
May 2, 2018 | Author: sharmila bose | Category: Http Cookie, Java Script, Software, Technology, World Wide Web



Resonance® Implementation InstructionsFor Home Depot Canada © 2004-2017 Certona Corporation . ............................................................................................................................ 2 Tagging Instructions ........................................................................................ 7 Further Assistance .................... 1 About This Document ............................................................... Resonance® Implementation Instructions Table of Contents About Certona ............................................. 13 Certona Corporation i Copyright 2004-2017 ................... 4 Pages with Certona Recommendations ........................................................... . visit www. Resonance® Implementation Instructions About Certona Certona Corporation is the creator of Resonance®.S. Resonance automates a company's ability to provide relevant. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.com. For more information. Copyright 2004-2017 Certona Corporation Certona and Resonance are registered trademarks belonging to Certona Corporation. registered U. individualized content and experience in real time that calls visitors to an online sales or other marketing-related action. a real-time personalization and revenue optimization platform for multi-channel retailers. Certona Corporation 1 Copyright 2004-2017 . Patent and Trademark Office.certona. 11.2016 Asha John example webservice calls for each of them. Customer This document was prepared for Home Depot Canada by Certona Implementation.07.2 09.4 11.2016 Asha John  Included recExposed function to update hosted tag with new recite values for cart1_rr 1.2016 Asha John  Modified the WS call for Cart1_rr to include the query parameter for pageID 1. Resonance® Implementation Instructions About This Document Purpose This document contains instructions on how to properly configure your web site to allow the Certona Resonance® recommendation engine to collect data elements that will be used to create personalized recommendations.2016 Asha John  Modified the WS call for Cart1_rr to remove the query parameter for pageID  Modified the recExposed function to include pageid as an argument Certona Corporation 2 Copyright 2004-2017 . Audience This document is intended for web site administrators and technical personnel. 1.2016 Asha John Original Document  Added 5 more new schemes and 1.1 04.3 09.21.29. Document History Version # Creation/ Created/Revised By Description Revision Date 1.  Added data object for Product Comparision page.18.0 03. Certona Corporation 3 Copyright 2004-2017 .24.22.2017 Tim Imasa  Created a new location (404Error)  Added new containers – catlanding1_rr & error1_rr 1.5 12. Resonance® Implementation Instructions 1.2016 Matineh Modified by adding product2_rr to the Moghaddam list of schemes 1.6 01. adding Search Terms to itemid parameter on Search and No Search pages.2017 Paul Hutchins  Updates. and adding the CIP parameter.7 04.10. <script type="text/javascript" src="//edge1.ca/en/home/categories/kitchen/kitchen-cabinets. The category value on the page should match the categoryid in the data feed. do not pass any value) }. <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "CATEGORY".html?NAVID=CLP_RE_FC_D ecor_Cabinets-en ) Place the following Certona Javascript on the category pages. </script> Category Landing page (https://www. </script> Certona Corporation 4 Copyright 2004-2017 .ca/en/home.js"></script> Place the Certona JavaScript on the below mentioned pages of the site. The script can be placed in the head. do not pass any value) }.   Home page (https://www.homedepot. do not pass any value) }. Resonance® Implementation Instructions Tagging Instructions The Resonance JavaScript is hosted by Certona and included on pages by adding the following script block. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in.html) <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "HOME". "categoryid" : "CATEGORYID". </script> Category page (https://www.html) Place the following Certona Javascript on the category pages.homedepot. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in.certona. The category value on the page should match the categoryid in the data feed. If you are using a tag manager. please follow the tag manager’s instructions. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in. "categoryid" : "CATEGORYID". <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "CATEGORYLANDING".net/cd/becdd454/homedepot.homedepot.ca/scripts/resonance.ca/en/home/categories/kitchen. footer or body of a page. <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "PRODUCT".html#!q=impact%20wrench)  <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "SEARCH". Resonance® Implementation Instructions Product page (https://www.html) <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "IDEAS".homedepot.html)  The product ID on the page should match the product ID in the data feed. do not pass any value) }. do not pass any value) }.ca/en/home/search.html#!p=0&q=certonaimplementationtest%3Arel evance)  <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "NOSEARCH".ca/en/home/p.products. </script> Certona Corporation 5 Copyright 2004-2017 . "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in. </script> No Search page (https://www. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in.1000789107.products.ca/en/home/ideas‐how‐to/buying‐guides/appliances.homedepot. do not pass any value) }. </script> Search page (https://www. do not pass any value) }. "itemid" : "PRODUCTID". "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in. </script> Ideas & How-tos page (https://www.homedepot.ca/en/home/search.homedepot. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in.25mm‐goblet‐knob. </script> Account page (https://www.html) <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "ACCOUNT". "transactionid" : "UNIQUE TRANSACTION ID".html)    <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "CART". do not pass any value) }. "itemid" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF PRODUCT IDS".1000769080.1000722654.html) <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "COMPARE". "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in. "total" : "ORDER SUBTOTAL".ca/en/home/account.homedepot. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER"(If user not logged in. </script> Purchase Confirmation Page <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "PURCHASE". </script> Shopping Cart page (https://www. </script> Certona Corporation 6 Copyright 2004-2017 . do not pass any value) }. "itemid" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF PRODUCT IDS". do not pass any value) }. "itemid" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF PRODUCT IDS".homedepot. do not pass any value) }. "price" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF EXTENDED PRICES". Resonance® Implementation Instructions Product compare (https://www.1000814478. do not pass any value)) }.homedepot.ca/en/home/products-compare. </script> 404 Error page <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "404ERROR". "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in.ca/en/home/cart. "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER”(If user not logged in. "qty" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF QUANTITIES". It is returned within the XML response and is used for recommendation performance tracking. "recitems" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF RECOMMENDATION PRODUCT IDS" }.222. The pageid is a unique identifer for the recommendations returned on a web service request by Resonance. Resonance® Implementation Instructions Pages with Certona Recommendations Certona requires that the following JavaScript is set on pages where Certona recommendations are displayed. ccc|product2_rr" Certona Corporation 7 Copyright 2004-2017 . </script> For example: If there are recommendations on the product page then add pageid and recitems variable to the Certona object <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pagetype" : "PRODUCT".ccc Recitems should be set to: "111|product1_rr. </script> Note : The recitems value will be a semi-colon delimited string with each value being a pipe separated value (productid|schemeid). For example: Product1_rr recommendations are 111.222|product1_rr.bbb|product2_rr. "itemid" : "PRODUCT IDENTIFIER". "customerid" : "CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER".333 Product2_rr recommendations are aaa.333|product1_rr. "pageid" : "PAGE IDENTIFIER FROM RECOMMENDATION RESPONSE" "recitems" : "SEMICOLON DELIMITED LIST OF RECOMMENDATION PRODUCT IDS" }.aaa|product2_rr.bbb. <script type="text/javascript"> var certona = { "pageid" : "PAGE IDENTIFIER FROM RECOMMENDATION REQUEST". . e.Use HomeDepotCA01 on all web service calls. &cip=209.82  exitemid (optional) – Item identifier(s) for products that should be excluded from recommendations.  cip (optional) – IP address of the visitor. Note: Values in the itemid parameter are automatically excluded and do not have to be repeated in the exitemid parameter. Query parameters are:  appid (required) . Recommendation requests consist of a base URL followed by query string parameters. Note: The value of this parameter can be blank (for example.  scheme (required) – Certona-provided unique scheme identifier.g. and a semicolon-delimited list of products in the cart on the shopping bag page.This is read from the RES_TRACKINGID cookie written by the Resonance JavaScript tag. or semicolon-delimited list of individual search terms on the Search or No Search page. for a first time visitor with no cookie). This can also be single search term. but the parameter is required.  categoryid – Category identifier.118. This is the product being viewed on a product page.  itemid – Item identifier(s) or Search Term(s). Pages with Certona Recommendations  product1_rr  product2_rr  cart1_rr (Add to cart)  search1_rr  nosearch1_rr  home1_rr  Category1_rr  catlanding1_rr  error1_rr Certona Corporation 8 Copyright 2004-2017 . Resonance® Implementation Instructions Web Service recommendation request code HomeDepotCA will make web service requests to Certona and display recommendations on designated pages.  trackingid (required) .149. com/ws/r2/resonance.82&output=json Where itemid equals the product ID of the item the visitor is viewing.aaa|cart1_rr.149. <script type="text/javascript"> recsExposed(pageid.82&output=json  Certona Corporation 9 Copyright 2004-2017 .aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=35855169994052&sessi onid=48483828385&scheme=product1_rr&itemid=228268&cip=209.bbb Search page http://www.res‐x.res‐x. For example: Recitems should be set to: "111|cart1_rr.118.com/ws/r2/resonance. Multiple items are semicolon-delimited. (recitems will be a string) </script>    The recitems will be a semi-colon delimited string with each value being a pipe separated value (productid|schemeid).machine.parts&cip=209. Resonance® Implementation Instructions Example: Web Service call on Product page Product page http://www. Cart Add page (Add to cart) http://www.res‐x.recitems) .res‐x.227957&cip=209.222|cart1_rr.aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=35855169994052&sche me=search1_rr&number=10&itemid=washing.118. The &pageid value should be the same pageid value returned in the first WS response. Note: The pageid parameter should be included only if you are making multiple WS requests on the page.118.82&output=json  where itemid equals the product ID(s) of the item(s) in the visitor’s shopping cart.82&output=json  No Search page http://www. also call the function recsExposed() passing in the below argument as parameter of the function call.com/ws/r2/resonance.aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=358551689794052&sch eme=cart1_rr&itemid=228268.333|cart1_rr.parts&cip=209.149.machine.aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=35855169994052&sche me=nosearch1_rr&number=10&itemid=washing.149.com/ws/r2/resonance.149. When the user clicks on “Addtocart” button and the above webservice call is fired to get the cart1_rr recommendations.118. 118.aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=35855169994052&sche me=category1_rr&number=6&categoryid=categoryid&cip= eme=error1_rr&itemid=228268.149.com/ws/r2/resonance.res‐x.118.227957&cip=209.82&output=json  Category page http://www.aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=358551689794052&sch eme=catlanding1_rr&itemid=228268.res‐x. Category landing page http://www.82&output=json  The category value should match the categoryid in the data feed.com/ws/r2/resonance.118.149. Resonance® Implementation Instructions Home page http://www.res‐x.com/ws/r2/resonance.res‐x.aspx?appid=HomeDepotCA01&trackingid=35855169994052&sche me=home1_rr&number=10&cip=209.82&output=json  404 error page http://www.82&output=json  Certona Corporation 10 Copyright 2004-2017 . pageid variable. "items":[ {"ID":"1000653667"}. This variable is required to track the recommendation performance. used to track the recommendation performance. {"ID":"1000653668"}. The value should be read from the response and written to the page using the resx. Certona Corporation 11 Copyright 2004-2017 . Resonance® Implementation Instructions Response The recommendation response will be a JSON object with the following format: { "resonance":{ "schemes":[ { "scheme":"product1_rr". {"ID":"1000653669"} ] } ]. "explanation":"YOU MAY ALSO LIKE". "pageid":"res150601111234279857287779" } } pageid There is an element in the response called pageid. Certona Corporation 12 Copyright 2004-2017 .com/product/1000653669. If the Certona JSON response includes the item URL in the response. "rrec=true" should be added to all href links for clicking through to the Certona recommended Product Detail Page. If the response does not contain this URL value and this is looked up via internal API or service.html?rrec=true" } This query string parameter value pair should carry over to the destination URL. Certona recommendation link URLs should contain a query string parameter value pair of "rrec=true". Certona will append the parameter to the end of the item destination URL. Resonance® Implementation Instructions Displaying Recommendations For reporting purposes and accuracy. For example: { "id": "1000653669" "detailURL": "http://www.domain. when the callback processes the response and retrieves the URL link for display. certona. If you have any questions. Resonance® Implementation Instructions Further Assistance Certona is here to ensure that you have a speedy and successful implementation experience.com 858-369-3888 Certona Corporation 13 Copyright 2004-2017 . please contact your Certona Account Representative. www.
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