Cisco PGW 2200 Soft Switch Release 9.8



Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide September 7, 2010 Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Text Part Number: OL-18082-09 THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB’s public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981, Regents of the University of California. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R) Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide © 2009–2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. CONTENTS Preface xv xv Document Objectives Audience xv Related Documentation Document Change History 1 xv xvi Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request xvi CHAPTER Dial Plan and Routing 1-1 Dial Plan and Routing Introduction 1-1 Dial Plan Overview 1-3 Dial Plan Selection Overview 1-3 Pre-analysis Overview 1-5 Number Analysis Overview 1-6 Cause Analysis Overview 1-6 Routing Overview 1-6 SS7 Call Routing 1-7 Call Routing to an IP Endpoint 1-8 Call Routing from an IP Endpoint 1-9 Result Analysis 1-9 Digit Modification String 1-10 Service Name 1-10 Results 1-11 Operation of Intermediate Result Types 1-16 Result Type Definitions 1-17 Processing Multiple Result Types 1-57 Handling Multiple Occurrences of Result Types Processing Dial Plan Longest Match 1-66 Result Set 1-70 Default Result Set 1-70 Pre-analysis 1-70 Calling Party Category Analysis 1-71 Transmission Medium Requirement Analysis A/B-number NOA and NPI Analysis 1-72 A/B-number Nature of Address 1-72 1-61 1-71 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 iii Contents A/B-number Numbering Plan Indicator 1-73 Transit Network Selection Analysis 1-74 NANP B-Number Normalization 1-74 Added Gateway Announcement Capability 1-75 Action If Announcement Is Disabled 1-76 Action When Announcement Is Enabled by Trunk Group and/or Analysis Result Times-Ten Database Announcement Table 1-77 Number Analysis 1-78 A-Number Analysis 1-78 1-76 Cause Analysis 1-78 Cause 1-78 Location 1-79 Dial Plan Selection 1-82 A-Number Dial Plan Selection 1-82 Multiple Dial Plan Result Types 1-82 Dial Plan Features 1-83 Call Screening 1-83 European Local Number Portability 1-88 Advice of Charge 1-91 AOC Generation for PRI 1-94 Charge Table 1-95 Adding or Removing Country Code 1-100 TNS Feature 1-106 Routing Analysis 1-107 Routing Terminology 1-108 Routing Analysis Components 1-109 Number Termination 1-110 Percentage Based Routing 1-110 Routing Overflow 1-110 Handling of Overflow at the Percentage Based Route Level Handling of Overflow at the Route List level 1-112 Handling of Overflow at the Route Level 1-112 Time of Day Routing 1-113 Conditional Route Description 1-114 Conditional Route 1-114 Route Holiday 1-114 Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Route List 1-115 Routes 1-115 1-115 1-111 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide iv OL-18082-09 Contents Routing Trunk Groups 1-116 TDM Trunk Group Attributes 1-116 SIP Trunk Group Attributes 1-118 Routing Features 1-118 Weighted Trunk Groups 1-118 Carrier Translation 1-118 Trunk Group Preferences 1-119 Bearer Capability Based Routing 1-119 Codec Selection 1-120 Route Advance 1-120 2 CHAPTER Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning Provisioning Prerequisites 2-1 Prerequisite Tasks 2-1 Prerequisite Information 2-2 2-1 Provisioning Tools 2-3 Voice Services Provisioning Tool 2-4 Provisioning with MML Commands 2-4 Creating a Dial Plan 2-5 Dial Plan Creation Rules 2-5 Dial Plan Provisioning Sequence Dial Plan Text File 3 2-6 2-5 CHAPTER Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT 3-1 Provisioning Dial Plans 3-1 Importing a Dial Plan File 3-2 Adding a Dial Plan 3-4 Adding Dial Plan Details 3-5 Adding Digit Modification String Data 3-6 Adding Bearer Capability (BC) Data 3-8 Adding High Layer Capability (HLC) Data 3-9 Adding a Customer VPN ID 3-10 Adding Domain Modification String Data 3-10 Adding a Result Set 3-11 Adding or Modifying a Default Result Set 3-13 Adding Screening Data 3-15 Adding Service Data 3-16 Adding Source Black Data 3-17 Adding a Domain Routing Policy (DRP) Table 3-18 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 v Contents Adding Route Selection Data 3-18 Adding Destination Translation Data 3-19 Adding A-number Charge Origin Data 3-20 Adding A-Digit Tree Data 3-21 Adding A-number Dial Plan Selection 3-22 Adding B-Digit Tree Data 3-23 Adding Cause Data 3-25 Adding Calling Line Identification Prefix 3-27 Adding CLI IP Address 3-28 Adding Calling Party Category 3-29 Adding Dial Plan Selection Data 3-30 Adding H.323 ID 3-30 Adding Location Data 3-31 Adding Nature of Address (NOA) Data of A-number and B-number 3-32 Adding Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI) Data of A-number and B-number 3-33 Adding Route Holiday 3-34 Adding Transmission Medium Requirement (TMR) Data 3-35 Adding Transit Network Selection (TNS) Information 3-36 Adding Announcements 3-37 Adding Ported Number Table Data 3-39 Adding Script 3-41 Adding Full Number Translation Data 3-42 Adding Term Table Data 3-43 Adding Test Line Data 3-45 Performing an Integrity Check 3-46 Provisioning Examples 3-47 Provisioning Outline 3-49 Get Started with Cisco VSPT 3-50 Starting a Provisioning Session 3-50 Saving the Cisco VSPT Configuration 3-51 Importing or Adding a Dial Plan 3-52 Adding Multiple Dial Plans 3-52 Adding the Dial Plan Selection 3-52 Adding Call Screening 3-55 Adding Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-number Analysis 3-55 Adding Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-number Analysis 3-58 Adding the Digit Modification in the Dial Plans 3-60 Adding Time of Day Routing 3-63 Adding Percentage Routing 3-67 Adding Local Number Portability (LNP) 3-68 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide vi OL-18082-09 Contents Adding a TCAP Subsystem 3-68 Adding an IN Trigger 3-69 Adding Cause Analysis 3-70 Adding Call Retry, Reattempt, and Route Advance Adding Announcement 3-72 Adding Call Limiting 3-73 Adding the Location Label 3-73 Adding the Call Limiting Result 3-73 Deploy the Configuration 3-75 MML Commands Reference 3-75 4 3-70 CHAPTER Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Dial Plan Parameters 4-2 4-1 Adding a Dial Plan 4-7 Adding a Component to a Dial Plan 4-7 Deleting a Component from a Dial Plan 4-8 Deleting a Digit String Range 4-9 Deleting All Three B-digit Tree Entries 4-9 Deleting the B-digit Tree with 4 and Not Deleting 444 and 445 4-9 Deleting the 444 and 445 B-digit Trees and Not Deleting 4 4-10 Deleting Only the 444 B-digit Tree 4-10 Deleting a Dial Plan 4-10 Changing a Component in a Dial Plan 4-11 Deleting the Contents of a Dial Plan 4-11 Retrieving a Component in a Dial Plan 4-12 Updating Changes in a Dial Plan 4-12 Migrating Dial Plans Dealing with SCREENING Entries 4-12 Migration For Customers Without SCREENING Entries 4-12 Migration For Customers With SCREENING Entries 4-12 Adding Dial Plan Components 4-13 Adding Carrier Selection (CARRIERTBL) 4-13 Adding a Digit Modification (DIGMODSTRING) 4-14 Adding a Service (SERVICE) 4-15 Adding a Result (RESULTTABLE) 4-15 Adding the RETRY_ACTION Result Type 4-16 Adding the MGCPDIALPKG Result Type 4-17 Adding the BCMOD Result Type 4-17 Adding the HLCMOD Result Type 4-18 Adding an A-Digit Tree (ADIGITTREE) 4-18 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 vii Contents Adding a B-Digit Tree (BDIGITTREE) 4-18 Adding Numbering Plan Indicator Data (ANPI and BNPI) 4-19 Adding Nature of Address Data (NOA) 4-20 Adding a LINEXLATE Table to the Dial Plan for Configurable NOA Mapping Provisioning the LINEXLATE Table 4-21 Adding a Location (LOCATION) 4-22 Adding a Cause (CAUSE) 4-23 Adding Screening Lists (SCREENING) 4-23 A-Number Screening File Formats 4-24 B-Number Screening File Formats 4-24 Importing or Exporting Screening Data 4-25 Adding an AWHITE List 4-25 Adding an ABLACK List 4-26 Adding a BWHITE List 4-26 Adding a BBLACK List 4-27 Adding a Ported Number Table (PORTTBL) 4-27 Adding a Term Table (TERMTBL) 4-28 Adding a Dial Plan Selection (DPSELECTION) 4-28 Adding A-Number Dial Plan Selection (ANUMDPSEL) 4-28 Provisioning CODEC Capabilities (CODECSTRING) 4-29 Provisioning the CODEC Capabilities 4-29 Route Holiday Provisioning 4-29 Provisioning Overdecadic Status 4-31 4-21 Provisioning Advice of Charge 4-31 Provisioning the Charge Holiday List 4-32 Adding an Entry to the Charge Holiday List 4-32 Editing an Entry in the Charge Holiday List 4-32 Deleting an Entry From the Charge Holiday List 4-33 Retrieving Entries From the Charge Holiday List 4-33 Charge Holiday Provisioning Examples 4-33 Provisioning the Charge List 4-34 Provisioning the Charge Result Type 4-34 Adding an Entry in the Charge List 4-34 Editing an Entry in the Charge List 4-34 Deleting an Entry from the Charge List 4-35 Retrieving Entries From the Charge List 4-35 Charge Provisioning Examples 4-35 Provisioning the Tariff List 4-36 Adding an Entry in the Tariff List 4-36 Editing an Entry in the Tariff List 4-36 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide viii OL-18082-09 Contents Deleting an Entry in the Tariff List 4-37 Retrieving Entries From the Tariff List 4-37 Provisioning Charge Origin 4-37 Provisioning the CHARGEORIGIN Result Type 4-38 Adding an Entry in the Charge Origin List 4-38 Editing an Entry in the Charge Origin List 4-38 Deleting an Entry From the Charge Origin List 4-38 Retrieving Entries From the Charge Origin List 4-39 Importing a Charge Origin List 4-39 Charge Origin Provisioning Examples 4-39 Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services 4-40 Charge Origins (Optional) 4-40 Trunk Group or Signaling Path Property 4-40 A-Number Result 4-40 CLI Charge Origin Table 4-40 Charge Destinations 4-41 Holiday Table (Optional) 4-42 PRI Charge Table 4-42 PRI Tariff Table 4-44 Activation Type for AOC Supplementary Services—AOCInvokeType 4-44 Default Tariff for AOC Supplementary Service—AOCDefaultTariffId 4-44 Default Charging Unit Duration for AOC-D Supplementary Service— AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration 4-45 PRI AOC Supplementary Services Activation 4-45 Combined Charge and Meter Pulse Messaging Provisioning Provisioning Percentage Based Routing 4-47 Provisioning the Conditional Result 4-47 Provisioning the Percentage Route 4-47 Creating Conditional Route Examples 4-47 Editing Conditional Route Examples 4-47 Deleting Conditional Route Examples 4-48 Retrieving Conditional Route Examples 4-48 Provisioning an Intermediate COND_RTE Result Type Creating Percentage Based Route Examples 4-48 Editing Percentage Based Route Examples 4-49 Deleting Percentage Based Route Examples 4-49 Retrieving Percentage Based Route Examples 4-49 Provisioning Conditional Routing 4-49 Provisioning the COND_ROUTE Result Type 4-49 4-46 4-48 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 ix Contents Provisioning the Route Holiday List 4-50 Adding an Entry to the Route Holiday List 4-50 Editing an Entry in the Route Holiday List 4-50 Deleting an Entry From the Route Holiday List 4-50 Retrieving Entries From the Route Holiday List 4-51 Route Holiday Provisioning Examples 4-51 Provisioning Calling Party Category 4-51 Provisioning Transmission Medium Requirements Provisioning Transit Network Selection 4-52 Provisioning Bearer Capability Based Routing 4-53 Provisioning the Bearer Capability Based Routing 4-52 4-53 Provisioning the Announcement 4-53 Provisioning the Tone and Announcement Database Table Provisioning the ANNOUNCEMENT Result Type 4-53 Provisioning an ATM Profile 4-54 Adding an ATM Profile to routeAnalysis.dat 4-54 Adding ATM Profiles to the Result Table 4-54 Provisioning Tech Prefix Capabilities 4-55 Adding the Tech Prefix 4-55 Removing the Tech Prefix 4-55 4-53 Provisioning Advanced Screening Capabilities 4-55 Provisioning CLI IP Address 4-56 Adding CLI IP Address to a Customer Group 4-56 Deleting CLI IP Address with Subnet Mask from a Customer Group Editing CLI IP Address 4-56 Provisioning CLI Prefix 4-57 Adding CLI Prefix to a Customer Group 4-57 Deleting CLI Prefix from a Customer Group 4-57 Editing CLI Prefix 4-57 Provisioning H.323 ID 4-57 Adding H.323 ID to a Customer Group 4-58 Deleting H.323 ID from a Customer Group 4-58 Editing H.323 ID 4-58 Provisioning Results of Various Result Types 4-58 Provisioning the CC_DIG Result Type 4-58 Provisioning Country Codes 4-58 Provisioning the Result Set 4-58 Provisioning the BdigTree 4-60 Provisioning the NEW_DIALPLAN Result Type 4-60 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-56 x OL-18082-09 Contents Provisioning the A_NUM_DP_TABLE Result Type 4-61 Provisioning the INC_NUMBERING Result Type 4-61 Provisioning Examples for Various Result Types 4-61 Importing Dial Plan Information 4-62 Enabling Dial Plan Selection for Incoming Trunk groups 4-62 Enabling Dial Plan Selection for Incoming SIP Trunk Group 4-62 Enabling Dial Plan Selection for Incoming EISUP Trunk Group 4-62 Determining Which IP Address to Use for Dial Plan Selection 4-63 Configuring the MGC to Use IP Packet Source Address for Dial Plan Selection 4-63 Configuring Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to use IP from SDP INVITE for Dial Plan Selection Verifying Your Changes 4-63 Verifying Incoming Trunk Group Calls 4-64 Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have a Presentation Number 4-64 Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have an NOA Presentation Number 4-64 Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have an NPI Presentation Indicator 4-64 Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have a PN Presentation Indicator 4-65 Verifying Your Changes 4-65 Provisioning Call Limiting 4-65 Provisioning Call Limiting for an A-number 4-65 Provisioning Call Limiting for a B-number 4-66 Provisioning the OVERRIDE_CALLIM Result Type for Number Analysis Dial Plan Examples 4-67 Scaling Dial Plan Elements Provisioning Call Reporting 4-67 4-68 4-68 4-69 4-63 4-66 Provisioning Calling Name Delivery Provisioning Full Number Translations Provisioning Global Titles 4-72 Provisioning Domain Based Routing Provisioning Generic Call Tagging 4-73 4-75 Provisioning Conditional A-Number Digit Modification 4-76 Adding Digit Modification String Data 4-76 Adding A-Number Modification Result Table Data 4-77 Adding A-Number Digit Tree Data 4-78 Enabling A-Number Normalization 4-78 Provisioning E911 Mapping 4-79 Adding an E911PROF Result Type Collecting E911PROF Data 4-80 Mapping Methods 4-80 4-79 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 xi Contents Mapping Method 1: ESRK Delivery 4-80 Mapping Method 2: CBN and ESRD Delivery A 4-81 APPENDIX NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values NOA Codes A-1 Internal A-1 ANSI SS7 A-3 PRI A-4 Q.761 A-5 Q.767 A-6 NPI Codes A-7 Internal A-8 ANSI SS7 A-8 PRI A-8 A-1 CPC Values A-9 CPC Protocol Variant Values A-12 Q.761 Base Protocol CPC Index A-12 Q.761 Danish Variant CPC Index A-12 Q.761_97Ver and Q.767 Russian Variant CPC Index Q.767 Base Protocol CPC Index A-15 Q.721 Base Protocol CPC Index A-15 ANSI Base Protocol CPC Index A-16 TMR Values A-17 TMR Protocol Variant Values A-20 Q.761 Base Protocol TMR Index A-20 Q.767 Base Protocol TMR Index A-21 ANSI Base Protocol TMR Index A-21 B A-13 APPENDIX Cause and Location Codes B-1 Internal Cause Codes B-1 Internal Cause Code Values B-2 DPNSS Cause Codes B-15 Received DPNSS Cause Code Mappings B-15 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings B-16 ISDN Cause Codes B-22 ISDN PRI Cause Codes B-25 Received ISDN PRI Cause Code Mappings B-26 Received AT&T TR41459 Specific PRI Cause Code Mappings B-27 Received BELL 1268 Specific PRI Cause Code Mappings B-28 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide xii OL-18082-09 Contents Received INS 1500 Specific Cause Code Mappings B-28 Transmitted ISDN PRI Cause Code Mappings B-29 Q.761 Cause Codes B-35 Received Q.761 Cause Code Mappings B-35 Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings B-44 Q.767 Cause Codes B-56 Received Q.767 Cause Code Mappings B-56 ANSI SS7 Cause Codes B-68 Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings B-68 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings B-70 SIP to DPNSS Cause Codes SIP to QSIG Cause Codes SIP to ANSI Cause Codes SIP to H.323 Cause Codes B-75 B-77 B-79 B-80 SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes B-82 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping B-82 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Non-Mapped Values ISUP Event Code to SIP Status Code Mapping B-87 SIP Status Code to ISUP Message Mapping B-87 SIP Status Code to ISDN Cause Code Mapping B-89 Internal Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping B-91 SIP Status Code to Internal Cause Code Mapping B-93 Release Cause Location Codes B-95 Internal Release Cause Location Codes B-95 Protocol Specific Release Cause Location Codes B-95 ANSI SS7 Protocol to Internal Mapping B-96 Internal to ANSI SS7 Protocol Mapping B-96 Q767 Protocol to Internal Mapping B-97 Internal to Q.767 Protocol Mapping B-98 Q761 Protocol to Internal Mapping B-98 Internal to Q.761 Protocol Mapping B-99 MGCP 1.0 Cause and Location Codes B-100 MGCP 1.0 Error and Return Codes B-106 Internal Cause Code to Return Code Mapping B-108 Internal Cause Code to Error Code Mapping B-109 C B-86 APPENDIX Dial Planning Worksheets C-1 INDEX Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 xiii Contents Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide xiv OL-18082-09 Preface Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This preface describes the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of this document. It also explains how to find additional information on related Cisco products and services and how to obtain technical assistance, should it be needed. It contains the following sections: • • • • • Document Objectives, page xv Audience, page xv Related Documentation, page xv Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xvi Document Change History, page xvi Document Objectives This document describes the information that you will need to create, implement, and deploy dial plans for the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8. The document also contains tables and worksheets for you to use to create dial plans for your system. Audience This guide is for network operators and administrators who have experience with telecommunications networks, protocols, and equipment and who have familiarity with data communications networks, protocols, and equipment. Related Documentation This document contains information that is related to Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch dial plans. For additional information on other system-level documents, see the documents at this URL: You can find the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Documentation Map at the following URL: ml Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 xv Preface Other useful reference publications include • • • • Overviews of the related telephony solutions—Describe the Cisco telephony solutions with which the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch node is associated Provisioning guides for the related telephony solutions—Describe the provisioning steps for the Cisco telephony solutions with which the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch node is associated Solution gateway installation and configuration guides—Describe the steps for installing and configuring the media gateway for a particular Cisco telephony solution Cisco IP Transfer Point - LinkExtender—Describes the Cisco IP Transfer Point - LinkExtender (Cisco IPT-L, formerly known as the Cisco Signaling Link Terminal or Cisco SLT) and provides configuration information Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation at Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS version 2.0. Document Change History Release Number 9.8(1) Document Number OL-18082-09 Change Date September 7, 2010 Change Summary Added note in Chapter 3 about the proper sequence to follow for installing the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software prior to migrating a dial plan. Updated parameter descriptions of result type IN_TRIGGER, in Chapter 1. 9.8(1) OL-18082-08 May 13, 2010 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide xvi OL-18082-09 Preface Release Number 9.8(1) Document Number OL-18082-07 Change Date May 10, 2010 Change Summary Added the section “AOC Generation for PRI” in Chapter 1. Added the section“Adding a LINEXLATE Table to the Dial Plan for Configurable NOA Mapping” in Chapter 4. Added the section “Provisioning Conditional A-Number Digit Modification” in Chapter 4. Added the section “Provisioning E911 Mapping” in Chapter 4. Added the sections “Adding the BCMOD Result Type” and “Adding the HLCMOD Result Type” to Chapter 4. 9.8(1) OL-18082-06 January 22, 2010 Added new and modified result types in Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing,” and dial plan provisioning procedures in Chapter 4, “Provisioning Dial Plans with MML.” Added the internal cause code, IC_IN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE in Appendix B “Cause and Location Codes.” Removed detailed parameter information in Chapter 4. The detailed parameter information can be found in Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 MML Command Reference. 9.8(1) OL-18082-05 December 15, 2009 9.8(1) OL-18082-04 November 23, 2009 Updated cause analysis description on cause codes and locations in Chapter 1. Updated Figure 1-3, Pre-analysis Stages. 9.8(1) OL-18082-03 November 5, 2009 Updated Full Number Translations behavior option enhancement for result type NUM_TRANS, in Chapter 1. Updated cause code and Calling Party Category (CPC) code mapping in Appendix A and B. Updated the section, Deleting a Component from a Dial Plan, in Chapter 4. 9.8(1) OL-18082-02 October 19, 2009 9.8(1) OL-18082-01 August 26, 2009 Initial release Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 xvii Preface Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide xviii OL-18082-09 CH A P T E R 1 Dial Plan and Routing Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This chapter provides an overview of the role the dial plan plays in call processing on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Dial plans let the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch running the MGC software communicate with the Signaling System 7 (SS7) network and with the system components that control media gateways and bearer-traffic routing. This chapter contains the following sections: • • • • • • Dial Plan and Routing Introduction, page 1-1 Result Analysis, page 1-9 Pre-analysis, page 1-70 Number Analysis, page 1-78 Cause Analysis, page 1-78 Routing Analysis, page 1-107 The dial plan provisioning processes described in this document apply to all Cisco telephony solutions running the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.3 and later. Dial Plan and Routing Introduction A dial plan lets you manipulate and make decisions based on the incoming call data. The dial plan can perform Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, and B-number analysis for either nailed (signaling) or switched (call control) call routing, and cause analysis. Dial plans and routing are explained in the following sections. • • Dial Plan Overview, page 1-3 Routing Overview, page 1-6 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-1 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Introduction Dial Plan and Routing Figure 1-1 provides a high-level overview of call analysis and routing stages. Figure 1-1 MGC Call Analysis and Routing Stages Calls routed Calls routed to another MGC SS7 IAM Pre-analysis ISDN PRI Setup, SIP INVITE A-number analysis B-number analysis Routing analysis Circuit selection Calls completed Calls released with cause Calls rejected Calls rejected Calls rejected Calls routed Circuits busy Cause analysis Pre-analysis lets you make decisions based on parameters received in the incoming IAM, Setup, or SIP INVITE message and optionally manipulate data within those parameters. A-number analysis lets you make decisions based on the calling number received in the incoming message and optionally manipulate data based on the calling number. The calling number is the number from which the call is originating. The incoming calling number for A-number analysis might have been previously manipulated within the Pre-analysis stage. B-number analysis lets you make decisions based on the called number received in the incoming message and optionally manipulate data based on the called number. The called number is the number to which the call is destined. The incoming called number for B-number analysis might have been previously manipulated within the Pre-analysis stage and/or the A-number analysis stage. In a signaling call environment, Route analysis is not performed because the terminating gateway is already determined based on the incoming trunk. In a call control environment, decisions are always made in the dial plan about whether the call is switched using the routing analysis stage, or is treated as a signaling call. The routing analysis stage can be initiated from Pre-analysis, B-number analysis, or Cause analysis stages. Routing analysis lets you direct the call to an outgoing trunk group. Currently the supported entry points into routing are • • • Directly into Route analysis Conditional route analysis (Release 9.3(2) functionality) Percentage based route analysis (Release 9.3(2) functionality) Cause analysis lets you make decisions based on parameter information received in the release messages, or internally set failure information. These messages can result in a cause message being sent to the gateway, to route advance, and to change to another dial plan with a restart of analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-2 OL-18082-09 51201 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Dial Plan and Routing Introduction Dial Plan Overview When creating a dial plan, you must first determine if the call type is signaling or call control. A dialplan can be used in either a signaling or call control configuration and provides different levels of functionality according to the networking environment. In a signaling environment, the ingress and egress circuits are already fixed at the outset of the call so the dialplan does not finish B-number analysis with a Routing result that provokes Routing analysis, since this is not necessary. In a call control environment, the call fails unless Pre-analysis or B-number analysis produces a Routing result, since the Routing analysis stage must be invoked to determine egress routes, trunk groups, and trunks provisioned in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. For each stage within the dial plan, the resulting actions are selected, based on the incoming parameter values. The incoming parameters are contained in the ISDN User Part (ISUP) IAM, which is included in the Signaling Information Field (SIF) of an SS7 Message Signal Unit (MSU), in the SIP INVITE method, or in the ISDN PRI Setup message. The actions are referred to as results and can be grouped into result sets consisting of one or more results. Combining different results within result sets provide a flexible mechanism for selecting subsequent analysis actions. This includes the ability to re-enter previous analysis stages. Additionally, result sets can be performed at multiple points of analysis within a stage. Some common result actions are digit modification, NOA manipulation, and screening. Dial plans support both open and closed numbering plans. The dial plan can be changed dynamically and the changes take effect with the next call setup. Dial Plan Selection Overview The dial plan functionality can handle multiple, independent customer networks, each with its own set of actions. To support this, all dial plans are created with a customer group identifier, called CustGrpId. This customer group identifier is used to associate the first dial plan to a sigpath in a signaling environment or a trunk group in a call control environment. Figure 1-2 shows how to change from one dial plan to another, based on result sets configured at the various stages of analysis. You can select a new dial plan either by specifying a CustGrpId in a result or by initiating a lookup of a new CustGrpId in a dial plan selection table. See the “Dial Plan Selection” section on page 1-82 for more information. Multiple dial plan functionality allows up to 10 subsequent dial plans to be used during analysis of a single call. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-3 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Introduction Dial Plan and Routing Figure 1-2 Dial Plan Selection SigPath (non-SS7) CustGrpId Trunk group (SS7) New CustGrpId Dial Plan "n" (CustGrpId) New CustGrpId Dial Plan selection table Result set from Dial Plan Processing 57193 Other result sets A Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can be presented with calls from public switched telephone network (PSTN) service providers that could be handled in different ways. Here are some examples: • • • • • National calls tandem switched through theCisco PGW 2200 Softswitch International calls requiring different treatment before being tandem switched by the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Re-seller calls tandem switched through the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Private branch exchange (PBX) calls requiring breakout to the PSTN Internet calls terminating over ISDN primary rate interfaces (PRIs) hosted on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Calls originating from a virtual private network (VPN) on a PBX (PRI) ingress can be routed within a “local” dial plan (the dial plan for the VPN) by analyzing extension digits; or calls can be routed out over the PSTN with a full national number by dialing a PSTN access code, such as 9. For reseller type calls the customer line is “virtual” to the re-seller service provider and is known only to that provider by the calling party number (A-number). Thus, the required switching actions must be determined according to the A-number; hence the requirement to change dial plans according to this number. It must be understood that in such a scenario the volume of A-numbers is constrained by the level of usage of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, as described later. The system must support the ability to start call processing within the dial plan defined against an ingress trunk group or sigpath and then, depending on Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, B-number analysis, or Cause analysis identify a new dial plan to continue call processing. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-4 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Dial Plan and Routing Introduction Pre-analysis Overview The Pre-analysis stages, shown in Figure 1-3, are as follows: • • • • • • A/B-number NOA and NPI Analysis (NOA/NPI) for calling number (A-number) Calling Party Category Analysis (CPC)* Transmission Medium Requirement Analysis (TMR)* A/B-number NOA and NPI Analysis (NOA/NPI) for called number (B-number) Transit Network Selection Analysis (TNS)* NANP B-Number Normalization * Indicates MGC software Release 9.3(2) functionality. Figure 1-3 Pre-analysis Stages Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-5 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Introduction Dial Plan and Routing The initial analysis request, made after the reception of an SS7 IAM, ISDN PRI setup, or SIP INVITE message, is called Pre-analysis. Pre-analysis, if required, is performed according to the data in the received message. Pre-analysis enables you to perform calling party category (CPC) analysis, transmission medium requirement (TMR) analysis, NOA/NPI analysis, transit network selection (TNS), and North American Numbering Plan (NANP) number normalization before number analysis. Each Pre-analysis stage is completed and leads to the next Pre-analysis stage unless there is analysis failure or a blacklist result. Once all Pre-analysis stages are completed, the result handling is completed including any dial plan changeover before the call goes to the next analysis stage. Number Analysis Overview Number analysis is performed following the completion of Pre-analysis. Number analysis analyzes each digit in the A-number (calling number), optionally the Redirecting number, and finally the B-number (called number) to determine if any action should be taken. Cause Analysis Overview Cause analysis is performed when a release (REL) message is received, or when a failure of some kind has occurred implying that the call must be released. The cause code value or the combined cause code and location code values are analyzed to provide a cause code that provokes rerouting of the call to another switch by the preceding switch, rerouting of the call to an announcement server, reattempt and redirecting, or call release. Routing Overview The objective of a dial plan, in a call control scenario, is to establish a connection or circuit between the calling number (A-number) and the called number (B-number). Here are definitions for four important call routing terms: • • Trunk—A trunk (or circuit), in Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terms, is a single TDM voice channel (DS0). It is a physical connection between two points through which a call can be established. Trunk group—A trunk group is a collection of trunks (or circuits). For the sake of simplicity, Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch trunk groups are often arranged exactly the same as the trunk groups on the switches on the opposing ends of the packet network. Route—The route defines the path that a call uses. It might be a collection of trunk groups with the same destination, or a logical path over a packet network fabric. Route List—A route list is a collection of routing alternatives that can be used to transport a call between the origination and the destination points. Individual routes within a route list can connect the same two origination and destination points, but over different physical paths. • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-6 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Dial Plan and Routing Introduction SS7 Call Routing The dial plan is the primary determinant of how a call is routed from its origination to its termination through a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch-controlled packet-switched network. Figure 1-4 is a simplified illustration of the sequence of events that occur in routing a call from its origination to its termination. Figure 1-4 MGC Call Routing Sequence SS7 exchanges between switches 2: MGC reads IAM messages and performs number analysis 3: MGC selects route SS7 network 4: MGC selects trunk group MGC node TDM network A Originating leg 51187 1: Circuit selected by originating switch Terminating leg TDM network B MGC network MGCP exchange with gateways 6: MGC connects A to B 5: MGC selects circuit The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch routing functionality includes the following, as shown in Figure 1-4: • • When the MGC is used for tandem (transit) applications, all calls originate or terminate outside the MGC-controlled packet network. The MGC receives and analyzes signaling messages, either SS7 or ISDN PRI, determines ingress and egress gateways, and selects the egress trunks (or circuits) to external TDM switches and networks. The MGC controls the ingress and egress media gateways on the packet network edges; however, it does not control the route taken within the packet network. The MGC connects the ingress trunk to the egress trunk and routes the call from the origination to the destination. • • TheCisco PGW 2200 Softswitch supports random distribution of calls across multiple trunk groups belonging to a particular route. Enabling or disabling random distribution is supported on a route-by-route basis. Call routing can be accomplished based on factors such as, including the NOA value in the incoming IAM or Setup message, or combining the NOA value and the incoming NPI value. If routing is not determined solely based on Pre-analysis, then number analysis is performed. Once a route is chosen, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects a trunk group and an available trunk (circuit). If no trunk is available, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch releases the call with a cause code indicating all circuits are busy. As shown in Figure 1-1, calls can also be rejected at any point during analysis and released with an appropriate cause code, or routed to an announcement server that informs the caller why the call was not completed. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-7 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Introduction Dial Plan and Routing Call Routing to an IP Endpoint Figure 1-5 is a simplified illustration of the sequence of events that occur in routing a call to an IP endpoint. Figure 1-5 MGC Call Routing Sequence to an IP Endpoint SS7 exchanges between switches 2: MGC reads IAM messages and performs number analysis 3: MGC selects route SS7 network 4: MGC selects IP trunk group MGC node TDM network A Originating leg 84422 1: Circuit selected by originating switch Terminating leg SIP or H.323 endpoint MGC network SDP/H.245 exchange with gateway 6: MGC connects A to B 5: MGC negotiate SDP/H.245 The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch routing functionality includes the following, as shown in Figure 1-5: • • • • When the MGC is used to terminate calls to a SIP or H.323 end point; calls terminate inside the packet network. The MGC receives and analyzes signaling messages, either SS7 or ISDN PRI, determines the ingress gateway, and selects the egress SIP or H.323 signaling path. The MGC controls the ingress media gateways on the ingress packet network edge and signals to the SIP or H.323 endpoint; however, it does not control the route taken within the packet network. The MGC connects the ingress trunk to the egress SIP or H.323 endpoint and routes the call from the origination to the destination. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-8 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Call Routing from an IP Endpoint Figure 1-6 is a simplified illustration of the sequence of events that occur in routing a call from an IP endpoint. Figure 1-6 MGC Call Routing Sequence from an IP Endpoint SS7 exchanges between switches 1: MGC reads SIP INVITE or H.323 SETUP and returns number analysis 2: MGC selects route SS7 network 3: MGC selects trunk group MGC node SIP or H.323 endpoint Originating leg 84421 Terminating leg TDM network B MGC network SDP/H.245 exchange with gateway 5: MGC connects A to B 4: MGC selects circuit TheCisco PGW 2200 Softswitch routing functionality includes the following, as shown in Figure 1-6: • • • When the MGC is used to originate calls from a SIP or H.323 endpoint; calls originate inside the packet network. The MGC receives and analyzes signaling messages, either SIP or H.323, determines the egress gateway and selects the egress trunks (or circuits) to external TDM switches and networks. The MGC controls the egress media gateway on the packet network edge; however, it does not control the route taken within the packet network. These are basic call processing and routing functions of a dial plan. Creating a complete, efficient, and comprehensive dial plan requires thorough planning and foresight. Organization can simplify dial plan implementation. Result Analysis Result analysis lets you group actions into result sets that can be attached at different points of analysis. The main attachment points are Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, B-number analysis, and Cause analysis. When configuring results, there are certain result types, which require extra configuration to provide additional data, that enables the required action. The following are examples of two such result types. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-9 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • Number modification where digits are to be inserted into a number. These new digits must be configured first and stored in data before the actual result, which will make use of these digits, is defined. For example, if the B-number is 4841234 and the intention with a B-number modification (BMODDIG result) is to insert 703 at the front of the number, the 703 digit string must be created first. Once the digit string is created, the actual B-number modification result can be defined by means of the 703 digit string data. This is more fully described in the following section. When A-number screening is required, if this action is triggered from the B-number digit analysis, it is necessary to identify the database area that contains the A-number screening data for calls destined to this particular B-number. The database area is called the service name. The service name data must be defined separately before the actual A-number screening result is defined. Once again the two following sections explain this more fully. • Finally, when you configure results to invoke Routing actions, there are three types of Routing results ROUTE, COND_ROUTE*, and PERC_ROUTE* which are more fully explained in the following sections. *Indicates software Release 9.3(2) functionality. Digit Modification String The digit modification string entry, Example 1-1, defines the digit modification string for a digit modification name. The digit modification string inserts the specified number of digits into the calling number (A-number) or called number (B-number) at the application point specified in the AMODDIG or BMODDIG result type. Table C-4 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be copied and filled in to document the digit modification names and digit modification strings used in your dial plan. You can set up the digit modification with a CustGrpID of t001, a digit modification name of digmod3, and a digstring value of 703486. Example 1-1 Digit Modification String Example Digit Modification Name digmod1 digmod2 digmod3 Digit Modification String 703484 703485 703486 Note Digit modification names are limited to 20 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed. Service Name Example 1-2 gives service name examples. Table C-5 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be used to plan the service name. A service name, shown in Example 1-2, provides additional call screening capabilities. Thus, calls made from a B-number may be allowed to dial Washington and FreePhone, but not allowed to dial TollLine. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-10 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Example 1-2 Service Name Example Service Name Washington FreePhone TollLine Note Service names are limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed in service names. Results A result is a specific action on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. When you configure a result, you set the result type for this result. You also set values for data words in this result. Table 1-1 lists all the result type names and their data words. Result types prescribe the actions that are taken when the last analyzed digit in a digit string is reached. See the “Result Type Definitions” section on page 1-17 section following this table for definitions of result types and their associated data words. Note The result number is only seen in an MDL trace. The result number is not provisionable. Table 1-1 Result Type Definitions Analysis Result Type Points Valid For A-digit Analysis B-digit Analysis Result Number Intermediate Pre-analysis X X X X X X X X X X End Point Result Type DIGIT_REQ ROUTE INC_NUMBERING BMODDIG AMODDIG CAUSE FACILITY ANNOUNCEMENT Data Word 1 Num. of digits RouteListName Application Point Application Point Cause Code type Announcement ID Data Word 2 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Data Word 3 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Max. digits Data Word 4 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Conditional Indicator 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Numbering Type Min. digits Num. of digits Modification to remove Name Num. of digits Modification to remove Name Location value treatment 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Local/Remote RouteListId Announceme X nt Data Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 Cause 1-11 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-1 Result Type Definitions (continued) Analysis Result Type Points Valid For A-digit Analysis B-digit Analysis Result Number Intermediate Pre-analysis X X X X X End Point Result Type Data Word 1 TariffRate/ Dest for Charging/ Charge Band Number/ Charge Unit 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) A-number Type B-number Type Screening Criteria Data Word 2 Scale Factor Data Word 3 ChargeData Discriminator Data Word 4 Charge Type 10 CHARGE X X 11 CPC_REQ 12 CLI_REQ 13 BSM_REQ 14 FSM_REQ 15 A_NUMBER_TYPE 16 B_NUMBER_TYPE 17 OTG_NUMBERING 18 BLACKLIST 19 CLI_NBR_LENGTH 22 IN_TRIGGER 23 SCREENING 24 DATA_EXCHANGE 25 E_PORTED_NUM 26 E_ROUTE_NUM 27 TERM_INFO 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Max. digits 0 (not used) Max. digits 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Numbering Type Min. digits Numbering Type Min. digits 0 (not used) SCP/STP Index 0 (not used) Service Type Screen Type Action Type 21 ROUTE_PREFERENCE Route Pref Min digits Req Timer Fail_DpIdx 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Service Name Pass_DpIdx 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) TestLineName 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Number of Use partial digits to remove number Number of 0 (not used) digits to remove 0 (not used) 0 (not used) TestLine Duration 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 28 TESTCALLDETECTED TestLineType 31 ADDRESSCLASS 32 WHITELIST 33 NEW_DIALPLAN 34 A_NUM_DP_TABLE 35 RTRN_START_ANAL Geographic 0 (not used) CustGrpId searchMin Analysis Type 0 (not used) Number of 0 (not used) digits to remove Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-12 OL-18082-09 Cause Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-1 Result Type Definitions (continued) Analysis Result Type Points Valid For A-digit Analysis B-digit Analysis Result Number Intermediate Pre-analysis X X X X X X X X X End Point Result Type Data Word 1 Charge Origin Presentation Indicator callcutoffvalue (values: 1-48, 1-2880, or 1-172800) RetryType (1 to 3) CondRteName Data Word 2 0 (not used) 0 (not used) callcutoffunit s (values: 0, 1, or 2) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Data Word 3 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Data Word 4 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 36 CHARGEORIGIN 37 CG_PRES_IND 38 CALL_CUTOFF_TIME R X X X X X X 42 RETRY_ACTION 43 COND_ROUTE 44 MGCPDIALPKG 45 CPCMOD 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X X X X X X X X Digital, Analog, 0 or 1 or Dynamic Integer (0–255) Calling party CPC parameter Integer (0-3) Called party CPC parameter CCModName CodecStringNa me PercRteName Application point Internal NOA value (0-53) 1 = Restricted 2 = Allowed 3 = Unavailable 1 = Network Provided 2 = UPVP 3 = UPNV 4 = UPVF 5 = spare1 0 (not used) Integer 0 Default-callin g party CPC Integer 1 Called party CPC 0 (not used) Action 0 (not used) Number of digits to remove 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 45 CPCMOD 0 (not used) X X X 46 CC_DIG 47 CODEC 48 PERC_ROUTE 49 PNMODDIG 0 (not used) X X X X X X X X X X CodecStringTy 0 (not used) pe 0 (not used) Modification Name 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 50 PN_NUMBER_TYPE 51 PN_PRES_IND 0 (not used) AnnData X X X X X X Local/Remote RouteListId 52 CG_SCREEN_IND 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 Cause 1-13 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-1 Result Type Definitions (continued) Analysis Result Type Points Valid For A-digit Analysis B-digit Analysis Result Number Intermediate Pre-analysis X X X End Point Result Type Data Word 1 1 = Network Provided 2 = UPVP 3 = UPNV 4 = UPVF 5 = spare1 Internal NPI value (0-10) Index to Network Numbering string Internal NPI value (0-10) Application point Data Word 2 0 (not used) Data Word 3 0 (not used) Data Word 4 0 (not used) 53 PN_SCREEN_IND X X X 54 A_NUM_NPI_TYPE 55 CG_PN_COPY 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X X X X 56 PN_NPI_TYPE 57 RMODDIG 0 (not used) Number of digits to remove 0 (not used) Modification Index 0 (not used) X X X X X X Remove X leading digits 0 (not used) X 58 R_NUMBER_TYPE 0 (not used) Remote Number 0 = OCN Type NOA is not updated based on redirecting number. 1 = OCN NOA is updated based on redirecting number. X X X 59 ATM_ORIG_PROFILE 60 ATM_TERM_PROFILE 61 SCRIPT 62 CHARGE_MODE_IND 63 CHARGE_IND 64 B_NBR_MOD_MWI 65 IN_SERVICE_KEY 66 LOC_LABEL 67 OVERRIDE_CALLIM AtmProfIdx AtmProfIdx ScriptId ChargeInd MWI ON InServiceKey Location Label 0 (not used) Action Action CallType 0 (not used) MWI OFF Global Title Digits Type 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) AcmReqdInd. 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Digits Name 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) N/A 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ChargeModeInd 0 (not used) X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-14 OL-18082-09 Cause Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-1 Result Type Definitions (continued) Analysis Result Type Points Valid For A-digit Analysis B-digit Analysis Result Number Intermediate Pre-analysis X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X End Point Result Type Data Word 1 Service Key Route Pref VPN ID DTMF Capability BC name HLC name searchMin serviceKey screenType Data Word 2 0 (not used) On-net index 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Data Word 3 0 (not used) Off-net index 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Data Word 4 Dial Plan 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 69 NUM_TRANS 70 E911PROF 71 ORIG_VPN_ID 72 DTMFCAP 73 BCMOD 74 HLCMOD 76 DB_XLATED 77 REDIRECT 78 IP_SOURCE_SCREEN 79 IP_DEST_TRANS 80 IP_SET_SOURCE_DM N 81 IP_ROUTE_SEL 82 DRP_EXIT 83 SIPTNS 84 SIPI_CONTROL 85 GATEWAYPOOL Number Type NOA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X matchNewDp nonMatchedNe 0 (not used) wDp 0 (not used) serviceName 0 (not used) foundSetName foundSetName applyTo foundSetName 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) notFoundSet Name notFoundSet Name 0 (not used) notFoundSet Name 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X inputAndAction serviceName dmnString inputDataType drpExitType Circuit Code Value (0-15) applicationSt atus serviceName 0 (not used) 0 (not used) Enable the route 0 (not used) preference Ingress gateway AnchorMedia Egress gateway pool ID pool ID property value on the ingress side Allows or prohibits video calls Specifies the default TMR value Call tag list 0 (not used) 0 (not used) AnchorMedia X property value on the egress side 0 (not used) X 86 VIDEO_ALLOWED X X 87 DEFAULT_TMR 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X 88 CALL_TAG 0 (not used) 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 Cause 1-15 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-1 Result Type Definitions (continued) Analysis Result Type Points Valid For A-digit Analysis B-digit Analysis Result Number Intermediate Pre-analysis X End Point Result Type Data Word 1 Call severity: • • • Data Word 2 Data Word 3 Data Word 4 0 (not used) 89 CALL_REPORT 0 = Minor 1 = Major 2 = Critical 0 (not used) Predefined text that you configure to be sent as part of the SNMP 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X 90 PREFIX_CONVERT 0 (not used) 0 (not used) X X X Operation of Intermediate Result Types Most of the result types listed in Table 1-1 are classified as “intermediate” result types. Intermediate result types are inserted in result sets; however, they do not signify the end of the analysis. They work throughout the analysis and there is a possibility that other intermediate result types might be encountered further on in the analysis, which can result in the overwriting of a previous result or value. Intermediate result types provide the ability to provision multiple occurrences of the same result as you go further into the analysis. With intermediate result types the analysis module retrieves them and flags their presence ready for processing. If another intermediate result of the same type is retrieved later in the processing, the new data overwrites the previous data and the last retrieved result becomes the one that is applied. Note All result matches for a digit string are added together and only duplicate result types are overwritten by the longest match. Intermediate result types can be followed with another intermediate result type or with an end point result type. When an end point result type is encountered in a result set the analysis is complete. An end point result type cannot be followed by any other result type and no more results or result sets can be connected further on in the analysis. End point result types currently used include CAUSE, ANNOUNCEMENT, BLACKLIST, WHITELIST, and MGCPDIALPKG. For example, intermediate result types can allow you to provision a route to an operator center based on the digit string 703 in the called number (B-number). Later in the analysis you can provision more precise routings for calls that include the 703 digit string, such as a ROUTE result for longer digit strings such as 703484, which routes the call to route 1, 703544, which routes the call to route 2, and so on. The longest string matched wins; however, if you don't get a longer match, then the earlier route based on the shorter 703 digit string is taken. Depending on the analysis area that invokes them, the AMODDIG and BMODDIG result types have different functions. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-16 OL-18082-09 Cause Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Result Type Definitions The following paragraphs contain definitions of the result types listed in Table 1-1. ADDRESSCLASS The ADDRESSCLASS result type is returned from B-number analysis (the called number) indicating whether the number is geographic or nongeographic. This result type can be encountered during B-number analysis and indicates the class of the B-number. The ADDRESSCLASS result type value indicates the class of address. Valid ADDRESSCLASS values are • • 0 = Geographic (default) 1 = Non-geographic It is possible to encounter more than one ADDRESSCLASS result for a given B-number and all these results are applied to the B-number. This allows for the addition of future new ADDRESSCLASS results that might not be mutually exclusive. AMODDIG The AMODDIG result type is for digit modification on the A-number. You can remove a specified number of digits from any point in the A-digit string and replace them with whatever digits are required. Here is an example of the A-number modification: If you get result type AMODDIG to modify the A-number, you receive the following datawords: • Application point—The point (digit) in the digit string to begin applying the modification. The range is from 1 through the total number of digits in the digit string (32 maximum). Entering a value of “98” causes the removal of digits to begin at the end of the digit string and move backward. Number of digits to remove—The range is from 0 through the number of digits remaining in the digit string from the application point (32 maximum). To remove the entire number, regardless of the number of digits it contains, enter the value “99” for this dataword. Modification name—If required, this is a name that specifies the digit modification string that is to be inserted beginning at the application point. ConditionalInd—Provides an indication of conditional modification. 0 indicates unconditional modification and 1 indicates presentation restriction dependent. (Added in software Release 9.5(2).) Dataword1 must be 1 through 32 or 98. Dataword2 must be 0 through 32 or 99. Dataword3 must be 0 or an existing digit modification name. If dataword4 is 1, then dataword 2 is not allowed and should be 0. If dataword 4 is 0, then allow dataword 2 as normal. • • • Dataword rules: • • • • • For example, if the application point = 1, the number of digits to remove = 5, and the modification name gives a result of 1321, then begin at the start of the digit string, remove 5 digits, and replace them with the digit string 1321. This yields the two following A-number values: • • A-number received pre-analysis = 01444 567891 A-number post analysis = 1321 567891 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-17 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Here is another example. If the application point = 98, the number of digits to remove = 4, and the modification name gives a result of 1321, then begin at the end of the digit string, remove 4 digits, and replace them with the digit string 1321. This yields the two following A-number values: • • A-number received pre-analysis = 12345567891 A-number post analysis =12345561321 Depending on the analysis area that invokes it, the AMODDIG result type has different functionality. The following are examples of this different functionality. • In Pre-Analysis there are currently four serial stages that can produce the AMODDIG result type. In Pre-analysis, the results are cumulative. For example, if the CPC stage generates an AMODDIG result type, then the A-number is modified according to the result and this modified number then is the new A-number passed as input to the next Pre-analysis stage (TMR analysis). If the TMR analysis provokes another AMODDIG result type, then it further modifies the number and so on. Even though multiple modifications like this would seem excessive and unnecessary, the capability exists to ensure the required flexibility is provided. In Number analysis (A-number or B-number), functionality is different. Here digit analysis is applied (digit by digit), and it is possible to have the AMODDIG result type at multiple points if required. However, only the last modification result type is applied. • Note Digit modification is applied to the initial number input to this analysis stage. There is no cumulative digit modification performed. For example, if the received A-number is 1234 and at “1” an AMODDIG result type is received making the number 441234, the digit string is modified and analysis continues according to the digit analysis configuration. If another AMODDIG result type is received at 1234, making the number 551234, the earlier AMODDIG result type (“1”) is discarded and the number now sent forward is 551234. ANNOUNCEMENT The ANNOUNCEMENT result type provides an announcement ID, local or remote indication, and a route ID. These fields are defined as follows: • AnnouncementId—Indicates the identity value corresponding to the announcement identity (or tone identity) that is played to the caller. This is one of the two access keys for which the table is searched. It is a 4-digit integer value. Local/Remote—Indicates if the Announcement is to be played on a local gateway or routed to a remote announcement server elsewhere in the network. Values: 0—Local (gateway), 1—Remote (gateway). RouteListId—Indicates the RouteListId that is used to route to a remote announcement server. This dataword is applicable only when dataword2 is set to remote (1). AnnData—Enables the switching off of a trunk group property announcement for certain A-numbers or B-numbers. It also enables the applying of an announcement for certain A-numbers or B-numbers if no trunk group property has been configured. Values are 0-Off, 1-Interim announcement on, or 2-Final announcement on. This dataword is applicable only when dataword2 is set to local (0). • • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-18 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis A_NUM_DP_TABLE The A_NUM_DP_TABLE result type is relevant to Pre-analysis, A-number, and B-number analysis. Dial plan selection can be triggered by Pre-analysis, the A-number, or the called party number (B-number). The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch searches the dial plan for a match on the A-number and, if found, a new dial plan identity is returned that is then used to continue call processing. An external tool encapsulating ttBulkCp supports fast importing/exporting of ported numbers. This result type has the searchMin dataword. The searchMin dataword indicates how far to search back in the number when longest matching. A_NUMBER_TYPE The A_NUMBER_TYPE result type lets you change the A-number type NOA from that presented in the IAM or Setup message. The value given as data in the result type (dataword1) is the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch internal call context value for the NOA relating to the A-number. This result type is available to A-number analysis. Note The NOA value needs to be the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values” for specific protocol values. A_NUM_NPI_TYPE The A_NUM_NPI_TYPE result type is for CgPN; PN (GN-ACgPN) should be mapped from the original CgPN if it was populated by a swap; or, if it is a new provision, use a default value (E.164). Dataword1 indicates the internal NPI value. The value range is 0 (default) through 10. ATM_ORIG_PROFILE The ATM_ORIG_PROFILE result type is used to deliver a profile list configured according to the Service Level Agreement requirements for the originating side. The ATM_ORIG_PROFILE result type has the following datawords: • Dataword1—AtmProfIdx provides an index value that is used to read the ATM Profiles table from the routeAnalysis.dat file. This enables retrieving a list of ATM profiles for use in the profile negotiation process. Dataword2—Action provides an indication as to whether this profile list is to be considered preferred or mandatory. Values are 0 (mandatory) or 1 (preferred). ITU1 ITU2 ITU3 ITU7 ITU8 ITU12 Custom100 Custom101 Custom110 Custom200 • Possible profile entries are • • • • • • • • • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-19 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing ATM_ORIG_PROFILE provisioning for analysis results can be performed for either the A-numbers or the B-numbers. ATM_TERM_PROFILE The ATM_TERM_PROFILE result type is used to deliver a profile list configured according to the Service Level Agreement requirements for the terminating side. The ATM_TERM_PROFILE result type has the following datawords: • Dataword1—AtmProfIdx provides an index value that is used to read the ATM Profiles table from the routeAnalysis.dat file. This enables retrieving a list of ATM profiles for use in the profile negotiation process. Dataword2—Action provides an indication as to whether this profile list is to be considered preferred or mandatory. Values are 0 (mandatory) or 1 (preferred). ITU1 ITU2 ITU3 ITU7 ITU8 ITU12 Custom100 Custom101 Custom110 Custom200 • Possible profile entries are • • • • • • • • • • ATM_TERM_PROFILE provisioning for analysis results can be performed for either the A-numbers or the B-numbers. BCMOD The BCMOD result type allows you to modify the Bearer Capability of outgoing Initial Address Message (IAMs) based on the dialed Called Party Number. You can provision this result type using Aand B-number analysis. The BCMOD result type has the BC name dataword. The BC name dataword indicates the Bearer Capability name, such as “fax-bc01.” BLACKLIST The BLACKLIST result type provides the basic ability to terminate a call during Pre-analysis and number analysis. If this result is received, the call is immediately released with the cause value IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED (which may be changed by the protocol when the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch sends the release message to the line). The call is terminated immediately, so there is no screening involved with this result type. The possible result types (screening criteria) and their application are as follows: • • 1 = Calling Line Identity (CLI)—Analysis of the A-number reveals that this calling line is restricted. It is only supported in A-digit analysis. 2 = Dialed Address—Analysis of the B-number reveals that this called line is restricted. It is supported only in B-digit analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-20 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis • • • • 3 = Calling Party Category (CPC)—Analysis of only the CPC stage of Pre-analysis. 4 = Nature of Address (NOA)—Pre-analysis, A-number, and B-number analysis reveal that this calling line is restricted due to its NOA value. 5 = Transmission medium requirement (TMR)—Analysis of only the TMR stage of Pre-analysis. 6 = Transit network selection (TNS)—Analysis of only the TNS stage of Pre-analysis. BMODDIG The BMODDIG result type is for digit modification on the B-number. You can remove a specified number of digits from any point in the B-digit string and replace them with whatever digits are required. Here is an example of the B-number modification: If we get result type BMODDIG to modify the B-number, we receive the following datawords: • Application point—The point (digit) in the digit string that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch begins applying the modification. The range is from 1 through the total number of digits in the digit string (32 maximum). Entering a value of “98” causes the removal of digits to begin at the end of the digit string and move backward. Number of digits to remove—The range is from 0 through the number of digits remaining in the digit string from the application point (32 maximum). To remove the entire number, regardless of the number of digits it contains, enter the value “99” for this dataword. Modification name—If required, this is a name that specifies the digit modification string that is to be inserted beginning at the application point. Dataword1 must be 1 through 32 or 98. Dataword2 must be 0 through 32 or 99. Dataword3 must be 0 or an existing digit modification name. Dataword4 must be 0. • • Dataword rules: • • • • For example, if the application point = 1, the number of digits to remove = 5, and the modification name gives a result of 1321, then begin at the start of the digit string, remove 5 digits, and replace them with the digit string 1321. This yields the two following B-number values: • • B-number received pre-analysis = 01444 567891 B-number post analysis = 1321 567891 For example, if the application point = 98, the number of digits to remove = 4, and the modification name gives a result of 1321, then begin at the end of the digit string, remove 4 digits, and replace them with the digit string 1321. This yields the two following B-number values: • • B-number received pre-analysis = 12345567891 B-number post analysis = 12345561321 Depending on the analysis area that invokes it, the BMODDIG result type has different functionality. The following are examples of this different functionality: • In Pre-Analysis there are currently four serial stages that can produce the BMODDIG result type. In Pre-analysis, the results are cumulative. For example, if the CPC stage generates a BMODDIG result type, then the B-number is modified according to the result and this modified number is then the new B-number passed as input to the next Pre-analysis stage (TMR analysis). If the TMR analysis provokes another BMODDIG result type, then it further modifies the number and so on. Even though multiple modifications like this would seem excessive and unnecessary, the capability exists to ensure that the required flexibility is provided. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-21 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • In Number analysis (A-number or B-number), functionality is different. Here digit analysis is applied (digit by digit) and it is possible to have the BMODDIG result type at multiple points if required. However, it is only the last modification result type that is applied. Note Digit modification is applied to the initial number input to this analysis stage. There is no cumulative digit modification performed. For example, if the received B-number is 1234 and at “1” a BMODDIG result type is received making the number 441234, the digit string is modified and analysis continues according to the digit analysis configuration. If another BMODDIG result type is received at 1234, making the number 551234, the earlier BMODDIG result type (“1”) is discarded and the number now sent forward is 551234. B_NBR_MOD_MWI B_NBR_MOD_MWI result type is used to modify the B-number received on any incoming DPNSS message with NSI string for MWI. If the service indicator is set to NULL, this result is ignored. If the indicator is set to 0, then copy the B-number into the A-number and copy the digit string indexed by DW1 in the DIGMODSTRING list into the B-number. If the indicator is set to 1, then copy the B-number into the A-number and copy the digit string indexed by DW2 in the DIGMODSTRING list into the B-number. This result type is used to provision the B-number in DPNSS for MWI. Dataword1 is the MWI ON digit modification string. Dataword2 is the MWI OFF digit modification string. If this result type is not configured, and the MGC receives a virtual MWI string and this service indicator is set to 0 or 1, then the call is released. B_NUMBER_TYPE The B_NUMBER_TYPE result type lets you change the A-number or B-number type NOA from that presented in the IAM or Setup message. The value given as data in the result type (dataword1) is the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch internal call context value for the new NOA relating to either the A-number or B-number. This result type is available to A-number analysis or B-number analysis. Note The NOA value needs to be the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values” for specific protocol values. BSM_REQ The BSM_REQ result type indicates that the basic service markings (BSM) have not been supplied and are required for the outgoing side. CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER The CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER result type terminates any call that exceeds the preset duration of the timer. The timer value is initially read from the XECfgParm.dat file. The default value range is 0 to 48 hours, in 1 hour intervals. The timer value can also be set by dataword1 in the CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER result type. Note In software Release 9.5(2), dataword1 values for minutes (1–2880) and seconds (1–172800) were added, along with dataword2 (callcutoffunits). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-22 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Dataword1 is the call cutoff timer value. The value range is 0 through 2. • • • 0 = 1–48 (A value of 0, default, disables the call cutoff timer.) 1 = 1–2880 2 = 1–172800 0 = Hours (default) 1 = Minutes 2 = Seconds Dataword2 is the call cutoff timer units. The value range is 0 through 2. • • • If the timer value is set to 0 by means of dataword1 for the CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER result type, then the call cutoff timer is disabled, which takes precedence over the global timer value set in the XECfgParm.dat file for calls associated with this result type. If the timer value is set to any other value (1 through 48 hours) by means of dataword1 in the result type, then the cutoff timer is set to this value, which also takes precedence over the global timer value set in the XECfgParm.dat file for calls associated with this result type. If this result is not configured against the call during setup, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the global timer value set in the XECfgParm.dat file. Note In the rare event where failover occurs multiple times, and CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER is enabled, each failover causes the timer value to be re-applied to the currently active platform. As a result, the actual time for a call to be released might exceed the call cutoff timer value setting. CALL_REPORT To use the call reporting feature, you must use this result type to indicate that a call should be reported to the management station. When a call triggers the CALL_REPORT result type, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch generates a new SNMP trap. When you configure the dial plan result, you can define a text string (for example, "Emergency"), which the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can pass in the SNMP trap. Also, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can pass other call details (such as calling and called numbers) that are identified by the new MIB objects that have been added to the CISCO-TRANSPATH-MIB ( file). See the “Provisioning Call Reporting” section on page 4-68 for provisioning procedures of the call reporting feature. CALL_TAG The generic call tagging feature introduced this result type. You can use this result type to apply a tag list in Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, or B-number analysis on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Dataword1 of the CALL_TAG result type names a tag list. A tag list contains tag pairs, which are formed by a tag name and a tag value. However, a tag list can contain just a tag name with the default tag value "true". See the “Provisioning Generic Call Tagging” section on page 4-75 for provisioning procedures of the generic call tagging feature. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-23 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing CAUSE The Cause analysis data specifies what actions to take when a given cause code and location are presented to analysis. The cause might have been retrieved from a received message, set internally on the MGC, or delivered as a CAUSE result. Currently, the given cause value is passed into the Cause analysis process and determines whether or not to 1. 2. 3. Reattempt, redirect, or reroute the call on an alternate route. Return an announcement (that is, route to the announcement server). Clear the call down, writing the cause value returned into call context for protocol use. The cause code corresponds to any provisioned value that complies with the range of cause values permitted in call context. See Appendix B, “Cause and Location Codes” for cause code values. The CAUSE result type has the following datawords: • Cause Valid values for this dataword are – 0 = No cause mapping (default). The 0 value is added to enable using a wildcard for the cause value. Provides a default value for cause values not manually provisioned. Use the received cause value. – 1 through 173 = Cause mapping value. • Location Valid values for this dataword are – 0 = No location mapping (default). The 0 value enables a wildcard location value. Use the default location value if no location is received. – 1 through 13 = Location mapping value. The location value corresponds to any provisioned value that complies with the range of location values permitted in call context. See Appendix B, “Cause and Location Codes,” for location values. CC_DIG The CC_DIG result type retrieves and stores the Country code digits for the B-number during B-number analysis. These digits can then be used to prefix the B-number when the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is functioning in a National switching node capacity. Dataword1 provides a Modification name that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses to read the DIGMODSTRING in the dial plan. This enables the applicable Country code digits to be provisioned in the DIGMODSTRING as any other set of number modification digits. See the “Provisioning the CC_DIG Result Type” section on page 4-58 for more detailed information. The decision to apply the stored Country code digits as a prefix to the B-number is based on the BDigitCCPrefix property setting on the selected egress Trunk Group, which occurs after analysis. Thus, at this stage of call processing, if the BDigitCCPrefix property is set to applying the Country code prefix, then the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses previously retrieved digits (from DIGMODSTRING) to modify the B-number. See the “Adding or Removing Country Code” section on page 1-100 for more detailed information on how to prefix the country code to an A- or B-number when the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is functioning in a National switching node capacity. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-24 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis CG_PN_COPY The CG_PN_COPY result type copies the Calling Party number (CgPn) to the value of the presentation number parameter. This allows automatic filling of the CgPN address with the provisioned network number when the existing address digits are moved to the Generic Number-Additional calling party number (GN-ACgPN). The associated NOA, NPI, Screening Indicator (SI), and Presentation Indicator (PI) fields are copied from the calling party number to GN-ACgPN. Currently the following associated data is set in Call Context for CgPn: NOA- NAT, SI-Network Provided, and PI- Allowed. If the calling number is displayed on a called party’s phone, it is the presentation number and not the CgPn, because the result type has changed it. If dataword1 is null, then the CgPN is left intact after the existing digits are moved. PN is a historical term, although still used a lot, but the correct term is GN-ACgPN. Note The TNUP protocol variant only has a PN. CG_PRES_IND The CG_PRES_IND result type changes the presentation indicator based on number analysis. The possible values are • • • • 0—default 1—restricted 2—allowed 3—unavailable CG_SCREEN_IND The CG_SCREEN_IND result type is the screening indicator of the calling party number. The screening indicator of the calling party number is modified with this result type. Dataword1 is the calling party number screening indicator value. The screening indicator values are • • • • • 1—NP (network provided) 2—UPVP (user provided verified and passed) 3—UPNV (user provided not verified) 4—UPVF (user provided verified and failed) 5—spare1 CHARGE The CHARGE result type provides charging information relevant to the call and it supports the German, India, and Polish Advice of Charge (AOC) functionality (shown in Table 1-3) as determined by the ingress trunk group property AOC Enabled. Number analysis is responsible for obtaining the Charge Origin and Charge Destination information from the dial plan and passing this information to the CDR Manager, where it is used to access the Charge values. The information fields retrieved from the CHARGE result type are defined as follows: • Charge Data Discriminator—Determines the type of data in dataword1. Values are as follows: – 1 = Tariff Rate—Used when the tariff rate is fixed and is independent of origin or time. – 2 = Charge destination—Used for origin and/or time dependent tariff rates for customers requiring this capability due to inter-operability agreements or certification requirements. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-25 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing – 3 = Charge Band—Used for AOC to generate a charge band number to the preceding exchange in the SS7 network as part of the charge message. When an originating switch that is to charge the call receives this value, it is used as an index into the charging table being used to calculate the charge amount for the call; or to start charging the call based on the value derived from the charging table. – 4 = Charge Unit—When an originating switch that is supposed to charge the call receives this value (0-255), it starts charging the call based on this charge unit value. For example, a number of seconds is associated with each charge unit (or charge rate); thus the call duration after the answer signal is divided into charge units until the end of the call. The charge units are then converted into a monetary value and the user is billed accordingly. – 5 = Meter Pulse—Indicates that the meter pulse table is read instead of the tariff table with the tariff descriptor value obtained from Charge table reading. • Scale Factor—Determines the value that corresponds to a multiplication factor (see Table 1-2) that is applied to the tariff rate. Set to 1 for metering pulses. Tariff Rate Scale Factor Values Table 1-2 Value 3 2 1 0 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 • Scale Factor x 1000 x 100 x 10 x1 x 0.1 x 0.01 x 0.001 x 0.0001 x 0.00001 x 0.000001 x 0.0000001 Charge Type—Set to 1 (for German AOC) or to 0 (for India and Polish AOC) to indicate AOC. This value is determined by the selected protocol variant. The result data is returned only when analysis and routing are completed. For the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, this is when a trunk group is returned for circuit selection. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-26 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-3 gives definitions of the charge result type. Table 1-3 CHARGE Result Type Definitions Result Type CHARGE Protocol Variant Dataword1 TariffRate/ Dest for Charging/ Charge Band Number/ Charge Unit Dataword2 Scale Factor Dataword3 ChargeData Discriminator Dataword4 Charge Type German 0-999999 1-9999 0-3, 249-255 0 0 0 0 0 1 (Tariff Rate) 2 (Charge Destination) 3 (Charge Band) 3 (Charge Band) 4 (Charge Unit) 5 (Meter Pulse) 1 1 0 0 0 1 India Polish ISUP V2 Finnish 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-999999 Note When provisioning the CHARGE result type, use the values shown in Table 1-3 for the protocol variant you are using. CHARGE_IND The CHARGE_IND result type (Charge indication) indicates whether the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch should change the value of the charge indicator. The CHARGE_IND result type can be provisioned for A-number and B-number analysis and is an intermediate result. ChargeModeInd—This dataword (dataword1) has the following values: 0 = Leave as it is (default) 1 = Charge 2 = No charge CHARGE_MODE_IND The Charge Mode Indicator (CHARGE_MODE_IND) result type indicates how the metering pulses generated by the MGC are applied in relation to possible other metering pulses (generated by some other node). The CHARGE_MODE_IND result type is assignable against the ADIGTREE or BDIGTREE component and is an intermediate result. ChargeModeInd—This dataword (dw1) has the following values: 1 = Add on charge 2 = Replace charge 3 = Free of charge CHARGEORIGIN The CHARGEORIGIN result type contains an integer value in the range of 1–9999 and is returned during A-number analysis if the Advice of Charge feature is enabled on the ingress trunk group or sigpath. The charge origin value is determined in one of three ways: • From the charge origin value ACHGORIGIN Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-27 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • • From the A-number result type CHARGEORIGIN From the trunk group/sigpath property ChargeOrigin The Charge Origin value (ACHGORIGIN) takes precedence over the CHARGEORIGIN result returned from A-number analysis, which takes precedence over the charge origin property (ChargeOrigin) defined against the trunk group or sigpath. If none of these three options provides a charge origin value, and AOC is enabled, the charge origin value defaults to 0. Note For the CPC_REQ, CLI_REQ, BSM_REQ, and FSM_REQ result types, the required information can be retrieved by an internal request signal if the originating protocol supports backward requests. If the protocol does not support such requests, the call progresses without this information and the next exchange determines if it is required. CLI_NBR_LENGTH The CLI_NUMBER_LENGTH result type basically indicates that the calling line identity has the incorrect number of digits. The Numbering Type field is not processed, but the maximum and minimum digit fields are used to determine whether the CLI is too long or too short. If the CLI is too long or too short, a negative result is returned, the cause is set to IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID, and the call is released. The protocol can apply a different cause code in the outgoing release message. CLI_REQ The CLI_REQ result type indicates that the calling line identity (CLI) has not been supplied and is required for the outgoing side. CODEC The CODEC result type indicates the codec support required for an incoming message. Dataword1 indicates the codec string name used by the result and dataword2 indicates if the codec action is mandatory (0) or preferred (1). Dataword3 indicates the type of the codec string that Dataword1 contains: 1 = Indicates that the codec string in dataword1 is an audio codec string. 2 = Indicates that the codec string in dataword1 is a video codec string. COND_ROUTE This result should be configured only when time conditional routing is required. When this result type is returned, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch prepares data and enters the Conditional Routing analysis stage. When the COND_ROUTE result type is added, the user configures the CondRouteName. The result is added with the start name in dataword1. The dataword CondRouteName is also one of the access keys used to read the Day/Time data associated with this result from the condRoute value in the Routing data file. For more information see the “Conditional Route Description” section on page 1-114. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-28 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis CPCMOD In A-number analysis, you can use the CPCMOD result type to modify the CPC of the IAM message to include the desired indicator. For example, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch A-number can be provisioned with a list of the numbers that are configured as payphones. A-number analysis then handles calls from these numbers by returning the CPCMOD result type with the payphone indicator (0xF) set in dataword1. This result type is then used to modify the CPC information in the IAM message. When calls from payphones are routed to the PSTN or other carriers, the CPC information in the IAM message indicates that the call originated from a payphone so the proper billing information is provided. Note The CPC value needs to be the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. CPC_REQ The CPC_REQ result type indicates that the calling party category (CPC) has not been supplied and is required for the outgoing side. DATA_EXCHANGE The DATA_EXCHANGE result type delivers a result from B-number analysis indicating that there are actions required to move certain data from one call context location to another. For example, if the result indicates a home-based local routing number (LRN), then the B-number and the generic address parameter (GAP) number must be exchanged, and then new B-number analysis is invoked. The entry in the associated ActionType field indicates the type of action that is required. Currently the only value is 1 = Home LRN—This number is a home LRN, that is, local to this Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. This signifies that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch must complete the call to the dialed number contained in the GAP (not the number in the B-number). Consequently the GAP and B-numbers must be exchanged. DB_XLATED The DB_XLATED result type provides database look up and number translation for both ported and non-ported types of calls. The DB_XLATED result type also allows you to change the dial plan based on a matched or non-matched database query. This removes the previous requirement (by means of the E_PORTED_NUM result type) to provision a default ROUTE result, which was used in the event that the database query failed to find a match. However, if no dial plan options are configured in the DB_XLATED result (dataword2 and dataword3), a default ROUTE or NEW_DIALPLAN result is still necessary. This result type has the following data words: • • searchMin—Value indicating how far to search back in the number when longest matching. matchNewDp—Entry index (integer) to a new dial plan in the dial plan selection table for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to switch to for further processing following a database reading indicating that the target was matched. The dataword is provisioned as a dial plan name. It is then internally converted to an integer value to point to an entry in the dial plan selection table. nonMatchedNewDp—Entry index (integer) to a new dial plan in the dial plan selection table for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to switch to for further processing following a database reading indicating the target was not matched. The dataword is provisioned as a dial plan name. It is then internally converted to an integer value to point to an entry in the dial plan selection table. It is possible to collect DB_XLATED at any point in B-number analysis and always issue a database query regardless of any later ROUTE or other final result. • The following items further describe the behavior of the DB_XLATED result type: • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-29 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • • • • • • • • For enbloc calls or for overlap calls where sending is complete, a longest matching database query is made. For overlap calls without a ST digit present, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs a partial matching query. For overlap calls without a ST digit present, if the initial partial matching database query finds no matches, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch launches a new query using longest matching. Result types DB_XLATED, E_PORTED_NUM, E_ROUTE_NUM, and TERM_INFO are all mutually exclusive; the last one collected is the one processed. Multiple retrievals of the DB_XLATED result also mean that the last DB_XLATED result is the result that is processed. The existing E_PORTED_NUM result is unchanged and provides the current level of LNP-only functionality. The DB_XLATED result provides database lookup and number translation for ported and non-ported calls. Both the E_PORTED_NUM and DB_XLATED result types query the ported number table, but use different methods to read the table. DEFAULT_TMR The DEFAULT_TMR result type allows the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to set or overwrite the TMR value. Dataword1 specifies the TMR value for this call: • • • 1 = Set the TMR value to SPEECH. 2 = Set the TMR value to UNRES_64K. 3 = Set the TMR value to AUDIO_3K. In the following example, you overwrite the TMR value for all of the calls whose calling numbers start with 400. The TMR values for these calls are set to unrestricted 64k (UNRES_64K). numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="sip-tmr" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",resulttype="DEFAULT_TMR",dw1="2",setname="sip-tmr", name="tmrdata" numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="sip-tmr",digitstring=" 400" DIGIT_REQ The DIGIT_REQ result type indicates that insufficient digits were received for analysis to provide a result with which call processing can be continued. This result type returns an indication to the call module of how many more digits are required for analysis to be completed by subtracting the number of digits returned in the analysis result type from the number of digits that have already been received. Note This result type is for use with overlap signaling. Thus this result might not be initiated if the protocol receiving it does not support overlap signaling. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-30 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis DRP_EXIT The DRP_EXIT result type directs the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to exit from the DRP stage of preanalysis. For more information on provisioning procedures, see “Provisioning Domain Based Routing” section on page 4-73. DRP_EXIT has dataword1, drpExitType. DW1 drpExitType specifies the type of DRP exit. Valid values are: • • 1 = Directs the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to exit current DRP Step and move to the next step. 2 = Directs the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to exit from entire DRP stage of pre-analysis. DTMFCAP The DTMF result type is returned from A-number or B-number analysis indicating the DTMF capability of the number in the dial plan. This result type can be encountered during A-number or B-number analysis and indicates the DTMF capability of the associated number in the dial plan. DTMF capability on B-number analysis overrides DTMF capability on A-number analysis. Dataword1 defines the capability of egress trunk group. The value range is 0 through 2. • • • 0—Ignore DTMF capability 1—RFC 2833 DTMF capability 2—Out of band DTMF capability E_PORTED_NUM The E_PORTED_NUM result type is an indication to read the ported number data. The ported number data can only be read if all digits have been received. Thus in enbloc processing can continue directly; in overlap the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch must wait until sending is complete. The ported result can be provisioned at the area code level, but the ported number is not accessed until the complete number is received. See the “European Local Number Portability” section on page 1-88 for more information. Note The E_PORTED_NUM result type is provisioned only when the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is in the donor switch capacity for European LNP. The E_PORTED_NUM result type has the following data words: • Number of Prefix Digits to remove before reading the ported number data—Indicates the number of prefix digits that must be removed from the number (1 through 32, the default is 0). This option provides flexibility by enabling any normalization prefix digits to be removed before the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch prefixes the routing number. UsePartialNumber—Indicates whether the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch interrogates the TimesTen database with a full or partial number. This dataword has the following values: – 0 = Full number (default). This value forces enbloc behavior. – 1= Partial number. • E_ROUTE_NUM The E_ROUTE_NUM result type indicates that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch must remove the routing number prefixing the Called Number, then access the number termination table to get a route list name with which to route the call. See the “European Local Number Portability” section on page 1-88 for more information. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-31 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Note The E_ROUTE_NUM result type is provisioned only when the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is in the recipient switch capacity for European LNP. The E_ROUTE_NUM result type has the following datawords: • RemovePfxDig—Integer value indicating the number of prefix digits to remove from called number before the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch reads the Ported or Number termination database table. The default value is 0. UsePartialNumber—Indicates whether the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch interrogates the TimesTen database with a full or partial number. This dataword has the following values: – 0 = Full number (default). This value forces enbloc behavior. – 1 = Partial number. • E911PROF The E911PROF result type is returned from B-number analysis (the called number) indicating if the B-number is an emergency call and the profile mapping to apply to emergency numbers. Valid E911PROF dataword1 values are listed in Table 1-4. Table 1-4 E911PROF Dataword1 Result Type Mapping ISUP Parameter Option Dataword 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ESRK Delivery1 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 CBN and ESRD Delivery2 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-32 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-4 E911PROF Dataword1 Result Type Mapping (continued) ISUP Parameter Option Dataword 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ESRK Delivery1 CBN and ESRD Delivery2 F1 F2 G1 G2 H1 H2 I1 I2 I3 J1 J2 K1 K2 L1 L2 1. See the E911 Mapping on the MGC 2200 Feature Module ( ml) for more information on ESRK Delivery. 2. See the E911 Mapping on the MGC 2200 Feature Module ( ml) for more information on CBN and ESRD Delivery. FACILITY The FACILITY result allows you to • • control redirection and call transfer behavior for originating and terminating devices. set SIP call handling to proxy mode for an individual call. Note This capability requires that the sipModeSelectionControl parameter be set to permit B2BUA or Proxy mode. observe how the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch handles redirection and SIP Refer. • Note • You can configure FACILITY for source (A-number) or destination (B-number). reject calls conditionally based on source or destination domain name. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-33 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing The Facility result type has the following datawords: • Type—Controls handling of Call Transfer and Refer requests. Valid values: – 1 = Proxy Mode required – 2 = Originating Redirection treatment action – 3 = Originating Call Transfer treatment action – 4 = Terminating Redirection treatment action – 5 = Originating Redirection Rejection treatment action – 6 = Terminating Call Transfer treatment action • Treatment—Determines the actions required based on the Type dataword value. Valid values: – 1 = Not supported – 2 = Always supported – 3 = Supported conditionally upon matching domain – 4 = Supported conditionally upon non-matching domain – 5 = Unconditional rejection of Terminating Redirection/Call transfer Request – 6 = Conditional rejection (if Non-E164) of Terminating Redirection Request/Call Transfer request Note Value 5 and 6 determine the action taken when the terminating side of a call issues a redirect. Note If Type is set to Proxy Mode, Treatment is not used. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can allow a SIP REFER on the terminating side of the call to be propagated back to the originating side (SS7) of the call by sending a REL message containing the redirection number and redirection information. You can enable this service by provisioning a FACILITY result with DW1 set to 3 and DW2 set to 2. Table 1-5 provides the call processing treatment applied according to the combinations of parameter sipModeSelectionControl and the dataword values from the FACILITY result type. Unless otherwise stated, sipModeSelectionControl is set to value 1 (b2bua optional). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-34 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-5 SIP and Non-SIP Call Processing Actions According to FACILITY Configuration Dataword1 Value 1 Dataword2 Value Any. Call Processing Action on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Action is according to the value of the XECfgParm parameter sipModeSelectionControl: • • If sipModeSelectionControl=2, then the result-type is ignored because the main parameter is set for proxy mode. If sipModeSelectionControl=1, then set the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to indicate that Proxy mode is required for this call. 2 (Originating Redirection treatment action) 1 (Backward transit of redirection to originating side not allowed.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 sets the originating side redirection action to indicate that backward transit of a redirection is not supported on the originating side of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. When Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a redirection request from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side, it does not try to send back the redirection to the preceding switch. The existing local handling of redirection (that is, using cause analysis) applies. (Applicable to SIP, DPNSS, and QSIG.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 sets the originating side redirection action to indicate that backward transit of a redirection is supported on the originating side of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. If Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a redirection request from the terminating side, it transits the request back to the originating side for sending out to the preceding switch. The only limitation is if the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side protocol cannot support this handling. (Applicable to SIP, DPNSS, and QSIG.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for a SIP B2BUA call (that is, SIP originating and SIP terminating). If Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a redirection request from the SIP terminating side, it transits the request back to the SIP originating side for sending out to the preceding network entity. This happens only if the domain in the From header received within the original INVITE on the OCC side matches the domain received within the Contact header received back in the 302 message on the SIP terminating side. The redirection is transited back if the required domain of the redirected destination is the same as that of the originator of this call. (Applicable to SIP.) 2 (Originating Redirection treatment action) 2 (Backward transit of redirection to originating side is supported unconditionally. ) 2 (Originating Redirection treatment action) 3 (Backward transit of redirection to originating side is conditionally supported on matching domains.) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-35 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-5 SIP and Non-SIP Call Processing Actions According to FACILITY Configuration (continued) Dataword1 Value 2 (Originating Redirection treatment action) Dataword2 Value 4 (Backward transit of redirection to originating side is conditionally supported on nonmatching domains.) Call Processing Action on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for a SIP-originated call and can be either a B2BUA mode call or an interworking call. If Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a redirection request from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side, it transits this back to the originating side for sending out to the preceding switch, provided that the domain received within the Contact header received back in the 302 message (terminating side) does not match the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch domain. In an interworking call, this provision is met because the Contact header domain is absent from the terminating side. If the call is SIP B2BUA, the provision is subject to the check as described. The redirection is transited back if the required domain of the redirected destination is not the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch domain. Otherwise, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can deal with this redirection locally. (Applicable to SIP originating side.) 3 (Originating Call Transfer treatment action) 1 (Backward transit of call transfer to Originating side is not allowed.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 sets the originating side call transfer action to indicate that backward transit is not supported on the originating side of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. When Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a call transfer request from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side, it does not try to send this back to the preceding switch. The local handling of call transfer is invoked. (Applicable to SIP and QSIG terminating side.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 sets the originating side call transfer action to indicate that backward transit of a call transfer request is supported on the originating side of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. If Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a call transfer request from the terminating side, it transits the request back to the originating side for sending out to the preceding switch. The only limitation on this is if the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side protocol cannot support this handling. (Applicable to SIP and QSIG.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for a SIP originated B2BUA mode call where REFER actions have been requested on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side. With this setting, the backward transit of a REFER request is conditionally supported on the originating side of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. When the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating SIP side receives a REFER request and passes the request back to call control, Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control transits this request back to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side provided that the received Refer-To header domain in the REFER message (terminating side) matches the domain in the From header received within the original INVITE on the OCC side. The REFER back is transited if the required domain of the refer-to destination is the same as the originator of this call. (Applicable to SIP.) 3 (Originating Call Transfer treatment action) 2 (Backward transit of call transfer to originating side is supported unconditionally. ) 3 (Originating Call Transfer treatment action) 3 (Backward transit of call transfer to originating side is conditionally supported on matching domains.) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-36 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-5 SIP and Non-SIP Call Processing Actions According to FACILITY Configuration (continued) Dataword1 Value 3 (Originating Call Transfer treatment action) Dataword2 Value 4 (Backward transit of call transfer to originating side is conditionally supported on nonmatching domains.) Call Processing Action on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for a SIP originated B2BUA mode call where REFER actions have been requested on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side. With this setting, the backward transit of a REFER request is conditionally supported on the originating side of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. When the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating SIP side receives a REFER request and passes this request back to call control, Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control transits this request back to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side provided that the received refer-to header domain in the REFER message (terminating side) does not match the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch domain. The REFER back transits if the required domain of the refer-to destination is not the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch domain. Otherwise, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can deal with this locally. (Applicable to SIP.) 4 (Terminating 1 (Unconditional Redirection SIP recursion.) treatment action) This combination of dw1 and dw2 is specific to a SIP-terminated call and is designed to invoke SIP recursive redirection handling. However, with this direct combination there is an inherent risk of looping. To avoid looping, the actual behavior associated with this combination is the same as the combination of dw1=4 and dw2=3. (Applicable to SIP.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for the receipt of a redirection request on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side. In this situation, the terminating side checks the FACILITY setting for the appropriate call processing action. The value 2 indicates that this request can be passed back to Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control for further handling. Note 4 (Terminating Redirection treatment action) 2 (Unconditional passing of redirection request back to call control.) T he actual transit of the request back out on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side depends on the FACILITY setting for that side. (Applicable to SIP, DPNSS, QSIG, and SS7.) 4 (Terminating Redirection treatment action) 3 (Conditional passing of redirection request back to call control on matching domains.) This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for a SIP-terminated call where the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch SIP terminating side on receipt of a 3xx response provoking a redirection, checks the FACILITY setting for the appropriate call processing action. The value 3 indicates that the request can be passed back into call control provided that the domain in the received Contact header within the 3xx message matches the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch domain. If this is the case, then the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side passes this request back to Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control for further handling. Note The actual transit of the request back out on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side depends on the FACILITY setting for that side. The redirection request transits back to call control if the required domain of the redirected destination is the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch domain where the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can deal with this request locally. If this is not the case, then SIP recursion is used. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-37 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-5 SIP and Non-SIP Call Processing Actions According to FACILITY Configuration (continued) Dataword1 Value 4 (Terminating Redirection treatment action) Dataword2 Value 4 (Conditional passing of redirection request back to call control on nonmatching domains.) Call Processing Action on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch This combination of dw1 and dw2 is appropriate for a SIP terminated call where the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch SIP terminating side, on receipt of a 3xx response provoking a redirection, checks the FACILITY setting for the appropriate call processing action. The value 4 indicates that the request can be passed back into call control if the domain in the received Contact header within the 3xx message does not match the domain in the To header sent in the outgoing INVITE (and received back in the 3xx message). If this is the case, then the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side passes this request back to Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control for further handling. Note The actual transit of the request back out on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch originating side depends the FACILITY setting for that side. The redirection request passes back to call control if the required domain of the redirected destination is not the same domain as that previously attempted in the outgoing INVITE. If the domains are the same, then SIP recursion can be used (sending the new request out to the same domain it is already set up to use). 4 (Terminating Redirection treatment action) 5 (Unconditional rejection of Terminating Redirection /Call transfer Request) 6 (Conditional rejection (if Non-E164) of Terminating Redirection Request/Call Transfer request) 1 Unconditional rejection of Redirection Request (SIP 302). 4 (Terminating Redirection treatment action) Rejection of Redirection Request (SIP 302) when the CONTACT header is non- E.164. 5 (Originating Redirection Rejection treatment action) This combination of dw1 and dw2 is relevant only when the redirection request has been transmitted to the originating side. This combination determines how a rejection for the request should be handled. A value 1 for dw2 means that if Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a REJECT from the originating side in response to a redirection request, it transits the REJECT to the terminating (that is, requesting) side. (Applicable only to QSIG-QSIG calls.) 5 (Originating Redirection Rejection treatment action) 2 This combination of dw1 and dw2 is relevant only when the redirection request has been transmitted to the originating side and determines how a rejection for the request should be handled. A value 2 for dw2 means that if Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch call control receives a REJECT from the originating side in response to a redirection request, call control attempts to handle the redirection request locally by invoking cause analysis. Note This is the default behavior in the absence of a provisioned originating redirection rejection treatment action. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-38 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Table 1-5 SIP and Non-SIP Call Processing Actions According to FACILITY Configuration (continued) Dataword1 Value 6 (Terminating Call Transfer treatment action) Dataword2 Value 5 (Unconditional rejection of Terminating Redirection /Call transfer Request) 6 (Conditional rejection (if Non-E164) of Terminating Redirection Request/Call Transfer request) none Call Processing Action on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Unconditional rejection of Call Transfer/Refer requests. 6 (Terminating Call Transfer treatment action) Rejection of Call Transfer/Refer Requests when the Refer-To header is non-E.164. none Default behavior On the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch terminating side, the redirection or call transfer request behavior defaults to passing the request back to call control where it can be handled locally or, if there is an originating FACILITY result, propagated backwards to the previous network entity. On Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Originating side, the behavior defaults to local handling by call control and cause analysis or half-call handling rather than transiting the request back out on the Originating side. FSM_REQ The FSM_REQ result type indicates that the facility service markings (FSM) have not been supplied and are required for the outgoing side. GATEWAYPOOL The GATEWAYPOOL result type enables the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to override the GatewayPool and AnchorMedia properties provisioned on the ingress or the egress trunk group. The GATEWAYPOOL result type can be set on A number analysis or B number analysis. The B number analysis has greater priority than A number analysis when a result type such as GATEWAYPOOL is provisioned on both A number analysis and B number analysis. Specifically, if AnchorMedia is set to Never on the ingress and egress sides in the dialplan, no media anchoring operates on ingress and egress call legs. HLCMOD The HLCMOD result type allows you to modify the High Layer Compatibility of outgoing Initial Address Messages (IAMs) based on the dialed Called Party Number. You can provision this result type using A and B number analysis. The HLCMOD result type has the following datawords: • HLC name—The name of the High Layer Compatibility, such as “fax-hlc01.” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-39 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing IN_SERVICE_KEY The IN_SERVICE_KEY result type permits the assigning of a service key value according to the B-number. This result type allows multiple service keys, with each service key assigned according to the B-number. Dataword1(any 32-bit integer value, with 0 allowed) is used to provision the IN service key used when IN triggering is initiated toward the SCP. If multiple service keys are required, then the IN_SERVICE_KEY result type must be configured in the B-digit tree, along with the IN_TRIGGER result type. This means the IN_SERVICE_KEY result type must be provisioned into the same result-set as the IN_TRIGGER. If the single service key solution is adequate, then configure only an IN_TRIGGER result type. The IN_SERVICE_KEY result does not require configuring. The IN_SERVICE_KEY result type has the following datawords: • • IN Service Key—Any Integer value including 0. Global Title Digits Type—A string representing the type of the global title digits. Valid values are: – CALLED – CALLING – FIXED • Digits name—Name of the digit modification entry. Provision this dataword as follows: – If DW2 is set to FIXED, use the numan-add:digmodstring command to build a fixed-digit modification table and set the value of DW3 as name of the modification table. – If DW2 is set to CALLED or CALLING, do not provision DW3. – If DW2 is set to FIXED, you must provision DW3. IN_TRIGGER The IN_TRIGGER result type delivers a result from B-number analysis, which indicates that further analysis by an SCP is required due to an intelligent network (IN) call. The data provided identifies the service required (such as LNP) and, if necessary, an SCP/STP name for use when the TCAP call is made. • Service Type—This returned value is provisioned in an internal file used to configure the handling of IN requests by the trigger module. The value returned is not processed within analysis, but is retrieved and passed back to the call module for action. This value is an indication of the type of IN service that needs to be invoked to advance this call (LNP, 800, 900, and so on). The valid Service Type values are contained in inService.dat. Valid values are – 0 = IN_NONE – 1 = IN_LNP – 2 = IN_800 – 3 = ROUTE – 4 = IN_PLAYANN – 5 = IN_RELEASE – 6 = INPREPAID – 30 = IN_CNAM • • SCP/STP Index—Value used in the trigger module for selection of the SCP for TCAP query. Minimum Digits Required—The minimum number of digits (0 through 32) required to be received for further analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-40 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis • Timer—The timer value (1 through 30, in seconds) used to delay the triggering if required. This timer can be started when the min digits required (dw3) are received. INC_NUMBERING The INC_NUMBERING result type returns information regarding the incoming trunk group side (OCC). This information sets the numbering criteria (overlap or en bloc) and the minimum and maximum numbers of digits permitted for the incoming trunk group side. • • Numbering Type—0 = Closed numbering (en bloc) or 1 = Open numbering (overlap). Minimum and Maximum digits—Refers to the minimum and maximum number lengths. In the case of closed numbering (en bloc), these values should be equal. The data returned in this result type are used to overwrite default values loaded into the OCC at startup. IP_SOURCE_SCREEN The IP_SOURCE_SCREEN result type provides screening capabilities for non-E.164 calls. This result is supported for blacklist screening only. For more information on provisioning procedures, see “Provisioning Domain Based Routing” section on page 4-73. IP_SOURCE_SCREEN has the following data words: • screenType (dw1)—The type of blacklist screen to apply. Valid values are: – 1= Blacklist screening of source (username + host domain) – 2= Blacklist screening of source username only – 3= Blacklist screening of source host domain only • • • serviceName (dw2)—The name of the service. foundSetName (dw3)—An existing result set which the PGW executes if it finds a match in the IP Source Screening table. notFoundSetName (dw4)—An existing result set which the PGW executes if it does not find a match in the IP Source Screening table. Note Dataword2, dataword3, and dataword4 are optional. IP_DEST_TRANS The IP_DEST_TRANS result type translates a destination into another format, such as an E.164 destination (domain) to a non-E.164 destination (phone number). You can also use IP_DEST_TRANS to translate a non-E.164 destination to another non-E.164 destination (a domain name to another domain name). It can do the following translations: • • • A domain to a phone number: [email protected] translates to [email protected]. A phone number to a domain: [email protected] translates to [email protected]. A domain to another domain: [email protected] translates to [email protected]. For more information on provisioning procedures, see “Provisioning Domain Based Routing” section on page 4-73. IP_DEST_TRANS has the following data words: • inputAndAction (dw1)—Determines whether the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch translates the destination of the user and host (1) or the destination host only (2). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-41 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • • • serviceName (dw2)—The name of the service. foundSetName (dw3)—The result set that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch executes if the user or domain name matches an entry in the table. notFoundSetName (dw4)—The result set that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch executes if the user or domain name does not match an entry in the table. IP_ROUTE_SEL The IP_ROUTE_SEL result type allows the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to select a route based on a destination user or domain name, source user or domain name, or a combination of the two. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-42 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis For more information on provisioning procedures, see “Provisioning Domain Based Routing” section on page 4-73. IP_ROUTE_SEL has the following data words: • inputDataType (dw1)—Specifies the data that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses to select the route. Valid values are: – 1 = Route selection against destination (user + host) – 2 = Route selection against destination host only – 3 = Route selection against source (user and host) – 4 = Route selection against source host only – 5 = Route selection against both destination (user and host) and source (user and host) – 6 = Route selection against both destination (host only) and source (host only) – 7 = Route selection against both destination (user and host) and source (host only) – 8 = Route selection against both destination (host only). And source (user and host) • • • serviceName (dw2)—Service name which must already exist in the service table (optional). foundSetName (dw3)— Result set name which must already exist in resultSet table, for execution conditional on a match being found in the table. notFoundSetName (dw4)—Result set name which must already exist in resultSet table, for execution conditional on no match being found in the table. IP_SET_SOURCE_DMN The IP_SET_SOURCE_DMN result type allows you to set the source domain name for domain-based calls. This result is supported for preanalysis and A and B number analysis only. For more information on provisioning procedures, see “Provisioning Domain Based Routing” section on page 4-73. IP_SET_SOURCE_DMN has the following data words: • • dmnString (dw1)—The name of the source domain. applicationStatus (dw2)—Specifies whether the command can override an existing domain name entry. The following values are valid: – 0 = The command can override an domain name entry. – 1 = The command cannot override an existing domain name entry. • applyTo (dw3)—Specifies which source headers to which the PGW applies the command. The following values are valid: – 0 = Sets the PGW to apply the command to all source headers that are present. – 1 = Sets the PGW to apply the command to the current source header only. LOC_LABEL The LOC_LABEL result type is returned from A-number analysis (the calling number) or B-number analysis (the called number) and indicates the location label. Dataword1 is the location label name, and can be as many as 20 alphanumeric characters. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-43 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing MGCPDIALPKG The analysis performed on a call is determined by the route the call takes to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. A call is considered either to be a TDM-switched call or an NAS call. A call is considered to be a TDM-switched call if both call endpoints (that is, the originating and the terminating endpoints) are on the same gateway. As a result, hairpinning is required and no special result type from generic analysis is needed for this type of call. However, for a NAS call, the MGCPDIALPKG result type is returned from generic analysis. As a result of this, the NAS package is used to set up the MGCP connection on gateways. MGCPDIALPKG calls are based on the dial plan provisioning of the MGCPDIALPKG result type, which is provisioned against the B-number digit numbers. Thus MGCPDIALPKG calls take place on a call-by-call basis, which can occur along with regular voice calls, according to the B-number result type. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch receives an inbound call from the PSTN and enters B-number analysis (that is, the B-number). The MGCPDIALPKG result type is provisioned against the B-number. The following result types are available from generic analysis, which are based on the MGCPDIALPKG result type: • • • Digital Data NAS Call Analog Data NAS Call Dynamic NAS Call A dynamic call type is where the NAS advises the bearer type is digital only if transmission media requirements indicate 64 kbps unrestricted data service for the call. If the bearer type is not 64 kbps unrestricted data, the NAS is advised the call is analog and the NAS can determine, based on the bearer stream, the call type. This checking is made in generic analysis. The MGCPDIALPKG result has two datawords: dataword1 and dataword2. Dataword1 has three different values (Digital, Analog, or Dynamic) that provide call type information. If the result type from the B-number digit analysis is MGCPDIALPKG, and dataword1 is Digital or Analog, then conditional route analysis and Route analysis are not performed. However, if the result type from the B-number digit analysis is MGCPDIALPKG, and dataword1 is Dynamic, then the bearer type is checked to see if it is 64 kbps unrestricted data. If the bearer type is 64 kbps unrestricted data, then the bearer type is set to DIGITAL. However, if the bearer type is not 64 kbps unrestricted data, then the bearer type is set to ANALOG. No routing is performed if analysis receives an MGCPDIALPKG l result type, since this is a data call to a one legged MGCP connection. The data call is connected to the 5350/5400/5800 gateway and therefore no circuit selection is needed. With regard to dial plan data, the MGCPDIALPKG result is configured only when MGCPDIALPKG calls are required, and the result type is configured against the B-number in generic analysis only. Dataword2 is a Boolean value (1 or 0) that indicates whether an ACM message is necessary in the call. Dataword2 is used to indicate whether to send (1) or not send (0) the ACM message. When the MGCPDIALPKG result type is provisioned, it is provisioned in the dial plan only against the B-numbers and is read in generic analysis to determine if this call is an MGCP DIAL call. For MML command configuration examples of intermediate MGCPDIALPKG results, see the “Adding the MGCPDIALPKG Result Type” section on page 4-17. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-44 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis NEW_DIALPLAN The NEW_DIALPLAN result type can be returned from Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, B-number analysis, or Cause analysis. It indicates the need to read the dial plan and check to see if a new dial plan should be used. If a new dial plan identity (CustGrpID) is found, this result initiates its selection. Once the new dial plan is selected, Pre-analysis can be restarted. • • CustGrpID—This dataword is relevant in all cases and supplies a customer group ID that is used to read the dial plan. It must be a valid customer group ID. AnalysisType—This dataword indicates the next stage of analysis, once the new dial plan is identified and invoked. Valid values for dataword2 are dependent on the analysis stage from which the NEW_DIALPLAN result is returned, as shown in the following table. If the NEW_DIALPLAN result is returned from Pre-analysis, only the following value is valid: – 1 = Returns to the Pre-analysis stage in the new dial plan If the NEW_DIALPLAN result is returned from A-number analysis, only the following value is valid: – 0 = Default (dataword2 has no relevance from A-number analysis) If the NEW_DIALPLAN result is returned from B-number analysis, the following values are valid: – 1 = Returns to the Pre-analysis stage in the new dial plan – 2 = Restart in B-number analysis in new dial plan If the NEW_DIALPLAN result is returned from Cause analysis, only the following value is valid: – 2 = Restart in B-number analysis in new dial plan Dataword2 (AnalysisType) From Pre-analysis Dataword2 Value 1 Dataword2 Value 2 Return to Pre-analysis in Not valid new dial plan From A-number analysis Return to Pre-analysis in Not valid new dial plan From B-number Analysis From Cause Analysis Return to Pre-analysis in Start B-number analysis new dial plan in new dial plan Not valid Start B-number analysis in new dial plan The provisioning code checks to ensure that the new dial plan to be selected by the NEW_DIALPLAN result type is not the same as the current dial plan to avoid the possibility of a loop situation. Domain-Based Routing modifies the NEW_DIALPLAN result type to allow the PGW to re-start at the A Number stage of analysis. To use this setting, set dataword 2 to a value of 3. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-45 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing The Domain-Based Routing NEW_DIALPLAN has the following data words: • • custGrpId—Identifies the new dial plan to which the PGW switches. AnalysisType—Indicates the stage in which number analysis should start in the new dial plan. This data word applies to B-number analysis only. Valid values are as follows: – 0 = Default (dataword2 has no relevance from A-number analysis) – 1 = Start analysis at Pre-analysis stage – 2 = Start analysis at B-number stage – 3 = Start analysis at A-number stage (new value) NUM_TRANS The NUM_TRANS result type is returned from A-number (the calling number) or B-number analysis (the called number) indicating that one or more numbers encountered require full replacement. This feature requires setting the *.FNTBehaviourOptions parameter in the XECfgParm.dat file on initial configuration. The *.FNTBehaviourOptions parameter has two valid values, 0 and 1. When *.FNTBehaviourOptions is enabled (set to value 1), if a successful number translation occurs, A/B/Redirecting number modifications through AMODDIG/BMODDIG/RMODDIG configured in the same result set with NUM_TRANS will get dropped. If you are going to use this feature for the first time, you are recommended to set the value of *.FNTBehaviourOptions to 1. The value 0 is used for consistency with the existing behavior of the full number translations function. See the “Provisioning Full Number Translations” section on page 4-69 for provisioning procedures of full number translations. The NUM_TRANS result type has the following datawords: • ServiceKey—An integer representing the previously provisioned Service Name in the Service table. This is a user-controlled key into the Times Ten query full number translation table. Digit strings stored in the full number translation table are case insensitive. That is to say, if digit strings that you provisioned contain alphabetic characters, the TimesTen database saves them as uppercase characters in the full number translation table. Note The service key must reference a previously provisioned service name. • Number Type—An integer indicating the number type being translated. Valid values are: – 1 (CdPn)—Called party number – 2 (CgPn)—Calling party number – 3 (Rdn)—Redirecting number – 4 (Rdn and CgPn)—Calling party number and Redirecting number. Both numbers are replaced if the calling party number is found in the TimesTen database. – 5 (OCN)—Original called number. • Nature of Address (NOA)—(Optional) An integer value that indicates the NOA value for the number type being translated. Valid values are 0 through 55. Note This field is updated only if a successful match is found in the full number translation table. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-46 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis • Dial plan—(Optional) This is a 4-digit integer that represents the previously provisioned dial plan(s) in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Valid values for this dataword are existing dial plan indexes, which are 0001 through 9999. Note The dial plan changes only if a successful lookup occurs in the full number translation table. Note The dial plan must reference a previously provisioned dial plan name. When a successful NUM_TRANS lookup occurs, it takes precedence over all other results in the result set. If the NUM_TRANS result is not successful, all remaining results in the result set are performed. Thus it may be advisable to complete any dial plan changes before resuming number analysis. After a successful number replacement, the flexibility of this result can cause confusion in cases where A-number replacements are successful in B-number Analysis and B-number replacements are successful in A-number Analysis. In the dial plan, you can place A-number replacements in A-number analysis and B-number replacements in B-number analysis. Thus occurrences of replacements become more obvious and logical. The following items further describe the behavior of the NUM_TRANS result type: • • • • • • • NUM_TRANS result types can be present in both A-number analysis or B-number analysis. Because the NUM_TRANS result type causes an entire number replacement to occur, the nature of address may also be replaced. Both the NOA changes and dial plan changes provisioned against the NUM_TRANS result type are only acted on when a successful database lookup occurs. When a successful number translation occurs, a return to Pre-analysis is required. When a dial plan change is encountered, analysis begins at the Pre-analysis stage in the new dial plan The NUM_TRANS result has priority in terms of the handling of all results and causes analysis to resume when a successful result is found. When multiple NUM_TRANS result types are encountered, longest matching is performed. As a result, the last successful database lookup against a specific number type is acted on, and any previous NUM_TRANS results against the same number are overwritten. As a result, a previous NUM_TRANS result may have successfully matched and a later NUM_TRANS result may fail; due of longest matching, only the last NUM_TRANS result encountered for the number type is effective. If a full number translation database lookup is not successful at any digit length, then any other digit modifications and result types are acted on. Although a NUM_TRANS result can be declared at any digit length, the number used for comparison purposes is the entire dialed number. For overlap sending, any NUM_TRANS result encountered causes a wait until all digits are received before a database comparison is performed. The number presented to the full number translation database is the full dialed number, without any other digit modifications that may have been encountered in other result types. If multiple NUM_TRANS result types, with different number types, are contained in a result set; but all NUM_TRANS result types indicate a dial plan change, then the longest match on the dial plan change occurs. Thus the dial plan change indicated in the last successful database lookup of a number type is used. • • • • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-47 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • A successful database lookup indicating a dial plan change overrides explicit dial plan change results that may also be present in a result set. ORIG_VPN_ID The ORIG_VPN_ID result type is returned from A-number analysis (the called number) indicating the originating VPN ID and if the originating index is on net or off net. Before you use this result type, you need to add the VPN ID by using numan-add:customervpnid:custgrpid=<customer group ID>, name=<VPN ID>. Then you can use an existing VPN ID for dataword1 of this result type. This result type has the following datawords: • • • VPN ID (dataword1)—Valid values are existing VPN IDs (8-digit alphanumeric character string). VPN onnet profile index (dataword2)—Valid values are a single integer from 1 to 8, with a default value of 5. VPN offnet profile index (dataword3)—Valid values are a single integer from 1 to 8, with a default value of 6. OTG_NUMBERING The OTG_NUMBERING result type returns information regarding the outgoing trunk group side (Terminating Call Control). This information sets the numbering criteria (that is, overlap or en bloc), and the minimum and maximum permitted digits for that side. • • Numbering type—0 = Closed numbering (en bloc), 1 = Open numbering (overlap). Minimum and maximum digits—This refers to the minimum number length and the maximum number length. (In the case of closed numbering, these values should be equal.) OVERRIDE_CALLIM The OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type indicates that the location label call overrides the call limiting value. Presence of the OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type indicates that for this call, any call limiting actions are ignored allowing it to being set up as soon as possible. The OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type is available to Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, and B-number analysis. Since OVERRIDE_CALLIM is available to these analysis areas, the override indicator can be set for the following: • • • • • Calling Party Category (CPC)—Pre-analysis Calling party number Nature of Address (NOA)—Pre-analysis Called party number Nature of Address (NOA)—Pre-analysis Calling party number address digits—A-number analysis Called party number address digits—B-number analysis The OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type can be used for an emergency call or other high-priority calls. This result type allows those calls to be set up without any obstacles, such as call limiting. Even if LOC_LABEL results are collected, the presence of the OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type means that no call limiting actions are applied for this call. PERC_ROUTE The PERC_ROUTE result type provides an entry into the Percentage Routing lists. The Percentage Route list name is used as the starting point in the Routing analysis process. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-48 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis PNMODDIG The PNMODDIG result type modifies the presentation number received in any incoming message. This parameter populates or modifies a specified number of digits from any point in the GN-ACgPN, or Presentation Number. Dataword1 (Application point) indicates the point (the digit) in the digit string that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch begins applying the modification. The range is from 1 through the total number of digits in the digit string (32 maximum). Entering a value of “98” causes the removal of digits to begin at the end of the digit string and move backward to the beginning. Dataword2 (Number of digits to remove) indicates the number of digits to remove. The range is from 0 through the number of digits remaining in the digit string from the application point (32 maximum). To remove all digits, regardless of the number of the number, enter the value 99. Dataword3 (Modification name) indicates the name of the modification string. If required, this is a name that specifies the digit modification string that is to be inserted beginning at the application point. PN_NPI_TYPE The PN_NPI_TYPE result type is for NPI and PN. The call context is updated, including A-number screening indication, A-number presentation indication, A-number NPI value, generic number NOA value, generic number screening indication, generic number presentation indication, and CBI_IND for BTNUP and UKISUP protocol variants, based on generic analysis results. All results are collected and then are processed in a logical order. First the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch checks for any call rejection cases (for example, Analysis failure, Cause, or Blacklist). Then, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch handles any results that are processed before others (for example, screening (no point in additional processing if this does not pass)) or ported number handling where a number must be prefixed and then passed back in to start analysis again. Then any results, (for example, More information requests, and Test calls), and then finally all other results (ROUTE -Number modifications, and so on) are processed. Dataword1 is the internal NPI value. The value range is 0 (default) through 10. PN_NUMBER_TYPE The PN_NUMBER_TYPE result type is used to modify the number type of the presentation number. The NOA modification field of the presentation number or the generic number is modified. Dataword1 value is the internal NOA value. The value range is 0 (default) through 53. PN_PRES_IND The PN_PRES_IND result type is the presentation indicator of the presentation number, or the generic number is modified with this result type. Dataword1 is the presentation number indicator value. The value range is 1 through 3. • • • 1 = Restricted 2 = Allowed 3 = Unavailable Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-49 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing PN_SCREEN_IND The PN_SCREEN_IND result type is the screening indicator of the presentation number, or the generic number is modified with this result type. Dataword1 is the presentation number screening indicator value. The value range is 1 through 5. • • • • • 1 = NP (Network Provided) 2 = UPVP (user provided verified and passed) 3 = UPNV (user provided not verified) 4 = UPVF (user provided verified and failed) 5 = spare1 PREFIX_CONVERT The PREFIX_CONVERT result type allows the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to support prefix modification for connected number, redirection number, and transferred number. PREFIX_CONVERT can work for SIP-to-ISUP, ISUP-to-SIP, and ISUP-to-ISUP connected numbers. It cannot work for SIP-to-SIP connected number. Note The prefix modifications are based on the original calling/called/generic number received on the originating side. REDIRECT The REDIRECT result type allows a call to be redirected based on call properties such as the A number or B number. REDIRECT can be provisioned for A or B Number analysis. ServiceKey—Dataword1 (dw1) is an integer representation of the name of the provisioned service (ServiceName). Note The redirect server feature is enabled for DPNSS only. It does not work for SIP. RETRY_ACTION The RETRY_ACTION result type can be provisioned only in Cause analysis and provides the required actions with regard to route advance, reattempt, or redirection. This result has one integer data word that represents the required action. You can also configure the stage of analysis in which the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch restarts when retrying a call. This capability provides consistent redirection handling for E.164 and non-E.164 calls. RETRY_ACTION 1 has the following datawords: • RetryType (dw1)—Manner in which the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch retries the call. Valid values: – 1 = Reattempt – 2 = TGAdvance – 3 = Redirect Reattempt: The reattempt function is controlled by the “Reattempts” value that is provisioned in Trunk Group Data. Reattempts only take place up to the limit of this provisioned value. If the counter is exceeded, then instead of a Reattempt a trunk group advance takes place. TGAdvance: A property “MaxNumTGAdvances” contains a value defined in the XECfgParm.dat file. Should the value limit be met or exceeded, the call is released using the existing cause (Treated Cause result). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-50 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Redirect: Redirection processing is only for the ISUP protocols and is limited to a maximum of 5 redirections by the system property “RedirMax”. The MGC checks within Generic Analysis before processing the result, ensuring it is processed only if the value is less than 5 and less than the setting of the RedirMax property. Should the received counter value already be at 5, or exceed the configured threshold the result is ignored and the call released by use of the existing cause value. The Generic Analysis module returns a “Treated Cause” result. Clear the call by normal release mechanisms, then call a common routine that makes a new analysis request for A, B, and Routing analysis (forwarding the Re-direction number as the B-number). The expected response is a new trunk group upon which to attempt circuit selection. • redirAnPhase (dw2)—Phase of analysis in which the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch restarts when retrying a call. Valid values: – 0 = Redirection next analysis phaseB-number analysis (default value) – 1 = Redirection next analysis phase Pre-Analysis RMODDIG The RMODDIG result type is for digit modification on the redirecting number. The capability exists to remove a specified number of digits from any point in the redirecting digit string and replace them with whatever digits are required. The RMODDIG result type has the following datawords: • Application point—The point (digit) in the digit string to begin applying the modification. The range is from 1 through the total number of digits in the digit string (32 maximum). Entering a value of “98” causes the removal of digits to begin at the end of the digit string and move backward. Number of digits to remove—The range is from 0 through the number of digits remaining in the digit string from the application point (32 maximum). To remove the entire number, regardless of the number of digits it contains, enter the value “99” for this dataword. Modification name—If required, this is a name that specifies the digit modification string that is to be inserted beginning at the application point. Remove Leading Digits—When dw4 is set to 0, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the RMODDIG result type as normal. When dw4 is set to 1, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch removes leading digits from the Redirecting Number and the original called number. When dw4 is set to 2, if the incoming redirecting number is NULL, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch does not insert one redirecting number. For other cases, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch behaves as before. • • • Note If the leading digit of the original called number is 0, it can be removed as the Redirecting Number when dw4 is set to 1. Dataword rules: • • • • Dataword1 must be 1 through 32 or 98. Dataword2 must be 0 through 32 or 99. Dataword3 must be 0 or an existing digit modification name. Dataword4 must be 0 through 2. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-51 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing For example, if the application point = 1, the number of digits to remove = 5, and the modification name gives a result of 1321, then begin at the start of the digit string, remove 5 digits, and replace them with the digit string 1321. This yields a redirecting number as follows: • • Redirecting number received pre-analysis = 01444 567891 Redirecting number post analysis = 1321 567891 For example, if the application point = 98, the number of digits to remove = 4, and the modification name gives a result of 1321, then begin at the end of the digit string, remove 4 digits, and replace them with the digit string 1321. This yields a redirecting number as follows: • • Redirecting number received pre-analysis = 12345567891 Redirecting number post analysis =12345561321 Depending on the analysis area that invokes it, the RMODDIG result type has different functions. The following are examples of these different functions: • In Pre-Analysis there are currently four serial stages that can produce the RMODDIG result type. In Pre-analysis, the results are cumulative. For example, if the CPC stage generates an RMODDIG result type, then the redirecting number is modified according to the result and this modified number then is the new redirecting-number passed as input to the next Pre-analysis stage (TMR analysis). If the TMR analysis provokes another RMODDIG result type, then it further modifies the number and so on. Even though multiple modifications like this would seem excessive and unnecessary, the capability exists to ensure the required flexibility is provided. In Number analysis (A-number or B-number), functionality is different. Here digit analysis is applied (digit by digit) and it is possible to have the RMODDIG result type at multiple points if required. However, it is only the last modification result type that is applied. • Note Digit modification is applied to the initial number input to this analysis stage. There is no cumulative digit modification performed. For example, if the received redirecting number is 1234 and at “1” an RMODDIG result type is received making the number 441234, the digit string is modified and analysis continues according to the digit analysis configuration. If another RMODDIG result type is received at 1234, making the number 551234, the earlier RMODDIG result type (“1”) is discarded and the number now sent forward is 551234. R_NUMBER_TYPE The R_NUMBER_TYPE result type lets you change the redirecting number type nature of address (NOA) from that presented in the IAM or Setup message. This result type is available to Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, B-number analysis, Cause analysis. R_NUMBER_TYPE uses the following data words: • • Dataword1 (dw1) provides the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch internal call context value for the (NOA) of the redirecting number. Dataword2 (dw2) determines whether the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch updates the nature of address (NOA) of the original called number (OCN). Dataword2 has the following values: – 0 — The NOA of the OCN is not modified. This is the default value. – 1 — The NOA of the OCN is changed according to the redirecting number. For example, if dw1 is set to 5 and dw2 is set to 1, the NOA of the redirecting number and the NOA of the OCN are changed to “international.” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-52 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Note The NOA value needs to be the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values” for specific protocol values. ROUTE The ROUTE result type supplies a Route List name, which is used as a starting point in the Routing analysis process. Note The ROUTE result type is not used in a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch (signaling) application. ROUTE_PREFERENCE The ROUTE_PREFERENCE result type is applicable only to A-number analysis. It provides an indication of preferred egress trunk group type in relation to the received A-number. The value set in the result (see the following list of possible values) is used within the Routing analysis stage and provides a further bias to the trunk group selection algorithms. The possible values for ROUTE_PREFERENCE are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • 0 = RTE_SEL_DONT_CARE 1 = RTE_SEL_ATM_ESSENTIAL 2 = RTE_SEL_ATM_PREFERRED 3 = RTE_SEL_ATM_EXCLUDED 4 = RTE_SEL_IP_ESSENTIAL 5 = RTE_SEL_IP_PREFERRED 6 = RTE_SEL_IP_EXCLUDED 7 = RTE_SEL_TDM_ESSENTIAL 8 = RTE_SEL_TDM_PREFERRED 9 = RTE_SEL_TDM_EXCLUDED RTRN_START_ANAL The RTRN_START_ANAL result type performs different actions depending on what stage of the analysis generates it: • • In B-number analysis, this result type causes the carrier code prefix, if any, to be deleted and B-number analysis is restarted with the modified B-number. In Cause analysis, this result type initiates a return to B-number analysis; however, the B-number to be analyzed will include any modifications and any NOA call type modifications. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-53 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing SCREENING The SCREENING result type delivered from either A-number or B-number analysis indicates that the A-number or redirecting number must be screened against the screening files configured for a specific customer group ID. ScreenType values 3 and 4 are added in MGC software Release 9.4(1), allowing screening to occur using the global customer group ID GLBL as the input key. Dataword1 (screen type) identifies the type of screening that must be requested. Dataword2 (service name) is only used when screening is requested from B-number analysis and identifies the database list of A-Numbers and redirecting numbers that must be screened, which are appropriate to the B-number. Dataword3 is the index to the dialPlan selection table if the screening passes. Dataword4 is the index to the dialPlan selection table if the screening fails. • ScreenType—Must be one of the following: – 1 = Whitelist—If the presented A-number or redirecting number is not found in the screening files, then the screening is considered to have failed and the call is released. – 2 = Blacklist—If the presented A-number or redirecting number is found in the screening files, then the screening is considered to have failed and the call is released. – 3 = Global Whitelist—If the presented A-number or redirecting number is not found in the screening files, then the screening is considered to have failed and the call is released. Added in software Release 9.4(1). – 4 = Global Blacklist—If the presented A-number or redirecting number is found in the screening files, then the screening is considered to have failed and the call is released. Added in software Release 9.4(1). • Service Name—When screening is triggered by B-number analysis, a service name (such as “800,” “900,” or “FreePhone”) is used to identify which list of calling numbers (A-numbers) is associated with that service. The service name is passed, as read, when the screening request is made. Note • Service names are limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed. Pass_DpIdx—(optional) Provides an index for dial plan selection if the screening type, which is available only for A-number analysis, passes. Also includes B-number analysis in software Release 9.6(1). If the screening passes, the dial plan index from this dataword is used to cause a dial plan change and then processing returns to pre-analysis. If no index value is present, number analysis continues. Added in software Release 9.4(1). Fail_DpIdx—(optional) Provides an index for dial plan selection if the screening type, which is available only for A-number analysis, fails. Also includes B-number analysis in software Release 9.6(1). If the screening fails, the dial plan index from this dataword is used to cause a dial plan change, and then processing returns to pre-analysis. If no index value is present, number analysis continues. Added in software Release 9.4(1). • SCRIPT The SCRIPT result type can be provisioned for B-number analysis, and is an end-of-analysis result type. • ScriptId—Dataword1 (dw1) is an integer and provides an index into the Script table in the database, where the details (for example, Gateway type, script type, script location, and optional script parameters) are stored. CallType—Dataword2 (dw2) is an integer and indicates the CallType associated with this result type. A value of 1 hands over call control to the gateway, with script invocation. Currently, only this result type is supported. • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-54 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis • • AcmReqdInd—Dataword3 (dw3) is an integer and indicates whether an optional ACM is to be sent when the confirmation of script invocation is received (for dw2, CallType =1). Dataword4 (dw4) is not used. SIPI_CONTROL The SIPI_CONTROL result type allows you to enable the SIP-I route preference and to overwrite the outgoing SIP-I related configuration parameters on the outgoing trunk group. Currently this result type is used to enable the SIP-I route preference only. Dataword1 enables the route preference. A value of 1 enables the route preference. SIPTNS The Carrier Identification Code is a three- or four- digit code used in routing tables to identify the network that serves a remote user when a call is routed over many different networks. The SIP CIC parameter transmits the CIC value from the SIP network to the ISDN. The SIP CIC parameter is carried in SIP INVITE requests and maps to the ISDN Transit Network Selection Information Element (TNS IE). The SIP TNS result type allows you to map the CIC from the SIP INVITE parameter to the TNS IE in the outgoing IAM message for ANSI ISUP. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the called party number (B number) and the SIP CIC to populate the TNS IE. Table 1-6 shows the format of the TNS parameter with a 4-digit carrier identification code. Table 1-6 Transit Network Selection 8 H 7 G 6 F 5 E 4 D 3 C 2 B 1 A Spare Type of network identification Digit 2 Digit 4 Circuit code Network identification plan Digit 1 Digit 3 Reserved The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the following values to populate the TNS: • • • • Type of network identification—010 (National Network Identification) Network identification plan— 0010 Digits 1–4—The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch inserts the four-digit CIC value from the SIP URI. Circuit code—The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses a binary version of the first digit of the called party number (B number). Note You can also manually set the circuit code value using the circuit code data word. The SIPTNS result type has the following data words: • Circuit code value: Sets the ISDN circuit identification code value. This value is the decimal version of a binary number; for example, the value 3 setsthe circuit code value to 0011. This value overrides the circuit code value derived from the called party number (B number). Valid values: 0–15 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-55 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing TERM_INFO The TERM_INFO result type is used to enable full called number analysis to make a call to the Number Termination table (TERMTBL), which provides a route list name to start routing analysis. You can reduce the size of a dial plan to achieve a full called number analysis. The TERM_INFO result type is configured early in the B-number analysis. All actions are implicit by the presence of this result type; consequently, there are no datawords accompanying this result. TESTCALLDETECTED The TESTCALLDETECTED result type is used to indicate that the called number (B-number) is associated with a test call. The parameters associated with this result type are: • Test Line Type—Can be one of the following values: – 0 = Quiet termination (qt)—this is the default value – 1 = Old milliwatt (1000 Hz) – 2 = New milliwatt (1004 Hz) – 3 = Really new milliwatt (1013.8 Hz) – 4 = Tone off • • Test Line Duration—The duration of the test signal in milliseconds. The range of duration values is 0 through 65,535 milliseconds. The default value is 0. Test Line Name—Can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters. The test line name is always converted to lowercase in the provisioning object library. VIDEO_ALLOWED The VIDEO_ALLOWED result type enables the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to allow or prohibit video calls at the dial plan level. There are two levels of video call admission control, the dial plan level and the trunk group level. If video calls are allowed at the trunk group level but prohibited at the dial plan level, video calls are prohibited. If video calls are prohibited at the trunk group level but allowed at the dial plan level, video calls are prohibited. This result type provides you the flexibility to include video call admission control in the number analysis. For example, you can prohibit video calls whose B-numbers start with 909. Dataword1 specifies whether the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch allows or prohibits video calls: • • 0 = Prohibits video calls at the dial plan level. 1 = Allows video calls at the dial plan level. If you do not provision the VIDEO_ALLOWED result type, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch allows video calls at the dial plan level by default. WHITELIST The WHITELIST result type returned from B-number analysis indicates that the called number is valid and that call processing can proceed. No datawords are used and any call processing action is implicit by the presence of the result type. No call screening is associated with this result type. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-56 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Note When you are using a default result type on a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, in signaling mode, results of the WHITELIST result type for B-numbers should contain routing information to prevent the analysis from dropping through to the default result type. This result takes the place of the ROUTE result used with the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch in call control mode, and ensures that the call completes. Absence of the WHITELIST result type invokes the default result type on a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch in signaling mode. Processing Multiple Result Types When Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, and B-number analysis, are performed the results are collected, and then processed in a logical sequence. This sequence ensures that no further processing is carried out if there has been analysis failure, or if there is a cause or blacklist result, in which case the call clear down can be provoked. Additionally, there is a separation of result handling that allows screening to take place before the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs other result types, such as number modifications or route results. Another scenario is that of Local Number Portability (LNP) handling by the on-board database that is carried out at an early stage of analysis to ensure that once the B-number is modified by adding or removing a prefix code, B-number analysis can be re-started (finally leading to a Routing result). Note All result matches for a digit string are added together and only duplicate result types are overwritten by the longest match. As a result, there are a number of transparent stages in result processing, which may not be apparent when provisioning, at such time it may appear that the defined order has a bearing on the final result. It is also important to note that where the same digit analysis root is used as a fork for several different result set actions, some result types (even though defined within different result sets) may impact one another. This means that at certain points you can encounter results that stop processing at a point and must make an immediate response for action, for example, whether to provoke call clear down or a more information backward request (as shown in Figure 1-7). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-57 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Figure 1-7 Multiple Result Processing Analysis request Direct response results Early processed results Remaining direct response results All other results The tables in the following sections categorize the result types so you can understand at what point in the logical hierarchy they are processed. The results are separately tabulated for A-number, B-number, and Cause analysis stages. Pre-analysis Stages Table 1-7 lists the result types for Pre-analysis. Result types include direct response and all others. Table 1-7 Pre-analysis Direct Response Results Internal Analysis Failure, BLACKLIST All Other Results AMODDIG, A_NUMBER_TYPE, BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER, COND_ROUTE, INC_NUMBERING, NEW_DIALPLAN, PERC_ROUTE, RMODDIG R_NUMBER_TYPE ROUTE Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-58 80688 Analysis response OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis A-number Analysis Stages Table 1-8 lists the result types for A-number analysis. Result types include direct response, early processed, remaining direct responses, and all others. Table 1-8 A-number Analysis Direct Response Results Early Processed Results Remaining Direct Response Results CHARGEORIGIN, CPCMOD All Other Results AMODDIG, A_NUMBER_TYPE, A_NUM_DP_TABLE, BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER, CG_PRES_IND, NEW_DIALPLAN, RMODDIG R_NUMBER_TYPE ROUTE_PREFERENCE SCREENING Internal Analysis Failure, BLACKLIST, CAUSE, CLI_NBR_LENGTH B-number Analysis Stages Table 1-9 lists the result types for B-number analysis. Result types include direct response, early processed, remaining direct responses, and all others. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-59 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-9 B-number Analysis Direct Response Results Internal Analysis Failure, BLACKLIST, CAUSE Early Processed Results E_PORTED_NUM, E_ROUTE_NUM, SCREENING Remaining Direct Response Results BSM_REQ, CPC_REQ, CLI_REQ, DIGIT_REQ, FSM_REQ, RTN_START_ANAL, TESTCALLDETECTED All Other Results ADDRESSCLASS, AMODDIG, ANNOUNCEMENT, A_NUMBER_TYPE, A_NUM_DP_TABLE, BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER, CG_PRES_IND, CHARGE, CODEC, COND_ROUTE, DATA_EXCHANGE, INC_NUMBERING, IN_TRIGGER, MGCPDIALPKG, NEW_DIALPLAN, OTG_NUMBERING, PERC_ROUTE, RMODDIG R_NUMBER_TYPE ROUTE, TERM_INFO, WHITELIST Cause Analysis Stages Table 1-10 lists the result types for Cause analysis. Result types include direct response results and all other results. Table 1-10 Cause Analysis Direct Response Results Internal Analysis Failure, CAUSE, RETRY_ACTION Early Processed Results Remaining Direct Response Results All Other Results ANNOUNCEMENT, BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, COND_ROUTE, NEW_DIALPLAN, PERC_ROUTE, RMODDIG R_NUMBER_TYPE ROUTE, RTN_START_B_AN Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-60 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis The following examples provide the call processing order for different combinations of results in a result set: Example 1 The result set includes ROUTE, BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, SCREENING The actual processing sequence is: • • • • SCREENING, BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, ROUTE Example 2 The result set includes E_PORTED_NUM, SCREENING, and ROUTE. The actual processing sequence is: • • • SCREENING, E_PORTED_NUM—prefix B-number with routing number and re-start B-analysis, ROUTE (from new B-number analysis) Example 3 The result set includes MORE_INFO (BSM_REQ, CPC_REQ, CLI_REQ, DIGIT_REQ, and FSM_REQ), ROUTE, and BMODDIG. The actual processing sequence is: • MORE_INFO—response to the call control module and provokes backward request for CLI from OCC protocol. OCC protocol responds with CLI—new analysis request, (MORE_INFO)—now ignored since CLI is present, ROUTE, BMODDIG • • Example 4 The result set includes NEW_DIALPLAN, SCREENING, and BMODDIG. The actual processing sequence is: • • • SCREENING, BMODDIG, NEW_DIALPLAN Handling Multiple Occurrences of Result Types Pre-analysis Processing of Result Types Multiple repeated result types occurring in Pre-analysis use the following rules: ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, PERC_ROUTE, INC_NUMBERING, CALL_CUTOFF_TIMER, NEW_DIALPLAN, and R_NUMBER_TYPE Result Types Each result overwrites the previous result; the last result is the one acted on. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-61 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing AMODDIG, BMODDIG, A_NUMBER_TYPE, B_NUMBER_TYPE, and RMODDIG Result Types Cumulative through Pre-analysis, if one stage modifies a number this number becomes the input to the next stage (and is the basis for any further modifications). BLACKLIST Result Type Exits from current Pre-analysis stage and clears the call. A-number and B-number Analysis Processing of Result Types ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, and PERC_ROUTE Result Types The last result (of any one type) retrieved deletes and overwrites all previous result types of the same result. IN_TRIGGER Result Type When you are provisioning IN_TRIGGER result types, it is helpful to also provision a ROUTE result within the same result set. On calls with an IN_TRIGGER result, a call is made to the SCP for number translation. If the number is recognized as a ported number, a translated “routing number” (LRN) is returned from the SCP and the MGC analyses and routes according to this number (carrying the original called number within the GAP parameter). If the SCP does not recognize the number and has no translation number to offer, it may return the same called number. If this happens, analysis is the same—delivering the IN_TRIGGER result. This could be a potential problem that results in looping between the MGC and the SCP. To prevent this looping, protection has been designed in to the MGC to guard against looping. Thus, if a default ROUTE result is provisioned with the IN_TRIGGER result, the route is picked up and used to route the call. TERM_INFO Result Type When provisioning a TERM_INFO result, you may also be required to configure a default ROUTE result (in the same result set) for use if the call cannot be routed using TERM_INFO. Within generic analysis, the TERM_INFO is always handled first. So there is no problem to put a ROUTE result at the same stage of digit analysis, or at any other point in the decoding process. The following actions can occur where no default ROUTE result is available: If no default ROUTE result has been provisioned in the result set and an error occurs during analysis causing no ROUTE result to be retrieved or as described previously, a double IN_TRIGGER result occurred, then analysis handling is dependent on the MGC configuration. In a call control configuration, this is fatal, since the call cannot be set up, causing the result “Analysis failure” to be returned with a cause set to “Temporary failure”. In a signaling configuration, a result of “Analysis Performed” is returned to the call control module. A determination is then made as to the relevant actions. If the minimum digits on the OCC side are met or exceeded, the call is continued. If the number of digits is not met, the cause “Address incomplete” is set and Cause analysis is invoked pending release of the call. B-number Analysis NEW_DIALPLAN Result Type If a NEW_DIALPLAN result is retrieved from B-number analysis once the dialplan is changed over, call processing can re-start at either the Pre-analysis or B-number analysis stages, which is an option configured in the NEW_DIALPLAN result type data. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-62 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, and PERC_ROUTE Result Types When processing, any duplicate results of these types will overwrite any previous one. The one taken forward to start Routing analysis will then be the last result retrieved. In Enbloc working this is clear as all digits are received at the outset, analyzed one by one and number analysis is therefore completed, allowing Routing analysis to begin. In Overlap working however, there will be no Routing Analysis until Number-analysis is complete. This means that even if duplicate ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, and PERC_ROUTE results are provisioned they are ignored until “Analysis-complete” is detected. At that point, the last one retrieved is the one used to provoke Routing analysis actions. This enables a default capability in digit analysis such that an early “default” routing result can be provisioned for routing (for example, to an operator center) that is overwritten if correct routing according to a full area code decode takes place. ANNOUNCEMENT Result Type When handling this result, any duplicate result of this type overwrites the previous one. The ANNOUNCEMENT result returned to the call control module for action is the last retrieved. There is also a B-number modification associated with this result type that is always applied to the original B-number as received from the call control module. AMODDIG, BMODDIG, and RMODDIG Result Types Once all the Pre-analysis stages are complete the final modified numbers become input to the A/B-number analysis stage. During A/B-number analysis, multiple number modification results of the same type cause the number in question to be modified but only by the last result of this type retrieved. Any previous modification is deleted and the new modification is applied to the original received A/B-number, not to the previously modified A/B-number. It should also be noted that if A-number analysis modifies the A/B-number then this is the number that becomes input to the B-number analysis stage. The number returned to the call control module for action is the last modified number. This avoids multiple modifications to the same number, which could result in an erroneous or corrupted number. CPC_REQ, CLI_REQ, BSM_REQ, and FSM_REQ Result Types When handling the above results, any duplicate result of these types will overwrite the previous one of the same type. The one returned to the call control module for action will be the last retrieved. Before any action, a check is made to see if the requested data is already stored in Call Context. If it is, the result is ignored. IN_TRIGGER Result Type When handling this result, any duplicate result of this type will overwrite the previous one. The last result returned to the call control module for action will be the last result retrieved. Initial checks are made with this result type to ensure that the call is not an Operator destined call, not 950-xxxxx, and not a CarrierID routed call (TNS present). In these cases a call to the SCP is not a valid action, so the result type would be ignored. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-63 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing DATA_EXCHANGE Result Type When handling, any duplicate result of this type will overwrite the previous one. This result actions a “swap” of data from one Call Context location to another. That swap work is handled in the subsequent result-handling routine. That is to say, when the results are retrieved from the provisioned values, they simply overwrite each other. The final result is passed to the handling routine. If a data exchange is performed, (today only for LNP call processing), it is flagged, and if after the SCP call new analysis erroneously returns this result type again it will be ignored. E_PORTED_NUM, E_ROUTE_NUM, and TERM_INFO Result Types It is not expected that there would ever be a need to provision these results twice and this would add no value as the result merely indicates a read of the Ported list/Number Termination list. Thus last retrieved result causes its corresponding action to be taken. RTN_START_ANAL Result Type It would not be logical to have a repeated version of this result type, but if it occurs the last retrieved result will provoke the required action (in this stage of analysis this simply means re-starting B-number analysis again with an optionally modified b-number). This result carries no data that would be overwritten. WHITELIST Result Type Only available in B-number analysis, multiple results of this type are not expected and would not change result handling once one had been found. The bottom line is that the last retrieved result causes its corresponding action to be taken. Result Types Appropriate to Default Routing Use In the A- and B-number analysis areas, you may want to provision the dialplan so there are repeats (multiple occurrences) of certain result types. This allows some additional capabilities that can assist you in providing some network requirements. With some results, it can help to have a “default” routing result that is selected at an early stage of digit analysis. This default routing result can be overwritten with another route result later in the decoding process. Thus, if for instance some provisioning has been overlooked, the call still routes according to the early default result. An example of this would be to set a ROUTE result to an operator center at the decode of 703, while the decode of 703484 routes to the Herndon area. Note The ROUTE result handling is separate to the functionality implemented for default handling. When provisioned, the following result types can be augmented with a default routing result (that is, multiple provisioned ROUTE results). For each result type, an explanation is provided outlining why this is appropriate. Cause Analysis Processing In Cause analysis, some results can return specific data to immediately provoke tear down of the call. However, for others (for example, ROUTE or COND_ROUTE) it is necessary to return the result to routing and allow it to first clear and delete the existing terminating side, then re-invoke analysis with the stored results. This ultimately allows a new terminating side to be set up and the call re-routed forward. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-64 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Cause Analysis Handling for NEW_DIALPLAN Result Type If a NEW_DIALPLAN result is retrieved from Cause analysis once the dialplan is changed over, call processing re-starts at the B-number analysis stage, which is the only option available from Cause analysis. Note A maximum of three dial plan changes, after the initial dial plan, is permitted. Cause Analysis Handling for Multiple Result Type Occurrences ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, and PERC_ROUTE Result Types With these three result types, the last result retrieved overwrites any previous result and the last result becomes the one that is returned to analysis for action. BMODDIG, B_NUMBER_TYPE, CAUSE, NEW_DIALPLAN, and RMODDIG Result Types With these results from the Cause analysis area, any duplicated result types overwrite the previous one, and the last retrieved result will be the one used to provoke the required action. RETRY_ACTION Result Type It would not be logical to have a repeated version of this result type, but if it occurs the last retrieved will overwrite any previous result and will dictate the required actions. RTN_START_ANAL Result Type It would not be logical to have a repeated version of this result type, but if it occurs the last retrieved will provoke the required action (from this analysis stage this means clear the existing TCC side and then re-call analysis requesting B-number and routing analysis). This result carries no data that is overwritten. ANNOUNCEMENT Result Type When handling, any duplicate result of this type, the following result overwrites the previous result. The result returned to be performed is the last result retrieved. There is also a B-number modification associated with this result type that is applied to the original B-number as received. Mixed Final Result Handling If more than one final result is retrieved the following sections describe how call processing is performed. Routing Result Types with an ANNOUNCEMENT Result Type If either a ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, or PERC_ROUTE result and an ANNOUNCEMENT result are retrieved in a completed analysis flow (for example, from one result set), only the last retrieved result type is performed. If these two results are received together, they are mutually exclusive, and only the last encountered result type is performed. Example 1: If the called number 867-1234 is provisioned with a ROUTE result at 867 and an announcement at 867-123, the ANNOUNCEMENT result is the one returned for action. Example 2: Conversely if the called number 867-1234 is provisioned with an ANNOUNCEMENT result at 867 and a route at 867-123, the ROUTE result is the one returned for action. A default Route or Announcement could still be set (as described in the previous section), or even a default for both, but ultimately if both result types are present and analysis is complete, the rule of the last retrieved result type being returned applies. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-65 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Routing Result Types with a TERM_INFO Result Type If a combination of ROUTE or COND_ROUTE or PERC_ROUTE result with a TERM_INFO result occurs in a completed analysis flow, the order of processing is that the TERM_INFO result is always applied first. If this achieves successful final routing the other routing result is deleted and the call is progressed. If the TERM_INFO result is not successful in determining final routing, then the ROUTING result is used. The same applies if an ANNOUNCEMENT result and TERM_INFO result combination occurs. It is still possible to have successive ANNOUNCEMENT or ROUTE results with a TERM_INFO result, but the action described before in this section applies to the ANNOUNCEMENT/ROUTE results, and TERM_INFO is processed first. Processing Dial Plan Longest Match This feature (introduced in Release 9.6) provides support for using the longest match in a dial plan even when a new dial plan matches a shorter digit string. Formerly, with various result types, like ROUTE, CAUSE, ANNOUNCEMENT, the dial plan changeover was forced, and so the longest match was ignored. With the introduction of the new Dial Plan Longest Match feature, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the longest dial plan match to select the best result type. Consequently, it will not jump to a new dial plan if there is another terminal result that has a potentially longer match. This applies to all of the results mentioned for A-analysis and B-analysis in the “Longest Match in A-Number Analysis” section on page 1-67 and “Longest Match in B-Number Analysis” section on page 1-67. The Dial Plan Longest Match feature is further explained in the following two sections: • • Basic Result Analysis—explains the current call processing capability New Call Processing Behavior—explains the new functionality with the introduction of the Dial Plan Longest Match feature. Basic Result Analysis This section explains the basic result analysis based on the previous call processing capabilty. Result analysis enables you to group actions into result sets that can be attached at different points of analysis. The main attachment points are pre-analysis, A-number analysis, B-number analysis, and cause analysis. When you are configuring results, certain result types require extra configuration to provide additional data. The following are examples of two such result types. • Number modification, in which the digits are inserted into a number. These new digits must be configured first and stored before the actual result, which will make use of these digits, is defined. For example, if the B-number is 4841234 and the intention with a B-number modification (BMODDIG result) is to insert 703 at the front of the number, the "703" digit string must be created first. Once the digit string is created, the actual B-number modification result can be defined through use of the "703" digit string data. When A-number screening is required, if the screening is triggered from the B-number digit analysis, it is necessary to identify the database area that contains the A-number screening data for calls destined to this particular B-number. The database area is called the Service name. The service name data must be defined separately before the actual A-number screening result is defined. • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-66 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis New Call Processing Behavior This new longest match feature results in a new call processing behavior which enhances the basic analysis capability the following five situations: • • • • • Longest Match in A-Number Analysis Longest Match in B-Number Analysis Dial Plan Changing Overlap Dial Plan Changing Ported Number Handling Longest Match in A-Number Analysis With analysis set to the new call processing capability, the following A-number analysis will be subject to longest matching where the new call processing result replaces the old one: • • • • • ANNOUNCEMENT BLACKLIST CAUSE NEW_DIALPLAN A_NUM_DP_TABLE Longest Match in B-Number Analysis With analysis set to the new call processing capability, the following B-number analysis will be subject to longest matching where the new call processing result replaces the old one: • • • • • • • • • • • • ANNOUNCEMENT BLACKLIST CAUSE TERM_INFO NEW_ DIALPLAN A_NUM_DP_TABLE ROUTE COND_ROUTE PERC_ROUTE MGCPDIALPKG E_PORTED_NUM E_ROUTE_NUM Dial Plan Changing With analysis set to the new call processing capability, dial plan changeover is not a forced action. Previously, a changing result with a ROUTE or ANNOUNCEMENT result would always force a dial plan change. Now change is optional and is carried out only if it is the longest match among the other results. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-67 Chapter 1 Result Analysis Dial Plan and Routing For example, in the original capability, if there is a number 1234, and the results at digits 12 was NEW_DIALPLAN, and at 123, the result was ROUTE, the dial plan was changed over. With the new capability, the status of the NEW_DIALPLAN and A_NUM_DP_TABLE results are “reduced” so that these can be longest matched against the other results. In this example, the call would be completed with the ROUTE result at digits 123, and there would be no dial plan changeover. The new feature applies to all of the results listed below: • For A-number analysis: – CAUSE – BLACKLIST – ANNOUNCEMENT – NEW_DIALPLAN – A_NUM_DP_TABLE • For B-number analysis: – CAUSE – BLACKLIST – ANNOUNCEMENT – TERM_INFO – ROUTE – COND_ROUTE – PERC_ROUTE – MGCPDIALPKG – E_PORTED_NUM – E_ROUTE_NUM – A_NUM_DP_TABLE – NEW_DIALPLAN Overlap Dial Plan Changing When you are working with the analysis set to the new call processing capability, before processing a dial plan changeover, overlap calls are checked to see if analysis is complete. If it is not, then instead of forcing a dial plan changeover at this time, the system waits for digits. This allows for further digits to be analyzed in the search for a longer match. These extra digits might produce a different result, for example, ROUTE or ANNOUNCEMENT, which would then be executed instead of the change. This prevents the call from moving into the wrong dial plan and risking a failed call. Following a valid change, an overlap call might still run out of digits and need more digits for the analysis to be complete. In that case, the analysis will return an appropriate indication to call control, forcing the call to wait for further digits. In overlap working, an initial address message (IAM) is delivered, and then further digits are delivered in subsequent address messages (SAM), which are received from the previous switch or line. In addition, when the analysis capability is set to the new call processing capability, it changes back to the first dial plan rather than waiting for further digits in the current one. This allows the new analysis request to be processed as a completely new procedure and supports longest matching. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-68 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Result Analysis Ported Number Handling When you are processing ported numbers, if the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is a donor switch, the B-number analysis result E_PORTED_NUM is used. When detecting this result, the PGW does a times-10 database lookup with the called party number, and if it finds a match, a routing number is returned and this is added as a prefix to the called number. The number is then reanalyzed with the intention of finding a routing to the recipient switch. With basic analysis capability, it was possible to provision a ROUTE result that could be used to route the call if the number was not matched in the same result set as the E_PORTED_NUM. In such cases, a ROUTE result either at a prior or later point in the digit tree will be used to complete the call. With the new call processing capability, the E_PORTED_NUM and E_ROUTE_NUM results are now also subject to longest matching, along with the B-number analysis results CAUSE, BLACKLIST, NEW_DIALPLAN, ANNOUNCEMENT, TERM_INFO, ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, PERC_ROUTE, MGCPDIALPKG, and A_NUM_DP_TABLE. Consequently, a ported result displaces and removes any previous ROUTE result. Also if a ported result was configured with a default ROUTE result in the same result set, this latter ROUTE result would remove the E_PORTED_NUM and invalidate the porting. To avoid this situation, routing data is preserved, provided that the ROUTE result is either before the E_PORTED_NUM result in the or is colocated with it in the same result set. Any route result at a later point in the digit tree overwrites and removes the ported result, as required with longest matching. Reverting to First Dial Plan When There Are Insufficient Digits in Overlap The Dial Plan Longest Match feature enables you to revert to the original dial plan when there are insufficient digits, and the existing dial plan changeover handling does not provide the flexibility you need throughout your dial plan structure. The following examples show how the feature works. Main dial plan 49 – Move to new dial plan 0001. 49123 – Move to new dial plan 0002. 0001 dial plan 491 – Route1 0002 dial plan 49123 – Route2 Example 1 – In the case of B-number 4912345, given the way the dial plans are provisioned, it is expected that the analysis in dial plan "Main" will result in a changeover to new dial plan 0002 from where the call will be routed. If the signaling mode is "Enbloc," this obviously works without any problem; however, in "Overlap" mode with certain call scenarios there can be a problem. Example 2 – If the IAM delivers digits 49 and then the SAM delivers 12345, with the old functionality, 49 will result in a changeover to dial plan 0001 where the analysis would run out of digits. This would result in a wait for more digits within dial plan 0001. When digits 12345 are received in a SAM message, a new analysis attempt is made, and analysis continues from dial plan 0001, where the call is finally routed after matching 491 using Route1. The problem is that the call was routed via dial plan 0001, but the customer expected this to route via 0002 using the longest match. To address this problem, the new overlap multiple dial plan functionality is altered so that if the analysis runs out of digits and waits for new digits, it changes back to the first dial plan. When a new analysis request is made (with further digits), it is treated as a new request and not as a continuation of the previous analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-69 Chapter 1 Pre-analysis Dial Plan and Routing With such functionality in place, in Example 2 after the IAM delivers digits 49, the dial plan is changed over to 0001 and runs out of digits. A wait for further digits is started, but this time the analysis changes back to dial plan "Main" before waiting. When the SAM message delivers digits 12345, the complete number 4912345 is sent to analysis, where it is treated as a ,new request. Starting in dial plan "Main," the longest match would be found against 49123, and it will change over to dial plan 0002 where the call would finally be routed. Result Set A result set is a grouping of result types that can be associated with an A-number analysis, B-number analysis, Pre-analysis, or Cause analysis. You can have only one result set for each digit string; however, you can have one or more result types in a result set. Each result set requires a unique name, and each result type within a result set also requires a unique result name. However, the result names do not need to be unique across result sets—it is the combination of result set name and result name that must be unique. The result set name and the result name can each be as many as 20 alphanumeric characters in length. Table C-3 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be used to plan your result set. When determining the result types for a result set, intermediate results have to be created before end-point results. For example, the intermediate result type SCREENING must be added before the end point result type MGCPDIALPKG. You can have as many intermediate result types in a result set as you want. However, once a result set has an endpoint analysis result type, that is the end of the result set. Each result set supports only one occurrence of any of the result types. For example, the user cannot configure the result type ROUTE followed by another ROUTE in the same result set. See Provisioning the Result Set, page 4-58 for an example of MML commands used for provisioning the result set. Default Result Set The default result set allows you to configure an action to occur if no result sets have been associated with the call. Only one default result set is allowed for each customer group ID. Creating a new default result type overwrites the previous default result type. Only one of the following result types is allowed for the default result set at any time: • • • BLACKLIST—Analysis of the B-number reveals that it is on the black list and the call is released. ROUTE—Analysis of the B-number reveals that the call is to be routed elsewhere. CAUSE—Analysis of the B-number reveals that the call is to be released with a specified cause. Pre-analysis In Pre-analysis there are several serial stages (described in the following sections). After data in each stage is read, any accumulated results are put in a results “collection bin”. If duplicate results occur, the following result simply overwrites the previous result; at all times there is only one version of a particular result in the bin. The only exception to this is number modification in result types AMODDIG, BMODDIG, and RMODDIG, which are cumulative from stage to stage in Pre-analysis. Thus each digit modification string changes the number string and becomes the input to the next stage. At the end of all Pre-analysis stages, the accumulated results collected are saved and processed. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-70 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Pre-analysis If a dial plan change is returned from Pre-analysis because of the NEW_DIALPLAN result type, then you change the dial plan to revert to Pre-analysis again using the new dial plan, starting analysis over again. For the NEW_DIALPLAN result type, the only analysis option is to return to Pre-analysis. From Pre-analysis, A-number analysis is entered, and then B-number analysis is entered. In the last two stages, we traverse the digit analysis data and collect the results at various points, with the longest match applied to a selection of results. From the A-number analysis stage, a dialplan change can only provoke a return to Pre-analysis. However, from the B-number analysis stage a dialplan change can either revert to Pre-analysis or simply re-start B-number analysis (within the new dialplan). In these two stages, there is functionality, such as call screening or LNP, that requires early actions and sometimes early responses to call control. Calling Party Category Analysis Calling party category (CPC) analysis is the first stage in Pre-analysis that enables analyzing the CPC value in the IAM or Setup message. For example, this would allow an emergency call arriving at the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch that has a well-known CPC value to be setup immediately. In Pre-analysis, the CPC value from the IAM is analyzed from the CPC configured values, in which result sets are assigned to specific values. When a match occurs, a result set name is obtained. The result set name is used to read the result list to determine the action to be performed. The CPC value, shown in Example 1-3, contains two fields: the CPC value and the result set name. The CPC value is matched by the CPC value received in the IAM or Setup message on the originating side. Example 1-3 Calling Party Category Example CPC Value 1 2 3 ... Result Set Name set1 ... Note The CPC value is the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See the “CPC Values” section on page A-9 for a list of CPC values. Transmission Medium Requirement Analysis Transmission medium requirement (TMR) analysis is the second stage in Pre-analysis that enables analyzing the TMR value in the IAM or Setup message. For example, this would allow the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to set different media gateway bearer capabilities within the network. In this Pre-analysis stage, the internal TMR value is matched against the provisioned TMR value. Match results are assigned to specific values. The TMR list, show in Example 1-4, contains two fields: the TMR value and the result set name. The TMR value is matched by the TMR value received in the IAM or Setup message on the originating side with the TMR value. The match produced is used to read the results. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-71 Chapter 1 Pre-analysis Dial Plan and Routing Example 1-4 Transmission Medium Requirement Example TMR Value 1 2 3 ... Result Set Name set1 ... Note The TMR value is the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See TMR Values, page A-17 for a list of TMR values. A/B-number NOA and NPI Analysis In software Release 9.4(1) nature of address (NOA) and numbering plan indicator (NPI) analysis of the A-number (CgPn) was added. As a result, there are two NOA tables, one for A-numbers and one for B-numbers. Similarly, there are two NPI tables, one for A-numbers and one for B-numbers. NOA and NPI analysis is the third stage of Pre-analysis. NOA/NPI analysis is performed based on their respective provisioned values, as well as the NOA and NPI values contained in the incoming setup messages. The incoming NOA and NPI values are protocol dependent. For the protocol-specific NOA and NPI values, and the unique mappings from the numerical values supported by each protocol to the internal call context values, see Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values.” A/B-number Nature of Address The NOA is used to define the actions to be taken based on the NOA value in the incoming call. There are three entries for the NOA MML command: the NOA value, NPI block value, and the result set name. • • noavalue — is the value specified in the NOA value column of the NOA. npiblock — is the value is used to identify a unique NPI block in the NPI. – If the NPI block value is set to 0 by the user or not configured against an NOA value, no analysis is performed on the NPI. Pre-analysis is based only on the incoming NOA value. – If the NPI block value is set to any value other than 0, analysis is performed in the NPI block indicated by the NPI block value. Pre-analysis is based on both the NOA and NPI values. • setname — is the result set name (setname=“set1”) used to associate a result set with the incoming NOA value. – If the result set name is not configured, then no action is taken. – If the result set name is configured, the action taken is based on the result types included in the specified result set. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-72 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Pre-analysis Example 1-5 Nature of Address Example NOA Value 1 2 3 4 NPI Block Value 1 2 0 4 Result Set Name set1 For any NOA value that is configured, either an NPI block or a result set must be specified. Table C-6 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be used for provisioning your NOA. Note The NOA value needs to be the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values” for a list of NOA values. A/B-number Numbering Plan Indicator A separate NPI block is required for every non-zero entry in the NPI Block column of the NOA value that you want to associate with a result set. • • npiblock — is the value specified in the NPI Block column of the NOA. blockvalue — is the incoming NPI value as described in Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values.” If a block value is not specified, all 16 entries (0 through 15) in the specified NPI block default to an empty result set name, so no action is performed. • setname — is the result set name (setname=“set1”) associated with the incoming NPI value. The result types included in the specified result set determine the call processing actions to be performed based on the incoming NPI value, as described in the “Result Set” section on page 1-70. Example 1-6 Numbering Plan Indicator Example NPI Block 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NPI Block Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Result Set Name set1 set1 set1 set2 set3 set4 set1 set1 set1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-73 Chapter 1 Pre-analysis Dial Plan and Routing NPI Block 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NPI Block Value 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Result Set Name set2 set3 set4 set1 set1 set1 set5 Table C-7 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be used for provisioning your NPI. Note The NPI value needs to be the MGC internal value and not the protocol-specific value. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values” for a list of NPI values. Transit Network Selection Analysis Transit network selection (TNS) analysis is the fourth stage in Pre-analysis that enables analyzing the TNS values. For example, this would allow the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to set different media gateway bearer capabilities within the network. In this Pre-analysis stage, the internal TNS value is matched against the provisioned TNS value. The TNS value contains a digit string representing a carrierId. If the string is a match, then the associated result set is processed. Example 1-7 Transit Network Selection Example TNS Value 123 223 334 Result Set Name set1 set2 set3 NANP B-Number Normalization The final stage in Pre-analysis is North American Numbering Plan (NANP) number normalization. NANP applies B-number normalization to intraLATA calls only for North American networks. B-number normalization is required only if the number plan analysis (NPA) property contains the 3-digit string providing the NPA prefix for the associated trunk group. If the NPA property is empty, then B-number normalization is not required. If B-number normalization is required, the NPA property value for the trunk group is prepended as a 3-digit number to the 7-digit B-number (NXX-XXXX). This creates a 10-digit B-number in the format NPA-NXX-XXXX. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-74 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Pre-analysis Added Gateway Announcement Capability The ANNOUNCEMENT result enables playing an early announcement to the MGC originating side before completing call routing. An application example might involve providing a “Welcome to the Network” message before setting up the call. This requires the associated gateway to have the capability to play announcements. Note Due to the nature of the connection, calls arriving by EISUP (H.323) or SIP protocols are not supported. Applying an announcement is provisioned on the MGC at three levels: as an incoming trunk group property, as an A-number analysis result, or as a B-number analysis result. The trunk group property (PlayAnnouncement) provides the initial announcement identity and can be optionally over-written during A-number or B-number analysis. Upon receiving a new call, the MGC analysis function carries out Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, B-number analysis, and routing. Early in the analysis function, the incoming trunk group property PlayAnnouncement is read and any provisioned announcement identity (integer value) is retrieved. If the PlayAnnouncement trunk group property is not configured, the property has a null or zero value indicating that no announcement action is required. If an announcement identity is retrieved, this indicates that an early or welcome announcement is to be played and that this data is stored locally before starting analysis, which is where the selection of announcement can be overridden. If an ANNOUNCEMENT result is collected at Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, or B-number analysis, it is in addition to any announcement identity collected from the trunk group property. If only the PlayAnnouncement trunk group property is present, it is applied. However, if one of the analysis areas also has provided an ANNOUNCEMENT result, then the result either overrides the trunk group property or negates the trunk group property by not applying the announcement for the incoming number. The basic rule is that the last analysis area determines the final result. Note If in overlap numbering mode, all digits must be received and analyzed before any announcement is played. This means that any overlap announcement call effectively goes from overlap to enbloc. If the final ANNOUNCEMENT result has dataword4 set to indicate OFF, then no announcement is played. In this case, generic analysis completely removes the ANNOUNCEMENT result and the call status is determined by the other collected results. Once generic analysis determines which announcement Id to use, this information is passed back to number analysis to perform the necessary action. The announcement data accompanies any other results being returned. The result from analysis varies according to the announcement type and according to both the final result and the delivered announcement data. When the RSLT_ANNOUNCEMENT analysis result arrives, the accompanying data is examined. The first check is to determine if it is a remote or local (gateway) announcement. If the announcement is remote, then the previous functionality and handling are invoked. If the indicator is set to local, then a gateway announcement is required, the Times-Ten Announcement table is read, and the data is stored in readiness. A check is made to determine the course of action. That is, the check determines if the announcement is the final action (play announcement and clear down) or an intermediate action (play announcement and continue processing), as indicated by dataword4. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-75 Chapter 1 Pre-analysis Dial Plan and Routing With the course of action determined, the required call processing is initiated. The MGC sends a CRCX[M: recvonly] over MGCP to the originating side gateway to prepare the channel for announcement playing. Then the MGC sends an ACM signal back to the preceding switch. This is necessary to allow time for playing the announcement, without exceeding the ACM timers, and to prepare the speech path on the previous switches. At this point, the announcement playing is started and a Notification Request (RQNT) is sent to the gateway. Upon receiving RQNT, the gateway plays the announcement and also positively responds to the command. The MGC times the announcement playing activity and awaits a Notify (NTFY) message from the gateway. Once announcement playing is complete, the gateway responds with the NTFY message, and the completion indication is passed back to the MGC. The action the MGC takes at this point depends on the indication given by analysis in dataword4. If the indication is ANN_final, then the call is cleared down. However, if the indication is Ann_Interim, then processing continues with the remaining results and the ANNOUNCEMENT result is discarded. If the remaining results include a trunk group, then circuit selection takes place. Action If Announcement Is Disabled You can allow an analysis ANNOUNCEMENT result to disable (switch off) an Announcement according to the A-number or the B-number. For example, the trunk group property PlayAnnouncement can be provisioned with an Announcement identity to play on all calls delivered to a specific trunk group. Then, later in A-number analysis, an ANNOUNCEMENT result is collected that switches this requirement off (dataword4 = 0). Effectively now there is no Announcement requirement, so Generic Analysis must discard the ANNOUNCEMENT result. When this occurs, there is no ANNOUNCEMENT result or Announcement data returned for further processing. Action When Announcement Is Enabled by Trunk Group and/or Analysis Result If an ANNOUNCEMENT result type is received with dataword2 set to 1 (indicating a remote announcement), a Route is forwarded to the remote announcement server. Announcement information is also returned containing all the dataword information that has been collected. If an ANNOUNCEMENT result type is received with dataword2 set to 0 (indicating a local announcement), then local gateway announcement handling is required. If in the accompanying Announcement data, dataword4 (AnnData) is set to 2 (Final announcement on), this indicates that the Announcement is required and the announcement is treated as a final action (that is, play the announcement and then clear down the call). If an ANNOUNCEMENT result type is received with dataword2 set to 0 (indicating a local announcement), then gateway announcement handling is required. If in the accompanying announcement data, dataword4 (AnnData) is set to 1 (Interim announcement on), the announcement is required and is treated as an intermediate action (meaning that other results determine the final call processing action). For example, an early announcement case could occur if the MGC initiates the playing of an announcement and then routes the call forward. In this scenario, the announcement data is returned as optional data. However, the main result is set to reflect the end of analysis result retrieved (for example, TRUNK_GROUP, ANALYSIS_PERFORMED (nailed call), or ROUTE (Cause analysis result)). Note When dealing with these results, first determine if there is announcement data and take the appropriate action. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-76 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Pre-analysis Times-Ten Database Announcement Table Once it has been established that Tone or Announcement playing is required, the data must be retrieved to support the MGCP message request to the gateway. Within the MGC, the Times-Ten database holds this data in the Announcement table, which is represented in Table 1-11. Table 1-11 Announcement Table Representation AnnId gwType play Duration Repeat Interval locationString The Announcement table contains the following fields of data relevant to the Announcement package: AnnId—Indicates the announcement identity (or tone identity), which matches the announcement identity defined by the ANNOUNCEMENT result type. This is one of the two access keys for which the Announcement table is searched for a match. (4-digit integer). gwType—A string containing a value that is part of an enumerated set identifying the gateway type for this side of the call. This is the second access key used to read the Announcement table. (10 characters maximum). playDuration—Indicates the intended duration, in seconds, for which the announcement or tone is played. The default value is 60. Value range: 0 through 120. repeat—Indicates the number of times the announcement or tone is repeated; or indicates if it must be played continuously for the specified duration. A value of 0 indicates continuous playing. The default value is 1. Value range: 0 through 5 (4-digit integer). interval—Indicates the silence interval duration, in milliseconds, between replaying an announcement or tone. Default value: 3000. Value range: 0 through 5000 (4-digit integer). locationString—A string indicating to the gateway the audio file to load to enable announcement or tone playing. The string format varies according to the gateway type and its configuration. The string information is part of a URL string that the MGC sends by MGCP to the gateway. (Maximum length of string: 128-characters). Note The gateway is expected to support standard URL schemes for this notation (that is, file, http, or ftp), as described in RFC 1738. For file or ftp versions, the data provisioned in this field is the required filename, because the gateway is expected to already know the directory location or ftp address. For example: Audiofile1.txt [email protected]/etc/Audiofile1.txt location). (file or ftp version, gateway knows where to find the file) (http version, gateway will retrieve the file from this Note Gateways do not support playDuration, repeat, and interval parameters at this time. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-77 Chapter 1 Number Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Number Analysis A-Number Analysis A-number analysis (see Figure 1-8) provides digit-by-digit analysis, and call screening that supports both blacklist and whitelist screening capability. From the point of view of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, each digit received is processed separately. Each digit is processed through a tree-structured representation that is stored in the digit tree. Each digit tree allows analysis of the decadic digits 0 through 9 and the over-decadic (hexadecimal) 0 through 9 and digits A through F to be configured. Figure 1-8 A-number Analyis Overview A-number analysis request Digit Tree analysis of the Redirecting number (optional) Analysis results revelant to A-number analysis Digit Tree analysis of the A-number Cause Analysis Cause Cause lists the cause codes generated when a call is rejected or cleared by the system (see Figure 1-9). The cause for release can be a result type (from either B-number analysis or Cause analysis) or a failure (generated during call processing). The cause codes are used as the release message for internal causes. The two cause fields are the Location Block and Result Set Name, as shown in Example 1-8. • The location block identifies a block of data specific to the network that the call is originated. If location block value is set to 0, no further analysis is performed based on the location. The result set name is used to associate a result set with a cause value. If a result set name is not configured, then no action is taken. • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-78 84010 A-number analysis results OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis The Location Block and the Result Set Name cannot be provisioned the same time. For more information on provisioning causes, see Chapter 5, “NUMAN: Commands for Provisioning Dial Plan Components” of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 MML Command Reference. Each location block can holds up to 16 entries. Each entry identifies a result set. A location block entry must be configured with a result set name other than null (0). For information on location blocks and location block entries, see the “Location” section on page 1-79. If both the location block and the result set name are set to null, no analysis is performed. Note The RETRY_ACTION result type allows you to select the default cause or re-edit the cause during dial plan creation. The default cause is used as before. However, if you desire to specify a retry action, you must enter a retry value for dataword1. Figure 1-9 Cause Analysis Overview Cause analysis request Analysis of cause and Location parameter data Analysis results revelant to Cause analysis Example 1-8 Cause Example Cause Value 1 2 3 Location Block 1 Result Set Name set1 3 See Appendix B, “Cause and Location Codes,” for a list of the cause codes for the protocol variants. Table C-8 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be used to plan the Cause values. Note The cause and location values used here are the internal values, not those seen in a REL message. See Appendix B, “Cause and Location Codes.” Location Location is used to identify an associated result set, as shown in Example 1-9. Location is accessed from the cause value through the locationblock value. The locationblock value refers to a block of up to 16 entries (0 through 15). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 84012 Cause analysis results 1-79 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing There can be multiple location block entries in one location block. The blockvalue specifies an offset into the specified location block. You can associate an action with the specific blockvalue by setting the result set name (setname) at the specified offset in the location block. On the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, you always provision internal values for cause and location codes. During cause analysis, for different protocols, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch do two mappings, mapping received cause and location codes to internal cause and location codes, and mapping internal cause and location codes to protocol-specific cause and location codes. Then, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses internal cause and location codes to determine further actions. Note For details on cause and location code mappings for different protocols, see Appendix B, “Cause and Location Codes”. If the cause code in the Release message has a location significance, the Release message has a value in the location indicator. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch maps the received cause code to an internal cause code value for this specific protocol. The internal cause code value identifies the location block. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch maps the location indicator to an internal location value. Then it uses the internal location value as an index into the location block to identify the location block entry. If that entry exists, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the result set provisioned in that entry as result actions. Figure 1-10 gives an example for cause analysis on cause codes and locations. It assumes that the call is using ANSI SS7 protocol. In this example, a user associates the result set, set2, with the internal cause code 12. The location block value for the cause code 12 entry is set to 0. The user sets the location block to 2 for the internal cause code 34. In Location Block 2, the user associates the result set, set3, with the location block value 6. Note The blockvalue in numan-add:location should be one less than the intended internal value. For detailed provisioning procedures, see the “Location Mapping” section, in Chapter 5, Adding System Components with MML, of Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 Provisioning Guide (through Release 9.7). If the received cause code in the release message was mapped to the internal cause code 12, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses set2 as result actions. If the mapped-to internal cause code is 34, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch identifies the location block 2. Then the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch maps the location indicator 7 to the internal location value LOCATION_INTERNALTIONAL according to Table B-33, Protocol-specific Release Cause Location Values. Because the internal location value minus 1 equals 6, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch identifies set3 as result actions. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-80 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Figure 1-10 Cause Analysis on Cause Codes and Locations to the internal cause code Internal cause code 12 Intenal cause code 34 Cause No. 12 34 0 2 Location Block Result Set Name set2 Result Set Table set1 set2 set3 2 6 set3 See Appendix B, “Cause and Location Codes,” for a list of the location codes for the protocol variants. Table C-9 in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” can be used to plan the Location values. Example 1-9 Location Example Location Block Result Set Location Block Value Name 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 set1 set2 set1 set2 set3 set4 set3 set1 set1 set2 set3 set4 set1 set1 set1 set5 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-81 277403 Location indicator 7 mapped to internal location code LOCATION_ INTERNATIONAL (7) 7-1=6 Location Block Location Block Value Result Set Name 2 2 1 2 set2 set1 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Dial Plan Selection To meet the requirements of multiple dial plans, it is necessary to identify dial plan identity strings referenced by an integer value, as shown in Example 1-10. This is called a dial plan selection table and is located within the dial plan. During call processing, the NEW_DIALPLAN result provides the CustGrpId value in dataword1 that is used to read the value and retrieve a new dial plan identity for continuing analysis. Example 1-10 Dial Plan Selection CustGrpId t001 t002 t003 Dial Plan Id N001 N002 N003 A-Number Dial Plan Selection The dial plan selection table lets you select a new dial plan based on the incoming CustGrpID and the full A-number. As shown in Example 1-11, this requires three fields, a string CustGrpId, an A-number string, and a dial plan identity string. Example 1-11 A-Number Dial Plan Selection CustGrpId t001 t002 t003 A-number 02087568111 01444234567 01494333221 New DialPlanId dp07 dp07 dp08 With the multiple dial plan capability, it is quite possible that some dial plans may be accessed only as the result of call processing using a previous dial plan. This means that some dial plans might not be associated with a trunk group or sigpath that requires another list, which provides a complete list of all valid dial plans that are loaded at startup. Multiple Dial Plan Result Types This section provides information on the multiple dial plan functionality. During A-number Analysis • • • • Identify from A-number analysis that a new dial plan should be selected. Identify from A-number analysis that a new dial plan could potentially be selected, basing the decision on the full analysis of the A-number. Support optional A-number modification, B-number modification and A-number and B-number NOA modification. They are processed before any dial plan change. Before changing dial plans, any other results obtained must be processed. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-82 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis • Following a dial plan change, analysis resumes within the new dial plan at the Pre-analysis stage. During B-number Analysis: • • • • • Identify from B-number analysis that a new dial plan should be selected. Support optional A-number modification, B-number modification and A-number and B-number NOA modification. They are processed before any dial plan change. Before changing dial plans, any other results obtained must be processed. When invoking a new dial plan from B-number analysis, support the capability to restart B-number analysis within the new dial plan. When invoking a new dial plan from B-number analysis, support the capability to restart analysis from the Pre-analysis stage within the new dial plan. General Objectives: • Maximum of ten dial plan changes per call. The number of dial plan changes is not provisionable. If this limit is reached, call processing will complete within the current dial plan. A dial plan change result signals the end of analysis within the current dial plan. • Dial Plan Features Call Screening Call screening is one type of analysis performed on the calling number (A-number) and the called number (B-number) to determine if a call is to be accepted or rejected. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch supports whitelist call screening that allows listed numbers and blocks all others, and blacklist call screening that blocks listed numbers and allows all others. Note Screening is limited to 20 digits. Either whitelist or blacklist call screening can be triggered from either A-number analysis or B-number analysis; however, only the calling number is screened. If screening is triggered from A-number analysis, the calling number is screened regardless of the number dialed. If screening is triggered from B-number analysis, the calling numbers allowed or blocked are limited to those associated with a specific service name. The screening is always performed on the calling number (A-number), regardless of which type of number analysis triggers the SCREENING result type. Call screening verifies that a call can be completed. You can provision whitelists that specify allowed numbers and blacklists that specify blocked numbers, as shown in Table 1-12. Table 1-12 Call Screening Actions A-Number Status A-number listed A-number not listed Whitelist Action Call completed Call terminated Blacklist Action Call terminated Call completed Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-83 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Whitelist or blacklist screening triggered by A-number analysis or B-number analysis results in four different ways to trigger call screening: • • • • Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-Number Analysis Blacklist Screening Triggered by A-Number Analysis Whitelist Screening Triggered by B-Number Analysis Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-Number Analysis Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-Number Analysis In whitelist screening triggered by A-number analysis, the call is completed if the A-number digit string in the dial plan is included in the AWhite (whitelist) screening file. The call is terminated if the A-number digit string is not listed in the whitelist screening file. Figure 1-11 is an example of whitelist screening triggered by A-number analysis. Figure 1-11 Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-Number Analysis A-number digit string in dial plan B - nu m b e r 7034830001 ( c a l l fa i l e d ) Whitelist 3016485555 B - nu m b e r 7034830001 (call completes) 3016484444 A-number digit string in dial plan 3016485555 In the dial plan, the calling number digit string “301” is linked to the SCREENING result type during A-number analysis. When a call is placed, any calling number beginning with the digit string “301” is screened to see if it is included in the AWhite (whitelist) screening file. In this example, if the calling number is 3016484444, the call is not completed because that number is not included in the AWhite screening file. However, if the calling number is 3016485555, the call is completed because that number is included in the AWhite screening file. For the detailed procedure for building or adding to the AWhite screening file, see the Adding Screening Lists (SCREENING), page 4-23. Note The called number (B-number) has no effect on the call. In fact, the B-number does not have to appear in the dial plan at all when doing whitelist screening triggered by A-number analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-84 33075 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Blacklist Screening Triggered by A-Number Analysis In blacklist screening triggered by A-number analysis, the call is terminated if the A-number digit string in the dial plan is included in the ABlack (blacklist) screening file. The call is completed if the A-number digit string is not listed in the blacklist screening file. Figure 1-12 is an example of blacklist screening triggered by A-number analysis. Figure 1-12 Blacklist Screening Triggered by A-Number Analysis A-number digit string in dial plan B - nu m b e r 7034830001 ( c a l l fa i l s ) Blacklist 3016484444 B - nu m b e r 7034830001 (call completes) 3016484444 A-number digit string in dial plan 3016485555 In the dial plan, the calling number digit string “301” is linked to the SCREENING result type during A-number analysis. When a call is placed, any calling number beginning with the digit string “301” is screened to see if it is included in the ABlack (blacklist) screening file. In this example, if the calling number digit string is 3016484444, the call is terminated because that number is included in the ABlack (blacklist) screening file. However, if the calling number digit string is 3016485555, the call is completed because that number is not included in the ABlack screening file. For the detailed procedure for adding to the ABlack screening file, see the “Adding Screening Lists (SCREENING)” section on page 4-23. Note The called number (B-number) again has no effect on the call. The B-number does not have to appear in the dial plan at all when doing blacklist screening triggered by A-number analysis. Whitelist Screening Triggered by B-Number Analysis Screening triggered by B-number analysis is not as straightforward as screening triggered by A-number analysis. In screening triggered by A-number analysis, there can be only one A-number whitelist or blacklist per dial plan and a given A-number can appear only once in either screening file. In screening triggered by B-number analysis, also there can be only one B-number whitelist or blacklist per dial plan; however, these screening lists contain only A-number digit strings. Any given A-number digit string can appear multiple times in the BWhite screening file or the BBlack screening file if the A-number is associated with a different service name at each appearance. In whitelist screening triggered by B-number analysis, the called number triggers the SCREENING result type. Dataword1 contains a value of 1, indicating whitelist screening is requested, and dataword2 contains a recognized service name that is associated with the A-number digit string. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 33076 1-85 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Figure 1-13 is an example of whitelist screening triggered by B-number analysis. Note Despite the fact that B-number analysis triggers the SCREENING result type in the following examples, remember that screening is always performed on the calling number (A-number) digit string. Figure 1-13 Whitelist Screening Triggered by B-Number Analysis A-number B-number digit string in dial plan 7034830001 (call fails) Service = Washington 3016485555 B-number digit string in dial plan 7034830001 (call completes) BWhite Screening File Service = Free phone 3016484444 Service = Toll free 3016484444 3016485555 33077 30164 8 4 4 4 4 A-number 30164 8 5 5 5 5 Service = Washington 3016485555 In the dial plan, the called digit string “7034” is linked during B-number analysis to a result set that includes the SCREENING result type, which is also associated with the Washington service. When a call is placed to a number that begins with the digit string “7034,” the calling number is screened. If the calling number is included in the BWhite (whitelist) screening file and it is associated with the Washington service, the call is completed; otherwise, the call is terminated. In this example, when a customer dials a number that begins with the digits “7034,” the calling number (3016484444) is screened and the call is terminated because this calling number is either not included in the BWhite screening file or it is included, but it is not associated with the Washington service. However, if the calling number were 3016485555, the call would be connected because that number is included in the BWhite screening file and it is associated with the Washington service. To add numbers to a BWhite screening file, see the “Adding Screening Lists (SCREENING)” section on page 4-23. Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-Number Analysis In the case of blacklist screening triggered by B-number analysis, if the called number (B-number) digit string is associated with a service name and the calling number (A-number) is included in the BBlack (blacklist) screening file and it is associated with the same service name, the call is terminated; otherwise, the call is connected. Figure 1-14 is an example of blacklist screening triggered by B-number analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-86 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Figure 1-14 Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-Number Analysis A-number B-number digit string in dial plan 7034830001 (call fails) Service = Washington 3016485555 B-number digit string in dial plan 7034830001 (call completes) BBlack Screening File Service = Free phone 3016485555 Service = Toll free 3016485556 Service = Washington 3016484444 30 1 6 4 8 4 4 4 4 (Wa s h in g t o n ) A-number 30 1 6 4 8 5 5 5 5 (t o ll f re e ) In the dial plan, the called digit string “7034” was linked to the SCREENING result type during B-number analysis. When the call is placed, the calling number 3016485555 is either not included in the BBlack screening file or it is included, but not associated with the Washington service, so the call is connected. However, if the calling number is 3016484444, the call is terminated because that number is included in the BBlack (blacklist) screening file and is associated with the Washington service. To add numbers to a BBlack screening file, see the “Adding Screening Lists (SCREENING)” section on page 4-23. Redirecting Number Screening Caution The redirecting number screening capability has no effect on the provisioning of the A-number screening and analysis described previously; however, this screening capability is not backward compatible with Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch releases earlier than Release 9.2(2). Redirecting number screening is designed to augment, not replace, screening of the original A-number by introducing screening of the redirecting number. Redirecting number screening allows you to specify whether redirected calls are screened by using the original A-number or the redirecting number, which was the original B-number when the call was initiated, as shown in Figure 1-15. For redirected calls, the calling number parameter contains the A-number of the station that originated the call, the redirecting number parameter contains the number of the station that redirected the call, and the called number parameter contains the number of the station to which the call is redirected. If a succeeding switch should determine that a redirected call is to be subjected to A-number screening, it uses the number contained in the redirecting number parameter in the A-number screening process. Figure 1-15 Redirecting Number Screening A number 3016484444 Original call Original B number 3016485555 Redirecting number Calling number 30164 84444 Redirecting number 3016485555 3016486666 57116 B number 3016486666 Redirected call Called number Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 67000 1-87 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing A-number screening for redirected calls can vary from customer to customer, so an office-based or switch-based parameter is required to specify the numbers that are used for A-number screening. The XEConfigParm.dat file contains office-wide or switch-wide parameters in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software, including the MDLANumberScreening and RedirectingATree parameters. The default value of the MDLANumberScreening parameter (0) invokes the standard A-number screening on the number in the calling number parameter, regardless of whether the call is redirected or not. No screening is done on the number in the called party parameter or the redirecting number parameter. Redirecting number screening is enabled by setting the MDLANumberScreening parameter to 1 in the XEConfigParm.dat file. • • If the original A-number screening was invoked by an A-number analysis SCREENING result, only the original A-number is screened. If the original A-number screening was invoked by a B-number analysis SCREENING result, either the original A-number or the redirecting number is screened, dependent on the presence of the redirecting number data in the received setup message. When the redirecting number is screened, the setup message is returned to A-number screening where it is re-screened to determine whether the call can be completed based on the redirecting number instead of the original calling number. If the original B-number, now the redirecting number, can make calls to the new B-number, the call is completed. Redirecting Number Screening in A-Number Analysis This feature requires setting the RedirectingATree parameter in the XECfgParm.dat file on initial configuration. When the RedirectingATree property is set, only BLACKLIST (screening criteria CLI) or SCREENING result types should be provisioned in the dial plan. • • If BLACKLIST is provisioned, the redirecting number is used for BLACKLIST functionality. If SCREENING is provisioned, the redirecting number is used for SCREENING functionality. If result types other than BLACKLIST or SCREENING are encountered in the dial plan, an alarm (RedirectingNbrFail) is generated and processing continues with the normal Adigittree decode of the original A-number. If the RedirectingATree property is not set, or there is no redirecting number present, then this stage is skipped and processing continues with the normal Adigittree decode of the original A-number. If the result types digit modification (AMODDIG or BMODDIG) or number type (A_NUMBER_TYPE or B_NUMBER_TYPE) is encountered when a redirecting number is used during A-number analysis, no modification is performed on the redirecting number. In addition, the A-number analysis does not set the screening indicator field, because this field is not applicable for the redirecting number. European Local Number Portability European local number portability service (European LNP) is implemented in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch for use only in the European-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region. This service offers subscribers the ability to resign their subscription with their current service provider (donor network) and register with another service provider (recipient network) without changing their telephone number, location, or services. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-88 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis There are three types of local number portability: • • • Service Portability—Allows subscribers to retain their telephone number when changing from one type of service to another. Service Provider Portability—Allows subscribers to retain their telephone number when changing from one service provider to another. Location Portability—Allows subscribers to retain their telephone number when moving from one location to another. In this case the subscriber may or may not change service providers or services. The subscriber’s telephone number, which identifies the subscriber, is either a service number or a logical number; however, it does not identify the subscriber’s service provider or provide any other information regarding the service provider. To implement European LNP capability, an “onward routing” architecture is used. In this architecture type, only the donor network/switch has the number portability information and thus the complete address of the recipient network/exchange. European LNP Call Scenarios Within the EMEA region, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is able to handle ported calls in the capacity of donor switch, transit switch, or recipient switch. The following paragraphs describe call scenarios from each of these network perspectives. SS7 signaling is required for number portability services. Donor Network If the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is in a donor switch capacity when the called number is ported, it will have the result type E_PORTED_NUM provisioned in the dial plan which is retrieved during its digit analysis decode. This result type would only be provisioned when the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is in a donor switch capacity. Retrieval of the E_PORTED_NUM result type is an indication to read the ported number. This can be carried out only if all digits have been received. With enbloc numbering, the processing can continue directly; and with overlap numbering, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch must await further digits until sending is complete. Note Screening is limited to 20 digits. In this way the E_PORTED_NUM result type can be provisioned at the area code level, but the ported number cannot be interrogated until the complete number is received. Calls to a ported number are routed to the recipient network using a unique routing number (called a Network Identification Code (NIC)), which is retrieved from the number portability (NP) database on the donor switch. A concatenated address is used, in which the routing number is prefixed to the B-number to transmit it to the next node. The length of the routing number is fixed within each country, but can vary from country to country. The E_PORTED_NUM result type has one dataword that is used to enable the removal of any normalization prefix digits before prefixing with the routing number. During B-number analysis the LNP call processing that takes place for a ported number in a donor network is as follows: 1. The donor switch receives an SS7 IAM containing a B-number (that is, called party number or CdPN). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-89 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing 2. After all the digits have been collected and the E_PORTED_NUM result type is encountered during B-number analysis, the Ported Number table (PORTTBL) is accessed to determine if the B-number has been ported to another network. a. If the B-number is not found in the ported number list, the call is routed according to the B-number. b. If the B-number is found in the ported number list, the donor switch performs an NP query to its local NP database to retrieve the recipient network routing number. If no routing information is defined for the routing number in the local NP database, the internal cause code is set to 51 (unallocated number) and the call is subjected to Cause analysis. c. If the ported number list could not be accessed due to a database error, the call is handled based on the database access error action set in the XEConfigParm.dat file: • • 3. 4. If set to continue, the call is treated as a non-ported call and is routed according to the B-number. If set to block, the internal cause code is set to 50 (temporary failure) and the call is subjected to Cause analysis. The donor switch prefixes the routing number to the B-number and modifies the NOA parameter to Network Routing Number concatenated with the called party number (RN+CdPN). B-number analysis is re-entered from the beginning using the concatenated address (RN+CdPN) to route the call onward towards the recipient network. Transit Network The LNP call processing that takes place for a ported number in a transit network is as follows: 1. 2. 3. The transit switch receives an SS7 IAM containing the new NOA with a B-umber (B-number) and a routing number prefixed to it (RN+CdPN). Early B-number analysis recognizes the new NOA. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs standard B-number analysis. The transit switch determines the route leading to the recipient network based on the RN. a. If a route is defined, Route Analysis is performed to route the call. The B-number with the prefixed routing number is transmitted transparently b. If a route is not defined for the Routing Number, the Cause code is set to 51 (unallocated number) and the call is subjected to Cause Analysis. 4. The transit network passes the B-number as it was received in the incoming IAM. Recipient Network The LNP call processing that takes place for a ported number in a recipient network is as follows: 1. 2. The recipient switch receives an SS7 IAM containing the new NOA with a B-number and a routing number prefixed to it (RN+CdPN). Early B-number analysis recognizes the new NOA and performs standard B-number analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-90 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis 3. If the result type E_ROUTE_NUM is encountered, analysis waits until all the digits have been collected, then strips the leading digits (the routing number) from the B-number as defined in dataword1, modifies the NOA to national, and reads the Number Termination table (TERMTBL) using the B-number to retrieve the route(s) to the recipient switch. a. If no routing is defined in Number Termination, the internal cause code is set to 51 (unallocated number) and the call is subjected to Cause analysis. b. If Number Termination cannot be accessed due to a database error, the call is handled based on the database access error action set in the XEConfigParm.dat file: • • If set to continue, the call is treated as a non-ported call and is routed according to the B-number. If set to block, the internal cause code is set to 50 (temporary failure) and the call is sent to Cause analysis. Advice of Charge The Advice of Charge (AOC) feature (currently supported protocol variants are ISUPV2_GERMAN, Q761_INDIA, and ISUPV2_POLISH) is controlled by the ingress trunk group property AOC Enabled. The flat rate charging capability provides a simple fixed rate tariff feature that co-exists with the AOC variable rate charging capability. Selecting the charging scheme used is determined by the content of the Charge Data Type field (dataword4) obtained from the CHARGE result type in the dial plan. Access to the Charge list is made using the charge origin, charge destination, and day-of-week values. Charge origin and charge destination are obtained from A/B number analysis and passed to the CDR Manager by the call context. The date and day-of-week are read using an internal function. Upon retrieving the date and day-of-week values, the Holiday list is checked using another internal function to determine if the day of the week value is to be overwritten by a holiday value. Three input parameters (charge origin, charge destination, and day-of-week) are passed into the function and a list of tariff IDs and change-over times is returned. Access to the Charge list is made by retrieving the tariff descriptor, which is then used to access the Tariff list to obtain the tariff rate and scale factor. If a split-day tariff descriptor is obtained, it is separated into Tariff/Switchover-Time descriptor pairs before accessing the Tariff list using the current tariff descriptor to obtain the tariff rate and scale factor. For split-day tariffs, the tariff rate and scale factor corresponding to the next time period and the switchover time to the next tariff rate are also retrieved from the Charge list and this information is also sent in the initial CRGT message. The data is made available to the ingress protocol by placing it in call context containers and this initial tariff data is also written to the CDR. The CDR Manager raises a minor alarm for any data access failure. Two timers are used to prompt the CDR Manager that the call is about to change to the next tariff rate. Upon expiration of either timer, the charging lists are accessed again using the relevant tariff descriptor to retrieve subsequent tariff information, which is placed in the call context. The relevant tariff descriptors are: • • The CRGT message indicating this changeover is sent 12 minutes before the switchover is to occur. The tariff duration specifies the duration until the next sub-tariff takes effect. Currently, the duration field in the CRGT message is hard coded to unlimited. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-91 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing If the internal process receives subsequent charging information notifications from the CDR, the internal process outputs a signal to the ingress protocol indicating tariff switchover has occurred and subsequent tariff data is available to be sent. Provisioning AOC Three lists to be configured and loaded for AOC are: • • • Charge Tariff chargeHoliday Defining charge origins. Defining charge destinations in the B-number lists. Defining the customer specific holidays in the Holiday list. Creation of the Charge list and population of the required tariff IDs for the identified charge origin/destination/day-of-week combinations. Population of the tariff rates within the Tariff list. Enabling AOC against ingress trunk groups or signal paths (sigpaths). Provisioning AOC is accomplished in the following stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For detailed information on the AOC provisioning commands, see the “Provisioning Advice of Charge” section on page 4-31. Defining Charge Origins Charge origins are integer values from 1 through 9999. The charge origin can be assigned as a property against the trunk group or sigpath, a result type in the A-number analysis, or an entry in the CLI Charge Origin list. The user decides the charge origin value to be used. Typically, these numbers are incrementally assigned when planning the data build. However, the user can choose to use any valid value at any time. • Trunk group or sigpath property The property ChargeOrigin resides in the properties.dat file. It can be assigned to either the trunk group or the sigpath property, for example: TG-2.ChargeOrigin = 123. • A-number result In the result type CHARGEORIGIN, only the first dataword (dataword1) is significant and carries the charge origin value. This means that additional digit analysis continues past this result type. See the “Operation of Intermediate Result Types” section on page 1-16 for more information on intermediate result types and how they function in dial plans. • CLI charge origin list Defining Charge Destinations The existing CHARGE result type includes the option of returning a charging destination. This is achieved by using the value in the ChargeDataDiscriminator field. The format of the accompanying data is described in the “CHARGE” section on page 1-25. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-92 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Creating the Holiday List Each row in the chargeHoliday list is referenced by the DATE (a string value), which is composed of three integers representing the year, month, and day-of-week. The retrieved row entry is an integer in the range of 8-10, which displays as HOL1 (8), HOL2 (9), and HOL3 (10). Creating the Charge List You can now create Charge lists. In addition, you can add, edit, and delete rows within the Charge list. Each row in the list is referenced using three keys: charge origin, charge destination, and the day of the week. The charge origin range is from 1 through 9999, the charge destination range is from 1 through 9999, and the day of the week range is from Monday (1) through Sunday (7), HOL1 (8), HOL2 (9), and HOL3 (10). Note The only mandatory value is charge destination. Charge origin and day of the week, if absent, are set to 0 in the list row entry. If the charge origin is absent, the entered row refers to all origins for that destination (unless explicitly entered in another row). Similarly, if the day of the week is absent, it refers to all days of the week not otherwise explicitly entered. Creating the Tariff List The Tariff list contains all required tariff rates and scale factors. Each row is referenced by a tariff ID, which call processing obtains by accessing the Charge list. The retrieved row entry contains the tariff rate and the scale factor. Activating AOC This capability is controlled by the property AOCEnabled (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled). To reduce alarms due to charging information pointing to unpopulated lists when provisioning AOC, it is advisable that AOC be disabled (AOCEnabled parameter set to 0) on the relevant trunk groups until the Charge list has been correctly updated. PRI AOC supplementary services provisioning is accomplished in following stages: Defining charge origins—Can be assigned to trunk groups or signaling paths, area codes (in the A-digit trees), or in a CLI Charge Origin table. Defining charge destinations in B-number tables. Defining customer-specific holidays using the Charge Holiday table. Creating the PRI Charge table and populating the required tariff IDs for the identified charge origin, charge destination, and day of week combination. Populating the tariff rates within the PRI Tariff table. Configuring AOCInvokeType against the trunk groups. Configuring AOCDefaultTariffId against the trunk groups. Configuring AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration against the signaling paths. Enabling AOC against the ingress trunk groups or signaling paths. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-93 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing AOC Generation for PRI The Advice of Charge (AOC) Generation over PRI feature enables the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to support the Advice of Charge Supplementary Service as a charge determination point for phones that are connected to Private Branch Exchange (PBX) switchs. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch determines the applicable tariff rates and sends AOC-S, AOC-D, and AOC-E messages over Primary Rate Interface (PRI) links, as defined in ETS 300 182. AOC is a group of supplementary services that provides the served user with usage-based charging information. The MGC supports all three AOC supplementary services: • Charging information at call setup time (AOC-S): The AOC-S supplementary service enables a user or subscriber to receive charging information about the charging rates at the call setup time; or at the latest, at call connection and also during the call, if charging rates change. Charging information during the call (AOC-D). The AOC-D supplementary service enables the user or subscriber to periodically receive the charging information on the recorded charges for a call during the active phase of the call. The MGC provides the charging information to the served subscriber or user in a facility message and also in a control message when clearing the call. Charging information at the end of the call (AOC-E). The AOC-E supplementary service enables the user or subscriber to receive charging information on the recorded charges for a call when the call is terminated. When clearing the call, the MGC provides the charging information to the served subscriber or user in a call control message. • • When the Domain-Based Routing feature is enabled in the MGC, AOC is applicable only for the user or subscriber when that person is connected to the originating network. Also, if AOC is enabled and configured, the charging information for any of the three supplementary services can be provided for: • All calls (AOCInvokeType is set to 2) received from the originating network on a configured trunk, which is referred to as “all calls”; or A specified call (AOCInvokeType is set to 1) on the originating network, after the subscriber or user has requested the MGC to provide the charging information. • The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch activates an AOC supplementary service on a per call basis when the user has included in the SETUP message a Facility Information element containing a ChargingRequest invoke component. The ChargingRequest invoke component indicates the AOC supplementary service to activate. Each AOC supplementary service is activated independently. Thus, one, two, or three AOC activations can occur in the same SETUP message. Upon receiving the ChargingRequest invoke component (depending on the parameters configured), the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch activates the requested AOC supplementary service and acknowledges the request by returning a ChargingRequest return result component within a Facility Information element in a subsequent call control message to the subscriber or user indicating that “chargingInfoFollows.” If a proper per call configuration does not exist for the call requesting an activation, and the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch cannot activate the requested AOC supplementary service, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch sends a Facility Information element. The element includes the requested type of AOC supplementary service (AOCSCurrency, AOCDChargingUnit, AOCEChargingUnit, and so on), the invoke component indicating that “NoChargingInfoAvailable” or another error from the General Error list to the subscriber or user. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch continues processing the call normally, even if the AOC supplementary service requested was not activated. The subscriber or user must take the action that is suitable for the call. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-94 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Additionally, AOC over PRI can be configured to charge rates for a specified duration of the call, followed by a flat rate that is charged for the remaining call duration. This change to AOC allows for tariff changes during the call that are based on the duration of the call. For example, support for one tariff rate charge rate for the first 2 minutes of the call (that is, 40 units for the first 2 minutes or less), followed by a standard tariff rate of 10 units per minute for the remaining call duration. The remaining call tariff rate may or may not change based on the time of day or the day of the week. Provisioning PRI AOC Supplementary Services PRI AOC supplementary services provisioning is accomplished in following stages: • • • • • • • • • Defining charge origins—Can be assigned to trunk groups or signaling paths, area codes (in the A-digit trees), or in a CLI Charge Origin table. Defining charge destinations in B-number tables. Defining customer-specific holidays using the Charge Holiday table. Creating the PRI Charge table and populating the required tariff IDs for the identified charge origin, charge destination, and day of week combination. Populating the tariff rates within the PRI Tariff table. Configuring AOCInvokeType against the trunk groups. Configuring AOCDefaultTariffId against the trunk groups. Configuring AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration against the signaling paths. Enabling AOC against the ingress trunk groups or signaling paths. Charge Table The Metering Pulse Messages (MPM) Support Feature is described in the following sections. The Metering Pulse Feature enables the handling of meter pulse message pass through, modification, and generation. Billing information is derived from and provided to the billing mediator using Call Detail Records (CDRs). This feature enhances the following two main functional areas of the MGC: • Additional charging requirements—The MGC uses one or more of the following criteria to calculate charge tariff determination: – Incoming trunk group – Calling party number (also referred to as A-number) – Called party number (also referred to as B-number) – Calling Party Category (CPC) – Transmission Medium Requirement (TMR) Charging information in the form of meter pulse messages (MPMs) is sent to the PSTN at call answer and/or periodically thereafter, depending on the tariff data provisioned in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. The sent MPMs are also recorded in a CDR. MPM can be received over outgoing ISUP trunks. Data contained in them must be analyzed and stored in a CDR. These messages can also be transmitted back over the incoming ISUP trunk. Charging tariff data can be received from an SCP during a call. This data overrides the data provisioned in the MGC charge tables. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-95 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing The Charge/No-Charge indicator in the ISUP BCI parameter of the ACM/CPG/ANM messages sent to the network by the MGC must be set appropriately based on either provisioned data in the MGC or data received from the SCP. • Additional INAP requirements The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can be used to generate Metering Pulse Messages as a basis for charging. Note Metering information is checkpointed from the active to standby Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch system every 15 minutes. The charge table, shown in Figure 1-16, can be accessed using three keys: • • • charge origin charge destination day of the week The charge table contains the tariff descriptors that are to be applied. The resultant tariff descriptor is in string format and may contain a single tariff id to be applied for the entire day or a list of different tariffs and the time at which they are applied (delimited by spaces). If the resultant tariff descriptor is a list of different tariffs and the time at which they are applied, the initial entry is a tariff rate to be applied from 0000 hours until the next specified time period, at which point the tariff id following the switch time is applied. A maximum of 5 tariff changes is allowed for a given day, for example, a day may contain 6 different tariff rates. A tariff descriptor time period value of 0000 indicates the end of time dependent tariff data and the previous (last) found tariff id continues until midnight. The charge origin may be defaulted (0) when the charging tariff rates are not origin dependent. The day of the week may be defaulted (0) by the craft when the same tariff rate is to be applied to more than one day of the week. The holiday table allows you to select specific days of the year to be charged differently from the actual day of the week that a holiday occurs on. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-96 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Figure 1-16 Charge Table Access Input parameters From Analysis Charge Origin Charge Destination From System Function call Day of week Date Charge Holiday Table Date 20000704 20001225 ....... 20010101 Day no. 8 9 8-10 8 Charge Table Charge origin Charge Dest 1 1 1 .... 1 1 1 .... Day 0 8 5 ...... Tariff Descriptor "1" "2" "1 0700 5 1000 1 1600 5 1800 1" "....." To Tariff table In the sample Charge Table (shown in Figure 1-16), the origin/dest charge combination has three entries: ‘1,1,0’, ‘1,1,8’, and ‘1,1,5’. The entry 1,1,8 defines a holiday tariff and 1,1,5 defines a split day tariff for day 5 (Friday). The default entry, ‘1,1,0’, defines the tariff to be applied for all other days (Monday through Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, and the remaining holiday days 9 and 10). The split day tariff (see the Charge Table) is interpreted as follows: Apply tariff 1 from 0000 - 0700 hours Apply tariff 5 from 0700 - 1000 hours Apply tariff 1 from 1000 - 1600 hours Apply tariff 5 from 1600 - 1800 hours Apply tariff 1 from 1800 - 2400 hours Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-97 116846 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing CLI Charge Origin Table The CLI charge origin table ia accessed during analysis. It is referenced after A number digit tree analysis when AOC is enabled against the incoming trunk group/sigpath. Valid CLI charge origin table values are 1–9999. Table 1-13 Sample CLI Charge Origin Table CLI Key 02087568791 01711234567 0403123456 ... Charge Origin 2 2 3 ... Metering Pulse Tariff Table The Meter Pulse Tariff Table is indexed using the tariff identifier retrieved from the charge table. The tariff table supports a minimum of 512 (values from 0 to 511) distinct tariffs with user-definable tariff identifiers. Table 1-14 lists the Meter Pulse Tariff Table fields and descriptors. Table 1-15 is a sample Tariff Table example. Table 1-14 Meter Pulse Tariff Table Fields Field Tariff Identifier Description Independently definable integer. Number of Pulses on Answer Valid values are 0 through 15; a value of 0 indicates that no pulses are generated on receipt of the answer signal. Timing Interval Between Periodic Pulses Number of Periodic Pulses Periodic Charge Application Valid values are 500 through 3 600 000 (milliseconds). The minimum interval between consecutive MPMs is 0.5 seconds. A value of 0 indicates that no periodic charge is applied. Indicates how many pulses should be sent when the timing interval period expires. Valid values are 0 through 255. At timer expiration, the associated pulses are sent and then the normal periodic interval timer is initiated. Valid values are 0 (synchronous) and 1 (asynchronous). The synchronous method applies the timing interval provisioned immediately upon answer and repeatedly thereafter. The associated meter pulses are transmitted at the end of each timing interval. The isochronous method (also referred to as Karlsson) starts at the first timing interval at a random value r, where r is in the range of 0-t, where t is the associated timing interval. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-98 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis Table 1-14 Meter Pulse Tariff Table Fields (continued) Field AOC Indicator Description Indicates whether the charge data is used by the receiving switch for charging purposes or for advice of charge. Used to populate the backward MPM and is not acted upon by the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Valid values are 0 (call charge data) and 1 (AOC only) data. Note MPMs marked as AoC must not be counted by the Pulses Sent counter. Max Call Length Tariff Type Represents the number of call minutes that the call can last. A value of 0 indicates no call limit. Valid values are 0 through 240. Only tariff type 0000 (tariff type not indicated) is used. Table 1-15 Sample Tariff Table Tariff Identifier 1 2 3 ... 512 Number of Pulses on Answer 0 5 7 ... ... Timing Interval Between Periodic Pulses 100 250 0 ... ... Number of Periodic Pulses 7 5 3 ... ... Periodic Charge Application 0 0 1 ... ... AOC Indicator 0 1 0 ... ... Max Call Length 0 30 0 ... ... Tariff Type 0000 0000 0000 ... ... Metering Pulse Tariff Table You can create a metering pulse tariff table. The MML provisioning commands (for example, prov-add and prov-rtrv) are used to access this table. Each row is referenced by a tariff id that call processing obtains from the charge table. The retrieved row entry contains the tariff rate followed and the scale factor. Metering Pulse/AOC Activation The metering pulse (and AOC) functionality is controlled by the AOCEnabled property in the properties.dat file (1–enabled, 0–disabled). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-99 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Table 1-16 provides information on the data fields used for metering pulse AOC implementation. Table 1-16 Charging Parameter Field Definitions Name Charge Origin Use Trunk group/Sig Path property A-number digit tree result CLI charge origin table Charge table B-number digit tree result Charge table Holiday table Type Integer Range 1 through 999 Charge Destination Date Integer String 1 through 9999 where: yy=00 through 99 mm=01 through 12 dd=01 through 31 8 through 10 1 through 10 Values must be entered as MONDAY–SUNDAY (1–7), HOL1(8), HOL2(9), and HOL3(10) <tariff descriptor>::= <tariff id> [<” “> <tariff time switch list>] <tariff time switch list>::=<tariff start time> <” “> <tariff rate> {<tariff time switch list>} Holiday value Day of week Holiday table Charge table Holiday table Integer Integer Tariff Descriptor Charge table String <tariff start time>::= “<0..2><0..9><0..5><0..9> ”<tariff id>::=“1”..”9999” Tariff Id Tariff Rate Scale Factor Tariff table Tariff table Tariff table Integer Integer Integer 1 through 9999 1 through 999999 Always set this value to 1 for metering pulses. Adding or Removing Country Code Existing trunk group properties provide national and international prefix digits (such as 0 and 00), which can be used to prepend a national or international format number. However, there is also a requirement to route calls for a given destination to different carriers, which may require only a national format, and does not include a country code. In some cases, carriers may require an international format that includes a country code. When switching between the national and international formats, it is necessary to enhance the existing properties by adding the capability to selectively add or remove the country code. Note A slight performance impact can be expected if using this function, but it should typically not exceed 5% impact on call processing if the properties described here are provisioned for use. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-100 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis National Switching Node Operation As stated, trunk group properties are already present to convert from both national and international formats to the NOA Unknown format. However, it is also necessary to be able to change between the national and international formats by selectively adding the country code, depending on what the country code is, and changing the Nature of Address (NOA) code on a per trunk group (TG) basis. Figure 1-17 Operation of a National Switching Node 612345678 NOA=National Incoming dial plan RouteList #55 TG1 -- Carrier 1 612345678 NOA=National TG2 -- Carrier 2 34612345678 NOA=International TG3 -- Carrier 3 0034612345678 NOA=Unknown 66960 612345678 NOA=National 612345678 National dial plan As shown in Figure 1-17, an incoming call for a mobile number arrives from the originating carrier in national format, and the incoming dial plan points to the national dial plan. The national dial plan gives a route result of RouteList #55. The first route in RouteList #55 contains three trunk groups, each routed to a different carrier: • TG1 - Carrier 1—Is the first choice for mobile calls because it is the least expensive of the three carriers. Carrier 1 accepts national calls only in the national number format; however, it also accepts calls to other countries in the international number format. TG2 - Carrier 2—Is the second choice because it is less expensive than Carrier 3, but it accepts calls only in the international number format. TG3 - Carrier 3—Is the last choice because it is the most expensive of the three carriers, and it accepts calls only to international numbers in the Unknown format. CC_DIG—Is the result type used in B-number analysis to record the destination country code for the call. A digmodstring is created so it can be connected to the result in dataword1. See the “Result Type Definitions” section on page 1-17 for additional information on this result. For detailed information on provisioning the country code addition or removal capability, see the “Provisioning the CC_DIG Result Type” section on page 4-58. • • From the previous example, it can be seen that the following items are needed to solve this problem: • • BDigitCCPrefix—A trunk group-based property which, if enabled, prepends the destination Country code for the call to the B-number (called number) and changes the incoming NOA code to international. CCOrigin—An incoming trunk group property to record the originating country code for the call. ADigitCCPrefix—Another trunk group-based property which, if enabled and the NOA code is set to national, prepends the country code from CCOrigin to the A-number (calling number) and changes the incoming NOA code to international. • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-101 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Note If there is no CCOrigin value present when required, then the A-number is left unchanged. The existing properties to insert digits (A/BnationalPrefix, A/BinternationalPrefix) should also be available, and they are checked after the above properties so they can prepend additional digits, such as adding “00” to the front of the country code and changing the NOA code to Unknown format. For additional information on trunk group properties, see the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Provisioning Guide. When the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch is processing a B-number (called number), digits can be added to the front of the B-number. When more than one prefix is added to the B-number, digits are prefixed in the following order: • • • CC_DIG – The country code to be prefixed to the B-number, if the BDigitCCPrefix property value is set to 1 (enabled) BInternationalPrefix (00) or BNationalPrefix (0) BTechPrefix For example, a UK-style national number with a national prefix and a BTechPrefix is: 901444234567 (where BTechPrefix=9, BNationalPrefix=0, and the national number=1444234567). Similarly, the same UK-style national number fully prefixed with country code, international prefix, and a BTechPrefix is: 900441444234567 (where BTechPrefix=9, BInternationalPrefix=00, country code=44, and the national number=1444234567). Figure 1-18 is an example showing how these capabilities are used to handle B-number (called number) formats. Figure 1-18 Operation of a National Switching Node with Country Code Addition Capability 612345678 NOA=National Incoming dial plan RouteList #55 TG1 – Carrier 1 612345678 NOA=National TG2 – Carrier 2 34612345678 NOA=International TG3 – Carrier 3 0034612345678 NOA=Unknown BdigitCCprefix=null BinternationalPrefix=null BdigitCCprefix=enable BinternationalPrefix=null BdigitCCprefix=enable BinternationalPrefix=00 612345678 NOA=National 612345678 442088248566 International dial plan National dial plan As shown in Figure 1-18, in the national dialplan the result type CC_DIG is set for the national mobile number (CC_DIG=34), so for the calls being routed to each carrier the following occurs: • TG1 - Carrier 1—Is the first choice for national mobile calls because it is the least expensive of the three carriers. Carrier 1 accepts national calls only in the national number format. In this instance the number format is national and needs no modification. TG2 - Carrier 2—Is the second choice because it is less expensive than Carrier 3, but it accepts calls only in the international number format. To use Carrier 2 the BdigitCCprefix property is enabled, the result for CC_DIG is prepended to the B-number (called number), and the incoming NOA code is changed to international format. • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-102 OL-18082-09 66961 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis • TG3 - Carrier 3—Is the last choice because it is the most expensive carrier, and it accepts calls only to international numbers in the Unknown format. To use Carrier 3 the BdigitCCprefix property is enabled and performed first, changing the number to international format as was done with TG2. The BinternationalPrefix property is also enabled and is performed next. It takes the resulting number (+34612345678) and detects the international NOA code, so it prepends “00” to the number and sets the NOA code to Unknown. Note Calls routed to Carrier 2 (TG2) from the international dial plan do not have CC_DIG set, so no modification occurs when international calls get routed to this carrier; they are already in International format with the country code. Calls routed to Carrier 3 (TG3) from the international dialplan are still modified to Unknown format. Figure 1-19 is an example of these capabilities to handle A-number (calling number) formats. Figure 1-19 Operation of a National Switching Node with A-Number Formats A=912345678 B=612345678 NOA=National Incoming dial plan RouteList #55 TG1 – Carrier 1 A=912345678 NOA=National TG2 – Carrier 2 A=34912345678 NOA=International TG3 – Carrier 3 A=0034912345678 NOA=Unknown AdigitCCprefix=null AinternationalPrefix=null AdigitCCprefix=enable AinternationalPrefix=null AdigitCCprefix=enable AinternationalPrefix=enable A=912345678 B=612345678 NOA=National B=61... CCOrigin=34 National dial plan As shown in Figure 1-19, the CCOrigin trunk group property is “34” as set in the properties.dat file for the incoming Trunk Group. For calls being routed to each of the three carriers the following occurs: • TG1 - Carrier 1—Is the first choice for national mobile calls because it is the least expensive of the three carriers. Carrier 1 accepts national calls only in the national number format. In this instance the number format is national and needs no modification. TG2 - Carrier 2—Is the second choice because it is less expensive than Carrier 3, but it only accepts calls in the international number format. To use Carrier 2 the AdigitCCprefix property is enabled, and so the value of CCOrigin for the call (34) is prepended to the A-number (calling number), and the incoming NOA code is changed to international format. TG3 - Carrier 3—Is the last choice because it is the most expensive, and it accepts calls only to international numbers in the Unknown format. To use Carrier 3 the AdigitCCprefix property is enabled and performed first, changing the number to international format as was done with TG2. The AinternationalPrefix property is also enabled and is performed next. It takes the resulting number (+34612345678) and detects the international NOA code, so it prepends “00” to the number and sets the NOA code to Unknown. • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 66962 1-103 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Note Calls exiting down trunk groups that already have their A-number in international format are unchanged, regardless of the state of the AdigCCprefix trunk group property. This applies to international transit calls where the A-number has already been normalized into international format. International Switching Node Operation The requirements for an international switching function are slightly different from those for national switching. In an international switching node, all numbers are normalized into international format (typically the A- and B-numbers) and numbers are switched primarily according to analysis of the country code and area code, such as a country’s mobile code. However, many carriers (such as PTTs) require numbers routed to destinations within their country to be presented in their national format with the country code removed, and numbers routed to destinations in another country to be presented in international format with the country code still intact. To provide this capability, the trunk group property BDigitCCrm is required to selectively remove the country code from the B-number (called number) on a per trunk group basis. If the BDigitCCrm property is set to a non-null value (a country code) and the NOA code is set to international, the initial digits are removed from the B-number if they match the value of BDigitCCrm (that is, if the B-number contains the same country code as BDigitCCrm). The NOA code is also reset to national. Figure 1-20 illustrates the operation of the BDigitCCrm property in an international switching node. Figure 1-20 International Switching Node Operation Trunk group outgoing number format 612345678 NOA=National BMOD = add 34 Incoming Trunk Group dial plan 34612345678 NOA=International 44 RouteList #14 TG4 – Carrier 4 208001234 NOA=National Trunk group property BDigitCCrm=44 TG1 – Carrier 1 44208001234 BDigitCCrm=34 NOA=International International dial plan RouteList #55 TG1 – Carrier 1 612345678 NOA=National BDigitCCrm=34 Incoming Trunk Group dial plan 44208001234 NOA=International 3461 44208001234 NOA=International TG3 – Carrier 3 0034612345678 NOA=Unknown BDigitCCrm=null BInternationalPrefix=00 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-104 OL-18082-09 66963 TG1 – Carrier 1 34612345678 BDigitCCrm=null NOA=International Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Cause Analysis In the incoming trunk group dial plans, the country code is prepended for incoming numbers that are presented in national format to normalize them into international format. Other modifications can also be made; for example, inserting the country code in the front of the A-number (calling number) for that trunk group and changing its NOA code to international. The generic international dial plan determines the destination route lists for calls. For calls to national mobile numbers beginning with “61,” the routing priority is Carrier 1, Carrier 2, and Carrier 3. The international dialplan selects RouteList #55 for numbers beginning with “3461,” a number range that is owned by Carrier 1. For each trunk group in Routing List #55 the following treatment is given: • TG1 - Carrier 1—Is the first choice for national number format calls for their mobile number range. The trunk group property BDigitCCrm is set to 34; therefore, calls with NOA code set to international and prefixed with “34” have the country code deleted and the NOA code set to national. All other international numbers are unaffected. TG2 - Carrier 2—Is the second choice, but accepts calls only in the international number format. Property BDigitCCrm is set to null and calls are routed without modification from international format. TG3 - Carrier 3—Is the third choice and it accepts calls only to international numbers in the Unknown format. So property BDigitCCrm is set to null and the BInternationalPrefix property is also enabled and is performed next. It takes the resulting number (+34612345678) and detects the international NOA code, so it prepends “00” to the number and sets the NOA code to Unknown. TG4 - Carrier 4—Is the first choice, but this carrier requires the B-number (called number) to be presented in national format. The trunk group property BDigitCCrm is set to “44;” therefore, calls with the NOA code set to international and prefixed with “44” have the country code deleted and the NOA code reset to national. All other international numbers are unaffected. TG1 - Carrier 1—Is the second choice and only accepts calls for Country code “44” in international format. With property BDigitCCrm equal to “34,” the only called numbers.that have their country code prefix removed are those with prefix digits of “34.” There are two ways of routing calls to country code “44”: • • • • For numbers sent to Route List #14, Carrier 4 is the first choice and Carrier 1 is the second choice: • • On TG4 by sending national format (by deleting the country code “44”) On TG1 by sending international format (by leaving the country code “44” intact) Note Setting property BDigitCCrm to 34 has no effect on calls to country code “44.” Failing to Find Country Code Digits Consider what actions you want the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch takes if an occurred error can jeopardize call completion, for example, the call fails for any reason. In the unexpected event that a country code is not present when it is required, one of the following events occurs. • A-Number handling—If a country code prefix is directed to be applied by the ADigitCCPrefix property, but the digits are not available from the CCOrigin trunk group property, then the A-number and NOA code are not changed. No action is taken and the call is allowed to continue. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-105 Chapter 1 Cause Analysis Dial Plan and Routing • B-Number handling—If the CC_DIG result is expected during processing, but it is not retrieved due to an error (such as a configuration error), one of the following incorrect actions can result: – If only the country code prefix is required, it is not applied and the egress IAM contains the numbers in the received national format and the NOA code is national format. – If both the international number and country code prefix are required, the international prefix is applied without the country code and an incorrect number is sent forward to the next switch. If the BDigitCCPrefix trunk group property is set to enable country code addition functionality, but the processing fails due to absence of the required country code digits, the call is forced to fail by setting an IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE cause and proceeding to Cause analysis. To ensure that this occurrence is noted, an internal alarm is raised and an associated log message is issued indicating that a prefix addition has failed. Action If Country Code Removal Leaves the B-Number Empty When operating in Overlap mode, it is possible that the number of digits received is sufficient to enable onward routing, but is not sufficient to leave digits in the B-number if the country code is removed. This is a case where the country code digits are routed against, but are then removed. This case must be guarded against when processing calls. Consider the following example: • • • B-number as received in an overlap operation is 34, 621, and 345678. B-number analysis with only the initial digits (34) present yields a ROUTE result. The trunk group property setting for the designated route is BDigitCCrm = 34. When operating in Overlap mode and analyzing the B-number, routing is made against the initial set of digits (“34”), then the trunk group property BDigitCCrm requires that these leading digits (34) be removed before sending the IAM to the next switch, leaving no digits in the B-number. The terminating call control (TCC) protocol rejects this call because it fails the 0 digits check, but to inform the user of the root cause of the failed call (a configuration error), the call clear down is invoked internally, an alarm (CCodeModfailed) is generated, and the associated message log indicating “prefix removal failure” is issued. This problem can be avoided when configuring an Overlap system by ensuring that any Route result is provisioned after the country code digits, allowing for their potential removal. For example, taking the number used in the previous example: • • • B-number as received in an overlap operation is 34, 621, and 345678. B-number analysis with the digits 34621 present yields a ROUTE result. The trunk group property setting for the designated route is BDigitCCrm = 34. Routing is performed only after receiving overlap digits 34621. After country code removal, the IAM sends forward a B-number of 621. All other digits of the B-number are received and forwarded in subsequent address messages (SAMs). TNS Feature Within the Pre-analysis area, a stage is supported called TNS analysis. This stage provides an analysis capability against the transit network selection parameter information (or the Carrier Selection parameter information) as received in the incoming message. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-106 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Routing Analysis As with the other Pre-analysis stages, all of the Pre-analysis results are available to this stage; but specifically the capability to switch the call according to a received carrier ID is supported. The carrier ID is an over-decadic or decadic character string that must provoke specific routing. Examples of carrier IDs are D001, B77, 88, and 23456. The carrier ID is received in the incoming message (in the parameters previously described) and is then extracted to analyze in this Pre-analysis stage. The following capability is provided if a CarrierID is received in an incoming message: • • • Route the call according to the CarrierID string. Route the call according to the B-number and ignore the CarrierID. Block the call according to the presented CarrierID. The extracted OrigCarrierID string is used as input to this Pre-analysis stage and the following possible results returned provide the previously listed capabilities. • ROUTE, COND_ROUTE, or PERC_ROUTE—If any of these result types are returned, then the call is to be routed according to the OrigCarrierID. The resulting data has routing information that is used to immediately start the Routing analysis stage. If the call is to be routed according to the B-number and not the CarrierID, then this is indicated by no results being returned from this stage, or just returning a specific result type (for example, AMODDIG) that has Routing or Blacklist results). BLACKLIST—If this result type is returned, then the call is to be blocked according to the CarrierID, an internal result is set to reflect this, and provoke call rejection. • • To avoid the possibility of a routing loop where the MGC passes the call back to the preceding switch that originated the call, some trunk group property checks are performed at the protocol level. The property is provisioned against the incoming trunk group where it is expected that TNS information is received. The OrigCarrierID property contains a CarrierID string identifying the previous switch. The incoming protocol reads this property when processing the TNS information and verifies that the CarrierId in the TNS parameter matches the OrigCarrierID parameter provisioned in the trunk group property. If they do match, then a routing loop exists and the MGC rejects the call and sets cause to “Normal Unspecified”. However, if there is no match on OrigCarrierID, then the protocol completes processing and sends the data to analysis where the Pre-analysis stages are the first to be performed. Routing Analysis In a call control environment, Routing analysis normally occurs after Number analysis and ultimately provides the means to traverse the routing lists, route, and trunk group data. Additionally, Routing analysis can be invoked by the Pre-analysis stage or the Cause analysis stage. The purpose of Route analysis is to find a trunk group within a set of routes that can be selected to be used to route the call to the desired destination. Routing analysis is started when Pre-analysis, B-number analysis, Cause analysis, or Conditional Routing analysis returns a Route List Name (see Figure 1-21). The output from the Route List Name is used to access the Route List, from which the search for routes and trunk groups is started. The purpose of Route analysis is to select a trunk group. Route preferences or bearer preferences present in the incoming IAM or Setup message are read and applied during the route selection process. Based on customer requirements and preferences, the transmission medium can be selected by the Route analysis function choosing the appropriate medium from the selected trunk group list. Additionally, trunk groups could be selected based on bearer preferences or requirements present in the incoming message. If that is the case, the order of trunk group selection would be influenced (for example, ISUP essential indication). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-107 Chapter 1 Routing Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Note Although routing analysis and route selection are part of the call routing process, they are not used by the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch in signaling control mode. In the signaling control mode, all routes are static, or “nailed-up,” and the outgoing trunk is based on the trunk (or circuit) used by the incoming call. Figure 1-21 Routing Analysis Architecture Dial plan Route Holiday Number Termination Percentage Routing Time of Day Routing Route List Route Routing Trunk Group Routing Terminology The following terms are used when describing Routing analysis. Route list—A collection of routing alternatives that can be used to transport a call between its origin and its destination. The individual routes comprising the route list provide routing to the same destination, but use different physical paths. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-108 80687 SIP Trunk Group Attributes TDM Trunk Group Attributes OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Routing Analysis Route—A collection of trunk groups with a common destination and may be listed in more that one route list. For example: Table 1-17 Route Example Route Herndon_Sterling Containing Trunk Groups TKGrp 1 TKGrp 2 TKGrp 3 TKGrp 4 TKGrp 5 Trunk Group Signaling ANSI SS7 Q761 ISUP PRI IP SIP Note All trunk groups are connected between Herndon and Sterling. Trunk group—A collection of like circuits or channels (for example, all SS7 circuits with echo cancellers connected) that connect the same two end points. All circuits within a trunk group have the same signaling route, (that is, a signaling route is an attribute of a trunk group). A trunk group may be listed in more than one route. Routing Analysis Components As shown in Figure 1-21, Routing analysis has the following components: • • • Percentage based routing Time conditional routing Route list analysis Percentage based routing and time conditional routing provide a flexible start to Routing analysis and can interact with each other as required. The final output of these two stages provides a starting point into the Route list analysis stage, in which Routing analysis is completed. Each Routing analysis component can be selected individually, and depending on the analysis type, may lead to another analysis stage, as listed in Table 1-18. Table 1-18 Routing Analysis Interaction Present Analysis Stage Route list analysis Percentage based routing Time conditional routing Next Analysis Stage Possible None (this is the final analysis stage) Time conditional routing Route list analysis Percentage based routing Route list analysis During Route list analysis, when trunk group data is being read and the trunk group is being assessed for suitability, route preferences or bearer preferences (some present in the received IAM, Setup. or INVITE message and some previously collected from Number analysis) are used in the selection process. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-109 Chapter 1 Routing Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Number Termination A result type present in the dial plan, called TERM_INFO and configured early in the B-number analysis, indicates whether a full B-number analysis might be required to determine the final destination. On detection of the TERM_INFO result type, the called number is searched in the Number Termination table. The search returns a route list name used to start routing analysis. This avoids the need for a large dial plan and reduces memory consumption when it is loaded. Percentage Based Routing The percentage based routing* permits the user to distribute the traffic load across route lists based on assigned percentage values. If percentage based routing is combined with time conditional routing, you can fine tune the routing distribution according to day and time entries. For example, it is possible to divide traffic 60-40 between France and Germany with traffic to Germany routed to Berlin from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to Frankfurt from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m., and to Munich from 0:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. It is also possible for traffic that cannot be progressed on one of the percentage options to optionally overflow to a completely different route, or be re-directed onto one of the other percentage-shared routes. As shown in Figure 1-22, the percentage based route Italy (% based route Italy) has three routing options available. Route list Rome has a 50% weighting, route list Florence has a 20% weighting, and a 30% weighted route that is switched according to time of the day based on the conditional table, tea, which ultimately leads to route list Venice and route list Turin. Figure 1-22 Example of Percentage Based Routing Level Overflow % based route Italy 50% 30% 20% Time of Day tea *Indicates software Release 9.3(2) functionality. Routing Overflow Within the percentage based routing functionality, the overflow capability exists that allows you to assign percentage values to the routes if congestion occurs. The overflow methods are: • If congestion occurs on the selected route list, then overflow to the route list with the next highest percentage value. Continue this until the call is completed or until all routes are exhausted and then set an internal cause value and invoke Cause analysis with the goal of clearing the call. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-110 80961 Route list Rome Route list Venice Route list Turin Route list Florence OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Routing Analysis • If congestion occurs on the selected route list, then overflow to the route list with the next highest percentage value. If all routes are exhausted, then overflow occurs to a final overflow route list that is used only when all other options have been attempted and were all unsuccessful. Handling of Overflow at the Percentage Based Route Level At the percentage based routing* level there is the capability to choose to overflow to the next route list if all trunks in the previously chosen route list or time of day are unavailable. There is no capability to return to the time of day directly, as this would produce the same route list again. There is a parameter at the percentage based routing level to specify whether overflow is supported. By default overflow will be enabled. If overflow is disabled the call will go to cause analysis with a well-known cause code if no trunks are available in the first route list. Figure 1-23 Example of Percentage Based Routing Level Overflow % based route Italy 50% 30% 20% Time of Day tea The example in Figure 1-23 shows that if from the percentage-based route called Italy the route list “Rome”, time of day “Tea” or route list “Florence” can be chosen. If the random algorithm chooses route list ‘Rome” and the trunks were not available it would be possible then to use either the time of day route “Tea” or route list “Florence” if overflow were enabled at the route list level. In the case where the route list required from a PERC_ROUTE result cannot be selected because of congestion then try the other route lists, starting with the highest percent. Therefore time of day “Tea” would be chosen and if all trunks were not available then it would be possible to use route list “Florence”. If all trunks were unavailable in route list “Florence” as well the call will go to cause analysis. From cause analysis the call can be terminated with a well know cause value or further analysis can be supported, if the call enters this cause value twice the call will be released. *Indicates software Release 9.3(2) functionality. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 80961 Route list Rome Route list Venice Route list Turin Route list Florence 1-111 Chapter 1 Routing Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Figure 1-24 Example of Percentage Based Routing Level Route List Overflow % based route Italy 50% 30% 20% Overflow Time of Day tea The example in Figure 1-24 is the same as in Figure 1-23, except that there is an overflow route list called Milan that is only ever entered if all other trunks in the route lists are unavailable. This means that this route list is not used when the random algorithm chooses the first route list to be used. It will be optional as to whether the overflow route list is configured. Handling of Overflow at the Route List level At the route level if all the trunks in the route are unavailable then there will be overflow into the next route in the route list if one is configured. As shown in Figure 1-25 route list 1 would use route NY and would overflow into route DC if all trunks were unavailable in route NY. Figure 1-25 Example of Routes Overflow in a Route List Route list 1 Handling of Overflow at the Route Level Currently overflow is handled at the trunk group and the route level. At the trunk group level overflow is possible if the user has configured the route to have sequential selection. If all the trunks in a trunk group are unavailable the routing will overflow into the next trunk group in the route, if one is configured. In the example shown in Figure 1-26, if all trunks in trunk group 1 are unavailable then calls using route A would then be overflowed into trunk group 2. Note that if distribution is turned on a random number is used to provide the offset into the route table that is effectively a trunk group list, so overflow is not supported. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-112 80958 Route NY Route DC 80959 Route list Rome Route list Venice Route list Turin Route list Florence Route list Milan OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Routing Analysis Figure 1-26 Example of Trunk Group Overflow in a Route Route A When a user creates a percentage-based route, he or she connects the entries to route list names or time of day route names. The first entry created is the primary entry. The primary entry is used as the default routing condition for any load that the user does not explicitly set. The load cannot be modified on the primary entry in the percentage based route table because it is automatically changed when the load is modified for other entries in the table. The sum of all load values added to the percentage based routing name cannot exceed 100. If the sum of the load values, not including the primary, matches 100, the primary entry has a value of 0. It is enforced that a conditional route name cannot be connected to the percentage based routing if there is currently in the conditional route table any percentage based routing name connected to the same conditional route name to prevent routing loops. The same route list name or conditional route name cannot be added to the percentage based route name multiple times; this same functionality can be obtained by changing the value of the load. The primary route can be deleted only if the whole percentage based route is deleted, since a percentage based route has to be configured for every percentage based route name. The overflow set allows you to define if the percentage based route handles overflow. If the overflow set is changed, it is configured for all entries in the percentage based routing name. An overflow can only be associated with a percentage base route name if the overflow set is enabled. The overflow defines a routing condition that is used only if all percentage based routes with a defined load have been exhausted. There can be only one overflow route for each percentage based routing name. A maximum of five route list names and conditional route names can be configured in a percentage based routing name. Time of Day Routing Time of day routing* lets you select a route list or an entry point into the percentage based routing based on the time of day, and day of week. *Indicates software Release 9.3(2) functionality. Note Some performance impact can be expected when the time conditional routing function is invoked; however, normally it should not exceed 5% on call processing. 80960 Trunk group 1 Trunk group 2 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-113 Chapter 1 Routing Analysis Dial Plan and Routing Conditional Route Description When a user creates a conditional route description, he or she connects the entries to route list names or percentage based routing names. The first entry created in a conditional route description is the primary entry. The primary entry is used as the default routing condition for any time period that the user does not explicitly set. As a result, the primary entry does not have a time period associated with it. Therefore, the primary route can only be deleted if the whole conditional route description is deleted, because a conditional route has to be configured for every conditional route description name. The supported time periods are from 0000 to 2359, where the times can be configured in 15-minute increments. Time periods cannot overlap currently existing start and end times. For example, if the time period 1000 to 1200 is configured, then 0900 to 1100 and 1130 to 1300 cannot be configured; however, 1000 to 1200, 0900 to 1000, 1200 to 1300, and 1030 to 1200 can be configured. To prevent routing loops, a percentage based routing name cannot be connected to the conditional route name if there is currently in the percentage based routing table any conditional route name connected to the same percentage based routing name. The conditional route description name cannot be deleted if any conditional route is connected to it. A maximum of five route list names and percentage based routing names can be configured in a conditional route description. Conditional Route Conditional routes are connected to conditional route description names based on the day of week. The first entry created in the conditional route is always the default day of week. It is used to provide a default routing condition for any day of week that the user does not explicitly set. The default day of week can be deleted only if the whole conditional route is deleted. Each conditional route supports a default entry, seven days, and three holiday entries. Route Holiday The route holiday allows dates to be specified with the three holiday days. When a call is received that is destined for conditional routing, the holiday days are used instead of the default entry; or the days, Monday through Sunday, are used if a holiday day is associated with the actual date. Provisioning route holiday allows you to separately enter holidays for routing purposes. The route holiday list contains all the valid holidays for a given user. Table 1-19 Route Holiday Date 2001.11.22 2001.11.23 2001.12.09 2001.12.10 2001.12.24 2001.12.25 2001.12.31 2002.01.01 Holiday Day HOL1 HOL2 HOL3 HOL3 HOL2 HOL1 HOL2 HOL1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-114 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview The route holiday consists of the date and the holiday day. • Date—The date is entered in the format The following ranges apply: – yyyy = 2000-9999 – mm = 01-12 – dd = 01-31 • Holiday Day—This number is a positive integer that indicates the holiday day. The valid values are: – Hol1 – Hol2 – Hol3 Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Route List The route list consists of a sequentially selected list of routes with a distribution entry against each route. If distribution is enabled, a random number is used to provide the offset into the route table, which is effectively a trunk group list. If distribution is disabled, then the routes are chosen in sequential selection. A route list entry can be entered from: • • • • The percentage route. The time of day routing. The number termination. The dial plan from a ROUTE or ANNOUNCEMENT result type. The system gives a warning if more that 20 routes are created in the route list since only the first 20 routes are used. Routes Routes represent the sequential selection used to choose the trunk groups in the route. When distribution is enabled in the route list, you can enable the weighted trunk groups feature so the same trunk groups can occur in the same route multiple times. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-115 Chapter 1 Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Dial Plan and Routing Routing Trunk Groups Screening is performed upon the trunk group list based on the selection adjuster. If an essential value is present (in the incoming message), only trunk groups matching this criterion are kept and the other trunk groups are discarded. If no entry matches the essential criteria, then trunk group data is retrieved for the next route in the route list. Again, the selection criterion is applied and this process continues until a trunk group is found that matches the selection criterion. If no trunk group can be found that matches the essential criteria, a routing failure is declared and the call is released with a cause message. If an excluded value is present, then any trunk group matching this condition is discarded. If a preferred indication is present, then two separate lists are created (primary and secondary) and trunk groups matching the preferred criteria are placed in the first list (primary), which is initially used to select an appropriate outgoing circuit or path. If TDM trunk groups are present in the screened list, and bearer preferences exist, then these preferences are used to select the appropriate trunk group using a procedure similar to the one referenced above. If no bearer preference is given, then the first trunk group is chosen. Analysis returns the selected trunk group (if one is available). When a trunk group is selected, it is removed from the route list so it cannot be re-selected if a new trunk group ID (circuit selection having been unsuccessful on the existing one) is requested. Similarly, if a route has been selected, it is also removed from the route list to avoid re-selecting it later. The analysis function retains the route list data and trunk group data, as appropriate, so it is ready for any further trunk group requests regarding this call instance. If an indication is received for congestion or unavailability from circuit selection, then analysis is reinitiated to provide another trunk group or route from the lists in analysis data. TDM Trunk Group Attributes TDM trunk group attributes include cut through, queue timer, and reattempt number. Queuing You can provision a queuing capability (by provisioning a value in TDM Attributes against TDM trunk groups). If circuit selection on a trunk group has failed (with the response of trunk group congestion), the MGC waits for a circuit to become free for the duration of this value returned from the TDM Attributes. Thus the call is queued. A queue timer value is returned from analysis (read from the TDM Attributes), where queuing is applicable (if so provisioned). If a value other than 0 is returned, this value is used if a circuit is unavailable. The call is then placed in the FIFO queue associated with that trunk group, to wait for an available circuit. Once a congestion message is received, the queue timer (set to the value received from analysis) holds the call while waiting to receive an indication that a circuit is available. When a circuit is available, the first call queued is removed from the list, assigns the circuit to it, and indicates normal call processing can continue. However, if no circuit is selected and the queue timer expires, then the call is released with a congestion indication. If a forward release is received during queuing, the call is removed from the list when the call is released. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-116 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Repeat Attempts (Re-Attempts) It is possible to make a number of repeat attempts to select a circuit on the same trunk group. The maximum number of attempts is provisioned in the TDM Attributes by the ReAttempts field and is delivered from analysis. If a value other than 0 is provisioned, it indicates that under certain conditions reattempts are made to select a circuit on the current trunk group. If reattempts are not provisioned (default value is 0), then no reattempts are made. Thus, if a circuit-selection request is made and the response message is TrunkGroupCongestion, analysis is resumed for a new trunk group that is not congested. In this case reattempts are not made. If there are no more trunk groups available, a cause is set and the call is released. Circumstances in which a reattempt is made on the same trunk group are: • • • If glare occurs when setting up the TCC side. If COT failure occurs when setting up the TCC side. If when the outgoing IAM is sent forward (on TCC side) it is immediately responded to with a release message from the subsequent exchange containing a cause reflecting one of the following internal cause values: – IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE – IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE – IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER – IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED – IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION – IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL – IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC – IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE – IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE – IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE – IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED – IC_PREEMPTION – IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC – IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ACCESS – IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT Where reattempt is enabled, actions depend on the reattempt value. If this value is greater than 0, the TCC side is disconnected and destroyed, call context is restored to the pre-circuit selection status, the Reattempts counter decrements by 1, and then circuit selection starts again on the same trunk group. If the same response occurs again, this process repeats, each time decrementing the counter. Once the reattempt counter is 0, at the next occurrence, the TCC is disconnected and destroyed, call context is restored as before and goes back to generic analysis for a new trunk group upon which to attempt circuit selection. If generic analysis finds that no circuits are available but there are further routes it will handle this, select the available trunk groups and eventually return a new trunk group. If there are no more routes or trunk groups it returns indication of No More Trunk Groups and a corresponding cause value. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-117 Chapter 1 Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Dial Plan and Routing SIP Trunk Group Attributes SIP trunk group attributes include: SIP URL, port number, SIP version, cut through, extension support, service resource record, and bearer capability name. These attributes are used to configure the SIP routing trunk group. Routing Features Weighted Trunk Groups Weighted trunk group based routing was implemented by allowing the same trunk group to be used multiple times in the same route when the random distribution algorithm is enabled. The user has the option of setting the distribution indicator on the route entry to determine how the trunk groups are selected in each route. If the distribution is OFF then sequential selection is used to choose the trunk groups in that route. If the distribution is ON then random selection is used. This is useful if there is a need to balance the choice of trunk groups across the connected equipment. If weighted trunk group based routing is enabled or disabled at the route level then the following rules must be maintained: • • • • • • • If weighted trunk group based routing is enabled at the route any route list that it is connected to must have distribution enabled to ensure that the random algorithm is used. If weighted trunk group based routing is enabled at the route then the same trunk group can be added to the route multiple times. If weighted trunk group based routing is disabled at the route then the same trunk group cannot be added to the route multiple times. If the route has the same trunk group connected to it more than once the weighted trunk group based routing cannot be changed to disabled. If the route list is connected to a route that has weighted trunk group based routing enabled, the parameter distribution on the route list cannot be changed from on to off. If the route has weighted trunk group based routing as enabled, the user cannot create a next trunk group. When the user deletes the trunk group from a route that has multiple trunk groups of the same value, he or she will delete the first one in the list only. The action is successful. A warning shows that there is still x instances of the trunk group configured in the route. The number of trunk groups in a route is limited to 100. • Carrier Translation To support NANP, to determine route selection is made for a particular carrier. When a call is received with the Transit Network Selection parameter containing a CarrierID. If the XECfgParm.dat property for VSCNetworkPlacement indicates “Nanp_AT”, then selection is made when searching the Route List to only choose route lists supporting that connection to that particular carrier. In the Route List, the Carrier ID field allows this cross referencing during route selection. This functionality is removed and replaced by TNS in software Release 9.3(2). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-118 OL-18082-09 Chapter 1 Dial Plan and Routing Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Trunk Group Preferences The trunk group preference can be chosen from the dial plan using the ROUTE_PREFERENCE result type, the Bearer Preferences set in the Forward call indicator (FCI) in the IAM or Setup message, or the RoutePref property. This is indicated by preferences carried in the SETUP/IAM message received on the incoming side and comprises values such as ISUP essential, ISUP preferred etc. This selection is applied to fine tune the trunk group choice to provide the most suitable type of trunk group for this call. When route analysis encounters a selection method of sequential assigned to a route (distribution field), all the associated trunk groups contained within the route are retrieved by reading the relevant route block data. Screening is performed on this trunk group list based upon the selection adjuster. If an essential value is present, only those trunk groups matching this criterion are kept and all other trunk groups are discarded. If no entry matches the essential criterion, then trunk group data is retrieved for the next route in the route list. If this route has a selection method of sequential, then the selection criteria are again applied and this process continues until an appropriate trunk group is found that matches the selection criteria. If no trunk group is found that matches the essential criteria, then a routing failure indication is declared. If an excluded value is present, then any trunk group matching this condition is discarded. If a preferred indication is present, then two separate lists (primary and secondary) are created and trunk groups matching the preferred criteria are placed in the first list which is initially used to select an appropriate outgoing circuit or path. If TDM trunk groups are present in the screened list and bearer preferences exist, then this is used to select the appropriate trunk group using a procedure similar to the one described before. If no bearer preference is given, then the first trunk group is chosen. Analysis returns the selected trunk group (if one is available). When a trunk group has been selected, it is removed from the list so that it cannot be re-selected if another search is performed to select a new trunk group ID (that is, circuit selection has been unsuccessful on the existing trunk group). Also, if a route has been selected, it is also removed from the element list to avoid re-selecting it later. The analysis function retains the route list data and trunk group data as appropriate ready for any more trunk group requests regarding this call instance. If a route has been selected, it is also removed from the element list to avoid re-selecting it later. If a congestion or unavailability indication is returned from circuit selection, then analysis is recalled to provide another trunk group or route from the lists retained in analysis data. Bearer Capability Based Routing Bearer capability based routing is used during route analysis. The route selection process first checks the call bearer capability against the trunk group list. If a match is found, then route selection moves to the next trunk group. If every trunk group of every route does not allow TMR, then the call is released with an internal cause code (RELEASE_NO_BEARERCAP_NOT_POSSIBLE). This cause code is mapped to Q.850 cause code 57 (Bearer capability not authorized). Configure a bearer capability blacklist for each trunk group using the internal TMR values to configure this list. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 1-119 Chapter 1 Route List, Route, and Trunk Group Data Overview Dial Plan and Routing Codec Selection The GWDefaultCodecString property is provisioned against a trunk group, referred as level 2 codec configuration and against the MGCP sigpath, referred to as level 1 codec configuration. The level 2 property is read if there is no level 3 (dial plan) configuration or if the level 3 configuration for the codec list or the codec is defined as preferred. The level 1 property is read if the level 2 codec configuration is not present and the level 3 configuration is defined as preferred or there is no level 3 configuration. A default value for the GWDefaultCodecString property is used if neither level 2, nor level 1, nor level 3 codec configuration is present. The resulting codec list from level 3, level 2, or level 1 is then sent to the incoming gateway in the Local Connection Option parameter of the create connect (CRCX) message. If none of the codec levels are configured default level 0, which is “NULL” is used. When this occurs, the MGC does not participate in codec negotiation other than to deliver the message by the MGCP gateway. The MGCP gateway supports codec negotiation by the transfer of preferred codecs in the SDP messages exchanged between the ingress and egress gateways. The decision for the codec to be used is made at the gateway. Currently the ingress gateway sends a list of codecs in the SDP response to the egress gateway. If any codec configuration levels are configured, they override level 0. Note The egress gateway determines which codec is used. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch supports different codec level configurations to influence the codec negotiation by providing the configured codec list in the local connection option (LCO), which limits the list of codecs from which the gateway can select. The gateway always responds with one of the codecs from the list. Note On the ingress side, for level 3, if preference is mandatory, it overrides level 2 and level 2 overrides level 1 and level 1 overrides level 0. However, on the egress gateway if level 2 is configured level2 overrides all other levels. Level 3 codec configuration allows the CODEC result type to be set in A number or B number analysis. If the result specifies the preference, in dataword2, as mandatory, then the codec list from previous levels is ignored and the egress call supports the codec specified in dataword1. When dataword2 is configured to be preferred, then the codec list from the previous applicable level is appended after the codec specified in dataword1. Note Level 3 codec configuration overrides previous codec levels if the preference is mandatory on the ingress side. Route Advance Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch retrieves a trunk group no knowing the route in which this particular trunk group resides. During this process, if all the trunk groups on a particular route have been exhausted, then the next route in the route list is selected and the search for a suitable trunk group continues until one is found or the route list is exhausted and then the search begins again. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 1-120 OL-18082-09 CH A P T E R 2 Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This chapter describes the prerequisite tasks you need to perform before you can begin provisioning a dial plan. It also describes the tools you will use, and provides detailed information on the dial plan parameters and syntax conventions that you will need to be familiar with as you create your dial plan. This chapter includes the following sections: • • • • Provisioning Prerequisites, page 2-1 Provisioning Tools, page 2-3 Creating a Dial Plan, page 2-5 Dial Plan Text File, page 2-6 Note The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses, an active system and a standby system, for maximum reliability. The dial plans discussed in this chapter apply to both the active and standby Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitchs. You need only create one dial plan and deploy that dial plan on both the active and standby Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitchs. Tip Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” provides a set of blank worksheet forms you can use to create your dial plan. When you start creating your dial plan, copy these forms and write on the copies. This way you can make additional copies of the forms if you need them. The following sections describe recommended practices to assist you in provisioning dial plans for the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Provisioning Prerequisites This section describes the tasks that must be completed and the information that you need before you start dial plan provisioning. Prerequisite Tasks The following steps describe the tasks you should perform prior to using this dial plan guide. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 2-1 Chapter 2 Provisioning Prerequisites Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning Step 1 Plan and diagram your network configuration in detail. A detailed network diagram is essential when creating a dial plan. Refer to the respective solution overview and provisioning documentation for detailed information about a particular solution. Step 2 Set up the hardware components used in your solution and install all required software. Before you start the dial planning process, you should prepare the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch hardware and software as described in the following manuals: • • • • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Hardware Installation Guide Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 Installation and Configuration Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 Provisioning Guide You should also see the solution specific provisioning guide for your solution. Step 3 Complete all provisioning worksheets, including filling in the names and IP addresses of all devices, attributes, properties of components, circuit designations, and all other necessary information. For blank copies of the necessary provisioning worksheets see the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 Provisioning Guide. Prerequisite Information This guide provides a set of blank worksheets in Appendix C, “Dial Planning Worksheets,” that you can copy and fill in with the dial plan information specific to your system. Before you can complete the dial plan provisioning worksheets, you must collect provisioning information about all the available trunks. During the provisioning process, all the bearer trunks that connect remote switches to all the media gateways attached to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch were defined. Each remote switch is identified by its destination point code (DPC), and each trunk is identified by its trunk ID or Circuit Identification Code (CIC). Table 2-1 provides space for you to enter the following information: • • • • • • • • • • Trunk ID—Designation assigned to a trunk. Source Signaling Service—MML name of the previously defined source signaling service. Valid signaling services are ISDN PRI, DPNSS, or any SS7 signaling service. Source Span—Number of circuits assigned to the source span (range 0 through 65535). Source Span ID—Identification assigned to the source span (range 0 through 65535). Source Time Slot/CIC—Time slot or Circuit Identification Code (CIC) (range 0 through 31). Destination Signaling Service—MML name of a previously defined destination signaling service. Valid signaling services are ISDN PRI, DPNSS, or any SS7 signaling service. Destination Span—Number of circuits assigned to the destination span (range 0 through 65535). Destination Span ID—Identification assigned to the destination span (range 0 through 65535). Destination Time Slot/CIC—Time slot or Circuit Identification Code (CIC) (range 0 through 31). Line Type—T1 or E1. 1. Refer to the Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide for the media gateway used in your solution. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 2-2 OL-18082-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning Provisioning Tools • Multiple Trunk Field—Number of trunks per span (greater than 0, but less than or equal to 31). The ingress and egress trunk IDs must match the corresponding trunk IDs used on the remote switches. The circuit identification codes (CIC) are the SS7 values representing the trunks and must also match the CIC values defined at the remote switches. The destination span ID and destination time slot must match the trunk configuration values defined during Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch configuration. The destination span ID is defined when configuring T1 and E1 controllers and must match the value of the nfas_int parameter. T1 spans use channels (time slots) 1-24 and E1 spans use time slots (channels) 0-31. To save space, you might want to specify ranges of trunk IDs for each T1 or E1 connection. For large installations, you should make copies of this table or create your own worksheet with these columns. For more information on media gateway configuration, see the appropriate Media Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide for your solution. Keep in mind that some of the procedures performed might vary depending on the configuration of your solution. Table 2-1 Trunk Worksheet Example Trunk ID 101 Source Signaling Service ss7srv Source Span fixed Source Span ID ffff Source Time slot/CIC 1 Destination Signaling Dest Service Span signal-1 fixed Dest Span ID 0 Dest Time Line Slot/CIC Type 1 T1 Multiple Trunk Field 24 Provisioning Tools The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch includes two tools that you can use to provision the dial plan: • • The Voice Services Provisioning Tool (VSPT), a graphical user interface (GUI) application. The Man-Machine Language (MML), a command-line interface (CLI) application. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 2-3 Chapter 2 Provisioning Tools Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning You can use both the VSPT and MML to provision the dial plan for a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch; however, only one provisioning session can be supported at one time by either the VSPT or MML. Voice Services Provisioning Tool The VSPT can be used to provision Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch dial plan components. The VSPT makes provisioning easier by listing all dial plan components that must be configured in the Number Analysis tab and by providing dialog boxes that display all configuration parameters for each dial plan component. • • For detailed instructions for launching and using the VSPT, see the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 Provisioning Guide. For more information on provisioning a dial plan with VSPT, see Chapter 3, “Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT.” Provisioning with MML Commands Table 2-2 lists the major MML commands used to provision and deploy dial plans as well as the corresponding VSPT command names. Table 2-2 MML Commands MML Command Name numan-add numan-dlt numan-ed numan-rtrv prov-add prov-dply prov-cpy prov-exp VSPT Command Name Number analysis add Number analysis delete Number analysis edit Number analysis retrieve Provisioning add Provisioning deploy Provisioning copy Provisioning export Description Adds an element to the dial plan table. Deletes an element from the dial plan table. Edits an element in the dial plan table. Retrieves an element from the dial plan table. Adds provisioning data. Deploys the provisioning data (dial plan). Commits the provisioning data (dial plan). Creates a dial plan export file in MML format for each configured dial plan. Although MML requires more keystrokes, quick dial plan updates can sometimes be made faster using MML commands, because you do not have to go through the process of launching the VSPT and navigating to the proper screen. When you enter MML commands into a batch file, you can copy and paste commands to speed entry. You can also copy and modify MML scripts, which are collections of individual MML commands, to configure additional dial plans. After you create a dial plan or add information to an existing dial plan, you must enter a prov-cpy command. For more information on provisioning a dial plan using MML commands, see Chapter 4, “Provisioning Dial Plans with MML.” You may see different dial plan component names used in the VSPT and MML tools. When you begin provisioning, provision components using the name that applies to the provisioning tool you are using. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 2-4 OL-18082-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning Creating a Dial Plan You can use VSPT and MML to provision the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch; however, only one configuration session can be supported at one time by MML. Table 2-3 lists some of the features of VSPT and MML and provides some guidelines for selecting between the two tools. Table 2-3 Voice Service Provisioning Tool, and MML Features Specification/Feature System basics Voice Service Provisioning Tool X Window System GUI front end Any client software supporting the X Window System, such as Reflection, can be used. MML CLI that interacts directly with Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch System hardware/ software requirements Sun SPARCstation running Solaris 2.6 OS or later Running VSPT on the same host as the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can have an adverse impact on performance. We recommend using a separate server. Runs on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch host server Best used for Some experience required; easy to use • • • • Creating batch files to configure MGCs or retrieve measurements Modifying configurations Scaling large configurations Troubleshooting Creating a Dial Plan The remaining sections in this chapter describe how to plan for dial plan provisioning and provide sample dial plans for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software Release 9.3(2). Dial Plan Creation Rules The dial plan is used to identify and analyze unique calling number (A-number) or called number (B-number) digit strings. Keep in mind the following issues when creating your dial plan: • • • Each number (calling or called) is a unique digit string The number is either an A-number (calling number) or a B-number (called number) You must create a subset string before creating a superset string Dial Plan Provisioning Sequence The order in which you provision dial plan tables is important. Many tables see other tables that must be defined first. When you create the tables described in Chapter 1, create them in the order described. The following list identifies the recommended sequence for dial plan provisioning: 1. Create the dial plan file (unique CustGrpID) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 2-5 Chapter 2 Dial Plan Text File Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provision Digit Modification Provision the Service Provision the Result and Result Sets Provision the A-numbers and B-numbers Provision CPC Provision TMR analysis Provision B-number NOA and NPI analysis Provision TNS 10. Provision NANP B-number normalization 11. Provision the Location value 12. Provision the Cause value 13. Provision the A and B Whitelist and Blacklist screening files Note When provisioning dial plans, the *.SysConnectDataAccess property (in XECfgParm.dat) must be set to true to allow database access for A-number screening, LNP, and other dial plan functions. Refer to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 Installation and Configuration Guide for more information on software configuration settings. Dial Plan Text File After planning your dial plan, you can create a dial plan text file containing all the MML commands for use as a batch file. Here is a sample batch file for your reference. For more details on creating and executing a batch file, see the “Creating a Batch File” section and the “Executing a Batch File” section in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Provisioning Guide. Note The MML commands in the sample file are for illustration purposes. prov-add:rttrnkgrp:name=”1111”,type=0 prov-add:rttrnkgrp:name=”2222”,type=0,reattempts=5,queuing=2,cutthrough=3 prov-add:rttrnk:name=”route1”,trnkgrpnum=1111,weightedtg=”ON” prov-ed:rttrnk:name=”route1”,trnkgrpnum=2222,weightedtg=”ON” prov-ed:rttrnk:name=”route2”,trnkgrpnum=2222 prov-ed:rttrnk:name=”route3”,trnkgrpnum=2222 prov-add:rtlist:name=”routelist1”,rtname=”route2”,distrib=”OFF” prov-add:rtlist:name=”routelist2”,rtname=”route1”,distrib=”ON” prov-add:rtlist:name=”routelist3”,rtname=”route3”,distrib=”OFF” numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=”dpl1” numan-add:resultset:custgrpid=“dpl1”,name=“set1” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=“dpl1”,name=“route”,resulttype=“ROUTE”,dw1=“routelist1”, setname=“set1” numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid=“dpl1”,callside=“originating”,digitstring=“0”,setname=“set1” numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid=“dpl1”,callside=“originating”,digitstring=“1”,setname=“set1” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 2-6 OL-18082-09 CH A P T E R 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This chapter shows you how to use the Cisco Voice Services Provisioning Tool (VSPT) to provision a dial plan on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. This chapter contains the following sections: • • • Provisioning Dial Plans, page 3-1 Performing an Integrity Check, page 3-46 Provisioning Examples, page 3-47 When provisioning dial plans, you must first ensure that all system components have been provisioned as described in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Provisioning Guide. Tip Before you begin provisioning your dial plan, you should have a list of the trunks that are available, including their names, properties, and other parameters. This list should already have been created in Chapter 2, “Preparing for Dial Plan Provisioning.” You should review this list before you begin provisioning your dial plan and keep it available to refer to for information. Provisioning Dial Plans The Cisco VSPT provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to provision dial plans and then deploy them to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. The Cisco VSPT • • • • • • Lets you create dial plan files across multiple Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitches. Helps you avoid common errors when provisioning dial plans. Eliminates having to repeatedly enter duplicate dial plan data. Allows you to import and export dial plans to and from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Lets you perform an integrity check prior to deployment, to prevent possible errors. Creates the Man-Machine Language (MML) files and the trunk group, bearer channel, and dial plan files used to provision the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. After you finish a provisioning session and click File, Save, then As Working, the Cisco VSPT saves your dial plan as the active or working dial plan. Note After you have deployed the active dial plan, you cannot modify it. To change an active dial plan, you must save it using a different name, start a new provisioning session to edit it, then redeploy it. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-1 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT The following sections provide examples of the Cisco VSPT screens you use in creating a dial plan: • • • Importing a Dial Plan File, page 3-2 Adding a Dial Plan, page 3-4 Adding Dial Plan Details, page 3-5 You don’t have to add all the components in your dial plan. Your dial plan configuration depends on your needs in an actual network. Importing a Dial Plan File You can enter MML commands for a dial plan in a text file and then import the text file. Caution Consider importing a dial plan text file for initial provisioning only. When you import a dial plan file, all existing dial plan data is replaced by the dial plan data in the file you import. Note Before migrating a dial plan created with Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software release 9.7(3) to release 9.8(1), first install the base version of release 9.8(1). Then, before starting the software, install release 9.8(1) patch S7P7 or later. To import a dial plan text file, complete the following steps: Step 1 From the File menu, click Import. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-1. Figure 3-1 Importing Dial Plan Files Step 2 Click From File, then on the File type pull-down menu choose Dialplan File. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-2 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 3 Enter the name of the dial plan file that you want to import in the File name data entry box. If you do not know the name of the file, click Select to specify the file to import. Locate the file you want to import, select it, and click Open. Step 4 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-3 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Step 5 Click OK. The dial plan file you indicated is imported. Adding a Dial Plan If you do not choose to import a dial plan, you can create one by completing the following steps: Step 1 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 Adding a Dial Plan Step 2 Step 3 Enter a customer group ID, which is a unique four-character alphanumeric identifier for your dial plan. Click Add. The customer group ID you added appears under Number Analysis on the left of the screen. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-4 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Adding Dial Plan Details A dial plan includes results, triggers, and shared global items. Results and triggers are associated with each dial plan which is identified by a customer group ID. Global items are shared by all the dial plans in the current configuration. You can provision the results under the Results hierarchical menu, and the triggers under the Triggers hierarchical menu for each dial plan. For global items, you can provision them under the Global Items hierarchical menu. You add details to your dial plan by specifying information in the following tables: Results • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adding Digit Modification String Data, page 3-6 Adding Bearer Capability (BC) Data, page 3-8 Adding High Layer Capability (HLC) Data, page 3-9 Adding a Customer VPN ID, page 3-10 Adding Domain Modification String Data, page 3-10 Adding a Result Set, page 3-11 Adding or Modifying a Default Result Set, page 3-13 Adding Screening Data, page 3-15 Adding Service Data, page 3-16 Adding Source Black Data, page 3-17 Adding a Domain Routing Policy (DRP) Table, page 3-18 Adding Route Selection Data, page 3-18 Adding Destination Translation Data, page 3-19 Triggers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adding A-number Charge Origin Data, page 3-20 Adding A-Digit Tree Data, page 3-21 Adding A-number Dial Plan Selection, page 3-22 Adding B-Digit Tree Data, page 3-23 Adding Cause Data, page 3-25 Adding Calling Line Identification Prefix, page 3-27 Adding CLI IP Address, page 3-28 Adding Calling Party Category, page 3-29 Adding Dial Plan Selection Data, page 3-30 Adding H.323 ID, page 3-30 Adding Location Data, page 3-31 Adding Nature of Address (NOA) Data of A-number and B-number, page 3-32 Adding Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI) Data of A-number and B-number, page 3-33 Adding Route Holiday, page 3-34 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-5 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT • • Adding Transmission Medium Requirement (TMR) Data, page 3-35 Adding Transit Network Selection (TNS) Information, page 3-36 Global Items • • • • • • Adding Announcements, page 3-37 Adding Ported Number Table Data, page 3-39 Adding Script, page 3-41 Adding Full Number Translation Data, page 3-42 Adding Term Table Data, page 3-43 Adding Test Line Data, page 3-45 Adding Digit Modification String Data The digit modification string is used to modify numbers in either the A-number (calling party number) or the B-number (called party number). If you need to perform digit modifications, you must add the digit modification table where you define a digit modification string to apply to an A-number or a B-number. For example, if you want to insert the string 86 before the A-number, define a digit modification string 86 with the name DigMod1. For more information on digit modification strings, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add a digit modification string, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, choose the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Digmodstring in the Results hierarchical menu. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-3. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-6 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-3 Adding a Digit Modification String Step 4 Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-4. Figure 3-4 Defining a Digit Modification String Step 5 Enter the digit modification name and the digit modification string. Then Click OK. You return to the screen in Figure 3-3, which displays the digit modification string you added. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 until all of the necessary digit modification strings have been added. Step 6 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-7 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Adding Bearer Capability (BC) Data When you change the BC information elements (IEs) in the outgoing Initial Address Message (IAM), an ISUP call from the PSTN can be translated to a fax call in the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network based on the dialed called party number. You need to create the BC table and add a BCMOD result to change the BC IEs in the outgoing IAM. To add a BC table entry, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click BC. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-5. Figure 3-5 Adding a BC Table Entry Step 3 Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-6. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-8 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-6 Adding a BC Table Entry Name Step 4 Step 5 Enter a name for this BC table entry in the Name field. Choose a BC coding option from the BC Name drop-down list. The drop-down list gives all the available BC coding options which indicate the bearer channel characteristics as being either fax or data and a baud rate. Step 6 Click OK. Adding High Layer Capability (HLC) Data When you change the HLC IE in the outgoing IAM, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch translates an ISUP call from the PSTN to a data call in the GSM network. You need to create the HLC table and add the HLCMOD result to change the HLC IEs in the outgoing IAM. To add an HLC table entry, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, choose the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID, then click HLC. Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7 Adding a HLC Entry Name Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-9 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Step 4 Step 5 Enter a name for this HLC table entry in the Name field. Choose an HLC coding option from the HLC Name drop-down list. The drop-down list gives all the available HLC coding options which indicate the high layer compatibility characteristics as being either fax or data and a baud rate. Step 6 Click OK. Adding a Customer VPN ID The customer VPN ID overwrites the configured VPN ID in the incoming trunk groups or sigPaths. To add a customer VPN ID, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click Customervpnid. Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-8. Figure 3-8 Defining a Customer VPN ID Step 4 Step 5 Enter the customer VPN ID in the Name field. Click OK. Adding Domain Modification String Data The domain modification string table defines the string modifications on the domain names. To add a domain modification string, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, choose the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click Dmnmodstring. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-10 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 3 Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-9. Figure 3-9 Defining a Domain Modification String Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Enter the source modification name in the Domain Name field. Enter the domain name to be modified (for example, in the Domain String field. Click OK. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 until all of the necessary domain modification strings have been added. Adding a Result Set The result of analysis might require that an action be taken. For example, the last number in each digit string might not have a node number associated with it. When there is no next node associated with the last number in a digit string, an action must be taken and a result set defines that action. Different types of result tables are valid for the triggers, for example, Adigtree, Bdigtree, NOA, NPI, Cause, and Location tables. For more information on result tables, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add a result set, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click Resultset. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-10. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-11 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-10 Adding a Result Set Step 3 Click the Add button near the center of the screen. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-11. Figure 3-11 Result Set Name Step 4 Step 5 Enter the result set name. Click OK. You return to the screen in Figure 3-10, which displays the name of the result set you just added. Highlight the result set you just added. Then click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. Step 6 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-12 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 7 From the Result Type drop-down list, choose the desired result type. A result type indicates a certain action you want the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to perform. For example, the result type BMODDIG indicates the B-number modification. You need to provide additional information for the chosen result type as described in Step 8. Step 8 Enter the required information. In this example, enter the result name. Then choose the route list from the Route list name drop-down list. Figure 3-12 shows the definition of a ROUTE result for the result set testResultset. Figure 3-12 Defining a Result Set For more information on result tables, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” Step 9 Click OK. You see the screen in Figure 3-10, which displays the result type you just defined. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 to add another result type to the result set. Repeat Steps 1 through 8 to provision another result set. Step 10 Note If you define more than one result for a result set, you can select a result then use the arrow buttons on the right to rearrange the order of the results. See Figure 3-10. Adding or Modifying a Default Result Set The default result set allows you to configure an action to occur if no result sets have been associated with the call. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-13 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Only one default result set is allowed for each customer group ID. Creating a new default result type overwrites the previous default result type. Only one of the following result types is allowed for the default result set at any time: • • • BLACKLIST—Analysis of the B-number reveals that it is on the black list and the call is released. ROUTE—Analysis of the B-number reveals that the call is to be routed elsewhere. CAUSE—Analysis of the B-number reveals that the call is to be released with a specified cause. To add or modify a default result set, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click DefResultSet. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-13. Figure 3-13 Adding a Default Result Set Step 3 Step 4 Choose the default result set from the Result Type drop-down list. Complete the settings under the Result Type drop-down list. Then click Modify. These settings vary depending on your choice in Step 2. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-14 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Adding Screening Data Call screening is a type of analysis done on the digit string to determine whether the call is accepted or rejected. There are four tables for the call screening. • • • • A-number Whitelist A-number Blacklist B-number Whitelist B-number Blacklist Note The Screening component is moved to Tools > Advanced Number Editor on the menu bar in Cisco VSPT Release 2.8(1). To add call screening data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Choose Tools > Advanced Number Editor from the menu bar. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-14. Figure 3-14 Adding Screening Data Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Click the tab of the desired file type (AWhite, ABlack, BWhite, or BBlack). If you are editing an exiting screening file, choose File > Open to select an existing file from a pop-up menu and click Open. Choose Edit > Add new item to add new screening data. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-15 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-15 Add New Numbers Window Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Enter the customer group ID of the dial plan that you want to add new numbers to in the Dialplan field. Enter the screening numbers in Screening numbers field. Choose the action you want to perform on this entry. • • Add—Add this entry to the list DLT—Remove this entry from the list Note Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 You can add, modify, and remove a selected screening entry using options in the Edit menu. Click OK. Choose File > Save this panel to save the screening file. Choose a deployment option in the Command menu to deploy the screening file. • • • • Send selected—Deploy the selected numbers. Send items in this panel—Deploy the screening data in this tab. Send items in all panels—Deploy the screening data in all the tabs. Rtrv all from VSC—Retrieve screening numbers from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch and replace all current numbers. Adding Service Data The service names in the Service table are defined by the user to indicate services for screening that are available to the users. You must define a service before you add a B-number-triggered call screening. To add service data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click Service. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-16. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-16 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-16 Defining Service Data Step 4 Enter the Service name and click OK. Adding Source Black Data The Source Blacklist Screening table allows you to screen calls based on their source domain names. To add source black data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click SourceBlack. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-17. Figure 3-17 Defining Source Black Data Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Enter the domain name to be screened (such as in the Domain String field. From the Service Name drop-down list, choose a service. Click OK. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-17 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Adding a Domain Routing Policy (DRP) Table The DRP table allows you to configure the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to analyze calls based on user and domain names rather than E.164 numbers. The DRP table is a sequential list of up to six steps, each of which contain the name of a result set. You can define the result sets that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch executes at a given step in the DRP table according to your need. To add a DRP table, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click DRPTable. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-18. Figure 3-18 Defining DRP Table Step 4 Step 5 Enter the step number (1 through 6) in the DRP table. From the Result Set drop-down list, choose a result set. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch runs the specific result set at a given step in the DRP table. Click OK. Step 6 Adding Route Selection Data The route selection table allows the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to route calls based on the source and destination domain names. To add route selection data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click RouteSel. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-19. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-18 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-19 Defining Route Selection Data Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Enter the destination username (such as [email protected]) or domain name (such as in the Destination Domain String field. Enter the source username (such as [email protected]) or domain name (such as in the Source Domain String field. From the Service Name drop-down list, choose a service. From the Route List Name drop-down list, choose a route list. Click OK. Adding Destination Translation Data The destination username/domain translation table translates the non-E.164 destinations to E.164 destinations (domains to phone numbers). To add destination translation data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Then click DestTrans. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-20. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-19 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-20 Defining Destination Translation Data Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Enter the username or domain name to be translated in the Destination Domain String field. From the Service Name drop-down list, choose a service. Enter the display name for the user in the Display Name field. Enter the new user name in the User Name field. Enter the new domain name in the Domain Name field. Enter the URI parameters that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch adds to the header in the URI Parameters field. Note Step 10 The URI parameters value must start with a semicolon, such as ;USER=phone. Click OK. Adding A-number Charge Origin Data The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch returns a result with CHARGEORIGIN result type during the A-number analysis if the Advice of Charge (AOC) feature is enabled on the ingress trunk group or sigpath. You need to add A-number charge origin data before you add a result with CHARGEORIGIN result type. To add A-number charge origin data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Achgorigin. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-21. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-20 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-21 A-number Charge Origin Data Window Step 4 Enter the calling line identity (CLI) in the CLI String field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 1 to 20 digits), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. Note The CLI String value is a per call configuration. If there is no match between the provisioned CLI value and the incoming CLI value, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch cannot activate the requested AOC supplementary service. Step 5 Enter the call origin value in the Corigin field. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range from 1 to 9999. Click OK to add the new value. Step 6 Adding A-Digit Tree Data The Adigtree table is the analysis table for calling numbers (A-numbers). You add data to it by defining an entry for each digit in the digit string. The output of this table is an index that points to the result table or an indication that analysis is complete. For more information on creating the Adigtree table, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add Adigtree data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Adigtree. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-22. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-21 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-22 Specifying Adigtree Data Step 4 Enter all the digits or part of the digits in a calling number in the Digit String field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 1 to 32 digits), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. Note If the calling number of an incoming call begins with this digit string, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs the actions defined in the result set you chose in Step 4. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 From the Call side drop-down list, choose originating. From the Result set drop-down list, choose the result set. Click OK. Adding A-number Dial Plan Selection The dial plan selection table provides the functionality to select a new dial plan based on the customer group ID and the full A-number. To add A-number dial plan selection data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click A Num DpSelection. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-23. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-22 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-23 Specifying A-number Dial Plan Selection Step 4 Enter the calling line identification value (the full A-number) in the CLI String field. The valid value for the this field is a digit string (from 1 to 20 digits), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. Step 5 Choose one dial plan name from the DialPlan Name drop-down list. This value specifies the new dial plan that you want to divert to. Click OK to add the new value. Step 6 Adding B-Digit Tree Data The Bdigtree table is the analysis table for called numbers. You add data to it by defining an entry for each digit in the digit string. The output of this table is an index that points to the result table or an indication that the analysis is complete. For information on creating the Bdigtree table, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add Bdigtree data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers and then click Bdigtree. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-24. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-23 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-24 Adding Bdigtree Data Step 3 Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-25. Figure 3-25 Specifying Bdigtree Data Step 4 Enter all the digits in a calling number in the Digit String field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 1 to 32 digits), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-24 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Note The digit string you enter can be either a part of the B-number or the full B-number. If the called number (B-number) of an incoming call begins with this digit string, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs the actions defined in the result set you chose in Step 6. Step 5 Step 6 From the Call side drop-down list, choose originating. From the Result set drop-down list, choose the result set. Click OK. You return to the screen in Figure 3-24, with the Bdigtree added. Adding Cause Data Cause Analysis is performed when a release message is received, or when a failure of some kind (for example, number screen fail) has occurred that implies the call must be released. The Cause Code value or the combined Cause Code and/or Location Code values are used to provide an internal Cause Code that provokes a number of different results including re-routing of the call to another route, or return to analysis to find a different destination. The Cause table lists the cause codes generated when a call is either rejected or cleared by the system. The cause for release can be from either a result type (from either B-number analysis or cause analysis) or a failure (generated during call processing). The Cause table contains either a location index or a result set index. The location index is used to identify the analysis into the location block. If the location index is set to 0, no analysis is performed based on the location. The result set index in the cause table is used to associate a result set. If the result set index is set to 0, then no action is to be taken at this time. It is only possible to have a location index or a result set index configured on the cause table, not both. However, if both the location index and the result set index are set to 0, no analysis is performed. For more information on creating the Cause table, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add Cause data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Cause. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-26. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-25 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-26 Adding Cause Data Step 3 Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-27. Figure 3-27 Specifying Cause Data Step 4 Enter the cause value in the Cause value field. Cause values are a subject of standardization. The valid value for this field is a integer in the range of 0 to 300. The value 0 indicates the wildcard value. Step 5 Do one of the following: • • In the Location block drop-down list, choose the location block. In the Result set drop-down list, choose the result set. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-26 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 6 Click OK. You return to the screen in Figure 3-27, with the cause data added. Adding Calling Line Identification Prefix Advanced screening on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch requires the provisioning of the calling line identification prefix table. The CLI prefix parameter allows you to associate a CLI prefix with a specific customer group. If an incoming call matches the CLI prefix parameter, you can apply certain dial plan functions to it. To add CLI prefix, perform the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Cliprefix. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-28. Figure 3-28 Specifying CLI Prefix Step 4 Enter CLI set name in the Cliset Name field. The valid value for this field is a four-digit string. Note This CLI set name is used when you are adding advanced screening and modification for H.323 messages coming from different call managers or for source IP address of the call manager. See the “Adding CLI IP Address” section on page 3-28 and the “Adding H.323 ID” section on page 3-30 for more information on the advanced screening and modification provisioning. Step 5 Enter CLI prefix value in the Cli Prefix String field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 1 to 20 digits), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-27 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Note A DEFAULT CLI prefix entry must be configured for each CLI set name. If an incoming call matches the CLI prefix parameter you provisioned in Cli Prefix String field, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects this dial plan customer group ID for this call. Step 6 Click OK. Adding CLI IP Address The CLI IP address parameter allows you to associate an IP address with a cliset name. If the source IP address of the incoming call message matches the provisioned IP address, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects the CLI set. If that incoming call matches an CLI prefix defined in that cliset, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects the customer group ID of that CLI prefix entry to continue the number analysis. To add an CLI IP address to a customer group, perform the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click CliIpAddr. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-29. Figure 3-29 Specifying CLI IP Address Step 4 Enter the IP address in the IP Addr field. The valid value for the IP Addr field is a string (host name or IP address with the format x.x.x.x where x is from 0 to 255). The maximum length for this string is 255 alphanumerical letters. Step 5 Enter the subnet mask in the SubNet Mask field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 7 to 15 digits) in the format of x.x.x.x where x is from 0 to 255. Step 6 In the Cliset Name drop-down list, choose the desired CLI set. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-28 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Note If the source IP of the incoming call message matches the address you provisioned in Step 3 and 4, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects an CLI set. If the incoming call matches an CLI prefix defined in that CLI set, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects the customer group ID of that CLI prefix entry to continue the number analysis. Step 7 Click OK. Adding Calling Party Category Pre-analysis is the first phase in the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch number analysis. CPC analysis is the first stage of the pre-analysis. Users configure a CPC table so that it links CPC values received from the incoming call setup message to a result. To add a calling party category (CPC) value in the CPC list, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click CPC. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-30. Figure 3-30 Specifying CPC Step 4 Enter the CPC value in the CPC value field. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 0 to 255. The default value is 0. In the Result set drop-down list, choose a result set. Click OK. Step 5 Step 6 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-29 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Adding Dial Plan Selection Data The dial plan selection functionality enables the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to divert from one dial plan to another one under specific conditions. You need to add dial plan selection data before you use this function. To add dial plan selection data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click DpSelection. Click Add. You see a screen similar to Figure 3-31. Figure 3-31 Specifying Dial Plan Selection Step 4 Choose another dial plan in the Dialplan Name drop-down list. This value indicates the diverted-to dial plan. Click OK to add the new value. Step 5 Adding H.323 ID The h323iddivfrom parameter allows you to associate an H.323 ID with a specific customer group. If an incoming call matches the H.323 ID parameter, you can apply certain dial plan functions to it. To add an H.323 ID to a customer group, perform the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID, then click h323iddivfrom. Click Add. You see a window similar to the one in Figure 3-32. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-30 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-32 Specifying H323IdDiv Step 4 Enter H.323 ID in the Name field. The valid value for this field is an alphanumeric string (1 to 32 letters in length). Choose a CLI set from the Cliset Name drop-down list. Step 5 Note If the incoming call matches the H.323 ID parameter you provisioned in Step 3, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects an CLI set. If the incoming call matches an CLI prefix defined in that CLI set, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch selects the customer group ID of that CLI prefix entry to continue the number analysis. Step 6 Click OK to add the new value. Adding Location Data The Location table is used to identify an associated result set. This table is accessed from the cause table through the location index. The location index is used to refer to a block of 16 entries in the location table. The location value is used as an offset into the location block. An action can be associated with a specific location value by associating a result set with the value in the location block. For more information on the Location table, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add Location data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Location. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-33. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-31 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-33 Defining Location Data Step 4 Enter the location block in the Location block field. The valid value for the location block is an integer. Enter the block value in the Block value field. The value defines the offset in the location block specified in Step 3. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 0 to 15. Step 5 Step 6 From the Result set drop-down list, choose the result set. Then click OK. The result set you chose is associated with the value (defined in Step 4) in the location block (defined in Step 3). Adding Nature of Address (NOA) Data of A-number and B-number The NOA table is used to define actions to be taken, based on the incoming NOA. The two fields in the NOA table are the NPI index and the result set index. The NPI index is used to identify the analysis into the unique NPI block. If the NPI index is set to 0, no analysis is performed based on the NPI. The result set index in the NOA table is used to associate a result set. If the result set index is set to 0, then no action is to be taken at this time. It is only possible to have a result set index on the NOA table configured or have an NPI index. However, if both the NPI index and the resultset index are set to 0, no analysis is performed. The procedures for adding NOA of A-number and B-number are similar. Here is a procedure for adding NOA data of A-number. For more information on creating the NOA table, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add NOA data for A-number, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Anoa. Note Step 3 If you are adding NOA for B-number, click Bnoa. Click Add. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-32 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-34. Figure 3-34 Defining NOA Data of A-number Step 4 Enter the NOA value for A-number in the ANOA Value field. The valid value for the location block is an integer. Note Step 5 If you are adding NOA value for B-number, enter the value in the BNOA Value field. Do one of the following: • From the ANPI block drop-down list, choose the NPI block for A-number. Note If you are adding NOA value for B-number, choose the NPI block for B-number from the BNPI drop-down list. In the Result set drop-down list, choose the result set. • Step 6 Click OK. Adding Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI) Data of A-number and B-number The NPI table is used to identify an associated result set. This table is accessed from the NOA table through the NPI block. The NPI block is used to refer to a block of 16 entries in the NPI table. The NPI value contained in the IAM is used as an offset into the NPI block. An action can be associated with an NPI value by associating a result set with the NPI value. The procedures for adding NPI data of A-number and B-number are similar. Here is a procedure for adding NPI data of A-number. For more information on creating the NPI table, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” To add NPI data of A-number, complete the following steps: Step 1 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-33 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Step 2 To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click Anpi. Note Step 3 If you are adding NPI data of B-number, click Bnpi. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-35. Figure 3-35 Defining NPI Data of A-number Step 4 Enter the NPI block for A-number in the ANPI block field. The value in this field is the value specified in the NPI Block column of the NOA. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 1 to 1000. Note Step 5 If you are adding the NPI data for B-number, enter the value in the BNPI block field. Enter the block offset value in the Block value field. The value defines NPI block offset of a certain NPI block which is specified in Step 3. In the Result set drop-down list, choose the result set. Click OK. The result set you chose is associated with the NPI value of the NPI block. Step 6 Adding Route Holiday The holiday table allows you to select specific days of the year to be routed differently from the actual day of the week that a holiday occurs on. To add route holiday data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click RTE Holiday. Click Add. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-34 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans You see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-36. Figure 3-36 Defining Route Holiday Data Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Enter a holiday date by choosing the month (January through December) from the drop-down list. Enter the year or click the arrows on the right to increase or decrease the value. Choose the day from those displayed. Choose the holiday type from the Holiday Type drop-down list. Click OK to add the new holiday. Adding Transmission Medium Requirement (TMR) Data The TMR analysis is the second stage in Pre-analysis that enables analyzing the TMR value in the IAM or Setup message. For example, this would allow the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to set different media gateway bearer capabilities within the network. In this Pre-analysis stage, the provisioned TMR value is matched by the TMR value received in the IAM or Setup message on the originating side. If there is a match, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs the actions defined in the result set you choose. To add transmission medium requirement data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click TMR. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-37. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-35 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-37 Defining TMR Data Step 4 Enter the TMR value in the TMR value field. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 0 to 255. Note The TMR value you enter here is an internal TMR value. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch maps the external TMR values to the internal TMR values differently for the Q.761, Q.767, and ANSI protocol variants. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values” for more information. Step 5 Step 6 Choose an result set from the Result set drop-down list. Click OK to add the TMR. Adding Transit Network Selection (TNS) Information The TNS analysis is the fourth stage in Pre-analysis that enables analyzing the transit network selection parameter information (or the Carrier Selection parameter information) as received in the incoming message. In this Pre-analysis stage, the internal TNS value is matched against the provisioned TNS value. The TNS value contains a digit string representing a carrierId. If the string is a match, then the associated result set is processed. To add transit network selection data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. To expand the Number Analysis hierarchical menu, click the icon to the left of the appropriate customer group ID. Click Triggers. Then click TNS. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-38. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-36 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Figure 3-38 Defining TNS Data Step 4 Enter the TNS value in the TNS value field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 000 to FFFFFFFF). Choose an result set from the Result set drop-down list. Step 5 Note The result set is associated with the TNS value. If there is a match between this TNS value and the TNS value in the incoming message, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs the actions defined in the result set you chose. Step 6 Click OK to add the TNS. Adding Announcements The ToneAndAnnouncement database table contains all the announcement details. An announcement ID identifies the announcement. To add an announcement, perform the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis button on the left side of the screen. Expand the Number Analysis menu by click the icon before it. Click Global Items. Then click Announcement. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-39. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-37 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-39 Adding Announcement Table Step 3 Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-40. Figure 3-40 Specifying the Announcement Step 4 Enter the announcement ID in the Announcement Id field. This parameter indicates the announcement identity, which is an access key for which the announcement table is searched for a match. The valid value for this field is an integer. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-38 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 5 Choose the gateway type from the Gateway type drop-down list. This parameter identifies the gateway type for this side of the call. Enter the intended duration (measured in seconds) in the Play Duration field. This parameter indicates the intended duration for which the announcement or tone is played. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 0 to 120. The default value is 60. Step 6 Step 7 Enter the intended number of times to play the announcement in the Repeat field. This parameter indicates the number of times the announcement or tone is repeated; or indicates if it must be played continuously for the specified duration. A value of 0 indicates continuous playing. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 0 to 5. The default value is 1. Step 8 Enter the intended silence interval (measured in milliseconds) in the Interval field. This parameter indicates the silence interval duration between re-playing an announcement or tone. The valid value for this field is an integer in the range of 0 to 5000. The default value is 3000. Step 9 Step 10 Enter the location string in the Location String field. This location string indicates to the gateway the audio file to be loaded for announcement playing. The string format varies according to the gateway type and its configuration. The string information is part of a URL string that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch sends by MGCP to the gateway. The maximum length of string is 128-characters. Adding Ported Number Table Data The ported number table determines if the B-number has been ported to another network. Note The ported number table component is moved to Tools > Advanced Number Editor on the menu bar in Cisco VSPT Release 2.8(1). To add data in the ported number table, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Choose Tools > Advanced Number Editor from the menu bar. Click the Porttbl tab. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-41. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-39 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-41 Ported Number Table Note When the Cisco VSPT imports a configuration from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, it does not automatically load the ported database. Sometimes the ported database could be very large, and the Cisco VSPT might run out of memory when loading the whole database. You can choose Command > Rtrv all from VSC from the menu bar to import all these tables to the Cisco VSPT. Choose Edit > Add new item. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-42. Figure 3-42 Defining Ported Number Step 3 Step 4 Enter a called number value in the Called number field. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-40 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 1 to 20), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. This digit string is the B-number digits (can be post normalization or modification). Step 5 Enter a routing number in the Routing number field. The valid value for this field is a digit string (from 1 to 20), A to F allowed if the dial plan supports overdecadic. This digit string is the Routing number prefix for ported numbers. Step 6 Enter the minimum and maximum length for call origination from this traffic path. The valid value for these two fields is an integer in the range of 0 to 20. Note The minimum length and maximum length values being created here relate to the B-Number post database reading. They do not relate to the incoming digits received from line. Step 7 Step 8 Choose Add or DLT from the Add/Remove drop-down list. Click OK to add the new value. Adding Script To support the MGCP scripting feature on Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, you need to provision a script table. To add the script data in the script table, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. Expand the Number Analysis menu by click the icon before it. Click Global Items, then Script. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-43. Figure 3-43 Defining the Script Step 4 Enter the script identification in the Script ID field. This integer corresponds to the ID referenced in dw1 for the SCRIPT result type. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-41 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Step 5 From the GW Type drop-down list, choose the gateway type. Note Step 6 The Script ID and the GW Type fields are the keys to the script table. From the Script Type drop-down list, choose the script type to be invoked and is used as the language type in the signal request parameter S: for the script invocation. (For example, S:script/tcl or S:script/java, is based on this definition.) Enter the location of the script in the Script Location field. The valid value for this field is a string no longer than 128 alphanumeric characters. (Optional) Enter the script parameters in the Script Parameters field. The information provided in this string is used as is in the script invocation command to the gateway. The string format and the information provided here conform to the specific gateway script requirements. This field is limited to 128 alphanumeric characters. Step 7 Step 8 Adding Full Number Translation Data The full number translation table is used for the result type NUM_TRANS. The NUM_TRANS result type is returned from A-number (the calling number) or B-number analysis (the called number) indicating that one or more numbers encountered require full replacement. The full number translation table contains all the replacement information. To add full number translation, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis radio button on the left side of the screen. Expand the Number Analysis menu by click the icon before it. Click Global Items. Then click FullNumberTrans. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-44. Figure 3-44 Defining the Full Number Translation Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-42 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 4 Enter the service name in the Service Name field. The value is a string representing the previously provisioned service name in the Service table. Enter an integer (1 through 4) indicating the number type to be translated in the Num Type field. • • • • Step 5 1—called party number 2—calling party number 3—redirecting number 4—calling party number and redirecting number Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Enter the digit string that is to be translated in the Dig String field. Maximum length of integers: 20 digits. Enter the translated digit string in the Translated Num field. Maximum length of integers: 20 digits. Click OK. Adding Term Table Data The TERMTBL list contains B-numbers. If the presented B-number is found in this list, the call is routed to the RouteID associated with the corresponding digit string. Note The term table component is moved to Tools > Advanced Number Editor on the menu bar in Cisco VSPT Release 2.8(1). To add term table data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Choose Tools > Advanced Number Editor from the menu bar. Click the Termtbl tab. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-45. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-43 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-45 Term Number Table Note When the Cisco VSPT imports a configuration from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, it does not automatically load the term table database. Sometimes the database could be very large, and the Cisco VSPT might run out of memory when loading the whole database. You can choose Command > Rtrv all from VSC from the menu bar to import all these tables to the Cisco VSPT. Choose Edit > Add new item from the menu bar. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-46. Figure 3-46 Defining Term Table Data Step 3 Step 4 Enter a called number value, then choose a route list name. The RouteID is associated with the called number you entered. Choose Add or DLT from the ADD/Remove drop-down list. Step 5 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-44 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Dial Plans Step 6 Click OK to add the new value. Adding Test Line Data The test line table is used to specify the delay, loop requirement, duration, and other parameters for test calls. To add test line data, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Number Analysis button on the left side of the screen. Expand the Number Analysis menu by click the icon before it. Click Global Items, then click Testline. Click Add. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-47. Figure 3-47 Defining Test Line Data Step 4 Enter the name in the Test Line Name field for the test call. This string can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters. Enter the delay value (measured in milliseconds) for the test call. Choose Yes in the loopreqField if you want loop required on. Otherwise, choose No. Enter the first tone type and its duration. Enter the second tone type and its duration. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Note In this example, the test line Test2 is added. First the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch delays 300 milliseconds and plays the first tone, old milliwatt (1000Hz), for a duration of 1000 milliseconds. Then it plays the second tone, really new milliwatt (1013.8Hz), for a duration of 2000 milliseconds. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch repeats the whole process until the call is released or it releases the call when the TestLineDuration times out. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-45 Chapter 3 Performing an Integrity Check Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Step 9 Click Add to add the new test line entry. Performing an Integrity Check When provisioning is complete, you can perform an integrity check to prevent possible configuration errors. The integrity check involves examining the following: • • • Integrity of Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch signaling configuration Traffic against Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch configuration Dial plan results You can run an individual test, any combination of two tests, or all the tests each time. For more information on the integrity check, see Chapter 3 in the Cisco Voice Services Provisioning Tools User Guide, Release 2.8(1). To perform an integrity check of your dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 From the Tools menu, choose Integrity Check. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-48. Figure 3-48 Integrity Check Step 2 Step 3 Click the Run individual tests radio button and check the Check dialplan results check box. Click Start. The tests run. When they finish, you see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-49. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-46 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Figure 3-49 Integrity Check Results Provisioning Examples This section presents an example showing the typical provision of a dial plan with Cisco VSPT (see Figure 3-50). This dial plan example is for illustration purpose only. The provisioning might vary in an actual network. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-47 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-50 A Dial Plan Example Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-48 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Provisioning Outline Perform the following steps to provision the sample configuration with Cisco VSPT 2.8(1). Step Step 1 Step 2 Action Start a provisioning session Stop and save a configuration Section and Page Starting a Provisioning Session, page 3-50 Saving the Cisco VSPT Configuration, page 3-51 Importing a Dial Plan File, page 3-2 Adding a Dial Plan, page 3-4 Adding Multiple Dial Plans, page 3-52 Adding the Dial Plan Selection, page 3-52 Adding Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-number Analysis, page 3-55 Adding Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-number Analysis, page 3-58 Adding the Digit Modification in the Dial Plans, page 3-60 Adding Time of Day Routing, page 3-63 Adding Percentage Routing, page 3-67 Adding a TCAP Subsystem, page 3-68 Adding an IN Trigger, page 3-69 Adding Call Retry, Reattempt, and Route Advance, page 3-70 Adding Announcement, page 3-72 Adding the Location Label, page 3-73 Adding the Call Limiting Result, page 3-73 Deploy the Configuration, page 3-75 Get Started with Cisco VSPT Import or Add a Dial Plan Step 1 Step 2 (Optional) Import a Cisco VSPT dial plan file Add a dial plan Add multiple dial plans Add the dial plan selection Add call screening triggered by A-number analysis Add call screening triggered by B-number analysis Add Dial Plan Selection Step 1 Step 2 Add Call Screening Step 1 Step 2 Add Digit Modification Step 1 Add the digit modification in dial plans Add Routing Analysis Step 1 Step 2 Add time of day Routing Add percentage routing Create a TCAP subsystem Create an IN Trigger to process LNP numbers Add the call retry, reattempt, or route advance Add the announcement Adding the location label Add the call limiting function Deploy Add Local Number Portability (LNP) Step 1 Step 2 Add Cause Analysis Step 1 Step 2 Add Call Limiting Step 1 Step 2 Deploy the Configuration Step 1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-49 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Get Started with Cisco VSPT Starting a Provisioning Session You can either start a new provisioning session or open a previous provisioning session in Cisco VSPT. • • Starting a New Provisioning Session, page 3-50 Opening a Previous Provisioning Session, page 3-51 Starting a New Provisioning Session To start a new configuration, complete the following steps: Step 1 From the File menu, click New. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-51. Figure 3-51 Adding a New Dial Plan Configuration Step 2 Enter the configuration name and click OK. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-1. Figure 3-52 New Configuration Wizard Step 3 Click the Perform manual configuration radio button at the bottom of the screen. Then click OK. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-50 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Opening a Previous Provisioning Session To open a previous provisioning session, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 From the File menu, click Open. Highlight the entry with your previously selected configuration name from the configuration list. Then click OK. Saving the Cisco VSPT Configuration You can save the current configuration by completing the following steps. Step 1 From the File menu, click Save. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-53. Figure 3-53 Save Options Save the current configuration: • As Working: Use to save a new configuration, either a configuration imported from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch or a configuration created in Cisco VSPT. Use also to save modifications to an existing configuration, overwriting the last version. The configuration is saved in the /var/opt/CSCOvsp27/data/mgc/mistral directory. As Snapshot: Use to save modifications to an existing configuration under a new name in the ARCHIVE directory. The snapshot configuration is saved in /var/opt/CSCOvsp27/data/mgc/mistral/configname/ARCHIVE. As New Config: Use to save a modified configuration under a new name, leaving the original intact. • • Step 2 Enter the name for the configuration if you choose save as snapshot or new config in Step 1. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-51 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Importing or Adding a Dial Plan To use Cisco VSPT to provision a dial plan, you can either import or add a dial plan. See Importing a Dial Plan File, page 3-2 and Adding a Dial Plan, page 3-4 for information on importing and adding a dial plan. The corresponding MML commands for adding a dial plan 1111 is as follows: numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="1111",overdec="NO" Adding Multiple Dial Plans Perform the steps described in Adding a Dial Plan, page 3-4 to add multiple dial plans. For example, add dial plan 2222, 3333 in this configuration. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-54. Figure 3-54 Multiple Dial Plans Added The corresponding MML commands for this procedure are as follows: numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="2222",overdec="NO" numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="3333",overdec="NO" Adding the Dial Plan Selection To select different dial plans according to the B-number, perform the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Expand the dial plan 1111 and click Dp Selection in the Trigger menu. Click Add in the bottom of the screen. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-52 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Step 3 Choose 2222 in the Dialplan Name drop-down list and click OK. Figure 3-55 Specifying the Dial Plan Selection Step 4 Step 5 Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 to add a dial plan selection for 3333. Click the ResultSet under Results menu of the dial plan 1111. Figure 3-56 Result Set Window Step 6 Click Add in the middle of the screen and enter the result set name. Then click OK. In this example, enter DpSelResultSet1 for the result set name. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-53 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Step 7 Highlight the newly added DpSelResultSet1 and click Add in the bottom of the screen. Figure 3-57 Adding a Result Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Enter the DpSelResult1 as the result name. Then click OK. Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 to add a new result set DpSelResultSet2 and a new result DpSelResult2. Click Bdigtree under the Triggers menu and click Add in the bottom of the screen. Enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-58. Then click OK. Figure 3-58 Add Bdigtree Step 12 Repeat Step 10 and Step 11 to associate 202 digit string with DpSelResultSet2. The corresponding MML commands for this procedure are as follows: numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="1111",newdp="2222" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="DpSelResultSet1" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-54 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",setname="DpSelResultSet1",resulttype="NEW_DIALPLAN" ,name="DpSelResult1",dw1="2222",dw2="2" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="DpSelResultSet1",digit string="101" numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="1111",newdp="3333" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="DpSelResultSet2" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",setname="DpSelResultSet2",resulttype="NEW_DIALPLAN" ,name="DpSelResult2",dw1="3333",dw2="2" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="DpSelResultSet2",digit string="202" Adding Call Screening Call screening is one type of analysis performed on the calling number (A-number) and the called number (B-number) to determine if a call is to be accepted or rejected. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch supports whitelist call screening that allows listed numbers and blocks all others, and blacklist call screening that blocks listed numbers and allows all others. Whitelist or blacklist screening triggered by A-number analysis or B-number analysis results in four different ways to trigger call screening. The following two examples are for illustration purposes only. • • Adding Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-number Analysis, page 3-55 Adding Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-number Analysis, page 3-58 Adding Whitelist Screening Triggered by A-number Analysis The A-number analysis can trigger the whitelist and blacklist screening on calling number. To add the whitelist screening triggered by A-number analysis, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Click the Resultset under the Results menu for the dial plan 2222. Add a result set and add a result in that result set. In this example, add the result set Resultset2222 and add the result WhitelistResult as shown in Figure 3-59. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-55 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-59 Adding the SCREENING Result Type Step 3 Step 4 Click Adigtree under the Triggers menu of the dial plan 2222. Add the Adigtree with the desired A-number trigger. In this example, add 301648 as the A-number trigger as shown in Figure 3-60. If the calling number starts with 301648, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs the actions defined in the result set Resultset2222. Figure 3-60 Specifying the Adigtree with WhitelistResultSet Associated Step 5 Choose Tools > Advanced Number Editor from the menu bar. You see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-61. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-56 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Figure 3-61 Advanced Number Editor Step 6 Choose Add new item in the Edit menu. You can create a new screening file or open an existed screening file to edit. You can access these options in the File menu. Step 7 Enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-62. Then click OK. Figure 3-62 Specifying the A-number Whitelist New Number Step 8 Choose Save this panel in the File menu and specify the name and the folder. The working configuration is saved in /var/opt/CSCOvsp27/data/mgc/mistral/"Configuration Name"/WORKING. Step 9 Choose a deployment option in the Command menu to deploy the screening file. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-57 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Adding Blacklist Screening Triggered by B-number Analysis The B-number analysis can trigger the whitelist and blacklist screening on calling number. To add the blacklist screening triggered by B-number analysis, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Click the Service under the Results menu for the dial plan 3333. Add a service entry. In this example, add a service entry Washington. Note The service provides additional call screening capabilities. See Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” for details. Click the Resultset. Add a result set and add a result in that result set. In this example, add the result set Resultset3333. Then add the result BlacklistResult as shown in Figure 3-63. Figure 3-63 Adding the SCREENING Result Type Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Click Bdigtree under the Triggers menu of the dial plan 3333. Add the Bdigtree with the desired B-number trigger. In this example, add 703483 as the B-number trigger as shown in Figure 3-63. If the called number starts with 703483, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch performs the actions defined in the result set Resultset3333. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-58 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Figure 3-64 Specifying the Bdigtree with BlacklistResultSet Associated Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Choose Tools > Advanced Number Editor from the menu bar. Click the BBlack tab. Choose Add new item in the Edit menu. Add a new number entry as shown in Figure 3-65. Then click OK. Figure 3-65 Specifying the B-number Blacklist New Number Step 11 Choose Save this panel in the File menu and specify the name and the folder. The working configuration is saved in /var/opt/CSCOvsp27/data/mgc/mistral/"Configuration Name"/WORKING. Step 12 Choose a deployment option in the Command menu to deploy the screening file. The corresponding MML commands for these two procedures are as follows: numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="2222",name="Resultset2222" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="2222",name="WhitelistResult",resulttype="SCREENING",setna me="Resultset2222",dw1="1",dw3="1111",dw4="1111" numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="2222",callside="originating",setname="Resultset2222",digitst ring="301648" numan-add:awhite:custgrpid="2222",cli="3016484444" numan-add:service:custgrpid="3333",name="Washington" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-59 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="3333",name="Resultset3333" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="3333",name="BlacklistResult",resulttype="SCREENING",setna me="Resultset3333",dw1="1",dw2="Washington",dw3="1111",dw4="1111" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="3333",callside="originating",setname="Resultset3333",digitst ring="703483" numan-add:bblack:custgrpid="3333",svnname="Washington",cli="3016484444" Adding the Digit Modification in the Dial Plans The digit modification string is used to insert numbers into either the A-number (calling party number) or B-number (called party number). If you must perform digit modifications, you must add the digit modification table where you define a digit modification string to apply to an A-number or B-number. To add a digit modification string, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Expand the dial plan 2222 and expand the Results menu under it. Click the component Digmodstring. Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. Then enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-66. Click OK. Figure 3-66 Defining a Digit Modification String Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Expand the dial plan 3333 and expand the Results menu under it. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for dial plan 3333 to add the DigitMod1 with the digit modification string 70. Add a result AddDigitResult with the result type BMODDIG for dial plan 2222 to insert 86 before the incoming called number. Enter the required information as shown in the Figure 3-67. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-60 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Figure 3-67 Adding BMODDIG Result for Dial Plan 2222 Step 8 Add a result RemoveDigitResult with the result type BMODDIG for dial plan 3333 to remove 70 at the beginning of the incoming called number. Enter the required information as shown in the Figure 3-68. Figure 3-68 Adding BMODDIG Result for Dial Plan 3333 Step 9 Step 10 For dial plan 2222, add a result set RouteResultSet. Add a result RouteResult with the result type ROUTE as shown in Figure 3-69. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-61 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Note In result sets that are associated with A-number analysis triggers, like Adigtree, you cannot add routing information. The A-number analysis results are saved and used in the following analyses, like B-number analysis. In result sets that are associated with B-number analysis triggers, like Bdigtree, you can add routing information. In this example, you add a Bdigtree to contain routing information for dial plan 2222. Figure 3-69 Adding a Route Result in a Result Set for Dial Plan 2222 Step 11 For dial plan 2222, add a Bdigtree trigger with the associated result set to RouteResultSet as shown in Figure 3-70. Figure 3-70 Specifying the Bdigtree Trigger for the Routing Step 12 Add a result with result type ROUTE in the Resultset3333 result set in dial plan 3333. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-62 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Note As mentioned previously, the result sets that are associated with B-number analysis triggers can contain routing information. In this example, Resultset 3333 is associated with Bdigtree which is one of the B-number analysis triggers. So you can add a result with the result type ROUTE in Resultset3333. The corresponding MML commands for this procedure are as follows: numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="2222",name="DigitMod1",digstring="86" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="2222",name="AddDigitResult",resulttype="BMODDIG",setname= "Resultset2222",dw1="1",dw2="0",dw3="DigitMod1" numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="3333",name="DigitMod1",digstring="70" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="3333",name="RemoveDigitResult",resulttype="BMODDIG",setna me="Resultset3333",dw1="1",dw2="2",dw3="DigitMod1" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="2222",name="RouteResultSet" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="2222",name="RouteResult",resulttype="ROUTE",setname="Rout eResultSet",dw1="rtlist111stim" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="3333",name="RouteResult",resulttype="ROUTE",setname="Resu ltset3333",dw1="rtlist222stim" Adding Time of Day Routing Time of day routing provides the capability for the user to select a route list or an entry point into the percentage based routing based on the time of day, and day of week. To add time of day routing, you need to add conditional route description and conditional routing. Perform the following steps to add time of day routing: Step 1 From the main provisioning screen of the Cisco VSPT, click the Traffic button on the left side of the screen. Expand the Traffic hierarchical menu by clicking the icon to the left of Traffic. Expand the Routing menu and click Description. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-71. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-63 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-71 Conditional Route Description Step 2 Click Add in the bottom of the right pane. The right pane looks similar to the one shown in Figure 3-72. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-64 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Figure 3-72 Specifying the Conditional Route Description Step 3 Step 4 Enter the name for the conditional route description in the Name field. Enter the T1 time and choose the desired route in the Route drop-down list between the T0 and T1 fields. You are defining that between the time 00:00 and 09:00 of the day (in 1200 format for 12:00), the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses PBXrtelst as shown in the Figure 3-73. Continue the route definition of the remaining time periods for the whole day. Figure 3-73 Conditional Route Descriptions Step 5 Repeat the Step 2 through 4 to add another conditional route description Cond2. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-65 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-74 Adding the Conditional Route Description Cond2 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Click Conditional Routing component in the Routing menu. Click Add in the bottom of the right pane. Enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-74. Figure 3-75 Adding Conditional Route The corresponding MML commands for this procedure are as follows: prov-add:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="ISPrtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",startTime="0900",endTime="1400" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="PGW2rtelst",startTime="1400",endTime="2200" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="SIPrtelst",startTime="2200",endTime="0000" prov-add:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="PGW3rtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",startTime="0500",endTime="1200" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="SIPrtelst",startTime="1200",endTime="1900" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="PGW2rtelst",startTime="1900",endTime="0000" prov-add:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Default",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Monday",condRteDesc="Cond2" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-66 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Tuesday",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Wednesday",condRteDesc="Cond2" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Thursday",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Friday",condRteDesc="Cond2" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Saturday",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Hol2",condRteDesc="Cond1" Adding Percentage Routing To add percentage routing, perform the following examples: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Click Routing > Percentage Routing in the left pane of the main Cisco VSPT window. Click Add in the bottom of the right pane. Enter required information as shown in Figure 3-76. Figure 3-76 Adding Percentage Routing The corresponding MML commands for this procedure are as follows: prov-add:percRte:name="one",rtlistname="ISPrtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:percRte:name="one",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="one",rtlistname="PSTNrtelst",load=50 prov-add:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="HSI1rtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="PSTNrtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="PGW3rtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="SIPrtelst",overflow="on" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-67 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Adding Local Number Portability (LNP) To add LNP in the dial plan, you need to add a Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) subsystem and an Intelligent Network (IN) trigger. • • Adding a TCAP Subsystem, page 3-68 Adding an IN Trigger, page 3-69 Adding a TCAP Subsystem Use the following procedure to create a subsystem for TCAP LNP queries: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Click the MGC Config radio button of Cisco VSPT. Click the SS7 Subsystems component under the Signaling component. Enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-77. Figure 3-77 Specifying the SS7 Subsystem Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-68 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples The TCAPIP or APC drop-down menu is used to specify the point code to be used to access the STP/SCP pair. Choose the stp-1 in this example. In this example, enter 123 for the Local SSN which identifies the subsystem to use for the TCAP message. Enter 1 for the STP/SCP index which provides the unique index for SCP. Adding an IN Trigger To use the IN_Trigger result set to initiate a TCAP message to the Intelligent Network, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Click the Number Analysis radio button to return to number analysis provisioning. Click the Resultset component under dial plan 1111 and add a result set Resultset1111. Add the result LNPdip with the result type IN_TRIGGER in the Resultset1111 result set as shown in the Figure 3-78. Figure 3-78 Adding a IN_TRIGGER Result Type Step 4 Step 5 Click Bdigtree under the Triggers menu. Add an B-number digit tree as shown in the Figure 3-79. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-69 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-79 Specifying the Bdigtree The corresponding MML commands for this procedure are as follows: prov-add:ss7subsys:name="Ss7ss-lnp",desc="SS7 Subsystem for LNP",svc="stp-1", proto="SS7-ANSI",pri=1,localssn=123,stpscpind=1,transproto="SCCP",opc="opc-pgw",remotessn= 123 nuam-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="Resultset1111" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPdip",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER",setname="Resu ltset1111",dw1="2",dw2="1" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="Resultset1111",digitstring="5 551234" Adding Cause Analysis Cause analysis is performed when a release (REL) message is received, or when a failure of some kind has occurred implying that the call must be released. The cause code value or the combined cause code and location code values are analyzed to provide a cause code that provokes rerouting of the call to another switch by the preceding switch, rerouting of the call to an announcement server, reattempt and redirecting, or call release. In this example, you add call retry and announcement. • • Adding Call Retry, Reattempt, and Route Advance, page 3-70 Adding Announcement, page 3-72 Adding Call Retry, Reattempt, and Route Advance To add call retry, reattempt, or route advance in the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Click Resultset under Results menu of dial plan 1111. Add a result set CallRetry. Add a result with the RETRY_ACTION result type in the result set CallRetry. Enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-80. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-70 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Note Reattempt—Reattempts take place up to the limit provisioned in trunk group data. If the counter is exceeded, a trunk group advance takes place. Redirect—Redirect to a new trunk group to attempt circuit selection. TGAdvance—Reroute the call on an alternate route. Figure 3-80 Add a Result with RETRY_ACTION Result Type Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Choose the Reattempt in the Retry type drop-down list. Then click OK. Click Cause under the Triggers menu of dial plan 1111. Click Add at the bottom of the screen. Enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-81. Figure 3-81 Specifying the Cause Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-71 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Adding Announcement To generate an announcement in the event that a cause value is received indicated that all circuits are busy, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Click Resultset under the Results menu of dial plan 1111. Highlight the result set CallRetry you just added. Add a result with ANNOUCEMENT as the result type as shown in Figure 3-82. Note Announcement ID—Four digit number identifying the announcement on the announcement server. Announce. type—Identifies whether the server is locally connected to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch via ethernet or connected remotely via a PRI through the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Route List ID—Route group name used to route to the announcement server. Announcement data—Enables the switching off of a trunk group property Announcement for certain A-numbers or B-numbers. Not applicable when the announcement type is remote. Figure 3-82 Add the Announcement The corresponding MML commands for these two procedures are as follows: nuam-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="CallRetry" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="CallRetryResult",resulttype="RETRY_ACTION",se tname="CallRetry",dw1="1" numan-add:cause:custgrpid="1111",causevalue="34",setname="CallRetry" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="Announcement",resulttype="ANNOUNCEMENT",setna me="CallRetry",dw1="1234",dw2="1",dw3="rtlist111stim",dw4="2" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-72 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Adding Call Limiting To add call limiting, you need to specify a call limiting requirement and then add a LOC_LABEL result with this call limiting requirement associated. • • Adding the Location Label, page 3-73 Adding the Call Limiting Result, page 3-73 Adding the Location Label The location label specifies a call limiting requirement. To add a location label, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Click the MGC Config radio button and expand the Signaling menu. Click Location Label and enter the required information as shown in Figure 3-83. Figure 3-83 Specifying an Location Label Note Step 3 The call limit number in this example is 3000. Click Add in the bottom of the screen. Adding the Call Limiting Result To add a LOC_LABEL result associated with the location label you just added, complete the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Click the Number Analysis radio button and expand the dial plan 1111. Add a new result set CallLimitingSet. Add a new result CallLimitingRes as shown in Figure 3-84. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-73 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Figure 3-84 Specifying an Result with LOC_LABEL Result Type Step 4 Step 5 Click OK in the bottom of the screen. Add Adigtree trigger associated with the CallLimitingSet result set as shown in Figure 3-85. Figure 3-85 Adding a Adigtree Trigger for Call Limiting The corresponding MML commands for these two procedures are as follows: prov-add:Loclabel:name="LOCLABEL-1",desc="Call Limiting",calllimit=3000 numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="CallLimitingSet" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="CallLimitingRes",resulttype="loc_label", dw1="LOCLABEL",setname="CallLimitingSet" numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",digitstring="303",setname="Call LimitingSet" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-74 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples Deploy the Configuration To deploy the configuration in the Cisco VSPT, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click Deploy in the Tools menu. You see a screen similar to the one in Figure 3-86. Figure 3-86 Deployment Selection Step 2 Step 3 Enter the destination configuration name on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Click the radio button before the desired deployment action. The corresponding MML commands for this procedure is as follows: prov-stp MML Commands Reference This section provides the corresponding MML commands for this example. ________________________________________ ; Start the Provisioning Session ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prov-sta::srcver="new",dstver="test",confirm ________________________________________ ; Add Dial Plans ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="1111",overdec="NO" numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="2222",overdec="NO" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-75 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="3333",overdec="NO" ________________________________________ ; Provision Dial Plan Selection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="1111",newdp="2222" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="DpSelResultSet1" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",setname="DpSelResultSet1",resulttype="NEW_DIALPLAN" ,name="DpSelResult1",dw1="2222",dw2="2" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="DpSelResultSet1",digit string="101" numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="1111",newdp="3333" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="DpSelResultSet2" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",setname="DpSelResultSet2",resulttype="NEW_DIALPLAN" ,name="DpSelResult2",dw1="3333",dw2="2" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="DpSelResultSet2",digit string="202” ________________________________________ ; Provision an A-number Whitelist Call Screening ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="2222",name="Resultset2222" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="2222",name="WhitelistResult",resulttype="SCREENING",setna me="Resultset2222",dw1="1",dw3="1111",dw4="1111" numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="2222",callside="originating",setname="Resultset2222",digitst ring="301648" numan-add:awhite:custgrpid="2222",cli="3016484444" ________________________________________ ; Provision a B-number Blacklist Call Screening ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; numan-add:service:custgrpid="3333",name="Washington" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="3333",name="Resultset3333" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="3333",name="BlacklistResult",resulttype="SCREENING",setna me="Resultset3333",dw1="1",dw2="Washington",dw3="1111",dw4="1111" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="3333",callside="originating",setname="Resultset3333",digitst ring="703483" numan-add:bblack:custgrpid="3333",svnname="Washington",cli="3016484444" ________________________________________ ; Provision Digit Modification ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="2222",name="DigitMod1",digstring="86" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="2222",name="AddDigitResult",resulttype="BMODDIG",setname= "Resultset2222",dw1="1",dw2="0",dw3="DigitMod1" numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="3333",name="DigitMod1",digstring="70" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="3333",name="RemoveDigitResult",resulttype="BMODDIG",setna me="Resultset3333",dw1="1",dw2="2",dw3="DigitMod1" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="2222",name="RouteResultSet" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="2222",name="RouteResult",resulttype="ROUTE",setname="Rout eResultSet",dw1="rtlist111stim" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="3333",name="RouteResult",resulttype="ROUTE",setname="Resu ltset3333",dw1="rtlist222stim" ________________________________________ ; Provision Time of Day Routing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prov-add:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="ISPrtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",startTime="0900",endTime="1400" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="PGW2rtelst",startTime="1400",endTime="2200" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond1",rtlistname="SIPrtelst",startTime="2200",endTime="0000" prov-add:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="PGW3rtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",startTime="0500",endTime="1200" prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="SIPrtelst",startTime="1200",endTime="1900" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-76 OL-18082-09 Chapter 3 Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Provisioning Examples prov-ed:condRteDesc:name="Cond2",rtlistname="PGW2rtelst",startTime="1900",endTime="0000" prov-add:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Default",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Monday",condRteDesc="Cond2" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Tuesday",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Wednesday",condRteDesc="Cond2" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Thursday",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Friday",condRteDesc="Cond2" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Saturday",condRteDesc="Cond1" prov-ed:condRte:name="ConRte1",dow="Hol2",condRteDesc="Cond1" ________________________________________ ; Provision Percentage Routing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prov-add:percRte:name="one",rtlistname="ISPrtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:percRte:name="one",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="one",rtlistname="PSTNrtelst",load=50 prov-add:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="HSI1rtelst",ovrFlwSet="on" prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="PSTNrtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="PBXrtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="PGW3rtelst",load=25 prov-ed:percRte:name="two",rtlistname="SIPrtelst",overflow="on" ________________________________________ ; Provision Local Number Portability (LNP) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prov-add:ss7subsys:name="Ss7ss-lnp",desc="SS7 Subsystem for LNP",svc="stp-1", proto="SS7-ANSI",pri=1,localssn=123,stpscpind=1,transproto="SCCP",opc="opc-pgw",remotessn= 123 nuam-add:resultset:custgrpid=”1111”,name="Resultset1111" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPdip",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER",setname="Resu ltset1111",dw1="2",dw2="1" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",setname="Resultset1111",digitst ring="5551234" ________________________________________ ; Provision Call Retry ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; nuam-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="CallRetry" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="CallRetryResult",resulttype="RETRY_ACTION",se tname="CallRetry",dw1="1" numan-add:cause:custgrpid="1111",causevalue="34",setname="CallRetry" ________________________________________ ; Provision an Announcement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="Announcement",resulttype="ANNOUNCEMENT",setna me="CallRetry",dw1="1234",dw2="1",dw3="rtlist111stim",dw4="2" ________________________________________ ; Provision Call Limiting ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prov-add:loclabel:name="LOCLABEL-1",desc="Call Limiting",calllimit=3000 numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="CallLimitingSet" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="CallLimitingRes",resulttype="loc_label", dw1="LOCLABEL",setname="CallLimitingSet" numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",digitstring="303",setname="Call LimitingSet" ________________________________________ ; Choose the Deployment Action (Send Configuration to MGC Only) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prov-stp Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 3-77 Chapter 3 Provisioning Examples Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 3-78 OL-18082-09 CH A P T E R 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This chapter describes how to provision dial plans using Man-Machine Language (MML) commands. The procedures described in this chapter allow you to create, add, modify, and delete dial plan components. It also describes how to verify the actions taken with dial plan components and gives tips that can help you solve dial plan provisioning problems. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses information from the dial plans to perform number analysis and call processing. This chapter includes the following sections: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adding a Dial Plan, page 4-7 Migrating Dial Plans Dealing with SCREENING Entries, page 4-12 Adding Dial Plan Components, page 4-13 Provisioning Overdecadic Status, page 4-31 Provisioning Advice of Charge, page 4-31 Combined Charge and Meter Pulse Messaging Provisioning, page 4-46 Provisioning Percentage Based Routing, page 4-47 Provisioning Conditional Routing, page 4-49 Provisioning Calling Party Category, page 4-51 Provisioning Bearer Capability Based Routing, page 4-53 Provisioning the Announcement, page 4-53 Provisioning an ATM Profile, page 4-54 Provisioning Tech Prefix Capabilities, page 4-55 Provisioning Advanced Screening Capabilities, page 4-55 Provisioning Results of Various Result Types, page 4-58 Provisioning Examples for Various Result Types, page 4-61 Importing Dial Plan Information, page 4-62 Provisioning Call Limiting, page 4-65 Scaling Dial Plan Elements, page 4-67 Provisioning Call Reporting, page 4-68 Provisioning Calling Name Delivery, page 4-68 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-1 Chapter 4 Dial Plan Parameters Provisioning Dial Plans with MML • • • • Provisioning Full Number Translations, page 4-69 Provisioning Global Titles, page 4-72 Provisioning Domain Based Routing, page 4-73 Provisioning Generic Call Tagging, page 4-75 It is recommended that you provision dial plan components in the following order: Note The order in which you provision dial plan tables is important. Many tables refer to other tables that must be defined first. Create the dial plan file (unique CustGrpID). Provision Digit Modification. Provision the Service. Provision the Result and Result Sets. Provision the A-numbers and B-numbers. Provision calling party category (CPC). Provision transmission medium requirement (TMR) analysis. Provision B-number nature of address (NOA) and numbering plan indicator (NPI) analysis. Provision transit network selection (TNS). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Provision North American Numbering Plan (NANP) B-number normalization. 11. Provision the Location value. 12. Provision the Cause value. 13. Provision the A and B Whitelist and Blacklist screening files. Dial Plan Parameters Once you have filled in the dial plan worksheets you must configure the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to implement your dial plan. When configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, you can use the dial plan worksheets and either the MML commands listed in this chapter or the VSPT procedures listed in Chapter 3, “Provisioning Dial Plans with the Cisco VSPT”. Table 4-1 describes the configuration parameters that apply to each dial plan you define. Table 4-1 Dial Plan Parameter Descriptions MML Component Name DIALPLAN MML Parameter Names OVERDEC Description Selects the customer-created dial plan. Indicates the overdecadic status only when adding a dial plan. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-2 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Dial Plan Parameters Table 4-1 Dial Plan Parameter Descriptions (continued) MML Component Name ADIGTREE MML Parameter Names SETNAME DIGITTOPRESENT CALLSIDE DIGITSTRING Description Selects the A-digit tree table. MML name of the result set. Indicates the number of digits to skip (forward or backward) during analysis, if not set to 0. Indicates if the call side is originating or terminating. All the digits in a calling number or called number. Cannot use with NEXTNODE, DIGIT, or INDEX. Selects the B-digit tree table. MML name of the result set. Indicates the number of digits to skip (forward or backward) during analysis, if not set to 0. Indicates if the call side is originating or terminating. All the digits in a calling number or called number. Cannot use with NEXTNODE, DIGIT, or INDEX. Selects the Result table. MML name of the result. Indicates the type of result. First data word. Second data word. Third data word. Fourth data word. Next result name. MML name of the result set. Selects Digit String Modification table. MML name of the digit modification string. The digit string. Selects calling number Nature of Address (NOA) table. The NOA value. The NPI block value. MML name of the result set. Selects calling number Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI) table. BDIGTREE SETNAME DIGITTOPRESENT CALLSIDE DIGITSTRING RESULTTABLE NAME RESULTTYPE DW1 DW2 DW3 DW4 NEXTRESULT SETNAME DIGMODSTRING NAME DIGSTRING ANOA NOAVALUE NPIBLOCK SETNAME ANPI NPIBLOCK BLOCKVALUE SETNAME The NPI block. The NPI block value. MML name of the result set. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-3 Chapter 4 Dial Plan Parameters Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Table 4-1 Dial Plan Parameter Descriptions (continued) MML Component Name BNOA MML Parameter Names NOAVALUE NPIBLOCK SETNAME Description Selects called number NOA table. The NOA value. The NPI block value. MML name of the result set. Selects called number NPI table. The NPI block. The NPI block value. MML name of the result set. Selects the Cause table. The cause value. The cause location block. MML name of the result set. Selects the Location table. The location block. MML name of the result set. The location block value. Selects the Service table. MML name of the service. Selects the result set in the Result Set table. MML name of the result set. Selects the A-digit tree white list. Sets calling line identity (CLI) for A-digit tree white list. Selects the A-digit tree black list. Sets the CLI for the A-digit tree black list. Selects the B-digit tree white list. Sets the CLI for the B-digit tree white list. MML name of the previously defined service. Selects the B-digit tree black list. Sets the CLI for B-digit tree black list. MML name of the previously defined service. Selects the Ported Number table. The called number. The routing number. BNPI NPIBLOCK BLOCKVALUE SETNAME CAUSE CAUSEVALUE LOCATIONBLOCK SETNAME LOCATION LOCATIONBLOCK SETNAME BLOCKVALUE SERVICE NAME RESULTSET NAME AWHITE CLI ABLACK CLI BWHITE CLI SVCNAME BBLACK CLI SVCNAME PORTTBL DIGITSTRING ROUTENUMBER Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-4 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Dial Plan Parameters Table 4-1 Dial Plan Parameter Descriptions (continued) MML Component Name TERMTBL MML Parameter Names DIGITSTRING ROUTELISTNAME Description Selects the Number Termination table. The called number. The route list name. Selects the A-number charge origin. The customer group ID. Sets calling line identity (CLI) for A-digit tree white list. The call origin. Selects the default result set. Indicates the type of result. First data word. Second data word. Third data word. Fourth data word. Selects the dial plan. The new dial plan ID. Selects the A-number dial plan. The calling party number. Selects the route holiday. The holiday date. The holiday day. Selects the calling party category. The CPC value. MML name of the result set. Selects the transmission medium requirement. The TMR value. MML name of the result set. Selects the transit network selection. The TNS value. MML name of the result set. Selects the CLI prefix. The CLI prefix set name. The CLI prefix. The Customer group ID. ACHORIGIN CUSTGRPID CLI CORIGIN DEFRESULTSET RESULTTYPE DW1 DW2 DW3 DW4 DPSEL NEWDP ANUMDPSEL CLI RTEHOLIDAY DATE HDAY CPC CPCVALUE SETNAME TMR TMRVALUE SETNAME TNS TNSVALUE SETNAME CLIPREFIX CLISETNAME CLIPREFIX CUSTGRPID Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-5 Chapter 4 Dial Plan Parameters Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Table 4-1 Dial Plan Parameter Descriptions (continued) MML Component Name CLIIPADDRESS MML Parameter Names CUSTGRPID IPADDR SUBNETMASK CLISETNAME Description Selects the CLIP address. The Customer group ID. The IP Address. The Subnet mask. The CLI prefix set name. Selects the H323 ID, Division header, or From field. The Customer group ID. H323 ID, Division header, or From field. The CLI prefix set name. H323IDDIVFROM CUSTGRPID H323IDDIVFROM CLISETNAME • • To add, modify, or delete the contents of a dial plan table, an active provisioning session is required. An open provisioning session is not needed to access the AWHITE, ABLACK, BWHITE, BBLACK, PORTBL, TERMTBL, ANUMDPSEL, ACHGORIGIN, CLIPREFIX, CLIIPADDRESS, H323IDDIVFROM, ANNOUNCEMENT, and SCRIPT tables. When performing a deploy or copy, dial plan files from the provisioning directory are copied to the active directory. The active directory for dial plan files is /opt/CiscoMGC/dialPlan. All TIDs, with the exception of DIALPLAN, require a customer group ID and a name. The DIALPLAN requires only a customer group ID. The DIALPLAN cannot be edited. The DIALPLAN can be retrieved to determine all of the dial plans currently configured. Provision the routes and the digit modification string table before result and digit tree tables. When an index is added to a table, the missing indexes are also added with default values. For example, if index 10 is added to the A-digit tree table, and indexes 4 through 9 are missing, they are added with default values. When an index is deleted from a result or digit tree table, all the elements in the index are zeroed. When an index is deleted from routes or the digit modification string table, all the elements in the index are made 'x'. When an index is deleted from any table and if there are no indexes with non-default values following this index, all the indexes following this index are deleted. The modify command is not supported for result sets, since modifications are performed at the result table level. The modify command is not supported for the service table. When an entry is added to the result table, the corresponding entry is added to the result set table. When an entry is deleted from the result set table, the corresponding entries are deleted from the result table. Index is no longer required to perform any operations on the result table, service table, or digit modification table. The result set cannot be modified for a result table. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-6 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding a Dial Plan • The following TIDs: DIALPLAN, RESULTTABLE, DIGMODSTRING, NOA, NPI, CAUSE, LOCATION, SERVICE, and RESULTSET support retrieving all entries in their respective table by specifying “all”. For example: numan-rtrv:resultset:custgrpid="T001","all" • The TIDs adigtree and bdigtree allow retrieving all entries in the table by either not specifying a digitstring or by specifying an empty digitstring. For example: numan-rtrv:adigtree:custgrpid="T001",digitstring="" • • Configuring a result set as the default result set replaces the previous result set. The default result set can have only one of the following result types: BLACKLIST, ROUTE, or CAUSE. Adding a Dial Plan The dial plan component is used to add dial plan component parameters. You can enter MML commands for a dial plan in a text file and then pass the text file as a batch to MML. Caution Consider using dial plan text files for initial provisioning only. When you pass a dial plan text file to MML, all existing dial plan data is replaced by the data in the text file. When provisioning a large dial plan, break the dial plan into smaller pieces rather than loading the entire dial plan as a single batch file. Validation of the dial plan requires a fairly large amount of swap space. To add a dial plan component, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="t100" This command adds the dial plan component and the required custgrpid parameter. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the dial plan you added is present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each dial plan you want to add. Adding a Component to a Dial Plan The dial plan you added in the previous procedure is a file labeled CustGrpId.dialPlan, where the customer group ID is four alphanumeric characters. For more information on dial plan component parameters, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-7 Chapter 4 Adding a Dial Plan Provisioning Dial Plans with MML To add any component to a dial plan, you also use the NUMAN-ADD command. For example, to add a route component to the dial plan results, you would complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t777",resulttype="route",setname="setone", name="resultone",dw1="rtlistone" This command adds a ROUTE result type with the name “resultone” to the dial plan results. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the route component you added to the dial plan is present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each route component you want to add to the dial plan. Deleting a Component from a Dial Plan To delete a component from a dial plan, you must enter the command NUMAN-DLT. For example, to delete a resultset component from a dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-dlt:resultset:custgrpid="t001",name="setone" This command deletes the resultset component “setone” from the dial plan. Caution As a convenience, for the adigtree and the bdigtree components, the “NUMAN-DLT” command allows you to delete all of the numbers starting with a digit string. Here is an example command: numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="t001",callside="originating",digitstring="starting digits" Here are two options for the numan-dlt:bdigtree commands. The numan-dlt:adigtree command has similar usage. • Delete all of the numbers starting with a specified digit string from the B digit tree. numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="t001",callside="originating",digitstring="404" or numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="t001",callside="originating",digitstring="404", partial="NO" These two MML command examples delete all of the numbers starting with a "404" digit string from the B digit tree within the dial plan t001, including the number 404. • Delete only the specified number from the B digit tree numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="t001",callside="originating",digitstring="404", partial="YES" This MML command example deletes only the number 404 from the B digit tree within the dial plan t001. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-8 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding a Dial Plan Note For the numan-dlt:adigtree and the numan-dlt:bdigtree commands, use the partial parameter carefully. Setting the partial parameter value to “YES” deletes only the specified number from the digit tree. Setting the partial parameter value to “NO” deletes all of the numbers starting with a specified digit string from a digit tree. The default value for the partial parameter is “NO”. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the resultset component you deleted is no longer present. Step 3 Repeat Step 1 and 2 for each resultset component you want to delete from the dial plan. Deleting a Digit String Range When deleting digit strings from a dial plan, one or more digit strings can be deleted. Depending on the software revision installed and the platform configuration, deleting a digit string can have different results. The following examples provide different examples for deleting one or more digit strings from a dial plan. The following digit strings have been provisioned in the dial plan: numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="4",setname="set1" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="444",setname="set2" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="445",setname="set3" Deleting All Three B-digit Tree Entries You can use either of the following MML commands, with or without the partial parameter enabled, to delete all the B-digit tree entries that begin with a 4. mml> numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="4" MGC-02 - Media Gateway Controller 2005-01-26 09:49:06.330 EST M COMPLD "bdigtree:WARNING: All partial matching digit tree are removed" ; or mml>numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="4",partial="no" MGC-02 - Media Gateway Controller 2005-01-26 09:49:06.330 EST M COMPLD "bdigtree:WARNING: All partial matching digit tree are removed" ; Deleting the B-digit Tree with 4 and Not Deleting 444 and 445 You can use the following MML command, with the partial parameter enabled, to delete only the specified B-digit tree entry. mml> numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="4",partial="yes" MGC-02 - Media Gateway Controller 2005-01-26 09:34:27.832 EST M COMPLD "bdigtree" ; Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-9 Chapter 4 Adding a Dial Plan Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Deleting the 444 and 445 B-digit Trees and Not Deleting 4 You can use either of the following MML commands, with or without the partial parameter enabled, to delete all the B-digit tree entries that contain 44. mml> numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="44" MGC-02 - Media Gateway Controller 2005-01-26 09:49:06.330 EST M COMPLD "bdigtree:WARNING: All partial matching digit tree are removed" ; or mml> numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="44",partial="no" MGC-02 - Media Gateway Controller 2005-01-26 09:49:06.330 EST M COMPLD "bdigtree:WARNING: All partial matching digit tree are removed" ; Deleting Only the 444 B-digit Tree You can use the following MML command to delete only the specified B-digit tree entry. mml> numan-dlt:bdigtree:custgrpid="dp1",callside="originating",digitstring="444" MGC-02 - Media Gateway Controller 2005-01-26 09:34:27.832 EST M COMPLD "bdigtree" ; Deleting a Dial Plan To delete a dial plan, all dependencies to files outside the dial plan must be removed. The dial plan consists of tables and sections contained inside data files, which are named after the customer group ID. The customer group ID is a primary key that links the dial plan to sigpaths, trunk groups, call screenings, and result sets. Therefore, all dependencies must be removed before deleting a dial plan from the system. The following dependencies are checked before dial plan deletion is allowed. • • • • • • • Any awhite list configured for this dial plan Any ablack list configured for this dial plan Any bwhite list configured for this dial plan Any bblack list configured for this dial plan Any reference to this dial plan by other dial plans Any ANumDPSelection table in the database Any trunk groups or sigpaths related to this dial plan. If any of the preceding dependencies exist to this dial plan, the deletion of the dial plan is rejected. The whole dial plan file can be deleted only if there are no dependencies. Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-dlt:dialplan:custgrpid="T001" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-10 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding a Dial Plan Step 2 Verify the dial plan has been deleted by entering the command: mml> numan-rtrv:dialplan:custgrpid="T001" Changing a Component in a Dial Plan To change a component in a dial plan, you must enter the command NUMAN-ED. For example, to change a setname component in an NPI value in a dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-ed:npi:custgrpid="t777",npiblock=1,setname="settwo" This command changes the setname to “settwo” in the NPI value in the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the setname component you changed now reads “settwo” as changed. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each setname component you want to change in the dial plan. Deleting the Contents of a Dial Plan In the MGC software Release 9.5(2), a parameter, contentonly, was added. When contentonly is set to “true”, deletion of the contents of a dial plan (for example, cleans all dial plan sections except the service and dpselection section of the dial plan file) without first deleting dial plan dependencies is permitted. This allows dial plan contents to be changed, even though dependencies may exist, and then restored before deploying the provisioning changes. Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-dlt:dialplan:custgrpid="T003",contentonly="true" Note If contentonly is set to “false” (the default), all dependencies must be eliminated before the dial plan can be deleted. Step 2 Step 3 Continue to provision the dial plan. When complete, deploy the provisioning changes by using the prov-dply command. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-11 Chapter 4 Migrating Dial Plans Dealing with SCREENING Entries Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Retrieving a Component in a Dial Plan To retrieve information on any component in a dial plan, you must enter the command NUMAN-RTRV. For example, to retrieve an element in a dial plan, complete the following step: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv:bdigtree:custgrpid="t777",callside="originating" This command retrieves an element from the Bdigtree in the dial plan. To verify the command was executed successfully, observe that information for the component(s) changed in the command is returned in the response. Repeat the command as necessary. Updating Changes in a Dial Plan As a result of current dial plan loading mechanisms used with the multiple dial plan functionality in this release, the chg-dpl command that manually invokes reloading of a dial plan has been removed. Migrating Dial Plans Dealing with SCREENING Entries Migration For Customers Without SCREENING Entries There is no migration issue for new dial plans (dial plans without SCREENING entries). The additional dial plan file, GLBL.dialplan is automatically added to your system starting with MGC software Release 9.4(1). Migration For Customers With SCREENING Entries If you have multiple dial plans with duplicated sets of screening data in the TimesTen database, the difference in the records in the database is the customer group id that links the record to a specific dial plan. Complete the following procedure to migrate your dial plan data for global screening use. Step 1 Step 2 Using an active Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch system, login. Using the prov-export command, export the screening data from each dial plan. prov-exp:all:dirname=”save-config-2” Note If you have dial plans T001 and T002 using T001.bwhite and T002.bwhite screening, after prov-export you will have 2 files, T001.Bwhite and T002.Bwhite. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-12 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Step 3 Copy T001.bwhite to GLBL.bwhite as follows: cd /opt/CiscoMGC/etc/cust_specific/save-config-2 cp T001.bwhite GLBL.bwhite more GLBL.bwhite Step 4 Import GLBL.bwhite as follows: prov-add:files:name=”bwhitefile”,file=”GLBL.bwhite”,action=”import” numan-rtrv:bwhite:custgrpid="GLBL",cli="x" Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Modify the screening type dw1 to “dw3” for one resulttable in T001 dial plan. Make a test call from a test phone with the CLI listed in GLBL.bwhite. Modify the screening type dw1 to “dw3” for one resulttable in T002 dial plan. Make a test call from a test phone with the CLI listed in GLBL.bwhite. Modify all screening type dw1 to “3” for both T001 and T002 dial plan as follows: Edit both T001.bwhite and T002.bwhite: vi T001.bwhite or vi T002.bwhite :1,$s/1 /2 /g to replace all 1s in the first column to 2s Step 10 Save your changes and quit the editor as follows: :wq! Step 11 Import both T001.bwhite and T002.bwhite back and verify they are empty afterward by using the following MML commands: prov-add:files:name=”bwhitefile”,file=”T001.bwhite”,action=”import” prov-add:files:name=”bwhitefile”,file=”T002.bwhite”,action=”import” numan-rtrv:bwhite:custgrpid="T001",cli="x" numan-rtrv:bwhite:custgrpid="T002",cli="x" Step 12 Make a test call from a test phone with the CLI listed in GLBL.bwhite. Caution Configuration of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software requires that the system software be shut down. In a simplex system, calls cannot be processed during system shut down. In a continuous service system, your system loses the ability to maintain calls during a critical event while the system software on one of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch hosts is shut down. Adding Dial Plan Components Adding Carrier Selection (CARRIERTBL) Carrier selection is used during Pre-analysis, as described in the “Transit Network Selection Analysis” section on page 1-74. You can use either the PROV-ADD MML command to create the list or you can use the Voice Services Provisioning Tool (VSPT) to import a carrier selection file. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-13 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML To create the carrier selection list and add Carrier IDs, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-add:carriertbl:carrierid="222",rtoption="carrier",rtlistname="list1" where, • • CARRIERID is a unique 2-digit through 5-digit number (enclosed in straight quotes) to identify the selected carrier. Leading zeros are significant. For example, 022 is not the same as 22. RTOPTION identifies the selected route option: 1 = Route on called number (default) 2 = Blocked 3 = Route on Carrier ID • RTLISTNAME is a unique route list name for this routing trunk group number. You can enter as many as 20 alphanumeric characters enclosed in straight quotes. Hyphens (-) can be used; however, a specific value is not allowed unless the RTOPTION parameter is set to “CARRIER” (as shown). This command adds a single row and a single Carrier ID to the Carrier Selection list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify a new row has been added to the Carrier Selection list. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2, as necessary, to add new rows and new Carrier IDs to the Carrier Selection list. Adding a Digit Modification (DIGMODSTRING) The Digit Modification is accessed by the results to yield a string of numbers (digits) to apply to an A-number or B-number. Its target identifier (TID) is DIGMODSTRING. To add a DIGMODSTRING list and add digit strings, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="t100",name="digname1",digstring="1045" This command adds the digit string “1045” to the DIGMODSTRING list in the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the DIGMODSTRING list and the digit string you entered are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each digit string you want to add to the DIGMODSTRING list. Tip An implied index, which contains a single string of digits to be applied to the calling number or called number, is used to access the DIGMODSTRING list. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-14 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Adding a Service (SERVICE) Service contains user-defined services for screening. Its TID is SERVICE. To add a service list and add service names, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:service:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”Washington” This command adds a service with the service name “TollLine” to the dial plan. Note Service names are limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed in service names. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the service with the service name that you entered is present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each service name you want to add to the service list. Tip The service list acts with the results to provide service names. Adding a Result (RESULTTABLE) Results are used with number analysis. It could, for example, point to screening or to an SCP/STP index. Its TID is RESULTTABLE. To add a RESULTTABLE to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",resulttype="SCREENING",dw1="1",dw2="Herndon", name="resultone",setname="setone" This command adds a RESULTTABLE and a result set with a result type of “SCREENING,” dataword1 value of “1,” dataword2 value of “Herndon,” a name of “resultone,” and a result set name of “setone.” Step 2 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",resulttype="ANNOUNCEMENT",dw1="100",dw2="1", dw3="rtlist1",name="resulttwo",setname="settwo" This command adds another result set to the RESULTTABLE with a result type of “ANNOUNCEMENT,” dataword1 value of “100,” dataword2 value of “1,” dataword3 value of “rtlist1,” a name of “resulttwo,” and a result set name of “settwo.” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-15 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Step 3 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER",dw1="1",dw2="1", dw3="rtlist1",name="resultthree",setname="setthree" This command adds a third result set to the RESULTTABLE with a result type of “IN_TRIGGER,” dataword1 value of “1,” dataword2 value of “1,” dataword3 value of “rtlist1,” a name of “resultthree,” and a result set name of “setthree.” Step 4 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",resulttype="CPCMOD",dw1="payphone", name="resultfour",setname="setfour" This command adds a fourth result set to the RESULTTABLE with a result type of “CPCMOD,” dataword1 value of “payphone,” a name of “resultfour,” and a setname of “setfour.” Step 5 To verify these four commands were executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the RESULTTABLE you created is present with all four result sets described above. Step 6 Repeat step 1 and step 5 for each result set you want to add to the RESULTTABLE. Adding the RETRY_ACTION Result Type Support of trunk group advance, reattempt, or redirection is a result of cause analysis. The RETRY_ACTION result type value setting determines if route advance, reattempt, or redirection is enabled. The following MML command adds the result type RETRY_ACTION in the results for reattempt operation. Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the following command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="a101",name="result4",resulttype="retry_action", dw1="reattempt",setname="setfour" This command adds the specified RETRY_ACTION (reattempt) to the results. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv:resulttable:custgrpid=”a101”,name=”result4”,setname=”setfour” Verify the RETRY_ACTION and the parameters you specified are now present in the Results. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each RETRY_ACTION entry you add to the results. Note For multiple RETRY_ACTION results, only the last retry action specified is applied. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-16 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Adding the MGCPDIALPKG Result Type The MGCPDIALPKG result type is provisioned in the dialplan only against the B-Number in the B-digit tree. This result type is first read in Generic Analysis during Pre-Analysis to determine if the call is an MGCP DIAL call. The following MML command adds the result type MGCPDIALPKG in the result table. Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the following command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002",name="result45",resulttype="mgcpdialpkg", dw1="Dynamic",dw2="1",setname="mgcpdialset3" Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the MGCPDIALPKG and the parameters you specified are now present in the result table. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each MGCPDIALPKG entry you add to the result table. Use the following MML command to select an analog call type: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002",name="result46",resulttype="mgcpdialpkg", dw1="Analog",dw2="1",setname="mgcpdialset2" Or use the following MML command to select a digital call type: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002",name="result47",resulttype="mgcpdialpkg", dw1="Digital",dw2="1",setname="mgcpdialset1" Adding the BCMOD Result Type To create the bearer capability table and add the BCMOD result type, complete the following steps: Step 1 Log in to the active Cisco MGC, start an MML session, and enter the following command to add a dial plan: mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="dpl1",overdec="yes" Step 2 Enter the following command to add a result set: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="dpl1",name="set1" Step 3 Enter the following command to add the BC table entry: mml> numan-add:BC:cusgrpid="dpl1",name="bc-04",ocval="9090A3" Step 4 Now add the BCMOD result type to a result set and define the result set in the result table: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="dp11",resulttype="BCMOD",dw1="bc-04",setname="set1", name="bc1" Step 5 Repeat Step 4, as necessary, to add new rows to the bearer capability table. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-17 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding the HLCMOD Result Type Create the high-level capability table and add the high-level capability result type (HLCMOD) to the dial plan to modify the high level capability in the outgoing IAM by performing the following steps: Step 1 Log in to the active Cisco MGC, start an MML session, and enter the following command to add a dial plan: mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="dpl2",overdec="yes" Step 2 Enter the following command to add a result set: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="dpl2",name="set3" Step 3 Enter the following command to add the HLC table entry: mml> numan-add:HLC:cusgrpid="dpl1",name="hlc-04",ocval="9184" Step 4 Now add the HLCMOD result type to a result set and define the result set in the result table: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="dp12",resulttype="HLCMOD",dw1="hlc-04", setname="set3",name="result03" Step 5 Repeat Step 4, as necessary, to add HLCMOD result types to the result table. Adding an A-Digit Tree (ADIGITTREE) The A-Digit Tree contains entries, in blocks of sixteen, for each calling number. Its output is an index to the Result table or an indication that no further action is necessary. Its TID is ADIGITTREE. To add an ADIGITTREE to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:adigittree:custgrpid="t100",digitstring="703484",callside="originating", setname="setone" This command adds an ADIGITTREE and the required parameters to the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the ADIGITTREE and the parameters you added are now present in the dial plan. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you add to the ADIGITTREE. Adding a B-Digit Tree (BDIGITTREE) The B-Digit Tree also contains entries, in blocks of sixteen, for each called number. Its output is an index to the results or an indication no further action is necessary. Its TID is BDIGITTREE. To add a BDIGITTREE to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-18 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:bdigittree:custgrpid="t100",digitstring="703484",callside="originating", setname="set1" This command adds a BDIGITTREE and the required parameters to the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the BDIGITTREE and the parameters you added are now present in the dial plan. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you add to the ADIGITTREE. Adding Numbering Plan Indicator Data (ANPI and BNPI) Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI) provides an index into the results. It allows Pre-analysis before number analysis is performed. Its TID is NPI. Note In MGC software Release 9.4(1), another NPI table (NPIcg) was added to allow analysis of A-numbers. As a result, the MML command changed from npi to anpi and bnpi. A separate NPI block is required for every non-zero entry in the NPI Block column of the NOA (Example 4-1) that you want to associate with a result set. To add an NPI value to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:anpi:custgrpid=”t001”,npiblock=101,blockvalue=1,setname=”set1” This command adds an NPI with a CustGrpID of “t001,” an NPI block of 1, a received NPI block value of 108, and a result set name of “set1.” to the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify that the NPI value and the parameters you added are now present as shown in Example 4-1. Example 4-1 Table 4-2 Numbering Plan Indicator Example Block Values and Result Sets Names Block Value 0 1 2 3 4 Result Set Name set1 set2 set3 set4 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-19 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Table 4-2 Block Values and Result Sets Names (continued) Block Value 5 6 7 8 9 1 Result Set Name set5 set6 set7 set8 set9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. There are currently no incoming NPI values above 9. See Appendix A, “NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values.” Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each npiblock value and setname you want to add to the NPI. Adding Nature of Address Data (NOA) The Nature of Address (NOA) provides an index into the NPI. It allows Pre-analysis before number analysis is performed. Its TID is NOA. Note In MGC software Release 9.4(1), another NOA table (NOAcg) was added to allow analysis of A-numbers. As a result, the MML command changed from noa to anoa and bnoa. To add a NOA value to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:anoa:custgrpid="t100",noavalue=3,npiblock=1 This command adds a NOA value and the required parameters to the dial plan. For any NOA value that is configured, either an NPI block or a result set must be specified. This MML command example specifies that for an incoming NOA value of 3, pre-analysis enters NPI block 1 using the incoming NPI value. Step 2 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:anoa:custgrpid="t001",noavalue=4,setname="set3" This MML command specifies that for an incoming NOA value of 4, result set “set3” is used. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-20 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Table 4-3 Nature of Address NOA Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 … Step 3 NPI Block Result Set Name set1 set2 1 set3 2 3 set4 4 … … To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the NOA value and the parameters you added are now present. Step 4 Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each noavalue you want to add to the dial plan. Adding a LINEXLATE Table to the Dial Plan for Configurable NOA Mapping To support the Configurable NOA Mapping feature (introduced in Release 9.4.1), you must provision a line translation (LINEXLATE) table in your dial plan. See the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Provisioning Guide for the procedures to provision the Configurable NOA Mapping feature on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. See the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9 MML Command Reference for a detailed description of the command for creating a LINEXLATE table. Provisioning the LINEXLATE Table Perform the following steps to provision the Linexlate table in your dial plan. Verify a line NOA value translation using a dial plan for SS7-to-SS7 calls. Step 1 Step 2 Open a provisioning session by using the following MML command: mml>prov-sta::srcver="04",dstver="mml_05" Provision the Cisco MGC for a line NOA value to the dial plan of incoming calls trunk group, using the following MML command: mml>numan-add:noa:custgrpid=”1111”,noavalue=4,setname=”rset1” Step 3 Provision the Cisco MGC for a line NOA value to the dial plan of outgoing calls trunk group, using the following MML command: mml>numan-add:noa:custgrpid=”1111”,noavalue=14,setname=”rset2” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-21 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Step 4 Step 5 Commit the changes. mml>prov-cpy Use prov-rtrv:linexlate:name=”noa2” to verify the property is added correctly. mml>prov-rtrv:linexlate:name=”noa2” Verify that the line NOA value translation has occurred correctly. For example, line value 4, added at the incoming trunk group, is converted to an internal NOA value 14 at the outgoing trunk group and is received at the PSTN side. Verify a line NOA value translation for Calling, Called Party, and Redirection Number parameters for Type B calls. Adding a Location (LOCATION) Location identifies the type of network originating a call. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses values from cause and location to determine result actions. For information on cause and location, see the “Cause Analysis” section on page 1-78. Its TID is LOCATION. To add a LOCATION to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:location:custgrpid=“t001”,locationblock=1,blockvalue=“8”,setname=“set8” This command adds the LOCATION and sets up the Location with a CustGrpID of t001, a locationblock of 1, a block value of 8, and a result set name of “set8”. Note Step 2 The blockvalue in numan-add:location should be one less than the intended internal value. To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the LOCATION and the parameters you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each LOCATION entry you want to add to the dial plan. Tip The LOCATION contains 16 groups. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-22 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Adding a Cause (CAUSE) Cause provides an index into the Location to provide cause analysis. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses values from Cause and Location to determine result actions. Its TID is CAUSE. To add a CAUSE to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:cause:custgrpid="t001",causevalue=3,setname=”set3” This command sets up the Cause with a CustGrpId of t001, a cause value of 3, and a result set name of “set3”. or mml> numan-add:cause:custgrpid="t001",causevalue=4,locationblock=1 This command sets up the Cause with a CustGrpId of t001, a cause value of 4, and a location block of 1. The location block cannot be empty when you use this command. See the “Adding a Location (LOCATION)” section on page 4-22 for information on adding locations. Note A cause value must be added to the dial plan before it can be edited. Table B-2, Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically, lists the internal cause code values. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the CAUSE and the parameters you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each CAUSE entry you want to add to the dial plan. Note When provisioning CAUSE in the dial plan, you can use either locationblock or setname, but not both. If you use setname, set the locationblock=0. If you use locationblock, set the setname=“”. However, setting the unused property (locationblock or setname) means it is unused. Tip If you want to change the CAUSE property from locationblock to setname, or from setname to locationblock, use the numan-ed command to set the property not desired to its unused condition, then use the numan-ed command to set the value for the desired property. Adding Screening Lists (SCREENING) The dial plan can have as many as four different Screening lists—two “white” and two “black”: • • A White—call screening stimulated by either partial or full calling number and full calling number that must be present in the list to complete the call. A Black—call screening stimulated by either partial or full calling number and full calling number must not be present in the list to complete the call. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-23 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML • • B White—call screening stimulated by either partial or full called number and full calling number must be present in the list to complete the call. B Black—call screening stimulated by either partial or full called number and full calling number must not be present in the list to complete the call. The following sections describe the file format for AWhite and ABlack screening files. A-Number Screening File Formats The file format for each entry in the AWhite or ABlack screening files is the same: <Type> <CallingPartyNumber> where, • Type designates whether a number is to be added to or deleted from the A-number screening file: – Type = 1 if the calling party number is to be added to the A-number screening file – Type = 2 if the calling party number is to be deleted from the A-number screening file The type field allows additions and deletions to be commingled in the same file; however, the AWhite and ABlack screening files must be maintained separately. • CallingPartyNumber is used to enter the calling party number (A-number). B-Number Screening File Formats The file format for each entry in the BWhite or BBlack screening files is the same: <Type> <ServiceName> <CallingPartyNumber> where, • Type designates whether a number is to be added to or deleted from the A-number screening file: – Type = 1 if the calling party number is to be added to the B-number screening file – Type = 2 if the calling party number is to be deleted from the B-number screening file The type field allows additions and deletions to be commingled in the same file; however, the BWhite and BBlack screening files must be maintained separately. • ServiceName is a string field that designates a valid service name. Note The service name entered here associates the calling party number with a specific service. A calling party number can be associated with as many different services as necessary. Service names are limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed. CallingPartyNumber is used to enter the calling party number (A-number). • Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-24 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Importing or Exporting Screening Data The screening list is also designed to allow you to add and remove entries without opening a provisioning session. It also enables more than one user at a time to access the screening list. The format of the MML command to import (or export) both dial plan files and A-number and B-number whitelist and blacklist screening files is as follows: prov-add:files:name=<file_format>, file=<file_name>, action=import | export where the file_format and the file_name (target identifier or TID) must be paired, as listed in Table 4-2. File Type A-number whitelist files A-number blacklist files B-number whitelist files B-number blacklist files file_format = AWhiteFile ABlackFile BWhiteFile BBlackFile file_name (or TID) = custgrpid.awhite custgrpid.ablack custgrpid.bwhite custgrpid.bblack A provisioning session is not needed for individual MML commands; nor does a provisioning session need to be opened when you are using the screening file import procedure described above. The format of the MML command to add individual entries to the A-number whitelist or blacklist screening files without opening a provisioning session is as follows: mml> numan-add:<custgrpid.awhite|custgrpid.ablack>:cli=<cli> The format of the MML command to add individual entries to the B-number whitelist or blacklist screening files without opening a provisioning session is as follows: mml> numan-add:<custgrpid.bwhite|custgrpid.bblack>:cli=”<cli>”,service=”<svcname>” The following file types do not require a provisioning session be open if using the prov-add command to load the following tables: AWHITE, ABLACK, BWHITE, BBLACK, PORTBL, TERMTBL, ANUMDPSEL, ACHGORIGIN, CLIPREFIX, CLIIPADDRESS, H323IDDIVFROM, ANNOUNCEMENT, and SCRIPT. Adding an AWHITE List The AWhite list contains calling numbers that can be processed. If the presented A-number is not found in the list, then the screening is deemed to have failed and the call is released. Its TID is AWHITE. To add an AWHITE list entry to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:awhite:custgrpid="t100",cli="919472123" This command adds an AWHITE list and the required parameters to the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the AWHITE list and the parameters you added are now present. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-25 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each AWHITE list entry you want to add to the dial plan. Adding an ABLACK List The ABlack list contains calling numbers that cannot be processed. If the presented A-number is found in the list, then the call is released. Its TID is ABLACK. To add an ABLACK list entry, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:ablack:custgrpid="t100",cli="919472432" This command adds an ABLACK list entry and the required parameters to the dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the ABLACK list entry and the parameters you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each ABLACK list entry you want to add to the dial plan. Adding a BWHITE List The BWhite list contains called numbers that can be processed. If the presented B-number is not found in the list, the screening is deemed to have failed and the call is released. Its TID is BWHITE. To add a BWHITE list entry to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:bwhite:custgrpid="t100",cli="9194721234",svcname="FreePhone" This command adds a BWHITE list entry and the required parameters to the dial plan. Note Service names are limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed in service names. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the BWHITE list entry and the parameters you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each BWHITE list entry you want to add to the dial plan. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-26 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Adding a BBLACK List The BBLACK list contains called numbers that cannot be processed. If the presented B-number is found in the list, the call is released. Its TID is BBLACK. To add a BBLACK list entry to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:bblack:custgrpid="t100",cli="9194724321",svcname="FreePhone" This command adds a BBLACK list entry and the required parameters to the dial plan. Note Service names are limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed in service names. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the BBLACK list entry and the parameters you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each BBLACK list entry you want to add to the dial plan. Adding a Ported Number Table (PORTTBL) The PORTTBL lists ported numbers. If the presented B-number is found in this table, the call is rerouted to the recipient network. Its TID is PORTTBL. To add an entry to the PORTTBL list of your dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml>numan-add:PORTTBL:digitstring="2145190000",RouteNumber="23456" This command adds an entry to the PORTTBL list and the required parameters to your dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the parameters you added are now present in the PORTTBL list. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each PORTTBL list entry you want to add to your dial plan. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-27 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding a Term Table (TERMTBL) The TERMTBL list contains B-numbers. If the presented B-number is found in this list, the call is routed to the RouteID associated with the corresponding digit string. Its TID is TERMTBL. To add an entry to the TERMTBL of your dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:TERMTBL:digitstring="34567",RTLISTNAME="dallas" This command adds an entry to the TERMTBL list and the required parameters to your dial plan. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the parameters you added are present in the TERMTBL list. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each TERMTBL list entry you want to add to your dial plan. Adding a Dial Plan Selection (DPSELECTION) Provision the dial plan selection list using the DPSEL TID. To add the dial plan selection list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="t001",newdp="dp07" This command inserts the dial plan ID “dp07” into a new dial plan selection list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the dial plan selection list and the new dial plan ID you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each dial plan ID you want to insert in the dial plan selection list. Adding A-Number Dial Plan Selection (ANUMDPSEL) Provision the A-number dial plan selection list using the ANUMDPSEL TID. To add the A-number dial plan selection, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:anumdpsel:custgrpid="t001",cli="1234567",newdp="dp07" This MML command inserts the A-number dial plan dp07 into the dial plan selection list. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-28 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding Dial Plan Components Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the A-number dial plan selection list and the new dial plan ID you changed are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each A-number you want to insert in the A-number dial plan selection list. Provisioning CODEC Capabilities (CODECSTRING) This section describes the MML commands required to provision the CODEC capabilities. For more information on the CODEC component, see MML Command Reference. Provisioning the CODEC Capabilities Provision the CODEC capabilities using MML commands. Use the following MML command formats to respectively add the CODEC result type and the CODEC string capabilities: mml> prov-add:codecstring:name="codec1",codecstring="G.726-32;G.729b-L" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T001",resulttype="CODEC",dw1="codec1",dw2="1",setnam e="ra1",name="res1" mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name="3333",custgrpid="1111",GWDefaultCodecString="G.711a;PCMA" mml> prov-add:sigsvcprop:name="mgcp1",GWDefaultCodecString="G.711a;PCMA" Route Holiday Provisioning The following MML commands are used to add, edit, delete, and retrieve data to and from the Route Holiday list. Add a Holiday entry: NUMAN-ADD:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.08.12",HDAY="HOL2" Edit a day entry in the Holiday list in an already existing entry in the list: NUMAN-ED:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.08.12",HDAY=HOL1 Delete an entry in the list: NUMAN-DLT:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.08.12" Retrieve a specific entry in the list: NUMAN-RTRV:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.08.12" Retrieve all entries in the list: NUMAN-RTRV:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002","all" Provisioning example for Conditional Routing Add entries to Route Holiday list: NUMAN-ADD:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.12.25",HDAY="HOL1" NUMAN-ADD:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.01.01",HDAY="HOL1" NUMAN-ADD:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.07.04",HDAY="HOL2" NUMAN-ADD:RTEHOLIDAY:CUSTGRPID="T002",DATE="2001.09.03",HDAY="HOL3" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-29 Chapter 4 Adding Dial Plan Components Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Conditional Routing Processing actions derived from the above MML commands: The conditional routing will use the hol1 day of the week for Christmas day and New Years day. For Independence Day the conditional routing will use the hol2 day of the week. And for Labor Day the conditional routing will use the hol3 day of the week. Add a conditional route: PROV-ADD:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="DEFAULT",RTEDESC="set22" PROV-ED:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="MONDAY",RTEDESC="set21 0800 set22 1800 set 24" PROV-ED:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="TUESDAY",RTEDESC="set21 0800 set22 1800 set 24" PROV-ED:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="WEDNESDAY",RTEDESC="set21 0800 set22 1800 set24" PROV-ED:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="HOL1",RTEDESC="set23" PROV-ED:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="HOL2",RTEDESC="set22" PROV-ED:CONDRTE:NAME="condName20",DOW="HOL3",RTEDESC="set22 1200 set55 1800 set22" The following MML command shows how to configure the COND_ROUTE results making the association with the data in the Conditional Routing list previously defined. NUMAN-ADD:RESULTTABLE:CUSTGRPID="T002",NAME="result39",RESULTTYPE="COND_ROUTE",DW1=" condName20",SETNAME="condsetName" Conditional Routing Processing actions derived from the preceding MML commands: On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: From 0000-0800, the Routing option is result set “set21” which provides RouteList21 as the entry point into Routing analysis. From 0801-1800, the Routing option is result set “set22” which provides Routelist22 as the entry point for Routing analysis. From 1801-2359, the Routing option is result set “set24” which provides RouteList24 as the entry point into Routing analysis. On a Holiday of type “HOL1” From 0000-2359, the Routing option is “set23” which provides RouteList23 as the entry point into Routing analysis. On a Holiday of type “HOL2” From 0000-2359, the Routing option is “set22” which provides RouteList22 as the entry point into Routing analysis. On a Holiday of type “HOL3” From 0000-1200, the Routing option is result set “set22” which provides RouteList22 as the entry point into Routing analysis. From 1201-1800, the Routing option is result set “set55” which provides Routelist55 as the entry point for Routing analysis. From 1801-235, 9 the Routing option is result set “set22” which provides RouteList22 as the entry point into Routing analysis. On a Default case This means the Routing for any undefined Days in this case Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. From 0000 - 0800, the Routing option is result set “set22” which provides Routelist22 as the entry point for Routing analysis. From 0801-2359, the Routing option is result set “set55” which provides Routelist55 as the entry point for Routing analysis. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-30 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Overdecadic Status Provisioning Overdecadic Status To identify when provisioning that a dial plan is either decadic or overdecadic, use the DIALPLAN TID. To provision the overdecadic status of a dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="t001",overdec="YES" This command inserts the dpbase into a dial plan containing a value of either YES or NO. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the dpbase and the overdecadic selection you added are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each dial plan you want to insert a dpbase to specify the overdecadic status of the dial plan. Provisioning Advice of Charge The following sections describe how to provision the Advice of Charge (AOC) feature: • • • • Provisioning the Charge Holiday List, page 4-32 Provisioning the Charge List, page 4-34 Provisioning the Tariff List, page 4-36 Provisioning Charge Origin, page 4-37 Charging data should be defined during installation (after the creation of each customer dial plan). Additional charging data can be added at any time. AOC provisioning is accomplished in the following stages: • • • • • • Defining charge origins—Can be assigned to trunk groups or signaling paths, area codes (in the A-digit trees), or in a CLI charge origin table. Defining charge destinations in B-number tables. Defining customer-specific holidays using the holiday table. Creation of the charge table and population of the required tariff ids for the identified charge origin/destination/day of week combination. Population of tariff rates within the Metering Pulse Tariff table. Enabling AOC against ingress trunk groups or signaling paths by setting AOCEnabled to 1 (enabled). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-31 Chapter 4 Provisioning Advice of Charge Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Note To avoid alarms being generated because of inconsistent data for calls in progress while charging data is being added or modified: provision the Charge and Holiday tables before making changes to the dial plan that references them. disable meter pulse messaging and AOC (by setting AOCEnabled to 0, disables AOC for the call) for all the trunk groups or sigpaths that use the dial plan that references the data to be changed until all updates have been completed. Provisioning the Charge Holiday List The format of the date parameter in all of the following commands is as follows: Year—yyyy = 0000 through 9999 Month—mm = 1 through 12 Day—dd = 01 through 31 Adding an Entry to the Charge Holiday List To add an entry in the Charge Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-add:holiday:date="2001.12.25",hday="hol1" This MML command inserts a holiday date into the Charge Holiday list and designates it as a “hol1,” “hol2,” or “hol3.”. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the Charge Holiday list and the new holiday date you changed are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each holiday you want to insert in the Charge Holiday list. Editing an Entry in the Charge Holiday List To edit an entry in the Charge Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-ed:holiday:date="2001.12.25",hday="hol2" This command changes the holiday date (2001.12.25) from “hol1” to a “hol2.” Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the holiday designation you changed is now present. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-32 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Advice of Charge Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any holiday you want to change in the Charge Holiday list. Deleting an Entry From the Charge Holiday List To delete an entry in the Charge Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-dlt:holiday:date="2001.12.31" This command deletes the existing holiday date (2001.12.31) from the Charge Holiday list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the holiday entry you changed was deleted. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any holiday you want to delete from the Charge Holiday list. Retrieving Entries From the Charge Holiday List To retrieve an entry from the Charge Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 To retrieve a single entry from the Charge Holiday list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-rtrv:holiday:date="2001.12.31" This command retrieves the existing holiday date (2001.12.31) from the Charge Holiday list. To retrieve all the entries in the Charge Holiday list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-rtrv:holiday:"all" This command retrieves all existing holiday dates from the Charge Holiday list. Verify the holiday entry or entries you changed are displayed. Step 2 Repeat step 1 for any holiday entry you want to retrieve from the Charge Holiday list. Charge Holiday Provisioning Examples mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> prov-add:holiday:date="2001.02.10",hday="hol1" prov-ed:holiday:date="2001.02.10",hday="hol2" prov-dlt:holiday:date="2001.02.10" prov-rtrv:holiday:date="2001.02.10" prov-rtrv:holiday:"all" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-33 Chapter 4 Provisioning Advice of Charge Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning the Charge List This section describes the MML commands required to add the CHARGE result type and provision the Charge list. Provisioning the Charge Result Type Use the following MML command to add the CHARGE result type to the results: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result1",resulttype="CHARGE", dw1="1",dw3="2",setname="setone" Note When provisioning charge, ensure the charge origin (achorigin) property value matches the charge value provisioned for charge origin (chorig). Also ensure AOCEnabled is set to “1” (enabled) and AOCNodeId is provisioned. Adding an Entry in the Charge List To add an entry in the Charge list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the following command: mml> prov-add:charge:chorig=1000,chdest=1000,dow="monday",tariffdesc="tariff1 timechange1" This MML command inserts an entry in the Charge list. • • • The Charge Origin (CHORIG) value is optional and defaults to 0 in the list entry if not present in the MML command. The Day of Week (DOW) value is also optional and defaults to 0 in the list entry if not present in the MML command. You can also set the DOW value to “Default” if you wish. The timeChange value must be divisible by increments of 15 minutes to meet the AOC requirements (for example, 0030, 0315, 2145, and so on). If the last field in the TARIFFDESC parameter is a timeChange, its value must be 2400. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the following command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the Charge list and the new entry you changed are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you want to insert in the Charge list. Editing an Entry in the Charge List To edit an entry in the Charge list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-ed:charge:chorig=1000,chdest=1000,dow="monday",tariffdesc="tariff2 timechange2" This command changes the previous entry, “tariff1 timechange1,” to “tariff2 timechange2.” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-34 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Advice of Charge Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the tariff designation you changed is now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any entry you want to change in the Charge list. Deleting an Entry from the Charge List To delete an existing entry from the Charge list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-dlt:charge:chorig=1000,chdest=1000,dow="monday" This command deletes the existing entry from the Charge list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the entry you changed was deleted. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any entry you want to delete from the Charge list. Retrieving Entries From the Charge List To retrieve an entry from the Charge list, complete the following steps: Step 1 To retrieve a single entry from the Charge list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-rtrv:charge:chorig=1000,chdest=1000,dow="monday" This command retrieves the changed entry from the Charge list. To retrieve all the entries in the Charge list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-rtrv:charge:"all" This command retrieves all existing entries from the Charge list. Verify the entry or entries you changed are displayed. Step 2 Repeat step 1 for any entry you want to retrieve from the Charge list. Charge Provisioning Examples The following MML command specifies all calls from Charge Origin 1 to Charge Destination 2 will use tariff id 3 from 0000-0700, tariff id 4 from 0700-1800, and tariff id 3 from 1800-2400 on Mondays. mml> prov-add:charge:chorig=1,chdest=2,dow="monday",tariffdesc="3 0700 4 1800 3" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-35 Chapter 4 Provisioning Advice of Charge Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Note When provisioning charge, ensure the charge origin (achorigin) property value matches the charge value provisioned for charge origin (chorig). Also ensure AOCEnabled is set to “1” (enabled) and AOCNodeId is provisioned. The following command specifies all calls from any Charge Origin to Charge Destination 2 will use tariff id 3 from 0000-0700, tariff id 4 from 0700-1800, tariff 3 from 1800 to 2100, and tariff id 5 from 2100-2400 for HOL1. mml> prov-add:charge:chdest=3,dow="hol1",tariffdesc="3 0700 4 1800 3 2100 5 2400" The following MML command specifies all calls from Charge Origin 2 to Charge Destination 2 will use tariff id 3 all day every day. mml> prov-add:charge:chorig=2,chdest=2,tariffdesc="3" Note When provisioning the Charge table, a value must be entered to be used as the default for the next tariff id. A default value must be provisioned in Charge table so that a next tariff id is always present. Provisioning the Tariff List This section describes the MML commands required to provision the Tariff list. Adding an Entry in the Tariff List To add an entry in the Tariff list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-add:tariff:tariffid=1010,tariffrate=1010,scalefactor=3 The scale factor range is: 0, 1, 2, 3, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, or 255 This MML command inserts an entry in the Tariff list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the Tariff list and the new entry you changed are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you want to insert in the Tariff list. Editing an Entry in the Tariff List To edit an entry in the Tariff list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-ed:tariff:tariffid=1010,tariffrate=1020,scalefactor=2 This command changes the previous entry from “scalefactor3” to “scalefactor2.” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-36 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Advice of Charge Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the scalefactor designation you changed is now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any entry you want to change in the Tariff list. Deleting an Entry in the Tariff List To delete an existing entry from the Tariff list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> prov-dlt:tariff:tariffid=1010 This command deletes the existing entry from the Tariff list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the entry you changed was deleted. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any entry you want to delete from the Tariff list. Retrieving Entries From the Tariff List To retrieve an entry from the Tariff list, complete the following steps: Step 1 To retrieve a single entry from the Tariff list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-rtrv:tariff:tariffid=1010 This command retrieves the specified entry from the Tariff list. To retrieve all the entries in the Tariff list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-rtrv:tariff:"all" This command retrieves all existing entries from the Tariff list. Verify the entry or entries you changed are displayed. Step 2 Repeat step 1 for any entry you want to retrieve from the Tariff list. Provisioning Charge Origin This section describes the MML commands required to provision the CHARGEORIGIN result type and the Charge Origin list. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-37 Chapter 4 Provisioning Advice of Charge Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning the CHARGEORIGIN Result Type Use the following MML command to add the CHARGEORIGIN result type to the Result list: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t002",name=result2",resulttype="CHARGEORIGIN", dw1="1",setname="settwo" Adding an Entry in the Charge Origin List To add an entry in the Charge Origin list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="6123456789",corigin=1 This MML command inserts an entry in the Charge Origin list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the Charge list and the new entry you changed are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you want to insert in the Charge Origin list. Editing an Entry in the Charge Origin List To edit an entry in the Charge list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-ed:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000",corigin=1 This command changes the previous CLI entry, “6123456789,” to “02087568000.” Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the CLI parameter you changed is now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any entry you want to change in the Charge Origin list. Deleting an Entry From the Charge Origin List To delete an existing entry from the Charge Origin list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-dlt:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000" This command deletes the existing entry from the Charge Origin list. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-38 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Advice of Charge Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the entry you changed was deleted. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any entry you want to delete from the Charge Origin list. Retrieving Entries From the Charge Origin List To retrieve an entry from the Charge Origin list, complete the following steps: Step 1 To retrieve a single entry from the Charge Origin list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> numan-rtrv:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000" This command retrieves the specified entry from the Charge Origin list. To retrieve all the entries in the Charge Origin list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> numan-rtrv:achgorigin:"all" This command retrieves all existing entries from the Charge Origin list. Verify the entry or entries you changed are displayed. Step 2 Repeat step 1 for any entry you want to retrieve from the Charge Origin list. Importing a Charge Origin List To import a Charge Origin list, complete the following steps: Step 1 To import a Charge Origin list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> prov-add:files:name="achgoriginfile",file="achgorigin.dat",action="import" This command imports the specified file as the Charge Origin list. Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Verify the file you specified in step 1 is displayed as the Charge Origin list. Charge Origin Provisioning Examples mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> numan-add:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000",corigin=1 numan-ed:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000",corigin=2 numan-dlt:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000" numan-rtrv:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000" numan-rtrv:achgorigin:"all" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-39 Chapter 4 Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services The ingress trunk group property AOCInvokeType controls the AOC Generation for PRI feature. The AOCInvokeType property specifies whether the feature is invoked on a per call basis or for all calls. The AOCInvokeType property also specifies whether the AOC Generation for PRI feature is invoked based on the subscription (per call) from the user or is invoked automatically for all the calls (all calls). For all calls, a default configuration in the Tariff table is used (TariffID = 0). If AOCInvokeType is configured for all calls, then the default is required to prevent no charge generation being set up and invoked. The following sections describe what to provision for the PRI AOC supplemental services. The provisioning order is: • • • • Trunk group properties (AOCDefaultTariffId, AOCEnabled, and AOCInvokeType) Charge table (charge origin for A-numbers or charge destination for B-numbers) priTariff table CHARGE result type Charge Origins (Optional) Charge origins are integer values (1–9999) that are assigned as a property against the trunk group or signaling path, a result type in the A-number analysis, or an entry in the CLI Charge Origin table. These values can be assigned incrementally during planning or you can assign any valid value at any time. Trunk Group or Signaling Path Property The ChargeOrigin property can be assigned to trunk groups or to signaling paths. For example, TG-2.ChargeOrigin=123. A-Number Result The ChargeOrigin result type has been created for AOC. Only the first data word is significant (carries the charge origin value). This result type is assignable against the ADIGTREE component only and is treated as an intermediate result (digit analysis can continue past this result type). For example, mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="t002",name="settwo" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t002",name=result2",resulttype="chargeorigin", dw1="1",setname="settwo" CLI Charge Origin Table Dial plan component ACHGORIGIN has been created. This component is provisionable using the following generic format of the MML dial plan commands: NUMAN-<verb>:ACHORIGIN:CUSTGRPID=<customer group ID>,CLI=<cli>,CORIGIN=<charge origin> The following MML commands provide an example of provisioning the ACHORIGIN result type: mml> numan-add:achgorigin:custgrpid="t001",cli="02087568000",corigin=1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-40 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services Charge Destinations CHARGE Result Type The CHARGE result type can return a charging destination for the Metering Pulse Tariff table. This operation is achieved by setting dataword3 to a value of 5 for the ChargeDataDiscriminator field. The CHARGE result type is assigned against the BDIGTREE component only and is treated as an intermediate result. The values of the accompanying data are listed in Table 4. Table 4 Data Values for the CHARGE Result Type Data Word 1 2 3 Data Description Tariff Rate or Charge Destination Scale Factor Charge Data Discriminator Values Meter pulse destinations—range is 1–9999 Always set to 1 for metering pulses Determines the type of data in dataword1: 1—Tariff Rate 2—Charge Destination 3—Charge Band 4—Charge Unit 5—Meter Pulse Charge Type 1—AOC 4 Charge Type The following MML commands show how to provision the CHARGE result type: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="t001",name="setone" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name=result1",resulttype="charge",dw1="1", dw3="2",setname="setone" Charge Mode Indicator Result Type The Charge Mode Indicator (CHARGE_MODE_IND) result type indicates how the metering pulses generated by the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch are applied in relation to other possible other metering pulses (pulses that some other node generated). The CHARGE_MODE_IND result type is assignable against the ADIGTREE or BDIGTREE component and it is treated as an intermediate result. The values of the accompanying data are listed in Table 5. Table 5 Data Values for the CHARGE_MODE_IND Result Type Data Word 1 Data Description Charge Mode Indicator Values Charge Mode Indicator 1—Add on the charge 2—Replace the charge 3—Free of charge Charge Indication Result Type The Charge indication result type indicator (CHARGE_IND) indicates if the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch should change the value of the charge indicator. The CHARGE_IND result type is assignable against the ADIGTREE or BDIGTREE component and it is treated as an intermediate result. The values of the accompanying data are listed in Table 6. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-41 Chapter 4 Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Table 6 Data Values for the CHARGE_IND Result Type Data Word 1 Data Description Charge Indicator Values Charge Indicator 0—Leave as it is (default) 1—Charge 2—No charge Holiday Table (Optional) You can create a Holiday table, and you can add, edit, and delete rows within the table. The MML provisioning commands (PROV-ADD, PROV-RTRV, and so on), can be used to access these tables. The DATE (STRING value), broken down into three integers that represent the year, month, and day of the week ( references each row. The corresponding holiday (HDAY) row entry is HOL1, HOL2, or HOL3. An example adding a holiday for December 25, 2005: mml> prov-add:holiday:date="041225",hday="hol1" PRI Charge Table You can create a PRI Charge table, and you can add, edit, and delete rows within the table. The provisioning commands (PROV-ADD, PROV-RTRV, and so on) are used to access these tables, as listed in Table 7. Each row is referenced with three keys: • • • charge origin—range: 1 through 9999 charge destination—range: 1 through 9999 day of the week—range: 1 through 10 (Monday through Sunday, holiday1, holiday2, or holiday3) Note Charge destination is the only mandatory key. Charge origin and day of the week are set to 0 in the table row entry if they are not used. Table 7 Charge Table Provisioning Examples Charge Table Example Command Add the Charge table for all prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1, three supplementary services dow=monday,stariffdesc="1",dtariffdesc="2",etariffdesc="3" (fixed daily tariff) Add the Charge table for all prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" three supplementary services 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1",dtariffdesc="1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1",etariffdesc="1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1" (variable daily tariff) Add the Charge table for all prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,stariffdesc="1",dtariffdesc="1",e three supplementary services tariffdesc="1" (all charge origins and days) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-42 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services Table 7 Charge Table Provisioning Examples (continued) Charge Table Example Command Add the Charge table for any prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" 1" one of the supplementary services (fixed daily tariff) or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,dtariffdesc=" 2" or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,etariffdesc=" 3" Add the Charge table for any prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1" one of the supplementary services (variable daily tariff) or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,dtariffdesc=" 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1" or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,etariffdesc=" 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1" Add the Charge table for any one of the supplementary services (all charge origins and days) prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,stariffdesc="1" or prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,dtariffdesc="1" or prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,etariffdesc="1" Add the Charge table for any prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" 1",dtariffdesc="2" two of the supplementary services (fixed daily tariff) or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" 1",etariffdesc="3" or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,dtariffdesc=" 2",etariffdesc="3" Add the Charge table for any prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1",dtariffdesc="1 0700 2 1000 1 two of the supplementary 1600 3 1900 1" services (variable daily tariff) or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,stariffdesc=" 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1",etariffdesc="1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1" or prov-add:chargetable:chorig=1,chdest=1,dow=monday,dtariffdesc=" 1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1",etariffdesc="1 0700 2 1000 1 1600 3 1900 1" Add the Charge table for any two of the supplementary services (all charge origins and days) prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,stariffdesc="1",dtariffdesc="1" or prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,stariffdesc="1",etariffdesc="1" or prov-add:chargetable:chdest=1,dtariffdesc="1",etariffdesc="1" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-43 Chapter 4 Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Note If the charge origin is not used, the entered rows refer to all origins for that destination (unless explicitly entered in another row). Similarly, if the day of the week is not used, day of the week refers to all days of the week, which are not otherwise explicitly entered. PRI Tariff Table You can create a PRI Tariff table. The provisioning commands (PROV-ADD, PROV-RTRV, and so on) are used to access this table. A tariff ID references each row that call processing obtains from the Charge table. The retrieved row entry contains the tariff rate and other required information for generating the charging information. PRI Tariff table example: mml> prov-add:pritariff:tariffid=2,schargeditem=1,sca=1,srecchrg=1,drecchrg=1,erecchrg=1, currency=USD,amount=1,amtmult=3,timelen=1,timescale=2,granularity=1,granularityscale=2, vol=1,scu=1,billingid=1 Activation Type for AOC Supplementary Services—AOCInvokeType The ingress trunk group property AOCInvokeType, which specifies if the feature is invoked on a “PER CALL” basis or for “ALL CALLs” received on the ingress trunk group controls the AOC Generation for PRI feature. The AOCInvokeType Property is in the properties.dat file (1 = PER CALL, 2 = ALL CALL). If the property is defined as “PER CALL” the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch receives the invoke component from the subscriber. If the property is defined as “ALL CALL”, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch generates the charging information and sends it to the subscriber. Note If configured as “ALL CALL” and the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch receives the invoke component in the setup message then the call is treated as “PER CALL.” Note If configured as “ALL CALL” and for the Charge Destination there is no configuration, the default tariff is used to set up the charge. If no default exists, then an appropriate result message is sent to the subscriber. AOCInvokeType example: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=”3333”,custgrpid=”1111”,AOCInvokeType=1 Default Tariff for AOC Supplementary Service—AOCDefaultTariffId If the AOCInvokeType is configured as “ALL CALL” (that is, AOCInvokeType = 2) and there is no entry for the Charge Destination, the default tariff is used to set up the charge. The AOCDefaultTariff property in the properties.dat file controls the default tariff value that is configured in the PRI Tariff table. Value range: 1 (default) through 9999. AOCDefaultTariff example: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name="101",custgrpid="ABC234",AOCDefaultTariffId=99 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-44 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning AOC PRI Supplemental Services Default Charging Unit Duration for AOC-D Supplementary Service— AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch periodically sends accumulated charging units to the subscriber. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch controls the rate of sending charging information, so charging information is not sent more frequently than the configured value or after accumulation of at least one charging unit, whichever is later. The AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration signaling path property, in the properties.dat file controls the sending rate. Value range is 5 – N seconds. AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration example: mml> prov-add:sigsvcprop:NAME="ABCNET1",AOCDMinPeriodicTimerDuration="5" Note If the time for accumulating one charging unit is less than the configured AOCMinPeriodicTimerDuration value, then the timer is set to a value greater than the configured value, and the charging unit that is accumulated is an integer value. For example, if 1 charging unit is accumulated every 0.692 second and the AOCMinPeriodicTimerDuration is 5 seconds, the value for this timer is set to 173 seconds, and the number of charging units that are accumulated is 25 on expiry of this timer, which is then sent to the subscriber or user. Similarly, if 1 charging unit is accumulated every 0.6 second and the AOCMinPeriodicTimerDuration is 5 seconds, the value for this timer is set to 6 seconds, and the number of charging units that are accumulated is 10 on expiry of this timer, which is then sent to the subscriber or user. PRI AOC Supplementary Services Activation The AOCEnabled property (1—enabled or 0—disabled) in the properties.dat file controls the AOC Generation for PRI feature. Note To reduce the number of alarms that are received when you are provisioning AOC (due to charging information pointing to unpopulated tables), disable AOC on the relevant trunk groups until the charge table has been correctly updated. AOCEnabled example: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name="2000",aocenabled="1" When to Provision Charging data should be defined during installation (after the creation of each customer dial plan). More charging data can be added at any time. Use the following suggestions to avoid alarms being generated because of inconsistent data for calls in progress while charging data is being added or modified: • Provision the charge and holiday tables before making changes to the dial plan that references them. Disable PRI AOC supplementary services for all the trunk groups or sigPaths that use the dial plan that references the data to be changed until all updates have been completed. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-45 Chapter 4 Combined Charge and Meter Pulse Messaging Provisioning Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Combined Charge and Meter Pulse Messaging Provisioning The following provisioning example combines the steps for provisioning charging (AOC) and Meter Pulse messaging. Some of the steps are optional and other steps are mandatory and are so indicated at the beginning of the step. Step 1 (Optional)—Create Charge Holiday Data mml> PROV-ADD:HOLIDAY:DATE=”00.07.04”,HDAY=”HOL1” mml> PROV-ADD:HOLIDAY:DATE=”00.12.25”,HDAY=”HOL2” mml> PROV-ADD:HOLIDAY:DATE=”00.05.01”,HDAY=”HOL3” Step 2 (Optional)—Define Charge Origins The following example assigns charge origins from the newly introduced CLI charge origin table: mml> NUMAN-ADD:ACHORIGIN:CUSTGRPID=”PSTN” mml> NUMAN-ADD:ACHORIGIN:CUSTGRPID=”PSTN”,CLI=”91234567”,CORIGIN=1 mml> NUMAN-ADD:ACHORIGIN:CUSTGRPID=”PSTN”,CLI=”501234567”,CORIGIN=2 Step 3 (Mandatory)—Create Charge Data mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> PROV-ADD:CHARGE:CHORIG=1,CHDEST=1,TARIFFDESC=”3 0700 4 1800 3” PROV-ADD:CHARGE:CHORIG=1,CHDEST=1,DOW=SATURDAY,TARIFFDESC=”3” PROV-ADD:CHARGE:CHORIG=1,CHDEST=1,DOW=SUNDAY,TARIFFDESC=”3” PROV-ADD:CHARGE:CHORIG=1,CHDEST=1,DOW=HOL1,TARIFFDESC=”1” PROV-ADD:CHARGE:CHORIG=1,CHDEST=1,DOW=HOL2,TARIFFDESC=”2” PROV-ADD:CHARGE:CHDEST=1,TARIFFDESC=”4” In this example: • • • • Step 4 calls from charge origin 1 to charge destination 1 use a tariff id of 3 from 000-0700, 4 from 0700-1800 and 3 from 1800 to 2400 from Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday are charged at a fixed rate using tariff id 3 The 4th July and 1st of May receive a fixed charge with a tariff id of 1 and the 25th of December is charged using tariff id 2 All other calls to this charge destination (i.e. charge origin <> 0) are charged at a flat rate using tariff id 4 (Mandatory)—Define Meter Tariff Table Data mml> PROV-ADD:METERTARIFF:TARIFFID=1,PULSEONANS=5,INTERVAL=10,NUMPULSES=5, CHARGEAPP=0,AOCIND=0,MAXCALLLEN=100,TARIFFTYPE=0 mml> PROV-ADD:METERTARIFF:TARIFFID=2,PULSEONANS=0,INTERVAL=60,NUMPULSES=1, CHARGEAPP=0,AOCIND=0,MAXCALLLEN=100,TARIFFTYPE=0 mml> PROV-ADD:METERTARIFF:TARIFFID=3,PULSEONANS=5,INTERVAL=120,NUMPULSES=1, CHARGEAPP=0,AOCIND=0,MAXCALLLEN=100,TARIFFTYPE=0 Step 5 (Mandatory)—Define Charge Result Type mml> NUMAN-ADD:RESULTTABLE:CUSTGRPID="PSTN",NAME="MPMCHARGE1",RESULTTYPE="CHARGE", DW1="1", DW2="0",DW3="5",SETNAME="PSTNVOIPCALL" Step 6 (Optional)—Set Charge Mode Indicator mml> NUMAN-ADD:RESULTTABLE:CUSTGRPID=”PSTN”,NAME=”MPMMODIND”,RESULTTYPE=”CHARGE_MODE_IND”, DW1=”1”,SETNAME="PSTNVOIPCALL" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-46 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Percentage Based Routing Step 7 (Optional)—Set Charge Indicator mml> NUMAN-ADD:RESULTTABLE:CUSTGRPID=”PSTN”,NAME=”MPMCHGIND”,RESULTTYPE=”CHARGE_IND”, DW1=”1”,SETNAME="PSTNVOIPCALL" Provisioning Percentage Based Routing This section describes the MML parameters and commands used to configure percentage based routing and the PERC_ROUTE result type in the dial plan. This section is used to configure the conditional route and conditional route description that are part of percentage based routing. For more information on conditional route and conditional route description components, see MML Command Reference. Provisioning the Conditional Result The following MML commands add, edit, and add another entry to the Conditional Route list. prov-add:condrtedesc:name="descone",starttime=”0000”,endtime=”1200”,rtlistname=”three” prov-ed:condrtedesc:name="descone",starttime=”1201”,endtime=”2359”,rtlistname=”one” prov-add:condrte:name="one",dow="default",condrtedesc=”descone” Provisioning the Percentage Route This section is used to configure the percentage based route list. The following MML commands examples show how to add, retrieve, edit, and delete percentage based routing information. For more information on the percentage route component, see MML Command Reference. Creating Conditional Route Examples An example where connecting to a route list: prov-add:condrtedesc:name="descone”,rtlistname=”three” prov-add:condrte:name="one",dow="default",condrtedesc =”descone” An example where connecting to a percentage based routing name: prov-add:condrtedesc:name="desctwo",percrtename=”three” prov-add:condrte:name="one",dow="default",condrtedesc =”desctwo” Editing Conditional Route Examples To add an entry for hol1 to conditional route one: prov-ed:condrte:name="one",dow="hol1",condrtedesc =”descthree” To add another time period to the conditional route description descone: prov-ed:condrtedesc:name="descone",starttime=”1200”,endtime=”2345”,rtlistname=”one” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-47 Chapter 4 Provisioning Percentage Based Routing Provisioning Dial Plans with MML To add another time period to the conditional route description desctwo: prov-ed:condrtedesc:name="desctwo",starttime=”1200”,endtime=”2345”,perc=”perctwo” To change the primary route to percthree: prov-ed:condrtedesc:name="desctwo",primary=”ON”,perc=”percthree” Deleting Conditional Route Examples To delete the conditional route one: prov-dlt:condrte:name="one" To delete the whole conditional route description descone: prov-dlt:condrtedesc:name="descone" To delete just the hol1 entry in the conditional route description descone: prov-dlt:condrte:name="descone",dow="hol1" To delete the route list from the conditional route description desctwo: prov-dlt:condrtedesc:name="desctwo",rtlistname="three" Retrieving Conditional Route Examples To retrieve all of the conditional routes: prov-rtrv:condrte:“all” To retrieve the conditional route one: prov-rtrv:condrte:name=“one” To retrieve all of the conditional route descriptions: prov-rtrv:condrtedesc:“all” To retrieve the conditional route description descone: prov-rtrv:condrtedesc:name=“descone” Provisioning an Intermediate COND_RTE Result Type The MML example for configuring intermediate COND_ROUTE results in the results is as follows: NUMAN-ADD:RESULTTABLE:CUSTGRPID="T002",NAME="result39",RESULTTYPE="COND_ROUTE",DW1="condNa me1",SETNAME="condsetName1" Creating Percentage Based Route Examples Adding the first entry to a percentage based route name does not provision the load parameter, since the percentage default is 100%. As you add other entries, the value is adjusted to according to the new percentage values being added. Keep in mind that the maximum value is 100% and the minimum value is 0%. In the second example that follows, when the second command is executed, the first entry is modified to 75%, and when the third command is added, the first entry is modified to 50%. If the total of all the configured percentage for the percentage based route name, excluding the first entry, is greater than 100%, then an error message is generated. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-48 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Conditional Routing For example: prov-add:percrte:name=“one”,rtlistname=“one”,ovrflwset=“ON”,primary=“ON” Editing Percentage Based Route Examples prov-ed:percrte:name=“one”,rtlistname=“three”,load=25 prov-ed:percrte:name=“one”,condrtename=“todtwo”,load=25 prov-ed:percrte:name=“one”,condrtename=“todthree”,overflow=“ON” This results in 50% traffic to route list name one, 25% traffic to route list name three, and 25% traffic to time of day name todtwo. If overflow is supported, it allows reentry to the percentage based routing name to choose another rtlistname or todname if all of the trunks in the previously selected rtlistname or todname were unavailable. Deleting Percentage Based Route Examples To delete the percentage based route one: prov-dlt:percrte:name=“one” To delete the route list three from percentage based route two: prov-dlt:percrte:name=“two”,rtlistname=“three” Retrieving Percentage Based Route Examples To retrieve all of the percentage based routes: prov-rtrv:percrte:“all” To retrieve the percentage based route one: prov-rtrv:percrte:name=“one” Provisioning Conditional Routing This section describes the MML commands required to provision the COND_ROUTE result type and the Route Holiday list. These provisioning commands should be entered in the order shown here. Provisioning the COND_ROUTE Result Type The COND_ROUTE result must be configured in the results, using the existing NUMAN-ADD command to make the association between the result set, result type, and the conditional route. The following MML command adds the COND_ROUTE result type to the results: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result1",resulttype="COND_ROUTE", dw1="condname1",setname="set10" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-49 Chapter 4 Provisioning Conditional Routing Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning the Route Holiday List The format of the DATE parameter in all of the following commands is: Year—yyyy = 0000 through 9999 Month—mm = 1 through 12 Day—dd = 01 through 31 Adding an Entry to the Route Holiday List To add an entry in the Route Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-add:rteholiday:custgrpid="t001",date="2001.12.25",hday="hol1" This MML command inserts a holiday date (2001.12.25) into the Route Holiday list and designates it as a “hol1.” Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the Route Holiday list and the new holiday date you changed are now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each holiday you want to insert in the Route Holiday list. Editing an Entry in the Route Holiday List To edit an entry in the Route Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-ed:rteholiday:date="2001.12.25",hday="hol2" This command changes the holiday date (2001.12.25) from “hol1” to a “hol2.” Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the holiday designation you changed is now present. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any holiday you want to change in the Route Holiday list. Deleting an Entry From the Route Holiday List To delete an entry in the Route Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 At the MML prompt, enter the command: mml> numan-dlt:rteholiday:date="2001.12.31" This command deletes the existing holiday date (2001.12.31) from the Route Holiday list. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-50 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Calling Party Category Step 2 To verify the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Verify the holiday entry you changed was deleted. Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any holiday you want to delete from the Route Holiday list. Retrieving Entries From the Route Holiday List To retrieve an entry from the Route Holiday list, complete the following steps: Step 1 To retrieve a single entry from the Route Holiday list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> numan-rtrv:rteholiday:date="2001.12.31" This command retrieves the existing holiday date (2001.12.31) from the Route Holiday list. To retrieve all the entries in the Route Holiday list, enter this command at the MML prompt: mml> numan-rtrv:rteholiday:"all" This command retrieves all existing holiday dates from the Route Holiday list. Verify the holiday entry or entries you changed are displayed. Step 2 Repeat step 1 for any holiday entry you want to retrieve from the Route Holiday list. Route Holiday Provisioning Examples mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> numan-add:rteholiday:date="2001.02.10",hday="hol1" numan-ed:rteholiday:date="2001.02.10",hday="hol2" numan-dlt:rteholiday:date="2001.02.10" numan-rtrv:rteholiday:date="2001.02.10" numan-rtrv:rteholiday:"all" Provisioning Calling Party Category This section is used to configure the CPC. Provision the CPC using MML commands. For more information on the CPC component, see MML Command Reference. Use the following MML command format to add a CPC value of 14 (Payphone) to the CPC list: mml> numan-add:cpc:custgrpid="T001",cpcvalue=14,setname="payphone" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-51 Chapter 4 Provisioning Calling Party Category Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Transmission Medium Requirements This section describes the MML commands required to provision the TMR. Provision the TMR table using MML commands. For more information on the TMR parameter, see MML Command Reference. Use the following MML command format to add a TMR value of 1 to the TMR table: mml> numan-add:tmr:tmrvalue=1,custgrpid="T001",setname="tmrsetone" Provisioning Transit Network Selection This section describes the MML commands required to provision the TNS table. Provision the TNS using MML commands. Use the following MML command format to add a TNS value of 111 to the TNS list: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T001",name="CSCO111" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T001",resultType="ROUTE",setname="CSCO111",name="CSC O111" mml> numan-add:tns:tnsvalue="111",custgrpid="T001",setname="CSCO111" Note The setname property must be configured before adding a TNS value to the TNS list. The TNS value range is from 000 through FFFFFFFF. Similarly, you can use the numan-ed or numan-dlt commands to respectively edit or delete TNS list entries. The following examples show the embedded TNS value for ANSI and Q.761. As can be seen, by the bold text in the following example, the number of the carrier is embedded. The following TNS example for ANSI; the TNS number is 123. '00100011'B '00000011'B '00100001'B '00100001'B '00100011'B -----Octet Octet Octet Octet Octet 31 32 33 34 35 Transit Network Selection len National, 3-digit ID Digits 12 Int Call op req, Digit 3 H'23 H'03 H'21 H'21 H'23 You would use the following MML command to provision the preceding ANSI TNS example. numan-add:tns:custgrpid="test",tnsvalue="123",setname="actiontns" As can be seen, by the bold text in the following example, the number of the carrier is embedded. The following TNS example for Q.761; the TNS number is 3333. '00100011'B '00000011'B '00100011'B '00110011'B '00110011'B '00000000'B ------Octet Octet Octet Octet Octet Octet 39 40 41 42 43 24 Transit Network Selection len National, X.121, even Digits 33 Digits 33 End of Optional parameters H'23 H'03 H'23 H'33 H'33 H'00 You would use the following MML command to provision the preceding Q.761 TNS example. numan-add:tns:custgrpid="test",tnsvalue="3333",setname="actiontns" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-52 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Bearer Capability Based Routing Provisioning Bearer Capability Based Routing This section describes the MML commands required to provision the bearer capability based routing. Provisioning the Bearer Capability Based Routing Provision the bearer capability based routing using MML commands. Use the following MML command formats to add bearer capability based routing attributes: mml> prov-add:bearercap:name="bearer1",bearercap="12;05;31" mml> prov-add:siprttrnkgrp:name="2222",url="",srvrr=0,sipproxyport=5060,ver sion="2.0",cutthrough=1,extsupport=1,bearercapname="bearer1" mml> prov-add:rttrnkgrp:name="1",type=1,reattempts=3,queuing=0,cutthrough=1,bearercapname= "bearer1" Provisioning the Announcement Provisioning the Tone and Announcement Database Table To provision the ToneAndAnnouncement database table, use the following MML commands. To add an announcement, use the following MML command: mml> numan-add:announcement:annid=123,gwtype="AS5400",playduration="30",repeat="2", interval="3",locationstring="xyz.aud" To edit an announcement, use the following MML command: mml> numan-ed:announcement:annid=123,gwtype="AS5400",locationstring="welcome.aud" To delete an announcement, use the following MML command: mml> numan-dlt:announcement:annid=123,gwtype="AS5400" To retrieve an announcement, use the following MML command: mml> numan-rtrv:announcement:annid=123,gwtype="AS5400" Use the following MML command to generate a data file called announcement.dat along with the file import command in numan.MML by the following MML command: mml> prov-exp:numan:dirname="exp1" After editing, use the following MML command to import this file back into the database: mml> prov-add:files:name="announcementfile",file="exp1/announcement.dat",action="import" Provisioning the ANNOUNCEMENT Result Type To add a remote announcement result: announceId=123, remote, RoutelistId=dulles, use the following MML command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpId="T002",name="result59",resulttype="ANNOUNCEMENT", dw1="123",dw2=“1",dw3="dulles",setname="set1" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-53 Chapter 4 Provisioning an ATM Profile Provisioning Dial Plans with MML To add a local announcement result: announceId=123, local, Final_on for playing announcement, use the following MML command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpId="T002",name="result60",resulttype="ANNOUNCEMENT", dw1="123",dw2="0",dw4="1",setname="set1" To associate a B-digit number to the result set, use the following MML command: mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="T002",digitstring="7034843375",callside="originating", setname="set1" Provisioning an ATM Profile An ATM profile must first be created in routeAnalysis.dat before it can be modified. The following sections show the MML commands to use for creating an ATM profile and then modifying that profile. Adding an ATM Profile to routeAnalysis.dat ATM profile support is provided by using the following MML command: mml> prov-add:atmprofiles:name="atmprof1",atmprofile="ITU1;custom100" The following example represents the result of the previous MML command in routeAnalysis.dat: $ATMProfiles # CiscoMGC: #name atmprof1 01 ATMProfiles ITU1;cust100 Adding ATM Profiles to the Result Table Add result types ATM_ORIG_PROFILE and ATM_TERM_PROFILE to the T002 dial plan, the ResultTree includes these two result types and handling their respective datawords. MML command examples: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpId="T002",name="result59",resulttype="ATM_ORIG_PROFILE", dw1="atmprof1",dw2="1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpId="T002",name="result60",resulttype="ATM_TERM_PROFILE", dw1="atmprof1",dw2="1",setname="set1" The result in T002.dialplan $resultTable # Customer: T002 #type dw1 # result1 result59 59 1 dw2 1 dw3 dw4 nextResult Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-54 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Tech Prefix Capabilities Provisioning Tech Prefix Capabilities This section describes the steps to take to provision the Technology Prefix (Tech Prefix) mechanism in H.323 networks. The Tech prefix is used on H.323 networks as signaling information to indicate a call origin or termination. The Tech Prefix uses overdecadic digits B and C and maps them to * and # respectively. The Tech Prefix and a separator are appended to the beginning of the B-number. The following MML commands provide a Tech Prefix provisioning examples for adding the Tech Prefix and removing the Tech Prefix. Adding the Tech Prefix Use the following MML Commands to add the Tech Prefix for the trunk group. uman-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="t999",name="ibasis_carrier",digstring="03005C" numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="t901",name="toDMS03005" numan-add:resultable:custgrpid="t901",name="trDMS03005",resulttype="BMODDIG",dw1="1", dw2="0",dw3="ibasis_carrier",setname="toDMS03005" numan-add:resultable:custgrpid="t901",name="routeDMS03005",resulttype="ROUTE", dw1="routeg302", setname="toDMS03005" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="t901",callside="originating",digitstring="715", setname="toDMS03005" The following MML command is for adding another Tech Prefix: numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="t901",callside="originating",digitstring="03023C", setname="toDMS03005" Removing the Tech Prefix Use the following MML Commands to remove the Tech Prefix for the trunk group. numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="t999",name="FromDMS999" numan-add:resultable:custgrpid="t999",name="trDMS03005",resulttype="BMODDIG",dw1="1", dw2="6",setname="FromDMS999" numan-add:resultable:custgrpid="t999",name="routeDMS03005",resulttype="ROUTE",dw1="routeg3 02",setname="FromDMS999" numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="t999",callside="originating",digitstring="03005C",setname="F romDMS999" Provisioning Advanced Screening Capabilities The following sections describe the process for provisioning the advanced screening capabilities on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. Note This functionality is available starting in software Release 9.4(1). Before you begin provisioning the advanced screening capabilities, you must have the following information about your installation: • • H.323 messages coming from different call managers Dial plan information (depending on the source IP address of the call manager) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-55 Chapter 4 Provisioning Advanced Screening Capabilities Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Note The *.SysConnectDataAccess parameter, in XECfgParm.dat, must be set to true (enabling connection to the MMDB or call screening database) in calling scenarios where European Local Number Portability, A-number screening, or other features that require real time database access. Note The calling party number (CgPn) cannot be empty for screening based on the IP address or calling line identity (CLI). Provisioning CLI IP Address The cliipaddress parameter allows you to associate an IP address with a specific customer group. Adding CLI IP Address to a Customer Group With an active provisioning session, perform the following steps to add the CLI IP address to a customer group: Step 1 Add a customer group to the Dial Plan table if one has not already been created: mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=“Cus1” Step 2 Define the cliprefix and group them by clisetname: mml> numan-add:cliprefix:clisetname="x",cliprefix="1844260",custgrpid=“Cus1” Step 3 Define the IP address and the subnet for the customer group: mml> numan-add:cliipaddress:custgrpid=“Cus1”,ipaddr=“”, subnetmask=“,clisetname=“x” Deleting CLI IP Address with Subnet Mask from a Customer Group Perform the following command to delete CLI IP address with subnet mask from a customer group: mml> numan-dlt:cliipaddress:custgrpid=“Cus1”,ipaddr=“”,subnet= “” Editing CLI IP Address Use the following command to edit the CLI IP address for a customer group: mml> numan-ed:cliipaddress:custgrpid=“Cus1”,ipaddr=“”,clisetname=“x” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-56 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Advanced Screening Capabilities Provisioning CLI Prefix The cliprefix parameter allows you to associate a CLI prefix with a specific customer group. If an incoming call matches the CLI prefix parameter, you can apply certain dial plan functions to it. There can be a maximum of 10 CLI prefix entries for each CLI set name. Note A DEFAULT CLI prefix entry must be configured for each CLI set name Adding CLI Prefix to a Customer Group Perform the following steps to add a CLI prefix to a customer group. Step 1 Use the following MML commands to add customer groups to the Dial Plan table if they have not already been created: mml> mml> mml> mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=“Cus1” numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=“csco” numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=“Cus2” numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=“Cus3” Step 2 Use the following MML commands to add CLI prefixes to the customer groups. mml> mml> mml> mml> numan-add:cliprefix:clisetname=“x”,cliprefix=“408”,custgrpid=“Cus1” numan-add:cliprefix:clisetname="x",cliprefix="1408260",custgrpid="csco" numan-add:cliprefix:clisetname="x",cliprefix="140826033",custgrpid="Cus2" numan-add:cliprefix:clisetname="x",cliprefix="DEFAULT",custgrpid="Cus3" Deleting CLI Prefix from a Customer Group Use the following MML command to remove a CLI prefix from a customer group. mml> numan-dlt:cliprefix:clisetname=“x”,cliprefix=“DEFAULT” Editing CLI Prefix Use the following MML command to edit a CLI prefix for a customer group. mml> numan-ed:cliprefix:clisetname=“x”,cliprefix=“DEFAULT”,custgrpid=“Cus1” Provisioning H.323 ID The h323iddivfrom parameter allows you to associate an H.323 ID with a specific customer group. If an incoming call matches the H.323 ID parameter, you can apply certain dial plan functions to it. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-57 Chapter 4 Provisioning Results of Various Result Types Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Adding H.323 ID to a Customer Group Perform the following steps to add an H.323 ID to a customer group: Step 1 Use the following MML command to add a customer group to Dial Plan table if one has not already been created: mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid=“Cus1” Step 2 Use the following MML command to add an H.323 ID to a customer group. mml> numan-add:h323iddivfrom:custgrpid=“Cus1”,h323iddivfrom=“4eaf005”,clisetname=“x” Deleting H.323 ID from a Customer Group Use the following MML command to remove an H.323 ID from a customer group: mml> numan-dlt:h323iddivfrom:custgrpid=“Cus1”,h323iddivfrom=“4eaf005” Editing H.323 ID Use the following MML command to edit an H.323 ID in a customer group: mml> numan-ed:h323iddivfrom:custgrpid=“Cus1”,h323iddivfrom=“AFA1974”,clisetname=“x” Provisioning Results of Various Result Types Provisioning the CC_DIG Result Type This section describes the MML commands required to provision the CC_DIG result type. These provisioning commands should be entered in the order shown here. Provisioning Country Codes The required Country code digit strings can be configured in DIGMODSTRING using the existing NUMAN-ADD command. For example: mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="t002",name="ccspain",digstring="34" mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="t002",name="ccfrance",digstring="33" mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="t002",name="ccitaly",digstring="39" Provisioning the Result Set Example 4-2 is an example of a result set with the associated results. The result set lists the values that are included for each result name: result set name, result name, result type, datawords 1 through 4, and the next result name. The dataword values in the result set are determined by the dataword values of the result type, as shown in Table 1-1 on page 1-11. In Example 4-2, the result name for result set1 is the SCREENING result type. The value for dataword1 is 1, indicating whitelist screening will be performed. The value for dataword2 is Washington, the service name associated with the BWhite screening file that is to be used. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-58 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Results of Various Result Types The result name for result set 6 is the B_NUMBER_TYPE result type. The value for dataword1 is 3, indicating the B-number type NOA is 3 (NOA_SUBSCRIBER). Note that two result types (A_NUMBER_TYPE and BLACKLIST) have been connected in Example 4-2 by using the same result set name (set4). When the MML session is run, the last result in a result set has to be created first. If the last result in a result set is not created first, an error is generated because a next result cannot be connected, because that result does not yet exist. Example 4-2 Result Set Example Result Set set1 set2 set3 set4 set4 set5 set5 set6 set7 set8 set9 set9 set10 Result Name result1 result1 result1 result1 result2 result1 result2 result1 result1 result1 result1 result2 result1 Result Type SCREENING ANNOUNCEMENT IN_TRIGGER A_NUMBER_TYPE BLACKLIST BMODDIG CC_DIG B_NUMBER_TYPE INC_NUMBERING E_PORTED_NUM E_PORTED_NUM E_ROUTE_NUM COND_ROUTE Dataword1 1 100 1 5 1 0 ccspain 3 0 1 4 condname1 Dataword2 1 Washington 1 Dataword3 relist1 Dataword4 Next Result result2 1 digmod1 result2 4 4 MML Commands numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”SCREENING”,dw1=”1”,dw2=” Washington”,setname=”set1” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”ANNOUNCEMENT”,dw1=”100”, dw2=”1”,dw3=”rtlist1”,setname=”set2” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”IN_TRIGGER”,dw1=”1”, dw2=”1”,setname=”set3” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”A_NUMBER_TYPE”,dw1=”5”, setname=”set4” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”BLACKLIST”,dw1=”1”, setname=”set4” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”BMODDIG”,dw1=”1”,dw2=”1” ,dw3=”digmod1”,setname=”set5” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result2",resulttype="CC_DIG",dw1=ccspain, setname="set5" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”B_NUMBER_TYPE”,dw1=”3”, setname=”set6” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”t001”,name=”result1”,resulttype=”INC_NUMBERING”,dw1=”0”,d w2=”4”,dw3=”4”,setname=”set7” numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result1",resulttype="E_PORTED_NUM", setname="set8" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result1",resulttype="E_PORTED_NUM",dw1=”1”, setname="set9" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result2",resulttype=”E_ROUTE_NUM”,dw1=”4”, setname="set9" numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t001",name="result1",resulttype=”COND_ROUTE”, dw1=”condname1”,setname="set10" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-59 Chapter 4 Provisioning Results of Various Result Types Provisioning Dial Plans with MML mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t002",name="result34",resulttype="CC_DIG", dw1=ccspain,setname="setname1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t002",name="result33",resulttype="CC_DIG", dw1=ccfrance,setname="setname2" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="t002",name="result39",resulttype="CC_DIG", dw1=ccitaly,setname="setname3" Provisioning the BdigTree To configure the result set against the required number decode in the BDIGTREE, use the existing NUMAN-ADD command. For example: mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="t002",digitstring="612",callside="originating", setname="setname1" mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="t002",digitstring="493",callside="originating", setname="setname2" mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="t002",digitstring="55",callside="originating", setname="setname3" This completes the linkage from the called number (B-number) to the result set, the result setname to the CC_DIG result name, and finally the result name to the Country code digits in DIGMODSTRING. The end result is to link the called number to the applicable Country code. Provisioning the NEW_DIALPLAN Result Type This section describes the MML parameters and commands used to configure the NEW_DIALPLAN result type in the dial plan. The following MML example shows what is required for a B-number analysis result. numan-<verb>:resulttable:custgrpid="<customer group id>",name="<result name>", resulttype="new_dialplan",dw1=CustGrpID,dw2=AnalysisType,setname="<resultsetname>" where: • CustGrpID value This dataword is relevant in all cases and supplies a CustGrpID that is used to read the dial plan selection list. The default value is 0. • AnalysisType value Dataword2 for this result type is relevant when the digit analysis is defined for Pre-analysis (1 only), A-number analysis (1 only), B-number analysis (1 or 2), or Cause analysis ((2 only). Dataword2 provides an enumerated indication of what the next stage of analysis is to be, once the new dial plan is identified and invoked. The valid values for dataword2 are as follows: • • 1—Revert to the Pre-analysis stage in the new dial plan 2—Restart in B-number analysis in the new dial plan When provisioning, the provisioning code checks to ensure that the new dial plan, selected by the result type NEW_DIALPLAN, is not the same as the current dial plan to avoid a loop situation. Note Result names are limited to 20 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-60 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Examples for Various Result Types Provisioning the A_NUM_DP_TABLE Result Type The MML provisioning command numan-add is used to define the A_NUM_DP_TABLE result type in A-number digit trees. numan-<verb>:resulttable:custgrpid="<customer group id>",name="<result name>", resulttype="anum_dp_table",setname="<resultsetname>" Provisioning the INC_NUMBERING Result Type The INC_NUMBERING result type is used to ensure the incoming called number (B-number) has the necessary (minimum) number of digits in the IAM to complete the call. This is useful to refine the digit collection process to eliminate invalid number of digits based on B-number analysis. The incoming numbering type can be either closed numbering (en bloc) or open numbering (overlap). Provision the incoming numbering result type using the following MML command to select overlap (open numbering), set the minimum digits to 5, and set the maximum digits to 12. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="5555",name="rtin",resulttype="INC_NUMBERING",dw1="1" ,dw2="5",dw3="12",setname="set222" Tip The values set for INC_NUMBERING dataword 2 (minimum digits) and dataword 3 (maximum digits overrides the OMinDigits and OMaxDigits properties. For example, if OMinDigits is set to 3 and INC_NUMBERING dataword 2 is set to 5, the incoming call will be routed after 5 digits have been received. Provisioning Examples for Various Result Types This section provides provisioning examples for various result types. mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="A001" mml> numan-add:dialplan:custgrpid="A002" mml> numan-add:service:custgrpid="1111",name="TollFree" mml> numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="1111",newdp="A001" mml> numan-add:dpsel:custgrpid="1111",newdp="A002" mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid="1111",name="mod1",digstring="12345" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1",resulttype="ROUTE", dw1="rlst1",setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t23",resulttype="SCREENING", dw1="1",dw2="TollFree",dw3="A001",dw4="A002",setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t49",resulttype="PNMODDIG",dw1="3",dw2="5",dw3="mod1", setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t50",resulttype="PN_NUMBER_TYPE",dw1="43", setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t51",resulttype="PN_PRES_IND",dw1="3",setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t52",resulttype="CG_SCREEN_IND",dw1="5", setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t53",resulttype="PN_SCREEN_IND",dw1="5", setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t54",resulttype="A_NUM_NPI_TYPE",dw1="10", setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t55",resulttype="CG_PN_COPY", dw1="mod1",setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t56",resulttype="PN_NPI_TYPE", dw1="10",setname="rset1" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="rtab1t37",resulttype="CG_PRES_IND",dw1="3",setname="rset1" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-61 Chapter 4 Importing Dial Plan Information Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Importing Dial Plan Information Use the following MML commands to import the following information: mml> prov-add:files:name=“cliprefixfile”,file=“abc1.dat”,action=“import” mml> prov-add:files:name=“ipaddrfile”,file=“abc2.dat”,action=“import” mml> prov-add:files:name=“h323idfile”,file=“abc3.dat”,action=“import” Enabling Dial Plan Selection for Incoming Trunk groups Enabling Dial Plan Selection for Incoming SIP Trunk Group Perform the following steps to configure and verify the enableipscreening property for an incoming SIP trunk group: Step 1 Use the following MML command to start and name an MML provisioning session: mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”,dstver=“sip_0801” Step 2 Use the following MML command to dynamically set the enableipscreening property to “1” for the SIP trunk group: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“550”,enableipscreening=“1” Step 3 Use the following MML command to commit the changes: mml> prov-cpy Enabling Dial Plan Selection for Incoming EISUP Trunk Group Perform the following steps to configure and verify the enableipscreening property for an incoming EISUP trunk group: Step 1 Use the following MML command to start and name an MML provisioning session: mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”,dstver=“eisup_0801” Step 2 Dynamically set the enableipscreening property to “1” for the EISUP trunk group: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“2000”,enableipscreening=“1” Step 3 Commit the changes: mml> prov-cpy Verifying Your Changes • • Verify that prov-cpy is successful. Verify the property is added correctly by using the following MML command. mml> prov-rtrv:trnkgrpprop:“all” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-62 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Importing Dial Plan Information Determining Which IP Address to Use for Dial Plan Selection Configuring the MGC to Use IP Packet Source Address for Dial Plan Selection Perform the following steps to configure and verify the sipipsource property to use IP packet source address for dial plan selection: Step 1 Start and name an MML provisioning session by using the following MML command. mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”, dstver=“sip_0801” Step 2 Dynamically set the sipipsource property to “0” for the SIP trunk group by using the following MML command. mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“550”,sipipsource=“0” Step 3 Commit the changes by using the following MML command. mml> prov-cpy Configuring Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to use IP from SDP INVITE for Dial Plan Selection Perform the following steps to configure and verify the sipipsource property to use the IP address from SDP in INVITE for dial plan selection. Step 1 Start and name the MML provisioning session: mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”,dstver=“sip_0801” Step 2 Dynamically set the sipipsource property to “1” for the SIP trunk group: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“550”,sipipsource=“1” Step 3 Commit the changes: mml> prov-cpy Verifying Your Changes • • Verify that the prov-cpy MML command is successful. Verify the property is added correctly by using the following MML command. mml> prov-rtrv:trnkgrpprop:“all” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-63 Chapter 4 Importing Dial Plan Information Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Verifying Incoming Trunk Group Calls Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have a Presentation Number Perform the following steps to configure and verify the defaultpn property on incoming trunk group for the incoming calls not having presentation number. Step 1 Start and name MML provisioning session: mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”, dstver=“ss7_0801” Step 2 Set the defaultpn property for the TDM_ISUP trunk group: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“1000”,defaultpn=“4EAF005” Step 3 Commit the changes by using the following MML command. mml> prov-cpy Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have an NOA Presentation Number Perform the following steps to configure and verify the defaultpnnoa property on incoming trunk group for the incoming calls not having presentation number Nature of Address. Step 1 Start and name an MML provisioning session by using the following MML command. mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”,dstver=“ss7_0801” Step 2 Set the defaultpnnoa property for the TDM_ISUP trunk group by using the following MML command. mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“1000”, defaultpnnoa=“5” Step 3 Commit the changes by using the following MML command. mml> prov-cpy Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have an NPI Presentation Indicator Perform the following steps to configure and verify the defaultpnnpi property on the incoming trunk group for the incoming calls that do not have a presentation number Nature of Presentation Indicator. Step 1 Start and name an MML provisioning session by using the following MML command. mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”,dstver=“ss7_0801” Step 2 Set the defaultpnnpi property for the TDM_ISUP trunk group: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“1000”,defaultpnnpi=“6” Step 3 Commit the changes by using the following MML command. mml> prov-cpy Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-64 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Call Limiting Verifying Incoming Calls that Do Not Have a PN Presentation Indicator Perform the following steps to configure and verify the defaultpnpres property on incoming trunk group for the incoming calls not having presentation number Presentation Indicator. Step 1 Start and name MML provisioning session by using the following MML command. mml> prov-sta::srcver=“SIP_EISUP_1001”,dstver=“ss7_0801” Step 2 Set the defaultpnpres property for the TDM_ISUP trunk group by using the following MML command. mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name=“1000",defaultpnpres=“6” Step 3 Commit the changes by using the following MML command. mml> prov-cpy Verifying Your Changes • • Verify that prov-cpy is successful. Verify the property is added correctly: mml> prov-rtrv:trnkgrp:name=“1000” Provisioning Call Limiting The following section provide examples of provisioning call limiting for A-numbers, B-numbers, and number analysis by using location labels. Provisioning Call Limiting for an A-number The following procedure lists the steps for provisioning call limiting for an A-number. Step 1 Step 2 Enter the following MML command to add a result set: numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="5555",name="setloc1" Enter the following MML command to add a result table: numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="5555",name="resultloc",resulttype="loc_label",dw1="loc ation1",setname="setloc1" Step 3 Enter the following MML command to add an A-number digit tree: numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="5555",callside="originating",digitstring="301",setname="s etloc1" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-65 Chapter 4 Provisioning Call Limiting Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Call Limiting for a B-number The following procedure lists the steps for provisioning call limiting for a B-number. Step 1 Step 2 Enter the following MML command to add a result set: numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="5555",name="setloc2" Enter the following MML command to add a result table: numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="5555",name="resultloc2",resulttype="loc_label",dw1="lo cation1",setname="setloc2" Step 3 Enter the following MML command to add a B-number digit tree: numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="5555",callside="originating",digitstring="306",setname="s etloc2" Provisioning the OVERRIDE_CALLIM Result Type for Number Analysis The following procedure lists the steps for provisioning the OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type for number analysis. This included Pre-analysis (CPC, ANOA, and BNOA) and formal analysis (A-number and B-number). Step 1 Step 2 Enter the following MML command to add a result set: numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="5555",name="setloc3" Enter the following MML command to add the OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type to the result set. numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="5555",name="resultoverride",resulttype="override_calli m",setname="setloc3" Step 3 Use one of the following MML commands to associate the OVERRIDE_CALLIM result type with: CPC numan-add:cpc:custgrpid="5555",cpcvalue=9,setname="setloc3" A-number NOA numan-add:anoa:custgrpid="5555",noavalue=4,setname="setloc3" B-number NOA numan-add:bnoa:custgrpid="5555",noavalue=4,setname="setloc3" A Digit Tree numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="5555",callside="originating",digitstring="302",setname="s etloc3" B Digit Tree numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="5555",callside="originating",digitstring="307",setname="s etloc3" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-66 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Scaling Dial Plan Elements Dial Plan Examples This section provides MML command examples of provisioning the call limiting. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; provision a location label ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mml> prov-add:loclabel:name="location1",calllimit=1 mml> prov-add:loclabel:name="location2",calllimit=1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; add resulttype="loc_label" and assign these labels to the A digit tree ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="5555",name="setloc" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="5555",name="resultloc", resulttype="loc_label",dw1="location1",setname="setloc" mml> numan-add:adigtree:custgrpid="5555",callside="originating", digitstring="301",setname="setloc" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; assign the location labels to dpnss sigPath ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mml> prov-ed:dpnsspath:name="dpnss-3745-2-0",origlabel="location1",termlabel="location2" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; assign the location labels to dpnss trunk group ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mml> prov-ed:trnkgrp:name="3702",origlabel="location1",termlabel="location2" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; add resulttype="override_callim" and associate it with a set ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="5555",name="resultloc",resulttype="override_callim", setname="setloc" Scaling Dial Plan Elements Table 4-8 lists software Release 9 dial plan information maximums that can be supported for the dial plan elements. Table 4-8 Dial Plan Maximums Dial Plan Element Maximum number of route lists Maximum Limit Gives a warning if more that 20 routes are in the route list that only the first 20 are used Limited by system resources Limits the number of route changes to 5 Maximum number of carrier translations Maximum number of percentage based routing Maximum number of conditional routing Limited by system resources Maximum number of conditional routing Limits the number of route descriptions changes to 5 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-67 Chapter 4 Provisioning Call Reporting Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Table 4-8 Dial Plan Maximums (continued) Dial Plan Element Maximum number of routes Maximum Limit When weighted trunk group is ON, limits the number trunk groups in the route to 100 Limited by system resources, or 98 dial plans (in MGC software Release 9.3(2) and earlier), or 2147483647 dial plans (in MGC software Release 9.4(1) and later) Maximum number of routing trunk groups Limited by system resources Maximum number of dial plans Provisioning Call Reporting The Call Reporting feature enables the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to generate an alarm if a caller dials a particular number. You specify the number as a digit string (for example, the emergency number 999 in the United Kingdom, or 911 in the United States). In response to such an alarm, a security team can capture the alert and respond appropriately. The Call Reporting feature also enables the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to report call details by way of SNMP to a network element management system such as the Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager (CMNM). To provision call reporting, use the following provisioning procedure: Step 1 Customize reporting messages included in a call detail record by using the following MML command. mml> numan-add:crptmesg:index=1, msgstr="Emergency Call" Step 2 Step 3 Confirm the message string was added. mml> numan-rtrv:crptmesg: Add a result set for call reporting. mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111", name="pre-ana-callreport" Step 4 Add a result of the CALL_REPORT result type in the result set. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111", setname="pre-ana-callreport", name="callreport", resulttype="CALL_REPORT", dw1="1", dw2="Emergency" Provisioning Calling Name Delivery The calling name delivery (CNAM) allows the name of the calling party to be delivered to the called party if the called party has subscribed to the CNAM feature. CNAM is a terminating user feature allowing a customer premises equipment (CPE) connected to a switching system to receive a calling party's name during the first silent interval. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-68 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Full Number Translations TheCisco PGW 2200 Softswitch supports transaction capabilities application part (TCAP) query to a CNAM database, and only if, it is allowed based on calling name delivery blocking (CNAB) and calling identity delivery and suppression (CIDS) information. The calling party name resides in the line information database (LIDB) which is accessed using TCAP query. To enable CNAM, use the following provisioning procedure: Step 1 Add the CNAM service, route by SSN, by using the following MML command: mml> prov-add:inservice:name="ansi-pre-ain-cnam",skortcv=0, gtorssn="ROUTEBYSSN",gtformat="NOGT", msname="ansi-pre-ain-cnam" Step 2 Add the CNAM service, route by GT, by using the following MML command: mml> prov-ed:inservice:name="ansi-pre-ain-cnam",skortcv=0,gtorssn="ROUTEBYGT", gtformat="GTTT",msname="ansi-pre-ain-cnam" Step 3 Add the Intelligent Network (IN) trigger. mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="CNAM" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="CNAMtrigger",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER", dw1="30",dw2="0",dw3="0",dw4="6",setname="CNAM" Step 4 Add routing information. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="route",resulttype="ROUTE", dw1="rtlist1",setname="CNAM" Step 5 Add the B-digit tree. mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",digitstring="2146", setname="CNAM" Step 6 Enable calling name display in EISUP path and trunk group. mml> prov-add:sigsvcprop:name="EISUP", InhibitOutgoingCallingNameDisplay ="0" mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name="7777", InhibitOutgoingCallingNameDisplay ="0" Step 7 Provision cgnpinclude on SIP trunk groups. mml> prov-add:profile:NAME="sippro",type="grprofile",cgpninclude="1" mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprof:name="5600",grprofile="sippro" Step 8 Provision MapCLItoSipHeader on SIP sigpath to map the ISUP CLI to P-Asserted-ID header in addition to From header: mml> prov-add:sigsvcprop:name="sip-path", mapclitosipheader="3" Provisioning Full Number Translations Full Number Translations provide a large-scale, number translation function on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. This feature enhances the current Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch database query mode, which is used for local number portability (LNP) and CLI screening, by handling contiguous ranges of numbers with analysis and modification capabilities. Full Number Translations support large-scale changes of individual numbers. This feature adds the NUM_TRANS result type that is implemented in analysis where the existing Times Ten database is used to store the dial plan numbers. As mentioned in the “NUM_TRANS” section on page 1-46, we recommend that you configure the *.FNTBehaviourOptions parameter to 1 in the XECfgParm.dat file. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-69 Chapter 4 Provisioning Full Number Translations Provisioning Dial Plans with MML In the following provisioning example, you can find two result examples of the NUM_TRANS result type. This procedure is for illustration purposes. Step 1 Add a service to the dial plan, DP00, by using the following MML command: mml> numan-add:service:custgrpid="DP00",name="freephone" Step 2 Add an entry in the full number translation table in the TimesTen database. mml> numan-add:fullnumbertrans:svcname="freephone",digstring="C2088880000", translatednum="123456",numtype="2" Step 3 Add a result of the NUM_TRANS result type to a result set. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP00",name="results",resulttype="NUM_TRANS", dw1="freephone",dw2="2",dw3="3",dw4="DP01",setname="setname3" Step 4 Add other results to the result set. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP00",name="noaa",resulttype="A_NUMBER_TYPE", dw1="5",setname="setname3" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP00",name="noab",resulttype="B_NUMBER_TYPE", dw1="5",setname="setname3" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP00",name="noar",resulttype="R_NUMBER_TYPE", dw1="5",setname="setname3" Step 5 Add a B-digit tree and associate it with the result set mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="DP00",digitstring="999810",callside="originating", setname="setname3" Step 6 Add a service to the dial plan, DP01. mml> numan-add:service:custgrpid="DP01",name="freephone1" Step 7 Add an entry in the full number translation table in the TimesTen database. mml> numan-add:fullnumbertrans:svcname="freephone1",digstring="456", translatednum="222123123",numtype="2" Step 8 Add a result of the NUM_TRANS result type to a result set. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP01",name="results",resulttype="NUM_TRANS", dw1="freephone1",dw2="2",dw3="3",setname="setname31" Step 9 Add other results to the result set. mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP01",name="dlt999",resulttype="BMODDIG",dw1="1", dw2="3",setname="setname31" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP01",name="dlt123",resulttype="AMODDIG",dw1="1", dw2="3",setname="setname31" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP01",name="dltR",resulttype="RMODDIG",dw1="1", dw2="3",setname="setname31" mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="DP01",name="rtb8101",setname="setname31", resulttype="ROUTE",dw1="rtlist810" Step 10 Add a B-digit tree and associate it with the result set mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="DP01",digitstring="999810",callside="originating", setname="setname31" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-70 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Full Number Translations Figure 4-1 shows the behavior on Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch in this example. Figure 4-1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Behavior in the Full Number Translations Provisioning Example Incomming call DP00 Pre/A number analysis B number analysis setname3 NUM_TRANS 1 NUM_TRANS for A number is successful. A number: C2088880000-->123456 Dial plan: DP00-->DP01 A_NUMBER_TYPE B NUMBER_TYPE R_NUMBER_TYPE A_NUMBER_TYPE, B_NUMBER_TYPE, and R_NUMBER_TYPE results are dropped. DP01 Pre/A number analysis B number analysis setname31 NUM_TRANS BMODDIG AMODDIG RMODDIG ROUTE 2 NUM_TRANS for A number is failed. B number 998101234567-->8101234567 A number 123456-->456 R number 22110000-->10000 Trunkgroup 1. NUM_TRANS for A number is successful. Since the FNTBehaviourOptions is enabled, the A_NUMBER_TYPE, B_NUMBER_TYPE, and R_NUMBER_TYPE results will be dropped. Dial plan will be changed from DP00 to DP01 according to the value configured for DW4 of the NUM_TRANS result type. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 206614 4-71 Chapter 4 Provisioning Global Titles Provisioning Dial Plans with MML 2. NUM_TRANS for A number is failed. BMODDIG, AMODDIG, and RMODDIG results will take effect. Provisioning Global Titles You can provision SS7 global title used for IN operations on the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch. The Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can be provisioned to use an SS7 point code or to use an SS7 global title. Additionally, you can set the point code and subsystem number (SSN) if the point code method is used, or set the global title to use the calling number, called number, or a fixed value if the global title method is used. To add calling number, called number, and fixed digits for global title in the dial plan, use the following provisioning procedure: Step 1 Add a result set for setting the calling number (A-number) as the global title by using the following MML command: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPtrigger_Calling" Step 2 Add the result of the result type IN_SERVICE_KEY: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="GTLNP1",resulttype="IN_SERVICE_KEY", dw1="90001",dw2="CALLING",setname="LNPtrigger_Calling" Step 3 Add the result of the result type IN_TRIGGER for the calling number: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPtrigger1",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER", Dw1="24",dw2="4",dw3="0",dw4="6",setname="LNPtrigger_Calling" Step 4 Add the entry in the B digit tree: mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating", digitstring="21468012",setname="LNPtrigger_Calling" Step 5 Add the result set for setting the called number (B-number) as the global title: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPtrigger_Called" Step 6 Add the result of the result type IN_SERVICE_KEY: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="GTLNP2",resulttype="IN_SERVICE_KEY", dw1="90001",dw2="CALLED",setname="LNPtrigger_Called" Step 7 Add the result of the result type IN_TRIGGER for the called number: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPtrigger2",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER", Dw1="24",dw2="4",dw3="0",dw4="6",setname="LNPtrigger_Called" Step 8 Add the entry in the B digit tree: mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",digitstring="21468013", setname="LNPtrigger_Called” Step 9 Add the digit modification string in the dial plan: mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgripid="1111",name="gtfixdigits",digstring="99903651" Step 10 Add the result set for setting the fixed digits as the global title: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPtrigger_Fixed" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-72 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Domain Based Routing Step 11 Add the result of the result type IN_SERVICE_KEY: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="GTLNP3",resulttype="IN_SERVICE_KEY", dw1="90001",dw2="FIX",dw3="gtfixdigits",setname="LNPtrigger_Fixed" Step 12 Add the result of the result type IN_TRIGGER for the fixed digits: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="1111",name="LNPtrigger3",resulttype="IN_TRIGGER", Dw1="24",dw2="4",dw3="0",dw4="6",setname="LNPtrigger_Fixed" Step 13 Add the entry in the B digit tree: mml> numan-add:bdigtree:custgrpid="1111",callside="originating",digitstring="21468014", setname="LNPtrigger_Fixed" Provisioning Domain Based Routing Domain based routing (DBR) enhances the analysis and routing functions to allow the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to route calls based on user and domain names. These changes allow the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to simultaneously route calls using E.164 numbers, domain names, user names, or a combination of E.164 and non-E.164 data. DBR also introduces domain-based call screening functions and translation tables to map E.164 numbers to domain and user names. Here is a typical provisioning procedure for DBR. In this example, two domain routing policy (DRP) table steps and all of the result types introduced in the DBR feature are defined. For more information on these result types, see Chapter 1, “Dial Plan and Routing.” A Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch with this configuration would process calls as follows: • In DRP step 1, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch screens SIP calls based on the source domain When a match is found, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the IP_SET_SOURCE_DMN result type to change the source domain from to When DRP step 1 is complete, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch proceeds to DRP step 2. In DRP step 2, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch translates the destination domain and port number from to and routes calls based on the destination URI [email protected]. • Step 1 Start a new MML session by using the following MML command: mml> prov-sta::srcver="active",dstver="nested",confirm Step 2 Add a new entry in the service table: mml> numan-add:service:custgrpid="T002",name="group1" Step 3 Enable DBR on trunk group 2002: mml> prov-ed:siprttrnkgrp:name="2002",domainbasedrtgsupport=1,url="[email protected]" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-73 Chapter 4 Provisioning Domain Based Routing Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Step 4 Add an entry that associates the destination domain string, [email protected], with the route list, rtlist002, in the route selection table: mml> numan-add:routesel:custgrpid="T002",svcname="group1", destdmnstring="[email protected]",rtlistname="rtlist002" Step 5 Add an entry that associates the source domain string,, to the source domain blacklist table: mml> numan-add:sourceblack:custgrpid="T002",svcname="group1",srcdmnstring="" Step 6 Add an entry that associates the destination domain name,, with the new domain name,, to the destination username and domain translation table: mml> numan-add:desttrans:custgrpid="T002",svcname="group1", destdmnstring="",domainname="" Step 7 Add result sets: mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T002", numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T002", numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T002", numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T002", numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T002", numan-add:resultset:custgrpid="T002", name="drpstep1" name="drpstep2" name="setSource" name="exitdrp" name="trans" name="routeCall" Step 8 Add a domain string,, to the domain string table: mml> numan-add:dmnmodstring:custgrpid="T002",name="domainname1",dmnstring="" Step 9 Add a result of the result type DRP_EXIT that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch exits from the entire DRP stage of the preanalysis for DRP step 1: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002",name="resultexitdrp",resulttype="DRP_EXIT", dw1="2", setname="exitdrp" Step 10 Add a result of the result type IP_SET_SOURCE_DMN that the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch changes the source domain to domainname1 ( mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002", name="changesource", resulttype="IP_SET_SOURCE_DMN",dw1="domainname1",setname="setSource",dw2="0",dw3="1" Step 11 Add a result of the result type IP_SOURCE_SCREEN that if the source username matches an entry in the source domain blacklist table added Step 5, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the setSource result set which you added results in Step 10: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002",setname="drpstep1",name="screen", resulttype="IP_SOURCE_SCREEN",dw1="2",dw2="group1",dw3="setSource" Step 12 Add a result of the result type IP_ROUTE_SEL that if the destination user name and destination host name matches the entry added in Step 4, then uses the rtlist002 to route the call: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002", name="resultrsel1",resulttype="IP_ROUTE_SEL", dw1="1",dw2="group1",dw3="exitdrp",setname="routeCall" Step 13 Add a result of the result type IP_DEST_TRANS that if the destination host domain matches an entry in the destination user name and destination host table added in Step 6, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses routeCall result set. Otherwise, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch uses the exitdrp result set: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002", setname="drpstep2", name="trans", resulttype="IP_DEST_TRANS", dw1="2",dw2="group1", dw3="routeCall", dw4="exitdrp" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-74 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Generic Call Tagging Step 14 Add the two result sets, drpstep1, and drpstep2 into the DRP table: mml> numan-add:drptable:custgrpid="T002", drpstepnum="1", setname="drpstep1" mml> numan-add:drptable:custgrpid="T002", drpstepnum="2", setname="drpstep2" Step 15 End the provisioning session: mml> prov-dply Provisioning Generic Call Tagging The generic call tagging feature enables a service provider to configure the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch to perform additional routing operations beyond the pre-existing manner of route selection. If you apply a generic call tag in Pre-analysis, A-number analysis, or B-number analysis, the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch can perform another level of route selection defined by the tag, which extends the route selection algorithms for certain calls. The Generic Call Tagging feature enables you to refine route selection. Here is a typical provisioning procedure of the generic call tagging feature. In this example, you can find both two types of tag lists, tag lists for a trunk group, and tag lists for dial plans. Step 1 Start a new MML session by using the following MML command: mml> prov-sta::srcver="active",dstver="nested",confirm Step 2 Add a tag list that can be associated with a trunk group (type = 0): mml> numan-add:taglist:name="trunkgrptaglist",type="0" Step 3 Add a tag, climust, with value true to the tag list, trunkgrptaglist: mml> numan-add:tag:name=”climust”,value=”true”,taglist=”trunkgrptaglist” Step 4 Add a tag, codec, with value G721 to the tag list, trunkgrptaglist: mml> numan-add:tag:name=”codec”,value=”G721”,taglist=”trunkgrptaglist” Step 5 Add a tag list that can be assocaited added in a dial plan (type = 1): mml> numan-add:taglist:name=”sipcalltaglist”,type=”1” Step 6 Add a tag, codec, with value G711 to the tag list, sipcalltaglist: mml> numan-add:tag:name="codec",value="G711",taglist="sipcalltaglist" Step 7 Add a tag, routingclass, with value primum to the tag list, sipcalltaglist: mml> numan-ed:tag:name="routingclass", value="primum", taglist="sipcalltaglist" Step 8 Add a result set, gencalltag, in the dial plan: mml> numan-add:resultset:custgrpid=”1111”,name=”gencalltag” Step 9 Add a result of the CALL_TAG result type in the dial plan: mml> numan-add:resulttable:name="tag_result",resulttype="CALL_TAG",custgrpid="1111", setname="gencalltag",dw1="sipcalltaglist" Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-75 Chapter 4 Provisioning Conditional A-Number Digit Modification Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Step 10 Associate an SS7 trunk group with the tag list, taglist1: mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprop:name="444",calltaglist="trunkgrptaglist" Step 11 Associate a SIP trunk group with the tag list, sipcall: mml> prov-add:profile:name="sip-prof1",type="SIPPROFILE",custgrpid="1111", mgcdomain="", calltaglist="trunkgrptaglist" mml> prov-add:trnkgrpprof:name="100",profile="sip-prof1" Step 12 End the provisioning session: mml> prov-dply Note While managing the Generic Call Tagging feature, if you must delete the tagvalue.dat and taglist.dat files, you must delete the tagvalue.dat file before the taglist.dat file. Provisioning Conditional A-Number Digit Modification Perform the following procedures to create a dial plan for the Conditional A-Number Digit Modification feature: • • • • Adding Digit Modification String Data, page 4-76 Adding A-Number Modification Result Table Data, page 4-77 Adding A-Number Digit Tree Data, page 4-78 Enabling A-Number Normalization, page 4-78 Adding Digit Modification String Data The results access the Digit Modification to yield a string of numbers (digits) to apply to an A-number or B-number. To add a DIGMODSTRING list and add digit strings, complete the following steps: Step 1 Enter the following command on the active Cisco MGC at the Man-Machine Language (MML) prompt: mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid=”cgid”, name=”dname”, digstring=”dstring” Where: • • • cgid—Indicates the customer group ID. This ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric string. dname—MML name of the digit modification string. dstring—String of digits to modify. Note Over-decadic digits can be used in your prefix. You must ensure that only over-decadic digits B and C are used in your prefix if the call data is routed through a H.323 network. B and C are the only over-decadic digits that are supported in H.323. If you use any of the other over-decadic digits in your prefix, once the call data enters a H.323 network through the Cisco H.323 Signaling Interface (HSI) the A-number will be forwarded without those over-decadic digits. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-76 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning Conditional A-Number Digit Modification For example, to add a digit modification string, 666, called restpfx, enter the following MML command: mml> numan-add:digmodstring:custgrpid=”T002”,name=”restpfx”,digstring=”666” Step 2 To verify that the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you add to the digit modification string list. Tip An implied index, which contains a single string of digits that are applied to the calling number or called number, is used to access the DIGMODSTRING list. Adding A-Number Modification Result Table Data Results are used with number analysis. To add an A-number modification result table to the dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 Enter the following command on the active Cisco MGC at the MML prompt: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”cgid”, name=”resnam”, resulttype=”AMODDIG”, dw1=”dw1”, dw2=”0”, dw3=”dw3”, dw4=”1”, setname=”snam” Where: • • • cgid—Indicates the customer group ID. This ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric string. resnam—MML name of the result table. dw1 (dataword1)—Provides an index into the Script table in the MGC database, where the details of the Script table, such as the gateway type, language, location, and so on, are stored. This value is an integer. Note When adding an index in the Script table, be sure that the value you enter is a valid value in the Script table. Caution Dataword 2 (dw2) cannot be used to subtract digits when you are using dataword 4 (dw4) to add A-number modification result data. • dw3 (dataword3)—Indicates if an optional Address Complete Message (ACM) is to be sent when the confirmation of script invocation is received (for dw2, CallType = 1) from the gateway. This is an integer. sname—Indicates the MML result set name for this AMODDIG result type. The user configures the set name, which can be as many as 20 alphanumeric characters. • For example, to add an A-digit tree to the customer group ID t100, enter the following MML command: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid=”T002”, name=”result5”, resulttype=”AMODDIG”, dw1=”1”, dw2=”0”, dw3=”restpfx”, dw4=”1”, setname=”setname1” Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-77 Chapter 4 Provisioning Conditional A-Number Digit Modification Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Step 2 To verify that the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each A-number modification result table you want to add. Adding A-Number Digit Tree Data The A-Digit Tree contains entries, in blocks of 16, for each calling number. Its output is an index to the Result table or an indication that no further action is necessary. To add an A-Digit Tree to your dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 Enter the following command on the active Cisco MGC at the MML prompt: mml> numan-add:adigittree:custgrpid="cgid", digitstring="dstring", callside="cs", setname="snam" Where: • • • • cgid—Indicates the customer group ID. This ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric string. dstring—Defines the digit string. cs—Indicates the side of the call, either originating or terminating. sname—Indicates the MML result set name for this A-number digit tree. The user configures the set name, which can be as many as 20 alphanumeric characters. For example, to add an A-digit tree to the customer group ID t100, enter the following MML command: mml> numan-add:adigittree:custgrpid="t100",digitstring="703484",callside="originating", setname="setone" Step 2 To verify that the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> numan-rtrv Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each entry you add to the A-digit tree. Enabling A-Number Normalization Enabling A-number normalization results in the removal of leading zeros from National (0) or International (00) European prefixes. This feature adds the ability to remove the leading zero from a UK-specific International format CLI (and the corresponding NOA change to International). In addition, this functionality can now be applied to both trunk groups and signaling services. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-78 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning E911 Mapping To enable A-number normalization for the trunk group or signaling service that is associated with your dial plan, complete the following steps: Step 1 Enter the following command on the active Cisco MGC at the MML prompt: mml> prov-add:property:name="comp_name",anumnormalise=1 Where: • property—MML component type for trunk group or signaling service properties. Select one of the following: – trnkgrpprop—MML component for trunk group properties. – sigsrvprop—MML component for signaling service properties. • comp_name—MML name for the trunk group or signaling service on which you want to enable A-number normalization. For example, to enable A-number normalization on a signaling service that is called va-5300-a, enter the following MML command: mml> prov-add:sigsvcprop:name=”va-5300-a:,anumnormalise=1 Step 2 To verify that the command was executed successfully, enter the command: mml> prov-rtrv Step 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each trunk group or signaling service on which you want to enable A-number normalization. Provisioning E911 Mapping This section describes the provisioning tasks that you must perform to implement E911 mapping. Provision the AOC Generation for PRI by setting the E911PROF result type dataword1 to a value from 1 through 35. Use the MML provisioning command numan-add to define the E911PROF result type in a result table. numan-<verb>:resulttable:custgrpid="<customer group id>",name="<result name>", resulttype="E911PROF",setname="<resultsetname>" Adding an E911PROF Result Type To add an E911PROF result type to your provisioning data, perform the following steps: Step 1 Step 2 Start an MML provisioning session. Enter the following command to add the E911PROF result type: mml> numan-add:resulttable:custgrpid="T002",name="routetoSR",resulttype="E911PROF",dw1="1" ,setname="selectiverouter1" Where: Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-79 Chapter 4 Provisioning E911 Mapping Provisioning Dial Plans with MML • • • • Step 3 Step 4 custgrpid—The name of a previously defined customer group ID. A string of four alphanumeric characters that uniquely defines the customer. The customer group ID should begin with a letter. name—The name you want to give to the component. The name can be as many as 20 characters long and can contain numbers, letters, and the dash (-) symbol. The name should begin with a letter. resulttype—The result type name. dw1—The value of the IAM profile mapping. Valid profile values can be found in Table 1-4 on page 1-32. Repeat Step 2 for each E911PROF result type you want to add to your provisioning data. If there are no other components that you need to provision, end your provisioning session. Collecting E911PROF Data The E911PROF result type represents the types of SR with which the MGC communicates. You must know the following about the SR: • • ESRK delivery (See Table 4-9) CPN and ESRD delivery (See Table 4-10 on page 4-81) Mapping Methods Since the MGC does not support CAMA signaling natively, an IOS gateway provides the CAMA interface. Thus, after analyzing the ESRN number, MGC proxies the INVITE message from the SIP call server to the IOS gateway. The IOS gateway then routes the call to SR using CAMA signaling. Depending on the version of SR and PSAP, the location key (ESQK) is delivered in a different parameter of the Initial Address Message (IAM). The MGC implements the following mapping methods: • • Mapping method 1, ESRK, which is equivalent to ESQK in a Voice over IP (VoIP) network Mapping method 2, ESRD, which is equivalent to ESQK in a VoIP network The various IAM profiles are listed in Table 4-9 for ESRK delivery and in Table 4-10 for ESRD delivery. Mapping Method 1: ESRK Delivery Originally based on ESRK, Table 4-9 shows the possible alternatives for populating the parameters in the IAM. Mapping method 1 describes the mode where a Mobile Switching Center (MSC) uses the ISUP protocol to send an ESRK to an E9-1-1 SR. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-80 OL-18082-09 Chapter 4 Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Provisioning E911 Mapping Table 4-9 ESRK Delivery ISUP Parameter Option A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 Note OLI Wireless No No No No No No CpCAT Emergency CDPN Yes Yes Yes No No No 911 911 911 911 911 911 CPN ESRK ESRK — ESRK ESRK — CHGN ESRK — ESRK ESRK — ESRK GDP Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Note(s) 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1. This ISUP parameter option is widely supported in North America. It is estimated that 95% of the E9-1-1 SRs deployed in North America support this option when the SR has been equipped with wireless E9-1-1 features. 2. Blank—This parameter must not be populated. Mapping Method 2: CBN and ESRD Delivery Mapping method 2 describes the mode where an MSC uses the ISUP protocol to send the caller’s CBN and ESRD to an E9-1-1 SR. Table 4-10 shows the possible alternatives for populating the parameters in the IAM. Table 4-10 CBN and ESRD Delivery ISUP Parameter Option A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 Note OLI Wireless Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No CpCAT Emergency CDPN Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 CPN CBN CBN — CBN CBN — CBN CHGN CBN — CBN CBN — CBN CBN GDP ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD 1 Note(s) 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1. This ISUP parameter option is widely supported in North America. It is estimated that 95% of the E9-1-1 SRs deployed in North America support this option when the SR has been equipped with wireless E9-1- 1 features. 2. Blank—This parameter must not be populated. 3. This ISUP parameter option is available in some areas. It is estimated that 50% of the E9-1-1 SRs deployed in North America support this option when the SR has been equipped with wireless E9-1-1 features. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 4-81 Chapter 4 Provisioning E911 Mapping Provisioning Dial Plans with MML Table 4-10 CBN and ESRD Delivery (continued) ISUP Parameter Option C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 F1 F2 G1 G2 H1 H2 I1 I2 I3 J1 J2 K1 K2 L1 L2 Note OLI Wireless No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No CpCAT Emergency CDPN Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No 911 911 911 911 911 ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD CPN CBN — CBN CBN — CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN — CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CBN CHGN — CBN CBN — CBN CBN — CBN — CBN — CBN — CBN — CBN CBN — CBN — CBN — GDP ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD ESRD Note(s) 3 3 3 3 3 1, 2 1, 2 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1. This ISUP parameter option is widely supported in North America. It is estimated that 95% of the E9-1-1 SRs deployed in North America support this option when the SR has been equipped with wireless E9-1- 1 features. 2. Blank—This parameter must not be populated. 3. This ISUP parameter option is available in some areas. It is estimated that 50% of the E9-1-1 SRs deployed in North America support this option when the SR has been equipped with wireless E9-1-1 features. 1. ESRD, in a mobile network, is equivalent to ESQK. in a VoIP network. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide 4-82 OL-18082-09 A P P E N D I X A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 The following sections contain the nature of address (NOA) and numbering plan indicator (NPI) codes for the result types listed in Table 1-1 on page 1-11. In addition, the internal calling party category (CPC) and transmission medium requirement (TMR) values are also listed. NOA Codes The NOA codes listed in the following sections define protocol-specific NOA values and the unique mappings to numerical values supported by each protocol. An “X” in any of the variant cells in the following tables indicates that the specified mapping is supported by that protocol variant. The NOA codes described in the following tables include: • • • • • Internal Call Context NOA Values—Table A-1 on page A-1 and A-2 ANSI SS7 NOA Values—Table A-2 on page A-3 PRI NOA Values—Table A-3 on page A-4 Q.761 NOA Values—Table A-4 on page A-5 and A-5 Q.767 Call Context NOA Values—Table A-5 on page A-6 Internal Table A-1 describes the internal Call Context NOA values and corresponding numerical values. Table A-1 Internal Call Context NOA Values Call Context NOA Mnemonic NOA_NONE NOA_UNKNOWN NOA_SUBSCRIBER NOA_NATIONAL NOA_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NETWORK Numerical Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-1 Appendix A NOA Codes NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-1 Internal Call Context NOA Values (continued) Call Context NOA Mnemonic NOA_MERIDIAN NOA_ABBR NOA_UNIQUE_3DIG_NAT_NUM NOA_ANI NOA_NO_ANI_RECD NOA_NON_UNIQUE_SUBSCRIBER NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_TREATED NOA_OPRREQ_SUBSCRIBER NOA_OPRREQ_NATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_INTERNATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_NO_NUM NOA_CARRIER_NO_NUM NOA_950_CALL NOA_TEST_LINE_CODE NOA_INT_INBOUND NOA_NAT_OR_INTL_CARRIER_ACC_CODE_INC NOA_CELL_GLOBAL_ID_GSM NOA_CELL_GLOBAL_ID_NMT_900 NOA_CELL_GLOBAL_ID_NMT_450 NOA_CELL_GLOBAL_ID_AUTONET NOA_PORTED_NUMBER NOA_PISN_SPECIFIC_NUMBER NOA_UK_SPECIFIC_ADDRESS NOA_SPARE NOA_MCI_VNET Numerical Value 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_OUTSIDE_WZ 34 I NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_INSIDE_WZI NOA_DIRECT_TERMINATION_OVERFLOW NOA_ISN_EXTENDED_INTERNATIONAL_TERMINATION NOA_TRANSFER_ISN_TO_ISN NOA_CREDIT_CARD NOA_DEFINED_IN_SSUTR NOA_DEFINED_IN_SSUTR2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-2 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values NOA Codes Table A-1 Internal Call Context NOA Values (continued) Call Context NOA Mnemonic RESERVED NOA_DISCARDED NOA_NETWORK_RN_CONCAT_WITH_CDPN NOA_NAT_NUM_WITH_SELECT_OF_CARR NOA_INT_NUM_WITH_SELECT_OF_CARR NOA_NATIONAL_SPARE_2 NOA_PORTED_NUMBER_OR_SCREENED_FOR_PORTING NOA_SPECIAL_NUMBER NOA_NATL_NUM_TRANSIT_NETWORK_SELECT NOA_INTL_NUM_TRANSIT_NETWORK_SELECT NOA_SPAIN NOA_PARTIAL_CALLING_LINE_ID NOA_NETWORK_RN_NSN_FORMAT NOA_NETWORK_RN_NETWORK_SPECIFIC_FORMAT Numerical Value 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ANSI SS7 Table A-2 describes the NOA values and corresponding bit code patterns for the ANSI SS7 protocol. Table A-2 ANSI SS7 NOA Values Standard ANSI Call Context NOA Values NOA_950_CALL NOA_ABBR NOA_ANI NOA_CARRIER_NO_NUM NOA_CREDIT_CARD NOA_DIRECT_TERMINATION_OVERFLOW NOA_INTERNATIONAL NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_ INSIDE_WZI NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_ OUTSIDE_WZI NOA_ISN_EXTENDED_INTERNATIONAL_TERMINATION NOA_MCI_VNET NOA_NATIONAL DEFAULT 1110110 0000110 1100111 1110101 1100110 1111100 0000100 1111011 1111010 1111101 1111000 0000011 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 Sprint A-3 Bell MCI Protocol Specific Binary Code Pattern Appendix A NOA Codes NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-2 ANSI SS7 NOA Values (continued) NOA_NO_ANI_RECD NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_SUBSCRIBER NOA_NONE NOA_OPRREQ_INTERNATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_NATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_NO_NUM NOA_OPRREQ_SUBSCRIBER NOA_SUBSCRIBER NOA_TEST_LINE_CODE NOA_TRANSFER_ISN_TO_ISN 1101000 1111001 1110100 1110011 1111000 1110001 0000000 1110011 1110010 1110100 1110001 0000001 1110111 1111110 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PRI Table A-3 describes the NOA values and corresponding bit code patterns related to the PRI protocol. In keeping with the PRI’s MDL program definition, the bit codes are listed with decimal values. Table A-3 PRI NOA Values ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) PRI Call Context NOA Values NOA_UNKNOWN NOA_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NATIONAL DEFAULT NOA_NETWORK NOA_SUBSCRIBER NOA_MERIDIAN NOA_ABBR PRI DEFAULT:NOA_NATIONAL INSNet DEFAULT:NOA_UNKNOWN 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-4 INSNet Bell Protocol Specific Code AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values NOA Codes Q.761 Table A-4 describes the NOA values and corresponding bit code patterns for the Q.761 protocol. Table A-4 Q.761 NOA Values ETS_300_356 and Spanish X X X Q.761 Call Context NOA Values NOA_950_CALL NOA_UNIQUE_3DIG_NAT_NUM NOA_ANI NOA_NO_ANI_RECD NOA_CARRIER_NO_NUM NOA_CREDIT_CARD NOA_DIRECT_TERMINATION_OVERFLOW NOA_INT_INBOUND NOA_INTERNATIONAL NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_ NSIDE_WZI NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_ OUTSIDE_WZI NOA_ISN_EXTENDED_INTERNATIONAL_TERMINATIO N NOA_MCI_VNET NOA_NATIONAL DEFAULT NOA_NAT_OR_INTL_CARRIER_ACC_CODE_INC NOA_NETWORK NOA_NO_ANI_RECD NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_SUBSCRIBER NOA_NON_UNIQUE_SUBSCRIBER Protocol Specific Binary Code Pattern 1110110 0000011 1100111 0000010 0000010 1100110 1111100 0000100 0000100 1111011 1111010 1111101 1111000 0000011 0000010 1111110 1101000 1111001 0000100 1110100 0000011 1110011 1111000 0000001 1110001 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-5 ETS_300_356_V3 and UK ETS_300_356 and Japan Japanese ETS_300_356 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q761 Australian Q.761 Japanese Q761 Standard Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Korean Q761 Appendix A NOA Codes NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-4 Q.761 NOA Values (continued) ETS_300_356 and Spanish X X Q.761 Call Context NOA Values NOA_NONE NOA_OPRREQ_INTERNATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_NATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_NO_NUM NOA_OPRREQ_SUBSCRIBER NOA_SUBSCRIBER NOA_TEST_LINE_CODE NOA_TRANSFER_ISN_TO_ISN NOA_UK_SPECIFIC_ADDRESS NOA_UKNOWN NOA_UKNOWN Protocol Specific Binary Code Pattern 0000000 0000100 0000011 0000010 0000001 0000001 1110111 1111110 1111110 1110000 0000010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Q.767 Table A-5 describes the NOA values and corresponding bit code patterns related to the Q.767 protocol. Table A-5 Q.767 Call Context NOA Values Standard Q.767 Call Context NOA Values NOA_950_CALL NOA_ANI NOA_NO_ANI_RECD NOA_CARRIER_NO_NUM NOA_CREDIT_CARD NOA_DIRECT_TERMINATION_OVERFLOW NOA_INT_INBOUND NOA_INTERNATIONAL 1110110 1100111 0000000 0000000 1100110 1111100 0000100 0000100 X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-6 Swedish Spanish Russian Italian Protocol Specific Binary Code Pattern OL-18082-09 ETS-300_121 Polish ETS_300_356_V3 and UK ETS_300_356 and Japan Japanese ETS_300_356 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q761 Australian Q.761 Japanese Q761 Standard Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Korean Q761 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values NPI Codes Table A-5 Q.767 Call Context NOA Values (continued) Standard Q.767 Call Context NOA Values NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_INSIDE_WZI NOA_INTERNATIONAL_OPERATOR_TO_OPERATOR_OUTSIDE_WZI NOA_ISN_EXTENDED_INTERNATIONAL_TERMINATION NOA_MCI_VNET NOA_NATIONAL DEFAULT NOA_NO_ANI_RECD NOA_UNIQUE_3DIG_NAT_NUM NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_NATIONAL NOA_NON_UNIQUE_SUBSCRIBER NOA_NONE NOA_OPRREQ_NATIONAL NOA_OPRREQ_NO_NUM NOA_OPRREQ_SUBSCRIBER NOA_SPAIN NOA_SUBSCRIBER NOA_TEST_LINE_CODE NOA_TRANSFER_ISN_TO_ISN NOA_UNKNOWN 1111011 1111010 1111101 1111000 0000011 1101000 0000011 0000100 1110100 0000011 1111000 0000001 0000000 0000011 0000000 0000001 11111110 0000001 1110111 1111110 0000010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NPI Codes The numbering plan indicator (NPI) codes listed in the following sections define protocol-specific NPI values and the unique mappings to numerical values supported by each protocol. An “X” in any of the variant cells in these tables indicates that the specified mapping is supported by that protocol variant. The NPI codes described in the following tables include: • • • Internal NPI Values—Table A-6 on page A-8 ANSI SS7 NPI Values—Table A-7 on page A-8 PRI NPI Values—Table A-8 on page A-9 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 Swedish Spanish Russian Italian Protocol Specific Binary Code Pattern ETS-300_121 Polish A-7 Appendix A NPI Codes NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Internal Table A-6 describes the internal (Call Context) NPI code values. Table A-6 Internal NPI Values Call Context NPI Mnemonic NPI_NONE NPI_E164 NPI_DATA NPI_TELEX NPI_PNP NPI_NATIONAL NPI_TELEPHONY NPI_MARITIME_MOBILE NPI_LAND_MOBILE NPI_ISDN_MOBILE Numerical Value 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ANSI SS7 Table A-7 describes the received protocol-specific bit code patterns to internal (Call Context) NPI value mappings supported by the ANSI SS7 protocol. Table A-7 ANSI SS7 NPI Values Standard ANSI Call Context NPI Values NPI_NONE NPI_E164 NPI_PNP NAPI2:NPI_E164 DEFAULT NAPI1:NPI_NONE DEFAULT Bit Pattern 000 001 101 X X X X X X X X X PRI Table A-8 describes the received protocol-specific bit code patterns to internal (Call Context) NPI value mappings supported by the PRI protocol. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-8 Sprint Bell MCI OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values CPC Values Table A-8 PRI NPI Values ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 PRI Call Context NPI Values NOA_UNKNOWN NPI_E164 DEFAULT NPI_DATA NPI_TELEX NOA_NATIONAL NPI_PNP DEFAULT: NPI_E164 NAPI1: NPI_NONE DEFAULT Bit Pattern 0000 0001 0011 0100 1000 1001 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CPC Values The Calling Party Category (CPC) internal values are listed in Table A-9 and corresponding CPC description. Table A-9 Internal CPC Values Internal CPC Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Internal CPC Description CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 CPC_ADMN3 CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_ORD_SUB_METER CPC_PRIO_SUBSC CPC_DATA CPC_TEST CPC_CUST_PAYPHONE Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 INS Net Bell A-9 Appendix A CPC Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-9 Internal CPC Values (continued) Internal CPC Value 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Internal CPC Description CPC_PUB_PAYPHONE CPC_EMERGENCY CPC_HIGH_PRIO_EMERG CPC_NAT_EMERGENCY CPC_TRUNK_OFFERING CPC_MOBILE_CUSTOMER CPC_PBX_SUBSC CPC_OPER_WITH_FORWARD_FACILITY CPC_INTERCEPT_OPER CPC_CROSS_BORDER_OPER CPC_LONG_DIST_PAYPHONE CPC_INTERNATIONAL_PAYPHONE CPC_INTERNATIONAL_TEST_EQPMNT CPC_CHECK_CALLING_PARTY_NUM CPC_NATIONAL_OPER CPC_PRIO CPC_INHBT_CALL_DIV CPC_INTL_OPR CPC_CUSTOMER_CLI CPC_CUST_WITH_CLI_MM CPC_CCR_CUSTOMER CPC_CCR_CUST_MMREQ CPC_TRANS_TEST_POS CPC_PAYPHONE_NON_PUB CPC_CONF_DEVICE CPC_LINE_TEST_DESK CPC_IMMED_CHG_INFO CPC_ORD_PERIODIC CPC_ORD_SMI CPC_ORD_PRINTER CPC_PRIO_PERIODIC CPC_ORD_LOCAL CPC_OP_WO_TRK CPC_CCB_SUB CPC_SUB_HM_MTR CPC_PABX Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-10 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values CPC Values Table A-9 Internal CPC Values (continued) Internal CPC Value 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Internal CPC Description CPC_PABX_PRIO CPC_ORD_NOCHARGE CPC_PRIO_NOCHARGE CPC_MAINT_ENVIRON CPC_PAYPHONE_TYPE2 CPC_PAYPHONE_TYPE3 CPC_PAYPHONE_TYPE4 CPC_PBX_SUBSCRIBER1 CPC_PBX_SUBSCRIBER2 CPC_PBX_SUBSCRIBER3 CPC_PBX_SUBSCRIBER4 CPC_PAYPHONE_FINN CPC_ALARM_DEVICE CPC_PAYPHONE_WITHPRI CPC_OSS_OPR CPC_BELGACOM_SPEC1 CPC_BELGACOM_SPEC2 CPC_BELGACOM_SPEC3 CPC_Q_UNKNOWN CPC_Q_FRENCH CPC_Q_ENGLISH CPC_Q_GERMAN CPC_Q_RUSSIAN CPC_Q_SPANISH CPC_Q_ADMIN1 CPC_Q_ADMIN2 CPC_Q_ADMIN3 CPC_Q_ORD CPC_Q_TEST CPC_Q_EMERGENCY CPC_Q_HIGH_PRIO_EMERG CPC_Q_NAT_EMERGENCY CPC_LANG_MUTUAL1 CPC_LANG_MUTUAL2 CPC_LANG_MUTUAL3 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-11 Appendix A CPC Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-9 Internal CPC Values (continued) Internal CPC Value 106 107 Internal CPC Description CPC_AUSTRL_NATL_OPER CPC_INTL_EMERGENCY_PREF CPC Protocol Variant Values Table A-10 through Table A-15 list the CPC values for the Q.761, Q.767, Q.721, and ANSI protocol variants. Q.761 Base Protocol CPC Index Table A-10 lists the Q.761 base protocol CPC index values. Table A-10 Q.761 Base Protocol CPC Index CPC Message CPC_UNKNOWN CPC_FRENCH CPC_ENGLISH CPC_GERMAN CPC_RUSSIAN CPC_SPANISH CPC_ADMIN1 CPC_ADMIN2 CPC_ADMIN3 CPC_ORD CPC_PRIO CPC_DATA CPC_TEST CPC_PAYPHONE External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000001—(1) 00000010—(2) 00000011—(3) 00000100—(4) 00000101—(5) 00000110—(6) 00000111—(7) 00001000—(8) 00001010—(10) 00001011—(11) 00001100—(12) 00001101—(13) 00001111—(15) CPC Index CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 CPC_ADMN3 CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_PRIO CPC_DATA CPC_TEST CPC_CUST_PAYPHONE Internal Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 12 13 14 Q.761 Danish Variant CPC Index Table A-11 lists the Q.761 Danish variant CPC index values. Table A-11 Q.761 Danish Variant CPC Index CPC Message CPC_UNKNOWN CPC_FRENCH External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000001—(1) CPC Index CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH Internal Value 0 1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-12 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values CPC Values Table A-11 Q.761 Danish Variant CPC Index (continued) CPC Message CPC_ENGLISH CPC_GERMAN CPC_RUSSIAN CPC_SPANISH CPC_ADMIN1 CPC_ADMIN2 CPC_ADMIN3 External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000010—(2) 00000011—(3) 00000100—(4) 00000101—(5) 00000110—(6) 00000111—(7) 00001000—(8) CPC Index CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 CPC_ADMN3 CPC_INTL_OPR CPC_DATA CPC_CUST_PAYPHONE CPC_PAYPHONE_TYPE2 CPC_ALARM_DEVICE CPC_DATA_TRANSF CPC_NATIONAL_OPER CPC_PAYPHONE_TYPE3 CPC_TEST CPC_PRIO CPC_ORD_SUBSC Internal Value 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 52 12 14 75 83 118 29 76 13 50 9 CPC_INTERNATIONA 00001010—(10) L_OP CPC_DATA CPC_PAYPHONE CPC_ACC_CHG_NO_ PRIO CPC_ALARM CPC_DATA_TRANSF CPC_OPR CPC_ACC_CHG_PRI O CPC_TEST CPC_PRIO CPC_ORD 00001100—(12) 00001111—(15) 11110101—(245) 11110110—(246) 11111001—(249) 11111010—(250) 11111011—(251) 11111100—(252) 11111101—(253) 11111110—(254) Q.761_97Ver and Q.767 Russian Variant CPC Index Table A-12 lists Q.761_97Ver and Q.767 Russian variant CPC index values. Table A-12 Q.761_97Ver and Q.767 Russian Variant CPC Index CPC Message CPC_UNKNOWN CPC_FRENCH CPC_ENGLISH CPC_GERMAN CPC_RUSSIAN CPC_SPANISH CPC_ADMIN1 CPC_ADMIN2 External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000001—(1) 00000010—(2) 00000011—(3) 00000100—(4) 00000101—(5) 00000110—(6) 00000111—(7) CPC Index CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 Internal Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-13 Appendix A CPC Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-12 Q.761_97Ver and Q.767 Russian Variant CPC Index (continued) CPC Message CPC_ADMIN3 External Binary Value (Decimal) 00001000—(8) CPC Index CPC_ADMN3 CPC_NATIONAL_OPER CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_PRIO CPC_DATA CPC_TEST CPC_CUST_PAYPHONE CPC_HOTEL_SUB_2 CPC_FREE_SUB_5 CPC_SPECIAL_SUB_7 CPC_LOCAL_SUB_3 CPC_LOCALPAYPHONE_9 CPC_SPARE_0 CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_AUTO_CALL_3 CPC_SEMI_AUTO_CALL_3 CPC_AUTO_CALL_4 CPC_SEMI_AUTO_CALL_4 CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_ORD_SUBSC Internal Value 8 29 9 50 12 13 14 109 116 117 110 111 108 9 9 9 9 115 112 113 114 9 9 CPC_NATIONAL_OPE 00001001—(9) R CPC_ORD CPC_PRIO CPC_DATA CPC_TEST CPC_PAYPHONE CPC_HOTEL_SUB_2 CPC_FREE_SUB_5 CPC_SPECIAL_SUB_ 7 CPC_LOCAL_SUB_3 CPC_LOCALPAYPHO NE_9 CPC_SPARE_0 CPC_AUTO_CALL_1 CPC_SEMI_AUTO_C ALL_1 CPC_AUTO_CALL_2 CPC_SEMI_AUTO_C ALL_2 CPC_AUTO_CALL_3 CPC_SEMI_AUTO_C ALL_3 CPC_AUTO_CALL_4 CPC_SEMI_AUTO_C ALL_4 CPC_PRIO_PERIODI C CPC_ORD_LOCAL 00001010—(10) 00001011—(11) 00001100—(12) 00001101—(13) 00001111—(15) 11100001—(225) 11100010—(226) 11100011—(227) 11100100—(228) 11100101—(229) 11100000—(224) 11110000—(240) 11110001—(241) 11110010—(242) 11110011—(243) 11110100—(244) 11110101—(245) 11110110—(246) 11110111—(247) 11111011—(251) 11111110—(254) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-14 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values CPC Values Q.767 Base Protocol CPC Index Table A-13 lists the Q.767 base protocol CPC index values. Table A-13 Q.767 Base Protocol CPC Index CPC Message CPC_UNKNOWN CPC_FRENCH CPC_ENGLISH CPC_GERMAN CPC_RUSSIAN CPC_SPANISH CPC_ADMIN1 CPC_ADMIN2 CPC_ADMIN3 CPC_ORD CPC_PRIO CPC_DATA CPC_TEST External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000001—(1) 00000010—(2) 00000011—(3) 00000100—(4) 00000101—(5) 00000110—(6) 00000111—(7) 00001000—(8) 00001010—(10) 00001011—(11) 00001100—(12) 00001101—(13) CPC Index CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 CPC_ADMN3 CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_PRIO CPC_DATA CPC_TEST Internal Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 12 13 Q.721 Base Protocol CPC Index Table A-14 lists the Q.721 base protocol CPC index values. Table A-14 Q.721 Base Protocol CPC Index CPC Message CPC_UNKNOWN CPC_FRENCH CPC_ENGLISH CPC_GERMAN CPC_RUSSIAN CPC_SPANISH CPC_LANG_MUTUAL1 CPC_LANG_MUTUAL2 CPC_LANG_MUTUAL3 External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000001—(1) 00000010—(2) 00000011—(3) 00000100—(4) 00000101—(5) 000110—(6) 000111—(7) 001000—(8) CPC Index CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 CPC_ADMN3 Internal Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-15 Appendix A CPC Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values ANSI Base Protocol CPC Index Table A-15 lists the ANSI base protocol CPC index values. Table A-15 ANSI Base Protocol CPC Index CPC Message CPC_UNKNOWN CPC_FRENCH CPC_ENGLISH CPC_GERMAN CPC_RUSSIAN CPC_SPANISH CPC_ADMIN1 CPC_ADMIN2 CPC_ADMIN3 CPC_ORD CPC_TEST CPC_PAYPHONE CPC_EMERGENCY CPC_HIGH_PRIO_EMERG CPC_NAT_EMERGENCY CPC_Q_UNKNOWN CPC_Q_FRENCH CPC_Q_ENGLISH CPC_Q_GERMAN CPC_Q_RUSSIAN CPC_Q_SPANISH CPC_Q_ADMIN1 CPC_Q_ADMIN2 CPC_Q_ADMIN3 CPC_Q_ORD CPC_Q_TEST CPC_Q_EMERGENCY External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000001—(1) 00000010—(2) 00000011—(3) 00000100—(4) 00000101—(5) 00000110—(6) 00000111—(7) 00001000—(8) 00001010—(10) 00001101—(13) 00001111—(15) 11100000—(224) 11100001—(225) 11100010—(226) 00010000—(16) 00010001—(17) 00010010—(18) 00010011—(19) 00010100—(20) 00010101—(21) 00010110—(22) 00010111—(23) 00011000—(24) 00011010—(26) 00011101—(31) 11110000—(240) CPC Index CPC_UNKNWN CPC_OPER_FRENCH CPC_OPER_ENGLISH CPC_OPER_GERMAN CPC_OPER_RUSSIAN CPC_OPER_SPANISH CPC_ADMN1 CPC_ADMN2 CPC_ADMN3 CPC_ORD_SUBSC CPC_TEST CPC_CUST_PAYPHONE CPC_EMERGENCY CPC_HIGH_PRIO_EMERG CPC_NAT_EMERGENCY CPC_Q_UNKNOWN CPC_Q_FRENCH CPC_Q_ENGLISH CPC_Q_GERMAN CPC_Q_RUSSIAN CPC_Q_SPANISH CPC_Q_ADMIN1 CPC_Q_ADMIN2 CPC_Q_ADMIN3 CPC_Q_ORD CPC_Q_TEST CPC_Q_EMERGENCY Internal Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 16 17 18 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 CPC_Q_HIGH_PRIO_EMER 11110001—(241) G CPC_Q_NAT_EMERGENCY 11110010—(242) CPC_Q_HIGH_PRIO_EMER 101 G CPC_Q_NAT_EMERGENCY 102 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-16 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values TMR Values TMR Values The Transmission Medium Requirement (TMR) internal values are listed in Table A-16 and corresponding TMR description. The TMR value range is from 0 through 255. Table A-16 lists the internal TMR value and corresponding TMR description. Table A-16 Internal TMR Values Internal TMR Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Internal TMR Description TMR_SPEECH TMR_UNRES_64K TMR_AUDIO_3K TMR_64K_PREF TMR_128K TMR_384K TMR_1536K TMR_1920K TMR_3_64K TMR_4_64K TMR_5_64K TMR_6_64K TMR_7_64K TMR_8_64K TMR_9_64K TMR_10_64K TMR_11_64K TMR_12_64K TMR_13_64K TMR_14_64K TMR_15_64K TMR_16_64K TMR_17_64K TMR_18_64K TMR_19_64K TMR_20_64K TMR_21_64K TMR_22_64K TMR_23_64K TMR_24_64K Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-17 Appendix A TMR Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-16 Internal TMR Values (continued) Internal TMR Value 38 39 40 41 42 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Internal TMR Description TMR_25_64K TMR_26_64K TMR_27_64K TMR_28_64K TMR_29_64K TMR_7K_AUDIO TMR_VIDEO TMR_UNKNOWN TMR_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_KB64 TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_1920K Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-18 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values TMR Values Table A-16 Internal TMR Values (continued) Internal TMR Value 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Internal TMR Description TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RATE_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_RATE_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_KB1472 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-19 Appendix A TMR Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-16 Internal TMR Values (continued) Internal TMR Value 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Internal TMR Description TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_VIDEO_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_128K TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_384K TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_KB32 TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_64K_PREF TMR_CAP_UNKNOWN_RATE_UNKNOWN TMR_RES_DIG TMR Protocol Variant Values Table A-17 through Table A-19 list the TMR values for the Q.761, Q.767, and ANSI protocol variants. Q.761 Base Protocol TMR Index Table A-17 lists the Q.761 base protocol TMR index values. Table A-17 Q.761 Base Protocol TMR Index TMR Message TMR_SPEECH TMR_AUDIO_3K TMR_UNRES_64K TMR_64K_PREF TMR_128K TMR_384K TMR_1536K TMR_1920K External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000011—(3) 00000010—(2) 00000110—(6) 00000111—(7) 00001000—(8) 00001001—(9) 00001010—(10) TMR Index TMR_SPEECH TMR_AUDIO_3K TMR_UNRES_64K TMR_64K_PREF TMR_128K TMR_384K TMR_1536K TMR_1920K Internal Value 0 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-20 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values TMR Values Q.767 Base Protocol TMR Index Table A-18 lists the Q.767 base protocol TMR index values. Table A-18 Q.767 Base Protocol TMR Index TMR Message TMR_SPEECH TMR_AUDIO_3K TMR_UNRES_64K TMR_384K TMR_1536K TMR_1920K External Binary Value (Decimal) 00000000—(0) 00000011—(3) 00000010—(2) 00001000—(8) 00001001—(9) 00001010—(10) TMR Index TMR_SPEECH TMR_AUDIO_3K TMR_UNRES_64K TMR_384K TMR_1536K TMR_1920K Internal Value 0 2 1 5 6 7 ANSI Base Protocol TMR Index Table A-19 lists the ANSI base protocol TMR index values. Table A-19 ANSI Base Protocol TMR Index Transfer Capacity Binary Value (Decimal) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_SPEECH 00000—(0) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) Transfer Rate Binary Value (Decimal) TM_RATE_FOR_PACKET 00000—(0) TM_RATE_KB64, 10000—(16) TM_RATE_KB384, 10011—(19) TM_RATE_KB1472 10000—(20) TM_RATE_KB1536, 10101—(21) TM_RATE_KB1920, 10111—(23) TM_RATE_MULTI 11000—(24) TM_RATE_FOR_PACKET 000000—(0) TM_RATE_KB64, 10000—(16) TM_RATE_KB384, 10011—(19) TM_RATE_KB1472 10100—(20) TMR Index TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RAT E_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RAT E_KB64 TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RAT E_384K TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RAT E_KB1472 TMR_CAP_ SPEECH _RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_ SPEECH _RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_SPEECH_RAT E_MULTI TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_UNRES_64K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_384K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_KB1472 Internal Value 72 67 69 74 70 71 75 83 78 80 85 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-21 Appendix A TMR Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Table A-19 ANSI Base Protocol TMR Index (continued) Transfer Capacity Binary Value (Decimal) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) TM_CAP_UNRES_DIG 01000—(8) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_RES_DIG 01001—(9) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_3_1KHZ, 10000—(16) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) Transfer Rate Binary Value (Decimal) TM_RATE_KB1536, 10101—(21) TM_RATE_KB1920, 10111—(23) TM_RATE_MULTI 11000—(24) TM_RATE_FOR_PACKET 00000—(0) TM_RATE_KB64, 10000—(16) TM_RATE_KB384, 10011—(19) TM_RATE_KB1472 10100—(20) TM_RATE_KB1536, 10101—(21) TM_RATE_KB1920, 10111—(23) TM_RATE_MULTI 11000—(24) TM_RATE_FOR_PACKET 00000—(0) TM_RATE_KB64, 10000—(16) TM_RATE_KB384, 10011—(19) TM_RATE_KB1472 10100—(20) TM_RATE_KB1536, 10101—(21) TM_RATE_KB1920, 10111—(23) TM_RATE_MULTI 11000—(24) TM_RATE_FOR_PACKET 00000—(0) TM_RATE_KB64, 10000—(16) TM_RATE_KB384, 10011—(19) TMR Index TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_UNRES_64K_ RATE_MULTI Internal Value 81 82 86 TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 105 E_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 100 E_UNRES_ KB64 TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 102 E_384K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 107 E_KB1472 TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 103 E_1536K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 104 E_1920K TMR_CAP_RES_DIG_RAT 108 E_MULTI TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_R ATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_ RATE_UNRES_ KB64 TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_R ATE_384K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_R ATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_R ATE_1536K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_R ATE_1920K TMR_CAP_AUDIO_3K_R ATE_MULTI TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_ RATE_FOR_PACKET TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_R ATE_UNRES_ KB64 TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_ RATE_384K 94 89 91 96 92 93 97 127 122 124 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-22 OL-18082-09 Appendix A NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values TMR Values Table A-19 ANSI Base Protocol TMR Index (continued) Transfer Capacity Binary Value (Decimal) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) TM_CAP_7K_AUDIO 10001—(17) Transfer Rate Binary Value (Decimal) TM_RATE_KB1472 10100—(20) TM_RATE_KB1536, 10101—(21) TM_RATE_KB1920, 10111—(23) TM_RATE_MULTI 11000—(24) TMR Index TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_ RATE_KB1472 TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_ RATE_1536K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_ RATE_1920K TMR_CAP_7K_AUDIO_ RATE_MULTI Internal Value 129 125 126 130 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 A-23 Appendix A TMR Values NOA and NPI Codes, CPC and TMR Values Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide A-24 OL-18082-09 A P P E N D I X B Cause and Location Codes Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This appendix contains the cause and location codes for the result types listed in Table 1-1 on page 1-11. • • • • • • • • • • Internal Cause Codes, page B-1 DPNSS Cause Codes, page B-15 ISDN Cause Codes, page B-22 ISDN PRI Cause Codes, page B-25 Q.761 Cause Codes, page B-35 ANSI SS7 Cause Codes, page B-68 SIP to DPNSS Cause Codes, page B-75 Release Cause Location Codes, page B-95 MGCP 1.0 Cause and Location Codes, page B-100 MGCP 1.0 Error and Return Codes, page B-106 The cause codes listed in the following sections are defined by their individual explanations. Internal Cause Codes The cause codes listed in Table B-1 are generated internally when a call is rejected by the system, or the call clearance is initiated by the system. For more information, see the “Cause” section on page 1-78. Table B-1 Internally Generated Cause Codes Internal Cause Code IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE Cause Code Explanation Sending Complete received from originating side, or overlap digit timer expired, with insufficient digits received to route call. Called Number matches black list settings. Received CLI has invalid length. CLI of incoming call matches black list settings. Calling Party Category (CPC) of incoming call matches black list settings, or it is missing. IC_BLACKLIST_BNUMBER_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_RESTRICTED Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-1 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-1 Internally Generated Cause Codes (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CLI IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_SRC_MATCHED IC_CONGESTION IC_CALL_LICENSE_REJ IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_IN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NO_TRKGRP_AVAILABLE IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_RUNTIMR_LICS_REJ IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE Cause Code Explanation No CLI present with CLIP Essential parameter set. Calling / Called NOA matches black list settings. Source domain matches blacklist settings. All terminating circuits are currently busy. Call rejected due to license control. BSM or FSM required, but not supplied. Intelligent Network (IN) services are not available. No available trunks. No available trunks. Unsupported Suspend/Resume events. The call is rejected after an initial run-time license checking request is made. Receipt of virtual call, with no ASC channel possible. Internal processing has produced an unexpected event, such as a failure to determine the validity of the call, an unimplemented service request, or an ASC failure. System configuration error. IC_VACANT_CODE Internal Cause Code Values Table B-2 lists the internal cause codes in numerical order. And Table B-3 lists the internal cause codes in alphabetical order. Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-2 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Internal Cause Codes Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE_VALU IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_MISSING IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_OR_WRONG_STATE IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NON_SELECTED_USER_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_NOT_THIS_ID Value 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-3 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_USER_BUSY IC_INTERCEPTED_SUBSCRIBER IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_BUSY IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_CONGESTION IC_CALL_TERMINATION IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERRO R IC_NETWORK_TERMINATION IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE IC_REJECT IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_TRANSFERRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG Value 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-4 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Internal Cause Codes Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSED IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PREEMPTION IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE IC_UNALLOCATED_DEST_NUMBER IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED_ON IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_GROUP_RESTRICIONS IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF_HOLD IC_CALLING_DROPPED_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_NEW_DESTINATION IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED IC_SUB_CONTROLLED_ICB IC_CALL_REJECT_CALL_GAPPING IC_REJECTED_DIVERTED_CALL IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_BARRING IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR IC_TEMPORARY_OOS IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ACCESS IC_CUG_ACCESS_BARRED IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL_TERMINATE IC_FLOW_CONTROLLED_CONGESTION IC_OUT_OF_CATCHMENT_AREA IC_TRANSLATION_OOS IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOVED IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_DLE IC_ANONYMOUS_CALL_REJECTION IC_TERMINAL_CONGESTION IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_VACANT_CODE Value 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-5 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALLED IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL_PROCEEDING IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG Value 120 121 122 123 124 125 IC_INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB_CLAS 126 S IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCARDED IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_RES IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OOS 127 128 129 130 IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OPERATION 131 AL IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CLI IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_BNUMBER_MATCHED IC_WHITELIST_CLI_NOT_MATCHED IC_PORTED_NUMBER IC_REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST IC_COT_FAILURE IC_MISROUTED_CALL_PORTED_NUM IC_INVALID_CALL_REF IC_BELGACOM_SPEC_CAUSE_VAL IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQUESTED IC_CAUSE_VAL_005 IC_UNKNOWN IC_H323_REDIRECTION IC_CREDIT_ONE_RTE_VAL IC_CREDIT_FILE_VAL IC_NO_CREDIT IC_NO_ACCOUNT IC_DISCONN IC_BARRED_DEST 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-6 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Internal Cause Codes Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_INVALID_DEST IC_SWISS_SPARE_1 IC_SWISS_SPARE_2 IC_EXCEED_CUR_CALL IC_MAX_CALL_DUR IC_CALL_FORWARD IC_SWISS_SPARE_3 IC_SWISS_SPARE_4 IC_SWISS_SPARE_5 IC_NP_QOR_NUM_NOT_FOUND IC_BLACKLIST_TMR_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_TNS_RESTRICTED IC_H323_INTERWORK_BLOCKED IC_GLARE_REATTEMPT IC_REJECTED_BY_FEATURE IC_ETC_FAILED IC_CALL_LIMIT_REJ IC_E911_RETRY IC_COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ERROR IC_CALL_LICENSE_REJ IC_IN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_ITP_QUERY_FAIL IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_FORBIDDEN IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_CONFLICT IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME Value 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-7 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-2 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Numerically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY IC_USE_PROXY IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT IC_NO_TRKGRP_AVAILABLE IC_BLACKLIST_SRC_MATCHED Value 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-8 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Internal Cause Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_ANONYMOUS_CALL_REJECTION IC_BAD_EVENT IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_BARRED_DEST IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_BELGACOM_SPEC_CAUSE_VAL IC_BLACKLIST_BNUMBER_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CLI IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_SRC_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_TMR_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_TNS_RESTRICTED IC_BUSY IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_FORWARD IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_LICENSE_REJ IC_CALL_LIMIT_REJ IC_CALL_REJECT_CALL_GAPPING IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_CALL_TERMINATION Value 54 1 55 56 220 200 195 116 203 191 208 177 154 2 3 4 144 137 133 134 135 132 136 223 165 166 57 5 160 6 7 174 171 102 8 61 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-9 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_CALLING_DROPPED_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF_HOLD IC_CAUSE_VAL_005 IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ERROR IC_CONFLICT IC_CONGESTION IC_COT_FAILURE IC_CREDIT_FILE_VAL IC_CREDIT_ONE_RTE_VAL IC_CUG_ACCESS_BARRED IC_DECLINE IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_DISCONN IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_E911_RETRY IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_ETC_FAILED IC_EXCEED_CUR_CALL IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL_PROCEEDING IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_FLOW_CONTROLLED_CONGESTION IC_FORBIDDEN IC_GLARE_REATTEMPT IC_GROUP_RESTRICIONS IC_H323_INTERWORK_BLOCKED IC_H323_REDIRECTION IC_IN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Value 95 98 97 146 9 10 11 58 173 185 60 141 150 149 108 214 12 153 59 79 172 13 187 170 158 123 192 62 14 110 180 168 96 167 148 175 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-10 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Internal Cause Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST Value 63 81 15 IC_INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB_CLAS 126 S IC_INTERCEPTED_SUBSCRIBER IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_CALL_REF IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE_VALU IC_INVALID_DEST IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_ITP_QUERY_FAIL IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_MISSING IC_MAX_CALL_DUR IC_MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCARDED IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX IC_MISROUTED_CALL_PORTED_NUM IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_OR_WRONG_STATE IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERRO R IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_NETWORK_TERMINATION IC_NEW_DESTINATION 53 194 16 143 17 155 18 19 20 21 176 197 186 198 22 159 128 65 181 84 142 218 23 212 24 25 217 66 26 67 99 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-11 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_NO_ACCOUNT IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NO_CREDIT IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_TRKGRP_AVAILABLE IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_NON_SELECTED_USER_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_NP_QOR_NUM_NOT_FOUND IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ACCESS IC_OUT_OF_CATCHMENT_AREA IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OOS Value 152 28 27 29 151 33 34 222 35 127 30 31 32 202 182 216 215 207 164 36 68 37 107 111 100 125 85 179 130 IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OPERATION 131 AL IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_PORTED_NUMBER IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_PREEMPTION 113 139 94 213 87 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-12 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Internal Cause Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_RES IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALLED IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQUESTED IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST IC_REJECT IC_REJECTED_BY_FEATURE IC_REJECTED_DIVERTED_CALL IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_BARRING IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE Value 129 88 120 121 122 69 86 124 38 183 39 145 40 140 70 169 103 105 118 41 42 43 204 201 184 44 45 71 93 104 206 210 64 47 46 77 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-13 Appendix B Internal Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_SUB_CONTROLLED_ICB IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_DLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL_TERMINATE IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOVED IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_NOT_THIS_ID IC_SWISS_SPARE_1 IC_SWISS_SPARE_2 IC_SWISS_SPARE_3 IC_SWISS_SPARE_4 IC_SWISS_SPARE_5 IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_OOS IC_TERMINAL_CONGESTION IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_TRANSFERRED IC_TRANSLATION_OOS IC_UNALLOCATED_DEST_NUMBER IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_UNKNOWN IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED_ON Value 209 78 193 73 74 76 221 82 91 101 115 109 72 114 75 48 156 157 161 162 163 49 196 50 106 117 199 80 112 89 51 178 205 92 147 90 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-14 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes DPNSS Cause Codes Table B-3 Internal Cause Code Values, Listed Alphabetically (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_USE_PROXY IC_USER_BUSY IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG IC_VACANT_CODE IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_WHITELIST_CLI_NOT_MATCHED Value 189 190 188 219 52 83 119 211 138 Additionally, the following ISUP protocols are supported and map internal cause code 44 to an external NOA value as listed in Table B-4. Table B-4 Internal NOA 44 to External NOA Mapping for ISUP Protocols ISUP Protocol Belgium Italy Spain Sweden Internal NOA Value 44 44 44 44 External NOA Value 2 1 126 8 DPNSS Cause Codes The next two tables provide received DPNSS cause code to internal cause code mappings and internal cause code to transmitted DPNSS cause code mappings. Received DPNSS Cause Code Mappings Table B-5 lists received DPNSS cause codes in alphabetical order with their associated hexadecimal values and maps each of them to the corresponding internal cause code and its associated value. Table B-5 Received DPNSS Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings Received DPNSS Cause Code ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ICP_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE ICP_BUSY ICP_CALL_TERMINATION Value 29H 14H 01H 08H 30H Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_BUSY IC_CALL_TERMINATION Value 54 55 56 57 61 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-15 Appendix B DPNSS Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-5 Received DPNSS Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings (continued) Received DPNSS Cause Code ICP_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_CONGESTION ICP_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY ICP_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY ICP_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED ICP_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED ICP_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD ICP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERR OR ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE ICP_REJECT ICP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE ICP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ICP_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD ICP_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID ICP_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_TRANSFERRED Value 23H 07H 2DH 2EH 18H 0AH 1AH 1EH 02H 00H 24H 19H 1CH 13H 17H 03H 1BH 15H 16H 04H 09H 1DH Internal Cause Code IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_CONGESTION IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERRO R IC_NETWORK_TERMINATION IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE IC_REJECT IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_TRANSFERRED Value 58 60 59 79 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 64 77 78 76 73 74 72 75 80 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings Table B-6 lists internal cause codes in alphabetical order with their associated numerical values and maps each of them to the corresponding transmitted DPNSS cause code and its hexadecimal value. Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE IC_AMBIGUOUS Value 54 1 55 56 220 200 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ICP_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE ICP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE Value 29H 30H 14H 01H 03H 00H Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-16 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes DPNSS Cause Codes Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_ANONYMOUS_CALL_REJECTION IC_BAD_EVENT IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_BLACKLIST_BNUMBER_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CLI IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_RESTRICTED IC_BUSY IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_LICENSE_REJ IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECT_CALL_GAPPING IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT IC_CALL_TERMINATION IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_CALLING_DROPPED_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF_HOLD IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_CONFLICT IC_CONGESTION IC_COT_FAILURE IC_CUG_ACCESS_BARRED IC_DECLINE Value 195 116 203 191 208 177 2 3 4 137 133 134 135 132 136 57 5 174 6 7 102 8 221 61 95 98 97 9 10 11 58 185 60 141 108 214 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_BUSY ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_CALL_TERMINATION Value 30H 30H 30H 30H 1CH 07H 30H 30H 13H 30H 29H 29H 29H 29H 29H 08H 30H 30H 30H 30H 07H 30H 02H 30H 04H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 23H 07H 07H 30H 29H 30H Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-17 Appendix B DPNSS Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL_PROCEEDING IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_FLOW_CONTROLLED_CONGESTION IC_FORBIDDEN IC_GROUP_RESTRICIONS IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST Value 12 59 79 13 187 123 192 62 14 110 180 96 63 81 15 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY ICP_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED ICP_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED ICP_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD ICP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION Value 09H 2DH 2EH 30H 30H 30H 30H 18H 30H 02H 30H 04H 0AH 0AH 04H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 01H 30H 07H 30H 00H 30H 30H 1AH 03H 00H 30H 30H IC_INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB_CLAS 126 S IC_INTERCEPTED_SUBSCRIBER IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_CALL_REF IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE_VALUE IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_MISSING IC_MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCARDED IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX IC_MISROUTED_CALL_PORTED_NUM IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 53 194 16 143 17 18 19 20 21 197 186 198 22 128 65 181 84 142 218 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-18 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes DPNSS Cause Codes Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_OR_WRONG_STATE IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERRO R IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_NETWORK_TERMINATION IC_NEW_DESTINATION IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_NON_SELECTED_USER_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ACCESS IC_OUT_OF_CATCHMENT_AREA IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OOS Value 23 212 24 25 217 66 26 67 99 28 27 29 33 34 35 127 30 31 32 202 182 216 215 207 36 68 37 107 111 100 125 85 179 130 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTN_ERROR ICP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION Value 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 1EH 1CH 02H 30H 02H 30H 07H 30H 30H 02H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 00H 30H 00H 00H 13H 24H 00H 29H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OPERATION 131 AL Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-19 Appendix B DPNSS Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_PORTED_NUMBER IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_PREEMPTION IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_RES IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALLED IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQUESTED IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST IC_REJECT IC_REJECTED_DIVERTED_CALL IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_BARRING IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT Value 113 139 94 213 87 129 88 120 121 122 69 86 124 38 183 39 145 40 140 70 103 105 118 41 42 43 204 201 184 44 45 71 93 104 206 210 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_REJECT ICP_CONGESTION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_ACCESS_BARRED ICP_CONGESTION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION Value 0AH 30H 30H 07H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 24H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 02H 30H 19H 07H 02H 30H 07H 30H 30H 30H 30H 02H 30H 30H 1CH 00H 29H 07H 02H Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-20 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes DPNSS Cause Codes Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SIGNALING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_SUB_CONTROLLED_ICB IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_DLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL_TERMINATE IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOVED IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_NOT_THIS_ID IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_OOS IC_TERMINAL_CONGESTION IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_TRANSFERRED IC_TRANSLATION_OOS IC_UNALLOCATED_DEST_NUMBER IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_UNKNOWN IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED_ON IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Value 64 47 46 77 209 78 193 73 74 76 221 82 91 101 115 109 72 114 75 48 49 196 50 106 117 199 80 112 89 51 178 205 92 147 90 189 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE ICP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ICP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD ICP_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID ICP_SIGNALING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_NETWORK_TERMINATION ICP_CONGESTION ICP_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_TRANSFERRED ICP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION Value 13H 30H 30H 17H 03H 03H 30H 15H 16H 1BH 02H 30H 30H 0AH 00H 30H 04H 00H 09H 30H 07H 02H 07H 09H 30H 00H 1DH 1CH 30H 00H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-21 Appendix B ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-6 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_USE_PROXY IC_USER_BUSY IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG IC_VACANT_CODE IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_WHITELIST_CLI_NOT_MATCHED Value 190 188 219 52 83 119 211 138 Transmitted DPNSS Cause Code ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE ICP_BUSY ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION ICP_CALL_TERMINATION Value 30H 30H 00H 08H 30H 30H 30H 30H ISDN Cause Codes This section explains how to interpret the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) disconnect cause code to identify the reason a call was disconnected. Table B-7 provides a breakdown of the ISDN Q931 disconnect cause code. Table B-7 Q931 Disconnect Cause Code Explanation Cause i = Parsed Hex Digits Description 0x829F08 0x82 9F 08 Cause Code origination point Disconnect Cause Code Optional Diagnostic field The leading 0x in the disconnect code indicates the digits that follow are in hexadecimal. The first two digits after 0x indicate where in the circuit path the disconnected cause code was generated. In the example above, 0x82 indicates the call was disconnected from the local telco switch. This list will help you interpret where a call was disconnected: • • • • • • • • 0x80—From the router. 0x81—From the private network near the local user [(possibly a local private branch exchange (PBX)]. 0x82—From the public network near the local user (local telco switch). 0x83—From the transit network (in the ISDN cloud). 0x84—From the public network near the remote user (remote telco switch). 0x85—From the private the network near the remote user (possibly a remote PBX). 0x87—From the international network. 0x8A—From a network beyond the internetworking point. The two hexadecimal digits that follow the cause code digits above are significant in troubleshooting (9F in Table B-7). Table B-8 shows the cause value field and description. The last two hexadecimal digits (08 in Table B-7) are optional and are not commonly used for diagnostic purposes. Use the table below to associate a disconnect cause code and the reason for the disconnect. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-22 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ISDN Cause Codes Table B-8 Q931 Disconnect Cause Codes Code 81 82 83 86 87 Code 90 91 92 93 Cause Description Unallocated or unassigned number No route to specified network No route to destination Channel unacceptable Call awarded and delivered in established channel Cause Description Normal call clearing User busy No user responding No answer from user Additional Information The ISDN number is sent to the switch in the correct format. However, the number is not assigned to destination equipment. The ISDN exchange is asked to route the call through an unrecognized intermediate network. The call routes through an intermediate network that does not serve the destination address. The service quality of the specified channel is insufficient to accept the connection. The user assigns an incoming call that is connecting to an already established call channel. Additional Information Normal call clearing occurs. No action is required Called system acknowledges the connection request, but cannot accept the call because all B-channels are in use. Destination does not respond to the call. Destination responds to the connection request, but fails to complete the connection within the prescribed time. The problem is at the remote end of the connection. Destination can accept call, but rejects it for an unknown reason. ISDN number used to set up the call is not assigned to a system. Destination can accept the call, but rejects it because it is not assigned to the user. Destination cannot be reached because of an interface malfunction, and a signaling message cannot be delivered. This can be a temporary condition, but it could last for an extended period. (The remote equipment might be turned off.) Connection fails because destination address is presented in an unrecognizable format, or destination address is incomplete. Facility requested by user cannot be provided by the network. Status message is generated in direct response to receiving a status inquiry message. Reports the occurrence of a normal event when no standard cause applies. No action required. Connection fails because no appropriate channel is available to take the call. Destination cannot be reached because of network malfunction, and the condition can last for an extended period. An immediate reconnect attempt will probably fail. Error occurs because of a network malfunction. The problem is resolved shortly. 95 96 9A 9B Call rejected Number changed Non-selected user clearing Destination out of order 9C 9D 9E 9F A2 A6 Invalid number format Facility rejected Response to STATUS ENQUIRY Normal, unspecified No channel available Network out of order A9 Temporary failure Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-23 Appendix B ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-8 Q931 Disconnect Cause Codes (continued) AA AB AC AF B1 B2 B9 Code BA Switching equipment congestion Access information discarded Requested channel not available Resources unavailable, unspecified Quality of service unavailable Requested facility not subscribed Bearer capability not authorized Cause Description Bearer capability not presently available Destination cannot be reached because the network switching equipment is temporarily overloaded. Network cannot provide the requested access information. Remote equipment cannot provide the requested channel for an unknown reason. This can be a temporary problem. Requested channel or service is unavailable for an unknown reason. This can be a temporary problem. Requested quality of service cannot be provided by the network. This can be a subscription problem. Remote equipment supports requested supplementary service by subscription only. User requests a bearer capability the network provides, but user is not authorized to use it. This can be a subscription problem. Additional Information Network normally provides the requested bearer capability, but it is unavailable at the present time. This can be a temporary network problem or a subscription problem. BF Service/option not available, Network or remote equipment cannot provide the requested unspecified service option for an unspecified reason. This can be a subscription problem. Bearer capability not implemented Channel type not implemented Requested facility not implemented Only restricted digital info bearer capability available Service/option not implemented, unspecified Invalid call reference value Channel does not exist Suspended call exists, but call id does not Call id in use Network cannot provide bearer capability requested by the user. Network or destination equipment does not support requested channel type. Remote equipment does not support requested supplementary service. Network cannot provide unrestricted digital information bearer capability. Network or remote equipment cannot provide requested service option for an unspecified reason. This can be a subscription problem. Remote equipment receives a call with a call reference that is not currently in use on the user-network interface. Receiving equipment is requested to use a channel that is not activated on the interface for calls. Network receives a call resume request that contains a Call Identify that indicates it is being used for a suspended call. Network receives a call resume request that contains a Call Identity that indicates the resume request is in use for a suspended call. Network receives a call resume request when there is not a suspended call pending. This can be a transient error that will be resolved by successive call retries. C1 C2 C5 C6 CF D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 No call suspended Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-24 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ISDN PRI Cause Codes Table B-8 Q931 Disconnect Cause Codes (continued) D6 Call with requested call id has been cleared Incompatible destination Invalid transit network selection Invalid message, unspecified Mandatory IE missing Network receives a call resume request that contains a Call Identity that once indicated a suspended call. However, the suspended call was cleared either by time-out or by remote user. Indicates that an attempt is made to connect to non-ISDN equipment. (For example, an analog line.) ISDN exchange is asked to route the call through an unrecognized intermediate network. An invalid message is received with no standard cause. This is usually due to a D-channel error. If error occurs systematically, report it to your ISDN service provider. Receiving equipment receives a message that does not include a mandatory information element. This is due to a D-channel error. Ensure the switch type is configured correctly. A Cisco IOS® Software upgrade on the router can alleviate this issue. If error occurs systematically, report it to your ISDN service provider. Additional Information Receiving equipment receives an unrecognized message, because the message type is invalid or the message type is valid, but not supported. The cause is a problem with the remote configuration or with the local D-channel. Remote equipment receives an invalid message with no standard cause. The cause is a D-channel error. If the error occurs systematically, report it to ISDN service provider. Remote equipment receives a message that includes unrecognized information elements. This is a D-channel error. If the error occurs systematically, report it to your ISDN service provider. Remote equipment receives a message that includes invalid information elements. This is due to a D-channel error. Remote equipment receives an expected message that does not correspond to the current state of the connection. This is a D-channel error. An unspecified D-channel error with no other standard cause. An event occurs, but the network does not provide causes for the action it takes. The precise problem is unknown. The cause value is unknown. D8 DB DF E0 Code E1 Cause Description Message type not implemented E2 Message not compatible with call state or not implemented IE not implemented E3 E4 E5 Invalid IE contents Message not compatible with call state Protocol error, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Unknown Cause value EF FF ?? ISDN PRI Cause Codes The next four tables provide received ISDN PRI cause code to internal cause code mappings and the fifth table provides internal cause code to transmitted ISDN PRI cause code mappings. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-25 Appendix B ISDN PRI Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Received ISDN PRI Cause Code Mappings Table B-9 lists received ISDN PRI cause codes in alphabetical order along with their associated values and maps each of them to the corresponding internal cause code and its associated value. Table B-9 Received PRI Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings Received PRI Cause Code ICPAccessInfoDiscarded ICPBearCapNotAuthorized ICPBearCapNotAvail ICPBearCapNotImp ICPCallAwardedDeliveredEstCh ICPCallIdHasBeenCleared ICPCallIdInUse ICPCallRejected ICPChIdNotExist ICPChTypeNotImp ICPChUnacceptable ICPDestOutOfOrder ICPElemTypeNotImp ICPFacilityRejected ICPIncompatibleDest ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInvalidCallReferenceValue ICPInvalidElemContents ICPInvalidMsgUnspec ICPInvalidNumberFormat ICPInvalidTNS ICPMandatoryElementMissing ICPMsgInWrongState ICPMsgTypeNotImp ICPMsgTypeNotImpOrWrongState ICPNetworkOutOfOrder ICPNoAnswerAlertedUser ICPNoCallSuspended ICPNoCircuitAvailable ICPNonSelectedUserClearing ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified Value 43 57 58 65 7 86 84 21 82 66 6 27 99 29 88 127 81 100 95 28 91 96 101 97 98 38 19 85 34 26 16 31 Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE_VALUE IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_MISSING IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_OR_WRONG_STATE IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NON_SELECTED_USER_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 30 31 32 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-26 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ISDN PRI Cause Codes Table B-9 Received PRI Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings (continued) Received PRI Cause Code ICPNoRouteToDest ICPNoRouteToTNS ICPNoUserResponding ICPNumberChanged ICPOnlyRestrictDigInfoBearer ICPProtocolErrorUnspec ICPQualityUnavail ICPRecoveryOnTimerExpiry ICPCallRejectedByFeature (only for Q.931) ICPReqCircuitUnavail ICPReqFacilityNotImp ICPReqFacilityNotSubscr ICPResourcesUnavailUnspec ICPResponseToStatusEnquiry ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec ICPSuspendExistButNotThisId ICPSwitchingEquipCongestion ICPTemporaryFailure ICPUnallocatedNumber ICPUserBusy Value 3 2 18 22 70 111 49 102 24 44 69 50 47 30 63 79 83 42 41 1 17 Internal Cause Code IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_REJECTED_BY_FEATURE IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_NOT_THIS_ID IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_USER_BUSY Value 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 169 41 42 43 44 45 47 46 48 49 50 51 52 Received AT&T TR41459 Specific PRI Cause Code Mappings Table B-10 lists received AT&T TR41459 specific PRI cause codes in alphabetical order with their associated values and maps each of them to the corresponding internal cause code and its value. Table B-10 Received AT&T TR41459 Specific PRI Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings Received AT&T TR41459 PRI Cause Codes ICPCallingDroppedWhileOnHold ICPCallingPartyOffHold ICPIncomingCallsBarred ICPNewDestination ICPOutgoingCallsBarred Value 3 2 54 47 52 Internal Cause Code IC_CALLING_DROPPED_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF_HOLD IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_NEW_DESTINATION IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED Value 97 96 62 98 99 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-27 Appendix B ISDN PRI Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Received BELL 1268 Specific PRI Cause Code Mappings Table B-11 lists received Bell 1268 specific PRI cause codes in alphabetical order with their associated values and maps each of them to the corresponding internal cause code and its associated value. Table B-11 Received Bell 1268 Specific PRI Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings Received Bell 1268 PRI Cause Codes ICPExcessiveDigCallProceeding ICPPrefix0DialledInError ICPPrefix1DialledInError ICPPrefix1NotDialled ICPProtErrThresholdExceeded ICPVacantCode Value 11 8 9 10 101 4 Internal Cause Code IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL_PROCEEDING IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALLED IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED IC_VACENT_CODE Value 122 119 120 121 123 118 Received INS 1500 Specific Cause Code Mappings Table B-12 lists received INS 1500 specific PRI cause codes in alphabetical order with their associated values and maps each of them to the corresponding internal cause code and its associated value. Table B-12 INS1500 Specific PRI Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings Received INS 1500 PRI Cause Codes ICPIncomingCallsBarredWithinCUG ICPInconsistencyInOGAccess ICPMisDialedTrunkPrefix ICPMsgWithUnreqParamDiscarded ICPNonExistentCUG ICPOutgoingCallsBarredWithinCUG ICPParameterNonExistentPassedOn ICPPermFrameModeOOS ICPPermFrameModeOperational ICPPrecedenceCallBlocked ICPPreemption ICPPreemptionCircuitReserved ICPSendSpecialInformationTone ICPSubscriberAbsent ICPUserNotMemberOfCUG Value 55 62 5 110 90 53 103 39 40 46 8 9 4 20 87 Internal Cause Code IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB_CLASS IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX IC_MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCARDED IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSED IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OOS IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OPERATIONA L IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_PREEMPTION IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_RES IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG Value 80 125 83 127 126 124 84 129 130 93 86 128 81 90 82 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-28 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ISDN PRI Cause Codes Transmitted ISDN PRI Cause Code Mappings Table B-13 shows the mapping performed if a transmitted ISDN PRI cause code is supported by one or more of the protocol variants listed in the columns on the right. If the transmitted ISDN PRI cause code is not supported by a protocol variant, then that variant’s column is not checked. If no transmitted ISDN PRI cause code value is mapped to the internal cause code, the ISDN PRI cause code value transmitted is NormalUnspecified (31). Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_ANONYMOUS_CALL_REJECTION IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_BLACKLIST_BNUMBER_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CLI IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_RESTRICTED IC_BUSY IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECT_CALL_GAPPING IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT IC_CALL_TERMINATION IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_CALLING_DROPPED_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF_HOLD Valu e 54 1 55 55 56 116 2 3 4 137 133 134 135 132 136 57 5 6 7 102 8 221 61 95 98 97 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPNormalClearing ICPAccessInfoDiscarded ICPNormalClearing ICPInvalidNumberFormat ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified ICPBearCapNotAuthorized ICPBearCapNotAvail ICPBearCapNotImp ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPUserBusy ICPCallAwardedDeliveredEstCh ICPCallIdHasBeenCleared ICPCallIdInUse ICPNormalUnspecified ICPCallRejected ICPNoUserResponding ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified ICPCallingDroppedWhileOnHold ICPCallingPartyOffHold Valu e 16 43 16 28 16 31 57 58 65 63 63 63 63 63 63 17 7 86 84 31 21 18 16 31 3 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-29 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B ISDN PRI Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings (continued) (continued) ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_CONGESTION IC_COT_FAILURE IC_CUG_ACCESS_BARRED IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL_PROCEEDING IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_FLOW_CONTROLLED_CONGESTION IC_GROUP_RESTRICTIONS IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB_CLA SS IC_INTERCEPTED_SUBSCRIBER IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_CALL_REF IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE_VALUE IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_MISSING Valu e 9 10 11 58 60 141 108 12 59 79 13 123 62 14 110 96 62 63 81 15 126 53 16 143 17 18 19 20 21 22 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPChIdNotExist ICPChTypeNotImp ICPChUnacceptable ICPTemporaryFailure ICPNoCircuitAvailable ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPDestOutOfOrder ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalClearing ICPElemTypeNotImp ICPExcessiveDigCallProceeding ICPNormalClearing ICPFacilityRejected ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPCallRejected ICPIncomingCallsBarred ICPIncomingCallsBarredWithinCU G ICPIncompatibleDest ICPInconsistencyInOGAccess ICPNormalUnspecified ICPInterworkUnspec ICPNormalUnspecified ICPInvalidCallReferenceValue ICPInvalidElemContents ICPInvalidMsgUnspec ICPInvalidNumberFormat ICPInvalidTNS ICPMandatoryElementMissing Valu e 82 66 6 41 34 31 31 27 16 16 99 11 16 29 31 31 21 54 55 88 62 31 127 31 81 100 95 28 91 96 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-30 OL-18082-09 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ISDN PRI Cause Codes Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings (continued) (continued) ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCARDED IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX IC_MISROUTED_CALL_PORTED_NUM IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP Valu e 128 65 84 142 23 24 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPNormalUnspecified ICPMisDialedTrunkPrefix ICPNormalUnspecified ICPMsgInWrongState ICPMsgTypeNotImp ICPMsgTypeNotImpOrWrongState ICPNormalClearing ICPNetworkOutOfOrder ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNewDestination ICPNoAnswerAlertedUser ICPNoCallSuspended ICPNoCircuitAvailable ICPNoRouteToDest ICPNoRouteToTNS ICPNoUserResponding ICPNonExistentCUG ICPNonSelectedUserClearing ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNumberChanged ICPUnallocatedNumber ICPOnlyRestrictDigInfoBearer ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPOutgoingCallsBarred ICPOutgoingCallsBarredWithinCU G ICPPermFrameModeOOS Valu e 31 5 31 101 97 98 16 38 31 47 19 85 34 3 2 18 90 26 16 31 22 1 70 31 31 52 53 ICPMsgWithUnreqParamDiscarded 110 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_OR_WRONG_STATE 25 IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERRO 66 R IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_NETWORK_TERMINATION IC_NEW_DESTINATION IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_NON_SELECTED_USER_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ACCESS IC_OUT_OF_CATCHMENT_AREA IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSED IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OOS 26 67 99 28 27 29 33 34 35 127 30 31 32 36 68 37 107 111 100 125 85 130 X X X X X X X X X X ICPParameterNonExistentPassedOn 103 39 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-31 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B ISDN PRI Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings (continued) (continued) ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OPERATIO NAL IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_PORTED_NUMBER IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_PREEMPTION IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_RES IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALLED IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST IC_REJECT IC_REJECTED_BY_FEATURE IC_REJECTED_DIVERTED_CALL IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY IC_REJECT IC_REJECT IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE Valu e 131 113 139 94 87 129 88 120 121 122 69 86 124 38 39 40 140 70 169 103 105 118 41 42 43 44 45 70 70 71 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPPermFrameModeOperational ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPPrecedenceCallBlocked ICPPreemption ICPPreemption Circuit Reserved ICPPreemptionCircuitReserved ICPPrefix0DialledInError ICPPrefix1DialledInError ICPPrefix1NotDialed ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified ICPProtErrorThresholdExceeded ICPProtocolErrorUnspec ICPQualityUnavail ICPRecoveryOnTimerExpiry ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalClearing ICPCallRejectedByFeature ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPReqCircuitUnavail ICPReqFacilityNotImp ICPReqFacilityNotSubscr ICPResourcesUnavailUnspec ICPResponseToStatusEnquiry ICPNetworkOutOfOrder ICPSwitchingEquipCongestion ICPDestOutOfOrder Valu e 40 31 31 46 8 9 9 8 9 10 16 31 101 111 49 102 31 16 24 31 31 31 44 69 50 47 30 38 42 27 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-32 OL-18082-09 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ISDN PRI Cause Codes Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings (continued) (continued) ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_BARRING IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_SUB_CONTROLLED_ICB IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_DLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL_TERMINATE IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOVED IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_NOT_THIS_ID IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_OOS IC_TERMINAL_CONGESTION IC_TRANSFERRED IC_TRANSLATION_OOS IC_UNALLOCATED_DEST_NUMBER IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_UNKNOWN IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED_ON IC_USER_BUSY Valu e 93 104 64 47 77 78 73 74 76 82 91 101 115 109 72 114 74 75 48 49 50 106 117 80 112 89 51 92 147 90 52 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPBearCapNotImp ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPSendSpecialInformationTone ICPSubscriberAbsent ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalClearing ICPIncompatibleDest ICPNormalUnspecified ICPDestOutOfOrder ICPSwitchingEquipCongestion ICPSuspendExistButNotThisId ICPSwitchingEquipCongestion ICPTemporaryFailure ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPUnallocatedNumber ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPUserBusy Valu e 31 31 65 63 16 16 31 31 31 4 20 31 31 16 88 31 27 42 83 42 41 31 31 31 31 31 1 31 31 31 17 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC 46 ICPServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec 79 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-33 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B ISDN PRI Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings (continued) (continued) ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG IC_VACANT_CODE IC_WHITELIST_CLI_NOT_MATCHED IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_FORBIDDEN IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_CONFLICT IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_UNDECIPHERABLE Valu e 83 119 138 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPUserNotMemberOfCUG ICPVacantCode ICPNormalUnspecified ICPTEmporaryFailure ICPCallRejected ICPCallRejected ICPCallRejected ICPServiceOrOptionNotAvail ICPCallRejected ICPRecoveryOnTimerExpiry ICPTEmporaryFailure ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInterworkUnspec ICPNormalUnspecified ICPInterworkUnspec ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNoUserResponding ICPTemporaryFailure ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPUnallocatedNumber ICPNormalClearing ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified Valu e 87 4 31 41 21 21 21 63 21 102 41 127 127 127 127 127 127 31 127 31 18 41 31 31 1 16 31 31 31 31 X X X X X X X ICPServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec 79 ICPServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec 79 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-34 OL-18082-09 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-13 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted PRI Cause Code Mappings (continued) (continued) ETSI 300-172 (QSIG) Internal Cause Code IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY IC_USE_PROXY IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT Valu e 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 Transmitted PRI Cause Code ICPTemporaryFailure ICPNetworkOutOfOrder ICPNormalClearing ICPRecoveryOnTimerExpiry ICPInterworkUnspec ICPInterworkUnspec ICPTemporaryFailure ICPCallRejected ICPCallRejected ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNormalUnspecified ICPUnallocatedNumber ICPNormalUnspecified ICPNoUserResponding Valu e 41 38 16 102 127 127 41 21 1 31 31 31 1 31 18 ICPServiceOrOptionNotImpUnspec 79 Q.761 Cause Codes The next two tables provide received Q.761 cause code to internal cause code mappings and internal cause code to transmitted Q.761 cause code mappings. Received Q.761 Cause Code Mappings Table B-14 lists received Q.761 cause codes in numerical order along with their associated internal cause value. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-35 INS 1500 (INSNet) AT&T TR41459 ETSI 300-102 BELL 1268 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-14 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Numerically Received Q.761 Cause Code Value Received Cause Code Description 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 UNALLOCATED_NUMBER NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED PREEMPTION PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NP_QOR_NUM_NOT_FOUND NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_CLEARING USER_BUSY NO_USER_RESPONDING NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER SUB_ABSCENT CALL_REJECTED NUMBER_CHANGED REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST REJECTED_BY_FEATURE ROUTING_ERROR NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE FACILITY_REJECTED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED External Cause Code Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 — not used 7 — not used 8 9 10 — not used 11 — not used 12 — not used 13 — not used 14 15 — not used 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 — not used 25 26 — not used 27 28 29 30 — not used 31 32 — not used 33 — not used Internal Cause Code Value 51 34 33 82 84 — not used — not used 87 88 — not used — not used — not used — not used 164 — not used 31 52 35 28 91 8 36 140 169 (UK only) 93 — not used 12 56 14 — not used 32 — not used — not used Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-36 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-14 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Numerically (continued) Received Q.761 Cause Code Value Received Cause Code Description 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 032 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER RES_UNAVAIL_NOTUSED RES_UNAVAIL_NOTUSED TEMPORARY_FAILURE SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL CALL_FORWARD PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSC NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_C UG SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED External Cause Code Value 34 35 — not used 36 — not used 37 — not used 38 39 — not used 40 — not used 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 — not used 49 — not used 50 51 — not used 52 — not used 53 54 — not used 56 — not used 57 58 59 — not used 60 — not used 61 — not used Internal Cause Code Value 29 — not used — not used — not used 26 — not used — not used 50 49 1 41 160 94 44 — not used — not used 43 — not used — not used 125 — not used 81 — not used 2 3 — not used — not used — not used 126 47 — not used 4 INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CU 55 INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB 62 _CLASS SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED BEARCAP_NOT_IMP 63 64 — not used 65 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-37 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-14 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Numerically (continued) Received Q.761 Cause Code Value Received Cause Code Description 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_U NSPEC SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEAR ER SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_U NSPEC INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSE INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG INCOMPATIBLE_DEST INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED NON_EXISTENT_CUG INVALID_TNS INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP External Cause Code Value 66 67 — not used 68 — not used 69 70 71 — not used 72 — not used 73 — not used 74 — not used 75 — not used 76 — not used 77 — not used 78 — not used 79 80 — not used 81 — not used 82 — not used 83 — not used 84 — not used 85 — not used 86 — not used 87 88 89 — not used 90 91 92 — not used 93 — not used 94 — not used 95 96 — not used 97 Internal Cause Code Value 46 — not used — not used 42 37 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 46 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 83 15 — not used 127 21 — not used — not used — not used 19 — not used 24 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-38 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-14 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Numerically (continued) Received Q.761 Cause Code Value Received Cause Code Description 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY PARAM_UNREC_PASSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCA RDED PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSP INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED PORTED_NUMBER INTERWORK_UNSP External Cause Code Value 98 — not used 99 100 — not used 101 — not used 102 103 104 — not used 105 — not used 106 — not used 107 — not used 108 — not used 109 — not used 110 111 112 — not used 113 — not used 114 — not used 115 — not used 116 — not used 117 — not used 118 — not used 119 — not used 120 — not used 121 — not used 122 — not used 123 — not used 124 — not used 125 — not used 126 127 Internal Cause Code Value — not used 13 — not used — not used 40 85 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 128 38 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 139 16 Table B-15 lists the received Q.761 cause code description in alphabetical order along with their associated internal cause value. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-39 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-15 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Alphabetically Received Cause Code Description ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL BEARCAP_NOT_IMP CALL_FORWARD CALL_REJECTED DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP FACILITY_REJECTED IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSC INCOMPATIBLE_DEST Received Q.761 Cause External Cause Code Code Value Value 043 028 057 058 065 045 021 027 099 029 044 050 088 43 28 57 58 65 45 21 27 99 29 44 50 55 88 62 112 — not used 113 — not used 114 — not used 115 — not used 116 — not used 117 — not used 118 — not used 119 — not used 120 — not used 121 — not used 122 — not used 123 — not used 43 28 57 58 65 45 Internal Cause Code Value 1 56 2 3 4 160 8 12 13 14 41 43 81 15 126 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 1 56 2 3 4 160 INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CU 055 INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB 062 _CLASS INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_NOTUSED INTERWORK_UNSP INVALID_MSG_NOTUSE INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 082 080 081 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-40 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-15 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Alphabetically (continued) Received Cause Code Description INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_NOTUSED INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC INVALID_TNS MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCA RDED MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS NO_USER_RESPONDING NON_EXISTENT_CUG NORMAL_CLEARING NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED Received Q.761 Cause External Cause Code Code Value Value 083 084 085 086 089 092 093 094 096 098 100 101 095 091 110 005 097 038 019 034 003 002 018 090 016 006 007 010 011 012 013 015 026 21 27 99 29 44 50 55 88 62 112 — not used 113 — not used 114 — not used 115 — not used 116 — not used 117 — not used 118 — not used 119 — not used 120 — not used 121 — not used 122 — not used 123 — not used 43 28 57 58 65 45 21 27 99 29 44 50 Internal Cause Code Value 8 12 13 14 41 43 81 15 126 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 1 56 2 3 4 160 8 12 13 14 41 43 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-41 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-15 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Alphabetically (continued) Received Cause Code Description NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_EVENT_NOTUSED NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED NP_QOR_NUM_NOT_FOUND NUMBER_CHANGED ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEAR ER OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_C UG PARAM_UNREC_PASSED PORTED_NUMBER PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED PREEMPTION PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROT_ERROR_NOTUSED PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSP RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST REJECTED_BY_FEATURE REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP RES_UNAVAIL_NOTUSED RES_UNAVAIL_NOTUSED Received Q.761 Cause External Cause Code Code Value Value 030 032 033 035 036 037 032 051 052 031 014 022 070 053 103 126 046 008 009 104 105 106 107 108 109 111 102 023 024 069 039 040 55 88 62 112 — not used 113 — not used 114 — not used 115 — not used 116 — not used 117 — not used 118 — not used 119 — not used 120 — not used 121 — not used 122 — not used 123 — not used 43 28 57 58 65 45 21 27 99 29 44 50 55 88 62 112 — not used 113 — not used Internal Cause Code Value 81 15 126 — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 1 56 2 3 4 160 8 12 13 14 41 43 81 15 126 — not used — not used Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-42 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-15 Q.761 Cause Codes, Sorted Alphabetically (continued) Received Cause Code Description RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC ROUTING_ERROR SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_AVAIL_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERV_NOT_IMP_NOTUSED SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_U NSPEC SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_U NSPEC SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE SUB_ABSCENT SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION TEMPORARY_FAILURE UNALLOCATED_NUMBER USER_BUSY USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG Received Q.761 Cause External Cause Code Code Value Value 047 025 048 054 056 059 060 061 064 067 068 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 063 066 079 004 020 042 041 001 017 087 114 — not used 115 — not used 116 — not used 117 — not used 118 — not used 119 — not used 120 — not used 121 — not used 122 — not used 123 — not used 43 28 57 58 65 45 21 27 99 29 44 50 55 88 62 112 — not used 113 — not used 114 — not used 115 — not used Internal Cause Code Value — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used — not used 1 56 2 3 4 160 8 12 13 14 41 43 81 15 126 — not used — not used — not used — not used Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-43 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings Table B-16 shows the mapping performed if a transmitted Q.761 cause code is supported by one or more of the protocol variants listed in the 17 columns on the right. If the transmitted Q.761 cause code is not supported by a protocol variant, then that variant’s column is not checked. If there is no transmitted Q.761 cause code value mapped to the internal cause code, the Q.761 cause code value that is transmitted is NormalUnspecified (31). For definitions of the Q.761 cause code values see Q.850, section 2.2.7. Variants are: 1- Standard Q.761 2- Australian Q.761 3- Finnish Q.761 4- Japanese Q.761 5- Japanese ETS_300_356 6- Hong_Kong Q761 7- Belgian Mobistar 8- Korean Q761 9- ETS_300_356 and NTT 10- ETS_300_356 and Spanish 11- ETS_300_356_V3 and UK 12- Taiwan Q.761 13- German Q.761 14- Thailand Q.761 15- KPNPB Q.761 16- Swiss Q.761 17- China. Q.761 Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_INFO_DIS CARDED 1 Transmitted Q.761 Cause ACCESSINFODISCARD ED 43 X X X X X X X IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AU 2 THORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AV AIL 3 BEARCAPNOTAUTHORI 57 ZED BEARCAPNOTAVAIL 58 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-44 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IM P 4 Transmitted Q.761 Cause BEARCAPNOTIMP TEMPORARYFAILURE TEMPORARYFAILURE NORMALUNSPECIFIED TEMPORARYFAILURE CALLREJECTED INTERWORKUNSPEC INTERWORKUNSPEC TEMPORARYFAILURE DESTOUTOFORDER ELEMUNRECDISCARD ED SERVNOTAVAIL FACILITYREJECTED INCOMP_DEST INTERWORKUNSPEC TEMPORARYFAILURE 65 41 41 31 41 21 12 7 12 7 41 27 99 63 29 88 12 7 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_CALL_AWARDED_D 5 ELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEE 6 N_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST 7 7 8 9 IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP 10 IC_CH_UNACCEPTABL 11 E IC_DEST_OUT_OF_OR DER 12 IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_I 13 MP IC_FACILITY_REJECTE 14 D IC_FACILITY_REJECTE 14 D IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DE 15 ST IC_INTERWORK_UNSP 16 EC IC_INVALID_CALL_RE FERENCE_VALUE 17 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_INVALID_ELEM_CO 18 NTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNS 19 PEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER _FORMAT 20 MSGUNRECELEMENTD 11 ISCARDED 0 INVALIDMESSAGE 95 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ADDRESSINCOMPLETE 28 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-45 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_INVALID_TNS IC_INVALID_TNS IC_MANDATORY_ELE MENT_MISSING 21 21 22 Transmitted Q.761 Cause INVALIDTNS 91 NOROUTETODESTINAT 3 ION PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 MSG_IN_WRONG_STAT E MSGNOTEXIST 10 1 97 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_S 23 TATE IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_S 23 TATE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_I MP IC_ MSG_ TYPE_ NOT_ IMP_ OR_ WRONG_ STATE IC_NETWORK_OUT_O F_ORDER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPEN DED IC_NO_ANSWER_ALE RTED_USER IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAI LABLE IC_NON_SELECTED_U SER_CLEARING 24 25 PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 NETWORKOUTOFORDE 38 R TEMPORARYFAILURE NOANSWER NOCIRCUIT NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALRELEASE NORMALUNSPECIFIED NOROUTETODEST NOROUTETOTRANSIT NORESPONSE NUMBERCHANGED 41 19 34 31 16 31 3 2 18 22 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 26 27 28 29 30 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_NORMAL_CLEARIN 31 G IC_NORMAL_UNSPECI 32 FIED IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DE ST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TN S IC_NO_USER_RESPON DING IC_NUMBER_CHANGE D 33 34 35 36 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-46 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_D 37 IG_INFO_BEARER IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR _UNSPEC IC_RECOVERY_ON_TI MER_EXPIRY 38 Transmitted Q.761 Cause RESTRICTDIGBEARER CAPONLY 70 X X X X X PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 NORMALUNSPECIFIED TEMPORARYFAILURE 31 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL 39 40 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNA 41 VAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NO T_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NO T_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NO T_SUBSCR 42 42 43 CHANNELNOTAVAILAB 44 LE REQFACILITYNOTIMP SERVICENOTIMP 69 79 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SERVICENOTAVAILABL 63 E RESOURCESUNAVAILA BLE NORMALUNSPECIFIED SERVICENOTIMPLEME NTED 47 31 79 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_RESOURCES_UNAV 44 AIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STA 45 TUS_ENQUIRY IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTI 46 ON_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTI ON_NOT_AVAIL IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_B UT_NOT_THIS_ID 47 48 SERVICENOTAVAILABL 63 E TEMPORARYFAILURE SWITCHCONGESTION TEMPORARYFAILURE 41 42 41 IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP 49 _CONGESTION IC_TEMPORARY_FAIL URE 50 IC_UNALLOCATED_NU 51 MBER IC_USER_BUSY IC_OUTGOING_CALLS _BARRED_IN_CUG IC_ACCESS_BARRED 52 53 54 UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R USERBUSY OUTGOINGCALLSBAR RED NORMALRELEASE 17 12 5 16 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-47 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_ACKNOWLEDGEME 55 NT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMP LETE IC_BUSY 56 57 Transmitted Q.761 Cause NORMALRELEASE 16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ADDRESSINCOMPLETE 28 USERBUSY 17 IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF 58 _SERVICE IC_DTE_CONTROLLED 59 _NOT_READY IC_CONGESTION 60 IC_CALL_TERMINATIO 61 N IC_INCON_OUTGOING 62 _ACC_AND_SUB_CLAS S IC_INCOMING_CALLS _BARRED 63 NETWORKOUTOFORDE 38 R NORMALUNSPECIFIED SWITCHCONGESTION NORMALRELEASE INCONSISTENCY 31 42 16 12 6 21 CALLREJECTED X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_SERVICE_INCOMPA 64 TIBLE IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UN 65 DERSTOOD IC_NETWORK_ADDRE SS_EXTENSION_ERRO R IC_NETWORK_TERMI NATION 66 SERVICENOTAVAILABL 63 E PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 NORMALUNSPECIFIED 31 67 NORMALUNSPECIFIED 31 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAI 68 NABLE IC_PRIORITY_FORCED 69 _RELEASE IC_REJECT IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_S ERVICE 70 71 UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALUNSPECIFIED 31 31 NETWORKOUTOFORDE 38 R INCOMPATIBLEDEST 88 IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCO 72 MPATIBLE Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-48 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UND ERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALI D 73 74 Transmitted Q.761 Cause PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 DESTOUTOFORDER 27 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_ 75 OF_SERVICE IC_SIGNALLING_SYST 76 EM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_TEMPOR ARILY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL ABLE 77 78 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 SERVICENOTAVAILABL 63 E SERVICENOTAVAILABL 63 E NORMALUNSPECIFIED (No Q.761 cause code listed) NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALUNSPECIFIED SENDSIT CALLREJECTED 31 31 4 21 31 IC_DTE_UNCONTROLL 79 ED_NOT_READY IC_TRANSFERRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS _BARRED_IN_CUG 80 81 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_SPECIAL_INFORMA 82 TION_TONE IC_SPECIAL_INFORMA 82 TION_TONE IC_USER_NOT_MEMBE 83 R_OF_CUG IC_USER_NOT_MEMBE 83 R_OF_CUG IC_MISDIALLED_TK_P 84 REFIX IC_PARAM_UNREC_PA 85 SSED IC_PARAM_UNREC_PA 85 SSED IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PREEMPTION 86 87 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X USERNOTMEMBEROFC 87 UG MISDIALEDTRUNKPRE FIX 5 PARAMETERUNRECPAS 10 SED 3 PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 NORMALRELEASE NORMALUNSPECIFIED 16 31 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-49 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_ 88 UNAVAILABLE IC_UNALLOCATED_DE 89 ST_NUMBER IC_UNREC_ELEM_PAS SED_ON IC_NON_EXISTEND_C UG IC_SUB_ABSENT IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_PRECEDENCE_BLO CKED IC_CALL_TYPE_INCO MPATIBLE IC_GROUP_RESTRICTI ONS 90 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Transmitted Q.761 Cause NOCIRCUIT 34 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R PARAMETERUNRECPAS 10 SED 3 NONEXISTENTCUG NORESPONSE 12 7 18 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R NOROUTETODESTINAT 3 ION NOROUTETODESTINAT 3 ION CALLREJECTED CALLREJECTED NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALRELEASE NORMALUNSPECIFIED CALLREJECTED CALLREJECTED CALLREJECTED CALLREJECTED CALLREJECTED 21 21 31 16 31 21 21 21 21 21 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_CALLING_PARTY_O 97 FF_HOLD IC_CALLING_DROPPE D_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_NEW_DESTINATIO N IC_OUTGOING_CALLS _BARRED 98 99 100 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_SUB_CONTROLLED 101 _ICB IC_CALL_REJECT_CAL 102 L_GAPPING IC_REJECTED_DIVERT 103 ED_CALL IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_ BARRING 104 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-50 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_REMOTE_PROC_ER ROR IC IC_OPERATOR_PRIORI TY_ACCESS IC_CUG_ACCESS_BAR RED IC_CUG_ACCESS_BAR RED 105 106 107 108 108 Transmitted Q.761 Cause TEMPORARYFAILURE 41 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R NORMALUNSPECIFIED CALLREJECTED USERNOTMEMOFCUG NORMALRELEASE SWITCHCONGESTION NORESPONSE 31 21 87 16 42 18 IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL 109 _TERMINATE IC_FLOW_CONTROLLE 110 D_CONGESTION IC_OUT_OF_CATCHME 111 NT_AREA IC_TRANSLATION_OO S IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOV ED IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOV ED IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_ DLE IC_ANONYMOUS_CAL L_REJECTION 112 113 114 114 115 116 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R CALLREJECTED NORESPONSE SUBSCRIBERABSENT 21 18 20 UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R CALLREJECTED SWITCHCONGESTION (No Q.761 cause code listed) UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R NORMALUNSPECIFIED 31 21 42 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_TERMINAL_CONGE 117 STION IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_VACENT_CODE IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLE D_IN_ERROR 118 119 120 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-51 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLE D_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DI ALLED IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_C ALL_PROCEEDING IC_PROT_ERR_THRES HOLD_EXCEEDED IC_OUTGOING_CALLS _BARRED_IN_CUG 121 122 123 124 125 Transmitted Q.761 Cause NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALUNSPECIFIED 31 31 31 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECIFIED 1 CALLREJECTED 21 IC_INCON_OUTGOING 126 _ACC_AND_SUB_CLAS S IC_INCON_OUTGOING 126 _ACC_AND_SUB_CLAS S IC_NON_EXISTENT_C UG 127 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INCON_OUT_ACC_SUB 62 X CALLREJECTED MSGUNRECELEMDISC ARDED 21 11 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IC_MSG_WITH_UNREC 128 _ELEM_DISCARDED IC_MSG_WITH_UNREC 128 _ELEM_DISCARDED IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_ 129 RES IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_ 129 RES IC_PERMANENT_FRA ME_MODE_OOS IC_PERMANENT_FRA ME_MODE_OPERATIO NAL 130 131 PROTOCOLERRORUNSP 11 ECFIED 1 NORMALUNSPECIFIED PREEMPTION (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) 31 8 X X X X X X IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CL 132 I IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_L ENGTH_INVALID 133 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-52 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_M ATCHED 134 Transmitted Q.761 Cause (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) (No Q.761 cause code listed) 24 IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_R 135 ESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_ RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_BNUM BER_MATCHED IC_WHITELIST_CLI_N OT_MATCHED IC_PORTED_NUMBER 136 137 138 139 IC_REDIRECTION_TO_ 140 NEW_DEST IC_COT_FAILURE IC_MISROUTED_CALL _PORTED_NUM IC_INVALID_CALL_RE F IC_UNKNOWN 141 142 143 147 IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQ 145 UESTED IC_REJECTED_BY_FEA 169 TURE IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIR ED IC_FORBIDDEN 177 178 179 180 X INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 IC_METHOD_NOT_ALL 181 OWED Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-53 Appendix B Q.761 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 182 Transmitted Q.761 Cause INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 SUBSCRIBERABSENT 20 IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_R 183 EQUIRED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOU T IC_CONFLICT IC_LENGTH_REQUIRE D IC_ENTITY_TOO_LON G IC_URI_TOO_LONG 184 185 186 187 188 IC_UNSUPPORTED_ME 189 DIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_UR 190 I_SCHEME IC_BAD_EXTENSION 191 IC_EXTENSION_REQUI 192 RED IC_SESSION_INTERVA L_TOO_SMALL 193 IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BR 194 IEF IC_ANONYMITY_DISA 195 LLOWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAIL ABLE IC_LEG_OR_TRANSAC TION_NOT_EXIST IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS 196 197 198 199 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-54 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.761 Cause Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_REQUEST_TERMIN ATED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HER E IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDIN G IC_UNDECIPHERABLE 200 201 202 203 204 205 Transmitted Q.761 Cause INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 CALLREJECTED 21 UNALLOCATEDNUMBE 1 R INTERWORKINGUNSPE 12 CIFIED 7 NORMALUNSPECIFIED 31 IC_SERVER_INTERNAL 206 _ERROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTE D IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT 207 208 209 210 IC_VERSION_NOT_SUP 211 PORT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE 212 IC_PRECONDITION_FA 213 ILURE IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYW HERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE _606 214 215 216 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICE 217 S Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-55 Appendix B Q.767 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-16 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted Q.761 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Value Value China. Q.761 Swiss Q.761 KPNPB Q.761 Thailand Q.761 German Q.761 Taiwan Q.761 ETS_300_356_V3 & UK ETS_300_356 Spanish ETS_300_356 & NTT Korean Q761 Belgian Mobistar Hong_Kong Q.761 Japanese ETS_300_356 Japanese Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Australian Q.761 Standard Q.761 Internal Cause Code IC_MOVED_PERMANE NTLY IC_USE_PROXY 218 219 Transmitted Q.761 Cause NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORMALUNSPECIFIED NORESPONSE 31 31 31 18 IC_ALTERNATIVE_SER 220 VICE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_ TIMEOUT 221 X X X X X X X X Q761_Portugal protocol supports release with external cause 14 (mapped internally to Query On Release failure) - 164. Q.767 Cause Codes The following two tables provide the mapping between Q.767 cause codes and internal cause codes. Received Q.767 Cause Code Mappings Table B-17 describes the mapping between received Q.767 cause codes and internal cause codes. Table B-17 Received Q.767 Cause Code MappingsTransmitted Received Q.767 Cause Code Unallocated Number No route to destination Send special information tone Normal event not used Disconnected Normal call clearing User busy No user responding Value 1 2 4 5 14 16 17 18 Internal Cause Code IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_T ONE IC_CAUSE_VAL_005 IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_USER_BUSY IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING Value 51 33 82 146 31 52 35 IC_NP_QOR_NUM_NOT_FOUND 164 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-56 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.767 Cause Codes Table B-17 Received Q.767 Cause Code MappingsTransmitted (continued) Received Q.767 Cause Code User alerting no answer Sub absent Call rejected Number changed Destination out of order Address incomplete Normal, unspecified No circuit available Network out of order Temporary failure Switching equipment congestion Q.931 (requested channel not available) Resource unavailable, unspecified. Requested facility not subscribed Incoming calls barred within CUG Bearer capability not authorized Bearer capability not presently available Service/option not available, unspecified Bearer capability not implemented Service/option not implemented, unspecified User not member of CUG Incompatible destination Invalid message, unspecified Message does not exist Protocol error, not used Element unrecognized, discarded Recovery on timer expiry Value 19 20 21 22 27 28 31 34 38 41 42 44 47 50 55 57 58 63 65 79 87 88 95 97 97 99 102 Internal Cause Code IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_US ER IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE Value 28 91 8 36 12 56 32 29 50 IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER 26 IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGE 49 STION IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL 41 IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNS 44 PEC IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSC 43 R IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRE D_IN_CUG IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZ ED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL 81 2 3 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ 47 AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP 4 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ 46 IMP_UNSPEC IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_C UG IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPE C IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPE C IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPE C IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EX PIRY 83 15 19 38 38 38 40 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-57 Appendix B Q.767 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-17 Received Q.767 Cause Code MappingsTransmitted (continued) Received Q.767 Cause Code Parameter unrecognized, passed Protocol error, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Value 103 111 127 Internal Cause Code IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPE C IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPE C IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC Value 38 38 16 Table B-17 describes the mapping between internal cause codes and transmitted Q.767 cause codes. For definitions of the Q.761 cause code values see Q.850, section 2.2.7. Note If there is no transmitted Q.761 cause code value mapped to the internal cause code, the PGW transmits the Q.761 cause code value NormalUnspecified (31). Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCAR 1 DED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTH ORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP 2 3 4 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Normal, unspecified Bearer capability not authorized Bearer capability not presently available Bearer capability not implemented Temporary failure Temporary failure Temporary failure Call rejected Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified 31 57 58 65 41 41 41 21 12 7 12 7 x x x x x x x IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELI 5 VERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_ CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP 6 7 8 9 10 x x x Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-58 OL-18082-09 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.767 Cause Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian x x x x x x x Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Temporary failure Destination out of order Protocol error, unspecified Address incomplete Incompatible destination Interworking, unspecified Temporary failure Protocol error, unspecified 11 13 14 15 16 41 27 11 1 28 88 12 7 41 11 1 x x x x x x IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER 12 IC_INVALID_CALL_REFER 17 ENCE_VALU IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONT ENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPE C 18 19 x x x x x x x x x x Invalid message, unspecified 95 Address incomplete No route to destination Protocol error, unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Network out of order Temporary failure User alerting no answer No circuit available 28 2 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 38 41 19 34 x IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FO 20 RMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_INVALID_TNS 21 21 Invalid message, unspecified 95 IC_MANDATORY_ELEMEN 22 T_MISSING IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STAT 23 E IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_ OR_WRONG_STATE IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_O RDER IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTE D_USER 24 25 26 IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED 27 28 IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILAB 29 LE x Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-59 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Q.767 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian x x x x x Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Normal, unspecified Normal call clearing Normal, unspecified No route to destination No route to destination No user responding Number changed Bearer capability not presently available Service/option not implemented, unspecified Message does not exist Protocol error, not used Element unrecognized, discarded Parameter unrecognized, passed Protocol error, unspecified Normal, unspecified Recovery on timer expiry Q.931 (requested channel not available) Service/option not implemented, unspecified Required facility not subscribed IC_NON_SELECTED_USER 30 _CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIE D IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS 31 32 33 34 31 16 31 2 2 18 22 58 79 97 97 99 10 3 11 1 31 10 2 44 79 50 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IC_NO_USER_RESPONDIN 35 G IC_NUMBER_CHANGED 36 IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_ 37 INFO_BEARER IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_ 37 INFO_BEARER IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_U NSPEC IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_U NSPEC IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_U NSPEC IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_U NSPEC IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_U NSPEC IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL 38 38 38 38 38 39 x x x x x IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER 40 _EXPIRY IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAI 41 L IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_I MP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_S UBSCR 42 43 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-60 OL-18082-09 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.767 Cause Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian x Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_S UBSCR IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL _UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATU S_ENQUIRY Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code 43 44 45 Service/option not available, 63 unspecified Resource unavailable, unspecified. Normal, unspecified Service/option not implemented, unspecified 47 31 79 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_ 46 NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_ 47 NOT_AVAIL IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_ 48 NOT_THIS_ID IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_C ONGESTION 49 Service/option not available, 63 unspecified Temporary failure Switching equipment congestion Temporary failure Unallocated Number User busy Call rejected Normal call clearing Address incomplete User busy Network out of order Normal, unspecified Switching equipment congestion Normal call clearing Address incomplete 41 42 41 1 17 21 16 28 17 38 31 42 16 28 IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE 50 IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMB 51 ER IC_USER_BUSY IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 52 54 55 IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLET 56 E IC_BUSY 57 IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SE 58 RVICE IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_N OT_READY IC_CONGESTION IC_CALL_TERMINATION IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGIS TERED 59 60 61 62 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-61 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Q.767 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian x x Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Call rejected IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BA 63 RRED IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIB 64 LE IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDE RSTOOD IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_ EXTENSION_ERROR 65 66 21 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Service/option not available, 63 unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified Unallocated Number Normal, unspecified Address incomplete Network out of order Incompatible destination Protocol error, unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Destination out of order Interworking, unspecified 11 1 31 31 1 31 28 38 88 11 1 11 1 27 12 7 IC_NETWORK_TERMINATI 67 ON IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINA BLE IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_R ELEASE IC_REJECT 68 69 70 IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERV 71 ICE IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMP ATIBLE 72 IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERS 73 TOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF _SERVICE IC_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM _INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARI LY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILAB LE IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED _NOT_READY 74 75 76 77 78 79 Service/option not available, 63 unspecified Service/option not available, 63 unspecified Normal, unspecified 31 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-62 OL-18082-09 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.767 Cause Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian x x x x Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish x Internal Cause Code Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BA 81 RRED_IN_CUG IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATIO 82 N_TONE IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_ OF_CUG IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PRE FIX IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PRE FIX 83 84 84 Incoming calls barred within 55 CUG Send special information tone User not member of CUG Unallocated Number Normal, unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified No circuit available 4 87 1 31 11 1 31 31 34 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSE 85 D IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PREEMPTION 86 87 IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_UN 88 AVAILABLE IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED 90 _ON IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCK ED 91 91 92 93 94 Invalid message, unspecified 95 No user responding Sub Absent Unallocated Number No route to destination No route to destination Interworking, unspecified Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified 18 20 1 2 2 12 7 31 31 31 31 IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPA 95 TIBLE IC_GROUP_RESTRICIONS IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF _HOLD IC_CALLING_DROPPED_ WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_NEW_DESTINATION 96 97 98 99 x x x x x Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-63 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Q.767 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish x x Internal Cause Code IC_SUB_CONTROLLED_IC B IC_CALL_REJECT_CALL_ GAPPING IC_REJECTED_DIVERTED _CALL IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_BA RRING IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERRO R IC_TEMPORARY_OOS Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Call rejected Call rejected Call rejected Call rejected Interworking, unspecified Unallocated Number Normal, unspecified User not member of CUG Normal call clearing Switching equipment congestion Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified Call rejected Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified Call rejected Switching equipment congestion 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 21 21 21 21 12 7 1 31 87 16 42 31 31 21 31 31 21 42 x x x x x x x x x x x IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ 10 ACCESS 7 IC_CUG_ACCESS_BARRE D IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL_T ERMINATE IC_FLOW_CONTROLLED_ CONGESTION IC_OUT_OF_CATCHMENT _AREA IC_TRANSLATION_OOS IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOVED IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_DL E 10 8 10 9 11 0 11 1 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 x x x IC_ANONYMOUS_CALL_R 11 EJECTION 6 IC_TERMINAL_CONGESTI 11 ON 7 x Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-64 OL-18082-09 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.767 Cause Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_VACANT_CODE IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_I N_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALL ED Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Switching equipment congestion Unallocated Number Unallocated Number Unallocated Number Normal, unspecified Protocol error, unspecified Call rejected Normal, unspecified User not member of CUG Normal event not used Disconnect Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified 11 8 11 9 12 0 12 2 42 1 1 1 31 11 1 21 31 87 5 14 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL 12 _PROCEEDING 3 IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOL 12 D_EXCEEDED 4 IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BA 12 RRED_IN_CUG 5 IC_INCON_OUTGOING_AC 12 C_AND_SUB_CLASS 6 IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_CAUSE_VAL_005 IC_NP_QOR_NUM_NOT_F OUND IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_FORBIDDEN IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLO WED IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQ UIRED 12 7 14 6 16 4 17 7 17 8 17 9 18 0 18 1 18 3 x Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-65 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Q.767 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_CONFLICT IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDI A_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_S CHEME IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRE D IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_T OO_SMALL Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Sub absent Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified 18 4 18 5 18 6 18 7 18 8 18 9 19 0 19 1 19 2 19 3 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 20 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF 19 4 IC_ANONYMITY_DISALL OWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABL E 19 5 19 6 IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTIO 19 N_NOT_EXIST 7 IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_AMBIGUOUS 19 8 19 9 20 0 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-66 OL-18082-09 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Q.767 Cause Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Call rejected Unallocated number Interworking, unspecified Normal, unspecified IC_REQUEST_TERMINATE 20 D 1 IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_E RROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPO RT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 21 0 21 1 21 2 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 21 1 12 7 31 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IC_PRECONDITION_FAILU 21 RE 3 IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHE RE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_60 6 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES 21 4 21 5 21 6 21 7 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-67 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-18 Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Mexican and Indonesian Other DPNSS Colombian 51 34 33 81 32 86 31 52 35 28 Other ETSI ANSI Ibn7 ANSI SS7 Bell 1268 Spanish Internal Cause Code Transmitted Q.767 Cause Code Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified Normal, unspecified No user responding IC_MOVED_PERMANENTL 21 Y 8 IC_USE_PROXY 21 9 31 31 31 18 x x x x IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVIC 22 E 0 IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIM EOUT 22 1 ANSI SS7 Cause Codes The next two tables provide received ANSI SS7 cause code to internal cause code mappings and internal cause code to transmitted ANSI SS7 cause code mappings. Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings Table B-19 lists received ANSI SS7 cause codes (CCITT Coding Standard) along with their associated values and maps each of them to the corresponding internal cause code and its associated value. Table B-19 Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code UNALLOCATED_NUM NO_ROUTE_TO_TRANSIT NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST SEND_SIT MISDIALLED_TRUNK_PREFIX PREEMPTION NORMAL_REL USER_BUSY NO_RESPONSE NO_ANSWER Value 1 2 3 4 5 8 16 17 18 19 Internal Cause Code IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_PREEMPTION IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_USER_BUSY IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER Value Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-68 OL-18082-09 Russian ATT PRI BTNUP Italian ETSI 2 Value Value Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Table B-19 Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings (continued) Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code SUB_ABSCENT CALL_REJECTED NUMBER_CHANGED DEST_OOO ADDRESS_INCOMP FAC_REJECTED NORMAL_UNSPEC NO_CIRCUIT NETWORK_OOO TEMP_FAILURE SWITCH_CONG ACCESS_INFO_DISCARD CHAN_NOT_AVAIL PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED RES_UNAVAIL FACILITY_NOT_SUBSC OUT_CALLS_BARRED IN_CALLS_BARRED BC_NOT_AUTH BC_NOT_AVAIL SERV_NOT_AVAIL BC_NOT_IMP FAC_NOT_IMP RES_DIG_BEARCAP_ONLY SERV_NOT_IMP NOT_MEMBER_CUG INCOMP_DEST NON_EXISTENT_CUG INVALID_TNS INVALID_MESSAGE MSG_NOT_EXIST ELEM_UNREC_DISCARDED PARAM_WITH_INVALID_CODING RECOVERY_ONTIMER PARAM_UNREC_PASSED MSG_UNREC_PARAM_DISC Value 20 21 22 27 28 29 31 34 38 41 42 43 44 46 47 50 53 55 57 58 63 65 69 70 79 87 88 90 91 95 97 99 100 102 103 110 Internal Cause Code IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_TNS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED_ON IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS Value 90 8 36 12 55 14 32 29 26 50 49 1 41 93 44 43 47 47 2 3 47 4 42 37 46 19 15 19 21 19 24 13 18 40 89 18 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-69 Appendix B ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-19 Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings (continued) Received ANSI SS7 Cause Code PROT_ERROR_UNSP INTERWORK_UNSP Value 111 127 Internal Cause Code IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC Value 38 16 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings Table B-20 lists the internal cause codes along with their associated values and maps each of them to the corresponding transmitted ANSI SS7 cause code and its associated value. Table B-20 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings Internal Cause Code IC_ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AUTHORIZED IC_BEARCAP_NOT_AVAIL IC_BEARCAP_NOT_IMP IC_CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED_EST_CH IC_CALL_ID_HAS_BEEN_CLEARED IC_CALL_ID_IN_USE IC_CALL_REJECTED IC_CH_ID_NOT_EXIST IC_CH_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_CH_UNACCEPTABLE IC_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_ELEM_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_FACILITY_REJECTED IC_INCOMPATIBLE_DEST IC_INTERWORK_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE_VALUE IC_INVALID_ELEM_CONTENTS IC_INVALID_MSG_UNSPEC IC_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT IC_INVALID_TNS IC_MANDATORY_ELEMENT_MISSING IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP IC_MSG_TYPE_NOT_IMP_OR_WRONG_STATE IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER IC_NO_CALL_SUSPENDED Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code ACCESS_INFO_DISCARD BC_NOT_AUTH BC_NOT_AVAIL BC_NOT_IMP TEMP_FAILURE TEMP_FAILURE TEMP_FAILURE CALL_REJECTED INTERWORK_UNSP INTERWORK_UNSP TEMP_FAILURE DEST_OOO ELEM_UNREC_DISCARDED FAC_REJECTED INCOMP_DEST INTERWORK_UNSP TEMP_FAILURE MSG_UNREC_PARAM_DISCARDED INVALID_MESSAGE ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE INVALID_TNS PROT_ERROR_UNSPEC PROT_ERROR_UNSPEC MSG_NOT_EXIST PROT_ERROR_UNSPEC NETWORK_OOO TEMP_FAILURE Value 43 57 58 65 41 41 41 21 127 127 41 27 99 29 88 127 41 110 95 28 91 111 111 97 111 38 41 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-70 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Table B-20 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_NO_ANSWER_ALERTED_USER IC_NO_CIRCUIT_AVAILABLE IC_NON_SELECTED_USER_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_CLEARING IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_TNS IC_NO_USER_RESPONDING IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_ONLY_RESTRICT_DIG_INFO_BEARER IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC IC_QUALITY_UNAVAIL IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_REQ_CIRCUIT_UNAVAIL IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCR IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_IMP_UNSPEC IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_AVAIL IC_SUSPEND_EXIST_BUT_NOT_THIS_ID IC_SWITCHING_EQUIP_CONGESTION IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_USER_BUSY IC_INTERCEPTED_SUBSCRIBER IC_ACCESS_BARRED IC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_BUSY IC_CHANNEL_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_CONGESTION IC_CALL_TERMINATION IC_FACILITY_NOT_REGISTERED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED Value 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code NO_ANSWER NO_CIRCUIT NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_REL NORMAL_UNSPEC NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST NO_ROUTE_TO_TRANSIT NO_RESPONSE NUMBER_CHANGED RES_DIG_BEARCAP_ONLY PROT_ERROR_UNSP NORMAL_UNSPEC RECOVERY_ONTIMER CHAN_NOT_AVAIL FAC_NOT_IMP FACILITY_NOT_SUBSC RES_UNAVAIL NORMAL_UNSPEC SERV_NOT_IMP SERV_NOT_AVAIL TEMP_FAILURE SWITCH_CONG TEMP_FAILURE UNALLOCATED_NUM USER_BUSY (No cause code listed.) NORMAL_REL NORMAL_REL ADDRESS_INCOMP USER_BUSY NETWORK_OOO NORMAL_UNSPEC SWITCH_CONG NORMAL_REL FAC_REJECTED NORMAL_REL Value 19 34 31 16 31 3 2 18 22 70 111 31 102 44 69 50 47 31 79 63 41 42 41 1 17 16 16 28 17 38 31 42 16 29 16 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-71 Appendix B ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-20 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_SERVICE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_NETWORK_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_ERROR IC_NETWORK_TERMINATION IC_NUMBER_UNOBTAINABLE IC_PRIORITY_FORCED_RELEASE IC_REJECT IC_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SUBSCRIBER_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SIGNAL_NOT_UNDERSTOOD IC_SIGNAL_NOT_VALID IC_SUBSCRIBER_OUT_OF_SERVICE IC_SIGNALLING_SYSTEM_INCOMPATIBLE IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE IC_DTE_UNCONTROLLED_NOT_READY IC_TRANSFERRED IC_INCOMING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_SPECIAL_INFORMATION_TONE IC_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CUG IC_MISDIALLED_TK_PREFIX IC_PARAM_UNREC_PASSED IC_PROPRIETARY IC_PREEMPTION IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_UNAVAILABLE IC_UNALLOCATED_DEST_NUMBER IC_UNREC_ELEM_PASSED_ON IC_SUB_ABSCENT IC_UNDEFINED_BG IC_ROUTING_ERROR IC_PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE IC_GROUP_RESTRICTIONS IC_CALLING_PARTY_OFF_HOLD IC_CALLING_DROPPED_WHILE_ON_HOLD IC_NEW_DESTINATION Value 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code SERV_NOT_AVAIL PROT_ERROR_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC UNALLOCATED_NUM NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NETWORK_OOO NORMAL_UNSPEC PROT_ERROR_UNSPEC PROT_ERROR_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC SERV_NOT_AVAIL SERV_NOT_AVAIL NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC SEND_SIT NORMAL_UNSPEC MISDIALLED_TRUNK_PREFIX NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC PREEMPTION NORMAL_UNSPEC UNALLOCATED_NUM PARAM_UNREC_PASSED SUB_ABSCENT UNDEFIND_BG ROUTING_ERROR PRECEDENCE_BLOCKED CALL_TYPE_INCOMP GROUP_RESTRICT NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC Value 63 111 31 31 1 31 31 38 31 111 111 31 127 63 63 31 31 31 4 31 5 31 31 8 31 1 103 20 24 25 46 51 54 31 31 31 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-72 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Table B-20 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED IC_SUB_CONTROLLED_ICB IC_CALL_REJECT_CALL_GAPPING IC_REJECTED_DIVERTED_CALL IC_SELECTIVE_CALL_BARRING IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR IC_TEMPORARY_OOS IC_OPERATOR_PRIORITY_ACCESS IC_CUG_ACCESS_BARRED IC_SUBSCRIBER_CALL_TERMINATE IC_FLOW_CONTROLLED_CONGESTION IC_OUT_OF_CATCHMENT_AREA IC_TRANSLATION_OOS IC_PERMANENT_ICB IC_SUBSCRIBER_MOVED IC_SUB_NOT_FOUND_DLE IC_ANONYMOUS_CALL_REJECTION IC_TERMINAL_CONGESTION IC_REPEAT_ATTEMPT IC_VACENT_CODE IC_PREFIX_0_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_DIALLED_IN_ERROR IC_PREFIX_1_NOT_DIALLED IC_EXCESSIVE_DIG_CALL_PROCEEDING IC_PROT_ERR_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED IC_OUTGOING_CALLS_BARRED_IN_CUG IC_INCON_OUTGOING_ACC_AND_SUB_CLASS IC_NON_EXISTENT_CUG IC_MESG_WITH_UNREC_ELEM_DISCARDED IC_PREEMPTION_CCT_RES IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OOS IC_BLACKLIST_NO_CLI IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_LENGTH_INVALID IC_BLACKLIST_CLI_MATCHED IC_BLACKLIST_CPC_RESTRICTED Value 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC Value 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 IC_PERMANENT_FRAME_MODE_OPERATIONAL 131 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-73 Appendix B ANSI SS7 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-20 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_BLACKLIST_NOA_RESTRICTED IC_BLACKLIST_BNUMBER_MATCHED IC_WHITELIST_CLI_NOT_MATCHED IC_PORTED_NUMBER IC_REDIRECTION_TO_NEW_DEST IC_COT_FAILURE IC_MISROUTED_CALL_PORTED_NUM IC_INVALID_CALL_REF IC_UNKNOWN IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQUESTED IC_CALL_LICENSE_REJ IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_FORBIDDEN IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_CONFLICT IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED Value 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 147 145 174 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC TEMP_FAILURE CALL_REJECTED CALL_REJECTED CALL_REJECTED SERV_NOT_AVAIL SERV_NOT_IMP CALL_REJECTED RECOVERY_ONTIMER TEMP_FAILURE INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC SERV_NOT_IMP INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NO_RESPONSE TEMP_FAILURE ROUTING_ERROR ROUTING_ERROR UNALLOCATED_NUM NORMAL_REL Value 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 41 21 21 21 63 79 21 102 41 127 127 127 79 127 127 127 127 127 31 18 41 25 25 1 16 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-74 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to DPNSS Cause Codes Table B-20 Internal Cause Code to Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY IC_USE_PROXY IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT Value 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 Transmitted ANSI SS7 Cause Code NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC TEMP_FAILURE SERV_NOT_IMP NETWORK_OOO SERV_NOT_AVAIL RECOVERY_ONTIMER INTERWORK_UNSPEC INTERWORK_UNSPEC TEMP_FAILURE CALL_REJECTED UNALLOCATED_NUM NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC NORMAL_UNSPEC UNALLOCATED_NUM SERV_NOT_AVAIL NO_RESPONSE Value 31 31 31 31 41 79 38 63 102 127 127 41 21 1 31 31 31 1 63 18 SIP to DPNSS Cause Codes Table B-21 describes the DPNSS case code mappings supported in the SIP protocol. s Table B-21 SIP Status Code to DPNSS External Cause Code Mappings SIP Status Code Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Not found Method not allowed Not acceptable Proxy authentication required SIP Internal Values Cause Value DPNSS External Cause Code 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 177 178 179 180 51 181 182 183 ‘07’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘00’H ‘03’H ‘30’H ‘30’H Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-75 Appendix B SIP to DPNSS Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-21 SIP Status Code to DPNSS External Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Request timeout Conflict Gone Length required Request entity too long Request URI too long Unsupported media type Unsupported URI scheme Bad extension Extension required Session interval too small Interval too brief Anonymity disallowed Temporarily not available Call leg/transaction does not exist Loop detected Too many hops Address incomplete Ambiguous Busy here Request terminated Not acceptable here Bad event Request pending Undecipherable Server internal error Not implemented Bad gateway Service unavailable Server time-out Version not supported Message too large Precondition failure Busy everywhere Decline SIP Internal Values Cause Value DPNSS External Cause Code 408 409 410 411 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 423 433 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 491 493 500 501 502 503 504 505 513 580 600 603 184 185 36 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 56 200 52 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 57 214 ‘02’H ‘07’H ‘00’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘02’H ‘07’H ‘00’H ‘00’H ‘01’H ‘00’H ‘08’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘07’H ‘30’H ‘1C’H ‘03’H ‘02’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘07’H ‘08’H ‘30’H Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-76 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to QSIG Cause Codes Table B-21 SIP Status Code to DPNSS External Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Does not exist anywhere Not acceptable Multiple choices Moved permanently Moved temporarily Use proxy Alternative service SIP Internal Values Cause Value DPNSS External Cause Code 604 606 300 301 302 305 380 215 216 217 218 145 219 220 ‘00’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘30’H ‘00’H ‘03’H SIP to QSIG Cause Codes Table B-22 describes the QSIG external cause code mappings supported in the SIP protocol. Table B-22 SIP Status Code to QSIG External Cause Code Mappings SIP Status Code Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Not found Method not allowed Not acceptable Proxy authentication required Request timeout Conflict Gone Length required Request entity too long Request URI too long Unsupported media type Unsupported URI scheme Bad extension Extension required Session interval too small Interval too brief SIP Internal Cause Values Values 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 423 177 178 179 180 51 181 182 183 184 185 36 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 QSIG External Cause Code 41 21 21 21 1 63 79 21 102 41 22 127 127 127 79 127 127 127 31 127 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-77 Appendix B SIP to QSIG Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-22 SIP Status Code to QSIG External Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Anonymity disallowed Temporarily not available Call leg/transaction does not exist Loop detected Too many hoops Address incomplete Ambiguous Busy here Request terminated Not acceptable here Bad event Request pending Undecipherable Server internal error Not implemented Bad gateway Service unavailable Server time-out Version not supported Message too large Precondition failure Busy everywhere Decline Does not exist anywhere Not acceptable Multiple choices Moved permanently Moved temporarily Use proxy Alternative service SIP Internal Cause Values Values 433 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 491 493 500 501 502 503 504 505 513 580 600 603 604 606 300 301 302 305 380 195 196 197 198 199 56 200 52 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 57 214 215 216 217 218 145 219 220 QSIG External Cause Code 31 18 41 31 31 28 1 17 16 31 31 31 31 41 79 38 16 102 127 127 41 17 21 1 31 31 31 31 1 31 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-78 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ANSI Cause Codes SIP to ANSI Cause Codes Table B-22 describes the ANSI external cause code mappings supported in the SIP protocol. Table B-23 SIP Status Code to ANSI External Cause Code Mappings SIP Status Code Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Not found Method not allowed Not acceptable Proxy authentication required Request timeout Conflict Gone Length required Request entity too long Request URI too long Unsupported media type Unsupported URI scheme Bad extension Extension required Session interval too small Interval too brief Anonymity disallowed Temporarily not available Call leg/transaction does not exist Loop detected Too many hoops Address incomplete Ambiguous Busy here Request terminated Not acceptable here Bad event SIP Internal Cause Values Values 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 423 433 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 177 178 179 180 51 181 182 183 184 185 36 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 56 200 52 201 202 203 ANSI External Cause Code 41 21 21 21 1 63 79 21 102 41 22 127 127 127 79 127 127 127 127 127 31 18 41 25 25 28 1 17 16 31 31 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-79 Appendix B SIP to H.323 Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-23 SIP Status Code to ANSI External Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Request pending Undecipherable Server internal error Not implemented Bad gateway Service unavailable Server time-out Version not supported Message too large Precondition failure Busy everywhere Decline Does not exist anywhere Not acceptable Multiple choices Moved permanently Moved temporarily Use proxy Alternative service SIP Internal Cause Values Values 491 493 500 501 502 503 504 505 513 580 600 603 604 606 300 301 302 305 380 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 57 214 215 216 217 218 145 219 220 ANSI External Cause Code 31 31 41 79 38 63 102 127 127 41 17 21 1 31 31 31 31 1 63 SIP to H.323 Cause Codes Table B-23 describes the H.323 external cause code mappings supported in the SIP protocol. Table B-24 SIP Status Code to H.323 External Cause Code Mappings SIP Status Code Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Not found Method not allowed Not acceptable SIP Internal Cause Values Values 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 177 178 179 180 51 181 182 H.323 External Cause Code 127 127 127 127 1 Unallocated number 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-80 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to H.323 Cause Codes Table B-24 SIP Status Code to H.323 External Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Proxy authentication required Request timeout Conflict Gone Length required Request entity too long Request URI too long Unsupported media type Unsupported URI scheme Bad extension Extension required Session interval too small Interval too brief Anonymity disallowed Temporarily not available Call leg/transaction does not exist Loop detected Too many hoops Address incomplete Ambiguous Busy here Request terminated Not acceptable here Bad event Request pending Undecipherable Server internal error Not implemented Bad gateway Service unavailable Server time-out Version not supported Message too large Precondition failure SIP Internal Cause Values Values 407 408 409 410 411 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 423 433 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 491 493 500 501 502 503 504 505 513 580 183 184 185 36 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 56 200 52 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 H.323 External Cause Code 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 22 Number changed 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 24 Call rejected due to ACR supplementary service 20 Subscriber absent 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 28 Invalid number format 127 Interworking unspecified 17 User busy 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified 127 Interworking unspecified Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-81 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-24 SIP Status Code to H.323 External Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Busy everywhere Decline Does not exist anywhere Not acceptable Multiple choices Moved permanently Moved temporarily Use proxy Alternative service SIP Internal Cause Values Values 600 603 604 606 300 301 302 305 380 57 214 215 216 217 218 145 219 220 H.323 External Cause Code 17 User busy 21 Call rejected 1 Unallocated number 127 Interworking unspecified 23 Redirection to new destination 23 Redirection to new destination 23 Redirection to new destination 31 Normal, unspecified 31 Normal, unspecified SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes The following tables provide mappings for various received cause codes and the corresponding SIP response or status codes. ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping Table B-25 provides received ISUP and ISDN cause codes and the corresponding SIP response code. SIP status codes listed in this table are compliant with the ITU-T Q.1912.5 standard. Table B-25 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping ITU ISUP 1 unallocated number 2 No route to network 3 no route to destination ANSI ISUP 1 unallocated number 2 No route to network 3 no route to destination Q.931 1 unallocated number 2 No route to network 3 no route to destination SIP Response 404 Not found 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 4 send special information tone 4 send special information tone 5 Misdialled trunk prefix 8 Preemption 9 Preemption - Circuit Reserved 14 QoR: Ported number 16 normal call clearing 16 normal call clearing 8 Preemption 9 Preemption - Circuit Reserved 4 send special information 500 Server internal error tone 5 Misdialled trunk prefix 6 Channel Unacceptable 7 Call awarded 8 Preemption 404 Not found 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (SIP-I only) 500 Server internal error (SIP-I only) (No mapping) 16 normal call clearing (No mapping) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-82 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Table B-25 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping (continued) ITU ISUP 17 user busy 18 no user responding 19 no answer from the user 20 Subscriber absent 21 call rejected 22 number changed (without diagnostic) 22 number changed (with diagnostic) 23 redirection to new destination 24 Call rejected due to ACR supplementary 25 Exchange routing error 26 Non-selected user clearing ANSI ISUP 17 user busy 18 no user responding 19 no answer from the user 20 Subscriber absent 21 call rejected 22 number changed (without diagnostic) 22 number changed (with diagnostic) Q.931 17 user busy 18 no user responding 19 no answer from the user 20 Subscriber absent 21 call rejected 22 number changed (without diagnostic) 22 number changed (with diagnostic) SIP Response 486 Busy here 480 Temporarily unavailable 480 Temporarily unavailable 480 Temporarily unavailable 480 Temporarily unavailable 410 Gone 410 Gone (No mapping) (No mapping) 480 Temporarily unavailable (No mapping) 23 Unallocated destination number 23 redirection to new destination 24 Undefined business group 25 Exchange routing error - 26 Non-selected user 26 Non-selected user clearing (Overloaded to signify misrouted clearing ported number, indicates that a number portability dip should have been performed by a prior network. Otherwise, this cause is not typically used.) 27 destination out of order 28 address incomplete 29 facility rejected 31 normal unspecified 34 no circuit available 28 address incomplete 29 facility rejected 30 Response to STAUS ENQUIRY 31 normal unspecified 34 no circuit available 27 destination out of order 28 address incomplete 29 facility rejected 31 normal unspecified 34 no circuit available 27 destination out of order 502 Bad gateway 484 Address incomplete 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 480 Temporarily unavailable 486 Busy here (CCBS indicator = CCBS possible) 480 Temporarily unavailable (no CCBS indicator) 38 network out of order 39 resource unavailable 38 network out of order - 38 network out of order 39 Frame mode OOS 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-83 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-25 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping (continued) ITU ISUP 40 resource unavailable 41 temporary failure 42 switching equipment congestion 43 Access information discarded 44 requested channel not available 45 resource unavailable 46 Precedence call blocked 47 resource unavailable 50 Requested Facility Not Subscribed 53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG 55 incoming calls barred within CUG 57 bearer capability not authorized 58 bearer capability not presently available ANSI ISUP 41 temporary failure 42 switching equipment congestion 43 Access information discarded Q.931 40 Frame mode operational 41 temporary failure 42 switching equipment congestion 43 Access information discarded SIP Response 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (No mapping) 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 44 requested channel not available 44 requested channel not available 45 Preemption 46 Precedence call blocked 47 resource unavailable 50 Requested Facility Not Subscribed 51 Call type incompatible with service request 54 Call blocked due to group restrictions 46 Precedence call blocked 47 resource unavailable 49 QoS not available 50 Requested Facility Not 500 Server internal error Subscribed 53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG 55 incoming calls barred within CUG 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (SIP-I only) 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (SIP-I only) 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (No mapping) 57 bearer capability not authorized 57 bearer capability not authorized 58 bearer capability not presently 58 bearer capability not presently 62 Inconsistency 62 Inconsistency in designated 62 Inconsistency outgoing information and subscriber class 63 service/option not available 63 service/option not available 65 Bearer capability not implemented 66 service or option not implemented 67 service or option not implemented 68 service or option not implemented 65 Bearer capability not implemented - 63 service/option not available 65 Bearer capability not implemented 66 Channel type not implemented 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-84 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Table B-25 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping (continued) ITU ISUP 69 Requested facility not implemented 70 Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available 71 service or option not implemented 72 service or option not implemented 73 service or option not implemented 74 service or option not implemented 75 service or option not implemented 76 service or option not implemented 77 service or option not implemented 78 service or option not implemented 79 Service or option not implemented 87 User not member of CUG 88 Incompatible destination 90 Non-existent CUG 91 Invalid transit network selection 95 Invalid message, unspecified - ANSI ISUP 69 Requested facility not implemented 70 Only restricted digital information capability available Q.931 69 Requested facility not implemented 70 Only restricted digital information capability available SIP Response 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 79 Service or option not implemented 88 Incompatible destination 91 Invalid transit network selection 95 Invalid message 79 Service or option not implemented 81 Invalid call reference 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 82 Identified channel does 500 Server internal error not exist 83 Suspended call exists 84 Call identity in use 85 No call suspended 86 Call has been cleared 87 User not member of CUG 88 Incompatible destination 90 Non-existent CUG 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (SIP-I only) 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error (SIP-I only) 91 Invalid transit network 404 Not found selection 95 Invalid message 96 IE missing 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-85 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-25 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping (continued) ITU ISUP 97 Message type non-existent or not implemented 99 Parameter non-existent or not implemented 102 Recovery of timer expiry 103 Non-existent parameter passed on 110 Message with unrecognized parameter, discarded 127 Interworking unspecified ANSI ISUP 97 Message type non-existent 99 Parameter non-existent 102 Recovery of timer expiry 110 Message discarded – unrecognized parameter Q.931 97 Message type non-existent 98 Incompatible message type SIP Response 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 99 Parameter non-existent 500 Server internal error 100 Invalid IE contents 500 Server internal error 101 Message not 500 Server internal error compatible with call state 102 Recovery of timer expiry 103 Non-existent parameter passed on 110 Message discarded – unrecognized parameter 111 protocol error 127 Interworking unspecified 480 Temporarily unavailable 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error 111 protocol error, unspecified 111 protocol error 127 Interworking unspecified 500 Server internal error 480 Temporarily unavailable ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Non-Mapped Values The Table B-26 describes ISUP cause code to SIP status code mappings not included in the ITU-T Q.1912.5 standard. Table B-26 ISUP Cause Code to SIP Status Code Non-Mapped Values ITU ISUP 14 OoR: Ported number 16 Normal call clearing 23 Redirection to new destination 24 Call rejected due to ACR supplementary service 53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG 62 Inconsistency in designated access information and subscriber class ANSI ISUP 14 OoR: Ported number 16 Normal call clearing 23 Redirection to new destination 24 Call rejected due to ACR supplementary service 53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG 62 Inconsistency in designated access information and subscriber class Q.931 14 OoR: Ported number 16 Normal call clearing 23 Redirection to new destination 24 Call rejected due to ACR supplementary service 53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG 62 Inconsistency in designated access information and subscriber class SIP response 410 Gone BYE 302 Moved temporarily 433 Anonymity disallowed 500 Server internal error 500 Server internal error Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-86 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes ISUP Event Code to SIP Status Code Mapping Table B-27 provides received ISUP event codes and the corresponding SIP status codes. Table B-27 ISUP Event Code to SIP Status Code Mapping ITU ISUP 1 Alerting 2 Progress 3 In-band information 4 Call forward; line busy 5 Call forward; no reply - (no event code present) ANSI ISUP 1 Alerting 2 Progress 3 In-band information 4 Call forward; line busy 5 Call forward; no reply - (no event code present) Q.931 1 Alerting 2 Progress 3 In-band information 4 Call forward; line busy 5 Call forward; no reply - (no event code present) SIP response 180 Ringing 183 Session progress 183 Session progress 181 Call is being forwarded 181 Call is being forwarded 183 Session progress 6 Call forward; unconditional 6 Call forward; unconditional 6 Call forward; unconditional 181 Call is being forwarded SIP Status Code to ISUP Message Mapping Table B-28 provides received SIP status codes and the corresponding ISUP messages. Table B-28 SIP Status Code to ISUP Message Mapping Response Received 100 Trying 180 Ringing (no SDP) ANSI ISUP Nothing ITU ISUP Nothing Q.931 Nothing ACM (BCI = subscriber free) or ACM (BCI = subscriber free) or ALERTING CPG (event = 1 [Alerting]) if CPG (event = 1 [Alerting]) if ACM already sent ACM already sent Apply ring-back tone at GW Apply ring-back tone at GW ACM (BCI = subscriber free) or ACM (BCI = subscriber free) or ALERTING CPG (event = 1 [Alerting]) if CPG (event = 1 [Alerting]) if ACM already sent ACM already sent Early ACM and CPG (event = 6 [Forwarding]) or CPG (event = 6 [Forwarding]) if ACM already sent ACM (BCI = no indication) or CPG (event = 2 [Progress]) if ACM already sent ACM (BCI = no indication) or CPG (event = 2 [Progress]) if ACM already sent Apply ring-back tone at GW ACM or CPG (event = Inband Info) if ACM already sent Do not apply ring-back tone at GW Early ACM and CPG (event = 6 FORWARDING [Forwarding]) or CPG (event = 6 [Forwarding]) if ACM already sent ACM (BCI = no indication) or CPG (event = 2 [Progress]) if ACM already sent ACM (BCI = no indication) or CPG (event = 2 [Progress]) if ACM already sent Apply ring-back tone at GW ACM or CPG (event = Inband Info) if ACM already sent Do not apply ring-back tone at GW PROGRESS with PI=8 PROGRESS 180 Ringing (with SDP) 181 Call is being forwarded 182 Queued 183 Session progress message (no SDP) PROGRESS with PI=8 183 Session progress message (with SDP) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-87 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-28 SIP Status Code to ISUP Message Mapping (continued) Response Received 200 OK ANSI ISUP ANM and ACK or ANM and CON when 200 OK arrives before gateway has sent an ACM (if CON is supported) Gateway tries to reach destination by sending one or more call setup requests using URIs found in the Contact header fields of the response. If URI is best reached by the PSTN (according to routing policies), the gateway sends an IAM and act as a normal PSTN switch (no SIP involved), or the gateway sends a REL message to the PSTN with a redirection indicator (23) and a diagnostic field containing the telephone number in the URI. If URI is best reached using SIP (URI does not contain telephone number), MGC sends an Invite with a Request-URI in the message body. While the redirection is being processed, the gateway sends a CPG (event = 6 [Forwarding]) to the PSTN to indicate that the call is still in progress. ITU ISUP ANM and ACK or ANM and CON when 200 OK arrives before gateway has sent an ACM (if CON is supported) Gateway tries to reach destination by sending one or more call setup requests using URIs found in the Contact header fields of the response. If URI is best reached by the PSTN (according to routing policies), the gateway sends an IAM and act as a normal PSTN switch (no SIP involved), or the gateway sends a REL message to the PSTN with a redirection indicator (23) and a diagnostic field containing the telephone number in the URI. If URI is best reached using SIP (URI does not contain telephone number), MGC sends an Invite with a Request-URI in the message body. While the redirection is being processed, the gateway sends a CPG (event = 6 [Forwarding]) to the PSTN to indicate that the call is still in progress. When a response code of 400 or greater is received by the gateway, the previously sent Invite has been rejected. Gateway typically releases resources, sends an REL to the PSTN with a cause value, and sends an ACK to the SIP network. Q.931 CONNECT 3xx (any redirection) 4xx through 6xx When a response code of 400 or greater is received by the gateway, the previously sent Invite has been rejected. Gateway typically releases resources, sends an REL to the PSTN with a cause value, and sends an ACK to the SIP network. When a response code of 400 or greater is received by the gateway, the previously sent Invite has been rejected. Gateway typically releases resources, sends an REL to the PSTN with a cause value, and sends an Specific circumstances in which Specific circumstances in which ACK to the SIP a gateway may attempt to retry a gateway may attempt to retry network. the request without releasing the the request without releasing the call are detailed in Table B-29. call are detailed in Table B-29. Specific circumstances in which a gateway may attempt to retry the request without releasing the call are detailed in Table B-29. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-88 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes SIP Status Code to ISDN Cause Code Mapping Table B-29 lists the specific SIP status codes (and their associated ISDN cause codes) that cause a gateway to attempt to retry a request without releasing the call. Table B-29 SIP Status Code to ISDN Cause Code Mapping Response Received 400 Bad request 401 Unauthorized ANSI ISUP 41 Temporary Failure 21 Call Rejected (only when gateway cannot provide credentials) 21 Call Rejected 21 Call Rejected 1 Unallocated number ITU ISUP Q.931 127 Internetworking unspecified 41 Temporary Failure 127 Internetworking unspecified 21 Call Rejected (only when gateway cannot provide credentials) 127 Internetworking unspecified 21 Call Rejected 127 Internetworking unspecified 21 Call Rejected 1 Unallocated number 1 Unallocated number 402 Payment required 403 Forbidden 404 Not found 405 Method not allowed 406 Not acceptable 63 Service or option unavailable 127 Internetworking unspecified 63 Service or option unavailable 79 Service or option not implemented (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 21 Call Rejected (only when gateway cannot provide credentials) 102 Recovery on timer expiry 41 Temporary failure 22 Number changed (without diagnostic) 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 79 Service or option not implemented (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 79 Service or option not implemented (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 21 Call Rejected (only when gateway cannot provide credentials) 127 Internetworking unspecified 102 Recovery on timer expiry 127 Internetworking unspecified 41 Temporary failure 22 Number changed 22 Number changed (without diagnostic) 407 Proxy authentication required 408 Request timeout 409 Conflict 410 Gone 413 Request Entity too long 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 79 Service or option not implemented (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 414 Request-URI too long 415 Unsupported media type Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-89 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-29 SIP Status Code to ISDN Cause Code Mapping (continued) Response Received ANSI ISUP ITU ISUP Q.931 416 Unsupported URI Scheme 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 420 Bad extension 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) No mapping 20 Subscriber absent 18 No user responding 421 Extension required 423 Interval Too Brief h33 Anonymity Disallowed 480 Temporarily unavailable 481 Call leg/transaction does not exist 482 Loop detected 483 Too many hoops 484 Address incomplete 18 No user responding 41 Temporary failure 25 Exchange - routing error 25 Exchange - routing error 127 Internetworking unspecified 41 Temporary failure 127 Internetworking unspecified 25 Exchange - routing error 127 Internetworking unspecified 25 Exchange - routing error 28 Invalid Number Format (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 17 User busy - (no mapping) 28 Invalid Number Format (only 28 Invalid number format when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 485 Ambiguous 486 Busy here 487 Request Cancelled 488 Not acceptable here 1 Unallocated number 17 User busy - (no mapping) 31 Normal, unspecified or 63 Bearer Capability Not Implemented (only when the Warning code indicates an unavailable bearer capability) 41 Temporary Failure 127 Internetworking unspecified 1 Unallocated number 17 User busy No mapping 127 Internetworking unspecified 31 Normal, unspecified or 63 Bearer Capability Not Implemented (only when the Warning code indicates an unavailable bearer capability) 127 Internetworking unspecified 41 Temporary Failure 500 Internal server error Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-90 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Table B-29 SIP Status Code to ISDN Cause Code Mapping (continued) Response Received 501 Not implemented 502 Bad gateway 503 Service unavailable 504 Server time-out 505 Version not supported ANSI ISUP 79 Not implemented, unspecified 38 Network out of order 63 Service not available 102 Recovery on timer expiry 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) ITU ISUP Q.931 127 Internetworking unspecified 79 Not implemented, unspecified 127 Internetworking unspecified 38 Network out of order 63 Service not available 16 Normal clearing 127 Internetworking unspecified 102 Recovery on timer expiry 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 127 Interworking (only when gateway cannot remedy unacceptable behavior and re-originate the session) 127 Internetworking unspecified 17 User busy 21 Call rejected 1 Unallocated number 17 User busy 21 Call rejected 1 Unallocated number 513 Message Too Large 580 Precondition Failure 600 Busy everywhere 603 Decline 604 Does not exist anywhere 606 Not acceptable 17 User busy 21 Call rejected 1 Unallocated number 31 Normal, unspecified or 63 Bearer Capability Not Implemented (only when the Warning code indicates an unavailable bearer capability) 127 Internetworking unspecified 31 Normal, unspecified or 63 Bearer Capability Not Implemented (only when the Warning code indicates an unavailable bearer capability) Internal Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mapping Table B-29 lists the mappings between internal cause codes and SIP external cause codes. Table B-30 Internal Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mappings Internal Cause Code IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_UNALLOCATED NUMBER IC_USER_BUSY IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_BUSY SIP Intern al Cause Value 36 51 52 56 57 SIP Status Code Gone Not found Busy here Address incomplete Busy everywhere Value 410 404 486 484 600 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-91 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-30 Internal Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQUESTED IC_CALL_LICENSE_REJ IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_FORBIDDEN IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_CONFLICT IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOOPS IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED SIP Intern al Cause Value 145 174 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 SIP Status Code Moved temporarily Forbidden Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Method not allowed Not acceptable Proxy authentication required Request timeout Conflict Length required Request entity too long Request URI too long Unsupported media type Unsupported URI scheme Bad extension Extension required Session interval too small Interval too brief Anonymity disallowed Temporarily not available Call leg/transaction does not exist Loop detected Too many hoops Ambiguous Request terminated Not acceptable here Bad event Request pending Undecipherable Server internal error Not implemented Value 302 403 400 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 411 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 423 433 480 481 482 483 485 487 488 489 491 493 500 501 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-92 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Table B-30 Internal Cause Code to SIP Status Code Mappings (continued) Internal Cause Code IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY IC_USE_PROXY IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE IC_SIP_CALL_SETUP_TIMEOUT SIP Intern al Cause Value 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 SIP Status Code Bad gateway Service unavailable Server time-out Version not supported Message too large Precondition failure Decline Does not exist anywhere Not acceptable Multiple choices Moved permanently Use proxy Alternative service Request timeout Value 502 503 504 505 513 580 603 604 606 300 301 305 380 408 SIP Status Code to Internal Cause Code Mapping Table B-30 describes the mapping between SIP status codes and internal cause codes. Table B-31 SIP Status Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings SIP Status Code Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Not found Method not allowed Not acceptable Proxy authentication required Request timeout Conflict Gone Length required Values Internal Cause Code 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 IC_BAD_REQUEST IC_UNAUTHORIZED IC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED IC_FORBIDDEN IC_UNALLOCATED_NUMBER IC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE IC_PROXY_AUTHEN_REQUIRED IC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT IC_CONFLICT IC_NUMBER_CHANGED IC_LENGTH_REQUIRED Values 177 178 179 180 51 181 182 183 184 185 36 186 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-93 Appendix B SIP to ISUP/ISDN Cause Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-31 SIP Status Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Request entity too long Request URI too long Unsupported media type Unsupported URI scheme Bad extension Extension required Session interval too small Interval too brief Anonymity disallowed Temporarily not available Call leg/transaction does not exist Loop detected Too many hoops Address incomplete Ambiguous Busy here Request terminated Not acceptable here Bad event Request pending Undecipherable Server internal error Not implemented Bad gateway Service unavailable Server time-out Version not supported Message too large Precondition failure Busy everywhere Decline Does not exist anywhere Not acceptable Multiple choices Moved permanently Moved temporarily Values Internal Cause Code 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 423 433 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 491 493 500 501 502 503 504 505 513 580 600 603 604 606 300 301 302 IC_ENTITY_TOO_LONG IC_URI_TOO_LONG IC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE IC_UNSUPPORTED_URI_SCHEME IC_BAD_EXTENSION IC_EXTENSION_REQUIRED IC_SESSION_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL IC_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF IC_ANONYMITY_DISALLOWED IC_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE IC_LEG_OR_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST IC_LOOP_DETECTED IC_TOO_MANY_HOPS IC_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE IC_AMBIGUOUS IC_USER_BUSY IC_REQUEST_TERMINATED IC_NOT_ACCEPT_HERE IC_BAD_EVENT IC_REQUEST_PENDING IC_UNDECIPHERABLE IC_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR IC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED IC_BAD_GATEWAY IC_SERVICE_UNAVAIL IC_SERVER_TIMEOUT IC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT IC_MSG_TOO_LARGE IC_PRECONDITION_FAILURE IC_BUSY IC_DECLINE IC_NOT_EXIST_ANYWHERE IC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_606 IC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES IC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY IC_RE_ANALYSIS_REQUESTED Values 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 56 200 52 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 57 214 215 216 217 218 145 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-94 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-31 SIP Status Code to Internal Cause Code Mappings (continued) SIP Status Code Use proxy Alternative service Values Internal Cause Code 305 380 IC_USE_PROXY IC_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICE Values 219 220 Release Cause Location Codes The following section lists the internal and protocol-specific release cause location values associated with Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.x and later. Internal Release Cause Location Codes Table B-32 lists the internal release cause-location binary values for software Release 9.x and later. Table B-32 Internal Release Cause-Location Values Cause Location LOCATION_USER LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_PUBLIC_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT LOCATION_PUBLIC_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_INTERWORKING LOCATION_LOCAL_INTERFACE LOCATION_LOCAL_LOCAL LOCATION_LOCAL_REMOTE LOCATION_PACKET_MANAGER LOCATION_UNKNOWN} Binary Value 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 Protocol Specific Release Cause Location Codes The following sections list the protocol-specific release cause location values for the protocols supported in Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.x and later. The release cause location values for each protocol are listed with their variants in a separate column on the right side of the following tables. Note that an “X” in any column indicates that the mapping in question is supported by that particular protocol. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-95 Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes ANSI SS7 Protocol to Internal Mapping Described in this section are the protocol-specific release cause location values, pertinent to the ANSI SS7 protocol. The received values are in binary. Table B-33 lists the protocol-specific release cause location values for received values. Note If the PGW receives a location value not listed in the table, it maps the value to the following default values: • • MCI and Sprint: LOCATION_TRANSIT (0011) Bellcore: LOCATION_LOCAL_INTERFACE (0110) Table B-33 Protocol-specific Release Cause Location Values Standard CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_USER LOCATION_LOCAL_LOCAL LOCATION_LOCAL_INTERFACE LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT DEFAULT LOCATION_LOCAL_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_LOCAL_INTERFACE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_INTERWORKING X X X X X X X X X X 0000 0010 0110 0001 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Internal to ANSI SS7 Protocol Mapping Table B-34 describes the internal-to-protocol location mappings supported in the ANSI SS7 protocol. The transmitted bit code values are in binary. Note If the PGW receives a location value not listed in the table, it maps the value to the following default values: • • Bellcore: Location Local interface (0110) ANSI SS7: Location Transit (0011) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-96 Sprint MCI Received Binary Value Bellcore OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-34 Internal-to-ANSI SS7 Protocol Location Mappings Standard CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_USER LOCATION_LOCAL_LOCAL LOCATION_LOCAL_INTERFACE LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT DEFAULT LOCATION_LOCAL_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_LOCAL_INTERFACE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_INTERWORKING 0000 0010 0110 0001 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Q767 Protocol to Internal Mapping Table B-35 describes the protocol-specific release cause location values pertinent to the Q767 protocol. The received values are in binary. Note If the PGW receives a location value not listed in the table, the value is mapped to the default internal value LOCATION_INTERWORKING (1010). Table B-35 Protocol-specific Release Cause Location Values for the Q767 Protocol Sprint Italian and Interconnect MCI Transmitted Binary Value Bellcore ETS_300_121 and Polish X X X X X X Call Context CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_USER LOCATION_PUBLIC_LOCAL LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT LOCATION_PUBLIC_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_INTERWORKING 0000 0010 0001 0011 0100 0101 0111 1010 X X X X X X X X Spanish Russian Italian Received Binary Value X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-97 ETS_300_121 Standard Mexican Swedish Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes Internal to Q.767 Protocol Mapping Table B-36 describes the internal to protocol location mappings supported in the Q.767 protocol. The transmitted values are in binary. Note If the PGW receives a value not listed in the table, the value is mapped to the default value 1010 (LOCATION_INTERWORKING). Table B-36 Internal to Protocol Location Mappings for the Q.767 Protocol Italian and Interconnect ETS_300_121 and Polish Call Context CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_USER LOCATION_PUBLIC_LOCAL LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT LOCATION_PUBLIC_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_INTERWORKING 0000 0010 0001 0011 0100 0101 0111 1010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Q761 Protocol to Internal Mapping Table B-37 describes the protocol-specific release cause location values pertinent to the Q761 protocol. Table B-37 Protocol-specific Release Cause Location Values for the Q761 Protocol Received Binary Value 0000 0010 0001 0011 Call Context CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_USER LOCATION_PUBLIC_LOCAL LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-98 Standard Q.761 Australian Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Japanese Q761 Korean Q.761 Q.761 Korean Hong Kong Q761 Taiwan Q.761 Belgian Mobistar Spanish ETS_300_356 Swiss ETS_300_356 ETS_300_356_V3 and UK Japanese ETS_300_356 ETS_300_356 and Japan X X X X X X X X X X X X OL-18082-09 Spanish Russian Italian Transmitted Binary Value ETS_300_121 Standard Mexican Swedish Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-37 Protocol-specific Release Cause Location Values for the Q761 Protocol (continued) Received Binary Value 0100 0101 0111 1110 1010 Call Context CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_PUBLIC_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_PACKET_MANAGER LOCATION_INTERWORKING X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Default location on no map for received value: KOREAN: LOCATION_INTERWORKING, Internal to Q.761 Protocol Mapping Table B-38 describes the internal to protocol location mappings supported in the Q.761 protocol. The transmitted values are in binary. Table B-38 Internal to Protocol Location Mappings for the Q761 Protocol Call Context CAUSE LOCATION LOCATION_USER LOCATION_PUBLIC_LOCAL LOCATION_PRIVATE_LOCAL LOCATION_TRANSIT LOCATION_PUBLIC_REMOTE LOCATION_PRIVATE_REMOTE LOCATION_INTERNATIONAL LOCATION_PACKET_MANAGER LOCATION_INTERWORKING Transmitted Binary Value 0000 0010 0001 0011 0100 0101 0111 1110 1010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 Standard Q.761 Australian Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Japanese Q761 Korean Q.761 Q.761 Korean Hong Kong Q761 Taiwan Q.761 Belgian Mobistar Spanish ETS_300_356 Swiss ETS_300_356 ETS_300_356_V3 and UK Japanese ETS_300_356 ETS_300_356 and Japan B-99 Standard Q.761 Australian Q.761 Finnish Q.761 Japanese Q761 Korean Q.761 Q.761 Korean Hong Kong Q761 Taiwan Q.761 Belgian Mobistar Spanish ETS_300_356 Swiss ETS_300_356 ETS_300_356_V3 and UK Japanese ETS_300_356 ETS_300_356 and Japan X X X X X X X X X Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes MGCP 1.0 Cause and Location Codes The MGCP 1.0 and Additional MGCP Packages feature supports the cause codes listed in Table B-39 in the MGC software. RETURN codes listed in the first column of Table B-39 are mapped to internal cause values. The values listed in Table B-39 are for reference purposes only. Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping Code 100 200 250 400 Description Transaction being executed. Completion response to follow. Trans_Executed_Normally Connection_Deleted Trans_Not_Executed_Transient_Error_400 Transient Error—It is used to respond to commands when the requested command cannot be processed at the current time; however, the expectation is that if the same command is requested in the very near future, it may succeed. Internal Cause Value Internal Cause 32 IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED 401 Phone_Already_Off_Hook_401 The Phone is already off hook—It is returned to respond to an off-hook transition request while the phone is already off-hook. It is also returned when a request is made to generate a signal that is inappropriate for a phone that is off-hook. For example, S: l/rg, which is a request to ring the phone. 52 IC_USER_BUSY 402 Phone is already on-hook—It is returned to respond to an on-hook (or hook-flash) transition request (RQNT) while the phone is already on-hook. It is also returned when a request is made to generate a signal that is inappropriate for a phone that is on-hook. For example, S: l/dl, which is a request to play a tone, such as dial-tone. 52 IC_USER_BUSY 403 Trans_Not_Executed_End_Pt_Insuff_Res_403 Endpoint does not have sufficient resources —It is returned if the request cannot be processed due to unavailability of pooled resources, such as CPU utilization, lack of DSP resources, lack of memory, and so on. However, the command may succeed at a later time when resources free up. 44 IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNS PEC 404 Trans_Not_Executed_End_Pt_Insuff_Bandwidth_404 Insufficient Bandwidth—It is returned to requests when the gateway does not have enough bandwidth to establish the connection. As an example, the gateway shall use this error code to indicate the presence of RSVP failures. 44 IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNS PEC Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-100 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping (continued) Code 405 Description Trans_Not_Executed_Endpoint_Restarting_405 Endpoint is restarting—It is returned to requests when the gateway has initiated the Restart Procedures (RSIP) on an endpoint. Internal Cause Value 77 Internal Cause IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_U NAVAILABLE 406 Trans_timed_out_406 Transaction Timeout —It is returned following a 100 code, if the request did not complete in a reasonable period of time and has been aborted. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 407 Trans_aborted_407 Transaction Aborted—It is returned to cancel a pending request. For example, DLCX is received during the processing of a CRCX or MDCX, or the same command is received with another transaction ID. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 500 Trans_Not_Executed_End_Pt_Unknown_500 Endpoint is unknown—It is returned if the endpoint ID supplied in the request is unknown. 33 IC_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST 501 Trans_Not_Executed_End_Pt_Not_Ready_501 Endpoint is not ready—It is returned if the endpoint is in a permanent not ready state. This includes maintenance states, such as out of service and auto out of service. 59 IC_DTE_CONTROLLED_NOT_RE ADY 502 Trans_Not_Executed_End_Pt_Insuff_Res_502 Endpoint does not have sufficient resources—It is returned when the endpoint does not have sufficient resources and future requests on this endpoint are guaranteed to fail. It indicates that the resources dedicated to the endpoint are broken. 44 IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNS PEC 503 WildCardsTooComplicated_503 All of wildcard too complicated—It is returned when the wildcard convention used in the request is understood, but the requested command cannot be processed with wildcarding. An example of this would be an RQNT with a request such that a failure would make it too difficult to roll back the state of all the endpoints to what they were prior to the request. MDL does not map this return code to an internal cause value. The MGC internally handles this return code. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-101 Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping (continued) Code 509 Description SdpError_509 SDP error—It is returned if the SDP has parameters or attributes that are not recognized or parameters that are recognized but not consistent with the state of the connection. The gateway should ignore attributes that it does not recognize. Also as indicated in the MGCP specification, gateways should generate o, t, and s lines but be lenient if they do not receive them. Internal Cause Value 23 Internal Cause IC_MSG_IN_WRONG_STATE 510 Trans_Not_Executed_Protocol_Error_510 Protocol Error—It is returned if the requested command is not in compliance with the MGCP specification. Because this is a least specific error code, it is especially important that gateways provide supporting commentary text to reflect the nature of the error. 38 IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC 511 Trans_Not_Executed_Unreognised_Ext_511 Unrecognized extension—It is returned if the requested command contains an unrecognized X+ extension. In MGCP 1.0, this specifically refers to unrecognized parameters, because other error codes are available for unrecognized connection modes (517), unrecognized packages (518), unrecognized LCO(541), and so on. 38 IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC 512 Gateway_Unequipped_To_Detect_Request_512 GW not equipped to detect event—It is returned if the gateway is not equipped to detect one or more of the requested events. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 513 Gateway_Unequipped_To_Generate_Signal_513 GW not equipped to generate signal—It is returned if the gateway is not equipped to generate one or more of the requested signals. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 514 Gateway_Cannot_Send_Announcement_514 The gateway is not able to send an announcement. 8 IC_CALL_REJECTED Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-102 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping (continued) Code 515 Description Incorrect_Connection_ID_515 Invalid Connection ID—It is returned if the connection ID supplied in the request refers to an unknown Connection ID. The connection ID can also supplied with events and signals (for example, S: L/rt@connId) or in the SDP. Internal Cause Value 17 Internal Cause IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE _VALUE 516 Unknown_Call_ID _516 Unknown/Invalid Call ID—It is returned if the call ID supplied in the request refers to an unknown Call ID. 17 IC_INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE _VALUE 517 Unsupported_Mode_517 Unsupported/Invalid mode—It is returned if the command specifies a connection mode that the endpoint does not support. 78 IC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 518 Unsupported_Package_518 Unsupported/Invalid package—It is returned if the command specifies an unsupported or invalid package. 95 IC_CALL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE 519 Gateway_Does_Not_Have_Digit_Map_519 Endpoint does not have a digit map—It is returned if the request is to accumulate digits according to the digit map and the endpoint does not have a digit map. 42 IC_REQ_FACILITY_NOT_IMP 520 Trans_Not_Executed_End_Pt_Restarting_520 Endpoint restarting—This code may be deprecated. Future implementation should use 405, instead. 77 IC_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_U NAVAILABLE 521 Endpoint is redirected to another call agent. N/A NOTE: The gateway does not send this return code to the MGC. Also the MGC will not generate this return code at this time. IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ IMP_UNSPEC 522 NoSuch_Signal_Event _522 No such signal or event—It is returned if the requested event or signal name is not registered with this package. 46 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-103 Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping (continued) Code 523 Description IllegalCombination_Of_Actions_523 Unknown action or illegal combination of actions—It is returned if the request contains an invalid or an unsupported action or an illegal combination of actions. Internal Cause Value 47 Internal Cause IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL 524 InConsistency_LCO_524 Internal inconsistency in LocalConnectionOptions (LCO)—It is returned if one or more of LCO parameters are coded with values that are not consistent with each other or with the network type. 38 IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC 525 UnknownExt_LCO_525 Unknown extension in LCO—It is returned if the request contains one or more unrecognized X+ extensions. 47 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL 526 InSufficient_BandWidth_526 Insufficient Bandwidth—Refer to code 404. Future implementation should use 404, instead. 44 IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNS PEC 527 Missing_RemoteConn_Descriptor_527 Missing RemoteConnectionDescriptor—It is returned if the requests do not contain the RemoteConnectionDescriptor when one is required to support the requested connection mode or a signal to be applied on the connection. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 528 InCompatible_Protocol_Version_528 Incompatible protocol version—It is returned if the protocol version does not match the protocol version(s) it was configured to support. 105 IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR 529 HardWare_Failure_529 Hardware Failure—It is returned if an endpoint experiences a hardware fault during the execution of a command. Note 26 IC_NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER If the hardware fault forces an endpoint to go out of service, an Restart In Progress (RSIP) is sent. Any command rejected due to an endpoint being out-of-service generates error code 501. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-104 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping (continued) Code 530 Description Cas_Signaling_Protocol_Error_530 CAS signaling protocol error. Internal Cause Value 105 Internal Cause IC_REMOTE_PROC_ERROR 531 FailureOf_Grouping_Trunks_531 Failure of a grouping of trunks (facility failure)—It is returned if an endpoint being grouped becomes unavailable during the execution of a command due to a facility (for example, T1) failure. Note 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED If the facility failure forces an endpoint to go out of service, an RSIP is sent. Any command rejected due to an endpoint being out-of-service generates error code 501. 38 IC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_UNSPEC 532 UnsupportedValues_In_LCO_532 Unsupported values in LocalConnectionOptions—It is returned if one or more of the LCO parameters is coded with an unsupported value and the gateway does not have the authority to override the parameter value that is in error. 533 Response_Too_Large_533 Response too large—This is likely to occur only in the case of an audit where the maximum response packet size is too large. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 534 Codec_Negotiation_Failure_534 Codec Negotiation failure—It is returned if the negotiated list of codecs is empty. 14 IC_FACILITY_REJECTED 535 PacketizationPeriod_Not_Supported_535 Packetization Period not supported—It is returned if the LCO contains an unsupported packetization period with no codec specified. 47 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL 537 Unsupported_DigitMapExt_537 Unknown or unsupported digit map extension. 47 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL 538 Event_Signal_Parameter_Error_538 Event/Signal parameter error—It is returned if the event or signal parameter is in error or not supported. 47 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-105 Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-39 Return Codes with Descriptions and Internal Cause Value Mapping (continued) Code 539 Description Invalid_Unsupported_CommandParam_539 Invalid or Unsupported command parameter—It is returned if the command contains an invalid or unsupported parameter, which is neither a package nor a vendor-specific extension. Internal Cause Value 47 Internal Cause IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL 540 PerEndPoint_ConnLimit_Exceeded_540 Per endpoint connection limit exceeded. 50 IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE 541 Invalid_Unsupported_LCO_541 Invalid or Unsupported LCO—It is returned if the LCO parameter contains an unsupported or invalid parameter that does not have a package prefix or an X+ extension. If it is an unsupported parameter and has a package prefix, then error code 518 applies. For an unsupported X+ extension, error code 525 applies. 47 IC_SERVICE_OR_OPTION_NOT_ AVAIL 596 Vcc_Failure_596 This is a VISM-specific return code and it means there is a VCC failure or that the VCC could not be set up. 50 IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE 597 598 599 GW_Detected_Glare_597 Media_Conn_Fail_598 Media_Con_Loss_599 This is a VISM-specific return code and it means there was a media connection loss. 50 50 106 IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_OOS MGCP 1.0 Error and Return Codes Table B-40 contains the error and return codes that are added to support the MGCP 1.0 and Additional MGCP Packages feature. Table B-39 lists the return codes and the corresponding internal cause code. Table B-40 MGCP Return Codes and Descriptions 1.0 Return Code 000 100 101 200 250 400 0.1 Return Code NA NA NA 200 250 400 Description Response acknowledgement. Transaction is being executed. Completion response will follow. Transaction has been queued. Transaction was executed normally. Connection was already deleted. Transaction not executed, transient error. Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-106 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-40 MGCP Return Codes and Descriptions (continued) 1.0 Return Code 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 409 410 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 0.1 Return Code 401 402 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 501 502 502 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 NA 510 510 510 Description Phone is already off hook. Phone is already on-hook. Endpoint does not have sufficient resources. Insufficient Bandwidth. Endpoint is restarting. Transaction timeout. Transaction aborted. Internal overload. Endpoint not available. Endpoint unknown. Endpoint is not ready. Endpoint does not have sufficient resources. All of wildcard is too complicated. Unknown or unsupported command. Unknown remote connection descriptor. Unable to satisfy both local connection option and remote connection descriptor. Unsupported functionality. Unknown quarantine handling. SDP Error. Protocol error. Unrecognized extension. Gateway not equipped to detect events. Gateway not equipped to generate signal. Transaction could not be executed because the gateway cannot send the specified announcement. Invalid connection ID. Unknown Call ID. Unsupported/Invalid mode. Unsupported/Invalid package. Endpoint does not have a digit map. Endpoint restarting. Endpoint redirected to another call agent. No such signal or event. Unknown action or illegal combination of actions. Internal inconsistency in LocalConnectionOptions (LCO). Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-107 Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes Table B-40 MGCP Return Codes and Descriptions (continued) 1.0 Return Code 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 540 596 598 599 0.1 Return Code 510 502 510 510 501 501 501 510 502 502 510 510 510 512 or 513 515 596 598 599 Description Unknown extension in LCO. Insufficient bandwidth. Missing RemoteConnectionDescriptor. Incompatible protocol version. Hardware failure. CAS signaling protocol error. Failure of a grouping of trunks (facility error). Unsupported values in LCO. Insufficient bandwidth. Response too large. Codec negotiation failure. Packetization period not supported. Unsupported RestartMethod. Unknown or unsupported digit map extension, since the gateway does not have the digit map. Event/Signal parameter error. Per endpoint connection limit was exceeded. VISM-specific return code indicating VCC failure or VCC could not be set up. Media connection failure. VISM-specific return code indicating media connection loss. Internal Cause Code to Return Code Mapping Table B-40 describes the internal cause code-to-return code mappings supported for the MGCP Dial Package. Table B-41 Internal to Return Code Mapping Code 801 802 804 806 808 810 815 900 Description User Requested Lost carrier Idle timeout Nas Port ShutDown Modem Reset Nas Request Service Unavailable Endpoint malfunctioning Internal Cause Value 32 50 40 50 50 50 50 50 Internal Cause IC_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRY IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-108 OL-18082-09 Appendix B Cause and Location Codes Release Cause Location Codes Table B-41 Internal to Return Code Mapping (continued) Code 901 902 Description Endpoint taken out of service Loss of lower layer connectivity Internal Cause Value 50 50 Internal Cause IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE IC_TEMPORARY_FAILURE Internal Cause Code to Error Code Mapping Table B-41 describes the internal cause code-to-error code mappings supported for the MGCP Dial Package. Table B-42 Internal to Error Code Mapping Code 801 803 805 809 Description Modems unavailable Pre-auth failure CDN invalid Session timeout NAS Software error Internal Cause Value 44 8 Internal Cause IC_RESOURCES_UNAVAIL_UNSPEC IC_CALL_REJECTED (Mapped to 803) (Mapped to 803) Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 B-109 Appendix B Release Cause Location Codes Cause and Location Codes Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide B-110 OL-18082-09 A P P E N D I X C Dial Planning Worksheets Revised: September 7, 2010, OL-18082-09 This appendix contains page-size copies of all the worksheets contained in this dial plan guide. This includes all of the following: • • • • • • • • • Table C-1 Table C-1, Trunk Worksheet C-1 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 Table C-2, Dial Plan Worksheet Table C-3, Result Types Worksheet Table C-4, Digit Modification Table Worksheet Table C-5, Service Name Table Worksheet Table C-6, NOA Table Worksheet Table C-7, NPI Table Worksheet Table C-8, Cause Table Worksheet Table C-9, Location Table Worksheet C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 Trunk Worksheet Trunk ID Source Signaling Service Source Span Source Span ID Source Time slot/CIC Destination Signaling Dest Service Span Dest Span ID Dest Time Line Slot/CIC Type Multiple Trunk Field Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 C-1 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-1 Trunk Worksheet Trunk ID Source Signaling Service Source Span Source Span ID Source Time slot/CIC Destination Signaling Dest Service Span Dest Span ID Dest Time Line Slot/CIC Type Multiple Trunk Field Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide C-2 OL-18082-09 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-2 Dial Plan Worksheet Result sets used Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 C-3 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-3 Result set Result Types Worksheet Result sets used Result Type Data Word 1 Data Word 2 Data Word 3 Data Word 4 Result name Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide C-4 OL-18082-09 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-4 Digit Modification Table Worksheet Digit Modification Name Digit Modification String Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 C-5 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-5 Service Name Table Worksheet Service Name Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide C-6 OL-18082-09 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-6 NOA Table Worksheet NPI Index Result Set Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 C-7 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-7 NPI Table Worksheet ResultIndex ResultIndex ResultIndex ResultIndex NPI blocks used 1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide C-8 OL-18082-09 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-8 Cause Table Worksheet Location Index ResultIndex Location indexes used 1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 C-9 Appendix C Dial Planning Worksheets Table C-9 Location Table Worksheet ResultIndex ResultIndex ResultIndex ResultIndex Location blocks used 1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide C-10 OL-18082-09 INDEX A ABlack list table a-digit tree A-number AOC 4-18 1-25, 1-91 4-26 3-1 Cisco MGC CLI 2-3 1-1 configuration active contentonly CPC 1-71 1-3 3-1 4-11 active configuration Advice of Charge 1-4 1-25, 1-91 4-54 4-25 customer networks ATM profile AWhite list D dial plan 4-7 4-27 4-26 4-26 4-25 B B-black list table b-digit tree bdigtree B-number bearer trunk 4-18 4-27 adding a called number to the BBLACK list adding a called number to the BWHITE table adding a calling number to the ABLACK list adding a calling number to the AWHITE table adding a cause 4-23 4-8 3-21, 3-23, 3-25 2-2 1-6 4-26 adding an element to a table adding the dial plan 4-7 B-white list table adding to a adigtree table adding to a bdigtree table adding to a location table adding to an NPI table 4-18 4-18 4-22 C call routing cause 4-23 B-95 B-29, B-44 B-1 1-6 4-19 adding to a NOA 4-20 4-15 4-15 4-14 adding to a result table adding to a service table deleting an element edit a table element B-2 4-8 location supported cause codes causes internal CgPn 1-25 adding to the digmodstring table 4-11 retrieving an element in a table digit modification table 3-1 4-14 4-12 changing your configuration channels CIC 2-3 2-3 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 IN-1 Index G GN-ACgPN GUI 2-3 1-25 termtbl 4-28 N NANP 1-74 4-20 I ISDN User Part See ISUP ISUP contains A-number and B-number 1-3 1-3 nature of address NIC NOA NPA NPI 1-89 1-72 1-74 1-72 4-11 numan-ed numbering plan indicator table 4-19 L location table 4-22 P PI 1-25 1-4 M MGC (See Cisco MGC) MML mml ablack adigtree awhite bblack bdigtree bwhite cause 4-26 4-18 4-25 4-27 4-18 4-26 4-23 4-14 2-3 PSTN R results table result type A_NUM_DP_TABLE ADDRESSCLASS AMODDIG 1-17 1-18 1-22 1-19 1-17 4-15 ANNOUNCEMENT B_NUMBER_TYPE BLACKLIST BMODDIG BSM_REQ CAUSE CC_DIG 1-24 1-24 1-25 1-25 1-20 1-21 1-22 digmodstring location noa npi 4-20 4-19 4-22 numan-add numan-dlt numan-rtrv porttbl service 4-27 4-8 4-8 4-12 CG_PN_COPY CG_PRES_IND CG_SCREEN_IND CHARGEORIGIN 1-25 1-27 1-28 resulttable 4-15 CLI_NUMBER_LENGTH CLI_REQ 1-28 4-15 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide IN-2 OL-18082-09 Index CODEC CPC_REQ CPCMOD 1-28 1-28 See SIF span E1 T1 1-29 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-3 COND_ROUTE 1-29 1-29 DATA_EXCHANGE DIGIT_REQD 1-30 span ID SS7 1-1 E_PORTED_NUM E_ROUTE_NUM FSM_REQ 1-39 1-40 1-31 1-31 SysConnectDataAccess 2-6 IN_TRIGGER T 1-41 INC_NUMBERING MGCPDIALPKG NEW_DIALPLAN OTG_NUMBERING PERC_ROUTE PN_NPI_TYPE PNMODDIG 1-48 1-49 1-49 Tech Prefix time slots tips 4-55 2-3 1-44 1-45 1-48 before provisioning TMR TNS trunk 1-71 1-74 3-1 R_NUMBER_TYPE RETRY_ACTION RMODDIG ROUTE 1-51 1-53 1-52 1-50 defined trunk group defined trunk ID 1-53 2-2 1-6 1-6 ROUTE_PREFERENCE RTRN_START_ANAL SCREENING TERM_INFO WHITELIST result types route 1-109 1-6 1-11 1-54 1-56 1-53 X X-windows 1-56 2-5 TESTCALLDETECTED 1-56 defined route list 1-6, 1-108, 1-115 S service name service table SI SIF 1-25 1-3 1-10 4-15 Signaling Information Field Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide OL-18082-09 IN-3 Index Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Dial Plan Guide IN-4 OL-18082-09
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