Chap 01 22 Regular Physics

March 26, 2018 | Author: Shaulo Molina Domínguez | Category: Force, Magnetic Field, Waves, Momentum, Rotation Around A Fixed Axis



8 August 2007Homework Service Book Physics Chapters 01 to 22 High School Questions Contact homework computer at World Wide Web URL information: signup: contact: [email protected] Homework Service Book — Physics 00 Editing Examples 00-01 Basic Templates 00-02 User-Defined Macros 00-03 Figure Files 00-04 Basic Control Structures 00-05 Advanced Control Structures 00-06 Special Purpose Templates 00-07 Basic Functions 00-08 Special Functions 00-09 Basic TEX Techniques 00-10 Basic Tables 00-11 Special Use Tables 00-12 Using Macros in TEX 00-13 Basic PSTricks Techniques 00-14 Basic Graphs 00-15 Using Figure Files in PSTricks 00-16 Special Figures 00-17 Using Macros in PSTricks 00-18 Basic PPCHTeX Techniques 00-19 PPCHTeX and PSTricks 00-20 Basic Biology Templates 00-21 Basic Chem Templates 00-22 Basic PPCHTeX Structures 00-23 Electron Dot Templates 00-24 Complicated Chem Structures 00-25 Basic CS Templates 00-26 CS Structures 00-27 Basic Math Templates 00-28 Math Graphs 00-29 Basic Physics Templates 00-30 Physics Figures 00-99 Associated problems in Chapter 00 01 Physics and Measurement 01-01 The SI System 01-02 Standard Unit for Length, Mass, and Time 01-03 Derived Units 01-04 The Building Blocks of Matter 01-05 Density and Atomic Mass 01-06 Dimensional Analysis 01-07 Conversion of Units 01-08 Order-of-Magnitude Calculations 01-09 Significant Digits and Measurements 01-10 Elementary Error Analysis 01-11 Mathematical and Scientific Notation 01-12 Coordinate Systems 01-13 Mathematics Overview 01-14 Scientific Method 01-15 Scaling -2- 01-16 Problem Solving Strategy 01-17 Measurement Tools 01-99 Associated problems in Chapter 01 02 Motion in One Dimension 02-01 Displacement 02-02 Velocity and Speed 02-03 Average Velocity for Motion along a Straight Line 02-04 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed 02-05 Acceleration 02-06 One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration 02-07 Freely Falling Objects 02-08 One-Dimensional Motion: Calculus Techniques 02-09 Relative Velocities 02-10 Frame of Reference 02-99 Associated problems in Chapter 02 03 Vectors 03-01 Coordinate Systems and Frames of Reference 03-02 Vector and Scalar Quantities 03-03 Some Properties of Vectors 03-04 Methods of Solving Triangles 03-05 Graphical Addition of Vectors 03-06 Components of a Vector 03-07 Adding Vector Components 03-08 Unit Vectors 03-09 Vector Kinematics 03-10 The Vector Dot (Scalar) Product 03-11 The Vector Cross Product 03-99 Associated problems in Chapter 03 04 Motion in Two Dimensions 04-01 Position and Displacement 04-02 Average and Instantaneous Velocity 04-03 Average and Instantaneous Acceleration 04-04 Two-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration 04-05 Graphical Solutions 04-06 Projectile Motion 04-07 Uniform Circular Motion 04-08 Tangential and Radial Acceleration 04-09 Relative Velocity 04-10 Relative Acceleration 04-11 Relative Motion at High Speeds 04-99 Associated problems in Chapter 04 05 The Laws of Motion 05-01 The Concept of Force Homework Service Book — Physics 05-02 Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames 05-03 Inertial Mass 05-04 Newton’s Second Law 05-05 Weight 05-06 Contact and Normal Forces 05-07 Hooke’s Law 05-08 Combining Forces 05-09 Newton’s Third Law 05-10 Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving 05-11 Static Applications of Newton’s Law 05-12 Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law 05-13 Friction 05-14 Other Resistive Forces (Terminal Velocity) 05-15 The Fundamental Forces of Nature 05-99 Associated problems in Chapter 05 06 Circular Motion and Newton’s Laws 06-01 Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion 06-02 Banked and Unbanked Curves 06-03 Nonuniform Circular Motion 06-04 Circular Motion in Accelerated Frames 06-05 Circular Motion in the Presence of Resistive Forces 06-06 Numerical Modeling (Euler’s Method) in Particle Dynamics 06-99 Associated problems in Chapter 06 07 Work and Energy 07-01 Forms of Energy 07-02 Kinetic Energy 07-03 Work 07-04 Work: a General Constant Force 07-05 Work: the Gravitational Force 07-06 Work: a Spring Force 07-07 Work: a General Varying Force 07-08 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem 07-09 The Nonisolated System – Conservation of Energy 07-10 Kinetic Friction 07-11 Power 07-12 Work and Energy in Three Dimensions 07-13 Energy and the Automobile 07-14 Kinetic Energy at High Speeds 07-15 Simple and Compound Machines 07-99 Associated problems in Chapter 07 -3- 08 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy 08-01 Potential Energy 08-02 Spring Potential Energy 08-03 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces 08-04 Conservative Forces and Potential Energy 08-05 Conservation of Mechanical Energy 08-06 Changes in Mechanical Energy 08-07 Relationship Between Conservative Forces and Potential Energy 08-08 Energy Diagrams and the Equilibrium of a System 08-09 Work Done on a System by an External Force 08-10 Conservation of Energy in General 08-11 Mass-Energy Equivalence 08-12 Quantization of Energy 08-99 Associated problems in Chapter 08 09 Linear Momentum and Collisions 09-01 Linear Momentum 09-02 Impulse and Momentum 09-03 Conservation of Linear Momentum 09-04 Elastic Collisions 09-05 Inelastic Collisions 09-06 One-Dimensional Collisions 09-07 Two- and Three-Dimensional Collisions 09-08 The Center of Mass 09-09 Finding the Center of Mass by Integration 09-10 Motion of a System of Particles (Explosions) 09-11 Energy of a System of Particles 09-12 Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions 09-13 Center of Mass Reference Frame 09-14 Rocket Propulsion 09-99 Associated problems in Chapter 09 10 Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis 10-01 Angular Position, Velocity and Acceleration 10-02 Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Rotational Motion 10-03 Vector Nature of Angular Quantities 10-04 Relationships Between Angular and Linear Quantities Homework Service Book — Physics Rotational Kinetic Energy Calculation of Moments of Inertia Torque Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration 10-09 Work, Power, and Energy in Rotational Motion 10-10 Problem Solving in Rotational Dynamics 10-99 Associated problems in Chapter 10 11 Rolling Motion, Angular Momentum, and Torque 11-01 Rotational Plus Translational Motion: Rolling 11-02 The Kinetic Energy of Rolling 11-03 The Forces of Rolling 11-04 The Yo-Yo 11-05 The Torque Vector 11-06 Angular Momentum of a Particle 11-07 General Motion: Angular Momentum, Torque of a System of Particles 11-08 Rotation of a Rigid Body About a Fixed Axis 11-09 Rotational Imbalance 11-10 Conservation of Angular Momentum 11-11 Precession: Gyroscopes and Tops 11-12 Rotating Frames of Reference: Inertial Forces 11-13 Coriolis Effect 11-14 Quantization of Angular Momentum 11-99 Associated problems in Chapter 11 12 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity 12-01 The Conditions for Equilibrium of a Rigid Object 12-02 Solving Statics Problems 12-03 Stability and Balance: Center of Gravity 12-04 Levers and Pulleys 12-05 Bridges and Scaffolding 12-06 Arches and Domes 12-07 Couples 12-08 Other Objects in Static Equilibrium 12-09 Static Equilibrium in an Accelerated Frame 12-10 Elasticity: Stress and Strain 12-11 Fracturing 12-99 Associated problems in Chapter 12 13 Oscillatory Motion 13-01 Simple Harmonic Motion 10-05 10-06 10-07 10-08 13-02 13-03 13-04 13-05 13-06 -4- Mass Attached to a Spring Forces in Simple Harmonic Motion Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion The Simple Pendulum The Physical Pendulum and Torsion Pendulum 13-07 Simple Harmonic Motion Related to Uniform Circular Motion 13-08 Damped Oscillations 13-09 Forced Oscillations: Resonance 13-99 Associated problems in Chapter 13 14 The Law of Gravity 14-01 Newton’s Law of Gravity 14-02 Gravitational Force Due to a System of Particles 14-03 Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force 14-04 Gravitation Inside the Earth 14-05 Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion 14-06 The Gravitational Field 14-07 Gravitational Potential Energy 14-08 Escape Velocity 14-09 Energy: Planetary and Satellite Motion 14-10 Gravitational Force: Extended Object & Particle 14-11 Gravitational Force: Particle & Spherical Mass 14-12 Principle of Equivalence 14-99 Associated problems in Chapter 14 15 Fluid Mechanics 15-01 States of Matter 15-02 Density and Specific Gravity 15-03 Pressure 15-04 Fluids at Rest: Variation of Pressure with Depth 15-05 Pressure Measurements (Atmospheric, Gauge) 15-06 Pascal’s Principle (Hydraulics) 15-07 Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 15-08 Fluid Dynamics 15-09 Streamlines and the Equation of Continuity 15-10 Bernoulli’s Equation 15-11 Transport Phenomena 15-12 Other Applications of Fluid Dynamics 15-13 Energy from the Wind Homework Service Book — Physics 15-14 Viscosity 15-15 Surface Tension and Capillarity 15-16 Pumps: the Heart 15-99 Associated problems in Chapter 15 16 Wave Motion 16-01 Wave Characteristics and Propagation 16-02 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves 16-03 Speed of a Traveling Wave 16-04 Energy Conservation 16-05 One-Dimensional Traveling Waves 16-06 Periodic Waves (Harmonic, Electromagnetic) 16-07 Superposition and Interference of Waves 16-08 The Speed of Waves on Strings 16-09 Reflection and Transmission of Waves 16-10 Refraction of Waves 16-11 Diffraction of Waves 16-12 Sinusoidal Waves 16-13 Energy Transmitted by Waves on Strings 16-14 The Linear Wave Equation 16-15 Phasors 16-99 Associated problems in Chapter 16 17 Sound Waves 17-01 Characteristics of Sound Waves 17-02 Speed of Sound Waves 17-03 Periodic Sound Waves 17-04 Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves 17-05 The Doppler Effect 17-06 Quality of Sound (Noise) 17-07 The Ear 17-08 Sources of Musical Sound 17-09 Digital Sound Recording 17-10 Motion Picture Sound 17-11 Sonar, Ultrasound, and Ultrasound Imaging 17-99 Associated problems in Chapter 17 18 Superposition and Standing Waves 18-01 Superposition of Sinusoidal Waves 18-02 Interference of Sinusoidal Waves 18-03 Standing Waves in General 18-04 Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends 18-05 Forced Vibrations and Resonance 18-06 Standing Waves in Air Columns 18-07 Standing Waves in Rods, Plates, and Membranes 18-08 Complex Waves -5- 18-09 Beats: Interference in Time 18-10 Shock Waves and the Sonic Boom 18-11 Harmonic Analysis and Synthesis 18-12 Wave Packets and Dispersion 18-99 Associated problems in Chapter 18 19 Temperature 19-01 Atomic Theory of Matter 19-02 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Equilibrium 19-03 Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales 19-04 The Constant-Volume Gas Thermometer and the Kelvin Scale 19-05 Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids 19-06 Macroscopic Description of an Ideal Gas 19-07 Problem Solving: Ideal Gas Law 19-99 Associated problems in Chapter 19 20 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics 20-01 Heat and Thermal Energy 20-02 Internal Energy 20-03 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat 20-04 Heat Capacity of Gases 20-05 Heat Capacity of Solids 20-06 Latent Heat 20-07 Phase Diagrams 20-08 Calorimetry 20-09 Work and Heat in Thermodynamic Processes 20-10 The First Law of Thermodynamics 20-11 Work and the P V Diagram for a Gas 20-12 Some Applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics 20-13 Heat and Energy Transfer 20-14 Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases 20-99 Associated problems in Chapter 20 21 The Kinetic Theory of Gases 21-01 Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas 21-02 Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas 21-03 Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas 21-04 The Equipartition of Energy 21-05 The Boltzmann Distribution Law 21-06 Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed 21-07 Distribution of Molecular Speeds 21-08 Translational Kinetic Energy Homework Service Book — Physics 21-09 Mean Free Path 21-10 Van der Waals’ Equation of State 21-11 Vapor Pressure and Humidity 21-12 Diffusion 21-13 Failure of the Equipartition Theorem 21-99 Associated problems in Chapter 21 22 Heat Engines, Entropy, & Thermodynamics 22-01 The Second Law of Thermodynamics 22-02 Heat Engines 22-03 Reversible and Irreversible Processes 22-04 The Carnot Engine 22-05 Gasoline and Deisel Engines 22-06 Heat Pumps and Refrigerators 22-07 Entropy 22-08 Entropy Changes in Irreversible Processes 22-09 Entropy on a Microscopic Scale 22-10 Human Metabolism 22-11 Energy Availability: Heat Death 22-12 Statistical Interpretation of Entropy and the Second Law 22-13 Third Law: Maximum Efficiencies 22-99 Associated problems in Chapter 22 23 Electric Fields 23-01 Static Electricity: Electric Charge 23-02 Quantized Charge 23-03 Insulators and Conductors 23-04 Induced Charge: the Electroscope 23-05 Coulomb’s Law 23-06 Conserved Charge 23-07 The Electric Field 23-08 Electric Field Due to a Point Charge 23-09 Electric Field Due to an Electric Dipole 23-10 Electric Field Due to a Line of Charge 23-11 Electric Field Due to a Charged Sheet 23-12 Electric Field Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution 23-13 Electric Field Lines 23-14 Electric Fields and Conductors 23-15 A Point Charge in a Electric Field 23-16 A Dipole in a Electric Field 23-17 Motion of Charged Particles in a Uniform Electric Field 23-18 The Oscilloscope 23-99 Associated problems in Chapter 23 24 Gauss’s Law 24-01 Electric Flux 24-02 Gauss’s Law -6- 24-03 Application: Charged Insulators 24-04 Application: Charged Isolated Conductors 24-05 Application: Cylindrical Symmetry 24-06 Application: Planar Symmetry 24-07 Application: Spherical Symmetry 24-08 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium 24-09 Experimental Proof of Gauss’ Law and Coulomb’s Law 24-99 Associated problems in Chapter 24 25 Electric Potential 25-01 Electric Potential Energy 25-02 Potential Difference and Electric Potential 25-03 Equipotential Surfaces 25-04 Calculating the Potential from the Field 25-05 Potential & Energy: Point Charges 25-06 Potential & Energy: Systems of Point Charges 25-07 Potential & Energy: Electric Dipoles 25-08 Potential & Energy: Continuous Charge Distributions 25-09 Potential & Energy: Charged Conductor 25-10 Calculating the Field from the Potential 25-11 Electrostatic Potential Energy: the Electron Volt 25-12 The Millikan Oil Drop Experiment 25-13 Cathode Ray Tube: TV, Computer Monitors, and Oscilloscopes 25-14 The Van de Graaff Generator and Other Applications 25-99 Associated problems in Chapter 25 26 Capacitance and Dielectrics 26-01 Definition of Capacitance 26-02 Calculation of Capacitance 26-03 Combinations of Capacitors 26-04 Energy Stored in a Charged Capacitor 26-05 Capacitors with Dielectrics 26-06 Dielectrics from a Molecular Level 26-07 Dielectrics and Gauss’ Law 26-08 Electric Dipole in an External Electric Field 26-09 Electrostatic Applications 26-99 Associated problems in Chapter 26 27 Current and Resistance Homework Service Book — Physics 27-01 Electric Current 27-02 Current Density and Drift Speed 27-03 Resistance and Resistivity 27-04 Ohm’s Law 27-05 Microscopic View of Ohm’s Law 27-06 Resistance and Temperature 27-07 Semiconductors 27-08 Superconductors 27-09 Electrical Energy and Power 27-10 Power in Household Circuits 27-11 Electrical Hazards: Leakage Currents 27-12 Electrical Energy in the Heart 27-99 Associated problems in Chapter 27 28 Direct Current Circuits 28-01 Electromotive Force and Terminal Voltage 28-02 Work, Energy, and EMF 28-03 Resistance: Series Circuits 28-04 Resistance: Series/Parallel Combinations 28-05 Potential Difference Between Two Points 28-06 Complicated Circuits: Kirchoff’s Rules 28-07 RC Circuits 28-08 Electrical Instruments: Ammeter and Voltmeter 28-09 Household Wiring and Electrical Safety 28-10 Conduction of Electrical Signals by Neurons 28-11 Transducers and the Thermocouple 28-99 Associated problems in Chapter 28 29 Magnetic Fields 29-01 Magnetic Fields and Forces 29-02 Magnetism from Electric Currents 29-03 Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor 29-04 Torque on a Current Loop in a Uniform Magnetic Field 29-05 Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field 29-06 Applications of the Motion of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field 29-07 Crossed Fields: Discovery of the Electron 29-08 The Hall Effect 29-09 Galvanometers, Motors, Loudspeakers 29-10 Cyclotrons and Synchrotrons 29-11 Mass Spectrometer -7- 29-99 Associated problems in Chapter 29 30 Sources of the Magnetic Field 30-01 The Biot-Savart Law 30-02 Magnetic Field Due to a Straight Wire 30-03 Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Conductors 30-04 Ampere’s Law 30-05 The Magnetic Field of Current Loops 30-06 The Magnetic Field Along the Axis of a Solenoid 30-07 A Current-Carrying Coil as a Magnetic Dipole 30-08 Magnetic Flux 30-09 Gauss’s Law in Magnetism 30-10 Displacement Current and the Generalized Ampere’s Law 30-11 Magnetism and Electrons: Spin 30-12 Magnetism in Matter 30-13 Diamagnetism 30-14 Paramagnetism 30-15 Ferromagnetism 30-16 Magnetic Field of the Earth 30-99 Associated problems in Chapter 30 31 Faraday’s Law 31-01 Faraday’s Law of Induction 31-02 Motional EMF 31-03 Lenz’s Law 31-04 Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor 31-05 Induced Electric Fields 31-06 Electric Field from a Changing Magnetic Flux 31-07 Generators and Motors 31-08 Eddy Currents 31-09 Maxwell’s Equations 31-10 Sound Systems, Computer Memory, the Seismograph 31-99 Associated problems in Chapter 31 32 Inductance 32-01 Inductors and Inductance 32-02 Self-Inductance, Self-Induced EMF 32-03 RL Circuits 32-04 Energy in a Magnetic Field 32-05 Energy Density of a Magnetic Field 32-06 Mutual Inductance 32-07 Oscillations in an LC Circuit 32-08 The RLC Circuit 32-09 Critical Magnetic Fields 32-10 Magnetic Properties of Superconductors Homework Service Book — Physics 32-99 Associated problems in Chapter 32 33 Alternating Current Circuits 33-01 AC Sources 33-02 Phasors 33-03 Resistors in an AC Circuit 33-04 Inductors in an AC Circuit 33-05 Capacitors in an AC Circuit 33-06 LC and RLC Circuits Without a Generator 33-07 The RLC Series Circuit 33-08 Damped Oscillations in an RLC Circuit 33-09 Power in an AC Circuit 33-10 Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit 33-11 Impedance Matching 33-12 Filter Circuits 33-13 The Transformer and Power Transmission 33-14 Three-Phase AC 33-99 Associated problems in Chapter 33 34 Electromagnetic Waves 34-01 Maxwell’s Equations and Hertz’s Discoveries 34-02 Plane Electromagnetic Waves 34-03 Speed of Electromagnetic Waves 34-04 Energy Carried by Electromagnetic Waves: Poynting Vector 34-05 Momentum and Radiation Pressure 34-06 Radiation from an Infinite Current Sheet 34-07 The Production of Electromagnetic Waves by an Antenna 34-08 Properties of Electromagnetic Waves 34-09 The Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves 34-10 The Doppler Effect for Electromagnetic Waves 34-11 Radio and Television 34-99 Associated problems in Chapter 34 35 The Nature of Light and Geometric Optics 35-01 The Nature of Light 35-02 Wave-Particle Duality 35-03 The Speed of Light 35-04 Reflection 35-05 Transmission and Refraction 35-06 The Law of Refraction 35-07 Dispersion and Prisms 35-08 Huygens’ Principle 35-09 Total Internal Reflection -8- 35-10 Fermat’s Principle 35-11 Mixing Pigments 35-12 Luminous Intensity 35-99 Associated problems in Chapter 35 36 Geometric Optics 36-01 Two Types of Image 36-02 Images Formed by Flat Mirrors 36-03 Images Formed by Concave Mirrors 36-04 Images Formed by Convex Mirrors 36-05 Spherical Mirrors: Ray Tracing 36-06 Images Formed by Refracting Surfaces 36-07 Atmospheric Refraction 36-08 Images Formed by Thin Lenses 36-09 Combinations of Lenses and Mirrors 36-10 Thin Lenses: Ray Tracing 36-11 Lensmaker’s Equation 36-12 The Camera 36-13 The Eye and Corrective Lenses 36-14 The Simple Magnifier 36-15 The Compound Microscope 36-16 The Telescope 36-17 Lens and Mirror Aberrations 36-99 Associated problems in Chapter 36 37 Interference of Light Waves 37-01 Conditions for Interference 37-02 Double Slit Interference: Young’s Experiment 37-03 Coherence 37-04 Intensity Distribution of the DoubleSlit Interference Pattern 37-05 Phasor Addition of Waves 37-06 Change of Phase Due to Reflection 37-07 Interference in Thin Films 37-08 The Michelson Interferometer 37-09 Using Interference to Read CDs and DVDs 37-99 Associated problems in Chapter 37 38 Diffraction and Polarization 38-01 Diffraction 38-02 Huygens’ Principle and Diffraction 38-03 Huygens’ Principle and the Law of Refraction 38-04 Single-Slit Diffraction 38-05 Intensity in Single-Slit Diffraction 38-06 Using Phasors to Add Harmonic Waves 38-07 Fraunhofer and Fresnel Diffraction 38-08 Resolution of Single-Slit and Circular Apertures 38-09 Resolution of Telescopes and Micro- Homework Service Book — Physics scopes: the λ Limit 38-10 Resolution of the Human Eye and Useful Magnification 38-11 Diffraction by a Double Slit 38-12 The Diffraction Grating 38-13 Gratings: Dispersion and Resolving Power 38-14 X-Rays 38-15 Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals 38-16 Polarization of Light Waves 38-17 Polarization by Reflection 38-18 The Spectrometer and Sprctroscopy 38-99 Associated problems in Chapter 38 39 Relativity 39-01 Galilean Coordinate Transformations 39-02 Lorenz Coordinate Transformations 39-03 Postulates: Speed of Light 39-04 The Michelson-Morley Experiment 39-05 Consequences of Special Relativity 39-06 The Lorentz Transformation for Displacements 39-07 The Lorentz Transformation for Time 39-08 The Lorentz Transformation for Velocities 39-09 Relativistic Momentum and Relativistic Form of Newton’s Laws 39-10 Relativistic Energy 39-11 Mass as a Measure of Energy 39-12 Photon Momentum 39-13 Conservation of Relativistic Momentum, Mass, and Energy 39-14 Doppler Shift for Light 39-15 Pair Production and Annihilation 39-16 Matter and Antimatter 39-17 General Relativity and Accelerating Reference Frames 39-99 Associated problems in Chapter 39 40 The Quantum Theory of Light 40-01 The Photon, the Quantum of Light 40-02 Hertz’s Experiments: Light as an Electromagnetic Wave 40-03 Blackbody Radiation and Planck’s Hypothesis 40-04 Light Quantization and the Photoelectric Effect 40-05 The Compton Effect 40-06 Particle-Wave Complementarity, Duality: Double Slits 40-07 Effect of Gravity on Light -9- 40-08 The Wave Function 40-09 Electron Microscopes 40-99 Associated problems in Chapter 40 41 The Particle Nature of Matter 41-01 The Atomic Nature of Matter 41-02 The Composition of Atoms 41-03 Molecules 41-04 The Bohr Atom 41-05 Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom 41-06 Franck-Herz Experiment 41-99 Associated problems in Chapter 41 42 Matter Waves 42-01 de Broglie Waves 42-02 The Time Independent Schrodinger Equation 42-03 The Davisson-Germer Experiment 42-04 Fourier Integrals 42-05 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 42-06 Wave Groups and Dispersion 42-07 Wave-Particle Duality 42-08 String Waves and Matter Waves 42-99 Associated problems in Chapter 42 43 Quantum Mechanics in One Dimension 43-01 The Hydrogen Atom 43-02 The Born Interpretation 43-03 The Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation 43-04 Wavefunction for a Free Particle 43-05 Wavefunctions in the Presence of Forces 43-06 Particle in a Box 43-07 Energies of a Trapped Electron 43-08 Wave Functions of a Trapped Electron 43-09 The Finite Square Well 43-10 More Electron Traps 43-11 Two- and Three-Dimensional Electron Traps 43-12 The Quantum Oscillator 43-13 Expectation Values 43-14 Observables and Operators 43-99 Associated problems in Chapter 43 44 Tunneling Phenomena 44-01 The Square Barrier 44-02 Barrier Penetration: Some Applications 44-03 Decay Rates 44-04 The Scanning Tunneling Microscope 44-99 Associated problems in Chapter 44 Homework Service Book — Physics 45 Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions 45-01 Three-Dimensional Schrodinger Equation 45-02 Particle in a Three-Dimensional Box 45-03 Central Forces and Angular Momentum 45-04 Space Quantization 45-05 Quantization of Angular Momentum and Energy 45-06 Atomic Hydrogen and Hydrogen-like Ions 45-99 Associated problems in Chapter 45 46 Atomic Structure 46-01 Some Properties of Atoms 46-02 Atomic Spectra 46-03 Orbital Magnetism and the Normal Zeeman Effect 46-04 Electron Spin 46-05 The Spin-Orbit Interaction and Other Magnetic Effects 46-06 Angular Momenta and Magnetic Dipole Moments 46-07 The Stern-Gerlach Experiment 46-08 Magnetic Resonance 46-09 Electron Clouds 46-10 Exchange Symmetry and the Exclusion Principle 46-11 Multiple Electrons in Rectangular Traps 46-12 Electron Interactions and Screening Effects 46-13 The Periodic Table 46-14 Isotopes 46-15 X-Ray Spectra and Moseley’s Law 46-16 Atomic Transitions 46-17 Lasers and Holography 46-18 How Lasers Work 46-99 Associated problems in Chapter 46 47 Statistical Physics 47-01 The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution 47-02 Quantum Statistics, Indistinguishability, and the Pauli Exclusion Principle 47-03 Applications of Bose-Einstein Statistics 47-04 An Application of Fermi-Dirac Statistics: The Free-Electron Gas Theory of Metals 47-99 Associated problems in Chapter 47 -10- 48 Molecular Structure 48-01 Bonding Mechanisms 48-02 Weak (van der Waals) Bonds 48-03 Polyatomic Molecules 48-04 Diatomic Molecules: Molecular Rotation and Vibration 48-05 Molecular Spectra 48-06 Electron Sharing and the Covalent Bond 48-07 Bonding in Complex Molecules 48-99 Associated problems in Chapter 48 49 The Solid State 49-01 Bonding in Solids 49-02 Electrical Properties of Solids 49-03 Energy Levels in a Crystalline Solid 49-04 Insulators 49-05 Metals 49-06 Classical Free-Electron Model 49-07 Quantum Theory of Metals 49-08 Band Theory of Solids 49-09 Semiconductor Devices 49-10 Doped Semiconductors 49-11 The p-n Junction 49-12 The Junction Rectifier 49-13 The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 49-14 Transistors and Integrated Circuits 49-99 Associated problems in Chapter 49 50 Superconductivity 50-01 Magnetism in Matter 50-02 A Brief History of Superconductivity 50-03 Some Properties of Type I Superconductors 50-04 Type II Superconductors 50-05 Other Properties of Superconductors 50-06 Electronic Specific Heat 50-07 BCS Theory 50-08 Energy Gap Measurements 50-09 Josephson Tunneling 50-10 High-Temperature Superconductivity 50-11 Applications of Superconductivity 50-99 Associated problems in Chapter 50 51 Nuclear Structure 51-01 Discovering the Nucleus 51-02 Some Nuclear Properties 51-03 Binding Energy and Nuclear Forces 51-04 Nuclear Models 51-05 Radioactivity 51-06 Decay Processes 51-07 Alpha Decay Homework Service Book — Physics 51-08 Beta Decay 51-09 Gamma Decay 51-10 Half-Life and Rate of Decay 51-11 Decay Series 51-12 Radioactive Dating 51-13 Measuring Radiation Dosage 51-14 Natural Radioactivity 51-99 Associated problems in Chapter 51 52 Nuclear Physics Applications 52-01 Nuclear Reactions 52-02 Reaction Cross Section 52-03 Interactions Involving Neutrons 52-04 Nuclear Fission 52-05 A Model for Nuclear Fission 52-06 Nuclear Reactors 52-07 A Natural Nuclear Reactor 52-08 Nuclear Fusion 52-09 Thermonuclear Fusion in the Sun and Other Stars 52-10 Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion 52-11 Recent Fusion Energy Developments 52-12 Interaction of Particles with Matter 52-13 Radiation Damage in Matter 52-14 Radiation Detectors 52-15 Radiation Therapy 52-16 Tracers 52-17 Tomography Imaging: CAT Scans and Emission Tomography 52-18 NMR and MRI 52-99 Associated problems in Chapter 52 53 Particle Physics 53-01 Elementary Particles 53-02 The Fundamental Forces in Nature 53-03 Particle Accelerators and Detectors 53-04 Particle Exchange 53-05 Particles and Antiparticles 53-06 Mesons and the Beginning of Particle Physics 53-07 Classification of Particles 53-08 Conservation Laws 53-09 Particle Stability and Resonances 53-10 Antiproton in a Bubble Chamber 53-11 Leptons 53-12 Hadrons 53-13 Strange Particles and Strangeness 53-14 Elementary Particle Production; Measurement of Properties 53-15 The Eightfold Way 53-16 Quarks -11- 53-17 Electroweak Theory and the Standard Model 53-18 Quasars 53-19 Grand Unified Theory 53-99 Associated problems in Chapter 53 54 Astrophysics and Cosmology 54-01 Stars and Galaxies 54-02 The Birth and Death of Stars 54-03 General Relativity: Gravity and the Curvature of Space 54-04 The Expanding Universe 54-05 The Cosmic Connection 54-06 Cosmic Background Radiation 54-07 Dark Matter 54-08 The Big Bang 54-09 Early History of the Universe 54-10 The Future of the Universe 54-11 Problems and Perspectives 54-99 Associated problems in Chapter 54 55 Probability Distributions 55-01 Uncertainites 55-02 Parent and Sample Distributions 55-03 Mean and Standard Deviation of Distributions 55-04 Binomial Distribution 55-05 Poisson Distribution 55-06 Gaussian or Normal Error Distribution 55-07 Lorentzian Distribution 55-99 Associated problems in Chapter 55 56 Error Analysis (see 01:11) 56-01 Instrumental and Statistical Uncertainties 56-02 Propagation of Errors 56-03 Specific Error Formulas 56-04 Application of Error Equations 56-99 Associated problems in Chapter 56 57 Estimates of Mean and Errors 57-01 Method of Least Squares 57-02 Statistical Fluctuations 57-03 χ2 Test of a Distribution 57-99 Associated problems in Chapter 57 58 Monte Carlo Techniques 58-01 Introduction 58-02 Random Numbers 58-03 Random Numbers from Probability Distributions 58-04 Specific Distributions 58-05 Efficiency 58-99 Associated problems in Chapter 58 Homework Service Book — Physics 59 Least-Squares Fit to a Straight Line 59-01 Dependent and Independent Variables 59-02 Method of Least Squares 59-03 Minimizing χ2 59-04 Error Estimation 59-05 Some Limitations of the Least-Squares Method 59-06 Alternate Fitting Methods 59-99 Associated problems in Chapter 59 60 Least-Squares Fit to a Polynomial 60-01 Determinate Solution 60-02 Matrix Solution 60-03 Independent Parameters 60-04 Nonlinear Functions 60-99 Associated problems in Chapter 60 61 Least-Squares Fit to an Arbitrary Function 61-01 Nonlinear Fitting 61-02 Searching Parameter Space 61-03 Grid-Search Mechod 61-04 Gradient-Search Method 61-05 Expansion Methods 61-06 The Marquardt Method 61-07 Comments on the Fits 61-99 Associated problems in Chapter 61 62 Fitting Composite Curves 62-01 Lorentzian Peak on Quadratic Background 62-02 Area Determination 62-03 Composite Plots 62-99 Associated problems in Chapter 62 63 Direct Application of the MaximumLikelihood Method 63-01 Maximum-Likelihood Method 63-02 Computer Example 63-99 Associated problems in Chapter 63 64 Testing the Fit 64-01 χ2 Test of Goodness of Fit 64-02 Linear-Correlation Coefficient 64-03 F Test 64-04 Confidence Intervals 64-05 Monte Carlo Tests 64-99 Associated problems in Chapter 64 -12- . highSchool. None of these 13 . The standard of time is based on 1. 4. the yearly revolution of the earth about the sun. 3. multiple choice.Chapter 1. 5. fixed. Mass. the frequency of light emitted by 86 Kr. Standard Unit for Length. and Time Kopp lect1 prob1 01:02. < 1 min. 2. a precision pendulum clock. the daily rotation of the earth. section 2. fixed. Part 2 of 3 Can molecules be broken into parts? 1. Concept 41 9 01:04. 5 Part 2 of 2 How many elements are in a water molecule? 1. oxygen 4. around 10−2 meters in scale 4. < 1 min. multiple choice. carbon 3. hydrogen 2. < 1 min. What is not an element? 1. fixed. water 5. No Part 3 of 3 How big are molecules? 1. 4 5. 3 4. highSchool. Yes 1. 4 5. 1 2.Chapter 1. Part 1 of 2 How many atoms are in a water molecule? 1. < 1 min. multiple choice. 1 2. The Building Blocks of Matter fixed. 2 3. around 102 meters in scale 14 Part 1 of 3 Are all molecules of a particular substance alike? . No 2. highSchool. 2 3. section 4. highSchool. around 10−6 meters in scale 3. Yes 2. 3 4. 5 Molecular Model 01:04. None of these Conceptual 09 Q1 01:04. multiple choice. around 10−10 meters in scale 2. multiple choice. fixed. 3. highSchool. Conceptual 10 Q02 01:05. The mass of the object is 0. aluminum Part 2 of 2 Which object is the hardest? 1. density and hardness have completely different meanings. diamond 3. multiple choice. What would be the volume of the scrap metal if it had the same weight and were made of copper? 15 Conceptual 10 05 01:05. multiple choice. Its mass is found to be 4763 kg and its volume is 0. The densities of common metals are Metal Fe Al Hg Pb Au g/cm3 7. Part 1 of 2 A perfectly spherical piece of metal is found at the bottom of a wishing well. highSchool. Conceptual 10 03 01:05. the word “dense” is often used interchangeably with the word “hard. > 1 min.5 m deep? Conceptual 10 Q01 01:05. > 1 min. Which object is the densest? 1. highSchool. iron 2. fixed. Yes. aluminum 3. highSchool. gold 6. normal. lead 5. Density and Atomic Mass Conceptual 10 02 01:05. Part 1 of 2 Martin finds a piece of metal in a scrap yard and weighs it. numeric. Do you agree with him? Why? 1. < 1 min. a particular material can have different densities.3 What is the likely identity of this metal? 1.45 kg and the radius is 0. What is the mass of water required to fill a circular hot tub 3 m in diameter and 1. < 1 min. Martin says that knowing only the density of a material is enough to identify uniquely a material of unknown origin. < 1 min. section 5. No. What is its density? Part 2 of 2 What would be its weight if it had the same volume and were make of pure gold? The density of pure gold is 19300 kg/m3 . highSchool.12 m. No.7 13.3 19. 2. None of these Part 2 of 2 The density of copper is 8900 kg/m3 .6 m3 as determined by immersion in water. two materials can have the same density.” In physics. iron 4. mercury 4. multiple choice.Chapter 1. wording-variable. lead 2. lead . normal. different materials always have different densities.9 2.6 11. Part 1 of 2 In everyday use. Density and Atomic Mass 2. aluminum Conceptual 10 Q03 01:05. iron 4. multiple choice. fixed. Graphite is a black. . section 5. it weighs about 45 lbs. compressing the cube until it has oneeighth the volume 3. No. Yes. fixed. Unable to determine 16 Conceptual 10 Q28 01:05. it weighs about 90 lbs. < 1 min. cutting out a piece of the cube that has one-eighth the volume 2. a solid gold phones is passed around a large table for everyone to see. 3. Which bottle is denser? 1. < 1 min. fixed. A 2. Suppose the volume of gold in the phone was equal to the volume of 10-centimeter cube of gold. soft material used to make pencil lead and is also made of only carbon atoms. highSchool. 2. < 1 min. highSchool. Densities are the same. 3. 3. highSchool. Hewitt CP9 12 E06 01:05. 2. the atoms in diamond and graphite are different. No. Consider two identical metal bottles A and B that can be used to hold compressed gases. In one scene in the movie The Godfather II.Chapter 1. 4. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q04 01:05. it weighs about 4. No. multiple choice. the atoms are arranged differently.300 kg/m3 . it weighs about 9 lbs. Could such a phone be casually passed around a table from hand to hand? What is the weight of the phone? 1. Yes. Diamond is a hard transparent material made of only carbon atoms. highSchool. multiple choice. 4. B Conceptual 10 Q29 01:05. 4. Which piece below has the larger density? 1. fixed. Yes. Consider a cube of soft. diamond 3.5 lbs. they are made of the same kind of atom. A is filled with air at atmospheric pressure. and B is completely evacuated. Do graphite and diamond have the same density? Why? 1. highSchool. < 1 min. < 1 min. fixed. spongy material. No. Densities are the same. multiple choice. The density of gold is 19. multiple choice. 2. highSchool. 4. Density is determined by the spacing between the atoms as well as mass. M2 M1 8. a kilogram of gold 2. = M2 1. = M2 M1 = M2 3 2 3 2 Part 2 of 2 Which of the following gives the ratio of the A1 circular areas. M1 = M2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 ρ2 ρ1 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R2 R1 R2 R1 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R2 R1 R2 R1 3 2 3 2 M1 = M2 M1 = 7. = A2 R1 R2 R1 R2 2 . The density of water is highest at 0 ◦ C. 2. defined by the two equaA2 tors? A1 1. They have same volumes. = A2 A1 2. fixed. 6. highSchool. isn’t a solid bar of uranium the densest metal? 1. = M2 M1 4. < 1 min. 6. a kilogram of aluminum 3. fixed. What is correct? 10. < 1 min. < 1 min. multiple choice. . 5. Which has more volume – a kilogram of gold or a kilogram of aluminum? 1. Hewitt CP9 15 E45 01:05. Why then. 4. The density of water is highest at 4◦ C. multiple choice. section 5. 3. respectively. Density and Atomic Mass The uranium atom is the heaviest among the naturally occurring elements. 17 Ratio of Planets 01:05. denoted 1 and 2. There are a lot of dangling bonds inside a solid bar of uranium. = M2 M1 9. = M2 5. It cannot be determined. The density of water is highest at 1◦ C. Hewitt CP9 12 E07 01:05. which have uniform mass distributions. A solid uranium bar contains a lot of oxygen. 1. The density of water is highest at 3◦ C. fixed. M1 3. The density of water is highest at 5◦ C. multiple choice. 4. highSchool. 3. The uranium atoms lose most of their neutrons when forming a solid bar. Part 1 of 2 Consider two planets. and those of planet 2 are ρ2 and R2 Which of the following gives the ratio of M1 ? their masses M2 M1 = M2 M1 2. The mass density and the radius of planet 1 are ρ1 and R1 . The density of water is highest at 2◦ C.Chapter 1. 9. 7. Density and Atomic Mass A1 3. < 1 min. sixty-four times as much as the first cube. twenty-seven times as much as the first cube. 9. eight times as much as the first cube. highSchool. A1 10. 3. twenty-seven times as much as the first cube. 8. nine times as much as the first cube. multiple choice. eight times as much as the first cube. eight times as much as the first cube. the same as the first cube. the total surface area of the second cube is 1. 8.Chapter 1. four times as much as the first cube. sixteen times as much as the first cube. two times as much as the first cube. sixteen times as much as the first cube. 10. 7. 3. 5. twenty-four times as much as the first cube. four times as much as the first cube. 2. four times as much as the first cube. A second cube of the same material has sides three times the length of the first cube. 6. None of these Part 3 of 3 Compared to the first cube. 4. wording-variable. 6. nine times as much as the first cube. 2 3. =π A2 3 Scaling 01 01:05. the density of the second cube is 1. Compared to the first cube. A1 =π A2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 2 3 18 8. 2 9. sixty-four times as much as the first cube. nine times as much as the first cube. 2. = A2 4. None of these Part 2 of 3 Compared to the first cube.. Part 1 of 3 A solid aluminum cube has sides each of length L . the weight of the second cube is 1. 4. i. two times as much as the first cube. twenty-four times as much as the first cube. 5. 10. 4.e. A1 5. A2 6. =π A2 A1 = A2 A1 = 7. A1 = A2 A1 =π A2 3 3 2. sixty-four times as much as the first cube. twenty-four times as much as the first cube. 3 L . . section 5. 5. the same as the first cube. twenty-seven times as much as the first cube. the same as the first cube. ninty-six times as much as the first cube. 10. Density and Atomic Mass 6.Chapter 1. 8. None of these 19 . 7. sixteen times as much as the first cube. 9. section 5. This problem shows how dimensional analysis helps us check and sometimes even find a formula. multiple choice. y = 2 6. y = 2 3.Chapter 1. 1. The “linear” density of the rope µ. µ = 5. is defined to be the mass per unit length. µ = ρ A 2. 1. normal. fixed. x = −1. Using dimensional analysis. highSchool. µ = 7. x = −2. µ = Dimensional Analysis 13 01:06. x = 1. x = 1. µ = ρ A2 4. 2. x = −2. 1. find the powers x and y . section 6. and A its cross sectional area. highSchool. Dimensional Analysis Dimensional Analysis 0301 01:06. defined to be the mass per unit length. µ = 9. multiple choice. A rope has a cross section A = 10 m2 and density ρ = 2000 kg/m3 . x = −1. < 1 min. highSchool. in the form µ = ρx Ay . x = 1. µ = 8. y = 1 20 Based on dimensional analysis. µ = 6. normal. x = 1. Let us write µ = ρ x Ay . µ. x = −2. x = 1. Based on dimensional analysis. The “linear” density of the rope µ. y = −1 9. y = 1 7. y = −1 4. The linear mass density. > 1 min. 3. y = −1 5. µ = 10. determine the equations which enable one to solve for x and y. A rope has a cross section A = 10 m2 and density ρ = 2000 kg/m3 . This problem shows how dimensional analysis helps us check our work and sometimes even help us find a formula. Let ∆m be the mass of a segment of the string and ∆x the length of this segment. multiple choice. Consider a piece of string which is placed along the x-axis. 2y − 3x = −1 2y + 3x = −1 3x + 2y = 1 . determine the powers x and y by choosing an expression below. x = 1. µ = ρ A ρ A2 A ρ 1 ρA A2 ρ 1 ρ A2 A ρ2 A2 ρ2 8. can be written in the form µ = ρx Ay . < 1 min. ∆x Denote ρ to be its mass density defined as ρ= mass volume Dimensional Analysis 0801 01:06. of a piece of string is defined as µ= ∆m . x = −1. y = 1 2. y = 2 3. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in sixteen days. x = 1. 10. 1. highSchool. “If a chicken-and-a- . 5. highSchool. multiple choice. 1. 4. numeric. SWCT Dimension 01:06. L3 /T 4 Holt SF 01Rev 14 01:06. 10. 8. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in twenty-one days.Chapter 1. > 1 min. < 1 min. How many 85 kg people can safely occupy an elevator that can hold a maximum mass of exactly 1 metric ton? Laying Eggs 01 01:06. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in twenty-four days. x = 1. multiple choice. wording-variable. x = −1. highSchool. fixed.000 × 103 kg. L4 /T 3 4. L/T 5. 7. A metric ton is 1. Given position x units L Dimension Of Constant 01:06. 9. x = −1. 5. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in ten days. highSchool. the secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture asked your teacher. 2y − 3x = 1 − 2y − 3x = − 1 2y − 3x = − 1 2y + 3x = − 1 3x + 2y = 1 2y − 3x = 1 − 2y − 3x = − 1 21 half can lay an egg-and-a-half in a dayand-a-half. < 1 min. 3. 8. Dimensional Analysis 4. L/T 4 3. 9. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in fourteen days. Needing help. multiple choice. 6. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in nine days. fixed. x = −1. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in twenty-two days. Determine t the dimension of the constant C. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in fifteen days. normal. how many days will it take two chickens to lay thirty-two eggs?” Please help your teacher select the correct answer to the secretary’s question. section 6. 7. x = −1. x = −1. < 1 min. 6. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in twelve days. Two chickens will lay thirty-two eggs in eighteen days. The volume of an object is given as a funcB tion of time by V = A + + C t4 . L2 /T 4 2. 2. Chapter 1. highSchool. L2 /T 4. where A is some constant. section 6. What is the dimension of the constant A? 1. L/T 22 Find the exponent A in the equation . L3 /T3 2. respectively. multiple choice. 2 3. > 1 min. Determine the dimension of the constant A? 1. L3 /T3 2. Dimensional Analysis time t velocity v acceleration a T L T L T2 a 2 tA V = x 1. < 1 min. 3 4. The volume of an object as a function of time is V (t) = At3 . respectively. fixed. multiple choice. L3 · T3 5. Let L and T denote dimensions of length and time. L2 /T 4. L/T Volume Dimension 04 01:06. Suppose the volume V of some object happens to depend on time t according to the equation V (t) = At3 + B/t2 . L/T3 3. L/T3 3. highSchool. Let L and T denote dimensions of length and time. where A and B are some constants. 1 2. fixed. 4 Volume Dimension 02 01:06. L3 · T3 5. 5 × 10−6 m 4. How many people would it take to move it? Conceptual 10 04 01:07. numeric. multiple choice. A human hair is approximately 50 µm in diameter. multiple choice. 1. Express this diameter in meters.5 × 10−1 mm 6. < 1 min. Holt SF 01A 04 01:07. Holt SF 01A 03 01:07.5 × 10−1 Mm 5. normal. If a person can pull an average of 100 kg/person. Express this diameter in meters. normal. > 1 min.5 × 10−1 Tm 2. numeric. 1.Chapter 1. Holt SF 01A 01M 01:07. a) Express this diameter in meters. < 1 min. Conversion of Units Conceptual 03 05 01:07. Part 2 of 3 b) Express this diameter in millimeters. < 1 min. 1. normal. numeric. Traces of mercury have been found in the tank. 5 × 10−7 m 6. a) Express this distance with an SI prefix. highSchool. < 1 min. how many people would it take to move the Statue of Liberty? Part 2 of 2 The weight of the space shuttle is about 4. 5 × 106 m 5.5 × 10−1 Gm 4. 5 × 107 m 7. < 1 min. highSchool. section 7. 1. 45 m wide. highSchool. with a concentration of 60 mg/L. Express this period in seconds. Part 3 of 3 c) Express this diameter in micrometers.5 × 10−1 Pm 3.5 × 10−1 km 7. 5 × 10−5 m 2. None of these .5 million pounds. 1. 5 × 105 m 3.5 × 1011 m. normal. numeric. 1. < 1 min. A typical radio wave has a period of 1 µs. normal. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 A hydrogen atom has a diameter of about 10 nm. None of these 23 Holt SF 01A 02 01:07. 1. Part 1 of 2 The Statue of Liberty weighs nearly 205 tons. What is the total mass of mercury in the tank? Holt SF 01A 01 01:07. A human hair is approximately 50 µm in diameter. Part 1 of 2 The distance between the sun and the Earth is about 1. numeric. and 10 m deep. 1. highSchool. highSchool. normal. highSchool. normal. A water holding tank measures 100 m long. 440 × 10−6 kg 6.440 × 106 g.5 × 107 km 5.5 × 1010 km 6. 1. 1.5 × 1011 km 7. normal. 1. Part 2 of 7 b) Express 2 h 10 min in seconds. highSchool.5 × 106 km 4. Express this mass in kilograms. Part 4 of 7 d) Express 0.440 × 1012 kg 4. None of these Holt SF 01A 0402 01:07. 1.440 × 100 kg 9.440 × 103 kg 2.5 × 1010 km 6. Conversion of Units Part 2 of 2 b) Express this distance in kilometers. 1. The distance between the sun and the Earth is about 1. . 1. a) Express 10 rations in dekarations.75 km in centimeters. 1. Part 1 of 5 Use the SI prefixes to convert these hypothetical units of measure into appropriate quantities. multiple choice. multiple choice. 1. Holt SF 01Rev 12 01:07. highSchool. 1. 1. 1.440 × 109 kg 3.440 × 10−9 kg 7. highSchool. > 1 min. Part 1 of 7 a) Express 2 dm in millimeters. 1. 1. < 1 min. 1.5 × 106 km 4. 1. highSchool. Part 7 of 7 g) Express 35 km/h in meters per second. wording-variable. Part 6 of 7 f) Express 462 µm in centimeters.5 × 109 km 3. 1. 1.675 mg in grams. The average mass of an automobile in the United States is about 1. 1.5 × 108 km 2.5 × 107 km 5. Part 3 of 7 c) Express 16 g in micrograms.440 × 10−12 kg 8. 1.Chapter 1.440 × 10−3 kg 5. normal. 1. numeric.5 × 1011 km 6. 1. 1. Part 5 of 7 e) Express 0.5 × 109 km 3. Express this distance in kilometers. > 1 min. None of these 24 Holt SF 01Rev 11 01:07. numeric. section 7.5 × 108 km 2. None of these Holt SF 01A 05 01:07. 1.5 × 1011 m. normal. < 1 min. Holt SF 01Rev 43 01:07. highSchool.001 kg at 25◦ C. 19 25 e) Express 10 Part 5 of 5 miners in examiners. < 1 min. Conversion of Units Part 2 of 5 b) Express 2000 mockingbirds in kilomockingbirds. highSchool. fixed. Part 3 of 5 c) Express 10−6 phones in microphones. > 1 min. multiple choice. 106 kg Volume Conversion 02 01:07. Part 1 of 2 A volume of V = 1 liter is how many cubic centimeters? Part 2 of 2 What would this same volume be in cubic millimeters? . normal. Find the mass of 1 m3 of water at 25◦ C. > 1 min.0 cm3 of water has a mass of 0. numeric. Part 4 of 5 d) Express 10−9 goats in nanogoats. 103 kg 5. 10−6 kg 2. Kopp lect1 prob2 01:07. One cubic centimeter 1. numeric. section 7. highSchool.Chapter 1. 10−3 kg 3. normal. 1 kg 4. A gram is 1. < 1 min. section 8. How much gasoline is in the tank? Holt SF 01Rev 40 01:08. normal.Chapter 1.00 × 10−7 kg and a density of 918 kg/m3 that spreads out to form a circle with a radius of 41. highSchool. The resulting ”oil slick” that forms on the surface of the water will be approximately one molecule thick. The next day you remove a gallon from the underground tank and measure its radioactivity to be 100 counts per minute above background. You pour in one gallon of gasoline that contains some long half-life radioactive material that causes a Geiger constant to register 50000 counts per minute above background radiation. Suppose that you wish to find out how much gasoline is in an underground storage tank. numeric. highSchool. Order-of-Magnitude Calculations Figuring Physics 12 01:08. what is the approximate diameter of an oil molecule? 26 . numeric. You can obtain a rough estimate of the size of a molecule with the following simple experiment: Let a droplet of oil spread out on a fairly large but smooth water surface. > 1 min.8 cm on the water surface. Given an oil droplet with a mass of 9. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 5 How many significant figures are in the following measurements? a) 300 000 000 m/s. 6 7. 6 7. 2 4. 2 4.030 C. 1. 2 Part 3 of 5 .006 070◦ C. None of these Holt SF 01Rev 18 01:09. 4 2. None of these Part 4 of 5 d) 1. wording-variable. 5 6. 1 3. section 9. < 1 min. 1 3. 1 3. 1. 3 4. 3 5. 4 2. wording-variable. multiple choice. 3 5. multiple choice. Part 1 of 3 The value of the speed of light is now known Part 2 of 5 b) 25. 4 5. 5 6. 2 3. 6 7. 6 7. 1. 5 2. None of these Part 5 of 5 e) 1.004 J. 2 4. 5 7. 3 5. highSchool. None of these ◦ 27 4. 1. 4 6. Significant Digits and Measurements Holt SF 01Rev 16 01:09. 1. 1 3. 1 2. < 1 min.3 05 20 MHz. 6 2.Chapter 1. None of these c) 0. highSchool. 3 5. 4 6. 5 6. 788 × 10 s.9979 × 10 m/s 5.998 × 108 m/s 5. 4 5. 1 3.2 m. 2.9979246 × 108 m/s 9. None of these Part 3 of 3 c) with seven significant figures. 1 3.9979246 × 10 m/s 9. 2. 3. 2. 2.9 ± 0. 4 2. 2. 2. 5 6. multiple choice. 2. 2.Chapter 1. 3. 1. 3. 3 × 108 m/s 2.9979246 × 108 m/s 9. 2.998 × 108 m/s 5. None of these Holt SF 01Rev 19 01:09. 2 4. highSchool. 1. 3 . section 9.99792 × 10 m/s 7. 2. None of these Part 2 of 3 b) with five significant figures.99792 × 108 m/s 7.0 × 10 m/s 3.00 × 108 m/s 3.99792 × 108 m/s 8. 3 × 108 m/s 2. 3 × 10 m/s 2.997925 × 108 m/s 8. 3.0 × 108 m/s 4.9979 × 108 m/s 6. 3 2. 2. 3. Part 1 of 4 How many significant figures are in the following measurements? a) 78.998 × 10 m/s 6. 1. 3. 2. 6 7.00 × 10 m/s 4. normal. < 1 min. 2. None of these 9 Part 2 of 4 b) 3.9979 × 108 m/s 6. 1.0 × 108 m/s 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 3.00 × 108 m/s 4. Express the speed of light a) with three significant figures.997925 × 10 m/s 8. 2. 2. 2 4.997 924 58 × 108 m/s.997925 × 108 m/s 7. Significant Digits and Measurements to be 2. 1. None of these 3. None of these Part 3 of 4 c) Find the product of 5.90 m/s) 7. Two significant figures (800 g) 7. Tenths (796.67 mm and π . Tenths (0.5 g) c) 2. 3.2 m . highSchool. 2 4.90 m/s) 2. wording-variable.8981 m/s) 5.813 mm) 5. 1 3. 3 2. Hundredths (0. None of these Holt SF 01Rev 20 01:09. and 2.898 m/s) 8. Four significant figures (0. 4 5. > 1 min. 2 2. 1 3. None of these Part 2 of 4 3. 5 6. 6 7.83 g.2 g.898 m/s) 4. One significant figure (800 g) 8. Two significant figures (18 mm) 3.46 × 106 kg. 6 2. One significant figure (0.81 mm) 4. 37.53 g) 7. Significant Digits and Measurements 5. section 9. 1. 6 7.Chapter 1. 4 5. Four significant figures (17. Thousandths (0. Part 1 of 4 Use significant figures to calculate the following: a) Find the sum of the measurements 756 g.8 mm) 2. Whole number (18 mm) Part 3 of 4 4. b) Find the quotient 3. 1. 1.5 g. 3 4. Three significant figures (797 g) 6. Three significant figures (0.0032 mm. Five significant figures (17.563 s 1. Tens (800 g) 5. 5 1. Hundredths (796. Three significant figures (17.9 m/s) 29 . 0. 5 6. Whole number (797 g) 6. None of these Part 4 of 4 d) 0. Two significant figures (0. multiple choice.9 m/s) 6. wording-variable. None of these 30 Holt SF 01Rev 22 01:09. What is the total distance around the field? .Chapter 1.74 s) 3. Tenths (228. Whole number (24 s) 1. Five significant figures (115. The smaller of the two has a measured length of 93. Four significant figures (115. Hundredths (115.88 m) 9. Tens (20 s) 1.5 m. Hundreds (120 m) Holt SF 01Rev 21 01:09. Three significant figures (116 m) 7. Four significant figures (23. Hundreds (230 cm) 5. Three significant figures (23. Thousandths (17. highSchool.3 cm (one decimal place and four significant figures).76 cm) 4. None of these 8.813 mm) 7. One significant figure (20 s) 3.8 cm) 2. section 9. Three significant figures (229 cm) 8.74 s) 3. A farmer measures the distance around a rectangular field. Tenths (23.7 s) 2. Hundredths (17. A fisherman catches two sturgeons. Whole number (116 m) 3. Whole number (229 cm) 3.54 s and 3. Four significant figures (228. Significant Digits and Measurements 6. Two significant figures (120 m) 6.81 mm) 6. and the larger fish has a measured length of 135.88 m) 4. Two significant figures (24 s) 1. < 1 min. Five significant figures (228. highSchool. Tenths (115.8 s.8 cm) 9. None of these 9. Hundredths (23. None of these 4. and the length of each short side is found to be 19.8 mm) 5. multiple choice.76 cm) Part 4 of 4 d) Find the difference of 27.9 m) 8. < 1 min. Two significant figures (230 cm) 7.46 cm (two decimal places and four significant figures). Tenths (17.9 m) 3. The length of each long side of the rectangle is found to be 38.7 s) 1. multiple choice.44 m. What rule must be used on the sum to find the total length of the two fish? 1. wording-variable. 1. Hundredths (228. 14 31 Compute the value of where xi = 3 i + 2 .Chapter 1. i=1 xi . highSchool. . numeric. normal. section 11. > 1 min. Mathematical and Scientific Notation Summation Notation 01:11. numeric. normal. Coordinate Systems Scaling of a Sphere 01:12. What is the ratio of the surface areas of the small ball and a basketball? Part 2 of 2 What is the ratio of their volumes? 32 . Part 1 of 2 The radius of a small ball is around 3 cm. highSchool.Chapter 1. The radius of a basketball is about 4 times larger. > 1 min. section 12. higher 3. 0. highSchool. highSchool. lower 2. 5 2. 5 Part 2 of 2 What if two were heads-up and three were tails-up? 1. 16777216 4. 10−6 33 Part 4 of 4 What happens to the probability of an ordered configuration as the total number of balls increases? 1. 10 3. 4.0 % 5. wordingvariable. 50 % 4.14 % 4.06 % Part 3 of 4 For a collection of 12 balls (six orange and six green). > 1 min. 120 2. 7 % 2. multiple choice. Does not change 3. Unable to determine Conceptual 13 Q15 01:13. 24 3. 24 Part 2 of 4 What percentage of those arrangements have four orange balls followed by four green balls? 1. . fixed. 0. 20 Holt SF 01Rev 37 01:13. < 1 min. Mathematics Overview Conceptual 13 05 01:13.2 % 5. Part 1 of 4 You have a collection of eight numbered balls. 40320 3. highSchool. 10 4. numeric. 50 % 3. what percentage of the total arrangement have six orange balls followed by six green balls? 1.4 % 3. < 1 min. multiple choice.Chapter 1. 0. 576 2. section 13. 1 through 4 are orange and 5 through 8 are green. 2. 1. How many different arrangements of these balls in a line are possible? 1. fixed.11 % 4. 120 2. 70 5. Part 1 of 2 How many different ways are there to arrange five coins in a row if one is heads-up and the other four are tails-up? 1. fixed.Chapter 1. highSchool. Rewrite the formula so that K is the input and C is the output. Straight Line Equation 01:13. multiple choice. < 1 min. wording-variable. y = + x + 4 5 3. multiple choice. y = − x − 4 5 4. highSchool. section 13. a) Calculate its circumference (C = 2πr). c) Calculate its circumference (C = 2πr). y = + x − 4 2 5 1 2 1 2 2 5 2 5 34 Temperature Conversion 01 01:13. y = + x + 4 5 10. > 1 min. C = K + 273 3.65 cm. None of these What is the equation y = f (x) of this line? 5 1. y = − x + 5 5 9. C = K − 273   x 2. For this formula C is the input and K is the output. 1. y = + x − 4 5 2. y = + x − 5 4 7. A graph of a straight line going through two points is shown below. Mathematics Overview Part 1 of 4 Consider a circle of radius 3. y = + x − 5 . Part 2 of 4 b) Calculate its area A = πr 2 . K = C + 273 −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 5 1 2 5. C = K 273 ¡ 4. y = − x + 4 4 5. y = − x − 5 4 8. The formula to convert temperature in degrees Celsius to temperature in Kelvin is K = C + 273 . Part 3 of 4 Consider a circle of radius 4. y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 4 6.5 cm. Part 4 of 4 d) Calculate its area A = πr 2 . Chlorophyll makes grass green. multiple choice. Hewitt CP9 01 P01 01:14. 3. An orderly method for gaining. A phenomenon about which competent observers who have made a series of observations are in agreement 2. < 1 min.Chapter 1. An orderly method for gaining. The Earth rotates around the Sun. 5. 4. also known as a principle 4. fixed. multiple choice. A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has not been contradicted. A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has not been contradicted. organizing. and applying new knowledge 5. 2. What is a law? 1. What is a hypothesis? 1. A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has not been contradicted. A synthesis of a large amount of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the nature Hewitt CP9 01 P03 01:14. What is a fact? 1. < 1 min. fixed. An orderly method for gaining. The wind is caused by the Sun. highSchool. A reasonable explanation of an observation or experimental result that is not fully accepted until tested over and over again by experiment 3. section 14. also known as a principle 4. Scientific Method Hewitt CP9 01 E01 01:14. < 1 min. A phenomenon about which competent observers who have made a series of observations are in agreement 2. multiple choice. highSchool. organizing. and applying new knowledge . and applying new knowledge 5. multiple choice. A synthesis of a large amount of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the nature Hewitt CP9 01 P02 35 01:14. fixed. The Earth rotates about its axis because living things need light and darkness to alternate. also known as a principle 4. fixed. organizing. A phenomenon about which competent observers who have made a series of observations are in agreement 2. A reasonable explanation of an observation or experimental result that is not fully accepted until tested over and over again by experiment 3. highSchool. Tides are caused by the moon. highSchool. < 1 min. Which of the following is not a scientific hypotheses? 1. A reasonable explanation of an observation or experimental result that is not fully accepted until tested over and over again by experiment 3. Earth. A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has not been contradicted. fixed. A synthesis of a large amount of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the nature Hewitt CP9 01 R01 01:14. A synthesis of a large amount of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the nature Hewitt CP9 01 P05 01:14. > 1 min. A synthesis of a large amount of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the nature Hewitt CP9 01 P04 01:14. painting and sculpture 2. highSchool. fixed. highSchool. highSchool. and Sun’s plantary system. An orderly method for gaining. multiple choice. also known as a principle 4. A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has not been contradicted. < 1 min. multiple choice. A phenomenon about which competent observers who have made a series of observations are in agreement 2. What is the scientific method? 1. Scientific Method 5. and applying new knowledge 5.Chapter 1. Figure: Artist conception of the Moon. science 6. A reasonable explanation of an observation or experimental result that is not fully accepted until tested over and over again by experiment 3. section 14. religion 5. and applying new knowledge 5. fixed. literature 3. talent. also known as a principle 4. An orderly method for gaining. organizing. The . fixed. music 4. A phenomenon about which competent observers who have made a series of observations are in agreement 2. < 1 min. multiple choice. multiple choice. highSchool. All of these Lunatick 01:14. organizing. Which of the following activities involves the human expression of passion. A reasonable explanation of an observation or experimental result that is not fully accepted until tested over and over again by experiment Sun 36 3. and intelligence? 1. < 1 min. What is a theory? 1. show phases that are the same as the Moon’s phase (i. the Earth would 1. there is a old Earth and vice versa). If you were on the Moon. when there is a full Moon. at the time when there is a new Moon. 4.e. show phases opposite to the Moon’s phase (i. show phases that are the same as the Moon’s phase (since the Moon’s phase is due to the Earth’s shadow on the Moon and vice versa). 37 . 2. section 14.Chapter 1... show no phases. Scientific Method size and identification of the Earth and Moon does not conceptually matter. there is a full Earth and vice versa).e. 3. < 1 min. fixed. Either 4. The average two-year-old boy is 36 inches (3 feet) tall and weighs 30 pounds. highSchool. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q35 01:15. < 1 min. 160 pounds 4. highSchool. More information is needed. fixed. < 1 min. section 15. a fully grown man or a small child? 1. multiple choice. fixed. a small child 3. An adult 3. highSchool. more information is needed to answer the question Hewitt CP9 12 21 01:15. 150 pounds 38 Hewitt CP 12 37 01:15. fixed. multiple choice. A child 2. a < b 4. multiple choice. a = b 2. highSchool. Scaling he weigh when he is fully grown? Conceptual 10 Q34 01:15.a child or an adult? 1. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q36 01:15. a fully grown man 2. multiple choice. < 1 min. how much will 1. Who has more need for drink in a dry desert climate . doubles 3. who is more likely to get cold in the winter. drops to one quater of the original value 5. remains the same 2.Chapter 1. fixed. Large things tend to have less surface area compared to their volume. Suppose that when he is fully grown. . multiple choice. If the rules of scaling apply. 120 pounds 3. halves 6. What relationship would a and b have? 1. 240 pounds 2. A similar building 5 meters on a side has a surface area-to-volume ratio of b. a > b 3. The same for each 4. quadruples 4. multiple choice. Suppose a small cube-shaped building with a flat roof measures 10 meters on a side and has a surface area-to-volume ratio of a. < 1 min. The surface area-to-volume ratio of a cube resting on another surface is the ratio of the surface area of the five exposed sides to the volume. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 09 R10 01:15. highSchool. How does the thickness of paint sprayed on a surface change when the sprayer is held twice as far away? 1. Based on this fact. fixed. he is 6 feet tall. highSchool. four times as much as the first cube. It cannot be determined. 5. None of these . Yes 2. Which bridge is more likely to collapse under its own weight? 1. < 1 min. two times as much as the first cube. the total surface area of the second cube is 2. Is a long rope stronger than a short rope? 1. highSchool. wording-variable. < 1 min. A thick rope is stronger than a thin rope of the same material. < 1 min. 4. that is. A solid aluminum cube has sides each of length L . Scaling A candy maker making taffy apples decides to use 100 kg of large apples rather than 100 kg of small apples. 10. Compared to the first cube. twenty-seven times as much as the first cube. sixty-four times as much as the first cube. The larger one 3. twice as long. eight times as much as the first cube. The same amount 1. sixteen times as much as the first cube. More information is needed about their widths. multiple choice. nine times as much as the first cube. 8. highSchool.Chapter 1. 39 Scaling 01 v1 01:15. fixed. 6. highSchool. 3 L . More 2. etc. They have the same strength. 9. No 3. Hewitt CP9 12 E11 01:15. structural elements twice as thick. A second cube of the same material has sides three times the length of the first cube.e. ninty-six times as much as the first cube. fixed. 7.. multiple choice. 3. Hewitt CP9 12 E18 01:15. Will the candy maker need to make more or less taffy to cover the appples? 1. twenty-four times as much as the first cube. 4. section 15. More information is needed. Less 3. multiple choice. i. The smaller one 2. 4. Consider two bridges that are exact replicas of each other except that every dimension in the larger is exactly twice that of the other. Chapter 1. > 1 min. and 30 cubits high.000. If one micrometeorite (a sphere with a diameter of 1. numeric. numeric. Ismarelda has enough money to purchase 23 bottles of root beer for a party at her house. What is the largest number of bottles of root beer she needs to purchase if she wants everyone (including herself) to have an equal number of root beers? Hewitt CP9 01 P07 01:16. Part 2 of 2 Estimate the volume of a typical home (2000 ft2 in size and 10 ft tall). She is expecting 3 guests. normal. Consider a cubic box. highSchool. normal. A billionaire offers to give you $5 billion if you will count out the amount in $1 bills or a lump sum of $5000. highSchool. on the moon. What should be the length of one side in meters for the container to have the appropriate volume? 4 qt = 3. section 16. On the average. Position the cardboard so that the image just covers the coin. normal. Part 1 of 2 Assuming biological substances are 90% water and the density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . 1. numeric. Then measure the distance between the lens and the coin.0 × 10−6 m) struck each square meter of the moon each second.50 meters. highSchool. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 An ancient unit of length called the cubit was equal to approximately 50 centimeters.786 × 10−3 m3 . 110 Using the information that the Sun is 150.0 m on a side. numeric. it would take many years to cover the moon with micrometeorites to a depth of 1. In May 1998. fixed. how many square meters of forest are burned down every minute? Divide by one 01:16.08 m and 6 palms = 1 cubit. Problem Solving Strategy Burning Forests 02 01:16. calculate the diameter of the Sun. Which offer should you accept? 40 In order to answer this.000 kilometers distant. > 1 min. Using a lens let the solar image fall upon a coin lying on cardboard. numeric. Your ratio of image size to image distance should be about 1 . This is a convenient way to measure the diameter of the image. or course. Exactly 1 qt of ice cream is to be made in the form of a cube. highSchool. fixed. Holt SF 01Rev 38 01:16. highSchool.0 m. forest fires in southern Mexico and Guatemala spread smoke all the way to Austin. > 1 min. > 1 min. < 1 min. numeric. How long would it take to completely fill the box with micrometeorites? Holt SF 01Rev 44 01:16. which is. Holt SF 01Rev 41 01:16. normal. and be sure to allow for the fact that you need about 10 hours a day for sleeping and eating. Assume that you can count at an average rate of one bill per second. An acre is 4047 m2 . Those fires consumed forest land at a rate of 23100 acres/week. normal. highSchool. numeric. Holt SF 01Rev 42 01:16. approximately 0. Estimate the volume of the ark using 1 palm = 0. fixed. < 1 min. < 1 min. how long will it take you to count out the $5 billion? Holt SF 01Rev 39 01:16. 50 cubits wide. highSchool. numeric. It has been said that Noah’s ark was 300 cubits long. estimate the masses of the following: a) a spherical cell with a diameter of 1 µm . > 1 min. his measurements are off the mark by two orders of magnitude or worse.5 m long? Part 2 of 2 How many atoms are there in this section? Temperature Change 01 01:16. but he reported a slightly different value for their speed because he rounded it in different units. Steel I Beam 01 01:16. The atomic weight of iron is 55.9144 meter. Find the average density of Saturn (its mass divided by its volume) if the volume of a 4 sphere is given by π r3 . Pollution in action: The snails are sick of some environmental toxins and crawl at less than half their healthy speed. 1. 4. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 The radius of the planet Saturn is 5. normal. > 1 min. The density of iron is 7560 kg/m3 .68 × 1026 kg. fixed. Part 1 of 2 A structural I beam is made of iron. A view of its cross-section and its dimensions is shown in the figure.85 g/mol and Avogadro number is NA = 6. h = 25 cm and the length (not shown) of the beam is = 1. a yard is 3 feet or 0. which can be approximated by a cylinder 4 mm long and 2 mm in diameter volume = πr 2 .85 × 107 m. > 1 min. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of the student’s result? Note: A furlong is one eighth of 1 mile or 220 yards. numeric. fixed. and its mass is 5. 3 Part 2 of 2 b) a fly. The student got a different species of snail crawling at least ten times slower than the one described by the naturalist. wordingvariable. numeric. Evolution in action: Even the snails are more than twice as fast than they used to be. w = 20 cm. 2. 5. . Holt SF 01Rev 45 01:16. 3 Part 2 of 2 Find the surface area of Saturn if the surface area of a sphere is given by 4 π r 2 . highSchool. Snail Species 01:16. The student got a different species of snail crawling at least ten times faster than the one described by the naturalist.02214 × 1023 /mol. section 16. > 1 min.5 m. 41 3. 6. a fortnight is a time interval of 14 days or 14 × 24 hours. numeric. The student’s snails are crawling at exactly the same snail’s pace they ever did. 20 cm 3 cm 25 cm 3 cm What is the mass of a section 1. highSchool. Problem Solving Strategy 4 volume = πr3 . where d = 3 cm. a biology student re-measured the snail’s average speed and reported it as one centimeter per minute. highSchool. The student has smoked too much weed and lost all sense of time. highSchool. Recently.Chapter 1. numeric. A 19th century British naturalist with a penchant for archaic units of measurement described a species of snail crawling at an average speed of one furlong per fortnight. Day Sun. Temp 75◦ 74◦ 78◦ 42 Find the net change in temperature (the sum of all of the temperature changes). Tues.Chapter 1. Fri. section 16. Sat. Problem Solving Strategy The following table shows the daily high temperatures for a week in May. Mon. . Wed. Temp 76◦ 72◦ 80◦ 75◦ Day Thurs. he notices a(n) 160 mi marker as he passes through town.Chapter 2. Part 1 of 2 While John is traveling along an interstate highway. Displacement Mile Markers 02:01. > 1 min. section 1. numeric. a) What is the distance between town and John’s current location? Part 2 of 2 b) What is John’s current position? 43 . Later John passes a(n) 115 mi marker. highSchool. normal. Chapter 2, section 2, Velocity and Speed Ant Race 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Two ants race across a table 50 cm long. One travels at 4 cm/s and the other at 2 cm/s. When the first one crosses the finish line, how far behind is the second one? Concept 20 P03 02:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. An oceanic depth-sounding vessel surveys the ocean bottom with ultrasonic waves that travel 1530 m/s in seawater. How deep is the water directly below the vessel if the time delay of the echo to the ocean floor and back is 6 s? Concept 20 P04 02:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. A bat flying in a cave emits a sound and receives its echo 0.1 s later. How far away is the cave wall? (Assume the speed of sound to be 340 m/s.) Concept 20 P05 02:02, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, wording-variable. You watch a distant lady driving nails into her front porch at a regular rate of 2 strokes per second. You hear the sound of the blows exactly synchronized with the blows you see. And then you hear one more blow after you see her stop hammering. How far away is she? The speed of sound is 340 m/s. 1. 270 m. 2. 680 m. 3. 1360 m. 4. 170 m. 5. 85 m. 44 Displacement Curve e1 02:02, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Consider a moving object whose position x is plotted as a function of the time t on the following figure: x 3 2 1 O I 1 II 2 III 3 t Clearly, the object moved in different ways during the time intervals denoted I, II and III on the figure. During which interval(s) does the object have non-zero, positive acceleration? 1. During interval I only. 2. During interval II only. 3. During interval III only. 4. During each of the three intervals. 5. During none of the three intervals. 6. During intervals I and II only. 7. During intervals I and III only. 8. During intervals II and III only. Flight time 02:02, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. An airplane starts from A and goes to B at a constant speed. After reaching B it returns to A at the same speed. There was no wind. Now, assume there was a wind from A to B of constant magnitude. Assume: The wind speed is less than that Chapter 2, section 2, Velocity and Speed of the plane (i.e., in magnitude). When will the round trip take more time when there is a wind or when there is no wind? 1. Time taken is more when there is no wind. 2. Time taken is more when there is constant wind. 3. Same in both cases because one way the wind helps you and the other way it troubles you. 4. Insufficient data. Glacier Movement 02 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. A glacier advances at 4.8 × 10−6 cm/s. How far will it move in 7 years? Hewitt CP9 03 E01 02:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. What is the impact speed when a car moving at 100 km/h bumps into the rear of another car traveling in the same direction at 98 km/h? Hewitt CP9 03 P01 02:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. The ocean’s level is currently rising at about 1 mm per year. At this rate, in how many years will sea level be 3 m higher than now? Holt SF 01Rev 13 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Use the fact that the speed of light in a vacuum is about 3.00 × 108 m/s to determine how many kilometers a pulse from a laser beam travels in exactly one hour. Holt SF 02A 01 45 02:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. Heather and Matthew walk eastward with a speed of 0.98 m/s east. If it takes them 34 min to walk to the store, how far have they walked? Holt SF 02Rev 15 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Runner A is initially 6.0 km west of a flagpole and is running with a constant velocity of 9.0 km/h due east. Runner B is initially 5.0 km east of the flagpole and is running with a constant velocity of 8.0 km/h due west. How far are the runners from the flagpole when their paths cross? Holt SF 02Rev 47 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 2 Two cars travel westward along a straight highway, one at a constant velocity of 85 km/h, and the other at a constant velocity of 115 km/h. a) Assuming that both cars start at the same point, how much sooner does the faster car arrive at a destination 16 km away? Part 2 of 2 b) How far must the cars travel for the faster car to arrive 15 min before the slower car? Holt SF 02Rev 60 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. One swimmer in a relay race has a 0.50 s lead and is swimming at a constant speed of 4.00 m/s. The swimmer has 50.0 m to swim before reaching the end of the pool. A second swimmer moves in the same direction as the leader. What constant speed must the second swimmer have in order to catch up to the leader at the end of the pool? Chapter 2, section 2, Velocity and Speed How far is the Earth from the sun? Holt SF 03Rev 59 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. How long does it take an automobile traveling 60.0 km/h to become even with a car that is traveling in another lane at 40.0 km/h if the cars’ front bumpers are initially 125 m apart? Kinematics2 v2 02:02, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. The graph shows position as a function of time for two trains running on parallel tracks. At time t = 0 (origin) the position of both trains is 0. position A B 46 Moving Glacier 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. A glacier moves with a speed of 48 nm/s. How many years would it take for the glacier to move 0.78 km? Picking up the Slack 02 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. A 20-car train standing on the siding is started in motion by the train’s engine. There are 5 cm of slack between the engine and each of the cars. The engine moves at a constant speed of 40 cm/s. How much time is required for the pulse to travel the length of the train? Problems 08 01 02:02, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Consider a bicycle that has wheels with a circumference of 2m. What is the linear speed of the bicycle when the wheels rotate at 1 revolution per second? 1. 0.5m/s. time tB Which is true? 1. At time tB , both trains have the same velocity 2. Both trains speed up all the time 3. Both trains have the same velocity at some time before tB 4. Somewhere on the graph, both trains have the same acceleration Light From the Sun 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, fixed. Light from the sun reaches Earth in 8.3 min. The velocity of light is 3 × 108 m/s. 2. 1m/s. 3. 2m/s. 4. 4m/s. Velocity vs Time 05 02:02, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. Part 1 of 3 Consider the plot below describing motion along a straight line with an initial position of x0 = 10 m. Chapter 2, section 2, Velocity and Speed 5   47 velocity (m/s) 4 3 2   Part 3 of 3 What is the velocity when t = 10 s? 1 0     −1 4 5 6 7 time (s) What is the position at 2 seconds? Part 2 of 3 What is the position at 6 seconds? Part 3 of 3 What is the position at 8 seconds? Velocity vs Time 12 02:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 3 The scale on the horizontal axis is 5 s per division and on the vertical axis 3 m/s per division. 6 velocity (× 3 m/s) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time (× 5 s) 7 8 9 v (t ) −2   1 2 3 8 9 What is the time represented by the second tic mark on the horizontal axis? Part 2 of 3 What is the velocity represented by the third tic mark on the vertical axis? Chapter 2, section 3, Average Velocity for Motion along a Straight Line Average Velocity 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 2 You drive a car 2 h at 40 km/h, then 2 h at 60 km/h. What is your average velocity? xB Part 2 of 2 What is your average velocity if you drive a distance of 100 km at a speed of 40 km/h, then the same distance at a speed of 60 km/h? Car and Checkpoints 01 v1 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Consider a car which is traveling along a straight road with constant acceleration a. There are two checkpoints A and B which are a distance 100 m apart. The time it takes for the car to travel from A to B is 5 s. 4 m /s 2 A 100 m B x xA A 3 48 1 2 B tA tB t Consider the average velocities of the three bodies. Which of the following statements is correct? 1. v ¯1 = v ¯2 = v ¯3 2. v ¯1 > v ¯2 > v ¯3 3. v ¯1 < v ¯2 < v ¯3 4. v ¯1 > v ¯2 and v ¯3 > v ¯2 Hewitt CP9 03 P07 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A reconnaissance plane flies 600 km away from its base at 400 m/s, then flies back to its base at 600 m/s. What is its average speed? Holt SF 02A 02 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. If Joe rides south on his bicycle in a straight line for 15 min with an average speed of 12.5 km/h, how far has he ridden? Holt SF 02A 03 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 It takes you 9.5 min to walk with an average Find the velocity vB for the case where the acceleration is 4 m/s2 . Comparison of Average Velocity 02:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. The position-versus-time graph below describes the motion of three different bodies (labelled 1, 2, 3). Chapter 2, section 3, Average Velocity for Motion along a Straight Line velocity of 1.2 m/s to the north from the bus stop to the museum entrance. a) How far did you walk? Part 2 of 2 b) What is your direction? 1. North 2. East 3. South 4. West Holt SF 02A 04 05 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Simpson drives his car with an average velocity of 48.0 km/h to the east. a) How long will it take him to drive 144 km on a straight highway? Part 2 of 2 b) How much time would Simpson save by increasing his average velocity to 56.0 km/h to the east? Holt SF 02A 06 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A bus travels 280 km south along a straight path with an average velocity of 88 km/h to the south. The bus stops for 24 min, then it travels 210 km south with an average velocity of 75 km/h to the south. a) How long does the total trip last? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the average velocity for the total trip? Holt SF 02Rev 08 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. 49 A bus travels from El Paso, Texas, to an area near Chihuahua, Mexico, in 5.2 h with an average velocity of 73 km/h to the south. What is the bus’s displacement? Holt SF 02Rev 09 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. A school bus takes 0.530 h to reach the school from your house. If the average velocity of the bus is 19.0 km/h to the east, what is the displacement? Holt SF 02Rev 10 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Consider the position-time graph for a squirrel running along a clothesline. 4   position (m) 3   2   1 0   −1 −2 1 2   3 4   5 time (s) a) What is the squirrel’s displacement at the time t = 4.0 s? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the squirrel’s average velocity during the time interval between 0.0 s and 4.0 s? Holt SF 02Rev 10A 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Consider the position-time graph for a Chapter 2, section 3, Average Velocity for Motion along a Straight Line squirrel running along a clothesline. 4   50 position (m) 3   2   CarA CarB CarA CarB 1 0   −1 −2 1 2 3   4   5 Note: Figure is not drawn to scale. a) Find the displacement of Car A after 5.0 s. time (s) a) What is the squirrel’s displacement at the time t = 3.5 s? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the squirrel’s average velocity during the time interval between 0.0 s and 3.5 s? Holt SF 02Rev 11 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, fixed. The Olympic record for the marathon is 2 h, 9 min, 21 s. If the average speed of a runner achieving this record is 5.436 m/s, what is the marathon distance? Holt SF 02Rev 12 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 4 Two cars are traveling on a desert road between three consecutive poles, as shown in the figure. After 5.0 s, they are side by side at the next telephone pole. The distance between the poles is 70.0 m. Part 2 of 4 b) Find the displacement of Car B after 5.0 s. Part 3 of 4 c) Find the average velocity of Car A during 5.0 s. Part 4 of 4 d) Find the average velocity of Car B during 5.0 s. Holt SF 02Rev 13 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Sally travels by car from one city to another. She drives for 30.0 min at 80.0 km/h, 12.0 min at 105 km/h, and 45.0 min at 40.0 km/h, and she spends 15.0 min eating lunch and buying gas. a) Find the total distance traveled. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the average speed for the trip. Holt SF 02Rev 14 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 6 The figure shows the position of a runner at different times during a run. Chapter 2, section 3, Average Velocity for Motion along a Straight Line 5   51 position (× 1000 m) 27800 km/h, find the time required for it to circle Earth. Lou 2 8 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. 4   3   2 1 0   0 10 20 30 40 A polar bear starts at the North Pole. It travels 1 km South, then 1 km East, then 1 km North to return to its starting point. This trip takes 1 h. What was the bear’s average velocity? SWCT Average Speed 02:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Chuck drove 35 mi from Austin to San Marcos in 40 min, stopped 30 min for a hamburger, and then drove 45 mi to San Antonio in 50 min. What was Chuck’s average speed? 1. 30 mph 2. 40 mph 3. 43 mph 4. 50 mph 5. 53 mph time (min) Note: Figure is drawn to scale. a) For the time interval between t = 0 min and t = 10 min, what is the runner’s displacement? Part 2 of 6 b) For the same time interval, find the runner’s average velocity. Part 3 of 6 c) For the time interval between t = 10 min and t = 20 min, what is the runner’s displacement? Part 4 of 6 d) For the same time interval, find the runner’s average velocity. Part 5 of 6 e) What is the runner’s total displacement? Part 6 of 6 f) Find the average velocity for the entire run. Holt SF 02Rev 43 02:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. The Earth’s radius is about 6380 km. The space shuttle is orbiting about 320.0 km above Earth’s surface. If the average speed of the space shuttle is 6. 56 mph Wrong Way to San Antonio 02:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 2 A student wanted to drive from Austin to San Antonio, 80 miles south of Austin on highway I35. Unfortunately, he entered the highway in the wrong direction and drove all the way to Waco — 100 miles north of Austin — before he noticed his error. In Waco, he turned around, drove back to Austin and continued to San Antonio. The whole trip took 5.6 hours. What was the student’s average speed during this trip? Chapter 2, section 3, Average Velocity for Motion along a Straight Line Part 2 of 2 What was the student’s average velocity during his trip? Take your positive direction to be southbound on I35. 52 Chapter 2, section 4, Instantaneous Velocity and Speed 1. average speed Average and Instantaneous V 02:04, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 4 The position versus time for a certain object moving along the x-axis is shown. The object’s initial position is −2 m. 12 10   53 2. instantaneous speed 3. linear speed 4. circle speed 5. None of these Hewitt CP9 03 P05 02:04, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. 8 6     position (m) 4 2   0 −2   Part 1 of 3 Consider the acceleration of gravity to be 10 m/s2 . What is the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity (speed) of a freely falling object 10 s after it is released from a position of rest? Part 2 of 3 What is its average speed during this 10 s interval? −4 −6 −10 −12 −8   Part 3 of 3 How far will it fall during this time? 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) 6 7 Find the instantaneous velocity at 1 s. Part 2 of 4 Find the instantaneous velocity at 6 s. Part 3 of 4 Find the average velocity between 0 s and 4 s. Part 4 of 4 Find the average velocity over the whole time shown. Hewitt CP9 03 E03 02:04, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. You are stopped for speeding. Which of the following is your traffic fine based on? Chapter 2, section 5, Acceleration Acceleration and Velocity 02:05, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Which of the following describe possible scenarios? A) An object has zero instantaneous velocity and non-zero acceleration. B) An object has negative acceleration and is speeding up. C) An object has positive acceleration and constant velocity. D) An object has positive velocity and zero acceleration. E) An object has increasing positive position and negative velocity. F) An object has decreasing positive position and negative acceleration. 1. All are possible. 2. None are possible. 3. A, B, D, E, and F only. 4. A, B, C, D, and F only. 5. A, D, and F only. acceleration (m/s2 ) 6. D and F only. 7. A, D, E, and F only. 8. A, B, D, and F only. 9. B, C, and D only. 10. A, C, D, and F only. Acceleration Curve CPS 02:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. The diagram describes the acceleration vs t behavior for a car moving in the x-direction. a P   ¡ 54 Q 0 At the point Q, the car is moving 1. with an increasing speed 2. with a constant speed 3. with a decreasing speed t Acceleration vs Time 02 02:05, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 2 Consider the plot below describing the acceleration of a particle along a straight line with an initial position of −30 m and an initial velocity of −14 m/s. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) 6 7 8 9 What is the velocity at 3 s? Part 2 of 2 What is the position at 3 s? Acceleration vs Time 04 Antilock Brakes 02:05. normal. Acceleration vs Time 05 02:05. Part 1 of 4 Consider the plot below describing the acceleration of a particle along a straight line with an initial position of 0 m and an initial velocity of 0 m/s. highSchool. highSchool. > 1 min. > 1 min. Part 4 of 4 Calculate the magnitude of the car’s average velocity from 1 s to 9 s.Chapter 2. if the car does not experience any acceleration during this time period. multiple choice. section 5. Part 3 of 4 Calculate the position displacement after the car travels from 9 s to 13 s. numeric. Part 1 of 4 Consider the plot below describing the ac- . > 1 min. The following acceleration vs time plots show data gathered from an automobile fitted with an accelerometer. Part 3 of 4 Calculate the position displacement after the car travels from 7 s to 9 s. Part 4 of 4 Calculate the magnitude of the car’s average velocity from 5 s to 9 s. Acceleration 02:05. fixed. highSchool. 4 acceleration (m/s2 ) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) 6 7 8 9 What is the velocity at 4 s? Part 2 of 4 Calculate the position after the car traveled the first 7 s. numeric. What is the velocity at 4 s? Part 2 of 4 Calculate the magnitude of the position displacement after the car travels the first 5 s. 6 5 4 acceleration (m/s2 ) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) 6 7 8 9 55 celeration of a particle along a straight line with an initial position of 0 m and an initial velocity of 0 m/s. wordingvariable. Upper case.5 seconds. 2. ABS tends to prevent skidding and did just that in this experiment.11 s. A car is moving at constant speed on the freeway. Lower case. Lower case. After continuing at this speed for a few minutes.5 seconds. Let us plot the acceleration of the car as a function of time. because of data between 6. 5. multiple choice. highSchool.5 and 6. the upper or lower. fixed. a 0 time t1 t2 0 3.Chapter 2. What is its average acceleration? Car at Speed Trap 02:05.5 and 9 seconds. 4. 8.5 seconds. Lower case. a 0 time t1 t2 0 2. because of data between 6. < 1 min. The driver sees a patrol car at time t1 and rapidly slows down by around 10 miles per hour. highSchool. Lower case. more likely came from the car equipped with ABS.5 and 9 seconds. because of data between 2. section 5. Acceleration 56 0 A 7. Baseball Acceleration 02:05. because of data between 9 and 10 seconds. 0 2 4 6 Time (seconds) 8 10 0 A A baseball goes from zero to 30 m/s in 0. Upper case. 3. Upper case.5 and 6. and why? 1. because of data in the first 2. because of data in the first 2. Upper case. Which of the following graphs correctly describes the car’s acceleration a(t)? 1. 6. while in the other the car is not. numeric. Which data set. allowing a more rapid deceleration. 0 2 4 6 Time (seconds) 8 10 In each case the driver accelerated to cruising speed and then slammed on the brakes. take the forward direction of motion as positive. normal. > 1 min. . the driver at time t2 returns to the earlier constant speed. because of data between 9 and 10 seconds. In one case the car is equipped with an antilock braking system (ABS). because of data between 2.5 seconds. < 1 min. 3. 0 6. but accelerates at a rate of 2 meters per second. and so forth. a 0 time t1 t2 the direction of the motion 2. numeric. The hare and the tortoise are at the starting line together. the hare moves off at a constant speed of 10 meters per second. highSchool. a 0 time t1 t2 Part 1 of 2 If a race car completes a 3 mi oval track in 58 s. 3 seconds. Conceptual 03 01 02:05. changed. Conceptual 03 02 02:05. numeric. highSchool.) The tortoise starts more slowly. multiple choice. Yes. what is your average acceleration? Conceptual 03 03 02:05. normal. fixed. highSchool. If your car goes from 0 mi/h to 60 mi/h in 6 s. 1.Chapter 2. > 1 min. section 5. a 0 time t1 t2 0 8. > 1 min. Make a table showing the positions of the two racers after 1 second. Yes. highSchool. No. what is its average speed? Part 2 of 2 Did the car accelerate? 0 5. (Ignore the acceleration required to get the animal to this speed. 2 seconds. the speed didn’t change. the speed changed. . numeric. < 1 min. When the gun goes off. a 0 time t1 t2 0 7. normal. How long will it be before the tortoise passes the hare? Describing Motion 02:05. Acceleration 57 a 0 time t1 t2 a 0 time t1 t2 0 0 4. 3. where s. decelerates to a lower speed. then cruises. . t1 t2 t3 t4 t 8. The car beginning at rest. comes to a stop. The car goes backward and then goes forward. The car goes forward and then goes backward. stops moving. The car goes forward and then goes backward. x and r have units of length. a t3 t1 t2 v 4. 7. accelerates to a low speed. accelerates backwards and cruises moving in reverse. ending behind where it started. s0 . t2 t1 t3 t4 t Which of the following graphs schematically describes the motion of the car? 1. v Part 2 of 2 Which of the following graphs describes the velocity vs time of the car? v 1. v t1 t2 t3 t4 t 58 v 3. t3 t1 t2 t4 t v 6. and stops. 6. t3 t1 t2 t4 t 4. Take forward to be the positive direction. accelerates to a high speed. ending where it started. v 5. Part 1 of 2 A car initially at rest on a straight road accelerates according to the acceleration vs time plot given below. fixed. None of these graphs is correct. 2.Chapter 2. travels backward. Consider the following set of equations. Dimensional Analysis 0701 02:05. section 5. t2 t1 t3 t4 t t4 t 2. cruises for a short while. t3 t1 t2 t4 t t3 t1 t2 t4 t 10. highSchool. v 5. > 1 min. The car beginning at rest. goes up to a high speed. multiple choice. The car beginning at rest. Acceleration fixed. You drive north on a highway. t = + a v k v v2 2. 300. They are both correct in different aspects. section 5. 2. Both velocity and acceleration change. a ball tossed upward reverses its direction of travel at its highest point. then. 30 m/s 4. No. g and a have units of acceleration. 3. 4. 3. They look to you for confirmation. Which one is dimensionally incorrect? v x 1. < 1 min. highSchool. the direction of the speed remains unchanged. multiple choice. multiple choice. without changing speed. < 1 min. v has units of velocity. The velocity does not change. 5. What is the acceleration of light? 1. 300.0 m/s2 3. 2. a ball thrown toward a wall bounces back from the wall. < 1 min. and k is dimensionless. highSchool. a = g + + t s0 s a 3. No. Hewitt CP9 03 E10 02:05. Light travels in a straight line at a constant speed of 300. It cannot be determined by the information given. the acceleration changes. Hewitt CP9 03 E07 02:05. Who is correct? 1. < 1 min. the acceleration does not change. Carol is correct. the direction of the speed is always the same as the direction of the acceleration. fixed. if the acceleration is constant. t = k + g v ksv 4. Yes. All are wrong. Harry says acceleration is how fast you go. fixed. highSchool. The velocity changes. Neither change.000 m/s2 2. Neither is correct. 0 m/s2 5. velocity nor acceleration 5. Acceleration t has units of time. multiple choice. Yes. All are wrong. fixed. 3. What is the change of your velocity and your acceleration? 1. 2. It cannot be determined by the informa- . 4. Can an object reverse its direction of travel while maintaining a constant acceleration? 1. 5. Hewitt CP9 03 E08 02:05. fixed.000 m/s.Chapter 2. multiple choice. 2 59 4. v 2 = 2 a s + t v2 5. Carol says acceleration is how fast you get fast. s = s0 + v t + a Hewitt CP9 03 E05 02:05. Harry is correct. you round a curve and drive east. highSchool. < 1 min. A car making a circle in a parking lot 2. normal. t ≈ t0 . What is the acceleration of a vehicle that changes its velocity from 100 km/h to a dead stop in 10 s ? Hockey Puck Acceleration 02:05. t ≈ t1 . fixed. from 96 km/h to 100 km/h 3. multiple choice. What is not an example wherein the acceleration of a body is opposite in direction to 2. Car 2 3. 1. None of these. Car 2 accelerates to a speed of 35 km/h. < 1 min. highSchool. Car 4 5. Hewitt CP9 03 P02 02:05. and Car 4 is still. fixed. fixed. multiple choice. A football tossed up and rising 2. Starting from rest. Car 3 4. multiple choice. Which of the following curves could describe the acceleration of the hockey puck? . highSchool. < 1 min.Chapter 2. which is stopped by a net starting at time. Which of the following is an example of something that undergoes acceleration while moving at constant speed? 1. highSchool. from 25 km/h to 30 km/h Hewitt CP9 03 E13 02:05. Acceleration tion given. Hewitt CP9 03 E11 02:05. They are equal. An apple falling from a tree 4. an acceleration from 25 km/h to 30 km/h or an acceleration from 96 km/h to 100 km/h if both occur during the same time? 4. Which is greater. section 5. highSchool. < 1 min. < 1 min. Car 1 accelerates to a speed of 30 km/h. A tennis ball being hit by a racket 60 5. A swimmer entering a water pool by jumping Hewitt CP9 03 E19 02:05. multiple choice. A car braking to a stop 3. A man standing in an elevator 5. A football flying in the air 3. Which car underwent the greatest acceleration? 1. fixed. More inforation needed to answer the question. Car 3 accelerates backwards to a speed of 40 km/h. A car moving straight backwards on the road 4. multiple choice. highSchool. numeric. An object that undergoes an acceleration has to change its speed Hewitt CP9 03 E15 02:05. its velocity? 1. < 1 min. highSchool. normal. Henry hits a hockey puck at time. More information is needed. Car 1 2. wordingvariable. numeric. wordingvariable. a) How much does its speed change after 5. highSchool. highSchool. t0 t1 t t1 t a 7.0 m/s accelerates 2. numeric. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Suppose a treadmill has an average acceleration of 0. Holt SF 02B 02 02:05. highSchool. a 3. . After 25 min. > 1 min. With an average acceleration of −0. section 5. a t0 t1 t 10. Acceleration a 1. Turner’s treadmill starts with a velocity of −1. numeric. t0 t1 t t1 t 61 Holt SF 02B 01 02:05.2 m/s and speeds up at regular intervals during a half-hour workout.50 m/s2 . how long will it take a cyclist to bring a bicycle with an initial speed of 13. the treadmill has a velocity of −6. How long does it take for this acceleration to occur? Holt SF 02B 03 02:05. None of these graphs are correct. > 1 min. highSchool. t0 a 6. < 1 min. What is the average acceleration of the treadmill during this period? Holt SF 02B 05 02:05.Chapter 2.0 m/s. it accelerates uniformly at −4.1 m/s2 as it slows from 9. > 1 min. highSchool. t1 t0 t 8. When the shuttle bus comes to a sudden stop to avoid hitting a dog.5 m/s2 to reach a speed of 12.5 m/s to a complete stop? Holt SF 02B 04 02:05. t0 a 4. t0 t1 t t1 t A car traveling at 7. numeric. wordingvariable.0 min? a 5. > 1 min.5 m/s. wordingvariable. Find the time interval of acceleration for the bus. t0 a 2. numeric.0047 m/s2 .0 m/s to 0 m/s. highSchool. the car’s velocity is +8.0 m/s. < 1 min. as shown in the figure. Part 1 of 6 Consider the plot below describing motion of an object along a straight path as shown in the figure below. > 1 min. and CD are all equal. numeric. numeric.7 m/s. numeric.75 m/s2 . Part 5 of 6 Find the instantaneous acceleration at 4 s.00 min period does the train spend between points B and C? Part 3 of 3 c) How much of this 5. numeric. The distances AB. > 1 min. After an acceleration of 0. even when they are opposite in direction.00 min to travel between the two stations. A tennis ball with a velocity of +10. > 1 min. A car traveling in a straight line has a velocity of +5. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. Holt SF 02Rev 44 02:05.0 m/s. highSchool. section 5. Part 2 of 6 Find the average acceleration during the time interval 3 s to 6 s. Assume that the uniform accelerations have the same magnitude. BC. . Acceleration Part 2 of 2 b) If the treadmill’s initial speed is 1.00 min period does the train spend between points C and D? Holt SF 02Rev 54 02:05. and finally accelerate uniformly between points C and D until the train stops at station 2. The engineer of the train is instructed to start from rest at station 1 and accelerate uniformly between points A and B. 3 2 ¢  ¢ 62 Part 4 of 6 Find the instantaneous acceleration at 2 s. Station A Station B velocity (m/s) 1 0   ¡ −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 ¢ ¢¡ A B C D a) How much of this 5.00 min period does the train spend between points A and B? Part 2 of 3 b) How much of this 5. Part 3 of 6 Find the average acceleration during the time interval 0 s to 9 s.Chapter 2.0 to −6 0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) 6 7 8 9 Find the average acceleration during the time interval 0 s to 3 s. what will its final speed be? Holt SF 02Rev 20 02:05. wordingvariable. and it takes 5. highSchool. Part 6 of 6 Find the instantaneous acceleration at 7 s. highSchool. normal. then coast with a uniform velocity between points B and C. In what time interval did the acceleration occur? Holt SF 02Rev 30 02:05. Part 1 of 3 A train travels between stations 1 and 2. highSchool. Cannot be determined from the given information. is shown below. fixed. fixed.012 s. t0 North West South East t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t8 63 2. After striking the wall. what is the average acceleration of the ball while it is in contact with the wall? Kopp lect3 prob2 02:05. The time intervals are equally separated. Pointing Northward and decreasing in magnitude. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0. > 1 min. 4. 1. 5. Pointing Northward and constant in magnitude. 2. Acceleration the right is thrown perpendicularly at a wall. Pointing Southward and decreasing in magnitude. Pointing Southward and increasing in magnitude.Chapter 2. 6. 3. yes 2. Is it possible for a particle’s instantaneous velocity and instantaneous acceleration to be of the opposite sign at a given instant in time? 1. highSchool. section 5. 7. < 1 min. Describe the instantaneous velocity vectors for successive instances. Pointing Northward and constant in magnitude. Pointing Southward and constant in magnitude. 5. the ball rebounds in the opposite direction with a velocity of −8. multiple choice. need more information to answer the problem Stroboscopic Analysis 02:05. Pointing Southward and increasing in magnitude. The positions have been labeled times t0 through t8 . Part 1 of 2 A particle’s position.00 m/s to the left. Pointing Northward and increasing in magnitude. Pointing Southward and decreasing in magnitude. highSchool. 7. captured by a strobe camera. no 3. . Pointing Northward and decreasing in magnitude. Part 2 of 2 Which of the following can describe the instantaneous acceleration vectors of the particle at the successive intervals shown in the figure. 1. Pointing Southward and constant in magnitude. < 1 min. 6. multiple choice. multiple choice. Cannot be determined from the given information. 3. 4. Pointing Northward and increasing in magnitude. SWCT Sign of A and V 02:05. fixed. < 1 min. a < 0.Chapter 2. Part 1 of 2 The velocity v (t) of some particle is plotted as a function of time on the graph below. a > 0. 64 Velocity vs Time 13 02:05. 6 velocity × ( 4 m/s ) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time × ( 5 s ) 7 8 9 v (t ) Part 5 of 5 In which direction is the motion? 1. fixed. highSchool. v > 0 Velocity vs Time 07 02:05. Initially. a < 0. 6 velocity × (2 m/s) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time × (9 s) 7 8 9 v (t) What is the position x of the particle at time t = 36 s? Part 2 of 2 What is the particle’s acceleration? Zero Change in Velocity 02:05. The change in velocity ∆v of an object is zero over a short time interval ∆t. multiple choice. highSchool. < 1 min. Which of the following must be true? What is the initial velocity? Part 2 of 5 What is the position when t = 0? Part 3 of 5 What is the position when t = 30 s? Part 4 of 5 What is the acceleration is represented by the graph? . Acceleration A car going north on Guadalupe approaches a red light at 24th street. Which of the following is then true? 1. The initial position is 50 m. forward 2. a > 0. Unable to determine. > 1 min. a = 0. v < 0 6. section 5. Assume: Quantities are instantaneous unless stated otherwise. v < 0 2. Part 1 of 5 The scale on the horizontal axis is 5 s per division and on the vertical axis 4 m/s per division. numeric. at t = 0 the particle is at x0 = 60 m. a = 0. normal. v > 0 5. numeric. v > 0 3. The driver applies the brakes. highSchool. backward 3. v < 0 4. The scale on the horizontal axis is 9 s per grid square and on the vertical axis 2 m/s per grid square. normal. 65 . Acceleration 1.Chapter 2. 8. The object must have constant velocity over the interval. 6. The object must be at rest. The object must begin and end at the same position. 3. The object must have zero average velocity over the interval. 7. The object must be changing position. The object must have constant acceleration over the interval. Nothing can be determined without additional information. 2. 5. section 5. 4. The object must have zero average acceleration over the interval. How far will the car skid with locked brakes at 137. A jet plane lands with a speed of 100 m/s and can accelerate uniformly at a maximum rate of −5. How many meters before a stop sign must she apply her brakes in order to stop at the sign? Holt SF 02C 03 02:06.6 s. numeric. Hint: To answer this question. Holt SF 02C 02 02:06.0 m/s2 . highSchool.30 m/s accelerates uniformly at the rate of 3. Holt SF 02D 02 02:06. > 1 min. wordingvariable. A driver in a car traveling at a speed of 78 km/h sees a cat 101 m away on the road.0 s. wordingvariable. highSchool. Find the distance the car travels during this time. Part 1 of 2 A car starts from rest and travels for 5. a) Find the final speed of the car. > 1 min. numeric.5 min. numeric. How fast is the car moving after this time? Holt SF 02D 01 02:06. wordingvariable. highSchool.92 m/s2 for 3. > 1 min.2 km in 3. Part 1 of 2 A car with an initial speed of 23. > 1 min. wordingvariable.4 m/s and accelerates uniformly for 3.80 km long? Holt SF 02C 04 02:06.5 s. highSchool. > 1 min.0 s with a uniform acceleration of −1. highSchool. highSchool. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the displacement of the car after that time. section 6.0 m/s2 as it comes to rest.7 km/h in 6. When Maggie applies the brakes of her car. numeric. highSchool. > 1 min. numeric. A car enters the freeway with a speed of 6. normal. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the displacement of the car after 5. > 1 min. wordingvariable. numeric.5 m/s2 .Chapter 2.7 km/h accelerates at a uniform rate of 0. Can this plane land at an airport where the runway is 0. wordingvariable.0 m/s to 0 m/s in 2. numeric. This question is typical on some driver’s license exams: A car moving at 55 km/h skids 14 m with locked brakes. normal.0 s. Holt SF 02D 03 02:06.5 km/h? Holt SF 02C 01 02:06. highSchool. How long will it take for the car to acceler- 66 Holt SF 02C 05 02:06. numeric. > 1 min. > 1 min. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 23. a) Find the final speed of the car after 5. Part 1 of 2 An automobile with an initial speed of 4.50 s. wordingvariable. numeric. a) What is the final velocity of the car? . the car slows uniformly from 15. highSchool. calculate the distance the plane travels while it is coming to a rest. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration ate uniformly to a stop in exactly 99 m? Concept 07 52 02:06. < 1 min. normal. wordingvariable.85 m/s2 . > 1 min. > 1 min. > 1 min. numeric.500 m/s2 . causing a uniform acceleration of −2. highSchool. a) What is its velocity at the end of the acceleration? Part 2 of 3 b) What is its velocity after it accelerates for 125 m? Part 3 of 3 c) What is its velocity after it accelerates for 67 m? Holt SF 02E 03 67 02:06.0 m/s accelerates uniformly at the rate of +0.0 m/s accelerates at the rate of 0. section 6. If its acceleration was 2. highSchool.5 m/s to the west. A certain car is capable of accelerating at a uniform rate of 0. wordingvariable. A car traveling at +7. wordingvariable.0 m/s2 . Find vf .3 m/s2 . wordingvariable.7 m/s2 to the east.0 m/s? Part 2 of 2 b) How far has the car moved during the braking period? Holt SF 02E 01 02:06. An aircraft has a lift off speed of 120 km/h. wordingvariable.80 m/s2 for a distance of 245 m. What minimum uniform acceleration does this require if the aircraft is to be airborne after a takeoff run of 240 m? Holt SF 02E 06 02:06. .32 m? Holt SF 02E 02 02:06.Chapter 2. highSchool. a) How long does it take the car to accelerate to a final speed of 10. > 1 min. highSchool. numeric. how far did it travel during the acceleration? Holt SF 02Rev 21 02:06. Part 1 of 2 A car accelerates uniformly in a straight line from rest at the rate of 2. numeric. numeric. Part 1 of 3 A car traveling initially at +7.0 m/s applies the brakes. numeric. highSchool. What is the magnitude of the car’s displacement as it accelerates uniformly from a speed of 83 km/h to one of 94 km/h? Holt SF 02E 05 02:06. highSchool. numeric.80 m/s2 for an interval of 2. > 1 min.5 m/s to the west to a velocity of 1. a) What is the speed of the car after it has traveled 55 m? Part 2 of 2 b) How long does it take the car to travel 55 m? Holt SF 02E 04 02:06. numeric. What is the velocity of the stroller after it has traveled 6. numeric.0 s. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A driver of a car traveling at 15. wordingvariable. highSchool. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration Part 2 of 2 b) How far does the car travel in this time interval? Holt SF 02D 04 02:06. A baby sitter pushing a stroller starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at a rate of 0. A motorboat accelerates uniformly from a velocity of 6. highSchool. > 1 min. wordingvariable. > 1 min.0 m/s. a) What is the velocity at the end of 5.5 s. numeric.0 s. A ball initially at rest rolls down a hill with an acceleration of 3. A bus slows down uniformly from 75. wordingvariable.0 s. a) If the brakes are applied for 3. how far will it move? Holt SF 02Rev 25 02:06. numeric. highSchool. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 65 km/h (18 m/s) in 12 s. wordingvariable. A boy sledding down a hill accelerates at 1. section 6. highSchool. wordingvariable.3 m/s2 . wordingvariable. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A car accelerates from rest at −3. > 1 min.Chapter 2. > 1 min.0 s? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the displacement after 5. numeric.1 m/s2 .00 m/s? Holt SF 02Rev 31 02:06. causing a uniform acceleration of −2. what is the final velocity? Part 2 of 2 b) If instead it accelerates at the rate of −0. > 1 min. . numeric. If it accelerates for 7. level road increases its velocity uniformly from +16 m/s to +32 m/s in 10. highSchool. wordingvariable. > 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min. a) If it accelerates at the rate of +0.0 km/h to 0 km/h in 21.0 s.0 s with a uniform acceleration of +1. > 1 min. how fast is the car going at the end of the braking period? Part 2 of 2 b) How far has it gone from its start? Holt SF 02Rev 29 02:06. wordingvariable. numeric.5 m/s2 . How far does it travel before stopping? 68 Holt SF 02Rev 26 02:06. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration Holt SF 02Rev 22 02:06.40 m/s2 . a) What was the car’s acceleration? Part 2 of 3 b) How far did it move while accelerating? Part 3 of 3 c) What was its average velocity? Holt SF 02Rev 24 02:06. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A snowmobile has an initial velocity of +3.00 m/s2 . numeric. highSchool.60 m/s2 . in what distance would he reach a speed of 7. how long will it take to reach a complete stop? Holt SF 02Rev 23 02:06. > 1 min.50 m/s2 for 7. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A car starts from rest and travels for 5. numeric. > 1 min. Holt SF 02Rev 28 02:06. numeric. Part 1 of 3 A car moving westward along a straight. Find the distance the car travels during this time.0 s? Holt SF 02Rev 27 02:06. If he started from rest. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric.0 s. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. The driver then applies the brakes. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A speeder passes a parked police car at 30. An elevator is moving upward 1. numeric.800 s after they are thrown? Holt SF 02Rev 50 02:06.31 m/s2 downward. A ranger in a national park is driving at 56 km/h when a deer jumps onto the road 65 m ahead of the vehicle. > 1 min. the ranger applies the brakes to produce an acceleration of −3. a) How much time pases before the speeder is overtaken by the police car? Part 2 of 2 b) How far does the speeder get before being overtaken by the police car? Holt SF 02Rev 52 53 02:06. At the same instant. > 1 min. wordingvariable. One student throws a ball vertically downward at 14. highSchool. numeric. > 1 min. the police car starts from rest with a uniform acceleration of 2.Chapter 2.0 m/s2 . wordingvariable. section 6. > 1 min. wordingvariable. numeric. highSchool.6 m above the street. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration Part 1 of 2 A plane lands with a velocity of +120 m/s and accelerates at a maximum rate of −6. the other student throws a ball vertically upward at the same speed.20 m/s when it experiences an acceleration of 0. over a distance of 0. Part 1 of 2 A sailboat starts from rest and accelerates at a rate of 0.44 m/s2 . a) From the instant the plane touches the runway. highSchool. b) What distance does the plane require to land? Holt SF 02Rev 32 02:06.7 m/s. > 1 min.80 km long. Part 1 of 4 Two students are on a balcony 19.0 m/s2 . what is the minimum time needed before it can come to rest? Part 2 of 2 The plane is landing on a naval aircraft carrier that is 0.0 m/s.21 m/s2 over a distance of 280 m m. wordingvariable. numeric. Part 2 of 2 b) How long does it take the boat to travel this distance? Holt SF 02Rev 33 02:06. Instantaneously. a) What is the magnitude of the velocity of the first ball as it strikes the ground? Part 2 of 4 b) What is the magnitude of the velocity of the second ball as it strikes the ground? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the difference in the time the balls spend in the air? Part 4 of 4 d) How far apart are the balls 0. highSchool. What will its final speed be? Holt SF 02Rev 45 02:06. highSchool. numeric. wordingvariable. numeric. After a reaction time of t s. What is the maximum reaction time allowed if the ranger is to avoid hitting the deer? Holt SF 02Rev 51 02:06. wordingvariable. The second 69 ball just misses the balcony on the way down. .75 m. a) Find the magnitude of the boat’s final velocity. > 1 min. but the stock-car driver leaves 1. the lead driver applies the brakes. d) What is the final position of the sled when it comes to rest? Part 5 of 5 e) How long does it take for the sled to come to rest? Holt SF 02Rev 58 02:06.30 × 103 m and the total time is 90. Part 3 of 5 c) Find v . Part 4 of 5 At the 5800 m mark. The stock car moves with a constant acceleration of +3. wording-variable. Part 3 of 4 c) Find the velocity of the race car when the two drivers are side by side. Part 2 of 5 b) Find t2 . Part 1 of 4 A professional race-car driver buys a car that can accelerate at 5. highSchool. Given: A bicycle has a speed of 6 m/s at t1 = 3. > 1 min. wordingvariable. highSchool. highSchool.0 m/s2 . Holt SF 02Rev 59 02:06. At t1 the rocket engine is shut down and the sled moves with constant velocity v for another t2 s. a) Find the time it takes the sports-car driver to overtake the stock-car driver.0 m/s2 . Part 2 of 4 b) Find the distance the two drivers travel before they are side by side. causing the car to have an acceleration of −2. the lead car at 25 m/s and the other car at 35 m/s. Part 1 of 5 Consider the plot below describing motion along a straight line with an initial position of .9 s? Velocity vs Time 03 02:06.Chapter 2. At the moment the cars are 45 m apart. numeric. > 1 min. numeric. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration Part 1 of 5 An ice sled powered by a rocket engine starts from rest on a large frozen lake and accelerates at 13. b) What must the chasing car’s minimum negative acceleration be to avoid hitting the lead car? Part 3 of 3 c) How long does it take the chasing car to stop? Linear Bicycle 02:06. a) Find t1 . Part 1 of 3 Two cars are traveling along a straight line in the same direction. multiple choice.4 s and a constant acceleration of 3 m /s 2 .0 m/s2 . wordingvariable. > 1 min.0 s. 70 Part 4 of 4 d) Find the velocity of the stock car when the two drivers are side by side. highSchool. normal.6 m/s2 . numeric. the sled begins to accelerate at −7. What position does the bicycle have with respect to the origin at t2 = 6. Given: The bicycle is at the origin (on the positive x-axis) when t0 = 1. The total distance traveled by the sled is 5. a) How long does it take for the lead car to stop? Part 2 of 3 Assume that the driver of the chasing car applies the brakes at the same time as the driver of the lead car.6 s.9 m/s2 . The racer decides to race against another driver in a souped-up stock car. > 1 min. Both start from rest. section 6.0 s before the driver of the sports car. section 6. numeric. wordingvariable. velocity (m/s) 9   71 5 ¡ 4 3 2 1 ¡ 8 7   6 velocity (m/s) 5 4 3 2 1 0     0 ¡ ¡ −1 4 5 6 7 time (s) What is the velocity at 2 seconds? Part 2 of 4 What is the position at 2 seconds? Part 3 of 4 What is the position at 6 seconds?   −2 ¡ 1 2 3 8 9 −1 −2 −3 4 5 6 7 time (s) What is the velocity at 2 seconds? Part 2 of 5 What is the position at 2 seconds? Part 3 of 5 What is the position at 6 seconds? Part 4 of 5 What is the velocity at 8 seconds? Part 5 of 5 What is the position at 8 seconds? Velocity vs Time 04 02:06. highSchool. Consider the plot below describing motion along a straight line with an initial position of x0 = 10 m. wording- . numeric. > 1 min. < 1 min. multiple choice. 5 ¢ velocity (m/s) 4 3 2 1 ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ −1 4 5 6 7 time (s) What is the position at 9 seconds? −2 ¢ 1 2 3 8 9 Velocity vs Time 15 02:06. highSchool. −4 1 2 3 8 9 Part 4 of 4 What is the position at 9 seconds? Velocity vs Time 04 e1 02:06.Chapter 2. highSchool. wording-variable. > 1 min. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration x0 = 10 m. Part 1 of 4 Consider the plot below describing motion along a straight line with an initial position of x0 = 10 m. Part 4 of 4 Calculate the magnitude of the car’s average velocity from 1 s to 9 s. Part 3 of 4 Calculate the position displacement after the car traveled from 7 s to 9 s. One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration variable. Part 1 of 4 Consider the plot below describing the velocity of a particle along a straight line with an initial position of 0 m and an initial velocity of 0 m/s.Chapter 2. . 4     72 3 2 1 velocity (m/s) 0     −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8     0 1 2 3 4 5 time (s) 6 7 8 9 What is the acceleration at 6 s? Part 2 of 4 Calculate the distance traveled (magnitude of the position displacement) after the car travels the first 7 s. section 6. O A y ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ∆vup = vB − vA 3m       B   x The ball accelerates all the way down. Part 3 of 3 Now consider a new situation: The ball is thrown upward from the ground 3m ¡ ¡ ¡ B ¡ x . numeric.8 m/s2 3. How much did the ball speed up as it passed the window. it accelerates downward at 9. numeric.Chapter 2. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 1 of 3 A ball is dropped from rest at point O. Consider the ball’s slowdown during this time: Let vB be the ball’s speed (do not confuse the speed with the velocity) as it passes the window’s bottom on the way up and let vA be its speed as it passes the window’s top.8 m/s2 Ball Dropped From Rest 02 02:07.3 s. How does the ball’s slowdown compare to its speedup ∆vdown on the way down? 1. The acceleration of gravity is 9. multiple choice. If instead you throw it downward..1 kg and ∆vup > ∆vdown if the mass of the ball is greater than 0. O A y                 73 with an initial velocity that takes exactly the same time tBA = tAB = 0.8 m/s2 2. < 1 min. If you drop an object.8 m/s2 . calculate ∆vdown = vB − vA ? Part 2 of 3 Calculate the speed vA at which the ball passes the window’s top. > 1 min.3 s. section 7. highSchool.1 kg Ball Dropped From Rest 03 02:07. it passes by a window of height 3 m and it does so during time 0. with the ball moving up rather than down. ∆vup > ∆vdown if the mass of the ball is less than 0. more than 9. After falling for some time. ∆vup = ∆vdown . 2. > 1 min.8 m/s2 .8 m/s2 (in the absence of air resistance).e. Part 1 of 2 A ball is dropped from rest at point O (height unknown). After falling for some time. it passes by a window of height 3 m and it does so during time tAB = 0. 3.1 kg and ∆vup < ∆vdown if the mass of the ball is greater than 0. highSchool. i. normal. its downward acceleration after release is 1. ∆vup < ∆vdown if the mass of the ball is less than 0.1 kg 5. highSchool. ∆vup < ∆vdown . also in its way up. let vA be its speed as it passes the window’s top A and vB its speed as it passes the window’s bottom B . ∆vup > ∆vdown . 4. fixed. normal. less than 9. Freely Falling Objects Acceleration of Falling Object 02:07. 9.3 s to pass by the window. . v0 = 2 g hmax √ 4. v0 = 2.               74 5. let vA be its speed as it passes the window’s top A and vB its speed as it passes the window’s bottom B .8 m/s2 . highSchool. Neglect: Air resistance. highSchool. hmax = 2 v0 4g 2 v0 √ 2g 2 v0 g √ 2 3 v0 2g √ 2 3v √ 0 2 2g Ball M 02 02:07. hmax = 8. How much did the ball speed up as it passed the window. hmax = 2. hmax 2 v0 2g 2 3 v0 = 4g 2 5 v0 = 8g √ 2 5v = √ 0 2 2g What is its initial vertical speed. v0 = 2 g hmax 9. normal. > 1 min. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. hmax 4. v0 (in terms of the maximum height hmax )? 1. hmax (in terms of the initial speed v0 )? 1. normal. Its initial vertical speed v0 . calculate ∆vdown = vB − vA ? Part 2 of 2 Calculate the speed vA at which the ball passes the window’s top. Freely Falling Objects The ball accelerates all the way down.8 m/s2 . ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡         ¡ ¡ hmax ¡ ¡     ¡ ¡     9.e. section 7.8 m/s2 v0 v0 . hmax = 9. multiple choice. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. hmax 3. acceleration of gravity g . The acceleration of gravity is 9. i. Its initial vertical speed v0 . A ball is thrown upward. v0 = 2 g hmax g hmax 3. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 ¡ ¡ hmax ¡ ¡ ¡     ¡     ¡   What is its maximum height. multiple choice. hmax = 7. hmax = 6. Ball M 01 02:07. acceleration of gravity g .Chapter 2. > 1 min. A ball is thrown upward. Neglect: Air resistance. Its initial vertical speed v0 . tup = 2. acceleration of gravity g . multiple choice. tup = 9. tup 4. tup v0 g v0 = 2g v0 = 4g v0 =√ 2g What is its time interval.8 m/s2 . Given: g = 9. > 1 min. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. > 1 min. tup = 7. A ball is thrown upward. highSchool. v0 = √ hmax 2 9. normal. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Its initial vertical speed v0 . ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡         ¡ ¡     hmax ¡ ¡     9. tup = 2. v0 = √ g hmax 2 g 8. tup = 8. between the release of the ball and the time it reaches its maximum height? 1. v0 = 6.8 m/s2 .               Ball M 04 02:07. A ball is thrown upward. tup = 6. highSchool. v0 = 1 g hmax 2 5. multiple choice. normal. Neglect: Air resistance. v0 = 2 g hmax Ball M 03 02:07.Chapter 2. tup (in terms of the initial speed v0 ). Freely Falling Objects 5. Neglect: Air resistance. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. tup 3.8 m/s2 ¡ ¡ v0 ¡ ¡     hmax ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡     ¡   Whatis its time interval. acceleration of gravity g . between the release of the ball and the time it reaches its maximum height? 1. section 7. tup = 2 hmax g 4 hmax g 9.8 m/s2 v0 . tup (in terms of the maximum height hmax ). tup = 2 v0 g 4 v0 g √ 3 v0 g √ 2 v0 g √ 2v √ 0 3g 75 1 g hmax 2 1 7. which is at one quarter of the maximum hmax height .                                         What is its maximum height. vA = 8 3 v0 3. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. hmax = 3. tup = 7. hmax = 4. normal. Its initial vertical speed v0 . tup = 2 4. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. hmax = 5. vA = 2 3 v0 2. tup = hmax g 1. hmax (in terms of the initial speed v0 )? Part 2 of 2 Find the speed vA of the ball (in terms of the initial speed v0 ) as the ball passes a point A. tup = 9.Chapter 2. hmax = 9. hmax = 6. hmax = 7. hmax = 2 v0 2g 2 3 v0 4g 2 5 v0 8g √ 2 5v √ 0 2 2g 2 v0 4g v2 √0 2g 2 v0 g √ 2 3 v0 2g √ 2 3v √ 0 2 2g 76 hmax 2g √ 2g hmax √ 4g hmax √ 2 g hmax √ g 2 hmax hmax g g hmax Ball M 05 02:07. tup = 6. section 7. vA = 8 √ 5 v0 5. vA = √ 2 2 Ball M 06 hmax 9. vA = 4 √ 3 v0 9. tup = 10. Part 1 of 2 A ball is thrown upward. hmax = 8. multiple choice. Freely Falling Objects 3. > 1 min. tup = 8. vA = 2 v0 7. vA = 4 5 v0 4. acceleration of gravity g . tup = 5. vA = √ 2 v0 8.8 m/s2 v0 . hmax = 2. Neglect: Air resistance. vA = √ 2 2 v0 6.8 m/s2 . 4 √ 3 v0 1. After reaching a maximum height. the ball is caught at the same height at which it was thrown upward. Part 1 of 2 A ball is thrown upward. acceleration of gravity g . On the way down. normal. the ball is caught at the same height at which it was thrown upward. section 7. vf = 2 g t ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 7. After reaching a maximum height. Neglect: Air resistance. vf = 4 g t 5. hmax = 1 2 gt 2 1 = g t2 4         7. 1. vf = g t ¡ ¡ v0 hmax . Its initial vertical speed v0 . hmax = 8 g t2 3. hmax     hmax         9. vf = √ g t 2 Part 2 of 2 If the time (up and down) the ball remains 9.8 m/s2 . calculate its speed vf when it caught. normal. > 1 min. hmax = g t2 5. vf = 2 g t ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 4. 1 1. vf = 1 gt 4 √ 6. multiple choice. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. Freely Falling Objects 02:07. A ball is thrown upward. calculate the maximum height hmax the ball attained while in the air. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. hmax = 2 g t2 4. multiple choice. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Its initial vertical speed v0 .8 m/s2 3.                 77 If the time the ball remains in the air is t.8 m/s2 . hmax = 4 g t2 6.Chapter 2. vf = g t 2 ¡ ¡ 2. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡     If the time (up and down) the ball remains in the air is t. Neglect: Air resistance. it continues falling back towards Earth. On the way down.8 m/s2 v0 Ball M 07 02:07. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. acceleration of gravity g . it continues falling back towards Earth. > 1 min. highSchool. hmax = 1 2 gt 8 2. 8 m/s2 . A ball is thrown upward. vf = 2 g ttrip ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 7. Neglect: Air resistance.4 m ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 7. and maximum height is 7. section 7. numeric. normal. hmax ? 9.8 m/s2 .4 m . vf = 3 Ball N 01 02:07. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. A ball is thrown upward.1 m/s . vf = 1 g ttrip 2 78 Ball N 02 02:07. > 1 min. vf = g ttrip 4. A ball is thrown upward. v0 ? Ball N 03 02:07. Neglect: Air resistance.               ¡ ¡ What is its initial vertical speed. normal. acceleration of gravity is 9. Its initial vertical speed is 12.8 m/s2 . highSchool. Freely Falling Objects in the air is ttrip .8 m/s2 . acceleration of gravity is 9. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. Its initial vertical speed is 12. vf = g ttrip 3 √ 2 g ttrip 10.1 m/s hmax           What is its maximum height. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 2. as shown in the figure below. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9.1 m/s . vf = g ttrip 3 2 9. Neglect: Air resistance. numeric. numeric. calculate its speed vf when it caught.                 12. vf = √ g ttrip 2 1 8. vf = g ttrip 4 √ 6. highSchool. acceleration of gravity is 9. 1. > 1 min. > 1 min. vf = 4 g ttrip 1 5. Its initial vertical speed is v0 . normal.8 m/s2 9. vf = 2 g ttrip 3.Chapter 2.8 m/s2 v0 . numeric. After reaching a maximum height. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 7. Neglect: Air resistance. After a while he tosses it upwards. if the time the ball remains in the air is 1. > 1 min. Which of the following diagrams can describe the vertical acceleration of the ball. highSchool. A ball is thrown upward. acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. calculate the maximum height hmax the ball attained while in the air. and maximum height is 7. On the way down.                               Part 1 of 2 A ball is thrown upward. Michael stands motionless holding a baseball in his hand. between the release of the ball and the time it reaches its maximum height? Ball N 06 9.64 s. normal. tup . tup (in terms of the maximum height). as shown in the figure below. calculate its speed when it caught. numeric. Part 2 of 2 However. Neglect: Air resistance. multiple choice.8 m/s2 . acceleration of gravity is 9. Its initial vertical speed. highSchool.1 m/s hmax 9. highSchool. ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 12.4 m 9. and maximum height hmax are shown in the figure below. normal. the ball is caught at the same height at which it was thrown upward.77 s.Chapter 2.4 m . section 7.8 m/s2 ¢ ¢ hmax ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ What is its time interval. Freely Falling Objects           79 02:07.8 m/s2 v0 . Its initial vertical speed v0 . between the release of the ball and the time it reaches its maximum height? Ball N 04 02:07.8 m/s2 . Define upwards to be positive. fixed. and it travels up for a while before turning about and heading towards the ground. assuming it has not yet hit the ground? v0 ¡ ¡ ¡ What is its time interval. while it is in Michael’s hand and after he lets it go. it continues falling back towards Earth. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ If the time (up and down) the ball remains in the air is 1. > 1 min.8 m/s2 ¡ ¡ Ball Thrown Up 05 02:07. tA tB Figure is not drawn to scale. 2. and assume that forces exerted by the air are negligible. highSchool. A ball is thrown straight up and reaches a maximum height in 5 s. A ball is thrown straight up and reaches a maximum height of 5 m . A child throws a steel ball straight up. t t a 5. a t 3. highSchool. O   t . t a 6. 4. What was its initial speed? Ball Thrown Up 11 02:07. normal.Chapter 2. an almost constant downward force of gravity along with an upward force that steadily decreases until the ball reaches its highest point. fixed. The acceleration of gravity is 9. tA is the time      ¡        hA   to reach its     A y     maximum     hB height hA   B   v0   t             Ball Thrown Up 06 02:07. normal. a steadily decreasing upward force from the moment it leaves the child’s hand until it reaches its highest point. numeric. multiple choice. None of these . on the way down there is only an almost constant force of gravity. Freely Falling Objects a t 80 1. a downward force of gravity along with a steadily decreasing upward force. 5. numeric. For these conditions.8 m/s2 .8 m/s2 . the force(s) acting on the ball is 1. > 1 min. > 1 min. a 4. on the way down there is a steadily increasing downward force of gravity as the object gets closer to earth. > 1 min. a 2. section 7. an almost constant downward force of gravity only. Consider the motion of the ball only after it has left the child’s hand but before it touches the ground. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. Ball Thrown Up 10 02:07.the ball falls back to the ground because of its natural tendency to rest on the surface of the earth. 3. numeric. A bullet is fired straight up from a gun with a muzzle velocity of 125 m/s.8 m/s2 . < 1 min. highSchool. How high is the apartment house? Free Fall 12 I2 02:07. obeying the law h = −16 t2 + v0 t + s .8 m/s2 . numeric. You can neglect air resistance. A second balloon is thrown downward by your friend 2 s later with an initial speed of 39. normal. multiple choice. The acceleration of gravity is 9. tA is the time ¢ ¢ ¢¡¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ hA ¢ to reach its ¢ ¢ A y ¢ ¢ maximum ¢ ¢ height hA ¢ B ¢ 40 m v0 ¢ O   t ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ tA 5s Figure is not drawn to scale. highSchool. It rebounds to a height of 1 m. > 1 min. normal. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. highSchool. Dropped vs Thrown Balloons 02:07. highSchool.2 m above the ground. How long does it take him to hit the water? Part 2 of 2 He springs off the diving board with an initial vertical velocity of 15 m/s. How long does it take him to hit the water? Dropped Tennis Ball 02:07. > 1 min. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 2. O ¢ t . The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 1 of 2 A boy steps off a 12-foot high diving board with no initial vertical velocity. Freely Falling Objects hA y hB v0   81         B      ¡              A     tA is the time to reach its maximum   height hA   where v0 is the velocity. and s is the initial height. highSchool. With what velocity does it hit the ground? (Let down be negative. find the acceleration given to the tennis ball by the ground. A ball is thrown straight up and passes point B (at a height of 40 m above its starting point O) in 5 s. In order to open the clam it catches.8 m/s2 . normal. numeric. You and your friend throw balloons filled with water from the roof of a several story apartment house. a seagull will drop the clam repeatedly onto a hard surface from high in the air until the         tA tB Figure is not drawn to scale.2 m/s. You simply drop a balloon from rest. t is in seconds. section 7. Neglecting air resistance. numeric. What was its initial speed v0 ? Bullet Fired Up 02:07. numeric.) Part 2 of 3 With what velocity does it leave the ground? Part 3 of 3 If the tennis ball were in contact with the ground for 0.01 s. normal. wording-variable. > 1 min. Part 1 of 3 A tennis ball is dropped from 1. what will be its displacement after 1 s? Diving Board 02:07.8 m/s2 . They hit the ground simultaneously. What was its initial speed? Ball Thrown Up 12 02:07. normal. Would the readings of distance fallen each second indicate equal or different falling distances for successive seconds? 1. 4. both smaller than g . highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. what is its acceleration? 1. then greater distances fallen in successive seconds 5. It depends on the height of the cliff. The accelerations are the same. 82 Hewitt CP9 03 E27 02:07. Both balls will have the same speed. 4. All are wrong. < 1 min. 2. numeric. how long will the clam take to fall? Hewitt CP9 03 E23 02:07. A ball tossed upward has a smaller acceleration. multiple choice. 5. If air resistance can be neglected. highSchool. If you throw it down instead.Chapter 2. section 7. Initially equal distances fallen in successive seconds. < 1 min. A ball tossed upward has a greater acceleration. 10 m/s2 4. Equal distances fallen in successive seconds 4. 3. fixed. Both accelerations equal g . Suppose that a freely falling object were somehow equipped with an odometer. Hewitt CP9 03 E25 02:07. < 1 min. 5. The ball thrown up 2. highSchool. Greater distances fallen in successive seconds 2. normal. fixed. multiple choice. If you drop an object. both greater than g . fixed. which ball will have the greater speed when it strikes the ground below? 1. and another ball straight down with the same initial speed. Smaller distances fallen in successive seconds 3. multiple choice. fixed. The accelerations are the same. More information is needed. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 03 E29 02:07. multiple choice. 5. Part 1 of 2 . It depends on the force of throwing. Smaller than 10 m/s2 3. its acceleration toward the ground is 10 m/s2 . The ball thrown down 3. how does the acceleration of a ball that has been tossed straight upward compare with its acceleration if simply dropped? 1. If a seagull flies to a height of 25 m. Freely Falling Objects shell cracks. All are wrong. Hewitt CP9 03 P03 02:07. Greater than 10 m/s2 2. < 1 min. Someone standing at the edge of a cliff throws a ball straight up at a certain speed. If the air resistance is negligible. highSchool.8 m/s2 . How high does it go? Assume the acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . highSchool. where the free-fall acceleration is −3. > 1 min. a) Find the velocity with which it hits the ground. wordingvariable. What is the instantaneous velocity of a freely falling object 10 s after it is released from a position of rest? Part 2 of 3 What is its average velocity during this 10 s interval? g = 9. highSchool. wordingvariable.8 m/s2 .0 m/s. the horizontal component of velocity. Does hang time depend on the vertical component of velocity when you jump. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 The acceleration of gravity is 9. your hang time is the time your feet are off the ground.0 m above the sidewalk. highSchool. < 1 min. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A flowerpot falls from a windowsill 25. wordingvariable. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the time required for the camera to reach the ground. a) What is the velocity of the flowerpot when it strikes the ground? Part 2 of 2 b) How much time does a passerby on the sidewalk below have to move out of the way before the flowerpot hits the ground? Holt SF 02F 03 02:07. If there were no air resistance. Part 2 of 2 How long is it in the air? Hewitt CP9 03 P05b 02:07.Chapter 2. numeric. The vertical component of your lift-off velocity 2. Part 3 of 3 How far will it fall during this time? Hewitt CP9 03 P09 02:07. highSchool. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A robot probe drops a camera off the rim of a 239 m high cliff on Mars. or both? 1. a) What will the ball’s velocity be when it returns to its starting point? Part 2 of 2 b) How long will the ball take to reach its starting point? . Holt SF 02F 02 02:07. numeric. > 1 min. Freely Falling Objects A ball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 30 m/s. Part 1 of 2 A tennis ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of +8. fixed.7 m/s2 . with what speed would drops hit the Earth if they fell from a cloud 1234 m above the Earth’s surface? Hewitt CP9 10 E12 02:07.8 m/s2 . numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . > 1 min. numeric. section 7. normal. normal. > 1 min. When you jump upward. Unable to determine 83 Holt SF 02F 01 02:07. Both components 4. The horizontal component of your lift-off velocity 3. > 1 min. multiple choice. highSchool. highSchool. numeric. No. Part 1 of 2 A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 25. > 1 min.3 m with an initial velocity of +3. Yes. What is the velocity when the wrench strikes the ground? Holt SF 02Rev 40 02:07. numeric. Freely Falling Objects Holt SF 02F 04 02:07. normal. wordingvariable. A ball is thrown upward from the ground with an initial speed of 25 m/s.0 m/s. numeric. After how long will the balls be at the same height? Holt SF 02Rev 41 02:07. Part 1 of 4 Suppose you are on another planet where the acceleration of gravity is different than that on Earth. > 1 min. highSchool. A ball is thrown directly upward into the air. highSchool. a) How long does it take to reach its highest point? Part 2 of 2 b) How long does the ball take to hit the ground after it reaches its highest point? Holt SF 02Rev 42 02:07. > 1 min.Chapter 2. Yes.6211 m below the tree house 6. Part 1 of 2 Maria throws an apple vertically upward from a height of 1. the apple will reach 0.5 m/s straight up. wordingvariable. a ball is dropped from rest from a building 15 m high.0 m/s from a height of 2. a) Will the apple reach a friend in a tree house 1. the apple will reach 1.0 m.9 m above the ground? 1.43761 m above the tree house 5. No. 84 A worker drops a wrench from the top of a tower 80. g = 9.. normal. numeric.0 m tall. Part 1 of 2 Stephanie serves a volleyball from a height of 0. > 1 min. the apple will reach 0. section 7. The result is a curve shown in the figure below. the apple will reach 1.43761 m below the tree house Part 2 of 2 b) If the apple is not caught. wordingvariable. e. > 1 min. highSchool. wordingvariable. a) How high will the volleyball go? Part 2 of 2 b) How long will it take the ball to reach its maximum height? Holt SF 02F 05 02:07.141284 m below the tree house 2. A continuous measurement is made of the vertical position of the ball with respect to time.141284 m above the tree house 3.80 m and gives it an initial velocity of +7. > 1 min. how long will it be in the air before it hits the ground? Holt SF 02Rev 38 02:07. the apple will reach 1. highSchool. the apple will reach 1.g. . No. numeric.8 m/s2 . numeric. Yes. at the same instant.6211 m above the tree house 4. section 7. wordingvariable.20 0.5 s? Holt SF 02Rev 55 02:07. A rocket moves upward.0 m. highSchool. the full height (h = 0. wordingvariable.) Part 2 of 4 How much time does the ball take to reach one-half of its maximum height h = 0. > 1 min. wordingvariable.3 m/s. 1 0. numeric. The climber throws two stones vertically 1.5 s.1 m ? Part 3 of 4 Estimate the slope of the position vs time graph at several places. > 1 min. It runs out of fuel at the end of the 3. > 1 min. What is the slope of the velocity vs time graph? Part 4 of 4 What was the velocity of the ball when it was initially thrown upward? Holt SF 02Rev 46 02:07. Freely Falling Objects position (m) 0. The first stone has an initial velocity of +2.5 s? Holt SF 02Rev 49 02:07. numeric. 3 time (s) 0. but does not stop. highSchool. Part 1 of 4 A mountain climber stands at the top of a 50. 2 0.0 s apart and observes that they cause a single splash when they hit the water. numeric.0 m/s.0 m/s loses a shoe at an altitude of 50. highSchool.1 m). You should see a straight line.2 m). wordingvariable. a) After 2. a) What is the velocity of the shoe just before it hits the ground? Part 2 of 2 b) When does the shoe reach the ground? Holt SF 02Rev 56 02:07.Chapter 2.05 0 0 0.1 m).2 m? (The required precision of your answer is decreased because of graphical resolution in the figure. highSchool. 4 85 Part 1 of 2 A small first-aid kit is dropped by a rock climber who is descending steadily at 1.g. a) After 2.15 0.98 s. highSchool. . e. The acceleration of gravity on your planet is the slope of this line.5 s. starting from rest with an acceleration of 29.4 m/s2 for 3. wordingvariable.0 m cliff hanging over a calm pool of water.. Hint: Draw a velocity vs time graph. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A parachutist descending at a speed of 10. How high does it rise above the ground? Holt SF 02Rev 48 02:07.50 m/s.10 0. the first onehalf height (h = 0. > 1 min. numeric. what is the velocity of the first-aid kit? Part 2 of 2 b) How far is the kit below the climber after the 2. Part 1 of 2 A small fish is dropped by a pelican that is rising steadily at 0. How much time does the ball take to reach its maximum height of 0. and the second one-half height (h = 0. numeric.98 s. what is the velocity of the fish? Part 2 of 2 b) How far below the pelican is the fish after the 2. highSchool. acceleration is not zero Rock Tossed Upward 02:07. Henry has tossed a rock upward. You are throwing a ball straight up in the air. multiple choice. velocity is zero. velocity is zero. equal to 9. At the highest point. a) What is the maximum height reached by the rocket? Part 2 of 3 b) When does the rocket reach maximum height? Part 3 of 3 c) How long is the rocket in the air? Kinematics 02:07. 2. less than 9. t1 t2 t t a 3. It has already been released and is moving upward at time t = 0. Freely Falling Objects a) What will the velocity of the first stone be at the instant both stones hit the water? Part 2 of 4 b) How long after the release of the first stone will the two stones hit the water? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the initial velocity of the second stone when it is thrown? Part 4 of 4 d) What will the velocity of the second stone be the instant both stones hit the water? Holt SF 02Rev 57 02:07. the ball’s velocity and acceleration are 1.8 m/s2 . < 1 min. If instead you throw it downward. t1 t2 a 2. acceleration is not zero 4.0 m/s. acceleration is zero 2. wordingvariable. 86 Kinematics3 02:07. 3. < 1 min. turns around at time t ≈ t1 . multiple choice. highSchool. and hits the ground at time t ≈ t2 .8 m/s2 . t1 t2 t . highSchool. numeric. its downward acceleration after release is 1.8 m/s2 . fixed. fixed. < 1 min. multiple choice. more than 9. If you drop an object in the absence of air resistance. section 7. velocity is not zero.00 m/s2 until its engines stop at an altitude of 150 m. highSchool. acceleration is zero 3. > 1 min. velocity is not zero. it accelerates downward at 9. Which of the following curves could describes the acceleration of the rock? a 1. fixed.Chapter 2.8 m/s2 . Part 1 of 3 A model rocket is launched straight upward with an initial speed of 50. It accelerates with a constant upward acceleration of 2. t2 t 3. t t1 t2 t2 t t 5. which graph correctly represents its motion as vertical velocity vs time? y 1. 10. t1 a 6. numeric. t1 t2 t 2. t1 a 8. Freely Falling Objects a 4. t . Taking down as the positive vertical direction. None of these graphs are correct. y t 87 a 5. > 1 min. Velocity vs Time 18 02:07. y t y t a 7. 6. section 7. highSchool. t y 8. t1 t2 t 4. y t y t y 7. fixed. An object was suspended in a fixed place and then allowed to drop in a free fall.Chapter 2. Chapter 2. Unable to determine. how will their relative velocity change? 1. 88 . both cars are moving westward. 3. Unable to determine. 4. Part 1 of 3 Two cars approach each other. the other at 64 km/h. 2. westward 2. normal. one at 78 km/h. highSchool. No change. section 9. Less than before. What is the magnitude of the velocity of the first car relative to (in the frame of reference of) the second car? Part 2 of 3 What is the direction of the resultant velocity? 1. Greater than before. > 1 min. Relative Velocities Approaching Cars 02:09. Part 3 of 3 After they pass. numeric. eastward 3. temperature. Vectors: velocity. b) age. Vectors: age. < 1 min. Vector and Scalar Quantities Hewitt CP9 05 E27 03:02. acceleration. Scalars: age. temperature. 1. fixed. 89 . acceleration 3. d) acceleration. multiple choice. Vector: velocity. speed 2. Which of the following are scalar quantities. acceleration 4. speed. e) temperature. c) speed. which are vector quantities? a) velocity. speed. All are scalars. highSchool. All are vectors.Chapter 3. section 2. 5. Scalars: velocity. Scalars: age. temperature. < 1 min. section 3. 2. 4. The magnitudes are different. All are wrong.Chapter 3. The magnitudes are different. the directions are opposite. Both magnitude and direction are the same. Some Properties of Vectors Hewitt CP9 05 E28 03:03. multiple choice. the directions are the same. 5. The magnitudes are the same. 3. fixed. the directions are opposite. highSchool. how must they be related? 1. When two vectors sum to zero. 90 . The angles are measure from the positive x axis with the counter-clockwise angular direction as positive. Part 1 of 2 Given two vectors F1 . and F2 = 66 N . And where θ1 = 240 ◦ . a) What is the horizontal component of the superhero’s displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the vertical component of the superhero’s displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 50 graph 03:05. wordingvariable. and F3 . Sum of Three Vectors 01 graph 03:05. What is the direction of this resultant vector F ? Sum of Two Vectors 02 graph 03:05. Where the magnitude of these vectors are F1 = 53 N . All the direction angles θ are measured from the positive x axis: counter-clockwise for θ > 0 and clockwise for θ < 0. where F = F1 + F2 ? 91 Part 2 of 2 Note: Give the angle in degrees. where F = F1 + F2 ? Part 2 of 2 Note: Give the angle in degrees. between the limits of −180◦ and +180◦ from the positive x axis. numeric. F2 . What is the magnitude of the resultant vector F . numeric. The angles are measure from the positive x axis with the counter-clockwise angular direction as positive. wording-variable. and F2 . The vector F1 has magnitude F1 = 87 N and direction θ1 = 170 ◦ . wordingvariable. numeric. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 Given two vectors F1 . the vector F2 has magnitude F2 = 48 N and direction θ2 = 330◦ . What is the direction of this resultant vector F ? Sum of Two Vectors 01 graph 03:05. Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. multiple choice. . wordingvariable. What is the magnitude of the resultant vector F . Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. section 5. numeric. And where θ1 = 240 ◦ . highSchool. What is the time necessary for crossing if the boat moves directly across the river? Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. between the limits of −180◦ and +180◦ from the positive x axis. and F2 . Graphical Addition of Vectors Holt SF 03B 05 graph 03:05.Chapter 3. Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. and F2 = 66 N . highSchool.5 km wide and that flows with a speed of 5. and θ2 = 25◦ . Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. and θ2 = 25◦ . Where the magnitude of these vectors are F1 = 53 N . > 1 min. > 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool. wordingvariable. > 1 min. A hunter wishes to cross a river that is 1. The hunter uses a small powerboat that moves at a maximum speed of 13 km/h with respect to the water. use counterclockwise as the positive angular direction. and the vector F3 has magnitude F3 = 65 N and direction θ3 = 50◦ .5 km/h. Part 1 of 2 A superhero flies 225 m from the top of a tall building at an angle of 25 ◦ below the horizontal. use counterclockwise as the positive angular direction. Part 1 of 2 Consider three force vectors F1 . > 1 min. highSchool. use counterclockwise as the positive angular direction. 108.602 N 5. 44.714 N 4. 37.789 N 7.588◦ 5. between the limits of −180◦ and +180◦ from the positive x axis.061◦ 7. 63. 101.9939 N 8. −68. where F = F1 + F2 ? 1. Graphical Addition of Vectors What is the magnitude of the resultant vector F .5851 N Part 2 of 2 Note: Give the angle in degrees. 44.39◦ 2. 85.1394◦ 8. 132.325◦ 3.Chapter 3.21563◦ 92 .8812 N 6. −174. section 5. What is the direction of this resultant vector F ? 1. 79.2271◦ 4. −138. −28. −2.157◦ 6. −111. 119.871 N 2.5559 N 3. a) What is the horizontal component of the skier’s acceleration (perpendicular to the direction of free fall)? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the vertical component of the skier’s acceleration? Holt SF 03Rev 26 03:06. numeric. < 1 min. a) What is the horizontal component of the 93 Part 2 of 2 b) What is the vertical component of the superhero’s displacement? Holt SF 03B 06 03:06.5◦ to the horizontal. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A skier squats low and races down a(n) 18◦ ski slope.0◦ below the horizontal. Part 1 of 2 A cat climbs 5 m directly up a tree. The hill is 23. numeric. wordingvariable. a) What is the horizontal component of the cat’s displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the vertical component of the cat’s displacement? Holt SF 03B 05 03:06. Part 1 of 2 A truck travels beneath an airplane that is moving 105 km/h at an angle of 25 ◦ to the ground. Part 1 of 2 A submarine dives 110. numeric. highSchool. < 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min. numeric. highSchool.0 m at an angle of 10. numeric. a) What is the horizontal component of the child’s displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the vertical component of the child’s displacement? Holt SF 03B 07 03:06. < 1 min. wordingvariable. > 1 min. highSchool. The truck has a constant speed of 22 m/s. wordingvariable. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A child rides a toboggan down a hill that descends at an angle of 30. a) How fast must the truck travel to stay beneath the airplane? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the magnitude of the vertical component of the velocity of the plane? Holt SF 03B 03 03:06.Chapter 3. Part 1 of 2 A superhero flies 225 m from the top of a tall building at an angle of 25 ◦ below the horizontal. Part 1 of 2 A truck travels up a hill with a 15◦ incline. Components of a Vector superhero’s displacement? Holt SF 03B 01 02 03:06. highSchool. the skier accelerates at 2. a) What is the horizontal component of the truck’s velocity? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the vertical component of the truck’s velocity? Holt SF 03B 04 03:06. highSchool. normal.0 m long. normal.5 m/s2 . highSchool. section 6. During a 5 s interval. a) What is the horizontal component of the submarine’s displacement? Part 2 of 2 . wordingvariable. numeric. normal. < 1 min. > 1 min.1 m at an angle of 40. a) How large is the east component of this second path? Part 2 of 2 b) How large is the north component of this second path? Holt SF 03Rev 28 03:06. section 6. > 1 min. numeric. wordingvariable. a) How far does it move horizontally? Part 2 of 2 b) How far does it move vertically? 94 . numeric. Part 1 of 2 A person walks 25. highSchool.10 km.0◦ north of east for 3. Part 1 of 2 A roller coaster travels 41. highSchool.0◦ above the horizontal. wordingvariable.Chapter 3. Another person walks due north and due east to arrive at the same location. Components of a Vector b) What is the vertical component of the submarine’s displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 27 03:06. listed below and shown below in the plot. highSchool. multiple choice. All angles are measured in a counterclockwise direction from the positive x-axis. > 1 min.821 ◦ θe = 275. All angles are measured in a counter- . and D) in random directions and lengths starting at position (41 km.4945 km .3401 ◦ θe = 103. wording-variable.8179 km . highSchool. with counterclockwise positive) of her displacement. multiple choice.905 ◦ θe = 188. > 1 min. A hiker makes four straight-line walks (A. 41 km) . wordingvariable. highSchool. E = 10.548 ◦ θe = 234.694 ◦ θe = 186. E = 24. D 95 B A C Scale: 10 km = Figure: Drawn to scale.987 ◦ θe = 299. E = 21.7827 km .2649 km . E = 20.989 ◦ θe = 89. 8. E = 57. Part 1 of 3 A girl delivering newspapers travels 5 blocks west. 9. a) What is the magnitude of her resultant displacement? Part 2 of 3 b) Find the direction (measured from due east.Chapter 3. E = 23. C. 8 blocks north.92 ◦ A B C D 23 km 12 km 33 km 26 km at 79 ◦ at 221 ◦ at 248 ◦ at 119 ◦ Random Walk 03 03:07.5301 km . section 7. then 9 blocks east. 6. E = 46. 3. 5. 7. θe = 346. 4. > 1 min.7927 km .463 ◦ θe = 272.6311 km .0787 km . E = 55. Adding Vector Components Holt SF 03Rev 22 03:07.453 km . E = 64. 1. numeric. 10. 2. wording-variable. Select the vector which will return the hiker to the starting point by identifying the vector E (described below) with the diagram above. Part 3 of 3 c) What is the total distance she travels? Random Walk 02 03:07.519 ◦ θe = 117. B. E = 30.4158 km . 41 km) . A B C D 11 km 22 km 33 km 22 km at at at at 109 ◦ 151 ◦ 108 ◦ 279 ◦ C 96 A B D Select the vector diagram which best represents this hike. Adding Vector Components clockwise direction from the positive x-axis. and D) in random directions and lengths starting at position (41 km. A B C D 2. A Scale: 10 km = Scale: 10 km = . A hiker makes four straight-line walks (A. 4. Scale: 10 km = C D C 1. B D B A A Scale: 10 km = Scale: 10 km = D B C 5. C. B. 3. listed below and shown below in the plot. section 7.Chapter 3. Scale: 10 km = B C 1. A B C 11 km at 22 km at 33 km at 109 151 ◦ 108 ◦ ◦ A 2. listed below and shown below in the plot. A Scale: 10 km = . section 7. A hiker makes four straight-line walks (A. wording-variable. All angles are measured in a counterclockwise direction from the positive x-axis.Chapter 3. A C B Select the vector diagram which best represents this hike. multiple choice. C B A Scale: 10 km = 4. highSchool. C. B B A C Scale: 10 km = Scale: 10 km = Random Walk 04 03:07. 3. > 1 min. 41 km) . B. and D) in random directions and lengths starting at position (41 km. Adding Vector Components 97 C D 6. 6803 ◦ θd = 327.858 ◦ θd = 252. 41 km) .114 ◦ θd = 3. 1. D = 43. 9. 6. wording-variable. listed below and shown below in the plot. Select the vector which will return the hiker to the starting point by identifying the vector D (described below) with the diagram above. D = 17. wording-variable.5237 km .Chapter 3. D = 18.625 ◦ θd = 18. B. D = 17. and E are shown in .7445 km .06 ◦ θd = 288. Vectors A. and C) in random directions and lengths starting at position (41 km.4472 km .9169 km . D = 43.51645 ◦ 6. A hiker makes three straight-line walks (A. D = 38. C . D. > 1 min.4222 km . multiple choice.7427 km . 5. 10. section 7. highSchool. multiple choice. > 1 min. highSchool. 2. D = 33. Adding Vector Components 98 B 5. B Scale: 10 km = Random Walk 05 03:07.5343 km .7838 km .2406 km .713 ◦ θd = 215. θd = 26.107 ◦ θd = 122.8326 km . D = 49. All angles are measured in a counterclockwise direction from the positive x-axis. 4. 7. 8. D = 29.54 ◦ θd = 331.382 ◦ θd = 100. B . C A B A Scale: 10 km = C Scale: 10 km = Figure: Drawn to scale. A C A B C 23 km at 12 km at 26 km at 79 ◦ 221 ◦ 242 ◦ Vectors 01 03:07. 3. D = 48. and D are shown in the figure below.Chapter 3. Vectors A. where R = −A + B − C + D − E . the tails of each vector are arbitrarily located at (0.0). y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 4. For convenience. B . −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y Vectors 02 03:07. the tails of each vector are arbitrarily located at (0. None of these figures is correct. R x 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 R x −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.0). multiple choice. C . Adding Vector Components the figure below. highSchool. 1. section 7. > 1 min. y 5 4 3 2 E 1 x 0 −1 −2 D −3 C −4 B −5 −5 −3 −1 0 A 1 2 3 4 5 y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 99 3. For convenience. x 2. x R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y Select the figure showing the resultant vector R. wording-variable. 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 R −4 −5 −5 −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 . x R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y 1. R x y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 100 3. 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 . y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 4. and C are shown in the figure below.Chapter 3. wording-variable. 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 x R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5. section 7. None of these figures is correct.0). Vectors A. For convenience. highSchool. −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y Vectors 03 03:07. where R = −A + B − C + D . Adding Vector Components y 5 4 3 2 1 x 0 −1 −2 D −3 C −4 B −5 A −5 −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Select the figure showing the resultant vector R. multiple choice. > 1 min. x 2. the tails of each vector are arbitrarily located at (0. B . For convenience. where R = −A + B − C . section 7. highSchool.0). y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 101 3. Vectors A and B are shown in the figure below. None of these figures is correct.Chapter 3. 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 . x R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y R 1. > 1 min. −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y Vectors 04 03:07. y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 R 4. the tails of each vector are arbitrarily located at (0. x 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 x −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5. Adding Vector Components y 5 4 3 2 1 x 0 −1 −2 −3 C −4 B −5 A 3 4 5 −5 −3 −1 0 1 2 Select the figure showing the resultant vector R. wording-variable. x 2. multiple choice. highSchool. Vectors A and B are shown in the figure below. the tails of each vector are arbitrarily located at (0. For convenience. multiple choice. normal. x R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y 1. y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 102 3. where R = −A + B . < 1 min. y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 4. −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y Vectors 05 03:07. Adding Vector Components y 5 4 3 2 1 x 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 B −5 A −5 −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Select the figure showing the resultant vector R. x R 2. None of these figures is correct. 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 .0). R x 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 R x −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.Chapter 3. section 7. Chapter 3. x −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y 1. −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 y 2. Adding Vector Components y A 5 4 3 2 1 x 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 B −5 −5 −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Select the figure showing the resultant vector R. None of these figures is correct. y 5 4 3 2 1 R 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 − 3 103 3. R x 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 x R −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5. section 7. 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 R x −3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 . y 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −5 4. where R =A+B. Chapter 3. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 Emily passes a soccer ball 6. a pirate walks 45.2 km at an angle of 22◦ to the ground. numeric. numeric.5 km at an angle of 35◦ to the ground. < 1 min.5 m east.0 m north. a) What is the magnitude of the clown’s total displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) How many degrees east of north is the clown’s total displacement? Holt SF 03C 04 . and then travels 12 km east to his destination. numeric. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. < 1 min.2 m along a straight path at a height of 3. numeric.0 m directly across the field to Kara. a) What is the magnitude of the plane’s total displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) At what angle above the horizontal is the plane’s total displacement? Holt SF 03C 03 03:09. < 1 min. a) What is the magnitude of the ball’s total displacement as it travels between Emily and Luisa? Part 2 of 2 b) How many degrees to the side of straight down the field is the ball’s total displacement? Holt SF 03A 04 104 03:09.0 m north. who then kicks the ball 14. < 1 min. a) What is the magnitude of the hummingbird’s total displacement? Part 2 of 2 How many degrees below the horizontal is this total displacement? Holt SF 03C 02 03:09. the clown turns due east and runs 5. section 9. < 1 min. > 1 min. wordingvariable. highSchool.5 m. Part 1 of 2 While following the directions on a treasure map. highSchool. a clown runs 8. a) What is the magnitude of the single straight-line displacement that the pirate could have taken to reach the treasure? Part 2 of 2 b) At what angle with the north would he have to walk? Holt SF 03A 03 03:09. a) What distance has the driver traveled? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the magnitude of the driver’s total displacement? Holt SF 03A 02 03:09.0 m to exit the arena. Part 1 of 2 A truck driver attempting to deliver some furniture travels 8 km east. turns around and travels 3 km west. then turns and walks 7. the hummingbird drops directly downward 1.5 m directly down the field to Luisa. after waiting for the bull to come near.4 m above the ground. highSchool. Vector Kinematics Holt SF 03A 01 03:09. wordingvariable. Upon spotting a flower below. numeric. Part 1 of 2 During the rodeo.4 m to hover in front of the flower. and runs 3. highSchool. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A plane travels 2. normal. highSchool. turns 35◦ east of north. Part 1 of 2 A hummingbird flies 1. then changes direction and travels 5. Then. 0 yards. highSchool. A shopper pushing a cart through a store moves 40. He then makes another 90◦ turn and moves 20. he throws a 50. numeric. Part 1 of 2 An airplane flying parallel to the ground undergoes two consecutive displacements. a) What is the magnitude of the smallest possible displacement the shopper could have? Part 2 of 4 b) At how many degrees from due south is this displacement? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the magnitude of the largest possible displacement the shopper could have? Part 4 of 4 d) At how many degrees from due south is this displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 29 03:09. numeric. wordingvariable. At this point. wordingvariable.Chapter 3. a) What is the magnitude of the plane’s total displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) At what angle east of north is the plane’s total displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 23 03:09. The total trip consists of four straight-line paths. so there could be more than one answer. what is the magnitude of the person’s resultant displacement measured from the starting point? 200 60.40 m south. numeric.0 m south down one aisle. and the second putt displaces it 5. highSchool. runs backward for 10. > 1 min.0 yards.0 m. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. numeric.0 m. wordingvariable.0◦ east of north.00 m east. > 1 min. a) At the end of the walk. 100 m N 300 m W S E Note: Figure is not drawn to scale. > 1 min. then makes a 90◦ turn and moves 15. Part 1 of 2 A golfer takes two putts to sink his ball in the hole once he is on the green. What is the magnitude of the football’s resultant displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 25 03:09. numeric.0◦ m 150 . The first putt displaces the ball 6. A quarterback takes the ball from the line of scrimmage. 105 Part 1 of 4 Note: You are not given the direction moved after any of the 90◦ turns. The first is 75 km at 30.0◦ m 30. highSchool. highSchool.0 yard forward pass straight down the field. and the second is 155 km at 60. with counterclockwise positive) of the displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 24 03:09. > 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A person walks the path shown. then runs sideways parallel to the line of scrimmage for 15. Vector Kinematics 03:09. a) How large a displacement would put the ball in the hole in one putt? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the direction (measured from due east.0◦ west of north. section 9. highSchool. section 9. and its speed slows to 25. Exactly 3. It is moving in a direction 60.0 km/h. the course of the hurricane shifts due north. as shown. with counterclockwise positive) of the person’s resultant displacement? Holt SF 03Rev 60 03:09.00 hours later. wordingvariable. How far from Grand Bahama is the hurricane 4.0 km/h. Vector Kinematics Part 2 of 2 b) What is the direction (measured from due west.Chapter 3. > 1 min. The eye of a hurricane passes over Grand Bahama Island. numeric.50 h after it passes over the island? 106 .0◦ north of west with a speed of 41. Chapter 4. Position and Displacement Holt SF 03C 01 04:01. a) What is the magnitude of the runner’s total displacement? Part 2 of 2 b) At what angle to his original displacement is his total displacement (with counterclockwise positive)? 107 . > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A football player runs directly down the field for 35 m before turning to the right at an angle of 25 ◦ from his original direction and running an additional 15 m before being tackled. normal. highSchool. section 1. numeric. 2. aC = aB = aA . 1 and 3 . aA = g . Point A is before the ball reaches the top. Part 3 of 3 The magnitudes of the acceleration are related as 1. multiple choice. aB > aC . B A C 108 04:03. b) Point B is at the top. 3 4. 2 3. Compare the magnitudes of the gravitational accelerations at three points along the path of the ball. < 1 min. 1 2. < 1 min. They reach the bottom at the same time. aC < aB and aA < aB . Suppose that three balls are rolled simultaneously from the top of a hill along the slopes as shown below. fixed. c) Point C is after it has passed the top and on the way down. aB = 0 . 5. 1 2 3 Which one reaches the bottom first? 1. 2 and 3 7. 3. aA < aB . highSchool. 2. fixed. aB = aA . multiple choice. Part 2 of 3 The magnitudes of the acceleration are related as 1.Chapter 4. Average and Instantaneous Acceleration Accelerations Along a Trajectory 04:03. a) Point A on the way up. Hewitt CP9 03 E17 6. 2. highSchool. section 3. Part 1 of 3 A boy throws a ball upward. 1 and 2 The magnitudes of the acceleration are related as 1. section 5. a man walks diagonally toward the bow such that his path forms an angle θ = 22 ◦ with a line perpendicular to the boat’s direction of motion. highSchool. He walks at vm = 3 m/s relative to the boat. highSchool. wordingvariable. Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. On deck. > 1 min. numeric. a man walks diagonally toward the bow such that his path forms an angle θ = 22 ◦ with a line perpendicular to the boat’s direction of motion. Graphical Solutions Walking on a Ship 01 graph 04:05. θ vm vs At what speed does he walk relative to the water? . > 1 min. numeric. Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. 109 θ vm vs At what speed does he walk relative to the water? Part 2 of 2 At what angle to his intended path does the man walk with respect to the water? Walking on a Ship 02 graph 04:05.Chapter 4. A ship cruises forward at vs = 4 m/s relative to the water. On deck. Part 1 of 2 A ship cruises forward at vs = 4 m/s relative to the water. He walks at vm = 3 m/s relative to the boat. wordingvariable. section 6. > 1 min. To hit the bull’s eye. fixed. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The path is a straight line slanted down. A projectile is fired from a horizontal spring-loaded gun aimed directly (along the line of sight) at a distant bull’s eye. a vertical distance 1. How far can he throw the same ball vertically upward with the same initial speed? Someone in a car going past you at the speed of 20 m/s drops a small rock from a height of 2 m. 2. Figuring Physics 27 04:06. slightly lower than y . 2. X 5. How far from the point of the drop will the rock hit the ground? The acceleration due to gravity is 9. How will the path appear to a friend standing at the side of the road? 1. numeric. A bowling ball accidentally falls out of the cargo bay of an airliner as it flies along in a horizontal direction. < 1 min. > 1 min.8 m/s2 . numeric. Projectile Motion Ball Falling from an Airliner 04:06. V U W X Y Z As observed by a person standing on the ground and viewing the plane as in the figure. fixed. highSchool. highSchool. Because of the pull of gravity during flight. multiple choice. < 1 min. multiple choice. 3. wording-variable. Y 4. the gun should be aimed along a line of sight above the bull’s eye. V Baseball Toss v2 04:06. 4. of y . highSchool. normal. The path curves downward. exactly. W 2. The path is a straight line orientated vertically. normal. If you are standing in a bus that moves at constant velocity and drop a ball from your outstretched hand. multiple choice. slightly higher than y . 110 Concept 05 E32 04:06. you will see its path as a vertical straight line. Z 3. the projectile misses and hits a point at distance y beneath the bull’s eye. which path would the bowling ball most closely follow after leaving the airplane? 1. U 6.8 m/s2 . Conceptual 03 04 04:06. . highSchool. The path curves upward. 3.Chapter 4. > 1 min. highSchool. A man can throw a ball a maximum horizontal distance of 75 m. 81 m/s2 . How does the vertical component of a projectile’s motion compare with the motion of vertical free fall when air resistance is negligible? 1. highSchool. fixed. to the right of the target 6. Hewitt CP9 10 E03 04:06. highSchool. < 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. At what point in its trajectory does a batted baseball have its minimum speed? 1. where will the crate crash? 1. fixed. somewhere at the middle height Hewitt CP9 10 E01 04:06. fixed. A cat chases a mouse across a 1. Greater than that of free fall 2. directly at the target 2. The crate will hit the front part of the car. above the target 3. numeric.0 m high table. 3. where should the barrel be pointing? 1. Less than that of free fall 3. multiple choice. < 1 min. at the end point 111 Hewitt CP9 10 E09 04:06. highSchool. > 1 min. An autographed baseball rolls off of a 0. 2. < 1 min.2 m from the edge of the table. The crate will hit the Camaro. multiple choice. highSchool. 4. at the beginning point 4. fixed. wordingvariable. but will crash a distance beyond it determined by the height and speed of the plane. < 1 min. and the cat slides off the table and strikes the floor 2.70 m high desk and strikes the floor 0. The mouse steps out of the way. Identical to that of free fall 4.81 m/s2 . Hewitt CP9 10 E05 04:06. The crate will not hit the Camaro. A heavy crate accidentally falls from a highflying airplane just as it flies directly above a shiny red Camaro parked in a parking lot. diagonally from the target Holt SF 03D 01 04:06. What was the cat’s speed when it slid off the table? . > 1 min. numeric. highSchool. below the target 4. Relative to the Camaro. section 6. When a rifle fires at a distant target. It cannot be determined.Chapter 4. The acceleration of gravity is 9. multiple choice. The crate will continue to fly and will not crash. How fast was it rolling on the desk before it fell off? Holt SF 03D 02 04:06. at the top Holt SF 03D 03 04 3.25 m away from the desk. highSchool. multiple choice. Projectile Motion 2. to the left of the target 5. wordingvariable. After a running start. 18.3 m (60 ft) away. numeric.0 m/s. > 1 min. wordingvariable.809 m (2. If this pitch were thrown horizontally. A golfer can hit a golf ball a horizontal distance of over 300 m on a good drive. highSchool. wordingvariable. how far would the fish travel horizontally before hitting the water below? Holt SF 03E 01 04:06. The ball is caught 41. a) How long is it in the air? Part 2 of 2 b) How high is the tallest spot in the ball’s path? Holt SF 03E 04 04:06. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric.81 m/s2 .7 m above the water. In a scene in an action movie. > 1 min. Holt SF 03E 02 04:06. a stunt man jumps from the top of one building to the top of another building 4. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A pelican flying along a horizontal path drops a fish from a height of 5. 112 Part 1 of 2 A baseball is thrown at an angle of 25◦ relative to the ground at a speed of 23. wordingvariable. numeric.81 m/s2 . To determine if he will make it to the other roof.0 m away. a) What was the pelican’s initial speed? Part 2 of 2 b) If the pelican was traveling at the same speed but was only 2.0◦ leave the water to continue upstream? Holt SF 03E 05 04:06. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. numeric. which is 2.0 m horizontally before it hits the water below. > 1 min. > 1 min. Projectile Motion 04:06. The fish travels 8. > 1 min.00 m from a waterfall 0.3 m from the thrower. fixed. wordingvariable. highSchool.0 m drive reach if it is launched at an angle of 25. > 1 min. highSchool. .4 m. highSchool.5 m down the field. What maximum height will a 310.550 m in height. he leaps at an angle of 15◦ with respect to the flat roof while traveling at a speed of 5. the ball would fall 0.Chapter 4. The acceleration of gravity is 9. find his vertical displacement upon reaching the front edge of the lower building with respect to the taller building. Salmon often jump waterfalls to reach their breeding grounds.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. highSchool. highSchool.0 m/s.65 ft) by the time it reached home plate. Starting 2. wordingvariable. section 6.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. The football is thrown at an initial angle of 40.0◦ to the ground? Holt SF 03E 03 04:06. at what minimum speed must a salmon jumping at an angle of 32.0◦ to the ground. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A quarterback throws the football to a stationary receiver who is 31. The fastest recorded pitch in Major League Baseball was thrown by Nolan Ryan in 1974.81 m/s2 .5 m shorter than the building from which he jumps. numeric. a) At what initial speed must the quarterback throw the ball for it to reach the receiver? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the ball’s highest point during its flight? Holt SF 03Rev 34 04:06. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 m waterfall. highSchool.81 m/s2 . what is its vertical velocity at the crossbar? 52 m Holt SF 03Rev 39 04:06. Part 1 of 2 A person standing at the edge of a seaside cliff kicks a stone over the edge with a speed of 18 m/s.0 m/s. numeric. A net is positioned at a horizontal distance of 50. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 2 of 2 b) How long is the shell in motion? Holt SF 03Rev 36 04:06. Part 1 of 2 A shell is fired from the ground with an initial speed of 1.81 m/s2 . which is 3. How far apart will the two vessels be when they land below the waterfall? Holt SF 03Rev 38 04:06. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The spy’s speed is 15 m/s and the officials’ speed is 26 m/s. When kicked. highSchool. numeric. > 1 min. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. Just as the officials’ boat pulls up next to the spy’s boat. highSchool. a) Neglecting air resistance.81 m/s2 . numeric.0 m (about 39 yd) from the goal. Part 1 of 2 A place kicker must kick a football from a point 36. A spy in a speed boat is being chased down a river by government officials in a faster craft. what is its height with respect to the crossbar when it reaches the plane of the crossbar? Part 2 of 2 b) To determine if the ball approaches the crossbar while still rising or while falling. Projectile Motion How fast was Ryan’s pitch? Holt SF 03Rev 35 04:06. numeric.0 m/s at an angle of 53◦ to the horizontal.Chapter 4. section 6. highSchool. The cliff is 52 m above the water’s surface. > 1 min. a) To determine if the ball clears the crossbar. as shown. wordingvariable. > 1 min.0◦ to the horizontal. the ball must clear the crossbar. both boats reach the edge of a 5.05 m high.0◦ to the horizontal with an initial speed of 25. find the shell’s horizontal range.81 m/s2 . At what height above the cannon’s mouth should the net be placed in order to catch the daredevil? Note: Figure not drawn to scale a) How long does it take for the stone to fall to the water? Part 2 of 2 b) With what speed does the stone strike the water? Holt SF 03Rev 37 . A daredevil is shot out of a cannon at 45. 18 m/s 113 04:06. the ball leaves the ground with a speed of 20.70 × 103 m/s (approximately five times the speed of sound) at an initial angle of 55. As a result of the kick. numeric. wordingvariable. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 m from the cannon from which the daredevil is shot. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9.00 m above the ground and the water takes 0. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. a) What minimum speed must he achieve to clear the canyon? Part 2 of 2 b) If the daredevil jumps at this minimum speed.00 m high located 130.50 × 103 m of an island’s 1. Part 1 of 3 A ball player hits a home run. and the baseball just clears a wall 7. A 2. m/ s 25 0 75◦ 1800 m 2500 m 610 m Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) How close to the enemy ship does the projectile land? Part 2 of 2 b) How close (vertically) does the projectile come to the peak? . who is holding the same gun in a horizontal position. numeric. To do so. The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 4. numeric. > 1 min. numeric.329 s to reach the ground. The acceleration of gravity is 9. section 6. the water travels a horizontal distance of 5. a) What is the initial speed of the ball? Part 2 of 3 b) How much time does it take for the ball to reach the wall? Part 3 of 3 c) Find the speed of the ball when it reaches the wall.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 .80 × 103 m high mountain peak and fires a projectile at an enemy ship 6.81 m/s2 .10 × 102 m on the other side of the peak. Projectile Motion Holt SF 03Rev 40 04:06. Holt SF 03Rev 54 04:06. > 1 min. and air resistance is negligible.0 m from home plate. Part 1 of 2 A ship maneuvers to within 2.00 m above ground level. wordingvariable. The child fires the gun when it is 1. b) How far will the water travel horizontally? Holt SF 03Rev 41 04:06. a) Find the initial velocity of the water. Part 2 of 2 A child.00 m from the basket (3.0◦ .0 m above the ground. The ball is hit at an angle of 35. highSchool. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. what will his speed be when he reaches the other side? Holt SF 03Rev 55 04:06. numeric.00 m tall basketball player attempts a goal 10.50 × 102 m/s at an angle of 75. he drives a car up a 15◦ incline. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 114 Holt SF 03Rev 53 04:06.00 m. highSchool.0◦ to the horizontal. wordingvariable. highSchool.05 m high). as illustrated. Assume the ball is hit at a height of 1.81 m/s2 . is sliding down a 45.00 m/s. Part 1 of 2 A daredevil jumps a canyon 12 m wide. Part 1 of 2 When a water gun is fired while being held horizontally at a height of 1. > 1 min. The ship shoots the projectile with an initial velocity of 2.0◦ incline at a constant speed of 2. wordingvariable. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool.81 m/s2 .2 m 0.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . A ball is thrown straight upward and returns to the thrower’s hand after 3.Chapter 4.00 s in the air. 1. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A 80 g autographed baseball slides off of a 1. At what speed must the second ball be thrown so that it reaches the same height as the one thrown vertically? Holt SF 03Rev 58 04:06. highSchool.2 m high table and strikes the floor a horizontal distance of 0.05 m 1.2 m 0 .9 m How fast was it rolling on the table before it fell off? Part 2 of 2 What was the direction of the ball’s velocity just before it hit the floor? That is. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. highSchool. > 1 min. at what initial speed must he throw the basketball so that it goes through the hoop without striking the backboard? Holt SF 03Rev 56 04:06.8 m away from the table. section 6.9 m away from the table. A second ball is thrown at an angle of 30. Projectile Motion 115 v0 45◦ 3.2 m high table and strikes the floor a horizontal distance of 0. at what angle (in the range −90◦ to +90◦ relative to the horizontal directed away 2m 10 m If he shoots the ball at a 45. numeric. normal. . > 1 min. normal.0◦ with the horizontal.8 m How fast was it rolling on the table before it fell off? Holt SF 03Rev 58A 04:06. A 80 g autographed baseball rolls off of a 1. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min.0◦ angle. See the figure below. The acceleration of gravity is 9. See the figure below. The car rolls from rest down the incline with a constant acceleration of 4. highSchool. A football is thrown toward a receiver with an initial speed of 18. > 1 min.0 m above the ocean.0 m/s throws a ball toward the caboose along a path that the student judges as making an initial angle of 60.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. as shown. > 1 min. How high does the ball rise? Holt SF 03Rev 69 04:06. numeric. a) How long is the car in the air? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the car’s position relative to the base of the cliff when the car lands in the ocean? Holt SF 03Rev 63 04:06. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable. The negligent driver leaves the car in neutral. Part 1 of 2 A person can jump a horizontal distance of 3. a) Neglecting air friction. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. where the acceleration due to gravity is 0. numeric. At that instant. With what constant speed should the receiver run to catch the football at the level at which it was thrown? Holt SF 03Rev 70 04:06.0◦ below the horizontal. highSchool.Chapter 4.0 m to the edge of the cliff.0◦ above the horizontal. a) What is the rocket’s maximum altitude? . highSchool.00 m/s2 and travels 50. Projectile Motion from the table) did the ball hit the floor? Holt SF 03Rev 61 04:06.0 m from the quarterback. wordingvariable. a) How far could the person jump on the moon.38g? Holt SF 03Rev 68 04:06. > 1 min.0◦ with the horizontal. > 1 min. The cliff is 30. observes the ball rising vertically. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 3 A rocket is launched at an angle of 53◦ above the horizontal with an initial speed of 75 m/s. highSchool. > 1 min.81 m/s2 ? 116 Part 2 of 2 b) How far could the person jump on Mars. Holt SF 03Rev 67 04:06. section 6. Part 1 of 2 A golf ball with an initial angle of 34◦ lands exactly 240 m down the range on a level course. numeric. what initial speed would achieve this result? Part 2 of 2 b) Find the maximum height reached by the ball. Part 1 of 2 A car is parked on a cliff overlooking the ocean on an incline that makes an angle of 24. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable. highSchool. numeric. A science student riding on a flatcar of a train moving at a constant speed of a 10. wordingvariable. and the emergency brakes are defective. At this time its engines fail and the rocket proceeds to move as a free body.0 m/s at an angle of 35. who is standing on the ground nearby. The acceleration of gravity is 9. where the free-fall acceleration is g/6 and g = 9.81 m/s2 .0 m on Earth.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . numeric. It moves for 25 s along its initial line of motion with an overall acceleration of 25 m/s2 . wordingvariable. highSchool. the receiver is 18.81 m/s2 . The teacher. None of these Kopp lect5 prob2 04:06.2 m from the edge of the table. section 6. numeric. < 1 min. < 1 min.0 m high table. 9. 9. multiple choice. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . multiple choice.Chapter 4. highSchool. 9. 1. A cat chases a mouse across a 1. What was the cat’s speed when it slid off the table? . highSchool. -7. fixed. in the horizontal direction 4. What is the component of the velocity of the ball in the horizontal direction just before the ball hits the ground? Assume that both velocity components were positive when the ball was first thrown. 10 m/s 2. highSchool. what is the total acceleration vector acting on the ball when the ball is at the top of its arc? 1. None of these 117 Projectile Cat 04:06. and the cat slides off the table and strikes the floor 2. 7.8 m/s2 . fixed. up 5. After the ball is released. A person tosses a ball from the ground up into the air at an initial speed of 10 m/sec and an initial angle of 43◦ off the ground. Projectile Motion Part 2 of 3 b) What is the rocket’s total time of flight? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the rocket’s horizontal range? Kopp lect5 prob1 04:06. zero 2.8 m/s2 . The mouse steps out of the way. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . down 3. zero 3. A person tosses a ball from the ground up into the air at an initial speed of 10 m/sec and an initial angle of 43◦ off the ground.3 m/s 5.3 m/s 4. fixed. The acceleration of gravity is 9.5 rev/s. 7. 0. Part 1 of 2 5. Uniform Circular Motion Circular Track 04:07. fixed.13 m/s. normal. < 1 min. therefore it has no acceleration. Mars and Jupiter 3. section 7. 60 Hz 3. 3. Conceptual 03 10 04:07. What is the frequency of the minute hand of a clock? 1. normal. multiple choice. 8. > 1 min. The mass is traveling at a constant velocity. 9. Mars and Earth 2. Conceptual 05 13 04:07. 5. Its speed at the position shown in the figure is 3. numeric. highSchool. > 1 min. fixed. which of the labeled arrows best represents the direction of the acceleration of the mass? 1. < 1 min. v 118 Imagine that a new asteroid is discovered in the solar system with a circular orbit and an orbital period of 8 years. 3600 Hz 4.000278 Hz 2. . 4. highSchool. 12 Hz 8. What is the average distance of this object from the Sun in Earth units? Part 2 of 2 Between which planets would this new asteroid be located? 1. 24 Hz 7.0000116 Hz Hewitt CP9 03 E09 04:07.8 m/s2 . 0. 6. highSchool. multiple choice. multiple choice. Calculate the speed at the edge of a disc of radius 6 cm that rotates at the rate of 3.Chapter 4. highSchool. numeric. Conceptual 07 01 04:07. 1 Hz 6.0167 Hz 2. < 1 min. A mass slides with negligible friction on a circular track of 1 m radius oriented vertically. highSchool. 0. Jupiter and Pluto At the position shown in the figure. a) What is the centripetal acceleration of a point on the equator? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the centripetal acceleration of a point at the North Pole? Planet Rotation 01 04:07. 4. > 1 min. multiple choice. section 7. Holt SF 07G 03 04:07.5 m from the center of a merrygo-round. 5. A piece of clay sits 0. If the rotation of a planet of radius 6. normal.37×106 m and free-fall acceleration 9. 3. The dragster rounded the curve at a changing speed of 100 km/h. The dragster rounded the curve at a changing velocity of 100 km/h. highSchool.37 × 106 m. numeric. > 1 min.5 rad/s. Part 1 of 2 A dog sits 1.5 m/s2 centripetal acceleration. fixed. numeric. highSchool.8 m/s2 increased to the point that the centripetal acceleration was equal to the gravitational acceleration at the equator. 119 A race car moves along a circular track at an angular speed of 0. Part 1 of 2 The radius of the Earth is about 6. numeric. The dragster moved along a straight line at a constant velocity of 100 km/h. numeric. a) If the dog undergoes a 1. < 1 min. If the potter spins the wheel at an angular speed of 20. < 1 min. what would be the tangential speed of a person standing at the equator? Problems 08 07 04:07.Chapter 4. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric. wordingvariable. fixed.512 rad/s. If a man standing inside is 2 m tall and his Which statement is true? 1. highSchool. what is the distance between the car and the center of the track? Holt SF 07G 05 04:07. . what is the dog’s linear speed? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the angular speed of the merry-goround? Holt SF 07G 04 04:07. The dragster rounded the curve at a constant velocity of 100 km/h.4 m/s2 . 2. what is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the piece of clay on the wheel? Holt SF 07Rev 50 04:07. > 1 min. Consider a too-small space habitat that consists of a rotating cylinder of radius 4 m. Uniform Circular Motion A dragster maintains a speedometer reading of 100 km/h and passes through a curve with a constant radius. highSchool. All are wrong. highSchool.20 m from the center of a potter’s wheel. wordingvariable. < 1 min. If the car’s centripetal acceleration is 15. then compared to feet is to be less than 90 one’s height. < 1 min.) 120 .Chapter 4. what should be the minimum radius of the space habitat? (Assume that a person’s height is 2 m. 2 g 4. what is the g force at the elevation of his head? (Do you see why projections call for large habitats?) 1. 0.25 g 2. Uniform Circular Motion feet are at 1 g. section 7.5 g 3. 0. highSchool. multiple choice. If the variation in g between one’s head and g . normal. 4 g Problems 08 08 04:07. If the dryer barrel has a radius of 27 cm. < 1 min.34 m. highSchool. < 1 min. numeric. If the length of the rope is 2. highSchool.Chapter 4.50 m long.0 m/s2 . A building superintendent twirls a set of keys in a circle at the end of a cord. what is the girl’s tangential speed? Holt SF 07G 02 04:08. what is the tangential speed of the keys? Holt SF 07Rev 26 04:08. what is the yo-yo’s tangential speed? Holt SF 07Rev 25 04:08. numeric.1 m. wordingvariable. A girl sits on a tire that is attached to an overhanging tree limb by a rope. < 1 min. highSchool. A young boy swings a yo-yo horizontally above his head so that the yo-yo has a centripetal acceleration of 250 m/s2 . highSchool. A sock stuck to the side of a clothes-dryer barrel has a centripetal acceleration of 28 m/s2 . What is the tangential speed of a passenger on a Ferris wheel that has a radius of 10 m and rotates once in 30 sec? 121 . numeric. If the keys have a centripetal acceleration of 145 m/s2 and the cord has a length of 0. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. numeric. < 1 min. highSchool. The girl’s father pushes her so that her centripetal acceleration is 3. Tangential and Radial Acceleration Holt SF 07G 01 04:08. section 8. numeric. what is the tangential speed of the sock? Problems 08 02 04:08. If the yo-yo’s string is 0. wordingvariable. normal. < 1 min. Part 1 of 3 You are traveling 80 km/h and you throw a ball 40 km/h with respect to yourself. > 1 min. If the streaks make an angle of 45◦ . Vertically falling rain makes slanted streaks on the side windows of a moving automobile. numeric. 5. a) What is magnitude of the boat’s velocity relative to Earth? . A passenger at the rear of a train traveling at 15 m/s relative to Earth throws a baseball with a speed of 15 m/s in the direction opposite the motion of the train. fixed. Patrick is stationary when he receives the ball. numeric. normal.0 m/s. highSchool. highSchool. 3. highSchool.Chapter 4. highSchool. The aircraft carrier is moving forward at 18. normal. section 9. what does this tell you about the relative speed of the car and the falling rain? 122 1. A spy runs from the front to the back of an aircraft carrier at a velocity of 3. What is the ball’s apparent speed to a friend standing by the road when the ball is thrown straight ahead? Part 2 of 3 What is the ball’s apparent speed to the same friend when the ball is thrown sideways? Part 3 of 3 What is the ball’s apparent speed to the same friend when the ball is thrown backwards? Hewitt CP9 05 E31 04:09.5 m/s. Giselle is travelling on her bicycle at a speed of 10 mph when a car passes her. How fast did Lisa throw the ball? Conceptual 28 02 04:09. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.0 m/s to the east. highSchool. < 1 min. highSchool. wordingvariable. The speed of the car is the same as that of the falling rain. numeric. 2.5 m/s relative to the water and the river’s velocity is 3. 4. Holt SF 03F 01 04:09. What is the velocity of the baseball relative to Earth as it leaves the thrower’s hand? Holt SF 03F 02 04:09. numeric. Relative Velocity Conceptual 28 01 04:09. The speed of the car is half of that of the falling rain. she estimates that the car is going 45 mph toward her and 45 mph away from her. > 1 min. > 1 min. How fast does the spy appear to be running when viewed by an observer on a nearby stationary submarine (forward is positive)? Holt SF 03F 03 04:09. The speed of the car is two times greater than that of the falling rain. numeric. < 1 min. The speed of the car is three times greater than that of the falling rain. The ferry is headed due north with a speed of 2. < 1 min. normal. Part 1 of 2 A ferry is crossing a river. All are wrong. From her frame of reference. Lisa passes a basketball to him. < 1 min. While running at 10 mph directly toward Patrick. What is the speed of the car from the frame of reference of someone standing on the ground? Conceptual 28 07 04:09. highSchool. which is moving at a speed of 35 mph. numeric. multiple choice. > 1 min. numeric.75 m/s at an angle of 35. highSchool. a) What is the magnitude of the dog’s velocity relative to the road? Part 2 of 2 b) At how many degrees east of north is the dog actually moving? Holt SF 03Rev 47 04:09.5 km/h. Part 1 of 2 A pet store supply truck moves at 25. The speed of the aircraft in the absence of a wind is 205 km/h. An observer on the ground sees the plane pass overhead at a velocity of 145 km/h toward the north. numeric. with counterclockwise positive). The pilot of a plane measures an air velocity of 165 km/h south. A hunter wishes to cross a river that is 1. > 1 min. wordingvariable.0 m/s due north relative to the water. A boat crosses the river from the south shore to the north shore by maintaining a constant velocity of 10. a dog moves at 1.0◦ east of north. wordingvariable. Inside.50 m/s. The hunter uses a small powerboat that moves at a maximum speed of 13 km/h with respect to the water.75 m/s.5 km wide and that flows with a speed of 5. wordingvariable. Holt SF 03F 04 04:09. Holt SF 03Rev 48 04:09. What is the time necessary for crossing if the boat goes directly across the river? Holt SF 03Rev 51 04:09. wordingvariable. > 1 min. numeric. Relative Velocity Part 2 of 2 b) Find the direction in which the ferry is moving (measured from due east.Chapter 4. He intends to swim directly across a river that has a downstream current of 3. numeric. > 1 min. highSchool. a) How many degrees from west should the aircraft head? Let clockwise be positive. > 1 min. Part 2 of 2 b) What should the plane’s speed be relative to the ground? Holt SF 03Rev 50 04:09. numeric. highSchool. What is the velocity of the wind that is affecting the plane? Let north be positive. a) What is the magnitude of the velocity of the boat as viewed by an observer on shore? Part 2 of 3 b) How many degrees off course is the boat forced by the current? Part 3 of 3 123 c) If the river is 325 m wide. Part 1 of 2 A swimmer can swim in still water at a speed of 9. highSchool. how far downstream is the boat when it reaches the north shore? Holt SF 03Rev 49 04:09. wordingvariable. Part 2 of 2 b) What is the magnitude of the swimmer’s velocity relative to the bank? . wordingvariable.0 m/s north along a highway. Part 1 of 2 The pilot of an aircraft wishes to fly due west in a 50. Part 1 of 3 A river flows due east at 1. a) How many degrees from straight across the river should he head? Let upstream be a positive angle. highSchool.50 m/s. highSchool. section 9. > 1 min. numeric.0 km/h wind blowing toward the south. If a person stands on the escalator. a) If a person walks up the moving escalator with a speed of 0.5 m/s. Part 1 of 4 A water spider maintains an average position on the surface of a stream by darting upstream (against the current).800 s during the first part of its motion. highSchool. > 1 min. section 9. wordingvariable. how long does it take the person to get to the top? Part 2 of 2 b) If a person walks down the “up” escalator with the same relative speed as in the first part. how long does it take to reach the bottom? Holt SF 03Rev 57 shortened 04:09. > 1 min. > 1 min. > 1 min. Use upstream as the positive direction. it takes 50. how long does it take the boat to cross? Holt SF 03Rev 57 04:09. highSchool. how long does it take the boat to make a round trip consisting of a 250 m displacement downstream followed by a 250 m displacement upstream? Holt SF 03Rev 64 04:09. wordingvariable.0 m long. Part 1 of 2 An escalator is 20.5 m/s. wordingvariable. highSchool. An escalator is 20. regardless of the boat’s direction. Relative Velocity Holt SF 03Rev 52 04:09. numeric. < 1 min. If the water in the river is flowing at 1. A boat moves through a river at 7.500 m/s relative to the shore. how long does it take the person to get to the top? 124 Holt SF 03Rev 62 04:09.560 m (relative to a spot on shore) in 0.500 m/s relative to the escalator. and the water spider darts upstream 0. highSchool. numeric. highSchool.5 m/s relative to the water. > 1 min. it takes 50.Chapter 4.0 m long. wordingvariable.500 m/s relative to the escalator. then drifting downstream (with the current) to its original position. numeric. a) What is the magnitude of the resultant velocity relative to an observer on the shore? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the angle from the original heading (with counterclockwise positive) of the boat’s displacement? Part 3 of 3 c) If the river is 1360 m wide. wordingvariable. highSchool.0 s to ride from the bottom to the top. numeric.0 s to ride from the bottom to the top. wording- . Part 2 of 4 b) What is its velocity (relative to the water) during its drift downstream? Part 3 of 4 c) How far upstream relative to the water does the water spider move during one cycle of this upstream and downstream motion? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the average velocity of the water spider relative to the water for one complete cycle? Holt SF 03Rev 65 04:09. a) Find the velocity of the water spider relative to the water during its dash upstream. If a person walks up the moving escalator with a speed of 0. Part 1 of 3 A motorboat heads due east at 12.0 m/s across a river that flows toward the south at a speed of 3. If a person stands on the escalator. numeric. numeric. The current in the stream is 0. If the normally functioning escalator can carry the standing shopper to the next floor in 20. The shore lines are on the left. the speed of the boat for direction H is greater than for direction K . The rowing speed of the girl’s boat and a set of possible orientations of her boat (relative to still water) are also shown in the diagram. 1. Part 1 of 2 A car travels due east with a speed of 50.0 s. highSchool. true Part 4 of 6 Time to row across for direction H is equal to that for direction G.0◦ with the vertical. The traces of the rain on the side windows of the car make an angle of 60. Relative Velocity variable. 1. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the magnitude of the rain’s velocity with respect to Earth. > 1 min. a) Find the magnitude of the velocity of the rain with respect to the car. false Part 2 of 6 To land directly across the river. Rowing Speed 04:09.0 km/h. true 2. 1. highSchool. false Part 5 of 6 Time to row across for direction N is less that .0 s. Rowing Speed and Direction of Boat P 125 H K Z J S N River Velocity G For an observer on shore. multiple choice.and right-hand side of the diagram. Rain is falling vertically with respect to Earth. A shopper in a department store can walk up a stationary (stalled) escalator in 30. how long would it take the shopper to walk up the moving escalator? Assume the same walking effort for the shopper whether the escalator is stalled or moving. 1. > 1 min. wordingvariable. she must row in direction N . Holt SF 03Rev 66 04:09. she must row in direction N . section 9. numeric. A river is crossed by a girl rowing a boat. wording-variable. true 2. false 2.Chapter 4. Part 1 of 6 Assume: The water has uniform velocity represented by the vector P in the diagram below. false Part 3 of 6 To get across the river in the shortest time. true 2. 1. 1. false Part 6 of 6 The total distance traveled in crossing for direction G is greater than for direction H . true 2. true 126 .Chapter 4. section 9. false 2. Relative Velocity for direction G. in contact with the top of the book. the normal force exerted on the wedge by the book 3. highSchool. weight force friction normal 5. A hand. normal force friction weight 8. 7. force friction normal weight The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the book. force friction normal weight 2. fixed. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? The magnitudes of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. The Concept of Force Conceptual forces 04 05:01. section 1. < 1 min. produces a constant force Fhand vertically downward.Chapter 5. multiple choice. normal friction force weight Fhand B oo k 6. the pull of the book on the earth 3. which force(s) complete(s) the force pair for Newton’s third law (action-reaction)? 1. the component of gravity pointing perpendicular to the surface of the incline . Part 1 of 2 A book is at rest on an incline as shown below. 127 4. friction force normal weight Part 2 of 2 For the normal force exerted on the book by the wedge in the diagram. force normal friction weight 2. friction force weight normal 1. 1 = −2x 128 Part 2 of 2 The values of x and y for this problem are 1 1 . 0 = x + y. x = − . 0 = x + y. highSchool. −1 = −2x 4. The powers of x and y may be determined based on dimensional analysis. fixed. −1 = −2x 2. 1 = x + y. highSchool. 0 = x − y. 1 = −2x 7. 0 = x + y. 0 = x − y. 1 = x + y. one arrives correspondingly at a set of three equations. 1 = −2x 8. x = 5. 1 = x + y. 1 = x + y. By equating the powers of mass. 0 = x + y. −1 = −2 x 3. y = 1 10. 0 = x + y. x = 1 . x = 1 . x = −1 . > 1 min. 1 = x − y. y=− 2 2 1 1 2. Part 1 of 2 The velocity of a transverse wave traveling along a string depends on the tension F = m a of the string and its mass per unit length µ. 1 = x − y. 1 = x − y. y = 0 Dimensional Analysis 04b 05:01. fixed. 1 = x − y. 1 = −2 x 6. x = . 1 = x + y. 0 = x − y. y = −1 7. 1. 0 = x − y. Assume v = F x µy . 0 = x + y. x = − . the component of gravity pointing parallel to the surface of the incline 5. 0 = x + y. −1 = −2x 3. x = 0 . 1 = x + y. and time. y = 2 2 1 1 4. one arrives correspondingly at a set of three equations. Choose the correct expressions for x and y . −1 = −2x 5. The velocity of a transverse wave traveling along a string depends on the tension F = m a of the string and its mass per unit length µ. length. 1 = −2x 10. 1 = x + y. x = 1 . x = −1 . y = 1 6.Chapter 5. By equating the powers of mass. 1 = x + y. −1 = −2 x 5. the sum of the component of gravity perpendicular to the surface of the incline and the component of Fhand perpendicular to the surface of the incline Dimensional Analysis 04 05:01. 1 = −2x 9. the pull of the earth on the book 7. −1 = −2 x 2. Choose the correct expressions for x and y . 1 = x − y. 1 = x − y. section 1. The powers of x and y may be determined based on dimensional analysis. Assume v = F x µy . 1 = −2 x . length. 1 = x − y. 0 = x + y. > 1 min. y = − 2 2 1 1 3. y = 1 9. The Concept of Force 4. 1 = −2x 6. and time. 0 = x + y. y = −1 8. 1 = x − y. the component of Fhand pointing perpendicular to the surface of the incline 6. 0 = x − y. −1 = −2 x 4. 0 = x − y. multiple choice. y = 2 2 1. 1. 0 = x − y. multiple choice. 1 = −2 x Dimensional Analysis 04 v1 05:01. x = 5. y = −1 7. 0 = x − y. y = 1 10. [η ] = M TL M T2 L M T 2 L2 M T L2 M T TL M T2 L M T L2 M T 2 L2 M T M Part 2 of 3 Consider a simple pendulum which consists of a string with a bob attached to its end. fixed. − 2 2 1 1 0. 2 2 1 1 0. y = 0 Dimensional Analysis 12 05:01. y = − 2 2 1 1 3. [η ] = 2. 0 = x − y. 1 = −2 x 9. (x. y. y = 1 6. > 1 min. 129 F = m a is a force. 1 = x − y. fixed. 1 = x + y. multiple choice.e. [η ] = 3. y = 2 2 1 1 4. multiple choice. [η ] = 8. where k is a dimensionless constant. The velocity of a transverse wave traveling along a string depends on the tension F = m a of the string and its mass per unit length µ. Part 1 of 3 Stokes law says F = 6πrηv. Assume v = F x µy . y = −1 8. [η ] = 4. section 1. y . 1 = −2 x 8. r the radius and v the velocity. The powers of x and y may be determined based on dimensional analysis. 1 = x − y. z ) = 3. and b the length of the string. . The parameter η has the dimension of 1. [η ] = 5. 1 = −2 x 10. The Concept of Force 7. 1 = x + y. y = 2 2 1. y=− 2 2 1 1 2. x = 0 . z ) = 1 1 0. The values of x and y for this problem are 1 1 . The appropriate x.Chapter 5. g the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration. x = 1 . Its period (i. (x. highSchool. m the mass of the bob. x = −1 . x = − . x = 1 . − . [η ] = 10. and z values are given respectively by 1. x = −1 . y. . < 1 min. y = 1 9. 0 = x − y. z ) = 2. x = − . [η ] = 7.. x = 1 . y. highSchool. x = . [η ] = 6. [η ] = 9. (x. 0 = x + y. 2 2 . the time interval taken for the bob to complete one cycle of motion) may be written in the form T = k m x g y bz . fixed. [η ] = 7. y. 2.e. y. z ) = (0. The parameter η has the dimension of 1. y. section 1. y. . 7. − 2 2 8.Chapter 5. [η ] = M TL M T2 L M T 2 L2 M T L2 M T TL M T2 L M T L2 M T 2 L2 M T M 10. [η ] = 9. 5. Part 1 of 3 Stokes law says F = 6πrηv . (x. − . ∆x Denote ρ to be its mass density defined as ρ= mass volume and A its cross sectional area. [η ] = 2. 3x + 2y = 1 2y − 3x = 1 −2 y − 3 x = −1 130 4. (i. (x. [η ] = 3. 6. F = m a is a force. x = −1. 10. z ) = 9. z ) = 1 1 1. 1) 6. x = −1. 9. 2 2 Dimensional Analysis 16 05:01. − 2 2 1 1 1. of a piece of string is defined as µ= ∆m . may be written in the form T = k m x g y bz . multiple choice. z ) = (1. y. Let ∆m be the mass of a segment of the string and ∆x the length of this segment. − . Its period. µ. Use dimensional analysis to determine the equations for x and y . (x. > 1 min. the time interval taken for the bob to complete one cycle of motion). y. r the radius and v the velocity. [η ] = 6. z ) = 5. highSchool. x = 1. 4. [η ] = 8. 3. [η ] = 5. z ) = 8. . 1. The Concept of Force 1 1 0. [η ] = 10. 1) Part 3 of 3 Consider a piece of string which is placed along the x-axis. . x = 1. − 2 2 1 1 1. (x. x = 1. 2 y − 3 x = −1 2 y + 3 x = −1 3x + 2y = 1 2y − 3x = 1 −2 y − 3 x = −1 2 y − 3 x = −1 2 y + 3 x = −1 x y Part 2 of 3 Consider a simple pendulum which consists of a string with a bob attached to its end. x = 1. z ) = 7. y. − . x = −1.. Let us write µ=ρ A . (x. (x. The linear mass density. x = 1. x = −1. −1. x = −1. (x. [η ] = 4. −1. 2 2 1 1 1. 9. . (x. y. y. 1) 6. 5. . multiple choice. fixed. (x. 2 2 1 1 0. y. − . and z values are given respectively by 1. − 2 2 1 1 1. x = −1. x = −1. y . 2 2 1 1 1. (x. (x. z ) = 8. y. y. x = −1. − 2 2 2. [η ] = 2. (x. 3. [η ] = 7. > 1 min. Let ∆m be the mass of a segment of the string and ∆x the length of this segment. (x. x = 1. x = −1. The parameter η has the dimension of 1. (x. 2 2 1 1 0. z ) = (0. x = 1. z ) = 3. − . The linear mass density. z ) = 2. 1) Part 3 of 3 Consider a piece of string which is placed along the x-axis. 10. x = −1. y. [η ] = 4.Chapter 5. r the radius and v the velocity. y. − 2 2 1 1 1. 4. [η ] = 8. x = 1. y. (x. x = 1. [η ] = M TL M T2 L M T 2 L2 M T L2 M T TL M T2 L M T L2 M 10. . Stokes law says F = 6πrηv . m the mass of the bob. g the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration. −1. The Concept of Force where k is a dimensionless constant. z ) = (1. 2 2 Dimensional Analysis 17 02 05:01. 1. of a piece of string is defined as µ= ∆m . (x. z ) = 4. − . − 2 2 1 1 0. The appropriate x. z ) = 1 1 1. section 1. z ) = 9. 2 y − 3 x = −1 . Use dimensional analysis to determine the equations for x and y . and b the length of the string. Let us write µ = ρ x Ay . 8. − . z ) = 1 1 0. −1. x = 1. [η ] = 6. ∆x Denote ρ to be its mass density defined as mass ρ= volume and A its cross sectional area. highSchool. 7. z ) = 7. 6. (x. [η ] = 3. . µ. y. y. [η ] = 5. 2 y + 3 x = −1 3x + 2y = 1 2y − 3x = 1 −2 y − 3 x = −1 2 y − 3 x = −1 2 y + 3 x = −1 3x + 2y = 1 2y − 3x = 1 −2 y − 3 x = −1 131 5. F = m a is a force. fixed. 2 2 1 1 0. ML Tension is a force with [F ] = . . [η ] = 10. −1. (x. . [η ] = M Dimensional Analysis 17 05:01. − 2 2 1 1 0. y. [η ] = 8. (i. z ) = 4. [η ] = 5. 2 2 1 1 0. (x. [η ] = 2. z ) = 1 1 1. section 1. r the radius and v the velocity. − 2 2 1 1 1. − 2 2 5. y. (x. − 2 2 1 1 1. . y. y. y . 2 2 1 1 1. [η ] = M TL M T2 L M T 2 L2 M T L2 M T TL M T2 L M T L2 M T 2 L2 M T M 132 where k is a dimensionless constant. (x. The Concept of Force T 2 L2 9. and z values are given respectively by 1. and b the length of the string. (x. may be written in the form T = k m x g y bz . Its period. y. z ) = (0. z ) = (1. The appropriate x. y. multiple choice. The powers x and y may be determined based on dimensional analysis. 0 = x + y. [η ] = M T 10. −1 = −2x −1 = −2x Part 2 of 2 Consider a simple pendulum which consists of a string with a bob attached to its end. 0 = x + y. fixed. (x. y. The parameter η has the dimension of 1. − . 2. F = m a is a force. y. > 1 min. > 1 min. z ) = 2. . [η ] = 3.. z ) = 3. The T2 velocity of a transverse wave traveling along a string depends on the tension F of the string and its mass per unit length µ.e. Part 1 of 2 Stokes law says F = 6πrηv . length. and time? 1. z ) = 1 1 0. highSchool. 1 = x + y. (x. 2 2 10. (x. What system of equations can be found by equating the powers of mass. the time interval taken for the bob to complete one cycle of motion). − . m the mass of the bob. multiple choice. (x. y. − . g the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration. highSchool. z ) = 8. Assume: v = F x µy . 1) Dimensional Analysis 3 05:01.Chapter 5. z ) = 7. 1 = x − y. . −1. z ) = 9. [η ] = 6. 1) 6. (x. [η ] = 7. [η ] = 4. [η ] = 9. − . y. Which of the forces is (are) acting on the office chair? 1. A net downward force exerted by the air. L is a length. and 3. highSchool. Dimensional Analysis of Force 05:01. that gives a 1 g body an acceleration of 1 cm/s2 . An upward force exerted by the floor. 2. [K ] = L/T 2 3. [K ] = M 2 L2 /T 6 4. 1 = x − y.) Tennis Ball 05:01. < 1 min. 10. multiple choice. 2.Chapter 5. highSchool. [K ] = M L/T 2 5. 5. Consider the following forces: 1. 1 = x + y. 4. 4. − 1 = − 2x − 1 = − 2x 1 = − 2x 1 = − 2x 1 = − 2x 1 = − 2x 1 = − 2x 1 = − 2x Part 2 of 2 b) What is the y component of this force? 133 Kopp lect6 prob1 05:01. A downward force of gravity. [K ] = T 6 /M 2 L2 5. and 3. 5. 0 = x − y. 0 = x + y. fixed. (Since the chair is at rest there are no forces acting upon it. 5. 1 and 2. 3. 1 = x − y. 2 and 3. multiple choice. numeric. < 1 min. fixed. 3. One Newton is the force 1. 0 = x + y. multiple choice. highSchool. 0 = x − y. None of the forces act on the chair. What are units of the constant K ? 1. Office Chair 05:01. 1 = x − y. 1 = x + y. < 1 min. 1 only. 1. 9. [K ] = T 2 /M L Holt SF 04Rev 12 05:01. [K ] = T 2 /L 2. The Concept of Force 3. 0 = x − y. 8. 1 = x − y. highSchool. fixed. fixed. 7. highSchool. multiple choice. 1 = x + y. that gives a 1 kg body an acceleration of 9. normal. that gives a 1 kg body an acceleration of 1 m/s2 . An empty office chair is at rest on a floor. of gravity on a 1 kg body. of gravity on a 1 g body. 0 = x − y. 0 = x + y. 0 = x − y. section 1. A certain force [F ] = M L/overT 2 given by the equation K M L2 F = T4 . Part 1 of 2 A dog pulls on a pillow with a force of 5 N at an angle of 37◦ above the horizontal a) What is the x component of this force? is .8 m/s2 . 1 = x + y. < 1 min. where M is a mass. T is a time and K is a constant. 2. 6. < 1 min. 4. 2. The Concept of Force Despite a very strong wind. [G] = J s/kg 134 Here. 1 only. and 3. 1. a tennis player manages to hit a tennis ball with her racquet so that the ball passes over the net and lands in her opponent’s court. [G] = m2 /kg2 /s2 6. 1 and 3. Universal Gravitation Units 02 05:01. highSchool. A force by the hit. A force exerted by the air. 2 and 3. 2. [G] = m2 /kg 3. What are the SI units of the constant G? 1. [G] = kg/m2 /s2 4. A downward force of gravity. [G] = m/kg/s2 9. [G] = W/m3 10. The dimension of force is specified by the equation F = ma. fixed.Chapter 5. > 1 min. r2 8. [G] = m3 /kg2 /s2 5. [G] = N m 7. Newton’s law of universal gravitation is F =G Mm . 2. [G] = m3 /kg/s2 2. 1 and 2. section 1. M and m are masses and r is the separation distance. 4. 3. multiple choice. Consider the following forces: 1. and 3. 2. Which of the above forces is (are) acting on the tennis ball after it has left contact with the racquet and before it touches the ground? 1. 5. [G] = N m/s2 . 3. A heavily loaded freight train moves with constant velocity. normal. the upward force by the cable is greater than the sum of the downward force of gravity . the upward force by the cable is greater than the downward force of gravity. Conceptual 04 Q12 05:02. All frictional effects are negligible. These forces are counteracted by gravity. The forces cause the book to move across the table spontaneously all the time. 4. 4. steel cable Elevator going up at constant speed In this situation. These forces between molecules are much smaller than the friction between the book and the table. Conceptual 04 Q24 05:02. one 2.Chapter 5. 2. Unable to determine. Why is it that these forces never by chance add up to a net force in one direction. 135 A female gymnast weighs 400 N. four 5. 3. fixed. forces on the elevator are such that 1. Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames Concept 05 E07 05:02. multiple choice. < 1 min. F1 > F2 4. multiple choice. three 4. how many forces are acting on her? 1. The billions of force pairs are internal to the book and exert no net force on the book. 2. highSchool. but the movement is too weak to observe. fixed. < 1 min. If she is hanging stationary from a high bar. fixed. multiple choice. highSchool. What is the relationship between the net force on the first car (F1 ) and the net force on the last car (F2 )? 1. section 2. five Elevator Lifted at a Const Speed 05:02. F1 < F2 3. the upward force by the cable is equal to the downward force of gravity. < 1 min. two 3. Within a book on a table there are billions of forces pushing and pulling on all of the molecules. < 1 min. An elevator is being lifted up an elevator shaft at a constant speed by a steel cable as shown in the figure below. causing the book to accelerate “spontaneously” across the table? 1. multiple choice. highSchool. highSchool. the upward force by the cable is smaller than the downward force of gravity. F1 = F2 2. 2. only forces can keep things in their places. (The elevator goes up because the cable is being shortened. Agree. Galileo before Newton was even born 4. All are wrong.Chapter 5. 3. Hewitt CP9 02 E09 05:02. 3. Does this violate Newton’s law of inertia? Defend your answer. None of these. 2. How would Aristotle interpret this observation? How would Galileo interpret it? 1. Aristotle would likely have said it comes to rest because of some forces acting on it. < 1 min. They came up with the concept of inertia about the same time. not because an upward force is exerted on the elevator by the cable. Galileo would say that the ball comes to rest because the ball seeks its natural state of rest. multiple choice. likely friction between the ball and table surface and with the air. Hewitt CP9 02 E05 05:02. multiple choice. Do you agree? Why or why not? 1. Agree.) Hewitt CP9 02 E01 05:02. . Galileo after Newton was born 5. 5. Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames and a downward force due to the air. likely friction between the ball and table surface and with the air. no force acts upon it. highSchool. Who first proposed the concept of inertia? 1. They both would say that it comes to rest because of some forces acting on it. multiple choice. fixed. Galileo a few years earlier than Newton 3. highSchool. 3. Yes. They both would say that the ball comes to rest because the ball seeks its natural state of rest. highSchool. < 1 min. Disagree. inertia is a property of matter to behave this way. No. Galileo would likely have said it comes to rest because of some forces acting on it. 5. likely friction between the ball and table surface and with the air. 4. Yes. fixed. Disagree. fixed. inertia is a force that keeps things moving. either at rest or motion. 2. fixed. Newton a few years earlier than Galileo 136 2. multiple choice. not some kind of force. section 2. air resistance and friction act upon the ball. 4. 5. Start a ball rolling down a bowling alley and you’ll find it moves slightly slower with time. A ball rolls across the top of a billiard table and slowly comes to a stop. 1. All are wrong. Aristotle would say that the ball comes to rest because the ball seeks its natural state of rest. highSchool. inertia is not a force that keeps things moving. Your friend says that inertia is a force that keeps things in their places. the air resistance cancels the friction and the total force on the ball is zero. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 02 E17 05:02. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 04 E01 137 Is it correct to say that no force acts on a body at rest? 1. 1. fixed. < 1 min. highSchool. The puck is at rest. < 1 min. The puck can be considered neither at rest nor in equilibrium. the law of inertia can also be applied to moving objects. even one force is too much. Everyone on the ship will see the stone fall vertically if released from rest. < 1 min. what is true? 1. no force acts on the body at all. The stone will fall in some trajectory depending on the speed of the ship. All are wrong. 4. No net force acts on a body at rest. 3. highSchool. 2. highSchool. 3. section 2. Before the time of Galileo and Newton. all forces cancel each other. Can an object be in mechanical equilibrium when only a single force acts on it? Explain. The puck is moving and thus not in equilibrium. 2. None of these 5. 5. if at least one force acted on it the body would move. 4. . A hockey puck slides across the ice at a constant speed. at least one other force is needed to cancel the action of the first force. Yes. fixed. 5. highSchool. 4. fixed. No. the object will act back with an equal and opposite force. All are wrong.Chapter 5. the stone will drop into the sea. it will hit the deck in front of the mast. 5. some learned scholars thought that a stone dropped from the top of a tall mast of a moving ship would fall vertically and hit the deck behind the mast by a distance equal to how far the ship had moved forward while the stone was falling. when the net force is zero. It is in equilibrium. Hewitt CP9 02 E35 05:02. No. No force acts on a body at rest. In light of your understanding of Newton’s first law. a single force is necessary to keep the object in mechanical equilibrium. No force acts on a body at rest. No. multiple choice. multiple choice. The stone will have a horizontal motion. Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames fixed. 3. 2. 4. None of these Hewitt CP9 02 E19 05:02. < 1 min. No net force acts on a body at rest. 5. None of these Hewitt CP9 02 E21 05:02. multiple choice. 4. Which of the following is true? 1. multiple choice. Yes. 2. 3. If the ship speed is fast enough. There should be no forces acting on an object. the body is in static equilibrium. Hewitt CP9 02 E31 05:02. > 1 min. 2 4. What is the net force on a 1-N apple when you hold it at rest above your head and what is the net force on it after you release it? 1. 138 Holt SF 04A 01 05:02. 0 N 2. 1 3. 100 N 4. Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames 05:02. All are wrong. numeric. upward with a force of 565 N. > 1 min. and downward with a force of 236 N. highSchool. wordingvariable. a) What is the net external force in the x direction? Part 2 of 4 b) What is the net external force in the y direction? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the magnitude of the net external . Unable to determine Hewitt CP9 04 E35 05:02. 0 2. wordingvariable. < 1 min. What is the x-component of this force? Part 2 of 2 What is the y -component of this force? Holt SF 04A 01 graph 05:02. how many forces act on it? 1. 200 N 5. 0 N. > 1 min. a) What is the x-component of this force? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the y -component of this force? Holt SF 04A 02 05:02. 1 N 2.0 N. to the left with a force of 115 N. All are wrong. If an object is not accelerating. 3 5. Part 1 of 2 A man is pulling on a rope with a force of 53 N directed at an angle of 32 ◦ to the horizontal. < 1 min. highSchool. fixed. Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to deterime the answer. highSchool. multiple choice.Chapter 5. highSchool. 0 N. Hewitt CP9 04 E03 05:02. 1 N 5. multiple choice. 1 N. numeric. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A man is pulling on a rope with a force of 53 N directed at an angle of 32 ◦ to the horizontal. 10 N 3. 0 N 3. fixed. 1 N. fixed. wordingvariable. < 1 min. highSchool. 0 N 4. What is the net force on a Mercedes convertible traveling along a straight road at a steady speed of 100 km/h? 1. Part 1 of 4 A crate is pulled to the right with a force of 82. section 2. multiple choice. numeric. with counterclockwise positive)? Holt SF 04A 03 05:02. while the water exerts a force of 95 N West on the sailboat. Part 1 of 2 The wind exerts a force of 188 N North on a sailboat. > 1 min. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Four forces act on a hot-air balloon.25 N downward. highSchool. so that the angle to the right of downward is positive)? Holt SF 04A 04 05:02. numeric. > 1 min. highSchool. as shown from the side. Part 1 of 2 A gust of wind blows an apple from a tree. Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames force on the crate? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the direction of the net external force on the crate (measured from the positive x axis. highSchool. highSchool. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Four forces act on a hot-air balloon. wordingvariable. with up being positive).05 N to the right. What is the magnitude of the net external force on the sailboat? Part 2 of 2 How many degrees west of north is this net external force directed? Holt SF 04A 04 graph 05:02. numeric. wordingvariable. while the water exerts a force of 122 N West on the sailboat. Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to 139 determine the answer. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 The wind exerts a force of 203 N North on a sailboat. Holt SF 04Rev 10 graph 05:02. a) What is the magnitude of the net external force on the sailboat? Part 2 of 2 b) How many degrees west of north is this net external force directed? Holt SF 04Rev 10 05:02. 385 N 728 N 868 N 323 N Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) Find the magnitude of the resultant force on the balloon. and the force of the wind on the apple is 1. numeric. > 1 min. . wordingvariable. as shown from the side. a) What is the magnitude of the net external force on the apple? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the direction of the net external force on the apple (measured from the downward vertical. As the apple falls. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the direction of the resultant force (in relation to the 868 N force. section 2. numeric. numeric. > 1 min.Chapter 5. > 1 min. the force of gravity on the apple is 9. 1 only 2. 1. section 2. If they pull in opposite directions. If they pull in the same direction. Consider the following forces: 1 . 1 and 3 4. a) Find the magnitude of the resultant force on the balloon. Despite a very strong wind. upward Tennis Player 05:02. downward 2. multiple choice. < 1 min. numeric. highSchool. Newton’s First Law and Inertial Frames 140 Part 1 of 4 You have two forces. 728 N Part 4 of 4 What is the direction of this resultant? 1. the raft experiences a net external force of 334 N to the right.Chapter 5. 2 . Which of the above forces is (are) acting on the tennis ball after it has left contact with the racquet and before it touches the ground? 1. numeric. Part 2 of 2 b) What is the magnitude of the smaller of the individual forces? Net Forces 05:02. with up being positive). the raft experiences a net external force of 106 N to the left. Holt SF 04Rev 11 05:02. 1 and 2 3. Part 1 of 2 Two lifeguards pull on ropes attached to a raft.A downward force of gravity.A force exerted by the air. 100 N and 75 N. highSchool. a) Draw a free body diagram for each situation and find the magnitude of the larger of the two individual forces. 2 and 3 . upward Part 3 of 4 What is their resultant if they both act downward? 385 N Note: Figure is not drawn to scale Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. normal. > 1 min. 3 . 2 and 3 5. What is their resultant if the first acts upward and the second acts downward? 868 N 323 N Part 2 of 4 What is the direction of the resultant? 1. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the direction of the resultant force (in relation to the 868 N force. highSchool. fixed. wordingvariable. downward 2. > 1 min. a tennis player manages to hit a tennis ball with her racquet so that the ball passes over the net and lands in her opponents court.A force by the “hit”. 5.Chapter 5. the other a weighted dart. The weighted dart. fixed. 3. Nothing specific. a propeller 2. a mosquito 3. highSchool. What keeps the probe moving? 1. section 3. Hewitt CP9 02 E07 05:03. Nothing. Two identical spring-loaded dart guns are simultaneously fired straight forward. multiple choice. multiple choice. Which object has the greatest inertia? 1. a VW bug 4. < 1 min. < 1 min. 4. multiple choice. an ocean liner 2. highSchool. One fires a regular dart. fixed. 2. 141 3. None of these Which dart goes farther? 1. The gravitation forces from different stars and planets . the probe will eventually stop. The regular dart. highSchool. A space probe is carried by a rocket into outer space where it continues to move on its own in a straight line. wording-variable. in the absence of forces it would continue moving in a straight line. < 1 min. a car Figuring Physics 06 05:03. Inertial Mass Conceptual 04 02 05:03. It’s a tie. < 1 min. multiple choice. and V) friction pushing the wheels (and the car) back. highSchool. No. Part 1 of 3 Suzie (of mass 50 kg) is roller-blading down the sidewalk going 20 miles per hour. 5. IV) friction pushing the wheels (and the car) forward. the car started to go around a long bend. 3. III and IV 4. Yes. 3. I and II 2. the friction between the ground and the skates 5. I. normal. I. II and III 5. Consider the following forces: I) air drag pushing back on the car. Newton’s Second Law Conceptual 04 03 05:04. II) gravity pulling down on the car. II. No. the friction between the air and Suzie 4. and she makes a quick stop in 0. 4. 2. 4. She notices a group of workers down the walkway who have unexpectedly blocked her path. II. Yes.Chapter 5. the speed of the car does not change. the speed is constant. No. 2. the velocity of the car does not change. highSchool. the upward force exerted by the ground 3. free to move. a net force in the horizontal direction. Which force(s) act on the car? 1. the gravity 142 1. What is Suzie’s average acceleration? 2. Yes. . Part 1 of 4 Tracy (of mass 50 kg) and Tom (of mass 75 kg) are standing at rest in the center of the roller rink. III) the ground pushing up on the car. normal. No. I. its direction is the same as the velocity. section 4. III and V 3. normal. < 1 min. facing each other. Cannot be determined Conceptual 04 05 05:04. the velocity is constant. a net force in the vertical direction. highSchool. III and IV Part 2 of 3 Is there a net or unbalanced force acting on the car? 1.5 seconds. still maintaining its constant speed of 55 miles per hour. 5. numeric. All of these Conceptual 04 07 05:04. numeric. Cannot be determined Part 3 of 3 After a while. < 1 min. its direction is not the same as the velocity. Yes. Part 1 of 3 You are driving a car down a straight road at a constant 55 miles per hour. Is there a net (unbalanced) force acting on the car? Part 2 of 3 What force was exerted to stop Suzie? Part 3 of 3 Where did this force come from? 1. Unable to determine. What is Tracy’s constant acceleration during her time of contact with Tom? Part 2 of 4 What is Tracy’s final speed after this contact? 40 N Part 3 of 4 What force was applied to Tracy during this time? Part 4 of 4 What is correct about Tom’s motion? 1. normal. highSchool. normal. section 4. Newton’s Second Law Tracy pushes off Tom with her hands and remains in contact with Tom’s hands. fixed. Tracy moves 0. frictionless surface . normal. it carries a heavy load of fuel. she moves at a constant speed. highSchool. < 1 min. No. numeric. 3. The force needed to produce the same acceleration a few minutes after launch is F2 . 4. downward. it is balanced. applying a constant force for 0. Yes. 143 Two 20 N forces and a 40 N force act on a hanging box as shown. highSchool. > 1 min. Constant Horizontal Force 02 05:04. which is burned during the ascent. 3. F1 = F2 2. F1 < F2 4. highSchool. 2. numeric.75 s. 2. The force acting on Tom is greater than the force acting on Tracy. When a rocket is launched. 20 N 20 N 4. multiple choice. Yes. < 1 min. < 1 min. Tom’s acceleration is smaller. upward. F1 > F2 3. Five 10 N forces act on a 2 kg object as shown.5 m during this time. Will the box experience acceleration? 1.Chapter 5. When she stops pushing off Tom. Conceptual 04 Q15 05:04. What is the acceleration of the object? Conceptual 04 Q17 05:04. Unable to determine without the angle. multiple choice. What relationship would F1 and F2 have? 1. Conceptual 04 Q18 05:04. Tom’s final velocity is greater than Tracy’s. The force needed to produce a given acceleration just off the launching pad is F1 . A 6 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a horizontal. Tom’s acceleration is greater. t F 3. multiple choice. 7. g O car v + The car moves toward the right and is slowing down at a steady rate (constant acceleration). < 1 min. Indicate the force acting on the coin for each of the cases described below. 4. F 3. multiple choice. F t . 2. horizontal force of 12 N. 144 Force and Motion 13 05:04. A car moves to the right along a horizontal line (the positive part of the distance axis). section 4. The force is down and increasing. 7. 4.Chapter 5. 1. 2. The force is down and increasing. 3. Part 1 of 2 The following 2 questions refer to a coin which is tossed straight up into the air. Force and Motion 05 05:04. The force is up and constant. The force is down and decreasing. The force is zero. highSchool. 6. < 1 min. The force is zero. Find the speed of the block after it has moved 3 m. The force is up and decreasing. wording-variable. fixed. The force is up and decreasing. After it is released it moves upward. The force is up and increasing. The force is up and constant. 1. reaches its highest point and falls back down again. The force is up and increasing. Part 2 of 2 The coin is at its highest point. t 2. 4. Choose the one force graph which could allow the described motion of the car to continue. The force is down and constant. The force is down and decreasing. 6. highSchool. Newton’s Second Law by a constant. 5. The force is down and constant. The coin is moving upward after it is released. F t 1. 5. The space between each disk will become larger because of Newton’s first law. They reach the end of the track at the same time. < 1 min. fixed. fixed. Two balls are released simultaneously from rest at the left end of equal-length tracks as shown. While rolling balls down an inclined plane. F 6. The discs tend to compress upon each other because of Newton’s first law. Each bone in the chain of bones forming your spine is separated from its neighbors by disks of elastic tissue. then. All are wrong. t 5. highSchool. multiple choice. < 1 min. multiple choice. 4. The space between each disk will become larger because of Newton’s second law. What happens.Chapter 5. Hewitt CP9 04 E07 05:04. The discs tend to compress upon each other because of Newton’s second law. Galileo observed that the ball rolled 1 cubit (the distance from elbow to fingertip) as he counted to ten. Newton’s Second Law F 5. multiple choice. 2. Hewitt CP9 03 E31 05:04. highSchool. highSchool. < 1 min. . section 4. B 3. A 2. fixed. t A B F 7. Hewitt CP9 02 E15 05:04. when you jump heavily onto your feet from an elevated position? 1. t F 9. t F 8. 10. All are wrong. highSchool. How far had the ball rolled from its starting point when he had counted to twenty? Hewitt CP9 03 E35 05:04. multiple choice. < 1 min. 4. Which ball reaches the end of its track first? 1. t 145 3. normal. None of these graphs are correct. 1 m/s2 . < 1 min. highSchool. What force(s) act on the the rock during its curved path? 1. wordingvariable. What is the acceleration of a 10 kg block of cement when pulled sideways with a net force of 200 N? Hewitt CP9 04 P04 05:04. normal. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. highSchool. numeric. Hewitt CP9 04 P10 05:04. What is the greatest acceleration a runner can muster if the friction between her shoes and the pavement is 90% her weight? Hewitt CP9 04 P02 05:04. friction force 3. providing the force necessary for the acceleration. numeric. What will be the acceleration of a skydiver when air resistance builds up to 50% of her weight? Hewitt CP9 04 P09 05:04. < 1 min. normal. < 1 min. numeric. All are wrong. The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . numeric. highSchool. When in orbit. numeric. a measurement determines that a force of 66 N causes her to move with an acceleration of 1. Hewitt CP9 04 P01 05:04. normal. normal. What is the friction force that acts on him? Hewitt CP9 04 P08 05:04. multiple choice. The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . a runner with a mass 60 kg accelerates from a speed of 6 m/s to a speed of 7 m/s in 2 s. an astronaut has a mass of 55 kg. gravitation force 2. air push 5. Before going into orbit. Calculate this average force. < 1 min. A firefighter of mass 80 kg slides down a vertical pole with an acceleration of 4 m/s2 . should she go on a diet or start eating more candy? To answer this. < 1 min. highSchool. normal. what would be the acceleration of a 2 kg mass acted on by a force of 2 N? Hewitt CP9 04 P05 05:04. > 1 min. If a mass of 1 kg is accelerated 1 m/s2 by a force of 1 N. Holt SF 04B 01 05:04. Sprinting near the end of a race. To regain her original weight. < 1 min. numeric. How much acceleration does a 747 jumbo jet of mass 30000 kg experience in takeoff when the thrust for each of four engines is 30000 N? Hewitt CP9 04 P06 05:04. highSchool. 146 Two boxes are seen to accelerate at the same rate when a force F is applied to the first and 4F is applied the second. air drag 4. The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . normal. numeric. so that the ground pushes the runner forward. numeric. numeric. highSchool. What is the mass ratio of the first box to the second? Hewitt CP9 04 P07 05:04. wordingvariable. find her mass in orbit. Newton’s Second Law An astronaut tosses a rock on the moon. normal. To gain speed the runner produces a backward force on the ground. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. normal. section 4. .Chapter 5. If the cart has a total mass of 270 kg. highSchool. highSchool. what is the cart’s acceleration? Holt SF 04B 03 05:04. If the locomotive can exert a constant pull of 7. a) How long does it take to hit the ground? Part 2 of 3 b) How far from the building does the ball hit the ground? Part 3 of 3 c) What is its speed when it hits the ground? Holt SF 04Rev 45 05:04. > 1 min. While the ball is falling to Earth. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool.81 m/s2 . A car has a mass of 1. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.0 kg bucket of water is raised from a well by a rope. > 1 min. section 4.4 m high. Part 1 of 3 A 3. What is the acceleration of the airplane? Holt SF 04B 02 05:04. numeric.2 kg model airplane is 7. > 1 min. > 1 min. A 2. What is the mass of the ball? Holt SF 04Rev 20 05:04. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket of water. > 1 min. numeric. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. > 1 min. what is the car’s acceleration? Holt SF 04B 04 05:04. > 1 min.0 m/s2 . numeric. What acceleration will you give to a 24. highSchool. > 1 min.0 kg otter starts from rest at the top of a muddy incline 85 cm long and slides down to the bottom in 0.5 m/s2 to the right. numeric. The net external force on a golf cart is 390 N north.0 N forward. Newton’s Second Law The net external force on the propeller of a 3.00 kg ball is dropped from the roof of a building 176.0 N on the ball. If the force acting on the car is 6. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. how long would it take to increase the speed of the train from rest to 85 km/h? (Disregard friction. a horizontal wind exerts a constant force of 12. Holt SF 04Rev 52 05:04. numeric. numeric. normal. wordingvariable. A soccer ball kicked with a force of 13. highSchool. A 5. highSchool. numeric.Chapter 5. numeric. highSchool.5 × 107 kg. > 1 min. What net external force is required to give a 25 kg suitcase an acceleration of 2.5 × 105 N.50 × 103 kg. If the upward acceleration of the bucket is 3. wordingvariable.81 m/s2 . Part 1 of 3 .75 × 103 N to the east.5 N accelerates at 6.50 s. What net external force acts on the otter along the incline? Holt SF 04B 05 05:04.5 N? Holt SF 04Rev 21 05:04. numeric.) Holt SF 04Rev 23 05:04. > 1 min. 147 A freight train has a mass of 1.2 m/s2 to the right? Holt SF 04Rev 50 05:04. normal.3 kg box if you push it with a force of 85. numeric. highSchool. highSchool. wordingvariable. a) What is the acceleration of the 1200 kg boat? Part 2 of 3 b) If it starts from rest.15 m/s2 .00 s 0. Together. the car and trailer have an acceleration of 2. highSchool.80×103 N resistive force due to the water. > 1 min. a) What is its average acceleration? . t v 0.0 m/s.5 Time (s) 2 . numeric. Exactly 5. how far will it move in 12 s? Part 3 of 3 c) What will its speed be at the end of this time interval? Holt SF 04Rev 58 05:04. its speed is 6.000 m/s 0. One is a 2. Part 1 of 3 A hockey puck is hit on a frozen lake and starts moving with a speed of 12.5 1.00 s 0. Part 1 of 4 The figure below shows a plot of the speed of a person’s body during a chin-up versus time. highSchool.120 m/s 1. 0.00 s later. wordingvariable. a) What is the net force on the car? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the net force on the trailer? Holt SF 04Rev 60 05:04.50 s 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 2   0.0 kg.50 s 0.0 Figure: The line through the points is only to guide the eye. section 4.81 m/s2 . and the other is a 1.Chapter 5.10×103 N forward push by the motor. a) What is the magnitude of the average force exerted on the body by the arms during the first time interval? Part 2 of 4 b) What is the magnitude of the average force exerted on the body by the arms during the second time interval? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the magnitude of the average force exerted on the body by the arms during the third time interval? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the magnitude of the average force exerted on the body by the arms during the last time interval? Holt SF 04Rev 67 05:04. Newton’s Second Law A boat moves through the water with two forces acting on it.240 m/s 2. wordingvariable.000 m/s All motion is vertical and the mass of the person (excluding the arms) is 64. numeric.00 s 0. 1 0     0 0.0 1. Part 1 of 2 A 1250 kg car is pulling a 325 kg trailer.00 m/s.240 m/s 1. numeric. highSchool. > 1 min. > 1 min. 3     148 Speed (m/s) 0. 00 s interval? Simple Newton Law 05:04. multiple choice. F = m c 4. F = m a 2.Chapter 5. section 4. F = m b 3. F = m z 149 . Newton’s Second Law Part 2 of 3 b) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the puck and the ice? Part 3 of 3 c) How far does the puck travel during this 5. Which one of the follow expressions is one of Newton’s Law? 1. F = m y 6. F = m x 5. highSchool. fixed. < 1 min. section 5. multiple choice. Conceptual 05 Q16 05:05. less or the same weight when you are standing on one foot? 1. < 1 min. 2. 2. The Moon is less massive than the Earth.Chapter 5. What accounts for her weightless feeling 150 1. highSchool. normal. fixed. < 1 min. What do you weigh in Newtons? Conceptual 05 02 05:05. How much force must be applied during liftoff to accelerate a 20 kg satellite just enough to counter the Earth’s gravitational acceleration of 9. < 1 min. . The platform is too high. highSchool. 6. 3. They are the same.8 m/s2 ? Conceptual 05 01 05:05. 2. Her weight becomes less when she has jumped off.6 m 4. 4. multiple choice. The weightless feeling is because of the lack of a support force that balances gravity. < 1 min. multiple choice.9 m 7. highSchool. > 1 min.8 m 3. The scale reads higher because the pressure on the scale is greater. multiple choice. numeric. W = 4. W = 1. fixed. It depends on how high a foot is elevated. None of these Conceptual 05 Q21 05:05. Why do you weight less on the Moon than on the Earth? 1. A bungee jumper feels weightless as she falls toward the Earth. The scale reads lower because the lifted foot doesn’t contribute to the measurement. < 1 min. Weight is directly proportional to mass. Imagine standing on a bathroom scale and reading your weight. Weight when she fall freely? Concept 13 1 05:05. Your weight is 150 lb. 5. highSchool. W = 9. highSchool. 2. fixed. How is weight related to mass? 1. 3. Conceptual 04 01 05:05. Weight is inversely proportional to mass. Now lift one foot and read your weight again. The readings are the same. numeric. highSchool. Your mass become less when you are on the Moon. numeric. 3. Does the scale read more. < 1 min. fixed. highSchool. normal. 4. What is your mass in kilograms? Conceptual 05 Q10 05:05. The force of gravity disappears when she has jumped off a high platform. normal. The Moon is smaller than the Earth. Your weight is 150 lb. More information is needed. < 1 min. The cup is heavier when the tea bag is dipped. The cup is lighter when the tea bag is dipped. 2. Calculate the weight of 2 hydrogen atoms near the Earth’s surface. How would your mass change if you took a trip to the space station? 1. fixed. 3. 4. 151 Consider a person of weight W standing in an elevator that is accelerating downward. decreases. multiple choice. Figuring Physics 31 05:05. Elevator 05:05. highSchool. Each person would work a 40hour week and be able to count one atom per second. What happens to the weight of a cup when a tea bag is dipped in it? 1. 2. increases. you weigh less. fixed. > 1 min. < 1 min. no change in mass 3. W a Consider a girl standing in an elevator that . Weight 4. highSchool. fixed. N > W . multiple choice. There is no change in the weight of the cup. Conceptual 09 01 05:05. < 1 min. normal. numeric. Part 1 of 3 The mass of a hydrogen atom is 1. N < W . < 1 min.Chapter 5. fixed. Conceptual 05 Q22 05:05. An upward force N is exerted by the elevator floor on the person. highSchool. g = 9. section 5. numeric.8 m/s2 Part 2 of 3 How many hydrogen atoms are there in 1 lb of hydrogen gas? Part 3 of 3 Suppose that every person in the world (about 6 billion people in all) were employed as an atom counter. 2. What is the weight of a column of water 5 ft high with a radius of 1 m? The density of the water is 1000 kg/m3 . multiple choice. highSchool. Forces 05:05. How long would it take for 6 billion people to count the hydrogen atoms in 1 lb of hydrogen? Conceptual 10 01 05:05.67 × 10−27 kg. The Moon is so much less massive than the Earth that you weigh less on the Moon. The relationship between N and W is 1. < 1 min. normal. highSchool. multiple choice. you weigh more. N = W . highSchool. 3. larger than 2. normal. Your weight is independent of your mass. highSchool. 1. 0 m/s2 5. identical to 3. g 7. g 2 g 8. highSchool. highSchool. fixed. What Aristotelian idea did Galileo discredit in his fabled Leaning Tower demonstration? 1. Hewitt CP9 04 E29 05:05. < 1 min. multiple choice. He discredited Aristotle’s idea of gravitation. 2. highSchool. 4. < 1 min. . 3 Hewitt CP9 04 P03 05:05. Hewitt CP9 04 E15 05:05. 1 as strong as gravity on the Earth. Part 1 of 4 Gravity on the surface of the moon is only Part 3 of 4 What is the mass on the earth? Part 4 of 4 What is the mass on the moon? 152 Hewitt CP9 04 E17 05:05. When the mass increases weight increases. Hewitt CP9 02 E03 05:05. He discredited Aristotle’s idea that the rate at which bodies fall is inversely proportional to their weight. −g 2. numeric. Weight is accelerating upward. < 1 min. fixed. fixed. 3. 5. When you jump vertically off the ground. The upward normal force N exerted by the elevator on the girl is 1. 3. multiple choice. He discredited Aristotle’s idea that the rate at which bodies fall is directly proportional to their weight. 2. multiple choice. highSchool. multiple choice. All are wrong. section 5. He discredited Aristotle’s idea that the rate at which bodies fall is not related to their weight. All are wrong. what is your acceleration when you reach your highest point? Up is positive. smaller than the downward weight W of the girl. What happens to your weight when your mass increases? 1. normal. < 1 min.Chapter 5. When the mass increases weight decreases. − g 2 g 3. What is the weight of a 10 kg object on the Earth? Part 2 of 4 What is the weight on the moon? 6. < 1 min. 6 The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . − 3 4. numeric. Weight The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . 2 kg. multiple choice. fixed. set of masses. When placed on a spring scale. wordingvariable. 12 kg. More information is needed. Part 1 of 2 A 3. Now everything (balance. with its velocity either upwards. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wording-variable.81 m/s2 . multiple choice. 153 An object placed on an equal arm balance requires 12 kg to balance it. highSchool. 72 kg Motion and Force 05 05:05. and object) is transported to the moon. 12 kg 5. section 5. or zero. 12 kg. The relation between the tension in the string T and the weight of the ball M g is given in each statement below.26 kg book is dropped from a height of 1. a) What is its acceleration? Part 2 of 2 b) What is its weight? Holt SF 04Rev 51 05:05. a liter of water 3. An upward force F pulls on the string as shown in the figure below. False 3. where the 1 force of gravity is that on earth. wordingvariable. Cannot be determined. Holt SF 04Rev 48 05:05. Part 1 of 2 A 2. F T M While T < M g . the ball’s acceleration must be downwards. < 1 min. 12 kg 2.81 m/s2 . 1. True 2.Chapter 5. fixed.5 m. scale. . The acceleration of gravity is 9. Which of the following has more weight? 1. highSchool. 2 kg. 6 What are the new readings on the balance and spring scale. highSchool. 12 kg. What is the acceleration of a 20 kg pail of cement that is pulled upward (not sideways) with a force of 300 N? Hewitt CP9 12 E08 05:05. 2 kg 3. a liter of ice 2. > 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. numeric. They have same weight 4. a) What is its acceleration? Part 2 of 2 b) What is its weight? Kopp lect6 prob2 05:05. downwards. the scale reads 12 kg. multiple choice. highSchool. > 1 min. > 1 min. A ball of mass M is suspended by a thin string (of negligible mass). respectively? 1. 2 kg 4.46 kg briefcase is sitting at rest on a level floor. fixed. What force pushes up on you when you jump vertically off the ground? 1. The force of gravitation 4. section 6. highSchool. 2.Chapter 5. 3. 154 . All are wrong. Contact and Normal Forces Hewitt CP9 04 E27 05:06. multiple choice. The ground pushes up on you. < 1 min. The force of air drag 5. Your feet push up on your body. The acceleration of gravity is 9. It takes a force of 32 N to stretch the bands 1. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. a 0. numeric. section 7. If the spring constant is 85 N/m. What is the spring constant? Holt SF 12A 03 04 05:07. If a certain spring stretches 14 cm when a load of 40 N is suspended from it. highSchool.0 cm from its equilibrium position. < 1 min. > 1 min. What is the magnitude of the spring force on the disk at the moment it is released? Holt SF 12Rev 47 05:07. The spring is compressed against the floor a distance of 2. numeric. highSchool. What is the equivalent spring constant of the bow? Holt SF 12Rev 46 05:07. numeric. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . Janet wants to find the spring constant of a 155 given spring. highSchool.2 cm. wordingvariable. Hooke’s Law Hewitt CP9 12 45 05:07. highSchool.14 m. so she hangs the spring vertically and attaches a 0. In preparing to shoot an arrow. wordingvariable. highSchool. highSchool. > 1 min. In an arcade game. A mass of 0. what is the spring constant? Holt SF 12Rev 09 05:07. highSchool.81 m/s2 . < 1 min.Chapter 5. numeric. what is the magnitude of the spring force acting on the toy at the moment it is released? .12 kg disk is shot across a frictionless horizontal surface by being compressed against a spring and then released. how much will the spring stretch if it is cut in half and 240 N is suspended from it? Holt SF 12A 01 05:07.400 m by exerting a force that increases uniformly from 0 to 230 N. numeric. highSchool. A load of 45 N attached to a spring that is hanging vertically stretches the spring 0. > 1 min. an archer pulls a bow string back 0.0 cm. wordingvariable. The spring has a spring constant of 230 N/m and is compressed from its equilibrium position by 6. numeric. A child’s toy consists of a piece of plastic attached to a spring.0 cm from its equilibrium position? Holt SF 12Rev 08 05:07. If the spring stretches 3. wordingvariable. normal. as shown. a) What is the equivalent spring constant of the rubber bands? Part 2 of 2 b) How much force is required to pull the cup of the slingshot 3.0 cm and released. Part 1 of 2 A slingshot consists of a light leather cup attached between two rubber bands. numeric. < 1 min. wordingvariable.40 kg mass to the spring’s other end. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.55 kg attached to a vertical spring stretches the spring 36 cm from its original equilibrium position. What is the spring constant? Holt SF 12A 02 05:07. Spring Constant 01 05:07. Hooke’s Law Holt SF 12Rev 56 05:07. > 1 min. as shown in the right-hand figure below. The mass is released from rest when the spring is compressed 0. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the acceleration of the mass at the instant the spring is released. numeric. Since the spring force is upward. 30 50 W 27 lbs How much force is required to stretch the spring 30 inches? Spring Constant 02 05:07.40 kg mass is attached to a spring with a spring constant of 160 N/m so that the mass is allowed to move on a horizontal frictionless surface. highSchool. 55 m 39 N 156 force constant k of a spring is the following: The spring is hung vertically and then a mass m is attached to the lower end of the spring. > 1 min. highSchool. normal.8 m/s2 . it must balance the weight m g downward when the system is at rest. A force of 27 pounds is needed to stretch a spring 50 inches.Chapter 5. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool.15 m. > 1 min. section 7. normal. The force required to stretch a spring varies directly with the amount the spring is stretched. a) Find the force on the mass at the instant the spring is released. Find the spring constant k if the spring is stretched 55 m by a suspended weight of 39 N. Part 1 of 2 A 0. numeric. wordingvariable. The spring stretches a distance d from the equilibrium position under the action of the “load” m g . A common technique used to measure the . multiple choice. A barefoot field-goal kicker imparts a speed of 35 m/s to a football initially at rest. what is the force exerted by the ball on the kicker’s foot? Concept 05 E06 05:09. Both slow down. < 1 min. The force exerted by the athlete is equal to the weight of the barbell. fixed. What causes the ball to bounce? 1. what will happen? 1. It depends on the will of the athlete. highSchool. 2. Air forced out upon contact causes a temporary vacuum which sucks the ball up. Consider a baseball bat hitting a ball. The baseball bat slows down. When you drop a rubber ball on the floor it bounces almost to its original height. None of these Concept 05 E20 05:09. 3. 3. multiple choice. highSchool.025 s. section 9. < 1 min. fixed.Chapter 5. Consider a bird landing on a stretched power-line wire. They are joined by a safety cord whose ends are tied around their waists. If the football has a mass of 0. 157 Concept 05 E12 05:09. When an athlete holds a barbell overhead. . Both speed up. fixed. Neither will move. 4. The force of the floor on the ball causes it to bounce upward. fixed. highSchool. multiple choice. The floor pushes up on the ball harder then the ball pushes down on the floor. Concept 05 E30 05:09. The move toward each other. 4. The force exerted by the athlete is greater than the weight of the barbell 3. 2. 2. The ball attempts to return to its original position. Joanne will move toward Ken while Ken remains stationary. Newton’s Third Law Barefoot Kicker 02 05:09. Ken and Joanne are astronauts floating some distance apart in space. the reaction force is the weight of the barbell on his hand. < 1 min.5 kg and the time of contact with the ball is 0. fixed. Ken will move toward Joanne while Joanne remains stationary. < 1 min. If Ken starts pulling on the cord. Which of the following is correct? 1. multiple choice. numeric. 3. multiple choice. highSchool. and the ball speeds up. highSchool. 4. How does this force vary for the case where the barbell is decelerated upward? 1. 4. Concept 05 E09 05:09. 5. < 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min. 2. normal. The force exerted by the athlete is smaller than the weight of the barbell. multiple choice. The baseball bat speeds up. and the ball slows down. numeric. 4. section 9. II and IV only 7. the VW 3. 3. 5. the insect 2. Another combination Conceptual 04 Q03 05:09. highSchool. I. Unable to determine. normal. None of these 9. The tension in the wire will not change. Which bug experienced the largest force? 1. The tension in the wire will change. They experienced the same magnitude of force. highSchool. The tension in the wire will change. Newton’s Third Law Which of the following is correct? 1. None of these Conceptual 04 06 05:09. highSchool. the insect 1. are at rest facing each other in the parking lot. . II. 4. I. IV) The wind pushes a sailboat. multiple choice. 2. Margie (of mass 45 kg) and Bill (of mass 65 kg). normal. there are two forces acting on you: the floor pushing up on you (F1 ) and gravity pulling down (F2 ).Chapter 5. Their acceleration is same. fixed. All of these 10. Part 1 of 2 A fast-moving VW Beetle traveling at 60 mph hit a mosquito hovering at rest above the road. III and IV only 2. III and IV only 4. with Margie moving at a constant speed of 14 ft/s . multiple choice. At what speed is Bill moving? Conceptual 04 08 05:09. In which situation(s) do(es) a pair of equal forces acting in opposite directions exist? 1. < 1 min. the VW 3. < 1 min. The tension in the wire will change. II and IV only 8. the added tension is less than the bird’s weight. both with brand new roller blades. III) A car hits a tree. < 1 min. 158 Conceptual 04 Q01 05:09. I and III only 6. Consider the following situations: I) A pitcher throws a fast ball. II) A pencil rests on your desk. the added tension is equal to the bird’s weight. < 1 min. highSchool. fixed. When you are moving up at constant speed in an elevator. the added tension is more than the bird’s weight. III and IV only 3. They push off each other and move in opposite directions. multiple choice. Unable to determine Part 2 of 2 Which bug experienced the greatest acceleration? 2. 4. I and II only 5. The book is not heavy enough. Two students are running side-by-side in a straight line to catch a train. The forces are not equal. 3. both students recoil in response to the suitcase pushing on them. multiple choice.Chapter 5. 4. imagine the following situation. < 1 min. 4. The forces are not equal. 5. Consider a tug-of-war contest between two people. Why doesn’t it fall? 1. To see how this might work. 4. < 1 min. No. from Newton’s first law. Conceptual 05 Q1 05:09. only the one catching the suitcase is pushed to the side. highSchool. 2. highSchool. Yes. 2. multiple choice. from Newton’s third law. What force F2 does the soccer ball exert on your foot? 1. F1 = F2 from Newton’s first law. 2. the force of gravity pulls it down. fixed. In modern physics. fixed. luck. multiple choice. F1 = F2 . F1 > F2 from Newton’s second law. 3. Newton’s Third Law What’s the relation of the magnitude of F1 and F2 ? 1. fixed. acting in opposite directions 2. No. 159 Conceptual 04 Q25 05:09. The forces are equal. Unable to determine Conceptual 04 Q23 05:09. multiple choice. F1 = F2 from Newton’s third law. When you kick a soccer ball. The forces are equal. Gravity isn’t pulling hard enough. F2 < F1 5. . F1 < F2 4. we often talk about forces in terms of an exchange of particles between objects. F1 = F2 . Will the two students be able to keep the straight line motion? 1. neither person can win. Yes. 3. < 1 min. fixed. 3. highSchool. you apply a force F1 to the ball. 2. If a book is sitting on a table. highSchool. < 1 min. Conceptual 04 Q19 05:09. There is no force F2 . One is carrying a heavy suitcase and halfway to the train he throws it over to his friend. determines the winner. F1 < F2 from Newton’s second law. the person who pulls harder usually wins. The table is pushing up on it with a force equal to the weight of the book. section 9. Assume the rope is light and does not slip in either person’s hands. It depends on which direction the elevator is moving. 5. not force. What relationship would the two forces have? Who will win the contest? 1. acting in the same direction 3. usually the person who weighs more and has better footing wins. The Earth exerts an 800 N gravitational force on a man. Do you agree with the statement? 1. the forces are an action-reaction force pair because they are acting on one object.Chapter 5. Part 1 of 3 Consider the following statement made regarding a book at rest on a level table: The two forces exerted on the book are the normal force directed up and the weight of the book directed down. fixed. Disagree. Agree. The normal force and weight are always equal. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton’s third law). multiple choice. a normal force only exerts enough force to keep the object from falling through. However. normal. F Book The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the book. highSchool. < 1 min. By Newton’s third law they are an actionreaction pair. What force does the man exert on the Earth? Conceptual forces 02 05:09. gravitational hand normal 3. the weight must be slightly greater than the normal force to keep the book in contact with the table. multiple choice. Newton’s Third Law Conceptual 05 Q8 05:09. so the normal force is always equal to the weight of the book. 1. These are equal and opposite to one another. even when other forces are present. < 1 min. Since gravity pulls down on the book. to be “equal and opposite” the force of gravity must equal the normal force. the normal force must also counter this extra force. if an additional force acts down on the book. 3. 4. normal gravitational hand 2. Part 2 of 3 160 Consider a book on top of a level table while the book is being pressed straight down with a force F by your hand. section 9. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? Note: The magnitude of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. Disagree. hand normal gravitational . Agree. 2. highSchool. fixed. Newton’s Third Law 161 4. A common saying goes. None of these Hewitt CP9 04 E31 05:09. highSchool. All are wrong. you would be lifted up. The upward force is equal to your weight and the two forces cancel each other. but air pressure pushes you down. hand normal 4. Why are you not moved upward by this force? 1. < 1 min. The upward force is greater than your weight. highSchool. fixed. < 1 min. Which law applies here? 1. None of these 8. 1. and Fhand Hewitt CP9 02 E13 05:09. normal gravitational As you stand on a floor. 2. normal 4. The upward force is less than your weight. multiple choice. 5. multiple choice. gravitational 3. Without the air. section 9. Newton’s second law 3. the law of inertia normal 2. so you do not move up. “It’s not the fall that hurts you.” Translate this into Newton’s laws of motion. normal and Fhand 2. Newton’s second law hand Part 3 of 3 What forces change when comparing the free body diagram before the hand was placed on the book to after? 1. gravitational. highSchool. normal. 4. the law of gravitation 5. Newton’s third law 5. The upward force is negligible. gravitational Hewitt CP9 02 E29 05:09. . 3.Chapter 5. 6. fixed. gravitational and Fhand 7. gravitational and normal 6. the floor exerts an upward force on you. < 1 min. it’s the sudden stop. gravitational hand A car headrest helps to guard against whiplash in rear-end collisions. Fhand 5. Newton’s first law 2. multiple choice. 4. multiple choice. All are wrong. < 1 min. highSchool. Upward: the reaction force is greater than the weight of the barbell. Reaction: Ball pushes air. Hewitt CP9 05 E11 05:09. downward: the reaction force is less than the weight of the barbell. Reaction: bat hits the player. 2. downward: the reaction force is greater than the weight of the barbell. 1. None of these 4. Identify the action-reaction pairs when a baseball is being hit. 5. Reaction: Ball pulls up on Earth. section 9. Identify the action-reaction pairs when a baseball is in flight. 3. Upward: the reaction force is less than the weight of the barbell. Action: Air pushes ball. multiple choice. Action: Ball pulls down on Earth. Action: Ball pushes air. 4. Action: ball hits bat. < 1 min. Reaction: ball hits the player. Hewitt CP9 05 E05 05:09. < 1 min. All are wrong. Action: Ball pushes air. Action: Bat pushes ball backward. Upward: the reaction force is less than the weight of the barbell. highSchool. When the athlete holds the barbell on his hand. Gravitation law 5. fixed. Reaction: Air pushes ball. 3. Reaction: Earth pulls down on ball. 1. 3. fixed. downward: the reaction force is less than the weight of the barbell. Reaction: Ball pushes air. 2. Newton’s Third Law pushes the arm of the player. 4. Action: ball hits bat. fixed. 2. the reaction force is the weight of the barbell on his hand. Newton’s third law 5. highSchool. Reaction: bat 162 Hewitt CP9 05 E09 05:09. 2. Action: Air pushes ball. Reaction: Earth pulls up on ball. you will exert smaller force on the pedals of a bicycle if you push down on the handlebars. < 1 min. How does this force vary for the case where the barbell is accelerated upward? Downward? 1. All are wrong. . What statement is correct? 1. multiple choice. You can exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars. downward: the reaction force is greater than the weight of the barbell. Action: Bat pushes ball forward. Action: Earth pulls down on ball. multiple choice. highSchool. Reaction: Ball pulls up on Earth. 3. Action: bat hits ball.Chapter 5. Hewitt CP9 05 E03 05:09. Action: bat hits ball. fixed. You can exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars. Reaction: ball hits bat. 5. Reaction: Air pushes ball. Upward: the reaction force is greater than the weight of the barbell. highSchool. 5. . The forces are the same. 5. 4. you can exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you push down on the handlebars. 4. fixed. multiple choice. Hewitt CP9 05 E19 05:09. One is between the stone and the Earth.Chapter 5. multiple choice. A projectile moves along a parabolic path near the Earth’s surface. Force exerted by the horse on the cart 2. between the ground and air 4. The weight of the projectile. fixed. You will exert smaller force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars. section 9. Newton’s Third Law you can exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you push down on the handlebars. Earth pulls down on the stone and the stone pulls up on the Earth. fixed. All are wrong. Whether the horse and the cart are moving at a constant velocity or not is not important. < 1 min. upon which vehicle is the impact force greater and which vehicle experiences the greater acceleration? 1. The forces are the same. Which force is bigger? 1. between the stone and the ground 2. The force exerted by the projectile on the Earth. the accelerations are the same. The force of air friction. Now. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. 163 Horse and Cart 05:09. the horse and the cart move at the same velocity. The forces are the same. What is the other interaction? 1. 2. None of these 3. between the Earth and air 5. the truck experiences the greater acceleration. Imagine a horse pulling a cart. the horse and the cart exert forces on each other. All are wrong. < 1 min. The force on the truck is greater. There are two interactions that involve the stone. you will exert smaller force on the pedals of a bicycle if you push down on the handlebars. If a Mack truck and Honda Civic have a head-on collision. the Civic experiences the greater acceleration. 3. You will exert smaller force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars. All are wrong. Force exerted by the cart on the horse 3. according to the laws of motion. multiple choice. Hewitt CP9 05 E33 05:09. Two forces are equal 4. between the ground and the Earth 3. fixed. Consider a stone at rest on the ground. highSchool. the accelerations are same. 3. What is the reaction to the Earth’s gravitational force? 1. Insufficient information to determine Reaction Force 02 05:09. multiple choice. < 1 min. 2. 4. 164 . Newton’s Third Law 5. section 9.Chapter 5. The mass of the projectile. What provides the force that makes the change? 1. F3 = F4 Part 2 of 2 If the object is accelerating upward and to the right. F1 = F2 . compare the forces. F1 < F2 . F1 < F2 . as seen in the figure below. normal normal weight 2. F1 2. F3 < F4 Conceptual 04 Q10 05:10. F3 < F4 5. 1. < 1 min. fixed. F3 < F4 2. F1 = F2 . F1 = F2 . F3 = F4 165 Conceptual forces 06 05:10. F1 = F2 . F3 < F4 4. F3 > F4 3. highSchool. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? The magnitudes of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. F1 = F2 . None of these Conceptual 04 Q13 05:10. F3 < F4 4. The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the sphere. compare F1 to F2 and F3 to F4 . highSchool. F1 > F2 . the rudder 3. M F3 F4 F2 If the object is accelerating to the right. fixed. The sphere and the wedges are at rest and remain at rest. F3 < F4 5. Part 1 of 2 Four forces act on an object. There is no friction between the sphere and the wedges. fixed. weight . Part 1 of 2 A spherical mass rests upon two wedges. the sailor 4. F1 > F2 . highSchool. section 10. F3 > F4 3.Chapter 5. Consider a sailboat that changes direction. < 1 min. 1. multiple choice. Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving 1. multiple choice. the water 2. multiple choice. F1 = F2 . < 1 min. Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving 166 3. no forces act on it. section 10. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? The magnitudes of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. normal friction he re 7. normal friction weight normal friction 3. There is friction between the table and the wedges. he F weight sp normal friction F normal re he 2. weight normal normal attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the left wedge.Chapter 5. The following figures show several F weight sp F he 5. he re normal weight normal weight 1. sp sp re weight 8. Part 2 of 2 The wedges themselves lie on a horizontal table. Since the sphere is not moving. normal normal re F . normal weight normal weight 5. 9. normal weight weight 4. 4. normal friction weight sp weight weight friction 6. The sphere and the wedges are at rest and stay at rest. highSchool. io n normal weight 6. normal friction weight normal friction 7. normal weight normal weight Fsphere weight 9. M 5. section 10. Since the sphere is not moving. as seen in the figure below. The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the sphere. normal normal weight weight 2. > 1 min. no forces act on it. normal weight weight . weight normal normal fri ct 8. fixed. There is no friction between the sphere and the wedges. 7. A spherical mass rests upon two wedges. Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving 167 F 6. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? Note: The magnitude of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. multiple choice. normal 4. sp h normal 1. Conceptual forces 06 short 05:10. normal er e fri c tio n weight Fsphere weight 3.Chapter 5. Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving 3. A man stands in an elevator in the university’s administration building and is accelerating upwards. highSchool. from the object j . Since the sphere is not moving. section 10. multiple choice. fixed. F man. highSchool. F elevator. cable man. fixed.) Elevator Cable 4. multiple choice. F man. earth Free Body Diagram of Balloon 05:10. where Fi. cable 6. F man. (During peak hours. earth F F elevator. floor F F man. acceleration 168 8. cable F man. < 1 min. floor 2. Choose the correct free body diagram for the man. normal weight normal weight 9. F man.Chapter 5. elevator elevator. cable F man.j is the force on the object i. Part 1 of 2 . 1. earth 5. > 1 min. Elevator Free Body Diagram 05:10. this does not happen very often. no forces act on it. Vectors may be offset horizontally for clarity. 1. the balloon’s basket sits on a platform. The balloon is pulling up on the basket.Chapter 5. 4. Fplatform on basket Fgravity on platform Fplatform on ground Fballoon on basket Fgravity on basket 3.B. 1. Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving A balloon is waiting to take off. 2. The platform lies on the ground. Balloon Basket Platform Ground Fgravity on platform Fballoon 169 Fgravity on basket Which of the following is the correct free-body diagram for the platform? N. . but not hard enough to lift it off the platform.B. As seen in the figure below. Fground on basket Fballoon on basket Fgravity on basket Fgravity on platform Fplatform on ground 4. Fballoon on platform 3. Fballoon on platform Part 2 of 2 What is the free-body diagram for the basket? N. Vectors may be offset horizontally for clarity. section 10. Fplatform on basket Fballoon on basket Fgravity on basket Fgravity on platform 2. Fground on platform Fgravity on platform F basket on platform Fbasket on balloon Fballoon on basket Fgravity on basket Fgravity on platform 5. Chapter 5. Free Body Diagrams in Problem Solving 5. section 10. Fbasket on platform Fbasket on balloon Fgravity on basket 170 . Two ropes support a lantern that weighs 50 N. The reading on the left scale is 400 N and the reading on the right scale is 300 N. section 11. fixed. < 1 min. 4. so the lantern is at equilibrium. Why did Harry end up taking his vacation early? To answer this. highSchool. for a change. numeric. 5. > 1 min. has a breaking point of 300 N. unknown to him. highSchool. The reading in the left scale is F = 400 N . one 250 N and the other 300 N. . numeric. multiple choice. or more than 50 N? 1. Hewitt CP9 02 E27 05:11. 171 400 N 300 N Why doesn’t the rope break when he is supported as shown at the left above? To answer this. find the tension in the rope. Holt SF 04Rev 43 What is the reading Fr in the right hand scale? Hewitt CP9 02 E25 05:11. numeric. What is the weight of the staging? Hewitt CP9 02 E23 05:11. Equal to. > 1 min. highSchool. normal. It depends on the angle between the two ropes. 2. His weight is 500 N and the rope. because the two ropes form two legs of a triangle. Part 1 of 2 Harry the painter swings year after year from his bosun’s chair. normal. Less than. A staging that weighs Wstaging supports a painter weighing 200 N. Static Applications of Newton’s Law Hewitt CP9 02 E22 05:11. Is the sum of the tensions in both ropes less than. highSchool. normal.Chapter 5. 400 Fr Part 2 of 2 One day Harry is painting near a flagpole. A staging that weighs 300 N supports two painters. < 1 min. and. by the parallelogram rule. he ties the free end of the rope to the flagpole instead of to his chair as shown at the right. 3. More than. find the tension in the rope. All are wrong. equal to. 00 kg block is in equilibrium on an incline of 36.00 × 102 N of force to pull large blocks of ice up a slope. what is the maximum angle that the slope can make with the horizontal if the machine is to be able to complete the task? Holt SF 04Rev 68 05:11. numeric. A machine in an ice factory is capable of exerting 3. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. Static Applications of Newton’s Law 05:11. numeric. < 1 min. highSchool. as shown. He pulls on the rope that is attached to the . highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A block with a mass of 5. numeric. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric.22 × 104 N. highSchool. 25◦ F 172 Consider the 34 N weight held by two cables shown below.81 m/s2 . ◦ 41 34 N a) What is the tension in the cable slanted at an angle of 41◦ ? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the tension in the horizontal cable? Holt SF 04Rev 68 graph 05:11.0◦ by the horizontal force F . > 1 min. > 1 min. What is Fn of the incline on the block? Holt SF 04Rev 46 05:11. The left-hand cable is horizontal. Part 1 of 2 41 34 N Draw the vectors to scale on a graph to determine the answer. wordingvariable.0 kg is held in equilibrium on a frictionless incline of 25. > 1 min. A 2. highSchool.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 5. The left-hand cable is horizontal. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A 25 kg person stands on a 50 kg platform. Assuming there is no friction. a) What is the tension in the cable slanted at an angle of 41◦ ? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the tension in the horizontal cable? Platform Held by Ropes 05:11.0◦ . The blocks each weigh 1. highSchool. wordingvariable. section 11. ◦ What is the magnitude of F ? Part 2 of 2 What is the magnitude of the normal force? Holt SF 04Rev 61 05:11. normal. > 1 min. 5k g 25◦ Part 1 of 2 Consider the 34 N weight held by two cables shown below. > 1 min. The pulley is massless and frictionless. Assume: g = 9. Cannot be determined. normal. The acceleration of gravity is 32 m/s2 . all pulleys are massless and frictionless. A 777 g mass is attached to a pulley and a 8 N weight is attached to a thin massless cord. highSchool. and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. F = 441 N 7. normal. 1. F = 367. numeric. normal. However. F = 490 N 5. F = 551. The system is in equilibrium. highSchool. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 2. F = 183. as shown below. highSchool.25 N 8. F = 735 N 3. Cannot be determined.8 m/s2 . Pulleys 07 05:11. Part 2 of 2 In Part 1 we assumed that the platform remains level. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. T 25 kg 30 ◦ 50 kg If he pulls the platform up at a steady rate. if the man were pulling straight up on the rope.75 N 8. > 1 min. . 173 Pulleys 06 05:11. 3. as shown in the figure below. Ignore friction. section 11. > 1 min. The platform remains level. numeric. T 8N 22 N Find the tension T . how much force is he pulling on the rope? 1.8 m/s2 . This also is a bad assumption. F = 245 N 2. He pulls the rope at an angle of 30◦ to the horizontal. Static Applications of Newton’s Law platform via the frictionless lower-right pulley.5 N 4. In the pulley system. This is a bad assumption. 777 g What is the tension T ? Pulleys 08 05:11. This is a good assumption.8 m/s2 . F = 294 N 6.Chapter 5. the forces will be balanced and the platform should remain level. numeric. 10 lb 1 slug T ft .8 m/s2 . Pulleys 11 T . normal. Note: lb ≡ slug T Pulleys 09 05:11. > 1 min. The suspended mass is 99 slug. > 1 min. Pulleys 13 05:11. The acceleration of gravity is 9. s2 Pulleys 12 05:11. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. 3 N. Pulleys 10 05:11. The system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are massless and frictionless. normal. numeric. 99 slug Find the tension T . and 1 N. The suspended weight is 55 N. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. > 1 min. The system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless.Chapter 5.8 m/s2 . and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. section 11. The system is in equilibrium. highSchool. T T3 T3 10 N T2 8N T2 T Find the tension T . highSchool.8 m/s2 . s2 Find the tension T . normal. The system is in equilibrium. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 32 ft/s2 .8 m/s2 . Static Applications of Newton’s Law 174 05:11. normal. The weights are 20 N. numeric. and the pulley is weightless and frictionless. 4 N. > 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min. 1 20 N 6N Find the tension T . The system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. Note: lb ≡ slug ft . 55 N Find the tension T . The suspended weight on the left is 20 N and the suspended weight on the right is 6 N. numeric. > 1 min. numeric. and 11 N. The suspended Pulleys 17 05:11. Pulleys 14 05:11. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The suspended mass is 22 kg . .Chapter 5. Static Applications of Newton’s Law 175 mass is 7 kg and the weights are 5 N and 8 N. The weights are 130 N.8 m/s2 . The weights are 47 N. The system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. highSchool. Find the tension T . numeric. highSchool. Pulleys 16 05:11. 6 N. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. Find the tension T . wordingvariable. 5 N. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 4N 3N 1N 20 N 7 kg Find the tension T .8 m/s2 . T T 5N 8N 5N T 20 N 130 N 6N 47 N 11 N 15 N T Find the tension T . section 11. The system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. The system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless.8 m/s2 . 15 N. numeric. > 1 min. highSchool. wordingvariable. and 20 N. > 1 min. normal. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . The pulley system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. normal. numeric. > 1 min. Pulleys 15 05:11. No. 2. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . > 1 min. and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. How much will the spring stretch? Static Equilibrium Requirements 05:11. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Yes. > 1 min. numeric. Part 1 of 2 Consider an extended object (not a point). with forces F acting on it. > 1 min. highSchool. producing torques τ. highSchool. Yes.8 m/s2 . The pulley system is in equilibrium. 2. The spring constant is 3 N/cm and the suspended mass is 12 kg. numeric. fixed. highSchool. normal. The pulley system is in equilibrium and the pulleys are weightless and frictionless. F =0 ? 3 N/cm 12 kg How much will the spring stretch? Springs and Pulleys 02 05:11. Is it possible for a situation to exist in which the net force acting on the object (the net force is the sum of all the individual forces acting on the object) is equal to zero F =0 while the net torque about any axis (the net torque is the sum of all the torques acting on the object) is not equal to zero τ =0 ? 1. The spring constant is 4 N/cm. .Chapter 5. the suspended weights are 35 N and 15 N. multiple choice. normal. Static Applications of Newton’s Law 176 T 4 N/cm 22 kg 35 N 15 N Find the tension T . Springs and Pulleys 01 05:11. No. Part 2 of 2 Is it possible for a situation to exist in which the net torque acting on the object is zero τ = 0 while the net force acting on the object is not equal to zero 1. section 11. multiple choice. Determine the acceleration. highSchool. Point Y . 2. fixed. O y S x Y V 4. 2. 4. The gravitation field is in the −y direction. Part 3 of 4 At which position(s) will the speed of the bead have a minimum value? 1. S . 2. > 1 min. Points Y and V . At which position(s) will the speed of the bead have a maximum value? 1. Point S . Part 4 of 4 At which position(s) will the magnitude of the acceleration of the bead have a minimum value? 1. Part 2 of 4 At which position(s) will the magnitude of the acceleration in the x direction of the bead have a maximum value? T a m1 T m2 a 1. 4. Point O. 3. Points Y and S . Point Y . a = g=g m1 1 m2 − m 1 g= g 3. and V . Points Y and V . . Point V . Point V . Points Y and V . a = m1 + m 2 3 1. The bead’s speed is constant. m2 g = 2g m1 m2 − m 1 2. section 12. Points Y and V . 3. a = Bead on Track 05:12. m2 = 100 kg . The bead remains stationary at point O. Point S . Points Y . The mass of the worker m1 = 50 kg . 5. highSchool.Chapter 5. 5. 3. Point V . wording-variable. 5. Part 1 of 4 A bead slides starting from rest at position O on a frictionless wire. > 1 min. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law Ascending worker 05:12. multiple choice. 3.   177 2. Point Y . The mass of the block at the end of the rope. Point S . 5.. t v0 x θ 7.e. Point O. section 12. highSchool. multiple choice. Point S . t Which graph best represents a description the position of the block versus time? x 1. i. x = 0 at t = 0 . > 1 min. wording-variable. 6. Points S and V .Chapter 5. Given: The initial position of the block is the origin. Block on Incline Graphs 01 05:12. x = 0 at t = 0 . x 3. i. t 4. Consider up the track to be the positive x-direction.. t 10. t Block on Incline Graphs 02 05:12. t x 9. t x 2. highSchool.e. Consider down x t . t x 8. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law 4. A block with an initial velocity v0 slides up and back down a frictionless incline. x t 178 x 6. x 5. multiple choice. wording-variable. Given: The initial position of the block is the origin. > 1 min. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law the track to be the positive x-direction. t 8. t 10. A block with an initial velocity v0 slides up and back down a frictionless incline. v 6. Which graph best represents a description of the velocity of the block versus time? v 1.e. t 9. wording-variable. > 1 min. section 12. x = 0 at t = 0 . t 179 v0 θ 7. v0 v 5.Chapter 5. v t v 3. Given: The initial position of the block is the origin. Consider up the track to be the positive x-direction. t Block on Incline Graphs 03 05:12. i. highSchool.. multiple choice. v t v t v 2. t θ Which graph best represents a description the acceleration of the block versus time? . A block with an initial velocity v0 slides up and back down a frictionless incline. v t v 4. highSchool. t Block on Incline Graphs 04 05:12. section 12. t . x = 0 at t = 0 .e. t 9. t 10. a t 180 a 2.. t Which graph best represents a description the position of the block versus time? x 1. t v0 a 6. t θ a 7. multiple choice. a t a 3.Chapter 5. Given: The initial position of the block is the origin. > 1 min. t 8. a t a 4. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law a 1. a 5. A block with an initial velocity v0 slides up and back down a frictionless incline. Consider up the track to be the positive x-direction. i. wording-variable. x 6. t 3. t 1. The train suddenly decreases its speed when the ball is in the air. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law x 2. multiple choice. 2. The Earth rotates on its own axis. A child learns in school that the Earth is traveling faster than 100. t . fixed. fixed. We are traveling slower than the Earth.000 kilometers per hour around the sun. The chimney of a stationary toy train consists of a vertical spring gun that shoots steel balls a meter or so straight into the air – so straight that the ball always falls back into the chimney. x 5. 3. We are traveling just as fast as the Earth. Hewitt CP9 02 E39 05:12. All are wrong. x 7. < 1 min. The train moves at constant speed along the straight track. < 1 min. numeric. highSchool. What statement is true? x 4. highSchool. x 9. t x 8. The train suddenly increases its speed when the ball is in the air.Chapter 5. t 10. section 12. The train moves at a constant speed on a circular track. and in a frightened tone asks why we aren’t swept off. t 5. 4. x t 181 x 3. We are traveling faster than the Earth. t 2. under which condition will the ball fall back into the chimney? 1. 4. t Hewitt CP9 02 E37 05:12. If the train is moving. c) If the car has a mass of 3000 kg.81 m/s2 . numeric. how far will the cart move in 3.0×10−1 m long in 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. > 1 min.0 kg wagon is towed up a hill inclined at 18.Chapter 5. numeric. starting from rest? Part 2 of 2 b) How far will the cart move in the 3. The tow rope is parallel to the incline and exerts a force of 140 N on the wagon. highSchool. > 1 min. with counterclockwise considered positive. what acceleration does it have? Holt SF 04Rev 24 05:12. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. How fast is the wagon going after moving 30. > 1 min. 450 N at 15◦ and 300 N at 26◦ are applied to a car in an effort to accelerate it. normal. numeric. Holt SF 04Rev 22 05:12. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the direction of the resultant force (in relation to forward. section 12.0 kg mass starts from rest and slides down an inclined plane 8. and disregard friction. wordingvariable. 182 A shopper in a supermarket pushes a loaded 32 kg cart with a horizontal force of 12 N. The acceleration of gravity is 9.5 s.5◦ with respect to the horizontal. F 2 kg 4 kg 6 kg 450 N 3000 kg 15 26 ◦ ◦ 300 N a) Find the resultant of these two forces.81 m/s2 . Part 1 of 2 a) What is the net force on the block with mass 2 kg? Part 2 of 5 b) What is the resultant force on the block with mass 4 kg? Part 3 of 5 c) What is the resultant force on the block with mass 6 kg? Part 4 of 5 d) What is the magnitude of the force between the block with mass 4 kg and 6 kg? . What net force is acting on the mass along the incline? Holt SF 04Rev 63 05:12. numeric. A 40. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Assume that the wagon starts from rest at the bottom of the hill. All are wrong. > 1 min. numeric. highSchool.8 m/s2 . A 2. Part 1 of 5 Three blocks are in contact with each other on a frictionless horizontal surface. a) Disregarding friction.50 s. highSchool. Part 3 of 3 Assume: There is no friction. > 1 min.0 m up the hill? Holt SF 04Rev 25 05:12. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law 5. highSchool. with −180◦ < θ < +180◦ ). Part 1 of 3 Two forces. wordingvariable. A 360 N horizontal force is applied to the block with mass of 2 kg as shown in the figure below.5 s if the shopper places a(n) 85 N child in the cart before pushing it? Holt SF 04Rev 47 05:12. 2. A wrecking ball of mass M is suspended by a thin cable (of negligible mass). T < M g 4.Chapter 5. The vertical position (in meters) is recorded on the scale on either side of the pictures.5 s. the tension remains constant. Throughout the positions illustrated below. 4. The positive direction is upward. multiple choice. A wrecking ball of mass M is suspended by a thin cable (of negligible mass). The ball’s position is recorded by three sequential pictures (labeled 1. Motion and Force 03 05:12. highSchool.5 s. 1. > 1 min. The ball’s position is recorded by three sequential pictures (labeled 1. & 3) with a flash camera in intervals of 1. For each of the pictures below. The vertical position (in meters) is recorded on the scale on either side of the pictures. normal. The acceleration is downward. > 1 min. the tension remains constant. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law Part 5 of 5 e) What is the magnitude of the force between the block with mass 2 kg and 4 kg? Motion and Force 01 05:12. multiple choice. 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 [m] Select the correct values for a . 2. The acceleration is upward. 1. The positive direction is upward. 3. v0 is the initial vertical velocity in the first picture. highSchool. highSchool. & 3) with a flash camera in intervals of 1. The acceleration is zero. & 3) with a flash camera in intervals of 1. > 1 min. Motion and Force 02 05:12. The vertical position . Throughout the positions illustrated below. the vertical position y of the ball is described as a function Compare the tension in the cable T with the weight M g of the ball. 2. Cannot be determined. wording-variable. 2. For each of the pictures below. section 12. A wrecking ball of mass M is suspended by a thin cable (of negligible mass). T = M g 3. Throughout the positions illustrated below. the tension remains constant. the vertical position y of the ball is described as a function of time t by y = y0 + v 0 t + 1 2 at .5 s. wording-variable. The ball’s position is recorded by three sequential pictures (labeled 1. 2 y0 is the initial vertical height in the first picture. T > M g 2. [m] 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 183 (in meters) is recorded on the scale on either side of the pictures. Cannot be determined. numeric. highSchool. Indicate for each of the situations described the relation between value of the tension T in the string and the weight of the ball M g . > 1 min. 4. > 1 min. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law of time t by 1 2 at . 6. m3 T2 m2 T1 m1 F Calculate the acceleration a for the wrecking ball. T1 + T2 = (m1 + m3 ) a . normal. 1. T = M g 4. 7. Motion and Force 04 05:12. T < M g 3. T1 − T2 = m1 a . The equation of motion of m2 is given by 1. numeric.Chapter 5. fixed. T > M g Two Blocks Simple SW 05:12. T1 + T2 = m1 a . 9. Part 2 of 2 The tension of the strings are T1 and T2 (see sketch). T1 = m2 a . T1 = m1 a . section 12. and m3 = 22 kg along a frictionless horizontal surface. v0 is the initial vertical velocity in the first picture. m2 = 15 kg. 8. Part 1 of 2 Consider a force F = 450 N pulling 3 blocks of masses m1 = 8 kg. T1 − T2 = m2 a . The elevator is traveling downward and its downward velocity is decreasing as it stops at a lower floor. multiple choice. . highSchool. 2 y0 is the initial vertical height in the first picture. T1 + T2 = m2 a . T1 − T2 = (m1 + m3 ) a . or whether one cannot tell. 2. The positive direction is upward. y = y0 + v 0 t + 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 [m] 2. The vertical motion of the elevator as it travels up and down is described in the statements below. wording-variable. T1 = (m1 + m3 ) a . multiple choice. T v M Elevator with a weight held by a string inside it Find the acceleration a of the blocks. 184 Pulling 3 Blocks no friction 05:12. highSchool. A ball of mass M is suspended by a thin string (of negligible mass) from the ceiling of an elevator. 3. < 1 min. Cannot be determined. 5. 7. 2.Chapter 5. highSchool. g 5. This block is connected by a string that passes over a frictionless and massless pulley to a suspended block of the same mass m. Three blocks are on a frictionless horizontal surface. 10. m 1. numeric. g 2 3. Dynamic Applications of Newton’s Law A block of mass m rests on a horizontal frictionless surface. More information is needed. . 8. 2g 4. wordingvariable. The bocks are connected by massless strings with tensions T and Tr . 9. 6. section 12. > 1 min. 2 v0 +g 2D 2 v0 + 2g 2D 2 g v0 + 2D 2 2 v0 +g D 2 v0 + 2g D 2 v0 g + D 2 Two Tensions 02 05:12. If the two blocks are initially moving with a velocity v0 (where the suspended block is falling) what is the acceleration of the falling block when it has fallen a distance D from its initial height? m 3 kg 67 N T 5 kg Tr 1 kg 185 31 N Calculate the tension T . 175. The engine is stopped. F = f from Newton’s first law. Some internal forces can change the velocity of a body. highSchool. highSchool. f1 = f2 2. section 13.25 and the kinetic friction coefficient is even lower. multiple choice. multiple choice. highSchool. normal. What is the highest possible deceleration of the car under such conditions? Concept 06 20 05:13. < 1 min. Unable to determine. highSchool. The air drag (and other frictional forces) pushing back is f2 . 2. 5. 1.15 and the kinetic friction coefficient is even lower. Part 2 of 2 . What relationship would f1 and f2 have in the first few seconds of the ride? 1.8 m/s2 . Conceptual 04 Q20 05:13. Assume: No aerodynamic forces. It is the force of the road on the tires (an external force) that stops the car. the frictional force is always less than any other force acting on the object. fixed.8 m/s2 and neglect the reaction time of the driver. F = f from Newton’s third law. so the static friction coefficient between the tires and the road is only µs = 0. f1 < f2 4. you have to exert a horizontal force of 500 Newtons. The road is wet. It depends on the direction the desk moves. The road is wet. so it is an external force. normal. the frictional force is greater than the pushing force since it is such a heavy desk. What is the shortest possible stopping distance for the car under such conditions? Use g = 9.8 m/s2 . The frictional force between the road and the tires pushing her forward is f1 . µk = 0. fixed. how can the internal force of the brakes bring a car to rest? 1. 4. If only an external force can change the velocity of a body. 3. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9. µk = 0. Compare the 500-Newton horizontal pushing force F to the frictional force f between the desk and the ground. < 1 min. so the static friction coefficient between the tires and the road is only µs = 0. not the car itself who causes the breaking. The acceleration of gravity is 9. A 1200 kg car moves along a horizontal road at speed v0 = 20 m/s. < 1 min. In order to slide a heavy desk across the floor at constant speed in a straight line. f1 > f2 3. F > f . 4.Chapter 5. highSchool.105. Part 1 of 2 A bicycle rider accelerates from rest up to full speed on a flat. F < f . normal. straight road. Braking a Car 03 05:13. g = 9. Friction Braking a Car 02 05:13. numeric. < 1 min. 186 Conceptual 04 Q08 05:13. 2. 3. < 1 min. so the car has no force to run further. A 1200 kg car moves along a horizontal road at speed v0 = 20 m/s. forward is the positive direction.8 m/s2 . It is the driver. multiple choice. N = m g + T sin α Part 2 of 2 Which forces must change in order for the book to start moving? 1. multiple choice. Unable to determine. normal and gravitational 2. N = m g 2. highSchool. 8. normal. section 13. friction. normal 2. N = m g + T cos α 4. tension in the string. < 1 min. friction 1. normal friction gravitational The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the book. T m µs α Which choice best describes the free body diagram in the vertical direction for this situation? 1. Part 1 of 3 Consider a book that remains at rest on an incline. friction and tension in the string 3. tension in the string 4. Part 1 of 2 A string is tied to a book and pulled at an angle α as shown in the diagram. fixed. and tension in the string 4. highSchool. gravitational 187 7. f1 = f2 5. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? The magnitudes of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. N = m g − T sin α 4. multiple choice. f1 > f2 6. The book remains in contact with the table and does not move. None of these Conceptual forces 03 05:13. N = m g − T cos α 3. friction.Chapter 5. Conceptual forces 01 05:13. and gravitational 9. B oo k . Friction What relationship would f1 and f2 have after she has reached full speed? 1. normal. < 1 min. f1 < f2 3. . Yes. Yes 3. 2. Yes. fixed. Are they equal in magnitude? 1. gravitational friction normal gravitational 3. friction gravitational Part 2 of 3 Compare the normal force exerted on the book by the inclined plane and the weight force exerted on the book by the earth. 3. Consider a book that remains at rest on an incline. No. the normal force acts up the incline to keep the book from sliding down. friction normal 8. the normal force always acts opposite the weight force. the normal force acts perpendicular to the surface of the inclined plane. Their magnitudes cannot be determined since the forces are not in the same direction. multiple choice. Friction 188 2. normal gravitational 1. No 4. Part 3 of 3 Are they opposite in direction? 5. section 13. normal gravitational normal 7. > 1 min. Otherwise. the book would fall through the inclined plane. highSchool. friction gravitational Conceptual forces 03 short 05:13. No.Chapter 5. friction gravitational 2. the normal force acts opposite to the weight force because the book is stationary. 4. 6. section 13. normal gravitational normal 1. highSchool. friction normal 8. friction gravitational Conceptual forces 04 short 05:13. A book is at rest on an incline as shown above. friction gravitational F oo B k . 6. fixed. A constant force vertically downward is in contact with the book.Chapter 5. gravitational friction normal gravitational 3. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? The magnitudes of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. 4. Friction 189 oo k 5. multiple choice. friction gravitational 2. normal gravitational B The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the book. > 1 min. normal friction gravitational 7. multiple choice. highSchool. Friction The following figures show several attempts at drawing free-body diagrams for the book. normal 2.Chapter 5. normal force friction weight 8. Part 1 of 4 A ladder leans against a wall while someone climbs up. weight force friction normal d Wp ¡ W s 5. normal friction weight force A Which way does the normal force point at position A ? 1. friction force weight normal 1. force friction weight 3. 6. force friction B 4. section 13. friction force normal weight Conceptual forces 05 05:13. 190 7. < 1 min. as shown in the figure below. . fixed. force normal friction weight 2. Which figure has the correct directions for each force? The magnitudes of the forces are not necessarily drawn to scale. weight normal   3. Friction 4. 2. 2. 191 7. Which way does the force due to friction point at position A? 7. 5. 3. .Chapter 5. 10. 5. 10. 4. 1. Part 4 of 4 Which way does the force due to friction point at position B? 1. None of these 6. 6. 8. 4. 7. 6. section 13. 5. Part 3 of 4 Consider the case where both the wall and the floor are rough. 2. 6. None of these 3. 8. None of these Part 2 of 4 Which way does the normal force point at position B? 1. 3. 10. 7. 5. 4. 8. fixed. Yo Big Daddy drives his Team Universal dragster (mass = m) from rest to a final speed v in a distance d. v Dragster 05:13. < 1 min. As the truck accelerates to the east. 2. multiple choice. which vector diagram below shows the the correct directions of all of the forces acting on the car? We know the plane exerts on the car a force . What is the average coefficient of friction between the pavement and the tires. 6. In what direction is the friction force exerted by the bed of the truck on the crate? 1. 3. A crate is sitting in the center of a flatbed truck. Crate in Truck 05:13. highSchool. None of these graphs are correct. highSchool. Friction 8. because the crate isn’t sliding Decelerating Car 02 05:13. not sliding on the bed of the truck. To the north 5. ca r 10. 7. multiple choice. assuming constant acceleration and no air friction? As the car slows to a stop. None of these graphs are correct. To the south 5. > 1 min. A car is going up a hill when the driver hits the brakes. section 13. 4. There is no friction force. 4. 1. the crate moves with it. To the west 2. highSchool.Chapter 5. 10. fixed. < 1 min. To the east 3. 192 f that acts down the plane as the car slows to a stop. 8. multiple choice. fixed. 4 times as great 2. Hewitt CP9 04 E09 05:13. the force that you apply must be about: 1. < 1 min. Consider a ball at rest in the middle of a toy wagon. multiple choice. numeric. highSchool. highSchool. When the wagon is pulled forward. µ = 3. equally great 1 4. because of friction. How much friction acts on the crate? Hewitt CP9 04 E05 05:13. The ball will move faster than the wagon. The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . multiple choice. 3. fixed. normal. multiple choice. wording-variable. 4 N 5. what is the motion of the ball? . When you pull horizontally on a crate with a force of 200 N. 1 N 3. multiple choice. The ball will stay where it was. to push the same crate across the same floor with the same constant speed. µ = 2. < 1 min. < 1 min. 2. µ = 1. You are pushing a wooden crate across the floor at a constant speed. highSchool. 4. how much force of friction acts on the book? 1. Hewitt CP9 02 E33 05:13. 2 N 4. highSchool. 0 N 2. 5. it slides across the floor in dynamic equilibrium. µ = 5. section 13. highSchool. fixed. as great 4 as the force required before you changed the crate’s orientation. All are wrong. < 1 min. A 400 kg bear grasping a vertical tree slides down at constant velocity. fixed. µ = 6. If it takes 1 N to push horizontally on your book to make it slide at constant velocity. 2 times as great 3. µ = 4. In the new orientation. as great 2 1 5. reducing by half the area in contact with the floor. Forces2 05:13. the ball may roll along the cart surface. Friction m v2 2dg v2 √ dg v2 √ 2dg m v2 dg 2 m v2 dg v2 2dg 193 1. the surface would slide beneath the ball. You decide to turn the crate on end. From a point of view outside the wagon. All are wrong. The ball will stay at rest on the wagon. the ball stays in place as the back of the wagon moves toward it. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 02 E11 05:13.Chapter 5. 0. highSchool. highSchool.8 0.61 1.06 0.max for pulling a 15 kg steel sword across a horizontal steel shield? Part 4 of 8 d) What is Fk for pulling the 15 kg steel sword across the horizontal steel shield? Part 5 of 8 e) What is Fs.9 0.14 – 0. numeric.max for moving a 145 kg aluminum sculpture across a horizontal steel platform? Part 2 of 8 b) What is Fk for moving the 145 kg aluminum sculpture across the horizontal steel platform? Part 3 of 8 c) What is Fs.5 0. numeric. highSchool.57 0.max for pushing a 250 kg wood bed on a wood floor? . section 13. numeric. < 1 min. 3. between the crate and the floor? Holt SF 04C 02 05:13. The acceleration of gravity is 9.01 µk 194 Holt SF 04C 03 05:13. A race car travels along a raceway at a constant velocity of 200 km/h.003 a) What is Fs.04 0.4 0. > 1 min. It depends on the mass of the car. 200 N 4. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.04 0.2 0. > 1 min. 100 N 5. highSchool. 0 N 2. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Once a 24 kg crate is in motion on a horizontal floor.74 0.47 0. a horizontal force of 53 N keeps the crate moving with a constant velocity. > 1 min.81 m/s2 .0 – 0.04 0.1 0.4 0. the coefficient of kinetic friction. multiple choice. Once the chair is in motion. All are wrong. Friction What is the friction force that acts on the bear? Hewitt CP9 04 E23 05:13.03 0. wordingvariable.Chapter 5. a 327 N horizontal force keeps it moving at a constant velocity. Part 1 of 8 A museum curator moves artifacts into place on many different display surfaces. Part 1 of 2 A 25 kg chair initially at rest on a horizontal floor requires a 365 N horizontal force to set it in motion. a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the chair and the floor? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the chair and the floor? Materials steel on steel aluminum on steel rubber on dry concrete rubber on wet concrete wood on wood glass on glass waxed wood on wet snow waxed wood on dry snow metal on metal (lubricated) ice on ice Teflon on Teflon synovial joints in humans µs 0. What is µk .15 0.81 m/s2 . Consider the following table giving approximate values for coefficients of friction: The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .1 0. fixed. Holt SF 04C 01 05:13. What is the net force acting on the car? 1. b) If the box starts from rest at the bottom of the ramp and is pulled at an angle of 25 ◦ with respect to the incline and with the same 185 N force. A box of books weighing 325 N moves with a constant velocity across the floor when it is pushed with a force of 425 N exerted downward at an angle of 35. highSchool. Part 2 of 2 b) Find µk between the clock and the floor.27. highSchool. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A(n) 95 kg clock initially at rest on a horizontal floor requires a(n) 650 N horizontal force to set it in motion. section 13. highSchool.0 kg box slides down a 25. normal.0◦ ramp with an acceleration of 3. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 1 of 2 A 75.55 kg glass amulet on a glass display case? Part 8 of 8 h) What is Fk for sliding the 0. wordingvariable. numeric. > 1 min. After the clock is in motion. The student pulls with a force of 185 N at an angle of 25.0◦ ramp with an acceleration of 1.Chapter 5. what is the acceleration up the ramp? Holt SF 04D 03 05:13.2◦ below the horizontal. > 1 min. wordingvariable. > 1 min.55 kg glass amulet on a glass display case? Holt SF 04D 01 02 05:13. A 30 kg box slides down a 30. a horizontal force of 560 N keeps it moving with a constant velocity. Find µk between the box and the floor.60 m/s2 . numeric. and µk between the box and the floor is 0. Part 2 of 2 b) What acceleration would a 175 kg mass have down this ramp? Holt SF 04D 04 05:13. numeric. Part 2 of 2 Now the student moves the box up a ramp (with the same coefficient of friction) inclined at 12◦ with the horizontal. Part 1 of 2 A student moves a box of books down the hall by pulling on a rope attached to the box. a) Find µs between the clock and the floor. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0◦ above the horizontal. highSchool.0 kg. Find the acceleration of the box. wordingvariable. The box has a mass of 35. highSchool. wordingvariable.20 m/s2 .6 m 75 2 kg µk 25◦ a) Find µk between the box and the ramp.81 m/s2 . . > 1 min.max for sliding a 0. numeric.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . Holt SF 04Rev 37 05:13.81 m/s2 . 195 3 /s . Friction Part 6 of 8 f) What is Fk for pushing the 250 kg wood bed on a wood floor? Part 7 of 8 g) What is Fs. Holt SF 04Rev 38 05:13. > 1 min. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool.0 N at an angle of 25. Friction 196 What is the magnitude of the normal force on the bag? 30 kg µ 30◦ Holt SF 04Rev 41 05:13. > 1 min. wordingvariable.0◦ with the horizontal.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . What is the acceleration of the box? Holt SF 04Rev 42 05:13.Chapter 5.300. A(n) 925 N crate is being pushed across a level floor by a force of 325 N at an angle of 25 ◦ above the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the truck bed is 0. 85 N 70 ◦ 6 m /s 2 kg 5. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool.0 kg. numeric. A 5. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 N that acts at an angle of 70. wordingvariable. < 1 min.00 kg block is pushed along the ceiling with a constant applied force of 85. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp. A 35 kg box rests on the back of a truck. µ 4 kg What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the ceiling? Holt SF 04Rev 40 05:13.0◦ with the horizontal. wordingvariable. numeric. The block accelerates to the right at 6. > 1 min. highSchool. Holt SF 04Rev 39 05:13. numeric.25.4 µ 25◦ . wordingvariable.4 kg bag of groceries is in equilibrium on an incline of 25◦ . section 13.81 m/s2 . highSchool. highSchool. A clerk moves a box of cans down an aisle by pulling on a strap attached to the box. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9. A 4. N 325 25◦ 925 N µk = 0.25 What is the acceleration of the box? Holt SF 04Rev 44 05:13. The box has a mass of 35. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and floor is 0.450. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor is 0.00 m/s2 . What maximum acceleration can the truck have before the box slides backward? Holt SF 04Rev 53 05:13. numeric. The clerk pulls with a force of 185. wordingvariable. numeric. highSchool. How far does the sled travel on the level ground before coming to a rest? Holt SF 04Rev 54 05:13.81 m/s2 .5 N.00 m.57. a) If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the road and the tires on a rainy day is 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . wordingvariable. What minimum force F must be applied to the crate perpendicular to the incline to prevent the crate from sliding down the incline? Holt SF 04Rev 62 05:13. how long does it take to move the box 4. highSchool. > 1 min. > 1 min. what is the minimum distance needed . numeric. Part 1 of 2 A car is traveling at 50. moving 2. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled’s runners and the hard.00? Holt SF 04Rev 59 197 05:13. > 1 min. F 3 kg µk 20◦ 95.3. wordingvariable. The board sandwiched between two other boards in the figure weighs 95.0 m/s. If µk between the box and the floor is 0. and the girl and sled together weigh 645 N. section 13. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable. A box of books weighing 319 N is shoved across the floor by a force of 485 N exerted downward at an angle of 35◦ below the horizontal. highSchool. > 1 min.100. numeric.050. numeric.5 N If the coefficient of friction between the boards is 0.00 m in 1. highSchool. a) What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the block? Part 2 of 4 b) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the incline? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the speed of the block after it slides the distance of 2. what must be the magnitude of the horizontal forces acting on both sides of the center board to keep it from slipping downward? Holt SF 04Rev 64 05:13.0◦ incline and accelerates uniformly down the incline.663. Friction A girl coasts down a hill on a sled.00 kg block starts from rest at the top of a 30. numeric. reaching level ground at the bottom with a speed of 7. Part 1 of 4 A 3. highSchool. wordingvariable.0 km/h on a flat highway.Chapter 5.8 m/s2 . starting from rest? Holt SF 04Rev 55 05:13. The acceleration of gravity is 9. icy snow is 0.50 s.81 m/s2 . numeric. normal. > 1 min. The coefficient of static friction between the 3 kg crate and the 20◦ incline is 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 25 Part 2 of 2 b) What is the stopping distance when the surface is dry and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.0 kg and 23. 4 4. None of these 198 Part 2 of 2 b) If the initial velocity of the truck were halved. wordingvariable. 150 N µs a) What is the magnitude of the minimum force of static friction required to hold both blocks at rest? Part 2 of 2 b) What minimum coefficient of static friction is required to ensure that both blocks remain at rest? . Part 1 of 3 Two blocks with masses of 45. 4 5. 1 3. by what factor does the stopping distance change? 1. 0. highSchool. > 1 min. 75 N Part 1 of 2 A truck driver slams on the brakes and skids to a stop through a displacement of ∆x.5 6. The suspended mass has a weight of 75 N.Chapter 5.5 Kopp lect8 prob1 6. by what factor would the stopping distance change? 1. highSchool. wordingvariable.600 between the two blocks and 0. 0. 2 4. A horizontal force is slowly applied to the top block until one of the blocks moves. Part 1 of 2 A 150 N block rests on a table. highSchool. numeric. a) If the truck has twice the mass. > 1 min.600? Holt SF 04Rev 65 05:13. > 1 min. 0.5 kg are stacked on a table with the heavier block on top. 2 3. Friction for the car to stop? 5. 0.300 between the bottom block and the table.25 2. None of these Holt SF 04Rev 69 05:13. numeric. 1 2. section 13. a) What is the friction force between the blocks? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the friction force between the lower block and the table? Part 3 of 3 c) What minimum value for the coefficient of static friction between the masses and the table would cause the slippage to first happen between the blocks? Holt SF 04Rev 66 05:13. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . numeric. fixed. The coefficient of static friction is 0. normal. T + 18 µ m g − 2 µ m g = 18 m a 9. where the masses are a multiple of a given mass m. The coefficient of friction between the block and the table is µk while it is sliding. A block is sliding in a straight line along a rough table. highSchool. 1. The direction of the frictional force points 1. 2 µ m g + T = −18 m a 5.Chapter 5. 4. a = µ g 199 Part 2 of 3 The equation of motion for the left-hand mass 18 m is given by Part 3 of 3 Find the tension T in the rope between the masses m1 = 2 m and m2 = 18 m in terms of F. multiple choice. T + 2 µ m g = 18 m a 7. section 13. Part 1 of 3 Consider a force pulling 2 blocks along a rough horizontal surface. fixed. T − 2 µ m g = 18 m a 6. < 1 min. 2 µ m g − T = 18 m a 4. T = 4. a = 11 µ g 4. a = 12 µ g 8. a = 4 µ g 9. a = 8 µ g 5. 2m T 18 m µ Determine the acceleration. 3. T = 2. T = 3. as shown in the figure below. in the direction of the normal force. T − 18 µ m g = 18 m a 2. a = 6 µ g 5. a = 2 µ g 2. The coefficient of the kinetic friction is µ. 1. T = 6. T − 18 µ m g + 2 µ m g = 18 m a 10. T = F 3. multiple choice. Friction 05:13. 2. a = 3 µ g 6. against the direction of motion. 5. T − 18 µ m g − 2 µ m g = 18 m a 8. T + 18 µ m g + 2 µ m g = 18 m a 1. None of these Pulling Two Blocks 01 05:13. The blocks are pulled by a force of 60 µ m g . T = F 10 F 3 F 8 F 5 F 6 F 4 . a = 5 µ g 3. T + 18 µ m g = 18 m a 7. into the table. in the direction of motion. highSchool. > 1 min. F23 = 2 µ m g 3. multiple choice. F23 = 2 m g . Given µs = 0. fixed. Given: Each block has masses m1 = m2 = m3 = m and the coefficient of kinetic friction is µ. F23 = m g 2. speeds up. The magnitude of F equals twice the total frictional force. The angle of inclination is increased until the object starts moving. fixed. The friction on A is : A µs B The friction on A is : 1. > 1 min.8. If the surface is kept at this angle.Chapter 5. F m1 m2 µ m3 B Static Friction and Pulley 03 05:13. Friction 7.8. T = F Static and Kinetic Friction 05:13. 48 N 3. highSchool. 1. slows down. 40 N 2. the object 1. highSchool. multiple choice. moves at uniform speed. Block A (60 N) and block B (40 N) are connected by a massless cord and are at rest. < 1 min. < 1 min. highSchool. numeric. Find the force F23 with which the second block is pushing the third block. Apply a horizontal force F in pushing an array of three identical blocks in the horizontal plane (see sketch). > 1 min. An object is held in place by friction on an inclined surface. none of the other choices Static Friction and Pulley 02 05:13. 3. multiple choice. 60 N 4. Block A (60 N) and block B (40 N) are connected by a massless cord and are AT REST. wordingvariable. 0 N 6. section 13. T = F 12 F 8. Given µs = 0. 2. 20 N 7. fixed. 4. 16 N 200 A µs Three Blocks 01 e1 05:13. highSchool. T = 7 9. 24 N 5. a = 3 g Three Blocks 03 If the acceleration is a. F23 = 3 m g 5. Apply a horizontal force F in pushing an array of three identical blocks in the horizontal plane (see sketch). F23 = 2 m g 4. Apply a horizontal force F in pushing an array of three identical blocks in the horizontal plane (see sketch). Denote the force exerted on block 2 by the block 1 to be F21 . F23 = µ m g 7. F m1 µ1 m2 µ2 m3 6. F23 = 3 µ m g 8. highSchool. The magnitude of F equals twice the total frictional force. F23 = µ m g 7. highSchool. section 13. multiple choice. Friction 4. < 1 min. F23 = 3 m g 5. F23 = 4 m g 6. fixed.Chapter 5. F23 = 3 µ m g 8. a = 2 µ g 5. numeric. F m1 m2 µ Find the acceleration. fixed. F23 = 4 m g 6. a = g 2 m3 201 05:13. g 3 µg 2. F23 = 4 µ m g Three Blocks 02 05:13. a = µ g 8. F23 = 4 µ m g Two Blocks CPS 05:13. > 1 min. 1. F m1 m2 µ Find the force F23 with which the second block is pushing the third block. multiple choice. F23 = m g 2. fixed. a = g 9. the equation of motion for block m2 is given by . a = 4. highSchool. a = 2 1. F23 = 2 µ m g 3. > 1 min. The magnitude of F equals twice the total frictional force. a = 3 µ g 7. Given: Each block has masses m1 = m2 = m3 = m and the coefficient of kinetic friction is µ. a = 3 µg 3. Given: Each block has masses m1 = m2 = m3 = m and the coefficient of kinetic friction is µ. a = 2 g 10. F21 − µ2 m2 g = m2 a 3. section 13.Chapter 5. F + F21 − µ2 m2 g = m2 a 4. F − F21 − µ2 m2 g = m2 a 5. Friction 1. F − µ1 m1 g − µ2 m2 g = m2 a 2. F21 − µ1 m1 g − µ2 m2 g = m2 a 202 . highSchool. In daily life. Yes. multiple choice. the ball will curve.Chapter 5. > 1 min.000 N Part 2 of 2 What is the total lift force pushing up on the plane? 1. fixed. Yes. 190. The net force is constant. will the object still attain a terminal velocity? 1. 50.000 N 5. No. capable of pulling objects into the starship. multiple choice. < 1 min. 2. multiple choice. . highSchool. Assuming the plane maintains altitude and speed. When the ball is at the top of its trajectory 4. Newton’s first law predicts this. In StarT rek and other science fiction sagas. 3.000 N 203 Conceptual 04 Q21 05:14. section 14.000 N 2. imagine that a tractor beam on the ground is pulling the object down.000 ft. fixed. wording-variable. 140.000 pounds.000 N Escape SW01 5. The forward thrust of the engines is 10. Suppose that an object is falling under the influence of gravity and drag. it will escape from the gravity of the Earth. multiple choice. less than 50. < 1 min. < 1 min.000 N Conceptual 04 Q02 05:14. less than 50. more than 190. highSchool. the terminal velocity would occur when the air drag equals gravity plus the force of the tractor beam. When the ball moves up Conceptual 04 Q06 05:14. highSchool. the ball will slow down. Conceptual 05 Q19 05:14. No. When an object is moving in the air.000 N 4. Yes. 50. Part 1 of 2 A 28. 3. 140. If there is a limit to the force the tractor beam can exert. In addition. will a ball rolling along the floor keep moving in a straight line at constant speed? 1. Newton’s third law predicts this. you often encounter a fictional device called a tractor beam. Consider a light foam ball that is thrown up into the air. more than 190. No. When is the net force on the ball smallest? 3. the air drag force is in the opposite direction to the velocity.000 N 3. Other Resistive Forces (Terminal Velocity) 4. 2.000 N 3. the object will continue to speed up as it falls. When the ball moves down 4.000 N 2. 2. fixed. 1. No. what is the total air drag force pushing back on the plane? 1. 190.000 lb jet airliner cruises at 500 mi per hour at an altitude of 35. which reduces its vertical velocity. 24.2487 m/s 2. > 1 min. fixed. fixed. < 1 min. Other Resistive Forces (Terminal Velocity) 05:14. 3.6495 m/s 5.12372 m/s 6. Air resistance is less effective in slowing a feather than a coin. section 14. Because the resistance for the sheet is much stronger than that for the ball. A parachutist. How much is the pull of the harness? 1. multiple choice. 6. highSchool. after opening the chute. Which of the following is correct? 1. < 1 min. A plain sheet 2. Air resistance is as effective in slowing a feather as a coin. highSchool. < 1 min. Why will a sheet of paper fall slower than one that is wadded into a ball? 1. Half of the gravity 5. Air resistance is more effective in slowing a feather than a coin. 5. < 1 min. highSchool. None of these Hewitt CP9 04 E39 05:14. 8. A wadded sheet . Because when the sheet is falling. Because the gravitational acceleration of a sheet is smaller than that for a ball. what is his speed just before he hits the net? 1. 4. All are wrong.66025 m/s 3. 1. multiple choice. In free fall. multiple choice. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 4. Once terminal speed is reached which sheet of paper has the greatest air resistance? Keep in mind that they fall at different terminal speeds. Equal to the gravity 2. fixed. 22.0156 m/s 4. highSchool. Greater than the gravity 4. 2. 3. no longer gaining speed. All are wrong. finds herself gently floating downward. Hewitt CP9 04 E38 05:14. 2. normal. She feels the upward 204 pull of the harness. highSchool. it has horizontal velocity. while gravity pulls her down. 16. air resistance is more effective in slowing a feather than a coin. 17. If air friction exerts a constant force of 100 N on him as he falls. fixed. multiple choice. 5. numeric.1464 m/s Hewitt CP9 03 E21 05:14. Smaller than the gravity 3. Hewitt CP9 04 E37 05:14.Chapter 5. A man of mass 80 kg escapes from a burning building by jumping from a window situated 30 m above a catching net. Because the ball has larger mass density than the sheet.8 m/s2 . Zero acceleration 4. highSchool. Other Resistive Forces (Terminal Velocity) 3. 2. but with small acceleration than before 3. More information is needed. A folded sheet 4. Assuming that air resistance is simply a constant 95 N force on the person during the fall. why does the horizontal component of a projectile’s motion not change. How does the force of gravity on a raindrop compare with the air drag it encounters when it falls at constant velocity? 1. 5. 5. there are no vertical forces. Upward 2. which ball struck the ground first? 1. More information needed to answer the question. fixed. numeric. A 75 kg person escapes from a burning building by jumping from a window 25 m above a catching net. < 1 min. multiple choice. 2. by half the time as the ball of wood 3. fixed. 3. The ball of wood 5. one made of wood and one of metal. It cannot be determined. Holt SF 04Rev 56 05:14. > 1 min. fixed. They hit the ground at the same time. highSchool. The force of air drag is larger. < 1 min. It depends on the velocity before the parachute opened. Hewitt CP9 10 E04 05:14. All three forces are the same. The force exerted by the projectile is less than the gravitational force. The forces are equal. air resistance was not really negligible. multiple choice. Hewitt CP9 04 E42 05:14. The force exerted by the projectile is greater than the gravitational force. highSchool. The ball of metal. Hewitt CP9 04 E41 05:14. while the vertical component does? 1. All are wrong.81 m/s2 . Hewitt CP9 04 E47 05:14. multiple choice. determine the person’s velocity just be- . The acceleration of gravity is 9. The ball of metal. 5. Gravitation acts vertically. highSchool. When a parachutist opens her parachute what is the direction of her acceleration? 1. 4. Downward. but only by a short time span 2. fixed. 4. there are no horizontal forces. In the absence of air drag. < 1 min. When Galileo dropped two balls from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 205 Assuming both balls were the same size. 4. multiple choice. highSchool. The force exerted by the projectile is equal to the gravitational force. < 1 min.Chapter 5. 3. Gravitation acts horizontally. normal. section 14. The force of gravity is larger. 5 m/s Terminal Speed 05:14. determine her speed just before she hits the net. 22. normal. 21. highSchool. multiple choice. 20. If air friction exerts a constant force of 100 N on her as she falls. The parachute on a race car that weighs 8820 N opens at the end of a quarter-mile run when the car is traveling 35 m/s. > 1 min. What is the terminal speed vt of this sphere falling through the air of density ρair = 1.0 m/s 4. fixed. Holt SF 04Rev 57 05:14.6 m/s 2.5. section 14. 21. > 1 min. What net retarding force must be supplied by the parachute to stop the car in a distance of 1100 m? SWCT Escape 05:14. numeric.6 m/s 3.8 m/s2 . highSchool. > 1 min. A wooden sphere has radius R = 10 cm.6 m/s 5. 1. Other Resistive Forces (Terminal Velocity) fore hitting the net. Part 1 of 2 Given: g = 9. and aerodynamical drag coefficient D = 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9.2 kg/m3 ? Part 2 of 2 206 Now consider the same sphere falling freely without any resistance.8 m/s2 . density ρwood = 830 kg/m3 . From which height h should it fall to reach the same speed? .0 m/s 6. 18. The acceleration of gravity is 9. normal. highSchool.Chapter 5. 20. A person of mass 80 kg escapes from a burning building by jumping from a window situated 30 m above a catching net.81 m/s2 . numeric. Assume: At an angular speed ω1 . None of the other choices Barrel of Fun CPS 06:01. i. fixed. 2. F2 = F1 3. 4. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion Aerobatics 06:01. numeric. F2 = 4 F1 2. multiple choice. multiple choice. 207 4. . 6. an upward frictional force F1 holds a person against the wall without slipping. fixed. highSchool. < 1 min.8 m/s2 ) = 686 N. the plane’s pilot weighs (70 kg) (9.Chapter 6. ω Which diagram correctly shows the forces acting on her? R 1. 1.e. multiple choice. F2 = 1 F1 2 Centripetal Acceleration 06:01. A fighter plane flying at constant speed 400 m/s and constant altitude 5000 m makes a turn of curvature radius 9400 m. if the angular speed is doubled. What is his/her apparent weight during the plane’s turn? Barrel of Fun 01 06:01. section 1. ω What is the friction force F2 . normal. As viewed by a bystander.ω2 = 2 ω1 . highSchool. < 1 min.. > 1 min. < 1 min. highSchool. 5. a rider in a “barrel of fun” at a carnival finds herself stuck with her back to the wall. highSchool. On the ground. F2 = 2 F1 3. A ”Barrel of Fun” consists of a large vertical cylinder that spins about its axis fast enough so that any person inside will be held against the wall. you may find yourself pressed against the right-side door. as shown in the figure below. Yes. < 1 min. centrifugal force and Newton’s second law 3. D E C B A X 208 a car turning to the left. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion fixed. No – its speed is constant. . What concept(s) explain(s) why you press against the door and why the door presses on you? 1. When you are in the front passenger seat of 3. multiple choice. Newton’s first and third laws 4. highSchool. which path does the ball follow? 1. The wall ends at point X . 2. < 1 min. Circle Jerk 06:01. The floor provides the centripetal force to keep her moving in a circular path. Concept 08 40 06:01. fixed. Which statement is false? 1. A parallelogram created with these vectors shows that their resultant F lies in the plane of the circle. multiple choice. The tension T in the string and weight W of the ball are shown by vectors. > 1 min. centrifugal force and Newton’s first law 2. At every moment her tendency is to move in a straight-line path. The occupant inside a rotating space habitat of the future feels that she is being pulled by artificial gravity against the outer wall of the habitat (which becomes the floor). A ball rolls around a circular wall. When the ball gets to X . The floor intercepts her path and presses against her feet. It depends on the sharpness of the curve and speed of the car. multiple choice. Is there a net force on the car as it rounds the curve? 1. < 1 min. Path D 5. multiple choice. fixed. 2. highSchool. The sketch shows a conical pendulum. highSchool. Path B 3. Path E Concept 08 37 06:01. highSchool. A car rounds a curve while maintaining a constant speed.Chapter 6. section 1. fixed. The ball swings in a circular path because of the string attached at the top. Path C 4. 3. fixed. Centrifugal force causes her to move in a circular path. 4. Path A 2. just a centrifugal force Concept 08 38 06:01. 4. highSchool. Which force(s) increase(s) or decrease(s) if he rides faster? 1. The normal force is greater than the weight and less than the centripetal force. 209 6. multiple choice. section 1. A drawing of the vectors for the forces that acts on the cyclist is shown below. The frictional and normal forces decrease. N r f mg 4. Without friction. < 1 min. highSchool. T F W What is the name of this resultant force F ? 1.Chapter 6. < 1 min. multiple choice. The normal force is less than the weight and less than the centripetal force. . Only the frictional force decreases. Consider a ball rolling around in a circular path on the inner surface of a cone. The vectors are drawn from the center of mass of the motorcyclist. fixed. The weight of the ball is shown by the vector W . fixed. 2. Conceptual 04 Q05 06:01. The normal force is greater than the weight and greater than the centripetal force. frictional force 4. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion 3. The frictional and normal forces increase. 2. Concept 08 42 06:01. normal. centrifugal force 3. angular force Concept 08 41 06:01. Only the normal force decreases. 5. Only the normal force increases. what relationship do the vectors have? 1. only one other force acts on the ball – a normal force. The normal force is less than the weight and greater than the centripetal force. His weight is counteracted by the friction of the wall on the tires (vertical arrow). centripetal force 2. A motorcyclist is able to ride on the vertical wall of a bowl-shaped track as shown. 3. < 1 min. multiple choice. A passenger on a Ferris wheel moves in a vertical circle at constant speed. highSchool. ? W Draw the normal vector. Only the frictional force increases. it moves in a vertical circle. 8. > 1 min. there is an inward net force. 3. 4. Conceptual 04 Q22 06:01. multiple choice. 3. Part 2 of 2 Calculate the speed of the ball. highSchool.56775 × 1022 N 9. highSchool. > 1 min. zero.66331 × 1032 N 7. fixed.3 m making 2. 4. A car drives up a straight hill at a constant speed of 50 kilometers per hour. 2054.2 m/s 210 Conceptual 05 14 06:01. Assume that the period of revolution for the Earth is 365. the direction of net force does not change.5 revolutions every second.9 m/s 5. Yes. not zero 3.24562 × 1022 N 2. highSchool. . multiple choice. Calculate the centripetal force exerted on the Earth by the Sun.3 days and an average distance from the Earth of 3.83789 × 107 m/s 7.6 m/s 9.24562 × 1020 N 6.84 × 108 m.8 m/s 6. Yes. 1022. What is the net force on the car and on the truck? 1. normal. normal.6238 × 1029 N 5. 2045. zero 4. both not zero 2. both zero Conceptual 05 11 06:01. 7.68245 × 106 m/s 2. Conceptual 05 12 06:01. None of these 1. A truck drives over the crest of the hill at a constant speed of 50 miles per hour. Calculate the average speed of the Moon around the Earth. not zero.5 × 108 km and the Earth’s mass is 6 × 1024 kg. numeric. Part 1 of 2 Calculate the period of a ball tied to a string of length 0. > 1 min. 2.28439 × 1026 N 3.56775 × 1019 N 4. highSchool. 1. 584000 m/s 3. section 1. fixed. 7. 3. < 1 min. 3688. the average distance is 1. No.5 m/s 8. The Moon has a period of revolution of 27.25 days. multiple choice. 4. No. 61374. < 1 min. highSchool. 3. 1. 1. the speed is constant.Chapter 6. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion Are the forces on her balanced? 1. None of these Figuring Physics 14 06:01. 2.62932 × 1021 N 8. multiple choice. What is the direction of rotation now? 1. let water flow into the holes. Part 2 of 2 And when the sliding along a horizontal circular path on the inside of a friction-free cone. < 1 min. 2. always. 2. highSchool. is equal to mg . is less than mg . Part 1 of 2 (The normal force is perpendicular to the supporting surface. 4. Not at all. is less than mg . multiple choice. 3. fixed. 2. noting its direction of rotation. is equal to mg . in each hole bend the nail horizontally and dent the holes so that when water is put in the can it will spurt out with a tangential component. is greater than mg . Same as before. multiple choice. 4.) 5.Chapter 6. 211 Figuring Physics 28 06:01. is greater than mg . mg the magnitude of the normal force 1. always. always. Poke four holes in an aluminum pop can with a nail. Hewitt CP9 08 R01 06:01. ? mg The magnitude of the normal force on a block sliding down to a friction-free inclined plane 1. may be greater than mg . may be greater than mg . < 1 min. section 1. fixed. Opposite. ? Now empty the can and weigh it down at its bottom so that it remains upright when suspended in water. Suspend the can with strings and watch it rotate as water spurts from it. may be less than mg . always. highSchool. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion fixed. Why is the linear speed greater for a horse on the outside of a merry-go-round than for a . 3. 3. 3. as shown in the figure.025 kg is tied to a string and allowed to revolve in a circle of radius 1. 2. 0. numeric.50 m from the center of a merry-go-round with an angular speed of 1. > 1 min. what is the dog’s mass? Holt SF 07Rev 43 06:01. The tangential speed of the horse is directly proportional to the distance from the center. leaving the riders suspended against the wall in a vertical position. wordingvariable.00 rad/s. The other end of the string passes through a hole in the center of the surface. a) Find the minimum radius of the plane’s path. Part 2 of 2 b) At this radius.00 times free-fall acceleration. 4. The horse on the outside feels less force from the merry-go-round. a cylinder of radius 3. numeric.81 m/s2 . the friction against the seat. The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 6. as shown in the figure. 6.0 kg is tied to it. The suspended mass remains in equilibrium while the puck revolves on the surface. > 1 min. In a popular amusement-park ride. Part 1 of 2 An airplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a speed of 105 m/s. what is the magnitude of the net force that maintains circular motion exerted on the pilot by the seat belts. 3m What minimum coefficient of friction be- . 1m 212 Part 1 of 2 An air puck of mass 0. The outside horse moves easier. The 80.20 rad/s. highSchool.0 N. wordingvariable. numeric. and a mass of 1. 5. highSchool. wordingvariable. The horse on the outside is larger. and so forth? Holt SF 07Rev 52 06:01.0 kg pilot does not want the centripetal acceleration to exceed 7. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion horse closer to the center? 1. section 1. The horse on the outside has longer legs.81 m/s2 . None of these Holt SF 07H 03 06:01. < 1 min.025 kg 1 kg a) What is the magnitude of the force that maintains circular motion acting on the puck? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the linear speed of the puck? Holt SF 07Rev 53 06:01. wordingvariable.0 m on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the magnitude of the force that maintains the dog’s circular motion is 40. A dog sits 1. highSchool. numeric. The floor then drops away. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. highSchool.00 m is set in rotation at an angular speed of 5. B only 3. < 1 min. fixed. Two identical objects go around circles of identical diameter. fixed. Which is the correct analysis ofthe situation? 1. the car makes a sharp left turn. there is rightward force pushing you into the door. E. only if it is in a geosynchronous orbit. because the net force on it is zero. C only 4. 3. Before and after the collision. highSchool. and you find yourself colliding with the right-hand door. B and C 7. Satellite 06:01. Without increasing or decreasing its speed. because it is being pulled by the sun and by other planets as well as the earth. multiple choice. because it is beyond the pull of the earth’s gravity.Chapter 6. four times as much force as required to keep the slower object on the path. multiple choice. The centripetal force required to keep the faster object on the circular path is 1. but one object goes around the circle twice as fast as the other. 3. half as much force as required to keep the slower object on the path. section 1. < 1 min. D only 5. |Vo |. the same force required to keep the slower object on the path. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion tween a rider’s clothing and the wall of the cylinder is needed to keep the rider from slipping? Kopp lect8 prob2 06:01. one fourth as much force as required to keep the slower object on the path. A communication satellite does not fall to the earth A. 2. You are a passenger in a car and not wearing your seat belt. 1. Neither of these SWCT Centripetal 06:01. 5. Starting at the time of collision. because it is in the earth’s gravitational field. None of these 213 SWCT Centrifugal Force 06:01. D. Both of these 4. the door exerts a leftward force on you. < 1 min. B. highSchool. 2. C. twice as much force as required to keep the slower object on the path. 4. highSchool. multiple choice. fixed. A only 2. E only 6. An object moves along a circular path with a constant speed. highSchool. VA A   B ¡ North VB East θ θ The average acceleration in going from A to B is . fixed. multiple choice. < 1 min. Chapter 6. north 3. Newton’s Second Law Applied to Uniform Circular Motion 1. west 6. east 5. none of the others 214 . section 1. zero 2. south 4. . 2. section 2. highSchool. Holt SF 07H 02 06:02. what is the combined mass of the bicycle and rider? Holt SF 07H 04 06:02. 4. multiple choice. numeric. 8. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 3 5. What is the free body diagram that describes the forces acting on the car? 1. highSchool. 3. 215 6. 7. wordingvariable. fixed. numeric. A bicyclist is riding at a tangential speed of 13. < 1 min. A 905 kg test car travels around a 3. wordingvariable.0 m. Banked and Unbanked Curves Car on a Banked Curve 06 06:02.25 km circular track. A car is traveling very slowly around a banked curve.2 m/s around a circular track with a radius of 40. If the magnitude of the force that maintains the car’s circular motion is 2140 N. < 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool.Chapter 6. highSchool. > 1 min. what is the car’s tangential speed? Holt SF 07Rev 47 06:02. numeric. If the magnitude of the force that maintains the bike’s circular motion is 377 N. a) Find the centripetal acceleration of the car. section 2. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the minimum coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road that will allow the car to round the curve safely. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the force that maintains circular motion.Chapter 6. numeric.0 m.00 × 102 m. A 2 ×103 kg car rounds a circular turn of radius 20. Holt SF 07Rev 48 06:02. how fast can the car go without skidding? 216 .0 km/h rounds a curve of radius 2.70. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . Banked and Unbanked Curves A 13500 N car traveling at 50. If the road is flat and the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road is 0. highSchool. Which statement is not true? 1. Nonuniform Circular Motion Boy Swinging on a Rope 06:03. the water will stay in the bucket even when it is upside down. is weak enough so that it is likely to break at some point in the oscillation if you let it swing. however. Conceptual 05 Q20 06:03. 3. 4. Just when the mass passes through the point where the string is vertical. A Consider the following distinct forces: 1. θ φ g m a v = 0 at At what point in the cycle is the string most likely to break? 1. multiple choice. 2. A downward force of gravity. 3. highSchool. multiple choice. fixed. A long string attached to a mass M forms a simple pendulum. You pull the mass back and start it oscillating. Just after release. > 1 min. multiple choice. section 3. Which of the above forces is (are) acting on the boy when he is at position A? 1. < 1 min. 4. The string. 2. 5. If you partially fill a bucket with water and swing it fast enough in a circle over your head. A force pointing from O to A. The acceleration of the water is greater than g . 1 and 2. highSchool. 5. A force exerted by the rope pointing from A to O. 3. 1 only. 2 and 3. and 4. 3 and 4.Chapter 6. 3. normal. A force in the direction of the boy’s motion. 2. The bucket has a downward force on the water in it. ar . highSchool. It is equally likely to break at all positions. than A. fixed. 217 r A boy is swinging on starting at a point higher O a rope. The acceleration of the water is less than g. fixed. 1. 1 and 3. 2. Just after the mass returns to the starting point. Just after the mass turns around to return. 1. numeric. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. Breaking Pendulum 06:03. Ferris Wheel 03 06:03. highSchool.0 m/s. multiple choice.8 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 × 103 N.Chapter 6. B 10 m 15 m A 218 R Note: Figure is not drawn to scale. > 1 min. Nonuniform Circular Motion The following figure shows a Ferris wheel that rotates 4 times each minute and has a diameter of 18 m.0 m/s at point A. The acceleration of gravity is 9. as shown in the figure. Besides the force opposing the girl’s weight. Part 1 of 2 A roller-coaster car speeds down a hill past point A and then rolls up a hill past point B. fixed. wordingvariable. highSchool. v = v = 10 m/s. numeric. A girl sits on a tire that is attached to an overhanging tree limb by a rope 2. The girl’s father pushes her with a tangential speed of 2.50 m/s. It is slowing down with a tangential deceleration of magnitude atangential = atangential = 1 m/s2 . What is the largest mass Tarzan can have and make it safely across the river? Nonuniform Circular Motion 06:03. wordingvariable. < 1 min. wordingvariable. section 3. a) If at point A the track exerts a force on the car that is 2.10 m in length. the magnitude of the force that maintains her circular motion is 88. numeric. highSchool. Tarzan does not know that the vine has a breaking strength of 1. Tarzan tries to cross a river by swinging from one bank to the other on a vine that is 10. His speed at the bottom of the swing. highSchool. A train is moving along a circular track with r = 100 m. At A.0 N. > 1 min. Sketch atotal at A. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The car has a speed of 20. . < 1 min.06 × 104 N greater than the car’s weight.81 m/s2 . is 8. ω What is the centripetal acceleration of a rider? Holt SF 07H 01 06:03. numeric.81 m/s2 .0 m long. what is the mass of the car? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the maximum speed the car can have at point B for the gravitational force to hold it on the track? Holt SF 07Rev 38 06:03. What is the girl’s mass? Holt SF 07Rev 37 06:03. just as he clears the surface of the river. A mass m on a massless string of length L is whirled in a vertical circle. Nonuniform Circular Motion 219 v II O r A III IV I A rock of weight W is tied to a massless rod and whirled at constant speed v in a vertical circle of radius R. The tension in the rod at the top is TT and the tension at the bottom is TB . gL 2gL gL 2gL 2gL gL 4. IV Pendulum Tension 06:03. 2 5. I 2. Then 1. 2 4. highSchool. TT = W − M v2 R M v2 6. 3. 2. TT = R R and TB = −W and and M v2 R M v2 TB = W + R TB = W + Quadrants Which quadrant should it be in? 1. what is the speed at the top? 1. 7. II 3. If the string tension goes to zero just at the top of the circle. fixed. 2 1 2 1 6. multiple choice. III 4. multiple choice. TT = −W and TB = +W R R M v2 M v2 and TB = 3. fixed. > 1 min. TT = M v2 M v2 + W and TB = −W R R M v2 M v2 2. section 3. TT = +W 5. TT = W + R . 0 8. < 1 min. highSchool.Chapter 6. not enough information Whirling a Rock 06:03. 1. highSchool. fixed. f N 5. W Draw force vectors for both of these. f N 3. Circular Motion in the Presence of Resistive Forces Concept 08 39 06:05. f N 6. The weight of the coin is shown by the vector W . 220 f N 10. f N 4. < 1 min. The sketch shows a coin at the edge of a turntable. f N . Two other forces act on the coin. section 5. multiple choice.Chapter 6. None of these graphs is correct. the normal force and a force of friction that prevents it from sliding off the edge. f N 2. ω 8. f N 7. numeric. How much energy does the same car have when it moves at 120 miles per hour? Conceptual 08 18 07:02. fixed. object B is a 2 kg mass traveling 5 m/s. normal. > 1 min.8 × 108 m about every 28 days. From 20 km/h to 30 km/h 4. They have the same speed. highSchool. 4. < 1 min. Concept 07 28 07:02. highSchool. Part 3 of 3 What is the kinetic energy of the Earth? 221 Two objects of same material are travelling near you. which has the greater speed? 1. called plate tectonics.4 × 1022 kg and completes an orbit of radius 3. which have the greater speed? 1. highSchool. Kinetic Energy normal. A Conceptual 08 03 07:02. section 2. the golf ball 2. tells us that the . > 1 min. the massive molecules 2. Which object would make you feel worse if you are hit by it? 1. Cannot be determined Concept 07 40 07:02. Conceptual 08 02 07:02. multiple choice. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 The current theory of the structure of the Earth. highSchool. numeric. More information is needed. multiple choice. Part 1 of 3 The moon has a mass of 7. The kinetic energy of that car is 500000 J. numeric. normal. multiple choice. normal. < 1 min. B 2.5 × 1011 m every year. Unable to determine 4. What is the speed of the Moon in its orbit? Part 2 of 3 What is the kinetic energy of the Moon in orbit? Conceptual 08 19 07:02. the ping-pong ball 3. Part 1 of 2 If a golf ball and a ping-pong ball both move with the same kinetic energy. Object A is a 1 kg mass traveling 10 m/s. Cannot be determined Part 2 of 2 In a gaseous mixture of massive molecules and light molecules with the same average KE. Does the KE of a car change more when it accelerates from 10 km/h to 20 km/h or when it accelerates from 20 km/h to 30 km/h? 1. 4. highSchool. A car is moving at 60 miles per hour. the same 3. < 1 min. From 10 km/h to 20 km/h 3. the light molecules 3. < 1 min.Chapter 7. The two balls have the same speed. The Earth has a mass of 6 × 1024 kg and completes an orbit of radius 1. fixed. No difference 2. highSchool. multiple choice. Each is fired with a speed of 40. > 1 min. wordingvariable. numeric. A moving car has kinetic energy. The mass is needed. A 2. highSchool. > 1 min. wordingvariable. fixed. Kinetic energies are the same. fixed.0 × 104 kg airliner with a kinetic energy of 1.145 kg baseball if its kinetic energy is 109 J ? Holt SF 05B 03 07:02. Assume that the North American continent can be represented by a slab of rock 5000 km on a side and 30 km deep and that the rock has an average mass density of 2800 kg/m3 . Sixteen times larger 4. What would his speed be? Conceptual 08 Q09 07:02.Chapter 7.0 g and 6. If it speeds up until it is going four times faster than before. Holt SF 05B 02 07:02. > 1 min. multiple choice. wordingvariable. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 07 R14 07:02. B 3. numeric. how much kinetic energy does it have in comparison? 1. respectively. Kinetic Energy continents are in constant motion.0 g. Which of the two object shown below has the greatest kinetic energy? A v m 2v 1. What is the mass of the continent? Part 2 of 3 What is the kinetic energy of the continent? Part 3 of 3 A jogger (of mass 70 kg) has the same kinetic energy as that of the continent. 222 Holt SF 05B 01 07:02. highSchool. numeric. . highSchool. Unable to determine. Sixteen times smaller 5. numeric. The continent is moving at the rate of about 2 cm/year. highSchool. < 1 min. Part 1 of 3 Two bullets have masses of 3.1 × 109 J. Calculate the speed of an 8. a) What is the kinetic energy of the first bullet? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the kinetic energy of the second bullet? Part 3 of 3 K2 c) What is the ratio of their kinetic enerK1 gies? Holt SF 05B 04 07:02. wordingvariable. 4. Four times smaller 3. section 2. What is the speed of a 0. The same 6. highSchool. Four times larger 1 m 2 B 2.0 m/s. > 1 min. highSchool. Which of the following is the best example of kinetic energy? 1. What is its mass? Holt SF 05Rev 19 20 07:02. > 1 min.0 m/s and 80. A Jolt cola 9. Kinetic Energy Part 1 of 3 Two 3. wordingvariable. a) What is the kinetic energy of the first bullet? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the kinetic energy of the second bullet? Part 3 of 3 K2 c) What is the ratio of their kinetic enerK1 gies? Holt SF 05B 05 07:02. Part 1 of 2 a) What is the kinetic energy of an automobile with a mass of 1250 kg traveling at a speed of 11 m/s? Part 2 of 2 b) What speed would a fly with a mass of 0. A tornado 3. A tank of gasoline 7. respectively. Boulder dam 5. fixed. section 2. < 1 min. highSchool. A strawberry shortcake 10.32 × 105 J when traveling at a speed of 23 m/s. multiple choice. A loaded gun 4. > 1 min. A TV 8.4 m/s.Chapter 7.550 g need in order to have the same kinetic energy as the automobile? Kinetic Energy Example 07:02.0 g bullets are fired with speeds of 40. A car has a kinetic energy of 4. wordingvariable. numeric. None of the examples 223 . highSchool. numeric. A calculator battery 2. A nuclear bomb 6. 400 N-m. multiple choice. highSchool. highSchool. 200 N-m. normal. multiple choice. A force exerted over a distance to move an object is 1. the force is not in the direction of the object’s motion. how much work do you do? 224 Work 05 07:03. 1 kW · h is equivalent to how many Joules? Work 01 07:03. The Joule and the kilowatt-hour are both units of energy. 3. 400 N. 2. . the object accelerates. 4. Work Conceptual 08 05 07:03. numeric. 4. < 1 min. fixed. normal. < 1 min. 200 N. section 3. 2. a machine is used to move the object.Chapter 7. measured in Newtons. If you exert a force of 10 N to lift a box a distance of 0. numeric. 4. 0. The amount of work done by two boys who apply 200 N of force in an unsuccessful attempt to move a stalled car is 1. normal. 3. highSchool.75 m. multiple choice. < 1 min. < 1 min. < 1 min. 5. fixed. Work 04 07:03. A force acting on an object does no work if 1. momentum. 3. velocity. highSchool. Work 02 07:03. work. the force is greater than the force of friction. 2. highSchool. − 2. 0 5. highSchool. 0 6. normal. +. a. +. Part 2 of 2 What is the average acceleration of the sofa? Conceptual 08 Q01 07:04. 0 Holt SF 05A 01 07:04. a. Work: a General Constant Force Comparing Work 07:04. c. < 1 min. d 5. +. F2 . c. normal. highSchool. moves a 50 kg sofa 6 m with a constant force of 20 N. +. a. from most positive to most negative? F 225 Zak. highSchool. c. d. b 2. wordingF1 (20 lb) F4 (10 lb) . 0. > 1 min. > 1 min. 0. A 50-pound crate is pushed across the floor by a 20-pound horizontal force F1 . d 3. highSchool. +. b 4. multiple choice. +. Which of the following is the correct order of the amount of work done by force F . −. respectively? 1. a. fixed. −. + 4. Aside from the pushing force and gravity F2 . A block moves to the right in the positive xdirection through the displacement ∆x while under the influence of a force with the same magnitude F . 0. numeric. +. b. 0. d.Chapter 7. section 4. b. 0. a. F2 (50 lb) (a) F (b) F (c) F (d) 1. c Conceptual 08 06 07:04. Part 1 of 2 F3 (50 lb) What kinds of work do the force F1 . < 1 min. multiple choice. as shown in the figure. 0. d 6. b. c. there is also a 50-pound force F3 exerted upward on the crate and a 10-pound frictional force F4 . numeric. a. F3 . d. c 7. What is the work done by Zak on the sofa? Neglect friction. c. d. F4 do. +. helping his mother rearrange the furniture in their living room. −. − 3. b. +. b. a. 0 3. highSchool. A catcher “gives” with a baseball when catching it.0 m up a 35. highSchool. Holt SF 05Rev 50 07:04. If the force pushing m from A to B is P . A shopper in a supermarket pushes a cart with a force of 35 N directed at an angle of 25◦ downward from the horizontal. what is the total work done by friction? 1. calculate a) the work done by the force. Part 1 of 2 A horizontal force of 150 N is used to push a 40.0 N at an angle of 52. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . highSchool. numeric. −2 µ m g D 2. Then m is pushed from B to A. > 1 min. 2 (µ m g − P ) D 4.0◦ above the horizontal. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. wordingvariable. and the force pushing m from B to A is −P . highSchool.0◦ slope (assumed to be frictionless) at a constant speed of 2. fixed. wordingvariable. A block of mass m is pushed a horizontal distance D from position A to position B. multiple choice. along a horizontal plane with friction coefficient µ. section 4. highSchool. numeric. 226 Holt SF 05Rev 48 07:04.0 m/s? The acceleration of gravity is 9.00 m on a rough horizontal surface.00 km ? Holt SF 05A 03 07:04. Work: a General Constant Force variable. A skier of mass 70.0 kg is pulled up a slope by a motor-driven cable. Part 1 of 3 A flight attendant pulls her 70.00 × 103 N and causes the ship to move through a harbor. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the work done by the force of friction on the flight bag. The force she exerts is 40. If the baseball exerts a force of 475 N on the glove such that the glove is displaced 10. wordingvariable. how much work is done by the ball? Holt SF 05Rev 10 07:04. Find the work done by the shopper on the cart as the shopper moves along a 50.0 N flight bag a distance of 253 m along a level airport floor at a constant velocity. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 2 (P − µ m g ) D 5. wordingvariable. numeric. numeric. How much work is required to pull the skier 60. wordingvariable. How much work does the tugboat do on the ship if each moves a distance of 3. A tugboat pulls a ship with a constant net horizontal force of 5. > 1 min. highSchool. Part 2 of 2 b) the coefficient of kinetic friction. +2 µ m g D .Chapter 7. If the crate moves with constant velocity.0 kg packing crate a distance of 6. numeric. Holt SF 05Rev 09 07:04.0 cm. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the flight bag and the floor. Work Done by Friction 07:04. a) Find the work she does on the flight bag. > 1 min.0 m length of aisle. multiple choice. 3. W = 0 . R m v2 L. Work: a General Constant Force Work On A Train 07:04. A train of mass m and speed v travels a distance L along a frictionless circular track of radius R. W = m v2 L. 8. section 4.Chapter 7. 2. Neglect air friction. fixed. < 1 min. 4. 6. highSchool. W = −m g R . The work done on the train is 1. W = − R 5. None of the other choices. W = m g L . 7. W = m g R . W = −m g L . 227 . > 1 min. What is the total work done by the woman? Conceptual 08 09 07:05. as shown in the figure. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. Holt SF 05Rev 60 07:05. Part 1 of 2 A person lifts a 4. wordingvariable. > 1 min.0 × 103 kg.0 m after starting from rest. A weight lifter lifts a set of weights a vertical distance of 2. The stair stepper is a novel exercise machine that attempts to reproduce the work done against gravity by walking up stairs.0 m/s2 through a distance of 30.5 ft off the ground. If 2. < 1 min. a) Determine the work done by the person in the process. A woman weight lifter can lift a 150 lb weight from the floor to a stand 3. normal. highSchool. > 1 min.0 kg block is pushed 3. highSchool.30. numeric.0 J of work is done in raising a 180 g apple.3 m. how much work does he do each day? Holt SF 05A 02 07:05. section 5. wordingvariable. Holt SF 05Rev 08 07:05. how far is it lifted? Holt SF 05Rev 07 07:05. > 1 min. highSchool. If a constant net force of 350 N is exerted on the weights. highSchool.Chapter 7. A plane designed for vertical takeoff has a mass of 8. > 1 min. Part 2 of 2 b) Determine the work done by the force of gravity in the process. If Brad exercises for 15 min a day with a stair stepper at a frequency of 60 steps per minute.2 m with this machine. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the wall is 0. numeric. Part 1 of 3 A 5. find a) the work done by the force on the block.2 m and then carries the block horizontally a distance of 7.81 m/s2 .0 m at a constant velocity up a vertical wall by a constant force applied at an angle of 30. highSchool. . F 30◦ 3m 5 kg Drawing not to scale. numeric.00 m. 228 The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. Work: the Gravitational Force Conceptual 08 08 07:05.81 m/s2 . wordingvariable. Part 2 of 3 b) the work done by gravity on the block. highSchool. how much net work is done on the weights? Holt SF 05A 04 07:05.5 kg cement block a vertical distance of 1. numeric. > 1 min. Brad (of mass 60 kg) simulates stepping up a distance of 0. Find the net work done on the plane as it accelerates upward at 1. highSchool. numeric. Part 3 of 3 c) the magnitude of the normal force between the block and the wall.0◦ with the horizontal. normal. With each step. A child is pushed on a swing. A professor picks up a piece of chalk from the floor.8 m/s2 . W = −9. highSchool. 2. The mover pulls the dolly with constant velocity and with a steady force 740 N up the ramp. W = −9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. section 5. < 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. < 1 min. The net work done on the train car is 1. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 5 kg 45 ◦ Find the work done by this force in moving the block upward by a distance 3 m. A weight lifter does military presses (lifting weights over his head. numeric. A golf ball is struck. Part 2 of 3 For a force of F = 60 N. highSchool.3. Which of the following does not involve work? 1. 3.604 × 107 J . The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 1 of 3 As shown in the figure. < 1 min.) 5. Serway CP 05 02 noissues 07:05. Part 3 of 3 F µk = 0. normal. highSchool. normal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the wall is 0. A runner stretches by pushing against a wall. 3. a block of mass 5 kg is pushed up against the vertical wall by a force of 60 N acting at 45 ◦ to the ceiling. multiple choice. 229 Find the force F needed to keep the block moving up with a constant velocity. The plank is 8 m long and rises 2 m. find the magnitude of the frictional force.8 × 106 J . 4.604 × 107 J . > 1 min. highSchool. A beautiful man with a large nose named Melvin lifts a 20 kg bucket from a well and does 6 kJ of work. Work on a Train Car 07:05. How much work does he perform? Part 2 of 2 What is the minimal work required to lift the refrigerator into the house? Pushing a Block Upward 01 07:05.8 m/s2 .8 m/s2 . How deep is the well? Work 50 07:05. W = 9. normal. numeric. highSchool. W = 9. fixed. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 To move a refrigerator of mass m = 150 kg into a house. multiple choice. A train car of mass 3500 kg rolls around a curve along a level frictionless track of length 2800 m. 4.8 m/s2 . the mover puts it on a dolly and covers the steps leading into the house with a wooden plank acting as a ramp. 2. normal.3 .Chapter 7.8 × 106 J . Work: the Gravitational Force Moving a Refrigerator 02 07:05. Chapter 7. Work: the Gravitational Force 5. 6. W = 0 J . 230 . section 5. Not enough information given. ¡ ¢   A R v   © B The ferris wheel spins at a constant speed so that the two students are traveling with constant speed. respectively. WB = (m A + m B ) g R A Student A is originally at the bottom of the ferris wheel while student B is at the top of the ferris wheel. < 1 min.. the force of the car engine 4. if work is done on an object. Students A and B have masses mA and mB . WA = 2 (m B − m A ) g R B R v ¤ ¥ £ total 6. Consider a car that accelerates from rest on a flat road. multiple choice. WA = 2 mB g R total 4. fixed. its potential and/or kinetic energy changes. highSchool. The ferris wheel has a radius R. As the wheel turns. < 1 min. total 1. WA = 2 (m A − m B ) g R total 5. According to the work-energy theorem. fixed. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem § ¨ ¦ 231 Conceptual 08 Q13 07:08. section 8. WB = mA g R wheel 9. WA = 2 (m A + m B ) g R wheel 7. student B comes to the bottom while student A arrives at the top. as shown below. WA total 3. What force did the work that increased the car’s kinetic energy? 1. highSchool. Neglect air resistance. What is the magnitude of the TOTAL work done on student A in moving from the bottom to the top of the ferris wheel? The total work is the sum of the work done by all of the forces on the body. Part 2 of 3 What is the magnitude of the work done on student B by the ferris wheel in moving from the top to the bottom? . WA =0 total = 2 mA g R 2. WB = mB g R wheel 8. i.Chapter 7. Part 1 of 3 Two students ride in carts opposite to one another in a spinning ferris wheel as shown below. multiple choice. gravity Conceptual work 01 07:08. the friction between the road and the tires 2. W total = F ∆s. air resistance 3.e. multiple choice. WB wheel 9. WB wheel 5. B The ferris wheel spins at a constant speed so that the two students are traveling with constant speed. Students A and B have masses mA and mB . As the wheel turns. WB = 2 (m A + m B ) g R wheel =0 6. WB = mB g R wheel = mA g R 8. i. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem ¡ ¢   232 1. positive (WB wheel 3. W total = F ∆s. total 1. What is the magnitude of the TOTAL work done on student A in moving from the bottom to the top of the ferris wheel? The total work is the sum of the work done by all of the forces on the body. Neglect air resistance. Two students ride in carts opposite to one another in a spinning ferris wheel as shown below. section 8. WB = (m A + m B ) g R A Student A is originally at the bottom of the ferris wheel while student B is at the top of the ferris wheel.Chapter 7. fixed. WB v ¤ ¥ £ wheel 7. WB 2. student B comes to the bottom while student A arrives at the top. § ¨ ¦ Part 3 of 3 What is the sign of the work done on student B by the ferris wheel in moving from the top to the bottom? wheel 1. > 1 min. respectively. WB = 2 (m A − m B ) g R wheel = 2 (m B − m A ) g R 4.e. The ferris wheel has a radius R. as shown below. highSchool. negative (WB < 0) wheel > 0) 2. undetermined. WA =0 . since WB =0 A R v   © Conceptual work 02 07:08. WB wheel = 2 mB g R = 2 mA g R R B wheel wheel 3.. Same work for all five ramps. W = 3 m g h 2. fixed. Can frictional forces ever increase the kinetic energy of an object? 1. D or E. 8. fixed. ramp A is longer than the other four. highSchool. WB wheel = mB g R D wheel = mA g R 8. Ramp B. C. 7. and finally stops at the fourth floor. 4. What is the net work done on the elevator during the entire trip. 5. ramps B. < 1 min. highSchool. 2. A B 7. Five Ramps 07:08. D or E. section 8. as sketched below. fixed. D. less work for ramps C. An elevator of mass m is initially at rest on the first floor of a building. multiple choice. 9.Chapter 7. Unable to determine without knowing the exact profiles of ramps C. WA = 2 mB g R total = 2 (m A − m B ) g R 4. W = −3 m g h 3. Ramp E. 3. Yes. Ramp C. highSchool. more work for ramp A. multiple choice. WB wheel 9. . Same work for ramps B. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem total = 2 mA g R 2. W = 4 m g h 5. Assuming no frictional forces on the cart. < 1 min. Ramp D. D and E have the same length. You need to push a heavy cart up to the second floor and you may choose any one of the five ramps. < 1 min. All five ramps have the same height. Five ramps lead from the ground to the second floor of a workshop. W = 0 4. from the first floor to the fourth floor? 1. It moves upward. The distance between adjacent floors is h. which ramp would require you to do the least work? 1. WA C 233 C. Same work for the straight ramps A and B. Ramp A. WA total 3. WB = (m A + m B ) g R E Elevator Work Energy 07:08. None of these. multiple choice. and E. and passes the second and third floors with a constant velocity. Friction and Kinetic Energy 07:08. WA = 2 (m B − m A ) g R total = 2 (m A + m B ) g R 6. WA total 5. 6. W = −4 m g h 6. numeric. 3 234 Holt SF 05C 05 07:08. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem 2. normal.5 starting from rest.81 m/s2 . numeric. Part 1 of 5 A 10.0 kg crate is pulled up a rough incline with an initial speed of 1. wordingvariable. No.0 m/s? Holt SF 05C 03 07:08. A 50 kg diver steps off a diving board and drops straight down into the water. How far must the car travel for its speed to reach 2.Chapter 7. Find the magnitude of the net force on the bobsled. The water provides an average net force of resistance of 1500 N to the diver’s fall. > 1 min. > 1 min. numeric.81 m/s2 .0◦ with the horizontal. How far must the student be pushed.1 × 103 kg car accelerates from rest at the top of a driveway that is sloped at an angle of 20. numeric. highSchool. The pulling force is 100. In a circus performance. Part 2 of 5 b) Find the work done by the force of friction on the crate. highSchool.0 × 103 N impedes the car’s motion so that the car’s speed at the bottom of the driveway is 3. A 75 kg bobsled is pushed along a horizontal surface by two athletes. An average frictional force of 4. The other is a 950 N resistive force due to various frictional forces.5 m/s. highSchool.40 and the crate is pulled a distance of 7.5 m. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. After the bobsled is pushed a distance of 4. normal.81 m/s2 . highSchool. > 1 min. > 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min.0 m/s. wordingvariable. numeric. A student wearing frictionless in-line skates on a horizontal surface is pushed by a friend with a constant force of 45 N. so that her final kinetic energy is 352 J ? Holt SF 05C 02 07:08. One is a forward force of 1140 N provided by traction between the wheels and the road. Part 5 of 5 e) Find the speed of the crate after it is pulled 7. Part 4 of 5 d) Find the change in kinetic energy of the crate. a) Find the work done by Earth’s gravity on the crate. highSchool. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.0 × 10 kg car accelerates from rest under the action of two forces. wordingvariable. A 2. its speed is 6. numeric. What is the length of the driveway? Holt SF 05C 04 07:08.5 m. which makes an angle of 15. If the diver comes to rest 5 m below the water’s surface. a monkey on a sled . wordingvariable. numeric. A 2.0 N parallel to the incline. Holt SF 05Rev 21 07:08. what is the total distance between the diving board and the diver’s stopping point underwater? Holt SF 05Rev 22 07:08. starting from rest. wordingvariable. highSchool.0◦ with the horizontal. section 8.8 m/s. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Holt SF 05C 01 07:08. > 1 min. Part 3 of 5 c) Find the work done by the puller on the crate. 0 m along an aisle by a shopper who exerts a constant horizontal force of 40.0 m. Find a) the ball’s kinetic energy at A. At the bottom of the plane. wordingvariable. A block is released from rest.Chapter 7.0 m/s up a 25◦ incline. How far up the incline does the sled move? Holt SF 05Rev 38 07:08. numeric. highSchool. highSchool.00 g bullet moving at 600. and allowed to slide down an inclined plane. disregarding the weight of the arms. mA g (h − hA ) . the car moves 25. a) Use work and energy considerations to find the magnitude of the force that stops the bullet. find a) the final speed.0 m/s penetrates a tree trunk to a depth of 4.81 m/s2 .0 kJ of work to move from rest to some final speed. If the upward movement starts from rest. The acceleration of gravity is 9. determine how much time elapses between the moment the bullet enters the tree and the moment the bullets stops moving.20. numeric. what is the person’s speed at this point? Holt SF 05Rev 41 07:08. highSchool. highSchool. hA . 235 Holt SF 05Rev 49 07:08. > 1 min. Part 2 of 2 b) Assuming that the frictional force is constant. During the first 25. The acceleration of gravity is 9. < 1 min. The acceleration of gravity if 9. If all frictional forces are neglected and the cart starts from rest. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . numeric. Inclined plane consv energy 07:08. what is the grocery cart’s final speed? Holt SF 05Rev 45 07:08. and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the incline is 0.60 kg rubber ball has a speed of 2. numeric. multiple choice.0 N. wordingvariable. fixed. After compressing the spring. A 98. Part 1 of 2 A 5.0 N grocery cart is pushed 12.0 m/s at point A and kinetic energy 7. Part 1 of 2 A 2. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. The combined mass of the monkey and the sled is 20. the block will slide up the plane to some maximum height.0 cm of the lift.50 × 103 kg car requires 5.5 J at point B. Part 2 of 2 b) the net horizontal force exerted on the car. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem is given an initial speed of 4. > 1 min. Holt SF 05Rev 51 07:08. there is a spring that the block will compress. wordingvariable. How much work is done on the block between its release at height h and its ascent to its next maximum height? 1. each arm exerts an upward force of 355 N on the torso.0 kg. highSchool. > 1 min. section 8. Part 2 of 3 b) the ball’s speed at B. A person doing a chin-up weighs 700.81 m/s2 . numeric.00 cm. During this time. > 1 min. highSchool. There is friction on the plane. Part 3 of 3 c) the total work done on the ball as it moves from A to B. Part 1 of 3 A 0.0 N. at a height h. after which it will again slide back down. Neglecting friction. numeric. 4 m 6. 2µ mA g hA 3. The block travels a distance of 1 m as it slows to a stop. find the work done by the friction. The block slides and stops at a distance of 1. A block of mass 4. What distance would the block have traveled if its initial speed had been 1 m/s? 1. highSchool.3 m/s. Sliding Block 07:08. normal. None of these Sliding a Box 0204 07:08. fixed. 2 m 4. > 1 min. < 1 min. More information is needed. 3 m 5. 4m 5.1? SWCT Work and Energy 07:08.5 m 2. highSchool.3. 5. 0 4. multiple choice. horizontal floor with a constant applied horizontal force of 130 N. highSchool. 1m 2.Chapter 7. impossible to determine 236 Work Done by Friction 02 07:08. is released with a velocity of 2. sliding on a horizontal plane. If the coefficient of friction between box and floor is 0. How far would the cart travel if it were moving at 1 m/s when the air was turned off? 1. mA g (h − hA ) + 2µ mA g hA 4.5 m/s. 3m 4. A cart on an air track is moving 0.8 m/s2 . 0. > 1 min. Part 2 of 2 Find the the final speed of the box. The acceleration of gravity is 9. multiple choice. 2m 3.5 m/s when the air is turned off. 1 m 3. fixed.2 kg.5 m beyond the point where it was released. How far would the block have slid if its initial velocity were increased by a factor of 2. more information is needed to answer the question . highSchool. A block sliding on a horizontal surface has an initial speed of 0. Part 1 of 2 A 40 kg box initially at rest is pushed 5 m along a rough. normal. multiple choice. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem 2. section 8. < 1 min. The cart comes to a rest after traveling 1 m. Wnet = (f − m g )H . section 10. to the floor (height = 0). fixed. 237 . Wnet = (m g − f )H . 3. Wnet = −f H . Wnet = m g H . Wnet = −m g H . 6. 4. Wnet = f H . 2. Kinetic Friction Falling Paper 07:10. highSchool. < 1 min. The net work Wnet done on the paper is 1. 5.Chapter 7. The force of air friction has magnitude f . A piece of paper of mass m is dropped from a height H . multiple choice. 239 J. How many flights of stairs would you have to climb to equal the work of the lightbulb? Conceptual 08 04 07:11. equal to 0. The acceleration due to gravity is 9. > 1 min.5 hours? Conceptual 08 11 07:11. highSchool. normal. normal.5 hp (horsepower) electric motor for 8 hours a day. how much does it cost to run the compressor each day? Conceptual 08 07 07:11. How much work against gravity do you do when you climb a flight of stairs 3 m high? Part 2 of 2 Consider the energy consumed by a 60 W light bulb in an hour. If the dorm (or your parents) charged you . < 1 min. normal. highSchool. What energy is produced by a 100 W lightbulb lit for 2. highSchool.8 m/s2 .5 calories per minute.5 calories per minute. Normally the rate at which you expend energy during a brisk walk is 3. Power Climbing a Rope 02 07:11. highSchool. numeric. What is the average power expended by the student to overcome gravity? Conceptual 08 01 07:11.239 Joules. fixed. equal to 0. < 1 min. section 11. numeric. numeric. (A calorie is the common unit of food energy. highSchool. numeric. How much energy is consumed by the motor daily? 1 hp equals about 750 watts. normal. Normally the rate at which you expend energy during a brisk walk is 3. How many calories are expended during a night’s sleep of 8 hours? Conceptual 08 15 07:11.Chapter 7. < 1 min. < 1 min. highSchool. Part 2 of 2 If electricity costs 20 cents per kilowatt-hour. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 Georgie was pulling her brother (of mass 20 kg) in a 10 kg sled with a constant force of 25 N for one block (100 m). A student weighing 700 N climbs at constant speed to the top of an 8 m vertical rope in 10 s. wordingvariable. numeric. numeric.) How long do you have to walk to produce the same amount of energy as a 100 W lightbulb that is lit for 1 hour? Conceptual 08 14 07:11. < 1 min.3 calories of energy per minute for your friend Ben. You leave your 75 W portable color TV on for 6 hours during the day and evening. Part 1 of 2 A small air compressor operates on a 1. Sleeping consumes 1. highSchool. < 1 min. normal. normal. Part 1 of 2 Assume your mass is 80 kg. > 1 min. and you do not pay attention to the cost of electricity. highSchool. numeric. How much work did Georgie do? Part 2 of 2 238 How long would a 100 W lightbulb have to glow to produce the same amount of energy expended by Georgie? Conceptual 08 10 07:11. (A calorie is the common unit of food energy. normal. highSchool. numeric. numeric.) How long do you have to walk in order to produce the same amount of energy as in a candy bar (approximately 280 cal)? Conceptual 08 12 07:11. multiple choice. How much energy will a stock tank heater rated at 1500 Watts use in a 24 hour period? 1. multiple choice. highSchool. one crane can lift that load 1 in the time it takes the other. highSchool. 1500 × 24 × 60 Joules 3. How long would you have to run in order to burn 500 Calories if you burn 7 cal/min? The Calories burned vary with the weight and intensity of the runner. highSchool. fixed. section 11. < 1 min. Conceptual 18 09 07:11. A sports car accelerates from zero to 30 mph in 1. The power decreases. what would be your monthly (30 day) bill? Conceptual 08 Q02 07:11. 1500 × 3600 Joules 4.Chapter 7. > 1 min. fixed. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 04 07:11. 3 s 3. How long does it take for it to accelerate from zero to 60 mph. 2 s 3. you need to reduce your daily intake by 500 Calories 2. 1 3 239 per day. Conceptual 08 Q03 07:11. The power stays the same. but consumes only 20 W while costing $2 more. 9 3. 1500 Joules 2. Suppose that a lightbulb gives as much light as a 100-watt bulb. multiple choice. In order to lose 1 pound per week.1 /kW · h. 1. what happens to the power supplied by the gravitational force? 1. numeric. 4. Two construction cranes are each able to lift a maximum load of 20000 N to a height of 100 m. normal. < 1 min. numeric. how long will the bulb would have to operate to make up the difference in price? Energy 50 07:11. Power for your electricity use and the cost was $0. highSchool. 3 2. As a freely falling object picks up downward speed. 2.5 s. normal. Unable to determine. normal. < 1 min. However. multiple choice. assuming the power of the engine to be independent of velocity and neglecting friction. 1 9 3.5 s . 4. > 1 min. 3. 1 4. If electricity costs 8 cents per kilowatt-hour. < 1 min. highSchool. The power increases. 3 How much more power does the faster crane have? 1. 1500 × 24 × 3600 Joules Energy And Work2 07:11. highSchool. normal. Energy-efficient appliances are important in today’s economy. current 2.00 s. highSchool. How long would it take for a 2. highSchool.0 N during this time.2 × 106 kg/s and falls 50. Power 4. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Assume that the force of resistance remains constant at 400. > 1 min.00 m/s? Holt SF 05F 02 07:11. A 1.0 s. How much time will it take for the engine to do 6.0 m/s in 3. numeric. How long does it take a 19 kW steam engine to do 6. highSchool. highSchool.50 × 10 kg car accelerates uniformly from rest to 10. a) What is the work done on the car in this time interval? 3 Part 2 of 2 b) What is the power delivered by the engine in this time interval? Holt SF 05Rev 35 07:11.Chapter 7. highSchool. wordingvariable. highSchool.00 km? Holt SF 05F 04 07:11. > 1 min.66 × 107 kg of water vapor. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A 1. force . numeric. numeric.40 × 105 J of work? Holt SF 05Rev 36 07:11. > 1 min. 6 s 5. wordingvariable.0 m/s in 12. voltage 3.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . How much power is generated by the falling water? Kilowatt hours 07:11. Note: One horsepower is equal to 746 watts. torque 4. wordingvariable. numeric. A rain cloud contains 2. > 1 min. highSchool. What is the average power developed by the car’s engine? Holt SF 05F 03 07:11. multiple choice.8 × 107 J of work? 240 Holt SF 05F 05 07:11. wordingvariable. numeric. The acceleration of gravity if 9.0 × 103 N retards the elevator’s motion upward. < 1 min.81 m/s2 . wordingvariable.0 hp. fixed. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable. What minimum power must the motor deliver to lift the fully loaded elevator at a constant speed 3. An automobile engine delivers 50. numeric. numeric. A kilowatt-hour is a unit of 1.50 × 103 kg starts from rest and accelerates to a speed of 18. wordingvariable.0 m. > 1 min. A car with a mass of 1. work 5. section 11. 9 s 6.00 kW pump to raise the same amount of water to the cloud’s altitude of 2. 12 s Holt SF 05F 01 07:11. A constant frictional force of 4.0 × 103 kg elevator carries a maximum load of 800. > 1 min.0 kg. > 1 min. Water flows over a section of Niagara Falls at the rate of 1. resistance. Power 02 07:11.000365062 MW Power 01 07:11. Newton. highSchool.26047 MW 3. < 1 min. > 1 min.0125581 MW 4. divided by time. highSchool. A woman pushes a lawn mower with a constant force of 112 N at an angle of 37 ◦ with respect to the horizontal. Power 04 07:11. 1. multiple choice. Watt. < 1 min. 2. What is Rosie’s power output? Woman Push Lawn Mower 02 07:11. divided by distance. section 11. 3. highSchool. > 1 min. starting from rest reaches a speed of 180 m/s in only 17. multiple choice. normal.2 s. A woman pushes a lawn mower with a constant force of 112 Newtons at an angle of 37 degrees with respect to the horizontal. 2. Power 6. highSchool.Chapter 7. normal. numeric. Joule. highSchool. If you exert a force of 50 N to walk 4 m up a flight of stairs in 4 seconds. 2. 4. The rate at which work is done is called 1.472 lb) at a speed 15 m/min. multiple choice. normal. power. Rosie (mass 47 kg) pushes a box with a horizontal force of 140 N (31. 0. power 7. Power equals work 1. The unit of power is the 1. energy. 2.0657112 MW 5. highSchool. 3. highSchool. multiple choice. fixed. 241 Power 03 07:11. 3. > 1 min. What is her power output? (1 hp = 746 Watts) . 2. 4. > 1 min. < 1 min. 0. What is her power output? (1 hp = 746 Watts) Woman Push Lawn Mower 07:11. force. The lawn mower moves at a speed of 20 cm/sec. multiple choice. numeric. Coulomb. fixed. times distance. The lawn mower moves at a speed of 20 cm/sec (1/2mph). None of these Output Power 07:11. divided by weight. how much power do you use? Power Output 07:11.13023 MW 4. highSchool. fixed. numeric. What is the average output power? 1. < 1 min. normal. A hot rod of mass 1200 kg. 0. fixed. 0.030 hp 4. 0. 0.020 hp 2. section 11.034 hp 5.024 hp 3.Chapter 7. 0.040 hp 6. 0. 0. Power 1.044 hp 242 . section 13. How many kilometers per liter will a car reach if its engine is 35% efficient and it encounters an average retarding force of 500 N at highway speed? (Assume that the energy content of gasoline is 50 MJ/L. Energy and the Automobile Concept 07 59 07:13.) 243 . numeric. normal. highSchool. > 1 min.Chapter 7. multiple choice. In each case the pipe has the same diameter and there are two identical constrictions in the pipe.Chapter 7. highSchool. fixed. fixed. Kinetic Energy at High Speeds Conceptual 18 Q08 07:14. multiple choice. 500 electrons/s in wire C away from the junction. Conceptual 18 Q12 07:14. highSchool. A B 244 B A Which tank will drain faster? 1. A water tank empties itelf by draining water out of the bottom through a pipe network. < 1 min. 100 electrons/s in wire C toward the junction. A . 4. 2. as shown in the figure. 500 electrons/s in wire C toward the junction. The figure represents two possible ways to connect two lighbulbs to a battery. Conceptual 18 Q13 07:14. multiple choice. normal. All of the bulbs are identical. highSchool. Consider three wires connected at a junction. (A constriction is simply a location where the pipe diameter is smaller. 100 electrons/s in wire C away from the junction. A C What is the electron flow in wire C? 1. You measure 200 electrons per second flowing in wire A toward the junction and 300 electrons per second flowing in wire B away from the junction. section 14. < 1 min. < 1 min. Both drain at the same rate. The figure shows two possible configurations of pipes leading out of the bottom. B 3.) 2. 3. The figure represents two possible ways to connect two lighbulbs X and Y to a battery. multiple choice. Bulb Y in B Y A X Y B Which bulb has the most current running through it? . X 3.Chapter 7. A 2. Kinetic Energy at High Speeds 1. section 14. highSchool. Bulb Y in A 245 B In which case will the total current running through the battery be greater? 1. fixed. < 1 min. Bulb X in A 2. B 3. Bulb X in B 4. Bulb X has less resistance than bulb Y . Conceptual 18 Q14 07:14. The same current runs through the battery in both cases. < 1 min. lift it straight up into the truck 2. IV and V 5. Part 1 of 2 A 500-N crate needs to be lifted 1 meter vertically in order to get it into the back of a pickup truck. IV) a chisel. fixed. highSchool. multiple choice. more power Conceptual 08 Q19 07:15. II and III 3. I. I. slide it up a frictionless inclined plane 3. I and II 246 Conceptual 08 Q15 07:15. less force 2. Simple and Compound Machines Conceptual 08 Q08 07:15. III and IV 6. III and VI 5. II. II.Chapter 7. Unable to determine Part 2 of 2 What is the advantage of using the inclined plane? 1. I. and III) the wheel and axle. III) a saw. IV and V Part 2 of 3 In which of the devices is an inclined plane present? 1. II) a pizza cutter with a circular disk. Part 1 of 4 Many everyday devices incorporate some of the following simple machines: I) the lever. less total energy 4. I 2. multiple choice. < 1 min. III. II. II and V 4. I 2. II and V 4. I and II Part 3 of 3 In which of the devices is a wheel and axle present? 1. fixed. II and III 3. II. What kind(s) of simple machine compo- . III and IV 5. I. highSchool. highSchool. II and III 3. Part 1 of 3 Consider the following devices: I) a toothbrush. In which of the devices is a lever present? 1. III. fixed. multiple choice. II) the inclined plane. What gives the crate a greater potential energy? 1. III and V 6. less distance 3. I. section 15. V) a pencil sharpener. > 1 min. I. Either 4. II and V 4. I 2. 81 m/s2 . numeric. > 1 min. II and III Part 4 of 4 What kind(s) of simple machine components can be found in corkscrew? 1. numeric.5 percent. Holt SF 08Rev 74 07:15. I. A pulley system has an efficiency of 87. I and III only 5. If a force of 2200 N is applied to the rope as the rope is pulled in 14 m. I and III only 5. I only 2.160. II and III Part 2 of 4 What kind(s) of simple machine components can be found in a pair of scissors? 1. I. highSchool.0 m at constant velocity along a 15◦ incline. Calculate the efficiency of this procedure.0 m. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable. numeric.Chapter 7. The efficiency of a pulley system is 64 percent. highSchool. II and III 2.46 m? Holt SF 08Rev 75 07:15. highSchool. II and III Part 3 of 4 What kind(s) of simple machine components can be found in a stapler? 1. numeric. wordingvariable. I only 5. wordingvariable. II and III only 4.0 m. I and II only 3. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . I and II only 3. section 15. Simple and Compound Machines nents can be found in a crowbar? 4. II and III only 247 Holt SF 08Rev 72 07:15. > 1 min. wordingvariable. How much of the rope must be pulled in if a force of 648 N is needed to lift a 150 kg desk 2. I. highSchool. A crate is pulled 2. I and III only 1. I and II only 3. What force is exerted on the rope of the pulley system if the rope is pulled for 24 m in order to raise the mass to the required height? Holt SF 08Rev 73 07:15.81 m/s2 . The pulleys are used to raise a mass of 78 kg to a height of 4. > 1 min. II and III only 4. I only 2. I and II only 3. I and III only 5. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the plane is 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9. I. > 1 min. A pulley system is used to lift a piano 3. what is the efficiency of the machine? Assume the mass . II and III only 4. I only 2. shovel Levers 03 07:15. scissors 2. The advantage of using a third-class lever is that it 1. multiple choice. decreases distance.9 m. fixed. multiple choice. 3. first Lifting Weights With Pulleys 07:15. hammer. Part 1 of 3 A pulley system lifts a 1345 N weight a distance of 0. multiple choice. 2. exerting a force of 375 N. fixed. fixed.8 m/s2 . < 1 min. multiple choice. measured in Newton-meters. broom 3. multiplies distance. fixed. multiple choice. Levers 01 07:15. a support for an inclined plane. < 1 min. A fulcrum is 2.Chapter 7. 4. multiplies effort force. < 1 min. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. third 2. fixed. the place where a lever is supported. measured in Joules. highSchool. Machines 02 07:15. < 1 min. 3. Simple and Compound Machines of the piano is 750 kg. An example of a compound machine is a 1. second 1. < 1 min. pair of scissors. 4. 4. 4. 3.975 m. Which of the following is not a third-class lever? 1. A simple machine that is a straight slanted . highSchool. pair of pliers. < 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. multiple choice. highSchool. Levers 02 07:15. section 15. normal. numeric. Levers 04 07:15. 2. baseball bat 4. fixed. typewriter. Paul pulls the rope a distance of 3. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the system? Machines 01 07:15. makes the resistance force smaller. highSchool. Part 2 of 3 What is the mechanical advantage? Part 3 of 3 How efficient is this system? 248 The fulcrum of which class lever is always between the effort force and the resistance force? 1. None of these 3. energy 6. Machines 03 07:15. 249 A machine with a(n) of two doubles the force applied to the machine. 2. Machines 04 07:15.Chapter 7. < 1 min. a lever. fixed. 3. Windmills can be used to change mechanical energy into electric energy. fixed. an inclined plane. Consider the following statements. 4. ideal mechanical advantage 4. a screw. 4. and C are true. mechanical efficiency 5. highSchool. 3. Machines 07 07:15. Only A and C are true. A. 6. highSchool. Which statement(s) is/are true? 1. multiple choice. A. Consider the following statements. A doorknob is a simple machine called 1. If the effort force is less than the resistance force. highSchool. C. B. multiple choice. ideal mechanical advantage 5. Only B and C are true. Only A and B are true. 5. a lever. a wedge. < 1 min. the mechanical advantage is less than 1. highSchool. multiple choice. 3. 2. 5. Machines 06 07:15. a pulley. mechanical advantage 3. A. The mechanical efficiency of a machine is decreased by reducing friction within the machine. a pulley. energy Machines 05 07:15. 4. < 1 min. . an inclined plane. fixed. section 15. a wheel and axle. < 1 min. Only C is true. B. Only A is true. < 1 min. multiple choice. mechanical efficiency 4. a wedge. A third-class lever requires a larger effort force for a given resistance force. a screw. 2. Only B is true. Which property of a machine compares its work output with its work input? 1. mechanical advantage 3. fixed. 5. 1. Simple and Compound Machines surface is 1. multiple choice. highSchool. 2. 2. a wheel and axle. fixed. and C are true. The mechanical efficiency of a machine is always less than 100 percent. increasing the work. B. wheel and axle 3. Power is the rate at which work is done. 6. B. fixed. 3. Only A and C are true. 0. fixed. 5. C. Only B and C are true. 2. An inclined plane reduces the effort force by 1. < 1 min. 4. 4. wedge 6. screw Machines 10 07:15. C. multiple choice.09 3. 250 A screwdriver being used to pry open a can of paint is an example of which type of simple machine? 1. Only A and B are true. Only B is true. < 1 min. highSchool. Only B and C are true. inclined plane 5. section 15. A machine that works with one movement is a simple machine. applying the force over a shorter distance. 2. 0. 7. Simple and Compound Machines B. Only A is true. 5. Which statement(s) is/are true? 1. multiple choice. . A. Only C is true. what is the mechanical advantage of the crowbar? 1. A combination of complex machines is a compound machine. A. Machines 09 07:15. multiple choice. Only B is true. < 1 min. Only A and C are true. Work relates force and simple machines. Which statement(s) is/are true? 1. and C are true. B. 6. pulley 4. Machines 08 07:15. Consider the following statements. Only A and B are true.Chapter 7. 9900 4. highSchool. If you have to apply 30 N of force on a crowbar to lift an object that weighs 330 N. 4.36 Machines 11 07:15. applying the force over a greater distance. reducing the work. highSchool. 7. Only C is true. fixed. fixed. multiple choice. Only A is true. 2. lever 2. highSchool. 3. 11 2. 3. A. < 1 min. Pulleys can 1. 3. 3. changes the direction of the effort force. All of these 2. fixed. It uses gears. multiple choice. fixed.Chapter 7. < 1 min. It is not a lever. < 1 min. fixed. multiplies the resistance force. 3. How does an inclined plane differ from other simple machines? 1. 251 4. < 1 min. fixed. It is free of friction. 5. The mechanical advantage of a pulley system is equal to the 1. multiple choice. 4. highSchool. multiply force. distance the load has to be moved. 4. multiple choice. Simple and Compound Machines Machines 12 07:15. multiplies the effort force. number of rope segments pulling up on the load. 2. multiply distance. The mechanical advantage of a machine is the number of times it 1. < 1 min. highSchool. Mechanical Advantage 01 07:15. have a mechanical advantage of less than one. changes the direction of the resistance force. multiple choice. It has no moving parts. Pulley 01 07:15. 2. 3. length of the rope. . weight of the object being lifted. highSchool. change the direction of the force. Pulley 02 07:15. highSchool. section 15. 2. 4. Two cars are lifted to the same elevation in a service station. highSchool. Potential Energy 3. Both 252 Hewitt CP9 07 R09 08:01. fixed.Chapter 8. If one car is twice as massive as the other. Unable to determine Hewitt CP9 07 R10 08:01. I. I. Part 1 of 2 Consider the following systems: I) water behind a dam. how much potential energy would it have? 1. The car which is twice as massive as the other will have twice potential energy. < 1 min. multiple choice. how do their potential energies compare? 1. Part 1 of 3 A 40. II) a swinging pendulum. The same 2. In which of the systems is potential energy present? 1. III and IV 5. gravitational potential energy Conceptual 08 Q06 08:01. fixed. II and III 3. I and II 2. I. I and II 2. II and IV 4. II. II and IV 4. highSchool. If it were lifted twice as high. highSchool. A car is lifted a vertical distance in a service station and therefore has potential energy relative to the floor. III and IV Conceptual 08 Q17 08:01. The car which is twice as massive as the other will have one half potential energy than the other car. kinetic energy 4. II. highSchool. section 1. 3. What does the International Space Station possess? 1. 4. IV) the space shuttle in orbit. fixed. They have the same potential energies since they are lifted to the same elevation. < 1 min. One half as much 4. II. multiple choice. wordingvariable. III and IV 5. multiple choice. highSchool. multiple choice. > 1 min. numeric. Neither 2. < 1 min. II and III 3. Unable to determine Holt SF 05D 03 08:01. 2. < 1 min. fixed. III and IV Part 2 of 2 In which of the systems is kinetic energy present? 1. II. Twice as much 3. I. III) an apple on an apple tree.0 kg child is in a swing that is attached . section 1. Part 3 of 3 c) at the bottom of the circular arc.81 m/s2 . numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Find the gravitational potential energy associated with the child relative to the child’s lowest position under the following conditions: a) when the ropes are horizontal. wordingvariable.00 m. highSchool. At the initial point A. Part 1 of 3 A 55 kg skier is at the top of a slope.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . Part 2 of 3 b) when the ropes make a 30. > 1 min. Potential Energy to ropes 2.00 kg ball is attached to a ceiling by a 1. as in the figure.0◦ angle with the vertical.00 m long string. . at a height of 5. > 1 min. Holt SF 05Rev 23 08:01.00 m long. Holt SF 05Rev 24 08:01. What is the gravitational potential energy associated with the ball relative to a) the ceiling? Part 2 of 3 b) the floor? Part 3 of 3 c) a point at the same elevation as the ball? 10 m a) Find the difference in gravitational potential energy associated with the skier at the points A and B if the zero level for gravitational potential energy is at point B. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric.0 m vertically above the final point B. The acceleration of gravity is 9.00 m. the skier is 10. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the difference in potential energy if the zero level is midway down the slope. The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 8. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the difference in potential energy if the zero level is at point A. 253 Part 1 of 3 A 2. The height of the room is 3. The staples inside a stapler are kept in place by a spring with a relaxed length of 0. Part 2 of 3 b) compressed 3.115 m.0 N/m. Holt SF 05D 02 08:02.57 m.Chapter 8. highSchool.00 cm from equilibrium. > 1 min. A spring with a force constant of 5. numeric.0 N/m. wordingvariable. When a mass is attached to the end of the spring and allowed to come to rest. how much elastic potential energy is stored in the spring when its length is 0. the vertical length of the spring is 3. wordingvariable. 254 .150 m? Holt SF 05Rev 25 08:02. If the spring constant is 51. highSchool.2 N/m has a relaxed length of 2. Spring Potential Energy Holt SF 05D 01 08:02. numeric. highSchool. Find the potential energy stored in the spring when the spring is a) stretched 4. > 1 min.00 cm from equilibrium. Calculate the elastic potential energy stored in the spring.45 m. numeric. section 2. wordingvariable. Part 3 of 3 c) unstretched. Part 1 of 3 A spring has a force constant of 500. > 1 min. multiple choice. multiple choice. vA > vB = vC = vD 5. WA = WB = WC < WD 255 Part 2 of 2 Just as each cart reaches the top of each ramp. WA > WB > WC > WD Concept 07 37 08:04. WB . fixed. IV) change of PE in the first meter of fall. WC and WD be the amount of work needed to push the cart up each ramp. I only 2. WA = WB = WC = WD 4.Chapter 8. III and IV only 6. < 1 min. Just as it reaches the floor. fixed. 1. Let WA . III) change of KE in the first meter of fall. WA > WB = WC = WD 5. II only 3. vA = vB = vC = vD 4. IV only 5. vA = vB = vC < vD 3. Which of the following describes the relationship between the final velocities in each case? A B C D Which of the following describes the relationship between the work required in each case? 1. vB . WA < WB < WC < WD . vA > vB > vC > vD 3. I and II only 7. The cart begins at rest to the left of each ramp and then ends at rest at the top. highSchool. highSchool. it is released and rolls back down to the left. From a rooftop. What will be the same for both balls? I) change of KE in the first second of fall. vA < vB < vC < vD 2. < 1 min. vC and vD . vA < vB = vC = vD 6. 1. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy 2. II) change of PE in the first second of fall. section 4. III only 4. None of these Pushing a Cart 08:04. one ball is dropped from rest while another identical ball is thrown downward. its velocity on each ramp is vA . WA < WB = WC = WD 6. Part 1 of 2 Consider pushing a cart up each of the four frictionless ramps shown below. unlike a spring. normal. Conservation of Mechanical Energy Bungee Jumping 01 08:05. > 1 min. one end is tied to a high bridge (height H = 103 m above the surface of a river) and the other end is tied to a steel ball of weight mg = 100 kg × 9. When the cord is stretched to L > L0 it behaves like a spring and its tension follows the Hooke’s law T = k (L − L0 ). neglects the cord’s own weight and inertia as well as the air drag on the ball and the cord. < 1 min. numeric. Part 2 of 2 What is the upward acceleration of the ball at the lowest point? Bungee Jumping 03 08:05. neglects 256 the cord’s own weight and inertia as well as the air drag on the ball and the cord. To test the cord’s reliability. fixed. highSchool. The ball is dropped off the bridge with zero initial speed. normal. numeric. When the cord is stretched to L > L0 it behaves like a spring and obeys Hooke’s law with the spring constant k = 24 N/m.8 m/s2 . For simplicity. Part 1 of 3 At what point in its motion is the KE of a pendulum bob a maximum? 1. However. When the cord is stretched to L > L0 it behaves like a spring and obeys Hooke’s law with the spring constant k = 24 N/m. the cord folds instead of becoming compressed when the distance between its ends is less than the unstretched length: For L < L0 the cord has zero tension and zero elastic energy. The KE does not change. Calculate the cord’s ‘spring’ constant k . highSchool. multiple choice. section 5. the cord folds instead of becoming compressed when the distance between its ends is less than the unstretched length: For L < L0 the cord has zero tension and zero elastic energy.8 m/s2 . one end is tied to a high bridge (height H = 168 m above the surface of a river) and the other end is tied to a steel ball of weight mg = 100 kg × 9. midway between the highest and lowest points 4. < 1 min. the cord works and the ball stops in the air 18 m above the water — and then the cord pulls it back up. neglects the cord’s own weight and inertia as well as the air drag on the ball and the cord.8 m/s2 . the cord folds instead of becoming compressed when the distance between its ends is less than the unstretched length: For L < L0 the cord has zero tension and zero elastic energy. numeric. at the highest point 3. However. For simplicity. highSchool. Fortunately. normal. For simplicity. To test the cord’s reliability. Consider a bungee cord of unstretched length L0 = 35 m. The ball is dropped off the bridge with zero initial speed. > 1 min. unlike a spring. Calculate the ball’s height hbot at the lowest point of its trajectory. Concept 07 13 08:05. the cord works and the ball stops in the air before it hits the water — and then the cord pulls it back up.Chapter 8. the cord works and the ball stops in the air before it hits the water — and then the cord pulls it back up. The ball is dropped off the bridge with zero initial speed. Bungee Jumping 02 08:05. . highSchool. Calculate the ball’s height hbot at the lowest point of its trajectory. at the lowest point 2. Part 1 of 2 Consider a bungee cord of unstretched length L0 = 35 m. But unlike a spring. To test the cord’s reliability. Fortunately. Fortunately. Consider a bungee cord of unstretched length L0 = 35 m. one end is tied to a high bridge (height H = 168 m above the surface of a river) and the other end is tied to a steel ball of weight mg = 100 kg × 9. > 1 min. Conservation of Mechanical Energy Part 2 of 3 At what point is its PE a maximum? 1. Part 2 of 2 Where is its gravitational potential energy a maximum? 1. KE is constant at all points. Part 3 of 3 When its KE is half of its maximum value. What is the kinetic energy of the softball as soon as it leaves your hand? . midway between the the lowest point and the highest point 4. < 1 min. The speed of the second ball is larger than that of the first one. It reaches a maximum altitude of 15 m and then returns to you. at the lowest point 2. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 Consider a ball thrown straight up in the air. half of its maximum value 1. More information is needed Conceptual 08 13 08:05. the same as its PE at any other point. its maximum value 3. If air resistance can be neglected and if your downward and upward initial speeds are the same. highSchool. the highest point 257 3. The second ball. Concept 07 23 08:05. fixed. highSchool. You are on a rooftop and you throw one ball straight down and another straight up. section 5. Potential energy is constant everywhere. Concept 07 36 08:05. Part 2 of 4 Assume no energy is lost by the softball while it is in the air. At what position is its kinetic energy a maximum? 1. how much PE does it have? 1. 4. < 1 min. the lowest point 2. midway between the highest and lowest points 4. They have same speed.Chapter 8. The PE does not change. its minimum value 2. at the highest point 3. normal. Part 1 of 4 You throw a softball (of mass 250 g) straight up into the air. highSchool. the lowest point 2. midway between the the lowest point and the highest point 4. The speed of the second ball is smaller than that of the first one. falls and also strikes the ground below. the highest point 3. 4. 3. after rising. fixed. numeric. how will the speed of the balls compare upon striking the ground? 2. multiple choice. What is the gravitational potential energy of the softball at its highest position? Assume the ball departed from and returned to ground level. your friend Ben (of mass 65 kg) started his descent down the bunny run. normal. increasing. +. Part 1 of 3 A pendulum swings left to right in the figure. +. constant. B 3. If he started at rest and converted all of his gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy. 25 m above the bottom of the run. 0. −. A 2. C? 1. Same kinetic energy at all points. 0 4. Wyoming. increasing. > 1 min. − 4. > 1 min. decreasing 2. multiple choice. C 4. which is 85 m above the bottom. −. numeric. Part 1 of 2 Lora (of mass 50 kg) is an expert skier. − 3. increasing 4. +. constant. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 While skiing in Jackson. + 2. constant. highSchool. increasing. decreasing 3. Conceptual 08 Q05 08:05. +. What is her final kinetic energy at the bottom of the ski run? Part 2 of 2 What is her speed at the bottom? Conceptual 08 Q04 08:05. C? 1. + Part 2 of 3 What is happening to the speed of the pendulum at the positions A. . increasing. 258     A   B C What kinds of work does the gravitational force do at the positions A. decreasing. highSchool. B. 0. fixed. < 1 min. normal.Chapter 8. +. numeric. section 5. highSchool. Conservation of Mechanical Energy Part 3 of 4 What is the kinetic energy of the softball when it returns to your hand? Part 4 of 4 What is the speed of the ball? Conceptual 08 16 08:05. She starts at 3 m/s at the top of the lynx run. B. what is Ben’s kinetic energy at the bottom of the bunny run? Part 2 of 2 What is his final velocity? Conceptual 08 17 08:05. +. decreasing Part 3 of 3 Where does the pendulum have the greatest kinetic energy? 1. multiple choice. < 1 min. The range of the cannonball will be 1. Conservation of Mechanical Energy fixed. E h x Calculate the spring force constant k . highSchool. E Conceptual 08 Q18 08:05.8 m/s2 . A 2. increased. Figuring Physics 30 08:05. it will decrease in an open system. No. A(n) 100 g ball is dropped from a height of 60 cm above a spring of negligible mass. Falls on a Spring 08:05. section 5. it is conserved only in a closed system. C 4. B 3. multiple choice. it is conserved in any system. . it will increase in an open system. The ball compresses the spring to a maximum displacement of 4 cm. < 1 min. Where is the gravitational force doing positive work? 1. fixed. 4. normal. > 1 min. < 1 min. numeric. D 5. A B C D E 259 2. Part 1 of 2 Consider the following figure. The acceleration of gravity is 9. No. D 5. Is the total amount of gravitational and kinetic energy conserved in an open system? 1. Part 2 of 2 Where does the ball have the greatest gravitational potential energy? 1. multiple choice. No.Chapter 8. Yes. highSchool. A 2. 3. B 3. C 4. highSchool. Suppose a cannon is propped against a massive tree to reduce recoil when it fires. fixed. how much will the runner’s center of mass be raised during the jump? Holt SF 05E 05 08:05. wordingvariable. > 1 min.2 m/s. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable.00 m/s.0 kg slide down a frictionless hill that is 7.00 kg fish. what is its speed at the bottom of the hill? Holt SF 05Rev 34 9. 5 m 0. wordingvariable.81 m/s2 . highSchool. normal.40 m and air resistance is disregarded. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 3. Holt SF 05E 04 08:05. highSchool.34 m high at an angle of 30 ◦ from horizontal.9 m/s. numeric. numeric. find the diver’s speed when striking the water. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. decreased. What is the initial height of the bob? Holt SF 05Rev 33 08:05. while at her lowest point she is 0. Conservation of Mechanical Energy 2.8 m/s2 .5 m from the ground. A girl swings on a playground swing in such a way that at her highest point she is 3. If the sled starts from rest. numeric. . A block initially at rest is allowed to slide down a frictionless ramp and attains a speed v at the bottom. An Olympic runner leaps over a hurdle. normal. If the runner’s initial vertical speed is 2. Frictionless Ramp 08:05. The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 8.0 m above the water’s surface. 5 m 3. a) Find the diver’s speed 5. unchanged. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 m/s over water when it accidentally drops a 2. highSchool.81 m/s2 . how h2 many times as high must a new ramp be? h1 Girl on Swing 03 08:05. wordingvariable. 260 Part 1 of 3 A 755 N diver drops from a board 10. A pendulum bob is released from some initial height such that the speed of the bob at the bottom of the swing is 1. A bird is flying with a speed of 18.00 m above the water’s surface. > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool.81 m/s2 . numeric. To achieve a speed 2 v at the bottom. If the altitude of the bird is 5. > 1 min. Part 3 of 3 c) If the diver leaves the board with an initial upward speed of 2. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . section 5. < 1 min. multiple choice. numeric. highSchool.5 m from the ground. what is the speed of the fish when it hits the water? Holt SF 05E 02 03 08:05. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . A child and sled with a combined mass of 50. > 1 min. 5 m What is her maximum speed? Holt SF 05E 01 08:05. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the diver’s speed just before striking the water. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 An acrobat on skis starts from rest 50. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9.) Holt SF 05Rev 43 08:05. 261 Holt SF 05Rev 39 08:05. section 5.0 m long vine initially inclined at an angle of 37. Tarzan and Jane. A 0. A 50. as shown in the figure The acceleration of gravity if 9. > 1 min. > 1 min. the block leaves the spring and travels upward vertically.0 m/s and air resistance is disregarded.Chapter 8.100 m.0 kg pole vaulter running at 10. releases the vine. highSchool. Part 2 of 5 b) the particle’s kinetic energy at B. whose total mass is 130. Part 3 of 5 c) the particle’s speed at B. What is the maximum height at which Tarzan can land on a branch after his swing continues? (Hint: Treat Tarzan’s and Jane’s energies as separate quantities.0 m above the ground on a frictionless track and flies off the track at a 45.0 kg. highSchool. numeric. The acceleration of gravity if 9.0◦ angle above A C R B 2 R 3 Calculate a) the gravitational potential energy at A relative to B.81 m/s2 . wordingvariable. At the bottom of the arc. Jane.00 × 103 N/m is pushed downward. compressing the spring 0. > 1 min. If the vaulter’s horizontal component of velocity over the bar is 1. wordingvariable.0 ◦ with the vertical. Conservation of Mechanical Energy 08:05. wordingvariable.0◦ with the horizontal. numeric. > 1 min. e) the kinetic energy at C. Part 1 of 2 Tarzan swings on a 30. whose mass is 50. numeric. wordingvariable. highSchool. highSchool.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . > 1 min. Part 1 of 5 A 215 g particle is released from rest at point A inside a smooth hemispherical bowl of radius 30. > 1 min. numeric.0 m long vine when the vine is at an angle 30. how high is the jump? Holt SF 05Rev 42 08:05.0 cm. wordingvariable. numeric. When released. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. highSchool.0 m/s vaults over the bar.0 kg. How high does it rise above the point of release? Holt SF 05Rev 52 08:05. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . What is his speed at the bottom of the swing if he a) starts from rest? Part 2 of 2 b) pushes off with a speed of 4.00 m/s? Holt SF 05Rev 37 08:05. Part 5 of 5 . numeric. start their swing on a 5. Part 4 of 5 d) the potential energy at C.250 kg block on a vertical spring with a spring constant of 5.81 m/s2 . 0 m.81 m/s2 . what is the change in mechanical energy due to friction? Holt SF 05Rev 62 08:05. find the work done on the projectile by gravity. wordingvariable.81 m/s2 . Part 1 of 3 A block starts at rest and slides down a frictionless track. highSchool. > 1 min.6 m a) At what height h above the ground is the block released? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the speed of the block when it leaves the track? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the speed of the block when it hits the ground? 9. normal. highSchool. numeric.81 m/s2 .00 m/s. a) What is the skier’s speed when leaving the track? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the maximum height attained? Holt SF 05Rev 58 08:05. Part 1 of 4 A 25 kg child on a 2. It leaves the track horizontally. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. A 2. Disregard air resistance. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. the block moves 0. numeric. numeric. h A light horizontal spring has a spring constant of 105 N/m. wordingvariable.Chapter 8.0◦ with the vertical. Part 1 of 3 A projectile of mass 5 kg kg is shot horizontally with an initial speed of 17 m/s from a height of 25 m above a flat desert surface. a) What is the maximum potential energy associated with the child? Part 2 of 4 b) Disregarding friction. normal. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. striking the ground (as shown in the figure above). a) For the instant before the projectile hits the surface. highSchool. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the horizontal surface and the block? Holt SF 05Rev 61 08:05. After the block is released. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 522 g               2. > 1 min.81 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . compressing the spring 0.81 m/s2   .00 kg block is pressed against one end of the spring.100 m. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the change in kinetic energy since the projectile was fired. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the final kinetic energy of the projectile. Holt SF 05Rev 59 08:05.5 m         4. > 1 min. Part 3 of 4 c) What is the child’s total mechanical energy? Part 4 of 4 d) If the speed of the child at the lowest position is 2. find the child’s speed at the lowest position.250 m to the right before coming to rest. section 5. numeric.0 m long swing is 262 released from rest when the swing supports make an angle of 30. Conservation of Mechanical Energy the horizontal and at a height of 10. a) Calculate the mechanical energy of the mass-spring system. KB = 6. is given by R 3. KB = 9. The spring constant is 250 N/m and the mass is 0. Conservation of Mechanical Energy Holt SF 12Rev 53 08:05. multiple choice. A small block (of mass m and negligible size) is released from rest at 7 the point P . A small block (of mass m and negligible size) is released from rest at 7 the point P . Consider a loop-the-loop system where the radius of the loop is R. KB = 10.5 cm. Consider a loop-the-loop system where the radius of the loop is R.Chapter 8. > 1 min. > 1 min. Part 2 of 2 b) Calculate the maximum acceleration of the mass-spring system. KB = 2. numeric. wordingvariable. wording-variable. KB = 5.500 kg. KB = . KB = 23 mgR 8 21 mgR 8 12 mgR 5 A The force NA with which the track is pushing up on the block at the point A. highSchool. highSchool. wording-variable. 8 m P 31 R 8 R B 31 R 8 The kinetic energy KB at B is given by 1. Part 1 of 2 A mass-spring system oscillates with an amplitude of 3. > 1 min. which is at a height of 3 R. Loop a Loop 03 08:05. Neglect: Friction between the block and the track is negligible. highSchool. which is at the bottom of the loop. KB = 5 mgR 3 15 mgR 8 12 mgR 7 8 mgR 3 13 mgR 3 15 mgR 7 19 mgR 7 263 Loop a Loop 04 08:05. section 5. 8 m P 4. multiple choice. KB = 8. Neglect: Friction between the block and the track is negligible. KB = 7. which is at a height of 3 R. > 1 min. Consider a loop-the-loop system where the radius of the loop is R. vC = 9. NA = 35 mg 4 35 mg 3 21 mg 2 27 mg 4 79 mg 7 83 mg 7 19 mg 2 55 mg 7 29 mg 4 57 mg 5 15 gR 4 4 gR 3 16 gR 5 7 gR 4 5 gR 4 44 gR 7 31 gR 4 32 gR 5 9 gR 4 11 gR 2 264 1. wording-variable. section 5. which is at a height of 3 R.Chapter 8. 8 m P Loop a Loop 06 08:05. wording-variable. NA = 4. vC = 8. vC = 6. vC = 4. vC = 2. NA = 8. NA = 2. NA = 10. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 Neglect: Friction between the block and the track is negligible. NA = 7. vC = Loop a Loop 05 08:05. Consider a loop-the-loop system where the radius of the loop is R. highSchool. > 1 min. A small block (of mass m and negligible size) is released from rest at 7 the point P . highSchool. vC = 3. vC = 10. A small block (of mass m and negligible size) is released from rest at the point P . Neglect: Friction between the block and the track is negligible. m P C 31 R 8 C R h R The tangential speed vC at C is given by What is the minimum speed vmin of the . which is at a height of h. vC = 5. NA = 6. NA = 5. NA = 9. NA = 3. vC = 7. multiple choice. Conservation of Mechanical Energy 1. hmin 5 = R 2 3 = R 2 1 = R 2 Given that the mass presses on the track at 3 C with a force of magnitude m g . h = 23 R 8 11 R 2 13 R 5 43 R 8 36 R 7 33 R 7 13 R 4 24 R 7 4. Consider a loop-the-loop system where the radius of the loop is R. multiple choice. vmin = 7. vmin = 3gR Part 2 of 2 What is the minimum height hmin of the block at P so that the block can pass by point C without falling off from the track? 1. vmin = 4 g R 10. 1. hmin 3. hmin = 2 R √ 2 8. vmin = 2 4. hmin = R 2 . h = 2. hmin 2. h = 4. h = 6. vmin = 5. which is at a height of h. hmin = R 3 √ 9.Chapter 8. hmin = 2 R 5. h . Conservation of Mechanical Energy block at C so that the block can pass by this point without falling off from the track? 1. hmin = 4 R 6. h = 3. vmin = 6. Neglect: Friction between the block and the track is negligible. h = 7. > 1 min. find the 4 initial height of the block. highSchool. h = 8. wording-variable. hmin = 6 R √ 7. h = 5. vmin = g R 9. vmin = 3. hmin = 3 R √ 3 10. vmin = 2. m P C h R 8. section 5. vmin = gR 2gR gR gR + mg gR − mg gR + 2mg gR − 2mg 265 Loop a Loop 07 08:05. A small block (of mass m and negligible size) is released from rest at the point P . wordingvariable. the sum of elastic potential energy of the spring and the gravitational potential energy of the object and Earth 1. h = R 4 40 R 10. h = 31 R 8 16 R 5 25 R 8 47 R 8 14 R 5 17 R 8 . What is the magnitude of the work done by friction durning this time? Potential Energy Sums 08:05. The acceleration of gravity is 9. find the initial height h of the 4 block. decreases. stays the same. Neglect: Friction between the block and the track is negligible. increases. all with the same initial speed. h = 5. h = 3. Betty weighs 420 N . h = Loop a Loop 08 08:05. the second at some angle above the horizon- h C R Given that the mass’s velocity at C is 15 g R . 3.4 m . m P Playground Swing 02 08:05. section 5. > 1 min. 1. Conservation of Mechanical Energy 9. h = 266 10.4 m above the ground in its rest position. multiple choice. multiple choice. highSchool. highSchool. < 1 min. h = R 8 19 9. which is at a height of h. > 1 min. Consider a loop-the-loop system where the radius of the loop is R.8 m/s2 . h = 2. multiple choice. numeric. highSchool. Her initial speed is zero and her initial height above the ground is 1.Chapter 8. < 1 min. When the object is pulled down. 8 m . Three identical balls are thrown from the top of a building. The first ball is thrown horizontally. fixed. Three Identical Balls 08:05. h = 7 7. fixed. 2. h = 4. A small block (of negligible size) is released from rest at the point P . h = 6. She is sitting on a playground swing seat that hangs 0. At some later time her speed is 1 m/s and her height above the ground is 0. highSchool. An object hangs motionless from a spring. wording-variable. Assume: There is friction. h = 39 R 8 27 R 8 35 R 8 27 8. 3. > 1 min. and the dart reaches a maximum height of 24 m. A spring-loaded toy dart gun is used to shoot a dart straight up in the air. and the third at some angle below the horizontal. 6 m 6. 3 4.Chapter 8. 48 m 3. 2. The same dart is shot up a second time from the same gun. 2. 3. Conservation of Mechanical Energy tal. 96 m 2. 1. 2. How far up does the dart go this time. 1. from the slowest to the fastest. 1 5. Neglecting air resistance. All three balls strike the ground with the same speed Toy Dart Gun 08:05. 1. 2 3. 3. 3 m 7. 267 . multiple choice. 1. neglecting friction and assuming an ideal spring? 1. 1 2. highSchool. section 5. 3. 2 6. but this time the spring is compressed only half as far before firing. rank the speeds of the balls as they reach the ground. fixed. Impossible to determine. 12 m 5. 24 m 4. On the table. All else being equal. The normal force from the incline does no work on the block. the rock eventually reaches terminal velocity. 5. When the block reaches the bottom of the incline. multiple choice. 1. When air resistance is a factor affecting the ball. a ball thrown vertically upward with a certain initial KE will return to its original level with the same KE. In the absence of air resistance. A stone is dropped from a certain height and penetrates into mud. multiple choice. however. highSchool. a falling rock gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy. < 1 min. Concept 07 39 08:06. its kinetic energy reaches a maximum. the same as its original KE 3. The sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy of the block at any point along the entire path of travel is conserved. highSchool. < 1 min. compare its KE to its original KE when it returns to its original level. More information is needed. Changes in Mechanical Energy Concept 07 35 08:06. section 6. gravity does work on the block causing it to speed up. how much farther should it penetrate mud? 1. the potential energy of the system decreases from its initial value. 2. wording-variable. The block’s gravitational potential energy loss is equal to kinetic energy gain as it descends. friction does work on the block causing it to slow down. multiple choice. fixed. Farther than before. fixed. if it is dropped from thrice the height. Conceptual 08 Q12 08:06. h µk Which of the following statements about the energy and work of the system could NOT be correct? 1. multiple choice. < 1 min. while the total energy of the rock remains constant. Why is some energy missing? . highSchool. < 1 min. but the potential energy continues to decrease as the rock falls toward the ground. Approximately as far 2. When the block reaches the flat portion of the table it begins to feel a 268 frictional force with the table characterized by a coefficient of kinetic friction µk . Thrice as far 3. More than thrice as far Concepts of Energy 08:06. 4. Along the incline. fixed. but less than thrice as far 4. 6. A block is placed on the top of a ramp as shown in the figure below. highSchool. more than its original KE 4. In the presence of air resistance. Now the kinetic energy is constant. In the absence of air resistance. 7. The block is released from rest on the frictionless incline.Chapter 8. Along the incline. 3. less than its original KE 2. Holt SF 05Rev 47 08:06. The coefficient of friction between his clothes and Earth is 0. 2. Part 1 of 2 A 70. highSchool. calculate the change in the box’s kinetic energy. Part 1 of 3 Starting from rest. The hillside is 200. highSchool. fixed. numeric.22. wordingvariable. Suppose you drop a 1 kg rock from a height of 5 m above the ground. Part 3 of 3 c) the work done by the normal force between the block and the incline. Find 269 a) the work done by the force of gravity.075.81 m/s2 . highSchool. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and ramp is 0. highSchool. how much force does the rock exert on the ground? 1. Part 1 of 3 Starting from rest.2 N 2. a 5. 0. When it hits. wordingvariable. numeric. He slides so that his speed is zero just as he reaches the base. The “missing” energy is transferred to the air molecules because of the air resistance. a 10. and the coefficient of friction between the snow and the skis is 0. numeric.0 m/s. An 80. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Energy And Work3 08:06. 50 N 4.0 N box of clothes is pulled 20. 5 N 3. the snow is level and the coefficient of friction is unchanged. Holt SF 05Rev 40 08:06. > 1 min. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9. How far does the skier move along the horizontal portion of the snow before coming to rest? Holt SF 05Rev 55 08:06.0◦ incline in 2. At the bottom of the hill. Part 2 of 3 b) the change in mechanical energy due to friction. Holt SF 05Rev 46 08:06. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .70. Can’t be determined. Changes in Mechanical Energy 1. a) How much mechanical energy is lost due to friction acting on the runner? Part 2 of 2 b) How far does he slide? Holt SF 05Rev 54 08:06. No energy is “missing” because the mass of the rock changes. > 1 min. wordingvariable.5 m down a rough 30. multiple choice. 3.0 m long. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . numeric. The energy isn’t conserved in this system. highSchool. section 6.0◦ ramp by a force of 115 N that points along the ramp.5◦ with the horizontal. wordingvariable.0 kg block slides 2. > 1 min. 100 N 5.0 s. > 1 min. A skier starts from rest at the top of a hill that is inclined at 10.Chapter 8.0 kg suitcase slides .0 kg base runner begins his slide into second base while moving at a speed of 4. numeric. highSchool.0 m up a 30. If a 56. > 1 min. numeric.50 cm in the pads of his feet. Calculate the magnitude of the average force exerted on him by the ground in this situation. The suitcase then slides an additional 5. Holt SF 05Rev 56 08:06.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the change in mechanical energy due to friction. the only cushion for his fall is approximately 0.0 m from rest and the 5. Part 1 of 2 A 75 kg man jumps from a window 1. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 270 . a) What is his speed just before his feet strike the pavement? Part 2 of 2 b) If the man jumps with his knees and ankles locked.0 m above a sidewalk. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Part 2 of 3 b) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the suitcase and the floor. section 6. (Assume that the potential energy that the egg gains while the pad is being compressed is negligible.) Holt SF 05Rev 57 08:06. An egg is dropped from a third-floor window and lands on a foam-rubber pad without breaking.Chapter 8. highSchool. wordingvariable. a) Find the speed of the suitcase at the bottom of the ramp.25 ms.81 m/s2 .0◦ from the floor. numeric. Changes in Mechanical Energy 3.00 m down a frictionless ramp inclined at 30.00 cm thick foam pad stops it in 6.0 g egg falls 12. highSchool. by how much is the pad compressed? Assume constant upward acceleration as the egg compresses the foam-rubber pad. wordingvariable.00 m along the floor before coming to a stop. U 3. v (a) m x (b) µ=0 v⊃ = 0 m 6. < 1 min. multiple choice. In part (a) of the figure. xst xeq Use the potential energy vs. xeq xst U xst xst 7. section 8. highSchool. Which graph correctly represents the potential energy of the spring as a function of the position of the cart? 1. wording-variable. U xst xeq xst 2. > 1 min. U xst xeq xst 8. Suppose the mechanical energy of the system is conserved. It then oscillates about xeq .Chapter 8. position plot shown below to answer the following question. U xst xeq xst 4. U xst . xst xst xeq Complicated Potential 01 08:08. U xst xst xeq xst 271 In (b). U xeq xst 5. the cart is pulled to the position xst and released. A particle is released from point A and moves in the potential U (x). Energy Diagrams and the Equilibrium of a System xeq Cart and Spring 01 08:08. fixed. highSchool. an air track cart attached to a spring rests on the track at the position xeq and the spring is relaxed. multiple choice. T K Z t At which position(s) will the kinetic energy of the particle have its maximum value? 1. > 1 min. 2. 4. Point V . highSchool. At which position(s) will the kinetic energy of the particle have its maximum value? 1. A particle is released from point A and moves in the potential U (x). Point Z . > 1 min. fixed. 3. Point T .Chapter 8. A V U (x) r h Which of the following diagrams best represents the kinetic energy of the bead versus time? 1. T Z Energy of Ball on Track 08:08. highSchool. numeric. Use the potential energy vs. Points T and Z . K t x 2. Energy Diagrams and the Equilibrium of a System U (x) x 3. Point Z . wordingvariable. Points T and Z . Point T . multiple choice. section 8. The bead is released from a height h from the bottom of the loop-the-loop which has a radius r. 5. 3. Point V . 272 A V 5. position plot shown below to answer the following question. 2. The particle remains stationary at point A. Complicated Potential 02 08:08. The particle remains stationary at point A. Suppose the mechanical energy of the system is conserved. Part 1 of 2 A bead slides without friction around a loop-the-loop. 4. . t Potential energy Kinetic energy Energy (mJ) 2. U t t 5. K 6. Time (s) . section 8. > 1 min. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 3 The figure is a graph of the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy of a 75 g yo-yo as it moves up and down on its string. U t t Part 2 of 2 Which of the following could represent the gravitational potential energy of the bead versus time? 1. U t t 6. U Holt SF 05Rev 53 08:08. U Mechanical energy 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t 3. numeric. Energy Diagrams and the Equilibrium of a System K U 273 t t 4. K 5. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool.Chapter 8. K 4.81 m/s2 . Hint: Try energy considerations.Chapter 8. A bullet with a mass of 5 g and a speed of 600 m/s penetrates a tree horizontally to a depth of 4 cm. numeric.5 s? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the maximum height of the yoyo? Tree Stops a Bullet 02 08:08.0 s? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the speed of the yo-yo after 1. Assume that a constant frictional force stops the bullet. > 1 min. normal. section 8. Energy Diagrams and the Equilibrium of a System a) By what amount does the mechanical energy of the yo-yo change after 6. highSchool. Calculate the magnitude of this frictional force. 274 . section 9. yet they do not fall. highSchool. zero 2.Chapter 8. positive 3. < 1 min. In this ride. the occupants of a spinning cylinder are pinned against the wall and the floor is removed from beneath them. What is the sign of the net work done on the occupants? Neglect nonconservative forces. fixed. Work Done on a System by an External Force Conceptual work 03 08:09. Suppose you observe the circular motion of the “hurricane” carnival ride. 275 ω R You observe that the cylinder speeds up and then slows back down to its original speed. negative . multiple choice. 1. < 1 min. position or shape. the motion of electric charges. Energy 05 08:10. 3. 4. motion. contained in the nuclei of atoms. fixed. a result of the internal motion of particles of matter. mechanical 4. Nuclear energy is 1. highSchool. multiple choice. highSchool. multiple choice. multiple choice. Heat energy is associated with 1. holding together the nuclei of atoms. Energy 06 08:10. highSchool. contained in the nuclei of atoms. Conservation of Energy in General Energy 01 08:10. < 1 min. 3. fixed. 4. fixed. chemical reactions. < 1 min. motion. fixed. highSchool. gasoline in an automobile. An example of stored chemical energy is 1. chemical reactions. Potential energy and kinetic energy are forms of what kind of energy? 1. fixed. multiple choice. light. Mechanical energy is associated with 276 1. 3. highSchool. < 1 min. Electromagnetic energy is associated with 1. 2. Energy 03 08:10.Chapter 8. 4. a result of the internal motion of particles of matter. the nuclei of atoms. multiple choice. < 1 min. energy that bonds atoms or ions together. an electric motor. 2. the nuclei of atoms. highSchool. 3. the internal motion of particles of matter. fixed. a result of the motion of electric charges. < 1 min. 4. energy that bonds atoms or ions together. Energy 04 08:10. 1. Energy 02 08:10. section 10. . 2. a result of the motion of electric charges. multiple choice. 2. the motion of electric charges. 2. motion. 3. 2. multiple choice. Chemical energy is Energy 07 08:10. 3. highSchool. the sun’s energy. fixed. < 1 min. 4. < 1 min. A friend says the energy of oil and coal is actually a form of solar energy. a physical-chemical process that incorporates the sun’s radiant energy into plant tissue. Nuclear energy 3. < 1 min. Mistaken.Chapter 8. fixed. multiple choice. chemical 3. Correct. and windmills? 1. dams. Geothermal power 4. heat 4. the energy is actually nuclear. Is your friend correct. fixed. Hewitt CP9 07 R35 08:10. The Sun 2. these materials are the result of photosynthesis. electromagnetic 5. multiple choice. Rain 6. Note: Coal and oil are non-renewable resources. or mistaken? 1. What is the ultimate source of energies for the burning of fossil fuels. 3. None of these 277 . Conservation of Energy in General 2. nuclear Hewitt CP9 07 R21 08:10. 2. Mistaken. the energy is actually geothermal. highSchool. Water 5. highSchool. section 10. When it travels this fast on the moon. < 1 min. the stone and the Earth 3. < 1 min. 8 6. < 1 min. 8 Part 2 of 2 When the velocity of an object is doubled. The momentum of the apple while falling is increasingly smaller. fixed. what happens to its momentum? 1. 2 3. 1 2 1 4. highSchool. greater than on Earth 2. 8 Conceptual 06 01 . The momentum of the apple after striking the ground is reversed. When an apple falls from a tree and strikes the ground without bouncing. the same as on Earth 4. highSchool. fixed. by what factor is its kinetic energy changed? 1. 4. fixed. 8 5. 1 2. 2. 4 1 5. A lunar vehicle is tested on Earth at a speed of 10 km/h. 4 1 7. The momentum of the falling apple is transferred to the Earth. multiple choice. In which system is the net momentum zero as the stone falls freely? 1. 2 3. The speed of the apple is equal and opposite to the speed of the Earth. the stone itself 4. Concept 07 09 09:01. by what factor is its momentum changed? 1. 1 2. multiple choice. the stone and the person who drops it 2. multiple choice. 278 3. multiple choice. highSchool. how does its momentum compare to the momentum on Earth? 1. 1 2 1 6. highSchool. section 1. less than on Earth 3. None of these Concept 06 E15 09:01. 4 7. None of these Concept 06 31 09:01. 4 4. Part 1 of 2 When the velocity of an object is doubled. < 1 min.Chapter 9. wording-variable. A stone is dropped from the top of a high cliff with zero initial velocity. Linear Momentum Concept 06 08 09:01. 1 kg bullet traveling at 300 m/s. fixed. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 A 20 metric ton train moves toward the south at 50 m/s. Which of the following undergoes the greatest change in momentum if the baseballs have the same speed just before being caught and just before being thrown? 1. > 1 min. A baseball that is caught 2. numeric. the second at 40 m/s. < 1 min. one traveling 5 m/s to the right. A 0. They are the same. wording-variable. numeric. highSchool. the first moving at 20 m/s.01 m/s. highSchool. highSchool. Which object has a greater momentum? 1. highSchool.Chapter 9. < 1 min.1 m/s (a few miles per hour) have? Part 3 of 4 What momentum does a 70 kg person running 10 m/s (a fast sprint) have? Part 4 of 4 What momentum does a 10000 kg truck traveling 0. highSchool. What is the magnitude of the total momentum of the system? Conceptual 06 04 09:01. A baseball that is caught and then thrown back Hewitt CP9 07 R32 09:01. multiple choice. 2. numeric. normal. Part 2 of 4 What momentum does a 1000 kg automobile traveling 0. section 1. What is the momentum of a two-particle system composed of a 1000 kg car moving east at 50 m/s and a second 1000 kg car moving west at 25 m/s? Let east be the positive direction. A baseball that is thrown 3. What is the magnitude of the total momentum of the system? Part 2 of 2 Two 1000 kg cars drive east. highSchool. Conceptual 06 10 09:01. 3. normal. what mass in kilograms must be added to the train to slow it down to 20 m/s while at the same time keeping the momentum the same as in the second part? Conceptual 06 09 09:01. Part 1 of 4 Calculate the momentum for a 0. > 1 min. At what speed must it travel to have two times its original momentum? Part 2 of 3 At what speed must it travel to have a momentum of 500000 kg · m/s? Part 3 of 3 279 If there were a speed limit for this train as it traveled through a city. Linear Momentum 09:01. Hewitt CP9 06 R14 09:01. multiple choice. wordingvariable. numeric. A 3000 kg truck moving at 0.01 m/s (a slow roll) have? Conceptual 06 03 09:01. normal. Can momenta cancel? Can kinetic energies . multiple choice. the other 5 m/s to the left.2 kg rifle bullet traveling 300 m/s. fixed. < 1 min. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 Two 1 kg balls move away from each other. > 1 min. but not a weight limit. fixed. 5. kinetic energy will increase by four times. If a moving object doubles its speed. kinetic energies can.Chapter 9. normal. Part 2 of 3 b) What is the momentum of the child? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the momentum of the bike? 280 a) What is the total momentum of the child and the bike together? Holt SF 06A 03 09:01. 6. section 1. Momenta cannot cancel. > 1 min. numeric. < 1 min. < 1 min.67 × 10−27 kg moving with a velocity of 5 × 106 m/s. Part 4 of 4 d) Earth (m = 5. 2. Holt SF 06Rev 13 09:01. highSchool. Find the momentum of the ostrich. highSchool. numeric. multiple choice. Linear Momentum cancel? 1.5 g bullet moving with a speed of 300 m/s to the right.5 m/s to the northwest. Momenta can cancel. Neither can cancel. Both will double. > 1 min. highSchool. wording- . numeric. numeric. > 1 min. how much more momentum does it have? How much more kinetic energy? 1. Part 2 of 4 b) a 1.9 kg bike with a velocity of 4. Hewitt CP9 07 R33 09:01. highSchool. wordingvariable. kinetic energy won’t change. highSchool. 3. Momentum doubles. < 1 min. Part 1 of 3 A 21 kg child is riding a 5. kinetic energies cannot cancel. They both can cancel.98 × 1024 kg) moving with an orbital speed equal to 29800 m/s.148 kg baseball thrown with a velocity of 35 m/s toward home plate? Holt SF 06Rev 41 09:01. 2. Momentum won’t change. wordingvariable. 4. highSchool. Part 3 of 4 c) a 7. Unable to determine Holt SF 06A 01 09:01. numeric. Part 1 of 4 Calculate the magnitude of the linear momentum for each of the following cases a) a proton with mass 1. Holt SF 06A 02 09:01. What velocity must a car with a mass of 1210 kg have in order to have the same momentum as a 2250 kg pickup truck traveling at 25 m/s to the east? Holt SF 06Rev 12 09:01. < 1 min. highSchool. Both will remain the same. What is the momentum of a 0. 3. kinetic energy doubles. normal. An ostrich with a mass of 146 kg is running to the right with a velocity of 17 m/s.5 kg sprinter running with a velocity of 10 m/s. numeric. Momentum doubles. normal. 4. 147 kg baseball has a momentum of 6. Linear Momentum variable.17 kg·m/s as it is thrown from home to second base. Part 1 of 2 A moving object has a kinetic energy of 150 J and a momentum of 30. numeric.10 kg ball of dough is thrown straight up into the air with an initial speed of 15 m/s.81 m/s2 . a) Find the speed of the object. highSchool. > 1 min. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. a) What is its momentum at its maximum height? Part 2 of 2 b) What is its momentum halfway to its maximum height on the way up? 281 . what is its velocity? Holt SF 06Rev 42 09:01. wordingvariable.Chapter 9. section 1. Holt SF 06Rev 43 09:01. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the mass of the object. numeric. If a 0.0 kg·m/s. wordingvariable. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A 0. horizontal. 4. The heavier gloves are difficult to use. Concept 06 17 09:02. multiple choice. < 1 min. numeric.Chapter 9. 5. The direction of the impulse vector on the ball is 1. one can attack much quicker. > 1 min. The lighter gloves have more momentum. < 1 min. vertically downward. normal. multiple choice. > 1 min. 2. highSchool. the total momentum change 2. Why? 1. thus less ability to extend the time of impact. What is the impulse needed to stop a 10 kg bowling ball moving at 6 m/s? Conceptual 06 05 09:02. If you throw a raw egg against a wall. The breaking egg causes a larger impact time. fixed. Part 1 of 3 A 0. What impulse was imparted to the hockey puck? Part 2 of 3 What is the average net force exerted by the puck on the straw bale? Part 3 of 3 What is more important in determining the amount of damage an object sustains in a collision? 1. A rubber ball strikes a sidewalk at an angle θ with respect to the horizontal and bounces off the sidewalk. 3. stopping in 1 s. Impulse and Momentum than 16-ounce gloves? Bouncing Rubber Ball 09:02. 4. Both of these Hewitt CP9 06 R02 . highSchool. Concept 06 P01 09:02. numeric. Concept 06 10 09:02. The velocity of the egg decreases faster in the sheet than on the wall. Why do 6-ounce boxing gloves hit harder 282 1. again making an angle θ with respect to the horizontal. fixed.5 kg hockey puck moving at 35 m/s hits a straw bale. fixed. < 1 min. 2. but if you throw it with the same speed into a sagging sheet it won’t break. at an angle θ with respect to the horizontal. at an angle θ with respect to the vertical. so the impact force is small. decreasing the force. the total momentum change per unit time 3. highSchool. The impact time when the egg strikes a sagging sheet is long. 2. highSchool. The lighter gloves have less padding. section 2. wordingvariable. None of these 4. 3. multiple choice. 3. With lighter gloves. The sheet is much slicker than the wall. vertically upward. 4. highSchool. you’ll break it. 020 s. numeric.40 kg soccer ball approaches a player horizontally with a velocity of 18 m/s to the north.50 kg football is thrown with a velocity of 15 m/s to the right. 6. highSchool. highSchool. 2.55 s after reaching the water. Force produces acceleration. section 2. 3. 3. Force is usually larger than momentum. None of these Hewitt CP9 06 R09 09:02. 5.00 N to the left is applied for 3. impulse produces acceleration. highSchool. impulse produces change in momentum. wordingvariable. Force produces momentum. 4. highSchool. fixed. Part 1 of 2 A 0. numeric. multiple choice. A stationary receiver catches the ball and brings it to rest in 0. a) What is the velocity of the object at the end of this time interval? Part 2 of 2 At the end of this interval. b) What is the velocity at the end of the 3. > 1 min.0 m above the surface of the water and comes to rest 0. < 1 min. 4. impulse produces momentum. The player strikes the ball and causes it to move in the opposite direction with a velocity of 22 m/s. highSchool. 283 A 0. numeric. What force does the water exert on the man? Holt SF 06B 03 09:02. None of these Holt SF 06B 01 09:02. The decrease of velocity of the wine glass in the carpet is less than that in the concrete. How does impulse differ from force? 1.50 kg object is at rest.00 s? . What is the force exerted on the receiver? Holt SF 06B 02 09:02. 6. Impulse and Momentum 09:02. A 3. < 1 min. Since the carpet is softer than the concrete and the force of impact is reduced by the extended time of impact. The decrease of momentum of the wine glass in the carpet is less than that in the concrete. highSchool. What impulse was delivered to the ball by the player? Holt SF 06B 04 09:02. 5. Why might a wine glass survive a fall onto a carpeted floor but not onto a concrete floor? 1. Momentum is larger than force. a constant force of 4.50 s.00 s. fixed. Force produces acceleration. The acceleration due to gravity is 9. < 1 min.00 N force to the right acts on the object during a time interval of 1. An 82 kg man drops from rest on a diving board 3. numeric. The decrease of momentum of the wine glass in the carpet is more than that in the concrete. wordingvariable. > 1 min. < 1 min. 2. wordingvariable. The decrease of velocity of the wine in the carpet is more than that in the concrete.81 m/s2 . multiple choice.Chapter 9. wordingvariable. A 0. Chapter 9. numeric. A football punter accelerates a 0.55 kg football from rest to a speed of 8. wordingvariable. > 1 min. numeric. A 0. wordingvariable. the ball continues in the same direction with a speed of 10. > 1 min.25 s. a) How long would it take the car to come to a stop if the force on the car is 8450 N to the east? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the car’s displacement during the time it takes to stop? Holt SF 06C 02 09:02. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A 0.50 s? Part 2 of 3 b) How far does the car move during the 2. Part 1 of 2 A 2250 kg car traveling to the west at 20. highSchool. a) What is the car’s velocity after 2. Assuming the force exerted on the ball by the window was constant. > 1 min.5 kg ball strikes a wall with a velocity of 8. Part 1 of 3 A 2500 kg car traveling to the north is slowed down uniformly from an initial velocity of 20.0 m/s in 0. > 1 min. > 1 min.0 m/s crashes through the window of a house in 5. wordingvariable. numeric. a) How much force would be required to cause the same acceleration on a car of mass 3250 kg? Part 2 of 2 b) How far would the car move before stop- 284 Holt SF 06Rev 14 09:02. what is the constant force exerted on the ball by the wall? Holt SF 06Rev 15 09:02.25 s.0 m/s by a 6250 N braking force acting opposite the car’s motion. wordingvariable. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0. what was the magnitude of this force? . highSchool. What constant force does the punter exert on the ball? Holt SF 06Rev 16 09:02. highSchool. Impulse and Momentum ping? Holt SF 06C 01 09:02.5 s s? Part 3 of 3 c) How long does it take the car to come to a complete stop? Holt SF 06C 03 09:02.0× 10−4 s.0 m/s slows down uniformly under a force of 8450 N to the east.5 m/s to the right. A 2. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A 2250 kg car traveling to the west at 20.0 m/s slows down uniformly.025 kg golf ball moving at 18. The ball bounces off with a velocity of 7.5 m/s to the left. highSchool.15 kg baseball moving at +26 m/s is slowed to a stop by a catcher who exerts a constant force of −390 N. section 2. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric. After the crash. numeric. a) How long does it take this force to stop the ball? Part 2 of 2 b) How far does the ball travel before stopping? Holt SF 06Rev 47 09:02. > 1 min. numeric. highSchool. > 1 min.0 m/s. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. a) Find the final velocity of the mass if it is initially at rest. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the final velocity of the mass if it is initially moving along the x-axis with a velocity of 2.5 N to the right acts on a 1.5 kg mass for 0. Part 1 of 2 A 55 kg pole vaulter falls from rest from a height of 5.30 s after landing on the pad. numeric. a) Calculate the athlete’s velocity just before reaching the pad. > 1 min.Chapter 9. section 2. wordingvariable. Impulse and Momentum Holt SF 06Rev 55 09:02. highSchool.0 m onto a foam rubber pad. numeric. 285 .0 m/s to the left. > 1 min.50 s. Holt SF 06Rev 56 09:02. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A constant force of 2. The pole vaulter comes to rest 0. Part 2 of 2 b) Calculate the constant force exerted on the pole vaulter due to the collision. highSchool. numeric. will be in the opposite direction and half as large as . multiple choice. FA. It follows that the total momentum of the system of blocks is also conserved. but not twice as large. Momentum for any body is always conserved. However. will be in the opposite direction and half as large as FB. 6. The momentum of block A is conserved and the momentum of block B is conserved. A and B .net is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to FB. numeric. FB. the wagon. speed up 3. 3. > 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool. section . Part 1 of 3 Tony (of mass 60 kg) coasts on his bicycle . 6. The mass of block A is twice that of block B . The total momentum of the system of blocks is not conserved because there is an external velocity acting on the system. Part 1 of 2 Two blocks. The momentum of block A is conserved and the momentum of block B is conserved. 2. Block A is pulling block B .net . Conservation of Linear Momentum Blocks and Spring 09:03. She passes her mother. FA. 5. There is no net force on block A or block B. and the toys? Part 4 of 4 What is the speed of the wagon after Allison’s mother drops the toys in? Conceptual 06 11 09:03. 286 4. . remain the same 4. is equal in magnitude and direction to FB. The table is frictionless and the mass of the spring is zero. and FA. Conceptual 06 02 09:03. and not zero. . and not zero. Unable to determine Part 2 of 4 What is the initial momentum of Allison and the wagon before her mother drops the toys in? Part 3 of 4 What is the final momentum of Allison. who drops a bag of toys (of mass 5 kg) into the wagon. 3. gravity.. slow down are both directed toward the left with FA. > 1 min. The total momentum of the system of blocks is conserved because there is no net external larger than FA. Part 1 of 4 Allison (of mass 30 kg) is coasting in her wagon (of mass 10 kg) at a constant velocity of 5 m/s . 5. the total momentum of the system of blocks is not conserved. fixed.Chapter 9. highSchool. Immediately after release. The total momentum of the system is not conserved because there are external forces. What will happen to the speed of the wagon? 1. e. Part 2 of 2 Which of the following best describes the situation after the blocks are released? 1. are connected by a compressed spring. compare the net force on block A to the net force on block B . 1. FA. highSchool. If the jug has a speed of 3. highSchool. fixed. highSchool.0 kg jug of water in the forward direction.0 m/s relative to the ground. propelling the astronaut back to the shuttle. The astronaut is able to throw a 10. How fast does the heavier cart roll compared with the lighter cart? 1. 2. numeric. at 5 m/s relative to the speed of bicycle just before the throw. numeric. wordingvariable. find the boy’s mass.0 kg oxygen tank in a direction away from the shuttle with a speed of 12.3 m/s to the West as he leaves the dock. Assuming that the astronaut starts from rest. carrying a 5 kg pack. what is the final velocity of the fisherman and the boat? Holt SF 06D 04 09:03. numeric. What is the velocity of the ice skater after throwing the snowball? Disregard the friction between the skates and the ice. section 3. numeric. > 1 min.60 m/s. and the pack)? Part 2 of 3 What is the momentum of the system immediately after the pack is thrown? Part 3 of 3 What is the bicycle speed immediately after the throw? Hewitt CP9 05 E17 09:03. A boy on a 2.50 m/s throws a 0. wordingvariable. > 1 min. A(n) 85 kg fisherman jumps from a dock into a 135 kg rowboat at rest on the West side of the dock. > 1 min. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 A 65. What is the initial momentum of the system (Tony.0 m/s. normal. Tony throws his pack forward. one twice as massive as the other.0 kg skateboard initially at rest tosses a(n) 8. fly apart when the compressed spring that joins them is released. All are wrong. 287 Holt SF 06D 02 09:03. Holt SF 06D 01 09:03. vheavy 1 = vlight 2 throwing the tank. find the final speed of the astronaut after . the bicycle. numeric. vheavy = vlight 4.150 kg snowball to the right with a velocity of 32. < 1 min. highSchool. wordingvariable. > 1 min.0 kg ice skater moving to the right with a velocity of 2. If the velocity of the fisherman is 4. in the direction of his motion. Holt SF 06Rev 24 09:03. vheavy = 2 vlight 3. highSchool. Conservation of Linear Momentum (of mass 10 kg) at a constant speed of 5 m/s. highSchool. Part 2 of 2 A second skater initially at rest with a mass of 60. wordingvariable. What is the velocity of the second skater after catching the snowball in a perfectly inelastic collision? Holt SF 06Rev 25 09:03. vheavy = 1 vlight 3 5.0 m/s relative to the ground and the boy and skateboard move in the opposite direction at 0. > 1 min.0 kg astronaut is on a space walk when the tether line to the shuttle breaks. Suppose two carts.Chapter 9. Note: Take East as the positive direction. A 63.0 kg catches the snowball. 81 m/s2 . highSchool. decrease. VEarth 7. Spring Between Blocks 02 09:03. The only way to return to the ship without a thruster is to throw a wrench directly away from the ship.500 kg. 5. highSchool. Conservation of Linear Momentum A tennis player places a 55 kg ball machine on a frictionless surface. How long does it take the astronaut to reach the ship? Holt SF 06Rev 57 09:03. A light spring is attached to one of them. M man 2.057 kg tennis ball horizontally with a velocity of 36 m/s toward the north. At this point his boat starts to fill up with water. M man 3. wordingvariable. Use the value 5. multiple choice. VEarth M m M =+ m m =− M m =+ M → → v man . highSchool. normal. VEarth = − → 288 m → v .98 × 1024 kg as the mass of Earth. < 1 min. 4. The earth (mass M ) then has velocity 1. > 1 min. highSchool. numeric. VEarth 8. 2.00 m. increase. The wrench has a mass of 0. Bill (mass m) plants both feet solidly on the ground and then jumps straight up with → velocity v . and the astronaut throws the wrench with a speed of 20. numeric. v man . VEarth = + m → v . numeric. VEarth = − 6. and the blocks are pushed together with the spring between them. The astronaut turns away to look at Earth and several seconds later is 30. A fisherman is out at sea in his row boat when it starts raining. > 1 min. fixed. highSchool. < 1 min. > 1 min. VEarth = − v man . The acceleration of gravity is −9. Two blocks of masses M and 3 M are placed on a horizontal. fixed. → → → v man . section 3. the speed of the boat will then 1. What is the final velocity of the machine? Holt SF 06Rev 53 09:03. wordingvariable. multiple choice. Row Boat 09:03. . at rest relative to the spaceship. 3.Chapter 9. What is the speed of Earth toward the bag just before the bag hits the ground? Jump Up 09:03. stay the same. v man .0 kg astronaut is working on the engines of a spaceship that is drifting through space with a constant velocity.0 m/s.0 m behind the ship.50 kg laundry bag is dropped from rest at an initial height of 3. The machine fires a 0. Providing that he is always applying the same force to move his boat. VEarth = + v man . A 7. frictionless surface. A 85. 67 m/s M Before (a) v M After (b) 3M 3M 7. impossible to determine SWCT Momentum 09:03. < 1 min. fixed. The two blocks are at rest first.5 m/s 5. Then the cord holding them together is burned. normal. after which the block of mass 3M moves to the right with a speed of 2 m/s. after which the block of mass 3 M moves to the right with a speed of 8 m/s. frictionless surface. A light spring is attached to one of them. 6 m/s 2. If the collision is elastic. highSchool. P1x = P1x + P2x 3. 1. frictionless surface. after which the block of mass 3M moves to the right with a speed of 2 m/s. multiple choice. Two blocks of masses M and 3M are placed on a horizontal. multiple choice. highSchool. P1 = P2 2. 0 m/s 6. Particle 1 with momentum P1 strikes particle 2 which is at rest. A light . P1y = P2y A cord holding them together is burned. and the blocks are pushed together with the spring between them. and the blocks are pushed together with the spring between them. 4 m/s 4. highSchool. numeric. What is the speed of the block of mass M? 1. Conservation of Linear Momentum 289 M Before (a) v M After (b) 3M spring is attached to one of them.Chapter 9. section 3. 0. > 1 min. 2 m/s 3. What is the speed of the block of mass M? Spring Between Blocks 03 09:03. What is the speed of the block of mass M? Spring Between Blocks 04 09:03. then 1. < 1 min. M Before (a) 3M v M After (b) 3M 3M A cord holding them together is burned. fixed. Two blocks of masses M and 3M are placed on a horizontal. Let P1 and P2 be the momenta after collision. section 3. 7. 3. hit the other car makes no difference 4. Think fast! You’ve just driven around a curve in a narrow one-way street at 25 mph when you notice a car identical to yours coming straight toward you at 25 mph. P1y = P1y − P2y Two Blocks and a Spring 09:03. highSchool. 6. P1x = P1x − P2x 5. hit the wall 3. multiple choice. Two Blocks of masses M and 4 M are placed in a horizontal frictionless table and connected by a massless spring. < 1 min. If the blocks are pushed together and then released after the spring has been compressed. fixed. 8. Conservation of Linear Momentum 4. highSchool. You have only two options: hitting the other car head on or swerving into a massive concrete wall.Chapter 9. fixed. < 1 min. 9. Which course will cause the least damage to you? . 5. consult your lecture notes 290 Two Head on Collisions 09:03. 2. what will be the magnitude of the velocity of mass M if mass 4 M moves with velocity v ? 1. multiple choice. also head on. vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M vM v4M =4 =2 =1 = 16 =8 1 2 1 = 4 1 = 8 1 = 16 = 1. hit either one . 4. (p1 )2 = p2 1 + (p 2 ) Elastic Head On Collision 04 09:04. p1y = p2y 4. The particles move in different directions after the collision. > 1 min. v2 ≈ 72 m/s 5. which is at rest. multiple choice. v3m = v 4. v3m = 6.72958 m/s 7. v2 ≈ 9 m/s 8. They undergo a headon elastic collision and rebound along the xaxis. v2 ≈ 144 m/s 9. and the golf ball is initially at rest. v2 ≈ 180 m/s 10. > 1 min. p1x = p1x + p2x 3. p2 1 = (p 1 ) + (p 2 ) 2 2 → → → 291 3. v2 ≈ 56. The → → momenta after the collision are p 1 and p 2 . fixed.5487 m/s 4. Two particles of masses m and 3 m are moving toward each other along the x-axis with the same speed v . Particle 1 with momentum p 1 strikes Particle 2. What relationship is true? 1. v2 ≈ 36 m/s . The initial velocity of the sledge hammer is 18 m/s . < 1 min. p 1 = p 2 2. Consider the elastic head-on collision between a sledge hammer with 7000 g mass and a golf ball with a 4 g mass. v3m = 0 2. highSchool.Chapter 9. multiple choice. 1. p1y = p1y − p2y 6. highSchool. v3m = 3 v 5. 1. highSchool. v2 ≈ 5. v2 ≈ 18 m/s 2. section 4. v3m 1 v 2 3 = v 2 2 = v 3 Estimate the approximate final speed v2 of the golf ball. normal. v2 180 m/s Head On Collision 02 09:04. m 3m Determine the final speed of the heavier object. Elastic Collisions Colliding particles 09:04. v3m = 2 v 18 m/s 7000 g 4g 3. v v 2 7. numeric. v3m 7. p1x = p1x − p2x 5. fixed. v2 ≈ 90 m/s 6. Chapter 9, section 4, Elastic Collisions 8. v3m = 1 v 3 292 9. v3m = 4 v 10. v3m = ∞ Hewitt CP9 06 R22 09:04, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Railroad car A rolls at a certain speed and makes a perfectly elastic collision with car B of the same mass. After the collision, car A is observed to be at rest. How does the speed of car B compare with the initial speed of car A? 1. The speed of car B is more than the initial speed of car A. 2. The speed of car B is less than the initial speed of car A. 3. The speed of car B is the same as the initial speed of car A. 4. Cannot compare since energy is not conserved. Holt SF 06D 03 09:04, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 3 Each croquet ball in a set has a mass of 0.50 kg. The green ball, traveling at 12.0 m/s, strikes the blue ball, which is at rest. Assuming that the balls slide on a frictionless surface and all collisions are head-on, find the final speed of the blue ball in each of the following situations: a) The green ball stops moving after it strikes the blue ball. Part 2 of 3 b) The green ball continues moving after the collision at 2.4 m/s in the same direction. Part 3 of 3 c) The green ball continues moving after the collision at 0.3 m/s in the same direction. Holt SF 06Rev 26 09:04, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 After being struck by a bowling ball, a 1.5 kg bowling pin sliding to the right at 3.0 m/s collides head-on with another 1.5 kg bowling pin initially at rest. Find the final velocity of the second pin in the following situations: a) The first pin moves to the right after the collision at 0.5 m/s. Part 2 of 2 b) The first pin stops moving when it hits the second pin. Inertial Mass 01 09:04, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. You are given two carts, A and B. They look identical, and you are told that they are made of the same material. You place A at rest on an air track and give B a constant velocity directed to the right so that it collides elastically with A. After the collision, both carts move to the right, the velocity of B being smaller than what it was before the collision. What do you conclude? 1. Cart A is hollow 2. The two carts are identical 3. Cart B is hollow 4. need more information Inertial Mass 02 09:04, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Chapter 9, section 4, Elastic Collisions You are given two carts, A and B. They look identical, and you are told that they are made of the same material. You place B at rest on an air track and give A a constant velocity directed to the right so that it collides elastically with B. After the collision, both carts move to the right, the velocity of A being smaller than what it was before the collision. What do you conclude? 1. Cart B is hollow 2. The two carts are identical 3. Cart A is hollow 4. need more information People Jumping 09:04, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Suppose the entire population of the world gathers in one spot and, at the sounding of a prearranged signal, everyone jumps up. While all the people jump up, does the Earth gain momentum in the opposite direction? 1. No. 4. need more information 2. Yes; because of its much larger inertial mass, however, the change in momentum of Earth is much less than that of all the jumping people. 3. Yes, the Earth recoils, like a rifle firing a bullet, with a change in momentum equal to and opposite that of the people. 4. It depends. Silly Putty and Bowling Ball 09:04, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. A ball of silly putty hits and sticks to a bowling ball that was initially at rest. After 293 the collision, the total kinetic energy of the bowling ball and silly putty is 1. the same as the kinetic energy of the silly putty before the collision 2. more than the kinetic energy of the silly putty before the collision 3. less than the kinetic energy of the silly putty before the collision Two Balls and a Pin 09:04, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. A person attempts to knock down a large wooden bowling pin by throwing a ball at it. The person has two balls of equal size and mass, one made of rubber and the other of putty. The rubber ball bounces back, while the ball of putty sticks to the pin. Which ball is most likely to topple the bowling pin? 1. the rubber ball 2. the putty ball 3. makes no difference Chapter 9, section 5, Inelastic Collisions Car and Truck 09:05, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. A compact car and a large truck collide head on and stick together. Which undergoes the larger momentum change? 1. car 2. truck 3. The momentum change is the same for both vehicles. 4. Can’t tell without knowing the final velocity of the combined mass. Car Truck Collision 09:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. A car and a large truck traveling at the same speed collide head-on and stick together. Which vehicle experiences the larger change in the magnitude of its momentum? (Ignore the friction) 1. the car 2. the truck 3. the change in the magnitude of momentum is the same for both 4. impossible to determine 294 Chapter 9, section 6, One-Dimensional Collisions Elastic Head On Collision 02 09:06, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Consider the collision of two identical particles, with m1 = m2 = 10 g. The initial velocity of particle 1 is v1 and particle 2 is initially at rest, v2 = 0 m/s.. v1 1 2 1 v1 2 295 Estimate the approximate final speed v2 of the golf ball. 1. v2 ≈ 2 v1 2. v2 ≈ v1 3. v2 ≈ 5 v1 4. v2 ≈ 10 v1 5. v2 ≈ 20 v1 6. v2 ≈ 50 v1 7. v2 ≈ 100 v1 8. v2 ≈ 200 v1 9. v2 ≈ 500 v1 10. v2 ≈ 1000 v1 Figuring Physics 09 09:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Whenever an interaction occurs in a system, forces occur in equal and opposite pairs. After an elastic head-on collision, the final velocity of particle 2 is v2 and given by 1. v2 = v1 2. v2 = 0 3. v2 = 4. v2 = 5. v2 = 6. v2 = 7. v2 = 8. v2 = 9. v2 = v1 4 v1 3 v1 2 2 v1 3 3 v1 4 4 v1 3 5 v1 3 10. v2 = 2 v1 Elastic Head On Collision 03 09:06, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Particle 1 is a sledge hammer with mass m1 = 10 kg, particle 2 by a golf ball with a mass m2 = 10 g. Consider the elastic head-on collision between the hammer and the ball. The initial velocity of the sledge hammer is v1 , the golf ball is initially at rest, v2 = 0 m/s. Before V After Which of the following do not always occur Chapter 9, section 6, One-Dimensional Collisions in equal and opposite pairs? 9. ptotal = 0 1. Impulses 2. Accelerations 3. Momentum Changes 4. But all of these occur in equal and opposite pairs. 3. None of these Head On Collision 03 09:06, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Part 1 of 2 Two particles of masses m and 4 m are moving toward each other along the x-axis with the same speed v . They undergo a headon elastic collision and rebound along the xaxis. v v 10. ptotal = ∞ 296 Part 2 of 2 Determine the final speed v4m of the heavier object. 1. v4m = 1 v 5 2. v4m = 2 v 3. v4m = v 4. v4m = 3 v 5. v4m = 6. v4m 7. v4m 3 v 2 2 = v 3 1 = v 3 8. v4m = 4 v 9. v4m = 0 m 4m Determine the magnitude of the total momentum of the system ptotal at the instant when the two particles are touching each other; i.e., at the moment of collision. 1. ptotal = 3 m v 2. ptotal = m v 3. ptotal = 2 m v 4. ptotal = 4 m v 5. ptotal = 5 m v 6. ptotal = 6 m v 7. ptotal = 7 m v 8. ptotal = 8 m v 10. v4m = ∞ Head On Collision 04 09:06, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Part 1 of 2 Two particles of masses m and 3 m are moving toward each other along the x-axis with the same speed v . They undergo a headon elastic collision and rebound along the xaxis. v v m 3m Determine the magnitude of the momentum of the center of mass at the instant when the two particles are touching each other; i.e., Chapter 9, section 6, One-Dimensional Collisions at the moment of collision. 1. pcm = 2 m v 2. pcm = m v 3. pcm = 3 m v 4. pcm = 4 m v 1. 0 5. pcm = 5 m v 2. v/2 6. pcm = 6 m v 3. v 7. pcm = 7 m v 4. 2 v 8. pcm = 8 m v 5. 3 v 9. pcm = 0 6. v/3 10. pcm = ∞ Part 2 of 2 Determine the final speed of the heavier object. 1. v3m = 0 2. v3m = 2 v 3. v3m = v 4. v3m = 3 v 5. v3m = 6. v3m 7. v3m 8. v3m 1 2 3 = 2 2 = 3 1 = 3 v v v v 7. v/4 fixed. 297 An object of mass m moves to the right with a speed v . It collide head-on with an object of mass 3 m moving with speed v/3 in the OPPOSITE direction. If the two objects stick together, what is the speed of the combined object, of mass 4 m, after the collision? Holt SF 06E 01 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 1500 kg car traveling at 15.0 m/s to the south collides with a 4500 kg truck that is initially at rest at a stoplight. The car and truck stick together and move together after the collision. What is the final velocity of the two-vehicle mass? Holt SF 06E 02 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A grocery shopper tosses a(n) 9.0 kg bag of rice into a stationary 18.0 kg grocery cart. The bag hits the cart with a horizontal speed of 5.5 m/s toward the front of the cart. What is the final speed of the cart and bag? Holt SF 06E 03 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. 9. v3m = 4 v 10. v3m = ∞ Head on Collision 09:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, Chapter 9, section 6, One-Dimensional Collisions A 1.50 × 104 kg railroad car moving at 7.00 m/s to the north collides with and sticks to another railroad car of the same mass that is moving in the same direction at 1.50 m/s. What is the velocity of the joined cars after the collision? Holt SF 06E 04 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A dry cleaner throws a 22 kg bag of laundry onto a stationary 9.0 kg cart. The cart and laundry bag begin moving at 3.0 m/s to the right. Find the velocity of the laundry bag before the collision. Holt SF 06E 05 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A 47.4 kg student runs down the sidewalk and jumps with a horizontal speed of 4.20 m/s onto a stationary skateboard. The student and skateboard move down the sidewalk with a speed of 3.95 m/s. a) Find the mass of the skateboard. Part 2 of 2 b) How fast would the student have to jump to have a final speed of 5.00 m/s? Holt SF 06Rev 31 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Two carts with masses of 4.0 kg and 3.0 kg move toward each other on a frictionless track with speeds of 5.0 m/s and 4.0 m/s, respectively. The carts stick together after colliding head-on. Find their final speed. Holt SF 06Rev 32 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. 298 A 1.20 kg skateboard is coasting along the pavement at a speed of 5.00 m/s when a 0.800 kg cat drops from a tree vertically downward onto the skateboard. What is the speed of the skateboard-cat combination? Holt SF 06Rev 33 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Two carts with masses of 10.0 kg and 2.5 kg move in opposite directions on a frictionless horizontal track with speeds of 6.0 m/s and 3.0 m/s, respectively. The carts stick together after colliding head-on. Find their final speed. Holt SF 06Rev 37 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A billiard ball traveling at 4.0 m/s has an elastic head-on collision with a billiard ball of equal mass that is initially at rest. The first ball is at rest after the collision. What is the speed of the second ball after the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 38 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 25.0 g marble sliding to the right at 20.0 cm/s overtakes and collides elastically with a 10.0 g marble moving in the same direction at 15.0 cm/s. After the collision, the 10.0 g marble moves to the right at 22.1 cm/s. Find the velocity of the 25.0 g marble after the collision. Holt SF 06Rev 39 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. A 15 g toy car moving to the right at 20 cm/s has a head-on nearly elastic collision with a 20 g toy car moving in the opposite direction at 30 cm/s. After colliding, the 15 g Chapter 9, section 6, One-Dimensional Collisions car moves with a velocity of 37 cm/s to the left. Find the speed of the second car after the collision. Holt SF 06Rev 40 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Two shuffleboard disks of equal mass, one orange and the other yellow, are involved in an elastic collision. The yellow disk is initially at rest and is struck by the orange disk moving initially to the right at 5.00 m/s. After the collision, the orange disk is at rest. What is the velocity of the yellow disk after the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 44 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 3.00 kg mud ball has a perfectly inelastic collision with a second mud ball that is initially at rest. The composite system moves with a speed equal to one-third the original speed of the 3.00 kg mud ball. What is the mass of the second mud ball? Holt SF 06Rev 45 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 5.5 g experimental dart is fired into a block of wood with a mass of 22.6 g. The wood block is initially at rest on a 1.5 m tall post. After the collision, the wood block and dart land 2.5 m from the base of the post. Find the initial speed of the dart. Holt SF 06Rev 46 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 730 N student stands in the middle of a frozen pond having a radius of 5.0 m. He is unable to get to the other side because of a lack of friction between his shoes and the ice. To overcome this difficulty, he throws his 2.6 299 kg physics textbook horizontally toward the north shore at a speed of 5.0 m/s. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . How long does it take him to reach the south shore? Holt SF 06Rev 48 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 1550 kg car moving south at 10.0 m/s collides with a 2550 kg car moving north. The cars stick together and move as a unit after the collision at a velocity of 5.22 m/s to the north. Find the velocity of the 2550 kg car before the collision. Holt SF 06Rev 49 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A 2150 kg car moving east at 10.0 m/s collides with a 3250 kg car moving east. The cars stick together and move east as a unit after the collision at a velocity of 5.22 m/s. a) What is the velocity of the 3250 kg car before the collision? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy during the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 50 09:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 0.400 kg bead slides on a straight frictionless wire with a velocity of 3.50 cm/s to the right, as shown. The bead collides elastically with a larger 0.600 kg bead initially at rest. After the collision, the smaller bead moves to the left with a velocity of 0.70 cm/s. 3.5 cm/s 0.4 kg 0.6 kg Find the distance the larger bead moves Chapter 9, section 6, One-Dimensional Collisions along the wire in the first 5.0 s following the collision. 300 Chapter 9, section 8, The Center of Mass Abstract Sculpture 09:08, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, normal. An abstract sculpture consists of a ball (radius R = 75 cm) resting on top of a cube (each side L = 120 cm long). The ball and the cube are made of the same material of uniform density; there are no hollow spaces inside them. The bottom face of the cube rests on a horizontal floor. How high is the sculpture’s center of mass above the floor? Concept 08 09 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Rest two vertical sticks on the floor, with one against a wall, and the other in the middle of a perfectly smooth floor. How do the paths taken by their centers of mass compare when you allow them to fall? 1. a quarter-circle arc and a elliptical curve, respectively 2. a vertical straight line and an elliptical curve, respectively 3. a quarter-circle arc and a vertical straight line, respectively 4. an elliptical curve and a quarter-circle arc, respectively     301 3. The motion of a star is affected by the gravity of planets. 4. The star is revolving about the center of mass of planets. Concept 08 28 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Sometimes a kicked football sails through the air without rotating, and at other times it tumbles end over end as it travels. With respect to the center of mass of the ball, how is it kicked in both cases? 1. in the middle; below the middle 2. in the middle; to the side of the middle 3. below the middle; in the middle 4. below the middle; to the side of the middle Concept 08 29 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. How can the three bricks   Concept 08 23 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Why is the wobbly motion of a single star an indication that the star has one or more planets orbiting around it? 1. Planets near the star distorted the timespace, which affects the star. 2. The light emitted from the star is scattered by planets. be stacked so that the top brick has maximum horizontal displacement from the bottom brick? (Start with the top brick and work down. At every interface the center of gravity of the bricks above must not extend beyond the end of the supporting brick.) 1. Both bricks overhang half of their lengths. 2. Top brick overhangs are one-fourth of its length; middle brick half of its length. Chapter 9, section 8, The Center of Mass 3. Top brick overhangs half of its length; middle brick one-fourth of its length. 4. Top brick overhangs half of its length; middle brick one-third of its length. 5. Both bricks overhang one-third of their lengths. Concept 08 30 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Where is the center of mass of the Earth’s atmosphere? 1. at the center of the Earth 2. at the surface of the Earth 3. at points halfway between the surface of the Earth and the outer limits of the atmosphere 4. at the center of the Sun Conceptual 07 21 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Which location is most likely to be the center of mass of the dumbbell? A B C       302 You are standing on a swing set as shown below. Neither you nor the swing is in motion. Your hands do not touch the ropes which hold the seat. The weight of the swing is negligible compared to your own weight, so consider it to be zero. You prepare to jump towards the left from the seat of the swing as shown above. There is an X marking the location directly beneath the location of the seat. Where will you land? 1. on the X ; conservation of momentum 2. to the left of the X ; conservation of momentum 3. to the left of the X ; conservation of energy 4. to the left of the X ; the horizontal force you exert on the center of mass 5. to the right of the X ; conservation of momentum 6. to the right of the X ; conservation of energy 7. to the right of the X ; the horizontal force you exert on the center of mass 8. on the X ; energy conservation 9. on the X ; momentum isn’t conserved. Rigid System Rotating 02 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, normal. 2m 1. Point A 2. Point B 3. Point C m 4. None of the points, because the center of mass is not on the dumbbell. Conceptual centerofmass 09:08, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. A has mass 9. section 8. Determine the x-coordinate of the center of mass for the three-mass system with respect to the origin. xcm = 14 L 11 15 L 15 9 L 15 7 L 12 15 L 14 16 L 14 21 L 21 9 L 11 17 L 17 11 L 10 The masses are separated by rods of length 3 m. Determine the x-coordinate of the center of mass for the three-mass system with respect to the origin. The figure below shows a rigid 3-mass system which can rotate about an axis perpendicular to the system.3 kg. numeric. xcm = 2. Part 2 of 2 Calculate the y -coordinate of the center of . highSchool. xcm = 8. Calculate the x-coordinate of the center of mass. xcm = 9. > 1 min. xcm = 5. 2M 4M 5M 3m L L x 3m 303 connecting rod is negligible. > 1 min. 2 kg 4 kg 5 kg x Each mass is an integer multiple of mass M . so that the entire length is 2 (3 m). Part 1 of 2 Three spherical masses are located in a plane at the positions shown in the figure below. xcm = 4.Chapter 9. numeric. B has mass 59. Treat the masses as particles. The mass of each 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x Distance (m) Figure: Drawn to scale. xcm = 7. The mass of each connecting rod is negligible. xcm = 6. The x-axis is along the horizontal direction with the origin at the left-most mass 2 M . xcm = 3. 1. Three Masses in a Plane 10 9 8 y Distance (m) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 B A C Rigid System Rotating 04 09:08. highSchool. xcm = 10. Treat the masses as particles.26 kg. Three Masses 01 09:08. normal. so that the entire length is 2 L. The x-axis is along the horizontal direction with the origin at the left-most mass 2 kg. and C has mass 27 kg. The Center of Mass The figure below shows a rigid 3-mass system which can rotate about an axis perpendicular to the system. normal. The masses are separated by rods of length L. y x x 7. fixed. normal. 2. The Center of Mass mass. A m1 = 40 g particle is located at (x1 . where x2 = −2 m and y2 = −6 m.Chapter 9. striking the initially motionless ball a bit above the centerline with the horizontal FORCE shown in the diagram. y x Which of the following describes the motion of the center of the volleyball? 1. y x 4. y2 ). multiple choice. < 1 min. x y 304 3. where x1 = 3 m and y1 = 4 m and a m2 = 50 g particle is located at (x2 . y x 6. . section 8. > 1 min. y1 ). Part 1 of 2 Henry serves a volleyball. Three Particle 1 09:08. y x y 5. Three particles are placed in the xy plane. numeric. What must be the x coordinate of the m3 = 20 g particle so that the center of mass of the three-particle system is at the origin? Volleyball Hit 09:08. highSchool. highSchool. The Center of Mass y 305 y 4. y x 7. Which of the following describes the motion of the paint mark Henry left on the ball’s surface? 1. y x x . y x 3. section 8.Chapter 9. y x 8. y x x Part 2 of 2 Henry had paint on his hand when he hit the ball. x x 8. y 5. y x 2. y 6. 8801◦ above the positive x-axis 9. Center of mass does not move. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of their center of mass while they are in motion? 1. 41. 20. fixed.7603◦ above the positive x-axis 5. Center of mass of the system moves in the direction opposite to the direction of a fragment with the biggest mass. Three balls are thrown into the air simultaneously. There is not enough information given. Center of mass of the system moves in the direction opposite to the direction of a projectile just before it exploded. 3. Center of mass of the system moves in the direction opposite to the direction of the biggest fragment.7603◦ above the negative x-axis 3.0 × 106 m/s. section 10. 0 . 4. > 1 min. Another particle. 7. 8. multiple choice. wordingvariable.0 × 106 m/s. of mass 5.0 × 10−27 kg initially at rest disintegrates into three particles. moves along the positive y axis with a speed of 6.7603◦ below the positive x-axis 4. moves along the positive x-axis with a speed of 4. One of the particles. 41.7603◦ below the negative x-axis 2. None of these Projectile Explosion 09:10. < 1 min. Holt SF 06Rev 59 09:10.4 × 10−27 kg. 20. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. Motion of a System of Particles (Explosions) followed if there had been no explosion. Center of mass of the system moves in the direction of the biggest fragment. fixed. g 3 4. 20. Center of mass of the system follows the same parabolic path the projectile would have 306 2. of mass 8.Chapter 9. a) Find the speed of the third particle. 5. Part 1 of 2 An unstable nucleus with a mass of 17. numeric. 41. Center of mass of the system moves in the direction of a fragment with the biggest mass. What can be said about the motion of the center of mass of the system made up of all the fragments after the explosion? 1. 3g 3. 6. 41.8801◦ below the negative x-axis 6. Part 2 of 2 b) At what angle does the third particle move? 1. g 2.8801◦ below the positive x-axis 8.0 × 10−27 kg. 20. not enough information given 5. multiple choice. > 1 min. Three Balls 09:10. A projectile fired into the air suddenly explodes into several fragments.8801◦ above the negative x-axis 7. forming a compound system. Both E and p are conserved in the collision. find the magnitude of the loss in kinetic energy after the collision. Energy of a System of Particles Collision of Masses 03 09:11. > 1 min.Chapter 9. A mass m1 slides on a frictionless horizontal plane and collides and sticks to a mass m2 that is at the bottom of a frictionless ramp. masses m1 and m2 slide together up the curved ramp and come to a rest. 3. Part 1 of 3 Given: Two masses (M1 and M2 ) are a system. and m2 = 3m. 2. fixed. Let E = K + U be the total mechanical energy of the system and p be the total momentum of this system. E is conserved during this motion. p is conserved in the collision. and B to E is frictionless. p is conserved during this motion. m1 v1 m2 What is conserved in the collision? 1. > 1 min. Due to the collision. the masses m1 and m2 slide together up the ramp and come to a rest. highSchool. highSchool. 2v0 v0 307 v m12 What is conserved during this motion? 1. with initial velocity v0 . Block m1 is pushed down the ramp and released at A with velocity v1 and is accelerating down. What is conserved during this motion? 1. Part 1 of 2 The coefficient of friction is µ from A to B. multiple choice. Let E = K + U = mechanical energy m1 m2 If m = 1. E is conserved in the collision. Both E and p are conserved during this motion. 3. Part 2 of 3 After the collision. Both E and p are conserved during this motion. numeric. with initial velocity 2v0 . Two masses undergo a front-to-back collision. 4. they stick together. 3. Again. 4. fixed. The masses are m1 = m. E is conserved during this motion. Part 3 of 3 Now suppose there is friction between the masses and the curved ramp. < 1 min. normal. 2. Neither E nor p is conserved during this motion. 4. p is conserved during this motion. Neither E nor p is conserved in the collision. P = momentum . Conservation on the Track SW 01 09:11.5 kg and v0 = 6 m/s. Neither E nor p is conserved during this motion. Conservation of What 09:11. 2. section 11. multiple choice. highSchool. E 2. P 3. Block m1 is pushed down the ramp and released at A with velocity v1 and is accelerating down. fixed. and B to E is frictionless. P 3. Energy of a System of Particles A   308 m1 A ¡ m1 E     E ¡ ¡ B   m2 C D   B ¡ m2 C D ¡ What is conserved as m1 goes from A to B? 1.Chapter 9. highSchool. Both E and P 4. E 2. fixed. Neither E nor P Part 2 of 2 What is conserved as the masses m1 + m2 slide together from D to E? 1. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 P = momentum . Both E and P 4. P 3. Part 1 of 3 The coefficient of friction is µ from A to B. Both E and P 4. < 1 min. P 3. Let What is conserved as m1 goes from A to B? 1. Neither E nor P Part 3 of 3 What is conserved as the masses m1 + m2 slide together from D to E? 1. Neither E nor P Part 2 of 3 What is conserved in a completely inelastic collision of m1 with m2 ? 1. highSchool. multiple choice. Both E and P 4. E 2. section 11. > 1 min. E 2. Neither E nor P E = K + U = mechanical energy Football Hitting a Cart 09:11. E 2. Neither E nor P Conservation on the Track SW 09:11. P 3. Both E and P 4. The bucket travels with the ball after the collision. section 11.25 kg arrow with a velocity of 12 m/s to the west strikes and pierces the center of a 6. a student kicks a 0.0 m/s to the north suddenly grabs the hand of a 65 kg skater traveling at 12. a) What is the final velocity of the two skaters? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy during the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 34 09:11. more information is needed to answer Holt SF 06F 01 09:11. Part 1 of 2 During practice. mechanical energy only 3. highSchool. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A 0. The cart with the football in it then moves along the hilly frictionless track to position B. highSchool. a) What is the final velocity of the combined mass? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy during the collision? Holt SF 06F 03 09:11. Part 1 of 2 A railroad car with a mass of 2. wordingvariable. Energy of a System of Particles A football is thrown hard horizontally and it hits and sticks in a cart that is on a track at position A in the diagram. highSchool. the two skaters continue skating together with joined hands. neither mechanical energy nor momentum 5. Without rotating. mechanical energy only 3.8 kg target. each What is conserved in the collision of the football with the cart at position A? 1. numeric. > 1 min. mechanical energy and momentum 2.5 m/s to the south into a 0. numeric. neither mechanical energy nor momentum 5.00 m/s collides and joins with two railroad cars already joined together.Chapter 9. numeric. more information is needed to answer Part 2 of 2 What is conserved as the cart with the football in it moves from position A to position B? 1. highSchool.15 kg bucket lying on its side. > 1 min. momentum only 4. B football A 309 mass? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy during the collision? Holt SF 06F 02 09:11. where the cart stops. a) What is the final velocity of the combined . numeric. momentum only 4. > 1 min. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A 56 kg ice skater traveling at 4.40 kg soccer ball with a velocity of 8. > 1 min. mechanical energy and momentum 2.00 × 104 kg moving at 3. wordingvariable.0 m/s in the opposite direction as they pass. numeric.Chapter 9. Part 1 of 2 An 88 kg fullback moving east with a speed of 5. Assume that the negative acceleration is constant and that all wheels on both cars lock at the time of impact. the 5. A 2250 kg car traveling at 10. wordingvariable.0 g coin? Holt SF 06Rev 54 09:11. wordingvariable. highSchool. section 11. > 1 min.0 m/s collides with a 2750 kg car that is initially at rest at a stoplight. highSchool. numeric. . After the collision.81 m/s2 .5 cm/s.0 m/s. a) Find the final velocity of the other coin. wordingvariable.0 g coin sliding to the right at 25. and the collision is perfectly inelastic. > 1 min. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between the cars and the road.0 g coin moves to the left at 12. > 1 min. a) What is the velocity of the players immediately after the tackle? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy during the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 36 09:11. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A 5. The cars stick together and 310 move 2.0 g coin that is initially at rest. Energy of a System of Particles with the same mass as the single car and initially moving in the same direction at 1.20 m/s. Part 2 of 2 b) How much kinetic energy is transferred to the 15.50 m before friction causes them to stop. numeric.0 m/s is tackled by a 97 kg opponent running west at 3.0 cm/s makes an elastic head-on collision with a 15. a) What is the final speed of the three joined cars after the collision? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy during the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 35 09:11. Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions Ballistic Block 09:12.8 m/s2 . pf = mblock vbullet 3. pf = gh 1 (mbullet + mblock ) g h 2 √ 10. normal. Conservation of Momentum 09:12. A flying bird is trapped in an airtight container sitting on the ground. Assume: The entire track is frictionless.4 kg 5 cm The bird attempts to escape by flying into the ceiling of the container. highSchool. No. pf = mbullet gh 311 7. > 1 min. as shown above. conservation of momentum 2. Part 2 of 3 Taking the same parameter values as those in Part 1. conservation of angular momentum 4. No. section 12. fixed.4 kg mass. highSchool. the bird exerts a net force up on the container. > 1 min. pf = mblock 9. pf = Will the bird be able to make the container leave the ground and sustain it in flight? 1. numeric. as shown. conservation of energy 3. 6. Yes. 6. Part 3 of 3 Denote vbullet to be the initial velocity. fixed.Chapter 9. multiple choice. A bullet with a m1 = 30 g mass is fired horizontally into a block of wood with m2 = 5. the bird exerts a torque which will cause the container to rotate. pf = mbullet vbullet 2. Yes. multiple choice. The compound system of the block plus the bullet rises to a height of 5 cm along a circular arc with a 9 cm radius. Part 1 of 3 Assume: The bullet penetrates into the block and stops due to its friction with the block. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Yes. the impulse provided by the bird should lift the container. determine the initial velocity of the bullet. find the momentum of the compound system immediately after the collision. pf = mbullet + mblock vbullet 4. pf = (mbullet + mblock ) vbullet 1 (mbullet + mblock ) vbullet 2 √ 5. No. 5. highSchool. Calculate the total energy of the composite system at any time after the collision. pf = (mbullet + mblock ) g h 8. pf = mbullet + mblock g h Conceptual momentum 09:12. > 1 min. 9 cm vbullet 30 g 5. . 1. highSchool.0 cm/s. Disregard any effects of the water.0 kg bumper car moving to the right. v1 = −2 v0 5. The first ball stops after the collision.00 m/s overtakes and collides elastically with a 35.0 kg bumper car slows to 1. the raft moves to the left at 22.7 m/s. Part 1 of 3 A 0. wordingvariable.e.00 m/s has an elastic head-on collision with another 4. numeric. wordingvariable. numeric. v1 = −3 v0 3 v0 2 3 8. .0 kg bowling ball initially at rest. the first marble moves to the left at 18. What is the velocity v1 of block m1 after the collision? 1. highSchool.50 m/s to the right.015 kg marble sliding to the right at 22. Part 2 of 3 b) What is the total kinetic energy before the collision? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the total kinetic energy after the collision? Holt SF 06G 02 09:12. Part 1 of 3 A 4. traveling to the left). Part 2 of 3 b) What is the total kinetic energy before the collision? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the total kinetic energy after the collision? Holt SF 06G 03 09:12.50 m/s to the right. > 1 min.0 cm/s. and the 35. a) Find the velocity of the second ball after the collision. v1 = − v0 2 7. After the collision. v1 = 2 v0 4.Chapter 9. highSchool.0 kg bumper car moving to the right at 5. wordingvariable. > 1 min. v1 = 3 v0 6. Part 1 of 3 A 25. v1 = Holt SF 06G 01 09:12.0 kg bowling ball sliding to the right at 8. After the collision. section 12..015 kg marble moving to the left at 18. Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions Block m1 of mass 2 m and velocity v0 is traveling to the right (+x) and makes an elastic head-on collision with block m2 of mass m and velocity −2 v0 (i. a) Find the velocity of the canoe after the collision. v1 = v0 3.0 m/s. a) Find the velocity of the second marble after the collision. numeric.5 cm/s on a frictionless surface makes an elastic head-on collision with a 0. highSchool.0 kg canoe moving to the left at 12 m/s makes an elastic head-on collision with a 4.0 kg car moves at 4. wordingvariable. numeric. 312 Part 1 of 3 A 16.0 kg raft moving to the right at 6. v1 = −v0 2. the 25. > 1 min. Part 2 of 3 b) What is the total kinetic energy before the collision? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the total kinetic energy after the collision? Holt SF 06G 04 09:12. After the collision. > 1 min. 9 m . Part 2 of 2 b) Find the velocity of the billiard ball initially moving to the left immediately after the collision. The acceleration of gravity is 9. What was the initial speed of the bullet? Holt SF 06Rev 52 09:12. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool.0 cm. The swing and bird are originally at rest.2 kg 90◦ 8 cm v1 3. 313 Part 1 of 2 Two billiard balls with identical masses and sliding in opposite directions have an elastic head-on collision. The two masses are stuck together as a result of the collision. > 1 min. Holt SF 06Rev 58 09:12. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. The pendulum rises a vertical distance of 6. 0.9 m . fixed.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. numeric.0 g. highSchool. normal.0 kg bumper car before the collision. Before the collision. highSchool. numeric.81 m/s2 .1 kg 3. > 1 min. numeric. The compound system then swings to the right and rises to the horizontal level. and the base of the swing has a mass of 153 g. which is suspended by a string of length 0. wordingvariable. multiple choice. then the bird takes off horizontally at 2. The first mass is moving with a velocity v1 immediately before colliding with the second mass. normal.1 kg Find the kinetic energy of the compound system immediately after the collision. Part 2 of 2 What is v1 . the speed of m1 immediately before the collision? Linear Collision 01 09:12. wordingvariable. A(n) 8. How high will the base of the swing rise above its original level? Disregard friction.5 kg pendulum bob initially at rest and becomes embedded in it. Inelastic Collision 11 09:12. section 12. numeric.0 g bullet is fired into a 2. Part 2 of 3 b) What is the total kinetic energy before the collision? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the total kinetic energy after the collision? Holt SF 06Rev 51 09:12. Part 1 of 2 Given two identical 3. A bird perched on a swing like the one below has a mass of 52. each ball had a speed of 22 cm/s. a) Find the velocity of the billiard ball initially moving to the right immediately after the collision.8 m/s2 . highSchool. O 6.Chapter 9. > 1 min. Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions a) Find the velocity of the 35.1 kg masses. highSchool.00 m/s. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 4 of 6 In the limit. v1 = +2 v1 5. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. v2 = +v1 2. v2 = +2 v1 3. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ . what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. v1 = +v1 3. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. 0 < v1 < +v1 m1 m2 If m1 = m2 . v2 = −v1 5. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. section 12. v1 = 0 3. v1 = −v1 2. v1 = +v1 4. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. when m1 m2 . what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1.Chapter 9. v1 = −v1 4. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. v2 = −v1 5. along a line joining the two balls). Ball m1 has an initial velocity v1 > 0 (left-to-right is the positive direction. Balls m1 and m2 make a head-on elastic collision with each other. Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions Part 1 of 6 Two balls have masses m1 and m2 . −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. v1 = +2 v1 5. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 314 Part 3 of 6 In the limit. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. Ball m2 is at rest. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 2 of 6 If m1 = m2 . v2 = 0 3. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. v2 = +2 v1 4. when m1 m2 . v2 = 0 2. v2 = +v1 4. as shown in the figure below. v1 = 0 2. v1 6. Ball m1 has an initial velocity v1 > 0 (left-to-right is the positive direction. +2 v1 < v2 ≤ ∞ 6. v1 = +2 v1 4. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. as shown in the figure below. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. v2 = +2 v1 4. −v1 < v1 < +v1 5. section 12. v1 = +v1 2. v2 = 0 3. m1 m2 315 Part 1 of 4 Two balls have masses m1 and m2 . Ball m2 is at rest. −v1 < v2 < +v1 3. v1 = 0 2. v2 = −v1 5. when m1 m2 . −v1 < v1 < 0 8. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 6 of 6 In the limit. +2 v1 < v1 <≤ ∞ . 0 < v1 < +v1 9. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions fixed. > 1 min. Balls m1 and m2 make a head-on elastic collision with each other. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Linear Collision 02 09:12. along a line joining the two balls). +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 5 of 6 In the limit. what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. v1 = +2 v1 5. v2 = +2 v1 2. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1.Chapter 9. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. v2 = +v1 4. v1 If m1 = m2 . +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 2 of 4 If m1 = m2 . v1 = −v1 4. v1 = +v1 3. v2 = −v1 5. v2 = +v1 2. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. highSchool. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. 9. multiple choice. v1 = −v1 3. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. when m1 m2 . fixed. multiple choice. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. v2 = −v1 5. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. highSchool. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 2 of 2 If m1 = m2 . v1 = 0 3. v1 = +v1 4. v1 = +2 v1 5. v1 = 0 2. v1 If m1 = m2 . v2 = +v1 2. Part 1 of 2 Two balls have masses m1 and m2 . v1 = +2 v1 5. when m1 m2 . Balls m1 and m2 make a head-on elastic collision with each other. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. Ball m2 is at rest. v1 = −v1 4. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 3 of 4 In the limit. v1 = +v1 3. what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. Ball m1 has an initial velocity v1 > 0 (left-to-right is the positive direction. v2 = 0 2. v2 = 0 . +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 316 Linear Collision 03 09:12. section 12. v2 = +2 v1 3. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. when m1 m2 . Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions 6. −v1 < v1 < 0 m1 m2 8. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. v2 = +v1 4. 0 < v1 < +v1 9.Chapter 9. v1 = −v1 2. > 1 min. +2 v1 < v1 <≤ ∞ 6. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 4 of 4 In the limit. along a line joining the two balls). 0 < v1 < +v1 9. as shown in the figure below. −v1 < v1 < 0 . −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. v1 = +2 v1 4. Part 1 of 4 Two balls have masses m1 and m2 . Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions 3. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. along a line joining the two balls). v2 = −v1 5. Balls m1 and m2 make a head-on elastic collision with each other. −v1 < v1 < +v1 5. v2 = +v1 4. what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. v2 = 0 2. highSchool. when m1 m2 . v1 = −v1 2. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 3 of 4 In the limit. when m1 m2 . Ball m2 is at rest. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. fixed. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. > 1 min. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. what is the final velocity v1 of the ball m1 ? 1. Ball m1 has an initial velocity v1 > 0 (left-to-right is the positive direction. v1 = +2 v1 5. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 317 Part 2 of 4 In the limit. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Part 4 of 4 m1 m2 In the limit. v1 = −v1 3. +2 v1 < v1 ≤ +∞ 6. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. v1 8. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. v2 = +2 v1 4. v1 = +v1 2. v1 = +v1 4.Chapter 9. as shown in the figure below. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. v2 = +2 v1 3. multiple choice. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Linear Collision 04 09:12. when m1 m2 . section 12. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. v2 = −v1 5. v1 = 0 3. Energy and Momentum Conservation in Collisions In the limit. −v1 < v2 < +v1 3. along a line joining the two balls). +2 v1 < v2 ≤ ∞ 6. −∞ ≤ v1 < −v1 7. what is the final velocity v2 of the ball m2 ? 1. wordingvariable. v2 = −v1 5. 66 m/s 0 m /s 318 41 kg 29 kg What is the final velocity of the 41 kg ball? Part 2 of 2 What is the final velocity of the 29 kg ball? . Part 1 of 2 Two balls have masses of 41 kg and 29 kg. > 1 min. numeric. highSchool. The 29 kg ball is at rest. when m1 m2 . v2 = +2 v1 2. as shown in the figure below. v2 = +v1 4. The two balls make a head-on elastic collision with each other.Chapter 9. The 41 kg ball has an initial velocity 66 m/s > 0 (left-to-right is the positive direction. section 12. +v1 < v1 < +2 v1 Linear Collision 06 09:12. 0 < v1 < +v1 9. −v1 < v1 < 0 8. calculate the boat’s mass (not counting the man). fixed. < 1 min. Two air blocks with masses 300 g and 200 g are equipped with identical springs (k = 3000 N/m) . The prow of the boat touches the pier. Mass m1 collides elastically with m2 . normal. it’s moved 2. 3 m /s 3 m /s 3000 N/m 3000 N/m 300 g 200 g Find the maximum compression of the spring attached to the 300 g mass. 3 m /s 3 m /s 3000 N/m 3000 N/m 200 g 200 g Find the maximum compression of the spring attached to the 200 g mass. V cm ≡ 8.Chapter 9. V cm ≡ m1 v1 − m 2 v2 m1 + m 2 m2 v2 − m 1 v1 m1 + m 2 m1 v1 + m 2 v2 m1 − m 2 m1 v1 − m 2 v2 m1 − m 2 m2 v2 − m 1 v1 m1 − m 2 m1 v1 + m 2 v2 m2 − m 1 m1 v1 − m 2 v2 m2 − m 1 m1 v1 + m 2 v2 m1 + m 2 m2 v1 + m 1 v2 m1 + m 2 319 Man in a Boat 02 09:13. compressing the springs. V cm ≡ 5. compressing the springs. < 1 min. V cm ≡ 6. The blocks move toward each other with identical speeds of 3 m/s on a horizontal air track and collide. V cm ≡ 10. The blocks move toward each other with identical speeds of 3 m/s on a horizontal air track and collide. Assuming no water resistance to the boat’s motion. Air Cars With Springs 02 09:13. V cm ≡ 9. > 1 min. V cm ≡ 4. Center of Mass SW 09:13. highSchool. Two air blocks with masses 200 g and 200 g are equipped with identical springs (k = 3000 N/m) . V cm ≡ 7. Two balls of masses m1 and m2 are moving along a line on frictionless surface with velocities v1 and v2 . Center of Mass Reference Frame Air Cars With Springs 01 09:13.5 m away from the pier. . numeric. V cm ≡ 3. highSchool. V cm ≡ m2 v2 − m 1 v1 m2 − m 1 2. A 80 kg man sits on the stern of a 5 m long boat. highSchool. but the boat isn’t tied. stands up and walks to the boat’s prow. but by the time he reaches the prow. The man notices his mistake. numeric. multiple choice. What is the center of mass velocity V cm of this system of two balls after collision? 1. > 1 min. normal. highSchool. normal. numeric. section 13. numeric. numeric.0 π rad/s ∆θ +2. < 1 min. highSchool. It depends on the latitude. Velocity and Acceleration Concept 08 35 10:01. section 1. wordingvariable. In what time interval will the plane move through an angular displacement of 3. What is the value of a? Part 2 of 4 What is the value of b? Part 3 of 4 What is the value of c? Part 4 of 4 What is the value of d? Part 1 of 4 Consider the following values 320 ωavg a +0. wordingvariable.0 s 0. multiple choice. > 1 min.2 turns +1.5 π rad ∆t 10. wordingvariable. highSchool.5 times? Holt SF 07B 02 10:01. she slowly pulls her arms inward and finally spins at 8.2 rad/s. < 1 min. How long does the fly take to move through 2. < 1 min. In what time interval will the tire rotate 3. What is her average angular acceleration during this time interval? Holt SF 07C 02 10:01.0 π rad/s. numeric. During a 3. < 1 min. highSchool. decrease 3.Chapter 10. wordingvariable.4 rad/s in 5. > 1 min. numeric. numeric. highSchool. no change 4. wordingvariable.0 rad/s. Holt SF 07B 01 10:01. The average angular speed of a fly moving in a circle is 7. A girl ties a toy airplane to the end of a string and swings it around her head.3 rad? Holt SF 07B 03 10:01. highSchool. < 1 min. Angular Position. fixed.2 s d Holt SF 07C 01 10:01. numeric. wordingvariable. highSchool. numeric. What angular acceleration is necessary to increase the angular speed of a fan blade from 8. increase 2. How would this value change if the Earth rotated faster about its axis? 1.050 s 1.75 rev/s c +2. A figure skater begins spinning counterclockwise at an angular speed of 4. highSchool.0 π rad/s. The plane’s average angular speed is 2. Part 1 of 3 Consider the following values . wordingvariable.0 s interval.5 rad/s to 15. highSchool.3 rad b −1.2 s? Holt SF 07C 03 10:01. A car tire rotates with an average angular speed of 29 rad/s.3 rad? Holt SF 07B 04 10:01. The value of g at the Earth’s surface is about 10 m/s2 . > 1 min. 00 rad? Holt SF 07Rev 08 10:01. twice as far from the center of the circular platform as Isaac. < 1 min. Merry Go Round 02 10:01. fixed. highSchool. multiple choice. A phonograph record has an initial angular speed of 33 rev/min. highSchool.2 turns/s ∆t 7. numeric.9 s.75 rad/s2 c ∆ω +121.050 s 1.25 days. 2 s 321 What is the value of a? Part 2 of 3 What is the value of b? Part 3 of 3 What is the value of c? Holt SF 07Rev 07 10:01. 0 s 0. If a flywheel increases its average angular speed by 2. who rides on an inner horse. Find the average angular speed of Earth about the sun. < 1 min. numeric. wordingvariable. highSchool. Angular Position. Earth orbits the sun once every 365.Chapter 10. Velocity and Acceleration αavg a +0.7 rad/s in 1. numeric. numeric. half of Isaac’s 4. wordingvariable. < 1 min. Feng and Isaac are riding on a merry-goround. highSchool. section 1. < 1 min.0 s.5 rad/s b −1. < 1 min. twice Isaac’s 2. The record slows to 11 rev/min in 2. How long does it take the second hand of a clock to move through 4. fixed. impossible to determine . When the merry-go-round is rotating at a constant angular speed. Feng rides on a horse at the outer rim of the circular platform. what is Feng’s angular speed? 1. the same as Isaac’s 3. what is its average angular acceleration? Holt SF 07Rev 41 10:01. wordingvariable. What is the record’s average angular acceleration during this time interval? Holt SF 07Rev 09 10:01. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A remote-controlled car’s wheel accelerates at 22. fixed. > 1 min. If the wheel begins with an angular speed of 10. > 1 min. reversed rotation due to the rebound 4. numeric. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. The wheel on an upside-down bicycle moves through 18. wordingvariable.00 s. what is its angular acceleration in rad/s2 ? Holt SF 07Rev 11 10:02.Chapter 10.0 rad in 5. numeric. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. multiple choice. Find the drill’s angular acceleration. The fish has an initial angular speed of 1. reversed rotation due to inertia 2. After 3.20 rev/s in 30. A fish swimming behind an oil tanker gets caught in a whirlpool created by the ship’s propellers. what is the wheel’s angular speed after exactly four full turns? Part 2 of 2 How long does the wheel take to make the four turns? Holt SF 07Rev 10 10:02. highSchool.2 s before reaching its final angular speed.7 rev in 1. same rotation due to inertia 3. Assuming the diver begins with zero initial angular speed and accelerates at a constant rate. Holt SF 07Rev 12 10:02. Part 1 of 2 A drill starts from rest.5 s. A diver performing a double somersault spins at an angular speed of 4. < 1 min. section 2. the fish’s angular speed is 14. > 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool.8 rad/s. Assuming that the angular acceleration of . numeric. When a rolling yo-yo falls to the bottom of its cord. A tire placed on a balancing machine in a service station starts from rest and turns through 4. numeric.0 π rad/s precisely 0.5 rad/s. If the water in the whirlpool accelerates at a constant rate. the drill turns at a rate of 2628 rad/s. numeric.0 rad/s? Holt SF 07D 02 10:02. wordingvariable. numeric. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. same rotation due to the rebound Holt SF 07D 01 10:02.0 s. A potter’s wheel moves from rest to an angular speed of 0. < 1 min. what is the diver’s angular acceleration during the double somersault? Holt SF 07D 03 10:02. < 1 min. what is the angular accelera- 322 Holt SF 07D 04 05 10:02.4 rad/s2 . What is the wheel’s angular acceleration if its initial angular speed is 2. wordingvariable. After 4.0 rad/s. Part 2 of 2 Find the angle through which the drill rotates during this period. numeric. Assuming constant angular acceleration.50 s after leaving the platform. what is its rotation as it climbs back up the cord? 1. highSchool. Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Rotational tion? Concept 08 07 10:02.20 s of constant angular acceleration. section 2.53. . wordingvariable. > 1 min. > 1 min. Holt SF 07Rev 45 10:02.81 m/s2 . If the rotation slows with an angular deceleration of 1. The tub slows to rest in 12.0 cm string starts from rest and is rotated in a circular path 323 exactly 40 times in 1. highSchool.00 min? Holt SF 07Rev 51 10:02. highSchool. calculate the wheel’s angular acceleration.300 m. the lid is opened. wordingvariable. numeric.50 rad/s2 . What is the angular speed of the mass after 1.Chapter 10. At this point. highSchool. numeric.00 min before reaching a final angular speed.0 cm from the center of a steel turntable. starting from rest and reaching an angular speed of 11 π rad/s in 8. wordingvariable.40 cm is dropped onto a horizontal surface. wordingvariable. A copper block rests 30. After what time interval will the block start to slip on the turntable? The acceleration of gravity is 9. Holt SF 07Rev 44 10:02. A coin with a diameter of 2. highSchool. Holt SF 07Rev 42 10:02. Through how many revolutions does the tub turn? Assume constant angular acceleration while the machine is starting and stopping.00 m/s2 when the brakes are applied. How many revolutions does each tire make before the car comes to a stop? Assume that the car does not skid and that each tire has a radius of 0.0 s.0 s. numeric. numeric. A mass attached to a 50. highSchool. > 1 min. Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Rotational the wheel is constant. > 1 min. wordingvariable. and a safety switch turns off the washer. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0. The coin starts out with an initial angular speed of 18. The turntable starts from rest and rotates with a constant angular acceleration of 0.90 rad/s2 . > 1 min. The tub within a washer goes into its spin cycle. A car traveling at 30.0 m/s undergoes a constant deceleration of 2. how far does the coin roll before coming to rest? Holt SF 07Rev 46 10:02.0 rad/s and rolls in a straight line without slipping. numeric. multiple choice. 4v 2. The smaller wheel has twice the rotational speed and twice the tangential speed as the larger wheel. 2 2 2. It depends on the speed. v . fixed. fixed. such as those of snow tires. The smaller wheel has half the rotational speed and half the tangential speed as the larger wheel. 3. highSchool. highSchool. The rotational speeds are the same. multiple choice. < 1 min.Chapter 10. what will happen to its tangential speed if it crawls out to the edge? v v 1. multiple choice. . It depends on the speed. wording-variable. Unlike a phonograph record that has a con- r 2r How does the rotational speed of the smaller wheel compare with that of the larger wheel? How do the tangential speeds at the rims compare (assuming the belt doesn’t slip)? 1. A large wheel is coupled to a wheel with half the diameter as shown. The smaller wheel has four times the ro- . what will be the effect on the speedometer reading? Concept 08 04 10:04. Sue’s tires 3. 4. 4. Concept 08 03 10:04. multiple choice. No different 4. highSchool. What will happen to its tangential speed if the RPM rate is doubled? At this doubled rate. highSchool. Harry and Sue cycle at the same speed. 324 tational speed and the same tangential speed as the larger wheel. fixed. 2v . < 1 min. 2v 1. Higher Concept 08 02 10:04. < 1 min. 2v . 3. fixed. multiple choice. section 4. Harry’s tires 2. A ladybug traveling with tangential velocity v sits halfway between the axis and the edge of a phonograph record. If larger wheels. Relationships Between Angular and Linear Quantities Concept 08 01 10:04. The smaller wheel has twice the rotational speed and the same tangential speed as the larger wheel. highSchool. 2v 3. are used. Lower 4. < 1 min. An automobile speedometer is configured to read speed proportional to the rotational speed of its wheels. Which tires have the greater rotational speed? 1. Concept 08 06 10:04. The tires on Harry’s bike have a larger diameter than those on Sue’s bike. < 1 min. 2. highSchool. highSchool.0 π m/s ω 121. wordingvariable.0300 m 0. What is a tire’s angular acceleration if the tangential acceleration at a radius of 0. A dog on a merry-go-round undergoes a 1. what is the angular speed of the ball before the pitcher releases it? Holt SF 07E 03 10:04. If the pitcher’s arm is 0.050 m 3. numeric.18 m/s2 . What is the angular speed of the spinning athlete? Assume the discus is 0. numeric. highSchool. a CD scans information at a constant linear speed (130 cm/s). highSchool. < 1 min. Part 1 of 4 Consider the following table: Part 2 of 4 b) What is the value of b? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the value of c? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the value of d? vt a 0.0 rad/s2 . highSchool. how far is the dog from the axis of rotation? Holt SF 07F 02 10:04. numeric. If she is 0. If the tangential acceleration of the yo-yo at the end of the string is 0. wordingvariable.80 m from the center of the door.5 m/s2 linear acceleration.5 rad/s b 1. A softball pitcher throws a ball with a tangential speed of 6. An athlete spins in a circle before releasing a discus with a tangential speed of 9. Does the CD rotate at a constant or varying angular speed? 1. wordingvariable. highSchool.Chapter 10. how long is the string? Holt SF 07F 03 10:04.8 m d Holt SF 07F 01 10:04. varying angular speed Holt SF 07E 01 10:04. numeric.35 rad/s2 . A young boy swings a yo-yo horizontally above his head at an angular acceleration of 0.75 m from the athlete’s axis of rotation.93 m/s. < 1 min.660 m long. > 1 min.5 π rad/s 325 r 0. wordingvariable. < 1 min.15 m is 9. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric. < 1 min. what is the door’s angular speed? Holt SF 07E 02 10:04.8 m/s. . numeric. wordingvariable. Holt SF 07E 04 10:04. constant angular speed a) What is the value of a? 2. section 4. If the merry-go-round’s angular acceleration is 1. < 1 min. highSchool. A woman passes through a revolving door with a tangential speed of 1. < 1 min. wordingvariable. Relationships Between Angular and Linear Quantities stant angular speed.75 m/s c 2.0 m/s. wordingvariable.4 × 10−2 m/s2 ? Holt SF 07Rev 21 10:04. numeric. numeric.2 turns/s 1. < 1 min. If a point on its rim has a tangential acceleration of 48 cm/s2 . wordingvariable. highSchool. A bicycle wheel has an angular acceleration of 1. numeric.086 m/s2 .Chapter 10. The Emerald Suite is a revolving restaurant at the top of the Space Needle in Seattle. < 1 min. wordingvariable. section 4. numeric. what is the radius of the wheel? Holt SF 07Rev 24 10:04. what is the angular speed of the restaurant? Holt SF 07Rev 23 10:04. If the pebble’s tangential speed is 49 m/s. Relationships Between Angular and Linear Quantities A small pebble breaks loose from the treads of a tire with a radius of 32 cm. Washington. what is the tire’s angular speed? Holt SF 07Rev 22 10:04. < 1 min. If the shaft’s angular acceleration is 3. what is the radius of the shaft? 326 .8 rad/s2 and the shade accelerates upward at 0. If a customer sitting 12 m from the restaurant’s center has a tangential speed of 2. numeric.5 rad/s2 . highSchool. highSchool. < 1 min. When a string is pulled in the correct direction on a window shade.18 × 10−2 m/s. wordingvariable. a lever is released and the shaft that the shade is wound around spins. 81 m/s2 . wordingvariable. > 1 min.0200 m diameter coin rolls up a 15. as shown. highSchool. What is the translational speed of the cylinder when it leaves the incline? Holt SF 08E 01ball 10:05.) Holt SF 08E 03 10:05. > 1 min. 3. numeric.81 m/s2 . wordingvariable. numeric. wordingvariable.050 m starts from rest at a height of 2. What is the moment of inertia of the propeller? Holt SF 08Rev 52 10:05. The net work done in accelerating a propeller from rest to an angular speed of 220 rad/s is 3000.8 m high. A regulation basketball has a 25 cm diameter and may be approximated as a thin spherical shell. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0◦ inclined plane. wordingvariable. numeric.00 m and rolls down a 30. highSchool. 4.81 m/s2 . A 0. wordingvariable.0◦ slope. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . Rotational Kinetic Energy Figuring Physics 34 10:05. numeric. as shown. Holt SF 08E 01 10:05. How much vertical distance does it gain before it stops rolling? Holt SF 08Rev 53 10:05.0◦ with the horizontal? Holt SF 08Rev 49 10:05. highSchool. Which rolls higher up the incline before coming to a stop? 1. highSchool. multiple choice.10 kg and a radius of 0. > 1 min.00 m and rolls down a 30. The acceleration of gravity is 9. A solid ball with a mass of 4. > 1 min.0 rad/s and rolls in a straight line without slipping. How long will it take a basketball starting from rest to roll without slipping 4.0 J. In a circus performance.81 m/s2 . section 5. One ball is solid and the other is a thinwalled hollow ball. a large 4. highSchool. Two balls of equal mass at the bottom of an incline are rolled upward without slipping at the same initial velocity. What is the translational speed of the tire when it reaches the bottom of the hill? (Assume that the tire is a hoop with I = mr 2 . The coin starts with an initial angular speed of 45. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric.5 kg bicycle tire of radius 0. 327 A 1. Depends on the relative diameters of the balls. numeric. A solid cylinder with a mass of 4. highSchool. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. highSchool.0◦ slope. > 1 min. The hollow ball. fixed. 2. > 1 min.10 kg and a radius of 0. Both will roll to the same height. > 1 min. highSchool. numeric. The solid ball.Chapter 10. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 m down an incline that makes an angle of 30. The acceleration of gravity is 9.050 m starts from rest at a height of 2.0 kg hoop .33 m starts from rest and rolls down from the top of a hill that is 14. What is the translational speed of the ball when it leaves the incline? Holt SF 08E 02 10:05. 0 kg hoop with a radius of 3. > 1 min. None of these 328 SWCT Rotational KE 10:05. 2 2 4. 3 7 6. wordingvariable. What is the ratio of final to initial kinetic energy? 1. < 1 min. numeric.Chapter 10. section 5. 7 3 7 5 5. > 1 min.0◦ inclined plane.0 m rolls without slipping. A coin with a diameter of 4. 3 5. wordingvariable. How far does it roll up the inclined plane? Holt SF 08Rev 63 10:05. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 1 6. is brought into contact coaxially with a flywheel with inertia I2 = 2 I1 . If the hoop is given an angular speed of 3. The coin starts with an initial angular speed of 60.0 rad/s while rolling on the horizontal and then rolls up a ramp inclined at 20. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . multiple choice. rotating at 800 rpm. highSchool. highSchool. how far does the hoop roll along the incline? Holt SF 08Rev 62 10:05. 7. how far (measured along the incline) does the hoop roll? Holt SF 08Rev 59 10:05. 1 4 1 2. highSchool.0 rad/s and rolls in a straight line without slipping. A solid sphere rolls along a horizontal. numeric. 2 5 3 2.0 m rolls without slipping. If the hoop is given an angular speed of 6. fixed. smooth surface at a constant linear speed without slipping.81 m/s2 . 3 1 3.37 cm rolls up a 30. numeric.0◦ with the horizontal. A flywheel with inertia I1 . fixed.0 rad/s while rolling on the horizontal and is allowed to roll up a ramp inclined at 15◦ with the horizontal. 3 . What is the ratio between the rotational kinetic energy about the center of the sphere and the sphere’s total kinetic energy? 1. > 1 min. As part of a kinetic sculpture. Rotational Kinetic Energy with a radius of 2. The acceleration of gravity is 9. a 5. 5 2 3.81 m/s2 . highSchool. 2 4. numeric. The pole contributes more momemtum.6 m r 0.75 rad c +135◦ ∆s +0.25 m b −4. highSchool.67 rad. numeric. which corresponds to an arc length of 29. numeric. section 6.5 m 0. 2. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. the beetle’s angular displacement is π rad. fixed. which corresponds to an arc length of 1. highSchool. The pole allows the walker not to rotate. < 1 min. < 1 min. Part 1 of 4 Consider the following table: ∆θ a +0. Holt SF 07A 01 10:06. Moving the front wheels far out in front of a racing vehicle helps to keep the vehicle from nosing upward when it accelerates.50 m. highSchool. kinetic energy 4.34 rad. numeric. 4. wordingvariable. fixed. numeric. > 1 min. what is the radius of the Ferris wheel? .8 m. highSchool. linear momentum 2.10 m 8. < 1 min. how far is she from the center of the merry-go-round? Holt SF 07A 02 10:06. The pole makes the walker heavier. Calculation of Moments of Inertia Concept 08 11 10:06. wordingvariable. multiple choice.75 m d a) What is the value of a? Part 2 of 4 b) What is the value of b? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the value of c? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the value of d? Holt SF 07Rev 05 10:06. conservation of energy Concept 08 22 10:06. Why is a long pole more beneficial to a tightrope walker if the pole droops? 1. wordingvariable. What physics concept plays a role here? 1. highSchool. highSchool. < 1 min.2 m. What is the Ferris wheel’s radius? Holt SF 07A 04 10:06.2 m +2. A car on a Ferris wheel has an angular displacement of 0. 3. The pole lowers the center of gravity. What is the wheel’s radius? Holt SF 07A 03 10:06. A beetle sits at the top of a bicycle 329 wheel and flies away just before it would be squashed. If the car moves through an arc length of 12 m. A girl sitting on a merry-go-round moves counterclockwise through an arc length of 2. < 1 min. A car on a Ferris wheel has an angular displacement of π 4 rad. multiple choice. Assuming that the wheel turns clockwise. If the girl’s angular displacement is 1. rotational inertia 3. highSchool. < 1 min.Chapter 10. < 1 min. What is the radius of the wheel? Rigid System Rotating 05 10:06. 5 M R2 4 3 2.g. highSchool. M R2 4 3 4. The which 1. . When a wheel is rotated through an angle of 35◦ . normal. mass.2 m. > 1 min. Assume: The masses are point particles. wordingvariable. numeric. Calculation of Moments of Inertia Holt SF 07Rev 06 10:06. L = and the connecting rod as negligible Treat the masses as point particles. Calculate the moment of inertia (of the three masses) with respect to the z -axis perpendicular to the xy plane and passing through the origin. wordingvariable. neglect the contribution due to moments of inertia about their center of mass. Three spherical masses are located in a plane at the positions shown in the figure below.Chapter 10. y Distance (m) 5. the same point travels through arc lengths of 143 m and 9. where R = the radius. What is 4 the moment of inertia if the flywheel is rotated about a point on its rim? 1. 3 M R2 330 Three Masses 03 10:06. figure below shows a rigid system can rotate. a point on the circumference travels through an arc length of 2. Three Masses in a Plane C 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 L M 0 x 3M A What is the moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the paper and through the center of mass? SWCT Inertia 10:06. M = 2 kg. A has mass 9. When the wheel is rotated through angles of 35 rad and 35 rev. numeric.3 kg. and C has mass 27 kg. highSchool. highSchool. B has mass 59.. fixed. respectively. numeric.5 m. multiple choice. section 6. M R2 2 B -7 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 x Distance (m) Figure: Drawn to scale. > 1 min. M R2 4 7 3. A particular flywheel that rotates about its center of mass has a moment of inertia 3 I = M R2 . highSchool.26 kg.0 × 102 m. e. < 1 min. Concept 08 20 10:07. < 1 min. How does the net torque change when a partner on a seesaw stands or hangs from her end instead of sitting? 1. ¡ 2. The original statement is actually correct. is placed on an inclined plane. All torques are the same. multiple choice. Torque Box on an Incline 10:07. The net torque remains the same. in the vertical position. 4. A box. fixed. multiple choice. < 1 min. is maximum torque produced when the pedal sprocket arms are in the horizontal position. £ 4. In which of the four orientations shown. Concept 08 17 10:07. It depends on the mass. A friend incorrectly says that a body cannot rotate when the net torque acting on it is zero. Concept 08 19 10:07. < 1 min. multiple choice. What is the correct statement? 1. highSchool. A body can rotate only when a non-zero net torque acts on it. 1. highSchool. vertical position 3. Once a body starts rotating the net torque is zero. highSchool. The net toque increases.Chapter 10. < 1 min. 5. highSchool. 4. 3. with its center-of-mass off-center as indicated by the dot. fixed. None of the orientations will cause the box to top over. multiple choice. fixed. ¢ 2. fixed. or in the diagonal position? 3. The net torque decreases.   1. 3. There is suffi- . highSchool. < 1 min. A spool (similar to a yo-yo) is pulled in three ways. A body’s rotation cannot change if the net torque acting on it is zero. When you pedal a bicycle with a constant downward force. if any. Concept 08 18 10:07. section 7. does the box tip over? 331 2. multiple choice. diagonal position 4. fixed. as shown below. horizontal position 2. multiple choice. Truck 2 3. < 1 min. Which truck(s) will tip over? 1. rightmost. Truck 1 2. right. middle. right. right. middle 3. rightmost. in a ship in a choppy sea. rightmost 5. section 7. rightmost. spool b. leftmost. a b c 332 In what direction will each spool move (in the order spool a. 1. rightmost 2. rightmost. None of these is correct. left. leftmost 6. right 4. They are equally stable. left. right. 2. Objects closer to the center of mass experience smaller movement. Truck 3 4. Concept 08 21 10:07. 6. right 2. leftmost. Which of the following is true about the most comfortable ride in a bus traveling on a bumpy road. highSchool. leftmost. The rough nature of the ride has nothing to do with position relative to the center of mass. left 5. fixed. Concept 08 32 10:07. fixed. spool c)? 1. highSchool. Consider the three objects shown in the figure. right. The centers of gravity of the three trucks parked on a hill are shown by the mark . Concept 08 33 10:07. right List the stabilities in order from least stable to most stable. Trucks 1 and 2 5. highSchool. right. Trucks 1 and 3 .Chapter 10. middle 7. or in an airplane in turbulent air? 1. middle. right. 3. Objects farther from the center of mass experience smaller movement. multiple choice. fixed. < 1 min. leftmost 4. middle. Torque cient friction for rotation. multiple choice. middle. left 3. < 1 min. leftmost. left. this maximizes the effective length of the lever arm. and creates a torque about the center of the spool. < 1 min. a steel pry bar. The thread exerts a force slanted to the right on the spool. 2. The thread exerts a force slanted to the right on the spool. Torque 6. At any angle. 180◦ . and both of these remain the same. 5. the torque equals the force times the lever arm. Find the magnitude of the torque produced Dropping a Spool 10:07. 180◦ . highSchool. 0◦ . The thread exerts no force on the spool. or even the outer edge of a door. 4. 90◦ . 6. force. this maximizes the effective length of the lever arm.Chapter 10. The thread exerts no force on the spool. The thread exerts neither force nor torque about the center of the spool since the spool is falling. > 1 min. 6. 0◦ . fixed. but creates no torque about the center of the spool. 7. this maximizes the effective length of the lever arm. 3. but creates no torque about the center of the spool. fixed. At any angle. The thread exerts a force in the vertical direction on the spool. Holt SF 08A 01 10:07. and creates a torque about the center of the spool. None of the trucks Conceptual 07 02 10:07. > 1 min. the students drops the spool. 8. When you push on an object such as a wrench. wordingvariable. the force would be parallel to the lever arm. this maximizes the effective force. The thread exerts a force in the vertical direction on the spool. but creates a counter-clockwise torque about the center of the spool. 333 thread fixed. A student holds a piece of thread partially unwound from a spool. Holding the end of the . section 7. highSchool. so the torque is constant. but creates a clockwise torque about the center of the spool. this maximizes the effective Choose the best statement. numeric. 90◦ . 7. 8. The thread exerts a force slanted to the left on the spool. 2. and creates a torque about the center of the spool. 3. 4. as shown 1. the torque is zero under all situations. All three trucks 8. 5. you produce a torque equal to the force applied times the lever arm. Trucks 2 and 3 7. At what angle to the lever arm should a force be applied to produce maximum torque and why? 1. multiple choice. multiple choice. highSchool. what minimum force must be exerted by a mechanic at the end of a 30. A mechanic jacks up a car to an angle of 334 8.075 m. Holt SF 08A 02 10:07. If the torque required to loosen a nut on the wheel of a car has a magnitude of 40. > 1 min. numeric. Holt SF 08Rev 11 10:07.0 N · m. > 1 min.0◦ . numeric. wordingvariable.0 kg point mass hanging at the end of a 2. highSchool. If the cylinder does not rotate and the bucket hangs straight down. highSchool. Part 2 of 2 b) Repeat this calculation for an angle of 15. A crank with a turning radius of 0. Calculate the torque exerted by the car around the back wheels.81 m/s2 . a) Calculate the magnitude of the torque (due to the force of gravity) around this pivot point when the string makes a 5. The rear wheels are 0. wordingvariable. numeric. highSchool. numeric. a) What is the magnitude of the maximum torque the crane can withstand if the maximum load the crane can handle is 450 N? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the maximum load for this crane at an angle of 40. numeric.0◦ angle with the vertical. highSchool. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .Chapter 10.81 m/s2 .0 N force applied to a door at a perpendicular distance of 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9. If the torque required to loosen a nut that holds a wheel on a car has a magnitude of 58 N · m.0 m long light string that is connected to a pivot point.25 m is attached to the end of the cylinder. Torque by a 3. The car is 3. what is the magnitude of the torque the bucket produces around the center of the cylinder? Holt SF 08Rev 10 10:07.12 m from the front end.25 m from the hinge.81 m/s2 . A wooden bucket filled with water has a mass of 75 kg and is attached to a rope that is wound around a cylinder with a radius of 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9.05 m long and has a mass of 1130 kg. wordingvariable. A bucket filled with water has a mass of 54 kg and is hanging from a rope that is wound around a 0.0◦ with the horizontal? Holt SF 08Rev 45 10:07.0 m long. > 1 min.400 m from the back end. What minimum force directed perpendicularly to the crank handle is required to raise the bucket? Holt SF 08Rev 46 10:07. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable.0◦ with the horizontal. what force must be exerted at the . wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 The arm of a crane at a construction site is 15. highSchool. Its center of mass is located 1. section 7. wordingvariable.050 m radius stationary cylinder. > 1 min. Holt SF 08A 03 10:07. numeric.0◦ with the horizontal in order to change the front tires. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A simple pendulum consists of a 3. numeric. > 1 min. Assume that the maximum load the crane can handle is limited by the amount of torque the load produces around the base of the arm. > 1 min. and it makes an angle of 20. highSchool. highSchool.0 cm wrench to loosen the nut? Holt SF 08Rev 09 10:07. . clockwise. < 1 min. numeric.81 m/s2 . The rear wheels are 0..Chapter 10. Part 1 of 2 To tighten a bolt. The acceleration of gravity is 9. What torque are you exerting? Part 2 of 2 If you move your hand inward to be only 0. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 Hint: At 3:00 o’clock. Part 2 of 2 The torque is 1. 335 3. 3 : 41 o’clock. normal. counter-clockwise. numeric.25 m from the axis of the bolt. ◦ 11 10 9 12 1 2 3 8 7 6 4 5 Calculate the magnitude of the torque around the center of the clock due to the weight of these hands indicating 3 hr and 41 min. section 7. what force do you have to exert to achieve the same torque? Second Time 10:07.35 m lug wrench to loosen the nut when the angle is 56◦ ? Holt SF 08Rev 47 10:07. Calculate the torque exerted by the car around the back wheels.e. Assume: The clock hands can be modeled as uniform thin rods.1 m from the bolt. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9.5◦ measured with respect to the radius of the boulder. 2. highSchool. highSchool. What is the magnitude of the torque on the boulder? Holt SF 08Rev 61 10:07.4 m is just set in motion by a force of 1600 N. normal. The force is applied at an angle of 53.05 m long and has a mass of 1130 kg. wordingvariable. you push with a force of 80 N at the end of a wrench handle that is 0. In a canyon between two mountains. wordingvariable. highSchool. > 1 min.4 m from the back end. The car is 3. the hour hand is precisely 90◦ from vertical.5 m and 3 m long and have masses of 85 kg and 60 kg . A mechanic jacks up a car to an angle of 8 with the horizontal in order to change the front tires. a spherical boulder with a radius of 1. respectively.12 m from the front end. Cannot be determined from given information. The hour and minute hands of the clock in the famous Parliament Clock Tower in London are 1. highSchool. Its center of mass is located 1. numeric. Problems 08 06 10:07. Torque end of a 0. i.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. > 1 min.0 cm. a) What is the angular acceleration of the spool? Part 2 of 2 b) How fast will the spool be rotating after all of the string has unwound? Holt SF 08Rev 27 10:08. The potter can stop the wheel in 6.5 kg is rotating at 98. If the cylinder accelerates at 2.0 s? Holt SF 08C 03 10:08.0 kg is freely rotating at 50. > 1 min.0750 m and a mass of 0.14 rad/s in 2. highSchool.81 m/s2 . highSchool. The acceleration of the mass down the frictionless incline is measured to be 2. wordingvariable. What torque is necessary to stop the tire in 2. wordingvariable. section 8.500 kg. Holt SF 08Rev 56 .50 m and mass 100. numeric.5 m is set in motion by wrapping a rope about the rim of the disk and pulling on the rope. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the angular speed of the wheel 2. highSchool. numeric. > 1 min. numeric. highSchool. 10 cm 2 /s 2m kg 12 37 ◦ Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) Find the force in the rope. A bicycle tire of radius 0. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A potter’s wheel of radius 0. numeric. Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration Holt SF 08C 01 10:08. highSchool.33 m and mass 1.0 s by pressing a wet rag against the rim. numeric.7 rad/s. wordingvariable. starting from rest.0 m/s2 .81 m/s2 . Part 1 of 3 A 12 kg mass is attached to a cord that is wrapped around a wheel with a radius of 10. how large is the torque acting on the cylinder? Holt SF 08Rev 28 10:08. > 1 min. 336 A 30. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. causing the string to unwind from the spool. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Assume the axle of the wheel to be frictionless.Chapter 10.0 rev/min.180 m. Part 1 of 2 A light string 4.00 kg mass is then attached to the free end of the string.00 s? Holt SF 08Rev 54 10:08. A 5. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.0 kg uniform solid cylinder has a radius of 0.30 × 10−2 rad/s2 as it rotates about an axis through its center. > 1 min.0 s after it begins rotating.00 m long is wrapped around a solid cylindrical spool with a radius of 0. A 350 kg merry-go-round in the shape of a horizontal disk with a radius of 1. a) What is the angular acceleration of the wheel? Part 2 of 2 b) How much torque does the potter apply to the wheel? Holt SF 08C 02 10:08. as shown. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the moment of inertia of the wheel. How large a torque would have to be exerted to bring the merry-go-round from rest to an angular speed of 3. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the force in the cord supporting the larger mass. wordingvariable. numeric. and the reel begins to spin with an angular acceleration of 66 rad/s2 .81 m. section 8. wordingvariable. normal. Because of the friction.0 cm. A friction clutch in the reel exerts a restraining torque of 1. numeric.0 N. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Part 1 of 2 A cylindrical fishing reel has a mass of 0. The fisherman gets a bite. a) What is the moment of inertia of the wheel? Part 2 of 3 The applied force is then removed.3 N · m if a fish pulls on the line. and the force on the other side is 100. The acceleration of gravity is 9. b) What is the frictional torque? Part 3 of 3 c) How many revolutions does the wheel make during the entire 71 s interval? Holt SF 08Rev 58 10:08. The force on one side is 120. numeric. highSchool. highSchool.0 s.00 s.5 m .0 N. and the wheel comes to rest in 65 s. . > 1 min. > 1 min. Holt SF 08Rev 57 10:08. highSchool.81 m/s2 . highSchool. numeric. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the force in the cord supporting the smaller mass. determine the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the pulley. and the two hanging objects have masses of 2 kg and 5 kg . Part 2 of 2 b) Find the amount of line that unwinds from the reel in 0. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 A cylindrical 5. Holt SF 08Rev 69 10:08. a) Find the force of the fish on the line. > 1 min. The applied force acts for 6. A cord is wrapped over the pulley and attached to a hanging object on either end. numeric. Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration 10:08. > 1 min. Holt SF 08Rev 60 10:08.50 s.85 kg and a radius of 4. > 1 min. a) What is the linear acceleration of the falling bucket? Part 2 of 3 b) How far does it drop? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the angular acceleration of the cylindrical pulley? Holt SF 08Rev 68 10:08. Assume the cord does not slip. the force in the cable is not the same on opposite sides of the pulley. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.1 kg and a radius of 0. a) Find the acceleration of each mass. the axle is frictionless.Chapter 10. Assuming that the pulley is a uniform disk 337 with a mass of 2.00 kg pulley with a radius of 0. Part 1 of 3 A pulley has a moment of inertia of 5 kg m2 and a radius of 0. during which time the angular speed of the wheel increases from 0 to 12 rad/s. A cable passes over a pulley. Part 1 of 3 The combination of an applied force and a frictional force produces a constant torque of 36 N · m on a wheel rotating about a fixed axis. The bucket starts from rest and falls for 4. wordingvariable.00 kg bucket into a well. > 1 min. numeric.600 m is used to lower a 3. highSchool. Wheel and Axle 01 10:08. The acceleration of gravity is 9. A string is wrapped around the disk and exerts a constant force 1 M g tangential to the disk. normal. highSchool. g g 2 4g 3. The figure below shows the value of an applied torque as a function of time. A cylindrical flywheel is initially at rest and is free to pivot with negligible friction about the z -axis of the cylinder. numeric. Find the tan2 gential acceleration of a point on the rim of the disk.0 kg mass on a smooth surface as shown. Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration Part 1 of 3 A 4.0 kg mass is connected by a light cord to a 3. where its mass is 0. 4 2g 10. 4 2. 5 5.30 m. highSchool. Torque vs Time 10:08.05 m. section 8. 2 g g 3 g 9. > 1 min. Mass m1 = 36 kg is attached to a cord wrapped around the first wheel. 3 kg R F2   338 3g 2 2g 6. 3 3g 4.25 m and R2 = 1 m are mounted rigidly on a common axle and clamped together. multiple choice. Its moment of inertia with respect to the z -axis is I = 1 m r2 . highSchool. fixed. Torque ( N m ) 3 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 2 ¡ ¡ 1 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time ( s ) ∆t Calculate the kinetic energy K of the cylinder when it reaches 10 s.Chapter 10. or respective radii R1 = 0. 7. The combined moment of inertia of the two wheels is I + 3 kg m2 . < 1 min.6 kg and its radius 2 is 0. 3 8. wordingvariable.81 m/s2 . 1. numeric. and another mass m2 = 15 kg is attached to another cord −1 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 0 . a) What is the acceleration of the two masses? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the magnitude of the force F1 ? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the magnitude of the force F2 ? Torque on Pulley 10:08. Two pulley wheels. A pulley that has a moment of inertia 3 M R2 and radius R rotates about an axis 4 through its center. The pulley rotates about a frictionless axle and has a moment of inertia of 0.50 kg · m2 and a radius of 0. > 1 min. 4 ¡ ¡ F1 4 kg Note: Figure is not drawn to scale Assume that the cord does not slip on the pulley. Relationship Between Torque and Angular Acceleration wrapped around the second wheel: R2 R1 339 m1 m2 The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 10. section 8.8 m/s2 . Take clockwise direction as positive. Find the angular acceleration of the system. . 5. and X . normal. numeric. R ω T1 m1 I T2 Y . Ferris Wheel Motor 02 10:09. and X .0 N applied a Consider the following set of equations. Determine the magnitude of the torque exerted on the pulley. Work. wordingvariable. When the motor is terned off. multiple choice. and the acceleration be 1. 9. and B A B C D 340 6. K. What was the power of the motor that kept the wheel rotating at 10 rev/hr despite friction? Holt SF 08Rev 64 10:09. and A and B A B C Z . numeric. and Energy in Rotational Motion tion. 2. 4. I . highSchool. All variables are positive. and X .5 kg and the mass on the right be 3. Y .1 m. normal. highSchool. J .Chapter 10. > 1 min. K. I . and Z . 1. I . Part 1 of 2 An Atwood machine is constructed using a disk of moment if inertia of I . A motor keep a Ferris wheel (moment of inertia I = 3 × 107 kg m2 ) rotating at 10 rev/hr. and Z . and m2 Consider the free body diagrams T1 T2 m1 m1 g m2 m2 g Part 2 of 2 Note: The moment of inertia is not given. The radius of the pulley is 0.30667 m/s2 . Let the mass on the left be 5.5 m is started from rest by a constant horizontal force of 50. I : m 1 g − T1 = m1 a J : T1 − m1 g = m1 a K : T1 = m1 a X : m 2 g − T2 = m2 a Y : T2 − m2 g = m2 a Z : T 2 = m2 a a A : (T 2 − T 1 ) R = I R a B : (T 1 − T 2 ) R = I R C : (T 2 − T 1 ) R = I a D : (T 1 − T 2 ) R = I a Choose the correct set of equations of mo- a .8 m/s2 . J .0 N merry-go-round with a radius of 1. < 1 min. 3. highSchool. A horizontal 800. 10. the wheel slows down (because of friction) to 7 rev/hr in 20 s. Power. I . I . 8. section 9. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. and X . K. 7.5 kg. Y . The masses are m1 and m2 with m1 being heavier than m2 . Atwood Machine 01 10:09. 0 s. which brings the flywheel’s rotational speed up to 1000. A 10. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9. the disk-shaped flywheel is attached to an electric motor. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A car is designed to get its energy from a rotating flywheel with a radius of 2. 8000 N at the left and 2000 N at the right. fixed. A string around a peg along the axis of the top is pulled.0 kg. a) Find the kinetic energy stored in the flywheel. find the length of time the car can run before the flywheel has to be brought back up to speed again. Part 2 of 2 b) If the flywheel is to supply as much energy to the car as a 7457 W motor would. Holt SF 08Rev 65 10:09.0 cm of string has been pulled off the peg? Holt SF 08Rev 70 10:09.81 m/s2 . . A top has a moment of inertia of 4. It is free to rotate about a vertical stationary axis. 9000 N at the left and 1000 N at the right. 4.57 N in the string.00 × −4 10 kg · m2 and is initially at rest. Power. 1.000 N vehicle is stalled one-quarter the way across the bridge. wordingvariable. > 1 min. numeric. 3. section 9. what is the angular speed of the top after 80. Find the kinetic energy of the merry-goround after 3. Assume it is a solid cylinder. Problems 08 04 10:09.Chapter 10. highSchool. If the string does not slip while it is wound around the peg. Before a trip.00 m and a mass of 500. multiple choice. Work. Calculate the additional reaction forces 341 that are supplied at the supports on both ends of the bridge.0 rev/min. and Energy in Rotational Motion tangentially to the merry-go-round. > 1 min. 7500 N at the left and 2500 N at the right. < 1 min. numeric. maintaining a constant tension of 5. 6666 N at the left and 3333 N at the right. highSchool. 2. one solid and the other hollow? 1. 0. 3. 2.Chapter 11. 1N 4. Two wheels with fixed hubs. start from rest. the volleyball. fixed. Roll them down an incline and compare their speeds. fixed. no difference 4. Launch them and compare their trajectories. 4. multiple choice.5m R = 1m 1. Which will have the greater acceleration rolling down an incline: a bowling ball or a volleyball. fixed. section 1. same speeds 4. > 1 min. 4N . 2N 5. so that the rotational inertia is I = m R2 . and forces are applies as shown. highSchool. Plunge them into water and compare their densities. the bowling ball. Which will roll down an incline faster: a can of water or a can of ice? 1. Concept 08 16 11:01. each having a mass of 1kg. In order to impart identical angular accelerations. the can of ice Concept 08 14 11:01. rotational inertia 3. Rotational Plus Translational Motion: Rolling 2. < 1 min. highSchool. Assume the hubs and spokes are massless. highSchool. mass 5. fixed. rotational inertia 2.5N 3. multiple choice. how large must F2 be? F2 =? F1 = 1N m = 1kg   m = 1kg ¡ R = 0. highSchool. What technique would help you to distinguish between two identical-looking spheres of the same weight. multiple choice. and why? 1. multiple choice. mass Concept 08 15 11:01. 0. It depends on the temperature. < 1 min. the bowling ball. the volleyball. the can of water 3. < 1 min. 342 Two wheels with fixed hubs 11:01. Hit them and compare their reflective sounds.25N 2. 81 m/s2 . highSchool. 8. multiple choice. fixed. numeric. The Kinetic Energy of Rolling Conceptual rotation 01 11:02.0 m down a ramp that is inclined at 37◦ with the horizontal. The acceleration of gravity is 9. 1. The same speed. A and B. < 1 min. One is hollow and the other is solid. section 2. Bike B . Finally. Bike B . Find the translational speed of the bowling ball after it has rolled to the bottom of the incline. fixed. what is the angular speed of the ball at the bottom of the ramp? Holt SF 08Rev 44 11:02. Which method would determine which is which? Wheel B. Two spheres look identical and have the same mass. The height and the angle of the hill must be known. The two cyclists travel at the same speed on level ground. They approach a low hill and decide to coast up instead of hard pedalling. The masses are necessary to answer this. its wheels have bigger moment of inertia. A 35 kg bowling ball with a radius of 13 cm starts from rest at the top of an incline 3. wordingvariable. its wheels have bigger moment of inertia. conservation of angular momentum. The acceleration of gravity is 9. its wheels have smaller moment of inertia. The same speed. 7.5 m in height. A solid 240 N ball with a radius of 0. Holt SF 08Rev 37 11:02. The rider rider two riders have equal masses MA = MB and their respective bicycles also have simframe frame ilar frames.) Holt SF 08Rev 38 11:02. 9. > 1 min. Bike A. 3. If the ball starts from rest at the top of the ramp. MA = MB . its wheels have smaller moment of inertia.200 m rolls 6. highSchool. 4. conservation of energy.Chapter 11. > 1 min. < 1 min. Consider two bicycle riders. . (Assume that the ball is a uniform solid sphere. Bike A. 6. 343 5. the wheels of the two bicycles have equal wheel wheel masses MA = MB and equal radii wheel wheel but different mass distribu= RB RA tions: the wheels of bike A have most of their masses at the rims. multiple choice. Wheel A. highSchool. while the wheels of bike B have their masses ‘spread’ evenly over the whole wheel area. conservation of (linear) momentum. highSchool. At the top of the hill. 2. The same speed. wordingvariable. and all the wheels roll on the ground without slipping. numeric. which of the two bikes will have a larger speed? Assume no friction nor air resistance.81 m/s2 . The Kinetic Energy of Rolling 1. 3. Drop them from the same height. None of these 344 .Chapter 11. Roll them down an incline. 4. section 2. Weigh them on a scale. 2. 4. conservation of energy 4. Why does a car nose up when accelerating. the spinning ball. highSchool. angular velocity 3. . highSchool. highSchool. which physics concept explains why it rotates forward as it falls? 1. highSchool. inertia 345 Concept 08 24 11:06. 3. the spinning ball. the stationary ball.Chapter 11. What physics concept explains why a ball rolls down a hill? 1. section 6. multiple choice. multiple choice. Inertia has changed. and nose down when braking? 1. momentum 3. A basketball player wishes to balance a ball on his fingertip. Angular Momentum of a Particle Concept 08 08 11:06. fixed. angular momentum 3. The center of gravity is in the center of the body. torque 2. friction 2. inertia Concept 08 12 11:06. angular momentum 3. center of mass Concept 08 27 11:06. < 1 min. highSchool. 3. < 1 min. fixed. conservation of momentum Concept 08 13 11:06. < 1 min. 2. highSchool. multiple choice. Angular momentum has decreased. Why must you bend forward when carrying a heavy load on your back? 1. fixed. fixed. 4. Angular momentum has decreased. The gravitational force has decreased. fixed. < 1 min. The center of gravity has shifted. linear inertia 4. Why is it easier to carry the same amount of water in two buckets. the stationary ball. When a car drives off a cliff. The linear inertia of your body has changed. < 1 min. one in each hand. than in a single bucket? 1. fixed. 2. < 1 min. multiple choice. Angular speed has increased. center of gravity Concept 08 25 11:06. Will he be more successful with a spinning ball or a stationary ball? What physical principle supports your answer? 1. gravity 4. multiple choice. torque 2. 2. multiple choice. angular momentum 4. 4. highSchool. multiple choice. numeric. Why was the invention of rifling in a long gun or cannon barrel so important? (Rifling is a series of screw-like grooves etched into the inteior of a rifle barrel that imparts a spin to the bullet. fixed. because of the inertia of the cabinet 3. < 1 min. because of the center of gravity of the cabinet Conceptual 07 04 11:06.4 × 1022 kg. < 1 min. < 1 min. stabilizing the accuracy. +x direction 2. 2. mass of moon is 7. and Earth-moon distance is 3.331ME RE . 5. How much greater is the angular momentum of the Earth orbiting about the sun than the moon orbiting about the Earth? (Mass of Earth is 6 × 1024 kg. fixed. numeric.) Tennis Ball on a String 11:06. > 1 min. +z direction 4. At the point indicated below. This causes a change in angular momentum ∆L in the z L y x . fixed. This saves more iron. 3.Chapter 11. This cools the barrel by decreasing friction. Angular Momentum of a Particle Concept 08 31 11:06. Earth-sun distance is 1. multiple choice. This gives the bullet an angular momentum. highSchool. the ball is given a sharp blow in forward direction. This makes the barrel more durable.) 1. section 6. -y direction 346 Earth that arises from its spinning motion 2 on its axis IE = 0. because of the angular momentum of the cabinet 2. This slows the bullet. highSchool. fixed. highSchool. because of the angular velocity produced 4. Part 2 of 2 b) Calculate the average angular momentum of Earth that arises from its orbital motion about the sun. Problems 08 10 11:06. -x direction 5. Why is it dangerous to roll open the top drawers of a fully loaded file cabinet that is not secured to the floor? 1. thus decreasing the damage to the target. +y direction 3.8 × 108 m. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 a) Calculate the angular momentum of 1. multiple choice. 6. A person spins a tennis ball on a string in a horizontal circle (so that the axis of rotation is vertical). stabilizing the trajectory. Holt SF 08Rev 66 11:06.5 × 1011 m. This slows the bullet. < 1 min. fixed. section 6. -z direction 347 .Chapter 11. Angular Momentum of a Particle 6. section 7. 1.Chapter 11. Disk B (on the right) will reach the floor first. 2.   348 ¡ A B Describe the outcome when the disks are simultaneously released from rest at the same height above the floor. Both disks will reach the floor at the same time. on a frictionless axis. > 1 min. fixed. . highSchool. Torque of a System Disk and Spool over Pulley 01 11:07. Disk A (on the left) will reach the floor first. 4. multiple choice. General Motion: Angular Momentum. The string is attached to a point on the circumference of disk A (on the left). Hint: The moment of inertia for a uniform 1 disk is I = m r2 . The string is wound around disk B (on the right) so that the disk will rotate like a yo-yo when dropped. 2 Two uniform disks with the same mass are connected by a light inextensible string supported by a massless pulley. 3. Both disks will remain stationary. section 10. < 1 min. The ball starts from rest. or remain unchanged. I and IV only 9. conservation of momentum 2. A child takes a ball and places it at the top of a slide. III. conservation of energy 2. Ignore loss to friction and air resistance. does the rate of the rotation increase. the masses move away from each other. IV. with an initial angle of 32◦ . III and IV only 4. III and V only 6. highSchool. fixed. angular inertia 4. Which statements are true throughout the ball’s motion? I. A sizable quantity of soil is washed down the Mississippi River and deposited in the Gulf of Mexico each year. fixed. III and V only 5. remain in balance. fixed. conservation of momentum 3. remain in balance. II. multiple choice. The ball will keep traveling upward until it reaches its initial height. decrease. III and IV only 3. increases. at an initial height. or remain in balance as the masses move outward? Why? 1. The ball will travel up to a maximum height less than its initial height.Chapter 11. and why? 1. When the spring is released. 1. What effect does this tend to have on the length of a day? . < 1 min. You sit at the middle of a large turntable at an amusement park as it is set spinning and then allowed to spin freely. Conservation of Angular Momentum Ball Flying Off Slide 11:10. tip clockwise. I. angular frequency Concept 08 43 11:10. II. conservation of momentum Concept 08 44 11:10. II. III and V only 2. Angular momentum of the ball must be conserved. < 1 min. increases. Mechanical energy of the ball must be conserved. conservation of energy 4. II and V only 8. multiple choice. decreases. center of gravity 3. I. tip counterclockwise. A long track balanced like a seesaw supports a mass m and another of mass 2m with 349 a compressed spring between them. II and IV only 7. II. When you crawl toward the edge of the turntable. multiple choice. highSchool. fixed. highSchool. I. highSchool. rolls without slipping down the slide and flies off the end into the air. Linear momentum of the ball must be conserved. V. I and V only 10. decreases. 2m m Does the track tip clockwise. tip counterclockwise. < 1 min. II and IV only Concept 08 34 11:10. multiple choice. The original cloud was far larger than the present size of the galaxy. How does the wheel respond when the train moves clockwise? When the train backs up? Does the angular momentum of the wheeltrain system change during these maneuvers? 1. If the world’s populations move to the north and south poles. lengthen. No change 4. shorter 3. lengthen. Concept 08 47 350 11:10. conservation of inertia 4. shorten. shorten the day 2. multiple choice. clockwise. shorten. highSchool. Faster 2. multiple choice. conservation of angular momentum 3. clockwise. . < 1 min. no change 1. and was rotating very much more slowly than the galaxy is now. Clockwise. multiple choice. We believe our galaxy was formed from a huge cloud of gas. fixed. Counterclockwise. highSchool. No change 4. longer 2. < 1 min. counterclockwise. highSchool. counterclockwise. lengthen. A toy train is initially at rest on a track fastened to a bicycle wheel. as more and more skyscrapers are built on the surface of the Earth. Slower 3. fixed. Concept 08 48 11:10. Clockwise. yes 3. fixed. Impossible to determine Concept 08 45 11:10. conservation of angular torque Concept 08 46 11:10. What effect would this have on the Earth’s rotation? 1. < 1 min. does the falling of autumn leaves tend to lengthen or shorten the 24-hour day? What physical principle supports your answers? 1. If the polar ice caps of the Earth were to melt. Counterclockwise. multiple choice. conservation of kinetic energy 2. was more or less spherical. the oceans would be deeper by about 30 m. fixed. multiple choice. < 1 min. highSchool. It depends on the mass involved. does the day tend to become longer or shorter? And strictly speaking. which is free to rotate. shorten. fixed. Conservation of Angular Momentum 1. Strictly speaking. no 4. section 10. highSchool. what effect would this have on the length of the day? 1. < 1 min. no Concept 08 50 11:10. lengthen the day 1. lengthen.Chapter 11. no 2. shorten. It depends on mass. with no external torque applied. 3/4 7. the bike is more stable. 1 4. Conservation of Angular Momentum fixed. spherical cloud.Chapter 11. 2. 1. 4/3 original cloud of gas In this sketch we see a representation of the original cloud and the galaxy as it is now (seen edgewise). The rotating pedal has a angular momentum. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A figure skater rotating on one spot with both arms and one leg extended has moment of inertia Ii . 2. The rolling wheels have angular momentum. highSchool. Because of special relativity. fixed. highSchool. Because of angular momentum conservation.75 Ii . Figure Skater 11:10. 2 6. . The rider’s sense of balance stabilizes the bike. Conceptual 07 05 11:10. The rolling wheels have angular momentum. 5. 3. 4. which makes the bike more stable when it is moving. Explain how the law of gravitation and conservation of angular momentum contribute to the galaxy’s present shape and why it rotates faster now than when it was a larger. 4. < 1 min. 3. 5. 16/9 3. fixed. Because of energy conservation. multiple choice. reducing her moment of inertia to 0. This makes the helicopter move faster. This increases safety if any of the rotors breaks down. The bike plus the people on the bike have an angular momentum. The tail rotor is just for decoration. 9/16 2. multiple choice. Because of conservation of entropy. which helps stabilize a moving bike. 3. This keeps the helicopter from spinning out of control. 2. None of these Conceptual 07 06 11:10. section 10. multiple choice. 351 How does conservation of angular momentum affect the stability of a bike? present galaxy 1. < 1 min. conservation of angular momentum stabalizes a moving bike. Why does a helicopter have a tail rotor? 1. highSchool. She then pulls in her arms and the extended leg. What is the ratio of her final to initial kinetic energy? 1. 1/2 5. 4. 8/3 Part 2 of 2 Consider the following statements for the figure skater: I. 4. 5. multiple choice. 2. 3. II. Part 2 of 2 And again. II. Her angular speed increases because she is undergoing uniformly accelerated angular motion. The kinetic energy changed because of energy dissipation due to friction. I 2. Her angular speed increases because her angular momentum increases. IV.Chapter 11. . Her angular speed increases because her potential energy increases as her arms come in. 4. fixed. Part 1 of 2 A figure skater on ice spins on one foot. Angular momentum was conserved. 3/8 9. her rotational kinetic energy is conserved and therefore stays the same. 5. Choose the best statement below: 1. fixed. highSchool. 6. Her angular speed increases because her angular momentum is the same but her moment of inertia decreases. highSchool. When she pulls in her arms. III. multiple choice. Her angular speed increases because air friction is reduced as her arms come in. IV 5. Her angular speed increases because her potential energy increases as her arms come in. A figure skater on ice spins on one foot. She pulls in her arms and her rotational speed increases. II. Figure Skater Spin 11:10. Her angular speed increases because her angular momentum increases. 3. Conservation of Angular Momentum 8. Her rotation rate changed in response to a torque exerted by pulling in her arms and leg. I and II 4. Her angular speed increases because her angular momentum is the same but her moment of inertia decreases. Her angular speed increases because by pulling in her arms she creates a net torque in the direction of rotation. Her angular speed increases because by pulling in her arms she creates a net torque in the direction of rotation. Mechanical energy was conserved. I. Her angular speed increases because she 352 is undergoing uniformly accelerated angular motion. Which is the correct combination of statements? 1. Choose the best statement below: 1. < 1 min. choose the best statement below: 1. II 3. III Figure Skater Spin 01 11:10. 2. She pulls in her arms and her rotational speed increases. < 1 min. Her angular speed increases because air friction is reduced as her arms come in. I. 6. section 10. What is the angular speed of the wheel when the reflector slides to a distance of 0. Her angular speed increases because she is undergoing uniformly accelerated angular motion. wordingvariable. multiple choice. A 2. She pulls them in at the same time as she speeds up her spin because it looks better this way. numeric. What is the new angular speed when the man walks to a point 1.00 rad/s about a fixed vertical axis through its center.0 kg man standing at a point 2. She pulls in her arms and her angular speed increases. > 1 min. numeric.30 kg reflector is at a distance of 0.00 m rotates with an angular speed of 7.30 rad/s with a(n) 80.30 m turns at a constant angular speed of 25 rad/s when a(n) 0. 5. . 2. her rotational kinetic energy must decrease because of the decrease in her moment of inertia. highSchool. 3. Her angular speed is unrelated to her arms. highSchool.50 × 102 kg cylinder with a radius of 2. 6. When she pulls in her arms. What is the final angular speed of the system? Holt SF 08D 04 11:10.0 kg and a radius of 2. When she pulls in her arms.Chapter 11. 353 7.0 m from the center? Assume that the merry-go-round is a solid 6. A merry-go-round rotates at the rate of 0. highSchool.00 m from the cylinder’s center of rotation and sticks to the cylinder. Her angular speed increases because air friction is reduced as her arms come in. When she pulls in her arms.19 m from the axle. her rotational potential energy increases as her arms approach the center. Choose the best statement below.00 m. highSchool. vertical cylinder with a mass of 10.0 kg bicycle wheel with a radius of 0. Holt SF 08D 02 11:10. section 10. Her angular speed increases because her angular momentum remains the same but her moment of inertia decreases. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. 5. numeric. 1. Her angular speed increases because her angular momentum increases. fixed. Conservation of Angular Momentum 2. the work she performs on them turns into increased rotational kinetic energy. her moment of inertia is conserved. Figure Skater Spins 11:10.25 m from the axle? Holt SF 08D 03 11:10. Her angular speed increases because her potential energy increases as her arms come in. A figure skater on ice spins on one foot. numeric. > 1 min. A 0. > 1 min.250 kg piece of putty is dropped vertically at a point 1. > 1 min. < 1 min. her angular momentum decreases so as to conserve energy. highSchool. 4. When she pulls in her arms. Holt SF 08D 01 11:10. 6. Her angular speed increases because by pulling in her arms she creates a net torque in the direction of rotation. When she pulls in her arms. wordingvariable. 4. A solid. 3.0 m from the axis of rotation. 5 × 10−2 kg marble begins rolling in a large circular orbit around the funnel’s rim at 0. wordingvariable. numeric. numeric. section 10. y m 8m m m 2 rev/s 5m x 2 rev/s m = 7 kg What is the new angular speed if each of the spokes are shortened by 50 % ? An effect similar to this ocurred in the early . He lowers his arms. wordingvariable. Part 2 of 2 b) Calculate his final rotational kinetic energy. highSchool. With what angular speed does the turntable rotate? Holt SF 08Rev 67 11:10. normal. A 2. If it continues moving in a roughly circular path.2 × 1012 m from the sun? Holt SF 08D 05 11:10. > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. The angular speed of the turntable and dry ice is initially 0. Conservation of Angular Momentum As Halley’s comet orbits the sun. > 1 min.0 m. > 1 min. what is its speed when it is 5.35 rev/s. If the comet’s speed at a distance of 8. its distance from the sun changes dramatically. wordingvariable.5 × 103 kg · m2 and a radius of 2. highSchool. numeric. > 1 min. the funnel’s neck narrows to an internal radius of 0. decreasing his moment of inertia from 41 kg · m2 to 36 kg · m2 .8 × 10 10 m from the sun is 5.Chapter 11. The system is initially at rest. and the turntable is free to rotate about a frictionless vertical axle 354 through its center. highSchool. The entrance of a science museum features a funnel into which marbles are rolled one at a time.75 rad/s. What is the angular speed of the turntable once all the dry ice has evaporated? Holt SF 08Rev 36 11:10. but it increases as the dry ice evaporates.4 × 104 m/s and angular momentum is conserved. numeric. > 1 min.0 rad/s with his arms outstretched. Holt SF 08Rev 71 11:10. A 15. The marbles circle around the wall of the funnel. At the bottom. numeric. The internal radius of the funnel at the top is 0. a) Calculate his initial rotational kinetic energy. what will the marble’s angular speed be as it passes through the neck of the funnel? (Consider only the effects of conservation of angular momentum. eventually spiraling down into the neck of the funnel.) Holt SF 08Rev 35 11:10.040 m.0 kg turntable with a radius of 25 cm is covered with a uniform layer of dry ice that has a mass of 9. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 A skater spins with an angular speed of 12. The woman then starts walking clockwise (when viewed from above) around the rim at a constant speed of 0. flexible spokes of 5 m and 8 m length that can be elongated or shortened. The figure shows a system of four m = 7 kg point masses that rotates at an angular speed of 2 rev/s . The masses are connected by light.54 m.75 rad/s relative to Earth.00 kg. A 65 kg woman stands at the rim of a horizontal turntable with a moment of inertia of 1. highSchool. we can conclude that the flywheel as seen from the side of the suitcase as in (a). 355 before rotation after rotation (a) ( b) From this. multiple choice. As the massive cloud of gas and dust contracted. 4. clockwise 2. fixed. Problems 08 09 11:10. 1/9 rotations per second. rotates 1. how many rotations per second will result? 1. If a trapeze artist rotates once each second while sailing through the air. highSchool. 1/3 rotations per second. Conservation of Angular Momentum stages of the formation of our galaxy. < 1 min. counterclockwise . section 10. 3. the bottom of the suitcase moves out and up. 3 rotations per second. > 1 min. as in (b).Chapter 11. 2. an initially small rotation increased with time. A suitcase containing a spinning flywheel is rotated about the vertical axis as shown in (a). fixed. Spinning Flywheel in a Suitcase 11:10. As it rotates. multiple choice. and contracts to reduce her rotational inertia to one third of what it was. 9 rotations per second. numeric. section 11.8 m/s2 . highSchool.Chapter 11. A professor holds a bicycle wheel rotating at 300 rev/min by a string attached to a weightless axle 15 cm from the wheel. at what frequency (in rpm) does it precess? 356 . If all 4 kg of the wheel can be considered to be at its 45 cm radius. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. Precession: Gyroscopes and Tops Professor and Wheel 11:11. normal. highSchool. 3. Student A stands in the center of the merry-go-round and student B stands near the edge. 2. 3. curve away to her right. 2. Answer cannot be determined. fixed. The Earth’s center of gravity is shifted by the cannonball. < 1 min. 4. multiple choice.Chapter 11. The cannonball travels faster than the speed of sound. Student A will see the ball 1. They are facing each other. why does it land west of its intended longitude? 1. The Earth rotates under the motion. Coriolis Effect 4. student B throws the ball directly at student A. 2. multiple choice. student A throws the ball directly at student B . curve away to her right. < 1 min. The Earth’s angular momentum is changed. . highSchool. curve away to her left. 3. Answer cannot be determined. Concept 08 36 11:13. Student B will see the ball 1. section 13. Coriolis Catch 357 Part 2 of 2 At time t2 . Coriolis Catch 11:13. fly directly toward her. When a long-range cannonball is fired toward the equator from a northern (or southern) latitude. as viewed from above. 4. curve away to her left. fly directly toward her. fixed. 6 rad/s A     B At time t1 . Part 1 of 2 Two students decide to play a game of catch on a merry-go-round which is rotating counterclockwise. Chapter 12. multiple choice. Why does a typical helicopter with a single main rotor have a second small rotor on its tail? 1. Concept 08 49 12:01. Consider three types of rollers on a pair of parallel tracks: 3. The Conditions for Equilibrium of a Rigid Object Concept 08 26 12:01. 2. 3. section 1. highSchool.) 2. 1. Explain how this is done. The small rotor provides a lifting force. < 1 min. < 1 min. B) a pair of cups fastened at their narrow ends. multiple choice. The other is very stable and centers itself on the track. The weight of the boy is balanced with an unknown heavy metal. 4. 1. Which roller has the best stability? (Think about the wheels on a railroad car. fixed. The weight of the boy is balanced by the weight of the board. Another is moderately stable (for short distances). highSchool. The small rotor provides nothing. fixed. fixed. 358 A) a cylinder. The small rotor acts as a rudder to steer. so he fashions a seesaw as shown so he can play by himself. The fulcrum is very far from the boy. one is very unstable and rolls off the edge. Figuring Physics 04 12:01. 4. 2. 3. highSchool. multiple choice. The small rotor stops the rotation of the helicopter body. Nobody at the playground wants to play with an obnoxious boy. . and C) a pair of cups fastened at their wide ends. When rolled along the track. The angular velocity of the boy is cancelled with that of the board. < 1 min. > 1 min. wordingvariable. > 1 min. R 53◦ 1. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the horizontal force exerted on the beam by the pole.00 m long horizontal beam that weighs 315 N is attached to a wall by a pin connection that allows the beam to rotate. and a 2000. a) Assuming that the axis of rotation passes through the beam’s center of mass. highSchool.0◦ with the beam is attached to the pole to help support the floodlight. The floodlight is supported at the end of a horizontal beam that is hinged to a vertical pole. Part 1 of 3 A 1200. numeric. FT 25◦ 2000 N 65◦ Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) Find the force FT applied by the supporting cable. and a 545 N person is standing 1.50 m from the pin. A cable that makes an angle of 30. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Assume the mass of the beam is negligible when compared with the mass of the floodlight. 5 m 545 N 315 N FT 30◦ 359 20 kg Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) Find the force FT provided by the cable. Solving Statics Problems Holt SF 08B 01 12:02. Holt SF 08Rev 22 12:02. the cable is attached 3 a distance from the pivot. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the vertical force exerted on the beam by the pole. highSchool. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A uniform 5. as shown. 5m Note: Figure is not drawn to scale. as shown. Holt SF 08Rev 21 12:02. The boom is pivoted at the bottom. numeric. find the force FT in the cable. Part 1 of 3 A floodlight with a mass of 20. numeric.0 N uniform boom of length is supported by a cable. section 2.81 m/s2 . wordingvariable. wordingvariable. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the magnitude of the force R exerted on the beam by the wall if the beam is in equilibrium.Chapter 12. > 1 min. .0 kg is used to illuminate the parking lot in front of a library.0 N 4 weight hangs from the boom’s top. Its far end is supported by a cable that makes an angle of 53◦ with the horizontal. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the horizontal component of the reaction force on the bottom of the boom. numeric.0 N. Assume the total weight is 700. a) Find the value of the unknown mass. Holt SF 08Rev 55 12:02. numeric. wordingvariable.1 in the cord that is required to hold the frame in this position. A mechanical model for the situation is shown.00 cm from the end of the screwdriver blade and a force of 84. where T is the force in the Achilles tendon and R is the force on the foot due to the tibia. highSchool. > 1 min.6 N.0 cm screwdriver is used to pry open a can of paint. The ladder slips when it makes a 60. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. A mass is attached somewhere on the meterstick to keep it horizontal and in both rotational and translational equilibrium. highSchool. highSchool.0 m tall aluminum ladder is leaning against a frictionless vertical wall. If the axis of rotation is 2. Holt SF 08Rev 76 12:02. Part 1 of 2 FT. Part 1 of 3 A uniform 10. Part 1 of 2 A person is standing on tiptoe. highSchool. A 23. Holt SF 08Rev 23 12:02. what force is applied to the lid? Holt SF 08Rev 50 12:02. The force applied by the string attaching the meterstick to the ceiling is 19. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the point where the mass attaches to the stick. The ladder has a weight of 250 N.2 ◦ 15 R T Fn 18 cm 25 cm Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) Find the value of T . Part 2 of 3 b) Find the force FT. and the person’s total weight is supported by the force on the toe. > 1 min. FT. highSchool.Chapter 12. normal.81 m/s2 .3 N is exerted at the end of the screwdriver’s handle. ◦ 21. numeric. wordingvariable. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the value of R. A 0. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the magnitude of the horizontal force at P that is required to hold the frame in this position. Holt SF 08Rev 48 12:02. > 1 min.2 30 cm 15 cm P 10 N Note: Figure is not drawn to scale a) Find the force FT. Solving Statics Problems Part 3 of 3 c) Find the vertical component of the reaction force on the bottom of the boom.1 kg meterstick is supported at its 40 cm mark by a string attached to the ceiling.2 in the cord that is required to hold the frame in this position.1 50◦ F 360 A 0. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min.0 N picture frame is supported as shown. section 2.7 kg mass hangs vertically from the 5 cm mark.0◦ angle with the . numeric. numeric. A uniform 6. > 1 min. Part 1 of 3 A ladder with a length of 15. 0.5 kg 3. Determine the coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the floor. 4 kg 361 .00 m from the bottom of the ladder.0◦ with the horizontal.Chapter 12. numeric. wordingvariable.0 N firefighter is 4. 0. 1 kg 5. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the vertical force exerted on the base of the ladder by Earth when an 800. How far from the end with the 1 kg mass is the center of mass of this system? Problems 08 05 12:02.00 m from the bottom of the ladder. Holt SF 08Rev 77 12:02. What is the mass of the measuring stick if it is balanced by a support force at the one-quarter mark? 1.75 kg 4. > 1 min. a) Find the horizontal force exerted on the base of the ladder by Earth when an 800. highSchool.0 m and a weight of 520. Neglect the weight of the meterstick and consider only two weights hanging from its ends.00 m up. A rock has a mass of 1 kg and hangs from the 0 cm end of a meter stick. One is a 1 kg mass the other has mass of 3 kg. < 1 min. making an angle of 60. 2 kg 6. Solving Statics Problems horizontal floor. what is the coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground? Problems 08 03 12:02.0 N firefighter is 4. fixed. normal. highSchool. 3 kg 7. multiple choice. Part 3 of 3 c) If the ladder is just on the verge of slipping when the firefighter is 9. < 1 min. 0. numeric. highSchool. section 2.0 N rests against a frictionless wall.25 kg 2. Stability and Balance: Center of Gravity Bricks on the Brink 03 12:03. > 1 min. highSchool. 4. Part 1 of 2 A uniform brick of length 20 m is placed over the edge of a horizontal surface with the maximum overhang x possible without falling. If you walk along the top of a fence. . > 1 min. fixed. highSchool. 2. 3. normal. Your rotational inertia is decreased. numeric. > 1 min. why does holding your arms out help you to balance? 1. highSchool. < 1 min. find the tension in the string required to start to tip the block over. Tipping a Block 02 12:03. g x Find x for two blocks. 20 m g x Find x for a single block. Your rotational inertia is increased. multiple choice. numeric. F 0.85 m Bricks on the Brink 04 12:03. A string provides a horizontal force which acts on a 445 N rectangular block at top righthand corner as shown in the figure below. A uniform brick of length 20 m is placed over the edge of a horizontal surface with the maximum overhang of x = 10 m possible without the brick falling. normal. Part 2 of 2 Two identical uniform bricks of length 20 m are stacked over the edge of a horizontal surface with the maximum overhang x possible without falling. normal. Walking on a Beam off a Cliff Now. Concept 08 10 12:03. Your momentum is increased. numeric. 20 m g 20 m 362 x Find x for two blocks. two identical uniform bricks of length 20 m are stacked over the edge of a horizontal surface with the maximum overhang x possible without falling.Chapter 12. section 3. 20 m g x 1m 445 N If the block slides with constant speed. highSchool. Your momentum is decreased. numeric. with one end sticking out beyond the cliff’s edge: 363 d The students want to position the beam so it sticks out as far as possible beyond the edge. section 3. A student of mass 70 kg wants to walk beyond the edge of a cliff on a heavy beam of mass 280 kg and length 8 m. normal.Chapter 12. How far from the edge of the ledge can the beam extend? . it simply lays on the horizontal surface of the clifftop. but he also wants to make sure he can walk to the beam’s end without falling down. < 1 min. Stability and Balance: Center of Gravity 12:03. The beam is not attached to the cliff in any way. highSchool. multiple choice. SA WD WP 3. A person (weight WP ) stands on the end of a diving board (weight WD ) that has two supports A and B that exert vertical forces SA and SB : 4.81 m/s2 . < 1 min. WD A 5 kg rock is suspended by a massless string from one end of a 8 m measuring stick. highSchool. multiple choice. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. SA SB W D WP . < 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min. section 4.Chapter 12. normal. SB 5 kg What is the weight of the measuring stick if it is balanced by a support force at the 1 m mark? Diving Board 01 12:04. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WP 1. normal. A 1 kg rock is suspended by a massless string from one end of a 6 m measuring stick. SA SB 2. multiple choice. fixed. Levers and Pulleys Balancing Rock 01 12:04. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 364 A B What is the free body diagram for the diving board? 1 kg What is the mass of the measuring stick if it is balanced by a support force at the 1 m mark? Balancing Rock 02 12:04. numeric. How far from the 400.0 N child should the pivot be placed to ensure rotational equilibrium? Disregard the mass of the seesaw. highSchool. wording-variable. section 4. How far from the pivot must a 325 N child sit to maintain rotational equilibrium? Mobile 12:04. wordingvariable.Chapter 12.0 m long seesaw.200 m from the 400.0 N child and a 300. multiple choice. Levers and Pulleys SA 365 5m 7m SB W D WP 6m 5m W3 9m Holt SF 08B 04 12:04. > 1 min. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A 400. W2 6m 10 N Find the weight of W3 . Part 2 of 2 Suppose a 225 N child sits 0. W1 . > 1 min. A mobile consisting of four weights hanging on three rods of negligible mass.0 N child.0 N child sit on either end of a 2. a) How much force does the pillar closer to the car exert? Part 2 of 2 b) How much force does the pillar farther from the car exert? Holt SF 08B 03 12:05. The scaffold weighs 200.0 m long and weighing 4.00 m long. The scaffold weighs 205 N and is 3. Part 1 of 2 A 700. highSchool. a) What is the force on the farther rope? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the force on the closer rope? Holt SF 08Rev 20 12:05. A 1. Assume the 675 N worker stands 1.0 N and is 3. > 1 min. a) What is the force on the rope farther from the worker? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the force on the closer rope? 366 . numeric. wordingvariable. > 1 min.0 N window washer is standing on a uniform scaffold supported by a vertical rope at each end.00 m from one end.96 × 104 N car is parked 8.00 m from one end of the scaffold. section 5. Part 1 of 2 A uniform bridge 20. > 1 min.00 m from each end. numeric. highSchool.00 m long. wordingvariable. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A window washer is standing on a scaffold supported by a vertical rope at each end.00×105 N is supported by two pillars located 3. Bridges and Scaffolding Holt SF 08B 02 12:05.00 m from one end of the bridge.Chapter 12. highSchool. Assume the window washer stands 1. wordingvariable. highSchool.00 m long and weighing 200. > 1 min.0 N person climb before the ladder begins to slip? 367 . A uniform ladder 8. and the ladder makes a 50. The coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground is 0.0 N rests against a smooth wall. section 8. numeric.Chapter 12. How far up the ladder can an 800.0◦ angle with the ground. Other Objects in Static Equilibrium Holt SF 08Rev 51 12:08.600. wordingvariable. section 11. fixed. should steel reinforcing rods be embedded in the top. highSchool. Suppose you’re making a balcony that extends beyond the main frame of your house. in the top 2. Fracturing Hewitt CP9 12 E13 12:11. 368 . or bottom of the slab? 1. in the bottom 4. multiple choice. In a concrete overhanging slab. in the middle 3. It cannot be determined.Chapter 12. < 1 min. middle. 2.6 rad/s 2. 3. 2. highSchool. 1.0 rad/s 5. fixed.Chapter 13.2 rad/s Oscillating Object 13:01. provided the forces exerted on it obey Hooke’s law.1 rad/s 4. < 1 min. 4. 5. any equilibrium point. any point. any point 369 . An oscillator is described by x(t) 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t (sec) What is the angular frequency ω ? 1. multiple choice.0 rad/s 3. 4. certain stable equilibrium points. fixed. any stable equilibrium point. Simple Harmonic Motion Angular Frequency SW 13:01. 3. multiple choice. section 1. 6. An object can oscillate ONLY around 1. highSchool. < 1 min. > 1 min. Four people riding in the car have a combined mass of 255 kg.56 s when hanging from a spring. Holt SF 12C 04 13:02. and the system is set in motion. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 A weight suspended from a spring is seen to bob up and down over a distance of 20 cm twice each second. A mass of 0. When driven over a pothole in the road.81 m/s2 . highSchool. numeric. What is its frequency? Part 2 of 3 What is its period? Part 3 of 3 What is its amplitude? Holt SF 12C 01 13:02. wordingvariable. highSchool.0 N/m is attached to different masses.5 kg mass and then set in motion. < 1 min. > 1 min. What is the spring constant of the spring? Holt SF 12C 02 13:02. Mass Attached to a Spring Concept 19 04 13:02. highSchool. numeric.0 s. numeric. numeric. numeric.24 s. What is the period of the mass-spring system? Part 2 of 2 What is the frequency of the vibration? . Part 1 of 2 A spring with a spring constant of 1. What is its period for a mass of 2. wordingvariable. > 1 min. section 2. numeric. What is the spring constant of the spring? Holt SF 12C 03 13:02. > 1 min. wordingvariable.Chapter 13. The body of a 1275 kg car is supported on a frame by four springs.3 kg? Part 2 of 6 What is its frequency? Part 3 of 6 What is the period for a mass of 15 g? Part 4 of 6 What is its frequency? Part 5 of 6 What is the period for a mass of 1. Part 1 of 6 A spring with a spring constant of 30. highSchool. > 1 min. it makes 20 complete vibrations in 4. wordingvariable. What is the period of vibration of the car? Holt SF 12C 05 13:02. highSchool.30 kg is attached to a spring and is set into vibration with a period of 0. the frame vibrates and for the first few seconds the vibration approximates simple harmonic motion.9 kg? Part 6 of 6 What is its frequency? Holt SF 12Rev 22 13:02.00 × 104 N/m. numeric. > 1 min. A 125 N object vibrates with a period of 3. What is the spring constant of the spring? The acceleration of gravity is 9. normal. highSchool.8 × 102 N/m is attached to a 1. When a mass of 25 g is attached to a certain spring. The spring con- 370 stant of a single spring is 2. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. section 3. And when the ball is out of equilibrium. it oscillates up and down with a period T . > 1 min. the spring’s equilibrium length increases by ∆Le . highSchool. When a metal ball of unknown mass M is suspended from a spring of unknown force constant k .4 s. Forces in Simple Harmonic Motion Ball on a Spring 13:03. Find ∆Le .Chapter 13.8 m/s2 and the period is 0. wordingvariable. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. 371 . the potential energy of a system near a state of static equilibrium is proportional to the cube of the displacement from the equilibrium position. 10. the potential energy of a system near a state of static equilibrium is linearly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position. If almost any system in stable equilibrium is slightly disturbed. 6. 7. 3. multiple choice. the force on a system in unstable equilibrium is zero. multiple choice. the potential energy of a system near a state of static equilibrium is proportional to the square of the displacement from the equilibrium position. If almost any system in stable equilibrium is slightly disturbed. 4. momentum is conserved. it will then exhibit simple harmonic motion because 1. 2. mechanical energy is conserved. 7. multiple choice. 5. the change in potential energy is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position. A mass is placed on a spring and oscillates with a period of 1 second. the change in potential energy is proportional to the square of the displacement from the equilibrium position. < 1 min. highSchool. 10. it will then exhibit simple 1. 4. 8. 5. Modified Mass on Spring 13:04. Concept Harmonic Motion 13:04. the force on a system in stable equilibrium is zero. the kinetic energy on a system in stable equilibrium is zero. the force on a system in unstable equilibrium is zero. Which statements are true? .Chapter 13. mechanical energy is conserved. fixed. > 1 min. 2. 6. the momentum of a system in stable equilibrium is zero. the change in potential energy is proportional to the cube of the displacement from the equilibrium position. fixed. 372 3. momentum is conserved. Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion harmonic motion because Concept Harmonic Motion 02 13:04. the kinetic energy on a system in stable equilibrium is zero. 9. fixed. section 4. > 1 min. the force on a system in stable equilibrium is zero. momentum and mechanical energy are both conserved. the momentum of a system in stable equilibrium is zero. 8. highSchool. 9. momentum and mechanical energy are both conserved. Now a heavier mass is placed on the same spring. highSchool. compressing the spring by the amount Ai = 0. . One cannot reach any conclusion about mechanical energy without knowing the amplitude of motion in each case. I and VI only 8. fixed. is in equilibrium while connected to a light spring of constant k = 100 N/m that is fastened to a wall (see a). 2. II. VI. A second mass. III and VI only 2. The heavier mass must have greater mechanical energy than the first because it is heavier. A mass. The heavier mass must have less mechanical energy than the first because it moves more slowly. (a) k m1 7. IV. The heavier mass oscillates with the same period because gravitational acceleration is constant. m2 loses contact with m1 (see c) and moves to the right with speed vmax . any point. V. III and IV only 4. certain stable equilibrium points. is slowly pushed up against mass m1 . m2 = 7 kg. any point provided that the restoring force exerted on the object is given by Hooke’s law. numeric. The heavier mass oscillates with a longer period because of its greater inertia. highSchool. Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion I. II and VI only 5. The system is then released. any unstable equilibrium point.Chapter 13. section 4. I and IV only Oscillations 13:04. The heavier mass oscillates with a shorter period because the gravitational force on it is greater. < 1 min. multiple choice. 1. 6. Two Masses on a Spring 02 13:04. An object with a potential energy U (x) can oscillate around 1. m1 = 9 kg. any equilibrium point. When m1 is at the equilibrium point. 4. highSchool. (d) m1 Determine the value of vmax . > 1 min. causing both masses to start moving to the right on the frictionless surface. normal. any stable equilibrium point. 5. II and IV only (c) (b) k m1 m2 A k v m1 m2 k v m2 D 373 3. II and V only 6. I and V only 9. III and V only 3.2 m (see b). III. 2. if anything. wordingvariable. Calculate the length of the cables supporting the trapeze. Holt SF 12Rev 20 13:05. fixed. Same for both 2. where g = 9.81 m/s2 . numeric. Holt SF 12B 04 13:05. No change to the periods Holt SF 12B 01 13:05. Indonesia. numeric. numeric. The visitor ties a spool of thread to a small rock to make a simple pendulum. highSchool.Chapter 13. > 1 min. < 1 min. You are designing a pendulum clock to have a period of 1.81 m/s2 . wordingvariable.0 s. > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. section 5. You note that a pendulum extending from the ceiling almost touches the floor and that its period is 24 s. wordingvariable. numeric.500 m.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. Part 2 of 6 b) What is its frequency? 374 A trapeze artist swings in simple harmonic motion with a period of 3. > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9.832 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Find the length of a pendulum that oscillates with a frequency of 0. Jim weights about twice as much as Gina Who. where g = 9. > 1 min.803 m/s2 ? Part 4 of 6 d) What is its frequency? Part 5 of 6 e) What is its period in Jakarta. Part 1 of 2 Jim and Gina are swinging on adjacent. numeric. Gina’s period will decrease. Jim 3. numeric. Jim’s period will decrease. Part 1 of 6 Consider a pendulum of length 3. equal length swings at the school playground.782 m/s2 ? Part 6 of 6 f) What is its frequency? Holt SF 12Rev 19 13:05.81 m/s2 .16 Hz. but darkness obscures the ceiling. will change if Jim swings while standing on the seat of his swing? 1. wordingvariable. You need to know the height of a tower. then hangs the pendulum . 3. wordingvariable. How tall is the tower? Holt SF 12B 02 13:05. numeric. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The Simple Pendulum Conceptual 14 Q01 13:05. highSchool. Gina Part 2 of 2 What. highSchool. A visitor to a lighthouse wishes to determine the height of the tower. The acceleration of gravity is 9. How long should the pendulum be? Holt SF 12B 03 13:05. will take less time to swing back and forth? 1.8 s. fixed. if either. a) What is its period at the North Pole? Part 3 of 6 c) What is its period in Chicago. multiple choice.00 m long pendulum oscillates. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. > 1 min. The period of oscillation is 9.9942 m long. 0.81236 m/s2 2.86 s s? Holt SF 12Rev 54 13:05. 2. The clock is started at 12:00:00 A. England. None of these Part 2 of 3 In Cambridge. Part 1 of 3 A certain pendulum clock that works perfectly on Earth is taken to the moon.M. 9. a) What will be the reading for the hours? Part 2 of 3 b) What will be the reading for the minutes? Part 3 of 3 c) What will be the reading for the seconds? .85 m long pendulum is 1. 9.000 s 4. 9.79651 m/s2 5. normal. None of these Part 3 of 3 In Tokyo.9927 m long. 1.49 s. highSchool. wordingvariable. and runs for 24 h.81 m/s2 6. 9. 9.000 s is sometimes called a “seconds pendulum.79651 m/s2 5. > 1 min. numeric.000 s 2.500 s 5. What is the free-fall acceleration in a location where the period of a 0. 9. 375 c) What is the free-fall acceleration in Tokyo? 1. numeric. highSchool. 9. 9. > 1 min.81 m/s2 6. a seconds pendulum is 0.” a) What is the period of any seconds pendulum? 1. 9.81341 m/s2 4.Chapter 13.81 m/s2 . highSchool. wordingvariable. wording-variable.8 m/s2 . Japan.81236 m/s2 3. 0. numeric. highSchool.81341 m/s2 4. None of these Holt SF 12Rev 52 13:05.81 m/s2 .00 min? Holt SF 12Rev 58 13:05. a seconds pendulum is 0. How many complete oscillations does this pendulum make in 5. 9.63 m/s2 . section 5. A simple 2. 4. The acceleration of gravity is 9. What is the height of the tower? Holt SF 12Rev 21 13:05.79756 m/s2 2.000 s 3.250 s 6. b) What is the free-fall acceleration in Cambridge? 1. Part 1 of 3 A pendulum that moves through its equilibrium position once every 1. The Simple Pendulum down a spiral staircase in the center of the tower. The acceleration of gravity is 9.79756 m/s2 3. where g = 1. What is its length? 376 . normal. < 1 min. numeric. A simple pendulum has a period of 2. Another child sits next to the first child. How does the swing’s frequency of oscillation change when the second child sits next to the first child? 1. multiple choice. more information is needed Pendulum of Fun 13:05. fixed.Chapter 13. < 1 min. highSchool.8 m/s2 . highSchool. decreases 3. increases 2. section 5. The Simple Pendulum Oscillations in a swing 13:05. stays the same 4.5 s. The acceleration of gravity is 9. A child in a swing oscillates with a certain frequency of oscillation (the child is sitting still). how would g have changed over geological time? 1. g is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the Earth. < 1 min. According to some nineteenth-century geological theories (now largely discredited). numeric. section 1. It would not change. b 3.3 What is the force on the Earth? Which of the objects a. multiple choice. It would decrease. Part 1 of 3 Consider two planets of mass m and 2 m.Chapter 14. a and b 6. Another combination 377 Part 2 of 2 What is it on the Moon? Conceptual 05 Q12 14:01. highSchool. the Sun d. a. Conceptual 05 Q23 14:01. . > 1 min. a and d 5. highSchool. fixed. It would increase. normal. the Earth has been shrinking as it gradually cools.27 RE . What is the ratio F1 : F2 of the gravitational forces exerted on the star by the two planets? Part 2 of 3 What is the ratio v1 : v2 of the speeds of the two planets? Part 3 of 3 What is the ratio T1 : T2 of the orbital periods of the two planets? Conceptual 05 Q14 14:01. Conceptual 05 07 14:01. highSchool. b. multiple choice. c and d 10. b and c 7. < 1 min. orbiting the same star in circular orbits. the mass of the Earth remained the same. how many times faster or slower should the Earth move in order to remain in the same orbit? Conceptual 05 Q2 14:01. 3. the Earth’s radius is decreasing. The more massive planet is 2 times as far from the star as the less massive one. 2. Part 1 of 2 Compare the gravitational force on a 1 kg mass at the surface of the Earth (with radius 6.4 × 106 m and mass 6 × 1024 kg) with that on the surface of the Moon with mass 1 ME and radius 0. c and d 8. < 1 min. c and d 9. 81. multiple choice. a. wordingvariable. numeric. > 1 min. a distant galaxy exert(s) a gravitational force on you? 1. If so. Newton’s Law of Gravity fixed. wording-variable. highSchool. highSchool. c 4. b. the nearest star c. If our Sun were four times as massive as it is. respectively. a book b. a 2. C 4. planets. drops to one quarter of its original value 1. halves 6. Gravity only happens on Earth. 5. > 1 min. How far apart are the balls? The value of the universal gravitational constant is 6. . and equally spaced points “r apart” are shown in the figure. highSchool. exert a gravitational force of 8. highSchool. > 1 min. E 5. 5.800 kg. fixed. B 3. All objects near the Earth free-fall with the same acceleration. Hewitt CP9 09 R09 14:01. A r m r B r C r D r 2m r E What is the Newtonian synthesis? 378 1. < 1 min. section 1. which means it is not a phenomenon unique to Earth. Two iron spheres of mass m and 2 m. and moon move in divine circles. multiple choice. each with a mass of 0. remains the same At which location would the net gravitational force on an object due to these two spheres be a minimum? 1. wordingvariable. the mass is Holt SF 07I 01 14:01. Any force on a planet would be directed along its path. How does the force of gravity between two bodies change when the distance between them doubles? 1. The combination of all forces on a planet directed along its path 4. numeric. Two balls. 2. highSchool. < 1 min. Newton’s Law of Gravity Conceptual 05 Q4 Q5 14:01. The combination of forces on each planet directed towards the Sun 3. respectively. What did Newton discover about gravity? 2. Gravity only happens on Earth. 5.Chapter 14. 3. D Hewitt CP9 09 R01 14:01. wording-variable. 4. The stars. A 2. Hewitt CP9 09 R02 14:01. multiple choice.92 × 10−11 N on each other. fixed. The union of terrestrial laws and cosmic laws 2. multiple choice. Gravity is universal. needed. < 1 min.673 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 . multiple choice. highSchool. All objects near the Earth free fall with the same acceleration. highSchool. Unable to determine. fixed. doubles 3. quadruples 4. Part 1 of 3 Find the magnitude of the gravitational force a 67. ge gx 4. > 1 min.37 × 106 m. > 1 min. gx ge gx 2. normal. numeric. multiple choice. > 1 min.43 × 106 m. The universal gravitational constant is 6. Newton’s Law of Gravity Holt SF 07I 02 14:01.Chapter 14. highSchool. with the moon between Earth and the Sun. normal. how far apart are Mars and Phobos? The value of the universal gravitational constant is 6. fixed.67 × 10−27 kg) in a hydrogen atom is 1 × 10−47 N. If one student has a mass of 50 kg and the other has a mass of 60 kg.673 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 .34 × 1023 kg and a radius of 3. What gravitational force is exerted on the moon by the Sun? The universal gravitational constant is 6. Holt SF 07Rev 49 14:01.2 × 10−8 N. numeric. Holt SF 07Rev 40 14:01. numeric.98 × 1024 kg and a radius of 6. Part 3 of 3 Find the magnitude of the gravitational force on Pluto. Part 2 of 3 What gravitational force is exerted on the moon by Earth? Part 3 of 3 What gravitational force is exerted on Earth by the Sun? New Planet 01 14:01. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. numeric. section 1. If the gravitational force between the electron (of mass 9.6 × 1015 N. with a mass of 1.15 × 106 m.673 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 . highSchool. normal. > 1 min.84 × 108 m. wording-variable.36 × 1022 kg). and its moon Phobos has a mass of about 9.673 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 .673 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 .496 × 1011 m.5 kg person would experience while standing on the surface of Earth with a mass of 5. Mars has a mass of about 6. ge gx 3.98 × 1024 kg). numeric.99 × 1030 kg) lie on the same line. and the Earth-Sun distance is 1. If the magnitude of the gravitational force between the two bodies is 4. with a mass of 6. Part 1 of 3 During a solar eclipse. Holt SF 07Rev 39 14:01.6 × 1015 kg. The gravitational force of attraction between two students sitting at their desks in physics class is 3. normal.4 × 1023 kg. the Earth-moon distance is 3. Earth (of mass 5. how far apart are the students sitting? The universal gravitational constant is 6.673 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 . the moon (of mass 7.11 × 10−31 kg) and the proton 379 (of mass 1. What is the ratio gX : ge of gravitational acceleration at the surface of planet X to the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth? 1. Holt SF 07I 03 14:01. Planet X has four times the diameter and nine times the mass of the earth.32 × 1022 kg and a radius of 1. > 1 min. ge 9 16 7 = 4 1 = 16 7 = 81 = . how far apart are the two particles? The universal gravitational constant is 6. < 1 min. Part 2 of 3 Find the magnitude of the gravitational force on Mars. and Sun (of mass 1. highSchool. Chapter 14. 10. gx ge gx ge gx ge gx ge gx ge gx ge = = = = = = 1 32 1 12 4 9 9 25 7 64 2 9 380 New Planet 02 14:01. 7. What is the ratio gX : ge of gravitational acceleration at the surface of planet X to the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth? . wordingvariable. 9. numeric. 8. Newton’s Law of Gravity 5. section 1. > 1 min. 6. highSchool. Planet X has four times the diameter and nine times the mass of the earth. Chapter 14, section 2, Gravitational Force Due to a System of Particles Conceptual 05 Q3 14:02, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Two planets with the same diameter are close to each other, as shown. One planet has twice the mass as the other planet. A m B C 2m D 381 At which locations would both planets’ gravitational force pull on you in the same direction? From among these four locations, where would you stand so that the force of gravity on you is a maximum; i.e., at which point would you weigh the most? 1. B; D 2. C; A 3. D; D 4. B and C; D 5. A and D; D 6. A and D; A 7. B and C; C 8. A and B; D 9. None of these Chapter 14, section 3, Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force variable. Astronauts 14:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. On the way from a planet to a moon, astronauts reach a point where that moon’s gravitational pull is stronger than that of the planet. The masses of the planet and the moon are, respectively, 5.98 × 1024 kg and 7.36 × 1022 kg. The distance from the center of the planet to the center of the moon is 3.84 × 108 m. Determine the distance of this point from the center of the planet. The value of the universal gravitational constant is 6.67259 × 10−11 N·m2 /kg2 . Concept 09 12 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. The Earth and the moon are attracted to each other by gravitational force. The more massive Earth attracts the less massive moon with a force that is (greater than, less than, the same as) the force with which the moon attracts the Earth. 1. less than 2. greater than 3. the same as 4. Unable to determine Concept 09 55 14:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. The mass of a certain neutron star is 6 × 1030 kg (3 solar masses) and its radius is 3000 m. What is the acceleration of gravity at the surface of this condensed, burned-out star? The value of the universal gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 . Conceptual 05 03 14:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wording- 382 You weigh 800 N. What would you weigh if the Earth were four times as massive as it is and its radius were two times its present value? Conceptual 05 05 14:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 2 You weigh 150 lb. How much would you weigh if you were standing on a mountain 200 km tall (equivalent to standing still at about the altitude of a space shuttle orbit)? 4.45 N = 1 lb, the gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 , the radius of the Earth is 6.4 × 106 m, and the mass of the Earth is 6 × 1024 kg. Part 2 of 2 How much does this differ from your weight on the surface of the Earth? Conceptual 05 06 14:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 4 Calculate the force of gravity on a 65 kg person at the surface of the Earth. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Part 2 of 4 What force of gravity exists at two times the Earth’s radius? Part 3 of 4 What force of gravity exists at four times the Earth’s radius? Part 4 of 4 What is the relationship exhibited on a gravitational force vs distance graph? 1. inverse square 2. direct Chapter 14, section 3, Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force 3. exponential 4. quadratic Conceptual 05 08 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. How much less would you weigh on the top of Mount Everest (elevation 8850 m) than at sea level? The value of the universal gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 . 1. 0.5% 2. 52610.2 m 2. 0.3% 3. 1488.73 m 3. 4% 4. 3455.22 m 4. 2% 5. 26548.7 m 5. 3% 6. 26305.1 m 6. 5% 7. 105220.4 m 7. 0.2% 8. 46587.2 m 8. 0.4% 9. 0.1% 10. 1% Conceptual 05 09 14:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 Calculate the weight of a solid rocket booster of the space shuttle with mass 590000 kg on Earth. The Earth has a mass of 6 × 1024 kg and a radius of 6.4 × 106 m. Part 2 of 2 What would this weight be on Mars, with mass 0.11 mE and radius 0.53 RE ? The value of the universal gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10−11 N · m2 /kg2 . 383 Conceptual 05 15 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. The height of a mountain is limited by the ability of the atoms at the bottom to sustain the weight of the materials above them. Assuming that the tallest mountains on Earth (at about 8850 m) are near this limit, how tall could that mountain be on Mars, with mass 0.11 Me , and radius 0.53 Re ? 1. 22667.9 m Conceptual 05 Q6 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. If you moved to a planet that has the same mass as the Earth but twice the diameter, how would your weight be affected? 1. 2 times as much 2. 1 as much 4 3. the same 4. 1 as much 2 5. 4 times as much 6. 8 times as much Chapter 14, section 3, Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force 7. 1 as much 6 Earth, but it is not actually weightless. 384 8. None of these Conceptual 05 Q7 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. If you moved to a planet that has twice the mass of the Earth and also twice the diameter, how would your weight be affected? 1. 2 times as much 2. 1 as much 4 Figuring Physics 11 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, wording-variable. When at rest on the launching pad, the force of gravity on the space shuttle is quite huge. When in orbit, some 200 km above Earth’s surface, what is the force of gravity on the shuttle? Neglect changes in the weight of the fuel carried by the shuttle. 3. the same 4. 1 as much 2 1. nearly as much 2. about half as much 3. nearly zero (micro-gravity) 4. zero Figuring Physics 20 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Consider a giant flat plate that touches the Earth at one point and extends out into space. Suppose you slide an iron block along the plane, where it makes contact with the Earth. Suppose also, that the plate is perfectly frictionless, air drag is absent, and vo < vescape . 5. 4 times as much 6. 8 times as much 1 7. as much 6 Conceptual 05 Q9 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. The environment in a satellite or space station orbiting the Earth is often referred to as weightless environment; however, we have defined weight as the force of gravity on an object. In this sense, what statement is not correct concerning an object on board an orbiting satellite? 1. There is a force of gravity on the object. 2. The object is weightless. 3. The weight of an object in orbit is only a few percent less than it is on the Earth. 4. We refer to the object in orbit as weightless because it is accelerating toward the The block will 1. continue at constant velocity, according Chapter 14, section 3, Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force to the law of inertia. 2. increase in speed as the force of gravity weakens with distance. 3. decrease in speed due to the pull of gravity. 4. oscillate to and fro. Hewitt CP9 09 R03 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. In what sense does the moon “fall”? 1. The moon moves in a straight line toward the Earth. 2. The moon falls away from the straight line it would follow if there were no forces acting on it. 3. Some stones on the moon drop from it toward the Earth. Hewitt CP9 09 R07 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. What do we call the gravitational force between the earth and your body? 1. weight 2. mass 3. Newton 4. gravitation 5. velocity Two Satellites 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Two satellites A and B with the same mass orbit the Earth in concentric orbits. The B 6m r A m 3r 385 distance of satellite B from the earth’s center is four times that of satellite A. What is the ratio of the tangential speed of satellite B to that of satellite A? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA 1 2 1 = 64 1 = 16 1 = 4 = =2 =4 = 16 = 64 Two Satellites in Orbit 01 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Part 1 of 2 Two satellites A and B orbit the Earth in the same plane. Their masses are m and 6 m, respectively, and their radii r and 3 r, respectively. What is the ratio of the orbital speeds? 1. vB 1 =√ vA 3 Chapter 14, section 3, Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA vB vA =9 1 9 1 = 2 1 = 3 = =3 1 =√ 2 √ = 2 √ = 3 =2 7r 3r B 7m A 4m wording-variable. 386 Part 1 of 2 Two satellites A and B orbit the Earth in the same plane. Their masses are 4 m and 7 m, respectively, and their radii 3 r and 7 r, respectively. Part 2 of 2 Let 10 RE be the distance of the satellite A from the center of the Earth, where RE is the radius of the Earth. What is the gravitational acceleration due to the Earth at satellite A? g is the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth. 1. gA = g 100 g 2. gA = 121 3. gA = g 4. gA = 5. gA = 6. gA = 7. gA = 8. gA = 9. gA = 10. gA = g 10 g √ 10 g 11 g √ 11 g 81 g 9 g 3 What is the ratio of their orbital speeds? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA 3 7 7 3 7 4 4 7 49 12 12 49 4 3 3 4 9. None of these Part 2 of 2 Let the distance of the satellite A from the center of the Earth be 10 RE , where RE is the radius of the Earth. Two Satellites in Orbit 03 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, Chapter 14, section 3, Free Fall Acceleration and the Gravitational Force What is the gravitational acceleration due to the Earth at satellite A? Denote the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth by g . 1. gA = g 121 g 10 g √ 10 g 100 g 11 g √ 11 g 81 g 9 g 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA vB = vA 4 5 5 4 6 5 5 6 3 2 2 3 25 24 24 25 387 2. gA = g 3. gA = 4. gA = 5. gA = 6. gA = 7. gA = 8. gA = 9. gA = 10. gA = 9. None of these Two Satellites in Orbit 04 14:03, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. Two satellites A and B orbit the Earth in the same plane. Their masses are 5 m and 6 m, respectively, and their radii 4 r and 5 r, respectively. 5r 4r B 6m A 5m What is the ratio of their orbital speeds? Chapter 14, section 4, Gravitation Inside the Earth Concept 09 38 14:04, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. If the earth were of uniform density, what would be the value of g inside the earth at half its radius? (The value of g at the surface of earth is 9.8 m/s2 .) 1. 4.9 m/s2 2. 9.8 m/s2 3. 19.6 m/s2 4. 39.2 m/s2 388 Chapter 14, section 5, Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion Conceptual 03 07 14:05, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. The eccentricity of an ellipse is a measure of how elongated (or oval) it is. It is defined for a planet’s orbit as the distance between the two foci divided by twice the average distance to the sun, which resides at one of the foci. 389 14:05, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Consider the orbit of a typical comet around the sun, which is marked at five different positions, X , S , Z , P , and U . U S P Sun b a Z b a Sun focus The eccentricity of a planetary orbit is defined as the ratio of the distance between the foci and twice the average distance to the sun. A perfect circle has an eccentricity of zero since the two foci are in the same position. The eccentricities for several solar system objects are shown in the table below. All data are in terms of the average distance of the Earth from the Sun, called the astronomical unit (AU). Object f 1 + f2 Average (AU) Distance Earth 0.017 1.0 Mars 0.14 1.52 Pluto 9.8 39.5 Halley’s comet 17.4 17.9 Which object has the most nearly elliptical orbit? 1. Halley’s Comet 2. Mars 3. Pluto 4. Earth Conceptual 03 09 X Using Kepler’s second law of planetary motion, rank those positions in order of their relative speeds, with the position for the fastest speed first. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. P Z U X Z U S X S Z P X U U P P S S X S Z S X P Z P X U U Z Conceptual 03 11 14:05, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Their average distances from Jupitor and orbital periods are listed below in terms of Io’s values. Moon Relative Relative average distance obital period Io 1.00 1.00 Europa 1.59 2.00 Ganymede 2.54 4.05 Callisto 4.46 9.42 Chapter 14, section 5, Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion After plotting the square of the relative orbital period versus the cube of the relative average distance for each moon and identifying the pattern you find in your graph, do you agree or disagree that Kepler’s third law (as applied to the moons of Jupiter) holds for Jupiter’s four Galilean moons? 1. In agreement with Kepler’s third law. 2. Cannot be determined from given data. 3. Not in agreement with Kepler’s third law. 4. Kepler’s third law does not require experimental verification since time cannot be related to distance. Conceptual 05 04 14:05, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. How long would our year be if our Sun were half its present mass and the radius of the Earth’s orbit were two times its present value? Conceptual 05 Q15 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. When Galileo first observed the four largest moons orbiting the planet Jupiter, he quickly determined the time it took for each moon to complete one orbit but didn’t determine the masses of the moons. Which statement is false? 1. He couldn’t determine the masses of the moons because the orbital period of satellite depends on the mass of the planet or star it is orbiting, not on the satellite’s mass. 2. If we knew the distance from Jupiter to one of its moons and the orbital period of that moon, we could determine the mass of Jupiter. 390 3. We can determine the mass of Jupiter without knowing the orbital period of its moons. Conceptual 05 Q17 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. How is Newton’s law of gravitation related to Kepler’s third law of planetary motion? 1. Newton’s law of gravitation contains more information than Kepler’s third law. 2. Kepler’s third law contains more information than Newton’s law of gravitation. 3. The two laws contain exactly the same information. 4. There is no relationship. Conceptual gravity 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. 4 π2 , G Ms where Ms is the mass of the Sun. Suppose that the gravitational force law between two massive objects is k= Fg = G m 1 m2 , r2+ Given: where is a small number. Which of the following would be the relationship between the period T and radius r of a planet in circular orbit? 1. T 2 = k r 3+2 2. T 2 = k r 3+ 3. T 2 = k r 3− 4. T 2 = k r 3−2 5. T 2 = k r 3+2/ Chapter 14, section 5, Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion 6. T 2 = k r 3/ 7. T 2 = k r 2+3 8. T 2 = k r 2−3 9. T 2 = k r 3 10. T = k r 2 3 391 Hewitt CP9 10 E17 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Which planets have a period of rotation around the Sun greater than 1 Earth year? 1. Those closer to the sun 2. Those farther from the sun Hewitt CP9 10 E15 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Since the moon is gravitationally attracted to the Earth, why doesn’t it simply crash into the Earth? 1. When the moon moves close to the Earth, the air on the Earth repels it. 2. The moon does not have enough speed to crash into the Earth. 3. The moon’s tangential velocity keeps the moon coasting around the Earth rather than crashing into it. 4. The Sun attracts the moon so that the moon cannot move closer the Earth. Hewitt CP9 10 E16 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. When the space shuttle coasts in a circular orbit at constant speed about the Earth, is it accelerating? If so, in what direction? 1. No acceleration 2. Yes; toward the Earth’s center. 3. Yes; in a direction from the Earth to the moon. 4. Yes; in a direction from the moon to the Sun. 3. Additional information is needed. 4. It depends on the planet’s mass. Hewitt CP9 10 E23 14:05, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Would the speed of a satellite in close circular orbit about Jupiter be greater than, equal to, or less than 8 km/s? 1. greater than 2. equal to 3. less than 4. Cannot be determined Hewitt CP9 10 E27 14:05, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, fixed. Two planets are never seen at midnight. Which two? 1. Jupiter and Mars 2. Neptune and Pluto 3. Saturn and Jupiter 4. Neptune and Mercury 5. Venus and Mercury Hewitt CP9 10 E32 There is no power on the satellites. The Earth is behind the Sun. 4. Hewitt CP9 26 E26 14:05. < 1 min. 365 days 4. 28 days 2. rectangle 2. The observer is in the middle of the Earth and the Sun. highSchool. Hewitt CP9 10 E36 14:05. multiple choice. The Sun is in the shadow of the Earth. The satellites are not attracted by the Earth. highSchool. < 1 min. The satellites’ orbital period coincides with the daily rotation of the Earth. it would simply crash into the Earth. fixed. Why. < 1 min. < 1 min. how long would it take for it to make a complete orbit? 1. highSchool. don’t the communications satellites that hover motionless above the same spot on Earth crash into the Earth? 1. circle 5. multiple choice. 3. None of these Part 2 of 2 What astronomical event would be seen by observers on the moon at the time the Earth was seeing a solar eclipse? . 24 hours 4. hyperbola 4.Chapter 14. 2. section 5. fixed. If you stopped an Earth satellite dead in its tracks. highSchool. parabola 3. fixed. Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion 14:05. highSchool. A “geosynchronous” Earth satellite can remain directly overhead in which of the following cities? 1. multiple choice. then. What is the shape of the orbit when the velocity of the satellite is everywhere perpendicular to the force of gravity? 1. The moon attracts the satellites at the same time. fixed. multiple choice. ellipse Hewitt CP9 10 E33 14:05. San Francisco 2. London 5. multiple choice. 35 days 3. Singapore 3. If the Space Shuttle circled the Earth at a distance equal to the Earth-moon distance. 4. 7 days 5. fixed. Moscow 392 Hewitt CP9 10 E42 14:05. Sidney 2. Part 1 of 2 What astronomical event would be seen by observers on the moon at the time the Earth was seeing a lunar eclipse? 1. < 1 min. 3. 6. Which are the correct statements regarding Kepler’s laws? A. 2. When considering only the Sun. multiple choice. multiple choice. Mercury. The Earth is fixed and the Sun goes around it. highSchool. section 5. multiple choice. D. highSchool. and Mars in a planetary system. Earth. 4. Mars and Mercury go around the Earth. Solar System 03 14:05. Mars goes around the Sun in the opposite angular direction from Mercury. fixed. A and E 7. They were deduced by Kepler from Brahe’s observations. 1. C and D 3. A and D 4. highSchool.Chapter 14. 3. 6. None of the above is correct. Earth. They were obtained by Kepler from Brahe’s observations combined with Newton’s second law. The Sun is in the shadow of the Earth. > 1 min. 5. The observer is in the middle of the Earth and the Sun. Mars. fixed. which statement is correct? 1. When considering only the Sun. . At night the Sun stops until morning and then goes around the Earth during daytime only. < 1 min. 4. B. fixed. and Mercury all go around each other with the same angular momentum. They were derived by Newton using his gravitational and second law together with Brahe’s data. The Earth only goes around the Sun during daylight. The Earth is behind the Sun. They were obtained first by Tycho Brahe. 5. multiple choice. > 1 min. which statement is correct? 1. Neither the Earth nor the Sun go around one another. Solar System 02 14:05. and C 2. None of these is correct. The Sun only goes around the Earth during daylight. 2. Mercury. fixed. Earth. C and E 6. A. The Sun is fixed and the Earth goes around it. < 1 min. B. E. At night the Earth stops until morning and then goes around the Sun during daytime only. C. The Sun. 393 2. highSchool. B and D 5. 4. and Mars in a planetary system. 3. They were derived by Newton from his gravitational and second laws. Mars goes around the Earth but Mercury doesn’t go around the Earth since its orbit is smaller. B and E Solar System 01 14:05. Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion 1. Kepler 14:05. 3. For convenience let us assume an imaginary solar system and choose orbits for the planets whose periods are integral multiples of each other. Kepler’s Laws: Planetary and Satellite Motion Kepler’s third law states that the orbital period squared T 2 is propotional to the semimajor axis cubed R3 . i. REarth = 5 . The Sun only goes around the Earth during daylight so the lower diagram is an unphysical description of this solar system.e. The Earth is fixed and the Sun goes around it so the lower diagram is a physical description of this solar system. 2. .9842511315 ≈ 2 . The Sun is fixed and the Earth goes around it so the lower diagram is an imaginary artist conception of the Earth at the center of the universe and is an unphysical description of this solar system. The Earth only goes around the Sun during daylight so the lower diagram is an unphysical description of this solar system. TM ercury = TEarth TEarth = TM ars REarth RM ercury RM ars REarth 3 3 394 T 2 ∝ R3 . The upper diagram shows a Sun concentric diagram of a solar system.. = 2. 5.Chapter 14. What is the lower diagram? 1. 3. Neither the Earth nor the Sun go around one another so the lower diagram is an unphysical description of this solar system. section 5. RM ars = 7. This diagram was proposed by Galileo Galilei (an Italian scientist 1564-1642). A coordinate transform from the upper diagram to the Earth’s frame of reference so the lower diagram is a physical description of this solar system. = 4. 6.93700526 ≈ 8 . 4. for example RM ercury = 1. highSchool. The Gravitational Field Concept 36 14 14:06. The density becomes larger. The star rotates faster.Chapter 14. multiple choice. 2. The matter becomes more compact. 3. 395 . The matter increases. < 1 min. 4. Why will the gravitational field intensity increase on the surface of a shrinking star? 1. fixed. section 6. the gravitational attraction of the Earth on a body of mass m can be stated in terms of either g or G. Let Uo be the gravitational potential energy set equal to zero at the surface of the Earth. highSchool. multiple choice. 1 Hint: ≈ 1 − for 1. therefore. RE is the mean radius of the Earth. Part 1 of 2 G is the universal gravitational constant. Uo increases with h. U∞ (h) − U∞ (h = 0) = Uo (h) 2. fixed. Uo = mgh and U∞ = − RE + h GME 4.Chapter 14. Uo = mgh and U∞ = −m 2 h RE 4. but U∞ decreases with h 3. the derivatives 0) are different dU∞ dUo (h = 0) and (h = dh dh . only changes in potential energy are meaningful. Since potential energy is defined only up to an arbitrary constant. Uo = −mgh and U∞ = − RE + h mGME 3. section 7. Which of the following correctly state the values of Uo and U∞ at an altitude h above the Earth’s surface? 1. we must give a reference value for the potential. g is the free fall acceleration at Earth’s surface. when we talk about potential. > 1 min. ME is the mass of the Earth. Uo = mgh and U∞ = −m GME h RE mGME 2. Gravitational Potential Energy Potentials of 2 Reference Pnts 14:07. 1+ 1. U∞ (h) − U∞ (h = 0) = GME m h RE 396 Part 2 of 2 Consider Uo and U∞ . Very near the Earth’s surface. Which of the following statements are correct for h RE . let U∞ be the gravitational potential energy set equal to zero infinitely far from the earth. less energy is needed. The universal gravitational constant G = 6. Use: The speed of light c = 2.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 .Chapter 14. Based on Newtonian mechanics. greater 2. with all other factors remaining the same. highSchool. If the Earth shrank in size. 4. Hewitt CP9 10 E48 14:08. fixed. 3. Hawaii has a greater tangential speed about the polar axis. section 8. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. multiple choice. Escape Velocity escape velocity from its surface change? Estimate a Black Hole 01 14:08. There is not any strong cold wind in Hawaii. A black hole is an object so heavy that neither matter nor even light can escape the influence of its gravitational field.98 × 1024 kg is packed into a small uniform sphere of radius r. 2. > 1 min. why is Hawaii the most efficient launching site for non-polar satellites? 1. fixed. smaller 3. Hewitt CP9 10 E26 14:08. Cannot be determined 397 . Hint: The escape speed must be the speed of light. numeric. the same 4. Since no light can escape from it. highSchool. Of all the United States. multiple choice.99792 × 108 m/s . determine the limiting radius r0 when this mass (approximately the size of the Earth’s mass) becomes a black hole. normal. it appears black. Suppose a mass approximately the size of the Earth’s mass 5. Hawaii is composed of small islands. launch failures can easily go into the sea instead of damaging residential areas. how would the 1. Hawaii is the warmest place in the US. > 1 min.Chapter 14. highSchool. then falls back to the ground. Calculate the ratio h/R of the projectile’s maximal height to the planet’s radius. due to some error. An electromagnetic launcher standing on the surface of this planet shoots a projectile with initial velocity v0 directed straight up. 398 . Unfortunately. Energy: Planetary and Satellite Motion Rise to a Maximum Height 14:09. normal. section 9. Unable to escape the planet’s gravitational pull. v0 is less than the planet’s escape velocity ve . v0 = 0. numeric. Specifically.5 ve . the projectile rises to a maximal height h above the ground. Consider an airless. non-rotating planet of mass M and radius R. 4 liters 4. normal. If this were the case. Why does crushed ice melt so much faster . multiple choice. An electric current breaks up these molecules into oxygen gas and aluminum atoms. 1 liter 2. < 1 min. 3 liter 4. Diamond and graphite are both solids composed of only carbon atoms. They have the same average kinetic energy. what mass of oxygen gas is produced? Assume a mass of 27 atomic mass units (amu) for each aluminum atom and 16 amu for each oxygen atom. Since all carbon atoms are chemically identical. fixed. what volume of hydrogen is produced? 1. If a car bumper needs to be plated with 300 g of aluminum using this electroplating process. multiple choice. 0. Suppose ammonia is separated into nitrogen (N2 ) gas 399 and hydrogen (H2 ) gas. Suppose that instead of H2 molecules. < 1 min. Conceptual 09 Q11 15:01. highSchool. different shapes 2. > 1 min. fixed. highSchool. 1. gaseous hydrogen consisted of H atoms. different movement of atoms Conceptual 09 Q13 15:01. < 1 min. 0. 1 liter 2. oxygen consists of O2 molecules and hydrogen consists of H2 molecules.Chapter 15. The object is submerged in a liquid solution containing Al2 O3 molecules. multiple choice. < 1 min. highSchool. If 1 liter of nitrogen is produced. Conceptual 09 Q16 15:01. Those in 10 grams of ice 2. In gaseous form. what accounts for the vastly different properties of graphite and diamond? 1.5 liter Conceptual 09 Q12 15:01.5 liter 5. highSchool. multiple choice. highSchool. The aluminum is attracted to the object to be coated and forms a thin aluminum film on its surface. normal. 2 liters 3. Ammonia is a liquid that consists of molecules of (NH3 ) (one nitrogen atom with three hydrogen atoms attached). numeric. different ordering of atoms 3.5 liter Conceptual 09 03 15:01. fixed. Those in 10 grams of steam 3. highSchool. Which molecules have more average kinetic energy? 1. 2 liter 3. Aluminum electroplating is a process by which aluminum is coated onto a metal object. multiple choice. < 1 min. section 1. States of Matter Conceptual 09 02 15:01. how much hydrogen gas would be produced for each liter of oxygen gas when water (H2 O) is separated by an electric current? 1. fixed. Crushed ice is smaller. States of Matter than an equal mass of ice cubes? 1. The crushing process raised the temperature of the crushed ice. section 1. 3. Crushed ice has more exposed surface. 2.Chapter 15. 400 . vinegar 2. They form a new substance which has a different property from oil and vinegar. Ice cubes are in a solid state. 4. section 2. oil 3. 401 . Conceptual 10 Q07 15:02. multiple choice. which would you expect to end up on top? 1. multiple choice. < 1 min. Why do ice cubes float? 1. highSchool. highSchool. They couldn’t separate from each other.Chapter 15. Ice cubes are less dense than water. fixed. < 1 min. Ice cubes are lighter than water. 2. fixed. 3. Density and Specific Gravity Conceptual 10 Q06 15:02. If you mixed oil and vinegar in one container. fixed. of this amount of helium. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 You blow up an ordinary party balloon with air until it has a diameter of 6 inches. section 3. Part 1 of 2 How much pressure is applied to the ground by a 104 kg man who is standing on square stilts that measure 0. fixed. highSchool. highSchool. What pressure did she apply? Part 2 of 2 What is this pressure in pounds per square inch? Conceptual 10 07 15:03.05 m on each edge? Part 2 of 2 What is this pressure in pounds per square inch? . highSchool.03 m2 area that is bleeding. 3.Chapter 15. 2. highSchool. normal. numeric. Cooler air is inside the balloon. The attraction among the molecules doubles when the number of molecules doubles. Your friend blows up another balloon with helium gas until it has a diameter of 12 inches. 2. < 1 min. 402 Why does the pressure of a gas double (provided the temperature and volume of the container remain the same) if the number of gas atoms in container is doubled? 1. Why is the gas pressure inside an inflated balloon always greater than the air pressure outside? 1. Conceptual 09 Q15 15:03. Warmer air is inside the balloon. while helium gas consists of He atoms. Pressure Concept 14 32 15:03. What is the ratio of the weight of the helium balloon to the weight of the air-filled balloon? (Hint: Imagine that there are 80 helium atoms in the helium balloon. Conceptual 09 04 15:03. How much force does the air exert on 100 in2 ? Conceptual 10 06 15:03. numeric. > 1 min. Assume the pressure in each balloon is the same. The balloon is made of stretchy rubber that pushes inward on the gas. < 1 min. multiple choice. Atmospheric pressure is approximately 15 lb/in2 . Air consists mostly of O2 and N2 molecules. and then compare it to the mass of the corresponding number of oxygen and nitrogen molecules. Calculate the mass. < 1 min. < 1 min. 3. The stretched rubber supplies an inward force (and pressure). 4. normal. The frequency of the molecular collisions doubles when the number of molecules doubles. What is the ratio the number of helium atoms to the total number of O2 and N2 molecules? Part 2 of 2 Air is about 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. in atomic mass units. normal. numeric. normal.) Conceptual 09 Q14 15:03. The speed of the molecules doubles when the number of molecules doubles. > 1 min. that’s why inflated balloons rise. numeric. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 A medic applies a force of 85 N to a 0. The pressure is actually less. highSchool. normal.024 m2 in contact with the ground. compressed air exerts a force on a piston with a radius of 5 cm. Each tire has an area of 0. Pressure Conceptual 10 Q16 15:03.Chapter 15. If you patch a 4 mm diameter hole in the pipe with a piece of bubble gum. How large a force must the compressed air exert to lift a 13300 N car? Part 2 of 2 What pressure produces this force? Neglect the weight of the pistons. > 1 min. numeric. normal. Either 4. . highSchool. A pipe contains water at 500000 Pa above atmospheric pressure. numeric. and a thickness of 3. Part 1 of 3 A physics book has a height of 26 cm. The acceleration of gravity is 9. wordingvariable. > 1 min. multiple choice. Your bare foot was stepped on by a 270-lb man wearing flat-soled loafer. Holt SF 09B 02 15:03. > 1 min. How much force does the atmosphere exert on 1. > 1 min. Which situation is likely to hurt you more? 1. > 1 min. What is the pressure exerted on the floor by each leg? Holt SF 09Rev 47 15:03. Holt SF 09Rev 16 15:03. how much force must the gum be able to withstand? Holt SF 09Rev 32 15:03. highSchool. normal. Determine the weight of the automobile. wordingvariable. Assume that the entire lower surface of the bed makes contact with the floor. < 1 min. 2. highSchool. highSchool. section 3. The four tires of an automobile are inflated to an absolute pressure of 200000 Pa. 403 Holt SF 09Rev 17 15:03. 3. A 1.00 km2 of land at sea level? Holt SF 09Rev 33 15:03. highSchool. > 1 min.5 m long water bed weighs 1025 N. highSchool. Unable to determine Holt SF 09B 01 15:03. numeric.Assume that each leg makes contact with the floor over a circular area with a radius of 1 cm. a width of 21 cm. Find the pressure that the water bed exerts on the floor. normal. Part 1 of 2 In a car lift.5 cm. What is the density of the physics book if it weighs 19 N? Part 2 of 3 Find the pressure that the physics book exerts on a desktop when the book lies face up.5 m wide by 2. Your bare foot was stepped on by a 130-lb woman wearing high heels. numeric. A 70 kg man sits in a 5 kg chair so that his weight is evenly distributed on the legs of the chair. fixed. numeric. numeric.81 m/s2 . highSchool. normal. This pressure is transmitted to a second piston with a radius of 15 cm. highSchool. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . Part 3 of 3 Find the pressure that the physics book exerts on the surface of a desktop when the book is balanced on its spine. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. 00 min interval. 150 small ball bearings. what pressure is exerted on the material? 404 . In testing a new material for shielding spacecraft. section 3. wordingvariable. collide head-on and elastically with the material during a 1. numeric. > 1 min.0 m/s. Pressure Holt SF 09Rev 67 15:03. each moving at a supersonic speed of 400.0 g and the area of the tested material is 0. highSchool.Chapter 15. If the bearings each have a mass of 8.75 m2 . as low as possible 3. numeric. < 1 min.5 m below the water line. at a level below the heart 4. anywhere the cuff will fit 3. sea level 3. Concept 14 21 15:04. as high as possible 4. at a level even with the heart 2. What is the water pressure at a depth of 220 m? The weight density of water is 9800 N/m3 . Concept 14 5 15:04. fixed. < 1 min. < 1 min. fixed. Part 1 of 2 A loaded flatbottom barge floats in fresh water. highSchool. fixed. multiple choice. highSchool. as far from your heart as possible at any level Concept 13 1a 15:04. multiple choice. highSchool. highSchool. fixed. section 4. at a level above the heart 405 Concept 13 E01 15:04. When the barge is empty the barge’s bottom is only 2. What is the pressure at the base of the pool? (Neglect the pressure due to atmosphere. Where would it be the most difficult to draw soda through a straw? 1. at the same level as your heart 2. > 1 min. the bottom of a deep mine 4. normal. Put the following heights in the order of air density with the most dense point first: A) Earth surface B) low atmosphere (just above high mountains) C) high atmosphere (way above jet flights) D) deep mine E) the bottom of an imaginary hole drilled to the center of the Earth . numeric.) Concept 13 7 15:04. You want a blood pressure reading as close as possible to that of your heart. < 1 min. normal.Chapter 15.5 m below the water line. What is the difference between the pressure on the bottom of the loaded barge and the pressure at the water line? Part 2 of 2 If the surface area of the bottom of the barge is 300 m2 what is the weight of the load in the barge? Concept 13 19 15:04. At what level (vertically) should you hold a cut finger to reduce bleeding? 1. A water pool is 220 m deep. 1. The bottom of the barge is 3. normal. > 1 min. Fluids at Rest: Variation of Pressure with Depth Where should you place the cuff? Barge in Fresh Water 15:04. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . multiple choice. multiple choice. > 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. The depth of water behind the Hoover Dam in Nevada is 220 m. The elevation makes no difference at all. numeric. the top of a very high mountain 2. highSchool. multiple choice. mass and volume increase. 7. the pressure at the bottom will be greater. P1 < P2 3. fixed. highSchool. highSchool. It depends on the brand of motor oil. highSchool. volume increases and density decreases. Part 1 of 3 A column of water has a diameter of 2 m and a depth of 10 m. 4. Yes. 406 What is the weight of this column of water? Part 3 of 3 What would be the pressure if the column had a radius of 8 m and the same depth? Conceptual 10 Q10 15:04. Conceptual 10 08 15:04. What relationship would P1 and P2 have? 1. Yes. Volume doesn’t change. highSchool. fixed. EDABC 4. < 1 min. Would the pressure at the bottom of a 3foot holding tank be different if the tank held motor oil instead of water? 1. what happens to its mass. mass and volume decrease. The pressure in a 3-foot-deep lake is P1 . fixed. > 1 min. Volume doesn’t change. How much pressure is at the bottom of the column? Part 2 of 3 . multiple choice. normal. P1 = P2 4. 2. highSchool. DACBE 6. What happens to the whale’s density? 6. and density? 1. Conceptual 10 Q12 15:04. numeric. a whale is appreciably compressed by the pressure of the surrounding water. Density doesn’t change. multiple choice. When an air bubble rises in water. Mass doesn’t change. desnisty increase. 5. Unable to determine Hewitt CP9 12 E05 15:04. 3. mass and density decrease. 2. The pressure in a 3-foot-deep hot tub 2 meters in diameter is P2 . the pressure at the bottom will be less. In a deep dive. < 1 min. No. < 1 min. Mass doesn’t change. P1 > P2 2.Chapter 15. Fluids at Rest: Variation of Pressure with Depth 1. Density doesn’t change. < 1 min. All three are conserved. the pressures would be the same. multiple choice. volume decreases and density increases. mass and 4. 3. ABDEC 2. DAEBC Concept 14 7 15:04. section 4. DACEB 5. fixed. ABDCE 3. volume. 2. Its density increases.81 m/s2 . but the person’s ears fail to “pop”. The pressure at the bottom of the beaker is 27000 Pa. What is the height of the mercury in the beaker? Holt SF 09C 04 15:04. > 1 min. > 1 min. Calculate the depth in the ocean at which the pressure is three times atmospheric pressure. The acceleration of gravity is 9. What is the absolute pressure at the bot- . highSchool. Calculate the absolute pressure at this depth. What is the absolute pressure at the surface of the water? 407 Part 2 of 2 What is the absolute pressure at the bottom of the container? Holt SF 09C 03 15:04. The radius of each eardrum is 0. normal. normal. numeric. highSchool. numeric. Part 2 of 2 Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by the water at this depth on a circular submarine window with a diameter of 30 cm. normal. section 4. highSchool.Chapter 15.81 m/s2 . normal. > 1 min. 4. Fluids at Rest: Variation of Pressure with Depth 1. numeric. highSchool. Holt SF 09Rev 19 15:04. Its density decreases. Part 1 of 2 A container is filled with water to a depth of 20 cm. is about 11 km deep. numeric. that is the pressure of the inner ear does not equalize with the outside atmosphere. A beaker containing mercury is placed inside a vacuum chamber in a laboratory. numeric.81 m/s2 . highSchool.5 m. 3. On top of the water floats a 30 cm thick layer of oil with a density of 700 kg/m3 . It cannot be determined. Part 1 of 2 A submarine is at an ocean depth of 250 m. Part 1 of 2 A person rides up a lift to a mountain top. in the Pacific Ocean. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Assume that the density of sea water is 1025 kg/m3 and the atmospheric pressure is 101000 Pa . how much pressure would a submarine need to be able to withstand to reach this depth? Holt SF 09C 02 15:04. The pressure of the atmosphere drops from 101000 Pa at the bottom of the lift to 99800 Pa at the top. Part 1 of 2 A circular swimming pool at sea level has a flat bottom and a 6 m diameter. The acceleration of gravity is 9. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. numeric. highSchool. Holt SF 09Rev 37 15:04. It is filled with water to a depth of 1.4 cm. fixed.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. highSchool. fixed. > 1 min. Its density remains the same as before. What is the net pressure on the inner ear at the top of the mountain? Part 2 of 2 What is the magnitude of the net force on each eardrum? Holt SF 09C 01 15:04. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Holt SF 09B 03 15:04. > 1 min. If atmospheric pressure at sea level is 101000 Pa and the density of sea water is 1025 kg/m3 . The Mariana Trench.81 m/s2 . normal. multiple choice. cannot be determined Part 2 of 2 . W lef t = 5. #1 on the left and #2 on the right. W lef t = 3 2 4 3 5 3 7 4 8 5 7 5 6 5 W right W right W right W right W right W right W right 10. W lef t = 6. with equal base area A are placed on two scales. F lef t = F right 3. W lef t = 8. F lef t > F right 2. < 1 min. The #2 container on the right has an lower diameter twice that of its upper diameter and the height of its lower (larger) diameter is half that of its water height. Part 2 of 2 Two people with a combined mass of 150 kg float in the pool. fixed.81 m/s2 .Chapter 15. Both containers are filled with water to the same height H . Part 1 of 2 Two open-top containers. section 4. highSchool. D = 2d D = 2d d 408 What is the relationship between the weights exerted by the flasks on the scales supporting the containers? 1. as shown below. W lef t = 4. F lef t < F right 4. W lef t = 2 W right 3. W lef t = 7. What is the resulting increase in the average absolute pressure at the bottom? Pressure vs Depth 15:04. Fluids at Rest: Variation of Pressure with Depth tom? The acceleration of gravity is 9. W lef t = 9. cannot be determined H = 2h #1 left #2 right h Scale Scale What is the relationship between the force exerted by the water on the bottom surface of the containers? 1. W lef t = W right 2. fixed. If the barometer is taken to an altitude 11. multiple choice. < 1 min. fixed. zero 4. less than 760 mm. Pressure Measurements (Atmospheric.6 km.Chapter 15.2 km. but more than zero 409 . Gauge) Concept 14 17 15:05. highSchool. When it is carried to an altitude of 5. If a liquid only half as dense as mercury were used in a barometer. highSchool. < 1 min. multiple choice. but more than 380 mm 5. 38 cm 3. 76 cm 4. 304 cm Concept 14 59 15:05. 152 cm 5. less than 380 mm. what will the reading be? 1. 760 mm 2. the height of the mercury column is 380 mm. 19 cm 2. A mercury barometer reads 760 mm at sea level. section 5. 380 mm 3. how high would its level be on a day of normal atmospheric pressure (when the mercury barometer reads 76 cm)? 1. A hydraulic brake system is shown. > 1 min. A second piston B has a diameter of 3. .8 cm.40 cm2 . Pascal’s Principle (Hydraulics) Holt SF 09Rev 18 15:06. The area of the piston in the master cylinder is 6. numeric. An engineer weighs a sample of mercury (ρ = 13.64 cm.75 cm2 .6 × 103 kg/m3 ) and finds that the weight of the sample is 4. determine the force F necessary to support the 500. numeric. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. highSchool. A piston A has a diameter of 0.Chapter 15. section 6. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. wordingvariable.0 N weight. and the area of the piston in the brake cylinder is 1.5 N. 500 N B A F 410 Wheel drum Pedal Brake shoe Brake cylinder µ k = 0 . Holt SF 09Rev 31 15:06.5 Master cylinder How large is the frictional force between the brake shoe and the wheel drum when a force of 44 N is exerted on the pedal? In the absence of friction.81 m/s2 . What is the sample’s volume? Holt SF 09Rev 50 15:06.500. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the brake shoe and the wheel drum is 0. numeric. > 1 min. > 1 min. as shown. multiple choice. The balloon pops. fixed. 1. the wider object weighs more than the other. highSchool. The bus stops short to avoid running over a rabbit and you are thrown forward. but both are lighter than they are in water. The balloon moves forward.) 1. less 3. What happens to the balloon in relation to the bus? Hint: Try it! 1. Imagine you are on a bus with a helium balloon tied on a string tied to the seat in front of you. (Note that steel is denser than aluminum. larger 2. 411 Bricks Under Water 15:07.Chapter 15. 4. > 1 min. Water overflows. 2. Concept 13 10 15:07. normal. 5. Consider a steel ax and an aluminum piston. The balloon’s position does not change. the same amount of) water than the aluminum block does. Brick A is just beneath the surface of the water. A block of aluminum with a volume of 1 cm3 is placed in a beaker of water filled to the brim and sinks. fixed. multiple choice. 3. multiple choice. the ax and the piston have the same apparent weight. < 1 min. more 2. Note: Helium is lighter than air. they again have equal weights. smaller than the force required to hold brick A in place. The same . highSchool.) When weighed in water. 4. but both are heavier than they are in water. < 1 min. highSchool. A block of aluminum with a mass of 1 kg is placed in a beaker of water filled to the brim and sinks. the same 4. normal. < 1 min. multiple choice. The balloon moves backward. they again have equal weights. Concept 13 11 15:07. < 1 min. multiple choice. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle An Ax and a Piston 15:07. highSchool. 3. 6. highSchool. The same happens in another beaker with a 1 cm3 block of lead. Balloon trick 15:07. What is the force needed to hold brick B in place? (Assume the density of water doesn’t change with height. The lead will displace (more. section 7. less. It cannot be determined without a direct measurement. the piston is heavier than the ax. the same as 3. But when the same ax and the same piston are weighed in air. Imagine holding two identical bricks under water. while brick B is at a greater depth. 1. the ax is heavier than the piston. Water overflows. the longer object weighs more than the other. 2. fixed. highSchool. IV only 5. III only 4. fixed. < 1 min. highSchool. It cannot be determined without a direct measurement. IV) Your overall density increases. fixed. buoyant force is the result of differences in pressure. > 1 min. 4. I only 2. Concept 13 13 15:07. What is a possible explanation of the sinking effect? I) Your volume decreases and so does the buoyant force. 1. section 7. the buoyant force increases as we go deeper. The stones hurt less in the water. multiple choice. less 3. Concept 13 20 15:07. the same 4. 6. 2. It feels exactly the same. No. Assume you are floating in water with your lungs full of air. As you enter the water they hurt more at first and then less. multiple choice. II. 7. Do the stones hurt your feet less or more in the water than on the stony beach? Explain. II only 3. highSchool. . fixed. If liquid pressure were the same at all depths. but it will be very small. and III only 412 Concept 13 18 15:07. III) Your overall density decreases. I. the same amount of) water than the aluminum block does. II and IV only 10. 1. fixed. more 2. so we press down on our feet in the same way. multiple choice. less. you sink lower in the water. II and III only 9. The lead will displace (more.Chapter 15. 2. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle happens in another beaker with a 1 kg block of lead. multiple choice. Yes. I and III only 5. but once we start floating the displaced water lifts us up. Concept 13 21 15:07. The stones hurt more in the water. When you exhale. it pushes an object out of liquid. I and IV only 8. < 1 min. 3. Yes. 1. directed down 3. Yes. until we start floating we “sink” onto the stones. I and II only 4. our mass doesn’t change. highSchool. would there be a buoyant force on an object submerged in the liquid? 1. it is determined by the volume of the submerged object. II) Your mass decreases as you let the air out of your lungs making it easier for you to sink. Yes. the buoyant force lifts us up. > 1 min. 4. does the water level rise. 4. multiple choice. Part 2 of 2 . 2. Concept 13 27 15:07. All light objects float. highSchool. fixed. 3. 5. 5. would a ship loaded with a cargo of Styrofoam sink deeper or rise in the water? 1. 2. If the iron is thrown overboard. 3. because the iron is under the wood. Since Styrofoam pushes down on the ship with its weight. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle Why does a can of diet drink float in water. 4. fall or remain unchanged? 1. Concept 13 30 15:07. fixed. highSchool. 4. Diet soda cans are slightly smaller. lower. Since Styrofoam is less dense than water. 3. Concept 13 28 15:07. It depends on the amount of iron. There is a critical mass for each material that determines whether or not it will float. 413 3. 2. Definitely lower. multiple choice. the ship sinks deeper. highSchool. 3. Higher. A piece of iron is sitting on a block of wood floating in water. > 1 min. It would float at the same level. The ship will float at the same level because its density hasn’t changed. It depends on the weight of the Styrofoam. Most heavy objects sink. 2. fixed. Diet soda is less dense than a regular soda. while a can of regular soda sinks? 1. 4. because the iron displaces a little water and the overall water level rises. It rises. Weight is not the critical factor. fixed. < 1 min. Concept 13 26 15:07. Part 1 of 2 A barge filled with scrap iron is in a canal lock. > 1 min.Chapter 15. It would float only slightly lower. It depends on the ratio of iron and wood volumes. < 1 min. highSchool. or higher? 1. would the wood float at the same level. Compared to an empty ship. multiple choice. because there is a buoyant force acting on the iron now. it also depends on volume. It remains unchanged. section 7. Regular soda has fewer gas bubbles. It falls. 2. If the iron were instead suspended beneath the wood. the ship rises. It depends on the brand and the actual ingredients. multiple choice. Do light objects tend to sink or float? Can something similar be concluded about heavy objects? 1. Sugar is heavier than a sugar substitute. 5 N.5 N. multiple choice. A ship sailing from the ocean into a fresh water harbor sinks slightly deeper into the water. > 1 min.5 N. The fluid weighs at least 0. highSchool. It would remain unchanged. fixed. A smaller volume of the displaced denser fluid is able to match the weight of the floating body. multiple choice. A body does not have to sink as far in a denser fluid to displace a weight of fluid equal to its own weight. The fluid weighs less than 0. What can you conclude about the weight of fluid surrounding the brain? 1. Concept 13 37 15:07. Which of the following is incorrect? 1. It decreases a lot. 414 4. 3.5 N. It will stay at the depth to which it is pushed. It will sink. Bodies float higher in salt water than in fresh water. 6. > 1 min. It decreases slightly. 2. The fluid weighs less than 14. The buoyant force supplied by the fluid surrounding the brain is about 14. The fluid weighs 14. Concept 13 34 15:07. highSchool. It depends on how deep it was pushed beneath the surface. Concept 13 38 . highSchool. The information provided says nothing about the weight of the brain fluid. 5. It would depend on its mass. It would fall. 4. Fresh water is denser than salt water.5 N. Concept 13 35 15:07.5 N. fixed. multiple choice. 4. 7. 5. It doesn’t change at all. A body floats higher in a denser fluid. > 1 min. fixed.Chapter 15. < 1 min. 3. A balloon is weighted so that it is barely able to float in water. multiple choice. section 7. 3. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle If the barge were to sink what would happen to the water level? 1. 2. It increases slightly. 2. 4. 2. How does the buoyant force on it change? 1. 4. It increases a lot. 5. 3. 2. The fluid weighs 0. It depends on the speed it was pushed beneath the surface. What will happen if it is pushed beneath the surface? 1. fixed.5 N. highSchool. It will come back up. It would rise. The weight of the human brain is about 15 N. Concept 13 32 15:07. 3. The fluid weighs at least 14. 3. 2. fixed. section 7. < 1 min. It depends on the size of the piece of ice.9. fixed.8 respectively. or stay at the same depth if the gravitational field of the Earth increased? 1. highSchool. 0. 415 Concept 13 42 15:07. sink. Decreases in both cases. Neither. multiple choice. remains the same otherwise.Chapter 15. sink to half of the depth of the “space pool” 5. Which of the following is true about ice cubes floating in a mixed alcoholic drink? 1. float lower than you would on Earth 3.0. float in the water as you do on Earth 2. It depends on how many air bubbles were trapped inside of the ice cube. multiple choice. normal. Ice cubes will float in a mixed drink. Concept 13 40 15:07. and alcohol are 1. < 1 min. Ice cubes will sink to the bottom of a mixed drink. It remains unchanged. highSchool. How does the water level in a glass change when a floating ice cube melts? 1. multiple choice. float higher than you would on Earth 4. 2. 4. Would a fish float to the surface. < 1 min. sink to the bottom Concept 13 E02 15:07. The fish would collapse or explode. sink 3. It rises. The relative densities of water. In a drink that is predominantly alcohol ice cubes will float the highest. What is its density? Concept 13 E03 . Increases in both cases. Concept 13 39 15:07. multiple choice. 3. but not as high as they would in water. multiple choice. highSchool. How will the scale reading change if a fish is placed in the bucket? 1. and 0. < 1 min. decreases otherwise. Concept 13 43 15:07. < 1 min. Which of the following would you experience when swimming in water in an orbiting space habitat where simulated gravity is half that of our gravity? 1. float 2. fixed. 3. A bucket of water is on a spring scale. It falls. 4. highSchool. < 1 min. 2. fixed. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 15:07. highSchool. stay at the same level 4. ice. 5. highSchool. A 6 kg piece of metal displaces 1 L of water when submerged. Increases if the bucket does not overflow. Increases if the bucket does not overflow. fixed. numeric. > 1 min. On a sensitive balance. how many 400 kg horses can it carry? Concept 13 E05 15:07. numeric. highSchool. but cannot raise it 416 above the water. an empty bag weighs more because the air inside tries to rise. two 2. Concept 14 28 . What it the container’s average density? Concept 13 E10 15:07. six 6. five 5. normal. one 8. highSchool. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 15:07. numeric. highSchool. 3. highSchool. You lower a 1 kg solid gold statue into a container of water and measure the volume of displaced water. Will the readings differ? 1. None of these Concept 14 24 15:07. If you shave off the 1 cm above the water. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. and floats in water. How much deeper will it float when loaded with a 400 kg horse? Part 2 of 2 If the barge can only be pushed 27 cm deeper into the water before water overflows to sink it. An ice cube measures 10 cm on the side. normal. Water density is 1000 kg/m3 . The density of the ocean water is 1025 kg/m3 . 4. and he wonders whether one other ship with a crane of equal capacity will be enough to help him lift the container above the water. It depends on the type of plastic. normal. multiple choice. What volume will verify that it is pure gold if the density of gold is 19. normal. or whether he will need the help of more than one additional ship. Part 1 of 2 A rectangular barge 5 m long and 2 m wide floats in fresh water. One cm extends above the water level. Then weigh the bag when air is in it. > 1 min. A salvage ship is able to raise a container filled with unknown material from the ocean floor to the water surface. Yes. numeric. four 4. highSchool. > 1 min. The ship captain knows that the overall density of the container is 5 times the density of water. section 7. numeric. an empty bag weighs less because air inside would contribute to its weight. wording-variable. 2.3 g/cm3 ? Concept 13 E07 15:07. It depends on how much air is in the bag. multiple choice. 5. assuming the air is not compressed. three 3. A partially filled plastic container floats in the ocean with 90% of its volume below the surface. Yes. fixed. < 1 min. how many cm of the remaining ice would extend above water level? Concept 13 E09 15:07. weigh an empty flat thin plastic bag. seven 7.Chapter 15. How many ships with equal lifting capacity will be required to lift the container? 1. No. C. C. It’s impossible to tell without a measurement. multiple choice. > 1 min. B. 4. 2. C. to make the tank rise a different gas should be used. > 1 min. A balloon’s size doesn’t change when helium in the balloon is replaced with less dense hydrogen. the remaining balloon will rise. A. Yes. fixed. . multiple choice. Yes. because the punched balloon is lighter. if the amount of helium is the same as that in the balloon. because the buoyant force depends on the density. but the density of helium should be much less than that in the balloon. C. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 15:07. < 1 min. 417 1. A. B. A balloon filled with helium rises in the air. Yes. fixed. No. but at the same time the buoyant force is smaller on it. Put the following objects in order by their weights with the heaviest first. highSchool. 3. Yes. highSchool. fixed. C 5. 5. B) a glass bottle filled with helium at atmospheric pressure. Will the balance stick be upset? 1. 3. C) an empty glass bottle (vacuum inside). Yes. B 6. Does the buoyant force on the balloon change? 1. 3. Concept 14 33 15:07. 2. No. highSchool. 4. 2. A. because the balloon is now lighter. No. multiple choice. because the volume is still the same. fixed. Will a steel tank rise if filled with helium? 5. there is nothing you can fill the tank with that will make it rise. No. A. Two balloons with the same weight and volume are filled with equal amounts of helium. B. highSchool.Chapter 15. Yes. B. Two identical balloons of the same volume are pumped up with air to more than atmospheric pressure and suspended on opposite ends of a stick that is horizontally balanced. B 3. A Concept 14 29 15:07. section 7. A 4. No. 1. No. but it will take a lot more helium. 4. C 2. Concept 14 30 15:07. multiple choice. Yes. < 1 min. fixed. highSchool. Concept 14 34 15:07. because the balloons weigh the same with or without air. multiple choice. Yes. A) a glass bottle filled with air at atmospheric pressure. the remaining balloon will drop. 6. One of the balloons is then punched. < 1 min. if the tank has the same volume as the balloon. because the air inside of the balloon weighs as much as the displaced air. It floats in 418 very calm water with half of its volume just above the surface. A dense plastic toy of mass 3 kg is floating just beneath the surface of a pond. 125 kg/m3 4. 4. More information is needed. Concept 14 57 15:07. What is the buoyant force on it? Conceptual 10 10 15:07. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle One is rigid and the other is free to expand as the pressure outside decreases. What is the density of this piece of wood? 1. fixed. 3. The balloon displaces 30. Why do some iron objects such as ships float when placed in water while other iron objects such as nails sink? 1. increases at first.000 liters of air. < 1 min. < 1 min. It’s impossible to predict. Conceptual 10 Q17 15:07. Which one will rise higher when released? 1. multiple choice. The balloon displaces no air.000 N. normal. Which of the following is correct? 1.000 liters times the density of air. neither accelerating upward nor downward. 3. Conceptual 10 09 15:07. fixed. If you submerge a flexible air-filled balloon under water. highSchool. then decreases . The volume of the displaced air is 30. < 1 min. You are hovering at low altitude in a hotair balloon. 2. highSchool. multiple choice. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . the expandable one 3.000 cubic meters. They are composed of different types of iron. 2000 kg/m3 3. highSchool. increases 2. Iron ships have large air pockets inside them. 2. multiple choice. The total weight of the balloon (including its load) is 30. 500 kg/m3 2. multiple choice. The same reason that makes planes fly in the sky. 4. highSchool. remains the same 4. numeric. A piece of wood from a nearby construction site floats near the shore of a lake. decreases 3. highSchool. section 7. what happens to the balloon’s density? 1. Conceptual 10 Q13 15:07. fixed.000 N. because air is not a liquid. The air displaced by the balloon weighs 30. wording-variable.Chapter 15. < 1 min. 4000 kg/m3 5. < 1 min. The air displaced by the balloon weighs 30. making them less dense than water and thus able to float. 5. the rigid one 2. They will rise to the same level. They feel the same buoyant force. volleyball A 2. A helium-filled party balloon is released in the atmosphere. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q18 15:07. remains the same 4. and a bowling ball B. fixed. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q19 15:07. remains the same 4. A flexible helium-filled party balloon is released in the atmosphere. < 1 min. is completely submerged in water. multiple choice. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q20 15:07. multiple choice. multiple choice. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 5. increases at first. highSchool. highSchool. fixed. highSchool. you would have to hold the volleyball beneath the water to keep it from popping up to the surface. being denser than water. multiple choice. highSchool. then decreases 5. volleyball A 2. decreases 3. < 1 min. 4. (Of course. < 1 min. then increases 6. fixed. what happens to the density of the balloon? 1. What happens to the buoyant force on the balloon as it gains altitude? 1. so that its volume cannot change. < 1 min. As it gains altitude. then decreases 5. Assume they have the same volume.Chapter 15. then increases 6. decreases at first. increases 2. section 7. bowling ball B 3. increases at first. then increases 6. Unable to determine A B fixed. Imagine that the balloon is rigid. as in the figure. decreases at first. 419 Suppose that a volleyball A and a bowling ball B are completely submerged in water and have the same volume. Suppose that a volleyball A floats on the water. bowling ball B B Which feels a greater buoyant force? 1. A . decreases at first. decreases 3. increases 2. Which feels a greater buoyant force? 1.) Conceptual 10 Q21 15:07. Unable to determine 1.Chapter 15. increases 2. Helga. Helga says that although it’s impossible to walk on a sea of water. There is no difference. you will only sink enough so that about half of your calf muscles is submerged. water If we want the wood to displace the least . Unable to determine 420 Where would it be easiest to float. fixed. 2. highSchool. The rock is lowered into a beaker of water that sits on another spring scale. section 7. 4. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 3. highSchool. multiple choice. < 1 min. fixed. mercury is much denser than water. multiple choice. fixed. multiple choice. a very salty sea Conceptual 10 Q22 15:07. Unable to determine Conceptual 10 Q25 15:07. increases 2. Conceptual 10 Q32 15:07. < 1 min. < 1 min. remains the same 4. Who is right and why? 1. highSchool. water and mercury have similar properties. a very salty sea or a fresh-water lake? Conceptual 10 Q30 15:07. How does the reading on the scale A change? A 2. Helga. remains the same 4. B 1. decreases 3. multiple choice. mercury is a kind of metal but water is not. < 1 min. You’ll sink in the mercury. too. a fresh-water lake 3. 4. She claims that if you step into a pool of mercury. but is not allowed to touch the bottom of the beaker. Unable to determine Part 2 of 2 How does the reading on scale B change? 1. They feel the same buoyant force. Part 1 of 2 A 20-N rock hangs from a spring scale. fixed. A wedge-shaped piece of wood floats in water with the widest part on the bottom and the narrowest part on top. Ali. highSchool. Ali disagrees with her statement. 3. it is possible to walk on a sea of mercury. decreases 3. numeric. shows a decrease. The density of wood is 1000 kg/m3 . of the layer of oil.352 N Cube in Liquid and Oil e1 15:07. and that of the oil is 606 kg/m3 . It doesn’t matter.8 m/s2 . 2. > 1 min. 0. highSchool. > 1 min. 1. Likewise if you do the same on the rim of a beaker full of water. Turn it over. Figuring Physics 10 15:07. When you gently push down on the pan of the scale. multiple choice. what should we do? 1. shows an increase. then what is the tension in the string? g = 9.2352 N 3. doesn’t change.7 m below the surface of the water.02352 N 2. scale However.01176 N 4. . Leave it as is. the display show an increase in force.Chapter 15. The actual depth of the cork is 0. If the density of the cork is 200 kg/m3 and the volume of the cork is 3 cm3 . Rotate it 90◦ . normal. 0. 2. A cork is held at the bottom of a bucket of water by a piece of string. highSchool. Cork in water 15:07. 4. normal. A cube of wood whose edge is 12 mm is in equlibrium just submerged in a liquid with a layer of oil on top of the liquid as shown in the picture. 2. numeric. what if you immerse you finger in the water. 3. 0. 7 m h 12 mm ho Wood liquid air oil 421 The cube of wood has one of its faces parallel to the liquid surface. > 1 min. 3. without touching the beaker? Then the scale reading 1. 0. highSchool.ho . Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle amount of water. fixed. section 7. Assme the density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . that of the liquid is 1296 kg/m3 . Determine the thickness. A piece of solid aluminum sinks in a container of molten aluminum. the object will 1. fixed. multiple choice. 0. If oil is poured slowly onto the top of the ob- Hewitt CP9 15 E43 15:07. 3. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the density of the unknown liquid. A piece of ice sinks in a container of molten water. < 1 min. cube. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle Figuring Physics 26 15:07. highSchool. half of the object is submerged. multiple choice. and 0. unchanged.0 N in water. A 2. When the balloon on the left is punctured. A piece of solid copper sinks in a container of molten copper.500 m wide. upset and the stick rotates counterclockwise.100 m thick. numeric. fixed. lower 4. Consider a solid brass cube and a solid brass sphere that have equal surface areas. When both are completely submerged in water. more information on the density of the object and fluids is needed.8 kg rectangular air mattress is 2. Consider an object that floats in water but sinks in oil. highSchool. 4. 422 ject until the oil completely covers the object. highSchool. Floats in Water Sinks in Oil 15:07. Holt SF 09A 01 15:07. 36. highSchool. numeric. multiple choice. Not enough information given Figuring Physics 29 15:07. > 1 min.0 N in air. 3. stay at the same position 3. fixed. the balance of the stick is 1. What mass can it support in water before . Both the same 4. wordingvariable. fixed. A pair of identical balloons are inflated with air and suspended on the ends of a stick that is horizontally balanced. highSchool. < 1 min. 3. When the object floats in water. multiple choice. > 1 min.0 N in an unknown liquid. section 7.Chapter 15. 2. wordingvariable.00 m long. What is wrong? 1. rise 2. and 41. highSchool. upset and the stick rotates clockwise. > 1 min. a) Find the density of the metal. 2. A piece of solid iron sinks in a container of molten iron. Holt SF 09A 02 15:07. the one experiencing the greater buoyant force is the 1. sphere. < 1 min. 2. Part 1 of 2 A piece of metal weighs 50. and a density of 0. A ferry boat is 4 m m wide and 6 m m long.81 m/s2 .179 kg/m3 .0120 kg. . wordingvariable. numeric. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle sinking? Holt SF 09A 03 15:07. The acceleration of gravity is 9. and immersed in water. The acceleration of gravity is 9. it weighs 265 N. connected to a balance. Part 1 of 2 An object weighs 315 N in air. normal. highSchool. highSchool. What is the magnitude of the buoyant force acting on the balloon? Part 2 of 2 What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the balloon? Holt SF 09Rev 08 15:07. > 1 min. > 1 min. When a load of 1. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A 1. highSchool. > 1 min.0 × 106 N is placed on a battleship. wordingvariable. What is the weight of the truck? Holt SF 09A 04 15:07. highSchool.0 N in air and 200. normal.81 m/s2 . numeric. The balloon is filled with helium at 0◦ C. > 1 min. Estimate the cross-sectional area of the ship at water level. as shown. numeric. > 1 min. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the density of the oil. When tied to a string.   Part 1 of 2 An empty rubber balloon has a mass of 0. numeric. highSchool. > 1 min.1 kg beaker containing 2 kg of oil with a density of 916 kg/m3 rests on a scale. A sample of an unknown material weighs If the bowl has a radius of 6 cm and negligible mass.00 cm in the water. A frog in a hemispherical bowl. A 2 kg block of iron with a density of 7860 kg/m3 is suspended from a spring scale and completely submerged in the oil.Chapter 15. wordingvariable. numeric. section 7. as shown. The filled balloon has a radius of 0. 1 atm pressure. ¡ 423 300.0 N when submerged in an alcohol solution with a density of 0.5 cm in sea water. wordingvariable.81 m/s2 . Holt SF 09Rev 43 15:07. it weighs 269 N. numeric. Holt SF 09Rev 09 15:07. numeric. > 1 min. the ship sinks only 2. When it is immersed in oil. The acceleration of gravity is 9. what is the mass of the frog? Holt SF 09Rev 41 15:07. The acceleration of gravity is 9. a) Find the density of the object. wordingvariable. just floats in a fluid with a density of 1350 kg/m3 .500 m.81 m/s2 . highSchool. What is the density of the material? Holt SF 09Rev 36 15:07. the boat sinks 4. When a truck pulls onto it.700 × 103 kg/m3 . highSchool. A raft is constructed of wood having a density of 600. numeric. A rectangular block of wood 4.0 kg/m3 is added and floats on top of the water.0 N. > 1 min. The acceleration of gravity is 9. A sinker is hanging from the block.0 N in air. The surface area of the bottom of the raft is 5. Holt SF 09Rev 59 15:07. Part 2 of 2 Find the equilibrium reading of the lower scale. highSchool. A 2. wordingvariable. The oil completely covers the block. and the volume of the raft is 0. numeric.81 m/s2 .0 N/m rests vertically on a table. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle surface of the oil? 424 Holt SF 09Rev 53 15:07. The magnitude of the force within the spring that pulls it back toward its unstretched position is equal to k ∆x. numeric. wordingvariable.00 cm high and with a density of 960 kg/m3 floats partly in the oil and partly in the water.0 N when the sinker alone is immersed in water. numeric. wordingvariable. highSchool.00 m3 and connected to the spring.900 cm of the bar underwater. When the raft is placed in fresh water having a density of 1. > 1 min. Holt SF 09Rev 44 15:07.0 × 103 kg/m3 . When the wood-sinker combination is completely immersed. highSchool. wordingvariable.0 kg/m3 . and the weight of the wood-sinker combination is 200. A block of wood weighs 50. as shown. What is the depth of the oil layer when the top of the soap is just level with the upper .00 g balloon is filled with helium (0 ◦C and 1 atm pressure) to a volume of 5. Oil having a density of 930 kg/m3 floats on water. Bath oil with a density of 899.600 m3 . wordingvariable. How far below the interface between the two liquids is the bottom of the block? Holt SF 09Rev 54 15:07. > 1 min. the weight is 140.7 m2 . > 1 min. Find the density of the block. A 2.0 cm thick bar of soap is floating in water. with 1.Chapter 15. section 7. how deep is the bottom of the raft below water level? Holt SF 09Rev 52 15:07. causing the spring to stretch. 2 kg Find the equilibrium reading of the spring scale (the upper scale). numeric. highSchool. > 1 min. A light spring with a spring constant of 90. 0 atm and then released from the ground. A light balloon is filled with helium at 0. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 N/m rests vertically on the bottom of a large beaker of water.81 m/s2 . highSchool. It is then released from rest on the bottom of a pool of water that is 4. The acceleration of gravity is 9.0 m deep pool of water. highSchool.0 kg hollow ball with a radius of 0. Disregard any energy transferred to the water during impact and sinking. section 7. numeric. Determine its initial acceleration. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle 425 Holt SF 09Rev 68 15:07. wordingvariable. numeric.0 ◦ C and 1. and the mass-spring system is allowed to come to static equilibrium. The acceleration of gravity is 9. > 1 min. a) Determine the upward acceleration of the shell.81 m/s2 .6 times as dense as water is dropped from a height of 10 m m above the surface of a smooth lake. A 5. Holt SF 09Rev 64 15:07. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. numeric. Part 1 of 2 A thin. Disregard the air resistance on the balloon. wordingvariable.10 m is filled with air and is released from rest at the bottom of a 2. highSchool.00 × 10−3 kg block of wood with a density of 650.00 kg and diameter of 0.00 m deep. A small ball 0. Determine the maximum depth to which the ball will sink. highSchool.81 m/s2 . as shown in (b). rigid. How high above the water does the ball rise? Disregard friction and the ball’s motion when it is only partially submerged.Chapter 15. Holt SF 09Rev 69 15:07.200 m is filled with helium at 0 ◦ C and 1 atm pressure. highSchool.81 m/s2 . > 1 min. > 1 min. . > 1 min. wordingvariable. as shown in (a). How much does the spring stretch? Submerged Ping Pong Ball 02 15:07. > 1 min. A 1. fixed.0 kg/m3 is connected to the spring. m ∆x k k (a) (b) ∆x k (a) k (b) How much does the spring stretch when the system is in equilibrium? Holt SF 09Rev 63 15:07. Holt SF 09Rev 65 15:07. numeric. A light spring with a spring constant of 16. Part 2 of 2 b) How long will it take for the top of the shell to reach the surface? Disregard frictional effects. highSchool. wordingvariable. The magnitude of the force pulling the spring back to its unstretched position equals k ∆x. normal. spherical shell with a mass of 4. > 1 min. When pickling cucumbers or other vegetables.8 cm and average density of 0. It is the same in both. Two identical glasses are filled to the same level with water. 3. > 1 min. 4. An old recipe recommends putting an egg into the pickling solution and making sure it neither sinks nor floats: A sinking egg indicates too little salt while an egg that floats on the surface indicates too much salt. 3. Two Glasses 15:07. The glass without ice cubes. One of the two glasses has ice cubes floating in it. multiple choice. What is the assumption behind this recipe? 1.Chapter 15. The glass with ice cubes. Not enough information is given. 4. All eggs have the same density. 2. All eggs have the same weight. < 1 min. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. multiple choice. . One of the two glasses has some ice cubes floating in it. The salt tends to neutralize the cholesterol in the egg. The glass with ice cubes. Two identical glasses are filled to the same level with water. fixed. < 1 min. in which glass is the level of the water higher? 1. it’s very important to use the right amount of salt. 426 Which Level is Higher 15:07. 2. highSchool. All eggs have the same shape. The glass without ice cubes. They weigh the same. section 7. where R is 3 the radius of the ball. Which glass weighs more? 1.084 g/cm3 . highSchool. 2. fixed. When the ice cubes melt. 3. fixed.8 m/s2 and 4 the volume of a ball is V = πR3 . All eggs have the same volume. What force would be required to hold it completely submerged under water? Testing Brine with an Egg 02 15:07. multiple choice. 5. Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle A Ping-Pong ball has a diameter of 3. so it reacts more severely to the acceleration. 427 . The law of inertia acts on both the girl’s head and the balloon. Which of the following explains why correctly? 1. the girl’s head tends to stay where it was and pitches backwards. 5. her head pitches backward but the balloon pitches forward. multiple choice. When the car accelerates forward. 3. When the light turn green and the car accelerates forward. > 1 min. The girl’s head is much denser than the balloon. Buoyant forces act on both the girl’s head and the balloon. Fluid Dynamics Concept 14 27 15:08. fixed. but in opposite directions. section 8. A child sits in a car at a traffic light holding a helium-filled balloon. 4. but they act in opposite directions. highSchool. But the balloon is pushed forward by the air inside of the car that is accelerating with the car. The windows are up and the car is relatively airtight. 2. Inertia acts on the girl’s head but a pressure difference acts on the balloon.Chapter 15. A natural-gas pipeline with a diameter of 0. highSchool. the flow of water measures 10 liters per minute. > 1 min. 3. > 1 min. At the open end of the hose. Holt SF 09Rev 62 15:09. Holt SF 09Rev 51 15:09. Part 2 of 2 Assume that the aorta branches to form a large number of capillaries with a combined cross-sectional area of 3. > 1 min.5 m/s. highSchool. How long does it take the cowboy to fill the trough? Two Hoses 02 15:09. highSchool.250 m delivers 1. He uses a hose having a diameter of 2. 4. multiple choice. The wide part 3. Calculate the flow rate (in grams per second) of blood of 1. Two Hoses Connected 15:09. and the water emerges from the hose at 1. < 1 min. fixed. multiple choice. Through which hose is the velocity of water v faster? 1.0 × 10−6 m. estimate the number of capillaries in the circulatory system.0 g/cm3 in the aorta if the flow speed is 42 cm/s. Blood flows through a coronary artery that is partially blocked by deposits along the artery wall. If all the blood in the aorta eventually flows through the capillaries. Part 1 of 2 The aorta in an average adult has a crosssectional area of 2. the 15 mm hose. numeric. A cowboy at a ranch fills a water trough that is 1.Chapter 15. blood flow 428 The approximate inside diameter of the aorta is 1.6 cm. wordingvariable.55 m3 of gas per second. numeric. and 45 cm deep. one 20 mm in diameter. and that of a capillary is 1. The average flow speed is about 1. What is the the flow speed of the gas? Holt SF 09Rev 60 15:09.0 cm/s in the capillaries.0 m/s in the aorta and 1.0 cm2 . > 1 min. fixed. fixed. and a 3 meter long Through which part of the artery is the flux (mass of blood per unit time) largest? 1. > 1 min. A 4 meter long hose of 2 cm diameter is connected to a faucet. multiple choice.0 × 103 cm2 . highSchool. The narrow part 2. The flux is the same in both parts. wordingvariable. highSchool. wordingvariable. Two hoses.0 cm. highSchool. . the answer depends on which of the two hoses comes first in the flow. Streamlines and the Equation of Continuity Blood flow 15:09. the other 15 mm in diameter are connected one behind the other to a faucet. < 1 min. section 9. the 20 mm hose. the velocity of water is the same in both cases. highSchool. numeric. wordingvariable. 65 cm wide. 2. What is the flow speed in the capillaries? Holt SF 09Rev 61 15:09. numeric.5 m long. 3/2 6. 8 429 . Streamlines and the Equation of Continuity hose. 4 8. At the open end of the second hose water flows out at a rate of 2. What is the ratio of the speed of the water in the second hose to the speed of the water flowing in the first hose? 1. section 9. is connected to the end of the first hose. which has a diameter of 4 cm diameter. 2 7. 1 5. 1/2 4.Chapter 15. 1/4 3. 1/8 2.5 liters/minute. The open end of the second hose is 2 meters higher than the faucet. multiple choice. fixed. vu > vy .Chapter 15. not enough information available. multiple choice. . The relationship between the magnitude of the velocity v ≡ v at position y and u is 1. u. Px = Pu . Figuring Physics 19 15:10. 2. Pw = Py . Pw < Py . 4. x. 4. 4. multiple choice. vu = vy . Pu < Py . at locations i = y . kinetic energy Bernoulli Principle 15:10. Pu = Py . Bernoulli’s equation can be derived from conservation of: 1. 2. highSchool. vu < vy . Pw > Py . wording-variable. Pi is the pressure and vi is the speed of the fluid. not enough information available. Part 1 of 4 Assume: The fluid is incompressible and non-viscous. Px < Pu . 3. Part 4 of 4 The relationship between the pressure P at position y and u is x w 1. Shown below is a cross-section of a vertical view of a pipe discharging a fluid into the atmosphere at its highest elevation. Part 3 of 4 The relationship between the pressure P at position y and w is 1. indeterminable. linear momentum 3. > 1 min. 3. 430 4. 3. total mechanical energy 6. angular momentum 4. indeterminable. indeterminable. not enough information available. indeterminable. not enough information available. Bernoulli’s Equation Bernoulli Derivation 02 15:10. 2. y u 2. highSchool. < 1 min. section 10. Px > Pu . pressure 2. Pu > Py . highSchool. Part 2 of 4 The relationship between the pressure P at position u and x is 1. potential energy 5. 3. The pipe diameter increases and then remains constant. < 1 min. and w. wordingvariable. normal.Chapter 15. numeric. A fireman standing on a 10 m high ladder operates a water hose with a round nozzle of diameter 2 inch. The gauge pressure of the water at the pump is Ppump (gauge) 431 Holt SF 09D 03 15:10. The acceleration of gravity is 9. numeric. The average flow speed of the air doubles when passing through a constriction in the bronchus. If the top of the trough is open to the atmosphere. The rate of flow of water from the leak is 2. Assuming incompressible flow. section 10. Holt SF 09Rev 38 15:10. You’re driving in a convertible car with the top up and the windows closed. When a person inhales. Holt SF 09Rev 23 15:10. Bernoulli’s principle. The lower end of the hose (10 m below the nozzle) is connected to the pump outlet of diameter 3 inch. Part 2 of 2 Determine the diameter of the hole. (abs) Calculate the speed of the water jet emerging from the nozzle. wordingvariable. what is the pressure difference at the roof between the inside air and the outside air? Part 2 of 2 What net force does this pressure difference produce on a roof having an area of 175 m2 ? Holt SF 09Rev 39 15:10. > 1 min. numeric. what is the speed of the water as it leaves the hole? Assume that the trough is large enough that the relocity of the water at the top is zero. > 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A large storage tank. highSchool. Holt SF 09D 01 15:10. highSchool.81 m/s2 . determine the pressure drop in the constriction. 2. highSchool. > 1 min.30 m below the level of the water that is in the tank. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Assume that water is incompressible liquid of density 1000 kg/m3 and negligible viscosity. You note that the fabric top puffs up. wordingvariable. Newton’s laws.2 PSI = 297. Assuming the air inside the house is relatively stagnant. Bernoulli’s Equation fixed. highSchool.81 m/s2 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. The hole is 0.8 m/s2 . .854 kPa. numeric. Part 1 of 2 The wind blows with a speed of 30.5 × 10−3 m3 /min. Determine the speed at which the water leaves the hole. = Ppump − Patm = 43. air moves down the windpipe at 15 cm/s. Both Fireman and Hose 02 15:10. highSchool. highSchool. 3. develops a small hole in its side at a point 16 m below the water level. numeric. > 1 min.0 m/s over the roof of your house. wordingvariable. > 1 min. open to the atmosphere at the top and filled with water. numeric. To explain this interesting phenomenon it is easiest to invoke 1. > 1 min. wordingvariable. A dairy farmer notices that a circular water trough near the barn has become rusty and now has a hole near the base. Chapter 15. The acceleration of gravity is 9.5 m value B 6 m 45 ∆ymax ◦ If this valve is opened. Water flows through a 0.600 m lower. section 10. A 432 9. and the acceleration of gravity is 9. How much greater is the blood pressure at the patient’s arm than it would be if the bag were at the same height as the arm? Assume there is no change in drip speed at the different heights. Assume the cross-sectional area at A is very large compared with that at B.81 m/s2 . What is the gauge pressure in the lower pipe? . The pipe slants downhill and feeds into a second pipe with a radius of 0. wordingvariable. highSchool. what is the maximum height ∆ymax (above the opening of the spigot) attained by the water stream coming out of the discharge spigot (at B)? Holt SF 09Rev 58 15:10.81 m/s2 .300 m radius pipe at the rate of 0.81 m/s2 . numeric. The pressure in the pipe is atmospheric.150 m. > 1 min.00 m higher than the level of a patient’s arm.200 m3 /s. positioned 0. Bernoulli’s Equation A bag of blood with a density of 1050 kg/m3 is raised 1. Holt SF 09Rev 56 15:10. numeric. The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. normal. A water tank with a valve at the bottom is shown. > 1 min. 3.5 cm What is the maximum height h. No.5 m below the surface of the liquid. numeric. Is there an angle beyond which it becomes detrimental to the lift? 1. section 12. this will create more buoyant force. 2. multiple choice. Conceptual 10 Q09 15:12. fixed. Let the siphon discharge a distance 4.5 m . The appearance of the plane would be great. What explains why a baseball pitcher could throw a curve ball? 1. fixed. It is used to drain a special liquid from a tank.e. normal. the upward lift may change. normal. multiple choice. Yes. 4. < 1 min. How much lift is exerted on the wings of an airplane that have a total surface area of 100 m2 when the difference in air pressure below and above the wings is 4% of atmospheric pressure? Normal atmospheric pressure is 100000 N/m2 . the vertical distance between the surface of the liquid to the point at the top of the siphon. Newton’s third law 4. this will create a larger upward force. for this siphon to work? 4. > 1 min. Conceptual 10 Q26 15:12. if the angle is more than 60◦ . highSchool. Archimedes’ principles 2. Yes. The ideal gas law Siphon 02 15:12. < 1 min.. h 7. Other Applications of Fluid Dynamics Concept 14 E10 15:12. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. 3. From Archimedes’ principle. Conceptual 10 Q08 15:12. but it is always able to support the weight of the plane. As a plane climbs. Part 1 of 2 A siphon consists of a flexible tube with the same cross section throughout the tube. The acceleration of gravity is 9. Let the density of the liquid be 750 kg/m3 and the diameter of the tube be 7. fixed. highSchool.Chapter 15. the upward lift will change to downward force. No. < 1 min.5 cm . multiple choice. A plane usually extends flaps from its wings during takeoff and landing. This is a safety precaution and has nothing to do with the lift on takeoff. the upward lift won’t change as the attack increases. Bernoulli effect 3. What is a reasonable explanation? 1. 2. 433 4. multiple choice. the upward lift may be insufficient to maintain altitude and the plane may stall. highSchool. i.8 m/s2 and Patm = 101300 N/m2 . the angle of attack (the angle that a wing makes with the ground) increases. From the Bernoulli effect. 434 3. It is used to drain a special liquid from a tank. for this siphon to work? Siphon 04 15:12. Let the density of the liquid be 750 kg/m3 and the diameter of the tube be 7. A siphon consists of a flexible tube with the same cross section throughout the tube. a steady flow within the tube. section 12. h = ρg 1. Let the siphon discharge a distance 4. multiple choice. highSchool.e. 4. A siphon (a flexible tube with a circular cross section) is used to drain water from a tank. i. less than the maximum as defined in Part 1. at least from the water surface through the bend to the exit end. fixed.5 cm . beyond which water flow is not possible? Patm +b ρg Patm 2. no friction for the water. 2. h = b − ρg Patm −b 3. multiple choice. Assume: 1.Chapter 15.75 m ..5 cm What is the maximum height h. normal. y B yB A h b C yC 0 What is the maximum vertical distance h between the top of the bend B and the exit end C . Siphon 03 15:12. The acceleration of gravity is 9.5 m . h = yA h 7. the water cannot sustain a negative pressure. the vertical distance between the surface of the liquid to the point at the top of the siphon. > 1 min. > 1 min.8 m/s2 and Patm = 101300 N/m2 . h = ρg Patm 4. Other Applications of Fluid Dynamics Part 2 of 2 Consider the operation for the siphon where the height h = 0. highSchool. Find the speed of liquid flow at the exit of the siphon tube.5 m below the surface of the liquid. < 1 min. normal. What form will waves have in the water if a stone is tossed into smoothly flowing water? 1. < 1 min. Using this raft as a measuring tool. 5. The moving water will have no effect on the concentric circles. numeric. Compare the wavelength of the two waves. 2. 1. Wave Characteristics and Propagation Concept 19 01 16:01. the amplitude can be calculated from this information.5 minutes you make 45 pushes. normal. The first has half the wavelength of the Conceptual 14 01 16:01. normal. < 1 min. highSchool.933333 Hz. Elliptical waves will form and will travel downstream. Two waves have the same speed. Standing formed. The same circles will form and travel downstream. The first has twice the frequency of the second. numeric. highSchool. Radio waves travel at the speed of light: 300000 km/s. normal. Part 1 of 2 If an ocean wave passes a stationary point every 3 s and has a velocity of 12 m/s. What is the period that corresponds to frequency 0. highSchool. Yes. What is the frequency corresponding to a period of 5 s? Concept 19 05 16:01. highSchool. what is the wavelength of the wave? Part 2 of 2 Can the amplitude be determined? 1. highSchool. 4. fixed. highSchool. Plane waves will form and travel downstream. elliptical waves will be 435 You push your little sister on a swing and in 1. highSchool. normal. Not enough information is provided. normal. What is the frequency of your swing? Conceptual 14 02 16:01. multiple choice. < 1 min. < 1 min. . > 1 min. Andrea was watching her brother in the ocean and noticed that the waves were coming into the beach at a frequency of 0. numeric. normal. Conceptual 14 Q04 16:01. What is the wavelength of radio waves received at 100. numeric. she estimated that the wavelengths of these particular ocean waves were about 9 ft. highSchool. < 1 min. Toss a stone in still water and concentric circles are formed.Chapter 16. How many waves hit the beach in 15 s? Conceptual 14 03 16:01. How fast are these surface ocean waves if 1 the frequency remains Hz? 3 Conceptual 14 04 16:01. multiple choice. < 1 min. section 1. Andrea asked her brother to take a 6 ft floating raft out of the water near the waveswept shore. multiple choice.2 Hz? Concept 19 02 16:01. numeric. highSchool. multiple choice. fixed. < 1 min. 3. 2.1 MHz on your FM radio dial? Concept 20 01 16:01. The wave speed decreases as the water gets shallow. The wave speed increases as the water gets shallow. 2. the speed of the object 3. numeric. section 1. 3. highSchool. the bottom of the wave gets ahead of the top of the wave causing it to break. Cannot be determined Part 2 of 2 How is energy transferred by a wave? 1. the top of the wave gets ahead of 436 the bottom of the wave. Part 1 of 2 What happens to a piece of driftwood in a lake with waves? 1. < 1 min. Wave Characteristics and Propagation second. 2. 4. The second has one third the wavelength of the first. the speed of the object and its location 2. Why do waves break as they approach the shore? 1. How many nodes are in the standing wave pattern shown? 1. 3 3. The first has one third the wavelength of the second. 2. Conceptual 14 Q06 16:01. What type of unique information might a Doppler radar give you that ordinary radar would not? 1. It will move up and down as a result of the waves. 5 2. The second has half the wavelength of the first. It moves in the direction the waves are moving. multiple choice. Energy is transferred by the longitudinal motion of the wave. highSchool. multiple choice. 3. < 1 min. 2. If the speed of a wave doubles while the . fixed. < 1 min. Energy is transferred by the up and down motion of the wave. 2 6. wording-variable. Conceptual 14 Q14 16:01. They have the same wavelength. 4 5. 2. Cannot be determined Conceptual 14 Q09 16:01. < 1 min. 7 Conceptual 14 Q16 16:01. 5. highSchool. the location of the object Conceptual 14 Q18 16:01. 6 4. fixed. causing it to break. fixed.Chapter 16. highSchool. < 1 min. numeric. highSchool. fixed. multiple choice. > 1 min. highSchool. numeric. fixed.35 m. numeric.00 × 108 m/s.20 × 10−7 . what is their wavelength? Holt SF 12Rev 48 16:01. > 1 min. Part 1 of 3 The speed of all electromagnetic waves in empty space is 3. wordingvariable. highSchool.0 × 108 MHz? Part 3 of 3 c) What is the wavelength of X rays emitted at 3. 2. The red light emitted by a He-Ne laser has a wavelength of 633 nm in air and travels at 3. a) Find the maximum wavelength in air attained by this instrument when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. highSchool.00 × 109 Hz. Find the frequency of the laser light. Part 1 of 2 A tuning fork produces a sound with a frequency of 256 Hz and a wavelength in air of 1.0 × 1012 MHz? Holt SF 12D 03 16:01. highSchool.Chapter 16. Cannot be determined Hewitt CP9 26 E10 16:01.00 × 108 m/s. > 1 min. What requires a physical medium in which to travel? 1. fixed. > 1 min. 4.0 MHz? Part 2 of 3 b) What is the wavelength of visible light emitted at 6. a) What value does this give for the speed of sound in air? Part 2 of 2 b) What would be the wavelength of the wave produced by this tuning fork in water in which sound travels at 1500 m/s? Holt SF 12Rev 36 16:01. 3. highSchool. When the frequency of microwaves is 9. Holt SF 12D 04 16:01. wordingvariable. Microwaves travel at the speed of light. multiple choice. < 1 min. numeric. Both sound and light 4. highSchool. numeric. Wave Characteristics and Propagation wavelength remains the same. what happens to the frequency? 1. The frequency reduces by half. Holt SF 12D 02 16:01. Part 1 of 2 A piano emits frequencies that range from a low of about 28 Hz to a high of about 4200 Hz. The frequency doubles. light 3. Part 1 of 2 Green light has a wavelength of 5. > 1 min. > 1 min. sound 2. wordingvariable. numeric. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the minimum wavelength in air attained by this instrument. The frequency remains the same. highSchool. numeric. 3. fixed. Neither sound nor light Holt SF 12D 01 16:01.00 × 108 m/s. wordingvariable. section 1. 437 a) What is the wavelength of radio waves emitted at 88. highSchool.20 m.0 s. fixed. 1. > 1 min. numeric. False Part 2 of 2 Wave fronts are closer together where the wave length is smaller. True 2. > 1 min.15 m. < 1 min. Wave Characteristics and Propagation m and travels through the air at a speed of 3. Yellow light travels through a certain glass block at a speed of 1. > 1 min. What is the wavelength? Wave Fronts 16:01. Holt SF 12Rev 59 16:01. wordingvariable. highSchool.00 × 108 m/s. highSchool. numeric. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the minimum wavelength produced by this instrument. wordingvariable. Holt SF 12Rev 51 16:01. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A ray always intersects its wave front at a right angle. Eight crests pass a given point along the direction of travel every 12. True 2. a) Find the maximum wavelength in air produced by this instrument when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. A given crest of the wave travels 425 cm along the rope in a time period of 10. Calculate the wave speed.0 vibrations in 30. wordingvariable. The oscillator that generates the wave completes 40. A harmonic wave is traveling along a rope. Holt SF 12Rev 55 16:01. > 1 min.81 × 10−7 m (381 nm). wordingvariable. Determine the frequency of these water waves. Calculate the frequency of green light waves with this wavelength. 438 What is the frequency of the yellow light in the glass block? Holt SF 12Rev 57 16:01. fixed.Chapter 16. highSchool. False . numeric. > 1 min.0 s. multiple choice. highSchool.0 s. Part 3 of 3 Determine the speed of these water waves.97 × 108 m/s. 1. producing waves with crests that are separated by 0. Part 2 of 3 Determine the period of these water waves. section 1. The distance between two successive crests of a certain transverse wave is 1. numeric. Part 1 of 3 You dip your finger into a pan of water twice each second. Part 2 of 2 Calculate the period of green light waves with this wavelength. Part 1 of 2 The notes produced by a violin range in frequency from approximately 196 Hz to 2637 Hz. numeric. The wavelength of the light in this particular type of glass is 3. Holt SF 12Rev 49 16:01. such as in the ground during earthquakes. location: measurements from two different locations. Cannot be determined from the information. 2. multiple choice. < 1 min. fixed. Transverse wave. multiple choice. 3. If a single disturbance some unknown distance away sends out both transverse and longitudinal waves that travel with distinctly different speeds in the medium. 439 . fixed. “Doing the wave” is a common activity in large football stadiums. Transverse and Longitudinal Waves Concept 20 26 16:02.Chapter 16. < 1 min. Conceptual 14 Q07 16:02. location: measurements from two different locations. section 2. highSchool. distance: the difference in time of the waves as they arrive. distance: the difference in wavelength of the waves as they arrive. distance: the difference in frequency of the waves as they arrive. What type of wave is this? 1. location: repeated measurements of the event from the same location. highSchool. how could the distance to the disturbance be determined? How could the location of the disturbance be determined? 1. distance: the difference in time of the waves as they arrive. 4. 2. location: measurements from three different locations. Longitudinal wave. 2. Speed of a Traveling Wave Holt SF 12Rev 50 16:03. An echo is heard 2.60 s later. section 3. wordingvariable. A sound wave traveling at 343 m/s is emitted by the foghorn of a tugboat. How far away is the reflecting object? 440 . highSchool. > 1 min.Chapter 16. numeric. Which graph correctly shows the relation between the displacement s of point P and time t? v P 1. section 5. One-Dimensional Traveling Waves Moving Pulse Wave 16:05. t s 4. s t 3. t s 2. s t 441 . fixed. as illustrated. with uniform speed v along a rope.Chapter 16. multiple choice. highSchool. < 1 min. A wave is moving. multiple choice. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 6. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 . the wave f1 (x) is moving to the right at v1 = +1 m/s and the wave f2 (x) is moving to the left at v2 = −1 m/s. Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 v1 v2 3 2 1 3. section 7. > 1 min. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 5. Superposition and Interference of Waves Superposition 01 16:07. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 442 9 10 3 2 1 4. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 3 s? 3 2 1 1. a transverse wave that moves to the right f1 (x) and a transverse wave that moves to the left f2 (x). on a string. You are given two waves. As the problem begins. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 2.Chapter 16. highSchool. normal. section 7. You are given two waves. normal. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 2. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 443 16:07. a transverse wave that moves to the right f1 (x) and a transverse wave that moves to the left f2 (x). 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 10. As the problem begins.5 s? 3 2 1 1. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 2. Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 v1 v2 3 2 1 8. > 1 min. multiple choice.Chapter 16. Superposition and Interference of Waves 3 2 1 7. highSchool. on a string. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 Superposition 02 . the wave f1 (x) is moving to the right at v1 = +1 m/s and the wave f2 (x) is moving to the left at v2 = −1 m/s. 0 -1 -2 -3 3 2 1 9. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 5. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 10. section 7. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 8.3 2 1 3. 0 -1 -2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 444 9 10 3 2 1 4. Superposition and Interference of Waves 3 2 1 7. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 9. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 Superposition 03 . 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 Chapter 16. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 6. 1 You are given two waves. the wave f1 (x) is mov-2 ing to the right at v1 = +1 m/s and the wave -3 f2 (x) is moving to the left at v2 = −1 m/s. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 .Amplitude (centimeter) Chapter 16. 0 that moves to the right f1 (x) and a transverse -1 wave that moves to the left f2 (x). section 7. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 6. highSchool. Superposition and Interference of Waves 3 16:07. a transverse wave 3. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 2. on a string. 2 normal. > 1 min. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 v1 v2 Distance (meter) 3 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 2 1 4. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 445 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 3 s? 3 2 1 1. As the problem begins. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 9 10 3 2 1 5. multiple choice. You are given two waves. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 10. As the problem begins. the wave f1 (x) is moving to the right at v1 = +1 m/s and the wave f2 (x) is moving to the left at v2 = −1 m/s. multiple choice. highSchool. normal. section 7. a transverse wave that moves to the right f1 (x) and a transverse wave that moves to the left f2 (x). 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 446 16:07.Chapter 16. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 2. on a string. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 2 s? 3 2 1 1. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 Superposition 04 . Superposition and Interference of Waves 3 2 1 7. 0 -1 -2 -3 3 2 1 9. > 1 min. Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 v1 v2 3 2 1 8. section 7. Superposition and Interference of Waves 3 2 1 7. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 Chapter 16. 0 -1 -2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 447 9 10 3 2 1 4. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 10. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 . 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 9. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 6. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 5. 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 8.3 2 1 3. 1. What is the propagation speed of the wave? Part 2 of 2 The wire has linear mass density of 10 g/m. and more massive 2. or (c) the thickness or the mass of the string. The wave has amplitude 1 cm. (b) the tension of the string. A transverse wave runs along a copper wire of radius 0. longer. wavelength 1 m. < 1 min. highSchool. and lighter 5. The Speed of Waves on Strings Concept 21 03 16:08. numeric. highSchool. normal. < 1 min. Why should guitars be played before they are brought on stage for a concert? 1. highSchool. so they should be tuned while warm. 2. and frequency 500 Hz.Chapter 16. normal. tighter. highSchool. fixed. < 1 min. multiple choice. Harmonic Wave in a Wire 16:08. What is the tension of the wire? . and more massive Concept 21 04 16:08. There is no special reason to do so. longer. shorter. looser. < 1 min. numeric. shorter. Part 1 of 2 A harmonic wave in a wire has amplitude 5 mm. and more massive 3. numeric. frequency 300 Hz and wavelength 2 m. tighter. > 1 min. looser. section 8. fixed. looser. 3. What is the tension of the wire? Wave in a Copper Wire 16:08. Strings warm up and expand during play. Determine the wire’s tension. longer. Guitars have softer sound after preplaying. The guitarist should practice before the concert. 448 Sine Wave in a Wire 16:08. multiple choice.5 mm at speed 50 m/s. Copper has density 8920 kg/m3 . Explain how you can lower the pitch of a tone on a guitar by altering (a) the length of the string. A sinusoidal transverse wave travels along a wire of linear density 5 g/m. highSchool. 4. and lighter 4. normal. the wave is moving to the right at v = 1 m/s. the string is tightly clamped and cannot move. highSchool. A 6. normal. < 1 min.Chapter 16. A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) Consider the image of the wave reflected about the FIXED point x = 5 m in the following diagram. fixed. A 3. A pulse moves on a string at 1 m/s. 2. You are given f1 (x). section 9. The image will be moving to the left at v = −1 m/s (in the opposite direction from the real wave). multiple choice. traveling to the right. highSchool. multiple choice. A 5. Reflection and Transmission of Waves Fixed End Pulse Reflection 16:09. > 1 min. At point A. Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 v 1. As the problem begins. A . Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 v v 4. a transverse wave that moves on a string that ends and is FIXED in place at x = 5 m. 1 m/s A 1m Which of the following shows how the string would look soon after 2 seconds? A 449 Reflection 01 16:09. A 8. A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 3 s? 7. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 7. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 4. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 . 0 −1 −2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 450 9 10 3 2 1 2. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 8. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 3. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 Chapter 16. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 6. section 9. Reflection and Transmission of Waves 3 2 1 5.3 2 1 1. The image will be moving to the left at v = −1 m/s (in the opposite direction from the real wave). 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) Consider the image of the wave reflected about the FIXED point x = 5 m in the following diagram. Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 v 3 2 1 2.Chapter 16. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 Reflection 02 16:09. highSchool. You are given f1 (x). As the problem begins. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 3. the wave is moving to the right at v = 1 m/s. multiple choice. section 9. > 1 min. normal. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 Amplitude (centimeter) 2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 v v 451 3 2 1 10. . Reflection and Transmission of Waves 3 1 9. a transverse wave that moves on a string that ends and is FIXED in place at x = 5 m. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 3 s? 3 2 1 1. 0 −1 −2 −3 9 10 3 2 1 7.Chapter 16. Reflection and Transmission of Waves 3 3 2 1 4. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 Reflection 03 16:09. the wave is moving to the right at v = 1 m/s. You are given f1 (x). a transverse wave that moves on a string that ends and is FIXED in place at x = 5 m. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 452 9 10 3 2 1 5. . normal. 0 −1 −2 −3 9 10 3 2 1 6. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 10. highSchool. multiple choice. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 3 2 1 9. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (meter) 2 1 8. section 9. As the problem begins. > 1 min. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 5 3 2 1 5. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 7.Chapter 16. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 3. section 9. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 . 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 453 2 3 4 5 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 5 s? 3 2 1 1. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 2. Reflection and Transmission of Waves Amplitude (centimeter) 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 v 3 2 1 4. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 6. the wave is moving to the right at v = 1 m/s. As the problem begins. > 1 min. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 .Chapter 16. Reflection and Transmission of Waves 3 1 8. highSchool. multiple choice. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 2. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 2 3 4 5 Distance (meter) What is the shape of the wave on the string after 5 s? 3 2 1 1. section 9. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 10. a transverse wave that moves on a string that ends and is FIXED in place at x = 5 m. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 Reflection 04 16:09. You are given f1 (x). 3 2 1 3. normal. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 Amplitude (centimeter) 2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 v 454 3 2 1 9. highSchool. section 9. numeric. Part 1 of 2 Consider a guitar string of length L = 630 mm. Suppose you pluck the string by sharply pulling it up at point x0 and letting go. thus 0 ≤ x ≤ L. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 455 5 3 2 1 5.Chapter 16. < 1 min. This sets pulses travelling in both directions. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 9. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 3 2 1 10. 0 −1 −2 −3 5 3 2 1 7. normal. . Let the x axis run from one end of the string to the other end. 0 −1 −2 −3 5 3 2 1 6. at the ends of the string. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 2 1 8. 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1 2 3 4 Distance (meter) 5 Wave on a Guitar String 02 16:09. Reflection and Transmission of Waves 3 3 2 1 4. the pulses are reflected back. and eventually they meet again at point x . calculate x . section 9. the wave is reflected from the wall. v 3. Part 2 of 2 When the pulses meet and superpose. highSchool. v 1. It depends on the x0 . The figure below shows a complex wave pattern on a string moving towards a rigid hook at the wall on the right. . Wave Reflection 16:09. Reflection and Transmission of Waves Given x0 = 180 mm. At rest (The pulses cancel. Below 2.) 4. is the string above or below its relaxed position? 1. v 4. wording-variable. Above 3. multiple choice. > 1 min. v 2.Chapter 16. 5. v 456 Select the wave pattern for the reflected wave. After some time. Would the refraction of sound be possible if the speed of sound were unaffected by wind. If the speed of sound were unaffected by some conditions. 4. 1. < 1 min. Refraction always occurs. refraction would not occur. 3. section 10. 2. Refraction of Waves Concept 20 19 16:10. highSchool. so even if the speed of sound were unaffected by some conditions. even if the speed of sound were affected by some conditions. fixed.Chapter 16. 457 . multiple choice. Refraction is the result of changing wave frequencies. and other conditions? Defend your answer. refraction would still occur. when sound travels into different mediums. refraction would not occur. there is a change in its frequency. Refraction is the result of changing wave frequencies. temperature. 2. highSchool. a traveling wave of amplitude 2 m. is plotted in the diagram below.2 m.2 m. highSchool. wavelength 4π quency 2 Hz. A harmonic wave y = A sin[k x − φ] . 458 4. wavelength 0. wavelength 0. k has units of m−1 . Part 2 of 3 Find the angular wave number.2 m) sin 2 π (2 m−1 ) x − (2 s−1 ) t where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds.5 m and frequency 2 Hz. Wave Length 03 16:12. a traveling wave of amplitude 0. wavelength 0. fixed. Part 1 of 3 A sinusoidal wave of wavelength 2 m and amplitude 0. normal. 5. multiple choice.5 Hz. wavelength 2 m and frequency 2 Hz. a standing wave of maximal amplitude 0. wavelength 0. 8. This wave is 1.1 m travels with a speed of 1 m/s on a string. normal.2 m. 9. a standing wave of maximal amplitude 2 m. multiple choice. 6.2 m.5 m and frequency 0.5 m.08 m and fre0. and φ has units of radians.14 Hz. a traveling wave of amplitude 0. A transverse wave in a wire with linear density 5 g/m has the form y (x. t) = (1 cm) sin (5 m−1 ) x − (3000 s−1 ) t What is its tension? Sinusoidal Wave on a String 02 16:12. wavelength 0.Chapter 16.2 m. a standing wave of maximal amplitude 1m = 0. Sinusoidal Waves Sine Wave in a Wire 02 16:12. A transverse wave has a wave function y = (0. where A = 1 meter. wavelength 0. numeric. a traveling wave of amplitude 0. 7. wavelength 4π m = 12. < 1 min. a standing wave of maximal amplitude 0.25 m and frequency 2π Hz = 3.2 m and frequency 2 Hz. a traveling wave of amplitude 0. highSchool. wording-variable.5 m and frequency 2π Hz = 6. Find the angular frequency. a traveling wave of amplitude 0.4 m and frequency 60 Hz. > 1 min. the left end of the string is at the origin and the wave moves from left to right. section 12.5 m and frequency 2 Hz. wavelength 0. +1 A (meters) −1 x (meters) 82 m 164 m 246 m .4 m. > 1 min. Part 3 of 3 What is the maximum speed of any point on the string? Wave Form 16:12.2 m. numeric. < 1 min. 3. Initially. highSchool. 10.28 Hz.2 m and frequency 4π Hz = 6.28 Hz. λ = 51 m 8. λ = 9 m 4. section 12. λ = 15 m 5. λ = 93 m 10. λ = 57 m 9.Chapter 16. λ = 69 m 459 . Sinusoidal Waves Which wavelength corresponds best to the diagram? 1. λ = 123 m 2. λ = 33 m 7. λ = 21 m 6. λ = 39 m 3. 1. > 1 min. P = 4 P0 1 P0 2 1 5. Energy Transmitted by Waves on Strings Waves on a Rope 03 16:13. P = 2 P0 2. P = 460 . The power transmitted by the wave is increased or decreased by what factor if the rope is replaced by an identical rope twice as long? Assume the mass density and all other properties of the rope and wave are unchanged.Chapter 16. section 13. P = P0 3. fixed. multiple choice. A transverse wave is being generated on a rope under constant tension. P = P0 4 4. highSchool. < 1 min. I and II . Neither. Concept 20 09 17:01. 4. They make a buzzing noise to communicate with each other. < 1 min. The buzz comes from their heads. Special earpieces can be used to allow you to enjoy music. Conceptual 15 Q01 17:01. < 1 min. 2. what happens to the density of air at this point? 1. Which hears the sound of shorter wavelengths? 1. fixed. 3. 2. Why do flying bees buzz? 1. cats 2. A telephone cuts off the lower-frequency overtones of music that contribute to its quality. The density of air increases and then decreases as the sound wave passes. multiple choice. highSchool. Concept 21 29 17:01. 3. Bats send and receive ultrahighfrequency squeaks up to 120. The frequency range for a telephone is between 500 and 4000 Hz. When a sound wave moves past a point in air. < 1 min. section 1. I only 2. Characteristics of Sound Waves Concept 20 02 17:01. highSchool. highSchool. the wavelength is independent of frequency. Why does a telephone not do a very good job of transmitting music? 1. There is no air after the sound wave passes. multiple choice. bats 3. highSchool. fixed.000 Hz. > 1 min. multiple choice. They move their wings at audible frequencies. The air is compressed after the sound wave passes. 5. fixed. They have special wings that make sounds. 2. multiple choice. 1. Cats can hear sound frequencies up to 70. fixed. fixed. A telephone cuts off the higher-frequency overtones of music that contribute to its quality. In what ways are sound waves similar to water waves? I) Both carry energy in the form of an oscillating medium.Chapter 17. highSchool. A telephone speaker has a bad quality. None of these 3. The small speaker cannot produce good music. Concept 20 03 17:01. multiple choice. 4. Conceptual 15 Q02 461 4. II only 3. There is no change in the density of air.000 Hz. II) Both carry energy in the form of vibration. Why does this fact makes the construction and use of musical instruments possible? 1. section 1. The sound must travel beyond the lake. You just have to strike the key. < 1 min. polarized wave 5. None of these Conceptual 15 Q09 17:01. fixed. Characteristics of Sound Waves 17:01. fixed. The sound must travel across the lake. 3. None of these Conceptual 15 Q14 17:01. None of these 462 .Chapter 17. multiple choice. You have to strike the key very softly. sound wave 2. highSchool. highSchool. highSchool. 3. fixed. You have to strike the key very hard. transverse wave 4. 4. multiple choice. The sound must travel beyond the lake and back. 4. 2. < 1 min. What kind of wave is created if a tree falls in a forest? 1. < 1 min. 2. What physical features make an echo lake produce echos? 1. 5. multiple choice. You have to strike the key with precisely the right force. electromagnetic wave 3. For most vibrating systems. 5. the amplitude of vibrations does not affect the frequency as long as the amplitude is not too high. The sound must travel across the lake and back. multiple choice. fixed. 1. There will be no change in its speed and wavelength. If the frequency of sound is doubled. 3. The wavelength of sound from Source B is half the wavelength of sound from Source A. highSchool. the more jumbled the sound would be. multiple choice. 2. In warm air the frequency of sound is higher. multiple choice. water is denser than air. Longer. Why does sound travel faster in warm air? 1. Its speed will not change. < 1 min. Concept 20 15 17:02. 2. 4. 4. Both speed and wavelength will double. and its wavelength will halve. 4. 3. multiple choice. < 1 min. 2. Speed of Sound Waves Concept 19 08 17:02. Sound from Source A has twice the frequency of sound from Source B. multiple choice. Concept 20 16 17:02. 2. √The wavelength of sound from Source A is 2 times the wavelength of sound from Source B. < 1 min. how will its speed change? How will its wavelength change? 1. water is denser than air. 463 If the speed of sound depended on its frequency. The wavelength of sound from Source A is half the wavelength of sound from Source B. Its speed will halve. The farther a listener is from the music source. fixed. the more jumbled the sound would be. fixed. would you enjoy a concert from the second balcony? 1. the speed of sound is greater in water than in air. 5. Concept 20 17 17:02. highSchool. 2. Concept 20 05 17:02. The wavelength of sound from Source B is the same as the wavelength of sound from Source A. fixed. Its speed will double. 4. Shorter. highSchool. and its wavelength will double. Shorter. 3. Longer. section 2. fixed. Middle C has a speed of 1500 m/s in water and 340 m/s in air.Chapter 17. < 1 min. The closer a listener is to the music source. the speed of sound is greater in water than in air. highSchool. Compare the wavelengths of sound from the two sources. 3. . highSchool. A listener could still enjoy a concert at any distance. < 1 min. Does it have a longer or shorter wavelength in water than in air and why? 1. and its wavelength will not change. In warm air the air molecules travel faster. The music would be even better. highSchool. The wavelength of the sound is smaller in the ground than in air. They cannot see the marchers near the front. They have difficulty in hearing the sound of a band.Chapter 17. Eventually they traced the source to underwater volcanoes whose rising columns of bubbles resonated like organ pipes. Why can the tremor of the ground from a distant explosion be felt before the sound of the explosion can be heard? 1. 3. highSchool. wordingvariable. Why will marchers at the end of a long parade following a band be out of step with marchers near the front? 1. 5. In warm air the wavelength of sound is shorter. numeric. Why does sound travel faster in moist air? (Hint: At the same temperature. 3. These socalled T-waves were among the purest sounds in nature. 3. multiple choice. < 1 min. Concept 20 P01 17:02. At the same temperature. Concept 20 20 17:02. The amplitude of the sound is bigger in the solid ground than in air. < 1 min. Speed of Sound Waves in air. Usually the least experienced marchers are at the end of a parade. < 1 min. They hear a delayed sound. multiple choice. water vapor molecules have a greater average kinetic energy than oxygen and nitrogen molecules. < 1 min. numeric. The less massive water vapor molecules travel faster than the more massive nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air. do the average speeds of H2 O molecules compare with those of N2 and O2 molecules?) 1. 2. < 1 min. 4. Sound traveling in moist air experiences no refraction and no deflection. highSchool. multiple choice. 2. water vapor molecules have the same average kinetic energy as the heavier nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air. Concept 20 P02 17:02. numeric. fixed. 4. fixed. Imagine a Rip-van-Winkle type who lives in the mountains. normal. then. Sound travels faster in solid ground than 464 Concept 20 27 17:02. highSchool. highSchool. For years. What is the wavelength of a typical T-wave whose frequency is 7 Hz? The speed of sound is seawater is 1530 m/s . < 1 min. They are likely to loose their attention. Concept 20 18 17:02. 4. 2. normal. Concept 20 P06 17:02. highSchool. Just before going to sleep . marine scientists were mystified by sound waves picked up by underwater microphones in the Pacific Ocean. How. The frequency of the sound is higher in the solid ground than in air. The more massive water vapor molecules travel faster than the less massive nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air. fixed. section 2. What is the wavelength of a 34000 Hz tone in air? THe sped of sound in air is 340 m/s. 3. They knew that they could not measure the brief time for a single clap to return. normal. A helium molecule has a smaller size than other gases. so they walked an additional 100 ft away from the wall. Part 1 of 2 The highest frequencies humans can hear is about 20000 Hz. Jon clapped his hands. < 1 min. fixed.Chapter 17. 465 Conceptual 15 02 03 17:02. normal. numeric. and he then continued this synchronized clapping so that Rosa could measure the frequency. A helium molecule has a small number of electrons which reduce the speed of sound. highSchool. Anna was on vacation and came across an echo lake. Sound travels faster in a pure gas. highSchool. What is the wavelength of this sound in water. < 1 min. section 2. about 20 Hz? Concept 21 27 17:02. 2. which Rosa and Jon heard a moment later as an echo. numeric. she yelled across “Hello!” How wide is the lake if 5 seconds later she heard her own echo? Assume that the tem- . normal. What is the frequency of Jon’s clapping? Part 2 of 5 What is the speed of sound as determined by Rosa and Jon? Part 3 of 5 Rosa and Jon decided to test their results. 5. How far away is that mountain? The speed of sound is 340 m/s. < 1 min. Jon clapped and then started to clap as soon as he heard the echo. A helium molecule has a greater kinetic energy. > 1 min. Wanting to know how far she had to swim to get across the lake to the other side. < 1 min. Part 1 of 5 Rosa and Jon were asked by their physical science teacher to determine the speed of sound. What is the new clapping frequency? Part 4 of 5 What is the new time between successive claps? Part 5 of 5 How many claps will Jon have to make in one half minute? Conceptual 15 05 17:02. A grunting porpoise emits a scund of 57 Hz sound. Why does sound travel faster in helium? 1.) Part 2 of 2 What is the wavelength for the lowest sounds we can hear. numeric. The echo bounced off a building that was 300 ft away. A helium molecule has a small mass. Rosa counted 56 of Jon’s claps in one half minute. 3. fixed. One of the reasons for this is the higher speed of sound in helium than in air. A person who talks after inhaling helium gas has a high-pitched voice. Speed of Sound Waves he yells ”WAKE UP” and the sound echoes off the nearest mountain and returns 12 hours later. multiple choice. where the speed of sound is 1500 m/s? Concept 21 02 17:02. highSchool. 4. While walking to their dormitories after class. numeric. Concept 20 P09 17:02. highSchool. What is the wave length of sound in air at this frequency? (The speed of sound is 340 m/s. highSchool. so they had a brillant idea. wordingvariable. None of these Part 2 of 2 What might be happening at a molecular level that accounts for this? 1. What wavelength corresponds to the upper cut off point of the sounds at 20◦ C? Conceptual 15 12 17:02. < 1 min. It takes less time for the vibration of one atom to vibrate a neighboring atom. multiple choice. highSchool. multiple choice. 340 m 2. 16 min 4. normal. < 1 min. highSchool.3 m and is tuned so that a wave travels along the string at 120 m/s. The generated heat excites the electrons . 3 × 108 m 5. < 1 min. highSchool. 9. fixed. fixed. < 1 min. 8 min 2. About how long would the starting line have to be to have a one-second delay between the sound of the starting gun reaching the closet runner and the farthest runner from the gun? The speed of sound is about 340 m/s.5 min 5. What is the wavelength of this wave? Conceptual 15 08 17:02. A stringed instrument has a maximum string length of 0. < 1 min.000 Hz. 1. numeric. numeric. highSchool. More heat generated in water or rock helps sound to move faster than in air. highSchool. 2. Atoms and molecules are packed closer together in water and rock. Part 1 of 2 Why does sound move faster in water or rock than in air? 1. Speed of Sound Waves perature is 20 ◦ C and the speed of sound is 344 m/s. 3. < 1 min. how long would it be until we heard the explosion here on Earth? 1.Chapter 17. fixed. Atoms and molecules are farther apart in water or rock. All of these 5. We would not hear anything. A dog can hear sounds in the range from 15 to 50. 2. What is the string’s fundamental frequency at this length and wave speed? Conceptual 15 Q03 17:02. numeric. If an atomic bomb was detonated on the surface of the Moon. section 2. 34 m 3. Assume that the speed of a sound wave produced by an elephant at 20◦ C is 344 m/s and its frequency is 25 Hz. 0. highSchool. 3. 466 Runners line up side by side at the starting line of a road race.8 m 4. None of these Conceptual 15 Q04 17:02. normal. 4. multiple choice. Conceptual 15 06a 06b 17:02. 1 m Conceptual 15 Q06 17:02. All of these 5. fixed. 3. Molecules bump into each other more frequently at warmer temperatures. Conceptual 15 Q08 17:02. slower at high altitude 2. Why does sound travel faster in warmer temperature? 1. where is the fractional change V V of the volume. 1 = −x + 3 y and −1 = −2 x . highSchool. multiple choice. highSchool. IV only Dimensional Analysis 1 17:02. section 2. the bulk modulus. 1. faster at high altitude 3. III) changes the speed of sound. Part 1 of 2 The velocity v of a sound wave traveling in the air depends on B . III only 6. II and III only 3. 0 = x + y . IV) does not affect the tune. of L and of T . allowing sound travel easier.Chapter 17. The atomic bonds prevents the atoms from moving. < 1 min. A guitar and a flute are in tune with each other. slower in outer space than on earth 3. If v = B x ρy . same in both Part 2 of 2 How would sound travel in outer space? 1. fixed. 1 = −x − 3 y and −1 = −2 x 2. None of these 467 Conceptual 15 Q12 17:02. II only 5. multiple choice. faster in outer space than on earth 7. and ρ. I and III only 2. I and II only 2. fixed. highSchool. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 How does sound travel at very high altitudes compared to sea level? 1. the density of the air. highSchool. Sound does not travel in outer space. 4. choose the correct set of equations. 3. 0 = x + y . 2. I only 4. Speed of Sound Waves in the atoms. 4. fixed. The bulk modulus is defined by the variation of pressure ∆P = ∆V ∆V −B . Warmer temperatures excite the electrons. The powers of x and y may be determined based on a dimensional analysis by equating the powers of M . How could a change in temperature affect this situation? I) changes the speed of sound. None of these Conceptual 15 Q07 17:02. 1. < 1 min. allowing sound to move faster. multiple choice. multiple choice. Molecules are more loosely packed at warmer temperatures. II) changes the length of instruments. > 1 min. wordingvariable. 0 = x − y . 1 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x 9. choose the correct set of equations. y = 0 1 1 10. x = −1. 0 = x − y . A dolphin in 25◦ C sea water emits a sound directed toward the bottom of the ocean 150 m below. If v = B x ρy . numeric. 1 = x + y . wordingvariable. x = 0. x = − . 1 = x + 3 y and 1 = −2 x 8. The powers of x and y may be determined based on a dimensional analysis by equating the powers of M . x = . 0 = x − y . 0 = x + y . > 1 min. 0 = x + y . 0 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x 10. 1 = x + 3 y and 1 = −2 x 7. The velocity v of a sound wave traveling in the air depends on B . fixed. 1 = x + 3 y and 1 = −2 x 8. y = − 2 2 1 1 2. 2 = x + 3 y and −1 = −2 x 4. y = − 2 2 1 1 3. of L and of T . 1 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x 6. . y = 1 8. multiple choice. a) Find the wavelength for 20 Hz when the speed of sound in air is equal to 343 m/s. 0 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x Part 2 of 2 What are the values of x and y ? 1 1 1. 1 = x + 3 y and 1 = −2 x 7. 0 = x − y . the bulk modulus. x = 1. and ρ. the density of the air. x = −1. highSchool. x = 1. 0 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x 10. Holt SF 13Rev 46 17:02. highSchool. numeric. 0 = x + y . Speed of Sound Waves 3. x = . 0 = x + y . section 2. x = 1. > 1 min. 1. 1 = x + y . 0 = x + y . 0 = x + y . 0 = x − y . where is the fractional change V V of the volume. 0 = x − y .Chapter 17. 0 = x − y . y = −1 5. 0 = x − y . y = 2 2 4. > 1 min. 0 = x + y . y = 1 9. Part 1 of 2 The range of human hearing extends from approximately 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. 1 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x 6. y = 1 7. −1 = x − 3 y and −1 = −2 x 5. 2 = x + 3 y and −1 = −2 x 4. highSchool. 0 = x + y . 0 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x Holt SF 13Rev 45 17:02. 1 = x − 3 y and 1 = −2 x 9. 1 = −x + 3 y and −1 = −2 x 3. 1 = −x − 3 y and −1 = −2 x 2. Part 2 of 2 b) Find the wavelength for 20000 Hz when the speed of sound in air is equal to 343 m/s. −1 = x − 3 y and −1 = −2 x 5. y = 2 2 Dimensional Analysis 4 17:02. y = −1 6. The bulk modulus is defined by the variation of pressure ∆P = −B 468 ∆V ∆V . x = − . normal. You are watching a pier being constructed on the far shore of a saltwater inlet when some blasting occurs. > 1 min. Some studies indicate that the upper frequency limit of hearing is determined by the diameter of the eardrum. highSchool. which has a temperature of 20◦ C. numeric. The velocity of sound in air is 343 m/s and in saltwater 1533 m/s. Speed of Sound Waves How much time passes before it hears an echo? The speed of sound in sea water is 1530 m/s.0 × 104 m/s.5 s before it reaches you through the air.0 × 1010 Hz. Holt SF 13Rev 48 17:02. Find the wavelength of this wave. wordingvariable. Sound waves travel through a liquid of density 1000 kg/m3 at a speed of 1500 m/s. section 2. numeric. numeric. numeric. normal. You hear the sound in the water 4.0 × 104 Hz? Assume 340 m/s is the speed of sound in the ear. Holt SF 13Rev 53 17:02. < 1 min. How wide is the inlet? Sound in a Liquid 17:02. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. The greatest value ever achieved for the speed of sound in air is about 1. wordingvariable. and the highest frequency ever produced is about 2. highSchool. what is the diameter of the eardrum of a person capable of hearing 2. If this is so. Pier Construction 17:02.Chapter 17. What is the bulk modulus of this liquid? 469 . The wavelength of the sound wave and the diameter of the eardrum are approximately equal at this upper limit. < 1 min. fixed. At the instant that a high-pressure region is created just outside the prongs of a vibrating tuning fork. what is being created between the prongs? 1. No change in pressure 4.Chapter 17. High-low-high pressure 470 . Low-high-low pressure 5. < 1 min. A low pressure region 3. A high pressure region 2. multiple choice. section 3. Periodic Sound Waves Concept 20 10 17:03. highSchool. fixed. < 1 min. 3. Why is the moon described as the “silent planet?” 1. highSchool. 4. 3. 2. multiple choice. 2. What kinds of wind conditions would make sound more easily heard at long distances? 1. highSchool. < 1 min. 3. The echo has a higher frequency than the original sound due to the reflection. Consequently.Chapter 17. multiple choice. < 1 min. Why is an echo weaker than the original sound? 1. 471 2. The yellow-green light emitted by street lights matches the yellow-green color to which the human eye is most sensitive. fixed. 2. Concept 21 01 17:04. Concept 20 13 17:04. . At what frequencies do advertisers concentrate the commercial’s sound? 1. The wind travels in the same direction the sound travels. Why is it so quiet after a snowfall? 1. fixed. fixed. The moon always apears at night. multiple choice. The echo has a longer wavelength than the original sound due to the reflection. Snow is a good absorber of sound. < 1 min. 5. multiple choice. The sound of commercials is concentrated at the low-frequency region of audible sound frequencies. highSchool. The temperature decreases after a snowfall. a 100-watt street light emits light that is better seen at night. The wind travels in the opposite direction the sound travels. The moon has no atmosphere to transmit sounds. There is no life in the moon. Sound from the moon cannot be heard on the earth. 4. 4. 5. highSchool. 4. section 4. the monitored sound intensities of television commercials are louder than the sound from regular programming. The moon orbits without sound. Concept 20 21 17:04. 3. Concept 20 23 17:04. The wind traveling toward the listener at elevations above ground level travels faster than wind near the ground. highSchool. yet don’t exceed the regulated intensities. The temperature increases after a snowfall. There are few cars out there after a snowfall. multiple choice. Similarly. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves Concept 20 11 17:04. Our ears become insensitive to sound after a snow fall. The waves are bent upward. The echo has a smaller amplitude than the original sound because sound spreads and its intensity decreases with distance. fixed. The echo has a shorter wavelength than the original sound due to the reflection. < 1 min. the frequency of oscillation and the kinetic energy of oscillation 5. > 1 min. 10 db . normal. the frequency of oscillation and the amplitude of oscillation 6. and another of 10 dB. 160 db 6. 14 db 4. Which person has the more acute hearing? 1. 26 db 2. 1. the frequency of oscillation only 2. < 1 min. How much more intense is sound at 40 dB than at 0 dB? Concept 21 P02 17:04. section 4. A loudspeaker produces a musical sound by means of the oscillation of a diaphragm. The sound of commercials is concentrated at frequencies to which the ear is most sensitive. multiple choice. numeric. The sound of a man shouting at the top of his lungs from a rather large distance away from your ear has loudness of only 20 decibels. The sound of commercials is concentrated at the frequency of 60 Hz. 60 db 9. < 1 min. 2. fixed. The one who can hear 5 dB. One person has a threshold of hearing of 5 dB. What would be the decibel level of four men shouting at the top of their (equally powerful) lungs from the same distance away from you ear? Assume that there is no interference from superposed waves and round off your answer to the nearest integer. fixed. normal. Concept 21 20 17:04. multiple choice. fixed. 80 db 7. the frequency of oscillation. the kinetic energy of oscillation only 4. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves 2. 472 Concept 21 24 17:04. numeric. On what does the loudness of produced sound depend? 1. 20 db 3. highSchool. < 1 min. 3. the amplitude of oscillation and the kinetic energy of oscillation 7. The one who can hear 10 dB. the amplitude of oscillation. 3. highSchool. More information is needed. highSchool. multiple choice. How much more intense is a sound at 40 dB than a sound 30 dB? Four Shouts 17:04. highSchool.Chapter 17. 6 db 8. < 1 min. 4. highSchool. 40 db 5. The sound of commercials is concentrated at the high-frequency region of audible sound frequencies. the amplitude of oscillation only 3. and the kinetic energy of oscillation Concept 21 23 17:04. < 1 min. 40 dB 5.1 × 10−3 W. wordingvariable.0 meters away. wordingvariable. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves 10. What is the intensity of these sound waves to a listener who is sitting 25. 60 dB 7.0 W. numeric. > 1 min. 1. Holt SF 13A 02 17:04. wordingvariable. highSchool. numeric.0 W. the power output of a 75-piece orchestra radiated as sound is 70. Part 1 of 3 An electric guitar’s amplifier is at a distance of 5. fixed. A stereo speaker represented by P in the figure emits sound waves with a power output of 100.50 W.Chapter 17. multiple choice. The power output of a tuba is 0.0 W. < 1 min. A baseball coach shouts loudly at an umpire standing 5. highSchool. highSchool.25 W. > 1 min. wordingvariable. 50 dB 6. < 1 min. highSchool. 473 At a maximum level of loudness. highSchool.2 × 10−3 W/m2 ? Holt SF 13Rev 27 17:04. numeric. 90 dB 2. a) Find the intensity of its sound waves when its power output is 0. wordingvariable. highSchool. Sustained sound intensity levels on the order of can cause permanent hearing loss. wordingvariable. highSchool.35 W. 75 dB Holt SF 13A 01 17:04. . numeric. 5 db Hearing Loss 17:04. < 1 min. 70 dB 8. If the sound power produced by the coach is 3. < 1 min. How much power is radiated as sound from a band whose intensity is 1. highSchool. numeric.6 × 10−3 W/m2 at a distance of 15 m? Holt SF 13A 05 17:04. what is the intensity of the sound when it reaches the umpire? Holt SF 13Rev 28 17:04. numeric.0 m. 20 dB 3. < 1 min. At what distance is the sound intensity of the tuba 1. wordingvariable.0 m from the orchestra? Holt SF 13A 03 17:04.0 m. numeric. section 4. Part 3 of 3 c) Find the intensity of the sound waves when the amplifier’s power output is 2. If the intensity of a person’s voice is 4. how much sound power does that person generate? Holt SF 13A 04 17:04. 55 dB 9. Part 2 of 3 b) Find the intensity of the sound waves when the amplifier’s power output is 0.6 × 10−7 W/m2 at a distance of 2. 30 dB 4. What is the speed of this wave? Part 2 of 2 What is the intensity of this wave? Sound level 17:04.0 m from the aircraft? (Assume the diameter of the worker’s eardrum is 1. fixed. A typical decibel level for a buzzing mosquito is 40 dB. If the decibel level is 60 dB at a distance of 1. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 Given an harmonic sound wave which has a sound level. highSchool. I2 = 54 I1 . I2 = 81 I1 What is the intensity of the sound waves at point x. numeric. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves 474 b) How much sound power would strike the eardrum of an airport worker 20.5 kHz is 0. multiple choice. The intensity of a sound wave at a fixed distance from a speaker vibrating at 1.6 W/m2 . k = 500 m−1 . wordingvariable. A rock group is playing in a club. > 1 min. < 1 min. How many buzzing mosquitoes will produce a sound intensity equal to that of normal conversation? Holt SF 13Rev 54 17:04. highSchool. I2 . numeric. t) = sm cos(kx − ωt) . normal. numeric. section 4. Sinusoidal Sound Wave 02 17:04. normal. and ω = 170000 s−1 .Chapter 17. Holt SF 13Rev 52 17:04. P   10 m   x Intensity of a Sound Wave 02 17:04. I1 ? 1. β1 = 100 dB. at what distance is the music just barely audible to a person with a normal threshold of hearing? Disregard absorption.5 kHz and the displacement amplitude is doubled. of this new sound wave in terms of the original intensity. > 1 min. numeric.0 m away? Holt SF 13Rev 50 17:04. where sm = 2 µm.0 m from the aircraft. a) How much sound power does the jet aircraft emit? Part 2 of 2 2. what is the intensity. normal. Sound emerging outdoors from an open door spreads uniformly in all directions. What is its corresponding sound intensity I1 ? Part 2 of 2 If the frequency and maximum amplitude of the sound wave are both tripled. Calculate the intensity if the frequency is reduced to 0. highSchool. < 1 min. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 A sinusoidal sound wave in a gas of density 1. 10.7 × 10−2 m). highSchool.0 m from the door. Part 1 of 2 The decibel level of the noise from a jet aircraft is 130 dB when measured 20. and normal conversation is approximately 50 dB. > 1 min. highSchool. wordingvariable. numeric.2 kg3 /m has molecular displacement s(x. I2 = 12 I1 6. section 4.Chapter 17. highSchool. Assume each bell produces a harmonic sound wave or respective pressure amplitudes max max . I2 = 27I1 4. numeric. I2 = 6 I1 8. normal. highSchool. What is their combined intensity? . and calculate the ratio and δP2 δP1 max δP2 max δP1 475 of the two pressure amplitudes. numeric. I2 = 3 I1 9. Two Sound Sources 02 17:04. < 1 min. > 1 min. Two sources have sound levels of 75 dB and 80 dB. I2 = 9 I1 7. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves 3. I2 = 24 I1 5. I2 = 2 I1 10. I2 = I1 Two Bells 17:04. Consider two loud bells: The sound intensity of the first bell is β1 = 90 db (loud!) and the sound intensity of the second bell β2 = 110 db (even louder!). normal. Part 1 of 5 A student. The Doppler Effect Car Horn and Train Whistle 01 17:05.4 times the speed of sound. A car is traveling in the same direction as the train at 40 m/s. trial Y . undetermined. highSchool. highSchool. Frequency of a Supersonic Jet 17:05. . 4. The wind is blowing 150 mph due west. 2. denoted by the curves “K ”. The recorded frequency (as a function of the car’s position along the road) is plotted in the figure below. equal to that in trial K . highSchool. The train’s whistle sounds at 320 Hz.75 m long has a 220 Hz fundamental frequency. multiple choice. less than that in trial Y . 4. Part 2 of 5 The car’s speed in trial Y is 1. The speed of sound is 620 mph at this altitude. Two jet airplanes are flying due east. > 1 min. 3. A train is moving parallel and adjacent to a highway with a constant speed of 20 m/s. numeric. highSchool. Find the wave speed along the vibrating string. The four results are plotted below. The trailing jet is flying at 420 mph (Both relative to the ground).Chapter 17. Part 4 of 5 A car far away. “Y ”. 2. 1000 Observed Frequency (Hz) 950 G 900 850 D Y G K 476 Y D K 800 −100−75 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 Car’s position along the road (m) The car’s lowest speed is in 1. normal. numeric. trial D. undetermined. The speed of sound is 343 m/s. equal to that in trial Y . The leading jet is flying at 1. and “G”. > 1 min. 3. The same car made four trial runs along the road. standing near a straight road. 3. 2. wording-variable. before it gets to the student. fixed. section 5. 4. undetermined. < 1 min. “D”. greater than that in trial K . A cello string 0. Each trial was made with the car traveling at a constant speed. less than that in trial K . 5. What frequency is heard by the pilot of the trailing jet? Frequency Variation 17:05. trial G. trial K . greater than that in trial Y . Part 3 of 5 The car’s speed in trial D is 1. numeric. When the car is behind the train what frequency does an occupant of the car observe for the train whistle? Concept 21 P05 17:05. normal. > 1 min. records the sound of a car’s horn. If the engine of the leading jet has a frequency of 2650 Hz. A. B) Both can be moving and have different speeds. section 5. multiple choice. C. > 1 min. A. multiple choice. C. D. trial Y 2. 2. F 5. E. B. highSchool. F) Both can be moving. equal to the horn’s frequency when the car is at rest. trial K 3. D. C. During which trial did the student stand closest to the road? 1. D) The distance between John and the horn is increasing with time. normal. C. A. E. E. B. C. C. C. fixed. F 7. C. A. 1. 477 C) John is moving towards the horn at rest. D. 4. C. F 4. 2. highSchool. E 9. trial G 5. F 8. B. F 3. A. A. A car far away. trial D 4. B. The four figures below represent sound waves emitted by a moving source. B. undetermined Horn Sound 17:05. F 2. E. E) Both can be moving in the same direction. E. F Moving Source 17:05. undetermined Part 5 of 5 In the different trials the distance of the student from the road (the path of the car) sometimes varied. He knows the frequency of the horn is 444 Hz when both he and the horn are at rest. but in opposite directions. B. D. less than the horn’s frequency when the car is at rest. B. If John hears the horn’s pitch at 477 Hz. Which picture represents a source moving at a speed bigger than zero but less than the speed of sound? 1. < 1 min. D. F 10. has a Doppler shifted frequency which is lower than the normal horn’s frequency. what must be true? A) Both can be moving and have the same speed. B. D. The average of these two frequencies is 1. after passing the student. . A. E 6. C. greater than the horn’s frequency when the car is at rest. John is listening to a horn. The Doppler Effect has a Doppler shifted frequency (as heard by the student) which is higher than the normal horn’s frequency. 3. A.Chapter 17. The frequency of the siren on the police car is fc . vt . A truck is traveling at a speed. ft . A truck is traveling at a speed. highSchool.Chapter 17. the police car. ft = fc fc fc fc 478 3. highSchool. to the right. to the left. vw . 4. ft = va − v c va + v t 3. to the right. vc vt Police Truck 1. ft = va − v c 1. The Doppler Effect va − v t va + v c va − v t 2. A truck is traveling at a speed. Part 1 of 2 A police car is traveling at a speed. wording-variable. to the left. The frequency of the siren on the police car is fc . ft = 7. multiple choice. and vc be the speed of the source. ft = 8. wording-variable. > 1 min. ft = 3. ft = 2. . The speed of sound in air is va . ft . heard by an observer in the moving truck? Police Siren and a Truck 01 17:05. vc . vc . Let vt be the speed of the observer in the truck. The speed of sound in air is va . vt . Part 2 of 2 A police car is traveling at a speed. A police car is traveling at a speed. ft = 4. section 5. ft = 6. ft = va + v c va + v t 4. A wind is blowing in the same direction as that of the truck with a speed. to the left. vt . heard by an observer in the moving truck? Police Siren and a Truck 02 17:05. ft = va + v t − v w va − v c − v w va + v t − v w va + v c + v w va + v t + v w va − v c − v w va + v t + v w va + v c + v w va − v t − v w va − v c − v w va − v t − v w va + v c + v w va − v t + v w va − v c − v w va − v t + v w va + v c + v w fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc What is the frequency. ft = 5. vc vt wind vw Police Truck What is the frequency. > 1 min. multiple choice. vc . to the right. highSchool. and vc be the speed of the source. The speed of sound in air is va . receding 3. ft = va + v c 1. > 1 min. ft = . ft = 4. to the right. highSchool. ft = 5. the police car. Let vo be the speed of the observer in the truck. ft = va − v c va + v t 4. Police Siren and a Truck 03 17:05.Chapter 17. normal. ft = What is the frequency. ft . cannot be determined Wavelength Measurements 17:05. The Doppler Effect to the right. normal. ft = va − v t − v w va + v c + v w va − v t − v w va − v c − v w va + v t + v w va + v c + v w va + v t + v w va − v c − v w va + v t − v w va + v c + v w va + v t − v w va − v c − v w fc fc fc fc fc fc 479 Red Shift of Light 17:05. vc . approaching 2. ft . heard by an observer in the moving truck? va − v t + v w fc va + v c + v w va − v t + v w fc 2. the police car. vc vt wind vw Police Truck What is the frequency. vw . Part 1 of 2 The velocity of sound in air is 343 m/s . A police car is traveling at a speed. wording-variable. vc vt Police Truck 3. Let vt be the speed of the observer in the truck. appearing to have a wavelength of 462 nm . The speed of sound in air is va . An ambulance is traveling east at 50 m/s . > 1 min. multiple choice. The frequency of the siren on the police car is fc . to the left. ft = va − v c − v w 1. ft = fc fc fc fc 8. section 5.51 m . The frequency of the siren on the police car is fc . numeric. highSchool. > 1 min. The ambulance driver hears his siren with a wavelength of 0. to the right. numeric. ft = 7. ft = 6. ft = va + v c va + v t 3. vt . A wind is blowing in the same direction as that of the truck with a speed. A truck is traveling at a speed. What is the speed of galaxy in the line of sight relative to the Earth? Part 2 of 2 Is it approaching or receding? 1. Behind it there is a car traveling along the same direction at 30 m/s . heard by an observer in the moving truck? va − v t va − v c va − v t 2. and vc be the speed of the source. Part 1 of 2 The ”red shift” of radiation from a distant galaxy consists of the light known to have a wavelength of 434 nm when observed in the laboratory. section 5. The Doppler Effect 30 m/s Car 50 m/s Ambulance 480 What is the measured wavelength of the sound of the ambulance’s siren when you are holding your measuring device behind the ambulance? Part 2 of 2 What is the measured wavelength of the sound of the ambulance’s siren when your measuring device is on the car’s hood? .Chapter 17. and why? 1. multiple choice. 3. 2. only on loudness and quality of sound 5. multiple choice. only on frequency 3. fixed. How is an electronic organ able to imitate the sounds made by various musical instruments? 1. highSchool.Chapter 17. fixed. Both are the same pitch. 4. fixed. only on quality of sound 4. Quality of Sound (Noise) Concept 21 05 17:06. < 1 min. highSchool. Loudness is a more objective and physical attribute of a sound wave because sound intensity can vary from person to person. An electronic organ plays the recorded . highSchool. < 1 min. only on loundness 2. fixed. both can vary from person to person. The dashed pattern. The dotted pattern. only on frequency and quality of sound 4. Concept 21 18 17:06. 2. It depends on all of these. < 1 min. Which is a more objective measurement. Sound intensity is a more objective and physical attribute of a sound wave because loudness can vary from person to person. Sound intensity is exactly same as loudness. On what does the pitch of a note depend? 1. Concept 21 19 17:06. highSchool. sound intensity or loudness. 1. multiple choice. multiple choice. Sound intensity and loudness are subjective quantities. only on frequency and loudness 4. Concept 21 26 17:06. Which of the two musical notes displayed on an oscilloscope screen has the higher pitch? 1. < 1 min. < 1 min. multiple choice. which screen shows the louder sound (assuming detection by equivalent microphones)? Concept 21 22 17:06. fixed. Both are the same loudness. 3. highSchool. section 6. The dashed pattern 2. The dotted pattern 481 In the oscilloscopes shown above. 3. There is no way to achieve different notes without keys or valves. 2. < 1 min. An electronic organ duplicates and superimposes the sine waves that make up the overall waves produced by these instruments. . By controlling how hard he blows and how he holds his mouth. multiple choice. 3. Why? 1. the pitches of musical tones are not affected on a windy day. resulting in no change in pitch. those closer hear purer tones. multiple choice. 4. The frequency of sound gets higher in the shower room. No. At an outdoor concert. multiple choice. Yes. Concept 21 38 17:06. 3. fixed. the frequency will not change.Chapter 17. 4. Concept 21 35 17:06. 4. the speed of sound will not change. No. resulting in no change in pitch. everyone hears the same notes. Do all the people in a group hear the same music when they listen to it attentively? 1. By controlling how hard he blows. the wavelength will not change. highSchool. section 6. yet it can sound different notes. highSchool. 3. Yes. 3. < 1 min. By controlling how he holds his mouth. fixed. highSchool. Although the frequency of sound past a listener on a windy day will change. resulting in no change in pitch. < 1 min. Although the wavelength of sound past a listener on a windy day will change. The wavelength of sound gets longer. fixed. An electronic organ uses built-in musical instruments. 2. A trumpet has keys and valves that let the trumpeter change the length of the vibrating air column and the position of the nodes. resulting in no change in pitch. Why does your voice sound fuller in the shower? 1. Concept 21 28 17:06. Although the speed of sound past a listener on a windy day will change. highSchool. Your ears become more sensitive in the shower. we each perceive what we have been taught or have learned to perceive. The small enclosure causes your voice to reverberate as it reflects from wall to wall. fixed. < 1 min. everyone hears the same quality of sound. 4. 2. 482 3. Although the wavelength of sound past a listener on a windy day will change. 2. How does the bugler achieve different notes? 1. the wavelength will not change. multiple choice. Concept 21 34 17:06. Quality of Sound (Noise) sounds of various musical instruments. 4. 2. A bugle has no such keys and valves. An electronic organ mixes the waves of resonant frequencies of various musical instruments. What is the frequency of a note one octave above it? Part 2 of 4 Two octaves above it? Part 3 of 4 One octave below it? Part 4 of 4 Two octaves below it? 483 . Quality of Sound (Noise) Concept 21 P03 17:06. numeric. Part 1 of 4 A certain note has a frequency of 1000 Hz. > 1 min.Chapter 17. section 6. normal. highSchool. 4000-5000 Hz 10. > 1 min. leading to an increase in the threshold of hearing. Our ears have nothing to do with a Fourier analyzer. The Ear Concept 20 P08 17:07. Our ears can sort out the individual sine waves from a mixture of two or more sine waves. numeric. Our ears measure the intensity of sound. What does this mean and why is it an apt description? 1. highSchool. The human ear is most sensitive to the sounds in what range? 1. multiple choice. 3. will have a significantly 484 greater loss of hearing in your later years than your grandparents experienced? 1. A low pitch. which is just what a Fourier analyzer does. multiple choice. normal. Why is it a safe prediction that you. Part 2 of 2 Is this a low pitch or a high pitch relative to the range of human hearing? 1. section 7.Chapter 17. < 1 min. 2000-3000 s 9. Part 1 of 2 Two speakers are wired to emit identical sounds in unison. 5000-10000 s 8. 2. fixed. so we hear the pure tones that make up a complex tone. highSchool. 5000-10000 Hz 2. 4000-5000 s Human Ear Sensitivity 17:07. Concept 21 39 17:07. 500-1500 s 7. 500-1500 Hz 4. 2. The wavelength in air of the sounds is 6 m. leading to a decrease in the threshold of hearing. 4. multiple choice. presently reading this. Human Ear Sensitivity 02 17:07. What is the frequency of the sound emitted by the speakers? The speed of sound is 340 m/s. Our ears can measure the speed of sound. < 1 min. fixed. leading to an increase in the threshold of hearing. Modern sounds are louder. highSchool. 3. 2. 10000-20000 Hz 5. > 1 min. highSchool. leading to an increase in the threshold of hearing. fixed. A high pitch. fixed. Modern sounds have a higher frequency. Because the sensitivity of the human ear . multiple choice. Modern sounds have a lower frequency. The human ear is sometimes called a Fourier analyzer. 4. 2000-3000 Hz 6. Modern sounds are louder. 100-250 Hz 3. highSchool. Concept 21 36 17:07. > 1 min. 1. 1. 2. directs sound to the eardrum and helps . stirrup. Sound systems do nothing to compensate. 9. determines the frequency and intensity of sound. determine sound direction. hammer. do nothing to. anvil. determines only the intensity of sound. None of these. 1. 5. anvil. 485 Part 2 of 3 The inner ear (cochlea and auditory nerves) . 5. 6. None of these. amplify. determines only the direction of sound. 8. 3. determines only the intensity of sound. 4. Parts of the Ear 17:07. 8. spur. 6. determines the frequency and intensity of sound. amplify 2. hammer. 8. hammer. do nothing to 7. stirrup and anvil only. 4. amplify. 5.Chapter 17. 6. 7. and stapes. Part 1 of 3 The outer ear (meatus and ear flap) . and stirrup. dampen. 4. The Ear varies over the audio spectrum. 7. None of these. 2. amplify 4. amplify. Part 3 of 3 The middle ear consists of the 1. dampen. directs sound to the eardrum and helps determine sound direction. hammer and anvil only. dampen 5. and spur. semi-circular canal. and spur. 3. do nothing to 9. do nothing to. highSchool. hammer. dampen 3. section 7. fixed. tooth. dampen. dampen 8. determines only the frequency of sound. and nail. > 1 min. . 10. determines only the frequency of sound. 3. many sound systems very high frequencies and very low frequencies to compensate. anvil. meatus. determines the intensity and direction of sound. amplify 6. multiple choice. determines the frequency and direction of sound. hammer and stirrup only. determines the frequency and direction of sound. determines only the direction of sound. determines the intensity and direction of sound. 2. and stirrup. 7. The carrier frequency of electromagnetic waves emitted by the radio station is 101. 3. Concept 21 09 17:08. so they’ll be more resistant to vibrating. about 10 octaves 4. fixed. so they’ll be more resistant to vibrating. fixed. multiple choice. The woofer with a relatively large surface has more inertia and is not as responsive to higher frequencies as a speaker with a smaller surface.1 MHz. multiple choice. The wavelength of the sound signal is 101. highSchool. fixed. Concept 21 21 17:08. why is the woofer (low-frequency speaker) larger than the tweeter (high-frequency speaker)? 1. 3. 4. The longer tines have greater air friction.1 MHz. Why do tuning forks with long tines vibrate at a lower frequency than short-tined forks? 1. 4. 3. about 10 octaves 3. multiple choice. Sources of Musical Sound Concept 20 04 17:08. and how many octaves are on a common piano keyboard? 1. so they’ll have shorter wavelength. What does it mean to say that a radio station is “at 101. multiple choice. 2. The longer tines have greater mass. highSchool. the larger speaker pushes the longer wavelengths. 5. < 1 min. 486 In a hi-fi speaker system. The longer tines have smaller rotational inertia. 2. about 1000 octaves. about 100 octaves. 2. section 8. so they’ll be more resistant to vibrating. < 1 min. How many octaves does normal human hearing span. The loudness of sound depends on the frequency of oscillation. The longer tines have greater rotational inertia.Chapter 17. 4. fixed. highSchool. about 1000 octaves for both 5. highSchool.1 is a unique number assigned by the government. about 10 octaves. about 100 octaves for both 2.1 on your FM dial”? 1. The number 101. A speaker with a greater mass produces loud sound. < 1 min. so the woofer has a relatively large surface to produce a greater amplitude of sound.1 W. A speaker with a smaller surface is more responsive to lower frequencies of oscillation. The frequency of the sound signal is 101. Concept 21 30 17:08. < 1 min.1 m. about 2 octaves . The radiation power of a radio station is 101. when being read near the inner part of the disc. When being read near the inner part of the disk 3. a 3 CD rotates at a variable speed so the linear speed at all radii is a constant. Digital Sound Recording Concept 21 37 17:09. The rotational speed of the CD is a constant. usually 33 RPM. Whereas a phonograph record rotates at a 1 constant angular speed. When being read near the outer part of the disk 2. multiple choice. section 9.Chapter 17. 487 . < 1 min. highSchool. fixed. or outer part of the disc? 1. When will the CD rotate faster. and Ultrasound Imaging Concept 20 22 17:11. multiple choice. Ultrasonic waves have many applications in technology and medicine. 3. fixed. Ultrasonic waves are good for our health. Sonar. 4. The short wavelengths of ultrasonic waves allow the imaging of smaller objects. 2. section 11.Chapter 17. It is easy to cook food with ultrasonic waves. < 1 min. One advantage is that large intensities can be used without danger to the car. Ultrasonic waves are easy to diffract. What is another advantage of their short wavelength? (Why do microscopists use blue light rather than white light to see detail?) 1. Ultrasound. highSchool. 488 . > 1 min. Concept 21 P04 18:01. the operator can easily hear your voice while you are unable to hear his. five Part 2 of 2 Between the second and third octaves? 1. The operator’s earphones change the frequencies of your voice. These devices reduce jackhammer noise by using destructive interference to cancel the noisy sound. fixed. Over the noise of the jackhammer. how many harmonics are there between the first and second octaves? 1. three 489 . Superposition of Sinusoidal Waves Concept 20 34 18:01. The operator’s earphones are connected to your microphone. so he can hear your voice clearly. four 4.Chapter 18. four 5. one 2. section 1. so he can hear your voice clearly. one 2. The operator’s earphonex amplifies your voice. three 4. multiple choice. Part 1 of 2 Starting with a fundamental tone. < 1 min. two 3. A special device can transmit sound out of phase from a noisy jackhammer to its operator using earphones. two 3. 3. multiple choice. highSchool. highSchool. five 5. Why? 1. 2. fixed. so he can hear your voice clearly. so he can hear your voice clearly. 4. Chapter 18. 2. Neither Part 2 of 3 At a distance of 9 m from both speakers? 1. Neither Conceptual 15 Q13 18:02. Neither Part 3 of 3 At a distance of 9 m from one speaker and 12 m from the other? 1. None of these . None of these Part 2 of 2 Would anything be different if a 1000 Hz sound wave were used instead? I) The wavelength becomes shorter II) the distance between regions of interference is smaller III) the distance between regions of interference is larger IV) The wavelength becomes longer 1. Destructively 3. 4. Part 1 of 2 A pure tone with frequency 500 Hz is played through two stereo speaker plugged into the same jack. What is happening? 490 1. > 1 min. You are experiencing alternating regions of constructive and destructive interference. Constructively 2. fixed. multiple choice. multiple choice. II and IV only 4. Part 1 of 3 Two speakers are wired to emit identical sounds in unison. The wavelength in air of the sounds is 6 m. Destructively 3. You are hearing constructive interference. section 2. Interference of Sinusoidal Waves Concept 20 P07 18:02. Constructively 2. The waves are moving away from you. fixed. highSchool. highSchool. 5. I and IV only 3. Constructively 2. Destructively 3. You are hearing destructive interference. Do the sounds interfere constructively or destructively at a distance of 12 m from both speakers? 1. 3. < 1 min. you notice that the loudness of the sound alternates from loud to soft repeatedly. I and II only 2. As you walk around the room. I and III only 5. 3. multiple choice. so they will be more resistant to vibrating. 4. 3.Chapter 18. 3.9 m What is the wavelength of the wave? Concept 21 10 18:04. Thick strings have smaller inertia. 2. so the frequency increases by a factor of two. (An octave is a factor of two in frequency. so they will be more resistant to vibrating. pushing back and forth against the surrounding air to generate sound. Both decrease. highSchool. The frequency increases. Thick strings have greater air friction. fixed. The frequencies of the sound and the oscillating string are the same. 4. you can hear a tone that is one octave above the fundamental for that string. No effect 491 Concept 21 08 18:04. < 1 min.. Concept 21 13 18:04. The frequencies of the resulting sound have nothing to do with those of the standing wave in the string. by holding your finger on it). 2. Thick strings have greater mass. < 1 min. 5. 2. highSchool. so they will have shorter wavelength. numeric. what effect does this have on the frequency of vibration and on the pitch? 1. Why is the thickness greater for the bass strings of a guitar than for the treble strings? 1. the pitch decreases. fixed. highSchool. fixed. fixed. section 4. Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends Concept 21 06 18:04. multiple choice. If you very lightly touch a guitar string at its midpoint. Both increase. 4. Thick strings have greater inertia. Concept 21 07 18:04. The frequencies of the resulting sound are half of those of the standing wave in the string.) Why? 1. so the frequency in- . the pitch decreases. 0. How does the frequency of the resulting sound compare with the frequency of the standing wave in the string? 1. 2. If a vibrating string is made shorter (i . highSchool. A nylon guitar string vibrates in a standing wave pattern shown below. normal. highSchool. The frequencies of the resulting sound are twice of those of the standing wave in the string.e . < 1 min. By touching the midpoint. the string vibrates in four segments. multiple choice. By touching the midpoint. When a guitar string is struck. The frequency decreases. < 1 min. a standing wave is produced that oscillates with a large sustained amplitude. so they will be more resistant to vibrating. multiple choice. < 1 min. the string vibrates in two segments. 110 Hz 3. section 4. numeric. < 1 min. the maximum displacement of the air 2. multiple choice. highSchool. the tension of the string increases. 55 Hz 4. The string of a cello playing the note “C” oscillates at 264 Hz. 55 Hz 4. 221 Hz. What is the period of the string’s oscillation? Concept 21 16 18:04. 443 Hz 2. giving it a higher pitch. highSchool. so the frequency increases by a factor of two. What is the period of the string’s oscillation? Concept 21 17 18:04. < 1 min. 218 Hz 3. the square of the frequency Concept 21 31 18:04.Chapter 18. Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends creases by a factor of two. 880 Hz. 320 Hz. If the fundamental frequency of a violin string is 440 Hz. the frequency increases by a factor of two. fixed. the wavelength of the sound wave 4. the overpressure of the compression 3. highSchool. A violin string playing the note “A” oscillates at 440 Hz. 1320 Hz Conceptual 15 Q16 18:04. 219 Hz. The amplitude of a transverse wave in a stretched string is the maxium displacement of the string from its equilibrium position. what is the frequency of the second harmonic? The third? 1. highSchool. multiple choice. If the fundamental frequency of a guitar string is 220 Hz. What purpose does this extra wire serve? 1. fixed. 442 Hz. Makes the string more massive. Makes the string more massive. 223 Hz 2. fixed. This wire does not make the string stronger or change the tension of the string. 110 Hz. 220 Hz. lowering the pitch. numeric. giving it a lower pitch. 3. < 1 min. Lower-pitched strings on guitars and pianos often have copper wire wound around them. fixed. 660 Hz 5. multiple choice. fixed. By touching the midpoint. 440 Hz. When the string vibrates slightly. < 1 min. highSchool. multiple choice. < 1 min. 4. 660 Hz 5. fixed. highSchool. 3. < 1 min. what is the frequency of the second harmonic? The third? 1. . 440 Hz. 110 Hz. 2. To what does the amplitude of a longitudinal sound wave in air correspond? 1. Strengthens the string. Concept 21 15 18:04. 420 Hz 492 Concept 21 33 18:04. None of these Figuring Physics 08 18:04.0 cm? Holt SF 13B 04 18:04. All of these 5. D) The waves that form are traveling waves. which remain motionless at all times. fixed. > 1 min. highSchool. A violin string that is 50. excluding the ends.0 cm produces waves with a speed of 274. highSchool. A string of length L is clamped at both ends. A and C 2. C) The waves that form are standing waves. B. When playing a violin. 5. excluding the ends. a louder sound. Part 1 of 3 The note produced on a violin string of length 31. numeric. fixed. < 1 min.4 m/s. a higher pitch. < 1 min. numeric. Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends 4. 2. B and C 3. E) Energy is transferred from the string to each end clamp. Part 2 of 3 What is the second harmonic? Part 3 of 3 What is the third harmonic? 493 What is the speed of the waves on this string? Holt SF 13Rev 39 18:04.0 cm long has a fundamental frequency of 440 Hz. None of these . C.Chapter 18. A and D . < 1 min. the effect produced when the bow is drawn faster across the strings is 1. C.0 cm? Part 2 of 3 What is the fundamental frequency of the string when the effective string length is 50. A. What is the fundamental frequency of the string when the effective string length is 70. When it is plucked. Which statements are correct? 1. .0 cm? Part 3 of 3 What is the fundamental frequency of the string when the effective string length is 40. wordingvariable. which remain motionless at all times. B) There are two points on the string. highSchool. . greater wave velocity in the strings. 4. Shortens the string. Consider the following wavelength that is 3 statements: A) There are three points on the string. multiple choice. wordingvariable. no discernible effect Holt SF 13B 03 18:04. What is the first harmonic of this note? Standing Waves 03 18:04. Part 1 of 3 The speed of waves on a guitar string is 115 m/s. wordingvariable. numeric. < 1 min. highSchool. it oscillates with a 2L . highSchool. multiple choice. and E 5. raising the pitch. and E 4. 3. section 4. e. λ = 4. Part 1 of 2 The length of a string is 150 cm. The string vibrates in six sections. D. highSchool.0067 kg/m . λ = 2 3 2 7 Find the wavelength. Determine the wave length of the wave in this string. λ = 3 7.. λ = 9 Wavelength 01 18:04. wordingvariable.e. λ = 3. wording-variable. 1. Part 1 of 2 The length of a string is 180 cm .Chapter 18. i. λ = 2 8. the string has six antinodes. . λ = 5 6. The string vibrates in five sections. wording-variable. A. λ = 4 2 9. numeric. 494 The figure below represent a wave in a string with both ends held in fixed position. The linear density of the string is 0. 2. 1.4 cm. multiple choice. Which figure schematically represents the standing wave? Determine the frequency of vibrations in the string. The tension in the string is 22 N . i. section 4. > 1 min. The length of a string is 71. highSchool. 2 2 5. Part 2 of 2 What is the fundamental frequency. > 1 min.. B and D 7. The string is held fixed at each end. Part 2 of 2 What is the fundamental frequency? Standing Waves 24 18:04. > 1 min.4 cm. and the string vibrates at 120 Hz. the lowest frequency the string can sustain? Standing Waves 26 18:04. The string is held fixed at each end. B. and E 8.e. and E Standing Waves 15 18:04.. λ = 2. numeric. > 1 min. D. the string has five antinodes. i. The string is held fixed at each end. highSchool. wordingvariable. Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends 6. multiple choice. There is a standing wave on the string with wavelength 20. highSchool. < 1 min. normal. multiple choice. The diagrams below show different standing waves on a string of length 100 cm. highSchool. 3. 5. Wavelength 01 A 18:04. 4. 5. . 7. 6. section 4. 2. 6. 9. 8. 8. Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends 495 3.Chapter 18. which wave has a wavelength 50 cm? 7. 4. 1. Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends 496 9. section 4. .Chapter 18. < 1 min. Concept 20 30 18:05. this reduces the length of time the fork keeps vibrating. 2. and how will this affect the length of time the fork keeps vibrating? 1. Why. Why do lower-frequency sounds get through walls. 4. < 1 min. Why do soldiers break step in marching over a bridge? 1. the sound from the tuning fork becomes louder. the sound becomes louder. highSchool. section 5. The natural frequency of large walls. A harp produces relatively softer sounds than a piano because its sounding board is bigger and more massive. Our ears are more sensitive to the lowfrequency waves. 2. multiple choice. 3. The walls. 4. highSchool. the sound becomes louder. bass notes more easily set them into forced vibrations and resonance. A harp uses a softer string than a piano. They do that to avoid making a lot of noise. and ceilings more easily? 1. floors. and ceilings is lower than the natural frequency of smaller surfaces. 3. Because a more massive surface is set into more lower frequency vibration. The higher-frequency waves are more likely to diffract than the lower-frequency waves. this reduces the length of time the fork keeps vibrating. they are likely to expose themselves to their enemy. 3. multiple choice. fixed. If they do not break step in marching over a bridge. 3. Usually a bridge is too narrow for the soldiers to march. floors. floors. Because a greater surface is set into vibration. multiple choice. By conservation of energy. < 1 min. Concept 20 29 18:05. highSchool. . 5. A harp produces relatively softer sounds than a piano because it is plucked with fingers. Concept 20 31 18:05. 2. multiple choice. 2. 4. Forced Vibrations and Resonance Concept 20 28 18:05. fixed. the sound becomes louder and the length of time the fork keeps vibrating becomes longer. Why is the sound of a harp soft in comparison with the sound of a piano? 1. < 1 min. The regular step could set the bridge into a resonance which could destroy the bridge. 497 Apartment dwellers will testify that bass notes are more distinctly heard from music played in nearby apartments. highSchool. fixed. and ceilings are made of materials that allow low-frequency waves to pass.Chapter 18. By conservation of energy. fixed. Because a more massive surface is set into vibration. If the handle of a vibrating tuning fork is held solidly against a table. There is no special reason. A harp produces relatively softer sounds than a piano because its sounding board is smaller and lighter. 2. Why does a dance floor heave only when certain kinds of dance steps are being performed? 1. A sounding board with large surface has greater intertia. Forced Vibrations and Resonance 4. An object resonates when the frequency of a vibrating force either matches its natural frequency or is a sub-multiple of its natural frequency. These “sympathetic strings” are identical to the plucked strings and are mounted below them. fixed. 498 4. If the frequency of the driving force is a multiple of the natural frequency of the object.Chapter 18. When certain dance steps have a greater frequency than the natural frequency of the floor. The wave power of a multiple of its natural frequency is so strong that the object would be broken. 3. < 1 min. A sounding board with large surface is able to set more air vibrating. an Indian musical instrument. section 5. The upper strings are connected to the lower strings with invisible strings. 3. The wave power of a multiple of its natural frequency is too weak to vibrate the object. multiple choice. so the pitch of the produced sound will increase. this reduces the length of time the fork keeps vibrating. has a set of strings that vibrate and produce music. 3. The lower strings are plucked by a ghost. the floor heaves. < 1 min. the driving force distrupts the motion of the object.) 1. When certain dance steps resonate with the natural frequency of the floor. 2. Because a greater surface is set into vibration. so the amplitude of the produced sound will increase. the driving force enhances the motion of the object. 3. 4. Concept 21 11 18:05. highSchool. fixed. fixed. highSchool. Concept 20 36 18:05. Why will it not resonate to multiples of its natural frequency? (Think of pushing a child in a swing. Concept 20 33 18:05. highSchool. 2. Why does a sounding board on a musical instrument produce louder sound? 1. Very strong dance steps cause the floor to heave. multiple choice. the floor heaves. The lower strings are resonating with the upper. < 1 min. multiple choice. If the frequency of the driving force is a multiple of the natural frequency of the object. Concept 20 32 18:05. When certain dance steps have a smaller frequency than the natural frequency of the floor. the sound becomes louder. 2. The sitar. the floor heaves. A sounding board with large surface has . 4. How does this work? 1. < 1 min. fixed. even though they are never plucked by the player. multiple choice. By conservation of momentum. Scientists are still studying to find the reason. highSchool. highSchool. < 1 min. A longer time. 4. more air is set into motion per unit of time. section 5. Concept 21 12 18:05. 3. so the pitch of the produced sound will decrease. so the amplitude of the produced sound will increase. fixed. 4. multiple choice. A sounding board with large surface vibrates with higher frequency. Forced Vibrations and Resonance greater intertia. the frequency of the produced sound increases. A longer time.Chapter 18. 499 . Would a plucked guitar string vibrate for longer or shorter time if the instrument had no sounding board? 1. A shorter time. its mass is smaller than that with a sounding board. 2. A longer time. less air is set into motion per unit of time. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 A flute is essentially a pipe open at both ends. What is the length of this pipe? Part 2 of 4 What is the second harmonic? Part 3 of 4 What is the third harmonic? Part 4 of 4 What is the fundamental frequency of this pipe when the speed of sound in air is increased to 367 m/s due to a rise in the temperature of the air? Holt SF 13Rev 43 18:06. < 1 min. As you pour water into a glass. numeric. Assume that the temperature is 20◦ C and the speed of the sound is 344 m/s. What is the fundamental frequency of a 0. fixed. making the vibrating air 500 column approximately equal to the length of the flute? Part 2 of 3 What is the second harmonic? Part 3 of 3 What is the third harmonic? Holt SF 13Rev 40 18:06. < 1 min. numeric. Standing Waves in Air Columns Concept 20 14 18:06. Decrease in the volume of the sound Conceptual 15 11 18:06. highSchool. numeric. wordingvariable.Chapter 18. > 1 min. What is the fundamental frequency around which we would expect hearing to be best when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s? Holt SF 13Rev 41 18:06. which of the following is true? 1.2 m long organ pipe that is closed at one end. Decrease in the pitch of the sound 2. and the vibrating tuning fork is placed near the top of the tube. highSchool. > 1 min. section 6. The human ear canal is about 2. multiple choice. numeric.8 cm long and can be regarded as a tube open at one end and closed at the eardrum. normal. No change in the pitch of the sound 3. Part 1 of 4 A pipe that is open at both ends has a fundamental frequency of 320 Hz when the speed of sound in air is 331 m/s. What is the first harmonic of a flute when all keys are closed. A long tube open at both ends is submerged in a beaker of water. highSchool. The length of a flute is approximately 66 cm. highSchool. Part 1 of 3 The frequency of a tuning fork can be found by the method shown in the figure. highSchool. numeric. Increase in the volume of the sound 5. when the speed of sound in the pipe is 352 m/s? Holt SF 13B 02 18:06. < 1 min. highSchool. Increase in the pitch of the sound 4. > 1 min. you repeatedly tap the glass with a spoon.) As the tapped glass is being filled. Calculate the fundamental frequency of a 4 meter organ pipe that is open at both ends. The length . Holt SF 13B 01 18:06. normal. The speed of sound in the flute is 340 m/s. normal. numeric. (The sound is not being generated by the cavity of the air column. normal. < 1 min. normal. highSchool. Compare the lengths of these two pipes by L finding closed . multiple choice.46 m long. The smallest value for L for which a peak occurs in sound intensity is 9 cm. and the speed of sound in the pipe is 345 m/s. The fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe corresponds to the note middle C (with frequency 261. l1/4 2. 501 18:06. numeric. numeric. numeric. l2/4 . < 1 min. The third harmonic f3 of another organ pipe that is closed at one end has the same frequency. is closest to the right length so as to resonate at its fundamental frequency when placed in this sound wave? 1. open at both ends. If you blow across the open end of a soda bottle and produce a tone of 250 Hz. < 1 min. < 1 min. section 6. The sound waves generated by the fork are reinforced when the length of the air column corresponds to one of the resonant frequencies of the tube. fixed. what will be the frequency of the next harmonic heard if you blow much harder? Holt SF 13Rev 51 18:06.6 Hz on the chromatic musical scale). highSchool. l1 l2 L What is the frequency of the tuning fork? Part 2 of 3 What is the value of L for the second resonant position? Part 3 of 3 What is the value of L for the third resonant position? Holt SF 13Rev 47 18:06.Chapter 18. normal. normal. l1 4. This picture shows the displacements s of the air molecules in a traveling sound wave as a function of distance x. > 1 min. What is the fundamental frequency of this pipe? Part 2 of 2 How many harmonics are possible in a person’s hearing range of 21 Hz to 20000 Hz? Holt SF 13Rev 49 Which of the following tubes. highSchool. normal. The speed of sound in air is 345 m/s. highSchool. Standing Waves in Air Columns L of the air column is adjusted by moving the tube vertically. l1/2 3. Part 1 of 2 An open organ pipe is 2. Lopen Open Tube Resonance 18:06. λ = 2 Standing Waves 23 18:06. wording-variable. highSchool. λ = 4 2 9. 1. λ = 9 Part 2 of 2 Consider another organ pipe which has one end open and one end closed.e. λ = 7. highSchool. section 6. Part 1 of 2 The length of a hollow pipe is 120 cm. Find the frequency of the sound wave in the hollow pipe. > 1 min. l2/2 502 2 2 5. Part 1 of 2 The figure below represents a sound wave in a hollow pipe with both ends open. l2 7. λ = 3. The air column in the pipe is vibrating and has four nodes. . wordingvariable. the lowest frequency the pipe can sustain? Standing Waves 25 18:06. λ = Standing Waves 27 18:06. > 1 min. numeric. λ = 5 1. The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. λ = 4 5. i. λ = 9.Chapter 18. 4 7 4 2. λ = 3 4 3. λ = 5 6. Part 2 of 2 What is the fundamental frequency. 8. wordingvariable. λ = 3 4. Determine the wave length of the sound wave in this hollow pipe. λ = 6. λ = 2. > 1 min. λ = 6. multiple choice. numeric. Standing Waves in Air Columns 5.. λ = 4 9 4 11 4 13 4 15 4 17 Determine the wavelength of the sound wave in this hollow pipe. λ = 4. λ = 2 3 2 7 8. highSchool. Chapter 18.25 cm below the top of the tube. 19. what is its length. As the water level is lowered in the tube.e. A tuning fork vibrates over its mouth. the tuning fork? Part 3 of 3 The water continues to leak out the bottom of the tube.. section 6. f0 = 8. highSchool. f0 = 5. the fourth resonance is heard when the water level is 19. Part 1 of 2 An open vertical tube is filled with water and a tuning fork vibrates over the top near 1. f0 = vs 4L vs 2L 3 vs 4L vs L 5 vs 4L 3 vs 2L 7 vs 4L 2 vs L 9.25 cm What is the frequency f0 of the tuning fork? What is the wave length of the sound wave? Part 2 of 3 What is the frequency of the sound wave. When the open vertical tube next resonates with the tuning fork. f0 = 4. multiple choice. none of these Part 2 of 2 L . The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. f0 = 2. i. > 1 min. fixed. Standing Waves in Air Columns Part 1 of 3 An open vertical tube has water in it. As the water level is lowered in the tube. 503 the open end. f0 = 6. f0 = 3. f0 = 7. Tuning Fork Frequency 01 18:06. the first resonance is heard when the water level is at L from the top of the tube. The speed of sound in air is vs . h1 = 2 L 6. The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. > 1 min. h1 = 3 L 7. 2 h2 = 5 L and 2 8. As the water level is lowered in the tube. h1 = 3 L 2. the second f1 and the third f2 resonances are heard when the heights are h1 and h2 in the air column. and h2 = 5 L . section 6. > 1 min.3 cm. . 2 17 cm 504 5 L and 2 h2 = 3 L . normal. 2 5 and h2 = L . the second f1 and the third f2 resonances are heard when the heights h1 and h2 of the air column in the tube are 1. and h2 = 4 L . 7 L. Which figure schematically represents this standing wave? Tuning Fork Frequency 02 18:06. 2 7 and h2 = L . There is a standing wave in the pipe with wavelength 20. What is the height h2 ? Wavelength 02 18:06. h1 = 3 L What is the frequency of the tuning fork? Part 2 of 2 As we continue to lower the water level in the tube. h1 = and h2 = 5 L . h1 = 2 L 10. the first resonance is heard when the water level is at 17 cm from the top of the tube. The pipe has one end open. multiple choice. Standing Waves in Air Columns As we continue to lower the water level in the tube. h1 = 2 L 9. 2 5 and h2 = L . Part 1 of 2 An open vertical tube is filled with water and a tuning fork vibrates over the top near the open end. and h2 = 3 L. The length of a hollow pipe is 66. numeric. highSchool. h1 = 2 L 4. 5. wording-variable.4 cm. 1. h1 = and h2 = 3 L . highSchool.Chapter 18. h1 = 2 L 3. There is a standing wave in the pipe with . 6. There is a standing wave in the pipe with wavelength 20. section 6. 1. 8. The length of a hollow pipe is 71. 2. 5. 3.5 cm . 4. multiple choice. 7. wording-variable. Standing Waves in Air Columns 505 2. 8. highSchool. > 1 min. 3. < 1 min. 9.4 cm. 5. 7. multiple choice. Wavelength 03 18:06. The length of a hollow pipe is 11.4 cm. 4.Chapter 18. 6. highSchool. Wavelength 05 18:06. The pipe is open at both ends. Which figure schematically represents this standing wave? 9. wording-variable. 10. L 7. Standing Waves in Air Columns wavelength 9. . Which figure schematically represents the standing wave? 1. 506 L L L 2. section 6. 8. L L 3. L 6.Chapter 18.2 cm. L L 4. L 5. 9. < 1 min. Two sound waves of the same frequency can interfere. Why? 1. 2. 4. Two waves of different frequencies interfere constructively. he hears 5 beats per second. Concept 20 40 18:09. you’ll hear sound. < 1 min.Chapter 18. fixed. 3. independent of their phase difference. multiple choice. 2. highSchool. which produces the annoying 600 Hz buzz. < 1 min. Should the string be loosened or tightened? 1. The string should be loosen to increase its frequency. To alternate between constructive and destructive interfrence requires different frequencies. Waves of the same frequency interfere destructively. The two sounds interfere constructively. independent of their relative phase. . < 1 min. Suppose a piano tuner hears 3 beats per second when listening to the combined sound from his tuning fork and the piano note being tuned. 4. The string should be loosened because the frequency of the string is 5 Hz below the correct frequency. You can hear a “beat” representing alternate constructive and destructive interference. Two waves of different frequencies interfere destructively. 5. highSchool. two sound waves have to have different frequencies. but to create beats. The two sounds interfere destructively. fixed. multiple choice. independent of their relative phase. 3. numeric. The string should be tightened because the frequency of the string is 5 Hz below the correct freguency. numeric. How far does the sound travel between wing beats? Concept 20 37 18:09. 3. normal. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. your friend takes 50 strides per minute while you take 48 strides per minute. Walking beside you. 5. < 1 min. Why? 1. The string should be tightened because the frequency of the string is 5 Hz above the correct frequency. multiple choice. 4. highSchool. After slightly tightening the string. Beats: Interference in Time Concept 19 06 18:09. highSchool. A human cannot hear sound at a frequency of 100 kHz. or sound at 102 kHz. Waves of the same frequency interfere constructively. independent of their phase difference. normal. section 9. highSchool. A mosquito flaps its wings 600 times per second. Concept 20 38 18:09. fixed. 2. If you start in step. when will you be in step again? Concept 20 39 507 18:09. The superposition of two sounds makes a louder sound. The string should be loosened because the frequency of the string is 5 Hz above the correct frequency. But if you walk into a room in which two sources are emitting sound waves at 100 kHz and 102 kHz. 3 Hz. 4. multiple choice. 5 Hz. how many beats per second are heard? 508 . < 1 min. 256 Hz Holt SF 13Rev 44 18:09. 520 Hz. 3 Hz. < 1 min. wordingvariable. beats are heard. What beat frequencies are possible with tuning forks of frequencies 256. Beats: Interference in Time Concept 20 P10 18:09. When a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz vibrates beside a piano string. and 261 Hz. less than 256 Hz 2. When two tuning forks of 132 Hz and 137 Hz. highSchool.Chapter 18. and 7 Hz. The string is tightened slightly and the beats go away. 3 possible: 256 Hz. fixed. highSchool. are sounded simultaneously. normal. What was the original frequency of the string? 1. section 9. 259 Hz. and 261 Hz? 1. 2. and 5 Hz. 3 possible: 515 Hz. multiple choice. < 1 min. highSchool. 259. numeric. 5. 2 possible: 2 Hz and 3 Hz. Conceptual 15 Q15 18:09. 3 possible: 2 Hz. 4 possible: 2 Hz. respectively. greater than 256 Hz 3. 3. and 517 Hz. highSchool. section 2. other people. Much lower 5. multiple choice. 3. The same 4. At what common temperature will a block of wood and a block of metal both feel neither hot nor cold to the touch? 1. At the freezing point 4. Hewitt CP9 15 E01 19:02. multiple choice.Chapter 19. fixed. fixed. Different parts of your room have the same average temperature. multiple choice. fixed. Which of these has a temperature greater than the temperature of the air? 1. In your room there are things such as tables. chairs and other people 5. A little lower Concept 16 E18 19:02. All are wrong. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Equilibrium 2. chairs 4. < 1 min. and so forth. How does the temperature of a thermometer outdoors on a sunny day compare with the temperature of the air? 1. Hewitt CP9 15 E07 19:02. highSchool. At room temperature 3. When the temperature of the blocks is lower than the temperature of your hand . When the temperature of the blocks is the same as the temperature of your hand 2. The molecules of the air have the same average kinetic energy. When the temperature of the blocks is higher than the temperature of your hand 5. The molecules of the air have the same average speed. A little higher 3. tables 3. 2. multiple choice. which of following is wrong? 1. < 1 min. people 2. highSchool. chairs. 509 Hewitt CP9 16 E03 19:02. If the air in your room is in thermal equilibrium. highSchool. fixed. < 1 min. < 1 min. tables. 4. The molecules of the air exchange energy with each other at all times. All are wrong. > 1 min. −491. numeric. numeric. section 3.6◦ F.667 ◦ F Conceptual 11 02 19:03. in 1983.4 ◦ F 6. What is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? 1. A person with a fever may record 102◦ F. fixed. −459. 32 ◦ F 9. 20◦ C 6. highSchool.4 ◦ F 2. fixed. −40◦ C 2. a) What is this temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 2 of 2 b) What is this temperature on the Kelvin scale? Holt SF 10A 03 19:03.4 ◦ F 3. Conceptual 11 04 19:03. > 1 min. 40◦ C 5. highSchool. −523. +491. Part 1 of 2 The normal human body temperature is 98. < 1 min. wording-variable. > 1 min. Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales Celsius vs Fahrenheit 19:03. multiple choice. normal. fixed. recorded at Vostok Station.6◦ F. At what temperature is the Celsius and Fahrenheit value the same? 1.4 ◦ F 4. . +523. +459. which is called absolute zero. H a) Derive an equation relating the Too Hot scale to the Celsius scale. −50◦ C 4. normal. highSchool. highSchool. numeric. −32 ◦ F 10. −18◦ C 510 Holt SF 10A 01 19:03.4 ◦ F 5. < 1 min. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 The lowest outdoor temperature ever recorded on Earth is −128. a) What is the lower temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the higher temperature on the Celsius scale? Holt SF 10Rev 44 19:03. Convert 300◦ C to Fahrenheit. multiple choice. < 1 min. 0 ◦ F 8. The coldest temperature possible is −273 degrees Celsius.Chapter 19. −119. highSchool. multiple choice. −22◦ C 3. −26◦ C 8. Part 1 of 2 The freezing and boiling points of water on the imaginary “Too Hot” temperature scale f reezing are selected to be exactly TT = 51◦ TH H boiling and TT = 197◦ TH.4 ◦ F 7. Antarctica. 0◦ C 7. TC = 73 73 3. At what temperature does water boil on the X scale? . > 1 min. highSchool. normal. At what Fahrenheit temperature are the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures numerically equal? New Thermometric Scale 19:03. numeric. Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales 50 73 50 2. TC = (TT H − 51) TT H + 51 (TT H − 51) TT H + 51 511 5.Chapter 19. section 3. Given: The melting point 316 ◦ C of a particular alloy is 212 ◦ X and the freezing point −54 ◦ C of a particular liquid is 32 ◦ X. TC = 50 73 4. None of these Part 2 of 2 b) Calculate absolute zero in degrees TH. TC = TT H − 51 7. We introduce the X thermometric scale. numeric. TC = TT H + 51 6. fixed. highSchool. TC = 50 1. Holt SF 10Rev 45 19:03. < 1 min. Convert 120◦ F to Kelvin. numeric. and the scale’s unit is the same size as the Fahrenheit degree. wordingvariable. fixed. a) What is the change in temperature on the Kelvin scale? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the change in temperature on the Fahrenheit scale? Holt SF 10A 05 19:04. > 1 min. normal. numeric. highSchool.Chapter 19. numeric.34 K. a) What is this temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 2 of 2 b) What is this temperature on the Kelvin scale? Holt SF 10Rev 41 19:04. < 1 min. Convert 80 K to Celsius. a) What is this temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 2 of 2 b) What is this temperature on the Kelvin scale? Holt SF 10Rev 10 19:04. highSchool. Part 1 of 2 Absolute zero on the Rankine temperature scale is TR = 0◦ R. Holt SF 10A 02 19:04. highSchool. normal. numeric. highSchool. Libya. Part 1 of 2 The melting point of gold is 1947◦ F. a) What is the lower temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 2 of 4 b) What is the lower temperature on the Kelvin scale? Part 3 of 4 c) What is the higher temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 4 of 4 d) What is the higher temperature on the Kelvin scale? Holt SF 10A 04 19:04. at Azizia. Part 1 of 2 The highest recorded temperature on Earth was 136◦ F. multiple choice. numeric. Part 1 of 4 The temperatures of one northeastern state range from 105◦ F in the summer to −25◦ F in winter. numeric. normal. normal. The boiling point of liquid nitrogen (at 1 atm of pressure) is 77. > 1 min. a) What is this temperature on the Celsius scale? Part 2 of 2 b) What is this temperature on the Fahrenheit scale? Holt SF 10Rev 09 19:04. highSchool. > 1 min. highSchool. > 1 min. fixed. highSchool. > 1 min. fixed. highSchool. < 1 min. numeric. > 1 min. Conceptual 11 03 19:04. section 4. Part 1 of 2 A pan of water is heated from 23◦ C to 78◦ C. The Constant-Volume Gas Thermometer and the Kelvin Scale Conceptual 11 01 19:04. Part 1 of 2 512 Liquid nitrogen is used to cool substances to very low temperatures. a) Write a formula that relates the Rankine scale to the Fahrenheit scale. in 1922. . section 4. < 1 min. < 1 min. wordingvariable. None of these 5 4.Chapter 19. TR = TF 9 5 5. numeric.67 2. The Constant-Volume Gas Thermometer and the Kelvin Scale 1. c) What is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? Part 4 of 4 d) What is this temperature in Kelvin? Holt SF 10Rev 48 19:04.5◦ C. TF = TR + 459. TR = T 5 9 2. highSchool. 9 1.67 3. Part 1 of 4 The boiling point of liquid hydrogen is −252. a) What is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? Part 2 of 4 b) What is this temperature in Kelvin? Part 3 of 4 Consider the temperature of a room at 20.87◦ C. 513 At what Fahrenheit temperature are the Kelvin and Fahrenheit temperatures numerically equal? . fixed. TR = T 9 Holt SF 10Rev 43 19:04. TR = TF 5 3. highSchool. TF = TF − 459. TF = TR − 459. TF = TR + 20 5.67 4. None of these Part 2 of 2 b) Write a formula that relates the Rankine scale to the Kelvin scale. numeric. 514 Suppose your gold wedding ring became stuck on your finger. multiple choice. > 1 min. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. The hole becomes bigger. fixed. fixed. 3.9 × 10−5 /◦ C. highSchool. what does this tell you about the relative expansion coefficients of gold and your finger? 1. The coefficient of linear expansion for a silver strip is 1. Conceptual 11 Q4 19:05. Run hot water inside the inner pipe and pour cold water over the outer pipe. highSchool. < 1 min. section 5. If this remedy relies on thermal expansion effects. Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids Conceptual 11 06 19:05. The expansion coefficient of gold is higher. as shown. A square hole is cut out of a piece of sheet metal. fixed. The expansion coefficient of your finger is higher. The hole remains the same. Run hot water inside the inner pipe and pour hot water over the outer pipe. What happens to the size of the square hole? Hint: Break up the piece of metal into eight smaller square pieces of sheet metal. the metal expands.2 m long when it is −10◦ C? Conceptual 11 07 19:05. multiple choice.1 × 10−5 /◦ C) Conceptual 11 Q3 19:05. Two pieces of copper pipe are stuck together. 3. then put then back together. highSchool. The hole becomes smaller. 2. What is its length on a hot day when the temperature is 37◦ C if the strip is 0. numeric. highSchool. 2. > 1 min. 3. numeric. Conceptual 11 Q5 19:05. 1. normal. Some home remedies suggest soaking your finger in ice water and then trying to remove the ring. Run cold water inside the inner pipe and pour hot water over the outer pipe.Chapter 19. normal. If a 50 m steel footbridge experiences extreme temperatures between −15 ◦ C and 45 ◦ C. More information is needed. When the temperature of the metal is raised. multiple choice. what is the range in size of this bridge if it measures exactly 50 m at 20 ◦ C? (Steel has a coefficient of linear expansion of 1. 2. . One way to separate them is to run water inside the inner pipe and over the outer pipe. Which method is applicable to separate them? 1. then raise the temperature. multiple choice. Hewitt CP9 12 E04 19:05. mercury 2. The inner and outer parts of the boulder have different temperatures. causing the material to change it’s properties. Why do boulders break when first placed in fire for an extended period of time and then doused with cold water? 1. What does this say about the density of ice relative to the density of water? 1. highSchool. multiple choice. < 1 min. multiple choice. ◦ 515 fixed. < 1 min. < 1 min. 3. Conceptual 11 Q7 19:05. Ice is denser than water. A B At 20 C they bend upward because the metals expand differently. < 1 min. fixed. has a higher thermal expansion coefficient? 1. a bimetallic strip 5. highSchool. multiple choice. Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids 4. A mercury thermometer consists of a mercury-filled glass bulb that is connected to a narrow glass tube. The change of temperature causes vibration. Which strip bends when heated? 1. A 3. highSchool. an aluminum strip 2. 2. fixed. fixed. multiple choice. Heat makes them expand. section 5. B 2. 2.Chapter 19. Hewitt CP9 15 E27 . while sudden cooling causes them to contract quickly. it expands. glass 3. highSchool. Hewitt CP9 15 E23 19:05. None of these Hewitt CP9 15 E25 19:05. Which has the higher thermal expansion coefficient? 1. Run cold water inside the inner pipe and pour cold water over the outer pipe. Ice is less dense than water. Two thin strips of metal (A and B ) are glued together at 0◦ C as shown in the figure. < 1 min. it rises up the tube. Mercury thermometers are based on the thermal expansion of mercury: as the mercury expands. Heat melts them. Conceptual 11 Q6 19:05. Ice is as dense as water. a lead strip 4. fixed. They have the same coefficient. A or B . a copper strip 3. highSchool. A B Which metal. When water freezes. They are the same. 3. 4. . Fill the inner glass with hot water and run hot water over the surface of the outer glass. < 1 min. highSchool. Fill the inner glass with hot water and run cold water over the surface of the outer glass. 3. it will still pass through the ring. 4. multiple choice. Which of the following advice will help separate them? 1. multiple choice. multiple choice. fixed. Both are correct. 4. Imagine two drinking glasses that stick together when put one into the other. 5. 3. Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids 19:05. When the ball is heated. Suppose you cut a small gap in a metal ring. One end of the bridge is fixed. < 1 min. not right and left. highSchool. highSchool. fixed. 4. 3.Chapter 19. Neither is corrent. 2. fixed. 2. < 1 min. When the ball is heated. during the coldest part of the year 4. 5. fixed. Grandfather’s pendulum clock runs faster on a hot day. Fill the inner glass with cold water and run cold water over the surface of the outer glass. fixed. 516 When would it be most reasonable to see the top of the rocker slightly tipped to the right? 1. Fill the inner glass with cold water and run hot water over the surface of the outer glass. 5. highSchool. When the ring is cooled. A metal ball is just able to pass through a metal ring. multiple choice. section 5. What is correct? 1. < 1 min. The rocker will shift up and down. the size of the hole increases. Hewitt CP9 15 E33 19:05. When the ring is heated. highSchool. it will not pass through the ring. the size of the hole does not change. What is correct? 1. Hewitt CP9 15 E29 19:05. On a hot day the pendulum lengthens slightly. < 1 min. Hewitt CP9 15 E31 19:05. multiple choice. the size of the hole decreases. during the hottest part of the year 2. The rocker will neither tilt nor shift. Hewitt CP9 15 E35 19:05. while the end shown rides on a rocker to allow for thermal expansion. 2. There is no easy way to separate them. When the ring is heated. 3. Consider water pipes in winter. pipes contract. multiple choice. Hewitt CP9 15 E47 19:05. section 5. water contracts. All are wrong. 2 ◦ C 3. 517 4. 100 ◦ C 5. When the temperature is below freezing. What was the precise temperature at the bottom of Lake Superior at 12 a. 4. fixed. water expands. Water pipes freeze before water does. < 1 min. The gap in the ring will become narrower when the ring is heated. The gap in the ring will become wider when the ring is cooled. Metal pipes will fracture if water in them freezes.m. When the temperature is below freezing. Hewitt CP9 15 E41 19:05. When the temperature is below freezing. < 1 min. 2. . 5. The gap in the ring will not change when the ring is cooled.Chapter 19. What is wrong? 1. multiple choice. The gap in the ring will become wider when the ring is heated. highSchool. Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids What is correct? 1. highSchool. fixed. on October 31. 3. 5. 4 ◦ C 4. 0 ◦ C 2. 2. The gap in the ring will not change when the ring is heated. 1894? 1. multiple choice.1% 8. 0. fixed.000 helium (He) atoms. 4 liter Conceptual 09 Q9 19:06.9% < 1 min.Chapter 19. fixed. multiple choice. Then a valve is opened to let enough air out to bring the pressure back to its original value. 10% 6. fixed.01% 518 Concept 16 E19 19:06. 5. multiple choice. 4. The pressure increases one and a half times. Part 1 of 2 Two gas-filled tanks have the same volume. and pressure. Both rooms contain the same number of air molecules. What change in pressure occurs in a party balloon that is squeezed to one third of its original volume with no change in temperature? 1. temperature. 0. 9% 3. It’s impossible to determine.000 helium (He) atoms. the cooler room 3. Conceptual 09 Q10 19:06. There is no change in pressure. < 1 min. 4. highSchool.09% 5. Which room contains more air molecules? 1. They are identical in every way except that one is filled with . highSchool. the hotter room 2. 0. wording-variable. 1% 7. 0.000. < 1 min. 1 liter 2. multiple choice.25 liter 5. The pressure increases three times.000. The pressure decreases to two thirds of its original value. highSchool. Air in a cylinder is compressed to one tenth of its original value with no change in temperature. 90% 2. 0. section 6. 2. One room is maintained at a higher temperature than the other.5 liter 4. The gases in the tanks have the same pressure and temperature. A 1-liter tank contains 1. What is the volume of the tank that contains only helium? 1. The pressure decreases three times. 0. highSchool. highSchool. What percent of molecules escape? 1. < 1 min. Macroscopic Description of an Ideal Gas Concept 14 51 19:06.000 oxygen (O2 ) molecules and 1. Consider two equal-sized rooms connected by an open door. fixed.000. 3. 2 liter 3. Another tank contains 1. multiple choice. Concept 14 53 19:06. > 1 min. what happens to the volume of gas? 1. They are identical in every way except that one is filled with oxygen (O2 ) gas and the other is filled with nitrogen (N2 ) gas. The container of nitrogen 3. highSchool. increases at first. increases at first. remains the same 4. multiple choice. They have the same weight. and pressure. what happens to the volume of the gas if the temperature increases? 1. Do you agree with his statement? 1. fixed. decreases 2. then increases 5. highSchool. Macroscopic Description of an Ideal Gas oxygen (O2 ) gas and the other is filled with nitrogen (N2 ) gas. temperature. then increases 5. highSchool. then decreases 519 mains constant. increases Part 2 of 2 Two gas-filled tanks have the same volume. 2. multiple choice. < 1 min. Two gas-filled tanks have the same volume. Which container weighs more? 1. The container of nitrogen Part 2 of 2 Tom says that it is impossible to maintain constant temperature while the container is being compressed. < 1 min. increases 3. Which container weighs more? 1. Conceptual 10 Q15 19:06. The container of oxygen 2. Part 1 of 2 If the pressure on a gas in a flexible closed container is increased and the temperature re3. multiple choice. The container of nitrogen 3. the temperature will always decrease. the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases because the the external force does positive work. They have the same weight. fixed. 3. Yes. < 1 min. Which container has more gas molecules? 1.Chapter 19. the average kinetic energy of the molecules could remain the same if some heat were removed from the gas. remains the same 3. No. They are identical in every way except that one is filled with oxygen (O2 ) gas and the other is filled with nitrogen (N2 ) gas. decreases at first. have the same number of 4. 2. The container of oxygen 2. temperature. then decreases . decreases Conceptual 10 Q14 19:06. fixed. The container of oxygen 2. Yes. decreases at first. Conceptual 09 Q9 short 19:06. and pressure. section 6. Under constant pressure and with a constant amount of gas present. They molecules. 3. 0. what is the pressure? 1. 1 atm 3. If you increase the temperature of a closed container of gas that has a fixed volume. Macroscopic Description of an Ideal Gas Conceptual 10 Q27 19:06. The molecules move faster. multiple choice. A fixed amount of helium gas is held inside a l-liter container at a temperature of 25 ◦ C and atmospheric pressure. highSchool. fixed. < 1 min. section 6.5 atm 2. the pressure inside will increase because the molecules exert a greater force on the walls. 2.Chapter 19. The mass decreases. 0. The pressure on the walls of the container is due to the collisions of the gas molecules with the container wall. fixed. If the container expands to 2 liters without any change in temperature or amount of gas. highSchool. 520 . multiple choice. Why could the molecules exert a greater force? 1. The molecules move slower. 4. < 1 min. The volume increases. 2 atm 4.25 atm Conceptual 10 Q31 19:06. the density of the lake water is 1. and the temperature is constant. numeric. 3. < 1 min.Chapter 19. normal. 4.22 × 105 Pa. One can heat the air without increasing the volume of the house.81 m/s2 . multiple choice.81 m/s2 . A cylinder with a movable piston contains gas at a temperature of 27 ◦C. what is the final temperature of the gas? Holt SF 09Rev 30 19:07.200 × 105 Pa. highSchool.81 m/s2 . Half of the gas is withdrawn and the temperature is raised to 65◦ C. wordingvariable. Holt SF 09E 01 19:07.1 cm3 is formed at the bottom of a 10 cm deep container of mercury. > 1 min. What is the temperature when the pressure is 4. numeric. > 1 min. numeric. Gas is confined in a tank at a pressure of 1. highSchool. . numeric. What will be the final temperature of the gas if it is compressed to 0.700 m3 and its pressure is increased to 0.013 × 105 Pa. with a volume of 15 m3 and a pressure of 0. 2. An ideal gas is contained in a vessel of fixed volume at a temperature of 325 K and a pressure of 1. Holt SF 09E 03 19:07.0 m? Assume that the atmospheric pressure at the surface is 1. numeric. numeric.0 ◦C and 5. the volume of the air does not change. > 1 min. highSchool.0 m below the surface of the sea.50 cm3 when it is released by a submarine 100.20 × 10−4 m3 of air in his lungs when he dives into a lake. highSchool. When a gas is heated. A gas bubble with a volume of 0. highSchool. some of the air leaks to the outside. Find the new pressure in the tank. wordingvariable.800 × 105 Pa? Holt SF 09E 02 19:07.09 × 104 Pa at 100. The acceleration of gravity is 9. fixed.05 × 103 Pa? Holt SF 09Rev 34 19:07. highSchool.78 × 105 Pa. > 1 min. highSchool. The acceleration of gravity is 9. When you cool the house. Problem Solving: Ideal Gas Law Hewitt CP9 15 E37 19:07. The acceleration of gravity is 9. air is drawn in from outside. wordingvariable.00 × 108 Pa and a temperature of 15◦ C. section 7. Holt SF 09Rev 35 19:07. If the pressure is increased to 1. 5. wordingvariable.00 × 103 kg/m3 . Assuming the pressure of the air is 95 percent of the external pressure at all times. An air bubble has a volume of 1. The temperature is 27 ◦ C at the bottom of the container and 521 37 ◦ C at the top of the container. wordingvariable. When the air inside a house is heated.19 × 104 Pa at 0. numeric. > 1 min.0 ◦C. wordingvariable. it expands. What is wrong? 1. The pressure in a constant-volume gas thermometer is 7. When air is heated inside a house. A swimmer has 8. what is the volume of the air at a depth of 10. > 1 min. highSchool. What is the volume of the bubble just beneath the surface of the mercury? Assume that the surface is at atmospheric pressure. Holt SF 09Rev 29 19:07. > 1 min. > 1 min.81 m/s2 . highSchool.0 mm. > 1 min.0 cm3 . it has a radius of 3. but the pressure is kept constant.8 atm at 293 K. wordingvariable. Assume that the amount of air released is small enough for the tire’s volume to be treated as constant. Part 1 of 2 Before beginning a long trip on a hot day. wordingvariable. Assume that the temperature of the air in the bubble remains constant. A sealed glass bottle at 27◦ C contains air at a pressure of 1. Holt SF 09Rev 66 19:07. what is the pressure inside the bottle? Assume the volume of the bottle is constant. Holt SF 09Rev 42 19:07. highSchool. numeric. How high does the sea water rise in the bell when the bell is submerged? Holt SF 09Rev 57 19:07. > 1 min.0◦ C.0 mm at the depth of the diver. > 1 min. Assuming that helium is an ideal gas. the gauge pressure in the tire has increased to 2.01 × 105 Pa and 300.0 m tall with an open bottom is submerged to a depth of 220 m in the ocean. When the bubble reaches the surface of the water. The density of sea water is 1025 kg/m3 . The acceleration of gravity is 9. highSchool. calculate the new density of the gas. The density of helium gas at 0. Part 2 of 2 b) Determine the absolute pressure at this depth. highSchool.81 m/s2 . a) Assuming the volume of the air inside the tire has remained constant. A weather balloon is designed to expand to a maximum radius of 20. If the balloon is filled at a pressure of 1.1 atm.0 m in diameter and 4. Part 1 of 2 An air bubble originating from a deep-sea diver has a radius of 2.0 × 103 Pa and the temperature of the air surrounding it is 200. and the air’s temperature 220 m down is 5. . a) Determine the depth of the diver.01 × 105 Pa and has a volume of 30. b) What quantity of air (as a fraction of the initial number of particles. numeric.179 kg/m3 . The acceleration of gravity is 9.Chapter 19. At the end of the trip. numeric. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. numeric. a driver inflates an automobile tire to a gauge pressure of 1. > 1 min.0 ◦C is 0.0 K. The temperature is then raised to 100. numeric. The temperature of the air at the surface is 25◦ C. Problem Solving: Ideal Gas Law What is the volume of the bubble when it reaches the surface? Assume that the temperature of the air in the bubble remains constant during ascent.0 m when the air pressure is 3. Holt SF 09Rev 40 19:07. section 7. what is its temperature at the end of the trip? Part 2 of 2 Air is released from the tire during a short time interval. A cylindrical diving bell 3.0 ◦C. what is the radius of the balloon at the time of liftoff? Holt SF 09Rev 45 19:07.0 K. When the temperature of the air in the bottle reaches 225◦ C. highSchool. wordingvariable. Ni ) must be 522 released from the tire so that the pressure returns to its initial value? Holt SF 09Rev 46 19:07. numeric. wordingvariable. so that the temperature remains at the value found in part a). The bottle is tossed into an open fire. highSchool. > 1 min. Chapter 20, section 1, Heat and Thermal Energy 2. B Conceptual 11 Q1 20:01, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. A glass of water sits on a table. The temperature of the water is the same as that of the glass. Which are moving faster, the silicon dioxide molecules (SiO2 ) that make up the glass or the water molecules (H2 O)? 1. water molecules 2. silicon dioxide molecules 3. They move at the same speed. Conceptual 12 Q01 20:01, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Part 1 of 3 Two glasses of water contain different volumes of water at the same temperature. 3. Same in both 4. Unable to determine 523 Part 3 of 3 Which glass requires more heat to increase its temperature by 1◦ C ? 1. A 2. B 3. Either 4. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 Q02 20:01, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Part 1 of 2 A wooden block is released from rest at the top of a frictionless inclined plane and slides down to the bottom. A B In which glass are the water molecules moving faster? 1. A 2. B 3. Same speed in both 4. Unable to determine Part 2 of 3 Which glass contains more thermal energy? 1. A What conversions of energy are taking place as the block slides down the inclined plane? 1. Gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. 2. Gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and thermal energy. 3. Kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy. 4. No energy conversion takes place. Chapter 20, section 1, Heat and Thermal Energy Part 2 of 2 What would be your answer if there were friction between the block and the plane? 1. Gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. 2. Gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and thermal energy. 3. Kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy. 4. No energy conversion of energy takes place. Conceptual 12 Q03 20:01, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. You use energy to heat your home. What ultimately happens to the energy that you pay for in your heating bill? 1. The energy heats your home. 2. The energy escapes your home and heats the outside. 3. The energy changes to mass. 4. The energy disappears as it never exists. 524 Chapter 20, section 2, Internal Energy Figuring Physics 18 20:02, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, normal. Helium has the special property that its internal energy is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. Consider a flask of helium with a temperature of 2◦ C. If it is heated to twice its internal energy, what will its temperature be? 1. 277◦ C 2. 4◦ C 3. 275 K 4. 277 K 5. 275◦ C 6. None of these Hewitt CP9 15 E05 20:02, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Which of the following has the greatest amount of internal energy? 1. an iceberg 2. a cup of hot coffee 3. a cup of cold water 4. a pencil 5. a laptop Holt SF 10B 01 20:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. A vessel contains water. Paddles that are propelled by falling masses turn in the water, causing the water’s internal energy to increase. The temperature of the water is then 525 measured, giving an indication of the water’s internal energy increase. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . If a total mass of 11.5 kg falls 6.69 m and all of the mechanical energy is converted to internal energy, by how much will the internal energy of the water increase? (Assume no energy is transferred as heat out of the vessel to the surroundings or from the surroundings to the vessel’s interior.) Holt SF 10B 02 20:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. A worker drives a 0.500 kg spike into a rail tie with a 2.50 kg sledgehammer. The hammer hits the spike with a speed of 65.0 m/s. If one third of the hammer’s kinetic energy is converted to the internal energy of the hammer and spike, how much does the total internal energy increase? Holt SF 10B 03 20:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. A 3.0 × 10−3 kg copper penny drops a distance of 50.0 m to the ground. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . If 65 percent of the initial potential energy goes into increasing the internal energy of the penny, find the magnitude of that increase. Holt SF 10B 04 20:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. A 2.5 kg block of ice at a temperature of 0.0◦ C and an initial speed of 5.7 m/s slides across a level floor. If 3.3 × 105 J are required to melt 1.0 kg of ice, how much ice melts, assuming that the initial kinetic energy of the ice block is entirely converted to the ice’s internal energy? Holt SF 10B 05 20:02, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wording- Chapter 20, section 2, Internal Energy variable. The amount of internal energy needed to raise the temperature of 0.25 kg of water by 0.2◦ C is 209.3 J. How fast must a 0.25 kg baseball travel in order for its kinetic energy to equal this internal energy? Holt SF 10Rev 20 20:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A 0.75 kg spike is hammered into a railroad tie. The initial speed of the spike is equal to 3.0 m/s. If the tie and spike together absorb 85 percent of the spike’s initial kinetic energy as internal energy, calculate the increase in internal energy of the tie and spike. Holt SF 11Rev 39 20:02, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Part 1 of 2 A gas expands when 606 J of energy is added to it by heat. The expanding gas does 418 J of work on its surroundings. a) What is the overall change in the internal energy of the gas? Part 2 of 2 b) If the work done by the gas equals 1212 J, how much energy must have been added as heat in order for the change in internal energy at the end of the process to equal the initial change in internal energy? 526 Chapter 20, section 3, Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Concept 18 06 20:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. A power station with an efficiency of 0.4 generates 1 × 108 W of electric power and dissipates 1.5 × 108 J/s of thermal energy to the cooling water that flows through it. The specific heat of water is 4184 J/kg ·◦C. How much water flows through the plant each second if the water is heated through 3◦ C? Conceptual 11 Q12 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Suppose a new liquid were discovered that is identical to water in every way except that it has a lower specific heat. Consider taking a shower with this liquid. Would insulating the pipes from the hot water heater to the shower head be more or less important with this new liquid? 1. More important; the lower specific heat makes it easier to cool the liquid flowing from the pipes to the shower head. 2. Less important; the lower specific heat makes it harder to cool the liquid flowing from the pipes to the shower head. 3. No significant difference in importance. Conceptual 11 Q24 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. One hundred grams of liquid A is at a temperature of 100◦ C. One hundred grams of liquid B is at a temperature of 0◦ C. When the two liquids are mixed, the final temperature is 50◦ C. What can you say about the specific heats of the two liquids? 1. The specific heat of A is greater than that of B. 527 2. The specific heat of B is greater than that of A. 3. The specific heats of A and B are equal. Conceptual 11 Q25 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Two hundred grams of liquid A is at a temperature of 100◦ C. One hundred grams of liquid B is at a temperature of 0◦ C. When the two liquids are mixed, the final temperature is 50◦ C. Which material has a higher specific heat? 1. The specific heat of A is greater than that of B. 2. The specific heat of B is greater than that of A. 3. The specific heats of A and B are equal. Hewitt CP9 15 E13 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Which statement is wrong? 1. Adding the same amount of heat to two different objects will produce the same increase in temperature. 2. Different substances have different thermal properties due to differences in the way energy is stored internally in the substances. 3. When the same amount of heat produces different changes in temperature in two substances of the same mass, we say that they have different specific heat capacities. 4. Each substance has its own characteristic specific heat capacity. 5. Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of random motion, but not other Chapter 20, section 3, Heat Capacity and Specific Heat kinds of energy. 1. Sand reflects light very well. Hewitt CP9 15 E15 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Consider the following statement: Water has a high specific heat capacity. 1. It’s not true. 2. It’s true only if water is not mixed with other substances; for example, milk would have low specific heat. 3. It’s always true. A watermelon stays cool for a longer time than sandwiches when both are removed from a cooler on a hot day. Hewitt CP9 15 E17 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Iceland, so named to discourage conquest by expanding empires, is not at all ice-covered like Greenland and parts of Siberia, even though it is close to the Arctic Circle. The average winter temperature of Iceland is considerably higher than in the regions at the same latitude in eastern Greenland and central Siberia. What explains this? 1. The climate of Iceland is moderated by the surrounding water. 2. Iceland is below sea level. 3. Both are true. 4. Neither is true. Hewitt CP9 15 E21 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. What is the explanation for the fact that the desert sand is very hot in the day and very cool at night? 528 2. Sand has a low specific heat compared to air. 3. Sand is a bad heat conductor. Hewitt CP9 15 E49 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. What would be wrong if water had a lower specific heat? 1. Ponds would be less likely to freeze. 2. The temperature would decrease more rapidly when water gives up energy. 3. Water would readily be cooled to the freezing point. 4. Making tea would be much faster. Holt SF 10C 03 20:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Milk with a mass of 0.032 kg and a temperature of 11◦ C is added to 0.16 kg of coffee at 91◦ C. What is the final temperature? Assume the specific heat capacities of the two liquids are the same as water, and disregard any energy transfer to the liquids’ surroundings. Holt SF 10Rev 31 20:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. When a driver brakes an automobile, friction between the brake disks and the brake pads converts part of the car’s translational kinetic energy to internal energy. If a 1500 kg automobile traveling at 32 m/s comes to a halt after its brakes are applied, how much can the temperature rise in each of the four 3.5 kg steel brake disks? Assume Chapter 20, section 3, Heat Capacity and Specific Heat the disks are made of iron (cp = 448 J/kg ·◦ C) and that all of the kinetic energy is distributed in equal parts to the internal energy of the brakes. Holt SF 10Rev 42 20:03, highSchool, numeric, < 1 min, wordingvariable. A 3.0 kg rock is initially at rest at the top of a cliff. Assume that the rock falls into the sea at the foot of the cliff and that its kinetic energy is transferred entirely to the water. The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . How high is the cliff if the temperature of 1.0 kg of water is raised 0.10 ◦ C? Holt SF 10Rev 46 20:03, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Given: specific heat of water = ◦ 4186 J/kg · C and density of water = 1000 kg/m3 . A hot-water heater is operated by solar power. If the solar collector has an area of 6.0 m2 and the power delivered by sunlight is 550 W/m2 , how long will it take to increase the temperature of 1.0 m3 of water from 21◦ C to 61◦ C? Holt SF 10Rev 49 20:03, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, normal. Given: specific heat of water = ◦ 4186 J/kg · C A 250 g aluminum cup holds and is in thermal equilibrium with 850 g of water at 83◦ C. The combination of cup and water is cooled uniformly so that the temperature decreases by 1.5◦ C/min. At what rate is energy being removed? Assume the specific heat of aluminum is 899 J/kg ·◦ C. 529 Chapter 20, section 4, Heat Capacity of Gases Holt SF 10C 06 20:04, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Given: specific heat of water = 4186 J/kg ·◦ C The air temperature above coastal areas is profoundly influenced by the large specific heat capacity of water. How large of a volume of air can be cooled by 1.0◦ C if energy is transferred as heat from the air to the water, thus increasing the temperature of 1.0 kg of water by 1.0◦ C? The specific heat capacity of air is approximately 1000.0 J/kg·◦ C, and the density of air is approximately 1.29 kg/m3 . 530 Chapter 20, section 6, Latent Heat weaker. Concept 17 E03 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Why does blowing over hot soup cool the soup? 1. Air temperature is much lower than the soup. 2. Air temperature lowers as you blow. 3. The air becomes dryer when you blow. 4. Net evaporation increases as does its cooling effect. Concept 17 E14 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Why are icebergs often surrounded by fog? 1. The evaporation from an iceberg condenses into droplets (fog). 2. An iceberg attracts vapor from the surrounding air. 3. The air is dryer near an iceberg. 4. The chilled air in the vicinity of an iceberg results in condensation of water vapor in the air (fog). Conceptual 09 Q5 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Consider the changes of state for a simple water molecule that goes from a solid to a liquid to a gas from the perspective of the forces that it experiences from its neighbouring molecules. Which statement is false? 1. As the ice melts, the force holding a water molecule to its neighbouring molecules gets 531 2. As the water becomes a gas, there are virtually no forces between the water molecules except during collisions. 3. Change of state has no effect on forces holding the molecules together. Conceptual 09 Q6 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Consider the changes of state for a simple water molecule that goes from a solid to a liquid to a gas from the perspective of its average kinetic energy. What statement is true? 1. As the ice melts, the kinetic energy increases. 2. As the water becomes a gas, the kinetic energy decreases. 3. As the ice melts and becomes a gas, the kinetic energy decreases. Conceptual 09 Q7 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Consider the influence of pressure on the phase change of a material under this pressure. What statement is false? 1. Pressure has the tendency to lower the boiling temperature of a liquid. 2. Pressure has the effect of lowering the melting temperature of a solid. 3. Pressure has the tendency to increase the condensation temperature of a gas. Conceptual 11 Q10 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, > 1 min, fixed. Chapter 20, section 6, Latent Heat Suppose a new liquid were discovered that is identical to water in every way except that it has a lower latent heat of vaporization. Which would be better for cooking pasta? 1. Ordinary water 2. This new liquid 3. Either will be fine. Conceptual 11 Q11 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Suppose a new liquid were discovered that is identical to water in every way except that it has a lower latent heat of fusion. Would it take a longer or shorter time to make ice out of this liquid in your freezer? 1. Longer 2. Shorter 3. It depends on other factors, also. Hewitt CP9 17 E01 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. How would you determine wind direction after wetting your finger and holding it up in the air? 1. If a finger feels cold the wind must be blowing from North. If it feels warm, it’s South wind. 2. If a finger dries up quickly then it’s a tropical South wind. If it takes a while for it to dry it must be a wind from the nearest ocean, full of evaporation, and depends on where you are on the continent. 3. The side of your finger that feels cold shows where the wind is blowing from. 532 4. It’s not a scientific way to determine the wind direction, but rather a silly superstition. Hewitt CP9 17 E02 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. When you step out of a swimming pool on a hot, dry day in the southwest, why do you feel quite chilly? 1. The temperature outside the swimming pool is much lower. 2. The temperature drops dramatically when you finish swimming. 3. The water evaporates rapidly in the dry air, gaining its energy from your skin, which is cooled. 4. The temperature doesn’t change at all; it is all in your mind. Hewitt CP9 17 E07 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. If all the molecules in a liquid had the same speed, and some were able to evaporate, would the remaining liquid be cooled? 1. No; the energy of exiting molecules would be no different than the energy of molecules left behind. 2. Yes; there is lower energy left. 3. Yes; evaporation can reduce the speed of the remaining molecules. 4. No; energy is conserved in the whole system. Hewitt CP9 17 E13 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Chapter 20, section 6, Latent Heat Double-pane windows have nitrogen gas or very dry air between the panes. Why is ordinary air a poor idea? 1. There would be a great number of oxygen molecules that would react chemically with the window. 2. Ordinary air has a greater pressure that could crack the window glass. 3. Ordinary air is not physically stable. 4. Visibility is impaired if there is any condensation of water between the panes of glass. Hewitt CP9 17 E19 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. A great amount of water vapor changes phase to become water in the clouds that form a thunderstorm. Does this release thermal energy or absorb it? 1. Absorb energy; water is heavier than water vapor. 2. Absorb energy; water vapor cools to become water. 3. Release energy; water vapor undergoes condensation. 4. Release energy; some of the water molecules lose their energies. Hewitt CP9 17 E20 20:06, highSchool, multiple choice, < 1 min, fixed. Why does the temperature of boiling water remain the same as long as the heating and boiling continue? 1. The water and the stove have the same temperature. 533 2. When water boils, it is being cooled by the boiling process as fast as it is being heated by the stove. 3. The stove stops working when the water is boiling. 4. The cold air around the water takes away the heat given by the stove. Holt SF 10D 01 20:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, normal. Given: cp,ice = 2090 J/kg ·◦ C cp,water = 4186 J/kg ·◦ C cp,steam = 2010 J/kg ·◦ C Lf = 3.33 × 105 J/kg Lv = 2.26 × 106 J/kg How much energy is required to change a 42 g ice cube from ice at −11◦ C to steam at 111◦ C? Holt SF 10D 02 20:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. Liquid nitrogen, which has a boiling point of 77 K, is commonly used to cool substances to low temperatures. How much energy must be removed from 1.0 kg of gaseous nitrogen at 77 K for it to completely liquefy? Assume the latent heat of liquid nitrogen is 2.01 × 105 J/kg Holt SF 10D 03 20:06, highSchool, numeric, > 1 min, wordingvariable. A sample of lead used to make a lead sinker for fishing has an initial temperature of 27.3◦ C and is poured into a mold immediately after it has melted. How much energy is needed to melt 0.225 kg of lead? Assume the specific heat, the latent heat and the melting point of lead are You have collected exactly 1000 aluminum cans for recycling. find the final temperature of the soup after the ice has melted.0 × 103 J/kg ·◦ C. highSchool. which has a mass of 180 g . A jar of tea is placed in sunlight until it reaches an equilibrium temperature of 32◦ C . highSchool. At the time at which the temperature of the tea is 31. > 1 min. Holt SF 10Rev 32 20:06.0◦ C. numeric. 112 g of ice at 0. numeric. > 1 min.450 kg of soup at 80. Lake Superior. The largest of the Great Lakes. Given: specific heat of water = ◦ 4186 J/kg · C and water’s latent heat of fusion = 3. If 225 g of ice melts.Chapter 20. Holt SF 10Rev 33 20:06.0 g.011 kg cube of ice at 0.0◦ C. If this is carried out in a room containing 130 kg of air at 25◦ C.0◦ C is added to 0. At a foundry. 25 kg of molten aluminum with a temperature of 660. find the mass of the remaining ice in the jar. the latent heat and the melting point of aluminum are 899 J/kg ·◦ C. 2. wordingvariable. A plastic-foam container used as a picnic cooler contains a block of ice at 0. highSchool.4 ◦ C respectively. Holt SF 10D 06 20:06. highSchool. each with a mass of 14. > 1 min. wordingvariable. How much energy is needed to melt them if their initial temperature is 26. normal. Given: The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C .33 × 105 J/kg. .20 × 1016 kg of water. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool.4◦ C? Assume the specific heat. Given: specific heat of aluminum = ◦ 899 J/kg · C and latent heat of fusion of aluminum = 3. how much energy would have to be removed to freeze the whole lake at 0◦ C? Holt SF 10Rev 50 20:06. Holt SF 10D 05 20:06.45 × 104 J/kg and 327. contains about 1.7◦ C .3 ◦ C respectively.0◦ C is added. Assume the specific heat capacity of the tea to be that of pure liquid water. If the lake had a temperature of 12. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. numeric. Latent Heat 128 J/kg ·◦ C. numeric. section 6.33 × 105 J/kg. what is the temperature of the air after the aluminum is completely solidified? Assume that the specific heat capacity of air is 1. Holt SF 10D 04 20:06. Given: specific heat of water = ◦ 4186 J/kg · C and latent heat of fusion of water = 3. 3.97 × 105 J/kg. numeric. In an attempt to cool the liquid.4◦ C is poured into a mold. numeric.0◦ C. A 0.97 × 105 J/kg and 660. how much heat 534 passes through the walls of the container? Assume the latent heat of plastic-foam is 333000 J/kg. normal. > 1 min. Assuming that the soup has the same specific heat capacity as water. > 1 min. .5◦ C when it is submerged in 1. > 1 min. A 0. > 1 min.8◦ C.5◦ C is dropped into 0. highSchool. The water temperature changes by 8. wordingvariable. Holt SF 10C 04 20:08. One object is a 253 g cube of copper that is initially at 85 ◦ C.0◦ C. The 0. A cup is made of an experimental material that can hold hot liquids without significantly increasing its own temperature.75 kg cup has an initial temperature of 36. however.25 kg of water with an initial temperature of 20. What is the cup’s specific heat capacity if the final temperature is 24.8◦ C. what is the specific heat capacity of brass? The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C. and 0.0 ◦ C. wording- 535 A hot. wordingvariable. highSchool. > 1 min. normal.0◦ C. numeric.00 × 10−2 kg of water at 24. wordingvariable. > 1 min. The calorimeter is not perfectly insulated. Holt SF 10C 02 20:08. numeric. section 8. A 3. highSchool.0◦ C. and the other is a chunk of aluminum that is initially at 5 ◦ C.0 kg gold bar at 99 ◦ C is dropped into 0.59 kg brass sample at 98.80 kg of water at 5. what is the final equilibrium temperature of the tin-water mixture? The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C.5 g silver ring (cp = 234 J/kg·◦ C) is heated to a temperature of 84. precisely where it started. What is the mass of the coin? Disregard any energy transfer to the water’s surroundings and assume the specific heat of copper is 387 J/kg ·◦ C. > 1 min. A 25. numeric. What is the mass of the aluminum chunk? Assume the specific heat of copper and aluminum are 387 J/kg ·◦ C and 899 J/kg ·◦ C. > 1 min.0 ◦ C and then placed in a calorimeter containing 5.4◦ C? The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C. If the equilibrium temperature is 6. Calorimetry variable. Holt SF 10C 01 20:08. Brass is an alloy made from copper and zinc.115 kg of water initially at 10. If the specific heat capacity of tin is 230 J/kg ·◦ C. just-minted copper coin is placed in 101 g of water to cool. Holt SF 10C 05 20:08. What is the final temperature? Assume the specific heat of gold is 129 J/kg ·◦ C.Chapter 20. Holt SF 10C 07 20:08. wordingvariable.39◦ C and the temperature of the coin changes by 83. A student drops two metallic objects into a 120 g steel container holding 150 g of water at 25◦ C. The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C. numeric. A 0. Holt SF 10Rev 47 20:08. To the students’s surprise. highSchool. highSchool. numeric. > 1 min.140 kJ of energy is transferred to the surroundings before a final temperature is reached.225 kg sample of tin initially at 97. numeric. What is the final temperature? The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg ·◦ C. the water reaches a final temperature of 25 ◦ C.22 kg of water at 25◦ C. highSchool. Holt SF 10Rev 30 20:08. numeric. highSchool. wordingvariable.0◦ C is dropped into 2. highSchool. < 1 min. If you throw a Wham-O SuperBall against a wall. . If you throw it at a wall that’s moving toward you. numeric. section 9. wordingvariable. which changes the volume of the gas from 5. a) What is the work done by the gas if it expands at constant pressure to twice its initial volume? Part 2 of 2 b) What is the work done by the gas if it is compressed at constant pressure to onequarter of its initial volume? Holt SF 11A 02 20:09. what happens to the energy of gas molecules when the gas is compressed? 1. > 1 min. fixed. Holt SF 10Rev 19 20:09. numeric. A force of 315 N is applied horizontally to a wooden crate in order to displace it 35. The applied pressure is maintained at 599. wordingvariable.523 × 10−4 m3 .Chapter 20. so the molecules gain energy. The container wall moves toward the gas molecules. much higher than the temperature at the top 4. so the molecules lose energy. multiple choice. Calculate the initial internal energy of the crate. highSchool. so the molecules lose energy. Using the SuperBall example as an analogy. it will rebound with approximately the same speed with which you threw it. the ball will rebound with a faster speed. How much work is done? Holt SF 11A 03 20:09. fixed. so the molecules gain energy. highSchool. Hewitt CP9 15 E11 20:09. numeric. < 1 min. A toy balloon is inflated with helium at a constant pressure that is 430000 Pa in excess of atmospheric pressure.5 kPa as the piston moves inward. numeric. The container wall moves toward the gas molecules.0 m3 . multiple choice.317 × 10−4 m3 to 2. highSchool. > 1 min. If the wall is moving away from you. a little higher than the temperature at the top 2. Work and Heat in Thermodynamic Processes Conceptual 12 Q18 20:09. 2. The container wall moves away from the gas molecules.6 × 105 Pa and a volume of 4. much lower than the temperature at the top 5. highSchool. The container wall moves away from the gas molecules. Part 1 of 2 Gas in a container is at a pressure of 1. the same as the temperature at the top 536 6.0 m across a level floor at a constant velocity. It’s impossible to predict without a measurement. wordingvariable. What do you say about the temperature of water at the bottom of Niagara Falls? 1. As a result of this work the crate’s internal energy is increased by an amount equal to 14 percent of the crate’s initial internal energy. highSchool. a little lower than the temperature at the top 3. < 1 min. the ball will rebound with a slower speed. Holt SF 11A 01 20:09. 4. normal. A gas is enclosed in a container fitted with a piston. < 1 min. 3. The balloon’s initial volume is 1. 537 . Holt SF 11A 04 20:09.00018 m3 to 0. wordingvariable. wordingvariable. < 1 min. > 1 min. highSchool. numeric.84 J of work on a piston.52 × 105 Pa in excess of atmospheric pressure. < 1 min. Helium in a toy balloon does work on its surroundings as it expands with a constant pressure of 2.00095 m3 . normal. Find the amount of work done by the gas in the balloon. and its final volume is 1.1 × 10−4 m3 .Chapter 20. numeric. section 9. how much work is done by the balloon on the surrounding air? Atmospheric pressure is 101000 Pa .03525 m3 to 0. Steam moves into the cylinder of a steam engine at a constant pressure and does 0. and the piston travels 2. The diameter of the piston is 1. highSchool. numeric.6 cm.50 × 10−3 m3 . Work and Heat in Thermodynamic Processes If the balloon inflates from a volume of 0. highSchool. What is the pressure of the steam? Holt SF 11Rev 10 20:09.03947 m3 at a pressure of 255000 Pa in excess of atmospheric pressure? Holt SF 11Rev 11 20:09.1 cm in one stroke. How much work is done when a tire’s volume increases from 0. Heat Heat Heat 3. No. highSchool. No 2. The power plant stops working. No. fixed. When 100 Joules of heat is added to the gas. 3. reducing its internal energy by 3000 J. numeric. It decreased. fixed. but not all. A cylinder with a movable piston contains a gas as shown below. 2. the second law of thermodynamics. < 1 min. Unable to determine 538 Does this process violate any law of physics? 1. Part 1 of 3 A closed. < 1 min. 3. < 1 min. The output will be increased simultaneously. A weight is placed on top of the piston. 4. It increased. the internal energy of the gas increases by 50 Joules and the piston rises. 1. highSchool. During a certain thermodynamic process a sample of gas expands and cools. normal. not all of the ice melted. How much work did the system do? Part 2 of 3 Did the internal energy increase or decrease? 1. 4. conservation of energy. Unable to determine Mass Part 3 of 3 Did the temperature increase? 1. Yes. 3. Yes. the internal energy increased. rigid container contains an icewater mixture at 0 ◦ C. 2. fixed. It remained the same. while no heat is added or taken away. . multiple choice. highSchool. < 0 4. No work. Yes. Nothing happens. Conceptual 12 Q12 20:10. < 1 min. 4. How much work is done during this process? Conceptual 12 Q04 20:10. doing 75 Joules of work.Chapter 20. section 10. 2. > 0 3. Conceptual 12 Q10 20:10. Yes. of the ice melts. the first law of thermodynamics. What happens on a hot summer day when the energy demand on your local power plant exceeds its energy output? 1. highSchool. multiple choice. 2. Brownouts are experienced. multiple choice. Heat is added slowly and some. The First Law of Thermodynamics Concept 18 01 20:10. the internal energy didn’t change. How much work does the spoon do in the process? 1. > 0 2. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 Q16 20:10. B 3. multiple choice. B 3. which metal does more work on its surroundings? 1. Suppose the blocks do not expand nor contract. If 100 Joules of heat are allowed to escape during the compression. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 Q15 20:10. fixed. The First Law of Thermodynamics 4. multiple choice. If equal amounts of heat are added to both A 500 J B 200 J C 539 pieces of metal. 4. No work 4. doing 100 Joules of work on the gas. fixed. highSchool. except that A has a much larger thermal expansion coefficient. fixed. A metal spoon is dropped into a shallow pot of boiling water and its temperature increases to 100◦ C. ∆E < 0 3. so no work is done. highSchool. Suppose you compress a gas. < 1 min. section 10. fixed. Which block’s internal energy increased the most? 1. ∆E = 0 4. Part 1 of 3 Three identical blocks exchange heat in the following way: A transfers 500 Joules of heat to B and B transfer 200 Joules of heat to C. C . ∆E > 0 2. A 2. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 Q13 20:10. < 1 min. multiple choice. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 Q14 20:10. A 2. They do the same work. Part 1 of 2 Two pieces of metal (A and B) are identical in every way. > 1 min. Unable to determine Part 2 of 2 Which metal’s temperature increases more? 1. multiple choice. Same in both 4. Assume the heat added to the spoon is exactly equal to the increase in the spoon’s internal energy. highSchool. what is the change in internal energy? 1. highSchool. < 1 min.Chapter 20. B 3. < 0 3. A 2. wordingvariable. Part 1 of 2 The internal energy of a gas decreases by 344 J. The system’s internal energy increases by 8. and 2.0 × 103 J of energy is transferred to the surrounding air. numeric. < 1 min.0 J of work is done by the gas. how much energy is transferred as heat? Part 2 of 2 b) How much work is done on or by the gas? Holt SF 11B 05 20:10. fixed. If 52. If steam escaping through a safety valve does 1. < 1 min. highSchool. Then heat is added to the system. A steam engine’s boiler completely converts 155 kg of water to steam.Chapter 20. The First Law of Thermodynamics added to the system? 4. < 1 min.0 kg quantity of water is held at constant volume in a pressure cooker and heated by a range element. what is the net change in the internal energy of the water-steam sys- . 3. It doesn’t change. B 3. highSchool.76 × 108 of work expanding against the outside atmosphere. Unable to determine Part 3 of 3 Is it possible for block C to transfer heat to block A? 1. 2. wordingvariable. numeric. However. C 4. A 2. Part 2 of 3 Which block’s internal energy decreased? 1. It decreases.0 × 103 J. highSchool. This process involves the transfer of 3. the pressure cooker is not well insulated. highSchool. how much energy is transferred as heat? Holt SF 11B 03 20:10. how much heat is 540 Holt SF 11B 02 20:10. normal. It increases. numeric. B and C have the same internal energy increase. The internal energy of the gas in a gasoline engine’s cylinder decreases by 195 J. Suppose you squeeze an air-filled hollow rubber ball in your hand.50 × 108 J as heat. highSchool. Yes. Unable to determine Holt SF 11B 01 20:10. a) If the process is adiabatic. what happens to the internal energy of the air inside? 1. Unable to determine Conceptual 12 Q17 20:10. A system’s initial internal energy is 27 J. normal. < 1 min. 2. A 2. highSchool. 3. > 1 min. How much energy is transferred from the range element to the pressure cooker as heat? Holt SF 11B 04 20:10. numeric. Assuming no heat escapes. multiple choice. section 10. < 1 min. numeric. No. 4. wordingvariable. If the final internal energy is 34 J and the system does 26 J of work. The lid of a pressure cooker forms a nearly airtight seal.0◦ C. How much energy is transferred to the system as heat? Holt SF 11Rev 40 20:10. and the internal energy of the system increases by 604 kJ. numeric.Chapter 20.0 g of water is sealed in a pressure cooker and then vaporized by heating. vaporizing the water. normal. Heat is added to an open pan of water at 100. highSchool. If 2. numeric. The system is defined as the pressure cooker and the water and steam within it. wordingvariable. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. what is the change in the system’s internal energy? 541 . Steam builds up pressure and increases temperature within the pressure cooker so that food cooks faster than it does in an ordinary pot.0 kJ of work. and 5175 J must be added as heat to completely vaporize the water. section 10. The First Law of Thermodynamics tem? Holt SF 11Rev 20 20:10. The expanding steam that results does 43. Chapter 20. B / C / A 542 T3 . P T1 > T 2 > T 3 C A B T1 T2 V 1. section 11. A / B / C 2. < 1 min. B / A / C 6. highSchool. C / B / A 4. C / A / B 5. Work and the P V Diagram for a Gas Ideal Gas Path 20:11. Identify the parameter paths for an ideal gas that are isovolumetric / isobaric / isothermal. fixed. A / C / B 3. multiple choice. highSchool. (Assume the specific heat capacity of steel is the same as for iron.) Part 2 of 3 b) Find the work done by or on the rod in this process. The specific heat of iron is 448 J/kg ·◦ C . During the day the rod’s temperature increases from 22 ◦ C to 47 ◦ C.Chapter 20. Some Applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics Holt SF 11Rev 21 20:12. Part 3 of 3 c) How great is the change in the rod’s internal energy? 543 . wordingvariable. > 1 min. a) Find the energy transferred as heat to or from the rod. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . numeric. section 12. Part 1 of 3 A 150 kg steel rod in a building under construction supports a load of 6050 kg.5 mm. causing the rod to thermally expand and raise the load 5. The water absorbs the energy that would otherwise raise the temperature of the paper. Water is better conductor than paper. The cold flows from the ice to your hand. highSchool. 2. fixed. but if you momentarily touch the metal inside you’ll burn yourself. Consider a hot object placed in contact with a cooler object. < 1 min. Concept 16 E16 20:13. Heat transfer by radiation is not important when you hold your fingers beside a candle flame. fixed. Paper cup is better conductor than water. Air is a poor conductor. < 1 min. You can bring water in a paper cup to a boil by placing it over a hot flame. Heat transfer by radiation becomes more important than convection if you put your fingers above the flame. so very little heat is conducted by the air to your hand in a short time. highSchool. The temperature of the flame is below the ignition temperature of the paper cup. fixed. < 1 min. 3. You can hold your fingers quite close to 544 the side of a candle flame without harm because the air between is a good insulator. highSchool. Concept 16 E12 20:13. highSchool. multiple choice. section 13. the end in your hand soon becomes cold. < 1 min. fixed. 2. multiple choice. Which of the following options is wrong? 1. Energy flows from your hand to the ice. You will burn your fingers if you hold them above the flame because of the convection of hot gases in the flame. Heat flows from the ice to your hand. Which option below is wrong about this phenomenon? 1. Concept 16 E11 20:13. multiple choice.Chapter 20. The temperature of the air in the oven is in fact near the temperature of your hand. 2. Which description is right? 1. < 1 min. 4. fixed. The metal in the oven is a good conductor. 4. 4. highSchool. Concept 16 E13 20:13. Heat will be readily conducted to your hand if you touch the metal inside the oven. 3. but cannot put your fingers very close above the flame. You can comfortably hold your fingers close beside a candle flame. 3. Temperature flows from the ice to your hand. Cold will flow from the cooler object to . Heat and Energy Transfer Concept 16 E04 20:13. What statement is correct? 1. Why doesn’t the paper cup burn? 1. You can safely hold you bare hand in a hot pizza oven for a few seconds. If you hold one end of a metal nail against a piece of ice. multiple choice. 4. 3. multiple choice. 2. Sunshine warms water much more than it warms land. Concept 16 E24 20:13. < 1 min. Could you cook an egg in this boiling water? Why? 1. Concept 16 E32 20:13. food can be cooked quicker in this new cookware. which increases in temperature from 22◦ C to 50◦ C. An inventor proposes a design of cookware that will allow boiling to take place at a temperature much lower than 100◦ C so that food can be cooked with less energy consumption. causing the convection currents in the air. highSchool. 3. multiple choice. fixed. > 1 min. 2. 3. Yes. What does the high specific heat of water have to do with convection currents in the air at the seashore? 1. multiple choice. fixed. the water temperature is low. what is the most efficient color for a steam radiator? 1. 4. black 545 Concept 16 P01 20:13. . what is the food value of the peanut? Concept 17 E26 20:13. 4. it can gain more heat than the hot one loses. white 2. causing the convection currents in the air. It’s a good idea. the air is warmed over the sea and rises. section 13. a steam radiator warms a room more by convection than by radiation. the air is warmed over the land and descends. No. fixed. multiple choice. Water will boil spontaneously in a vacuum (on the moon. The hot object will lose as much heat as the cooler one gains. Sunshine warms water much less than it warms land. multiple choice. William burns 0. causing the convection currents in the air.Chapter 20. Concept 17 E27 20:13. highSchool. No. highSchool. < 1 min. < 1 min. water that boils will always cook the egg. Assuming 40% efficiency. If the cooler object is bigger. < 1 min. Nevertheless. the bubbing of the surrounding water cooks the egg. red 3. normal.6 g of peanuts beneath 1000 g of water. the boiling of water in this condition is not very intense. 2. causing the convection currents in the air. Sunshine warms water much more than it warms land. the air is warmed over the land and rises. for example). blue 4. 3. 2. 4. highSchool. the air is warmed over the sea and descends. Interestingly. highSchool. The hot object will lose as much temperature as the cooler one gains. Heat and Energy Transfer the hot one. numeric. with respect to its radiating properties. What is your opinion about this proposal? 1. Yes. Sunshine warms water much less than it warms land. fixed. < 1 min. In what different ways is heat transferred to your body? 1. fixed. Conduction from the hot sand heats your body. 1. < 1 min. Not a good idea. fixed. 3. Place the potatoes in order of which will cool fastest. 4. Heat and Energy Transfer 2. Radiation from the Sun heats your body. The first is placed on the countertop. 2.Chapter 20. comes to rest. The third potato is wrapped in aluminum foil and then placed on the countertop alongside the first. highSchool. water boiling at lower temperatures saves energy. 3. Why are feather beds warm and why is goose down considered the best filling for a parka? 1. A golf ball is dropped onto hard ground and. 546 Imagine lying on a hot beach on a sunny summer day. highSchool. after a few bounces. highSchool. The second is wrapped in aluminum foil and placed inside a jar. The ball acquired energy from friction with the air molecules. highSchool. < 1 min. Conceptual 11 Q14 20:13. fixed. 3. the boiling water in this condition is not very intense. multiple choice. multiple choice. Goose down and feathers trap a lot of air. 3. Rolling into a ball increases their metabolism. making it easier to generate heat. Goose down and feathers have high specific heat. multiple choice. 2. Conceptual 11 Q23 20:13. multiple choice. 2. 4. fixed. section 13. > 1 min. and then the air is removed from the air. Why is the golf ball’s temperature slightly higher after it comes to rest? 1. third . Goose down and feathers have a higher natural temperature than other materials. which is a good insulator. Convection moves heated air away from your body. It’s a good idea. multiple choice. Rolling into a ball reduces the energy consumed by the animals. Three identical potatoes are taken out of a hot oven to cool. Each collision with the ground gives a small kinetic energy to the atoms in the ball. Why do some animals roll up into a ball when they are cold? 1. second. the temperature of the food is not high enough to cook. thus reducing heat loss through conduction and radiation. fixed. Not a good idea. Conceptual 11 Q13 20:13. highSchool. 3. 2. Rolling into a ball reduces their exposed area. First. All of these Conceptual 11 Q2 20:13. Conceptual 11 Q15 20:13. > 1 min. The air temperature is higher than that of the ball. Chapter 20. oil should not. 547 Conceptual 12 Q07 20:13. Identify an example of the conversion of thermal energy into chemical potential energy. Yes. Is that possible? 1. fixed. hot bath be greater or less? 1. multiple choice. second 5. second 3. 3. A certain amount of heat is added to some water so that its temperature rises. the celery doesn’t contain any energy. Plants and animals are still dying and ending up at the ocean bottom today. would your chances of enjoying a long. third. multiple choice. fixed. third. < 1 min. highSchool. section 13. 4. Coal should be. No. highSchool. second. One kind of energy can be converted into another. charging of a battery 6. Yes. first 6. first Conceptual 11 Q8 20:13. a remote controlled car 4. smelting iron 3. multiple choice. multiple choice. No 3. Yes 2. you won’t lose or gain any Calories. highSchool. Which has the higher temperature change? 1. Third. wording-variable. 2. Conceptual 11 Q9 20:13. fixed. Some people say that you lose more Calories by eating celery than you gain. Should fossil fuels be classified as renewable resources? 3. Second. Conceptual 12 Q08 20:13. < 1 min. . The same amount of heat is added to a piece of aluminum with the same mass as the water. eating helps you get energy. Heat and Energy Transfer 2. fusion in the sun 5. < 1 min. water 3. Unable to determine 2. first. chewing uses more energy than is contained in the celery. multiple choice. Less 1. 4. Second. third 4. Oil should be. < 1 min. If water had a lower specific heat. highSchool. None of these 1. Third. coal should not. a flashlight Conceptual 12 Q06 20:13. < 1 min. first. highSchool. They have equal temperature changes. First. fixed. Greater 2. aluminum 2. No. A and B only 3. highSchool. All are true. How would you classify the Earth and the Sun? 1. Conceptual 12 Q09 20:13. closed with respect to matter. multiple choice. A cube of aluminum metal is placed in contact with a cube of copper metal. A→B 2. A system can be classified as either open or closed with respect to matter and with respect to energy. C. No heat flow. Figuring Physics 15 20:13. multiple choice. A piece of metal and a piece of wood of equal mass and equal temperature are removed from a hot oven and dropped onto blocks of ice. No heat flows. Which way does heat flow? 1. multiple choice. Conceptual 12 Q19 20:13. closed with respect to energy. section 13. The average speed of the atoms in each metal is the same. Heat flows from an object in liquid state to an object in solid state. assume that system A contains 1000000 J of internal energy and system B contains 100 J of internal energy. fixed. < 1 min. fixed. Consider the following statements. open with respect to matter. < 1 min. open with respect to energy. closed with respect to matter. 2. 4. B and C only 5. B→A 3. For the sake of definiteness.Chapter 20. highSchool. < 1 min. A only 8. . 7. wording-variable. A. Two systems contain vastly different amounts of internal energy. open with respect to matter. multiple choice. < 1 min. Unable to determine Conceptual 13 Q09 20:13. open with respect to energy. from copper to the aluminum 2. from aluminum to copper 3. fixed. C only 2. Heat and Energy Transfer 6. 4. Heat flows from an object at higher temperature to an object at lower temperature. Which statements are true? 1. In which direction will heat flow if these two systems are placed in thermal contact? 1. Heat flows from an object with higher thermal energy to one with lower thermal energy. < 1 min. highSchool. 3. closed with respect to energy. highSchool. None is true. highSchool. multiple choice. B only 548 Conceptual 13 Q08 20:13. A and C only 4. wording-variable. B. 4. highSchool. 3. Hot water/steam radiators are common fixtures that nicely warm the interiors of buildings. 549 Hewitt CP9 15 E09 20:13. The metal. Heat and Energy Transfer Which will melt more ice before cooling to the ice temperature? 1. The Sun’s radius is nearly twice the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Both are wrong. the heat it lost would warm the atmosphere. Kinetic energy has a minimum (zero) but no maximum. fixed. There is no limit to how much energy can be added to a material. There is no maximum temperature. When no more energy can be extracted from a material. 2. multiple choice. fixed. How does the temperature change? 1. < 1 min. 2. Both will melt equal amounts of ice. 3. 5.C. 4. multiple choice. highSchool. Hewitt CP9 16 E01 20:13. cooled in the winter. 4. All about equally Hewitt CP9 01 E05 20:13. or the size. In the winds at the latitude of San Francisco and Washington D. 3. fixed. When you step from the shade into the sunlight the Sun’s heat is evident like the heat from hot coals in a fireplace in an otherwise cold room. numeric. section 13. convection. highSchool. highSchool. As the Atlantic ocean near Washington D. 3. Hewitt CP9 15 E19 20:13. were mainly from the east rather than from the west. Neither is wrong. or the temerature of the Sun.C. it is at absolute zero. what would be wrong? 1. 4. 3. 2. The strength of the heat we feel has nothing to do with either the distance. Which statement is wrong? 2. fixed. The Sun is almost twice as hot as the coals in a fireplace. multiple choice. 2. The climate of San Francisco would be chilled by winter winds from dry and cold Nevada. The wood. .Chapter 20. < 1 min. It does not change. There is no minimum temperature. multiple choice. Which of the following is the correct statement? 1. < 1 min. 1. Wrap a fur coat around a thermometer. The Sun is only twice as far from the Earth as the Moon is. These radiators warm a room primarily via 1. conduction. < 1 min. Figuring Physics 16 20:13. < 1 min. highSchool. fixed. radiation. It depends on the material of the thermometer. It drops. II) Metal is a good heat conductor. III) Saliva freezes as soon as the tongue touches the metal surface. I and IV only 4. fixed. < 1 min. I. Heat and Energy Transfer 2. highSchool. There is no reason behind it. Which of the following is true? I) Heat transfers quickly to the metal. 3. < 1 min. highSchool. III and IV only 7.II and IV only 10. IV) Licking a piece of wood would result in the same injury.Chapter 20. Why is there a layer of copper and aluminum at the bottom of stainless steel cookware? 1. II and IV only 6. 3. 5. II and III only 5. I and II only 2. Copper and aluminum are bad conductors of electricity. Many have injured their tongues by licking a piece of metal on a very cold day. It rises. multiple choice. 2. section 13.II and III only 8. It rises at first. Hewitt CP9 16 E05 20:13. 1. 4.III and IV only 9. multiple choice. Stainless steel transfers heat more quickly to the cookware’s interior. I. fixed. Hewitt CP9 16 E07 20:13. 4. I and III only 3. Copper and aluminum are better conductors of heat than stainless steel. II. then drops back to the original. All of them 550 . short candle. . Hint: Some physics problems are just hot air. A short and a long candle burn in an open jar as shown below. < 1 min. tall candle.Chapter 21. 2. section 1. highSchool. 50-50. multiple choice. 3. 551 When the jar is covered the candle to go out first will be the 1. Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas Figuring Physics 05 21:01. a toss up. fixed. < 1 min. In a gas of U-235 and U-238 in thermal equilibrium. The kinetic energy of gas molecules doesn’t change. Temperature affects random speeds. Gas molecules move at random speed. 552 Hewitt CP9 15 E03 21:07. multiple choice. decreases 2. < 1 min. the mass of U-235 is less than U-238. fixed. which molecules move faster and why? 1. they have a larger average kinetic energy. Concept 16 E27 21:07. 3. 4. multiple choice. U-235 molecules will move faster. 4. fixed. When a container of gas is heated. highSchool. multiple choice. They have the same average speed because they have the same average kinetic energy. they have a larger average kinetic energy. 3. they have a larger average kinetic energy. 3. Additional information is needed. multiple choice.Chapter 21. doesn’t change 4. section 7. fixed. highSchool. what happens to the average speed of its molecules? 1. Oxygen molecules will move faster. 5. What is correct? 1. < 1 min. < 1 min. Hydrogen molecules will move faster. Hydrogen molecules will move faster. Hewitt CP9 11 E02 21:07. highSchool. . Distribution of Molecular Speeds Concept 16 E25 21:07. 2. they have a larger average kinetic energy. highSchool. U-238 molecules will move faster. 2. Gas molecules move at the same speed. increases 3. 4. the mass of hydrogen is less than that of oxygen. which molecules move faster and why? 1. They have the same average speed because they have the same average kinetic energy. In a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases at the same temperature. 2. U-235 molecules will move faster. It would be statistically possible for any large number of molecules to have the same speed. fixed. Conceptual 13 Q06 22:01. multiple choice. 4. the second law forbids high efficiency. multiple choice. fixed. Conceptual 13 Q05 22:01. highSchool. Yes. The Second Law of Thermodynamics Conceptual 13 Q01 22:01. 3. Why don’t all the atoms in the room you’re sitting in move to one side.Chapter 22. 2. 2. fixed. That would violate Newton’s third law of motion. highSchool. No. the kinetic energy is unusable. No. That would violate Newton’s first law of motion. Does cogeneration violate the second law of thermodynamics? 553 1. Why do they install big cooling stacks around nuclear reactors and coal-fired generating plants? 1. highSchool. 2. < 1 min. Yes. Could we extract this energy from seawater? 1. < 1 min. Seawater is full of moving molecules that possess kinetic energy. fixed. < 1 min. < 1 min. That would violate the second law of thermodynamics 3. it would violate the first law of thermodynamics. leaving you in a vacuum? 1. 3. Such systems achieve efficiencies much greater than 50 %. the second law only forbids efficiency equal to 100 %. < 1 min. 2. 4. No. to remove heat that does not go into useful work 3. Conceptual 13 Q02 22:01. but too complicated to build. to absorb particle radiation 2. highSchool. Yes. highSchool. multiple choice. by putting the seawater into contact with something hotter. Yes. multiple choice. it would violate either the first or second laws of thermodynamics. . section 1. highSchool. multiple choice. but it violates the first law of thermodynamics. to remove gases formed during the process Conceptual 13 Q03 22:01. by putting the seawater into contact with something cooler. it’s theoretically possible. No. No. 3. multiple choice. fixed. waste heat can’t be converted into mechanical work. < 1 min. Is a perpetual motion machine possible? Why? 1. Conceptual 13 Q04 22:01. “Cogeneration” is a term used to describe systems in which waste heat from electric generating plants is used to heat nearby homes. That would violate the first law of thermodynamics. fixed. fixed. Yes. Excess energy is carried away as heat from the plant to a nearby river that has a flow rate of 1. the second law does not hold in several rare cases. How much energy is transferred as heat to the river each second? Holt SF 11Rev 29 22:01.1 × 106 kg/s. Holt SF 11Rev 19 22:01. section 1. 3.5 × 1012 J. 2. numeric. the entropy of ice increased even though it’s in a state with more order. No.0 percent. water goes from a state of larger disorder to one with more order. wordingvariable. < 1 min. the ice is not a isolated system. No.Chapter 22. highSchool.5 × 1012 J of energy is exhausted each hour from the engine as heat. numeric. Does this violate the second law of thermodynamics? 1. what is the efficiency of this heat engine? 554 . The energy provided each hour by heat to the turbine in an electric power plant is 9. A power plant has a power output of 1055 MW and operates with an efficiency of 33. wordingvariable. If 6. Yes. highSchool. > 1 min. The Second Law of Thermodynamics When ice freezes. Heat Engines Conceptual 13 Q10 22:02. Assume that all of the remaining energy is used to do work. < 1 min. numeric. B and C Part 2 of 2 Which of these engines violates the second law of thermodynamics? 1. highSchool. No. and an amount of work W is done. C and E 5. Suppose you ran an engine and used the −5 K reservoir as the cold reservoir. numeric. > 1 min. The following table lists these quantities for a variety of engines.254 × 104 kJ from the boiler and gives up 1. only C 4. < 1 min. fixed. fixed. numeric.49 × 105 J in each cycle.0 × 102 J. highSchool. what is the engine’s efficiency? Holt SF 11C 03 22:02. multiple choice. B and C Conceptual 13 Q11 . only D 3. the engine efficiency would be high. Yes. but reasonable. Would such an engine violate the second law of thermodynamics? 1.915 × 104 kJ in exhaust during one cycle. 2. D and E 2. If a steam engine takes in 2. highSchool. the engine efficiency would be greater than 100 %. wordingvariable. A. Part 1 of 2 During a complete cycle of an engine. Holt SF 11C 01 22:02. C and E 5. only D 3. wordingvariable. the net internal energy change is 0. highSchool. an amount of heat Qin enters the engine. only C 4. If the energy removed from an engine as heat during one cycle is 6. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A steam engine absorbs 1. D and E 2. multiple choice. an amount Qout leaves the engine. wordingvariable. a) What is the engine’s efficiency? Part 2 of 2 b) How much work is done in each cycle? Holt SF 11C 06 22:02. Imagine that it were possible to construct a reservoir at −5 K (below absolute zero). how much energy must be added to the engine during one cycle in order for it to operate at 31 percent efficiency? Holt SF 11Rev 28 Which of these engines violates the first law of thermodynamics? 1. During that cycle. highSchool.Chapter 22. < 1 min. A. section 2.98 × 105 J and expels 1. Engine A B C D E Qin 100 J 100 J 100 J 100 J 100 J Qout 100 J 50 J 0J 20 J 100 J W 0J 50 J 100 J 60 J 50 J 555 22:02. Chapter 22. < 1 min. highSchool. highSchool. numeric. What is the engine’s efficiency? Holt SF 11Rev 30 22:02. an engine burning a mixture of air and methanol (methyl alcohol) absorbs 525 J and expels 415 J. normal. numeric. What is the engine’s efficiency? 556 . Heat Engines 22:02. expelling 500 J as heat. The engine does 350 J of work during each cycle. < 1 min. section 2. normal. In one cycle. A heat engine absorbs 850 J of energy per cycle from a high-temperature source. water . What is its maximum possible efficiency? Part 2 of 2 How much more efficient would the plant be if it were built in the Arctic. highSchool. 7. multiple choice. where the lowtemperature reservoir is at 250 t2 ? Conceptual 13 04 22:04. What is the Carnot efficiency of an OTEC power plant that operates on the temperature difference between deep 4◦ C water and 25◦ C surface water? Conceptual 13 01 22:04. where is condenses back into a liquid and the whole process repeats. highSchool. normal. section 4. highSchool. numeric. with low-temperature surroundings at 300 K. numeric. fixed. while the surface 557 is at a temperature around 25 ◦ C. What is the maximum efficiency with which OTEC can produce electricity? 1.Chapter 22. The gas is then pumped back to the depths. < 1 min. 1. 84% 3. the Earth’s internal energy 2. What is its maximum possible efficiency? Conceptual 13 03 22:04.0% 2. numeric. normal. A steam engine has a high-temperature reservoir of 100 ◦ C and a low-temperature of 10 ◦ C. highSchool. It takes advantage of the fact that in the tropics. and the expansion associated with its boiling is used to drive an electrical turbine. the Sun 3. numeric. normal. An engine has a hot reservoir of 600 K and a low-temperature reservoir of 300 K. > 1 min. > 1 min. What is the theoretical efficiency of this engine? Conceptual 13 02 22:04. 93% 5. Part 1 of 2 The Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion system (OTEC) is an example of a high-tech electric generator. 7. The Carnot Engine Concept 18 03 22:04. highSchool. The material in the fluid form is brought up through a large pipe from the depths. normal.6% 4.3% Part 2 of 2 What is the ultimate source of the energy generated by OTEC? 1. The idea is to find a material that boils between these temperatures. < 1 min. Part 1 of 2 A power plant burns natural gas at a temperature of 600 K. > 1 min. deep ocean water is at a temperature of 4 ◦ C. 0 percent. A certain diesel engine performs 372 J of work in each cycle with an efficiency of 33. numeric. wordingvariable. how much work is done by the engine? Holt SF 11C 05 22:05. > 1 min. normal. normal. < 1 min. highSchool. < 1 min. numeric.Chapter 22. < 1 min. If a gasoline engine has an efficiency of 21 percent and loses 780 J to the cooling system and exhaust during each cycle. numeric. What is the ideal efficiency of an automobile engine where fuel is heated to 2700 K and the outdoor air is at 270 K? Holt SF 11C 02 22:05. highSchool. normal. Gasoline and Deisel Engines Concept 18 02 22:05. section 5. highSchool. highSchool. How much energy is transferred from the engine to the exhaust and cooling system as heat? 558 . What is the engine’s efficiency? Holt SF 11C 04 22:05. A test model for an experimental gasoline engine does 45 J of work in one cycle and gives up 31 J as heat. numeric. < 1 min. section 7. Which is a higher entropy situation? 1. highSchool. When the cars are allowed to park anywhere 2. multiple choice. Unable to determine 559 .Chapter 22. Either 4. A large parking lot contains 50 identical cars. Entropy Conceptual 13 Q14 22:07. fixed. When the cars are forced to park between the lines in designated spaces 3. highSchool. Ssw and Ssys . Entropy Changes in Irreversible Processes Conceptual 13 Q12 22:08. What happens to these entropies? 1. Sice increases. Ssys increases 3. 560 . Ssys decreases 4. Ssw increases. Sice decreases.Chapter 22. Ssys does not change. Ssw increases. Let the entropies of the ice cube. Ssys increases 2. Ssw decreases. Sice increases. section 8. of the pavement and of the ice cube-sidewalk system be Sice . An ice cube melts on the warm sidewalk on a hot summer day. < 1 min. Ssw decreases. fixed. Sice increases. multiple choice. Which state is more disordered? 1. < 1 min. fixed. liquid 2. multiple choice. solid 3. highSchool. Entropy on a Microscopic Scale Conceptual 13 Q17 22:09. section 9. Either 4.Chapter 22. Unable to determine 561 .
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