Chapter 4 Chemical Composition of the Cell.doc

March 24, 2018 | Author: Kai Qi | Category: Active Site, Enzyme, Substrate (Chemistry), Macromolecules, Molecular Biology



Chapter 4 Chemical Composition of the Cell1. Which of the following is the function of carbohydrate in animal cells? Antara berikut yang manakah adalah fungsi carbohidrat di dalam sel haiwan? A Helps in the formation of strong bone Membantu dalam pembentukan kekuatan tulang B To maintain body temperature Mengekalkan suhu badan C As respiratory substrates Sebagai substrat pernafasan D Essential element in formation enzymes Elemen asas dalam pembentukan enzim 2.    In the formation of antibody Dalam pembentukan antibodi In the formation of enzymes Dalam pembentukan enzim In the formation of the cell structure Dalam pembentukan struktur sel The above information shows the importance of a cell component. Which of the following represents this cell component? Informasi di atas menunjukkan kepentingan satu komponen sel. Antara berikut yang manakah mewakili komponen sel ini? A B C D Carbohydrate Protein Lipid Water 3. Enzymes are sensitive to various factors in the environment. Which of the following factors influence the rate of enzyme activity? Enzim adalah sensitif terhadap banyak faktor di dalam persekitaran. Antara berikut yang manakah adalah faktor mempengaruhi kadar aktivity enzim?. I II III IV The temperature Suhu The type of substrate Jenis substrat The concentration of the enzyme Kepekatan enzim The concentration of substrate Kepekatan substrat Which of the statements is true about the importance of water? Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang kepentingan air? I II III IV A B C D Acts as medium for biochemical reactions Bertindak sebagai medium untuk tindakbalas biokimia Maintaining body temperature Mengekalkan suhu badan Give supports to the structure of cell Memberi sokongan struktur sel Maintaining the osmotic balance between the blood and interstitial Fluid Mengekalkan keseimbangan osmosis antara darah dan cecair intersit I and III only I dan III sahaja II and IV only II dan IV sahaja I. III dan IV 5. B Enzyme action is effective at low pH Tindakan enzim berkesan pada pH yang rendah C Enzyme action is reversible Tindak balas enzim berbalik D Synthesised by living organisms Disintesis oleh organisma hidup . III and IV I. Semua enzim adalah protein. II. II. II and III only I. III dan IV sahaja I. II. III dan IV 4. III and IV I. III and IV only I. II dan III sahaja I. II. Which of the statements is not true of all enzymes? Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah tidak benar bagi semua enzim? A All enzymes are proteins.A B C D I and III only I dan III sahaja II and IV only II dan IV sahaja I. waxes. Figure shows an enzyme-cataylsed reaction. Which of the following pairs show uncorrectly the substrate and the enzyme? Antara pasangan berikut yang manakah tidak betul bagi substrat dan enzim? A B C D Substrate Substrat Glukose Lipid Maltose Lactose Enzyme Enzim Glucase Lipase Maltase Lactase . W X Z Y Which of the following is the enzyme? Di antara berikut. oils. oksigen Example is fats. III and IV I. II dan III sahaja I. phosholipids. III dan IV 7. and steroids Contohnya ialah lemak. II. oxygen Mengandungi unsur karbon. yang manakah adalah enzim? A B C D W X Y Z 8. hidrogen. Rajah menunjukkan tindakbalas enzim. fosfolipid dan steroid I and III only I dan III sahaja II and IV only II dan IV sahaja II. Which of the statements is true about the lipids? Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang lipid? I II III IV A B C D Soluble in water dan unsoluble in organic solvent Lalut dalam air dan tidak larut dalam pelarut organik Function in maintain the body temperature Berfungsi dalam mengekallkan suhu badan Contain carbon. hydrogen. III and IV only I. minyak. II.6. lilin. C Fat molecules in the cell are melted by heat Molekul lemak dalam sel dileburkan oleh haba D Excess heat cause the denaturation of enzyme Haba yang berlebihan menyebabkan enzim ternyahasli . Excess heat can affects the rate of enzyme-cataylsed reaction because Haba yang berlebihan boleh menpengaruhi kadar tindak balas enzim kerana A Excess heat produce energy which can increase the rate of enzymecataylsed reaction Haba yang berlebihan menghasilkan tenaga yang mempercepatkan tidakbalas enzim B Excess heat cause the evaporation of water from the cell Haba yang berlebihan menyebabkan sel mengalami penyejatan air.9. Which of the following graphs shows the effect of concentration of substrate on an activity enzyme at a fixed enzyme concentration? Antara graf yang berikut manakah menunjukkan kesan kepekatan substrat terhadap aktiviti enzim dengan kepekatan enzim yang tetap? A Activity enzyme Concentration of substrate B Activity enzyme Concentration of substrate C Activity enzyme Concentration of substrate D Activity enzyme Concentration of substrate .10. X. X Y Diagram Rajah (a) (i) Name the part labelled X of an enzyme Namakan bahagian berlabel X pada enzim. Rajah menunjukkan bagaimana enzim bertindak. Untuk membenarkan substrat spesifik mengikatnya.Subjactive Diagram shows how an enzyme works.Active site Tapak aktif [ 1 mark ] [1 markah ] (ii) What is function of X ? Apakah fungsi Y? To allow a specific substrate to binds to it. [ 1 mark ] [1 markah ] (b) (i) What does Y represent? Apakah yang diwakili oleh Y? Enzyme-subsrate complex Kompleks enzim-substrat [ 1 mark ] [1 markah ] . convert starch flour into sugar in the making of bread Amilase – Menukarkan tepung kanji kepada gula dalam pembuatan roti [ 2 marks ] [2 markah ] . pH. Substrat bercantum secara spesifik pada tapak aktif enzim untuk membentuk kompleks enzim-substrat yang tidak stabil. Enzymes needed in small amount. Huraikan secara ringkas mekanisme yang berlaku pada Y. Enzim bersifat spesifik.Bertindak pada protein dalam daging untuk melembutkan daging Zymase – Used in wine making industry which can convert sugars into ethanol. pH. Kemudian. The substrate molecule binds specifically to the active site to form an enzymesubstrate complex which is very unstable. [ 2 marks ] [2 markah ] ( c) Give three general characteristic of enzymes.    Protease – Acts on protein in meat to tenderises meat Protease. kepekatan substrat dan kepekatan enzim. Enzim diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang kecil. (d) State the two uses of enzymes in daily life and industrial processes. enzim akan memangkinkan perubahan substrat untuk membentuk hasil. Zimase . Semua enzim adalah protein. Enzim peka terhadap suhu. substrate concentration and enzyme concentration. markah] Nyatakan tiga ciri umum bagi enzim       [ 3 marks / Enzyme action is reversible Tindak balas enzim berbalik Synthesised by living organisms Disintesis oleh organisma hidup All enzymes are proteins. Nyatakan dua kegunaan enzim dalam kehidupan harian dan proses industry. Enzymes are sensitive to temperature.(ii) Briefly describe the mechanism which occurs at Y. Then then enzyme will catalyse the conversation of substrate to form the products.Digunakan dalam indusri penyediaan minuman beralkohol untuk menukarkan gula kepada etanol Amylase. Enzymes are highly spesifik. Enzyme denature at high temperature. With the aid of diagram. .  The enzyme-substrate complex is not stable and the bonds between the substrate and the enzyme are temporary. Enzim bertindak sebagai pemangkin biologi dengan mempercepatkan kadar tindak balas biokimia dalam sel.  It also has a distribution of charges that complements those of its substrate.  The active site has a three-dimensional shape.     Enzymes are highly specific.  The substrate is held by weak forces such as hydrogen bond and ionic bond in the active site. Enzim amat spesifik.  An enzyme has an active site into which a substrate can enter. Enzim ternyahasli pada suhu yang tinggi. Enzyme can be reuse and it is not destroyed at the end of reaction Enzim boleh digunakan semula dan ia tidak dimusnahkan pada akhir tindak balas. it temporarily binds to the substrate. explain the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis in an enzymes reaction. it may induce a slight change of shape in the enzyme molecule. list the general characteristic of enzymes. that is one enzyme only can catalyst one or a few similar type of reactions only. terangkan hipotesis ‘kunci dan mangga’ dalam tindak balas enzim. Based on the statement. Dengan bantuan gambarajah. 2.  The enzyme reverts to its original configuration and is ready to catalyse another substrate molecule.  After a substrate enters the active site. Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut.  After reaction is completed. Enzymes only need in small quantity.Essay 1.  The shape of the active site is just compatible to the shape of the substrate.  As the substrate molecule combines with the enzyme. Enzymes act as a biological catalysts by accelerating the rate of biochemical reactions in a cell. iaitu satu enzim hanya boleh memangkinkan satu atau beberapa tindak balas yang sama jenis sahaja. the product which is formed leaves the active site. senaraikan ciri-ciri umum enzim. Enzim hanya diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang kecil. . Enzim seperti amilase dan lipase digunakan dalam pembuatan detergen biologi. ice creams and gravy. ais krim dan kuah. 3. enzymes such as protease and papain is used to tenderise the meat before it is cooked and fill into cans. The protein fibrous in connective tissues need to be broken down in order to increase the its tenderness Dalam industri daging. Protein yang berserabut dalam tisu-tisu penghubung perlu dipecahkan supaya dapat meningkatkan kelembutan daging. Explain the uses if enzymes in : Enzim boleh digunakan sebagai pemangkin dalam industri. c) Paper industry Industri kertas In paper industry. Lipase is effective in removing oil and grease. Terangkan kegunaan enzim dalam: a) Detergent industry Industri bahan cuci Enzymes such as lipase amilase and used in the manufacture of a biological detergent. b) Meat industry Industri daging In the meat industry. enzim seperti protease dan papain digunakan untuk melembutkan daging sebelum ia dimasak dan masukkan ke dalam tin. enzim seperti ligninase digunakan untuk mengeluarkan lignin dari pulpa sebelum kertas terluntur yang berkualiti tinggi boleh dihasilkan. Lipase adalah berkesan dalam menanggalkan minyak dan gris. enzymes such as ligninase used to remove the lignin from pulp before high-quality bleached paper can be produced. Amilase membuang kotoran yang mengandungi kanji seperti sos. Amilase removes dirt containing starch such as sauces. Protease act on at dirt containing protein such as blood and saliva. Enzymes can be used as catalysts in industries. Protease bertindak pada kotoran yang mengandungi protein seperti darah dan air liur. Dalam industri kertas. This mechanism of enzymatic reaction called “lock and key hypothesis”.
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