Cementitious Grouting of Machine.do

March 17, 2018 | Author: Andrew Boyd | Category: Surface Runoff, Concrete, Water, Density, Kilogram



Template for local translation, only for internal useN°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 Method Statement for Cementitious Grouting of Machine Bases and Base Plates Construction “Sika Services AG” Storage Place: Corporate Intranet, Key Words: SikaGrout, 311, 314, 318, low shrinkage, high precision, base plates, machine bases, expanding pouring mortar, ready to use Scope: This method statement describes the step by step procedure for grouting filling voids under machine bases and base plates using a cement based grout. Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 (0) 58 436 23 77 E-Mail: [email protected] 1/14 ............................... 12 Grouting Thick Applications .................. 3 2................. Environment ............................. 7 8........................................ Concrete ............. 6 7......1...................2................................ 6 6............................. Equipment............ 9 Performance Testing.3........................................................2............................................. Quality Control .................................................................................... 4 Mixing Tools... Products................ System Description........... 6 Waste Disposal ..................................................................... 5.............. 1... 5 4........ 8.............. Health and Safety .................... 8............................. 4 Miscellaneous Tools ....................... 5 Personal Protection................................Before and After Preparation.................................................. 10..... Substrate Quality Control ....... 13 11.3...................................1.........com 2/14 ........ 4.............................. Sampling.......................................................................1........... 11 Grouting Large Areas......... 8 Application Limits ............................................................. 9............................................................................................................ 13 Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor... Risk Assessment ............................ Grouting in Confined Spaces ..... 6 Formwork ........................... 13 Consumption................. 10. 4 4.... Before Application................................. Material Storage..................... 3 2.......................................... 11 Grouting More Than One Base Plate.................................................................................... 7 Pouring Application ...2............................... 6 5............................................................................................ 6...... 3 1.................................................... 8 Curing .......2......................... 9 9............................................................................1............................. 10 Grouting Base Plates .....................2...........................................................................................3....... Additional Guidance ........... 10 10................................. 12 11................................................................................. Yield and Consumption ........Template for local translation....................................................................................................................................1................ 8 9............. References............................................4....... Yield .................................................................................................................................................................................1................................1...................................... Preparation ....david@ch............................ 3. 11.......................................... Inspection.......................... only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 Construction Table of Contents: 1............................... 4 3... 6....................................1................................ Cleaning Tools / Equipment......... 3 Limitations..2.................................... Application.................... 10......................................................................................................1............... 4 3.... 5 First Aid.................................................................. During and After Application.................................... 7 7........................................................................................3.. 3............. One Component Products .. 10... 10 10..............2......................................5...4.................. 5 5...........sika.3............................ 7 8............ 6 Pre-Wetting Substrate......... 6 6.... 4............................ Mixing..................... Hand Tools........................................................................................................................................................................ 9......3................................2...............................................2............................................................1.........................................1............................ 9 Before................ 8............................................ grouting in confined spaces. increasing volume etc. drawings. requirements. The most recent and relevant local Product Data Sheets (PDS) and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall apply. 2.g.  This method statement is only a guide and shall be adapted to suit local products. ready to use. low shrinkage.Template for local translation. low shrinkage expanding pouring mortar Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor.  All work shall be carried out as directed by a supervising officer or a qualified engineer. quality control and evaluation of conformity  EN 1504 Part 10: Site application of products and systems. /-314 and /-318. SikaGrout-311. Limitations  Products shall only be applied in accordance with their intended use.david@ch. and the following relevant parts:  EN 1504 Part 1: Definitions.g. specifications and risk assessments.  For specific construction / build information refer to the Architect’s. System Description The following refers to a ready to use high performance. Construction 1. and quality control of works 1. standards. expanding pouring cementitious grouts which are used to form thin bed applications under machine bases and base plates e.com 3/14 . Included is additional guidance provided at the back of the method statement for specific types of applications e. References This method statement has been written in accordance with the recommendations contained in European Standards EN 1504: Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures.sika. Products * Table to be adapted for local use (do not include technical or mechanical information) Sika Product Name(s) SikaGrout® Type Cement based 1 component.2. free flowing. legislation or other local requirements.  Local differences in product may result in performance variations. Engineer’s or Specialist’s details.1. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 1. 3.Template for local translation. 3. Equipment [email protected]. in dry cooled conditions.sika. Miscellaneous Tools Water Spray for pre-wetting surfaces Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor. Material Storage Construction Materials shall be stored properly in undamaged original sealed packaging. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 2. Refer to specific information contained in the product data sheet regarding minimum and maximum storage temperatures.com 4/14 . Hand Tools Trowels Sponge Mixing and pouring 3.1.1. Mixing Tools Drill and Mixing Paddle Small quantities Double Mixing Paddle Medium quantities Forced Action Pan Mixer Large quantities 3. Continue to rinse eye for 10 minutes and then seek medical attention. Platforms and temporary structures shall provide a stable and safe area to work. Health and Safety 4. Safety shoes.sika. skin. Do not induce vomiting unless directed by medical personnel. Always wash hands with suitable soap after handling products and before food consumption. FOR DETAILED INFORMATION REFER TO THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor.david@ch. Remove contaminated clothing and continue to rinse for 10 minutes and seek medical attention. Risk Assessment Construction The risk to health and safety from falling objects or defects in the structure shall be properly assessed.com 5/14 . Appropriate eye protection shall be worn at all times while handling and mixing products. Remove contact lenses immediately. Flush eyes with plenty of clean water occasionally lifting upper and lower eyelids. First Aid Seek immediate medical attention in the event of excessive inhalation. Rinse contaminated skin with plenty of water. ingestion or eye contact causing irritation. Approved dust masks shall be worn to protect the nose and throat from dust.2. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 4.1. gloves and other appropriate skin protection shall be worn at all times. nose and throat. Personal Protection Work safely! Handling or processing cement products may generate dust which can cause mechanical irritation to the eyes.3.Template for local translation. FOR DETAILED INFORMATION REFER TO THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 4. Do not take any unnecessary risks! 4. Divide into sections if necessary and apply the grout in more than one stage. release agents shall be applied to the formwork before placing into position. loose material. Waste Disposal Do not empty surplus material into drains.david@ch. The surface shall achieve a dark matt appearance without glistening and surface pores and pits shall not contain water. Cleaning Tools / Equipment Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Environment 5. 6. Concrete surfaces shall be generally level (within tolerances) and shall not be laid to a gradient.sika. dispose responsibly through licensed waste disposal contractor in accordance with legislation and local / regional authority requirements. 6. Openings in the formwork shall be protected to prevent ingress of debris or contamination. Formwork shall be watertight and free from obstructions to allow the free flow of grout. Avoid runoff onto soil or into waterways. Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor. ensure there is enough pressure head to help the flow of the grout. Do not contaminate the substrate with the release agent and reduce bond of the grout material from spillage or run-off. and ensure there is no standing water on the surface.2.com 6/14 . FOR DETAILED INFORMATION REFER TO THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 6. so grout flows to the lowest end. Concrete The horizontal concrete substrate shall be in a good sound condition and free from dust.1. Remove excess water prior to application.1. The surface shall not be allowed to dry before application of the grout. If required.2.3. Construction 5. Pre-Wetting Substrate Concrete surfaces shall be saturated with clean low pressure water a minimum 2 hours before application ensuring that all pores and pits are adequately wet. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.Template for local translation. drains or sewers. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 5. Formwork Formwork shall be clean and fixed in place as soon as possible after the substrate has been prepared. Preparation 6. In the case of a long base plate. surface contamination and materials which reduce bond. Formwork shall be designed to allow air and water bleed to escape. Template for local translation. Mix in total for minimum 3 minutes or until the material is homogenous. Sika® MonoTop® 8.com 7/14 . structure and exposure conditions which they are required. Make sure blow holes are not obstructed and can allow the escape of air. One Component Products Product Procedure  Place minimum recommended water ratio in mixing container.  Progressively add powder whilst mechanically mixing using low speed (maximum 500 rpm) electric drill. Using the equation in section 10 of this method statement. humid or rainy conditions. Record the substrate. calculate the consumption of the product and make sure there is enough material on job site for the work. Check pot life information on bag or in the product data sheet and allow for climatic conditions e. Application The product and system shall be appropriate for the type of substrate.sika.1. Before Application Working space shall be clean and tidy with no obstructions. Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor. [email protected]. External applications shall be adequately protected. For best results only mix full bags 7. Construction Do not use water beyond the stated maximum and minimum limits. ambient and substrate temperature and shall be taken into consideration. ambient temperature and relative humidity. Do not apply grout in direct sun.  Add more water if required to suit the desired consistency and flow properties but not exceeding maximum dosage. do not apply grout if there is a risk of frost within 24 hours in unprotected areas. Mixing Mixing shall always be carried out in accordance with the recommendations contained in the latest product data sheet (PDS). high / low temperatures & humidity. In determining the mixing ratio the wind strength. humidity.g. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 7. windy. Calculate the required volume for the application. [email protected]. Keep any visible and exposed grout surfaces as small as possible and protect from premature drying by curing with an appropriate method. 8. Always maintain sufficient pressure head while pouring. This will force the material to the underside of the baseplate and achieve an effective bearing area without any voids.  Do not add water over the maximum recommended dosage. Application Limits  Do not apply a grout as a patch repair or overlay in unconfined areas (horizontal. 8. Do not vibrate the formwork.Template for local translation. Curing Protect the fresh material from premature drying. Make sure air displaced by the grout can escape easily. plastic sheets or other suitable membranes. Always pour grout from opposite ends to any blow holes. Suitable curing covers include jute and water. Ensure a process of continuous pouring to avoid air entrapment and prevent the grout flow from coming to a stop before the grouting operation is completed. Keep pouring until the grout is up to the top of the base plate.  Always check the material’s pot life and adjust for climate conditions. Depending on the size of the application. Pour the grout through the “mouth” of the formwork allowing the material to flow to the opposite end. Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor.com 8/14 . it may be necessary to “rod” the grout with a thick chain help the grout flow. Pouring Application Construction Grout shall be poured immediately after mixing into prepared openings (within 15 minutes to optimise expansion properties). Cure exposed area with proper curing methods for 3 days or spray with appropriate curing compound once the grout starts to stiffen. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 8.2.3.  Temperature of the repair mortar and substrate shall not differ significantly. Never grout from two places on the same application as it will be difficult to determine if the entire void under the base plate has been filled. free applications)  Avoid application in direct sun and/or strong winds. 2. Characteristic References Frequency Parameters Temperature (ambient & substrate) Record During application Within PDS limits Ambient Humidity Record During application Within PDS limits Precipitation Record During application Keep records and provide protection Wind Strength Record daily Less than 8 m/sec or provide protection Batch Number Visual All bags Keep records Table 2 QC summary before during and after application Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: [email protected] 9/14 .sika.1. During and After Application The following checks should be carried out before during and after the application. 9. Before.Template for local translation. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 9. loose particles or defects Delaminating Concrete Hammer Sounding After preparation No delaminating concrete Roughness Visual or EN 1766 on horizontal surfaces After preparation Minimum roughness 2 mm (repair area) No laitance layer (smoothing mortars) Surface Tensile Strength of the Substrate EN 1542 After preparation works >1. For more detailed information refer to EN 1504-10 Annex A. or any other local standards or legislation which may apply. Quality Control As part of “Good Practice” the grouting contractor shall provide a QC report containing the following recommended data. Characteristic References Frequency Parameters Cleanliness of Concrete Visual After preparation & immediately before application No contamination. Substrate Quality Control . Inspection.Before and After Preparation Construction The following checks should be carried out before and after preparation.0 N/mm² for structural repair Table 1 QC summary before and after preparation 9. Sampling. Performance Testing The following can be used to check the adequacy of the application.Additional Guidance The following applications offer further guidance in specific situations.sika.Grouting in Confined Spaces Use a sloping channel or chute to convey grout to a lower level. Avoid the free fall of the material to prevent segregation of the aggregates. Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: [email protected]. Apply grout only in one corner making sure there is adequate space around the application for release of air. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 9. Characteristic References Frequency Parameters Compressive Strength on 40x40x160 prisms EN 12190 3 prisms per batch Within PDS limits Cracking Visual 28 days after application No cracking on application Presence of Voids/ Delaminating EN 12504-1 Hammer sounding or *ultrasonic testing After application No delaminating concrete Adhesion Bond *(pull off) EN 1542 Min 3 on a test area Within PDS limits Construction # * Optional testing # Subject to material grain size and local requirements / standards Table 3 QC summary of performance testing 10.Template for local translation.com 10/14 . Maintain a constant flow of grout during application. 10. low shrinkage expanding mortar e. Recommended 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Not Recommended Formwork with suitable de-bonding agent on inside face Baseplate in steel of the stanchion Stanchion / column Holding down bolts Levelling plates (as specified) High performance.Grouting Base Plates The following is a typical illustration of a base plate which is not to be used for construction purposes.3.g. low shrinkage expanding mortar e.com 11/14 . SikaGrout® 311/-314 and -318 executed separately under each machine baseplate Top of concrete foundation Note: refer to specialist Engineer’s details for specific information.Template for local translation.2.david@ch. Construction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Formwork with suitable debonding agent on inside face Baseplate in steel of the stanchion Stanchion / column Holding down bolts Levelling plates (as specified) High performance.sika. SikaGrout® 311/-314 and -318 executed separately under each machine baseplate Top of concrete foundation Air release holes to Engineers specification Cracks due to high stress on corners Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor.g. 10. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 10.Grouting More Than One Base Plate It is not recommended to cast large exposed areas as the grout is likely to crack. * Information to be adapted for local use Material Application thickness *SikaGrout®-314 10 – 40 mm *SikaGrout®-314 + 40% by weight 4–5 mm to 812 mm washed well graded clean rounded aggregate free from fine graded material e. under base plates and machine bases. No additional water shall be added to the mix.sika. This shall be mixed slowly again to a good consistency taking care not to aerate the material.david@ch. 10. For example the overall size of the application.Grouting Thick Applications The application thickness of SikaGrout® can be increased with the addition of more aggregate.5. ambient and substrate temperatures and variations in local products will affect the overall maximum layer thickness.g. These new characteristics shall be taken into account when using this technique on job site. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 10.Template for local translation. sands etc. Proposals shall be agreed with the supervising officer or qualified engineer before work proceeds.4. ~20 – 80 mm This technique only applies for applications subject to compression forces e. The flow behaviour of the material will be affected with the addition of more aggregate. silts.com 12/14 .Grouting Large Areas Construction Large horizontal application areas may be subdivided into smaller manageable areas to reduce extent of application and also reduce potential cracking. Aggregate can be added after the water and powder have been mixed together.g. The first layer shall be hardened and exothermic reaction of the material completed. The 1st layer shall be at ambient temperature before applying the second layer. Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor. Pre-testing of the modified material shall be carried out first to determine an acceptable construction method together with new material mechanical performances. Layers may be built up on top of one another to increase the overall construction depth. when the density of the fresh material is 2.com 13/14 .3 kg/l.0)/100 = ~ 121 kg powder (or minimum 5 x 25 kg bags) * refer to PDS for exact figure Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor.3 Therefore. Equation: Given: yield (litres) = (weight of powder (kg) + weight of water (kg)) density of mixture (kg/l) weight of water 1 litre = ~1 kg Example: Calculate consumption of a bag weighing 25 kg mixed with 3.Yield and Consumption Construction 11. If water to powder mixing ratio = *12. 1 bag of 25 kg yields: (25 + 3.2.Template for local translation. only for internal use N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 11.Consumption Consumption of a product can be calculated as follows: Calculate how many kg of powder is required to cover a 30 mm thick application over an area 2 m2 (assuming no wastage) Weight of mixed mortar (kg) = volume (m3) x density (kg/m3) = (2 x 0. the number of bags required for 1m3 of grout will be: No of bags required per 1m3 = (1/yield) x 1000 (1/12.david@ch. When calculating the required consumption on job site allow an additional 10% of material to maintain pressure head on the grout flow.3 litres of grout 2.sika.2 litres of water.2) = ~12. Remember to calculate the required volume to the top of the base plate.Yield The yield of a product can be determined from the following equation (assuming no wastage).3) x 1000 = ~81 bags 11.0% then.1.030) x 2300 = 138 kg (total) Less weight of water. Required weight of powder = 138 x (100-12. david@ch. In case of changes in the parameters of the application. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. consult Sika's Technical Service prior to using Sika products. The information contained herein does not relieve the user of the products from testing them for the intended application and purpose.com Sika Services AG / Tüffenwies 16 / CH-8048 Zürich / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 436 23 65 / Fax: +41 58 436 23 77 E-mail: taylor. handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's recommendations. only for internal use Construction N°: 850 21 01 Author: D Taylor Date: Jan 2010 The information contained herein and any other advice are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned. copies of which will be supplied on request.com 14/14 . The information only applies to the application(s) and product(s) expressly referred to herein and is based on laboratory tests which do not replace practical tests.sika. Sika Services AG Business Unit Contractors Speckstrasse 22 8330 Pfaeffikon Switzerland Phone +41 58 436 23 80 Fax +41 58 436 23 77 www. such as changes in substrates etc. or in case of a different application..Template for local translation.sika.
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