CELF-5 Metalinguistic REVIEW

March 25, 2018 | Author: theseahawk | Category: Speech Language Pathology, Ambiguity, Word, Idiom, Reading Comprehension



6/3/2016Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC Smart Speech Therapy LLC  Search... Search You are here: Home › Blog › Adolescents › Metalinguistics › Middle School › social pragmatic language › speech language pathology › Test Review › Therapy › Test Review of CELF-5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need to Know Test Review of CELF-5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need to Know Posted on October 13, 2014 by telleseff in Adolescents, Metalinguistics, Middle School, social pragmatic language, speech language pathology, Test Review, Therapy Recently, I purchased the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals®, Fifth Edition Metalinguistics  (CELF®-5 Metalinguistics), which  is a revision of the Test of Language Competence–Expanded. Basic overview Release date: 2014 Age Range: 9-21 Author: Elizabeth Wiig and Wayne Secord Publisher: Pearson Description: According to the manual  CELF–5M was created to “identify students 9-21 years old who have not acquired the expected levels of communicative competence and metalinguistic ability for their age” (pg. 1).  In other words the test targets higher level language skills beyond the basic vocabulary and grammar knowledge and use.   The authors recommend using this test with students with “subtle language disorders” or “those on the autism spectrum”. The test contains 5 subtests: The Metalinguistics Profile subtest of the CELF-5:M is a questionnaire (filled out by caregiver or teacher) which targets three areas: Words, Concepts, and Multiple Meanings; Inferences and Predictions; as well as Conversational Knowledge and Use.  Its aim is to obtain information about a student’s metalinguistic skills in everyday educational and social contexts to complement the evidence of metalinguistic strengths and weaknesses identified by the other subtests that comprise the CELF-5:M test battery. Questions address such topics as the child’s http://www.smartspeechtherapy.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ comprehension of idioms and abstract language, their 1/11  especially those who may not know the child very well. The student is visually and auditorily presented with a particular situation by the examiner.   However.   Here’s why. On the open ended questions portion of the subtest errors can result due to vague.    Similarly.  the best option may be for the SLP  to fill out the questionnaire   together  with the  parent  or teacher  in order to  provide explanations  of questions in a different categories.  In such situations. the opposite may also occur.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ evaluates the student’s  ability to initiate a 2/11 . their ability to deal with unpleasant situations. Finally. incomplete. their predicting and inferencing abilities.   may overinflate the scores   when filling out the questionnaire. as well as understand jokes and sarcasm. unlikely or illogical responses as well as due to contradictory and off topic answers. some teachers. A word of caution. confusing.   The following is the rating criteria:   a score of one   is obtained   when a child ‘never’ does something in a particular category (e.     A small group of   parents may  underestimate their children’s  abilities.  Frequently. a score of  four is given when a child is capable of comprehending something ‘always’ or ‘almost always’.6/3/2016 Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC Questions address such topics as the child’s comprehension of idioms and abstract language.  when giving this profile  to either teachers or parents to fill out.  A maximum of four points   can be obtained on each of it 30 questions. A score of three  is given when a child is able to understand or perform something ‘often’. On the multiple choice portion of the subtest errors can result due to provision of contradictory. unrelated and irrelevant responses.g.  I must say that this is my least favorite subtest. The Conversational Skills subtest of the CELF-5:M  http://www.  In real life students are not provided with multiple choices  when asked to make  predictions or inferences.  the SLP must ensure  that no overinflation or underestimation of scores takes place.smartspeechtherapy. just to name a few.   That is why  I do not believe that performance on this subtest  is a true representation of the child’s ability in this area.. S/he is then asked to identify the best two out of four written answers for the ending and come up with her own additional reason other than the ones listed in the stimulus book.  some parents may not have a clear understanding  of the extent of their child’s level of deficits. participate in group discussions. The Making Inferences subtest of the CELF-5:M  evaluates the student’s  ability to identify and formulate logical inferences on the basis of existing causal relationships presented in short narrative texts. doesn’t get the punchline of jokes).  or those who have worked with a child   for a very short period of time.   A score   of two   is given when a child is capable of  understanding or using  something ‘some of the time’.   and provide poor scores   as a result  also not providing an objective picture  of the child’s level of deficits. With respect to syntax errors can result due to use of sentence fragments. S/he are  presented with a picture scene that creates a conversational context and two or three words which are  also printed above the pictured scene. Errors on this subtest can result due to difficulty explaining the meanings of idiomatic expressions.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ 3/11 . incorrect or misused verbiage. Errors on this subtest can result due to pragmatic. semantic or syntactic errors. S/he are then asked to describe two meanings for each presented sentence. S/he are  then asked to formulate a conversationally and pragmatically appropriate sentence for the given context using all of the target words in the form (tense. The Figurative Language subtest of the CELF-5:M  evaluates the student’s  ability to interpret figurative expressions (idioms) within a given context and match each expression with another figurative expression of similar meaning given verbal and written support. etc. The Multiple Meanings subtest of the CELF-5:M  evaluates the student’s  ability to recognize and interpret different meanings of selected lexical (word level) and structural (sentence level) ambiguities. S/he are  presented a sentence (orally and in text) that contained an ambiguity at either the word or sentence level. With respect to pragmatics errors can result due to illogical. morphological misuse of target words (changing word forms) as well as syntact deviations on non-target words. vague or incomplete sentences as well as due to sentence formulation which does not take into account presented scenes. http://www. With respect to semantics errors can result due to missing or misused target words as well as due to vague.) provided. as well as due to difficulty selecting the appropriate meaning from visually provided multiple choice answers containing related idiomatic expressions.smartspeechtherapy.6/3/2016 Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC The Conversational Skills subtest of the CELF-5:M  evaluates the student’s  ability to initiate a conversation or respond in a way that is relevant and pragmatically appropriate to the context and audience while incorporating given words in semantically and syntactically correct sentences. number. nonsensical. Errors can result due to difficulty interpreting lexical and structural ambiguities as well as due to an inability to provide more than one interpretation to presented multiple meaning words. Student will improve ability to to make social predictions with and without written support 3. which is why I urge considerable caution when selecting student population for testing administration Consequently the CELF-5: M administration http://www. As a result of the presence of these aids score overinflation may occur with those children who do well given compensatory strategies but who have difficulty generating novel spontaneous responses. Children are not provided with multiple-choice answers or written support in daily social and academic situations. semantically. Metalinguistic abilities develop in children much earlier than nine years of age. Student will improve ability to make social inferences with an without written support 2. I also don’t understand the presence of visual and written stimuli on select testing subtests. I am concerned that higher functioning yet socially clueless students may be administered this test because the examiners may believe that it would accurately assess their higher functioning social pragmatic language abilities. pragmatically) appropriate compound and complex sentences with and without visual support 4.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ is not for everyone. As mentioned before I would only 4/11 . Student will improve ability to explain ambiguously worded language 6. Student will produce (choose one/all: syntactically.6/3/2016 Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC Based on testing the following long-term goal can be generated: LTG: Student will improve his/her metalinguistic abilities (thinking about language) for academic and social purposes It can also yield the following short-term goals 1.smartspeechtherapy. Children and young as six years of age can present with glaring metalinguistic deficits but unless the examiner has access to other testing which could assess the children’s metalinguistic abilities we have to wait until the child is nine and is clearly behind his or her peers in their metalinguistic development in order to confirm the presence of deficits. However many higher functioning students will pass this test with flying colors. Student will improve ability to explain figurative language and idiomatic expressions A word of caution regarding testing eligibility:  What I am concerned about:  It is unfortunate that test administration begins at nine years of age. Similarly. Student will improve ability to explain context embedded multiple meaning words 5. These are the students with average or above average verbal language abilities most of whom did not have language delays when they were young. 2011) I would also not administer this test to the following populations: Students with intellectual disabilities Students with severe language impairment and limited vocabulary inventories English Language Learners (ELL) with suspected language deficits  Students from low SES backgrounds* I would not administer the CELF-5:M  to the latter two groups of students due to significantly increased potential for linguistic and cultural bias stemming from lack of previous knowledge and exposure to popular culture as well as idiomatic expressions. As mentioned before I would only administer this test to higher functioning   (but not too high functioning) students undergoing language assessment for the first time or to higher functioning students receiving a re-evaluation.  This test would not be appropriate for Severely Challenged and Challenged Social Communicators (see Winner. As a result  this particular group of students tends to score quite on metalinguistic and social pragmatic testing of reduced complexity yet still present with pervasive social pragmatic language deficits. a Social Language Development Test (Linguisystems) or a Social Thinking Dynamic Assessment Protocol (Winner) administration would better suit their needs. What I do like about this test: This test allows me to identify more subtle language based difficulties in verbal children with average to high average intelligence (or Emerging Social Communicators as per Winner. Consequently. who have previously passed the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-5  with ease. However they have difficulties navigating subtle social cues of others.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ words 5/11 . Specifically to Socially Anxious and Weak Interactive Social Communicators (Winner. 2011) who present with metalinguistic and social pragmatic language weaknesses in the following areas: Social predicting and inferencing Conversational rules and breakdown repairs Knowledge of high-level and abstract vocabulary http://www. 2011). 2011 pg.smartspeechtherapy.6/3/2016 Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC Consequently the CELF-5: M administration is not for everyone. I would also not administer this test to Nuance Challenged Social Communicators  (Winner. They have a ‘well-developed social radar’ and they’re highly aware of other people feelings and thoughts. 9-12 ). 6/3/2016 Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC Knowledge of high-level and abstract vocabulary words Identification and usage of ambiguous and figurative language Coherent and cohesive discourse and narrative formulation Knowledge and use of multiple meaning words in a variety of conversational and textembedded contexts Overall. Helpful Resources Related to Social Pragmatic Language  Overview. ASHA Perspectives SIG 16 and 17. View all posts by telleseff → http://www.smartspeechtherapy. Adoption and Kinship. internationally and domestically adopted as well as at-risk children with complex communication disorders. Advance Magazine for Speech-Language Pathologists. She has presented for a number of medical. impressions and questions below. Have YOU purchased CELF-5:M  yet? If so how do you like using it? Post your comments. The author is not affiliated with Pearson in any way and was not provided by them with any complimentary products or compensation for the review of this product. academic and non-profit organizations including Speechpathology. New Jersey Speech Language and Hearing Convention. Consequently. this is an nice test to have in your assessment toolkit.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ 6/11 . Her articles have been published in several magazines including Adoption Today. her Bilingual Extension Certification from Columbia University and 4 ACE awards for continuing education from ASHA (to date).com. Assessment   and Remediation: The Checklists Bundle Narrative Assessment and Treatment Bundle Social Pragmatic Assessment and Treatment Bundle Psychiatric Disorders Bundle Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Assessment and Treatment Bundle Social Pragmatic Deficits Checklist for Preschool Children Social Pragmatic Deficits Checklist for School Aged Children Behavior Management Strategies for Speech Language Pathologists Social Pragmatic Language Activity Pack  Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are the personal opinion of the author.  About telleseff Tatyana Elleseff MA CCC-SLP Tatyana Elleseff is a bilingual speech-language pathologist who specializes in working with multicultural. She received her MA from NYU. as well as Advance for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. New Jersey Taskforce on Child Abuse and Neglect as well as North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC).if SLPs exercise caution in test candidate selection they  can obtain very useful information  for metalinguistic and social pragmatic language treatment goal purposes. American Academy of Pediatrics: Council on Foster Care. ambiguous [email protected]/3/2016 Test Review Of CELF­5 Metalinguistics: What SLPs Need To Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC Subscribe E-mail Submit  Related Posts: Parent Consultation Services Creating A Learning Rich Environment for Language Delayed Preschoolers Professional Consultation Services for Speech Language Pathologists Have you Worked on Morphological Awareness Lately? Back to School SLP Efficiency Bundles™ ← Language Processing Checklist for Preschool Children 3:0-5:11 Years of Age Review of Social Language Development Test Elementary: What SLPs Need to Know → Trackbacks/Pingbacks 1. Login Using Your Favorite Social Network: Login Using Your Favorite Social Network: Tel. (917) 916-7487 tatyana. 2015 […] Comprehension of Ambiguous and Figurative Language (idioms.com/test­review­celf­5­metalinguistics/ 7/11 .) (Suggestion: administer portions of Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals -5 Metalinguistics) […] Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.July 29. etc.com Contact Us http://www.smartspeechtherapy. What Are Speech Pathologists To Do If the (C)APD Diagnosis is NOT Valid? | Smart Speech Therapy LLC . smartspeechtherapy.org Recent Comments Lori Miller on Why (C) APD Diagnosis is NOT Valid! Review of Social Language Development Test Elementary: What SLPs Need to Know | Smart Speech Therapy LLC on Spotlight on Social Language Competence: When is a high subtest score a cause for concern? 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