Checklist - Swm Jpif Dbkl

March 25, 2018 | Author: Phang S. Sun | Category: Environmental Engineering, Water Supply, Environment, Water And Politics, Fresh Water



CHECKLIST JPIF DBKL – STORMWATER MANAGEMENTJPIF -SWM 01 : ONSITE STORMWATER DETENTION (OSD) – Below Groun a. ONSITE STORMWATER DETENTION - Tank Design i Setback 2.30 meter / 7ft 6in from the boundary line. Building Act ii Made of reinforced concrete structure !ith !ater "roofing insulation#MASMA $%.7.$ a# or material a""ro&ed by manufacturer for 'S( "ur"ose. iii i& & &i Minimum freeboard 300mm from to" !ater le&el at A)* +0 years#. *nlet "i"e entry abo&e A)* +0 years to" !ater le&el 'utlet "i"e si,e bigger than the *nlet "i"e at A)* +0 years to" !ater le&el -entilation / maintenance manhole minimum si,e 7+0mm.7+0mm at 30 meter inter&al MASMA $%.7.$ e# &ii /rash Screen co&ers both "rimary 0 secondary outlet MASMA $%.1.6 &iii Slo"e gradient minimum 22 $3+0# and ma.imum $02 $3$0# MASMA $%.7.$ d# .i 4rimary "i"e outlet at bottom5most "oint of the tank MASMA 3.+.3.7 .ii *n&ert 5le&el at the "rimary outlet "i"e h igher than recei&ing drain in&ert le&el .iii 4um" to be install if .ii# not com"ly. .i& Ste" ladder for tank more than $.2 meter de"th $%.7.$ g# . ONSITE STORMWATER DETENTION – Enginee!ing D!a"ings i ii iii i& & 6ocation on the Site 4lan. Sho! "lan8 cross5section and long5section of the 'S(. Sho! the recei&ing drain on the 'S( long5section dra!ing. COLO$R CODE . . B+0e . 2e++)" MASMA /. D!ainage F+)" *ndicate $002 flo! from the "erimeter drain 0 )7(4 into the 'S(. 1. OSD 3. B)0n4a!5 Line . Das6e4 Sho! engineering calculation from 9ydraulic )e"ort on /able)0'+ine A and B Re4 PER#IO$S S$RFACE AREA Be()!e De*e+),-en ' A('e! De*e+),-e n' IMPER#IO$S S$RFACE AREA Be()!e De*e+),-en' A('e! De*e+),-en' AREA OF DE#ELOPMENT A%!es S&. Me'e! TABL EA D!ainage F+)" .Ti-e )( C)n%en'!a' i)n T%s T% F+)" e()!e De*e+). RAINWATER HAR#ESTING ...ommercial / A"artment.!e F+)" a('e! De*e+)..istern 3m3 = Bungalo! / Semi (etach or $m3 = /errance 9ouse# <or commercial8 a"artments and other ty"e of de&elo"ment = 302 of the SS) &olume..istern by rain !ater do!n "i"e )7(4#. .... .... <iltering System.. <irst <lush System flo! from )7(4# :nderground <irst <lush System flo! from 4erimeter (rain# &i )ain 7ater 9ar&esting /ank / . 1. *ndicate $002 flo! from the )7(4 into the )79 /ank.... 3. Das6e4 . B)0n4a!5 Line .. 2e++)" Sho! "lan8 cross5section and long5section of the )97 /ank..on&eyance system to usage "oint &iii /y"e of :sage "oint >arden /a" / /oilet etc# i.Tank Design i ii iii i& & )ain!ater M:S/ collected from the roof catchment....... .ross5section against the house or building being construct. /. )0'+ine Re4 Schematic (ra!ing for the )79 /ank.) (. ....) (...i '&erflo! "i"e *nto 'S( tank 3 .....-e n' 8 ..) JPIF –SWM 0! : RAINWATER "AR#ESTING (RW") a... RAINWATER HAR#ESTING – Enginee!ing D!a"ings i ii iii i& & 6ocation on the Site / <loor 4lan.)s' Pe!-issi + e Si'e Dis%6a!ge PSD Si'e S')!age Re&0i!e-e n' SSR P!i-a!5 O0'+e' Si7e P )0'+e' Se%)n4a !5 O0'+e' Si7e S )0'+e' TABL EB Confirmed Prepared by Checking by by (.hannel to the )97 /ank / .. *nto recei&ing drain 3 )esidential Scouring "i"e and mos?uito "rotection netting... RWH ..........-e n' 8 . B+0e 9ouse# .. &ii ... 4i"e system anti clog / inside cage# COLO$R CODE . 2e++)" &ii Manhole 2 no# located abo&e the *nlet 4i"e and 'utlet 4i"e. Rooftops of 1 m! or "arger $..Tank Design . SEPARATE TANK ...Re(e! ') 4PIF 1 5b68)S* an4 4PIF ! 5b68R(H ()! Enginee!ing D!a"ing.ina'i)n )( RWH : OSD 0sing %)--)n TANK i ii iii i& Se"arate com"artment !ith 302 5 )79 and 702 5 'S(..a%i' 5 P$MP N) Ca.. FIRST FLUSH 1..+.. 4rimary 0 Secondary 'utlet located at the 'S( com"artment...+T.S/H3/+ SIST.*I/3/+ */+ /3/+ *I-I+/ 0.0.......Re(e! ') 4PIF 1 5a68)S* an4 4PIF ! 5a68R(H ()! Tank Design.Re(e! ') 4PIF 1 5a68)S* an4 4PIF ! 5a68R(H ()! Tank Design.+T PL/+ 1 S/2/ 0..Re(e! ') 4PIF 1 5b68)S* an4 4PIF ! 5b68R(H ()! Enginee!ing D!a"ing.. Rooftops or s%rface catchments of &$#'m! or "arger .0. COLO$R CODE . I+ /LL ST)R0 (/T. *I S..+. )7(4 must flo! into )79 com"artment 0 4erimeter (rain flo! in 'S( com"artment.) (. .... E9TRA CHECKLIST – C).0 P../IR/+ */+ S/LIR/+ 54PS67 Prepared by Confirmed by Checking by (. . COMBINE TANK .SWM 0$: %OMBINATION OF ONSITE STORMWATER DETENTION (OSD) AND RAINWATER "AR#ESTING (RW") a.3.a%i'5 TABL EC NOTE....... .. *nlet 4i"e )7(4# abo&e to" height of com"artment se"arator . D!ainage F+)" .&i Sho! )79 engineering data on /able .. 1. /.. T) -. Das6e4 )0'+ine Re4 . !# to # "iters .Tank Design .../RIS P/+*U/+ 3.. in @ngineering (ra!ing. B)0n4a!5 Line .. B+0e &i Secondary 4i"e outlet belo! to" height of com"artment se"arator. OSD : RWH .RU0/H/+ */+ 3.R/4//+ T.a%i' 5 Ca.I3UT .+U/I/+ /IR HU4/+ 2/+.. !# "iters ()R*I+..) (. ROOF CATCHMENT AREA T)'a+ Ca'%6-en ' A!ea F+)" in') RWH Tank FILTER CAPACIT2 FIRST FL$SH CAPACIT2 N) Ca... I+CLU*. Rooftops of 1 m! or sma""er !.RI/+ P. &iii *nclude /able A8 /able B 0 /able ...+..0P/T/+ */+ 4/-/T/+ P.) JPIF . # "iters per 1 m! .R 0/+/. ) (.!e 8 .-en ' A('e! De*e+).. Me'e! PER#IO$S S$RFACE AREA Be()!e De*e+)....a%i' 5 P$MP N) Ca...AREA OF DE#ELOPMENT A%!es S&....en' F+)" a('e! De*e+).) ....-en' TABL EA Ti-e )( C)n%en'!a 'i)n F+)" e()!e De*e+)...en' Pe!-issi + e Si'e Dis%6a!ge Si'e S')!age Re&0i!een' P!i-a!5 O0'+e' Se%)n4 a!5 O0'+e' T%s T% 8 ....) (....-en' IMPER#IO$S S$RFACE AREA Be()!e De*e+).-en ' A('e! De*e+).a%i'5 Prepared by Confirmed by Checking by (.)s' PSD SSR P )0'+e' S )0'+e' TABL EB TABL EC ROOF CATCHMENT AREA T)'a+ Ca'%6-en' A!ea F+)" in') RWH Tank FILTER CAPACIT2 FIRST FL$SH CAPACIT2 N) Ca.............a%i'5 Ca.........
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