Civic Sense and Civic Society Ppt(3)

April 3, 2018 | Author: Achintya Srivastava | Category: Non Governmental Organization, Social Group, Civil Society, Civics, Nonprofit Organization



Civic Sense and Civil SocietyPresented by Ms. Bharathi Satish Ms. Renu Elizabeth Abraham HOUR 1- Civic Sense • • • • • • • • • Class duration > Attendance > 07 mins Clip 1 (or give an example) > 03 mins Clip 2 (or get an example from students) > 05 min Introduction > 05 mins Presenting to the class > 10 mins Eliciting feedback > 05 mins Time for activity > 10 mins Respond to the activity > 10 mins 55 minutes 15 minutes 20 mins 20 minutes HOUR 2- Civil Society • • • • • • • • • Class duration Attendance Give examples of civil agencies Get examples from students Explain what civil society is NGOs Student Interaction Time for case study Presentations > > 07 mins > 05 mins > 08 mins > 5 mins > 10 mins > 10 mins > 07 mins > 10 min 55 minutes 18mins 15 mins 20 mins 17 mins Requirements • • • • • • • LCD facility (optional) Chart paper (optional) Coloured pens (optional) Sheets of paper (optional) Newspaper articles / pictures (optional) Handouts / list of activities / case studies Board (noun) the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. having to do with a city or town.Dictionary Civic : (adjective) origin from the Latin word civicus. (noun) awareness of or sensitive to Civics : Sense : . respecting fellow men and maintaining decorum in public places. • consideration by the people for the unspoken norms of society. streets and public property clean. . • Not just about keeping the roads. • it has to do with abiding by the law.What is Civic Sense? • Nothing but social ethics. road rage etc.Why is Civic Sense Important? • Separatism. . racism. intolerance. of other's cultures. are all examples of lack of civic sense (E. Torching of trains.) • People are becoming less and less tolerant of each other. vandalism. vandalizing public places • India has really diverse people and the need of the hour is general civic sense. backgrounds etc. Do we have Civic Sense? . . . . . Here. The mob torched coaches.What is our civic sense quotient? A burning issue: Three trains came under attack on the outskirts of Patna on 1 June. bogies of the Rajgir-Danapur passenger train are ablaze. 2009 over the Railways’ decision to withdraw halts for various trains at Bihar’s Khusrupur station. ransacked a station and uprooted railway lines falling under the Danapur division. the remedy should begin with the self (individual)/ home/school/college/ university.Where do we start practicing civic sense? As with almost everything. . Why Me? • (answer maybe got from the students) . responsible citizen. .Answers could be: ‘I’ must do something because I am an active. Am I an active responsible citizen? (answers maybe got from the students) . which should begin with one’s self and personal space. public service. do I : work towards the betterment of my community through economic participation. . No one is a good citizen without active Civic Sense. volunteer work etc.If I am. .In our homes/rooms Keep things in order Take things from where you take them Draw curtains and allow air and sunlight to enter the room Make your bed -fold the sheets -fluff the pillows -spread the bed sheet neatly etc. • Do not forget to use slippers. • Do not forget to flush the toilet and keep it as clean as possible. . • Do not allow water to be overflowing from buckets.In the Bathroom • Do not keep the tap running while you are brushing your teeth. Your Cupboard • Sort out. • Bundle the dirty clothes and keep them aside for washing. organize and arrange your clothes neatly. • Fold your clothes neatly and keep them inside when not in use. . At the table • Chew food with your mouths closed. •Excuse yourself before you leave. •Close the tap well after use. • Keep the sink clean after rinsing the mouth and washing the hands. • Do not talk with food in your mouth. . if others are at the table. (E.In the Flats / Apartments • Do not spit on the landings. Lage Raho Munnabai) . • Put all rubbish in plastic bags and take them to the garbage bin and dispose of them there. • Do not dump garbage on the landing or before your neighbours' front door. • Do not play loud music or indulge in activities that may be disturbing to your neighbour.g. • write on the walls of the corridor. • Not clearing out of the corridor as soon as possible. . • it is against civic sense to litter • Throw knots of hair around. • talk loudly before classes in session.In the Corridor. • eat or drink in the classroom. • litter the classroom. • Keeping the lights and fans on even as you move out .In the classroom it is against civic sense to • chew gum • stick gum beneath the desk. on the walls or on the benches and chairs. • comb your hair in the classroom. •eve tease. • skip or break queues. .At public places it goes civic sense/decorum to • smoke carelessly into peoples faces. •talk loudly on the phone at the theater. •destroy public property. • spit on the roads/walls etc. • cough/sneeze without your hand to your mouth or a handkerchief to your nose. •sit with legs on top of the front seat. Civic RESPONSIBILITY includes • Being contentious towards one’s duties: – Voting – Co-operating in updating of electoral rolls – Having a working knowledge of certain laws (the operation of which directly affects the individuals in their everyday lives). . Civic Sense can be better understood by: • Understanding the initiatives taken by various agencies to strengthen civic sense. Such initiatives are initiatives taken by: # civil society # state # judiciary # police and citizens . CIVIL SOCIETY . where most interactions are with other people belonging to the group. . Society: a group of humans that form a system. Civil : (adjective) relating to ordinary citizens. A network of relationships between people.Dictionary Civilization: (noun) an advanced stage or system of human social development. An interdependent community. non-governmental organizations. • In recent decades.What is Civil Society? • Civil Society refers to all groups outside government such as community groups. Indigenous Peoples' organizations. • Civil society expresses the interests of social groups and raises awareness of key issues in order to influence policy and decision-making. charitable organizations. labour unions. . faith-based organizations. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have been successful in shaping global policy through advocacy campaigns and mobilization of people and resources. professional associations and foundations. that represents the workings of people among. both organized and essentially disorganized. meet their needs and live creative. when in fact the essential character of “civil society” is its unlimited quality. • To define the term much more precisely actually works to limit it. . and with one another to achieve their aspirations. healthy lives.• “civil society” describes that element of society outside of government and business sectors. active. .) Community foundations Community organizations Consumers/consumer organizations Cooperatives Cultural groups Environmental groups Foundations • • • • • • • • • • • Intermediary organizations for the voluntary and non-profit sector Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Non-profit organizations (NPOs) Policy institutions Private voluntary organizations (PVOs) Professional associations Religious organizations Support groups Trade unions Voluntary associations Women's groups We will take a detailed look at NGOs as they are the most prominent of the CSOs. etc.• • • • • • • • • • • • • Examples of civil society organizations Academia Activist groups Charities Citizens' militia Civic groups Clubs (sports. social. • It does not have any external control. . co-operative body.What is an NGO? • It is an organization begun by like minded people under the term ‘voluntary action’. • A voluntary agency is a group of people organized into a legal. • It is initiated spontaneously and governed by its own members. • They have flexibility of approach being small. . • GENDER ISSUES:  Opposing dowry. etc. female infanticide. sexual harassment of women at work supporting a girl’s education.Some areas of the NGO’s work ENVIRONMENT: • Protecting the environment by launching struggles against pollution causing industries. opposition to extension of lease to Kudremukh Iron Ore mines by the Karnataka government as mining activity is proving hazardous to the ecology of the Western Ghats. For example. DEMOCRACY AT THE GRASS ROOT LEVEL: • Training members of the village panchyat in keeping accounts. domestic servants etc. maintenance of records etc. informing them of specific government departments. . underpaid construction workers. who should be approached.Some areas of the NGO’s work URBAN POVERTY:  Dealing with the problem of slums. . literacy etc. hygiene. HEALTH: • AIDS awareness programs etc.Some areas of the NGO’s work DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL AREAS: • Enlightening the rural population about health. Some organizations . but minors are not eligible. Submit an application form stating the purpose for starting the NGO to the sub registrar’s office of that area whose address will be available in the area’s post office.Setting up an NGO THE PROCESS OF REGISTRATION: • A minimum of 7 or more persons are eligible to start an NGO. A registration fee will have to be paid. • . . • There are 2 kinds of NGO’s: registered and unregistered. • The registered NGO’s have greater acceptance. are invited by the government to advise it on policies and to particular meetings.Setting up an NGO • An NGO can be started by a group of individuals including students above 18 years of age. • The Society Registration Act of 1860 lays down specific rules for registration. . social interaction and economic interactions. which has specific number of members like 15 or 20.Self Help Groups • SHG is a group formed by the community women. In such a group the poorest women would come together for emergency. social reasons. disaster. economic support to each other have ease of conversation. . • To motivate women taking up social responsibilities particularly related to women development.Objectives of SHGs • To sensitize women of target area for the need of SHG and its relevance in their empowerment process. • To develop collective decision making among women. • To enhance the confidence and capabilities of women. • To create group feeling among women. • To encourage habit of saving among women and facilitate the accumulation of their own capital resource base. Activities: • Students maybe given a number of activities to do and thus learn by doing. . For example: – Students may be taken to various places in the campus or out and made to observe people abusing civic sense and then make a presentation in the class. – The class may be divided into various groups and each group may be given different activities to do. • Group 6. • Group 5.Activities: • Group 1. Identify solutions to the problem of civic sense • Group 3. Can make a pictorial representation of scenes lacking in civic sense. Can make a chart of various civic sense ideas and present it to the class. • Group 4. Can make a mime on civic sense. Can create a plan of action for the awareness of civic sense. . • Group 2. Read the passage and enact it. Can make a list of various NGO’s with their addresses and what they do. poem. Can call different NGO’s and find out information about itself. lyrics etc on civic sense and present it to the class. • Group 8. Can make a street play for awareness of civic sense. • Group 12. . May be asked to write a story. • Group 11. Can make a chart on civic sense. • Group 9. Can make placards and place them in appropriate places in/out of campus. • Group 10.Activities • Group 7. Activities Like wise teachers maybe creative in a class and give a lot of activities to the learners and make them aware of civic sense around them. . What does it take? It does not take much time or effort to set things right. It is not at all DIFFICULT . 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