CH4H2012 Cooking Project Templates



Cooking Project – Lesson 3 use the template to make the slide for your cooking projectChinese 4H Mustangs 7th period 2011-12 Cooking Project Dear All, You only work on your own slide: do not edit other's. Everyone in our group with this link is able to edit this set of slides. Please respect other's work. Just in case, every group needs to save once they edit theirs. So, we always have the updated file in our own computer. Check your group slide and see the example before you work on your slide. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs Examples •  The following slides and projects were previous students—Chinese Level 3 from another school. •  Focus on the PPT format!! •  Remind yourself: Check their videos and find out what needs to be improved. •  The next two SLIDES (Green and White--Pride of Mustangs!!) are the exemplary work—regardless of the video & part of the ingredient list (because the criteria is different.) •  After Green & White example, you will see two slides for your group. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs 锅贴//guo1 tie1//Pot Stickers P.1 (Student names has been removed.) Traditional [ **need to add Ingredients!!] 1。攪和 面粉跟水變生面團。 2。把豬肉,豆油,料酒,醬油,鹽,和五香粉都混 合。 3。 把這個原料成分洗,切,和放在碗裡: ,韭菜, 白菜,和姜。 4。 把生面團切出來小片,變鍋貼皮。 5。放一點餡放在皮的中心,包好。 6。 燒鍋貼在鍋裡跟一點水,可以吃了! How to Make Pot Stickers Simplified 1。搅和 面粉跟水变生面团。 no recipe link, brought 2。把猪肉,豆油,料酒,酱油,盐,和五香粉都混 合。 from china :) 3。 把这个原料成分洗,切,和放在碗里:葱,韭菜, 白菜,和姜。 4。 把生面团切出来小片,变锅贴皮。 5。放一点馅放在皮的中心,包好。 Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs 6。 烧锅贴在锅里跟一点水,可以吃了! 锅贴//guo1 tie1//Pot Stickers P.2 (students’names…) How to Make Pot Stickers no recipe link, secret recipe from mom. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs •  There are some missing parts according to requirement of the project. Just for your information. You might something that you can learn or some mistakes you will avoid Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs 油餅, cong you bien, green onion pancake 成分: 麵粉, 鹽, , 蛋, 水, cornstarch 做法: 第一,把配料在碗裡,然後攪 拌,然後將 ,然後魚苗. 做法: 第一,把配料在碗裡,然后搅 拌,然后将葱,然后鱼苗. Students’ names….. Recipe: ORIGINAL Video Link: v=CT5O4AyRqwQ comments: Plus: food looks very delicious Minus: points due to the incomplete recipe & typos !! Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Kevin Chen, Jeremiah Liou, Shangway Hsu Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Kevin Chen, Jeremiah Liou, Shangway Hsu Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Jason Chen, Dennis Feng, Shane Saputra, Tim Fan Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Jimmy Wong, Jesse Chen, Emily Gao, Katie Luo Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Jennifer Yeung, Chris Chen, Sejoon Park, Jasmine Chen Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Jessica Mazzarino, Hansen Chung, Haoran Lee Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Sean Kao and Costa Spyrou Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Lori Liu and more..... Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Name of the food (both Chinese and pinyin and English) Richard Liang and ...... Photo(s) of your project (not an on-line photo) project video link reference recipe link video link recipe in simplified Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs recipe in traditional Chinese with ingredients and directions about 100 words. 乾炒牛河 , Gān chǎo niú hé , Beef Chow Fun 你應該先切肉。家一點鹽和一點 胡椒。然後打開麵條包。果皮麵 條。打開爐。家一點石油﹐然後 肉。然後家麵條和家鹽﹐醬油和 胡椒。轟動。 你应该先切肉。家一点盐和一点 胡椒。然后打 面条包。果皮面 条。打 炉。家一点石油,然后 肉。然后家面条和家盐,酱油和 胡椒。轰动。 Project Link watch?v=v6KGgE-xJAs For example: comments: RecipePlus: food looks very delicious Minus: points due to the od/beef/r/beefchowfun.htm incomplete recipe & typos !! Students’ names…… Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs Traditional: 材料:糯米,雞肉,香腸,蓮業, 醬油,和 糖。 先把雞肉用醬油和糖掩好,然後把香腸切成 小塊。把糯米放在蓮業上,然後把雞肉和香 腸放在米上,再放一些米在肉上。最後把米 包起來,用繩子 起來。然後放在水里煮兩 小時就好了。 Simplified: 材料:糯米,鸡肉,香肠,莲业, 酱油,和 糖。 Recipe Link: 先把鸡肉用酱油和糖掩好,然后把香肠切成 blogentry.aspx?postid=140705 小块。把糯米放在莲业上,然后把鸡肉和香 Video Link: 肠放在米上,再放一些米在肉上。最后把米 包起来,用绳子 起来。然后放在水里煮 小时就好了。 Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs 糯米雞 Har Gow (虾饺) (xia1jiao3) Simplifed: 1)把一磅虾和四分之一磅笋,切碎,放在一起. 2)加一点玉米淀粉,厨用酒,芝麻油,植物油, 糖, 和盐. 3)把这些盖起来,放在冰箱里一个小时。 4)皮 - 放木薯粉,水,和植物油在一起。 5)把这个混合物揉到很薄的时候。 6)把3步放在冰箱里的陷拿出来。 7)拿一点陷包在皮里,做成饺子的形状。 8)蒸10 ∼ 15 分钟。 Traditional: 1)把一磅蝦和四分之一磅筍,切碎,放在一起。 2)加一點玉米澱粉,廚用酒,芝麻油,植物油,糖, 和鹽。 3)把這些蓋起來,放在冰箱裡一個小時。 Video Link: 4)皮 - 放木薯粉,水,和植物油在一起。 5)把這個混合物揉到很薄的時候。 Recipe Link: 6)把3步放在冰箱裡的陷拿出來。 7)拿一點陷包在皮裡,做成餃子的形狀。 125849_Har_Gau__Xia_Jiao.html 8)蒸10 ∼ 15分鐘。 Project Video Link: Huang laoshi @CH4H Mustangs
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