Chemical Engineering, March 2014

March 27, 2018 | Author: Leon Sanchez | Category: Hydrogen Peroxide, Recycling, Battery (Electricity), Waste, Oxygen



March Mass Transfer in Fermentation Scaleup Page 44 Pneumatic Conveying Minimizing FDA Inspection Citations Focus on Safety Equipment Page 40 New and Improved Sensors Global AirPollution Regulations Facts at Your Fingertips: Level-Measurement Device Selection Interphex Show Preview Corrosion 2014 Show Preview Advanced Polymer Recycling Circle 1 on p. 68 or go to MARCH 2014 VOLUME 121, NO. 3 COVER STORY 40 Cover Story Implementing a Corrosion-Under-Insulation Program CPI facilities need to put in place a systematic program for preventing and mitigating corrosion under insulation 40 NEWS 11 Chementator Commercial debut for a low-cost stationary energy-storage system; In-situ chemical remediation of soil and groundwater; This pathway from cellulose to p-xylene eliminates saccharification step; Bio-isobutene fermentation process to be piloted; New ceramic membranes for oxygen separation; and more Newsfront Advanced Polymer Recycling Polymer waste streams offer opportunities for new recycling processes Newsfront Sensors Save the Day New and improved sensors improve chemical processing applications in a multitude of ways 17 22 22 ENGINEERING 37 Facts at Your Fingertips Level-Measurement Device Selection This one-page reference provides information about selecting devices for determining the level of materials in vessels and tanks Technology Profile Methanol-to-Olefins Process This one-page profile describes a process for production of light olefins from methanol Feature Report Mass Transfer in Fermentation Scaleup As fermenters are scaled up to huge sizes, mass transfer is a key consideration Engineering Practice FDA Form 483: Minimizing FDA Inspection Citations One of the paramount issues related to FDA-regulated products is that of documentation and record-keeping related to manufacturing Solids Processing Dilute-Phase Pneumatic Conveying: Instrumentation and Conveying Velocity Follow these guidelines to design a well-instrumented and controlled system, and to optimize its conveying velocity Feed Environmental Manager Global Air-Pollution Regulations: Variation is the Norm Operators with facilities in many countries need to be aware of the requirements in each Air inlet Rotary valve CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHE.COM MARCH 2014 Blower Run or position light Receiving bins with bin vent filters bin 39 44 44 Diverter valves 48 54 High level 59 Low level 54 1 lightweight Coriolis flowmeter. and more . and more 31 32I-16 New Products (International edition) Special vacuum pumps 26 33 Show Preview Interphex 2014 A selection of products to be displayed at this tradeshow. Hands-free lighting for safety of first responders. A high-accuracy. Manage dust-explosion risk with safe indoor venting. A Focus on Temperature Measurement and Control. fluoroplastic valve blocks.EQUIPMENT & SERVICES 26 Focus on Safety Equipment Safety gloves for broader industrial use. taking place March 18–20 in New York. Translucent tubing for peristaltic pumps in high-purity operations.COM Look for Web-exclusive articles. Here are some of the products that will be showcased at the event 36 COMMENTARY 5 Editor’s Page More than beer is brewing Fermentation is broadening its reach to less traditional applications as a route to commercial-scale chemical production The Fractionation Column An unexpected safety lesson The most important aspect of any safety program is thinking 65 DEPARTMENTS 6 8 68 Letters Bookshelf Reader Service 31 70 71 Who’s Who Economic Indicators ADVERTISERS 32I-1 European Section 66 69 Product Showcase/Classified Advertiser Index COMING IN APRIL Look for: Feature Reports on Solids Processing.CHE. and more New Products Protect vacuum pumps from contamination with these traps. New Products. and more Cover: David Whitcher 2 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. Precise dosing with multi-port. an Engineering Practice article on P&ID Development. “Test your Knowledge” quizzes. A cover to seal off drains in the event of a spill. and more developed for fusion reactors. and Compressors.COM MARCH 2014 33 ONLY ON CHE. for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries Show Preview Corrosion 2014 The 69th annual meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) will be held in San Antonio from March 9–13. A moisture analyzer with good connectivity. and Equipment for Handling Air-Sensitive Chemicals. This shield protects against high-pressure gage leaks. A Facts at Your Fingertips on Fire Prevention. News articles on Carbon Capture. Mix steam and water for safe washdowns. Latest News. This programmable controller is installed directly onmachine. che.Circle 12 on . 68 or go to adlinks. catalysts. we create chemistry for a sustainable .che.basf. At BASF. BASF provides a strong foundation of product and process innovations across the petrochemical value chain. 68 or go to Circle 6 on p. As the global leader in catalysis. The result is a broad petrochemical catalyst and adsorbent portfolio backed by dedicated customer and technical service and enabled through the strength of BASF . www.The Chemical Company. Today’s petrochemical industry provides the building blocks for a wide range of materials.We create chemistry that makes building blocks love strong foundations. com JOHN CARSON DAVID DICKEY MixTech. GERALD PARKINSON MARKETING Jenike & Johanson. [email protected] DAVID WHITCHER Art Director/ Editorial Production Manager dwhitcher@che. Inc. And. As fermentation broadens its reach as a route to commercial-scale chemical his EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD PAUL S. licensing and permissions: Wright's Media. michaelc@tradefairgroup. Pa. MD 20850 • www. 44–47) focuses on the mass transfer aspect of the Senior Editor [email protected] List Sales.S. Inc. Tel: 212-621-4900 Fax: 212-621-4694 EUROPEAN EDITORIAL OFFICES Zeilweg 44. such as for the food-and-beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. GRAD (Australia) TETSUO SATOH (Japan) [email protected]. 5th Floor. see 42nd Kirkpatrick Award Announced.felling@statlistics. Germany. chairman and managing director of Biocon Ltd. Vice President. president and CEO of CHF said. November HENRY KISTER DECHEMA pgrad@che. Box 3588. ( JOHN BLAYLOCK-COOKE Ad Production Manager [email protected] MICHAEL CONTI MUKESH DOBLE IIT Madras.. While new bio-based innovations seemingly continue to flourish. As Carsten Reinhardt. A noteworthy example is the bio-based 1. we report on construction that is underway to build a pilot plant for what is believed to be the first fermentation process capable of directly producing isobutene (p. “Then she used her knowledge of fermentation to become one of the greatest entrepreneurs in the history of her nation. 1-877-652-5295. Corporate Audience Development Exec.” One of Biocon’s key innovations is the development of Pichia-based (a yeast) recombinant human insulin. 9–11) in a process that uses of Eight Jesse H. SHELLEY sshelley@che. Neal Awards for Editorial Excellence Editor’s Page Published since 1902 PUBLISHER An Access Intelligence Publication ART & DESIGN More than beer is brewing MICHAEL GROSSMAN EDITORS Vice President and Group Publisher mgrossman@accessintel. 14–19). honors outstanding individuals who have made multifaceted contributions to our chemical and scientific heritage. New GERHARD KREYSA (retired) RAM RAMACHANDRAN (Retired) The Linde Group HEADQUARTERS 88 Pine Street. LLC DON PAZOUR ED PINEDO Chief Executive Officer Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer ROBERT PACIOREK Senior Vice President.K. FECTO Senior Vice President. and The BioBased Economy.) cbutcher@che. ■ Dorothy Audience Marketing Director sgarwood@accessintel. Digital Media & Design Vice President.basf. GEORGE SEVERINE JEN FELLING CHARLES BUTCHER (U. Financial Planning and Internal Audit DANIEL MCKINNON Vice President. Energy and Engineering Events GERALD STASKO Vice President/Corporate Controller 4 Choke Cherry Road. we reported on a new process for making lactic acid from palm waste (Chem. 12). Marketing Director TradeFair ADVERTISING REQUESTS: see p. August 2011. Fermentation is playing an increasingly important role in the chemical process industries (CPI). it becomes more important to learn about fermentation scaleup and some of the unique challenges it brings.accessintel. in November 2013. She was that country’s first female brewmaster. the recipient of the Othmer Gold Medal is Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. The human insulin manufacturing process begins with fermentation. Human Resources & Administration MICHAEL KRAUS STEVE BARBER HEATHER FARLEY Divisional President. In our January issue.. 68 For reprints. which is often a limiting factor in aerobic reported that it produced its first commercial quantities of BDO using Genomatica’s fermentation technology. Inc. and a growing number of new processes are based on fermentation. BASF SE ( JOY LEPREE (New Jersey) jlepree@che. via large-scale fermentation and recovery (for more on this winning achievement. India. the use of fermentation in novel biological pathways to make highvalue chemicals has already matured to production scale.. (San Diego. This month’s feature report on Mass Transfer in Fermentation Scaleup (pp. 14–17. Genomatica produced BDO at commercial scale using renewable feedstocks for the first time. www. www. Eng. Chief Information Officer SYLVIA SIERRA MACY L. The CPI are experiencing significant growth in bio-based chemicals (see for example. India Fluor Corp. pp. 14–16). Germany Tel: 49-69-9573-8296 Fax: 49-69-5700-2484 CIRCULATION REQUESTS: Tel: 847-564-9290 Fax: 847-564-9453 Fullfillment Manager.CHE. Eng. In this issue for example. Eng. and not just for the more traditional products made by that route.COM MARCH 2014 5 . www. NY PRODUCTION T DOROTHY LOZOWSKI Editor in Chief dlozowski@che. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is a pioneer in India’s biotechnology in May. Editor in Chief CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Senior Editor sjenkins@che. Fulfillment Manager [email protected]) — the winner of our most recent Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering Achievement plans to start 500-L pilot operations later this year.O. Statlistics (203) 778-8700 INFORMATION SERVICES GERALD ONDREY (Frankfurt) SCOTT JENKINS MARY PAGE BAILEY CONTRIBUTING EDITORS CHARLES SANDS Director of Digital Development csands@accessintel. Inc. It is a complementary article to Heat Transfer for Huge Scale Fermentation (Chem. Access Intelligence VP. August 2013.44–46) that examines the heat transfer challenges in scaling up fermentation processes. www. Global Bioenergies (Evry. ACCESS INTELLIGENCE. sales@wrightsmedia. Bio-Based Chemicals Gain Market Acceptance. Philadelphia. AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT SARAH GARWOOD SUZANNE A. P. D-60439 Frankfurt am Main. The award. and she went on to create a globally recognized bio-pharma enterprise.. Calif.chemheritage. Chem. Eng. Chem. and to scale up the fermenter next year. Second Floor Rockville. CRISTANE MARTIN Marketing Manager TradeFair Group.. (California) [email protected]. Northbrook. Eng. November 2013. pp. IL 60065-3588 email: chemeng@omeda. which will be presented at the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF. www. France. January 2014.4-butanediol (BDO) process developed by Genomatica Inc. Assistant Editor mbailey@che. Box 297 Saint Peter. Low Vapor Pressure.O. Qualified and interested students must complete the application and mail it along with a current. with “Nicholas Chopey Scholarship Program” in the memo area.4PM ET).743.2424 or 203. work experience.cHE. statement of goals and aspirations. complete transcript of grades to the following silicones or hydrocarbons. Chopey scholarship program.992. a division of Scholarship America. Mil-spec.che.Connecticut .com/krytox Circle 25 on p. 68 or go to adlinks. unusual personal or family circumstances. Nonflammable. Thermally stable (-103°F to 800°F).Canada [email protected]/npcscholarship/ Selection of recipients. Krytox® offers Extreme Pressure. and striving to continually advance it. have been goals for this magazine since its founding in 1902. Recipients will be notified in early June. call 800. and sent to the following address prior to June 1. Aerospace and Food Grades (H-1 and H-2) available! Widely used in Vacuum and Cleanroom environments. Financial need is not considered. Oxygen Compatible. For technical information. honors.4447 (8AM . Low Outgassing. Bringing recognition to the value of the chemical engineering Application forms will be sent directly to the chemical engineering departments of the qualified schools and can also be found at miller-stephenson. Suite 690 Houston. DuPont™ Krytox® Channel Partner Since 1991 m TM s California . checks should be made out to Scholarship America. Donations. the student will receive a one-time-only award that may be used for undergraduate 6 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. Selection of recipients is made by Scholarship Management Services. Anticorrosion and Anti-wear properties. postmarked no later than April 15. 68 or go to adlinks. No Migration . TX 77042 . Application details.che. Nicholas Chopey Scholarship Program Scholarship Management Services One Scholarship Way. Applicants to the program must be current third-year students who are enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study in chemical engineering at one of the following four-year colleges or universities: • Columbia University • Rutgers University • SUNY Buffalo • University of Kansas • University of Virginia • University of Oklahoma If selected as a recipient.Illinois . MN 56082 Telephone: (507) 931-1682 Krytox Fluorinated Lubricants ® Greases and Oils are: Chemically Inert. Insoluble in common solvents. demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities. We also offer a complete line of inert fluorinated Dry Lubricants and Release Agents. In no instance does any officer or employee of Chemical Engineering magazine play a part in the selection. To make donations to the fund. Chemical Engineering established the scholarship in memory of the magazine’s former Editor in Chief. P. In late 2007.Letters CE scholarship applications open Chemical Engineering is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for its annual Nicholas P. and an outside appraisal. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic record. 2014: Circle 2 on p.cOM MARcH 2014 Nicholas P. Nontoxic. Chopey Scholarship Fund Cristane Martin Chemical Engineering 11000 Richmond Avenue. Applicant qualifications.che. herbicides. fungicides.992.829.6515 • sales@sturtevantinc. no heat generation • Simple . MA 02339 • Phone: Circle 42 on p. 68 or go to adlinks.sturtevantinc. insecticides and dry chemicals to narrow particle size distributions of 0.dispersion & reactivity • Particle-on-particle impact.25 microns or larger without heat buildup.Better Dispersion and Control Perfection is Perfecting Particle Size The Sturtevant Micronizer® jet mill reduces the particle size of pesticides.0209 • Fax: 781. easy to clean • Abrasion resistant for long life 348 Circuit Street www. • Better control properties . Somorjai’s autobiography is the story of a remarkable life spent in science — Somorjai is a decorated researcher who survived Nazi-occupied Hungary as the child of a Jewish family and eventually made a harrowing journey out of Soviet-era Hungary to the University of California at Berkeley. blending.95. Providing historical context along the way. Somorjai illustrates how basic research in the behavior of molecules at surfaces ultimately led to significant improvements in fields such as catalysis. F Circle 26 on p. perfect An American Bloomington. $27. Using the post-war progress of surface science as an example.che.0 . Reviewed by Scott Jenkins. 2013. 1663 Liberty Drive. Archway Publishing. . exploring the process by which scientific information is acquired and eventually applied to industrial problems.79 618 Rheinfelden (Germany) Industrieweg 5 . bioengineering and . Web: archwaypublishing. energy production – Lifting. Another theme apparent in Somorjai’s book is the preciousness of the scientific method as the mechanism by which incremental advances are made.che.Y.2 86x123 2013 Bookshelf For methods Handling equipment pallet transfer – Mobile or stationary – Manual or fully automatic – Loads up to 2500 kg handled – Hygienic stainless steel – GMP-compliant design – ATEX conformity Müller GmbH . Those with interest in the history of science will enjoy the book for its ability to chart a path outlining the progress of a key multidisciplinary field of science over time. 68 or go to adlinks. addressing the immediacies of work makes it difficult to ponder the scientific discoveries and technological advancements that led to the current state of the art.www. Chemical Engineering 8 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. 250 pages. the book is the story of science itself. Somorjai makes it a point to give credit to an impressive network of colleagues and collaborators for research success. microelectronics. Circle 41 on p.Fax: +49 (0) 76 23 / 9 69 . questions are answered and thinking is changed.Phone: +49 (0) 76 23 / 9 69 . Somorjai with Mitch Jacoby. Among the themes are the importance of human relationships and collaboration in advancing science. Somorjai’s book does an admirable job of succinctly describing the technical details of numerous scientific experiments and the implications of their results without letting the explanations obscure the thems of the narrative. By Gabor Looking backward at the ways earlier work has shaped our present understanding of current technologies can be illuminating for the road ahead.69 A company of the Müller group info@mueller-gmbh. tribology.COM MARCH 2014 Editor’s note: If you are interested in writing a book review for this column. New York. 68 or go to adlinks. A book like the autobiography of the Hungarian-born scientist Gabor Somorjai reminds us that current technology has been shaped by a wide range of prior work.Chemical Engineering e 1. IN 47403. Somorjai illustrates in his book the many ways in which basic science research in the decades after World War II shaped the modern world. or those working in the chemical process industries. On another level. weighing. where he began studying chemical phenomena at surfaces. On one level. contact Chemical Engineering senior editor Scott Jenkins by email at bookshelf@che. Web: wiley. USA FROM 18TH � 20TH MARCH 2014. W1T3JH. 37-41 Mortimer Street.50. New York. NY 10016.. Hoboken. 288 pages. Web: wiley. By Daniel E. John Wiley & Sons Inc. $ CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.cOM MARcH 2014 9 . $125. Walter de Gruyter Inc. $199. 3rd ed.cHE.Low maintenance and easy scale-up from laboratory to production THE 3-IN-1 PROCESS PLATFORM VISIT US AT THE INTERPHEX IN NEW YORK. 346 pages. DEStech Publishing Inc. F R E W I T T. Activated Sludge Technologies for Treating Industrial Wastewaters: Design and Troubleshooting. Lees’ Process Safety Essentials: Hazard Identification. Wesley Eckenfelder and Joseph Cleary. $ Mahoney and Brent R. Web: degruyter. $180. Lancaster. 3rd floor.3 different grinding methods .com. 2014. Hoboken. A Real-time Approach to Process Control. Taylor & Francis Group. 300 pages. By Sam Mannan. 2014. Waltham. 2014. NJ 07030. ■ com. 570 pages. $840. Svrcek.3 easily interchangeable mill heads .95. 68 or go to adlinks. 2014. Foams: Structure and Dynamics. MA 02144. Environmental Forensics for Persistent Organic FREDRIVE 3 milling processes with one system. London. By William Y. 111 River Street. By Isabelle Cantat. Web: crcpress. 225 Wyman Street. $89.. 3rd ed. 2013.00. 2014. Elsevier Inc.. 198 Madison Ave. com. 234 pages. SEE US AT INTERPHEX BOOTH #1459 Circle 15 on p. Web: elsevier. John Wiley & Sons Oxford University Press USA. Donald P. Web: destechpub. Assessment and Control. PA 17602. 429 North Duke Street. BOOTH 2140 WE CARE ABOUT MILLING W W W . C O M Scott Jenkins Circle 16 on p. 360 pages. 125 Pearl Street. Fire Safety Management 2013. Young. Web: elsevier. com.95. Sylvie CohenAddad. $89. By W. Process Integration and Process Intensification: Saving Water. 424 pages. Energy and Resources.Fuel and Combustion Systems Safety: What You Don’t Know Can Kill You! By John R. CRC Press.. DellaGiustina. By Jiri Jaromir Klemes.che.00. Florence Elias and others. Web: oup. Puskar.. 225 Wyman Street. FreDrive offers the customer : . Elsevier Inc. 111 River Street. Boston.Ergonomic and very cost-effective . com.95. NJ 07030. 68 or go to adlinks. Waltham. MA 02144. 2013. Edited by Gwen O’Sullivan and Court Sandau. MA 02110. 279 pages. Inc. 68 or go to adlinks. Circle 46 on p.che.From commercial construction to industrial operations and public projects.UR. | 800. the United Rentals team is proud to provide our customers the best .RENTS #URBuildingFutures Aerial | Earthmoving | Power & HVAC | Trench Safety | Tools | Technology © 2014 United Rentals. tools and solutions in the industry. Whitacre explains. (Matawan. Inc. Pa. integration of wind and solar power and others. commercial-scale production of high-purity 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) started at the Biochem-1 facility operated by AVA Biochem (Muttenz. ava-biochem. Geo-Cleanse developed a way to overcome this challenge.) per year of 5-HMF — a compound that has been identified as one of the top ten platform chemicals that can be used for making polymers. Hydrogen peroxide is then injected to react with the MnO2 and create the superoxide radicals. The battery systems consist of one or more modular units of a battery that the company calls S10.” says Whitacre. says Jay Whitacre. Li+ and H+. In the first phase. such as microgrids. In the first field use of the technique.. vice president of (Pittsburgh.kit. KIT modified the HTC method so that the formation of solid materials from the biomass is avoided.geo-cleanse. we sacrifice somewhat on energy density. www. and the electrodes are made from manganese oxide (cathode) with a cubic spinel structure. (Continues on p. Freon and other difficult-to-treat contaminants without the need for digging and offsite soil treatment. Germany. www. and the battery cells can be linked for increased power. which was developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT. who found that hydrogen peroxide could react with MnO2 to generate superoxide radicals. Concentrations of chloromethanes were well over 1. Karlsruhe. employs an aqueous sodium-sulfate electrolyte.t. off-grid systems. 12) 11 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.000 mg/kg in soil and 20–80 mg/L in groundwater. AVA Biochem now offers commercial-scale quantities of 5-HMF with various levels In-situ chemical remediation of soil and groundwater eo-Cleanse International. The process begins with an injection of sodium permanganate into the soil. Each unit is capable of delivering 150 kWh of power. N.CHE. 68. www. where volume and weight are critical. The water-based electrolyte makes the battery much safer than existing batteries that use organic-solvent-based electrolytes.cmu.Edited by Gerald Ondrey March 2014 Commercial debut for a low-cost stationary energy-storage system A novel battery chemistry that uses a water-based electrolyte has allowed developer Aquion Energy Inc. The Aquion battery technology. where reduced manganese precipitates as MnO2. chlorobenzene and chlorinated has developed a new method for ridding soil and groundwater of chloromethanes.aquionenergy. in a closed reactor operating at high temperature and pressure. namely Na+. energy density is less of a concern than it is for vehicle batteries. www. The company expects that the batteries can be used in stationary long-duration energy-storage applications. “While these batteries are excellent for long cycle life. such as chloromethanes. Renewable 5-HMF Last month. but for stationary-storage applications. Sodium ions are used as the chargecarrying agent in the battery. using H2O2 effectively in the field is challenging because the reaction between H2O2 and MnO2 is difficult to control. low-cost and safety. HTC is a process that converts an aqueous suspension of biomass into biochar. he adds. In the first field test. The production facility is said to be the first in the world to produce 5-HMF from renewable feedstock using a modified version of the hydrothermal carbonization technology (HTC). By injecting phosphate buffers that control the soil pH and Note: For more information. Switzerland. and a carbon composite material (anode). circle the 3-digit number on p. Pa.J. the facility will produce 20 metric tons (m. However.. resins and to achieve a low-cost and safe battery with long cycle life for stationary energystorage applications. G form a ligand with manganese. Bryant says. now entering its commercial launch that first developed the technology. Aquion has completed construction on a manufacturing line at its facility in chief technology officer of Aquion and leader of the research team at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh. Geo-Cleanse is remediating a brownfield site in New Jersey that has been heavily affected by chloromethanes. The anode hosts pseudocapacitive reactions of three different ions.COM MARCH 2014 . www. or use the website designation. says Dan Bryant. A simple non-woven cotton fiber material separates the electrodes in the battery. The GeoCleanse process was inspired by research at Washington State University by Rick Watts. These radicals can destroy highly oxidized species. GeoCleanse also found that the H2O2 reacts with naturally occurring iron in the soil to generate hydroxyl radicals that destroy petroleum hydrocarbons. the GeoCleanse process is able to slow the reaction between H2O2 and MnO2. switchgrass. The fermentation pathway ends 12 C in isobutene. but that produce novel intermediate species that are not metabolized by other cellular enzymes. which was delivered by Wärtsilä Oy (Helsinki. Finland. Micromidas is among the first to investigate the reaction from dimethylfuran to p-xylene at an industrial scale.9% — for testing and product development by industrial and research customers. www.A. will treat 50. The final step is accomplished via a Diels-Alder cycloaddition of the dimethylfuran to ethylene. which requires an additional adsorption separation step to reach a p-xylene product of desirable purity. In addition to the ongoing fermentation scaleup work. KIT and AVA Biochem are optimizing the production process. m-.C HEMENTATO R (Continued from p.cHE. Oslo) and the city of Oslo. with similar yields. “One of the problems with many fermentation processes is that the target product is often toxic to the production strain of organisms. This pathway from cellulose to p -xylene eliminates saccharification step new chemical process is set to create bio-based p-xylene from cellulosic waste. a specialist in biotreatment. he adds.000-L fermenter in Germany the following year. Under the collaboration. Calif. www. operated by Cambi on behalf of the Waste-to-Energy Agency ( opened a pilot plant in December 2013 that converts cellulosic waste materials. Global Bioenergies continues to optimize its enzymes’ activities and boost expression of the genes for the enzymes. Micromidas hopes its technology will provide a more direct means to high-purity p-xylene streams and allow producers of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyesters to avoid having to purchase raw materials from refineries. This process distinguishes itself from other bio-based chemical pathways in that it can achieve very high molar yields with high selectivity — it results in no other co-products that are common in conventional p-xylene manufacturing processes. www. com) and Braskem S. head of business development for Global Bioenergies. p-xylene is produced in petroleum refineries from heavy naphtha reformate. hoping to commercialize a process by 2017. we can avoid this toxicity because the product bubbles out of the fermentation broth and does not accumulate around the organisms. the CMF is reduced to dimethylfuran — typically. says the company. Isobutene is used in chemical applications. Global Bioenergies (Evry. Buhl says. France. Biogas liquefaction Last month saw the inauguration of a biogas liquefaction plant.micromidas.braskem. and both cellulose and glucose can be used as feedstock.cOM MARcH 2014 . Siluria’s OCM technology provides a novel process for (Continues on p. “By engineering a pathway to produce gaseous isobutene directly. global-bioenergies. an agricultural region close to Oslo. Romerike. To accomplish the feat. which uses a mixed refrigerant in combination with conventional equipment to make small-scale LNG plants economical.siluria. which is in a gaseous state at ambient temperature and expects to begin operations of a 500-L fermentation facility in the second half of 2014 and plans to follow that with a 5.” Generating a gaseous product also simplifies separation and reduces energy consumption. but this process completes the conversion in one step using a single catalyst.wartsila. In a subsequent reduction step. Global Bioenergies has engineered a unique metabolic pathway into a strain of Escherichia coli bacteria. In the first reaction step. such as rice hulls. Brazil. 14) CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING have recently formed a broad-ranging collaboration around the deployment of Siluria’s proprietary oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) technology for the direct conversion of methane in natural gas to ethylene. Micromidas (West Sacramento. The plant. The liquefied biogas can be efficiently transported and used as fuel. Traditionally. a high-quality drop-in fuel for light passenger vehicles..000 Nm3/d of biomethane. scientists had to develop a set of three proprietary new enzymes. com. 11) of purity — up to 99. where it can be dimerized to produce iso-octane. because no distillation is required to isolate the product. the two companies will conduct a joint feasibility study to identify commercial deployment opportunities of Siluria’s technology at Braskem’s ethyleneconsuming to Cambi AS (Oslo.. and o-xylene. Bio-isobutene fermentation process to be piloted onstruction is underway in France on a pilot plant for what is believed to be the first fermentation process capable of directly producing the light olefin isobutene. The company is also investigating various feedstocks other than glucose. Calif.” explains Thomas Buhl. Norway). the company seeks to license its technology to others for production. Methane-to-ethylene Siluria Technologies (San Francisco. After an initial commercial facility is built. The enzymes catalyze a series of reactions beginning with naturally occurring upstream products. www. as well as for fuel applications. Siluria and Braskem will jointly explore commercial deployment of Siluria’s technology for supplying ethylene to Braskem. According to the company. sawdust and cardboard to bio-based p-xylene.5-chloromethylfurfural (CMF). The plant. (Sao Paulo. located in Nes. In particular. In parallel to current production. will produce biomethane from household food waste to be used as biofuel in buses in Oslo. A followed by dehydration to p-xylene. The biogas is then liquified using Wärtsilä's technology. www. these sorts of reactions are hindered by the presence of chlorine. enabling it to produce isobutene from glucose. resulting in a mixture of p-. The Micromidas process is unusual in that it does not require the cellulose to be saccharified first. such as in the manufacture of butyl rubber.000 ton/yr of food waste to produce around 14. cellulose is hydrolyzed and dehydrated to 2. GlyEco developed “laboratory processes to chemically modify problematic components of these streams so that they could be purified to a very high level using relatively standard unit operations.Partner with the Best Recovering and purifying byproduct and waste ethylene glycol G lyEco Several species of organic impurities.J.and less-volatile contaminants. To offer the full range of high-quality control equipment used in industrial .. formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) specification for use in virgingrade antifreeze.” Geib says. acid and color are removed to produce ethylene glycol that meets the virgin-antifreeze-grade A01120EN With over 50 independent subsidiaries and more than 220 engineering and sales offices spread across the world. vacuum distillation and ion exchange. In the primary treatment step.che. explains Richard Geib. is producing and selling commercial quantities of virgin-grade ethylene glycol in the first step of a phased startup that is expected to reach 10 million gal/yr by the later part of 2014. but also from several different minimal-cost industrial byproducts and waste streams. a sophisticated vacuum-distillation system separates relatively pure ethylene glycol from more. acid and color need to be removed sufficiently to achieve virgin-grade ethylene glycol. inorganic ions. 68 or go to adlinks. (Phoenix.samson. SAMSON has brought together highly specialized companies to form the SAMSON GROUP. aircraft de-icing fluid and · www. www. A unique feature of the GlyEco process is a pretreatment step where ethylene-glycol-containing streams from different industries and with varying chemical compositions are put through a series of proprietary physical and chemical operations that make them all similarly suitable for the primary treatment step. Geib points out. SAMSON AG · MESS. GlyEco’s process enables the recycling of ethylene glycol not only from used antifreeze. phase separation. www. Processes for recycling ethylene glycol currently exist. Pa. That is followed by a post-treatment step. GlyEco’s chief technical officer.UND REGELTECHNIK Weismüllerstraße 3 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 E-mail: samson@samson. Geib says. SAMSON ensures the safety and environmental compatibility of your plants on any continent. where remaining ionic species. Ariz. SAMSON GROUP · www. Circle 38 on p. GlyEco’s plant in Elizabeth. such as filtration. but they are based on used antifreeze — a relatively expensive feedstock that is in short supply — and result in ethylene glycol that generally does not have the purity required for top grades. ethylene oxide medical has developed a process for recovering and purifying ethylene glycol from a number of industrial byproduct and waste streams so that it meets an ASTM International (West Conshohocken. Recycled ethylene glycol from GlyEco’s process has a significant cost advantage over virgin ethylene glycol from petrochemical facilities. These waste streams include byproduct from the manufacture of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic.samsongroup. After careful analysis of potential feedstock streams.astm. www. such as zinc. the resulting structure is strong. the oxygen fluxes achieved have been too low.C HEMENTATO R New ceramic membranes for oxygen separation R esearchers from Curtin University’s Fuels and Energy Technology Institute (Perth. (Continued from p. The open microchanneled structure facilitated the coating of catalysts.8Gd0. based on micro-emulsion technology. Water then diffuses through the apertures of the mesh. Based on these criteria. toxicity and heavy metal status. The researchers used two types of materials: fluorite and perovskite ceramics. see Chem. Recycling composites Last month. Eng. the materials employed for the membranes have not been sufficiently stable or resistant to contamination. including the compounds’ biodegradability. LSCF-Ce0. many organic compounds were tested as potential corrosion inhibitors. www.6Sr0. A potentially cheaper process uses oxygen-permeation membranes to separate oxygen from air. In addition to packaging materials. Saperatec GmbH (Bielefeld. U. The plant uses Saperatec’s patented wet-chemical process. to form channels. Also. curtin.8O3-δ (LSCF) membranes. Washington D. on both sides of the membranes.. Both the oxygen ionic conductivity and the electronic conductivity of ceramic membranes affect the oxygen permeation. Due to their organic nature. In a synthetic mild-steel system with soft water. the company says. Currently. based on the differences between the oxygen partial pressures on the two sides of the membrane.COM MARCH 2014 . Western Australia Innovator of the Year award for creating a new membrane that speeds up the transfer of oxygen./yr of composite waste materials. Although improvements have been achieved by coupling the oxygen permeation membrane technology with high-temperature reactions such as methane conversion and oxyfuel combustion.. including the presence of bacteria in wastewater streams. that structure increases oxygen flux by a factor of five compared with conventional dense. the favorably green compounds included aspartic acid polymer (AAP).and fieldtesting. According to the researchers.CHE. When oxygen ions diffuse through the membrane from the oxygen-rich side to the oxygen-lean resistant to thermal shock and a good conductor of oxygen ions. The catalysts increased the oxygen fluxes of both pure LSCF membranes and dual-phase membranes. Western Australia. thick membranes. Water Services’ studies. selectively displacing the original solvent. www.or molybdatecontaining products. but are notorious for their detrimental 14 A effect on certain corrosion inhibitors. industrial oxygen production relies on a cryogenic process.epa. whereby a ceramic slurry in a polymer solution is cast into a mold and covered with a mesh. Siluria’s demonstration plant is expected to be operational by the fourth quarter of 2014. Germany. the green corrosion inhibitors performed better and had potentially lower operating costs when compared to traditional treatment methods.S. Minn. even under oxidative conditions. as established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA. p. which have been tested not only for effectiveness against corrosion in cooling-water applications. hydroxyphosphonic acid (HPA) and polyamino-phosphonate (PAP). Balanced ionic and electronic conductivities are therefore required to achieve high oxygen fluxes.S. but also for the inhibitors’ performance in the presence of oxidizing biocides. the process can recycle automobile glass and photovoltaic modules. Water Services (St. 12).gov).de) commissioned a pilot plant capable of processing 500 m.4Co0. electrons move in the opposite direction to maintain electrical neutrality within the membrane.t. plans to roll out new “green” corrosion inhibitor products. phase-inversion method (diagram).edu. such as silver and platinum. www.2O2-δ (GDC) dual-phase membranes increased oxygen flux by 57% due to the balanced oxygen ionic and electronic conductivities. Compared with pure La0. which requires a large capital investment and high operating costs. Organic corrosion inhibitors perform well against oxidizing biocides fter extensive pilot. In U.. The researchers increased the oxygen flux still further by using dual-phase membranes and applying catalysts. To be considered “green. However. research from U.S. saperatec. such as plastic-plastic and plastic-aluminum-laminates used in beverage containers. led by professors Gordon Parkinson and Chun-Zhu Li. such as sodium hypochlorite. phosphonocarboxylic acid mixture (PCM).” a number of criteria were examined. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. have won the Mitsubishi Corp. The membranes contain many parallel microchannels crossing their thickness with one end open and the other end stopped by a thin layer. After sintering. Water suggests that some organic inhibitors actually outperformed traditional treatment methods. The university researchers created a novel microchanneled structure of oxygen permeation membranes using a mesh-templating. says the company. 12) the conversion of methane from natural gas to ethylene and liquid fuels (for more details.uswaterservices. which is able to recycle 100% of the components. Oxidizing biocides are used to protect against biological issues in water systems.2Fe0. December 2010. socalled “green” corrosion inhibitors may be especially susceptible to oxidation. com Circle 8 on p. for a 20 g/L solution of tributyrin. The SCDR also uses centrifugal forces to allow the spread of a thin film across a spinning horizontal disc. Take the stretch-film pallet packaging system. 15) (Continued from p.beumergroup.che. a 65% conversion was achieved after 240 min in the SCDR. The SCDR therefore produces a flow of thin film both on top of. giving a higher conversion over the entire hydrolysis process at all the investigated concentrations. WE THINK DIFFERENT. Finland) and local companies. At BEUMER we have a reputation for making things a little different. the technology is most suited to smallscale reactions. BEUMER stretch hood®. 2014 Hall 12. For more information. rate and yield compared to a conventional stirred-tank reactor (STR). Germany May 8 – 14. this disc has a cloth with immobilized enzyme resting on top of it. but extends the principles of. The improvements were observed using the hydrolysis of tributyrin as a test reaction. visit www. as well as the enhanced mixing and mass transfer in the thin film. Under comparable reaction conditions. Germany May 19 – 23. stand H32 A new spin on enzymatic reactions new process-intensification technology to accelerate the rate of enzymatic reactions has been developed by researchers from the Dept. up to 10 times less film consumption and 90% energy savings.cHE.vtt. However. ❏ Visit us! interpack 2014. in cooperation with Savonlinnan yrityspalvelut Oy (Savonlinna. the SCDR proceeded at a higher rate than in the STR. says Patterson. who co-developed the SCDR with colleague Darrell Patterson (both lecturers at the university). are assessing the production potential of such compounds with the aim to creat bark-based This higher contact time with the enzymes. says Patterson. improves the reaction time. University of Bath (U. compared to a 52% conversion in the STR..bath. explains Emma Emanuelsson. say Emanuelsson. providing a large interfacial surface area for the reaction. as well as through the enzyme-immobilized cloth. such as fine chemicals. The so-called spinning cloth disc reactor (SCDR) is based on.  A SOME THINK A 90% DECREASE IN ENERGY USE WILL COMPROMISE THROUGHPUT. BEUMER stretch hood® uses a non-thermal stretch-film system. Hanover. of Chemical Engineering. As is the case with conventional SDRs (and microreactors). In a sector where energy-intensive shrink hooding is still common. higher throughput. which is currently burned for making heat and electricity. glues and (Continues on p. 68 or go to adlinks. www. he says. stand D36 Visit us! CeMAT 2014.cOM MARcH 2014 15 .ac. For example. www.K. the conventional spinning disc reactor (SDR). but has the additional benefit of increasing the residence time per pass on the disc compared to SDRs. with a lipase enzyme immobilized on a wool cloth. 19) CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. The immobilized enzyme was also found to show excellent stability. 15) Chemicals from birch bark Sawmills and pulp mills in Finland generate large quantities of birch bark. The result: better load stability. The cloth not only serves as the support for the enzyme. For commercial production. But half of the bark (by weight) consists of betulin and fatty acids of suberin — compounds that could replace pine oil and resin for making such as the synthesis of high-value products. Düsseldorf. retaining 80% of its original activity after 15 consecutive runs.C HEMENTATO R STORY NAME (Continued from p. Researchers from VTT Technical Research Center of Finland (Espoo. All this makes a big difference to productivity – and to the environment. the reactors would be numbered up rather than ■ scaled up. 2014 Hall 27. .Circle 39 on p. 68 or go to adlinks. CHE. as well as some of the challenges facing the recycling industries. Vadxx Energy LLC (Cleveland.. polyvinyl chloride and polyester have become ubiquitous in manufacturing. Paper-pulp-plastic waste MRF residue waste Waxes FIGURE 1. rockwell. secured a $15 million contract for the provision of engineering. which corresponds to nearly 300 bbl/d of diesel additives. but polyolefins can actually provide much richer end-of-life options. The properties of polymer-based materials that make them so desirable — they are generally cheap to produce and boast high chemical and thermal stability — also make them abundant. www. with feedstock from sources like materials-recovery facilities (MRF) and paper-processing plants P FIGURE 2. from sources including wiring insulation and spent industrial absorbents.) per day of waste.vadxx. polypropylene. procurement. post-industrial polyolefin waste (that would otherwise end up in landfills).Source: Vadxx Newsfront Incoming feedstock Mixed plastic waste Wire tailing waste Outgoing products Ultra-low sulfur diesel and other blending distillates ADVANCED POLYMER RECYCLING Polymer waste streams provide opportunities for new recycling processes olymers like polyethylene. The plant is designed to process around 55 metric tons (m. The main products from the Vadxx process are diesel additives and wax. This article examines some of the technologies aimed at recycling and repurposing polyolefins.” says Terry Gebert. www. Taking advantage of the availability of post-consumer and post-industrial waste. new technologies for recycling are being developed globally. Ohio. non-degradable.COM MARCH 2014 . and with some European countries taking measures to completely banish these materials from landfills. The VinyLoop recycling process is highly selective. the company received financing to build a commercial-scale plant in Akron. vice president and general hopes to create a new destiny for end-of-life polyolefins. The recycling process also creates fuel gas that can be used for heating requirements elsewhere in the process. with startup scheduled for 2015. Rockwell Automation Global Solu17 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. construction and management services for Vadxx’s facility. many companies see an opportunity to capitalize on these waste streams by converting them into something more valuable. “The Vadxx technology of transforming end-of-life plastics into higher-value energy products is an effective sustainability solution with global implications. vinyls and textiles. which will convert non-hazardous. As landfill space decreases. modular design based on this plant for future construction and licensing. In January. disposable and. After more than three years of successful pilot-plant operation. even when contaminants are present in the feed Source: VinyLoop Re-energizing polyolefins Often. Wisc. The main commercial end products are additives (for ultra-low-sulfur diesel or distillate fuels) and waxes (Figure 1). in many cases. waste materials are incinerated to generate heat and electricity. Rockwell Automation Global Solutions (Milwaukee. into energy products. Rockwell has also developed a standard. the technology will be scaled up by a factor of 50 at the new facility. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.t.vinylplus. leading up to a target of 800. These features make the RS ideally suited for Industrial and Process applications including Pressure Boost Systems. the next steps for Vadxx will be to increase its breadth of feedstocks to include post-consumer waste. heads up to 3.500 RPM? Then you need Carver Pump RS Series muscle! RS Series Designed for moderate to high pressure pumping applications. D. Whatever your application. VinylPlus (Brussels. Desalination and Mine Dewatering. As a standard. it only takes a mechanical seal on the low pressure. 68 or go to adlinks. And a European organization consisting of many vinyl producers and recyclers. Washington./yr of PVC. it curring in the system. By utilizing our multi-dis.” 1 4/21/13 10:19 controlled RS CEtechnology BuickGS 042213_Layout PM Page 1 environmental conditions. the presence of PET (even in minute amounts) can severely hinder some PVC-recycling processes./yr of PVC being recycled by 2020. Carver Pump Company 2415 Park Avenue Muscatine. Despite some of the inherent challenges in recycling PVC. Upon commercial success at the new plant.carverpump. Meeting recycling goals for PVC and other waste materials is crucial in Europe. and speeds up to 3. www.cHE. such as those constructed from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) materials.0510 www. with a product lubricated radial sleeve bearing and two matched angular contact ball bearings for thrust.000HP. and to move the technology closer to the materials’ point of generation to simplify transportation and logistics. Belgium.000 m. has set forth a goal among its members to develop innovative technologies that will result in the recycling of 100. more of an augmented or complementary process. By expanding its feedstock capabilities and moving into post-consumer waste-processing. where nine countries have landfill bans in place. says Jeremy DeBenedictis. According to guidelines published by the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR. Vadxx’s feedstocks are focused on difficultto-recycle materials.C. .400 US GPM (320 m3/hr).eu). “Our process and automation In development for over seven engineering 18 Circle 10 on p.che. let us build the muscle you need! Creating Value. The subsequent thermal decomposition of these liquids results in hydrocarbon vapors that are condensed into the various products. suction side to seal the pump. IA 52761 563. mawill enable them to rapidly deploy terials are melted and boiled under this globally. rather. temperatures from 20˚F to 300˚F (-30˚C to 149˚C). various seal flushing arrangements and bearing frame cooling.000 m). the Vadxx process consists of our process automation system. coupled with years. PVC is considered to be a contaminant in facilities that process typical plastic bottles.400 feet (1.000 m. There is no combustion ocintegrated smart plant for Vadxx. Vadxx doesn’t see its technology as a competitor to traditional polyolefin recyclers.263.cOM MARcH 2014 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is notoriously difficult for recyclers to process when mixed with other materials.262. plasticsrecycling. Boiler Feed. which cannot be accepted by conventional recycling processes. the RS is available in five basic sizes with overall performance to 1.a continuous. Reverse Osmosis. will a series of standard unit operations provide the necessary tools to drive (heating. pressures up to 1.t. vice president of operations and engineering. cleaning and cooling) in success. Optional features include ball bearings on both ends with an outboard mechanical seal. including those that are contaminated or off-specification. progressively zoned cipline control platform to deliver an system. 1972 Buick GS Stage 1 Solving a PVC problem Do you have flows up to 1.Newsfront tions.3410 Fax: 563.500 psig (100 bar). a new company that combines the strengths of ThyssenKrupp Uhde with those of ThyssenKrupp Resource Technologies. where the fibers are dissolved. The fibers can be used in the production of heat and sound insulation. such as advertising banners and tarpaulins — even fabrics used in temporary structures at London’s 2012 Olympic CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.worldwide annual production capacity for textile fibers has increased five-fold over the last 10 years. TexyLoop is the only commercial recycling process for flexible PVC-coated composite textiles.t. At its site in Italy. www.p. The VinyLoop process (Figure 2) is ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Circle 44 on p. m. Engineering Excellence3: a new dimension of true expertise for customers everywhere. mineral processing and bulk materials handling systems. Currently. much of which comes from discarded electrical cables. VinyLoop operates a plant in Italy that treats 10. VinyLoop specializes in the physical recycling of post-industrial composite PVC waste that cannot be recycled using traditional mechanical processes. consisting of dissolution. cement works and other industrial complexes as well as advanced technologies for mining.vinyloop. The company estimates that it processes 4 million m2/yr of fabric. The proprietary chemical process behind Teijin’s Eco Circle technology creates recycled polyester fibers that are of equal quality to polyester produced from all-new materials Break down to smaller pieces Pelletize as granular material Produce polyester raw material through chemical treatment Recreate as polyester fibers One company that is contributing to the goals of VinylPlus is VinyLoop Ferrara S.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions. According to the Fiber Economics Bureau (Arlington.. resulting in a recycled PVC (R-PVC) micro-granular product with a quality similar to that of “virgin” PVC. A second life for textiles In addition to the TexyLoop process.che. from collection depots across Europe and as far away as Australia. clothing and home furnishings. (Ferrara. water-retention membranes. Lifecycle assessment studies show that the TexyLoop process has a smaller environmental footprint than simply incinerating waste textiles. a partnership between Solvay and Serge Teijin FIGURE 3. Engineering Excellence has now become 3 ThyssenK rupp Uhde and ThyssenK rupp Reso urce Tech nologies ar ThyssenK e now ru pp Indus trial Solu tions Introducing ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions. filtration and centrifuge steps.CHE. Italy. metals and polyolefins.A.COM MARCH 2014 19 ./yr of PVC scraps. 68 or go to adlinks. We now provide expertise in the engineering and construction of chemical plants. Sorted and shredded fabric materials are shipped to the site. Why not contact us today? www. Va. In the future. polyester. technologies from other companies are looking for ways to utilize textile waste. which processes textiles coated with PVC. filtered and extracted. or those that use PVC as a raw material. www. As of now. VinyLoop hopes to license both of its PVC technologies to clients who have an abundance of PVC waste. and are fed to the recycling process. resulting in R-PVC and recycled polyester fibers.fibereconomics. often due to contamination from glue. as production and disposal of these materials continues to rise. itself the product of last year’s merger between ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik and ThyssenKrupp Polysius. the company has also inaugurated the newer TexyLoop technology. ibn. www. Teijin has applied the Eco Circle process to provide uniforms made of recycled polyester to workers at various Fuji Xerox facilities in China. Rather than “downcycling” to lower-quality products. www. The next step for this discovery is commercialization — IBN and IBM have been collaborating with several companies to get this technology rolled out to the pharmaceuticals industry.” “biodegradable” and “degradable” materials. which is collected by the over 150 members of Eco Circle’s business network — mainly retail stores and apparel-producing and Shanghai’s Onward Trading. says the company. Bio-based products in- volve monomers that were originally sourced from plants or other biological raw materials. and can also compromise the service-life integrity of recycled end products. Calif. the Eco Circle technology requires less energy and produces fewer emissions than producing new polyester fibers from petroleum. the polyester recycled there will be eventually used to again manufacture uniforms for Fuji Xerox. a joint venture between 20 Teijin and the Jinggong Holding Group that was established in September 2012. The most serious concerns arise with so-called oxo-degradable plastics. The process begins with PET flakes in the presence of triazabicyclodecene and 4-aminobenzylamine. recycling solutions must be developed for those that are not. since the dyes are filtered out.cOM MARcH 2014 . Post-consumer PET from bottles and packaging has been used in the research. usually via a triggered chemical The selectivity of these compounds sets them apart from existing antifungal agents. the eventual result is the small-molecule cationic compounds that subsequently assemble into nanofibers when placed in an aqueous solution. recycling streams are being researched and can be implemented at a large scale once commercial volumes of bioplastics increase. they will be sent to the new recycling plant of Zheijiang Jiaren New Materials Co.a-star.R FIGHTING fUNGI WITH PLASTIC esearchers at Singapore’s Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN. www. An oxo-degradable plastic involves special additives that contribute to its breakdown. Our nanofibers can be easily functionalized with cationic charges to target microbes. Ltd. if the degradation reaction is triggered. Brussels. Singapore. (Tokyo. Post-consumer challenges Despite the boom in innovative recycling technologies. have discovered that recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can self-assemble into nanofibers that have fungi-killing capabilities — potentially providing a means of overcoming drugresistant species of fungi.” Yang explains. After a series of reactions. an important distinction must be made between “bio-based. due to its ability to depolymerize using an organic catalyst into cationic compounds possessing both a rigid structural motif and hydrogen-bonding acceptors and donors. with Yang stating that even colored bottles can be used. First. As environmental regulations continue to tighten. new developments in bio-sourced and degradable chemicals are coming to the forefront and changing the landscape of polymer processing. says European Bioplastics.research. The next step for Eco Circle will be increasing its network to integrate not just polyester from fibers and fabrics. For those also warns of the concerns related to the recycling of such materials by emphasizing that specific end-of-life solutions must be implemented on a large scale in order to truly evaluate the sustainability of manufacturing these alternative materials.europeanbioplastics. according to Teijin. such as uniforms for factory employees. www. www. Eco Circle’s process chemically decomposes polyester and converts it back into polyester. When present in batches of traditional plastics intended for recycling. which recycles polyester fabrics through a closedloop proprietary chemical process — the first of its kind in the world. Japan. materials with these additives can create issues in recycling processes. www.teijin. ibm. some of which cannot distinguish between fungal cells and mammalian cells and can potentially attack the wrong concerns loom on the horizon for both manufacturers and recyclers. PE or PET) — being bio-based doesn’t make them inherently more biodegradable. According to Yi Yan Yang of IBN. Also. the Eco Circle process allows for polyester to be recycled multiple times into usable textiles.. a designer and manufacturer of uniforms. When this new recycling plant starts up later this year. such as plastic bottles and films. in collaboration with IBM Research Almaden (San Jose. Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE. comparing scanning-electron-microscope images of a In a partnership announced in December 2013 with Fuji Xerox Co. www. “This unique combination is ideal to generate nanofibers through Once the uniforms reach the end of their useful albicans biofilm before (top) and after (bottom) treatment with the nanofibers. but from other sources. These nanofibers are able to use electrostatic interactions to selectively target fungal cells and kill them by penetrating the cells’ membranes. and reiterates that sorting technologies are sophisticated enough to prevent entry into recycling streams of bioplastics for which there is no existing recycling process. According to the European Plastic Converters (Brussels Belgium..plastic- CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. ❑ One solution is found in the Eco Circle technology (Figure 3) from Teijin Ltd. PET is a perfect candidate for transformation into nanofibers. Most bio-based plastics are physically the same as their conventional petroleum-based counterparts (for instance.cHE. Belgium. Although some bio-based plastics are biodegradable. The APR has published guidelines related to end-of-life options for bio-based and degradable plastics. European Bioplastics (Berlin. The main source of waste polyester for Eco Circle is worn-out clothing.. The fungal-elimination power of the nanofibers is seen in the side-by-side photos here. (Tokyo.plasticsrecyclers. which in many cases cannot be processed in the same manner as conventional plastics. closing the states that bio-based plastics can be recycled in the same existing streams as their petroleumbased analogs. What sets Eco Circle apart is the repeatability of its technology. or call a piping systems consultant at 1. That’s because The Lubrizol Corporation’s superior CPVC compounds create every Corzan pipe and fitting. technical expertise.735. Part of the problem is a lack of transparency. alternative plastics with biological or degradable characteristics will be an important piece of the plastics industry. Enhance the strength of your next industrial job. Visit corzancpvc. The intent is to give companies the ability to evaluate the feasibility of using their products for certain recycled applications. a trade association representing Europe’s plastics industry. readily available processing facilities. due to logistical or geographical issues. because the risk for degradation creates liability. says APR’s technical director. With the power of mechanical strength and corrosion resistance. has embarked on an ongoing project called “Zero Follow us on Twitter @LZ_CPVC © 2014 The Lubrizol trade association. all rights reserved. the reality is that a majority of recyclable materials still end up in landfills or get incinerated. as plastics manufacturing and consumption continues. global capabilities and a network of customers who are industry-leading manufacturers. 68 or go to adlinks.855. W E’R E E N H A N C I N G T H E Corzan® Industrial Systems get their strength from our science. this challenge will fall mainly in the hands of recycling CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. polypropylene and PET with degradable as plastics with degrading additives are not readily identified as containing the additives.Newsfront sconverters. David Cornell. also emphasizing the importance of adequate labeling for bioplastics and degradable plastics for recycling purposes. Plus.” says Cornell.che. This is especially concerning in the case of recycled materials intended to be used for long-lifetime end products. Corzan pipe and fittings exceed the demands of industrial and commercial applications.” As the name suggests. every Corzan system has delivered MORE INSIDE™ for more than 20 years— giving you access to Lubrizol’s unmatched R&D. such as HDPE pipes or geotextiles used for highway construction. He goes on to explain that the APR provides testing guidelines and protocols for companies who produce polyethylene. degradable plastics can be significantly detrimental to the quality of recycled materials. European Bioplastics concurs. lack of awareness and a lack of appropriate. Mary Page Bailey ELEMENTS OF STRENGTH. this ambitious project aims to completely banish plastics waste from European landfills by 2020. Plastics to Landfill. www. The Lubrizol Corporation is a Berkshire Hathaway company. Nonetheless. and recyclers and manufacturers will likely need to work together toward feasible end-oflife solutions.1431. All marks are the property of The Lubrizol Corporation. even in volumes as small as 2%. “Plastics recyclers do not know if a given package contains the additives or not and are reluctant to knowingly use a category of packaging known to include the additives. Plastics Europe (Brussels.cHE. Companies will continue find innovative ways take advantage of these abundant and valuable ■ waste feedstocks. The technologies and processes covered here are just a small portion of the recycling capability in the industry today. plasticseurope. Looking ahead While there are an increasing number of new processes for recycling polymers. New innovations and support for recycling will ne needed. Belgium.cOM MARcH 2014 21 . GC 121100 Circle 23 on p. requiring periodic cleaning and calibration in order to provide stable and reliable process readings for proper control. GF Piping’s Signet cess reliability and control improve2751 pH/ORP Advanced Sensor ments are sought. both The company’s Signet 2734-2736 inside the sensors themselves and pH and ORP Electrodes feature a also in companion sensor perforpatented reference-electrode design mance management tools. sensor imlarge-area PTFE reference junction. Ind.. a bad batch or product can be the result. alerting the operator to tain an embedded memory chip. www. GF Piping’s Signet 27342736 pH and ORP electrodes contain an embedded memory chip. will not fail. Knowing this.” he says. minimum and maximum pH/mV (Greenwood. alerting the operator to probe verification and sensor informationfailure or maintenance needs. depending on the sensing technology. the electrode runtime. conjunction with the 9900 SmartPro “Vendors are driven to design in Transmitter. provements and available data are salt bridge and reference electrode supporting sensor calibration and CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. Also. but also calibration/ ance. And. regular maintenance and calibrations can consume a lot of time. The electrodes conimpedance. Memory-chip-enabled electrodes can Craig McIntyre.gfps. where the electrodes are consumable devices. “As increased proFor example. time periods (Figure 1). Calif. as well as their operations. the demands for Electronics featuring the DryLoc more precise and trustworthy meaconnector offers realtime monitoring surement information from sensors of the health of the pH electrode.the measurement information is a shooting and operations evaluation. The memory chip will record pre-calibrated probes in the field. such as manager with Endress+Hauser. www.GF Piping Systems Newsfront SENSORS SAVE THE DAY New and improved sensors support chemical processing applications in a multitude of ways FIGURE 1. However. smarter sensors are being developed that 22 FIGURE 2. if not done regularly.. Self-diagnostics will resist chemical attack. including in highly corrosive environments. Smarter sensors for reliability Keeping a system running reliably is one of the biggest challenges faced by chemical processors. he says.endress. they are now being the total reference effectiveness. chemical industry also store operational data. qualification improvements.improvements. allowing the user to calibrate calibration of electrodes in laboratory in the laboratory and install in the or other settings and installation of field. 4–20-mA HART dication of any electronic differential pressure potential issues that may systems eliminate errors from Endress+Hauser arise between maintenance impulse tubing and provide additional sensor diagnostics and calibration procedures.” McIntyre and use the DryLoc connector.” says David Vollaire.COM MARCH 2014 . adds that quality and trust of maximum temperature for trouble. it is important that sensors be placed almost everywhere in the facility. related challenge.” says Vollaire. which will store the probe calibration. Because sensors are used for measurements that affect critical processing elements. outfitted with such “For example. which will store the probe calibraBuilt-in memory chips will allow for tion. instrumentation product manager with GF Piping Systems (Tustin. allowing the user to calibrate in the laboratory and install in the field T he chemical processing industries (CPI) rely heavily upon the use of sensors to measure everything from weight to temperature to pH to pressure. Inc. For this reason. “In the case of pH sensors and are constructed to increase electrodes. efficiency and safety. minimum reducing system downtime and Endress + Hauscan give the er’s FMD71 and FMD72 loopoperator an inpowered. such as quality. The continues. sensor manufacturers continue to make improvements to their technologies so that chemical processors can have confidence that the sensors. readings. and ensure detect broken glass and high glass long service life. runtime and minimum/ com).CHE. sensor readings from these and other operations must remain stable and reliable. “This is especially true in the case of pH and ORP (oxidation reduction potential).and maximum readings for evalubersome use of buffers and cleaning ation of performance over extended solutions in the process environment. the 2751 will detect not only physical sensor reliability broken glass and high glass imped. In increase. probe failure or maintenance needs. “Today we have different materials like Hastelloy. AUMA offer a large portfolio of actuator and gearbox type ranges. With the diaphragm being the thinnest and most critical piece of a pressure transducer. gold and stainless .che. www.” says Montrose. says Greg Montrose. ceramics that approach the purity of sapphire are being used in And on the horizon.” he says. American Sensor Technologies uses the thickest Hastelloy diaphragm and a low-operating strain to create a sensor that offers long-term pressure measurement performance verification programs that enable process improvement initiatives that did not previously have the means to ensure necessary measurement quality and trust.American Sensor Technologies FIGURE 3. diagnostic data. powerful. “For example. “Certain sensor technologies are limited in the material that can be used or the method in which it is sealed.J. depending on the process. Bulk silicon strain gages are mounted directly to the top of the metal diaphragm using a special glass firing process. differential-pressure Circle 5 on p. “With the presence of hydrogen sulfide and chlorides in many chemical processes. According to Endress+Hauser’s McIntyre.. ceramic pressure sensors are clamped to a metal process connection with an O-ring seal. O-rings need to be selected carefully and considered in the com- patibility process. While ceramic has good compatibility with various liquids and gases. meaning that from the field. users benefit from complete isolation of the pressure of the fitting and longterm stability. ceramic materials are increasingly finding use in place of metals in chemical applications. 4–20-mA HART electronic differential pressure systems (Figure 2) eliminate errors from impulse tubing and provide additional sensor diagnostics that can be accessed through an FDT standards-based tool (like FieldCare). abrasion. vice president of wireless with Emerson Process Management (Austin. shock and stability challenges in place of traditional exotic metals and sensor constructions. “It has a good combination of media compatibility and material strength. Endress+Hauser’s FMD71 and FMD72 loop-powered. With high raw output signal. For example. Advanced sensor materials Another challenge faced by chemical processors is finding sensors that can stand up to the corrosive materials found in the process environment. inorganic materials and a thick diaphragm membrane. emerson. O-rings may also have a limitation in temperature. troubleshooting instruction and other information needed to properly diagnose a device problem. ■ Automating all types of industrial valves in all market segments ■ Integration into all commonly used control systems ■ High corrosion protection ■ Service worldwide Learn more about our automation solutions www.” For example. there is a trend to move toward Hastelloy C276 sensor material in chemical processing. AST designs pressure sensors as a monolithic piece of material with no welds. Olive. O-rings or fluid fills. marketing manager with American Sensor Technologies. www. 68 or go to adlinks. electronic differential-pressure sensors to address chemical corrosion.auma.” For this reason. nickel alloys offer higher survivability than standard stainless steels. is a series of coatings of nanomaterials that can be used to help prevent corrosive problems. effi Inc.” AST uses the thickest Hastelloy diaphragm (Figure 3) and a low-operating strain to create a sensor that offers longterm pressure measurement. according to Bob Karschnia. N. Liquid and gas compatibility and potential contamination are one of the more difficult issues they deal with. vacuum. he says.astsensors. a thicker diaphragm ensures it will withstand a longterm installation. The FieldCare tool allows access to the information in an asset management system via mobile devices. a technician can call up the calibration history. Using Krystal Bond Technology.. but GLOBAL EXPERTISE IN AUTOMATION Electric actuators for industrial valve automation Reliable. now. (Mt. Tex. and integrated and managed in something like Endress+Hauser’s W@M Life Cycle Management Portal environment. And. data historians or energy management software. 68 or go to FIGURE 4. but now 30 to 40% of all I/O on a new project is wireless and many of these are new applications where sensors previously might not have been used at all. The Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter & Steam Trap Monitor provides acoustic event detection. Emerson’s Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter & Steam Trap Monitor (Figure 4) provides acoustic event detection. steam-trap monitoring. or failed closed and likely to damage equipment due to water hammer. It also provides businesscritical results that are achieved with incremental investments that acquire new insight without adding complexity. Karschnia says the use of wireless sensors is still growing dramatically.che. including leaks in steam traps and pressure relief valves FIGURE 5. there was no way to determine whether steam traps were working. For example. Mettler Toledo’s WMC Ultra Compact High Precision Weigh Module has a width of 1 in. Circle 30 on p. “Prior to this sensor. there might be clever ways to look at nanomaterials as a single coating that would solve all the problems in a variety of applications.” explains Karschnia. as well as device and event status via the WirelessHART network for integration into host systems. Pentair designs and manufactures high performance separation and filtration technologies that help chemical plants with: • Filtration & Separation • Purification • Protection • Recovery and Reuse • Conditioning • Treatment Call today to speak to someone about achieving results that will save you more time and money than ever before. Wireless sensors While wireless sensors and the benefits they provide — such as reduced cabling and labor costs and the ability to monitor remote locations — have been around for some time in the process industry.pentairseparations.” he says. 1.” which are new sensors coupled with strategic interpretation software that allow users to solve problems they haven’t been able to solve in the past.6300 1. regulatory compliance. but it would also reduce inventory for the plant and reduce human error in the form of someone choosing the wrong sensor material for an . Pervasive sensing via the use of new wireless devices.888. safety-shower monitoring.896.” He says Emerson developed this sensor. “This would not only prevent the problems associated with corrosion.” he says. “The sensors can tell you if they’re failed open and you’re wasting energy. equipment reliability and energy efficiency. leads to measurable and significant improvements in worker safety. The transmitter communicates acoustic level and temperature. industry is coming up with new types of wireless sensors that help solve problems that might have been ignored in the past. “Six years ago wireless sensors might have been used in a greenfield plant in niche applications.788. and others like it.” Karschnia says Emerson is in the process of working with these types of coatings to figure out how to use them correctly so they function as Emerson would like them to in the process plant. for what they are calling “pervasive sensing applications. many of the solutions address essential asset-monitoring capabilities. gas leaks. including leaks in steam traps and pressure relief valves. As a matter of fact. while increasing profitability and productivity. according to Karschnia.1000 www. mobileworker and operator-round reductions that can help processors realize positive results.Mettler Toledo Newsfront Emerson Process Management SEPARATION ™ ANXIETY? YOU CAN RELAX. other than via a manual process. Jeff Holcomb. San Marcos. which allows it to be built easily into a that would go a long way toward making digital less expensive. “In the semiconductor industry. The stainless-steel design and the built-in overload protection ensure performance.CHE. “It is a huge investment to swap from a traditional analog output control system to a digital-based protocol. it can be used in various coating processes to ensure that the right amount is being applied. Also. This expense is made even more significant when the current instruments become obsolete and processors have to start over with new instruments that support the digital protocol they’ve selected. there are several applications where smaller sensors with very high resolution may come in Circle 19 on p. marketing manager with Fluid Components International (FCI. Foundation FieldBus. marketing manager for Industrial Automation with Mettler Toledo (Naenikon. “But. process information and communications. they use a print head to build up some of the materials. 68 or go to adlinks. “This also ensures that if you decide to switch back to analog for any reason. www. and features 2 million divisions (Figure 5).com/50974-19 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. frequency/ pulse alarm relays or advanced digital bus communications the ST100 gas flow meter can be converted to any of these outputs with a simple card change. Whether the output is traditional 4–20-mA analog. says Brown.gigkarasek. says Randy Brown.” says Brown. which adds a quality step into the process. which has a width of 1 in. right in the field Communication flexibility Often in process plants there is difficulty in making the transition from a traditional analog communication protocol to a digital communication protocol. if an instrument were interchangeable between multiple protocols just by switching the I/O says the module is also being used in applications that wouldn’t have been considered for measurements before. www. you can keep the instrumentation system and just switch out the cards.fluidcomponents. com).” he says. the ST100 can be converted to any of these outputs with a simple card change.Fluid Components International Environmental Applications Smaller sensors While miniaturization of sensors may not be a priority in the chemical industry because most of the processes have enough room. “These applications are ideal because the sensor is small and highly accurate. as well as fast and precise filling of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Profibus or Modbus. but experience much higher measurement uncertainty. and it interfaces to a variety of automation buses like Ethernet/IP or ProfiNet IO for highspeed data processing. For example. Whether the output is traditional 4–20-mA analog.COM MARCH 2014 25 .” ■ Joy LePree m om to e stte as Wa oney for example: Sludge drying Glycol recovery Used oil recovery Lubricant recycling www. Switzerland. Analog sensors this size exist. including the ST100 gas flowmeter (Figure 6). It is suitable for check weighing and automated sample preparation. to meet current and future needs for outputs.” FIGURE 6.. FCI introduced the ST100 Series. Calif. frequency/pulse alarm relays or advanced digital bus communications such as HART. and now they can use this sensor to count the drops that come out of the print head as a method of calibration. once again.” With that thought in mind. right in the field.che. Mettler Toledo recently launched its WMC Ultra Compact High Precision Weigh Module. — Ansell. The covers are available in four sizes for square or round drains from 9 to 36 in. the responder can focus on the mission without having the hands tied up by carrying a separate torch. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. hands-free LED lighting solution.ansell.clark-reliance. where the environment can be both very dangerous and most often very demanding in terms of lighting. — Clark-Reliance Corp. as well as on similar gages from other vendors. chemical.FOCUS ON Safety Equipment Safety glove for broader industrial use This company has harnessed an advanced knowledge of yarn technology to create an affordable and innovative glove. Strongsville. allowing a broader industrial market of workers to benefit from premium safety solutions. The Dexterity Ultrafine 18-Gauge Cut-Resistant Glove (photo) is said to be incredibly dexterous. The shields are made of Lexan polycarbonate. Hands-free lighting for safety of first responders Trellchem encapsulating gastight suits are used by a variety of responders in emergency situations. police and military. www. designed to offer improved visibility and a safer working environment for any first responder. Pa.J.cOM MARcH 2014 . This shield protects against high-pressure gage leaks Safe View Shields (photo) are used on armored-glass liquid-level gages to protect nearby operators from high-pressure leaks — a rare but 26 Ansell Clark-Reliance Superior Glove Works potentially dangerous situation. Canada www. which offers first responders a Manage dust-explosion risks with safe indoor venting The Q-Rohr-3 family of products (photo. both indoors and outdoors. Ohio www. fire. www.. which combines high dexterity and cut-resistance to keep workers safe while performing tasks that require ultra-lightweight protection. p. N.cHE. and are available in lengths to fit most flat-glass gage styles...superiorglove. — Superior Glove Works. or use the website designation. With this new. integrated. This company recently introduced the Trellchem Hands-Free Visor Light System (photo). Iselin. Acton. the Drain Cover’s super-sealing urethane bottom creates a tight seal to seal both floor and storm drains during spill emergencies. 28) is an indoor flamelessNote: For more information. The shields are easily retrofitted to the company’s Jerguson-brand level gages. allowing a sleeker fit and improved finger dexterity to allow workers to complete precise tasks requiring agility. — New Pig Corp. including hazmat. Packaged in an easy-to-open highvisibility storage tube. Tipton. circle the 3-digit number on p.newpig. The gloves are made with DuPont Kevlar fiber. The Drain Cover features an Newpig ultraviolet-resistant polypropylene top layer that will not stretch or tear when picked up. lightweight lighting A cover to seal off drains in the event of a spill The Pig Rapid Response Drainblocker Drain Cover (photo) is designed to deliver affordable emergency response protection in spill-prone areas near drains. com Circle 28 on p. © 2014 National Oilwell Varco All rights reserved Email: [email protected]. epoxy or vinyl ester. Go to to learn more. from transferring water to handling concentrated chemical solutions and abrasive materials. 68 or go to adlinks. Our pipes and fittings address a broad range of service demands. we have the product and process to provide a fit-for-purpose system for every need.CORROSION IS YOUR WEAKEST LINK? NOV Fiber Glass Systems leads the world in supplying piping systems to a multitude of applications and service conditions within the chemical and industrial . When conditions involve elevated temperatures or pressures. our pipes manufactured with thermosetting resins meet the challenge. Whether centrifugally cast or filament wound. Austria.che.kral. N. The device is FM and ATEX approved. Tel. gases and hybrid mixtures. A magnetic coupling is a lasting remedy. flames are www.6164. configuration and maintenance software www. the AADvance Workbench is a complete design.. e-mail: kral@kral. KRAL .com Circle 21 on p. EDDL or FDT/DTM technologies. Tel.0. Fax: +1 / 704 / 814 . Ohio www. The module provides realtime diagnostics with configurable warning and alarm levels. distributed safety and mixed safety integrity levels (SILs). . and alerts maintenance and operations personnel to irregularities. — Rembe. Several Pumps Screw Pumps With Magnetic Coupling.USA. The Q-Rohr-3 consists of a specialized stainless-steel mesh construction and the company’s rupture disc. 6890 Lustenau. and is approved for use with dusts (ncluiding metal dists). — Pepperl+Fuchs. Twinsburg. Polyol is highly viscous at low temperatures and puts an enormous load on a mechanical seal.Focus venting system that eliminates the need for relocating dust collectors or other enclosures outside. noise and dust are reduced to negligible Eliminate downtime in critical applications with this module The PS3500 Diagnostic Module (photo) continuously monitors the health and efficiency of PS3500 Pepperl+Fuchs Rembe power supplies and primary side power conditions. The Solution for PUR Manufacturer. 68 or go to adlinks. Charlotte.C. e-mail: sales@kral-usa. This means that the seal constantly needs replacing. The powersupply diagnostic module is modular and “hot-swappable. redundant or triplicated safety New workbench to configure safety applications faster The AADvance Workbench 2. should there be an incident. In an event. The system consists of the scalable AADvance controller platform configured to any mix of SIL1 to SIL3 simplex.0 was recently introduced to help manufacturers get process-safety applications up and running faster. and pressure. www..pepperl-fuchs.: +43 / 55 77 / 8 66 44 . No more problems with mechanical seals.rembe. faults and impending failures. NFPA compliant. An integrated signaling unit connects to any audible or visual alarm and shutdown to alert plant personnel. Ideally suited for applications that require a flexible architecture.” and easily integrates into plant asset-management systems through RS485/HART. This promotes proactive maintenance to help eliminate unexpected and expensive downtime.: +1 / 704 / 814 . KRAL AG. Suite 135.18300 East 71st Avenue Denver. 68 or go to adlinks. Kolkata .com P014-01a. USA • Phone : +1-303-989 7200 Fax : +1-720-962 8400 • [email protected] 027.2-SMC AIR-COOLED HEAT EXCHANGERS COOLING TOWERS AIR-COOLED STEAM CONDENSERS Circle 29 on p. 8/1/B Diamond Harbour Road. INDIA Phone : +91-33-4013 3000 • Fax : +91-33-4013 3499 • pctccu@paharpur. Inc.che. Paharpur .com PAHARPUR USA.Now it’s Madagascar! Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. CO 80249. cHE. — Rockwell Automation Inc.Yokogawa Focus units can be used to form a network of distributed safety controllers seamlessly integrated to monitor and control thousands of safety I/O points. Tianjin University. SafeGuard Profiler is a safety integrity level (SIL) lifecycle tool that gives process automation professionals the information and the power they need to conduct successful engineering failure analysis. SIL verification/validation (SIL-V). National Taiwan University. Tex. Process Technology Marketing An Overview of the Situation. Tianjin. Shanghai Institute of Chemical Industry This SIS now has ISASecure EDSA certification This company recently obtained the ISASecure Embedded Device Security Assurance (EDSA) certification for its ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system (SIS. SIL optimization and other related tasks. SafeGuard Profiler provides a two-pronged approach to analysis of safety systems and processes. and software development security assessment. Kuo-Lun (Allan Tung). photo). Alberta.afssociety. The ISASecure EDSA certification has three elements: communication robustness testing. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.. using a LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis) module and a SIL-V software module for designing and evaluating SIL-rated systems. It is particularly well-suited to emergency shutdowns and protection applications for fire-and-gas detection by providing a system solution with integrated and distributed fault 30 Circle 4 on p. Canada www. — Yokogawa Corp. Milwaukee. — ACM Facility Safety. 68 or go to adlinks. A system is configured using the workbench software to suit any functional-safety or critical-control application using a standard range of modules and assemblies.S. 2014 • Houston Marriott Westchase. but not limited to): Nature-Inspired Gemimetic Filtration Membranes for Chemical Processing Filtration – Prof. The two modules work together to help improve and maintain process plant applications at all stages of development. SIL determination. Calgary. The ISASecure program was developed by the ISA Security Compliance Institute with the goal of accelerating the industry-wide improvement of cyber security for industrial automation and control systems.che.safeguardprofiler. Oil & Gas and Chemical Processing Filtration & Separations Conference March ■ Gerald Ondrey Technical Sessions (include but not limited to): Produced Water Processing Filtration & Separation in Chemical Processing Modeling and Simulations Chemical Assisted Separations Natural Gas/NGL Treating Adsorption and Absorption Coalescing Filtration and Separation Short Courses www. this company recently introduced SafeGuard Profiler software. and is based on the IEC 62443-4 standard. www. Sugar Land. Wisc. functional security assessment.rockwellautomation.cOM MARcH 2014 . of America. Lihong for more information.afssociety. China and Dr. Taiwan Gas Monetization: How are We Doing? – Doug Heguy – Software to speed safety system engineering and design To address the challenge of designing safety systems. a design and analysis tool that speeds and simplifies safety system engineering and design.yokogawa. Visit http://spring. Texas Make plans to attend the largest filtration and separation technical conference in the U. Plenary Sessions (include. Qixin Zhu. Development and Opportunity of China Filtration and Separation – Prof. re-entrainment prevention. The fans’ variable-frequency drive motors and spark-resistant construction makes them appropriate for a wide variety of applications. www. assuring purity for fluid transfer in critical applications. the tubing operates at temperatures from –100 to 400°F and is stocked in eleven sizes. from laboratory settings to scalable production systems. AdvantaPure with no belts or couplings. these vacuum inlet traps are made from stainless steel. APSPG tubing can be sterilized with either gamma irradiation or autoclaving. Pa. — AdvantaPure. these traps are available in a wide range of sizes for protecting all types of vacuum pumps from fluid contamination. The inlet vacuum traps feature user-selectable filter elements for removing the corrosive gases and abrasive particles created by processes that use volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Translucent for visual contact with the flowing media.031 through 0. ranging from 0. odor control and energy recovery in chemical.strobicair.CHE. Various filter elements and materials are available. pharmaceutical and wastewatertreatment facilities.advantapure. Pa. MonoStack fans are available in wheel sizes from 18 to 36 in. Designed for simple inline installation and filter changes. low-volatile-grade silicone material.Strobic Air Rockwell Automation Mass-Vac Protect vacuum pumps from contamination with these traps These vacuum inlet traps (photo) protect pumps across many applications. Southampton. Suitable for capacities from 1 to 5.COM MARCH 2014 . www. or use the website designation. the finished tubing carries the United States Pharmacopoeia Class VI endorsement. these fans are low-maintenance and direct-drive. Inc. North This programmable controller is installed directly on-machine The Allen-Bradley Armor GuardLogix programmable automation 31 Note: For more information. Made of These fume exhaust fans have no belts or couplings New Mono-Stack fume exhaust fans provide pollution abatement.massvac. biopharmaceutical and laboratory uses.000 ft3/min. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. Mass. Harleysville.000 ft3/min. circle the 3-digit number on p. — Translucent tubing for peristaltic pumps in high-purity operations APSPG tubing (photo) is specially formulated to withstand the repeated compression and release actions of peristaltic pumps and offers consistent performance in pharmaceutical. with diameters ranging from 4 to 16 in. www.. 68. with custom sizes and lengths also available.. — Strobic Air Corp. Incorporating functional nozzle design and high plume dispersion.5 in. inner diameter. and airflow capacities up to 24. Capable of high-temperature operations up to 1. receiving.Siemens Industry Sector New Products controller (PAC. 68 or go to adlinks. Wherever you’re located in the global market. lightweight Coriolis flowmeter The Sitrans FC410 (photo) is a new Coriolis flowmeter that features a measuring accuracy of 0.cHE. If a flowmeter is moved or additional flowmeters are connected. Mich. Our Hexoloy sintered alpha silicon carbide is the material of choice for high performance applications in a variety of chemical processing industries throughout the worldwide 32 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. This controller has four megabytes of internal storage space for application code and features two Ethernet/IP devicelevel-ring (DLR) capable connections. Saint-Gobain Ceramics 23 Acheson Drive Niagara Falls. Wisc.000°F. Hexoloy components are custom made and offer excellent performance at temperatures up to 1650°C (3000°F). universal corrosion resistance.siemens. the name that delivers performance you can count on. Telephone: 716-278-6233 Fax: 716-278-2373 scd. Useful in applications including boiler feed. along with 24 V d. En-Masse conveyors are designed for harsh environments and can be ordered to meet specific plant layouts.cOM MARcH 2014 . Inc. — Siemens Industry ■ Mary Page Bailey HEXOLOYSILICONCARBIDE ® The Name That Makes A World Of Difference No other company in the world has more expertise with silicon carbide than ® Saint-Gobain Ceramics. Germany A high-accuracy. this compact meter communicates with all common process control systems and can be integrated easily into both existing and new systems. excellent wear resistance. eliminating the need for a power supply for each device. 31) can be installed directly A bulk-materials conveyor with favorable space utilization The En-Masse conveyor moves bulk materials while optimizing space utilization with its large size-tocapacity ratio. distribution and ash handling. Milwaukee. and high thermal conductivity. Mounting tabs can be rotated vertically or horizontally. secure digital (SD) card and power-supply switch. www. this conveyor’s totally enclosed framework minimizes area dusting and loss of material. p. high strength. Installation and commissioning of the flowmeter require only simple. one-time configuration in the control system. The Armor GuardLogix PAC provides access to the controllermode switch. — Rockwell Automation. simplifying wiring layouts and decreasing maintenance requirements. the user settings are automatically transferred.1% of flowrate. power pass-through to supply power to other on-machine products. photo. www. This feature allows power to be routed from one machine device or module to another. USB port. Kalamazoo..cdmsys.che.rockwellautomation. New York 14303 www. specify Hexoloy silicon carbide. Built-in transmitter functionalities to the sensor permit fast data transmission and flexible installation in confined spaces without the need for additional transmitters. — CDM Systems. Weighing only 10 Circle 37 on [email protected]. che. Advanced manufacturing technologies and Germany’s “Industry 4. is also growing faster than average. For 2013 as a whole. Director of VDMA’s European Office. exports in this sector rose by 4.5 billion. turnover in core machinery manufacturing for this sector fell only slightly short of the most recent record of €6. growth averaged –2%. in 2014. German plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers. from its current (and falling) level of 15%.vdma. “All hopes now rest on 2014.” Reifenhäuser said. the VDMA believes German sales of plastics and rubber machinery will grow by 6%.1% in the period to November 2013 compared to the previous year. Equipment suppliers to the chemical process industries (CPI). our members’ reports confirm the rates of growth in exports to Italy.COM MARCH 2014 32I-1 . to €6. 68 or go to adlinks. the organization notes.Europe n December 2013. The major South Asian markets – India. “The result for the year is largely in line with our forecast.0” concept for intelligent factories could help. German machinery and tool orders were down 6% in real terms against the same period last year. Although domestic demand remains sluggish. Within the EU. for instance.” said Holger Kunze. Chairman of the VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery Association. “Our top sales markets are proving very strong: China is more than making up for special advertising section March 2014 European vendors look to 2014 recovery I last year’s dip in growth and the U.” But the organization rejected the idea of a rigid target – as at present – for renewable energy. however. As a result. www. and international sales by 4%.” said Ulrich Reifenhäuser. Inside Alexanderwerk AUMA Riester Berndorf Band/Steel Belt Systems BEUMER Maschinenfabrik Bronkhorst High-Tech Donadon SDD Frewitt GEA Process Engineering GEA Wiegand GIG Karasek Italvacuum KRAL MICRODYN-NADIR Müller Pepperl + Fuchs PHOENIX CONTACT Pompetravaini SAMSON Sandvik Materials Technology Sandvik Process Systems ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions 32I-14 32I-6 32I-12 32I-9 32I-14 32I-10 32I-8 32I-3 32I-15 32I-8 32I-13 32I-10 32I-8 32I-13 32I-15 32I-11 32I-4 32I-12 32I-4 32I-6 32I-2 Supporting EU objectives In January. the VDMA welcomed the European Commission’s proposal for an EU-wide target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by reported early February. Spain and Portugal. “In climate policy … what we do not do today. and wants reform of the European emissions trading scheme (ETS) delayed until 2021. we will have to catch up in a few CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.” said VDMA chief economist Ralph Wiechers.9 billion.6 billion.S.CHE. “The Commission has sent an important signal that investment in eco-friendly technologies will continue to pay off in the future. As a result. saw sales down by only 1% in 2013. Domestic business dropped by 10%. may be doing rather better. ■ Circle 20 on p. the German engineering association VDMA (Frankfurt-am-Main. at higher cost. The VDMA also supports a plan by the Commission to restore industry’s share of GDP to 20%. close to a new record of €4. Germany’s overall manufacturing figures act as a barometer of Europe’s slow economic recovery. claiming short-term intervention would undermine trust in the market. Indonesia and Thailand – are experiencing a pause in growth. shipment.bronkhorst. The company assists its customers throughout all stages of their projects. using the Uhde-STAR process for the oxydehydrogenation of propane www. This results in excellent global market expertise combined with profound local know-how. cement works and other industrial complexes as well as advanced technologies for mining. and port handling systems. ThyssenKrupp Polysius. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is a company with decades of experience in large-scale plant construction as well as mechanical engineering. 68 or go to adlinks. Egypt. With more than 70 branches and around 19. 68 or go to adlinks. anywhere in the .com | +49 (0)2191 795 0 Circle 3 on Circle 9 on p. The company’s engineers and technicians are continually developing trendsetting solutions that help customers gain a competitive 32I-2 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.che. Having built thousands of plants. but also the process technologies of other licensors. construction. turnkey commissioning.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section tible.COM MARCH 2014 . The regional structure allows the range of services to be tailored to suit the situation in specific regions. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions successfully employs not only its own advanced systems and methods.000 employees. each of which was already a global player in its own right before they were hyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions now offers the consolidated power of Engineering Excellence3. refineries. For d on our novative of roller Alexanderwerk – Modern symbiosis from tradition and innovation! Engineering Excellence3 ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions brings together three global players WP 120 Pharma Laboratory and pilot production machine for the pharmaceutical industry • throughtput of 8 to 40 kg/h in a continuous operation • two-stage granulation in Diagonal-Design® • rollers in cantilever design • non-metallic parts FDA-approved • URS-conformity as required • tool free disassembly made completely of high quality stainless steel • easy and accurate scale-up • mobile machine base • consistent separation between process material and technical equipment Large-scale integrated propylene/polypropylene complex for EPPC in Port Said. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is pooling its plant construction expertise in the Process Technologies and Resource Technologies Business Units. This new company is the combination of ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik. facility design.Responsibility 7-11 April 2014 Hall 11 Booth A42 I www. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is present throughout the world. mineral processing. assembly. and all the way to after-sales service. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions has a portfolio of unique breadth. ThyssenKrupp possesses competence that is outstanding in the world. from the initial idea to market studies. The fields of expertise are highly varied and include the planning and construction of chemical T Mass Flow Controllers For accurate process gas control in (petro)chemical industry RUGGED for harsh environments PROVEN thermal mass flow technology ADAPTIVE digital (RS232 Fieldbus) communication Innovation . and ThyssenKrupp Uhde.E [email protected]. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is present wherever its customers have a need. www. Industrial Solutions combines individual elements into a package customized to the individual needs of its customers. As a consequence the company can apply its knowledge to offer clients holistic solutions in plant engineering and construction.thyssenkrupp-industrial-solutions. in order to continue expanding the EPC business. Depending on the job at hand.Experience .CHE. DK-2860 Soeborg. Our comprehensive product range includes GEA Niro spray engineering for a better world Circle 17 on p. fluid bed systems. look for a GEA Niro drying GEA Process Engineering [email protected] POWDER We know what makes a To make superior powders. Fax: +45 39 54 58 00 gea-niro. 68 or go to adlinks.000 references worldwide our expertise is unsurpassed. We specialise in supplying industrial drying systems designed to match your exact product and plant GEA Process Engineering A/S Gladsaxevej 305. Denmark Tel: +45 39 54 54 54. www. the most experienced test engineers and process technologists in the business will help you move rapidly from idea to product development and profitable production. At our extensive test facilities. spray congealers and the SWIRL FLUIDIZER™.gea. and with more than 10.che. superduplex and hyperduplex stainless steels at the NACE Foundation’s CORROSION 2014 exhibition in San Antonio. Brodin added: “Materials like Sandvik 3R60 Urea Grade. Oilsys and Hydrotwin packaged units.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section A full range of corrosion-resistant alloys on show Sandvik Materials is using a U. a high-purity variant of AS 316L with a low ferrite content for greater resistance to general. plant breakdowns and costly lost production time. Sandvik Group Sales Development Manager Tube. Every Pompetravaini unit now accepts requests for quotations for complex packages based on liquid-ring vacuum pumps. Pompetravaini Italy. . meanwhile. hydraulic and instrument tubes to withstand harsh conditions S andvik Materials Technology will present its advanced corrosion-resistant alloys including duplex.” Sandvik says its material grades have demonstrably superior corrosion resistance in the kinds of harsh environments experienced by hydraulic and instrumentation as well as heat exchanger tubing. Combivac. ejectors. intergranular and pitting and crevice corrosion. Pompetravaini engineers design and build packages to customers’ specifications.” Compressor and vacuum packages move into focus Pompetravaini Group is expanding its activity in engineered pump packages to address a market that is growing – and becoming increasingly demanding F ollowing its takeover in 2012 of the Swiss company NSB Gas Processing. Sanicro 28. 85 years in business testify to the long life of Pompetravaini products and to the continuing availabilty of spares and service for many years to come. Pompetravaini-NSB now offers a wide range of engineered packages based around vacuum ing package side confirms this.COM MARCH 2014 This two-stage liquid-ring compressor handles 2. Products displayed at CORROSION 2014 include umbilicals.. compressors and Roots vacuum boosters. In industry corrosion tests. Packaged units in general are increasing in importance. compressors. NSB provides skid-mounted pump systems for industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and chemicals up to large flare gas recovery units for the oil and gas sector.” said Magnus Brodin. To stay abreast of these developments. with excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking in chloride-bearing environments. aggressive chemicals and media in varied applications. almost every country. higher output and reduced www. components. 9–13 March (booth number 1339). pump specialist Pompetravaini Group has been forging ahead in the world of engineered packages. exhibits superior resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. composite tubes. A worldwide network of operations allows the group to serve customers in 32I-4 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHE. offers its “Our full portfolio of corrosion-resistant alloys offer extreme resistance to corrosion caused by chlorides. The Pompetravaini motto is “Committed to stay ahead” and the strengthening of the engineerwww. and Travaini Pumps USA markets the Dynaseal and Evo lines. The super-duplex stainless steel has very high resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. Pompetravaini has been always known for fast and reliable service.smt. including full documentation on materials. while the nickel alloy Sanicro 41 provides improved resistance to acidic media such as sulfuric acid. and Aporec.pompetravaini.S. either singly or in combination. “NACE 2014 is an invaluable occasion for us to connect with industry professionals and demonstrate our ability to address critical corrosion resistance issues which lead to material failure. instrumentation and so on. Sandvik SAF 2507 proved to be one of the best materials for replacing 316L for hydraulic and instrumentation tubing in offshore platforms.500 m3/h of flare gas at 7. and becoming more sophisticated in terms of customization and specific engineering practices. from initial selection to aftersales and spare parts. finned tubes and thermocouples. coiled workover tubing. are crucial in helping our customers achieve today’s cost efficiencies. exhibition to promote its portfolio of materials that allow heat exchanger. over standard steel grades like AS 316 and 316L. a high-alloy austenitic stainless steel for demanding conditions. These are sold under trademarks including Apovac. Skid-mounted packages like this form an increasingly important business area for the Pompetravaini Group. Pompetravaini says.5 bar. the Pompetravaini Group is reinforcing its engineering and project management structure. and vacuum maintenance. Tex. hydraulic and instrumentation tubes. com/50974-32 .che.We Connect the Field to Your Control Room Hall 9 Solutions for the chemical. oil and gas industry Phoenix Contact is a leading supplier to the process industry. We offer a broad product range of industrial connection © PHOENIX CONTACT 2014 Circle 32 on p. 68 or go to adlinks. Ex-i isolators. For additional information call +49 52 35 3-00 or visit phoenixcontact. interfaces and Ethernet systems to help you connect sensors and actuators to the control room. Many of our products can be used in potentially explosive areas and safety-related applications. surge protection. Our global sales network of 40 subsidiaries and more than 30 sales representatives guarantees close proximity to the customer. an explosion-proof version of the SQ actuator introduced at the start of 2013. The SQEx . Sandvik’s “end-to-end” fertilizer process mixes liquids with solids before converting them into uniform pastilles./d. This lets producers upgrade basic products such as sulfur. and ammonium nitrate with important nutrients.pepperl-fuchs. Blends successfully produced on this system include urea with ammonium sulfate. a Product Manager for AUMA.t. the two control types are interchangeable. the U. 68 or go to adlinks. the SQ and SQEx ranges replace AUMA’s established SG and SGExC actuators. ammonium nitrate and its derivatives.che. Production begins with accurate dosing and weighing of the materials to be combined. if Continuous production of pastilles the Sandvik way INTELLIGENT FIELDBUS KEEPS YOUR PROCESS RUNNING Hall 9 Booth D76 Future Technology For More Availability ▪ Segment Protectors with progressive fault isolation ▪ Advanced Diagnostic Gateway with I/Os for the control cabinet ▪ Diagnostic-enabled surge protector with DCS connection – no repetitive checks ▪ Leakage sensors for guaranteed water-proof installation Fieldbus with intelligent diagnostics: www. says: “The response from our customers to the SQ range has been very positive and the new actuators have already been successfully deployed in major projects around the world. solidifying. The speed of the Rotoform is synchronized with the speed of the belt to create pastilles of uniform size and shape. Japan and Canada.COM MARCH 2014 . resulting in rapid solidification of the product without contaminating the 32I-6 Circle 31 on p.processsystems.2 UMA’s range of modular electric CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. As the solidified pastilles reach the end of the belt they are conveyed to storage or bagging. grinding.2 part-turn actuator. Both ranges are available with simple AMExC or microcontroller-operated ACExC integral controls.S. It produces uniform pastilles with a high crushing strength. Cooling water sprayed underneath the belt absorbs the heat of the melt.auma. and sulfur bentonite. handling and storing fertilizer products.2 (foreground) and multi-turn SAEx . sandvik. Rotoform is a low-energy and environmentally friendly process with no visible dust emission. www. followed by mixing and. Commissioning and operation of SQEx actuators are identical to the SAEx multi-turn product line.2 meets the ATEX and IECEx standards for hazardous areas and will be submitted for certification in additional countries including Russia. depending on the product. gearboxes and controls includes the new SQEx . Christoph S AUMA’s explosion-proof electric actuators include the new partturn SQEx . where it is deposited on a continuously running steel belt in the form of droplets. The resulting mixture is then fed to Sandvik’s Rotoform system. Each Rotoform line has a typical capacity of 120–150 m. and production can be scaled up by running multiple lines. adjusting the ratio to suit specific crops. urea. www.. in sizes of 1–5 mm.CHE.” Designed for butterfly and ball valve automation.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section Explosion-proof actuators Flexibility for fertilizers AUMA extends its product range with new Sandvik pastillation technology underlies part-turn actuators for hazardous areas this process for added-value fertilizers An explosion-proof SQREx version for modulating duty provides enhanced positioning accuracy and allows more starts per hour. A olutions from Sandvik Process Systems include complete systems for mixing. the new series offers a significantly wider torque range (50–2.400 Nm) and new functionality for diagnostics and asset management. Compared with their predecessor products. it Circle 33 on p. with PASSION . CREATED FROM BRAIN POWER We work with HEART . INTELLIGENCE and COMMITTMENT that’s why we are able to offer SOLUTION PACKAGES .0331.pompetravaini.0331. 85 years of passionate service! www.pompetravaini. MIND and . NOT JUST PUMPS R Design for excellence R Personalized guidance in the pump selection process R Fast response and delivery R Long term after market support R Trained service and spare parts available worldwide Pompetravaini has been manufacturing industrial pump since 1929. 68 or go to adlinks. 44 • 20022 Castano Primo (Mi) • • www.che. because we are PEOPLE PEOPLE serving PEOPLE .889057 [email protected] INDUSTRIAL PUMP SOLUTIONS.889000 • Fax Pompetravaini Spa Via per Turbigo. +39. ultra and nanofiltration membranes and modules. which will be known as GIG Karasek same functionalities.S. creating many application possibilities in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. www. helping to reduce operating costs and energy requirements. increased process reliability. sales and marketing director at GIG Karasek GmbH. a lower-speed cylindrical sieve mill. In the past. ICRODYN-NADIR GmbH.” said Gerhard Högl. Ill. company InCon Processing have signed an agreement to establish a joint venture as a platform for the production and distribution of thermal separation technology equipment.. but also cost-effective. Incon has been GIG Karasek’s U. is the leading independent manufacturer of micro. The membranes’ outstandingly sharp cut-offs and reproducibility have proved their worth in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. market for thin-film and short-path evaporators is strong. The firm points out that since membranes will remain its core competence in the future.gigkarasek.frewitt. Charles. operators needing a range of sizereduction techniques were forced to invest in three separate mills. partnership Long-time collaborators GIG Karasek and InCon set up a joint venture in thermal separation technology The experts in membranes Fine filtration is a specialty of MICRODYN-NADIR G IG Karasek of Austria and the U. says Frewitt M A new 3-in-1 modular milling system brings lower cost of ownership and accelerates return on investment in the The flat membranes of BIO-CEL bioreactor modules achieve high packing densities 3-in-1 mill saves costs and time A modular approach to size reduction brings flexibility. Customers equipped with the three interchangeable mill heads can change easily between grinding. And the most important issue is that we are now much closer to our customers and so are able to give them optimal service. www. easier assembly and disassembly of screens and rotors. formerly general manager at Incon Processing.S. including integrated processes as well as water and wastewater treatment.S. These field-proven components are essentially unchanged in the FreDrive. What has been changed is the drive arm. chemical and food industries. with locations in Europe. This backwashable module combines the advantages of flat membranes with the packing density of hollow-fibre modules. reports GIG Karasek be headquartered in St. The control and operator interface design was completely reworked to ensure automation control with each milling head. which connects the drive and control system with the milling components both electronically and mechanically. “Our objective is to keep and further strengthen our leading position in the target markets worldwide.S.microdyn-nadir. which are reported to be one the most important markets for this type of equipment. Frewitt engineers combined three existing pieces of equipment: a medium-speed conical sieve mill. The modular system is not only ergonomically friendly. investment is 50% less for the www. functionality and cost-effectiveness. it carries out intensive research and development activities in this field at its Wiesbaden location.COM MARCH 2014 . The joint venture will focus on the development and supply of thin-film and shortpath evaporator equipment and systems for customers in the Americas. Asia and the U. partner for more than a decade. claims size reduction specialist Frewitt. we are well positioned to ensure profitable growth and long-term success in our markets.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section New Austrian-U.S.” Palmer said.CHE. will The U. Its president is Hugh Palmer. low maintenance. “This collaboration combines Incon’s experience in the field of high vacuum distillation and tolling business with GIG Karasek’s technical expertise and established market presence. and controlled screening of powders and Modular milling equipment is flexible and lower in cost than individual items 32I-8 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. according to the demands of the process. One of the firm’s most innovative products is the immersed BIO-CEL module for membrane bioreactors. They will benefit from faster production and product changeovers. With GIG Karasek LLC. and easy scale-up. The new company. With the FreDrive system. and a high-speed hammer mill. For more than 45 years MICRODYN-NADIR products have been used in various industrial and municipal applications. fine grinding. BIO-CEL membrane modules can also be cleaned mechanically through the use of the BIO-CEL-MCP (mechanical cleaning process). The company’s new FreDrive offers a choice of milling and screening processes in a single machine. including HDPE.20011 Corbetta (MI) . 68 or go to adlinks. and transportation of loaded pallets. PE and PP bags on pallets of all common sizes accurately and stably. The bag discharge cylinder is also situated in the dust-free area above the filling spout. the turning device is a bar. fully automatic articulated robot which is able to perform complex palletizing and depalletizing tasks reliably and efficiently. sortation and distribution technology.Y90/ Address: Via Franceschelli. packaging. Containers such as bags. BEUMER has developed Circle 11 on p. The BEUMER paletpac high-performance layer palletizer stacks paper. The three-position cylinder. flexibly exchangeable gripper systems for every packaged product. the BEUMER Group is present in many industries the world over. loading. canisters and trays can be stacked safely and economically. paletpac high-performance layer palletizers. 7 .000 bags per The first high performance rupture disc manufactured with the newest technology FIND OUT OUR NEW RUPTURE DISCS! SCR/ . and stretch hood high-performance packaging machines. dust. It can process all kinds of bags. The BEUMER Group is an international leader in intralogistics systems for conveying.che. With its subsidiaries and sales agencies. Together with Crisplant a/s and Enexco Teknologies India Limited. The robotpac is a space-saving. . clamp. even outdoors. An automatic bag weight correction system adjusts the weights of subsequent bags. The BEUMER stretch hood high-performance packaging machine (photo) packages these stacked bags quickly.SCD/ . BEUMER machines are efficient and productive The BEUMER stretch hood packaging machine secures goods on the pallet.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section Solutions for palletizing. boxes. and filling Built to suit the application. Depending on the product requirements.ITALY P: +39 02 90111001 F: +39 02 90112210 donadonsdd@donadonsdd. cartons. the BEUMER Group employs about 3. minimizes film consumption and protects the product T he product range of intralogistics specialist BEUMER includes fillpac bag filling machines. packaging. www. is protected against dust as it is located vertically and outside the contaminated area. The BEUMER fillpac R bag filling machine is designed for capacities of 300–6. An enlarged filling impeller permits faster filling. and mechanical impact. supply of empty pallets. or double-belt system which brings the filled bags quickly and gently into the required position. moisture. The highquality film protects goods against weather. which controls coarse and fine feed. BEUMER also offers modules for fully automatic product feed. reliably and permanently with stretch films in a number of thicknesses.500 people and has a turnover of about €512 million. Donadon NS rupture discs can be installed in clamp-type connectors and are made entirely of metal (stainless steel or other alloys according to customer specifications). As a result. even at very high burst pressures. and tantalum. This has advantages especially with sensitive components such as isocyanates. and temperature rise in the fluids being transferred. All products are tested in compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive and ATEX. Donadon SCD (forward acting) and SCR (reverse buckling) discs with micro-scored sectors – six or more sectors compared to the usual four – offer advantages including more complete opening and reduced risk of petal detachment. notes pump and flowmeter manufacturer KRAL. This damages the polymer chains.5 bar g (7 psig) – are available in full metal discs. • resistance to rupture discs to nuclear power plants.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section Pumps optimize polyurethane production KRAL pumps use a screw principle to convey raw materials gently and consistently. which react with atmospheric oxygen. The pumps also operate quietly. 32I-10 . • design flexibility: NS NanoScored discs are available in forwardacting and reverse-buckling designs. www. titanium. Gear pumps.COM MARCH 2014 NS NanoScored rupture discs have many advantages and GMP production. with significant benefits for product quality during polyurethane manufacture T he quality of polyurethane made by continuous polymerization depends strongly on the consistent delivery of raw materials to the mixing head. for plants with clean-in-place and steam-in-place technology. • absolute reproducibility. have the disadvantage that the liquid is exposed to high shear forces and crushing at the gear wheels as they intermesh. the polymerization reaction can be strictly controlled to maintain the quality of the finished polyurethane. The company’s screw pumps can significantly improve polyurethane product quality and production reliabil- The screw pumping principle used in KRAL pumps delivers polyurethane components gently. Donadon SDD is also approved to the KTA 1401 standard as a supplier of www.CHE. even at high burst pressures. nickel. NS NanoScored rupture discs are very well suited for application in pharmaceutical. Monel. food and biotech industries. The breakthrough process means that NS NanoScored discs are the first to combine: • high precision over the full range of burst pressures. because there is no tool wear during manufacturing. which is why gear pumps are operated a low speeds. ensuring optimum product quality ity by conveying monomers and additives in a gentle and controlled way. KRAL pumps with their magnetic couplings also avoid the need for flushing liquids. in contrast.donadonsdd. with a choice of either radial or circular opening. Very important for many applications is the availability of vacuum-resistant discs with rupture pressures below 0. eliminating contact between the fluid and the environment. Magnetic coupling is a reliable technology that ensures a hermetic seal.kral. and • very low burst pressures – below 0. ensuring that the power density is efficiently high. The screw spindle pumping principle employed by KRAL pumps minimizes turbulence. KRAL screw pumps are gentle on the media they deliver. These rupture disc models are especially suited for protection of pressure relief valves and offer good resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. with high operational safety and long service life. shear. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. and the company is certified to ISO Scored rupture discs are precise and versatile A fully laser-based manufacturing process brings a unique set of advantages to the new NS NanoScored series of rupture discs from Donadon SDD A fully laser-based process to manufacture rupture discs has been demonstrated for the first time by Donadon Safety Discs and Devices (Donadon SDD) for its new NS NanoScored discs. The benefit is maintenance-free operation. even at high speeds. Critical fluid media remain inside the pump and are not exposed to the environment. with little pulsation or vibration to disturb the fluid. All these characteristics mean that KRAL pumps provide a steady flowrate of materials to the mixing head. Hastelloy. which are generally required to avoid the development of abrasive crystallization on mechanical seal faces.5 barg (7 psig). Inconel. • material flexibility: stainless steel. while fluid properties such as viscosity remain unchanged. Italy Phone: (+39)0331/864841 Fax: (+39)0331/864959 info@steelbeltsystems. or quickly and without tools via push-in technology.CHE. The smartphone app takes advantage of wireless near field communication (NFC) to eliminate the need for M ini Analog Pro from Phoenix Contact is the first family of signal conditioners with a width of 6 mm that features pluggable connection technology. At startup and during service. Modern transmitter technology and electrical isolation to withstand a 3 kV test voltage ensure high signal quality. I-21040 Venegono Inferiore. The signal conditioners are easy to install in compact spaces. and all assembly in one place.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section Endless steel belt systems for the chemical & petrochemical industry Signal conditioners are compact and pluggable The Mini Analog Pro family from Phoenix Contact is ideal for confined spaces The Fastcon Pro plugs used with the Mini Analog Pro range can be inserted or removed easily under field conditions. Circle 7 on p. the signal conditioners can be parameterized very flexibly. all connection and operating elements are easily accessible from the front. Large labeling areas offer ample space for complete loop marking despite the devices’ compact design. its own SMT Partner of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. Signal and supply circuits can be quickly interrupted during startup and service using the system’s built-in isolation function. as well as standard signal conditioners.che. The extended supply voltage range of 9.steelbeltsystems. Rolldrop® and Accudrop® are registered trademarks of SBS Steel Belt Systems. the product family includes universal signal conditioners.l.COM MARCH 2014 32I-11 .it Detailed information at www. Phoenix Contact has complete ownership of the product chain: the complete development process.r. 68 or go to adlinks. Status LEDs in every signal conditioner ensure quick and continuous diagnosis as well as group error logging via the mounting rail bus connector. SBS now provides turnkey solutions along with cooling conveyors for the solidification of liquid sulphur into pastilles.6–30 V DC and the broad operating temperature range from –40 to +70°C cater to a wide range of applications. The result is short delivery times and high levels of quality www. and thanks to their design. production of every metal and plastic part. equipped with steel belts from Berndorf Band. Having been pioneers in the development of pastillating units. From simple DIP switch configuration to advanced configuration via software or smartphone app. only one measurement is needed to capture the entire current loop from sensor to controller without isolating the loop. At present. SBS Steel Belt Systems s. and everything is accessible from the front of the unit What Bear discovered: SBS Steel Belt Systems designs and builds continuous conveyors for a wide range of and reliability. Wiring can be done in any order via screw-type connectors. The mounting rail bus connector also provides for quick energy bridging. temperature and potentiometer transducers. The Fastcon Pro connector plugs can be inserted and pulled independently of each other even when bundled with many devices.phoenixcontact. Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section Where innovation is tradition SAMSON is a world-leading supplier of control valves to the chemical process industries S AMSON is a name recognized worldwide as a synonym for high-quality work, entrepreneurial spirit and innovative strength. The company’s field of expertise extends from heating and air-conditioning to the largest chemical plants. SAMSON operates wherever there is controlled flow of vapors, gases, or liquids. Since 1916, the manufacturing plant and head office have been located on the river Main in Frankfurt, Germany. Here product development and manufacturing take place, as well as administration and warehousing. The Frankfurt headquarters and the affiliated companies employ and train over 3,800 people, whose loyalty to the company stems from their sound working environment. The management team, progressive yet traditional, is committed to the SAMSON name and the technical competence and partnership it stands for. For over 100 years SAMSON has developed and manufactured control equipment for industrial processes. From rugged selfoperated regulators to highly specialized control valves for industrial processes, the broad product range includes valves to meet all requirements. The key products are control valves, which SAMSON manufactures in all common sizes, in standard materials and exotic alloys, equipped with actuators tailor-made for the specific demands of the application. Among accessories, SAMSON positioners set the standards with their reliability, accuracy and versatility. They communicate using all common protocols and bus systems, and integrate seamlessly into current process control systems. Most of the control valves and accessories are developed and manufactured at SAMSON’s headquarters; in-house manufacturing ensures highest product quality and reliability. SAMSON’s Type 3730–6 positioner with pressure sensors sets standards in costeffectiveness, flexibility and reliability. Its features include: • one positioner for throttling and on/off applications; • integrated EXPERTplus diagnostics; • TROVIS-VIEW 4 software for configuration and operation free of charge; • HART communication with free EDDL and FDT/DTM; • monitoring of the entire operating cycle with EXPERTplus valve diagnostics; • integrated sensors to Type 3241–7 pneumatic monitor control valve with Type 3730–6 supply electropneumatic positioner pressure and signal pressure; • automated partial stroke test (PST) suitable for safety-instrumented systems up to SIL 3., A creative partnership in pastillation technology Italian company SBS Steel Belt Systems works with Berndorf Band of Austria to create robust, dust-free pastillation systems for sulfur and other chemical products S BS Steel Belt Systems S.r.l. is an Italian company, founded in 1984, which produces steel belt machinery and turnkey plants for a wide range of industries: chemical, petrochemical, food, rubber, and powder coatings. SBS is a partner of the multinational Berndorf Band Group, whose headquarters are in Austria. SBS itself is located in Venegono Inferiore (Varese), a small town close to Milan’s Malpensa airport. SBS Steel Belt Systems S.r.l. Italy and its partner SBS Steel Belt Systems Inc. USA have pioneered the development of pastillating units for a wide range of products. In recent years SBS has moved into sulfur solidification technology, providing several oil refineries and gas fields with turnkey solutions complete with: • liquid sulfur pumps; • liquid sulfur piping; • water cooling systems; • sulfur solidification units equipped with continuous Berndorf steel belts; • solid sulfur belt collectors; Refinery sulfur: a common application for SBS and Berndorf Band pastillation equipment • solid sulfur silos; • bagging equipment; and • solid sulfur truck loaders. The SBS pastillation head, known as ACCUDROP, has recently been upgraded through the use of a very effective rotating outer shell. With its high pipe wall thickness and innovative drilling pattern, ACCUDROP now has the ability to produce pastilles with a diameter of around 4 mm, better spherical shape, and higher mechanical strength. These characteristics help to reduce a well-known problem in the pastillation industry: the creation of dust. Caused by abrasion during handling of the product (for instance in packing, unpacking, loading, and unloading), dust formation is influenced by the properties of the product. Small, smooth and strong pastilles produce only a negligible amount of dust, thus resulting in an eco-friendly product. The combination of an ACCUDROP pastillation head and a Berndorf steel belt provides an efficient and secure process. Excellent flatness of the belt and regular service from both SBS Steel Belt Systems and Berndorf Band ensure long operating life and lower maintenance costs. In recent years SBS has collaborated with some of the largest engineering and construction companies to supply refineries in southern Italy, Spain, Serbia, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and many other countries all over the world. 32I-12 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHE.COM MARCH 2014 Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section Handling is key to production Müller provides reliable, ergonomic and cost-effective solutions for container handling in pharma and food quality handling equipment that performs well and above all is safe and reliable. Müller handling equipment offers all these qualities. With over 30 years of accumulated experience, the company designs, develops and manufactures everything itself. Customers can therefore count on world-class solutions to meet the most demanding needs. Müller customers worldwide appreciate the company’s innovative engineering, for example the slender lifting column which ensures a good view of the drum or container. All Müller lifters use electromechanical drives for low-maintenance, cost-effective, safe, ergonomic and quiet operation. Typical tasks include feeding machines like tablet presses, capsule filling machines, and blister packers. Maximum repeatability for all travel positions makes Müller lifting columns the perfect choice especially when working with split valve systems. Customers can choose between relay control or programmable logic lers (PLCs). Müller lifting equipment in action andling systems are one of the key factors in process economics. Whatever the industry – pharmaceuticals, chemicals, or food – effective production depends on H GW36e14 Cutting-edge vacuum drying ITALVACUUM’s Planex System ensures effective drying of even the most sensitive pharmaceutical materials TALVACUUM, one of the best-known European manufacturers of vacuum dryers and vacuum pumps, recently introduced a new horizontal paddle vacuum dryer. The Planex System is especially suitable for the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, fine chemicals and intermediates. The innovative Planex System has a fixed cylindrical chamber with an eccentric agitator that rotates independently on its own axis and also tangentially to the chamber wall. This double rotation provides optimal mixing with continuous surface renewal to aid the release of solvent vapors. Drying times are significantly reduced compared to conventional systems, the company says. The relatively small diameter of the agitator reduces mechanical and thermal stresses compared to traditional paddle dryers. This prevents local overheating due to friction, eliminates any risk of product contamination, saves power, and allows the Planex System to treat delicate and heatsensitive products without risk of damage. The narrow gap between the agitator blades Technology for a bio-based future GEA Wiegand provides technology for isolation, purification and concentration in industrial biotech applications. As a major supplier of evaporation, cross-flow membrane filtration and rectification plants we are able to design, integrate and execute customer-specific solutions for downstream-processing of fermentation products. I The small diameter of the Planex System agitator reduces thermal stress without compromising drying performance and the chamber wall makes unloading and cleaning easy. System volumes cover the range 300–4,400 l. ITALVACUUM also supplies auxiliary equipment for heating and cooling, vacuum pumps, condensers, filters and control systems. References include several important international chemical and tical groups. GEA Process Engineering GEA Wiegand GmbH Phone: +49 7243 705-0 Internet: engineering for a better world Circle 18 on p. 68 or go to Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section ronkhorst High-Tech of the Netherlands manufactures precise and reliable mass flow Compact flow controller Roller compactors B A operating valve gives a gas flow control range of 4–200 ln/min. The housing is sealed to IP65, and optional ATEX approval allows use in Category 3, Zone 2 hazardous areas. These instruments work on the basis of direct through-flow measurement (no bypass), using the principle of constanttemperature anemometry. They have no moving parts and no obstructions in the flow path, which makes them ideal for low-pressure-drop applications. They are less sensitive to moisture or particulates than thermal mass flow devices which rely on a bypass sensor. Standard I/O takes the form of analog and RS232 signals, with DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP, Modbus and FLOW-BUS protocols available as options. lexanderwerk makes roller compactors for the pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries, and for more than 125 years the company has spent every day improving its machines. Based on the firm’s experience, its innovative technologies, and the expertise of its employees, Alexanderwerk can justly claim to be a reliable partner for long-term success. Alexanderwerk provides different solutions to support customers in producing a large range of products: textile dyes, battery compounds, fertilizers, silicic acid, feedstuffs, additives and many more. Specific design features of Alexanderwerk roller compactors include: • the rollers are arranged vertically, giving better control of feed flow; • the patented two-chamber Combi-Vent-Feeder system yields better compaction; Bronkhorst’s new T23 mass flow controller, for up to 200 ln/min and pressure meters/controllers for laboratories, machinery, and process applications. The new T23 mass flow controller expands the company’s IN-FLOWCTA series. Its newly developed integrated, direct- The Alexanderwerk PP 150 C roller compactor • two-stage granulation based on a diagonal design increases throughput by up to 100%. The Chemical Engineering bookstore offers a variety of industry topics you will come to rely on. • Environmental Management: Air-Pollution Control • Environmental Management: Wastewater and Groundwater Treatment • Fluid Handling • Gas-Solid and Liquid-Solid Separation • Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid Separation • Managing Bulk Solids 17792 For a complete list of products, visit the Chemical Engineering bookstore now. 32I-14 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHE.COM MARCH 2014 the FieldConnex Temperature Multi-Input enables up to eight analog signals to be integrated into fieldbus communication. The device is mounted close to the sensors. Jet pumps can also be used within a liquid tank to provide even mixing of the complete tank contents. within the hazardous area. The FieldConnex Temperature Multi-Input is now available for PROFIBUS PA as well as FOUNDATION Fieldbus WWW. Both liquid-jet solids pumps and liquidjet mixers are of simple design and almost maintenance-free. • mixing carotene into edible oil during the production of food colorants. They are easily cleaned. Conveying and mixing must be accomplished reliably and above all without the formation of lumps. which employs around 25. 2-. www. 2014 The inputs are quick and easy to configure collectively. 516 h ot bo Hall A2 oth GWP Partner Bo 2 . GEA Wiegand liquid-jet solids pumps convey both fluids and granular products by means of a motive liquid which flows at high speed from a nozzle into the mixing chamber of the pump.COM Circle 24 on p.16. • adding fruit concentrates. In addition to thermocouples and millivolt signals. GEA Wiegand is part of the GEA Group.che. and GEA Wiegand jet pumps and mixers… Dubai. convenient. and suitable for CIP. 2014 …are simple yet effective • creating a mash of grain and water for alcohol production. 3-. thus integrating them into the digital communication system in a particularly efficient manner.000 people worldwide. and incurs minimal wiring costs. April 14 .com MCP for BIO-CEL® Mechanical Cleaning Process for BIO-CEL® MBR-Modules • optimized energy consumption • higher peak flux • no or low demand for chemical cleaning • process stability Temperature multiplexer for PROFIBUS PA with eight inputs for analog signals T he FieldConnex Temperature Multi-Input (TM-I) from Pepperl+Fuchs enables analog input and output signals to be connected to a fieldbus with the highest level of efficiency: in a manner that is intrinsically safe. MICRODYN-NADIR GmbH Kasteler Straße 45 65203 Wiesbaden / Germany Tel. All inputs on the TM-I are intrinsically safe.7 billion. Configuration and integration into the control system is extremely convenient: for PROFIBUS PA.9. 70% of which came from the food and energy sectors. In this way. Here it entrains the product to be conveyed. low-maintenance way to move bulk solids and mix them into liquids N A N O F I LT R AT I O N Munich May 5 . with individual configuration also possible. a GSD file and a DTM are available for download from the website. even if the fieldbus connection itself is not.Europe 2014 Special Advertising Section M I C R O F I LT R AT I O N U LT R A F I LT R AT I O N Incorporate solids without lumps GEA Wiegand jet pumps are a reliable. www. 111/210 and 11 no h ot bo A5 ll Ha M ixing granular materials or other bulk solids into liquids is an important step in many process operations.COM MARCH 2014 32I-15 . 68 or go to adlinks. Sales in 2012 were more than €5. and 4-wire resistance temperature sensors (RTDs) can be connected. creating a uniform lump-free fluid BIO-CEL® Submerged MBR-Module for biological wastewater treatment with a selfhealing effect • cost efficient • high flux • low energy demand • easy to integrate • backwashable • reliable in operation • fine-bubble aeration Analog to fieldbus – times eight Pepperl+Fuchs FieldConnex Temperature Multi-Input ensures efficient integration with PROFIBUS PA FieldConnex process interfaces can bundle signals from multiple sensors together under a single fieldbus address. + 49 611 962 6001 info@microdyn-nadir. Applications include: • mixing powders into liquid in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. sugar and other granular solids during the production of food and CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. and so saves significantly on wiring costs.CHE. Germany www. because the pipe Ethernet and WLAN connectivity for easy data transfer.CHE. This combination allows very heavy-duty switching cycles and temperature resistance up to 150°C — features that are not possible with pinch valves used previously. Greifensee.pfeiffer-vacuum. it is necessary to evacuate the torusshaped reactor chamber.Pump Engineering Pfeiffer Vacuum Mettler-Toledo Special vacuum pumps developed for fusion reactor This company has been awarded a contract to develop special vacuum pumps for the ITER fusion reactor (photo) — a multinational project to further fusion power L/h. especially in all food-and-beverage manufacturing processes. The most demanding control and HMI (human-machine interface) tasks can be solved while precisely matching the devices to the application-specific requirements. KG. Multi-port valve blocks combine multiple valve seats in one unit. U. Verl.COM MARCH 2014 Note: For more information. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. i5 (all with two cores) and i7 (four cores) of the 3rd and 4th generation — the CP22xx Built-in Panel PC is said to achieve maximum computing power. — Beckhoff Automation GmbH. .uk GEMÜ This built-in panel PC offers multi-touch advantages The CP22xx Built-in Panel PC series combines the advantages of a modern multi-touch interface with high-performance multi-core processors for automation and control. fittings and even various sensor components can be integrated together. www. CoreTM i3.. Germany ■ Gerald Ondrey CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. This means that plants can now be built much more compactly. Littlehampton. for example in the quality control office. West Sussex. as well as in standard CSV or XLS format for interchange with laboratory and office software.pumpeng. Germany www. These mixers are constructed from stainless steel and are capable of delivering water up to a maximum temperature of 95°C at volumes up to 10. The mixer is a safe and easy-to-use device for most Mix steam and water for safe wash-downs The CSF Steam Water Mixer (photo) provids a reliable source of hot water that is delivered at the correct temperature and pressure. — Mettler-Toledo. Equipped with multi-core CPUs — Intel Celeron. This company is developing vacuum pumps that are designed from stainless steel and have an extremely high external leak-tightness. — GEMÜ Gebr. — Pump Engineering Ltd. Switzerland www. Screen sizes are available in sizes from 12 to 24 in. The same data may also be transferred to a file server as a PDF for on-screen viewing and electronic archiving. says the company.K. Ingelfingen-Criesbach. In order to carry out the plasma reaction. — Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH. A new technology that has been used for the first time in vacuum pumps will also prevent the contamination of pumps’ gear lubrication with the fusion fuel and vice versa. or washdown applications in just about every industry. Asslar. 68 or use the website designation. displayed by an instrument on the factory floor. Measurement results. circle the 3-digit number on p.beckhoff. can be sent directly to a regular printer anywhere on the company I32-16 Precise dosing with multi-port. fluoroplastic valve blocks This multi-port valve block from the iComLine Series (photo) is made of ultra-pure PVDF and features innovative seat-diaphragm technology with A moisture analyzer with good connectivity The latest models of Professional moisture analyzers (photo) from this company feature USB. or partial-stoppering and crimp-capping of vials. The equipment features a ready-to-use and easy-to-validate filling system for small batch production for various vial When full containment is required.gamajet. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) compliant materials. N. The unit can be mounted to compatible accumulators. Booth 3166 — Garvey Corp.COM MARCH 2014 . use these pumps The SLS4 and SLS8 pumps (photo) are hygienic eccentric-disc pumps that are engineered for use in a wide array of applications that require full containment. High-quality machined parts give an optimum surface finish and the streamlined sealless design does not require packing or 33 Note: For more information. These highly flexible systems have integrated full.garvey. Wilmington.S. Created with no grease in the gear train. says the company. The conference and exhibtion will showcase products and services from over 650 exhibitors. The Aseptic 8 utilizes patented rotary-impingement cleaning technology.. The SLS4 can handle differential pressures up to 10 bars and the SLS8 can handle differential pressures up to 6 bars.Watson-Marlow Pumps Group Garvey Mouvex T he pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries will congregate March 18–20 in New York at the Jacob Javits Convention Center for Interphex 2014. The following is a small selection of these exhibitors’ offerings at the show. Loading six rows at a time. preserving vial integrity. chemicals and energy required for cleaning are drastically reduced with the use of this apparatus. Aseptic filling solutions for a variety of applications Flexicon aseptic filling systems (photo) provide automatic aseptic filling. All movements are controlled by servodriven linear motors. Pa. Flexicon systems can be supplied with optional restricted access barrier systems or as a customized solution for integration into an isolator. Mass. www. The amount of water. Exton.J. Booth 2823 — Watson-Marlow Pumps Group. 68. plugging and capping. this unit reduces the number of strokes required to load a tray. Blue Anchor. depending on line speed and vial size. Reduce manual cleaning-in-place with this hygienic machine The new Aseptic 8 tank-cleaning machine (photo) is constructed of U. which ensures that tanks are effectively and quickly cleaned. or use the website designation.watson-marlow. circle the 3-digit number on An automatic tray loader that can handle 800 vials per minute This company’s new automatic multi-lane tray loader (photo) for Gamajet pharmaceutical vials can load up to 800 vials per minute into cardboard or plastic trays with very low vial-to-vial impact. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. providing a hygienic alternative to manual cleaning-in-place. Designed for use under laminar air flow. www. this fluid-driven machine operates at a wide range of pressures and flowrates and is resistant to clogging. Booth 1845 — Gamajet. The system consists consists of of a a conical conical sieve sieve mill with a rotor at medium revolutions per minute (rpm). injection-molded pump chambers. Disposable systems for the various kinds of dosing pumps can be incorporated as needed.optima-packaging-group. a cylindrical sieve mill with with a a turning turningstator statorwith with lower rpm and a hammer mill with high rpm. Granges-Paccot. The absence of mechanical seals results in linear flow characteristics and high turndown capability. Schwäebisch Hall. allowing them to self-prime and fully strip lines. With an updated control and operator-interface design. for maximal product recovery. The unit features a totally enclosed weight sensor and drive motor with high CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. as required by the application. Germany www.quattroflow. Switzerland www. The modular system is 34 capable of conical reduction of powders and granulates. all on a single unit.frewitt. The double stainless-steel bellows ensure product containment and safety. A drive drive arm arm connects connectsthe the entire drive drive and and control control network network to to the milling system both electronically and mechanically. The SLS series of pumps provides very high suction and discharge pressures. these pumps create less waste materials. These replaceable chambers reduce downtime between batches and are simple to change out. This flexibility allows the equipment to handle a broad range of This micro-ingredient feeder has interchangeable modules The MT-16 micro-ingredient feeder (photo. and users can easily interchange mill heads to switch between processes. Also. allowing for safe transfer of fragile media. Booth 2140 — Frewitt SA. Booth 2633 — Quattroflow. Integrated in-process monitoring results in high filling precision and batch These pumps feature single-use molded plastic chambers The QF1200 Series of single-use fourpiston diaphragm pumps (photo) are intended for biological-handling applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. France Process three container types on one machine with this system Modular machines (photo) from this company can process nested Three unique milling processes on one machine These new modular milling systems (photo) bring together three different milling processes into one machine. Featuring single-use. batch-to-batch turnaround and idle times in machines Frewitt employing isolator barriers can be minimized. Kamp-Lintfort. Booth 2227 — Optima Packaging Group GmbH. with a small footprint. QF1200 pumps are also convertible from single-use plastic elements to fully cleanable or sterilizable stainless-steel heads.CHE.Optima Packaging Group Show Preview Quattroflow a magnetic drive. Auxerre.mouvex.COM MARCH 2014 . p. The overall feed capacity of the feeder is 0. 35) has interchangeable feeding modules allowing for versatility between twin-screw or singlescrew operation. Booth 2633 — Mouvex. including powders and granules. Germany www. to further customize the module’s flexibility. The design allows for extended screw profiles. vials and carpules.02 to 27 dm³/h. control screening and fine grinding. resulting in closer discharge dimensions. the mills’ programmable logic controller (PLC) can be integrated into higher-level control schemes. such as for the handling of cultured or fermented products. Some models are built with continuous de-icing functionality to enhance drying capabilities. Grand Terrace. touchscreen and a number of cooling-system options. The addition of impermeable seals to the X-ray cabinet prevent water ingress. stones and ingredient clumps are automatically detected. N. Both batch and continuous processes can use these freeze-dryers.CHE. 500 and 600 mm to suit individual requirements.Wilden Pump & Engineering Coperion K-Tron Pitman torque for handling difficult materials. Calif. along with irregular and improperly packaged items and packs with incorrect content levels. and the packs in question are diverted from the line for investigation.7 to 920 L/min.and over-weight packs can also be eliminated from the packing line. Abratec cloths are intended to work with solvent blends typically found in sterile processing environments.. It features an onboard electric pressure pump that can generate up to 20 bars. Other features include a sidewaysopening door to the cabinet interior. which is abrasionresistant.loma. Booth 2421 — GEA Process Engineering.c. bone. www..fluke.coperionktron. Contaminants such as Prevent contamination with this X-ray inspection system The X5 X-ray inspection system identifies and rejects contaminants and delivers accurate product controls at line speeds of up to 394 ft/ min. S.geap. The unit’s conveyor belt features a quick-release mechanism for reduced downtime. and have These abrasive cloths remove corrosion-causing debris Abratec cleanroom abrasive cloths are designed with various levels of abrasive grit for debris removal. sloping surfaces of the system ensure that particles and droplets cannot accumulate.. glass.J. ■ Mary Page Bailey 35 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. Everett. Spartanburg. Featuring sealed-border technology. Booth 2757 — Coperion K-Tron Pitman Inc. Booth 2633 — Wilden Pump & Engineering Use these freeze-dryers for cultured or fermented materials Atlas freeze-dryers are capable of freeze-drying materials in situations where maintaining the original structure and properties of the original product is important.contecinc.COM MARCH 201 . Saniflo pumps incorporate a straight flow-through Handle delicate products with these AODD pumps Saniflo air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps (photo) have been specifically designed to satisfy the regulatory guidelines established by the FDA for sanitary process applications and are available with a full validation package. dry-run and deadhead capabilities. Booth 3731 — Fluke Corp. Inc. simulates and sources 4–20-mA loop-current signals and can also measure up to 30 V d.. This calibrator also measures. The rounded. These pumps are available in five sizes from 13 to 76 mm. www. These pumps can also handle shear-sensitive products. www. rubber. and feature flowrates from 58. pharmaceutical and chemical processes in applications such as jet-mill feeding and continuous extrusion. eliminating the need for an external handpump. pressure switches and pressure gages.K. Inspection data can be automatically monitored and extracted to provide an audit trail for each production run. Wash. www. Booth 2776— Loma Systems.wildenpump. The absence of mechanical seals gives full product containment and all contact surfaces are made of pharmaceuticalgrade elastomers and polished 316L stainless steel. a 12-in. U. such as cell structures and delicate polymers. The dryers feature automatic control of drying cycles for each batch. Conveyor belts for the unit are available in widths of 300.C. Its internal 24-loop power supply can power a transmitter under test This pressure calibrator features an integrated onboard pump The 719Pro electric pressure calibrator is a test tool designed for calibrating high-accuracy transmitters. unlike equipment with flat surfaces. vinyl. Under. Farnborough. which are also appropriate for sterile operations. the cloths can effectively remove corrosion-causing debris without contributing additional particles to the remediation process. The cloths feature this company’s Quiltec fabric. The MT-16 provides accurate feeding in food. Denmark www. A new tubular framework made from 304-grade stainless steel allows for operation in harsh working conditions. Sewell. Søborg. Booth 1338 — Contec Inc. Pittsburgh. Scranton. www. 210GN can be applied by either spray or which in customer trials. as well as to stress corrosion cracking in chloridebearing environments. Booth 1504 — Permasense Ltd. This system uses wireless technology to sense metal loss This company’s non-intrusive corrosion-monitoring systems use unique sensor technology and wireless communication to continuously monitor for metal loss from corrosion or erosion. A coating that protects against very strong acids SewerGard Industrial No. A library storing data for over 400 alloys allows for use in a wide range of industrial applications. The system applies a lowfrequency magnetic-field methodology for realtime imaging of both internal and external corrosion. 210GN coating is used to protect concrete or steel from chemical attack in industrial wastewater applications.CHE. has successfully detected corrosion in piping and vessels through jacketed insulation and fireproofing materials. as well as for pumps and process equipment in the food Lindlar. Corrosion-monitoring solutions enable risk-based deci- Sandvik Materials Technology sion-making to increase throughputs. extend run lengths and allow for safe processing of low-quality ■ Mary Page Bailey CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. 68.. A non-destructive method to analyze and identify alloys New positive materials-identification tools from this company use X-ray fluorescence inspection technology for the identification and analysis of various metal alloys by their chemical composition through non-destructive methods. Mass.jenteksensors. the company adds.permasense. with defect sizing and automated reporting capabilities. . The analyzer tools are environmentally sealed for use in dusty. Germany www.COM MARCH 2014 Note: For more information. Gonzales Convention Center for lectures. Featuring high resistance to strong acids — even sulfuric acid concentrations as high as 98% — this coating is specifically formulated as a sealer in strongly oxidizing environments. In addition to corrosion imaging. presentations and an expo hall featuring over 380 exhibitors. Pa. the GridStation 8200 enables stress-corrosion crack mapping and crack-depth measurement. according to the manufacturer. or use the website designation. The following is a preview of some of the products and services that will be showcased at the event.K. The alloy is suitable for use in various areas with the most demanding requirements for wear and corrosion. More than 6. The permanently installed systems can operate in extreme temperature environments and inaccessible locations. circle the 3-digit number on p. dirty or wet conditions commonly found in field applications. Sanicro 41 is a nickel alloy. The material can be welded using conventional consumables. instrumentation and heat-exchanger applications.000 attendees are expected to gather in the Henry B. U. making them ideal for large-scale deployment in many upstream and downstream applications. Mass. 3R60 Urea Grade is a high-purity variant of 316L stainless steel. with a low ferrite content for greater resistance to intergranular. This new duplex alloy prevents intercrystalline corrosion The new Ultra-Lean Duplex Centralloy G 2102 is said to have excellent corrosion resistance — especially against intercrystalline corrosion — yet is much less expensive than conventional duplex materials. intended for use in acidic media. Pa. Booth 1339 — Sandvik Materials Technology. the 69th annual meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) is taking place March 9–13 in San Antonio. Waltham. Boston. Booth 1920 — GE Measurement & Control. This super36 duplex stainless steel has a high resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. such as for components in separators (decanters and centrifuges) used in the wastewater-treatment industry. Booth 2528 — Sauereisen. Booth 2630 — Schmidt + Clemens GmbH + Use these materials in tubing for hydraulics and instrumentation The corrosion-resistant material grades for piping (photo) from this company are intended for use in harsh conditions. SAF 2507 material is an alternative to 316L stainless steel. pitting and crevice corrosion. SewerGard Industrial No. such as those experienced by tubing used in hydraulic. Tex.Show Preview C orrosion 2014. Advanced batteries support up to 10 hours of continuous use on a single charge.smt. Detect corrosion in vessels and pipes. www. The alloy’s considerably lower nickel content makes it less susceptible to highly fluctuating raw material prices. Booth 1302 — Jentek Sensors Inc. even under insulation The GridStation 8200 is a corrosionimaging system.. forums. LEVEl-MEAsUREmENt DEVICEs: AdVANtAGEs ANd dIsAdVANtAGEs Technology Mechanical floats are low-density floats mounted on a horizontal arm connected to a switch Differential pressure devices relate liquid level to the size of pressure difference between bottom of tank and vapor space at the top Electromechanical devices have a motor-operated paddle or vibrating fork that is submersed into a vessel and stops rotating or vibrating when covered with material Capacitance probes sense differences in capacitance when air or material is present in a tank or vessel Ultrasonic devices use a piezoelectric crystal to create sound waves. The distance can be calculated from the echo. Chem. Vessel Sizing and Level Instrumentation. and level determined Radar devices transmit electromagnetic waves toward the material. TABlE 2. Editor’s note: Portions of this month’s “Facts at your Fingertips” column were contributed by Brian Sullivan. 3.. Point-level detection is inexpensive. Eng.. 2. Level Measurement Technologies for the CPI. Foaming.. AN OVERVIEW OF lEVElmEAsUREmENt tECHNOlOGIEs ANd sUItABlE APPlICAtIONs Technology Ultrasonic Application Chemical storage tanks Wastewater effluent Plastic pellets Radar Chemical bulk-storage vessels Sulfur storage Agitated process vessels Reactor/process vessels Guided wave radar Liquid storage Plastic pellets Slurries Displacer replacement Capacitance Styrene and other aromatic compounds Acids. Contact versus non-contact. improves product quality and maximizes plant output by avoiding spills and process upsets. L. (San Jose. pp. temperature. One method is to think about them as point-level versus continuous-monitoring devices. July 2008. Waves are reflected off the material and back to the source. Continuous level sensing is used when it is necessary to know the specific level at all times. No single level-measurement technology is suitable for all applications. Technology approaches The technology used by level measurement devices can broadly be divided in multiple ways. because it uses mechanical switches or simple gages.. pp. K. mixing or determining product levels. Other content was adapted from articles noted in the references. vapor.. Eng. pH level and other environmental factors. Schaffer. February TABlE 1. both types can be used. including pressure. tank pressure or steam can limit the use of non-contacting devices. chips and pellets Independent of material dielectric properties Produces highly accurate and repeatable results Easy to install (requires only one opening) No moving parts to wear out Can provide continuous monitoring of level Few compatibility problems. steam and dust Non-contacting (so no material deposits) Relatively easy.. This information can be important when transferring liquids. 30–34. July 2008. When they are incorrectly matched to their application. Liquid Level Measurement Options for the CPI. while Table 2 outlines some of the specific CPI applications for which the technologies are used. These switches or liquid-level gages are designed for controlling the maximum or minimum liquid level allowed in a container. Point versus continuous. C.. since no contact with material is made Low maintenance requirements Not affected by changing dielectric properties Can provide continuous monitoring of level Unaffected by environmental factors.  Schmidt. Eng. Chem. pp. 34–37. because of regulatory requirements .Department Editor: Scott Jenkins LevelMeasurement Device Selection Key questions The following application-related questions should be considered when selecting a level-measurement device: •  What types of material(s) will the sensor be exposed to? •  Are solids or liquids being measured? •  Will the level sensor be placed on the internal or external surface of the tank or vessel? •  What temperatures and pressures will the sensor experience? •  What is the density of the material to be measured? •  Does the operation require multiple sensors? •  Does the sensor need to comply with any specific design codes? •  In liquid-level measurement. Point-level detection is mainly conducted by liquid-level switches. Sound waves are reflected back to the receiving device. what is the boiling or flash point? •  What level of precision is desired or required for the measurement? •  Is there steam present in the tank or vessel where the measurement is taken? •  What is the size of the tank or process vessel? •  Is the material being measured corrosive or highly viscous? •  Does the material being measured contain suspended solids? •  Does the material change state with varying temperature or pressure? •  Are any reactive or hazardous substances present in the material to be measured? •  What level alerts need to be transmitted from the sensor? •  What software and hardware are required to integrate the level measurement sensor into the operation? Table 1 includes several technologies used in level-measurement devices. This column provides information about level measurement technologies and guidance for choosing the most accurate and effective device for an application. dust or foam can affect measurements Not for use in high (>300˚F) temperatures and high (>8 bars) pressures • Cannot be used in open-air applications. Aiken. Calif. and another way is to classify them as either contact or non-contact devices. top-of-tank installation Limitations • • • • • • Float is calibrated to fluid it measures. References 1. Placing the level sensor in contact with the material being measured presents potential challenges having to do with corrosion. level-measurement devices can contribute to lower quality and poorer process consistency. For some applications. which are directed at the material. sales manager at Valin Corp. 38–42. dust. www. Chem. Transit time is related to level of material Advantages • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Inexpensive Easy to install Work well for a variety of fluid densities Can monitor continuously Easy installation for liquid applications Cost-effective Low maintenance requirements Well-suited to solids. so it must be recalibrated when density changes Only useful for point measurements Requires constant density Fluid needs to be sealed in pressurized vessels Calibration can be difficult Cannot provide continuous measurement • • • • • Chemical compatibility between device and material is important Changes to chemical composition and temperature can affect dielectric properties and alter results Calibration can be time-consuming Dense vapor. caustics Adhesives PVC pellets Interface in agricultural chemical production Electromechanical Plastic pellets Carbon black Fertilizer Styrofoam beads and chips E ffective level measurement in the chemical process industries (CPI) helps maintain material inventory at economic quantities.valin. safely. TEAM experts are available 24 hours a day. TEAM Industrial Services provides the resources that can respond promptly with a comprehensive solution in any situation.che. Bolting/Torquing Concrete Repair Emissions Control Exchanger Services Field Machining Fitness for Service Heat Treating Hot Tap/Line Stop Isolation Test Plugs Leak Repair Manufacturing/ Engineering Mechanical Integrity NDE/NDT Inspection Specialty Welding Turnkey Tank Program Valve Insertion Valve Repair www. Come visit Team out at NACE Corrosion 2014 Booth #2939. With comprehensive service offerings and more than 100 U.Ready When and Where You Need Us TEAM Services When it comes to your facility’s service needs. you want a partner who has experienced it all. accurately and at the high level of quality people have come to expect from TEAM.teamindustrialservices. 365 days a year. Call TEAM today: 713-378-8600 or contact@teaminc. and international locations. Whether you are dealing with an emergency pipe repair or scheduled . 68 or go to adlinks. you can count on us to service your equipment quickly. we’ll be there when and where you need us. You want a partner that knows what is wrong and can fix it fast. 7 days a Circle 43 on p. E The vapor stream from the Total fixed investment quench stage is compressed 400 and sent to a caustic wash 350 column for CO2 removal. methanol is first converted to a dimethylether (DME) intermediate and then converted to olefins with a very high selectivity for ethylene and propylene.S. such as naphtha. Therefore. free of 250 CO2. the coke is removed by combustion with air to maintain the catalyst activity.Methanol-to-Olefins Process By Intratec Solutions thylene and propylene are the most important intermediates in the petrochemical industry. they are produced mainly by steam cracking of hydrocarbons. com). in order to recover the heat generated by the exothermic reaction. where an ethylene-ethane mixture is complex. compression and caustic wash. Methanol feed is vaporized. The output from the reaction and regeneration is quenched. Quench. Total fixed investment to build an MTO plant in The ethylene-rich stream is different regions compressed and fed to the acetylene reactor for selective acetylene •  The process equipment is represented in hydrogenation to ethane. The acetylene the simplified flowsheet reactor effluent is sent to the de-methanizer •  The plant is constructed inside a chemical column.intratec. is fed to the C3 splitter costs. 3. coal or biomass. The process Figure 1 illustrates an MTO process similar to one developed jointly by UOP LLC (Des Plaines. coke accumulates on the catalyst. which is circulated to the fluidized-bed regenerator system. 6. 2.000 ton/yr of •  for preparing this type of analysis can be found. In the U.S. Norway. Ill. Reactor Regenerator Quench tower Compression Methanol recovery column Caustic wash column Deethanizer column Acetylene reactor Demethanizer C2 splitter Depropanizer C3 splitter Refrigeration unit Cooling tower Boiler ST Water RF 13 CW 14 ST 15 ST C byproduct + 4 CW Cooling water RF Refrigeration fluid ST Steam FIGURE 1. This process synthesizes olefins from methanol using a SAPO-34-type zeolite catalyst in a fluidized-bed reactor. which can be derived from other raw materials. 200 Product fractionation. In the regenerator. Globally. 12. The provided and propylene and ethylene ethylene-ethane mixture is then routed to the products are consumed by nearby polyC2 splitter to obtain polymer-grade ethylene olefins units. After leaving the reactor. The analyses and models presented herein are prepared on the basis the U. 4. mixed with recovered methanol. 10. and product fractionation. propane and ethane. where most of water and unreacted methanol is removed. as well as low investment requirecolumn. Reaction and regeneration. explains the recent plans to construct propylene is obtained as the overhead prod. superheated and sent to the fluidized-bed reactor. Gulf Coast and in China (Figure of publicly available and non-confidential information. Methanol-to-olefins technology similar to UOP/Hydro MTO process . www. mainly containing a propyleneof synthesis gas. 11. In the C3 splitter. 300 The gas stream. In the reactor. www. for C4+ separation as the access to cheap sources of methanol. which bottom and second quarter of 2013 for units erected on edited by Chemical Engineering. 14. 7. 2).uop. The methanol feedstock is locally separated from a methane-rich stream.hydro. The water-methanol stream is sent to the methanol-recovery column. along light olefins (ethylene and propylene) with terms of use. 5. 13. where ethylene 0 is separated from C3 and larger (C3+) hydrocarbons U. quench. including natural gas. million Regen gas RF 2 Process water Methanol CW ST Air 4 7 To waste Caustic soda 8 9 RF Tail gas RF Ethylene Ethane 1 1 7 10 ST ST CW ST CW PG Propylene 12 3 CW 11 ST Propane 1. the reacted stream exchanges heat with the reaction feed. China’s low manufacturing propane mixture. 15. The methanol-to-olefins (MTO) process is an alternative approach to producing these light olefins from methanol feedstock. Gulf Coast China as the overhead product.. 9. $. compression and caustic wash. During the and Norsk Hydro A/S (Oslo. at Figure 2. while the bottom stream is propane-rich. www.S. on the other hand. n Economic performance The total fixed investment of the process Editor’s Note: The content for this column is supplied by was estimated based on data from the Intratec Solutions LLC (Houston. More information about the methodology The plant capacity is 600. methanol can be produced from low-cost shale gas. The process can be divided into three main areas: reaction and regeneration. where methanol is recovered and recycled to the reaction. is then dried and sent to the product fractionation. The following assumptions were taken The information and analysis are the opinions of Intratec and do not represent the point of view of any into consideration: third parties.intratec. excess coal resources. The de-propanizer column can be supplied from catalytic conversion distillate. no storage for product as the overhead and an ethane-rich product or raw material is required stream at the bottom. The MTO process is an alternative apThe C3+ stream from the bottom of the proach to producing ethylene and propylde-ethanizer column is fed to the de-proene for chemical manufacturers that have panizer column. 150 The dried stream from caustic 100 wash is sent to the de-etha50 nizer column.MTO plants in the country to monetize uct. polymer-grade ments. 8. This estimate also does not include 40 Phase 1 Initiate CUI evaluation.cHE.Feature Cover Story Report Implementing a CorrosionUnder-Insulation Program CPI facilities need to put in place a systematic program for preventing and mitigating corrosion under insulation Russ Davis The Mistras Group. Austenitic stainless steels and duplex stainless steels are also susceptible to CUI.cOM MARcH 2014 . Program components It is essential that a programmatic approach to reducing the risk of operations includes a focus on CUI CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. Chlorideinduced stress corrosion cracking (SCC) has been found in austenitic stainless steels due to the chloride content of the normal environment. plant turnaround schedule FIGURE 1. Industry estimates indicate that CUI costs the chemical and oil-andgas industries in excess of $100 million annually. Because the need to detect and assess CUI is critical in chemical process industries (CPI) facilities. Operating conditions noted for making equipment susceptible to CUI range from 10°F (–12°C) to 400°F (205°C). as well as the potential fire and explosion hazards. The best approach to address the problem of CUI is to develop and adopt a comprehensive and facility-wide CUI program. orrosion to the external surface of process piping and vessels that is hidden under the insulation is referred to as corrosion under insulation (CUI). corrosionpreventive painting programs are cut when budgets are tight. Taking equipment and piping out of service when they are needed to make product will raise the level of losses. resulting from the loss of containment of highly hazardous chemicals. review asset history. especially in coastal geographic regions where the normal atmosphere contains chlorides and where the equipment operates between 140°F (60°C) and 400°F (205°C). Sometimes. and does not include the losses that may be associated with process downtime. Inc. many CPI facilities lack an insulationrepair program. cyclic service. identify suspect equipment CUI Initial Descision Tree Pre-inspection Is construction material carbon steel? YES Operates between 10 and 400°F? NO Is it austenitic stainless steel? NO YES Consult with materials engineer for CUI susceptibility C NO Cycling in and out of 10 and 400°F range? Cycling in and out of 120 and 400°F? NO YES NO Is operating temperature between 120 and 400°F? YES YES No CUI expected YES Potential for CUI exists Implement risk-based inspection program Potential for stress-corrosion cracking exists IDMS download of identified equipment susceptible to CUI Perform risk assessment to prioritize inspection plan Perform field walkdown. However. inspection and testing methodologies have been pushed to improve. This cost represents only the estimated damage to the equipment. CUI primarily affects carbonsteel and low-alloy steel vessels and piping. The initial phase of a comprehensive CUI program involves a team assessment of process vessels and piping to determine which pieces of equipment may be susceptible to CUI the risk posed by CUI for potential exposure to hazardous chemicals. Aging piping and equipment in chemical plants and petroleum refineries have made CUI detection and assessment requirements increasingly important. This article describes the components of such a program and is designed to help facility managers and engineers identify strategies to implement it. 500 to 3. then switched off to generate eddy currents. or it can be downloaded from the inspection data management system (IDMS). so results are delayed • Environmental issues with chemicals • Image adjustment is not possible • Archival restrictions • Covers limited area •R  equires direct access to inspection area • Cost control is based on access and production rate •R  adiation hazards • Imaging plate care required •C  lose-proximity piping runs and pipe geometry can restrict inspection •P  roduction slower in close-spaced piping • Inspection unit is cumbersome in tight spaces •Q  ualitative screening •R  equires secondary method for verification of anomalies •G  eometry can restrict inspection Radiography film Conventional X-ray technology where radiation passes through material and creates image on film Radiography CR (computed radiography) X-ray images are digitized and displayed on computer • Qualitative and quantitative results possible • Thickness measurements are possible • Can identify conditions of both outer diameter and inner diameter •Q  ualitative and quantitative results possible • Accurate measurements possible • Can identify conditions of both outer diameter and inner diameter •N  o insulation removal required • Software image enhancement possible Electronic media for easy archiving • Identifies outer surface conditions • Allows fast (immediate) results • • No insulation removal required • No radiation hazards • Rapid inspection of long lengths of pipe are possible (1.500 ft/d) 100% volumetric coverage • Limited insulation removal for inspection • Accurate location of pipe features and • corrosion • Semi-qualitative analysis of wall loss Temperature range to 550°F • Most cost-effective method for very long • lengths of pipe Fast • • No insulation removal required Easily deployed • • High-temperature capability • Non-contact method • Qualitative data Initial screening for wet insulation before • employing other CUI methods Fast • •N  o insulation removal required Realtime (RT) radiography Low-power X-ray. a comprehensive CUI program should consist of at least the following aspects: • Prevention of CUI • Early detection • Mitigation •  Mechanical-integrity preventative maintenance programs designed to continually address the hazards of CUI The process for addressing CUI within the comprehensive facilityspecific program should consist of at least these three phases: •  Determining what equipment is in the program •  Performing a field walkdown of the vessels and piping identified in the first phase •  Performing effective and efficient inspection and testing of the equipment and piping For each phase of the CUI program. in diameter is not possible Only useful for wet insulation. repairs and documentation.cOM MARcH 2014 .TABLE 1. this article includes a decision tree that is designed to assist engineers and managers to systematically approach CUI assessments. This information may come from plant engineering files and operational history. In general. does not • detect dry insulation that has been wet •S  creening tool only •N  o data on actual pipe condition detection and mitigation.or isotopebased digital fluoroscopy equipment that provides view of outer diameter of pipe Guided wave inspection Uses low-frequency ultrasonic waves to detect general corrosion and wall loss Pulsed eddy current (PEC) Electric current is introduced.cHE. which are detected by receiver coils Hydrotector Determines moisture content in insulation by measuring neutron scatter by hydrogen atoms in the water •C  lose-proximity piping can limit access •I nspection of piping less than 3 in. The team should evaluate and consider the operating temperatures and material of construction of each of the pieces of equipment to make the determination. it is good practice to prioritize those equipment items by performing a risk assessment to determine where the higher-conse41 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. The initial Phase 1 determination of what equipment is to be included in the CUI program generally consists of a team assessment of the Phase I process vessels and piping to determine what is susceptible to CUI. After the team has determined what equipment will be included in the program. The decision trees can be found in Figures 1–4. NOn-DEStRUCtIVE EXAMInAtIOn (NDE) MEtHODS FOR DEtERMInInG tHE PRESEnCE OF CUI: ADVAntAGES AnD DISADVAntAGES Method Visual inspection of pipes and equipment Advantages • Qualitative inspection • Immediate validation of results Disadvantages • Requires stripping of all insulation •E  xtensive staging or scaffolding may be required • Slow •E  xpensive where hazardous materials are present • Potential to miss critical locations • Longer exposure times • Accuracies are ±10% • Film processing is required. In the field-walkdown stage of the CUI program. The team’s initial assessment should pay particular attention to the following equipment and piping susceptible to CUI: Areas exposed to mist over-spray •  from cooling water towers •  Areas subjected to process spills.cHE. vents and so on •  Pipe hangers and other supports • Vibrating piping systems •  Steam-traced piping systems that may experience tracing leaks Initiate visual inspection of applicable assets – Field walkdown NO Perform engineering assessment to defer inspection Are there any areas with damaged insulation YES Document areas on asset ISO drawing. Document finding Mark ISO drawing with location inspected. and a member knowledgeable about the CUI damage mechanism. Determining. Rope access has made a tremendous contribution to the inspection and testing field. A logic decision tree can be very helpful (Figure 1). for example. The team must always fully understand the operating process and include those vessels that are frequently idle. as well as at least one member knowledgeable in the process temperatures at which the equipment operates. accessibility issues associated with each piece of equipment and 42 Is evidence of corrosion present? (cracks or thinning) YES NO Does paint meet plant criteria? Inspection decision Inspector to decide between: a. the need for more extensive testing can be determined and possible recommendations for repair can be developed piping can also be analyzed. d. update asset files Follow up re-insulation and close work order Excecute inspection plan Follow up on NDE findings and make necessary repairs Perform engineering fitness for service when required Document corrective action Remove insulation at suspect locations Follow-up re-insulation of asset and close work order Inspector performs visual asset inspection at exposed locations NO YES Update ISO and follow closure of work order and document YES Phase 2 Phase 2 consists of a field walkdown by qualified subject-matter experts (SMEs). Establish inspection methodology to be utilized Inspection methodology selection YES Implement inspection plan NO Determine recommended inspection plan methodology FIGURE 2. ingress of moisture or acid vapors •  Dead-legs and attachments. Table 1 shows a brief analysis of NDE methods that can be used to determine the presence of CUI. Inspectors are able to perform any NDE method from ropes. additional insulation removal. b. b.cOM MARcH 2014 . Perform moisture detection to isolate suspect areas Document areas on asset ISO drawing that are suspect for CUI. c.Phase 2 Initial Field Visit Cover Story quence events would occur if there was a loss of containment. c options FIGURE 3. In addition the team should include a member who is familiar with the inspection history of the vessels and piping within the program. The SMEs can also determine the most efficient and effective method for performing the inspection and tests. During the Phase 2 field assessment. where scaffolding must be utilized or where rope access is needed can be of significant value. thus reducing the need for scaffolding and greatly reducing the cost of inspections. The analysis team should use a formalized approach to the determination. advanced NDE. When the field inspection plan is carried out. drains. that is. engineering assessment. subjectmatter experts inspect equipment to determine which method(s) will be most effective to evaluating whether and how CUI is affecting each equipment item Phase 3 Field Inspection Field work and follow up inspection Recommend paint and re-insulate asset Document recommendation Inspection complete. There must be anchor points avail- CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. combination of a. These experts determine what non-destructive examination (NDE) methodology is best suited for discovering whether and how CUI may be affecting each vessel and piping system. even if they operate in a temperature range not usually noted for susceptibility to CUI. The team should be composed of at least one member who is familiar with the materials of construction of the vessels and piping being evaluated. Effective and economical inspection and testing methodologies should be utilized as part of the CUI detection program. an ISA 84 Fundamentals Specialist and a certified safety professional. and additional inspection and testing needs can be quickly determined. advanced NDE b. and piping inspection. the decision will be made on Phase 3 Author Russ Davis is the National Asset Integrity Management Services (AIMS) manager in the services division of the Mistras Group Inc. petroleum refineries.cOM MARcH 2014 43 . are undertaken able for the rope access team to use for anchoring their ropes. He is also experienced in equipment failure analysis. engineering analysis d. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. Phone: 281-4781636. If there are no additional findings. It is not economical or feasible to expect that the inspection and testing will cover 100% of the equipment and piping susceptible to CUI. He has developed and directed mechanical integrity (MI) programs for a global chemical company. then follow-up inspection will be required in accordance with this process. b. LaPorte. as well as external consultant for the implementation of MI programs. then spot repairs will be completed and inspection results documented in the asset inspection files. all suspect and damaged insulation locations. probably involving advanced non-destructive testing methods. Inspection and testing findings can be evaluated. Davis has an extensive background in process safety management. c options If stainless-steel asset. Email: Russ. the risk of operations is reduced significantly and the equipment and plant reliability is decision Inspector to determine: a. His experience includes pressure vessels. 20% of asset area/length Is wall loss greater than corrosion allowance? NO YES Is asset suitable for advanced ANDE? YES NO the most effective and economical method for follow-up inspections. By addressing CUI effectively. The field assessment can determine where rope access would be effective and which NDE method will yield the most significant data at the right cost level. Figure 2 is an example of the logic flow the field team can follow to determine the most effective inspection and test methodology. (4000 Underwood Road. CUI must be addressed in a systematic or programmatic approach. testing and evaluation. If corrosion is observed at suspect CUI locations. In many cases. The advantages and disadvantages of ANDE methods are also discussed in Table 1. midstream terminals and just about all oil-and-gas operating facilities. A safely and reliably operating facility is the product of a proactive CUI program. The program must be fully defined and staffed with qualified personnel. Davis has spent over 26 years in mechanical-integrity program development and implementation. b. combination of a. If there are additional findings. Davis has served as an MI consultant. CUI is a serious hazard affecting the safety and reliability of chemical plants. and materials of construction for equipment in the petroleum refining. damage mechanisms. aboveground storage tanks. especially if it is not fully necessary. including hazard assessment and consequence evaluation. perform localized penetrant-test exam NO Carbon steel asset with corrosion scale or pits YES SCC crack present YES Perform additional inspections Document and close NO Does the piping cross waterway? Is the piping a class 1 or class 2 circuit? Is the calculated riskbased inspection consequence A or B? Strip the larger of: a. Once these areas are identified. lifecycle analysis and failure frequencies. insulation removal c. Recommendations can then be developed to address those issues that were identified in the previous phase. more in-depth assessments. He has a solid working knowledge of NDE. the most economical method could be an ANDE method. The field walkdown team should pay particular attention to: The bottom of horizontal lines •  in piping systems susceptible to CUI •  Any break in the vapor retarder on cold lines •  Damaged or missing insulation jacketing •  Location where inspection plugs have been removed •  Piping systems with deteriorated coatings or wrappings •  Termination of insulation at flanges and other piping components Phase 3 of the program should consist of the most effective and efficient methods of testing and inspection for the detection of CUI. It is costly to remove and replace insulation. FIGURE 4. Figure 4 is a logic flow for determining whether or not follow-up inspections should be performed. ■ Edited by Scott Jenkins Summary remarks YES Inspect 100% of carbon steel asset with ANDE Perform ANDE Note 1: 1.cHE. chemical and energy industries. Figure 3 is an example of a logic flow for Phase 3 that the testing and inspection team can use during the screening part of the implementation phase. Screening inspections and testing will be conducted to identify suspect areas. TX 77571. Vessel and piping repair plans can be developed and next inspection dates set.Davis@ mistrasgroup. as well as if advanced non-destructive evaluation (ANDE) methods should be used in lieu of insulation stripping. Davis is an API-certified inspector. To best address the problem. The concerns associated with mass transfer at huge scales also influence the type and size of pilot.7 50 11 55 9 60 8 Volume.8 110 49 28 11. This article examines the issues that arise with mass and momentum transfer at huge scales.3 101. A representative volume element of the fermenter is depicted in this sketch. A hypothetical process Outlining a hypothetical fermentation process. ft Number of fermenters required Harvest interval.cOM MARcH 2014 .5 45. November 2013. h Number of seed trains 10 15 63 20 25 45 2. Eng.1 57. Chem.02 •  The maximum fill of the fermenter is 80% •  The maximum fermenter straightside height is 60 ft •  The oxygen uptake rate is 100 mmole/L/h CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.3 17.015 284 126 71 0. where V is volume and F is the gas flowrate H TABLE 1. Lightnin ow big can a fermenter get? And what would the biggest fermenter look like? The answers to these questions depend upon how the requirements of heat transfer.5               8.000 ton/yr of product Assumptions: •  The final fermenter broth is 5% w/w product after 100 hours of incubation time •  Use 10% inoculum •  Seed stages incubate for 36 h with a 12-h turnaround time •  The fermenter specific gravity is equal to 1. gal w/v S-4 Seed.5 40 18 7.3 15. Many useful chemicals can be produced by microbes that require oxygen to grow. That is why maximum oxygentransfer rate is a key to a successful fermenter design.9 6 5. such as the following one.Feature Report Mass Transfer in Fermentation Scaleup Representative volume element inside fermenter As fermenters are scaled up to huge sizes. pp.5 10. which drives the need for external heat exchangers.5 85.6/Fbubble Vliquid = Vtotal –Vgas FIGURE 1.2 bles into the liquid medium where the microbes live.5 45 14 8.4 1.3 17.cHE. In an earlier article (Heat Transfer for Huge-Scale Fermentation.and demonstration-plant facilities that are used in scaleup. NUMBER OF FERMEntERS REQUIRED FOR A GIVEn DIAMEtER Fermenter diameter.7 18 1.6 25.6 25.5 45. mass transfer is a key consideration Jim Gregory and Bob Green Fluor Nicolle Courtemanche and Richard Kehn SPX Flow Technology.6 1.015 11.5 85. 44–46) the authors described how heat-transfer requirements can cause jackets to become ineffective at large scale.8 30 32 3.5 35 23 5. gives a sense of the need for huge fermenters: Objective: Make 100.1.2 Required seed fermenters S-1 Seed. gal w/v 28     63     113 176 254 345 451 571 705 853 1. Often the rate of oxygen transfer is the limiting factor in the whole manufacturing process.0 4 8.5 S-2 Seed. gal w/v S-5 Seed.1 70.1 70.3 11. mass transfer (gasto-liquid).000 gal w/v 0.1 57.0 13.3 0.000 gal w/v 2.8 6.4 34. 1.0 7 4.4 34. An aerobic fermenter is used to grow these microbes and create the right conditions for them to produce these chemicals.5 4 10.1.9 13 2.1 S-3 Seed.0 1. and momentum transfer (mixing) are met.8 5 7.000 gal w/v 28 113 176 254 345 451 571 705 853 1..3 101. This type of fermenter is essentially a mass transfer device that promotes the transfer of oxygen from gas bub44 1 meter Fgas 1 cm 1 m er et Vtotal = 10L Vgas = 0.4 9 3. This configuration of a combined radialproduction fermenter reand axial-impeller system is typical to provide mixing in an aerobic fermenter quires a series of smaller fermenters to produce a •  The fermenter turnaround time sufficient volume of inoculum.600 elements = 3. It is hard creases the availability of air in to believe this would be an economi.000. Assume that the oxygen uptake rate is 100 mmol O2/ L/h throughout the fermenter.6 meters per second (m/s). so the top of the fermenter suffers from diminishing returns.300 transfer.540. troduced at the bottom.transfer driving force.000 L/m3)(0.” an annual overhaul.600 cm = 36 m = 118 ft It makes no sense to scale this process up to a height of above 36 m because the oxygen is completely depleted from the sparge air at that height.070 gal/min  4. sanitize.000 gallons The effect of tank height of net tank capacity? Table 1 offers One of the primary constraints assome options for the number of fer.6 m/s. and the resistance to oxyyield) = 105. the void fraction.00023 mol O2/s per volume element The number of volume elements 5.the fermenter.83 mol/s)/ (0.1 m3/s)(1.000 L/m3)(1 – 0. because the oxygen transfer driving force falls along with the oxygen concentration. The maximum fermenter height can be calculated as follows:  1.000 ton/yr)/(95% face area across which the oxygen flows.where OTR is the oxygen transfer tion = (4.3 L)]/[(1.3 m/s results in a fermenter that is 50% liquid and 50% air bubbles. The inventory of air cal plant design.83 mol O2/s 2. For a very large fermenter with there would be eight of them and water-like fermentation broth. Fermenter volumetric produc.000 mmol/mol)(3.6 m/s) = 0.300 gal/h)(125 h/fermenter fer rate can be increased by increasing kL. Oxygen supplied to the bottom square meter column element = [(0. and C gal/h = 1. a.000 ton/yr)(2.000-L tank and so on. which would grow to inoculate a 1.02)] = 494. The efquire 284 fermenters and 110 “seed fect is that increasing airflow intrains” (see next section). and the bubble rise velocity for this system is 0. the four seed trains.200 million lb broth/yr)/ rate in mmol/h.05 ton product/ton broth) = OTR = kL × a(Cbubble–Cliquid) (1) 4. Consider a representative volume element of the fermenter that is one meter per side and one centimeter tall as in Figure 1.1 m3/s per square meter of horizontal surface).1 m/s (0. In the above calculation it has been assumed that there is neg45 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.600 s/h) = 0. In this way. a is the surface area of oxygen transfer in square feet.  The void fraction in a representative volume element = (0.01m)(1.  in column of liquid = 0. discould be 60 ft in diameter. the seed fermenters operate in sefill and inoculate) ries. which would grow enough to inoculate a 10-L vessel.000.  The liquid volume in a representative volume element = (1m)(1m) (0.000 gal/d = 64.000 lb/ton)]/ (0.1 m/s)/ (0. The average oxygen concentration in the gas phase goes down with increasing height.being blown into the tank. Fermenter production require. Fermenter broth required = gen transfer: [(105. Since is 25 h (to harvest.  Oxygen consumed by each volume element =[(100 mmol O2/L/h)(8.sociated with mass transfer in fermenters required versus fermenter menters is that bubbles rise only so size. using the assumption that the fast.000 gal How many fermenters would be needed to offer 8.000.000 (reciprocal of resistance) to oxygen gal/yr = 1.000 lb broth/yr  3.000 ton/yr  2. Total fermenter capacity the oxygen concentration. or the change in C. but that size would re. Actually.cOM MARcH 2014 . the surment = (100.200.209 mol O2/mol air)]/(24.17 3.00023 mol O2/s/volume element) = 3. the oxygen concentration would never drop to zero.34 lb/gal)(1. kL = conductance [(8.” which consists of viable microbes of the desired type. That is not a very productive fermenter. As the gas bubbles rise.17) = 8. cycle) = 8. then places product. they are often referred to as a •  Planned down time is 30 days for “seed train. clean. plus 15 days Oxygen transfer of contingency A fermenter’s oxygen transfer rate •  The downstream yield is 95% (OTR) is a function of the oxygen Calculations:  1. the bubbles Ten-foot-diameter fermenters are will rise at a rate dependent on the known to be capable of production bubble size and the liquid density rates of 100 mmole/L/h and are and viscosity. a FIGURE 2.SPX Seed trains: A fermentation process typically involves inoculating a batch of sterile growth media with a “seed. not on the rate of air economical. No matter how much air is infermenter height is limited to 60 ft. the superficial gas rate is 0.cHE. That means that a superficial air velocity of 0. If the fermenters at any time. A 1-mL vial could inoculate a 100-mL flask. This means that the oxygen transquirement (working volume) = (64.3 L 4.000. average-sized air bubbles could rise at a rate of about 0. oxygen is transferred from the air to the liquid.5 L/mol air at 25°C) = 0.  Liquid-level-to-tank-height ratio. as should the type of gas and sparge system. In addition. the heat transfer coefficients (U). Use a torque sensor to record mixer horsepower while the test is running 13. Pilot-scale testing Demonstration scale Scaleup is about business risk. however. An increase in gas flowrate will also increase the agitator size. gas dispersion and blending.  ❏ evaluation for heat transfer. A 20-gal tank can be used to evaluate blending and impeller placement 2. However. When considering pilot scale work. The tank geometry ratios.  The gas and sparging system should be similar (the same would be better) as the one to be used on full scale 6. if the mixer has produced a well-dispersed system Acid/base indicator or conductivity probes can be used for qualitative blend-time 16.  Use a tachometer to measure the operating speed of the shaft and impeller 12.  Different styles and diameter of impellers should be tested. sometimes significantly. a tank with a minimum volume of 750 gal.  will increase the liquid level. diameter(s) and power levels are required for the agitator to successfully perform. The lower impeller should be located at a specific distance above the sparger and that ratio should remain unchanged between scales. Traditional laboratory-scale testing is performed at a minimum volume range between 20 to 250 gal. the nutrients that are added to the vessel. or a fluid with very similar properties. if possible. Make sure the sparge location is under the main gas-dispersing impeller 7. and tank geometry should be similar to full scale 3.  Test the fluid with the organism. In the case of mass transfer. the heat transfer and the pH will not be uniform. The hold-up 15. This presents an interesting optimization problem.  sparger Make sure the tank will be tall enough to account for the gas hold-up. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. use water. An intermediate-scale demonstration plant might be required to prove that scaleup considerations are well understood. baffle and coil arrangement and gas-sparging system.  The minimum volume should be 250 gal (950 L) for scalable mass-transfer testing. and to move oxygendeleted liquid that is near the top to flow downward. the increasing airflow will decrease the liquid volume in the tank. it is important to determine what elements of the design involve performance uncertainty. which increases the bubble surface area and thereby increases kL×a. The information studied on the pilot scale for a fermenter must include the following: mass transfer. Proper experiment set-up and execution will make sure repeatable results are achieved on the full scale.GUIDELINES FOR PILOT PLANT TESTINg Feature Report ligible axial mixing of the liquid. In order to evaluate the risk involved. The specific parameters that must be examined are: tank geometry. All of these are undesirable results. the organisms will die. the organisms in the fermenter will die because there is not enough power available to force the liquid/gas boundary layer transfer to take place. If the gas dispersion requirements are not met. the more the impellers will have to disperse. Pilot testing is required. Include the ability to adjust location of the impellers 10. and the temperature driving forces (∆T) are all known. as shown in Figure 3B. the mass transfer conductance used in Equation (1) is not well known for fermenters above about 100. Pilot work is critical for any new process. pilot work is required to understand how the organism will behave under specific process conditions. Thanks to the use of external heat exchangers. The more air there is. the design factors are already well understood and predictable. All three are of equal importance. The fermenter should not be designed as tall as 36 m. If the tank is not well blended.  Use a rotameter with capabilities to fluctuate the gas flowrate over a range (use at least four different flowrates) 8. the improvement in the oxygen transfer rate near the bottom of the fermenter causes the oxygen in the gas to run out sooner. × 8-ft tank should be considered. The information gleaned from the pilot work is used to successfully model the full-scale operation. or a 4-ft-dia. because of the very poor oxygen transfer in the upper part of the fermenter at such heights. so that heat (Q) can be calculated: Q = (U)(A)(∆Tlog mean) 46 (2) The above analysis shows that. not tall. huge fermenters need to grow fat. with more airflow the oxygen concentration depletes more slowly. Thus. thereby increasing the overall oxygen-transfer driving force. If not.  Dissolved oxygen probe locations should be at the top and the bottom of the tank. Pilot plant work will determine what impeller style(s). Baffles and heating coils on pilot scale should be similar to full-scale tank 4.cHE.  One flowrate should be the same vessel volumes per minute as the full scale ­ — achieving the same superficial gas velocity will be difficult 9. The organism will not survive in this environment. Variable-speed drive should be used to alter speed to test four different power levels 11. and baffle and coil arrangements should be similar between full scale and pilot scale. the effective heat-transfer area (A). However.000 gallons. What is the optimum air flowrate? 1.cOM MARcH 2014 . Keep them away from baffles and any other dead spots Take note of how important the location of the lower impeller is in relation to the 14. For fermentation applications. If the mass transfer requirements are not met. The liquid-levelto-tank-diameter ratio should be constant in scaleup. knowing the oxygen transfer rate results will be different 5. This movement increases the oxygen-transfer driving force near the bottom of the fermenter. and the higher the mixer motor power will be. since the bubbles rise only so fast. the air is not properly distributed throughout the vessel and again. Pilot testing should be done with the exact process fluid to be used on the full scale. and thus present a low risk to the project. This type of mixing in an actual fermenter (Figure 2) would serve to move dissolved oxygen that is near the bottom to upper levels where it is needed. High gas flowrates to the fermenter increase the number of bubbles. degree in mechanical engineering with a concentration in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) from Rochester Institute of Technology. pharmaceuticals and other chemical process industries. Care must also be taken to provide adequate mixing and mass transfer in very wide fermenter designs. NY 14611. Dissolved oxygen (DO) probes should be located at the top and bottom of the fermentation tank.R. The oxygen transfer rates and the amount of dissolved oxygen in the liquid are strongly affected by mixing in a fermenter A. same address as left. Nicolle holds a B. biotech. especially during pilot testing. Elevation as ph SP FIT 1 G id e Liquid phase ph as e as e CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. Agitation is a big expense. then the dissolved oxygen is uniform throughout the fermenter.Ch. because of the higher mass-transfer driving force that results.cOM MARcH 2014 47 . When mass-transfer effects are greater than axial mixing effects.9 Oxygen concentration ph as C* – C 0. (VVM is a unit of gas flowrate widely used in the fermentation industry. Green has experience in the design and startup of microbiological processes. Here. Green (Bob) is director of design development at Fluor Corp. Greenville.cHE. Final thoughts When designing very large fermenters. a microbe that does not require oxygen to produce product has a clear economic advantage by reducing agitation costs.S. A few different styles and different diameters should be available to test. com). While at the pilot scale. the oxygen transfer rate is uniform and the dissolved oxygen varies with fermenter height B. care must be taken to avoid designs that are so tall that the upper portion of the fermenter is ineffective. in mechanical engineering from North Carolina State and an M. so large demonstration-scale testing is beneficial. scaleup ratios are smaller. biofuels and biochemicals. a segment of SPX that designs. four different gas flowrates should be examined. A tachometer that can accurately measure the lower shaft speed is required. The impellers should be He has experience in the design and operation of industrial microbiological processes ranging from human-cell-line monoclonal antibodies to diesel slurry-tank-agitator design and CFD. copper solvent extraction. Nicolle Courtemanche is a senior application engineer at SPX Flow Technology (Lightnin brand. in biochemical engineering from Rutgers University. Richard Kehn is manager of Research and Development at SPX Flow Technology (Lightnin brand. a larger test volume would be recommended. from the University of New Hampshire. Using a microbe that can tolerate low or zero dissolved oxygen is highly advantageous.courtemanche@spx. water and wastewater treatment. Email: jim.Sc. and mass-transfer rates are higher at the bottom where oxygen is introduced For the 1-million-gal scale. Reading power using an ampere or watt meter is not recommended. A rotameter with capabilities of adjusting the gas flowrate over a specific range is also required. (same address as left. Many of these points are summarized in the box on Guidelines For Pilot Plant Testing on p. Since unusual tank geometry is required for very large fermenters. Authors Jim Gregory is a process engineer at Fluor Corp.S.E. One gas flowrate should be the same vessel volumes per minute (VVM) as the full-scale. com). Kehn has been the author or coauthor of ten technical papers regarding mixing. com). pulp and paper. blend. When axial mixing is sufficient to make mass-transfer limiting. and experimental methods including scaleup and scale-down. At a 12-ft-dia.Vent C* – C oxygen transfer driving force Elevation MXR-51 Compressed air Ga s FCV 1 Li qu 20. ■ Edited by Dorothy Lozowski C. amino acids. the minimum would be 10. bacteria. in addition to air and gas filtration and dehydration. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is pursuing an M.E. in biophysics and a B. Her areas of mixing expertise include.S. vessels. so that their positions on the shaft can be changed while running different experiments.Ch. His areas of mixing expertise include mineral processing. Email: bob. A torque sensor affixed to the shaft that records data while the test is running is a necessity. [email protected]. the style and diameter of impeller(s) should be reviewed for optimum performance.. from the University of Connecticut.S. Kehn holds a B. manufactures and installs engineered solutions used to process. pulp and paper. Email: nicolle. in mechanical engineering from the University of South Carolina. Email: richard. covering low-viscosity blending. Also. and an M.9 Oxygen concentration 0. It is also necessary to study the gas hold-up volume on the smaller scale to make sure the full-scale vessel will be tall enough to account for the increase in gas liquid volume.0 FIGURE 3.A. The probes must be kept away from baffles or other potential low velocity or dead areas within the vessel. Read Blvd.0 20. 135 Mt. (100 Fluor Daniel Dr. He holds a B. SC 29607-2762. solids suspension.E. He is a registered professional engineer in six states. including human-cell-line monoclonal antibodies. He holds a B.kehn@spx. Rochester.E. meter and transport fluids.Ch.) It will be difficult to achieve the same superficial gas velocities at full and pilot scales. Rather than cover the broad and varied manufacturing categories and subject matter encompassed by the use of Form 483. Form 483 is used by the FDA as a first step in correcting a productrelated deficiency within a facility. or are to be under- 48 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. anything affecting the drug or food product directly or indirectly in an adverse manner is within the purview of the FDA inspectors. failure to correct these violations may result in FDA refusing admission of articles manufactured at ABC Drug Co. Huitt W.400 1. productcontact material of construction. The letter will finish by giving the respondent “fifteen working days” to respond with a clear and concise description as to what steps have been taken.000 1. This is not a requirement. the warning letter will include a cease-and-desist order.Feature Report Engineering Practice FDA Form 483: Minimizing FDA Inspection Citations One of the paramount issues related to FDA regulated products is that of documentation and record keeping related to manufacturing W. Deficiencies can be related to computer programming. or should the response be considered insufficient or inadequate to correct the deficiency. into the United States. M.980 738 470 228 817 646 224 2010 Biologics FIGURE 1. the company will have fifteen working days in which to respond. material handling.. as mentioned earlier. they can be wide-ranging in their impact and implication — from a housekeeping issue to product adulteration. you will. FDA may withhold approval of any new applications or supplements listing your firm as a drug product manufacturer.873 1. The notification As a first-step notification to facility management. on why the response was inadequate and what was required to rectify the issue. 2012. Keeping in mind that the majority of discrepancies will typically be subjective in nature. this discussion focuses more pointedly at those facilities that fall within the characterization of being included as a part of the chemical process industries (CPI). food processing has by far received the most Form 483 notifications throughtout the five-year period plotted here (see also Tables 1 and 2) Number of notifications 2008 Years Devices 2009 Drugs A s an owner or manager of a company whose product is regulated by the U. If discrepancies are found during such an inspection.000 500 0 865 628 295 2006 Foods 818 559 252 2007 725 216 550 2.cHE. and on and on.500 2. The warning letter would first state the issue or issues reiterating the Form 483 infraction(s). Form 483 is the FDA’s way of identifying and forewarning a company that certain aspects of its manufacturing process are not compliant with FDA regulations. documentation.” The letter would then go on to elaborate. Upon receipt of a Form 483 notification. procedural issues. similar to what follows: “Until all corrections have been completed and FDA has confirmed corrections of the violations and your firm’s compliance with cGMP. at some point. In many cases.cOM MARcH 2014 . Should a company not respond within that fifteen-day window. that could affect the consistent and acceptable quality of the product is fair game. Huitt Co. fol- lowed by a statement such as: “We have reviewed your firm’s response of December 12. In addition. And once an inspection is underway in your facility. in significant detail. one or more Form 483 Inspectional Observation Forms will be submitted to company management addressing each discrepancy.” Note: The above company name and address is fictitious and is not intended to apply to any company in particular.500 1. and note that it lacks sufficient corrective actions. but is simply an expectation. These will come at the conclusion of the inspection process. City. 3. M. should its directive go unresolved or ignored. and each discrepancy will be discussed and explained. Anything. the second shoe would fall in the form of a warning letter being issued. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Of the four categories shown here.496 2.S.773 1. be subjected to an FDA inspection. Country.000 2. located at 1234 Street. Figure 1 represents a portion of those statistics.170 Year 2008 4. making broad statements in the CFR a necessity.747 5.507 16. the food processing category far and away seems prone to attract the most FDA citations. Equipment used in the manufacture.804 6. Another example of a vague requirement is in Section 211.  The criteria that the inspector must base their field analysis on is relative by nature and is subject to a subset of nuances that would be impossible to capture in words.122 5. processing.826 14.318 2007 4.63 Equipment design. intentionally vague. which is reflected in the data used for Table 1 and Figure 1.079 4.525 TABLE 2. its law enforcement counterpart Title 21 Chapter IX of the U. 2010. in part: “211. While the majority of Form 483s are generated through the electronic TurboEIR (Turbo Establishment Inspection Report) form reporting system. 2. which by necessity is writ black and white.241 Form 483s being recorded. It would be impossible to write detailed requirements that would apply to all manufacturing without constraining or interfering with development and inhibiting new concepts. and location.67 Equipment cleaning and maintenance. there are some instances in which these forms are filled out manually and are therefore not represented in these statistics. taken to correct the listed deficiencies. in many cases. and suitably located to facilitate operations for its intended use and for its cleaning and maintenance.cHE. Instead. in Title 21 Chapter I Subchapter C Part 211 Subpart D. TurboEIR-generated 483s are categorized in the following manner: • Biologics • Drugs • Devices Human tissue for transplantation •  • Radiological health • Parts 1240 & 1250 •  Foods (includes dietary supplements) • Veterinary medicine Form 483 statistics • Bioresearch monitoring • Incidental text • Special requirements Table 2 reflects. are guided by three resources: The regulations set forth under Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). ObSeRVatIoNS FRoM FDA INSPeCtS — NUMbeR oF FoRM 483s ISSUed bY YeaR 483 Totals Sum product area 483s from system1 Actual total of 483s in system2 Total 483s for fiscal year3 Total number of inspections/year 2010 5.306 17.S. and.242 FDA inspections encompassing eleven manufacturing categories. As readily seen.cOM MARcH 2014 . strength.  This table does not represent the complete set of Form 483s issued during the fiscal year as some 483s were manually prepared and not available in this format. These inspections resulted in 27.695 17. or purity of the drug product beyond the official or other established requirements.635 2009 4. the FDA is leaving the design and procedural elements to industry. but to also understand the nuances and implications of the unwritten variants within the many complex guidelines and laws the manufacturer is obliged to follow under CFR Title 21.635 30% NOTES: 1. This is due in large measure to two basic facts: Much of manufacturing is propri1.306 4. The sum of Form 483s for all product areas will be greater than the actual total Form 483s issued during the fiscal year since a Form 483 may include citations related to multiple product areas.63.630 4. there were a total of 78. the FDA cannot possibly know the specific needs of its cleaning requirements.67 where it states.  This is the actual total number of Form 483s issued from this system. 3.594 2006 5. 2009 through September 30. or holding of a drug product shall be of appropriate design. which states the following: “211.805 4. and counted more than once. quality. and that are represented in this Table. or its location within a facility or its approximation to other equipment.496 817 646 303 282 232 224 169 111 16 10 5. FDA inspection and enforcement falls under the responsibility of the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA).764 14.” In stating such a vague requirement. the number of Form 483s issued from the TurboEIR system in descending quantity by category from October 1.383 4.” The FDA cannot regulate the design of equipment. as appropriate for the nature of the drug. and their FDA training guidelines. One of the difficulties lies in the fact that many regulations governing the manufacture of food. Interpreting FDA regulations The FDA inspectors.307 3. Without knowing a particular process. under each relevant product center. size. with four of the higher-ranking manufacturing categories providing a comparison between the four being represented. packing. Should those fifteen working days be exceeded with no effort at a response from the notified company. FoRM 483s ISSUed 10/1/2009 THRoUGH 9/30/2010 Category Foods Devices Drugs Incidental text Bioresearch monitoring Veterinary medicine Biologics Parts 1240 & 1250 Human tissue for transplantation Radiological health Special requirements Total Total number of inspections same period % Inspection having 483s Quantity issued 2. in the five-year period from 2006 through 2010. maintained. Equipment and utensils shall be cleaned. what is available for the engineer 49 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.449 15. drugs and cosmetics are. identity. Referring to Table 1. by category. not only the rule of law under the USC. sanitized and/or sterilized at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety. Training for FDA inspectors plays a big role in how they perceive. the size of equipment.TABLE 1. adequate size. working through the ORA.  This is the count of the total number of Form 483s issued in and out of the system during a oneyear period.  etary and specialized. you will find such vague requirements as in Section 211. This is why. Code (USC). 2.612 4. then any penalizing action described in the warning letter will go into effect. These sanitary issues include such incidents as rodent and insect infestations. The ease of access to appropriate documentation. but it shows due diligence on behalf of the company. This is an example of subjective calls made by the inspector regarding conditions that cannot be defined in simple blackand-white terms. whether it is food or drug products. whether food or drug products.5 Current good manufacturing practice.000 cited incidents concerning documentation including the following: ❍ Written procedures were nonexistent ❍ Written procedures were not followed ❍ No written record of investigations exists ❍ No cleaning and maintenance records exist ❍ No periodic review of procedures were conducted ❍ No written sanitation procedures exist ❍ And other incidents related to documentation Documentation One of the paramount issues related to FDA-regulated products. and documentation are not only proof to the FDA inspectors that well-thought-out operational programs were put in place. The material used to build the systems that manufacture food. maintained and sanitized in an appropriate manner or at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunctions and contamination that could alter the safety. packing or holding of drug products that was not of appropriate design.COM MARCH 2014 . quality or purity of the drug product • In addition to the two different types of incidents above. drug. an outstanding 61% were related to sanitary issues. there were many other incidents that are too numerous to mention here. or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth. Proper design specifications will combine input from the three sources shown here or manufacturer are two sources to help meet FDA compliance. indicating that management takes seriously the safe and controlled manufacture of food. not CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. it will require a Certificate of Compliance (C of C) for batch traceability back to its source of formulation. the greatest number written against it. drugs and cosmetics have been carefully selected and enhanced over the years to prevent contamination of a product through the inadvertent introduction of undesirable particulate matter into the product stream. packed. It includes documentation required to cover traceability of the product-contact material used in constructing process systems. records. Of that 2. let us take a look at what is currently happening in this industry. cleaning. and organization will pay dividends.Engineering Practice Industry standards CFR's FDA training Design specs FIGURE 2. such as tubing or equipment will be in contact with the product. Well written procedures. Such conditions are assessed based in large part upon what is contained in the broad set of parameters described in very general terms in Title 21 Chapter I Subchapter B Part 110 Subpart A Section 110. All maintenance and quality control procedures should be written and followed. cleaning procedures. of adequate size. product storage. but one other does stand out — significantly. devices with 817 infractions. These industries are repeatedly cited on this same issue. is that of documentation and record keeping related to manufacturing. Procedures should be written and followed. or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health…” What occurs in many cases. it will require traceability in the form of a heat number that can be traced back to the mill of origin. drugs and cosmetics. facility design and so on. identity. but for clean-in-place (CIP) and steam/sanitize-in-place (SIP) procedures as well. or suitably located to facilitate operations for its intended use.5 in which it states. The heat number is the tracking number found on the Mill or Material Test Report (MTR). or cosmetic product during production or post-production handling. Over the same time period mentioned above there were in excess of 1. is that the manufacturer or engineer interprets the finer points of an industry law or regulation in one way while the inspector interprets it in another.496 Form 483s issued in 2009. or maintenance • In that same time period. in part: “110. there were 61 cited incidents in which equipment and utensils were not cleaned. by far. strength. The following are cases-in-point: • An issue cited 51 times during the fiscal year 10/1/2009 to 9/30/2010 50 concerned equipment used in the manufacture.CHE. This can occur through the leaching of non-metallic material or the use of poorly passivated stainless steel that could introduce iron oxides into the product stream. the “foods” category has. But before touching on these two very important sources. improper or infrequent cleaning of equipment. with signed and dated log reports verifying the frequency and intervals in which these activities were performed. three times that of the second runner-up. This is all done with the intent to hold originating and modifying parties of a raw or finished product accountable in case the product is determined to be the source cause for adulterating a food. and properly written process descriptions. not only for the process itself. processing. If metallic material. weld logs and material certification documents and more. and other sanitary issues having to do with waste. In referring back to Table 2 you can readily see that with 2. The criteria and definitions in this part shall apply in determining whether a food is adulterated (1) within the meaning of section 402(a)(3) of the act in that the food has been manufactured under such conditions that it is unfit for food. or (2) within the meaning of section 402(a)(4) of the act in that the food has been prepared.496. its thoroughness. If it is non-metallic. www.only for the FDA inspection process. ultrasonic-based intelligent pigging technology combined with LifeQuest™ Fitness-for-Service software. Ensure your piping integrity by identifying degradation before loss of containment occurs. To go further in finding guidance for complying with regulatory CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.QuestIntegrity.74 05 0 · F + 49 (0) 29 6 1 . guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/default. +1 253 893 7070 Bursting Discs and Breather Valves MADE IN GERMANY est Quick nseo Resp Lead and es Tim All rights reserved · © REMBE .com Ensure your piping integrity In today’s operating Circle 36 on p. fda. operations.BDBV2-4C-E • 100% inspection of internal and external pipe surfaces • Inspection results tailored to comply with API-570 and API-574 • LifeQuest Fitnessfor-Service results tailored to comply with API-579 ✸✸✸ ✸✸✸ REMBE® GMBH · SAFETY + CONTROL A TEAM Industrial Services Company Gallbergweg 21 · 59929 Brilon / Germany T + 49 (0) 29 61 . 68 or go to adlinks. with regard to FDA inspectors being trained to understand the nuances and implications of the unwritten variants in the FDA regulations. specific organizations such as 3-A Sanitary Standards. with regard to well controlled manufacturing and processing. There are a set of “Inspection Guides” and “Inspection Technical Guides” used in the FDA inspectors’ training that are available at no cost and can be found at Circle 35 on p. Quest Integrity offers a comprehensive solution for piping circuits using our proprietary. 68 or go to adlinks.htm) and for food-related regulations at (www. and ASME-BPE (American Society of Mechanical default. as it relates to the CPI and the FDA.fda.che. the best way to see what they see and to understand their expectations is by studying their training documents. and manufacturing personnel on the same page with what the inspector’s expectations will be when they step foot inside your facility. provide a great www. Regulatory blind spots Getting back to the two sources for resolving the issue of filling in the blanks left by the vague regulatory requirements in Title 21 Chapter I Subchapter B Parts 110 & 111 (for food) and Subchapter C Parts 210 & 211 (for drugs). however. www. asme.rembe. It is provided in a somewhat easierto-read format.htm). it’s more important than ever that the piping within your Mechanical Integrity Program complies with standards such as API-570 and — Bioprocessing Equipment) (3-A SSI. The following is an appropriate and rather easy way of helping to resolve this issue. ISPE (International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers.cOM MARcH 2014 51 . such as the following: •  Field Management Directives •  IOM: Investigations Operations Manual •  Guide to International Inspections and Travel •  Medical Device GMP Reference Information • QS Regulation/Design Controls There are also reams of guidance documents that can be found for drug-related regulations at ( At this site you will also find access to other guides used by FDA inspectors.5 07 14 sales@rembe. Reading the training and guidance literature and learning what the inspectors are trained to look for in specific cases will put your engineering.ispe.cHE. As mentioned earlier. Much of the information found at these sites is simply taken from what is written in the related CFR documents. www. but also for the company’s bottom line. Inc. you can turn to the ASME-BPE Standard Part SD to find specific detailed information that will assist the engineer in meeting the essential requirements of Section 211. in the case of the earlier mentioned Title 21Chapter I Subchapter C Part 211 Subpart D Section 211. and has a relatively new standards committee for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) equipment. regarding Section 211. In this particular case.cOM MARcH 2014 . Looking to such resources. and answers that help fill the void not expressed or defined in the regulations themselves. non-compendial waters. studied. dairy and beverage products. pump seals. what designs are acceptable with regard to vessels. ISPE offers regulatory-compliant guidelines on water. 3-A SSI provides detailed guidance on the processing.cHE. highly purified water. 68 or go to adlinks. These FDA inspection guidelines With types of water being a common denominator between the vari- Refresh Your Process May 6–8.63.67 “Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance.” more specific details can be found in the ASMEBPE Standard on CIP and SIP system requirements. “… appropriate design. the final results of which are published for industry use. 2014 Donald E.63 where it states.” ASME-BPE Part SD explains. such as the FDA training literature and qualified industry standards mentioned Start the Process.and steam-system design. guidance. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont. will help any engineer or manufacturer through the maze of regulatory compliance and help them to build a better facility in the process. nozzle attachments and so on. and much more. and suitably located to facilitate operations for its intended use and for its cleaning and 52 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. in graphic detail. defined and vetted by the membership of accredited American National Standards Developers. Industry standards In referring back to the previously mentioned requirements stated in Title 21 Chapter I Subchapter C Part 211 Subpart D Section 211. assessments and studies are done by industry experts that invest themselves in the committees that make up the various industry-related standards organizations. assessed. Register today! Circle 34 on p. adequate size. Illinois 27544_CH_PB14 CONNECT WITH OUR COMMUNITY: Follow us on Twitter: @UBMPowderShows PowderShow.Engineering Practice deal of specific insight.che. final treatment technologies and basic system configurations related to the generation process of compendial purified water. This group is referred to as P3-A. such vague regulatory requirements are looked at.63. Or. system maintenance. handling and transport of food. ous FDA-regulated industries, we can use it as an example of how the FDA inspection guides can be utilized by the engineer. For this we will refer to the FDA’s “Guide to Inspections of High-Purity Water Systems”, which can be found at www. This guide includes the following chapters: I. System design II. System validation III. Microbial limits IV. Water for injection systems V. Stills VI. Heat exchangers VII. Holding tank VIII. Pumps IX. Piping X. Reverse osmosis XI. Purified water systems XII.  Process water (numbered as XIII on website) XIII.  Inspection strategy (numbered as XIV on website) An example of what can be learned from an inspection guideline is represented in the following paragraph quoted from Paragraph II “System Validation.” In it, the third paragraph states: “In the review of a validation report, or in the validation of a high-purity water system, there are several aspects that should be considered. Documentation should include a description of the system along with a print. The drawing needs to show all equipment in the system from the water feed to points of use. It should also show all sampling points and their designations. If a system has no print, it is usually considered an objectionable condition. The thinking is if there is no print, then how can the system be validated? How can a quality control manager or microbiologist know where to sample? In those facilities observed without updated prints, serious problems were identified in these systems. The print should be compared to the actual system annually to insure its accuracy, to detect unreported changes and confirm reported changes to the system.” There are seven key take-aways from the “System Validation” para- graph that includes the need for: Preparation of a validation report 1. 2.  Written description of the piping system 3.  A representative isometric drawing of the system 4.  that show all Drawings equipment 5.  Drawings that show identified sampling points 6.  Point of use locations (with identifiers) 7.  A quality management system that should include a process by which there is a requirement to walk down each system on a periodic basis at intervals that do not exceed a twelve month period in order to verify the system’s asinstalled condition Final remarks While there is so much more to be said with regard to the FDA’s Form 483, and the Warning Letter for that matter, an essential point is that the FDA inspection process should not be treated like a thorn in the side. It should instead be treated as if you were working with a third-party inspector, an inspector with a little more force behind his or her decisions. The key factor in all this is arguably the rules of engagement. As long as an owner or engineer understands the rules that the FDA inspector is playing by, an acceptable inspection result is certainly attainable. An acceptable inspection result is considered here to be one in which the inspection report would result in zero Form 483s or even one with a few minor Form 483s. The basic disconnect lies in what the FDA inspector expects to see and how the owner or engineer plans to meet that expectation. In order to meet at that crossroads, the owner or engineer should preemptively develop a set of design and engineering specifications based on what can be gleaned from the three sources mentioned throughout this discussion. This would include, as represented in Figure 2: Proper CFRs, FDA inspector training guides, and industry standards. Looking at the FDA inspector as a third-party inspector, rather than as a law-enforcement official, will help a company understand him or her more as a beneficial asset and less as a hindrance. Unless a company is subversively attempting to circumvent regulations by skipping steps in the regulatory process, or is simply trying to keep cost down at the risk of food or drug adulteration, then an audit, however painful it might seem at the outset, should be looked upon as an incremental, beneficial, and integral part of the design, engineering, construction and commissioning process. From a very fundamental perspective, we should all be designing and building facilities that manufacture product intended for human consumption and cosmetic application in a manner that will produce a product that is inherently safe in a consistent and verifiable manner with an overreaching consideration toward public health. The job of the FDA inspector is to verify that we ■ are doing just that. Edited by Gerald Ondrey References 1. ASME-BPE Standard, 2. International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE), 3. 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-A SSI), Author W. M. (Bill) Huitt has been involved in industrial piping design, engineering and construction since 1965. His positions have included design engineer, piping design instructor, project engineer, project supervisor, piping department supervisor, engineering manager and president of W. M. Huitt Co. (P.O. Box 31154, St. Louis, MO 63131-0154; Phone: 314-966-8919; Email: [email protected]), a piping consulting firm founded in 1987. His experience covers both the engineering and construction fields and crosses industry lines to include petroleum refining, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, pulpand-paper, nuclear power, biofuel and coal gasification. He has written numerous specifications, guidelines, papers and magazine articles on the topic of pipe design and engineering. Huitt is a member of ISPE (International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers), CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). He is a member of the B31.3 committee, a member of three ASME-BPE subcommittees and several Task Groups, ASME Board on Conformity Assessment for BPE Certification where he serves as vice chair, a member of the API (American Petroleum Institute) Task Group for RP-2611, serves on two corporate specification review boards, and was on the Advisory Board for ChemInnovations 2010 and 2011, a multi-industry conference & exposition. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.cHE.cOM MARcH 2014 53 Solids Processing DILUTE-pHAsE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING: Diverter valves Instrumentation and Conveying Velocity Follow these guidelines to design a well-instrumented and controlled system, and to optimize its conveying velocity Amrit Agarwal Consulting Engineer ilute-phase pneumatic conveying systems must be operated in a certain sequence and have sufficient instrumentation and operating controls to assure reliable operation and prevent problems. This article discusses two subjects that are important for successful dilute-phase conveying. Discussed below are design guidelines for instrumentation and controls that can prevent operating problems, such as pipeline plugging, downtime, equipment failure, high power consumption, product contamination and more. The article also provides a simple methodology for finding out if the presently used conveying velocity is too low or two high and for making the required changes in this velocity. The required instrumentation depends on the degree of automation that is necessary, and whether the system is to be controlled locally or remotely. When manual control of the conveying system is used, problems can arise, especially if the operators do not have a thorough understanding of the design and of the required operating method of the conveying system, or if they do not pay close attention to day-to-day operation of the system. For conveying systems — where even a single error can result in a large financial loss — a well-instrumented and automated control system is highly recommended. 54 Air inlet Blower High level Feed bin Low level Rotary valve Receiving bins with bin vent filters Run or position light D FIGURE 1. This figure is a schematic flow diagram of the conveying system with run and position lights to show the operating condition of each component of the system Process logic description Feeding solids into a conveying line that does not have an airflow with sufficiently high conveying velocity will result in plugging of the line. To prevent this, solids must be fed into the conveying line only after the required airflow has been fully established. This requirement is met by allowing the solids feeder to start only after the blower has been running for at least five minutes. To do this, the rotaryvalve motor should be interlocked with the blower motor so that the blower motor has run for five minutes before the rotary-valve motor can start. When the conveying system is running, the rotary-valve motor must stop immediately in the event that the blower motor stops for any reason. If the rotary valve is not stopped, solids feed will continue and will plug the pipeline below the feeder. To remove this plug, the pipeline will need to be opened. This required control option is implemented by interlocking the rotaryvalve motor with the blower motor so that the rotary-valve motor stops when the blower motor stops. Should the conveying system need to be stopped, certain steps must be followed: The first step is to stop the solids feed, after which the blower is allowed to run until the conveying line is empty and the blower discharge pressure has come down to the empty-line pressure drop. Do not stop the blower and the solids feed at the same time. When a conveying cycle has been completed and the solids flow into the conveying line has been stopped, the blower motor must continue to run for at least a few more minutes to ensure that all of the solids that are still inside the conveying line have been conveyed to the destination bin. If these solids are allowed to remain in the conveying line, they may plug the line when the system is restarted. These solids may also cause contamination if a different solid is conveyed in the next cycle. Solids feed must stop immediately if the normal operating pressure of the blower increases by 10% and continues to rise. This is because the pressure increase is most likely due to the conveying line starting to plug. If the ongoing feed stream is not stopped, the pressure will keep increasing, making the plugging situation worse. After stopping the feed, the blower is allowed to run for about five minutes in an effort to flush the plug. If the plug does not flush out and the blower pressure remains high, the blower motor should be stopped. The plug is then removed by tapping the pipeline to find the plug location and opening up the plugged section of the pipeline. Solids feed must also be stopped if the receiving bin or silo becomes full, as indicated by its high-level CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.cHE.cOM MARcH 2014 light and alarm. If the feed is continued, the bin will overfill and the solids will back up into the conveying line, causing pluggage. If a conveying line has diverter valves, the position of the diverter valves must be set up in a “through” mode or in a “divert” mode before starting the blower and the solids feed. If the destination bin or silo is changed for the next conveying cycle, the diverter valves position must be changed before the conveying blower and the rotary valve are started. Graphic control panel. In the central control room, a graphic panel (Figure 1) should be provided to show a schematic diagram of the conveying system, starting from the air supply blower to the receiving bins or silos. This panel should have the following lights: Run lights to indicate the opera•  ing status of the blower motor and the rotary-valve motor •  Position lights to indicate the divert or through position of the diverter valves •  Position lights to indicate the low and high levels in the receiving bin or silos •  Run lights to show the operating status of the bin vent filters/dust collectors Figure 1 shows in one glance how the conveying system has been set up, and the operating status of all components of the system. Monitoring conveying air pressure. Conveying pressure is a key parameter in pneumatic conveying systems. It must be regularly monitored from the control room as well as locally at the blower. For measurement of the conveying pressure, a locally mounted pressure indicator should be provided at the blower discharge. If the blower is located far away from the rotary valve, a second pressure indicator should be provided just upstream of the rotary valve. These two measurements will show the overall pressure being provided by the blower, and the pressure drop in the conveying line. In addition to local pressure indicators, these pressure measurements should also be provided in the control room using pressure transmitters. Digital pressure indicators are better than the analog type, because they can show the pressure much more accurately, up to two decimal points. These pressure measurements should be archived on the computer so that historical data are available if needed in the future. An alarm for high blower-discharge pressure should also be provided in the control room. Monitoring blower discharge air MONITOR VISCOSITY SIMPLY SENSE MIXER MOTOR HORSEPOWER WITH UNIVERSAL POWER CELL EASY INSTALLATION • No holes in tanks or pipes • Away from sensitive processes VERSATILE • One size adjusts to motors, from small up to 150hp • Works on 3 phase, fixed or variable frequency, DC and single phase power SENSITIVE • 10 times more sensitive than just sensing amps CONVENIENT OUTPUTS • For meters, controllers, computers 4-20 milliamps 0-10 volts PROFILING A PROCESS • Power changes reflect viscosity changes • Good batches will fit the normal “profile” for that product POWER DECREASE SHOWS BATCH IS DONE 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 POWER SENSOR DRY MIX HIGH SPEED ADD LIQUID LOW SPEED BEGIN HIGH SPEED MIX MIXER MOTOR BATCH 1 BATCH 2 BATCH 3 CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE 30-DAY TRIAL 888-600-3247 WWW.LOADCONTROLS.COM Circle 22 on p. 68 or go to CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.cHE.cOM MARcH 2014 55 and other coatings to protect infrastructure in high-temperature facilities is becoming more widespread around the world. is provided below: For the blower: •  Local and control room mounted running lights for the blower motor •  Local pressure indicator at the blower discharge Local temperature indicator at •  the blower discharge •  Local temperature indicator at the blower after-cooler discharge. For conveying materials that have high dust loading. This event will provide presentations.cHE. and forum discussions on the following topics: • Corrosion under insulation • Thermal insulation coatings • Thermal spray aluminum • Passive fire protection • Coatings needs for owners Register Today Register by May 16 to Instrumentation checklist SAVE! To register or for more information go to www.and highlevel lights are provided in the graphic panel for the receiving bins. such as 10 to 15 minutes (in an effort to clear the line plug). If this air temperature can affect the conveying characteristics of solids being conveyed. A “run” light for the filter should be provided in the graphic 56 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.and high-pressure drops should be provided in the control room. 2) Allow the blower motor to continue to run for the selected time. it must be monitored closely. Rotary-valve motor interlocks with the blower motor. as described above. An alarm should be provided in the control room to indicate high level in the bins. Bin vent filters/dust collectors. The 2014 Bring on the Heat Conference is focused on providing an informative look into how these coatings are used and how they benefit different industries. case studies. A locally mounted temperature indicator should be provided at the blower discharge.Solids Processing temperature. and the high pressure drop alarm would indicate a completely clogged filter element. This temperature is needed to carry out calculations for the “asbuilt” conveying system. Low. for applications using a cooler Understanding Protective Coatings in Hot Environments The use of fireproofing. the rotary valve motor should be stopped automatically. Position lights are provided in the control room graphic panel to indicate if the valves are in the “through” or “divert” position. A summary of the instrumentation Circle 27 on p. The lowpressure drop alarm would indicate a ruptured filter element. Pressure drop indicators should be installed locally to show the pressure drop across the filter elements. Their locations should be easily accessible to the operating staff. At the high level. high-temperature. alarms for low. 68 or go to adlinks. A manually adjustable timer with a selector switch should be provided in the control room to provide three functions: 1) Automatically stop the rotary valve if the conveying pressure starts to increase (indicating start of formation of a line plug).cOM MARcH 2014 . and also at the blower after-cooler discharge if an air cooler is used.che. Receiving bins. Diverter valves. and 3) Restart the rotary-valve motor if the conveying pressure falls to the normal pressure. The bin vent filters or the dust collectors on the bin vents must be running before the conveying system is started. Similarly. These equations have been developed by researchers to find the impact of the above-mentioned variables on saltation velocity. If the conveying velocity is too low. position lights for the diverter valves. The conveying velocity used in the conveying system’s design calculations may be too low or too high because it is difficult to find a reliable method to determine its correct value. joining pressure minima and saltation velocity Dilute phase: suspension flow ∆P Log (pressure drop per unit length).and high-pressure drop across filter elements (optional) Graphic control panel: • Graphic panel showing the conveying system route with run lights for the blower motor and rotary valve motor. and then in the dense phase. its conveying velocity should be checked to make sure it is not too low or too high. As they are based on research work that is carried out in small-scale test equipment in a laboratory. This figure shows the relationship of conveying velocity with conveying pressure at different solids-loading rates W1 and W2. The solids-loading rate is the solids-conveying rate divided by the internaal cross-sectional area of the conveying pipeline. and is about equal to the conveying velocity that is required. This figure shows the design of the vent air system for venting out a portion of the blower airflow to determine saltation velocity • Pressure transmitter at the blower discharge with a pressure indicator in the control-room control panel.and high-level lights for the receiving bins. as the conveying velocity is reduced.COM MARCH 2014 . Computer storage of pressure data • Control room alarm for high blower discharge pressure • Blower motor interlocks with the rotary-valve motor For the rotary valve: • Local and control-room-mounted running lights for rotary valve motor • Control-room-located. and run lights for the binvent filters Log (gas velocity). and higher energy usage. It should be 57 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. For these two loading rates. Th second method is to use conveying velocity values that are available in published literature such as those given in Table 1. Presently. there are two methods to find the conveying velocity. bulk-solids density.CHE. pipeline diameter and others. After a conveying system has been installed and is going through startup. V Packed bed Dense phase Dilute phase: strand flow Dilute phase: suspension flow Finding the conveying velocity FIGURE 2. and then in the dense phase from Point G to Points K. the operating point moves from Point H to Point G in the dilute phase. they do not cover the entire range of solids and all of their properties. For solids-loading rate W1. air density. from Point D to Points E. solidsto-air ratio. if it is too high. manually adjustable timer for starting and stopping the rotary valve motor • Interlocks with the blower motor For the diverter valves: • Position lights to indicate “through” and “divert” positions • Hand switches for control room operation of valve positions Receiving bin: • Low-level and high-level switches with indicating lights for the receiving bins • Control room alarm to indicate high level in the bin Bin vent filters/dust collectors: • Running lights for the bin vent filters or dust collectors • Local pressure-drop indicator Along with conveying pressure. F and G. such as solids particle size. the conveying system's operating point moves from Point C to Point D in dilute phase. for the solids-loading rate W2. it will result in higher particle attrition. This value depends upon many variables. it may cause line plugging problems. the figure also shows the transition points (Points D and G) at which the conveying system migrates from dilute to dense phase. L Pa ck ed L s lid im e loa g din =W 2 H be reg K G tab le G Dense phase regime So Un s F li So l ds oa g= din e W1 C B E Dilute phase: strand flow Em pip pty D A Saltation velocity/minimum pressure • Alarms for low. L and M Feed bin Pressure indicator PI Vent Flow control valve and flow indicator FLC Air inlet Blower Rotary valve FIGURE 3. These equations can be found in published books and literature. pipeline wear. conveying velocity is perhaps the most important variable in pneumatic conveying.M d Unstable flow Saltation line. low. The first method is to use equations to calculate saltation velocity (the gas velocity at which particles will fall out of the gas stream). As shown in Table 1..100 3.600 3.200 Material Malt. the airflow and hence the conveying velocity is reduced until this minimum pressure point is reached.600 5. flake Paper. Charleston. The conveying velocity is then calculated based on this airflow and pipeline diameter. where he worked as a resident pneumatic-conveying and solids-handling specialist. if it is higher.300 3.500 4. Madison. barley Oats. Agarwal has more than 40 years of design. Its purpose is to vent off to the atmosphere some of the conveying air that is being supplied by the blower. and the saltation velocity interface between them. instead of falling. He has written a large number of articles and given classes on pneumatic conveying and bulk solids handling. This is because the conveying velocity for a particular conveying system depends on the values of various factors and variables such as solids particle size. As shown. A close watch is kept on the discharge-pressure indicator installed at the blower outlet. This is the minimum pressure point beyond which the conveying system migrates to dense-phase conveying.TABLE 1. whole Nylon. the vent valve is manually and gradually opened to start ventinga few cubic feet per minute of the conveying air. powder Rice Rubber pellets Salt cake Salt.200 4.600 4. To run this test. The airflow that is vented out 58 is then subtracted from the air supplied by the blower to determine the airflow going to the conveying line.900 3. the conveying pressure is at a minimum at the saltation velocity. This test-derived optimum conveying velocity is compared with the velocity that is actually being used.000 4. Email: polypcc@ aol. and an MBA from Marshall University (Huntington.000 3. chopped Polyethylene pellets Polyvinylchloride. petroleum Corn grits Corn. The saltation velocity value obtained by the test is increased by a safety factor of about 30% to select an appropriate value for the conveying velocity. This pressure will keep falling with the decrease in airflow.900 3. the published values may not be applicable because they do not give any information on the values of the variables on which they are based. COMMONLY USED CONVEYING VELOCITIES Solids Processing noted that these published values are applicable to only those pneumatic conveying systems from which they were derived. This decrease can be 5 to 20% depending on the properties of the solid being conveyed.000 5. Keeping the solids flowrate constant. If the actual velocity currently in use is lower.300 4.cOM MARcH 2014 .500 4. This test requires gradually reducing the airflow that goes into the conveying line so that the conveying velocity continues to decrease until it reaches saltation conditions. light Starch Sugar.cHE.400 6. a flow-control valve with a flow indicator is used to control the airflow that is to be vented out. This value is then used to determine the value of the conveying velocity. but may or may not be applicable for new conveying systems.800 5. The change in speed is determined from the blower performance curve. At this point. table Sand Soda ash. then the blower speed is decreased. particle size distribution.500 3.300 3. In this vent line. W.100 5. In the test. solids conveying rate.200 3.900 5. in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin. The Zenz diagram (Figure 2) shows both the dilute.S. He retired from The Dow Chemical 4. after which the pressure starts to increase.600 5.100 2.200 3. Va. shelled Diatomaceous earth Dolomite Feldspar Fluor (wheat) Flourspar Lime. The objective of the test is to find the airflow at that point.). The vent airflow is gradually increased until this point is reached and the pressure.200 3. in 2002. pebble Conveying velocity. Material Alum Alumina Bentonite Bran Calcium carbonate Clay Coffee beans Coke. pipeline diameter and more. such a decrease can result in saltation of the solids and plugging of the bend or its downstream conveying line. ft/min 3. air density.600 4. Solids velocity always decreases when solids flow through a bend.600 3.100 3. construction. but as shown in Figure 2.400 4. then the blower speed is increased to match the optimum conveying velocity. operating and troubleshooting experience in pneumatic conveying and bulk-solids-handling processes. He holds an M.200 4. ft/ min 5.000 A proposed method This third method is based on running a test on the as-designed and built conveying system to determine the true value of the solids saltation velocity. Edited by Suzanne Shelley Author Amrit Agarwal is a consulting engineer with Pneumatic Conveying Consulting (7 Carriage Rd. granulated Trisodium phosphate Wheat Wood flour Conveying velocity. The speed change is implemented by changing the belts and sheaves ■ of the blower. reducing the conveying airflow and the conveying velocity. the solids reach their saltation velocity.300 4. particle density. Unless the conveying velocity is high enough. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.and dense-phase conveying regimes. A vent line is installed in the air-supply line at the discharge of the blower. its value will eventually reach a point after which it will start to increase. The equipment required for this test is shown in Figure 3. starts to increase. The value of the saltation velocity obtained by the test will be accurate because it is based on the properties of the solids being conveyed and on the as-designed and built conveying system.hydrate Lime. WV 25314. the conveying system is started and run at full capacity for a few minutes to bring it to steady-state conditions. ) and the U. gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (per EPA TO-14). Government-operated stations located throughout the country monitor ambient air quality using a variety of methods. China. Shown here are data related to the number of environmental complaints addressing water. and leaves it to individual plant sites to attain them. While chemical process operators share many common aspects (in terms of the use of chemical engineering unit operations). Emission limits are regulated regionally on a site-bysite basis. with its complex. along with diligent maintenance. including the best sealing and equipment technologies.. Taiwan. the Middle East. ranging from strict controls and enforcement at one end of the spectrum to what essentially comes down to trust that companies will do the right thing in other areas. and pressure from the media and public opinion (rather than on strict governmental guidelines and enforcement) to do the right thing. monitoring and recordkeeping. At one end of the spectrum is the strict control model — best exemplified in the U.000 50. Europe and the Americas.Solids Environmental Processing Manager Global Air-Pollution Regulations: Variation is the Norm Number of complaints Operators with facilities in many countries need to focus on the requirements of each Jim Drago Garlock Sealing Technologies he chemical process industries (CPI) are. reporting and following industry-accepted technical guidelines. canis- ters. the European Union (E. including gas-sampling bags. Saudi Arabia.cHE. such as pumps. but does not require monitoring of equipment components.000 150. Thailand is expected to enact regulations for self-monitoring. While Japan’s regulatory climate is somewhat more stringent than Thailand’s. (Table 1). the Ministry of Environment sets acceptable ambient air quality limits. these include Thailand. solid waste.000 200.cOM MARcH 2014 . and the country has not established limits on fugitive emission levels for individual components.000 100. In Thailand. Individual plants are expected to attain these limits using accepted technical practices. Specifically. Japan. At the other end of the spectrum is a model that is guided by trust — trust that industrial operators will be guided by a sense of corporate or social responsibility. because different countries have different regulations with regard to air pollution and how to control it [1].S. pollution control and compliance are matters of voluntary corporate responsibility. From the mostrelaxed to the most-stringent regulatory environments. al59 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. the Ministry sets and monitors ambient air standards. Environmental complaints addressing water. global in scope. However. which require ambient air monitoring of 44 different VOCs. Companies do not apply for permits to emit certain quantities of pollutants. In Japan. Thailand.U. The global regulatory climate is characterized by extremes. solid waste and noise pollution issues filed in China between 1992 and 2009 [2] Variation by country With that general characterization.S. compliance is still largely voluntary. bureaucratic and some would say impossible regulatory requirements — that typically involves regular inspection of literally tens of thousands of individual components in a typical chemical process plant. Japan. but are notified by the ministry as to how much they are allowed to emit. Singapore. it might be productive to compare and contrast the regulatory situations in select countries in Asia. the location of their operation brings about different requirements when it comes to managing gaseous and particulate pollutants.000 250. India. the country has developed standards for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). air. air. by their very nature. and noise pollution issues in China 300.000 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 T Water Air Solid waste Noise FIGURE 1. valves and pipe flanges. safeguarding humans. India. All of this has promoted increased environmental awareness. and promoting sustainable development of the economy and society. Incentives for compliance with environmental regulations include access to bank guarantees. Fines and prosecution leading to consent decrees requiring special projects. Local authorities can penalize sites.” whereby citizens can petition the government to address 60 TABLE 1. issue permits. and expected to be used LDAR programs are minutely defined and regulated. media and public pressure Risk of shut-down of operations Violators face fines or imprisonment Prosecution by government agencies and suspension of operations Corporate social responsibility. regulations and fees via a permit system.” State and local governments set discharge limits. Reuters [3] reported: “China will steer local governments away from the pursuit of economic growth at all costs and beef up their powers to punish polluters as part of a campaign to reverse the damage done by three decades of unchecked expansion. known as “letters and visits. media and public pressure Future regulations will impose more formal rules Access to bank guarantees Citizen complaints leading to litigation Financial penalties. Much of the authority resides with the regional environmental agencies. as evidenced in the increase of environmental complaints addressing pollution issues.emission valves and packing and their performance requirements are specified U. set emission limits. Indian citizens can also bring legal action against polluters. perform site inspections and order plants to cease operation. media and public pressure Action by local authorities.U. media and public pressure Unique legal perspective: recognition of both environmental and economic needs Corporate social responsibility. plant sites expected to use best practices People’s Republic of China Singapore Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Taiwan Use accepted technical practices Japan Best Available Control Techniques (BACT) are published E. State boards can inspect.S. the government authorities are obliged to respond to all such petitions.cOM MARcH 2014 .Environmental Manager beit motivated by corporate social responsibility.” The stage seems to be set for future regulatory actions. Last November. media and public pressure Thailand India None specified. The citizenry and media continue to push CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. In April 2000. protecting and improving people’s environment and the ecological environment. Citizens can report polluters to government officials who can use their authority to bring them into compliance. company honor and public backlash in the event of noncompliance. Low. ENVIRONMENtAL REGULAtION: A SNAPsHOt OF COUNtRY-BY-COUNtRY VARIAtION Emission control technology Country Impetus for emission control Corporate social responsibility. equipment installation. additional rules and fines pollution concerns or any other issue. The success of policies and practices in China has traditionally relied on regional government priorities with regard to economic growth and environmental protection. In wide-ranging economic and social reforms unveiled last week. India’s Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act of 1981 established a regulatory framework administered by the Ministry of Environment and Forest through a multi-layer bureaucracy that includes federal and state control boards. risk of shutdown. which states that the law is intended: “…for the purpose of preventing and controlling atmospheric pollution. these priorities are beginning to change. each plant must report the amount of pollutants it releases. However. between 1992 and 2009 (Figure 1). but there is no requirement to measure emissions from specific equipment. Although there is minimal rule of law related to this. China also has a complaint and petition system. and would also hold local authorities directly responsible for pollution. China. China — recognizing the need to balance economic development and environmental protection — enacted its Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law. the ruling Communist Party said it would put more emphasis on environmental protection when assessing officials. measure.cHE. determine compliance and check that equipment is working properly with regard to emissions. Operating a plant in India requires a permit from a state board. eligibility for government subsidies for the purchase of control equipment and avoidance of costly litigation from concerned citizens. However. Requirements include atmospheric monitoring with public reporting. particularly air pollution. the CA can require computer simulations of the BACT to demonstrate emission performance levels. resulting in fines. Stationary pollution sources in regions that do not meet air quality standards are required to reduce their emissions to levels determined by the central CA. Best Available Control Technology (BACT) is used to attain air quality standards. and those that do not. qualified personnel and inspection of the www. through environmentally-friendly Rotoform pastillation.U. county and municipal levels. innovative and effective multi-nutrient fertilisers. all of which represent their CA administering regulations at the . and designation of plant sites that are required to install automated air-monitoring instruments and transmit data to the CA via the Internet. our continuous process solutions open the door to new possibilities in profitable. With access to any site for purposes of investigation. Taiwan. The source emission test scheme of Singapore’s National Environmental Agency requires that any air quality measurements be conducted by the site or by thirdparty certified consultants. Saudi Arabia. Non-compliant plants can be subject to special requirements. driven by their own corporate mandates and shareholder expectations. but does not require plant operators to monitor equipment emission performance.for environmental Circle 40 on p. It also requires installation of gaskets by trained. Taiwan’s Air Pollution Control Act of 2011 seeks to “control air pollution. valves. Singapore. which typically require more extensive monitoring and control. including qualification of equipment designs for low emissions. imprisonment or both. measurement and testing. 68 or go to adlinks. European Union. maintain public health and the living environment and improve the quality of life. A relatively new development within the E. add profit. Sandvik Process Systems Division of Sandvik Materials Technology Deutschland GmbH Salierstr.U.” It is administered by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Authority. Among CA responsibilities and powers are designation and collection of permits and fees for the release of pollutants from stationary sources. Motivated by sensitivity to cross-border pollution.che. + = Add value. inspection. The government in Singapore monitors ambient air dust-free Rotoform pastilles  Ultra-versatile production for easy product switchover  Low investment. end-to-end capability Contact us to find out how we can enhance your products. assembled joints. determination of emission standards. to downstream handling and bagging. 70736 Fellbach. SOLUTIONS FOR MULTI-NUTRIENT FERTILISER PRODUCTION From mixing of liquid melts and solid additives. which could require monitoring of components or processes. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ambient Air Standard of 2012 calls for nine pollutants to be measured and reported using methods published by the U. An example of BACT is the use of lowemission valves and valve seals. low operating costs  Single source. municipal governments and county or city authorities. The Presidency of Metrology and Environment manages air quality through a local Competent Agency (CA). To verify the positive impact of BACT. This standard calls for analysis of flange-gasket-bolt assemblies to verify they meet the TALuft low-emission requirement. Regions are classified into three categories: nature preserves. Ambient air quality is monitored with telemetric monitoring and management systems at 18 remote stations that are operated by the government. compressors and pumps) is not the normal procedure. Environmental Protection Agency. Germany Tel: +49 711 5105-0 · Fax: +49 711 5105-152 info.  Inline mixing of liquid and solid suspensions  Uniform. the CA can prosecute offenders. the European Commission’s Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) establishes directives and permits for permissible pollution levels and requires individual E. Monitoring of individual components (flanges. and air monitoring and daily reporting have further raised awareness. The IED publishes Best Available Techniques to promote best practices for each industry. It should be noted that multinational companies operating in China typically comply with the requirements of their countries of origin. is Germany’s VDI2290:2012-06 — Emission Control Sealing Constants for Flange Connections.processsystems. Corporate social responsibility encourages the use of best practices. countries to transpose the directives into their countries’ laws. Site inspections are conducted to ensure compliance.spsde@sandvik. investigation and prosecution. those that meet air quality standards. which has the power to enforce or relax requirements. 35. tamu. 68 or go to adlinks.TAMU. Meet with decision . EXHIBIT Generate leads and close deals. Network with over 5500 international pump and turbomachinery professionals gathered in one location. For more information on exhibiting email exhibit@turbo-lab. 70% of attendees make or influence final purchasing decisions.The premier conference for Turbomachinery and Pump professionals DEVELOPED FOR THE INDUSTRY.che.EDU Circle 45 on p. BY THE or visit PUMPTURBO. Drago is a former member of ASME BPE Standard committees on sealing and polymers.che. Among the requirements are use of low-leak valves and packing technology — the latter being a regulatory first. and we are using what we have learned about compliance to make it easier to comply than to violate. but must be balanced for the long-term sustainability of both. state and federal agencies. In the final analysis. To Tackle Pollution.. Contributing to this trend is the fact that U. The Environmental Forum. T.S. nation and ulti■ mately the world. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). May 14. standards as part of corporate policy. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). There is also growing realization among developing nations. emissions and compliance. Citizen Suit System and Lessons. China to Steer Local Governments Away from Growth at All Costs. is increasingly becoming a model for other countries’ regulatory frameworks.drago@garlock. Author Jim Drago has worked in sealing technology for over 30 years. D. provides the most stringent regulatory environment.” 1993– CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. regardless of the countries where they operate (demonstrating that it is possible to operate a plant competitively and act responsibly toward the environment). and is currently a principal applications engineer for Garlock Sealing Technologies (Phone: 800-448-6688.S.S. China. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of New York. that economic development and environmental protection can no longer be mutually exclusive.S.. The U. in terms of the required standards and enforcement activities. September-October 2013. 2013. 2. 3. multi-national companies tend to abide by U. EPA Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Next Generation Compliance..Environmental Manager United States. regulations also dictate repair requirements and reporting requirements to local. Drago.. 250 or 500 ppm. J. Beijing. AchemAsia 2013. Edited by Suzanne Shelley References 1.cHE. Beijing-Reuters. Giles.cOM MARcH 2014 63 . He also has contributed to the industry standards of the American Petroleum Institute (API). Comparative Overview of China’s Environmental Complaint System and the U. such as China. Stanway. com). A 2013 article by Cynthia Giles [4].” Looking forward What does the future hold? The U. 68 or go to adlinks. These requirements can involve equipment upgrades or replacement. These actions must be accompanied by a heightened sense of corporate responsibility on the part of polluters and a commitment to do the right thing to benefit their own community. depending upon location or special plant site regulations.S. EPA. product engineering. the emission levels of certain individual components may not exceed 100. EPA may impose Enhanced Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) requirements on plants that are not carrying out the normal LDAR requirements properly. promotes the use of current and new technologies to motivate compliance and optimize enforcement: “We are moving toward a world in which states.reuters. C. or test reports indicating that leak performance not exceeding 100 ppm is attainable for at least five years. Circle 14 on p. He has authored numerous articles and presented papers at technical symposia on sealing to meet fugitive emissions regulations and sealing product selection. Also required are written guarantees that the valve will not leak above 100 ppm for five years. 4. citizens and industry will have real-time electronic information regarding environmental conditions. engineering management and global business development. U. and Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). morestringent regulations and stricter enforcement alone cannot improve air quality. “China Environmental us-china-reform-environment-idUSBRE9 AH07M20131118).S. Yang. Drago’s work has focused on applications. Email: jim. For instance. Monitoring is conducted using organic vapor analyzers (Method 21) or forward-looking infrared (FLIR) cameras. Published November 18 2013 (Accessed at: http://www. Air Pollution Rules — World and USA Leak Detection and Repair. com 23 . To subscribe to the e-letter.Coming in April… The premium showcase for the latest products and technologies in the chemical processing industries. please Contact Cristane Martin cmartin@accessintel. 20 HPLC systems. mixing and suspension tanks./min. model 2009. approx. (We concluded. right at the base of this glacier. central exhaust system for production and many other items! Viewing: Saturday. fully automated phial and carpule inspection machines. Circle 47 on p. laboratory equipment. serial dedusting plant. hot water and steam sterilisation.cOM MARcH 2014 65 . my golf foursome learned an important safety lesson and we credited the Dalai Lama. Mike Resetarits D-40211 Düsseldorf Louise-Dumont-Straße 25  +49 (0)2 11 / 15 97 76-0 Fax +49 (0)2 11 / 15 97 76-10 E-Mail: [email protected] can lead to hurt.. We were all big fans of the movie “Caddyshack. the most important comdiscuss solutions to those hazards. tablet sorting plant. tablet dedusting plant. I remember standing in the backyard around a clogged lawnmower with them. from 9 am to 5 pm and on the auction days from 8 – 9.fri. We In fact. 10 March 2014. are unusual. procedures and forms to be filled out. We identify hazards. D-76437 Rastatt/Germany Weimer Pharma GmbH 11 March and 12 March 2014. and such projects are situation. luckily not in his face. the Lama — long — into a ten thousand foot crevasse.200 items up to 2013 models: Manufacturing plant and machinery for the manufacture of solid and liquid medicaments and preparations: Tablets. He hauls off and whacks one — big hitter. “So I’m on the first tee with him.industriewert. centrifuges. solutions. headspace gas AUCTION Production plant of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Im Steingerüst 30. not are willing to walk away from If we had. pressure and mixing vessels. That program insisted that all dangerous acts be preceded by at least two minutes of thought. CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. labelling. The next ects where we are not completely time that you encounter an unsafe comfortable. coated tablets. pills. gas chromatography system. Sometimes. steam boiler system. precision. while executing the Dalai Lama Shot for an appreciative audience. at your job or elsewhere. pure water degassing system. Inc. that the safest thing to do was to buy a new lawnmower. packaging. tablet presses.g. Stillwater. Thinking does not Web: www. handed off to expert contractors. make INNOSCAN. phial packaging machines. www.” In response to that movie. e. mixing equipment. 90 pcs. blister test equipment. measuring and test instruments. 1. coating. crack test and inspection machines.Fractionation Environmental Column Manager An unexpected safety lesson A bout thirty years ago. syrups. I was a proponent of DuPont’s “Take Two” safety program.) Whenever FRI staff mem. What a concept! I remember attempting to teach “Take Two” to my teenaged sons around the house. filling plant / lines for round objects (bottles).ence with CE readers cluding the associated paperwork. phial / carpule filling plant. 68 or go to adlinks. injections in phial and carpule form and configuration. blister packaging lines. Dave’s golf ball hit Dave in his left ear. analysis equipment. He positioned the golf ball at his rear foot. Okla.45 am Full auction catalogue upon request and at www. from 9 am to 3 pm and Monday.  ■ any JSA is thinking. max. starting at 10 am each day Approx. such as programs. just remember the Dalai Lama Shot The most important component of and the clogged lawnmower.Mike Resetarits is the technical director at Fracbers perform tasks that tionation Research. a distillation research consortium. mixing container up to 2. my friend Dave invented a golf shot that he called his Dalai Lama Shot. drops. ponent of every safety program is We often purchase new tools. ultrapure steam generator. we would have easily realized that the shot was dangerous. Back in the 1980s. The golf ball would go vertically about 75 yards up and horizontally about 50 yards out and then the ball would do a little dance on a hard green. granulating machine. they effect job Each month.industriewert.” In that movie. 8 March 2014. mixers./h with label printing machines/splicing equipment. He swung. (FRI. the most important aspect of a safety program — thinking — is the aspect most lacking.che.. What could happen if we did not shut the engine off? What if we shut the engine off and moved the blade around with a small shovel? What if we detached the spark plug wire and the wire broke free and re-touched the spark plug? What if we tipped the mower a certain way and gasoline spilled out onto a hot engine. policies. which was not in my budget that month. particle measuring instruments. test weight kits. Mike shares his first-hand experisafety analyses (JSAs) in. One day. We thought. Bill Murray’s character talks about caddying in the Himalayans for the Dalai Lama and states.000 pcs. Our staffs become consumed by paperwork.000 litres. pendulum water softening system. inspection and floor scales. Dave and his friends had never thought about the safety aspects of the shot. air samplers. I give him the driver. make DIVIDALLA. He choked way down on his sand wedge.cHE. by the way. 36. PRODUCT SHOWC ASE NEW Technology Bargraph Meter Replace analogs with OTEK’s Powerless™ meters.neuhaus-neotec. 68 or go to adlinks. Il 60007 Phone 847-439-2303 rcronfel@cuservices. 68 or go to Circle 201 on p. 68 or go to adlinks.che. 68 or go to Circle 203 on p.) Signal Failure Detection Isolated Serial I/O (4. 68 or go to adlinks. e-courses and e-seminars for energy conversion systems: • Physical Properties • Steam Approximations • Power Cycles • Power Cycle Components/Processes • Compressible Flow ENGINEERING SOFTWARE Phone/FAX: (301) 540-3605 Web Site: www.! Circle 242 on GET CONNECTED TODAY Circle 244 on Visit the web site to check out free 66 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CU Services LLC 725 Parkview Circle 202 on www. 68 or go to SOFTWARE Untitled-5 1 12/7/11 12:36 Circle 241 on p.cuservices. etc.COM MARCH 2014 www.9”) Process Technology Grinding When a plugged drain line would mean disaster.C. LPD-X Bargraph Model A100 Plug Resistant Orifice for critical drain lines Phone: (520)748-7900 Email: sales@otekcorp. Signal Powered (4-20mA & A.3”x3.che. Elk Grove Vlg. Engineering e-material.che. Just connect in parallel and disconnect Circle 248 on p.000 #/ SOFTWARE www.000 . 68 or go to adlinks. 60466 Tel (708) 748-7200 Fax (708) 748-7208 genckintl@aol. 68 or go to adlinks. www. TEXAS (713) 789-9400 CALGARY. 68 or go to (952) 933-2559 [email protected] Circle 251 on p. AB (403) 259-6600 Circle 246 on p. Boilers We stock large inventories of: 24/7 Fast Emergency Service Phone: 847-541-5600 Fax: 847-541-1279 800-704-2002 Recipe-controlled. Park Forest. 68 or go to adlinks.NEW & USED EQUIPMENT WABASH SELLS & RENTS Diesel & Turbine Generators Gears & Turbines Air Pre-Heaters • Economizers • Deaerators Pumps • Motors • Fuel Oil Heating and Pump Sets Valves • Tubes • Controls • Compressors Pulverizers • Rental Boilers & Generators 50 .25.000 KW 25 . 68 or go to 444 Carpenter KnightHawk Engineering HEAT EXCHANGERS Liquid Cooled ▼ • Design/Scale-up • Size Distribution • Laboratory Investigations • Filtration • Troubleshooting • Product Micro-Analysis • Purity • Caking • Drying • Particle Habit • Polymorphism • Kinetics Studies FOR GASES & LIQUIDS! Vent Condensing Talk Directly with Design Engineers! Blower Cooling ◆◆◆ Industrial Seminars ◆◆◆ Circle 252 on p.che.COM MARCH 2014 KnightHawk Engineering 67 Air Cooled CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW. IQ/OQ. – http://www. GET CONNECTED TODAY Circle 249 on ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIED FERC.400. failure analysis and troubleshooting of static and rotating equipment www.knighthawk. Reliable INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOUND LEVEL SURVEYS • REGULATORY COMPLIANCE STUDIES Circle 245 on p. 68 or go to Circle 243 on CONTROL SYSTEMS wabash POWER EQUIPMENT CO. NEPA • PLANT NOISE CONTOURS CONSULTING NOISE MEASUREMENT. CIP/SIP. AND CONTROL • COMPUTER NOISE MODELING ACOUSTICAL BUILDING DESIGN • COMMISSIONING TESTS Contact Diane Burleson Tel: 512-337-7890 Fax: 512-213-4855 Email: [email protected] HP 20. Fast design/install. Scan to learn more & get a free quote. 68 or go to adlinks.HFPacoustical. 68 or go to adlinks. CRYSTALLIZATION & PRECIPITATION Specialists in design. 68 or go to adlinks.che. Genck Genck International 3 Somonauk ▼ Dr.che. IL 60090 1-866-797-2660 www. Wayne Contact Jim Salter 281-282-9200 Circle 247 on p. Circle 250 on p. Free Tag Reader: HFP ACOUSTICAL CONSULTANTS NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING HOUSTON. ASSESSMENT. Classified Display Advertising North America Terry Davis Sales Director Chemical Engineering 2276 Eastway Rd. West Virginia. 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TX 77581 Tel: 281-485-4077.cOM MARcH 2014 ✁ Fill out the form and circle or write in the number(s) below.. Canada. Japan Tel: 81-3-5691-3335. Wisconsin. Connecticut. Fittings Pollution Control Equipment & Systems 48 Pumps 49 Safety Equipment & Services 50 Size Reduction & Agglomeration Equipment 51 Solids Handling Equipment 52 Product Showcase. Italy Tel: 39-02-284-6716. Fax: 39-02-289-3849 E-mail: ferruccio@silvera. Utah. Maryland. Czech Republic. Tokyo 121. Delaware. Tubing. Iowa. Go on the Web and fill out the online reader service card. Ceramics 13 Metallurgical & Metal Products 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 14 Engineering. France. Minnesota. silvera. . Diane Burleson Inside Sales Manager Chemical Engineering. 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Charles & Son Company Vesconite Bearings 27 11 616 11 11 * Italvacuum 39 011 470 4651 32I-1 adlinks. . adlinks. TX 77042 E-mail: [email protected]/50974-33 adlinks. NOV Fiber Glass Systems 27 adlinks. .com/50974-43 * Phoenix Contact 49 52 35 3-00 39.cOM MARcH 2014 69 .com/50974-201 adlinks. .com/50974-17 Applied e-Simulators Software 1-847-439-2303 1-301-540-3605 1-708-748-7200 1-713-789-9400 1-847-541-8300 1-281-282-9200 66 66 66 67 66 67 67 67 66 adlinks.che.che. .che.che. .com/50974-202 IndustrieWert GmbH 65 Otek Corporation 1-520-748-7900 66 67 67 67 67 67 49 (0)2 11 / 15 97 76-0 adlinks.889000 32I-5 Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd.0331. 1-800-992-0209 1-713-378-8600 16 61 8 7 AUMA Riester GmbH & Fluid Metering.che. .che. Team Industrial Services ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG ( * International Edition See bottom of opposite page for advertising sales representatives' contact information Send Advertisements and Box replies to: Diane Burleson Chemical 1-855-REDGUARD Tel: 512-337-7890 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.che. FREWITT Fabrique de Machines SA * GEA Process Engineering A/S * GEA Wiegand GmbH Classified Index March 2014 Advertiser Phone number Page number Reader Service # Advertiser's Product Showcase .che.che. . KnightHawk Engineering Neuhaus Neotec GIG Karasek GmbH 25 Page number Reader Service # adlinks.che. .che. .com/50974-32 19 * Pompetravaini Spa PTXi 2014 1-253-893-7070 32I-7 52 adlinks. an EMCOR Industrial Services company 1-281-951-2500 3 62 10 adlinks.che.che.che. 67 Advertiser Phone number 32I-3 32I-13 adlinks. adlinks. . Paul 1-800-243-ROSS adlinks. . .che. .com/50974-01 CU Services LLC Engineering Software Genck International Heat Transfer Research. KG * Bronkhorst High-Tech BV Carver Pump Company Corzan HP Piping Systems * Donadon SDD 39 02 90111001 32I-11 15 32I-2 18 21 32I-9 adlinks. 11000 Richmond adlinks.che. .com/50974-252 1-800-704-2002 Kral AG 43/5577/86644-0 28 adlinks. .che. 972 52 383 4174 adlinks. * Alexanderwerk GmbH American Filtration and Separations Society 32I-2 Miller-Stephenson 1-800-992-2424 adlinks. .com/50974-30 adlinks. .com/50974-10 adlinks. 1-800-524-2188 49 (0) 2191 795-0 6 Load Controls 1-888-600-3247 55 * Berndorf Band GmbH Beumer Group GmbH & VisiMix Wabash Power Equipment Co.che. 66 Computer adlinks.che. . . .che.che. .com/50974-09 adlinks. .com/50974-12 Müller GmbH 49 (0) 7623/969-0 Samson AG 49 69 4009-0 49 711 5105-0 1-360-432-9840 30 23 4 adlinks. Australia. Robert Kumpf becomes CTO of specialty chemicals producer Elevance Renewable Sciences (Woodridge. and services used by process plants worldwide.S. construction and commissioning firm specializing in pharmaceutical and biotechnology www. To keep up with this rapidly evolving marketplace. materials.cOM MARcH 2014 . you need a magazine that covers it all. France). With editorial offices in Europe. Asia. Canada and U. Frank DeBiano project executive in its construction division. business in the Chemical Process Industries (CPI) is not local. Chicago Pneumatic (Rock 70 CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW. and Peter Hanson director of process architecture in Asia. Blue Bell. a supplier to the life sciences industry. it’s global. sales and operations. not just one country or region.People MARCH WhO'S WhO Festge Kerin Schuster DiBiano Self Novasep (Pompey. Pa. welcomes Thierry Van Nieuwenhove as president of the company’s synthesis business unit. and North America. while their father Reinhold Festge (photo) has started a three-year term as president at the Verband Deutscher Maschinenund Anlagenbau (VDMA.K.c om Sterili PAG E 34 zation Written for engineers. please call 1-847-564-9290 or visit clientservices@che. Integrated Project Services Inc. PAG E 34 Heat Tra Hydro Rever se Osmo sis nsfer Fluids car Proper bon ties Lesson System s-Learned s Focus on Filtrat ion Facts at You r Finger tips: Valve s Preven ting Cakin g The #1 choice of worldwide CPI organizations To subscribe. not just one vertical market. Germany). Ill. Florian Festge and Fabian Festge have taken over management of the company’s machinery division. Trish Kerin becomes director of the Institution of Chemical Engineers’ (IChemE. but the whole CPI. Europe. ■ Suzanne Shelley SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE S U B S C SUBSCRIBE R I B E SUBSCRIBE T O SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE July 2008 6 www. by engineers More and more.C.cHE. of German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers). che. (King of Prussia. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING is well-positioned to keep abreast of all the latest innovations in the equipment. che. technology. No other publication even comes close.) names Jean-Christophe (JC) Lecocq senior vice president for Mexico. Rugby. Pa.) names Mark Self CEO. an engineering. U.). Philadelphia Mixing Solutions Ltd. the Middle East and Africa.c om Incorp oratin g So Into lids Liquid s Focus on Ga s De tection Engine ering Mater ials Liquid Dispen sing g the Right To Fit the Ap Gloves plicatio Facts n at You r Fin Vacuum gertips: Pump s Flowm eter News New Closed Findin Augu st 2008 8 www.) new safety center in Melbourne. Assn.che. At Haver & Boecker (Oelde. S. names Tim Schuster director of process engineering. (IPS.). (San Pedro Garza Garcia.000 m.. $166.The new hydrogen facility is scheduled to go onstream in the fourth quarter of 2015 with a capacity of plans to increase its annual production capacity of natural soda ash at its Green River plant in Wyoming by 150. With an investment of about $90 million. for the construction of an integrated purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plant in Ufa. the company expects the expansion projects at its Conroe. www..snclavalin.97 U.A. 20850. (Kingsport. France.COM March 2014. P . www. in consortium with Sinopec Engineering Group. 2014 —The Performance Products Division of Huntsman Corp. Germany. please contact Wright’s Media. com) has signed a longterm contract with Taewoong Steel has agreed to acquire Lwart Química Ltda. N.The facility is planned to have a maximum installed capacity of 600. and U. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.Y.taminco. NY 10005. for the onsite supply of hydrogen at Nynas’ petroleum refinery in Hamburg. Canada. Box 3588.CHE. BOX is constructing the world’s first large-scale plant for xylylene diisocyanate (XDI) within its Omuta Works facility in New York.ineos. Ala. and a longterm supply agreement. Eastman to acquire BP’s aviation turbine oil business January 29. Ill.Tex. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville. and $269 International.balchem. commissioning and startup services for a three-line sulfuric acid plant. South laboratory equipment located in Naperville. Solvay to increase its natural soda ash production capacity in the U./yr for an investment of $240 million. MD and additional mailing offices. Advertising and Publication Offices: 88 Pine Street. www. Praxair will construct a new air-separation plant and pipeline. Germany.O. www.evonik. Rockville. 4 Choke Cherry for a previously announced refrigerants facility in Louisiana.t. Bashkortostan.000 m. forms JV in China January 23. Llanelli.The plant is expected to come onstream in 2015. Linde will supply hydrogen at Nynas refinery in Hamburg February 7. www. MD. Construction has already begun to expand production capacity from its current level of around 2 million m. Ineos to license polypropylene technology to new plant in Vietnam January 22. de C. IL 60065-3588. Fax: 847564-9453. www./yr) and is scheduled for startup in October 2015. www. (Brussels.eastman. With construction currently underway. La. MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Sika acquires Brazilian waterproofing company Lwart Química February 4.Tenn. de C. site.. Inc. procurement.solvay. Quebec. Wales and Singapore sites to be fully operational by May 2014. Belgium. and start supplying the new refrigerant HFO-1234yf beginning in mid-2015. 2014 — Taminco Corp. has signed a contract with Ma’aden in Saudi Arabia to provide engineering. LONDON. to supply high-purity oxygen to the company’s steel mill facility in the Mieum Foreign Industrial Zone in Busan./yr. Ltd. Russia. 2014 — Ineos Technologies (Rolle. Germany.t.. Germany. 2014 — The Linde Group (Munich. China.J. the new production facility is planned to start up in the second half of 2015. Fulfillment Manager. www. (Allentown. Last year Lwart Química generated net sales of around $36. has begun operation at its new production facility for Rohacell polymethacrylimide structural foam in Darmstadt.A. Alpek and United Petrochemical form JV for new plant in Russia January 17. Northbrook. 2014 — Alpek S. Germany. comprising the assets of Jurong’s acrylicacid production site in Taixing. See Next Page CHEMIcAL ENGINEERING WWW.. Phone: 847-564-9290. P . com) will form a joint venture (JV) to build and operate a choline-chloride production facility in St. two to eight week notice requested. 2014 — Mitsui Chemicals (Tokyo. The Linde Engineering Division will build a steam-methane reformer plant with a total investment of approximately €30 million.basf. (New Hampton. Subscription rates: $149..000 metric tons per year (m. 2014 — Arkema (Colombes.000 m.The project is scheduled to be operational in late 2016. Arkema acquires acrylic acid plant. February 4.97 Canada. For information regarding article reprints. 2014 — SNC-Lavalin has licensed its Innovene polypropylene process technology to Vung Ro Petroleum Ltd.S. LLC. Production capacity initially will be 160. Gabriel. ( will build a new plant for its chelating agent Trilon M (methylglycinediacetic acid) at Evonik’s Theodore. at its refinery complex located in Phu Yen Province. com) has announced that its subsidiary. in which Arkema will have a majority interest.5 million.The acquisition includes a production facility in Linden. 2014 — Sika AG (Baar. www. The refrigerant will be supplied to Honeywell (Morristown.000 m. Fax: 212-621-4694. BASF to manufacture chelating agent at new plant in Alabama January 28. Praxair will construct oxygen-supply facility at steel mill in South Korea Praxair. Japan.huntsman.00 Back issue & Single copy plans to build a new manufacturing facility using proprietary fluorochemical technology at its Chiba Plant in m³/d of hydrogen.Tex.. Canada Post and Jurong Chemical have created a JV called Sunke. www. N. 3 Chemical Engineering copyright @ 2014 (ISSN 0009-2460) is published monthly by Access Intelligence. email: clientservices@che. which are expected to start operations in 2016.t. 121./ ■ yr each for PTA and PET. construction...agc.t. com) will expand its global capacity for polyetheramines (PEA) by a minimum of 15% after debottlenecking three of its PEA manufacturing plants. The total value of the contract is approximately $764 million. www. $20. Switzerland.The acquisition is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2014. a supplier of waterproofing products in Brazil. VOL. www.cOM MARcH 2014 71 . ( will acquire the assets of BP’s aviation turbine engine oil business.The new facility will increase the polymerization capacity at the site by 50%./yr for a further investment of $235 million. Editorial.A. Conn.t. Mexico. 5th Floor. www.t. Asahi Glass to build new refrigerants plant in Japan January 23. 2nd Floor.V. ON N6C 6B2 For more Economic Postmaster: Send address changes to Chemical Engineering. 1-877-652-5295.sika.arkema. sales@wrightsmedia. Balchem and Taminco announce production JV for choline chloride January 27.praxair. Pa. (Tokyo. www. 2014 —Solvay S. 2014 — BASF SE (Ludwigshafen. following an investment of approximately €6 million.  Mary Page Bailey FOR ADDITIONAL NEWS AS IT DEVELOPS.The plant’s capacity will be 5. Phone: 212-621-4674. Grupo Petrotemex. Switzerland. Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: IMEX Global has signed a longterm contract with Nynas AB. www. PLEASE VISIT WWW.Economic Indicators BUSINESS NEwS PLANT WATCH SNC-Lavalin wins contract for sulfuricacid project in Saudi Arabia February 7. NO.S. Huntsman expands global capacity for polyetheramines at three sites January 23.J.Vietnam. 2014 — Eastman Chemical Co.The plant will produce various polypropylene grades with a total capacity of www.t. Change of address. N. signed a JV agreement with United Petrochemical Co. with the option to expand to and Balchem Corp. 2014 — Asahi Glass Co. Chemical Engineering Executive.S. Mitsui Chemicals will build plant for xylylene diisocyanate in Japan February 6. Evonik increases structural foam production with opening of new facility February 6. (The Woodlands.cHE. possessions./yr.000 m. www.mitsuichem. 2014 — Evonik Industries AG (Essen.. chemicals & allied products (1992 = 100) LATEST Jan. industrial chemicals (1982 = 100) Industrial Production in Manufacturing (2007 = 100) Hourly earnings index.2 2006 = 499. ’12 Final 571.6 620. following a 0.9 Annual Index: 2005 = 468.3 317.'13 Jan. chemical & allied products (1992 = 100) Productivity index. except for the electrical equipment index.4% gain last seen in September 2013. 25 expanded in December.7 291.9 693. This gain expanded the trade surplus for the U.5 97. Inc.6 687. The CAB is an established leading economic indicator.0 96.3 billion.1% gain in November and a 0.americanchemistry.COM MARCH 2014 CURRENT TRENDS T P reliminary data for the December 2013 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI. increasing 0.8 513.2 873.2 billion surplus that was observed in 2012.2 158.'13 Jan.8 2.1 294. the most recent available) show a small increase (0.0% in December. '13 Dec. ❑ .177. valves & fittings Process instruments Pumps & compressors Electrical equipment Structural supports & misc Construction labor Buildings Engineering & supervision Dec. while all other CBI values declined slightly in the first month of 2014.4 157. Chemical Production Regional Index rose by 0. while the value of the imports was $185.7 Dec. five of the indicators are higher.7 2012 = 584. $ billions CPI operating rate. Compared to a year ago. food additives. This value is slightly larger than the $41.0 105.S. ACC said. the U.0 157.9 322. Other data recently reported by ACC in their Weekly Chemistry and Economic Reports include U. '13 Dec. updated values for the Current Business Indicators (CBI) from IHS Global Insight (middle) saw the CPI value of output rise in December of last year. '13 = = = = = = = 88. '13 Nov. '13 Oct.8% in December.6 653. '13 Jan.6% gain in October.140.C.8 2011 = 585. and four months at cycle troughs. shown to lead U.8 532.8 415.75% lower than the value from a year ago.1 746.0 305. '13 = = = = = = = PREVIOUS 89.4% in 2013.0 75.6 925.'13 Jan.1 2.8 746. 567.149.'12 Jan.8 326.9 621. chemical industry to $3.3 526.7 YEAR AGO Jan.6 2007 = 525. '14 = = = = = = = 88.6 895.7 billion.6 686. the surplus grows to $41.5 Nov. The value of the exports was $189. Those segments with large gains (defined at 1. the CAB ticked up to 94. The current CEPCI value stands at 0. while two are lower.CHE. '13 Nov. ❑ 72 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.5 321. which points to continued growth and an improving U. % Producer prices. However. ’13 Prelim.S.6 CPI OUTPUT INDEX (2007 = 100) 120 110 100 90 80 70 2500 2200 1900 1600 1300 1000 CPI OUTPUT VALUE ($ BILLIONS) 85 80 75 70 65 60 CPI OPERATING RATE (%) J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D *Current Business Indicators provided by IHS Global Insight. Finally.7 74. '13 Nov.'13 Dec. and pigments and printing ink. '13 Dec.2 97.9 411. www. '13 Dec.7 899.7 106.4 95.0. This marks the ninth consecutive monthly gain for the CAB. foundry chemicals. Lexington. '13 Dec.6 634.8 323. which is now up 2.3% gain in November.'13 Jan. '14 Jan. Mass.. specialty chemical market volumes rose 1.2 points over December on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis.4 75.4 924. Washington. '13 Nov. according to ACC.7 412. Meanwhile.4 billion. In January. ’13 Final 566. '14 Jan. business cycles by an average of eight months at cycle peaks.0 318. mining chemicals. '14 Dec.1 billion in 2013. D.6 656.6 600 550 500 450 400 J F M A M J J A S O N D CURRENT BUSINESS INDICATORS* CPI output index (2007 = 100) CPI value of output. U. while chemical imports declined by 1.8 294. exports of chemicals.S. HIGHLIGHTS FROM RECENT ACC WEEKLY REPORTS he first Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB) reading of 2014 showed strengthening.5 74.6 2. '13 Nov. This follows a 1. If pharmaceuticals are excluded. top. economy throughout 2014.Economic Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2014 DOWNLOAD THE CEPCI TWO WEEKS SOONER AT WWW.0% or greater) include the following: adhesives and sealants.2 155.4 2008 = 575.7 657.8 532.CHE.4 106.4 2009 = 521.3 514.9 2010 = 550.7 107. a large deficit exists for the trade of pharmaceuticals.17%) in the overall index compared to the November final index value.S. paint additives..S. '14 Jan.7 Nov.S. according to the American Chemistry Council (ACC. which grew 0. '14 Jan.0%.4 Dec.3 2.'13 = = = = = = = 88. lubricant additives. '13 Nov. construction chemicals. The subindices for equipment all rose in December compared to the previous month. electronic chemicals. Of the 28 specialty chemical segments monitored by ACC.COM/PCI CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PLANT COST INDEX (CEPCI) (1957–59 = 100) 650 CE Index Equipment Heat exchangers & tanks Process machinery Pipes.153.6 511. This growth is at a more moderate pace since the 0.6% over a year ago.4 734. In addition. Volume 2 This guidebook contains how-to engineering articles formerly published in Chemical Engineering. operation and maintenance of membrane-based treatment systems. Table of Contents ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Process Water Treatment – Challenges and Solutions Water Reuse and Conservation in the CPI Strategies to Minimize Wastewater Discharge Strategies for Water Reuse Wastewater: A Reliable Water Resource Membranes for Process Water Reuse Strategies for Controlling Membrane Fouling Fact at Your Fingertips: Membranes Facts at Your Fingertips: Membrane Configurations ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Facts at Your Fingertips: Controlling Membrane Fouling Biodegradation and Testing of Scale Inhibitors Keeping Cooling Water Clean Caring for Cooling Water Systems Purifying Coke-Cooling Wastewater Non-Chemical Water Treatment CPI Water and Steam Chemistry Designing Steam Stripping Columns for Wastewater Order your copy today by visiting store. and treating industrial wastewater to make it suitable for discharge or reuse. managing water treatment to ensure trouble-free steam service.che. treating water for use in recirculatedwater cooling systems. and more.Now Available in the Chemical Engineering Store: Process Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Guidebook. as well as the selection. 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