Challenge, Focus, Strike!

March 27, 2018 | Author: Pirate Spice | Category: Samurai, Magic (Paranormal), Libraries



CHALLENGE, FOCUS, STRIKE! Adventure Hooks for Legend of the Five Rings THE COMPLETE COLLECTION CFS OF THE WEEK #1 THROUGH #110 VERSION 2.0.1 Credits WRITTEN BY Isawa Nazomitsu (Scott Stockton) COMPILED, EDITED, AND ILLUSTRATED BY Pirate Spice (Sean C. Riley) SPECIAL THANKS TO Tamerlan, Akodo Akira, Bayushi Baka88, Bayushi Mifune, Mirumoto Kuro, Kakita Shisumo, skip, Toku Yojiro, Teran no Oni, JadeForm, Fnor, Bayushi Shogo, Doji Ryoku and Alderac Entertainment Group Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2 Exclusive Scenarios ............................................................................................................. 2 A. A Simple Errand.................................................................................................................................... 2 B. Living Up to the Legend ....................................................................................................................... 2 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................................ 3 1. A Measure of Worth.............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Much Ado About Nothing.................................................................................................................... 3 3. The Price of Blasphemy ........................................................................................................................ 3 4. Behind Closed Doors ............................................................................................................................. 4 5. All Fools’ Day ........................................................................................................................................ 4 6. As Driven Snow ..................................................................................................................................... 4 7. Garden Pests........................................................................................................................................... 4 8. Good Help is Hard To Find .................................................................................................................. 5 9. When the Student is Ready... ............................................................................................................... 5 10. A Devilish Debt.................................................................................................................................... 6 11. Footsteps of My Forebears ................................................................................................................. 6 12. The Tomb of Takeda Fujimu .............................................................................................................. 6 13. Do You Have an Appointment? ........................................................................................................ 6 14. Letters of Intrigue ................................................................................................................................ 7 15. Civil Blood Makes Civil Hands Unclean........................................................................................... 7 16. Tides of Chaos...................................................................................................................................... 8 17. Love & Marriage .................................................................................................................................. 8 18. Sins of the Father ................................................................................................................................ 8 Weapons ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 19. The Shot Heard ‘Round the Empire .................................................................................................. 8 20. To Know My Enemy ........................................................................................................................... 9 21. Yoshimoto’s Legacy ............................................................................................................................ 9 22. Tarnished Promise ............................................................................................................................... 9 Ghosts & Spirits ......................................................................................................................................... 10 23. Ancestral Duty ................................................................................................................................... 10 24. A Spirited Night Out ......................................................................................................................... 10 25. An Unexpected Guest ....................................................................................................................... 11 26: The Spirit’s Son ................................................................................................................................. 11 Bandits ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 27. Silk & Skullduggery .......................................................................................................................... 11 28. Twenty Koku ...................................................................................................................................... 12 29. Smoke & Mirrors ............................................................................................................................... 12 30. Death & Taxes.................................................................................................................................... 13 31. Crime & Punishment ......................................................................................................................... 13 Zombies ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 32. The Bloodscrolls: A Familiar Face .................................................................................................. 14 33. The Bloodscrolls: The Zombie Plague ............................................................................................ 14 34. The Bloodscrolls: The Dead Shall Rise ........................................................................................... 15 35. The Bloodscrolls: Army of Darkness .............................................................................................. 15 Winter Court ................................................................................................................................................ 16 36. Character Assassination ................................................................................................................... 16 37. Poetic License .................................................................................................................................... 16 38. Contagious Rumors ........................................................................................................................... 16 39. Don’t Bite More Than You Can Chew ............................................................................................ 17 40. Good Fortune, Bad Company .......................................................................................................... 18 41. Forgive & Forget ............................................................................................................................... 18 42. Child’s Play ........................................................................................................................................ 19 43. The Gifted Poet .................................................................................................................................. 19 44. Under Pressure ................................................................................................................................... 20 45. Beauty & Wisdom ............................................................................................................................. 21 46. A Matter of Recognition................................................................................................................... 21 47. Broken Trust....................................................................................................................................... 21 48. The Play’s the Thing ......................................................................................................................... 22 Oni ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 49. Keep Your Enemies Closer ............................................................................................................... 22 50. My Word Is My Bond ....................................................................................................................... 23 Oni no Kyohaku ....................................................................................................................................... 24 51. The Oni’s Prison................................................................................................................................. 25 52. Baby Dolls .......................................................................................................................................... 26 Nonhumans ................................................................................................................................................... 26 53. Cultural Exchange ............................................................................................................................. 26 54. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner ..................................................................................................... 27 55. What’s Yours is Mine........................................................................................................................ 27 56. Equal Rites.......................................................................................................................................... 28 57. Stranger Among Strangers .............................................................................................................. 28 58. Trapped Like Rats .............................................................................................................................. 29 59. A Helping Paw ................................................................................................................................... 29 60. Of Mice and Men ............................................................................................................................... 29 61. Who Framed Raoshu Ratling? ......................................................................................................... 30 Goblins ............................................................................................................................................................. 30 62. Down, Down, Down to Goblin Town! ............................................................................................ 30 63. Grubby Little Hands .......................................................................................................................... 31 64. Nature Versus Nurture ...................................................................................................................... 31 65. The Head of the Beast ....................................................................................................................... 32 Animals ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 66. The Sapphire Chef ............................................................................................................................. 32 67. Hunting Hana .................................................................................................................................... 33 68. Runt of the Litter ............................................................................................................................... 33 69. Who Hunts the Hunter?.................................................................................................................... 33 70. Follow That Bird! .............................................................................................................................. 34 The Shadowlands ...................................................................................................................................... 34 71. The Obsidian Idols: An Idol Threat ................................................................................................. 34 72. The Obsidian Idols: Compassion & Mercy ..................................................................................... 35 73. The Obsidian Idols: Shared Burden ................................................................................................... 35 74. The Obsidian Idols: Hostile Territory .............................................................................................. 36 Potpourri / Variety................................................................................................................................... 37 75. Ikebana Dance ................................................................................................................................... 37 76. Waiting for Godo .............................................................................................................................. 37 77. A Woman Scorned ............................................................................................................................ 38 78. Portents & Signs ................................................................................................................................ 39 79. CFS Creation Tools ............................................................................................................................ 39 Course A: The Random CFS Generator ................................................................................................. 39 Course B: Challenge-Focus- ................................................................................................................... 40 Course C: Choose Your Own Challenge-Focus-Strike ........................................................................ 40 Allies & Enemies ....................................................................................................................................... 43 80. The Sweetest Gift............................................................................................................................... 43 81. Unforgettable Gift, Unforgivable Gift ............................................................................................ 43 82. The Honor Guard ............................................................................................................................... 44 83. Reputation .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Ninjas ................................................................................................................................................................ 45 84. First Impressions................................................................................................................................ 45 85. Noritada, Noritada............................................................................................................................. 45 86. Drafted By Darkness ......................................................................................................................... 46 87. Familiar Strangers ............................................................................................................................. 47 Winter Court, Part II ............................................................................................................................... 47 88. Great Deeds & Tall Tales .................................................................................................................. 47 89. Master & Student............................................................................................................................... 48 90. Elemental Affection .......................................................................................................................... 48 91. Unubore’s Exploits ............................................................................................................................ 49 92. The Poetry of Life .............................................................................................................................. 50 Romance ......................................................................................................................................................... 50 93. Love Comes in Many Guises ............................................................................................................ 50 94. In Love & War ................................................................................................................................... 51 95. A Gift of Love .................................................................................................................................... 51 96. Life or Love ........................................................................................................................................ 52 More Winter Court, Part II ................................................................................................................. 52 97. There Are No Secrets ........................................................................................................................ 52 98. An Unlikely Hero............................................................................................................................... 53 99. Insufficient Memory Error ............................................................................................................... 53 100. A Chance for Greatness .................................................................................................................. 54 But Wait, There’s More! .......................................................................................................................... 56 Duels .................................................................................................................................................................. 56 101. Challenge, Focus, Psych! ................................................................................................................ 56 102. The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Pawn ......................................................................................... 56 103. Unbreakable Spirits ......................................................................................................................... 57 104. An Unfair Advantage ..................................................................................................................... 58 The Fortunes ................................................................................................................................................ 58 105. The Fortune’s Favor ........................................................................................................................ 58 106. Balance in All Things ..................................................................................................................... 59 107. Who Wants to Live Forever? ......................................................................................................... 60 108. Inari’s Children ................................................................................................................................ 60 109. Just Rewards .................................................................................................................................... 61 Tsu Fish ........................................................................................................................................................... 62 110. One Fish, Tsu Fish ........................................................................................................................... 62 Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 63 Additional Material for CFS #100............................................................................................................... 63 Allies, Rivals, and Other Competitors ................................................................................................... 63 Non-Competitors...................................................................................................................................... 70 Special Guests & Party Crashers ............................................................................................................ 71 Original Characters .................................................................................................................................. 73 myself included. The library is well-known as a popular refuge for retired samurai of station who wish to escape the demands of their former lives. and one more is being kept by a shugenja who has since gone insane. after all. Next. all the PCs have to do is gather a few scrolls and bring them back to the library. Isawa Nazomitsu’s “CFS of the Week” feature has been a source of inspiration and joy for many a Game Master. one author’s submissions stood out as an example for all others to strive for. and directing them as they travel toward further adventures. and here you have it: The Complete Collection of every Challenge. and even called in a number of favors to secure their commanders’ cooperation. And each time they return to the Author for further instruction the servants . they may notice that things aren’t exactly as they should be. I began compiling and formatting his brilliant contributions to the L5R community into collected volumes. Rai Li would like the PCs to gather the scrolls. He would do it himself. Many of the NPCs they meet speak of other groups that approached them about similar matters. Focus. He even notes that the titles used to refer to the heroes in the prophecy fit the PCs. I was delighted to discover the L5R RPG GMs section rife with plot hooks and adventure ideas in the classic “Challenge. These have been so well received that I wanted to do something special. This is for those that want all of Isawa Nazomitsu’s fantastic adventure seeds in one document. the player characters are excused from their normal duties until the maintenance is completed. Still. as their part in the project is bound to be no more than just a simple errand. and are part of a larger historical account. He goes on to explain that a copy of each scroll was also given to the hero or heroes whose stories were detailed in that particular volume. and tears into creating memorable adventures for their players. forcing the PCs to return to his home for further information after each stage in their journey toward becoming heroes. Focus. the Author only reveals these tasks one at a time. That shouldn't be any cause for worry. No trouble at all. and another was stored in the Kitsu Tombs with the ashes of an honored soldier. Upon deciphering them. Finally. Focus. and presenting my numerous adventure hooks. It turns out that a number of the original scrolls suffered water damage during a severe storm last year and are no longer readable. you will find several headings denoting a category of scenarios.” “the (adjective that describes target character) Swordsman. Then they are to recover a blue crystal from the Caverns of Beiden’s Teeth. Focus.” In order to fulfill the prophecy as it is written. Riley (a. recent developments have made these copies especially important.” These are simply extensions of the CFS presented to add more complications or hooks. FOCUS The Author explains that he discovered a number of ancient scrolls while organizing his family’s library. After that. he believes that the PCs are the heroes the scrolls tell of. Though many were excellent. it will take some time and effort to track them down. Strike! are some scenarios that were never before released in this format. but other duties are keeping him busy. Naturally. written by Nazomitsu specifically for these releases. The bandit army they are supposed to eradicate seems to have already suffered heavy losses. and while Rai Li has records that can tell the PCs where to start looking. they have to prove to the Monks of the Seven Fortunes that they are worthy of being allowed to meditate in the Garden of Judgement. The hooks themselves are presented in the order that they were originally posted. Some are being kept as family treasures. without the copies of the missing scrolls. LIVING UP TO THE LEGEND CHALLENGE The player characters are sent by their respective daimyos to serve a Phoenix scholar. Footprints in the dust show that someone besides them has entered the Caverns recently. he found that they held a prophecy telling of a group of heroes who would save the Empire from a great crisis. I have attempted to give each hook a title (also taking inspiration from suggestions on the forum). sweat. One has been lost in a haunted cave. Isawa Nazomitsu) CHALLENGE The player characters are asked or assigned to help a group of monks maintain a library. While his true name is Isawa Noshinto. A SIMPLE ERRAND This one is dedicated to Pirate Spice for the fantastic job he did in archiving. Rai Li tells the PCs that a Phoenix historian donated the set of fiftytwo scrolls to the temple so that the Empire might know of the great deeds that brave men and women perform every day. It is my deepest honor to open Challenge. One was given to a geisha as a present a few years ago. it must be something significant for a man of his standing to exert such influence. most know him as "the Author. The scrolls tell of the heroic deeds of a number of Rokugan's lesser known heroes. giving the party a reason to work together. Some are stored in dusty warehouses. the set is incomplete. they must venture into the Kuni Wastes and defeat a monster. And also to all the GMs who put their blood. Enjoy! – Scott Stockton (a. Due to similarities in their deeds and personal histories and those recorded in the scrolls. This scenario can be used to provide an overarching story for a campaign. Some have been incorporated into other libraries. And. Thus. however. Pirate Spice) Exclusive Scenarios A. Some entries may include a section entitled “Shout. and just about every clan has at least one daimyo who supports the library. For the sake of further organizing these. edited for brevity and typography. Although no reason for his request was given. STRIKE The missing volumes are scattered all across the Empire. – Sean C. However. a group of samurai should have no difficulty performing the job of a simple librarian.” and “the Prodigy of (target character’s home province). the party must travel to the Islands of the Mantis and defeat the strongest jiujutsu master there. In addition. A ronin duelist uses one as a means of proving his samurai heritage. the PCs must undertake a number of tasks. Wishing to express my gratitude to the esteemed Nazomitsu.k. FOCUS The head archivist is a retired samurai who has taken the name Rai Li. As such. Once they have done all these things they will be ready to face the danger that threatens the Empire. STRIKE As the PCs are performing these tasks. where a series of scrolls are laid out on a writing table." for he is one of the most prolific writers of the day. It seems that he has requested the services of each of the PCs specifically.k.a. Strike” (CFS) format. Strike! – The Complete Collection with two exclusive scenarios. right? B. He meets the player characters warmly and takes them to his office. laying out. While this fact would normally be no more significant than an archival footnote. First the PCs must defeat an army of bandits that is gathering near the Shinomen Forest. I have also done my best to update the formatting and material to 4th Edition standards. and two were in a box that was stolen by bandits.Introduction When I first joined Alderac Entertainment Group’s now defunct gaming forum. such as “the Hero in (target character’s Clan color). grouped by theme.a. as well as the epic CFS #100. either out of carelessness or for safekeeping. Strike! that I’ve formatted. In this new version of Challenge. but not necessarily in that order. CHALLENGE A mysterious monk passes through the area. Any spell scrolls carried by such a shugenja are good for only a single use. If you really want to spice up the scenario. Proud men will step forward to declare (or show) why they are worthy. it will let suspicions build among the remaining travelers. are you not worthy of having it? VERSION 2 Naturally. and has more than enough to tempt unscrupulous samurai. but it can be an interesting role-playing challenge for groups who come from different clans and backgrounds. Eventually. the Author finds himself forced to reveal the truth. STRIKE Kintaro gained his wealth by stealing several valuable treasures from a shrine dedicated to the elemental kami. FOCUS If no one in the party accepts the money Kintaro offers he becomes desperate and reveals the details of his problem (listed in the Strike section below). intellect. FOCUS Dinner is served in the common room.begin to act strange. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Today I give you a mystery scenario with a twist. After dinner ends the travelers retire to various rooms around the inn to get away from one another and relax in private. begging the characters to help him. Matsu Ryosuke (feel free to change the family name as you see fit). STRIKE VERSION 1 When the monk's reward is finally revealed. A MEASURE OF WORTH Today's adventure idea has two versions. A number of impromptu competitions break out as individuals seek to show off their strength. and virtue. Humble men will clamor to nominate and support those they respect.” VERSION 2 The monk is actually a Bloodspeaker initiate searching for a suitable victim for ritual sacrifice. causing quite a commotion.” but is merely appearing so in an attempt to sow paranoia in the other people staying at the inn. other than encouraging others to “wait and see. the PCs will have some qualms about this idea if one of them is chosen as the lucky winner. he thanks them profusely and pays the agreed upon amount. If you want to be especially sneaky you can rule that any other elemental kami in the area reply with “I saw Nothing” when questioned. and it is apparent that not all of the travelers in the inn consider each other worthy of courtesy and respect. but pays particular attention to those who act with honor. Remember that using the Commune spell on a dead body is considered maho. everyone who hears of the monk's quest will have a different idea of what exactly constitutes worthiness. If anyone in the party does provide Kintaro with spell scrolls in exchange for money. and a small fortune. All he really has is faith in their ability to do something great. is quite outspoken and abrasive. It is not “dead. try taking players aside for private conversations or passing out secret notes to build paranoia in the group too. the shrine's treasures must be completely restored and reparations made before the curse may be lifted (at which time . Miscellaneous 1. he announces to all present that the recipient is the worthiest soul in the region to receive the wisdom of Shinsei and the blessings of the fortunes in the coming months. While this is an extremely unorthodox proposition. There you go. The kami struck back by placing a curse on Kintaro and any who share magical resources with him. or they can simply deal with the problems that arise from the charged atmosphere. and become blank after used to cast a spell. From that moment onward. A handful of other travelers hailing from different clans and families are also stuck in the small building. if you can take something. THE PRICE OF BLASPHEMY This week we find ourselves with a ronin. everyone who hears of the monk's quest will have a different idea of what exactly constitutes worthiness. Kintaro is willing to pay any amount of money. or they have to find the truth another way. After all. The Author professes his confidence in the PCs. Whether Kintaro explains his problem to the party willingly. 3. whispering amongst themselves and possibly even calling party members by the wrong names. which offers just enough room for privacy. The monk keeps track of everyone who comes forward. with rewards that are definitely more than they bargained for. 2. depending on how nice or naughty you want to be to your players. There have been a number of other groups before them. CHALLENGE A young ronin shugenja approaches the party while they are relaxing and introduces himself as Kintaro. Once the winner receives his or her public recognition the monk is satisfied and says no more. STRIKE Ryosuke is actually a Ninja Shapeshifter. prowess. If the PCs do not stop his plans he will kill the “winner” of the contest and summon a swarm of vengeful yokai to torment the innocent. All signs point to one of the other people staying in the inn as the culprit. It hopes that distrust and wild accusations will eventually cause one or more of the residents to draw steel against another. a problem. Naturally. And wicked men will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that they are found worthy somehow. CHALLENGE A sudden storm forces the player characters to take refuge for the night at a roadside inn. FOCUS VERSION 1 Naturally. He calls upon everyone to recognize the incredible potential that the winner holds. and lauds the lucky man or woman with praise and promises of good fortune. The characters are free to participate if they wish. He explains that he is searching for knowledge and requests a chance to buy or copy any spell scrolls the party might be carrying. The monk claims to be seeking “the worthiest soul in the region” to bestow a great reward on that man or woman. Thirty minutes later Ryosuke is found stabbed to death in the outhouse. Rather than drop its disguise or take action against anyone else. One samurai in particular. It doesn't work with everyone. but reluctantly admits that he has no proof whether or not they are actually the heroes he is searching for. Two ways to get your characters involved in a variety of fun and interesting situations. each of which failed to live up to the demands of the prophecy. The PCs are not the first group of “prophesized heroes” he has enlisted the services of. although it may take some time before he or she notices. the shugenja who accepted Kintaro's money is afflicted by the same curse that Kintaro suffers (see below). 6. It seems that a trio of mujina are ransacking the party's gear. CHALLENGE A young poet who is on good terms with the player characters asks for a favor. STRIKE The maiden remembers the poet fondly and would like to accept his invitation. No matter how hard the characters search. so here's a little something to enjoy instead of the real thing. Although Kintaro knows the depths of his misdeeds. not everyone is lucky enough to live in an area with cherry blossoms. FOCUS FOCUS The maiden attends a temple in the mountains in the northern reaches of the Phoenix lands. and replaced it with a brew from their native realm of Sakkaku. but the entire town as well. Colors are muted. There is however. If the player characters could find a solution on her behalf. A number of important personages are also invited. Soon the flower viewing parties will start. and while this holiday is not celebrated in Rokugan (or is celebrated every day. CHALLENGE The characters are invited to a dinner party at the home of a local noble. it becomes difficult to advance. as if intoxicated. His impure actions have brought a blight on the town. Remember to make sure the players are aware that there is a time limit. Players might be more inclined to help a woman who is down on her luck. If things get too out of hand. and the number four means death in Japanese. GARDEN PESTS This is only the start of the party's problems. but his authority and status make him all but politically untouchable. and it takes a few days before the temple can be found in the coldest. If you think your party might be overly reluctant to trade in magical scrolls. The noble offers the party a chance to relax in his “little paradise. and snow follows in her wake no matter where she goes. For example. and promises an event that none will ever forget. depending on your preferences. Of course.all blank scrolls are restored to normal). and emotions subdued. for she has never seen cherry blossoms in bloom. but there is no way she could enter without causing an indoor blizzard. His beloved cherry trees have become withered and barren. lost artifact. The characters must decide what they will do in the face of such heinous atrocities. Although travel is possible. where winter is still in full force. Or you could let the repercussions. and refuse to blossom. but just before the second toast (to be made with a fruity type of alcohol from the Mantis Isles) is served the characters are called away by their servants. the weather grows colder and the snows become deeper. and the cherry blossoms are just starting to bloom.” FOCUS After a few days in the estate it becomes clear that something is wrong in paradise. this bothersome interruption will likely prevent them from enjoying the wine. This week's adventure idea continues the cherry blossom theme from last week and is based on an actual Japanese legend. snowiest reaches of the forest. and would much rather continue running from his mistakes than go back to the shrine. No one smiles or laughs. 4. She is a Yuki no Onna. you can change Kintaro into a young woman named Kaneko. . He has heard tales of an old man who can restore sick trees to health called 'Hana-SakaJiji. difficult ritual. She believes that the Isawa Libraries might hold an answer. they will find nothing of beauty here. and something must be done to minimize the damage. including any NPCs that have strong relationships with the characters. 5. and has a torture chamber hidden in a secret room beneath his estate. you can always rule that everyone affected remembers nothing come morning and let the PCs intimidate the servants into keeping quiet. A pall hangs over not only the noble's home. AS DRIVEN SNOW Here in Osaka the weather is getting better and better every day. The mujina also drank all of the fruit wine before the start of the feast. CHALLENGE An important lord is troubled by the sad state of his garden. He asks the party to deliver his invitation to the temple where she lives. the cherry blossoms bloom for but a short time before they wither and fall. STRIKE 7. Depending on the individuals affected and the mood the GM wishes to present. The host has gathered a number of delicacies for the occasion. and he wishes for his dear friend to attend. Be warned: don't read it while you eat. He will hold his first cherry blossom viewing party soon. Chame (described on pages 44 and 45 of Fortunes and Winds) causes victims to act in a foolish and unrestrained manner. CHALLENGE The characters are invited to the home of an influential and respected nobleman in a small town famous for its natural beauty. and also to convince her to attend if she is reluctant. whatever they may be. and the few servants visible in the house take pains to go about their duties as quietly as possible. here's a little something to get under your players' skin. Unless the PCs insist on getting a drink first. STRIKE The noble is insane. but abuses them in other unspeakable ways. He explains that he met a young temple maiden who befriended and inspired him during a trip to the Isawa Woodlands in his youth. He not only performs physical torture on the people of his village. As the player characters go further. Like too many things in this world. one problem. After all. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Since this is the fourth installment in this series. and a sweet girl's smile goes a long way toward convincing player characters to give aid. the results could range from hilarious to deadly serious. I hope you enjoy both the adventure and the story.' and he offers a reward to anyone who can bring the miracle worker to him. The key to bringing the Snow Maiden to the festival without freezing the flowers could be a secret spell. linger for some time to come. ALL FOOLS’ DAY April Fools’ Day is almost upon us. Anyone who drinks the wine is automatically influenced by chame for the rest of the evening. however…. or plea for divine intervention. depending on your players) it still provides an excellent excuse to run scenarios that are just a little (or quite a bit) silly. feeding on their remains and forcing their loved ones to do so as well. seppuku kind of takes the fun out of April Fool’s Day. The party begins without incident. he is afraid to face the kami's wrath. going wherever his fancy takes him. By the way. VERSION 2 Shinichiro is eager to test the skills and maneuvers he has learned in real combat situations. as well as many young adults entering the work force and seeking jobs.) So to make up for the delay I bring you another scenario with multiple versions. but care must be taken to avoid harming the lord's precious trees. This season sees numerous students entering school. they are not above stooping to sabotage in their attempts to gain the lord's blessing for themselves. Although he has great skill with the sword and is eager to achieve perfection in his art. If you feel really like being really evil toward your players. (And then I couldn't log on to the forum. Nonetheless. you can provide him with the foretelling of a Great Destiny which requires him to defeat a great enemy. He roams the land. though he goes there too).. he can be placed in charge of organizing the household. other ambitious groups of samurai and courtiers are also seeking Hana-Saka-Jiji. He maintains complete faith in his methods. but he has continued his wanderings since then. he could cause considerable damage. That way. To make matters worse. He takes every possible opportunity to look for a fight. VERSION 3 CHALLENGE One of the characters' superiors retains the services of a new advisor. and he does his best to find any flaws in their styles that he can exploit at a later time. make Baramucha their new boss. STRIKE If the players choose to look into Baramucha's background. His assignment is to learn the weaknesses of the player characters' schools. STRIKE Choose one of the following: VERSION 1 Shinichiro has a great deal of confidence in his own abilities. and changes the subject whenever his mistakes are mentioned. and lacks the patience for prolonged training. If you want a more humorous touch. FOCUS As time goes on. CHALLENGE One or more of the characters are asked to train and instruct a young bushi named Shinichiro. he visits brothels rather than geisha house. or rather his father's position is high). feel free to post your own ideas for possible twists on Shinichiro's story. If you want things to be serious. The man. He is a loyal and well-meaning. he skips out on practice (thinking himself to be good enough). he is not an easy man to track down. the influx of new blood is welcome. For more powerful parties you can use anything up to minor oni with health draining attacks. GOOD HELP IS HARD TO FIND This week we move away from cherry blossoms and focus on another aspect of spring in Japan. My apologies for being late this week. Having connections of his own to call upon and not being completely subject to the commands of the party could greatly aid Shinichiro in his efforts to get the party involved in some daring mission. The last reports of his whereabouts place him near the holdings of the Sparrow Clan. he does not wish to be party to any violence or bloodshed. member of the clan who gained his position through favors and luck. named Baramucha. he scatters ashes over the cherry trees…revealing a flock of invisible monsters! The creatures have been draining the life energy of the trees. and mixes truth with nonsense until the result is impossible to understand. and already has a good deal of expertise with the sword. The young man has just completed his gempukku ceremony. Shinichiro will not be satisfied until he has had the chance to prove his skill. He has no hidden agenda or skeletons in his closet.FOCUS FOCUS Although the old man's talent with flowers and trees is legendary. Claiming that he has the control needed both to protect himself and avoid inflicting a serious injury on his training partner. He insists on progressively intense training sessions. but in real combat he does his best to hide or flee without being noticed. I feel as if it would be a good plot to go with whilst the party is traveling with Shinichiro. if the party manages to give Shinichiro what he wants and teach him something valuable in the process…well. feel free to give Shinichiro some skill in subtly deriding and insulting the skills of those who refuse to face him. If you desire. Now your players can know the joys that come with being a teacher. If your characters are still rather inexperienced. Whenever he can he drinks and whores around (yes. every student (and every gaming group) has special needs. Shinichiro is quite talented in combat techniques. but at the same time many employers bemoan their new hires' lack of skill. flying goblins will probably be enough to pose a challenge. While these rivals pose no mortal threat to the party. they'll find he is completely clean. During practice his swordsmanship is flawless. Several of my students had last minute projects to complete and needed my advice.. VERSION 5 (BY AKODO AKIRA) 9. and does his best to put the player characters and himself in situations where combat seems likely. In addition. Once they are revealed they can be dispatched by normal means. If you decide to go this route. 8. On one hand. eventually challenging one or more of his teachers to combat with live weapons. then they are great teachers indeed. He loses track of important details. and confidently assures everyone that he will bring great knowledge and skill to the job. the revelation of his true . and he does not hesitate to proclaim that they can defeat any challenges. The only useful skill he displays is duping the unwary into believing him. Use whatever statistics you feel appropriate for the monsters. His confidence in himself and the party is so great that he desires a chance to show the whole Empire what they can do. he has sufficient status and glory to make questioning him publicly difficult. How do the PCs deal with him? Do they disrespect him and possibly earn the father's ire? Do they do only what they are told? Or do they rise to the occasion and turn the young man around into something better than he was? VERSION 6 (BY BAYUSHI BAKA88) Regarding [Version 4]. To further add to Shinichiro's torment. Shinichiro is not really a young bushi. you can have the character come back at a later time as an antagonist. WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY. Editor’s Note: Following are the other ideas that were posted. if unintelligent and misguided. He is an apt pupil and is eager to learn from the player characters. After all. causing them to become sick and wasted. VERSION 4 Shinichiro is a tormented man. confuses different facts. with multiple ranks in the Know the School skill. if he is left unchecked. and his sensei would like him to receive some practical guidance from experienced samurai. comes from another family in the supervisor's clan. The exact area under Baramucha's command depends on the tone you want to set for the adventure. STRIKE When Hana-Saka-Jiji is brought to the lord's garden. you can make him the master of the family's army. and ignores the samurai in charge (his position is really quite high. but is actually a Shosuro actor who has taken the young man's place. Baramucha's advice continually proves to be incorrect. Shinichiro is a complete waste of time. Of course. the captain of the guards. and is still listed as part of their holdings. and they all seek the destruction of the lord's home. STRIKE The spirit of the ancestor's rival has also learned of the accident. STRIKE Last winter. the characters must deal with several levels of bureaucracy in order to secure an appointment with him. Or at least. they're supposed to. and he accepted a number of gifts from the Mirumoto when they attempted to convince him to return to the family. she insists that the characters assist her. Ideally. THE TOMB OF TAKEDA FUJIMU You can't please everyone all the time this week. This idea could also be used to begin a campaign.combat skills will be more of a shock and a great burden to the PCs. Although the character in question does not receive any guidance from the banished ancestor. CHALLENGE After being struck by a strange nemuranai or spell. Or the Crane could have brokered a secret deal to offer Fujimu fealty before his untimely death prevented them from announcing it. you can have the villagers be willing compatriots of the shugenja. DO YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT? Of course. which is as large as it is busy. and many powerful figures may be angered by their final decision. FOCUS If the minor oni is defeated another new type of minor oni appears a few days later. The gatekeeper of the estate. so let's see what a sudden monster attack can do to shake things up. you'll be lucky if you can keep from making everybody angry. the characters find the lost tomb of Takeda Fujimu. the character's ancestor may be cut off from the mortal world forever. both the lord and the villagers under his protection will suffer. If the party requires more of a challenge. Monks or the Phoenix could claim the site as sacred. Perhaps the tomb was built by the Kaiu family. and has sent his descendant to harry the character. each demanding proof of the characters' identity and business with the daimyo. Whatever they do. The area is currently under the control of the Scorpion Clan. 12. the character is told that he must retrace the path of his ancestor's most famous adventure. and several assistants bar the way. the inhabitants of a nearby village were on the brink of starvation when a mysterious shugenja arrived bearing enough rice to last the village through the season. 13. Shinichiro could. FOOTSTEPS OF MY FOREBEARS A samurai never stands alone. held in trust by another family. the ancestor in question should be one who has taken a personal interest in the character on previous occasions. a famous ronin duelist who was granted a family name by the Emperor hundreds of years ago. you can add more groups who desire stewardship of the tomb. but at the time the tomb was built the land belonged to the Lion. and he has been calling upon that debt to bind their names to oni. If you want to get really wild. If the rival's plan is successful. CHALLENGE A relatively weak minor oni of an unknown type emerges from the wilderness to attack the home of the characters' lord or commanding officer. The souls of his ancestors stand beside him at all times. and ruthless. attacking with the same goal in mind. The characters could suggest that the tomb be given to any of the claimants. FOCUS If a Kitsu Sodan-Senzo or another expert on spirits is consulted. the character may enter an emotional state that makes it easy for his ancestor to rekindle the connection between them. The party must then undertake the same epic quest that their honored ancestors did so long ago. the attack is focused. Another minor oni comes forth three or four days after that. The daimyo's personal . None of the oni have been seen before. FOCUS The Takeda family is no longer surviving. Although the oni is not a serious threat. In order to complete the same quest his ancestor did.. you can increase the amount of recovery time in-between attacks or even have the NPC who is being victimized loan the characters some of his prized crystal weaponry for the duration of the threat. who asks that it be given in person and in private. the character must secure aid from the descendants of his ancestor's allies — the other player characters.. CHALLENGE While traveling through an unused area of woodland. Fujimu was a member of the Dragon Clan before he was made ronin. or even claim it for themselves. the manager of the household. The characters are sent to deliver a personal message to the Otomo daimyo on behalf of their superior. 11. Furthermore. eventually conquer his fear (Great Destiny) and end up saving the PCs in some manner. CHALLENGE FOCUS Once they reach the daimyo's home. And another new oni arrives three days after that. If the repeated oni attacks are too difficult for the party. you can tailor the tale of the ancestor's adventure to include whatever situations and problems you wish. By performing the same tasks and undergoing the same hardships in the same places that his ancestor did. If the characters do not find and eliminate the shugenja.. if the two are similar in personality and temperament you may allow him to gain some small benefits as the adventure progresses. sudden. one of the characters finds himself unable to receive aid or guidance from one of his heroic ancestors. or increase the power of the summoned oni. but many others lay claim to the hero's tomb. In fact. claiming that the party was chosen by the spirit of Takeda Fujimu when they found the tomb. The shugenja's motives and abilities are up to you. of course. The daimyo is currently attending to political matters at his estate. A DEVILISH DEBT Things have been kind of quiet lately. And don't forget the possibility of a ronin claiming (either truthfully or otherwise) to be the lost heir to the Takeda family name. 10. STRIKE When a member of the Otomo family arrives to mediate the conflict. many influential people will try to influence them. The villagers owe their lives to the shugenja. I always decide which clan the spy was from and which clan the spy hunter was from before the characters do anything. and a letter to the daimyo of one of the two groups. If no one steps forward to defend the accused or check the veracity of the magistrate's claims. Be wary. but instead of having a secret message to deliver/protect. Luckily. The spy's planned long and hard for this chance. I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep the blade away from our enemies and prevent their vile plans from reaching fruition. so your players may be suspicious of the magistrate from the start. refusing to cooperate in his investigation is tantamount to treason. A stolen mysterious sword that belongs to someone else. using his authority to command the local magistrates to take the suspect into custody. but you can also choose to leave such details undecided until the players choose which noble they will give the message to. Ever at your service.” the magistrate may declare the entire area at risk and call in “assistants” to help him. If the characters do nothing or turn the scroll over to some higher authority. Of course. STRIKE The “magistrate” is actually a bloodspeaker collaborator seeking to remove several figures who have caused his cult trouble in the past. feel free to have them jumped by thugs the next night. he uncovers evidence and makes a formal accusation. Inside the wagon is an ornate sword. With lots of friends who are willing to help him escape. The characters must decide who they will tell. How they do this is up to them. the mercenaries demand to know where the message is. while characters with high levels of status and/or glory may get by some obstacles simply by pulling rank. Any one of them could be a conspirator. searching for a group of bloodspeakers that is rumored to be active in the region. but their actions will certainly have an effect on how they and the message they bear are received. and the magistrate continues to search for “other bloodspeaker agents. so we were able to wrest it from their grasp with little trouble. and depending on which clan sent the spies and which clan uncovered them. Plus they will have to deal with the possibility that both clans involved will be willing to go to extreme lengths to get the sword for themselves. Noble emissaries from both clans are present in the city. CIVIL BLOOD MAKES CIVIL HANDS UNCLEAN Life is easy when you're a follower. Intrigue and mayhem. as well as samurai. 15. Your Humble Servant STRIKE It is not possible to tell which of the dead men wrote the message. On the ground near the bodies lies a traveling pack. 14. And a variety of new abilities to use on those who have wronged him. . CHALLENGE The characters find the bodies of two samurai from rival clans dead in an alley. courtiers. and even some violence.. If that happens. Two days later. I will attempt to locate their safe house within the city and report to you when I know more about their plans. and is trying to manage the daimyo's time as efficiently as possible. I fear that others of their ilk will soon be coming after us. Although his intense scrutiny and probing questions are off putting to many. My Lord.. but I intend to follow the route we discussed until I am able to contact you. LETTERS OF INTRIGUE We have a story of intrigue this week. a number of CFS scenarios end with a twist ending. including a letter. Because new developments in the court demand the daimyo's attention every day. We have reclaimed the blade from the thieves who stole it. Enemies are everywhere. the magistrate settles on a likely suspect: a rival of one of the PCs. FOCUS My Lord. However. the PCs have a mysterious sword of unknown power. revealing a disguise kit and several scrolls.” Given enough time and success in “rooting out bloodspeaker influences. if anyone. my lord. For a samurai hero. which has been torn open. and he's not about to let some loose end samurai screw things up.. Your Humble Servant From there on out the scenario is just like the one above. choices are not so simple. feel free to have the accused be an actual bloodspeaker. the rival is executed (dishonorably. however. or a target. of course). the players will have to convince the assistant that their business is important enough to be guaranteed a spot on the daimyo's schedule. Even without the skills of a Kitsuki it is apparent that the two men killed each other. as it bears no names or mon. Of course. I have learned that they will meet with a hired assassin in the Green Plum Teahouse on the night of the Full Moon. as they both hold bloodstained weapons and have been severely wounded in a struggle. and merchants.assistant in particular is quite difficult to deal with. STRIKE The assistant in question does not bear the party any ill-will or genuinely seek to block their progress. telling the party to “wait for an opening” time after time. they were not aware of its true nature. in this plot. It also provides an excellent opportunity to show martially oriented characters the ways of the courts and the value of social skills. I do not know when I will be able to send you this message. My mission has been a success. Ever at your service. and will not be convinced by simple claims of ignorance on the part of the characters. I have discovered the spies in our midst and learned the identities of two of them. by that time he may already have started investigating the player characters. the PCs find two groups of dead men at a battle site next to an overturned wagon. your enemies are whoever your leader says they are. Hired by the second spy. CHALLENGE A magistrate arrives in the area. He simply has a different sense of priorities. the characters could end up thwarting or aiding dark plans. FOCUS After a few days of invading everyone's privacy. Furthermore. This adventure has the potential to be particularly difficult for characters with low social standing. ALTERNATE VERSION Instead of finding two dead men with a warning message of unknown origin. Interpreting the omen as advice for his father to choose an heir from among his grandchildren. as potentially tainted seafood could already be making its way to kitchens and markets around Rokugan! 17. Try not to blow your fingers off. STRIKE Unless the artifact can be recovered the problem will only grow worse. EDITOR’S NOTE: As was discussed on the forum. there is also a great possibility for a dangerous aftermath to this plot. His two sons and his seven grandsons have all returned to the family estate in order to help him manage the daily affairs. Don't hesitate to use whatever strange creatures or encounters you can come up with. here is an adventure seed for all you gun nuts out there. STRIKE Hikaru is safe and sound. the wedding must proceed as planned in order for the two families to finalize their transaction. Or. and is only held in check by the light of the sun. but it would also mean the end of her independent lifestyle. and she has not returned home for two whole years. In order to cement the bargain. Weapons 19. and the influence of the Shadowlands can make it even more so. Even his two sons. Hikaru. if you have any prophecies or omens of your own that you wish to include in your campaign. and more than a few ships suffer heavy damage…or worse. and only two of his most trusted servants are allowed to remain while his fortune is told. the servant will also grudgingly reveal that he passed the same information to Washi as well.16. Not only will a recovery mission have to deal with the effects of the artifact. Kuma's second son falls prey to a sudden sickness and dies. his brother's wife. CHALLENGE After a long period of negotiations. the soothsayer's visit provides an excellent opportunity to do so. Can Hikaru learn to respect a man whose strength lies in knowledge rather than in the sword? Will Toshihisa accept a bride who is not the demure flower he expected? Even if the wedding occurs as planned. About one week before the area became dangerous to enter. The ocean is a strange and dangerous place. Washi has begun a campaign of murder against his brother's children in order to guarantee that his line be given leadership of the family. Wouldn't your gaming group like to take a relaxing trip to the seaside as well? Here's another adventure idea inspired by a Shakespeare play (this one loosely based on Macbeth). Shifting tides. You can give clues about upcoming adventures. a wounded Shadowlands madman getting past the wall and reaching a city before succumbing to his “strange injuries”) seem to support his theories. CHALLENGE A number of strange incidents have made a political rival of the Crab Clan suspicious that the Crab are violating the ban on trade with foreigners. THE SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE EMPIRE As there have been a number of threads concerning gunpowder and historical firearms lately. if the PCs are too fast to finger a particular suspect. She is currently enjoying the care-free life of a ronin and perfecting her swordsmanship. The Crab are keeping a very tight lid on things. and even his own father. and people have started flocking to the beaches. However. his murderous rampage could continue until it claims his brother. the body of Kuma's eldest son is found murdered in a nearby forest. a cross-clan wedding is arranged. waterspouts. SINS OF THE FATHER The weather's getting hotter and hotter here in Osaka. He asks the PCs to investigate “for the good of the Empire. can these two people find happiness on their own? Or will the PCs have to intervene once again? The course of true love never did run smooth. a Crab bushi getting drunk and killing a ronin with a “magic stick”. are excluded from the reading of the omens. Legends say that the artifact's corruption can influence its very surroundings. A possible complication lies in the differing personalities of Toshihisa and Hikaru. STRIKE Although the PCs may be able to guess what is going on by themselves. Tales of sea monsters also begin to circulate. The only other eligible member of Mizuho's family is her elder sister. Or maybe Kuma is sacrificing his own children in an attempt to frame Washi and have him expelled from the Clan. you can also change the identity of the murderer. and even more to persuade her to marry a man she has never met. Enjoy! CHALLENGE CHALLENGE A section of ocean that is normally calm and well-traveled suddenly becomes dangerous. It will take a good deal of effort to convince her to return to her former responsibilities. TIDES OF CHAOS 18. If he is not stopped. After all. but there are rumors that his health is failing. Perhaps Washi is innocent. freak giant waves. a tainted artifact was lost at that location. Hikaru has set aside her family name to embark on a musha shugyo pilgrimage. a friend of the PCs. but choose between the fledgling and the cub. a healthy man can always have more children. and everyone wants to know what advice he will elicit from the fortune-teller. The bride to be is Doji Mizuho. but just about every clan depends on the ocean in one way or another — a fact the characters' daimyo can impress upon them if they are hesitant to go. all three of Washi's children can be willing accomplices in the slaughter of their cousins. but some accidents (the explosion of a small amount of mishandled powder. Naga or Mantis Clan characters would have a personal stake in this adventure. LOVE & MARRIAGE EDITOR’S NOTE: This CFS was inspired by Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. FOCUS FOCUS The cause for this drastic change can be found through either divination or old fashioned investigation. Washi and Kuma. However. but his ambitious young son (or daughter) is the culprit. Also. If they have not already taken it upon themselves to do so. and whirlpools appear without warning. If she did agree to return and marry Toshihisa it would mean that Mizuho would be free to pursue her own love. Soon after the soothsayer departs. Takanobu is the lord of a major province.” If pressed. The prospective groom is Shiba Toshihisa. two families from different clans have agreed to an important trade agreement. or simply give some cryptic prophecy and let the players figure out what it means. but the strange and alien depths of the ocean must be taken into account as well. with the area of effect slowly expanding and the horrors within growing stronger and stronger.” . although it may take some time for the party to track her down. foreshadow challenges for specific characters. Lord Takanobu grants the soothsayer a private audience. asking one of the servants who was present for Lord Takanobu's consultation with the fortune teller what transpired there will make things much clearer. a young village administrator who is looking forward to settling down with a beautiful Crane wife. the PCs will be asked for aid in protecting Kuma's two remaining children (a daughter and a son) and Washi's three children (two sons and a daughter). When asked “How can I ensure the prosperity of my family for all time?” the soothsayer replied “Compare not the eagle and the bear. FOCUS Mizuho is already deeply in love with a poet from the Kakita family. Two days later. A famous soothsayer with a knack for reading the omens of the future visits the household of Lord Takanobu. If you want to involve more combat. STRIKE Yoshimoto does not select a gift for each character himself. a trial to convince the guardian of their sincerity. the Crab could take their new toys to the Imperial Capitol. Instead. If your players' characters have no such ties. Your sword carries the soul of your ancestors. here's a quest that you can use to give your players some new goodies. there will be dire consequences. Hopefully your players will recognize that this is more than just a chance to “score some kewl loot. but a close ally would also be sufficient. 22. The burly Hida could face a violent inhuman brute. As always. In the case of the adversaries. For those who like having history repeat itself. and friends. Their job was simply to bring about a trade meeting between a Yasuki Trader and some gaijin merchants and help the Trader bring back his cargo. 21. they are approached by a servant of the Emperor who demands they desist. and the PCs must decide what they will do in the face of this revelation. . for they seek the complete destruction of the Shadowlands. you should change the name and background of Yoshimoto to fit your campaign. If asked for advice he will remark that he is interested in knowing why each character chooses the item they desire simply because he wishes to know how his legacy will live on in the future. friends. CHALLENGE The homes of the player characters are threatened by a band of unstoppable villains. The Crab are still guilty! The game's not over! Or. Perhaps the experiences they had in gaining the weapons may give them some insight into defeating their counterparts. a new type of Living Shadow spawn. and you would probably have to use an interclan conflict to justify either of those Clans using firearms. FOCUS Yoshimoto has a large collection of swords and weapons. And he still has the wooden practice sword that he used when he was a student so very long ago. The bond between the weapons and the adversaries they are intended to fight is a powerful one. kansen spirits. If you give the bonus experience points right then and there in front of the other players it could serve as a good motivation. The exact nature of the challenges the characters face on their way to retrieve the weapons is up to you. TO KNOW MY ENEMY Following last week's theme of new weapons. Furthermore. several of which are remarkable. Dragon. TARNISHED PROMISE This week we take another look at the topic of weapons in the world of Rokugan. they can find that the Crab are indeed using gaijin pepper weapons against the Shadowlands (and have gained a significant advantage by doing so). and Phoenix all have conflicts with the Yobanjin tribes. It seems that the Crab are acting with the permission of the Emperor himself! Rather than see the proliferation of guns across all of Rokugan. however. FOCUS There are stories of weapons that might give one a fighting chance against these adversaries. he has allowed the Crab to import a small amount in secret. the danger is not finished. Nothing as exotic as last week. or one that forces them to overcome their weaknesses. There is also the katana that he forged himself in memory of his late wife. the scandal can go up as far as the legion commander. The amount of weaponry they have currently is sufficient for a coup. With trained ashigaru riflemen on the Wall. and all who have tried to stop their bloody rampage have failed. Depending on how the PCs entered Crab lands they might be set up for an “accident” or even be hunted as spies. If you want to be even more symbolic. if the characters attempt to do so they find that the commander of the bushi who are using firearms is a willing participant in the deal. or even all of these combined. you can present Yoshimoto as an opportunity for them to gain such connections. in-character arguments for why one deserves a certain weapon is one way to do this. or even bandits with some sort of dark blessing. Note that if you want to keep the Crab blameless. YOSHIMOTO’S LEGACY We've got more weapons this week. It allows the wielder and the adversaries to sense each other’s' location and movements. They could be oni. combat versus a guardian. 20. Only the Crane and the Lion would be difficult to implicate. Giving bonus experience points for particularly inspired. and lovers will all be subject to the adversaries' predation unless they act quickly. Their orders specifically forbade them from getting involved further. send a number of adversaries equal to the number of player characters. but use their new might to bully the other clans. enchanted maho-tsukai. The Unicorn. families. the Clan's bushi are free to make war and seize territory from those nearby. if you dislike giant conspiracies. forcing the Crab Champion to discipline an entire legion of badly needed troops. He listens to their discussion with interest. For the characters. students. their homes. but one should never forget the value of one's own blade. However. Or. Over the last three weeks we've seen a lot of opportunities to give your players new weapons. If you want to make things a little more difficult you can make each weapon a minor nemuranai with an awakened spirit who demands the new owner justify their worthiness to wield the weapon. they were used by great heroes to defeat an “undying evil. strange monsters. If you want to give things a really wicked twist. Even if the characters manage to get the weapons they seek. their treason is guided by noble intentions. It could be a riddle. If the Crab find out that the PCs have discovered this. making each a “dark reflection” of one of the heroes. it has also given them an incredible military advantage over the rest of the Clans. Forged long ago.FOCUS STRIKE The Mantis sailors who brought the crates to the Crab are ignorant of the contents. the Crab could continue to serve the Emperor. but in order to claim one of these weapons an individual must face numerous challenges. The ornate tessen he accepted from his daimyo could be used either on the battlefield or at court. And his daimyo is also involved. The Scorpion could be hunting a new type of Lying Darkness spawn that is immune to the weapons of samurai. this is most likely their own safety and comfort. he calls everyone together and asks them to decide amongst themselves. another Clan could also be used. but he does not openly show favor or approval. The final decision is up to the party members. while the quick and sneaky Bayushi might fight a shadowy assassin. it allows both the wielder and the adversaries to sense what is important and precious to the other. While this bargain has enabled the Crab to continue their sacred duty. but challenging nonetheless. A figure who has ties as both a mentor and a family member to two or more of the player characters is ideal. He has a mysterious wakizashi of unknown origin that he found during the adventures of his youth. Another is the katana which was given to him by the Emerald Champion. and wishes to distribute his worldly goods among his children.” and make the most of the role-playing opportunities the situation presents. One is the katana which was handed down to him by his grandfather. you could have each of the characters face a challenge which they are especially suited for. but they need a Crab Emperor on the throne in order to get permission for the supplies they really need. the servant of the Emperor could secretly be a Tortoise Clan conspirator whose job is to keep news of the Crab Clan's treason from reaching the Emperor's ears. Of course. STRIKE The proper thing to do in such a situation is to inform the superior of the samurai who have broken the decree so that they may administer the proper punishment.” If they could be found there might be hope. CHALLENGE The esteemed sensei Yoshimoto is retiring to a monastery. And the Champion of the Crab as well! If the characters try to bring the matter to public attention. and it will guide you to victory. If you're feeling symbolic. If the characters dig a little deeper and risk incurring the wrath of the Crab. These “adversaries” are completely invulnerable to normal magic and weapons. The Mantis might be fending off an invasion of gaijin from another nation. the sword quickly becomes dull and tarnished again. They can provide advice on successful military maneuvers. Any interaction with the spirit reveals a further surprise. of course) under the PC's watchful eye in order to prove the quality of his work. he or she has no memory of the night's events when the morning comes. when the spirits of the departed are said to return to Earth. He is desperate to escape Gaki-do. Having an ill-maintained sword is both a social stigma and a serious liability in combat. This week's adventure idea is a little on the risqué side. but he or she remembers a loud clicking noise. beneficial alliances. Finally. No matter what course of action the character takes in maintaining his blade and finding or stopping the culprit. and is tired and disheveled in the morning. further investigation rules them out.” For a personal touch. The promise that the sword speaks of could be almost anything. You have been warned! CHALLENGE While staying in a large city. If the player character cleaned the sword himself or had another NPC do it for him. and have little care for how inconvenient or costly their missions may be for the characters. The spirits are insistent. Although numerous figures could have been responsible. a variety of tasks can also be helpful in highlighting the differences between different characters. Has one of them done something dishonorable recently? Finally. Having all the players receive a visit from the founders of their respective families could strain credibility a bit. or even with all members of the character's direct family. Likewise.) While the gaki takes the form of an insect during the day. you could choose an aspect of bushido that the character has consistently neglected. which it feeds upon each night. or an action that runs counter to the character's usual behavior. The gaki is using the character to rouse passion and desire in others. the sword might maintain an empathic link with all who have wielded it. For example. the theme for this month's CFS scenarios will be ghosts and ancestors. Now that he is in his moment of greatest need. as well as many other secrets. the sword becomes dull and tarnished again within a few days. one of the characters experiences horrible dreams. When the blade was forged. great great-grandparents.FOCUS By the following evening. he may be the first to fall under suspicion. and recently departed relatives. Now you and your players can enjoy the spooky side of summer in Japan…er. If the character tries to investigate or has others stand watch. Although samurai should never expect any reward for their actions. his suspicions may be spread even wider. In recent years that promise has been forgotten. 23. build political alliances. the gaki intends to take the character up on that offer. Unless the sword's spirit can be appeased. all of the PCs and NPCs who were blessed are contacted by an ancestral spirit. if the entire party has been involved in some dishonorable deed or failure of duty. While these tasks may seem daunting and difficult. this is not the case. one of the characters notices that the weapon is quite tarnished and has lost its sharp edge. The spirit is a former comrade of the character in question. . as if having tossed and turned a great deal during the night. and may range from a constant spiritual presence to intermittent visits. and expand their holdings. The ancestors demand a variety of things from their descendants. While the character interacts with others somewhat normally. bandits or monsters will prey on the people of my homeland and go unpunished. FOCUS If the character does nothing the dreams get worse and worse. STRIKE CHALLENGE After using or inspecting a treasured weapon that has been in the family for generations. FOCUS If a servant or professional sword-polisher cleaned the sword for the character. The sword's spirit is consumed by a deep despair. GMs may want to prepare a variety of backgrounds for the ancestral spirits to visit their players. it is able to feed more effectively by using a sleeping mortal as a host at night. and the sword has lost its will to be wielded by members of that family. If the character's own actions have been above reproach. and even which members of the court will be most responsive to romantic advances…if the characters have the courage to listen and take action. However. a stingy samurai might have trouble with a vain blade who desires a new tsuba. Eventually the character's health begins to suffer. STRIKE If a shugenja or character with mystic awareness examines the blade and communes with the spirit inside the answer becomes clear. but most mature groups should be able to handle it. A SPIRITED NIGHT OUT This week we continue the Obon theme and take another step into the world of ghosts and spirits. As such. even after the character does so. the matron of a shady geisha house comes to confront the character about unpaid bills. Trapped in Gaki-do after his death. Ghosts & Spirits This month marks the Obon season in Japan. so the natural course of action would be to have the sword sharpened and polished. The details of the dream are forgotten upon waking. a promise was made between the sword and the character's ancestor. (This doesn't need to be anything graphic — simply flirting is enough to satisfy the gaki's appetite. effectively gaining the Haunted disadvantage for the next week. The exact nature of the haunting is up to the GM. it will remain dull and useless forever. from “I will give thanks to the elemental kami each morning and night” to “No liars or swindlers. and claims that the character once pledged to help him in any way he or she could. a Kitsu Sodan-Senzo blesses the characters and other members of the community. However. calling on them to seek out misplaced heirlooms. those who can complete them will indeed gain prosperity. ANCESTRAL DUTY CHALLENGE In celebration of the bon festival. it is discovered that he or she spends several hours each night in a geisha house in a disreputable part of town. and the sword-polisher offers to clean the sword again (free of charge. handle and saya every month. so it might be a good idea to include a mix of ancient heroes. The ancestors know a great deal about their descendants strengths and weaknesses. 24. STRIKE The character is being repeatedly possessed by a spirit from Gaki-do. they could all be refused the aid of their ancestral weapons until they make the situation right. the spirit sought out the character in an attempt to reconnect with his former life. until sleep brings no rest. He calls upon the wisdom and guidance of the ancestral spirits to bring prosperity to the devout among their descendants and families. Rokugan. it certainly wouldn't be inappropriate to bestow some new enhancement or ability on the newly awakened weapon upon completion of this adventure. and shugenja may feel a sensation that is normally associated with otherworldly spirits. and deliver the boy to the spirit so that she can tell him the truth about his father and his heritage. they continue to watch over us and protect us from beyond.. a child. And if you want to be really evil. Keisuke might be an infant. even if unable to take action directly. and he did indeed agree to take and care for her precious son Keisuke. and there's a nice cool breeze. the spirit deeply wishes to conceal his or her ghostly nature from those who are not members or allies of the family. so this might not be a given. someone did come. in some cases. animals may become agitated. the spirit remains unable to interact with physical objects. however. intent on taking Keisuke into the Shadowlands and raising him there.. he could be a member of the Lost. but it would certainly require more ingenuity and attention than if cast on a living being. . STRIKE The returned ancestor actually has an agenda of his or her own. The exact nature of Kurushii's villainy is up to you to decide. Depending on how much time has passed between the time when Kurushii took the baby and the present. he can be simply one of the numerous bandit lords that plague Rokugan. Being possessed by the gaki inflicts no permanent physical harm. Most characters should have no trouble recognizing the woman as an ubume — the spirit of a woman who died during childbirth. but it could cause a character's reputation to suffer and have significant negative social effects. How Keisuke (or Keiko) will react to learning about his true heritage. when the ancestor is nearby.. However. Or. and he could either be willing to accompany them or bent on their destruction. she has no infant with her. After several difficult months on the road. The woman is weeping and calling out for “Keisuke” (or “Keiko. unlike most ubume spirits. One choice is to make the victim the wife or lover or one of the characters. from even closer. she will be trapped in a state of suffering forever. she was left without a patron to support her when her lover died in battle. recover Keisuke from him. Of course. If you want to go the easy route. It looks like a perfect day for hunting bandits! CHALLENGE After ordering several bolts of fine silk from a merchant in another province.. she waited for someone to come and take her child so that she could rest in peace. or a dramatic combat scene. The character's reaction could have a major impact on their long-term relationship. FOCUS The ubume is distraught. There are a lot of amazing festivals and events going on to guide the spirits of the dead both to and from the mortal world. A flamboyant or debonair courtier may be invited to attend a noble lord or lady in private. If the player characters investigate further. the adventure could end with a difficult moral dilemma. SILK & SKULLDUGGERY It's a great day today. and handling physical objects are all impossible for him or her. the ancestor will be gravely embarrassed and may leave the mortal realm forever. The mortal realm is full of nostalgia. drinking. Unable to leave the place where she died. but could simply be a ronin guerilla who is opposed to the current local authority. and have the gaki be one of his former rivals for her affection. CHALLENGE While traveling at night. there's also the psychological torment that may come from having to condemn a former friend to decades of insatiable hunger after he refuses to take no for an answer. AN UNEXPECTED GUEST Here in Japan we're right in the middle of the Obon season right now. Furthermore. some spirits don't need that much help… This scenario works best if one of the PCs already has the Haunted Disadvantage. while a rowdy and vivacious troublemaker will have to be watched closely in order to keep him from giving himself away. The cloth will be used to make new ceremonial outfits for his children to wear upon completing their gempukku. the characters' daimyo or superior assigns them to take the money for his purchase to the merchant and guard the caravan that will deliver his merchandise. Furthermore. You could also use this adventure with an NPC in the role of the possession victim. Despite these limitations. the ubume will be able to move on to the next stage in her existence. FOCUS Keeping others from noticing that the spirit lacks a solid physical form is far from easy.. 26: THE SPIRIT’S SON As summer draws to a close. but many clans have different ideas of fashion. It was only too late that she realized that the man she had entrusted her baby to was the infamous villain called Kurushii. A loud braggart may attract a lot of negative attention or even be challenged to a duel. If the character can give the ancestor a pleasant visit. she too died when complications set in during childbirth and there was no one to help her. The sun is shining. If no one in the group has that particular problem the Bon festival is certainly a fine excuse to foist that Disadvantage onto a PC. A great deal can be added to this scenario by fleshing out the personality of the ancestor who comes to visit. If the character allows the ancestor's secret to be discovered.. Of course. or even a young man. opening doors. we bid farewell to the spirits and ghosts who have visited us this Obon season. And an intangible ghost can't change clothes! A magical disguise might work. and holds a powerful allure that is difficult for the shiryo to resist. he need not be an actual villain. engaging in swordplay.” if you prefer). It gets even more difficult if you remain true to the images of spirits as they are traditionally presented. Japanese ghosts have no feet! If the ancestor is wearing a long kimono when he or she arrives this might not be too noticeable.Depending on how the interaction with the gaki goes. Eating. This scenario could also be used to introduce a new player character and give details about his background. he or she is determined to spend each day as normally as possible. but it would lose some of the punch that comes from having a personal connection between the gaki and the PCs. Bandits 27. and he impresses both its symbolic and monetary value on the characters. The sky is clear. If you want to give things a political spin. the length of time Keisuke has spent under Kurushii's influence may have had a profound effect on his outlook and character. As the arrival of a ghost would cause great panic and alarm. riding a horse. but the characters can piece together her story if they are persistent. however. 25. FOCUS The merchant in question is famous for the high quality and high prices of his wares. Once the geisha lover of a brave and honorable samurai. at long last. While completely visible and audible. good kharma will most certainly follow. Once she is certain that Keisuke will receive a proper upbringing. Being able to influence events in the mortal realm. the characters come upon a woman dressed in white. CHALLENGE One of the PCs receives a sudden visit from an ancestral spirit. they can learn that almost half of the caravans he has sent throughout the summer have been raided. Otherwise. is a refreshing change from the spirit's normal role as a source of advice and guidance. The birds are singing. While their time in this realm is short. who requests permission to stay as a guest for the next week. the characters will have to locate Kurushii. and asks the character for aid in doing so. but there are rumors that his caravans have been plagued by bandit attacks in recent months. Finally. and the difficulties in securing that heritage could provide an interesting motivation for a player who joins the campaign mid-way through. STRIKE In order to free the ubume from her torment and sorrow. and dare to take actions that others would deem madness. the merchant will once again send his thugs to seize the merchandise they have purchased. FROM THE KIDNAPPER We have captured your wife/son/daughter/etc. If the characters manage to defeat all of the “bandits” or learn the merchant's secret. While their clothes and equipment are worn from their long travels. shapes can be seen moving through the trees on the opposite side of the camp. If bandits (long considered by many to be the natural enemies of player characters) are to stand a chance in such a hostile environment. If you want to give this adventure a slightly humorous touch. he might conclude that the character has a wife who is somewhere else. they must be at least as adaptable and sneaky. and there is no guarantee that any assumptions he makes based on those observations will be correct. the player characters might be surprised to find a gang of bandits and a captive map maker when they arrive expecting something else entirely. Come alone. Horikawa met the player characters briefly in a roadside tea house about a week ago. Since the characters paid for the cloth on the spot. 28. and the sound of battle is heard. The merchant assures the characters that he has increased security and personally selected each of the new guards assigned to escort the shipment. written by a traveling cartographer named Miya Horikawa. Bring twenty koku to the abandoned warehouse next to the lake tomorrow night or I will reveal everything. Horikawa remembered the player characters. The bandits head straight for the bolts of cloth. They have an intimate knowledge of the surroundings. and although they did not speak at length he did remember their names. Fearing bandits. For example. the party meets a similarly sized group of travelers. reporting voices in the darkness. One point that can often be a problem in scenarios like this is dealing with the capabilities of the player characters. except that the man who approached him was a stranger. Horikawa can send various messages to every member of the party in an attempt to hedge his bets. TWENTY KOKU Some more trouble with bandits today. After convincing the bandits that the party would be willing to pay for his release. FOCUS The message could be any of the following: FROM THE BLACKMAILER I know your secret. and fade back into the wilderness as quickly as they came. and send the merchant's inexperienced guards running in panic. and one of the travelers shouts that a man is going after the horses. of course. but every so often you'll find one who will give you an even break. FROM THE YOJIMBO STRIKE FROM THE INNKEEPER After a few days on the road. but enjoy a camaraderie that borders on the familiar. the caravan is. Your average bandit is a dishonorable and unreasonable lout. the characters find the caravan ready to depart. Bring twenty koku to the warehouse by the lake tomorrow night or else. If the players are clever and their characters are skilled. A few minutes later. he asks for help in investigating the noise. After expressing his regret for their misfortune and amicably sending the characters on their way. More voices cry out. Time is of the essence. Of course. it would mean the end of the merchant's business. you can have him offer to give a partial refund and replace the lost silk with some cloth of lesser value. FROM THE EXPLORER I've found something you've been looking for. they offer the characters hospitality and friendly conversation at their camp for the night. Use your best judgement. Our lord is in great danger! I have found a way to save him. STRIKE The message is a fake. if not more so. as long as he comes out on top. However. attacked by bandits. Characters might receive ransom notes for children they don't have. with little money and no living relatives.Upon arrival at the merchant's warehouse. but we'll need twenty koku to make it work.. snatch them away. Shouts are heard in the distance. and will try to elude defenders rather than engage in direct combat. This is. These “bandits” are actually highly trained bushi in the merchant's employ. and he hopes to recover some of his recent losses by selling the same merchandise to several customers. letters from people they have never met. Your sister/brother can't pay for all the sake they drank. The masked riders strike from a well-prepared ambush. He knows nothing else about the situation. My price is twenty koku. Meet me in the empty building by the lake tomorrow night and we'll discuss a trade. Chaos breaks loose. he wishes them a good journey and sends the caravan on its way. SMOKE & MIRRORS Player characters are a dangerously ingenious lot.. he will claim that he delivered the merchandise as promised. That is. If the characters press the issue with the merchant and you're feeling especially devious. or even pleas for help from comrades they are traveling with. The travelers come from a mix of clans and families.. More shapes are seen. something he is dead set on avoiding. not unexpectedly. . FOCUS One of the travelers raises the alarm in the middle of the night. CHALLENGE A peasant approaches one of the player characters bearing a message on a scrap of paper. His business is struggling. They attempt the unexpected. he sent the blackmail/ransom/summons message to draw the characters to his aid. Remember that the only things Horikawa knows about the player characters are details that he overheard or observed in their brief meeting. The fire suddenly disappears. After accepting payment from the characters. Meet me in the old warehouse tomorrow night. 29. and don't be afraid to let the player characters win. Adjust the message appropriately. try the impossible. He explains that a man with a heavy beard told him to deliver the note. Facing death at the hands of angry brigands. CHALLENGE While traveling through a lonely stretch of unfamiliar territory. but Horikawa figures he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it. if a party member is traveling with a child. Or maybe he sends them to put an end to their nosy meddling. and that its loss to the bandits was due to the characters' failure as guards. and any knowledge Horikawa claims to have of a Dark Secret is based simply on the appearance of the character in question. Maybe the merchant will change his business plan and beg the characters for help in defeating real bandits. it can be difficult to let the bandits get away with the robbery without it looking like the PCs have no say in the outcome. there was no way Horikawa could satisfy their demands. Bring twenty koku to the lakeside warehouse tomorrow night or we'll turn the matter over to your daimyo. Horikawa was attacked by bandits who intended to rob and ransom him. Shortly after they parted ways. If they find some way to check the temple without being seen they will discover the captive children. he will be executed. bandits are people too. CHALLENGE A gang of bandits ambushes and attempts to rob the party. which they will gladly lead the player characters into while searching for “bandits. smoke.” he declares. Although Junpei does not know the full situation. 30. he can tell the heroes that some strangers have caused all the adults in the village to start acting strangely and scared him into hiding. adolescent son. will they truly be able to live with their decision? If your players are especially capable and the initial fight ends too quickly. The villagers will attempt to defend themselves. drops his sword. Once you get past your unhealthy obsession over playing fair. barring their path. The village is not a major source of income. The village headman steps forward and announces in a nervous voice that the residents of the village are revolting. but he pleads for the chance to see his family one last time before the end. They will do their best to keep the player characters from suspecting their true nature. Unless they do something to solve the problem. preferring deception to outright combat. most of the others turn and flee. the player characters might gain a small clue from his seemingly defiant words. Although the bandits threatened to kill the village children if the village headman said anything suspicious.STRIKE The entire “bandit attack” is merely a ruse being perpetrated by the group of travelers using illusion spells. misdirection. but every koku of rice counts when the chill winds of winter begin to blow. but it would take a truly heartless individual to refuse to deliver a message on a dying man's behalf. feel free to give them a few extra skills.. Simply have him linger at the “Down” wound level long enough to beg for mercy. though they have slipped from the Celestial Order. “You will not get the rice in the warehouse. he could not bear to watch his loved ones starve. dummies on pulleys. FOCUS The bandit reveals that his name is Ryota and tells the characters that his wife. some sharpened wooden spears and a few knives. Are you prepared? CHALLENGE The player characters are asked to visit a small. One. CRIME & PUNISHMENT As this month draws to a close let us remember that. mirrors. Ryota's family will be left without any means of support and their chances of making it through the winter will be almost nonexistent.. The bandits plan to spend the next week taking as much rice as they can carry back to their camp in order to stock up for the winter. the bandits will take the opportunity to escape in the confusion. People fall. and begs for mercy. If the characters decide to look after Ryota's family on his behalf. but ultimately surrender once it The law states that the penalty for engaging in banditry is death. however. The fate of Ryota and his innocent children lie in the hands of the player characters. They might even have a number of traps hidden in the forest beyond the campfire. he turned to a life of crime in order to support his family. Their faces bear expressions of fear mixed with grim determination. In a few months. you can have still Ryota ask the characters for help. Of course. and will flee into the night if it looks as if they will be caught. the farmers have no choice but to go along with the bandits' plan if they want to save their children. leaving the villagers to face the wrath of the Imperial Tax Collectors. If the party takes Ryota to the authorities. they have the advantage of superior numbers over the characters. the characters may find themselves forced to report both the loss of the village's taxes and the death of its inhabitants to their superiors. dirty tricks are only dirty when you compare them to Bushido. Although he regrets his actions. All of the locations he mentioned are being used as barracks by members of the bandit gang. the player characters find the inhabitants waiting for them. a number of other problems and moral dilemmas may present themselves. it will still be necessary for him to find a source of income besides a life of crime. Of course. . or try to lend a helping hand? If they execute Ryota and leave his family to die in the cold. With no profitable skills beyond fighting. If asked. In the (hopefully unlikely) event that the characters try to slaughter the villagers. remote farming village and collect the taxes that it owes. winter will be upon us. hidden accomplices. and are holding the villagers' children hostage. Or maybe their shugenja have memorized spells beyond simple illusions. but when his employer was executed for treason it became impossible for him to find work. Without a father. and the fight soon turns against the bandits. and autumn will soon be in full swing. or any of the money in my home! Turn away now and leave in peace!” becomes apparent that their situation is hopeless. “We will pay no taxes. they look just fine. nor the treasures in the temple. STRIKE STRIKE The “peasant revolt” is not what it seems. Perhaps they learned some actual skills from the bushi they stole their arms and armors from before robbing them. Ryota explains that he was once a caravan guard for the Scorpion. which should certainly be a sign that something is amiss. 31. kneels in the dirt. some samurai may be hesitant to expend resources healing a bandit who just attacked him. they will have to tread carefully. Champions rise again. giving them time to take what they can from the characters' belongings. and although they are armed with nothing more than farming tools. DEATH & TAXES The weather is getting cooler.” Remember. FOCUS Upon entering the village. If the bandits seem outmatched. While they have some small measure of martial skills. He admits his crimes and accepts the player characters' judgement. Their aim is to lure as many of the characters away from the camp as possible and distract the rest. True heroes help those around them to stand. their training is not up to that of disciplined clan samurai. If the characters decide to leave the village alone or report the incident to a higher authority (or simply need a hint to get them started) you can have them find a young boy named Junpei hiding in the woods. and the if the characters investigate carefully they might be able to learn the truth behind of the matter. Do they leave him to fend for himself. and young daughter wait for him in a old hut in the woods. A large group of bandits has taken over the village.. if you want to be really evil you could always decide that even after defeating the bandits there is not enough rice for the villagers to pay their taxes and feed themselves. As soon as the leader is slain. What will they say to Ryota's widow? How will his children react? If the characters spare Ryota's life. Even though it may cost them their own lives. and other mundane means. Depending on what the characters choose to do. you can always have a character with a different relationship to the PCs take the place of the rival in this scenario. the head of the nearby temple. the zombies seem to carry a sickness in their bodies which affects anyone who is struck by their attacks. the player characters may be aware that there is something strange going on in Tsunan. but the constant attacks are taking a heavy toll on their numbers. STRIKE There are actually two culprits working together in the town. CHALLENGE An old rival of one of the player characters picks a fight with the party in broad daylight. CHALLENGE Not long after arriving in the town of Tsunan. When a zombie with the same body type attacks the next day they should get a basic idea of where to look for clues. Or.) The villagers have managed to defend themselves for the most part. you could even have him return from the ashes. each time he is “slain” and reanimated. Even if you have not used that adventure. The name of the town is Tsunan. FOCUS The residents explain that the zombie attacks have been going on for almost a full month. even without finding a way to dispel his curse. The local magistrate. he attacks them outright. the characters are targeted by a zombie attack. it may take some time for them to find out exactly what is happening. One option is having the zombies kill a victim with an unusual body type (especially fat. Perhaps it is a magistrate or other authority figure. Of course. he is certain that whatever changed him happened there. I'll be presenting a new zombie-related adventure seed for your enjoyment. One is the local healer. While he retains his martial skills. The other is an eta mortician with knowledge of blood magic. augment the rival as necessary. and he appeals to the characters' sense of honor. It is not far away. and several strong carpenters who tried to stand against the living dead have all either been killed or have gone missing. He apologizes for the erratic actions of his master. jade-resistant enchanted armor. While the zombies appear to be simple walking corpses with no special features or abilities.. etc. . Furthermore. If he is defeated but not destroyed. they witness another zombie attack within the week. anyone who dies in the village. you may have to drop some obvious hints. and/or Shadowlands Powers can all increase the threat that the rival presents. and his only words are shouted demands for the heroes to kill him. he once again returns on the next day. STRIKE The character's rival has suffered a dire fate. And the day after that. Strength of the Earth.). 33. Not long after their arrival. (If the characters played through last week's CFS scenario. alternating between mindless violence and moments of lucidity where he or she begs for death. their presence in such a remote area is a sure sign that something unusual is afoot. The only lead he has is the name of a town where the poor man visited a friend before he was cursed. and offers a boon on behalf of his master's family if the PCs will find the reason for his sudden dark transformation.. the healer administers a slow acting poison to any victims who have been injured. and have claimed several victims. there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing.Zombies October is Zombie Month here at CFS Emporium! Every week up until Halloween. however. short and hunched over. the mortician simply gives the victim's family a urn of plain ashes. Jigoku's grasp on his soul is strengthened. if things get too difficult you can let the heroes destroy their undead enemy through simple brute force. If this happens. so be prepared to adapt your story appropriately. If the players have skills or resources that would make killing the undead rival too easy (such as powerful Fire spells. And the day after that as well. If you have already run last week's scenario. And each day thereafter. But wait! There's more! This month's CFS ideas are designed to be played either separately. That's four times the undead of your regular CFS scenario! How can you go wrong? 32. If the characters try to ignore him or do nothing. If the player characters do not bother to gather information from the inhabitants of the town. THE BLOODSCROLLS: A FAMILIAR FACE It all starts with a personal problem. very tall and slim. THE BLOODSCROLLS: THE ZOMBIE PLAGUE Following in the footsteps of last week's CFS scenario. they can learn that their rival who was cursed with life in death was also a victim of the zombies. and his clothes still bear the bloodstains from the previous day's battle. If the player characters remain in town. either at the hands of the zombies or as a result of the healer's poison. His only hope is for the cunning and resourceful player characters to find a way to end the curse and kill him forever before his soul is lost completely. jade weapons. mutilates the body's face beyond recognition. but the dark essence inside his body will not let him fall without a fight. who has a subtle skill in using poisons. Magic Resistance. Furthermore. an old friend or lover could be the victim of the curse. Combat Reflexes. His only desire is to die. begging them to investigate. the player characters are approached by a servant. Even with zombie attacks. Of course. or combined into a month-long campaign of zombie horror.. Unless something is done to stop the two villain's unholy actions. Instead of cremating the body. is taken to the mortician. completely reformed! On the other hand. and animates the corpse as a zombie to repeat the cycle. and every moment of his existence brings physical torment and spiritual anguish. While he was not with his master during the visit. the player characters hear news of (or encounter for themselves) wandering zombies attacking defenseless civilians. Or. He does not stop fighting until he is killed. you can still use this week's CFS without any special preparation. his manner is that of a berserk madman. we have another adventure full of zombies for your enjoyment. He has been cursed with undeath. Tsunan will eventually become a town of the dead. His face and skin show signs of some illness. SHOUT After the rival is put to rest permanently. FOCUS The rival returns on the next day. growling like a wild animal. A complete stranger who has heard of the PCs only in passing might chose them to end his suffering. attacking the player characters once again. After each zombie attack. missing an arm or leg) in view of the heroes. The zombies will just be that much more of a surprise. this week's CFS has more zombies than you can shake a jade studded tetsubo at. It is said to be cursed. he invites the heroes to stay as his guests. the characters discover a secret laboratory. Do not fail me. In the meantime. One runs away. If the player characters are not aware of the problems that are coming from Mt. As practitioners of maho. Kougen to Kuni Toshi's fortress. it radiates incredible evil. All of the names listed are those of magistrates specializing in finding and destroying maho-tsukai. On the other hand. part of being a hero is facing any challenge that comes your way…whether you asked for it or not. should end all effects of the dark artifact. Any reason for them to be in the area should suffice to get them involved. By having discovered the cave they know too much. The second squadron of guards has succumbed to undeath as well! There are zombies inside the fortress! . Or. he and four other magistrates led a force of soldiers and stopped Satsujinki and his followers from slaughtering an entire temple full of monks. you may want to give them some extra information or resources to even things out. Asako Hiromi Toritaka Eiji Matsu Takemitsu Kuni Hirokazu Kuni Toshi Mt. If the characters attempt to leave the cave. That evening. CHALLENGE Upon reaching Mt. You can adjust the level of danger that this adventure presents quite a bit by adapting the layout of the cavern and the number of enemies within. This makes the player characters' job much. his instruments remain. pull a scroll from inside the folds of their kimono. everything should be ready to go. however. As above. Following up on last week's adventure.. you can always have their superior order them to travel there to investigate strange signs.. they find that all the magistrates who have been crossed off the list have been killed within the last two months. Editor’s Note: Apologies to Sam Raimi for the title of this one…I just couldn’t help myself! CHALLENGE While consulting with Kuni Toshi. Kuni Toshi researches a way to end its power. Satsujinki will attack them anyway. calling out “Master! Run!” The others draw long knives and attack. the cavern opens up into a network of linked caves. Although the leader of the cultists seems to have escaped. ensuring that any cultists the characters killed on the way in will be waiting for them on the way out. The fortress he resides in is off the beaten path. From a distance they appear to be farmers and heimin laborers. Satsujinki will attack them at his leisure. If the characters have the bloodscroll. If the characters did not take the scroll or seek out Kuni Toshi. If the characters retrieve the scroll before it can be completely destroyed. From the looks of recent events. a large mass of people is sighted coming up the hill to the fortress from the nearby village. getting out again will be the hard part. seeking to eliminate any who have knowledge of his plan. Besides. with bloodstains on the floor and walls. Kougen the player characters discover a cave. It's simply a matter of when he will strike. they find a maze of twisting passages with cultists hiding within. and it offers (I hope) a big pay-off for any necessary preparation. a second alarm is raised. the famous magistrate tells the characters of his long conflict with the maho-tsukai known as Satsujinki — “The Cutthroat. he begins preparing scrolls and materials in order to begin the ritual as soon as possible. Although the scroll's taint is not concentrated enough to cause any harm to a character who touches or carries it. it reveals a shocking piece of news. FOCUS The next day. you can either force them to stay or let them leave. and try to destroy it. The purification ritual requires several hours of concentration. place the final chamber near the entrance and reduce the number of cultists and zombies within the intervening rooms. when completed. Assuming the characters took the bloodscroll from Mt. of course! 35. Further in. Kuni Toshi announces that he has found a way to destroy the bloodscroll. it might teach them to be more careful in the future. it becomes clear that the villagers are no longer alive — the crowd is a mob of zombies! As the call to arms goes out. simply assume that it has fallen into the hands of Satsujinki.. but. If the characters investigate further. Kougen when you have conquered Tsunan. Cultists and their zombie slaves. the PCs will have a hard time of things. is retired. If the party is having a hard time. Proceed through the scenario as written. After all. THE BLOODSCROLLS: THE DEAD SHALL RISE This week's scenario builds on the events described in last week's adventure. but it's also easy to adapt. If the PCs have not played through any of the previous chapters of this month's adventure. but not hard to find. as they will have to reach Satsujinki and seize the scroll before the zombies can be slain. it appears that he is nearing his goal. Kougen. Since that time. Among the unspeakable items present. The same applies if the characters leave behind the bloodscroll. Kougen is just a few days ride from Tsunan. or simply have them wander upon the place by chance. Unless someone else finds him first. and they will do anything to prevent the heroes from returning to civilization. STRIKE Upon reaching the deepest chamber of the cavern. If so. simply have them visit Kuni Toshi on routine business. their lives are forfeit if the player characters survive to tell their story. in a remote. just before dusk. fighting until either they or the heroes are killed. Come to the cave on Mt. they come across a group of cultists in red robes. you could have the zombie attack target any NPC in the same area the PCs happen to be traveling in. and resists any attempts to destroy it. the area nearby shows signs of unusually heavy traffic for such a remote area. If the party continues into the cave. FOCUS Once the characters have proceeded far enough into the cave to be out of sight of the entrance. the madman has sought some way to build his own army to terrorize the Empire. The bloodscrolls are ready.” Several years ago. But on the other hand. In either case. Kuni Toshi. uninhabited area of the Empire. a crimson scroll can be found. the cultists will be dead set on eliminating them. with only limited knowledge of their situation. if you want to drive home the fact that the characters are entering the lair of a powerful maho-tsukai you can pull all the stops and throw wave after wave of the living dead at them as they wander though a dark maze. It also causes any dead body within 100 yards to become animated as a mindless zombie. As they approach. The plot thickens! What evil could possibly await our heroes? More zombies. A note is next to the bloodscroll. Although he insists that his guests relax. much harder. The characters may find themselves under siege in a less ideal location. either the healer or the mortician will flee. While the cave mouth appears natural. THE BLOODSCROLLS: ARMY OF DARKNESS 34.SHOUT EXTENSION: When the player characters have their final showdown with the two mahotsukai (and their guardian zombies). If the characters sought out Kuni Toshi but did not take the bloodscroll. without the bloodscroll in hand or any extra information. If the characters took the bloodscroll but did not visit Kuni Toshi. and the unseen master will mark them for death as he has his other enemies. The last magistrate. This scenario has the most specific set-up of any of this month's zombie adventures. We can now move on to the second stage. It's Halloween. Now it's time for something even more terrifying: Winter Court. the cultist will strike again. You have secured an invitation to Court. Knowing this. she agrees to any precautions the PCs suggest.. In September we fought roving gangs of vicious bandits. if Saya insists on living her life as normal. Dealing with Tatsu can be a one-time event. there could be numerous consequences for the character's actions. STRIKE The warning was actually sent by Kouji. in a moment of weakness. or guests who are killed in the siege will also rise as zombies. Or perhaps. This will make Kouji quite happy. If the fortress is not held until Kuni Toshi can complete his ritual. and locate any materials that Toshi forgot to prepare for the ritual (he didn't count on having to complete it so quickly) should prevent the PCs from gathering everyone into one room to fight it out. the potency and range of the artifact are increased by the presence of Satsujinki nearby. If something is not done to mend relations soon the spring thaws may see a declaration of war. Saya's reaction to the death threat depends on the type of personality you want to give her. Furthermore. the plot involving Kouji can be discarded in favor of another culprit. and his “meetings” with other courtiers are actually updates on the security plans of the player characters. 37. If possible. While her father will host guests in his own home. and her nights are often spent in romantic walks with her betrothed. Likewise. however. One interesting thing about the Japanese people I teach: When someone nearby is ill. The woman is quite old and has difficulty leaving her room. In turn. The need to maintain a constant defense. the young man blamed her for his failure to gain recognition in the courts. In October we battled bloodthirsty hordes of zombies. servants. The courtier. Further. haven't you? CHALLENGE A week or so after the start of Winter Court. so no place is safe. Be careful if he or she comes up with too many poems. FOCUS A number of people who could be considered Saya's enemies are present in the court. Saya's popularity is not the only reason he has not been promoted — his skill as a diplomat is sadly lacking. 38. Although he does not actually intend to have her killed. The second squadron of guards was poisoned at dinner time by a traitorous servant who sought to take the fortress from within. so go all out on this one. for those who like the simple and classic “assassination threat” style. these are not settings in which armed guards are welcome. he could be a relative nobody within the court. and have fun. all is lost. Play up the sense that death can come from anywhere at any time. The troubles need not end with the exposure of Kouji's scheming. And the son of the maho-tsukai she gave testimony against last winter. Of course. the ambitious Kouji became an accomplice. he has managed to anger and offend several powerful daimyos. turn down the lights. Satsujinki's army of undead villagers is a constant threat. Tatsu stands before the host and recites the player character's best poem as if it were his own. FOCUS When court is assembled the next day. 36. or a continuing problem for the character. STRIKE One of the many courtiers present remarks that the player character is reported to be a skilled poet as well. This icy blade in my heart – A friend's betrayal. He could be a talentless hack. she will travel to visit another Clan.STRIKE The power of the bloodscroll animates all creatures that die within its area of effect. or have numerous connections to call upon if necessary. Tatsu responds by reciting a few more of the character's compositions. even to the point of staying isolated in her chambers if they believe it is necessary. Kouji hopes to create a chance to gain glory for himself by taking over her regular duties. is the daughter of a powerful lord and is an influential figure in the Court in her own right. Ah. Just after reaching the palace where they will spend the winter. ramp up the body count. heaping ample praise on the young man. secure the interior of the fortress. Colder than the snow. By instilling a sense of tension and paranoia in Saya. it may cause the PCs some serious woes in their attempts to keep her safe. hope is as good as dead. or a skilled but unscrupulous poet in his own right. and the job is too big for Saya to handle alone. There are zombies outside and inside. If she takes the threat seriously. either. CONTAGIOUS RUMORS I'm afraid I'm feeling a little under the weather this week. The zombies' sheer numbers mean it is only a matter of time before they break through the outer walls. have the player of the character in question actually compose some poems for the recital in the Challenge section (which you can steal for Tatsu's big performance later on). one of the characters is asked to give a private poetry recital for an important member of his clan who is present in the palace. Winter Court In August we faced haunting ghosts and restless spirits. and just about everything takes place in the public eye. the maho-tsukai systematically executed every resident of the village in order to amass an army with which to kill his hated enemy and take back the bloodscroll. And the ex-lover of Saya's betrothed. CHARACTER ASSASSINATION CHALLENGE The PCs are asked to escort a popular young courtier to Winter Court. There are numerous people who would like to kill Saya. On the other hand. however. because having a stock of poems eliminates a lot of the pressure in this scenario. POETIC LICENSE The weather continues to get colder and colder. the host of the Winter Court then turns to the character in question and asks if he can match Tatsu's display of poetic skill. picking off stragglers. I suspect the cold I'm suffering from came from one of my students. the characters receive an anonymous message warning that an assassin will attempt to kill Saya sometime during Winter Court. Satsujinki called upon a hidden ally to aid him in his attack. Winter is almost upon us. they react quite . The longer the siege continues. Numerous dignitaries and courtiers request private meetings with her every day. he does want her taken out of the picture long enough so that he has a chance to shine. the joys of Court. Jealous of the attention and praise she received. members of the household. Hearing this. Winter Court is a social affair. Remember that everyone is watching this exchange as it happens. several generals who have fought heated battles against her father are also there. and any one of them could have hired an assassin. While Saya has been sequestered away for her own protection. causing more defenders to join the ranks of the undead.. the larger Satsujinki's army will become. The host reacts quite favorably. as he will be able to schmooze to his heart's content. Unless the PCs act quickly. Unless he is discovered and stopped. and she is greatly appreciative of the gesture. Saya.. as any guards. And the list goes on! Every delegation contains at least one person who seems likely to be behind the death threat. ranging from childhood rivals to political opponents. one of Saya's aides. Needless to say. but her grandson Tatsu is on hand to attend to her during the character's visit. As such. but the zombified members of the second squadron can also strike without warning. and he wants to know if it would be possible. He has noticed that recent bad weather has cast a dark cloud over Winter Court. Instead of flexing their diplomatic skills to find a way to make the banquet a success. causing many to give the party a wide berth. this scenario can also be reversed. it will require several meetings and a great deal of politicking.. He's gathered the ingredients for his famous red miso soup. Whatever the nature of the illness. red miso soup. a cold caught while venturing outside in the winter chill. it also means that Kawachi can prepare just about any food he has heard of. but simply misguided pride. Not to mention the pride to be gained from defending the honor of one's Clan. he would dearly like to sample the cuisines of other Clans. And the PCs will have a good deal to gain from either side. the PCs will have to take an active hand in making the banquet itself. And enjoy some good food while they're at it. Thus. his yojimbo (Yotsu Karami).. After all. Turns out some of our “traditional” favorites like sushi and tempura aren't all that traditional after all. This could be simple gossip. He reveals that his duties as a temple keeper have always kept him too busy to pursue his lifelong dream of traveling the Empire. or malicious lies spread by one of the party's rivals. Even the mildest rumors speak of infectious fevers and punishments from the Fortunes. 39. he does sincerely want to make people happy through his own efforts. exchanging military secrets about a rival Clan. one or more of the characters are exposed to a sickness of some sort. If the player characters are ill-prepared to deal with the challenge. even the efforts of an unskilled cook would be a pleasure to try. For more information about historical Japanese food (as well as some recipes) this site* is an excellent resource. One version says that the characters have been afflicted by the Shadowlands Sickness. treat illnesses. increase Kawachi’s skill in the kitchen to make him a master chef. Whatever their mission. if those dishes really are as delicious as the player characters say. Otomo Amato challenges Kawachi and the player characters to prepare the foods they have suggested. FOCUS While Kawachi’s idea has merit.. Upon hearing their ideas. It could be an allergic reaction to some harmless substance. however. and asks the PCs if they would help him organize it. While this is good news for the PCs. Definitely worth a look. dried pheasant. If you want to put a light-hearted spin on this adventure. the party members find themselves in a position where they must negotiate with various emissaries from a number of different Clans and families. Aspiring courtiers will want to have a hand in its success. Abbot Nigasa jumps in with an offer to pray to Hotei on behalf of the person who could bring him such joy with their cooking. They could be making a business deal to secure vital resources for their Clan.. Upon hearing this idea. When they themselves are sick. And. they are all quite active in spreading gossip around the courts. He's been called upon to prepare dinner for a distinguished courtier (Otomo Amato). or just a passing sore throat picked up from a servant. If the meal is not a success. DON’T BITE MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW For those of you who live outside the United States. and marinated mandarin oranges. But the cause of the illness may as well be evil spirits. how will the characters manage to convince anyone to meet or speak with them and complete their mission? If you want to make things even more difficult for the party. But at least my suffering can bring some benefit for others. While healers can recognize symptoms. Kawachi intends to serve sashimi. Important figures will want to know whether or not one of Kawachi’s feasts is worth going to in the future. but unpleasant enough to require rest in private. he's certain to be insulted and dejected. Rivals of the Clan will want to prevent him from gaining influence with his grandstanding. the menu is also quite complex. Of course. they can find out that while Kawachi is an aspiring cook. to better bring joy to his guests.. arranging a marriage to cement an alliance. grilled fish. While Hotei has blessed him with a warm bed and a full meal every night. have a Happy Turkey Day! And while the holiday may not be traditionally celebrated in Rokugan. FOCUS Early in the season. STRIKE Kawachi has a good relationship with the kitchen staff of the palace. Then have his assistants fall ill. Of course. if they're not busy. and he's selected a nice area of the palace in which to hold the event. Perhaps the player characters can find some way to make everyone happy at the same time. While his confidence in his own cooking skills may be overblown. they're welcome to back down. Will the characters risk their health for the sake of speaking to a potential ally? Will they risk being shunned by other members of the court for speaking to an afflicted person? Keep in mind that Rokugani medical knowledge is not equal to the scientific expertise we have today. Furthermore. If the player characters let Kawachi go through with his plan to prepare the entire feast by himself. today is Thanksgiving.destinyslobster. chopped seaweed salad. he'll make the entire meal by himself.htm BONUS CFS: THE IRON CHEF VERSION! CHALLENGE Kawachi has another problem. and the Abbot of a temple to Hotei (Master Nigasa). and even Karami asks the characters if they really believe that their Clans' cuisines are the best in the Empire. and he wants to do something to brighten people's spirits. To that end. CHALLENGE A friendly young man named Kawachi (or another friend or clan mate of the characters) approaches the PCs with an idea. they have no qualms about exposing others. he proposes an elaborate dinner party with lavish food. Another claims that it is an outbreak of the Ebon Fever which swept the Empire fifty years ago. his reputation in the courts will surely be ruined. and even a case of the flu can be fatal in such a society. CHALLENGE STRIKE During Winter Court. With such whispered warnings in circulation. and is able to call upon just about any common ingredients or cooking materials needed for the competition. if their suggestions were made not with confidence. People know enough to avoid victims who are sick because they observe the sickness spreading to others nearby. He has asked several people from every clan to attend. there's no reason why we can't have a feast anyway. the best advice possible is to keep one's distance and pray to the Fortunes. and prevent diseases from spreading to a limited degree. they run a terrible risk. For those of you who do live in the USA. *fibers. chestnut rice.fearfully. STRIKE The court is soon filled with rumors about “the true nature” of the characters' illness. and he asks the player characters which type of food is the best in the Empire. his guest list and his menu are both overly ambitious. or trying to find (or hide) information about a political scandal. you can tone down the level of competition Kawachi presents by having him choose to . But if they come out and tell him their concerns directly. maybe. and while none of the guests are particularly powerful. If the characters ask around. for the party to accompany him? FOCUS As soon as the Abbot meets the party he becomes visibly excited. with Kawachi’s guidance there shouldn't be any problem…right? You can also raise the stakes by playing up the social nature of Winter Court. the blessings of a monk of Hotei (and the respect of allies in the Court) are not a prize to pass up lightly.. the only item on the menu he has any experience in preparing is red miso soup. pickled cucumbers. he claims. Infect one or more members of the Clans they must speak to with a disease such as influenza or typhoid fever and set up the Rokugani version of Outbreak. the nature and causes of diseases are still a mystery to even the most learned scholars. While the loser of such an impromptu and unorthodox contest faces no social But he's not sure how to keep the trio entertained for the entire evening by himself. it is brief and non-fatal.. threatened into silence. do you remember that time you…” CHALLENGE During a courtly gathering. slandered to the point of losing all credibility. you wouldn't want the party to try to get rid of a new player. and unlucky nature may even hold the character back from time to time. there are always new venues to aspire to. as his infuriating retelling of the same old story has continued since their youth. FOCUS During the divination session. you can make his comments as biting and spiteful as you wish. CHALLENGE As long as the story remains in the public mind. There are. or even silenced permanently. the player character must decide how he will deal with the hindrance his constant companion has become. unforeseen difficulties in cooking. However. lack of combat skills. Know your players' habits and you can create an NPC which is likely to bring out the initial reaction you desire. it is thankfully minor and quickly forgotten. In the end. CHALLENGE While at Winter Court. He suggests that they support each other as much as possible in order to benefit from this harmonious coincidence. prophecies are much more interesting when they are true. and outside interference can all add levels of complexity to this contest. So instead. their continued association eventually allows the shugenja to develop skills and abilities which let him aid the player character in a vital situation later on. FOCUS Or at least it would be quickly forgotten if not for the waggling tongue of a court dandy named Yukio. . several ways to deal with Yukio. If you do not want to role play out the initial scene that involves the target PC's social mistake (or your players are smooth enough to avoid making such mistakes). He explains that his hobby is divination and offers to tell the character's fortune. one of the PCs makes an unfortunate and inadvertently humorous social blunder. stoically ignored. It may be brought back for all to see someday later. or mystic spell to their advantage. and he delights in bringing it up again and again. If the player character sticks it out and accepts the shugenja as a companion. you can have the shugenja come into some good fortune which allows him to aid the player character later on. a recent rash of dabblings in thread necromancy have given me unexpected inspiration. of course. Likewise. perhaps during their initial meeting with Yukio. if you decide that Yukio's true intent has been to goad the character into a duel all along. Alternately. the shugenja claims that his own future is highly compatible with the character's future. you can rule that the incident in question occurred at a different Winter Court when the character was much younger. If you have a few aspiring chefs in the party. For many. As long as his stories are true and delivered in a light. you can take off the kid gloves and let them face off against a delicious soup featuring baby clams. GOOD FORTUNE. off the cuff manner. As the winter drags on. While this may sound like a harmless gesture of friendship. One thing to keep in mind is to refrain from making Yukio's comments to overtly insulting or offensive. He could be told of an even juicier incident. or even the Emerald Chef of the Emperor himself? 40. If the targeted player character manages to get rid of the shugenja somehow. Two points that can significantly change the way in which the players react to the shugenja is the shugenja's age and gender.” He begins following the character around at all hours. Why satisfy yourself with being an Iron Chef when you could be the Jade Chef. you could make Yukio's motivation much more malevolent in nature. Of course. In fact. FORGIVE & FORGET Today's Winter Court scenario was originally going to be about finding strange allies in unexpected places. it holds countless friends and allies. his low stamina. Keep the people you don't like close. BAD COMPANY Winter Court continues. and instead have him plagued by rivals. you may want to eliminate signs of weakness and incompetence from the new character. attempts to outdo other characters. Keep the people who really get on your nerves closer. seaweed. breaking the challenge into several different stages and asking the players for their strategy in each stage can make the process more involved and enjoyable. the character in question should have no real justification to seek vindication. An older NPC may be treated with more respect by some players. the court is filled with rivals and enemies. tofu. Of course.prepare a dish other than his famous red miso. This bit of history can also be helpful in establishing feelings of rivalry toward Yukio. If so. Or Yukio could be trying to ruin the character's reputation for other reasons. if you wished to build an entire campaign around this sort of thing. for that matter). we turn our imaginations to examine what may happen when words are not forgotten. This scenario can also be used to introduce a new player character into the party. Perhaps he is jealous of the character and his stories are his way of lashing out. a female NPC can often avoid trouble in situations where a male would be scorned. social ineptitude. He might be using the character's blunder as a joke in an attempt to make himself more popular. The smiling courtier seems to think that the character's mistake is the most humorous story he has ever heard. however. Rather than boiling things down to a single die roll. For others. Maybe he's even working in tandem with another person within the court to set the character up for further manipulations. and fine vegetables. school technique. social conflicts and family problems. the shugenja brings no useful skills to the party. and how he or she deals with mistakes. STRIKE Besides his skill in divination. These can cause trouble for the party while still allowing the new PC to be a viable member. And for some. a shugenja from another family strikes up a conversation with one of the player characters. and any time the two are in the same room the character can expect Yukio to ask “Hey. 41. more power to them! And of course. While the incident is quite embarrassing. it holds a number of annoying acquaintances. the shugenja is quite enthusiastic about their “unbreakable partnership. Be careful what you say (or write. After all. it all depends on what kind of person the character is deep down. the character's image will suffer. while others may show more leeway to a younger and more inexperienced NPC. asking him for advice and trying to be helpful in return. And as long as Yukio is left to his own devices he will continue circulating the story. The preferences and personality quirks of the three guests. reasoned with. And if someone finds a way to use a bugei skill. It quickly becomes his favored joke. He is abusive to servants. If you could lend us your strong arm and keen insight. In fact. and those who dismiss her as a mere child do so at their peril. they are scheduled to give their gift to Yukishima on the second day of the celebration. and look forward to working with you. Presenting them with a plot to expose the “vile crimes” of a single dishonorable courtier. our numbers are small. Players who have read all about the Kolat. there is no “Judge. Needless to say. she can give aid to those who befriend her. CHILD’S PLAY Today saw snow (or frozen rain at the very least) in Osaka. by all means. FOCUS Yukishima is a celebrity in courtly circles and the completion of his greatest poetry series is an auspicious occasion. and Black Lotus may think they know all the secrets in Rokugan. Her age gives her a great deal of leeway in the Court. should turn any preconceived ideas they might have upside-down. STRIKE In truth. The samurai might be a desperate individual who latched on to the first good idea that caught his ear. this type of severe weather is exactly the sort of thing which forces samurai to choose between braving the elements or braving the Courts. masterminded by a little girl. However. a samurai from another Clan approaches Yukishima and offers his gift. plotting some evil mischief. offered again. Winter Court can be a fearsome place. and finally accepted. their reputation will suffer most severely. drinks and gambles with ronin in secret. If a player wishes for his or her character to be a fan of Yukishima's previous works. Are you ready? And while the holidays we celebrate are not observed in Rokugan. and he would like the PC to seek out evidence to that end. While not as overtly powerful as an ambassador or emissary. it becomes clear that Toshihide is not a nice fellow. STRIKE The feast begins and a schedule is drawn up for the presentation of gifts to Yukishima. Toshihide carelessly stepped on one of Mari's dolls and broke it. his skill in navigating the Court and hiding his misdeeds allows him to avoid any negative consequences of his actions. refused with new poems. It is almost identical to the gift the PCs have selected. pointing out Toshihide and giving basic information about him. While a courtier with several allies and acquaintances in their web of contacts has little to gain from entering such an alliance. if the PCs do not prepare a suitable gift for Yukishima. and quick-witted enough to keep her ears open for news that may be important. and many members of the court are looking forward to seeing how he will respond when presented with unique and exotic gifts. The similarity of the other samurai's gift to the gift the party members have selected may be coincidental. CHALLENGE While attending Winter Court in the palace of another Clan. completing the set he started with “Spring Wishes. If they have a rival who seeks to discredit them in court. or gifts that are similar to gifts he has already received. the host of Winter Court has announced three days of feasting in Yukishima's honor. I will send a servant to meet with you tomorrow afternoon and explain the situation in greater detail. 43. and appreciates even the simplest offering of talent (but not quite enough to waive the need for a present). or deliberate. . Or it could simply be bad luck.” This is the fourth set of poems Yukishima has composed over the last fifteen years. and integrity are a credit to your Clan. Although I have gathered a small group of magistrates to monitor his activities in the hopes of foiling his plans. May the Fortunes watch over you this night. Yukishima. you can let them make a Storytelling (Poetry) skill roll to recall some details. wisdom. This adventure idea is best suited for a character who is less socially adept than others. embarrassing her in front of a large crowd. THE GIFTED POET There are only a few shopping days left until the holidays. met with poems of refusal. she figures she can finally expose Toshihide as the snake he truly is. Two weeks ago. It made me glad to know I had a warm home to return to. the Judge has reason to suspect that Toshihide is not as honorable as he seems. and I believe the Empire would benefit if there were more samurai of your caliber. they may notice that Yukishima tends to react less favorably to gifts that have had little thought put into them. If the character agrees to help. When she complained. This scenario can also be useful as a change of pace from conspiracy driven campaigns. If they pay attention. She founded the “secret group” for the sole purpose of tormenting Toshihide. Of course. Mari reveals that the suspect is a man of low character named Toshihide. Furthermore. it may be even more vital for one to find the “perfect gift” when honor and glory are on the line. At the risk of being overly direct. She explains that she is a student of “the Judge.” To honor this great occasion. she will “accidentally” let slip some of his misdeeds in public. CHALLENGE The famous poet. and lies profusely. has just finished a new collection of poems. She is cunning and resourceful. Gozoku. a player character receives a mysterious message from an unknown source. Your power. their plans may have been overheard by a spy and their ideas stolen. Many dignitaries and members of the court have brought gifts of congratulations to offer at the feast. offered a third time. Unless the PCs do something to change their position in line. The PCs have one day to decide what they will do in the face of this new development. Mari can actually become a useful ally to the player character in her own right. Yukishima is a genuine lover of the arts. For those who are lacking in social graces and political connections. After a few days of observation.42. entitled “Winter Memories. And if a player tries to compose a haiku poem of his or her own. she formulated a plan and quickly sought out allies who could serve as her voice in adult society. Mari volunteers to help. the custom of gift giving is no less important. As the first day's festivities eventually begin to wind down. let me say that it is a great shame that your prowess and skill are not appreciated by the emissaries that dominate the palace this season. Although I cannot yet risk revealing my presence to the scoundrel and his cronies. but it is also a place where new alliances can be made. On the first day they watch as many gifts are given. First. I hope you will choose to aid me in this matter. The Judge FOCUS The next day. a bushi with few friends in court may be more tempted to take whatever support he can find. the character is approached by a young girl named Mari. and does her best to secure an affirmative answer. She expectantly asks if the player character has decided to aid the Judge in striking against evil and corruption.” and continued in “Summer Dreams” and “Autumn Regrets. A despicable villain stalks the Court. and his depravity boundless. he teased her until she cried. and I hope all of you can enjoy the same luxury.” Mari is the only other member of the investigation. Yukishima is famous for his practice of refusing gifts with appropriate haiku poems. Vowing to embarrass him in the same way. Esteemed samurai. I would beg your assistance in a matter of great importance. encourage them to do so. and flurries in several locations throughout Japan.” who has asked her to relay his directions while he coordinates with other magistrates in the Court. Once she and the PC have observed enough of Toshihide's behavior. While his smooth tongue and careful manner allow him to enjoy a good reputation in the Court. With the PC's testimony to back up her claims. tries to seduce married women. it would be both a great help and a huge honor. HAIKU SET 2 You lend me your ears. Keep in mind that psychology is only a rudimentary science in Rokugan.  The geisha wants to become an official concubine or even a spouse and ruthlessly pursues that. in gold. the victim of an abduction and replacement scheme. While the effects of pressure and isolation on morale are understood. In truth. And you paid in advance. Don't forget to save one set for the present the player characters eventually give! I hope this week's installment finds you all happy and well. It is no bother. and the extra work has caused him difficulties with his family. and unable to seek comfort at home.HAIKU SAMPLES 44. Shigeki is in the early stages of a nervous breakdown. tainted. He offers them great favors and rewards if they agree to help him. Your warm thoughts suffice. Shigeki.  Ninja geisha! (Not Lying Darkness. again. but there were great listeners.  The house is suffering financial difficulties and needs more clients. influenced by the Lying Darkness (if it has been revealed in your campaign). methods of coping with those problems are not. If the party learn of this and inform Shigeki's father. A samurai must control his emotions. here is a selection of haiku poems you can use for the adventure above. Editor’s Note: Akodo Akira provided an excellent post on a possible solution or further complication for this adventure. Your kind words alone Are present enough for me. Fit for a prince or hero Not one such as I. acting under coercion. Heck.  The geisha has a steady client who is resentful of the new client. FOCUS The courtier is worried about his son. my friend. As powerful as your Clan. if the PCs go the extra step and try to help Shigeki deal with his personal problems (without overstepping the bounds of etiquette. Worry not for simple things. However. regardless of the needs/wants of the geisha.  The father thinks the geisha is a spy for [insert faction here]. Your heart as pure as your words. just a shinobi. How can I refuse? HAIKU SET 5 And if you want to show your players how Yukishima reacts to a gift that is lacking in thought or is too similar to a present he has already received: Offer naught. let alone a private meeting. It's all too easy to become overwhelmed by the pressures and demands of the holiday season. Lest I seem too keen. disrupting his sleep. Please be seated and relax. You stand before all. Appreciating my words. Possible plot hooks:  The geisha is inexperienced. I could wish no more. just getting the poor guy an invitation to a geisha house. and demands more and more of his time. UNDER PRESSURE As a bonus for over-worked or under-inspired GMs. He asks the characters to investigate without causing a big scandal or disrupting his son's duties. Or a rival might be lacing his evening tea with drugs to cause horrible nightmares. This fine blade you give I must turn away. would be an adventure in and of itself. Sincerely you give This wonderful gift to me. Nay. and always had references. Geisha were the people that Samurai went to talk out their problems. This gift before me. Your words and your smile. who is behaving strangely.)  Oni geisha? . If you want to add a more dramatic element to this tale. My thanks to your house. I humbly accept. or even brainwashed. you can combine Shigeki's normal stress with one of the other possibilities listed above. Geisha. An influential courtier from the Otomo family approaches the characters in private. Which is all the more reason to spend some quality time gaming with your friends. even if they threaten to tear him apart. Feeling like he has been assigned an impossible task. His duties in the courts have been extremely stressful as of late. of course). I will accept this token And give you this poem. I owe you. They are arranged in sets of three. I say.  The boy falls in love with the Geisha. And brighten your heart. He fears that Shigeki might be possessed. There were no psychologists. and society encourages samurai to deal with their feelings in a completely different manner than we are used to. STRIKE The cause for Shigeki's strange behavior is a completely mundane one. drugged. Far too fine for me. Perhaps his work in the courts is being monitored by a criminal overlord who is threatening to blackmail him unless he performs certain tasks. they may also gain a permanently grateful ally in the courts. I wish only to delight. Generosity: In this virtue. and the poor boy gets hooked. I fear. as any properly educated samurai knows enough to refuse a gift twice before accepting it.  The geisha house also hooks samurai on opium. Your gift honors me. If it brings you joy. and remembering to relax and enjoy yourself can be more difficult than it seems. HAIKU SET 3 A sword fit for a king.  The geisha is a glutton for attention. the courtier is grateful and bestows upon them the promised reward. (Marriage troubles anyone?)  The geisha is a spy for [insert faction here]. He could even be battling a manipulative yokai for his very soul! BONUS PLOT HOOKS HAIKU SET 4 A thing of beauty Shines with the light of Heaven. CHALLENGE HAIKU SET 1 I seek not your gifts. cursed. A waste in my hands. Though I am far from worthy. but he insists that they swear an oath of secrecy before explaining further. To hear a dear friend's laughter? Worth a hundred gifts. you give all A great example. as the character's home is far from the geisha house where Yumi lives. but I absolutely must insist that people who speak of geisha understand one basic fact. STRIKE When the owner of the vase discovers what has happened he demands that the host of the Winter Court take responsibility for failing to keep his precious heirloom safe. Alternately. CHALLENGE While staying at the Winter Court of another Clan. Have you attended to all your business at Winter Court? CHALLENGE A peasant servant who has served one or more of the characters (or their family) faithfully for many years approaches him and pleads for a favor. FOCUS The servant explains that his daughter is pregnant with the child of a samurai from another family. blackmail. your players are free to come up with alternate ways of accomplishing their goal. Geisha are NOT prostitutes! A lot of people think geisha are paid to provide such services. before we get into the scenario. Yumi specializes in the art of conversation. or a ronin at best. I speak. a number of serious political events could be set into motion. If your players are comfortable being placed in difficult situations and mature enough to deal with matters of romance. 47. While the “tragic accident” and “difficult choice” are well established in previously published material. but that is a misconception.. giving him advice that leads to success after success in the courts. eventually other members of the character's family will confront him directly and pressure the him to “curb his desires. Of course. such frequent meetings with a geisha will not go unnoticed. his failure to keep it safe is a clear lapse in duty. And those who claim otherwise are doing nothing but spreading ignorance. one of the player characters (or someone close to the player characters) is introduced to Yumi. the esteemed Akodo Akira managed to unwittingly guess the theme for this week's scenario. If the child is not recognized by the father it will grow up as a heimin. in fact. One way to make the decision even more difficult for the characters is to give them a number of opportunities to interact with and get to know the various personalities involved. Or she may find another samurai who appreciates her intellect. it could never work out…could it? In the courts. if a lasting relationship should blossom between the character and Yumi. the characters happen to witness a young courtier clumsily bump into and knock down the vase. the politically charged atmosphere of Winter Court allows for any number of deliciously evil twists and turns. If the PCs say nothing they can save the young courtier and his family from shame and embarrassment. While this is their choice. or much higher Status and Glory. there are a wide range of other problems. Of course. causing it to crack. they may take a completely unexpected course of action (such as using . compromise. and has thus been overlooked by most of the guests. Now.. of those most beautiful and graceful creatures: geisha. it is possible for one of his rivals to do so instead. he is quite distraught and begs the character to at least hear his story. After listening to a person's problems she is able to offer a solution and provide the right words of encouragement to motivate the listener to put that solution into motion. you can move things along by offering them a Free Raise on any rolls they make when taking an action she has suggested. A MATTER OF RECOGNITION The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer.45. completely different. a visiting lord brings one of his prized possessions to show the host. and few (if any) other members of the court are present to witness what happens. The incident occurs quickly. While the other geisha present are popular for their beautiful songs and dances. If subtle hints and hushed whispers are not enough to get the point across. He claims that he would never have brought the vase to display if he knew that proper measures to protect it were not going to be taken. there is one thing I must clear up. Never a dull day in Winter Court. and goes on to point out that. Depending on how difficult you want to make this scenario. a charming and intelligent young geisha. Although the servant's daughter has asked her beloved to recognize the baby several times. But if the father accepts the child as his own then the baby's future will be assured. you can give the samurai in question much lower Status and Glory than the PCs. BEAUTY & WISDOM In his remarks on last week's scenario. STRIKE The servant asks the character to tell the entire court that the samurai in question has fathered the child his daughter is carrying. Bribery. negotiation. The coming spring will mark an end to their meetings. Of course. This should give even the most reserved character a reason to seek her out again and again. Do you have what it takes to resist them? To wield them? 46. STRIKE Of course.” Whether the character (or Yumi herself) harbor any such feelings is irrelevant — in Rokugan. a porcelain vase decorated with a floral design that was painted by the grandmother of the Kakita daimyo. CHALLENGE While at Winter Court. we can get have a pleasant evening of delightful entertainment. he has yet to do so. Remember that in Rokugan testimony from someone of higher Status always trumps the claims of those with less influence. As the host is a fan of fine arts. The courtier is the son of another visiting lord from a different family. As he lacks the social status to make the claim himself. It's one thing to accuse a courtier you have never met in order to shut up an old man you barely know.. If the character who meets Yumi does not become close enough to her that he has to choose between his reputation and her advice. FOCUS If the PC spends any time talking to Yumi. each with their own good points and bad points. even beauty and wisdom are weapons. player characters being the cunning and capricious beings they are. you may want to have the servant ask the other PCs to convince the father to accept the child. Will the character choose to save face. and Winter Court is a breeding ground for gossip and rumors. it becomes clear that the girl is wise beyond her years and has a keen understanding of human behavior. you could also try using one of them as the target of this scenario. It's all part of the fun. And even if they were to continue meeting each other. and will no doubt deal with this one in stride. as players can often resent being forced to do something. he is quite impressed with the unique treasure. It's their choice. or continue to benefit from Yumi's wisdom? Some players may be slow or wary to act on Yumi's advice. Now that we have that out of the way. If the PCs find some other way to settle the problem they may end up making a number of new allies or enemies. Depending on the way in which the PCs break the news and the samurai's reaction to it. If the PCs help defend their host or reveal the young courtier's secret they will spare the host further trouble. While the two professions may appear similar. and asks the visiting lord to display it in a location where everyone can gaze upon its sublime beauty. Although it is not his place to make requests of a samurai. If so. I admit it's a pet peeve of mine. they are. He hopes that by bringing the matter to a head he can force the samurai to recognize and accept the baby. the servant places himself at the mercy of the character if he will do this deed in his stead. and he flees before anyone else sees what he has done. Spring can't be far off. If given a chance to use her skills on behalf of the party she can prove an invaluable source of advice on many topics. and persuasion are all viable alternatives to making a big scene in the court. since the host was aware of the vase's importance. It's something else completely to choose between two friends when you know you will have to betray one of them. Feel free to put on the pain. FOCUS During the course of their stay. of course. the player characters have most likely been through tough decisions like this before. BROKEN TRUST Today's scenario is a new twist on an old favorite. image is all that matters. Of all the challenges we've encountered. the rival swore he would have revenge by wiping out every member of Daimon's family. what then? Will the groups and individuals involved remain angry and bitter with each other. Perhaps even leading to a challenge? And even if the matter of responsibility is decided. Another way to make the scenario more difficult is to give the oni an idea of what Sadahiro has planned. are up to them to decide. It's like I've always said: Noh theatre is good theatre. Some sources say that Shujin was defeated because he had been weakened by a Scorpion rival's poison. In which case it may also decide to pay the player characters a visit for old times' sake. Over the past six months his only communication with anyone has been to send out a call for capable and resourceful samurai. All he needs the PCs to do is track down his rival. feel free to change the Clans and identities of the NPCs involved.” One final option for added fun is to have your players actually act out the scene as they perform.html Oni Those of you who live outside Japan may or may not be aware that tomorrow is the day of the Setsubun festival. Oni no Toketsu could have enough sense to avoid anything he is offered. An “eyewitness” may step forward to implicate one of the characters. Another version tells of how a Phoenix shugenja was hired to put a curse on Shujin to cause his loss. for Sadahiro has a plan. Thirty years ago. and Minoru would like it to be performed for all to see. this one is my personal favorite. A devout fan of the theater. We've gone through a number of courtly CFS scenarios. Or maybe Tairitsu was a tainted Crab who used maho to secure his victory. his grandfather. and we've had many adventures together. Even those who are not vilified may have something to say about the way their ancestors are presented on stage. or will they be able to “pick up the pieces?” No one ever said being responsible was easy. The story's climax. He makes it clear that acting skill is in no way required — the game is just for fun and an unskilled but spirited performance will be sufficient.gol. Everyone loves a story where their Clan is presented in a favorable light. in recognition of Setsubun. Sadahiro.iijnet. here is a website suggested by the esteemed Isawa Nazomitsu for researching Noh-Kyogen theatre: www. the ritual prevents an individual from committing violence against anyone whose hospitality he has accepted. while others throw dried beans at All is not lost. One rendition claims that Shujin's foolish pride led him to challenge a superior opponent. If this happens. Editor’s Note: I can’t believe he went there. You can also use the court setting to make the decision rougher on the players. It may be possible for the PCs to slay it through conventional means. Designed to secure and preserve peace in the days before the kami. them and shout “Good luck. proposes a game to pass the time. and trick him into drinking the blessed sake. while yet another says that Tairitsu took unfair advantage of a loophole to set the conditions of the duel against his opponent. or do they find another way of “showing hospitality” and try to cast the ritual again? And do they remember to have the sake blessed in their own names as well? “Good luck. I hereby declare February to be Oni Month at CFS of the Week! Yay. Minoru asks the player characters if they would present the story of his illustrious ancestor's final duel. If the PCs do destroy the monster before the ritual is complete. and there is a thin line between “naive youth” and “clueless buffoon. surprises. Followed by a counter-accusation. defeated a hated rival. and wonders. CHALLENGE The host of a large and mixed Winter Court. the PCs fit the bill. The story and script. of course. Perhaps Shujin was a wise old Mirumoto who allowed his younger opponent to win. the killer systematically hunted down and butchered Daimon and his kin. he asks his guests to perform various dramatic scenes from well-known plays for everyone's his check out: www2. you can keep the action moving by remembering that Winter Court is a place filled with clever and ruthless people seeking political gain. has been the subject of many famous plays. 48. As the night of their performance approaches. As always. and she would like them to give her friend Sadahiro whatever aid they can. Although she does not know the nature of Sadahiro's dilemma.htm . STRIKE Many versions of this warning tale exist. Feel free to make Oni no Toketsu as threatening as you wish. featuring Akodo Shujin's death at the hands of Kakita Tairitsu. THE PLAY’S THE THING It's been a long winter. Over the years. Depending on the families Shujin and Tairitsu come from. While your typical slavering oni may or may not be open to the idea of a drink before tearing out your liver and feasting upon it. or framing a rival who was completely uninvolved). Sadahiro may be safe for a while. the curse will be broken and the killer will be rendered forever unable to harm Sadahiro or his family. come in! Oni. If they do that. however. with all the responsibility that such freedom entails. come in! Oni get out!” It's really quite fun and interesting. she can give them directions to the village where Sadahiro is staying. Akodo Minoru. Or other members of the court may become involved through bribery or blackmail. Do the PCs force the sake down his throat. a minor vassal of the Asahina family. Some participants wear oni masks.magic to repair the vase. come in! And have a drink too!” Editor’s Note: For more information on the Setsubun Festival. Mad with rage. Thus. the player characters must choose which version they will present. you may wish to come up with other versions of the story. but negative portrayals can draw ill will and anger. the Demon of Blood and Bile. FOCUS If the PCs meet Sadahiro and agree to help him he explains that he is the victim of a dark curse. KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER CHALLENGE An ally or superior of the PCs asks them for help on behalf of an old friend. the magistrate Daimon. and his unborn child are the only surviving members of his line. or let them simply recite the lines they will speak. Followed by an accusation. You can have them go for a full rendition. FOCUS As the schedule for the performances is being drawn up. lure him back to Sadahiro's home. or it could be nigh impossible to cause the monster any lasting harm. STRIKE The individual who swore to extinguish Daimon's family line is none other than the infamous Oni no Toketsu. Sadahiro has already retained the services of a shugenja to perform the ritual and bless a cup of sake on his behalf. The main event of the festival is a ritual to drive out the evil spirits that have accumulated in the household over the long winter. oni! 49. Naturally. Which is sure to cause a scandal. but eventually the oni will return from Jigoku to complete its vengeance. We've seen a wide variety of horrors.or. Anyhow. She explains that Inoue Sadahiro. He has found an ancient ritual called the Rite of Hospitality. sharing both good times and bad. has gone into hiding. 50. It is. If its demands are met. Stories tell of how the building was besieged three times by bandits. I hope you brought your best armor. All of the guests and most of the household's staff gather to enjoy an extravagant meal which has been specially blessed to fortify the body and harmonize the spirit in preparation for the ceremony that will be held afterward. we're going to have an extra large. making access to the armory and barracks difficult. guests are met by Lord Ueshima's son. FOCUS Lunch is served at noon in the main audience chamber of the central building. Lord Ueshima's samurai. and his second-in-command. As lunch comes to an abrupt end. Reluctantly. Shouichiro. it goes to the main gates to repeat them when Lord Ueshima returns. there is no way Shouichiro and his men can save the girl before the oni makes good its threat. The oni need only bide its time and wait. Akamaru. but the oni's spirit slaves patrol the other areas of the estate. Unless something can be done to foil its plans. and guests. Shugenja are also advised to relinquish their scrolls and talismans to Ueshima's shugenja for purification. Oni no Kyohaku promises to let all remaining hostages leave unharmed. a spacious room overlooking a small garden. They explain that Lord Ueshima went to the next village to personally escort the shugenja who will perform the blessing through the valley. The PCs and the other hostages are given freedom to move throughout the living quarters and the main audience chamber. Those who arrive with swords on their hips will be politely offered the services of Lord Ueshima's armorer. the demon makes no guarantees. Indeed. which will only further its reign of terror. rivals. and is built like a fortress. for they are completely at the oni's mercy. of course. The soft sound of a musician's flute can be heard over the din of conversation that fills the room. it calls for several mahotsukai who are being held captive and awaiting sentencing in nearby villages to be freed and escorted to the temple. while young mothers try their best to keep their children from bothering their neighbors. The oni retains its grip on Moemi's throat. causing chaos and despair. Moemi! The oni lifts the girl by the throat and threatens to snap her neck unless the castle guards promise to abandon their weapons. Several of the older guests are gossiping away. servants. using its poison (again. STRIKE Once the estate is secured and its spirit slave guards are in place. as the oni holds all the cards) or for more time. His only recourse is to attempt to bargain with the oni for either a more acceptable offer (which is not likely to happen. they comply with its demands. gathering the weapons and disarming any other guests who might try to resist. lest the oni slay his son and his honored guests. It's a win-win situation as far as the demon is concerned. Oni no Kyohaku introduces itself and issues its demands. If this is done. and remain seated. have all become hostages. MY WORD IS MY BOND This week marks the fiftieth installment of Challenge-Focus-Strike of the Week. . see below) to cause her to cry out in pain. While it is possible for small groups to gain some degree of privacy. it forces Lord Ueshima (and any others it can threaten into complying) to enter the abandoned temple and let the maho-tsukai bind their names to oni. Upon entering the main hall. This should give them enough time to get to know everyone else present. Finally. If its demands are refused. the oni spends its time manipulating and torturing the other guests for its own enjoyment. including the player characters. His home sits on a high hill overlooking the farming village he oversees. In between negotiations with Lord Ueshima. as well as several of their friends. who has sat through the entire scene in a kind of paralyzed shock. With several paces separating the samurai from the oni. extra intense adventure seed today. and servants bustle about with trays of food and pots of tea. The characters are invited to mingle with the other guests and relax until lunch is served. who is quite adept at polishing blades. family members. Although it first recites them to Akamaru. It asks first for nearby Engyoji temple to be completely cleared of all holy items and religious trappings. Lord Ueshima is powerless to do anything. The hostages inside can do even less. and is expected to return some time in the afternoon. impolite to bring weapons or spell scrolls into the home of someone who has invited you to such a ceremony. as a recent assassination attempt by a band of maho-tsukai has left the magistrate suspicious of spellcasters. Once this is completed. Outside. Otherwise. CHALLENGE The player characters. the scene is so peaceful and normal that everyone is taken completely by surprise when the oni leaps forth and grabs Akamaru's beloved bride. Oni no Kyohaku will have gathered itself a number of mortal slaves and several oni servants. Ueshima is a member of the Emerald Magistrates. No sooner have they done so than a squadron of the oni's spirit slaves (see below) appear. and is quite influential in the politics of his Clan. To mark that milestone. so a ceremony at his home is considered quite the social event. and other notable members of the community are invited to visit the home of Lord Ueshima and participate in a ritual of blessing. the oni will still be able to slay a number of helpless mortals. Only after it has coerced her into promising not to move does it release her to join Akamaru. sit down. and how the defenders were able to hold out against superior numbers each time. the oni and its guards are seldom far away. giving them a chance to help plan a siege. anyone who is grappled and held by the oni will suffer its effects. And while the oni will try to secure promises of non-interference from most guests before it leaves for its talks with Lord Ueshima. and Akamaru will be loathe to leave without her. it can and should make the occasional mistake.” but neglect the possibility of that same woman being carried through by a heroic player character. the oni prefers to take hostages or hide behind non-combatants rather than face enemies in a straight fight. Some bargains that the oni might offer include: “Do what I say and I'll put down the child. gaining a Free Raise with each subsequent round. Otherwise. It has a great deal of experience in dealing with mortals and generally knows what to say or what type of questions to ask in order to get victims to think about their plans. The lack of initiative or creative thinking shown by the spirit slaves is another weakness that the player characters can exploit in their struggle against the oni. Oni no Kyohaku might even dispatch them to help Lord Ueshima complete the preparation of Engyoji temple (under suitably powerful oaths to return. I promise not to attack you. If they keep from causing any direct trouble. Its physical attributes are more geared toward speed than brute strength and stamina. I'll let a fellow prisoner of your choosing leave this place. Only the death of the oni or complete fulfillment of the bargain end the oni's hold over the target (which is why the oni prefers agreements which last indefinitely to those that require a single action).” Oni no Kyohaku appears as a tall. One last note on the timing of this adventure: The socialization that takes place between the Challenge and Focus stages is highly recommended. or simply dictating that the oni always has the option to go first in a combat round. if you give them the proper opportunities. however. cutting directly from the time just prior to lunch to the point where Oni no Kyohaku has gained control of the building and revealing in the details of what has happened as you go along. A daring and clever group of players should be able to find something to do. It may accept an old woman's promise “not to walk through that door. it causes extreme pain and agony.” “I'll spare this man's life if you tell me what those bushi over there were planning before I came in this room. your heroes may not feel any obligation to rescue them. which it uses to get the drop on opponents. your group may go the exact opposite route. simply render such victims unconscious). there are several ways you can take this adventure. Through quick thinking and fast talking. While the oni is cunning and powerful. The oni is also affected by this power. the oni may tell the target to stand motionless for the next 10 minutes. If they really feel this is a good move. Its mental Traits and Social Skills are quite developed. For example.” “Break your sword and I'll stop hurting your daughter. One point to be wary of when running this adventure is to keep the players from feeling as if they are powerless to do anything. it is possible they could find a way to use the oni's own power against it. As with its Mind Reading ability. and the ninja with hidden weapons might just decide to rush the oni straight on. Oni no Kyohaku uses this power to force uncooperative victims to accept the bargains it offers. You can express this ability either by giving the oni the Combat Reflexes advantage. The situation may seem hopeless. in the case of the first bargain listed above. Slaves who have been ordered to “attack anyone with a weapon” may not realize the destructive capabilities of a serving tray until it is too late. The speaker is not made aware of this enchantment when the oath is spoken. THE POWERS OF ONI NO KYOHAKU MASTER AMBUSHER Oni no Kyohaku's only real combat ability is its incredible speed. letting it roll and keep any number of extra dice for initiative rolls. You can let the characters attempt to slip away and sneak around the fortress looking for weapons or some way to evacuate the other hostages. Its long fingernails appear bright red. and its tongue is completely black. if you give one of them to me. Of course. and its completely hairless head is crowned by seven short horns. it is not above twisting the spirit of such agreements. If the oni wears a hooded robe or wide brimmed hat.” “If you can cut off your own leg. I promise not to harm your family. you can start the action at the Strike stage. BINDING OATH Oni no Kyohaku's most feared ability is the incredible influence it holds over those it speaks with. . A command not to let anyone leave a room says nothing of people entering. and even if the speaker or the oni move out of this range the effects remain. fears. Although a single strike cannot deliver a sufficient amount of poison.” “If you promise not to attack me. Of course. If you're feeling particularly kind you can even have the oni let them go without making any kind of vow. The beginning of the Focus stage. If you feel really dramatic.” “If you swear to obey my orders. After all. If you think this may be a problem. The heroes may win the day when all is said and done. you can deal with things in media res. Then I'll let these others go free. ONI NO KYOHAKU Known as “the bargaining demon. increasing in severity the longer the victim is exposed. it still has their families in its clutches. Of course. of course). put down the child it is holding. it cannot possibly predict everything that the PCs might try while it is absent. but Oni no Kyohaku will be sure to send a number of their friends and loved ones to the grave before it is driven back to Jigoku. has a lot of action that does not involve the PCs directly. what's the advantage in fighting with honor? MIND READER Oni no Kyohaku is able to read the emotions and surface thoughts of individuals nearby. but dark times are when heroes shine most brightly. or desires.Once the situation is established.” “You can have medicine for the wounded. the bushi with Crab Hands. Moemi has already promised not to move. Any promise or bargain made within 100 yards of the oni is rendered inviolate. While the poison is not lethal.” Note that while the oni is likewise bound to honor the promises it makes.” “Kill that woman. Its most terrifying weapon. It may forbid a samurai from using his sword. slender man with pale skin and yellow eyes. Its facial features are slightly elongated. filling in all of the background later. POISONED GRASP Oni no Kyohaku is able to inject a poison into victims through its claws. let them go for it. causing its nose and ears to come to sharp points. and completely without regard for other living creatures. having fulfilled its part of the bargain. is the uncanny power it holds over the minds and hearts of its victims. and may cause some players to get bored. effectively bringing him to the Down wound level until he stops resisting. The oni's Traits and Skills may be adjusted depending on the Rank and abilities of the party. If the various NPCs you gather are seen as nothing more than nameless extras. If a character attempts to break the promise he is struck by a flash of incredible pain. You can put them in the role of negotiators. trying to find and exploit a loophole that the oni did not expect. but no one ever said it would be easy. but forget to levy a similar restriction against his courtier companion. at its discretion. Note that a good way to reveal the unbreakable nature of promises made to the oni (if you choose to do so) is to have one of Shouichiro's guardsmen from the Focus section of the adventure outline above attempt to break his oath to remain seated. Keep in mind that while the oni is unable to read anything more than a target's emotional reactions or immediate intentions. I make no guarantees. and then. it is a master of psychological manipulation. it can pass for human under cursory inspection. as it gives the player characters a chance to sympathize with their fellow guests when the oni attacks. Letting the PCs watch the poor man writhe in agony while the oni chides him for breaking a promise should give them an idea of its powers. The shugenja with Fires that Cleanse as an Innate Ability. but if pressed it will be more than able to put up a fight. Those who defy this power repeatedly are struck dead (although the oni can. Assume that the oni is able (if it so wishes) to make an automatic Anatomy (Torture) skill roll against anyone it grapples. After all. pick the child back up and devour it. making it more than a match for any courtier present. It uses this ability to determine what buttons to push when making a threat or offering a deal. however. Oni no Kyohaku is smart enough to keep human shields within handy reach. player characters being the consummate heroes that they are. and will always attempt to ensure that any promises it makes have no negative consequences for itself. and even if such claims cannot be substantiated they are certain to have a negative effect upon their reputations. The bits of flesh adhere to the base of the spike and clump together. THE ONI’S PRISON The Month of the Oni continues. Oni are one of the signature monsters of L5R. Wow! That was a whopper! I hope you enjoy this extra special installment of Challenge-Focus-Strike of the Week as much as I've enjoyed the challenge of writing it. Eventually. This protection may be extended to anyone the summoner names as an ally. Maybe the oni can be summoned many more times before it becomes dangerous. however. For a party that is normally used to fighting oni. you will want to adjust the School Ranks of the spirit slaves the party faces depending on how much of a challenge you want them to present. And if they do call upon oni one time without suffering any ill effects. However.” If you go all Die Hard on its butt and take it down hard. if you want to give the PCs a break once they get their weapons back. By the flesh bound within. they witness a gruesome spectacle. The only true way to give such tortured souls peace.SPIRIT SLAVES FOCUS The price for breaking a promise made in the oni's presence doesn't just end with pain. well. I summon you. can be clearly read by anyone. Even if the PCs never call upon the oni at all. and I tried to make this one as menacing and threatening as possible while still offering a unique type of adventure scenario with more punch to it than “an oni attacks a village. At last. Once it has died in this manner it may not be summoned again for a full day. STRIKE The spike is actually a piece of the oni's flesh encased in jade. Because Oni no Saisei's regenerative powers prevented him from being killed in the normal manner. it to slay the oni. On the other hand. revealing a four-legged centaur-like beast with four arms. Although the oni is able to regenerate any normal injuries. incredible size. She entrusts it to the party to do with as they will. violent creature. In most cases. seeking either to gain it for themselves or nullify its power. two reptilian tails. however. and Oni no Saisei melts back into the ichor from which it came. This makes the oni's guards fearsome in the early stages of the adventure. however. Oni may be troublesome opponents. leaving only the jade spike behind. but constant attention is required to keep the oni from striking out at any targets that present themselves. Again. I command you. Although it is a ravenous. Oni no Kyohaku may summon the ghost of any character killed in such a manner and press them into service. a spirit slave is dispelled and cannot be summoned until after the next sunrise. Or. you were warned. Both lines of thinking can bring about some excellent role-playing opportunities. CHALLENGE The party is summoned before an elderly and esteemed shugenja. and shugenja will want to examine and study the magic for their own purposes. Before long. OTHER ABILITIES If you feel your party needs more of a challenge. but they are even more distressing allies. There is no way to know for sure. The shugenja is either a member of their Clan. And rivals may decide that it is too dangerous to leave in the hands of the PCs. and the spell binding the oni to the will of the spike's holder are unknown throughout the Empire. even if the PCs act for the right reasons. it is completely unable to harm or threaten the character in any way while the jade spike retains its enchantment. The oni stands four meters high. By the time the adventure begins. Sometimes. Thieves may attempt to steal it. Another point that may draw unwanted attention is the nature of the jade spike itself. for they are unable to take any actions besides those dictated by the oni. Victims who die as a result of the Binding Oath power are forced to serve the oni in death. and will fight or perform other tasks on his behalf. you can give Oni no Kyohaku spellcasting abilities similar to those of a shugenja. Generals may command the party to use it in battle. the fact that spirit slaves are fully armed and armored while the player characters are clad merely in kimono should be a sufficient deterrent. a former officer in the organization to which they belong. bringing even more carnage and destruction. the spike may still be a source of great danger. the chance to use one against their enemies may be quite tempting. and what they know of the dangers of the Shadowlands. but warns them never to use it unless there is no other course of action. powerful abilities. and bone fly through the air. The oni obeys the commands of the character who held the jade spike before it was summoned. turning it to jade. the body of Oni no Saisei becomes fully formed. but gives the player characters a chance to turn the tables later on. Whichever course of action they choose. If killed. and has two rows of sharp spikes running down its back. and a gaping mouth like a shark. which it will summon as soon as it has secured a hostage and forced the guards to lower their weapons. As long as the last piece of the oni's body remains sealed in jade the monster will be unable to regenerate fully. The magic that was used to encase an object in jade. Each time the oni is summoned the jade becomes a little more tarnished and black. One day the jade will melt away from the broken spike completely and Oni no Saisei will be free once more. including the jade spike from which it was originally called. she gives them a jade spike about the size and shape of an ox's horn. oni are capable of causing massive amounts of damage. racing toward the party from far away. flesh. Oni no Kyohaku has already trapped the spirits of thirty samurai from across the Empire (give or take. they will have to accept and deal with the consequences of their choice. more power to you! If you end up getting your elderly uncle eaten somewhere along the way. depending on the power level of the party). There are three lines of symbols carved around the base of the spike. . which eventually causes it to melt back into sludge. heed my call. If you want to drive things home even more you can give the spirit slaves a Free Raise on any attack roll they make against an opponent who is unarmed. Armed with great strength. Each time the oni reforms it suffers damage from exposure to the jade. you can press the issue by placing the PCs in situations where using they must choose between calling upon the oni or facing a threat that is more immediate. but have something to do with blessings and bindings. If the PCs try to engage a spirit slave in combat. asking about the characters' willingness to protect the Empire even at the cost of their own lives. you may find your players hesitant to call upon a source of power that could cost them their lives and their very souls. why not a second? Calling upon an oni when things become difficult is certain to have political ramifications. the potential for using the oni as a weapon of destruction is certain to make an impact on any who know of its existence. the incredible power of the oni's taint is slowly wearing down the effectiveness of the jade. By the purity of jade. The PCs may find themselves accused of crimes against the Empire if they are not careful. If necessary. The shugenja starts the meeting with a barrage of questions. the injuries become too severe. and the blessings of Jigoku. the jade spike affixed to its back is a constant source of damage. assume it has the stats it had in life. All that the party can be certain of is that controlling the power of the oni is their responsibility. The last line. Maybe it will break free the very next time it is called. Shadowlands Powers. 51. Furthermore. There is no chance for a spirit slave to resist. The first two are indecipherable to anyone not trained in the history of magic. a ritual was enacted upon one of the spikes broken from his back. Saisei. however. or simply someone who has reason to trust the player characters. If the player characters ever become desperate enough to use the jade spike. She explains that the spike is a powerful artifact that has been handed down to worthy protectors through the ages. this is a good thing. you can give any character who is using a proper weapon a Free Raise on attacks against the spirit slaves. Tiny pieces of skin. or even techniques from one or more Courtier schools. Inquisitors may try to destroy it. Next week we'll wrap things up with another festival and a good oldfashioned slaughterfest. forming a misshapen body that gradually becomes larger and larger. and his condition does not allow him to be moved until he has had at least a day of rest. lest the Doll Festival be marked by a gruesome slaughter. delivering the message in his stead will earn them a measure of gratitude from both parties. they may be treated to a rather cold reception. giving the player characters no advance warning of the danger that is waiting for them. some of these oni may even have matured enough to survive and fight after being discovered. delivering an important message to an ally in the Doji court. you can easily replace them with kappa. Even if they do not save his life. Who or what is she. revealing an underdeveloped (but still living) oni fetus sleeping inside! If the other dolls in the set are searched. STRIKE The naga is a messenger.. things don't always end so happily. Depending on your mood. the Doll Festival. they may gain the thanks of both the Naga people and the Crane Clan. you can make this event the first stage of an invasion attempt by Pekkle no Oni spawn. Nonhumans One thing to keep in mind when using this month’s adventures is that they can be applied to almost any type of nonhuman or non-Rokugani society. or cousin. the player characters are awakened in the middle of the night by a crash and a shriek coming from the main chamber of their estate. The naga has been gravely wounded and left for dead by some attacker. or continue on their mission to save their own families? You could even leave the doll unbroken. Unlike the previous naga the party encountered. Do they investigate the screams from a house they pass along the way. CHALLENGE 53. STRIKE Although dawn is fast approaching. most likely a Shadowlands creature. most of the city is still asleep. and asks if they have seen him. If the player characters left the naga in the woods without doing anything. On the other hand. and the final choice depends on the type of campaign you want to run. He gazes at them with eyes filled with fear.. the sight of small yet dangerous oni bursting forth from the dolls should shake the PCs up quite a bit. they will notice one of the merchant's dolls on the display stand in their home. and any number of problems could delay them as they rush to save their loved ones. and doesn't know what she would do with herself if anything were to happen to him. Not only does this cut down on the amount of time they have in which to act. so it is only fitting that we end it with one as well.htm All cross-cultural encounters begin somewhere. or zokujin instead. the naga regains his senses just long enough to mutter a few words in an unknown language and press the scroll into their hands before he lapses back into unconsciousness. and soon become the talk of the town. This scenario is especially useful for introducing a nonhuman character into the party. Of course. If any of the PCs have a young daughter. a well-connected PC may receive one as a gift from a friend or admirer. and it is up to them to choose what they will do and who they will save first. If the player characters aid him. The beautiful dolls she creates are quite popular. If the player characters attempt to leave without helping the naga or react with hostility. sister. To make matters worse.. It turns out that one of their servants has accidentally knocked over and broken the largest doll. She tells the PCs that she has reason to believe they passed through the area that her missing clutchmate (akin to a sibling) was traveling in. a merchant begins selling ornately crafted ceramic doll sets. the oni in other homes break free. and assume their identities for some nefarious purpose. He will most likely die unless he receives some sort of medical treatment. the player characters must deal with someone with whom they cannot fully communicate. FOCUS If the player characters decide to give the naga treatment it is easy enough to bind his wounds and fight the chills that the poison causes. slay the children of important figures. In either case. niece. There is not enough time to find and visit everyone who bought a doll set from the merchant.52. The characters must act quickly. Or you could use Yobanjin raiders or Burning Sands nomads. Many families here in Japan are already preparing for Hinamatsuri. and even an unskilled character should be able to do something to ease his pain. If you are looking for a way to explain why a naga would travel . Perhaps only certain homes received dolls with oni inside. Editor’s Note: Take a look at this website for examples of hinamatsuri dolls: http://japanese. the naga has also been poisoned. The naga wakes up after an hour or so. this adventure can also be expanded by assigning the party to search for the merchant who created and sold the dolls. and why did she strike in this way? Why would anyone attack young girls? Is this a random act of violence. kenku. FOCUS On the eve of the festival. Our first begins with chance meeting. he becomes visibly panicked. Otherwise. If you are not a fan of naga or ratlings. but it also makes the danger a lot more personal. the party comes across the comatose form of a While the characters run around warning every household they can find. and with prices running from inexpensive to extravagant there is hardly a young girl in the city without at least one of the merchant's new dolls for this year's festival. however..about. or is there some method to her madness? If you want to be especially devious.. She is quite worried about his safety. Just about any type of outsider is appropriate. Their home might be all the way across town. just like the Empress in the traditional display. he does not know any Rokugani words. BABY DOLLS Oni Month started with a festival. Whether they are at home or not. Almost every family aspires to buy a set. It is an especially important festival for young girls. CHALLENGE While traveling through a stretch of deep forest.. who often dream of growing up and meeting a handsome man to marry. One the crisis is past. and the early hour makes spreading the news difficult. In addition to his wounds. they are all found to contain gestating oni. Upon seeing the party. she is a shrewd courtier and speaks Rokugani quite fluently. and clutches a light blue scroll to his chest defensively. they are approached by a second naga a few weeks later. if the party had anything to do with his demise. One way to add more drama to this scenario is to have the player characters be visiting another person's home when the doll containing the unborn oni is discovered. CULTURAL EXCHANGE As the city where the player characters are stationed prepares for the Doll Festival. or even react with hostility. but has little practical knowledge of human customs or society. This rival greatly fears what will happen if the Naga assist his rival or become trading partners (let alone allies!)…and he has a plan. if the player characters try their best.” “to fight. such as a visit to a temple and tea with the abbot. Both sides dispatch diplomats to deal with the problem. FOCUS When the day of the visit arrives. To kick it up a notch: the operatives do try to assassinate the naga (or a samurai and blame the naga) in order to start a war with the naga and the governor. and although Tokuko has already drawn up an itinerary for the visit she is open to any suggestions that the player characters might have. the Naga may withdraw.” “survival of the fittest. now can you? CHALLENGE The PCs are assigned to take a band of samurai guards and heimin laborers into a remote valley. As with last week's adventure. Making new friends is an exciting prospect. and a demonstration by a puppet theater troupe. shall we? eye color. While it may be tempting to have the Shishya commit blunder after blunder and let the player characters deal with the resulting mess. They'll thank you for it later.with a group of human samurai. More and more arguments break out as the two groups vie for limited resources. While she knows the guest is named Shishya. It all depends on how well they can play host to a snake. As such. Include a rival of the governor who knows of his friend and his friend's identity. Don't forget that the sight of a naga (or ratling. AKODO AKIRA’S SUGGESTION CHALLENGE The player characters are called to help a minor functionary named Tokuko. she sheepishly admits that she does not know which city or province he (she?) is from. other urgent matters that demand his attention have recently come up. try to avoid making too many direct leaps of understanding. Due to the last-minute change in plans. cutting off the humans' water supply. She also hints that the governor himself is certain to appreciate their assistance. and follows the player characters around for protection. And while this “getting to know you” stage is rife with awkwardness. who serves the governor of the province in which they live. or what types of things he is interested in. The humans begin harvesting lumber from a forest that the naga use to protect their settlements from the wind and rain. Boisterous gaijin.” So go wild with the misunderstandings and let your players spend some time working out how to get their message across. She explains that an important guest is coming to visit the area in preparation for diplomatic talks. and hair color are sure to be noticed in a society like Rokugan. Describing traditions and cultural practices so that they can be understood by a complete outsider is no easy feat. If the visit is unpleasant. the diplomats themselves almost come to blows when a crystal mine is discovered nearby and both groups lay claim to it. and she would consider it a great personal favor if the party would serve as aides and escorts during the visit. Let's meet our new friends. arouse the interest of passing Kurioban and Witch Hunters (especially if the Naga are still really rare). or to gain an estimate of human military potential. it's up to you. PIRATE SPICE’S SUGGESTION This situation could be even further complicated with the presence of a rival of the daimyo (or an ambassador from an unfriendly province). This can be minimized somewhat if the Shishya is female naga with legs. but only if you have the courage to take the first step. but talks drag on and little is achieved. a stroll through the marketplace. . build basic structures. or bipedal fox.” “soldier. heroes. Pointing to oneself for “I” and pointing to someone else for “you” is quite basic. 54. The naga divert a river to provide water to their egg beds. WHAT’S YOURS IS MINE We continue our cross-cultural journey this week with a scenario about deeper understanding. Shortly after establishing themselves. and questions such as “Why does that man turn away the other? Can he not see that he is hungry?” or “Why does everyone obey the one called 'Daimyo'? Is it because he is the strongest warrior? Or the wisest scholar?” have no easy answer. FOCUS It doesn't take long before the two groups come into conflict. He sends in several operatives (on this.” or even “he wants to play the game with the stick and ball. Nonetheless. Still. Their orders are to secure resources in preparation for the construction of a new village. ancestral spirits from the Empire's ancient past. BAYUSHI MIFUNE’S SUGGESTION One thing nobody has brought up is the motivations of the naga ambassador. speaks Rokugani passably. responsibility for the tour has fallen onto Tokuko. 55. and generally cause mischief. They may not (or may) stoop to causing injury. Although the governor would normally oversee such an auspicious event by himself. It could mean “sword. exotic shapeshifters. and make things ready for more naga to move into the area. GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER This week we continue our foray into the realm of cross-cultural encounters.” “violent. it also holds enormous role-playing potential. And even if no one reacts violently. If the visit goes smoothly. an equally challenging possibility is to make the naga visitor incredibly curious about Rokugani society. he gives his unusual guest a warm greeting and leaves him in the capable hands of Tokuko and the player characters. perhaps it is because he owes them his life. or blond Westerner) is going to cause a great deal of ruckus. or even a sheltered noble who has never set foot outside his own estate could all provide a challenge for the tour guides…er. the Shishya is likely to be disappointed if everyone he or she meets runs in fear. or especially later visits) to cause the meetings to go poorly. before returning to have dinner with the governor and his family. The Shishya. but the naga could be a spy sent to discover just how much of the ancient Naga Empire the “monkeys” have taken over. who might use the appearance of the naga as an opportunity to sow embarrassment. Indeed. Tokuko has been given only limited information regarding the visitor. however. and ideally their efforts will pave the way for further expansion into the area. These operatives can incite the peasants. STRIKE The tour that Tokuko has planned for the Shishya includes several potentially troublesome stops. they just might be able to explain things clearly and win the Shishya over. you can't really decide whether to like or hate someone until you really know them. Tokuko and the player characters are greeted by a shocking sight. with the poor characters stuck in the middle. A lot would depend on how much of a known quantity the snakes are in your campaign. Their main goal is to get the naga to be disgusted (or worried) and leave. Still. but details like clothing. Or maybe he recognizes that the human lands are too dangerous to travel through alone. he is eager to see and learn as much as he can and attempts to strike up conversation with any party members that seem friendly. Their objective is the same as that of the player characters — to gather supplies. Shishya is not human! The governor's friend is a naga! Only after seeing the reactions of his staff does the governor realize that he forgot to mention this detail. both parties will undoubtedly want to learn more about each other. the PCs discover that a naga border patrol has also entered the valley.” “battle. Having gotten past the shock of their initial meeting. and tensions run high. But miming the action of swinging a sword around can be interpreted in many different ways. Combining this idea with some of the other posters ideas could lead to very murky and political scenario with multiple factions struggling for the upper hand. the outcome will have a large impact on the prosperity of the region. to say nothing of the rewards or consequences that the PCs may find themselves faced with. If you really want to make things realistic when dealing with an NPC who doesn't know what the PCs are saying. The guest is expected to arrive within the next few days. it may lead to a beneficial alliance with the Naga. this scenario can be adapted for a number of different types of visitors. who has come in good faith. After all. In either case. but neither group is willing to give up a such a precious resource. their numerical superiority gives them a great advantage over both the humans and the naga. adopted the local customs. With the Shadowlands threat looming ever nearer. If that happens. as the duties of his caste do not call for such activities. Furthermore. or even an alliance. it can be a long time before you really. Rokugan is a land of stability and tradition. Of course. and defend the settlement against all dangers. there are numerous other ways for the scenario to play out. The exact length of time and level of devotion necessary to gain entrance to the temple are up to the GM.STRIKE While the politicians are still discussing matters. letting them try to outwit. the player characters are afflicted with a curse or disease. the naga makes the first move and approaches them. STRIKE If the player characters do not step forward with a plan. and Bayushi Mifune offered some excellent ideas for complications that may arise during a naga ambassador's visit. Unless the player characters do something. If you want to give your players more of a challenge. the chances that either the humans or the naga will survive the subsequent Shadowlands onslaught are slim. When Shishya first arrived on the scene. STRANGER AMONG STRANGERS In teaching someone about your own culture. the PCs may be allowed into the temple after living in the area for a week or two and making friends with a few members of the community. Including a mix of problems can keep your players on their toes and encourage them to try different solutions. you might want to emphasize the necessity of securing resources. Pirate Spice. Or he could have difficulty remembering what all the different mons and strange symbols mean. STRIKE Legends tell of zokujin and kenku who became part of the community and were admitted into the temple during special ceremonies. for the magic is as old as the naga race itself. He might have a knack for remembering points of etiquette because they are so different from his own culture's manners. finding common ground. Although the monsters in the horde are not particularly strong. and will dedicate himself completely to learning the basic skills. as all who bathe in its waters are cleansed and blessed. If the player characters moved to the settlement. CHALLENGE In the course of their adventures. The rights and responsibilities of adulthood are not given — they must be earned. but they might do even better to learn and recite a traditional epic poem in nagash. He has achieved a basic understanding of Rokugani society. Or they could just as easily try to eliminate their rivals in one sudden and decisive strike. it threatens to grow worse with time if nothing is done. Furthermore. you'll want to give the players some other challenges to face to pass the time. both sides will likely waste time and energy fighting each other. Simply going through the motions of the rituals may not be enough . He asks if the party would assist him in undergoing the “gem-pu-ku” ordeals. but it is inconvenient enough to interfere with their daily lives. Being welcomed (or even tolerated) as a guest is one thing. Shishya. it's not always easy. The crystals in the mine would even the odds. Finally. While the naga are not human. One group could try to buy off the other with promises of money or aid. and it resists all attempts at treatment. so why let some strange outsiders take what you need? While the traditional happy ending to this sort of story involves both groups learning to overcome their differences and work together. The characters can try to hold out against the Shadowlands creatures on their own. Many of them may also apply to this situation. a solid bridge of friendship can be built. simply granting the naga representative samurai status would be an insult to all samurai who have gone through gempukku before. When both sides make the effort to understand each other. If you want to make things easy. who have gone through a great deal to see their people come together in peace. To allow one special case invites other exceptions. Opening a dialogue. they'll also have to make themselves useful in the community (which means learning a trade and getting a job). This scenario works equally well for parties of human characters or naga characters. one of the lord's advisors steps forward to inform him of some bad news. For you cannot truly understand the plight of an outsider until you have been one yourself. what will happen once the threat is over? Will they be able to maintain the peace they have found. Indeed. and dealing with differences are all rife with difficulties and opportunities for trouble to arise. learn to get along with their neighbors (who may not may not be open to the idea of humans living among them) participate in rituals and festivals (even though they have no connection to the Akasha to guide them). Of course. Yet even after you learn to treat someone with kindness and friendship. Not even the most powerful jakla can break the enchantment. CHALLENGE An emissary from the naga arrives to sign an important document and finalize a formal agreement with the lord of the province. studied the teachings of the Akasha. formal recognition of borders. and embraced the naga way of life. and in light of this news it would seem that the pact cannot be completed. if their intentions are pure. FOCUS A temple in a nearby naga settlement has a fountain inside which may be able to cure the affliction. there may be other problems as well. Performing a kabuki play at a ritual feast may make them popular. Then. There's only so much to go around.. All he lacks is someone to teach him about culture…and etiquette…and heraldry…and theology…and bushido…and history…and law. And don't forget that they're supposed to be living as naga while they do all this. While it is technically possible to change the law.. a flexible GM could even run two groups of players through the adventure at the same time. . especially if it involves granting one samurai status in the process! 57. The ailment is not overly debilitating. and neither will brook any interference. Besides studying naga culture. He could be completely unused to martial skills.appreciating the meaning of each word and action might be necessary. The law states that only a samurai who is of legal age may sign binding agreements on behalf of his family or Clan. you cannot help but learn about their own. In this case. you can adjust the naga emissary's weak points to make the scenario either easier or more difficult to deal with. Depending on the strengths of the player characters.but have trouble judging how much he needs to pull his punches when fighting someone who is not connected to the Akasha. So far we've seen how guests may face difficulty in our culture. However. but being accepted into naga society completely is another matter entirely. And even if the two groups do work together to deal with this common enemy. both the humans and the naga see control of the crystal mine as vital for their continued survival. Now it's time to see how well we fare in theirs. If your players have gone through the scenario from two weeks ago it's possible that the naga representative could be their old acquaintance. coming to understand each other. FOCUS As the details of the document are being finalized. trade agreement. they must still submit to the Empire's laws if they wish to be recognized as allies. really accept them. EQUAL RITES There are many challenges when it comes to meeting someone from another culture. it is of great importance to both parties. after all. you can require them to gain a much deeper understanding of the ways of the naga. or will old arguments resurface once again? 56. Whatever the nature of the agreement. it is possible that they could be recognized by the protective spell and allowed entrance. Or he might be a seasoned warrior .. they might find the cure they seek. the temple is protected by ancient wards which prevent all non-naga from entering the temple. Not everyone is going to react positively toward the idea of negotiating with the naga. The document in question could be a treaty. Akodo Akira. or out-negotiate each other. or withdraw their forces completely and return with reinforcements once the danger has passed. and adhering strictly to the letter of the law reduces the chance that the agreement will be overturned in the future. outmaneuver. a small army of Shadowlands creatures is sighted near the entrance to the valley. you could make it possible for them to track the tribe down and attempt to get their gear back. They simply greet the party. His name is Ik'rik'uk. A HELPING PAW We continue our “Countdown to the Creatures Book” with more adventure scenarios about Rokugan's nonhumans and cross-cultural encounters. however. tied up. And if your players somehow manage to convince the nezumi that they come in peace. The ratlings are quite thorough in securing the PCs and take more than adequate steps to prevent their escape. or tell them an exciting story. Nezumi. This week we'll meet some who are simply indifferent. who consider them little more than vermin. They see farmers toil in the fields. Can you make up for a bad first impression? Will you even try? CHALLENGE After a long struggle through hostile territory the player characters find themselves in desperate straits. so you may want to drop some hints. wish to be friends. Or. with arms. FOCUS Whether the party volunteers to search the forest or not. promise any concessions they can make. and just generally sneak into any area they're not supposed to be. While many members of the tribe cry for blood. as well as any rebuttals the player characters may have. relieved of their possessions. The party could be left tied up by the side of the road without any equipment or even beaten into unconsciousness and dumped in a ditch. possibly even traveling a great distance and moving their entire camp to do so. is up to you. the nezumi are much more experienced at stealing than they are. Or you can force the players to ask questions and make offers until they hit on the right one. however. the party comes upon a small tribe of nezumi who are also traveling through the area. you may want to mitigate any death sentences that may occur to something less permanent. FOCUS After a short time. And if they look for supplies elsewhere they will have to take the risk that there are no other sources of food to be found nearby. more power to them. And sometimes that's enough. they are willing to fight if necessary. If you want to be easy on your players you can have one of the nezumi make an offer directly. the characters are brought before the chieftain to stand trial. They raid warehouses. threaten or intimidate the ratlings as they see fit. but see no real reason to do so. come from an entirely different situation. If they try to steal from the nezumi they will mark themselves as enemies. Likewise. for the nezumi are well versed in the tricks that humans use. retain a culture that is quite foreign to that of Rokugan. Of course. and encourage them to be on their way. However. they have taken to attacking any humans who approach their camp. magic. If the nezumi are being plagued by enemies the PCs can offer to fight on their behalf. But they do have compassion for others. TRAPPED LIKE RATS 59. some PCs might choose to forego bargaining altogether and try some other method of getting what they need. and his father is desperate to see him returned safely. they can attempt to bargain for food and water. and unless the PCs can find something the nezumi really. the nezumi show no signs of hospitality either. If you want to expand this adventure you can have the nezumi approach the party for further favors or offers to trade in the future. If the PCs have suitable items to trade. they are soon approached by the boy's rescuer. supplies. and slaughtered. centuries of living on the edge of human lands have had an influence on their lifestyle and customs. Last week we dealt with nezumi who were antagonistic. Further. FOCUS After a day or so of rough treatment. and a number of search parties are being organized. 60. traps. They could teach the nezumi a new skill. steal unattended items. he is unable to approach . samurai march off to war. OF MICE AND MEN Nezumi can be quite difficult to deal with at times. this outlook has served the nezumi well. As long as they remember to act in a manner that upholds their promises. Having saved the PCs lives it's only natural that the nezumi would seek more tokens of gratitude further down the line. it is often the differences that stand out the most. and other methods of non-lethal combat to attack the group. After all. Of course. While it may seem cold and harsh. The nezumi are well equipped. but the cost will not be so small. Once the fight is over. merchants go about their business. Any dealings they have with Rokugani are not so much cross-cultural as multicultural. allowing PCs to hide or “lose” important items such as heirlooms and treasured possessions in a place where the nezumi will not find them will go a long way toward keeping your players happy. Whether they ask politely or just help themselves. While hopes are slim. really want they will be turned away and left to fend for themselves. and provisions to spare. there is no guarantee that there will be no further trouble in the future. Over the course of the trial the chief listens to all sides. Likewise. if you want to encourage more rivalry. and they have nothing to gain by aiding the humans. armor. they may bargain with other goods. After all. Whatever the case. The naga. They just have to make the effort to negotiate and keep trying until they get a good reaction. This month we take a look at those famed rodents of unusual size: the nezumi. ask what they want. As such. If there are some other items that the tribe wants the PCs can promise to procure them. and face retaliation in kind. that's not always an improvement. One point to remember is that while nezumi are not part of Rokugan society they do have a basic idea of how it works. and nobles idle away their days in courtly pursuits.58. the course of action they choose will have a great influence on how the tribe perceives and deals with humans in the future. plead. The tribe has suffered greatly at the hands of humans. trapped behind enemy lines after a battle. Or they could lie about the marvelous qualities of their “magic” baubles in an attempt to dupe the nezumi into lusting after the contents of their traveling packs. the type of deal that the tribe will accept can vary quite a bit. Either way. While the ratlings attempt to use their superior numbers to pressure the PCs into surrendering. and he is a nezumi tracker. While he has kept the boy safe and healthy. Finding out exactly what the nezumi want can be difficult. While not openly hostile. They might be lost in the wilderness. Because players seldom react positively to having their characters robbed. a rat who has been betrayed is a dangerous creature indeed. they are still a long way from safety. or even stuck in the middle of the Shadowlands after a scouting mission that went sour. the nezumi will be satisfied with their victory over the humans even if it does not involve blood. Their own survival is assured. STRIKE The nezumi have the capability to help the party if they so choose. Yet even when such similarities are apparent. Any players who think of them as ignorant savages will be in for a rude awakening. CHALLENGE The party is subdued and captured by a tribe of angry ratlings. the PCs are bound in ropes. The young boy was lost in the wilderness during a hunting trip some days ago. Even if the party goes free. and several who wish to have nothing to do with humans altogether. The ratlings use nets. with their group mind and limited exposure to human customs. and will aid the nezumi in their struggle to escape persecution? Well. argue. and supplies are running low. then. there are just as many who would rather ransom the party to the local daimyo in exchange for a guarantee of being left alone. When their civilization fell they lost a great deal of their cultural identity. While all of their current equipment is forfeit. there is still a chance that the boy is alive. CHALLENGE A powerful lord offers great rewards and a position of status and prestige within his court to anyone who can return his son to him. and taken to a nearby camp. and are quite well-prepared. STRIKE The player characters must somehow convince the ratlings that they deserve to go free. They completely lack any concept of honor. If they engage the nezumi in battle they may eventually prevail. both martial and social. part of getting to know someone well is finding out that such generalizations don't always apply. This will likely add to the suspicion when he is revealed as a “filthy rat. The monks took the orphaned nezumi in just as they would have a human child and raised him as a member of the order. as more goblins emerge to take the place of those slain. to account for his posture). he has taken it upon himself to see the nezumi cast out. The humans have abundant food. And don't forget his tendency to stare at shiny objects. You could be a goblin. he also has a strong sense of justice. and will try to sow as much suspicion against him as possible. and rumors of “evil mountain spirits” rising from the ground are spreading rapidly. Although he does not follow bushido. but ronin thieves who have struck an alliance with Raoshu. while blame is placed on Raoshu (who they are quite confident can escape if trouble starts). he does his best to treat all creatures with kindness. of course. While no formal accusations are made.  Prejudice works both ways. DOWN. FOCUS It is not long before the characters encounter some of the “evil mountain spirits” for themselves.. He believes that Raoshu (whom he calls “that beast”) lacks the humanity needed to be a true monk. CHALLENGE A group of monks visits a temple located in or near the area where the party is centered. To bring such treasures back to one's tribe is worth any amount of service. regardless of the responsibility it entails.the lord's estate by himself. They use their cover as monks to infiltrate temples and rob the place blind. It's tough to be a rat in a world of humans. WHO FRAMED RAOSHU RATLING? People don't trust nezumi. They think of them as scoundrels and thieves. Perhaps another member of Raoshu's group is jealous of the attention that “the nezumi monk” receives when they travel. 62. His knowledge of the wilderness is unmatched.he might approach others too closely or make body contact more frequently than they may like. Goblins The Countdown to Creatures Book continues this month. While his motives for saving the boy were noble. Farmers are afraid to leave their homes.. Being awarded a position in the court of a human is a great honor. If your players are reluctant to get involved. and can be depended on to help anyone in need. Or he could be more tactile than normal individuals. Or. Nezumi have different ideas about personal space within the family group . Or maybe Raoshu really is having a relapse. If the party follows the goblins or traces their footprints. Especially pious or honorable characters may be approached for help by the leader of the pilgrims. FOCUS The leader of the pilgrims explains that Raoshu was found by members of his temple when he was just a pup. Personal loss and a desire to even the score are always great motivators. the outcome of the adventure is certain to have a significant impact on the relations between humans and nezumi in the area. Unless something is done. This cave system could be the home of a giant colony of goblins. Raoshu has become a devout member of the Brotherhood. or even Raoshu himself if he recognizes the tendency humans have to distrust outsiders. Raoshu's piety is soon called into question. But I suppose things could always be worse. And while that may be true in some cases. and they have the capability to see to it that the humans pay whether they want to or not. Unfortunately. The recent earthquake opened an underground passage linking the crevice to another cave system. A number of thefts are reported in the area shortly after the pilgrims arrive. While there were some problems at first. Such detractors are bound to be quite vocal in their attempts to dissuade the boy's father from making the nezumi one of their peers. finely crafted tools. there are some ways you can motivate them. The local heimin have become superstitious in the aftermath of a severe earthquake. and the goblins have become bold enough to venture directly into the village itself in their search for food. Raoshu is being framed. as long as their decision is one that their honor allows them to live with. STRIKE Simply dealing with the goblins as they come forth from the hole will not solve the problem. Just don't say I didn't warn you. The PCs are free to advise the lord as they wish. The peasants are illprepared to face such a threat. and needs help in order to avoid disgracing himself and his teachers. While the problem is most likely due to the peasants' ignorance. which could mean two things:  The pilgrims are not pilgrims at all. 61. Nobody likes you when you live by your own rules. Or maybe the leader of the pilgrims is trying to teach the monks of both temples a lesson in judging people by their hearts and not their faces. and fields are going untended. Magistrates are bound by honor to investigate any crime that occurs within the area they serve. they find a large crevice in the mountains. CHALLENGE The party is asked to restore order in a remote and mountainous area. change the culprit to suit your own campaign. little more than animals. Finally. something must be done to assuage their fears and get them back to work. He asks the PCs to accompany him. there are a number of ways you can make him appear suspicious without actually having him steal anything. with adventure scenarios featuring goblins of all sorts. or it might even extend all the way to the Shadowlands! In any . A pack of goblins appears out of the wilderness. raiding the village and stealing whatever they find. and so keeps himself hooded and disguised as an old man (cane and all. Even if he does not become a member of the court. and nobody likes you when you try to live by their rules either.. and is trying to get Raoshu disciplined. who claims to be a student of Shinseism. He and the other members of his tribe are owed a huge debt. where they will cause a great deal of damage unless stopped. Whichever option you choose. And if all else fails you can have the thief target and steal an item from the PCs. and insist on touching almost everything he sees. Ik'rik'uk can still become an ally of the party if they aid him and treat him well. For while Ik'rik'uk is kind at heart. so that he may enter the human settlement safely and deliver the boy to his father. STRIKE The true culprit is a monk from the local temple. They have been trying to raise suspicions around Raoshu in hopes that he will be cast out and they can “rescue” him. but there's no reason why you couldn't use this week's scenario with the more powerful goblins that have arisen in recent years. DOWN. any creature is bound to be angry upon hearing that they were discriminated against. DOWN TO GOBLIN TOWN! I myself prefer the weak. it is also possible for Ik'rik'uk to become an enemy of the party. either for good or for ill. STRIKE There are many samurai (possibly including members of the party) who would consider it unnecessary to keep a promise to a ratling. And what of the boy? How has the time he spent living with the nezumi affected him and his perception of non-humans? This scenario is another good example of how to integrate a non-human character into an adventuring party. the plan is likely to succeed. You can. pathetic goblins of old. if you wish. and his skills in combat are quite impressive as well. Upset at being forced to give hospitality to pilgrims who would accept a non-human as one of their own.” It’s quite possible that there have been similar crimes at previous temples and shrines that these pilgrims have visited. but not by a monk. and shiny baubles aplenty. if you want your players to also harbor some feelings of unease around Raoshu. The group of pilgrims includes one very unusual member: a nezumi called Raoshu. SOME ALTERNATE TAKES BY PIRATE SPICE I can see a few ways to tweak this CFS for additional twists:  Raoshu fully realizes that he will be mistrusted. The pilgrims are being following by a group of nezumi who are offended at the idea of one of their own being a follower of human religion. it doesn't take long before rumors of the nezumi's guilt begin to spread. the caverns are teeming with goblins. Thieves are helpful when your goal is to become rich. the creatures do their best to avoid combat. or approached by someone who wants them to provide security for a warehouse full of valuable goods. in fact. Goblins who strike in the night. Other funny tactics that come to mind is throwing. GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS We find ourselves beset by more goblins roaming outside the Shadowlands this week. After all. By giving goblins the gift of civilization.. Player characters will naturally be suspicious of Uulhan. they have no intention of leaving Fu Leng's service. STRIKE The goblins are acting under the orders of a merchant named Yasuki Jirokichi. but it should be more than enough to prevent the party from simply going in and slaying them all in one go. And the player characters can be assured that as they were kind enough to remove the unwanted pests from his property he'll be sure to send them an appropriate gift later on. and brings an invitation to parley from his leader. like using improvised mizugusuri (or not so improvised ones…maybe Jirokichi is not a Yasuki. That's to be expected. And if things take a turn for the wiry goblin called Uulhan. He'll play on the PC's sympathies. You can change the type of mayhem the goblins cause to fit whatever motivation you choose for Jirokichi. If this is the case. so that their Yogo merchants can move in. Even if they don’t compromise their agent (Jirokichi saying he did not know of the goblins). use sonar to see in total darkness and have natural camouflage in order to blend in with stone or earth could present a big threat to a group of unwary heroes. he asks the characters to grant him mercy. and intruders will soon find themselves beset by goblin guards intent on preventing their escape. How will the Empire react to the revelation that goblins are not simply filthy animals and have the potential to achieve much. If you want to add a further challenge. medicine. but one would need to venture quite a ways in to find a suitable spot to do so. like being able to shoot blood from their eyes when threatened? TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTIONS One should be sure to have the thieves employ some simple but dishonorable tricks that samurai would never think off. Another twist you could put on the scenario is to make Uulhan's intentions completely true. much more. If the player characters manage to gain access to the building they will find the Shadowlands refugees guarding a trove of purloined treasures and stolen merchandise. It is possible that the underground passage could be collapsed with magic. and craftsmanship. goblins. sparking rumors of ninja and ghosts. Would they vouch for a group of monsters seeking asylum? And what ramifications will Uulhan's plan have if he is successful? Whether his words are lies or truth. if he is trying to outshine his rivals (either in the market or in court) in the goblins can be used for sabotage. but a Shosuro merchant... Uulhan explains that he has been inspired by the way humans resist becoming slaves to Fu Leng. and eliminating them all will take quite some time. He begs the party to help him. He can always get more. If neither the investigation nor the guard request seem viable to introduce the players. and use the basement of one of his warehouses as a hideout. While the goblins of his tribe do want to learn the ways of the Empire. because goblins breed like cockroaches. Things could be even further complicated if he approaches the party while they are in the Shadowlands. his tribe stands to gain a great deal of power if they are able to overcome their shortcomings. But Uulhan's a cunning beast. the fact that they are goblins limits the use they will get out of such training. Maybe the Scorpion wishes to free some warehouses that are currently held by the Crab (or whichever clan the goblin master poses to be of). writing. goblins! Is there anything those accursed creatures won't foul up? CHALLENGE A lone goblin approaches the party under a flag of truce. But the bestial nature of goblins and the prejudice against them make this an almost impossible task. and wants to give the same freedom to his people as well. they can always be victims of the goblin thieves and have to get back what is rightfully theirs. You can take a goblin out of the Shadowlands. They may even have adapted to life in the dark. And there's nothing like having a mob of goblins at your command when you're trying to kill someone. swearing that every member of his tribe is ready to renounce violence and accept human culture into their hearts. He's more than willing to stage opportunities to prove his sincerity to the party. but it could still give them an edge against PCs who think them no more than unwashed brutes. Incidentally.. and attempt to flee if discovered. The PCs are either asked to investigate the manner. they're only goblins. this would still have the Crab look like they can’t keep an eye on the warehouses the city’s governor entrusted to them. Speaking roughly accented but passable Rokugani. A gang of more than twenty goblins. stealth. Or. If the PCs do not have access to any means of collapsing the tunnels you can spread the goblins out more in order to give them a fighting chance. or even the ways of disguise! Of course. NATURE VERSUS NURTURE Goblins. but it should still be a major undertaking for them to exterminate every last one.. you can also reveal that certain aspects of the goblins' physiology make them well-suited for their role as thieves. STRIKE Uulhan's pretty words are only half true. It's also possible for Jirokichi to have given the goblins some training and education to improve their value as servants.impure substances at the brave samurai. and even ingratiate himself to those in power as if he were a pet if that is what's required to achieve his goals. their preferred escape route is through the sewage ditches and garbage heaps. pretend to be more or less intelligent than he really is. but you can't take the Shadowlands out of a goblin. FOCUS When the player characters finally face off against the mysterious thieves they find the truth is much less impressive than the rumors that are circulating. and will do whatever it takes to learn the secrets of Rokugani science and technology. and an excellent liar. and will most likely deny any knowledge of the goblins' presence if confronted directly. . tactics. Jirokichi will do whatever he can to avoid being caught. And they'd better get every last one. The number of goblins in the caves is up to you. or a Shosuro Butei Actor disguised as a Yasuki). the whole point of this operation might also be to discredit the Crab. but if he wants to secure information they can become spies instead. seeing as he is a goblin. 64. distract (or neutralize) any guards. he's also an incredibly fast runner. This will give the goblins an advantage in both their struggle to survive the horrors of the Shadowlands and their constant war against the Empire. Witnesses tell stories of inhuman figures scurrying across rooftops and melting into the night. Or how about something really weird.. He tells them that he is a scout from the Rotfang tribe. you can rule instead that the goblins are part of a colony which has lived underground for quite some time. Maybe they can put on sudden bursts of speed when evading pursuit. Surprisingly agile. Of course. If Yasuki Jirokichi is not Yasuki Jirokichi. Whatever will it take to get them to stay where they belong? CHALLENGE A string of robberies hits the city where the player characters are staying. and its leader is a small. Perhaps their rubbery skin and soft bones allow them to squeeze through tight openings. The culprits are goblins.. Jirokichi and his sub-human servants are certain to react negatively to anyone they find poking around in the area. FOCUS The Rotfang tribe consists of about forty or fifty goblins. they plan to take such knowledge back to the Shadowlands and share it with other goblin tribes. and quickly make off with whatever they can carry. 63. They slip in under cover of darkness. he hopes to overcome the cycle of viciousness that life in the Shadowlands breeds and break the dominion that Jigoku holds over their simple minds. After mastering such concepts as engineering. Depending on the area in which you place the village it may or may not be plausible for the caverns to extend all the way to the Shadowlands. He really does want to lift his tribe out of the muck and bring them some measure of culture. of course. The creatures might be skilled in combat techniques. which would make Uulhan´s plan much more workable (no matter if the lies or truth option is chosen). These are all weaknesses that the party can capitalize on if they find themselves in serious danger. For those who don't scare all that easily. The garrison is small. In a setting with vast areas of wilderness like Rokugan. Of cause.TAMERLAN OFFERS MORE SUGGESTIONS Now one problem that may arise in this scenario. None of the sentries see the advancing army as cause for alarm. and faced hordes of raging goblins. however. with goblins it only means that they will be without guidance as they flail around. but the area is defensible. knowing nothing about goblins.” STRIKE The King Tsu Fish is a formidable beast. so they might well become just another kind of threat to the humans. the PC group might be captured by the Rotfang tribe (or by someone else and then rescued by them…which could be staged. Alternately. something more is necessary. Once again he turns to the PCs for help. And even if the PCs manage to defeat Samang their troubles aren't completely over. Or maybe they are even rescued from starvation. and prepare a suitable dish of sashimi. and may even tip the balance in their favor. maybe becoming wandering bandits or what not. an army of goblins is sighted moving through the area. and will likely be unable to call upon reinforcements. It dwells in a muddy swamp dotted with grassy hummocks and several deep pools. While the Ogre Bushi or Tsuno Ravager schools would be thematically appropriate you could really use any combination of techniques you like. so you may want to increase the size of Samang's army in order to compensate. the GM could just keep sending single scouts to the party. before the scenario even begins. asking them to accompany him on his mission to find and kill the “King Tsu Fish. Snakes and spiders lurk in the grass. Kawachi still has to clean it. similar to the areas favored by its smaller cousins. Of course changing sides would be much more complicated after they cheated the humans once. the food he prepares is quite delicious and everyone enjoys themselves. maybe they change their opinion after they gain culture and knowledge. but undertake preparations for a siege. gut it. moving the immense carcass . THE HEAD OF THE BEAST Ask any Crab and he'll tell you that goblins aren't scary because of their strength or skill. If they didn’t mean to leave Fu Leng. Another consideration if the goblin’s plan succeeds. ending the scenario in a hack and slay session. 65. On the other hand. While Samang's army of goblins has force of numbers on its side. until the players accept a parley. After being prisoners/guests and treated well by the goblins for a while. Then again the goblins might choose to get rid of any traitors. their primitive grasp of tactics and lack of military skill ensure that they pose little threat. Unless the PCs do something heroic. Samang lacks cavalry forces. Kawachi has come quite a ways since the party saw him last. Kawachi makes his request. Their leader is Samang. Not only is he skilled in combat techniques. to be slain. For while cutting off the head may be enough to defeat a human army. Kawachi is much less adept at combat than he is at cooking. Tigers. but not the respect and influence among Fu Leng’s minions they thought would come with it. if you want to present it as a truly unique and legendary creature you can give it as much power as it needs to present a suitable challenge for the party. SCENARIO 2 If this doesn’t work or doesn’t strike the GM’s fancy. I can imagine two possibilities to handle this problem. as it is considered one of the easiest assignments possible. however. The mission isn't over once the King Tsu Fish is defeated. The chef who could make sashimi from such a beast would surely be worthy of the title “Sapphire Chef” and might even be invited to cook for the Champion himself. This month we'll deal with creatures of a different sort. of course). this extraordinary specimen measures almost 20 feet in length. Unlike normal tsu fish. has Animals The Countdown to Creatures Book continues for its fourth straight month (fifth if you count Oni Month). If the party has played through CFS of the Week scenario #39 they may already know their host. and morale is high among the sentries who have been stationed there. Likewise. Stories tell of a great tsu fish — the king of all tsu fish — that lives in the middle of a distant swamp. little magical support. While he has some skill with a knife. If you decide it is simply an oversized freak of nature you can leave its traits and skills relatively low. if they wanted to escape Fu Leng’s influence. that does not mean they become all nice and cozy with the Empire (they won’t get a warm welcome by most after all). an extraordinarily large and intelligent goblin warrior. don't forget that it is still inferior to a comparatively-sized army of samurai. come to terms with our ratling neighbors. He could have higher than average stats and skill ranks. is that the PCs might not be willing to talk to filthy animals in the first place. they may develop sympathies for the creatures (Stockholm Syndrom. encounters with wild animals are a daily occurrence. 66. This works especially well if the scenario is set in the Shadowlands. Shadowlands Powers. manipulating their behavior by use of magic or drugs. and bears all roam the forests and fields. anyone?). Feel free to assign the King Tsu Fish whatever stats you like. It's also possible to move the adventure to a different location if you so desire. Animals. Which won't be easy while he remains in the swamp. they have little to call on in way of a supply train. the King Tsu Fish has no such trouble. SCENARIO 1 If the PCs slay the goblin scout outright. outof-the-way location. Needless to say. THE SAPPHIRE CHEF CHALLENGE The player characters and their families are invited to feast at the home of the locally renowned Crystal Chef. you may want to give Samang extra abilities in order to increase the threat he poses. however. While the party may be unable to move effectively through the muck. but he has also managed to master tactics and strategy as well. for it is none other than their old ally Kawachi. A high-ranking lord from the Crab Clan has challenged him to prepare a special dish. In this day and age odds are good that you don't deal with animals on a regular basis unless you have pets. outcasts or prisoners they have. and it's spines and jaws present a significant hazard to samurai who get too near. or even have ranks in a school. FOCUS After a few months of peace and quiet. The goblins under his command do not fling themselves into battle mindlessly. emphasizing the fact that he is as a true Champion among goblin-kind. And there are animals still more dangerous as well. if it would be in character to act this way (maybe even having the scouts refuse to defend themselves and being cut down with the resolve of a Shiba Toriiko). if not impossible. Depending on how powerful your party is. He has mastered several new recipes and proven his skills to several influential figures. and many of them even look forward to the break in routine. but because of their sheer numbers. FOCUS After everyone has enjoyed a fabulous meal. Their weapons are in disrepair. making a fight against a massive army daunting. Stationing them in a larger city will solve this problem. On the other hand. CHALLENGE The characters are assigned to protect a small fort or village in a remote. We've met naga allies. and the warriors themselves are untrained. off the top of my head. either. STRIKE Only after the battle begins does it become apparent that this is no ordinary horde of goblins. wolves. I don’t know. you could pull out all the stops and give Samang as much of an advantage as you want. Samang's massive army is almost certain to crush them. Although the goblins have numerical superiority on their side. Having Samang attack a smaller outpost means that the party will have limited access to resources and manpower. fox. and a lady in waiting. but a shapeshifting spirit from Chikushudo? Or the magically controlled servant of a shugenja from a rival clan? What are her intentions toward Eriko. her pet (see below). or even the daimyo's sister. however. uncaring daimyo. and the PCs are to locate and correct the problem with all due haste. You could also introduce additional complications. turtle. a private physician. Or a momentary distraction could offer her all the time she needs to slip free from her handler and go exploring. and he would like them to look after one of his prized hounds while he is gone. or do they try to find another similar creature to take her place. serves no visible purpose. Or maybe he finds some lost item in the grass. RUNT OF THE LITTER As the dominant species on the planet. CHALLENGE A commander who is allied with the PCs asks them for a favor. chicken. as a weak hound is of no use to him. And if they do. will play gently with children. and he would prefer to send as few of his best animals as possible. you can adjust the age and background of Eriko as appropriate to play upon the character traits of your players. 69. While size is a consideration. It goes without saying that this situation cannot be allowed to continue. Just remember that some types of animals are more likely than others to win people's hearts. he does not seem to share their natural instincts. we have the capability to do with other creatures as we will. what if Hana cannot be found at all? Do the player characters tell the truth and admit their failure. and if the PCs hope to convince the commander to send another dog in his place they will have to come up with some very good reasons. however. The village is near a gold mine which is usually quite busy. and Hana might be any of the following: cat. The peasant laborers are deathly afraid of the beast. ferret. it is possible that you will find players who are completely unconcerned with the fates of those beneath them. Wherever she is. of course. Eta and animals are all the same anyway. and no word as to why production has dropped off. A single room offers numerous hiding places for a small also sure to be a difficult undertaking. cricket. These two are my personal favorites. What if Hana is not really a normal animal. Nonetheless. stag beetle. frog. . His duties require him to travel far afield for the next few months. piglet. right? And what if Eriko is so impressed by how attentively the party treats Hana that she decides to leave her in their care for a whole week? 68. right? In either case. both beautiful and deadly. and runs away from anything that seems the least bit threatening. Despite his failings. A loud noise might startle her into taking flight. After all. you may have to alter the situation a little. can do nothing but trust in the party members to protect him. ravenous force of nature. but there are plenty of others to choose from. STRIKE Hana could be anywhere in the building. I find mundane creatures more than sufficient. named Lady Eriko. there have been few shipments of gold from the mine. WHO HUNTS THE HUNTER? Having been busy for the past few days. foal. is a figure of some standing. parakeet. snake. but it is unlikely to have many opportunities to get the player characters to warm up to it. A quick Google image search for “mudskipper” will turn up a number of interesting pictures if you want to show your players exactly what the beast they're facing looks like. a servant approaches the player characters with bad news. one animal in particular requires special attention. While one might expect Eriko to keep a traditional pet like a cat or dog. and the choice we make reveals a great deal about who we really are. If the PCs insist on keeping Hana nearby. He could even make a brave stand against an enemy who seeks to do the PCs harm. If they are kind and considerate types. you could make Eriko a young child. Even animals have minds of their own. lizard. however. a number of servants. While a search of the room she was being kept in is underway. however. their fates are in our hands. and a armory or storage room alone could take hours to search. If your players are respectful (or fearful) of authority. The guest. or lion cub would also be suitable. Eriko could be an older woman. things go relatively smoothly. Although most of the dogs he keeps are currently undergoing training to serve as war dogs. rabbit. As always. dog. change Chibi from a dog into another kind of pet. for the wrath of an angry pet lover can be grave indeed. A helpless animal like Chibi. the most important member of her party is Hana. As far as Eriko is concerned. It's up to you to decide which one is more difficult. who is known as an avid fan of dog fights. and she begins to enjoy the player characters' hospitality. For more selfish groups. but it also means that he is fully aware of his lot in life and is expected to accept it. A young falcon. Named Chibi. however. A cowardly fighting fish might be an interesting concept. so why should one be concerned with what happens to them? One way to get around this is to set up a situation where the PCs in question are indebted (or feel that they are indebted) to their charge. Chibi would not last long in the arena against a vicious fighting dog. And they would never betray his faith in them. the commander hopes the party members can find some use for him. however. and to send him to the lord's home would most likely mean his death. falcon. STRIKE After the PCs have had some time to bond with Chibi and get used to having him around. Don't like pets? Want to drive home the unfairness of Rokugan's caste system? Change Chibi into a friendly eta servant named Chobei and send him to the estate of a cruel. it appears that she has escaped and is currently roaming around the building unwatched. And in case you're wondering. after all. then they certainly have no cause to complain when one of their social betters does the same to them. and what can the player characters do if it turns out that Hana is not the loving pet she appears to be? Or. FOCUS While Chibi's parents were strong and fearless hunting dogs. His first inclination is to send Chibi. on the other hand. This has the advantage of enabling Chobei to speak and interact with the characters. FOCUS Upon their arrival. an attractive maiden of marrying age might be a better. the small dog is too weak to serve alongside his brothers and sisters. CHALLENGE The PCs are asked to visit a village deep in the wilderness. Her entourage includes a trio of body guards. Recently. yes. monkey. songbird. and a pet that is forced to stay put will often attempt to do anything but sit still. He has no natural skill in fighting whatsoever. weak. FOCUS Once Eriko settles in. there's no reason why she couldn't have taken a liking to some other type of animal. Whether we choose to be kind or cruel. the PCs had best find and recover her. Nature is. or even the surrounding countryside. Where others would pit the players against tainted monsters. and even has a way of lifting people's spirits with his bright gaze. And don't forget that time is of the essence. it will be harder for PCs to turn a blind eye on the fate of someone who has helped them before. they are in fact edible. there are a number of animals that have the potential to be kept as a pet. and uncoordinated. praying mantis. He is intelligent and can be taught to perform tricks. One frog looks just like any other frog. The commander who owns Chibi has been asked to provide half a dozen dogs to his lord. Not to mention the fact that Hana is likely to flee from any strangers to try to catch her. Sometime after lunch. the PCs learn that a great tiger has been sighted prowling the forests near the mines. HUNTING HANA Last week we faced a wild. 67. mouse. Hana is nowhere to be found. Chibi is a friendly and affectionate companion. the grounds. This week we'll tackle something a little closer to home. a message arrives. He is small. CHALLENGE The PCs are asked to entertain a favorite relative of their commander or supervisor. Perhaps Chibi's barking warns of an assassin in the night. You can. I return to the forum to find some ideas similar to the adventure I planned for this week already circulating. seafood is best when fresh. In any case. To keep him around. scorpion…or any other animal you think might be suitable and/or interesting. Remember that the ostrich is in an unfamiliar environment. giving the biggest member of the pack techniques from the Akodo War College school. in short. rats. While there was once writing on the statue. I would recommend making it at least equal to a hawk or eagle. and is the unmistakably the source of the taint that is affecting the area. If the PCs fail to secure the ostrich or inflict lasting harm upon it they will face dire consequences. you can also increase the number of animals present. and while it can only strike out at targets in front of it. and corruption in Rokugan's most dangerous locale. If they manage to keep it healthy and happy. and smarter than any other wild cat the characters have encountered before. 71. the animal is not in a mood to go willingly into its cage. I recommend the story of the tsavo lions who inspired the movie “The Ghost and the Darkness. There. Unfortunately. It can run at speeds of up to 30 mph for 15 minutes. The idol radiates magic. the delivery arrives within a few day's time. however. I'm glad to bring you four long-awaited adventure scenarios featuring danger. An enraged bear or wild lion would be just as deadly as a tiger. The Kaiu Engineer School. However. but is much larger than any natural bird within the Empire. it is recommended that you have her train in a school that involves indirect ways of dealing with enemies. STRIKE The tiger is larger. While most player characters would know nothing of these procedures. you can change the type of animal terrorizing the village. You could even give them a free raise or two on kick attacks. It is a strange and terrible beast from the Burning Sands. An advisor to the Imperial families specializing in traps. dragging sentries into the woods and wiping out entire hunting parties. has been corrupted by the Shadowlands Taint. For more information on maneating hunters. the Bayushi Saboteur School. For example. this makes standing in front of the animal a dangerous idea at any distance. And the longer it remains in the shrine the wider its influence grows. Imagine how much more deadly they'd be against a village full of peasants. just like being in a slice of the Shadowlands that has been uprooted and replaced in the middle of the Empire. as well as much of the surrounding area. the idol cannot be moved or destroyed through normal means. and may be threatened or surprised by any number of things. however. The entire complex. If you want to give your players an encounter that they'll never forget. The Rokugani name given to the animal is “dacho. like a stork or crane. these two beasts were fearsome opponents. It's a new addition to her already impressive menagerie. their incredible speed and large size gives them an edge in combat. Combined with 12 foot strides. As always. and is loathe to leave such an important matter to her servants. But then I began to wonder if there was some animal that would be even more interesting to chase around a small castle than monkeys. so woe be to those who let the ostrich escape the estate grounds. it is no longer readable. Including overconfident parties of samurai. It measures 8 feet tall and may weigh up to 300 pounds. its superior wilderness skills give it all the edge it needs to make short work of anyone who enters its domain. My first inclination was to scrap the idea entirely rather than cover an idea that had already seen light. as the rare animal cannot be easily replaced. its long legs enable it to attack anyone within 6 feet. captured especially for inclusion in the noble's menagerie. hopefully. You could even give the animals the Kharmic Tie advantage in relation to each other to represent their cooperative tactics. that doesn't mean that it can't wreak other kinds of havoc. handling. FOCUS True enough. While you can change Nayami's family name or gender as you wish. Eindrachen presented his own version of such a scenario and beat me to the punch. they are greeted by a shocking and unsettling sight. The Shadowlands With its sweltering heat and driving rains. The creature resembles a long-necked bird. and security tactics. I considered the timehonored tradition of having the PCs deal with the escape of a shipment of monkeys. stronger. While you may use any stats you wish for the ostrich. and control of ostriches. CHALLENGE A noble of some standing (perhaps the exotic animal loving Eriko from CFS #67) asks the player characters to look after her estate while she attends to some family business. and may attack the party without provocation. and plan ambushes. Having to explain why they let the ostrich tear up the moss garden or chase the servants around the courtyard is not something the PCs are going to look forward to. the Daidoji Harrier School. Plants and trees are sick and twisted. she has been out of contact with her daimyo and her superiors for quite some time. STRIKE The ostrich is a formidable animal. It will often try to eat anything it can swallow. FOLLOW THAT BIRD! When I started writing these CFS of the Week scenarios. Although it attacks only when it feels secure that it has the upper hand. The servants and sentries who remain are either raving madmen or broken shells of their former selves. faster. and the PCs are ordered to find out exactly what has befallen her. STRIKE The center of the corruption (which can be located by either spiritual or mathematical means) is the family shrine in the heart of the house. the PCs may find a small obsidian idol. It can kick with incredible force. THE OBSIDIAN IDOLS: AN IDOL THREAT It all starts with a request from the Imperial guard. Since I came up with that idea. There are websites that offer advice for the care. terror. Dogs. For a further challenge.albeit one where both parties play the parts of the cat and the mouse simultaneously! Building the tension up over the course of several encounters does wonders for making the eventual showdown much more exciting. CHALLENGE The player characters are asked to visit the home of Bayushi Nayami and see if anything is amiss. they may find their services well-appreciated (and possibly called upon again in the future). they may be useful for game masters who wish to determine how successful a given course of action stands to be. the proper course of action to take when faced with a territorial ostrich may surprise you. to represent the fury of their fearsome strikes.” but the people of the desert call it an “ostrich. Two tigers hunting as a team could present a big problem for samurai who venture into the forest without making sure everything is safe first. It is. 70. Some other way of rendering it inert must be found. While they are incapable of flight. find weak points in the party's defenses.and ask the player characters for help in trapping or killing it. This is the result. fortifications. The idea that something could cause such a loyal servant of the Empire to suddenly become lax in her duties is quite worrisome. FOCUS When the party arrives at Nayami's estate. so the end result is about the same. try to get the PCs into a game of cat and mouse with the animal . It is able to recognize traps. or the Ikoma Spymaster School would all . But that's not all! The four scenarios presented this month are designed to be used either individually. She is expecting a special delivery from the Unicorn Clan soon. put them up against a pack of lions or wolves. bring them back out again.” As you may already suspect. Together they form a saga that will take your players into the depths of evil and. and crows appear more like monsters than like animals. If possible. it is unlikely to fight to the death or engage in prolonged combat unless pressed. or as part of an extended mini-campaign. but the PCs should be able to handle things with no problem.” Even for skilled hunters with rifles. The maneater has already claimed the lives of several men. Just having the tiger launch an all-out attack against the player characters will make for a short and relatively uninteresting game session. While the bird may become aggressive if threatened. can there be any doubt that July is Shadowlands Month? Of course not! After numerous requests. carved in the shape of a man in armor. be appropriate. The reason for this advice will become apparent in future installments. It's also worth noting that Nayami may have used her specialized knowledge of traps and security in certain areas of her own home. While not every room or hallway will be trapped, it is certainly possible that she has taken special precautions in especially private areas. Players may be hesitant to venture into an obviously dangerous area without proper protection. One way to set their minds at ease is to give them direct assurance that the taint is not yet strong enough to affect them unless they spend a prolonged period of time in the area. Another way to motivate them to act quickly, rather than calling the Jade Magistrates and waiting for back-up, is to impress upon them the importance of their mission. They must learn what has become of Nayami before vital clues are lost or ruined. Or before the problem spreads further. Even after the obsidian idol is located, the problem may not be ended. Can the estate ever be purified again? If so, how long will it take? Are any other homes in Rokugan suffering the same troubles? What about the peasants and animals that have gone loose into the Empire? What trouble will they cause for those who are unprepared to deal with them? SHOUT Although the party finds no sign of Nayami anywhere in the estate grounds, they do come across a servant who has managed to retain some of his mental faculties. He tells them that the trouble started not long after a general from the Crab Clan paid Nayami a visit. The two spoke for quite some time, and when the Crab departed Nayami gave him some weapons and several koku of rice. In return, he left the obsidian idol that has wrought so much damage on the household. The Crab's name was Kuni Kuroshige. He took a unit of soldiers into the Shadowlands not long after completing his business with Nayami. If anyone knows what is going on and how to deal with it, it is him. WHAT ABOUT TAINT IMMUNITY? MIRUMOTO KURO: Rats and crows have been specifically said to be immune to taint in the official canon. In fact [it is] said most vermin were immune. ISAWA NAZOMITSU: That was actually supposed to be a hint for any players versed in Lore: Shadowlands. The fact that Obsidian Idols can inflict the Taint regardless of regular immunities would hopefully tell the players that the Idols are doing more than just radiating Taint. In retrospect I could have made that a little more clear. 72. THE OBSIDIAN IDOLS: COMPASSION & MERCY If you have not already played through last week's adventure, but still wish to go through the entire campaign, it is relatively easy to set up. Simply have an influential figure send the party into the Shadowlands to complete some mission. If you want to be completely direct, the assigned task might even be to find and bring back either Kuni Kuroshige or Bayushi Nayami. If you just want to spice up a trip through the Shadowlands with an interesting encounter, however, no special preparation is necessary. Simply start the screaming. CHALLENGE The PCs are sent into the Shadowlands on an important mission. While they have enough supplies to last them through their expedition and subsequent return to civilization, their resources are limited, and time is of the essence. FOCUS On the third day of their journey, the player characters spot a humanoid figure propped up against a jagged outcropping of rock. It appears to be a ronin with a traveling pack beside him and a sword across his lap. His left leg ends in a stump, which has been bound with a blood-soaked bandage. He waves to the party, and calls to them for help as they move by. If they are hesitant to approach he shows them the jade finger he wears to prove that he is not tainted and beseeches them in the name of the Fortunes. It's worth noting that making a large amount of noise has the potential to be very dangerous in the Shadowlands. STRIKE The ronin was wounded by some sort of giant centipede monster (which may either have died on his blade or still be in the area, depending upon your preference). He has enough food, water, and jade to last him quite some time. However, he is unable to move under his own power, and has no chance of getting back to civilization on his own. And it should go without mentioning that the party could definitely make good use of the jade he holds. They can try to save him, give him a clean and honorable death, or take his jade and leave him to waste away. His fate is completely in their hands. You will, of course, want to give the ronin a name, identity, and personality beyond “some poor victim.” By giving the player characters a chance to interact with him and get to know him as a person, you make their decision as to what to do with him much more important and meaningful. The way you present him can also have an impact on what course of action your players ultimately choose. I have deliberately refrained from giving any information regarding what type of person the ronin is for exactly this reason. You may tailor his behavior and mannerisms specifically toward your players. While this type of choice typically has no right or wrong answer, you may wish to present further consequences for player characters who are especially foolish. If the ronin is treated poorly, he could return to torment the party as an undead samurai or a tainted ghost. If the party decides to split up, you can have the characters who stay with the ronin discover that he is actually a bog hag, and is far from helpless. Alternately, player characters who risk their own lives and safety in delivering the wounded ronin back to the Kaiu Wall before continuing their mission (even though doing so will mean a loss of supplies) may gain themselves a loyal ally. If your players are mature enough to explore difficult situations, you can adapt the scenario somewhat. Start with an attack by an ogre, oni, or other monster. By the time the fight is over, place a trusted companion (or even one of the player characters themselves) in the situation the ronin was in: wounded and unable to travel. The debate over how to deal with such a complication should be much more intense when the players have a personal stake in the outcome. SHOUT Some time before he was wounded, the ronin noticed a well-armed unit of samurai patrolling the Shadowlands. He did not call out to them because he feared them to be tainted, as they wore carved statues of black stone around their necks rather than jade. If asked, the ronin reveals that the only structure in the area worth occupying with soldiers is an old watchtower called Kousei Bougyo Fortress. It was once a major staging point for offensive movements against the Shadowlands Horde, but it is now little more than a supply station for scouts and sentries. For so many men to gather there now is most unusual. 73. THE OBSIDIAN IDOLS: SHARED BURDEN Shadowlands Month continues with another scenario useable either on its own or as part of a longer campaign. If you've played through both of the previous scenarios presented this month, your players are probably already aware that something strange is going on and that the mysterious obsidian idols have some connection to the problem. This week they get to find out exactly what's going on. If you haven't played through either of the last two weeks' adventures, you can still use this scenario with a minimum of preparation. The most difficult part is getting the party into the Shadowlands. You could have them happen across Kuroshige's fortress during an unrelated mission, or perhaps send them into the Shadowlands with orders to re-establish contact with his unit. From there it's simply a matter of hinting at the sinister nature of the obsidian idols and getting their suspicions aroused. Now, let's meet the good soldier who has Tainted the Empire. CHALLENGE The party comes upon Kousei Bougyo, a heavily defended fortress about a week's journey into the Shadowlands. There, they meet Kuni Kuroshige, a veteran soldier and skilled shugenja who has dedicated his life to fighting the Shadowlands. His specialty is striking at disorganized groups of monsters while they are still in the process of marshaling their forces, and disrupting the armies that march on the Kaiu Wall. While he welcomes the player characters, he seems uneasy about their presence in the fort. FOCUS If the player characters know about Bayushi Nayami or the obsidian idols, it is possible that they may confront Kuoshige directly. Even if they have stumbled into the situation unaware of the deals Kuroshige has made, it should not take them long to notice that a large number of the samurai in the fortress are wearing carved obsidian statues around their necks instead of fingers of jade. If they investigate further they can learn the horrible truth. The obsidian idols are talismans empowered with sympathetic magic. Each idol is part of a matched set. One idol from each pair is kept in the family shrine of a samurai somewhere in the Empire. The matching idol is worn by a member of Kuroshige's army. While worn, the idols block any Taint the bearer may be exposed to, protecting them completely. The Taint blocked in this manner is not prevented; it is simply redirected to the area where the other idol is being kept. This is what happened to Bayushi Nayami when she pledged her assistance to Kuroshige, although she did not know exactly what her promise entailed. STRIKE Every day that Kuroshige and his men remain in the Shadowlands the Taint spreads deeper and deeper into Rokugan. While their campaign against the Horde has saved the lives of numerous Crab samurai stationed along the Kaiu Wall, it has also caused a blight on the Empire. Kuroshige believes that the other Clans owe the Crab their support, and that his plan serves the greater good. Those who have become Tainted against their will, however, may think otherwise. It is entirely possible that some or all the player characters (especially members of the Crab Clan) may be sympathetic to Kuroshige's cause. Why shouldn't the rest of the clans share the heavy spiritual burden that the Crab bear every day of their lives? The final decision is theirs, of course. But even if they choose to let the deception continue, there will be problems for them to face. If they remain at Kousei Bougyo Fortress they will have to take part in its defense, holding off assaults by goblins, oni, and other monsters. If they return to civilization, they may find peace for a while, but eventually the obsidian idols scattered around the Empire will cause scores of households to fall to the might of Jigoku. On the other hand, if the player characters decide to put a stop to Kuroshige's plan, there are a number of ways they can do so. They could convince him that his plan is dishonorable, or tell him stories of how unprepared the other residents of the Empire are to deal with the Taint. They could appeal to his sense of honor, or shame him for resorting to trickery in order to get the samurai he spoke with to accept the idols into their homes. They could even try to remove him by force if they wish. And then they just have to repeat the process for each of the Crab soldiers under Kuroshige's command. Even if the player characters believe they can face down an entire fortress of armed and desperate Crab samurai, don't forget that they are still in the middle of the Shadowlands. There is no one to help them if things get out of hand, and nowhere for them to go if they make themselves completely unwelcome within the fortress. SHOUT Eventually, the player characters will find their supplies running low, and be forced to return to the safety of the Empire. If they have convinced Kuroshige or any of his soldiers to discontinue their use of the obsidian idols they will be forced to return as well, as their remaining jade stores are not large enough to last much longer. Not far from the fortress, they find the massacred body of one of Kuroshige's men. It looks as if he has been torn limb from limb by a wild animal. However, no animal could have written the bloodstained note that accompanies the body. No one goes home alive. -Nayami TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTIONS TAMERLAN: If a character feels sympathetic with the Kuni´s plan, will it change their mind, if one of the obsidian-carrying soldiers is the neighbour of the PC´s family? ISAWA NAZOMITSU: It doesn't even have to be the neighbor himself. That's the beauty of Kuroshige's plan. He doesn't have to convince a Crane to march into the Shadowlands. He just has to convince the Crane to keep a small token in his home and “pray to the Fortunes for the protection of this samurai.” Then he can take his trained Crab soldiers into the Shadowlands and let the Crane worry about the Taint. TAMERLAN: Finally, what happens if one or more pendants have been lost in battle (or maybe the soldiers themselves have become Lost) and must be regained to save the homelands of the fallen soldiers? ISAWA NAZOMITSU: A lost pendant would be devastating. You'd either have to find the remains of the owner or discover some way to end the enchantment. As for a soldier becoming Lost, they'd be safe from worry as long as they kept their pendant active. But what if Kuroshige was mistaken? Or lying? What if the pendants and idols merely hide the Taint? Is he on a suicide mission, or is his plan to protect the Empire just a cover for something else? 74. THE OBSIDIAN IDOLS: HOSTILE TERRITORY Shadowlands Month concludes with a trip through the deadliest place in the Empire, made under the watchful eye of a vengeful madman. If you have already played through the three previous adventures presented this month, you should be all set for the big finale. If you haven't gone through them all in order, some preparation may be required. If the party knows nothing of Bayushi Nayami or Kuni Kuroshige's obsidian idols, your first challenge is getting them into the Shadowlands. This can be done as part of a scouting mission, a quest to recover a lost item, or an effort to rescue besieged samurai. Once the party has finished the main part of their mission, you can simply present Bayushi Nayami as a victim of Shadowlands Madness who attacks the party simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It takes a little bit of the personal edge off of her actions, but it underscores the terrible and brutal nature of the Shadowlands. If the player characters know about the trouble at Nayami's estate but have not met Kuni Kuroshige, you can play this week's scenario as written. The fact that the player characters are untainted and have homes to return to is enough to draw Nayami's wrath. Finally, if the party encountered Kuni Kuroshige without first learning about Nayami it may be necessary for Kuroshige to explain who Nayami is and why she is so angry. He will be sure to recognize her, and once that point of exposition is revealed you should be able to play through this adventure as written. Before we begin, I'd like to point out that different people have different ideas about PCs getting Tainted. Some GMs refuse to pull punches. Others neglect to build up any sense of danger. Some players are devastated when their beloved characters are Tainted even a little. While my own style is to take the PCs right to the edge of ruin before letting them escape to safety, you may prefer to run your game differently. Just make sure everyone at the table is comfortable with the same play style before you start. It may save you from hard feelings later. That said, on to the carnage. CHALLENGE The party is on their way out of the Shadowlands. They have limited supplies, are traveling through terrain outside the Crab Clan's control, and are pressed for time. Every hour they delay could cost them dearly, as jade, fresh food, and clean water are all running low, and the Shadowlands are the very definition of “hostile territory.” If the party has already met with Kuni Kuroshige and convinced him or some of his soldiers to discontinue using the obsidian idols, they may be accompanied by a force of anywhere from thirty to forty men. This figure may be lower if they managed to sway the opinions of only a few samurai in the fortress. At the worst they will be traveling on their own. FOCUS One of the player characters' companions lets out a cry of pain. Investigation reveals that he has stepped in a small hole, with spikes wedged in the bottom at such an angle as to prevent him from freeing himself without great pain. In addition to the injury to his leg and the possibility of his wound becoming infected, the group will have to deal with the transportation of a member who cannot move quickly. The trap is not a natural feature of the Shadowlands. It is the work of Bayushi Nayami. Driven mad by her desire for revenge and the Taint that she has already contracted, she is determined to see the group dead or Tainted before they can reach the Kaiu Wall. STRIKE FOCUS As the party continues their desperate flight, they encounter more traps, obstacles, and setbacks. Time is running out. As their numbers and supplies dwindle, the party and any others who may be traveling with them stand a dangerously high chance of becoming Tainted before they reach the safety of the Kaiu Wall. Unless something is done to deal with Nayami, her sabotage will continue to impede the player characters' progress at every turn. Can she be avoided? Defeated? Reasoned with? Or is only a matter of time before the darkness inevitably consumes their souls? It's a long way home.… The artisan lives on the other side of the city, quite some distance away. He has been swamped with orders for floral displays, and is in the middle of putting the finishing touches on the piece that the player characters seek when they arrive. The ikebana arrangement is quite large and extremely ornate. It is also very fragile and delicate. The artisan warns them that any rough handling (including being carried while running or while riding on horseback) is likely to disrupt the subtle and beautiful balance of the flowers, which could render the piece useless. Nayami is deadly serious about her threat. She knows that she is too far gone to be allowed home, but no longer cares. Her only pleasure in life is striking out at others, and laughing at their pain in an attempt to forget about her own. Nayami uses traps both to slow the travelers' progress and to increase their chances of becoming Tainted. Snares, rock slides, deadfalls, sprung spear traps, pits (with or without sharp spikes at the bottom), and shallow holes to catch and injure victims' legs are all appropriate, as they maximize the chances that the victim will be exposed to the Shadowlands Taint eventually. She might also try to steal or befoul supplies, and while she is not foolish enough to engage a group of samurai directly, she just might try to make a few ranged attacks from a suitable ambush point. And if there are any natural hazards, monsters, or Lost in the vicinity, Nayami will be sure to steer the player characters in the appropriate direction. As mentioned in this month's first CFS scenario, there are other schools which would allow Nayami to hinder the progress of her victims besides the Bayushi Saboteur school. She could use the skills of a Shosuro Assassin to move about unseen, strike from the darkness with the accuracy of a Tsuruchi Archer, or even use the underhanded tactics of a Daidoji Harrier in her quest for revenge. If you want to make her a more threatening opponent, give her a few Shadowlands Powers dealing with stealth and secrecy. If you're interested in the types of traps that might be used in such a situation, check out the following website: If you have played through CFS of the Week scenario #72 and have an appreciation of irony you can break the leg of one of the party members. Did they ignore the pleas of the ronin from before, or put him out of his misery because they were in too much of a hurry to carry him back to safety? Will the PC espouse the same course of action when his own life is on the line? Of course, Kuroshige still has the obsidian idols. Using those would eliminate the time pressure that the army is facing. But it would cause more Taint to spread through the Empire. Can the player characters live with themselves knowing that their safe escape has ruined the life of another? And even if they decide not to use the idols, what do they do if other members of the group feel otherwise? There are no easy answers in the Shadowlands. Potpourri / Variety STRIKE To make matters worse, a number of obstacles stand in the player characters' path as they make their way across the city. Peasants, servants, merchants, and samurai alike are all rushing about hurriedly making last minute preparations for the festival. Some of the inhabitants of the city may even have begun celebrating early. The streets are crowded with people, and getting an easily-crushed item like an ikebana display across town in one piece would take a legendary effort. Did I mention that it absolutely has to be there in time for the party? There are a number of other problems you could throw at the player characters as they try to keep the flower arrangement in one piece. Overly friendly drunkards, panicked horses, young ladies rushing to dance practice, and collapsing scaffolds are all problems one could face in trying to cross a city in the throes of a festival. And woe betide the player characters if they're forced to do battle while protecting the flowers from harm. Why, I couldn't think of a worse (better?) time for an old rival to show up and start pushing people around. You can find information on ikebana and some beautiful pictures of flower arrangements at the following website: Keep in mind that a large part of the appeal of ikebana is that the way the vase, flowers, and other elements are arranged enhances their beauty. A missing petal or leaf may go unnoticed, but a bent branch or stray blossom could throw the entire thing out of harmony. And we wouldn't want that, now would we? 76. WAITING FOR GODO Like last week's scenario, today's adventure is inspired by another work of fiction. Is it a book? A movie? Can you guess the source? Don't rush. I'll wait. CHALLENGE The player characters are sent to a sake house in a small town to meet a man named Godo. He could be a traveling magistrate, a retainer, a samurai or courtier returning from a mission, a wandering merchant, or even a spy with valuable information. Whatever the case may be, the party is instructed to go to the sake house and wait for him. FOCUS People have asked me where I get my inspiration. To be honest, I don't have any one source. I just keep my eyes and ears open for things that strike my fancy, and ask myself “How could I use that?” whenever I find something cool or interesting. So this month I'd like to showcase some various adventures based on different sources. A CFS potpourri, if you will. Since Godo is scheduled to arrive at the sake house in the middle of the night, there's not much for the player characters to do but wait. The town itself is mostly quiet and peaceful, with most residents retiring to their homes once evening comes. Of those who are awake, most make their way to the sake house to drink or chat with their neighbors. 75. IKEBANA DANCE STRIKE Today's scenario is based on a heartwarming story of modern origins. An internet flash animation, to be exact. You can find it here: Just how can this tale be adapted to Rokugan, you ask? Read on. CHALLENGE The player characters are lucky enough to find themselves in a large town on the day of a major festival. Before they can enjoy the celebration, however, their host asks them for a favor. She is having a dinner party tonight (which the PCs may or may not be invited to attend, at your discretion) and has ordered an ikebana piece from a local artisan to serve as a centerpiece. Unfortunately, it has not yet been delivered. If the party members could go and retrieve the flower arrangement, she would be most appreciative. There is no Strike in this adventure. If Godo ever arrives, he conducts his business with the player characters and goes on his way. If Godo fails to show up, the player characters are eventually contacted by a messenger who informs them of what has happened. If Godo has been delayed, they may be forced to wait another night. If Godo is unable to come at all, the player characters are given a new assignment. In the end it doesn't really matter whether they complete their mission or not. The entire adventure is just an exercise in role-playing, to see what the player characters get up to while they are waiting for Godo. Some people who may enter (and leave) the sake house over the course of the evening include:  An old man named Sonoda. One of the regular customers of the sake house, he knows quite a bit about the inhabitants of the town and can identify most of them on sight. and Yojiro. so it is possible for them to encounter any number of individuals. a flash of lighting illuminates her face. and Toku Yojiro discussed Beckett and his work a great deal on the forum. While some believe he belongs in the Minimalist School of Ikoma Tradition (like his teacher. each with their own goals and motivations. 77. others claim he is an early founder of the New Classical style that arose following his adoption into the Shosuro family. If you need to give them a little prodding you can use Sonoda as a mouthpiece to start a conversation or ask questions when things start to get slow. a pair of guards have been slain. a young boy on the cusp of his gempukku ceremony. Tozai takes the party members aside and attempts to apologize for the dishonorable scenes that they have witnessed. If the player characters hurry to the garden they can just make out the fleeing figure of the killer through the driving rain. is the new focus of his affection. One of the women (your choice as to who) makes a snide comment about one of the others. Satsuko. The player characters will likely spend a lot of time in the sake house. He could arrive before or after Haruki comes by the sake house. also comes to the sake house. you may be blessed with the type of players who welcome any opportunity to get into their characters' skins. and is ready to make him suffer. another shugenja from the local STRIKE It is almost midnight in the home of the Scorpion governor. Setsuko. Harsh words are bandied about. She holds a sword in one hand. is loyal and dutiful in all things. While no one speaks of the situation openly. Mirumoto Kuro. each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Naturally.. Tozai does his best to deal with the unsightly incident. Niimai. is fast approaching her gempukku. I wonder how many end there as well. a storm is raging. this causes quite a bit of strife between Satsuko and Hideko. and become disengaged. His wife. as it is only a matter of time before things come to a head. there are things going on. Abbot Osho. but she receives little attention from her husband. Tempers are strained to the breaking point and an argument breaks out. While . While the two are not officially married. Hiroshi or Daisuke may challenge the player characters to a quick game of dice in which to pass the time. eager to experience a true battle. Members of the group drift in and out of the conversation. If you're feeling really devilish you could leave the PCs for weeks. Yomitoba. he invites the PCs into his home until he is able to look over the details of the treaty. let them do so. Tozai's assistant. and if she delivers the son that Tozai has always wanted it is likely that the boy will be made his heir. For those who wish to remain true to the spirit of the original source material it would be appropriate to have Godo send word that he has been delayed and have the party remain in town another night. or a nobleman who was dishonored by a rival's slander. Simply playing through the three stages in chronological order like a traditional CFS adventure is the easiest. Chifune. Haruki's father. Notes on the movie and the unique editing used in it can be found here: en. Kuro. but she is actually an assassin seeking to kill General Shutaro. a samurai stationed in the town. One method is to play through each stage in reverse chronological order. It turns out that Satsuko is pregnant. CHALLENGE The player characters are sent to the home of a Scorpion governor named Tozai to deliver some documents. He has been gambling. A WOMAN SCORNED Potpourri Month continues with a scenario inspired by the storytelling techniques used in the movie Memento. Yuta. Haruhide. and has snuck away from his duties in order to deliver it. by all means.. Kakita Shisumo. If you're really lucky. moving on to Focus. Tachiko. and return the signed papers to their daimyo. He wants to meet General Shutaro and join his army as a soldier. a crazy old monk in torn robes who alternately claims to have been a great warrior. Hideko and Tozai's daughter.wikipedia. A drunken brawl might break out. Yuta's girlfriend. Daisuke's wife.. Should this happen. Tozai shares his home with three women. and stops only for a short rest. and no extra preparation is required. There are a number of ways to present this scenario. He is passing through the town on his way to a great campaign. since he just took most of Daisuke's money and offers to buy drinks or food for everyone in the room. Ai. and a trail of bloody footprints leads towards the garden maze.             Shutaro. She's looking for her no-good wretch of a husband. but none of them involve the player characters directly unless they choose to become involved. Instead of worrying about where the characters end up. she is acutely aware of it. revealing her to be none other than. which inspired Nazomitsu to introduce a new set of sake house denizens:  Mifune. Hideko. it can also be an interesting experiment to try with your players. a shugenja from the local temple. Outside. While Tozai is quite busy. Daisuke.. If your players are content to converse among themselves in-character for an hour or so. and finishing with Challenge. a wise scholar. who are loudly debating how to classify the works of the playwright Bunjin III. and pulls a struggling hostage along with the other. Shisumo.. They may ask the PCs for opinions and support. another samurai who has been gambling. skip. FOCUS A few days after the player characters' arrival. Kero. A strange lady in traveling clothes. While she is unable to do anything about the stress that is tearing her family apart. SO WHAT’S THE SOURCE MATERIAL?! It is a Samuel Beckett play called Waiting for Godot. While having seen the movie will in no way lessen the enjoyment a group can take from this week's adventure. or even a deadly battle if Ryoko and Shutaro cross paths. He's in the sake house trying to work up the courage to face his wife. she manages to secure the influence and respect due a governor's wife. you can spice it up and try something different. starting with Strike. there is an atmosphere of dreadful anticipation in the air. but things escalate to a point where even he cannot control himself. He is looking for his son. He has come to warn his friend Yuta that the master of the temple is coming to look for him. you can spend more time investigating how they got there. So many adventures begin with the PCs meeting in a tavern. Bayushi Mifune. playing out night after night of their conversations with the other characters who come by. is a delicate flower of a girl. and has lost a great deal of money. The PCs may feel that having to wait is a signal to do nothing. Rumors say that she had an affair some years ago that ended the love between them. Sure. a passing familiarity with the way in which the story is organized will greatly aid those who attempt to run the scenario. He is searching for Yuta and recites a constant litany of the punishments he will inflict upon the young man once he finds him. Hideko and Chifune stand to lose a great deal of status. The best way to avoid this problem is to keep things happening and draw the party into the events as they unfold. He has a special present for his girlfriend. Or. an incident occurs at dinner. and the things that are said are not easily forgiven. Eventually. and does not stay overly long. Although Tozai acts as if nothing is wrong. They aren't really doing anything besides sitting around talking to the locals. Hiroshi. In the hallway. While non-linear storytelling can be difficult. all three women storm off. a great general who is escorted by a handful of his advisors. and Chifune cannot be found. but his words are cut short by a servant's scream. Haruhide might ask the player characters to pass on a message to his son if they see him. or Yuta may beseech them to send Abbot Osho on a wild goose chase across town. and trying to stop him from running after General Shutaro. and may even be expelled from the family. tensions run high in his household. In fact. Bunjin II). the master of the temple where Yuta and Niimai are studying. Two more sentries rush forward and report that Hideko. As she enters the labyrinth. He's feeling good. She comes late. or to pass on messages to other members of the group in the event that they miss each other in their constant comings and goings. She claims to be a messenger named Ryoko. You know. and may miss Yuta if he has already fled from Abbot Osho. occasionally running home to check dates and references. Haruki. if your players are into that sort of thing. Any other interesting characters you want to include. secure his approval of the trade agreement detailed within. The number one danger in this scenario is that the player characters may become bored. the player characters awaken to find that their vision was just a dream. Maybe it's just the first in a series of killings that will stop only when Tozai himself is dead. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. The characters can't go back and try again if they mess up. If it looks like things are about to get bloody. As they go about their business. It is within the power of a greater kami or Oracle to grant such premonitions. PORTENTS & SIGNS COURSE A: THE RANDOM CFS GENERATOR Following the strange theme set by last week's adventure. CHALLENGE The player characters bear witness to a great tragedy. Begin with the start of the Strike. They'll maim and kill and lop off limbs without remorse. Then. It was a premonition of the future. My hat goes off to you. The second point is to leave yourself a cushion of “off camera” time before and after each section of the story you play through in a flashback. But will the changes they make be for the better? The exact nature of this adventure can vary quite a bit depending on the type of crisis you decide to use and its underlying causes. a terrible disaster. Roll it four times. And either Hideko or Chifune could try to kill the other in an attempt to frame Setsuko for the killing. Hideko and Setsuko could easily be driven to kill each other out of jealousy. time continues to move in only one direction throughout this scenario. Or perhaps two of the three have made a deal and are working together. they have a new dream the next time they sleep. If you want to be especially hard on your players. There is. Or decides to leave the group and go hide in the stables. the damage it wreaks is so great that recovery is all but impossible. If you explain the nature of the scenario's non-linear organization you can even let them add some of their own details. Just remember that the effects of their actions will not be clear to them until the next time they slumber. STRIKE If the player characters do nothing it is entirely possible that the tragedy they witnessed will come about. Or maybe they are being led astray by some darker intellect. go back to the Challenge to play through when they first met. setting the stage for the Strike (which you already played through when you started). Each time they change the course of events to avoid one tragedy. Simple actions can have widereaching repercussions. The identity of the assassin and her hostage are up to you to decide. They can only choose the outcome they believe is the least terrible. going either all the way back to the Challenge or just to the start of the Focus (covering the Challenge in a subsequent flashback). play through a few scenes to give the player characters a chance to form friendships or rivalries with the various members of the household. a dark conspiracy's evil plot might have several components that hinge on numerous contingencies.this order of events is easy to organize. The fact that each of them remembers the same dream. If they are unable to convince a general not to embark on the mission that ends in his death (leaving the Clan helpless against the assault of their rivals) they may still be able to gather allies to stand with him. enlist the help of your players in telling the story. Perhaps the PCs have been selected to serve as agents of a powerful force for good (“striving to put right what once went wrong”) such as the Water Dragon or the Seven Fortunes. Alternately. and play through the scenario until the moment just before the PCs get their first glimpse of the killer. try to make sure that you finish the Challenge at least an hour or two before that. Finally. and they'll need to work with you in order to ensure their maximum enjoyment. Whatever it is. Nazomitsu-san. Perhaps they have their own ideas for scenes that may happen in flashbacks. each of which must be resolved before the danger passes. you can reinforce the idea of kharma and balance. Then give them a flashback. you can start with the Focus. Maybe it's part of a maho ritual. No need to re-roll 10s. There's really no need for them to care about their first meeting with Tozai's family when they already know who will live and who will die. In saving their loved ones they may damn the Empire. [check Table 2] . What you’re about to read aren’t so much CFS scenarios unto themselves. The old rhyme about the kingdom being lost “for want of a nail” could certainly hold true here. however. There are three ways you can avoid such problems. Or breaks the sword that he was (will be?) using later. Tell them up front that this adventure is somewhat experimental. the fall of an entire family or clan. Depending on their actions they may well succeed in changing the events that lay ahead. Even more so if the party members find themselves assigned to the night shift of guard duty. however. and a lot can change in a single day. The major danger with running an adventure in non-chronological order is mistakes in continuity. Another technique is to run the adventure in several different stages. CFS CREATION TOOLS EDITOR’S NOTE: I have to jump in here and just express the awe I’m in at the incredible job the great Isawa Nazomitsu did on this installment. even if your players are nowhere near the audience chamber at the end of that flashback. A revolt or coup might occur due to any number of factors. If you play through the battle scene in the Strike first and none of your PCs are wounded. each of which unfold just as they did in the dream. A(n) _________________________ [check Table 1] __________________________. we delve further into the oddities of time. or even ride ahead and attempt to slay the necromancer that will ambush him. you finish the showdown you started at the beginning of the adventure. hints at deeper truths. This is just brilliant. and check the results in the table below. revealing the identity of the assassin and letting the player characters decide what they will do. If they try to change the course of future events and bring about a new outcome. Likewise. 79. developing details you never considered. Any of the three women in Tozai's life could have reason to seek the death of any of the others. Who knows. And if worse comes to worse you can always give free Void Points to the first player to find some feasible way to correct timing-related errors. you run the risk of losing your players' interest. Setsuko might try to murder Chifune in order to ensure that her child is the only possible heir to Tozai's estate. It's all up to you. Finally. This keeps things relatively simple. and can recall it in perfect detail. but rather they are tools for quickly generating a CFS with your own input. they set themselves on a path leading to another. try to stop the violence before the dice hit the table. you can say that they made their way there somehow in the intervening period. you'll have some trouble if one of them gets stabbed when you're flashing back to the Focus. Whether or not you wish to reveal the source of the characters' visions is up to you. Unlike most time travel stories and adventures. The first is to keep combat and dice rolls to a minimum. First. If you start the Focus with everyone in the audience chamber at noon. then end with an abrupt cut to the Strike and the subsequent conclusion. FOCUS 78. There is no such thing as a completely happy ending. or even a war that tears the Empire apart. This scenario was originally inspired by the video game Chrono Trigger. but still offers some interesting opportunities for role playing and character development. And who can know what minor influences could contribute to a daimyo's eventual decision to declare war. Play up to an hour or so before the point where you started the adventure. Maybe it's someone else entirely. CHALLENGE Select one or more of the PCs. Just as all hope seems lost. Maybe the very act of trying to prevent the tragedy they have seen ultimately brings it about. get a 10-sided die. The nightmare was not simply a dream. they notice other details that correspond to their shared vision. Dice don't care that you're running a flashback. the possibility for failures to be corrected through further adventures. It could be the death of an important figure. but somewhere along the way it mutated into a cross between Shadow of Memories and The Butterfly Effect. but knows nothing more . pick the choice you like the best. in ________________ . PARAGRAPH 1 STRIKE Unfortunately. Anaume gasps “Sacred __________________ . There is also a small path through the brush. and the PCs have been dispatched to gather workers and resources from the local area. taxed. go to Paragraph 19 (verb) CHALLENGE The __ PCs are called to a shrine to meet Anaume. forming a crossroads. A short distance to the North. and it looks as if (adjective) TABLE 2: WHAT DOES THE NPC DO? they were in the middle of ___________________ when they died. Following a small path from their last campsite. a (adjective) ______________ from the ____________ Clan. or sensei) …spy on the PC (or the PC's family …distract the PC from a plot against the PC's family (or daimyo. go to Paragraph 2  If the PCs want to go South. It looks like the crack might open up into a larger cave. or sensei) …see the PC indebted to his/her own family …protect the PC from a curse …manipulate the PC into taking action against someone else …steal something from the PC COURSE C: CHOOSE YOUR OWN CHALLENGE-FOCUS-STRIKE Any manner of making choices will do. the road intersects another road running East and West. stolen. and stored._________________ PARAGRAPH 3 Just fill in the blanks with appropriate words.. If they fail.. and _________ a horde of (a profession) FOCUS The NPC in question is actually trying to ____________________________ . go to Paragraph 5  If the PCs want to go back the way they came. leading to the East. The monks who tend the temple do not seem to be around. …is being watched for suspicious actions by magistrates …is unable to discover the NPC's identity …is the victim of a case of mistaken identity …has a deeply personal connection to the NPC SET UP: The governor of the province is building a new fortress. Barges from upriver bring bushels of rice here to be tallied.. flip a coin.” (an unpleasant event) (a place) (a number) STRIKE The PCs must somehow track down the ___________________ s who killed (a profession) Anaume and ___________ them. go to Paragraph 3  If the PCs want to go East. go to Paragraph 33 COURSE B: CHALLENGE-FOCUS.” …influential courtier… …powerful shugenja… …samurai from a rival clan… …young clansman… …mysterious woman… …monk advisor… …ninja infiltrator… …ronin… …maho-tsukai… …rich merchant… (verb) FOCUS When the PCs arrive they find Anaume lying in a pool of ______________ . the PC ________________________ .. go to Paragraph 6  If the PCs want to get supplies from the warehouse. Behind the temple there is a massive rock outcropping with a large crack running through it. they come to a road running North and South. the entire _________ will be plunged (adjective) (area) into _________________ . the PCs follow the road through a heavily wooded area.. go to Paragraph 12  If the PCs want to wait at the crossroads. [check Table 3] (verb) ____________ zombies.(an emotion) TABLE 1: WHO IS THE NPC? than the message he was told to deliver: “In the name of ________________ ROLL (a famous Rokugani person) NPC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 please _____________ as soon as possible. the PCs arrive at a bustling town on the banks of a river.  If the PCs want to go North. or use any other system to choose your own way through this course. CHALLENGE: Heading South.. The room is __________ . they must also avoid a group (verb) of _____________ s who want to question them. go to Paragraph 22  If the PCs want to investigate the cave. After some time they reach an ancient temple in the middle of the forest.  If the PCs want to enter the temple. Roll a die. while this is happening. but undisturbed. [check Table 4] TABLE 4: WHAT COMPLICATION OCCURS? ROLL COMPLICATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 …has another important mission …is in the middle of a week-long cleansing ritual …currently lacks a weapon/kimono/other necessary item …is being targeted by two other NPCs with similar agendas …cannot take direct action against the NPC without offending his superiors …has temporarily lost his voice/mobility/stamina/sight/etc. (something scary) TABLE 3: WHAT IS THE NPC REALLY UP TO? ROLL PLOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 …kill the PC …woo the PC …test the PC …dishonor the PC (or the PC's family. go to Paragraph 24  If the PCs want to follow the small path. (verb ending in -ing) ROLL ACTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 …gives the PC a valuable gift …challenges the PC to a duel or contest …attacks the PC unexpectedly …warns the PC not to trust his sensei …begins following the PC around …asks the PC for a favor …offers to reveal useful information to the PC …invites the PC to dinner …sends the PC on a dangerous mission …tries to tempt/trick/threaten the PC into revealing important secrets Before she dies. On the way. _________ days. A sake house near the docks looks like a good place to find laborers or ronin in need of work. go to Paragraph 4  If the PCs want to go West. The _________ messenger (a profession) (an animal) (adjective) who approaches them is clearly ______________ . (a liquid) The _____________ corpses of ____________ ____________ (s) lie on the (adjective) (a number) (a profession) floor with her. (noun) _________________ . There is also a warehouse where supplies could be requisitioned in the governor's name. as there is a large banner to the side.  If the PCs want to look for laborers in the sake house. go to Paragraph 27 PARAGRAPH 2 CHALLENGE: Heading North. they manage to break through the underbrush and emerge onto a well-groomed path. go to Paragraph 30  If the PCs want to check the stables. the PCs find themselves tramping through a densely overgrown section of the forest. PARAGRAPH 8 FOCUS: Approaching the mob of peasants.. they find a wizened old monk engaged in meditation. the PCs follow the twisting passageway down a steep slope. If they refuse. go to Paragraph 10  If the PCs want to listen to what the peasants are saying. After several minutes. gaining nothing for their trouble but tired feet. leading to the crossroads! They've managed to go in a circle and waste an entire day. he offers them their choice of two presents: a medicine box with many small compartments filled with various herbs. Once they have gone far enough into the cave for the light from the entrance to grow dim. the stables are set back away from the road. as a large pile of glittering gold coins lays upon the cave floor. the PCs notice that most of the men and women in the group wear severe expressions. He accuses the governor of having gained his position through dishonorable means and decries his plans to build a new fortress as nothing more than wastefulness. It is the path they started on when they first embarked this morning. but it sounds like they're in the middle of something intense. and the smiling merchant thanks them profusely. STRIKE: The man at the front of the crown declares that the men and women of the village should no longer submit to the governor's rule. PARAGRAPH 14 FOCUS (CONTINUED): The stables are empty. go to Paragraph 30  If the PCs want to look in the artificer's shop. the PCs hear a loud giggling. Near the gates. and other strange items that demand closer inspection.) PARAGRAPH 13 STRIKE: The chanting stops as soon as the PCs knock on the temple door. As they approach. less demanding duties. Failure to perform such a simple task as rounding up workers is a grave disgrace indeed. (You can start over from Paragraph 1 if you so wish. the PCs can hear commotion coming from within. and the PCs are soon assigned other. Some are even holding weapons. The shop is haunted by the ghost of its former owner. The maneuver only takes a moment with the PCs' help. As they move among the sacks of rice. the PCs find themselves in a straight. and a voice beckons them to come inside. go to Paragraph 26 PARAGRAPH 6 PARAGRAPH 15 FOCUS: As they near the sake house. The mood turns dark very quickly. gently sloping passageway. The governor's aide is displeased to see them STRIKE: Opening the door to the artificer's shop. the PCs come to a small village. a creative samurai could find any number of ways to put that much money to good use. They have intruded on an impromptu festival giving thanks to the Seven Fortunes. and unless the PCs do something to sway the crowd's opinion they may find themselves facing a peasant uprising. Indeed. It is an oni! The foul monster has been terrorizing the area for some time. go to Paragraph 25 PARAGRAPH 9 STRIKE: Slipping in through the back entrance of the warehouse. He is quite insistent. shows signs of recent use. and an eerie glow comes from the deepest recesses. The monk tells the PCs that he has been waiting for them. The port holds a handful of ships. the creatures will ruin the area's food stocks. or an umbrella gilded in silver. Inside the village's central courtyard. Once they have ventured past the threshold.  If the PCs take the medicine box. a traveling merchant struggles to load a heavy box onto a wagon. and must be stopped. go to Paragraph 21 STRIKE: Venturing down the left branch of the cave. a dark shape drops down from the ceiling behind them and blocks their escape. A fat mujina is gorging itself on uncooked rice. Finally. Finally. go to Paragraph 31  If the PCs take the umbrella.. and find that the rest of their mission (and anything else they may attempt in the next day or so) goes smoothly. while two others throw handfuls of the food around like children. go to Paragraph 16  If the PCs open the door and check inside before entering. they will gain the blessing of the Fortunes. and eliminating it will make the job of moving workers and supplies through the area much easier. and all that remains to indicate that this building was once used are some discarded tools and dried droppings. The End. FOCUS: The merchant looks up upon hearing the PCs approach and humbly asks them if they might lend a hand in holding his wagon still while he loads the box upon it. go to Paragraph 8 PARAGRAPH 5 CHALLENGE: Heading West. PARAGRAPH 19 . The journey is far from fruitless however. all of which appear to be in a state of disrepair. There are definitely a number of people inside. PARAGRAPH 17 STRIKE: Venturing down the right branch of the cave. Their rude behavior will be forgiven. a number of peasant fishermen have gathered.  If the PCs want to enter the manor house. Her creations could be put to good use. fetishes. or the self of the mind?” If the PCs can argue for their answer to the monk's satisfaction. go to Paragraph 11  If the PCs try to find out more about what is going on. the door slams shut on its own. dancing. a negative reputation is sure to follow them throughout the area. and biting insects swarm around their faces. and upon seeing the PCs approach cries out “The only language they understand is violence!”  If the PCs react with hostility. the PCs reach a small fishing village on the coast. One large manor house. By the time they reach the settlement they can see it has long been abandoned. or do anything else the PCs might wish. Upon entering. go to Paragraph 26 return so soon and wastes no time in dressing them down. go to Paragraph 14  If the PCs want to look in the artificer's shop. PARAGRAPH 12 RESOLUTION: Heading back the way they came. But first the PCs must fight their way out of its lair. the PCs find the establishment full of drunken sailors in the middle of a boisterous song. the PCs find the main room filled with trinkets. if they join in the festivities and perform some sort of art (singing. the sound gets louder and louder. Brambles tear at the hems of their kimonos. however.  If the PCs want to enter the manor house. and offers a riddle: “Which is the true self? The self of the body. and appear to be undamaged. Most of the buildings stand empty. the cavern comes to a dead end. The odor of hay and horses has long since faded. If left to their own devices. The End.  If the PCs barge in with their weapons ready. On the other side of the village. A man at the front is speaking animatedly. the PCs eventually reach the outpost they departed from.  If the PCs want to talk to the merchant. engaged in some sort of heated discussion. and will not be satisfied until the PCs accept one of the two items. they catch a glimpse of the culprit. There is also an artificer's shop tucked behind the remains of what was once the marketplace. A cool breeze blows through the room. however. clockwork devices. There is more than enough money to aid the governor. In return for their help. they notice the fields are empty and silent.PARAGRAPH 4 CHALLENGE: Heading East. PARAGRAPH 10 PARAGRAPH 16 STRIKE: Bursting into the sake house with their weapons at the ready. go to Paragraph 20 PARAGRAPH 18 PARAGRAPH 11 RESOLUTION: Making their way down the small path. but she must first be convinced to depart the world of the living. (You can start over from Paragraph 1 if you so wish). poetry) in praise of the Seven Fortunes.. If the PCs win. he has spent his days praying for forgiveness. PARAGRAPH 35 STRIKE: Slipping in through the front entrance of the warehouse. go to Paragraph 9 STRIKE: The man at the front of the group continues to speak. go to Paragraph 15 STRIKE: The chanting comes to an abrupt stop when the door to the temple is opened. We beg you.” and other strange effects. Sunechi is actually a pennaggolan. it has seen better days. the PCs find a large group of guards and sentries gathered outside. help us to defeat the pirates who prey upon our village. Despite these precautions. they are likely to find themselves being sacrificed as well. it could be an invaluable resource. Once the PCs have settled in and accepted his hospitality he will strike. It has been a long time since the last villager died at his hand.” “sleeping medicine. calling out to the PCs. but the deep crack in its head sometimes causes it difficulty in parsing complex commands. Everyone's attention seems to be on the building itself. without seeing any other travelers. PARAGRAPH 24 PARAGRAPH 32 FOCUS: As the PCs climb up the short path to the cave. At long last. A gong lies flat on the ground in front of the shop.  If the PCs knock. woman. so the PCs will have to come up with an excellent story to explain how they came to possess stolen goods. but it is a simple matter to push it open completely. PARAGRAPH 26 FOCUS: The artificer's shop appears to be much more secure than the surrounding buildings. and the windows are boarded up. he hobbles towards them. He explains that he took leave from his post some months ago to visit his family in a distant land.” “deadly poison. in the middle of a heated argument. The End. he falls to his knees. The PCs will have to be both clever and lucky to catch them. with their eyes locked on the doors and windows. In a secluded corner of the courtyard a young man can be found kneeling on the ground. the chain on the front door is not secured by any lock. he intends to commit seppuku. While he was gone. As heart-rending as this story may sound. facing away from the PCs. PARAGRAPH 22 FOCUS: While the temple stands strong. they can hear a low chanting coming from inside. one guard calls out to them: “You're agents of the governor. they also notice a lone man wandering down the road from the West with his head bowed. Having failed to find and destroy the mysterious monster that has victimized the local peasants. and will use their amazing skills to evade capture as well as they are able. The death of such a talented man will be a great loss to the entire region. STRIKE: The medicine box contains several exotic combinations of medicinal herbs. however. and he would be a great ally if he could be convinced to live. the PCs can see a group of hooded figures gathered in a circle around a family of bound and gagged peasants. one of the men cries out “He's got reinforcements! Get 'em!” Bloodshed is likely to ensue. . STRIKE: After ringing the gong outside the artificer's shop. Please. if the PCs are able to puzzle out some method of using it. very hungry. go to Paragraph 18  If the PCs set up and ring the gong. He appears to be deep in thought or contemplation. At the same time. and makes no move to get up.PARAGRAPH 20 PARAGRAPH 28 STRIKE: The merchant gives the PCs the silver umbrella and bids them farewell.” At these words. with about three doses of each mixture. he identifies himself as a provincial magistrate named Umikaro. Or so it appears at first glance.”  If the PCs open the door and go right on in. Nonetheless. he has trundled off down the road and is out of sight. go to Paragraph 28 PARAGRAPH 27 FOCUS: The PCs wait at the crossroads for some time. they can see that the crack in the rock is much larger than it appeared from the path. go to Paragraph 17  If the PCs want to go down the left branch. Before long. and extends quite some way into the earth.” “incredible reflexes. The three criminals are incredibly skilled acrobats. Still. The left branch appears to be smooth and level. Some time later. the village was destroyed by bandits. it is all a lie. mountain of a man who accuses them of stealing his family treasure.”  If the PCs want to go in through the front door. and had to be destroyed. the PCs catch a quick glimpse of three men with painted faces and red kimonos.” From here. A faded sign next to it reads “Please ring for service. The automaton will obey any orders it is given. go to Paragraph 23 PARAGRAPH 33 PARAGRAPH 34 STRIKE: The man looks up as soon as the PCs call out to him.  If the PCs wish to call out to the man. go to Paragraph 34  If the PCs wish to approach the man more closely before revealing themselves. It continues to get louder and louder. If addressed. Upon seeing the PCs. Rising slowly to his feet. and the ornamentation is in disrepair. and as they come closer they can see tears streaking down his face. Like the other houses in the village. The red paint is cracked and faded. As light streams into the ancient building. EDITOR’S NOTE: Paragraph 7 was corrupted by the Shadowlands. and he is very.  If the PCs want to help the merchant. right? You've got to help us! There's some crazy monster inside. We are not skilled in the art of war like you. imploring the PCs for aid. as the PCs approach the door.  If the PCs want to go down the right branch. the bloodspeakers turn upon the PCs and prepare to do battle. go to Paragraph 35  If the PCs want to go in through the back door. Suddenly. PARAGRAPH 25 FOCUS: As they approach the warehouse. Since his return. it is empty and abandoned. go to Paragraph 13  If the PCs open the door and go right on in.” “imperviousness to fire. go to Paragraph 23 PARAGRAPH 31 STRIKE: The man remains in a kneeling position as the PCs approach. Before they can act. The only way to determine what the herbs do is to test them through trial and error. the PCs are approached by a big. He introduces himself as Sunechi. go to Paragraph 10  If the PCs want to check on the kneeling man. they can see that the banner by its entrance is marked with the kanji character for “bravery. the PCs hear a shuffling sound coming from within. As the PCs enter. go to Paragraph 32 PARAGRAPH 23 PARAGRAPH 29 RESOLUTION: Huh? What are you doing here? You must have made some kind of mistake. He appears to be in a hurry. Several wards against evil have been hung on the walls. Unfortunately. and child in the mob drops to their knees. they spot a merchant pulling a wagon down the road from the North. Rocks fall. we are simple folk. He seems quite upset. the intruders dart into the recesses of the building with uncanny speed. After a few feet the cave splits into two branches. the part of the note identifying which combination provides which effect has been torn off. Their unholy ritual interrupted. every man. burly. the PCs are greeted by the sight of two gangs. the peasants will sing their praises to the rest of their village. Everyone dies. but remain locked in a standoff. PARAGRAPH 21 STRIKE: Opening the door to the sake house. while the right branch drops down sharply. If the PCs lose. each about a dozen men strong. PARAGRAPH 30 FOCUS: The front gate to the manor house is only slightly ajar. “Mighty samurai. A note on the top of the box boasts such wonders as “enhanced strength. glaring at each other with open hatred. until the door of the shop flies open to reveal a gigantic clay soldier. The criminals have their weapons drawn. a samurai who was stationed in this village by the former governor. and in his haste he manages to tip a number of boxes off the back of his cart. Each week's scenario will feature a chance for the PCs to win a loyal ally. And both of them are certain to take a disliking to any who speak or act without respect. thus eliminating the need for them to choose whether they will deliver their burden to Tousuke or Lady Mamoyo. And if they do. Or. Depending on the area in which your campaign is set you may want to change the object of Lady Momoyo's desire from strawberries to another item. The PCs have helped him a great deal. PCs make an effort to stay in contact with her. He tells them of a grove where they can find sweet strawberries. FOCUS Just as they are returning from their errand. a shy and soft spoken clansmate of one (or more) of the PCs. It is possible that the PCs will attempt to bring back extra strawberries to share with their friends or use as gifts. the PCs could have to decide whether or not they will attempt to make amends. This week. Would Shiori be . The PCs must deliver some berries to him when they come back. how do they make their delivery. STRIKE The next morning. or gain a bitter enemy. Or maybe their competitor is someone else entirely. It is not far. two in particular spend a great deal of time interacting with the party. One is Shiori. it is also possible to use the adventure seeds provided this month as backgrounds for PCs with either the Sworn Enemy or Ally advantage. Perhaps there are other samurai who wish to curry favor with Tousuke. They both attend a number of diplomatic functions with the PCs. In any case. He offers to tell them the location of the delicious treat on two conditions. he can say only that “Hirohisa was speechless. she has had them for quite some time and is quite frustrated that they have gone unnoticed. and each presents different choices and consequences for the PCs. 81. and tell no one else of the grove's location. Alternately. you could make things especially difficult and have her wish for a callico cat just like the one she had in her youth. or even both of them at the same time. nezumi and naga. if Hirohisa reacts badly to the gift. If they go straight to the daimyo's wife they will be praised. Why not take the credit for something that was done in their name? He is handsome. this month's theme is Allies and Enemies. UNFORGIVABLE GIFT Like last week's scenario. after all. Just how did your character end up being owed a favor by that Mirumoto general anyway? 80. the story that unfolds is a little more complex. a member of the visiting delegation approaches the player character (or characters) who belong to the same clan as Shiori and tells them that the gift their servant delivered “had quite an impact on Hirohisa. Are you ready to enter the social arena? CHALLENGE CHALLENGE The PCs are approached by a crippled courtier named Tousuke. If the floral arrangement she sent as a token of affection is interpreted as an insult to his manliness. the PCs may let Shiori reap the rewards of his admiration. and have numerous opportunities to speak with them. Depending on what was sent and the manner in which they handle the situation. there could be those who wish to see him fail in his efforts. is much deeper. STRIKE It was Tousuke's intention to give the strawberries to Lady Momoyo all along. She might be hopelessly enamored with him. FOCUS While there are several members of each delegation. a handsome duelist from the visiting clan. but unless she knows them personally her appreciation is likely to fade over time. but they'll likely make a bitter enemy of Hirohisa in the process. after a few too many cups of sake. There are several different stories that can be told in this situation. the simplest gifts make the biggest impressions. the PCs may make an ally or enemy of either Hirohisa or Shiori.” The PCs sent no such gift. or take the credit for themselves. If you want to make things a little more dramatic. at the very earliest. and he will not soon forget the aid they have given him. Seasonal fruits and flowers are easy choices. If they wish to gather any more berries. If Tousuke and Momoyo are both present in court at the same time. this may all change depending upon the actions and attitudes of the PCs. this adventure features a gift that could bring either friendship or hostility. It was the work of Shiori. Small items like wooden toys or polished stones might also evoke a sense of nostalgia. of course. the PCs must choose whether they will take the brunt of his wrath or leave Shiori to face the consequences alone. and to whom? Would they give credit for the gift to Tousuke if he asked them to? It's a small gift. Do they trust Tousuke (or Momoyo. If Hirohisa liked the gift that Shiori sent. Or you can simply rule that there are no more than ten berries left on the bush by the time the PCs arrive. and is not about to let the courtier succeed in his efforts to impress her. THE SWEETEST GIFT We start off with a story about one of the most common ways of gaining allies in Rokugan: through gifts. The purpose of the visit could range from resolving a dispute to a simple exchange of pleasantries. the PCs hear that the daimyo's wife. and there is not time to go all the way back to the grove before nightfall. a character who despises Hirohisa might have to put up with his continual advances when he becomes convinced that she admires him. or she might hate him with a passion. Or even both at the same time! By the way. This month. It is growing dark. A very strange twist could occur if Hirohisa's reaction to the gift echoes the feelings of the PC more closely than those of Shiori.” If pressed for details. like a rival noblewoman or one of Lady Momoyo's servants. Oni and goblins. Tousuke's gratitude. both groups hope the meeting goes smoothly and ends well. Or. If the PCs keep their word and deliver the strawberries to him. but Tousuke will be furious. Whatever her feelings. I'd like to get back to basics and present some adventures that deal with life in Rokugani society. if the PCs give the strawberries to the daimyo's wife directly she will show her appreciation with a fine gift. Shiori reveals that she has strong feelings about Hirohisa. or will they take the risk that their efforts might be in vain? Keep in mind that the gratitude the PCs are shown for the gift they bring has a lot to do with the manner in which they present it. Shiori's feelings toward Hirohisa have been deliberately left vague in this adventure outline in order to allow GMs the freedom to alter the story as they see fit. UNFORGETTABLE GIFT. Hirohisa believes they are the ones responsible. On the other hand. as a memento of their short romance when they were young. He asks them if they would do him a favor during their free time. there is much glory to be gained by securing allies among other families. they will have to wait until tomorrow to do so. however. In that case. you may want to extend the adventure a little further. for that matter) to give them anything in repayment. or the exact stone sculpture from the garden where she met Tousuke. Lady Momoyo. Perhaps the daimyo knows of the relationship that Tousuke and his wife had in the past. The daimyo's wife could become a staunch ally if the The PCs find themselves playing host to a delegation of samurai from another clan. however. While it would be honorable to aid a member of one's clan. on whose behalf? Shiori's or their own? What happens if Shiori's feelings toward Hirohisa and the PCs' feelings toward Hirohisa are very different? A character who hoped to win the duelist's heart could find herself challenged to a duel instead. the PCs may not be the only one's looking for the strawberries. Further variations include having Hirohisa react in a manner counter to Shiori's intentions. If they stand by Shiori's side or take the blame themselves they'll certainly win Shiori's admiration. On the other hand. Of course. but it means a lot to the people involved. he will be extremely grateful and lend them whatever support he can in the future. Thus. If they try to haggle with Tousuke he'll see them more as business partners than saviors. One night. also desires some fresh strawberries. Nonetheless. and the choices it demands are more difficult as well. and even some unusual storytelling methods. Many times.Allies & Enemies We've had a lot of strange and unusual CFS scenarios this year. but the terrain is too rugged for his ruined legs to handle. and do everything in his power to make their lives unpleasant. A single favor is worth but a single favor in return. The other is Hirohisa. Even if he attempts to stay on Takuya's good side. don't go too far. and even Takuya's friends and family. Next week we'll look at a completely different way of making friends. other clansmates. such as “really him?” “incredible!” and “doesn't look so tough. One way to extend this scenario is to provide a ronin challenger for each of the party members. and any other able samurai in the household's employ all have the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of the position through a variety of challenges and tournaments.. and how do they take the bad news? Alternately. Honorable samurai won't even consider doing something that would disappoint a friend who has saved their lives a dozen times or more. or even end up becoming Ryuken's role model. Look back on your day so far. If the PC says yes he will have to be careful about how he breaks the news to Takuya. a character who is polite or friendly may find the ronin a helpful ally. and Ryuken will press the point as best as he is able. Of course. Some are negative. On the other hand. Make sure that everyone at the table is mature enough to deal with the consequences before going through with such a severe course of action. calling for one or two less people than the total number of player characters in the party. If the PC says no he could recommend any other person in his stead. mentions that he is interested in joining the daimyo's Honor Guard. Be aware. however. After watching the party from a distance for a while. you can use details from their past to color their perceptions. Ryuken admits defeat. If you are dealing with a mixed-clan party. announce a similarly prestigious assignment. the same considerations of who to help and who to hinder still apply. becoming rivals in the game of love. making landing an assignment a simple matter of proving oneself. the PC could find himself accused of attempting to set Takuya up for a debt he cannot repay. In any case. Takuya. Try to find the middle ground between “valued associate” and “friend” without going too far in either direction. 83. The easiest version would offer enough positions for everyone interested.? While I normally recommend against doing so. open to all. The assignment is both prestigious and comfortable. or as something else? CHALLENGE While walking through town. Where Takuya is an honorable soldier and skilled with the sword. it might be a good idea to run a few other adventures first. using the names by which they are known throughout the area. but in doing so he would be staking his reputation on the ability of the individual whose name he puts forward. There is a temple with a dojo and practice field nearby which is open to all. the few openings that are currently available are hotly contested. As a high-ranking member of the nobility. The PC can only choose one of them to accompany him (unless he gives up his own spot in the Honor Guard completely). and those who are able to join the Honor Guard are often offered other promotions later on. Or. There's nothing like saying “This is the guy who killed your brother” or “He was one of the soldiers who helped defend your home three years ago” to get PCs interested in an NPC.willing to let the man she hates find happiness with a member of her own clan? Will she stand idly by as someone she confided in prepares to enter a blood feud with her beloved? And let's not forget the problems that may arise from differences of opinion among the PCs themselves. adding another clansman with the same dream as Takuya to the mix practically ensures a moral dilemma. 82. Ryuken may take an active dislike to him. His sensei's response might range from concerned to insulted. giving Takuya small supporting roles and occasional appearances. however. as the resident monks dislike bloodshed. but they can be a lot of trouble too. Some of them are positive. Sometimes the best you can do is avoid earning their undying hatred. or overshadowing his long years of service with a “recommendation from one of his betters. while others may react with suspicion. Knowing the tendencies of your players is key to guiding their emotional reactions. REPUTATION We go through countless social interactions in our lives. you should select a daimyo who has authority over at least one (possibly more) of the player characters. depending on the manner in which the PC treats Ryuken after the duel. if you deeply feel that you'd like to foster inter-party conflict. and then. Miki is a clever tactician and crack shot with a bow.. Who does he choose. that such a move can significantly reduce the amount of fun that the game offers for some players. another could be intent on securing a valuable alliance. how does he justify his decision to the other hopeful. the PCs. He addresses them respectfully. In the coming years they may meet as allies. If his performance was exceptionally outstanding the entire band of ronin could seek permission to study as his pupils. Where one member of the party may be perfectly happy to cut the lout down where he stands. both could seek his hand in marriage. STRIKE The captain of the guard (or perhaps the daimyo himself) approaches the PC in question and asks him if he would like to join the Honor Guard. but he is no match for the PC he has challenged. a provincial magistrate or courtier with influences that reach across clan lines can be substituted. The conflict is a lot more meaningful when the PCs have some real connection to Takyua and respect for his feelings. Gifts are nice. he is desperate to see his dreams realized. He is Ryuken. Not to mention the difficulty inherent in finding something for the samurai who has everything. sensei. Did someone happen to overhear secret details concerning the scoring method. As always. Miki. if you'd like to deal less with the political side of things and more with the aspect of competition that surrounds the situation. while a cocky . The only restriction is a prohibition against deadly weapons. A burly young brawler might try his luck in a sumai wrestling match against the most muscular of the party's bushi. If no such character is available. CHALLENGE The local daimyo is making preparations to attend the Emperor's Winter Court. and adapt their personalities as needed. If he is outright rude to the young man it is possible that Ryuken may devote himself to becoming the character's rival. Even if the PCs don't take to backstabbing each other. only the first of many times that the two will cross paths. Their eyes meet for a moment. THE HONOR GUARD This week's scenario is going to be short and sweet. the leader of the ronin steps forward and boldly announces his intentions. he is entitled to an Honor Guard of several samurai. feel free to change the names and genders of Shiori and Hirohisa as appropriate for your campaign. with Ryuken on his knees and the PC's weapon at his throat. an established character who has a reasonably good relationship with the PC in question should be used in place of Takuya. sending the smallest member of their gang forward to speak with the PCs.” After a minute or so of deliberation.” The easiest way to make this adventure more challenging is to increase the number of people who want to join the Honor Guard without changing the total number of openings available. FOCUS There is some muttering among the ronin once the PCs confirm their identities. Needless to say. The match ends quickly. If he is dismissive or impolite. Ideally. STRIKE Ryuken is good. reluctantly. they're still likely to build rivalries. and he wants to challenge the party's greatest fighter to a sparring match. the PCs are approached in broad daylight by a group of scruffy young ronin. and the future of their relationship hinges upon the PC's reply. and any members of Takuya's family who have strong feelings will be sure to air them. Some groups might find an outgoing samurai pleasant and friendly. On the other hand. If possible. This is. and asks if they are really who they claim to be. hold a contest. or bitter enemies. If the PCs listen closely they can hear snippets of the conversation. a friend and clansmate of one of the eligible PCs. Would most of the people you've met today think of you as friendly. It may be a passing fancy due to his recent conversation with the cute young diplomat in the daimyo's entourage. If the PC gives up his chance at glory too soon he may draw ire from those in his family who seek political influence. Unless the PC who was challenged has a good excuse there is no reason why the contest cannot proceed. Of course. Possible complications to the resolution of this adventure include the reactions of the PC's family. FOCUS Takuya. even more devastatingly. the ronin make their move. There are a number of different directions in which the adventure can continue. or a solemn vow he made to his dying father many years ago. If all else fails. You can't always get everyone to like you. Ryuken could be the eternal loser. It might try to befriend or seduce Fujiko. Once the players know they are dealing with shapeshifting minions of pure darkness they are able to plan and prepare. It could present a Fujiko that is completely unlike the real thing. or insult and threaten her. CHALLENGE After arriving in a new town. Why is the ninja shapeshifter doing this? There could be any number of reasons. Maybe it impersonates her as perfectly as possible in an attempt to keep the uncertainty going for as long as possible. approaches Fujiko. Of course. Fujiko leaves town to run an errand. and even invites them to dinner at her home. she is distant and withdrawn. Perhaps the ronin and the PCs could cross paths at the right moment to help each other defeat some bandits. this scenario can also be used to introduce a new player character into the campaign by giving the new character a clearly and quickly defined relationship with one of the existing party members. or one that is only slightly different. When the time comes to report to his hidden master will Ryuken do so. change Ryuken's gender as you see fit. and she does everything she can to make the PCs feel welcome and comfortable during that time. He claims that he is the true Noritada. and seems to have no interest in the things she enjoyed before. It's ironic. When Fujiko returns. or simply old war wounds? Everyone knows there are no such things as ninja. So let the horror begin! Unlike last year's October scenarios. This year the theme is ninjas — those shapeless minions of the Living Darkness. While the party and their charge are walking through the woods.adept with some small degree of mystic skill could challenge the party shugenja to a taryu-jiai magical duel. and the entire ruse is designed to distract (or even eliminate) her. or there might be opportunities for him to gain the upper hand. Are those scars from maho. Asako Fujiko. Needless to say. and engineered a “first encounter” for each of them in turn. however. the shapeshifter sought out the real Fujiko. establishing either a student-mentor type of relationship. the characters meet the local magistrate. of course. She carries herself differently. NORITADA Ninja Month continues with another scenario filled with trickery and deception. FIRST IMPRESSIONS This week's scenario will certainly keep them guessing. it can cause more lasting trouble. 84. or has the time he's spent with the PCs changed his outlook on the situation? And what do others think of the PCs associating with ronin? Will the PCs be allowed to keep such unconventional allies? If it comes down to a choice between Ryuken's friendship or political advancement. Likewise. you can change Asako Fujiko's name. Maybe Fujiko's investigation is bringing her close to something better left unrevealed. she's more than a little suspicious. After leaving town. Just enough to make Fujiko worry about what's really going on. Or. Maybe it just acts suspiciously. or even a high-ranking official. keeping in mind that doing so greatly increases the chances that your PCs will treat him with at least a minimum degree of civility. It might ask Fujiko for some favor. If there is a Clan that your players are prone to view less than favorably you might want to make her a member. It might boast about having done something questionable. introduces itself on the PC's behalf.. it soon becomes apparent that something is wrong. or Clan affiliation as you see fit. If you think a male NPC is likely to draw a reaction that is either too hostile or overly amicable. You can also make Ryuken a member of a Clan if you wish. Whether the PCs have been selected as guards or fellow members of the hunt. helps them find accommodations. and that means it's time for some CFS scenarios of the unsettling variety. NORITADA. if the two become friends. Noritada is an important figure in the area. Do they encourage their erstwhile admirers. and has managed to escape from a secret prison nearby. to be included in such an outing is a great honor. it just puts on a PC's face. one of the PCs' superiors.. a disheveled figure jumps from the bushes and denounces Noritada as an imposter.. Finally. Now that the real Fujiko has returned to find the people she just met going about her town as if they owned the place. She sets off early in the morning before anyone else is awake. Over the course of the next two or three days the player characters have a number of opportunities to spend time with Fujiko and get to know her.. The entire affair may be nothing more than a sick game. spent most of the day adopting the appearances of the player characters. while Fujiko and the heroes are busy figuring this out. She is no longer warm and friendly toward any of the party members. gender. That's why they never believe it when they really show up. shadowy ninjas actually lose a lot of their impact once their true nature is revealed.. And don't forget that there are a number of other reasons for the PCs to distrust an NPC that they've just met. While zombies become more and more terrifying the more you see of them. Or maybe they both want to buy the last rice cake in the merchant's stall. or take the uppity youths down a peg? While it is genre appropriate to begin a rivalry or friendship on the outcome of a single duel. It was actually a ninja shapeshifter impersonating her while she was conducting an investigation elsewhere. . leaving word that she will be back soon. or offer to do her a favor. Instead. It can be especially useful if the new character's school rank is lower than that of the other characters. FOCUS One morning. Why do these servants of Shadow plague us so? Will we ever discover their true plot. and depending on your campaign might be a local governor or daimyo. you will probably want to arrange future encounters that build upon the first impression provided in this scenario. FOCUS: Although the hunting trip starts off pleasantly. Better to keep them guessing and unsure of what exactly is real. it is possible for either of them to lend the other some assistance in times of need. The exact details of what the ninja shapeshifter says and does during its meetings with Fujiko is up to you. and to refuse would be most foolish. the ninja shapeshifter is already going about its nefarious plans. then leaves. the ninja shapeshifter's portrayal of Fujiko is also tailored to make the PCs suspicious. it soon takes a strange and unexpected turn. or plans to do so in the near future. forever struggling to escape from the PC's shadow. It's almost as if she were a completely different person. Save for his unkempt appearance and the bruises he suffered during his “incarceration” he is physically identical to the other Noritada in every way. STRIKE The Fujiko that the players met upon their arrival was not the real Asako Fujiko. portraying the PC it is impersonating just a little differently from their true character. What if the ronin have ulterior motives? Are they trying to set the PCs up as enemies of the populace? Or looking to secure steady food and lodging by joining their entourage? Maybe they've been hired to get close to the PCs and learn their secrets. Courtiers (or even bushi who have gained fame in the courtly arts) might be surprised by the sight of a ruffian calling them out for a poetry or ikebana contest. I would recommend against playing through all of this month's adventures consecutively. it did not leave the real Fujiko with a good impression of party when it did so. but people are more likely to show their honest feelings to a wave man than to a member of a rival Clan. or a friendly rivalry. 85. Likewise. She greets them warmly. a young swordswoman named Ryoko is equally useable. If you want to keep things simple. which will the PC choose? And what if Ryuken is taunted for putting on airs and trying to run shoulders with the “better” samurai? Will the PCs be able to keep counting on his aid? What if the rivalry was set up by the PC's sensei in order to spur the PC into training harder? Will he still feel the same hatred he once had for the ronin when he finds out the youth was simply manipulated into serving as a training tool? You can. if you prefer more complex situations. or will we be forever left in the dark? CHALLENGE The player characters are invited to accompany Lord Noritada on a hunting excursion. As always. Or it could be the PCs who are treading close to dangerous territory and have been marked for termination. Ninjas It's October once again. Maybe it's all the shadow puppet can remember of its former life. and possibly even more than they bargained for. If you feel that your players will not react well to their characters being captured and tortured. and that everybody else involved (including the characters) should have a rather nasty accident. Ayashiku. Or perhaps it is the other way around. and offers them shelter at his temple nearby.. Maybe they are in a position to advance through the ranks. the imposter could simply be a skilled actor who has done a bit of research and happens to look a lot like Noritada. STRIKE One of the two men is actually a ninja shapeshifter in disguise. When the alternative is torture who could possibly object to that? As with the other ninja-related adventure ideas presented this month. There are. And he just starts to consider that the whole event might draw too much attention to him. Ayashiku will use torture. as deception is their stock and trade. Both have convincing stories. Yes.. He can help them escape. If he is a bandit lord and the player characters are his captives he might threaten or cajole them into agreeing to serve him. The first method is to give the ninja some resistance or immunity to such information gathering methods. It is up to you which of the two men is the impostor and which is the true Noritada. too. shugenja who can read minds. As the bandits speak of their plans to ransom or slaughter the PCs. Will the presence of the PCs ruin his plans. exactly why the player characters are receiving such special attention is up to you. the bandits will most likely be victorious. dream manipulation. and the monks appear to be outmatched. When the question of which Noritada is the real one is brought up. temptation. Once they are in his clutches. TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTIONS What if both are the genuine article? Lord Noritada could have been magically duplicated or the imposter is deranged and actually believes to be the real deal. If the PCs do nothing. threats.. The other is the real Noritada. the aim of the adventure changes from “find out which Noritada is real and which is the fake” to “convince the advisor that the Noritada he believes is genuine is in fact an imposter. and the Noritada that the PCs started their journey with might be the fake.The Noritada who invited the party on the hunting trip responds by accusing the newcomer of being the imposter. and magic refuses to function in his presence. Will he still be able to prove that the man they know by his name is a spawn of the Shadow? If your party has played through CFS of the Week scenario #2 it is possible that the shapeshifter is their old nemesis Goju Ryosuke. In any case. Or he could offer mystic power to those who are brave enough to open their spirits. if you dislike the Lying Darkness. And while his minions may not be perfect actors. Could he be a long lost twin? Certain skills. and both lack any corroborating witnesses or evidence that would prove their identity. of course). you can take another route. Ayashiku can appeal to them as a fellow prisoner. The leader. While this approach keeps the players in the dark. the party comes across a group of monks locked in battle with a gang of bandits. his relationships with others. the leader of the monks and the leader of the bandits have the same name. there does not seem to be any simple way to tell the difference between them. The escaped Noritada replies with his own command for the PCs to “seize the charlatan” and what started as a walk in the woods soon degenerates into a shouting match. spells. saying that he will give them their freedom if they agree to do him a small favor. DRAFTED BY DARKNESS Things are not always as they seem. Lord Noritada is either dead or captive and a Shosuro Actor has taken his place. techniques.. his likes and dislikes. they may find themselves stuck with two angry men arguing in circles for quite some time. If the PCs are captured by the “bandits” it is important to remember that many players can become quite upset if their free will is taken from them. there's always the question of whether or not the Noritada the PCs chose was actually the real one. Some would even prefer to see their characters mangled than give in to an NPC's demands. and the bandits fight until every member of the party has been subdued. Unless the PCs do something to end the impasse. thanks the PCs profusely. (EDITOR’S NOTE: This next one is my personal favorite. But don't let the PCs know that just yet. he may attempt to bargain with the player characters. or any other means possible to convert the PCs into pawns of the Lying Darkness. some ways to deal with these problems. Or maybe Lord Noritada never survived his infancy — devoured by a Pekkleno-Oni in his crib who then took his place. Players who rush in may find themselves dealing with something completely different from what they expected. and the Lying Darkness has decided to get influence over them while they are still relatively . It's a secret. If he is playing the part of a wise monk he may offer “special training” in the guise of meditation techniques that empty the mind and spirit of outside distractions.” Why should he believe that some shugenja (who likely has his own agenda and may even be in league with the pretender) knows the true Noritada better than he does? What proof does the party have to back up their claims of being able to detect lies? And even after the adventure ends. I’m a big fan of seemingly supernatural conundrums with a mundane twist.. Will the heroes be able to recognize the danger they are in? And will they be able to escape it? Depending on how the initial battle turns out. Unfortunately. Furthermore. finding the real lord (techniques and spells or not) might be much harder this way. Unless the player characters interfere. Courtier techniques do not work on him. and managing to replace a highranking official like Noritada would certainly further his agenda. Now the real Noritada has returned (or so he claims). Alternately.) What if Noritada vanished long ago and was believed to be dead. Both have detailed knowledge of Noritada’s personal history. Maybe the real Noritada is deranged and believes he is the imposter (which he doesn’t want to confess. TERAN NO ONI’S SUGGESTIONS Both of them are fake. his story could be true. Sowing doubt and suspicion matches his modus operandi. and orders the PCs to seize him. the leader of the monks. neither of them will permit the PCs to obey the other's commands until the matter is settled. or will he convince them to believe his lies about being captured and escaping? On the other hand. This is especially true when dealing with minions of the Lying Darkness. 86. Alternately. as having one's abilities nullified out of hand is never fun. And now a shapeshifter has come to steal from the thief? Or did it simply want the actor “unmasked” to achieve another goal. FOCUS If the PCs aid the monks they are able to dispatch the bandits without much trouble. and monks who can sense the presence of the Lying Darkness have the potential to bring the adventure to a screeching halt before it even begins. commands his men to take them alive. however. In this case. Another way to keep the adventure from ending too quickly is to have an NPC who is familiar with Noritada accompany the party. Telling players outright that they must ask some questions and gather clues before their techniques will be effective enough to overcome the shapeshifter's resistance can keep them from becoming frustrated. and abilities may make determining the identity of the true Noritada quite easy. it can be especially annoying for those it is used against. CHALLENGE While traveling in the evening. Lord Noritada was to be replaced by a skilled Actor.. Ayashiku.. The fighting is fierce and bloody. but what he did not know that Noritada himself has already met his end — and that his place is now filled by a Goju. Make Ayashiku a monk who was also captured and (conveniently enough) placed in the same cell. the real Noritada may never even have met them. he is confident that even if the PCs see through his plan they will not be able to escape. An imposter was found by the lord’s aids that took over control. Ayashiku may take a number of different approaches to converting the PCs to the cause of Nothing. the bandits slay all the monks within the next round of combat and turn their attentions on the party. The man in the bushes might have been hoping to find Noritada alone and replace him with a minimum of fuss. STRIKE The monks and the bandits are all ninja shadowspawn.. The entire battle was staged for the benefit of the PCs in order to get them involved and reduce their fighting capability. Courtiers who can detect lies. All they have to do is drink the special “reflexes-enhancing herbal stimulant” he has with him and call upon the favor of the “Fortune of Night” to guide them.. Depending on when he was kidnapped and replaced. have him make a decision and stick to it. If your players are comfortable with inter party conflict you can take the idea of being unable to tell who has been replaced and who is still in control of their own actions a step further. several problems arise as time goes by. If your players have already met and dealt with Yukio previously you may need to alter some details. or even become distracted. Add the fact that it is effectively impossible to tell friend from foe until it is almost too late and you have a perfect formula for terror. dividing your attention between two different groups of players can lead to complications. The exact same words. the courtier with the waggling tongue. however. CHALLENGE The player characters are stationed in a small town to oversee the training and outfitting of a unit of ashigaru soldiers. They might even think that the changes in some of the NPCs are thanks to their leadership. and contacts that have accompanied the PCs on their mission you can rule that victims of the Shadow invasion are not actually consumed. paranoia. or even sixty.. He or she cites severe changes in personality. he'll say they slew an oni. where we gather to meet old acquaintances and strengthen ties of friendship has come once more. A healer from the training camp disappears for an entire day. it is a pleasant enough place to live. It will all be settled soon. Unless they are very far gone. Brothers accuse each other of having become completely different people. CHALLENGE The PCs arrive at Winter Court to find a familiar face waiting for them. One solution to this problem is to round out each group of PCs with an appropriate number of NPCs. I would also recommend this approach if you try to recruit one of the players to play a ninja spy within the party. STRIKE The training camp is under siege from within.. Maybe two. Things that go bump in the night and take you away while you sleep. Is that samurai really your trusted companion. he or she has succumbed to the same problem. and acts as if nothing is wrong when he returns. They might give damning information like “You are a shadowspawn duplicate who has infiltrated the party in the guise of one of their friends. GREAT DEEDS & TALL TALES You did make lots of friends at Winter Court last year. Players may feel neglected when they do not receive your attention. even if the character is not actually their own. Everything is fine. Eventually. Yukio may simply smile warmly and say that he . taking over more and more of the populace. As the night of the new moon approaches. It's possible for a samurai to resist the whispers of the Lying Darkness for quite some time if he is strong. Part II Winter Court is upon us again! That happy time. If the heroes defeated six bandits. Of course. One by one.. and due to the lengthy period of the assignment their families may also be relocated to the town until the mission is complete. the number of changes required may be quite large. someone close to the party expresses concern that some of the trainees may be having trouble adjusting to life as soldiers. The classic movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers provides excellent inspiration for methods of running this scenario well. Instead of trying to make himself look good by pointing out the follies of others. Might the same feat be possible with an agent of the Shadow? Human beings have been afraid of the dark for countless centuries. The feeling of being overwhelmed by enemies and completely cut off from any hope of outside help is quite frightening.” That way.. And for good reason..unknown. and unable to trust even their closest friends. And rumors tell of men who escaped the contracts they made with evil spirits by tracking down and killing the creature before it completed its hold on their soul. The next time the PCs encounter this particular individual. the fact that you are passing notes with secret information to some players is enough to sow suspicion in many cases. didn't you? Oh well. 87. spring the trap and show them just how much trouble they're really in. and everyone present can look forward to a winter season filled with his incessant chattering. Things that are much more subtle. Splitting up the party is another great way to build suspense and mistrust between characters in this type of situation. Hand out notes to certain players. Winter Court. you can have them encounter some other survivors along the way. but they must also find and rescue their captive loved ones. Depending on the way the scenario played out. or just a shadow wearing his face? Just what happened to the others while you were away? Of course. but you find a golden hairpin on the ground.. If the PCs took the diplomatic route last time they met him. will they be able to escape the clutches of the Darkness? Or will their very identities be stolen away? A great way to catch your players off guard with this scenario is the bait and switch routine. and worries that these mood swings may be a sign of serious morale problems. He has already planted himself squarely in the middle of court. rivals. FAMILIAR STRANGERS Halloween is just around the corner. Not only must the PCs foil the Lying Darkness' plans and escape with their lives. and the general they bested in a game of shogi becomes a daimyo. There's no cause for concern. That's what everyone says. is once again a guest at the same palace the PCs will be staying at. Then. no matter. FOCUS While things seem to go smoothly at first. Children from the town complain that their mothers are no longer their mothers. While the town has no other purpose than to support the training camp located near it. Sooner or later someone is going to take the PCs to task and find out the truth about their supposed heroism. Fights break out in the barracks between trainees who were formerly the best of friends. FOCUS Yukio has changed his tactics in the year since he last crossed paths with the player characters. and he goes on at great length about the magnificent deeds they have performed in an attempt to gain some respect by association. as the promise of recovering one's beloved character later on makes turning to the dark side much more enjoyable. he or she claims it is not a problem at all. They could even be behind you right now. If they defeated an ogre. the shadowspawn step up their efforts. but are merely being abducted and replaced with skilled impersonators. he now seeks to impress listeners with stories of the great heroes he has befriended. and as the moonless night falls the PCs may find themselves surrounded by enemies on all sides. 88. there may still be hope.” or they could say something harmless like “No one else notices. each player has a “character” in each group. with the players whose characters are in the other group taking on those NPCs as “loaner characters. Even if Ayashiku manages to trick some of the party members. STRIKE Many of Yukio's tales get embellished in the telling. Several of their comrades accompany them.” or “You notice that Mike's character is acting oddly. or look like anyone. and the town's residents must be trained as ashigaru as soon as possible. Everyone is fine. Focus the players' attention on the immediate challenge and you can deceive them into believing that the goal of the adventure is to prepare for a military campaign. Make it seem like tensions with another Clan are building. and while we don't have any zombies this year there are other things you can use to scare the pants off your players. Next week we'll see what happens when every shadow holds danger. Instead of having some new insight into its cause. Alone against the world. If your party of four players splits into two groups of two members each. he'll say sixteen. and feelings of isolation.” Even if all of the PCs are free from the Shadow's influence. The soldier they captured becomes a general. there's no better Halloween gift than the opportunity to play one of the bad guys. the PCs should still be able to retain control of their actions in most situations. Is there a plot that requires the Darkness to have agents within their Clans? Does it already have other agents? Or maybe the PCs were targeted by this recruiting drive just because they were unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. his favorite targets are the PCs. If you don't want to kill off the numerous NPC allies. And if a PC or player controlled NPC should turn out to be a ninja shapeshifter in disguise? Why. Yukio. the soldiers are being consumed by the Lying Darkness and replaced by identical copies. when they're worried about the external threat (which may or may not be lies spread by the Lying Darkness itself). Things that can go anywhere. and the PCs should be able to adapt to the new area fairly quickly. you may need to replace Yukio with a similar. he is asked to perform alongside his student for old times' sake. Even if they haven't met the less-than-capable diviner before. One of them may even have the honor of being the shugenja's “guide to greatness. or will he surpass Yoshimoto and make his own bid for greatness? This scenario works best if Yoshimoto-sensei has already been established as a prior teacher of the player character in question. He's just that kind of guy. but he's sure he can find some way to reverse the effects. ELEMENTAL AFFECTION If you've already played through CFS of the Week #40 your players will no doubt be familiar with Mukachi. If you're feeling especially malicious. he stands to gain great glory and incredible recognition for his triumph over the legendary Yoshimoto-sensei. And what if Yukio's stories are accepted as truth? Can the player characters live with the lies that have been told in their names? What will they do with their newfound Status and Glory? People may want to hear their version of “The Battle Against the Oni Army. Air kami aren't as destructive as other kami might be in this situation. the PC is able to judge his sensei's condition with but a glance. place. The ritual does not enable the character to Commune with the kami.. or family member would be acceptable. He may find an aura of light and heat radiating from his body. but a performance skill like Dance or Acting would also be appropriate. does not the level of skill the PC displays reflect Yoshimoto's ability as a teacher? If the PC wins.. but the PC would see his own fame lessened. how will he fare against other challengers? TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTION An interesting twist might be when the samurai becomes aware that the sensei he had looked up to all his life is cheating to win the contest (well except for a Scorpion. A PC surrounded by Air kami will find his every motion accompanied by a gust of spreading word of their good deeds in order to make up for his past unkindness. If the two have no relationship to speak of the decision in the Strike section loses a lot of its punch. Even if he does not know them very well. If he tells of their triumphs over rivals from other families they may find themselves getting a cold reception from the Clans in question. The PC´s or the sensei´s family or enemies might try to influence the outcome by unsavory means. Perhaps another student of Yoshimoto tries to convince the PC that their sensei is owed respect above all else. right? There are many ways Yukio's stories can cause trouble for the PCs. clothes. There are a number of ways the scenario could play out. you can have several different types of kami visit the PC in turn. Everyone has old friends they dearly want to meet again. backs them into a corner. or even all at once. Friends we wish could stay by our side forever. and he hopes his dear friend will be able to help him… …as a test subject. Similar to Earth kami. Additional complications may be presented in the form of allies or rivals with their own agendas. This would allow Yoshimoto to save face. Should he handle any flammable object for too long it may even start to smolder in his grasp. If he paints them as slayers of monsters they may be asked to perform some great and difficult task to prove their might.” After all. In any case. but completely new character. or a whiff of some strange odor. An artistic skill such as Weaponsmithing or Painting would be best. Simply present Yukio as a sycophant who seeks to latch onto the PCs and ride on their kimono hems as they make their way to greatness. a kata routine or a display of martial skill may suffice as well. but Summons the elemental kami to the character instead! Mukachi has no idea what went wrong. After all. Water kami will cover the PC and anything he touches in heavy condensation. he'll proceed without hesitation to tell them that stars indicate that their involvement in the experiment he plans would be most beneficial anyway.. and it is their inspiration which brings seers visions of the future. may the Fortunes have mercy on the poor soul! . FOCUS Mukachi explains that he has been working on a new project. It'll just take a few days to research. Not only will it be impossible for him to keep clean for any period of time. Friends whose company we enjoy more than anything else. While others may not know this. he could claim that his achievements are all thanks to Yoshimoto's great skill as an instructor. his research has lead him to develop a new spell — one that will enable individuals with no spiritual training to Commune with the kami just as shugenja do.. there is much whispering amongst the onlookers and excitement over finally being able to see which of the two is more skilled. to hover by his ear and incessantly whisper countless details about every person. they are also privy to the Great Truth.” Can they keep their stories straight? Fame often brings its own problems. MASTER & STUDENT CHALLENGE Last week we examined some of the problems that may accompany glory at Winter Court. Unfortunately. If the PCs took a more permanent approach to the problem (such as cutting out his tongue). Even if you haven't played through CFS of the Week Scenario #41. If the PC loses the contest Yoshimoto's reputation would be safe.. Feel free to substitute another NPC in Yoshimoto's place as necessary. If the PC is followed by Fire kami he will have to be cautious indeed. Or a relative of the PC could ask him to “do what is necessary” to improve their family's standing in court. STRIKE Yoshimoto's age has caught up with him. Will this revelation change their mind? Will they ask for a return match? Then there could be interference from outside sources. There is no way he can match the PC's physical capabilities. he is more than happy to sing their praises. they'll be sure to remember him when their daimyos reward them for their heroic deeds later. Maybe a member of a rival school attempts to beat both of them. He believes that divination is a result of mortal minds glimpsing the Great Truth that is shared amongst the Elemental Dragons and their Oracles. or he could lash out in disappointment at “the fool he expected to one day surpass him. and although he is retired (see CFS of the Week #21) his reputation is still strong. depending both on the PC's choice and the way in which the victor of the “contest” reacts to the outcome. but it would also mean that the PC would risk forever remaining in the shadow of his legendary teacher. Will he hold back and let his sensei win the day. and he is no longer the able-bodied teacher he once was. Of course. a fine coating of dust and grime will soon cover him and anything he touches. This week we look at fame from a different point of view. Is it worth giving up a chance at glory to protect one's teacher from a crushing defeat? And how will Yoshimoto react to such a development? He could heap praise on his beloved student's efforts toward perfecting his art. 89. And if his stories are so incredible as to defy belief the PCs may find themselves accused of being liars. old friend. And we pay our respects to another old friend along the way. and flames from candles and cooking fires will reach out to him. His surroundings may become waterlogged. And if Mukachi somehow managed to summon Void kami to the PC. CHALLENGE One of the PCs is asked to give a demonstration of his abilities.. the old friend in this scenario is not that type. and onlookers are sure to notice the constant dripping of water from his hair. Because elemental spirits are servants of the Dragons. where it might be expected from both sides and actually be the real contest of skill). but they can still cause distraction and annoyance. If all else fails. and skin.” So they should know enough to be cautious when he approaches them with a bright smile. this adventure seed can be adapted quite easily. something goes wrong. As a former instructor of the PC. or thing he may set eye on? Oh. While no formal contest is declared. FOCUS The famed sensei Yoshimoto is also present in court. And if the PC manages to outdo the great Yoshimoto. blast of sound. Any teacher. but small bits of earth and soil may follow in his wake. If Earth kami are summoned to the PC. 90. He'd like to test it. and stolen fame can be even more difficult to manage. and earnestly asks for their assistance. STRIKE Unfortunately. Minoru hasn't been seen in court much this season. even if you have a steady stream of water streaming from your hands and face. One easy way to adjust the difficulty of this adventure is to change the nature of the misdeeds that Unubore and his ally committed.     The PC never seems to find a cooling shadow (spontaneous selfcombustion anyone?) Air can lead to getting parchments and small objects into chaos or blown away. . smell funny and be hyper and nervous  Water makes the PC sweat all the time and cool down. Unubore. paint & ink wash out from parchment and snowy weather follows the PC everywhere. clothes may loosen maybe even be lost and it is stormy or at least windy all the time. Water can make liquids leak from their containers. For example. or seeing it eliminated entirely.  Fire produces fever without sweat. FOCUS Minoru reveals that he has been looking for the player characters for quite some time. If worst comes to worst. Perhaps they were guilty of all these things. and left his private journal in the general's library. and rivals must be thwarted. He is writing a play detailing the exploits of Akodo Unubore. There is also the question how long this will haunt the PC.. This is to be expected. It doesn't matter if none of the PCs are from the Lion Clan. the PC has a dream about the element. enthusiasm or lust and lead to brashness. constantly distracted by surrounding stimuli and own emotions. joining either the Lion Clan or the PC's Clan later in life. Of course. while consuming tremendous amounts of food. especially heinous war crimes like hiring assassins or allowing the use of maho within the ranks would ruin the reputation of the character's entire family and have serious consequences if made public knowledge.  Too much fire might intensify anger. the spell unbalanced the elements inside the samurai — which in turn will lure the kami to him. lust. TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTION I’d choose a bit more subtle approach to the influence of the kami.. the victim develops some bodily symptoms. UNUBORE’S EXPLOITS The holiday season is a wonderful time to remember just how important it is to have good friends and a loving family. he might even become partially covered with frost and ice (and eventually fully encased in ice?). the ability to grant laypeople the ability to command the kami is a great power indeed. Showing some ways in which Mukachi has grown as a shugenja (perhaps due to advice and support gained from the player characters) can help allay their fears. a red face and a dry throat and a feeling of weakness. abused local heimin. unable to form a solid opinion. The ancestor who served with Unubore may have married across clan lines. Dragon) or find some mysterious wisdom or artifact? Can the samurai master the effect with time (maybe even gaining the Friend of the Elements or Friendly Kami advantage) or by making some offering to the kami (similar to the invocation spell)? 91. might think the enchantment didn’t work and had no effect at all. liquids dry up or evaporate and make objects look charred and blackened and fires get out of control. lack of fine motorcontrol and make him look yellow. Whatever the case. the Lion samurai with a deep appreciation for drama who was last seen in CFS of the Week #48. he came across a scroll marked with the personal seal of one of the player characters' ancestors. It's even possible that he aided Unubore in an unofficial capacity. Or he could have been part of a unit sent to provide military support in exchange for political aid. the complexion turning sickly green or blue. Of course. only to have the feelings hidden in the deep break free in a raging storm at the next. Evidently the figure in question was an ally of Unubore. While Minoru has not opened the scroll out of respect for the PC's family's privacy. the records would cause quite a scandal if they were to become public. Oracle. The samurai may become lost in his own thoughts and feelings. which may eventually affect opposed mental attributes negatively. because he is busy with a special project. will you be able to live with your decision? CHALLENGE While going about their business at court. and the PC's ancestor were all party to some horrible actions. and Mukachi himself. After the ritual. a great general who also happens to be another of Minoru's ancestors. but dealing with the pressures of Winter Court at the same time. Further complications can arise from the ramifications of Mukachi's research. seemingly calm and emotionless at one moment. diarrhea & vomiting with unnatural thirst and hunger at the same time. He may also become indifferent. or even wasted the lives of their own men. seemingly never changing in temperament or feelings about any given thing or person. and even peasants could perform magic? Or maybe Mukachi's spell research does somehow lead to a better divination technique. requesting leave from his duties in order to fight by his friend's side. or even replace him completely if necessary. Allies must be met with. overconfidence or greed). Finally the external physical effects described above will set in. Can another casting with the opposite element negate the effect or will it get worst. utilized dishonorable and/or illegal tactics.If your players have met Mukachi before they may have formed some strong opinions about him. if a bit shallow. the PCs. Over the next few days. for the story it tells is not a happy one. The Lion army. STRIKE The PC is in for a rude shock once he opens the scroll and reads it. What would life be like if courtiers. being bugged by two types of kami or erratically changing from one to the other? Maybe they will have to “unite” with a person suffering from the opposite element? Does it go away with time? Does the PC have to search for the help of some other source (shugenja. the PCs happen to run into Akodo Minoru. as the imbalance increases over time. Even less so when it's magic. given his past history.  Fire may also make colors bleach.. At first the imbalance only effects the PC’s emotions. which may also effect opposed physical attributes negatively. In the course of researching historical records for the play he's writing. as he hands it over he mentions that he would like the chance to read it at some point in the future. this adventure isn't just about coping with the enchantment that the unfortunate PC finds himself under.  Air might make the samurai look pale.  Too much void may lead to an ever changing mix of symptoms. They could have broken cease fire agreements. A courtier will still have to meet and greet people and stay abreast of important developments. On the other hand. Something minor like seizing rice from conquered villages or executing prisoners is easier to overlook and excuse. Maybe the next night. Other people don't stop going about their business just because a tornado is following you around. The PC may have troubles concentrating. Earth might make even solid objects crack under the PC’s touch Void might make things or persons spontaneously appear and disappear or change mysteriously. What secrets might they learn in their experiments. if they were used as the subject matter for a play. Many individuals would be interested in controlling such power. A yojimbo is expected protect his charge no matter what impediments he faces. When you choose between them. and could be quite hesitant to participate in any ritual he has devised. The player characters would find themselves on the cutting edge of a revolution that bridges the gap between mortals and the gods. and to what end would they put their newfound knowledge? Science isn't always an exact science. bushi.  Earth will bring sore muscles and locked joints.  Earth may freeze the character in his current emotional state. emotions ever changing. missing even obvious things in his surroundings  Air may make the PC capricious. Whether or not his beliefs about divination and the Grand Truth of the Celestial Order are correct. Trouble focusing and standing by one’s opinion may arise  Water might lead to moodiness and a temperament leaning towards the extreme. you can always have another NPC vouch for Mukachi. possibly shaking. also the body may cycle more matter leading to hyper ventilation. However. there are times when friends and family make conflicting demands. making him stubborn and inflexible to the point of not reacting to anything  Void finally may have the poor samurai feel everything at once leading to the ultimate confusion. is to require the PC to speak in rhyming couplets. he would give her the freedom to marry for love. Would the PC whose ancestor was a disgrace be willing to sacrifice his family's good standing in order to bring glory to his friend? Would the PC whose ancestor was an unsung hero agree to keep quiet about the event in order to save his friend from shame? Can they trust each other with the truth. she's often more like a free-spirited girl than a young woman. STRIKE Writing haiku off the top of one's head is not an easy thing to do. however. five. My lady. or threatens his rivals. A sword in my master's hand. Even if your players have not completed the previous adventure. How far would he go to keep such an ugly truth from becoming known? If the PC's ancestor was a hero and Unubore was a tyrant the PC might have to choose between his own glory and Minoru's disgrace. Or. While less evocative. Rather than take advantage of such influence. Minoru is sure to welcome the news that Unubore was a righteous man. Want to throw some complications into the adventure? Give the PCs an important mission to complete at the same time. or does he need to be silenced permanently. respectfully. If you have already played through CFS of the Week #37 the PCs may recognize him as Tatsu.” I present a month of adventure scenarios dealing with love and/or marriage (because the two do not always go hand in hand in Rokugan). reports to his daimyo. as word of their great cleverness precedes them. The name Mirumoto. but would he be willing to hide the truth about the terrible acts of the PC's ancestor? Was he telling the truth when he said he hasn't read the scroll. or noble follower of bushido. it becomes much more difficult to let the truth be known. Some people might go out of their way to engage the PC in conversation in order to hear him recite a poem. One is shown to have been a great hero. like organizing the guard details or finalizing a trade agreement. While the quality of individual poems are largely based on the personal preferences of the listener. If you want to go for a real challenge. is a time for young couples to go on romantic dates. Or the situation might be reversed. The first person who fails to do so will be the loser. Does Tatsu attempt to cheat again in this contest. Rather than see his beloved daughter used as a bargaining chip to be traded away. including the entire party and possibly even some NPCs as well. is quite difficult to fit into a line of only a few syllables. he will have to do so in haiku form. One especially wicked twist is to have information about the ancestors of two different PCs come to light in the same scroll. But it is not seen in the same light as it is in Western countries. the true mark of a master poet lies in being able to compose a poem for any situation. woos an attractive courtier. you see. or seven words. Even something as simple as delivering a message can be difficult when you have to give it in haiku form. CHALLENGE A young man comes up to the PCs while they are in the middle of court. just like in a real haiku. Indeed. option is to say that the PC may only speak in utterances of only three. representing the number of lines and number of syllables per line in a haiku poem. and may cause trouble for some players.Likewise. Tatsu will still seek the party members out. you can rule that out of character speech must also be in haiku form. What is your command? I attack the guard. in keeping with the “spirit of the season. Another. Though not every player would enjoy it. but Christmas is also celebrated. FOCUS After Itsuko and the PC have had some time to cement their friendship. however.. despite the difficulty involved. The youngest daughter of a mighty general. I live but to serve. I bow. Tatsu calls on all assembled to bear witness to his challenge. You can choose a longer or shorter span of time for the contest to run. Please pass me the dice. If you want to be especially cruel. There are a number of ways you can simulate the contest conditions for your players. with your smile sweet. The contest he proposes will force the PC do to exactly that. she prefers to spend her time in simpler and more innocent pursuits. and will have to acknowledge the other as a better crafter of poems. The resulting conflict of interests offers an excellent opportunity to explore issues of loyalty. Facing off against the PC whose poem he stole last time they crossed paths (or the PC who has proven to be the most glib in court). Please enjoy them with your loved ones. Can I have a cola? One that I like. Whenever the PC meets with a delegate from another clan. LOVE COMES IN MANY GUISES In Japan the major event of the winter season is New Years. Don't touch the body. Still. or do they continue to observe the rules of the contest no matter what? Even if they do so. you can have the game continue until either contestant makes a mistake. both he and the PC will speak only in haiku verses. THE POETRY OF LIFE EDITOR’S NOTE: This is easily one of my favorite adventure hooks. the aspiring poet who was nothing more than a poem thief. A possible conflict that could arise is if Minoru and the PC have different ideas about what to do with the new details that the scroll presents. Stand down before I end your life.” You can adapt Tatsu's challenge somewhat if you wish. If you want to involve all the players Tatsu can issue an open challenge to anyone who will face him.. she is heir to a great deal of political power. Thus. or has he truly worked at improving his skills? And what about the PCs? Do they let down their guard when no one is around. Minoru is especially proud of his ancestors. will their haiku be good enough to pass muster? Please take this idea For use at your next game night. You melt my heart each time we meet. if you have just the right player in your group. Romance 93. there is great glory to be had for one who establishes himself as a “master of poems for all situations. The most direct is to actually force the PC in question to compose a haiku every time he speaks in character. This option is wonderful for players who don't like having to spend ten minutes planning every sentence they want to say and GMs who don't want to be bothered counting syllables to make sure every poem is appropriate.. her father makes a bold announcement. or will the secret they share tear them apart? 92. The other is revealed as an honorless villain who pursued victory without any thought of right and wrong. Your wicked insults cause much strife. Look for clues. while others decry his participation as foolish. The PC will feel less guilt about his ancestor's actions if the scrolls say that he was only following Unubore's dishonorable orders. CHALLENGE One of the PCs becomes friendly with a young maiden named Itsuko. Christmas in Japan. They could find themselves gathering information or questioning murder suspects. Feel free to remind the players that everyone in the room is watching them and waiting for their reaction while they consider Tatsu's proposition. It could be something where they have to give clear and direct instructions. this style of speech is can be easier for players to adapt to and allows for the use of long words that would never fit into the regular haiku formula. For the next month. His promise to approve of any marriage that Itsuko wishes to . this can add great drama and humor to your sessions. changing the identity of the commander who authorized such tactics can also result in different outcomes. While rhymes are not a feature of Rokugani poetry. for example. Enjoy in good health. they are easy to think up quickly and can be judged as acceptable or not in a short period of time. require the player to include some reference to nature or the seasons in his poem. FOCUS Tatsu's challenge is simple. If the PC's ancestor was the one who convinced Unubore to take such drastic measures (or even took it upon himself to do so without authorization). Let us see what fate may hold. even though it has nothing at all to do with haiku poetry. and would be shocked at any implication that Unubore was a wicked man. simpler. enter comes as a great surprise.htm) CHALLENGE The PCs are lucky enough to visit the same Winter Court as the renowned Kazari-hime. Does he advise her to choose the suitor who loves her with all his heart. She is soon overwhelmed with proposals. however. have a friend or trusted ally deliver the bad news about Natsumi. Unless he wants the fair maiden's favor for himself.tripod. Having delivered this warning. Suitors who know that Itsuko values the PC's advice may approach him with gifts and favors in return for his support. Simply have Natsumi take a liking to the PC for some other reason. but the risk in this case is much greater than heartbreak and rejection. After all. Who knew dating was so difficult! CHALLENGE 95. the fact that Itsuko's future livelihood and happiness hang in the balance can have a big impact on the PC. It never hurts to have a little extra help. she announces that she will only consider offers of marriage from those who can successfully find and bring her five special gifts. servant. you can decide what the truth is either before or after the PC has acted. . STRIKE The PC must decide who he will trust. the mystic arts. and yet there are those who think nothing of playing with them. She turns to the PC for advice. She is a master of the sword. flattering his skills as a tactician. and intends to humiliate and disgrace him in public once she has strung him along for a few weeks. Taking care to build a positive relationship between Natsumi and the player character is especially important if you want the choice you present to have any meaning.. A GIFT OF LOVE Itsuko has very little experience in matters of the heart. Although the PC's rival lacks any proof. sensei. If possible. Depending on how high you want to raise the stakes you can drop some hints beforehand. If you want to take the focus of the adventure away from politics and focus on the more personal side of the situation. Depending on how he proceeds the PC may find himself headed for happiness or sorrow. A friend. or simply decide what version you favor as you go along. like the courts. IN LOVE & WAR Natsumi. She is widely regarded as the most extraordinary and desirable young woman in the Empire. Or maybe one of the PCs really is working against the others. and she is the sole heir. wife. Marriage is largely a political matter in Rokugan. Likewise. One of the PCs may even be given such a task if you wish. A PC's fiancée. While Itsuko's beauty and charm attract many young men. Her beauty and charm are known throughout the land. One alternative is to forego any mention of romance. If you have a party made up mainly of female characters you should not hesitate to replace Itsuko — and any of the NPCs in the coming weeks — with suitable male romantic interests. Before long. the PC finds himself faced with unpleasant news. And that's exactly what happens to one of the PCs. Another common pitfall in adventures involving romance is finding the right balance between “friendly” and “suspiciously friendly. We find ourselves involved in yet another romantic entanglement this week. If she is especially well-known and respected in court she might offer to take him on as a protégé. If you feel that your players lack the maturity to deal with such issues (or any interest in doing so) you can change Natsumi's background and methods to make the adventure run more smoothly. there are a great many men who desire Kazari-hime's hand in marriage. and men have been known to fall head over heels in love with her at but a single glimpse of her radiant beauty. and is unable to accurately judge which suitors genuinely love her and which ones harbor ulterior motives.. While some players will go along with such themes. FOCUS Unfortunately. is always expected to look out for one's best interests. she claims to have seen Natsumi do the same to other men before. sister. Players will be more concerned with the long term fate of someone they have known and liked for a long time than some “new NPC of the week” that shows up like a one-time guest star on a TV show and never shows up again. While her advances are not overt enough to be scandalous. or he could find himself made a laughingstock in front of the entire court. Or she could ask him to join her for a game of shogi. Sure the menial jobs and errands he has to perform at the start of his training might be dull. but Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. politics may extend into the courtship as well. depending on the NPC you decide to use) instead. As always in cases where the PC has an important choice to make. is truly a battlefield. If multiple PCs have become friendly with Itsuko it is possible that they could all be approached by different agencies with different motives. Hearts can be so fragile. All is fair and love and war. on the other hand. Her family is rich. By breaking off all contact with Natsumi he may thwart her malicious plans. Taking the time to develop her as a real character and making her genuinely likable goes a long way toward running this type of adventure successfully. If you want to make the PC's choice even more difficult. Love. the rival leaves the matter in the PC's hands and refuses to involve herself any further. however. In order to narrow down the number of suitors. FOCUS Just as he is enjoying his new relationship. While the two of them may be rivals. and what one player finds charming may be repulsive to another. saying she enjoys the interesting conversations they share. Opening one's heart and entering a romantic relationship with another person always carries a certain amount of This week's scenario is based on an actual Japanese folk tale. or friend could all be accused of having ulterior motives in their dealings with the PC. try to have Itsuko become friends with the PC (or all the PCs. and there's no reason why this one should be viewed any differently. Hopefully your players will be able to get a happier ending than the original (which can be read here: wabei4. powerful. Her wit and poise are legendary. and the ways of court. if you wish) quite a while before running this adventure. Even those with pure motives might seek inside information to aid them in their quest to win the fair maiden's heart. honor will not allow her to sit idly by while Natsumi plays games with the PC's feelings. The PC won't hesitate to shun Natsumi if the attention she showers on him is unwelcome or seems too good to be true. One of his rivals warns him that Natsumi is only playing with him.” If your players have been betrayed by allies in the past (even if with previous Game Masters) they may be wary of NPCs who take a sudden interest in them. and influential. Some daimyos would think nothing of ordering a samurai to win Itsuko's heart in order to forge a political alliance. and offers of riches and treasures. she is acutely aware that marrying into the wrong family could create complex debts and obligations for her parents. One of the most difficult parts of this adventure is convincing the PC in question to begin a romantic relationship with Natsumi. others can be reluctant to do so. her personality and interests would seem to make her an ideal match for the PC that she has set her eye on. and several suitors emerge to seek her hand. or he just might end up losing the greatest love he has ever known. eager to accept his wisdom. but you can never really be sure whether or not they are speaking the truth. a charming and attractive courtier of rather high social status takes a fancy to one of the player characters. the court accepts the idea. STRIKE risk. or the first born son of a rich and powerful provincial governor? Would being the wife of a soldier bring her happiness or sorrow? Does he step forward and nominate himself? 94. If he dismisses his rival's words he could avoid a great tragedy. being a general's daughter certainly doesn't hurt. A rival might deliver a warning out of some sense of honor and fair play. even to Itsuko herself. You could even have the PC's rival try to sow seeds of distrust between the party members. love poems. Maybe she invites him to a tea ceremony. Furthermore. The names and genders of NPCs presented this month's CFS scenarios are not written in stone. but think of the benefits he'll reap in the future! Another option is to take an NPC with whom the PC has already formed a positive relationship and have the rival issue a warning about her (or him. after all.. she does manage to let the PC in question know quite clearly that she is available and interested in pursuing a relationship. the core principle of romance is finding someone you're interested in. yojimbo. you can still get them involved in the contest to secure the items she desires. As Zeshin does so.” Unless the PC can find these items. A flip book of the ocean. there is no way Kazari-hime will consent to be his bride. They can try to show her that love can come from outside the marriage. and is able to read hearts. Despite the wishes of their two families. Part II 97. or is he just looking out for his family's best interests? Reika is not likely to be happy if she learns that the man she fell in love with isn't as affectionate as he first seemed. The PCs could attempt to convince Reika that the union between their two families is more important than any one person's happiness. or even ambushed. or a diamond.” His announcement is followed by a young girl's gasp of shock. or even attempt to do away with the PCs before they can deliver their gifts. one of Reika's maids approaches the PC she is to wed with some startling information. leaving no question as to the veracity of his ability (or the identity of the person whose heart he has just read). And maybe even win her heart. “Stones that sing” — A stone xylophone or crystal flute. finding some unique way to fulfill her requests without the aid of the kami is certain to make a big impact. she is unwilling to stand by and watch while her mistress kills herself. If you want to make things interesting. rob. The other is one of the PCs (or a friend or relative if you feel bad about forcing one of your players into a political marriage). or issue challenges in order to gain any items the PCs have found. for a wedding has been arranged. who takes a seat in the middle of the main court chamber and begins to enter a meditative trance. But even if she lives. If none of your players are interested in pursuing Kazari-hime. One is Reika. 96. If she dies. Every group is different. He is especially attuned to feelings of guilt. If everyone approaches the matter with a reasonable level of maturity there should be no problem.” And the final item is “A box of love. he won't be happy to see her marry the PC. THERE ARE NO SECRETS There are only four weeks left in Winter Court! Are you ready for some excitement? CHALLENGE During a particularly slow day at court. he will blame the PC for driving her to such lengths. The necessary treaties and agreements have been made. will fail to please her unless they are particularly impressive. to leave now would be a clear indication that one is hiding secrets they do not want revealed. But even some samurai have a sense of romance that far exceeds their sense of duty. It should go without mention that no one does so. More Winter Court. and can pick up on people's secrets. they will still do their best to be the first ones to deliver their presents.. what kind of gifts does she like. Or maybe she is the subject of another man's unspoken affection. Perhaps Reika is already in love with someone else. and does not consider doing so to be a challenge. And she's certain to react badly if it turns out that he's a fraud who was only toying with her emotions. Does the PC truly love Reika. and you'll have to decide how effective the PC's attempts are by yourself. The PC's own heart (but not in the literal sense). CHALLENGE There is much celebration in the court. But if the PC does nothing. The exact amount of the dowry has been settled on. Sometimes there is no happy ending for everyone. however. there is the possibility that things may turn sour later on. or accept any good ideas the PCs may come up with as well. “A picture of waves that dance” — A picture of waves on a flag or pinwheel. A fleck of gold. This scenario will almost certainly involve romantic themes and situations. A box full of her favorite things. The easiest way to complicate things in this adventure is to have rival suitors interfere with the PCs' efforts. Maybe the two of them are determined to commit lovers' suicide and be together in Meido. There are no rules for romance in the game book. A box full of things they can share and enjoy together. Although the maid has sworn not to tell anyone. trying to woo Reika and gain her love before the wedding occurs is a time-honored option. “A spark that does not burn in my hand” — A firefly. and asks the PC to do something. On the other hand. Perhaps he is the one who should commit seppuku. She already knows how to craft such trinkets. You're welcome to use your own. the courtier warns the other members of court that if they have something to hide it would be best for them to leave now. “A rainbow I can keep inside my room” — A prism or stained glass. An ally who is infatuated with Kazari-hime can come to the party for help. misdirected. WHAT DOES KAZARI-HIME REALLY WANT? These are only my ideas. LIFE OR LOVE EDITOR’S NOTE: Love and marriage rarely coincide for samurai. sabotaged. Honorable competitors might try to cut deals. but is also willing to accept inspired and imaginative alternatives. Items made using magic. FOCUS Soon after the wedding is announced. No sooner has the courtier finished saying this than Zeshin mutters “I spilled ink on the kimono I borrowed. Reika will kill herself and cause a scandal anyway. so be aware of your players' reactions and talk to them beforehand if you feel they may have trouble dealing with such issues. Is Reika a warrior who respects strength. They could be ordered to secure the items on behalf of their daimyo. or does she go for romantic expressions of love like flowers and poetry? What does she enjoy doing. Or perhaps someone suggests that they find the treasures and trade them for gifts and favors. Even without dealing with romance. and also makes the process more enjoyable for your players.” One more is “A picture of waves that dance. be prepared to make some tough calls. a courtier offers to provide some entertainment for everyone's amusement. there are a number of different ways to approach the situation. And the lucky bride and groom have been selected. If your players take this track. A pet with many bright colors. a proud young woman from a powerful family. The date of the wedding ceremony is several months away. Unscrupulous ones may copy.” Yet another is “Stones that sing. Or they might be able to find something she believes is worth living for. A volume of love poems. One is “A rainbow I can keep inside my room. FOCUS The courtier explains that Zeshin has been touched by the spirits. you can have each PC receive such an assignment from their daimyo. Again. What are the mysterious presents Kazari-hime asks for? She has some ideas..” Another is “A spark that does not burn in my hand. Her sense of romantic idealism is so strong that she intends to commit seppuku on the night before her wedding. Of course. To make the matter public would cause a great scandal for both families and potentially ruin any chance of an alliance between them. and how does she like to be spoken to? Knowing her personality can help you gauge how well a certain approach will work. Windchimes made from carved stones. however. “A box of love” — Anything that shows the PCs' affection for Kazari-hime. After getting the host's permission he summons a shugenja named Zeshin. and if the PC hurries he may still have time to change Reika's feelings and save her life. .STRIKE STRIKE The items that Kazari-hime requests are not that easy to come by. This tale also has a lot of potential for tragedy. Even if the other young men do not compete with the PCs directly.. They could be spied upon. Reika cannot bear the thought of marrying someone she does not have feelings for. A mated pair of lovebirds. Even after things settle down. ” “My servant helped me kill that ogre. Unless the PCs do something to expose his lies. Or maybe they're part of a secret investigation force out to search for traitors to the Empire. Even though he was armed with little more than a broom. Unfortunately. INSUFFICIENT MEMORY ERROR This week marks the 99th installment of Challenge-Focus-Strike of the Week! Wow. STRIKE If the PCs dig around they may find a horrible truth. The rumors of Gonbei's heroism.” “I don't really like my wife's cooking. the fact that Gonbei has yet to be made a samurai means that you run the risk of your players killing him outright.” “I haven't paid my respects to my ancestors recently. Things go downhill soon after.” “I sold my scrolls to a ronin.” “I lost to a child at shogi. The great hero that everyone is talking about is Gonbei. Before long. and loyalty are encouraged by his cousins in the palace. It is the dance of the elements.” “I went to the geisha house last night.” — CFS of the Week #3 “I let a bandit get away. It's more like a specialized type of empathy. let the PCs kill Gonbei and then have the daimyo demand explanation for what happened to his loyal and most beloved servant. When in doubt. Even the face he presents to the court is a lie. a ninja who unfailingly follows the commands of his daimyo. It won't be easy. bravery. He can't pick up specific details or identities.” “I have an embarrassing birthmark. a heimin servant.” “My ancestor was a bad general.” “My mother chooses my kimono for me. Some examples of secrets that Zeshin could reveal include: “I dye my hair. Be careful about revealing especially deep secrets (or Dark Secrets taken as per the disadvantage) without player permission. Or maybe they'll wait and pay him a visit sometime in the future. ask first. One thing to note about Zeshin's power is that it is not true telepathy or mind reading. they just might be blamed for the other two secrets as well.” “I let a bandit get away.” “I broke my daimyo's vase. This prevents him from being able to tell which secrets go with which people. The court will be filled with questions once Zeshin reveals the last three secrets. Even if they choose not to get involved in any of the investigations. Others do a much better job of hiding their feelings.” “I kissed Ruriko in the garden. or worse. and a wife who was unfaithful will likely be disowned. Which daimyo is being targeted by the assassination attempt? What is the Fan of Onnotangu. or a kolat agent who feels his actions are perfectly justified) will not have their misdeeds revealed. as it sets a precedent for the eventual destruction of the class system. small misdeeds and untruths are best. Tales of his extraordinary service and devotion spread quickly. 99. Luckily.. “I've hired assassins to kill my daimyo..” “I lost the Fan of Onnotangu somewhere in the palace. “I sold my scrolls to a ronin. things take a much darker turn when Zeshin mutters three dire secrets in quick succession. the fact that one of their secrets was revealed means that sooner or later they will find people looking in their direction. The entire affair was orchestrated by Gonbei himself. AN UNLIKELY HERO Only two more weeks until the end of Winter Court! The clock is ticking! Mark your calendars now! CHALLENGE The PCs wake up to find the court abuzz with big news.” — CFS of the Week #31 “I broke my daimyo's vase.” 98. In fact.. he drove off the intruder and saved the day single-handedly. ranging from the innocuous to the slightly risqué. and things could become very ugly unless the PCs do something. and what are its powers? Are all three of these secrets from the same person.. and the reasons for those feelings. While many samurai profess to value their lords' lives more than their own. The assassin was no more than a patsy — a hired thug who is still awaiting payment. threatening to expose his lies unless he aids them. who must face up to his family's terrible secret? Would he step down from his current position. There is no understanding. or is he really a fraud trying to stir up trouble? Maybe the pair are trying to cause a decay in the moral fibers of Rokugani society and bring about the fall of bushido.” “I can't really paint as well as I claim to. as he cares nothing for the daimyo or his wife. and is being hailed as the greatest hero of the season. It also means that someone who is completely without guilt or remorse (like a homicidal bloodspeaker. and let them guess which character is guilty of which.” “I've never really met the Emperor. but if they can pull it off their days as slaves just might be over! Remember to treat your servants nicely! They spit in your soup if you don't.” “I ate the last rice cake. Or. One sure way to make PCs get involved in investigating Gonbei is to make them responsible for the safety of the daimyo whose wife he saves. there is even talk of elevating him to samurai status. Unless you want to bring the mood down quite suddenly.” “I told a lie to my brother. the number of heimin who hold the same principles to heart is very small. The fact that the person who made them appear foolish is a mere servant only adds insult to injury.” “I drink too much. or seek some way to prove himself worthy? Or. how will things change for the PCs once people know their dirty little secrets? BONUS FUN FACT #1: The following secrets were actually based on previous CFS of the Week Adventure Seeds. He can only detect feelings of guilt. What better time could there possibly be to jump the shark? . many of the younger courtiers present begin a game of guessing which secrets belong to who. In some cases it is easy to tell by the culprit's reaction.. Perhaps he is already a member of the conspiracy. if you want to take the adventure in an entirely different direction.” — CFS of the Week #47 “My ancestor was a bad general. Why would the courtier who brought Zeshin forward do such a thing? Is it part of a plot to dishonor and/or blackmail the people present? Does Zeshin have mystic powers. And even after the dust settles.” — CFS of the Week #91 BONUS FUN FACT #2: The title of this installment is taken from a quote from the Tao of Shinsei: “There are no secrets. Before long.” And any secrets your player characters might have. You can also play through this scenario from a couple of different angles. though. What if Gonbei was the grandfather of one of the PCs. you could even go so far as to elicit secret shames from your players. I've found offering an XP bonus for the best one makes the process especially fun. Just one week short of the magic number 100.” “I didn't really make that origami crane. Samurai from more egalitarian Clans like the Unicorn or Crab might find it easy to accept a new member as long as he is willing to stand and fight. Be sure to impress upon them just how displeased the daimyo's wife will be if something were to happen to her savior. Void is all and nothing.. you could also start all of the PCs out as members of the heimin conspiracy and have them work together to get “Uncle Gonbei” made a samurai. there was someone in the hallway to hear her cries of distress and race to her aid. Of course. Some may wonder whether or not this type of entertainment is appropriate for samurai. It seems that an assassin snuck into the chambers of their daimyo's wife last night.STRIKE Zeshin continues to reveal the secrets of those present. there may be characters (or even players) who wish to see him succeed in his plot.” And an especially juicy secret about one of the player characters. who pass them along as truth to the samurai they serve. A general who ran from battle will be expected to commit seppuku. GMs should also think carefully before revealing any scandalous secrets about NPCs as well. they may soon find this honorless dog standing among them as an equal. And if they are guilty of hiding one secret. The Kolat would be extremely interested in seeing Gonbei made a samurai. or are they from different individuals? And who is that person or persons? Panic and rampant speculation are sure to break out. Nothing riles players up more than being made to look incompetent in front of their superiors. FOCUS Gonbei is a friendly and charismatic fellow whose humble manner and devotion to his daimyo's family endears him to many. Depending on the attitudes of your group. Even though allies and servants would be able to tell the afflicted character of his or her background. a great number of his clerks. but it leaves them unable to complete all of the tasks they need to perform or remember all the meetings they are expected to attend. if you will. but after a few days. No matter what you decide the character doesn’t remember. and it is even longer without some way to pass the time. and both have to do with a lack of preparation. super-sized Winter Court adventure. be consequences if the PCs do not honor the promises they have made. A great way to simulate this would be to set up several different events and social encounters during the Challenge section of the adventure. but are unable to use any of their skills. many guests are hesitant to approach the throne directly. The film Memento has a similar theme (and was also the inspiration for CFS of the Week #77). Which will leave them completely unprepared when people approach them saying things like “What did your daimyo say about that news I gave you?” and “So. and members of the Imperial Guard stand by it. FOCUS The presence of the Emperor is a great honor. Another choice is to eliminate specific memories. It means that you’ll have to decide what the PCs did during those times. or all of the PCs are somehow struck with amnesia. they will have to cope in the turbulent world of the court without any memory of what they are trying to do or what they have already done. or of his love for flower arranging? The healing process may reveal a lot about not only who the PC is. Just skip entire chunks of time: hours. blackouts. the Imperial Seal hangs on a great banner behind him. leaving the Emperor sitting idle. and has been featured prominently in many stories and movies. It seems that an important guest has arrived unexpectedly. the guest’s identity is revealed when the Emperor himself emerges to address the assembled guests. At worst they may drive away their Clans' allies. reaffirmations of friendship (and hostility) and no small amount of political maneuvering. have you considered our proposal?” One other option that is related to amnesia is confabulation. While no one but the host has seen the guest or even knows who he is. Maybe they cannot remember anything that happened more than a few weeks ago. but each type has also been presented in a number of different ways over the years. allies. Forcing the other PCs to cover for the Doji Courtier who cannot remember who is in his social network and how he should greet people when they approach him in court can be quite amusing for everyone. To think that the Emperor would be entertained by simple guessing games and performances by a . the PCs hear an unusual rumor. had their memories eaten by a baku. What if the PCs were all caught in a mind-erasing spell? Their lost memories may never return. because they never experienced it in the first place! What if the PCs know in advance that they’ll be losing their memories? What if they leave themselves clues to try to piece together what happened? The movie Paycheck plays with this technique in an interesting way. the player will still have that information. and have the unremembered stories be fairly strongly driven by external forces. Many of the PCs’ friends. aides. amid a collective gasp of surprise and awe. of course. forced to change his travel plans by a sudden storm. Let the games begin! CHALLENGE As Winter Court begins. and everyone looks forward to the opening of Court in the evening with great anticipation. Not only are there many types of amnesia. Did that Lion soldier really challenge you to a duel? Is that Phoenix maid really interested in spending a romantic evening with you? Were you really attacked by ninja who wiped your memory. One possibility is to wipe the character's memory completely. and they'll simply have to cope without them. or was it something else? But then how did you get that bruise? The cause of the amnesia can also be a fun subject to explore. the truth is much more amazing than anyone could have imagined. Our memories are deeply connected to who we are and what we believe. Their search for the truth may bring them closer to danger than they would like. In role-playing games. While several social activities were planned. As the host welcomes everyone to Court in a formal ceremony. issued challenges to their enemies. One possible twist is to have the memory loss be related to something that happened at court. Whispers of the Empress’ or an Imperial Cousin’s presence run through the court. Or maybe the PCs volunteered to have their memories erased after participating in some secret mission or ritual. A majestic throne sits upon the dais. Maybe the PCs learned a dark secret about someone they met. FOCUS PIRATE SPICE’S SUGGESTION CHALLENGE But things never go so smoothly. or been victimized by outside forces who erased the PCs' memories to cover up their crimes.Things are going quite splendidly for the PCs at Winter Court. there are a several approaches you can take. Still. and I hope you will all join me in celebrating with an extra-special. This choice is especially good if there is one member of the group whose skills are particularly important. days. Amnesia is a popular literary device. 100. Of course. What sort of picture will they (and loved ones. In the absence of proper intermediaries. and rivals) paint of the victim's personality and character? Do they tell him of his many victories in battle. advisors. and rivals are also present at Court this winter. learned information which will give their Clans a significant edge in negotiations with rivals. he or she would still be at a loss for details. Then. it can be especially difficult. two problems become apparent. so I’d advise that you try to keep their decisions simple. one. The Son of Heaven will be staying at the same Winter Court as the PCs. several. or even start a war. One way to get around this is to present the amnesia as blocks of missing memory. the lost memories may come back with time and treatment. Or maybe they have completely normal memories. The PCs may have been kidnapped and brainwashed by Kolat. Finally. While many (but not all) of his servants and yojimbo were able to accompany him. If one of the PCs loses his or her memory. They've arranged several meetings with important figures. there is much to do in the meantime. and he cursed them with amnesia soon afterward. STRIKE There will. The exact type and cause of the memory loss is up to you. Somehow. speculation is rampant. It is a milestone I have been looking forward to for quite some time. They know nothing of the allies and enemies they have made. As such. The second problem is due to a lack of suitable entertainment for the Emperor. Life is perfect! This scenario also has the potential to be highly character driven. contacts. the main question on everyone’s lips is the same: Who is the mysterious guest? When the momentous occasion finally arrives. A CHANCE FOR GREATNESS This adventure marks the 100th week of Challenge-Focus-Strike of the Week (even though it’s a full week late). The character has no idea who he or she is. and cannot recall any events of the past. Introducing amnesia into any story can be tricky. in the Focus section. A great way to simulate this last option is to start the adventure at the beginning of the Focus section. particularly if it is a PC that you’re inflicting the memory loss on. Did the PC in question bump his head? See or experience something traumatic? If so. and the last hours before the festivities begin are certain to be filled with greetings from old friends. save for the lack of any memories from the past two weeks. even weeks. The first lies in the absence of several key members of the Emperor’s entourage. and even convinced attractive members of the opposite sex to meet them for tea. few of them are fitting for a figure of such stature. the treaties and trysts they have organized. it may fall to the others to help bring it back. Perhaps the PCs remember who they are. eager to rub shoulders with a member of the social elite. but what the other PCs think of him. with the PCs unaware of anything that has occurred up to that point. been targeted by thieves who used magic to steal away some important information. The benefit of this is that you don’t have to ask your players to pretend they don’t remember something. do they? Suddenly. reveal that some (or even all) of those events may not have been real. And there are always the old classics as well. where one is unable to tell the difference between real memories and situations from the imagination. Winter is a boring time of year at best. At best they may find themselves the objects of scorn and suffer a poor public reputation. and may end up frustrated at the challenge of tip-toeing around that knowledge. or even the big news that everyone is talking about. and councilors were delayed or prevented from coming. priests. Players who . STRIKE Pleased at the host’s proposal. Some Clans may try to keep their rivals from gaining any favors from the Emperor. kata routines. Never before in recent history has the Emperor shown such boundless generosity. Players should be able to use traits. Of course. There are. artisans. and no small number of individuals will compete for the right to do so. Perhaps the PCs are lucky enough to receive a personal invitation to the palace where the Emperor is holding Court this winter. All in all. where the odds of an Imperial visit are quite low. The Court is shocked by this unprecedented announcement. Courtiers and politicians rush about making deals and searching for opportunities. the person who displays the highest level of ability will be named the winner. Claiming that "Mirumoto Rising Fire Dragon Style" and "Kakita Western Snow Crane Style" are two different skills is all well and good for theoretical purposes. scholars. it may be necessary to have the Emperor come for reasons that are beyond his control. Thus. martial skills. Showing a fan and asking other competitors if they know the artist whose painting is featured upon it is very different from asking challengers to bring you painted fans for you to identify. The Otomo and Seppun families hold significant political sway. A clever samurai might even be able to find a way to show off mastery of a Low skill without losing honor in the attempt. If you want to make things challenging. many groups may find themselves relegated to a less glamorous location. All comers are welcome. High arts. If all else fails.") In some cases a distinction might be less important. there are some things that would be beyond the scope of his command. and the reaction is overwhelming. A power behind the throne. He declares that any person who is able to prove that his or her level of skill is unmatched is welcome to serve him in an appropriate capacity for the duration of Winter Court. This is especially true for skills that have different emphases. he can bestow any honor upon an individual. for the PCs could gain almost anything they desired… …if they have the courage to seek it and the skill to take it for their own. One character may claim the prize for "best storyteller" while another could be known as the "best poet. as he must either break his promise or carry through with such a distasteful action. patrons of the arts often show support to those with talent and vision. The first is the potential difficulty involved in getting the Emperor and the PCs to the same Winter Court. there are numerous areas in which participants might try to show off their skills. and possibly winning another favor from the Emperor. separate contest. and spiritual leaders have been known to give great boons to those who can show they have bettered themselves in some way. Be careful to stay within the bounds of common sense. there’s a lot to do here. Even those who do not have some specific goal in mind may step forward to show the might of their school’s techniques and the lessons of their sensei. and a great deal of political maneuvering is certain to go on as competitors attempt to sell or trade favors in exchange for other gifts. challenging others to do the same. If anyone else believes they can match or surpass such skill. and any skill (within reason. The second reason is to present a the PCs with an arena that is not automatically dominated by higher-level figures. now it is bristling with energy and excitement. Warriors. an almost countless number of favors that the Emperor could grant. or one in which the Emperor holds limited power. martial arts maneuvers. which he will grant. but there is even greater glory in being granted a favor by him. Unless they are truly epic heroes. such as the Gozoku (in either incarnation) or an imperial chancellor. The Champions of the Crane or Scorpion are also wellconnected enough to offer great favors to those who can entertain their courts. Failing that. Maybe the more experienced bushi and shugenja in attendance are specifically asked not to compete. or are asked to accompany a general or daimyo from their Clan. both in terms of practicality and decorum. If your game is set in a time period where there is no Emperor. Players who enjoy social interaction get to support their allies and oppose their enemies. PCs may find themselves asked not to compete against any members of a certain Clan. even if they do not have as wide-reaching or powerful influence as the Emperor himself. And those who do have a request for the Emperor will work that much harder to ensure that they can claim victory. you don’t want the PCs to be completely overshadowed by everyone they meet. such as a gift of ten million koku. While he may have limitless authority. but the two actions are very different. However. the host announces a contest. your PCs probably won’t be able to defeat Clan Champions and family daimyos in contests of skill. feel free to change the identity of the Court’s benefactor appropriately. In the end. Keep in mind that certain skills may overlap but still be conceptually different. but it’s more likely that the prize will go to whichever fighter can defeat the other. and diplomats all spring forward to claim a chance at greatness. or even ordered to use their favors towards certain goals. There is much glory to be had by demonstrating peerless skill in front of the Emperor. Competition is certain to be fierce for exactly this reason. be different from "best actor. or make a request on behalf of their Clan? Characters whose families or superiors are present may find themselves under pressure to ask for things beyond their own wishes. of course. One bushi may try to demonstrate his prowess by throwing an apple into the air and cutting it into pieces before it falls to the ground. however. Making a request that the Emperor could not possibly fulfill. and their daimyos might be interested in hosting such an event. but PCs could argue for one if they wished." and yet another as "best playwright" (which would. school techniques. If your party has sufficient social status to secure an invitation to a court that the Emperor is likely to visit on their own merits. As owner of all the land and wealth in Rokugan. a courtier who has encyclopedic knowledge of the folding fan designs of the Shosuro family during the reign of Hantei XIV but knows little of other styles or time periods will likely be praised for his skill but see the Emperor’s favor awarded to the competitor who shows greater familiarity with the subject matter as a whole. kiho. you are welcome to change these two points if you so wish. it’s entirely possible for different rewards to come from various sources. or any other special ability could potentially be used to show off one’s merit. the winner may ask the Emperor for any one favor. he can call upon any loyal subject to perform any task desired. Where moments before the Court was filled with an uneasy silence as people hesitated to speak to the Emperor. But he would also run the risk of the person who defeated him entering the second contest as well. the Emperor takes things one step further. As for the contests themselves. Courtiers are sure to offer various gifts and promises in attempts to buy favors. Anyone who wishes may come forward and demonstrate a skill or talent before the Court. Do they ask for something they desire themselves. As the ruler of the Empire. scholarly learning. and a clever gardener will try to arrange the contest so that his own strengths come into play more than the strengths of his opponents. that is. skills. they are welcome to try. Designing a garden and actually building a garden may fall under the same skill heading. Not only does it make you look bad. and it comes down to which one steps forward to set the terms of the contest first. While having some powerful NPCs present is a good thing. he can gain access to just about any gift. advantages. Asking for a woman to be separated from her husband and made your wife instead is a very bad idea for several reasons. Keep in mind that there are certain limits to what the Emperor can do. Another bushi may simply issue an open invitation to any who think they can beat him in single combat. placing the adventure in the court of a provincial governor and having inexperienced participants compete for favors from a minor functionary. Likewise. but it shames the Emperor as well. put the PCs in a position where they will face off against living legends. however. In order to solve both of these dilemmas. would be a very foolish idea.lackluster acting troupe would be a grave insult. It is a true once-in-a-lifetime chance. Player characters (and NPCs as well) will have a lot of difficult decisions to make if they are able to win a favor from the Emperor. Either method would be valid. This adventure is designed to be played in a court that would not normally see the presence of the Emperor for two reasons. being able to seek a favor from the Emperor is a tremendous opportunity. works of craftsmanship. This makes the way in which one demonstrates their skills a point of some consideration as well. Generals are always looking for skilled fighters. might also be interested in giving away gifts to sway the opinions of potential allies. so that talented youngsters have a chance to show their skills. Keep in mind political ramifications of such a contest are not insignificant. Players who like political adventures will be able to broker deals and apply their influence. of course) will be considered. so much the better. and their own creativity in their attempts to gain favor from the Emperor. Or you could scale down the premise completely. spells. And as the most powerful individual in Rokugani society. mystic rituals. While one should take care in asking for a gift or privilege beyond one’s station. A bushi who is unable to win the prize for "best swordsman" might claim that using a katana is different from using a wakizashi skillfully and make a case for a second. and it is better to present nothing at all than to offer such low fare. While the two were not friends. duels. And. Even if he doesn't gain an inflated view of his own abilities. Rather than take direct action himself. And another. but the way a man holds his blade never lies. let them catch occasional glimpses of a mysterious figure watching them from the shadows. poetry contests or shogi games can be used. Once he has found the PC's weaknesses he will come forward and challenge the PC to a fight himself. which killed one and left the other seriously wounded. If they are especially active in local affairs he may see them as rivals to be eliminated. Maybe the first time the party encounters a challenger he is quite poor. using his knowledge to gain an advantage. Thus. but wants to make sure they are the right people for the job before he decides to take them on. Or how about finding the telltale signs that someone is lying? There are plenty of situations where it would be beneficial to know what types of strategies and techniques one's opponent is likely to use. In a few days we'll see what can happen when you get all the way to the actual striking part. You get to take charge of an entire world and all the people in it. STRIKE The ronin have no intention of dueling the PC. FOCUS. Even a few ranks in the Know the School skill or free raises in certain situations would be useful. he could be setting the PC up for a particularly nasty defeat. and challenges…and focuses…and strikes. You get to tell stories. Why is the PC's rival putting so much time and effort into finding his rival's weakness? Is it merely a contingency plan. And since last week's adventure involved a contest. In any case. Faces can be changed with magic or disguises. They have all been hired by one of the PC's rivals. another ronin comes forward and repeats the process. Or. 101. Maybe the rival's plan is not to overcome the PC's fighting style. There are a number of ways in which the PCs could be dragged into the mastermind's game. FOCUS Upon seeing the PC's stance. or even a desire to test himself against a famous samurai. And yet another after that. THERE’S MORE! A competition isn’t much of an adventure unless you have someone to compete against. Perhaps he gains a reputation for being a fearsome duelist. Some schools give their students special advantages if they are able to observe opponents prior to combat. he bows and apologizes for wasting the PC's time. he may consider them pawns to use against others. BUT WAIT. Tests of martial prowess or physical ability can encompass everything from feats of raw strength to mock combat with bamboo weapons. His daimyo might reprimand him for being such a hothead. If the PCs have made any enemies they may find themselves challenged as well. If the PCs happen to be in his way. Otherwise. giving him the initiative automatically. the ronin seems determined to face the PC in a duel. PSYCH! CHALLENGE One of the player characters is approached on the street by a ronin. he insists upon a duel quite strongly. Remember that most unemployed ronin are not going to risk their lives for a few koku. but it also offers a great deal of reward and personal fulfillment. but a potential ally. Even if the PCs have no skills in politics or dueling whatsoever. Players who like moral dilemmas can be thrown into situations where they must reconcile differing desires. if you want to make it a little more clear that something fishy is going on. and the fact that they came to blows is a surprise to many. Unless one of your PCs has a particularly rich and influential rival. SHOSURO TAKASHI’S SUGGESTION What might be an interesting twist is that the person who is send all these Ronin against the PC is not a rival. THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY PAWN More dueling today! Hope you brought your katana. CHALLENGE. you can rule that intimate knowledge of the PC's fighting style enables his rival to counteract all of his moves. but by a friend who wants to give the PC's reputation a boost. Maybe the ronin weren't hired by a rival. Like the first. He might need the PCs’ assistance.are into combat and tactics can compete in a number of different contests. right? One other complication lies in the social ramifications that being involved in so many public duels (or challenges. but you could also give other bonuses. Most players will get suspicious by the third or fourth time they are challenged by some random swordsman off the street. it is my deepest hope that you and your players will enjoy this special one hundredth installment of CFS of the Week. he hopes to learn the secrets of the PC's fighting style. failing to show any emotion when he accuses the PC of insulting his honor. at the very least) may have for the PC. he has set things up so that the figures he would like to see removed come into conflict with each other. Although the two have never met before. Finally. but others seem to be simple misunderstandings blown out of proportion. It could be due to a perceived or inadvertent insult. and set up a stage for your players to tell their stories as well. Or it could be part of a plot to impersonate the PC. as well as the possibilities it offers. Or a particularly poor actor could deliver his lines unconvincingly. Two ronin might use the exact same words when making their challenge. they could even receive challenges from people they barely know. who is hiding nearby. This adventure can easily be adapted to a PC who has no skill in iaijutsu by changing the nature of the challenge. the ronin is quite persistent in his demands for the PC to show his stance. Duels If all goes well we should be seeing Art of the Duel on shelves soon. They may be willing to engage in a little violence. that's just their bad luck. acknowledging him as the winner. CHALLENGE The PCs hear that two prominent local samurai have recently faced each other in a duel of honor. it's possible that others might. By watching the PC adopt his dueling stance again and again. there did not seem to be any bad blood between them. but to copy it. Or a sharp wit. the ronin is quiet for several seconds. An ally may ask one of the PCs to serve as a personal champion. However. but backs down upon seeing the PC's stance. simple brashness. STRIKE This rash of duels is being orchestrated by an unscrupulous mastermind. And what better choices for opponents than the NPCs we’ve met in the past 99 adventures? See the Appendix for a host of characters to use in this and other CFS adventures. For there is no greater reward for a GM than to give a feeling of enjoyment to others. but he has come into some money when they see him on the following day. so don't feel like you have to stick to the duel formula if it doesn't fit your party. odds are good that none of the hired duelists are going to fight to the death. but if things turn ugly there's a good chance the party may be able to get them to reveal what they know. who seeks to eliminate his rivals. Can the PC live up to his new image? Even a duel that doesn't go past the challenge stage can lead to further complications. He might be trying to steal the secrets of the PC's school and use them himself. what better theme for this month than contests. there are a number of clues you can use. or he just might ask him to serve as a courtier's personal champion. and others track him down to see the truth behind the rumors. And if you want to make things really clear. If you want to be really nasty. FOCUS Over the next few days several other disagreements are settled with blood. at the very least. a case of mistaken identity. or does he have intend to issue a challenge of his own soon? If so. . Later. Some are long-standing feuds. Later still. another ronin comes up to the same PC and challenges him again. most importantly. For the more socially inclined. 102. you get to provide an evening of fun for your friends. And everyone (hopefully) gets a chance to ask the Emperor for something nice! Being a Game Master can be a difficult job sometimes. When the dust finally settles he should be able to take over the prestigious appointment he desires without any interference or objection from his (now dead) political opponents. The embodiment of steel will offer to turn away any swords or knives that threaten them. After all. The truth is that Baruda has used gaijin magic to protect himself from harm. seems unconcerned about the fact that he may be outclassed. sending a shard into his throat. lest others consider them a hothead. to someday be slain by an incarnation of a spirit whose protection he has not asked. Steel will not cut him. the mastermind’s true purpose might be to divide the PCs! 103. Remember that reputation and image are very important in Rokugan. and it is often better to die with honor than to lose face. I hope you're all ready. for Baruda's stance is wide open. Or maybe he commands an entire conspiracy of agents. Baruda may simply challenge the PC himself. One thing to keep in mind when running this adventure is that duels are very serious affairs. there's no real incentive to duel unless something precious is on the line. The embodiments of fire and ice will protect them from any extremes of temperature. It may only be a short time before the next challenge is issued. or be strangled by a rope. Baruda shows no signs of being cut whatsoever. or to give advice that will lead to bad ends. FOCUS Since the local authorities frown upon wanton killing. boasting about his eminent victory as he does so. For once a mortal gains the power of the spirits incarnate his fate is forever altered. If at all possible. He offers to give tribute to the party every month for the next year if he loses. dishonorable behavior. This also means that Baruda himself will one day meet his own end. pulling strings and manipulating people like pieces on a chess board. CHALLENGE A duelist by the name of Baruda enters town. the local inhabitants may still remain angry at one another. While traveling in foreign lands. and sticks or stones do not crush his body. but it should be something that would bring an increase in power and status. Who is to say he shouldn't be allowed to take the prize he says he has won? Of course. Baruda knows that his tricks would never hold up in an officially sanctioned duel. so I’d make the mastermind’s links to the PCs vary from player to player. fire cannot burn his skin. It should only be a matter of time before Baruda duels one of the PCs. but still manages to make quite a nuisance of himself. He is arrogant. the mastermind doesn't actually have to do these things—he just has to make his victims believe that someone has done them. The exact nature of the position that the mastermind seeks is also up to you to determine. and will be able to claim victory if he is able to land even the slightest blow on his opponent. Or maybe the roundhouse kick they deliver to his head ends up breaking his neck. Perhaps he will drown. however. Or he might even be killed by a rival wielding a spear made of bamboo. but demands the PC offer an item of significant value to him should he win. the PCs may try to defeat him with other weapons. This is especially true if both participants are willing to go through with the duel. and the abilities of your PCs. and it will seek him out. If worst comes to worst. there will always be something he is not protected against. the question remains: Is this surprise candidate really the mastermind. What if he seeks to get one of the PCs appointed to a position of status? While characters with low honor may feel that the ends justify the means. Baruda figures that a convincing argument is likely to carry more weight than any accusations of cheating that can be brought against him. Baruda. but living up to your claims later on may be another matter entirely. of course. it can be very difficult to back out. STRIKE No matter how skilled a duelist the PC might be. Even if all is settled.. try to make the position one that would give the mastermind enough influence that the PCs oppose him out of both fear and righteousness. If you favor something more mysterious and exotic. He offers anyone he defeats another chance to win back anything they have lost. Even after the mastermind has been exposed or eliminated. Or maybe a group of the local peasants asks the PC to intercede on their behalf. You could accuse them of a crime. The situation may remain tense. and with the duel being limited to first blood neither of them are in any real danger. the outcome may be considered valid. he learned the names of ancient spirits who hold dominion over various aspects of the physical world. If any of the player characters are interested in tracking down the spirits that Baruda contacted it may be possible for them to gain similar protection. more idealistic characters may feel it is wrong to advance by causing misfortune for others. The method by which the mastermind pits his rivals against one another can be changed to suit the type of story you want to tell.they should still be concerned at the sight of so many of their friends and neighbors dying.. this week's comes from the strike. there are other avenues that the mastermind could take. What kind of duelist would be afraid of a man armed only with a leather whip? And he did say he would offer a rematch to anyone who wanted one. One possible twist comes from asking what would happen if the "villainous manipulator" were actually a member of the PCs' own Clan. As the contest begins. he mentions. or someone who favored a policy that they themselves support? Can they overlook his dishonorable methods in favor of his noble goals. causing them to become more brash and violent. After all. If that option is chosen. the PC in question may begin to feel confident about his chances of victory. the duel must be settled by first blood. it's never good when a callous schemer has that much power. in some cases) to prompt a duel. The character in question gains the Dark Fate disadvantage. It may take a lot (or only a little. Always an interesting choice is the unassuming wife. And it certainly appears like it would be any easy win for the PC. Perhaps the crystal sword they use against him shatters. he even goes so far as to ask the PCs if they would like to raise the stakes with a wager. If he is to be defeated another way must be found. Even if one duelist changes their mind later. You might even threaten to take away something they love if you aren't stopped. and outright rude to just about everyone he meets. By entering into pacts with these spirits. but once a challenge has been made it cannot be taken back lightly. feelings of doubt and mistrust may linger for quite a while. No matter what he does. Even if the commonly accepted protocols for dueling do not support his methods. In fact. He has enough manners to keep from causing a major incident... But where last week's problem was in the challenge. Or you might convince them that they have been grievously wronged by another. he has gained complete protection from any harm that they might cause. Maybe he will choke on the pit of an apricot. or coward. or cowardice. Of course. In fact. they could make themselves just as invincible as Baruda. or maybe the PC’s younger sibling or even her child that hasn’t passed gempukku yet. With enough deals. or just a pawn himself? I always like it when players interests collide to some degree. How can you goad someone into a risking their lives in a duel? You could spread slanderous rumors about them. however. insulting. but at even higher stakes. But in the end. Once it becomes clear that swords are useless. however. The only problem lies in the heavy price of such a bargain.. As long as the participants in the duel accept the terms. It's easy to talk big when you think yourself invulnerable. Perhaps the PC takes it upon himself to take the loud-mouthed braggart down a peg. UNBREAKABLE SPIRITS We have another troublesome duel this week. The embodiment of disease can prevent them from ever getting sick again. Even . TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTION It might be fun for the mastermind to be someone nobody would think of. this willingness to play fast and loose with the honored traditions of dueling may work against Baruda as well. Not only is it highly irregular for the participant of a duel to offer a wager on the outcome. Perhaps he is influencing the emotions or opinions of his targets with magic. or even more so. The easiest way is to simply spread rumors and lies. The lowly ji-samurai vassal of one of the PCs. but it would not do to let others know that). Will the PCs be the ones to cause it? By finding a way to make him bleed they may set into motion a chain of events that ends in his death. and further violence may erupt unless something is done. liar. but to contest a successful strike on the grounds that it did not draw blood smacks of either pettiness or audacity (which may very well be Baruda's reasons for his actions.. This could of course be a serious test to the band of friendship/loyalty/blood (if there is any) between the group members. or insult something or someone that they hold dear. challenge their honor. wasting no time in making enemies. and the fact that he was not cut does do a great deal to support his claims to victory. and will prove untouchable no matter how many times the duel is repeated. his strike somehow fails to draw any blood from Baruda. and something that he would not be able to gain easily (although there is something intrinsically villainous about a man who would throw away the lives of others simply for his own amusement). to discredit his school and family. Does he really want to help the swordsman? Maybe his family wants the PC to win. His wounds are said to be quite severe. In fact. It could be a matter of honor. he will have to be careful to avoid any threats that do not come from weapons. Or they could try to stall for time. and the assassin can't possibly be keeping that many dice with a simple knife. I probably should have made my thoughts on the matter a bit clearer.) Of course. and there is even talk of canceling or postponing the match. or even a friendly contest. (This is a basic problem with trying to model reality with game mechanics. Yes.e. a piece of shocking news begins to circulate around the city. for drama. FOCUS Bishamon demands that the party do him a favor in return for the aid he has given them. It is even possible for the PC's opponent in the duel to be victim to the events in #52. and samurai are likely to suffer a wide variety of injuries in the course of their duties. PCs are just too darn good at destruction. The trope doesn't just apply to mythology—it's been used in some martial arts films as well. Can they find a healer capable of restoring a man to complete health in a matter of hours before the day of the duel arrives? One other point that bears considering is the manner in which the swordsman suffered his injuries. Whether or not they were aware of his intervention or even if they sought it does not matter to him. Someone may have deliberately weakened the swordsman on the PC's behalf. If they fail. 104. if all are non-combatants). THE FORTUNE’S FAVOR CHALLENGE One or more of the PCs are visited by Bishamon. It seems like I was writing CFS #52 just a few weeks ago. The exact details of the incident are up to the GM to determine. It's possible for shugenja and monks to have their mystic abilities removed by a curse or spiritual imbalance. are you? On to the dueling! CHALLENGE One of the PCs finds himself scheduled to duel a famous swordsman on behalf of his family. The Fortunes As we start the third year of Challenge-Focus-Strike of the Week. as the two are roughly matched in terms of skill and ability. or even one's daimyo insisting you keep the duel! Or. What if the shugenja heals the swordsman and the swordsman loses.. Recently he has received numerous prayers and offerings from a mortal follower who seeks divine intervention. WHAT ABOUT PATH TO INNER PEACE? In regard to healing spells. two weeks remain until the actual duel itself. A dancer or wrestler might be hampered by a broken arm or twisted ankle. Even invulnerable ones.if the PCs don't end up killing Baruda. While he is not currently involved in the duel. however. But the Hida knows he has about 100 wounds before he hits the Down level. there are several ways this could go. Poets.. singers. In such a case. even worse. and are in his debt. 105. the swordsman insists on going through with the duel as scheduled. Perhaps the swordsman fears losing. while a GM has the power to nerf a healing spell. STRIKE Even though he is still far from making a complete recovery. They have received the favor of a Fortune. and I hope the next year sees as much fun and inspiration as the last two have! But you're not here for such sappy reminiscing. and the PC must decide what his honor demands. Or maybe his injuries are only superficial. Nevertheless. the party members could also try to find some way to even the odds. Even the toughest guy around should be feeling a little vulnerable in that situation. let us take a moment to give thanks to the Fortunes. helping the swordsman would certainly get him involved very quickly. Put a dagger to a Hida Bushi's throat. and he intends to lull the PC into a false sense of confidence. making some excuse to delay the duel that has nothing to do with the swordsman's injuries. FOCUS Two or three days before the duel is to take place. This scenario can be adapted for other types of competitions as well. and wants to cast as much doubt on the PC's skills as possible. If they can do this. His wounds present him with a serious handicap. they will have to fight their own battles without him. Say a party member other than the duelist has access to a healing spell. Couldn't he then make the case that the shugenja's healing was not as good as it should have been? The duel may only be the beginning of the adventure. the duel is set to take place in just a few days. I appreciate all the support everyone has given. This is very handy for combat. people are sure to claim that his victory was only due to the swordsman's terrible injuries. Or maybe his family wants the swordsman to win. there would be grave consequences for the PC if such knowledge ever became public. the match promises to be quite exciting. It is not so good. is it better to play fair. This could completely change the game’s outcome. I can certainly see GMs having some trouble with this point. Bishamon reveals that he has aided the party on previous occasions. AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE CFS of the Week turns two years old next week (or this week. a tournament. It seems that the swordsman the PC is supposed to face has suffered a grievous injury. the Fortune of Strength. and the PC may find himself in need of an alibi if he is not careful. In any case. . The timing certainly seems suspicious. and pressures the shugenja to provide other blessings at the same time as the healing spell. In either case. you can pretty much go from death's door to perfect health in a few minutes with a capable shugenja on hand. Bishamon asks the player characters to provide the petitioner aid on his behalf. would be to have a friend or ally lose something to Baruda´s ruse and ask the PCs to find a way to beat him. It could also be the case that someone just wants it to look like the PC's victory was gained by questionable means. SHOUT You could also run the scenario so that Baruda has complete invulnerability to all possible attacks except in one spot of his body. He may even gain a reputation for cruelty. If he wins. And should the PC somehow lose the duel? Fortunes have mercy! He'll never hear the end of it! Of course. So the dramatic tension of the situation flies right out the window. Perhaps the PC can inflict similar injuries upon himself in an effort to make the fight a little more fair. he will still have to deal with the fact that he chose an easy victory over fighting fair. lending them strength when they faced adversity and conflict. Can the PCs find and strike the one pressure point that will overcome his incredible body hardening power? TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTION A way to bring in a group that dos not accept the duel’s wager or even the duel in the first place (i. If the PC decides to go through with the duel he will have to deal with the stigma of having entered the match with an unfair advantage. Wow. and could range from wounds sustained in battle to a simple accident. and there is no way he will be able to be able to fight at his full capability under such conditions. I guess. if the PCs witness or go through scenario #101. Although all of the details have been finalized. Of course. there are other options available. In any case. the spectacle should be dramatic enough to leave no doubt in the PCs' minds that they are facing a being of immense power. Even if his public image doesn't suffer. or even a full manifestation of the Fortune in the physical world. Rivals can be hard to keep around sometimes. they will prove themselves worthy of greater favor in the future. Like all difficult decisions.. it is possible to eliminate wound penalties completely with spells such as Path to Inner Peace. depending on how you want to count it). In fact. This encounter could take the form of a vision. your beloved ancestor could be all out for you to go to the duel and cut him down! What if he was your wife's most hated brother? What if you hold a grudge against that person? I can see how this could link in. or to seek glory for one's family? DOJI RYOKU’S SUGGESTION I would personally add an extremely naggy relative urging you on. and actors could be laid low by a cold or allergy. Things always seem to go his way when it comes to business. FOCUS Daikoku's gift is simple. he can choose to change the outcome of the transaction so that it would benefit him. While I am personally fond of putting the final say over what form the PC's good luck takes in the hands of the GM. less glamorous duties. brokering a peace treaty. his physical abilities are no match for the bandit leader's strength and agility. poison.  Fukurokujin asking the PCs to help Baramucha (from CFS #8) compile a civic development plan to deliver to his superiors. Their numbers could be much greater than previously expected. or does he attempt to set things right in a less obvious way. The Fortune is looking for a mortal to bestow a gift upon in an attempt to set things right. and great opportunities just fall into his lap. Having such power can be quite a rush. One can never be sure of what agenda celestial beings such as Fortunes and demigods may have. CHALLENGE While walking through the marketplace in a large town. Organizing one's household expenses. someone else suffers a sudden stroke of bad luck. STRIKE Unfortunately. in CFS #79C). and he has not had enough training to be able to take on multiple opponents at once. and will let the PCs know this in no uncertain terms. tactics. it is still necessary for them to deal with money from time to time. to make amends for his misdeeds.  Jurojin asking the PCs to help Hana-Saka-Jiji (from CFS #7) make the pilgrimage to a temple where he can receive healing for his crippling arthritis. Maybe the bandits have hostages who must be freed before combat can begin. Any time the PC is involved in matters of money. And sometimes they just give headaches. Unless the PC in question wants to be cursed with financial misfortune for the next several lifetimes. paying for dinner at a restaurant. if your players aren't fond of helping NPCs. It doesn't count if you do the student's homework for them. and environmental factors are all possible ways to secure victory. but it's nice to get some positive attention from divine beings too. Having a dependent or superior dig themselves into a hole they cannot escape from alone is a time honored method of pulling PCs into a conflict. and the balance of positive and negative energy in the world has become uneven as a result. Umikaro himself might reject the idea of using dishonorable methods to win his battles. and introduces himself as Daikoku. or they could have connections to another Clan.  The elemental kami asking the PCs to help Kintaro (from CFS #3) build a temple with his own two hands. he will have to make restitutions to some of the people he has "stolen" from. and trade negotiations go sour. the PCs will have to overcome different obstacles and difficulties on the way. the Fortune of Wealth. who wishes to hunt down the bandits who destroyed his village. in the writing process I realized that it could be adapted for use with other Fortunes as well. procuring supplies. The act of repaying the people who have been cheated out of their own good luck can be an especially challenging aspect of this adventure. What if the total number of people who have been wronged is greater than the number who must be reimbursed in order to set the kharmic balance right again? Who chooses which victims receive aid and which are left in poverty? There may be a number of people close to the PC who met with bad luck. Perhaps Bishamon (or Benten.  Akodo Unubore (from CFS #91) asking the PCs to help his descendant. The merchant greets the PC by name. 106. traps.  Ebisu asking the PCs to help young Junpei (from CFS #30) tend to the stables that his family is responsible for. Training. Helping people may be its own reward. Bishamon will only be fully satisfied if Umikaro himself is the one to defeat the criminals. Any being of power that is worshiped by human beings could ask the PCs to do a favor on their behalf. On the other hand. In each case. They can try to set up the skirmish so that the bandits have a disadvantage or Umikaro has an advantage (or even both). And while they themselves may be capable of completing such tasks. Just giving someone a present is unlikely to work. If this is the case. He claims that the PC has called upon his gift too many times. Will he try to help them all? How about his enemies? Is there a way he can set things right without giving them much of an advantage over him? . or whichever Fortune you wish to use) wants them to make up for a previous failure. On the other hand. His martial skills are undeveloped. there is no reason you couldn't let the player offer suggestions. Other Fortunes and tasks that could be used in this adventure include:  Benten asking the PCs to help Fumimaro (from CFS #6) overcome his shyness and woo Miyuki. but must help bring out the inner strength in others. or otherworldly entity might want performed. from a revered ancestor spirit to one of the great Kami themselves. giving Umikaro a marked advantage over the bandits. Perhaps a miscalculation results in the PC getting expensive sake for a very low price. they cannot simply rely on their own strength. Just be sure to keep things from getting out of hand. One advantage to this is that you can bypass the potential problem of a player being reluctant to call upon the gift. and even dice games involve some sort of financial transaction between two parties. Umikaro is nowhere near skilled enough to defeat a gang of bandits on his own. because Rokugani manners require the recipient to offer a gift of similar value in return. however. They could teach him new skills or techniques to use in battle. you should feel free to throw in a complication or two to make things more interesting. and letting a PC play at being "the demi-Fortune of Wealth" can add a lot of spice to a game session if done well. But this time the Fortune is not smiling. If none of the PCs seem interested in accepting Daikoku's blessing. you can always have an NPC who is close to them do so instead. Like grade school teachers. the Fortunes are less worried about the task being completed than they are about their followers making an actual achievement. Perhaps some surveillance and careful planning will enable them to tip the balance in Umikaro's favor. However. Does the PC come forward and explain the situation honestly. Even though samurai are not supposed to be concerned with matters of wealth. don't forget to remind them that their mission is to provide support and guidance. people are likely to be a little upset if they learn that their previous misfortunes were brought on by the PC. Or maybe the fan he gives his daimyo is actually a rare antique. After a few weeks. he meets Daikoku once again. He may even see a merchant fall into ruin if he continues to use his powers long enough. Or. He explains that he has not distributed enough wealth and good fortune this year. and when people buy products from him they somehow end up overpaying. Akodo Minoru. Pouches full of coins are lost. you can always lay the responsibility on one of them. The items he buys are worth much more than he pays for them. When I originally came up with the idea for this adventure I intended to use only Bishamon. magic. one of the PCs meets a fat smiling merchant in fancy clothes. but very powerful and useful. as the other players may feel uncomfortable about one party member having so much power. Even worse. There are a number of ways the PCs could help Umikaro defeat his nemesis. tipping the cosmic balance in the opposite direction. Whenever he alters fate to benefit himself. Or maybe they could weaken the bandits somehow before letting Umikaro strike the final blow. valuable items break. he could be checking whether or not they are worthy of attention in the future. Even if actual money is not involved. and this initial task is only a test.  Daikoku asking the PCs to help Ochaku (from CFS #27) secure and deliver a valuable commodity. desiring victory through a fair fight. BALANCE IN ALL THINGS Sometimes the Fortunes give missions. exchanging gifts. While the PCs can help Umikaro go about avenging himself in any way they choose. If they want his full blessing. Or any other task you can think of that a Fortune. Of course. spirit.The prayers come from a magistrate named Umikaro (who the PCs may have met before.  Hotei asking the PCs to help Nagasunehiko (from CFS #13) find inner peace and contentment in his new. that's not the only problem the PC has to deal with. and asks if the PC might be interested. There is a drawback to this gift. Sometimes they give gifts. it is still possible for one to come out ahead in some way. and it shouldn't take long for the PC in question to discover it. if your players are all experienced campaigners they may already know several ways of defeating a vastly superior opponent. STRIKE Unfortunately. Maybe he has an even greater mission. these people are immortal. their age-addled minds causing them to lash out blindly at anything they encounter. there are those who might refuse to help the villagers. Of course. or a festival in his honor. the entire area could be affected by a dire famine. however. If word of the lost village were to spread it would certainly become the center of a great deal of attention. but even a samurai needs roots. They have endured countless years of old age. Add a humorous twist at your own discretion. famine. Upon entering. the Fortune of Rice. Is it right to help an entire village of men and women embrace death? Do the PCs have the right to make such a decision on their own? If not. Whatever approach you take.  Ebisu offering success in craft-related endeavors. because they are on the verge of finding some miraculous way to regain their youth or simply out of pure stubbornness. ranging from natural hazards to cunning traps. Perhaps the village healer’s house contains a patient who was partially eaten by a tiger. the player characters come across a village that is not on any of their maps. pitfalls. sick. Everything in the village is dusty and run down. misinformation—to work against the PC´s efforts. but he cannot die. For as unpleasant as the years have been. But what could the Fortune of Death possibly want? On the other hand. Another complication might be that some villagers are still not ready to leave Ningen-do—either for the same reasons the thief has. success in swordsmithing. Money can be the root of all evil. It's a new beginning. seeing the absence of death as a great gift. Powerful lords might even attempt to take control of the region by force. safe travel. Knowing your players goes a long way toward finding an approach that works well. the men and women of the village would never be able to make the journey in their decrepit bodies. if no one in the village can die they should also have nothing to fear. FOCUS The shrine where the priestess makes her home is on the edge of a forest. and they are all too busy to make the journey to her home. He cannot heal the gruesome wounds that should have killed him. etc. INARI’S CHILDREN Fortunes may be powerful. some distance away from the village proper. and violence have all failed to end their lives. but that doesn't mean they are completely different from human beings. There is not a single young person to be found anywhere in the area. They might find some way—magic. The thief (who may or may not still be in the area) took the statue to a cave deep in the mountains. The priestess is dead. STRIKE Emma-O's anger stems from the theft of a golden statue from his temple. Even the people who live there are ancient. show anger. mutilated. but she probably won't be all that excited about it either. there are worse things than being late. where it remains to this day. If you feel like being nice. Of course. The local animals may be affected by the curse as well. Once again. in eternal agony. maybe the presence of their famous (and long believed dead) great-great-great-grandfather waiting to join his beloved companion in Yomi can change their mind. Even immortal as they are. Normally the farmers would seek the blessings of the priestess who tends the shrine to Inari. PIRATE SPICE’S SUGGESTION One thing that occurred to me is that. FOCUS The villagers explain that they have been kept alive for over two hundred years. and the shrine has been ransacked. leading to a battle where undying soldiers hack away at each other without end. When the PCs arrive at her home. They have feelings just as mortals do.  Benten offering good luck in love.  Hotei offering happiness and general good luck. WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER? I'm still running behind schedule. and face more of the same unless something can be done to appease the merciless Fortune of Death. Or any other Fortune promising good luck in an area related to their sphere of influence (good weather. sheer cliffs. the PCs will have to provide aid when Emma-O asks for more than the villagers are capable of delivering on their own. they find that the settlement is practically a ghost town. and elderly pilgrims would flock to the area from all over the Empire. for Emma-O will not allow them to leave the mortal realm until they have made amends for a grave insult that angered him long ago. and with enough determination they could eventually recover the statue. CHALLENGE While traveling through a remote area of the Empire. Not only will a mousy courtier have little opportunity to make use of a blessing from Bishamon. and they beg the PCs to recover the statue on their behalf. shuffling about their business like living zombies. Or perhaps they could search for some other way to regain his favor.  Jurojin offering good health. right? Whether or not this is actually the case is up to you to decide. He could demand a new temple. but I'm going to do my best to get back on track by the end of this month. it might be nice to let the PCs know whether or not they are protected from death before they start throwing themselves in the path of danger. So he lays in bed. Or maybe the only villager physically able to serve as a guide has lost much of his skills and knowledge to the old age.Like last week's adventure. choosing a Fortune that is sure to capture the fancy of the PC in question is a big part of making this adventure work. After all. I suggest ramping up the horror of their situation by showing the PCs exactly what happens to such a person. Feel free to throw any traps and hazards you like at the PCs as they make their way toward the cave where the statue is hidden. this scenario can also be altered to work with other Fortunes. Desperate. free from the worries of accidents or illnesses (or assassinations).  Fukurokujin offering wisdom and insight. TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTIONS If the PCs are too reluctant to help the villagers. The fact that it took over two hundred years to recover the statue opens up the possibility for further adventures. however. but no one has seen her in a long time. Still another complication would be that the villagers don´t quite remember the whole story correctly.. Unfortunately. infirm or not. they ask the PCs if they would visit the shrine and bring back the priestess. If the problem spreads. Of course. And if the thief is still alive in his hideout he's certain to be unhappy to see the PCs. and he will not lift the curse he has placed on the village until it is returned. If I can post another adventure this Friday and get next week's out before the month's end it should all be okay. or even fall in love. Plants that were green and healthy no more than a week ago have suddenly turned wilted and brown. Influential men and women might seek to make their homes there. The altar to Inari is in shambles. This led me to question what happens when one of them is mauled by a wild animal or plummets down a chasm. the PCs might not care about any of these problems. the way is fraught with danger. Ancient rope bridges across deep chasms. or even any sign of any contact with the outside world in the last century. Maybe his demands are too great.). Or you could have an even worse fate than that. Emma-O may have further demands before he is completely satisfied. they find a tragic scene. and spring-loaded spears are all useful for keeping adventurous samurai on their toes. Old age. due to slowly failing mental abilities and the PCs have to piece together the true picture from the twisted stories of old men and women. poison. and several precious . and can become pleased. Some examples include:  Bishamon offering good fortune in battle. which just goes to prove the old saying: Death isn't the end. If you feel your players are mature enough to deal with the nature of death you can explore the issues of someone asking you to help them die. or even a great offering of incense and burnt offerings in his name. who should they consult? What if one of the PCs or a loved one has been fatally wounded during their time in the village? Will they accept their fate in order to give the other inhabitants the peace they desire? Should they even be asked to? There are a number of ways you can take this scenario. collapsing tunnels. the punishment that awaits him at the hands of Emma-O is certain to be much worse. that is. plague. a nearby village reports that their rice fields have been affected by a sudden blight. Wounded. 108.. flawless penmanship. CHALLENGE As harvest season approaches. 107. and the PCs must find some way to tell him so without incurring further wrath. You could be dead. They cannot die. Inari's children could be in very dire straits indeed by the time the PCs track them down. or a talented mujina playing an elaborate trick on the villagers. A possible follow-up to this adventure deals with the fates of Inari's children. and his constant demands are a test of the villagers' generosity. has come to Ningen-do to hold audience with those seeking his favor. There is no Fortune of Just Rewards. Sagishi has mentioned to the governor that several rural villages lack clean drinking water time and time again. wild animals may try to attack them. Until the children that she bore him can be found and brought back to his shrine. they still have to be careful about how they approach the scared children. you can easily set things up so that they cross paths with him. If you want to make the adventure longer. Perhaps a few false leads pop up first. Not only do the PCs have to track down Kuzu-no-ha and Hagiwara. but they have the potential to be so much more than street urchins or wild foxes in the forest. Chasing someone through the woods is hardly an effective way to get them to trust you. Or what if someone or something was trying to strike at Inari himself? Also. The Fortunes have already proven their power. Their current mission could require them to visit the village he has taken up residence in. worship isn't so much about faith as about piety. and the scrolls in the temple are forgeries that he planted in order to make his assumed persona seem legitimate. Sagishi seems to be a legitimate deity. He has neither the ability nor the intention to help any of the heimin who worship him. Quick and nimble Hagiwara would make an excellent bushi if only there were someone to train him. He could be a monk impersonating a Fortune in order to draw donations from the greedy and impious. If they stay in the forest. some of the villagers might know about the two children the priestess was caring for and inquire about their whereabouts. it's worth lying to those who have more than they need in order to improve the life of the common people. If this happens. even for brave samurai like the PCs. or was their harvest incomplete? If you're feeling generous Inari may see fit to reward the heroes who delivered his children to him safely with a bountiful harvest. How will they be raised. or even train the two themselves. Two potential problems with this adventure lie in the reactions of the player characters. It seems that Sagishi. A series of strange coincidences might lead the villagers to believe that one of the PCs (or an ally of the party) is the mortal incarnation of a Fortune. If you think your players are unlikely to investigate Sagishi on their own. and the PCs could be called upon to investigate the cause of the disturbance. did the village manage to recover from the sickness that struck their fields. and could be a remarkable shugenja or courtier if she so wished. Frightened by the death of their mother. The PCs could search for a suitable teacher. merchants. His "powers" come from a wide collection of Asahina fetishes and nemuranai. either as a child or a fox. you may want to adapt the nature of Sagishi's deception. you can involve a case of mistaken identity. Despite his unorthodox behavior. Maybe Sagishi really is the Fortune of Just Rewards. jealous of the attention he showed his chosen follower. For gods. In this case. Unfortunately. So now he has taken matters into his own hands. Maybe a rival shrine seeks to gain Inari's favor for themselves. The priestess was more than a follower of Inari. and who will care for them? Their natural abilities may enable them to fend for themselves. and it will be very difficult to find them and convince them to come back. accepting offerings. As children of Inari. The motive might be political. and possibly even the Clan that governs it. They invite anyone they meet. greeting visitors from far and wide. 109. they fled into the forest. Depending on how old the children are caring for them might be quite a task. there are completely different directions you could take the adventure in as well. it may be difficult to keep the "Fortune" from getting ousted or killed. if you want to make things easier. he reasons. There may also be other threats that the party has to deal with as well. If you want to be extremely direct. or do they have yet to bestow their "just rewards" upon them? It's quite possible that Sagishi's continued presence has caused problems for local businesses and temples. he is able to display a variety of magical powers without casting spells. If a PC is too direct in confronting Sagishi. CHALLENGE Peasants. What remains to be proven is the devotion of mortal men and women. if your PCs are too trusting they may not suspect Sagishi of any wrongdoing at all. Whether humans or foxes. it could take the PCs quite some time to piece together the true reason for Inari's displeasure. he will be too worried to carry out any of his normal duties. On the other hand. it is possible that the priestess hid Inari's children from everyone. Kuzu-noha is smart and charming. Or maybe their servants beg to be allowed to join the mob of pilgrims. The fact that the situation does not improve even after the party does so should give them some indication that there is another problem to be dealt with. and it merely playing on their hopes in order to enjoy a life of comfort and ease. Inari is less concerned about justice or the recovery of his treasures than he is about the safe return of his children. to join them on their pilgrimage. JUST REWARDS In a world where spirits and gods are a part of everyday life. and beasts alike. and what rewards will they reap for themselves if they do? Do they have any recourse if what they deserve is not what they desire? You could incorporate a moral dilemma by making Sagishi a sympathetic figure. Have the PCs made sure to show proper appreciation to their attendants. And the person (or thing) who killed their mother may still be hunting for them. Unfortunately. but is a ninja shapeshifter. Depending on whether you want Inari's relationship with the priestess to be common knowledge or not. . children are vulnerable to a wide variety of dangers. only to be ignored. But he could just as easily decide to punish humanity for their violent ways by withholding his blessing. the challenge might not be discovering Sagishi's deception. the Fortune of Just Rewards. dropping more direct clues that Sagishi is not what he seems could be useful. STRIKE Sagishi is a charlatan.treasures have been stolen. You could even give him some noble motives. Any efforts to dissuade them of such a notion will be taken as attempts to test their faith. Or the player characters might catch a glimpse of him talking to some other conspirators. and promising great blessings to come in the future for those who please him. right? If you want to reverse the adventure completely. whose visit was foretold by an ancient prophecy. but the entire province. or even military in nature. Some investigation might reveal that the local governor is unwilling to raise taxes because he doesn't want to draw the ire of the many rich merchants who have shown him favor in the past. is not likely to be looked upon kindly during a time of famine. one thing is true: There is nothing as precious as family. Or maybe someone notices the red-haired girl (Kuzu-noha) and the brown fox (Hagiwara) that have been lurking on the outskirts of the village recently. but finding some way to prove it to his admirers. the village isn't much safer. mortals. Surely. Or he may be the victim of a blackmail plot. spirits. In this case. Or maybe there is nothing they can do but prepare for the coming lean times as best they can. Perhaps he is not human after all. STRIKE In actuality. FOCUS If the player characters investigate they find Sagishi in the lap of luxury. The PCs might have to search for some other way to regain Inari's good graces. finding the children is easier said than done. Looking upon such destruction it is no wonder that Inari has withdrawn his favor. Stealing food. The PCs are sure to have some doubts about the validity of Sagishi's claims when they find him associating with such a dishonorable crook. She was also his beloved. And just what manner of villain would attack a shrine to Inari? Was the killer a simple bandit looking for some easy money? A jilted lover who was tired of being rejected? Or did he have some other agenda? A poor harvest weakens not only the village itself. even if the PCs know where to look. Of course. and craftsmen from all around the province begin flocking to a small village a few days' travel from the party's current location. records in the local temple tell of him making a similar visit to the village two hundred years ago. Of course. they are both able to take on the form of a fox at will. economic. Although he seems to be a normal human. trying to raise enough money to pay the ransom for his family. including the PCs. On the other hand. Can the PCs prove themselves worthy of his blessings. but first they have to find out that the children even exist. Furthermore. have a known liar (Yasuki Jirokichi from CFS #63 is a likely candidate if your players have already encountered him) act as Sagishi's head priest. Kuzu-no-ha ("Arrowroot Leaf") and Hagiwara ("Clover Field"). even with a number of worshipers supporting him. such as someone suggesting that finding the murderers and bringing them to justice might be a good way to regain Inari's favor. Maybe someone asks him to perform a feat of mystic power that his magic items cannot duplicate. even after the player characters know the cause of the problem. A haunted shrine has been cleansed. the local kabuki theater. new wells have been dug. For to err. Everything is wonderful! FOCUS At least. There are simply too many for any one person or group of people to take care of. Likewise. and then give them the information about the old spawning grounds once the march begins. making the town less of a magnet for beneficial energy. and anywhere else they can reach. bath houses. 110. and it can be lost in an instant. they may still have quite a bit of trouble finding a solution. Where the tsu fish formerly spawned in smaller streams in the north. The sheer number of tsu fish makes it difficult. and they have all recently come to fruition. Of course. or just getting from one place to another can be a hassle when there is a constant swarm of fish it's entirely possible that they'll make the situation worse. this scenario offers a great chance to examine the impact of humanity's actions upon the ecosystem at large. this adventure also has a lot of potential for comedy as well. TSU FISH CHALLENGE Life is good in the town of Horyou. It's like trying to juggle a hundred balls at once. Land has been cleared for rice fields. the only advantage the tsu fish may have in this case is their great numbers. Such is the nature of men and women. In fact. The provincial governor has spent the last few years enacting a number of special projects to improve the quality of life in the area.and the unlucky PC may have to find some way to deal with the villagers' constant requests for divine favors. Even samurai may find themselves hard pressed to deal with wave after wave of these formidable creatures. It can come easy. the movie on this page can be helpful in getting into the proper mood for presenting the tsu fish invasion: http://www. if not impossible. Tsu Fish No creature in the history of Rokugan is more feared than the topic of these next adventures. only human. The abbot of the local temple could be concerned that the people are lax in their worship and seek to restore their sense of spirituality through a direct demonstration. Faith is like honor. is. and the increase in population has attracted several merchants and businesses as well. it seems that way until the town is hit by a plague of tsu fish! Hundreds of thousands of the slimy creatures invade the town from the north. The PCs might have to eliminate negative influences and bring in more sources of positive chi flow. If you choose to believe the latest information that has been provided concerning tsu fish the invasion is actually less threatening than it is annoying. Tsu fish have been known to climb trees and hop distances of up to several feet. to stop their advance. This new route takes them directly through the middle of Horyou. rob. No one wants to live next to a garbage heap. including recent changes and the current route that the tsu fish are taking in their migration. Consider yourself warned. infiltrating a rival clan's lands to cheat. which are a great new source of income for the town. They slither and flop their way into homes. And woe be to a party of player characters who has to deal with an important (or squeamish) visitor during this chaotic time. the temple to Shinsei. however.. the local nobles are certain to be displeased to hear that they must give up their beautiful gardens in order to avoid attracting unwelcome pests. sweeping through the streets. You can show the players exactly what influences are affecting the movements of the tsu fish swarm by illustrating the sources of positive (bodies of water. which in turn has affected the tsu fish migration routes. no matter how effective the negative chi flow is at keeping tsu fish out of the area. . Going about one's daily business. and they will continue their march unless something is done to change the situation. For those who are not adverse to exploring real world issues in their games. or barren areas) energy in and around the city. food. Maybe mortals do have the power to change the world. If you want to give a big hint. In any case. restaurants. and demoralize the local peasants. they may have some trouble recognizing the cause of the problem. after all. There's really no situation that can't be made more interesting by adding more tsu fish. One thing that can be a big help is drawing a simple map of the area.metacafe. Can the residents of Horyou coexist with the tsu fish. baths. The creatures present no danger to humans and are easily dealt with individually. and those who try should be able to recognize the futility of their efforts. green plants) and negative (polluted. they may have to face some pretty heavy skepticism in order to convince everyone that they are telling the truth and succeed in their mission. STRIKE All of the recent construction and developments in the area have changed the local chi flow. If you prefer the old school style of tsu fish as they appeared in the First Edition rule book. The changes in chi flow caused by the purification of the haunted shrine and the opening of the quarry may be especially hard to undo. Laborers have been brought from other areas to develop a quarry. or will the conflict end in destruction? What other consequences might such damage have upon the environment? On the other Just imagine flippers instead of claws and you should have a good idea of what the town will look like.. let the PCs overhear two merchants discuss the best layout to bring about positive chi flow in a new store prior to the arrival of the tsu fish. Mentioning both of these factors should definitely give them a push in the right direction. Depending upon the skills that the player characters possess. and you may want to cut back on the number of tsu fish encountered at one time. marketplaces. Or they could be part of a covert mission. Perhaps it is not possible to undo the changes that have caused the tsu fish to alter their migration routes. and a number of local samurai families have taken advantage of their new fortunes by adding elaborate gardens to their estates. If you feel a clue is necessary you can have someone mention that the old tsu fish spawning grounds were close to where the new rice fields are. PCs might find the critters in their homes. While the species is different. ONE FISH. they are now drawn to wetlands in the south. Horyou could be in for a great deal of trouble. and would be forced to flee in abject terror before the plague of tsu fish.. Or maybe the PCs and Sagishi have been sent to the village for the express purpose of impersonating a Fortune. Or maybe they'll have to find some way to do the opposite. so there's no telling just where they might end up. Peasants and merchants have almost no chance of standing up against such monsters. dirty. Without careful planning (http://en. or even their kimono. and their presence causes quite a disruption for the local populace.wikipedia. Etiquette. Likewise. Jiujutsu. or spell lists. he’ll attempt to approach the PCs with advice on how they can use any favors they are granted. Battle. Lore: Bushido. he’ll spend as much time as possible talking to the Emperor and getting his opinion of the proceedings. Perceived Honor A: Etiquette. It seems one even went so far as to impersonate him. it took him years to work up the courage to do so. If he is able to win a favor (most likely through his sculpting skills) he will ask for aid in the shrine’s completion. if you have already used a name of your own creation for an NPC which was previously nameless. FUMIMARO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #6. Lore: Spirits. If given the chance. Traps. Jiujutsu. Kenjutsu. BUT NOT NAMED) MONK TEACHER C: Divination. it has also given him an idea. Battle B: Awareness. Lore: Theology.. and he’d be willing to offer a great deal to anyone who could help. Acting. so that he can continue his reign of terror. but it is a difficult task to undertake by himself. Those who think to talk to Rai Li will be able to learn much of what the Emperor thinks of those present at Court. A “C” ranking basically means that the NPC is better than unskilled in such areas. BANZAEMON (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #5. Artisan: Gardening. Artisan: Painting A: None Agenda: Fumimaro has neither the ambition nor the confidence to compete for the Emperor’s favor. Many of the NPCs listed below were not given names or Clan alignments when they originally appeared. “C” stands for “Common. staff members. Air kiho. Even though he held a flower viewing party in her honor. Heavy Weapons B: Artisan: Sculpting. Earth magic A: None Agenda: Kintaro has spent the last several months trying to make amends for the crime he committed. you can adjust the exact school. he or another Mantis will have to secure a favor before another Clan can make a similar invitation. Unless someone does something to encourage him. That said. Kenjutsu. Investigation. and has been cleared of all wrongdoing. Somehow he managed to convinced some influential friends that the testimony given against him was merely slander. MASTER JIANZHEN (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #1. but if he has to enter a contest in order to gain the Emperor’s attention he’ll do so without regret. The ideas given here are only guidelines to help you get started. Perform: Storytelling (Bragging). keeping the established name is much better than introducing a completely new character. Calligraphy. Kyujutsu. BUT NOT NAMED) IMPERIAL COURTIER D: Honor Rank C: Intelligence. Lore: Geography. He would like the Emperor to attend Winter Court at his home next year. I have taken the liberty of providing such information for the purposes of this scenario. Maybe they killed Ryota for his crimes. Lore: Law. Lore: Drama. and will try to exact vengeance before the winter is over. Lore: Anatomy (Torture). Perform: Biwa B: Lore: Romantic Epics. Tea Ceremony. Lore: Theology A: None Agenda: Rai Li isn’t interested in glory or gaining any favors from the Emperor. In addition. change. skill ranks. Void magic B: Intelligence. or ignore them as much as you want. Your campaign has probably unfolded in a completely different direction. Naturally. Investigation. Craft: Armorsmithing B: Strength. Lore: Literature. As such. trait. Courtier. Divination. Willpower. “B” stands for “Bright. RIVALS. Lore: Food and Drink. Courtier. Lore: Heroes. Maybe Saya was betrothed to one of the PCs and they’ve been married for the past six months. skills or traits in which the NPC’s rank is significantly below average (indicated by a “D” for “Dismal”) are also not listed. Perform: Storytelling (Fiction). He doesn’t have the confidence to tell Miyuki how he feels about her either. Only those who have undergone a lot of training should be able to rival the NPC’s performance in such an area. let’s meet some old friends: RAI LI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #A) MONK HISTORIAN C: Calligraphy. Artisan: Painting. BUT NOT NAMED) MANTIS BUSHI C: Perform: Song. Most of his subordinates. What many people don’t know is that the stories he sets to paper are actually based on old scrolls he discovered—including both historical records and prophecies of the future. Artisan: Gardening.Appendix Additional Material for CFS #100 ALLIES. Most skills or traits that an NPC uses frequently will have a “B” ranking. Defense. Maybe the PCs failed to stop Satsujinki and Kuni Toshi was eaten by zombies. however. AND OTHER COMPETITORS A few notes before we begin. While not a real weakness. Jiujutsu. Athletics B: Stamina. Commerce. HANA-SAKA-JIJI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #7) FOX SHUGENJA D: Reflexes. Etiquette. Etiquette. AKUJIKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #4. Craft: Cooking A: Stamina Agenda: Banzaemon’s primary goal at this year’s Winter Court was simply to relax and have a good time. GMs already have too many things to handle without having to adjust Insight Ranks and skill levels to fit the capabilities of their own group. but he would like to record the valiant deeds of the competitors. Skills or traits in which the NPC has no special training will not be listed. Athletics. Knives. WAKASABURO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #7. Earth kiho A: Meditation Agenda: Jianzhen is concerned about a group of cultists that has been active in the area near his home temple. he’ll likely end up wasting the entire season. Lore: Politics. they’ll find him back to his old tricks. Meditation. give or take a little. Kintaro gained the money he donated by ambushing and robbing bandits. Instead.” and means that the NPC is somewhat better than average when it comes to that skill or trait.. as it seems he knows what troubles they might face. Craft: Woodworking. ranked from C to A. BUT NOT NAMED) UNICORN BUSHI C: Horsemanship. Defense. Strength C: Spellcraft. THE AUTHOR (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #B) PHOENIX SHUGENJA C: Perception. Lore: Myths. It is a decision that Wakasaburo has come to regret since the Emperor’s arrival. He’d like to request aid in repairing the damage that a storm did to his family’s holdings. given any of the NPCs school ranks. “A” stands for “Amazing. Air magic A: Lore: Myths Agenda: The Phoenix shugenja known as "The Author" is best known for his stories of fiction. Using these rankings as a guide. go for it. and skill ranks of a given NPC to match the power level of your player characters. the listed skill or trait is not one in which the NPC can claim any great expertise. Craft: Fishing B: Peasant Weapons. Unfortunately. except in special cases.. This was a conscious decision on my part in an effort to make this adventure useful for as many different groups as possible. Lore: Drama A: None Agenda: Wakasaburo is used to having a lot more power and influence than he currently wields.” and means that the NPC is pretty close to average. Spellcraft. While the presence of the Emperor means he cannot unwind as completely as he would like. If you think that Kawachi should be a shugenja from the Unicorn Clan. Animal Handling (Falconry). and you can use. Void kiho B: Awareness. Sincerity (Deceit) Agenda: If the PCs did not eliminate this madman the last time they met him. Water magic .” and means that the skill or trait in question is a specialty of the NPC. A group of them have tracked him down. He would like to gain help through conventional means. The information listed below is not set in stone. but there is no reason why you should feel compelled to use my suggestions if you do not wish to do so. Sincerity (Deceit). Perform: Drums. I have provided some minimal information on the strengths and weaknesses of the NPC competitors using a sliding scale. Lore: History. donating a large amount of money toward building a new shrine to the kami. and servants were sent to other courts for the winter. Craft: Sailing (Navigation). If he secures a favor from the Emperor he’ll ask to be made governor of a small village somewhere remote. KINTARO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #3) RONIN SHUGENJA C: Hunting. Heavy Weapons. I have not. Staves. Perform: Storytelling. BUT NOT NAMED) CRANE COURTIER C: Artisan: Poetry. Lore: Economics. What she’d really like for herself is a gift from the Emperor to remember this special event by. Ayako has a vested interest in seeing that the winter passes without serious incident. Meditation. Perform: Dance. Void. Iaijutsu. Battle. He is even considering putting her name forth for consideration as a teacher of kenjutsu at the dojo near their home. Kyujutsu. Kata routines B: Reflexes. Nagasunehiko has long rued that day. Shinichiro’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the Player Characters. While he has no pressing request to make of the Emperor he will compete if invited and ask for a small cottage with a garden if he wins. Soon afterward he learned that the young man had been Sapphire Chef Kawachi. Lore: Shadowlands. Defense. Lore: Art B: Etiquette. Kenjutsu. Courtier. ans will end up embarrassing himself and his Clan if he is not stopped. Lore: Bushido A: None Agenda: Depending on which version of Shinichiro the PCs met. and it’s Endou’s job to find it and get it back. even offering additional favors from his own Clan. he will do everything he can to see his rival’s efforts fail miserably. Lore: Gifts A: Etiquette Agenda: Fate has not been kind to Nagasunehiko. At some point in their travels. Calligraphy. Animal Handling (Horses). (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #12. Earth magic A: Inner Gift: Equivalent to the Speed Growth spell Agenda: Hana-saka-jiji has been ready to retire for many years. Iaijutsu. Lore: Weapons. To that end. Artisan: Painting. Meditation. Engineering. BUT NOT NAMED) IMPERIAL COURTIER C: Awareness. Intelligence. he may be either eager or hesitant to use his skills with the sword. If possible. Tea Ceremony B: Agility. Artisan: Tattooing. Craft: Farming. Regardless. Endou has been searching for the PCs for quite some time. Iemitsu’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will serve as a rival to in mind. But first she has to win a favor before someone else can invite him. Although he does not hate the PC enough to wish him dead. Artisan: Bonsai B: Courtier. Eichi seeks to reclaim his family’s lost lands and title. He has heard a lot of news and stories in his travels. Kenjutsu. Commerce. Lore: History. If anything. Divination. Lore: Plants. In that case. Lore: Heraldry. any other complex skill C: Etiquette B: Artisan: Gardening A: None Agenda: Baramucha has a highly inflated view of his skills. Lore: Law. Athletics. she will do her best to smooth over disagreements between Clans and settle disagreements without undue trouble. The insult was not forgotten. Stealth. Unfortunately. NOBUISA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #10. Intelligence. Games: Kemari. Eichi has no proof that he really is who he says he is. Kyujutsu. Courtier. Lore: Law. Strength. and parting with them would be no great consequence for the Clan that currently holds them. Yamazaki’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will serve as a rival to in mind. Unfortunately. BUT NOT NAMED) CRAB BUSHI C: Willpower. Defense. Battle. it has only served to make him more bitter and hateful toward others. Lore: Heraldry. Know the School (various bushi schools) A: None Agenda: Whether or not they know it. his family has great confidence in his abilities. and his hatred for the Sapphire Chef is almost at the boiling point. In the process. Engineering. Perform: Flute. Water magic A: Ancestor magic Agenda: If the PCs have dealt with a sodan-senzo at some point in their travels. Engineering B: Etiquette. which he engages in as a hobby. Kata routines A: Kenjutsu Agenda: Claiming to be a descendant of the legendary ronin Takeda Fujimu. After all. He does. Sincerity (Deceit). Lore: Underworld. SHIBA HIKARU OTOMO AYAKO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #13) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #17) PHOENIX BUSHI (FORMERLY CRANE BUSHI) C: Reflexes. Lore: Heraldry B: Lore: History. Commerce. and Iemitsu’s ancestor has guided him to thwart and oppose the PC in retribution. Yamazaki will do his best to encourage others to compete against members of his rival’s Clan. Lore: Politics. Games: Go A: Courtier (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #17) PHOENIX COURTIER C: Perception. Baramucha’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the Player Characters. Lore: Theology. Craft: Cooking. Perform: Storytelling. it becomes his job to convince them that it is in their best interest to recover the missing item. Defense. As such. Agenda: As a personal friend of the host. they came across an item that his employers would like returned. however. Not only does she manage their home well. Lore: Superstitions A: None Agenda: Nobuisa has spent the last year rebuilding the damage that an oni did to his family home. he’ll ask the Emperor to provide someone to take over his duties to his daimyo so that he can have free time to confer with learned Kaiu Engineers about what he has designed. Jiujutsu. and she’s talked to countless scholars—both living and dead—about the genealogies of various families. Either that or make their deaths look like an accident. he has devised some new ideas for siege engines and fortifications that he would like to develop. he’ll attempt to show the truth of his claim the only way he can: by using his family’s kenjutsu style to defeat all challengers. Lore: Weather. Unless they no longer have the item. Though it is difficult for him to say to her directly. and will attempt to trade away the favors they earn from his victories before the contest even begins. Kenjutsu. Craft: Masonry. Artisan: Origami A: None Agenda: Many years ago Iemitsu’s ancestor was defeated by the ancestor of one of the PCs. Games: Dice. but she has also proven herself to be quite resourceful. Iaijutsu. odds are it was Ruriko. Craft: Locksmith. Courtier. Heavy Weapons. Lore: Heraldry. Games: Go. one doesn’t get a second chance to impress the Emperor. he is very proud of her and glad to have such a strong woman for a wife. persuading him to compete in such an endeavor rather than show off his "talents" in the higher skills will be quite a task. Lore: Law. The lands he claims are not that vast. BUT NOT NAMED) RIVAL BUSHI C: Reflexes. If Shinichiro does not win the competitions he enters his family may find themselves unable to uphold their part of the bargain they have made. but his love of plants and flowers keeps him traveling the Empire. Calligraphy. Courtier (Gossip) B: Spellcraft. (INSPIRED BY CFS #12) RONIN BUSHI C: Lore: Takeda Family. Investigation. Forgery. Knives. Investigation. Now. SHIBA TOSHIHISA IEMITSU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #11. she’d like to invite the Emperor to view her completed work. Lore: Geography A: None Agenda: Toshihisa has never been happier than since he married Hikaru. Battle. Lore: Ancestors. Lore: Law. SHINICHIRO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #9) ALLY BUSHI C: Void. Lore: Ancestors. YAMAZAKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #15. Lore: Spirit Realms. Kenjutsu. Her travels have taken her to various corners of the Empire. Agility. and that he’d come at the invitation of the Otomo daimyo’s cousin. KITSU RURIKO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #11 AND #23. Perform: Drums B: Agility. Read Lips B: Courtier. Lore: Geography. Lore: Maho. Defense. Traps B: Battle. Fire magic A: None Agenda: Having been accused of being a maho-tsukai and almost executed has done little to improve Yamazaki’s outlook on life. Polearms. Meditation. Etiquette. Meditation B: Agility. and can be an excellent source of information for those who will ask. Since that time he’s found himself relegated to increasingly less important duties. Investigation. Acting (Disguise). TAKEDA EICHI BARAMUCHA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #8) ALLY COURTIER D: Courtier. Defense. as long as the PC and his family loses. Spears. Athletics. BUT NOT NAMED) LION SHUGENJA C: Calligraphy. Kata routines A: None . Kenjutsu. It all began when he turned away a young cook from the palace gates. OTOMO NAGASUNEHIKO IMPERIAL COURTIER C: Tea Ceremony. have a hidden aptitude for landscaping and gardening. ENDOU (INSPIRED BY CFS #14) MANTIS BUSHI C: Commerce. Kenjutsu. but such wishes will have to wait. He doesn’t care who wins. Hunting.B: Craft: Farming. BUT NOT NAMED) RIVAL SHUGENJA C: Agility. Spellcraft. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #26) RONIN BUSHI C: Willpower. Rather. DOJI MIZUHO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #17) CRANE COURTIER MIYA HORIKAWA C: Lore: Heraldry. Etiquette B: Awareness. Horikawa himself is willing to make the necessary inspections and adjustments to update the maps. When he served under Saya she was always the one to win allies with her charming smile. it would be quite difficult for him to compete in the Emperor’s contest. Courtier. It took every bit of luck he had. Calligraphy. Etiquette. RYOTA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #31) RONIN BUSHI C: Commerce. ignore the events listed in Kuma’s write-up. there are times when she wonders if Toshihisa is truly happy with the woman she has become. Kuma has seen too many members of his family pass away in the past two years. Kuni Toshi has turned his attentions to other artifacts that pose a threat to the Empire. Tea Ceremony. and will approach anyone who looks like they might be tempted to join in the gambling. Lore: Shadowlands. Hikaru and Toshihisa have settled into married life quite comfortably. So far the disagreement has been a personal matter between the two of them. Lore: Logistics. she is determined to do even more for her people. But there is another reason why he competes as well. Courtier. He has noticed that several villages have expanded since the last road maps were made. Earth magic A: Investigation Agenda: With the defeat of Satsujinki and the destruction of the Bloodscrolls. KEISUKE B: Games: Dice. But he has a plan to change all that. Investigation B: Calligraphy. they’ll find he has managed to turn his life around almost completely. Lore: Fashion A: Commerce Agenda: Ochaku has managed to save the Kirekazu Silk Works from ruin by hitting upon the unique idea of cutting up bolts of silk for use as ribbons. Craft: Cooking A: Lore: Art Agenda: Den’yu takes pride in his skills as an artist. enabling him to make more money for less product. Hunting. Lore: Underworld B: Kenjutsu. and has been able to escape justice time and time again. Athletics. with the chance to win even greater favors. Reflexes. If so. Guards came forward with testimony implicating Washi’s own brother. Perform: Oratory. Horsemanship. But Kuma will call upon every ally he has if necessary. Artisan: Ikebana. He’s more interested in betting on the outcome of each game. Lore: Law. Craft: Tailor. and he is able to support his family without trouble. Washi seeks help in hunting down and executing his brother. Defense. Games: Shogi A: None Agenda: Even though he may be a member of the same Clan. while it fell to him to take care of the actual paperwork. Saya’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the Player Characters. Horsemanship. but she has gotten used to being in charge of the household and does a fine job of managing the family’s affairs. He has found steady employment with the Crab Clan protecting shipments of iron ore and weapons going to and from the Kaiu smiths. BUT NOT NAMED) TORTOISE MERCHANT C: Awareness. Artisan: Origami. ignore the events listed in Washi’s write-up. Does he long for a more cultured and demure wife. However. Lore: Nemuranai B: Perception. Den’yu might even give the favors themselves away as gifts. . If he can goad her into entering a competition in one of his strong areas. Nonetheless. Now. Etiquette. but Toshi is prepared to cause a scene and reveal the matter to the entire Court if Osumi continues to resist. Lord Takanobu named Washi his successor only hours before he died. He has yet to approach his uncle about his heritage. Horsemanship B: Jiujutsu. Courtier. Artisan: Painting. but she figures that if she can show Den’yu that others appreciate her womanly charms he just might get jealous and pay more attention to her instead of his work. Hunting A: None Agenda: Kuma will not be at Winter Court unless his brother’s crimes were revealed. Animal Handling (Horses). Kenjutsu. Before he was choked to death. Knives. Jiujutsu. KIREKAZU-YA NO OCHAKU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #27. Lore: Superstition. Etiquette. He has tracked down the family his father was from. Stealth. Athletics. Sincerity (Deceit). Defense. Meditation. The ghosts of his children demand it. Way of the Land (Various) B: Navigation. But Ochaku is not concerned with such things anyway. the villagers have failed to keep the governors notified of new construction. Lore: Law. Jiujutsu. he will finally be able to show that his skills are superior to hers. Lore: City Planning. Lord Takanobu. they’re sure to expect something in return. died soon after. Commerce. He just needs permission to requisition supplies. and he blames their meddling for his failure to advance. Toshi has begun petitioning Osumi to turn the item over to him. KAKITA DEN’YU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #17. Hunting A: None Agenda: Washi will not be present at Winter Court unless he was able to somehow pin the blame for his own crimes on his brother. Due to his poor reputation. Kouji’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match Saya’s. Battle B: Sincerity (Deceit). He would never dream of saying that the Emperor’s maps were inaccurate. If so. instead of martial skill. And now he is forced to hunt down his own brother. SAYA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #36) ALLY COURTIER C: Tea Ceremony. and maybe the services of a few bodyguards to protect him while he travels. Lore: Crab Lands A: None Agenda: If the PCs encountered Ryota and let him live. Lore: Underworld (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #28) IMPERIAL COURTIER C: Etiquette. while she and Den’yu have yet to set an official date for their marriage. Now. but Keisuke was able to find out which castle Wakasaburo would be attending Court at and get himself invited as well. Believing that the Horn would be much safer in the custody of the Crab. Craft: Carpentry. His father. Knives. he lives in constant fear that someone will learn of his past as a bandit. Etiquette. Lore: Theology. There are times when she misses life on the road. Lore: Heraldry. starting with inviting the Emperor to visit her family’s estate next year. like her sister? Perhaps if she was able to best Mizuho in a contest of courtly arts. Lore: Underworld. Perform: Song. It’s safe work. Perception. last seen in the possession of Lady Osumi of the Phoenix. and is eager to show off for the assembled members of Court in the Emperor’s competition. KUNI TOSHI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #35) CRAB SHUGENJA C: Courtier. The fact that Kuma fled from the house when Washi tried to apprehend him only confirmed his guilt. Etiquette. for while such news would not end his relationship with the Crab. Luckily. but he hopes that if he can distinguish himself well in the contests that have been announced he will be accepted into the Clan of his father’s birth. Lore: Merchants B: Reflexes. Navigation. Willpower. and significant revisions are required in order to bring them up to date. Defense. Calligraphy A: Lore: Geography Agenda: Despite his brush with death at the hands of bandits. and made several beneficial deals for her Clan. Kenjutsu.Agenda: Hikaru’s life has been a lot quieter since she married Toshihisa. Horikawa remains devoted to his mission of mapping the Empire. Peasant Weapons A: None Agenda: Having left his life in Kurushii’s band of robbers behind. WASHI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #18) LION BUSHI C: Strength. Battle. Perform: Flute. Defense. Kenjutsu. Spellcraft. Kouji bears no love for Saya and the PCs. Mizuho has no intention of stealing her sister’s husband. But after the Crane have given so much. Craft: Silk Weaving. Perform: Puppeteering. and learned that he has an uncle named Wakasaburo. Lore: Fashion. it would probably get him reassigned to a less desirable and much more dangerous position. Lore: Fashion B: Awareness. Washi retains the loyalty of his followers. Courtier. Keisuke is trying to make a new start in life. KOUJI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #36) ALLY COURTIER C: Intelligence. and any favors Den’yu acquires will be used on behalf of members of that Clan. He has yet to recive any promotions or recognition for his efforts. Even in exile. Perform: Storytelling B: Tea Ceremony. Etiquette. KUMA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #18) LION BUSHI C: Strength. Lore: Law. She has dealt with many of the skeletons in her closet. Forgery. Kenjutsu. Lore: Trading Houses. Lore: History. The Crane are attempting to curry favor with another Clan. Perform: Dance A: Artisan: Painting Agenda: Mizuho cannot help but feel a twinge of envy when she looks upon her sister. for once he does his perfect crime will be complete. Artisan: Ikebana. BUT NOT NAMED) CRANE ARTISAN C: Acting. Jiujutsu. His children were murdered. she would be the woman Toshihisa has always dreamed of. Artisan: Poetry. His most recent target is the Horn of Saisei. Lore: Gifts A: None Agenda: Things have gone smoothly for Saya since Kouji was reassigned to aid another diplomat. but he just can’t organize words as well as the great masters. Medicine.. The fact that he lacks the patience to practice and perfect his art doesn’t help. He knows what he has done is wrong. Lore: Art (Porcelain Vases) A: None Agenda: Last year Onohisa brought a treasured vase to Ensaku’s home. One of his brothers was mistakenly charged with a crime and executed. It has been his single biggest goal for the past year. or stage an accident where it is broken (although he favors the last choice. Athletics.5) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #46. it does not make those choices any less unpleasant for others. and specialists in fortune telling to discuss new developments in spellcraft. his anger at Ensaku has not faded. Perform: Biwa. Lore: Regional Products B: Tea Ceremony. Earth kiho B: Void. Lore: Law. BUT NOT NAMED) IMPERIAL BUSHI MANTIS BUSHI C: Kyujutsu. But while this helps him deal with the difficult decisions he must make in his job. Kenjutsu. Kenjutsu.5) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #44) IMPERIAL COURTIER IMPERIAL COURTIER C: Lore: Food and Drink. Etiquette. Perform: Storytelling. but he just can’t help himself. Investigation. Craft: Fishing. He’s still debating whether to give the vase to Onohisa. The entire incident has become somewhat of a sore point between him and his estranged cousin Nagasunehiko. Water magic. but was dismissed before he could convince him of its benefits. Commerce. Lore: Shugenja. Peasant Weapons. There are bandits roaming the land. wagering his precious tapestry collection against Ensaku’s prized vase. Lore: History. Shigeki may not realize the danger he is in until it is too late. because it would give Onohisa a chance to see what it feels like to be put in such a situation). Tea Ceremony. barter it away. With two precious dreams. C: Courtier. Etiquette. . YOTSU KARAMI JOTARO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39. If only someone else could help him do so. there is still no official record of his brother’s innocence. BUT NOT NAMED) MONK LION COURTIER C: Perform: Storytelling. Lore: History. Chains. Tea Ceremony A: None Agenda: Shigeki has managed to work through the difficult times he was facing last year and regain a feeling of inner peace. He even approached his daimyo about the idea. Kyujutsu A: Agility Agenda: Toshihide has been charged with a special mission in order to maximize the number of Scorpion Clan members who can gain favors from the Emperor. Knives. that he’ll simply latch on to anyone who distinguishes themselves as a favorite of the Court and follow him or her around simply for the sake of being seen with someone popular and famous. Commerce. Lore: Law. Polearms. Artisan: Porcelain Pottery. Medicine. In a surprising show of good faith. Kyujutsu. Lore: Current Events A: Courtier (Gossip) Agenda: It’s possible that Yukio could win a favor from the Emperor on his own merits.TATSU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #37 AND CFS #92) ALLY BUSHI C: Medicine. C: Commerce. Agility. his lack of confidence may lead him to try his luck in other competitions first. Lore: Art (Porcelain Vases) A: None Agenda: While decorum has forced Onohisa to let the matter of his broken vase drop. The fact that he enjoys hurting people is simply a bonus. That’s because the vase is a fake. if he uses them as a basis for his own poems he’ll be able to write something great. Lore: the Sea B: Sailing. And while his family was later cleared of any guilt. Games: Sadane. of which even Amato is unaware. All he really needs to do is injure as many of his opponents as possible. recent events have left his family in debt. ABBOT NIGASA ENSAKU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39. Navigation. Perform: Dance.5) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #47. however. But recently another dream has entered Kawachi’s thoughts—having dinner with the sweet maiden Eriko. Meditation. Sleight of Hand. Despite the problems last year. Lore: Superstitions A: Divination Agenda: Mukachi wants to organize a meeting of shugenja. If he did he’d be sure to use it to gain a position in the Emperor’s staff. Spears. Lore: Theology. Lore: Heraldry. Calligraphy B: Courtier. preventing them from competing in any further games. just maybe. Lore: History. he stands a chance at earning a place among the Imperial Kitchen staff. Calligraphy B: Etiquette. Someone is very upset with the way Shigeki has reorganized the men under his control. Games: Dice A: Temptation (Seduction) Agenda: The recent birth of a healthy son has put Jotaro in a good mood. Water kiho. Meditation. so that he might one day pass it on to his son. All of these problems could be solved with the Emperor’s influence. Ensaku has brought one of his own vases to Court this year to show Onohisa. Lore: Heraldry B: Awareness. Lore: Food and Drink. he hopes to win the right to request governorship of a thriving fishing village. and he’d rather find some other way to get the money he needs. But the presence of seers like Zeshin and The Author have eroded Mukachi’s hopes of winning a divination contest. War Fans B: Temptation (Seduction). MUKACHI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #40 AND CFS #90) PHOENIX SHUGENJA D: Agility. Nigasa has no way to win a favor from the Emperor. BUT NOT NAMED) SCORPION BUSHI C: Etiquette. Amato was the one who recommended Kawachi to the Otomo daimyo. Lore: Art A: None Agenda: Ever since tasting Kawachi’s cooking at last year’s Winter Court. Reflexes C: Perception. Perform: Jesting. Courtier. Calligraphy. So he hopes the Emperor will be more receptive. preying upon the helpless. But. Lore: Politics. Etiquette. Tatsu’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the Player Characters. TOSHIHIDE KAWACHI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #41 AND CFS #88) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #42) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39 AND CFS #66) SCORPION BUSHI SPARROW BUSHI C: Athletics. Investigation. But his daughter and his vases are both precious. Athletics (Kemari). Lore: Food and Drink. Games: Kemari. He could part with more items from his extensive collection. With the announcement of the contest. Battle. There is a village in the North that needs a skilled healer. He figures that maybe. Lore: Heraldry. Games: Sadane. however.. even despite the shame he has suffered for his indiscretions with the serving girl who bore his child. Precise Memory A: None (But using Yukishima’s poems give him Storytelling at this rank) Agenda: Tatsu wants to be a great poet. His job to enter as many martial contests as he can. To make matters worse. But he may find himself father to another son if he does not curb his womanizing ways. Lore: Heraldry. Defense. In his relaxed state of mind. own skills are formidable. Tea Ceremony. Acting (Noh). and if he can impress the Emperor with his cooking. where it was accidentally destroyed. Kata routines A: Defense Agenda: Karami has a secret shame. And while he’ll do his best to win. Chains. His dream has never been closer. and he’s becoming more and more desperate. Battle. Lore: Literature. Lore: Myths A: None Agenda: There are many things that Nigasa would like the call upon the Emperor’s favor for. Even though his ONOHISA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #47. He wants to get famous quickly and make his aunt Junko proud without going through any hard work. C: Commerce. So great is his faith in Kawachi’s abilities that he is even considering betting on the outcome of the contest. The stain on his family’s honor weighs on Karami heavily. Iaijutsu. Artisan: Bonsai. Spellcraft. Defense. scholars. Amato has been a devout supporter of the aspiring chef. But the contest is approaching quickly. Knives. and has hired an assassin to kill him. OTOMO AMATO OTOMO SHIGEKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39. Lore: Oracles. he’s not worried about anything happening. Games: Kemari. Spears B: Reflexes. and taken up a number of hobbies to help him relax. or even arrange a marriage for his daughter into a rich family. could he bear to choose between them? C: Kenjutsu. Artisan: Painting B: Meditation. YUKIO CRANE COURTIER C: Etiquette. It’s more likely. There are peasants whose homes have been destroyed by storms. Games: Go. That’s why he has copied several poems from the notebook of the great poet Yukishima. and he still regrets the fact that Kawachi was turned away. Lore: Animals A: Craft: Cooking Agenda: Anyone who knows Kawachi knows his biggest wish is to become the Emerald Chef. Lore: Politics. and he would desperately like to put right this oversight. He has balanced his duties to the Empire with his personal life. Horsemanship. Artisan: Porcelain Pottery B: Courtier. Instruction. alas. Peasant Weapons B: Artisan: Poetry.. Air magic B: Calligraphy. Perform: Storytelling. it’s not actually required of him. Kyujutsu. Artisan: Ikebana. And with the next favor he wins he’ll commission a great work of art in their honor. Craft: Weaponsmithing B: Reflexes. Lore: Foreign Lands. He hopes that by showing off his skills in other areas and giving gifts to the other members of Court that he can make a name for himself other than “the Lord of Ratlings. Several dozen of his best men were killed. Unless she can come up with one hundred koku. even offering to donate significant resources to civilizing his tribe of wayward goblins. with the dogs merely carrying the spoils back out to their "master trainer. and any efforts made to solve this problem will be his alone. Defense. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #63) CRAB COURTIER C: Instruction. Kyujutsu. so that they might learn more about human society. Lore: History B: Intelligence. One is to have a giant salamander brought from the Ivory Kingdoms for her menagerie. of course. He won’t be satisfied until he’s claimed as many favors as he possibly can. this will gain Jirokichi a chance to ask the Emperor to let his caravans bypass certain inspections. Perform: Storytelling. Sleight of Hand. Fire magic A: Lore: Nemuranai Agenda: Life has made a number of demands on Osumi lately. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #54) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50) CRAB BUSHI C: Athletics. .CHOHEI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #47. Lore: Geography A: None Agenda: Chohei’s given a lot of thought to his future since he broke Onohisa’s vase last year. Games: Shogi. or young Fusahiro’s interest in nezumi culture. Even if he does not win a favor to use for this purpose. His current plan is to ask the Emperor to give him the resources to build a library of Rokugani scrolls within a Naga city. just a ruse to help him get more followers. however. ERIKO & HANA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #67 AND #70) MANTIS COURTIER (AND PET) C: Awareness. Her yoriki report that maho-tsukai and bandit activity has been on the rise. the actual hunting and killing will be done by his goblin servants. And then a temple. Unfortunately. He really wishes people would stop talking about his decision to make Ik’rik’uk one of his retainers. Horsemanship B: Etiquette. Stealth. Air magic B: Lore: Shadowlands (Oni). Acting A: None Agenda: Akamaru is a troubled young man. Tea Ceremony. Defense. Sadahiro has been researching other incidents of Shadowlands activity within the Empire. Artisan: Gardening. Spears. Kuni Toshi has gotten involved in her private affairs. or if he would get along well with her beloved Hana. and is becoming increasingly desperate. Medicine. But he will have to overcome the negative influences of his Clansmen first. Courtier. Akamaru will attempt to make a deal. Games: Go. Etiquette. making him a relentless competitor. Agility. Isn’t that enough? While it would be imprudent of him to make such an announcement publicly. SHOUICHIRO DRAGONFLY COURTIER C: Commerce. Etiquette. Kenjutsu." Hopefully. ASAHINA SADAHIRO OF HOUSE INOUE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #49) C: Agility. Etiquette. Calligaphy. and his search for a shugenja capable of curing her has turned up no leads. and most of his remaining troops are unskilled. Lore: History. While he has turned up little more than rumors and hearsay. The only real option left to him is to seek training as a shugenja. There are too many problems to deal with everything at once. BUT NOT NAMED) CRAB BUSHI C: Strength. Acting (Noh) A: None Agenda: Fusanori has had to put up with some unkind rumors being spread about him since his son was rescued by a ratling. Courtier. Battle. and Osumi is seriously considering using some of the less conventional resources at her disposal to solve some of her problems. He’s willing to do anything to save her. Kata routines B: Lore: History. Lore: Naga Culture A: None Agenda: Since his meeting with Shishya. Kenjutsu. His beloved bride Moemi has fallen ill. More than anything. BUT NOT NAMED) LION BUSHI DRAGON BUSHI C: Lore: Heraldry. Sincerity. Lore: Oni B: Etiquette. Athletics. she has no choice but to pay the money and hope he will leave her alone. BUT NOT NAMED) LADY OSUMI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #51. Lore: Theology. Lore: Law. Defense. Lore: Heraldry. Kenjutsu. Iaijutsu. Spellcraft. Spellcraft. Horsemanship B: Stamina. War Fans. Games: Animal Tricks B: Animal Handling (Several Types). But Chikayasu sincerely believes that the Naga are worth having as allies. Lore: Heraldry. if he is to maintain his defenses. and wonders what it would be like to eat his cooking. But what other way can she get that much money besides diverting it from Chikayasu’s coffers? FUSANORI C: Lore: Law. he will do his best. Lore: Merchants. Jiujutsu. If Uulhan is present in the Court Jirokichi will become one of the goblin’s chief supporters. So long as they bring ample payment. Iaijutsu. Rather than expose the oni for what he is. Lore: Shugenja. his pride has kept him from telling either Akamaru or Shouichiro of the dilemma that they all face. Lore: Politics A: None Agenda: Every time Chikayasu praises Tokuko for her fine service she feels worse about what she must do. Games: Shogi B: Reflexes. Kenjutsu. to top it all off. Lore: Naga B: Etiquette. the horn of Oni no Saisei continues to deteriorate. Craft: Bowyer. Although she has only talked to the young chef a few times she feels a deep connection with him already. LORD UESHIMA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50) DRAGON COURTIER AKAMARU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50) DRAGON BUSHI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #60. Courtier. Courtier B: Calligrapy. He has already promised Ueshima’s family his life and his loyalty. Meditation. If he manages to win a favor he’ll do exactly that. Engineering. Defense. and let him smuggle more goblins across the Empire. Locksmith B: Commerce. Lore: Shadowlands (Goblins) A: None Agenda: Jirokichi hopes to win a hunting contest by sending a pack of dogs into the woods to catch game. either in the form of troops or rice. Iaijutsu. Craft: Talismans A: None Agenda: After his last encounter with an oni. Medicine. With no idea who the blackmailer is. It is. Lore: Theology. Courtier. Lore: Ratlings. there’s no telling what Akamaru might offer in return. Artisan: Origami. He’s not sure if he’s cut out to be a courtier. CRANE SHUGENJA TOKUKO C: Etiquette. Tea Ceremony. In reality. Staves. Many within his Clan have scoffed at the amount of resources he has used in what they believe to be a foolish endeavor. Akamaru will automatically be able to see through his disguise. Kyujutsu. Luckily for him. Meditation. Heavy Weapons. AKODO MINORU CHIKAYASU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #48 AND #91) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #54. and he intends to ask the Emperor to station a Jade Magistrate in the area near his home. He knows the oni is bound to keep any promise it makes. Lore: Shadowlands. Hunting A: None Agenda: Last year’s attack by Oni no Kyohaku left Ueshima’s forces severely depleted. Shouichiro sees no reason why he should dedicate himself to gaining favors for another.” YASUKI JIROKICHI C: Perform: Oratory. and. Animal Handling (Goblins). but he has no idea who to turn to. Spellcraft. Courtier. But the other is that she might have the chance to become better acquainted with Kawachi. If Oni no Kyohaku is present in the Court. he will be quite outspoken in stating the threat that such attacks present. his superiors have granted him permission to transfer to a new school—provided he wins a favor on behalf of his Clan first. Horsemanship. Animal Handling (Horses). the truth about her brother’s involvement in the opium trade will be revealed. Tea Ceremony. it is still enough to worry him. Knives A: None Agenda: Although he is employed as a yojimbo to Lord Ueshima. Shouichiro does his best to make it known that anyone who needs a champion in their quest to get a favor from the Emperor need only turn to him. Polearms. Kenjutsu. If it promises to save Moemi. Etiquette. Acting. Lore: Geography. Spellcraft. Lore: Fashion A: Lore: Animals Agenda: Eriko has two wishes this winter. C: Investigation. Games: Dice. Horsemanship. Lore: History. Divination. Kenjutsu. Lore: Theology. Void. Courtier. and he knows he could never pass the training required to become a bushi. Intelligence. Kyujutsu. BUT NOT NAMED) UNICORN COURTIER PHOENIX SHUGENJA D: Strength C: Horsemanship. Chikayasu has put considerable time and effort toward ensuring good relations with the Naga. Etiquette. Battle A: Lore: Drama Agenda: Minoru has always dreamed of presenting a full list of his heroic ancestors and their great deeds to the Emperor. he needs support. Yuta and Niimai. ABBOT OSHO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) MONK TEACHER C: Intelligence. Water kiho A: None Agenda: Osho’s main concern during Court will be to see that his pupils. Kenjutsu. She’s heard rumors of secret records kept in the Shosuro Libraries. Lore: Fashion. Craft: Sculpture B: Perception. But life has been difficult for him since losing his leg in the Shadowlands. Athletics. Believing that he could do more to protect the region if given more authority. very grateful. Lore: Anatomy." Suffice it to say. She’d like nothing more than the chance to assist the caretakers of the gardens in the Imperial Palace. BUT NOT NAMED) TOZAI UNICORN BUSHI SCORPION BUSHI C: Defense. KUNI KUROSHIGE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #73 AND CFS #74) CRAB SHUGENJA C: Stamina. Investigation. Heavy Weapons A: Horsemanship Agenda: No one dares speak of Chinua’s reputation for cruelty openly. Since her teacher’s death. however. Artisan: Fashion. Investigation. Kenjutsu. or even a chance to teach the children of the Imperial families. A good enough presentation might gain him more students. Athletics. and dreamed of following in her master’s footsteps to become a magistrate. Instruction. he takes his responsibility as their mentor very seriously. Perform: Flute. UMIKARO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #79-C) MANTIS BUSHI C: Reflexes. Artisan: Poetry. he may find himself with nothing to show for the winter once it has ended. He plans to lead another group of samurai on a hunt for trolls and ogres in the spring. and wonders if she can’t serve her Clan better by recovering lost wisdom. he plans to ask the Emperor for permission to serve in the Imperial Legions. Lore: Riddles. Lore: Theology. Lore: Art. don’t cause any trouble. Lore: Law. but would need a sponsor as powerful as the Emperor himself to have any hope of being granted entry. and hopes for permission to join one. Tea Ceremony. especially seeing as their behavior reflects on his ability to teach them proper etiquette. His long-standing feud with General Shutaro is well known. which Genshiro will use in an attempt to gain the Emperor’s favor. and the friction between them is certain to make things difficult for Tozai. LADY MOMOYO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #80) UNICORN COURTIER C: Awareness. Calligraphy. Polearms. Lore: Theology. Perception. And to make matters worse some "Judge" keeps sending him letters threatening to "reveal his lies to the Court. Knives. Sailing (Navigation). and a number of defensive structures in the area he patrolled were damaged. Sincerity (Deceit). and her life. Lore: Gifts. Courtier (Manipulation). Tozai decided that it was impossible to keep his wife and his lover under the same roof. Perform: Dance A: None Agenda: After the incident that nearly tore his family apart. Meditation. even more surprisingly. the woman who was allowed to stay holds Tozai’s full affections. Kenjutsu. Defense. BUT NOT NAMED) UNICORN ARTISAN C: Awareness. As it stands now. B: Artisan: Bonsai. Kuroshige remains convinced that the only way to defend against the Horde is to present a strong offense. Lore: Shadowlands. Instead. Heavy Weapons. Seeing no way to escape his shame. Hunting. Lore: Gifts. Defense B: Willpower. recreating their childhood romance. Lore: Fashion. Spellcraft. Even though he is not from their Clan. Artisan: Bonsai A: None Agenda: This winter has brought a number of surprises for Momoyo. His deepest wish is to be given stewardship over a quiet village where he can life out his life peacefully. GENERAL SHUTARO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) LION BUSHI C: Perception. BUT NOT NAMED) UNICORN BUSHI (AND PET) HIDEKO & SATSUKO C: Spears. Stamina. either Hideko or Satsuko could have been forced to leave Tozai’s home. Kata routines A: None Agenda: Having found that Chibi makes up for what he lacks in strength and size with intelligence. Knives. Lore: Economics. Battle. And. Etiquette. Battle. Hunting. and will do his best to secure any logistic support or supplies he can find. He managed to avoid the Taint. Void. Defense B: Polearms. Perform: Song. and he would do anything for someone who could make that happen. Athletics. Shutaro intends to ask the Emperor to name him the new governor. Artisan: Gardening. But the presence of Hideko and Satsuko make it difficult for him to present his case in a sympathetic manner. Kyujutsu. and worries that her skills outside of gardening are too limited. It was her husband’s intention to punish her by sending her to a minor Court while he basked in luxury. Kenjutsu. Heavy Weapons. Calligraphy B: Courtier. The fighting dogs he pits against one another are as ill-tempered and vicious as he is. The other was allowed to stay. . But Osho would also like the chance to show off his skills as a teacher. Chains. Kyujutsu. Unfortunately. Jiujutsu. They are meant to be perfect rivals for each other. Medicine. Etiquette. Lore: Plants A: Artisan: Ikebana Agenda: Flowers are Chasumi’s art. Investigation B: Awareness. Etiquette. Kyujutsu. Shutaro remains troubled. Courtier. Etiquette. TOUSUKE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #80) TORTOISE COURTIER D: Reflexes C: Temptation (Seduction). is to spend as much time in the company of Lady Momoyo as possible. Craft: Weaponsmithing. and used the opportunity to regain Tozai’s good graces. Craft: Fishing A: None Agenda: Umikaro is still feeling the sorrow of having failed to protect the city he was assigned to guard from the predations of the bandit lord Kurushii. Lore: Music. Kenjutsu. Horsemanship. but his handicap and the lingering fear that he may be infected by the Dark Lord’s touch make it extremely difficult for him to find employment. Medicine. Lore: Barbarian Culture B: Strength. she has found herself brushing shoulders with the Emperor. THE HUNTER (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #68. Kenjutsu A: None Agenda: If the PCs helped Masaaki they’ll find him very. Commerce. Fire magic B: Meditation. If he is not careful. One of the two women was sent away to serve as a liaison to the Imperial Clerks. Lore: Theology. and many believe that the only favor he could possibly want from the Emperor is permission to duel his hated rival. Perform: Shamisen. MASAAKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #72. Etiquette. Defense B: Willpower. and acquired a reputation as one of the best artisans in the area. BUT NOT NAMED) RONIN BUSHI C: Stamina. her old lover Tousuke somehow managed to find an invitation to the same Court despite her husband’s best efforts. Kata routines A: Games: Shogi Agenda: Despite having finished his maneuvers for the year. He’s supposed to request Imperial aid for his province with Otomo Ayako. Jiujutsu. As long as she is careful not to let anyone see the two of them together. He’ll join any contest he possibly can to gain a favor to use to this end. Lore: Heraldry. Craft: Armorsmithing B: Agility. Staves. Lore: Food and Drink B: Tea Ceremony. Horsemanship. Lore: Romantic Epics A: None Agenda: Tousuke’s standing orders are to secure gifts of fine steel and grain from the Emperor in order to build the financial might of his Clan. the two have perfected a number of tricks. Hunting. Whichever lady was sent away will be sure to bear the other quite a bit of ill will. Perform: Jesting. Strength. Strength. however. Kyujutsu. Perform: Drums. Civilian losses were heavy. The fact that these two women share many of the same skills is not accidental. But she knows the competition will be fierce. she has been seeking a new purpose in life. Investigation. Spears. His first priority. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #77) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #77) SCORPION COURTIERS C: Intelligence. Lore: History. Animal Handling (Dogs). Battle. Earth magic A: Lore: Shadowlands Agenda: Even after his disastrous march into the Shadowlands. Animal Handling (Dogs). Void magic A: None Agenda: Rei was once the student of Anaume. C: Battle. Genshiro decided to keep and train the small dog. Calligraphy. Medicine. REI (INSPIRED BY CFS #79-B) DRAGON SHUGENJA C: Intelligence. Lore: History. CHASUMI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #75. Courtier. Depending on how things turned out. which will likely mean that he will have to part from Chibi once again. Medicine B: Agility. he’d like to join a Deathseeker unit. Iaijutsu. Athletics. GENSHIRO & CHIBI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #68. Hunting. Battle. Kenjutsu. Craft: Cooking. Spellcraft. She has spent years perfecting her skills. Craft: Cooking B: Horsemanship. and it is all he can do to keep from lashing out at those around him.CHINUA. Since that time. his patience is running extremely thin. Games: Shogi A: None Agenda: Tozai has three big problems this winter. the season promises to be quite enjoyable. Lore: (Shiori’s Clan). And while their rivalry remains friendly. As such. Agility. however. Meditation. Etiquette. Perform: Biwa. Lore: History. Lore: History A: None Agenda: Until recently. Acting. and he has no clue how to handle himself. Some may be deterred by rumors of great skill. As such. so that she might enjoy a relatively peaceful marriage. In order to do so he’ll first have to prove his skills. Battle. Instead. Shiori would be very interested in ensuring that Hirohisa sees her in a positive light. So if one of them enters a specific competition. Commerce. he cannot explain his strange behavior to anyone. and he’ll need help if he’s to get through the winter unscathed. Games: Go. Courtier. Lore: Heraldry. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #95) IMPERIAL SHUGENJA C: Perception. any favors he wins will be used for the benefit of his Clan. there was nothing suspicious about Noritada’s behavior. Of course. the other one is sure to follow. but he cares only for the safety of his beloved daughter. Kata routines B: Kyujutsu. it’s Itsuko. There is however. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #83) C: Willpower. Such is the duty of a samurai—to serve without complaint. Athletics. Tea Ceremony B: Intelligence. Artisan: Ikebana. Kenjutsu. they both know that they will need to put forth their best efforts in order to win such a prestigious appointment. Games: Shogi. Upon coming to Winter Court. The very idea would be ridiculous if it were not so appalling. Athletics. he’ll also require guidance if he manages to win a favor from the Emperor. Etiquette. Air magic B: Meditation. Commerce. Lore: History. While she might want to ask him for permission to send a ship to trade with Yobanjin. open to anyone who first beats her in a contest of skill. Lore: Literature. Calligraphy. Kenjutsu. Lore: Bushido. Calligraphy.SHIORI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #81) ALLY COURTIER C: Perception. Kyujutsu. Miki also continues to strive for a position in the Imperial Guard. Artisan: Ikebana. Horsemanship A: None Agenda: Like Takuya. Kenjutsu. War Fans. Lore: Ninja. Courtier. Tea Ceremony. Perform: Storytelling. Lore: Theology. Either way. Likewise. Just as bandits can often be scared away simply with a show of force. Battle. Hunting. Defense. Lore: (Hirohisa’s Clan). Lore: Fashion A: Temptation (Seduction) Agenda: Natsumi has no intention of competing in the Emperor’s game if she doesn’t have to. His brash nature makes him an excellent target for more skilled manipulators. She only told her hated rival that Natsumi was playing with his heart because her honor demanded it. Kata routines A: None Agenda: No matter what his feelings for Shiori. TAKUYA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #82) ALLY BUSHI C: Perception. his daughter will be returned unharmed. even if he could never bring himself to request it. If he wins a favor and uses it to present testimony that Kurushii is innocent of any wrongdoing. Perform: Biwa. ANSWER FOLLOWS: The question is a trick. Shiroi’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the Player Characters. she may be the best friend the party could possibly have. Etiquette. Lore: Bushido. isn’t that why she was given such beauty in the first place? (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #94. He hopes to ask the Emperor for a chance to serve in the Imperial Legions. Games: Shogi. Kyujutsu. from chopsticks and brushes to hammers and spears. Defense A: None Agenda: This is the biggest social gathering young Ryuken has ever been to. Iaijutsu. War Fans. she intends to convince others that it would be in their best interests not (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #85) DRAGON BUSHI C: Artisan: Painting. Games: Children’s Games. and she won’t mince words in telling him how she really feels. Peasant Weapons. Intimidation. Lore: Fashion. Courtier. Courtier. At the behest of Otomo Ayako. Defense. Calligraphy. Spears. Water magic B: Awareness. and vice versa. he’ll waste his favor asking for a relatively minor amount of koku. But now people are whispering that she did it out of unrequited love. Artisan: Poetry B: Awareness. Battle. Lore: Theology. Miki’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match Tatsuya’s. Animal Handling (Falconry). Hirohisa’s Clan alignment should be selected with his rivalry to Shiori’s Clan in mind. Games: Dice. War Fans. Perform: Oratory. Artisan: Origami. Animal Handling (Dogs) B: Reflexes. Takuya’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the Player Characters. as the only favor she could want is to see the Empire. Etiquette. Meditation B: Kenjutsu. KAZARI-HIME RONIN BUSHI ASAKO FUJIKO NORITADA KATAKI ALLY BUSHI RYUKEN to oppose her Clansmen. Fujiko would rather leave direct competition to others. Games: Sadane. Lore: Law. which she already plans to do in the spring. War Fans. Likewise. Etiquette. Tea Ceremony. and anyone who could get one for him would certainly earn his undying gratitude. Kata routines B: Kenjutsu. Any other answer will be dismissed. Lore: Insults A: None Agenda: Kataki deeply regrets ever helping the PCs. Intelligence. Spellcraft. or dismal. Kyujutsu B: Agility. Without someone to suggest a better use. Fire magic A: None Agenda: Never one to seek out glory for herself. Battle. regardless of its merit. while others might be bought off with promises of help in return. Perform: Dance. Void. Noritada’s daughter has been kidnapped by the bandit lord Kurushii. And she doesn’t even want anything in return. Lore: Ryoko Owari (or other relevant city). she will offer a new challenge. Acting. Spellcraft. Perform: Song A: None Agenda: If the PCs can count on one person to help them this winter. and he’s certain to enter any contest he stands even the slightest chance at winning in hopes of doing so. Iaijutsu. Kenjutsu. she reasons that the best way to win is to be the only one playing. Whoever can find "the tool that is the most useful and important" will be able to claim her hand in marriage (or gain a favor from her if she is already married). (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #84) PHOENIX SHUGENJA C: Calligraphy. Sincerity (Deceit) B: Intelligence. Jiujutsu. Meditation. she sees no reason to compete when she can simply ask some lovestruck fool to win the favor for her. Lore: Drama. Those who know of Noritada’s recent conflict with faceless shapeshifters may be especially suspicious of his strange and secretive actions. While she does not command a great deal of influence. REIKA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #96) Lion Bushi C: Strength. Awareness. and he’s sure to become unpopular by claiming that Kurushii was framed. Kataki’s hate for the PCs has never been stronger. Artisan: Origami A: None Agenda: Takuya hasn’t given up on his dreams of glory. Lore: Ancestors. she has devised another way to help her Clan win the favors that the Emperor offers. Hirohisa will accept his betrothal without complaint. On the walls of her chambers hang tools of every variety. BUT NOT NAMED) RIVAL COURTIER C: Investigation. Iaijutsu. MIKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #82) C: Agility. The "most useful and important tool" is actually the challenger’s own hands. Craft: Cooking B: Tea Ceremony. Tea Ceremony. He dreams of having a hawk from the Emperor’s own aviary. one thing he would like for himself. she is genuinely friendly and wishes to be helpful. ITSUKO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #93) CRANE COURTIER D: Gullible C: Courtier. Battle. The fact that Miki is likely to request the same thing only makes him more desperate to win a favor as quickly as possible. Lore: Literature. HIROHISA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #81) RIVAL BUSHI C: Reflexes. The only problem is that she doesn’t know how to gain his friendship. he has been quite tense and agitated. Kataki’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC she will serve as a rival to in mind. Animal Handling (Falconry). or even the Imperial House Guard. Horsemanship. Artisan: Poetry A: None Agenda: Depending on her feelings for Hirohisa. NATSUMI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #94) MANTIS COURTIER C: Perform: Shamisen. Lore: Romantic Epics A: None . Lore: Underworld. Lore: (Rival Clan). After all. Jiujutsu. Investigation. or possibly his brain. which he’ll go through all too quickly. Kenjutsu. Fire magic. Kyujutsu. the two are to be wed in a ceremony that will bring their respective Clans closer together. Every contest Takuya enters is a chance for him to achieve his goal before Miki does. Air magic A: Lore: Riddles Agenda: If no one has yet managed to solve the riddles which Kazari-hime posed to her suitors. Athletics. the players might find Shiori overjoyed. Etiquette B: Athletics (Kemari). Lore: Gifts. ninja. monster. SONODA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) HEIMIN SERVANT C: Lore: Shadowlands. like the nezumi. Fusanori hopes this is simply a stage that the boy is going through. Spears B: Craft: Carpenter.Agenda: The one thing Reika truly wants is something that no noble or Emperor can give. Etiquette. Sincerity (Deceit). Stealth. Since he was rescued from the woods by Ik’rik’uk. so he’ll try to arrange any contest of skill toward so that it involves such a demonstration. At the very least. Lore: Law. Perform: Song B: Craft: Housekeeping. Courtier. he’ll do everything he can to win a favor from the Emperor. If approached. the fact that he is considered a living legend for both his swordplay and his skill in forging weapons brings him great satisfaction. If he can secure permission to compete. Perform: Shamisen. GONBEI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #98) HEIMIN SERVANT C: Awareness. Mari has taken up her "Judge" persona once again. Courtier A: None Agenda: Moemi is barely well enough to get out of bed these days. Courtier. Meditation. Air magic A: Inner Gift: Empathy Agenda: Zeshin’s divination abilities are limited to learning the secrets of other people. Lore: Ancestors B: Perform: Storytelling. Artisan: Ikebana. Strength. The last few months have been filled with despair. On the other hand. it is all she can do to get out of bed by herself. Junpei became smitten on her. Kata routines. Instruction. Lore: Fashion. and she honestly wants to help Chifune. Lore: Animals B: Games: Children’s Games. Perception. ZESHIN (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #97) SCORPION SHUGENJA C: Intelligence. Although they came from completely different worlds. FUSAHIRO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #60. NON-COMPETITORS The following characters are not likely to participate in the games that the host of Winter Court has organized. Animal Handling (Horses). MOEMI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50) PHOENIX COURTIER C: Awareness. Meditation. She has made her peace with the world and is ready to meet her ancestors. Etiquette. Forgery. If Ikue’s father is still working as a servant for one of the PCs. After acknowledging her child as his own son. Lore: Law. but he figures that using his favor on behalf of the family he serves will garner him the last bit of respect and admiration needed to be nominated for elevation to samurai status. Junko’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match Tatsu’s. She knows she is playing a dangerous game. but she is betrothed to a man she barely knows. and began doing whatever he could to get her attention. and she has the PCs to thank for it. Craft: Housekeeping. Lore: Theology. Games: Children’s Games A: Investigation Agenda: At the request of her friend Chifune. Spellcraft. she trusts him completely. She worries about her grandson. Of course. to which he responds politely with a poem or two before returning to his duties. Lore: Shugenja B: Awareness. Lore: Literature. Kenjutsu. he has expressed a desire to help her and get involved. her son will grow up to be a samurai. Many different Lore skills. they can provide alternate avenues of help or information for the PCs. But recently she has met a man who seems to understand her feelings of loneliness. LADY JUNKO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #37. Lore: Fashion. Tea Ceremony B: Perform: Song. and the more they ask the harder it will be to refuse politely. Lore: History. Sincerity (Deceit) A: None Agenda: Gonbei has his heart set on becoming a samurai and escaping the life of a servant. but it’s so much more exciting than the boring routines of Court. Fusahiro knows more about the nezumi than most adults. The two are often found together. Lore: History. however. Tea Ceremony A: None Agenda: As a geisha. She dreams of marrying for love. Now. Etiquette. Such villains won’t care that he is unable to tell which secret belongs to which person—they’ll just kill him and be done with it. Instruction. Jotaro took her on as a concubine. BUT NOT NAMED) CRAB CHILD C: Lore: Nature. Etiquette. Lore: Local Villages . While Yoshimoto does not wish to compete for himself. Etiquette. and Fusahiro’s greatest wish is to someday become a master hunter. Yumi has less chance of being allowed to compete in the Emperor’s contest than many of the non-Rokugani guests. The grave illness that has befallen her defies all attempts at conventional healing. it is more than she could hope for. MARI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #42) UNICORN CHILD C: Calligraphy. but may influence the events that go on in some other way. As long as some kind soul remained to comfort him in his time of need. Perform: Dance. JUNPEI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #30) HEIMIN CHILD C: Animal Handling (Horses). Craft: Farming A: None Agenda: After his father died in an accident. he would rather his son behaved more like a samurai. Reflexes. IKUE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #46. Perform: Storytelling. for while he is glad to have allies among the nezumi. Junpei was sent to study with his grandfather. Craft: Cooking. however. While she will probably never advance beyond her current station. but there is one lingering regret that troubles her. Craft: Tailor A: None Agenda: Life has taken a wonderful turn for Ikue. Calligraphy. and what will become of him once she is gone. Etiquette A: Storytelling (Poetry) Agenda: Yukishima does his best to avoid the Courts since his retirement. Moemi would be able to pass on without regrets. Void. and bandit in the Court. YUMI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #45) GEISHA C: Investigation. Reflexes. If his power becomes known to the Court at large. Craft: Cooking. including sabotaging other competitors. But the only way her skills would truly shine is if she there was some way she could participate directly. Lore: Samurai B: Intelligence. But that was long ago. he still hears a lot of what goes on in the Court however. But Tozai is much more respected than Toshihide ever was. Sincerity. As a member of the local temple. YUKISHIMA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #43) MONK POET (FORMERLY UNICORN POET) C: Intelligence. Lore: Famous Places in the Empire. BUT NOT NAMED) HEIMIN SERVANT C: Craft: Cooking. YOSHIMOTO-SENSEI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #21 AND #89) MONK (FORMERLY DRAGON BUSHI) C: Meditation. and will be interested in news about anyone who shows an aptitude for poetry. Iaijutsu A: None (but Craft: Weaponsmithing was formerly at this rank) Agenda: Yoshimoto is still trying to adjust to retirement. and angering him would be very dangerous. Perform: Storytelling. it also means that his slow descent into old age is that much more devastating. Peasant Weapons. His name is Sunechi. Fire kiho B: Agility. People still approach him at times and ask for recitals. she could give useful advice on a wide range of subjects that would be a big help to anyone who listened. Courtier. and even magical cures are of limited effectiveness. Etiquette. Artisan: Origami. BUT NOT NAMED) ALLY COURTIER D: Stamina. Artisan: Ikebana. Lore: Theology A: None Agenda: Once Junko was a beautiful and respected courtier. Agility C: Courtier. Investigation. he’ll soon find himself the target of assassination attempts by every bloodspeaker. Divination. Lore: Art. he has looked up to the ratling scout with great admiration. Lore: Art B: Awareness. Perform: Song. Now that she has begun spying on Tozai. Lore: Weapons. a stable-hand for the Unicorn. Lore: Law B: Perception. he will also be very glad for this good news. Craft: Weaponsmithing. and though she is not attracted to him. Sometimes she lets Junpei do it for her. there are sure to be those who pester him to display his skills. Courtier B: Awareness. Tatsu. Despite this. Ratling Language A: None Agenda: Despite his young age. As a mother. Sometimes she spies on Tozai directly. Lore: Theology. On one hand. Calligraphy. before her body began to fail her. But if he was caught interfering in the business of a samurai there would be dire consequences. and can speak to her as a kindred spirit. her main concern is for her beloved Akamaru. It was there that he met Mari. Games: Children’s Games B: Lore: Ratlings. he can’t ask to be made a samurai. Calligraphy. and should be used sparingly. Sleight of Hand. XOTTOM. If Fumimaro gives her proper encouragement. Following his wayward son to the general’s camp.. Athletics B: Agility. Lore: Theology. Staves B: Perform: Storytelling. Kyujutsu. HIROSHI & DAISUKE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) HEIMIN LABORERS C: Lore: Superstitions. For Daisuke. Lore: Spirits. Lore: Anatomy. The most common is hauling heavy boxes or bushels of rice from place to place. Hiroshi doesn’t mind so much. WAKANAI. Perform: Belching. Craft: Locksmith. SPECIAL GUESTS & PARTY CRASHERS Keep in mind that the following characters are provided only for the sake of completeness. for she dreams of staying by his side forever. Both father and son would like to return home. Air magic A: Lore: Insults Agenda: Despite being three years older. Both had been forced to face unpleasant situations at an early age. Is that so wrong? If they’ve crossed paths with the PCs before they’ll be sure to single them out for special attention. Knives. It’s been some time since he used that name."). Knife. feel free. Despite his disheveled appearance. MIYUKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #6. His current plan is to collect donations on behalf of his temple (actually a front for cultists). and is thus regarded with some leniency. as good fortune seems to come easy for him no matter what he does or where he goes. Tea Ceremony B: Lore: Gifts. Lore: Shadowlands B: Willpower. Meditation. Craft: Farming A: None Agenda: This summer saw Haruki get his first taste of battle as an ashigaru under the command of General Shutaro. however. When she heard that the two layabouts would be going to Court she made sure that she would be brought along as well. XRANGE. TACHIKO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) HEIMIN SERVANT C: Craft: Farming. Air magic B: Willpower. however. BUT NOT NAMED) SNOW MAIDEN SHUGENJA C: Perform: Flute. she could be convinced to display her power over ice and snow. Lore: Local Villages. and is afraid to even tell him. Her only wish. Craft: Cooking A: None Agenda: Tachiko’s life would be perfect if it weren’t for her husband’s gambling. Juijutsu.. Haruhide found that Haruki had already joined the army. drinking heavily and rambling incoherently. Artisan: Painting B: Awareness. And both had an intense dislike of liars and hypocrites. THE WHISPERER (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #10. Sincerity (Deceit). and had grown up quickly. Stealth. AI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) CRANE STUDENT C: Courtier. and would invite the Emperor himself if given the chance. and her family has said they will send her to serve in a distant court once she has completed her gempukku. She cannot bear the thought of saying goodbye to Yuta. Stealth. Lore: Samurai. Craft: Temple Cleaning A: None Agenda: Yuta and Niimai are nearing their gempukku. XHARM. in the hopes that being shamed in public will make him change his ways. Maho magic A: None Agenda: Gimei is the bloodspeaker who impersonated Master Jianzhen in an attempt to find a pure soul to sacrifice in a dark ritual.5. Perform: Song A: None Agenda: Ai’s training is also nearing its completion. Finding a way to sustain flowers in such a frigid environment would be a major challenge. Games: Pranks A: Lore: Insults Agenda: This pack of mujina just want to have fun. this is no problem. on the other hand. Lore: Shadowlands. and will likely leave Abbot Osho’s training in the spring. Lacking any special skills with which to serve their samurai lords. HARUHIDE & HARUKI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) ASHIGARU SOLDIERS C: Defense. His mission is to disrupt the Court. They only individuals who seem immune from their games are shugenja (and Shadowlands creatures or Ninja who are attending Court under an assumed guise). His two favorite topics are the many injustices he has suffered ("I used to be a great temple master!") and the virtues of domestic plants ("Consider the noble turnip. Calligraphy. would much rather slip away to spend time with Ai. but a lie can be accepted as truth if enough people believe it. Including them all would make for a very chaotic Winter Court. For Niimai. BUT NOT NAMED) PHOENIX SHUGENJA C: Courtier (Gossip). He’s served in the armies of the Crab. He’s even been to the Imperial Court as a guard. he will claim to seek a blood feud against another member of the Court to avenge the sullied honor of his sister. XUP. His only recourse was to join himself as well. Lore: Theology. It might be interesting to try a Winter Court where everyone is a secret assassin. It’s all a lie. Lore: Rumors B: Craft: Housekeeping.. Stealth. Lore: Vegetables A: None Agenda: Kero continues to wander the countryside. Investigation. however. Defense. and cause unease and suspicion in the Clans. Calligraphy. besides Fumimaro’s happiness is a small flower garden for her shrine. Maho magic A: Special Ability: Silent Casting . Navigation. & XOP (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #7 AND CFS #79-C. SHOSURO RENSUKE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #2 AND #85) SCORPION BUSHI (ACTUALLY NINJA) C: Perception. Chifune’s first reaction was to use a similar trick on her father. such news is like a death sentence. DRAGON STUDENTS C: Theology. To a girl in love. and is less than comfortable about being in such a dynamic social situation. Yuta. Medicine. Air magic B: Meditation. And while he knows it is not an old man’s place to offer advice on important matters. Kenjutsu. Reflexes. but they’re just as likely to torment servants or courtiers as well. BUT NOT NAMED) MUJINA C: Lore: Food and Drink.A: Lore: History Agenda: Sonoda has seen many things in his time. Water magic A: Special Ability: Weather Control Agenda: Miyuki is attending Court at the insistence of her old friend Fumimaro. which he will speak about in great detail to anyone who listens. All he needs is a suitable victim. sow distrust. Unlucky (for Daisuke) Agenda: Life is difficult for unskilled workers like Hiroshi and Daisuke. every day brings some new problem or trouble for his wife to pester him about. Ninja Ranged A: Stealth Agenda: Shosuro Rensuke is actually the ninja shapeshifter Goju Ryosuke (who also appeared as Matsu Ryosuke). She can’t count high enough to keep track of how many times he’s lost their savings to Hiroshi in a dice game. If that’s the kind of thing you like. Defense. they are no longer children either. So when Mari told Chifune of how she’d gotten her revenge on Toshihide. BUT NOT NAMED) MONK (ACTUALLY TAINTED SHUGENJA) C: Meditation. and he’s banking on no one recognizing him. of course. Etiquette. YUTA & NIIMAI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) CHIFUNE (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #77) SCORPION SHUGENJA C: Etiquette. Medicine. Though they are not yet fully recognized as adults. Poison.. but as long as Shutaro remains on his campaign they must march with him. Water magic B: Meditation. Lore: Shugenja. but he’s not adverse to inviting pilgrims to visit him in the spring. Temptation (Seduction). the only way they can earn a living is by performing simple jobs. Spellcraft. Spellcraft. His experience as a skirmisher in his youth probably ended up saving his son’s life in the battle that followed. Etiquette. While she has gained some control over her Snow Maiden abilities. however. Poison. Spellcraft. KERO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) MONK D: Perception C: Meditation.. Animal Handling (Horses) B: Games: Dice. Artisan: Sculpting (Ice). he does seem to be a monk. Athletics. GIMEI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #1. He’s worked as an assistant to traveling local magistrate. Knife. Etiquette. Craft: Gardening. lest they continue their gambling all winter. XOWN. he prides himself on being an excellent listener. Acting. if not respect. she is still wary of causing a scene. Acting. Chifune hit it off with Mari as soon as the two girls met. As Rensuke. Lore: Theology. Craft: Farming A: Luck (for Hiroshi). Peasant Weapons B: Spears. Air magic B: Athletics. however. and may be admitted to Court functions if they are quiet and behave themselves. Such as Tokuko’s brother’s involvement in the opium trade. BUT NOT NAMED) GAKI SPIRIT D: Willpower C: Lore: Food and Drink. NURARI-HYON (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #24. Rokugani Language A: Lore: Naga History Agenda: Pathika will also treat anyone who has helped the Naga with courtesy and friendship. Air magic (Izo only) A: None Agenda: There used to be several more members of this resourceful bandit gang. biding his time until the PC has entered a contest of martial skill. Agenda: As the last surviving student of Satsujinki. Agility. Gempachi’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will serve as a rival to in mind. Kenjutsu. BUT NOT NAMED) RONIN BUSHI X 2. Sincerity (Deceit). Perform: Ratling Dance B: Reflexes. Knives. Lore: Naga Culture. He has learned some of the Rokugani language since they last met. Kenjutsu. she will ask the Emperor for a private audience. Rokugani Language. and he is glad for the opportunity to meet so many different people. Stealth (Ambush). the vast number of treasures and usable supplies in the Court is a temptation Mattchek cannot pass up. Everything else is meaningless. but he is also eager to learn more about Rokugani society. Lore: Theology (Moksha). from a slow death in the wilderness will have her undying loyalty. Lore: Shadowlands. BOUTAI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #32. Named for his unusual ability to cast spells and command oni without raising his voice above a whisper. BUT NOT NAMED) RIVAL SHUGENJA C: Perception. Otherwise. Courtier. Lore: Spirit Realms A: None Agenda: It took Nurari several months to return to the human world after the last time he was exorcised. and the dolls she creates serve as incubators for her babies. The dolls she sells now are crafted in a completely different style. Now that he has made his way back. Unfortunately. Rokugani Language B: Hunting. Defense. Courtier. Lore: Law.Agenda: If the PCs managed to defeat The Whisperer the first time they encountered him. sneaking back and forth between the castle and his camp several times in the course of the winter. Lore: Anatomy. If the people of Rokugan are not capable of dealing with the Foul then perhaps they are not worthy of his gratitude. however. the bandit’s rage will be terrible indeed. He will make off with as many items as he possibly can. ABE. Intelligence. Chains. KAI GEMPACHI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #15. Etiquette. Hunting. Lore: Law A: None Agenda: Gempachi’s attempt to frame others for the use of maho may have failed. His main goal is to summon kansen or minor oni servants into the palace and cause chaos. Hunting. Lore: Bushido. And then she will plunge a knife straight into his eye. Upon learning of the Emperor’s announcement. Spellcraft. But once she has found a patron to help her set up a shop. Lore: Theology B: Temptation (Seduction). Peasant Weapons. BUT NOT NAMED) NAGA BUSHI C: Stamina. Traps. But first he will have to find allies to support his proposal. Spears. Awareness. Heavy Weapons. He says it is to cover the hideous burns he suffered as a child. Water magic. Lore: Naga Culture. Intelligence. Lore: Theology (Moksha). he has a bad habit of possessing people without their permission. Lore: Rokugani Items. Jiujutsu. Lore: Shadowlands A: Courtier (Manipulation). For the only two options open to Boutai are kill or be killed. Maho magic B: Craft: Dolls. Acting. and is somewhat more comfortable dealing with humans. Athletics. Gunji. Kenjutsu. GINJO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #52. She is a Pekkle no Oni. But the memory of his ordeal has left him uneasy. Knives. he will avoid all contact with other individuals. she is confident that she will be able to avenge her fallen master. Investigation (Scrounging). But they’ve managed to track their adversary to the castle where he’ll be spending the winter. If things go favorably he would like to establish a Naga Embassy in a major human city. WU TIEN (INSPIRED BY CFS #34 AND CFS #35) UNICORN SHUGENJA (ACTUALLY TAINTED) C: Sleight of Hand. Navigation. Lore: Rokugani Culture. Defense. RONIN SHUGENJA X 1 C: Athletics. he has returned to take vengeance on Nobuisa. Whether he has been officially invited or not. he’ll start bribing servants to give him even more dirty secrets about the members of Court. Games: Children’s Games. Peasant Weapons. Stamina. Horsemanship B: Strength. waiting for he perfect chance to strike. Lore: Shadowlands A: Acting Agenda: Ginjo is also an oni. Spears. And she’s only the first of his intended blackmail victims. KURUSHII (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #26) RONIN BUSHI C: Reflexes. Calligraphy. BUT NOT NAMED) RIVAL BUSHI (ACTUALLY UNDEAD) D: Defense C: Reflexes. Commerce. Chains. but Abe. Games: Shogi. but he will take any chance at revenge he can get. returned from Jigoku to claim more slaves! And what better opportunity could there be than a Winter Court where people trade promises and favors about like copper coins. The more feelings of arousal and desire he can consume the sooner he will be able to be reborn and move on in the kharmic cycle. Craft: Pearl Carving B: Lore: Naga Culture. PATHIKA (INSPIRED BY CFS #53) NAGA COURTIER C: Awareness. she’ll resume her old tricks soon enough. Even though the curse that animates him hides his undead nature. they will find that his mantle has been taken up by one of his students. Acting (Disguise). DUTA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #53. Lore: Shinomen Woods A: None Agenda: If the PCs met the wounded Duta in the woods and helped him in his hour of need. . Sincerity (Deceit). the PCs. All they need to do now is find some way into the castle and get their revenge. Jiujutsu B: Strength. Lore: Astrology. Investigation. In reality. she is clever enough not to use the same trick twice in a row. he managed to kidnap the young daughter of Lord Noritada. Lore: Rokugani Culture. And possibly make off with some fine treasures in the process. Lore: Naga Law. Knives. it is Mattchek’s responsibility to provide for his followers in the lean times of winter. Maho magic A: Perform: Dance (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50) CRAB COURTIER (ACTUALLY AN ONI) C: Investigation. Lore: Rokugani Law. his daughter will be returned safely. Investigation. Hunting. Etiquette B: Reflexes. Temptation (Seduction). Lore: Theology (Moksha). Battle (Skirmish). he’s eager to continue feeding. Hunting. Now that the Emperor is almost within her reach. Of course. Defense A: Lore: Underworld Agenda: Although there is no way Kurushii could gain entry into Winter Court. but in the short time he was able to pose as a magistrate he was able to uncover some very potent secrets. Nurari’s Clan allegiance should be selected with his former relationship to the PCs in mind. and Izo are the only ones who haven’t been caught yet. Stealth (Ambush) B: Underworld. Only then will he step forward and engage his hated rival in combat. GUNJI. Athletics (Running) A: Sleight of Hand Agenda: As the leader of his pack. Knives. albeit one of a much subtler type. Spears. Lore: Toys. Intimidation. Etiquette (Rokugani) A: Kyujutsu Agenda: This is Shishya’s first trip to Winter Court as a samurai. Hunting. Lore: Ratling Tribes. Then. it is to hide his true identity. Being repeatedly ambushed and robbed by a heroic ronin named Kintaro didn’t help matters much either. and no longer contain her spawn. Kenjutsu. Polearms A: Shadowlands Power: Thy Master’s Will Agenda: Boutai wishes only to die at the hands of his rival. Medicine. and will probably have to be driven off once more. Divination B: Awareness. and anyone else who may have wronged him. His demands are quite simple. & IZO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #29. MATTCHEK (INSPIRED BY CFS #59) RATLING THIEF C: Stealth. he will still be able to have some influence in it. Kenjutsu B: Reflexes. Boutai’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will serve as a rival to in mind. she will attempt to win a favor through either her dancing or her magic. they’ll find him very grateful. Sincerity (Deceit). Calligraphy. Lore: Rokugani Culture. SHISHYA (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #54 AND CFS #56) NAGA BUSHI C: Defense. Knives. First. Duta. Wu Tien has remained hidden for quite some time. If Noritada wins a favor from the Emperor and uses it to clear Kurushii’s name of any wrongdoing. Kai is really Oni no Kyohaku. Those who saved her clutch-mate. BUT NOT NAMED) CRANE SHUGENJA (ACTUALLY AN ONI) C: Etiquette. Agility. Not only does he wish to make a good impression for the Naga. Knives. Once she gives him the money he needs. Temptation (Seduction) Agenda: The ronin courtier who calls himself Kai is never seen without his cloak and hood. Investigation. Knives. Maho magic B: Acting. C: Tea Ceremony. Lore: Drama A: Deceit Agenda: Mifune was originally unhappy to be at such a low quality Winter Court. Knives A: Reflexes Agenda: While Nayami retains the Bayushi name she no longer considers herself a member of the Scorpion Clan. such as the tea at a tea ceremony or some special food. He is caught between two different worlds. Knives B: Athletics. Lore: Monks.. Lore: Shadowlands B: Strength. Lore: Underworld B: Poison. Beiyuu will be sure to enter or watch every martial event. So she hopes to spread her Taint to as many victims as she possibly can. Athletics. Medicine. If Uulhan and Yasuki Jirokichi should cross paths. and there was a fantastic response! What follows are those characters that were submitted (edited for brevity. They’ll get a second helping of poison. Willpower. making it appear as if they all succumbed to their illness. ROTFANG UULHAN (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #79-C) LION BUSHI (ACTUALLY A PENNAGGOLAN) C: Etiquette. Knives. Defense. Samang will only be present at Winter Court if Uulhan has managed to make major inroads in getting goblin refugees accepted into Rokugan. Craft: Jewelry. The only flaw in his plan is that it prevents him from taking action in the case of a crisis.. Lore: Rokugani Culture A: Hunting Agenda: Ik’rik’uk joined Rokugani society in order to secure a better life for his packmates. Stamina. Kyujutsu. Intelligence. Investigation. and is unable to find his place in either one of them. She’s already gained entrance to the Court by disguising herself as a member of the Mantis Clan. With the Emperor present. Courtier. Lore: Ninja B: Awareness. Her last target was a member of General Shutaro’s command staff. Craft: Farming. Hunting. but it is possible. Deep shadows prevented him from getting a good look at the murderer’s face. and is an unexpected bonus. Once he received word of the Emperor’s arrival. And when he finds the killer he is determined to let nothing stand in his way. The creature’s real name is Goju Ayashiku. Battle. It has given him hope that humans and nezumi may one day be able to work together. Etiquette (Rokugani). Sincerity (Deceit). Knives. Investigation. Depending on how much he has succeeded. BEIYUU (SUBMITTED BY ISAWA NAZOMITSU) HARE SAMURAI BAYUSHI NAYAMI (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #71 AND CFS #74) SCORPION BUSHI (ACTUALLY TAINTED) C: Ninja Ranged. Courtier. Heavy Weapons A: None Agenda: Assuming he was not killed by the player characters. Stealth. Of course. Craft: Cooking. But there is nothing that says he cannot call upon the PCs to act in his stead. then to arbitrate settlements between the feuding factions. Awareness. Disguised as a scribe. Etiquette. Lore: Drama. Jiujutsu. and he hopes that it may even be possible to secure an agreement allowing his tribe to travel through the area freely. Recently he has started to believe that a visit to the Temple of the Seven Thunders will give him an idea of what he should do. Meditation (Fasting). There is no way he could ever forget. The fact that everyone’s attention is on the contests only makes his job easier. RAOSHU (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #61) SUNECHI RATLING MONK C: Void. masquerading as a Lion magistrate. Kenjutsu. and winning the right to serve as his personal advisor would give Ayashiku plenty of time to turn him to the Darkness. Lore: Shadowlands A: None Agenda: Sunechi is yet another monster in disguise. Knives. Defense. but he remembers the strange manner in which the culprit held his knife. things will be very interesting. Iaijutsu. Poison. Lore: Shadowlands A: Defense Agenda: Uulhan has continued his efforts to "civilize" his pack of goblins. Investigation B: Etiquette. Acting (Disguise). Athletics. Craft: Weaving. Traps. Since accepting a position with Fusanori he has been able to bring back much knowledge and useful supplies to his people. Lore: Theology. Stealth. Medicine. He only seeks to find enough victims to sate his driving hunger. Explosives. and it continues to seek out weak-willed individuals in hopes of converting them to the cause of the Living Shadow. And no one will be the wiser. he rushed to the palace as fast as he could. Athletics. but won’t risk exposing himself in these manipulations. Intelligence. Godo’s Clan alignment should be selected to match one or more of the Player Characters. Iaijutsu. And he has also taught young Fusahiro the ways of the nezumi. A pennaggolan to be exact. Hunting. Kyujutsu. When everyone gets sick. Athletics (Running). Games: Dice. DARKCLAW SAMANG (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #65) GOBLIN WARLORD C: Intelligence. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #64) AYA OF THE MORNING MIST GOBLIN COURTIER C: Engineering. Medicine. Reflexes. BAYUSHI MIFUNE (SUBMITTED BY BAYUSHI MIFUNE) COURTLY SCORPION BUSHI C: Awareness. ORIGINAL CHARACTERS EDITOR’S NOTE: Nazomitsu put out the call for his readers’ characters to be immortalized in this installment of CFS of the Week. Etiquette (Sincerity). Perform: Oratory. Defense. the greatest target of all would be the Emperor himself. but the arrival of the Son of Heaven has changed that. Unlike the other Tainted creatures in the Court. with apologies to the authors). Sleight of Hand. Now she’s under orders to kill Otomo Shigeki. Lore: Nezumi Culture. Perform: Storytelling A: None Agenda: Raoshu knows he is not human. Stealth B: Agility. Lore: History. Stealth. Meditation. Chains B: Kenjutsu. Kyujutsu A: None Agenda: Beiyuu has come to Court searching for the man who killed his older brother. MIRUMOTO KURO (SUBMITTED BY MIRUMOTO KURO) DRAGON BUSHI C: Kenjutsu. Hunting. Lore: Drama. Lore: Nature B: Reflexes. Lore: Bushido. Calligraphy. Courtier. Lore: Ratlings. he will try to find others who will believe his stories and ask them to become patrons of his motley band. and he longs for permission to make the pilgrimage. and there is no record of his arrival." Ryoko makes her living as a hired assassin. Taking advantage of the favorable situation to smuggle several dozen goblin berserkers into the Empire. Temptation (Seduction). Sailing (Navigation). he has no great aims or master plan. Sincerity (Deceit) A: None Agenda: Better known as "The Black Scorpion.. Staves. he is able to attend the Emperor at most official functions. Spears. Samang seeks to claim undefended territory and use it to build his power base. Lore: Theology. Courtier (Manipulation) B: Awareness. Except for a few doses. Locksmith B: Agility. Her plan is to plant a mild poison in something that several people will eat or drink. If his true identity were revealed it would mean his death. Lore: Literature A: Acting (Disguise) Agenda: Godo is not officially at Court this winter.IK’RIK’UK (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #60) RYOKO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) RATLING BUSHI MANTIS BUSHI (ACTUALLY RONIN ASSASSIN) C: Investigation (Scrounging). and he passes along the secrets he hears to the PCs’ superiors. GODO (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) ALLY SPY C: Reflexes. Investigation. it is potentially possible that he could be allowed to enter Winter Court. Stealth. Sincerity (Deceit). (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #86) DRAGON MONK (ACTUALLY NINJA) C: Reflexes. Perform: Storytelling A: None Agenda: The tattooed woman known as Asamoya no Aya is another ninja shapeshifter. Stealth. Defense. Calligraphy. Staves. If he is present. Knives. Craft: Item Repair B: Agility. Etiquette. Lore: Spirits. Defense. C: Kenjutsu. He will do whatever he can to make his fellow competitors for the Emperor’s favor look bad. Sleight of Hand B: Athletics. Craft: Carpentry. Peasant Weapons. or even a citizen of the Empire. which will go to Shigeki and a few others. But neither does he feel any special kinship with the nezumi. Lore: Scorpion Clan. she’ll offer some medicine to ease the victim’s pain. looking for someone who holds his weapon with his little finger resting on the pommel. His original intent was to cause arguments between the various diplomats at the Court. and all that remains now is her insatiable hatred for those who enjoy the life she can no longer live. however. Lore: Shadowlands. Kenjutsu. this has taken on a whole new depth of meaning. Her Taint has robbed her of such allegiances. Lore: Geography (Land Holdings) A: Lore: History . It’s not very probable. destroying their lives just as hers was destroyed. Acting (Kabuki). Lore: Theology (Unorthodox Views) A: Perception Agenda: In court. KITSUKI MARIME (SUBMITTED BY FNOR) SCORPION POET/DUELIST C: Sincerity (Deceit). but he is not quite sure how to take it. Etiquette. Etiquette C: Void Ring. Shogo suddenly found himself welcomed by the Bayushi daimyo he was working for as a long-lost son. as he was still in training and not present.wasteful. Earth magic A: Fire magic Agenda: A battle shugenja who is as at home investigating a crime as he is fighting the perpetrators. BITTER LIES SWORDSMAN D: Common Sense C: Etiquette. Etiquette. Kenjutsu. KOUJI (SUBMITTED BY TAMERLAN) RONIN DUELIST D: Honor. Seeing as how his wife is Scorpion. Iaijutsu B: Kenjutsu. Sincerity (Deceit). It is likely he will make a bid for a weaponsmithing contest. Kyujutsu (Hankyu). Amyako might enter anything on a whim. he is often sent places to show the “good” side of the clan and to play down the darker aspects. and to avoid court as much as he can. AKODO AKIRA AGASHA NARUTEN (SUBMITTED BY JADEFORM) FIRE SHUGENJA C: Kenjutsu (Wakizashi). and secretly robbing all the shrines in an area. and it’s a fair bet that you’ll be talking to whichever would be most convenient (for them). Maho A: Underworld Agenda: Isuma.. throwing away a tool with the Emperor’s favor would be. Etiquette A: Artisan: Poetry. For now he has to search his path to greatness through the simple errands he is asked to undertake. and his ridiculous skill at disguise and assassination means he could have replaced anyone. Amyeko is a courtier through and through. KITSUKI ARASAKI (SUBMITTED BY AKODO AKIRA) LION CLAN TACTICIAN C: Investigation. Possibly even beyond their loyalty to the Scorpion. However. She will attempt to garner as many followers as she can. Jiujutsu. The two sisters are absolutely devoted to each other. Kuro’s level-headedness and courteous behavior has granted him frequent service as a diplomat to mid/low-rank courts where he is supposed to observe its goings-on. Kenjutsu. ACTUALLY MAHO-TSUKAI) C: Etiquette. Athletics. Iaijutsu. but the problem is that this particular group’s leader is a former budoka (made ronin due to one of her previous investigations). Athletics. Courtier. Reflexes. Lore: Sake. is here on Ryoku’s mother’s behalf. They are both very skilled at impersonating the other. Hunting. respectively. Because of this. though she has a remarkable knowledge of DOJI RYOKU (SUBMITTED BY DOJI RYOKU) CRANE BUSHI C: Iaijutsu. The one thing that drives him is the desire for recognition. He is content to serve his desire for power by mistreating peasants and has no use for wealth beyond his need for equipment and weapons. and broker the occasional trade agreement (usually food for Dragon gold or iron). He is deployed when his lord needs to prevent an enemy from achieving their goal. A: None BAYUSHI AMYAKO. he has no idea what he would do with Imperial favor. and specifically the Soshi family. Perform: Storytelling. Agility. Sincerity B: Courtier (Political Maneuvering). with the conscience of a pit viper but a carefully maintained reputation. Lor: Kagaku. One other thing drives Togai like nothing else. After all.. Arasaki is best described as a carefully-applied blunt instrument. Etiquette A: Battle. only to give his loot to another temple. He plans to spend as much time playing Go and discussing matters of import with other battle masters." sake and an ambition to sample the brew of every village in Rokugan. BAYUSHI COURTIER C: Kenjutsu. he avoids them because an honorable Scorpion is an asset to the clan. A well-placed comment then forces them to either back down or challenge him.. Investigation. continuing to build his connections with them through his wife and best friend. Following up the chain has lead her to this point. Calligraphy (Crane Cipher. Lore: Heraldry. Courtier. Stealth B: Courtier. Luck. Stealth B: Agility. bragging about deeds he didn’t perform himself. Etiquette. Kenjutsu. . They can possibly serve as Shogo’s advisor and yojimbo. If they challenge him.. no matter what game the Scorpion play. Perform: Storytelling. Etiquette. taking over both the Crane and Scorpion Clans at once. He is not above dishonorable methods to acquire fame. Stamina. Other magistrates know her as a somewhat-batty loose cannon due to her constant bickering with her judgmental ancestor. his unit’s charge was slain. Lore: Shadowlands. Kenjutsu. Iaijutsu B: Polearms (Naginata). While Anzai is not above evil or dishonorable actions. Reflexes. however. Origami. DOJI ISUMA (SUBMITTED BY DOJI RYOKU) DOJI COURTIER (FORMERLY BAYUSHI. Etiquette. as well. Before he entered active service. Reflexes. Athletics A: Luck Agenda: Amyeko and Amyako are twin sisters. Sincerity). Investigation (Notice) A: Craft: Weaponsmithing Agenda: Shogo has spent many hard years as a ronin. teaching him the ways of court and the art of deceit. Air magic B: Investigation. Investigation B: Poetry. Amyako is an absolute wild child. Defense. Lore: History. but recognize the effectiveness of her clandestine and often unorthodox investigations. He will try to foster good relations with the Crane. Scorpion Cipher).Agenda: An undistinguished student of the Mirumoto school. both born of the Crane Clan. Amyeko might enter the contest with her origami skills. Sincerity (Deceit) B: Lore: Law. he wins. Knifes. PCs who approach will be met with a suspicious eye. (SUBMITTED BY JADEFORM) SOSHI ANZAI (SUBMITTED BY AKODO AKIRA) MAGISTRATE C: Etiquette. but it is all that he can hope for. She secretly plans to manipulate him to attempt a coup. He’s made a few very loyal followers already by personally making their daisho for them. That’s why he challenges every worthy opponent he meets. Perform: Storytelling. Etiquette (Conversation. Lore: Theology. His standard method is to dig up enough information to make a detailed picture of the target’s weaknesses. Meditation. Is the daimyo playing an elaborate joke on other daimyos? Is he protecting the real heir with a kagemusha? Is he genuine? Shogo has a huge natural talent for weaponsmithing. Bugei Skills B: Lore: History. Investigation Agenda: Marime is currently attempting to root out an underworld boss who’s organization she has been tracking. BAYUSHI SHOGO (SUBMITTED BY BAYUSHI SHOGO) RONIN YOJIMBO/BAYUSHI COURTIER C: Courtier. Should she win. Lore: Underworld A: Iaijutsu Agenda: Kouji is a thug and a murderer for hire. makes this a very tricky proposition. especially if they are Imperial. officially adopted and installed as heir. although she will not go against Ryoku. Artisan: Origami B: Artisan: Poetry. At the end of his last assignment. DAIDOJI TOGAI (SUBMITTED BY TAMERLAN) KAKITA BUSHI C: Courtier. Iaijutsu Special: High Honor Agenda: Advance the power of the Scorpion Clan. Courtier B: Kenjutsu (Katana). wife of Doji Ryoku.. Being with them is only a shadow of what he is longing for. He only partially escaped dishonor. He is tragically in love with a young woman who is already betrothed to another man. and use the favor to secure himself. Tea Ceremony B: Earth Ring. determined to try everything once before the Fortunes no longer find her entertaining. Tea Ceremony. The only thing that stops him from grieving constantly are the letters they frequently exchange. Iaijutsu Agenda: An Imperial Magistrate who also held a position in the Imperial Guard. hiring himself out as a yojimbo throughout northern Rokugan. Since then. Spellcraft. He always carries a bandolier of potions ranging from Bayushi’s Bane to Liquid Fire. Temptation (Seduction). Kenjutsu A: Spellcraft Agenda: Doji Ryoku has appeared in court on order of his mother. he has set out to make a name for himself and overcome the shame of his comrades’ failure. Lore: Ninja. Lore: Kolat. such as cheating in a duel. she’ll ask for help locating her lost love—a fiancé she is absolutely faithful to in his absence. He sees the arrival of the Emperor as opportunity. Kuro knows "The Author. Sincerity (Deceit). Stealth A: Perception. Kyujutsu. DEPRESSED EMERALD MAGISTRATE C: Courtier. Hunting. She’d likely ask for aid locating her sister’s fiancé. Sincerity (Deceit). Kenjutsu (Katana). and the fact that he can find something that reminds him of his love in almost every woman. identical to the degree that their own parents occasionally fail to distinguish between them. BAYUSHI AMYEKO & BAYUSHI AMYAKO (SUBMITTED BY BAYUSHI SHOGO) BAYUSHI AMYEKO. Lore: Bushido. Games: Go Agenda: Akodo Akira’s goal is quite simple: see the winter through with little or no involvement with the Scorpion Clan. and equally gorgeous. while he wishes to learn the ways of court. Temptation (Seduction) A: Agility.
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