
March 23, 2018 | Author: 420 | Category: Census, Survey Methodology, Science



Statistics South AfricaCENSUS 2001 Census in brief General information Statistics South Africa Private Bag X44 Pretoria 0001 South Africa 170 Andries Street Pretoria 0002 User information service: Fax: Main switchboard: Fax: (012) 310 8600 (012) 310 8500 (012) 310 8911 (012) 322 3374 Website: E-mail: [email protected] CENSUS 2001 Census in brief Pali Lehohla Statistician-General Report no. 03-02-03 (2001) Statistics South Africa 2003 ii Published by Statistics South Africa, Private Bag X44, Pretoria 0001 © Statistics South Africa, 2003 Users may apply or process this data, provided Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is acknowledged as the original source of the data; that it is specified that the application and/or analysis is the result of the user's independent processing of the data; and that neither the basic data nor any reprocessed version or application thereof may be sold or offered for sale in any form whatsoever without prior permission from Stats SA. ISBN 0-621-34293-9 Stats SA Library Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) Data Census 2001: Census in brief / Statistics South Africa. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, 2003 Previous title: The people of South Africa: Population census 1996: Census in Brief, 1998 108p. [Report No: 03-02-03(2001)] ISBN 0-621-34293-9 1. Census. 2. Population – Statistics. 3. Demography – South Africa. 4. Education – Statistics. 5. Sex distribution (Demography) South Africa. 6. Labour market – South Africa. 7. Households – South Africa. 8. Social services – South Africa I. Statistics South Africa II. Series (LSCH 16) A complete set of Stats SA publications is available at the Stats SA library, the National Library of South Africa in Pretoria and Cape Town, and at the nine provincial libraries. This report is available on the Stats SA website: Contents iii Introduction Map: Provinces of South Africa iv The land area of South Africa 1 The people of South Africa General demographics Language Country of birth and citizenship Age Disability Education Employment Occupation Industry 5 The households of South Africa Type of dwelling Number of rooms Household size Energy Water Telephones Toilet facilities Refuse removal Household goods 65 Census 2001 products 99 viii 6 14 20 27 38 41 51 56 62 66 69 72 74 82 87 90 94 97 Introduction iv Overview Adjusting for undercount In October 2001, South Africans were counted for the second time as citizens of a democracy. Over 83 000 enumerators and over 17 000 supervisors and fieldwork co-ordinators were employed to collect information on persons and households throughout the country, using a uniform methodology. Census night, or the night of the count, was 9-10 October 2001. In preparation, the country was divided into about 80 000 small pockets of land called enumeration areas (EAs). An enumerator was assigned to each EA to visit all the places within it where people were living. In every census, there are bound to be some people or households who are missed, or some people who are counted twice. During November 2001, a postenumeration survey (PES) was undertaken to determine the degree of undercount or overcount in Census 2001. For those who are interested in the details, a separate publication describing the methodology of the PES is also being issued (Ref: 03-02-17). The numbers and percentages presented in this report have been adjusted according to the PES findings. The information collected was processed at the Census processing centre in Pretoria, employing about 1000 people working in shifts for sixteen months to process the questionnaires. For the first time, scanning was used to capture the data on computer. The captured data were then edited and made accessible for analysis. For those who require more information on how the census was conducted, a separate publication, How the count was done (Ref: 03-02-02), describes the census methodology, whilst detailed metadata publications are available electronically (see the end of this volume for all reference numbers). Adjusting the count in this way leads to the introduction of fractions. These fractions have been rounded to whole numbers. Statistics Council Census sub-committee comment Preliminary independent demographic analyses of this report suggest that the final figures probably reflect: ! an underestimate of children under the age of five ! an overestimate of children aged between 10 and 19 ! an underestimate of men relative to women ! an underestimate of the white population. v Error margins for the adjusted population - reflecting sampling errors around the estimate - can be found on pages 6-13, 27-37, 46-48, 50, 59-61 and 73. In addition to sampling errors, other types of measurement errors may be present. Labour market data Labour market data are included from both the Labour Force Survey of September 2001 and Census 2001. The census produces lower estimates of labour force participation than the September 2001 Labour Force Survey. There is possible under-reporting of employment in the informal and subsistence agriculture sectors, particularly among those working only a few hours per week. The labour force survey questionnaire includes more prompts to identify such people, which is not possible during census enumeration. The United Nations and the International Labour Organisation note that labour force surveys are expected to produce more reliable estimates of labour market variables than censuses. Note that the labour force survey figures are the official labour market statistics. Imputation Imputation was used to allocate values for unavailable, unknown, incorrect or inconsistent responses. The editing system uses a combination of both 'logical' imputation techniques and 'hot decks' (dynamic imputation). 'Undetermined' values were used for only a few variables in a few cases (such as industry and occupation). Logical imputations, in which a consistent value is calculated or deduced from other information in the household, are usually preferred over hot deck imputations. Generally, the editing system attempts to resolve inconsistencies first by looking at other characteristics of the household (for example, a married person with an invalid response for sex would be assigned the opposite sex to their spouse). If this is unsuccessful, then a consistent value is imputed from a hot deck, which bases the imputation on nearby persons or households that share similar characteristics. More information on census editing can be obtained from the United Nations publication Handbook on Population and Housing Census Editing, reference: ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/82. In addition, the complete set of editing specifications for Census 2001 is available upon request from Statistics South Africa (Ref: 03-02-43). vi Definitions of terms used in this publication A publication containing the definitions of terms as they were used in the census will be made available electronically (Ref: 03-02-26). Nevertheless, for the convenience of readers, the main terms used in this volume are defined below. ! Household: A household is a group of persons who live together, and provide themselves jointly with food and/or other essentials for living, or a single person who lives alone. Note: The definition of household for other Stats SA data collection operations includes the four-night rule, according to which a person is a member of a household if he spends an average of four nights a week in that household. As Census 2001 was a de facto census, which means that people were counted where they were staying on census night, the four-night rule did not apply. ! Collective living quarters: Living quarters where certain facilities are shared by groups of individuals or households. They include hostels, hotels and institutions. ! Housing unit: A unit of accommodation for a household, which may consist of one structure, more than one structure, or part of a structure. Examples of each are a house, a group of rondavels, and a flat. (The types of living quarters classified as housing units are shown in Tables 3.1 and 3.2.) ! Home language: The language most often spoken at home, which is not necessarily the person's mother tongue. ! Disability: A physical or mental handicap which has lasted for six months or more, or is expected to last at least six months, which prevents the person from carrying out daily activities independently, or from participating fully in educational, economic or social activities. ! Official definition of unemployment: According to the official or strict definition, the unemployed are those people within the economically active population who (a) did not work in the seven days prior to census night, (b) wanted to work and were available to start work within a week of census night, and (c) had taken active steps to look for work or to start some form of selfemployment in the four weeks prior to census night. ! Unemployment rate: The percentage unemployed of the economically active. vii Technical notes Table headings To avoid repetition, when the entire population is described in a table, the heading of the table does not always reflect this. Examples are the tables on language and country of birth. However, when a subset of the population is described, for example those aged 15-65, this is clearly stated in the heading. The bottom right hand cell of the table gives the total number of people under consideration. Population group Statistics South Africa continues to classify people by population group, in order to monitor progress in moving away from the apartheid-based discrimination of the past. However membership of a population group is now based on self-perception and self-classification, not on a legal definition. All the household tables describe all households living in housing units, and again this is not always reflected in the heading. Five options were provided on the questionnaire, Black African, Coloured, Indian or Asian, White, and Other. These labels have been simplified in the text for ease of reading. Note that those who classified themselves as Indian or Asian are aggregated into the group 'Indian and Asian', or Indian/Asian. Responses in the category 'Other' were very few and were therefore imputed. Coverage of the household tables Reporting of percentages The household tables describe households in housing units only. These tables represent 43 369 667 people, out of the total population of 44 819 778. Just under 1,5 million people lived in collective living quarters and are not included in these tables. All percentages are shown to one decimal place in the graphs and tables, but are reported as whole numbers in the text, for ease of reading. Rounding Due to rounding, the displayed totals in the tables do not always match the sum of the displayed rows or columns. Provinces of South Africa viii Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Gauteng Free State Northern Cape Eastern Cape Western Cape KwaZulu-Natal page 1 The land area of South Africa page 2 Table 1.1: Area of each province in square kilometres Square km Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 169 580 129 480 17 010 92 100 123 910 79 490 361 830 116 320 129 370 1 219 090 Land area Source: Department of Land Affairs Figure 1: Distribution of the land area of South Africa by province KwaZulu-Natal Gauteng 1,4% 7,6% page 3 Eastern Cape 13,9% Limpopo 10,2% Northern Cape 29,7% Western Cape 10,6% Mpumalanga 6,5% North West 9,5% Source: Department of Land Affairs The largest province in square kilometres (shown as the largest slice of the pie chart) is the Northern Cape, while Gauteng is the smallest. Land area Free State 10,6% PLEASE SCROLL DOWN page 5 The people of South Africa page 6 Table 2.1: Population by province for the census years 1996 and 2001 Year Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 1996 2001 6 302 525 6 436 763 2 633 504 2 706 775 7 348 423 8 837 178 8 417 021 9 426 017 4 929 368 5 273 642 2 800 711 3 122 990 840 321 822 727 3 354 825 3 669 349 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Western Cape South Africa 3 956 875 40 583 573 4 524 335 44 819 778 Figure 2: Distribution of the population of South Africa by province, 2001 Northern Cape 1,8% Mpumalanga 7,0% page 7 Limpopo 11,8% North West 8,2% Western Cape 10,1% KwaZulu-Natal 21,0% Eastern Cape 14,4% Gauteng 19,7% Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. The province with the largest population was KwaZulu-Natal, followed by Gauteng. The province with the smallest population, even though it is the largest in area, was the Northern Cape. People Free State 6,0% page 8 Table 2.2: Population by province and sex Sex Male Female Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 2 975 512 3 461 251 6 436 763 1 297 605 1 409 170 2 706 775 4 444 679 4 392 499 8 837 178 4 409 091 5 016 925 9 426 017 2 394 785 2 878 857 5 273 642 1 497 333 1 625 658 3 122 990 401 168 421 559 822 727 1 821 547 1 847 803 3 669 349 2 192 321 2 332 014 4 524 335 21 434 040 23 385 737 44 819 778 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Figure 3: Percentage of the population who were female in each province 60 page 9 % 54,6 53,8 53,2 52,1 52,1 51,5 51,2 50,4 50 52,2 49,7 40 30 20 10 Lim po po e ap C . E KZ e at N ee Fr St m pu M a. e ap .C W e ap C . N t es W . N ng te au G SA Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. In the country as a whole, and in all provinces except Gauteng, there was a larger proportion of females than males. For example, 55% of the population living in Limpopo were female. People 0 page 10 Table 2.3: Population by province and population group Population group Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 5 635 079 478 807 18 372 304 506 6 436 763 2 381 073 83 193 3 719 238 791 2 706 775 6 522 792 337 974 218 015 1 758 398 8 837 178 8 002 407 141 887 798 275 483 448 9 426 017 5 128 616 10 163 8 587 126 276 5 273 642 2 886 345 22 158 11 244 203 244 3 122 990 293 976 424 389 2 320 102 042 822 727 3 358 450 56 959 9 906 244 035 3 669 349 1 207 429 2 438 976 45 030 832 901 4 524 335 35 416 166 3 994 505 1 115 467 4 293 640 44 819 778 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Figure 4: Number of people in each province by population group (millions) 12 10 page 11 millions 9,4 8,8 8 6,4 6 5,3 4,5 3,7 4 3,1 2,7 2 0,8 KZ N ng te au G E. e ap C po po Lim Black African e ap .C W Coloured t es W N. Indian/Asian a. m pu e at e M e Fr St e ap C N. White Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Black Africans constituted the vast majority of the population in all provinces except two, namely the Western Cape and the Northern Cape, where coloured people were in the majority. People 0 page 12 Table 2.4: Population by province and population group (percentages) Population group Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 87,5 7,4 0,3 4,7 100,0 88,0 3,1 0,1 8,8 100,0 73,8 3,8 2,5 19,9 100,0 84,9 1,5 8,5 5,1 100,0 97,2 0,2 0,2 2,4 100,0 92,4 0,7 0,4 6,5 100,0 35,7 51,6 0,3 12,4 100,0 91,5 1,6 0,3 6,7 100,0 26,7 53,9 1,0 18,4 100,0 79,0 8,9 2,5 9,6 100,0 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Figure 5: Distribution of the population of South Africa by population group page 13 Black African 79,0% White 9,6% Indian/Asian 2,5% Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Black Africans constituted more than three-quarters of the total population of South Africa. People Coloured 8,9% Figure 6: Distribution of the population by language most often spoken at home 23,8 20 17,6 15 13,3 9,4 10 8,2 8,2 7,9 4,4 People Nearly a quarter of the population gave isiZulu as their home language. 1,6 0,5 O th er le be de N i at 2,3 Isi Xi tso ng a th o Se so Se tsw an a ish gl En Se pe di ns Af rik aa a os Xh lu Zu Isi Isi 0 2,7 Ts hi ve nd a 5 Sw 25 % Si 30 page 14 page 15 Table 2.5: Population by home language and province Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiXhosa IsiZulu Sepedi Sesotho Setswana SiSwati Tshivenda Xitsonga Other Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 600 057 232 952 4 134 5 369 672 51 434 2 966 152 340 1 944 5 201 766 816 14 482 6 436 763 323 082 31 246 10 000 246 192 138 091 7 007 1 742 939 185 389 7 451 1 433 8 960 4 985 2 706 775 1 269 176 1 105 192 171 018 671 045 1 902 025 945 656 1 159 589 741 219 122 560 154 183 505 380 90 134 8 837 178 140 833 1 285 011 18 570 219 826 7 624 284 10 844 66 925 5 195 12 792 1 215 3 289 37 232 9 426 017 122 531 28 939 78 617 14 225 34 358 2 750 175 69 370 83 130 57 703 839 704 1 180 611 14 278 5 273 642 192 129 51 833 377 688 46 553 822 934 336 451 114 169 84 911 963 188 5 935 117 921 9 277 3 122 990 559 189 20 662 581 51 228 2 724 762 9 101 171 340 591 358 397 5 794 822 727 275 681 42 709 48 997 214 461 92 288 153 220 209 315 2 398 366 23 206 16 880 172 768 21 460 3 669 349 Western Cape South Africa 2 500 748 5 983 426 874 660 3 673 203 2 216 711 821 1 073 951 7 907 153 9 166 10 677 305 1 898 4 208 980 31 438 3 555 186 5 522 3 677 016 1 738 1 194 430 1 284 1 021 757 2 065 1 992 207 19 650 217 293 4 524 335 44 819 778 People Home language page 16 Table 2.6: Home language within provinces (percentages) Home language Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiXhosa IsiZulu Sepedi Sesotho Setswana SiSwati Tshivenda Xitsonga Other Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 9,3 3,6 0,1 83,4 0,8 0,0 2,4 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,2 100,0 11,9 1,2 0,4 9,1 5,1 0,3 64,4 6,8 0,3 0,1 0,3 0,2 100,0 14,4 12,5 1,9 7,6 21,5 10,7 13,1 8,4 1,4 1,7 5,7 1,0 100,0 1,5 13,6 0,2 2,3 80,9 0,1 0,7 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,4 100,0 2,3 0,5 1,5 0,3 0,7 52,1 1,3 1,6 1,1 15,9 22,4 0,3 100,0 6,2 1,7 12,1 1,5 26,4 10,8 3,7 2,7 30,8 0,2 3,8 0,3 100,0 68,0 2,5 0,1 6,2 0,3 0,1 1,1 20,8 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,7 100,0 7,5 1,2 1,3 5,8 2,5 4,2 5,7 65,4 0,6 0,5 4,7 0,6 100,0 55,3 19,3 0,0 23,7 0,2 0,0 0,7 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,4 100,0 13,3 8,2 1,6 17,6 23,8 9,4 7,9 8,2 2,7 2,3 4,4 0,5 100,0 People Note: This table shows the breakdown of the population of each province by home language. The percentages total 100% down the columns, for each province separately. page 17 Table 2.7: Home language by province (percentages) Home language Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiXhosa IsiZulu Sepedi Sesotho Setswana SiSwati Tshivenda Xitsonga Other Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 10,0 6,3 0,6 67,9 0,5 0,1 4,3 0,1 0,4 0,1 0,0 6,7 14,4 5,4 0,9 1,4 3,1 1,3 0,2 49,0 5,0 0,6 0,1 0,4 2,3 6,0 21,2 30,1 24,0 8,5 17,8 22,5 32,6 20,2 10,3 15,1 25,4 41,5 19,7 2,4 35,0 2,6 2,8 71,4 0,3 1,9 0,1 1,1 0,1 0,2 17,1 21,0 2,0 0,8 11,0 0,2 0,3 65,3 2,0 2,3 4,8 82,2 59,3 6,6 11,8 3,2 1,4 53,1 0,6 7,7 8,0 3,2 2,3 80,6 0,6 5,9 4,3 7,0 9,3 0,6 0,1 0,6 0,0 0,0 0,3 4,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 2,7 1,8 4,6 1,2 6,9 2,7 0,9 3,6 5,9 65,2 1,9 1,7 8,7 9,9 8,2 41,8 23,8 0,3 13,6 0,1 0,0 0,9 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 9,0 10,1 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 People Note: This table shows the breakdown by province of the people who named each language as their home language. The percentages total 100% across the rows, for each language separately. Table 2.8: Population by home language and population group Home language People Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiXhosa IsiZulu Sepedi Sesotho Setswana SiSwati Tshivenda Xitsonga Other Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 253 282 183 631 703 906 7 888 999 10 659 309 4 204 358 3 544 304 3 657 796 1 191 015 1 020 133 1 989 062 120 369 35 416 166 3 173 972 756 067 1 882 12 172 11 397 2 706 8 566 16 532 2 360 852 1 595 6 406 3 994 505 19 266 1 045 845 3 522 703 2 406 289 250 373 255 114 142 42 302 1 115 467 2 536 906 1 687 661 2 511 5 279 4 193 1 627 2 065 2 315 801 658 1 409 48 216 4 293 640 5 983 426 3 673 203 711 821 7 907 153 10 677 305 4 208 980 3 555 186 3 677 016 1 194 430 1 021 757 1 992 207 217 293 44 819 778 page 18 Table 2.9: Home language within population groups (percentages) Home language Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiXhosa IsiZulu Sepedi Sesotho Setswana SiSwati Tshivenda Xitsonga Other Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 0,7 0,5 2,0 22,3 30,1 11,9 10,0 10,3 3,4 2,9 5,6 0,3 100,0 79,5 18,9 0,0 0,3 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,2 100,0 1,7 93,8 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 3,8 100,0 59,1 39,3 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,1 100,0 13,3 8,2 1,6 17,6 23,8 9,4 7,9 8,2 2,7 2,3 4,4 0,5 100,0 page 19 People Note: This table shows the breakdown of each population group by home language. The percentage totals 100% down the columns. page 20 Table 2.10: Country of birth by province Country of birth South Africa SADC* countries Rest of Africa Europe Asia North America Central and South America Australia and New Zealand Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 6 401 924 2 657 848 15 425 43 424 3 527 673 11 948 3 121 2 511 1 238 455 125 746 293 227 53 6 436 763 2 706 775 8 364 104 305 460 21 639 113 451 20 439 4 155 5 926 2 005 8 837 178 9 329 255 44 692 5 876 37 223 5 241 1 319 1 631 781 9 426 017 5 193 803 73 583 1 055 2 137 2 526 258 226 53 5 273 642 3 040 291 75 435 1,042 4 794 869 204 283 72 3 122 990 810 409 10 891 252 821 165 44 122 24 822 727 3 581 639 79 970 1 154 3 958 1 937 200 416 74 3 669 349 People * Southern African Development Community, excluding South Africa Western Cape South Africa 4 415 428 43 794 702 38 799 687 679 6 602 41 819 50 860 228 314 5 959 40 886 2 393 9 152 3 154 12 798 1 141 4 429 4 524 335 44 819 778 Figure 7: Percentage of the population in each province not born in South Africa 6 page 21 % 5,4 5 4 3 2 2,6 2,4 2,4 2,3 1,8 1,5 1,5 1,0 1 0,5 e ap C E. KZ N Lim po po e ap C N. t es W N. a. m M pu e ap .C W Altogether, 2% of the population said they were not born in South Africa. e at e e Fr St ng te au G SA People 0 page 22 Table 2.11: Country of birth by population group Country of birth South Africa SADC* countries Rest of Africa Europe Asia North America Central and South America Australia and New Zealand Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 34 838 715 539 474 29 880 4 317 2 117 956 609 98 35 416 166 3 978 485 11 405 1 319 1 737 985 254 249 71 3 994 505 1 081 843 3 106 1 268 1 070 27 727 244 112 98 1 115 467 3 895 659 133 693 9 353 221 189 10 057 7 698 11 828 4 162 4 293 640 43 794 702 687 679 41 819 228 314 40 886 9 152 12 798 4 429 44 819 778 People * Southern African Development Community, excluding South Africa Figure 8: Percentage of each population group not born in South Africa 10 page 23 % 9,3 8 6 4 3,0 2,3 2 1,6 0,4 Coloured Black African Asian or Indian White Just over 9% of the white population said they were not born in South Africa. Average People 0 page 24 Table 2.12: Citizenship by province Citizenship South Africa SADC* countries Rest of Africa Europe Asia North America Central and South America Australia and New Zealand Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 6 421 702 6 040 2 274 4 559 1 441 317 329 102 6 436 763 2 677 794 26 702 436 1 028 602 73 117 24 2 706 775 8 628 209 142 007 12 435 41 915 7 117 2 588 1 983 925 8 837 178 9 387 421 16 619 3 486 14 742 2 010 736 630 373 9 426 017 5 232 547 37 750 767 942 1 287 225 92 32 5 273 642 3 089 243 30 778 474 1 743 430 164 112 46 3 122 990 820 665 1 370 161 340 81 29 67 14 822 727 3 616 745 49 096 644 1 492 972 161 181 58 3 669 349 People * Southern African Development Community, excluding South Africa Western Cape South Africa 4 482 450 44 356 776 9 816 320 178 4 307 24 983 22 000 88 761 2 366 16 305 1 538 5 831 1 244 4 755 615 2 190 4 524 335 44 819 778 Figure 9: Percentage of non-South African citizens in each province 3,0 page 25 % 2,5 2,4 2,0 1,5 1,4 1,1 1,1 1,0 0,8 0,2 0,0 E. e ap C 0,3 e ap C . N 0,4 KZ N Lim po po M a. m pu e ap .C W t es W N. Altogether, 1% of the population said they were not South African citizens. e at ee Fr St au G ng te SA People 0,5 1,0 0,9 page 26 Table 2.13: Citizenship by population group Citizenship South Africa SADC* countries Rest of Africa Europe Asia North America Central and South America Australia and New Zealand Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 35 087 973 301 866 21 769 1 920 1 640 590 357 50 35 416 166 3 987 696 3 962 916 932 535 200 184 82 3 994 505 1 101 703 1 262 639 570 10 984 180 72 56 1 115 467 4 179 405 13 088 1 659 85 339 3 146 4 860 4 142 2 002 4 293 640 44 356 776 320 178 24 983 88 761 16 305 5 831 4 755 2 190 44 819 778 People * Southern African Development Community, excluding South Africa Age group Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 658 124 823 500 889 113 810 763 542 024 253 291 274 428 302 510 305 927 255 810 725 796 678 306 682 849 752 240 975 450 1 012 650 1 117 012 1 141 322 1 126 496 905 222 602 521 719 981 754 242 695 560 476 912 348 690 364 684 379 907 370 289 295 410 81 516 83 725 86 215 84 971 70 615 361 686 382 711 403 808 389 231 342 247 405 542 409 207 421 952 446 245 430 833 4 449 816 4 853 555 5 061 917 4 981 721 4 294 523 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 423 455 362 515 349 903 328 027 270 913 229 902 208 535 194 544 165 473 135 861 1 046 757 877 435 773 411 650 695 497 465 790 824 633 129 585 772 491 309 396 021 367 443 296 770 275 080 225 523 189 904 265 696 222 588 206 052 166 577 135 742 67 393 63 444 58 450 52 086 44 209 317 667 283 656 267 075 232 375 179 710 425 802 392 828 361 483 307 400 237 556 3 934 939 3 340 901 3 071 770 2 619 465 2 087 380 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 217 137 170 194 188 548 146 411 116 252 105 400 77 309 63 367 50 979 35 388 372 050 260 200 194 783 129 578 95 027 332 888 240 916 215 539 154 802 131 779 150 796 110 543 112 285 92 956 88 582 100 878 70 482 63 235 43 399 39 016 34 948 27 356 22 516 17 309 11 806 133 782 105 902 86 129 64 741 49 239 190 140 142 363 118 892 87 751 64 379 1 638 020 1 205 266 1 065 294 787 927 631 469 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + 65 197 50 803 23 885 21 162 16 578 10 312 60 564 40 599 23 972 72 501 50 319 27 517 45 049 42 413 27 080 21 021 18 619 10 706 7 750 4 940 3 478 32 982 21 936 14 473 41 311 24 739 15 911 367 537 270 945 157 333 6 436 763 2 706 775 8 837 178 9 426 017 5 273 642 3 122 990 822 727 3 669 349 4 524 335 44 819 778 Total Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. People page 27 Table 2.14: Population in five-year age groups by province page 28 Table 2.15: Population in five-year age groups by province: Males Age group Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 331 137 414 158 444 095 400 408 258 026 126 686 137 613 151 314 151 921 123 392 361 816 337 379 338 157 368 686 505 789 505 646 558 183 569 275 551 455 432 503 299 651 358 763 374 656 344 877 219 622 173 019 180 799 188 337 182 660 142 624 40 929 42 017 42 791 42 549 35 089 180 293 191 555 200 303 192 948 171 744 204 553 205 336 210 029 217 575 210 504 2 223 731 2 425 804 2 518 956 2 453 079 2 099 293 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 189 984 156 443 146 872 137 696 114 112 108 196 98 504 92 286 80 011 64 403 553 095 460 404 396 949 331 432 247 199 370 486 286 947 257 569 216 918 175 873 152 995 122 022 109 672 91 351 76 155 124 414 103 534 96 837 80 911 65 138 33 343 31 138 28 265 25 196 21 114 156 640 143 723 138 112 123 574 91 262 209 971 191 773 174 944 146 544 112 348 1 899 124 1 594 488 1 441 507 1 233 632 967 604 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 93 984 72 464 71 138 54 461 42 575 50 234 36 240 27 251 19 920 13 634 187 687 126 934 89 586 55 086 38 616 149 219 104 872 84 045 54 807 43 079 63 346 46 317 41 853 30 004 27 501 48 959 33 585 26 683 16 642 14 458 16 899 12 942 10 324 7 566 5 018 68 099 51 896 39 047 27 293 20 338 91 071 67 073 54 581 38 985 27 328 769 499 552 323 444 510 304 763 232 547 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + 23 985 16 759 7 214 7 886 5 290 2 825 23 559 14 955 7 350 24 806 15 716 7 691 15 779 12 799 7 421 8 439 6 647 3 645 3 099 1 794 1 095 12 607 7 784 4 328 16 275 9 091 4 339 136 436 90 835 45 907 2 975 512 1 297 605 4 444 679 4 409 091 2 394 785 1 497 333 401 168 1 821 547 People Total Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. 2 192 321 21 434 040 page 29 Table 2.16: Population in five-year age groups by province: Females Age group Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 326 987 409 342 445 018 410 355 283 999 126 606 136 815 151 196 154 005 132 418 363 980 340 927 344 692 383 554 469 661 507 003 558 828 572 047 575 040 472 719 302 870 361 218 379 586 350 684 257 290 175 670 183 885 191 571 187 629 152 786 40 587 41 707 43 423 42 422 35 526 181 393 191 156 203 505 196 283 170 503 200 989 203 870 211 923 228 671 220 328 2 226 085 2 427 751 2 542 961 2 528 642 2 195 230 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 233 470 206 072 203 031 190 331 156 801 121 706 110 031 102 258 85 462 71 458 493 662 417 031 376 461 319 263 250 266 420 337 346 182 328 203 274 391 220 148 214 448 174 749 165 408 134 172 113 749 141 282 119 054 109 215 85 666 70 604 34 050 32 306 30 185 26 890 23 096 161 027 139 933 128 963 108 802 88 447 215 830 201 055 186 539 160 856 125 208 2 035 814 1 746 412 1 630 264 1 385 832 1 119 776 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 123 153 97 729 117 410 91 950 73 676 55 166 41 070 36 115 31 059 21 754 184 363 133 266 105 197 74 493 56 412 183 669 136 044 131 494 99 995 88 700 87 450 64 226 70 432 62 952 61 081 51 919 36 897 36 551 26 757 24 558 18 049 14 414 12 192 9 743 6 789 65 682 54 006 47 082 37 448 28 901 99 069 75 291 64 310 48 766 37 051 868 521 652 943 620 784 483 164 398 922 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + 41 211 34 044 16 670 13 276 11 288 7 487 37 005 25 644 16 622 47 695 34 603 19 827 29 270 29 613 19 658 12 582 11 971 7 060 4 651 3 145 2 384 20 375 14 153 10 145 25 036 15 649 11 572 231 101 180 111 111 425 3 461 251 1 409 170 4 392 499 5 016 925 2 878 857 1 625 658 421 559 1 847 803 2 332 014 23 385 737 People Total Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Figure 10: Distribution of the total population by age group and sex page 30 Age category 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,2 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 1,9 1,7 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 2,5 2,2 2,8 3,2 3,1 3,6 3,9 3,6 4,5 4,9 4,2 4,7 5,6 5,7 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,4 5,0 8 6 5,0 4 % 2 0 Male People 0,2 0,4 0,5 0,9 1,1 1,4 1,5 2 4 % 6 Female Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Note that the entire graph (males and females) adds up to 100%, unlike age pyramids published previously by Stats SA. 8 Table 2.17: Population in five-year age groups by population group Age group Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 3 752 195 4 085 163 4 218 592 4 096 260 3 544 596 392 887 410 372 427 277 421 348 353 661 74 609 88 514 99 303 110 310 102 236 230 124 269 506 316 745 353 803 294 030 4 449 816 4 853 555 5 061 917 4 981 721 4 294 523 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 3 184 169 2 570 918 2 331 315 1 929 129 1 510 351 337 194 330 061 314 488 268 129 208 624 101 903 95 281 90 727 81 709 72 251 311 672 344 642 335 241 340 498 296 154 3 934 939 3 340 901 3 071 770 2 619 465 2 087 380 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 1 134 840 801 255 730 835 540 092 442 551 162 247 114 501 93 952 68 532 43 950 63 187 48 037 35 959 23 091 14 621 277 746 241 473 204 547 156 212 130 348 1 638 020 1 205 266 1 065 294 787 927 631 469 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + 241 287 194 353 108 265 24 974 13 476 8 832 7 961 3 881 1 887 93 314 59 236 38 348 367 537 270 945 157 333 35 416 166 3 994 505 1 115 467 4 293 640 44 819 778 Total page 31 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Table 2.18: Population in five-year age groups by population group: Males Age group Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 1 871 949 2 036 828 2 092 996 2 008 510 1 724 596 197 105 206 467 213 882 209 267 173 686 37 784 44 558 50 422 55 669 51 864 116 892 137 951 161 656 179 632 149 148 2 223 731 2 425 804 2 518 956 2 453 079 2 099 293 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 1 531 288 1 224 442 1 088 677 905 054 695 362 163 088 156 435 147 807 125 291 95 937 51 074 46 654 43 556 39 089 33 852 153 675 166 958 161 467 164 199 142 453 1 899 124 1 594 488 1 441 507 1 233 632 967 604 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 529 533 360 392 289 707 193 570 152 237 74 866 52 387 41 460 29 104 17 563 30 352 22 837 15 954 9 939 6 122 134 749 116 707 97 389 72 151 56 626 769 499 552 323 444 510 304 763 232 547 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + 87 194 63 462 32 034 9 187 4 537 2 359 3 194 1 484 645 36 862 21 351 10 869 136 436 90 835 45 907 16 887 830 1 920 426 545 050 2 080 734 21 434 040 Total People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. page 32 Table 2.19: Population in five-year age groups by population group: Females Age group Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 1 880 246 2 048 335 2 125 596 2 087 750 1 820 001 195 781 203 905 213 395 212 081 179 975 36 826 43 956 48 880 54 640 50 372 113 232 131 555 155 089 174 171 144 882 2 226 085 2 427 751 2 542 961 2 528 642 2 195 230 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 1 652 881 1 346 476 1 242 639 1 024 074 814 989 174 107 173 626 166 681 142 838 112 687 50 829 48 627 47 171 42 621 38 399 157 998 177 684 173 773 176 299 153 702 2 035 814 1 746 412 1 630 264 1 385 832 1 119 776 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 605 307 440 863 441 128 346 522 290 314 87 381 62 115 52 493 39 428 26 387 32 836 25 200 20 005 13 152 8 499 142 997 124 766 107 158 84 061 73 722 868 521 652 943 620 784 483 164 398 922 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + 154 094 130 891 76 231 15 788 8 939 6 473 4 767 2 396 1 242 56 452 37 885 27 479 231 101 180 111 111 425 18 528 336 2 074 079 570 417 2 212 905 23 385 737 Total page 33 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Figure 11: Distribution of the black African population by age group and sex page 34 Age category 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 1,5 1,7 2,0 2,3 2,9 2,6 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 3,5 3,8 3,1 3,5 4,7 4,3 5,1 4,9 5,7 5,9 5,8 5,3 8 6 5,9 6,0 5,8 5,3 4 % 2 0 Male People 0,2 0,4 0,4 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,5 0,8 1,0 2 4 % 6 Female Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Note that the entire graph (males and females) adds up to 100%, unlike age pyramids published previously by Stats SA. 8 Figure 12: Distribution of the coloured population by age group and sex page 35 Age category 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,7 1,0 1,3 1,6 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,7 1,0 1,3 2,2 1,9 2,8 2,4 3,6 3,1 3,7 3,9 4,1 4,3 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 5,3 5,4 5,1 4,9 5,2 5,4 5,2 4,9 8 6 4 % 2 0 Male 2 4 % 6 8 Female Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Note that the entire graph (males and females) adds up to 100%, unlike age pyramids published previously by Stats SA. People 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 Figure 13: Distribution of the Indian/Asian population by age group and sex page 36 Age category 0,1 0,1 0,3 0,5 0,9 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 1,4 1,8 2,0 2,3 2,9 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,8 3,5 3,9 4,2 4,2 4,4 4,6 4,5 4,9 4,4 3,9 4,6 4,6 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,4 8 6 4 % 3,3 2 0 Male People 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,8 1,2 2 4 % 6 Female Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Note that the entire graph (males and females) adds up to 100%, unlike age pyramids published previously by Stats SA. 8 Figure 14: Distribution of the white population by age group and sex page 37 Age category 0,3 0,5 0,9 0,6 0,9 1,3 1,7 2,0 1,3 1,7 2,5 2,9 3,3 3,6 2,3 2,7 3,1 3,3 3,8 3,8 3,9 3,6 3,5 4,2 3,8 3,2 4,1 4,0 4,1 3,7 3,4 4,1 3,6 3,1 2,6 2,7 8 6 4 % 2 0 Male 2 4 % 6 8 Female Please refer to the introduction when reading this graph. Note that the entire graph (males and females) adds up to 100%, unlike age pyramids published previously by Stats SA. People 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 page 38 Table 2.20: Disabled population by province Disability Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa Sight Hearing Communication Physical Intellectual Emotional Multiple Total 86 893 51 499 12 640 98 106 35 786 47 135 40 206 372 265 59 965 26 270 5 088 36 305 13 015 19 751 24 982 185 376 91 304 39 318 10 188 84 917 32 970 37 847 35 067 331 611 110 937 67 004 17 971 123 853 45 451 55 883 49 489 470 588 69 727 44 542 9 799 53 883 26 223 35 013 29 715 268 903 49 431 27 927 5 777 41 753 13 343 21 224 22 738 182 194 12 050 5 357 1 429 13 454 3 234 4 522 6 926 46 972 62 507 25 174 6 130 51 490 16 189 25 346 24 386 211 223 34 282 26 492 6 432 53 752 20 239 21 991 23 661 186 850 577 096 313 585 75 454 557 512 206 451 268 713 257 170 2 255 982 People Notes: For each of the specific categories, the numbers represent the people with that particular disability only. People with more than one disability are only included in the category ‘multiple’. The definition of disability used in Census 2001 is not comparable with that used in Census 1996. Figure 15: Percentage of the population with each type of disability 6 page 39 % 5,0 5 4 3 2 1,3 1,2 1 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,2 al To t n un m C om In te lle ica ctu tio al le M ul tip l na io ot Em He ar in g l Ph ys ica Si gh t 0 Five per cent of the population were classified by respondents as having a serious disability, preventing full participation in life activities, for example, in the educational, work or social spheres. People Type of disability page 40 Table 2.21: Disabled population by population group and sex People Disability and sex Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total Sight Male Female Total 212 764 294 121 506 884 14 143 16 102 30 245 4 246 4 798 9 044 14 529 16 394 30 923 245 682 331 415 577 096 Hearing Male Female Total 120 147 136 930 257 077 9 279 10 020 19 299 2 022 2 324 4 346 16 157 16 706 32 863 147 605 165 980 313 585 Communication Male Female Total 32 985 29 495 62 480 3 222 2 530 5 752 829 602 1 431 3 032 2 759 5 791 40 068 35 386 75 454 Physical Male Female Total 217 496 218 707 436 203 30 275 23 510 53 786 7 140 5 654 12 795 26 188 28 541 54 728 281 100 276 412 557 512 Intellectual Male Female Total 84 476 78 094 162 570 9 038 8 356 17 394 2 211 1 921 4 133 11 797 10 557 22 354 107 522 98 929 206 451 Emotional Male Female Total 121 180 105 970 227 150 11 644 9 801 21 445 2 564 1 999 4 564 7 561 7 994 15 555 142 949 125 764 268 713 Multiple Male Female Total 90 632 111 380 202 012 10 981 9 775 20 757 2 537 2 386 4 923 12 967 16 512 29 479 117 118 140 052 257 170 Total Male Female Total 879 680 974 696 1 854 376 88 583 80 095 168 678 21 550 19 685 41 235 92 230 99 463 191 693 1 082 043 1 173 939 2 255 982 page 41 Table 2.22: Highest level of education by province amongst those aged 20 and older Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West No schooling Some primary Completed primary Some secondary Grade 12/ Std 10 Higher Total 743 700 643 921 240 337 963 428 459 190 204 687 3 255 262 251 408 340 753 122 345 482 224 274 843 99 047 1 570 620 504 619 673 283 328 519 2 055 955 1 678 906 756 706 5 997 987 1 100 291 849 144 287 070 1 447 674 995 616 348 744 5 028 538 835 485 352 437 137 839 653 487 351 250 170 841 2 501 338 456 747 264 548 98 331 440 640 301 490 97 664 1 659 421 88 680 101 934 40 319 145 344 80 357 29 667 486 301 423 787 426 025 144 181 619 263 393 809 124 850 2 131 914 Western Cape South Africa 162 781 4 567 497 431 698 4 083 742 224 529 1 623 467 1 038 110 7 846 125 665 141 5 200 602 319 129 2 151 336 2 841 388 25 472 769 People Level of education page 42 People Table 2.23: Highest level of education by province amongst those aged 20 and older (percentages) Level of education Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa No schooling Some primary Completed primary Some secondary Grade 12/ Std 10 Higher Total 22,8 19,8 7,4 29,6 14,1 6,3 100,0 16,0 21,7 7,8 30,7 17,5 6,3 100,0 8,4 11,2 5,5 34,3 28,0 12,6 100,0 21,9 16,9 5,7 28,8 19,8 6,9 100,0 33,4 14,1 5,5 26,1 14,0 6,8 100,0 27,5 15,9 5,9 26,6 18,2 5,9 100,0 18,2 21,0 8,3 29,9 16,5 6,1 100,0 19,9 20,0 6,8 29,0 18,5 5,9 100,0 5,7 15,2 7,9 36,5 23,4 11,2 100,0 17,9 16,0 6,4 30,8 20,4 8,4 100,0 Figure 16: Distribution of the population aged 20 years and above by highest level of education completed page 43 Some primary 16,0% Completed primary 6,4% No schooling 17,9% Higher 8,4% Some secondary 30,8% More than three in ten of those aged 20 and above had started but not completed secondary education. Eighteen per cent had no formal education. People Grade 12/ Std 10 20,4% Figure 17: Percentage of the population aged 20 and above in each province with no education 40 % 35 33,4 30 27,5 25 22,8 21,9 19,9 20 18,2 17,9 16,0 15 10 8,4 5,7 5 0 People Lim po po m pu M a. E. e ap C KZ N t es W N. e ap C N. e at ee Fr St ng te au G e ap .C W In Limpopo more than a third of those aged 20 years and above had not received any education. SA page 44 Figure 18: Percentage of the population aged 20 and above in each province with tertiary qualifications 14 page 45 % 12,6 12 11,2 10 8,4 8 6 5,9 5,9 6,3 6,1 6,8 6,3 6,9 4 2 t es W N. m pu M a. e ap C N. E. e ap C e po at ee Fr St po Lim KZ N e ap .C W In South Africa as a whole, fewer than one in ten people had tertiary qualifications. ng te au G SA People 0 page 46 Table 2.24: Highest level of education by sex and province amongst those aged 20 and older People Level of education and sex No schooling Male Female Total Some primary Male Female Total Completed primary Male Female Total Some secondary Male Female Total Grade 12/ Std 10 Male Female Total Higher Male Female Total Total Male Female Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 281 199 462 501 743 700 109 337 142 071 251 408 245 793 258 826 504 619 410 936 689 355 1 100 291 270 283 565 202 835 485 186 946 269 801 456 747 42 116 46 564 88 680 203 122 220 665 423 787 80 522 82 259 162 781 1 830 254 2 737 244 4 567 497 302 190 341 731 643 921 158 404 182 349 340 753 358 244 315 039 673 283 365 970 483 174 849 144 160 623 191 814 352 437 129 666 134 882 264 548 49 311 52 623 101 934 217 291 208 734 426 025 217 116 214 582 431 698 1 958 814 2 124 928 4 083 742 100 562 139 775 240 337 55 735 66 610 122 345 167 204 161 314 328 519 127 604 159 465 287 070 61 903 75 935 137 839 47 980 50 351 98 331 18 106 22 213 40 319 71 397 72 783 144 181 102 503 122 025 224 529 752 996 870 471 1 623 467 410 601 552 827 963 428 224 271 257 952 482 224 1 019 890 1 036 065 2 055 955 679 886 767 788 1 447 674 289 325 364 161 653 487 212 787 227 853 440 640 68 454 76 890 145 344 308 174 311 089 619 263 483 928 554 182 1 038 110 3 697 317 4 148 808 7 846 125 206 722 252 468 459 190 135 261 139 582 274 843 862 441 816 464 1 678 906 477 269 518 346 995 616 157 362 193 888 351 250 147 693 153 798 301 490 40 285 40 072 80 357 198 483 195 325 393 809 314 048 351 093 665 141 2 539 565 2 661 036 5 200 602 84 440 120 247 204 687 47 063 51 983 99 047 385 069 371 637 756 706 162 866 185 878 348 744 77 341 93 500 170 841 47 445 50 219 97 664 14 609 15 058 29 667 57 980 66 870 124 850 156 710 162 419 319 129 1 033 524 1 117 811 2 151 336 1 385 714 1 869 549 3 255 262 730 072 840 548 1 570 620 3 038 641 2 959 346 5 997 987 2 224 532 2 804 007 5 028 538 1 016 838 1 484 500 2 501 338 772 518 886 903 1 659 421 232 881 253 420 486 301 1 056 447 1 075 466 2 131 914 Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. 1 354 828 11 812 470 1 486 560 13 660 299 2 841 388 25 472 769 Table 2.25: Highest level of education by population group amongst those aged 20 and older Level of education No schooling Some primary Completed primary Some secondary Grade 12/ Std 10 Higher Total Black African 4 292 235 3 557 674 1 338 609 5 851 580 3 228 480 995 378 19 263 956 Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 193 375 430 426 230 327 940 357 433 782 114 354 2 342 621 39 375 57 110 31 035 245 146 259 389 110 677 742 731 42 513 38 532 23 497 809 042 1 278 951 930 927 3 123 461 4 567 497 4 083 742 1 623 467 7 846 125 5 200 602 2 151 336 25 472 769 page 47 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. page 48 Figure 19: Distribution of those aged 20 and above in each population group by highest level of education completed 100 % 80 60 40 20 People 0 Asian/Indian White Higher Black African 5,2 Coloured 4,9 14,9 29,8 Average 8,4 Grade 12/ Std 10 16,8 18,5 34,9 40,9 20,4 30,8 Some second. 30,4 40,1 33,0 25,9 Completed prim. 6,9 9,8 4,2 0,8 6,4 Some prim. 18,5 18,4 7,7 1,2 16,0 No schooling 22,3 8,3 5,3 1,4 17,9 Twenty-two per cent of Africans aged 20 years and above had received no education. Table 2.26: Attendance at an educational institution by province amongst those aged 5-24 Pre-school School College Technikon University Adult education centre Other Sub-total: Attending Not attending Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 91 696 2 189 277 16 808 16 008 14 802 2 347 4 303 2 335 240 730 161 3 065 401 31 773 765 166 10 272 6 642 8 667 3 148 1 739 827 408 311 266 1 138 674 117 972 1 716 560 80 720 57 726 63 864 6 795 9 120 2 052 758 1 036 087 3 088 845 100 899 2 839 817 27 570 29 350 29 851 5 145 6 411 3 039 043 1 251 008 4 290 051 72 239 1 966 975 12 802 5 545 9 843 1 564 3 114 2 072 081 574 615 2 646 696 41 615 967 133 9 004 5 599 2 265 1 481 2 079 1 029 177 381 113 1 410 290 10 071 194 061 2 239 885 416 281 452 208 406 117 119 325 525 49 193 966 769 10 639 7 419 8 517 3 439 1 802 1 047 776 470 221 1 517 997 Western Cape South Africa 60 477 575 936 979 068 12 584 825 21 175 191 230 16 803 145 977 31 379 169 604 2 280 26 480 4 771 33 791 1 115 954 13 727 843 592 283 5 463 873 1 708 237 19 191 716 People Educational institution page 49 Table 2.27: Attendance at an educational institution by population group amongst those aged 5-24 Educational institution Pre-school School College Technikon University Adult education centre Other Sub-total: Attending Not attending Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 448 726 10 678 731 136 215 110 571 74 140 22 266 22 420 11 493 069 4 451 543 15 944 612 50 517 939 467 12 366 8 995 10 238 1 503 3 355 1 026 441 586 217 1 612 658 14 030 228 538 8 305 5 745 18 752 420 1 614 277 404 122 958 400 362 62 664 738 089 34 344 20 666 66 474 2 290 6 403 930 930 303 154 1 234 084 575 936 12 584 825 191 230 145 977 169 604 26 480 33 791 13 727 843 5 463 873 19 191 716 People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. page 50 Table 2.28: Population of working age (15-65) by province and labour market status – labour force survey and census data compared (percentages) page 51 Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa LFS, September 2001 Employed Unemployed* Not economically active Total 31,4 14,8 53,8 100,0 42,9 17,6 39,5 100,0 50,4 19,9 29,7 100,0 35,2 17,7 47,1 100,0 27,4 15,5 57,1 100,0 38,6 16,5 45,0 100,0 40,8 14,4 44,7 100,0 36,0 15,3 48,7 100,0 53,6 12,1 34,3 100,0 39,6 16,5 43,9 100,0 CENSUS 2001 Employed Unemployed* Not economically active Total 20,4 24,6 55,0 100,0 33,7 25,5 40,8 100,0 45,0 25,8 29,2 100,0 27,8 21,6 45,7 100,0 22,7 21,6 55,7 100,0 33,0 23,0 43,9 100,0 39,4 19,7 40,9 100,0 31,8 24,8 43,4 100,0 48,5 17,1 34,4 100,0 33,7 24,0 42,3 100,0 Labour market status * Official or strict definition Sources: Labour Force Survey, September 2001 and Census 2001 People The LFS figures are the official labour market figures – please refer to the introduction. Note: In this table, the percentage unemployed is not the unemployment rate. It is the percentage unemployed of the entire working age population. See Figures 21 and 22 for the unemployment rates. Table 2.29: Population of working age (15-65) by population group, labour market status and sex – labour force survey and census data compared (percentages) Labour market status and sex Black African LFS Census Coloured LFS Census Indian/Asian LFS Census White LFS Census Average LFS Census Male Employed Unemployed* Not economically active Total 39,9 19,0 41,1 100,0 35,0 26,7 38,3 100,0 57,3 14,7 27,9 100,0 52,6 18,2 29,2 100,0 66,5 11,6 21,9 100,0 62,8 11,7 25,5 100,0 73,8 3,8 22,4 100,0 70,4 4,6 25,0 100,0 46,6 16,5 36,9 100,0 41,3 23,1 35,7 100,0 Female Employed Unemployed* Not economically active Total 28,6 18,9 52,4 100,0 21,4 29,3 49,2 100,0 43,2 13,2 43,6 100,0 40,1 16,1 43,8 100,0 38,4 11,8 49,8 100,0 36,2 8,3 55,5 100,0 55,7 4,5 39,8 100,0 52,8 3,7 43,5 100,0 33,3 16,6 50,2 100,0 26,8 24,9 48,3 100,0 Total Employed Unemployed* Not economically active Total 33,9 19,0 47,1 100,0 27,8 28,1 44,1 100,0 49,9 13,9 36,2 100,0 46,1 17,1 36,9 100,0 52,1 11,7 36,2 100,0 49,2 10,0 40,9 100,0 64,9 4,1 31,0 100,0 61,4 4,1 34,5 100,0 39,6 16,5 43,9 100,0 33,7 24,0 42,3 100,0 * Official or strict definition Sources: Labour Force Survey, September 2001 and Census 2001 People The LFS figures are the official labour market figures – please refer to the introduction. Note: In this table, the percentage unemployed is not the unemployment rate. It is the percentage unemployed of the entire working age population. See Figures 21 and 22 for the unemployment rates. page 52 Figure 20: Distribution of those aged 15-65 in each population group by labour market status – labour force survey and census data compared page 53 % 100 80 60 40 20 Black African LFS Census Coloured LFS Census Asian/Indian LFS Census White LFS Census LFS Total Census 19,0 28,1 13,9 17,1 11,7 10,0 4,1 4,1 16,5 24,0 Employed 33,9 27,8 49,8 46,1 52,1 49,2 64,9 61,4 39,8 33,7 Not ec. active 47,1 44,1 36,2 36,9 31,0 40,9 31,0 34,5 43,9 42,3 Unemployed* * Official or strict definition Sources: Labour Force Survey, September 2001 and Census 2001 The LFS figures are the official labour market figures. In this figure the population aged 15-65 is divided into three catagories: employed, unemployed and not economically active. The latter include students, homemakers, the disabled, those too ill to work and anyone not seeking work. People 0 Figure 21: Unemployment rate (strict definition) among those aged 15-65 in each province – labour force survey and census data compared 60 page 54 % 54,6 48,8 50 48,7 43,8 43,0 41,1 40 41,6 36,4 36,1 33,5 32,0 30 33,4 29,9 29,9 29,1 28,2 29,5 26,1 26,1 18,4 20 10 0 People Lim po po KZ N E. e ap C t es W . N a. e at m pu M ee Fr St LFS September 2001 ng te au G e ap C . N e ap .C W SA Census 2001 Sources: Labour Force Survey, September 2001 and Census 2001 The LFS figures are the official labour market figures. According to the LFS, the unemployment rate was 29,5% for the country as a whole in September 2001. These calculations do not include the not economically active, hence the larger proportions of unemployed than shown in Figure 20. Figure 22: Unemployment rate (strict definition) among those aged 15-65 by sex and population group – labour force survey and census data compared page 55 % 70 57,8 60 50,2 48,1 50 43,3 41,6 39,8 40 35,9 35,8 33,3 32,2 30 26,1 25,7 29,5 28,6 27,0 23,6 23,3 20,5 20 21,8 18,7 18,4 16,9 14,815,7 10 7,4 6,6 4,9 6,1 6,0 6,3 e te hi ag er Av n W sia /A re ou ol an di In ric Total Census 2001 Sources: Labour Force Survey, September 2001 and Census 2001 The LFS figures are the official labour market figures. Both datasets show particularly high unemployment among African women. People LFS September 2001 C Af k Bl Females Males d an e ac Av er hi ag te n W /A re an ou ol In di ric C Af k ac Bl sia d an e ag er te hi W Av n /A re an ou ol C di In ric Af k ac Bl sia d an 0 page 56 Table 2.30: Occupation by province amongst the employed aged 15-65 Occupation People Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerks Service workers, shop and market sales workers Skilled agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers Elementary occupations Undetermined Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 32 361 49 745 19 802 27 541 208 242 269 900 82 577 100 053 22 843 38 759 23 035 27 875 8 746 8 848 28 785 38 369 88 998 107 372 515 389 668 463 94 918 75 973 46 307 48 977 280 323 379 623 171 209 173 794 69 925 54 911 46 119 52 541 15 086 19 394 62 350 69 409 133 537 173 077 919 774 1 047 699 74 174 50 571 331 316 164 713 63 732 54 473 17 914 69 162 151 531 977 587 23 845 28 719 26 543 44 136 32 862 35 119 14 482 25 410 36 994 268 110 77 507 71 246 361 459 180 199 75 990 92 598 20 491 127 935 157 549 1 164 973 55 375 210 020 60 420 754 338 62 725 201 672 33 441 591 002 236 685 589 943 210 743 2 894 777 160 674 396 715 128 200 1 602 270 50 569 219 107 35 149 663 847 66 546 202 093 29 775 630 175 11 355 81 553 10 876 208 745 96 809 204 262 26 397 748 889 103 494 434 578 102 591 1 489 722 844 233 2 539 942 637 593 9 583 762 page 57 Figure 23: Distribution of the employed aged 15-65 by occupational category 30 % 26,5 25 20 15 12,2 10,9 9,6 10 10,2 8,8 7,0 6,7 5,4 5 2,8 ed ry in ta er et Un d People Altogether, 27% of the employed were in elementary occupations, and 5% were in managerial occupations. m en em El O pe ra to r tis an Ar ric ag d ille Sk al Sa le s/ se rv ice C le ric l ica hn Te c fe ss io Pr o M an ag er ia na l l 0 page 58 Table 2.31: Occupation by province amongst the employed aged 15-65 (percentages) Occupation People Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerks Service workers, shop and market sales workers Skilled agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers Elementary occupations Undetermined Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 4,3 6,6 3,4 4,7 7,2 9,3 5,2 6,2 3,4 5,8 3,7 4,4 4,2 4,2 3,8 5,1 6,0 7,2 5,4 7,0 12,6 10,1 7,8 8,3 9,7 13,1 10,7 10,8 10,5 8,3 7,3 8,3 7,2 9,3 8,3 9,3 9,0 11,6 9,6 10,9 9,8 8,6 11,4 10,3 9,6 8,6 8,6 9,2 10,2 10,2 3,2 4,9 0,9 2,8 5,0 5,6 6,9 3,4 2,5 2,8 10,3 12,1 12,5 11,2 11,4 14,7 9,8 17,1 10,6 12,2 7,3 27,8 8,0 100,0 10,6 34,1 5,7 100,0 8,2 20,4 7,3 100,0 10,0 24,8 8,0 100,0 7,6 33,0 5,3 100,0 10,6 32,1 4,7 100,0 5,4 39,1 5,2 100,0 12,9 27,3 3,5 100,0 6,9 29,2 6,9 100,0 8,8 26,5 6,7 100,0 page 59 Table 2.32: Occupation by population group amongst the employed aged 15-65 Occupation Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 139 509 241 578 486 731 479 146 631 999 191 720 809 756 674 066 2 081 268 380 056 6 115 829 42 202 47 599 101 800 158 679 103 637 30 207 157 292 97 725 385 536 82 716 1 207 393 46 591 48 192 48 762 83 614 48 453 1 545 40 732 33 073 21 078 24 891 396 931 287 087 331 094 282 481 326 260 193 497 44 638 157 193 39 369 52 060 149 931 1 863 610 515 389 668 463 919 774 1 047 699 977 587 268 110 1 164 973 844 233 2 539 942 637 593 9 583 762 Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerks Service workers, shop and market sales workers Skilled agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers Elementary occupations Undetermined Total People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. page 60 Table 2.33: Occupation by population group amongst the employed aged 15-65: Males Occupation Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 97 703 135 579 203 195 224 337 427 001 138 977 689 127 608 332 899 371 215 125 3 638 748 26 901 25 811 42 635 52 127 54 459 22 282 126 298 67 818 192 468 45 399 656 197 35 817 28 984 27 497 35 678 33 167 1 330 32 914 23 269 13 748 14 689 247 093 202 646 193 216 135 388 66 070 117 819 37 581 144 615 35 069 32 018 79 842 1 044 263 363 068 383 590 408 714 378 212 632 446 200 170 992 954 734 487 1 137 604 355 055 5 586 300 Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerks Service workers, shop and market sales workers Skilled agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers Elementary occupations Undetermined Total People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. page 61 Table 2.34: Occupation by population group amongst the employed aged 15-65: Females Occupation Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 41 806 106 000 283 536 254 809 204 997 52 743 120 629 65 734 1 181 897 164 931 2 477 081 15 302 21 787 59 165 106 552 49 178 7 925 30 994 29 908 193 068 37 317 551 196 10 774 19 208 21 265 47 936 15 287 214 7 818 9 804 7 331 10 202 149 838 84 440 137 878 147 093 260 190 75 679 7 058 12 578 4 300 20 042 70 089 819 347 152 322 284 873 511 060 669 486 345 141 67 940 172 018 109 745 1 402 338 282 538 3 997 462 Legislators, senior officials and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerks Service workers, shop and market sales workers Skilled agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related trades workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers Elementary occupations Undetermined Total People Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. page 62 Table 2.35: Economic sector by province amongst the employed aged 15-65 Economic sector Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transport, storage and communication Financial, insurance, real estate and business services Community, social and personal services Other and not adequately defined Private households Undetermined Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 72 123 4 574 90 864 102 791 44 280 48 301 67 648 98 125 399 270 142 900 9 089 267 592 118 261 27 883 43 395 114 532 47 387 70 344 55 016 15 493 10 598 81 043 132 071 69 328 206 176 4 593 207 152 960 489 383 495 1 206 845 3 763 36 761 4 232 21 898 20 976 163 084 10 718 76 294 7 388 37 430 11 404 38 089 1 365 8 971 4 376 35 333 7 404 102 626 71 626 520 486 104 647 72 519 485 427 240 811 92 222 86 794 24 671 104 755 242 599 1 454 446 27 587 21 307 168 478 81 828 22 874 22 697 6 366 26 997 64 596 442 730 51 450 32 921 412 589 134 937 33 572 33 515 10 989 38 569 156 025 904 568 196 345 111 297 516 389 318 486 160 783 97 091 38 463 143 198 259 799 1 841 851 51 89 337 76 836 754 338 38 86 082 45 334 591 002 1 818 279 902 281 071 2 894 777 172 148 419 171 024 1 602 270 26 72 930 47 082 663 847 43 68 796 39 482 630 175 19 22 028 14 764 208 745 126 79 471 33 622 748 889 230 93 358 145 164 1 489 722 2 524 940 323 854 378 9 583 762 People Note: The South African Police Services, Correctional Services and the South African National Defence Force are included with government employees in the community, social and personal services category. Figure 24: Distribution of the employed aged 15-65 by industry Agriculture 10,0% page 63 Manufacturing 12,6% Finance 9,4% Trade 15,2% Construction 5,4% Undetermined 8,9% Transport 4,6% Mining 4,0% Electricity 0,7% The community, social and personal services industry, including the public sector and private households, employed 29% of the workforce - more than agriculture, manufacturing and mining combined. People Community, social and personal services 29,1% PLEASE SCROLL DOWN page 65 The households of South Africa page 66 Table 3.1: Type of dwelling by province Households Type of dwelling House or brick structure on a separate stand or yard Traditional dwelling/hut/ structure made of traditional materials Flat in block of flats Town/cluster/ semi-detached house (simplex, duplex) House/flat/room in back yard Informal dwelling/ shack in backyard Informal dwelling/ shack NOT in backyard Room/flatlet not in backyard but on a shared property Caravan or tent Private ship/boat Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 624 516 438 091 1 424 818 915 419 818 123 473 605 158 647 621 363 763 881 6 238 462 576 697 69 141 52 678 12 616 34 626 188 275 581 036 193 490 232 502 9 036 94 898 13 213 7 159 3 694 49 422 10 170 25 768 89 473 1 654 787 589 108 21 567 10 501 124 841 72 289 7 393 6 657 3 532 6 120 66 969 319 868 37 968 20 517 193 503 65 937 22 199 17 154 4 383 25 644 25 069 412 374 31 205 44 103 185 767 48 613 21 205 24 503 5 355 51 935 46 840 459 526 135 567 147 081 448 393 177 212 56 930 92 877 20 438 155 501 142 706 1 376 706 12 524 3 260 218 1 512 664 5 625 1 865 225 733 302 42 583 7 246 1 192 2 651 244 24 660 7 007 588 2 086 250 9 703 2 466 409 1 179 965 8 199 1 841 184 733 131 1 896 1 661 76 206 842 6 705 1 738 405 929 004 Excluding all collective living quarters 8 712 120 609 3 526 30 610 360 3 656 1 173 304 11 205 705 Figure 25: Distribution of households in each province by type of dwelling 100 page 67 % 80 60 40 20 N. Cape Other Backyard Traditional Informal Formal 0,8 3,0 3,5 12,5 80,2 W. Cape Limpopo 0,3 2,9 2,2 16,2 78,4 0,2 2,7 19,7 6,6 70,7 N. West Mpuma. Gauteng F. State KZN E. Cape SA 0,2 3,5 5,3 22,3 68,6 0,3 3,5 12,9 16,0 67,3 0,3 8,9 1,3 23,9 65,6 0,3 3,6 7,2 26,1 62,9 0,4 4,3 27,9 10,8 56,6 0,2 3,3 38,1 11,0 47,3 0,3 4,8 14,8 16,4 63,8 Excluding all collective living quarters Just under two-thirds of all households in the country lived in formal dwellings. Households 0 page 68 Table 3.2: Type of dwelling by population group of the household head Type of dwelling House or brick structure on a separate stand or yard Traditional dwelling/hut/structure made of traditional materials Flat in block of flats Town/cluster/semi-detached house (simplex, duplex) House/flat/room in backyard Informal dwelling/shack in backyard Informal dwelling/shack NOT in backyard Room/flatlet not in backyard but on a shared property Caravan or tent Private ship/boat Total Households Excluding all collective living quarters Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 4 369 893 1 610 402 324 362 89 365 343 604 425 719 1 334 691 101 390 22 818 2 806 8 625 050 649 503 24 967 59 310 52 302 26 748 30 529 35 304 6 350 2 732 291 888 036 187 769 3 993 39 843 34 774 11 074 927 2 114 1 814 527 94 282 930 1 031 298 15 424 165 594 143 427 30 948 2 351 4 596 11 054 4 533 464 1 409 689 6 238 462 1 654 787 589 108 319 868 412 374 459 526 1 376 706 120 609 30 610 3 656 11 205 705 page 69 Table 3.3: Number of rooms available to households by province Number of rooms* 1** 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 233 610 291 762 246 444 325 226 161 665 106 430 61 154 37 180 20 808 28 385 1 512 664 126 534 134 093 100 237 171 116 76 248 59 643 30 056 17 321 8 478 9 577 733 302 671 129 356 061 265 562 529 238 275 672 227 369 137 310 86 399 47 269 55 234 2 651 244 350 365 298 424 258 892 419 403 273 812 202 647 109 892 67 675 39 931 65 209 2 086 250 169 350 205 996 202 908 185 802 139 718 111 681 71 723 43 869 23 473 25 444 1 179 965 101 341 117 134 106 159 138 597 87 286 76 850 45 186 28 132 14 434 18 011 733 131 28 790 35 472 28 491 48 609 23 577 17 908 11 034 6 465 3 072 3 423 206 842 140 676 161 455 115 608 193 684 109 370 93 986 52 696 30 777 14 947 15 805 929 004 Western Cape South Africa 151 466 1 973 262 170 539 1 770 935 158 511 1 482 813 266 643 2 278 318 200 954 1 348 303 103 864 1 000 377 55 438 574 487 31 282 349 101 16 651 189 064 17 956 239 044 1 173 304 11 205 705 Households Excluding all collective living quarters * Including kitchens, and outside rooms used by the same household, but excluding bathrooms and toilets ** Including households sharing a single room with another household or households Table 3.4: Number of rooms available to households by population group of the household head Number of rooms* 1** 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 1 855 036 1 576 736 1 207 933 1 708 884 846 081 626 832 350 174 202 780 109 038 141 556 8 625 050 85 980 130 388 125 079 244 197 168 793 73 248 31 567 15 178 6 972 6 635 888 036 5 408 14 150 29 546 74 104 71 152 44 544 20 248 11 499 5 975 6 304 282 930 26 838 49 662 120 256 251 133 262 277 255 752 172 497 119 644 67 080 84 550 1 409 689 1 973 262 1 770 935 1 482 813 2 278 318 1 348 303 1 000 377 574 487 349 101 189 064 239 044 11 205 705 Households Excluding all collective living quarters * Including kitchens, and outside rooms used by the same household, but excluding bathrooms and toilets ** Including households sharing a single room with another household or households page 70 Figure 26: Distribution of households by number of rooms 30 page 71 % 20,3 25 17,6 15,8 20 13,2 12,0 15 8,9 10 0 3,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1,7 2,1 9 10+ Number of rooms Excluding all collective living quarters Forty-seven per cent of households in the country lived in three or fewer rooms (excluding bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc., unless there were people living in them, but including kitchens). Households 5,1 5 page 72 Table 3.5: Household size by province Number of persons per household Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Total Average household size 247 169 235 598 221 978 223 611 183 541 138 571 95 708 63 535 40 634 62 320 1 512 664 4,1 125 659 141 937 128 488 122 421 85 780 53 633 31 849 18 509 11 044 13 981 733 302 3,6 586 679 622 816 451 433 409 597 249 701 143 579 78 711 44 496 25 882 38 350 2 651 244 3,2 386 750 321 099 261 840 282 736 233 295 179 664 130 531 93 073 64 771 132 491 2 086 250 4,2 183 339 152 448 165 173 179 942 158 225 122 694 84 726 54 420 33 721 45 277 1 179 965 4,3 130 433 119 642 109 323 108 679 84 793 61 118 41 725 28 077 18 504 30 836 733 131 4,0 32 140 39 623 34 658 35 300 24 238 15 517 9 770 5 938 3 713 5 944 206 842 3,8 202 403 149 517 134 914 136 209 104 779 71 894 47 053 30 177 19 634 32 424 929 004 3,7 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Western Cape South Africa 183 441 2 078 013 238 864 2 021 544 196 048 1 703 856 213 555 1 712 050 144 731 1 269 082 84 327 870 998 47 536 567 610 27 019 365 244 15 714 233 618 22 069 383 692 1 173 304 11 205 705 3,6 3,8 Table 3.6: Household size by population group of the household head Household size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Total Average household size Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 1 714 296 1 401 281 1 255 734 1 197 169 965 829 715 562 489 296 323 921 210 517 351 445 8 625 050 3,9 76 024 121 546 147 573 183 114 142 420 89 089 52 196 30 396 18 203 27 475 888 036 4,3 18 676 43 048 51 285 72 227 49 405 25 997 11 851 5 342 2 593 2 503 282 930 4,0 269 017 455 668 249 263 259 541 111 427 40 349 14 266 5 585 2 305 2 268 1 409 689 2,8 2 078 013 2 021 544 1 703 856 1 712 050 1 269 082 870 998 567 610 365 244 233 618 383 692 11 205 705 3,8 page 73 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Please refer to the introduction when reading this table. Figure 27: Distribution of households by main energy source used for cooking, heating and lighting Heating Cooking Other 1,4% Gas 2,5% Households Paraffin 21,4% Coal 2,8% Lighting Electricity 49,0% Electricity 51,4% Wood 20,5% Gas 1,1% Paraffin 14,6% Electricity 69,7% Other 0,8% Other 4,0% Coal 6,6% Excluding all collective living quarters Seven in every ten households in the country used electricity for lighting. page 74 Wood 24,6% Paraffin 6,8% Candles 22,7% page 75 Table 3.7: Energy source for cooking by province Energy source for cooking Electricity Gas Paraffin Wood Coal Animal dung Solar Other Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 419 997 44 014 445 082 543 561 4 607 49 329 2 003 4 070 1 512 664 344 592 25 519 250 166 58 138 39 236 11 953 1 893 1 805 733 302 1 939 945 37 539 567 851 18 437 72 819 5 477 5 461 3 715 2 651 244 1 007 737 63 917 374 356 562 970 42 267 20 736 6 146 8 122 2 086 250 295 512 19 625 131 633 702 428 18 651 5 272 2 981 3 864 1 179 965 293 055 13 861 126 756 170 907 118 227 6 065 1 960 2 299 733 131 122 132 13 291 37 281 31 711 1 198 467 421 342 206 842 414 234 26 538 296 785 170 272 10 404 8 259 1 314 1 198 929 004 Western Cape South Africa 924 151 5 761 354 39 991 284 295 165 008 2 394 919 34 251 2 292 674 2 651 310 059 3 411 110 969 2 047 24 225 1 795 27 210 1 173 304 11 205 705 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Figure 28: Percentage of households in each province using wood for cooking 70 page 76 % using wood for cooking 59,5 60 50 40 35,9 30 27,0 23,3 20,5 18,3 20 15,3 7,9 10 2,9 Households 0 Lim po po E e ap .C KZ N M m pu a. t es W N. e ap C N. e at e e Fr St e ap .C W 0,7 ng te au G SA Excluding all collective living quarters In October 2001, 60% of households in Limpopo were using wood as the main source of energy for cooking, almost three times the national average. page 77 Table 3.8: Energy source for cooking by population group of the household head Energy source for cooking Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 3 393 372 216 988 2 337 480 2 220 884 304 387 108 063 19 769 24 108 8 625 050 730 957 30 446 52 864 66 666 3 207 1 362 1 354 1 180 888 036 274 808 3 963 2 087 644 282 199 571 376 282 930 1 362 217 32 899 2 487 4 480 2 183 1 345 2 532 1 546 1 409 689 5 761 354 284 295 2 394 919 2 292 674 310 059 110 969 24 225 27 210 11 205 705 Electricity Gas Paraffin Wood Coal Animal dung Solar Other Total Households Excluding all collective living quarters page 78 Table 3.9: Energy source for heating by province Energy source for heating Electricity Gas Paraffin Wood Coal Animal dung Solar Other Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 354 407 11 369 425 210 636 371 13 277 30 942 1 850 39 238 1 512 664 296 661 11 000 176 448 103 518 108 299 12 083 2 163 23 131 733 302 1 865 181 38 764 321 946 61 402 286 713 3 923 4 297 69 017 2 651 244 981 524 23 912 229 557 671 433 72 904 16 834 5 819 84 267 2 086 250 322 904 7 441 82 363 703 416 26 831 4 384 2 909 29 717 1 179 965 283 206 6 330 57 745 193 127 158 373 5 129 2 123 27 098 733 131 112 342 2 834 17 184 59 139 5 040 328 304 9 671 206 842 415 336 8 548 157 697 246 521 59 783 7 864 2 716 30 539 929 004 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Western Cape South Africa 861 461 5 493 021 14 784 124 982 173 307 1 641 458 83 935 2 758 861 3 236 734 455 1 570 83 058 1 329 23 509 33 682 346 361 1 173 304 11 205 705 Table 3.10: Energy source for heating by population group of the household head Energy source for heating Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 3 206 237 75 318 1 604 625 2 623 607 718 054 80 975 19 998 296 235 8 625 050 698 137 7 551 31 061 116 402 8 132 897 920 24 937 888 036 274 996 1 899 1 323 1 336 742 152 296 2 185 282 930 1 313 651 40 214 4 448 17 516 7 527 1 033 2 296 23 004 1 409 689 5 493 021 124 982 1 641 458 2 758 861 734 455 83 058 23 509 346 361 11 205 705 Electricity Gas Paraffin Wood Coal Animal dung Solar Other Total page 79 Households Excluding all collective living quarters page 80 Table 3.11: Energy source for lighting by province Energy source for lighting Electricity Gas Paraffin Candles Solar Other Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West 749 092 4 912 354 538 392 925 4 067 7 129 1 512 664 545 266 1 107 34 687 148 631 2 108 1 502 733 302 2 142 070 4 984 76 115 420 664 3 635 3 776 2 651 244 1 281 415 7 593 53 503 730 532 5 178 8 029 2 086 250 752 691 2 072 90 420 325 834 3 169 5 778 1 179 965 500 749 2 244 30 448 195 833 1 193 2 664 733 131 156 779 411 8 348 37 761 2 157 1 387 206 842 654 918 892 28 020 241 783 1 312 2 079 929 004 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Western Cape South Africa 1 032 291 7 815 270 2 849 27 065 83 738 759 817 51 568 2 545 532 1 356 24 175 1 502 33 845 1 173 304 11 205 705 Table 3.12: Energy source for lighting by population group of the household head Energy source for lighting Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 5 349 691 22 200 737 315 2 465 889 19 620 30 335 8 625 050 788 253 1 807 20 558 73 489 2 332 1 597 888 036 279 510 379 618 2 058 222 143 282 930 1 397 816 2 678 1 325 4 097 2 001 1 771 1 409 689 7 815 270 27 065 759 817 2 545 532 24 175 33 845 11 205 705 Electricity Gas Paraffin Candles Solar Other Total page 81 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Figure 29: Distribution of households by main source of water supply Piped in dwelling 32,3% Piped in yard 29,0% Other 2,4% Vendor 0,7% River/stream 6,5% Dam/pool/stagnant 1,0% Households Rainwater tank 0,6% Spring 1,9% Piped less than 200 metres away Borehole 2,4% 10,7% Piped more than 200 metres away 12,4% Excluding all collective living quarters Seventy-two per cent of households had access to piped water in the dwelling, on site, or within 200 metres. A further 12% had access to piped water further away. page 82 page 83 Table 3.13: Main water supply by province Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 269 137 Piped water in dwelling 290 500 Piped water inside yard Piped water on community stand: 181 559 less than 200m. away 203 115 more than 200m. away 25 102 Borehole 101 394 Spring 34 671 Rain-water tank 30 133 Dam/pool/stagnant water 348 575 River/stream 4 864 Water vendor 23 612 Other 1 512 664 Total 167 369 350 041 1 251 570 965 349 618 267 413 535 110 945 342 440 156 740 277 575 82 211 86 820 169 665 320 149 791 698 207 451 3 617 603 3 253 861 100 347 83 895 4 672 1 117 1 080 1 804 653 1 284 21 041 733 302 179 694 187 784 6 334 410 3 632 2 068 1 960 7 619 44 824 2 651 244 216 343 278 623 88 065 71 363 15 787 43 019 270 066 18 126 53 056 2 086 250 187 220 279 523 63 469 26 434 3 105 22 904 74 350 21 466 48 110 1 179 965 93 312 108 027 24 036 6 940 4 029 7 216 21 738 5 045 28 471 733 131 15 750 15 011 1 215 61 284 691 2 156 129 2 513 206 842 153 765 156 846 56 673 2 327 3 374 4 158 4 431 24 483 33 133 929 004 Water supply 74 287 1 202 276 79 806 1 392 628 1 315 270 882 398 210 444 1 716 67 680 1 899 113 892 1 789 725 719 618 83 634 12 327 267 086 1 173 304 11 205 705 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Figure 30: Percentage of households in each province with access to piped water page 84 % 100 95,7 96,6 97,5 98,3 86,7 86,2 84,5 78,0 80 73,2 62,4 60 40 Households 20 0 E. e ap C KZ N Lim po po t es W N. M m pu a. e at e e Fr St e ap C N. ng te au G e ap .C W SA Excluding all collective living quarters In the Eastern Cape, 62% of households had access to piped water, either in the dwelling, on site or from a communal tap, compared with 98% in the Western Cape. Water supply Piped water in dwelling Piped water inside yard Piped water on community stand: less than 200m. away more than 200m. away Borehole Spring Rain-water tank Dam/pool/stagnant water River/stream Water vendor Other Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 1 547 256 2 914 007 593 557 198 920 247 442 22 959 1 229 348 117 975 3 617 603 3 253 861 1 148 419 1 306 744 264 170 209 394 63 785 110 922 720 686 82 233 257 434 8 625 050 36 006 39 819 2 692 678 2 223 2 249 4 219 788 6 886 888 036 2 905 7 447 344 74 550 127 231 215 634 282 930 14 946 38 617 3 676 298 1 121 594 583 399 2 131 1 409 689 1 202 276 1 392 628 270 882 210 444 67 680 113 892 725 719 83 634 267 086 11 205 705 page 85 Households Table 3.14: Main water supply by population group of the household head Figure 31: Access to piped water by population group of the household head page 86 % 97,6 100 99,2 99,3 84,5 80,3 80 60 40 20 Households 0 Black African Coloured Asian/Indian White Total Excluding all collective living quarters Eighty per cent of African-headed households had access to piped water, either in the dwelling, on site or from a communal tap, compared with almost all households headed by members of the other population groups. page 87 Table 3.15: Telephone facilities by province Telephone facilities Telephone in dwelling and cell-phone Telephone in dwelling only* Cell-phone only* At a neighbour nearby At a public telephone nearby At another location nearby At another location, not nearby No access to a telephone Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 115 960 72 606 568 257 283 316 53 877 66 543 29 391 68 134 337 103 1 595 187 116 793 205 615 154 546 76 946 109 196 49 569 291 820 627 952 99 526 219 740 310 366 190 731 37 090 239 702 47 867 46 415 165 110 33 820 33 573 23 501 29 761 61 818 190 420 47 227 255 454 148 192 82 871 1 139 649 2 020 054 735 920 533 612 319 586 970 541 738 306 610 026 340 458 67 341 434 983 295 632 4 310 485 79 772 30 542 31 430 65 146 60 148 24 497 7 929 34 225 22 305 355 995 108 450 19 965 18 533 104 163 59 045 21 410 4 989 30 005 12 490 379 048 197 917 1 512 664 54 891 733 302 43 184 2 651 244 174 483 2 086 250 72 209 1 179 965 34 877 733 131 10 357 206 842 62 192 929 004 19 257 669 367 1 173 304 11 205 705 Households Excluding all collective living quarters * Total households with a telephone in the dwelling can be seen by adding the data in rows one and two. Total households with a cell-phone can be seen by adding the data in rows one and three. Alternatively consult Table 3.21. Figure 32: Percentage of households in each province with a telephone in the dwelling or a cellular phone 70 page 88 % 63,1 60 56,1 50 42,4 41,8 40 35,3 34,5 28,0 30 37,9 39,0 29,0 20 10 Households 0 Lim po po e ap C . E t es W . N e at ee Fr St a. m pu M KZ N e ap C . N ng te au G e ap .C W Excluding all collective living quarters In South Africa overall, 42% of households had access to a telephone (land-line or cellular phone). SA Table 3.16: Telephone facilities by population group of the household head Telephone facilities Telephone in dwelling and cell-phone Telephone in dwelling only* Cell-phone only* At a neighbour nearby At a public telephone nearby At another location nearby At another location, not nearby No access to a telephone Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 469 968 561 674 1 651 309 620 164 3 985 483 329 189 364 122 643 143 8 625 050 175 993 207 981 99 561 93 540 254 506 22 897 12 604 20 954 888 036 131 671 79 891 34 893 9 552 24 538 783 412 1 191 282 930 817 555 290 103 234 291 12 665 45 959 3 126 1 911 4 079 1 409 689 1 595 187 1 139 649 2 020 054 735 920 4 310 485 355 995 379 048 669 367 11 205 705 page 89 Households Excluding all collective living quarters * Total households with a telephone in the dwelling can be seen by adding the data in rows one and two. Total households with a cell-phone can be seen by adding the data in rows one and three. Alternatively consult Table 3.22. page 90 Table 3.17: Toilet facilities by province Toilet facilities Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) Flush toilet (with septic tank) Chemical toilet Pit latrine with ventilation (VIP) Pit latrine without ventilation Bucket latrine None Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 463 010 327 953 2 101 776 794 941 171 021 265 405 120 768 307 790 947 347 5 500 012 32 985 30 322 11 497 6 138 64 933 29 322 71 836 111 239 19 371 15 332 14 856 11 562 16 253 1 747 17 773 8 950 63 482 3 775 312 986 218 387 85 030 45 397 34 375 188 002 96 988 64 086 10 825 101 927 9 328 635 957 350 394 85 062 465 862 1 512 664 121 133 150 404 70 780 733 302 264 333 60 339 96 166 2 651 244 559 089 24 025 337 119 2 086 250 594 740 7 248 275 265 1 179 965 281 091 20 545 75 585 733 131 9 704 24 310 23 236 206 842 362 080 41 494 88 990 929 004 Households Excluding all collective living quarters 14 912 2 557 476 43 950 457 376 90 510 1 523 512 1 173 304 11 205 705 Figure 33: Distribution of households by toilet facility page 91 Flush toilet 51,9% Chemical toilet 1,9% Pit no ventilation 22,8% Bucket latrine 4,1% Excluding all collective living quarters Approximately one in every seven households in South Africa did not have access to a toilet facility. Households None 13,6% Ventilated pit 5,7% Figure 34: Percentage of households in each province with no toilet facility 35 page 92 % 30,8 30 25 23,3 20 16,2 15 13,6 11,2 10,3 10 9,7 9,6 7,7 5 3,6 Households 0 E. e ap C Lim po po KZ N e ap C N. M a. m pu t es W N. ee Fr at St e e ap .C W Excluding all collective living quarters In the Eastern Cape three in every ten households did not have access to a toilet facility. ng te au G SA page 93 Table 3.18: Toilet facilities by population group of the household head Toilet facilities Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) Flush toilet (with septic tank) Chemical toilet Pit latrine with ventilation (VIP) Pit latrine without ventilation Bucket latrine None Total Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 3 251 773 149 035 211 487 614 125 2 526 598 414 911 1 457 122 8 625 050 705 660 39 643 5 025 17 527 26 211 40 351 53 619 888 036 269 670 6 748 472 1 612 1 711 435 2 283 282 930 1 272 908 117 561 1 403 2 694 2 956 1 679 10 488 1 409 689 5 500 012 312 986 218 387 635 957 2 557 476 457 376 1 523 512 11 205 705 Households Excluding all collective living quarters page 94 Table 3.19: Refuse removal by province Refuse removal Removed by local authority at least weekly Removed by local authority less often Communal refuse dump Own refuse dump No rubbish disposal Total Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa 560 201 429 475 2 233 334 1 026 046 167 654 283 989 142 141 337 662 1 029 713 6 210 215 21 061 23 334 57 619 21 281 8 494 12 334 6 193 9 586 12 124 172 027 18 007 659 761 253 634 1 512 664 26 057 184 555 69 880 733 302 61 270 229 838 69 183 2 651 244 16 934 806 028 215 962 2 086 250 11 758 805 230 186 829 1 179 965 12 264 350 723 73 821 733 131 5 520 45 206 7 782 206 842 17 708 485 073 78 975 929 004 Households Excluding all collective living quarters 26 160 195 679 88 630 3 655 043 16 676 972 741 1 173 304 11 205 705 Figure 35: Percentage of households in each province with refuse removal at least once a week 100 page 95 % 84,2 87,8 80 68,7 58,6 60 55,4 49,2 40 36,3 20 38,7 37,0 0 Lim po po E. e ap C t es W N. m pu M a. KZ e at N ee Fr St e ap C N. ng te au G e ap .C W Excluding all collective living quarters In Limpopo only one in every seven households had a refuse removal service once a week or more often. SA Households 14,2 page 96 Table 3.20: Refuse removal by population group of the household head Refuse removal Removed by local authority at least weekly Removed by local authority less often Communal refuse dump Own refuse dump No rubbish disposal Total Households Excluding all collective living quarters Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total 3 909 787 147 972 167 045 3 447 516 952 730 8 625 050 746 509 11 984 17 354 100 018 12 171 888 036 273 744 1 376 781 5 934 1 094 282 930 1 280 176 10 694 10 499 101 574 6 747 1 409 689 6 210 215 172 027 195 679 3 655 043 972 741 11 205 705 Table 3.21: Number and percentages of households in each province with selected household goods page 97 Household goods Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape South Africa Numbers Radio Television Computer Refrigerator Telephone in dwelling Cell-phone 971 967 584 351 59 907 480 112 232 752 321 575 553 991 394 736 36 156 356 344 149 552 181 801 2 052 991 1 740 945 400 196 1 646 713 860 078 1 196 209 1 523 347 986 098 148 315 978 643 503 056 593 683 822 385 470 210 26 122 459 546 90 968 293 579 540 644 366 570 34 326 370 549 112 958 231 653 139 823 116 596 14 704 115 094 62 964 52 891 649 430 500 972 35 874 468 198 129 952 258 554 927 922 868 935 213 140 862 339 592 556 485 295 8 182 500 6 029 413 968 741 5 737 536 2 734 836 3 615 241 Percentages Radio Television Computer Refrigerator Telephone in dwelling Cell-phone 64,3 38,6 4,0 31,7 15,4 21,3 75,5 53,8 4,9 48,6 20,4 24,8 77,4 65,7 15,1 62,1 32,4 45,1 73,0 47,3 7,1 46,9 24,1 28,5 69,7 39,8 2,2 38,9 7,7 24,9 73,7 50,0 4,7 50,5 15,4 31,6 67,6 56,4 7,1 55,6 30,4 25,6 69,9 53,9 3,9 50,4 14,0 27,8 79,1 74,1 18,2 73,5 50,5 41,4 73,0 53,8 8,6 51,2 24,4 32,3 Households Excluding all collective living quarters Table 3.22: Numbers and percentages of households with selected household goods by population group of the household head Household goods Black African Coloured Indian or Asian White Total Numbers Radio Television Computer Refrigerator Telephone in dwelling Cell-phone 5 921 540 3 812 908 158 267 3 439 129 1 031 642 2 121 276 668 831 653 849 83 520 650 471 383 974 275 554 257 376 257 536 79 070 272 282 211 562 166 564 1 334 753 1 305 121 647 884 1 375 654 1 107 658 1 051 846 8 182 500 6 029 413 968 741 5 737 536 2 734 836 3 615 241 Percentages Radio Television Computer Refrigerator Telephone in dwelling Cell-phone 68,7 44,2 1,8 39,9 12,0 24,6 75,3 73,6 9,4 73,2 43,2 31,0 91,0 91,0 27,9 96,2 74,8 58,9 94,7 92,6 46,0 97,6 78,6 74,6 73,0 53,8 8,6 51,2 24,4 32,3 Households Excluding all collective living quarters page 98 Census 2001 products page 99 Print products The following print products will be available from the time of the launch of the census results: Other print products will be made available in due course, including: ! Key census results: a pamphlet aimed at the general public, which outlines briefly how the count was done and contains a few highlights of the results, Ref: 03-02-01. ! Primary tables: giving more detailed information on the results in tabular form, for the country as a whole (Ref: 03-02-04) and for each province (03-02-05 to 03-02-13). ! How the count was done: a narrative report of three-and-a-half years of census planning, demarcation, enumeration, data processing and checking, and product development. The report also describes the method used to calculate the undercount, and presents the key results of the count. Ref: 03-02-02. ! Other written reports, including a summary report (03-02-16), in-depth reports on particular themes, and additional methodology reports including the postenumeration methodology (03-02-17), and the census review (03-02-18). ! Thematic and other posters. ! Key municipal data, which contains breakdowns at municipal level for a range of individual and household variables. Ref: 30-02-21. All the print products will be made available on the Internet when they are ready. page 100 Electronic products The following electronic products will be available on the Internet: ! Interactive Internet products: a series of interactive products, for users to compile tables according to their own specifications. ! Community profiles: for users who wish to arrange and combine information into their own unique tables, at different levels of geography. Ref: 03-02-22. ! Investigation into the definition of 'urban': This discussion document is Stats SA's first attempt to get to grips with the problems involved in categorising areas as urban. The paper identifies differences in this regard between Census '96 and Census 2001 and examines the census results in the light of these differences. It then experiments with a definition of 'urban' based on population density. Two versions of the paper are available, a summary version (03-02-19) and a detailed report (03-02-20). Both contain tables and colour maps, and can be downloaded from the web in PDF format. ! Age tables by single-year breakdowns for the country as a whole (Ref: 03-02-30) and for each province (03-02-31 to 03-02-39). ! Census concepts and definitions: an alphabetical listing of concepts and definitions used during the census, with some methodological notes, Ref: 03-02-26. ! Other general and geographical metadata files: The general metadata files include, among other things, the exact wording of each question, the guidelines that were given to the enumerators on how to interpret the replies, and the final code lists for all census data. Ref: 03-02-24. The geographical metadata file explains the geography of the census and the coding of all the geographic areas in the country. Ref: 03-02-25. ! Demographic atlas: This product will display the demographic characteristics of different towns, cities and municipalities. Ref: 03-02-28. page 101 In addition the following electronic products will be available on request: ! CD Rom disks containing the community profiles described above, Ref: 03-02-22. ! My constituency: a CD with census findings for all electoral wards, designed to give parliamentarians more information about the wards they represent, Ref: 03-02-29. ! Special requests: A set of tables can be produced by Stats SA, either at head office or in each province, providing specific information, at any level of geography: EA, sub place, main place, municipal, magisterial district or provincial level. ! Sample database in SuperCross and ASCII: This sample of census records is designed for researchers wishing to do their own analyses. Ref: 03-02-23. ! CD with spatial (GIS) data: This product is designed for users with their own GIS software. These digitised enumeration areas and boundaries can serve as a backdrop for any GIS system. The CD contains information about all geographical areas in the country, from provincial to the smallest area. Ref: 03-02-27. Publications can be ordered from: Printing and Distribution, Statistics South Africa Tel: (012) 310 8251 Fax: (012) 322 3374 E-mail: [email protected]
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