Borough Council This scheme replaces an existing community centre and provides a vital resource in an area which is embarking on long-term regeneration. It is a community success story. with the result that these buildings have been preserved for the future. Owner Blaenavon World Heritage Centre Entrant Purcell Miller Tritton LLP Architect Purcell Miller Tritton LLP Developer Torfaen County Borough Council Landscape Designer Purcell Miller Tritton / Torfaen County Borough Council. this scheme provides public assembly rooms. renovation and new build. The workmanship is good and the flooring is excellent. It offers care and education for children. Owner Highways Agency Entrant Scott Wilson Ltd Architect Scott Wilson Ltd Developer Alfred McAlpine Landscape Designer Scott Wilson Ltd Main Contractor Alfred McAlpine Quantity Surveyor Alfred McAlpine Services Engineer Scott Wilson Ltd Additional Organisations Mouchel Parkman. information for parents.Mentions A30 Bodmin to Indian Queens Road Improvement Scheme DAN TALKES A PHILIPS Blaenavon World Heritage Centre Brookhill Sure Community Centre Start & Ballybough. Part of a regeneration area. The two old buildings have been sensitively repaired and updated. The siting of the day nursery on the top floor provides the children with a quiet and secure outdoor play area. adult education and an outdoor 5-aside football pitch. Owner Dublin City Council Entrant Mitchell + Associates Architect Mitchell + Associates Main Contractor Patrick Brock + Sons Ltd Quantity Surveyor Nolan Ryan White Young Green Services Engineer Callaghan Engineering Ltd 60 . Regeneration Service Main Contractor Davlan Construction Ltd Quantity Surveyor Torfaen County Borough Council. and is well used and liked by management and local residents. access to health services and links to JobCentre Plus. and an environmentally sensitive area. Dublin Community Centre Woolwich. which also considers the ecological impact of the scheme. wildlife and historical issues. The scheme successfully addresses archaeological. Owner London Borough of Greenwich Entrant Architype Ltd Architect Architype Ltd Main Contractor Bryen & Langley Quantity Surveyor Gordon Hutchinson Chartered Quantity Surveyors Services Engineer PCS Consulting Structural Engineer Alan Conisbee and Associates ROS KAVANAGH ROS KAVANAGH A valuable resource on a challenging site. pre-school. the centre is used by the local and wider community. this scheme comprises conservation. It is well planned and designed to meet the needs of a modern day conduit. RPS Part of a World Heritage Site. maintaining the original straightforward construction details. London LEIGH SIMPSON ROS KAVANAGH DAN TALKES LEIGH SIMPSON A PHILIPS DAN TALKES LEIGH SIMPSON A positive example of investment in necessary infrastructure. Access to courtyards. It provides excellent facilities for the local community and is very popular. energetic and vibrant atmosphere. with noisy and quiet spaces being effectively separated. It highlights the difficulties faced by the combination of sensitive restoration and brave insertion. Owner Southern Health and Social Care Trust Entrant Hall Black Douglas Architects Architect Hall Black Douglas Architects in association with David Morley Architects Landscape Designer Livingstone Eyre Associates Ltd Main Contractor Heron Brothers Ltd Quantity Surveyor W. council offices.Diversity and Engagement Team Landscape Designer Outerspace Main Contractor McAlpine Capital Projects (now part of Carillion) Quantity Surveyor Press & Starkey Services Engineer Shepherd Engineering Services Structural Engineer Taylor Whalley Spyra This project involves the integration of new large scale facilities with the refurbishment and reorganisation of a 1976 building and an historic 19th century Bishop’s Palace. Owner Leisure Connection Ltd Entrant Dyer Architect Dyer Access Consultant London Borough of Lewisham . generous circulation routes.Craigavon Adult Psychiatric Unit Armagh CHRISTOPHER HILL SIMON DENISON Darlaston SureStart Walsall DRB PHOTOGRAPHY Downham Health and Leisure Centre Bromley. the design carefully addresses the specific and sometimes conflicting access and control requirements associated with a medical facility specialising in mental health issues. this PFI scheme includes sports facilities. The centre is well used and is a focal point for the community. Theatreplan Theatre Consultant Graven Images Light Design Light and Design Associates Fire Consultant Buro Happold FEDRA . Internally the spaces are well linked. It represents a successful example of regeneration in a suburban housing estate with high levels of deprivation. innovative design solutions and the use of natural light work well together to create a welcoming and attractive space for both patients and visitors. The centre is well liked by users and staff. London KEITH HUNTER PHOTOGRAPHY KEITH HUNTER PHOTOGRAPHY DRB PHOTOGRAPHY Eden Court Theatre and Cinemas Inverness CHRISTOPHER HILL Set in parkland. with a lively. library and health centre. Owner Eden Court Theatre Entrant Page and Park Architects Architect Page and Park Architects Access Consultant The Adapt Trust Landscape Designer Ian White Associates Main Contractor Robertson Construction Northern Ltd Quantity Surveyor Gardiner and Theobald Services Engineer Cundall Structural Engineer Scott Wilson Scotland Acoustic Consultants Sandy Bean Associates. Stephens & Sons Services Engineer Buro Happold Ltd Structural Engineer Buro Happold Ltd Project Managers Health Estates Agency SIMON DENISON SIMON DENISON Sited in a conservation area.H. Owner Darlaston SureStart Entrant Baart Harries Newall Architect Baart Harries Newall Landscape Designer Walsall Community Arts Team Main Contractor Interclass plc Quantity Surveyor GG&P UK Ltd Services Engineer Emech Consultants Structural Engineer Carroll & Williams A genuine civic ‘one stop shop’. the new SureStart facility comprises a refurbished Edwardian villa and recent contemporary extension. Situated at an important river crossing. London VIRGINIE CAUJOLLE-PRADENC MORLEY VON STERNBERG Fen Court City of London Haworth Medical Centre West Yorkshire MARTINE HAMILTON KNIGHT KEITH HUNTER KEITH HUNTER MARTINE HAMILTON KNIGHT Heart of Hawick Kirkstile MORLEY VON STERNBERG VIRGINIE CAUJOLLE-PRADENC VIRGINIE CAUJOLLE-PRADENC A carefully considered programme of repair and restoration has breathed new life into the hostel and helped to secure the future of the building. The building has successfully addressed the challenges posed by the steep and quite shallow site. Marshall & Associates Architect Gray. Marshall & Associates Developer Scottish Borders Council Main Contractor GHI Contracts Quantity Surveyor Doig & Smith Services Engineer K J Tait Engineers Structural Engineer Waterman HDC Theatre Consultant Andrew Storer Planning Supervisor Turner & Townsend Management Solutions Acoustic Consultant Sandy Brown Associates Additional Organisation Inge Paneels 62 . well used and popular civic space. An open plan reception and glass sided training rooms offer views the full length of the building. Owner City of London Entrant City of London Developer City of London Landscape Designer Burns + Nice Main Contractor FM Conway Poet Lemn Sissay Sculptor Michael Visocchi This scheme integrates well into the existing environment. The original brickwork. Entrant The Goddard Wybor Practice Architect GWP Architects Developer Bradford and Airedale Care Partnership Ltd Landscape Designer Barry Chinn & Associates Main Contractor JS Bramley (Leeds) Ltd Structural Engineer Bridges Pound This restoration and conversion of two neglected buildings provides a civic space and facilities including a community arts centre and family history centre. Owner Scottish Borders Council Entrant Gray. providing the local community with a valuable resource.Places of Change Programme A transformation from a nondescript city area into a small. London Borough of Camden . The formerly derelict buildings are popular with tourists and local people alike.Mungo’s Community Housing Assocation Entrant Peter Barber Architects Architect Peter Barber Architects Developer St.Mungo's Main Contractor Quinn London Ltd Quantity Surveyor Philip Pank & Partners Services Engineer Harding McDermort Structural Engineer Bolton Priestley Additional Organisations Communities & Local Government . Owner St. gothic arches and oak flooring have been attractively exposed and restored. It is an oasis for office workers and this aim should be seen as an example to other urban developments.Mentions Endell Street Hostel Covent Garden. colour contrast and lighting to aid spatial awareness.Hostel Capital Improvement Programme. The scheme illustrates the benefit of a small but positive investment in green spaces in the city. the scheme is key to the regeneration of the area. The scheme achieves a high standard of inclusive design with good circulation space. conservation and healthy eating. Owner Kent County Council Property Entrant Haverstock Associates Architects Architect Haverstock Associates Architects Access Consultant KCC Property Group Access Officer Landscape Designer John Tierney Associates Main Contractor Barwick Construction Quantity Surveyor Betteridge & Milsom Services Engineer Atelier Ten Structural Engineer Dewhurst Macfarlane & Partners The sculpture celebrates the life of the 19th century local Gateshead fiddler and is a permanent piece of public art. the scheme makes a valuable contribution to the community. Owner Leeds City Council Entrant Austin-Smith:Lord LLP Architect Austin-Smith:Lord LLP Access Consultant Buro Happold Landscape Designer Austin-Smith:Lord LLP Main Contractor Laing O’Rourke Quantity Surveyor Walfords Services Engineer Buro Happold Structural Engineer Buro Happold Conservation Architect Lloyd Evans Pritchard . severe and complex needs. access and gallery areas. providing a facility to teach children about sustainability. remodeling and refurbishment of an existing SEN school. Owner KIND (Kids in Need and Distress) Entrant OMF Derek Cox Architects Architect OMF Derek Cox Architects Main Contractor Peter Darley Associates Quantity Surveyor Peter Darley Associates Structural Engineer Smith Associates Energy Consultants HiTech Energy Ltd The scheme creates a new museum for the city and brings together their cultural facilities. Overall. and provides a bright and modern environment. The scheme enhances the area. and is a good example of inner city urban regeneration.Ifield School Gravesend James Hill Monument Gateshead GATESHEAD COUNCIL DESIGN DEPT NEIL FOZARD KIND Seed Centre Liverpool Leeds City Museum DENNIS GILBERT DENNIS GILBERT GATESHEAD COUNCIL DESIGN DEPT DENNIS GILBERT The scheme comprises new build. A combination of restoration and adaptation has provided new routes. Folkworks. English Heritage NEIL FOZARD LEEDS CITY COUNCIL NEIL FOZARD LEEDS CITY COUNCIL This innovative scheme extends an existing 19th century city centre house. The scheme includes a bench which is appropriately sited to offer a resting place before the steep descent to the Quayside. The new building provides accommodation for 138 students with profound. and raises standards in a deprived locality. The Blaxter stone masonry matches that of the Tyne Bridge abutment. Additional Organisations Friends of James Hill. and brings to life a potentially dead urban space. Owner Gateshead Council Entrant Gateshead Council Sculptor Peter Coates Access Consultant Gateshead Council Access Consultant Main Contractor Peter Coates Structural Engineer Gateshead Council Design Dept. The scheme represents a real improvement to the public realm. The gardens are attractive and provide an oasis in a built up area which engages well with the community. . toilets and park rangers’ facilities.Live Theatre Redevelopment Newcastle upon Tyne JOHN DONOGUE/RICHARD ELPHICK NIGHTINGALE ASSOCIATES Metropolitan Cathedral – Crypt Access Link Liverpool EDDIE JACOB New Horizons Kensington & Chelsea. The café operates as a training facility for the local college. the crypt has finally been opened to visitors through an improved access link. Owner North East Lincolnshire Council Entrant Purcell Miller Tritton LLP Architect Purcell Miller Tritton LLP Main Contractor Britcon Ltd Quantity Surveyor Rex Procter and Partners Services Engineer Brentwood Design Partnership Structural Engineer Golder Associates UK Ltd Additional Organisations Heritage Lottery Fund. It contains café. A difficult challenge. providing an airy and friendly environment. Owner New Horizons Consortium Entrant Robert Sproson Architect Sproson Barrable Limited Developer Open Age Main Contractor Bolt and Heeks Ltd Quantity Surveyor KMCS London Ltd Services Engineer Carnell Warren Associates Ltd Structural Engineer Buxton Associates (Consulting Engineers Ltd) Planning Supervisor KMCS London Ltd Additional Developers Guinness Trust. The original character of the old warehouses has been retained and the front elevation has improved the street. such as a restaurant and bar make this scheme attractive to the wider. The timber cladding is sympathetic to the parkland setting. lively and convivial centre for older people. The glass and steel structure provides a generous threshold before visitors descend to the brick vaults of the crypt. London CAPTURE MY LIFE New Pavilion. Owner Trinity House Entrant _Space Architect _Space Access Consultant _Space Developer Live Theatre Main Contractor Stephen Easten Quantity Surveyor Faithful + Gould Services Engineer WSP Structural Engineer WSP Project Managers Faithful + Gould Originally designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. The local community was widely consulted and as a result the building is well liked and well used. Westway Development Trust Planning Supervisor KMCS London CAPTURE MY LIFE The new pavilion replaces an unattractive building. the results of which bring this hidden masterpiece into the public realm. Owner Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King Entrant Nightingale Associates Architects Architect Nightingale Associates Architects Developer The Archdiocese of Liverpool Main Contractor Tuneside Limited Services Engineer Davies Partnership Structural Engineer Bingham Davis This remodeled building provides a modern. and supporting health and well being. The scheme gives new life to a tired facility. People’s Park Grimsby JOHN DONOGUE/RICHARD ELPHICK NIGHTINGALE ASSOCIATES EDDIE JACOB JOHN DONOGUE/RICHARD ELPHICK A combination of listed buildings which have been brought together to provide an accessible entertainment venue. Sixty Plus. English Heritage . and forms a focal point for park users and visitors. Friends Group. bringing additional community advantages to the scheme. non theatre going community. Grimsby Institute. promoting independence and active lifestyles. New facilities. Acaster Plumbing This public realm scheme brought together all stakeholders. The new buildings transform the streetscape and provide a high quality external environment.Landscape Architect Team Access Consultant Kerrier District Council . The scheme accommodates the requirements of the elderly residents and engages well with the local community. A new urban park which includes performance space and a recreation area. revitalised and restrained main street.Highway Design Group Funders English Partnerships.Environment -Landscape Architect Team Main Contractor CORMAC Quantity Surveyor CORMAC Services Engineer Cornwall County Council .Transport Planning & Estates Entrant Kerrier District Council Architect Kerrier District Council . It is hoped that programmes of events and activities will encourage the public to engage with this new area. which benefit the entire community. with an increasing number of attractive shopfronts being developed. from local authority to local community. It is well liked by its tenants. The scheme provides a civic statement and a much needed public space.Landscape Architect Team Landscape Designer Kerrier District Council.Highway Design Group Structural Engineer Cornwall County Council . The scheme has considered every aspect of sustainable design to maximize the use of resources on a strict budget. South West RDA Funders’ Agent CPR Regeneration Stakeholder Redruth Town Council Lead Artist Reece Ingram Sculptor HOLLANDS CAD & VIDEOGRAPHY A new convent and chapel which integrate the needs of the religious community with the historic context and residential scale of the street. Owner The Sisters of Providence (Rosminians) Entrant PRP Architects Ltd Architect PRP Architects Ltd Landscape Designer PRP Architects Ltd Main Contractor Bodill Construction Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon Structural Engineer Crofton Design 66 RORY MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY .Mentions Oak Meadow – Sustainable Housing South Molton CLIVE BOURSNELL HOLLANDS CAD & VIDEOGRAPHY Our Lady’s Convent Port Laoise Civic Loughborough Square Redruth Public Realm Project RORY MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY HOLLANDS CAD & VIDEOGRAPHY CLIVE BOURSNELL RORY MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY SIMON COOK PHOTOGRAPHY SIMON COOK PHOTOGRAPHY An innovative housing scheme which was designed as an exemplar of low environmental impact rural housing. The regenerative impact of the scheme is high. The place-making project has resulted in an attractive. Owner Devon & Cornwall Housing Association Entrant Gale & Snowden Architects Ltd Architect Gale & Snowden Architects Ltd Developer Devon & Cornwall Housing Association Landscape Designer Claire Foxford . Owner Laois County Council Entrant Park Hood Limited Architect Milligan Reside Larkin Developer Laois County Council Landscape Designer Park Hood Limited Main Contractor Regan Civil Engineering Quantity Surveyor MJ Turley & Associates Services Engineer T5 Partnership Structural Engineer Michael Punch & Partners Owner Cornwall County Council.Chartered Landscape Architect Main Contractor Midas Homes Quantity Surveyor PWH (Barnstaple) Ltd Services Engineer Faber Maunsell Structural Engineer Faber Maunsell Additional Organisations Frame UK. and is visited by others wishing to learn from the initiative. Museum and Arts Centre Ballymena DAVID BARBOUR TODD WATSON The Leigh Technology Academy Dartford TONY BARTHOLOMEW TODD WATSON TONY BARTHOLOMEW Originally opened in 1829. the museum also provides a learning resource. Well liked by staff. RVR Theatre Consultants Mike Smyth DAVID BARBOUR DAVID BARBOUR TODD WATSON A school specialising in technology and ICT.R. The building responds well to a challenging site and the groundworks are firmly handled.Rotunda. and the whole scheme represents a classic community facility providing a remarkable combination of uses. and maximize the use of space. Owner Omagh District Council Entrant Kennedy Fitzgerald & Associates Architect Kennedy Fitzgerald & Associates Developer Omagh District Council Main Contractor Gilbert Ash Quantity Surveyor V B Evans and Company Services Engineer BDP (Belfast) Structural Engineer Doran Consulting Theatre Consultant Maurice Power Theatre Consultant Acoustic Consultant BDP Acoustics (Manchester) Additional Organisation Doran Consulting TODD WATSON A contemporary extension to a 1920s town hall. Movement around the scheme has been carefully considered. this is an excellent integration into the existing streetscape. The new footbridge links the waterfront site to a new college. and the glass curtain wall is stunning. William Smith Museum of Geology Scarborough TONY BARTHOLOMEW TODD WATSON Strule Arts Centre Omagh The Braid. Town Hall. the building creates an effective place in which to learn. the ambience is calm and purposeful. A real asset for local people and visitors to Scarborough. Attention to internal detail is excellent and well planned. Mark & Associates. Owner Ballymena Borough Council Entrant Consarc Design Group Ltd Architect Consarc Design Group Ltd Main Contractor Patton Construction Quantity Surveyor WH Stephens & Sons Ltd Services Engineer Delap & Waller Consulting Engineers Structural Engineer RPS Consulting Engineers Specialist Museum Design RAA UK (Ralph Applebaum Associates) Acoustic Consultant F. this scheme is home to 1500 pupils who are located in four new colleges. Art and design have been skillfully used. the museum has been redeveloped and refurbished. students and parents. existing bus station and riverside walk. with the staircase being particularly clever. and is well used in preference to the road bridge. Owner Scarborough Borough Council Entrant Scarborough Museum Trust Architect Buttress Fuller Alsop Williams Access Consultant Event Communication Ltd Developer Scarborough Borough Council Landscape Designer TEP Main Contractor William Anelay Ltd Quantity Surveyor Appleyard and Trew Services Engineer Silcock Leedham Structural Engineer Alan Wood & Partners Project Manager Turner Townsend A new arts facility which is also key to the regeneration of Omagh’s waterside. The interiors are good. Structured around two dramatic atria. Owner The Leigh Technology Academy Entrant BDP Architect BDP Access Consultant Buro Four Developer Department for Education and Skills Landscape Designer BDP Main Contractor Galliford Try Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon LLP Services Engineer BDP Structural Engineer BDP Acoustic Consultant BDP Light Design BDP . Owner The Vicar and PCC of Holy Trinity. Including a retail unit. The building has an energy-efficient communal heating system. Owner Dublin City Council Entrant Seán Harrington Architects Architect Seán Harrington Architects Developer Dublin City Council Landscape Designer Seán Harrington Architects Main Contractor McNamara Construction Quantity Surveyor Bruce Shaw Partnership Services Engineer JV Tierney & Co. the scheme re-establishes a former street line and reintroduces the pattern of mews dwelling to this city corner. Paul Arrowsmith. Replacing a 1940’s hall.Mentions Trinity Centre Shrewsbury York Street Housing Dublin PHILIP LAUTERBACH ARROL AND SNELL LTD ARROL AND SNELL LTD ARROL AND SNELL LTD The well handled scheme comprises the building of a new church hall to suit the needs of both the local community and the congregation. Consulting Engineers Structural Engineer Fearon O'Neill Rooney Additional Organisations Codema Sustainable Dublin 68 . community centre and communal garden. and highlights the challenges being faced when historical buildings are developed to accommodate community uses and accessible facilities. Meole Brace Entrant Arrol and Snell Architects Architect Arrol and Snell Architects Main Contractor EJ & GJ Groom Quantity Surveyor John Pidgeon Partnership Structural Engineer Carroll & Williams Additional Organisation Keith and Sue Brettle Stained Glass. the new building is mindful of the adjacent church. high levels of insulation and sedum green roofs. Stonemason PHILIP LAUTERBACH The scheme provides 66 apartments which house the former tenants of the demolished York Street flats. . access Senior architects.The Civic Trust is very grateful to all the volunteers who give their time and knowledge to the Civic Trust Awards. Assessors Sabrina Aaronovitch Patrick Acheson David Ainsley Ian Alexander Debbie Allaire Gordon Allan Louise Allen Sharon Almond Christine Anders Lorraine Annison James Arnold Cany Ash Phil Ashford Michael Asselmeyer Jo-Anne Atkinson Ian Ayris Charmian Baker Keith Ball Jenny Barnes Alistair Barr Jennifer Barrett Norman Bartlett Jennifer Beaumont Andrew Beharrell Robert Bell Maria Benitez Justin Bere Jens Bergmark Peter Berman David Bevan Sasha Bhavan Allison Bingham Peter Bingham Evie Bissell Nathan Blanchard Stan Bolt David Bonnett John Bothamley Andrew Bowles Rob Bracewell Beccy Brookwell Hugh Broughton Russell Brown Hugh Brown Kevin Brown Jennifer Bruce Edward Burd Catherine Burd Jane Burridge Axel Burrough Keith Bush Ian Butler Grant Cairns Alistair Campbell Dick Cannon Peter Carmichael Caroline Carr John Champness Lyle Chrystie Brenda Clapperton Gordon Clarke Byron Clews Andrew Close Alex Cockshott Barbara Colley Judie Collins Mike Cook Alan Cooper Peter Cooper Steve Corbett Daniel Cordier Andrew Costa Stewart Coulter David Cowell Derek Cox Graham Cox Allan Cox Russ Craig Anna Crampton Chris Crombie Louise Crossman Elinor Croxall Bob Cullen Carolyn Cumming Mark Cummins Allan Dallimore Nigel Davies Anne Davies Jean Davis Andy Dawson Emily Day Sara de Barros Simon Delahunty-Forrest Guy Denton Dick Dickinson Maya Donelan Angela Dougall Mark Douglas Stephen Downs Roger Dowty David Dropkin Andrew Drummond Peter Drummond Richard Dryden John Duncan Sue Dunkley Jude Dyson Richard Eastwood Stuart Eatock Peter Eaton Phil Ebbrell Sandra Edmondson Ian Eggerton Robert Elleray Stephen Elliott Justine Embleton Glyn Emrys Nick Evans Stephen Evans Robert Evans Chris Evans Susan Fairburn Declan Fallon Chris Fielding Jon Finney Robert Firth Harold Fleming Rod Flint Tony Frankland Derek Fraser Gordon Fraser John French David Gale Graham Garnett John Gillies Jack Gillon Jenny Glass Louise Goodison James Gordon Kevin Grady Gillian Greenland Alasdair Gregor Steve Gregory David Gribble James Grierson Nicholas Groves-Raines Geoff Hadley Mary Hall Gail Halvorsen John Hamilton Keith Hamilton Andrew Hapgood John Harben Ian Hardy Linda Hardy Frances Harper Bryan Harris Barbara Harrison Philip Harrison Chris Harrowell John Haworth Malcolm Hay Abe Hayeem Colin Haylock Rob Hearne Peter Heath Brian Heathcote Sue Hendry John Henry Gillian Heywood John Hickey Margaret Hickish Penelope Hird Mark Hodson Nick Hogben Richard Holden Geoffrey Holland Ruth Hopkins Paul Houghton Trevor Huckle Gareth Hughes Gwenan Hughes David Hughes Julie Irish Peter Jackson Edna Jacobsen Mojgan Jahanshahi-Green Alan Jones Roger Joyce Samantha Justice Helen Kane Ali Kashmiri Caroline Kay David Kendal Jane Kennedy Rolfe Kentish Audrey Keong Angus Kerr Jonathan Kewley Shamsha Khan Eric Kings Stephen Knell Henry Knight Michael Knights Vincent Lacovara Hilary Lane Derek Latham Adam Lathbury David Lausen Myles Leatherbarrow Lyn Leet Maureen Leigh Carol Lelliott Ann Levitt David Lewis Jan Lewis Judith Lincoln Julian Lipscombe Steve Little David Littlewood Dilys Livingston John Lowe Mike Lowe Peter Lyon Hazel MacBride Patricia Mackintosh Bob Macpherson Pascal Madoc-Jones Michael Maloco Salvenah Mangena Sue Manley Jaine Marriott Elizabeth Martin Roger Maskew Maggie Mason Baj Mathur Dominic May Andrew May Declan McCafferty Orla McCann Robin McCaren Anne McCormack Fiona McDermott Fergal McDonnell Sally McGrath Ross McGregor Ian McInnes Martin McKay Sally McKenzie Duncan McLaren Deirdre Meagher Janet Mealey Pauline Medd Stephen Mehmet Brian Messider Paul Middleton John Miller Stuart Miller Graham Mitchell Paul Mitchell Professor Anthony John Monk Elizabeth Moon Stephen Moore Kevin Moore John Moreland Tom Morgan Jan Morgan Heather Morrison Anthony Morrison Rebecca Mortimore Mura Mullan Alfred Munkenbeck Jenny Murphy Brian Nash Noha Nasser Jane Nelson Les Nevin Volkmar Nix John Norman Stuart O'Dell Robert O'Hara Grace Omonitan Julian Orbach Kate Orme Mark Osborne Simon Ovenden Richard Owen Janet Parker Martha Parry Chris Partrick Dharmista Patel Simon Peart Stephen Peel Lynne Penn John Howard Penton MBE Roger Perrott Callum Petrie John Peverley James Pickard Norman Pickavance Karen Pickering Paul Pillath Victoria Poole Ian Potts Matthew Powell Lilian Pritchard Bridie Pritchard Michael N Pritchard Chris Pritchett Amir Ramezani Darren Ramshaw Bob Ratcliffe Christine Reeves David S Reid Andy Reid Gerald Reilly Richard Rhodes Peter Richardson Heinz Richardson Paul Richold Nigel Roberts William Gwynford Roberts Simon Robertshaw Mikyla Robinson Maff Robinson Helen Robinson Tony Robson Peter Rogers Linton Ross Colin Ross Moray Royles Robert Rummey Dennis Rushby Andrew Russ Maxine Russell Karen Ryder Anthony Rylands Anna Ryten Paul Scudamore Erin Seah Barry Sellers Anita Seymour Peter Shallcross David Shanks Malcolm Sharman Kate Sheehan Andy Sheppard Freni Shroff James Shuttleworth Hilary Silvester David Simister Neil Simpson Kenny Simpson Jane Simpson Sumita Sinha Tim Skelton Kevin Slack Piers Smerin Terry Smith Elaine Smith Philip Smith Nick Smith Avril Smolders Dennis Stacey David Stainton John Stanley Chris Stanton Roger Stephenson Fionn Stevenson Anne Stevenson Ian Stewart Bernard Stilwell Richard Stinson Christopher Stocks Alan Stone David Stott Eric Stowe Richard Summerfield Roger Sutton Dr Tony Sutton Adam Swan Anne Swinson Hilary Tansley James Taylor Kate Taylor JB Teasdale Glenda Thomas Andrew R Thomas Charles Thomson Douglas Thomson Veronica Thorne Tim Thurston Dave Tierney Anne Tooher Jane Toplis Brian Towers Helen Tranter James Trewin Monica Tross David Trowler David Tucker Paul Tuppeny Nicolas Tye Michael Underwood Geoff Underwood Martin Van Zeller Peter Vaughan Roger Vearncombe Pauline Waddilove Tim Waldron Nicola Walker Marney Walker Peter Walker Nicholas Wall Brenda Wallman Sean Walsh Terry Warren Simon Warren Anne Watters Ian Weir Barbara Weiss James Wells Stephen Wells Valerie Wenham Deborah Whelan Pat Whelan Christine White Jane Wilby Keith Williams Gaynor Williams Diana Wilmot Ken Wilson Caroline Wilson Roy Wilson Dorothy Wilson Iain Wilson Denise Winks David Winpenny Barbara Woda Michael Woodman-Smith Frank Woods Roger Wools Elizabeth Wrigley Robin Yates Tom Yellowley Gordon Young Paul Zochowski Civic Trust Awards If you would like to get involved with the Civic Trust Awards. please contact Malcolm Hankey: mhankey@civictrust. local authorities and passionate local people work together to ensure that the winning schemes really do recognise the best of the built .
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