Chemistry Investigatory Project on COLD DRINKS
Chemistry Investigatory Project on COLD DRINKS
April 2, 2018 | Author: Siddhesh Dhotre | Category:
Soft Drink
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Professor at H. 1.W college 3 weeks ago Madhav Gaur 1 month ago Aatish Chaudhari 1 month ago Show More No Downloads Views Total views 13.M.W college at H.858 On SlideShare 0 From Embeds 0 Number of Embeds 23 Actions Shares 6 Downloads 594 Comments 1 Likes 17 Embeds 0 No embeds No notes for slide Chemistry Investigatory Project on COLD DRINKS 1.M. KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA MANKHURD.Kamlesh Vaid 9 hours ago Aarohan Goel at Faltu University 3 weeks ago A K . a student of class XIIA has successfully completed the project under the guidance of Mrs.NAVEEN. RITA MOHANTY (Subject Teacher) During the academic year 201415 in partial fulfillment of chemistry practical examination conducted by AISSCE. MUMBAI DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that R. . Mumbai. Stop watch 5. one by one the sample passed through lime water. Hence all the drinks contain glucose. 11. Rita mohanty. It is also present in human blood to the extent of about 0. Result 12. Disaccharides and Polysaccharides. It is non reducing in nature whereas glucose is reducing. Test Tube Holder 3. DETECTION OF pH EXPERIMENT: small samples of cold drinks of different brands were taken in a test tube. CHEMICALS REQUIRED 1. Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been helpful in various phases of the completion of the project. AIM Comparative study and qualitative analysis Of different brands of cold drinks Available in market 3. Glucose is a monosaccharide with formula C6H12O6 . The pH values also depend upon the acidic contents such as citric acid and phosphoric acid. 8.Signature of external examiner Signature of chemistry teacher Signature of principle 2. pH paper 8. 6. Detection of pH 6.no Name of the drink Time Taken(sec) Conclusion 1 Coca Cola 26 CO2 is present 2 sprite 21 CO2 is present 3 Limca 35 CO2 is present 4 Fanta 36 CO2 is present INFERENCE: All the cold drinks contains dissolved carbon dioxide in water. On the basis of their molecule size carbohydrates are classified as: Monosaccharide. The change in colour of pH was noticed and was compared with the standard pH scale. Potassium Solution 3. Since.Wire Gauge 11. seeds and also in flowers of many plants. Test Tube 2. Water Bath 9.Test for sucrose 11. OBSERVATION: S. APPARATUS 1. 12. and Limca to give feeling of lightness. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the accomplishment of this project successfully. Test Tube Stand 4. lightness and have a tangy taste which is liked by everyone.A. It is widely distributed in nature in juices. while Pepsi and Thumps Up to activate pulse and brain. INTRODUCTION The era of cold drinks began in 1952 but the industrialization in India marked its beginning with launching of Limca and Goldspot by parley Groups of companies. Now days.no Name of the drink Colour changes pH values 1 Coca Cola pink 2 2 sprite Red 2 3 Limca Pinkish 4 4 Fanta Light orange 3 INFERENCE: Cold Drinks are generally acidic because of the presence of citric acid and phosphoric acid. Test for phosphate 9. 9.1%. General formula of carbohydrates is CX (H2O)Y. Tripod Stand 9. Formation of reddish colour confirmed the presence of glucose in cold drinks. Concentrated HNO3 6. The CO2 dissolved in water to form Carbonic acid. Iodine solution 2. It is produced by a mixture of glucose and fructose. 6. OBSERVATION: S.Precautions 5. Test for glucose 8. pH values of Cold Drinks of different brands are different due to the variation in amount of acidic contents. These soft drinks give feeling of warmth.It occurs in Free 7. 3. Sucrose is one of the most useful disaccharides in our daily life. 11. S. BENEDICT’S REAGENT TEST: Small samples of cold drinks of different brands were taken in a test tube and a few drops of be Benedict’s reagent were added. OBSERVATION: INFERENCE: All the samples gave positive test for glucose with benedicts reagent. Apparatus 4.Conclusion 13. THEORY Cold drinks of different brands are composed of alcohol. which is responsible for its tangy taste. China Dish 10. CONTENTS 1. Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete this project with success. Theory 3.no Name of the drink Observation . many Multinational companies launched their brands in India like Pepsi and Coke.Padmavathy and physics teacher Mrs. Test for alcohol 10. Burner 7. The lime water turned milky. Introduction 2. Chemicals required 5. carbon dioxide. Cold drinks are a bit acidic in nature and their acidity can be measured by finding their pH value. Then I would like to thank my principal Mrs. 8. The carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in water to form carbonic acid which is also responsible for the tangy taste. this time I am utilizing to thank all the people who have been concerned with project. The main source of sucrose is sugar cane juice which contain 1520 % sucrose and sugar beet which has about 1017 % sucrose. Lime Water 5. State in the ripen grapes in bones and also in many sweet fruits. Carbon dioxide is responsible for the formation of froth on shaking the bottle. Miranda. it is observed in general that majority of people viewed Sprite. 7. many people have best owned upon me their blessings and the heart pledged support. 4. phosphate ions etc. 5. whose valuable guidance has been the ones that helped me patch this project and make it full proof success his suggestions and his instructions has served as the major contributor towards the completion of the project. 2. Fehling’s A & B Solution 4. Benedict Solution 10. TEST FOR GLUCOSE 1. 10. Beaker 6. the beginning of cold drinks was highly profitable and luring. TEST FOR CARBON DIOXIDE EXPERIMENT: As soon as the bottles were opened. Carbohydrates are the naturally occurring organic compounds and are major source of energy to our body. Test for carbon dioxide 7. The test tubes were heated for few seconds. The molecular formula of sucrose is C12H22O11. 4. carbohydrates. Ca(OH)2 (s) + CO2(g) CaCO3(s) + H2O(s) 12. Clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour Soft Drinks over the terminals and the ultraacid soft drink bubble away the alkaline corrosion in seconds. and run through a regular cycle.To transport Soft Drinks syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for highly . 7. S. Hypokalemia (low potassium levels) diseases. which dissolves tooth enamel during the dental decay process; thus. Soft drinks are little more harmful than sugar solution. DISADVANTAGES OF COLD DRINKS 1. Toilet Cleaning: Pour a can of Soft Drinks into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour. 4. Its pH is 2. Appearance of yellow colored precipitate confirmed the presence of alcohol in cold drinks.Conclusion 1 Coca Cola Reddish ppt Glucose is present 2 sprite Reddish ppt Glucose is present 3 Limca Reddish ppt Glucose is present 4 Fanta Reddish ppt Glucose is present 13. 8. It magically cleans better than if you had scrubbed it. Black colored residue left confirmed the presence of sucrose in cold drinks. Soft drinks contain “phosphoric acid” which has a pH of 2. 6. 17. They can remove rust spots from chrome car Humpers. Sprite has the maximum amount of dissolved carbon dioxide and Fanta has the minimum amount of dissolved carbon dioxide.They can lose a rusted bolt. sucrose and other simple sugars. Soft drinks have also ability to remove blood so they are very harmful to our body. The Soft Drinks will help loosen grease stains. Appearance of brown ppt confirmed the presence of glucose in cold drinks.In many states. Remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Soft Drinks into a load of greasy clothes. 18. Most soft drinks contain high concentration of simple carbohydrates glucose. RESULT After conducting several tests. alcohol. CARBON DIOXIDE: Among the four samples of cold drinks taken. it was concluded that the different brands of cold drinks namely: Coca Cola 1) Sprite 2) Limca 3) Fanta All contains glucose. 5. As they contain sugar in large amount which cause problems in diabetes patients. 5. 2. sucrose. 3. TEST FOR ALCOHOL S. 19. consumed by the acid of the cola. OBSERVATION: INFERENCE: All the cold drinks gave positive test for alcohol.no Name of the drink Observation Conclusion 1 Coca Cola Black Residue Sucrose is present 2 Sprite Black Residue Sucrose is present 3 Limca Black Residue Sucrose is present 4 Fanta Black Residue Sucrose is present 16. All cold drinks are acidic in nature. Oral bacteria ferment carbohydrates and produce acid. Soft drinks have ability to dissolve the calcium so they are also harmful for our bones. So they can dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Hence all the cold drinks contain glucose. 17. FEHLING’S SOLUTION TEST Small samples of cold drinks of different brands were taken in a test tube and a few drops of Fehling’s A & B solution e=was added in equal amount.The active ingredient in Soft Drinks is phosphoric acid. The test tube was heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Fanta contains highest amount of sucrose. CHEMICAL REACTIONS INVLOVED: CH3CH2OH + 4I2 + 6NaOH CHI3 + HCOONa + 5NaI + 5H2O S.no Name of the drink Observation Conclusion 1 Coca Cola Yellow ppt Alcohol is present 2 sprite Yellow ppt Alcohol is present 3 Limca Yellow ppt Alcohol is present 4 Fanta Yellow ppt Alcohol is present 15. 4. EXPERIMENT: Small samples of each brand of cold drinks were taken in separate test tubes and Iodine followed by Potassium Iodide and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution was added to each test tube. 8. 13. 15. 16.Place a Tbone steak in a bowl of Soft Drinks and it will be gone in 23 days. 6. Obesity and weightrelated diseases. 2. It is also an excellent cleaner road haze from your windshield. the highway patrol carries a few gallons of Soft Drinks in order to remove blood from the highway after auto accidents. Then the test tubes were heated in hot water bath for 30 minutes. 14. The risk is greater if the frequency of consumption is high.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. The meat is 19. For transportation of soft drinks syrup the commercial truck must use the hazardous matter place cards reserved for highly consive material. Soft drinks can cause weight gain as they interfere with the body’s natural ability to suppress hunger feeling. 2. 3. 18. USES OF COLD DRINKS 1. OBSERVATION: INFERENCE: All the samples gave positive test for glucose with Fehling’s solutions. On comparing the pH value of different brands Coca Cola is the most acidic and Limca is least acidic of all the four brands taken.no Name of the drink Observation Conclusion 1 Coca Cola Reddishbrown ppt Glucose is present 2 sprite Reddish brown ppt Glucose is present 3 Limca Reddishbrown ppt Glucose is present 4 Fanta Reddishbrown ppt Glucose is present 14. phosphate and carbon dioxide. The citric acid in Soft Drinks also removes stains from vitreous china. Hence all the cold drinks contain glucose. TEST FOR SUCROSE EXPERIMENT: 5 ml samples of each brand of cold drinks were taken in separate china Dishes and were heated very strongly until changes occur. OBSERVATION: INFERENCE: All the brands of cold drinks contain sucrose. fructose. But amount of sucrose varies in each brand of drink. 7. add detergent. 9. sweetened drinks are likely to increase risk of dental caries. then flush.8. Allow the time required to set. 22. The distributors of Soft Drinks have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years! BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 21. WEBSITES www.com 21.google.20. PRECAUTIONS Handle the glass wares carefully. THANK YOU Recommended Gamification of Learning Flipping the Classroom Project Management Fundamentals Content of cold drink global3t 47363797 chemistryprojectonsoftdrink Prateek Dhokwal . 10.wikipedia. Handle the chemicals with care. 20. corrosive materials. 22.scribd. CBSE lab manual.com www.com www. Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12 RAHUL Soft drinks madhula Soft drink ppt Monika Tambakhe Copy Of Determination Of The Contents Of Cold Drinks Himanshu Sagar Chemistry project Tarun Malhotra English Español Português Français Deutsch About Dev & API Blog Terms Privacy Copyright Support . . 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