Centum VP 4 ENG Reg Control_Global

March 25, 2018 | Author: Nikhilesh Muraleedharan | Category: Signal (Electrical Engineering), Icon (Computing), Input/Output, Menu (Computing), Software



CENTUM VPREGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 OBJECTIVES OF THIS LESSON In this lesson you will be learning how to: 1. Show the different types of regulatory control and calculation function blocks. 2. Define the different parts of the input and output signal processing functions. 3. Show and define the different types of signal wiring for connecting instruments and I/O connections created on the control drawings. 4. Show how a calculation block (CALCU) is created and a calculation is made in this block. CENTUM VP Engineering 1 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 PID Controller Block and Functions Terminal Connections IN: Input from a field transmitter or data from another instrument. SET: Remote setpoint from another instrument. OUT: Output to a control device or to the SET terminal of another instrument. SUB: Output to the BIN of another instrument. Used in feed forward. RL1/2: Reset signal input terminal. BIN: Compensation input terminal TIN: Tracking input signal. TS1: Tracking switch input. INT: Interlock switch input. SET BIN RL1 RL2 TIN TS1 INT (VN) (RLV1) (RLV2) (TSW) Alarm processing CSV CAS AUT MAN SV MAN CAS /AUT Control computation ROUT processing ( PV, PV, MV, MV) RMV Output processing RSV RCAS IN RAW Input Processing PV MV OUT SUB Data Items RSV: Remote setpoint from a supervisory computer. CSV: Remote setpoint from another instrument. RMV: Remote manipulated variable. PV: Process variable. SV: Setpoint variable. MV: Manipulated variable. VN: For compensation; used in feed forward. RLV1/2: Reset limiter that limits increases or decreases in the output resulting from I control action TSW: Tracking switch RAW: Raw data input CENTUM VP Engineering 2 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 REGULATORY CONTROL BLOCKS Regulatory control blocks mainly use analog inputs to implement control calculations for process monitoring or control. Instrument block types and where they are located in the builder are shown below: Regulatory Control Blocks Category Input indicators: Controllers: Block type PVI PVI-DV PID PI-HLD PI-BSW ONOFF ONOFF-G PID-TP PD-MR PI-BLEND PID-STC MLD MLD-PVI MLD-SW MC-2 MC-3 RATIO PG-L13 BSETU-2 BSETU-3 VELLIM SS-H/M/L AS-H/M/L SS-DUAL FOUT FFSUM XCPL SPLIT Input Description Process indicator block. Process indicator block with deviation alarm. PID controller block. Sampling PI controller block. PID controller with batch switch. Two position ON/OFF controller block. Three position ON/OFF controller block. Time -proportioning ON/OFF controller block. PD controller block with manual reset. Blending PI controller block. Self-tuning PID controller block. Manual loader block. Manual loader block with input indicator. Auto/manual station block. Two-position motor control block. Three-position motor control block. Ratio set block. 13 zone program set block. Batch set block for flow measurement. Batch set block for weight measurement. Velocity limiter block. Signal selector block. Autoselector block. Dual signal selector block. Cascade control signal distribution block. Feed-forward control signal addition block. Non-interacting control output addition block. Split control signal distribution block. PTC Pulse count input block Manual loaders: Signal setters: Signal limiters: Signal selectors: Signal distributors Pulse Count CENTUM VP Engineering 3 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 SET BIN RL1 RL2 TIN TS1 INT (VN) (RLV1) (RLV2) (TSW) Alarm processing CSV CAS AUT MAN SV MAN Control computation processing ( PV . PV MV. . SUB CAS /AUT ROUT MV) RMV Output processing RSV RCAS IN RAW Input Processing PV MV OUT Input signal processing No Conversion CAL Input module Analog input Square Root Extraction PV overshoot function CAL BAD PV Digital filter Pulse Input Conversion CAL BAD Integration SUM Communication Input Conversion CENTUM VP Engineering 4 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 INPUT SIGNAL PROCESSING On a regulatory control function block the input signal is brought into the instrument (from the field or from another instrument) and then manipulated to fit the specific requirements of the loop. 8 digits maximum. Calibration Manually set the PV in case of transmitter failure or calibration. PV Overshoot Function If the input goes bad the PV displays either the last good input or the Hi or Low range limits.5.875). CENTUM VP Engineering 5 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . The common input processing functions are: Input Signal Conversion Linear: No conversion.000Hz. or Day (based upon the engineering units). and .5% cutoff. Digital Filtering Auto filtering or 3 selectable filter types (. Hour. Minute. Pulse input: 0-10.75. Totalizer Time units of: Second. . Square root: 0. MV) RMV Output processing RSV RCAS IN RAW Input Processing PV MV OUT SUB Output signal processing AUT/CAS/RCAS/PRD MH SV MAN/ TRK PV Control computation ROUT Output limiter TRK MAN TRK + Output signal conversion Auxiliary output OUT Output velocity limiter + + MV ML Preset manipulated output AUT/CAS/RCAS/ROUT/PRD RMV TIN MVrb Readback value from output destination SUB Output module CENTUM VP Engineering 6 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . MV. PV.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 SET BIN RL1 RL2 TIN TS1 INT (VN) (RLV1) (RLV2) (TSW) Alarm processing CSV CAS AUT MAN SV MAN CAS /AUT Control computation ROUT processing (PV. 25 mA 0.25% on a full open and -17. It displays on the instrument faceplate as CLP+ or CLP-.19% on a full close. The output can also be forced to 0% or 100% by a sequence table. Output Clamp: Refers to the inability to move the MV above or below the preset output limits. this is displayed as the MH and ML on the tuning panel.00 mA 106.00 mA 100. -17. and then finally to the control element. From that point the signal goes through a signal conversion. Functions in the “Output Signal Processing Block” are: Output Limiter: Limits the function block’s output to the output module. The control calculation is limited by the output limiter and by the velocity limiter before the signal is displayed as the MV of the instrument on the faceplate.25% 21.19% 1. Output Velocity Limiter: This function limits the rate of change in the output to avoid output bumps. Output Tracking: Output tracking function forces the MV of the control block to equal the value of the tracking input signal (TIN) that is coming from an external source or the value of the output’s destination (Cascade connection). The output of the loop can be reversed (20-4 mA or 5-1 Vdc). The output has a function that makes the signal to the control device go to 106. After the signal has gone through the input processing and the control calculations (PID) then it is ready for the output processing.00% 20. Analog Output: The MV signal to the analog output module generates the 4-20 mA (or 1-5 Vdc) to the control device in the field.00 mA CENTUM VP Engineering 7 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . The loop will be forced to MAN when this function is used. Preset Manipulated Variable: A preset MV (PMV) value can be specified for a function block then be activated by a sequence table based upon predefined set of conditions in the process. then to the output module.00% 4. Output Signal Conversion: Change the signal from analog to digital for ON/OFF control (depends upon the type of PID function block created).CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 OUTPUT SIGNAL PROCESSING The previous page shows the signal flow through the output-processing portion of regulatory control function blocks. SW: Command switch. BSET SW IN Input Processing PV Batch set pattern AUT Output processing MV OUT MAN SUM %Z011101 %Z011102 CENTUM VP Engineering 8 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A .CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 BSET: Amount of product to be put into the vessel. used to start product flow (1). This instrument’s flow rate is setup by defining its scaling (shown as the “Scale high”). Command switch SW=1.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 BATCH SET BLOCK (BSETU-2) Another example of a regulatory control type instrument (Signal Setters) is the BSETU-2. This number is the amount subtracted from the BSET which determines the trigger point. the fill rate and the shutoff rate can be specified. The time to open (TU) or close (TD) the control valve in seconds The point when the closing of the control valve should start is the “PLST” register. • • • • The bar on the faceplate shows the amount of product put into the vessel. This instrument is used in batch control applications such as filling reactors. CENTUM VP Engineering 9 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . To start a BSETU-2 • • The mode must be AUT. BSET = 2500 PLST = 200 Closing starts at “2300” (BSET-PLST) at the “TD” rate. This also defines the scaling on the faceplate. Some of the definable items on the Tuning Panel are: The “BSET” register shows amount of product to be put into the vessel. MV) PV Control Calculations CAS /AUT MAN Output Processing Data item SV RL1 RL2 TIN TS1 INT CSV (VN) (RLV1)(RLV2) (TSW) MV OUT RMV SUB CENTUM VP Engineering 10 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A .PV Link Blocks PID function block Connection Terminal SET BIN CAS AUT MAN RSV RCAS IN Input Processing Data item Connection Terminal Processing function ( PV. MV. PV.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Data Referencing Data Setting J02 J01 J03 SETUP BDSET-1 MV IN P SV TIC100 PID OUT S11 OUT-SW SW-33 S10 SET IN FIC100 PID MV IN TI100 PVI Terminal Connection VN OUT TIC200 IN PID I Terminal Connection S12 SUB Process Connection OUT Process Connection %Z011107 %Z011109 %Z011108 TI200. HI. D. To do this. SET terminal (cascade). SW-91). As an example of what can be changed: P. Switches (SW-33. Switches (SW-33. I. please refer to the IM’s for specific detail. from the “OUT” of a PID instrument to “SET” of a secondary instrument in a cascade configuration. • • The specific tag number and data type to be changed is defined on the detail panel.CENTUM VP SIGNAL WIRING REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Wiring on a Control Drawing is based upon the data type and the instrument type involved. As an example. Shown below is a reference chart to showing examples of some allowable connections. Data Setting: CS 3000 has software instruments that can be used to change certain data items or gather data from within another function block. Data types (PV. HH. These different types of wiring are: Process Connection: Wiring to or from an I/O connection box. Terminal IN OUT SET SUB Connectable Items Input modules (%Z). Switches (SW-33. This does not cover all possible combinations. SV. MH. LO. Check the FCS configuration manual for all of the allowable terminal connections. SW-91). LL. Terminal Connection: Connection between two connection terminals. CENTUM VP Engineering 11 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . etc). and ML. This tells which I/O point will be used for the specific tag. MV. Output modules (%Z). Connect to the VN register (feed forward). the required data item will be named on the output of one block and connected to the IN (as an example) of another block. Data Referencing: A data item can be taken from one instrument and used in another function block. OUT terminal of “Primary” instrument (cascade). There are several different wiring types available for connecting instruments and the process. SW-91). The actual data to load is defined on the “Tuning Panel”. CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Wiring Link Block CENTUM VP Engineering 12 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . CENTUM VP Engineering 13 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . FIC100.OUT SET FIC100 IN PID “Input Connection” %Z011101 “Input Connection” %Z011102 “Output Connection” %Z011109 OUT “Output Connection” To secondary instrument “SET” terminal. The address of the module (%Zxxxxxx) or "User Defined Label" is entered into the box. The "AREAOUT" is used to bring process data from a function block in a different FCS to the "IN" (or "SET" of a cascade loop). The "AREAIN" is used to bring process data from a function block in the same FCS to the "IN" (or "SET" of a cascade loop). Click on the “Function Block” icon to open the “Select Function Block” window.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 DEFINING REGULATORY FUNCTION BLOCKS Select “Function Block” under an FCS and builder “drawings” will appear under “Opened Folder”. Inter/Intra FCS Process Data Process data can be brought from one function block to another by using the "AREAIN" and "AREAOUT" link blocks. EFFECTIVE CONNECTIONS SET TIC100 IN PID OUT CASCADE “Set Value Input Connection” Tag where the “Set Point” gets its data. Double-click on a drawing number to open its builder panel. TIC100.SET Process Data I/O Connections Connections to the I/O modules is completed through the "Link Block" on the control drawing. • There are 200 drawings available per FCS on CS3000. From here the user will select the category and sub-category to find a desired function block type. CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 •Right Mouse Button •“Properties” "Display/Hide Detailed Setting Item" CENTUM VP Engineering 14 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . CENTUM VP Engineering 15 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . To see all of the detail items available. • • Selecting the right-hand mouse button displays a menu. The detail specification panel is where the user will define: • • • • • The loop’s input signal range.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 DETAIL SPECIFICATION PANEL Selecting the “Edit Function Block Detail” icon opens this panel. HH. for the function block. If “Measure Tracking” is to be used. are displayed. I. etc) on the “Fixed Constant”. The example used here is for a PID type instrument. select the “Show/Hide Detailed Setting Item” icon. Pre-define detail items (P. Control algorithm (if it is a control instrument). depending upon the function block created. Items found on the “Show/Hide Detailed Setting Item” panel will vary. Alarms. PH. select “Properties” to see a window where the most commonly changed data items. CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 General Structure of Arithmetic Calculation Blocks IN Input Processing R Logic Operation RV1 Gain RV1 Bias Gain Bias CP OUT Q01 RV Some Auxiliary Calculation Blocks SW-91 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 OF 0 1 2 S 3 4 5 6 7 S10 BDSET-1L Batch data Batch data 2 J01 J02 J03 J04 Command switch Batch data 3 Batch data 4 Batch data 16 S J16 8 9 Command switch General purpose Calculation Block P01 P08 IN Inpu Processing R CP Output Processing OUT Q01 RV1 User defined Arithmetic/logic Operation CPV1 J01 CPV2 J02 Q07 RV7 ( CPV SUB CPV) CPV3 J03 CENTUM VP Engineering 16 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Calculation Auxiliary 1 Blocks: These blocks have the various functions to assist the control computation. Batch data acquisition Batch data acquisition (character string). One batch data set block (character string). Examples of these are: BDSET-1L BDSET-1C BDSET-2L BDSET-2C BDA-L BDA-C One batch data set block. it performs the basic arithmetic calculations for analog signals. and provide general-purpose calculation functions for analog and contact signals. Arithmetic Calculation Blocks: Each arithmetic calculation has a fixed number of I/O points and fixed calculation algorithm. One pole.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 CALCULATION FUNCTIONS Calculation function blocks are used to support regulatory control and sequence control functions. Selector switch for 16 constant (numerical). General Purpose Calculation Blocks: Each general-purpose calculation block has a fixed number of I/O points and but allows the user to define the calculation algorithm. Two batch data set block. Batch Data Blocks: These blocks have functions to assist the setting or gathering of batch data. Examples of these are: SQRT LAG RAMP LDLAG DLAY AVE-M ASTM1 Square root First order lag Ramp block Lead/lag block Dead time block Moving average block ASTM (Old JIS) EXP INTEG LD FUNC-VAR TPCFL AVE-C ASTM-2 Exponential block Integration block Derivative block Variable line-segment function block Temperature and pressure correction Cumulative average block (New JIS) 3. Two batch data set block (character string). Data set block with PVI. Examples of these are: SW-33 DSW-16 SW-91 DSW-16C DSET DSET-PVI Three pole. Examples of these are: CALCU General Purpose calculation block CALCU-C General Purpose calculation block with string I/O CENTUM VP Engineering 17 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Selector switch for 16 constant (character string). Examples of these are: ADD MUL DIV AVE 2. Data set block. 4. Analog Calculation Blocks: Each analog calculation block has a fixed number of I/O points and fixed calculation algorithm: it performs arithmetic calculation for analog signals. 5. 9 position switch. Calculation blocks are divided into six types depending upon the kind of calculations they perform: 1. 3-position switch. CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 CENTUM VP Engineering 18 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . use the “On-line Manual”.SH alias B BL222-11.e.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 ”CALCU” FUNCTION BLOCK The “CALCU” function block allows the user to create custom calculation to meet specific process needs. • • • • Create the CALCU Block and.SL alias Y FC222-11. When the calculation window appears. The previous page shows this calculation: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 program alias A BL222-11. with it selected. ON-LINE MANUAL For more definition of the “CALCU” block.SH becomes “A”) “Float” tells RANGE it will be floating-point data. then “Builder Definition Items”. click on the “Edit Function Block Detail” icon. “CPV” is the calculated process variable to be output by this instrument (CL222-11). select “Edit Calculation Script” icon just beneath the “General-Purpose Calculations”. The menu at the right-hand side changes to display the different calculation data categories.: BL222-11.SL float RANGE RANGE = (Y-Z) / (A-B) CPV = RV * RANGE end “Alias” allows a tag’s data item to be known by another name (i. select “Help”. “RV” is the data coming in through the “IN” terminal block after any input processing. On the left-hand side of the on-line manual page. CENTUM VP Engineering 19 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Maximize the on-line manual.SH alias Z FC222-11. CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 CENTUM VP Engineering 20 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . ) P. I. PH. PL. .CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 BATCH DATA SET BLOCK (BDSET-1L) The batch data set block is used primarily in batch processes for adjusting parameters of control loops based upon a product recipe. or D Batch settings for BSETU (BSET) From a sequence table. . etc. Batch Data Set blocks can be used for changing the values of: • • • • • Setpoint (SV) Manipulated variable (MV) Alarm trip points (HH. HIS SETUP-1 Tuning Panel DT01 = 150 DT02 = 250 DT03 = 5000 DT04 = 1 . DT16 FCS SETUP-1 J01 J02 J03 J04 . . J16 SV SET TIC100 PID P IN OUT SET BSET RAW-MILK OUT IN SW BSETU-2 CENTUM VP Engineering 21 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . An operator can download all registers at the same time. . The BDSET has 16 registers that are accessible from the tuning panel of the instrument. LL. the BDSET-1L can download either individual registers or all registers at once. CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 CENTUM VP Engineering 22 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . The report is then assigned a unique name and loaded into the report database.CENTUM VP REPORT PACKAGE REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 A report package option is provided that has pre-defined reports built in that run on Excel® spreadsheets. and reports that display trend data. Running a Report The newly created report can be run from a programmable function key or by the operator station scheduler function. When the report package is opened the user can select from a list of pre-defined reports that fits a specific need from “snap shots”. CENTUM VP Engineering 23 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . to shift and hourly reports. Tag data item. data will be entered in to the block fields for: • • • Tag name. Computer name (or operator station) to get data from. When a report type is selected. if data is required at a specific time. You may have to refer to previous chapters for more information! Be aware that the amount of “step by step” direction will gradually decrease as you progress through these exercises. at the right hand side of the builder. click the right mouse button and select “Properties”.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 REGULATORY CONTROL EXERCISE 1 This exercise will allow the user to create a cascade PID control and connect the function blocks to the appropriate I/O modules. Click again on the panel to create another PID block. Define the function block #1 as: • Tag name: TC222A 5. Change the following items. 3. CREATING FUNCTION BLOCKS FOR EXERCISE 1 1. 4. 2. Click on “Function_Block” under FCS0101 and double click on “DR0001”. With the function block selected (green). The loops will then be tested in the “Test Mode”. Select the “Function Block” icon and then click on the ”+” in front of “Regulatory Control Block”.0 Engineering unit symbol: DEGF Lvl : 3 6. to open the drawing panel. Bring up “System View” and go to project “STUDENTV”. define the block as: Tag Name: FC222A Tag Comment: FLOW CONTROL Range: 0-500 Engineering unit symbol: LB/H Totalizer Time Unit: “HOUR” Lvl: 3 24 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A CENTUM VP Engineering . Select “OK” and then click on the Control Drawing Builder page to place the PID function block.0-300. Next open “Controllers” from the expanded list and select “PID” from the next list that appears. • • • • • • • • • • Tag Comment: TEMP CONTROL Range: 50. notice the connection is automatically defined as “IN”. exit from the control drawing builder. “Yes”. 12. NOTE: This is the “Label” you created for “%Z011101” in the Analog IOM definition in the previous chapter. Notice that the “OUT” of TC222A is shown as going to the “IN” of FC222A. Double click on any of the “X’s” on TC222A. Select “PIO” from the list that appears. Now the function blocks must be connected to the I/O’s. An output of –17. 16. scroll down and make the “Measurement Tracking” “MAN Mode”. 8. Click on the “Draw Wiring” icon to activate that mode. Click on the drawing panel again to place the second link block. also an indication of being in test mode of a user-defined project. “IO1”.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 7. Connect from “%%AIN-002” to FC222A. At the top of the “System View” window. CENTUM VP Engineering 25 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A .19”. 11. connect from TC222A to FC222A. Click on the “Close” box. 10. Place another link block on the page and define it as “%%AIN-002”. For the “Cascade” connection. 19. Click on “OK” on the next window to appear. Where you started and where you ended defined the direction of the signal flow. Tightly-shut” displays. and “SET”.19% would generate the IOP (when not in Test Mode) because it is below the alarm threshold. if there are no errors. In this class. and then open “Link Block”. and then click on the “Edit Function Block Detail” icon. 9. 15. Define it as “%%AOT-009”. The project’s name and FCS selected define which unit will be tested. Scroll down until “Fully-open. Click on the drawing panel to place the first and define it as “%%AIN-001”. Save and. select “FCS” and “Test Function”. 18. this will make the loops get IOP (Input Open) alarms because the loops have the output wired directly to the inputs. Minimize the test function window after the download completes. Continuing the Exercise in Test Function Mode for “STUDENTV” The test function allows the user to test FCS builder files without having an operational system. Click on “File” and “Update” and then “exit”. Wait until the “Test Function” window displays: “Completed Downloading Wiring” before proceeding. the “X” will turn green. Click on an “X” on the “%%AIN-001” PIO box. Click on “FC222A”. • Normally the output is set at “–17. 1. (It takes approximately 2 minutes from when the test function is started). 14. Next the connection to I/O will be defined. At the bottom of the screen select the “Generation Message” icon to open its window. Connect from FC222A to “%%AOT-009” to define the output. When the new window opens. Move the pointer on top of the “IN” and hold the right-hand mouse button. NOTE: As the test function starts the entire CENTUM VP screen now has a blue border. 13. 3. 2. then select “Terminal Name”. Select the “Function Block” icon again. 17. change it to “No”. 2. 8. Click on the “Clear All” icon in the “System Message Area”. Save and exit from this builder. Now. now click your right-hand mouse button. Minimize the “System View” window. and use the ramping arrows in the box that appears. What happened? ___Why? 14. Make sure your drawing is selected on the next window to open and click on “OK”. Select “Control (8 loop)” for the “Window Type” and change the “Window Name” to “TEMP-CTL”. CENTUM VP Engineering 26 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . select “File” and “Open”. Make the same change to FC222A and then close its tuning panel. Change TC222A’s setpoint by clicking on the SV arrow. The “Create New Window” builder window appears. 12. click on Property Page. Under Winforms Control. Also make sure that “Bias” is 0. On the window “TEMP-CTL”. and then “Wiring Editor”. 7. Select and change P=150 and I=5. When the new window appears. When the tuning panel appears. Now. 6. 4. Displaying the Graphic Blocks 1. 11. click on “Properties”. 9. double click on it to display the graphic builder panel. 13. and then “OK”. click on the faceplate in position 2 and define its tag name as “FC222A”. “TEMP-CTL” now appears in the list of files under “Window”.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Open the “Test Function” window at the bottom of the screen. Click on your righthand mouse button and select “Create New” and “Window” from the menus that appear. Put FC222A to “MAN” and ramp its MV up and down. and TC222A into “AUT”. Now. and close the “Tool Box”. scroll over to display “P” and “I”. Using the “Lag” or “Delay”. expand “HIS0164” and then highlight “Window”. 5. Click on the faceplate at the left-hand side to select it. put FC222A into “CAS”. NOTE: The “Wiring Editor” is only used for control drawings that are simulating process connections. then select “Tools”. Define the tag name as “TC222A” and click “OK”. as an example. 10. and then click on “NAME” in the system message area. you can simulate the process response for you loops. Under the STUDENTV Project. Now close this window. 3. Click on TC222A. Click on the box beneath TC222A and set the “SV” to 125. Use the scroll bar to find “Lag” and enter “10” for both loops. an arrow displays on its faceplate to show it is selected and open its “Tuning Window”. Click on “File” and “Save”. select the new drawing’s number and “Open”. When the new menu appears. Enter “TEMP-CTL”. click on “OK”. Define the first function block as: • • • Model name: PVI Tag name: AP222-11 Tag Comment: INDICATOR CENTUM VP Engineering 27 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . 1.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 REGULATORY CONTROL EXERCISE 2 The next exercise creates a level simulation where the user can define the tank level to be controlled by a level controller or a “ramp generator” that has a ramping profile configured into it. Signal Setters Regulatory Control. Controllers Tag name AP222-11 BL222-11 CL222-11 CL222-12 LC222-11 PG222-11 XW222-11 FC222-11 Remember: The order of function block creation is also the order of execution. Input Indicators Regulatory Control. When you create the function blocks for this exercise the details listed below are based upon the instruments created in the order above. Function Block Model name PVI LAG CALCU CALCU PID PG-L13 SW-33 PID Block type and Sub-type Regulatory Control. Controllers Regulatory Control. Analog Calculation General-Purpose Calculations General-Purpose Calculations Regulatory Control. • This drawing shows the loops that will be created and the connections that will be made in this exercise. Display “System View” again and open “DR0002” under “FCS0101” for “STUDENTV”. Auxiliary Regulatory Control. Use the figure on the previous page for “wiring” after the blocks have been created. Define the next function block as: • • • Model name: LAG Tag Name: BL222-11 Tag Comment: LAG 3. What does an “Alias” do? Close the Adobe reader. do the following: • Click on “Help”. st • • • • • 5.SH alias Z FC222-11. Using the “Find” icon.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 2. With the calculation block selected.SL alias Y FC222-11.SH alias B BL222-11. click on the “Edit Function Block Detail” icon to open up the calculation builder. Now. In the left-hand column click on “Edit Calculation Script” book icon and then select “Basics of Arithmetic Calculation Description”. in the right-hand window to take you to the beginning of its chapter. enter “Alias Definition”. 6.0 Engineering unit symbol: M3/H CREATING THE CALCULATION Using the On-Line Manuals for CALCU Function Block information 4. Define the function block #3 as: • • • • • Model name: CALCU Tag name: CL222-11 Tag Comment: SCALE RANGE CONVERT 1 High Range: 50. Go to the “Edit Function Block Detail” icon and enter the following calculation in CL222-11: program alias A BL222-11.SL float RANGE RANGE=(Y-Z)/(A-B) CPV=RV*RANGE end • “Update” and exit from the calculation builder. When “Adobe” opens the on-line manual. Double click on the 1 one found at the bottom of the page. Open up Function Block Detail Builder (on the left under Builder Items). and then “Builder Definition Item”. maximize the screen by clicking on the single box in the upper right-hand corner of this new window. Define the next function block as: CENTUM VP Engineering 28 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . find “Measurement Tracking” set “MAN Mode”: Yes Under “Output”.SL alias Y LC222-11.CENTUM VP • • • • REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Model name: CALCU Tag name: CL222-12 Tag Comment: SCALE RANGE CONVERT 2 7. then click on the “Show/Hide Detailed Setting Item” icon enter the following: Under “Basic”. • “Update” and exit from the detail window. Select “Edit Function Block Detail” and enter the following calculation: program alias A BL222-11. “MV Display style” find “MV Engineering Unit Symbol”: M3/H NOTE: This defines the output of this function block (MV) to be scaled the same as the function block it will control. find “MV Display style”: Self Under “Output”.SH alias Z LC222-11. Define the next function block as: • • • • • • • • • Model name: PID Tag name: LC222-11 Tag Comment: LEVEL CONTROL Lvl: 3 Select “Edit Function Block Detail ” icon. “MV Display style” find “MV Range High Limit”: 50.SL float RANGE RANGE=(Y-Z)/(A-B) CPV=RV*RANGE end • “Update” and exit from the calculation. Now you will create the calculation to run inside of the CALCU block.SH alias B BL222-11. 8. CENTUM VP Engineering 29 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A .0 Under “Output”. • • What does “Quick Return” do? You will use this function again in a later exercise! 14. Double click on “Quick Return Type” at the bottom. “MV Display style” find “Engineering Unit Symbol”: M3/H “Update” and exit from the detail window.19 section under the search result. find “MV Display style”: Self Under “Output”. Close the Adobe reader. Define the function block #6 as: • • • • • • • • Model name: PG-L13 Tag Name: PG222-11 Tag Comment: PROGRAM CONTROL Lvl: 3 Select “Edit Function Block Detail” icon. maximize the screen. 16. then click on the “Show/Hide Detailed Setting Item” icon enter the following: Under “Basic”. Back on the PG-L13’s detail definition window define: • • • • • • • • Under “Output”. When “Adobe” opens the on-line manual. 11. Click on “Help”.19” and enter. Click on “Edit” in the upper left-hand corner of the Adobe page and then on “Find”. and then “Builder Definition Item”. Double click on the D1. This will take you to the top of the section on PG-L13.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 9. “MV Display style” find “Range High Limit”: 50. Using the “Find” icon. 15. 13. enter “Quick Return”. 12. enter “D1. find “Total Elapsed Time”: 500 Under “Control Calculation”. Define the function block #7 as: Model name: SW-33 Tag name: XW222-11 Tag Comment: SWITCH Lvl: 3 CENTUM VP Engineering 30 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Refer to the “PG-L13” in the “On-line Manual” to answer this next question: Using the On-Line Manuals for PG-L13 Function Block Details 10.0 Under “Output”. find “When Program Exit”: Quick Return. Now. When “Adobe” opens the on-line manual. NOTE: When you are connecting the XW222-11 to FC222-11.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 17.5% “Measure Tracking” for “MAN Mode”: Yes “Update” and exit from the detail window.0 Engineering unit symbol: M3/H Totalizer Time Unit: HOUR Lvl: 3 Select “Edit Function Block Detail” icon. The on-line manual now displays information on wiring. the “S10” terminal name does not show up on the right mouse button menu. 19. Define the function block #8 as: • • • • • • • • • • • Model name: PID Tag name: FC222-11 Tag Comment: FLOW CONTROL High Range: 50. Use the figure below as the guide for wiring the function blocks together. • • 18. • On the control drawing. 20. Under “Basic”. go to “File” on “DR0002” and select “Save”. Close the Adobe reader. find “Totalizer Low-Input Cut Value”: . You will have to type in “S10”. and then “Builder Definition Item”. Under Control Drawing scroll down and click on “Wiring”. Close the window. exit this drawing. maximize the screen. If there are no errors. Now the function blocks must be wired together. click on “Help”. CENTUM VP Engineering 31 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . use the scroll arrow to view this information. using the On-Line Manuals let’s look for more details. now click your right-hand mouse button. Define position #4 as “PG222-11”. 5. double click on “TANK5-CG” to display its builder panel.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 CREATING OPERATION DISPLAYS Creating a Control Window 1. Select the box in the upper left-hand corner. Define position #8 as “CL222-12”. Under “Winforms Control” in the “Property Page”. 4. Under the Function Tab. and change the “Comment” box to say “TANK 5 CONTROLS”. Click on the faceplate at the left-hand side to select it. • The window name defines the panel type to display when the operator selects this box. Now. click on “OK”. define the tag name as “XW222-11” and “Apply”. followed by “Create New” and “Window” from the menus that appear. Change “Parameter” to be “TANK5-OV”. Save and Exit from this builder. click on the faceplate in position 2 and define its tag name as “LC222-11”. Define position #5 as “AP222-11”. When “Create New Window” appears. Highlight “Window” under HIS0164. When the “TANK5-OV” window appears open the graphic builder panel. right click and choose “Create New” and “Window”. then “Apply”. “TANK5-CG” now appears in the list of files under “Window”. 7. and close. Make the “Type” as “Comment”. click on “Properties”. Define position #7 as “CL222-11”. Select “Control (8 loop)” for the “Window Type” and change the “Window Name” to “TANK5-CG”. The “Create New Window” builder window appears. 2. 4. 3. Now. make “Window Name” = “Graphic”. 2. Click on “Window” under “HIS0164”. • This defines what will appear in this box when the builder is loaded. When the new menu appears. change: • • • • “Window Type” to “Overview” “Window Name” to “TANK5-OV” “Window Comment” to “TANK 5 CONTROLS” Now click on “OK” 3. Click on the “Overview” tab. the “Instrument Diagram” window appears. and the parameter defines which window (if necessary). Define position #6 as “BL222-11”. 6. Creating an Overview Window 1. on “System View” window click on “File”. CENTUM VP Engineering 32 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Now. 6. change “Function Type” to “Call Window”. • • • • • • Define position #3 as “FC222-11”. then click the right-hand button and select “Properties” 5. “First Line” = “Comment”. "Save" and exit from this trend. 3. 8. Select the second box down on the left-hand side under “Function Tab”. and defined as “Totalizer Value”. 11. CENTUM VP Engineering 33 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Select “Function” and “Function Type” = Call Window. Assign these new tags to TR0003. Select “TR0001”.PV”. Select the third box down on the left-hand side under over view. Define “TR0002” sampling period for “Continuous and Rotary” and 10 seconds. Also define the “Acquisition Data” using the tags and data items in the previous step. New boxes will appear to the right hand side of the screen. Now. This trend group would be called up with the name of "TG0201". “Group01” and define the “Acquisition Data” for pens: • • • • #1: “PG222-11. and go to. Now. Click on “Overview” on this builder window and change the “Type” to “View Name”. #3: “FC222-11.MV”. and “Parameter” to be “TANK5-CG”. NOTE: Remember we previously set up the “Closing Process” for “HIS0164” in chapter 2. #2: “PG222-11. and “Tag Name” to “FC222-11”. On “HIS0164” open the “CONFIGURATION” folder. #5 “FC222-11. the tuning panels for “LC222-11”. and “PG22211”. 14. 9. and define the “properties” as “Continuous and Rotary Type” and “1 Second” sampling. 2. with the limits of 0 to 30000. Now close window. Trend Point Closing 1. This will save all of the settings defined in the previous steps. 12. display “TR0001”. and then "Save" and Exit. Define the actual closing process. select “View” at the top of the window followed by “Closing definition” from the menu that appears. and “Parameter” to “FC222-11”. Group 1 on “HIS0164”. 10. define the 4 and 5 boxes to display.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 7. "Save" and Exit from this trend. “Save” and Exit from the overview’s graphic builder. “Window Name” to “Tuning”.SUM ”. make the “Window Name” be “Graphic”. make the “Function Type” a “Call Window”. Check box on “Use HIS Display Font”. NOTE: WARNINGS WILL APPEAR FOR THE UNDEFINED BOXES. th th 13. Click on close. Change “View Name” to “TANK5-CG” and “First Line Display Type” to “View Name”. In chapter 2 we defined the trend block to sample all assigned data at a 1-minute rate.SV”. Use the scroll bar to bring these boxes into the window. change the “Type” to “Tag Name”. 15. Click on “Monthly” for all of the pens being used (“Hourly” and “Daily” are selected by default). page 20. Click on FC222-11. click on the box beneath XW222-11 to display its data entry window. Y07=25. 9. then. Enter “1” to connect LC222-11’s OUT to FC222-11’s SET. What happened to the output? 12. display its ”Tuning Window”. and then display its Tuning panel. When it is put into the mode of “AUT” then it will run 1 time and then go to “MAN”. X09=240 Y01=5. On the “System View” window “Tools” and “Tuning Parameter Saving”. are all of the changeable items on a tuning window at an engineering level. Click on “Operation Mark” icon and assign one of the operation marks. X07=180. When the window appears try selecting the boxes and see where you go. 7. Click on “NAME” in the “System Message Area”. Click “OK” on the next window that appears. 8. Y04=35.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Manipulating the Function Blocks 1. Change PG222-11’s mode to “CAS” then close the tuning panel and return to “TANK5-CG”. When a project’s FCS is downloaded the last saved tuning parameters are the ones that are used. Y06=25. 5. • NOTE: The PG-L13 uses the mode of “CAS” to continually run through its profile. X06=150. Display “TANK5-CG”. and enter “TANK5-OV”. Change XW222-11 switch position to “2” and watch the operation of FC222-11. X04=90. 6. Click on BL222-11. 5. 11. Y08=10 Reminder: The “X” registers define time for “ZONES”. Y05=35. 1. then close the tuning panel and return to “TANK5-CG”. X03=60.0”. Change PG222-11’s mode back to “CAS” then display “TG0101” and watch the trend data change. Change PG222-11’s mode to “MAN”. 4. for a tag. Make sure all “Control Drawings” are closed. Click on “I” (first order lag time) and enter “10. Saving the Tuning Parameters under “Test Function” The tuning parameters. Select the box beneath its faceplate and change the SV data to “30. 2. X05=120.0” in the data entry window. select the “Tuning Parameter Save” button. Select FC222-11 and change its mode to “AUT”. 10. Display PG222-11’s “Tuning Window” and change the following data items: • • X02=30. Close “FC222-11” tuning window. 2. • • Change the mode to “CAS”. 4. 3. X08=210. Y02=15. The output will ramp from 5 (Y01) to 15 (Y02) during that period. and then select “Tuning” from the “Window Call Menu”. Close the both tuning parameter saving windows after the save has completed. Y03=15. When the “Tuning parameter save continuously” window. 3. A zone is the time the output goes from the Y register setting at the beginning of the zone to the Y register setting at the end of the zone. • EXAMPLE: Zone #1 starts at X01 (time 0) and ends at X02. CENTUM VP Engineering 34 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . 1. chose “Open report”. Assign the PV for FC222-11 and LC222-11 to the next two cells. Enter a name for your report (make the name all one word!) in the window that opens. 6. Loading the Report 1. the report is now ready to be run. Modifying the report.CENTUM VP REPORT PACKAGE REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Opening the “Report Package” and creating a “Snap shot” report. you MUST reload the report into the master list to over-write the old report. To make this new report available. To make this an active report. scroll down and click on your report’s name. At the top of the assignment window is a scroll bar with 1/36 displayed at its right-hand side. Next put “MV” in the “Item” box.side menu. • Reminder: If you modify a report. When the report opens. 3. Click on the right-hand arrow to display cell 2/36. Select “Report Tab” from the top menu. 2. 5. Now. To set the first report cell up. enter “PG222-11” in the “Tag” box. 2. Excel® will open then select “Enable Macros” and the Report opens. This will take you back to the main report page. click on the “Tool Button Tool Box” and under the “Call View” tab select “Logging Report Package”. 1. 7. open the template for “01 SnapshotReport”. under “Menu Commands”. Minimize the report display. click on “File” again and the “Close Report”. After the report has been saved. A menu now appears listing the predefined report templates. choose “Data Assignment” on the next menu and a new window will open. When the new window appears. under “Report”. 3. click on “File” and “Load” on the “Report Package” page. click on the cell displaying “@TAG001”. To name this report. under “File”. Now. select “File” and “Save As”. CENTUM VP Engineering 35 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . On the left. Remember to “Read Datainf” as you assign each cell. 2. click on the “>>” icon to place the report’s name into the “Master” list and then “Exit”. Select “OK” when you have finished capturing these settings. 4. • NOTE: The report opens displaying the data captured when the function key was selected. select “Report” in its upper left-hand corner and then “History”. 2. 2. 1. When the window opens. select “File” and “Back to CS3000” and then close the report builder. Notice that the unused cells reported errors for their data. Select the report builder icon at the bottom of the display to open it up (this was previously minimized). Displaying the Report Since we defined the report to be written to a file the following steps show how to display the report. CENTUM VP Engineering 36 TE 33M80N10-10EN-A . Select an un-used line. Put in a “space” and then -f to dump the report to a file (a “-p” would put the report to a printer). Select the “Preset Menu” tab. Select “Set” and then “OK”. 3. Select your report name from the new window and click on “Open”. Preset Menu or Scheduler. Open the “Preset Menu” icon and select the report you just assigned to run it.CENTUM VP REGULATORY AND CALCULATION FUNCTIONS LESSON 4 Assigning the Report to the “Preset Menu” Reports can also be assigned to the programmable Function Keys. To close this report and return to the main report panel. since the report could not find the default tag names. 1. The format is the same for all. 3. Bring up the “System Status Overview” window and click on “HIS Setup” icon. 4. • • • • • Function Type: “Execute the Program by File Name” Program Name: BKHRPT Parameter: –nREPORTNAME –f -n is followed immediately (no space) by the report’s name.
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