Chapter 1 General Introduction of the HJD04 Switching System.doc

March 23, 2018 | Author: Oshun76 | Category: Modularity, Computer Programming, Telephone Exchange, Operating System, Telecommunication



Chapter One General Introduction of the HJD04 SwitchingSystem 11 General Introduction of the System 111 De!elopments of the Switches The SPC switch has been developing along with the telecommunication and computer technologies. The digital switching technology has gradually matured as the digitalization technology of telecommunication patterns develops. Computers are widely used in the switching controlling systems as the computer technology, especially the micro-processor technology, has achieved boosting development. Hence, it becomes possible to control the switching connection by means of computer stored programs. ith the development of the computer technology, the switching system control modes of SPC switches have been changing continuously. The modes can be divided into the centralized control mode, hierarchically-controlled mode, decentralized control mode and the hierarchically- distributed control modes. 1" Centrali#ed Control $ode !n "#$%&s, the development of the SPC switches was in the initial stage . The whole switching system was controlled only by one processor because of high cost of computer systems. !n order to reduce the cost, only one processor was used to control the whole system and all control functions of the switching system were underta'en by the central processor. This is called the centralized control mode. Structural features of this mode led to poor reliability of the centralized SPC switches. The whole system may brea' down if the central processor has some problems. (oreover, as the capability of the processor is limited, it can&t fulfill the processing demand of large switching capacity. This control mode is not used now in the modern large-scale switches. %" Hierarchical Control $ode ith the development of the microprocessors, it is possible to adopt the multi-processors in one switching system. (ost of the large-scale office switches now adopt this mode. Some simple and repetitive but highly-real-time operations are processed by the sub-processors so as to alleviate the burden of the central processor, and the re)uirement to the central processor can also be lowered. The reliability of this mode is much higher than that of the centralized control mode, as its sub-processors are only in charge of parts of the function or subscribers. !f a fault occurs, the affected area is limited. The reliability of the central processor increases as it ta'es care of fewer functions and its comple*ity is reduced. +ut this mode doesn&t completely change the pattern of one central processor controlling the whole system. So it still can not get rid of the defects of the centralized control mode. &" Decentrali#ed Control $ode To overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings that can not be solved, the +ell Corporation developed decentralized switching system S",-%. S",-% has no central processor. .ll the control functions are distributed in each part of the system and realized independently by many small processors. The system consists of many 'inds of terminal modules, assistant control units and the digital switching networ' with the latter as the hub of the system. Processors within each module are independent from each other and the message communication is conducted through the digital switching networ'. The full decentralization is realized through function decentralization, level decentralization and the space decentralization. The function decentralization means demarcating all services according to functions and each processor is in charge of one function. The level decentralization is that, among a group of processors, each one plays its role and the upper level hierarchically controls the lower level. The space decentralization means that each processor is in charge of a certain switching area, e.g. one processor serves a certain amount of subscribers. !n this way, the same type of terminal modules will not be affected if one of them brea's down. .s functions are decentralized, any failure will only affect the volume of the service instead of the types of services the system offers. .s to the space decentralization, brea'down of certain e)uipment only affects the area served by it and other areas will not be affected. So, the reliability of the whole system is improved. However, this control mode has its own shortcomings. .s the processors are added, the scale of communication between processors increases e*ponentially. This occupies much processing capacity of the processor, and complicates the software. /urthermore, some problems still remain to be solved, such as the performance evaluation of the distributed processing system, the perfection of the distributed data base technology and the realization of the parallel computing etc. 4" Hierarchical Distri'uted (rchitecture and the Control $ode To avoid the problems e*isting in the above-mentioned control modes, H01%- switching system developed the completely innovative hierarchically distributed structure and control mode. ith this mode, the whole switching system is divided into several planes and processing layers. 2ach layer consists of many same-level processors. The control principle is that same-level processors coordinate with each other and the lower level obeys the upper level. The mode has some features of decentralization but avoids the problems of the latter as the same layer consists of limited constituents, and therefore, the coordination and message communication between them will not affect the efficiency of the processor. The control mode between the upper and lower levels is highly efficient, as it is similar to that of the centralized control mode. !n this way, the control mode of H01%- switching system incorporates the advantages of both the centralized and the decentralized control mode. (oreover, we will see that in the future, this structural design of H01%- switching system possesses wonderful compatibility and e*cellent function e*pansion ability when it is renovated and upgraded. 11% Structural )eatures of HJD04 The H01%- digital switching system develops along with the development of the software and hardware of computers. !nitial design of the system is not tradition-oriented but based on the computer system, which is the 'ernel of the switching system. !t is deemed as a real-time computer- controlled system with the main tas' of realization of switching and other supplementary services. +ea'-through has been achieved in the H01%- switching system regarding the system architecture and switching networ' because of its complete innovative design. ith the newly designed hierarchically distributed architecture and control mode, and the uni)ue 3 fully- interconnected distributed duplicated T-type switching networ' 3, the H01%- switching system has powerful processing capacities even e)uipped with less e*pensive low-rate processors. The computer-centered designing offers the H01%- switching system with the natural adaptability to develop the !4 service, !S14 function and SS5 signaling systems etc. ide application to PST4 and private networ's enables the H01%- switching system to achieve great improvement in terms of functions and performance. . series of products, including H01%-C, H01%-1, H01%-2, H01%-6(, %--172 and %--6S8 etc., have been successfully developed. !n addition, series of built-in optical9 electric interfaces are offered to fulfill various 'inds of subscriber demands and to enhance functions of the system. Major performance indexes of the HJD04 switching system are listed hereunder: * Max. apacity of the system: HJDo4D!!!"u#scri#er lines: $00%& tandem trun's: 40%& HJD04(!! "u#scri#er lines: )00%& tandem trun's: *)0%& * +rocessing capacity: ,- million .H/ 0HJD04D1 ,$2 million .H/ 0HJD04(1 * +ro3iding powerful ""4 0#oth the *4!#it and the $4!#it are compati#le 1& * +ro3iding entrex & * +ro3iding the 5"D6 function with min. and max. integration capa#ility & * +ossessing the ""+ function of 56& * +ro3iding 7).x interface& * +ro3iding internal optical transmission interface& * "upporting the access of remote wire!line and wireless su#scri#ers 08"9: D;(: <;;! 041& * "upporting the centrali=ed maintenance: centrali=ed monitoring and centrali=ed charging of the whole networ'& * +ossessing high relia#ility and maintaina#ility& * +rocessing good upward>downward compati#ility and the expanding ser3ices will safeguard the user?s in3estment & * +ro3iding profound and efficient technology and product support as well as ser3ice means& * +ossessing flexi#le system structure which is accessi#le to new technologies? * "atisfying the pre3ailing and future demands of communication networ'. 11& (pplication Scope The H01%- switching system is designed in accordance with the technology standard of China:s communication networ'. !t meets the demands of China:s digital ; analogue hybrid networ' and digital networ' and the demands of China:s networ' management. The system structure is adaptable to the development of !S14. Th eH01%- digital SPC switching system consists of <, modules of which <" modules can be used for telephone e*change e*cept one that serves as the !9= module. hen the whole system is established, fle*ible composition of the networ' can be realized in the mode of cumulative modules. The HJD04E digital SPC switching system has 64 modules. The system can be based on the module connection to fom fle!ible netwo"s. Due to the ado#tion of the lage$ca#acity sta$sha#e o#tical fibe diectly$connected switching netwo" % &'6()&'6( *+ each switching module can su##ot ,-.& subscibe #ots/ 40.6 tun" #ots and 40.6 &01D #ots. 2t has 40.6$3 channel time slots/ among which 3 is the office module numbe 4including the 5odule 06. 0HC789age than :00(;hou 4<hen thee ae :- modules/ the system 0HC7 is greater than # million 9 hour>. 1" *raffic +olume and the ,um'er of )rames for ( single $odule  HJD04D Switch8 ?">. The traffic volume under the normal load is no less than @$5eA ?,>. (a*imumB "TC/ and < SC/A one TC/ has C", lines and one SC/ has "%,- lines.  HJD04- Switch8 ?"> The normal load is not smaller than <-C%erlA ?,> =ne control frame at ma*imum and seven subscriber frames are configured. %" .ure *run/ $odules  HJD04D Switch 8 ?">. .dopting SS5B %.$Ce97 ?one TC/>A digital trun'B "--% linesA ?,>. .dopting SS"B %.$Ce97 ?one TC/>A digital trun' ≥ ",%% linesA ",@ sets of (/ registers at ma*imumA ?<>. .dopting SS"B %.$Ce97 ?one TC/>A digital trun's D analog trun's ≤"<,@ lines , among which ",%% lines at ma*imum are digital trun's and ",@ lines at ma*imum are analogue trun's with ",@ sets of (/ registers.  HJD04- Switch 8 (1) .dopting the SS5B 8 %.#Cerl97?" control frame> + -%#$ digital trun' linesA being able to have two ST(-" optical trun' interfacesA (2) .dopting SS"B digital trun's ≥#%% linesA more than ",@ sets of (/6 . &" *run/ 0 Su'scri'er $i1ed $odules  HJD04D switch 8 The configuration of the trun'9subscriber module is one TC/ at most and three SC/s. The configuration table comes as Table ".".". Table -.-.- Tun" ; Subscibe 5i!ed 5odule Configuation Table 5a!. e=ui#ment >ame configuation Subscibe lines 40.-,el;9 6 5a!. DT? sets Tun" #ots 40.6'el; 96 5a!. 7nalog ue tun"s 5a!. Digital tun"s 5a!. 5>? sets SS@ - TC> 1- SC> -0&41'-& :& -440 -440 - TC>1& SC> &04,1'-& 64 -:,0 -:,0 - TC> 1: SC> :0@&1'-& .6 '40 '40 SS- - TC> 1- SC> -0&41'-& :& -&00 -&, -&00 -&, - TC> 1& SC> &04,1'-& 64 --40 -&0 --40 -&, - TC> 1: SC> :0@&1'-& .6 4&0 -&, 4&0 64 -> *he Capacity of the HJD04 Switch in +arious (pplications ?">. Capacity of large or medium switchB C", to "%%' subscriber lines or $% E -%,%%% trun' linesA ?,>. Terminal office of small economical capacityB C", to <C@- subscriber lines ?<>. .ccess unit of remote subscribersB "$ to "%,- subscriber lines ?-> large-capacity tandem office 8 <% F to ,C% F trun' lines ?C> large-capacity and multi-module terminal and tandem office with module area distribution 1% System (rchitecture of the HJD04 Digital S.C Switch 1%1 O!erall (rchitecture of the System The H01%- Switching system adopts the innovative hierarchically distributed architecture and control mode. The whole system is divided into five planes and four processing levels ?See /igure ".,.">B The five planes ?levels> come as followsB (1) Service Console Plane This level is the operation plane for subscribers. !t consists of maintenance, charging, measurement, operator seats and service consoles of the business hall. The local service consoles of the system form a completely open terminal system by connecting 2thernet and support the remote centralized networ' management and maintenance function. (2) Input/ Output Plane This level is the man-machine communication plane. !t consists of input9output communication processors and input9output processors that are parasitic on the modules. (3) Switching Processing Plane This level is the voice, data and video service switching plane. !t consists of the switching networ' and various modules. (4) Function Processing Plane This level is the telephony support plane. !t is subordinate to the corresponding module and consists of the processors which implement different functions. (5) Coprocessing Plane This level is the telephony support plane. !t consists of the co-processors which serve the corresponding functional processors. The bottom level consists of various circuit interfaces such as the interface of analogue subscriber lines, the interface of digital subscriber lines, the interface of analogue trun' and the interface of digital trun' etc. The relationship among the levels is that the lower level is subordinate to the upper level and each level plays the relevant function. The elements in the same plane are different in function but e)ual in status, which fully embodies the concept of distribution. The basic element of the system is the module. 4o matter what 'ind of modules they are, they become members of the system to strengthen the system and the capacity as long as they can satisfy the communication procedure and interface regulations. .t present, there are input9output modules, switching modules, the SS5 module and remote modules etc. - & , - C 2;A < : - $ # "% 5 ' "" ", @ " < 3otesB -. A#en teminal system &. netwo" element management #lane :. 2;A #ocessing and communication 4. in#ut and out#ut #lane '. in#ut and out#ut #ocesso 6. switch #ocessing #lane @. switching netwo" ,. module #ocesso .. functional #ocessing #lane -0. functional #ocesso --. co$#ocessing #lane -&. co$#ocesso >igue -.&.- Hieachical 7chitectue of the HJD04 Digital SPC Switching System The 'ernel of the system is the switching networ'. The H01%- switching system adopts a completely innovative control modeB fully !nter-connected distributed duplicate T-type switching system. ?See figure ".,.,> The structure of this networ' is that each module has a ,%-core ribbon cable which is connected with all the modules ?including the module of the ribbon cable >. Hence, the switching networ's that are located in modules integrate into a whole networ' and form a switching plane. !n order to ensure the reliability of the system, the switching networ' adopts dual- plane designing so that when one plane brea's down, the other one can go on wor'ing. The two planes can wor' by turns in the active9 standby mode. The input9output level of the switching networ' ?4T", concentrator9e*pander> provides each module with -%#$ $-Fb9s ports, and the mid-unit connection level of the switching networ' ?4T<, switching level> provides each module with , G "%,- time slots ?TS> ?dual-plane>.The multi- party communication component which is between the switching level of the switching networ' and the e*pander ma'es it more convenient for the system to fulfill the function of conferences and other service functions. The "%,- TSs of each module in the switching networ' are not all used for voice switching. The former <, time slots are used for communication between modules. hen the system modules are less than <,, the number of TS used for communication is e)ual to the number of the modules. 2ach module can only send the message from the TS which has the same se)uence number of this module but can receive messages from the other <" time slots. The transmission rate of the reconnection cable of the switching networ' is <,.$5@(b9s, and the reconnection relationship of the switching units among the modules is shown as /igure ".,.<B PC5.6 PC5-&@ >igue -.&.& HJD04 >ully$distibuted Du#licate$T Switching 3etwo" $ulti2party Communication .arts ,*% Duplicated %3 $odule Duplicated n3 $odule . CDn EF 1uplicated Hoice- memory. "%,- G@ Concentato 3T- S.S 3T& "%,- G@ *2type ,etwor/ ,*& "I module Hoice (emory "%,- G@ "%,- G@ -0&4 G, -0&4 G, "%,- G@ "%,- G@ PC50 S P S P PC5:- S P S P. E!#ande ,*1 PC50 S P . PC5:- S P PC5.6 S P H PC5-&@ S P % 0 2 c o r e f l a t r i ' ' o n c a ' l e c o n n e c t e d t o o t h e r m o d u l e s C o m e f r o m t h e 1s t $ o d u l e C o m e f r o m t h e %n d $ o d u l e 3otesB 5$$ 5odule >igue -.&.: 2nte$module Switching Init 5ulti#le!ing ?elationshi# The structure of H01%-2 is that each module has an optical fiber with four interfaces , which is connected with the system switching unit ?1S8>. Through the 1S8 bac'-board printed wire, it is multiple*ed with all the modules ?including the module of the ribbon cable >. Hence, the switching networ's that are located in modules integrate into a whole networ' and form a switching plane. The H01%-2 optical-connected duplicate-T switching networ' includes Planes . and +. !n order to ensure the reliability of the system, the switching networ' adopts dual-plane designing so that when one plane brea's down, the other one can go on wor'ing. The two planes can wor' by turns in the active9 standby mode. !t provides -%#$ TS for each module. The ma*imum system capacity is &'6(!&'6(. The input9output level of the switching networ' ?4T", concentrator9e*pander> provides each module with @"#$ $-Fb9s ports, and the mid-unit connection level of the switching networ' ?1S8, switching level> provides each module with -%#$ time slots ?TS> ?dual-plane>.The H01%-2 provides the multi-party communication component independently and ma'es it more convenient for the system to fulfill the function of conferences and other service functions. J J. ( - DSI ( & DSI 5 i DSI 5 :- DSI - & i Μ :- J J The multi#le!ing elationshi# of the inte$module switching unit is shown as figue -.&.4. Plane 7 o#tical fibe 5odule 0J 5odule -J cable 5odule &J 5odule :J 5odule 4J 5odule 'J 5odule :0J 5odule :-J KL 5odule 0J 5odule -J 5odule &J 5odule :J 5odule 4J 5odule 'J 5odule :0J 5odule :-J >igue -.&.4 Digital Switching 3etwo" Init 4DSI6 Connection Diagam 4:& modules6 The intenal #at of the system switching unit is based on the du#licated T$ty#e achitectue. The T connecto is com#osed of the Moice memoy and contol memoy. 1S8%. 1S8". 1S8,. 1S8"C. 1S8%+ 1S8"+ 1S8,+ 1S8"C+ .lane 4 High-speed bus High-speed bus?bac'-board printed wire> 1%% Hardware System (rchitecture 1" 4asic Composition of the System HJD04C4D6 8 The structure of the H01%- switching system is modularized. The ma*. amount of modules is <,, among which the switching modules are numbered from " to <" and (odule 4o.% is the !9= module. The communication and data e*change between different modules are carried out through the duplicated T-type switching networ' of the system. The maintenance console ?(C> and billing console or charging console ?CC> of the system are connected with the system through (odule 4o. %. The subscriber measurement console or measurement des' ?(1> can connect with any of the other modules. See /igure ".,.C. /igure ".,.C +asic Composition of the H01%- Switch H01%-2 8 The system architecture is modularized with the area decentralization among the modules. The ma*imum modules in the system can reach $-. (odules from 4o. " to 4o. $< are the switching modules. 2ach module can realize the inter-module communication and data e*change through the system duplicate T-type switching networ'. The maintenance console, the measurement console and the billing console are connected with the system modules through the 7.4. The services consoles can be integrated into one as is shown in /igure ".,.$. 1 $@ "witching Module 5@ "witching Module M@ "witching Module 32! Switching "o#ule 0@ 5>A Module M & NNNNNN NNNNNN ""4 Module M of ""4 MD 4otesB switching roomB S6 (B module CCA charging console or billing console (C maintenance console (1B measurement des' or measurement console /igure ".,.$ H01%-2 System Composition %" $odule (rchitecture and Composition The H01%-C91 switch is composed of three basic modules, i.e. input and output module 4o. % , Switching (odule and SS5 (odule . ?"> .rchitecture and Composition of the Switching module .. Composition of the Switching (odule The H01%-C91 system can be configured with <"switchign modules at most. 2ach module is composed of the control shelf and the subscriber shelf. 2ach control shelf can support < subscriber shelves. 2ach subscriber shelf contains "%,- subscribers, as is shown in /igure ".,.5. (< (- (" (C CC (1 (, (5 ($< S6 + S6 . ?(ain S6> ($ Toll fiber (C 1S8 S6 C toll KL H8+ local KL SS5 (C /igure ".,.5 Composition of the Switching (odule 1escriptionsB (P Omain processor A serving as (P-%-2 in the H01%-2 system .G( Oau*iliary memory and serving as .G(-2 in H01%-1P78S92 system 1S4 Odigital switching networ' A H01%-C91 includes 4T" P 4T, and 4T<A H01%-2 includes 4T"2 + 4TP and 1S8. .14TOtime se)uence circuit board 1TP Odigital trun' processor 1T(POdual tone processor (/P O multi-fre)uency processor CP O communication processor A not used in H01%-1P78S92 system =TP Oouter-line testing processor SSP Osubscriber9analogue trun' processor !SP Oposition processor !=!/O,+D1 e*panded interface TCP O SS5 interface processor , not used in the H01%-1P78S92 system 1SP O!S14 interface processor 7T O!S14 digital subscriber interface board =T4!O optical auto-healing loop interface board ?"CC(> =T! O optical interface board ?<-(> 7=T!Olow-rate optical interface board .PH OH1S7 interface board .P+ O pair gain interface board S7!COsubscriber line integrated circuit board 7)5 5P7 5P0 C P 7 D 3 T S S P 2 S P A T P 5 > P D T 5 P D T P D S P T C P 2 A 2 > S 9 2 C 9 T A T 3 2 7 P H DS3 9 A T 2 A T 2 7 P 0 !n each module, the module processor ?(P> is lin'ed to different functional processors by the bus. The 'ey components such as (P, CP, 1S4 etc. are dually-configured and the other functional components are wor'ing in the function-sharing mode, which guarantees the module:s security and reliability. +. Hardware Structure of Switching (odules The switching module is formed by the trun' control frame and subscriber control frame. The structure of the subscriber control frame is showed as /igure ".,.@. !t has $ layers. 7ayer " is used for the ringing current and power supplyA 7ayers ,-C are those for S7!Cs and contain "%,- subscribers in allA 7ayer $ is one for the subscriber signaling processor and networ'. The structure of the trun' control frame is showed as /igure ".,.#. !t has $ layersB 7ayer " is used for the power supplyA 7ayers , and < can be used for subscribers A 7ayer < can also serve as the trun' layerA 7ayer - is one for trun'sA 7ayer C is used for controlA 7ayer $ is used for the networ' time se)uence . N /igure ".,.@ Subscriber /rame ? Shelf> .rchitecture S S 9 9 2 NNNNNNNNNN 2 C C S S 9 9 2 NNNNNNNNN 2 C C S 7 7 S S S S S S S S 3 3 S T T T S S S S S S S S T T T 0 P P P P P P P P P P - - 0 9 - 0 @ 6 ' 4 : & - 0 0 7 ? S S 9 9 2 NNNNNNNNN 2 C C S S 9 9 2 NNNNNNNNN 2 C C 99Q 99Q $4,R $4,R 1'R 1'R 1'R 1'R 1-&R 1-&R PC50$&0 PC50$&0 PC50$&0 PC50$&0 PC50$&& /igure ".,.# H01%-C91 Control /rame ? Shelf> .rchitecture ?,> I0O $odule Structure and Composition The !9= module is numbered % and located in the control frame of the switching modules ?/igure ".,."%>. 2ach module % consists of two boards !=CP and !=P. The system supports more than two %I modules, i.e. more than two sets of charging consoles ?CC> and measurement des's ?(1>. !n the H01%-2 system, the functions of !=P and !=CP are performed by .G(-2 in each module. S 3 3 S T T T T 0 - - 0 9 0 7 ? S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 S T T T T T T T T T T T T T D T 0 & : : : : & : : : : - - 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 T ? D C 0 7 D C 0 7 S 2 2 2 A T C C 5 7 5 2 2 S T A A S T C P P P ) P A A T 0 2 2 P P P - 0 0 5 7 C P 0 9 > > P ? - 0 S 3 3 S T T T T 0 - - 0 9 0 7 ? $'R $'R 1'R 1'R 1'R 1'R PC50$&0 PC50$&0 PC50$&' PC50$&' PC50$&- PC50$&: S92C;DCT3;?CT3;7CT3;9T 5>P;DT5P;DTP;7RP;AT2 AT32;9AT2;7P0;7PH 5>P;DT5P;DTP;7RP;AT2 AT32;9AT2;7P0;7PH /igure ".,."% H01%-C91 !nput9 =utput (odule Composition 5&" Structure and Composition of the SS6 $odule The SS5 module, as an independent module of the system, is composed of one H01%- standard frame. The single-frame SS5 module is able to support $- lin's and can be connected to < SS5 modular frames, The SS5 module system can support ,C$ lin's. .mong the module frames, one is the main module frame and others are the sub-module frames. The main processor of the main module frame e*pands its bus through the board ST+7 and operates the processors of the sub- module frames. .. Composition of the SS5 (odule a> Composition of the (ain (odule The composition of the main module is shown as /igure ".,."". !=P !=CP (C CC .ddress 7ine ,+D1 ,+D1 4usiness Hall 4usiness Hall !9= (odule " $ Control 7ine 1ata 7ine PC( lin' to 1S4 in the system SSS to the su'7frame S*48 /igure ".,."" Composition of the SS5 (ain (odule b> Composition of the Sub-module /rame The composition of the sub-module frame is shown in /igure ".,.",. *o the mian2frame S*48 SS /igure ".,.", Composition of the Sub-module /rame 1escriptionsB ST+7O signal transit board on the left 7)5 5P7 5P0 S T 0 9 D T P - C S S P @ 5 T C P 0 5 T C P - C S S P 0 D T P 0 ST09 D T P 0 D T P - C S S P @ C S S P 0 5 T C P - 5 T C P 0 (TCPO message communication processor CSSPOsignaling processor 1TP Osignaling lin' processor +. .rchitecture of the SS5 (odule The 4o.5 main and standby modules are all of single-bloc' structure, the only difference is that in the standby modules no boards (P., (P+ and .G( configured. See /igure ".,."<. >igue -.&.-: 7chitectue of the SS@ 5odule 1%& (rchitecture of the Software System The software of H01%- switching system is designed in accordance with the overall designing re)uirement and based on the characteristics of the hierarchically distributed architecture . !t adopts the top-to-bottom designing method and the concept of structural programming designing . 1" Di!ision of the Software )unctions !n designing the software, the overall functions are considered first. The software is classified into many levels in accordance with their functions and in the virtual-machine principle. The overall functions are first divided into functional groups, which are sub-divided into function sub- groups, and then the functional sub-groups are further divided into functional bloc's. The principle of /(( ?/inite (essage (achine> is adopted to enhance the modularization of the program so as to ma'e it more convenient for the designers to wor'. Therefore, the software system of the H01%- switching system is a layered modularized structure. The software system of H01%- switching system is divided into five functional groupsB operating system, telephony support, call processing, maintenance and management. The software structure which is based on the essence of virtual-machine is shown as /igure ".,."-B S D D C C C C C C C C 5 5 5 7 5 T T T S S S S S S S S T T P ) P 0 P P S S S S S S S S C C 0 5 7 9 - 0 P P P P P P P P P P @ 6 ' 4 : & - 0 - 0 /igure ".,."- 7ayered (odular Software .rchitecture 51" Operating System The operating system of H01%- switching system varies with the different types of control units. Software of various service console groups is based on PC while the operating system of 1=S or !41=S is used. The (C $@F monitoring program is used by various sub-processors. The specific operating system, which is developed by using (C$@F as the core , is used by the module processors. The specific operating system is in charge of operation management, facility management, data base management and communication. N 5%" *elephone Support The software of telephone support is composed of the software of many sub-processors. !ts main tas' is to convert the physical signal to the logical signal or vice versa, so as to enable it to become the electric signal that can drive the circuit to wor'. /or e*ample, the software of SSP ?subscriber signaling processor> identifies the status of subscriber terminals and the electric signal The Centralized (anagement9(aintenance 7ocal (anagement9(aintenance Call Poce ss (aintenance Support Tele#hony Su##ot The =peration System 5anagement Su##ot Terminal Circuit Switching 4etwor' Pei#heal DeMice of telephone number as the logical signal of the on hoo'9off hoo' of the subscriber, or drives the circuit according to the commands that are released by the module processor, e.g. ringing etc. Call processing The call processing of the H01%- switching system can be divided into the call control and call service. The call control can be divided into routine call control and performance call control. The routine call control includes the subscriber call processing, trun' call processing, seat call processing, etc. The performance call control mainly refers to the performance realization of various new services. The call service is used to support the call control and to complete the translation of the office prefi* and the number analysis, etc. 54" $aintenance The purpose of maintenance is to safeguard the switching system in good wor'ing status. The maintenance includes routine testing and diagnosis ; analysis of failure. (aintenance function can be realized by the maintenance management console and maintenance supporting module of the module processor. 59" $anagement The management mainly refers to the operating management of the switching office. !t includes subscriber management, trun' route management, signaling management, charging management and traffic statistics etc. The subscriber management, trun' route management and traffic statistics of the H01%- switching system are fulfilled by the maintenance console and the management supporting module of the module processor. SS5 management and charging management are provided by dedicated operating consoles. %" Software )unction Distri'ution The H01%- switching system adopts hierarchically distributed architecture and software functional modules are assigned to different control units with hardware configuration. The control unit can be a PC, module processor, various sub-processors and co-processors. 1ifferent control units are e)uipped with different software module combination and fulfill different system functionsA or the same control units are e)uipped with different software module combinations and fulfill different system functionsA or the same control units are e)uipped with the same software module combination and fulfill the same system functions. ithin one control unit, only limited software module combinations can be loaded. !t is not necessary and not possible to load the whole software module combinations. +ut the operating system is configured in each control unit. &" Software .rogramming 8anguage The following three languages are mainly used in the H01-%- system software programming B ---- +C obKect-oriented program designing language A ---- standard C advanced programming languageA ---- .S( $@F assembly programming language. 51" 4C O':ect2oriented .rogram Designing language The obKect-oriented program designing is one of the most advanced technology in the world. Programs based on it are characterized by high modularization, high possibility of reuse and high maintainability. !t can be programmed by many people at the same time and is convenient for communication. .s for +C, it supports the obKect-oriented program designing. So the centralized networ' management software and local service console software are all written in this language. 5%" Standard C (d!anced .rogramming 8anguage The standard C language is )uite descriptive and the generated codes are of high efficiency. The target code is completely secluded from the programming environment and can be loaded into the targeted control unit for operation. So the switching software and many telephony supporting software are written in this language. 5&" (S$;<= (ssem'ly .rogramming 8anguage The assembly programming language can fully reflect the style of programming and personality of programmed obKects, and its code creation is of the highest efficiency. This language is often adopted when the processor is re)uired to be less time-consuming, and is used in places where it is tough to describe the soft and hard interface with the advanced language. Therefore, the low-level of the switching software and part of the telephone supporting software are written in this language. 1& 4rief Introduction to the HJD04 Operation $aintenance System The H01%- operation and the maintenance system has the 2nglish operation systems based on the local area networ' technology, Client9Server architecture, the obKect-oriented programming, !41=S of Chinese92nglish version, data base technology, H!S8.7 technology and CDD language. The H01%- operation and maintenance system provides not only the maintenance functions such as controlling, testing and maintenance, ? which 'eep the H01%- digital switching system running normally and reliably>, but also provides various managing functions such as call traffic statistics, charging data management, routine service management, etc. The system is designed to offer rich functions, convenient operation interface, easy-and-)uic' operation modes, and secure-and-reliable operation. (oreover, it is featured by configuration fle*ibility, plenty of interfaces , and e*cellent openness and e*pandability. 1&1 HJD04 Composition of the HJD04 Operation $aintenance System The H01%- switching system adopts a new hierarchical distribution structure and control modeA the whole system is composed of C planes, in which, the !9= plane and service console plane are oriented toward the maintenance and management. The perfect combination of the two planes serve as the man-machine communication bridge to conduct the operation and maintenance management functions of the H01%- switching system. 1" Composition of the HJD04 Operation $aintenance System The functions of the H01%- operation maintenance system are performed by the relative hardware and software. Their locations and logical connection are showed in /igure ".,.". The switching processing plane supports the operation maintenance function, in addition to the service processing function. The !9= plane includes all the sub-processors lin'ed to service consoles, such as !=CP, !=P, (TCP and CP etc. !ts function is to transfer the information between service consoles and the system. The service console plane includes the maintenance management system, charging processing system, outer line testing system and SS5 management system, etc. !t provides functions of managing programs and data and operation control ? which are needed for the normal operation of the management and the switching system> and assisting the user to control the system and perform the daily management and the routine tests. !t is the important means to safeguard and upgrade the communication service )uality of the switching system. (oreover, in order to meet the re)uirements of the telecommunication management networ', all the service consoles can support the centralized maintenance and networ' management system. %" Descriptions of the Ser!ice Console .lane )unctions 51" Operation $aintenance $anagement System !ts functions are to control the operation of the switch and manage the routine services. !n terms of the function and the faced obKects, the functions can be divided into the following setsB !. (odule controlB !nitiating and loading the system, upgrading the software, loading the new data and setting the system:s running status. !!. Service operationB Providing service functions to maintain the e)uipment and manage the routine services. !!!. 1esignated ConnectionB Performing different temporary connections. !H. 2)uipment controlB (anaging components, registers and trun' circuits. H. Setting operationB Carrying out different settings. H!. !nternal line testingB Performing the internal tests of the subscriber circuit, switching networ', register and trun' circuits. H!!. 4etwor' managementB 1ynamically managing and controlling the subscriber calling and route selection, performing circuit management functions such as circuit bloc'ing or reserving. H!!!. 1ata managementB (anaging and dumping system:s running data. !G. .larming informationB 6eal-timely processing the alarming messages, displaying, storing and printing the different types of these messages. G. Statistics of alarmingB Carrying out the sorting and printing of the different types of alarming messages. G!. 1aily maintenanceB 3 Supporting daily service management, including direct modifying the subscriber data, numbering, number-deleting and number-changing. 5%" Charging .rocessing System !t is used to perform online charging processing and charging service management. !. =nline charging functionB Supporting online real-time charging, including the local-call multiple time counting, rural, local and toll charging, and the Centre* prompt charging etc. !!. (aintenance functionB Supporting the operation of adding, deleting, in)uiring and modifying call rate tables, and charging formulaA supporting the inter-office charging, immediate in)uiring and bac'-up operation of the call tic'ets. !!!. +ill settling and processing functionB 3 Settling the call bills daily and monthlyA generating and printing out daily bills.A adding, deleting, in)uiring, modifying the subscriber ; office data and fi*ed fees. 3 5&" Outer 8ine *esting System !. /ault 6egistering /unctionB Performing the subscriber fault complaint and registration. !!. =uter 7ine Testing /unctionB Supporting such tests as outer line short9open circuits, loop resistance, inter-line resistance and capacitance, insulation to the ground and to the power supply . !!!. /unction of 6eserving ?+oo'ing or Pre-arranging>> .utomatic Testing of the =uter 7inesB .utomatically testing the e*ternal lines of a certain subscriber or some subscribers at the set time. !H. Subscriber /ile (anagement /unctionB Supporting the generation, adding, deleting, modifying and in)uiring of the subscriber files. H. .larm-receiving /unctionB 6eceiving and registering the permanent-glow alarming of the subscriber. 54" SS6 Operation $aintenance System !. (aintenance console managementB 7oading programs and data into (TP and daily maintaining the (TP components. !!. 1ata managementB .dding, deleting, in)uiring and modifying the data of (TP. !!!. (onitoring /unctionB Serving as a SS5monitoring device and maintaining and observing the messages. 59" ,etwor/ $anagement Supporting )unction> !. .larming and upward-transferring the reportsB The service consoles transfer the operation reports and different alarming information to the centralized maintenance and networ' management system. !!. .nalyzing and processing the networ' management commandsB 3 The service consoles accept the commands of the networ' management system, analyze and process them, and report the results real-timely to the upper-level networ' management system. &" I0O System 51" General Introduction The !9= system is an indispensable part of the switching system. !t serves as the main- machine communication tie and bridge. !n a normal digital switching system, the !9= system should be able to transfer the message of the man-machine communication in a fle*ible, fast and accurate way. .n !9= system covers the following aspectsB !. Structure of the system control A !!. 1ata9information throughputA !!!. !nformation protection systemA !H. Setting up the upward and downward path A H. !9= directionsA 3 H!. System communication modes. The hierarchical distribution control structure of the H01%- switching system allows its !9= system to be configured in a distributed way and to provided the redundant configuration. The !9= system can be parasitic on any of the physical modules but relatively independently controlled. !n logic and controlling relations, !9= system is positioned between the service consoles and models, forming a relatively independent system. The !9= information can be transferred upward and downward. The upward information goes from the service modules to the service consoles and the downward information is from the service consoles to the service modules. /or the comparatively big and high-density information, a dedicated channel is used to guarantee the fast and accurate transmissionA for some important information, multiple redundant configurations are adopted to safeguard the transmission. H01%- switching system uses three communication modesB point-to-point, point-to- multiple- point and broadcasting modes, which are selected in different environments. The !9= system uses these communication modes, which can be used separately or in combination. 5%" System Composition The H01%- !9= system, also named %I module, mainly consists of processors !=P and !=CP. +ut in terms of the !9= functions, it also includes the components =TP, (TCP and CP etc. See /igure ".<."B N /igure ".<." !nput9 =utput System and The Service Console Connection 1iagram 1&% ( ,ew Generation of Operation and $aintenance System The functions of the new-generation H01%- operation and maintenance system are also performed by the related hardware and the software. !ts location and logic connection diagram are shown in /igure ".,." ?H01%- digital SPC switching system hierarchical distributed diagram>. The switch processing plane supports the operation and maintenance functions in addition to the service functions. The input9 output plane is mainly composed of a new generation of processors .G(2 and etc. The functions are to send messages between the service consoles and the system. The service console adopts the C9S architecture and its functions cover the operation and maintenance management, billing management, outer-line measurement ?testing>, SS5 management and traffic processing. !t provides all the programs, data management and operation control which are needed by the normal operation of the management and maintenance system. !t helps perform the switch system control, routine maintenance and routine testing. !t plays an important role in the !9= Plane B !=P9!CP etc. Service Console Plane B (C, CC etc. 973 =ther Servers Service Terminal normal operation of the system and in improving the T4( and provides relatively perfect support for the centralized maintenance and 4( system.
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