Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Datasheet

June 4, 2018 | Author: Cassandra Shaffer | Category: Cisco Systems, Computer Hardware, Networks, Computer Networking, Telecommunications



Cisco Catalyst 2960-X DatasheetCisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches are fixed-configuration, stackable igabit !thernet switches that "ro#ide enter"rise-class access for ca$"us and branch a""lications% Designed for o"erational si$"licity to lower total cost of ownershi", they enable scalable, secure and energy-efficient business o"erations with intelligent ser#ices and a range of ad#anced Cisco &'S Software features% These switches also provide (ayer ) routing ca"ability, application-aware intelligence, and double the scale. They are the greenest Cisco Catalyst access switches ever. Like the Cisco 2960eries, the Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries witches are line-rate nonblocking switches with the "ollowing added "eatures#          Dual-core CPU at 600 MHz Cisco FlexStack-Plus stacking: 80 Gb s ban!"i!t#$ 8-%e%ber stack Dual-F&U o"er su l' "it# integrate! (an )*+60-,& onl'.etFlo"-/ite on all !o"nlink an! u link orts S"itc# Hibernation %o!e integrate! "it# Cisco 0nerg'1ise 0nerg'-0((icient 0t#ernet )000- !o"nlink orts Signe! Cisco 23S So(t"are i%ages /a'er 4 (eatures "it# 2P /ite (eature set )*+60-,& onl'*5 ort (an less %o!el "it# * SFP an! *6076007600089 u links *ore +otes, Co$"ared with Cisco 2960-X switches, the Cisco Catalyst 2960-!$ switch %odels have the "ollowing additional capabilities in addition to the "eatures in the 2960-! %odels#     &ual-'$( power supply with integrated "an Layer ) "eatures with *+ Lite "eature set Con"igurable , -ueues per port .standalone/ 0, 1ther channel groups Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries co%e with a co%%on universal i%age and supports L23 Lite, L23 4ase, and *+ Lite "eature sets. Cisco &'S Software feature sets Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Switches su""ort, 1 -latfor$ &- (ite .(ayer )/ (0+ 1ase .(ayer 2/ (0+ (ite .1asic (ayer 2/ 2960-X2 5es 3o 3o 2960-X 3o 5es 5es +otes, 6: /;. /ite (eature set #as entr'-le<el /a'er * (eatures an! is targete! at %i!%arket !e lo'%ents: *: /;. 8ase (eature set co%es "it# a!<ance! /a'er * (eatures an! is t' icall' targete! at enter rise custo%ers: 4: 2P /ite (eature set co%es "it# enter rise access /a'er 4 (eatures an! is t' icall' targete! at enter rise custo%ers: 3he Difference between &- (ite, (0+ 1ase, and (0+ (ite Switches for the Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries "ront panel sticker has the "eature set na%e. 'ro% the rear o" the Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries witch, the L23 Lite %odels do not support stacking. The le"t side will not have a location "or the 'le6 tack-+lus %odule to be inserted. 'ro% the Cisco *7 o"tware co%%and line, there are two ways to tell which so"tware i%age the switch has. 8 The last letter in the product *&. *" the last letter is 9-L,: it;s L23 4ase. *" it;s 9-LL,: it;s L23 Lite. *" it;s 9-*,: it;s *+ Lite. 'or e6a%ple# 1. 2. 3. WS-C2960XR-48FPS-I is IP Lite. WS-C2960X-48LPS-L is LAN Base. WS-C2960X-48TS-LL is LAN Lite. 8 The output "ro% the 9show license: Cisco *7 o"tware co%%and-line inter"ace .CL*/ co%%and. *" L23 4ase is being used, that will be the active license. *" it;s L23 Lite, that will be the active license. *n the "ollowing e6a%ple output, L23 4ase is the active license. C*+60-,=S"itc#> s#o" license 2 2n!ex 6 Feature: lanlite Perio! le(t: 0 %inute 0 secon! 2n!ex * Feature: lanbase Perio! le(t: /i(eti%e /icense 9' e: Per%anent /icense State: ;cti<e? 2n Use /icense Priorit': Me!iu% /icense Count: .on-Counte! 3he Cisco Catalyst 2960-X switches su""ort (0+ 1ase and (0+ (ite software feature sets% 'ollowing are the notable hardware co%ponents present only in L23 4ase switches# 1. 2. 3. @ 0ase o( %anage%ent "it# Cisco FlexStack-Plus @ Po"er o<er 0t#ernet7Po"er o<er 0t#ernet Plus )Po07Po0A- ca abilities @ S%all For%-Factor Pluggable Plus )SFPA- su ort *+ Lite introduced enterprise access Layer ) "eatures to the 2960-!$ switch %odels. *+ Lite is subset o" *+ 4ase "eatures. o%e o" the *+ Lite "eatures are#             &outing 2n(or%ation Protocol )&2P- <6 &outing 2n(or%ation Protocol )&2P- <* 3 en S#ortest Pat# First )3SPF- <* stub 3 en S#ortest Pat# First )3SPF- <4 stub 0n#ance! 2nterior Gate"a' &outing Protocol )02G&P- stub 0Bual-cost routing Hot Stan!b' &outer Protocol )HS&PProtocol 2n!e en!ent Multicast P2M )S arse Mo!e? Dense Mo!e? S arse Dense Mo!e? Source S eci(ic Multicast- stub Cirtual &outer &e!un!anc' Protocol )C&&P- (or 2P<5 Pri<ate C/;. 2P<6 First Ho Securit' source guar! Per-C/;. an! er- ort olicers Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries uses the (niversal i%age, but no license is re-uired. The "eature set is bound to the hardware %odel type and cannot be changed. 'or 3 convenience, a single so"tware i%age is used "or all Cisco Catalyst 2960-! switches, regardless o" whether they are *+ Lite, L23 4ase, or L23 Lite %odels. +ote, 9#e (eature set is boun! to t#e #ar!"are %o!el: 9o get t#e (eatures an! ca abilities o( 2P /ite? 'ou %ust urc#ase an 2P /ite s"itc#: *ore about Stacking-Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Series The L23 4ase and *+ Lite "eature set %odels are stackable %odels in the Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries. The L23 Lite "eature set %odel is a standalone %odel. +ote, 9#e (anless SDU )1S-C*+60S-PSE-/ "it# /an 8ase- !oes not su ort stacking L23 4ase and *+ Lite "eature set %odels cannot be stacked together. L23 4ase "eature set %odels can stack with L23 4ase "eature set %odels only. i%ilarly, *+ Lite "eature set %odels can stack with *+ Lite "eature set %odels only. Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-X2 switches can;t stack together since they don;t share co%%on "eature set %odel. The Cisco Catalyst 2960-! eries provides two types o" console ports and one out-o"band 1thernet port#    ( 4 Type 4 console port tandard $<-0= serial port >0?>00 1thernet %anage%ent port S4- $odules that Cisco Catalyst 2960-X $odel su""orts The Cisco Catalyst 2960- %odels that support >0 @igabit '+A %odules can also support '+ %odules that operate at > @igabit. The Cisco Catalyst 2960-! %odels that support >0 @igabit '+A %odules cannot support '+ %odules that operate at less than > @igabit. 2nd the Cisco Catalyst 2960-! uses '+A %odules only. 3he Cisco 2960X "roducts o#er#iew, 3able 5% Cisco Catalyst 2960-X Configurations 4 *odel 5065006500 0 !thernet -orts 7"link &nterfaces Cisco &'S Softwar e &$age L23 4as e 0#ailabl e -o! -ower 4lexStack-lus Ca"ability Cisco Catalyst 2960X894-D-( Cisco Catalyst 2960X89(-D-( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-28-D( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-893D( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-283D( Cisco Catalyst 2960X894-S-( Cisco Catalyst 2960X89(-S-( 0, 2 '+A B00C D 0, 2 '+A L23 4as e )B0C D 20 2 '+A L23 4as e )B0C D 0, 2 '+A L23 4as e - D 20 2 '+A L23 4as e - D 0, 0 '+ L23 4as e B00C D 0, 0 '+ L23 4as e )B0C D 5 *odel 5065006500 0 !thernet -orts 7"link &nterfaces Cisco &'S Softwar e &$age L23 4as e 0#ailabl e -o! -ower 4lexStack-lus Ca"ability Cisco Catalyst 2960X-28-S( Cisco Catalyst 2960X28-S:-( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-893S( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-283S( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-893S(( Cisco Catalyst 2960X-283S(( 20 0 '+ )B0C D 20 .,+o1/ 2 '+, 2 >0?>00?>000 4T 0 '+ L23 4as e 92C 0, L23 4as e - D 20 0 '+ L23 4as e - D 0, 2 '+ L23 Lite - - 20 2 '+ L23 Lite - - 3able 2% Cisco Catalyst 2960-X2 Configurations 6 *odel 506500650 00 !thernet -orts 7"link &nterfac es Cisco &'SSoftw are &$age 0#ailable-o!-o wer -ower Su""ly Cisco Catalyst 2960X2894-D-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X289(-D-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X228-D-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X2893D-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X2283D-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X2894-S-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X289(-S-& 0, 2 '+A *+ Lite B00C >02=C2 C 0, 2 '+A *+ Lite )B0C 600C2C 20 2 '+A *+ Lite )B0C 600C2C 0, 2 '+A *+ Lite - 2=0C2C 20 2 '+A *+ Lite - 2=0C2C 0, 0 '+ *+ Lite B00C >02=C2 C 0, 0 '+ *+ Lite )B0C 600C2C 7 *odel 506500650 00 !thernet -orts 7"link &nterfac es Cisco &'SSoftw are &$age 0#ailable-o!-o wer -ower Su""ly Cisco Catalyst 2960X228-S-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X2893S-& Cisco Catalyst 2960X2283S-& 20 0 '+ *+ Lite )B0C 600C2C 0, 0 '+ *+ Lite - 2=0C2C 20 0 '+ *+ Lite - 2=0C2C *ore related, Cisco witch 3a%ing $ules &i""erence between the Cisco 2960 and Cisco 2960 The signi"icance o" setting Cisco switch password *ore Cisco "roducts and 2e#iews you can #isit, ) is a world leading Cisco networking products wholesaler, we wholesale original new Cisco networking e-uip%ents, including Cisco Catalyst switches, Cisco routers, Cisco "irewalls, Cisco wireless products, Cisco %odules and inter"ace cards products at co%petitive price and ship to worldwide. 7ur website# http#??www.) 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