Chemicals Sealants & Fillers

March 27, 2018 | Author: Dilshad Ahemad | Category: Silicone, Concrete, Adhesive, Polyurethane, Epoxy



Chemicals, Sealants & FillersAdhesives & Sealants From low tech gap filling mastics to hyperlon strips we have the sealant to do the job. Our range includes: • Low and high modulus silicone sealants. • One and two-part polysulphides. • Polyurethane & modified polyethers. • Fire retardant and intumescents. • Foams & fire foams. • Hot pour bitumens for pavements. • Cold applied sealants for pavements. • Epoxy sealants for high chemical resistance. • Bitumen rubber sealants and bituminous putty. • Hypalon and butyl strips. Filler Boards and Corks To compliment our wide range of sealants we can supply filler materials for every purpose: • Closed cell polyethylene in sheets, strips and cords. • Fibreboard in sheets and strips. • Bitumen cork in sheets. PRODUCTS PAGE Sealants & Joint Fillers 126 Fire Protection Products 138 Chemicals For Formwork 140 Biodegradeable Products 143 Admixtures 144 Concrete Curing, Hardening & Sealing 145 Brick & Concrete Cleaning Material 148 Formwork Chemical Applicators 149 Chemicals, Sealants & Fillers 126 Chemicals, Sealants & Fillers Sealants & Joint Fillers Sealant Estimating Guide To calculate the number of litres required use the following calculation. Joint width (mm) x joint depth x joint length (m) = litres required 1000 Typical Sealant Coverage Sizes (ml) 380 Cartridges Coverage* Joint size (mm) Litre/metre run Metre run per cartridge 5x5 0.025 15.2 10 x 10 0.1 3.8 15 x 10 0.15 2.5 15 x 15 0.23 1.6 20 x 15 0.3 1.2 20 x 20 0.4 0.95 *These are theoretical yields, no allowance has been made for variation in joint dimensions or wastage. Arbokol (Polysulphide/Epoxy) Arbokol 1000 A one-part Polysulphide Sealant, recommended for use in many forms of construction including structural joints in heavy cladding and perimeter sealing of timber frames. Which cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form a firm but flexible rubber. Colours: White, Black, Grey, Teak. Arbokol 1025 SP A two-part Epoxy Sealant recommended stress relieving joints in tiled floors and swimming pools (can be applied underwater). Colours: Grey or Off White. Arbokol 2150 A two-part Polysulphide sealant, which when mixed cures to form a hard wearing flexible rubber seal. It has good adhesion to concrete, stone, metals, ceramics and many other common construction substrates. It is recommended for sealing joints in flat roofs and heavily trafficked floor joints. Arbokol AG1 A one-part polysulphide which cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form a firm but flexible rubber. It is recommended for expansion joints in brickwork and blockwork. Arbokol AG2 A two-part Polysulphide Sealant, recommended for sealing structural floor joints, parapet wall joints, joints in metal and concrete sea walls and joints in water retaining structures (including potable water). When the components are mixed together, it cures to form a flexible rubber seal. It has good adhesion to concrete, stone, metals and many other common building substrates. Arbo AG2 Pouring Grade Chemicals, Sealants & Fillers A two-part Polysulphide Sealant, recommended for sealing structural floor joints, road joints, runway aprons and runways. When the components are mixed together it cures to form a flexible rubber seal. It has good adhesion to concrete, stone, metals and many other common building substrates. Arbokol Type Size Arbokol 1000 380ml plastic cartridges Arbokol 1025 SP 380ml plastic cartridges Arbo 2150 2 litre packs Arbokol AG1 380ml cartridges Arbokol AG2 2.5 litre packs Arbokol AG2 Pouring Grade 5 litre packs Fire retardant glazing in conjunction with Arboseal Intumescent Tape. Cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form an elastic silicone rubber. glass and many other common building substrates curing to a tough sealant with good resistance to traffic loads. Sealants & Fillers A one-part High Modulus Acetoxy Silicone Cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form a very elastic silicone rubber. Cures rapidly on exposure to moisture vapour to form a resilient elastic silicone rubber. joints in flat roofs and gutter joints. which cures rapidly on exposure to water vapour to form a resilient elastic silicone rubber it contains a fungicide to reduce the incidence of mould growth. Arbosil 1071 One-part Low Modulus. It has good adhesion to concrete. food-processing areas. metals and many other common building substrates. Grey. perimeter seals on curtain walling. Colours: White (contains a fungicide). Translucent.www. recommended for sealing expansion joints and other details in walls or screens intended to prevent the passage of fire. Arbosil XL 1099 One-part Low Modulus Neutral Cure Natural Stone Silicone Sealant. Arbosil FM is compatible with many substrates such as concrete. stone. abattoirs. Buff. kitchens. Arbosil 1090 One-part Low Modulus Neutral Cure Silicone Sealant. It has good adhesion to concrete. Light Brown. Arbosil HM 310ml plastic cartridges. Rustic Red. High movement fire-resistant joints. Cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form a very elastic silicone rubber. Black. Oatmeal. Colours: Bright Red. Grey. Brown.sigscp. Teak. Fire Resisting Silicone Sealant. Buff. Grey. Rustic Red. Colours: White. Arbosil 1081 White contains a fungicide to help reduce the incidence of mould growth on the sealant when used in bathrooms. Mahogany. Colours: White. Arbosil 1081 One-part Acetoxy Cure Silicone Sealant. remedial perimeter sealing. Cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form an elastic silicone rubber. Buff. Stone. sealing joints in translucent roofing sheets and lap joints in profiled metal sheets. structural joints in light cladding. Maize. Black. Portland. galvanised steel and lead. It has good adhesion to concrete. Fire resistance in excess of 4 hours has been achieved. Colours. perimeter sealing of polyester powder coated frames and glazing of windows in swimming pool buildings. Cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form an elastic silicone rubber. Fire Resisting Silicone Sealant. Black. Arbosil 1090 380ml plastic cartridges Arbosil 1096 380ml plastic cartridges Arbosil 1099 380ml plastic cartridges Arbosil FM 380ml plastic cartridges. sealing wall joints formed in ceramic tiles in bathrooms and kitchens and perimeter joints formed around PVCU frames. Arbosil FM One-part Low Modulus Neutral Cure Silicone Sealant. recommended for perimeter sealing of UPVC frames. kitchens etc. Arbosil 1096 One-part Low Modulus Neutral Cure Silicone Sealant. Arbosil 1070 One-part Low Modulus. Black. Translucent. Arbosil HM Arbosil Sealants Type Arbo 2020 Size 2 litre packs (includes base. recommended for perimeter sealing of fire doors and screens. etc. Colours: White. recommended for use in sanitary applications. Chemicals. recommended for use in many forms of construction but is specifically designed for use against natural stone. . Cures on exposure to moisture vapour to form a very elastic silicone rubber. Grey. curing agent and colouriser) Arbosil 1070 380ml plastic cartridges Arbosil 1071 380ml plastic cartridges Arbosil 1081 310ml plastic cartridges. Black. recommended for use in many forms of construction including curtain 127 Arbosil Arbo 2020 A flexible three-pack Epoxy Sealant for use against both dry and damp surfaces. profiled metal roof sheets. Portland. metals and many other common building substrates. It is recommended for the sealing of aluminium sheets and components. Recommended for sealing floor joints in internal situations e. Anthracite.g. Oak. Limestone. Dark Bronze. recommended for use in many forms of construction including glass wall assemblies. Gap Size (mm) Tape Width / Joint Depth (mm) Expanded Thickness (mm) Roll Length (m) 2 2 10 10 8 3 2-3 10 15 6 4 3-4 15 20 6 5 4-5 15 25 4 6 5-6 15 30 4 8 7-8 20 40 4 10 9 . settlement. vibration or wind. Arbo Primer 2172 500ml tin (yield approximately 200 metres per tin). Sealants & Fillers • • • • • • • • • Joints for thermal or differential movement. 25mm. windows and timber framed buildings. 20mm.20 50 100 3 25 22 . used as a back up material for joint sealant. Seals for curtain walling and cladding panels.16 1 Litre tin (Alcohol based). Seals for rooflights.25 60 120/125 3 . Tunneling and guttering seals.16 40 80 3 20 17 . Arbo Cleaner No. 15mm.10 25 50 4 12 10 . Compriband Super Expanded polyurethane foam impregnated with waxes and neoprene to form a high quality. Arbo Primer 7750 500ml tin (yield approximately 250 metres per tin). Foam Backer Rod A polyethylene foam in circular cord lengths. Seals for ductwork and air conditioning. Diameters available: 10mm. Cleaners Arbo Cleaner No. Joints for portable or sectional buildings. Automotive and highway applications. Chemicals.128 Chemicals. Equipment Polyethylene nozzles. Arbo Primer 2402 500ml tin (yield approximately 200 metres per tin). low cost and efficient strip sealant. Arbo Caulking Guns. Sealants & Fillers Arbo Ancillaries Primers Arbo Primer 2650 500ml tin (yield approximately 125 metres per tin). Abutment seals for conservatories and canopies. Other sizes available on request. Perimeter seals for window and door frames. Easily compressed into joint. Compriband VSA A bituminised foamed polyurethane sealing strip of great elasticity which can accept extreme compression without sideways expansion. Diameter (mm) Box quantity (m) 10 1100 15 500 20 300 25 200 30 150 50 50 Compriband Compriband VSA and Super form part of a specialist range of joint sealants designed to cope with movement caused. Compribrand VSA / Super Size Ref.12 30 60 3 16 14 .13 1 Litre tin. (Toluene based – not suitable for use with plastics or delicate finishes). AG2 Porous Primer 500ml tin (yield approximately 125 metres per tin). 30mm and 50mm. for example by temperature changes. Available in 12. 12. sheet or strip form. 15. 25 Fibreboard Strip A compressible. 129 Aerofil® Aerofil 1 Aerofil 1 is a low compression natural white.2m strips. 150. for concrete slab construction and brickwork joints. 175. 12. 175.www. 175. inert. Aerofil® Type Size (m) Thickness (mm) Aerofil 1 0. 15. 225. 250 10. Aerofil 2 A high density closed cell polyethylene filler for critical movement joints in civil / structural works and water retaining structures. Bitumen Impregnated Boards Bitumen Impregnated Boards are used as a general purpose expansion joint filler in non critical joints and brick wall construction. 200. 125. 10. brick and blockwork. 20. 15 Supplied in 10m rolls. 250 1200 x 2440 Chemicals.44 = 2.6m ) 5. Closed Cell Polyethylene Sheets Sheet Size 1. 12. 25 10. Closed Cell Polyethylene Rolls Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 100. Fibreboard Strip Slab Depth (mm) Sheet Size (mm) 100. 225. High performance expansion joint fillerboard. fibreboard expansion joint filler strip suitable for forming joints between in-situ and pre-cast concrete components. 200.8 x 2 (1. 200. 15. polyethylene joint filler in sheet form suitable for structural movement joints in concrete. preformed.sigscp. 15.3m Thickness (mm) 2 1m x 2m = 2m2 10. 25 Supplied in 2.5m x 2.6m2) 10. 50 2 Closed Cell Polyethylene Closed Cell Expanded polyethylene foam is supplied in roll. 20. 150. 20. Sealants & Fillers Bitumen Impregnated Sheets . Sheet Size (m) Thickness (mm) 1.2m = 3. 150. 250 10. 25 Standard length 2440mm. 175. 20. 20 and 25mm thicknesses.22 x 2. 25. 20. 25 Closed Cell Polyethylene Strips Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 100.8 x 2 (1. which is supplied with an undercut to the depth of sealant for controlled void formation and easy removal. 20. closed cell. 12. bitumen impregnated. Bitumen Impregnated Boards Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 100. non-extruding. 250 20. 25 Aerofil 2 0. 150.98m2 10. 225. 25 Ancillaries Type Pak Adhesive Servitape Size Coverage 5 litres 5m2 per litre.558m2 12.61 x 0. water resistant and can be easily handled without breaking. evenly formed between two sheets of heavy asphalt – saturated felt paper.130 Chemicals.13m Korkpak A robust bitumen bonded cork filler. 100.95m2 10. polystyrene. 20. 20. fungal and bacterial attack. 12. 150. 20. 200 . Available in 10. 12. Contact Adhesive Size 5 litre can Expandafoam A closed-cell polyethylene joint filler for use as an expansion joint filler in brick and blockwork. 2.914 x 2. 12. rot proof. Technical Data: Cork Joint Filler complies with the requirements of ASTM D1751.915 = 0. Cork Joint Filler Board Cork filler board consists of granulated cork. Cork filler board is highly resilient. isolation joints and hinge joints where a readily compressible low load transfer joint filler is required. Resin bonded cork filler is recommended as a joint filler for expansion joints in reinforced concrete water retaining structures.5m2 bonded area 30mm x 12m roll Contact Adhesive Chemicals. 12. Korkpak Type Size (m) Thickness (mm) Korkpak 1x2 10. Resin Bonded Cork Sheet Size (m) Thickness (mm) 0. 20 and 25mm thicknesses. with a recovery rate of over 80% following 50% compression. Neoprene (Solid or Foamed) Full range available in thicknesses from 1mm to 100mm. sea walls and similar structures. 25 225 10. Sewage treatment works.e.134 = 1. Cork Sheets Cork Strips Sheet Size (m) Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 0. strips and pads. 25 200 10. and is highly resilient to insect. This material contains no bitumen or similar compounds and will not contaminate the joint faces. 25 Technical details available on request. 12. rolls. 19. 25 Standard length 2. Sealants & Fillers Resin Bonded Cork Cork granules bonded together with synthetic resin. i. 20. premixed and securely bonded together with a hot bitumous mixture. 25 250 10. It is Non-Extruding. 20. In sheets. Expandafoam Slab Depth (mm) 75. Sealants & Fillers High quality adhesive for bonding filler boards. insulation and protection boards to a wide range of surfaces. 20. 25 175 10. 13. 12. swimming pools. Hydrocell XL supplied in the following sheet sizes and can be easily cut to the required size with a Stanley knife or saw. portland. windows. floor slabs. masonry. black. Damp tolerant application. sewage tanks.www. grey. brick. Nitoseal MS600 Nitoseal MS600 is a one-part civil engineering sealant for immersed conditions. shopping centres. parapets. Pliastic 77 is a hard grade for sealing low movement joints in factory floors and areas where joints are closely spaced and resistance to grit and traffic is of prime importance. doors and fibre cement sheeting. Nitoseal MS50 Nitoseal MS50 is a one-part general purpose building sealant. 25 Pliastic Pliastic N2 and 77 are hot-poured rubber bitumen joint 131 Hydrocell XL Hydrocell XL is a polyethylene sheet material used for forming or filling expansion joints in concrete. Type Size (ml) MS100 380 cartridges MS300 600 sachets MS50 600 sachets 380 cartridges MS600 600 sachets Chemicals. retaining walls. rustic red. Damp tolerant application. MS300 is fast curing and is ideal for trafficked joints. Sealants & Fillers Nitoseal . sports stadia terracing. brickwork and blockwork. water retaining and water excluding strucutres. Pliastic Type Size (kg) Pliastic N2 15 Pliastic 77 15 Nitoseal Nitoseal MS100 Nitoseal MS100 is a one-part primerless non-staining façade sealant. magnolia. Nitoseal MS300 Nitoseal MS300 is a one-part. perimeter sealing around doors and windows and for nontrafficked floor joints. abrasion resistant floor joint sealant. Damp tolerant application. subways. pre-cast panels. It is used for sealing joints in and around concrete. roadways and hardstandings. Damp tolerant application. buff. MS600 is typically used in reservoirs. blockwork. bridges and superstructures. black. buff and rustic red. taxiways and aprons. It is used for sealing movement joints in factory Hydrocell XL Type Size (m) Supastik E10 requirements (mm) Hydrocell XL 1x2 10. Hydrocell XL is WRAS approved and is typically used in potable water reservoirs. sewage tanks. MS50 is available in white. It is suitable for sealing movement joints that will be intermittently or permanently under water. Pliastic N2 is a low extension grade for sealing joints in concrete pavements. basements structures. MS100 is available in white. warehouse and distribution depots and concrete hardstanding areas. grey. 15. Available in grey only. 20. basements. culverts and canals. subways.sigscp. It is suitable for sealing joints in concrete brickwork. It gives excellent support to sealants subject to hydrostatic pressure. brown and anthracite. runways. stone cladding. Available in grey. portland. non-tidal sea walls. retaining walls. Plastijoint is particularly suitable for vertical and inclined joints and is typically used in sewage disposal works. guttering and sheet laps. Sealants & Fillers Nitoseal 12 Type Size (litre) Nitoseal 12 2 Nitoseal 12 accelerator One per 2 litre tin of Nitoseal 12 Plastijoint Plastijoint is a hand-applied flexible bituminous putty used for sealing joints in ‘dirty’ water retaining structures. It is used for sealing joints on glass and ceramic surfaces. Plastiseal is an integral part of the Proofex waterproofing system. sea walls. brickwork and a variety of other substrates. Hilastic LM cures on exposure to air and humidity to form a flexible seal that requires no maintenance throughout its service life. It is used for sealing joints in flashings. It has a fast rate of cure. subways and basement structures. high modulus joint sealant. warehouses and distribution centres. baths and basins and other hygienic areas. Hilastic Type Hilastic LM Size (ml) 380 Plastiseal Plastiseal is a flexible rubber-bitumen gun-applied joint sealant. Usage: 10mm x 10mm joint requires 0. Plastiseal Type Plastiseal Size (ml) 380 Silicone Sealant 33HM Silicone Sealant 33HM is a one-part. Sealants & Fillers Expoflex 800 Expoflex 800 is a two-component epoxy urethane joint sealant. excellent adhesion and a long service life. particularly where there is forklift truck traffic. raw water reservoirs. It is used for sealing internal joints where chemical resistance is required. elastomeric joint sealant designed for use in the water industry. Nitoseal 12 is typically used in sludge digestion tanks. Silicone Sealant 33HM Type Silicone Sealant 33HM Size (ml) 380 Nitoseal 12 Nitoseal 12 is a two-part. Plastijoint is not suitable for use in potable water retaining structures. Plastijiont Type Plastijoint Size (litre) 5 . filtration and aeration tanks. Expoflex 800 Type Expoflex 800 Size (litre) 2 Hilastic Hilastic LM is a one-part. It is resistant to abrasion and bacterialogical attack making it ideal for ‘dirty’ water storage applications. kitchens. sea walls.132 Chemicals. Chemicals. showers. culverts. low modulus silicone sealant suitable for sealing around uPVC windows and movement joints in concrete. culverts. Expoflex 800 is suitable for use in factories. Silicone 33HM is typically used in hospitals.1 litre/metre. brick red. produced in a range of colours for application in both vertical and horizontal situations. It can also be used for sealing joints in external walls and cladding. 133 Expoband H45 Expoband H45 is a Hypalon membrane system which is bonded over movement joints or cracks in structures to prevent the passage of water.5 15 x 15 0. stone. • 10mm for all porous surfaces. It is ideal for sealing joints in window and door frame surrounds and as a capping for beaded glazing systems. Accessories Fosroc Primer 7 One part chemically active clear liquid for brush application to concrete.3 1. only in grey for joints in floors or other horizontal surfaces. cement white. Sealants & Fillers Coverage* Joint size (mm) . 5 litre tins *1 litre of Fosroc Primer 7 is sufficient for 30 litres of Thioflex 600 Thioflex One Thioflex One is a one part polysulphide joint sealant available in a range of colours which bonds to most building construction materials and on exposure to atmosphere moisture. The membrane is stuck down with Supastik E10.2 20 x 20 0. Expoband H45 is WRAS approved and is typically used in reservoir roofs and walls. buff. Expoband H45 Type Expoband H45 Size Supastik E10 requirements 1mm x 100mm x 25m roll 5 to 6 linear metres per 2 litres 1mm x 200mm x 25m roll 2. glass and other non-porous surfaces.6 20 x 15 0.225 1.8 15 x 10 0.95 *These are theoretical yields.sigscp.5 to 3. Gun Grade. mahogany.1 3.5 litre tin Thioflex 600 pouring grade Primer 7* 5 litre tin 500ml. subject to the overriding recommended minimum sealant depths set out below: • 5mm for metals. Colours available: Black. • 20mm for trafficked joints and those subject to hydrostatic pressures.www. Pouring Grade. Thioflex 600 Type Size Thioflex 600 gun grade 2. Joints which are expected to experience cyclic movements should be designed to an optimum width:depth ratio of 2:1. Chemicals. Fosroc Primer 4 For use with Thioflex One on non-porous surfaces. Thioflex One Sizes 380ml Cartridges Litre/Metre Run Metre Run Per Cartridge 5x5 0. The use of a primer is always required on porous surfaces. no allowance has been made for variation in joint dimensions or wastage.5 linear metres per 2 litres Supastik E10 2 litres Thioflex 600 Multi-component polysulphide sealant available in two grades.15 cures to form a flexible rubber seal.025 15.40 0.2 10 x 10 0. brickwork. white. Use Primer 7 with Thioflex One for porous surfaces. grey. 0 Gripfill High Performance.5 litre mixed volume Paraseal Paraseal is a two-part. Sealants & Fillers Colpor 200PF Cold applied. Gripfill™ is a solvent-borne. Vertiseal CE Type Vertiseal CE Size (litre) 2. pouring grade polysulphide sealant for critical horizontal joints in buildings. parking and cargo areas. and civil engineering structures. pitch free polyurethane sealant specially formulated to provide a durable seal in movement or construction joints in concrete subject to contamination by oil and fuel spillage.5 1. culverts. regardless of the evenness of the surface.P. weathering and immersion. Servijoint One Type Servijoint One Size (ml) 310 Chemicals. Colpor 200PF is particularly suitable for sealing areas where fuel and oil spillage might occur such as aircraft fuelling areas. damage resistant surface sealant to protect steel reinforcement in concrete structures from corrosion.45 2. Servijoint One is also suitable for factory floors. Available in 310ml cartridges. gun grade polysulphide sealant for sealing vertical movement joints in buildings. oil terminals. cold applied. filled rubber resin adhesive. Application by pouring or bulk gun. one-part polyurethane sealant developed for critical joints in reservoirs containing potable water and is UK Water Bylaws Scheme listed. It can be used in concrete roads. developed to bond virtually any rigid materials together.5 4.6 Vertiseal CE Vertiseal CE is a two-part. hard standings. Paraseal Type Paraseal Size (litre) 5 Servijoint One Servijoint One is a cold-applied. Sealants & Fillers Servijoint Two Servijoint Two is a chemically curing. Multi-Purpose. runways. bridges. high performance. concrete runways and hard standings. for the sealing and maintenance of joints in concrete roads. .134 Chemicals. Colpor 200PF Type Size Colpor 5 litre tins Primer 20* 500ml tins *1 litre of Fosroc Primer 20 is sufficient for 25 litres of Colpor 200PF Joint size 10 x 10 10 x 20 10 x 25 15 x 15 20 x 20 25 x 25 M. Servijoint One provides a durable. Servijoint Two Type Servijoint Two Size (litre) 5. cold applied. pitch free pavement joint sealant. spillways and car park decks. Accessories Fosroc Primer 20 Concrete joint faces should be primed with Fosroc Primer 20. 10 5 3. Gap Filling Adhesive. garage forecourts. petrol filling stations and industrial production areas. concrete storage tanks and similar structures and is resistant to environmental pollution.L. Black. Combiflex Hypalon Sheet is a highly elastic. Sealing expansion joints in all types of structures which are subject to movement. Grey. White. rot-proof and chemically resistant sealing sheet with a thickness of 1mm or 2mm. White. gun grade dual purpose adhesive and sealing compound of permanent elasticity. PRO 3WF. The system resists water pressure and can be used on wide joints without the need to remove any existing failed sealant. 200mm 100. Fast setting and non shrinking. Black. resistance to weathering and capable of being overpainted. Grey. DWI certified for contact with potable water. Sikaflex Type Size Sikaflex-1A+ Coverage 600cc Sausage Sikaflex Pro 2HP Sikaflex PRO 3WP 310cc Cartridge 12 x 12mm joints: approx 2. Sikaflex Pro 2HP High performance one-part polyurethane joint sealant. Sikaflex Construction A one-part general purpose polyurethane permanently elastic joint sealant for use in most construction joints. Sealants & Fillers The SikaDur-Combiflex Jointing System consists of a Sika Hypalon Strip and SikaDur 31DWI/Rapid epoxy resin adhesive. Grey. White. Sikaflex PRO 3WF One-part chemical resistant polyurethane sealant. White. The unique two stage cross linking process eliminates many of the problems associated with conventional single stage cross linking sealants. Sikaflex 11FC+ Sikaflex-11FC+ is a one-part. . Construction. Grey. Black.5kg* 100. low modulus. high durability suitable for potable water contact. wood etc. SikaDur-Combiflex Jointing System SikaDur-Combiflex The hypalon strip is activated by the use of Sika Thinners C being wiped on both sides. in a range of colours. For bedding tiles. 11FC Cartridges. SikaDur-Combiflex Jointing System Type Thickness (mm) SikaDur 31DWI/rapid SikaDur Combiflex Sika Thinners C 1 thick 2 thick Size Coverage/Length 1. It cures under the influence of atmospheric moisture to form a tough elastic seal with excellent adhesive properties and resistance to ageing and weathering. Sikadur 31DWI/Rapid adhesive is epoxy resin based and establishes a strong bond to the substrate. Brown. gun grade polyurethane based elastomeric joint sealant. 135 Sikaflex Sikaflex-1A+ A single component gun grade polyurethane based sealant for both building and civil engineering structures.sigscp. White 11FC 600cc Sausages. Grey.2kg. 310cc cartridges Construction 600cc Sausage 1A+. 600cc Sausage 12 x 12mm joints: approx 4m 600cc Sausage Sikaflex 11FC 310cc Cartridge 3mm bead: approx 45m 600cc Sausage Windowseal 600cc sausages. *SikaDur 31DWI/rapid per linear metre of Combiflex (using 100mm wide Combiflex). 5kg 0. Black. Thinners C is also used to remove any uncured resin from tools etc. Excellent adhesion to most building materials with a fast cure rate. It cures rapidly under the influence of atmospheric moisture to form a highly elastic material with excellent adhesion. Sikaflex-Windowseal Sikaflex-Windowseal is a specially developed one-part. PRO 2HP. Sikadur 31DWI/Rapid Two pack epoxy thixotropic adhesive for bonding building materials. 200mm 25m 20m 3 Litre Only DWI approved when SikaDur-Combiflex and SikaDur 31DWI are used together as specified. is suitable for potable water and has high joint movement capacity. Grey.www. (Brown 600cc only). 50. insulation and protection boards to a wide range of surfaces. Polystyrene Adhesive Size (ml) 310 tube . Slip Membrane Size (mm) Roll Size (mm) 150 25 300 25 High quality adhesive for bonding filler boards. PRO 3WF. 5 litre cans. 200 mm x 15m length 2 Thoroflex 200 Adhesive 5kg. Sika Foams Type Size (ml) Coverage SikaBoom S 750 34 litre of expanded foam* SikaBoom N+ 750 44 litre of expanded foam* *Coverage approx + or . polystyrene. insulation and protection boards to a wide range of surfaces.136 Chemicals. block and metals.44 x 1. Thoroflex 200 Type Size Thoroflex 200 Thickness (mm) 100. 200mm x 20m rolls 1 100. dense sheet of specially formulated polyethylene having a very low friction surface. 11FC. polystyrene. 150 Other sizes available on request. SikaBoom N+ A B2 rated fire resistant expanding polyurethane foam in a can. Polystyrene Adhesive High quality adhesive for bonding filler boards. Thoroflex 200 Thoroflex 200 is a Hypalon based. 100.3 litres.22 Thickness (mm) 25. pre-formed membrane system for waterproofing over joints or cracks where a high degree of movement is expected in both vertical and horizontal applications. The material is suitable for use on a number of different substrates including concrete. 75. Chemicals. low friction sliding joint. Type Sika Primer 3N Coverage Average 150-250g/m2 depending on substrate Sika Foams SikaBoom S A general purpose expanding polyurethane foam in a can used for fixing and filling gaps in many applications. brick. and low friction resistance is required. Sealants & Fillers Polystyrene Sheets Polystyrene Sheets Size (m) 2. 2 component N/A Slip Membrane Heavy Duty Slip Membrane comprises of a tough. Uses: Heavy Duty Slip Membrane is designed for use in sliding joints in reinforced concrete structures where load bearing characteristics are present. Sealants & Fillers Sika Primer 3N For SikaFlex Pro 2HP. The strip is used in two layers to form a load bearing. The 600kPa product is recommended for use in more extreme weather applications and is resistant to UV.3 44 3 3.3 53 3 3 * Please note this product is supplied from factory where all thicknesses available ex-stock except Vitaseal 600 17-53mm. 100.5 5. 150. The importance of a breathable and weatherproof seal is essential in view of the new proposals in Part L of the Building Regulations . Denso Mastic A mastic for all sealing. Vitaseal is available as 300kPa (Vitaseal 300) and 600kPa (Vitaseal 600). When the impregnated foam is compressed. Sealants & Fillers Vitaseal Length of roll (m) . The unique cell structure and impregnation of the foam allows moisture to evaporate externally and prevents warm air escaping in this way not affecting the insulation properties required under Part L. Characteristics / Applications include. Denso Size Type Denso Tape 30. both tapes provide excellent sealing properties against weather. Vitaseal foam tapes offer a highly effective seal whilst allowing the structure to breathe at the same time.5 137 Denso Tape Denso Tape Ideal for protection against the corrosion of pipe work. glazing and general building and construction applications as a primary weather seal. Vitaseal expanding foam tapes are used extensively in roofing. 50.sigscp. Chemicals. The expanding foam tapes are used to seal uneven gaps between a variety of structures and surfaces.5 13 8 10 17 5 8 26 4. • Responds continually to expansion and contraction cycles without failure • Remains flexible for the duration of its life • Forms a complete primary weather seal • Joints for portable or sectional buildings • Construction • Side/end laps on roofing sheets • Expansion joints • Perimeter seals for windows and doors • Gutter seals • Abutment seals for conservatories • Perimeter seals for curtain walling • Sealing roof lights • Ductwork Vitaseal Expanding Foam Tapes Type Expanded thickness (mm) (300kPa) (600kPa) 5 15 15 9 10 12. 200. The 300kPa product is more suitable for partial weather exposure. Also for the temporary sealing of fractured mains and cable joints.6 35 4.5kg tubs Denso Mastic 3kg Vitaseal Expanding Foam Tapes Vitaseal expanding foam tapes are manufactured using an open cell polyurethane foam heavily impregnated with Denso Paste A primer for Denso Tape and a rust preventative for exposed metal. filling and caulking purposes. metal surfaces and cable below ground or under water.www. 300mm x 10m rolls Denso Paste 2. 75.Conservation of Fuel & Power in dwellings. the cells close and at only 20% compression provide a complete primary weather seal. or service pipework. smoke and combustible gases. In the event of fire this expands to maintain the fire stop seal for up to six hours. Once installed it requires no further maintenance. providing a fire stop seal at all movement joints. COMPOUND QF4 can be used in all types of building either new or refurbished projects. Specification and ordering Intufoam Code Intufoam is supplied in 1m lengths. at the junction of compartment floors and walls or wherever a cavity barrier is required. This should be stated thus: Ql50/45. It can be applied by hand trowel to small areas. The table below sets out the depth of seal required to obtain specific periods of fire protection. Chemicals. Intufoam Code Depth of INTUFOAM Sealing System in mm Integrity in minutes 60 90 120 240 360 Ql25/ 30 30 30 90 120 Ql50/ 30 30 45 120 150 Ql75/ 45 60 90 150 150 Ql100/ 60 90 90 150 Compound QF4 Mix QF4 PROTECTION COMPOUND maintains fire protection to fire compartment floors and walls penetrated by air conditioning ducts. The compressible foam core accommodates different joint widths to allow for structural movement. Total barrier thickness required for 4 hours fire protection – 160mm. and mixing until the desired consistency is reached. When set it provides an effective barrier to fire. It is an inorganic cement-like product which is mixed on site. Intufoam is faced either side with a flexible intumescent material. Ordering To order. then state the depth of seal required. select the Intufoam thickness by quoting the code number. reference Warrington Fire Research Centre 44989. Technical data available on request. This table shows the necessary depth (mm) of Intufoam to achieve a required period of integrity at the given gap sizes. Intufoam is a versatile fire resistant expansion joint. Gap min (mm) Gap max (mm) QI25 10 18 QI50 25 60 QI75 40 85 QI100 50 120 Example To obtain 2 hour fire resistance for a 30mm wide gap. It is compatible with most building materials.138 Chemicals. apply a concrete type paint. Ql50 will be required with a 45mm depth of seal. The material can also be mixed in a standard concrete mixer provided the material is added to water. Compound can be mixed by hand ADDING THE MATERIAL TO THE WATER. heat. Sufficient end-pieces are included with each order. Compound QF4 Mix Pack size (kg) 40 Yield 0. Sealants & Fillers For external use. Fire Resistance The fire performance rating of Intufoam is determined by the depth of seal. Sealants & Fillers Fire Protection Products Intufoam A flexible fire resistant seal for all structural joints and gaps.2399m3 per sack . 25 2.25 1.50 1 15 6. available in white. Depth (mm) Width (mm) 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 30 4 25 18 13 10 7 6 5 3.www. expansion joints and penetration seals. building facades.25 8 13 10 6 5 4 3 2.50 5 20 15 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 6 17 13 8 6 5 4 3. Flamex Two is a polysulphide intumescent sealant suitable for expansion joints in building superstructures and may be used in both internal and external joints.sigscp.5 5 3.75 10 10 8 5 4 3 2 2 1. Flamex S is heavily used in the protection of stadia terracing. Promaseal Type Size (ml) Promaseal Intumescent Sealant 310 Promaseal Silicone Sealant 310 Accessories Promaseal Fire Barrier.50 1.5 2 1.50 2. Fire Rated Aerosol & Foam Silicone Sealants Type Size (ml) Aerosol Foam FR 750 Silicone Sealant FR 310 Applicator Gun N/A Estimating Requirements Approximate yield of a 310ml cartridge in linear metres. Flamex Fire Protection Flamex One Flamex One is an intumescent sealant used for low movement joint sealing and gap filling applications such as door and window frames. Unicollar and Pipe Wrap. Expansion Joint Strip.50 Promaseal Promaseal® Intumescent Sealant is a white or grey water based acrylic intumescent sealant.50 1. tack-free seal. Foam. toxic gases and fire.25 2.25 1 0. Adhesion is excellent to most types of surface. Compound. The sealants cure in air to form a nonhardening. Promaseal® Silicone Sealant is a silicone-based fire protection sealant. Can be used externally and internally. It is suitable for the fire protection of curtain walling. Flamex S Flamex S is a fire rated silicone sealant which cures quickly and gives excellent adhesion to most building materials. Excellent sealing and insulating properties combined with outstanding fire resistance. preventing the passage of smoke. Sealants & Fillers Flamex Two .50 1. Colour: White. Pillows. Expands and cures on application bonding. Flamex Fire Protection Type Flamex One Flamex Two Flamex S Size 380ml cartridges 2. Excellent resistance to fire. grey or black. where pipes and cables pass through fire rated structures.5 litre tins 380ml plastic cartridges Silicone Sealant FR A one component low modulus neutral cure silicone 139 Aerosol Foam FR A one component PU foam aerosol gap filler. Sika Fire Stopping Size Type Sika Firestop 310cc cartridges Sika Firesil-N 300ml cartridges Chemicals for Formwork Formwork Polyurethane Sealer Nulease Standard A new concept in polyurethane chemical engineering. Nulease WB Environmentally Friendly water-based version. It is a modified one component polyurethane foam for the filling and sealing of joints and gaps requiring fire retardant properties. Sealants & Fillers dB Acoustic FR Fill & Fix Foam A unique and innovative one-component polyurethane (PU) foam for filling and sealing gaps. with minimal plywood grain pattern transfer. 25 Nulease Matt 5 Nulease WB 5 . and for maintaining acoustic integrity when sealing around pipe and cable penetrations. Chemicals. • Promotes good quality concrete finishes ensuring uniformity of colour and density of concrete surfaces. partitions and other structures. flame retardant silicone sealant suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. bonding and insulation applications including the perimeter sealing and fixing of fire resistant windows and doors and the sealing of mechanical and electrical service penetrations through compartment walls and floors. It is suitable for general gap filling. Formwork Polyurethane Sealer Type Nulease Standard Size (litres) 5. Sika Firesil-N A one-part neutral curing. Sealants & Fillers Advantages: • Extended mould and formwork usage. db Acoustic FR Fill & Fix Foam Code Size (ml) FRF 700 dB Acoustic Sealant Intended for sealing low movement joints providing effective noise reduction. db Acoustic Sealant Code Size (ml) DAS3 310 DAS8 310 Sika Fire Stopping Sika Firestop A one-component Intumescent fire proof sealant. Is ideal for use on timber.140 Chemicals. It is also ideally suited for perimeter pointing around fire door frames and windows. by deep sealing of wood fibres and providing a highly abrasive. Nulease Matt For higher quality concrete finish. It is used in walls. metal and concrete surfaces. chemically resistant coating. It is a one-part fire resistant gun and trowel grade acoustic sealant based on an acrylic emulsion which gives a firm but flexible seal to joints in a variety structures. www. water and concrete 141 Chemlease A Chemical Release Agent providing a stain free concrete finish of high quality due to its blend of fatty acids. Both Chemlease products are WRAS/WRc approved. having removed any surface water by displacement. Chemshield A formulation based on high quality petroleum waxes for application to metal formwork. Effects a positive release hence reducing cleaning time. Available in 25 litre size.5 and 7kg pack sizes. Adofill Two-part formwork filler paste. oil. Formfil – Formwork Repair Paste Designed to produce a fast setting compound which is resistant to impact. Sealants & Fillers Advantages: • High anti-corrosive rating. abrasion. Adofill Type Grey Size (kg) 2. Category 2. eliminates moisture retention problems. not easily removed in transit. Aquatard Surface Retarders Surface Retarders are used to provide an attractive exposed aggregate finish for concrete or a key for subsequent pours or renders. Usage rate: Approximately 20-50m2 per • A flexible and highly adhesive film. Complies with the British Cement Association. concrete plant and equipment. Coverage: 3-5m2 per litre. Aquatard TF For treatment to topface of freshly cast concrete. Aquatard FW For treatment to mould face prior to placing of concrete. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. . Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. moulds. Formstrike Mould Oil A versatile neat oil with surfactant which is designed to give optimum release and surface finish for a wide range of formwork materials. Available in 1. Coverage: 3-4m2 per litre. Has excellent release properties. • Excellent de-watering properties. Formstrike produces a uniform stain free concrete surface. Usage rate 15-30m² per litre. 8 Chemicals. therefore it need not be removed prior to initial casting unless it is of prime importance. Chemshield. • A quick drying one coat system easily applied by dipping or spraying. Protects both metal and timber forms and is economical in use and easily applied. • Chemshield may be used as a release agent. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. then deposits a highly anti-corrosive film giving long term protection for up to two years in the storage and shipping of metal components. • Facilitates easy removal of concrete or mortar contamination.sigscp. Dries rapidly and should be used where forms are struck in not less than 12 hours. Chemlease OF An odour free version of the popular chemical release agent is available to order on request which is suitable for use in confined areas or in areas with poor ventilation. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Metal is protected for up to two years in normal conditions. 1000 litre IBC available to order on request. Safetard Available in 5. 25. Usage rate: Approximately 15-30m2 per litre. 25 Adotard (Mould Face) Concrete surface retarder. 5. 25 litre sizes. Available in 5. Rugasol MH+ is gel for vertical use.142 Chemicals. 25 Adolease Adolease Size (litres) Concrete chemical release agent. Gives a lighter and more uniform colour of struck concrete. Available in 5. Adostrike Type Adostrike Sizes (litres) Usage (m2/litre) 25. 25. 25 and 210 litre sizes.30 Safetard Liquid (previously Atotard TF) Safetard Type Concrete surface retarder. (BCA Category 2) It incorporates active ingredients which allows forms to remain in place longer than traditional Mould Oils. Adostrike A high quality concrete mould release oil. 1. Rugasol Type Sizes (litres) Usage (m2/litre) Rugasol C 25 5 . High coverage per litre. 5.10 Rugasol MH+ 25 5 . Available in 5. Available in 1. Size (mm) Roll Size (m) 12 x 6 12 12 x 25 12 Adoseal Adoseal Size (litres) Polyurethane formwork sealer. 205 20 . Sealants & Fillers Mould Oil A high quality non-staining release mould oil for use on all types of shuttering and formwork. 210 Sika Rugasol Rugasol C and Rugasol MH+ Chemicals. 210 5. 25 and 210 litre sizes. Sealants & Fillers Rugasol C is a Surface Retarder liquid for horizontal use.10 . 25 and 210 litre sizes. 5 and 25 litre sizes. Adotard MF Size (litres) 5. Adofoam Adofoam Formwork joint sealing strip. • Cost effective. • Clean. thin flat sections and other prefab elements of average to somewhat higher quality. Available in 25.sigscp. Biodegradable according to CEC-L-A-93 Coverage: 20 to 50m² sq per litre. Available in 25. • Specifically developed for the Precast concrete industry and designed for specific applications.www. Available in 25. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. Chemicals. • Low volatility and odour. Coverage: 30 to 60m² sq per 143 Biodegradable Products High quality mould release oils for the building and construction. Da Vinci AA Da Vinci AA is an anti-sticking oil based on highly refined oil for asphalt plants. asphalt truck containers and for cleaning of the tools at the work site. Da Vinci XA Da Vinci XA is an anti-sticking oil based on highly refined oil for asphalt plants. Da Vinci LS is suitable for steel. Available in 25. fence posts. fence posts. Biodegradable according to OECD 301B Meets the requirement of German ‘Blue Angel’ and Nordic ‘White Swan’ ecolabelling. Sealants & Fillers DA Vinci N is a biodegradable concrete mould release oil that is designed for use in the manufacture of tiles. strong and high quality concrete surface after release. Da Vinci N Biodegradable according to CEC-L-A-93 Coverage: 30 to 60m² sq per litre. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. wooden. asphalt truck containers and for cleaning of the tools at the work site. • Easy to apply and excellent release properties. Available in 25. civil engineering and concrete manufacturing industries. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. Coverage: 20 to 50m² sq per litre. Da Vinci LS Da Vinci LS is a biodegradable concrete mould release oil that is designed for use in the manufacture of tiles. Biodegradable according to CEC-L-A-93 Approved as biodegradable lubricating oil under German eco label RAL-UZ64 (Blue Angel). synthetic or resin coated moulds. Da Vinci N is suitable for steel. wooden and all types of mould whether plastic or resin coated. Features and Benefits: • Comprehensive range of high quality demoulding agents. Biodegradable according to CEC-L-A-93 Approved as biodegradable lubricating oil under German eco label RAL-UZ64 (Blue Angel). Da Vinci C Da Vinci C is a concrete mould release oil for steel and wooden moulds and all types of resins or resin coated. Da Vinci AMX Da Vinci AMX is a concrete mould release oil based on highly refined oils for steel. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. . Available in 25. Coverage and sizes: 20 to 50m² sq per litre. thin flat sections and other prefab elements of average to somewhat higher quality. Biodegradable according to CEC-L-A-93 Coverage: 30 to 60m² sq per litre. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. synthetic or resin coated moulds and is especially suited for direct release. • Biodegradable. 25 and 210 litre sizes. Available in 5. nonflammable and consists of a synthetic oil emulsified in water using a natural surfactant. 25 and 210 litre sizes. • Provide higher early strengths. This in addition to its plasticizing action. Available in 5. 25 and 210 litre sizes. This product is water based. Usage rate: Approx. • Permit earlier release of formwork. 20-40m2 per litre. Sealants & Fillers Biolease Eco-Sensitive Biodegradable Release Agent A specially formulated mould release agent designed for use on all types of formwork to give an excellent release and a first class finish. Available in 25. • Earlier safe handling of Precast Units. will also facilitate: • Development of higher early strengths. • Earlier stripping and greater re-use of moulds. • Provide safer winter concreting with delays. It is regarded as biodegradable. • Reduced shrinkage and minimal cracking. • Enable earlier safe handling of precast units. The inclusion of Adoflow-ACF in a concrete mix will: • Accelerate initial and final set. Chemicals. Due to these characteristics the inclusion of Adoflow-A in a concrete mix. Adoflow-S is therefore used to: • Increased strengths without loss of workability.144 Chemicals. The inclusion of Adoflow-S In a well designed concrete mix will also provide: • Easier and speedier placing and compaction. • Safer winter concreting without delays. as well as providing all the benefits obtained from the use of Adoflow-S Standard Set Plasticiser. Biolease is non toxic and is therefore safer for the operative than more traditional concrete release agents. Biolease is WRAS/WRc approved. Available in 5. Biolease will not cause pollution of ground water. . such as that for prestressed concrete does not permit the use of calcium chloride. • Superior finish. 210 and 1000 litre sizes. Alternatively it will increase slump by up to 150% without any increase in water content. Sealants & Fillers Adoflow-ACF Accelerated Chlorine Free Plasticiser Adoflow-ACF is a chloride free accelerating admixture with plasticising properties. • Increased density and impermeability. • Minimal segregation and bleeding. It Is therefore ideal for use when it is desired to accelerate the set and rate of strength gain in concrete in instances where specification or code of practice. • Increase rate of strength gain. or • Improve workabilility without an increase in water/cement ratio. • Improve workability. Biolease is produced from synthetic oil emulsified using a naturally derived surfactant. or • Maintain specified strength with reduced cement content. Adoflow-A Accelerated Set Plasticiser The inclusion of Adoflow-A in a concrete mix will accelerate the setting and hardening of concrete so that early strength gain is in excess of that obtained even with Rapid Hardening Portland Cement with the increase maintained beyond the 28 day age. Admixtures Adoflow-S Standard Set Plasticiser The addition of Adoflow-S to an existing concrete mix facilitates up to 25% reduction in added water content for a given slump with the resultant marked reduction in water/cement ratio providing increased strengths. • Enable reduction in water content. Being a highly effective deflocculating agent it disperses cement paste into its primary particles increasing flow characteristics. 25 and 210 litre sizes. Coverage 5. reducing the evaporation of moisture.5m2 per litre. Chemcure R90 Resin-Based (90%) Inert resin-based curing membrane which gives 90% efficiency when tested to DOT specification. Coverage: 5. Sika Additives Type Sika Additives Size (litres) Usage (m2/litre) 5 3-6 Turks Head Brush available on page 151 Sprayers available on page 149 Chemcure S – Concrete Curing Liquid An aqueous solution of metallic silicates which when applied to fresh concrete forms a micro crystalline seal in the pores. • Avoidance of cold joints between pours. Available in 20 and 210 litre sizes.sigscp.www. • Pours of greater volume with reduced risk of cracking. • Permits significant reduction in water content of normal workability concrete with consequent reduction in water/cement ratio to produce higher and early ultimate strengths. to retard initial and final set. Accelerator Chloride free Sika Accelerator cold weather and rapid hardening admixture for mortars and concretes. Available in 5. Compatible with Silane. Benefits associated with the use of Adoflow Extra include: • Enables concrete to achieve high compaction with minimal or no vibration or tamping. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Chemcure S is WRAS/WRc approved. Hardening and Sealing . Due to these characteristics the inclusion of Adoflow-R in a concrete mix. • Increases flow characteristics of concrete to assist with difficult pours. as well as providing all the benefits from the use of Adoflow-S Standard Set Plasticiser will also facilitate: • Longer time available between mixing and placing. it will also reduce the rate of hydration of the Coverage: 5.5m2 per litre. Adoflow-Extra Super Plasticiser Adoflow Extra is a liquid plasticiser and water reducing agent which imparts extremely high workability when added to a concrete mix or cementitious grout. Sika Additives Wintermix A winter working admixture for concrete. as well as reduce the peak temperature resulting from the hydration process. 25 and 210 litre sizes.5-6m2 per litre. Chemcure R75 Resin-Based (75%) Inert resin-based curing membrane which gives 75% efficiency when tested to DOT 145 Adoflow-R Retarded Set Plasticiser The Inclusion of Adoflow-R in a concrete mix will provide similar characteristics and benefits to those provided by Adoflow-A. Sealants & Fillers Concrete Curing. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Available in 5. In addition. thereby minimizing the risk of cracking. Chemicals. 210 6 Adocure Sealer PF 25. Available in 5. clean. • Curing efficiency 75% in accordance with ASTM. Adocure Sealer Type Size (litres) Coverage (m2/litre) Adocure Sealer 25. C309. Surface preparation: Cement bound floors must be sound. fats etc. resistant to dilute acids. Water retention tests on Adocure WW treated cubes and control cubes stored for 24 hours at 30°C showed the following results. Coverage: 5. • Ideal for use in fast track construction.5-6m2 per litre.146 Chemicals.5m2 per litre. • Provides abrasive resistant hard wearing easy-clean surface. more durable longer lasting and easier to clean. Coverage 5. Sealants & Fillers Available in PF grade for Power Floated floors.66 and Department of Transport Specification for Highway Works Clause 1027. complying with ASTM C309. New floors require at least 10 days to thoroughly dry out before treatment. Curecote Super is a non-degrading and permanent material. greases. 210 6 Adocure WW A white. oil and grease proof. Curecote Super – Curer/Sealer and Hardener Curecote Super is a clear acrylic polymer resin solution which impregnates concrete surfaces to combine all the benefits of curing. Benefits: • Cures and seals in one operation saving time and labour. Adocure Sealer PF Chemicals. designed to deposit a layer of firmly bonded. and secondly to act as an in-depth sealer for the hardened concrete rendering its surface dustproof and extremely hard wearing. C390. • Permits bond of most subsequent coatings intended for concrete. high cohesive strength. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. case hardened. . Sealants & Fillers Chemcure R90 Aluminised Resin-Based (90%) 90% efficiency as resin-based 90. aluminised to give increased light reflectancy reducing the effect of solar heat. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. • Effective anti-carbonation coating. Its secondary function and benefits are also applicable when the material is applied to existing concrete surfaces. firstly to form a highly effective curing membrane that conforms to ASTM. Adocure Sealer A clear acrylic polymer resin solution primarily for application to surfaces of freshly laid concrete where it has a double function. Adotuf Concrete Surface Hardener and Dustproofer The application of Adotuf to an existing cement-bound floor will significantly improve the properties of the floor to render dustproof. dry and free from oils. hardening and sealing. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. 25 and 210 litre sizes. minute crystals within the top surface of the concrete to form an integral membrane which fills all surface pores and capillaries to reduce moisture evaporation.5m2 per litre. Coverage: 5. Chemcure R90 WB – Water Based Formulated with inert hydro carbonation resins which give an excellent film and water retention efficiency in excess of 90%. Covering capacity: Depends upon floor but average guide is 8m2 per litre of Adotuf per coat and generally two coats are required for best results. Coverage: 5-9m2 per litre. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. aqueous silicate solution. WBS listed for drinking water projects. water retention 79.4 Avg. sealing and hardening liquid the original and best. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Concure WB Type Sizes (litres) Usage (m2/litre) 20. Solution of inert resins in evaporative solvents for use in general construction 147 Adocure WW Treated (%) Control (%) Water retention 80.2 Water retention 78. Complies with Clause 1027 of the Department of Transport’s specification for Highway Works similar to Adocure Standard but with a higher curing efficiency. WBS listed for drinking water projects. Sika Dustproofer An economical ready to use dustproofer and hardener for concrete paths and slabs. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Sealants & Fillers Sika Hardeners .5 The moisture retaining properties of the Adocure WW will reduce over the first few weeks after application so that the subsequent application of penetrating treatments will be unaffected. Sikafloor ProSeal Pro One-component economical curing and hardening liquid with low odour. Chemicals. Adocure Super AL Aluminised for use in strong sunlight conditions and where DTp stipulate aluminised for Adocure Super Resin based curing compound of 90% efficiency. runways etc.5 . Sikafloor ProSeal One-component high performance curing. dustproofer and curing liquid.3 54. sealing and hardening liquid water based.9 54. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Available in 25 and 210 litre sizes. Sikafloor ProSeal W One-component high efficiency curing. It is supplied as a white emulsion which forms a clear film on drying. Sikafloor ColourSeal One-component high efficiency coloured curing.2 54. 200 3. sealing and hardening liquid.4 54. Fosroc Concure WB Concure WB is a water based concrete curing compound based on a low viscosity wax emulsion.5 Concure WB Adocure WWT Fugitive dye is added to Adocure WW to aid visual identification of areas of application.www.8 Water retention 78. Adocure Standard Resin based curing compound of 75% efficiency. bridges. Sikafloor ProSeal 90 One-component higher efficiency curing. Dustproofer Type Sika Dustproofer Size (litres) Usage (m2/litre) 5 3-6 Sikafloor CureHard 24 One-component silicate based hardener. sealing and hardening liquid. It is safe to use on painted surfaces.tec ritecure 25.tec ritecure is a synthetic hydrocarbon resin dissolved in solvent to produce a spray-on curing membrane to cure new concrete or cementitious mixes. . It is financially sound. The concept is to achieve an insurface seal with no material build-up. It is safe for both human handling and for the environment. ideal for the removal of all cement based contamination and rust from a wide range of surfaces. Sealants & Fillers Hardeners Type Size (litres) Coverage (m2/litre) Sikafloor CureHard 24 25.148 Chemicals. 200 10 Thinner C Sikafloor ProSeal 90 25. scaffolding and aluminium sections.tec acrylic sealer (Dust Proofer) A weber. Then clean off the item thoroughly with a high-pressure cleaner or with water and a stiff brush. 200 10 Water Cleaner Sikafloor ProSeal Pro 25. mixers. weber. Chemclean is ideal for the easy removal of concrete laitance from plant and equipment.tec aquapel WR prior to two coats of weber. colourless. can be diluted with water for many applications.tec acrylic sealer (Dust Proofer) Type weber.tec acrylic sealer is recommended.tec ritecure weber. The foam should be left to act on the concrete for 20-45 minutes. 25 10 Thinner C weber. 200 5 weber. The product is based on a pure acrylic resin in aromatic solvents. glass and rubber. using for example. Collectively these extra benefits make for optimum utilisation of time and equipment. Rust stains are quickly removed from all concrete surfaces. Available in 5 and 20 litre sizes. weber. 200 10 Thinner C Sikafloor ProSeal 25. Plus Hand Foamer. one coat of weber. Since the product is not harmful to the environment. Available in 5 and 25 litre sizes. saving you money as well as preserving your equipment and extending its life. penetrating sealer. Ideal for descaling and rust removal from metal components. aluminium. It quickly forms a thin film which effectively reduces the rate of water evaporation. In cases where there is heavy buildup. Cure Chemicals Concrete Remover is biologically degradable and can be discarded in the normal sewage system (EAK 17 09 04). 200 10 Water Sikafloor ColourSeal 5. it can be drained directly into the public sewer system (EWC 17 09 04). For severely exposed surfaces. 25 and 200 16 Brick & Concrete Cleaning Material Chemclean A specially selected blend of inhibited inorganic acids. Economical to use. Cure Chemicals Concrete Remover is mixed with water to the desired strength and applied as a foam to the item concerned. How it works: Cure Chemicals Concrete Remover contains active substances that break down the molecules that bind the cement together with sand and water. Excellent for final washing of newly exposed aggregate panels and ideal for etching concrete prior to application of subsequent treatments. You can use Cure Chemicals Concrete Remover on hand tools. Phosphoric or Citric acids and is therefore noncorrosive. Concrete Remover Chemicals.tec acrylic sealer is a low-viscosity.tec ritecure Type Size (litres) Coverage (m2/litre) weber. a handheld foamer. Sealants & Fillers Cure Chemicals Concrete Remover is designed exclusively to clean concrete construction equipment and does not contain any Muriatic.tec acrylic sealer Size (litres) Coverage (m2/litre/coat) 5. 200 10 Thinner C Sikafloor ProSeal W 25. the treatment can be repeated. CodeDescription Capacity (litre) Heavy Duty Metal 8 Standard Duty Metal Plastic 7. Contains Hydrochloric acid and can be used neat up to 1:20 dilution depending on application. high performance degreaser for the effective removal of heavy deposits of oils.5m. Available in 5 and 25 litres. tar. All sprayers sold as complete units. scrub lightly with a hard brush followed by rinse of water. Jizer Water rinsable degreaser solvent action removes oil.5 7 Knapsack 14 Quality spares readily available to fit 149 Adoclean A specially selected blend of inorganic acids for the removal of cementitious contaminations and efflorescence from brickwork. Chemicals. Waterproofing membranes available from pages 92 . knapsack or 8 litre plastic. Sealants & Fillers Spares for Sprayers . Description Maintenance Kit for SM8H Sprayer Maintenance Kit for SP7H Sprayer Lance and Nozzle Assembly for Sprayer Nozzle Assembly for Sprayer Washers for SM7. A telescopic sprayer lance to fit all sprayers. Janitol Plus A non caustic. Sprayer for applying release agents and concrete curing compounds etc. An effective alternative to hazardous solvent and caustic cleaners. Apply by brush a 50/50 solution of Adoclean and water. Thoroughly saturate the area with water. greases and other stubborn concrete and mineral deposits from most hard surfaces. The cleaner can be further diluted depending upon application. Available in 5 and 25 litres.www. grease. Available in 5 and 25 litres. Heavy mortar deposits may require repeated applications of Adoclean whilst lightly wire brushing and rinsing with water. In all cases of staining the cause should be identified. bitumen and waxes used neat. We accept no responsibility for badly maintained sprayers. Dilution rate 1:10 to 1:40 depending on application. Brick Cleaner Removes heavy deposits of rust. cement.101 of the Waterproofing section Formwork Chemical Applicators Sprayers Sprayers: 8 litre metal. scale.9m-1. Operating length 0. To remove stains or mortar.5C Sprayer Telescopic Sprayer Lance Trigger and Hosetail IMPORTANT: We recommend that cleaning solvent is used with all sprayers and the responsibility for maintenance lies with the purchaser. Application Instructions. Available in 5 and 25 litre cans. Removal of rust staining from concrete. Concrete Cure Powered Sprayer The pump unit has a 1m duplex suction hose with an inlet filter and an 8mm agitator and a flexible 1. Lever Operated Sprayers Lever operated versions of the above. Each unit has a double-diaphragm hand operated pump with filter and air receiver to ensure uniform spray rate.70 but some customers have used them for spraying warm K1. trailer or mounted on a road roller. a 1. a 1.8m suction hose. Each unit has a double-diaphragm hand operated pump with filter and air receiver to ensure uniform spray rate.70 (80°C). The bitumen sprayer will handle cold emulsion (Grade K1. Specify whether the unit is to be used for bitumen or concrete cure.2m suction pipe with strainer.2m suction pipe with strainer.70 (80°C). they are not suitable for pumping cold K1.40 or K1. Contact us for details.a great saving in manpower.8m double suction hose.60). They are light and easy to use and can be used by one man . It is supplied with a 1. Sealants & Fillers Mobile Direct-From-Drum Sprayers Direct-from-drum sprayers for bitumen emulsion or concrete cure material designed to hold drums in the vertical or horizontal position. Contact us for details. Bitumen Powered Sprayer The pump unit has a 1. Specify whether the unit is to be used for bitumen or concrete cure. a 5m delivery hose and spray lance are supplied as standard. Delivers 15 to 20 litres/minute depending on the viscosity of the material being sprayed and the speed of the operator. Separate versions are available for 25 litre and 210 litre drums. It will handle aluminium-based concrete sure material. Powered versions can be supplied with petrol or diesel engine and delivers 20 to 25 litres/minute depending on engine speed.60).2m suction pipe with strainer. a flexible 1.8m suction hose and a 5m delivery hose with spray lance as standard.8m double suction hose. Static Direct-From-Drum Sprayers Direct-from-drum sprayers for bitumen emulsion or concrete cure material designed to be used from the back of a pick up truck. It will handle aluminium-based concrete sure material.8m suction hose and a 30m delivery hose with spray lance as standard. They are light and easy to use and can deliver 15 to 20 litres/minute depending on the viscosity of the material being sprayed and the speed of the operator.a great saving in manpower. Cut back bitumen emulsion can also be used. For cleaning solvents see page 148 . They are light and easy to use. Powered versions can be supplied with petrol or diesel engine and delivers 20 to 25 litres/minute depending on engine speed.40 or K1. Lever Operated Sprayers Chemicals. a 5m delivery hose and a 2m spray lance. It will handle cold emulsion (Grade K1. they are not suitable for pumping cold K1.150 Chemicals.8m suction hose. Sealants & Fillers Lever operated versions of the above. It is supplied with a 1.2m suction pipe with drum cap. a 5m delivery hose and a 2m spray lance. Cut back bitumen emulsion can also be used. A three-way valve is fitted on the outlet plumbing to allow for re-circulation and agitation of the material in the drum. a 5m delivery hose and spray lance are supplied as standard. a flexible 1. Bitumen Powered Sprayer The pump unit has a 1. and whether it is for ground or drum-top use. They are light and easy to use and can be used by one man . Concrete Cure Powered Sprayer The pump unit has a 1m duplex suction hose with an inlet filter and an 8mm agitator and a flexible 1.70 but some customers have used them for spraying warm K1. A three-way valve is fitted on the outlet plumbing to allow for re-circulation and agitation of the material in the drum. They are light and easy to use and can deliver 15 to 20 litres/minute depending on the viscosity of the material being sprayed and the speed of the operator. A three-way valve is fitted on the outlet plumbing to allow for re-circulation and agitation of the material in the drum.40 or K1.60). Bitumen Powered Sprayer The pump unit has a Contact us with your 151 Mobile Direct-From-Drum Sprayers With Drum Lift Direct-from-drum sprayers for bitumen emulsion or concrete cure material with an integrated drum lifter. a 5m delivery hose and spray lance are supplied as standard. Specify whether the unit is to be used for bitumen or concrete cure. Sealants & Fillers . a 5m delivery hose and a 2m spray lance. a 1. Chemicals.www. It has a double-diaphragm hand operated pump with filter and air receiver to ensure uniform spray rate. A pneumatic tyred castor wheel at the back makes moving the loaded sprayer very easy. Turks Head Brush A fine haired brush for the easy application of formwork chemicals. they are not suitable for pumping cold K1. It is designed to enable one person to safely lift a full 210 litre drum on to the chassis. Drum Lifters A range of mechanical handling devices designed to allow one person to handle and transport heavy items such as 210 litre drums with ease. Lever Operated Sprayers Lever operated versions of the above. Concrete Cure Powered Sprayer The pump unit has a 1m duplex suction hose with an inlet filter and an 8mm agitator.2m suction pipe with strainer.70 but some customers have used them for spraying warm K1. Each unit is supplied with a 1. Cut back bitumen emulsion can also be used. Powered versions can be supplied with a choice of petrol or diesel engine and delivers 20 to 25 litres/minute depending on engine speed.2m suction hose with a drum cap and a 5m delivery hose and spray lance as standard.8m suction hose. The bitumen sprayer will handle cold emulsion (Grade K1.sigscp.70 (80°C). 152 Chemicals. Sealants & Fillers Chemicals. Sealants & Fillers .
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