CIS 423 - QUIZZES 6 - 10.pdf

March 25, 2018 | Author: Jenaya Joseph | Category: Pl/Sql, Parameter (Computer Programming), Sql, Subroutine, Oracle Database



Question 12.871 out of 2.871 points The ____ command is used to view parameter information. Selected Answer: d. DESC Question 2 2.871 out of 2.871 points Which of the following code fragments would not raise an error? Selected Answer: b. DECLARE v_amt1 number(5,2); v_amt2 number(3,0); BEGIN v_amt1 := 32.50; v_amt2 := ROUND(v_amt1,1); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_ amt2); END; Question 3 2.871 out of 2.871 points The term “passed by value” means that a pointer to the value in the actual parameter is created instead of copying the value from the actual parameter to the formal parameter. Selected Answer: False Question 4 2.871 out of 2.871 points The main difference between functions and procedures is that a function is part of an expression. Selected Answer: True Question 5 2.871 out of 2.871 points The term ____ is identified with a set of acronyms that indicate the restrictions on using the function. Selected Answer: b. purity level Question 6 0 out of 2.871 points A(n) procedure is part of an expression and cannot serve an entire statement. Selected Answer: True Question 7 2.871 out of 2.871 points The term “formal parameters” refers to the arguments that are used when calling or invoking the program unit. Selected Answer: False Question 8 2.871 out of 2.871 points The term “passed by reference” means that the value is copied from the actual parameter to the formal parameter. Selected Answer: False Question 9 0 out of 2.871 points Which of the following correctly creates a function that performs an update on the BB_TEST1 table? Selected Answer: c. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fct_test1_sf (p_num IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN UPDATE bb_test1; SET col1 = p_num; RETURN p_num; END; Question 10 2.871 out of 2.871 points Formal parameters including the RETURN data type cannot include size information. Selected Answer: True Question 11 2.871 out of 2.871 points It is possible to reference a data dictionary to determine what code is contained in a program unit. Selected Answer: True Question 12 0 out of 2.871 points How many input values does the following code require? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION memfmt1_sf (p_id IN NUMBER, p_first IN VARCHAR2, p_last IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS lv_mem_txt VARCHAR2(35); BEGIN lv_mem_txt := 'Member ' ||p_id|| ' - ' ||p_first|| ' ' ||p_last; RETURN lv_mem_txt; END; Selected Answer: d. 4 Question 13 2.871 out of 2.871 points Which of the following statements is true? Selected Answer: a. After OUT parameters are included in functions, the function can no longer be used in SQL statements. Question 14 2.871 out of 2.871 points The term “actual parameters” refers to the parameters that are listed in the program unit. Selected Answer: False Question 15 2.871 out of 2.871 points ____ refer to the parameters that are listed in the program unit. Selected Answer: a. Formal parameters Question 16 0 out of 2.871 points 871 out of 2. RINDS Question 19 0 out of 2.871 points A(n) procedure cannot be invoked in a standalone fashion. BEGIN lv_name_txt := memfmt1_sf(lv_id_num.871 out of 2. anonymous block Question 21 0 out of 2. Functions cannot modify any tables in Oracle8 and prior versions.871 out of 2. Selected Answer: True Question 18 2.871 points The following code is an example of a(n) ____. Question 17 2.871 points You can include multiple RETURN statements in the body of a function. Selected Answer: a.All of the following represent restrictions on functions.871 points . lv_last_txt VARCHAR2(20) := 'David'. DECLARE lv_name_txt VARCHAR2(35).lv_first_txt. DBMS_OUTPUT. lv_first_txt VARCHAR2(15) := 'Scott'. Selected Answer: True Question 20 2. lv_last_txt). END. except ____. lv_id_num NUMBER(4) := 25.871 points All of the following are purity level acronyms. except ____. Selected Answer: c.PUT_LINE(lv_name_txt). Selected Answer: d. 871 out of 2.871 points The ____ purity level does not modify database tables.871 out of 2. Selected Answer: False Question 26 2.871 points .871 out of 2.871 points The RETURN statement in a function is used to control the flow of execution. Selected Answer: True Question 22 2. compiler hint Question 27 0 out of 2. Can use only OUT parameters Question 25 2. WNDS Question 24 2. except ____.871 points Functions used in SQL statements must meet all of the following requirements.The following is a correct example of the use of the DROP command. Selected Answer: d.871 out of 2.871 points A(n) ____ is a request a programmer includes within his or her code that asks Oracle to modify the default processing in some manner. Selected Answer: a.871 out of 2. Selected Answer: False Question 23 2. Selected Answer: d.871 points Procedures can be used in SQL statements. DROP function_name. Selected Answer: False Question 32 .871 points ____ refer to the arguments that are used when calling or invoking the program unit.Which of the following code fragments would not raise an error? Selected Answer: a.871 points A(n) procedure is one type of program unit that is used to accomplish one or more tasks. and is used only in PL/SQL statements. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ship_calc(p_qty IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER BEGIN IF p_qty > 10 THEN lv_ship_num := 11. return none or many values.871 points A function is quite similar to a procedure in that it is a program unit that achieves a task.871 out of 2. can receive input values. Procedures can be used in SQL statements. Selected Answer: True Question 31 0 out of 2. and returns values to the calling environment.871 out of 2.00.871 out of 2.871 points Which of the following statements is incorrect? Selected Answer: d. Question 28 2. END IF. RETURN lv_ship_num. Question 30 2.00. Selected Answer: c. END. ELSE lv_ship_num := 5. Actual parameters Question 29 2. 871 points In the code below.871 out of 2. such as a text string. Selected Answer: b.871 points A good method to handle the size issue when declaring variables that hold values from a database table is to use the ____ attribute to use the size of the database column. which of the following is the parameter variable? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fct_test1_sf (p_num IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN UPDATE bb_test1 SET col1 = p_num. Selected Answer: True .871 points The RETURN statement can return constant values. Selected Answer: b. Selected Answer: d. END.871 out of 2.2.0303 out of 3.0303 points Items declared in the package body and not in the specification can be used only by other procedures and functions within this same package body. Selected Answer: True Question 35 2. RETURN Question 33 0 out of 2.871 points At least one ____ statement must be included in a function body to instruct which value to return.871 out of 2. RETURN p_num. %TYPE uestion 1 3. bb_test1 Question 34 2. 0303 out of 3.Question 2 3.0303 out of 3. package specification Question 6 0 out of 3.0303 points .0303 out of 3. Selected Answer: b. the variable ____. the PL/SQL compiler cannot determine if the restrictions on functions within SQL statements are being respected.0303 out of 3.0303 points If a cursor is declared in a package specification that referenced the PV_TOTAL_NUM package variable. which of the following statements is true? Selected Answer: b.0303 points The ____ is referred to as the package header. must be declared before the cursor Question 5 3. Because only the package body information is used. Selected Answer: b.0303 points Package elements that can be referenced from outside the package are considered ____.0303 points A(n) ____ is a declaration of a program unit in a package body by placing the header code at the top of the package body code. Question 7 3.0303 points When compiling objects that call packaged program units. package specification Question 4 3. public Question 3 0 out of 3. Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: c. productname%TYPE. The code fragment above is an example of a(n) ____. FUNCTION ship_calc_pf (p_qty IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER.2). p_sale OUT bb_product. Based on the package specification above.. PROCEDURE order_total_pp (p_bsktid IN NUMBER.. END ship_calc_pf.. which of the following code fragments correctly creates a package body? Selected Answer: a. PROCEDURE prod_search_pp (p_id IN bb_product.price%TYPE).price%TYPE). code detail . code detail . CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ordering_pkg IS FUNCTION ship_calc_pf (p_qty IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS lv_ship_num NUMBER(5. BEGIN .idproduct%TYPE. END. END order_total_pp. Selected Answer: a.saleprice%TYPE.saleprice%TYPE. p_sub OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN . ..CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE product_info_pkg IS PROCEDURE prod_search_pp (p_id IN bb_product.. p_sub OUT NUMBER). p_price OUT bb_product.2).. PROCEDURE order_total_pp (p_bsktid IN NUMBER. END.. overloaded procedure Question 8 3.0303 points CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ordering_pkg IS pv_total_num NUMBER(3. p_price OUT bb_product. p_sale OUT bb_product.0303 out of 3.. 0303 out of 3.0303 points CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE metric_pkg IS cup_to_liter CONSTANT NUMBER := .0303 out of 3.0303 points All of the following represent restrictions on functions.END. Question 11 3.47. except ____. Question 9 3.0303 out of 3.0303 points Adding the program unit name to the END statement that closes the procedure or function statements in the package body is mandatory. Selected Answer: b. definer-rights Question 12 0 out of 3. Selected Answer: b. this is referred to as ____.0303 points All of the following represent packaged function purity levels. Which of the following statements about the code fragment above is correct? Selected Answer: d. pint_to_liter CONSTANT NUMBER := . RIPS Question 10 3. except ____. Selected Answer: b. There is no need to create a body for this package.0303 out of 3.24.95. . Selected Answer: True Question 13 3. qrt_to_liter CONSTANT NUMBER := . END.0303 points When a user assumes the rights of the program unit owner just during the processing of that program unit. 0303 out of 3.0303 points The ____ packaged function purity level does not modify packaged variables.0303 points Using the same name on multiple program units within the same package is referred to as ____. overloading Question 18 3.0303 points The term ____ refers to the range of visibility for a particular element or construct contained in a package. Packages Question 15 3.0303 points . Selected Answer: c.0303 points ____ can be created only as stored program units. Selected Answer: a. package scope Question 19 3.0303 out of 3. Question 14 3. WNPS Question 16 3. Selected Answer: a. or SET clause.VALUES.0303 out of 3.0303 out of 3.If used in a SELECT. the function cannot write values to packaged variables.0303 points Package elements are considered ____ if they can be called only from other program units within the same package.0303 out of 3.0303 out of 3. Selected Answer: a. Selected Answer: b. private Question 17 3. 0303 out of 3. END. Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: True . Question 22 3.0303 points All code in the procedure and function header sections of a package body must match exactly to the declarations in the corresponding specification.0303 points The statement ____ would successfully remove the package specification and body.0303 out of 3.2). purity level Question 23 3. which of the following statements is incorrect? Selected Answer: d. Selected Answer: d.0303 points CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ordering_pkg IS pv_total_num NUMBER(3.0303 out of 3. PROCEDURE order_total_pp (p_bsktid IN NUMBER. Question 21 3.0303 points The ____ defines the type of data structures the function reads or modifies. FUNCTION ship_calc_pf (p_qty IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER. When creating a package body for the package specification above. The package body must be created using the same name as the existing specification. p_sub OUT NUMBER). Selected Answer: a.The ____ directive needs to be included in the package specification to clearly state the purity levels applicable to the function. PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES Question 20 0 out of 3. DROP PACKAGE package_name. 0303 out of 3.0303 out of 3. functions. WNDS. PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(DEFAULT. as can procedures and functions.0303 out of 3. invoker-rights Question 29 3.0303 points Full procedures or function codes are contained in the ____. Question 25 3. cursors. and types.0303 points Forcing the user to use his or her own privileges for a program unit. package body Question 26 3.0303 points Which of the following correctly sets the default purity level for a packaged function? Selected Answer: d. Question 28 3. variables. WNPS).0303 points Packages can be created in local libraries.0303 points A package specification can contain declarations for procedures.Question 24 3. Selected Answer: True . Selected Answer: d. TYPE testcur IS ref cursor. Selected Answer: a.0303 out of 3.0303 points The statement ____ would successfully declare a REF CURSOR data type. exceptions. Selected Answer: False Question 27 3. Selected Answer: d.0303 out of 3.0303 out of 3. and not that of the owner is called ____. 12766 out of 2. name. Selected Answer: c. RNDS Question 32 3. Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: False Question 31 0 out of 3.2).0303 points The ____ packaged function purity level does not modify database tables.0303 points Functions that have not been declared in a package specification are considered public. declaration 2. p_sub OUT NUMBER). FUNCTION ship_calc_pf (p_qty IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER. The code fragment above is an example of a(n) ____. and data type.0303 out of 3.0303 out of 3.0303 out of 3. END. PROCEDURE order_total_pp (p_bsktid IN NUMBER.Question 30 3.0303 points CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ordering_pkg IS pv_total_num NUMBER(3. Selected Answer: False .12766 points • The signature model cannot resolve the time issues of using the timestamp model. package specification Question 33 3. such as a variable. Selected Answer: a.0303 points A(n) ____ is a statement used to define a data construct. 12766 out of 2. • Question 3 2.12766 out of 2.12766 points ____ can be used to manually recompile invalid program units.12766 points A program unit is said to contain ____ when it includes references to database objects that in turn references other database objects.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. • Question 5 2. If an object on one database is changed.12766 out of 2. Selected Answer: b. Selected Answer: False • Question 8 2. indirect dependencies • Question 9 .• Question 2 2. Selected Answer: True • Question 6 2.12766 points A column named TIMESTAMP is maintained in the data dictionary and is included in the USER_DEPENDENCIES view. Selected Answer: c. ALTER COMPILE • Question 4 0 out of 2.12766 points Remote database connections are used to link to another database and to call objects that exist on that database.12766 points Which of the following statements is correct? Selected Answer: b. Selected Answer: c.12766 points The ____ procedure is used to populate the dependency data for the object of interest. DEPTREE_FILL • Question 7 2.12766 points What can be used to conditionally raise a compile error and associate a custome error number with the error? Selected Answer: Error directive b. any remote program units that use or depend on that object is immediately changed to an INVALID status.12766 out of 2. 12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. or package. Selected Answer: d. Selected Answer: False • Question 11 2. Selected Answer: c.12766 points ____ instructs the system to assign the variable data type based on the underlying table column data type at runtime. REUSE SETTINGS • Question 14 2. Selected Answer: d.2.12766 points The data dictionary contains information regarding ____. user privileges • Question 15 2.12766 out of 2.12766 points You can use the USER_OBJECT data dictionary view to review the source code of a procedure.12766 points Which compile statement option forces a program unit to retain the compilation settings from the previous compile action? Selected Answer: d.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. the status is marked as VALID.12766 points The dependency tree utility allows the user to review direct and indirect dependencies of an object in either numeric order or indented format.12766 points ____ shows only direct roles granted to the current schema. %ROWTYPE • Question 13 2. Selected Answer: True • Question 16 2.12766 out of 2. Selected Answer: True • Question 10 2. function.12766 points When you have successfully saved or compiled a procedure.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. USER_ROLE_PRIVS • Question 12 2.12766 points . When a procedure is compiled. • Question 18 2. the status of dependent objects is changed to INVALID. • Question 22 2. Selected Answer: a. Selected Answer: True • Question 21 2. Selected Answer: False • Question 23 0 out of 2. Selected Answer: CREATE PROCEDURE d. modify.12766 points The ____ system privilege allows users to create.12766 out of 2. Modifications to a package body does not change the status of dependent objects. it stores the ____ of any referenced objects.12766 points Only program unit header modifications require a recompilation of dependent objects.12766 out of 2.12766 points Which item below is the name for an IF THEN structure used to accomplish conditional compilation? Selected Answer: b.12766 points If modifications are made to the code in a package body.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. timestamp • Question 19 2. and drop program units within their own schema. signature • Question 17 2.12766 points If a dependent object has an older ____ than the referenced object when called. Selected Answer: True • Question 20 2.12766 points Which of the following statements is true? Selected Answer: c.12766 out of 2. the dependent object is flagged as INVALID and needs to be recompiled. .12766 points The USER_DEPENDENCIES data dictionary view provides information on direct object dependencies.12766 out of 2. Selected Answer: c. needs to be set in the system using one of several commands available.12766 out of 2.12766 points The user source utility is a mechanism available in the Oracle system to provide a map to visualize both direct and indirect dependencies within the database. signature model • Question 26 2.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. USER_OBJECTS • Question 29 2.12766 points Which of the following is used by Oracle to determine invalidation of remote dependent objects at runtime? Selected Answer: d.12766 out of 2. • Question 28 2. Selected Answer: False • Question 25 2.12766 points Only modifications to the ____ can raise the INVALID status of dependent objects.12766 points Which of the following compiler parameter will determine the code optimization techniques used? Selected Answer: PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL d.Selective statement • Question 24 2. Selected Answer: b. views. if desired. and procedures to use the dependency tree. Selected Answer: False • Question 30 2.12766 out of 2. Selected Answer: d.12766 out of 2.12766 points The timestamp model is not the default method and. package specification .12766 points ____ can be used to check the status of database objects. Selected Answer: True • Question 27 2.12766 out of 2.12766 points The utldtree.sql file is provided by Oracle and is run to set up the necessary tables. • Question 34 2.12766 out of 2.12766 points True .12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2.12766 points Which of the following commands correctly modifies Scott’s rights on the bb_basket table? Selected Answer: a.12766 points The %TYPE declaration instructs the system to assign the variable data type based on the underlying table column data type at runtime.12766 points The SELECT * statement should be used when querying data from the database rather than a named column list.12766 out of 2. it is possible to call database objects from other schemas. Selected Answer: True • Question 37 2.• Question 31 2. Selected Answer: False • Question 33 0 out of 2. Selected Answer: • Question 38 2.12766 points Which of the following data dictionarty view can verify compiler parameter settings for an object? Selected Answer: PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS c. Selected Answer: True • Question 32 2. • Question 35 2.12766 points If granted appropriate rights. Selected Answer: True • Question 36 2.12766 points Compiler variables are used to enable compiler warning messages and conditional compilation. UPDATE ON bb_basket TO scott. INSERT.12766 out of 2. the program unit is considered dependent on that object.12766 points When a program unit refers to other database objects.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. GRANT SELECT. Selected Answer: True • Question 45 2. Selected Answer: b.12766 points Compiler directives are instructions used at run time.12766 points The ____ view can be used to review the source code of a procedure. USER_SYS_PRIVS .12766 out of 2.____ allows users to create program units in any schema and does not allow the modification or dropping of program units.12766 points ____ allows a user to modify program units in any schema.12766 out of 2. CREATE ANY PROCEDURE • Question 39 2.12766 points The ____ is considered the default method of remote dependent objects. Selected Answer: d.12766 points The PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter allows using onject-level flags in conditional compilation. Selected Answer: c.12766 points When a procedure is compiled. • Question 42 2. Selected Answer: False • Question 40 2. Selected Answer: USER_SOURCE b.12766 out of 2.12766 out of 2. Selected Answer: a.12766 out of 2. it stores the datestamp of any referenced objects.12766 out of 2. ALTER ANY PROCEDURE • Question 44 2. function. or package. Selected Answer: False • Question 41 2. timestamp model • Question 43 2.12766 out of 2.12766 points The ____ view shows only the direct privileges of the current schema. Selected Answer: True Question 5 2. and SAVEPOINT.12766 out of 2.12766 points When a program unit includes references to database objects that in turn reference other database objects. Selected Answer: d.94118 points LONG or LONG RAW variables can be declared in triggers and the NEW and OLD qualifiers cannot refer to these types of columns.12766 points Three classes of compiler warnings exist: info. Selected Answer: False • Question 47 2. Selected Answer: False Question 4 2.12766 out of 2.94118 out of 2.94118 points The default timing of a trigger is row level and no code is included to achieve this timing. performance and critical.94118 points . Selected Answer: False Question 1 2.94118 points The default timing of a trigger is ____.94118 out of 2. statement level Question 3 2. ROLLBACK.94118 out of 2.94118 points One prominent limitation in the use of triggers is that they cannot issue transaction control statements of COMMIT.94118 out of 2.94118 out of 2. Selected Answer: False Question 2 2. it is said to contain direct dependencies.• Question 46 2. The syntax above represents that of a(n) ____ trigger. regardless of the number of rows affected by the DML statement? Selected Answer: c. Event level Question 9 0 out of 2. AFTER] [List of DDL or Database System Events] [ON DATABASE | SCHEMA] Trigger body.94118 points Which of the following indicates that the trigger is fired only once. system Question 6 2.94118 points . Selected Answer: True Question 10 2. AFTER Question 8 0 out of 2.CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name [BEFORE.94118 points LOB and OBJECT columns can be referenced in a trigger and can also be modified.94118 out of 2. A BEFORE statement level trigger will fire before a BEFORE row level trigger.94118 points Which of the following statements is correct? Selected Answer: d. Question 7 0 out of 2.94118 points Which of the following events will cause the trigger to fire? AFTER UPDATE OF orderplaced ON bb_basket Selected Answer: a.94118 out of 2. Selected Answer: b. 94118 points The statement ____ correctly deletes a trigger.94118 points The ALTER TRIGGER statement is used to recompile. enable. quantity. Selected Answer: True Question 14 2.____ triggers refer to database triggers that are fired by Data Definition Language (DDL) statements or database system events rather than DML actions. Selected Answer: b. System Question 11 0 out of 2.94118 out of 2. which of the following represents the correlation identifier? Selected Answer: c.idbasket. option1 FROM bb_basketitem WHERE idbasket = :NEW.idbasket Question 15 2. Selected Answer: False . or disable a trigger. DELETE TRIGGER trigger_name.94118 points A constraining table is one that is being modified by a DML action when a trigger is fired. :NEW. Selected Answer: a.94118 out of 2.94118 points CURSOR basketitem_curIS SELECT idproduct. Question 12 0 out of 2.94118 points Row level options are only applicable for ____ events. In the code fragment above. Selected Answer: d. CREATE Question 13 2.94118 out of 2. unique.94118 points The timing of triggers must be indicated as either BEGIN or END.94118 points Which of the following statements is true? Selected Answer: a.94118 points If multiple triggers exist on a table.94118 points . SYSDATE). Selected Answer: b. END. In the code fragment above. Question 17 2.94118 out of 2.94118 out of 2. Selected Answer: a.94118 points The statement ____ recompiles the trigger named sales_trg.94118 out of 2.94118 points CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER logon_trg AFTER logon ON SCHEMA BEGIN INSERT INTO bb_audit_logon VALUES (USER. Selected Answer: False Question 21 0 out of 2.Question 16 2. Question 19 2. logon Question 18 0 out of 2. or foreign key columns of a constraining table.94118 out of 2. Selected Answer: True Question 20 2. The body of a trigger cannot read or modify the primary. which of the ____ statement represents the system event. there is no guarantee about the order in which the triggers will be fired. DROP TRIGGER sales_trg COMPILE. 94118 out of 2. BEFORE Question 27 . Selected Answer: d. Selected Answer: b.94118 points The ____ trigger clause allows a trigger to include multiple triggering events in a single trigger. DECLARE Question 26 2.94118 points All of the following would cause a trigger to fire. except ____.94118 out of 2. Question 25 2. A table in an INSERT statement that fires a row level trigger affecting the same table is not considered a mutating table unless the INSERT includes a subquery. no option is available to control the firing order Question 22 0 out of 2. Selected Answer: d.94118 out of 2. MULTIPLE Question 23 2. Selected Answer: a. except ____.94118 points DDL events include all of the following. Selected Answer: True Question 24 2.94118 points Which of the following statements is true about mutating tables? Selected Answer: a.94118 points A database trigger is tied to a database table or view and is implicitly fired by the database system when that table or view is affected with the associated DML action.94118 out of 2.Which trigger option will force the trigger to fire before the test_trg trigger. 94118 points The trigger body is a PL/SQL block that contains the actions that take place when the trigger fires. Selected Answer: b.94118 out of 2.94118 out of 2. Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: b. except ____. database level Question 28 2. Selected Answer: True Question 30 2.2.94118 out of 2.94118 points Database system events include all of the following. therefore. GRANT Question 32 0 out of 2.94118 points System triggers are typically used to allow the modification of data through a view on a view that is nonmodifiable.94118 points A(n) ____ trigger fires whenever the event occurs.94118 points The statement ____ can be used to disable or enable a specific trigger. regardless of the schema in which it occurs.94118 out of 2. Selected Answer: True Question 31 2.94118 out of 2. Question 29 2. a DML action on that table can fire off more than one trigger. Selected Answer: True Question 33 .94118 points Numerous triggers can be constructed on one table and. ALTER TRIGGER trigger_name DISABLE|ENABLE. Selected Answer: True Question 2 1.40845 points The UTL_LINE package allows access to files that reside on an operating system and are accessible from the database server. mutating Question 34 2.94118 points A(n) ____ table is one that is involved in a join and the keys of the original table are included in the keys of the resultant join. Selected Answer: d.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: False Question 3 1. Selected Answer: a. PARSE Question 4 1.40845 out of 1.94118 points A(n) ____ is a table that is being modified by a DML action when a trigger is fired. Selected Answer: d.0 out of 2.40845 points ____ is responsible for checking syntax.40845 points .94118 out of 2. mutating table Question 1 0 out of 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points The goal of SQL is to empower users with little or no query skills to be able to perform a variety of data queries. In the header for the ALTER_COMPILE procedure above. Selected Answer: b. schema VARCHAR2.40845 out of 1. OPEN FOR Question 8 1.40845 points The ____ package allows parameters to be directly used as identifiers. DBMS_SQL Question 7 1. the ____ statement refers to the object’s owner. and enabling the appropriate users to receive the alert.40845 points The process flow of the DBMS_SQL procedures involves the establishment of a(n) ____ to contain and manipulate the SQL statement.40845 points Dynamic SQL allows us to employ a more object-oriented approach to modeling our database and applications. schema Question 9 1.40845 out of 1. setting up when an alert should signal. such as column names and table names.40845 out of 1. name VARCHAR2).ALTER_COMPILE ( type VARCHAR2.40845 points The ____ method can be used to implement native dynamic SQL. Selected Answer: b.40845 points DBMS_DDL.The basic mechanics of the alert process include registering an alert name. Selected Answer: True Question 5 1. Selected Answer: a.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1. . Selected Answer: d. Selected Answer: False Question 6 1. Selected Answer: b. Selected Answer: d.40845 points In the DBMS_LOB package. INDEX.cursor Question 10 1. . DBMS_LOB Question 15 1. or CLUSTER.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: b. such as the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter. Selected Answer: b. the term ____ represents programs that read LOBs or information about the LOBs. Selected Answer: False Question 11 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points All of the following.40845 out of 1.40845 points The programs within the ____ package can be grouped into two sets: mutators and observers.40845 out of 1. except ____.40845 points The ____ parameter of the ANALYZE_OBJECT procedure dictates that the value provided must be either TABLE. BIND_VARIABLE Question 13 1. 4 GB Question 14 1. Observer Question 12 1.ora file contains environment settings.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1. that determine if and how certain Oracle features are accessible from within PL/SQL code. represent steps required to perform DDL with the DBMS_SQL package.40845 points The util.40845 points A large object (LOB) can hold ____. 40845 points ____ are used to distinguish parameter values that are used as criteria in the DBMS_SQL package.40845 out of 1. v_status.40845 out of 1.WAITONE( 'new_bid'. Selected Answer: False Question 21 1. TYPE Question 16 1.40845 points The REQUEST_PIECES function is typically used to avoid possibly truncating information contained on the Web page.40845 points The ____ built-in package retrieves information about database objects. Selected Answer: a.Selected Answer: a. DBMS_ALERT.40845 points . Placeholders Question 20 1.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: True Question 17 1. 600). Selected Answer: d. Question 19 1. versus parameters that provide identifiers such as column names. Selected Answer: b.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points The ability to send e-mails from within PL/SQL code has been simplified with the introduction of the DBMS_ALERT package. DBMS_METADATA Question 18 0 out of 1. v_msg.40845 points The code fragment ____ would raise an error. NEW_LINE Question 24 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points When executing a stored program.____ frees the resources allocated to the cursor.ora file contains all the settings for the database and is read when the database is started up. Selected Answer: d. any DBMS_OUTPUT lines are placed in an output buffer.40845 points The init.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: d. which dumps its contents to the screen when the program has completed execution.40845 points The ____ procedure of the DBMS_DDL package allows developers to programmatically compile database objects.40845 points The UTL_HTTP package provides the capability to make Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) calls from within PL/SQL programs. Selected Answer: True Question 27 1.40845 points .40845 out of 1. CLOSE_CURSOR Question 22 1. Selected Answer: True Question 26 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points The DBMS_OUTPUT procedure ____ places an end-of-line marker in the buffer.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: True Question 23 1. Selected Answer: c. ALTER_COMPILE Question 25 1.40845 out of 1. Question 28 1.40845 out of 1. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SQL statement' [ INTO ( var1. Selected Answer: a. bindvar2. .40845 points All of the following programs are available in the UTL_FILE package.40845 points A(n) mutator is similar to a partition or area of the physical disk. .40845 points ____ will cause an error if used directly within PL/SQL.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points ____ establishes a work area for a statement to be handled. except ____. Selected Answer: b.. var2. DDL statements Question 29 1..40845 points The ____ built-in package contains a miscellaneous group of programs ranging from capabilities to assist in procedure management to reporting error information.. Selected Answer: b.40845 out of 1..40845 out of 1... ]. Selected Answer: False Question 30 1. outvar2. RSET Question 32 1. Selected Answer: c. DBMS_UTILITY Question 31 1. . . | record ] [ USING [ IN | OUT | IN OUT ] bindvar1.Which of the following is the correct syntax for an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement? Selected Answer: d. ] [ RETURNING | RETURN INTO outvar1. Selected Answer: b. in an SQL statement within PL/SQL raises an error.40845 out of 1. to communicate.OPEN_CURSOR Question 33 1. Selected Answer: True Question 36 1. Selected Answer: True .40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1. CREATE_WRAPPED. such as a column name or table name. Question 34 1.40845 points The DBMS_ALERT package allows two or more sessions. Selected Answer: True Question 35 1.40845 points The ____ package allows access to two DDL statements that cannot be used directly within a PL/SQL block: ALTER_COMPILE and ANALYZE_OBJECT.40845 points Native dynamic SQL is simpler to code and processes statements more efficiently than the DBMS_SQL package. in the same instance. Selected Answer: False Question 37 1.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1. DBMS_DDL Question 38 1.40845 points Attempting to use a parameter to provide an identifier.40845 points Alerts are transaction based and are sent only if the transaction is committed.40845 points Which of the following is a procedure in the DBMS_DDL package that will assist to hide source code? Selected Answer: c. Question 39 1.40845 points The UTL_FILE package contains a PUT_LINE data type that is used to declare a file variable. Dynamic SQL Question 43 1. Selected Answer: d.40845 out of 1.40845 points In the DBMS_LOB package.40845 points An EXECUTE step is not needed with DDL statements because the PARSE step automatically executes the statement upon successful parsing.40845 out of 1. WAIT Question 41 1. mutator Question 40 1.40845 out of 1. . at runtime. except ____. Selected Answer: True Question 44 1.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: c.40845 points All of the following procedures are included in the DBMS_ALERT package.40845 points When the SQL statement is built in the PL/SQL block. Selected Answer: False Question 42 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points ____ allows us to make the SQL statements in our PL/SQL code much more flexible in regards to providing values. such as column names. change. placeholders with colon prefixes are used to mark where values are supplied at runtime.40845 out of 1. or remove the large objects (LOBs)? Selected Answer: a. which of the following represents the programs that add. CLOB. REQUEST_PIECES Question 50 1. Selected Answer: True Question 49 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points In the UTL_HTTP package. Selected Answer: True Question 48 1. Selected Answer: c.40845 out of 1.40845 points All of the following except ____ require parameters.40845 out of 1. and NCLOB objects can all be stored internally and are typically stored in a separate tablespace from database tables to enable optimization of the attributes of each tablespace for the type of data being stored.40845 out of 1.40845 points ____ and PL/SQL allow the construction and parsing of statements at runtime rather than compile time. Selected Answer: False Question 47 1. Dynamic SQL Question 46 1.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: c.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: b.Selected Answer: True Question 45 1. .40845 points You must enable DBMS output in order to see the display from DBMS_OUTPUT commands.40845 points The BLOB.40845 points The array-like processing available in DBMS_SQL makes working with many rows much more cumbersome. the ____ function is used to retrieve the HTML source from a specified URL. PUT_LINE('This is test2').40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: d.40845 points DBMS_SQL is simpler to code and processes more efficiently than native dynamic SQL.40845 points BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT. END. DBMS_OUTPUT. anonymous block Question 54 1.40845 points In the DBMS_DDL package. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('Working?').40845 out of 1. ____ is a valid ANALYZE_OBJECT exception.40845 points Support for DBMS_SQL statements is built into the PL/SQL interpreter. Selected Answer: a. UTL_INADDR Question 56 .40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: False Question 52 1.40845 out of 1. ORA-20000 Question 53 1.40845 points The ____ built-in package retrieves Internet site host names or IP addresses.PUT('This'). The code fragment above is an example of a(n) ____.40845 out of 1. DBMS_OUTPUT. Selected Answer: False Question 55 1.PUT(' is a'). DBMS_OUTPUT. Selected Answer: d.PUT(' test').OPEN_CURSOR Question 51 1. 40845 points The DBMS_DDL package provides the only Oracle method available to hide source code. the ____ procedure creates statistics for database objects to be utilized to enhance performance. and collecting relevant business news for a particular industry. Selected Answer: False Question 61 1.1. DBMS_SQL Question 57 1. the GETLENGTH function can be used to confirm a file was loaded into the LOB column.40845 points The ____ package can be used to analyze the HTML source of Web sites in order to accomplish tasks such as tracking competitor pricing on products. UTL_HTTP Question 58 1. Selected Answer: d.40845 out of 1. BIND_VARIABLE Question 60 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points The ____ program associates placeholders in the Cursor with PL/SQL variables. however.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: b.40845 out of 1.40845 points The ____ package provides access to DDL statements that cannot be included directly within PL/SQL code.40845 points In the DBMS_DDL package. client tools such as SQL Developer cannot display the images. Selected Answer: .40845 points If a table contains any LOB columns.40845 out of 1. Selected Answer: True Question 59 1. Selected Answer: d.40845 out of 1. gathering pricing for raw materials. 40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1. GET_LINE Question 63 1.40845 points One advantage of LOBs is that a table can have multiple LOB columns but only one LONG column.40845 points Obfuscating or wrapping code refers to hiding source code. wrap utility.40845 points Which of the following is a command line utility that assists in hiding source code? Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: b. Selected Answer: True Question 66 1.40845 out of 1. FETCH_ROWS Question 67 1.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points In the UTL_FILE package.40845 points The ____ built-in package is used to access Web pages. ANALYZE_OBJECT Question 62 1.d. Question 65 1. Selected Answer: . UTL_HTTP Question 64 1. Selected Answer: b.40845 out of 1. the ____ program unit is used to read a line from a file.40845 points ____ retrieves the data returned by a query. 40845 points To successfully compile a program. Selected Answer: False Question 71 1. . you must either own the object or you must be granted the ____ privilege to compile an object in another schema. The number and types of columns to be used is not known. Selected Answer: c. Selected Answer: False Question 69 1.True Question 68 1.40845 points Dynamic SQL allows the criteria of a query such as the column checked in the WHERE clause to be identified at compile time.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1. ALTER ANY PROCEDURE Question 70 1.40845 points The OPEN FOR method cannot reuse parsed statements.40845 out of 1.40845 out of 1.40845 points In which of the following situations is the use of native dynamic SQL considered inappropriate? Selected Answer: d.
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