Cessna CJ1 Data.pdf

May 28, 2018 | Author: SergeLoginov | Category: Takeoff, Aircraft, Aerospace, Spaceflight Technologies, Industries



Orleans, Massachusetts (508) 255-5975CITATION CJ1 AIRCRAFT NAME: MODEL NUMBER: MANUFACTURER: Citation CJ1 CE-525 Cessna Aircraft Corporation Citation Marketing P.O. Box 7706 Wichita, Kansas 67277 316-517-6449 www.cessna.com 1999 (STC) Original Type Certificate issued 1992 for CitationJet FAR 23 © 2005 Conklin & de Decker Associates, Inc. YEAR TYPE CERTIFICATED: CERTIFICATION BASIS: RVSM CERTIFICATION: Approved IN PRODUCTION: No (2004) 525-360 → 525-0532 SERIAL NUMBERS: DATA SHOWN VALID FOR: All 601-01-2R4 CITATION CJ1 (MTOGW) Time to Init. Cruise Alt.6 83.800 8.One Engine Out (FAR 25) Initial Cruise Alt. Min.230 540 37.350 869 Orleans. PSI Ft.000 8. PRESSURIZATION Pressure differential --Sea Level Cabin to --Cabin Alt at Max Cert. % Inch PERFORMANCE Rate of Climb (MTOGW) -. Massachusetts (508) 255 5975 POWERPLANT Manufacturer Model Thrust (SL.5 22.600 9.Total Pass. Inc.) KIAS 93 92 111 102 © 2003 Conklin & de Decker Associates.050 3.Crew Passengers (Typical) Passengers (Maximum) Volume -. Cabin Baggage -.220 3.000 26 21.650 430 1.All Engines -.6 89.Total Internal Main Door Size 2 5 6 198 59 7 51 x 24 Cu. Std.400 7. Alt. Ft.7 Yes SPEEDS VMC (Ground) VMC (Air) V2 (Max.) VREF (BOW + 4 Pax + NBAA Res.200 601-02-2R4 CITATION CJ1 . Takeoff Gross Wt. Engine Out Ceiling Ft. Ft.) Thrust Reversers (Attenuators) Williams-Rolls FJ44-1A 1. 8.900 Yes Lbs FAR 36 NOISE LEVELS Takeoff Sideline Approach Meets Stage 3 Restrictions EPNdB 73./Min Ft.GENERAL DATA WEIGHTS Ramp Weight Takeoff Weight Landing Weight Zero Fuel Weight Basic Operating Weight Usable Fuel Useful Load Payload with Full Fuel Maximum Payload NBAA IFR Fuel Reserves Lbs Citation CJ1 10. 3.700 10. Ft.000 ACCOMMODATIONS Seats -. Scale = 1:120 0 5 10 20 Aux Power Unit: Single Point Refuel: Ext.8 ft © 2003 Conklin & de Decker Associates.83 ft N/A N/A N/A 13. Inc.0 ft 601-03-2R2 CITATION CJ1 EXTERIOR .3 ft 42.Orleans. Massachusetts (508) 255 5975 15. Lav Service: 13.6 ft 46. Massachusetts (508) 255 5975 6 5 4 4. 10 4 cu. LAV 11. ft. ft.0 ft.8 ft 3 4.25 cu. ft. ft. ft. 25 © 2004 Conklin & de Decker Associates. 198 cu. Scale = 1:60 GALLEY ft. 2 15 1 3. 7 5 Orleans.1 ft 20 Normal Seating : Floor Area : Cabin Volume : Baggage Volume : 5 34 sq.33 Khz Spacing RVSM Certified * Engine Indication System 45 Standard Option EIS* Option Option N/A Standard Yes 35 40 601-04-2R4 CITATION CJ1 INTERIOR . Baggage 30 AVIONICS Collins Pro-Line 21 EQUIPMENT Cockpit Voice Recorder Flight Data Recorder EICAS Ground Warning Sys Traffic Warning Sys Maint Diagnostic Sys VHF 8. Inc. 59 cu. Scale = 1:30 ft.83 ft 30 cu. ft. 000 Max Cr.000 0:30 MAXIMUM RANGE (N. *ISA *No Wind 6:00 5:30 5:00 Orleans.000 2. MI. 840 37.) AVE.000 307 Max. Massachusetts (508) 255 5975 Block Time (Hr:Mn) 4:30 4:00 3:30 LRC 3:00 2:30 10. Inc.000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Range (N.000 1:30 8.000 364 Max Cr. CRUISE SPEED (KTAS) LRC 887 37. © 2000 Conklin & de Decker Associates.*4 Passenger *NBAA IFR Fuel Res. Mi. Block Fuel (lbs.000 4.) 6. (FT.000 0:00 5.) 601-05-2R CITATION CJ1 BLOCK FUEL/TIME . LRC 1.000 3.000 1:00 7.) INITIAL CRUISE ALT.000 2:00 9. LANDING *Sea Level 6000 12 MAX TAKEOFF ELEVATION *4 Pass *86°F Runway Requirement (ft). (ft). 10. (86° F) 4000 3000 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Range (N. 0 1000 2000 Range (N.*Dry Level Runway *No Wind *NBAA IFR Fuel Reserves *86 Deg. (86 ° F) 15 ° flap 5000 S.385 & FAR 91.1037 Subpart K (Option) FAR 121 & FAR 135 & Subpart K (Required) 601-06-2R2 CITATION CJ1 TAKEOFF/LANDING .000 TAKEOFF *4 Passengers FAR 25 Balanced Field Length.) © 2004 Conklin & de Decker Associates. 9000 5000 ft. Max. (86 ° F) 0° flap Orleans.) FAR 91 FAR 135. Inc. Mi. F. Elevation (ft x thousands) 5000 10 4000 8 3000 6 2000 4 1000 2 0 4 Pass.L. Massachusetts (508) 255 5975 8000 7000 6000 5000 ft. Landing Wt. Mi. 85 .000 300 400 500 300 400 500 True Airspeed (KTAS) 10 9 8 PAYLOAD RANGE *NBAA IFR Reserves © 2000 Conklin & de Decker Associates.90 50. Mi.Max Cruise Speed M= .75 . 2000 lbs. Inc. 30. Massachusetts (508) 255 5975 40.70 .75 . Max Ldg Wt Range (N.80 .60 .85 .65 .000 20.000 10. Payload (Passengers @ 200 lbs) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1000 lbs.90 Max Operating Speed (VMO/MMO) M= .000 Altitude (ft).65 .) 601-07-2R CITATION CJ1 FLIGHT ENVELOPE * 4 Passengers * 1/2 Total Fuel .80 .60 .000 Orleans.70 . 00 0.75 50.00 8.conklindd. (5) 600-nm trip Cost per Nautical Mile FOOTNOTES .Fall 2005 The Aircraft Cost Evaluator VARIABLE COST .00 0.$ Fuel (1) Fuel Additives Lubricants Maintenance Labor (2) Parts Airframe/Eng/Avion (3) Engine Restoration (4) Thrust Reverser Overhaul Propeller Overhaul APU Overhaul Dynamic Comp/Life Ltd Parts Misc Exp.25 134 84.2 Aircraft Date: 3/31/2006 Corporate 4. Labor Cost/Hour Maint. Inc.50 2.Other Fractional Cost/Hour + Tax Total Variable Cost/Flt.80 77.94 Type of Operation: 1 /Fuel Cost Gallons/Hour BlkFuel/FltTime+15% 2 /Maint.00 0.00 .95 2004 No FJ44-1A JSSI Comp05 Mftr-Data 04 NBAA 2 4.145.68 0.00 0.Supplies/Catering .00 24.Crew Expenses .00 977.04 165.55 10 Yr Avg 30 MxManager Typical 10% per yr 3 Citation CJ1 569.$ Operation: 1 .com Page 1 .00 79. Hours/Flight Hours Model Year 3 /Incl. Hour Average Speed-Kts.30 332 2. .53 0.000 0. (508)255-5975 www. Engine Parts Cost Engine Model 4 /Overhaul Cost Source 5 /Block Speed Source 6 /Crew Salary Source Number of Crew 7 /Insured Hull Value Hull Insurance Rate (%) 8 /Modernization 9 /Refurbish Labor Hrs/Seat 10/Comp.Landing/Parking . Mx Program Source 11/Weather Service Source 12/ Depreciation Rate 13/Market Depr % / Year Copyright 2005 Conklin & deDecker Associates.00 0. conklindd.126 ANNUAL BUDGET .Fall 2005 The Aircraft Cost Evaluator FIXED COST . Mile Total Cost (No Depreciation) Book Depreciation (12) Total Cost (Book Depreciation) .Hours Variable Cost Fixed Cost Total Cost (No Depreciation) . Mile Corporate 175.88 .Per Nt.350 978.621 4.000 0 43. Miles .) .600 55.163 414.Per Seat Nt. Mile .500 22.126 854.Per Hour .12 Copyright 2005 Conklin & deDecker Associates.407 7.Benefits Hangar . Mile Total Cost (No Depreciation) Market Depreciation (13) Total Cost (Market Dep.59 1. Mile .200 30. Inc. Mile .600 2.Per Nt.25 1.Typical Insurance . Program (10) Weather Service (11) Other Fixed Costs Fractional Cost/Yr + Tax Total Fixed Cost/Year Citation CJ1 88.513 1.163 1.$ Crew Salaries .037 339.98 854.500 1.$ Utilization .200 999 0 0 339.com Page 2 .857 5.Per Seat Nt.Nt.Co Pilot .500 28.080 28.Captain (6) .649 12.Flt Eng/Other .268.000 20.663 2.Per Hour . (508)255-5975 www.000 3.Per Nt.Per Seat Nt.798 3.Hull (7) Admitted Liability Legal Liability Recurrent Training Aircraft Modernization (8) Navigation Chart Service Refurbishing (9) Computer Mx.000 527 515.163 124.Per Hour .45 854. Service OEI .00 198.Mi.350 Yes/Yes 4. (Cu.) Seats Full Ferry Range Balanced Field Length (Ft.) .220 4.New (Corporate)/1000 .75 4.) .com Page 3 .000 21.Normal . Res (N.$ Cabin-Height (Ft.050 3.600 9.Basic Operating .Length Cabin volume (Cu.800 7.145 PERFORMANCE Range-NBAA IFR Res (N.) .Width .00 2/5 10.) .161 4.) Landing Distance .Usable Fuel Payload-Full Fuel (Lbs.Maximum Landing .00 4.Mi.Maximum Certified/IFR Certified Price .800/4.conklindd.One Engine Out Cruise Speed-Max (KTAS) .83 11.200 Copyright 2005 Conklin & deDecker Associates.Ft.30 2.Fall 2005 The Aircraft Cost Evaluator GENERAL .220 430 1.230 850 381 381 307 77 41.Hover OGE 775 1.) Cabin Door Height (Ft. Inc.) .00 8.) Seats Full Ferry Range Range-30 Min.) .FAR 121 Rate Of Climb (Ft/Min) .Long Range Stall Speed (IAS) Ceiling-Service MTOW (Ft.Width Baggage -Int. (508)255-5975 www.External Typical Crew/Pass Seating Weight-Max Take-off (Lbs. Ft.Hover IGE .145 2.Pre Owned Rng/1000 Citation CJ1 4.00 51.400 3.
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