Chardan Universe



Chardan Capital Markets Research UniverseFebruary 11, 2016 Sales and trading, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET (646) 465-9090 Sales and trading, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. ET (646) 465-9063 Company Name Ticker Rating Price Currency 02/10/2016 Price Target % to PT Cash per Share Market Cap Revenues FY:16 FY:17 Agriculture Technology Frutarom Industries Ltd Disclosures FY:17 Lena Rogovin, [email protected], +972-54-7232782 FRUT.IT Neutral ILS 200.40 196.00 -2% 0.00 301,158.0 618.0 Apparel Retail Fox Wizel Ltd EPS FY:16 673.6 0.90 1.09 Lena Rogovin, [email protected], +972-54-7232782 FOX.IT Buy ILS 50.22 71.00 41% 0.00 17,346.8 Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals 1,065.0 1,048.0 6.28 7.08 Gbola Amusa, MD, CFA, [email protected], +1-646-465-9024 Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. FOLD Buy USD 5.28 8.00 52% 1.78 664.5 0.0 11.1 -0.98 -0.76 Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation AGTC Buy USD 12.06 25.00 107% 11.33 219.7 29.0 21.6 -1.11 -1.80 Avalanche Biotechnologies, Inc. AAVL Buy USD 4.15 12.50 201% 10.36 106.8 0.8 0.8 -2.45 -2.83 Axovant Sciences Ltd. AXON Sell USD 10.07 8.00 -21% 3.13 1,036.1 0.0 0.0 -0.52 -0.56 Dimension Therapeutics, Inc. DMTX Neutral USD 6.58 13.00 98% 5.34 190.0 7.0 7.0 -1.81 -1.57 Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. ESPR Neutral USD 14.31 18.00 26% 13.31 325.0 0.0 0.0 -2.31 -3.26 Immune Pharmaceuticals, Inc. IMNP Buy USD 0.41 6.50 1485% 0.32 16.8 0.0 0.0 -1.00 -1.19 La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company LJPC Buy USD 14.06 80.00 469% 4.99 381.2 0.6 0.0 -2.65 -2.40 Lion Biotechnologies, Inc. LBIO Buy USD 4.85 20.00 312% 2.04 261.1 0.0 0.0 -0.66 -0.96 Ohr Pharmaceutical, Inc. OHRP Neutral USD 2.86 3.00 5% 1.50 71.4 0.0 0.0 -1.88 -2.42 Ophthotech Corporation OPHT Buy USD 46.34 200.00 332% 11.62 1,702.5 46.7 0.0 -3.99 -6.87 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. REGN Sell USD 365.97 400.00 9% 13.26 43,528.5 4,156.8 5,560.4 14.36 22.50 REGENXBIO Inc. RGNX Buy USD 12.11 35.00 189% 7.69 353.1 4.3 0.0 -1.94 -1.88 Spark Therapeutics, Inc. ONCE Neutral USD 22.46 45.00 100% 12.24 588.2 6.2 0.0 -2.70 -2.51 The Medicines Company MDCO Buy USD 29.56 50.00 69% 6.12 2,459.1 351.0 236.9 -4.11 -4.37 TiGenix Inc. TIG.BR Buy EUR 0.96 1.80 88% 0.07 181.8 1.8 -- -0.12 -- uniQure N.V. QURE Buy EUR 13.83 40.00 189% 8.19 347.0 7.6 8.7 -3.14 -2.38 Vascular Biogenics Ltd. VBLT Buy USD 3.15 27.50 773% 1.39 71.6 0.0 0.0 -1.04 -1.06 VistaGen Therapeutics VSTA Buy USD 8.00 50.00 525% 0.06 88.8 0.0 0.0 -38.27 -3.98 Voyager Therapeutics, Inc. VYGR Neutral USD 10.39 15.00 44% 8.91 281.4 10.8 31.3 -2.29 -0.28 Chardan Capital Markets, Coverage Universe Page 1 of 5 e e e e e 1 23.05 111% 0.4 5.0 0.IT Buy ILS 29.2 0.02 11.2 3.42 -0.70 -- -- 0.20 155. PAYD USD 0.8 -- -- DigitalGlobe Inc.14 957.03 45.1 332.8 -0.6 0.25 1% 0. ENCR Buy USD 4.0 572. Inc.1 3.80 3.6 -- -- Iridium Communications Inc.9 430.57 8.6 177.6 28.18 0.33 -- -- 0.14 10.57 -- -- 0.4 69. ORBC USD 7.37 56.6 -0.146.90 -0.6 -- -- Acorn Energy ACFN Neutral USD 0. 7 a.11 Nearmap Ltd. Inc.583.5 -- -- -- -- Profire Energy Inc.3 196. ET (646) 465-9063 Company Name Ticker Rating Price Currency 02/10/2016 Price Target % to PT Cash per Share Market Cap Industrial & Consumer Technology Revenues FY:16 FY:17 EPS FY:16 Disclosures FY:17 JAMES McILREE.14 ORBCOMM.00 8% 0.50 158% 0.0 -0.60 27% 0.m. VUZI Buy USD 5. to 7 p.3 1. Inc. [email protected] 613.8 91.4 23.76 108.4 407.4 7. Inc. GSAT Buy USD 1.68 -- Real Estate e e e e e Lena Rogovin. NEA.48 45% 0.7 1.0 -- -- Chardan Capital Markets. IPAS Neutral USD 0.0 -- -- Gazit Globe GZT. MSRT Buy USD 0. to 7 a.18 e Globalstar Inc.00 64% 0.39 3.3 4.Chardan Capital Markets Research Universe February 11.571.00 1.0 -- -- Azrieli Group AZRG IT Neutral ILS 143.00 441% 0.13 -0. PFIE Buy Not Rated Neutral USD 0.66 Digital Ally. +1-646-465-9034 22nd Century Group.37 33. Geothermal Inc.09 Abtech Holdings Inc.6 696.5 7.6 -- -- iPass Inc. Inc.03 1.4 62.913.2 703.0 4.00 119% 2.5 -- -- KVH Industries Inc. CFA.70 -0.46 -- -- 5. GNUS Buy USD 0.53 MassRoots. 2016 Sales and 32.05 83.50 338% 0.56 22. Inc.97 2.16 7.75 10.00 108.712.62 20.3 29.00 689% 0.63 169. IRDM Neutral USD 6.14 9.6 -- -- U. HTM Neutral USD 0.S. XXII Buy USD 1.0 26.33 0.8 31.3 307.14 -- -- 0.86 -- 0.5 -- -- Ener-Core.m.848.50 83% 3.8 205.m.03 -- -- 0.14 -0. KVHI Buy USD 8.4 100.087.AX Buy AUD 0.5 -- -- Vuzix Corp. 7 p.0 2.68 30. +972-54-7232782 Alony-Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd. ABHD Neutral USD 0.11 6.0 31.83 504. ALHE. Coverage Universe Page 2 of 5 . DGI Buy USD 13.6 24.m.6 24.67 37.29 48.4 -- -- PAID.7 -0.2 1.5 -0.7 1.3 13.40 -- -- 0.10 80.IT Buy ILS 26.00 95% 0.1 447.7 2. ET (646) 465-9090 Sales and trading.00 101.4 183.00 147.3 -- -- e Genius Brands International.17 61.48 15.8 -- -- The KEYW Holding Corporation KEYW Neutral USD 4.12 136.8 8.00 447.151.00 256% 0. lrogovin@chardancm. Inc. DGLY Buy USD 5. 6 2.2 3.452.70 112.00 47% 7.8 1.4 21.84 Perion Networks Inc 92% 1. ALQA Buy USD 1.1 -0.72 e StemCells Inc. +1-646-465-9041 AB Science S.21 -1.00 87% 0.0 -2.0 2.00 128% 1. SGNL Buy USD 0.8 7. Inc.57 Inphi Corporation IPHI Buy USD 23.30 4.2 695.07 3.0 0.88 6. AB.2 19.032.42 2.01 17.35 3.59 68.51 Integrated Device Technology Inc.70 10.08 -0.00 Skyworks Solutions.4 285.50 20.4 3.40 6.1 0. 7 p. [email protected] 900% 0. Coverage Universe Page 3 of 5 e .0 -- -0. ALDX Buy USD 3.83 60.9 414.38 -- Telecom Services BCommunication Ltd.00 180% 1.0 375. 7 a.94 e Medical Transcription Billing.10 YOU On Demand Holdings.50 161% 1.3 0.2 59.27 24. IDTI 28.67 3.0 0.7 1. ET (646) 465-9063 Company Name Ticker Rating Price Currency 02/10/2016 Price Target % to PT Cash per Share Market Cap Technology. CATS Buy USD 0.49 5.57 MOKO Social Media MOKO -- -0.27 1.07 Check-Cap Ltd.4 -1.4 105.00 160% 7.49 Camtek CAMT Buy USD 1.3 82.1 2.0 -0. Inc.52 -0. e e e Lena Rogovin.30 -0.234.48 2.10 3. NSPH Buy USD 0.32 -- PERI Buy USD 2.1 764.1 -- -1.60 57.25 123% 0.2 3.62 CalAmp Corp.74 11.27 e Chardan Capital Markets.10 0.2 69. +1-646-465-9044 Ambarella Inc.2 0. Inc.3 960.25 369% 1.4 0.1 1. to 7 p.5 346.PA Buy EUR 9.889.88 Catasys Inc.00 219% 1.00 48% 5.64 90.37 30. Inc.59 597. RTTR Buy USD 1.00 NaN -- Therapeutics.50 0.6 27.70 100.76 0. OPXA Buy USD 1.0 -0.80 54.1 0.0 3.00 236% 0.Chardan Capital Markets Research Universe February 11.0 -1.IT Buy NIS 104.08 4.19 -- f Eyegate Pharmaceuticals.00 62% 2. Media & Telecom Revenues FY:16 FY:17 EPS FY:16 Disclosures FY:17 Marc Estigarribia. POZN Buy USD 5.5 9. Inc.1 1.m.60 44. +972-54-7232782 BCOM.81 158.76 -- Aldeyra Therapeutics.72 4.8 15.20 7.0 25.5 0. AMBA Neutral USD 34. ET (646) 465-9090 Sales and trading.32 1. [email protected] 1.2 -1.m.3 2.1 218. 2016 Sales and 1.30 393% 1.01 2. MTBC Buy USD 1.2 1.25 -0.00 133% 0.70 354.41 -0. Corp.00 332% 2.10 52.91 24.00 102% 1.9 0. WATT Buy USD 5. Inc.2 5.18 3.5 -1.0 15. CEVA Buy USD 18.14 386. EYEG Buy USD 3.27 12.525.A. STEM Buy USD 0.148.33 11.20 6.11 1.4 0.46 4. CFA.4 0.m.33 Dropping USD 0.32 -1.00 212% 0.48 -0.00 7% 0.25 191% 0.m.51 962.75 252% 0.48 -- e Signal Genetics.14 34.9 -2.54 -0.13 CEVA Inc. CHEK Buy USD 2.0 -1.00 220% 0.5 -5.90 33.0 2.70 16. Inc.3 319. knakae@chardancm. to 7 a.0 -0. CAMP Buy USD 16.09 e POZEN Inc.04 27.00 50% 6.5 99.73 981.7 3.00 73% 6.9 9.0 -- -1.94 Energous Corp.1 23.10 198.94 15.37 e Nanosphere.27 Buy USD 17.5 26.67 4.43 TowerJazz TSEM Buy USD Alliqua Inc.1 289. Devices & Diagnostics -- -- -- Keay Nakae.65 6.2 -- -0.63 -1.84 -2.8 366. YOD Buy USD 1. SWKS Buy USD 57.16 e Opexa Therapeutics.2 2.35 35.60 Ritter Pharmaceuticals. Inc. Actual results may differ significantly from such forward-looking statements. The analysts responsible for covering the securities in this report currently do not own common stock in the Company. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This Report contains forward-looking statements.SEC. RATINGS Buy: Expected to materially outperform sector average over 12 months and indicates total return of at least 10% over the next 12 months. The analyst(s) that prepared the research report did not receive any compensation from the Company or any other companies mentioned in this report in connection with the preparation of this report. which involve risks and uncertainties.An employee of Chardan Capital Markets (other than the research analyst) servers on the Board of Directors for this company. without the express written consent of Chardan Capital Market. Blue Sky . Opinions. among other factors. e. estimates and projections in this report constitute the current judgment of the author as of the date of this report. section in the SEC filings available in electronic format through SEC Edgar filings at www. estimates or target prices) without first obtaining express permission from Chardan Capital Market. opinions. Chardan Capital Market salespeople. but are not limited to. 7 p. Furthermore. Family . Receipt and review of this research report constituted your agreement not to redistribute. This report has been prepared without regard to the particular investments and circumstances of the recipient. 2016 Sales and trading. Coverage Universe Page 4 of 5 . The information herein is believed by Chardan Capital Market to be reliable and has been obtained from public sources believed to be reliable. COMPENSATION OR SECURITIES OWNERSHIP: The analyst(s) responsible for covering the securities in this report receives compensation based upon. Factors that might cause such a difference include. those discussed in the . changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. Equity . estimates and projections in this report may differ from or be contrary to those expressed by other business areas or group of Chardan Capital Market and its affiliates. GENERAL: This report is provided for informational purposes only. Chardan Capital Markets has received compensation for investment banking services from this company. ET (646) 465-9040 DISCLOSURE KEY: on the Internet. Chardan Capital Markets. forecast or estimate set forth herein. or disclose to others the contents. Investment Banking . b. in whole or in part. 7 a.Chardan Capital Markets Research Universe February 11. section in the SEC filings available in electronic format through SEC Edgar filings at www. past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.m. but Chardan Capital Market makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Chardan Capital Markets has managed or co-managed a public offering for this company. Chardan expects to receive. IPO . They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Chardan Capital Market and are subject to change without notice.Within the last twelve months. Market Maker . Chardan Capital Market does not provide individually tailored investment advice in research reports. Factors that might cause such a difference include. compensation for investment banking services from the Company in the next three months. Chardan Capital Market has no obligation to update. which involve risks and uncertainties.A member of the analyst.s conclusions. or any opinion. to 7 a.s household serves on the Board of Directors for this company. but are not limited to. retransmit.Risk Factors. f. In addition. the overall profitability of Chardan Capital Markets including profits derived from investment banking revenue and securities trading and market making revenue. retransmitted or disclosed. d. traders and other professionals may provide oral or written market commentary or trading strategies to our clients that reflect opinions that are contrary to the opinions expressed in this research. or in any form or manner. Electronic research is simultaneously available to all clients. ET (646) 465-9090 Sales and trading. Actual results may differ significantly from such forward-looking statements. conclusion or information contained in this report (including any investment recommendations. Neutral: Returns expected to be in line with sector average over 12 months and indicates total return between negative 10% and 10% over the next 12 months. opinions. but in the future may from time to time engage in transactions with respect to the Company or other companies mentioned in the report.m. Estimates of future performance are based on assumptions that may not be realized.this company may not be eligible for sale in one or more states.Chardan Capital Markets makes a market in shares of this company and as such. Sell: Returns expected to be materially below sector average over 12 months and indicates total price decline of at least 10% over the next 12 months. c. to 7 p.m. those discussed in the .gov on the Internet. g. Chardan Capital Markets or its officers.m. This report is provided to Chardan Capital Market clients and may not be redistributed. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This Report contains forward-looking statements.Risk Factors. projection. buys and sells from customers on a principal basis. employees or affiliates may execute transactions in securities mentioned in this report that may not be consistent with the report. It is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to particular trading strategy in any jurisdiction.Chardan Capital Markets or its affiliates beneficially owns 1% or more of an equity security of this company. DISCLOSURES Chardan Capital Markets expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from all companies under research coverage within the next three months. The information and opinions in this report were prepared by registered employees of Chardan Capital Market.Within the last twelve months.SEC. Board of Directors . modify or amend this report or to otherwise notify a reader thereof in the event that any matter stated herein. This research contains forward looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. or intends to seek. The securities discussed in this report may not suitable for all investors and investors must make their own investment decisions using their own independent advisors as they believe necessary and based upon their specific financial situations and investment objectives. unincorporated associations. to 7 a. (set out in Article 49(2) of the Order).m. Chardan Capital Markets. ET (646) 465-9090 Sales and trading.)). (c) other persons to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated (all such persons together being referred to as " relevant persons "). Coverage Universe Page 5 of 5 . (a) persons who fall within the definition of Investment Professionals (set out in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the . For investors in the UK: In making this report available. ET (646) 465-9040 This report is not intended for distribution to. 7 a. any of the information contained in this report in respect of any such investment activity. to 7 p. etc.m. (b)persons falling within the definition of high net worth companies. This report is being directed at or distributed to . 7 p. or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.Chardan Capital Markets Research Universe February 11.m.m. sell or otherwise deal in any securities or investments whatsoever and you should neither rely or act upon. 2016 Sales and trading. Chardan Capital Market makes no recommendation to buy. directly or indirectly. This report must not be acted on or relied on by persons who are not relevant persons.Order.
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