
June 13, 2018 | Author: Iannah Malvar | Category: Coordination Complex, Isomer, Metallic Elements, Chemical Substances, Sets Of Chemical Elements



Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 24.1 Multiple-Choice and Bimodal Questions 1) The coordination num ers of co a!t(""") and of chromium(""") in their comp!e#es are a!ways $$$$$$$$$$% &) 4 B) ' C) 2 () ) *) + &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 2) The coordination num er of p!atinum in comp!e#es is a!ways $$$$$$$$$$% &) 4 B) ' C) 2 () ) *) + &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 )) (urin, the formation of a coordination compound, the meta! acts as a $$$$$$$$$$% &) Lewis acid B) Br∅nsted acid C) &rrhenius acid () Br∅nsted ase *) Lewis ase &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 4) (urin, the formation of a coordination compound, !i,ands act as $$$$$$$$$$% &) Lewis ases B) &rrhenius ases C) Br∅nsted acid () Lewis acids *) &rrhenius acids &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 ') The coordination sphere of a comp!e# consists of $$$$$$$$$$% &) the centra! meta! ion on!y B) the !i,ands C) the centra! meta! ion and the !i,ands onded to it () the primary and secondary -a!encies *) coordination and steric num ers &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 +) "n the fo!!owin, reaction, .i 2+ is actin, as a(n) $$$$$$$$$$% .i 2+ (,) + + / 2 0(!) → .i(/ 2 0)+ 2+ (a1) &) o#idi2in, a,ent B) Lewis acid C) precipitatin, a,ent () so!-ent *) !i,and &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 3) /ow many d e!ectrons are in the co a!t ion of 4 ) [ Co(C.)+ ] 5 &) ) B) ' C) + () 3 *) 4 &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 6) 7hat is the char,e on the comp!e# ion in M, 2 [ 8eC!+ ] 5 &) 29 B) 2: C) )9 () ): *) 49 &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 ;) 7hat is the o#idation num er of chromium in [ Cr(./ ) ) 4 C! 2 ] C! 5 &) 9) B) :) C) :2 () 92 *) < &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 Chemistry, 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 1<) 7hat is the !i,and in Ca ) [ 8e(C.)+ ] 2 5 &) Ca 2+ B) 8e)+ C) C. − )− () 8e(C.)+ *) 8e 2+ &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 11) 7hat is the char,e of the centra! meta! ion in Ca ) [ 8e(C.)+ ] 2 5 &) < B) 1: C) 2: () ): *) +: &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 12) 7hat is the o#idation num er of co a!t in [ Co(./ ) ) 4 82 ] 5 &) 9) B) :2 C) :1 () :) *) :+ &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 1 14) The coordination num er for [ =n(/ 2 0))C!] C! is $$$$$$$$$$% &) ' B) 4 C) 2 () 1 *) + &nswer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.a [ 8e(C.e of the comp!e# ion in [ =n(/ 2 0))C!] C! is $$$$$$$$$$% &) < B) 19 C) 2: () 1: *) 29 &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 1') 7hat is the o#idation state of iron in Ca. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 1)) The char. 24. 24.1 .Chemistry.) + ] 5 &) < B) :2 C) :) () :4 *) :+ &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 1 16) 7hat is the o#idation state of chromium in [ Cr(/ 2 0) 4 C! 2 ] 5 + &) < B) :2 C) :) () 92 *) 9) &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) )' C!] (.0) ) 2 5 &) 12 B) 6 C) 4 () 2 *) + &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.) + ] 5 &) 2 B) 6 C) 4 () + *) 12 &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.Chemistry. 24.1 .a [ 8e(C. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 1+) 7hat is the coordination num er of iron in Ca.1 13) 7hat is the coordination num er of co a!t in [ Co(. Chemistry. 24.2 .and% &) mono B) i C) tri () tetra *) he#a &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.1 2<) The >dentation> of a !i.) 7hat is the coordination num er of chromium in [ Cr(/ 2 0) 4 C! 2 ] 5 + &) 6 B) + C) 4 () 2 *) 12 &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 1.and is defined y $$$$$$$$$$% &) how many >dents> or >deceptions> there are in the coordination sphere of a comp!e# species it forms B) how many e!ectron donor atoms it uti!i2es to form coordinate onds to the centra! meta! ion C) the tota! num er of !one pairs of e!ectrons it possesses () how many meta! ions it can se1uester from so!ution *) none of the a o-e &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 24.2 21) *(T& is $$$$$$$$$$9dantate !i. nesium *) ch!orophy!! &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 2)) /ow many iron atoms are coordinated in a hemo.2 . 24. 24.!o in mo!ecu!e5 &) 1 B) 2 C) ) () 4 *) ' &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 24) The correct name for [ . 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 22) 7hat is the meta! ion in the porphyrin of heme5 &) iron B) ca!cium C) mo!y denum () ma.i(.Chemistry.0) )) is $$$$$$$$$$% &) dinitrohe#aamminenic?e! ("") B) he#aamminenic?e! (""") trinitrate C) dinitrohe#aamminenic?e!ate (""") () he#aamminenic?e! ("") nitrate *) he#aamminenic?e! (""") nitrate &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) )+ ] (. Chemistry.i-en the a re-iated formu!a AAh ) % The correct name for Bh(AAh ) ))C! is $$$$$$$$$$% &) ch!orotripheny!phosphinerhodium B) ch!orotripheny!phosphinerhodium(") C) tris(tripheny!phosphine)ch!ororhodium(") () ch!orotris(tripheny!phosphine)rhodium(") *) ch!orotris(tripheny!phosphine)rhodate(9") &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.a ) [ Co8+ ] is $$$$$$$$$$% &) trisodium he#a?isf!uoroco a!t(""") B) trisodium he#a?isf!uoroco a!t("") C) trisodium he#a?isf!uoroco a!t("@) () sodium he#af!uoroco a!tate(""") *) sodium he#af!uoroco a!tate("@) &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.3 23) Tripheny!phosphine is often .3 2+) The correct name for . 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2') The names of comp!e# anions end in $$$$$$$$$$% &) 9o B) 9ium C) 9ate () 9ous *) 9ic &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.3 . 4 . the onds are the same ut the spatia! arran.eometrica! isomer with !i?e .roups !ocated on opposite sides of the meta! atom is denoted with the prefi# $$$$$$$$$$% &) cis9 B) trans9 C) is9 () tetra?is *) d9 &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.ona! ipyramida! C) octahedra! () s1uare p!anar *) either tetrahedra! or s1uare p!anar &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 2 C! 2 ] does not e#hi it cis9trans isomerism% The .) & . 24.ement of the atoms is different% &) structura! isomers B) !in?a.4 2.e isomers C) coordination9sphere isomers () stereoisomers *) resonance structures &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.Chemistry. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 26) "n $$$$$$$$$$.4 )<) The comp!e# [ =n(.eometry of this comp!e# must e $$$$$$$$$$% 2+ &) tetrahedra! B) tri. 24. ands that ha-e more than one possi !e donor atom &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry.4 ))) Lin?a.e isomerism can on!y occur $$$$$$$$$$% &) in cis9isomers of octahedra! comp!e#es B) with co a!t comp!e#es C) with coordination num er + () with tetrahedra! comp!e#es *) with !i. 24.ona! ipyramida! *) !inear &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )1) /ow many isomers e#ist for the octahedra! comp!e# ion [ Co(.4 2− must e $$$$$$$$$$% .4 )2) Trans − [ 8e(/ 2 0) 2 C!4 ] &) tetrahedra! B) octahedra! C) s1uare p!anar () tri. 24. 24./ ) ) 4 82 ] 5 + &) 1 B) 2 C) ) () 4 *) ' &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 2 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) 8ormation of a comp!e# species of M n + meta! ion with !i. s1uare p!anar comp!e#es% &) d < B) d .6 )') 7hat transition meta! is responsi !e for the co!or of ru y5 &) man. C) d + () d 6 *) d1< &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.anese B) co a!t C) titanium () . in the ease with which M n + is reduced or o#idi2ed () a!ters ori.urations characteristica!!y form diama.Chemistry.ands often $$$$$$$$$$% &) >mas?s> ori.1 .ands B) reduces a-ai!a i!ity of the free M n + ions in so!ution C) may cause chan.6 24.o!d *) chromium &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )4) Meta!s with $$$$$$$$$$ e!ectron confi.ina! chemica! properties of oth the M n + ion and the !i.ina! physica! properties of M n + *) a!! of the a o-e &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. eometry found in four9coordinate comp!e#es5 &) s1uare p!anar B) octahedra! C) tetrahedra! () icosahedra! *) tri./ ) is $$$$$$$$$$% &) 2 B) ) C) 4 () + *) 6 &nswer: ( Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 )) The minimum num er of unshared -a!ence e!ectron pairs in the !i.1 4) The coordination num er of co a!t in CoC!) g '. 24.1 .ands of a coordination compound is $$$$$$$$$$% &) 1 B) 2 C) ) () 4 *) ' &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry. 24.ona! ipyramida! &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2) 7hat is the most common . ands are in the coordination sphere5 &) Ca 2+ B) . Ca.a [ 8e(C.)' D 5 &) 1: B) 2: C) ): () 4: *) ': &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.i in C. what !i.1 +) Chan. − () / 2 0 *) none of the a o-e &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: in the coordination sphere of a comp!e# compound may !ead to chan. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )− ') 7hat is the o#idation num er of .a + C) C.Chemistry.1 .es in $$$$$$$$$$% &) co!or B) physica! properties C) chemica! properties () sta i!ity *) a!! of the a o-e &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.) + ] .1 3) "n the compound. 24. 24.i(C. 24. 1 1<) 7hich of the fo!!owin. species is parama./) ) 2 ] *) . comp!e#es has a coordination num er of +5 &) [ Co(en) 2 C!2 ] C) [ Cu(.(.) 7hich one of the fo!!owin./ ) ) 2 (.a 2 [ Cr(. and o-era!! char. + &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 4 ] + B) [ At(.Chemistry. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 6) 7hat are the respecti-e centra!9meta! o#idation state.1 .1 .netic5 &) Cu + B) Cr )+ C) =n () Ca *) &. 24./ ) ) 2C! 2 ] 2+ + () [ &. coordination num er.e on the comp!e# ion in .CE) 4 ] 5 &) :)F +F 91 B) :)F +F :1 C) :2F +F 92 () :2F 4F 91 *) :1F +F 92 &nswer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. of these comp!e#es has coordination num er +% &nswer: & Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 1 12) 7hat is the char.)+ ] 5 &) )9 B) 2: C) 29 () 19 *) 49 &nswer: * Diff: 3 Page Ref: Sec.ands are there in the coordination sphere of [ Co(en) 2 C!2 ] 5 + &) ) B) + C) 4 () 1 *) < &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.and with a sin. 24.1 1)) & !i. 24.Chemistry.!e donor atom is ca!!ed $$$$$$$$$$% &) a che!on B) a che!ate C) po!ydentate () monodentate *) identate &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 11) /ow many !i.e on the comp!e# ion in Ca 2 [ 8e(C. 24.2 . what percent of a sor ed iron is found in !ood5 &) 1' B) 2' C) 4< () +< *) 3' &nswer: * Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry.ood B) to comp!e# trace meta! ions that cata!y2e decomposition reactions C) to comp!e# iron(""") ions so they can cata!y2e protein decomposition on coo?in.2 . 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 14) 7hich of the fo!!owin. *) to pre-ent disso!ution of the container in the food when stored for !on. 24. *(T& to prepared foods5 &) to ?eep ions such as Ca 2+ in so!ution so the foods !oo? . 24. 24.ent5 &) ch!oride anion B) *(T& C) porphine () ethy!enediamine *) o#a!ate anion &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 1') 7hat is the purpose of addin. is not a che!atin. coo?in. of the surface durin. () to aid in rownin. a. periods of time &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 1+) "n humans. ent upon stora. B) 0 C) E () Br *) 8 &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. :1 B) +. respecti-e!y% &) 4. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 13) The coordination num er and o#idation num er of the centra! atom in CMn(C0) 4 Br2 D are $$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$.2 16) 7hat purpose wou!d sodium tripo!yphosphate ser-e in a deter.2 . the inside of washin.2 1. :2 *) +.ent in the o# () to comp!e# and hence se1uester meta! ions in hard water *) to reduce acteria! . 24. :1 C) '. :2 &nswer: * Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 24. machines c!ean and free from corrosion C) to impro-e the f!ow characteristics of the deter.) 7hat are the donor atoms in a porphine mo!ecu!e5 &) .Chemistry.ent formu!ation5 &) to aid in remo-a! of rust stains from surfaces and from c!othes B) to aid in ?eepin.e &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.rowth in the deter. :2 () 4. 2 22) /ow many onds can ethy!enediamine form to a meta! ion5 &) 1 B) 2 C) ) () 4 *) + &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.anese () -anadium *) ma.!o in B) deo#yhemo.2 21) 7hat form of hemo. 24. 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2<) 7hat meta! is comp!e#ed in ch!orophy!!5 &) iron B) chromium C) man.nesium &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 .Chemistry.!o in *) none of the a o-e &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.!o in is purp!ish9red5 &) myo.!o in C) heme () o#yhemo. 24.C 2 / 4 ./ ) ) 4 2+ : +/ 2 0 ⇔ Cu(/ 2 0) + 2+ + 4./ ) &nswer: ( Diff: 4 Page Ref: Sec.ht5 &) &.2 24) The che!ate effect is est attri uted to considerations of which type5 &) hydration B) entha!py C) entropy () hydro.Br 2 − +2" − 2+ 2+ B) . species is a potentia! po!ydentate !i.ent)5 &) B) C) () .2 .and (che!atin.C 2 / 4 ." 2 − +2Br − ⇔ &.2 2') 7hich one of the fo!!owin./) ⇔ . 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2) Based on entropy considerations a!one.i(/ 2 ./ ) )+ + C 2< / 1< ./ 2 )) + +.i(./ ) ) 2 (C 2< / 1< ./ ) C!− C. *) resonance &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24./ ) )+ + )/ 2 .Chemistry.en ondin./ 2 2+ 2: − C) CoC! 4 + +/ 2 0 ⇔ Co(/ 2 0) + + 4C! 2+ 2− () 8e(.eneous a1ueous e1ui!i rium wou!d e e#pected to !ie to the ri./ ) *) Cu(. which homo. − / 20 2− *) C 2 0 4 &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 4 ⇔ 8e(. 4 ) + 4. a. 24. ./ ) B) ) .3 . + () 8e./ ) ) ) BrDBr g/ 2 0 has which set of !i./ ) .2 23) 7hich of the fo!!owin. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2+) 7hat are the donor atoms in ferrichrome and how many of them are in one mo!ecu!e5 &) Cr. ' B) . 24. 24. and 1 / 2 0 &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 4 *) E. is a po!ydentate !i./ ) and 1 Br 9 () ) . and 1 / 2 0 ) *) ) . 24.2 26) & comp!e# of correct!y written formu!a CAt(./ . 2 Br 9 .ands in its inner coordination sphere5 &) ) . 4 C) 0. 1 Br 9 − ./ ) and 2 Br 9 C) ) .and5 &) ammonia B) o#a!ate ion C) ch!oride ion () water *) hydro#ide ion &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. + &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry. 4 . is the correct formu!a for potassium dia1uatetrach!oromo!y date (""")5 &) 4 2 CMo(/ 2 0) 2 C! 4 D B) 4CMo(/ 2 0) 2 C! 2 DC! 2 C) 4CMo(/ 2 0) 2 C! 4 D () MoC4(/ 2 0) 2 DC! 4 *) 4 )CMo(/ 2 0) 2 C! 4 D &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.CE− &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 24.4 )1) Lin?a. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2. 24.e isomerism wou!d most !i?e!y occur when which of the fo!!owin.ands is present5 &) B) C) () *) / 20 .3 )<) (oes either or oth cis9 or trans9 CMn(en) 2 Br 2 D ha-e optica! isomers5 &) cis on!y B) trans on!y C) oth cis and trans () neither cis nor trans *) CMn(en) 2 Br 2 D does not e#hi it cis9trans isomerism% &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry. !i.) 7hich one of the fo!!owin./ ) C!− A8 ) . 4 ))) 7hich of the fo!!owin. wi!! disp!ay optica! isomerism5 &) s1uare9p!anar CBh(C0) 2 C! 2 D9 2+ B) s1uare9p!anar CAt(/ 2 .C 2 / 4 . 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )2) "somers whose !i.e isomers B) rotationa! isomers C) coordination sphere isomers () .Chemistry. 24./ 2 ) 2 D )+ C) octahedra! CCo(./ 2 ) ) D &nswer: * Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.eometry5 2− &) C.iC! 4 D 2+ B) CCo(/ 2 0) + D )+ C) CCr(.4 ./ ) ) 2 C! 2 D &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.) + D *) CAt(. comp!e#es wou!d most !i?e!y ha-e tetrahedra! ./ ) ) + D 2+ () octahedra! CCo(.ands can ind direct!y to a meta! or e outside the !attice are ca!!ed $$$$$$$$$% &) !in?a.4 )4) 7hich one of the fo!!owin.eometric isomers *) optica! isomers &nswer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) )' C!D )+ *) octahedra! CCo(/ 2 ./ ) ) + D ) () C8e(C.C 2 / 4 . 24. 4 )+) Coordination sphere isomers &) ha-e the same mo!ecu!ar formu!a and coordination num er% B) ha-e the same mo!ecu!ar formu!a ut different coordination num ers% C) ha-e different mo!ecu!ar formu!as ut the same coordination num er% () ha-e different mo!ecu!ar formu!as and different coordination num ers% *) are the same as resonance structures% &nswer: & Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 2 C! 2 D (s1uare p!anar) B) C=n(.4 )3) & racemic mi#ture is &) an e1ua! mi#ture of oth enantiomers of an optica!!y acti-e species% B) a mi#ture of an optica!!y acti-e species with an optica!!y inacti-e species% C) an e1ua! mi#ture of cis9 and trans9isomers% () a mi#ture of meta! ions and !i. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )') 7hich one of the fo!!owin.Chemistry.eometrica! isomerism% &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 4 D (s1uare p!anar) 2+ () CCu(.ands in e1ui!i rium% *) a mi#ture of structura! isomers% &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 2 C! 2 D (tetrahedra!) 2+ C) CCu(. comp!e#es can e#hi it . 24.4 ./ ) ) ' C!D (octahedra!) *) &!! of the a o-e can e#hi it . 24.eometrica! isomerism5 &) CAt(. 24. 5 4<) & meta! comp!e# a sor s ! at 3<< nm wi!! appear $$$$$$$$$$% &) red B) ./ ) ) 4 D 2+ B) CCd(.reen B) ye!!ow C) red () oran.) & comp!e# that a sor s !i.Chemistry. which is most !i?e!y co!or!ess5 2+ &) CCu(. 24.5 . 24.5 ). 24./ ) ) + D 2+ () CCr(.reen C) ye!!ow () oran./ ) ) 4 D 2+ C) C.i(./ ) ) ' C!D 2+ *) CCo(./ ) ) + C!D &nswer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: Sec.uration. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )6) Based on e!ectron confi.e *) -io!et &nswer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: main!y at 42< nm% 7hat is the co!or of the comp!e#5 &) .e *) purp!e &nswer: B Diff: 3 Page Ref: Sec. 24.netic5 2+ &) C8e(/ 2 0) + D (!ow spin) )+ B) C8e(/ 2 0) + D (!ow spin) )+ C) CCo(/ 2 0) + D (!ow spin) 2+ () C=n(/ 2 0) 4 D 2+ *) C=n(.ands% () a comp!e# must e char.urations are typica!!y co!or!ess ecause &) there is no d e!ectron that can e promoted -ia the a sorption of -isi !e !i.6 4)) Comp!e#es containin. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 41) 7hich one of the fo!!owin.5. su stances has three unpaired d e!ectrons5 2+ &) C=n(.6 . 24.(.ths% C) there are no d e!ectrons to form onds to !i./ ) ) 4 D )− *) CCr(C.ed to e co!ored% *) d e!ectrons must e emitted y the comp!e# in order for it to appear co!ored% &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 4 D &nswer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec./ ) ) 4 D 4+ B) C@(/ 2 0) + D + C) C&.) + D &nswer: * Diff: 2 Page Ref: B) the empty d or ita!s a sor a!! of the -isi !e wa-e!en. comp!e# ions wi!! e parama. 24./ ) ) 2 D 2+ () CCu(.6 42) 7hich one of the fo!!owin.Chemistry. meta!s with d < e!ectron confi. 24. 24. 6 . meta!s with d1< e!ectron confi. e!ectron confi.and5 &) C!− B) .urations are typica!!y $$$$$$$$$$% &) -io!et B) !ue C) . meta!s with which one of the fo!!owin. is a stron.urations are usua!!y co!or!ess5 &) d 2 B) d1 C) d ' () d 6 *) d1< &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.6 4+) 7hich one of the fo!!owin. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 44) Comp!e#es containin. − &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.reen () ye!!ow *) co!or!ess &nswer: * Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.9fie!d !i. 24./ ) C) / 2 0 () 8− *) C.Chemistry. 24.6 4') Comp!e#es containin. 24. 24./ ) ) + D )− B) CCo(./ ) < . !i. 24.6 46) Based on the crysta!9fie!d stren./ ) C) / 2 0 () 8− *) C.0 29 < C.) + D &nswer: ( Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. < .6 4.) + D )− () CCo8 + D )+ *) CCo(C/ ) C.ths 89 < C/ 2 C.ands wi!! resu!t in the sma!!est -a!ue of G5 &) C!− B) .anese (""") is onded to si# identica! !i.and is due to $$$$$$$$$$ ondin. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 43) Consider a comp!e# in which man. 9 which Co(""") comp!e# is most !i?e!y hi. − &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.) The attraction of a meta! to a neutra! !i.Chemistry.% &) ionic B) co-a!ent C) ion9dipo!e () dipo!e9dipo!e *) hydropho ic &nswer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.ands% 7hich one of the fo!!owin.0 2 ) + D )− C) CCo(C. 24.6 .h9spin5 )+ &) CCo(. statements is (are) fa!se5 &) The . 24./ 2 ) ) D )+ C) CTi(/ 2 0) + D )− () CTiC! + D )− *) CTi8 + D &nswer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. fie!d !i. 24.C 2 / 4 .ands are associated with !ow ener. which octahedra! Ti(""") comp!e# e!ow has its d9d e!ectronic transition at shortest wa-e!en.aps% *) Both & and C &nswer: ( Diff: 3 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry.6 − − '1) Based on the crysta!9fie!d stren.y .ht the comp!e# wi!! a sor % B) Comp!e# co!or depends on oth the meta! and the !i.and ha-e a ! of !i./ ) ) + D )+ B) CTi(/ 2 ./ ) < / 2 .ths C! < 8 < / 2 0 < .reater the ener.C 2 / 4 .y ./ 2 . the shorter the wa-e!en.ap in a meta! comp!e#. f!uoride comp!e#es% () Etron.y .th5 )+ &) CTi(.er ener.ap than the correspondin.and% C) Meta! comp!e#es with an ammonia !i.6 . 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds '<) 7hich of the fo!!owin. i-en to determine &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry. C! < / 2 0 < . 24./ ) < C. the fo!!owin.6 .h9 and !ow9spin octahedra! comp!e#es5 &) Mn 2+ B) @ 2+ C) Co)+ () Cr 2+ *) &!! of the a o-e can form oth hi.e sp!ittin. 2− &) CCuC! 4 D 2+ B) CCu(/ 2 0) 4 D 2+ C) CCu(.6 ')) Hsin. determine which comp!e# ion is most !i?e!y to a sor !i.6 '4) 7hich of the fo!!owin.h9 and !ow9spin comp!e#es% &nswer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. 24.ion of the -isi !e spectrum% − − sma!! sp!ittin.h information . !ar. a re-iated spectrochemica! series. cannot form oth hi. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds '2) 7hich one of the fo!!owin. in the red re.h spin and a !ow spin octahedra! comp!e# ion5 &) 8e)+ B) Co 2+ C) Cr )+ () Mn )+ *) Cr 2+ &nswer: C Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. ions cannot form oth a hi./ ) ) 4 D 2− () CCu(C.) 4 D *) not enou. 24. can form oth hi.Chemistry. 24.) + D 5 &nswer: :) Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds '') 7hich of the fo!!owin.h9 or !ow9spin comp!e#es% &nswer: & Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.3 Short Answer Questions 1) 7hat is the o#idation state of the iron atom in Ca.aC8e(C.6 24.1 2) The most common coordination num ers are $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: 4 and + Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.h9 and !ow9spin octahedra! comp!e#es5 &) Cr 2+ B) Cr )+ C) =n 2+ () Cu + *) &!! of the a o-e can form either hi. 24.6 )+ '+) /ow many d e!ectrons are associated with the meta! ion in CCr(./ ) ) + D 5 &) 1 B) 2 C) ) () 4 *) ' &nswer: C Diff: 3 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 . 24. 24.eometry% &nswer: octahedra! Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.aC8e(C. 24.1 ') The num er of >free> ch!oride ions in an ionic coordination compound can e determined y treatin.i-en us the concepts of $$$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: o#idation state and coordination num er Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.1 .1 4) Ei#9coordinate comp!e#es .enera!!y ha-e $$$$$$$$$$ . 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )) 7hat is the coordination num er of the iron atom in Ca. 24.1 3) 7ernerIs theory of primary and secondary -a!ences for transition meta! comp!e#es has .1 +) The secondary -a!ence in meta! ion comp!e#es is ca!!ed the $$$$$$$$$% &nswer: coordination num er Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.0) Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry. the compound with $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: &.) + D 5 &nswer: + Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.. Chemistry. @. 24. 8e. ecause of the chan.ands% Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.) 7hat is the o#idation num er of the centra! meta! in CMo(/ 2 0) ' .1 . Cr. Cu.2 12) List three of the ten transition meta!s re1uired for human !ife% &nswer: &ny three of: Co.and indin.e in $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: entropy Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. Cd Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.ands compared to those formed with monodentate !i. Mo. 24. 24.2 . 24. 24. .1 1<) (efine the che!ate effect% &nswer: Che!ate effect J an increased sta i!ity of comp!e# compounds formed with che!atin. =n.i.0 ) DC! 2 &nswer: :) Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. (po!ydentate) !i.2 11) The che!ate effect is enhanced y po!ydentate !i. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 6) Transition meta! ions with empty -a!ence or ita!s act as $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: Lewis acids Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. Mn. -isi !e !i. 24.!ucose Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.e difference in formation constant (4f) of a po!y9 -ersus monodentate !i.en Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.2 .rowth -ia depri-ation of iron5 &nswer: fe-er Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.% &nswer: ch!orophy!!F M.2 14) "n is a sor ed y a compound ?nown as $$$$$$$$$$. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 1)) Myo.2 1+) 7hat is the mechanism used in humans to com at !ood acteria! .!o in has $$$$$$$$$$ heme .Chemistry. and is aided y a $$$$$$$$$$ ion onded to a porphyrin rin.2 1') "n the !ea-es of p!ants. 24. Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec.2 13) & !ar.roup(s) that ind(s) $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: 1F o#y. $$$$$$$$$$ mo!es of photons are re1uired to form one mo!e of $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: 46F . 24.and is ca!!ed $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: che!ate effect Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 2 21) .aCBu(/ 2 0) 2 (C 2 0 4 ) 2 D &nswer: sodium dia1uadio#a!atoruthenate (""") Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.and Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 1. 24. 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 16) & compound that can occupy two coordination sites is a (an) $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: identate !i. 24.Chemistry.("") is ca!!ed $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: ch!orophy!! Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.) The porphyrin compound that contains M. 24.3 .ame the compound: 4 2 CCr(/ 2 0) 4 (C0) ) 2 D &nswer: potassium tetraa1uadicar onatochromate("") Diff: 3 Page Ref: Sec.2 2<) The transport of iron into acteria is faci!itated y the formation of the comp!e# $$$$$$$$$$% &nswer: ferrichrome Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.ame .3 22) . and% "n one compound the EC.4 2') /ow can hi.9 !i.4 True/ alse Questions 1) "f ch!oride is a !i. 24. enantiomeric Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. atom and in the other it is onded -ia the E atom% These two compounds are e#amp!es of $$$$$$$$$$ isomers% &nswer: !in?a.and to a transition meta! it wi!! not e precipitated y si!-er nitrate% &nswer: True Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.e% &nswer: 8a!se Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.uished from each other5 &nswer: Ma.e Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 2)) Two compounds ha-e the same formu!a and contain an EC.6 24.2 .h9spin and !ow9spin transition meta! comp!e#es e distin.4 24) . 24. chira!.on superimposa !e isomers are $$$$$$$$$$ isomers% &nswer: optica!.netic properties and a sorption spectra can e compared% Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.Chemistry.1 2) The che!ate effect must a!ways occur with positi-e entha!py chan.9 !i.and is onded to the meta! atom -ia the . 24.4 ') &n en2yme must contain a meta! ion to e chira!% &nswer: 8a!se Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. whose meta! ions ha-e some num er of unpaired e!ectrons.netic &nswer: True Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.Chemistry.2 4) The heme unit of myo.en9containin.!o in is ound to the protein -ia a nitro.and% &nswer: True Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. are parama.e are comp!ementary co!ors% &nswer: 8a!se Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.4 +) To separate racemic mi#tures the isomers must e in a chira! en-ironment% &nswer: True Diff: 1 Page Ref: from purp!e to red when water disp!aces o#y.!o in chan. 24. !i.5 . 24.5 6) Transition meta! comp!e#es. 24. 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds )) The co!or of hemo.en on the mo!ecu!e% &nswer: 8a!se Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24.4 3) Kreen and oran. ap etween the d or ita!s% &nswer: True Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds .her than the ener.6 1<) Transition meta! comp!e#es are co!ored ecause of the ener.Chemistry.2 2) 7hat co!ors of !i.2 .) The ener.y of a meta! !i. 24.! "ssa# Questions. 1) 7hat is the purpose of addin.y .6 24. 24.2 )) /ow does an e!e-ated ody temperature depri-e some acteria in the ody of iron5 &nswer: in some acteria.y of the separated components% &nswer: 8a!se Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.ent5 &nswer: to se1uester the meta! ions in hard water to pre-ent their interference with the action of the deter. 24.and comp!e# is hi. sodium tripo!yphosphate to a deter. siderophore production decreases as temperature increases Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.ent Diff: 1 Page Ref: does ch!orophy!!9a a sor 5 &nswer: red and !ue Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 24. such as ferrichrome.ame the compound.3 +) . C0s(en) ) D 2C.and whose name inc!udes a Kree? prefi#% Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. with iron Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.2 ') 7hat is meant y the prefi# tetra?is9. 24.3 .and that forms an e#treme!y sta !e water9so!u !e comp!e#.iC! 2 Br 2 D ) &nswer: tris(ethy!enediamine)osmium(""") di romodich!oronic?e!ate("") Diff: 2 Page Ref: Sec. CaC&!/ 4 D 2 &nswer: ca!cium tetrahydroa!uminate Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 24. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 4) 7hat is a siderophore5 &nswer: a !i. Cu(/ 2 0) 4 % &nswer: tetraa1uacopper("") Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.ame the compound. 24. and when is it used5 &nswer: "t means 4 and is used when there are 4 of a !i.Chemistry.ame the compound.3 3) . 24.3 2+ 6) . ths e#cept !ue and ref!ect or transmit on!y !ue. 24.) "n what two ways can an o Lect appear !ue5 &nswer: a sor a!! wa-e!en. 11e (Brown/LeMay/Brusten/Murphy) Chapter 24: Chemistry of Coordination Compounds .Chemistry.5 . or a sor the comp!ementary co!or of !ue and ref!ect or transmit a!! others Diff: 1 Page Ref: Sec.
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