Central Control Unit User Manual Pr2 - UTS + ECS
Central Control Unit User Manual Pr2 - UTS + ECS
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Coolsure LimitedUninterruptible Telecom Split Airconditioner And Direct Air Cooling Fan/Filter Unit CCU-03 Central Control Unit User Manual © Copyright Coolsure Limited CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 1 www.coolsure.com 3/9/2011 Coolsure Limited 1 Contents 1 2 3 Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3 Layout and Hardware Installation....................................................................................... 4 3.1 Display .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Keypad.......................................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Alarm LED .................................................................................................................... 5 3.4 Communication LED..................................................................................................... 5 3.5 Service Port .................................................................................................................. 5 3.6 Alarm Outputs............................................................................................................... 5 3.7 External Input Channel ................................................................................................. 5 3.8 USB Port....................................................................................................................... 5 3.9 CoolBus Port................................................................................................................. 5 3.10 Installing the System Hardware ............................................................................... 5 4 Application Menu ................................................................................................................ 7 4.1 Menu Overview............................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Updating Parameters.................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Entering Password / Default Password ........................................................................ 7 4.4 Default Menu ................................................................................................................ 8 4.5 Settings Menu............................................................................................................. 10 4.6 Monitor Units Menu .................................................................................................... 16 4.7 Monitor Alarms Menu ................................................................................................. 19 4.8 Configure Menu .......................................................................................................... 22 4.9 Statistic Menu ............................................................................................................. 25 4.10 Alarm Log Menu ..................................................................................................... 27 5 Software Update............................................................................................................... 28 5.1 Installing the Programming Hardware ........................................................................ 28 5.2 Launching the Coolsure Programmer Application...................................................... 28 5.3 Importing the Software Update File ............................................................................ 29 5.4 Update the Central Control Unit software................................................................... 29 6 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................ 30 Appendix A. Indoor Unit Alarm ................................................................................................ 31 Appendix B. Parameter Information ........................................................................................ 32 Appendix C. Application Menu Overview ................................................................................ 34 CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 2 www.coolsure.com 3/9/2011 Coolsure Limited 2 Introduction The Central Control Unit (CCU-03) is used for adjustment of system parameters and setpoints and the provision of advanced monitoring and control features in a Coolsure Uninterruptible Telecom Split (UTS) Airconditioning System and a Coolsure Direct Air Cooling Fan/Filter Unit. Individual cooling units communicate directly with each other via the CoolBus communication bus, allowing the Coolsure UTS system to be fully functional without requiring the CCU-03 to be connected. The CCU-03 can thus be used either as a service tool for the Coolsure UTS system to adjust setpoints and view detailed system parameters for fault finding, or can be permanently installed at the site to provide remote alarm capability and enhanced system features. This User Manual describes the features and operation of the CCU-03 Central Control Unit. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 3 www.coolsure.com 3/9/2011 up. down. There are escape.1 Display The Display shows the text details of the application menu. 3. and Down Up and Down keys are used to scroll through the menu rows or to increase or decrease a parameter value while the value is flashing.2 Keypad Central Control Unit provides a user friendly interface. The Control Unit returns to the Default menu and dims the backlight if no key is pressed for 30 minutes. • Escape Escape key is used to return to the previous level in the menu or to cancel editing a parameter.coolsure.Coolsure Limited 3 Layout and Hardware Installation The main components of the Central Control Unit are shown in Figure 2-1 below Figure 2-1: Central Control Unit Layout Display Alarm LED Keypad Alarm Outputs Service Port External Inputs CoolBus Port Communication LED USB Port 3. right and enter keys.com 3/9/2011 . CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 4 www. left. • Left • Up and Right Left and Right keys are used to scroll through the menu columns. All units are connected in parallel on the CoolBus.com 3/9/2011 . fan/filter unit and the Central Control Unit (CCU-03).5 Service Port (Feature is currently not implemented) Provides a serial port connection to a modem or serial/ethernet adapter for remote monitoring/control. allowing connection to be made to any convenient CoolBus port.6 Alarm Outputs There are 3 changeover relay alarm outputs corresponding to the different alarm levels. 3. or a fault in one/all of the units connected to the CoolBus.8 USB Port The USB Port is used to download software revisions to the Central Control Unit.7 External Input Channel (Feature is currently not implemented) There are 4 external analog input channels which can be configured to measure 0-5V. Green LED Yellow LED Red LED Red LED lights up to indicate the system is working properly and no alarms are active.4 Communication LED The communication LED indicates activity on the CoolBus between the airconditioning units. A2 (Critical Alarm) and O1 (Observation Alarm). NTC thermistor or digital input with pull-up resistor 3. see Section 5 for more information. 3. They are A1 (Warning Alarm).10 Installing the System Hardware To install the Central Control Unit: • Connect the Central Control Unit to one of the airconditioning unit or fan/filter unit RJ45 sockets via the provided CoolBus cables CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 5 www.coolsure. everytime the Central Control Unit receives communication from one of the airconditioning units or fan/filter unit – failure of the LED to flash is an indication of a problem with the CoolBus connection. 3. The alarm LED displays the highest alarm level that is currently active in the system.Coolsure Limited • Enter Enter key is used to jump to the lower level in the menu and to confirm the parameter setting. or disabled (see Settings Menu) 3. 020mA. 3.9 CoolBus Port There are 2 CoolBus ports for connecting the Central Control Unit to the system. 3. 3. lights up to indicate there is/are observation alarm(s) active lights up to indicate there is/are warning alarm(s) active flashes to indicate there is/are critical alarm(s) active.3 Alarm LED There are 3 alarm levels which can be shown on the LED. The Control Unit is powered redundantly by the airconditioning units and/or fan/filter unit via the CoolBus. Ordinarily the LED should flash a few times per second. with the observation alarm being the lowest alarm level and the critical alarm being the highest alarm level. Each alarm can be set to any one of the alarm levels. In the case of intentionally removing a unit from the system. • In order to provide failsafe system monitoring. this alarm can be reset by re-initializing the number of units in the Central Control Unit (Section 4.8.coolsure.com 3/9/2011 . CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 6 www.5). see Monitor Units) based on their serial numbers • If any of the setpoints of the newly connected unit are different from the existing unit. • Units are allocated Unit Numbers (used for viewing detailed unit parameters.2). or one/more faulty units connected to the CoolBus. Adding a new airconditioning unit to the system: • New airconditioning units can be connected to the CoolBus while the system is running • New units are automatically detected and integrated into the system by the existing airconditioning units and Central Control Unit. providing redundant operation. The other airconditioning units automatically adjust to the loss of a unit from the CoolBus. This ensures that an alarm is generated in the case that a unit has failed in such a way that it is unable to send a fault alarm to the Central Control Unit. these need to be adjusted via the Central Control Unit (see Setting Menu) Removing a unit from the system: • Typically the loss of a unit from the CoolBus is indicative of a fault in the unit.Coolsure Limited • • If either a airconditioning unit or a fan/filter unit is turned on.5. the Central Control Unit should be powered and able monitor the system The green “Communication LED” should flash to indicate communication on the CoolBus – failure of the LED to flash indicates a problem with the CoolBus connection. the Central Control Unit generates a “Unit Lost” alarm if a unit from the system for a certain length of time (Section 4. if the update is cancelled at or before the last parameter. it enters to update mode and the target parameter should be flashing. These parameters have to be updated together. There is an example shown in figure 3. Escape key goes back to the previous menu. If the password is incorrect. 4. none of the parameters will be changed. one only need press the enter key when prompted to enter the password. The enter key is used to accept the current value.coolsure.2-1 Enter Password before update the parameters P a s s w o r d : 0 * * * The left/right keys are used to select the digit to be edited and the up/down keys used to increase/decrease the value of the digit. New software will need to be downloaded to the Central Control Unit to reset the password Figure 3. Password protection is provided to prevent unauthorised modification of system settings. with enter and escape keys used to navigate into and out of the sub menu structure. Figure 3. Figure 3.2-3. If the password has not been modified from this factory default setting.Coolsure Limited 4 Application Menu 4. The up/down/left/right keys are used to navigate the menu structure. in other words. Some menus require the changing of a few parameters. 4.2-3 updating the normal setpoint parameter N o r m a l S e t p o i n t 2 7 . CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 7 www. These have to be changed one by one in sequence from left to right and then from up to down. Pressing any key returns to previous screen.2-2 Text after Wrong Password has been entered P a s s w o r d : 0 * * * W r o n g P a s s w o r d If the password is correct. Note: Care must be taken when changing the password as loss of the password will prevent future access to the system. 5℃ The parameter is flashing The parameter is set after “ENTER” has been pressed.2-2.1 Menu Overview The application menu overview is shown in Appendix C.com 3/9/2011 .3 Entering Password / Default Password The factory default Password is “0000”. a wrong password text will be shown as in figure 3.2 Updating Parameters Some parameters can be changed so as to fulfill different requirements. The Central Control Unit prompts for the password (if it has not been entered yet) before allowing any change on the system – password will need to be re-entered following 1 hour of inactivity (no keys pressed). 2-1 Default Menu Description 1 2 7 .1 Active Alarm List This list shows all active alarms.4 Default Menu This is the menu at the startup.2-1. Autozero mode and Shutdown mode (highest priority to be shown). CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 8 www. It can be entered by pressing “ESC” repeatedly from any level menu. 5 ℃ 2 4 0 % R H m a l 3 2 5 H z O K A L L : N o r 4 5 6 Legend: 1: Average Return Temperature (measured by the airconditioning units) or T-1C/TRH-2C Temperature measurement (if T-1C/TRH-2C Temperature/Relative Humidity Transmitter is connected) 2: T-1C/TRH-2C Relative Humidity (This item is blank if T-1C/TRH-2C is not connected) 3: This value is actual fan speed of the fan/filter unit in percentage if fan/filter unit is running only.coolsure. The figure 3.2-2 Alarm level with ENTER symbol A 1 This indicates the Active Alarm List can be displayed by pressing the “ENTER” key. Setback mode. Backup mode. it is average actual compressor speed of the airconditioning units in hertz. The Control Unit will also return to Default menu if it is idle for more than 30 minutes. 4: Operating Unit: There are 4 situations: OFF (Neither fan/filter unit or airconditioning unit is running). The system is ordinarily in Normal mode (controlling the temperature to the normal setpoint) when operating from AC mains power.2-2. Figure 3. Figure 3. Only the highest alarm level will be indicated. 6: Alarm Level: There are 3 alarm levels: observation alarm (O1). otherwise. The ECS changes to autozero mode to update the offset for pressure reading which requires the fan to be shutdown.com 3/9/2011 .4. ECS (fan/filter unit is running only).Coolsure Limited 4. An ENTER symbol is displayed to the right of the alarm level as showed in figure 3. Only the alarms set to have alarm level in “Alarm Setting” Menu can be activated and show on the list. The ECS changes to shutdown mode when the shutdown button is pressed in order to service or replace the filter. 4. The system allows for different temperature setpoint for each of the first three operating modes. 5: Operating Mode: There are 5 types of operating mode: Normal mode (lowest priority to be shown). The menu description is shown in figure 3. The system may stop the ECS fan for each of the following two operating modes.1-1 is an example. warning alarm (A1) and critical alarm (A2). Setback is disabled during Backup mode.2. UTS (airconditioning unit(s) is/are running only) and ALL (Both fan/filter unit and airconditioning unit(s) are running). It allows scrolling “UP” or “DOWN” the list and 2 alarms can be shown at a time. The system changes from Normal mode to Setback mode (controlling the temperature to the setback temperature) if a setback period has been configured in the system and the system clock determines that the current time falls within the setback period. The system changes to Backup mode (controlling the temperature to the backup setpoint) if the AC mains power fails and the system is operating from the battery backup. 1-1 Example of Activated Alarm List H i g h T e m p A l a r m H i g h S p e e d A l a r m U n i t F a u l t > 1 A C F a u l t U n i t L o s t In this example. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 9 www.Coolsure Limited Figure 3.coolsure.com 3/9/2011 . the second and the third of 5 active alarms is shown on the screen.2. “Parameter Information”. the Central Control Unit reads back and displays the average value stored in the units. t 5 ℃ • Normal Setpoint This is the temperature setpoint in Normal mode (when the unit is not in Setback mode or Backup mode). A higher than Normal setpoint can be used to minimise the airconditioner power consumption when running from battery.4. Figure 3.1-1 Normal Setpoint in Setpoint Menu N o r m a l S e t p o i n 2 8 . see Appendix B.coolsure.Coolsure Limited 4. This feature can also be used for other cases whereby different setpoints are desired for different periods of the day – for example a higher setpoint could be chosen for night-time to minimise noise and disturbance to nearby residents. This feature requires the Central Control Unit to be connected to the system as the Setback period and realtime clock are contained in the Central Control Unit. The system setpoints can be edited via the Central Control Unit and are updated in each individual airconditioning unit and fan/filter unit upon acceptance (by pressing the enter key) of the edited value.5. For more information about the setting range and factory default setting. After editing.com 3/9/2011 . The setpoints in each airconditioning unit and fan/filter unit should ordinarily be identical for correct system operation.1 Setpoint Menu The various system setpoints are stored in each individual airconditioning unit and fan/filter unit. but adding a new airconditioning unit to the system can result in units with different setpoints. • Backup Setpoint This is the temperature setpoint when the unit is running on battery. 4. • Setback Setpoint This is the temperature setpoint during the setback period.The lower temperature difference between indoor and outdoor can minimize the airconditioner power CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 10 www. An example screen is shown in Figure 3. The system maintains the room temperature according to this setpoint in Setback Mode. Setback mode is ordinarily used to provide a higher system temperature (with corresponding reduced airconditioner power consumption) during periods of higher energy cost. All parameters in this menu can be updated. The Normal setpoint is usually chosen to provide an optimum tradeoff between airconditioner power consumption and telecom equipment and battery life.5 Settings Menu This menu is used to change the system setting.1-1. The system would maintain the room temperature according to this setpoint in Normal Mode. with the Normal and Setback temperatures chosen such that the average system temperature will be maintained at the desired level.4. and the Central Control Unit displays the average value stored in the units. allowing one to check that the value has been correctly updated. • Track Delta The airconditioning units are capable of adjusting their setpoint with the outdoor ambient. hence minimising the impact on the battery backup capacity. The system maintains the room temperature according to this setpoint in Backup Mode. Outdoor ambient to the telecom station might relatively varies indoor temperature . (i. the compressor will be switched on). In other words. setpoint varies between 23C and 27C with ambient temp. • UTS Capacity This feature can be utilised to limit the total system cooling capacity (and hence input power consumption). However. if the ambient dropped below its average by 1C. the return temperature is measured adjacent to the indoor unit heatexchanger. Hence. the compressor will be switched off. • Humidity Setpt (Feature is currently not implemented) (This item is applicable only when the T-1C/TRH-2C is connected) CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 11 www. With setpoint of 25C and track delta of 2C. This is a delta value applied on the temperature setpoint which limited its linear variation with outdoor ambient. if return temperature < setpoint – delta. In this case the units switch into an on/off control mode in order to maintain the room temperature equal to the setpoint. A unit provides no cooling capacity when its compressor is turned off and operating its indoor fan causes avoidable power losses.2 x (70 + 70) = 154Hz. under light load conditions.) The Capacity Limit can be adjusted between 50% and 200%. 51Hz each if they are all working. if the return temperature > setpoint + delta. meaning some airflow is desirable to ensure the air temperature is sampled correctly. the setpoint becomes 24C. such as a diesel generator or fuel cell. it may be desirable to have continued indoor airflow even when the compressor is turned off. With 3 units in the system(one redundant) and power limit of 120%. but more frequently cycling of the compressors and increased energy consumption. This factor can effectively control the maximum compressor speed. or limited capacity AC feed.5C to 2.e. For example. sum of the compressor speeds should be 1. Too low a value leads to more accurate temperature control. However.com 3/9/2011 . Capacity Limit is a factor (in percentage) on the rated total operating speed (assumed one unit is redundant when more than one unit are connected). the airconditioning unit may still provide too much cooling capacity at minimum compressor speed (20Hz).e. (i.) This feature can be disabled by setting the value to zero.coolsure. Units automatically determine which compressor should be turned off/on in order to equalize run-time between the different units.0C.Coolsure Limited consumption – for example setpoint will be higher during the daytime since the ambient temperature will be raised. This can be useful in the case the system is connected to a limited capacity supply.e. The cooling capacity is originated in compressor operating speed. limiting the operating speed can control the input power consumption. (i. The fan speed can be adjusted linearly between 40% and 100% with a minimum fan speed of 40%. This is a delta value on the temperature setpoint which provides hysteresis on switching on/off the compressor. Normally this value should be in the range of 0. in some cases. A setpoint between 0 and 40 results in an indoor fan speed of 0% when the compressor is turned off. In details. • UTS Fan@Comp Off This is the indoor fan speed (in percentage) when the compressor of the unit is turned off. • Delta Temp The airconditioning units normally adjust their compressor speeds in order to maintain the room temperature equal to the setpoint. fan/filter unit will be shut) • I/O Delta AC OFF This is a delta value. • Max Humidity This is the maximum for outdoor absolute humidity (in g/kg) above which the fan/filter unit is shut. if Indoor Temp – Outdoor Temp ≥ I/O Delta AC OFF. • Service Overdue This is the maximum valid service valid interval (in weeks) after the “service due” alarm is activated. (i. • Delta Humidity (Feature is currently not implemented) (This item is applicable only when the T-1C/TRH-2C is connected) The upper margin for the humidity setpoint above which dehumidify mode is activated. if Indoor Temp – Outdoor Temp ≥ I/O Delta AC ON.com 3/9/2011 . fan/filter unit will be startup. comparing with temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 12 www. to switch on/off the fan/filter unit when airconditioning unit is shut. (i. The airconditioning units are not able to provide humidification for cases where sites are located in dry environments – external humidifiers are needed if this functionality is required. A timer and “service due alarm” is provided to prompt service personnel to clean air filters. comparing with temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. before the service overdue alarm is activated. to switch on/off the fan/filter unit when airconditioning unit is running. etc. heatexchangers.Coolsure Limited This is the desired humidity level for the system. The fan will be reactivated once the absolute humidity less than or equal to (Max Humidity – 1g/kg). • ECS Fan Max Spd This is the maximum ECS fan speed (in percentage) when ECS is running.coolsure. if Indoor Temp – Outdoor Temp ≤ I/O Delta AC ON . fan/filter unit will be startup) • ECS Fan Min Spd This is the minimum ECS fan speed (in percentage) when ECS is running.e.e.1˚C. • Service Interval This is the regular service interval (in weeks). • I/O Delta AC ON This is a delta value. The airconditioning units are able to provide dehumidification of the air for cases where sites are located in humid environments. which controls which LED and changeover alarm relay is activated together with the alarm.2-1 Alarm Setting Menu Description • High Temp Alarm This alarm indicates the room temperature is high. The activation point should always be set lower than the deactivation point. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. where room temperature is the average return temperature measured by the airconditioning units. none) associated with the alarm. A 1 Activate point Deactivate point External Relay Number Figure 3.4. Alarm Name H i 3 g h 0 T e m p 3 3 . • High Humidity Alarm (This item is applicable only when T-1C/TRH-2C is connected) This alarm indicates the humidity measured by the T-1C/TRH-2C is high. • VHigh Temp Alarm This alarm indicates the room temperature is very high. The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. critical. Some alarms will set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit to be activated together with the alarm. The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. where room temperature is the average return temperature measured by the airconditioning units.2 Alarm Settings Menu This menu allows user to set activation and deactivation levels for the system alarms dependent on analogue parameters. or the T-1C/TRH-2C temperature if it is connected. or the T-1C/TRH-2C temperature if it is connected. • Low Temp Alarm This alarm indicates the room temperature is low. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. The following is the description of this menu. where room temperature is the average return temperature measured by the airconditioning units. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. • Vlow Temp Alarm This alarm indicates the room temperature is very low. it allows setting of the alarm level (observation. See Appendix A for more information about the relation between Indoor Unit Alarm and Central Control Unit Alarm. The parameters are saved in the Central Control Unit. 5 A l a 3 r m 5 . or the T-1C/TRH-2C temperature if it is connected. Also. The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. The activation point should always be set lower than the deactivation point.coolsure. warning. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 13 www. or the T-1C/TRH-2C temperature if it is connected.5.com 3/9/2011 .Coolsure Limited 4. where room temperature is the average return temperature measured by the airconditioning units. The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. • Service Due This alarm indicates the time (in weeks) since last service of some units exceeds the preset service interval. If more than one unit has a fault. If more than one unit have the fault. which can indicate poor sealing of the BTS room. the “AC Fault>1” alarm is activated. If one unit has a fault. • Missing Filter This alarm indicates the fan filter is missing (Filter pressure is too low when the fan is running). the “BCU Fault” alarm is activated. the “Unit Shutdown>1” alarm is activated. If one unit has the fault. the “Unit Fault>1” alarm is activated.Coolsure Limited • High Latent Load (This item is applicable only when T-1C/TRH-2C is connected) The Central Control Unit monitors what percentage of time dehumidification is required.8. the “AC Fault” alarm is activated. If more than one unit have the fault. so it is desirable to minimise the latent heatload. This alarm can be deactivated by resetting the service timer in “Service Done” item (Section 4. • UTS Unit Fault and UTS Unit Fault >1 This alarm indicates some units have “unit shutdown” alarms (including remote shutdown. The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. the “Unit Shutdown” alarm is activated. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. • BCU Fault and BCU Fault >1 This alarm indicates some units have a Battery Converter Unit (BCU) fault.coolsure. A high percentage of time requiring dehumidification is indicative of a high latent heat load. unit comms fault and outdoor fault) If one unit has the fault. If one unit has the fault. • UTS Comp Hi Spd This alarm indicates the average compressor speed is high. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 14 www. • AC Fault and AC Fault >1 This alarm indicates some units have AC fault. High latent load directly impacts on the airconditioner energy consumption. • Blocked Filter This alarm indicates the fan filter is in need of replacement (Filter pressure is too high when the fan is running). • UTS Unit Alarm and UTS Unit Alarm >1 These alarms indicate some units have “unit fault” other than those shown seperately below. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. the “BCU Fault>1” alarm is activated. The activation point should always be set lower than the deactivation point. • Replace Filter This alarm indicates the fan filter experiences over-pressure (Filter pressure is too high when the fan is running). The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. indoor fan fault. overtemp shutdown. The activation point should always be set higher than the deactivation point. If more than one unit have the fault. the “Unit Fault” alarm is activated.4).com 3/9/2011 . coolsure. • ECS Sensor Fault This alarm indicates the sensor(s) is/are (partially) malfunctioning. • Unit Lost This alarm indicates some units (either one or more of the airconditioning units. This alarm deactivates once the lost airconditioning unit fan/filter unit or T-1C/TRH-2C communicates with Central Control Unit again.Coolsure Limited • Service Overdue This alarm indicates the time (in weeks) since last service of some units exceeds the preset service overdue limit.5). • In Power Limit (Feature is currently not implemented) • Superheat (Feature is currently not implemented) • ECS Fan Fail This alarm indicates the ECS fan is not working properly since the fan is unable to follow the commanded speed over certain period. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 15 www.com 3/9/2011 .8. fan/filter unit or T-1C/TRH-2C) have been disconnected from the system. This alarm activates if the controller cannot communicate with an airconditioning unit or fan/filter unit for more than 5 seconds or with the T-1C/TRH-2C for more than 30 seconds.8. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. This alarm can be deactivated by resetting the service timer in “Service Done” item (Section 4. This alarm shall set an additional relay on the fan/filter unit. or by resetting the number of existing unit in the system in “Initialize Unit” item (Section 4.4). The average values are displayed in “ALL” column as shown in figure 3. • EEV Setting This is the Electronic Expansion Valve setting in steps.5-3. • Compressor Speed This is the actual compressor speed in Hertz.5-3 Invalid value of Unit 2 Return Temp R e t u r n T e m p U n i t 2 : . If the humidity is higher than the setpoint plus the delta. Figure 3.1 Monitor UTS Menu This menu monitors parameters in the airconditioning units.5-1 “ALL” column with averaged Return Temp R e t u r n T e m p A L L : 2 9 . • Dehumidify Rate (Feature is currently not implemented) (This item is applicable only when the T-1C/TRH-2C is connected) This is the dehumidify rate over time in percentage.com 3/9/2011 . the units start dehumidification and the dehumidify rate increase over time. 6 ℃ Figure 3.6 Monitor Units Menu This menu monitors parameters in the airconditioning and fan/filter units.6.Coolsure Limited 4. When reading data from a particular unit (eg Unit 1).5-2. • Return Temp This is the return temperature in degree Celsius. If return sensor is faulty. T-1C/TRH-2C uses this value to determine if there is “High Latent Load” Alarm.5-1 and the individual values are displayed in “Unit” column as shown in figure 3. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 16 www. - ℃ 4. Value might be invalid as shown in figure 3. Press left and right arrows to scroll between unit data and the average data (all). An invalid value may be indicative of a faulty sensor.coolsure.. This value is used to determine if there is “High Speed” Alarm. the units stop dehumidification and the rate decrease over time. the LEDs and display of that unit flash to aid identification of each unit. • Outdoor Fan Speed This is the target fan speed in percentage. 9 ℃ Figure 3. • Indoor Fan Speed This is the target indoor fan speed in percentage.. the indoor unit activates “Temp Sensor” fault and invalid value is shown in this item. or if the humidity drops lower than the setpoint.5-2 “Unit 1” column with Return Temp of Unit 1 R e t u r n T e m p U n i t 1 : 2 9 . If condenser sensor is faulty. Outdoor Unit uses this value to control the EEV setting and to determine if there is Exchanger Frost Protection (Evaporator T Low) which is a “Unit Fault” alarm. • Condenser Temp This is the condenser temperature in degree Celsius. the indoor unit activates “Temp Sensor” fault and invalid value is shown in this item. “Low Temp” Alarm or “VLow Temp” Alarm in the case that the T-1C/TRH-2C is not connected to the system. • AC Supply Voltage This is the AC supply voltage to the airconditioning unit. the indoor unit activates “Temp Sensor” fault and invalid value is shown in this item. 1 hour at CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 17 www. • Comp Run Time This is the accumulated compressor running time (in hours) since the unit was powered. • Evaporator Temp This is the condenser temperature in degree Celsius. 2 hours at 25Hz = 1 weighted hour. • Input Power (sum) (Feature is currently not implemented) • Total Run Time This is the accumulated running time (in hours) since the unit was powered. the indoor unit activates “Temp Sensor” fault and invalid value is shown in this item. This value is used to determine if there is “AC High” or “AC Low” condition which is combined as an “AC Fault” alarm. • BCU Voltage This is the Battery Converter Unit (BCU) voltage to the airconditioning unit. the indoor unit activates “Temp Sensor” fault and invalid value is shown in this item.coolsure. Outdoor Unit uses this value to determine if there is Over Refrigeration Protection (Condenser T High) which is a “Unit Fault” alarm. • Ambient Temp This is the ambient temperature in degree Celsius measured by outdoor unit. If discharge sensor is faulty. the indoor unit activates “Temp Sensor” fault and invalid value is shown in this item. Outdoor Unit uses this value to determine if there is Discharge Protection (Discharge T High) which is a “Unit Fault” alarm. If suction sensor is faulty. If ambient sensor is faulty. • Suction Temp This is the suction temperature in degree Celsius. (1 hour at 50Hz = 1 weighted hour. If evaporator sensor is faulty. • Weighted Run Time This is the accumulated weighted running time (in hours) since the unit was powered Value Increments when the compressor is running at a rate proportional to the compressor speed. • Discharge Temp This is the discharge temperature in degree Celsius. This value is used to determine if there is “High Temp” Alarm. “VHigh Temp” Alarm.com 3/9/2011 .Coolsure Limited The compressor speed operation is mainly depends on the different between the average of this value among the units and the setpoint. This provides an indication of how hard the unit has been working) • Time till service This is the time in weeks since the last service. 4. • Filter Pressure This is the filter pressure in Parcel. • Fan Speed This is the actual ECS fan speed in percentage. the ECS unit activates “ECS Sensor Fault” alarm. Indoor Unit uses this value to determine if there is “Service Due” or “Service Overdue”. the ECS unit activates “ECS Sensor Fault” alarm. • Indoor Temp This is the indoor temperature in degree Celsius measured by UTS airconditioning units. If the transmitter does not have this function. If this humidity is invalid. If this temperature is invalid. • Total Runtime This is the accumulated running time (in hours) since the unit was powered. • In Rel Humidity This is the indoor relative humidity in percentage measured by temperature transmitter. the ECS unit activates “ECS Sensor Fault” alarm.5 weighted hours.Coolsure Limited 75Hz = 1.2 Monitor ECS Menu This menu monitors parameters in the fan/filter units. • Fan Runtime This is the accumulated fan running time (in hours) since the unit was powered.coolsure. • In Abs Humidity This is the indoor absolute humidity based on indoor temperature and indoor relative humidity. • Out Rel Humidity This is the outdoor relative humidity in percentage.com 3/9/2011 . • Outdoor Temp This is the outdoor temperature in degree Celsius. this value will be invalid. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 18 www. • Out Abs Humidity This is the outdoor absolute humidity based on outdoor temperature and outdoor relative humidity. If this temperature is invalid.6. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 19 www. Figure 3. The default screen shows running in Backup mode when one or more than one unit set this status. There are “ALL” column and Unit column to observe status. the LEDs and display of the target unit should be flashing and the status shows “yes” if the alarm is active or “no” if it is inactive. • In/Fan Comms *This status indicates there is communication fault between Indoor control board and fan control board (both located in the indoor unit).Coolsure Limited 4. The following are some examples. but it is unable to supply enough DC power (< 200V) to the unit. • BCU Fault This status indicates BCU has been connected to the system. • CoolBus Fault This status indicates there is a CoolBus communication faulty.coolsure.e. too high/low supply voltage to the BCU or a faulty connection between the BCU and indoor unit. • Running Battery This status indicates the indoor unit is running on battery (BCU is turned on).com 3/9/2011 . “no” if no units have this alarm or “---” if some units have this alarm.6-3 Some Units with BCU Fault at “ALL” column B C U F a u l t A L L : .7 Monitor Alarms Menu This menu monitors the status in the system. The backup LED of the unit running on battery should light up. This could indicate either a fault in the BCU. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status. Some alarms can be shown on Indoor Unit Display as well.- • AC High This status indicates the AC supply voltage to the airconditioning unit is too high (> 255V). • AC Low *This status indicates the AC supply voltage to the airconditioning unit is too low (< 165V).. motor jam) on indoor unit fan control board. the status shows “yes” if all units have the alarm . “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status. At “Unit” column. “AC Fault” alarm is activated with this status. “Unit Fault” alarm is active with this status.6-2 All Units with AC Low Active at “ALL” column A C L o w A L L : Y e s Figure 3. “BCU Fault” alarm is active with this status. see Appendix A for more information. At “ALL” column. see Appendix A for more information. “AC Fault” alarm is activated with this status.6-1 Unit 1 with AC High Active at “Unit 1” column A C H i g h U n i t 1 : Y e s Figure 3. • UTS Fan Fault This status indicates there is operation fault (i. Tdischarge≥95℃). T > 120 ). “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status • Comp Overcurrent This status indicates the outdoor unit is currently in current protection (i. • Service Overdue This status indicates the time (in weeks) since last service exceeds the service overdue interval.Coolsure Limited • Service Due This status indicates the time (in weeks) since last service exceeds the service interval. “Unit Fault” alarm is active with this status • Outdoor Fault This status indicates there is outdoor units fault which including EEPROM error and Unit Startup Error. Tcondenser≥58℃). These sensors included return temperature sensor.e.e. “Unit Fault” alarm is active with this status • In/Outdoor Comms *This status indicates there is communication fault between indoor unit and outdoor unit. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status • Comp High Temp This status indicates the compressor temperature is currently too high (i. Tevaporator≤+2℃).e. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status • OverT Shutdown This status indicates the compressor shutdown due the frequent over-temperature (Comp High Temp). “Service Due” alarm is active with this status. evaporator sensor. Vbus< 320V or Vbus> 400V). suction sensor and discharge sensor. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status.coolsure.com 3/9/2011 .e.e. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status • Comp Overvoltage This status indicates the outdoor unit is currently in voltage protection (i. “Service Overdue” alarm is active with this status. • Evaporator T Low This status indicates the outdoor unit is currently in Exchanger Frost Protection (i.e. condenser sensor. • UTS Temp sensor This status indicates there is sensor reading error on the system. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status • Condenser T High This status indicates the outdoor unit is currently in over-refrigeration protection (i. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status • Discharge T High This status indicates the outdoor unit is currently in Discharge protection (i. Icomp > 11A). The outdoor unit will protectively shutdown until the temperature dropped back. “Unit Fault” alarm is active with this status CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 20 www. ambient sensor. Coolsure Limited • Dehumidify (Feature is currently not implemented) (This item is applicable only when the T-1C/TRH-2C is connected) This status indicates the system is in dehumidifying mode.com 3/9/2011 . T-1C/TRH-2C sends an activation command after the dehumidify rate exceeds alarm activation level. the T-1C/TRH-2C sends a deactivation command after the dehumidify rate below the deactivation level.coolsure. “Unit Alarm” alarm is active with this status CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 21 www. 7. and by pressing “UP” or “DOWN”. if they are not matched.7.1 Set Password Central Control Unit allows updating the password so as to enhance security of the system.2-1. please repeat the above procedures.coolsure.8. 4. The “Set Password” screen is shown in figure 3. These values are mainly used in determine the setback period and the alarm log. 4.7.1-2 Edit the password N E W P W : 0 R E T Y P E : * * * * * * * The password is a 4 single digit numbers.7.7.3-1 CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 22 www.1-2.8. The “Set Date/Time” description is shown in figure 3.1-4 Passwords mismatch N E W P W : * R E T Y P E : M I * S * M * A T C H In this case.1-1.7.8.com 3/9/2011 .7. Figure 3. Afterward. By pressing “LEFT” or “RIGHT”.7. it can change the number.7. it returns to “Set Password” title and the password has been updated.2 Set Date/Time Central Control Unit has an internal real time clock to precisely obtain the date and time. The Central Control Unit then requires user to retype the same new password for reconfirmation as shown in figure 3. Otherwise.7. the mismatch text will be shown as in figure 3.7. Figure 3. Figure 3.1-3.1-1 “Set Password” screen N E W P W : * * * * R E T Y P E : * * * * Before changing the password and if the password has not been entered. The “Setback Period” description is shown in figure 3. Figure 3. 4.2-1 “Set Date/Time” Description Date 2 1 0 / 5 : Month 0 8 4 / Year 2 0 0 9 5 0 Second Weekday T H U 1 : Hour Minute This clock is running over time unless it is in update mode. it can select the digits. it is allowed update the password as shown in figure 3.Coolsure Limited 4.1-4 Figure 3.3 Setback Period Setback Period is a range of time the system entered to Setback mode in order to saving the energy.1-3 Retype the password N E W P W : * * R E T Y P E : 0 * * * * * If those passwords are matched.8 Configure Menu The items inside this menu allow configuring the setting in the Central Control Unit. Central Control Unit will ask for the password for verification. 4 Service Done Central Control Unit requires regular service to maintain the system quality. the Service timer is reset.5 Initialize Unit Central Control Unit can recognize there are any units (including T-1C/TRH-2C) disconnected/lost from the system.Coolsure Limited Figure 3. 4.7. the “Unit Lost” alarm should be activated.8. the re-confirm screen is shown afterward as in figure 3. the Unit status is reset.8.7. 4. user might set the start hour equal to the complete hour. (i.3-1 “Setback Period” Description Start Day D a y : : M O N 1 0 Start Hour Complete Day To To F R I 1 8 H o u r Complete Hour In this example. The system is in setback mode during this period.7 TESTTEMP The simulate value used in “TESTMODE” can be configured in this item.7. this setback period should be from 10am to 6pm on from Monday to Friday. 4.4-1 Re-confirm Screen after pressed “ENTER” at “Service Done” item A r e y o u s u r e ? By pressing the “ENTER” again.41 Figure 3.com 3/9/2011 . the re-confirm screen is shown afterward as in figure 3. By pressing “ENTER” in this item. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 23 www.coolsure. It generates “Service Due” and “Service Overdue” alarm after certain length of time. Press “ENTER” can toggle “TESTMODE”.6 TESTMODE Central Control Unit can be acted as a temperature transmitter (T-1C) and transmitted a simulate indoor temperature value (TESTTEMP) periodically.5-1 Re-confirm Screen after pressed “ENTER” at “Initialize Unit” item A r e y o u s u r e ? By pressing the “ENTER” again. 4.8 CCU Software This item shows the CCU software version.8.e.7.7. Note that to disable the setback function. In this case. This item is allowed to reset the status of the Control Unit. Technician could reset the service timer by this item after the check. 4.8.8. Recount the number of unit in the system) By pressing “ENTER” in this item.51 Figure 3. com 3/9/2011 .8.9 UTS Software This item shows the UTS software version. 4.coolsure.Coolsure Limited 4. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 24 www.10 ECS Software This item shows the ECS software version.8. • Max Ambient Temp This is the maximum ambient temperature • Min Ambient Temp This is the minimum ambient temperature • Av Comp Speed This is the averaged compressor speed in hertz. • Run Time This is the running time in hour. • Room Temp >=40’C This is the accumulated hours for return temperature over 40 degrees Celsius. • Batt Run Time This is the battery running time in hour.coolsure. The values displayed are average values of all the airconditioning units. The ambient temperature sensor is located in the airstream near the outdoor heatexchanger – recirculation and other effects can affect the accuracy of the ambient temperature sensor. • Min Room Temp This is the minimum (indoor) return temperature.Coolsure Limited 4. If an ambient temperature sensor is faulty. • Av Ambient Temp This is the averaged (outdoor) ambient temperature. • Av Room Temp This is the averaged (indoor) return temperature.5 weighted hours. (1 hour at 50Hz = 1 weighted hour. If a return temperature sensor is faulty. 2 hours at 25Hz = 1 weighted hour. • Ambient >= 45’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature over 45 degrees Celsius. • Weight Run Time This is the weighted running time in hour. a value of zero is used for calculating the return temperature while the sensor is faulty. a value of zero is used for calculating the return temperature while the sensor is faulty.9.com 3/9/2011 . Statistics are initialised after startup or after reset of the statistics (Section 4.1). • Comp Run Time This is the compressor running time in hour. • Max Room Temp This is the maximum (indoor) return temperature.9 Statistic Menu Each airconditioning unit stores detailed statistics for reference and analysis. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 25 www. 1 hour at 75Hz = 1. Value Increments when the compressor is running at a rate proportional to the compressor speed. If the temperature value is invalid.Coolsure Limited • Ambient 40-44’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 40 and 44 degrees Celsius. • Ambient 10-14’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 10 and 14 degrees Celsius. • Ambient 20-24’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.8.1-1 Re-confirm Screen after pressed “ENTER” at “Reset” column in Statistic Menu A r e y o u s u r e ? By pressing the “ENTER” again to reset the statistic. a value of zero is used for calculating the indoor humidity. a value of zero is used for calculating the outdoor humidity.coolsure. By pressing “ENTER” in this column. This column is used to reset the statistic in the indoor units.9. • Ambient <5’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature below 5 degrees Celsius. • Av Outdoor Temp This is the averaged outdoor temperature. • Ambient 15-19’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 26 www.1-1 Figure 3. • Ambient 30-34’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 30 and 34 degrees Celsius. • Av Abs In Humid This is the averaged absolute indoor humidity. a value of zero is used for calculating the outdoor temperature. • Ambient 25-29’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 25 and 29 degrees Celsius. the reconfirm screen is shown afterward as in figure 3. 4. it jumps to “Reset” column. If the humidity value is invalid.1 Reset Statistic By pressing “LEFT” or “RIGHT” in Statistic Column. • Ambient 35-39’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 35 and 39 degrees Celsius.com 3/9/2011 . • Ambient 5-9’C This is the accumulated hours for ambient temperature between 5 and 9 degrees Celsius. • Av Abs Out Humid This is the averaged absolute outdoor humidity.8. If the humidity value is invalid. 9-1 “Alarm Log” description Log Number 0 1 ) Date 0 t Month 0 1 Hour 1 2 : t Minute 1 5 A = Activated D = Deactivated A 1 / U n i F a u l Alarm Name The alarm log can update over time.1-1 Re-confirm Screen after pressed “ENTER” at “Reset” column in Statistic Menu A r e y o u s u r e ? By pressing the “ENTER” again to reset the statistic. This column is used to reset the Alarm Log.Coolsure Limited 4.91. This function can save 96 latest logs – older alarms are overwritten. 4. The “Alarm Log” description is shown in figure 3.coolsure.1 Reset Alarm Log By pressing “LEFT” or “RIGHT” in Alarm Log Column.10.1-1 Figure 3. the re-confirm screen is shown afterward as in figure 3. By pressing “ENTER” in this column.com 3/9/2011 . it jumps to “Reset” column.10 Alarm Log Menu Central Control Unit has logging function to record the alarm status. Once a new log has been recorded. Figure 3.8. CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 27 www. the function would pump the user to the latest log.8. The .2-1. the programmer shows a message “Device attached” and “Load File” is active as in Figure 5. After the hardware is installed properly. repeat the steps in 5. If the application fails to launch.coolsure.NET framework can be freely downloaded from Microsoft’s website.com 3/9/2011 .aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D8EDDAAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=enhttp://www.0(higher version probably okay) installed on their computer in order to open the application.microsoft.2-2 Application is active Note: For the users who are not using Windows Vista. Figure 5.1 Installing the Programming Hardware • • • Plug one end of USB cable into a USB port on the PC. 5. *Hold the “ESC” button on Central Control Unit and Plug the other end into the USB port on the Unit. Figure 5.microsoft. The Central Control Unit connection can then be detected by the PC.com/downloads/details.NET framework version 2.2-2.com/downloads/details. Note: This (*) part is essential for Central Control Unit to enter to programming mode.2-1 Coolsure Programmer interface If the message box shows “Device removed”. refer to the note below.Coolsure Limited 5 Software Update This part describes how to update the Central Control Unit software step by step: • Installing the Programming Hardware • Launching the Coolsure Programmer Application • Importing the Software Update File • Update the Central Control Unit software 5. The redistributables are available at: http://www. they will need to have the .2 Launching the Coolsure Programmer Application Launching the Coolsure Programmer and the programming interface appear as shown in Figure 5.1 and ensure the “ESC” button is held when connecting the power to the Central Control Unit.aspx?Fa milyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 28 www. com 3/9/2011 . the programmer will show the message “Update Success” as shown in Figure 5. Browse for the Hex file and click open as shown in Figure 5. The bar and the dialog show the update progress status.3-1 Figure 5.4-1). Figure 5. An example interface is shown in Figure 5.Coolsure Limited 5. the “Update Software” is active in the application.coolsure. The Central Control Unit will be erased and programmed with the updated software previously imported.3-2. Figure 5.4-2 the update is completed CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 29 www.4-1 Start updating the software If the update is completed.4 Update the Central Control Unit software The Central Control Unit can then be programmed by clicking “Update Software” (Figure 5. click “Load File”.3-1 Import Hex File After imported the Hex file.3-2 “Update Software” button is active 5. Figure 5.3 Importing the Software Update File To import a software update (Hex File) to be programmed into the Central Control Unit.4-2. com 3/9/2011 . the unit should be restarted (turn the power off and on) CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 30 www.5) Replace the CoolBus cables “Sensor Fault” alarm with Invalid Indoor Temp Invalid Outdoor Temp Invalid Outdoor Humidity (Value of “Monitor ECS” in “Monitor Unit”) “Unit Lost” alarm Indoor Temp cannot be obtain from Indoor Unit Outdoor Temp is faulty Outdoor Humidity is faulty Some units has been intentionally disconnected (And no unit can be CoolBus Faulty(CoolBus detected) Comms Fault) Individual (existed in “Monitor Alarm”) “Temp Sensor” status with Invalid Return Temp Return sensor faulty Invalid Ambient Temp Ambient sensor faulty Invalid Evaporator Temp Evaporator sensor faulty Invalid Condenser Temp Condenser sensor faulty Invalid Suction Temp Suction sensor faulty Invalid Discharge Temp Discharge sensor faulty (Value of “Monitor UTS” in “Monitor Unit”) “Indoor Fan Fault” status Indoor Fan might be jammed “In/Fan Comms” status On-board 6 ways wire faulty “In/Outdoor Comms” Signal cable faulty status “OverT Shutdown” Outdoor Unit shutdown due to frequent over-temp(Comp High Temp) Or “Outdoor Fault” status Unit shutdown due to startup Error Replace indoor unit sensor Replace Outdoor unit sensor Replace indoor unit sensor Replace Outdoor unit sensor Replace Outdoor unit sensor Replace Outdoor unit sensor Check if windout is blocked Replace the 6-ways wire Check connection of the cable These status are unrecoverable.8.Coolsure Limited 6 Troubleshooting Problem Cause General (existed in “Active Alarm List”) “AC Fault” alarm The electricity supply failure “BCU Fault” alarm “Missing Filter” alarm “Replace Filter” alarm “Blocked Filter” alarm “Service Due” and “Service Overdue” alarm “Fan Fail” alarm The supply to BCU is unable to supply enough power to the unit Filter is missing in Fan/Filter Unit The efficiency is dropped due to the filter The air can hardly be drawn from outside The unit is idle from service over a length of time Actual Fan speed is unable to reach the target speed Remedy Contact local electric company Check the BCU power source Replace BCU Insert the filter to the unit Replace or clean the filter Check if the airflow side on the shelter is blocked Provide service to the unit and then reset the service timer(Section 4.4) Check the fan connection on the fan/filter controller Replace the fan/filter controller Check below “Invalid Return Temp” Replace Ambient Sensor Replace Ambient Sensor Initialize the existing unit counter in “Initialize Unit”(Section 4.coolsure.8. Indoor Unit Alarm Figure A-1 Indoor Unit Display Interface OK BACKUP ALARM SPEED Legend: • The OK LED lights up indicated the unit is working properly. otherwise. • The Display shows value and alarm label (if exists) by turns: o The value shows the actual compressor speed when the Speed LED lights up. • The ALARM LED lights up indicated the unit has normal alarm. the display shows return temp only. o When the Speed LED goes out. Alarm Description: Definition(Status Name) Label E0 F0 F1 E1 E2 E3 F2 F3 E4 E5 E6 E7 F4 F5 F6 P0 P1 P2 P3 From Indoor Unit CoolBus Fault Return Sensor Fault(Temp Sensor) Evaporator Sensor Fault(Temp Sensor) From Fan Inverter AC High AC Low Indoor/Fan Communication Fault(In/Fan Comms) BCU Fault Indoor Fan Fault From Outdoor Unit Ambient Sensor Fault(Temp Sensor) Condenser Sensor Fault(Temp Sensor) Suction Sensor Fault(Temp Sensor) Discharge Sensor Fault(Temp Sensor) Outdoor Fault Discharge Over-Temp Error(OverT Shutdown) Indoor/Outdoor Communication Fault (In/Outdoor Comms) Current Protection(Comp Overcurrent) Over Refrigeration Protection(Condenser T High) Voltage Protection(Comp Overvoltage) Discharge Protection(Discharge T High) No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Unit Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Fault Unit Fault Unit Fault Unit Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Alarm No No No Yes Yes AC Fault AC Fault Unit Alarm BCU Fault Unit Fault Urgent? No Yes No Correlated Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Alarm Unit Alarm CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 31 www.coolsure. • The BACKUP LED lights up indicated the unit is running in battery.com 3/9/2011 . • The ALARM LED flashes indicated the unit has urgent alarm. the display shows the alarm labels and return temp in turn if there is alarm.Coolsure Limited Appendix A. 0] [0:100] [50:200] [0:100] [0:100] [0:212] [0:212] [0.0] [0:100] [0:100] [0.5] [0.0] [0.0:40.0:20.0] [-20.0] [0.0 65 30 15 65 Unit Fault Unit Fault >1 Unit Shutdown Unit Shutdown >1 BCU Fault BCU Fault >1 AC Fault AC Fault >1 Service Due Service Overdue In Power Limit Superheat Unit Lost Default Level A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 O1 A1 O1 A1 --A1 CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 32 www.0] [0.0:50.coolsure.0:25.0] [0.com 3/9/2011 .0] [0:1020] [0:1020] Monitor Unit Menu (Monitor ECS) Indoor Temp Outdoor Temp In Rel Humidity Out Rel Humidity In Abs Humidity Out Abs Humidity Filter Pressure Fan Speed Total Runtime Fan Runtime Range [-20.0:50.0:80.0] [20.0:62.0] [0:100] [0:100] [0:100] [0:999] [0:999] [0:999] Parameter Type: Temperature EEV Voltage Absolute Humidity Other Resolution 0.0:62.1 1 Monitor Unit Menu (Monitor UTS) Compressor Speed Indoor Fan Speed Outdoor Fan Spd Dehumidify Rate EEV Setting Return Temp Ambient Temp Evaporator Temp Condenser Temp Suction Temp Discharge Temp AC Supply Volt BCU Voltage Input Power (sum) Total Run Time Comp Run Time Weight Run Time Time till service [0:999999] [0:999999] [0:999999] [0:212] Range [0:75] [0:100] [0:100] [0:100] [0:500] [-16.0:40.0:150.0:80.0:50.5] [0:999] [0:100] [0:999999] [0:999999] Factory default settings of Alarm Setting menu are defined as follow: Default Level High Temp Alarm Vhigh Temp Alarm Low Temp Alarm Vlow Temp Alarm High Humidity Alarm Low Humidity Alarm High Latent Load High Speed Alarm A1 A2 O1 A1 ----Activate Level 40.0:20.0 10.0] [-16.0] [-20.1 2 4 0.0 20.0:60.0 22.0:40. Parameter Information The parameter ranges and resolution in different menu are described as follow: Setpoints Menu Normal Setpoint Setback Setpoint Backup Setpoint Track Delta Delta Temp UTS Fan@Comp Off UTS Capacity Humidity Setpt Delta Humidity Service Interval Service Overdue I/O Delta AC ON I/O Delta AC OFF ECS Fan Min Spd ECS Fan Max Spd Max Humidity Alarm Setting Menu High Temp Alarm Vhigh Temp Alarm Low Temp Alarm Vlow Temp Alarm High Humidity High Latent Load UTS Comp Hi Spd Missing Filter Replace Filter Blocked Filter Range [20.0] [0.0] [0.0:5.0:5.Coolsure Limited Appendix B.0 12.0] [-20.0] [30:70] [70:120] [15:30] Range [0.0 70 25 20 70 Deactivate Level 38.0 43.0:80.0:50.0:25.0 45.0] [20.0] [0.0] [-20.0:60. com 3/9/2011 .0 22.5 2.0 24.0 1.0 45.0 10.0 20.coolsure.Coolsure Limited Factory default settings stored in Indoor Unit and fan/filter unit are defined as follow: Indoor Unit Normal Setpoint Setback Setpoint Backup Setpoint Backup Setpoint Track Delta Delta Temp UTS Fan@Comp Off UTS Capacity Humidity Setpt Delta Humidity Service Interval Service Overdue Activate Level High Temp Alarm Vhigh Temp Alarm Low Temp Alarm Vlow Temp Alarm High Latent Load UTS Comp Hi Spd 40.0 20 70 Default Value 21.0 40 100 27 CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 33 www.0 3.0 43.0 15 65 High Temp Alarm Low Temp Alarm High Humidity Missing Filter Replace Filter Blocked Filter ECS Fan Fail ECS Senor Fault Activate Level 40.0 35.0 0.0 24.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 15 65 180 180 Relay 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 Fan/filter unit Normal Setpoint Setback Setpoint Backup Setpoint Delta Temp I/O Delta AC ON I/O Delta AC OFF ECS Fan Min Spd ECS Fan Max Spd Max Humidity Default Value 21.0 12.0 1.0 56 160 55 5 13 17 Deactivate Level 38.0 35.0 20 70 220 250 Deactivate Level 38. Coolsure Limited Appendix C.com 3/9/2011 .coolsure. Application Menu Overview CCU-03 User Manual R2 UTS+ECS Page 34 www.
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