
March 24, 2018 | Author: Faysal Jemai | Category: Nature



1© CGP 2012 Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Allow 50 minutes to do this test. Work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you want to answer these questions in multiple-choice format, use the separate multiple-choice answer sheet. If you’d prefer to answer them in standard write-in format, just follow the instructions in the question. The number codes for three of these four words are listed in a random order. Work out the code to answer the questions. DEAR MEAD WARE DRAM 1435 6342 5231 1. Find the code for the word DRAM. 2. Find the code for the word REAM. 3. Find the word that has the number code 6234. ( __________ ) ( __________ ) ( __________ ) /3 The number codes for three of these four words are listed in a random order. Work out the code to answer the questions. REST MITE STIR TRIM 1456 3154 4231 ( __________ ) ( __________ ) ( __________ ) /3 4. Find the code for the word MITE. 5. Find the code for the word SEMI. 6. Find the word that has the number code 1246. The words in the second set follow the same pattern as the words in the first set. Find the missing word to complete the second set. Example: vile (vet) fact sew ) blow sale ( _______ what ( __________ ) down drum ( __________ ) see pest ( __________ ) cope silk ( __________ ) plan cork ( __________ ) ache glide ( __________ ) audit rent ( __________ ) acre /7 7. road (ramp) poem 8. clip (pile) led 9. soft (lift) file 10. pace (car) rock 11. pear (maps) mass 12. shone (over) river 13. mild (lime) idle Carry on to the next question Æ Æ Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Downloaded from The WHER got worse when we reached the top of the hill. Use the alphabet to help you. Find the letter that will finish the first word and start the second word of each pair. bar (?) ilt fle (?) ull los (?) ure war (?) ose for (?) elt rin (?) ind Find the pair of letters that continues each sequence in the best way. ( __________ RAT ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) /5 bra (?) est 22. Either mark the letter on the answer sheet. I always choose HOCK at the fish and chip shop. 16. KV WQ XN JN EP Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Downloaded from elevenplusexams. The dog ran into the sea and SPLED around joyfully. BV 25. At the market there was homemade VANA ice cream. 18. goa (?) efy 20. ZT . Example: car (?) asy fir (?) ver e ) ( _______ ( _______ ) ( _______ ) ( _______ ) ( _______ ) ( _______ ) /5 19. or write it on the line. pin (?) ave 21. The same letter must be used for both pairs. TC 27. JG 26. 17. 15. Example: I’ll put some GED cheese on the pizza. My cousin wears ARMDS in the swimming pool. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST UV W XY Z ER FT ML CW WS HS GP HU PP FU IN JR TU LQ Example: CT DW KI WA XT MQ KL ) ( ________ ( ________ ) ( ________ ) ( ________ ) ( ________ ) ( ________ ) /5 Carry on to the next question Æ Æ 24. and finishes the sentence in a sensible way.2 © CGP 2012 Find the three-letter word that completes the word in capital letters. loo (?) ole 23. Charlie’s stone lands on number 6. Her pyjamas should have been washed. /2  In each sentence below a four-letter word is hidden at the end of one word and the start of the next. Norio and Pavle play hopscotch on a grid with the numbers 1-10. Tilly. only one of the sentences below cannot be true. but finished after her. Nobody’s stone lands on the numbers 1. Cobras have a hood around their faces. or write the hidden word on the line. Which one? A B C D E Fiona got back first. We watched Jian and Laura celebrate. If these statements are true. Sylvia’s stone lands on a higher number than Charlie’s. Ken. Charlie. Heat the cumin thoroughly before using. Fiona was faster than Artur. If these statements are true. No two people throw their stone on the same number. 32. Carry on to the next question Æ Æ Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Downloaded from elevenplusexams. Pavle’s stone lands on number 9. and only got one question wrong. Norio’s stone lands on number 2. Example: I want to win every time. Either mark the part of the sentence that contains the hidden word on the answer sheet. 35. then use it to answer the question that follows. Only Tilly and Charlie throw their stones onto even . Louise scored the least points. Hada got more questions right than Louise. Hada. 29. Louise got back second. Fiona was faster than only one of the sentences below must be true. 34. Norio’s stone lands on a lower number than anyone else’s. Top athletes run around the track. Artur. Which one? A B C D E Tilly’s stone lands on number 5. Sylvia’s stone lands on 7. wine ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) /5 31. Sylvia. Artur wasn’t faster than Louise. but got two clues wrong. 30. 33. Ken got all the clues right but finished last. Fiona and Louise do a treasure hunt with five clues to find.© CGP 2012 3 Read the information carefully. Hada was faster than Ken. Fiona came third. 5 or 10. Example: (feathers fluff) (sad upset) blue fur down unhappy miserable /5 48. (release acquit) 51. If the code for SHAPE is HSZKV. what is the code for MINT? ( ____________ ) /7  Find the missing number to complete each sum. If the code for TREMOR is GIVNLI. If the code for STYLE is XPBJF. what is the code for COVE? ( ____________ ) 40. (access doorway) 52. what is MRTSG the code for? ( ____________ ) .co. what is UOLDVI the code for? ( ____________ ) 41. what is DVL the code for? ( ____________ ) 37. what is the code for LIFT? ( ____________ ) 39. (allow agree) 49. If the code for TRAP is RNUH. 3 × 9 – 14 = 24 – ( ______ ) 45. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST UV W XY Z NSQF ) Example: If the code for SEAT is QCYR. If the code for PIG is NJE. 24 ÷ 4 + 5 = 66 ÷ ( ______ ) 47. what is the code for PUSH? ( ___________ 36. If the code for TREE is WWHJ. 15 ÷ 3 × 12 = 41 + ( ______ ) 46. (topic theme) (warrant licence) let permit consent authorisation enable (walk trek) (leak ooze) (delight charm) hike pageant tramp march procession liberate exude pardon drip discharge entrance portal captivate bewitch gate /5 (citizen resident) issue inhabitant subject person point Carry on to the next question Æ Æ Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Downloaded from elevenplusexams.4 © CGP 2012 Each question uses a different code. 8 × 6 – 13 + 3 = 7 × 6 – ( ______ ) Mark the word outside the brackets that has a similar meaning to the words in both sets of brackets. 4 ) Example: 7 + 5 = 3 × ( ______ 43. (protest rally) 50. what is the code for LIMIT? ( ____________ ) 42. Use the alphabet to help you work out the answer to each question. 9 + 8 – 5 = 2 × ( ______ ) 44. If the code for PILE is LFPH. 4. 31. 21. ( ______ ) 54. Steph could only afford a painting. Which child does the fewest activities? ( ________________ ) /2 Carry on to the next question Æ Æ Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Downloaded from elevenplusexams. 1. Four children go on the climbing wall. 20. 16. . 60. 27. that complete the sentence in the most sensible way. 2. /5 Read the information carefully. 21. Which child bought the most things? ( ________________ ) 65. 1. 33 ) Example: 13. Lauren. 9. 14. Adrian and Iskander win a tennis tournament. 25. ( ______ ) 55. 14. Steph. Adrian and Iskander are the only boys that go on the climbing wall.© CGP 2012 5 Find the number that continues each sequence in the best way. Ekta and Chandni went to a craft 61. 24. Adrian. Clare and Ekta both bought knitted scarves. 29. Example: Roof is to (gutter chimney tiles) as wall is to (paint strong bricks). 19. 17. ( ______ ) 58. 5. Sarah is tired after she goes swimming. /6 59. Four of the girls bought wooden ornaments. 17. 11 ( ______ ) 56. 63. Iris and Lucas go on a summer day camp. 4. 8. 64. Proceed is to (advance resume move) as recede is to (rewind withdraw recoil). 23. 9. One is to (arithmetic addition telescope) as two is to (binoculars subtraction abacus). 20. 5. Iskander. Sarah and Lucas learn to make origami frogs. Heart is to (circulation blood arteries) as lungs is to (organ air throat). 2. then use it to answer the question that follows. Iris plays tennis after she goes on the bouncy castle. one from each set of brackets. 18. ( ______ ) Mark two words. 15. Destroy is to (erase finish obliterate) as build is to (invent originate assemble). ( ______ 53. 8. 6. Sarah. ( ______ ) 57. 23. Steph was the only one who didn’t buy a painted postcard. 16. 62. 28. Soldier is to (virtuous honourable amiable) as traitor is to (crass deserter shameful). Chandni bought a patchwork quilt and a silk scarf. Lauren bought a patchwork quilt. uk . BJ is to YQ as IH is to 68. PS is to RY as HL is to 67. 13 (21) 29 74. (NN FR SO JQ JR). Either mark the letter that moves on the answer sheet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST UV W XY Z Example: BN is to EK as HT is to (EW KW EQ KQ EP). 2 (8) 18 73. PH is to VC as YO is to (DI EI BL TT EJ). Do not rearrange the other letters. heard 80. DM is to NW as HK is to (QT PS NS PW SP). WB is to AJ as SC is to 69. (QT FA RS RT FL). (WK HX WL AG VL). Example: 24 (14) 10 15 (9) 6 6 )2 8 ( _____ 71. found 79. /5 farce 78. 3 (18) 6 72.6 © CGP 2012 Find the pair of letters that completes each sentence in the most sensible way. Use the alphabet to help you. 70. broad 77. Example: steam cue fog tor ode run pot team ) ( ___________ ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) post ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) Total /5 / 80 End of Test 76. Find the number that completes the final set of numbers in the same way as the first two sets. 5 (21) 4 75. or write the two new words on the lines. 1 (17) 7 5 (35) 7 12 (5) 22 17 (11) 5 9 (28) 3 4 (13) 2 4 ( _____ ) 4 3 ( _____ ) 17 4 ( _____ ) 8 6 ( _____ ) 2 5 ( _____ ) 4 /5 Remove one letter from the first word and add it to the second word to make two new words. genie Sample 11+ Assessment Test — Verbal Reasoning Downloaded from elevenplusexams.
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