CEA Plant Performance Report 2011-12

March 28, 2018 | Author: lovelyshree | Category: Power Station, Electricity Generation, Hydroelectricity, Nature, Electrical Engineering



A.S.BAKSHI Chairperson Central Electricity Authority & Ex-officio Secretary to Government of India FOREWORD Reliable and quality Power is the most important infrastructure required to sustain the growth of the country. Government of India has taken a number of initiatives to increase power generation in the country. As a result of these initiatives, new capacity aggregating to 20501.7 MW was added during the financial year 2011-12. Generation from thermal power stations, which constitute nearly 66% of the total installed capacity and contribute nearly 81% of the total power generation in the country, continue to be dominant source of power generation. This performance review of thermal power stations for the year 2011-12 is the 36th in the series being brought out by CEA in fulfillment of its obligations under Section 73 (i) and (j) of The Electricity Act, 2003. The review covers the performance of 454 thermal units from 126 Thermal Power Stations. During the financial year 2011-12, the country witnessed good monsoon resulting into better generation from hydro power plants with a growth rate of almost 14% as compared to 2010-11. Generation from nuclear power plants also had an impressive growth rate of about 23% as compared to previous year. A few thermal power stations faced problem of fuel supply shortages or costly fuel. As such, the yearly growth rate in respect of thermal power generation in the country got restricted to 6.59%. My thanks are due to all power utilities for furnishing the information, which enabled publication of this Review. I hope that this review would serve as a useful guide to power utilities and equipment manufacturers in identifying the factors affecting the performance of thermal power stations and spur efforts in achieving excellence in O&M strategies. NEW DELHI October, 2012 (A.S. BAKSHI) KAUSHAL. K. AGRAWAL Member (GO&D), Central Electricity Authority & Ex-Officio Addl. Secretary to Government of India PREAMBLE Recognizing the crucial role of Thermal Power Stations to meet the power requirement in the country, Central Electricity Authority carries out studies to review the Performance of Thermal Power Stations in close coordination with power utilities so as to ensure their optimum utilization. The results of these studies are brought out in the form of a Report on “Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations". The report on 'Review of Performance of Thermal Power Stations' for the year 2011-12 is the 36th in the series being brought out by CEA every year in fulfillment of its obligations under Section 73(i) and (j) of The Electricity Act, 2003. The review covers an exhaustive analysis of the performance of 454 thermal units (above 25 MW capacity) aggregating to 97768 MW for which operative data has been provided by the generating utilities in the State, Centre and Private Sectors. The factors covered in the review are actual generation with respect to the yearly generation, Plant Load Factor (PLF), Operating Availability, Planned Maintenance, Forced Outages and Partial Outages etc. This report also tries to encapsulate the efficiency of thermal stations in terms of auxiliary power consumption, specific fuel consumption and station heat rate. During the year 2011-12, a few thermal power stations have reported increased generation loss on account of coal supply problem, transmission constraints, low schedules from the beneficiaries, receipt of poor quality/wet coal. In addition, some thermal generating units were kept under reserve shut down on account of environmental restrictions. As a result, the National average PLF of coal/lignite based thermal power stations reduced to 73.54% against 75.08% during 2010-11. Had there been no coal shortages, no generation loss due to poor quality coal, no grid constraints and the coal /lignite based plants would have received adequate schedules from their beneficiaries and were not required to be kept under reserve shut down, there would have been additional energy generation of about 50.8 BU from coal/lignite based power plants thereby achieving PLF of 79%. Our thanks are due, to all the generating utilities for furnishing the data required by CEA for carrying out the performance review. Thanks are also due to Operation Monitoring Division, Thermal Renovation & Modernization Division, Conservation & Efficiency Division and Grid Management Division of CEA for making available necessary inputs on related aspects of thermal stations performance for preparation of this Review. Studies for this publication have been carried out by Smt. Rishika Sharan, Director, Operation Performance Monitoring Division, under the overall supervision of Shri A.K.Singhal, Chief Engineer (OPM) and I would like to place on record my appreciation for the same. Suggestions to improve the contents of the report are most welcome. NEW DELHI October, 2012 (KAUSHAL KISHORE AGRAWAL) Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 SECTION CONTENTS PAGE Objective II Overview III Performance Indices (Historical Trend) IV Highlights V-VII Definition VIII Abbreviation used in the Report X SECTION 1 Scope of the Review 1.1 SECTION 2 Generation Performance 2.1 SECTION 3 Planned Maintenance 3.1 SECTION 4 Forced Outages 4.1 SECTION 5 Operating Availability 5.1 SECTION 6 Capacity group wise performance 6.1 SECTION 7 Partial unavailability and non-utilization of energy due to system load variation. 7.1 SECTION 8 Effect of outages on generation reliability 8.1 SECTION 9 Fuel supply to various power stations 9.1 SECTION 10 Gas Turbine Plants SECTION 11 SECTION 12 SECTION 13 10.1 Auxiliary Power consumption in Thermal Power Stations. Station operation under disturbed grid/frequency conditions Station heat rate of coal/lignite based Thermal Power Stations 11.1 12.1 13.1 SECTION 14 Environmental aspects in Power Sector 14.1 SECTION 15 Energy Conservation and Audit 15.1 SECTION 16 Renovation and Modernization of Thermal Power Plants 16.1 I Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 OVERVIEW 2008-09 PARTICULARS ALL INDIA GENERATION (BU) THERMAL GENERATION (BU) NUCLEAR GENERATION (BU) 2009-10 723.79 590.10 14.71 113.08 77.22 40.77 * HYDRO GENERATION (BU) ** THERMAL PLANT LOAD FACTOR (%) NUCLEAR PLANT LOAD FACTOR (%) 768.43 640.54 18.64 109.26 77.53 51.08 2010-11 2011-12 811.14 665.01 26.27 119.87 75.08 65.40 876.89 708.81 32.29 136.12 73.32 76.90 * Hydro generation includes import from Bhutan ** Coal & lignite based stations PERFORMANCE OF THERMAL STATIONS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW PARTICULARS 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 1. COAL & LIGNITE BASED UNITS REVIEWED (a) NUMBER OF UNITS 390 413 428 454 (b) CAPACITY (MW) 74914.5 80439.5 86137 97768 (c) GROSS GENERATION (MU) 498019 535433 553696 606684 2. FORCED OUTAGE (%) 9.29 8.85 10.32 11.46 3. PLANNED MAINTENANCE (%) 5.66 6.05 5.83 5.93 4. OPERATING AVAILABILITY FACTOR (%) 85.05 85.10 83.85 82.61 5. PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO INTERNAL AS WELL AS EXTERNAL PROBLEMS (%) 8.48 8.03 9.33 9.43 6. LOW SYSTEM DEMAND & RESERVE SHUTDOWN(%) 0.50 0.88 1.88 1.9 7. PLANT LOAD FACTOR (%) 77.22 77.53 75.08 73.32 8. SPECIFIC SECONDARY FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION (ml/kWh) 1.93 1.51 1.85 1.83 8.33 8.34 8.49 8.44 10. (a) AVERAGE TIME TAKEN IN DAYS FOR BOILER OVERHAUL 24 28 27 30 10. (b) AVERAGE TIME TAKEN IN DAYS FOR CAPITAL MAINTENANCE 53 62 64 58 9. AUX. POWER CONSUMPTION (%) III Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Year 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 Capacity (MW) Genera tion (MU) 59902 61152 62727 64646 66449 67596.5 70569.5 74914.5 80439.5 86137 97768 365253 383379 398412 415484 426138 451480 475552 498019 535433 553696 606684 PLF (%) 69.97 72.34 72.96 74.82 73.71 77.03 78.75 77.22 77.53 75.08 73.32 PM (%) 9.52 8.30 8.59 8.23 9.48 8.43 7.50 5.66 6.05 5.83 5.93 FO (%) 10.56 9.87 9.48 8.84 8.74 8.14 7.71 9.29 8.85 10.32 11.46 IV Aux. Op.Av. Cons (%) (%) 79.91 81.83 81.93 82.93 81.78 83.72 84.76 85.05 85.10 83.85 82.61 8.72 9.55 9.91 8.57 8.44 8.29 8.17 8.33 8.34 8.49 8.44 Sp. Coal cons. (kg/ kWh) Sp. Sec. Fuel oil cons. (ml/ kWh) 0.70 0.71 0.70 0.71 0.70 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.72 0.72 0.72 2.70 0.68 2.30 1.37 1.77 1.89 1.40 1.93 1.51 1.85 1.83 Partial Loss (%) due to Equip ment etc. 9.99 9.55 9.09 8.35 7.08 6.15 6.30 8.21 7.57 9.88 8.34 LSD/ RSD (%) 1.53 1.57 1.98 0.92 2.10 1.02 0.52 0.27 0.46 1.43 1.09 85% achieved during 2010-11. a new capacity group the capacity group 660-800 MW (Supercritical units) has been added in the review.the highest ever capacity addition of 20501 MW (Thermal. • All India electricity generation in the country during 2011-12 has been 876. • The thermal generation in the country during 2011-12 was 99.52% of its target fixed for the year.61% was achieved during 2011-12 as against 83.24 %. Nuclear and Hydro) was achieved.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 • The review covers the performance analysis of 454 coal / lignite based thermal units above 25 MW capacity of 126 thermal power stations aggregating 97768 MW. the total thermal generation achieved a growth rate of 6. • 7 thermal generating units had achieved plant operating availability more than 99% during 2011-12. reduced to 73.11% as compared to the generation of 811. during 2011-12. out of which 18404 MW of capacity was of Coal/Lignite based plants. The Lower PLF was due to increased generation loss due to coal supply problem and transmission constraints and Reserve Shut down/Low system demand. V . nine nos.89 BU representing a growth rate of 8. Coal based generation recorded a remarkable growth rate of 9. 660 • In order to include the performance analysis of above units.4% of the total thermal generation in the • During 2011-12. • Thermal Generation stood at 708. The performance analysis of following Supercritical units (which were reckoned for PLF calculations during the year) was included in the Present Publication. 32 Thermal stations achieved the Operating Availability more than 90% during 2011-12. Sl. • During the financial year 2011-12 .81 BU representing a share of more than 80 % of total electricity generation in the country.14 BU during 2010-11. of supercritical units were synchronized to the grid. • Plant load factor (PLF) of thermal power stations at the national level.08% achieved during previous year.32% from 75.59%. • Coal/ Lignite based plants continued to have major contribution towards electricity generation with a major share of 86. • Operating Availability of 82. No 1 Name of Station Unit No Organisation Capacity MUNDRA TPS 5 APL 660 2 MUNDRA TPS 6 APL 660 3 MUNDRA TPS 7 APL 660 4 SIPAT STPS 1 NTPC Ltd. • During the financial year 2011-12 . Karnataka and Maharashtra. • Energy loss on account of planned maintenance was 5. Telangana crisis hampered the production in SCCL mines which had affected coal supplies to many generating stations of Southern Region especially Andhra Pradesh. Yamuna Nagar TPS (U#2 of 300 MW).87% of the total forced shut down were of duration up to 24 hours. TNGDCL-1. 38. in Maharashtra achieved the highest ever PLF of 101%.11. • The loss of generation due to non-availability of thermal units due to forced outages during 2011-12 increased to 11. 29 numbers of units of capacity 2444 MW did not contribute to electricity generation during the year under review. • PLF of 15 thermal power Stations aggregating to 20420 MW was above 90%. PLF of 52 number Thermal units aggregating to 5703 MW were below 30%. • Dahanu Thermal Power Station (2X250 MW) of M/s Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. The details are given in Section 4.33% during 2010-11 to 62. CESC and JPL) and 4 were from State Sector Utilities (PSPCL. the PLF % of China / China make units reduced from 72. Utilities (one from JSW Energy Ltd.46% as compared to 10. Jallipa Kupurdi TPS (U#1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 • Plant load factor (PLF) of Central Sector units was highest at 82. • Plant load factor (PLF) of BHEL/BHEL make units (283 units aggregating to 65838 MW) registered the highest PLF of 77. 4 were from Pvt.97% during 2010-11 to 67. Loss of generation due to various forced outages was maximum during the month of September'11 (10436 MU) • VI .2 of 135 MW each).12%.48% during 2011-12 due to increased forced outages of China/China make units at Mundra TPS( U #5.27% during 2011-12. • The average duration of boiler overhaul and capital maintenance was achieved as 30 days and 58 days respectively. 6 of capacity 660 MW each). However the PLF of IPP was reduced from 80. • The coal availability to power stations detoriated due to Telangana crisis during the month of September.93% as compared to 5. The % increase in Planned maintenance was due to increase in unscheduled Capital maintenance and in unscheduled R&M activity of some units. RRVUNL-1. The total loss of generation (6574 MU) due to planned maintenance of thermal units was highest in September ’2011.67% outages were of duration varying from 1 to 25 days and only 1. • 59.83% during 2009-10.00% among units of different makes. APGENCO-1).1. Among these 7 were from Central Sector Utility (6 from NTPC and 1 from NSPCL). and one each from Reliance Infra.32% during 2009-10.45% of shut downs were for more than 25 days. The increased forced outages was due to increased forced shutdown of units due to coal supply problem and transmission constraints and equipment problems of some new units. However. Sterlite TPS. • Energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units operating in the country during 2011-12 had increased to 9.94% during 2011-12. • 23 coal/lignite based thermal generating units (NTPC-11. and one of each from Tata PCL. JSWEL-2 and one each of RIL.14% during 2010-11 to 59. As such the % PLF was also reduced from 66. Category Energy (BU) (2011-12) Energy (BU) (2010-11) 1 Shortage of coal 11. • The all India Specific coal consumption of thermal power stations during 201112 was 0.27 4 5 Gas shortage • The generation from gas based plants had negative growth rate on account of low schedules from the beneficiaries coupled with shortage of gas.44% from 8.97 BU. RIL (DAHANU)) continuously operated for more than 250 days. No.71 28.7 3.4 3 Backing down/Reserve shut down Transmission constraints (Mundra TPS. the generation from gas based plants (including liquid fuel.3 13.92 3. WBPDC. Udupi TPS are some stations which are mainly affected) 15. Tata PCL-3. • JOJOBERA TPS # 1 (120 MW) of TATA PCL had operated continuously for 340 days.72 kg/kWh. During the year.7 36. GSECL JSWEL. • Additional new features covered in the Review are mentioned below: ¾ Performance analysis of Super critical units (660-800 MW Capacity Group in Section -6) VII .22 BU in comparison to 99. • The All India average auxiliary power consumption by the thermal stations during 2011-12 reduced to 8. GSECL.9 17. APGENCO & CESE) operated continuously for more than 200 days.34% in 2010-11.43% of the maximum possible generation during the year in comparison to the 9. NLC. Diesel etc) were 93. coal/Lignite shortage and low system demand.4 2 Wet/poor coal quality 17.49% during 2010-11.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 • Following loss of generation due to various constraints were reported by the utilities: Sl. The increase was mainly attributed to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units on account of backing down of units due to poor quality coal/lignite. TNGDCL.10 coal/lignite based thermal generating units (6 of NTPC.6 8. 1 & 4.2) ¾ Details of units which were having Operating Availability less than 50%(Annexure 5. Section-5). VIII .2.2. Section.1. Para 4.H) of more than 40 days(Annexure 3. ¾ Detailed analysis to know the major reasons for increased forced outages is covered in (Section -4.2.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 ¾ Details of units which were taken under unscheduled/extended Capital Maintenance and unscheduled/extended R&M activities (Section-3.O.1).2.3). ¾ Details of units which were taken unscheduled /extended Annual Over Haul (A. Para 3. 2010 onwards is as under: (i) “The Ist day of the month following the month of declaration of Commercial operation date” OR (ii) “The first day of the month following the month in which the generating unit attains generation equivalent to National Average PLF. Unit Details No. The National Average PLF would be taken as the actual PLF for the previous financial year (i. retired during 2010-11.2010-2011 and 2011-2012 and considered in the review for first time (details is given in the Annexure which were synchronized and reckoned for Plant Load Factor(PLF) calculation during the year 2011-12. Various new coal/lignite based thermal units have been included for performance analysis from the date from which these units had been considered for Plant Load Factor (PLF) calculation. of Units Capacity (MW) 428 86137 1 Units considered in Review 2010-2011 2 New units Synchronised during 2009-10. The 454 coal / lignite based thermal units includes 421 number of units considered in the previous publication and 33 new units of capacity 12360 MW capacity.603 MW comprising 112. The criteria adopted for reckoning the date of PLF calculation with effect from 25.2) -7 -729 4 Units Considered in the Review 454 97768 .No.e.1) 33 12360 3 Units not considered in the review due to retirement(details is given in the Annexure 1. However it excludes 7 such units of capacity 729 MW. Details of units covered in the review are as under: S.768 MW.200 MW diesel plants.022 MW coal / lignite. whichever is earlier. SCOPE The total installed capacity of thermal power stations in the country as on 31-03-2012 was 1.SECTION-1 SCOPE OF THE REVIEW 1. April to March)”. 18381 MW gas turbines and 1. The Review 2011-12 covers the performance of 454 coal / lignite based thermal units (above 25 MW capacity) of 126 thermal power stations aggregating to 97. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No. sector-wise.2 The review includes six numbers of units of capacity 455 MW. Details of new such units which although synchronized during 2010-11 & 2011-12 but not considered in the review are given at Annexure 1. Farakka U#6.3 Fuel-wise. 19 (nineteen) new thermal power stations were added. which were retired during the financial year 2011-12. 500 MW which although were commissioned during financial year 201011).6 Performance analysis of 3 no. Unit No. 2012 is given at Annexure 1.wise breakup of number of thermal power stations/units with their installed capacities in the country which were operational as on 31st March. 660 In order to include the performance analysis of above units.4. Details of all such units are given in Annexure 1. The details of new thermal power stations added during the year 2011-12 and changes made in the station with reference to the previous publication are indicated in Annexure1. could not be done as these units were not meeting the criteria adopted for reckoning the date of PLF calculation. state. The review covers following 4 super critical units: Sl. 3 &4 of existing Paras Station. 1. 250 MW. 9 Super critical units capacity (>=660 MW) were synchronized to the grid.5 During the financial year 2011-12. This has resulted deletion of New Parli and Paras Expansion stations from the list of stations. 500 MW and Mejia U#8. . among these 4 thermal stations were from central sector while 15 were from IPPs.No Name of Station Unit No Organisation Capacity 1 MUNDRA TPS 5 APL 660 2 MUNDRA TPS 6 APL 660 3 MUNDRA TPS 7 APL 660 4 SIPAT STPS 1 NTPC Ltd. 1 & 2 of New Parli Station were renamed as 6&7 of existing Parli station and unit no 1 & 2 of Paras Expansion were renamed as Unit No.7 Super Critical Units During the year 2011-12. of thermal units aggregating to capacity 1250 MW ( Chhabra U#2. The details of different makes of units considered in the review are given at Annexure 1. a new capacity group the capacity group 660-800 MW (Supercritical units) has been added in the review. Capacity:3330(3.13%) Capacity 12920 (13.97%) Capacity 34705 MW (35.67%) IPP No. of Units : 84(18.No.33%): Capacity 65838 (67. 1. of Units 24 (5. No. Capacity 3470 MW(3. Capacity:12485 (12.46%) .37%) Bolier/Turbine Make :CHINA/CHINA. of Units 257 (56.61%) Capacity 46558 (47.91%): Capacity 12645(12.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No.76%) Bolier/Turbine Make :RUSSIA/RUSSIA .21%) .3 Makewise details of units reviewed Boiler/Turbine Make :ABL/BHEL.55%) Boiller /Turbine Make: BHEL/BHEL.50%) STATE SECTOR No.4%) Sector-wise details of units reviewed CENTRAL SECTOR No. No.81).29%) Capacity 3585 (3.62%) PVT. UTILITY No. of Units 20 (4. of Units: 283 (62.4%).No.92%) Bolier/Turbine Make :OTHERS/OTHERS . No. of Units 36(7. of Units 127 (27. of Units 31 (6. of Units 46 (10. 500 BHEL/BHEL 31-Mar-11 1-Oct-11 15 UDUPI TPP 1 UPCL 600 DONGFANG 23-Jul-10 1-Dec-10 CHINA/DONGFANG CHINA 16 MEJIA TPS 7 DVC 500 BHEL/BHEL 30-Sep-10 1-Sep-11 17 STERLITE TPP 1 SEL 600 HERBIN 29-Dec-10 1-Aug-11 CHINA/DONGFANG CHINA 18 STERLITE TPP 2 SEL 600 HERBIN 14-Oct-10 1-Dec-10 CHINA/DONGFANG CHINA SUB TOTAL 14 5780 2011-2012 19 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 3 RWPL (JSW) 135 DONGFANG 2-Nov-11 1-Dec-11 CHINA/DONGFANG CHINA 20 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 4 RWPL (JSW) 135 DEC CHINA/DEC 23-Nov-11 1-Jan-12 CHINA 21 HARDUAGANJ TPS 8 UPRVUNL 250 BHEL/BHEL 27-Sep-11 1-Mar-12 22 ROSA TPP Ph-I 3 RPSCL 300 SEC 28-Dec-11 1-Feb-12 CHINA/SHANGHAI ELEC CHINA 23 KHAMBARKHERA TPS 2 BEPL 45 THYSSEN/SIEMENS 28-Nov-11 1-Jan-12 INDIA 24 *MUNDRA TPS 6 APL 660 SEPCO III 20-Jul-11 1-Aug-11 CHINA/SEPCO III CHINA 25 *MUNDRA TPS 7 APL 660 SEPCO III 7-Nov-11 1-Dec-11 CHINA/SEPCO III CHINA 26 *SIPAT STPS 1 NTPC Ltd. 1.No. 500 BHEL/BHEL 26-Dec-10 1-Apr-11 12 WARDHA WARORA 3 WPCL 135 DEC 21-Jan-11 1-Jun-11 TPP CHINA/DONGFANG CHINA 13 RAYALASEEMA TPS 5 APGENCO 210 BHEL/BHEL 31-Dec-10 1-Jun-11 14 SIMHADRI 3 NTPC Ltd.4 Annexure-1. TPS 4 GIPCL 125 BHEL/BHEL 23-Apr-10 1-May-11 10 *MUNDRA TPS 5 APL 660 HERBIN 26-Dec-10 1-Jun-11 CHINA/DONGFANG CHINA 11 KORBA STPS 7 NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No. Name of Station Unit Organisation Capacity Make Date of Date of No Boiler/Turbine Synchronization Reckoning of PLF 2009-10 1 RAJIV GANDHI TPS 1 HPGCL 600 SHANGHAI 1-Feb-12 31-Mar-10 ELECTRIC CHINA/SHANGHAI ELECTRIC CHINA 2 GIRAL TPS 2 RRVUNL 125 BHEL/BHEL 6-Nov-09 1-Apr-11 3 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) 7 DVC 250 BHEL/BHEL 4-Nov-09 1-Dec-11 TPS 4 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) 8 DVC 250 BHEL/BHEL 31-Mar-10 1-Aug-11 TPS SUB TOTAL 4 1225 2010-2011 5 RAJIV GANDHI TPS 2 HPGCL 600 SHANGHAI ELEC 1-Oct-10 1-Dec-11 CHINA/SHANGHAI ELEC CHINA 6 INDIRA GANDHI 1 APCPL 500 BHEL/BHEL 31-Oct-10 1-Apr-11 STPP 7 BARSINGSAR 1 NLC 125 BHEL/BHEL 28-Jun-10 1-Feb-12 LIGNITE 8 BARSINGSAR 2 NLC 125 BHEL/BHEL 25-Jan-11 1-Jan-12 LIGNITE 9 SURAT LIG. 2010-2011 & 2011-2012 AND CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW FOR FIRST TIME S. 660 DOOSAN 28-Jun-11 1-Dec-11 KOREA/POWER MACHINE RUSSIA .1 DETAILS OF NEW UNITS SYNCHRONISED DURING 2009-10. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No.No. 1.5 DETAILS OF NEW UNITS SYNCHRONISED DURING 2009-10. 2010-2011 & 2011-2012 AND CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW FOR FIRST TIME S. Name of Station Unit Organisation Capacity Make Date of Date of No Boiler/Turbine Synchronization Reckoning of PLF 27 KATGHORA TPP 1 VESPL 35 CETHAR 14-Feb-12 1-Mar-12 LTD/SIEMENS INDIA 28 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP 3 JSWEL 300 SHANGHAI ELEC 6-May-11 1-Aug-11 CHINA/SHANGHAI ELEC CHINA 29 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP 4 JSWEL 300 SHANGHAI ELEC 8-Oct-11 1-Nov-11 CHINA/SHANGHAI ELEC CHINA 30 KOTHAGUDEM TPS 3 APGENCO 500 BHEL/BHEL 26-Jun-11 1-Nov-11 (NEW) 31 MAITHON RB TPP 1 MPL 525 BHEL/BHEL 30-Jun-11 1-Sep-11 32 STERLITE TPP 3 SEL 600 SEPCO III 16-Aug-11 1-Sep-11 CHINA/SEPCO III CHINA 33 SANTALDIH TPS 6 WBPDC 250 BHEL/BHEL 29-Jun-11 1-Oct-11 SUB TOTAL 15 5355 TOTAL 33 12360 *Supercritical Units . Name of Station Unit No Capacity (MW) Make Boiler/Turbine Date of Retirement 1 NASIK TPS 1 125 Babcock And Willcock 25-Jun-11 2 NASIK TPS 2 125 Babcock And Willcock 30-Jun-11 3 PARAS TPS 2 55 4 BHUSAWAL TPS 1 50 5 BARAUNI TPS 4 50 6 BARAUNI TPS 5 50 SUB TOTAL 6 455 CEKOP Poland/General Rafako cekop Poland/Siemens Rafco Reciborge/Zamec Poland/Poland 19-May-11 19-May-11 12-Mar-12 12-Mar-12 Date of Notification 12-Jun-12 12-Jun-12 03-Jun-11 03-Jun-11 20-Mar-12 20-Mar-12 .No. 1.3 DETAILS OF UNITS RETIRED DURING THE YEAR 2011-12 BUT CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW S.2 UNITS RETIRED DURING 2010-11 AND ARE NOT CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW S Name of Station Unit No Capacity (MW) Make Boiler/Turbi ne Date of Retirem ent 12-Jan11 1 OBRA TPS* 6 94 BHEL/BHEL 2 HARDUAGANJ TPS* 3 55 BHEL/BHEL 20-Nov10 27-Mar-12 3 DHUVARAN TPS 5 110 Wilcox Co/GEN Electric 02-Feb11 11-Feb-11 4 DHUVARAN TPS 6 110 Wilcox Co/GEN Electric 02-Feb11 11-Feb-11 5 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 4 120 ABL/BHEL 13-Aug10 03-Sep-10 6 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 5 120 ABL/BHEL 13-Aug10 03-Sep-10 7 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 6 120 ABL/BHEL 13-Aug10 03-Sep-10 SUB TOTAL 7 729 Date of Notification 12-Jun-12 *Note : Units Retired during 2010-11 but notified in 2011-12 Annexure-1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No.6 Annexure-1. Installed No.7 Annexure-1. Installed No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No. Installed No. of Stations Total No. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) NORTHERN REGION Region/State State Sector NO. Installed No. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) No. of Units Installed Capacity (MW) COAL DELHI 1 5 705 1 2 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 840 HARYANA 1 2 1000 3 12 3160 0 0 0 1 1 660 5 15 4820 PUNJAB 0 0 0 3 14 2620 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14 2620 RAJASTHAN 0 0 0 3 15 3240 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 15 3240 UTTAR PRADESH 5 26 7310 5 23 4173 0 0 0 7 16 2850 17 65 14333 TOTAL COAL 7 33 9015 15 66 66 0 0 0 8 17 3510 30 116 25853 RAJASTHAN 1 2 250 1 2 250 0 0 0 1 4 540 3 8 1040 TOTAL LIGNITE 1 2 250 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 4 540 3 8 1040 35 9265 16 68 13578 0 0 0 21 21 4050 33 124 26893 LIGNITE TOTAL NORTHERN 8 REGION WESTERN REGION COAL CHHATTISGARH 3 13 5420 4 12 1780 0 0 0 5 9 1833 12 34 9033 GUJARAT 0 0 0 4 19 3430 2 5 400 3 11 6020 9 35 9850 MADHYA PRADESH 1 10 3260 3 17 2932. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Private Utility No.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 27 6192.4 Sheet 1 OF 3 FUEL-WISE BREAKUP OF NUMBER OF THERMAL POWER STATIONS/UNITS WITH THEIR INSTALLED CAPACITIES IN DIFFERENT SECTORS/ STATES IN THE COUNTRY WHICH WERE OPERATIONAL AS ON 31ST MARCH. 2011 Central Sector No.5 . of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Private IPP's No. 1. 5 KARNATAKA 0 0 0 2 10 2720 0 0 0 3 6 2060 5 16 4780 TAMIL NADU 1 1 500 4 17 2970 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 18 3470 TOTAL COAL 3 12 5100 12 52 52 0 0 0 4 7 2210 19 71 18092. Installed No.5 0 0 0 8 8 2460 24 91 21083 BIHAR 2 9 2560 1 2 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 2770 JHARKHAND 3 9 2020 2 12 1190 0 0 0 2 5 885 7 26 4095 ORISSA 2 12 3470 1 2 420 0 0 0 1 3 1800 4 17 5690 WEST BENGAL 4 18 5780 6 31 4970 4 13 1285 0 0 0 14 60 12035 TOTAL COAL 11 48 13830 10 45 45 4 13 1285 3 8 2685 28 114 24590 TOTAL EASTERN 11 48 13830 10 45 6850 4 13 1285 8 8 2685 28 114 24590 Region/State No.5 GUJARAT 0 0 0 2 6 540 0 0 0 1 4 500 3 10 1040 TOTAL LIGNITE 0 0 0 2 6 6 0 0 0 1 4 500 3 10 1040 TOTAL WESTERN REGION 4 23 8680 20 87 17082.5 4 11 2300 36 36 10339 40 157 38402 2 11 4600 6 25 5092. Installed No. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Private Utility No. of Stations Total No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 1 Page No. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) State Sector NO.8 Central Sector No. Installed No. 1. Installed No.5 0 0 0 1 1 150 9 37 9842. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 7 33 8400 2 6 1900 3 12 1986 12 51 12286 TOTAL COAL 4 23 8680 18 81 81 4 11 2300 11 32 9839 37 147 37361.5 TAMIL NADU 4 19 2740 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 250 5 20 2990 TOTAL LIGNITE 4 19 2740 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 250 5 20 2990 TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION 7 31 7840 12 52 10782. of Units Installed Capacity (MW) LIGNITE SOUTHERN REGION COAL ANDHRA PRADESH LIGNITE EASTERN REGION COAL . of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Private IPP's No. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) No. of Stations Total No. Installed No. of Units Installed Capacity (MW) REGION NORTH EASTERN REGION MULTI FUEL ASSAM TOTAL MULTI FUEL TOTAL NORTH EASTERN REGION ALL INDIA TOTAL 0 0 0 1 2 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 60 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 60 0 0 0 1 2 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 60 30 137 39615 59 256 48353 8 24 3585 29 73 20059 126 490 111612* *Note:-410MW Capacity are of less than 25 MW and not included. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Section 1 Page No. of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Private IPP's No.9 State Sector NO. Installed No. Installed No. 1. . of of Capacity Stations Units (MW) Private Utility No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Region/State Central Sector No. Installed No. P. NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. NTPC Ltd.10 Annexure-1. NAME NO BHEL/ABL 1 AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 2 AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 3 BANDEL TPS 4 BOKARO `B` TPS 5 BOKARO `B` TPS 6 BOKARO `B` TPS 7 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 8 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 9 D.L. NTPC Ltd. TPS 10 KOLAGHAT TPS 11 KOLAGHAT TPS 12 KOLAGHAT TPS 13 KOLAGHAT TPS 14 KORBA-III 15 KORBA-WEST TPS 16 KORBA-WEST TPS 17 SANTALDIH TPS 18 SANTALDIH TPS 19 SANTALDIH TPS 20 SANTALDIH TPS Sub Total BHEL/BHEL 21 AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 22 ANPARA TPS 23 ANPARA TPS 24 ANPARA TPS 25 BADARPUR TPS 26 BADARPUR TPS 27 BADARPUR TPS 28 BADARPUR TPS 29 BADARPUR TPS 30 BARAUNI TPS 31 BARAUNI TPS 32 BARSINGSAR LIGNITE 33 BARSINGSAR LIGNITE 34 BELLARY TPS 35 BHILAI TPS 36 BHILAI TPS 37 BHUSAWAL TPS 38 BHUSAWAL TPS 39 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 40 CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS 41 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 42 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 43 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 44 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 45 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASH TRA) STPS 46 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 47 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 48 CHHABRA TPP 49 DADRI (NCTPP) 50 DADRI (NCTPP) 51 DADRI (NCTPP) UNIT NO STATE ORGANIZATION NAME 1 2 5 1 2 3 1 MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH WEST BENGAL JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND MAHARASHTRA MPPGCL MPPGCL WBPDC DVC DVC DVC MAHAGENCO STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE 120 120 210 210 210 210 210 2 MAHARASHTRA MAHAGENCO STATE 210 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL 20 DPL WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC CSPGCL CSPGCL CSPGCL WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE 110 210 210 210 210 120 210 210 120 120 120 120 3470 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 MADHYA PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH DELHI DELHI DELHI DELHI DELHI BIHAR BIHAR RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN KARNATAKA CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA WEST BENGAL ASSAM MPPGCL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL NTPC Ltd. CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL 250 250 250 210 210 210 SECTOR CAPACITY (MW) .5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S. NTPC Ltd. 1. NTPC Ltd. BSEB BSEB NLC NLC KPCL NSPCL NSPCL MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO CESC APGPCL STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE PVT STATE 210 210 210 210 95 95 95 210 210 105 105 125 125 500 250 250 210 210 250 30 3 MAHARASHTRA MAHAGENCO STATE 210 4 MAHARASHTRA MAHAGENCO STATE 210 5 MAHARASHTRA MAHAGENCO STATE 500 6 MAHARASHTRA MAHAGENCO STATE 500 7 MAHARASHTRA MAHAGENCO STATE 500 7 8 1 1 2 3 JHARKHAND JHARKHAND RAJASTHAN UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH DVC DVC RRVUNL NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.MOH.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. NTPC Ltd. 1. Dr. NTPC Ltd. STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL PVT PVT PVT CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL 210 210 210 500 110 200 200 200 120 120 210 210 210 210 210 250 250 125 125 110 110 110 110 60 105 250 210 210 500 120 120 120 500 500 500 500 210 210 210 210 210 210 200 210 210 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 STATE SECTOR . NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. N. N.TATA RAO TPS N. NO 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 NAME DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DAHANU TPS DAHANU TPS DSPM TPS DSPM TPS DURGAPUR TPS Dr.TATA RAO TPS N. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. N. N.TATA RAO TPS ENNORE TPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GH TPS (LEH. GSECL GSECL GSECL GSECL GSECL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL RRVUNL RRVUNL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL OPGC OPGC APCPL TATA PCL TATA PCL TATA PCL NTPC Ltd.TATA RAO TPS N. Dr. RIL (DAHANU) RIL (DAHANU) CSPGCL CSPGCL DVC APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT PVT STATE STATE CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE CAPACITY (MW) 210 490 490 250 250 250 250 210 210 210 210 ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH TAMIL NADU WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH ORISSA ORISSA HARYANA JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND BIHAR BIHAR BIHAR ANDHRA PRADESH MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO TNGDCL NTPC Ltd.TATA RAO TPS Dr.MOH.TATA RAO TPS Dr.) GH TPS (LEH. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.11 Annexure-1.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S. NTPC Ltd.) GH TPS (LEH. APGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO WBPDC WBPDC MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO NTPC Ltd.MOH.) GH TPS (LEH.TATA RAO TPS Dr.) GIRAL TPS GIRAL TPS GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) HARDUAGANJ TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS IB VALLEY TPS IB VALLEY TPS INDIRA GANDHI STPP JOJOBERA TPS JOJOBERA TPS JOJOBERA TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAKATIYA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS UNIT NO 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 1 2 1 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH WEST BENGAL ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ORGANIZATION NAME NTPC Ltd. Dr. NTPC Ltd.MOH. L MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO NLC NLC NLC NLC TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL JPL JPL JPL JPL HPGCL HPGCL HPGCL HPGCL HPGCL HPGCL HPGCL HPGCL SECTOR STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE PVT CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE PVT PVT PVT PVT STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CAPACITY (MW) 120 210 210 110 110 210 210 210 195 195 120 120 120 120 250 250 500 70 70 75 525 210 210 210 210 250 250 500 210 210 210 210 110 110 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 94 94 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 110 110 110 110 210 210 250 250 . 1. NO 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 NAME KORBA-III KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) KUTCH LIG. TPS KUTCH LIG.B.L K. TPS MAITHON RB TPP MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS MUZAFFARPUR TPS MUZAFFARPUR TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS UNIT NO 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 STATE CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT JHARKHAND WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU BIHAR BIHAR MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA ORGANIZATION NAME CSPGCL CSPGCL CSPGCL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO GSECL GSECL GSECL MPL DVC DVC DVC DVC DVC DVC DVC TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL K.N.U.B.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No.12 Annexure-1.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S.N.U. TPS KUTCH LIG. NTPC Ltd. APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 67. (AECO) TOR. (AECO) TOR. 1. POW.5 CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE PVT 500 500 500 500 210 210 210 210 210 500 500 210 210 210 210 210 210 120 PVT 110 PVT 110 STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL 210 210 210 210 500 250 250 200 210 210 210 120 120 500 . SECTOR STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CAPACITY (MW) 105 105 250 250 110 110 210 210 210 210 210 250 250 105 105 110 110 210 210 210 210 210 210 250 67.13 Annexure-1. TPS SIMHADRI UNIT NO 3 4 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 STATE UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA DELHI DELHI 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB PUNJAB GUJARAT 2 GUJARAT 3 GUJARAT 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 1 2 1 MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH GUJARAT GUJARAT ANDHRA PRADESH ORGANIZATION NAME UPRVUNL UPRVUNL MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO JSEB JSEB JSEB JSEB KPCL KPCL KPCL KPCL KPCL KPCL KPCL IPGPCL IPGPCL NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. TPS SIKKA REP. POW. PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL PSPCL TOR. (AECO) MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL WBPDC WBPDC MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL GSECL GSECL NTPC Ltd.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. POW. NO 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 NAME PANKI TPS PANKI TPS PARAS TPS PARAS TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAJGHAT TPS RAJGHAT TPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SIKKA REP. NO 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 NAME SIMHADRI SIMHADRI SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SIPAT STPS SIPAT STPS SOUTHERN REPL. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. GSECL GSECL GSECL GSECL SECTOR CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE CAPACITY (MW) 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 67. TPS SURAT LIG. TPS SURAT LIG. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TANDA TPS TANDA TPS TANDA TPS TANDA TPS TENUGHAT TPS TENUGHAT TPS TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS UNIT NO 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 5 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 STATE ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH JHARKHAND JHARKHAND KARNATAKA KARNATAKA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT ORGANIZATION NAME NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. 1. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.14 Annexure-1. TPS SURAT LIG. NTPC Ltd. TVNL TVNL JSWEL JSWEL TATA PCL TATA PCL TATA PCL TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL GSECL GSECL GSECL GSECL GSECL NTPC Ltd.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S. TPS SURAT LIG. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 125 125 125 125 250 250 250 250 250 250 110 110 500 500 500 500 110 110 110 110 210 210 130 130 500 500 250 210 210 210 210 210 120 120 200 200 210 210 210 210 210 210 500 500 500 500 210 210 210 210 . NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. TPS SOUTHERN REPL. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 67. CESC CESC GIPCL GIPCL GIPCL GIPCL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL RRVUNL NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. L.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S.15 Annexure-1. NAME NO 301 WANAKBORI TPS 302 WANAKBORI TPS 303 WANAKBORI TPS Sub Total CHINA/CHINA 304 D. 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No.P. TPS 305 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 306 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 307 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 308 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 309 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP 310 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP 311 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP 312 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP 313 MUNDRA TPS 314 MUNDRA TPS 315 MUNDRA TPS 316 MUNDRA TPS 317 MUNDRA TPS 318 MUNDRA TPS 319 MUNDRA TPS 320 PATHADI TPP 321 PATHADI TPP 322 RAJIV GANDHI TPS 323 RAJIV GANDHI TPS 324 ROSA TPP Ph-I 325 ROSA TPP Ph-I 326 ROSA TPP Ph-I 327 SAGARDIGHI TPS 328 SAGARDIGHI TPS 329 STERLITE TPP 330 STERLITE TPP 331 STERLITE TPP 332 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) 333 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) 334 UDUPI TPP 335 WARDHA WARORA TPP 336 WARDHA WARORA TPP 337 WARDHA WARORA TPP 338 YAMUNA NAGAR TPS 339 YAMUNA NAGAR TPS Sub Total OTHERS/OTHERS 340 AKRIMOTA LIG TPS 341 AKRIMOTA LIG TPS 342 ANPARA TPS 343 ANPARA TPS 344 BAKRESWAR TPS 345 BAKRESWAR TPS 346 BAKRESWAR TPS 347 BAKRESWAR TPS 348 BAKRESWAR TPS 349 BANDEL TPS 350 BANDEL TPS 351 BANDEL TPS 352 BANDEL TPS 353 BARAUNI TPS 354 BARAUNI TPS 355 BHUSAWAL TPS 356 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 357 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 358 CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS UNIT NO 5 6 7 283 GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT ORGANIZATION NAME GSECL GSECL GSECL STATE STATE STATE 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 36 WEST BENGAL RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH HARYANA HARYANA UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KARNATAKA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA HARYANA HARYANA DPL RWPL (JSW) RWPL (JSW) RWPL (JSW) RWPL (JSW) JSWEL JSWEL JSWEL JSWEL APL APL APL APL APL APL APL LANCO LANCO HPGCL HPGCL RPSCL RPSCL RPSCL WBPDC WBPDC SEL SEL SEL JSWEL JSWEL UPCL WPCL WPCL WPCL HPGCL HPGCL STATE PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT STATE STATE PVT PVT PVT STATE STATE PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT PVT STATE STATE 300 135 135 135 135 300 300 300 300 330 330 330 330 660 660 660 300 300 600 600 300 300 300 300 300 600 600 600 300 300 600 135 135 135 300 300 12645 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 4 5 1 1 2 1 GUJARAT GUJARAT UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL BIHAR BIHAR MAHARASHTRA WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL ASSAM GMDCL GMDCL UPRVUNL UPRVUNL WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC WBPDC BSEB BSEB MAHAGENCO CESC CESC APGPCL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE PVT PVT STATE 125 125 500 500 210 210 210 210 210 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 250 250 30 STATE SECTOR CAPACITY (MW) 210 210 210 65838 . P.L. POW.P. (AECO) MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL MPPGCL NTPC Ltd. TPS DURGAPUR TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS KATGHORA TPP KHAMBARKHERA TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KUTCH LIG. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 62. NO 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS D.P.5 200 200 200 500 500 30 30 62. TPS D. POW.L.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. NTPC Ltd. TPS D. 1. CESC SECTOR CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT PVT STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE PVT PVT PVT PVT CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT PVT STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT CAPACITY (MW) 130 130 130 30 30 70 75 75 130 60 60 110 110 500 500 35 45 105 105 105 105 60 60 60 60 75 125 125 30 30 50 50 210 210 250 210 210 210 55 210 62. (AECO) TOR. TPS D.16 Annexure-1. TOR. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 62. NTPC Ltd.L.5 62.L.5 62.5 62.5 62. VESPL BEPL MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO APGENCO GSECL MAHAGENCO MAHAGENCO CESC CESC CESC CESC NLC NLC ST-CMSECP NLC NLC NLC MAHAGENCO KPCL APGENCO NTPC Ltd.P. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. TPS D.5 62. NTPC Ltd.B TPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS SABARMATI (C STATION) UNIT NO 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 2 3 4 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 15 406 SABARMATI (C STATION) 16 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SIPAT STPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TITAGARH TPS 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 NAME STATE JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL CHHATTISGARH UTTAR PRADESH MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH GUJARAT MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU MAHARASHTRA KARNATAKA ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH GUJARAT GUJARAT MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH CHHATTISGARH ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA ORISSA WEST BENGAL ORGANIZATION NAME DVC DVC DVC DPL DPL DPL DPL DPL DVC TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL TNGDCL NTPC Ltd.L.5 660 62. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 500 500 60 . TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI TPS(Z) NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II PARAS TPS RAICHUR TPS RAMAGUNDEM .P. I 436 NEYVELI TPS. CSPGCL CSPGCL CSPGCL CSPGCL NLC NLC NLC NLC NLC NLC NLC NLC NLC UPRVUNL UPRVUNL JSEB JSEB JSEB JSEB JSEB JSEB NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd.5 Sheet _ OF 9 DETAILS OF DIFFERENT MAKE OF UNITS CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S.I 437 NEYVELI TPS. NTPC Ltd.I 441 OBRA TPS 442 OBRA TPS 443 PATRATU TPS 444 PATRATU TPS 445 PATRATU TPS 446 PATRATU TPS 447 PATRATU TPS 448 PATRATU TPS 449 VINDHYACHAL STPS 450 VINDHYACHAL STPS 451 VINDHYACHAL STPS 452 VINDHYACHAL STPS 453 VINDHYACHAL STPS 454 VINDHYACHAL STPS Sub Total Total UNIT NO 2 3 4 4 84 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 31 454 WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL MAHARASHTRA ORGANIZATION NAME CESC CESC CESC TATA PCL PVT PVT PVT PVT BIHAR BIHAR BIHAR BIHAR CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH CHHATTISGARH TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND JHARKHAND MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH MADHYA PRADESH NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No.I 435 NEYVELI TPS. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NAME NO 420 TITAGARH TPS 421 TITAGARH TPS 422 TITAGARH TPS 423 TROMBAY TPS Sub Total RUSSIA/RUSSIA 424 KAHALGAON TPS 425 KAHALGAON TPS 426 KAHALGAON TPS 427 KAHALGAON TPS 428 KORBA-II 429 KORBA-II 430 KORBA-II 431 KORBA-II 432 NEYVELI TPS. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE SECTOR CAPACITY (MW) 60 60 60 150 12485 210 210 210 210 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 40 50 40 40 40 40 90 90 210 210 210 210 210 210 3330 97768 .I 439 NEYVELI TPS.17 Annexure-1.I 434 NEYVELI TPS.I 433 NEYVELI TPS.I 438 NEYVELI TPS. NTPC Ltd. 1.I 440 NEYVELI TPS. NTPC Ltd. 6.2 of Paras Exp.7 of Parli Station (already existing) 2. Station are renamed as Unit 3. Unit No.6 DETAILS OF NEW THERMAL POWER STATION WHICH COMMENCED THEIR OPERATION / WERE COMBINED DURING 2011-12 S.2 of New Parli Station are renamed as Unit No.18 Annexure. 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. Unit No.1. . 1.4 of Paras Station(already existing). 1.1. Name of the Station Organisation Sector Location New Stations added during 2011-12 1 Mahatma Gandhi TPS PVT Haryana PVT Uttar Pradesh 2 Anpara C TPS JHPL(HR) LAPPL 3 Barkhera TPS BEPL PVT Uttar Pradesh 4 Khambarkhera TPS BEPL PVT Uttar Pradesh 5 Kundarki TPS BEPL PVT Uttar Pradesh 6 Maqsoodpur TPS BEPL PVT Uttar Pradesh 7 Utraula TPS BEPL PVT Uttar Pradesh 8 Kasaipalli TPP ACB PVT Chhattisgarh 9 Katghora TPP VESPL PVT Chhattisgarh 10 SVPL TPP SVPPL PVT Chhattisgarh 11 Mundra UMTPP CGPL PVT Gujarat 12 Salaya TPP EPGL PVT Gujarat 13 Mihan TPS AMNEPL PVT Maharashtra 14 Simhapuri TPS SEPL PVT Andhra Pradesh 15 Vallur TPP NTECL Central Tamil Nadu 16 Maithon RB TPP MPL PVT Jharkhand 17 Durgapur Steel TPS DVC Central West Bangal 18 Neyveli TPS-II EXP NLC Central Tamil Nadu 19 Kodarma TPP DVC Central Jharkhand *Note:.NO. 5 09-Feb-12 MIHAN TPS 2 AMNEPL 61.5 MIHAN TPS 3 AMNEPL 61. 500 BHEL/BHEL 23-Mar-11 3 MEJIA TPS 8 DVC 500 BHEL/BHEL 26-Mar-11 15-Nov-11 06-Nov-11 Central Sector (2011-12) 8 BELLARY TPS 2 KPCL 500 DONGFANG CHINA/DONGFANG DONGFANG CHINA/DONGFANG THYSSEN/SIEMENS INDIA THYSSEN/SIEMENS INDIA BHEL/BHEL 9 BHUSAWAL TPS 4 MAHAGENCO 500 BHEL/BHEL 07-Mar-12 10 BHUSAWAL TPS 5 MAHAGENCO 500 BHEL/BHEL 30-Mar-12 11 DURGAPUR STEEL TPS 1 DVC 500 BHEL/BHEL 29-Jul-11 12 DURGAPUR STEEL TPS 2 DVC 500 BHEL/BHEL 23-Mar-12 13 INDIRA GANDHI STPP 2 APCPL 500 BHEL/BHEL 05-Nov-11 KASAIPALLI TPP 1 ACB 135 CETHAV VESSELS/HARBINCHINA 13-Dec-11 KHAMBARKHERA TPS 1 BEPL 45 17-Oct-11 16 KHAPARKHEDA TPS 5 MAHAGENCO 500 THYSSEN/SIEMENS INDIA BHEL/BHEL 17 KODARMA TPP 1 DVC 500 BHEL/BHEL 20-Jul-11 18 KUNDARKI TPS 1 BEPL 45 THYSSEN/SIEMENS 10-Jan-12 19 KUNDARKI TPS 2 BEPL 45 THYSSEN/SIEMENS 29-Feb-12 *MAHATMA GANDHI TPS 1 JHPL(HR) 660 12-Jan-12 21 MAITHON RB TPP 2 MPL 525 SEPCO III CHINA/SEPCO III BHEL/BHEL 22 MAQSOODPUR TPS 1 BEPL 45 THYSSEN/SIEMENS 03-Nov-11 23 MAQSOODPUR TPS 2 BEPL 45 THYSSEN/SIEMENS 21-Jan-12 MIHAN TPS 1 AMNEPL 61.19 Annexure-1.5 MIHAN TPS 4 AMNEPL 61.5 *MUNDRA TPS 8 APL 660 *MUNDRA TPS 9 APL 660 *MUNDRA UMTPP 1 CGPL 800 NEYVELI TPS-II EXP 1 NLC 250 WUXI HUAGUANG CHINA/DONGFANG WUXI HUAGUANG CHINA/DONGFANG WUXI HUAGUANG CHINA/DONGFANG WUXI HUAGUANG CHINA/DONGFANG SEPCO III CHINA/SEPCO III SEPCO III CHINA/SEPCO III DOOSAN KOREA/TOSHIBA BHEL/BHEL 4 5 6 7 ANPARA C TPS 1 LAPPL 600 ANPARA C TPS 2 LAPPL 600 BARKHERA TPS 1 BEPL 45 BARKHERA TPS 2 BEPL 45 14 15 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12-Nov-11 28-Jan-12 23-Mar-12 05-Aug-11 23-Mar-12 09-Feb-12 09-Feb-12 09-Feb-12 03-Mar-12 09-Mar-12 25-Feb-12 04-Feb-12 . 1. Name of Station Unit No Organisat ion Capacity (MW) Make Boiler/ Turbine Date of Commissioning Central Sector (2010-11) 1 CHHABRA TPP 2 RRVUNL 250 BHEL/BHEL 04-May-10 2 FARAKKA STPS 6 NTPC Ltd.7 DETAILS OF NEW UNITS COMMISSIONED BUT NOT CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S. No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No. 1. No. 32 33 Name of Station Unit No Organisat ion Capacity (MW) ROSA TPP Ph-I 4 RPSCL 300 SALAYA TPP 1 EPGL 600 SIMHADRI 4 NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12Section 1 Page No.20 DETAILS OF NEW UNITS COMMISSIONED BUT NOT CONSIDERED IN THE REVIEW 2011-12 S. 660 SVPL TPP 1 SVPPL 63 UDUPI TPP 2 UPCL 600 39 UTRAULA TPS 1 BEPL 40 UTRAULA TPS 2 41 VALLUR TPP 1 WARDHA WARORA TPP 4 WPCL 34 35 36 37 38 42 Total *Supercritical Units 42 Make Boiler/ Turbine SEHANGHAI ELEC CHINA/SHANGHAI HARBIN CHINA/HARBIN BHEL/BHEL Date of Commissioning 28-Mar-12 22-Feb-12 30-Mar-12 45 WUXI CHINA/HARBIN CHINA DOOSAN KOREA/POWER WUXI HUAGUANG CHINA/HANGZ DONGFANG CHINA/DONGFANG THYSSEN/SIEMENS 21-Feb-12 BEPL 45 THYSSEN/SIEMENS 19-Mar-12 NTECL 500 BHEL/BHEL 28-Mar-12 135 DEC CHINA/DEC CHINA 30-Apr-11 14299 24-Mar-12 24-Dec-11 07-Dec-11 16-Apr-11 . 500 SIMHAPURI TPS 1 SEPL 150 *SIPAT STPS 2 NTPC Ltd. achieving a growth rate of 8.89 21.05 130.82 855. no single performance index has been taken as the sole indication of overall performance.30 94.48 26.52 665.46 116. etc. Av. 2. Operating Availability (Op. Partial unavailability (Partial loss) and the Plant Load Factor (PLF) have been considered for evaluating the over all performance of thermal power station for the purpose of analysis.43 99.23 708.01 6.28 -0. actual generation.14 8.22 5. Generation achievement during the year was 102.16 128.59 Nuclear 25. are given below:- Category Target 2011-12 Actual 2011-12 Short fall(-) / Surplus(+) % of Target Actual Last Year % of Last Year (BU) (BU) (BU) 2011-12 (2010-11) (BU) (2010-11) Thermal 712.29 7.00 876.92 Hydro 112.11 Bhutan Import Total Month wise generation analysis The pattern of monthly energy generation in the country during the last 4 years and during the current financial year is graphically represented below:- . A detailed review of generation with reference to the targets and PLF is brought out in this section while the other performance indices are covered in Sections 3 to 7.51 18. Forced Outage (FO).81 -3.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.6 5.56% of the program.13 32.47 114. All India target for annual electricity generation in the country for the year 201112 was fixed at 855 BU. Details of energy generation target.89 102.59 5. Planned Maintenance (PM).1 OVERALL GENERATION PERFORMANCE In making performance assessment.1 SECTION-2 GENERATION PERFORMANCE 2.56 811.).61 -5.27 22.11% in comparison to last year.26 14. 96 8.10 66.98 Aug-11 72.73 2.41 Nov-11 69.62 Mar-12 74.10 5.43 70.24 49. 2.01 68. Nuclear & Hydro stations and imports from Bhutan are shown below: The variations in the monthly and cumulative growth rates achieved in energy generation during the year 2011-12 are presented in the figure below: .09 Feb-12 68.71 0.54 61.26 2.31 70.63 0.89 811.21 7.17 Jan-12 73.6 102.88 73.06 71.04 74.56 8.76 Total 855.38 63.96 2.3 102.81 130.45 0.19 2.66 2.80 Sep-11 71.29 71.56 75.76 53.74 2. Nuclear & hydro stations and imports from Bhutan during 2011-12 were as shown below: Month Target (BU) Apr-11 67.47 2.91 59.28 876.51 32.23 2.30 67.59 Hydro (BU) 8.4 101.73 2.30 0.24 63.24 14.72 1.60 65.14 8.96 56.95 May-11 Jun-11 72.00 708.0 104.8 98.08 77.3 102.75 3.90 0.02 73.63 Total Actual 2011-12 (BU) Actual 2010-11 (BU) Actual as % of target Growth rate % 71.9 103.04 69.7 100.35 70.30 2.37 7.62 74.1 105.26 Thermal (BU) 59.39 Dec-11 71.43 67.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.1 102.14 11.11 0.86 0.11 The graphical representation of month wise pattern of energy generation from Thermal.29 5.50 55.93 71.12 10.94 7.68 7.7 104.52 14.89 8.72 1.67 60.00 2.44 75.50 Bhutan Import (BU) 0.68 0.31 8.48 11.50 64.82 60.15 2.35 16.47 9.93 Jul-11 71.43 65.84 11.8 100.37 65.11 6.90 Oct-11 72.05 66.16 73.23 62.2 The month wise energy generation targets vis-à-vis actual generation from Thermal.88 Nuclear (BU) 2.71 0.5 104.17 17.13 8.43 12. 50 BU (during the month of September’11) to the maximum value of 77. which is mainly dependent on the inflows and had a peak value in the month of September (17. • After arrival of good Monsoon in the country during August’11-September’11.3 Following points have been observed in the monthly generation pattern: • The total monthly generation varied in the range of 70.90 BU. • The nuclear generation varied in range between 2. • Many thermal power plants continued to face the problem of coal shortages. Karnataka and Maharastra. • Due to less generation in November’2010 last year. • Hydro generation. It was minimum in the month of February’12(7. receipt of inferior/wet quality of coal. Telangana crisis hampered the production in SCCL mines which had affected coal supplies to many generating stations of Southern Region especially Andhra Pradesh. Fuel wise generation analysis The fuel wise annual energy generation vis-à-vis target generation during the year 2011-12 and growth rates achieved are given below: . the growth rate during November ’2011 was highest. It was mainly due to reduced domestic load due to pleasant season and reduced agriculture load following good monsoon.45 BU to 2. • During the month of September’11. 2.23 BU) • Total generation had a minimum value in the month of September’11. the coal availability to power stations detoriated due to Telangana crisis.56 BU (achieved during the month of March’12).Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No. there was increase in hydro generation and subsequently lower thermal generation.74 BU). 89 BU).56 811.42 97.8 1.48 26.47 114.22 535. Section 2 Page No.16 128.41 26.11 # Chandarpur (ASSAM).3 94.46 -0.03 BU.89 102.03 101.59 % of Target 2011-12 Actual 2010-11 (BU) Growth (%) Thermal Coal based Stations Lignite based Stations Multi fuel based Stations# Gas based Stations Liquid Fuel based Stns. Bhutan Import 5.00 0.09 -0.34 9.73 38.07 -1.35 0.14 8. Nuclear 25.17 99. their percent share in total generation and growth rates achieved are presented in the figure below Following observations have been made from the analysis of fuel wise performance of generating stations in the country during the year 2011-12: • Gross annual generation of the country has crossed the 850 BU mark (876.61 -5.43 BU with respect to targets fixed for the year.26 14. Hydro 112.76 584.48 -57.97 92.5 2.27 22.22 D.99 71.99 -17.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Category A.28 -0. 2.4 -7.38 2.59 5.05 130.23 708.45 2. the generation from coal based plants exceeded their targets by 7.79 7.00 99.79 712.17 2.13 32.89 21.42 6.82 Total 855 876. Diesel generating Sets Thermal (total) B.00 0.52 665.6 5.57 92.81 -3.(2X30 MW) are under forced outage due to uneconomical problem The fuel wise annual energy generation during the year 2011-12.92 C.00 100 0.24 28.77 -5.43 99.04 3.01 6. • Though the total thermal generation was less by 3. .00 0.46 116.51 18.29 7.4 Target Generation (BU) Actual Generation (BU) Short fall (-) / Surplus (+) (BU) 577.26 28. the energy demand from gas.59%. There was also generation loss due to turbine rotor failure of U#7 at DPL TPS.22% due to revival of good monsoon. milling system/ RC feeder problem of U#2.L went down from 302 MU to 207 MU with a negative growth rate of 35. nuclear and coal / lignite based power plants.81 -3. One unit of K.49 Western 246.U.14 712.63 248.24 4.2 THERMAL GENERATION Region wise thermal generation performance The thermal generation in all the regions. the growth rate in respect of Liquid fuel based GTs.3. • Since the demand of power was primarily met by the increased generation from hydro. Coal based generation recorded a remarkable growth rate of 9. The main reason for shortfall in generation in Eastern Region is due to coal supply problem at Kahalgaon STPS ( NTPC). The shortfall was been largest in case of Eastern Region.24 %. Region-wise generation performance of thermal power stations during the year under review is given below:Region/ Category Target (BU) Short fall(-)/ Surplus(+) (BU) Actual (BU) Northern 173. As a result.05 120. 2.L was under R&M while the other was not operational on account of coal related problems.40 157.89 North -Eastern Total (All India) 4.81 1.B.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.41 4.43 Sector wise thermal generation performance Sector-wise generation performance of thermal power stations during 2011-12 is given below. MejiaTPS ( DVC).43 Southern 156. • Availability and quality of coal & availability of gas for power sector continued to be critical input for thermal generation growth. • The total thermal generation has achieved a growth rate of 6. • The generation from hydro based plants also improved with a growth rate of 14.B.16 -10. . except Eastern Region.41 Eastern 131. the generation of K.4 of Santaldih TPS.05 1.U.N.N.11%. liquid fuel and diesel based stations have reduced. was above their respective targets.76 178.23 708. Muzaffarpur TPS(KBUNL).92% due to improved availability of nuclear fuel to the nuclear plants.55 0. 2. Misc problem at Patraru TPS.5 • The nuclear generation achieved a remarkable growth rate of 22. There was generation loss due to transmission constraints at Sterlite TPS. Multi-fuel Stations as well as DG sets was negative. 60 -2. 16783 108835 104822 84473 96.67 0.March 2012 Page No.N.L 220 500 207 320 41.09 DVC PVT.90 18. NLC NEEPCO.59 Month wise thermal generation performance Month-wise and cumulative thermal generation performance vis-à-vis targets are given below:Month ] Thermal generation target 2011-12 (MU) Actual generation 2011-12(MU) Monthly Cumulative Previous year generation 201011(MU) Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative April’ 11 58218 58218 59818 59818 56699 56699 May’ 11 60582 118800 60504 120322 56520 113219 June’ 11 57085 175885 55588 175910 53271 166490 July’ 11 56866 232751 56519 232429 52384 218874 August’ 11 56189 288940 53353 285782 51547 270421 September’ 11 55370 344310 49173 334955 47303 317724 October’ 11 59580 403890 59142 394098 57084 374809 November’ 11 58960 462850 60307 454404 52302 427111 December’ 11 61512 524362 63214 517619 57750 484860 January’12 63966 588328 63676 581295 61150 546010 February’ 12 59922 648250 61367 642662 55749 601759 March’ 12 63984 712234 66144 708806 63249 665008 . UTL.17 NSPCL 500 2840 3978 4018 140.B.2012 (MW) Category / Sectors Section 2 April 2011 .52 6.31 24.77 4.07 -0.03.70 5. SEC.83 30902 222813 222083 220522 99.05 CENTRAL SEC.99 K.88 IPP SEC.27 1740.16 112978 712234 708806 665008 99.U. 50584 297818 296929 280435 99. 375 2336 2431 2478 104.92 % of Program Growth (%) CENTRAL SECTOR APCPL NTPC Ltd.65 STATE SEC.71 2740 17906 18759 17879 104. 2.08 -1. 41747 279561 281036 273775 100. TOTAL THERMAL 3865 26020 26019 26325 100.48 -35.53 2.00 -1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Monitored Capacity as on 31.88 RGPPL 2220 9477 11619 11877 122.11 4290 21493 19537 16550 90.6 Program (MU) Actual (MU) Actual Generation 2010-11 (MU) 500 2196 2422 132 110. • Reasons for lower thermal generation during the month of September’11 were mainly due to coal availability to power stations detoriated due to Telangana crisis.43 BU. The shortfall in generation for natural gas based plants.57 BU. Telangana crisis hampered the production in SCCL mines which had affected coal supplies to Ramagundam STPS of NTPC. .73 BU and 0.59%.17 BU (during the month of September’11) to the maximum value of 66.14 BU (achieved during the month of March’12). as such their performance got adversely affected during this season. Many thermal units additionally faced the problem of wet coal. • During the month September’11 and October’11 there was maximum utilization of hydro capacities on account of increased inflows after arrival of good monsoon and also due to reduced domestic and agriculture loads due to pleasant season leading to low demand during the month. liquid fuel based plants and DG sets for the year 2011-12 were of the order of 7. • The total thermal generation during the year 2011-12 has achieved a growth rate of 6.7 Month-wise and cumulative thermal generation growth during the year 2011-12 is depicted in the following chart:- • The total monthly thermal generation varied in the range of 49. though it fell short of target by 3. Rayalseema and Kothagudem Thermal Power Stations of APGENCO. 2. The shortfall was mainly due to shortfall in generation in respect of natural gas based plants. Raichur Thermal Power Station of KPCL and Parli Thermal Power Station of MSPGCL. liquid fuel based plants and DG sets with respect to their generation targets.99 BU respectively. 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No. 08% during 2010-11.36% 50.65% 13.59% 3.8 BU. The total energy loss on account of these factors works out to be 50. Evacuation problem/ Transmission constraint Total Sector-wise Plant Load Factor (PLF %) PLF % of Central Sector Stations during 2011-12 was the highest among all Sectors.4 1.77% 6.42% 2 Poor quality coal/lignite 0.8 PLANT LOAD FACTOR (PLF%) National average PLF % of coal/lignite based plants during the financial year 201112 reduced to 73. transmission constraints and increased unforeseen forced outages.00% 3.97% during 2010-11 to 67.4 0.9 1.32% against 75.9 0.Sector wise PLF of thermal power plants during the last three years are given in the following table: - .3 Section 2 Page No.6 0.06% 17. 2.415 3.915 0. The PLF % of IPP sector have reduced from 80.5 0.8 0.27% in 2011-12 on account of shortage of coal. The impact of these factors on % PLF was worked out as follows: S No. The PLF of State sector was improved to 68.43% during 2011-12 from 66. Reasons for loss of generation Energy Loss due to Shut down of the thermal units BU Impact on PLF (%) Energy Loss due to backing down of the thermal units BU Impact on PLF (%) Total energy loss BU Impact on PLF (%) 1 Coal/lignite shortage (includes unloading/infrastructure/ feeding/ transportation problems at some stations. 7.41% 18.67% 8.86% 6.015 0.7 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 2.91% 15.79% 17.3 1.3 1. The details of PLF at National level from the financial year 2004-05 onwards are depicted in the following chart: Following were the external factors which affected the performance of coal/lignite based Thermal Power Stations .3 0.815 5.91% 32.40% 0.77% during 2010-11.27% 3 4 Reserve shut down/ backing down of thermal units on account of receipt of low schedules from beneficiary states and discontinuing the operation of some vintage units and environmental issues etc. of Capacity Units (MW) Units Reviewed No.67 250 42 10500 40 10000 83.21 83.41 76. of Units Capacity (MW) PLF (%) 200910 201011 201112 25−99 85 4842 75 4333 57.9 73.69 78. the Plant load factor of group was 44.5 86137 97768 77.31 490 111612 454 97768 77.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Plant load factor Capacity Sector CENTRAL Page No.26 450−600 74 38030 57 29105 87.11 195−200 25 4990 25 4990 80.70 76.8 82.24 76.58 78.68 75.9 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 82.68 80.08 73.13 66.48 72.56 74.5 44392 46558 71.46 100−150 91 10720 90 10550 54.97 67.35 77.The details are given in Section 4.2 55.43 IPP 3185 6505 12920 85.98 210 143 30030 143 30030 80.12 43004.68 75. Though the supercritical units of 660-800 MW group were new .32 STATE Total Capacity group-wise Plant Load Factor The capacity group wise details of units under review and PLF (%) are given below.8 55.12 30665 31655 34705 85. 2.5 52. Capacity Group (MW) Units Operating as on 31-MAR-2012 No.77 68.32 Total NA :Not Applicable .19 80439.27 PVT 3585 3585 3585 82.39 49.38 660−800 9 6080 4 2640 ΝΑ ΝΑ 44.31% because Mundra U # 6 was having transmission constraints and Mundra U #5 was having boiler feed pump problem and was on long duration forced shutdown.75 300−330 21 6420 20 6120 72.94 81.08 73.64 85. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No. 2.10 Make-wise PLF% The PLF% of different makes wise units under review during last three years is given as under. The PLF % of China / China make units was reduced from 72.33% during 2010-11 to 62.48% during 2011-12 due to increased forced outages of China/China make units at Mundra TPS( U #5, 6 of capacity 660 MW eac), Jallipa Kupurdi TPS(U#1,2 of 135 MW each), Yamuna Nagar TPS (U#2 of 300 MW). The details are given in section 4. Make TG/Boiler BHEL/BHEL 2.4 Units operating as on 31-03-2012 No. of Capacity units (MW) 297 72338 Reviewed during 2011-12 No. of Capacity units (MW) 283 65838 PLF %* 09-10 10-11 11-12 80.65 77.41 77 BHEL/ABL 20 3470 20 3470 50.12 49.89 51.33 RUSSIA/RUSSIA 31 3330 31 3330 76.84 75.88 75.28 CHINA/CHINA 51 17919 36 12645 72.3 72.33 62.48 OTHERS/OTHERS 90 14030 84 12485 73.46 72.02 69.99 TOTAL 489 111087 454 97768 77.68 75.08 73.32 STATION-WISE & UNIT-WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES Highlights of the Station wise performance during the year 2011-12 are as under: • PLF% of Dahanu TPS (2x250 MW) of Reliance Energy was above 100%(101.33%). • PLF% of GHTPS at Lehra Mohabbat (920 MW) was maximum (94.31%) among all State Sector Stations. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No. 2.11 • PLF% of Sipat STPS (3x200+3x500 MW) was maximum (93.93 %) among all Central Sector Stations. • Following 15 Stations ( total capacity 20420 MW) achieved PLF above 90%: S NO. STATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Capacity (MW) DAHANU TPS OP JINDAL TPS TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) GH TPS (LEH.MOH.) SIPAT STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS SIMHADRI METTUR TPS KOTA TPS RIHAND STPS Dr. N.TATA RAO TPS BHILAI TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS VINDHYACHAL STPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS 500 1000 260 920 2320 2600 2000 840 1240 2000 1760 500 470 3260 750 Organisation Sector RIL (DAHANU) JPL JSWEL PSPCL NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. TNGDCL RRVUNL NTPC Ltd. APGENCO NSPCL NTPC Ltd. NTPC Ltd. CESC PVT PVT PVT STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL STATE STATE CENTRAL STATE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL PVT PLF% 101.34 97.75 96.06 94.31 93.93 93.09 92.78 92.77 92.45 92.09 91.57 90.57 90.53 90.40 90.16 The details of some of the best/worst performing thermal units during the year are as under: (a) 5 thermal units aggregating to 1500 MW achieved PLF of 100% or more. Among these 4 units were from PVT Sector Utility one unit from Central sector. The details are given below: STATION Capacity (MW) Unit no Organisation Sector PLF% SIPAT STPS 4 500 NTPC Ltd. CENTRAL 101.23 OP JINDAL TPS 2 250 JPL PVT 101.24 OP JINDAL TPS 4 250 JPL PVT 100.18 DAHANU TPS 1 250 RIL (DAHANU) PVT 101.41 DAHANU TPS 2 250 RIL (DAHANU) PVT 101.26 Total 1500 (b) PLF of 52 number Thermal units aggregating to 5703 MW were below 30%. 29 number of units of capacity 2444 MW did not contribute to electricity generation during the year under review. The main reason for low PLF of these poor performing units are summarized below: PLF Range : 30% to 20% : This PLF range includes 785 MW capacity. Unit name sN Station Capacity Organisation Sector PLF% Reasons 1 D.P.L. TPS 6 110 DPL STATE 26.87 Misc Forced outages and subsequently taken under R&M from 06.11.2011 2 GIRAL TPS 2 125 RRVUNL STATE 26.56 Multiple forced outages, Lignite feeder out. 3 D.P.L. TPS 3 70 DPL STATE 26.35 Boiler Misc Problem Water treatment plant failure 4 ENNORE TPS 5 110 5 PATRATU TPS 6 90 6 ENNORE TPS 4 7 MUZAFFARPUR TPS 8 BANDEL TPS Total TNGDCL STATE 25.02 JSEB STATE 24.3 110 TNGDCL STATE 22.88 Generator bearing problem 2 110 K.B.U.N.L CENTRAL 21.46 Coal supply problem and subsequently taken to R&M from 29.03.12 2 60 WBPDC STATE 21.14 U# 2 - S/D from June to November'2011 for AOH 785 Misc forced outage, Fire in C&I cable Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No. 2.12 PLF Range : 20% to 10% : PLF of 9 number Thermal units aggregating to 1310 MW were between 20 to 30% PLF. sN Station Unit name Organisation Sector PLF% HARDUAGANJ TPS 8 250 UPRVUNL STATE 19.8 BARAUNI TPS 6 105 BSEB STATE 18.08 Coal Handling problem,U#7 R&M 3 GIRAL TPS 1 125 RRVUNL STATE 17.93 Frequent forced outages of Unit 1 &2. Due to wet Lignite,Grid disturbance/Voltage,BTL,Turbine vibration high etc. 4 OBRA TPS 11 200 UPRVUNL STATE 14.59 Turbine problem 5 NASIK TPS 2 125 MAHAGENCO STATE 13.27 closed prior to retirement. 6 ROSA TPP Ph-I 3 300 RPSCL PVT 13.04 Tr. Constraints, coal problem 7 NASIK TPS 1 125 MAHAGENCO STATE 13.01 closed prior to retirement. 3 50 CESC PVT 12.6 Multiple forced outages/Costly power 1 30 CESC PVT 10.79 Multiple forced outages/Costly power 1 2 NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS 8 9 Capacity Total Reasons Furnace Draft Prob 1310 PLF Range : 10% to 0%: PLF of 35 no of units were below 10%. Out of 35 nos of units of capacity 3608 MW, 29 number of units of capacity 2444 MW did not contribute to electricity generation during the year under review. The list of such units are listed below: sN 1  Station MUNDRA TPS Unit name 6 Capacity 660 Organisation Sector APL PVT PLF% Reasons 8.57 Transmission constraints Multiple forced outages/Costly power 2  NEW COSSIPORE TPS 2 30 CESC PVT 7.07 3  OBRA TPS 8 94 UPRVUNL STATE 6.63 ESP Problem 4  AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 1 120 MPPGCL STATE 3.94 Shutdown due to Misc Forced outages 5  TROMBAY TPS 4 150 TATA PCL PVT 0.12 unit was under reserve shut 6  ENNORE TPS 3 110 TNGDCL STATE 0.01 7  GND TPS(BHATINDA) 3 110 8  OBRA TPS 7 94 Water treatment Plant failure PSPCL STATE 0 Unit under R&M since 14th Jan,2010 UPRVUNL STATE 0 unit under R&M since 26th june,2010 9  10  HARDUAGANJ TPS 7 105 UPRVUNL STATE 0 R&M (5.03.2011) PARICHHA TPS 2 110 UPRVUNL STATE 0 11  KORADI TPS 1 105 MAHAGENCO STATE 0 12  KORADI TPS 2 105 MAHAGENCO STATE 0 13  KORADI TPS 3 105 MAHAGENCO STATE 0 14  KORADI TPS 4 105 MAHAGENCO STATE 0 15  BHUSAWAL TPS 1 50 MAHAGENCO STATE 0 16  PATRATU TPS 1 40 JSEB STATE 0 R&M Vintage unit closed for operation since Jan,2011 Vintage unit closed for operation since Jan,2011 Vintage unit closed for operation since Jan,2011 Vintage unit closed for operation since Jan,2011 Vintage unit closed for operation since Dec,2010 Turbine Axial Shift/ Thrust pad problem since 11.10.2010 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Unit name Capacity PATRATU TPS 2 18  PATRATU TPS 19  20  sN Station 17  Section 2 Page No. 2.13 Organisation Sector PLF% Reasons 40 JSEB STATE 0 Vintage unit , shut down since 10.03.2010 due to misc prob 3 40 JSEB STATE 0 Vintage unit , shut down since 31.03.2003 due to major repair work PATRATU TPS 5 90 JSEB STATE 0 Vintage unit , shut down since 23.05.2004 due to ESP prob PATRATU TPS 7 105 JSEB STATE 0 Stator earth fault 30.09.10 21  PATRATU TPS 8 105 JSEB STATE 0 Vintage unit, shutdown17.10.2005 due to turbine misc prob 22  PATRATU TPS 9 110 JSEB STATE 0 Unit under R&M work since 10.08.2006 23  PATRATU TPS 10 110 JSEB STATE 0 24  BARAUNI TPS 4 50 BSEB STATE 0 25  BARAUNI TPS 5 50 BSEB STATE 0 26  BARAUNI TPS 7 105 BSEB STATE 0 R&M(5.8.06 to 24.05.12) Pollution high shut down 24.04.1996 Pollution high shut down 16.03.1995 R&M since 23.08.06 27  MUZAFFARPUR TPS 1 110 K.B.U.N.L CENTRAL 0 Unit under R&M since 06.10.03 28  SANTALDIH TPS 1 120 WBPDC STATE 0 Unit under shutdown since 18.12.09 due to turbine oil system problem 29  SANTALDIH TPS 2 120 WBPDC STATE 0 unit under shutdown since 04.10.09 due to milling system problem 30  SANTALDIH TPS 3 120 WBPDC STATE 0 unit under shut down since 20.01.09 due to misc. fire hazard 31  SANTALDIH TPS 4 120 WBPDC STATE 0 Vintage unit closed for operation since 7.10.08 32  D.P.L. TPS 1 30 DPL STATE 0 Vintage unit closed for operation since 4.03.09 and subsequently retired in May'12 33  D.P.L. TPS 2 30 DPL STATE 0 Vintage unit closed for operation and subsequently retired in May'12 34  CHANDARPUR(ASSAM) 1 30 APGPCL STATE 0 Vintage units closed for operation since 7.05.99 due to uneconomical operation 35 CHANDARPUR(ASSAM) 2 30 APGPCL STATE 0 Vintage units closed for operation since 16.06.91 due to uneconomical operation Total 3608 Unit wise and Station wise Performance Indices for 2011-12are shown in Annexure 2.1 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No. 2.14 Annexure-2.1 SHEET ..OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS INDIRA GANDHI STPP INDIRA GANDHI STPP BARSINGSAR LIGNITE BARSINGSAR LIGNITE BARSINGSAR LIGNITE SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) TANDA TPS TANDA TPS TANDA TPS TANDA TPS TANDA TPS RAJGHAT TPS RAJGHAT TPS RAJGHAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS UNI T NO. Planned Mainten ance (%) CAP (MW) GEN (MU) 95 95 95 210 210 705 500 625.09 641.51 610.99 1334.49 1563.15 4775.20 2421.61 500 2421.60 0.00 1 125 343.32 2 125 1 2 3 4 5 Forced outage (%) NORTHERN REGION 5.69 4.08 4.88 5.30 5.35 8.36 15.38 3.45 0.00 6.77 6.73 5.43 0.00 31.60 Operating Availability (%) Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) PLF (%) 90.23 89.82 86.30 81.17 93.23 87.84 68.40 5.28 5.56 5.33 1.86 4.17 3.97 9.37 15.32 12.94 13.14 8.83 8.50 10.74 13.41 74.90 76.90 73.20 72.30 84.70 77.11 55.10 31.60 68.40 9.37 13.41 55.14 0.00 16.80 83.20 0.00 0.00 79.50 273.76 0.00 29.17 70.83 0.00 0.00 63.20 250 617.08 0.00 24.25 75.75 0.00 0.00 69.68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 2000 1687.27 1468.29 1592.35 1623.68 1404.33 3995.90 3812.89 15585.00 0.00 13.51 0.00 7.80 5.57 0.00 8.54 4.82 6.53 4.73 10.00 0.68 5.12 6.00 1.97 4.70 93.47 81.75 90.00 91.52 89.30 94.00 89.49 90.48 0.52 0.42 0.82 0.81 1.62 0.98 1.03 0.92 1.28 1.34 1.77 1.79 3.98 3.96 3.77 2.95 96.00 83.60 90.60 92.40 79.90 91.00 86.80 88.71 1 2 3 4 500 500 500 500 2000 210 210 210 210 210 1050 210 210 210 210 490 490 1820 110 110 110 110 440 67.5 67.5 135 110 110 110 110 210 210 250 4028.13 4213.14 3941.82 4000.30 16183.00 1673.32 1619.41 1677.72 1543.58 1765.34 8279.40 1709.54 1671.98 1480.85 1529.36 3847.07 3985.42 14224.00 616.47 899.26 936.31 952.80 3404.80 348.51 469.97 818.48 820.29 542.29 627.51 516.57 1573.67 1457.75 2110.04 0.00 0.00 8.93 7.99 4.23 4.03 7.13 2.58 10.58 0.00 4.87 0.00 0.00 4.78 9.19 0.00 0.00 1.61 36.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.10 0.00 10.50 3.96 1.18 2.63 1.96 2.00 1.94 0.88 1.62 1.80 2.28 0.12 1.34 0.78 1.58 7.49 2.04 4.31 1.49 2.93 0.06 2.47 3.88 2.69 2.28 27.36 12.10 19.73 6.10 32.98 14.04 16.93 13.03 4.96 2.92 98.82 97.37 89.11 90.01 93.83 95.08 91.24 95.61 87.14 99.88 93.79 99.22 98.42 87.73 88.77 95.69 98.51 95.46 63.44 97.53 96.12 97.31 88.60 72.64 87.90 80.27 93.90 67.02 85.96 79.96 86.97 84.53 93.13 1.52 0.90 0.17 0.02 0.65 1.51 1.26 1.48 1.31 1.63 1.44 2.28 2.42 1.71 3.22 2.74 2.55 2.54 0.00 1.37 0.00 0.18 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.63 2.18 3.84 3.65 2.11 3.94 0.02 7.50 2.62 0.74 0.56 2.85 4.57 4.20 4.92 3.88 4.61 4.44 6.75 7.54 7.17 6.24 6.34 5.95 6.50 0.60 4.46 0.52 0.60 1.54 13.99 8.70 11.34 8.78 10.91 20.79 26.35 1.96 5.51 0.00 91.70 95.90 89.80 91.10 92.12 90.70 87.80 91.00 83.70 95.70 89.77 92.70 90.60 80.30 82.90 89.40 92.60 88.97 63.80 93.10 96.90 98.60 88.10 58.80 79.30 69.02 84.90 56.10 64.90 53.50 85.30 79.00 96.10 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 87 2043.37 1.03 1.15 1.00 6.72 1664.00 0.40 86.00 0.00 8.81 0.45 88.46 46.42 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 1 250 1360 300 2088.35 0.27 90.00 0.82 2.91 55.41 2.00 0.30 UNI T NO.00 6.51 83.91 61.42 0.22 0.32 10.58 66.90 84.59 17.35 1.21 40.70 86.55 1.75 86.00 14.28 85.33 10.70 4.48 13.90 2 210 1737.00 11.81 6. 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 PLF (%) 95.90 26.58 0.51 92.40 440 1883.00 5.44 10.08 1.31 15.00 100.00 0.20 89.00 7.38 2.20 3 250 2123.67 87.90 32.77 1082.46 0.78 4.00 9.53 49.55 0.62 47.) GH TPS (LEH.70 4 250 1935.38 0.62 0.10 86.) GH TPS (LEH.25 65.60 91.86 1.60 0.64 38.41 90.95 93.14 97.20 90.00 7.24 13.36 0.60 3.06 1.70 1.24 2.30 2.41 1896.47 0.58 488.79 2.20 88.29 10.00 61.75 1.76 85.00 3.45 10674.74 91.43 71.46 95.35 0.40 98.64 2.79 0.59 2.00 35.57 1636.59 6.18 3.00 4.90 4.20 77.06 5.66 95.91 10.08 50.78 0.19 3.03 4.00 12.21 79.11 84.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM PANIPAT TPS PANIPAT TPS YAMUNA NAGAR TPS YAMUNA NAGAR TPS YAMUNA NAGAR TPS RAJIV GANDHI TPS RAJIV GANDHI TPS RAJIV GANDHI TPS GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) GND TPS(BHATINDA) GH TPS (LEH.) GH TPS (LEH.83 1572.97 30.72 0.10 90.12 0.21 82.89 291.59 95.30 0.50 98.68 63.97 0.13 1564.44 88.89 2.72 1 210 1824.15 87.60 85.23 0.06 9.45 0.MOH.66 5.97 1907.56 96.61 2..70 0.00 0.57 23.00 7.00 2.69 94.62 5.18 7.95 2.90 49.51 9.28 1687.MOH.44 1 110 763.97 91.38 42.81 0.30 210 210 195 195 1240 250 250 250 250 250 250 1500 1664.69 0.03 78.20 92.21 94.25 2.MOH.62 36.90 0.87 0.58 0.56 19.89 87.63 6.64 0.24 7.40 7.61 92.90 21.16 91.35 5.50 1437.20 1200 5415.36 92.99 0.01 5.62 7.00 6.27 6.85 6.60 22.58 4.40 93.11 6.41 90.10 2 600 2629.26 90.82 2.00 4 110 294.00 0.21 0.55 92.30 1.54 2.30 0.17 861.00 0.00 0.59 80.37 48.80 95.32 6.38 89.41 4.34 50.04 0.16 0.08 0.43 4.90 2424.28 13.40 88.50 91.21 0.60 1.57 0.10 920 7621.89 6.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.37 1666.) GH TPS (LEH.32 3.62 0.13 3. 2.72 0.24 76.39 3.00 44.40 30.10 871.34 10085.00 0.54 11.48 2 300 814.66 3.45 5.04 5.00 0.66 1755.93 0.47 1675.49 12.25 20.57 8.01 87.07 3.33 5.21 2.MOH.00 .90 600 3238.00 2 110 825.98 0.15 SHEET .01 125 125 250 250 196.80 57.00 1764.00 9.70 4.00 0.07 94.95 1.43 9564.67 87.11 49.90 1978.01 3.40 0.31 210 210 210 210 210 210 1260 110 110 210 1597.41 0.76 9736.00 5.40 3 110 0.10 81.10 2.MOH.51 5.03 0.66 80.00 4.05 1.87 89.62 0.28 1669.00 33.97 3.00 2.40 18.) ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS GIRAL TPS GIRAL TPS GIRAL TPS CHHABRA TPP Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 5.45 1 600 2785.96 93.96 86.92 1.50 97.49 5.10 90.73 6.30 81.52 92.00 4. 26 2.44 19.27 0.96 0.69 5.45 49.17 53.40 10.40 53.48 1.60 41.30 75.22 1.73 0.82 0.16 18.75 3642.43 45.00 85.85 27.00 3.25 0.46 1524.47 58.00 75.01 6.14 1052.00 77.54 1.18 4.55 0.58 11.50 81.05 50.90 76.30 0.08 8.08 5.84 13.13 2074.96 4238.00 1.00 540 1684.03 0.37 0.40 8.00 8.34 96.01 14.79 63.00 10.00 16.81 0.23 80.57 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.90 39.90 57.55 2.28 0.50 0.74 0.00 13.75 1.30 76.47 39.73 17.83 175.83 3.38 1.76 2.40 45 94.96 3.92 1.40 82.71 9.00 11. 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 7 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 4 5 PLF (%) 76.17 71.00 19.00 23.26 72.38 81.54 6.90 78.03 0.00 14.98 8.30 1 1630 135 11666.09 7..26 86.00 0.36 1447.87 0.71 1380.30 73.74 7.28 83.74 1052.20 78.53 0.78 26.40 0.90 2 135 504.41 69.35 15.10 86.74 256.73 2.20 96.87 1.92 82.03 529.76 11.17 91.97 87.14 3348.31 83.32 4289.81 83.26 0.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM CHHABRA TPP OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS OBRA TPS PANKI TPS PANKI TPS PANKI TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS PARICHHA TPS ANPARA TPS ANPARA TPS ANPARA TPS ANPARA TPS ANPARA TPS ANPARA TPS JALIPA KAPURDI TPP JALIPA KAPURDI TPP JALIPA KAPURDI TPP JALIPA KAPURDI TPP JALIPA KAPURDI TPP ROSA TPP Ph-I ROSA TPP Ph-I ROSA TPP Ph-I ROSA TPP Ph-I KHAMBARKHERA TPS KHAMBARKHER A TPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS SIPAT STPS SIPAT STPS SIPAT STPS SIPAT STPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 9.80 980.04 5.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.25 36.00 0.00 22.00 17.34 3356.43 0.58 16.16 SHEET .00 9.00 79.89 15.70 14.62 1 2 3 4 110 110 210 210 640 210 210 210 500 509.00 100.00 0.50 101.25 91.46 13.00 74.00 0.62 72.75 2.00 0.25 0.21 20.10 13.40 76.92 0.88 72.00 14.97 0.15 95.80 8.00 22.61 13.60 82.00 5.62 17.52 0.31 4.10 59.91 0.60 266.00 7.00 0.94 UNI T NO.00 11.60 0.00 15.36 4.60 49.47 12.80 2.00 9.08 6.00 0.40 0.08 8.34 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 250 40 50 94 94 200 200 200 200 200 1278 105 105 210 60 105 250 415 1675.22 5.78 924.64 300 300 300 900 45 2159.41 100.40 0.79 88.00 1.75 1.11 69.00 6.70 23.50 2936.44 0.80 49.00 0.06 731.01 0.00 93.60 52.95 71.53 52.19 20.10 0.48 58.44 98.00 0.17 1.00 1.50 94.10 52.00 2441.18 83.04 0.78 48.29 0.94 4466. 2.36 0.85 4.66 3.17 33.98 41.00 402.92 83.56 0.04 5.81 81.00 0.60 88.59 0.13 57.28 18030.88 11126.02 15.00 18.39 82.22 69.00 81.42 578.33 6.71 4.60 78.01 .42 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 2600 660 500 500 1660 1248.39 28.35 17.80 13.76 3569.70 13.64 15.80 78.00 4.20 85.96 86.88 71.26 317.00 0.00 18.00 5.00 2.50 93.44 0.17 18.00 17.59 12.28 3.15 0.77 16.10 451.68 88.50 3 135 406.02 7.44 5.00 6.58 40.70 24.88 2.63 0.38 0.39 62.65 10.00 1.30 0.50 57.00 13.30 1480.99 2.60 80.00 69.30 4 135 299.87 95.10 24.45 0.00 54.04 15.46 1.40 0.63 4445.80 72.98 0.32 17.71 0.00 100.99 80.00 0.47 1.72 6.50 7.95 89.96 81.51 0.86 42.00 4.00 10.58 49.30 0.77 6.71 1.26 0.06 2.36 1412.50 0.00 1374.29 79.67 3529.17 13.01 16.58 0.56 1.45 71.00 68.24 86.59 22.57 0.00 473.43 0.52 84.15 10.31 0.70 0.00 0.73 3.00 41.00 4.33 862.40 0.29 93.13 13.00 11.12 35.12 18.00 11.00 0.08 56.00 WESTERN 26. 67 1.30 73.90 80.10 90.40 84.90 4 210 1399.60 86. TPS KUTCH LIG.00 2.92 1.85 18.50 46.49 10.30 74.03 6.35 19.87 7.65 976.56 2.80 75.00 0.73 4.63 0.23 3.25 4.84 58.15 7.75 25.37 91.82 31.44 6. TPS KUTCH LIG.84 2.94 10.38 3.06 2.64 1560.56 0.49 1.19 0.49 0.80 411.28 6.90 5 210 1611.12 1494.17 SHEET . 2.59 41.00 0.49 81.60 13.75 79.82 0.67 10.87 9.70 25.34 12.40 1414.36 1.37 6.00 0.00 6.00 4 210 1611.66 87.33 96.40 870 5487.97 97.97 0.60 3260 25886.40 .58 8.49 84.00 15.92 5. TPS SIKKA REP.63 452.67 4.78 95.14 28.48 338.50 3 210 1511.91 64.75 60.95 542.15 5.89 19.10 81.99 7.00 8.22 6.69 4.52 97.02 91.72 23.95 2.11 2 210 1697.27 95.31 358.60 70.81 8.00 4.00 2.04 0.02 3.66 1.00 78.94 5.46 9.24 92.49 22.20 6 210 1791.89 5.42 65.28 0.74 5.08 1398.59 89.60 51.19 3.70 79.93 20.13 87.02 12.13 82.55 77.30 6.58 83.04 0.00 3 210 1696.34 5.26 37.30 5.81 92.52 0.76 7.19 82.11 1977.66 0.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS BHILAI TPS BHILAI TPS BHILAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS SIKKA REP.88 20.12 24.08 88.80 8.50 9.94 90. TPS KUTCH LIG.30 1445.13 82.48 1.74 86.03 15..91 0.76 6.88 5.01 2.66 6.98 0.05 5.00 11.32 61. TPS SIKKA REP.48 24.43 8.57 0.19 0.00 6.19 8.53 75.90 84.81 3.45 22.55 93.44 90.34 96.44 24.06 2.00 12.91 5618.20 51.70 15.99 76.10 90.25 39.00 10.75 82.07 1438.66 66.99 92. TPS AKRIMOTA LIG TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 1.40 59.65 75.98 6.22 91.00 3.39 19.03 6.19 UNI T NO.74 10280.00 16.68 72.42 5.50 8 500 4039.95 0. TPS KUTCH LIG.82 71.03 1.15 2.59 7.24 21.71 5.00 0.52 84.02 91.28 6.62 1 2 120 120 240 70 70 75 75 290 125 433.28 1.62 12. TPS KUTCH LIG.59 56.68 91.73 1.49 15.90 39.62 6.79 5.45 9.64 0.98 0.06 88.74 0.41 1525.32 52.15 0.43 85.22 4.33 95.21 4.15 87.10 7 500 3666.29 3.21 19.96 2.37 739.25 16.84 3978.10 2 120 553.78 0.03 90.90 5.49 6.80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1470 1080.10 81.50 6.27 4.39 0.01 7.67 89.00 9.32 87.30 5 210 1681.19 11.54 8.26 6.12 24.06 91.55 2.99 6. CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 1 210 1538.32 6.79 10.00 9 500 4227.03 9.11 74.00 0.77 15.00 628.27 89.85 26.40 1 250 250 500 120 120 200 200 210 850 120 2000.71 6.74 7.30 10 500 3934.32 7.20 6.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.78 1533.25 0.00 3.36 7.90 6.29 1603.78 18.60 83.58 1562.80 1.60 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 PLF (%) 83.15 3.85 92.50 75.70 61.42 3.43 97.80 434.87 12.50 0.12 88.57 59.89 0.48 81.67 4.34 9.60 376.70 6.40 54. 34 89.98 9.84 65.97 6.00 4.57 2.67 13.80 .10 4 210 1354.00 52.78 5386.54 2.68 0.00 0.39 0.83 64.67 16.04 7.80 67. CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 2 125 436.09 3.45 315.15 2.38 8.65 7.46 92.69 1394.10 831.24 16.91 1577.42 250 870.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 PLF (%) 39.46 1.08 3.00 1.86 90.16 0.00 0.57 82.10 58.20 125 125 210 210 210 880 105 105 105 105 142.20 87.90 53.21 0.33 0.80 11.5 62.10 96.33 2.65 0.00 0.07 0.95 90.62 5.20 6.44 22.46 6.5 62.70 2 210 991.01 8.64 93.00 0.79 0.00 93.71 5.00 0.02 58.06 27.57 2.47 4.03 0.00 2.86 76.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM AKRIMOTA LIG TPS AKRIMOTA LIG TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS KORBA-II KORBA-II KORBA-II KORBA-II KORBA-II KORBA-III KORBA-III KORBA-III DSPM TPS DSPM TPS DSPM TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS NASIK TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 0.50 13.86 13.60 70.09 13.26 24.00 0.87 5.18 1 120 41.04 4.90 2 120 384.76 0.89 0.37 15.44 4241.20 61.00 0.54 2.53 87.29 70.63 6.15 14.83 26.80 86.40 0.29 54.86 16.00 0.77 56.32 381.00 100.58 89.45 45.84 145.79 80.75 100.20 1821.49 1552.34 9.79 985.00 0.85 0.16 17.29 13.00 0.98 92.23 86.17 18.01 15.60 90.46 83.18 2.18 15.90 46.42 82.94 1252.00 0.52 59.08 1.33 85.80 85.07 3.10 71.19 10.06 61.87 91.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.16 25.10 84.00 3.88 1.78 8.00 0.26 17.00 19.07 0.80 342.79 13.00 0.15 0.30 0.89 1.66 0.00 0.46 0.00 5.86 9.00 13.95 10.32 5.00 26.12 1.91 6432.40 78.23 18.55 0.72 317.66 36.91 23.61 98.28 0.23 324.00 0.00 0.18 4.37 90.33 21.72 0.20 57.45 9.43 89.02 11.48 6.92 13.20 0.00 0.45 0.86 0.37 9.00 0.00 0.09 29.02 39.00 7.72 83.00 0.00 100.76 21.80 53.90 69.64 10.39 0.32 6.44 UNI T NO.22 5.62 0.31 62.35 12.18 1291.50 1854.06 94.00 0.13 3.69 84.73 76.20 3.04 91.98 24.43 17.22 9.80 0.14 3.50 80.30 59.00 0.78 13.18 20.44 0.93 7.17 7. 2.77 4.71 29.5 62.55 7.00 0.50 1480.41 9.96 10.80 1340 8263.18 SHEET .79 91..06 1430.25 0.98 88.41 319.02 81.66 62.69 4.69 14.30 84.96 847.76 994.55 98.35 16.00 0.14 797.00 0.19 3.51 78.10 53.23 6.00 6.99 85.38 1628.00 450 2160.80 12.00 8.66 1 210 1046.87 7.78 0.94 4.83 23.32 0.00 8.00 8.13 86.02 3145.91 0.88 45.33 8.96 9.35 67.00 0.14 87.00 0.90 0.06 26.00 2.5 200 210 210 210 1143 50 50 50 50 200 120 120 240 250 250 500 210 210 210 210 840 358.00 3.70 3 210 1144.00 0.18 0.62 4.00 48.82 1.90 89.80 81.51 335.44 1305.40 5 500 3726.00 0.00 86.00 100.34 75.90 56.41 0.76 76.73 0.90 0.00 28.68 77.00 22.40 58.14 21.35 73.49 0.60 77.5 62.41 32.28 0.68 72.94 6.77 13.94 75.71 5.25 84.40 75.00 0.30 53.80 75.18 0.20 2.80 71.82 22.28 391.76 0.18 13.58 2.63 902.50 3 210 1734.40 5. 25 1.03 22.21 80.33 10.28 0.22 12.10 64.29 3.62 2319.29 6.90 UNI T NO.40 840 5903.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KORADI TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS PARAS TPS PARAS TPS PARAS TPS PARAS TPS BHUSAWAL TPS BHUSAWAL TPS BHUSAWAL TPS BHUSAWAL TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MA HARASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(M AHARASHTRA) STPS SABARMATI (C STATION) SABARMATI (C STATION) SABARMATI (C STATION) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 2.10 3.66 88.09 91.65 86.63 0.02 29.17 4.92 26.50 4 210 1297.81 2852.37 0.30 3.00 0.33 3.06 21.80 6.02 12.20 0.00 1029.19 9.90 80.88 4.93 75.00 23. 2.77 81.98 1053.09 86.14 59.00 9.80 69.00 0.47 8.02 0.60 6 500 2943.60 63.90 4 210 1685.29 14.74 80.74 92.70 13.04 81.35 3.21 1183.77 5.46 0.90 16 30 213.00 7.59 5.58 89.20 11.57 15.14 0.19 SHEET .78 75.11 93.53 1 120 895. 5 6 7 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 PLF (%) 56.00 8.06 0.46 0.38 0.52 0.83 16.84 0.67 9.24 1072.22 1193..22 1.60 0.57 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 55.26 61.29 3.00 0.83 1461.39 0.00 64.48 0.00 7.06 0.50 54.35 4.04 19.73 7.02 0.68 4.93 10.55 22.00 0.86 18.30 5 500 3144.73 47.42 22.63 19.11 26.80 3 210 1336.00 6.23 0.78 75.48 0.07 17.16 0.96 93.47 78.54 91.00 7.67 74.42 9.82 8.58 65.55 24.90 1133.17 86.22 3.64 23.86 0.03 13.41 6.83 0.47 21.70 48.71 1289.78 0.71 71.11 3.00 2 110 820.30 76.70 36.62 6.00 7.20 57.48 94.27 88.30 66.92 5.00 10.01 1 55 250 250 555 50 210 210 470 210 210 210 250 250 1130 210 0.84 92.56 19.00 0.41 6.71 85.58 84.67 93.53 0.67 86.02 89.90 61.76 15 30 189.68 16.31 1197.60 3360.56 32.84 7.59 4.05 0.81 90.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.84 10.95 0.12 88.02 0.80 80.02 0.42 31.27 7.61 1204.94 70.03 8.75 76.60 .01 10.20 60 403.00 1390.57 0.28 91.32 12.66 88.60 0.63 1.31 0.04 16.93 0.90 58.00 15.68 3.90 51.00 7 500 2594.43 98.64 50.37 80.75 5117.17 12.85 28.30 589.10 20.05 0.07 0.06 22.33 80.59 77.05 20.35 14.00 1.06 2 210 1385.88 20.64 31.61 6.65 75.60 5.42 89.40 2 210 1065.98 0.00 63.13 0.20 0.73 71.26 0.96 89.00 0.62 72.30 57.05 19.56 67.34 84.94 7.97 3.71 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 1 200 210 210 1040 210 983.50 25.10 3 210 1437.00 0.00 10.04 12.86 4.00 18.00 1394.10 2340 13516.03 12.10 54.77 19. 74 0.00 1.91 84.70 4.01 4.20 58.29 2120.71 69.03 9.18 63.02 0.00 0.70 1894.20 SHEET .58 7.00 0.49 93.85 9.19 0.95 0.23 0.27 1.44 2.00 3.26 94.49 67. CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 3 110 839.90 2195.85 RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS 1 200 1578.89 92.93 64.20 58.46 5.74 0.78 0.02 0.46 2.59 7.81 7.00 7.55 9.35 2126.90 1699.59 94.00 1.63 92.00 3 135 839.17 71.31 0.00 0.20 51.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SABARMATI (DF STATIONS) SURAT LIG.64 92.90 4012.30 71.54 81.14 3. TPS SURAT LIG.00 0.31 0.03 1.93 4.00 0.39 14.05 0.42 7643.90 1.12 5.04 89.16 101.00 0.00 4.62 2.03 0.67 14.56 87.60 68.20 97.86 20.59 0.32 4.52 68.41 15.89 11.19 0.22 0..90 76.93 29.24 96.00 9.00 0.55 782.23 13.76 340 2556.26 97.75 2928.91 1.99 12.78 9.00 90.78 83.70 8.00 4.89 8588.87 4.40 101.19 0.21 24.00 0.98 5.31 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 5 6 8 1 2 . 2.48 0.06 55.35 44.90 0.00 0.01 98.48 1.12 2406.40 62.20 3 300 1417.24 23.74 2199.09 97.00 8.70 12.27 83.80 1.71 3247.28 89.66 4.58 125 125 125 125 500 330 330 330 330 660 660 660 3300 250 250 250 250 1000 300 300 600 35 35 150 500 500 250 1400 250 250 500 660.54 1.00 15.74 1.82 97.35 97.00 0.09 6.73 0.87 1.00 2045.07 4.00 2.68 92.00 21.00 0.60 100.25 7.49 1816.46 7.00 0.28 2.71 2399.45 19.02 6.98 1.00 19.00 0.60 2226.29 3.26 0.03 30.40 19.58 16.90 2 200 1592.00 0.00 2.00 0.50 6.40 73.37 90.88 0.03 0.10 80.16 0.06 670.13 51.60 405 2488.00 3.37 12.69 2.40 8.67 0.36 14.93 82.22 11.36 815.45 10.3 3 79.00 0.00 100.00 0.10 74.64 77.30 101.02 0.98 85.24 80. TPS SURAT LIG.00 0.60 2 300 2086.00 7.66 4450.27 11.74 1.96 4.12 1612.70 13.35 0.00 0.60 77.20 96.48 21.69 32.54 61.45 1.22 3.09 86.10 2 135 806.59 14.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.70 54.41 8.41 1.00 3.00 98.28 29.58 3.00 6.26 0. TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS PATHADI TPP PATHADI TPP PATHADI TPP KATGHORA TPP KATGHORA TPP TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS DAHANU TPS DAHANU TPS DAHANU TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 3.02 71.02 2.17 4. TPS SURAT LIG.98 1.12 14.54 2.10 101.78 83.00 0.07 19.53 1.42 2.81 0.39 89.40 79.73 88.60 1200 6583.70 3 200 1616.44 18.41 92.81 75.97 2223.00 0.46 14.91 97.82 8.92 8.98 76.57 3542.13 19.00 12.00 98.77 80.79 0.29 85. TPS SURAT LIG.99 93.26 13908.36 7.60 7.02 87.21 331.33 4.17 60.01 9.02 89.07 65.86 UNI T NO.96 6.11 11.02 1 2 3 4 PLF (%) 86.89 SOUTHERN 6.36 70.30 68.91 99.00 0.86 87.00 83.43 9.00 2223.40 0.05 93.55 0.79 74.30 26.00 66.36 7.63 2290.94 44.00 3.98 95.00 52.68 0.50 4 300 983.00 0.82 0.47 79.12 0.23 1.12 0.51 93.34 0.69 1 135 842.52 100.90 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP JSW RATNAGIRI TPP JSW RATNAGIRI TPP JSW RATNAGIRI TPP JSW RATNAGIRI TPP WARDHA WARORA TPP WARDHA WARORA TPP WARDHA WARORA TPP WARDHA WARORA TPP 1 300 2096.00 0.72 30.05 0.10 0.11 23. 00 99.13 98.05 0.96 90.58 11.52 3.17 4.40 85.75 72.60 1.90 97.73 8.80 77.85 0.80 8.70 82.08 0.23 95.00 3.68 87.90 92.21 90.84 2.00 13.00 5.00 7.40 90.50 5.68 98.65 88.05 4.40 0.54 85.29 5 500 4159.46 0.00 1.00 93.45 5.13 86.62 96.81 92.37 5.00 0.88 84.74 12.98 71.71 88.02 91.75 8.04 4.30 . 2.33 5.04 0.40 5.00 2.00 1565.60 8 120 755.52 0.00 14.00 0.30 2600 21255.60 66.53 6.00 9.72 3.37 5.67 293.04 0.77 1623.06 6.03 0.02 0.55 5.64 0.80 6 120 824.70 720 4997..99 2.30 2.00 0.24 75.59 9.89 3.19 0.I NEYVELI TPS.07 2.38 0.68 8.89 99.70 95.63 2.00 3.00 349.47 361.11 0.72 18.92 87.78 12.30 0.00 0.71 363.15 96.00 0.00 4.71 1.22 1.28 0.03 0.I NEYVELI TPS.21 85.00 2.25 2.87 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.73 2.00 2.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS SIMHADRI SIMHADRI SIMHADRI SIMHADRI NEYVELI TPS.01 14.29 4.04 1.40 4.28 97.00 3.00 1.10 420 3042.94 0.58 0.43 16.59 4.91 2.00 0.95 2.90 85.96 365.19 0.16 3903.25 5.12 9.50 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PLF (%) 88.10 0.67 3.98 13.30 82.70 4.55 0.86 1.03 0.33 93.87 84.78 79.87 0.I NEYVELI TPS.47 0.53 13.23 93.93 0. CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 4 500 3877.82 2240.04 93.51 0.89 79.61 0.35 3987.38 634.36 2.98 UNI T NO.50 90.19 90.95 7.17 0.83 78.95 1.28 90.74 2.63 4.20 71.93 80.92 1.13 3.00 16.22 4.00 5.05 94.83 2.26 82.00 2 60 449.46 92.94 14.40 79.28 1.58 1.90 83.90 632.56 8.38 11087.68 9.77 6.00 18.00 0.08 17.02 1 250 1510.66 9.I NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 0.10 82.37 6.90 79.70 0.03 0.10 78.00 10.00 7.24 80.63 1571.I NEYVELI TPS.15 12.56 1.89 0.10 3.68 6.07 1 500 500 500 1500 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 600 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 1470 210 4260.00 84.14 98.00 0.41 68.10 92.47 1 60 447.20 88.01 11.57 88.00 0.60 3.I NEYVELI TPS.30 72.50 5.96 93.I NEYVELI TPS.I NEYVELI TPS.76 2.89 0.07 3.73 11.71 0.17 8.91 85.90 2 210 1477.87 4.90 5 120 841.01 92.13 360.00 88.71 82.18 4.04 0.21 SHEET .60 3 500 2257.42 94.76 3.06 90.02 0.61 0.36 91.60 7 500 4099.00 18.76 4.74 1565.00 12.22 87.20 7 120 817.59 1593.70 9.30 3 60 445.73 2.05 93.31 2.34 1665.70 6 500 4331.42 625.90 91.19 88.80 2 250 2033.10 3.13 0.26 2.48 10404.I NEYVELI TPS.27 2.38 0.42 7.06 11.88 91.61 77.I NEYVELI TPS.72 96.50 4 60 415.92 93.79 6.71 0.97 1429.22 0.30 86.00 75.77 4.10 2.03 1.00 1637.39 90.01 13.30 72.51 92. 09 1.00 87.89 94.94 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 250 1720 500 500 60 60 110 110 110 450 210 210 210 210 210 1050 210 210 210 1353.13 85.20 4 210 1669.55 .74 0.02 0.00 92.23 13.78 0.43 84..40 5 210 1564.20 46.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) Dr.20 92.11 0.55 1701.07 0.84 90.00 1.06 94.42 0.14 32.09 0.46 0.73 3.09 8.13 10.20 89.84 86.67 0.57 88.30 3. N.79 6.66 93.38 6.97 12.75 3.11 1.47 23.23 0.TATA RAO TPS Dr.33 0.04 41.51 0.00 3.97 93.11 0.00 0.31 5.72 0.53 7.62 49.75 11.95 1.42 0.75 1609.20 1.69 99.60 55.24 93.67 1.76 26.62 6.34 5.13 0.19 28.07 4.46 1 500 500 210 2440.34 0.00 4.27 0.40 1715.20 0.73 7891.37 35.00 4. N.43 80.13 0.55 95.52 6.85 7.40 88.97 1644.00 0.00 26.13 0.57 82.62 88.93 95.00 22.78 893.69 7.95 1305.07 0.69 6.87 9.20 97.66 94.00 6.59 11.56 62.80 1760 14155. N.06 1.00 3.26 92.25 86.75 0.70 89.87 89.31 1.02 0.00 22.70 7 500 4120.30 69.81 0.00 9.27 96.00 4.47 91.00 15.TATA RAO TPS Dr.80 81.20 3 210 1715.00 3090.96 5.17 9.TATA RAO TPS Dr.70 1050 8076.95 41.62 6.50 43.23 87.46 1165.92 5.80 13.74 3.38 50.8 3.02 13.08 18.10 3 210 1645.42 8.03 241.20 70. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 PLF (%) 83.39 98.00 0.80 93.00 11.76 94.60 0.87 7.02 93.51 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 1000 5801.96 58.50 5 210 1506.45 1.25 91.02 95.00 5.61 93.TATA RAO TPS Dr.68 90.82 1.89 93.47 11.60 185.78 38.13 11.18 82.40 63.67 7.19 1486.47 88.45 17.35 0.03 1.60 74.00 4.00 6.00 4 210 1722.00 8.22 0.90 25.81 4.00 4.40 4.00 7.TATA RAO TPS RAMAGUNDEM .15 0.00 1.01 87.72 70.43 93.05 4.63 84.31 10534.00 2 210 1645.58 91.78 6.87 0.88 3.00 7.30 8.70 7.20 79.00 1.00 0.68 1714.31 11.30 2 210 1625. N.80 61.59 77.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.71 0.TATA RAO TPS Dr.10 76.80 84.00 0.80 6 210 1746.5 452.25 94.13 0.62 0.53 5.64 5.30 66.17 4.09 5.29 0.57 93.5 452.97 0.32 85.99 0.00 2.23 3.07 16.00 4.54 65.03 18.08 94. N.97 0.00 5.62 19. N.31 2.58 58.00 3.94 1220.36 0.57 95.74 3.30 85.80 0.70 7. N.05 221.B TPS RAMAGUNDEM B TPS KAKATIYA TPS KAKATIYA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS BELLARY TPS BELLARY TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS TUTICORIN TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 0.51 7.25 86.80 1628.48 2.50 62.00 1. 2.43 0.15 76.75 0.10 1 210 1641.71 245.23 4.60 3090.16 0.86 93.00 4.05 57.61 0. N.87 0.00 UNI T NO.28 8.53 0.22 SHEET .90 1714.00 5.50 0.00 0.35 1373.13 0.54 14.67 1699.80 0.60 5.10 93.17 0.04 4.00 11.04 2.00 0.79 2440.06 15.97 0.44 1495.14 7.71 0.00 5.56 89.01 0.00 0.59 0.02 65.27 3.16 4.07 55.03 84.40 23.57 951.19 0.18 82.28 15.75 73.TATA RAO TPS Dr.91 77.65 1402.13 0.00 0.50 2.40 70.TATA RAO TPS Dr.00 80. 00 0.31 0.40 2 130 604.00 0.00 1.00 0.73 16.27 1354.68 0.00 92.03 1.16 8.23 93.80 79.90 56.46 0.19 0.68 21.34 19.07 77.29 0.47 3161.92 86.08 0.05 3 300 2101.80 1514.10 11.34 34.59 0.60 58.19 0.00 0.00 0.31 21.70 7 250 956.72 87.00 59.10 56.54 97.00 2.33 13.06 0.57 5.87 19.42 14.02 11.80 8.10 73.08 86.00 0.18 8.78 600 600 250 250 3161.53 130 210 340 210 210 210 630 622.65 1333.22 72.52 93.74 EASTERN 100.62 0.80 65.20 0.70 4 300 2103.90 87.00 1. 2.38 0.58 8.00 0.66 71.37 0.72 79.77 0.18 91.22 80.07 15.83 81.40 3 210 1717.71 84.06 10.30 8 250 864.56 3.68 68.25 57.17 80.57 0.14 10.45 79.13 12.33 3.28 18.50 14.50 1835.62 52.00 6.74 5.21 5.59 1.45 12.81 1 130 1128.06 10.80 1266.73 3.82 0.03 32.80 600 4204.90 3 130 909.49 68.77 75.75 17.15 17.77 8.28 18.38 50.67 0.50 72.45 15.20 890 3989.68 96.55 0.41 0.62 1053.89 16.14 85.00 17.00 3.07 86.56 63.36 5.12 25.01 16.08 79.60 60.08 2.00 9.82 4.52 2.20 18.13 5.23 15.41 2 210 1575.32 9.00 6.00 2.97 4.00 2 110 207.38 1 130 654.24 2483.23 SHEET .80 3.10 0.90 1400.30 260 2193.67 86.93 0.28 4.99 83.12 1955.00 0.31 4.00 PLF (%) 93.28 48.00 0.33 7.00 8.00 8.23 94.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.50 24.46 69.16 10.74 0.35 93.86 0.00 0.96 3356.17 1835.75 2580.16 2.10 13.60 83.51 94.72 0.70 57.68 5.60 0.00 51.76 0.62 0.90 .59 69.00 13.24 14.47 86.58 85.14 2.00 96.99 13438.90 88.32 3.27 6844.70 30.69 2.00 4.30 82.64 0.54 0.92 0.79 14.36 1.54 24.58 0.40 5 6 7 500 500 500 2340 2805.30 4.48 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 1 210 840 210 1715.00 98.03 54.65 UNI T NO.73 7.70 2.26 0.53 0.07 85.64 83.19 10.04 1.73 1 2 3 210 210 210 1333.80 3.93 3.10 0.38 1.94 1035.00 14.12 98.50 220 207.25 0.66 18.14 0.57 1 110 0.12 18.51 3.26 11.07 0. 4 1 1 3 4 1 2 3 12.80 94.50 0.00 1.02 1.57 75.14 0.20 69.16 88.59 86.80 2 130 1065.54 0.46 60.45 0..09 33.13 80.00 0.52 25.60 2.54 3.10 630 4693.06 97.76 0.74 13.18 8.73 41.30 65.22 80.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM METTUR TPS METTUR TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) UDUPI TPP UDUPI TPP NEYVELI TPS(Z) NEYVELI TPS(Z) MUZAFFARPUR TPS MUZAFFARPUR TPS MUZAFFARPUR TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS CHANDRAPURA(D VC) TPS CHANDRAPURA(D VC) TPS CHANDRAPURA(D VC) TPS CHANDRAPURA(D VC) TPS CHANDRAPURA(D VC) TPS CHANDRAPURA( DVC) TPS DURGAPUR TPS DURGAPUR TPS DURGAPUR TPS BOKARO `B` TPS BOKARO `B` TPS BOKARO `B` TPS BOKARO `B` TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 0.37 0.90 4.20 60.37 86.35 15.97 15.56 77.74 82. 00 241.02 1777.75 1279.00 28.48 0.57 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 1 210 210 210 210 250 250 500 1840 62.00 68.93 5.00 0.00 0.32 7.18 3366.40 1237.41 0.00 7.05 2.06 83.20 0.00 24.00 4.94 22.41 100.00 0.00 0.79 2.00 0.69 13.30 16.98 1124.00 100.81 95.92 93.97 6.63 10.00 60.51 0.00 18.00 0.91 0.25 1.08 77.00 .01 12.15 63.73 79.00 192.70 0.60 470 3740.95 3905.63 3.56 0.43 4.90 92.90 70.66 3533.00 39.00 0.00 0.94 84.89 97.00 4.19 5.00 0.75 2.36 6.5 510.44 1.00 0.08 77.00 0.20 81.5 527.37 0.39 2277.60 82.00 3.00 0.09 100.00 18.10 5 110 788.35 7.64 74.95 9.19 42.00 52.20 80.21 0.00 0.40 1466.05 0.79 79.75 7.38 10.07 86.69 1.24 95.92 1.26 88.81 1422.80 0.24 0.00 2.64 1385.00 100.00 0.17 82.30 94.48 0.00 0.01 0.85 36.98 0.10 72.74 1152.03 0.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS BARAUNI TPS BARAUNI TPS BARAUNI TPS BARAUNI TPS BARAUNI TPS TENUGHAT TPS TENUGHAT TPS TENUGHAT TPS IB VALLEY TPS IB VALLEY TPS IB VALLEY TPS BANDEL TPS BANDEL TPS BANDEL TPS BANDEL TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 0.90 84.10 232.52 1333.00 0.09 14.00 0.31 13.92 22.19 0.00 19.08 0.39 0.40 67.90 71.00 5.27 2950.45 63.00 0.26 3158.76 35.36 21857.55 36.21 8.00 0.46 0.01 81.02 91.10 4 62.71 6.20 5.53 1.00 100.81 94.21 2673.88 3.00 8.10 33.30 0.00 4.23 1.74 0.46 0.21 17.13 9978.63 1.67 2.16 5.00 0.00 70.00 6.66 7.79 0.00 7.10 0.15 11.86 90.75 10174.41 0.97 85.77 0.00 0.40 76.10 21.64 3.00 0.19 93.00 0.70 69.39 13.10 0.00 35.97 44.39 11.00 0.86 24.00 0.50 61.44 1.27 2.06 87.95 5.67 0.34 2.40 6.62 81.32 0.00 0.71 93.38 7.56 98.5 524.00 29.00 100.20 80.00 2.00 63.29 4.20 45.24 SHEET .00 433.00 0.00 0.27 0.17 96.68 4050.10 1.00 0.76 10.00 25.00 0.50 80.13 5.64 84.10 7.00 8.00 0.64 2.70 3.00 2.87 1483.60 UNI T NO.29 0.80 85.07 11.00 0.01 57.91 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.81 3.88 3.00 1490.00 8.70 0.12 62.00 532.15 5.66 89.13 2.04 86.09 0.54 17.00 36.25 6.00 11.00 16.00 166.00 12.00 0.54 100.27 95.00 0.30 0.00 0.50 111.15 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.41 0.81 8.85 93.72 0.00 0.12 7.85 10.00 0.16 0.28 3609.5 1304.98 4. 2.60 6 110 856.27 95.50 46.75 6.00 61.00 69.43 1.56 97.59 500 500 500 500 500 500 3000 200 200 200 500 500 1600 40 40 40 40 90 90 105 105 110 110 770 50 50 105 105 310 210 210 420 210 210 420 60 60 60 60 3391.58 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 54.40 79.87 12.01 88.99 8.60 79.00 1.00 0.21 1856.80 7.00 6.00 0.69 0.90 71.60 81.16 4.59 2.22 0.14 90.00 166.00 0.14 33.65 0.00 60.00 0.97 0.00 100.03 64.03 0.03 0.79 66. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 PLF (%) 70.28 80.78 13.00 0.76 1233.70 21.18 277.95 100.21 0.08 4.21 28.77 0.99 42.57 81.08 95.00 0.00 0.41 2.00 0.41 2.82 0.30 80.00 0.36 66.20 88.53 1.57 88.47 7.00 0.00 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.00 0.48 2.20 82.81 53.00 0.26 6.81 5.57 0.55 10.44 174.00 48.40 20.74 2.88 10.00 0..20 14.40 2 62.73 0.09 0.57 0.08 0.20 6.60 3 62. 20 84.00 162.29 3.53 4078.75 19.00 0. TPS JOJOBERA TPS JOJOBERA TPS JOJOBERA TPS JOJOBERA TPS MAITHON RB TPP MAITHON RB TPP STERLITE TPP STERLITE TPP STERLITE TPP STERLITE TPP NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS TITAGARH TPS TITAGARH TPS TITAGARH TPS TITAGARH TPS TITAGARH TPS Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 1.26 64.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.00 0.00 0.65 4.60 45.89 12.64 25.67 2.00 8.00 1369.80 1001.88 34.84 90.05 12.00 0.07 0.L.12 32.31 60.89 39.31 1529.40 6.40 74.98 7561.62 817.70 1269.00 14.88 0.71 2.99 91.00 0.96 1 2 300 300 600 2119.70 0.00 0..73 1715.41 0.74 44.80 47.00 0.51 88.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.P.62 1862.00 0.15 1.00 16.30 36.27 1209.74 89.49 7.00 1.00 0.00 7.01 0.29 15.71 26.L.30 5.88 99.39 3.02 97.49 0.98 11.00 0.61 17.50 74.20 20.45 6.50 25.P.74 4.54 20.63 0.L.87 58.71 14.39 2.93 93.54 16.56 10.84 1.00 0.78 0.77 45. TPS D.98 86.07 1.L.30 98.23 0.00 2.38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 30 70 75 75 110 300 690 120 120 120 360 525 525 0.04 45.54 100.00 0.92 2.P.20 74.90 76.80 2 30 18.17 24.31 74.46 1608.63 3.02 48.70 45.70 83.00 0.34 25.38 UNI T NO.00 280.58 0.57 97.38 4.19 79. TPS D.80 78.79 786.06 1.80 798.00 26.00 90.00 51.64 1 600 600 600 1800 30 3197. TPS D.00 83.88 1101.35 1.L.55 59.74 19.72 10.05 27.52 60 60 60 60 240 454.80 83.18 1563.00 0.16 8.00 100.10 76.05 2625.50 53.80 0.38 0.90 87.00 21.42 7.69 7725.61 0.50 68.65 85.90 0.70 81.09 35.69 0.04 0.36 1639.17 96.32 78.01 253.74 5.00 1839.68 7.P.86 30.30 65.L.08 1.34 10.18 77.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM BANDEL TPS BANDEL TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS SANTALDIH TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS SAGARDIGHI TPS SAGARDIGHI TPS SAGARDIGHI TPS D.23 CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 210 450 120 120 120 120 250 250 980 210 210 210 210 210 210 1260 210 210 210 210 210 1050 1066.13 989.20 10.35 95.96 9.20 11.19 11.75 16.60 82.04 69.75 1544.50 44.10 0.59 87.11 60.98 51.00 0.00 2.00 29.00 0.28 0.00 0.04 5.21 55.50 88.86 4.41 259.10 1.L.78 23.43 2.00 0 15.00 3.00 0.85 94.50 0.34 14.20 4.96 30.90 84.11 9.33 40.20 3.88 13.00 0.76 30.72 99. TPS D.00 0.30 46.92 93.P.00 8.74 20.80 93.40 42.12 79.00 82.00 0.84 34.23 46.57 0.54 824.60 39.00 0.00 100.90 8.00 43.44 8.54 87.00 100.00 0.09 21.00 0.33 4.16 65.67 2066.95 2. TPS D.51 1269.33 0.P.00 0.46 7.3 38.80 67.30 54.33 5.83 78.10 34.76 .29 1.98 0.93 32.P.24 3.94 4.23 0.41 17.43 0.10 3 50 55.60 71.00 1.60 4 50 143.06 91.76 4.29 1.00 40.00 0. TPS D.51 19.61 0.82 3.00 0.01 43.02 48.L.00 0.46 2404.01 41.89 435.47 6.20 34.12 74.11 0.54 5.00 20.29 91.00 0.00 0.15 25.09 2.75 1772.00 0.00 0.P.80 13.30 403.69 781.75 1558.60 69.85 95.73 421.00 0.80 160 246.60 26.25 7.61 2.29 7.61 5.05 0.02 6.00 0.91 46.04 0.23 5.05 0.01 69. 2.95 72.41 8.18 92.96 0.98 43.63 0.00 56.00 0.50 1958.63 92.20 88.00 5.47 13.00 0.62 29.25 SHEET .30 79.60 11.00 0.00 3.56 10.54 38.95 5.58 0.87 1. TPS D.25 75.00 0.00 0.82 22.90 31.00 0.36 24.72 50.92 3.20 46.83 80.20 12.22 29.30 77. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 PLF (%) 57.30 0.38 3.89 6366.19 8.00 9.49 40.55 1272.15 7.40 28.00 100.29 8.38 32.24 10.00 0.82 25.01 1.18 26. 00 0.35 7.48 98.00 0.10 90.42 6.90 9.78 87.00 0.00 0.00 100.80 2 250 1879.00 0.25 4.10 93.95 6.65 6.00 0.00 100.75 94.OF 11 UNIT WISE AND STATION WISE PERFORMANCE INDICES FOR 2011-12 Reserve Partial Shutdo Unavailawn bility + including Low Low system system demand demand (%) (%) 4.50 93.67 5.00 0.14 4.00 0.00 PLF (%) 85.00 0.32 NAME OF UNIT/ SYSTEM North Eastern Region 0. TPS SOUTHERN REPL..06 85.51 3.89 4.61 1.00 0.60 .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 2 Page No.00 97768 606684 5.99 3.93 11.00 0.26 95.07 0.18 95.80 2.16 CHANDRAPUR(AS SAM) TPS CHANDRAPUR(AS SAM) TPS CHANDRAPUR(A SSAM) TPS Grand Total 1 30 0.98 3. CAP (MW) GEN (MU) Planned Mainten ance (%) Forced outage (%) Operating Availability (%) SOUTHERN REPL.50 1. TPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS 1 67.00 0.54 3.26 SHEET .64 0.56 73.60 3 250 2153.97 2.00 100.10 750 5939. 2.46 82.00 60 0.20 135 1036.74 86.00 3.74 4.77 2 67.00 0.25 92.21 2. TPS SOUTHERN REPL.84 7.00 4.96 1.77 1.93 99.38 89.62 2.00 0.5 529.17 UNI T NO.00 0.5 507.00 2 30 0.41 1 250 1906.00 0. of Units Capacity of the units involved (MW) Average duration (Days) Energy Loss (MU) Energy loss as % of max possible gen.67 ii) Actual 210 45297.K. capital maintenance was carried out on 18 generating units whereas annual maintenance was carried out on 191 generating units.37 ii) Actual 191 40887.5 30 29865.24 4. monitoring on availability basis. The committee recommended five/six year rolling plan for Coal/Lignite based stations with an average annual outage of 28 days for units of 200/210/500 MW capacity. Ministry of Power had constituted various committees from time to time.44 0. 1.68 i) Programme 12 2297.93% (of the maximum possible generation) against a program of 5.17 0.8 0.72 2. a total of 257875 hours were utilized for carrying out various types of planned maintenance works to facilitate healthy running of generating units. Capital Maintenance 3.3 ii) Actual 18 4350 58 5811.5 34 45442. Beside reduction of Planned Maintenance duration.81 15 1889 240 10055. of India/ CEA has been constantly monitoring the outages of various power generating units in the country and taking necessary steps to improve their performance.6 4.1.6 ii) Actual 255 53621. Other Planned Maintenance including PG Test of new units & RLA studies ii) Actual 11 2350 29 956.4 0.12 ii) Actual 19 4020 12 1356. the committee also drawn out several other recommendations like reliability based maintenance.1 Govt.5 44 2417. In order to reduce the period of planned maintenance outages of Coal / Lignite based thermal power stations and make/ review the norms of planned maintenance procedures to be adopted by thermal power stations. Grand Total The average duration of capital maintenance was achieved 58 days which was more than the schedule duration of 44 days as capital maintenance of some of the units got . 3. out of total 454 units analysed.95 1. Annual Maintenance i) Programme 227 53762.78 0. During the year. the All India energy loss on account of planned maintenance was 5. Last such committee was set up in 2000-01 under the chairmanship of Shri P.3.93 7.4 9 1063 210 6577. on-line condition monitoring practices.08 5. During the year.66 i) Programme 259 59070. BOILER INSPECTION/ RE-CERTIFICATION i) Programme 11 1947.2 During 2011-12.12 6.23 3. Kukde.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No. safety and environment norms at the work place etc.67 4.5 20 1004. Total Annual and Capital Maintenance i) Programme 239 56060 28 37860 4. Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB).24 5. 3. The highlights of the recommendations of the Kukde Committee regarding Planned Maintenance norms for thermal power stations are given at Annexure.5 28 35442. The details of Planned Maintenance of thermal stations for the year 2011-12 are shown below : Work No.46 0. R&M Works i) Programme ii) Actual 5. the then Technical Director (Generation & OM).6%.1 - SECTION-3 PLANNED MAINTENANCE 3.5 32 35676.5 42 48046. Percentage of Program . Unit #1Muzaffarpur was target to Synchronize in Sept 2011 and R&M activity of Unit #2 was to begin after wards. The capital overhaul of 150 % of the scheduled thermal units (18 units out of schedule of 12 units) was carried out during the year. actually taken out including those taken unscheduled 177 177 202 191 35 32 25 18 81. It was observed that boiler overhaul of only 84. However.85% 42.2.14% 53. it was observed that some of the units were taken for unscheduled Boiler Overhaul for more than 40 days. & subsequently their boiler/capital overhaul was taken though it was not scheduled during that duration. Nos.14% of the thermal units scheduled for Boiler overhaul (191 units out of schedule of 227 units) could be carried out during 2011-12. Similarly. Programmed for overhaul 216 251 254 227 65 76 67 12 2. Actual planned maintenance figures include all such units. The total number of boilers and turbines programmed to be taken out for overhaul and the numbers actually taken out during 2008-09 onwards are given below :Particulars 2008-09 Boiler 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2008-09 Turbine 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 1. Nos.53% 84. Act_Start Date Act_End Date Remarks OBRA TPS 9 200 2-Nov-08 26-Jun-11 Extended R&M the unit was to resynchronize in April 2011 PATRATU TPS 9 110 10-Aug-06 Contd BARAUNI TPS 6 105 17-Mar-12 Contd BARAUNI TPS 7 105 23-Aug-06 Contd MUZAFFARPUR TPS 1 110 6-Oct-03 Contd MUZAFFARPUR TPS 2 110 29-Mar-12 Contd Extended R&M the unit was to resynchronize in Dec 2011 Unit #7 Barauni was target to Synchronize in Nov 2011 and R&M activity of Unit #6 was to begin after wards. which first went under forced outage.94% 70.3 Unit Cap.2 extended or unscheduled capital maintenance of some units started. annual maintenance of boilers and capital maintenance of turbines carried out by some stations authorities during the long duration forced outage of the units could not be included in the above table mainly because such information was not made available.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No. The list of such units which deviated from their scheduled plan are listed below: Station Name Unit Capacity ROPAR TPS 3 210 Actual Start days 15-Nov-11 Actual end Date 23-Dec-11 Duration Remarks 40 Unscheduled SATPURA TPS 6 200 31-Jul-11 29-Sep-11 61 Unscheduled AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 2 120 01-Jun-11 14-Nov-11 167 Unscheduled SANJAY GANDHI TPS 3 210 26-Jul-11 08-Sep-11 45 Unscheduled DURGAPUR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS 4 1 210 210 07-Nov-10 04-Jul-11 08-Apr-11 08-Aug-11 153 36 Extended Unscheduled The average duration of R&M was achieved as 240 days which was more than the schedule duration of 210 days as R&M of some of the units got extended or unscheduled R&M of some units started.31% 150% 3.52% 79. 3.11% 37. List of such units are enclosed at Annexure-3. The list of such units which deviated from their scheduled plan are listed below: Station Name 3. M.2 under heading Capital Maintenance 3. 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 A.4. 7 7 4 6 3 2 3 1 17 16 490-600 300-330 250 210 195-200 100-150 25-99 All Capacity Northern Western Southern Eastern Program Actual Program Actual ProgramActual Program Actual All India ProgramActual C.M. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A.M. Region-wise details of number of units programmed/ actually taken out for Planned Maintenance during 2011-12 is indicated below: No. 5 3 10 9 11 10 6 5 32 C. – Capital Maintenance (Turbo-Generator) . 1 3 2 2 3 2 0 2 6 9 A.M.M. 10 6 12 5 9 5 11 6 42 22 C. Actually taken out The details of units are given in Annexure 3.M. 66 40 71 71 57 53 33 27 227 191 C. of Units taken for Maintenance in the Region Capacity Group (MW) AM/ CM 660-800 A.3 The Unit wise details of Boiler Overhaul and Capital Maintenance of turbo-generators during 2010-11 are given in Annexure 3. 13 6 8 12 9 8 4 5 34 31 C. 1 1 4 3 0 1 0 1 5 6 A. 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 4 2 27 A.M.M.4 CAPACITY GROUPWISE MAINTENANCE ( NUMBER OF UNITS ) 3.M.M. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 A.M.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No. – Annual Maintenance (Boiler Overhaul) C. Programmed for Overhaul No. 2 4 6 7 4 3 0 5 12 18 A. Actually taken out B. Turbine 1 42 0 3 Particulars 100150 MW 2599 MW Total MW 195200 MW 17 79 17 34 32 227 6 16 73 16 31 27 191 1 0 0 6 0 4 1 12 3 0 1 9 1 2 2 18 250 210 MW 5 22 0 0 A.M.M. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 C.3.M.4. equipment-wise Planned Maintenance details in terms of number of units actually taken out for Planned Maintenance during the year 2011-12 is given below: 660800 MW 490600 MW 300330 MW No.M. 20 12 26 29 24 25 9 7 79 73 C.1 The All India capacity group wise.M.M. 10 5 6 7 1 2 0 2 17 16 C. 3. 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 3 A. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 A. Programmed for Overhaul 2 No.M.M. Boiler 1 4 No. 3.2 Annual overhaul of more number of thermal units were carried out than the program during 2011-12 in all the regions. M.5 Section 3 Page No. 3.2 Region-wise actual duration of boiler overhaul & capital maintenance against programmed duration for the year 2011-12 is indicated in the following tables.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 3.4 DURATION OF BOILER/ TURBO-GENERATOR OVERHAUL 3. the actual average duration (112 days) of capital Maintenance of Turbo –Generator of capacity 100-150 MW group was much greater than that of its program (38 days).5. the average duration of capacity maintenance was high due to extended C. of Amarkantak Ext U# 2 (120MW). 3.5. however in actual 5 no of units were taken for Capital Maintenance with average duration of 32 days.: Average Duration of Boiler overhaul (in days) in the Region during 2011-12 Capacity in MW Northern Region Program Actual Western Region Program Actual Southern Region Program Actual Eastern Region Progra m 0 Actual 660-800 0 0 10 0 0 0 490-600 300-330 250 34 15 24 29 42 24 26 15 26 25 15 27 27 0 30 45 60 33 31 0 0 38 21 22 0 210 29 25 25 35 26 24 30 30 195-200 100-150 25-99 27 16 18 24 56 19 28 17 28 31 32 26 28 22 23 21 22 23 25 55 21 31 44 23 ALL CAPACITY Capacity in MW 490-600 250 210 195-200 100-150 25-99 ALL CAPACITY 22 30 23 31 25 26 31 Average Duration of Capital Maintenance (in days) in the Region during 2010-11 Northern Region Program 0 0 45 0 50 0 48 Actual 0 0 37 0 0 133 61 Western Region Program 41 0 36 0 34 0 36 Southern Region Actual 50 0 79 60 Program 0 0 55 0 Actual 0 59 54 0 112 0 77 0 46 53 0 0 56 32 Eastern Region Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actual 73 0 22 0 0 18 32 . In Eastern Region there was no program for any capital Maintenance of units. Capacity Group wise average duration of Boiler Overhaul and Capital Maintenance of TG sets with respect to program for the years 2011-12 at national level are given below.:Average Duration ( in days) during 2011-12 Annual Maintenance (Boiler Overhaul) Capacity Group (MW) Capital Maintenance of Turbo-Generator Program (days) Actual (days) Program (days) 660-800 10 0 0 Actual (days) 0 490-600 300-330 29 15 34 28 41 0 58 0 250 210 195-200 25 27 27 26 29 27 0 47 0 59 44 60 100-150 25-99 ALL CAPACITY 32 25 27 36 24 30 38 46 44 112 76 58 In the capacity group wise 100-150 MW.1 Capacity group wise maintenance duration During 2011-12 . M. C. 0 24 0 27 0 28 0 30 C. 55 58 71 62 3.M.5 Energy Loss as % of Max.M. 3.5 60 12032.M.M.M.) Energy Loss(MU) 57 12169 83006. 51 0 68 26 52 15 40 28 PVT UTILITY C.M.4 8830.9 6.54 5.5 67935. Thus no thermal unit considered in the review in the North-eastern Region was operational and hence is not included.93 NORTH EASTERN* ALL INDIA 2 60 454 97768 No * In the North Eastern Region. both the units of Chandrapur (Assam) TPS were under forced outage throughout the year. Average duration of capital maintenance for the State Sector units was 62 days while that of Central Sector units was 40 days.M.M.M. The average duration of boiler overhaul and capital maintenance of turbo-generators during last four years in different sectors in the country are shown below: Average Duration (Days) Sector AM/CM 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 CENTRAL A.M. Actual 26 Actual 29 Actual 26 Actual 31 PVT IPP C.4 REGION WISE MAINTENANCE DURATION Region wise details of the number of units. 0 18 0 19 0 28 0 21 STATE C.5 SOUTHERN 85 18582. A.97 90 19072.12 No.5 67907. C.5 Note: In the North Eastern Region.M. 3.6 13339.M. It was maximum (30 days) for State Sector units. The average duration of boiler overhaul and capital maintenance of turbo-generators during the last four years in different Regions in the country are shown below: Region Northern Region Western Region Southern Region Eastern Region Average Region wise maintenance duration (Days) AM/CM 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 A. A. gen 6.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.1 5.3 SECTOR WISE MAINTENANCE DURATION During 2011-12 average duration of boiler overhaul was minimum (21 days) for the units under private utilities. A. Poss.5.35 255 53622 257876 48046 5. aggregate capacity and planned maintenance of thermal generating units carried out during the year 2011-12 is given below: Units considered in the review REGION Planned maintenance carried out on units Capacity (MW) Duration (Hrs. C.M.58 EASTERN 112 22250 48 10347.M. both the units of Chandrapur (Assam) TPS were under forced outage throughout the year. A.5 39026.2 11717. A. A. 22 57 24 47 24 56 27 27 57 27 49 27 86 30 28 85 28 55 24 68 26 30 61 31 77 26 56 32 .5 14158.5. Capacity (MW) NORTHERN 109 23578 WESTERN 146 33297. 08 0.48 0.47 500 1 250 48. Poss.72 1285 3585 7 14 747.5 UTILITY / ORGANISATION WISE MAINTENANCE DURATION Sector wise / Utility / Organization-wise planned maintenance duration of thermal generating units and energy loss due to it during the year 2011-12 is shown below: Planned Maintenance Sl.08 268.44 7740.20 12182.58 5.B.88 1761.16 3160 135 2620 3240 4173 4 0 7 12 12 1170 0 1310 2365 2024 2497.00 8844.74 3789.61 7.85 42028.52 5.00 29319.98 2556.00 0.51 289.37 3.5 2010 2160 10281. POW.75 5977.00 9. of Units Capacity (MW) 85 17 20 1 2 2 127 STATE SECTOR NORTHERN REGION 1 HPGCL 12 2 IPGPCL 2 3 PSPCL 14 4 RRVUNL 16 5 UPRVUNL 23 WESTERN REGION 6 CSPGCL 12 7 GMDCL 2 8 GSECL 23 9 MAHAGENCO 34 10 MPPGCL 17 SOUTHERN REGION 11 APGENCO 25 12 KPCL 9 13 TNGDCL 17 EASTERN REGION 14 BSEB 4 15 DPL 7 16 JSEB 10 17 OPGC 2 18 TVNL 2 19 WBPDC 24 NORTH -EASTERN REGION 20 APGPCL# 2 STATE 257 SECTOR PVT UTILITIES WESTERN REGION 1 RIL 2 (DAHANU) 2 TATA PCL 4 3 TOR. C.96 6.89 11845.04 912.27 0.34 15285. 3.5 5452.06 310 690 770 420 420 4340 2 2 2 2 0 9 210 185 220 420 0 1830 9130.58 2312.84 13.M. of Units Capacity (MW) Duration (Hrs.10 15.75 4842.00 3. 27045 3700 2740 500 500 220 34705 55 5 16 0 0 2 78 16580 930 2230 0 0 220 19960 38795. gen.06 6476.84 15118.19 17568. 2 DVC 3 NLC 4 APCPL* 5 NSPCL 6 K.30 1932.16 5.56 14845.M.01 883.5 2037.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Region Section 3 Page No.00 5575.33 0.00 1149.31 4.00 178753.10 10783.70 4.00 2092.47 958. A.N.12 0.18 9.L CENTRAL SECTOR No.82 130.07 1002. 5 (AECO) EASTERN REGION 4 CESC 13 PVT 24 UTILITY IPPs .21 8.76 1556.45 0.34 5.57 7.93 5529.M.10 5503. Organisation /Utility CENTRAL SECTOR 1 NTPC Ltd.51 0.28 1400 400 2 4 750 290 1565.90 5.19 0.18 No.88 4.73 486.00 0.69 8.68 35.79 0.00 15714.9 5 2.09 5.5.75 12.03 62774.93 5092.81 3.78 1451.U.02 28.) Energy Loss (MU) Energy Loss as % of Max.47 1059.48 276.00 1318.68 4352.70 591.07 0.40 743.00 0.19 2381.96 1780 250 3720 7255 2932. 57 24 53 67 28 62 57 27 64 32 30 58 All India 3.00 972.51 0. No.84 1620.5 2220 2970 16 8 11 2822.00 7.88 0.5 2600.5 9 2 18 18 12 1400 250 2940 4395 1977.02 1947.6 Average Region wise maintenance duration (Days) AM/CM 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 C.12 2.11 60 46558 0 146 0 27689 0.00 50. 05 102.82 0. 3.00 301.70 10370.99 186.31 6.00 0.93 .62 1078. No.52 2604.00 70.66 647.7 6 48046.38 387.82 13.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.90 746.75 377.45 7 4 4 4 2 1 3 3300 500 1000 1200 600 35 405 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 660 375 500 300 0 0 135 717.00 587. of Units Capacity (MW) Duration (Hrs.92 113.12 0.7 Planned Maintenance Sl.12 1. of Units Capacity (MW) 1 3 4 *New Utlity.00 5.23 2.28 1 3 3 46 525 1800 360 12920 0 0 1 17 0 0 120 3935 0.00 350.78 454 97768 255 53622 257875.00 1006. 45 900 540 0 1 1 0 300 135 0.79 2.08 0.29 0.00 0.07 8.00 47.85 492. Organisation /Utility NORTHERN REGION 1 BEPL* 2 RPSCL 3 RWPL (JSW) WESTERN REGION 4 APL 5 GIPCL 6 JPL 7 JSWEL 8 LANCO* 9 VESPL* 10 WPCL SOUTHERN REGION 10 JSWEL 11 ST-CMSECP 12 UPCL EASTERN REGION 13 MPL* 14 SEL* 15 TATA PCL PVT IPP ALL INDIA No.00 0.00 2.53 5.41 4 1 1 860 250 600 3 1 1 560 250 600 1915.40 0.00 1.00 0.34 0.60 116.43 0. #Units 1&2 for Chandrapur (Assam) TPS were forced shutdown during 2011-12 5.00 0.18 12.43 3023.64 0.90 454. Poss.00 0.25 1.03 236. gen. 01 No.) Energy Loss (MU) Energy Loss as % of Max. /yr) a) Same as before b) Reduction of 23 days/year/unit b) 210 Mw b)4x45+1x75=51(Av./yr) (For KWU Design with any fuel firing) *Indicative Rolling Plans are given in Foot Note. Page No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 . of days (5 / 6 years Rolling Plan) Remarks A ) COAL BASED Unit Size / Capacity a) Most of the units need R&M/RLA etc.8 Annexure-3./yr) *b)2x15+2x30+1x50=28 (Av./yr) C) GAS BASED Not covered -OEM’s Recommendations are as follows: I.do - .000 VOH (42 days) II.1 SHEET 1 OF 3 HIGH LIGHT OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF SHRINIVASAN COMMITTEE / KUKDE WORKING GROUP ITEM I: DURATION OF PLANNED MAINTENANCE Srinivasan Committee Present Recommendation by Kukde Working Group No. 3./yr) (For Russian Design) c) Reduction of 35 days/year/unit c) 500 MW c)4x60+1x75=63(Av. M/s ABB ►`A’ type inspection after 4000 and 12. B) LIGNITE BASED 200/210 MW Not covered 3x15+2x30+1x50=26(Av.000 EOH ►Major overhaul after 50000 EOH (50 days) Same as per OEM’s recommendations ./yr) **c)3x15+2x40+1x45=28 (Av. of days (5 years Rolling Plan) No. a) <210 MW a)4x30+1x45=33(Av.do - .000 valuated operating hours (VOH) (5 days) ►`B’ type inspection after 8000 VOH (11 days) ►`C’ type inspection after 16. M/s GEC ►`Minor’ inspection after 8000 equivalent operating hours (EOH) (13 days) ►`Hot gas path’ inspection at 24000 EOH (30 days) ►`Major’ inspection after 48000 EOH (50 days) III. M/s Siemens ►`Minor’ inspection after 4000 EOH (5 days) ►Hot section Maintenance after every 25. PA-Boiler Overhaul (30 days) Mini Shut down – Shutdown for Statutory inspection of Boiler (15 days) PC – Capital Maintenance of Boiler + TG (50 days) → → PA-Boiler Overhaul with one turbine cylinder (40 days) Mini Shut down – Shutdown for Statutory inspection of Boiler (15 days) PC – Capital Maintenance of Boiler + one TG + Generator (45 days) → Alternate year → .9 Annexure-3. planned & forced presently being followed.1 SHEET 2 OF 3 ITEM II. 3. scheduled & forced against the two heads viz. Paper-3) Working Group has recommended On Line Condition Monitoring techniques to be introduced in Indian Power Sector by assimilating similar technology successfully working abroad (Para 6.6. vi) Film thickness meters These are in addition to the T&P items earlier covered in Srinivasan Committee Report. ON LINE MONITORING SYSTEM Working Group has recommended availability based monitoring system be introduced as per NERC’s model. planned. New T&P This is to optimize cost & time of planned maintenance i) Cup lock scaffolding ii) Boroscope iii) Modern tube cutting & edge preparation Machine. iv) Rotor purge test kit and ELCID test kits for stator core healthiness v) Ultrasonic thickness meter with data logger. Remarks Scope of work for Capital Maintenance for large capacity sized units which were to be executed in 75 days as per Srinivasan Committee Report are fully covered in present recommendation to be executed in 50 days.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.1) ITEM V. (Section7. the outages/ partial outages (De-rating) are reported under three head namely. SCOPE OF WORK FOR PLANNED MAINTENANCE Srinivasan Committee Present Recommendation by Kukde Working Group Only capital Maintenance of 200 MW is defined through a model Pert Chart i) Scope of work for Boiler Overhaul and Capital Overhaul of Turbine is clearly defined in Section IV of the report. CHANGE OVER TO AVAILABILITY BASED MONITORING Not applicable Not applicable *Five years Rolling Plan for Russian Design TGs ** Six years Rolling Plan for KWU Design As per this. ii) Necessary Pert/Bar Charts for coal/lignite/gas based units are exhibited separately. ITEM IV. ITEM III.do - → → Alternate year -do Every five years Every six years . 10 Annexure-3. HP/IP/LP TURBINE. GENERATOR & ABG REPLACEMENT Total number of days in six years Average number of days per year : : V YEAR VI YEAR Mini Shut Down Planned Annual 15 DAYS 30 DAYS STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB BOILER OVERHAUL 155 Days 26 Days . 3.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.1 SHEET 3 OF 3 HIGH LIGHTS OF PLANNED MAINTENANCE CYCLE RECOMMENDED BY KUKDE WORKING GROUP COAL BASED THERMAL POWER STATIONS FIVE YEAR ROLLING PLAN FOR RUSSIAN DESIGN UNITS I YEAR Mini Shut Down II YEAR Planned Annual III YEAR Mini Shut Down 15 DAYS V YEAR Planned Annual Planned Capital 15 DAYS 50 DAYS 30 DAYS STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB IV YEAR BOILER OVERHAUL 30 DAYS STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB Total number of days in five years : Average number of days per year : BOILER OVERHAUL CAPITAL MAINTENAN CE OF TURBINE & GENERATOR 140 Days 28 Days COAL BASED THERMAL POWER STATIONS SIX YEAR ROLLING PLAN FOR KWU UNITS I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR IV YEAR V YEAR VI YEAR Mini Shut Down Planned Annual Mini Shut Down Planned Annual Mini Shut Down Planned Capital 15 DAYS 40 DAYS 15 DAYS 40 DAYS 15 DAYS 50 DAYS STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB BOILER OVERHAUL WITH ONE TURBINE STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB BOILER OVERHAUL WITH ONE TURBINE MODULE STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB BOILER OVERHAUL WITH ONE TURBINE & GENERATOR Total number of days in six years Average number of days per year : : 170 Days 28 Days LIGNITE BASED THERMAL POWER STATIONS SIX YEAR ROLLING PLAN I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR Mini Shut Down Planned Annual Mini Shut Down Planned Capital 15 DAYS 30 DAYS 15 DAYS 50 DAYS STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB BOILER OVERHAUL STATUTORY & EFFICIENCY RELATED JOB IV YEAR BOILER OVERHAUL. 3.2 Unscheduled and Extended Annual Maintenance State Name Station Name Unit Cap.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No. Days Act_Reason 1 600 01-Dec-11 13-Jan-12 44 13 200 06-Jan-11 02-May11 06-Nov11 13-Jan-12 117 Unsch.11 Annexure-3. and Extended AM 43 AM 50 AM 19-Dec11 08-Dec11 12-Mar12 15-Oct-11 49 AM 91 AM 53 AM 48 AM HARYANA RAJIV GANDHI TPS UTTAR PRADESH OBRA TPS UTTAR PRADESH ROSA TPP Ph-I 2 300 25-Sep-11 GUJARAT AKRIMOTA LIG TPS 1 125 26-Nov-11 GUJARAT AKRIMOTA LIG TPS 2 125 02-Nov-11 MADHYA PRADESH SATPURA TPS 8 210 09-Sep-11 MADHYA PRADESH SATPURA TPS 9 210 20-Jan-12 CHHATTISGARH KORBA-WEST TPS 3 210 30-Aug-11 MADHYA PRADESH SANJAY GANDHI TPS 2 210 06-Sep-11 31-Oct-11 57 AM KARNATAKA RAICHUR TPS 8 250 07-May-11 24-Jun-11 49 AM KARNATAKA 4 300 01-Jun-11 30-Jul-11 61 AM KARNATAKA TORANGALLU TPS(SBUII) UDUPI TPP 1 600 08-Oct-11 46 AM WEST BENGAL KOLAGHAT TPS 3 210 26-Nov-11 22-Nov11 16-Jan-12 52 AM . Act_Start Date Act_End Date Act_Mtc. 47 0.71 93.22 4.13 428.57 8.91 78.81 8.75 7 35.17 169.75 903.37 1187.85 75 189.28 21 18 20 56 11 40 26 24 21 22 22 27 24 20 20 21 21 17 36 23 72 47.53 65.45 634 432 506.07 98.7 954.39 4.93 134.89 5.94 118.2 6.47 214.55 02-MAY-2011 764.44 279.MOH.99 96.69 4.54 8. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE (BOILER OVERHAUL) NORTHERN REGION BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS BADARPUR TPS PANIPAT TPS RAJIV GANDHI TPS GH TPS (LEH.42 15.51 4.72 571. Cap (in MW) Date Of Outage Date Of Return Outage hours Outage days MU Loss Energy loss as % of Pos.) ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS KOTA TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS GIRAL TPS 1 2 3 4 4 2 4 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 4 5 1 95 95 95 210 110 600 250 210 210 110 110 210 210 210 195 195 250 250 250 250 125 210 210 210 210 490 110 300 01-SEP-2011 03-APR-2011 07-JUL-2011 27-OCT-2011 20-MAR-2012 21-FEB-2012 01-MAY-2011 21-OCT-2011 31-JAN-2012 17-SEP-2011 03-SEP-2011 13-AUG-2011 23-JUN-2011 17-JUL-2011 07-SEP-2011 30-JUN-2011 16-AUG-2011 15-MAY-2011 17-MAY-2011 17-JUL-2011 12-APR-2011 Cont from last year 14-JUL-2011 Cont from last year 28-JUL-2011 06-JUN-2011 14-SEP-2011 12-APR-2011 11-JAN-2012 11-APR-2011 16-AUG-2011 17-SEP-2011 Cont from last year 18-APR-2011 18-SEP-2011 01-DEC-2011 06-AUG-2011 31-MAR-2012 26-MAY-2011 25-SEP-2011 OBRA TPS 13 200 PANKI TPS 3 105 PARICHHA TPS 3 210 ANPARA TPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS SINGRAULI STPS RIHAND STPS RIHAND STPS 4 2 4 4 5 7 3 4 500 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 UNCHAHAR TPS 1 210 UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) DADRI (NCTPP) TANDA TPS ROSA TPP Ph-I WESTERN REGION UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS UKAI TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS WANAKBORI TPS SIKKA REP.1 32.25 15 74.33 497.16 350.19 0 36.22 272.68 845.92 54.7 153.35 455.89 11.5 615. 3.18 495.62 6.49 5.6 177.24 58.2 26 18 21 26 25 21 24 55 23 25 19 37 20 27 32 38 76.75 469.25 493.02 3205.17 855.59 7.4 19.47 88.62 4.92 375.87 1717.07 3.37 123.7 27-SEP-2011 1800.88 807 0.03 14-MAY-2011 24-OCT-2011 18-DEC-2011 09-SEP-2011 31-MAR-2012 06-OCT-2011 06-NOV-2011 626.4 101.93 7.01 352.88 5.67 327.66 120 200 200 210 120 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 120 120 70 70 04-JUL-2011 12-SEP-2011 01-JAN-2012 16-MAY-2011 20-JUN-2011 10-APR-2011 10-JUL-2011 09-JUL-2011 02-SEP-2011 02-JUN-2011 31-JUL-2011 02-NOV-2011 20-JUL-2011 22-JUN-2011 08-JUL-2011 21-JUL-2011 31-JUL-2011 30-SEP-2011 22-JAN-2012 10-JUN-2011 16-JUL-2011 30-APR-2011 02-AUG-2011 02-SEP-2011 24-SEP-2011 27-JUN-2011 19-AUG-2011 08-DEC-2011 09-AUG-2011 19-JUL-2011 09-AUG-2011 27-AUG-2011 5.63 283.05 6.78 470.63 5.99 15-APR-2011 354.09 20.08 86.19 9.73 877.58 13.63 103.49 11.94 5.07 72.78 396.44 5. TPS SIKKA REP.51 5.77 140.33 489.78 565.73 5.32 6.92 08-SEP-2011 25-JUL-2011 28-SEP-2011 26-APR-2011 31-JAN-2012 12-MAY-2011 17-SEP-2011 17-OCT-2011 1017.55 544.73 6.92 5.01 6.94 99.38 3.67 564 1330.05 357.67 771.37 605. Gen. TPS KUTCH LIG.51 40.7 184.5 08-APR-2011 168.42 114.66 6 6 7.67 118.72 104. TPS 2 4 3 4 5 1 2 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 3 4 5 7 1 2 1 2 22-SEP-2011 20-APR-2011 26-JUL-2011 22-DEC-2011 31-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 27-MAY-2011 13-NOV-2011 20-FEB-2012 09-OCT-2011 25-SEP-2011 09-SEP-2011 17-JUL-2011 06-AUG-2011 28-SEP-2011 20-JUL-2011 06-SEP-2011 31-MAY-2011 22-JUN-2011 09-AUG-2011 22-JUN-2011 500.64 4. TPS KUTCH LIG.04 213.38 619.97 120.5 527.01 392.32 701.33 490.68 237.28 .6 7.78 9.47 97.73 44.99 5.13 9.76 7.05 482 494.02 784.82 7.27 526.07 561.07 32 152.15 6.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.12 Annexure-3.28 130.3 SHEET _ OF 5 UNIT-WISE PLANNED MAINTENANCE DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 Name Of Station Unit No.41 71.1 419.49 8.44 1.51 9.8 1351.72 1006.48 58 57.6 750.78 42 49 15 14 20 31 33 29 508.79 10.68 642.35 127.02 63.22 7.35 15.76 30 572.52 609.96 95.63 301.05 26 35 17 34 0 134 42 131.35 5.92 657. 58 2168.96 7.06 6.69 4.75 19 50.08 574.64 2.35 58.1 49 145.68 2285.72 1245.58 657.06 1 210 11-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 495.98 151.63 606.18 335.2 10 47.18 5.77 21.26 2 125 02-NOV-2011 19-DEC-2011 Cont from last 30 28-APR-2011 year 1147.99 5.5 62. TPS SURAT LIG.23 15.65 710.73 149.18 7.28 280.7 6.23 11-AUG-2011 13-SEP-2011 20-NOV-2011 01-AUG-2011 12-SEP-2011 31-MAY-2011 17-AUG-2011 22-JUN-2011 01-AUG-2011 08-DEC-2011 12-MAR-2012 27-DEC-2011 02-SEP-2011 23-NOV-2011 25-SEP-2011 25-JUL-2011 30-JUN-2011 02-DEC-2011 15-OCT-2011 24-DEC-2011 23-OCT-2011 31-OCT-2011 30-MAY-2011 24-MAR-2012 19-JAN-2012 616.54 100.85 4.35 3.61 91.12 110.47 7.99 5.58 6.07 82.3 SHEET _ OF 5 UNIT-WISE PLANNED MAINTENANCE DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 Name Of Station AKRIMOTA LIG TPS AKRIMOTA LIG TPS SABARMATI (C STATION) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) SURAT LIG.47 279.82 6.2 656.19 7.22 15.71 141.22 2 110 14-DEC-2011 03-JAN-2012 459.13 Annexure-3.11 34.09 15.71 25-APR-2011 593.22 6. TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS SATPURA TPS KORBA-II KORBA-II KORBA-II KORBA-III DSPM TPS DSPM TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS KORBA-WEST TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS KORBA STPS SIPAT STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS OP JINDAL TPS OP JINDAL TPS NASIK TPS KORADI TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS PARAS TPS BHUSAWAL TPS PARLI TPS PARLI TPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHAR ASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHAR ASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHAR ASHTRA) STPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHAR ASHTRA) STPS TROMBAY TPS Unit No.17 620.18 84.83 200 21-DEC-2011 31-DEC-2011 238.75 172.88 8 250 15-JUL-2011 15-AUG-2011 764.3 28 19.76 04-JUN-2011 22-APR-2011 10-JUN-2011 28-APR-2011 03-OCT-2011 13-AUG-2011 10-JUL-2011 16-AUG-2011 17-SEP-2011 22-AUG-2011 11-NOV-2011 27-JAN-2012 24-MAY-2011 26-SEP-2011 17-OCT-2011 17-OCT-2011 23-JUL-2011 606.22 94.87 1329.29 18.94 6.06 665.57 1 120 11-FEB-2012 01-MAR-2012 458.68 38.91 5.19 8.25 730. 3.02 4. Gen.87 1337.05 876.75 9.65 33.83 1116.3 25 21 34 18 19 25 26 16 15 30 33 27 29 37 55 47 37 303.42 425.2 21 103.06 4.58 800.64 2 210 05-NOV-2011 04-DEC-2011 696.1 48 143.92 424.9 7.71 5.17 459. TPS SURAT LIG.2 9.68 6 500 12-JUL-2011 06-AUG-2011 604.95 675.43 261.83 564.5 822.02 7.52 25 118.46 8.04 224.08 310.77 367.98 24.33 19 55 5.27 57 289.97 10.28 236.13 25 302.5 62.83 558.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.82 6.84 10.78 92.08 455.23 6.76 126.48 21.14 12.45 367.03 26 27 73 16 14 30 25 23 37 90 52 28 18 15 20 25 24 31 47 20 30 56 24 95 18 77.7 4.52 303.35 9.79 120.5 598.02 96.02 883.85 479. Cap (in MW) Date Of Outage Date Of Return Outage hours Outage days MU Loss Energy loss as % of Pos.54 26.57 5.93 720.25 1750.17 897.68 457.88 184.07 700.86 149.88 220.11 7.12 8.35 12.39 13.08 490.43 8.1 234.45 378.57 505.32 6.16 154.65 733.16 218.5 210 210 210 50 50 50 120 250 250 210 210 210 210 210 210 200 200 3 200 5 5 1 4 5 7 10 1 3 3 7 1 3 3 2 4 6 500 500 210 210 210 500 500 250 250 210 210 210 210 250 210 210 250 17-JUL-2011 17-AUG-2011 08-SEP-2011 16-JUL-2011 29-AUG-2011 30-APR-2011 23-JUL-2011 30-MAY-2011 25-JUN-2011 09-SEP-2011 20-JAN-2012 29-NOV-2011 16-AUG-2011 08-NOV-2011 04-SEP-2011 01-JUL-2011 07-JUN-2011 02-NOV-2011 30-AUG-2011 04-DEC-2011 24-SEP-2011 06-SEP-2011 06-MAY-2011 20-DEC-2011 01-JAN-2012 Cont from last year 10-MAY-2011 01-APR-2011 07-MAY-2011 10-APR-2011 14-SEP-2011 19-JUL-2011 15-JUN-2011 01-AUG-2011 02-SEP-2011 23-JUL-2011 08-OCT-2011 31-DEC-2011 25-APR-2011 19-AUG-2011 22-AUG-2011 31-AUG-2011 16-JUN-2011 .82 8.69 14.32 168.92 4 210 16-AUG-2011 12-OCT-2011 1377. 1 125 26-NOV-2011 13-JAN-2012 1165.87 609.31 4.5 32 191.64 13.37 4.28 252.12 29 146.63 45.7 15 1 3 4 2 4 3 4 5 7 8 9 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 125 125 125 330 330 62.77 438.81 7.04 137.77 147.92 1128.07 382. 43 1528. Gen.92 76.31 9.31 38.3 378.17 454.88 706.16 4.98 497.27 86.23 8 250 07-MAY-2011 24-JUN-2011 1150.05 493.87 93.48 9.07 4.42 12.81 647.41 21.32 836.52 41.B TPS KAKATIYA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS RAMAGUNDEM STPS SIMHADRI RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS 2 RAICHUR TPS TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) BELLARY TPS UDUPI TPP ENNORE TPS TUTICORIN TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS METTUR TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS NEYVELI TPS.68 79.47 104.43 21.12 15 20 15 18 33 19 13 16 28 86 16 23 20 35 28 28 21 70 20 23 Energy loss as % of Pos.17 127.62 1078.7 18. JSW RATNAGIRI TPP SOUTHERN REGION KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS Dr.92 207.09 1 130 21-OCT-2011 26-OCT-2011 142.85 640.67 4.68 8.89 12.1 228.62 2 130 06-OCT-2011 20-OCT-2011 338.63 490.I NEYVELI TPS.I NEYVELI TPS.34 87.44 140.I NEYVELI TPS.36 4.3 7 210 08-AUG-2011 07-SEP-2011 722.83 8.12 50.95 781.64 5.4 4.98 466.2 382.73 6 18.67 669.88 30 151.2 987.08 16 362.66 8.11 113.43 50.18 80.45 5.79 71.73 3.13 5.22 1086.TATA RAO TPS Dr.46 167.27 6.23 5.22 454.61 7.3 SHEET _ OF 5 UNIT-WISE PLANNED MAINTENANCE DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 Name Of Station Unit No.31 7.72 338.29 5.33 1 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 6 7 1 2 1 500 600 60 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 250 03-OCT-2011 22-NOV-2011 21-AUG-2011 01-SEP-2011 05-FEB-2012 16-JUL-2011 18-SEP-2011 19-AUG-2011 30-JUN-2011 06-DEC-2011 10-SEP-2011 07-DEC-2011 24-JUL-2011 17-MAY-2011 26-SEP-2011 16-OCT-2011 06-SEP-2011 12-DEC-2011 17-AUG-2011 23-JUL-2011 25-NOV-2011 10-DEC-2011 18-OCT-2011 31-DEC-2011 27-SEP-2011 31-OCT-2011 21-DEC-2011 27-NOV-2011 739.48 116. N.08 372.73 4.8 4.62 31 45 27 20 14 14 14 14 16 17 17 15 64 20 16 11 17 49 21 22 41 21 29 21 33 25 45 19 369.86 4 300 01-JUN-2011 30-JUL-2011 1434.12 4.44 104.05 5.55 71 70.87 671.62 23.89 5.I NEYVELI TPS.93 553.61 78.65 97.22 423.I NEYVELI TPS.44 98.TATA RAO TPS RAMAGUNDEM .19 02-SEP-2011 08-OCT-2011 25-JUL-2011 13-AUG-2011 22-JAN-2012 02-JUL-2011 04-SEP-2011 05-AUG-2011 14-JUN-2011 19-NOV-2011 24-AUG-2011 22-NOV-2011 21-MAY-2011 28-APR-2011 11-SEP-2011 05-OCT-2011 20-AUG-2011 24-OCT-2011 27-JUL-2011 01-JUL-2011 15-OCT-2011 19-NOV-2011 18-SEP-2011 11-DEC-2011 25-AUG-2011 06-OCT-2011 06-NOV-2011 09-NOV-2011 .5 327.17 547.77 14 44.53 13.I NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI TPS-II NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI TPS(Z) EASTERN REGION KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS KAHALGAON TPS 1 3 4 5 7 8 1 3 1 1 4 1 2 4 2 1 2 3 4 6 Cap (in MW) Date Of Outage Date Of Return 300 10-DEC-2011 27-DEC-2011 60 60 60 120 120 120 210 210 62. 3.5 2055.86 39.66 9.14 334.84 1027.18 1 4 6 210 04-JUL-2011 23-JUL-2011 210 10-APR-2011 29-APR-2011 500 01-SEP-2011 05-OCT-2011 464.43 796.67 4.26 418.37 5.34 6.27 668.4 5.47 807.1 48 287.74 54.08 17.06 6.25 5.57 409.4 60 430.88 3.1 334.58 4.5 500 210 200 200 500 500 210 210 210 210 210 28-JUL-2011 15-SEP-2011 31-AUG-2011 19-AUG-2011 03-SEP-2011 15-JUL-2011 20-JUL-2011 17-JUN-2011 23-AUG-2011 07-OCT-2011 02-SEP-2011 25-NOV-2011 01-NOV-2011 01-APR-2011 20-NOV-2011 10-OCT-2011 24-JUL-2011 18-AUG-2011 26-JUN-2011 02-JUL-2011 12-AUG-2011 06-OCT-2011 15-SEP-2011 06-SEP-2011 05-OCT-2011 02-AUG-2011 02-AUG-2011 02-JUL-2011 19-SEP-2011 31-DEC-2011 17-SEP-2011 18-DEC-2011 21-NOV-2011 05-MAY-2011 17-DEC-2011 07-NOV-2011 14-AUG-2011 27-OCT-2011 15-JUL-2011 25-JUL-2011 Outage hours Outage days MU Loss 387.92 257.57 415.48 67.8 68. 116.09 17.01 11.6 528.22 474.I NEYVELI TPS.52 7.03 605.92 103.65 12.62 5.03 322.25 2.36 3.I NEYVELI TPS.32 16.22 375.66 110.76 29.83 498. N.18 506.77 6.5 357.79 109.55 1.41 23.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.28 7.14 Annexure-3.17 3.62 19.09 5.04 3.93 4.7 352.76 118.43 96.63 470.85 3.08 98.29 5.28 397.57 468.83 1676.58 1181.76 148.8 8.15 481.97 358.96 403.23 19 19 34 97.55 340.52 13.4 4. 41 2.6 191.95 0.7 24 Energy loss as % of Pos.71 194.33 5.52 1441.69 463.55 8.37 363.74 11.25 75.43 500 01-APR-2011 09-MAY-2011 926.48 210 08-NOV-2011 04-DEC-2011 643.67 250 09-FEB-2012 06-MAR-2012 643.1 76. 3.16 24.96 226.73 160. N. N.75 40887.41 10.57 8.4 63.13 106.36 11 23 18 19 16 11 219 130.13 4.52 12.96 13 37 3.84 23.27 8.52 6.55 1.62 2 10.14 115.56 76.41 1 6 2 120 02-NOV-2011 29-DEC-2011 200 31-JUL-2011 29-SEP-2011 120 01-JUN-2011 14-NOV-2011 1378.56 570.07 500 210 60 210 210 250 4020 29-JUL-2011 11-DEC-2011 01-FEB-2012 10-SEP-2011 01-FEB-2012 27-DEC-2011 09-AUG-2011 02-JAN-2012 19-FEB-2012 29-SEP-2011 17-FEB-2012 06-JAN-2012 260.69 9.51 7 5.71 15.99 8.32 171.97 60 08-DEC-2011 22-DEC-2011 347.85 147.29 7.5 110 06-JUL-2011 16-AUG-2011 989.52 1 210 30-MAY-2011 01-JUN-2011 50.15 Annexure-3.96 8.07 362.73 442.41 14.69 4.58 5 500 11-JAN-2012 13-FEB-2012 801.62 75 19-OCT-2011 13-DEC-2011 1323.83 3983 57 60 166 165.61 108.3 SHEET _ OF 5 UNIT-WISE PLANNED MAINTENANCE DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 Name Of Station JOJOBERA TPS CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS DURGAPUR TPS MEJIA TPS MEJIA TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS IB VALLEY TPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS TALCHER STPS KOLAGHAT TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BAKRESWAR TPS SAGARDIGHI TPS D. 1 120 01-APR-2011 25-APR-2011 587.19 14.08 467.08 357.97 165.28 547.26 10.04 4.TATA RAO TPS Dr.TATA RAO TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS TUTICORIN TPS EASTERN TALCHER STPS BANDEL TPS BANDEL TPS KOLAGHAT TPS KOLAGHAT TPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS Sub Total Unit No.22 259.02 26.55 1356.58 3197.98 36.23 23.36 130 01-APR-2011 29-JUN-2011 2153.03 5.35 2.7 62.17 150.69 16.75 250 10-JAN-2012 28-JAN-2012 435.45 928.27 500 17-JUN-2011 27-JUL-2011 967.83 38 39 33 133 193. 70.1 62.4 108.37 477.L.14 483.5 10.27 226.4 3 3 5 2 3 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 2 4 2 1 1 2 5 191 Cap (in MW) Date Of Outage Date Of Return 1 3 4 40 10-MAY-2011 12-MAY-2011 210 24-MAY-2011 03-JUN-2011 210 24-MAY-2011 27-MAY-2011 2 15 6 7 Outage hours Outage days MU Loss 49.5 30-JAN-2012 13-FEB-2012 349.4 67.23 81.95 3.81 2.41 45.07 3.38 3.96 6.92 500 27-SEP-2011 27-OCT-2011 738.42 788.03 7 2 35.46 369.45 210 26-NOV-2011 16-JAN-2012 1233.34 .69 3 130 26-NOV-2011 08-DEC-2011 295. TPS BUDGE BUDGE TPS FARAKKA STPS FARAKKA STPS Sub Total NORTHERN OBRA TPS UNCHAHAR TPS UNCHAHAR TPS WESTERN UKAI TPS SABARMATI (C STATION) VINDHYACHAL STPS KORADI TPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHAR ASHTRA) STPS TROMBAY TPS SOUTHERN Dr.03 135.65 17.38 29865.32 3.4 200 11-MAY-2011 11-JUN-2011 738.5 210 10-JUL-2011 24-AUG-2011 1079.43 11.5 135736.45 BOILER INSPECTION/RE-CERTIFICATION 90 45 27 13 15 54 41 30 38 40 48 31 51 27 21 21 55 14 15 18 31 39 5660 279.94 9.97 47.04 7.13 500 07-AUG-2011 23-SEP-2011 1140.25 12 38.49 99.17 110 29-AUG-2011 22-OCT-2011 1294.98 4.56 2. Gen.4 458.57 300 10-AUG-2011 31-AUG-2011 501.13 4.5 16-JAN-2012 29-JAN-2012 323.75 0.35 30 07-DEC-2011 14-DEC-2011 178.12 2 4 1 2 210 210 210 210 20-AUG-2011 04-AUG-2011 20-SEP-2011 28-MAY-2011 03-SEP-2011 19-AUG-2011 06-OCT-2011 12-JUN-2011 355.53 2 9 4 120 01-AUG-2011 13-AUG-2011 308.89 152.87 10.58 0.25 15 15 15 15 74.3 20.47 210 03-SEP-2011 210 07-JUL-2011 10-SEP-2011 09-JUL-2011 1.42 288.52 98.92 84.P.02 4.24 5.76 5. TPS TITAGARH TPS SOUTHERN REPL.38 33 400.33 4.9 1 5 2 4 5 2 19 CAPITAL MAINTENANCE NORTHERN PANIPAT TPS ROPAR TPS ROPAR TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS WESTERN GANDHI NAGAR TPS SATPURA TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 6 3 4 5 210 210 210 60 07-FEB-2012 15-NOV-2011 26-FEB-2012 01-APR-2011 16-MAR-2012 23-DEC-2011 29-MAR-2012 12-AUG-2011 922.78 20.92 210 05-APR-2011 05-MAY-2011 725.01 12.01 142.77 387.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.63 0.12 45.89 3.96 15.2 5271.7 500 10-NOV-2011 18-DEC-2011 916.5 07-NOV-2011 23-NOV-2011 368.47 210 06-JAN-2012 27-JAN-2012 505.63 254. 19 8.58 12 72.69 16.94 31.75 350.01 5.24 100 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 966.12 10 265 46.96 2 2 3 210 01-APR-2011 08-APR-2011 250 15-NOV-2011 18-NOV-2011 135 20-JUN-2011 04-JUL-2011 189.01 575.08 48.42 14 86.99 11.22 SANJAY GANDHI TPS KORBA STPS PARLI TPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHARA SHTRA) STPS SOUTHERN KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) Dr.2 39 469.3 73 873.24 100 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 966.88 15 1.6 29.36 30 21 90 21.74 16.6 0.12 35 177.58 87 416.61 2.43 1486.86 3.79 7 250 18-APR-2011 02-MAY-2011 347.24 100 GND TPS(BHATINDA)* 4 110 31-MAR-2012 3534.03 Sub Total 5 1415 1658.96 GND TPS(BHATINDA) 3 110 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 966.83 147 388.32 100 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 966.41 3.27 1 250 23-JUN-2011 21-AUG-2011 1410.14 EASTERN KAHALGAON TPS 7 500 15-JUN-2011 24-JUL-2011 938.75 14 36.17 3.19 47.69 FARAKKA STPS 4 500 08-AUG-2011 19-OCT-2011 1746.17 6363.03 3 6.61 16.93 483.13 47 62 235.03 1272.24 100 31-MAR-2012 346.24 OBRA TPS 7 94 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 825.48 BAKRESWAR TPS 1 210 04-JUL-2011 08-AUG-2011 846.3 SHEET _ OF 5 UNIT-WISE PLANNED MAINTENANCE DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 Name Of Station Unit No.55 4.32 100 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 966. NORTHERN JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 2 135 19-DEC-2011 23-DEC-2011 102.93 1111 5811.1 2148.44 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 922.06 6.06 5 3 210 03-SEP-2011 19-OCT-2011 210 20-NOV-2011 21-JAN-2012 1119.38 11.63 19. N.15 Sub Total 18 4350 26650. Cap (in MW) Date Of Outage Date Of Return Outage hours Outage days MU Loss Energy loss as % of Pos.75 59 352.36 PARAS TPS 4 250 17-MAY-2011 29-MAY-2011 288.83 40.08 312.72 14 164.2 5. Gen.95 31-MAR-2012 8784 366 922.92 08-APR-2011 180.92 23.92 Cont from last 8 37.62 72.68 EASTERN 10 110 BARAUNI TPS* 6 105 BARAUNI TPS 7 105 MUZAFFARPUR TPS 1 110 MUZAFFARPUR TPS* 2 110 Cont from last year Cont from last year 17-MAR-2012 Cont from last year Cont from last year 29-MAR-2012 .78 25 124. 219.73 31-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 230.71 12.24 100 31-MAR-2012 60.1 NEW COSSIPORE TPS 2 30 01-APR-2011 01-APR-2011 0.44 OTHER PLANNED MAINTENANCE INCLUDING PG TEST OF NEW UNITS AND RLA STUDIES ETC.58 year IB VALLEY TPS 2 210 19-FEB-2012 15-MAR-2012 592.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.98 493.03 8 2 15 39.25 2.7 100 NORTHERN REGION OBRA TPS 9 200 10 11 200 200 HARDUAGANJ TPS 7 105 PARICHHA TPS 2 110 PATRATU TPS 9 110 PATRATU TPS OBRA TPS* OBRA TPS* Cont from last year 05-NOV-2011 Cont from last year Cont from last year 22-MAR-2012 10-JUL-2011 Cont from last year Cont from last year 26-JUN-2011 2084.16 Annexure-3.29 10.46 DURGAPUR TPS NORTHERN PANIPAT TPS WESTERN VINDHYACHAL STPS DAHANU TPS WARDHA WARORA TPP EASTERN NEW COSSIPORE TPS TITAGARH TPS Sub Total 4 210 2.82 WESTERN KORBA STPS 7 500 14-MAY-2011 28-MAY-2011 328.59 237.58 966.62 2.82 69 719.78 1 3 6 30 01-NOV-2011 30-NOV-2011 60 09-NOV-2011 29-NOV-2011 935 R AND M WORKS 719.15 0.75 9.75 2742.TATA RAO TPS TUTICORIN TPS EASTERN 3 4 3 210 26-JUL-2011 08-SEP-2011 500 15-SEP-2011 25-OCT-2011 210 12-NOV-2011 06-MAR-2012 1047.22 60 714.92 0 0.68 0.09 12.4 4 13.58 44 40 114 7 500 29-JUN-2011 28-AUG-2011 1429.74 3. 3. L. 387 40.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 3 Page No.93 .22 86409.5 *Units taken under R&M during 2011-12 Outage hours 3518.3 SHEET _ OF 5 UNIT-WISE PLANNED MAINTENANCE DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 Name Of Station D.17 Annexure-3.64 Outage days 147 3601 10750 MU Loss Energy loss as % of Pos.6 48046. 6 15 255 Cap (in MW) Date Of Outage Date Of Return 110 06-NOV-2011 31-MAR-2012 1889 53621.P.05 10055. 3. Gen.7 257875. TPS* Sub Total Total Unit No.01 5.96 60. forced outages of generating units were due to various problems in generating equipment. system constraints. 4.2BU during 2010-12.46% from 10.32% during 2010-11. shortage of fuel.1 Transmission Constraints: Some thermal power stations faced the problem of transmission constraints and were kept shutdown.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 ` Section 4 Page No.28% . Following are some units which were under long duration forced outage due to transmission constraints.2 Main Reasons for increases Forced Outages: During the year 2011-12.9BU from 75.1 2 600 01-SEP-2011 28-SEP-2011 28 399. The impact of these shutdown on % Forced outages are worked out as below: Station MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS PARICHHA TPS STERLITE TPP ROSA TPP Ph-I Unit No.1 SECTION-4 FORCED OUTAGES 4.43 3 300 01-FEB-2012 15-MAR-2012 44 313. the loss of generation on account of forced outages of various units increased to 92.1 Based on the analysis carried out for 454 generating units installed in 126 thermal power stations. Non availability of thermal units in the country due to forced outages increased to 11. receipt of lower schedules etc.39 4 210 19-DEC-11 29-FEB-2012 73 366.2. auxiliary system and also due to external reasons viz.03 660 18-FEB-2012 31-MAR-2012 43 675. The All India energy loss due to forced outage of units considered in the review as the percentage of the maximum possible generation calculated on the basis of rated capacity of the units from year 2006-07 onwards are depicted below: 4.57 Impact on percentage All India Forced Outage 0. Capacity (MW) 6 660 6 Date Of Outage Date of Return Outage DAYS MU Loss 1-OCT-2011 31-OCT-2011 31 491.. During the financial year 2011-12. the many thermal power stations were kept under forced shutdown on account of the following constraints/ developments: 4. Bhusawal U#1 (50MW) capacity were declared retired from 19-05-11. coal availability to many power stations of Southern Regions were detoriated due to Telangana crisis.33% in 2010-11. Forced outages due to auxiliary system constraints increased to 8.04 474.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.2. However. Panipat TPS.04 190.37% of the total forced outages loss. The All India energy losses due to outage of equipments & auxiliaries as the percentage of the total forced outage loss during the last five years are shown below: . as units (Dhuvaran U#5 &6. The details are given in annexure 4. Telangana crisis hampered the production in SCCL mines which had affected coal supplies to Ramagundam STPS of NTPC.70% during 2010-11.63 0.2.79 491.4 each of capacity 105 MW were closed for the whole year. 4.84 613. the generation loss due to Reserve shut down was decreased to 7. Patratu TPS.5 During the month September’11 and October’11 there was maximum utilization of hydro capacities on account of increased inflows after arrival of good monsoon and also due to reduced domestic and agriculture loads due to pleasant season leading to low demand during the month.3 Some of the vintage thermal units were kept under forced shutdown and were subsequently declared retired.6 Many thermal units additionally faced the problem of wet coal.4 In the month September-October’2012. The total MU loss and % impact on forced outages were worked out as follows.82 4095.13%.2. Station INDIRA GANDHI STPP Unit No. Koradi TPS U # 1. 4.3. were declared retired.2 4. as such their performance got adversely affected during this season 4.52 498. Harduaganj U# 3) which were in Reserve Shut down during 2010-11.2.) MU Loss 301.62 372. AXIAL SHIFT/ THRUST PAD ECONOMISER TUBE LEAKAGE VARIOUS STEAM LEAKAGES 4955 Impact on percentage All India Forced Outages (in terms of maximum possible gen.50% 4. Rayalseema and Kothagudem Thermal Power Stations of APGENCO. Raichur Thermal Power Station of KPCL and Parli Thermal Power Station of MSPGCL.04% during 2011-12 as compared to 10. 4.3 Forced outages due to the main equipment faults accounted for 54. Mundra TPS.2. Last year(2010-11) the % impact on All India forced outages due to long duration forced outages of new units due to equipment problems were merely 0. 4.2 Equipment Problems of some new units: Some of the following new units considered in Review were on long duration Forced outages due to equipment problems.2.33% during 2011-12 due to increased turbine problems at OBRA TPS.3 of section 4. had been increased from 16.52 718. Paras U#2 (50MW). TRANS DAMAGED GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS BOILER FEED PUMP/MOTOR PROBLEM TURBINE MISC.00 352. The all India energy loss due to Turbine & Turbine Aux.49% during 2010-11 to 18. Capacit y (MW) Date Of Outage Date of Return 1 500 08-MAY-2011 02-JUN-2011 INDIRA GANDHI STPP MEJIA TPS 1 500 19-FEB-2012 31-MAR-2012 7 500 09-OCT-2011 07-NOV-2011 MEJIA TPS 7 500 29-DEC-2011 29-JAN-2012 MUNDRA TPS 5 660 08-OCT-2011 07-NOV-2011 MUNDRA TPS 6 660 20-DEC-2011 03-FEB-2012 SIPAT STPS 1 660 01-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 STERLITE TPP 3 600 21-JAN-2012 04-MAR-2012 CHANDRAPUR A(DVC) TPS 8 250 13-SEP-2011 24-DEC-2011 Reason ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS GEN. PROBLEMS TURB.06% during 2011-12 as compared to 5. 2011-12 11940.25 274 232 2798.49 18. Cause of Outage 07-08 I. 4.50 2.26 3.55 8.87 b) Turbine 15.39 35.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl.55 8. A comparison of area/causes of outages in turbine during 2010-11 and 201112 is shown below: .81 34.30 0.27 56 43 468.15 0.06 272.06 4813.27 0. Auxiliaries a) Boiler Aux.35 8. Boiler The % generation loss due to Boiler problems increased from 3.96 16.91 317 263 664.25 54.3 Percentage of total forced outage losses including losses due to reserve shut down 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 Main Equipment a) Boiler 39.47 0.06 35 12 331.38 0. Generation loss due to Reserve Shut Down (RSD) 3.02 MU) were the main cause of increased loss of generation under this head.17 36.32 4.57 2.29 14.83 3.03 8.83 16.90 5.34 35. possible gen.09 0.61 % to 1.76 % age of Max. No.64 29.00 0.09 4.29 2.08 652 464 1119. Problem TOTAL BOILER No.44 IV.00 40. Section 4 Page No.35 0.96 1.16 2165.81 0.78 0. Others 30. 16. A comparison of area/causes of outages in boiler during 2010-11 and 2011-12 is shown below: Sl.65 672. Generator 5.33 7.69 7.60 1.79 30.00 1564.42 Turbine An energy loss due to turbine problems was also increased from 1.06 Boiler & Boiler Aux.83 1. Turbine & Turbine Aux.4 EQUIPMENT OUTAGES : A.25 4.06 0.83 10.24 2010-11 2011-12 1.00 13.33 V.75 0.58 VII.08 174 187 1968.30 38.65 60.04 III.70 8. 44.05 37.91 5.73 2446.46 0.62 0. (d)Miscellaneous Others boiler misc.38 0.79 0.41 4.58 15.82% of the maximum possible generation.39 1.16 3.84 c) Generator 5.98 54.47%).35 526 471 1186.37 4.10 40.64 15.15 0.04 0.58 15.10 60. Area/ cause of outages 1 Water wall tube leakage Super heater tube leakage Re-heater tube leakage Economizer tube leakage Air pre-heater problems 2 3 4 5 6 7 Furnace trouble Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal (c) Drum level high/ low 8 B.44 35.83 484.03 56.16 0. No.6 2799.69 7. Sub-Total 6. 4.49 Sub Total II.42% of the maximum possible generation.21 0.52 2.50 346 284 2803.11 0.20 39.03 8.25% to 3.65 VI.92 2 162 3520 5 158 3077 1253.69 MU and 3021. Losses due to turbine rotor failure/damage and turbine eccentricity / high vibrations (3518.05 0.35 8.59 23073.03 908. b) Turbine Aux. The main reason for increase in boiler related problem was that of increased water wall tube leakages (1. of outages 2010-11 2011-12 Loss (MU) 2010-11 976 958 10167.22 27759. V.00 0.01 8 184.51 0.10 0.02 0.01 0.19 0.61 0.25 18.55 18.18 0.11 0. PROBLEM GENERATOR PROTECTION/ RELAY OPERATION PROBLEM HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS MAINTENANCE Total Generator No. 8.31 1.99% of maximum possible generation.94 157 22 103 684 253.02 0.95 0.01 0.07 0.01 7.11 0.20 226.00 0. 9.75 % age of Max. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C.56 0.02 0. Area/ cause of outages Turbine Bearing problems Governing /Oil System Failures Turbine differential expansion problem Axial shift/thrust pad problem Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations Turbine rotor failure/ damaged Turbine control valve problem Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning Main Steam line problem Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure Condenser low vacuum H. Area/ cause of outages STATOR/ STATOR EARTH FAULT ROTOR/ ROTOR EARTH FAULT GEN.13 0. 2010-11 2011-12 0.19 97.44 60 10 499.07 0. possible gen.43 0.00 0.P bypass system Other Misc.35 0. 4.01 8.16 75.60 2196.9 1090.05 1534. No.37 - 0.45 82. 12.68 131.00 0.4 2520.02 119 99 688. Problems Total Turbine No. of Outages 2010-11 19 92 15 58 92 4 23 81 56 7 169 22 146 784 Section 4 Page No. Hydrogen pressure problems.16 63. 5.84 0.R.38 0.03 0.58 133.21 429 374 6044.91 101.95 0.01 0.37 0. stator/stator earth fault and generator tripping problem were the main causes of generator outages.&L.23 330.96 8041.09 0.03 14721.03 0.96 272.23 1462.59 2569.P. 3 4.07 0.99 .18 0. TRANSFORMER TRIPPING/ DAMAGED EXCITATION PROBLEM GEN.00 23 26 175.67 3021. of Outages Loss (MU) 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 51 40 2779.43 115.52 25. possible gen.13 0. BUSHING/ BUSHING FAILURE A.01 0.04 0.18 0.01 0. 11.83 0. No.07 3518.55 2011-12 73. 2.12 1703.77 174.22 0. 10.27 75 48 492.03 0.87 0.02 15 13 78. 20102011-12 11 1634. 7.52 1620.89 1075.37 0.02 0. 6.60 26 18 - 38 56 47 8 13 21 % age of Max.76 11735.47 1021.11 0.4 Loss (MU) 2011-12 18 61 2 32 76 14 30 99 2010-11 703.47 533.01 0.13 0.10 0.14 199.21 1.35 766. 1.69 161.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl.33 2728.01 8 6 41.03 27 18 1293. A comparison of area/causes of outages in generator during 2010-11 and 2011-12 is shown below: Sl.82 Generator During the year 2011-12 the energy loss due to generator problems was 0. COOLING SYSTEM FAILURE SEAL OIL SYSTEM PROBLEM GENERATOR BEARING PROBLEM FIRE IN TURBO GEN.04 - 1291.25 738.69 0. 6. Loss (MU) Area/ cause of outages Unit Aux.18 830.T.67 0.72 0.53 0. The loss due to cooling tower problem was increased mainly due to problem at Trongaullu (SBU-II) U#3 (Cap-300 MW). possible gen.01 0.M. of Outages % age of Max.41 FUEL SUPPLY AND OTHER MISC.54 126 76 606 568 2124.26 2.03 0.8 4003.4 0. supply problem DC supply problem Switchyard/ Bus Bar problems Breaker/isolator Misc.02 0. 3.85 123.8 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No. 10.00 0.72 87.8 0.74 69.61 2504. 4.05 39 55 370.18 17 10 18 10 7 18 3901.55 4339.20 0.11 0. 2.00 0.44 0./L.6 2 2074.39 0. The generation loss due to closer of operation of some vintage units also increased from 1326 MU to 4340 MU.01 0.02 0. 7 8.82 0.36 6.73 803. No.05 0.00 39 25 1469.09 0.96 137.44 169. OTHER ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS Details of loss of generation during 2010-11 and 2011-12 due to various electrical problems including switchyard area and other instruments etc.68 0.01 0.91 73 58 6 41 45 8 747.54 19.56 431.61 203.02 0.05 0. 5. Transformer problem / Station Transformer Generator Transformer problem H.87 67.03 102.03 121 77 2845.07 0.93 NA 0.10 115 62 47 47 386.01 88 113 206. This was manly due to increased ash handling problems at Korba STPS during the year.06 2.09 10 8 1326.02 0.27 6411. 4. PROBLEMS: The generation loss on account of shutdown of thermal units due to Coal and Lignite shortage problem has increased from 4413 MU to 7380 MU.4 6 0.00 116. 9.00 0.11 1937.T. PROBLEM NON-READINESS OF RESIDUAL WORK OF NEW UNIT VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION OTHER MISC.02 0.15 725. The details of such units are at Section 2.18 0.10 0. Area/ cause of outages COAL SHORTAGE/ FEEDING PROBLEM WET/ POOR QUALITY LIGNITE FUEL OIL PROBLEM COOLING TOWER PROBLEM ASH HANDLING SYSTEM PROBLEM RAW WATER PROBLEM D. WATER PROBLEM E. No.79 28.5 D. No.29 597.31 0.4 0. Possible gen.27 0.00 0.S. were as under: Sl. fire hazards / fire in cable gallery Instrument fault Mal-operation of relays Air supply problem Other electrical problems Total 2010-11 201112 2010-11 2011-12 201011 2011-12 109 80 311.19 20462.02 37 15 124. The MU loss due to ash handling problem increased from 370 MU to 1425 MU. E. Details of loss of generation during 2010-11 and 2011-12 due to fuel supplies and other miscellaneous problems were as under.88 0.62 15066.52 .04 0.01 12 47 35 274 939 7 0 4 499 914 10.00 0.64 2548.45 0. of outages Sl. PROBLEMS TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 201011 201112 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 249 279 4413.01 0. 1.P.00 144.31 0 21 NA 729.61 7380.06 0.88 0.03 40.36 49. 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 Loss (MU) % age of Max.60 0.86 0 9.29 0. No.87 1425. 4.04 0.49 0.75 1213. No.50 14. Loss (MU) 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 % age of Max.4 Sl.5 0. 1.00 0.04 0.48 241.29 0.6. Generation loss due to problems in boiler & turbine auxiliaries systems leading to total shutdown of the units increased to 7487 MU during 2011-12 from 4289 MU during 2010-11.64 100 88 260.93 0.09 0.0 2 3 29 200 640 6 2 56 205 608 5.25 733. a) Boiler feed pump problems b) Condensate pump problems c) C.01 0.09 679.5.95 6546.01 0.00 0. This was mainly due to transmission constraints at Mundra TPS.81 1.76 564.96 0.28 4.01 0. possible gen.W. of Outages Area/ cause of outages Transmission constraints/grid system problems Reserve Shut Down Total % age of Max.00 40 39 281. 2.6 The generation loss due to transmission constraints was increased from 901 MU to 3863MU during the year 2011-12. However energy loss due to Reserve shutdown was decreased from 7777MU in 2010-11 to 6546 MU during 2011-12 A comparison of generation losses due to transmission constraints/ grid system problems and reserve shut down of during 2010-11 and 2011-12 are given below:- Sl.A.15 0.2 4.09 18 14 42.01 0.1. of Outages 2010-11 I Boiler Aux.0 48.91 0.42 0.63 709. II Turbine Aux. Fans b) F.00 0.01 0.58 0.38 50.94 2478.88 3610.26 8678.01 0. No.00 0.42 74.9 0.5 OUTAGE & ENERGY LOSS DUE TO PROBLEMS IN AUXILIARY SYSTEM 4.36 10410.74 34.08 0.4 Region-wise frequency of outages/ tripping of equipment and related energy loss during 2010-11 and 2011-12are shown in the Annexure 4.16 4289.94 0. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 GRID SYSTEM AND LOW SYSTEM DEMAND Page No. possible gen.D.09 8 0. Sterlite TPS.81 7487.12 0. The milling system/RC feeder problems increases mainly due to increased problem at Santaldhi U#2.13 671. Udupi TPS. 2010-11 2011-12 151 28 106 142 33 107 925.19 0.01 0.08 94 54 1748.46 0.13 0.5 Year-wise break-up of Average loss per outage (in MU) due to failure of equipment and auxiliaries during the years 2007-08 to 2011-12 is shown below:- . Total Boiler & Turbine Aux.01 0. Fans c) P.25 754.32 1.26 2314.28 698.48 840 1089 630 861 7777.89 0.94 5172.93 44.69 3863.09 0.6.03 0. pump problems d) Regenerative System problem e) Pipe and valve f) De-aerator Problem g) Others Total Turbine Aux.48 88.30 48.31 8 53 440 8 59 403 40.3 (120MW each) and Bandel U#1 (60MW) Details of these losses during the years 2010-11 and 2011-12are compared below:Area/ cause of outages No. 2010-11 2011-12 Loss (MU) 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 249 231 901.09 0.D.07 1.24 0.F. No.39 0.6 FREQUENCY OF OUTAGES AND ENERGY LOSS 4. a) I. Fans d) Milling System / RC feeder problems e) Pipe and valves f) Others Total Boiler Aux. 4. 26 10.55 9. Outages Page No.87% of the total forced shut downs were of duration up to 24 hours.03 6.29 3. 4.39 6. 4.15 3. Generator 4.38 9.49 9. 4.09 during 2010-11.99 7.12 The Average loses/Outage was being increased from 7. Other Misc.06 7.4 WATER WALL TUBE LEAKAGE Duration pattern of forced outages due to water wall tube leakage problems during last three years is shown below:- .31 III Boiler & Aux.52 10.83 Auxiliaries 1.99 during 2007-08 to 13. Turbine 3.97 6.81 11. Turbine & Aux.67% outages were of duration varying from 1 to 25 days and only 1. I.4 Energy loss (in MUs) due to forced outages of more than 25 days during the year 2011-12 contributed to 41.00 8.4 9.75% of total forced outage losses.9 DURATION PATTERN OF BOILER TUBE LEAKAGE Duration pattern of forced outages due to Boiler tube leakage category wise is given below.2. No. 5.5 11.46 9. 8.36 15.86 12.40 11.40 13.48 6. Chanderpur Assam U#1.83 7.33 14.09 21.63 12.78 4.74 9.62 19.46 IV.7 2007-08 2009-10 2009-10 6. It was observed that Maximum Boiler Tube Leakage problem during 2011-12 were attended during 4 to 5 days. 2.55 11. II.33 14.7.09 7.3. Generator VI.61 4. 38.86 12.45 12. The duration pattern of forced outages of thermal units during the year 2010-11 in the country is given at Annexure-4.4 There were a total of 7097 forced outages / tripping with aggregate duration of 582116 hours during the year 2011-12.02 21.87 2. This was mainly due to addition of increased size of units in the system. Problems Total (Excl.54 2.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl.24 2. The duration of individual outage varied from few hours to the maximum of full year.32 8. 4.45 14. 3.61 V.88 3.71 8.33 8.09 8.12 8.70 12. Boiler 2.42 13.47 3. Turbine Aux. Boiler Aux. It could be seen that 59.9.09 21. RSD) 6.5 6. 4.75 11. Details of units which were under forced outages for more than 25 days are given in Annexure 4. 4.38 10.08 6. Reserve Shut Down Total (Incl. RSD) VII.09 4.22 5.93 14.77 8.21 12.2 (2x30MW ) was kept under forced outage due to uneconomical operation for the whole hear.8. Total Aux. Section 4 Average Loss/Outage (MU) Total Equipment 6.86 5.8 LONG DURATION FORCED OUTAGES 4.7 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES 4.19 8.68 6. Eastern Region has maximum MU loss (16211) due to long forced outage and Southern Region had minimum MU loss (2907 MU).55 11.92 2010-11 2011-12 Equipment 1.45% of shut downs were for the duration more than 25 days.79 7. 73 ECONOMISER TUBE LEAKAGE Duration pattern of forced outages due to Economizer tube leakage problems during the last three years is shown below.12 2229. of Outage Loss (MU) No.79 0 0 0.43 807.00 0 0 0. of Loss (MU) Outage Units 147 833.00 0 0.24 REHEATER TUBE LEAKAGE Duration pattern of forced outages due to Re-heater tube leakage problems during last three years is shown below.00 No.74 50 36 488.00 0 0 0. of Units 230 122 66 32 20 12 24 8 3 0 0 8900.69 0 0. 6 SUPERHEATER TUBE LEAKAGE Duration pattern of forced outages due to super heater tube leakage problems during last three years is shown below. of Units 93 42 29 10 6 2 7 1 0 0 1 138 2009-10 ( 413 units) ( No.08 3 58.48 2 47.69 8 237.00 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Period in days Upto-2 days >2 & up to 3 >3 & up to 4 >4 & up to 5 >5 & up to 6 >6 & up to 7 >7 & up to 14 >14 & up to 21 >21& up to 28 >28 & up to 30 > 30 days Total 4.34 763.60 5 3 83.21 309.47 3 3 95.7 1573.82 4 41. No.42 45 65 621.6 3 56.98 0 0.64 10 1 43.72 657.35 49 510. of Loss (MU) Outage 128 775. of No.95 2 0 0.75 506.54 3 1 38.00 0 2798.44 2 170.76 No.08 18 356.00 1 1 158.29 584.31 38 34 446.12 0.0 274 131 8 2011-12 (454 units) No.02 16 8 172.73 470.34 4 4 68.67 8 3 90.02 5 101. of Units 94 35 9 9 2 3 8 0 1 0 1 125 2011-12 (454 units) No.55 No.00 346 2803. Period in days Upto-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-30 >30 Total 4.86 13 240.50 4 1 60. Period in days Upto-2 days >2 & up to 3 >3 & up to 4 >4 & up to 5 >5 & up to 6 >6 & up to 7 >7 & up to 14 >14 & up to 21 >21& up to 28 >28 & up to 30 > 30 days Total 4.12 12 168.54 1344.34 171 349 2676.71 63 655.87 2207.00 1 58.00 1 190. of Loss (MU) Outage 235 1184.82 12 12 245. of Units 243 119 84 35 16 14 32 6 4 0 1 976 10167.82 745.57 42 415. .9.8 2010-11 ( 428 units) 2971.23 0 281 2835.53 8 320.47 5 267.74 2 2 107.00 0 0.61 2153.48 3 169.97 0 0 0.7 11 91. of No.9.73 12 2 16.5 2009-10 ( 413 units) No.29 650. of Outage 519 196 118 40 18 15 40 6 5 0 1 958 Loss (MU) 3294.92 308.48 9 150. of Loss (MU) Outage Units 155 877.00 79.6 No.00 0 0.73 263.25 320 No.84 284 2165.69 No. of No.63 93 59 558.98 26 12 250.77 3 8 181.78 6 208.97 14 19 214.19 0.00 68.54 329. 4.37 302 Loss (MU) 2011-12 (454 units) 570 211 88 35 22 13 26 8 3 0 0 3409.71 22 326. of Loss Units Outage (MU) 125 242 1178.27 518.42 129.00 232 2799.48 628.76 2 41.51 3 10 307. of Units 110 49 20 12 3 2 6 2 0 0 0 148 2010-11 ( 428 units) No.7 2009-10 ( 413 units) No. of of Units Outage 221 544 121 199 60 80 29 29 13 13 11 12 16 19 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 1 296 903 Section 4 Page No.00 1 1 201.62 0 0.05 8 6 118.10 76 64 668.00 1 0 0.9.54 320.05 387.87 0 0. of Loss (MU) Outage 207 921.23 1247.33 2 2 40.00 0.38 11940.82 142 2010-11 428 units) No.40 2048. 45 34.33 3225.1 104 187 2446.5 3172. of No.00 0.76 12 2 14 16 23 3160 135 2620 3240 4173 12 2 13 16 20 3160 135 2510 3240 3864 14814 3466.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Period in days Upto-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-30 >30 Total 2009-10 ( 390 No. No.06 15.6 4.28 9104.27 569. No.16 4.U. 2 DVC 3 NLC 4 APCPL 5 NSPCL 6 K. of No. Private Sector and State Electricity Boards / Power Generating Corporations.09 7.36 199. of No.71 4 4 79.11 4 57 20 40 143 25 90 75 454 2 48 11 25 113 21 56 44 320 2 117 23 77 327 55 189 168 958 0 21 5 5 42 9 27 22 131 0 27 6 6 71 10 66 46 232 0 9 2 12 37 7 31 27 125 0 10 2 14 82 13 100 63 284 0 21 1 7 46 11 17 1 104 0 37 1 7 97 19 25 1 187 Total No.98 16.99 19.00 1 1 15.N. of No.00 0 0 0.43 7 7 184.04 17454.07 233.14 10 14 304.00 0 0 0.97 1599.10 BOILER TUBE LEAKAGE DURATION PATTERN (CAPACITY GROUPWISE) Capacity group-wise details of boiler tube leakage problems during the year 2011-12 are given below:Water Wall Super heater Economizer Re-heater No.L CENTRAL SECTOR STATE SECTOR NORTHERN REGION 1 HPGCL 2 IPGPCL 3 PSPCL 4 RRVUNL 5 UPRVUNL WESTERN REGION 6 CSPGCL No. of of Outages Units invol ved 2 2 55 191 13 32 31 104 134 577 24 97 62 380 53 278 374 1661 FORCED OUTAGE – UTILITY WISE The forced outages of thermal power stations under various Central Sector Utilities.00 0. of (MW) Review Units Units Units Units Outages Outages Outages Outages ed involved involved involved involved 660-800 490-600 300-330 250 210 195-200 100-150 25-99 Total 4.38 14 16 265.73 6.41 2 2 106.91 93 174 1968.89 .00 2850.00 0 0 0. of Units Capacity (MW) Duration (Hrs.65 73302 11538.40 125.00 0 0 0.71 1233.46 31.B.21 0 0 0.53 1 1 17.81 19794 4.7 20371. Organization/ Utility CENTRAL SECTOR 1 NTPC Ltd. of No.00 410.18 32 41 558.84 780. of No. of No. is given below: FORCED OUTAGE Sl.97 6034. of Capacity Units No.29 715.6 1 1 152. of Loss (MU) (MU) Units Outage 662. of Units Outage 64 98 34 50 18 26 8 8 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 100 189 Section 4 units) 2010-11(413 units) Loss No.56 63 106 670.35 6.) Energy Loss(MU) Energy Loss as % of Max.9 2011-12(454 units) No.74 0 0 0. of No.24 663. of Loss (MU) Units Outage 73 116 806.46 2 2 66.00 0 0 0.00 1 1 240.13 3906.2 26856.05 52.23 66. Possible generatio n 85 17 20 1 2 2 127 27045 3700 2740 500 500 220 34705 85 17 20 1 2 1 126 27045 3700 2740 500 500 110 34595 34239.49 5 5 194.50 Page No. 4.9 4759 1249.39 0. of Units Capacity (MW) No.27 12 1780 12 1780 7298. of No.72 29.5 1387.4 9099. of No.92 195.51 33 43 673.95 11.52 2775.33 11. 95 1 3 4 45 900 540 1 3 4 45 900 540 384.18 12.12 No.02 10655.3 1745.71 394. REGION No.74 18.69 1592.78 2790.01 0 512.46 REGION WISE PERFORMACNE The performance of thermal units installed in the Southern Region was best as the non-availability due to forced outages was least (7.5 2220 2970 25 9 17 5092.91 24.48 753.94 12.7 0.05 7 4 4 4 2 1 3 3300 500 1000 1200 600 35 405 7 4 4 4 2 0 3 3300 500 1000 1200 600 0 405 10878.4 7.38 189.76 4.36 5540.51 2063.2 21336.89 1510.13 1 3 3 46 454 525 1800 360 12920 97768 1 3 3 44 444 525 1800 360 12755 96749 1123.58 12.16 8528.14 36.99 3282.9 1327.53 767.5 2 23 34 17 250 3720 7255 2932.8 2504.52 197.1 902.) Energy Loss(MU) Energy Loss as % of Max.75 50995 582116 830.32 49. No.17 10.89 6166.05 8.76 Energy Loss as % of Max.2 19.5 2220 2970 7390.49 6358.8 17.10 FORCED OUTAGE Sl.38 0 3799.5 4401.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.3 5. of Units Capacity (MW) No.06 11.93 2 257 60 46558 2 250 60 45814 17568 430061 527. of Units Capacity (MW) Duration (Hrs.1 550.98 13.48 27834.27 4 1 1 860 250 600 3 1 1 730 250 600 1529. Possible generatio n 25.16 789.05 60.92 955.25 7.79 3329.1 58469.52 1335.00 827.45 48.77 3178.3 2722.6 14.34 25 9 17 5092.9 95.3 17.04 54327 100 13.28 2. Possible .3 27758 817.38 7379.99 191.75 456.89 1524.29 816. The region wise summary of forced outages of thermal generating units is given below: FORCED OUTAGE Sl.27%).65 6. (AECO) EASTERN REGION 4 CESC PVT IPPs NORTHERN REGION 1 BEPL 2 RPSCL 3 RWPL (JSW) WESTERN REGION 4 APL 5 GIPCL 6 JPL 7 JSWEL 8 LANCO 9 VESPL 10 WPCL SOUTHERN REGION 10 JSWEL 11 ST-CMSECP 12 UPCL EASTERN REGION 13 MPL 14 SEL 15 TATA PCL IPP ALL INDIA 4.49 23.95 58606.3 13 24 1285 3585 13 24 1285 3585 16595.71 28269.93 4078.21 3914.92 2451.68 1313.76 4 7 10 2 2 24 310 690 770 420 420 4340 3 7 8 2 2 24 205 690 550 420 420 4340 21370. No.5 57286.97 16304 92929 30.41 11. of Units Capacity (MW) No.92 8545.28 7.48 0 15. 4.25 9.81 199. Organization/ Utility 7 GMDCL 8 GSECL 9 MAHAGENCO 10 MPPGCL SOUTHERN REGION 11 APGENCO 12 KPCL 13 TNGDCL EASTERN REGION 14 BSEB 15 DPL 16 JSEB 17 OPGC 18 TVNL 19 WBPDC NORTH EASTERN REGION 20 APGPCL STATE SECTOR PVT SECTOR WESTERN REGION 1 RIL (DAHANU) 2 TATA PCL 3 TOR.76 46.6 6620.76 17.61 1501.64 2. POW.84 2 4 5 500 1400 400 2 4 5 500 1400 400 383.04 80.57%. The non availability of thermal units installed in the Eastern Region was 17.24 2.) Energy Loss(MU) 2 23 34 17 250 3720 7255 2932.93 19. of Units Capacity (MW) Duration (Hrs.56 9253.96 27.1 32745. 5 57295.2 10491.51 5 NORTH EASTERN ALL INDIA 2 60 2 60 17568 527.49 2 WESTERN 146 33297.5 166738 31458 11.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.7 18153.9 17.63 4 EASTERN 112 22250 108 21815 242247 32299.5 84 18452.5 145 33262.1 9. 4.6 6.11 generation 1 NORTHERN 109 23578 105 23159 98267.38 3 SOUTHERN 85 18582.00 454 97768 444 96749 582116 92930 11.04 100.46 . 22 3.0 0.17 633 13047.58 684 14721.82 229 4512.53 2.00 0.30 106 3351.00 0.81 2. FO Loss as % of Max.57 7097 92929.26 11.16 6.16 172 6332.60 816 5880.04 7167 67522.46 .15 7.09 43.64 8.84 34.38 0.35 12.8 3.00 0.49 1102 9255.O VI.O IV.63 16.84 638 4747.77 11.00 0.91 15.76 68 4830.0 0. of outages 2.00 0.39 5.42 66.0 0.05 35.0 0. No. MU Loss 3.39 30.3 10.64 39.0 3520 23073.79 15.69 76 331. Reserve Shutdown 1. Total excluding RSD 1.00 17.03 21.00 525.0 0.44 32.4 2.47 1. % age of total F.90 205 2314.09 0.0 0.86 1043 8599.93 2. of outages 2.35 680 1127.34 16 87.12 1.00 100 10.0 0.16 8.0 840 7777.00 527.65 40. % age of total F.30 4.12 233 1758.33 629 6543. MU Loss 3.17 2.06 5. Boiler Auxiliary 1.13 9.72 0.42 1673 31595.96 28.0 0.8 2212 17656.75 54.49 276 3449.64 3077 27759.00 259 2405.68 1640 25253. of outages 2.18 7. MU Loss 3.51 86 3581.03 2054 32299.52 117 1253.54 44 1052.24 3.0 0.77 35 616 12179.87 0.18 8.74 2.85 2.0 669.00 159 4680. No.92 40.19 2169 30291.01 8.0 440 3610. MU Loss 3. of outages 2.72 17.31 120 1238.23 24 375. MU Loss 3.0 596.35 16.O IX. Generator 1.99 5.00 0.80 590 6353.38 114 3084.13 2.55 2320 26381.42 6.49 9.39 427 3601.58 976 10494.3 14.62 2361 13967.O VII.1 REGION-WISE FREQUENCY OF OUTAGES/ TRIPPING OF EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ENERGY LOSS DURING 2010-11 AND 2011-12 Particulars of outages I.83 29. % age of total F. MU Loss 3.88 4.29 63 498.17 32.19 71 138.60 100 2.18 0.86 15.38 7.O V.35 970 10454.03 374 8041.67 9.21 0.00 527. of outages 2.47 6. No.25 10.03 7.66 723 9073.39 1194 7389.98 14.95 8. % age of total F.00 0.09 0.12 21.00 0.80 0.87 214 3093.17 11.08 915 11222.16 0.31 6468 85220.15 24.05 2354 34244. 4.29 10.37 34. Miscellaneous 1.0 230. Possible Gen. Possible Gen.87 0.06 74 1618.79 403 5172.42 10.07 100 546.00 525.58 2048 26443.35 15. Turbine Auxiliary 1.0 200 679.52 37 121.04 2429 15411.43 115 1034.69 195 1166. No.19 105 2536.00 0.8 120 1695.67 68 1444.04 100 2634 30156.05 7.91 100 491. Boiler 1.62 123 1953. of outages 2.6 2.32 11.58 4. VIII. of outages 2. No.61 4.Eastern Region 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 1125 6103.00 0.26 10.98 5. No.00 0.49 141 849.60 2.00 0. No.61 176 3833.O III.00 0. MU Loss 3.O II.87 11.57 25. MU Loss 3. No. MU Loss 3.32 495 4205.24 37.78 28. Northern Region Western Region Southern Region Eastern Region North.0 784 11735.27 381 704.43 1.5 6.97 29. % age of total F. of outages 2.04 8007 75299. Total including RSD 1. No.01 15.1 2280 22486.22 30. Turbine 1.12 Annexure 4.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.0 0.83 974 10491.0 0.90 71 275.95 100 100 9.0 0. of outages 2.26 65 390.23 952 10119.96 8.00 0.48 121 3848.00 0.51 100.0 429 6044. % age of total F.58 22.79 1775 16199.37 All India 10-11 11-12 0.00 36.71 54.00 0. % age of total F.09 774 5978. FO Loss as % of Max.00 525.57 128 556.48 3.65 82 1399.00 527.92 1898 18153.08 7.17 32.00 0.21 0. 2 Sheet 1 OF 6 All India:Number of units considered : 454 Number of units involved : 444 Possible All India generation : 810814.63 MU All India energy loss on account of equipment Forced outage in the : 86386.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.65 >4 & up to 5 Days 126 168 3324.36 0.14 >13 & up to 14 Days 23 24 1634.21 1.19 >1 & up to 2 Days 346 1113 7785.58 0.69 0.09 >15 & up to 16 Days 11 11 846.05 >20 & up to 21 Days 4 4 673.12 >6 & up to 12 Hrs 271 743 1260.24 0.34 >6 & up to 7 Days 49 54 1545.62 1.88 0.04 >23 & up to 24 Days 9 9 960.43 0.65 3 0.26 2.07 >3 & up to 6 Hrs 312 1005 1007.06 1.83 1.64 100 11.35 3.49 1.79 444 7097 92929.08 >17 & up to 18 Days 12 13 1131.22 0.66 0.07 0.14 >19 & up to 20 Days 6 6 414.18 >10 & up to 11 Days 28 30 1746.42 0.16 0.2 >14 & up to 15 Days 10 11 689.13 >18 & up to 24 Hrs 202 407 1575.09 0.92 0.23 0.8 1.69 1.51 1.47 0.46 Over 25 Days Total .76 0.14 >18 & up to 19 Days 11 11 1147. 4.94 1.12 >24 & up to 25 Days 5 5 853.11 85 103 38807.29 0.19 >7 & up to 8 Days 84 104 3522.31 0.69 0.9 8.08 0.72 7.64 MU Duration No of units No of outages MU loss % of All India F.72 5.17 >12 & up to 13 Days 18 20 1170.79 0.76 4.53 0.41 >5 & up to 6 Days 83 104 2790.12 0.74 0.O.01 1.45 0.26 0.71 0.52 1.08 >21 & up to 22 Days 5 5 494.65 0.1 >16 & up to 17 Days 12 12 689.73 0.59 0.03 0.16 >12 & up to 18 Hrs 209 394 1042.38 0. Loss % of possible All India generation Upto 3 Hrs 335 1700 604.13 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES Annexure-4.59 MU All India energy loss on account of Reserve Shut Down (RSD) : 6543.22 >11 & up to 12 Days 20 23 1365.07 >9 & up to 10 Days 29 34 1476.47 0.96 >2 & up to 3 Days 261 612 6875.79 0.24 >8 & up to 9 Days 43 48 1923.24 1.4 0.23 41.06 >22 & up to 23 Days 4 4 285.64 1.74 0.85 >3 & up to 4 Days 186 320 5284.99 3.05 MU All India energy loss on account of Forced Outages including RSD : 92929.91 0. 08 5 .99 1.01 Over 25 Days 13 16 6759.03 6 .20 Days 2 2 153.48 1.24 0.29 0.18 0.1 100 9.42 37.9 Days 7 9 369.1 Duration No of units No of outages Loss (MU) % age of Regional F.83 0.03 0.12 Days 6 8 242.33 1.02 20 .95 0.2 Sheet 2 OF 6 Northern Region Number of units in the Region : : 109 Number of units involved : : 105 Regional possible generation : : 191254.49 0.68 0.14 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES Annexure-4.01 13 .09 0.26 0.24 Total .44 3.29 0.02 24 .64 0.O. 4.33 2.79 0.74 0.8 Days 16 23 627.08 0.27 0.94 0.7 0.28 0.33 3.16 4 .47 1.6 Days 21 23 534.03 0.O.03 18 .25 2 .39 Regional energy loss on account of forced : 18153.76 0.15 Days 1 2 86.24 Days 1 1 142.15 0.53 2.3 0.10 Days 1 1 44.02 22 .06 2.02 0.01 17 .33 0.48 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.05 0.9 0.19 0.21 Days 1 1 50.62 0.23 0.19 1.07 0.4 Days 51 80 1315.24 3.11 Days 5 5 253.02 0.05 0.18 0.14 Days 4 4 163.48 0.05 0.69 1.68 1.28 0.28 0.83 105 1898 18153.12 Hrs 74 157 270.14 0.07 0.21 3 .53 7.25 Days 1 1 64.09 0.47 0.45 2.23 0.7 Days 12 13 332.17 Days 2 2 70.07 0.58 0.14 0.2 0.09 0.36 0.67 0.95 0.01 15 .13 0.03 12 .02 14 .02 3.32 0.08 8 .16 0.26 0.5 Days 27 32 618.17 0.04 0.55 0.05 1.16 Days 3 3 269.15 0.77 2.02 19 .27 0.05 1 .81 1.49 0.38 1.37 9.01 10 .04 0.05 0.14 0.22 Days 1 1 126.04 0.05 9 .19 Days 2 2 188.19 3 .3 Days 64 155 1676.03 16 .24 Hrs 54 92 370.13 0.01 0.03 11 .03 12 .4 0.84 0.8 0.07 6 .42 0.25 0.01 21 .03 0.07 18 . loss % of possible All India generation Upto 3 Hrs 88 606 173.12 0.14 0.18 Hrs 54 89 258.33 0.19 0.13 0.03 0 23 .34 0.2 Days 88 286 2031.4 0.13 Days 4 4 114.04 7 .23 Days 1 1 26.4 0.06 0.04 7.36 0.08 0.4 11. loss % age of Regional possible generation % of All India F.19 0.46 0.49 19.6 Hrs 76 272 241.39 0.42 0.63 0.87 0.27 0.1 0.18 Days 6 7 576.88 1.29 0.39 0. 15 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES Annexure-4.20 Days 1 1 34.17 8 .04 6 .17 Days 3 3 186.54 1.54 4.6 Days 31 40 1253.11 0.12 Days 4 5 292.23 Days 0 0 23 .2 Days 113 406 2648.07 7 .07 0.07 24 .81 8.99 0.2 0.11 0.12 Hrs 88 185 352.22 Days 1 1 63.6 0.27 0.16 0.12 0.81 0.7 Days 15 17 538.13 0.24 Days 4 4 541.52 0.24 0.09 2.91 1.3 0.72 0.85 0.88 0.66 0.07 0.1 0.33 0.19 0.38 0.02 0.02 100 11.31 0.5 0.9 Days 18 19 734.8 Days 33 39 1410.17 0.18 Hrs 68 119 357.76 Regional energy loss on account of forced : 31458.52 0.01 22 .19 0.93 0.11 0.13 Days 6 7 512.3 0.84 1.07 19 .62 4.53 145 2169 31458.38 33.02 Duration No of unit s No of outages Loss (MU) % age of Regional F.49 13.42 4.O.24 Hrs 64 100 435.09 14 .92 2.31 0.04 0 20 .06 0.45 1.58 0.05 1 .63 0.67 1.48 0.18 Days 3 3 189.55 0.O.52 0.56 1.02 15 .04 12 .17 3 .51 1.07 0.76 0.01 0.93 0.85 1.11 Days 7 7 450.2 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.95 0.10 Days 12 14 611.39 1.48 0.17 5 .49 0.51 1.88 Total .08 Over 25 Days 25 30 12401. loss % of Possible All India generation 0.6 Hrs 106 306 291.19 Days 6 6 606. 4.02 Upto 3 Hrs 106 446 162.43 0.21 Days 0 0 21 .27 0.25 Days 3 3 664.11 0.99 2.22 0. loss % age of possible Regional generation % of All India F.23 4 .04 12 .93 0.65 0.16 Days 0 0 16 .74 0.04 18 .2 0.06 11 .02 18 .4 Days 66 111 1850.38 0.14 Days 7 8 749.13 0.2 0.16 0.42 0.45 1.08 10 .39 0.45 2.31 3 .33 2 .5 Days 50 64 1410.15 6 .15 Days 3 3 158.66 39.64 0.35 1.05 0.09 9 .17 1.47 0.96 2.79 0.85 3.02 17 .58 0.71 0.22 0.63 0.42 5.35 0.52 3.15 8.06 13 .2 Sheet 3 OF 6 Western Region Number of units in the Region : : 146 Number of units involved : 145 Regional possible generation : 276449.3 Days 99 222 2547.72 0.62 0.06 0.38 0.14 0.59 0.94 1.98 0.83 0. 11 Days 4 4 224.29 1.1 0.11 0.3 0.8 0.85 0.11 0. loss % of Possible All India generation 0.00 0.00 19 .07 0.07 0.02 12 .52 0.04 21 .18 27.93 1.05 1 .28 7.59 0.56 3.59 0.01 17 .38 0.02 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.13 0.2 Days 65 169 1217.00 0.03 0.6 Hrs 56 146 154.24 Days 1 1 116.74 0.18 0.9 Days 6 7 270.55 100 6.1 0.51 0.00 20 .12 Hrs 45 87 166.27 0.2 0. loss 0.01 10 .17 0.24 0.6 0.24 Regional energy loss on account of forced : 10491.00 0.52 11.17 0.16 0.82 % age of possible Regional generation % of All India F.86 0.00 0.24 1.09 0.06 8 .02 7 .00 0.58 0.54 2.18 0.24 0.01 24 . 4.23 Days 1 1 115.15 Days 3 3 254.1 0.13 0.00 0.47 0.O.02 18 .00 22 .19 0.04 6 .07 0.00 0.62 0.83 2.56 0.02 16 .00 0.43 0.05 0.41 0.77 1.18 Hrs 34 55 158.41 0.05 1.12 0.13 Days 3 4 189.02 12 .17 Days 1 1 43.01 3 .8 Days 11 11 478.07 0.96 1.00 0.00 0.49 1.6 Days 13 17 353.34 0.5 2.22 Days 0 0 0.16 Annexure-4.14 0.18 Days 2 2 320.21 Days 1 1 299.15 2 .2 Sheet 4 OF 6 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES Southern Region Number of units in the Region : : 85 Number of units involved : 84 Regional possible generation : 158157.10 Days 2 3 118.61 1.77 8.36 84 974 10491.24 1.31 0.12 0.24 Hrs 40 91 379.21 0.O.03 15 .24 0.13 0.7 Days 5 6 166.87 0.12 Days 2 2 129.03 9 .11 0.03 11 .04 18 .71 1.13 0.13 0.00 0.84 3.1 4 .12 0.05 5 .25 Days 0 0 0.1 3 .57 % age of Regional F.03 0.24 0.17 0.16 Days 3 3 193.00 Over 25 Days Total 9 12 2907.2 0.02 6 .56 1.92 3.00 0.53 0.02 13 .12 0.00 0.00 0.20 Days 0 0 0.14 Days 2 2 107.24 1.91 0.66 3.37 0.06 0.66 0.00 0.05 0.5 Days 15 19 383.19 Days 0 0 0.3 Days 39 84 842.22 0.01 14 .14 0.63 11.29 .00 0.95 1.4 Days 24 43 812.55 Duration Upto 3 Hrs No No of of outages units 61 200 Loss (MU) 85.01 23 .8 1.08 0.41 0.7 4.62 2.29 0.32 0.14 0.51 0.73 3. 7 304.18 0.09 0.02 0.42 2.19 1.5 0.51 0.22 Days 22 .17 0.6 Days 6 .55 1.3 0.7 0.02 470.14 319.2 5.7 549.9 0.35 323.18 Days 18 .07 0.51 0.17 Annexure-4.19 0.7 Days 7 .93 32299.13 17.2 0.38 0.85 5.34 16211.02 0.69 1005.21 1.04 0.01 1.38 0.34 0.19 123.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.33 0.19 0.55 0.4 388.75 0.93 % age of Regional F.93 Duration No of unit s No of outages Upto 3 Hrs 3 .76 0.17 2.2 Days 2 .25 Days Over 25 Days Total 80 74 64 53 44 80 59 45 34 18 17 24 12 14 12 8 5 10 3 5 6 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 36 108 448 281 314 131 124 252 151 86 53 24 18 31 13 16 14 8 5 10 3 5 6 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 43 2054 Loss (MU) 183.66 0.92 1888.49 0.04 0.03 0.12 Days 12 . 4.5 Days 5 .46 0.21 0.79 17.12 0.2 0.35 0.21 Days 21 .11 0.98 0.17 Days 17 .1 0.29 0.83 1.05 0.26 0.04 0.24 0.05 0. loss % of Possible All India generation 0.03 0.20 Days 20 .1 0.18 1809.01 701.38 0.12 Hrs 12 .38 0.02 0.28 0.02 0.2 351.75 0.83 2.02 614.94 0.43 389.99 1.05 2.57 0. loss 0.17 1.24 Days 24 .22 0.1 45.16 0.71 355.13 160.06 0.41 0.96 507.98 0.6 Hrs 6 .44 0.21 0.04 0.14 1.09 0.33 0.71 226.3 Days 3 .08 0.2 Sheet 5 OF 6 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES Eastern Region Number of units in the Region : : 112 Number of units involved : : 108 Regional possible generation : : 184426.02 0.69 189.13 Days 13 .08 0.23 Days 23 .09 0.57 3.35 0.44 0.2 0.11 383.9 Days 9 .05 0.95 1.53 2.02 2 3.88 0.98 912.15 Days 15 .08 0.16 Days 16 .92 267.45 34.8 Days 8 .42 0.49 700.04 0.1 0.59 0.05 0.03 1.98 .07 8.01 0.06 0.10 Days 10 .6 4.19 100 % age of possible Regional generation % of All India F.77 648.23 0.02 0.56 818.7 1 0.16 143.59 1.38 50.42 1306.17 0.7 2.15 0.2 Regional energy loss on account of forced : 32299.12 0.4 Days 4 .19 Days 19 .O.O.41 0.09 0.14 0.24 Hrs 1 .11 1.11 Days 11 .18 Hrs 18 .16 0.71 0.14 Days 14 .08 0.1 1. 04 100 100 0. loss % of Possible All India generation Over 25 Days 2 2 527.07 Total 2 2 527. 4.04 100 100 0.18 Annexure-4.04 % age of possible Regional generation % of All India F.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.O.57 0.O.07 .2 Sheet 6 OF 6 DURATION PATTERN OF FORCED OUTAGES North Eastern Region : 2 Number of units involved : 2 Regional possible generation : 527.04 Regional energy loss on account of forced : 527.57 0. loss Number of units in the Region Duration No of units Loss (MU) No of outages % age of Regional F. 34 6759.22 958.53 2468. TPS SURAT LIG.1 7.22 4091.53 1057.52 9.7 17. 4.52 72.98 1023.87 623.88 7.86 MUNDRA TPS 5 660 08-OCT-2011 07-NOV-2011 30 718.19 Annexure-4.61 313.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.03 Reason MU Loss % of Unit Max Possible(Gen) 301.99 82.82 491. PROBLEM FUEL SUPPLY & OTHER MISC.51 77.58 562.33 851. AXIAL SHIFT/ THRUST PAD GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS MAINTENANCE/ASH HANDLING PROB HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM BOILER MISC.58 6822.97 .79 12.83 178.84 24.73 291. PROBLEM WET COAL TURBINE MISC.42 1134. PROBLEMS ESP PROBLEM BOILER FEED PUMP/MOTOR PROBLEM TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS TURBINE MISC.6 621.52 PARICHHA TPS OBRA TPS JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 4 12 1 210 200 135 19-DEC-2011 05-JUN-2011 24-APR-2011 29-FEB-2012 17-AUG-2011 11-OCT-2011 73 74 170 1743.04 31.07 12.A.1 77.87 NORTHERN REGION INDIRA GANDHI STPP 1 500 INDIRA GANDHI STPP 1 500 19-FEB-2012 31-MAR-2012 41 996 YAMUNA NAGAR TPS ROSA TPP Ph-I SURATGARH TPS SURATGARH TPS 2 3 1 6 300 300 250 250 25-SEP-2011 01-FEB-2012 20-FEB-2012 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 15-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 07-MAY-2011 189 44 40 36 4525.46 97.54 641.73 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 2 135 21-APR-2011 11-OCT-2011 174 4168.96 824. PROBLEMS TURB.15 1315.ROTOR BLADES FAILURE TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS STATOR/ STATOR EARTH FAULT TURBINE VIBRATIONS HIGH TURBINE ROTOR FAILURE/DAMAGED TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS TURBINE VIBRATIONS HIGH BOILER MISC.83 12.68 51.07 14.56 218.18 361.98 MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS DSPM TPS WANAKBORI TPS PARLI TPS TROMBAY TPS TROMBAY TPS SURAT LIG.1 10.46 86.44 271.33 2727.97 205.03 675.07 SIPAT STPS 1 660 01-OCT-2011 18-FEB-2012 20-DEC-2011 01-MAR2012 31-MAR-2012 30 728.92 681.2 270.9 169.33 77.41 315.34 1357.49 7. TPS UKAI TPS 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 4 1 2 1 330 330 330 330 250 210 210 150 150 125 125 120 02-JAN-2012 14-JUN-2011 04-DEC-2011 16-FEB-2012 21-JUN-2011 25-FEB-2012 02-AUG-2011 01-APR-2011 14-FEB-2012 01-JAN-2012 03-DEC-2011 08-JUL-2011 17-FEB-2012 10-JUL-2011 09-JAN-2012 31-MAR-2012 12-OCT-2011 31-MAR-2012 06-SEP-2011 10-FEB-2012 31-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 28-DEC-2011 01-SEP-2011 46 26 37 44 114 35 35 315 47 90 26 55 1096.39 718.38 37. Capacity (MW) Date Of Outage Date of Return Outage Days Outage Hours 08-MAY-2011 02-JUN-2011 25 603.1 354.32 1089. TRANS DAMAGED TURBINE VIBRATIONS HIGH HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM RESERVE SHUT DOWN RESERVE SHUT DOWN ROTOR/ ROTOR EARTH FAULT BOILER MISC.38 19. PROBLEM RESERVE SHUT DOWN 498 11.49 7.52 6.6 491.54 366.88 659.57 239.35 1045.64 157.13 12. FANS PROBLEM BOILER MISC.1 623.72 SURATGARH TPS 6 250 02-SEP-2011 17-JAN-2012 137 3297.59 10.97 MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS MUNDRA TPS 6 6 6 660 660 660 31-OCT-2011 31-MAR-2012 03-FEB-2012 31 43 45 743.32 1770.58 7566 1128 2162.77 47.51 28.75 35428. PROBLEM MAIN STEAM LINE PROBLEM CONDENSER LOW VACCUM GEN.43 884.04 552.3 Sheet _ of 4 DETAILS OF LONG DURATION FORCED OUTAGES (25 DAYS & ABOVE ) DURING 2010-11 Station Unit No.05 9.85 20.47 18.89 348.91 9.27 ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS MAINTENANCE H.5 830.8 KORBA STPS 7 500 14-SEP-2011 11-OCT-2011 26 630.23 874.04 25.43 8. PROBLEMS P.67 474.68 GIRAL TPS GIRAL TPS GIRAL TPS PANIPAT TPS OBRA TPS SUB TOTAL WESTERN REGION 1 1 2 2 8 16 125 125 125 110 94 3609 11-JAN-2012 17-NOV-2011 26-AUG-2011 20-DEC-2011 21-JUN-2011 12-FEB-2012 13-DEC-2011 22-SEP-2011 31-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 33 26 27 103 284 1476 780.15 46.82 174.P.62 7.69 9. 47 690.74 6.51 73.02 25-FEB-2012 01-NOV-2011 30 72 877 721.99 88.9 MEJIA TPS 7 500 09-OCT-2011 07-NOV-2011 29 705.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.03 152.08 WATER WALL TUBE LEAKAGE TURBINE BLADE FAILURE 79.73 76.18 8.27 9.58 7. 4.05 621.44 ENNORE TPS 4 110 05-OCT-2011 31-MAR-2012 178 4278.23 ENNORE TPS ENNORE TPS SUB TOTAL EASTERN REGION STERLITE TPP STERLITE TPP 12401.54 352.45 638.08 302.8 130.98 7.68 KAHALGAON TPS 5 500 23-SEP-2011 18-OCT-2011 25 605.7 31-MAR-2012 26 616.89 321.22 354.71 9.07 1344.62 13.33 49 1176 3127 75025. TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 1 1 1 2 1 120 120 120 120 120 14-AUG-2011 10-AUG-2011 25-FEB-2012 26-FEB-2012 01-APR-2011 23-SEP-2011 06-SEP-2011 31-MAR-2012 23-MAR-2012 19-FEB-2012 40 27 35 26 325 964.8 SUB TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) RAICHUR TPS RAICHUR TPS ENNORE TPS 06-MAR2012 26-JAN-2012 20-AUG-2011 5 110 5 1 12 110 60 2040 2 3 600 600 01-SEP-2011 21-JAN-2012 28-SEP-2011 04-MAR-2012 28 42 665.01 6.68 80.53 KAHALGAON TPS 7 500 07-OCT-2011 04-NOV-2011 28 661.84 7.25 845.72 1014.33 58.43 190.09 7.94 30-SEP-2011 30 719.22 19.58 6.95 7.3 71. TPS SIKKA REP. TPS SIKKA REP. PROBLEM TURBINE MISC.07 KAHALGAON TPS 5 500 21-NOV-2011 20-DEC-2011 30 709.68 935.3 210 19-OCT-2011 14-NOV-2011 26 621.61 232.08 24. TPS 3 75 10-APR-2011 17-MAY-2011 37 876.08 1 5 3 210 210 110 21-JAN-2012 01-AUG-2011 01-APR-2011 19-MAR-2012 26-AUG-2011 28-JUN-2011 59 26 88 1413.32 100 922.99 8. Capacity (MW) Date Of Outage Date of Return Outage Days Outage Hours GANDHI NAGAR TPS SIKKA REP.32 100 922.93 15.38 296.27 336.48 KAHALGAON TPS 6 500 04-AUG-2011 31-AUG-2011 27 642.2 06-JAN-2012 30-AUG-2011 01-FEB-2012 25-OCT-2011 25 56 609.32 100 65.32 100 922.38 104. ASH HANDLING SYSTEM PROBLEM HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM MAJOR REPAIRS IN BOILER TURBINE VIBRATIONS HIGH WATER TREATMENT PLANT FAILURE ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 470.63 6.62 1739.20 Annexure-4.15 PARAS TPS 2 55 01-APR-2011 19-MAY-2011 49 1176 01-APR-2011 19-MAY-2011 BHUSAWAL TPS 1 50 30 7660 3 300 01-SEP-2011 8 8 250 250 RAICHUR TPS 2 NORTH CHENNAI TPS NEYVELI TPS-II ENNORE TPS Reason MU Loss RESERVE SHUT DOWN RESERVE SHUT DOWN RESERVE SHUT DOWN RESERVE SHUT DOWN TURBINE VIBRATIONS HIGH VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION FURNACE FIRE OUT /FLAME FAILURE VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION 115.39 2907.06 ENNORE TPS 3 110 14-JUL-2011 31-MAR-2012 261 6275.79 922.81 TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS ECONOMISER TUBE LEAKAGE COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM GEN.74 130.88 614 7799.31 330.07 BOILER MISC.97 64.98 COOLING TOWER PROBLEM 215. TRANS DAMAGED 399.94 % of Unit Max Possible(Gen) 10.59 48.8 80.27 7.84 8.66 .85 7.83 WATER WALL TUBE LEAKAGE 67.83 21075.59 101.47 16.3 Sheet _ of 4 DETAILS OF LONG DURATION FORCED OUTAGES (25 DAYS & ABOVE ) DURING 2010-11 Station Unit No.95 2113.5 KORADI TPS 1 105 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 KORADI TPS 2 105 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 KORADI TPS 3 105 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 KORADI TPS 4 105 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 KUTCH LIG. L.P.35 7.2 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS TENUGHAT TPS 8 250 13-SEP-2011 24-DEC-2011 102 2455.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.93 1 210 09-JUL-2011 25-AUG-2011 48 1143.5 247. RESERVE SHUT DOWN Station SANTALDIH TPS 1 120 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 SANTALDIH TPS 2 120 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 SANTALDIH TPS 3 120 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 SANTALDIH TPS 4 120 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 MUZAFFARPUR TPS 2 110 03-NOV-2011 29-MAR-2012 147 3519.96 41.7 100 11.69 291.27 21.97 55. PROBLEM MILLING SYSTEM /RC FEEDER PROBLEM COAL HANDLING PROBLEM BOILER FEED PUMP/MOTOR PROBLEM POLLUTION PROBLEM POLLUTION PROBLEM CONDENSER TUBE LEAKAGE/ CLEANING TURB.04 13.1 13.L.L.58 8784 8784 BARAUNI TPS 6 105 05-SEP-2011 01-OCT-2011 26 617.7 BANDEL TPS 2 60 07-MAY-2011 25-NOV-2011 203 4866.33 PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS D.6 Reason GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS MAINTENANCE TURBINE ROTOR FAILURE/DAMAGED 181.63 2252.P.83 PATRATU TPS 1 40 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS 2 3 40 40 01-APR-2011 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 366 366 8784 8784 D.12 46.36 100 100 263.48 416. PROBLEMS COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM POLLUTION PROBLEM HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM WATER WALL TUBE LEAKAGE BOILER MISC.56 89.04 14. TPS 2 30 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 NEW COSSIPORE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS 1 1 30 30 01-DEC-2011 03-AUG-2011 31-DEC-2011 08-SEP-2011 31 36 743.L. TPS 7 300 01-APR-2011 29-AUG-2011 150 3603.02 Unit No.47 9.36 351.32 25.02 TENUGHAT TPS 1 210 18-MAY-2011 06-JUL-2011 49 1180.34 7.03 790.08 100 1054.4 71.98 862.P. PROMLEMS MAJOR REPAIRS IN BOILER VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION TURBINE MISC.44 TENUGHAT TPS 2 210 24-FEB-2012 31-MAR-2012 36 865.74 45.6 25.32 10.P.82 7.52 100 263.24 922. TPS 5 6 3 3 3 90 90 70 70 70 01-APR-2011 09-JUL-2011 01-DEC-2011 03-OCT-2011 29-DEC-2011 31-MAR-2012 19-AUG-2011 28-DEC-2011 31-OCT-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 42 27 28 94 8784 997.42 MEJIA TPS 4 210 27-AUG-2011 21-SEP-2011 25 604.57 667. 4.08 100 1054.88 8.21 Annexure-4.85 126.62 351.27 VARIOUS STEAM LEAKAGES 613.4 416. AXIAL SHIFT/ THRUST PAD BOILER AUX. TPS 1 30 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 366 8784 D.36 100 351.3 Sheet _ of 4 DETAILS OF LONG DURATION FORCED OUTAGES (25 DAYS & ABOVE ) DURING 2010-11 MU Loss % of Unit Max Possible(Gen) 372.88 395. TPS D.81 86.07 D.22 REHEATER TUBE LEAKAGE TRIPPING OF TRANSMISSION LINE TURBINE VIBRATIONS HIGH COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS MAINTENANCE TURBINE OIL SYSTEM PROBLEM MILLING SYSTEM /RC FEEDER PROBLEM MILLING SYSTEM /RC FEEDER PROBLEM HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM COAL SHORTAGE/FEEDING PROBLEM TURBINE BLADE FAILURE STATOR/ STATOR EARTH FAULT TURBINE MISC.L.91 13.19 19.74 9.81 94.65 56.82 41.52 100 22.32 7.95 6.L.33 240.32 922.83 BANDEL TPS 1 60 14-JUL-2011 22-AUG-2011 39 938.08 100 387.P.07 70.27 100 100 64.15 40.82 . Capacity (MW) Date Of Outage Date of Return Outage Days Outage Hours MEJIA TPS 7 500 29-DEC-2011 29-JAN-2012 31 744.43 1054.53 MUZAFFARPUR TPS PATRATU TPS PATRATU TPS 2 7 8 110 105 105 15-MAY-2011 01-APR-2011 01-APR-2011 10-JUN-2011 31-MAR-2012 31-MAR-2012 27 366 366 638.56 1080.53 KOLAGHAT TPS 1 210 16-MAY-2011 02-AUG-2011 78 1882. TPS D. PROBLEM BOILER MISC. MISC.P.13 644.4 94.08 100 1054.73 157.18 BANDEL TPS 3 60 01-NOV-2011 20-DEC-2011 49 1184 BARAUNI TPS BARAUNI TPS 4 5 50 50 01-APR-2011 01-APR-2011 12-MAR-2012 12-MAR-2012 347 347 8328 8328 NEW COSSIPORE TPS 3 50 02-JAN-2012 14-MAR-2012 72 1723. Capacity (MW) Date Of Outage Date of Return Outage Days Outage Hours 2 43 30 7805 25-AUG-2011 22-SEP-2011 28 6663 1 30 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 2 30 01-APR-2011 31-MAR-2012 2 103 60 21174 % of Unit Max Possible(Gen) 7.22 Annexure-4. 4.81 16211.52 100 732 12875 17568 308962.95 366 8784 UNECONOMICAL OPERATION 263.26 .52 100 366 8784 UNECONOMICAL OPERATION 263.17 159864.52 Reason MU Loss 660.09 527.21 RESERVE SHUT DOWN 19.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 4 Page No.04 38807.3 Sheet _ of 4 DETAILS OF LONG DURATION FORCED OUTAGES (25 DAYS & ABOVE ) DURING 2010-11 Station NEW COSSIPORE TPS SUB TOTAL NORTH EASTERN REGION CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Unit No. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 5 Page No. 5. 1 SECTION-5 OPERATING AVAILABILITY 5.1 On the basis of planned maintenance undertaken and forced outages occurred at 454 Thermal Generating Units aggregating to 97768 MW, the operating availability of various units and stations has been computed and given in Annexure 2.3. During the year 2011-12, the average Operating Availability of 82.61% could be achieved by the generating units under review. The unavailability due to forced and planned shutdown and corresponding operating availability of units reviewed from 2000-01 onwards are shown below: The average Operating Availability during the year 2011-12 was lower than the Operating Availability of 83.85% achieved during last year. Main reasons for lower operating availability was increased forced shutdown of thermal units due to coal supply problem, Wet coal, Transmission constraints and Reserve shutdown of units. 5.2 UNITWISE/ STATIONWISE OPERATING AVAILABILITY The details of some of the best performing stations / units during the year 201112 are given below. The list includes 10 Generating Stations from Central Sector,13 from State sector , 6 from IPPs and 3 from Pvt Utilities.: • During 2011-12, 32 Thermal Power stations had achieved operating availability more than 90%. • Dahanu TPS in Maharashtra of M/s RIL(DAHANU) has achieved the highest Operating Availability of 97.54%. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 5 Page No. 5. 2 • The following Thermal stations (33185 MW) achieved the Operating Availability more than 90% during 2011-12.: Stations with Operating Availability (%) more than 90% during 2010-11 SL. NO. STATION NAME ORGANISATION NAME STATE NAME CAPACITY OP. AV. (%) RIL (DAHANU) MAHARASHTRA 500 97.54 JSWEL KARNATAKA 260 97.20 1 DAHANU TPS 2 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) 3 JOJOBERA TPS TATA PCL JHARKHAND 360 97.01 4 SIMHADRI NTPC Ltd. ANDHRA PRADESH 1500 96.04 5 OP JINDAL TPS JPL CHHATTISGARH 1000 95.63 6 BHILAI TPS 7 DADRI (NCTPP) 8 9 NSPCL CHHATTISGARH 500 95.55 NTPC Ltd. UTTAR PRADESH 1820 95.46 BUDGE BUDGE TPS CESC WEST BENGAL 750 95.2 RAMAGUNDEM STPS NTPC Ltd. ANDHRA PRADESH 2600 95.04 10 Dr. N.TATA RAO TPS APGENCO ANDHRA PRADESH 1760 95.00 11 SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) TOR. POW. (AECO) GUJARAT 340 94.88 12 RAYALASEEMA TPS APGENCO ANDHRA PRADESH 1050 94.50 13 SOUTHERN REPL. TPS CESC WEST BENGAL 135 94.26 14 METTUR TPS TNGDCL TAMIL NADU 840 94.06 15 RIHAND STPS NTPC Ltd. UTTAR PRADESH 2000 93.83 16 UNCHAHAR TPS NTPC Ltd. UTTAR PRADESH 1050 93.79 17 TITAGARH TPS CESC WEST BENGAL 240 93.44 18 GH TPS (LEH.MOH.) PSPCL PUNJAB 920 93.14 19 BAKRESWAR TPS WBPDC WEST BENGAL 1050 92.96 20 KOTHAGUDEM TPS APGENCO ANDHRA PRADESH 720 92.89 21 PATHADI TPP LANCO CHHATTISGARH 600 92.52 22 ANPARA TPS UPRVUNL UTTAR PRADESH 1630 91.98 23 VINDHYACHAL STPS NTPC Ltd. MADHYA PRADESH 3260 91.96 24 KHAPARKHEDA TPS MAHAGENCO MAHARASHTRA 840 91.86 25 KOTA TPS 26 SIPAT STPS 27 28 29 TALCHER (OLD) TPS NTPC Ltd. 30 SINGRAULI STPS NTPC Ltd. 31 TUTICORIN TPS TNGDCL 32 KORBA-II CSPGCL RRVUNL RAJASTHAN 1240 91.66 NTPC Ltd. CHHATTISGARH 1660 91.53 KORBA-III CSPGCL CHHATTISGARH 240 91.33 SAGARDIGHI TPS WBPDC WEST BENGAL 600 91.29 ORISSA 470 90.73 UTTAR PRADESH 2000 90.48 TAMIL NADU 1050 90.42 CHHATTISGARH 200 90.04 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 • Section 5 Page No. 5. 3 The following 8 thermal generating units achieved plant operating availability more than 99% during 2011-12: Units with Operating Availability (%) more than 99% during 2010-11 • 5.3 SL. No. 1 Station Name UNCHAHAR TPS 2 3 Unit No. 5 Organisation name NTPC Ltd. State name Capacity UTTAR PRADESH 210 OP. AV. (%) 99.88 BAKRESWAR TPS 2 WBPDC WEST BENGAL 210 99.57 SIMHADRI 1 NTPC Ltd. ANDHRA PRADESH 500 99.36 4 OP JINDAL TPS 2 JPL CHHATTISGARH 250 99.26 5 DADRI (NCTPP) 1 NTPC Ltd. UTTAR PRADESH 210 99.22 6 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 3 CESC WEST BENGAL 250 99.07 7 JOJOBERA TPS 3 TATA PCL JHARKHAND 120 99.02 The following 57 thermal generating units achieved plant operating availability less than 50% during 2011-12 . the details are given in Annexure -5.1 : SECTORWISE OPERATING AVAILABILITY 5.3.1 Among different Sectors, the overall operating availability achieved by the generating stations under Central Sector during 2011-12 was the highest (88.08%). The operating availability of Private sector was reduced to 82.09% during the year 2011-12 as compared to 89.52 % during 2010-11 due to increased forced shutdown of the units due to non availability of coal and transmission constraints. The overall operating availability of generating stations under State sector was 78.69%. The Sector wise Planned Maintenance(%), Forced outages(%) and Operating Availability (%) of generating units in different sectors for the last three years were as under :SECTOR 5.4 Planned Maintenance (%) Forced Outage (%) Operating Availability (%) (100-PM%-FO %) 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 1. Central 4.94 5.23 5.16 6.86 5.12 6.76 88.20 89.65 88.08 2. State 7.51 6.96 7.47 9.49 14.53 13.84 83.00 78.51 78.69 3. Private 2.94 2.48 2.88 6.51 8.00 15.03 90.55 89.52 82.09 CAPACITY GROUP WISE OPERATING AVAILABILITY 5.4.1 The operating availability of 660-800 MW capacity group was 64.70% due to increased forced outage at Mundra TPS specially due to transmission constraints problem. The operating availability of 100-150 MW capacity group was 59.23% due to increased forced outage of Vintage units closed for operation and due to R&M of some units. Details are given in Section 2. The capacity group wise Planned Maintenance (%), Forced Outages (%) and Operating availability (%) for 2011-12 and previous two years were as under: Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Capacity Group (MW) 5.5 Planned Maintenance (%) 09-10 10-11 11-12 Section 5 Page No. 5. 4 Forced Outage (%) 09-10 10-11 11-12 Operating Availability (%) 09-10 10-11 11-12 660-800 - - - - - 35.3 - - 64.70 450-600 3.93 4.54 5.29 5.07 5.57 7.71 91.00 89.89 87.00 300-330 2.93 1.86 2.51 9.43 15.57 15.45 87.64 82.57 82.04 250 3.41 3.59 3.76 8.71 8.31 9.29 87.88 88.10 86.95 210 6.24 5.89 5.22 5.76 7.55 6.98 88.00 86.56 87.80 195-200 7.51 10.35 9.33 5.14 5.03 7.64 87.35 84.62 83.03 100-150 12.17 10.58 13.02 18.81 26.08 27.75 69.02 63.34 59.23 25-99 7.43 5.34 5.6 18.23 25.04 24.9 74.34 69.62 69.50 ALL INDIA 6.17 5.84 5.93 8.25 10.31 11.46 74.34 83.85 82.61 REGIONWISE OPERATING AVAILABILITY The overall Operating Availability of the Generating Stations in the Southern Region was 87.79% which was the highest among different Regions. The Regionwise Planned Maintenance(%), Forced outages(%) and Operating Availability (%) of generating units for the year 2011-12 were as under : - 5.6 Region Planned Maintenance (%) Forced Outage (%) Operating Availability (%) Northern Western 6.97 9.49 83.54 5.12 11.38 83.50 Southern 5.58 6.63 87.79 Eastern 6.35 17.51 76.14 All India 5.93 11.46 82.61 MAKEWISE OPERATING AVAILABILITY: The Operating Availability of 84.92% achieved by BHEL/BHEL make units was the highest among the units of different makes. The Planned maintenance (%), Forced outage (%) and Operating Availability (%) of units of different make during 201112 and previous two years were as under: Make of Units TG / BOILER Forced Outage (%) Operating Availability (%) 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 6.28 6.42 6.52 6.3 7.97 8.56 87.42 85.61 84.92 BHEL /ABL 6.53 4.26 6.34 28.6 30.62 24.87 64.87 65.12 68.79 CHINA/CHINA 2.87 1.9 2.93 9.36 16.49 20.85 87.77 81.61 76.22 8.01 4.47 3.64 5.18 10.51 13.24 86.81 85.02 83.12 5.57 5.3 5.69 11.67 13.6 15.01 82.76 81.1 79.30 6.17 5.84 5.93 8.25 10.31 11.46 85.58 83.85 82.61 BHEL/BHEL RUSSIA/ RUSSIA OTHERS/ OTHERS ALL MAKE 5.7 Planned Maintenance (%) OPERATING AVAILABILITY OF SYSTEMS The Operating Availability of different systems / areas during the years 2010-11 and 2011-12 were as under. Operating Availability of Boiler and Boiler Aux and Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 5 Page No. 5. 5 Turbine and Auxiliary system has decreased from 96.38 and 98.30% in 2010-11 to 95.94 and 97.90% respectively in 2011-12.: OPERATING AVAILABILITY (%) Systems / Areas 2010-11 2011-12 1.Boiler & Aux. 96.38 95.94 2. Turbine & Aux. 98.30 97.90 3. Generator 99.06 99.01 4. Others 90.11 89.77 83.84 82.61 Over All 5.8 MONTHWISE OPERATING AVAILABILITY During the year 2011-12, the highest Operating Availability of 86.97% was achieved during February, 2012. Operating availability touched lowest value of 75.62% during septemeber’11 on account of increased planned and forced shutdown of thermal units. Month wise Planned Maintenance (%), Forced outage (%) and Operating Availability (%) during 2010-11 and 2011-12 are shown below: Unavailability Month Planned (%) 2010-11 2011-12 Forced (%) 2010-11 2011-12 Operating Availability (%) 2010-11 2011-12 April 6.13 5.40 8.95 8.97 84.92 85.63 May 4.91 4.78 12.06 8.77 83.03 86.45 June 5.66 5.21 11.65 11.58 82.69 83.21 July 8.78 8.70 10.87 10.00 80.35 81.30 August 9.24 8.66 10.54 12.52 80.22 78.82 September 9.61 9.90 13.76 14.48 76.63 75.62 October 8.96 7.04 13.73 11.92 77.31 81.04 November 8.94 6.44 13.71 9.88 77.35 83.68 December 8.94 5.45 13.71 10.26 77.35 84.29 January 8.90 3.54 13.64 10.18 77.46 86.28 February 8.80 3.26 13.22 9.77 77.98 86.97 March 8.76 2.96 13.18 10.78 78.06 86.26 April –March 5.83 5.93 10.32 11.46 83.85 82.61 60 16.08 12 2 14 16 23 3160 135 2620 3240 4173 4.57 72.56 80.18 9.97 0.5 5.89 25.09 5.27 83.16 5.U.77 12 2 23 34 17 1780 250 3720 7255 2932.67 15. State Sector and Pvt.96 6.34 6.10 15.76 89.98 31.99 19.98 13.27 61.00 2.9 Section 5 Page No.94 12.00 5.60 4.27 79.06 79.45 6.Av.00 9.35 5.N. No.95 11.45 0.96 83.73 PM% FO% OP.96 15.88 77. Utilities during 2011-12 is given below: Sl.90 68.78 82. 2 APCPL* 3 DVC 4 K.B. 6 OPERATING AVAILABILITY – ORGANISATION WISE Organisation wise operating availability in respect of Central Sector. % .61 50.43 95.12 0.84 13.34 86.16 4.55 88.06 11.L 5 NLC 6 NSPCL CENTRAL SECTOR STATE SECTOR NORTHERN REGION 1 HPGCL 2 IPGPCL 3 PSPCL 4 RRVUNL 5 UPRVUNL WESTERN REGION 6 CSPGCL 7 GMDCL 8 GSECL 9 MAHAGENCO 10 MPPGCL SOUTHERN REGION No of units Capacity (mw) 85 1 17 2 20 2 127 27045 500 3700 220 2740 500 34705 5. Organisation/ Utility CENTRAL SECTOR 1 NTPC Ltd.72 34.33 11.31 87.40 80.73 6.93 7.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 5. 5. 00 7.76 17.12 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl.78 5.48 0.23 2.80 76.46 69.00 3.43 0.29 0.00 15.32 49.58 12.84 0 78.98 1285 3585 2.38 88.27 74.41 11.59 525 1800 360 12920 97768 0.86 45 900 540 0.96 60 46558 0.00 71.07 8. POW.79 2.08 69.37 3.28 7.97 95.93 19.47 100 13.01 79. Organisation/ Utility No of units 25 9 17 11 APGENCO 12 KPCL 13 TNGDCL EASTERN REGION 14 BSEB 4 15 DPL 7 16 JSEB 10 17 OPGC 2 18 TVNL 2 19 WBPDC 24 NORTH EASTERN REGION 20 APGPCL# 2 STATE SECTOR 257 PRIVATE UTILITY WESTERN REGION 1 RIL (DAHANU) 2 2 TATA PCL 4 3 TOR.25 9.00 2.5 2220 2970 5.14 81. No. 5 (AECO) EASTERN 4 CESC 13 PRIVATE 24 UTILITY PRIVATE IPPs NORTHERN REGION 1 BEPL* 1 2 RPSCL 3 3 RWPL (JSW) 4 WESTERN REGION 4 APL* 7 5 GIPCL 4 6 JPL 4 7 JSWEL 4 8 LANCO* 2 9 VESPL* 1 10 WPCL 3 SOUTHERN REGION 11 JSWEL 4 12 ST-CMSECP 1 13 UPCL 1 EASTERN REGION 14 MPL* 1 15 SEL* 3 16 TATA PCL 3 PRIVATE IPP 46 ALL INDIA 454 Capacity (mw) Section 5 PM% Page No.18 310 690 770 420 420 4340 35.93 30.03 45.60 14. 5.05 8.7 500 1400 400 0.18 12.30 97.06 4.13 87.Av.31 4.69 8.52 5.11 83.96 27.05 82.93 11.40 80.28 4.41 24.00 1.00 0.02 28.70 0.39 50. % 5092. 7 FO% OP.17 10.93 16.81 82.72 2.54 82.76 90.00 5.50 3300 500 1000 1200 600 35 405 1.63 89.57 7.11 48.30 97.81 3.28 6.18 12.52 100 83.(2X30 MW) are under forced outage due to uneconomical problem .13 87.25 7.91 93.20 19.28 2.04 72.36 63.21 8.29 92.74 18.32 860 250 600 6.50 0.43 86.14 36.95 90.76 46.61 *New Units # Chandarpur (ASSAM).30 5.24 2.45 17.18 7.00 0.05 60. L.01 15.38 D.00 PARICHHA TPS 2 110 100.39 AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 1 120 0.21 D. TPS 3 70 0.04 GND TPS(BHATINDA) 3 110 100.96 0.00 0.00 100.24 13.05 19.55 44.20 45.P.81 5.00 PATRATU TPS 3 40 0.00 100.21 40.00 PATRATU TPS 2 40 0.O %op Av 60 36.L.00 0.75 ENNORE TPS 4 110 0.37 NEW COSSIPORE TPS 1 30 8.28 48.00 51.44 3.00 0.70 30.99 OBRA TPS 8 94 0.00 84. 5.00 100. 8 Annexure 5.63 49.M %F.00 100.20 28.67 42.81 5.19 TROMBAY TPS 4 150 0.45 45.00 51.00 KORADI TPS 4 105 0.00 50.00 100.02 48.00 0.00 .00 0.00 0.39 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 1 135 0.00 55.29 HARDUAGANJ TPS JALIPA KAPURDI TPP 2 135 1.00 0.40 AMARKANTAK EXT TPS 2 120 45.00 100.00 0.1 Units achieved plant Operating Availability less than 50% during 2011 -12 Sl.19 46.00 PATRATU TPS 1 40 0.03 66.00 94.41 48.43 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 NEW COSSIPORE TPS 3 50 0.11 MUZAFFARPUR TPS 2 110 0.62 49.00 KORADI TPS 3 105 0.61 14.36 GIRAL TPS 1 125 19.00 58.77 OBRA TPS 11 200 72.L.00 100.00 55.23 44.00 0.00 61.33 19.34 9. Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Station Name Unit Name 5 Capacity %P.22 20.17 53.25 41.00 0.02 ENNORE TPS 3 110 0.P.67 ROSA TPP Ph-I 3 300 0.00 56.74 43.00 93.41 13.97 6.P.00 HARDUAGANJ TPS 7 105 100.00 PATRATU TPS 5 90 0.00 80.00 98.00 58.27 44.00 KORADI TPS 2 105 0. TPS 6 110 40.00 OBRA TPS 7 94 100.00 100.33 19.00 0.03 BARAUNI TPS 4 50 0.95 53.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 5 Page No.46 46.00 80.97 GIRAL TPS 2 125 0.00 0.62 BANDEL TPS 2 60 5.00 0.16 PARAS TPS 2 55 0. TPS 7 300 0.00 MUZAFFARPUR TPS 1 110 100.98 1.72 PARLI TPS 3 210 31.39 24.67 BHUSAWAL TPS 1 50 0.64 38.19 BARAUNI TPS 5 50 0.34 36.73 D.00 77.00 0.98 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 8 250 0.26 BARAUNI TPS 6 105 3.17 HARDUAGANJ TPS 8 250 0.61 GND TPS(BHATINDA) 4 110 40.74 YAMUNA NAGAR TPS 2 300 0.00 94.62 41.00 99.68 68.00 85.77 MUNDRA TPS 6 660 0.00 KORADI TPS 1 105 0.84 22.00 0. 00 0.P.00 SANTALDIH TPS 3 120 0. Name 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Station Name Section 5 Page No.00 0.00 SANTALDIH TPS 4 120 0.00 100.L.P.M %F.00 0.00 100.00 0. TPS 1 30 0.00 100.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 100.00 D.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 PATRATU TPS 10 110 100.00 0.00 CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS 2 30 0.00 100.00 100.00 BARAUNI TPS 7 105 100.L.00 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 PATRATU TPS 8 105 0.00 0.00 PATRATU TPS 9 110 100.00 0.00 100. 9 Capacity %P.00 100.00 SANTALDIH TPS 2 120 0.O %op Av PATRATU TPS Unit Name 7 105 0.00 SANTALDIH TPS 1 120 0.00 0. TPS 2 30 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl. 5.00 CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS 1 30 0.00 0.00 0. 2. Out of 490 Thermal units operating on 31st March 2012. 6. PARTICULARS 2011-12 UNITS COMISSIONED BY THE END OF THE YEAR 1 (a) Number 9 (b) Capacity (MW) 6080 UNITS REVIEWED 2 (a) Number (b) Capacity 4 (MW) 2640 (C) Generation (MU) 7632. NO. 6. NO. CAP.1 This section covers the performance analysis of various capacity groups of thermal units during last three years.1 During the year 2011-12.22 3 Planned Maintenance (%) 4 Forced outage 5 Operating Availability (%) 6 Plant Load Factor (%) (%) 0. NO.31 . (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) 0 0 0 0 3 1980 1 660 4 2640 0 0 0 0 6 3600 8 4000 57 29105 0 0 0 0 20 6120 0 0 20 6120 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 750 40 10000 12 2520 10 2100 0 0 11 2310 143 30030 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 600 25 4990 8 950 3 300 7 945 15 1810 90 10550 0 0 18 930 0 0 43 2355 75 4333 20 3470 31 3330 36 12645 84 12485 454 97768 CAPACITY GROUPWISE PERFORMANCE Capacity group wise performance of these 454 thermal units is discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.2 Capacity Group Wise Disposition of thermal units ABL/BHEL Russia/Russia China/China Others/Others All makes CAP. CAP. No. the Plant load factor of the group was 44. (MW) 660-800 0 0 490-600 43 21505 300-330 0 0 250 37 9250 210 110 23100 195-200 22 4390 100-150 57 6545 25-99 14 1048 Total 283 65838 6. 9 Super critical units were Synchronised to the grid. CAP. CAP. however only 4 units were reckoned for PLF calculation.1 660-800 MW CAPACITY GROUP (SUPERCRITICAL UNITS) 6. capacity group-wise disposition of 454 units considered in the review is as shown below: Make BHEL/BHEL CAP.2. Details are given in Section1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Page No.00 35. NO.1 SECTION-6 CAPACITY GROUPWISE PERFORMANCE 6. CAPACITY NO.7 44. NO. Though the supercritical units of 660-800 MW group were new . Performance of 660-800 MW capacity group units during the years 2011-12 are given below:Sl.1.31% because Mundra U # 6 was having transmission constraints and Mundra U #5 was having boiler feed pump problems and was on forced shutdown.3 64. 6.46 0 0 0 0.0 0. Details of outages and energy loss of 680-800 MW capacity group units on account of outages of various equipment and auxiliaries for the previous three years are shown below.CONDENSER TUBE LEAKAGE/ CLEANI 9.1.TURBINE BEARING PROBLEM 2.38 3.79 55.3 0 0.86 3 153.55 Total II.P.1 100 The details of the area/causes of forced outages and energy loss of this capacity group unit during the years 2009-10. Turbine & Turbine Aux.05 1.P. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below.H.0 0. Area/ cause of outage (660-800 MW Capacity group) I.MAIN STEAM LINE PROBLEM 10.04 11. OTHERS Total Boiler B.1 8 407.39 338.00 25 0.74 7.82 36.13 0.0 0.76 21.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 6.0 0.O. Turbine 1.0 1 491. Generator VI.1.0 0.GOVERNING / OIL SYSTEM PROBLEM 3. Boiler & Boiler Aux.05 1.TURBINE CONTROL VALVE PROBLEM 8.2 During the year 2011-12. Boiler 2. of Outages 11-12 MU Loss % of Group F.0 0.0 0. of Outages MU Loss % of Group Forced outage losses 11-12 11-12 11-12 I. & L. EQUIPMENT 1. AUXILIARIES 1.64 0 0. (Elect.97 19. Generator 1 70.4 25 4434. Boiler 1.58 14 2017.48 9. problem.69 2.2.0 0. Total excluding RSD of the Group VIII. energy losses due to forced outage in respect of 660-800 MW capacity group units have 4434 MU.0 0.64 2.28 3.TURBINE DIFFERENTIAL EXPANSION PROBLEM 4.1 100 III.55 Total 4 935.0 0.00 4434. bypass system No. V. WATER WALL TUBE LEAKAGE 8.TURBINE ROTOR FAILURE/DAMAGED 7.3 210.0 0.5 2 68. Turbine 7 1608. EQUIPMENTS A. The maximum energy loss of 2476 MU was due to Turbine & Turbune Aux.) VII.CONDENSER LOW VACCUM 12.19 9 2475. IV.0 0 0 .89 4./Mech.69 7.58 7 1480.55 45.0 0 0. RSD Total 6.84 1 70. Misc. Boiler 6 338. Turbine 2 866.0 0.Emergency Safety Valve closure 11.TURBINE AXIAL SHIFT/ THRUST PAD PROBLEM 5.2 Section 6 Page No.2.79 1.0 1 38. Loss 11-12 11-12 2 4 6 128.TURBINE ECCENTRICITY/ HIGH VIBRATION 6. Area/ cause of Outage of 490-500 MW capacity group No.79 33.07 0 0. SEAL OIL SYSTEM PROBLEM 6.85 0.28 0 1 0. ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS TOTAL OTHER ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS 0 0. B.0 0. Turbine Auxiliaries 1. PIPES and VALVES BOILER SIDE 6.0 0. PROBLEM Total Turbine C.09 1.0 0.0 0 0.58 0 0 0. H.W.0 1. TURBINE PIPES & VALVES PROBLEM 6. REGENERATIVE SYSTEM PROBLEM 5. MISC. PROBLEMS A. GENERATOR MISCLLANEOUS MAINTENANCE Total Generator II.0 0. OTHERS MISC.25 68. BOILER FEED PUMP/MOTOR PROBLEM 2. Boiler Auxiliaries 1.52 10.58 0 0 1 0 0.0 0 1 2 0. C. I.R.A. HYDROGEN PRESSURE PROBLEM 10.0 0.0 0.0 0. INSTRUMENTATION PROBLEM 0 0.09 .D.0 0 8.79 0.0 0 0. SUPPLY PROBLEM Page No.46 0.0 0.0 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (660-800 MW Capacity group) Section 6 No. PROBLEM 8.0 0 0 1 0.V. TRANSFORMER TRIPPING/ DAMAGED 2.0 866. EXCITATION PROBLEM 4. & ELEC.0 0.89 36.0 70.0 0. OTHER ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS 1.0 6.3 MU Loss % of Group F. BOILER AUX.55 0.0 0. FANS PROBLEM 3.0 0 00. BREAKER/ISOLATOR PROBLEMS 0 0. Air supply problem 0 0.0 0. SWITCH YARD/BUS BAR PROBLEM 0 0. COOLING SYSTEM FAILURE 5. F.05 1.0 0.05 0.0 0.55 1 474.0 0.0 0 0. GENERATOR PROTECTION/ RELAY OPERATION PROBLEM 9.0 19.0 1 70.0 0. Total Boiler & Turbine Aux. A. AUXILIARIES A.T. GEN.85 0.0 0. PUMP PROBLEM 4.0 0 0 2 4 0. BUSHING/ BUSHING FAILURE 6. Generator 1.0 0. ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 11. 6. Loss 11-12 926. DC SUPPLY PROBLEM 0 0.0 0.0 0.85 0. DEAERATOR PROBLEM 7.0 5. FANS PROBLEM 2..0 0.T. PROBLEMS 8.O.55 21. ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 10./L. STATOR/ STATOR EARTH FAULT 2.09 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 4. Total Turbine Aux. FIRE HAZARDS / FIRE IN CABLE GALLERY 7.0 3.0 0.0 0.7 0 1 0 0 0 392. ROTOR/ ROTOR EARTH FAULT 3.0 1.0 1 3.0 0. UNIT AUX.TURBINE MISC.27 1608.0 0. TRANSFORMER/ STATION TRANSFORMER PROBLEMS 2.0 3.0 0 0.0 20.76 0. FUEL SUPPLY & OTHER MISC.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 0. MILLING SYSTEM /RC FEEDER PROBLEM 5.45 0. TURBINE MISC.0 0.97 935. GENERATOR BEARING PROBLEM 7.0 0.0 9. FIRE IN TURBO GEN. MISC.82 11-12 20. of Outages 11-12 2 7 13. FANS PROBLEM 4.0 0. GEN.1 0 0 0. III. PROMLEMS Total Boiler Aux. MECH. P.D.0 0. CONDENSATE PUMP PROBLEM 3.0 12. 09 161637. PROBLEMS 0 0.1 Performance of 490-600 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10.2.21 83.0 TOTAL FUEL SUPPLY AND OTHER MISC PROBLEMS C. RESERVE SHUT DOWN 5 1320. PARTICULARS 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 UNITS COMISSIONED BY THE END OF THE YEAR 1 (a) Number (b) Capacity (MW) 43 49 74 21490 24480 38030 42 45 57 20990 22480 29105 154453.53 19.24 3.11 5.0 22.93 4. OTHER MISC.17 190292.89 87 6 Plant Load Factor 87.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Area/ cause of outage (660-800 MW Capacity group) No.0 18.53 28. VINTAGE UNIT WITHDRAWN AND CLOSED FOR OPERATION 26. PROBLEMS 0 0.24 29.0 0. ASH HANDLING SYSTEM PROBLEM 20. D. 2010-11and 2011-12 are given below:Sl.0 16.0 0. FUEL SUPPLY AND OTHER MISC PROBLEMS 13.0 0.0 0. FUEL OIL PROBLEM 0 0. COAL/LIGNITE SHORTAGE/ FEEDING PROBLEM 14.29 5. COOLING TOWER PROBLEM 1 156.0 0. PROBLEM 0 0.0 27.7 3. WET/ POOR QUALITY COAL Page No. WET/ POOR QUALITY LIGNITE 0 0.2.4 Total Miscellaneous 0.0 24. WATER PROBLEM 0 0. No.0 0. GRID SYSTEM 1 156.O.0 0.S.0 21.0 0.57 7.0 0 0.38 (%) (%) . E.71 UNITS REVIEWED 2 (a) Number (b) Capacity (MW) (C) Generation (MU) 3 Planned Maintenance (%) 4 Forced outage 5 Operating Availability (%) 90.0 0 0.0 0. RAW WATER PROBLEM 0 0. NON-READINESS OF RESIDUAL 0 WORK OF NEW UNIT 25.0 0 0.0 0.24 29. Loss 11-12 11-12 0 0.0 6.79 33.2 490-600 MW CAPACITY GROUP 6. E.77 0 TOTAL GRID SYSTEM 5 1320.0 0.58 78. TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS/ GRID DISTURBANCE 29.4 MU Loss % of Group F.0 0.0 23.97 89. / POLLUTION PROBLEM 0 0.7 3. of Outages 11-12 B. 6. FUEL SUPPLY & OTHER MISC.54 5.0 17.0 0.0 0.2.77 7 1480.S. COAL SHORTAGE/ FEEDING PROBLEM 15.0 0.P.P.M. 5 Details of outages and energy loss of 490-600 MW capacity group units on account of outages of various equipment and auxiliaries for the previous three years are shown below.2.05 930.90 39.86 773.06 1. The non redness of residual work of new units was increased due to work at Sterlite TPS (U#3) (600MW).87 5.42 9829.O.88 6.64 42.600MW Capacity group) 09-10 No.78 4191.65 485. Turbine 3. Area/ cause of Outage of 490600 MW capacity group No.26 44 26 37 1167.88 2133.81 944.63 Total 27 33 56 215.21 2.60 17. AUXILIARIES 1. Boiler Water wall tube leakage Super heater tube leakage Re-heater tube leakage Economizer tube leakage Air pre-heater problems 71 77 117 2309. V.2.56 109.01 357 405 634 9018. Generator VI.19 5.00 100.74 0. EQUIPMENT 1.31 37.47 207.22 5.69 7452.13 54.52 10554. problems VII.2.87 698.90 4.05 1841. Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 I.48 1. The details of the area/causes of forced outages and energy loss of this capacity group unit during the years 2009-10.89 1. Boiler 205 191 278 4733.00 100.36 47 56 73 1113. 6.65 3. Total excluding RSD of the Group VII.31 0.35 10. Other Misc. Increased ash handling problem at Korba STPS.23 39.2 Section 6 Page No.39 433.24 17.80 41.21 52.05 2.6 12.3 1 1 6 76.76 15 39 46 294.46 .8 99.24 371.49 6765. Generator Total II.05 54. RSD Total 6.88 2133.36 364. Area/ cause of outage (490.94 6.27 982.25 6.1 356 404 628 8942. IV.41 113.46 1043.27 6.89 4 1 9 118.54 11.99 III.77 78 97 193 2763.54 11.98 1.65 3.43 25.95 10684.12 18131.55 20 23 27 530.06 1.01 5774.26 10.87 4093.77 251 274 379 5964.21 19 26 10 351.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 6.55 0.79 97.04 4572.68 216 212 316 4770.75 52.31 31 44 55 935.73 7136.54 100.91 98.85 1.42 733.46 665. Boiler 11 21 38 36. Coal supply problem and transmission constraints were the main causes of breakdowns in 490-600 MW capacity group.21 2.02 0. Boiler & Boiler Aux.92 263.65 30. Turbine 16 12 18 178.76 17766.94 2.42 129. Turbine & Turbine Aux.11 66.45 3181. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below.1 5.37 9.2.74 12. of Outages % of Group Forced outage losses MU Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 I.00 Tube leakages in the main boiler.27 6.39 1.92 2.87 698.03 2. of Outages 10-11 11-12 09-10 MU Loss 10-11 11-12 % of Group F. EQUIPMENTS A.94 342.22 3.41 0.49 38.15 98.83 1091.23 4.13 15 39 46 294. The generation loss due to transmission constraint had been increased due to problem at Sterlite TPS (U#2) (600MW). 22 0.6 % of Group F.86 50.00 2 1 2 9.48 0.19 0.2 0.00 0. 6.44 NA.17 1 0 1 0.80 52.82 0.53 2.58 1 0.2 0.00 4.02 .29 0 3 1 0.00 32.27 0.07 1.00 0.03 1.05 930.01 0.00 0.2 0 0 1 0.36 4. Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 11-12 2 5 1 21.96 3 3 4 27.00 0.50 2.16 1.48 0.24 1.01 NA.08 306.41 732.71 0.19 0.09 0.89 0.24 0.19 31 44 55 929.11 0.31 148.00 20.66 1.00 0 0 3 0.37 9. 4. NA.86 41.00 4 4 6 536.86 0.01 0.55 0.82 15 13 17 45.94 0.29 0.26 0.30 0.96 0.52 39.00 0.00 0. 863.68 370.R.42 0.33 59.02 8 8 9 15.89 3 4 6 35.11 0.O.00 0.01 0.00 0.47 0.49 38. Cooling system failure Seal oil system problem Gen.24 16.21 52.06 1.00 0.92 0.42 182.00 0.16 1 2 1 2.37 0.31 1.00 0.77 4 3 1 106.00 0.28 34.04 0.46 0.83 79.01 1 6 0 0.00 1.24 0. Turbine Turbine Bearing problems Governing /Oil System Failures Turbine differential expansion problem Axial shift/thrust pad problem Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations Turbine rotor failure/ damaged Turbine control valve problem Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning Main Steam line problem Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure Condenser low vacuum H.04 205 191 278 4733.12 11.55 0.00 0.23 0.18 167.45 0.00 0.7 0.16 30.V.31 1 1 5 1.00 19.90 9.35 2 4 8 0.35 0.01 0.39 2.55 76.45 3.01 15 10 21 21.26 0.84 982.87 4093.10 0.58 7. bushing/ bushing failure A.01 2 11. Bearing problem Fire in Gen.39 0.68 104.67 5 4 20 37.P/LP by-pass system Other Misc. Generator Stator/ Stator earth fault Rotor/ Rotor earth fault Gen. Problems Total Turbine C.64 3.34 0 1 1 0.00 0.5 0.08 1 2 0 1 0 0.33 2 2 2 293.02 0.28 17.00 61.93 0. problems 09-10 No.19 0.44 0 0 0.86 136.28 312.78 36.19 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (490.03 0. 13 NA.00 0.84 161.600MW Capacity group) Furnace trouble Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal (c) Drum level high/ low Other Misc.00 0.15 4.19 5.00 0.07 5.25 0.01 0.28 0. of Outages 10-11 11-12 Section 6 09-10 MU Loss 10-11 Page No.12 2 7.00 134.81 120.30 0. NA.13 0 2 3 0.46 0.94 0.49 6765.08 354.17 0.10 59.99 3.86 28.55 0.26 10.87 0. Transformer Excitation problems Gen.58 4 11 11 9. NA.42 10 6 19 131.31 37. Problems Total Boiler B.94 63. 00 0.16 14.00 0.A.63 215. H.16 0.25 0.42 4.11 13.03 0.04 5.41 113.03 31.00 0.47 207.T.24 27.26 38.98 Section 6 MU Loss 10-11 Page No.25 0.65 485.00 0.18 21.05 0.91 98.28 45.28 27.18 56. B.00 0.82 0.02 0. 27 33 56 Total Boiler & Turbine Aux.00 34.48 0.4 0.06 2.56 109.02 23.32 0.77 9.D. Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 126.98 2.82 32.00 0. Boiler Auxiliaries 4 3 10 I.05 0.7 11-12 % of Group F.11 0.78 0.44 0. Fans problem 2 5 1 F.19 0. Fans 5 7 15 problem Milling system 0 2 3 /RC feeder problems 0 0 2 Pipes and valves Other misc.54 11.01 0.00 0.08 0.08 4.30 0.00 107. PROBLEMS A. Turbine Auxiliaries Boiler feed 7 8 8 pump problems Condensate 1 0 0 pump problems C.88 2133.55 36.00 43.D.19 0.00 0. 0 12 11 Problems Total 15 39 46 Generator II AUXILIARIES A.W.47 6. Problems 16 12 18 Total Turbine Aux.00 0.00 370.02 0.72 2.85 1.02 0.68 36.00 0. 4 3 2 supply problem 3.00 0.56 13.00 0.00 0. Unit aux.44 28.00 0.34 1267.25 0.92 2.55 0. of Outages outage 09-10 10-11 11-12 (490.47 14.23 0. 6.95 1.00 0.00 0.06 0.44 0.62 0.70 0.18 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No.8 0.65 3.00 0.12 0.600MW Capacity group) Generator 7 15 16 transformer protection relay operation problem Hydrogen 0 0 2 System Other Misc.5 0.00 87.T.00 0. 1 2 2 Breaker/Isolator problems 09-10 166.48 1.00 3.05 11.46 0.39 1.76 2.03 0.94 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.48 .O.92 0. DC supply 2 1 4 problem 4.00 0.27 145. 8 2 6 Transformer/ Station Transformer problems 2.25 0. III OTHERS MISC.20 0.17 26.16 10.55 0.43 28.89 7.27 6.26 0.76 83.94 1. Fans problem P.21 178.46 0.24 26.12 0.22 3.62 0.00 0.19 0. Switch 11 6 3 yard/Bus Bar problem 5.00 2.) De-aerator 2 0 1 system Problem 3 1 6 Other Misc.98 1.87 698.00 0.8 0.25 76.03 2.1 0. 0 4 7 Problems Total Boiler 11 21 38 Aux.2 21.00 0.47 0.58 0.24 371. Other Electrical Problems 1.02 0.00 17.69 99.13 0.80 50.2 0. pump 3 3 2 problems Regenerative 0 0 0 System problem Pipes and 0 0 1 valves (Turbine Aux.99 294.64 0./L.31 0.41 0. 00 0.3 300-330 MW CAPACITY GROUP 6.27 53.83 0. 7 7 28 Transmission Constraints/ Grid Disturbance 22.98 59.00 0.93 0.01 45.0 0.28 936.60 0.85 1. Air supply 1 5 0 problem 9. The operating availability of this capacity group unit was slightly lower as compared to the previous year.02 10.00 2.00 4.34 0.0 26.64 4702.41 2839.21 2.98 378.45 0.03 0.0 0 0 8.45 31.44 11.55 5.17 25.02 0. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 is given below:- .74 0.29 0.00 1.8 11-12 % of Group F.48 0.26 1492.14 0. Cooling 0 1 1 Tower problem 14.24 1087.03 73.0 Instrumentation problem 8.36 364.19 5.00 0. Fuel Oil 0 1 5 problem 13.17 0. Reserve 1 1 6 Shut Down Subtotal 8 8 34 Total 79 98 346 Miscellaneous Section 6 09-10 MU Loss 10-11 0 6.0 0.11 0.76 44. Raw water 1 3 1 problem 16.03 0.75 621.2.17 43.09 0.S.4 1.53 1.00 0.P.4 4.00 0.99 36.00 0.Vintage unit 0 0 withdrawn and closed For Operation 20. 10 3 5 problems Subtotal 22 27 53 C.91 9775.04 0.50 0.7 0.1 Plant load factor of 300-330 MW capacity group units during the financial year 2011-12 have slightly lower than the national average PLF%. 0 0 problem 18.00 0. Coal/Lignite 9 17 26 Shortage/ Feeding Problem 11.00 764.8 2330.76 0.00 0.00 0.51 7.81 8.5 0. Grid System 21.72 2846.38 0.0 0.76 0 Page No.16 76.M.0 103.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No.86 326.69 0.0 6.30 3881.00 2.12 14. Fuel and Other Misc.11 2256.27 0. 6.3.08 0.00 0.05 1300. water 0 1 0 problem 17.01 0.64 90.86 4581.00 0.00 28. Performance of 300-330 MW capacity group units during the year 2009-10.02 5.2. E.01 7.7 0.02 25.00 532 0.00 0. Other 17 25 73 electrical miscellaneous Subtotal 49 58 102 B.0 0.0 0. fire 0 1 2 hazards / fire in cable gallery 7. Misc.600MW Capacity group) 6.58 0.22 1.00 0.76 0.69 4.75 2. Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 7.0 0.94 25.06 0 0.07 1.48 1.73 903.42 129. Problems 10. Other misc. Ash 2 0 9 handling system problem 15.18 15.01 130.34 25. Non0 0 5 Readiness Of Residual Work Of New Unit 19.47 188.00 0.84 0 0.00 1.O.02 0. Wet/ Poor 0 1 1 Quality Coal/ Lignite 12. 0 0 0.36 2752. D. of Outages outage 09-10 10-11 11-12 (490. 77 11 0 11 58 23 7 30 120 16 6 22 98 61.51 3 Planned Maintenance (%) 4 Forced outage (%) 10.00 3.60 43. AUXILIARIES 1.4 2011-12 UNITS REVIEWED (a) Number 6.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Page No.58 60.45 5 Operating Availability (%) 86.2.75 16.08 88.23 544. Misc.84 1718.30 226.48 72.00 61. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 is shown below : Area/ cause of outage of (300330MW Capacity group) I. Generator VI.02 39.00 100.06 0.26 21.17 5354.26 7121.6 247.55 544.61 1648.00 95.17 278.86 2.72 3.) VII.34 3.91 1.16 42. EQUIPMENT 1.57 15.15 24.08 42.75 4.201111 12 MU Loss 2009-10 201011 2011-12 % of Group F.21 5632.89 82.18 0.71 3615.72 16 38 35 565.04 6 Plant Load Factor (%) 72.73 819.54 5600.74 0.00 1847.21 2.57 82.16 88.04 7592.17 16.31 565.00 4.8 0 113 6 288 18 246 0.02 19.98 47.03 184.90 73.47 471.47 41. 1 PARTTICULARS 2009-10 UNITS COMISSIONED BY THE END OF THE YEAR (a) Number (b) Capacity (MW) 2 (b) Capacity (MW) (c) Generation (MU) 12 17 21 3660 5220 6420 8 17 20 2430 5220 6120 13513. Generator Total II.00 30.33 35942.51 7.14 1 38 15 109 23 72 2. Boiler & Boiler Aux.26 Forced outage details due to failure of equipment and auxiliaries and energy loss of 300-330 MW capacity group units for the years 2009-10.34 1440. IV.87 3.34 44.3 2010-11 No.58 30. of Outages 200910 2010.2.53 18.84 3409.60 0.38 3654.42 2410.08 15.2 100 The break-up of the area/causes of forced outages and energy loss of 300-330 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10.O.34 0.77 1325.54 48.94 100.79 1.2. V.3.37 1094.73 0.14 100. Turbine Total III. Boiler 2.2 S.06 93.03 1.54 1273. Turbine & Turbine Aux.17 73.43 2.3.29 910. Total excluding RSD of the Group VIII. Turbine 3.52 3.77 113 282 228 1847./Mech.9 6. RSD Total 6.27 0. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 is given below:- . 6. (Elect.21 2452.77 460.00 6.N.62 7.50 208.3.47 28622.83 30. Loss 2009-10 2010201111 12 47 16 1 64 97 31 15 143 82 29 23 134 757.15 71. Boiler 2. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage of (300- 330MW Capacity group) No. of Outages Section 6 Page No. 6.10 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.O. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 I. EQUIPMENTS A. Boiler 1. Water wall tube leakage 2. Super heater tube leakage 3. Re-heater tube leakage 4. Economizer tube leakage 5. Air pre-heater problems 6. Furnace trouble 7. Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal (c) Drum level high/ low 8. Other Misc. Problems Total Boiler B. Turbine 1. Turbine Bearing problems 2. Governing /Oil System Failures 3. Turbine differential expansion problem 4. Axial shift/thrust pad problem 5. Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations 6. Turbine rotor failure/ damaged 7. Turbine control valve problem 8. Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning 9. Main Steam line problem 10. Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure 11. Condenser low vacuum 12. H.P/LP bypass system 13. Other Misc. Problems Total Turbine C. Generator 1. Stator/ Stator earth fault 2. Rotor/ Rotor earth fault 6 11 23 202.61 230.94 566.03 10.97 4.10 7.46 3 4 6 116.73 115.90 189.08 6.32 2.06 2.49 6 3 1 135.48 116.89 10.82 7.33 2.08 0.14 4 11 2 99.70 219.45 93.05 5.40 3.90 1.23 2 4 2 7.17 32.76 32.66 0.39 0.58 0.43 1 0 1 64.97 0.00 75.8 3.52 0.00 1.00 7 28 9 13.04 76.59 14.58 0.71 1.36 0.19 4 15 16 8.58 17.70 28.95 0.46 0.31 0.38 10 14 10 37.14 14.24 11.7 2.01 0.25 0.15 4 7 12 71.88 85.94 418.04 3.89 1.53 5.51 47 97 82 4733.87 910.42 1440.71 41.00 16.16 18.98 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.01 0 5 1 0.00 6.72 104.61 0.00 0.12 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 4 1 1 11.83 0.36 29.9 0.64 0.01 0.39 3 9 6 185.75 19.34 224.41 10.06 0.34 2.96 0 1 2 0.00 2198.90 2438.56 0.00 39.04 32.12 0 0 1 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.01 2 5 2 336.07 114.73 38.1 18.19 2.04 0.5 3 0 3 24.54 0.00 302.48 1.33 0.00 3.98 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 4 3 1.49 12.22 362.54 0.08 0.22 4.78 2 3 2 5.54 4.80 7.18 0.30 0.09 0.09 0.0 0.00 0 3 7 0.00 53.01 105.93 0.00 0.94 1.4 16 31 29 565.21 2410.08 3615.23 30.60 42.79 47.62 0 3 5 0.00 27.78 80.13 0.00 0.49 1.06 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.04 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No. of Outages outage of (300- 330MW 09-10 10-11 11-12 Capacity group) 3. Gen. NA. NA. 9 Transformer 4. Excitation 0 0 3 problems 5. Gen. Cooling 0 0 0 system failure 6. Seal oil system 0 0 1 problem 7. Gen. Bearing 0 0 0 problem 8. Fire in Gen. bushing/ 0 0 0 bushing failure 9. A.V.R. 0 0 problems 10. Generator transformer protection 0 7 8 relay operation problem 11. Hydrogen 0 1 1 System 12. Other Misc. 1 4 2 Problems Total Generator 1 15 23 II AUXILIARIES A. Boiler Auxiliaries 13. I.D. Fans 3 6 3 problem 14. F.D. Fans 1 0 0 problem 15. P.A. Fans 5 14 10 problem 16. Milling system 0 1 1 /RC feeder problems 17. Pipes and 0 0 0 valves 18. Other misc. 2 2 2 Problems Total Boiler 11 23 16 Aux. B. Turbine Auxiliaries 1. Boiler feed pump 0 0 1 problems 2. Condensate pump 0 0 0 problems 3. C.W. pump 0 3 0 problems 4. Regenerative System 0 0 0 problem 5. Pipes and valves 0 1 1 (Turbine Aux.) 6. De-aerator system 0 1 0 Problem 7. Other Misc. 0 2 4 Problems Total Turbine 0 7 6 Aux. Total Boiler & 11 30 22 Turbine Aux. Section 6 Page No. 6.11 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 NA. NA. 0.00 % of Group F.O. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 164.82 NA. NA. 2.17 0.00 20.53 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.88 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.29 38.89 0.00 0.22 0.51 0.00 4.67 361.97 0.00 0.08 4.77 2.77 44.09 3.19 0.15 0.78 0.04 2.77 88.84 544.54 0.15 1.58 7.17 6.10 48.49 33.97 0.33 0.86 0.45 3.06 0.00 0.0 0.17 0.00 0.0 9.56 125.00 149.15 0.52 2.22 1.96 0.00 0.60 6.07 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 43.01 9.98 18.83 2.33 0.18 0.25 61.73 184.08 208.02 3.34 3.27 2.74 0.00 0.00 11.47 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 17.13 0.0 0.00 0.30 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.94 8.65 0.00 0.09 0.11 0.00 1.32 0.0 0.00 0.02 0.00 18.90 19.48 0.00 0.34 0.26 0.00 42.30 39.6 0.00 0.75 0.52 226.37 247.61 3.34 4.02 3.26 61.73 0.0 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No. of Outages outage of (300- 330MW 09-10 10-11 11-12 Capacity group) III OTHERS MISC. PROBLEMS A. Other Electrical Problems 1. Unit aux. Transformer/ Station 2 7 8 Transformer problems 2. H.T./L.T. 5 5 0 supply problem 3. DC supply 1 2 0 problem 4. Switch yard/Bus Bar 6 10 1 problem 5. Breaker/Isolator 0 2 0 problems 6. Misc. fire hazards / fire 1 0 2 in cable gallery 7. Instrumentatio 0 0 n problem 8. Air supply 2 0 0 problem 9. Other electrical 4 6 24 miscellaneous Subtotal 24 40 42 B. Fuel and Other Misc. Problems 10. Coal/Lignite Shortage/ 1 15 5 Feeding Problem 11. Wet/ Poor Quality Coal/ 1 0 Lignite 12. Fuel Oil 1 1 1 problem 13. Cooling Tower 0 0 3 problem 14. Ash handling system 0 3 0 problem 15. Raw water 0 0 0 problem 16. D.M. water 0 0 1 problem 17. E.S.P. 0 5 0 problem 18. NonReadiness Of 0 0 0 Residual Work Of New Unit 19. Vintage unit withdrawn and 0 0 0 closed For Operation 20. Other misc. 2 1 1 problems Subtotal 5 25 11 C. Grid System 23. Transmission Constraints/ 6 41 19 Grid Disturbance 24. Reserve Shut 0 6 18 Down Subtotal 6 47 37 Total 38 115 138 Miscellaneous Section 6 Page No. 6.12 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.O. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 3.42 21.42 21.84 0.19 0.38 0.29 126.18 14.58 0.00 6.83 0.26 0.00 1.12 21.02 0.00 0.06 0.37 0.00 62.07 58.09 1.76 3.36 1.03 0.02 3.44 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0 26.83 0 11.84 1.45 0.00 0.16 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.94 0 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 263.06 4.53 0.22 3.46 403.01 83.73 186.15 12.2 459.19 21.81 3.3 6.05 1.79 838.84 184.52 0.10 14.89 2.43 2.75 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 1.48 0.68 3.59 0.08 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 246 0.00 0.00 3.24 0.00 87.67 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.72 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 180.28 0.00 0.00 3.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.52 2.26 1.57 1.71 0.04 0.02 37.54 1109.72 437.4 2.04 19.70 5.76 12.46 420.44 376.49 0.67 7.46 4.96 0.00 278.21 471.04 0.00 4.94 12.46 698.65 847.53 0.67 12.40 11.16 24.91 35.45 22.97 460.16 1996.75 2270.21 6.2 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Page No. 6.13 The Generation lose due to cooling tower problem was increased due to Torangallu (SBU-II) U#3 (300MW). 6.2.4 250 MW CAPACITY GROUP The 250 MW capacity group units continued to perform well with average PLF% and operating availability above 80%. Forced outage % of this capacity group units increased from 8.31 % to 9.29%. Performance of 250 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-2012 is given below:Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PARTICULARS 09-10 UNITS COMMISSIONED BY THE END OF THE YEAR (a) Number 36 (b) Capacity (MW) 9000 UNITS REVIEWED (a) Number 31 (b) Capacity (MW) 7750 (c) Generation (MU) 54249.93 Planned Maintenance (%) 3.56 Forced Outage (%) 8.96 Operating Availability (%) 87.48 Plant Load Factor (%) 83.80 11-12 39 9750 42 10500 36 9000 62687.35 3.59 8.31 88.10 82.94 40 10000 68477.99 3.76 9.29 86.95 81.75 The details of area/ causes of forced outage and MU losses of 250 MW capacity group 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are shown below: Area/ Cause No. of Outages of Outage 09-10 10-11 11-12 I. EQUIPMENTS 09-10 10-11 1.Boiler 2.Turbine 3.Generator Total II. AUXILIARIES 1.Boiler 2.Turbine Total III. Boiler & Boiler Aux. IV. Turbine & Turbine Aux. V. Generator VI. Misc. (Elect. /Mech.) VII. Total excluding RSD of the Group VII. Reserve Shut Down Total 10-11 MU Loss % of Group F.O. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 272 362 304 2161.46 2487.17 3118.46 37.43 40.60 40.68 39 42 46 789.97 967.38 1243.15 13.68 15.79 16.22 29 32 36 435.90 1022.71 1049.82 7.55 16.69 13.69 340 436 386 3387.34 4477.26 5411.43 58.66 73.08 70.59 37 35 45 103.16 197.95 181.83 1.79 3.23 2.37 15 13 16 43.29 37.07 579.61 0.75 0.61 7.56 52 48 61 146.45 235.02 761.44 2.54 3.84 9.93 309 397 349 2264.62 2685.12 3300.29 39.21 43.83 43.05 54 55 62 833.26 1004.45 1822.76 14.43 16.39 23.78 29 32 36 435.90 1022.71 1049.82 7.55 16.69 13.69 116 143 140 2150.45 1368.30 1067.01 37.24 22.33 13.92 508 627 587 5684.24 6080.57 7239.88 98.43 99.25 94.44 5 6 21 90.66 46.17 426.6 1.57 0.75 5.56 513 633 608 5774.90 6126.74 7666.48 100.00 100 100.00 Breakup of the forced outage and energy loss of 250 MW capacity group units due to equipment and auxiliaries during 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below: Area/ cause of No. of Outages outage 09- 10(250 MW Capacity 11-12 10 11 group) MU Loss 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.O. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 11-12 1086.48 11.49 20.98 14.17 I. EQUIPMENTS A. Boiler 1. Water wall tube leakage 56 68 77 663.72 1285.38 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No. of Outages outage 09- 10(250 MW Capacity 11-12 10 11 group) 2. Super heater 8 8 6 tube leakage 3. Re-heater tube 9 12 7 leakage 4. Economizer tube 19 22 14 leakage 5. Air pre-heater 5 8 7 problems 6. Furnace trouble 3 2 0 7. Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire 77 106 75 out/flame failure (b) Furnace 36 64 62 draft abnormal (c) Drum level 43 46 33 high/ low 8. Other Misc. 16 26 23 Problems Total Boiler 272 362 304 B. Turbine 1. Turbine Bearing 1 1 0 problems 2. Governing /Oil 7 6 2 System Failures 3. Turbine differential 0 0 0.00 expansion problem 4. Axial shift/thrust 1 1 3 pad problem 5. Turbine eccentricity / 2 2 7 high vibrations 6. Turbine rotor 0 1 1 failure/ damaged 7. Turbine control 1 1 3 valve problem 8. Condenser tube leakage/ 3 3 5 cleaning 9. Main Steam line 5 4 2 problem 10. Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) 0 0 0 closure 11. Condenser low 9 8 11 vacuum 12. H.P/LP by-pass 2 6 2 system 13. Other Misc. 8 9 10 Problems Total Turbine 39 42 46 C. Generator 1. Stator/ Stator 3 5 1 earth fault 2. Rotor/ Rotor 4 3 0 earth fault 3. Gen. N 15 NA. Transformer A. 4. Excitation 2 2 7 problems 5. Gen. Cooling 2 1 0 system failure 6. Seal oil system 1 0 0 problem 7. Gen. Bearing 0 1 0 problem Section 6 Page No. 6.14 MU Loss % of Group F.O. Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 0910 1011 11-12 75.58 65.58 152.22 1.31 1.07 1.99 476.24 73.83 58.81 8.25 1.21 0.77 176.43 291.03 154.65 3.06 4.75 2.02 20.98 56.66 51.3 0.36 0.92 0.67 3.23 16.76 0 0.06 0.27 0 354.70 158.95 134.47 6.14 2.59 1.75 61.60 142.51 417.36 1.07 2.33 5.44 73.13 59.94 156.66 1.27 0.98 2.04 4.43 255.84 336.54 906.52 5.49 11.82 2161.46 2487.17 3118.46 37.43 40.60 40.68 133.78 19.98 0.00 2.32 0.33 0.00 20.49 44.70 1.44 0.35 0.73 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.76 300.58 4.9 0.03 4.91 0.06 376.70 70.08 283.56 6.52 1.14 3.7 0.00 379.79 824.38 0.00 6.20 10.75 1.35 3.72 2.86 0.02 0.06 0.04 179.86 26.06 65.66 3.11 0.43 0.86 9.86 95.11 24.71 0.17 1.55 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.14 6.08 22.79 0.50 0.10 0.3 4.37 8.01 1.87 0.08 0.13 0.02 10.99 0.57 32.68 13.28 789.97 967.38 1243.15 4.35 806.69 239.56 46.26 0.00 NA. NA. 9.75 14.12 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.43 37.15 716.27 2.06 31.62 8.16 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.14 13.68 15.79 16.22 0.08 13.17 3.12 0.80 0.00 NA. NA. 0.17 0.23 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.48 9.34 0.03 0.41 0.11 0.00 14 0.28 0.45 235.02 10.77 1.22 0.00 10. PROBLEMS A.16 0.T.23 2. OTHERS MISC.00 0.01 0.46 0.44 1. problems 5 4 0 10.71 0.49 0.68 30. Hydrogen 3 2 0 System 12.00 0.44 129.04 0. Unit aux.16 0.00 0.00 0. Fans 5 6 5 problem 3.19 144.09 1. Pipes and valves 1 0 1 6. Loss 11-12 1.04 17.05 0. 1 3 3 Problems Total Boiler Aux.06 0. C.00 0.45 0.01 0.00 25.65 0.05 2.53 2.01 67.61 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No.87 3.93 124. DC supply 1 2 1 problem 4.44 103.16 0. Other Misc.17 0.83 1.01 0.02 0. Other misc. pump 3 5 1 problems 4.01 0.61 7.07 579.42 0.19 0.90 % of Group F. fire hazards 0 1 2 / fire in cable gallery 7.79 3. Instrumentation 0 1 1 problem 8.74 4.A.26 2. Transformer/ 9 14 9 Station Transformer problems 2.24 3.41 2. I.95 181.00 24.02 0.81 1.04 6.97 3.7 0.01 0.93 172.) 6.64 0. Other electrical 21 21 38 miscellaneous Section 6 Page No.04 0.18 0.02 761.00 0.48 3.15 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 210.37 9.11 2.75 0.55 21.22 0.88 42. supply 1 5 4 problem 3.05 0. F.23 563.45 0. H. 15 13 16 Total Boiler & 52 48 61 Turbine Aux.2 0.82 7.V.01 58.21 56. Other Electrical Problems 1.68 0.25 0.84 9.00 0.17 0.O.41 0.02 2.02 0. Fans 16 14 17 problem 4.34 0.65 55.00 0.00 0. P.24 0.73 6. 6.93 435. bushing/ 2 0 1 bushing failure 9.00 0.11 0.02 1.40 0.74 0.00 3.5 0.30 0.41 0. Regenerative 0 0 0 System problem 5. Air supply 0 7 1 problem 9.69 17. Other Misc. 37 35 45 B.10(250 MW Capacity 11-12 10 11 group) 8.04 1022.55 16. III.64 81.00 0.01 0.33 17.00 0.24 0.12 0.02 0.07 0910 1011 11-12 3.15 1.06 0. Breaker/Isolator 1 1 2 problems 6.46 17. Pipes and valves 0 0 0 (Turbine Aux.00 0.D.69 13.63 60.22 2. Boiler feed pump 8 4 5 problems 2.44 2. Milling system /RC feeder 4 2 4 problem 5.00 0.00 0. Condensate 0 1 0 pump problems 3. Boiler Auxiliaries 1.4 0.00 0.22 0. 3 3 10 Problems Total Turbine Aux. of Outages outage 09.04 29.22 103.00 0.05 7.95 0.29 37.W.71 1049.00 0.01 0.90 0. 2 5 3 Problems Total Generator 29 32 36 II AUXILIARIES A.74 0.85 0.41 0.00 1.90 0. Misc.8 19.54 14.00 7.24 14.33 0. Fans 10 10 15 problem 2.13 0.01 0.56 146.00 0. Generator transformer protection relay 8 8 15 operation problem 11.00 0.58 0.88 .49 13.00 0.51 1.68 8.R.54 3.00 0.24 1.00 34.03 2.06 11.32 0.00 0. A./L.35 43.T.26 0.01 0.00 2.57 13.85 0. Fire in Gen.00 0.99 0.16 197.D.18 0.16 113. De-aerator 1 0 0 system Problem 7.28 0.7 0. Switch yard/Bus 6 4 3 Bar problem 5. Turbine Auxiliaries 1. M.37 200464.98 8.00 61. E.00 0.65 90.86 471.69 8.58 0.00 0.2.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No. Forced Outage (%) 5.05 0.81 1.95 80.69 87.24 56. Plant Load Factor (%) 5.13 155.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.38 8. GRID SYSTEM 21.76 660.00 0.07 2.92 0.44 0.09 19.75 5.00 0.21 23.46 2.15 1.66 5. Units considered in the review (a) Number (b) Capacity MW 142 142 143 29820 29820 30030 209483.40 202. Ash handling 5 6 2 system problem 15. Wet/ Poor 0 4 2 Quality Coal/ Lignite 12.56 2.58 629. Fuel and Other Misc.57 0. Fuel Oil problem 3 10 10 13. Units commissioned by the end of the year (a) Number (b) Capacity MW 142 29820 143 143 30030 30030 2.26 2. 6.11 1414.67 57.P. problems 10.8 78.00 0.00 0. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below:Particulars 210 MW 09-10 10-11 11-12 1.24 7.95 2.64 361.46 1848.62 66.58 4.72 157.22 4.49 8. water 0 1 1 problem 17.00 19. Operating Availability (%) 6.99 0.48 6.00 0.08 5. Coal/Lignite Shortage/ Feeding 17 12 19 Problem 11.06 0.00 0. Transmission Constraints/ Grid 21 31 23 Disturbance 22.00 0.00 0.56 76.32 103.01 0. Performance of 210 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10.35 10.39 2241. 6 11 11 problems Subtotal 34 45 47 C. Vintage unit withdrawn and 0 0 0 closed For Operation 20.6 1.55 86.31 0.66 31. D.47 8.00 0.94 131.32 35.5.89 207509.10(250 MW Capacity 11-12 10 11 group) Subtotal 53 67 69 B.03 0.00 0.2.24 1796.S.98 87.00 0. Non-Readiness Of Residual Work Of 0 0 0 New Unit 19.00 3.01 0.15 0.14 0.17 426.00 0.66 5.1 Although the operating availability of 210 MW capacity group units reduced marginally from 76.61 732.00 0.66 46.64 1563.11 9. Other misc.11 0. Reserve Shut 5 6 21 Down Subtotal 26 37 44 Total 121 149 245 Miscellaneous Section 6 Page No. of Outages outage 09.12 1.74 6.15 0.69 0.86 578. problem 1 1 2 18.00 0.14 0. Planned Maintenance (%) 6. Loss 09-10 10-11 11-12 0910 1011 11-12 283.98 95.74% in 2009-10 to 78.5 210 MW CAPACITY GROUP 6.O.67 (c) Generation (MU) .04 0.67% in 2010-11.00 0.79 1.12 38.00 0.14 201.16 MU Loss % of Group F.37 3.91 11.94 2.42 2.28 1. Raw water 1 0 0 problem 16.91 6.71 27.02 0.32 0.45 37. Cooling Tower 1 0 0 problem 14. 23 41.39 21.86 59.71 44. Total excluding RSD of the Group VII.57 9.7 22. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 1112 I. AUXILIARIES 1.58 1395.20 4381. Boiler 1. (Elect.44 1 202.53 1116.34 12.78 3.94 3757.06 1814.80 26.73 3932. RSD 6.58 422.37 0.27 1.10 2.37 .4 0 11287.57 1.25 1330.19 16551.24 8851.92 89.Turbine 213 239 215 Total Section 6 148 115 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 7464.0 0 9.36 981.4 8 1836.8 1166 1337 1193 7815.23 146 150 158 631. Boiler 86 2.74 252. Water wall 274 343 tube leakage 2.3 Page No.62 3.) VII. V.28 0.5 19.98 3.10 2220.29 7.81 273 146 148 115 1081.31 10359.34 100.79 1761.12 12.35 7.08 629.14 1.12 1.20 8148.07 7.66 80.30 11.25 1330.23 2390.O.56 4. Economizer 126 94 tube leakage 5.5 7 % of Group F. Turbine 60 Total Aux.29 19728.05 21.63 61. Boiler & Boiler Aux.2 6 2039.01 27 210 6 85 233 4 112 457.5.35 7. III.39 71 973.23 2.37 96.46 8. Furnace 13 5 trouble 7.52 19.93 6. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below:- Area/ Cause No.Generator 146 143 Total 9 II.66 90.29 345 2.42 2. 6.89 3.23 494 479 424 3380.43 843.89 52. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 8195.03 6.52 0.42 5132.44 656.80 103.22 793.0 0 10.86 3.2.37 1.51 1.19 280. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are shown below:- Area/ cause of outage (210 MW Cap.07 82 1257.29 1.2 50.34 69.27 3.14 170.05 1081.10 674.26 4. of Outages of Outage of 09 210 MW 10-11 11-12 capacity 10 group I.25 44.50 1987.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 6. Boiler 1080 1233 1091 2.21 17689. Air preheater 28 25 problems 6.12 167 203 172 414.01 23.16 0.88 148 230 178 264. Re-heater 60 70 tube leakage 4. Misc.48 4.42 97 607. of Outages 0910 1011 MU Loss 1112 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.17 The details of forced outage for 210 MW capacity group due to equipment and auxiliaries units during the years 2009-10.83 2079 2249 2003 14371. Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal 327 2894.43 14.23 11763. Generator VI.25 8771.5.14 285 271 2094.08 100.1 226.31 1395.46 48.02 4.05 14828.58 882. Turbine & Turbine Aux.2 3.34 4.07 7.80 2. /Mech. EQUIPMENTS A.2. IV.02 623.O.29 100 Break-up of the area/ cause of forced outages and energy loss for 210 MW units for the years 2009-10. Super heater 78 80 tube leakage 3.38 1620 1421 104 46 102 56 351.96 577.99 2115 18388 7.02 4. group) No.12 10. EQUIPMENTS 1.67 673.66 17 166.29 435. 2 12.25 28 28 29 204.10 0.00 0.36 0.79 50.31 8 10 8 38.06 9 5 3 14.72 273.71 36.81 0.55 0.06 8148.76 0.00 233.33 0. Cooling system failure 6. of Outages 0910 123 63 1080 1011 145 Section 6 Page No.69 19. bushing/ bushing failure No.91 0.01 3.23 0.89 174.94 673.58 0.58 680. NA.20 56.12 0. NA.10 8195.69 1.03 0.18 699.11 NA.01 5 5 2 34.16 0.28 % of Group F. Turbine 14.08 0.13 10-11 302.92 1.86 114.41 3.23 709.43 38 30 432.05 0.02 0.57 4 358.58 3.60 0.36 0.54 22.16 21 22 19 449.2 3 50 5 37 213 0 55 239 26 179.45 0 15. H.07 118.44 0.29 0.77 0. Condenser low vacuum 25.21 2220.54 1. Seal oil system problem 7.77 0910 1011 1112 1.30 44. Fire in Gen.55 0.92 1.15 0. Gen.95 4 10 10.93 378. Transformer 4.20 4.65 11. Bearing problem 8.03 3.10 0. Turbine differential expansion problem 17. Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning 22.00 0.18 3.68 140. Generator 1. group) (c) Drum level high/ low 8.12 .58 0. Rotor/ Rotor earth fault 3.O.00 0.38 1.00 0 3 2 0.71 1.49 0. Turbine control valve problem 21.00 0. Loss 11-12 262. Problems Total Boiler B.26 0.02 0.36 3.66 43.05 1761. Problems Total Turbine C. Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure 24.34 41.00 0 1 1 0.88 28.25 9.18 MU Loss 1112 116 09-10 250.31 0.24 0. Other Misc.81 106. 1.90 13 12 5 12.42 NA.41 82.86 0.70 0.88 15 27 27 446.32 0. Main Steam line problem 23.25 2.59 0.95 12. Other Misc. Turbine Bearing problems 15. 6.53 1.55 8. Excitation problems 5.00 12 8 20 20 3 6 0 4. Governing /Oil System Failures 16.85 45.25 3.94 2.41 150.61 0.02 0.47 0.64 1.00 0.76 0.37 NA.49 16 23 15 103. 25 NA.49 56.11 0.21 0.07 0.39 0. Gen.P/LP bypass system 26. Gen.60 4.42 1.2 1.81 1233 1091 7464.55 71.00 0.02 16 77. 0.22 0.00 23.90 215 1814.89 293.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (210 MW Cap.00 0.58 0. 24 16 11 35.76 11.37 13 4 11 193.95 161.7 3 2 4 65. Axial shift/thrust pad problem 18.52 0.00 274. Stator/ Stator earth fault 2.12 0.43 108.70 175.15 0.00 52 65 114. Turbine rotor failure/ damaged 20.00 149. Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations 19. Other Misc.91 0.5 0.84 10.21 46 56 280.05 0. Transformer/ Station 30 Transformer problems 2.77 40. DC supply 23 problem 4.31 23 14 20.27 174.47 0.24 0.89 20. AUXILIARIES 46 40 160.24 1.28 0.73 404.59 2.06 9 13 50. I.32 10 10 8 160.58 0.86 1.38 10.08 0.68 0.76 56.19 0.07 0.24 0.00 8.A.47 34 34 126. Milling system / RC 11 feeder problem 11.89 0.22 104 102 623. of Outages 0910 09-10 7 11 3.58 882.67 414.10 0 0.37 3.99 82.07 0 6 14 186.05 4 14 28.23 150 158 631.95 114. A.67 0.07 7. Total Boiler & 146 Turbine Aux.25 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (210 MW Cap.32 58.36 10.31 55.30 0.05 0.14 656.W.46 17 12 78.14 0.57 23 23 92.29 13.R.26 0.64 103. De-aerator system 3 Problem 7.03 0.44 226.01 38. Boiler feed pump 19 problems 2. Turbine Auxiliaries 1. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 1112 121.35 7.09 0.19 35.52 0. pump 13 problems 4.13 0.02 4.25 1330. 7 Problems Total Boiler 86 Aux.05 2 0 44.00 0.83 12.T.23 19.11 15 22 15 282.D.13 0.25 27.38 18.58 1.21 2. Boiler Auxiliaries 7. PROBLEMS A. Other misc.26 438.30 III.26 4. Fans 34 problem 10.45 6 5 3.00 0. H.02 0.62 0.45 0.) 6. Condensate pump 1 problems 3. 23 Problems Total Turbine 60 Aux.25 II. Other Misc.47 0 0 0./L.3 . Fans 28 problem 8.39 11.02 170.08 0. F.74 84.8 351.66 14 1 19.90 0.85 0.00 0 1 0. Problems Total Generator No. Unit aux.00 0 0.19 0. problems 10. 148 Page No.00 0. Fans 4 problem 9.77 43 45 33 87.05 0. B.01 0. Switch yard/Bus Bar 40 problem 35 29 36.7 0.1 10-11 36.98 86. Generator transformer protection relay operation problem 11.89 0.67 0.03 0. 6.53 1.53 1.28 0. Hydrogen System 12.22 793.86 2.55 4 11 4. 30 supply problem 3. Other Electrical Problems 1.15 2 2 10. Pipes and 2 valves 12.09 0.89 146 A. Pipes and valves 0 (Turbine Aux.43 24.V.31 1395.00 0.2 0.90 40.06 0.34 121.08 1081.34 4. group) 9.D.66 0.3 0.23 367.29 7. Regenerative System 1 problem 5.19 MU Loss 1112 6 1011 Section 6 115 % of Group F.89 0.41 0.T.23 1.4 245.1 2.13 0.02 508.08 1. P.O.76 16.11 23 38 61.33 0.84 0.01 9.10 2.86 1.26 0. C.16 3.66 42. OTHERS MISC. 39 0.81 11.15 187.96 38.73 2572. Transmission Constraints/ Grid 72 58 36 Disturbance 22.00 0.84 303.04 11.54 9.68 2070.12 13. Details are given in Section 2.99 651.91 291.62 0. problems 10.72 1. Fuel and Other Misc.00 0.58 2226.00 0.23 1. Ash handling system 4 8 16 problem 15.08 0. Performance of 195-200 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10.37 25. Wet/ Poor Quality Coal/ 3 41 30 Lignite 12.09 0.31 0. D.94 357.6 0.65 11.94 77.19 0.78 16. 50 29 19 problems Subtotal 145 162 157 C.13 293.26 0.89 0.04 40.20 % of Group F. Grid System 21.08 0.49 1.25 0. 10 11 12 group) 5.65 724.62 3.82 1.31 2448.S.6.52 13. Fuel Oil 14 24 15 problem 13.95 2968.44 0.55 51.81 1.26 Page No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Area/ cause of No.29 142.99 0.94 0. Other electrical 77 88 107 miscellaneous 261 249 231 Subtotal B. Other misc.00 33.05 0. 4 4 3 problem 18.2. E.82 6.22 27.87 12.47 7171.01 8.96 4.08 2370.50 10.34 9.43 0.44 735.95 4 194.46 0.29 1836. Reserve Shut 27 85 112 Down Subtotal 99 143 148 Total 521 564 765 Miscellaneous MU Loss 09-10 10-11 33.05 183.23 7.39 239. fire hazards / fire 4 5 7 in cable gallery 7.34 2567.88 36.26 0.06 0.69 52.66 0.O. Cooling Tower 2 2 1 problem 14.34 18.56 0.00 0.66 49.13 1.57 4.35 33.M.14 136. Misc.72 120.22 0.1 The operating availability and PLF % of 195-200 MW capacity group units reduced mainly on account increased Forced Outage during 201-12 as compared to previous year.08 10.00 0.57 676.05 2039.73 0.05 0. Air supply 5 13 2 problem 9.66 6. water 2 2 1 problem 17. Coal/Lignite Shortage/ 62 45 64 Feeding Problem 11. Vintage unit withdrawn and 0 0 0 closed For Operation 20.28 0.38 1.00 255.00 0.72 0.27 0.91 1901.2.56 2.00 0.53 1. Instrumentatio 4 3 0 n problem 8.06 17.99 3837. 6.01 18.95 0.6 195-200 MW CAPACITY GROUP 6.96 4.29 13.27 13.59 23.16 4.31 457.39 886.09 0. NonReadiness Of 0 0 3 Residual Work Of New Unit 19.09 10.05 0 45.05 892.22 0.39 11.18 0. Breaker/Isolator 15 9 2 problems 6.69 1. Raw water 4 7 5 problem 16.03 0. of Outages outage 091011(210 MW Cap.00 0.01 16. 2010-11 and 20112012 are given below:- .04 3. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 1112 7.50 6959.52 0.1 5.P.97 303. /Mech.35 32865.) VII. of Outages 0910 1011 1112 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 I.12 1526.33 283 324 315 2195. IV.38 255.64 83.31 80.61 15.50 21.59 100.25 28.32 1824. EQUIPMENTS 1125. RSD Total 6.00 4.03 74.62 77.94 20.33 4.75 244.62 2165. Boiler & Boiler Aux.77 17.59 66.35 100 The break-up of the area/ cause of forced outages and generation loss for 195-200 MW capacity group during the years 2009-10.74 13.00 98.42 245 0.51 10.21 80.25 1197.92 2200. Generator VI.00 1442.86 20.55 7.11 61. of Outages 0910 1011 MU Loss 1112 09-10 10-11 150 34 10 162 29 17 144 25 23 I. Boiler 2.77 167.97 6.6. III.73 3348.83 697.00 100.68 36. Turbine 3.69 229. Total excluding RSD of the Group VII.72 9. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 1058.40 100.31 0. Operating Availability (%) 6. Misc. Generator Total 1.42 1465. Planned Maintenance (%) 34559.67 11.70 680.53 9.32 49 79 64 170.2 Forced outage details due to equipment and auxiliaries and energy loss of 195-200 MW capacity group units for the years 2009-10.79 245 51.55 227.11 3202.00 1.35 5. EQUIPMENTS % of Group F.35 % of Group F.84 7.40 100.41 95.42 26 14 40 31 6 37 40 19 59 176 193 184 48 35 44 659. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are shown below:- Area/ cause of outage (195-200 MW Cap. V.58 30.O. Units considered in the review 25 25 4990 4990 4990 33903.83 1344.55 45.43 622.65 0 283 1 325 5 320 0. 6.21 65.61 54.87 13.36 22.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Page No.6.00 2195.64 11. Forced Outage (%) 5. Boiler 2. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 11-12 .56 31.O.7 3.56 7. Turbine & Turbine Aux.04 10. AUXILIARIES 218.12 2.61 4. (Elect.36 0.2.56 7.97 54.43 7.3 No.52 305.03 84.63 10 17 23 21.62 34.88 750. Units commissioned by the end of the year 25 (a) Number (b) Capacity MW 25 25 4990 4990 25 4990 2.67 394.58 100.97 4.77 60.2.03 145.96 1.42 194 208 192 1769.48 II.42 520. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are shown below: Area/ Cause of Outage of 195-200 MW capacity group 1. Turbine Total Aux. group) No.69 7.21 195-200 MW Particulars 09-10 10-11 11-12 1.18 87. Plant Load Factor (%) 5.98 (a) Number (b) Capacity MW (c) Generation (MU) 6.06 467. 48 6 2 5 12. Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal (c) Drum level high/ low 8.18 0.64 17.00 0. 11.2 25 C. 5.00 7. 12.32 0. 16.00 2.51 28.42 51.03 0. 8. 3. Air pre-heater problems 6.43 31. 2. Economizer tube leakage 5. group) No.76 186.00 0.83 1 0.93 3.24 7.97 7.00 0.29 0. NA.51 0. Stator/ Stator earth fault Rotor/ Rotor earth fault Gen.00 0.05 52.92 581.00 0.00 4. Transformer Excitation problems .00 3.90 5.00 0.55 1.08 4 4 5 22.05 95.24 0.P/LP by-pass system Other Misc.53 173.77 167.21 NA.06 11.55 0 3 4 0.12 0.54 184. 7.01 2.85 7.68 0.73 124.79 28.81 24. 2.25 1197.95 0. 10.24 0 0 1 0.14 9 6 5 41.39 22.44 4.02 0.1 0.50 1.18 56.52 1.03 0 1 0 0.00 0.10 48.29 0.00 0. Problems Total Boiler 66 67 55 630.54 0.88 108. Generator 1.00 5.01 162 144 1125.27 3.38 0.00 0.22 MU Loss 1112 09-10 10-11 % of Group F. 9.64 2. 4. 4.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (195-200 MW Cap.43 1058.97 0.21 5.00 0. 6.45 11.03 34 29 622. NA.00 0.88 0.57 16 16 13 123.19 5. Re-heater tube leakage 4.00 5 2 2 6.00 0. Super heater tube leakage 3.01 441.12 0.71 2.5 1 1 3 6.00 3 150 65. 6 NA.74 0 1 2 0.15 0 0 1 0. Furnace trouble 7.35 0.28 0. Problems Total Turbine 1 0 0 0.O. Other Misc. Water wall tube leakage 2.35 0.00 0.80 0. Turbine Bearing problems Governing /Oil System Failures Turbine differential expansion problem Axial shift/thrust pad problem Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations Turbine rotor failure/ damaged Turbine control valve problem Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning Main Steam line problem Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure Condenser low vacuum H.36 7.25 54.12 NA.73 0.57 0.40 6.45 1.52 5 1.06 4 1 2 27.00 0.62 0 0 1 0.84 6 2 6.67 0.00 2.27 4.76 1.02 10.52 0. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 26. Turbine 1.00 0.54 0.71 23.64 0.2 104.00 1.44 4 5 2 11.97 0. NA.40 137.00 0.35 0.17 21.00 1 4 1 0.93 16.99 61.38 1.42 355.56 0.64 B.25 0.00 0. 6.54 0.00 0.41 13.29 0.61 15.00 19 11 15 8 23 7 9 6 22 4 1 7.62 1.89 5.62 140.25 11 13 19 106.74 17 16 10 162.74 0.19 11-12 A.00 0.64 5.51 0.39 0.04 0. 0. 3.00 0.75 0.50 520. of Outages 0910 1011 Section 6 Page No.35 6.38 34.00 0.42 1.07 32.44 2.00 0. 13.64 4.28 16.42 0.61 0. Boiler 1.00 70.02 0.00 9.89 0.18 0.11 35.03 6 5 3 513. 00 0. 40 37 59 255.45 0. 6.75 244. Bearing problem 8.06 0. problems 10. Gen.52 3 10 7 23.) De-aerator system Problem Other Misc. Other Misc. Fire in Gen.46 0.01 10 17 21.77 60.32 2 1 7 12.32 1.00 9.69 9.67 2. OTHERS MISC. 4. bushing/ bushing failure 9.00 0. Seal oil system problem 7.02 1 6 3 0.00 0.38 9.00 0.30 0 0 1 0.03 0.40 100.W.00 0.18 4 3 2 13. Loss 11-12 1011 0.12 13.68 0.83 1.87 20.05 1 0 0 6.02 0.95 17.00 0.86 Total Boiler & Turbine Aux.00 0 0.47 0.57 39.73 0.00 0.49 2.74 6.96 11.64 13. Cooling system failure 6.61 156.D.71 2. AUXILIARIES A.54 0.00 0.00 0.09 11. Fans problem P. 7.00 0 0 0 0 0.07 1.V.00 4.39 7.00 0 0 1 2 0. 6. group) 5.00 0. Problems 14 17 25 115. Boiler Auxiliaries 1.00 0.02 .08 3.06 697.D. Turbine Auxiliaries 1.02 0.28 0.00 0 0 0 0 0. I. Fans problem Milling system / RC feeder problem Pipes and valves Other misc.09 Total Turbine Aux.97 3 3 8 15.38 229.23 MU Loss 1112 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.00 10. Total Boiler Aux. A.07 1 1 1 1.20 0. PROBLEMS A. Gen.02 0.15 0.30 1. Hydrogen System 12. Generator transformer protection relay operation problem 11.O.52 305.00 0 1 0 0. 3. Problems Total Generator No.00 0 8 2 1 7. pump problems Regenerative System problem Pipes and valves (Turbine Aux.A.63 6.27 7.98 0.65 0.00 0 0 0 0.42 245 0.61 72.04 0.62 0.00 17. 6. Transformer/ Station Transformer problems 0 4 1 2.75 0.00 0 1 1 0.41 0.3 0.00 0.15 3.08 0. of Outages 0910 1011 Section 6 Page No.99 5. 14 6 19 36. Other Electrical Problems 1.00 0. Problems III.00 0.00 0. B.00 0 0.12 0. 3. 5.44 2.56 0.00 11-12 0 0 2 0.87 0.56 7.46 0.97 4.76 0.47 1.53 11.7 4 0 4 59.00 0 0.00 0.59 0.00 0. 2.00 0.1 2.00 0.71 0.89 0.37 16.32 23 1 0910 0.94 43.00 0.34 0.76 6.58 1.09 391.29 1 2 1 0.06 2. 4. 5.00 0.73 5.43 0.10 0.R.02 II. Boiler feed pump problems Condensate pump problems C.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (195-200 MW Cap. Fans problem F.27 0.00 0 0.86 199. Unit aux.38 0.52 26 31 40 218.96 0 0 0 0.76 43.68 467.49 1 0 3 0.54 14.83 0.36 0. 98 0.00 0.07 0. Instrumentation problem 8.59 4.87 2 8 1 1.00 1. Fuel Oil problem 13.00 0 0 0 0. DC supply problem 4.64 1.00 17.00 0.00 0 0 4 0. Coal/Lignite Shortage/ Feeding Problem 8 9 22 54.50 611. Other electrical miscellaneous Subtotal No.48 334.20 4.39 18. Fuel and Other Misc. Wet/ Poor Quality Coal/ Lignite 0 2 0 0. Transmission Constraints/ Grid Disturbance 9 5 1 21.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (195-200 MW Cap.61 21.00 0. Non-Readiness Of Residual Work Of New Unit 0 0 5 0.24 MU Loss 1112 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.96 B.18 0.49 42.00 0.00 0. 2. problems Subtotal 13 64.00 0.84 3.00 135.01 7.47 1.31 0.00 0.00 2. problem 0 0 0.77 19.00 0 0 0 0.26 0.00 0. Grid System 1.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 23.00 0.1 34.69 11-12 3 1 2 11.91 13.00 0.05 0 0 1 0. fire hazards / fire in cable gallery 7.92 0 0 0 0.00 9.00 131.50 8.91 48.43 3. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 23.84 0.69 Subtotal Total Miscellaneous .S.35 149.41 1.93 12.00 0.38 C.93 2.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 22 9. Breaker/Isolator problems 6.92 145. water problem 19.00 1.00 0.19 3.08 0.69 0.96 4.08 0.05 0.94 0 0.32 0 1.00 0.49 0.00 0.07 9.61 0.00 0./L.00 0. Raw water problem 16.3 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.63 0.00 50.79 4.54 0. of Outages 0910 1011 Section 6 Page No.06 0 1 0 2. E.O.00 0.00 22 32 272. Ash handling system problem 15.88 177.00 0.13 0. Misc.36 65.00 0. Switch yard/Bus Bar problem 5. D.00 0. Cooling Tower problem 14.24 12. H.67 429. Air supply problem 9.00 0.00 34.11 Reserve Shut Down 0 1 5 0.P.00 18.73 0.00 0. group) 2.00 4.75 0.00 0.T.00 0. Other misc.00 0.46 49 80 109 170. 6.91 0. Vintage unit withdrawn and closed For Operation 20.00 0.03 2 4 3 1.00 2.00 5 9 0 9.56 24 49 0 20 31 83. problems 10.65 102.21 1.00 0. supply problem 3.M.00 0.00 0.74 1.35 9 6 6 21.12 0.72 0 0.T.62 870.11 15.00 3.28 0 2 0 0.75 2.53 24.00 0.25 2.05 0.43 1.78 1.99 11. 7. Units considered in the review 84 83 88 9695 9645 10300 45818. Planned Maintenance (%) 11.2.70 63. • Trombay Unit# 4 (150 MW) remained under reserve shut down for most of the time during the year in view of environmental restrictions.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Page No.11 (a) Number (b) Capacity MW (c) Generation (MU) 6.35 3.34 59.25 6.16 27.1 Performance of 100 MW.2. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below:100-150 MW Particulars 09-10 10-11 11-12 1. Forced Outage (%) 20. • Long duration forced outages of some units at especially in the eastern region(Patratu TPS. Units commissioned by the end of the year (a) Number (b) Capacity MW 85 9820 88 91 10280 10720 2.23 6. Plant Load Factor (%) 54. Gandhi Nagar TPS 1 (120 MW) remained under reserve shut down on account of low schedules from beneficiaries. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are shown below: .7 100-150 MW CAPACITY GROUP 6.75 5.50 52.02 4.39 49.7. DPL.28 43279.2. 6. Muzaffarpur TPS. Santaldih TPS)) due to various reasons.50 13.150 MW capacity group units during the year 201112 continued to be much below national average mainly on account of: • After commissioning of new units of higher capacity having better efficiency the operation of some units at Koradi (unit 1 to 4 each of capacity 105 MW) was discontinued from 7th January’11 onward.6 (110MW each) which were kept under reserve shutdown during 2010-11 • Performance of 100-150 MW capacity group units during the years 200910. • Some other units such as Wardha Warora TPs unit #1 (capacity 135 MW).73 26. • The generation loss due to reserve shutdown was reduced in 2011-12 due to retirement of Dhuvran U#5. Operating Availability (%) 67.2 Forced outage details due to equipment and auxiliaries and energy loss of 100-150 MW capacity group units for the years 2009-10.57 10.21 44973. 7.18 2084.11 0.93 0.29 10159. Boiler 825 900 665 4082.54 0.54 0.37 0.94 4953.99 23.36 19.88 583. /Mech.Generator Total 115 97 69 1123 1211 881 120 124 79 961.54 0.26 945 1024 744 5044.01 1.40 10.49 113.44 0.54 113.94 2718.16 2.84 0.38 75 57 53 142.44 .03 6 8 5 123.63 69 52 42 134.41 18.45 31. IV. Turbine 231 232 189 1364. III.8 26.59 2727.02 1. RSD Total 6.28 5859.12 0. EQUIPMENTS A.14 100. group) No. Boiler & Boiler Aux.18 11.82 3878.88 52. Turbine 183 214 147 3383.05 2492.22 21. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 11-12 I.36 1.93 27.82 88. 10-11 % of Group F.20 2584. Super heater tube leakage 3.44 8.11 35.17 0.97 56 49 25 351.69 0.67 2.38 6.87 58.62 2.79 4206.07 4708.67 3. Other Misc.74 30. V.51 II.40 20. Misc.51 20.55 10031.) VII.40 10.96 5.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ Cause of Outage of 100-150 MW capacity group No.74 16.69 22.98 23. Boiler 1.44 2.18 718.30 21120.93 0.41 11 7 4 76. of Outages 0910 1011 Page No.23 179.3 127 2.22 17.63 4050.82 0.49 0.27 7293.05 2492.85 7. Total excluding RSD of the Group VII.02 1762 1823 1399 15970.5 10.30 2.8 2.82 3878.29 444 431 386 4706. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 EQUIPMENTS 1. Generator VI.59 195 181 132 1104.26 47.40 114.82 8.96 0.58 80.31 15.51 9.69 591.58 8.43 4482. (Elect.94 28.O. Problems Total Boiler B.2.12 153.09 138 221 105 161.11 258 271 200 3526.50 46.6 7 17069.97 4.03 1774.31 6.79 24226. Re-heater tube leakage 4.97 73.03 1774.64 1674.09 1296.00 100.07 4708.3 61 48 49 494.77 0. AUXILIARIES 11264.85 5.78 18 50 79 1467. of Outages 0910 1011 MU Loss 1112 09-10 10-11 % of Group F. Furnace trouble (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal (c) Drum level high/ low 7.42 19. Turbine Total Aux.56 91.85 21507. Water wall tube leakage 2.22 80 120 80 222.42 1769.33 9.28 1.02 0.56 455.46 1981.58 19.22 1780 1873 1478 17438.69 215.71 0.O.44 8.75 7514.70 4379.69 289.87 11.89 6.35 825 900 665 4082.36 19.38 142. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below: Area/ cause of outage (100-150 MW Cap.91 92 78 66 750. Boiler 2.52 81 85 100 403. Air preheater problems 6.31 2. Economizer tube leakage 5.41 18.40 4063.26 MU Loss 1112 09-10 I.3 Section 6 115 97 69 2693.00 100 The break-up of the area/causes of forced outages and energy loss of 100-150 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10.77 2693. Turbine & Turbine Aux.73 103.98 23.31 15. 6. V.00 0. Turbine Bearing problems 2.18 5.00 0.60 0.02 18 7 14 93. Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure 11.82 25.56 0.02 0.56 19.42 0.00 0. Stator/ Stator earth fault 2.24 0.56 1286.06 1 2 2 0.00 0.00 7 3 28. 223.52 0.03 0.89 0.40 270.09 0.01 1232.70 4379.83 17.63 6.12 0. Gen. group) 1.90 0. Transformer 4.06 0.00 0. 0.71 0.00 70.16 0.94 2.53 0.00 0.P/LP bypass system 13.27 MU Loss 1011 1112 11 6 3 419.38 4 3 2 10.15 2.00 2 9 0.86 21.31 14. problems No.70 5.94 6.25 12.41 1.27 22.02 5 11 2 46. Turbine differential expansion problem 4.49 6.9 6. A. Rotor/ Rotor earth fault 3.41 1400.00 19. Seal oil system problem 7.35 479. Turbine control valve problem 8.00 9 0 72.34 0.37 1. Bearing problem 8.31 0 0 1 0.05 9. Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning 9. Cooling system failure 6.87 28 25 24 351.01 0.1 1 3 7 3. Axial shift/thrust pad problem 5.40 4063.O.15 NA.52 10 11 10 37.63 5.06 0.10 0. Governing /Oil System Failures 3.05 1. Generator 1.33 0.40 20.77 1170.79 0.10 5.08 31 12 1210. Gen. Other Misc.01 0. Fire in Gen.29 5 7 9 9.34 0. NA. Turbine rotor failure/ damaged 7. Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations 6.34 72.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (100-150 MW Cap.54 124.75 1254. H.21 0.R.97 0.02 18. Excitation problems 5.04 45 58 32 36. Gen. NA.47 13. bushing/ bushing failure 9.47 0.27 3.58 19. Loss 0910 1011 2.05 0.07 92.61 0.95 2. Main Steam line problem 10.03 98. of Outages 0910 Section 6 Page No.31 0.08 64.0 09-10 10-11 11-12 11-12 30 38 24 1168.12 0.26 0.18 183 214 147 3383.39 385.09 0 3 0.87 0 0.01 .83 10 5 2 486.92 16 7 11 33.43 1094.61 928.92 4 8 0 12 17 15 % of Group F.76 2.19 0.68 2. NA.06 0.84 4.74 16.38 0.0 9 26. Condenser low vacuum 12.36 0.83 0.15 0.37 2.09 0. Problems Total Turbine C.77 11 7 6 588.86 0.95 5.41  0.11 0. 25 NA.39 25.02 5.12 NA.54 10. 6.00 0.21 0.05 3.7 0. O.76 37.40 10.01 19 11 68.27 124 79 961.64 1.00 1. B. PROBLEMS A.01 0.65 0.46 10.94 0. Turbine Auxiliaries 1.03 1774.47 13 11 2 1131. Boiler feed pump 36 problems 2.87 11.32 0.2 0.T.68 6.26 10. Pipes and 1 valves 6.22 2123.04 0.73 60.96 5.28 MU Loss % of Group F.09 . Pipes and valves 1 (Turbine Aux.11 5 2 10.W.5 0.04 0.46 34.18 2084.83 0.17 0./L. Other Misc.52 0.16 0.A.39 0.60 2. Other Electrical Problems 1.51 9.03 0.17 7.58 1496.05 0.11 0.44 4.20 2584.49 0.49 0.53 53.57 0.01 0. Transformer/ Station 22 Transformer problems 2.59 181 132 1104.1 26. Fans 10 problem 3. pump 10 problems 4.82 0.93 33 9 552.28 0.56 30. 9 Problems Total Boiler 120 Aux.00 0 1 3 2.06 0.38 10. Switch yard/Bus Bar 33 problem 15 14 96. Unit aux. Fans 37 problem 4. Other Misc.81 137.72 6.6 0.28 4. Milling system / RC 18 feeder problem 5.04 57 53 142.03 10 8 12.03 25 18 98. Other misc.10 0. OTHERS MISC.05 II.16 0.67 6 8 3.D. Boiler Auxiliaries 1. F.3 0.00 0. P.46 1981.14 0.02 0.38 142.07 0.62 4.02 0.03 1062.93 0.59 224. Regenerative System 3 problem 5.43 1148.29 19 22 115 97 A.92 0.00 0.81 7.33 9.55 0.84 219.00 0.37 11.28 0.39 0. 18 Problems Total Turbine 75 Aux. Loss 1011 1112 24 26 13 145.25 8.12 0. Total Boiler & 195 Turbine Aux.08 8. group) 10.15 7.84 0. Generator transformer protection relay operation problem 11.36 1.63 21.59 2727.09 0.58 25.66 3.02 0.07 0.44 8.26 III.99 161.49 5.11 12 12 5.67 32 29 48. Problems Total Generator No.36 0.13 0.35 65.85 0.T.39 11-12 11-12 38 30 236. H. 36 supply problem 3.54 0.55 0. DC supply 9 problem 4.28 0.19 67.72 38.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (100-150 MW Cap.94 41. Fans 45 problem 2.13 0 1 0.16 36 10 68.23 0. C. AUXILIARIES 2492. I.74 21.89 6. of Outages 0910 Section 6 Page No.27 0 0 6.63 0.04 0.D.01 9 10 62. Hydrogen System 12.05 2693.77 3 3 1.18 0.25 0.12 66.) 6.03 26 28 40. 8 69 09-10 10-11 0910 1011 8.00 0 0.31 15. De-aerator system 0 Problem 7. 6.92 160.73 103.87 19. Condensate pump 7 problems 3.00 0.40 27. 71 133.58 2. Loss 11-12 0910 1011 11-12 21.13 0.81 176. D. Other misc.97 26.07 0.75 0 0.P. of Outages outage 091011(100-150 MW Cap.26 17.00 0.65 17.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of No.84 12.02 7. Cooling Tower 1 1 1 problem 14.99 2.56 138. Fuel and Other Misc.04 256.63 42.04 0.94 2718.42 19.01 2118.83 0 0.03 3.03 3.08 61. 6.41 4189.97 0.30 1. fire hazards / fire 8 10 3 in cable gallery 7.90 19.84 0.04 0.35 0.75 8. NonReadiness Of 0 0 3 Residual Work Of New Unit 19.50 218.03 0.18 1467.57 20.Vintage unit withdrawn and closed For 1 5 4 Operation/ uneconomic operation 20.91 0.84 2567.12 0.87 0.8 0.52 2908.08 1051.71 24.36 2950.71 3.18 0.16 4.20 6514.72 21.17 0.59 1. Coal/Lignite Shortage/ 55 80 75 Feeding Problem 11.57 9.00 18. 8 3 1 problem 18. 38 34 26 problems Subtotal 139 160 135 C.82 1443.23 1694.86 8.10 0.79 190.9 83.4 0.29 MU Loss 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.M.71 3.24 .33 472.34 11.35 4.48 0.O.58 2054. Other electrical 64 46 93 miscellaneous Subtotal 219 191 181 B.76 8.11 158. Air supply 8 5 0 problem 9.S.68 3689.89 1841. Misc.89 0. Instrumentatio 3 4 3 n problem 8.00 0.28 6.02 0. Raw water 5 7 1 problem 16.89 5.58 0.82 648.42 27.78 138.01 6174.00 0.01 0.75 12.78 809.46 0.38 914.05 0.00 0. water 5 3 2 problem 17.68 14.88 0. Breaker/Isolator 7 8 5 problems 6.99 690. 10 11 12 group) 5.22 2.79 13.7 8.97 15.15 6.55 129.13 18. problem 10.57 9004. Transmission Constraints/ Grid 83 63 68 Disturbance 22.3 0.18 11.85 29.69 12322.63 4050. Reserve Shut 18 50 79 Down Subtotal 101 113 147 Total 462 481 673 Miscellaneous Section 6 Page No.77 0. Grid System 21.17 0.58 8.07 134.12 0. Fuel Oil 10 11 9 problem 13.20 837.56 35.26 2.59 2.74 31. Ash handling system 9 3 9 problem 15.38 0. Wet/ Poor Quality Coal/ 7 13 4 Lignite 12.42 691. E.22 1551.64 866.27 3.74 0.41 42.78 102.55 52.66 0.02 0.15 0. 24 1.9 2.18 749. of Outages 09-10 10-11 MU Loss 11-12 09-10 I.77 14.45 4.2.16 24.01 633. Planned Maintenance (%) 4.93 6. Generator VI. V.92 1046 840 728 4146. Generator Total 1.15 1. Boiler & Boiler Aux.61 23. Plant Load Factor (%) 6.02 740. Turbine 3.5 55.2 57.91 4. Units considered in the review (a) Number (b) Capacity MW (c) Generation (MU) 3.72 1094.46 . Boiler 2.90 7.30 5.86 69.8 25 -99 MW (<100MW) CAPACITY GROUP 6.16 2358.48 4522.93 75 59 35 121. (Elect.47 55. 1.46 6.55 978.99 MW capacity group units for the years 2008-09.27 211 161 116 576. Operating Availability (%) 70.03 25.6 24.67 2. 2009-10 and 2009-10 are shown below : Area/ Cause of Outage of 25-99 MW capacity group No.41 3287.24 156.91 15.15 281.65 24.68 20394.17 116. Units commissioned by the end of the year (a) Number (b) Capacity MW 76 75 85 4462 4402 4842 76 75 71 4462 4402 4128 22795.1 Performance of 25 -99 MW capacity group units during the year 2010-11 also continued to be much below national average mainly due to uneconomic operation and frequent outages in these vintage units.60 5.90 7.89 764.47 6.96 136 102 81 455.2.55 2767.69 35. Turbine & Turbine Aux.8. Performance of these units during 2009-10. IV.6 5. Forced Outage (%) 23.2 794 677 588 2519.O.98 11.56 8.85 5. III.40 437.8.38 4239.33 175.71 106 80 61 673. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 EQUIPMENTS 658 575 507 2064.42 42.88 44. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below:- <100 MW Particulars 09-10 10-11 11-12 1.45 6.98 106 80 61 673.14 21407.26 357 244 195 1530.73 1.33 175.55 30.81 42.82 3707.34 282 185 160 1409.75 69.31 2639.94 5.20 Forced outage details due to equipment and auxiliaries and energy loss of 25 .52 38. 6.73 1.54 2133.70 7.35 10.2.30 6. Boiler 2.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 6 Page No.47 6. Turbine Total Aux. Misc.92 483 456 438 4182.57 21.83 27.64 608.63 1.) 10-11 % of Group F. /Mech.02 740.24 49. 20 0.59 0.38 2. group) No.59 93.56 7.08 2.1 929. EQUIPMENTS A.17 0.36 2.74 0.84 847. Water wall tube 199 leakage 2.60 8384.17 65 46 226.83 3.06 0.00 121.03 18 30 8 191.45 2.74 223.98 1.O.13 1.33 6 4 5 21.88 551.02 0.3 1.89 7. Governing /Oil System Failures 3.17 6.32 3.02 0. Emergency Stop Valve (ESV) closure 178 168 834.21 0.37 0.07 8559.14 0. Total excluding RSD of the Group VII.08 52 32 39 219.25 0.51 6.71 0.34 9 3 5 9.O.00 11-12 87.96 0.04 0.52 297.37 2.06 0 1 .37 382. Air pre-heater 10 problems 6.02 0.06 0.40 0.52 111.29 0.0 0 100 The break-up of the area/causes of forced outages and energy loss of 25 -99 MW capacity group units during the years 2009-10.45 169.05 9753.39 0.85 18 13 22 19.32 61 35 25 574.61 31. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 I.95 2.61 23. Turbine Bearing problems 2.27 0. Other Misc.39 14.32 15 4 38.49 8.96 0. Axial shift/thrust pad problem 5. Furnace trouble 7 7.39 9582.16 24.25 0.16 1 0 1 0.09 0.13 54.92 5.17 101.06 78 70 71 57. Condenser tube leakage/ cleaning 9.66 1.22 0. Economizer tube 84 leakage 5. RSD Total 6.38 31 44 19 17.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ Cause of Outage of 25-99 MW capacity group VII.05 2.66 370.59 0.62 0.57 21.09 122 70 108 28. Turbine eccentricity / high vibrations 6.57 0.57 8.15 0. Super heater tube 63 leakage 3.37 583.28 0.56 25.19 36 14 15 657.95 29.02 0.81 0.16 2358.88 10-11 91.54 2133.26 6.44 9142.22 1 0 5 1.51 68.49 93.71 701.88 695. Turbine control valve problem 8.41 0.32 10.44 5 2 16.38 100.10 0.79 1198.35 28.0 Boiler operational problems (a) Furnace fire out/flame failure (b) Furnace draft abnormal (c) Drum level high/ low 7. 2010-11 and 2011-2012 are given below:Area/ cause of outage (25-99 MW Cap.43 34.09 5.2 21 25 6 178.18 1.2.24 37.50 0.8.21 100.62 5 4 2.30 56.06 0.99 5.71 3.3 Section 6 No.04 658 575 507 2064.00 0. Turbine differential expansion problem 4.69 100.99 0. Boiler 1. Turbine 1.47 7.91 14.49 0.00 1.31 8.11 2.59 228. Turbine rotor failure/ damaged 7.82 12.00 17. of Outages 09-10 1740 603 2343 10-11 MU Loss 11-12 1457 1282 691 389 2148 Page No.58 3.33 1. Main Steam line problem 10.02 92 63 264.5 1 1 5.87 4.51 378. 6.00 0.62 12. Problems Total Boiler B.31 09-10 1671 % of Group F. Re-heater tube 3 leakage 4. Loss 10-11 11-12 09-10 8905. of Outages 0910 1011 MU Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 % of Group F. Transformer 4.D.26 0.D. 31 21 1 1 3 Page No.00 0.83 3. Regenerative System problem 11. Section 6 No.48 0.93 39 30 13 58.62 5.76 0.15 1.17 116.35 10.00 0.85 1.42 0.06 0.A.71 0.94 0.45 4.48 8 7 4 1.35 0.84 3.12 23.33 II. F.00 0 0.86 0.13 8.4 136 102 81 455. Other Misc. B.P/LP by-pass system 13. Other Misc. Hydrogen System 12.01 0.47 2.00 0.20 1.0 0.00 0. of Outages 0910 1011 79 33 5 2 31 25 282 185 6 8 8 6 NA. Gen.85 2 6 4 0.23 0.44 1.92 0 21 160 10 4 19 8 106 80 8 46 31 19 236.01 633.87 0 0.74 0.55 978.09 0. Condensate pump problems 9.07 1 8 7 0.32 MU Loss 11-12 32 09-10 10-11 % of Group F. De-aerator system Problem 13.42 1.84 0.24 1.00 8.08 1 8 0 0. Pipes and valves (Turbine Aux.40 437.93 6.90 7.W.25 0.81 78. Problems Total Turbine Aux.56 8.94 4.60 0. H.17 0. C.22 0.18 6.36 0. Problems Total Boiler Aux.11 3.03 0.47 6. Fans problem 3. Boiler Auxiliaries 1.98 4.14 21 14 10-11 11-12 42.50 4.00 0.21 33.01 0 3 1 1. pump problems 10.58 14.00 6.06 0. bushing/ bushing failure 9.35 0.45 16.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (25-99 MW Cap. NA.00 0 0.00 0 1 0 0 0.02 0.90 402.00 1. Fire in Gen. Boiler feed pump problems 8.2 .81 5.63 1. 16.99 0.08 0.47 0.05 0 61 673. 6.85 1. I.00 0.71 0.15 281.60 0 191.91 4.18 20.27 75 59 35 121.91 0 0. Cooling system failure 6.16 0. P. Condenser low vacuum 12.65 170.93 47. 0.79 16.17 0.02 0.15 0.65 6. Stator/ Stator earth fault 2. Rotor/ Rotor earth fault 3.43 114.02 0. Pipes and valves 6.02 0.02 0. Bearing problem 8.02 740.59 1409.35 0 16 7 3 21.40 0.03 175. Other misc.2 0.O.73 2 376. Gen.00 0.34 0.97 34.31 0.77 2 192.81 3. problems 10.45 32. group) 11.42 1. Problems Total Turbine C.68 6. Seal oil system problem 7. Total Boiler & Turbine Aux. A.86 1.R. Generator 1. Other Misc.25 0.07 0.63 6.48 0.6 5.) 12.07 0 0 4 2 0.01 1.10 33. Generator transformer protection relay operation problem 11.64 132. Milling system / RC feeder problem 5.01 NA.34 0.64 608.07 17 9 7 39.34 0.04 14 12 6.18 749.00 0 15 6 11 22.26 1.V.02 0.24 156.47 0.01 0 0 0 0 0. Fans problem 4.21 0.85 9.87 2.40 43.4 NA.01 0.45 6.09 1 0.49 0.06 0. Excitation problems 5. Fans problem 2.45 1.27 211 161 116 576. NA.0 53.28 24.33 75.14 0.13 109.31 0.1 7 2 36.58 31.15 0.07 0.43 45.85 440. NA.67 2. Gen.08 0.17 39 39 34 82.78 0. Problems Total Generator A. AUXILIARIES 28 20 19 99.90 0.03 0.86 2 3 0 1.02 0.02 13 2 5 32.76 15.73 1.32 0. Loss 11-12 09-10 69. Turbine Auxiliaries 7.37 0. 19 0. supply 49 problem 3.21 219.13 62.08 0.13 25.47 0.24 14 15 23.00 0.4 8. Coal/Lignite Shortage/ Feeding 41 Problem 32 13 4 45.89 3.12 34 39 20 432. Switch yard/Bus 41 Bar problem 5.91 1084 1147 1133 5015.46 56.21 0.15 0. E.85 40.68 8 0 2 18.84 .95 7.16 15.43 0. 6.07 21.87 1.44 1676.7 0.45 0. Raw water problem 16. Reserve Shut Down Subtotal Total Miscellaneous 124 3062. group) Section 6 No.00 1.10 17.85 5862. Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 11-12 III.01 0.49 24.11 11 5 7 1765.05 0.88 25.60 489. H.01 0 14. Grid System 21.24 0. Air supply problem 4 9.08 0. OTHERS MISC.01 5 1 4./L. Ash handling system problem 7 19 15 14.04 8.68 45.12 98.4 238 257 508.4 0.84 4. fire hazards / 7 fire in cable gallery 7.48 5. water problem 17. problem 10.86 0.66 0.79 5.04 0.00 0.45 0.04 0.55 0. Misc.04 0.03 0.84 0.15 29.22 43.03 20 9 0.23 66 144 101.37 583.8 4.26 1.1 0.90 80.36 18.16 294.75 38.43 2.T.28 15 4 3.00 4 11.49 51.16 0. of Outages 0910 1011 Page No.3 3.44 9.00 148.69 1.87 2.46 0.06 0.11 369.09 0.07 9.6 216.09 0.27 3. Transformer/ Station 19 Transformer problems 2.15 0.43 9.00 1.41 80.33 MU Loss 11-12 09-10 10-11 % of Group F.04 3 3 1.57 7. Fuel Oil problem 5 11 5 505. Other electrical 65 miscellaneous Subtotal 240 B.03 0. D.08 847.56 10.27 10.01 0.2 10.05 1223.03 2270.6 0.42 2.S.49 681.22 3. Other Electrical Problems 1.10 7.00 0. DC supply problem 9 4.00 0.04 44.35 165 130 3705.69 0.Vintage unit withdrawn and closed For Operation/ uneconomic operation 2 5 4 525.31 21.O.52 5.04 0.00 14.07 1.39 5.33 0.25 0.61 4129.51 6.T.6 0.82 0.84 14. Cooling Tower problem 2 2 1 2. problem 20. Unit aux.01 0.M.27 0 0.04 15 37 259.69 12.51 8.52 3.00 650.93 113 44 51 603 691 389 716 735 440 927. Instrumentation 5 problem 8.77 5437.35 0. Wet/ Poor Quality Coal/ Lignite 0 12 12.59 0.32 919.16 19.04 13.54 580.Non-Readiness Of Residual Work Of New Unit 0 0 5 0. PROBLEMS A. Other misc.65 0. Breaker/Isolator 5 problems 6.60 6.83 18.75 55. Transmission Constraints/ Grid Disturbance 22.53 0.22 71 65 1022.79 1198.38 12.57 0. Fuel and Other Misc.P.73 20.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Area/ cause of outage (25-99 MW Cap.18 0. problems Subtotal C.35 31.11 48 17 55.01 14 1 2 66. 65 0.05 0.2.05 8148.36 0.86 10-11 11-12 3836.81 52109.48 5.09 38027.82 1.4 22.12 1.47 6651.6 76444. Possible Gen. Boiler + Boiler Aux.96 9.27 1.43 7.32 0. 7.2 67597.42 1.38 8847.09% during 201112.77 2.34 4366.58 8.08 09-10 % of Max.12 7.58 11.45 1664.96 38965. the energy loss due to backing down of units due to Low system demand was increased from 0.01 0.53% during 2010-11 to 8. Other Causes Total Backing down/LSD Grand Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 MU Loss 09-10 % Total Partial Loss 1011-12 11 6.34% during 2011-12.33 91.21 0.1 62196.2010-11 and 2011-12 is given below:- .64 0.93 8136.81% during 2010-11 to 1.34 3134.03 2.43 The pictorial representation of the loss of generation on account of partial unavailability of the various parts in the main equipment & its auxiliaries and because of low system demand including grid constraints during the financial years 2009-10 . Generator Misc.91 0.1 Energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units operating in the country during 2011-12 had increased to 9.18 10. 0910-11 11-12 10 0.15 352.34 11.6 10866.91 1.83 50.26 0.36 5.55 6941.5 10.9 14.77 0.64 0.85 3.94 5.68 11. Turbine Turbine Aux Turbine + Turbine Aux.2 68109.34 9.88 1484.95 0.06 5913. Causes Misc.55 3924. However.12 0. Unavailability due to external constraints arising out of the cause external to power station such as shortage of fuel and cooling water and low system demand including grid constraints resulting in reduced generation of one or more units in the station.2 OVERALL PARTIAL UNAVAILABILTY 7.97 4.34% in 2009-10.3 12873.7 100 100 100 8.02 2187.83 12538.7 9334.02 30766.96 4.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.21 4.57 0.32 88.1 Partial unavailability under review comprises the following :i) ii) Unavailability due to internal constraints arising out of the deficiency in achieving full rating of the units either in equipment or auxiliaries as a result of which the operating units could not deliver the rated output.09 55243. 7.43% in terms of the maximum possible generation in comparison with the 9.46 1898.75 11.36 3066.67 8.82 7670. 1 SECTION-7 Partial unavailability and Non – utilization of energy due to system load variation 7.2010-11 and 2011-12 are shown below:S N Constraint Area 1 2 Boiler Boiler Aux.18 55.28 0.44 9. Elec.95 12. The broad details of energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units due to various equipments on All India basis during the period 2009-10 .38 91.94 201.46 0.9 3.69 55.2 0.7 18.31 8702.13 15.02 8229.02 4725.04 9.48 1.18 0. The energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units on account of the equipment problems in the main has declined from 8.76 1.21 6264.21 1.3 94.13 0.53 8.94 6.56 0.81 1. Northern Region Western Region Southern Region Eastern Region ALL INDIA 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 2. 7.3 1.21 3.38 6.77 5.54 5.16 2.97 5.67 9.38 2.22 0.9 1.34 9.89 3.74 7.3 CAPACITY GROUP-WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY : 7.34 2.98 6. Main Equipment Total Region-wise details of partial unavailability due to various long and short duration constraints in the main equipment and its auxiliaries during 2011-12 (in MUs) are given in Annexure 7.21 4.94 2.06 3.26 11.32 1. Auxilaries 1.8 3.22 2.95 12.13 0. 7.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 7.21 0.1 The partial unavailability due to various constraints in terms of percentage of All India Maximum Possible Generation in different capacity groups during the years 2009-10 .81 6.43 1.38 6.56 2. Other 2.77 11.44 3.81 2.26 6.11 10. 2 ENERGY LOSS DUE TO REGION-WISE PARTIAL AVAILABILITY: Region wise broad details of the energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units in terms of percentage of maximum possible generation due to failure of various equipments during the period 2010-11 and 2011-12 are shown below:Type of Equip.75 1.61 5.2 Page No.62 3.2010-11 and 2011-12 are shown below : .64 2.2. 18 0910 - 1011 - 1112 - 0910 - 1011 - 1112 0.72 13.12 0.53 0.4 MAKE-WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY 7.76 0.48 100-150 0.11 9.48 1.05 0.17 0.34 2011-2012 2.32 0.06 3.27 0.54 1.05 0.76 0.36 0.36 1.56 1.12 1.91 13.42 0.50 8.44 6.4.06 4.06 0.22 0.54 1.16 0.78 BHEL / ABL 16.14 1.98% of the makewise maximum possible generation) in respect of BHEL/ABL make vintage units.28 0.09 0.22 0.5.65 8.35 0.03 2010-2011 1.43 .41 5.52 0.34 9.1 Sector wise details of energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units in terms of percentage of All India Maximum Possible Generation during 2009-2010.57 0.96 0.08 0910 - 1011 - 1112 0.81 2.07 0.68 300-330 0.71 0.55 1.9 3.3 0.14 0.06 1.63 1.42 0.64 250-250 0.12 0.16 0.51 6.48 5.30 CHINA/CHINA 11.01 1.31 0.95 9. 3 Partial Unavailability as percentage of Maximum Possible Generation Capacity Group (MW) 660-800 Main 0910 - Auxiliary Others Total 1011 - 1112 0.21 0.11 0.26 450-600 0.38 0.55 3.21 0.2.09 0.98 0.34 9.33 0.41 0. It was maximum (19.32 0.17 0.26 0.29 0.02 2.73 0.32 5.64 210-210 0.38 0.18 ALL MAKES 9.75 0.81 8.23 0.5 2011-12 (%) of All India Maximum Possible Generation SECTOR WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY INCLUDING LOW SYSTEM DEMAND: 7.84 0.43 Detail breakup of cause wise partial unavailability during 2011-12 of major capacity groups of thermal units are given in Annexure 7.6 Total 2.64 0.12 0.43 9. 7.05 0.11 1.05 0.11 25-99 0.40 OTHERS/OTHERS 13.54 1.61 2010-11 2011-12 8.76 2.95 6.08 0.25 0.13 1.34 9.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.45 0.1 Make-wise energy loss due to partial unavailability of the thermal generating units in terms of percentage of All India Maximum Possible Generation during 2010-11 and 2011-12 are shown below.90 19.27 0.59 1.8 3. 7.14 0.22 0.23 0.93 9.59 0.47 0.3 1.21 4.38 1.09 0.66 0.04 9. 2010-11and 2011-12 are shown below: Year Central Sector (%) Private Sector (%) State Sector (%) All India Average 2009-2010 1.32 1.27 0.16 0.38 0.24 0.01 195-200 0.43 0.25 0.28 1.43 RUSSIA/RUSSIA 7. PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY (%) (%) of make-wise Maximum Possible Generation Make of Units 2010-11 BHEL/ BHEL 8. 7.1 During the year 2011-12.3. 4 NON – UTILISATION OF ENERGY DUE TO SYSTEM LOAD VARIATION 7.6. Details of non utilization of energy due to system load variations in different regions during 2010-11 and 2011-12 are given at Annexure 7. loss of energy due to backing down of coal/ lignite based thermal units increased from 5913 MU to 8847 MU.6 Page No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 7. . some thermal units could not operate at their full rated capacity due to low schedule from the beneficiaries. However the loss due to reserve shutdown of units have decreased from 7741 MU during 2010-11 to 6543 MU during 2011-12. 95 0.03 0.45 2514.04 16.00 0.42 1.37 0.05 0.00 0.34 0.04 8.44 0.32 4.07 0 0.67 0.00 2.2 0.00 11.02 0.88 73.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.06 171.06 0.02 0.32 0. LOSS POSS.57 MAIN TRUBINE 160.51 0.41 0.25 78.39 0.00 0.48 0.84 14.00 0.6 200.8 1. 5 Sheet _ of 6 Annexure . FAN P.41 0.2 0.04 0.01 7.57 8.18 0.00 0.01 0.65 0.43 1.2 34.04 0.MAIN BOILER TOTAL BOILER 84.00 3.13 0.49 6.64 0.08 4.29 0.LOSS 16.01 0.05 VIBRATIONS/ECCENTRICITY TURBINE DIFFERENTIAL HIGH CURTIS WHEEL PRESSURE HIGH EXAUST TEMP LOW VACCUM STARTUP/ SHUT DOWN AXIAL SHIFT CONTROL VALVE CONDENSER GOVERNING SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS .00 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.01 0.00 0.96 1.2 0.36 95.06 0.07 0.65 0.96 838. LOSS % OF MAX.47 19.00 0.99 2.62 0.01 2.77 1531.3 6.67 0.04 7 0.97 109.29 619.07 0.29 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.23 260.63 0.12 3.C.64 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.17 149.39 58.25 0.69 0.13 0.57 29.15 45.1 0.00 0.04 0.19 129.07 0.00 0.09 3. FEEDERS PRESIPITATORS MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS-BOILER AUXILARIES TOTAL BOILER AUXILIARIES BOILER & ITS AUXILIARIES 58.67 0.00 548.04 0.69 5.82 453.00 0.3 0.00 0.C & R. POSS GEN.00 0.5 1060. 7.74 0.01 0. % OF TOTAL REGIONAL P.05 0. REGIONAL GEN.17 0.97 1.02 0.9 1769.03 0.04 0.61 5.00 0.37 41.00 0. P.01 PRESSURE PARTS LEAKAGE DRUM PRESSURE RESTRICTION AIR HEATERS FURNACE FURNACE DRAFT HIGH FUEL GAS/ STEAM TEMPERATURE AGEING MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS .92 0.35 14.72 96.04 0.51 I.17 0.17 SOUTHERN REGION REGIONAL GEN.02 7.7 0.42 6.66 990.78 0.28 39.65 0.16 0.00 .01 0.17 0.49 716. REGIONAL GEN.21 1696.8 21.01 0. FAN MILLING SYSTEM P.7. FAN F.00 0.00 0.17 0.37 0 9.89 0.00 0.MAIN TURBINE 8.89 0.00 0.8 65.25 0.00 0.43 13.61 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.36 144.08 0.11 0.01 0.93 593.04 0.5 0.32 0.06 0.71 6.D.53 0.D.38 0.1 8.00 0.08 0. TOTAL GEN.47 0.00 0. P.00 0.00 0.04 2.00 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.61 0.26 0.02 0.00 0.45 208.00 0.03 0.3 0.00 0. TOTAL POSS.16 373.A.00 0.02 0.31 12.00 0.71 72.4 7.) NORTHERN REGION % OF % OF MAX.00 1.09 0.16 0.9 2651 4347.08 0.21 0.04 0.00 16.02 0.09 483.00 0.71 2.19 0.01 30.57 BOILER AUXILIARIES 0.3 305.54 1.57 19.LOSS REGIONAL GEN.63 6.74 0.02 0.00 0.87 56.12 1.27 198.75 5.3 0.LOSS MAIN BOILER 114.77 0.1 REGION-WISE DETAILS OF PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO VARIOUS LONG AND SHORT DURATION CONSTRAINTS IN THE MAIN EQUIPMENT AND ITS AUXILIARIES DURING 2011-12 (IN MUs) CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due to Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.12 982.28 0.01 0.00 0.55 0. LOSS WESTERN REGION % OF % OF REGIONAL MAX.45 948.36 2.11 0.25 512.43 319.06 0.35 0.03 0.12 171.81 100.07 2.45 18.03 3.00 0.78 0. 01 0.44 0. TOTAL GEN.41 0.00 0.7 478.LOSS 12.14 1564.88 1. LOSS POSS.07 12.22 0.09 SOUTHERN REGION REGIONAL GEN.95 0.00 10.17 1.82 13.01 0.00 0. REGIONAL GEN.6 0.53 GENERATOR 36. PUMPS REGENERATIVE SYSTEM C. CAUSES 6.02 0.74 0.00 0.05 0.2 0.74 0.41 32.78 0.34 74.03 0.13 0. LOSS WESTERN REGION % OF % OF REGIONAL MAX.22 ELECTRICAL 7.03 0.00 0.58 113.01 0.76 12. POSS GEN.11 25. 7.85 3.00 0.51 1.02 0.00 0. 1217.4 0.00 0.21 REGIONAL GEN.02 0.00 0.89 0.42 0.63 12. PUNPS CONDENSATE PUMP MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS TURBINE AUX.F.01 0.00 9451.00 0.12 0.99 15.00 0.00 0.31 78.01 0.00 0.18 3.04 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.77 23.64 0.00 16.05 0.01 0.02 0.) TOTAL TURBINE B.83 1458.00 0.05 7.01 0.82 0.00 0.72 0.11 0.86 2617. LOSS % OF MAX.05 0.00 0.31 0.4 1.61 0.66 2.72 0.99 12.LOSS 1461.29 0.83 OTHER MISC.43 0.34 2.01 30.03 0.4 1425.81 292.1 0.16 86.21 32.00 0.01 0.00 0.45 0.06 0.86 1.27 0.42 0.2 0.00 0.66 .00 0.88 7. P.02 0.42 0.05 186.59 24.01 0. P.53 0.04 0.2 17.06 0.7 18.56 13.1 0.00 0.37 130.42 0.49 820.76 2462.00 0.00 0.93 2.02 0.17 49.84 0.00 0.00 0.W.02 0.00 0.6 136.M. TOTAL TURBINE AUXILIARIES TURBINE & ITS AUXILIARIES HYDROGEN PRESSURE/ PURITY EXCITER GENERATOR COOLING SYSTEM SEAL OIL SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEM GENERATOR GENERATOR MAIN TRANSFORMER MISCELLANEOUS OTHERS MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GRID SYSTEM TOTAL ELECTRICAL COAL SHORTAGE COAL HANDLING PROBLEM / FEEDING TROUBLE POOR QUALITY/ WET COAL FUEL OIL SHORTAGE D.11 2318.75 0.04 0.11 0.00 0.24 0.05 0.01 0.75 0.48 0.52 10.00 1.05 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 40.00 136.00 0.62 22.11 0.02 1.37 7.04 67.00 0.04 0.63 3242.00 0.00 1.00 0.66 0.63 0.00 35.43 0. WATER COOLING WATER PROBLEMS OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS AIR SUPPLY PROBLEMS NORTHERN REGION % OF % OF MAX.87 0.57 850.16 0.79 TURBINE AUXILIARIES 0.43 0.13 0.9 0.92 0.02 0.83 928.72 20.49 0.01 0.28 5.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 101.14 6.11 0.04 0.4 68.07 6.22 68.29 12.09 0.1 2774.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.75 1296.00 0.06 0.1 16.46 4.9 1.32 4.00 0.00 0.00 28.42 0.52 8.LOSS 2763.32 0.1 REGION-WISE DETAILS OF PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO VARIOUS LONG AND SHORT DURATION CONSTRAINTS IN THE MAIN EQUIPMENT AND ITS AUXILIARIES DURING 2011-12 (IN MUs) CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due to Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.77 % OF TOTAL REGIONAL P.01 0. REGIONAL GEN.53 664.09 7.05 0.07 0.57 1.04 5. TOTAL POSS.89 7.66 0.19 0.4 1.69 167.44 0.91 0.00 8.43 8.82 0.17 1.85 1648.94 97.01 0. 6 Sheet _ of 6 Annexure .03 1.62 0.7.67 0.4 0.27 124.27 7.56 1485. 74 5.63 17796.64 1.00 0.14 94.04 0.00 3.74 6.85 0. REGIONAL GEN.00 0.6 27985.11 5236.37 0. 7 Sheet _ of 6 Annexure . CAUSES TOTAL BACKING DOWN/ LOW SYSTEM DEMAND GRAND TOTAL NORTHERN REGION % OF % OF MAX.84 11.4 2. 7.46 2215.79 1.03 1.8 9093.75 86.54 11.17 19.00 0.94 SOUTHERN REGION REGIONAL GEN. LOSS WESTERN REGION % OF % OF REGIONAL MAX.7.85 11968.77 3.58 88.24 0.25 100 31451. POSS GEN.) ASH HANDLING PROBLEMS MALFUNCITION OF RELAYS/ INSTRUMENT TROUBLE MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS OTHERS MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS OTHERS TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS / EVACUATION PROBLEM TOTAL OTHER MISC.61 610.2 10.31 1.1 REGION-WISE DETAILS OF PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO VARIOUS LONG AND SHORT DURATION CONSTRAINTS IN THE MAIN EQUIPMENT AND ITS AUXILIARIES DURING 2011-12 (IN MUs) CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due to Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.01 0.16 10368.22 1.61 5.01 0.00 0.12 141.69 0.08 0.72 0.12 56.11 100 BACKING DOWN/LOW SYSTEM DEMAND 13.00 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No. LOSS POSS.37 3465.98 5711.34 0.36 5.24 1.01 10. LOSS % OF MAX.LOSS 190. P.28 0.22 0. REGIONAL GEN.22 REGIONAL GEN.07 0.05 1.00 0.LOSS 1.16 18.15 1600.44 10.42 43.57 1858.09 % OF TOTAL REGIONAL P. 126.06 0.17 26.00 0.38 .14 2. TOTAL GEN.00 0.75 59.02 565.08 0.26 100 9658.46 0.85 6.LOSS 259.86 6.82 0. P. TOTAL POSS.51 3323. 83 10866.01 0.00 REGIONAL P.02 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.34 9.33 443. LOSS MAX.12 2.64 930.55 0.2 REGIONAL P.48 0.00 0.00 6941.84 0.08 14. LOSS ALL INDIA % OF MAX.LOSS 0.04 0.7.01 0.18 46.51 1.00 0.16 LOSS 22. GEN.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 5.52 0.02 27.59 513.19 0.00 0. REGIONAL GEN.00 0.3 759. GEN.01 0.5 113.00 0.C.00 0.00 LOSS HIGH CURTIS WHEEL PRESSURE HIGH EXAUST TEMP LOW VACCUM NORTH EASTERN REGION REGIONAL % OF % OF GEN.05 69.07 % OF TOTAL REGIONAL P.65 0.00 3924.00 0.04 399.06 1186.02 0.03 0.01 0.) PRESSURE PARTS LEAKAGE DRUM PRESSURE RESTRICTION AIR HEATERS FURNACE FURNACE DRAFT HIGH FUEL GAS/ STEAM TEMPERATURE AGEING MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS .11 0.52 0. % OF MAX.03 0.00 0.1 Sheet _ of 6 REGION-WISE DETAILS OF PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO VARIOUS LONG AND SHORT DURATION CONSTRAINTS IN THE MAIN EQUIPMENT AND ITS AUXILIARIES DURING 2011-12 (IN MUs) CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due to Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.26 0.23 0.3 1.1 3.11 2.01 0.61 1699.01 0.22 0. 0.2 0.46 0.09 0.96 355.00 0. POSS GEN.21 0.07 0.53 % OF MAX.00 2306.05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0. REGIONAL P.00 0.28 2.00 0.LOSS 0.00 22.25 1.68 .00 MAIN TRUBINE 0.28 0. 388.00 0. FAN F.16 54.00 0.00 3.05 0.37 0.89 17.08 0.26 2315.00 0.95 0.95 248.00 0.00 0.55 586.96 475. 0.00 0.41 0. 0. P.00 0.00 0.) EASTERN REGION REGIONAL % OF % OF GEN.00 0.11 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGIONAL GEN. FEEDERS PRESIPITATORS MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS-BOILER AUXILARIES TOTAL BOILER AUXILIARIES BOILER & ITS AUXILIARIES VIBRATIONS/ECCENTRICITY TURBINE DIFFERENTIAL CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due To Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.D.00 0.12 0.00 3.41 0.21 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0. POSS.02 0.86 0.29 1.64 119.12 3492.00 0.25 0.01 0.00 BOILER AUXILIARIES 0.74 2.00 92.53 1.18 0.C & R.01 0.LOSS 172.28 5.47 5.00 0. GEN.08 0.00 9.01 0.00 0.22 12.00 0.04 0. 0.03 0.00 0.00 0. 8 Annexure .06 0.00 0.59 56.00 0.07 0.41 1652.00 0.51 0.76 190.23 0.03 0.00 0.48 5.00 0.7 0.LOSS 0.00 0.00 0.37 195. TOTAL POSS. REGIONAL GEN. % OF TOTAL POSS. LOSS MAX.52 0.96 2431.00 POSS.13 0.86 1. TOTAL POSS.04 % OF MAX.00 0. % OF TOTAL 352.00 0.A.04 LOSS 0. P.09 0.22 0.00 0.00 0. 7.45 ALL INDIA REGIONAL GEN.12 58.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.LOSS MAIN BOILER 0.17 78.13 0.26 0.18 25.MAIN BOILER TOTAL BOILER I. FAN P. FAN MILLING SYSTEM P.LOSS 0.58 0.07 0.00 0.87 14.33 865.00 0.00 940.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.3 0.25 3.D.77 0.00 EASTERN REGIONAL GEN.75 254.00 NORTH % OF REGIONAL TOTAL GEN.00 0.06 2.00 0.00 0. 36 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.69 0.45 TURBINE AUXILIARIES 0.LOSS 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.31 0. PUMPS REGENERATIVE SYSTEM C.07 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.36 MAIN TRANSFORMER MISCELLANEOUS OTHERS MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GRID SYSTEM TOTAL ELECTRICAL 0.77 COAL SHORTAGE COAL HANDLING PROBLEM / FEEDING 2208.71 3.88 10.95 10.04 0. 4877.00 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.00 12.07 0.1 REGION-WISE DETAILS OF PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO VARIOUS LONG AND SHORT DURATION CONSTRAINTS IN THE MAIN EQUIPMENT AND ITS AUXILIARIES DURING 2011-12 (IN MUs) CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due to Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.21 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.7. TOTAL POSS.12 0.01 0.00 0.21 9.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 0. LOSS MAX.55 11.03 0.15 74.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.58 0.5 1.08 0.26 2.98 0.00 0.36 0.93 1.00 0.00 0.00 0. REGIONAL GEN.04 0.6 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.14 502.00 837.07 13.94 0.00 0.00 .00 201.00 % OF TOTAL REGIONAL P.00 61.98 0.00 7549.00 0. LOSS MAX.91 0.94 13.00 0.00 6311. CAUSES 9.45 0.00 REGIONAL GEN.15 0.00 ELECTRICAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. POSS GEN.66 0.47 0.01 0. PUNPS CONDENSATE PUMP MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS TURBINE AUX.1 0.02 0.01 1.08 0.00 3.01 0.00 0.00 0. TOTAL POSS.00 0.00 0.W.06 0.47 62.01 0.86 8229.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.3 0.1 1.51 0.21 0.00 0.23 2258.14 1.01 0. 9 Sheet _ of 6 Annexure .00 0.83 75.91 78.45 0.77 0.17 0.66 0.66 1.00 0. P. REGIONAL GEN.LOSS 1651.16 0.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.8 0.02 0.39 1.00 0.38 0.00 2227.48 0. TOTAL TURBINE AUXILIARIES TURBINE & ITS AUXILIARIES HYDROGEN PRESSURE/ PURITY EXCITER GENERATOR COOLING SYSTEM SEAL OIL SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEM GENERATOR GENERATOR EASTERN REGION REGIONAL % OF % OF GEN.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 9.00 0.01 0.00 0.59 6.01 0.00 0.48 25.00 0.01 0.00 OTHER MISC.00 0.71 1294.00 7670.2 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.28 8.00 1664.01 0.17 2922.LOSS 6.86 23.89 3146.00 0.00 919.00 0.15 2.00 0.15 113.00 33.44 551.26 0.00 21.00 GENERATOR 0.03 0.00 0.00 15.18 12.00 0.58 0.01 0.00 0. 7.00 15.00 0.00 0.11 55.00 0.53 9.01 0.00 0.1 0.00 0.96 0.84 3273.95 12.38 0.) STARTUP/ SHUT DOWN AXIAL SHIFT CONTROL VALVE CONDENSER GOVERNING SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS .00 0.00 0. P.08 0.58 1.54 18.8 612.00 NORTH EASTERN REGION REGIONAL % OF % OF GEN.00 0.00 0.08 317.00 0.47 69.72 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 14.9 7.07 0.00 0.00 0.MAIN TURBINE TOTAL TURBINE B.00 2.78 0.5 3.00 0.F.00 117.12 9334. LOSS ALL INDIA % OF MAX.00 0. 00 0.00 0.04 15.77 1.32 0.09 11.13 0.00 0.00 8847.00 0.LOSS NORTH EASTERN REGION REGIONAL % OF % OF GEN.69 9.18 67597.00 .47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 7.72 1.00 0.01 0.00 38965. P.08 0.00 0.00 0. P.00 0. POSS GEN.43 588.67 0.65 12. 10 Sheet _ of 6 Annexure .00 0.00 86.05 8.93 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.LOSS REGIONAL GEN.00 0. LOSS ALL INDIA % OF MAX.00 0.1 REGION-WISE DETAILS OF PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DUE TO VARIOUS LONG AND SHORT DURATION CONSTRAINTS IN THE MAIN EQUIPMENT AND ITS AUXILIARIES DURING 2011-12 (IN MUs) CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS (Due to Further Breakup of Equipment & Aux.29 73.81 8.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.43 100 43.54 10.33 4.69 166.11 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 23365.00 0.76 0.00 17271.24 0.00 0.00 BACKING DOWN/LOW SYSTEM DEMAND 13. LOSS MAX. LOSS MAX.38 14.97 88.00 0.07 0.00 100 0.08 7.M.94 97.00 0.00 0.00 0.) TROUBLE POOR QUALITY/ WET COAL FUEL OIL SHORTAGE D.00 0.51 58.00 0.16 2.11 3781.22 16.19 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.69 163.44 12.00 0. % OF TOTAL REGIONAL P.00 0.02 0.63 852.62 20149.00 0.05 16.59 0.00 0. TOTAL POSS.93 0.00 0.82 2.42 5.01 0.75 1.74 0.21 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.49 0.00 15.03 0.04 0. REGIONAL GEN. TOTAL POSS.00 0.01 0.00 11178.02 10220.34 50.02 1.22 0.00 76444. WATER COOLING WATER PROBLEMS OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS AIR SUPPLY PROBLEMS ASH HANDLING PROBLEMS MALFUNCITION OF RELAYS/ INSTRUMENT TROUBLE MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS OTHERS TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS / EVACUATION PROBLEM TOTAL OTHER MISC.24 0.63 0.LOSS 3560.36 1.00 0.21 0.02 0.43 3216.00 0.00 0.7.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0. CAUSES TOTAL BACKING DOWN/ LOW SYSTEM DEMAND GRAND TOTAL EASTERN REGION REGIONAL % OF % OF GEN.13 0. REGIONAL GEN. 08 0.65 0.62 0 135.68 GRAND TOTAL 2116.34 1.07 58.94 86.47 1.55 0.02 225.48 137.04 0.26 15442 63.5 3.7 0.9 42.05 137.54 2139 8.5 121.7 7.33 1.61 0 0 0 2.05 25-99MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 329.21 0.93 2 643.56 0 0 92.34 9208.84 72.8 30.49 15.99 7.9 22.97 257.24 1.83 2.93 2224 45.06 19. 11 Annexure .87 0 0 0 0 18.34 913.05 0 0 0 0 45.MAIN BOILER TOTAL MAIN BOILER BOILER AUXILIARIES I.54 226.18 0.3 47. FAN MILLING SYSTEM F.96 0 5 0 82.37 0 0.03 0 0 624.1 0 0 4.34 459.97 1673.7.16 99.62 22.18 90.37 49.16 397.12 251.7 24444 7 99.88 460.2 2.74 0.34 0 0.39 143.8 911.74 31.9 49.99 0.1 66.3 13.16 2.34 148.21 620.73 20.29 0.29 0.54 678.6 0 0 0.82 2.9 9.53 328.73 99.26 2.73 99.06 526.06 16.03 3.34 25.33 0 0 3992.77 12.03 10.2 32.31 688.68 0 0 0.72 800.2 2380.07 0.8 6 131.1 6.71 394.D.09 18.98 1.7 14.72 13.3 18 538.17 1529.06 7.17 195-200 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 226.58 5.91 5177 9.65 626.26 5152 8 100 503.9 10.52 6.93 265.6 28.3 25 1772.35 1.06 0.29 .6 5.22 0.16 1.35 0 0.5 452.D.37 MAIN BOILER BOILER AUXILIARIES TOTAL BOILER MAIN TURBINE TURBINE AUXILIARIES TOTAL TURBINE GENERATOR ELECTRICAL OTHER MISCELLANOUS CAUSES LOW SYSTEM DEMAND 96.95 509.1 3580 14.1 6.8 4.A.58 215.07 6.46 456.5 8.96 0 3.31 0 0 6.09 4311 21764 19.42 14.52 10.7 1046.32 747.34 2.24 0.69 0.12 0.71 10.99 693.5 0.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.04 115.97 32. 7.48 147.37 4.61 0 1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.96 2.05 0 0 0 0 0 106.63 263.7 30.49 6.35 4410.82 2.6 12 71.72 1111 4.07 0 0 1.88 1.22 0.64 10 104.75 41.86 16.31 0.1 8983.62 8.35 14.4 2467 11.9 6.03 10.87 15.71 0 0.2 Sheet _ of 3 CAUSE WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DURING 2011-12 OF MAJOR CAPACITY GROUPS OF THERMAL UNITS CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS 660-800 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 7.34 168.95 1.75 161.13 4.22 0.64 1518.9 4.39 3419.57 0 MAIN BOILER PRESSURE PARTS LEAKAGE DRUM PRESSURE RESTRICTION AIR HEATERS FURNACE FURNACE DRAFT HIGH FUEL GAS/ STEAM TEMPERATURE AGEING MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS .48 5.02 316.02 273.39 18.62 5.31 300-330MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 294.97 0. FAN 10 490-600MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 913.18 0.3 0.1 279.01 2.63 44.84 6 654.56 0.32 262.37 2.01 0.66 0.08 55.14 1128.59 12.2 871.12 0.99 413.86 0.01 3910 10.69 0.57 642.3 6.56 99.13 4 1785 8.6 0.09 0 0 0 0.29 14.64 0.19 100-150MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 911.85 4.09 0 0 678.03 100.77 4899 14.97 3.21 0 0 9 0 42.8 664.06 206.75 4.86 0 0.32 0 0 0 14.48 1.97 32.7 0.12 18.14 0.5 34 250-250MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 131.46 0.62 0.42 0.04 1.98 0.56 2039.87 11.53 329.64 18.24 5.55 1.99 3.51 1.99 694.2 18.18 30.11 1.22 0.06 1.37 534.03 7.79 519.8 10.03 368.02 0.77 1845.81 100 423.02 13.73 0 0 0.99 890.46 13 949.58 139.87 646.23 0 0 7.54 2468.13 0.39 210-210MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 1110.45 43.2 294.35 1130 23.55 5.3 16.06 0.78 1 1291. FAN P.1 0.03 0 3.22 44.99 1711. 9 16.28 460.99 0.44 38.5 10.6 0 15.92 890.47 0.65 12.C.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.13 0 0 0 176.01 0.06 23.83 241.94 19.79 AXIAL SHIFT 0 CONTROL VALVE 18.99 0. PUMPS 0 REGENERATIVE 0 SYSTEM C.3 949.08 3.62 2039.55 TOTAL BOILER & 32.1 664.35 3.18 0.02 0.06 64.48 526.98 0.33 0.56 0 0 0 6.19 34.9 42.9 16.73 0.78 0 0.16 300-330MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 0.88 8.64 14.06 3579.9 1785 8.07 22.34 800.64 0.23 0 0.91 0 0 6. 12 Annexure .6 1.45 0 0 14.2 .73 1.76 617.05 0.52 0.F.23 7.12 0.03 0 14 0.28 20.76 0.09 0 0 0.01 0.15 0.11 0.22 1.47 11.42 25-99MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 101.07 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.46 459.11 13.06 538.84 100-150MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 92.84 3 250-250MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 17.86 0 0 32. PUNPS 0 CONDENSATE PUMP 0 MISCELLANEOUS 0 PROBLEMS .2 Sheet _ of 3 CAUSE WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DURING 2011-12 OF MAJOR CAPACITY GROUPS OF THERMAL UNITS CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS 660-800 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 P.94 36.2 8.98 0 0 0 20.6 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 10 0 60.03 28.76 4.92 0 3.45 273.43 0.53 0 0 1 0.79 2039.88 0.38 71.7 210-210MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 30.3 22.4 2381 0 1.32 0.27 0.6 0 1.7 0.16 0 0.72 0 0 0.8 5.18 CONDENSER 0 GOVERNING SYSTEM 0 TOTAL MAIN 679 TURBINE TURBINE AUXILIARIES B.21 9. 7.95 0.09 305.9 1130 23.99 1582.02 1.09 0 425.94 0.6 0 519.14 0 1.TURBINE 490-600MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 118.02 0.09 0 0 0.88 0.64 890.89 1046.17 7.3 18 18 459.85 1518 0 1.1 73.69 4.7 22.6 22.5 25.12 0 0.7 0.14 0.07 377.7.18 131.34 1.2 949.09 0.82 0.31 389.5 8.7 0.12 198.4 0 0 143.3 6.29 1.35 2469 10.12 0.9 106.33 AUXILIARIES BOILER & BOILER AUXILIARIES BOILER & BOILER AUX 32.08 920.W.43 0 0 0 39.96 219.96 7.72 5.14 195-200 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 37.55 0.91 0 0 6.C & R.7 3580 14.7 0 0 23.01 1.05 0.88 1129.34 0 556.47 516.03 0 0 0 0.54 3.54 1.1 4 654.9 0.75 0 377.01 0 34.83 1.97 0 0 32.34 0.82 17.39 363.17 1012.67 0 10.6 12.07 1.6 0.55 0 15.06 30.33 43.2 4.11 0 6.31 55.27 0.84 2.99 1128.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.55 BOILER AUX MAIN TURBINE VIBRATIONS/ECCENTRI 0 CITY TURBINE 0 DIFFERENTIAL HIGH CURTIS WHEEL 0 PRESSURE HIGH EXAUST TEMP 0 LOW VACCUM 0 STARTUP/ SHUT DOWN 660.7 0 40.46 0.3 16.29 6.54 1784.39 8.18 21.93 2.69 1.91 4.48 6.18 0.2 15.01 0.26 10.12 96.48 0 131.12 41.34 5.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.22 2.51 292.17 0 13.79 22.01 0.92 0.71 24.17 0.01 0. FEEDERS PRESIPITATORS MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS-BOILER AUXILARIES TOTAL BOILER 25.48 7.9 22.18 0.09 0 0.17 132.27 0.18 0.15 2.54 0 0 252.61 0.2 871.33 2.14 0.5 13 328.83 0.01 6 2.04 0 0 2. 08 1.6 32.55 0.1 4.97 AUX TOTAL TURBINE & 679 TURBINE AUX GENERATOR HYDROGEN PRESSURE/ 0 PURITY TOTAL GENERATOR 0 490-600MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 300-330MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 250-250MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 25-99MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 210-210MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 195-200 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 100-150MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 0 86.09 2467 11.66 1673.25 18.2 Sheet _ of 3 CAUSE WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DURING 2011-12 OF MAJOR CAPACITY GROUPS OF THERMAL UNITS CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS 660-800 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS AUX.33 0 0 0 0 0 1.97 32.85 688.88 15.89 1.03 6.48 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.42 0 0.47 0 1.04 0 0 0 0 0.87 0.09 0.28 0.06 0 20.02 29.12 3.84 2 1275.08 0 0 14.09 97.04 0 9.97 5.3 13.7 14.96 1.17 0 1.85 0.11 0.47 1.11 254.33 0 0 273.06 0 20.22 1287.87 0.17 0 32.9 2 49.52 6.4 25 211.09 2466.17 1.08 0 1.07 12.14 22.26 13.4 1.95 162 3.41 0.62 0.21 0 0.85 254.91 9.3 41.09 0.33 643.75 534.17 614.85 0.87 0 0 71.72 29.44 0.7.66 1673.21 0.03 0 12.48 0.9 9.1 10 0 0.33 0 0.75 534.18 0 0.52 243.85 688.14 22.21 0.42 0.47 18.12 0 3.3 4.52 97.22 215.6 12 509.37 626.29 0 0 131.78 1 3.04 9.47 0 0 273. 13 Annexure .02 0.31 2.95 0 67.87 0.25 15.9 8. 7.54 14.5 71.87 0 0 0 0 0 71.85 0.28 0.4 18.39 24.39 24.MAIN TURBINE TOTAL MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR EXCITER GENERATOR COOLING SYSTEM SEAL OIL SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEM GENERATOR TOTAL GENERATOR ELECTRICAL MAIN TRANSFORMER MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS OTHERS GRID SYSTEM .46 0.5 71.08 0.69 0.56 0 0.05 3748.9 0.95 0 0 0 67.29 0.4 104.58 0.69 0.59 1.9 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 32.05 18.33 643.09 0. TOTAL TURBINE 0 AUXILIARIES TURBINE & TURBINE AUX TURBINE & TURBINE 678.26 6.78 0 1 0 0 1.06 2138.6 5.8 0.01 0 0 0 0 10.25 0.8 2.39 18.09 MAIN TURBINE MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS .85 0.7 14.04 0 0 0 0 0 6.26 6.62 0.8 0.12 41.46 0.03 0.29 0 0 131.03 6.58 0 0.31 620.59 0 1.4 1.52 0 243.41 0.02 29.89 1.77 4.25 7.06 2139 8.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.51 0.9 11.57 12 509.6 17. 01 1.94 0.73 693.17 1845 47.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 8 503.1 7.11 0 0 53.66 0.41 0.9 32.07 23.67 0 3.44 0.57 490-600MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 4236 19.63 0.77 210-210MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 1784 7.22 1.16 1711.77 69.08 0.56 56.7.01 0.18 75. 14 Annexure .03 1249.14 157.81 COAL FUEL OIL SHORTAGE 0 0 D.37 8.32 15.1 7.27 11 915.05 0.79 0.57 TOTAL LOW SYSTEM DEMAND 96.03 10.68 1419.46 300-330MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 1295 25 250-250MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 346.42 13 1398 27 395.84 0.04 9209 42.88 14.92 0.1 28.81 423.81 423.2 Sheet _ of 3 CAUSE WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DURING 2011-12 OF MAJOR CAPACITY GROUPS OF THERMAL UNITS 660-800 % OF CAUSE OF MU GROUP PARTIAL LOSS LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS TOTAL ELECTRICAL 678.25 23.21 13.56 694.1 2467.11 60.9 9.5 22.55 8.1 240.7 7 413.1 0.97 0.56 694.6 0.9 104.15 4.49 0 38.04 0 0 3.25 17.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.68 4.16 0 0.7 MISCELLANOUS CAUSES LOW SYSTEM DEMAND LOW SYSTEM DEMAND 96.08 OTHER MISCELLANOUS CAUSES COAL SHORTAGE 55.8 14.91 9.OTHERS TRANSMISSION 0 0 CONSTRAINTS / EVACUATION PROBLEM TOTAL OTHER 30.32 90.42 1677.44 1.39 15442 63.73 4311 19.11 0.73 .48 0.77 14.48 0 0.7 6.74 0 0.26 3381 15.55 RELAYS/ INSTRUMENT TROUBLE MISCELLANEOUS 261.19 4410.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47.41 0 0 0.96 2901.57 22.61 3.2 6.1 4311 19.38 6.26 38.08 861.34 568.03 9.53 2941.07 9310.65 17.73 0.3 0 0 0 1.8 0 0 1.73 693.35 2044.2 38.9 11.3 195-200 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 235.65 0.6 11.18 0 99.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.01 0 0 26.37 0.64 COAL HANDLING 0 0 PROBLEM / FEEDING TROUBLE POOR QUALITY/ WET 17.72 0.47 0 0.4 49.16 1712 7 413 10.99 13.51 1.11 262.87 600.7 25-99MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 184.31 1772 34 3419 66.M.68 4.37 642.65 193.56 14.98 3 29.47 382. 7.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.15 275.53 659.06 17.06 0 0 0 1.8 3.43 0 0 16.19 0 0.6 2.06 119.46 10.26 8 503.79 2.27 0.05 2224 45.86 4.09 1.1 6.01 100-150MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 137.34 0 162.59 55.18 0 10.95 12.71 317.OTHERS MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 PROBLEMS .38 PROBLEMS .12 0.26 0.11 177.61 2.1 1151.01 10.19 25.62 313. WATER 0 0 COOLING WATER 0 0 PROBLEMS OPERATIONAL 0 0 PROBLEMS AIR SUPPLY PROBLEMS 0 0 ASH HANDLING 0 0 PROBLEMS MALFUNCITION OF 307.26 0.03 0.38 5 1 744. 87 565.00 0.00 0.16 0.3 210-210MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 3919 101.36 0.27 0.2 101.3 0.02 0.55 0.00 0.98 3848.2 2603.4 3109.00 0.95 0.29 0.6 Annexure .5 CAUSE OF PARTIAL LOSS GRAND TOTAL 490-600MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 22281 102.9 Southern All India .36 3465.24 1159.00 0.07 1049.81 1.00 7741.06 3216.13 1953.43 6892.37 300-330MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 5162 100 250-250MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 5264 101.09 13654.15 0.00 0.21 6543.46 0.2 0.00 0.06 0.59 15390.00 0.3 NON UTILIZATION OF ENERGY DUE TO SYSTEM LOAD VARIATIONS IN DIFFERENT REGIONS DURING 2010-11 AND 2011-12 Energy not utilized due to Reserve Shut Down of units Region % of All India possible generation MU 10-11 Backing down of the units 11-12 10-11 11-12 Total % of All India possible generation MU 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 % of All India possible generation MU 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 Northern 1444.2 100-150MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 9131.14 0.00 0.38 8847.09 0.14 0.48 NorthEastern 0.09 1982.36 0.3 195-200 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 3919 100.53 0.47 2098.08 0.2 Sheet _ of 3 CAUSE WISE PARTIAL UNAVAILABILITY DURING 2011-12 OF MAJOR CAPACITY GROUPS OF THERMAL UNITS 660-800 % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIA L LOSS 2148 101.00 0.66 3920.7.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No.35 0.9 375.94 0.00 0.76 0.05 1.87 1.87 0.44 Western 4793.07 Eastern 1127.7.48 36.22 3553.35 601.7 25-99MW % OF MU GROUP LOSS TOTAL PARTIAL LOSS 4965 101.05 0.43 0.00 673.35 7314. 15 Annexure .41 1. 7.61 704.09 1600.79 0.66 0.81 5913. 16 .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 7 Page No. 7. 85 976.92 251. Region and Month Wise Loss of generation (MU) due to Planned Maintenance Western Region Southern Region Eastern Region Total All India APR Northern Region 1286.89 JUL 1127. 8.00 Note: North-Eastern Region has not been considered as all the thermal units at Chandrapura (Assam) were under forced outage through out the year.18 303.25 1565.29 1967.54 1366.39 683.76 674.85 48046.3. 8.22 1522.34 2276.86 FEB 868.45 363.63 900.54 JUN 913.2 Unavailability of thermal generating units affected the generation during the year under review e.96 4873.12 8830.75 807.82 3328.94 NOV 844.64 1364.81 4348.3 EFFECT OF PLANNED MAINTENANCE ON GENERATION RELIABILTY 8. . 8.78 1438.58 656.1 Each power system of the country formulated generation program for 2011-12 to meet as much system requirement as possible.64 148.47 Total 13339.63 2210.3.49 1134. extension of planned shutdown duration beyond the programmed time and also the unavailability due to partial constraints of auxiliaries and equipment in excess of the originally assessed level affecting the output of the operating units.58 6574.77 JAN 644.68 981.74 1329.1 The effect of outages of thermal units on generation reliability discussed in this section relates to the program of thermal generation and not with reference to the system requirement because inability of the system at the consumer end does not depend only on the quantum of thermal generation but also on the generation from the other sources and factors such as transformation.79 765.22 1002.2 1000.53 11717.56 932.56 635.01 1325.24 DEC 869. the level of forced outage unavailability beyond the originally anticipated level together with the changes in the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).6 1103.2 Region-wise month-wise details of loss of generation due to planned maintenance (actual) of thermal units during 2011-12 are shown below. transmission and distribution facilities etc.05 OCT 1109.58 2535.55 3894. 1 SECTION-8 EFFECT OF OUTAGES ON GENERATION RELIABILITY 8.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No.76 1025.42 912.77 919.1 990.01 Month SEP 1567.38 5751.48 14158.94 AUG 1590.g.51 2154.55 0 557.88 641.09 23.67 MAR 1289.53 3124.3 5842.74 2150. 8.97 3410.60 MAY 1228. All the power systems program to carry out the planned maintenance of their thermal units in a phased manner in order to keep them ready to meet the seasonal peak to the extent possible. 76 7314.78 31429.27 44.2 5668. the total loss of generation (6574 MU) due to planned maintenance of thermal units was highest.33 2689. Loss of generation due to various forced outages was maximum during the month of September'11 (10436 MU) Loss of generation due to various forced outages was minimum (5668 MU) during April'11.21 FEB 1655.19 947.92 3281.1 2742. Short duration repetitive forced outage.64 6034.20 NOV 1017.38 1858.49 2596.68 3406.22 3310.64 2574. 8.1 Long duration forced outage upsets the generation reliability resulting in postponement of scheduled planned maintenance and consequential variation in the actual peaking availability from programmed peaking availability.69 JAN 1283.94 41.63 43.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No.4 1678.97 3341. causes serious dent in the quality of envisaged reliability scheme.76 891.07 2245.8 43.64 7592. Eastern Region experienced maximum forced outage losses.14 2372.64 7844.01 3069.64 8599.04 1012.35 753.93 527.64 44.71 782. 2 During September ’2011.66 OCT 1356.9 44.51 3983.16 JUL 1391.11 43. The Region wise and month wise generation loss due to Forced outages is given below: Region-wise and month-wise generation Loss ( in MUs) due to Forced Outage Month NORTHERN WESTERN SOUTHERN EASTERN NORTH EASTERN ALL INDIA APR 1225.64 8300.75 2479.4.04 SEP 1953.19 994.55 32223.64 8726.91 2044.22 Total 18089.86 2306.73 2614.65 44.64 7264.85 MAY 1499.04 889.27 1003.68 2085.15 JUN 1526.9 44.43 639.36 43.36 3042. on the other hand.4 EFFECT OF FORCED OUTAGE ON GENERATION RELIABILTY 8.2 7104.56 AUG 1766.37 1146. 8.12 505.61 44.2 7877.2 10436.1 2860.5 2861.29 925.27 MAR 2050.12 44.75 10491.04 92929.05 .54 2306.05 DEC 1363.05 1902. 5 MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 8.1.1 The degree of reliability of thermal generation is directly proportional to the Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) of the units. the other aspect that contributed equally significantly to the unreliability is the frequency of unscheduled outages. GSECL JSWEL. 3 8.5. Such review was started from the financial year 200809.6 CONTINUOUS UNINTERRUPTED OPERATION OF COAL/ LIGNITE BASED UNITS: 8. 8. 8.2 All India / Region wise and Capacity Group-wise details of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of thermal units for 2010-11 are given in Annexure 8. Number of units in different MTBF ranges of different capacity groups during 2010-11 & 2011-12 are given at Annexure 8. .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No.2 Apart from the duration of unscheduled outages that affected the thermal generation reliability. Measurement of maximum continuous uninterrupted operation between two consecutive shutdowns and/or failures of a thermal unit also provides the degree of reliability of that unit. o 10 coal/lignite based thermal generating units (6 of NTPC.5. the length of survival time of thermal generating units between two consecutive outages/failures played an important role. It was observed that till the end of 31st March 2012: o JOJOBERA TPS # 1 (120 MW) of TATA PCL and Dadri (NCTPP) U#1 (250MW) of NTPC had operated continuously for 340 days & 324 days respectively. RIL (DAHANU)) continuously operated for more than 250 days. and one of each from Tata PCL. In other words. 8. WBPDC. GSECL. 06-Jan-2011 25-SEP-11 262 10 FARAKKA STPS 3 200 NTPC Ltd. Tata PCL-3. JSWEL-2 and one each of RIL. 07-Oct-2010 11-JUL-11 277 6 2 130 JSWEL 09-Jan-2011 06-OCT-11 270 7 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) RIHAND STPS 2 500 NTPC Ltd. 14-Dec-2010 04-SEP-11 264 8 DAHANU TPS 2 250 RIL (DAHANU) 18-Nov-2010 08-AUG-11 263 9 RAMAGUNDEM STPS 3 200 NTPC Ltd.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 o Section 8 Page No. 15-Sep-2010 19-MAY-11 246 13 1 130 JSWEL 09-Jan-2011 06-SEP-11 241 14 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) TROMBAY TPS 6 500 TATA PCL 01-Feb-2011 30-SEP-11 241 15 NEYVELI TPS. 06-Nov-2010 21-JUL-11 257 11 BAKRESWAR TPS 4 210 WBPDC 17-Jan-2011 20-SEP-11 246 12 TALCHER (OLD) TPS 3 62. Details of units operated for more than 200 days till 31st March.TATA RAO TPS 7 500 APGENCO 16-May-2011 30-DEC-11 229 19 TROMBAY TPS 5 500 TATA PCL 18-Aug-2010 01-APR-11 226 20 VINDHYACHAL STPS 6 210 NTPC Ltd. 08-Sep-2011 204 22 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 3 250 CESC 09-Sep-2011 23 RIHAND STPS 1 500 NTPC Ltd. 8. 2012 are as under: S no. Station name Unit No Capacity From date To date Days 1 JOJOBERA TPS 1 120 Organisation TATA PCL 25-Apr-2011 31-MAR-12 340 2 DADRI (NCTPP) 1 210 NTPC Ltd. APGENCO & CESE) operated continuously for more than 200 days.I 1 50 NLC 15-Mar-2011 04-NOV-11 234 16 METTUR TPS 4 210 TNGDCL 18-Dec-2010 05-AUG-11 230 17 SINGRAULI STPS 3 200 NTPC Ltd.5 NTPC Ltd. N.5 NTPC Ltd. 25-Jan-2011 19-AUG-11 206 21 RAMAGUNDEM STPS 6 500 NTPC Ltd. TNGDCL. 30-Oct-2010 12-AUG-11 285 5 RAMAGUNDEM STPS 1 200 NTPC Ltd. 15-Sep-2010 02-MAY-11 229 18 Dr. 19-Jan-2011 CONTINUE TO OPERATE CONTINUE TO OPERATE 10-AUG-11 204 202 . NLC. 4 23 coal/lignite based thermal generating units (NTPC-11. 09-Aug-2010 29-JUN-11 324 3 WANAKBORI TPS 2 210 GSECL 10-Jul-2010 27-APR-11 290 4 TALCHER (OLD) TPS 4 62. 15 10.67 0 12 16. of Units in Different Capacity Groups 195-200 MW 100-150 MW Absolut % Absolute % Absolut % Absolute e e 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 14 56.56 0.67 2.55 60 13.67 6.5 5 15 5 0 100 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 8. 8.22 7. of Units in Different Capacity Groups ALL CAPACITY Absolute % Absolute % 10-11 11-12 144 31.77 14 25 100.33 4.32 13 2 8. 5 Annexure.38 9.08 9.88 12.78 15.00 5.5 15 17.00 0 0 13 14.00 1 4 6 6.69 0 0 100 No.00 25.00 0 0 11 12.05 19 0 0.51 24 5.00 % 11-12 52 20 24 22 14 11 0 0 143 Absolute 10-11 50 0 0 25 25 0 0 0 100 210 MW % Absolute % 36.53 17.11 47 10.99 16.00 100.67 6.61 454 100 428 100.36 13.00 90 Absolut e % Absolute 10-11 45 20 0 20 10 5 0 0 100 % 12.35 44 10.1 Sheet 1 of 1 NUMBER OF UNITS IN DIFFERENT MTBF RANGES OF DIFFERENT CAPACITY GROUPS DURING 2010-2011 & 2011-12 No.07 25 5.00 % 11-12 14 3 6 7 2 6 2 0 40 25-99 MW Absolu % Absolute te 10-11 11-12 11 14.82 9 1 4.56 0.65 0.00 1 4 15 17.04 1.00 0 35 7.26 7.00 1 4 6 6.01 48 10.22 56 13.00 3 12 5 5.44 21.67 0 11 14.67 0 5 6.68 7 0 0.90 14.79 7.28 50 11.44 6.67 0 14 18.50 9 1 4.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No.57 39 9.88 35.33 11.33 0 5 6.28 59 13 58 13.08 21 4.67 5.11 16.00 25 100 88 100.02 14.70 0.05 11 1 4.56 100 9 9 3 3 4 6 2 0 36 25.00 0.77 5.28 8.78 10 8.75 0 100 3 0 1 6 4 3 0 0 17 250 MW % 11-12 17.72 137 32.00 100.00 0.63 26 6.29 23.11 10 15.01 44 10.0 29 7 5 3 4 8 1 0 57 Absolute % Absolute 10-11 50.8.00 0 10 13.82 8 6 24.62 11.00 13 52 15 17.00 9 4 0 4 2 1 0 0 20 No.89 14.65 0.67 0 7 9. of Units in Different Capacity Groups MTBF Range (Days) 660-800MW Absolu te % Absolute 10-11 Above 30 >25 & up to 30 >20 & up to 25 >15 & up to 20 >10 & up to 15 >5 & up to 10 >1 & up to 5 Up to 1 Total MTBF Range (Days) Above 30 >25 & up to 30 >20 & up to 25 >15 & up to 20 >10 & up to 15 >5 & up to 10 >1 & up to 5 Up to 1 Total MTBF Range (Days) Above 30 >25 & up to 30 >20 & up to 25 >15 & up to 20 >10 & up to 15 >5 & up to 10 >1 & up to 5 Up to 1 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 17 24 20 13 15 1 0 142 % Absolute 11-12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Absolute 490-600 MW 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 10-11 36.97 16.22 0.00 33 2 3 3 3 1 0 0 45 300-330 MW % 11-12 73.33 8.00 6 24 17 19.33 0 75 100.00 100.00 100. 6 Annexure.2 Sheet _ OF 4 STATEMENT OF MEANTIME BETWEEN FAILURES OF THERMAL UNITS OUTAGES DURING 2011-12 All India Number of Units : 454 Capacity Range -Æ Above 270 Days >180 and Upto 270 Days >120 and Upto 180 Days >90 and Upto 120 Days >80 and Upto 90 Days >70 and Upto 80 Days >60 and Upto 70 Days >50 and Upto 60 Days >40 and Upto 50 Days >30 and Upto 40 Days >25 and Upto 30 Days >20 and Upto 25 Days >15 and Upto 20 Days >10 and Upto 15 Days >5 and Upto 10 Days >3 and Upto 5 Days >1 and Upto 3 Days Capacity : 97768 MW 660800MW 490600 MW 300-330 MW 250 MW 210 MW 195-200 MW 100-150 MW 25-99 MW TOTAL 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 2 2 2 0 2 0 3 0 1 3 1 0 3 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 5 1 0 8 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 5 2 1 0 1 9 1 3 13 4 1 5 1 6 6 4 19 2 1 2 0 7 4 3 20 3 7 4 0 5 0 6 24 1 9 2 1 3 4 7 22 1 8 4 1 4 2 2 14 6 13 17 0 8 1 6 11 1 19 14 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 4 1 4 13 10 9 17 11 37 41 48 47 50 59 60 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 5 Upto 1 Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 25 Total 4 57 20 40 143 25 90 75 454 9 . 8.8.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No. 7 NORTHERN REGION Number of Units : 109 Capacity : 23578 MW 660800MW 490600 MW 300-330 MW 250 MW 210 MW 195-200 MW 100-150 MW 25-99 MW TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 3 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 0 1 2 1 4 1 2 0 11 0 1 0 4 8 1 2 0 16 0 0 1 2 6 0 2 2 13 0 0 0 2 2 4 4 1 13 0 3 1 1 1 1 9 6 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Upto 1 Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Total 0 13 5 12 29 12 27 11 109 Capacity Range -Æ Above 270 Days >180 and Upto 270 Days >120 and Upto 180 Days >90 and Upto 120 Days >80 and Upto 90 Days >70 and Upto 80 Days >60 and Upto 70 Days >50 and Upto 60 Days >40 and Upto 50 Days >30 and Upto 40 Days >25 and Upto 30 Days >20 and Upto 25 Days >15 and Upto 20 Days >10 and Upto 15 Days >5 and Upto 10 Days >3 and Upto 5 Days >1 and Upto 3 Days .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No. 8. 8.5MW Capacity Range -Æ 660800MW 490-600 MW 300-330 MW 250 MW 210 MW 195-200 MW 100-150 MW 25-99 MW Above 270 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >180 and Upto 270 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >120 and Upto 180 Days 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 >90 and Upto 120 Days 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 >80 and Upto 90 Days 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 >70 and Upto 80 Days 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 >60 and Upto 70 Days 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 >50 and Upto 60 Days 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 >40 and Upto 50 Days 1 4 0 1 4 0 1 0 >30 and Upto 40 Days 1 2 6 2 7 2 1 0 >25 and Upto 30 Days 0 5 1 1 4 1 2 3 >20 and Upto 25 Days 0 0 0 1 7 0 4 1 >15 and Upto 20 Days 1 0 2 2 8 1 5 2 >10 and Upto 15 Days 1 1 1 0 7 2 4 8 >5 and Upto 10 Days 0 0 0 2 6 0 8 2 >3 and Upto 5 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >1 and Upto 3 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Upto 1 Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Total 4 16 10 15 47 7 29 18 TOTAL 0 0 1 1 2 3 5 3 11 21 17 13 21 24 18 0 2 4 146 . 8 WESTERN REGION Number of Units : 146 Capacity : 33297.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No. 9 SOUTHERN REGION Number of Units : 85 Capacity : 18582.5MW Capacity Range -Æ Above 270 Days >180 and Upto 270 Days >120 and Upto 180 Days >90 and Upto 120 Days >80 and Upto 90 Days >70 and Upto 80 Days >60 and Upto 70 Days >50 and Upto 60 Days >40 and Upto 50 Days >30 and Upto 40 Days >25 and Upto 30 Days >20 and Upto 25 Days >15 and Upto 20 Days >10 and Upto 15 Days >5 and Upto 10 Days >3 and Upto 5 Days >1 and Upto 3 Days 660800MW 490600MW 300-330 MW 250 MW 210 MW 195-200 MW 100-150 MW 25-99 MW TOTAL 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 1 8 0 2 1 12 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 7 0 1 0 2 6 0 1 0 10 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 3 10 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upto 1 Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Total 0 12 2 4 39 3 12 13 85 .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No. 8. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 8 Page No. 10 EASTERN REGION Number of Units : 112 Capacity Range -Æ Above 270 Days >180 and Upto 270 Days >120 and Upto 180 Days >90 and Upto 120 Days >80 and Upto 90 Days >70 and Upto 80 Days >60 and Upto 70 Days >50 and Upto 60 Days >40 and Upto 50 Days >30 and Upto 40 Days >25 and Upto 30 Days >20 and Upto 25 Days >15 and Upto 20 Days >10 and Upto 15 Days >5 and Upto 10 Days >3 and Upto 5 Days >1 and Upto 3 Days 660800MW Capacity : 22250 MW 0 490600 MW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 4 1 0 0 7 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 8 0 4 0 1 4 0 1 1 11 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 2 0 3 5 12 0 3 0 2 4 0 1 6 16 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 300-330 MW 250 MW 210 MW 195-200 MW 100-150 MW 25-99 MW TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Upto 1 Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 16 Total 0 16 3 9 28 3 22 31 112 NORTH-EASTERN REGION Number of Units : 2 Capacity Range -Æ Upto 1 Day Total 660800MW 0 0 Capacity : 60 MW 490600 MW 0 0 300-330 MW 250 MW 210 MW 195-200 MW 100-150 MW 25-99 MW TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 . 8. 2 COMPARATIVE COAL SUPPLY POSITION IN THE YEAR 2011-12 During the year 2011-12.3 386.9 30.7 421. Trombay TPS.6 14. A Summary of coal receipt at various power stations. Udupi TPS .8 2011-12 475 376. 9.Five thermal power stations based on imported coal i.6 16.1 SECTION-9 FUEL SUPPLY TO VARIOUS POWER STATIONS 9. Ratnagiri TPS and one OP Jindal TPS having its own captive mine and not requiring transportation logistics were excluded from the daily monitoring.6 Power station wise break up is given in Annexure-9.1 45. Specific coal consumption for last three years is given below: .0 15. Torangallu TPS. 94 were monitored on daily basis . 9.72 Kg/Kwh.7 14. 2010-11 & 201112 was based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the power utilities and coal companies.3 11.1A.3 SPECIFIC COAL CONSUMPTION The All India specific coal consumption of thermal power stations during 2011-12 was 0. Out of 100 thermal power stations.6 417. the supply of coal to thermal power stations commissioned up to 31st March 2009 was in accordance with the Annual Contracted Quantity (ACQ) defined in the fuel supply agreement signed between the coal companies and the power utilities. Mundra TPS.1 Coal supply to one hundred (100) thermal power stations considered in this review were monitored during for the year 2011-12. consumption of coal and stock position at various utility power stations during the last 3 years is given as under: (Million Tonne) STATUS Demand/Requirement Receipt (indigenous coal) Receipt (Imported coal) Total Receipt (including Imported Coal) Opening Stock (includes Imported coal) Consumption (includes Imported coal) Closing Stock (includes Imported coal) YEAR 2009-10 404 352.2 375. While the supply of coal for power stations commissioned during the years 2009-10.3 23.6 16 367.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.5 385.e. 9.2 2010-11 445 354. 76 All India 0.68 0.2 9.71 0. Station wise details for the last three years is given in Annexure-9.72 A power station in the states of Eastern Region has registered higher specific consumption of coal than the All India average.76 0.2 Specific Coal Consumption (Kg /Kwh) REGION 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Northern Region 0.4 LOSS OF GENERATION DUE TO SHORT SUPPLY OF COAL Total generation loss of 11.75 0.69 0.76 0.6 BU was reported due to coal shortage by the power utilities during 2011-12.72 Western Region 0. 860 MW Torangallu.67 Eastern Region 0.3 . 9. 1200 MW JSW Ratnagiri and 1200 MW Udupi in Western and Southern Region is comparatively less. Specific coal consumption of imported coal based TPSs (1400 MW Trombay.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.72 Southern Region 0. 2640 MW Mundra.70 0.72 0.72 0.75 0. Station wise details are furnished in Annexure-9. 38 431.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 9.3 COAL QUALITY ISSUES It was observed that uncrushed / oversized coal was still received by some of the thermal power stations in the country causing unloading constraints resulting in heavy demurrage charges on Power Utilities. 9.7 367.3 0.2% during the same period.3 and 584. Consumption (MW) (BU) (MT) (Kg/Kwh) 2006-07 71121.6 Million Tonne against 386. Coal based generation was about 66% of total energy generated in the country during the year 2011-12.8 Billion Units respectively.4 0.5 0.2 Million Tonne against the requirement of 475 Million Tonne in 2011-12. Coal consumption from 2006-07 onwards are as under YEAR CAPACITY GENERATION CONSUMPTION Sp.0 329.1 302.88 453.74 2009-10 84198.88 489. All India coal consumption for utility thermal power stations during 2011-12 had increased by 8% while the generation had increase by 9.72 2011-12 105583. The corresponding coal based generation during 2010-11 and 2011-12 were 535.72 9.1 COAL CONSUMPTION TREND All India coal consumption for utility thermal power stations during 2011-12 was 417.6 million Tonne consumed during 2010-11.38 514.71 2010-11 93918. 9.6 0.3 386.72 2007-08 76048. received from power stations to Ministry of Coal.73 2008-09 77648.6 0.8 417.5.6 0. Ministry of Power. Ministry of Railways and Coal India Limited for necessary remedial action.company wise coal receipt during the year is furnished below: .2 COMPANYWISE COAL SUPPLY POSITION During the year 2011-12 thermal power station received about 421.38 584. Thus.1 355. CEA had sent details of the complaints about coal quality.38 535.5.5 Section 9 Page No. 9.28* * included 6.3 Sector wise Coal Consumption Sector Generation by coal based stations(Gwh) Coal Consumption in ‘000T Sp.8 56. Even the commitment of gas allocation made to power stations was not fulfilled.48 278583 201796 212029 0.5.1 Gas Supply and Requirement The production and supply of gas to power sector has not kept pace with the demand of gas in the country.9 CCL 32. Accordingly.4 SECL 83 WCL 30.51 0.4 COMPANYWISE CUMULATIVE COAL RECEIPT FOR THE YEAR OF APR to MAR-2012 COMPANY COAL RECEIPT BCCL 20. 9. the gas supply of gas to GT .6.71 Private 62779.14 31811 46583 0.71 0. Coal Consumption (Kg / Kwh) 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 Centre 216285.8 .56 State 256275.2 ECL MCL NCL NECL(Nec) 27. With the production of gas from KG basin (D-6) has started from April 2009 the gas supply to Gas based GT stations has since improved considerably.960 MT from auction.6 GAS SUPPLY TO VARIOUS GAS BASED POWER STATIONS 9.2 152982 158945 0.2 421.4 35.4 TOTAL CIL SCCL 311.27 83491.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.54 222713.3 386589 417557 0.72 0.9 59.3 import(Import) GRAND TOTAL 45.72 9.4 Total Captive 22.29 584787.75 Total 535340.79 0. 6.78 55.73 30.26 25.599.25 25.67 38. HSD for augmentation of power generation.45 22.408.444.5 Power Station has been 59.10 26. been dependent upon the requirement/acceptance by the beneficiaries on account of higher cost fuel .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.38 35.09 55. Due to this of gas based power stations have provision for the use of alternate fuels.90 46.92 65.42 59.14 2001-02 9432.45 29.62 53.919.98 3 2002-03 9949.64 81.98 25.G.70 44.12 23.2 Generation Loss due to gas shortage The country has been facing acute shortage of gas.31 22.03 6 2005-06 10. The actual generation using liquid fuels has.224.27 78.Cal/kWh for combined cycle and as on last day of year.42 61.D. such as Naphtha.90 49.62 23.154.63 5 2004-05 10.08 8 2007-08 13.53 9 2008-09 13.77 16.62 66.926. station heat rate. 9. The supply of gas to gas based power stations during the last few years have been as under: Sl.2900K.01 7 2006-07 12.80 11 12 2010-11 2011-12 (3) (MMSCMD) Shortfall 16. 9.00 48.90 49. however.40 20.wise details of requirement and supply of gas to power plants during the year 2011-12 are given in Annexure.Cal/kWh for open cycle and 2000 K.16 10 2009-10 15.639.11 81.33 21.Cal/SCM (except for Ramgarh CCGT for which GCV is 4150 K Cal/SCM).70 19.6.98 MMSCMD during the year 2011-12 on a/c of less gas availability Reliance K. However the gas supply to GT Pan Station has decrease to 55. Years No.4.27 * Normative gas requirement at 90% PLF taking GCV of gas= 9000 K.769. MMSCMD – Million Metric Standard Cubic Metres per Day Power Station. Gas end of year (MMSCMD) Supplied (MW) (1) (2) 1 2000-01 2 (MMSCMD) (4) (5) (6)=(4)-(5) 9028.14 4 2003-04 10.9.18 35.37 18.31MMSCMD during the year 2010-11.31 24. Capacity at the Gas Required* Aver.54 24.61 37.14 27. 06 26.8 FUEL SUPPLY TO VARIOUS DG POWER STATIONS Fuel supply for DG Power Stations (10 MW & above) in the Country is being collected on an annual basis by CEA. of gas power Power Stations plants at 90% PLF 1 2004-05 7.5.88 3 2006-07 8.24 25.33 4 2007-08 9.6 cost leading to higher cost of generation.4.No. Year Generation Loss during the year (BUs) As reported to CEA by Gas Based Based on possible operate.71 6 2009-10 3. 9.34 31.9.71 2 2005-06 7.27 8 2011-12 10. for the year 2011-12 are given in Annexure9. 9. The station-wise details of power generation and fuel consumption during the Year 2011-12 are given in Annexure 9. 9. as received in CEA.6. The generation using these fuels is dependent upon the requirement/acceptance by the beneficiaries.71 The station-wise details of generation loss due to short supply of gas reported by gas based power station during the year 2011-12 are given in Annexure 9. 9.02 7 2010-11 6.01 36. The generation loss due to short supply of gas during the last few years is as under: S. .39 28.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.7. The Power Station-wise details of power generation and fuel consumption during the year 2011-12 are given in Annexure.03 23.69 23.7 FUEL SUPPLY TO VARIOUS LIQUID FUEL BASED POWER STATIONS DURING THE YEAR 2011-12 On account of the prevailing high cost of these fuels resulting in high cost of liquid fuel results in higher in cost of generation.9 SPECIFIC SECONDARY FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION (SFOC) Station-wise details of specific fuel oil consumption in the coal/lignite based power stations.17 5 2008-09 11.99 33. 0 Sub Total 4980. 9.0 2796 2496 2489 62 3252 2719 4 2723 2616 1200.7 Annexure 9.0 9681 9827 10339 211 14299 440.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.0 4200 4196 4029 205 4200 0.0 6006 6015 6251 84 7578 6803 223 7026 7238 129 6999 6561 497 7058 7018 13 Suratgarh 1500.0 570 342 384 14 0 3301 3 Rajghat(DVB) 135.03.(DVB) 705.0 670 140 161 3 3011 3240.0 292 392 418 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1360.0 6347 7123 6797 384 7066 6623 0 6623 6491 532 7002 6181 0 6181 6427 Sub Total 2620. in '000 Tonne 2011-12 Receipt Receipt Total Consu Indigeno Imported Receipt mption us I TPS Designed on Indegenous Coal NORTHERN REGION DELHI 1 Badarpur 2 I.0 6593 6939 7432 138 7347 7103 21 7124 7099 600.0 5574 5091 5049 229 5004 0.0 3200 1936 57 1993 2165 27 5544 4121 600 4721 4754 500.0 500 207 0 207 8 199 2976 1967 364 2331 1976 433 239 0 239 148 82 12047 11888 367 19253 16107 1640 17747 16874 611 3912 439 3740 3745 144 0 0 0 0 Faridabad 5 Panipat 6 7 Yamuna Nagar Rajiv Gandhi (Hissar) 8 Indra Gandhi 4061 23 4084 4221 0 0 611 700 4 813 679 0 679 680 439 4351 4445 148 5211 4740 23 4763 4901 38 7500 7822 475 8297 7824 103 2800 1958 201 2159 2172 HARYANA 4 4398 0 CLP 1320.0 12741 13635 13337 650 14100 12186 0 12186 12047 871 13302 12147 0 12147 12521 11965 PUNJAB 9 0 RAJASTHAN 0 12 Kota 1240.0 4353 4551 4525 148 4981 4298 0 4298 4228 215 4500 4559 0 4559 4705 11 Roper 1260. Name of TPS Cap (MW) 31.0 804 553 636 10 804 Sub Total 840.0 6609 6644 6598 185 7897 6386 227 6613 6615 181 7200 7192 451 7643 7036 1063 14 Chhabra TPS Sub Total UTTAR PRADESH 500.0 13285 12799 13010 272 18486 14252 0 1063 905 237 2202 1572 91 1663 1910 450 14702 14758 547 16401 15325 1039 16364 15964 0 .No.2012 ACQ/ MOU 2009-10 Receipt Consum C/Stock Demand ption.0 2041 1961 2015 118 2053 1265 0 1265 1328 124 1800 1407 0 1407 1389 10 Bhatinda Lehra Mohabbat 920.1A SHEET _ of 4 COMPARATIVE COAL SUPPLY POSITION IN THE YEAR 2010-11 Sl.P.Stn. Recei pt Indig enous 2010-11 Recei Total pt Receipt Impo rted Consu mption Stock Requir ement Fig. 0 120 89 0 89 85 30 Kundarki 90.0 120 34 0 34 32 31 Utraula 90.0 17196 18176 18081 737 18732 17421 803 18224 18241 707 18702 17397 779 18176 17876 Sub Total 6192.0 900 1082 1009 121 900 851 0 851 954 92 1200 798 0 798 894 19 Parichha 890.0 2700 2457 2302 356 4032 2386 90 2476 2820 238 2700 2793 69 2862 3028 21 1630.0 94087 93760 93937 4132 114168 97712 2753 100465 100634 5082 119380 103296 5921 109217 WESTERN REGION GUJARAT 109766 0 0 32 Ahemedabad 400.0 120 10 0 10 8 59506 22 Sub Total 15333.0 3259 3857 3737 52 4755 3637 687 4324 4281 109 4902 3859 474 4333 4215 34 Sikka 240.0 897 890 830 82 897 719 0 719 655 92 957 466 0 466 8447 546 1278.0 1224 1131 1075 84 1452 1096 43 1139 1158 22 1308 949 0 949 939 35 Ukai 850.0 10500 10575 10463 658 11828 9860 501 10361 10393 709 11100 10377 423 10800 10837 23 Rihand STPS Singrauli(STP S) 2000.0 52806 52408 52202 2770 62279 55397 1782 57179 57496 3149 65213 54977 3219 58196 TOTAL N. 27013. R.0 5004 4662 4765 146 5004 4306 0 4306 4240 213 4800 3716 0 3716 3895 1050.0 1341 1291 1316 5 2151 1469 480 1949 1760 96 2200 1288 576 1864 1881 33 Gandhinagar 870.0 3201 2974 2932 108 3817 2991 0 2991 2792 284 3198 2451 0 2451 2501 20 Tanda (NTPC) Unchahar (NTPC) 440.0 1981 1572 0 1572 1684 43 3000 1925 569 2494 2275 26 Anpara C 1200.0 120 88 0 88 84 28 Maqsoodpur 90.8 15 Anpara 16 Harduaganj 17 Obra 18 Panki Extn.5 32196 31864 30991 1177 34449 30928 880 31808 31345 1037 33102 31317 1165 32482 30781 41 .0 5340 5489 5444 123 5448 5331 0 5331 5670 153 5074 4661 0 4661 4999 Sub Total 4830.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.0 120 70 0 70 68 29 Khambarkhera 90.0 8496 8763 8736 312 8496 8682 0 8682 8793 304 8800 8379 0 8379 665.0 2004 1141 1231 34 2289 1509 4 1513 MADHYAPR ADESH 0 38 Amarkantak 1362 170 1800 2024 0 2024 1516 39 Birsingpur 1340. 9.0 2260 543 43 586 935 27 Barkhera 90.0 11004 11097 11297 484 11004 11817 331 12148 11994 614 11298 10923 167 11090 11030 24 NCTPP(Dadri) 1820.0 8580 8061 8077 73 8988 7776 418 8194 8185 130 7800 8497 68 8565 37 OP JINDAL 1000.0 23908 23859 23642 472 27381 23873 1628 25501 25702 563 25484 23691 1228 24919 25026 450.0 6396 6212 6054 137 6828 5886 8 5894 5800 30 6402 6089 104 6193 5859 40 Satpura Vindhyachal STPS 1142. 210.0 5700 5509 5342 278 7032 5842 134 5976 5781 446 6102 5194 264 5458 5986 2500.5 6600 6335 5625 269 6600 6112 65 6177 5942 130 6198 5807 282 6089 5530 3260.0 4164 4030 3993 135 4587 4564 0 4564 4648 53 4200 4437 110 4547 4632 8360 36 Wanakbori 1470.0 4404 4399 4526 225 7288 6371 726 7097 7390 114 9198 7121 1684 8805 8855 25 Rosa 1200. 0 4704 5046 4713 476 4370 4886 0 4886 4816 468 4998 5018 45 Korba STPS 2600.0 2952 4274 4569 164 3540 4396 109 4505 4534 131 5700 5320 320 5640 5672 64 Kakatiya 500.9 CHHATTISG ARH 42 0 440.0 1800 1897 1690 142 2340 2819 0 2819 2630 126 2182 2569 0 2569 2301 Dahanu Wardha Warora 500.0 604 86 309 466 20 2248 2003 175 2178 2170 36031 223 3218 39249 38307 1490 44913 36901 3356 40257 39221 124504 5993 130497 129920 5731 139199 127029 6265 133294 6865 396 7215 8242 200 SOUTHERN REGION ANDHRA PRADESH 59 130696 0 0 Kothagudem Ramagundam B 1720.0 5301 5047 4736 241 6165 4520 19 4539 4563 236 4852 4686 19 4705 4183 53 Khaperkheda 1340.R.0 29418 31074 30010 1788 35360 33672 267 33939 34566 2641 49 2700 3026 2857 173 3397 2488 11456 0 MAHARASHT RA 2488 2882 94 3000 2924 0 2924 2818 0 2378 2306 0 5018 4701 232 12660 12964 2527 23 2550 2883 2421 178 2599 2701 6000 7424 83 7507 7295 35700 35120 516 35636 35668 0 50 Bhusawal 1420.0 12694 12814 12733 328 14452 9647 511 10158 10086 465 13800 9395 588 9983 9620 52 Koradi 1040.0 5757 5358 5288 193 6685 4993 451 5444 5341 86 5940 4621 449 5070 5210 Paras 500.5 300 349 350 21 300 290 0 290 331 10 348 337 0 337 326 1760.0 6000 7197 7603 282 6915 7154 609 7763 8645 153 9000 8556 1278 9834 9811 62 Vijayawada Ramagundam STPS 2600.0 2796 2825 2922 68 3078 2627 307 2934 2456 253 2598 2409 305 2714 3002 51 Chandrapur 2340. 9.0 43 Korba East Korba East (EXP) 500.0 62.0 960 1023 0 1023 1106 101 1998 1636 0 1636 1488 Simhadri 2000.0 4692 4194 4548 198 5508 3974 598 4572 4402 227 4698 3687 607 4294 1130.0 5796 5908 5517 358 6129 5902 106 6008 5786 589 Sub Total 8460.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.0 210 253 272 34 3200 2964 0 2964 2732 173 2700 48 Sipat STPS 2980.0 40459 39495 39090 1470 47500 29172.0 11308 12375 12157 572 13268 12466 498 12964 12965 482 13200 12479 426 12905 12801 63 Rayalaseema 1050.0 5196 5553 5569 90 5508 5267 615 5882 5989 90 7998 6561 1124 7685 7595 Sub Total 9692.0 12204 12932 12601 595 12816 161 11617 12747 668 13002 12428 46 Pathadi TPS 600.5 33451 37501 37546 1693 38186 37300 1831 39131 40435 1363 45459 43131 3348 46479 46157 60 61 65 KARNATAKA 7695 7753 7298 564 7695 6704 0 6704 0 8442 8464 .0 2421 1980 2021 11 3102 2256 815 3071 3041 40 3195 2566 778 3344 3312 9690. 540.5 125981 126292 123733 4907 144690 Sub Total TOTAL W.0 4998 5380 5152 289 5566 4972 431 5403 5322 37 5400 4965 435 5400 5320 54 Nasik 4103 55 Parli 56 57 58 880.0 1200 909 1094 78 2844 2895 0 2895 2608 527 3000 47 Bhilai TPS 500.0 2604 3000 2956 74 2604 3081 0 3081 2995 122 3000 2378 44 Korba West 840. 10 66 Raichur 1720.0 1392 1416 1555 60 1386 1520 0 1520 1212 275 1563 1520 0 1520 2340.0 5061 4459 4297 289 6533 4114 1062 5176 5568 46 6407 4665 1394 6059 5932 71 North Chennai 630.R.0 13498 12737 12424 472 15535 12284 2177 14461 14967 228 17503 12262 3129 15391 14937 15382.0 9458 7901 8911 272 10652 7408 1077 8485 8177 558 11625 8595 1249 9844 10009 TAMIL NADU 7950 0 68 Ennore 450.0 5604 5690 6088 75 5689 6118 157 6275 6320 31 6300 5998 365 6363 6467 88 Bakreswar 1050. 9. 0 EASTERN REGION 0 72 BIHAR 73 Barauni 210.0 3000 3076 2758 347 3061 3034 0 3034 2930 370 3102 2809 0 2809 3051 79 Bokaro (DVC) Chandrapura (DVC) 890.0 2004 1745 1504 251 2004 1467 0 1467 1646 37 1596 1720 0 1720 1596 78 630.0 5988 8482 8587 0 8185 9985 1480 11465 11502 4 13998 9887 1664 11551 11518 Sub Total 2770.0 1633 1461 1516 22 1608 1584 0 1584 1582 21 2798 1120 0 1120 1057 69 Mettur 840.0 5463 4016 4586 10 5939 5231 141 5372 5201 134 6210 4862 286 5148 5074 .0 630 0 0 0 Sub Total 4760.0 996 1037 1003 61 996 652 0 652 624 90 1002 415 0 415 403 77 Tenughat 420.0 1704 1888 1546 364 2318 1837 0 1837 2009 17 2802 2991 0 2991 2979 80 Mithan 1050.5 56407 58139 58881 2437 64373 56992 5085 62077 63579 2149 74587 63988 7726 71714 71103 Sub Total TOTAL S.0 504 429 417 5 504 296 0 296 304 4 600 187 0 187 194 2340.0 1461 889 0 889 822 81 Kodarma 1000.0 6889 9198 9266 36 9088 10514 1480 11994 12019 28 15000 10237 1664 11901 11878 75 0 JHARKHAND 0 76 Patratu 770.0 3519 1799 2103 37 3841 2554 88 2642 2659 29 2700 2811 181 2992 2941 86 Santaldih 730.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.0 6962 6046 7137 164 8023 5721 1070 6791 6479 481 8625 6499 1217 7716 67 Bellary 1000.0 1288 1270 1358 44 1620 1585 7 1592 1599 31 1698 1512 131 1643 1680 85 Sagardighi 600.0 1521 996 1030 29 1797 1044 3 1047 996 55 2202 1687 77 1764 1803 87 Kolaghat 1260.0 2919 3006 2987 89 3327 2829 436 3265 3289 64 3600 2440 669 3109 3061 2970.0 2496 1855 1774 108 2629 1687 7 1694 1698 77 3000 2096 32 2128 2059 Total 2720.0 3885 3811 3624 72 4067 3757 679 4436 4528 97 4698 4037 1066 5103 4887 70 Tuticorin 1050.0 397 287 262 31 399 233 0 233 213 20 402 163 0 163 166 74 Muzaffarpur Kahalgaon STPS 220.0 7704 7746 6811 1023 8379 6990 0 WEST BENGAL 82 Durgapur (DVC) 83 Mejia (DVC) 84 6990 7209 514 10593 8824 0 8824 8851 1562 0 340.0 5152 4225 4109 9 6470 5804 320 6124 6039 0 10005 7397 0 7397 7245 Bandel 450. 11 89 Calcutta(CESC) 160.St(CESC) Budge Budge(CESC) 750.0 2800 0 2643 2643 2641 164 2595 2571 2571 600. G. 9. 25665.0 78212 74103 74442 2336 89503 75714 7226 82940 82573 2485 106297 81694 7922 89616 88985 Total All India Indigenous coal TOTAL Imported 97233.0 1000 0 689 689 553 237 3618 1543 1543 1558 Sub Total ALL INDIA TOTAL 8870.0 11000 0 9697 9697 9883 571 18765 0 17442 17442 16976 423734 354922 30754 385676 386589 458228 376007 45276 421283 417526 106103.0 1899 2349 2438 183 3061 3190 278 3468 3325 296 3300 3209 414 3623 3564 93 Durgapur(DPL) 690.0 2000 0 658 658 945 0 3630 3889 3889 3730 5 Udupi 1200.0 2700 2537 2539 203 2724 2604 0 2604 2735 61 2700 2611 3 2614 2574 320 446 25 471 967 77 6000 5022 0 5022 4459 95 Sub Total 1000.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.0 17304 17938 17950 106 18864 15370 2848 18218 17946 341 18180 13668 3128 16796 17030 420.0 6290.0 41119 33732 34993 753 46816 36724 2838 39562 38600 1220 50824 38290 3120 41410 41148 470.0 364 380 378 16 300 380 0 380 377 18 450 271 0 271 277 90 Titagarh(CESC) 240.0 28700 23230 16264 766 0 0 0 Thermal Power Stations Designed on imported coal 1 Trambay 2 Torangallu 1250.0 9009 7281 7090 60 10514 5689 1752 7441 7352 83 10998 5645 1666 7311 7136 0 0 0 11845.0 691 732 772 26 681 738 64 802 791 60 798 685 0 685 726 92 S.0 630 ORISSA 96 Talcher Old 97 Talcher STPS 98 Ib Valley 99 Sterlite Sub Total II 0 2400.0 1509 1176 1231 45 1985 1200 28 1228 1239 39 1302 1066 0 1066 1090 91 135.0 383387 375524 367257 14578 16018 2468 .0 2200 0 2005 2005 2210 0 2361 2102 2102 3 2102 Adani Mundra 4620.0 3000 0 3702 3702 3534 170 6561 7337 7337 7118 4 JSW Ratnagiri 1200.0 354687 352294 350993 13812 412734 354922 21057 375979 376706 15447 439463 376007 27834 403841 400550 0 8490.0 2496 2952 2883 215 3312 3066 35 3101 3097 244 3000 3042 7 3049 3045 3000.R.0 3708 2402 2255 159 3533 1671 0 1671 1490 169 2668 1627 0 1627 1583 94 Farakka STPS Durgapur Steel 2100.0 22500 23427 23372 524 25220 21486 2908 24394 24745 723 29880 24343 3138 27481 27108 TOTAL E. 71 0.68 0.9 0.73 1.50 0.71 1.53 0.81 0.83 0.12 Annexure 9.71 0.69 0.61 0.88 0.94 0.78 0.72 0.99 0.80 0.03.72 0.70 0.69 0.69 450 1340 1142.67 0.7 0.72 0.72 0.59 0.81 440 920 1260 2620 0.85 0.66 0.63 .86 0.74 0.75 0.86 0.5 3760 6692.87 0.69 1630 665 1278 210 890 440 1050 2500 1200 2000 1820 1200 14883 27063 0.59 0.69 0.03 0.63 0.71 0.57 0.86 0.7 0.92 0.64 0.45 0.70 0.70 0.76 0.9 0.72 0.73 0.73 1.9 0. Ukai Wanakbori Sub Total MADHYA PRADESH Amarkantak(Incl Extn) Birsingpur Satpura Vindhyachal Sub Total CHHATTISGARH Korba East (II.70 0.66 0.72 400 1980 870 240 850 1470 5810 0.67 0 0.III& V ) Korba East V Korba West Korba STPS Sipat Capacity (MW) as on 31.69 0.88 0.73 0.98 840 2600 2980 0.68 0.77 0.62 0.66 0.12 0.76 0.90 0.68 0.82 0.84 0.65 0 0.03 0.75 0.93 0.68 0.68 0.2011 SPECIFIC COAL CONSUMPTION 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 705 135 840 705 0.98 0.82 0.68 0.75 0.7 0.75 0.82 0.79 0.5 0.66 1240 500 1500 3240 0.67 0.82 0.7 0.75 0.71 0.93 0.64 0.63 0.99 0.79 0.71 0.82 0.72 0.72 0 0.69 0.64 0.77 0.88 0.84 0.82 0.67 0.73 0.72 0.67 0.67 0.83 0.71 0.62 0.6 0.62 0.91 0.2A Specific coal consumption Sl No NAME OF TPS 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 NORTHERN REGION DELHI Badarpur Rajghat Sub Total Badarpur HARYANA Panipat Rajiv Gandhi(Hissar) Yamuna Nagar Indra Gandhi Sub Total PUNJAB Bhatinda (GNDTP) Lehra Mahabbat(GHTP) Ropar Sub Total RAJASTHAN Kota Chhabra Suratgarh Sub Total UTTAR PRADESH Anpara Harduaganj Obra Panki Paricha Tanda Unchahar Rihand Rosa Singrauli Dadri(NCTPP) Anpara C Sub Total TOTAL NR WESTERN REGION GUJARAT Torrent Power(AEC+SAB) Mundra # Gandhinagar Sikka Rep.74 0.73 0.82 0.88 1360 1200 600 1000 4160 0.74 940 0.79 0.96 0.46 0.73 0.73 0.71 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.89 0.79 0. 9.83 0.87 0.65 0. 72 0.91 0.71 0.69 0.68 0.3 1.77 0.75 0.03.5 1720 62.86 0.68 0.81 0.73 0.68 1720 860 500 1320 4400 0.71 0.06 0.65 0.7 0.64 0.93 1.65 0.80 0.) Ramagundam 'B' Dr.96 0.71 1.68 0.73 0.33 0.85 0.32 0.88 1.73 0.65 0.6 0.85 0.72 0.78 340 2340 450 980 1260 1050 0.72 0.72 0.28 0.92 0.70 0. New Parli) Paras ( Incl.84 0.74 0. N.99 0.67 0.71 0.57 0.81 0.25 0.82 1.69 0.72 0. Extn.69 0.72 0.81 0.84 0.00 0.72 0.89 0.71 0.93 0.65 0.5 1.85 0.13 SPECIFIC COAL CONSUMPTION 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 0.33 0.77 0.74 0.61 0.65 0. 9. Extn.93 0.69 1.90 0.75 0.61 0 0.96 0.65 0.01 0.67 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl No 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 NAME OF TPS Pathadi Bhilai OP Jindal TPS Sub Total MAHARASTRA Bhusawal Chandrapur Koradi Khaperkheda II Nasik Parli ( Incl.78 0.) Trombay* Dahanu Wardha Warora JSW Ratnagiri# Sub Total TOTAL WR SOUTHERN REGION ANDHRA PRADESH Kothagudem (Incl.60 0.69 0.73 0.67 0.76 0.82 0.36 0.74 0.4 0.76 0.91 0.67 0.97 1.68 0.93 0.5 1760 2600 1050 2000 500 9692.67 210 220 2340 2870 0.82 0.69 0.6 0.68 1.93 0.94 0.81 0.61 0. Tata Rao (Vijayawada) R-gundam STPS Rayalseema Simhadri Kakatiya Sub Total KARNATAKA Raichur Torangallu# Bellary TPS Udupi# Sub Total TAMIL NADU Ennore Mettur Tuticorin North Chennai Sub Total TOTAL SR EASTERN REGION BIHAR BIHAR Barauni Muzaffarpur Kahalgaon Sub Total JHARKHAND Patratu Tenughat Bokaro'B' Chandrapura Maithon Sub Total WEST BENGAL Durgapur Mejia Bandel Santaldih Kolaghat Bakreshwar Section 9 Capacity (MW) as on 31.75 0.67 0.75 0.75 1.72 0 0.68 0.84 0.2011 600 500 1000 9460 1420 2340 1040 1340 630 1130 500 1250 500 540 1320 12010 33972.66 .71 0.63 0.46 0.62 0.93 0.78 0.72 0.58 450 840 1050 630 2970 17062.7 0.5 0.73 0.66 0.98 0.7 0.73 0.69 0.86 770 420 630 890 1050 3760 0.76 0.73 0.05 0.70 0.83 0.02 0.18 0.24 0.64 0.87 0.61 0.7 0.5 Page No.58 0.77 0.71 0.75 0.98 0.88 0.69 0.86 0.86 0. 78 0.72 0.76 0.2011 600 160 240 135 750 630 2100 11035 470 3000 420 2400 6290 23955 100733 Page No.04 1.63 0.07.81 0.65 0.79 0.73 0. 9.69 0.55 0.72 0.92 0.71 0.03.87 0. coal consumption for Mahatma Gandhi TPS and Durgapur Steel TPS has not given above as these units / stations were commissioned as on 12.Sp.02 0.74 0.97 1.64 0.82 0.72 Note: .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl No 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 NAME OF TPS Sagardighi New Cossipore Titagarh Southern REPL Budge Budge Durgapur(DPL) Farakka STPS Sub Total ORISSA Talcher Talcher STPS Ib Valley Sterlite Sub Total TOTAL ER TOTAL ALL INDIA # Imported coal based projects.12 and 29.67 0.60 0.71 0.81 0.89 0.78 0. Section 9 Capacity (MW) as on 31.14 SPECIFIC COAL CONSUMPTION 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 0.86 0.82 0.70 0.97 1.71 0.61 0.81 0.13 0.79 0.7 0.66 0.76 0. * Trombay a multi fuel Project.81 0.01. .11 respectably.8 0.7 0.72 0.71 0. 7 1470 157. FARAKKA STPS 2100 170.3 GENERATION LOSS DUE TO COAL SHORTAGE FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 (AS REPORTED BY POWER UTILITIES) MODE S.H. 4 GSECL M.0 2 RAIL SANJAY GANDHI 1340 471.0 2483 1105 1 I.6 2340 1026.3 1 RAIL MEJIA TPS 1 RAIL BAKRESHWAR 2 RAIL BANDEL TPS 3 RAIL KOLAGHAT TPS 4 RAIL SAGARDIGHI TPS 1 RAIL BUDGE-BUDGE TPS Sub Total 7 5096 SATPURA Sub Total 6 872. OF TRANS. METTUR 840 132.0 5 P.15 Annexure-9.4 2340 263 1143 634. No.2 Sub Total 3 Generation Loss in MUs 2340 Sub Total 2 CAPACITY IN MW 1920 177 2340 1026.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.5 RAIL Sub Total 5 3000 14700 1 Sub Total 4 TOTAL 3749.5 11582. Power Genco SINGRAULI STPS 2000 69. TALCHER STPS 1 RAIL GANDHI NAGAR TPS 2 RAIL WANAKBORI TANGEDCO DVC WBPDCL CESC ALL INDIA TOTAL 870 105. PORT NAME OF THERMAL POWER STATION 1 P.H.3 2 I.M.7 1260 136.M.H.0 750 81. NORTH CHENNAI 630 3.H. 3 P.7 3360 635 750 81.P.9 600 348.3 3 I.2 450 72.M.0 27892. VINDHYACHAL STP 3260 229. KAHALGAON STPS 2 P.9 6 P.H.NO. 1 NAME OF POWER UTILITY NTPC S. ENNORE 450 41.0 P.6 1050 76.0 RIHAND STPS 2000 5. 9.7 .H. 40 330.62 DELHI DELHI DELHI RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN GUJARAT Remarks .00 0.96 2.07 3638.07 3.12 2431.00 11.P.56 2.4 ANNUAL REPORT ON FUEL SUPPLY/CONSUMPTION FOR GAS BASED POWER STATIONS IN THE COUNTRY For te year 2011-2012 S.56 1218.00 1661.00 5376.59 1.00 740.55 1765.15 24.00 0.56 0.75 2.36 4 DADRI CCPP 829.00 84.95 6.05 2.00 0.00 0.09 2.84 0.00 0.98 3.31 3.56 0.95 1.80 1794.62 2.65 2.80 1.38 883.16 Annexure-9.85 0.00 330.00 6252.00 0.00 2971.00 141.16 3.50 STATE SECTOR 12 13 14 15 16 17 I.02 3165.57 1.00 118.00 0.29 0.70 1.58 1.37 1.46 3.09 0.00 17.00 100.00 1495.17 194.71 3.79 6925.00 740.49 4846.80 1.40 12.30 2.00 375.00 0.54 262.28 1.78 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sub Total (NR) GANDHAR CCPP KAWAS CCPP RATNAGIRI CCPP I RATNAGIRI CCPP II RATNAGIRI CCPP III Sub Total (WR) KATHALGURI CCPP AGARTALA GT Sub Total (NER) Total (CS) 2344.18 8.56 0.20 218.18 1.00 0.00 194.00 0.39 656.58 1.00 2.38 277.06 657.33 3822.07 0.00 277.05 2253. 9.05 1.00 0.40 2950.65 HARYANA RAJASTHAN UTTAR PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH GUJARAT GUJARAT MAHARASH TRA MAHARASH TRA MAHARASH TRA ASSAM TRIPURA 3067.97 1.00 0.01 3684.00 750.00 390.06 0.00 113.07 2.66 0.14 2560.55 2.12 3.17 16.02 0.15 3.55 2.59 419.00 22.19 0.00 593.29 36389.38 1.82 2.13 21.00 0.55 8.00 2.33 663.01 3.00 714.53 0.63 1.55 9.10 0.00 0.82 0.82 41.59 291.56 0.CCPP PRAGATI CCGTIII PRAGATI CCPP DHOLPUR CCPP RAMGARH CCPP Sub Total (NR) DHUVARAN CCPP 270.40 10.00 15017.02 666.98 30. Gas Supplied/ Consumed+ (MMSCMD) Alternate fuel used Naphtha HSD Gen Loss due to short supply of Gas as reported (MUs) CENTRAL SECTOR 1 2 3 FARIDABAD CCPP ANTA CCPP AURAIYA CCPP 431.81 4.00 0.03 0.60 3878.81 0.45 72.39 1.37 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.00 249.00 0.72 2694.89 0.09 2.26 18941.00 0.63 0.57 0.75 2.53 0.05 1.71 1008.00 0.36 0.11 15.20 1243.00 3533. No Name of Power Station Installed Capacity @ (MW) Located in the State Gen (MUs) Gas * Requirement at 90% PLF (MMSCMD) Gas Allotted (MMSCMD) Avg.81 0.76 1.00 100.72 331.56 2.42 0.74 1.53 0.20 740.49 1.77 536.00 19.82 0.00 0.24 3.92 0. 16 7.81 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.40 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.10 2114.44 2.4 ANNUAL REPORT ON FUEL SUPPLY/CONSUMPTION FOR GAS BASED POWER STATIONS IN THE COUNTRY For te year 2011-2012 S.73 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.50 4182.41 0.00 137. .75 2.75 0.62 2987.00 0.65 0. 9.00 0.17 Annexure-9.67 0.00 0.00 0.65 1.27 0.46 7.15 21098.70 0.63 2.14 0.84 0.00 0.19 0.84 224.52 21.00 0.50 90.58 2.83 0.00 0.00 104.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.99 565.72 32. Daily Gas allocation from M/s is insufficient .00 NARIMANAM GPS VALUTHUR CCPP 10.49 3.70 120.56 27.00 0.00 0.65 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.00 2485.00 0.29 Remarks Less gas allocation from M/s GAIL & M/s RIL.95 0.20 435.50 KOVIKALPAL CCPP KUTTALAM CCPP 107.39 0.10 518.65 1.50 2.04 0.00 0.00 155.00 0.19 6.56 3.40 18.72 0.59 1.62 419.00 357.00 0.68 0.00 Sub Total (SR) LAKWA GT NAMRUP CCPP NAMRUP ST BARAMURA GT ROKHIA GT Sub Total (NER) Total (SS) PVT SECTOR 100.06 771.00 95.00 292.98 4668.00 0.45 9573.00 0.55 20.51 0.00 0.92 1034.22 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.40 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 705.08 251.45 0.12 Located in the State GUJARAT GUJARAT MAHARASH TRA PUDUCHER RY TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU ASSAM ASSAM ASSAM TRIPURA TRIPURA Gen (MUs) Gas * Requirement at 90% PLF (MMSCMD) Gas Allotted (MMSCMD) Avg.00 0.45 0.00 41.00 24.00 21 Sub Total (WR) KARAIKAL CCPP 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1564.00 672.23 77. Gas Supplied/ Consumed+ (MMSCMD) Alternate fuel used Naphtha HSD Gen Loss due to short supply of Gas as reported (MUs) 907.00 0.29 0.52 14.00 1114.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 186.23 413.96 0.00 387.00 0.66 0.00 58.61 4.00 0.00 0.56 0. No Name of Power Station Installed Capacity @ (MW) 18 19 20 HAZIRA CCPP UTRAN CCPP URAN CCPP 156.00 246.45 1.52 0. 50 0.00 Located in the State GUJARAT MAHARASH TRA 280.16 11463.87 7.00 0.00 2027.00 0. Non availability of gasshort supply of APM gas and RIL gas.22 2.4 ANNUAL REPORT ON FUEL SUPPLY/CONSUMPTION FOR GAS BASED POWER STATIONS IN THE COUNTRY For te year 2011-2012 S.00 0.67 1.51 11.32 0.00 0.00 180.00 0.86 0.00 141.50 464.87 4.84 0.46 1.00 0.00 2.09 1.48 0.00 0.03 1.52 0.73 0.00 403.00 0.26 1567.34 1.06 0.16 0.86 0.27 0.00 0.00 515.83 241.05 0.16 29.00 0.73 960.89 2.28 0.49 2.00 0.23 0.40 ANDHRA PRADESH 2833.77 2.86 2898.00 435.18 1.Kakinada GODAVARI CCPP 220.52 0.36 1.80 3.00 160.67 0.40 0.00 280.00 860.58 0.90 0. .00 0.07 7592.90 0.70 549.42 1.83 668.14 1.18 Annexure-9.00 Gen (MUs) Gas * Requirement at 90% PLF (MMSCMD) Gas Allotted (MMSCMD) Avg.65 8.32 1.70 141. 9.96 1471. Gas Supplied/ Consumed+ (MMSCMD) Alternate fuel used Naphtha HSD Gen Loss due to short supply of Gas as reported (MUs) 459.00 108.00 0.39 Remarks PVT IPP SECTOR 33 RITHALA CCPP Sub Total (NR) BARODA CCPP ESSAR CCPP PEGUTHAN CCPP SUGEN CCPP Sub Total (WR) GAUTAMI CCPP 108.05 0.82 0.00 DELHI GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT GUJARAT ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH 241.73 4165.19 2.57 0.00 488.34 1.47 3.00 2386.00 0.34 1200.00 0.00 0. No 31 32 Name of Power Station VATWA CCPP TROMBAY CCPP Sub Total (WR) Total (PVT S) Installed Capacity @ (MW) 100.16 2027.00 41 JEGURUPADU CCPP 455.00 1282.00 921.00 1147.67 Gas shortage from gas wells.40 0.23 1.00 0.00 655.74 135.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.50 2477.78 1.25 0.16 432.00 0.00 2386.00 0.16 1.00 ANDHRA PRADESH 2266.67 0.77 0.82 0.00 432.89 3067.00 2.23 1.09 1.11 1.97 42 KONASEEMA CCPP 445.27 0.14 5.18 0.00 GMR Energy Ltd .09 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 208. 50 ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH ANDHRA PRADESH TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU TAMIL NADU Gen (MUs) Gas * Requirement at 90% PLF (MMSCMD) Alternate fuel used ASSAM Remarks .00 1526.00 0.50 24.15 124.23 0.53 0.00 2030.00 17.00 377.NALLUR CCPP 330.86 183792.76 6211.4 ANNUAL REPORT ON FUEL SUPPLY/CONSUMPTION FOR GAS BASED POWER STATIONS IN THE COUNTRY For te year 2011-2012 S.23 1.05 6224. No 43 Name of Power Station Installed Capacity @ (MW) 366.06 181406.77 1318.00 63.00 0.78 1.51 0.37 177240.21 0.85 22.76 0.14 20801.25 0.18 0.00 0.76 0.80 48 P.84 350.17 0.32 0.16 0.54 63.00 0.37 0.37 0.25 0.07 797.76 1.42 225.76 124.00 220.68 1.00 0.77 81.59 0.84 18.82 1.48 1.12 14.27 92022.54 1.04 0.50 24.00 0.12 0.94 1.50 32507.00 0.86 65.00 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.78 0.10 0.02 0.00 9.37 185288.19 1.00 0.50 49 VALANTARVY CCPP Sub Total (SR) DLF ASSAM GT Sub Total (NER) Total (PVT IPP S) GRAND TOTAL 44 45 50 Located in the State Gas Allotted (MMSCMD) Avg.17 11. Gas Supplied/ Consumed+ (MMSCMD) Naphtha HSD Gen Loss due to short supply of Gas as reported (MUs) 2203.00 0.06 0. 9.34 16926.19 Annexure-9.00 46 KONDAPALLI EXTN CCPP .80 3601.00 4486.38 2066.49 0.06 0.00 0.00 409.81 1.58 0.11 56.60 10855.00 565.75 1.00 52. KONDAPALLI CCPP PEDDAPURAM CCPP VEMAGIRI CCPP 47 KARUPPUR CCPP 119.00 757.00 370.47 29.00 0.78 67.00 0. 00 90.00 0.00 29.87 246.00 449.00 0.00 5.) Sub Total (ER) Total (CS) 359.) KASBA GT (Liq.41 HSD Naptha/Gas 5.00 0.42 JHARKHAND DVC 0. .26 0.59 40.00 JAMMU AND KASHMIR JK.58 90. Power station did not operate during the month.26 0. GANDHI CCPP (Liq. (MUs) Primary Fuel Alternate Fuel 706.00 120.42 123402.20 Annexure-9.00 123402.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.00 0.00 WEST BENGAL WBPDC 0.26 0.00 0. IC at the end of year (MW) Located in the State Owner Gen.00 HSD Naptha 123402. PDD 175. STATE 3 4 5 6 PAMPORE GPS (Liq.00 0.42 Naptha HSD Primary Fuel Consumed (KL) Alternate Fuel Consumed (KL) Gen.00 0.87 246.00 0. Power station did not operate during the month.00 0.00 2221.00 12705.) 175.58 KERALA NTPC Ltd.00 12705.26 0.00 0. Loss due to short supply of Fuel as reported (MUs) Remarks CENTRAL 1 2 R.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 2221.00 HSD NP 0.5 ANNUAL REPORT ON FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR LIQUID FUEL BASED GT POWER PLANTS IN THE COUNTRY For the year 2011-2012 Name of Power Station S.00 706.41 TAMIL NADU TNGDCL 120.00 0.) Sub Total (SR) MAITHON GT (Liq.) Sub Total (SR) HALDIA GT (Liq.59 Naptha HSD 29.00 HSD NP 0.00 Power station did not operate during the month.87 246. 9. 359.00 WEST BENGAL WBPDC 0.00 89.58 706.00 0. Alternate fuel consumed is HSD used as start up fuel.00 89.) Sub Total (NR) BASIN BRIDGE GT (Liq.00 The units were in operation from 2nd Jan 2012 to 27th Feb 2012 during the financial year 201112.No.00 0.26 0. 00 1066.00 277.00 222.21 NP 0.00 0.00 8085.00 35.Cal/kWh for combined cycle and is as on last day of the year.63 0. 9.25 226482. PVT IPP 8 9 GOA CCPP (Liq.Cal/SCM (except for Ramgarh CCGT for which GCV is 4150 kCal/SCM).10 0.26 89.58 1067.74 8085.37 0.00 174.00 0.37 0.83 88153.00 Power station did not operate during the month.09 Naptha Natural Gas/LNG 277.00 100. station heat rate .00 0.2900 k.Million Units IC-Installed Capacity 48.00 HSD Page No.) Sub Total (ER) Total (SS) 20.07 33.10 0.00 0.00 48.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 7 SILIGURI GT (Liq.07 33.00 325.Cal/kWh for open cycle and 2000 k.) Sub Total (WR) COCHIN CCPP (Liq.00 GOA RELIANCE 48.74 Naptha HSD and Gas 174. * Normative gas requirement at 90 % PLF taking GCV of gas=9000k.37 0. MUs MMSCMD HSD - - Million Units Million Standard Cubic Meters per Day High Speed Diesel KL - Kilo Litre HSD is start up fuel Gas is not available in Kerala Station did not operate as per KSEB despatch instructions.) Sub Total (SR) Total (PVT IPP S) Grand Total MUs.00 WEST BENGAL WBPDC Section 9 0.00 0.00 0.30 368.17 33.00 0.00 0.00 14926.09 KERALA BSES(C) 48.00 KL-Kilo Litre NP-No Provision HSD-High Speed Diesel LNG_liquified Natural Gas @ Installed capacity is as on last day of the year.00 80068.00 80068.00 395.00 0. . 94 731.G 362.78 0.00 140431.00 0.00 KERALA KSEB 233.22 7222.00 3.18 29.00 Remarks 638.00 0. HSD not being used and no separate accounting.00 MANIPUR ED.01 36. LSFO 80581.30 25.92 MIZORAM P&ED.97 147798.15 22.51 156.58 LSHS HSD 50560.56 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.31 KL LSFO consumed during the year as alternate fuel.45 10.64 LSHS HSD.00 200.05 15.92 0.00 TATA PCL BELLARY RPG 186.16 HFO HFO LSHS NP HSD HFHSD 44976.99 LSHS HSD 9288.50 25.6 STATION. HSD is used only for starting the machine.00 0.31 61.00 128.00 0.WISE DETAILS OF FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR DG POWER PLANTS (10 MW & ABOVE) DURING THE YEAR 2010-11 S. BRIDGE D.73 156.84 ANDHRA PRADESH KARNATAKA KARNATAKA KERALA 12.00 Sub Total (NER) Total ((SS)) PVT IPP 7 LVS POWER DG 8 BELGAUM DG 9 BELLARY DG 10 KASARGODE DG 11 B.00 TAMIL NADU VASAVI 857.45 36.00 0.60 KERALA KSEB 56.00 7305.28 166. 9.00 0. (MUs) Primary Fuel Alterna te Fuel Primary Fuel Consumed (KL) Alternate Fuel Consumed (KL) Gen.81 0.81 3339.47 0.32 0.00 433.21 ANDAMAN NICOBAR A&N ADM 12.52 12. Mizoram 0. Manipur 0. Non availability of funds.77 10.42 KL HSD is used as alternate fuel for starting and stopping engines 8234.00 31.92 KARNATAKA KPCL 415.57 12212.01 BRAMHAPUR AM DG KOZHIKODE DG Sub Total (SR) AND.22 Annexure-9.45 HSD Heavy fuel 25.01 7305.86 LSHS LSFO 182006.69 LSHS NP 2741.20 21.95 8872.17 0.19 12235.31 HFO 22. . Alternate fuel used is HSD.86 0.80 LVS POWER 81.48 2318. STATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Power Station IC at the end of year (MW) Located in the State Owner Gen.32 0.No.47 0.50 706. Loss due to short supply of Fuel as reported (MUs) YELHANKA (DG) 127.00 58.00 FO(Low Viscosity) LDO/HS D HSD 58. NICOBAR DG Sub Total (ER) LEIMAKHON G DG BAIRABI DG 106.84 144.00 0.24 10.10 7. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 12 SAMALPATTI DG SAMAYANALL UR DG Sub Total (SR) BAMBOOFLAT DG Sub Total (ER) Total ((PVT IPP S)) Grand Total 13 14 KL . 9.00 34468.85 LSFO LSHS 61570.84 20.00 TAMIL NADU MADURAI P 281.00 576.01 FO . Bramhapuram DG.46 176.Million Units HFHSD .Furnaces Oil LSFO .00 0.Light Diesel Oil 1 KL= 0.High Speed Diesel LDO .70 TAMIL NADU SAMALPATI 292.Heavy Furnaces Oil IC . Kasargode DG and Yelhanka DG.44 398889. 3.No Provision NA .41 LSHS NP 63586. Kozhikode DG. 1 KL= 0.68 166.PL 138. 1 KL= 0.00 364421.90 MT has been used for conversion of FO/LSFO from Metric Tons (MT) to Kilo Litres (KL) in respect of Samayanallur DG.00 138.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 1670.05 HSD NP 20.Installed Capacity 1030.00 0.95 MT has been used for conversion of LSHS from Metric Tons (MT) to Kilo Litres (KL) in respect of LVS Power DG .23 105.90 MT has been used for conversion of HFO from Metric Tons (MT) to Kilo Litres (KL) in respect of Bellary DG and Belgaum DG.CH.00 106. Samalpatti DG. Section 9 Page No.40 0.Not Available Note: 1.Low Sulfer Heavy Stock HSD .Kilo Litre NP .00 0.46 176. Actual generation depends on demand instructions from TNEB. B.Low Sulphur Furnaces Oil MUs . 2.84 1808.00 596.09 0. Bridge DG.05 34468.78 LSHS .00 0.65 12411. .39 ANDAMAN NICOBAR SUR.00 2540.Heavy Fuel High Speed Diesel HFO .41 546687.40 0. 01 0.32 0.00 59419.00 0.00 2100.00 0.64 0.77 10416.51 579.00 0.00 0.00 3260.06 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.62 0.00 2340.31 6803.00 0.98 69157.00 4004.60 22948.00 0.22 1.00 0.00 3000.45 3977.50 8264.00 0.95 0.08 14224.00 9370.64 4930.00 0.00 0.95 18030.00 0.45 567.00 9265.00 0.63 0.46 0.00 0.61 19654.74 119033.00 0.65 .76 0.00 248.16 0.00 0.00 4043.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10049.) Specific SFOC(ml /kWhr) CENTRAL SECTOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BADARPUR TPS INDIRA GANDHI STPP* BARSINGSAR LIGNITE DADRI (NCTPP) RIHAND STPS SINGRAULI STPS TANDA TPS UNCHAHAR TPS Sub Total (NR) BHILAI TPS* KORBA STPS SIPAT STPS VINDHYACHAL STPS Sub Total (WR) RAMAGUNDEM STPS SIMHADRI NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS NEYVELI TPS.00 0.39 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.53 28381.00 3740.80 534.17 207.00 0.50 663.86 470.00 0.00 0.00 0. 9.92 243876.00 9708.00 2000.63 0. Name of Power Station IC at the end of the year (MW) Energy Gen (MU) Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption(KL) LSHS LDO HPS FO/HFO HSD HHS TOTAL Weighted Average GCV (kcal/lit.00 37365.00 0.00 1000.81 10197.48 0.00 355.63 41227.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1820.00 1.00 0.84 8279.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4773.80 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1648.00 0.52 2.00 28338.00 0.00 2340.00 136.07 21857.00 9990.00 1050.14 9772.37 65490.00 0.12 1.00 10801.83 6.00 5190.70 9766.00 7090.29 10196.00 6280.00 9576.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4637.54 9599.70 14013.11 1955.00 0.27 2361.00 420.00 0.94 1927.00 0.00 630.00 0.42 49776.00 0.87 12262.00 0.00 0.52 3989.85 9295.09 9916.00 3695.99 13438.67 0.37 10177. No.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1838.00 1637.7 Sheet _of 3 SECONDARY FUEL OIL CONUSUMPTION (SFOC) REPORT FOR THE YEAR OF 2010-2011 Sl.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3710.00 0.23 2421.00 1647.00 340.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 1093.00 250.31 27263.00 0.81 0.17 162100.32 9933.38 0.00 569.00 1756.26 1.00 0.71 4275.00 10008.00 8680.31 11034.49 387.00 2600.00 12330.00 0.00 0.00 10366.72 136.00 0.00 6088.76 2.15 5510.75 8831.00 0.93 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 1354.57 0.00 2000.70 5254.60 4010.38 2.00 0.20 9546.00 28338.00 0.00 600.58 0.71 3404.39 15584.74 1353.00 220.73 3986.07 31542.34 9437.00 0.58 59451.I NEYVELI TPS-II Sub Total (SR) KAHALGAON TPS MUZAFFARPUR TPS BOKARO `B` TPS CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS TALCHER (OLD) TPS TALCHER STPS DURGAPUR TPS FARAKKA STPS MEJIA TPS* Sub Total (ER) Total (CS) 705.47 0.47 47.00 2320.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 9477.57 845.38 3356.99 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3553.00 4775.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 569.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 6803.00 447.00 0.22 16183.53 17010.02 10238.99 10177.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2824.00 0.80 2291.45 0.80 8855.00 0.50 9508.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 10231.00 0.00 0.78 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 Annexure-9.00 9980.00 0.64 9722.58 0.45 1353.42 21255.98 0.32 10460.20 5364.00 9818.00 890.00 0.91 10146.50 9700.00 0.00 0.54 25885.00 1008.76 2749.39 10404.49 11029.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.21 0.00 0.00 39.06 7496.95 11201.00 0.00 9974.00 0.99 11087.00 3016.70 17709.35 11557.62 0.55 0.00 1647.00 39.46 11751.00 0.65 166.81 4765.00 9825.00 2600.00 1008.00 14399.04 0.00 74913.46 3042.16 2497.00 440.00 0.17 5302.61 617.00 2569.00 0.00 1470. 00 0.41 9122.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 6272.00 1630.00 0.00 9100.00 660.70 7621.00 0.33 551.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 12491.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 593.77 9648.00 2576.00 0.51 2.00 0.00 0.10 9323.60 .MOH.00 0.90 7263.00 0.00 0.12 10478.87 1.16 0.00 17382.05 9500.64 5117.65 6594.00 0.43 7.00 0.00 0.70 9404.88 5415.00 290.00 1500.69 3.00 22976.25 623.67 10670.00 0.00 1055.50 578.00 0.96 0. 9.79 4997.60 0.00 0.35 1.00 4690.95 0.47 10084.00 1360.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 2935.00 0.00 18862.00 0.32 48925.64 0.77 2866.41 864.00 19292.00 3087.00 0.00 10047.91 12491.00 0.47 0.00 210.00 403.00 430.70 2812.63 1.00 15546.38 850.68 5445.20 1430.00 262871.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.14 9185.70 10120.60 5.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 2607.68 3.20 3145.56 1.99 0.00 0.89 89275.58 0.35 2852.61 1.48 9736.50 22373.45 13388.00 1200.00 3.00 2198.11 0.63 10764.00 0.65 5239.00 10186.11 1120.18 1.00 0.60 5618.00 440.00 6118.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 5487.00 0.00 0.78 4397.41 5501.14 10624.00 15928.00 440.00 9929.00 1040.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 337.00 10400.00 0.00 123.00 30935.57 6457.38 4298.89 3657.00 0.00 0.00 2713.00 0.11 0.03 4241.02 0.83 976.00 0.55 4582.00 0.00 0.67 9501.65 10486.00 0.88 1887.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 13326.14 23.11 6237.84 21654.00 0.66 0.16 3458.00 1518.00 835.00 0.94 0.41 0.07 2.08 0.00 0.49 5982.44 0.62 0.00 0.50 1470.00 640.00 10425.00 0.00 1240.06 980.37 11665.00 0.00 10116.90 721.44 13516.00 0.45 2181.00 0.00 0.20 10788.00 500.00 4299.00 0.25 10187.00 10549.00 850.51 1340.81 537.00 41450.00 840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 870.78 10674.00 0.00 17776.00 0.00 0.12 551.58 3.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 9 Page No.13 10274.00 0.00 2392.76 108.83 2936.00 920.16 3235.86 0.00 0. TPS UKAI TPS WANAKBORI TPS AMARKANTAK EXT TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS SATPURA TPS BHUSAWAL TPS CHANDRAPUR(MAHARA SHTRA) STPS KHAPARKHEDA TPS KORADI TPS NASIK TPS PARAS TPS PARLI TPS Sub Total (WR) Dr.00 1134.91 8370.87 13335.00 4724.00 1760.00 1470.39 10258.81 870.92 10646.00 116535.00 0.42 9.00 9912.00 0.00 0.38 4466.00 2340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.79 2343.74 11518.99 405.01 2670.00 0.00 0.00 80165.00 0.00 2111.00 0.00 0.00 1260.27 82650.17 10.00 0.00 0.00 6973.34 0.00 0.00 118.00 2795.27 0.00 4417.64 0.01 9564.00 368.00 0.00 1340.00 0.00 415.84 2.00 0.56 1010.00 0.29 7632.00 1142.00 0.90 1010.29 568.83 0.67 0.00 0.38 4505.00 4294. TPS SIKKA REP.00 0.00 2.70 8076.00 15199.00 0.41 5347.37 3.40 0.00 0.00 7251.00 0.96 22979.00 250.37 2440.40 8717.81 1.19 5386.82 14155.52 6639.00 171.90 0.25 STATE SECTOR 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 RAJGHAT TPS PANIPAT TPS RAJIV GANDHI TPS* YAMUNA NAGAR TPS GH TPS (LEH.00 0.00 0.00 9400.00 0.11 6266.81 8263.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 403.00 5031.00 1130.16 9501.00 0.00 0.01 3927.00 87.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 9525.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 13672.00 0.30 1883.00 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.79 4367.00 62.00 818.00 0.00 15268.73 10262.83 0.00 0.00 240.12 2497.48 10456.26 10000.00 0.39 0.77 185.02 5.68 1.29 1525.00 1372.00 0.49 10217.00 6581.00 0.13 10000.50 1760.60 16209.37 8383.) GND TPS(BHATINDA) ROPAR TPS CHHABRA TPP GIRAL TPS KOTA TPS SURATGARH TPS ANPARA TPS HARDUAGANJ TPS OBRA TPS PANKI TPS PARICHHA TPS* Sub Total (NR) DSPM TPS KORBA-II KORBA-WEST TPS AKRIMOTA LIG TPS GANDHI NAGAR TPS KUTCH LIG.39 1.70 23699.00 0.TATA RAO TPS KAKATIYA TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS RAMAGUNDEM .00 3344.00 0.45 0.00 278.00 880.00 0.00 185941.00 0.73 3.00 10278.00 500.62 0.34 12553.87 10020.00 0.13 0.46 12470.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.35 10589.83 10280.11 2.03 2713.50 1050.00 0.75 42468.00 0.23 0.62 0.00 500.82 2.46 5.00 0.38 3360.00 0.00 0.20 1326.00 5693.00 10000.38 2779.65 452.51 23916.00 0.00 0.70 614.31 0.00 0.00 0.36 9486.00 0.87 3238.18 488.00 38362.00 0.46 5.11 6432.62 0.00 360.19 15060.B TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS 135. N.00 737.00 0.00 6244.00 1720.65 6.00 0.00 70349.00 233.04 10300.00 1.00 0.58 1. 00 0.00 0.77 10417.00 0.00 0.19 7723.51 0.19 15114.00 0.00 10782.00 0.00 1100.70 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9924.15 9718.00 0.00 3296.00 0.12 75249.00 0.60 384.72 302.L.00 1400.00 0.51 4333.00 0.39 14213.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 1740.16 1.00 0.35 540.44 0.00 1716.00 0.21 9448.00 0.00 3093.78 403.00 2623.56 0.19 7723.00 384.26 1000.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 4674.00 48787.00 0.00 10323.39 2014.00 3296.00 0.00 1050.69 10017.07 533.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 BUDGE BUDGE TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS* SOUTHERN REPL. 9.00 0.09 6011.00 0.00 0.50 2905.00 240.00 0.00 7028.38 0.00 0.00 9555.00 0.35 0.58 0.00 6663.00 420.00 15.00 18167.00 18782.00 0.00 135.00 11.39 151715.00 770.31 0.00 0.78 340.00 0.00 0.04 1702.00 0.00 0.45 2928.00 0.13 1772.00 0.00 9645.00 0.00 0.71 0.22 65948.00 0.35 9335.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 355780. 53 2329.53 5973.00 0.00 1720.10 0.00 9662.00 71411.00 9636.00 0.00 0.00 9709.44 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10191.00 690.48 0.79 7560.18 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.71 1.00 0.96 PVT IPP SECTOR 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP ROSA TPP Ph-I* Sub Total (NR) OP JINDAL TPS PATHADI TPP* MUNDRA TPS SURAT LIG.00 9503.00 0.00 15053.97 0.00 0.94 0.00 4113.00 0.72 166.00 0.00 0.52 10280.65 8938.00 0.00 0.94 64073.00 0.00 1.98 0.57 2277.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 23991.00 0.00 0.59 14.74 433.00 0.19 0.00 0.98 320398.00 6950.99 4078.57 10705.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.09 8430.00 6041.P.00 0.00 1258.41 4289.79 3.14 7725.00 1285.00 201.98 0.00 1.00 9359.37 2950.50 310.00 0.00 0.00 3585.00 12349.00 0.00 0.00 5939.00 4113.00 18782.11 0.62 384.00 1334.89 2.32 2.00 1100.57 3438.32 7891.00 10632.00 10500.00 0.00 0.00 824.94 6.00 0.00 600.00 0.51 5444.00 0.00 28715.15 1.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 4701. 53 0.42 1.00 0.00 10280.00 0.00 320398.00 0.95 10104.00 13.00 0.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 BELLARY TPS RAICHUR TPS* ENNORE TPS METTUR TPS NORTH CHENNAI TPS TUTICORIN TPS Sub Total (SR) BARAUNI TPS PATRATU TPS* TENUGHAT TPS IB VALLEY TPS BAKRESWAR TPS BANDEL TPS D.00 980.00 0.04 267452.00 10000.00 0.00 0.58 9998.00 630.18 0.30 0.00 0.00 840.00 10498.29 1036.54 406.00 2556.46 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 4113.44 1862.84 31453.73 15521.97 1.00 0.62 300.00 12349. TPS TITAGARH TPS Sub Total (ER) Total (PVT S) 750.00 160.00 0. TPS WARDHA WARORA TPP 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.75 246.89 0.88 9620.63 7643.51 1715.01 Sub Total (WR) 2300.00 2892.00 1805.92 893.00 44389.33 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 1260.61 4333.00 0.91 0.00 1200.00 0.00 0.94 4113.00 0.86 10102.00 0.00 0.00 1000.61 9391.00 .00 0.00 0.34 4349.00 0.00 0.09 4753.00 2329. 95 322401.00 0.92 0.20 328246.00 0.00 9667.00 0.00 540.19 30.00 322401.35 0.39 2014.00 0.00 9600.44 0.00 1684.25 6.00 0.00 553.00 1050.81 0.00 0.94 8588.00 0.00 0.00 403.00 0.13 0.00 15.39 526067.00 420.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 9424.00 0.24 22.00 12129. TPS KOLAGHAT TPS SAGARDIGHI TPS SANTALDIH TPS* Sub Total (ER) Total (SS) SABARMATI (C STATION) SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) DAHANU TPS TROMBAY TPS Section 9 Page No.00 0.00 2.14 10485.98 0.00 0.63 352.09 44.00 0.00 600.74 0.00 0.68 3797.00 0.00 4450.00 0.00 0.92 4012.00 2623.00 0.76 0.09 8430.27 10533.32 1.00 0.02 1.00 0.00 0.85 4693.00 0.95 10294.00 510.00 4620.68 6844.00 0.92 3596.00 9370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 5444.30 0.00 450.00 322801.00 0.72 2974.20 5829.03 2625.00 0.00 0.00 9435.00 23726.00 4674.00 0.90 3259.00 19079.00 0.82 0.02 10418.44 0.95 10499.00 450.00 0.00 0. 17 0.00 0.00 2060.00 2852.00 0.45 2404.22 600.10 39101.22 0.36 10119.42 2193.90.27 7260.00 0.00 5161.00 990.95 Kg/lit.00 0. 15 990.00 322805.00 0.46 1.00 0.95 9854.95 1074132.12 8772.70 10625.96 1.95 9854.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 98 99 100 101 102 100 101 102 Sub Total (WR) TORANGALLU TPS(SBUI) TORANGALLU TPS(SBUII) UDUPI TPP Sub Total (SR) JOJOBERA TPS STERLITE TPP* Sub Total (ER) Total (PVT IPP S) Grand Total UDUPI TPP Sub Total (SR) JOJOBERA TPS STERLITE TPP* Sub Total (ER) Total (PVT IPP S) Grand Total * Section 9 Page No.00 0. 2.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 260.72 9138.98 1.78 0.67 10357.00 5161.16 0.16 0.95.00 0.72 0.98 1.00 0.00 0.62 592641.000 k.08 0.00 0.21 9100.00 360.00 2852.00 4036.81 57319.78 209398.00 0.00 0.20 9494.46 1.62 0.00 0.Cal/kg and Specific Gravity taken are : LDO=0. LSHS=0.62 0.07 502827. HSD=0.835.00 0.00 102957.00 40395.00 2160.00 0.08 0.00 13220.00 9311.70 10625.69 6368.78 209398.00 0. 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.02 1200.00 0.00 0.00 3455.00 0.00 19079.91 258.00 0.21 8466. Where ever data of GCV not furnished by stations the GCV has been taken are: LDO=1100.00 4171.46 1890. LSHS=10500.00 0.73 10372.00 0.00 0.10 0.70 0. HSD=13000.62 592641.00 0. HPS: 0.17 9450.00 9100.70 0.00 0.00 0. HPS=10500 k.00 0.02 1.00 322805.70 57717.00 4682.12 2852.30 1.70 0.12 253. 15 0.95 1074132.00 2060.70 0.12 8772.45 2404.00 0.00 9100.13 512.30 1.36 10119.00 28013.21 8466.00 0.00 102957.22 0.00 32718.00 3455.00 1769.07 502827.11 1.85.00 2852.00 1800.00 646.00 0.12 2852.00 10112.00 0.00 0.00 9311.00 10112.00 28013.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 10357.96 2852.00 0.00 13220.81 57319.00 0.21 9100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 1200.00 2160.46 1890.00 0. FO/HFO=10500.00 0.00 360.83 Data not furnished by power station NA - Not Available KL - Kilo Litre LSHS - Low Sulphur Heavy Stock LDO - Liquid Diesel Oil HPS - FO - Furnaces Oil HFO - Heavy Furnaces Oil HSD - High Speed Diesel HHS - Heavy Petroleum Stock Hot Heavy Stock GCV - Gross Calorific Value IC - Installed Capacity Note: 1. FO/HFO=0.70 0.95 19079.69 6368.00 0.00 1800.10 39101.96 2852.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4171.00 19546.70 57717.Cal/litre GCV.00 2852.00 0.41 0.00 0.17 9450.00 4204.80 0.00 19079. .17 0. Al specific SFOC are based on 10.00 0.02 1.00 0. 35 MW was recorded by CEA during the year 2011-12.D-6 basin and decreased demand from gas based plants as there was increased generation from Thermal. 4.12 280.3 Performance of Gas Turbine Stations during 2011-12 Month-wise generation performance: The generation from Gas based plants had a negative growth rate (except November’11) with respect to corresponding months last year.2. make.23 4874. Comparison of month-wise energy generation of gas based plants in the country and their average PLF during the year 2011-12 with the energy . of Stations Central State Pvt. 2. 2012 are given at Annexure 10. 10. of units 57 88 5 57 207 Installed capacity (in MW) 6702. Diesel etc) was 93.00 18265.97 BU in 2010-11. and date of synchronization / commissioning and primary fuel used are indicated in Annexure 10.00 6409. Utilities Pvt. the generation from gas based plants (including liq fuel. 10.14% during 2010-11 to 59. 10.22 BU in comparison to 99.94% during 2011-12. 1. Sector No. During the year.1. Hydro based plants. Sector-wise summary of these units are as under: S. As such the average % PLF was also reduced from 66.1 Generation performance of 207 GT (Gas/Naphtha) based units of 57 Gas Turbine Plants (25 MW & above) aggregating to 18265. IPPs Total 13 22 2 20 57 No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No.2 DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS AS ON 31-3-2012 Region-wise and state-wise details of gas turbine stations and units under Central. No. The main reason for negative growth rate was gas shortage due to decrease output at Relaince KG. 3.35 Sector-wise details of gas turbine stations indicating unit-wise capacity.1 SECTION-10 GAS TURBINE PLANTS 10. State and Private Sectors operating as on 31st March. Nuclear. 94 Total 100. NTPC Ltd.15 63.52 -9.7 359.82 17570 7.4 291 1833.36 4369.46 17001 8.2 3882.3 71.97 60.12 17320 9.3 104.41 Nov 17688.2 657.1 109 87.28 55.38 Jun 17651.35 8.85 7. 4 ANTA CCPP AURAIYA 5 CCPP DADRI 6 CCPP FARIDABAD 7 CCPP GANDHAR 8 CCPP KAWAS 9 CCPP 10 R.81 98.8 656.17 63. Name of the Station CENTRAL SECTOR DVC MAITHON 1 GT (Liq.43 -3.3 4267 3878.85 8.35 7.8 829.37 54.1 4063 3638.38 63.25 Feb 18039.38 57.84 -12.12 419.4 33.78 17320 8.26 66.8 2134 706.87 61.9 75.57 65.43 58.85 7.54 63.73 May 17651.00 -4.50 -2.1 4062 3684.41 22.3 663.38 65.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No.8 90.9 1725 1765.93 17320 7.15 -6.00 60.53 90.71 17299 8.54 67.33 2487.46 77.37 37.0 8 75.1 90.28 Sep 17688.05 93.39 4058.6 67.06 70.56 88.37 Jul 17651.46 59.7 107.4 2844 3067.55 -14.6 431.2 102.47 63. 10.24 -5.35 7.2 generation and PLF% during the corresponding months in the year 2010-11 and month wise growth rate is given below: 2011-12 Month Monitored Capacity (MW) 2010-11 Generation* (BU) PLF (%) Monitored Capacity (MW) Generation * (BU) Growth (%) PLF (%) Apr 17651.7 70.) Total.94 69.59 3155.17 72.16 108.82 17330 8.2 375 2478 2336 2431.78 5399.1 99.66 61.42 63. No . GANDHI Capacit y (MW) Actual generation 2010-11 GENERATION (MU) 2011-12 Target PLF% Actual % of Target Actual 201011 Actual 201112 % of previous year 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 644.29 73.92 Dec 17688.48 69.DVC NEEPCO.1 60.46 80.43 73.87 17402 7.9 83.58 1902.1 .1 611 666.51 51.16 17001 9.4 89.06 96.53 Jan 17688.33 -5.35 6.9 5386 5376.92 97.49 65.66 Oct 17688.35 8.19 66.6 94.12 93.31 63.15 17652 8.45 Aug 17651.28 103.85 7.7 67.73 73.78 Station-wise gas based generation performance: Comparison of Station-wise energy generation from gas based plants in the country and their average PLF during the year 2011-12 with the energy generation and PLF% during the year 2010-11 is given below: Sl.72 58.70 5.94 62. AGARTALA 2 GT KATHALGUR 3 I CCPP TotalNEEPCO.45 -12.29 -9.30 17001 9.29 -6.31 17402 8.76 99.8 74.6 90.85 8.9 2846 2694.35 7.35 7.26 Mar 18289. 4 90 443.15 67.1 1810 331.4 18.1 121 70.81 79.5 153.07 59.4 257 251.6 132 50.67 101.19 88.79 111.09 83.4 330.01 77.14 203.19 5441.65 120 766.9 2100 2253.4 0 0.53 113.07 69.8 271 357.4 63.4 3159 2950.9 46.35 38.47 63.3 69.6 509 413.8 95 508.2 547.3 81.3 0.8 83.37 74.P.6 159.2 3 39610.92 0.6 3159 3822.) 11 58.5 225.5 RGPPL RATNAGIRI CCPP I RATNAGIRI 12 CCPP II RATNAGIRI 13 CCPP III TotalRGPPL TotalCENTRAL SECTOR STATE SECTOR APGPCL 14 LAKWA GT NAMRUP 15 CCPP GSECL DHUVARAN 16 CCPP UTRAN 17 CCPP GSEGL HAZIRA 18 CCPP HAZIRA 19 CCPP EXT IPGPCL 20 I.4 48.62 891.89 70.81 57 107 663.) KASBA GT 35 (Liq.95 65.4 4800 4668.8 107.58 97.25 53.9 72.9 750 6.8 2400 2560 106.3 1549 1243.9 61.8 56.83 6702.) TotalNTPC Ltd. Pudu.4 37415 37096 99.13 67.58 68.9 0 26.3 93.6 740 4592.8 68.6 32.6 78.1 1022.4 1000 1008.56 154.5 93.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl. 10.2 3 25255.7 101.5 25602 23046 90.9 74.2 518 2947.02 71.56 7.7 88.99 45.7 80.2 19. No .08 128.7 555 565.3 57.) MAHAGENCO 24 URAN CCPP P&ED.09 106.8 109.5 195.) KOVIKALPA 29 L CCPP KUTTALAM 30 CCPP VALUTHUR 31 CCPP TSECL BARAMURA 32 GT 33 ROKHIA GT WBPDC HALDIA GT 34 (Liq.7 100.01 94.21 53.81 75.8 25.8 30.44 90. Name of the Station CCPP (Liq.1 0 5.2 33.93 2. Capacit y (MW) Actual generation 2010-11 Section 10 GENERATION (MU) 2011-12 Target Page No.77 65.8 301.8 1150 907.39 71.59 158.1 740 3135.7 178.8 538 705.75 113 113.4 156.7 330 1994.6 61.93 100.28 0 270 1368.8 3159 4846.1 489 536. KARAIKAL 25 CCPP RRVUNL DHOLPUR 26 CCPP RAMGARH 27 CCPP TNGDCL BASIN 28 BRIDGE GT (Liq.3 100 172.8 66.3 PLF% Actual % of Target Actual 201011 Actual 201112 % of previous year 4017.65 88.05 239.7 80.2 2900 2988 103 64.1 98.CCPP PRAGATI 21 CCGT-III PRAGATI 22 CCPP JKPDC PAMPORE 23 GPS (Liq.9 0 29.8 131.2 70.01 93.5 424 419.7 700 1114.5 186.31 91.8 9477 11619 122.4 2335.8 97.3 120 51.6 0 4.2 2220 11876.2 218.2 822 772 93.5 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .85 52.3 672 5587.7 47.85 58.21 109.54 52.7 351 0 513 132.5 97.6 175 14.25 740 4148. 74 75.8 82.8 1513 1567.8 820.5 280 2239. (SUGEN) 55 SUGEN Capacit y (MW) Actual generation 2010-11 Section 10 GENERATION (MU) 2011-12 Target Actual Page No.2 174 223 362 48.1 71.4 1600 1318.7 60.44 57.58 79.8 77.2 3087 2833.31 83.3 82.6 1120 668.51 65.4 4300 3067.4 PLF% % of Target Actual 201011 Actual 201112 % of previous year 4874.PVT UTILITY IPP ABAN POWR KARUPPUR 38 CCPP BSES(C) COCHIN 39 CCPP (Liq.3 70.15 52.5 8217 7818 7592.6 455.33 56.4 366 2043.8 350 2133.8 208 1464.54 107.1 124.09 180 1568.5 0 1200 0 49.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl.3 68.9 103.54 52.32 92.7 13.) BSES(P) PEDDAPURA 40 M CCPP ESSAR ESSAR 41 CCPP GAUTAMI GAUTAMI 42 CCPP GIPCL BARODA 43 CCPP GMR ENERG GMR Energy 44 Ltd Kakinada GTE CORP PEGUTHAN 45 CCPP GVKP&IL JEGURUPAD 46 U CCPP KONA KONASEEM 47 A CCPP KONDAPALI KONDAPALL 48 I EXTN CCPP .9 100 670.3 2184 2027.18 272.19 21. POWER VATWA 37 CCPP Total.83 91.37 70.17 75.18 47.4 1600 1282.5 80.8 2202 2030.NALLUR 52 CCPP RELIANCE GOA CCPP 53 (Liq. POW.5 3070 2266.3 220 960.3 80.2 61 86. Name of the Station TotalSTATE SECTOR PVT UTILITY TATA PCL TROMBAY 36 CCPP TOR.5 671 459.59 66.03 81.92 53.2 69.06 68.9 49.84 62.9 92.7 87.98 96.1 92.4 731 797.24 92.2 108 88.4 3094.72 94.09 68.) SPGL GODAVARI 54 CCPP TOR.4 69.49 99.8 475 241.4 74.2 409 377.2 92.53 119.5 90.3 63.87 29.2 80.9 8 32 3 9.7 2441 2203.21 55.33 106.4 76.06 95.57 61.63 3.4 515 1443.42 90.28 68.2 97.4 .9 655 3667.8 220 1427.2 73.8 66.1 81.5 14.5 92.2 48 292.12 87 160 843.4 464 3331.4 102 330.6 445 2350.5 91. 10.1 2500 1526.6 1147.5 2494.8 50.3 52.75 97.7 59.8 81.7 1700 135.8 370. No .1 3300 2898.56 70.8 22787 21266 93.95 71.82 91.16 99.19 87.1 2 20044.6 99.3 300 277. KONDAPALL 49 I CCPP NDPL RITHALA 50 CCPP PENNA VALANTARV 51 Y CCPP PPNPGCL P.1 109 78. 8 73.5 Sl.5 NDPL DELHI LAKWA ST 8 37.59 73.94 93. 10. which earlier were captive plants. VIJESWARAN CCPP Unit details Capacit y (MW) Organization 2 33 APGCL 2.5 PLF% % of Target 2066. Name of the Station Capacit y (MW) CCPP VEMAGIRI VEMAGIRI 56 CCPP Total. The total all India generation excludes generation of 241.59 MU from GIPCL Import.25 Note: . Name of Gas Turbine Station Unit details Capacit y (MW) Organization State Make BHEL/GE frame-6 Mitsubhis iHI HAZIRA CCPP EXT PRAGATI CCGTIII 1 351 GSEGL 3 250 IPGPCL GUJARA T DELHI RITHALA CCPP 3 36.09 58.2 APGPCL ASSAM BHEL/GE BHEL Date of Synchron ization 18-Feb-12 29-Feb-12 04-Sep-11 17-JAN-12 Type of fuel used NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS Four Units of Vijeswaran CCPP.15 59. the gas turbine power projects in the country faced difficulty in sourcing the supply of gas matching with their requirements resulting in the under utilization of the installed capacity.87 % of previous year Actual 201112 63.47 86.55 59.IPP TotalPrivate Total. 2.6 Target 2800 Actual Page No.8 Actual 201011 86. VIJESWARAN CCPP 4 112 APGCL 4. No 1 2 3 4.8 41999 34861 83 70. No Name of Gas Turbine Station 1. using liquid fuel have also reported less generation on account of receipt of low schedules from the beneficiaries. VIJESWARAN CCPP 5 60 APGCL State ANDHRA PRADES H ANDHRA PRADES H ANDHRA PRADES H ANDHRA PRADES H Make Date of Synchron ization Type of fuel used GE/BHEL 02-03-91 Natural Gas GE/BHEL 01-04-98 Natural Gas BHEL/BH EL 01-04-97 Natural Gas GE/BHEL 01-04-98 Natural Gas LOSS OF GENERATION DUE TO SHORTAGE OF GAS/ RECEIPT OF LOW SCHEDULE: In the past. The estimated loss of generation (corresponding to 90% PLF) due to shortage of gas/ receipt of low schedules from the beneficiaries during the period 2005-06 to 2011-12 is given as under: .4 6409 38081.All India Actual generation 2010-11 370 Section 10 GENERATION (MU) 2011-12 2815. VIJESWARAN CCPP 3 34 APGCL 3.2MW commercial operation on 17-1-2012. The list excludes Lakwa ST U#8 Capacity 37.4 NEW UNITS SYNCHRONISED DURING 2011-12 Following 3 gas based units aggregating to 637. 10.46 18265.22 6689 40320. were now included in Gas based Thermal stations.89 86.4 39815 32833 82.46 70. Some of the gas based units.1.22 66.5 MW were synchronized during the year 2011-12: Sl.9 102201 93223 91. The unit wise details are given below: 10.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl. No . 4 99975. 10.17 33.27 36.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Year Estimated Loss of Generation in BU 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 23.33 31.71 25.02 28.6 .71 Page No.88 26. 81 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 359.13 UTTAR PRADESH 2 12 1493.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 22 14 506 232.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 36 738.5 513. Installed of capacity Units Installed Capacity No.14 4 19 2344.58 5 12 545.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 863.7 Annexure.59 2220 0 4 1 0 14 6 0 1243.2 0 0 0 1 3 108 11 51 4421.26 0 2 3 0 10 9 0 1313. 2012 Central Sector Region/State State Sector Private Utility No.4 174 0 503.1 LIST OF REGION WISE/ STATE WISE GAS TURBINE STATIONS AS ON 31ST MARCH.72 672 0 1 1 0 3 2 0 100 180 1 4 0 1 10 0 48 2477.59 3 0 15 0 1350. 10.5 0 1 11 5 1 37 17 48 5134.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 1493.33 2 7 443.72 2 5 280 5 11 2525. of Station s Total No. of Units No.5 2 13 375 4 23 363.4 431.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 3 34 4 0 5 3098.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 108 0 4 1 18 3 1458.3 1 3 359.59 5 20 1915.4 533.5 17 55 8254. of Units No.35 TOTAL NORTHERN REGION WESTERN REGION GOA GUJARAT MAHARASHTRA TOTAL WESTERN REGION SOUTHERN REGION ANDHRA PRADESH KERALA PUDUCHERRY TAMIL NADU TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION EASTERN REGION JHARKHAND WEST BENGAL TOTAL EASTERN REGION NORTH EASTERN REGION ASSAM TRIPURA TOTAL NORTH EASTERN REGION ALL INDIA TOTAL .06 6 29 1969. of Statio ns No.58 32.1 10 2 1 7 34 7 1 16 3098.58 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 11 0 0 32.7 0 0 0 14 43 3775. of Stations No. Installed of Capacity Units Private IPP's No.5 20 58 4680.78 1 0 3 0 90 0 0 2 0 4 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 90 80 1 3 90 2 4 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 170 1 1 9 4 291 84 2 2 13 10 215 148. of Units Installed Capacity No.59 0 0 0 1 7 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 175 No.5 13 57 6702.10. of Stations 0 1 0 3 0 431.81 3072 5 19 3533.12 2 5 280 20 57 6409 57 207 18265. of Stations Installed Capacity NORTHERN REGION DELHI HARYANA JAMMU AND KASHMIR RAJASTHAN 1 4 419.23 22 88 4874.5 1016. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. 10.8 Annexure - 10.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used Unit Detail Capacity (MW) Make Date of Synchroniz ation GE GE GE 08-03-89 13-03-89 20-03-89 CENTRAL SECTOR DVC 1 MAITHON GT (Liq.) JHARKHAND High Speed Diesel GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 MAITHON GT (Liq.) 30 30 30 90 NEEPCO. 2 AGARTALA GT TRIPURA Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 21 21 21 21 84 BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL 05-02-98 25-02-98 29-03-98 26-06-98 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 GT-5 GT-6 GT-6 GT-7 GT-8 GT-9 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 30 30 30 MITS/MITS MITS/MITS MITS/MITS BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL 18-03-95 22-03-95 30-06-95 30-07-95 02-03-96 15-10-96 15-10-96 01-03-98 28-03-98 05-07-98 ABB ABB ABB ABB 20-01-89 06-03-89 04-05-89 05-03-90 AGARTALA GT 3 KATHALGURI CCPP ASSAM Natural Gas KATHALGURI CCPP 291 NTPC Ltd. 4 ANTA CCPP RAJASTHAN Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 ST-4 88.71 88.71 88.71 153.2 419.33 GT-1 111.19 GT-2 111.19 GT-3 111.19 GT-4 111.19 ST-5 109.3 ST-6 109.3 ANTA CCPP 5 AURAIYA CCPP UTTAR PRADESH Natural Gas Mitsubishi, Japan Mitsubishi, Japan Mitsubishi, Japan Mitsubishi, Japan Mitsubishi, Japan Mitsubishi, Japan 29-03-89 21-07-89 09-08-89 29-09-89 29-12-89 12-06-90 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. 10.9 Annexure - 10.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used UTTAR PRADESH Natural Gas Unit Detail AURAIYA CCPP 6 DADRI CCPP FARIDABAD CCPP GANDHAR CCPP 130.19 130.19 130.19 130.19 154.51 154.51 829.78 SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS BHEL BHEL 21-02-92 26-03-92 06-06-92 14-10-92 26-02-94 27-03-94 HARYANA GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 137.76 137.76 156.07 431.59 SIEMENS SIEMENS BHEL 18-10-99 18-10-99 31-07-00 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 ST-4 144.3 144.3 144.3 224.49 657.39 ABB ABB ABB ABB 17-03-94 31-03-94 20-05-94 30-03-95 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 ST-5 ST-6 106 106 106 106 116.1 116.1 656.2 EGT EGT EGT EGT GEC-Alstom GEC-Alstom 22-03-92 25-05-92 30-06-92 27-08-92 23-02-93 19-03-93 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 115.2 115.2 129.18 BHEL/GE BHEL/GE BHEL/GE 02-11-98 28-02-99 30-10-99 GE GE GE 12-11-98 12-11-98 12-11-98 GE GE GE 30-04-06 14-05-06 07-05-06 Natural Gas GUJARAT Natural Gas GANDHAR CCPP 9 10 KAWAS CCPP KAWAS CCPP R. GANDHI CCPP (Liq.) Date of Synchroniz ation GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 ST-5 ST-6 FARIDABAD CCPP 8 Make 663.36 DADRI CCPP 7 Capacity (MW) GUJARAT KERALA Natural Gas Naptha R. GANDHI CCPP (Liq.) 359.58 RGPPL 11 RATNAGIRI CCPP I MAHARASHT RA Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 RATNAGIRI CCPP I 12 RATNAGIRI CCPP II 740 MAHARASHT RA Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 13 RATNAGIRI CCPP II RATNAGIRI CCPP III 240 240 260 240 240 260 740 MAHARASHT RA Natural Gas Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. 10.10 Annexure - 10.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used Unit Detail Capacity (MW) Make Date of Synchroniz ation GT-1 240 GT-2 GE 240 28-10-07 GE RATNAGIRI CCPP III 740 STATE SECTOR APGPCL 14 LAKWA GT ASSAM Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 GT-5 GT-6 GT-7 ST-8 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 0 120 WH MITS WH GE GE GE GE BHEL 27-04-81 02-08-81 29-07-83 06-10-86 03-01-94 21-07-94 28-05-95 17-01-12 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 ST-6 20 21 21 11 22 95 BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL 01-04-87 01-07-87 01-07-87 01-04-92 27-03-85 GT-1 ST-2 GT-3 GT-4 67.85 38.77 72 40 218.62 BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL 04-06-03 22-09-03 17-03-06 13-08-07 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 ST-4 GT-5 ST-6 33 33 33 45 240 134 518 GE GE GE BHEL ALSTOM ALSTOM 17-12-92 28-12-92 07-05-93 17-07-93 08-08-09 10-10-09 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 52 52 52.1 156.1 ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM 30-09-01 30-09-01 30-09-01 GT-1 351 BHEL/GE 18-02-12 LAKWA GT 15 NAMRUP CCPP ASSAM Natural Gas NAMRUP CCPP GSECL 16 DHUVARAN CCPP GUJARAT Natural Gas DHUVARAN CCPP 17 UTRAN CCPP GUJARAT Natural Gas UTRAN CCPP GSEGL 18 HAZIRA CCPP GUJARAT Natural Gas HAZIRA CCPP 19 HAZIRA CCPP EXT GUJARAT Natural Gas Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. 10.11 Annexure - 10.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used Unit Detail HAZIRA CCPP EXT Capacity (MW) Make Date of Synchroniz ation 351 IPGPCL 20 21 I.P.CCPP PRAGATI CCGT-III DELHI DELHI Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 GT-5 GT-6 ST-7 ST-8 ST-9 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM BHEL BHEL BHEL 28-05-86 24-06-86 31-07-86 10-09-86 15-11-86 14-05-86 29-03-95 31-10-95 26-03-96 GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 250 250 250 BHEL/GE BHEL/GE BHEL/GE 24-10-10 17-02-11 29-02-12 Natural Gas PRAGATI CCGTIII 22 PRAGATI CCPP 750 DELHI Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 104.6 104.6 121.2 330.4 GE GE GE 15-03-02 09-11-02 31-01-03 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 GT-5 GT-6 GT-7 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 GE/BHEL GE/BHEL GE/BHEL GE/BHEL GE/BHEL GE/BHEL GE/BHEL 31-03-89 20-07-89 11-12-89 07-01-94 07-02-94 04-04-94 30-03-95 KWU KWU KWU KWU SIEMENS,G ERMANY SIEMENS,G ERMANY 01-04-86 01-04-86 01-04-86 01-04-86 PRAGATI CCPP JK, PDD 23 PAMPORE GPS (Liq.) JAMMU AND KASHMIR High Speed Diesel PAMPORE GPS (Liq.) 175 MAHAGENCO 24 URAN CCPP MAHARASHT RA Natural Gas GT-5 GT-6 GT-7 GT-8 108 108 108 108 GT-9 120 GT10 120 URAN CCPP 16-03-94 28-10-94 672 P&ED, Pudu. 25 KARAIKAL CCPP PUDUCHERR Y Natural Gas GT-1 32.5 BHEL 02-07-99 Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. 10.12 Annexure - 10.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used Unit Detail KARAIKAL CCPP Capacity (MW) Make Date of Synchroniz ation BHEL BHEL BHEL 29-03-07 16-06-07 27-12-07 32.5 RRVUNL 26 DHOLPUR CCPP RAJASTHAN Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 110 110 110 330 GT-1 3 GT-2 35.5 GT-3 37.5 ST-4 37.8 DHOLPUR CCPP 27 RAMGARH CCPP RAJASTHAN Natural Gas RAMGARH CCPP Import by HAL BHEL Import by HAL BHEL Import by HAL BHEL Import by HAL BHEL 15-11-94 12-01-96 07-08-02 31-03-03 113.8 TNGDCL 28 BASIN BRIDGE GT (Liq.) TAMIL NADU Naptha GT-1 30 GT-2 30 GT-3 GT-4 30 30 BASIN BRIDGE GT (Liq.) 29 KOVIKALPAL CCPP TAMIL NADU 25-02-96 01-04-98 01-04-98 Natural Gas GT-1 KUTTALAM CCPP 12-02-96 120 KOVIKALPAL CCPP 30 SUMITOMO AND ABB SUMITOMO AND ABB BHEL BHEL 107 GE 05-02-01 GE GE 27-11-03 24-03-04 107 TAMIL NADU Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 63 37 100 GT-1 60 ST-2 34 GT-3 59.8 ST-4 32.4 KUTTALAM CCPP RRVUNL 31 VALUTHUR CCPP VALUTHUR CCPP TSECL TAMIL NADU Natural Gas 186.2 ANSALDO ENERGIA ANSALDO ENERGIA BGR ENERGY SYSTEMS BGR ENERGY SYSTEMS 24-12-02 06-05-08 13-03-03 31-08-08 UK John Brown UK 01-04-91 01-04-91 40 PRIVATE UTILITY TATA PCL 36 TROMBAY CCPP MAHARASHT RA Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 TROMBAY CCPP 120 60 SIEMENS. UK 04-10-79 Unit Detail Capacity (MW) GT-4 GT-5 BARAMURA GT 33 ROKHIA GT TRIPURA Natural Gas ROKHIA GT WBPDC 34 HALDIA GT (Liq. GERMANY 29-07-93 09-12-94 180 TOR.5 21 58.) WEST BENGAL High Speed Diesel HALDIA GT (Liq. (AECO) 37 VATWA CCPP GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 VATWA CCPP 33 33 34 100 BHEL BHEL BHEL 29-12-90 26-06-91 18-10-91 70 49. 10.8 GE SIEMENS 18-02-05 15-07-05 IPP ABAN POWR 38 KARUPPUR CCPP TAMIL NADU Natural Gas GT-1 ST-2 KARUPPUR CCPP .) 20 20 John Brown. POW.) 40 WEST BENGAL Naptha GT-1 GT-2 KASBA GT (Liq.13 Annexure .) 35 KASBA GT (Liq. GERMANY SIEMENS.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl.10.8 119.5 BHEL BHEL 27-11-02 03-08-10 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 GT-5 GT-6 GT-7 GT-8 8 8 8 8 8 8 21 21 90 BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL 21-03-90 26-11-90 16-07-95 15-12-95 02-03-97 01-09-97 11-07-02 31-03-06 GT-1 20 John Brown. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used 32 BARAMURA GT TRIPURA Natural Gas Make Date of Synchroniz ation 37.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. ) KERALA Naptha GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 GT-4 COCHIN CCPP (Liq.5 50 HDEC HDEC HDEC HDEC ABB 08-05-01 08-05-01 08-05-01 08-05-01 08-05-01 ESSAR CCPP GAUTAMI 43 GAUTAMI CCPP ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GAUTAMI CCPP GIPCL 44 BARODA CCPP GUJARAT Natural Gas BARODA CCPP GMR ENERG 45 GMR Energy Ltd Kakinada GMR Energy Ltd Kakinada ANDHRA PRADESH 220 . 10.14 Annexure .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas Unit Detail Capacity (MW) Make Date of Synchroniz ation GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 GT-5 33 34 112 60 GE/BHEL GE/BHEL BHEL/BHEL GE/BHEL 02-03-91 01-04-98 01-04-97 01-04-98 GE GE BHEL GE 06-06-99 06-06-99 06-06-99 06-06-99 APGCL 39 VIJESWARAN CCPP VIJESWARAN CCPP 0 BSES(C) 40 COCHIN CCPP (Liq.) 45 45 39 45 174 BSES(P) 41 PEDDAPURAM CCPP ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GT-1 142 ST-2 78 PEDDAPURAM CCPP ANSALDO ENERGIA ANSALDO ENERGIA 26-01-02 12-09-02 220 ESSAR 42 ESSAR CCPP GUJARAT Natural Gas GT-1 515 515 GE 10-08-95 GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 145 145 174 464 ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM 03-05-09 03-05-09 03-05-09 GT-5 ST-6 106 54 160 BHEL BHEL 26-08-97 18-11-97 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 GT-4 ST-5 42.2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl.5 42.10.5 42.5 42. 75 ST-3 36.8 77 140 80 ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM ALSTOM 04-07-96 26-10-96 11-12-96 01-04-98 09-10-05 11-11-05 455. 50 KONDAPALLI CCPP 233 133 GE GE 05-12-09 19-07-10 GE GE GE 22-06-00 22-06-00 22-06-00 366 ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 ST-3 KONDAPALLI CCPP 112 112 126 350 NDPL 51 RITHALA CCPP RITHALA CCPP DELHI Natural Gas GT-1 35.5 108 GE Frame6 GE Frame6 Mitsubhisi HI 09-12-10 04-10-10 04-09-11 .15 Annexure .2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl.8 52.4 ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GT-1 140 GT-2 140 ST-3 165 KONASEEMA CCPP L&T AND LMZE L&T AND LMZE LMZE 01-05-09 01-05-09 30-06-10 445 KONDAPALI 49 KONDAPALLI EXTN CCPP .10. 10. ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GT-1 ST-2 KONDAPALLI EXTN CCPP .75 GT-2 35.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used GUJARAT Natural Gas Unit Detail Capacity (MW) GT-1 135 GT-2 135 GT-3 135 ST-4 250 Make Date of Synchroniz ation GTE CORP 46 PEGUTHAN CCPP PEGUTHAN CCPP SIEMENS GERMANY SIEMENS GERMANY SIEMENS GERMANY SIEMENS GERMANY 01-04-98 01-04-98 14-02-98 13-10-98 655 GVKP&IL 47 JEGURUPADU CCPP ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 ST-4 GT-5 ST-6 JEGURUPADU CCPP 48 KONASEEMA CCPP 52.8 52. U#3 (34MW).2 SECTOR-WISE DETAILS OF GAS TURBINE STATIONS DURING 2011-12 Sl.) GOA Naptha GT-1 48 48 GE/BHEL 14-08-99 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 ST-4 47 47 47 67 208 SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS PARSONS 09-01-97 01-04-98 01-04-98 31-03-98 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 382.5 SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS 04-02-09 07-05-09 08-06-09 GT-1 ST-2 233 137 370 18265. 2.00 MU from Namrup ST (Gas fired steam turbine unit of capacity 24 MW).8 PPNPGCL 53 P.5 Mitsubhisi HI 22-02-01 330. No Sector/ Organisation/ Station Location Type of fuel used 52 VALANTARVY CCPP TAMIL NADU Natural Gas Unit Detail Capacity (MW) GT-1 38 ST-2 14.4 CEC. U#5 (60MW) .16 Annexure .NALLUR CCPP 330.59 MU from GIPCL Import and 0.5 RELIANCE 54 GOA CCPP (Liq.5 1147.) SPGL 55 GODAVARI CCPP ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas GODAVARI CCPP TOR.2MW and Vijeshwaran U#2(33MW).8 VALANTARVY CCPP Make BHELGE/Fr6B Siemens Date of Synchroniz ation 30-09-04 30-11-04 52. U#4 (112MW).5 382.NALLUR CCPP TAMIL NADU Natural Gas GT-1 P. POW.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 10 Page No. The list exclude generation from Lakwa ST U#8 Capacity 37.10. (SUGEN) 56 SUGEN CCPP GUJARAT Natural Gas SUGEN CCPP VEMAGIRI 57 VEMAGIRI CCPP VEMAGIRI CCPP TOTAL ALL INDIA ANDHRA PRADESH Natural Gas Note: 1.5 382.USA ALSTOM 13-01-06 08-06-06 GOA CCPP (Liq. The total all India generation excludes generation of 241. 10. 49 8. air conditioning etc.98 2008-09 8. POWER CONSUMPTION AS % OF GROSS GENERATION 11.77 8. Utilities were below the national average of 8. The auxiliary power consumption by thermal power stations as percentage of gross generation from 2007-08 onwards is shown below: ALL INDIA AUX.53 2009-10 8.44 SECTOR-WISE AUXILARY POWER CONSUMPTION During 2011-12. it was above the national average for State Sector utilities (9.53 7.23 7.49% during 2010-11. The Sector-wise auxiliary power consumption as percentage of gross generation from 2007-08 onwards is shown below:- .33 8.75 8.1 SECTION -11 AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION IN THERMAL POWER STATIONS Auxiliary power consumption by the thermal stations comprises the power consumption by all the unit auxiliaries as well as the common station requirement such as station lighting. The All India average auxiliary power consumption by the thermal stations during 2011-12 reduced to 8. IPPs (10.79 8. Sector-wise auxiliary power consumption have gone upwards in Private IPPs sectors.84 8.2 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION 2007-08 8. 11.17 8.1 REGION-WISE AUXILARY POWER CONSUMPTION The region-wise auxiliary power consumption as percentage of gross generation from 2007-08 onwards is shown below:REGION NORTHERN WESTERN SOUTHERN EASTERN ALL-INDIA 11.75%) and of Pvt.84 2010-11 8.34 8.16%).57 7.62%) and Pvt.78 2011-12 8.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 11 Page No.5%.95 8.52 8.60 8.00 8. While the auxiliary consumption of central sector utilities (6.19 7.06 8.44% with 8.17 8.16 8.72 8. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 11 Page No.53 - 2009-10 7. CENTRAL 5.30 9.44 % as per details given below: Sl.00 32 METTUR TPS 840 TNGDCL STATE 8. STATION CAPACITY (MW) UTILITY SECTOR % AUX.15 9.MOH.97 11 BELLARY TPS 500 KPCL STATE 6. CENTRAL 5.61 26 UNCHAHAR TPS 1050 NTPC Ltd.75 9.51 2011-12 6.78 28 Dr.24 3 SIMHADRI 1500 NTPC Ltd.98 30 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) 600 JSWEL IPP 31 NEYVELI TPS(Z) 250 ST-CMSECP IPP 8.12 2 SIPAT STPS 1660 NTPC Ltd.77 10 RIHAND STPS 2000 NTPC Ltd. 11.17 6. N.57 25 NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS 420 NLC CENTRAL 7. CENTRAL 6.44 ALL-INDIA Note: Pvt.94 - 2008-09 7. CENTRAL 5.58 9.44 2010-11 7.68 8 RAMAGUNDEM STPS 2600 NTPC Ltd.74 9 KORBA STPS 2600 NTPC Ltd.42 5 TROMBAY TPS 1400 TATA PCL PVT 5.12 9.82 19 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) 260 JSWEL IPP 7.2 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION REGION Central Sector State Sector Private Utilities Private IPPs 2007-08 7.95 7.62 7.62 10. CENTRAL 7. No.49 8.33 21 KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) 1000 APGENCO STATE 7.66 17 INDIRA GANDHI STPP 500 APCPL CENTRAL 6.27 13 FARAKKA STPS 1600 NTPC Ltd.64 27 GH TPS (LEH.00 33 ROSA TPP Ph-I 900 RPSCL IPP 8.29 14 SINGRAULI STPS 2000 NTPC Ltd.3 STATIONWISE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION Following 43 Stations aggregating to capacity 41860 MW were having auxiliary power consumption below National Average of 8. CENTRAL 5.17 8. CENTRAL 5.56 24 NEYVELI TPS-II 1470 NLC CENTRAL 7.68 7.25 37 ANPARA TPS 1630 UPRVUNL STATE 8.87 29 TUTICORIN TPS 1050 TNGDCL STATE 7.34 8.39 22 UDUPI TPP 600 UPCL IPP 7. IPPs were reviewed from 2009-10 onwards.13 20 KAHALGAON TPS 2340 NTPC Ltd.06 4 TALCHER STPS 3000 NTPC Ltd.55 7 DADRI (NCTPP) 1820 NTPC Ltd.51 15 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 890 DVC CENTRAL 6. 11.TATA RAO TPS 1760 APGENCO STATE 7.16 8.09 9. CENTRAL 8. CENTRAL 3.47 6 VINDHYACHAL STPS 3260 NTPC Ltd.40 7. CENTRAL 5.54 23 KAKATIYA TPS 500 APGENCO STATE 7.61 16 PARAS TPS null MAHAGENCO STATE 6.23 35 BAKRESWAR TPS 1050 WBPDC STATE 8.31 .24 36 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 750 CESC PVT 8.79 18 DSPM TPS 500 CSPGCL STATE 6. CENTRAL 6.) 920 PSPCL STATE 7.22 34 BADARPUR TPS 705 NTPC Ltd. CONSUMPTION 1 RAJIV GANDHI TPS 1200 HPGCL STATE 3.33 8.43 7.14 12 MAITHON RB TPP 525 MPL IPP 6. CENTRAL 5. CENTRAL 7.14 9. KORBA-II. 3 Pvt Utilities Stations (2 of CESC and 1 of Tata PCL) and 6 IPPs (2 of JSW Energy Ltd. Lowest auxiliary power consumption ( 3. RAYALASEEMA TPS. GIRAL TPS NEW COSSIPORE TPS.39 43 ROPAR TPS 1260 PSPCL STATE 8. CHHABRA TPP.HPGCL. PANKI TPS. CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASHTRA) STPS. ENNORE TPS. and one each of MPL. KUTCH LIG. RAICHUR TPS.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Sl. GANDHI NAGAR TPS More than 12% but < or =15% 8 More than 11% but < or =12% 12 More than 10% but < or =11% 11 More than 9% but < or =10% 17 More than National Average but < or =9% 7 Details of Station wise auxiliary power consumption from 2007-08 onwards are given at the Annex. PATHADI TPP.KPCL. TPS.45%) followed by 25-99 MW (12.32 39 NORTH CHENNAI TPS 630 TNGDCL STATE 8.34 41 KOTHAGUDEM TPS 720 APGENCO STATE 8. NEYVELI TPSI.43 18 Central Sector Stations (13 from NTPC and 3 from NLC one each of DVC and APCPL). BHILAI TPS. BANDEL TPS. CONSUMPTION 38 BARSINGSAR LIGNITE 250 NLC CENTRAL 8. JOJOBERA TPS WANAKBORI TPS. TALCHER (OLD) TPS. RAJGHAT TPS. PATRATU TPS. SURAT LIG. GND TPS(BHATINDA).1. KOLAGHAT TPS. SAGARDIGHI TPS. BOKARO `B` TPS. MUNDRA TPS.MAHAGENCO.44% were as under: Auxiliary Consumption (%) More than 15% No of Stations Station Names 10 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP.WBPDC and UPRVUNL). SIKKA REP. BARAUNI TPS. SANJAY GANDHI TPS. IB VALLEY TPS. DURGAPUR TPS. SATPURA TPS SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS). SANTALDIH TPS. KORBA-III. HARDUAGANJ TPS.3 UTILITY SECTOR % AUX.36 42 RAMAGUNDEM . PARLI TPS. Capacity group wise auxiliary power consumption from 2008-09 onwards is given below: . it was maximum. • • STATION CAPACITY (MW) Section 11 Page No. AKRIMOTA LIG TPS. PANIPAT TPS. PARICHHA TPS. 11. KOTA TPS. KORADI TPS PARAS TPS. DAHANU TPS. KORBA-WEST TPS. JALIPA KAPURDI TPP. MUZAFFARPUR TPS BHUSAWAL TPS. SURATGARH TPS. AMARKANTAK EXT TPS. NASIK TPS. SABARMATI (C STATION).B TPS 62 APGENCO STATE 8. 11.12%) was achieved by the Rajeev Gandhi Station (STATE SECTOR)of HPGCL followed by Sipat STPS of NTPC (3.4 CAPACITY GROUPWISE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION 490-600 MW capacity group units registered minimum auxiliary power consumption (6. OBRA TPS. TANDA TPS. 3 of TNGDCL and 2 of PSPCL and one each of CSPGCL. YAMUNA NAGAR TPS.21%) capacity group units. WARDHA WARORA TPP. Details of thermal power stations having auxiliary consumption above National Average of 8. UKAI TPS. OP JINDAL TPS.RPSCL. TENUGHAT TPS. No. SOUTHERN REPL. KATGHORA TPP. TPS. STERLITE TPP. KHAPARKHEDA TPS. TPS. MEJIA TPS. For units of capacity below 100 MW.UPCL and ST-CMSECP) achieved better auxiliary consumption as compared with the national average. 11.34 40 TITAGARH TPS 240 CESC PVT 8. TPS. 16 State Sector Stations ( 5 of APGENCO.24%). 34 RUSSIA/RUSSIA 8.45 300-330 10.06 8.50 8.78 9.29 10.50 6.29%).91 195-200 7.08 660-800 - - - 490-600 6.86 10.78 8.15 8.30 100-150 10.54 10.49 8.98 12.88 10.82 8. Make wise auxiliary power consumption from 2007-08 onwards are as under.10 210-210 8.13 9.44 MAKE .32 ABL / BHEL 9.4 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 8.88 9.44 8.17 8.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 CAPACITY GROUP (in MW) 11.14 8.00 11.5 Section 11 Page No.69 10.14 8.41 9.15 8.97 NA 10.00 8.41 9.84 8.90 10.33 8.42 7.25 9.WISE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION Auxiliary power consumption of BHEL/BHEL make units was minimum (8.79 9.12 8.45 250-250 9.37 6.21 ALL INDIA 8.78 11.80 10.21 8.06 8.78 8.41 25-99 10. 11. % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION MAKE 2007-08 2008-09 BHEL/BHEL 8.72 7.82 10.73 9.34 8.77 CHINA/CHINA OTHER MAKES 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 8.18 6.48 . U.86 6.11 14.06 10.76 6.22 6.45 8.28 5.86 5.80 10.89 CENTRAL TOTAL 7.1 Sheet _ of 5 STATIONWISE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION IN THERMAL POWER STATIONS FROM 2007-08 TO 2011-12 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION STATION'S NAME 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11$ 2011-12 BADARPUR TPS 9.50 7.49 6.73 6.57 6.08 7.56 11.18 8.72 8.23 6.75 6.65 NLC TOTAL 9.89 NSPCL TOTAL - - 7.04 7.79 9.14 6.64 8.32 0.23 DVC TOTAL 10.37 9.0 0.57 II.0 0.15 7.0 0.48 9.30 10.03 NTPC Ltd.12 9.9 TALCHER STPS 5.75 INDIRA GANDHI STPP 500 0.55 RAMAGUNDEM STPS 6.23 9.61 10.56 5.81 9.34 9.66 7.44 5.B.23 SINGRAULI STPS 6.77 SIPAT STPS NA 5.19 5.77 6.24 VINDHYACHAL STPS 6.71 11.67 6.84 10.91 10.06 KAHALGAON TPS 8.11.42 11.92 5.07 5.31 13.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 11 Page No.32 K.61 12.16 10.74 14.77 6.76 12.76 11.26 10.74 SIMHADRI 5.23 7.32 13.0 0.32 BARSINGSAR LIGNITE NEYVELI TPS.45 8.97 7.61 10.62 10.5 Annexure.96 8.89 CHANDRAPURA(DVC) TPS 6.04 5.76 5.62 8. STATE SECTOR KOTHAGUDEM TPS KOTHAGUDEM TPS (NEW) 7.33 TALCHER (OLD) TPS 9.02 11.15 5.22 10.60 10.79 APCPL TOTAL 500 0.44 8.0 0.49 7.36 NA 10.34 7.67 9.62 6.48 11.39 .12 7.44 8.97 8.30 8.67 8.31 5.44 9.N.76 11.35 10.0 8.0 0. CENTRAL SECTOR TANDA TPS 10.38 DURGAPUR TPS 10.84 5.64 DADRI (NCTPP) 7.60 9.43 21.97 UNCHAHAR TPS 8.32 8.81 7.65 KORBA STPS 6.34 5.96 7.34 7. TOTAL 6.I 11.99 10.57 NEYVELI ( EXT) TPS 8.86 6.0 6.78 BOKARO `B` TPS 10.28 5.68 I.34 5.86 10.33 3.37 7.0 0.05 8.75 5.94 10.85 8.71 NEYVELI TPS-II 8.54 5.18 13.L TOTAL - 15.98 7.85 BHILAI TPS - - 7.57 6.61 MUZAFFARPUR TPS - 15.09 8.68 5.97 7.09 7.32 13.0 6.51 RIHAND STPS 6. 11.18 7.42 6.04 10.27 8.61 5.51 5.57 7.42 FARAKKA STPS 6.32 9.29 6.92 9.65 MEJIA TPS 10.40 9. 19 D.95 15.20 7.0 0.80 8.10 0.79 11.34 13.39 SATPURA TPS 8.22 10.73 8.66 9.49 KORBA-II 10.43 10.65 8.92 17.0 0.83 8.03 9.44 11.75 12.70 11.62 9.68 12.08 10.64 9.07 15.33 13.70 11.73 8.59 10.62 7.46 5.B TPS 9.89 13.74 NASIK TPS 8.64 11. 11.36 11.71 8.12 10.56 8.89 10.58 12.03 12.92 17.33 12.03 8.97 12.12 9.93 RAICHUR TPS 8.0 BARAUNI TPS 9.00 0.72 7.49 7.07 15.87 RAMAGUNDEM .79 KORBA-III 8.76 10.11 BHUSAWAL TPS 10.89 9.64 DSPM TPS 8.91 HPGCL TOTAL 10.03 12.06 RAJGHAT TPS 13.43 GMDCL TOTAL 15.65 .37 11.70 6.29 KAKATIYA TPS RAYALASEEMA TPS APGENCO TOTAL CHANDRAPUR(ASSAM) TPS* APGPCL TOTAL 9.07 11.00 0.93 JSEB TOTAL 11.27 KUTCH LIG.47 8.31 11.00 0.89 0.62 12.0 AKRIMOTA LIG TPS 15.40 7.95 15.56 19.81 10.95 8.09 8.58 12.43 9.10 0.55 6.60 9.0 0.33 12.20 9.56 9.69 KORADI TPS 10.54 8.23 9.96 12.88 10.45 10.42 8.01 9.22 8.71 10.20 16.29 14.80 10.06 8.0 3.88 9.54 9.80 8.99 WANAKBORI TPS 8.05 8.88 14.43 UKAI TPS 8.23 GSECL TOTAL 9.29 11.66 13.28 7.P.L.55 9.82 KORBA-WEST TPS 9.04 9.56 - 8. TPS* 10.49 14.75 8.12 11.87 CHANDRAPUR(MAHARASHTRA) STPS 9.09 13.58 IPGPCL TOTAL 13.10 14.77 14.72 9.65 CSPGCL TOTAL 9.00 0.73 10.69 10.73 7.87 10.23 10.71 9.80 9.78 11.00 9.49 SIKKA REP.08 BELLARY TPS - 7.97 14. TPS 11.93 10.20 16.55 10.46 0.34 9.66 13.38 11.58 7.37 10.03 MAHAGENCO TOTAL 8.41 7.00 0.56 19.0 DPL TOTAL 10.10 10.73 9.96 GANDHI NAGAR TPS 9.69 PARAS TPS 8.19 9.90 9.TATA RAO TPS 8. TPS 10.93 8.29 14.94 11.96 KHAPARKHEDA TPS 8.07 PARLI TPS 10.72 9.13 8.53 16.69 8.00 0.32 5.75 12.49 9.72 10.77 8.49 BSEB TOTAL 8.39 - - - 6. N.40 11.14 KPCL TOTAL 8.00 9.94 9.60 11.81 9.70 9.77 14.0 0.6 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION STATION'S NAME 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11$ 2011-12 Dr.74 7.53 16.75 12.75 12.02 11.29 9.20 10.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 11 Page No.74 12.68 9.19 PANIPAT TPS YAMUNA NAGAR TPS RAJIV GANDHI TPS 9.67 11.64 9.40 8.35 8.10 14.74 9.63 8.00 1.60 8.55 0.54 9.64 9.74 PATRATU TPS 11. 24 9.64 19.37 25.48 9.45 10.88 8.79 4.37 9.12 10.61 9.68 9.34 SOUTHERN REPL.96 BANDEL TPS 8.57 14.47 .09 7.45 9.01 8.06 14.34 MPPGCL TOTAL 9.17 9.51 11.07 10.27 13.50 10.55 10.76 8.34 PARICHHA TPS 9.30 4.42 9.06 10.44 KOTA TPS 9. 11.63 12.42 OPGC TOTAL 9.68 11.50 DAHANU TPS 8.67 8.39 8.71 RRVUNL TOTAL 9.81 13.31 9.32 8.29 10.14 8.45 12.18 10.39 4.92 9.64 8.96 12.78 ROPAR TPS 8.22 TUTICORIN TPS 7.62 8.12 6.39 4.MOH.67 8.59 SURATGARH TPS 9.01 8.96 5.94 11.75 10.96 5.30 18.48 10.62 15.64 9.87 8.34 9.5 CHHABRA TPP - - - 11.63 9.7 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION STATION'S NAME AMARKANTAK EXT TPS SANJAY GANDHI TPS 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11$ 2011-12 11.30 4.89 11.66 8.43 9.51 11.42 GND TPS(BHATINDA) 10.79 4.1 GH TPS (LEH.07 9.07 7.52 10.34 TNGDCL TOTAL 8.60 12.30 9.41 8.27 8.80 8.16 9.48 8.60 8.33 10.83 9.64 ANPARA TPS 8.24 9.79 15.60 19.34 8.62 8.27 12.96 11.87 8.17 9.0 NORTH CHENNAI TPS 8.48 8.31 UPRVUNL TOTAL 9.35 8.11 8.35 10.05 14.06 10.25 8.29 8.80 8.39 7.73 9.11 8.54 12.59 14.47 10.94 9.31 11.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 11 Page No. PVT UTILITY CESC TOTAL NA 8.33 10.32 15.53 8.94 10.44 10.67 8.24 SAGARDIGHI TPS - 12.48 III.79 11.36 10.96 10.00 9.42 12.61 9.57 11.47 TATA PCL TOTAL 4.12 8.98 7.45 8.21 10.07 9.85 8.94 8.65 8.12 OBRA TPS 10.68 10.68 12.59 9.19 12.60 8.21 8.89 8.60 8.62 NEW COSSIPORE TPS 9.97 10.47 10.95 METTUR TPS 8.33 10.69 WBPDC TOTAL 9.07 10.12 TVNL TOTAL 10.70 10.09 16.79 GIRAL TPS 8.14 9.03 TITAGARH TPS 8.74 10.43 PSPCL TOTAL 8.64 TROMBAY TPS 4.69 8.36 10.99 8.18 10.34 9.56 21.09 8.21 BAKRESWAR TPS 7.) 8.22 BUDGE BUDGE TPS 8.9 SANTALDIH TPS KOLAGHAT TPS 9.55 11.36 8.01 17.42 12.89 STATE TOTAL 9.21 10. TPS 8.14 IB VALLEY TPS 9.52 8.13 11.83 9.78 9.79 8.90 8.25 7.03 7.43 7.83 9.44 ENNORE TPS 11.42 9.04 PANKI TPS 13.64 RIL (DAHANU) TOTAL 8.01 8.25 10.99 7.40 9.29 7.94 10.34 HARDUAGANJ TPS 15.35 10.38 TENUGHAT TPS 10. (AECO) TOTAL PVT TOTAL 9.0 0.23 9.0 0.13 - - 11.0 UDUPI TPP 0.44 9.98 13.16 10.0 0.46 IV.0 0.35 9.00 TATA PCL TOTAL - - 11.0 0.04 IPP TOTAL - - 9.0 0.00 NEYVELI TPS(Z) ST-CMSECP TOTAL - - 7.27 MPL TOTAL 0.77 9.39 7.26 9.0 0.16 PRIVATE TOTAL 6.17 8.39 MAITHON RB TPP 0.0 9. - 7. PRIVATE IPPS MUNDRA TPS APL TOTAL - - 9.53 8.45 10.0 0.09 7.41 20.0 6.0 0.72 7.0 0.30 7.62 - - 9.0 0.0 6.83 8. ALL INDIA 8.52 11.0 0.29 RWPL (JSW) TOTAL - - 16. TPS GIPCL TOTAL - - 11.0 0.47 14.53 8.04 8.16 10.0 0.99 8.03 9.13 IPPs and Bhilai TPS were considered in the review from 2009-10 onwards.40 IV.52 11.26 9.0 0.Aux power consumption of new units considered from the date of stabilization.3 NA 11.58 7.45 10.55 9.88 KHAMBARKHERA TPS 0.0 0.0 0. * There was NIL generation by this station during that particular yes.71 13.72 7.72 SEL TOTAL 0.0 9.72 8.0 8. .27 - - NA 9.54 KATGHORA TPP 0.22 JALIPA KAPURDI TPP - - 16.94 7.73 SURAT LIG.0 0.80 TOR.49 8.20 10.0 0.71 8.0 0.0 0.44 $.12 JPL TOTAL - - 8.75 9.72 - - 7.40 15.47 14.40 9.0 0.71 WPCL TOTAL - - - 9.0 6.23 9.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 11 Page No.53 7.0 7.72 9.0 7.83 16.51 10.0 0. POW.71 8.63 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-II) JSWEL TOTAL - - PATHADI TPP - - LANCO TOTAL - - 7.03 9.0 0.28 8.29 STERLITE TPP 0.04 WARDHA WARORA TPP - - - 9.41 20.00 JOJOBERA TPS - - 11.2 6.16 10.88 9.0 0.54 UPCL TOTAL 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 8.34 8.83 OP JINDAL TPS - - 8.99 8.55 11.98 VESPL TOTAL 0. 11.0 0.16 10.06 TORANGALLU TPS(SBU-I) - - 6.8 % AGE AUXILIARY POWER CONSUMPTION STATION'S NAME 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11$ 2011-12 SABARMATI (C STATION) 9.94 7.33 8.0 0.20 NA 11.12 SABARMATI (D-F STATIONS) 8.05 9.73 16.83 6.53 8.98 7.22 ROSA TPP Ph-I RPSCL TOTAL - - NA 9.13 BEPL TOTAL 0.09 9.12 JSW RATNAGIRI TPP - - NA 8.0 0. Northern. and North-Eastern (NEW) Southern (SR) % of time the frequency was Below Between Above 49.77 The month-wise details of operating frequency profile for the different regions/ power systems during 2011-12 are shown in Annex-12.2 Hz.2 Hz (IEGC Band) and above 50. Frequency Min.83 1. 12.SECTION-12 STATION OPERATION UNDER DISTURBED GRID/ FREQUENCY CONDITIONS 12. as compared to that during 2010-11.1 In a process towards formation of National Grid.1.3The details of grid frequency during year 2011-12 and 2010-11 in given at Annexure. Western. Northern.51 0 Below 49.87 1. Frequency (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) Monthly Average (Hz) Inst.73 50.71 100 92. between 49. This was mainly due to regulatory measures like action against .5-50.2 Hz Eastern.5 to 50.46 5.71 2. (Hz) Monthly Average (Hz) Inst.87 48.46 89.2 The percentage of time during which the two power systems of the country operated below 49.51 50.99 48.5 .2006. FREQUECY PROFILE DURING FINANCIAL YEAR 2011-12 89.95 48. Western. In the chart given below.5 Hz Betw een 49.1.62 2.2 Hz.64 50. it is clearly seen that the frequency remained more percentage of time within the permissible limit of 49.5-50. (Hz) 7.57 5.87 80 60 40 20 7. The Southern Region is also in process of integration to NEW Grid.83 50. the Northern.2 Max.5 49. Eastern and North Eastern systems (NEW) are already running in synchronous mode of operation since 26th August. and the maximum & minimum frequencies in the two grids during the year 2011-12 are as follows: Region Eastern.62 92.12.91 48.2 Hz Southern 12. From the figures it is evident that there was marked improvement in grid frequency during the year 2011-12 as compared to previous year.5 Hz.50. Western.2 50. and North-Eastern Above 50. .84 89.e.2010. 12.87 85.e. 49. without total loss of supply at a sub-station or loss of integrity of the grid at 220 KV in the case of North-Eastern Region. shunt reactors. without total loss of supply at a sub-station or loss of integrity of the grid at 400 kV and above (220 kV and above in the case of North-Eastern Region). Category GI-2- Tripping of one or more power system elements of the grid like a generator. which requires re-scheduling of generation or load. shunt reactor.66 7. series capacitor and static VAR compensator. transmission line. effective from 26. 49.68 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% NEW (2011-12) NEW (2010-11) SR (2011-12) SR (2010-11) Percentage of time frequency remained above ubove upper limit i. which requires re-scheduling of generation or load.4 The Grid Incident/Disturbance of any kind (Major/Minor) affects the reliable operation of grid and consequently affects generation and availability of power to consumers.overdrawing utilities by CERC.51 5. transformer. transformer.77 5.5 Hz.2 Hz.46 11. have categorized the Grid Incidents and Grid Disturbance as follows : (A) Categorization of Grid Incidents in increasing order of severity:- Category GI-1- Tripping of one or more power system elements of the grid like a generator. Frequency Profile During 2011-12 and 2010-11 100% % of time frequency remained in specified limit 2.5 1. strengthening of transmission system and development of market facilitating arrangement of power by States through traders and Power Exchanges instead of over dependence on Unscheduled Interchange. (B) Categorization of Grid Disturbance in increasing order of severity :Category GD-1- When less than ten per cent of the antecedent generation or load in a regional grid is lost.5-50.e.06. Percentage of time frequency remained below Lower Limit i.71 82. 50.55 92.83 5. Percentage of time frequency remained within permissible limit i. increase in generation capacity. The clause 11 of Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) Regulation 2010. better grid monitoring by load dispatch centers and State utilities.2 Hz. transmission line.62 8. series capacitor and static VAR Compensator. 5-- When forty percent or more of the antecedent generation or load in a regional grid is lost.Category GD-2- when ten per cent to less than twenty percent of the antecedent generation or load in a regional grid is lost.No Date Time Details of Category Cause (s) GD-5 As reported by ERLDC. 12.06. Explanation : For the purpose of categorization of grid disturbances. During 2011-12 there were total numbers of 136 grid disturbances of different category.2011. the details of which is given below.2011 Occurrence Generation Loss time 1276 MW (3.512 tripped at 1714 hrs causing time MU) failure of NER grid along with (17. which ever is higher shall be considered.5 There were no major grid disturbances during 2011-12 in the country except a grid disturbance of category GD-5 in North-Eastern Region on 20. There were no Grid Disturbance in the country of category GD3 and GD-4 during 2011-12. Details of grid Disturbance in the Country of Category GD-3 and above during 2011-12 S. 1 number of category GD-2 and 1 number of category GD-5.14 (19:29 hrs) Load 400 KV lines part of North Bangal of ER . percentage Loss of generation or load. Out of this 134 numbers grid disturbances were of category GD-1. Category GD-4- When thirty percent to less than forty percent of the antecedent generation or load in regional grid is lost. 22.06. all the Generation Loss/Load loss 1. Category GD.282 available hrs) MU) Loss between Binaguri & Purnea Restoration 1162 MW (6. Category GD-3- When twenty percent to less than thirty percent of the antecedent generation or load in a regional grid is lost. 80 50.51 50.79 48.97 48.23 88.23 5.54 48.67 48.54 0.5 Hz April May June July August September October November December January February March Average Southern Region April May June July August September October November December January February March Average Below 49.62 7.70 4.57 48.37 12.91 50.75 0.74 89.99 48.83 2.64 50.34 0.72 48.55 50.42 50.89 2.88 48.66 5.84 48.58 2.56 48.84 .10 79.67 49.46 1.89 48.69 48.81 5.41 0.38 50.87 96.75 4.81 1.24 1.82 48.59 50.80 1.81 8.62 48.72 78.99 5.08 2.11 76.92 0.29 50.03 5.76 23.57 9.55 50.76 48.95 49.71 2.93 48. Freq Min.09 0.37 50.24 3.37 50.96 2.34 3.99 1.89 12.60 0.58 48.71 2.68 48.2 Hz 50.89 6.87 11.46 89.87 1.41 94.48 50.66 49.50 82. Freq Min.97 48.62 50.56 3.98 91.12 50.05 95.93 0.28 96.01 3.75 88.2 Hz Max.51 50.77 87.12 16.29 1.22 50.76 4.72 50.07 91.21 92.84 19.24 0.91 91.60 48.61 48.62 92.92 50.81 50.29 94.14 5.83 85.79 48.20 89.40 0.71 49.35 50.40 90.68 0.17 92.48 87.79 50.90 0.68 85.64 49.40 49.91 87.04 50.94 5.67 0.00 18.43 95.76 50.56 15.88 91.43 50.74 3.71 50.39 49.50 4.80 50.98 91.5 Hz Between Above 49.70 48.24 50.09 10.83 50.69 48.11 19.42 48.38 50.73 91.85 50.78 7.32 89. Freq 6.02 88.82 2.81 80. Freq 50.93 91.61 90.73 48.83 4.80 0.81 4.74 7.00 7.87 19.97 1.84 50.50 50.72 50.73 1.92 50.91 41.28 50.82 4.57 0.36 50.14 7.94 9.87 50.49 49.47 1.2 Max.86 48.51 48.73 6.60 49.81 4.2 Hz Hz Northern / Western / Eastern and North.93 0.64 4.81 0.55 93.22 80.56 50.83 8.11 4.65 48.33 5.05 50.83 50.18 50.52 90.71 95.98 50.49 4.17 2.22 5.96 3.63 48.56 50.84 8.05 4.48 50.99 49.66 48.57 5.06 5.17 50.84 48.61 48.62 50.64 83.78 89.37 50.77 5.56 1.65 50.59 88.49 88.15 95.74 48.77 48.43 5.70 3.Annexure-12.87 50.64 90.32 1.89 95.87 48.87 1.65 49.52 48.64 48.46 94.5-50.95 93.38 97.24 5.80 48.22 2.81 57.81 93.73 50.Eastern Regions Below 49.91 8.35 2.77 5.75 0.1 FREQUENCY PROFILE (MONTHLY) DURING 2011-12 vis-à-vis 2010-11 Year 2011-12 Year 2010-2011 Month Between Above 49.00 83.82 5.15 50.79 48.88 2.5-50.73 48. and finally the mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. Heat rate improvement is a continuing process. .Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 13 Page No. The responsibility of heat rate improvement cannot be assigned to one individual or organization but requires the active involvement of all the plant staff. 13. If a power plant converted 100% of the chemical energy in the fuel into electricity. All the stations analyzed are using coal as primary fuel and oil as secondary fuel for flame stabilization/starting purposes except Akrimota. then the thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy.1 Page 1 of 6 SECTION-13 STATION HEAT RATE OF COAL/LIGNITE BASED THERMAL POWER STATIONS 13. Chemical energy is usually measured in kilocalories (kcal) (or sometimes kilojoules. kJ) and electrical energy is usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The analysis of station heat rate so carried out has been highlighted in the Annexure 13. scheduling maintenance. and at par with. It should be the endeavor of any station to operate the unit as near to their Design Heat Rate. Surat Lignite and Kutch Lignite which are lignite based Thermal Power Stations. the required input divided by the actual output. First. which have been compiled. Station heat rate improvement also helps in reducing pollution from Thermal Power Stations. The analysis has been carried out on the Station basis.. The analysis of station heat rate parameters has been carried out for different categories such as: range of SHR deviation of (0-5%). This conversion is accomplished in four major steps. Heat rate improvement must have the full support of the plant management. Data related to Station Heat Rate (SHR) parameters have been received from 74 Thermal Power Stations during 2011-12. The Station Heat Rate (SHR) is an important index for assessing the efficiency of a thermal power station. some of the thermal energy is lost out of the stack and rejected to the cooling water. safety. some energy is lost to the environment. then the kinetic energy is converted in mechanical energy. and lastly some of the electricity that is produced is used by these subprocesses. is the reciprocal of the efficiency. Some of the fuel is not burnt completely. (>5-10%).1. In each of these subprocesses. CEA had devised a proforma to monitor various parameters of efficiency of Thermal Power Stations in the country. It must become part of the normal work activities and it must be considered along with. environmental concern. some of the kinetic and mechanical energy produces heat instead of electricity. (>10-20%) and more than 20%. etc. the chemical energy in the fuel is converted into thermal energy. reliability. Alternatively. analyzed and compared with their design SHR. the plant would have a heat rate of 860 kcal/kWh. when operating the unit. The heat rate of a power plant is the amount of chemical energy that must be supplied to produce one unit of electrical energy.1 The heat rate of a conventional fossil-fuel based power plant is a measure of how efficiently it converts the chemical energy contained in the fuel into electrical energy. the unit of heat rate is normally kcal/kWh (or kJ/kWh). The stations having SHR value under 10% variation category are considered as good performing stations and stations having greater than 10% variation are considered as poorly operating ones. and all other routine activities. Neyveli. 13. Boiler Efficiency and basic history of Thermal Power Station has been collected from Station authorities and Unit Heat Rate (UHR) is evaluated with respect to unit capacities at 100% PLF. etc.2 METHODS: There are two methods for heat rate evaluation of thermal power stations based on the determination of efficiency of the Boiler i. Indirect Method and Direct Method. weighted GCV of coal and weighted GCV of oil are computed on an yearly basis for calculating annual SHR.C. d) Weighted average of Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of coal and oil has been computed yearly for calculating heat rate for the year. Thereafter.3 SALIENT FEATURES OF THE GROSS STATION HEAT RATE DATA ANALYSIS: The Operating Heat Rate of Thermal Power Stations during 2011-12. coal average G.V. 13. Weighted Sp.2 DIRECT METHOD: Direct Method of Heat Rate Assessment is suitable for long duration in which averaging gives almost actual Heat Rate because coal consumption measurement is fairly accurate if taken over a month/Year. Operating Station Heat Rate for each month is calculated. 13. calorific values of fuels. This method is generally adopted during the Energy Audit Studies.2. their deviation from the design values and their improvement / deterioration over the preceding year 2010-11 is given in the Annexure 13.e.2.1 INDIRECT METHOD: Indirect method of Heat Rate Measurement is an instantaneous method which is used for short duration and not possible throughout the year.2 Page 2 of 6 The following assumptions have been made for the analysis of Station Heat Rate: a) Analysis of only those power stations has been carried out where data of at least 9 months operation was available. It is a very complex method and basically a loss based method of measurement of Heat Rate. weighted Sp. The methodology adopted by CEA for assessment of station heat rate is based on Direct Method and the same is given in brief as follows: Step 1: All design data such as Turbine Heat Rate. Therefore. 13. Coal Consumption. Specific Oil Consumption and Oil GCV have been collected from Thermal Power Station authorities on a monthly basis. this method is employed at almost all stations as per the standard practice. has been taken from TPS authorities Generating Companies/ Utilities on monthly basis. fuel consumption.1.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 13 Page No. b) Design Station Heat Rate has been evaluated based on design data of turbine heat rate and boiler efficiency as submitted by TPSs and compared with their Operating Station Heat Rate. total coal consumption. c) The data related to various parameters of station heat rate such as generation. Step3 Operating SHR thus calculated is then compared with respect to design Station Heat Rate and percentage deviation is found to give an idea of performance of the station as a whole as per Step 2. Step 2 Operating parameters such as gross generation. Oil Consumption. The main highlights of the outcomes for the year 2011-12 and a comparative analysis with respect to the preceding year are given below: . 13. of Stations in the range of SHR deviation (0-5%) No.38 (wrt 2009-10) (+) 0. of Stations considered for 2010-11 and 201-12 are different The above table indicates that the estimated weighted average operating SHR on All India basis are 2579. 2.2 kcal/kWh for the year 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively.4 2349. 2.89%.88 20. 13.2 11. Rayalseema and IB Valley have been assessed as the best stations for the year 2011-12 with SHR deviations of 1. of Stations considered for 2010-11 and 2011-12 are different (c) The number of power stations. (e) In all about 14 stations out of analyzed 74 stations during 2011-12 are operating at very poor SHR with variation of more than 20%.55% and 3. These stations need closer monitoring.56 12.5 2390. 3. All station authorities have been advised to have an Energy Efficiency Monitoring Cell for improving the efficiency of the Power Station through regular vigilance on energy/heat lost from various equipment / processes.20%. >10-20% & more than 20% are given in the following table for the year 2011-12 S.0 2383.49 % improvement (-) / deterioration (+) in Operating Station Heat Rate over preceding year (-) 1. of stations in the range of SHR deviation (>5-10%) No. 3. Torangallu-I.5 2831.3 Page 3 of 6 (a) ALL INDIA STATION HEAT RATE Year No.10 2335.8 2600.68 Western Southern Eastern No.62 2011-12 74 72366.8 2331. Narla Tata Rao Vijaywada. .35 10.4 kcal/kWh and 2603. 2.1 2327.2 2341. of stations with SHR deviation of more than 20% 2011-12 74 16 20 24 14 (d) From enclosed Annexure 13. Dr. No. of stations in the range of SHR deviation (>10-20%) No.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 13 Page No.92* (wrt 2010-11) No.1 (excluding NTPC Stations).14 10. Dahanu. 2.78 2579.10%. Torangallu-II.0 2603.8 2785. 1.4 % Operating SHR Deviation with respect to Design SHR 10.18 16. whose Operating SHR deviation with respect to design heat rate falls in the range of 0-5%.8 2378.7 2689. >5-10%. (b) REGION WISE STATION HEAT RATE( Excluding NTPC Stations) Region Year Weighted Average Design SHR (kcal/kWh) Weighted average Operating SHR (kcal/kWh) % Operating SHR Deviation with respect to Design SHR (kcal/kWh) Northern 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2331.1 13.8 2600. Titagarh.39%.38%.9 2639.8 2686.54 14. it is observed that Trombay. Particulars Total Stations analyzed No. 5. 3.49%. 3.86 9. of Stations analyzed Capacity ( MW) Weighted Average Design SHR (kcal/ kWh) Weighted average Operating SHR (kcal/ kWh) 2010-11 73 66527.5 2580. 4.4 2360.64% respectively with respect to their Design Station Heat Rate. 95 10.09 0.73 (-) 21.0 2366.97 11.55 2327.0 2345.5 10.EXT.37 (-) 1.98 18 TROMBAY 750.58 3 BHATINDA 440.6 3038 3081.77 15 PARLI 630.0 2580.41 2378 2426.96 17.39 19 AKRIMOTA 250.93 2643 2763.37 (-) 1.24 NORTHERN 9 10 BHUSAWAL CHANDRAPUR 7277. (kcal/kWh) %Deviation % improvement with respect to (-) / deterioration Design Heat (+) in Operating Rate Heat Rate over the preceding year NORTHERN REGION 1 RAJGHAT 135.16 2861 2520.4 Page 4 of 6 Annexure13-1 SHEET 1 OF 3 STATION WISE OPERATING STATION HEAT RATE FOR THE YEAR 2011-112 AND ITS DEVIATION (with respect to DESIGN AND LAST YEAR) S.04 4.9 14 NASIK 630.41 16 NEW PARLI 500.42 17 PARAS. (kcal/kWh) 2010-11 Operating Heat Rate.0 2335.43 2.49 12 KHAPERKHEDA 840.02 11 DAHANU 500.36 (-) 1.36 NA 450. No.8 (-) 4.60 8 HARDUAGANJ 415.42 (-) 1. 500.0 2222.65 2547 2663.0 2366.36 (-) 2.94 23.4 2580.62 16.0 2343. Name of Station Capacity (MW) Design Heat Rate (kcal/kWh) 2011-12 Operating Heat Rate.14 1.88 19. 13.36 (-) 0.22 (-) 3.68 (-) 1.05 2914 2963.99 (-) 0.36 2400 2417.96 18.09 11.84 240.45 2605 2660.91 14.0 2260.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 13 Page No.97 420.0 2651 2563.92 0.0 2277.0 2265.51 12.0 2366.44 16.28 (-) 1.92 (-) 2.33 20.08 7 SURATGARH 1500.80 2344.0 2388.5 2801 2869.0 2361.5 2282 2282.04 29.17 13.0 2266.74 2640.14 2507 2491.0 2503.88 (-) 2.43 NA NA 400.91 2497 2495.0 2254.8 3072.67 4 LEHRA MOHABAT 920.27 (-) 0.45 16.5 WESTERN REGION 2639.35 2671 NA 6.21 21.42 (-) 4.0 2226.52 20 GANDHI NAGAR 870.4 2340.96 58.54 28.03 (-) 4.17 17.0 2431.03 (-) 2.0 3061.0 7.01 (-) 14.36 3899 4969.99 3.42 2533 2621.62 .93 18.35 3073 3233.0 2456.5 2856 2907.0 2213.06 3498 3531.36 6 KOTA 1240.95 2647 2819 13.27 2332 NA 5.09 2 PANIPAT 1367.51 2845 3342.96 1470.72 2608 2656.1 21 KUTCH LIGNITE 22 WANAKBORI 23 SIKKA 24 TORRENT (SABARMATI) 25 MUNDRA (ADANI POWER) 26 AMAR KANTAK 290.0 2277.0 2335.06 2751 2795.0 2398.7 5 ROPAR 1260.69 3091.32 (-) 6.4 2894 2971.1 13 KORADI 1040.0 2502. 14 KORBA EAST 440.13 11.72 32 BHILAI (NSPCL) 33 SANJAY GANDHI BIRSINGPUR WESTERN 34 500.04 SOUTHERN EASTERN REGION 49 IB Valley 420.25 2316.18 1.19 0.16 2695 2633.0 2350.0 2476.68 37 Dr.29 2349 NA 4.38 3.8 2689.92 (-) 6.17 10.03 38 ENNORE 450.69 20022.8 2600.64 (-) 0.77 7.I 260.8 10.69 13070.97 2482 2449.79 3. 1000.99 5.57 NA 1340.64 2994 3186. 13.45 11.64 9.52 16.8 2831.0 2154.86 (-) 5.04 KORBA EAST(DSPM) 500.43 2745 2750.15 10.0 2386.89 1050.0 2398.94 2657 2616.0 2496.58 2879 2831.54 15.44 5.0 2283.7 14.55 8.10 (-) 0.0 2221. No.22 (-) 2. Name of Station 27 SATPURA 28 29 Capacity (MW) Design Heat Rate (kcal/kWh) 2011-12 Operating Heat Rate.10 1.0 2348.0 2159.72 44.06 2216.85 10.38 (-) 1.00 2436.89 1.37 2436 .01 SOURTHERN REGION 2502.0 35 K'GUDEM(New).0 2802 2527.0 2587.45 53.62 2346 2275.24 2839.26 2179.Tata Rao VIJAYWADA 1760.55 500.5 Page 5 of 6 Annexure13-1 SHEET 2 OF 3 STATION WISE OPERATING STATION HEAT RATE FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 AND ITS DEVIATION (with respect to DESIGN AND LAST YEAR) S.10 36 RAYALSEEMA 1050.0 2343.0 2630 2621.14 2272 NA 5.83 (-) 1.5 2600.5 2341.36 1.4 2.71 2.29 3958 3939.46 41 NEYVELI-I 42 NEYVELI –II 43 NORTH CHENNAI 44 TUTICORIN 45 KAKATIYA 46 RAICHUR 600.80 48.8 39 MEETTUR 840.66 3742 3863.0 2429.32 KOTHAGUNDEM 720.0 2589.4 2917. (kcal/kWh) %Deviation % improvement with respect to (-) / deterioration Design Heat (+) in Operating Rate Heat Rate over the preceding year 1142.51 2.0 2246.55 0.2 2300 2284.07 40 NEYVELI-Expansion 420.03 1.23 NA 1720.03 2277.85 (-) 0.51 (-) 3.9 2625 2580.73 48 TORANGALLU-II 600.56 3. (kcal/kWh) 2010-11 Operating Heat Rate.18 0.0 2217.68 630.95 17.0 2269.0 2739.51 13.20 0.05 2485 2532.5 2437.49 1470.N.0 2422.43 3846 3502.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 13 Page No.0 2233.86 31 SURAT LIGNITE 500.02 2630 2503.83 2317.0 2203.88 3.30 19.23 5.4 2317.34 30 KORBA WEST 840.0 2360.32 47 TORANGALLU. 87 3.36 4131 4179.6 Page 6 of 6 Annexure13-1 SHEET 2 OF 3 STATION WISE OPERATING STATION HEAT RATE FOR THE YEAR 2011-12 AND ITS DEVIATION (with respect to DESIGN AND LAST YEAR) S.12 2802 2916.1 2785.29 2648 2677.10 (-) 0.13 3.74 NA 5502.20 (-) 3. Simhadri.51 72366.58 27035.96 58 SOUTHERN GEN.77 12. 13. Singrauli.76 53 DURGAPUR.0 2395.98 1840.96 (-) 1.15 55 JOJOBERA 427.0 51 BOKARO'B' 630.51 2462 2486.66 2903 2874.0 2490. (kcal/kWh) %Deviation % improvement with respect to (-) / deterioration Design Heat (+) in Operating Rate Heat Rate over the preceding year 50 BUDGE BUDGE 750.85 6. Talcher STPS.0 5757 5332. Dadri.0 2317.11 56 TITAGARH 240. Name of Station Capacity (MW) Design Heat Rate (kcal/kWh) 2011-12 Operating Heat Rate.8 12.13 (-) 2.24 2946 3029.68 (-) 3. Korba. (kcal/kWh) 2010-11 Operating Heat Rate.11 7.91 57 NEW COSSIPORE 100.44 3199 2879.0 2797.55 (-) 1.77 84.49 0.72 27.5 5.96 28. Talcher.5 2383.77 0.0 NA 9.34 54 BARAUNI 220.08 52 CHANDRAPURA DVC 390.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 13 Page No.7 2410. No.2 2579.0 2603.0 2715.93 21.9 2686.33 0.5 2344.10 2335.Tanda.0 2492.7 2398.59 2901 2910. Badarpur.DVC 350.0 2288.35 11. of Stations considered for 2010-11 and 2011-12 are different (2) NA – Data Not Available (3) For all Stations oil consumption has been calculated on the basis of common GCV of 10000 Kcal/Litre (4) *NTPC has submitted data for 15 thermal power stations (viz: Rihand.0 2269.0 65.0 2307. Vindhyachal. The stations which are not indicated in this list have either not submitted data or submitted incomplete data . Sipat and Kahalgaon ) (5) This analysis is based on the performance data as available to CEA.0 2495. Ramagundam. 135.70 (-) 1.0 3127. Farakka.4 11. Unchahar.92 59 MEJIA (DVC) EASTERN NTPC STATIONS* ALL INDIA NOTE : (1) Number. acids and other chemicals in various combinations in the effluents. local social and cultural values. resettlement. buildings and monuments. then its chemical quality gets affected. aquatic & forest ecosystem etc. earth moving. medical facilities. buildings & monuments. like waste water from de-mineralized backwash and resin regenerator wastewater. existing community infrastructure such as schools.2. demographic patterns. Once-through slurry disposal systems place additional strain on scarce fresh water resources. fire protection. If released uncontrolled. crops. living patterns of the residents.1 SECTION-14 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS IN POWER SECTOR 14. loss of agriculture/grazing land/ habitat. ash piles and site. NOx. police. which can be either recycled or discharged.3 Ash handling and disposal Ash disposal can have adverse impacts on the environment due to land use diversion. trace metals. 14. vehicular movement & transportation and erection of equipment. aquatic ecosystem of certain lakes. ground water.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. If discharged to a surface water body. The emission of large quantities of SO2 and NOx from a TPP may result in Acid-rain problems. impacts are caused primarily during site preparation activities such as leveling. these can affect humans. during operation of a TPP. have a negative impact on water quality. Associated waste-heat can impact ambient water temperature which in turn can radically alter aquatic plant and animal communities. dredging and / or impounding streams and other water bodies.1 INTRODUCTION Impact on environment can occur during both construction and operation of a Thermal Power Plant (TPP). and runoff from coal piles. Other effluents from a TPP. and finally through effective environmental management of the operating plants. local traffic etc. Construction of large ash disposal areas results in resettlement issues. 14. 1 Section 14 SPM report . Many of the adverse impacts of a TPP can be foreseen and minimized through judicious sitting and are amenable to technological control providing necessary preventive and control measures. 14. water resources allocation and air pollution.2 Waste water Discharge The largest wastewater streams from a TPP are cooling water blow down. de-watering.2 14. fugitive dust from ash pond pollutes the air thereby increasing local concentration of respirable particulate.2. developing areas for other purposes. During construction. native vegetation. ash transport water. oil spills etc. SO2. On the other hand. excavation. Large amount of CO2 emissions are attributed to climate change. When the ash gets dried in the absence of water or vegetation cover.2. local and regional air quality. 14.1 ENVIRONMENT CONCERNS OF THERMAL POWER STATIONS Air Pollution Particulate matters. vegetation. and CO2 are emitted from the combustion of fuels in a thermal power plant. forest ecosystem. get affected. The clearance granted is valid for a period of five years for commencement of the construction/operation.1 2 Section 14 SPM report . Unitwise SPM emission at stack of coal/lignite based thermal power plants for the period 2007-08 to 2011-12 are given at Annex. providing noise barriers for various areas. The above EIA Notification sets out procedure for clearance of projects. Various measures to reduce the noise generation and exposure of workers to high noise levels in the plant area include silencers of fans. turbine etc.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. MOEF further processes the proposal for clearance/rejection of the project. 14. If needed. such as hydro electric and pit head thermal power stations. 14. Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) and effluent discharges are received from the thermal power stations. on flora and fauna. Thereafter State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) conducts Public Hearing. the site clearance is to be obtained first from MOEF for initiation of any surveys and investigations. visits are made to the projects on recommendations of the Committee of Experts. 14. The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 1994 states that expansion or modernization or setting up a new power project shall be undertaken after getting environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF).2 14. milling plant. 76 units were operating at high SPM emission (150 mg/ Nm3 to 350 mg/ Nm3) and 26 units were operating at very high SPM emission level (>350 mg/ Nm3 ). 14. Monthly environmental data received from 80 coal / lignite based Thermal Power Stations comprising 362 units of various sizes were compiled and analysed during 2011-12.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE PROCESS The implementation of power projects requires clearance from Ministry of Environment and Forests. However its effects due to stack emission etc. issues NOC and forwards the minutes of meeting to MOEF.4 MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF EXISTING TPPs CEA has also been actively engaged in the collecting and compiling of environmental data of existing thermal power stations in the country. Monthly environmental data reports in respect of Stack emission.5 Noise Pollution Some areas inside the plant will have noisy equipment such as crushers. for such site specific projects Environment Impact Assessment Reports are to be submitted by the proponents to MOEF for clearance. Out of these. For site specific projects.4 Land Degradation The thermal power stations are generally located on the non-forest land and do not involve much Resettlement and Rehabilitation problems.2. The matter regarding Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) levels exceeding the prescribed norms is being constantly pursued with the power station authorities and they are being advised to make all-out efforts to bring down the SPM emissions. Provision of green belt around the plant will further reduce noise levels.2. The reports shall be evaluated and assessed by the Impact Assessment Agency and placed before a Committee of Experts. steam safety valves etc. 14. compressors. Thereafter. belt conveyors. Large land requirement for ash disposal and hazardous elements percolation to ground water through ash disposal in ash ponds are the serious effects of thermal power stations. The cases rejected for non furnishing of complete information may be reopened on the receipt of complete information.. fans. boiler. 260 units complied with the notified norms of SPM emission at stack. noise proof control rooms. using noise absorbent materials. compressors. pumps. analyzed and remedial measures are suggested wherever required. agricultural and other land have to be studied for any adverse effects. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. The scheme was prepared and circulated to all the coal/lignite based TPSs requesting them to furnish information on various environmental parameters such as CO2 emission. Some of the measures taken by the TPSs to reduce SPM emissions are as follows:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Retrofitting of ESPs Installation of AFGC System (Ammonia injection at ESP inlet) Providing gas-tight isolators in ESP for online maintenance of ESP Installation of micro-processor based EPIC-II Controllers Installation of DFGC system (Injection of ammonia and Sulphur Trioxide at ESP inlet) 6) Use of Indian coal blended with imported coal to reduce the percentage of ash content. 14.5 Carbon Dioxide Emission from Power Sector Thermal Power Plants are one of the major contributors of Carbon dioxide emissions.7. In order to check the percolation of heavy metals to the ground water. could be beneficially used for brick making. The total amount of CO2 emission from grid connected power stations in the year 2010-11 has been estimated at 597.5 million tones. The notifications also stipulate to use ash and ash products in construction activities of roads. 3 Section 14 SPM report . buildings. 14. The Environment Management Award for the year 2010-11 was given to Neyveli Thermal Power Station –I Expansion. coal mines backfilling.f.e.f.1 Coal Washing/Beneficiation A number of studies have been conducted in the past to quantify the economics of using beneficiated coal in Indian power stations. stipulate the steps to be taken by coal/lignite based thermal power plants to ensure 100 % utilization of ash generated by it. 14. 14. the year 2008-09 to promote best strategy and management of environmental issues by coal/lignite based thermal power stations. Certain categories of thermal plants are required to use beneficiated coal containing ash not more than 34% w. June 2001. collected in the dry form.7 OTHER ISSUES 14. CEA is estimating the amount of CO2 emissions from grid connected power stations. These studies have indicated in quantitative terms the benefits of using washed coal both in terms of O&M as well as capital cost of the project. Our coals are typically high ash coals and the ash content of coals supplied to majority of power stations is of the order of 36 to 44 %.7. ash pond lining is being provided wherever necessary.3 The matter regarding SPM levels exceeding the prescribed norms is being constantly pursued with the concerned TPS authorities and they are being requested to make all out efforts to bring down the SPM emissions. vide MOEF Notification dated 19th September. The fly ash. Fly Ash Utilization and Effluent Discharge etc. flyover embankments etc. MOEF’s notification dated 14-09-99 in respect of Fly ash utilization and amended with a notification dated 27-08-2003. The ash has traditionally been disposed off in the ash ponds which have the potential of polluting the surface and ground water unless adequate care is taken.2 Fly Ash Utilization The Coal fired thermal power stations produce enormous quantities of ash. The average CO2 emission rate is 0. SPM emissions at stack. road construction activities and cement manufacturing.79 kgCO2/kWh in the year 2010-11.6 Environment Management Award for Coal/Lignite based Thermal Power Stations A category of award has been introduced w. These plants include the thermal plants located beyond one thousand Kilometer from pit heads and thermal plants located in urban areas or sensitive areas. 1997. 14.e. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. The ESP’s of such designs and efficiency are to be provided to limit the SPM in the stack emissions below the prescribed norms.e.8. It empowers the Central Govt.50% except for the coal available in the North Eastern region of the country.2.3 Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) Plant The MOEF insists on making space provision for Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) Plant in the designs of thermal power units of 500 MW and above capacity and also at stations with capacity of 1500 to 2000 MW to facilitate their retrofitting at a later stage in case the need for such plant is established.11. National ambient air quality standards by Central Pollution Control Board have been issued vide Gazette Notification of April 1994. In India.7.8. In sensitive areas the installation of FGD may be insisted upon even for stations with smaller installation. 19.2 Environment (Protection) Act 1986 Environment (Protection) Act 1986 came into force w. to take all such measures as deemed necessary for protecting and meeting quality of environment and preventing. However. whosoever fails to comply or contravenes any of the provisions of this Act. 14. The act provides for Central as well as State Boards with such powers and functions as necessary to control the quality of Air. The standards for SPM levels as notified by MOEF are given at Annex – 14.8 REGULATORY MEASURES 14.4 14. Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act was enacted in 1981 with amendments in 1987 for prevention.f. one lakh or both.86 and provides for protection. The National Air quality Standards prescribed by CPCB stipulate the limits of SOx. 14.9 EMISSION/EFFLUENTS STANDARDS The standards for emissions/effluent notified by the CPCB/MOEF are as under: 14. As per Sec. in the ambient air. 1981. minimum stack height limits for power stations as notified by MOEF are given at Annex – 14. In case the failure continues for more than one year. improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith. For wider dispersal of SO2. 14. These standards are given at Annex – 14.5. may be punished with imprisonment which may extend up to five years or with fine extending up to Rs. the imprisonment may be extended to seven years. 15 of the Act.9.1 Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) The bulk of the ash produced from the combustion of coal / lignite in the thermal power station and carried by the flue gases should be trapped by the ESP’s or bag filters and only a small quantity should escape through stacks.2 Sulphur Dioxide Emissions The non-coking coal available in the country earmarked for power generation generally contains low level of sulphur up to 0. 4 Section 14 SPM report . Environment Protection Act 1986 provides for stringent punishment for any violation of Act.1 Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act. At present there is no prescribed limit for sulphur dioxide in stack emission. different stack heights have been stipulated for different capacity units. controlling and abating environmental pollution.9. 14. control and abatement of air pollution and it came into force with effect from May 91.2 14. which were not covered in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards Notification of 1994. Aresenic. 14.9. The standards for limiting liquid effluents discharge from power stations have been prescribed in the EPA Notification dated 19th Nov. These standards are given at Annex – 14. The latest notification also includes limits for Benzene.5 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions The formation of Nitrogen oxide depends on the temperature and residence time of gases in the combustion chamber at that temperature. the standards for residential areas have been extended to industrial areas as well.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 14. Nickel and Ammonia. 1986 as reproduced at Annex – 14.3 & 14.6 14.4 Effluent Discharge The process of power generation produces liquid effluents. As per the revised norms. The formation of Nitrogen oxide can be reduced by providing low nitrogen oxide burners. 5 Section 14 SPM report .9.9. A copy of the Notification is enclosed at Annexure 14.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards The Ministry of Environment & Forests has revised the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in November 2009. Norms for Gas/Naphtha based power plant are given at Annex – 14. No norms for the nitrogen oxide emission at stack have been notified by MOEF for coal/lignite fired thermal power stations.3 Section 14 Page No. Ozone.5.5 14.6 The levels of Nitrogen dioxide in the ambient air are prescribed by the AAQ standards which would limit the concentration of nitrogen oxide in air by regulating NOx producing industries in an area. Benzopyrene. 14. 140-204 5 210 61-70 80-110 116-2778 147-1913 139-148 6 210 72-95 87-133 188-3247 141-2915 142-149 7 250 34-125 72-112 73-1514 432-3275 145-251 8 250 37-132 117-162 208-2395 142-2124 141-191 2009-10 values based on only 4 monthly reports (June’09. 62. (MW) A. U-2 phased out in 2008-09 & U-1 phased out in Sept. No.5 60 2007-08 2008-09 NORTHERN 44-49 49 41-49 49 REGION 44-49 44-49 44-50 48-50 2009-10 2010-2011 2011-12 43-49 Closed Closed 37-47 Closed Closed 40-48 closed Closed 48-49 closed Closed Power Station closed in Nov.5 62.5 129-136 132-138 130-142 114-142 123-137 1 95 84-120 104-137 112-135 83-129 87-105 2 95 83-133 108-144 97-140 95-124 86-121 3 95 97-143 106-141 109-143 111-138 105-120 4 210 95-141 115-143 99-139 99-141 96-128 5 210 76-111 86-125 84-128 72-119 80-89 Closed 1 55 127-146 172-834 227-295 Closed Closed 2 55 119-142 * Closed Closed 3 55 116-137 135-291 181-253 N. 142-1127 3 110 264-729 141-298 299-773 139-723 140-204 4 110 264-729 141-298 299-773 Not in Op.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S.5 62.6 Annexure – 14. 2 3 4 5 Cap.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.5 129-138 131-141 125-147 124-146 115-144 2 67. 2009 1 110 149-570 126-147 224-2175 144-1495 142-1127 2 110 149-570 126-147 224-2175 Not in Op.A. Feb’10 & Mar’10) 1 300 58-186 65-140 98-148 84-98 2 300 108-314 80-138 132-148 92-128 1 210 65-127 56-108 67-120 97-114 70-104 2 210 84-131 79-127 67-109 98-104 79-98 3 210 52-137 79-123 69-126 96-107 73-111 4 210 77-138 80-142 77-128 91-125 76-107 5 210 79-144 73-114 66-116 96-110 86-108 6 210 104-151 70-128 74-124 97-119 78-104 1 110 103-149 76-145 120-147 113-139 90-147 2 110 118-147 100-146 137-148 93-144 115-144 3 110 137-149 128-146 134-147 Under R&M Under R&M 4 110 141-148 137-149 141-148 140-147 144-148 1 210 44-121 36-149 51-156 66-159 90-130 2 210 36-140 36-141 47-133 81-161 103-155 3 250 43-151 103-162 56-148 73-144 4 250 63-140 78-158 60-146 55-132 1 110 56-131 47-134 59-131 52-143 53-136 2 110 99-128 77-147 45-137 104-145 72-135 3 210 98-130 82-135 49-133 79-139 73-132 4 210 68-131 58-137 62-135 80-145 66-135 5 210 45-112 45-85 34-95 50-117 57-110 6 195 49-92 54-78 47-76 40-91 65-98 7 195 31-44 36-48 37-43 . Name of TPS 1 IP STATION 2 RAJGHAT 3 BADARPUR 4 FARIDABAD 5 PANIPAT 6 YAMUNA NAGAR 7 ROPAR 8 BATHINDA 9 LEHRA MOHABBAT 10 KOTA 6 Section 14 SPM report Unit No.2009 1 67. Aug’09. 7 Annexure – 14. 11 Name of TPS Unit No. Not in Op. Not in Op. 14. Cap. Not in Op. 121-129 124-131 122-132 123-131 121-131 129-138 128-138 127-146 129-149 68-91 70-96 68-124 113-141 89-131 106-137 95-126 81-120 86-119 89-117 143-146 143-146 113-137 94-130 25-63 61-121 52-148 59-91 60-84 51-69 110-149 134-147 151-162 140-148 141-147 148-198 145-215 149-231 147-210 150-262 141-173 4872-7573 4541-5856 4053-6225 4980-7832 121-129 124-131 124-130 123-131 124-129 124-135 125-134 140-149 140-149 60-89 62-92 87-114 93-143 96-135 102-133 89-130 91-114 84-122 81-123 78-92 83-94 135-149 145-149 105-136 77-128 28-63 12 PANKI 13 PARICHA 14 ANPARA 15 OBRA 16 SINGRAULI 17 RIHAND 18 TANDA 19 DADRI 20 UNCHAHAR 7 Section 14 SPM report 73-85 71-83 51-88 61-99 140-167 125-167 169-458 146-459 137-172 139-164 144-236 141-361 141-260 143-469 143-531 980-4986 688-3069 980-1630 1120-2680 610-1690 109-132 108-131 104-135 121-134 93-132 108-133 126-140 128-144 108-147 49-98 65-101 68-135 78-145 100-144 105-146 80-105 80-120 82-109 85-120 131-143 136-145 89-135 83-127 25-94 2009-10 2010-2011 2011-12 . No. (MW) 2007-08 2008-09 SURATGARH 1 250 73-88 66-112 83-142 92-148 55-109 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 250 250 250 250 250 105 105 110 110 210 210 210 210 210 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 500 500 110 110 110 110 210 210 210 210 490 490 210 210 210 210 210 59-89 59-80 65-77 52-98 140-164 121-167 148-192 144-188 141-160 137-145 137-236 140-225 133-242 144-484 142-268 1160-1660 1060-1860 1080-2840 810-2630 780-2210 119-131 117-133 120-130 115-134 119-130 121-135 131-139 110-149 117-145 55-84 56-96 115-134 115-143 121-148 124-147 81-136 80-131 85-130 91-125 137-148 136-147 112-143 85-146 30-84 93-121 69-82 68-114 52-110 142-147 140-147 145-180 143-193 141-163 141-159 143-248 145-205 153-226 149-212 162-238 U/R&M 1680-2802 2710-3460 1480-3216 1840-2860 119-131 120-130 118-134 118-129 122-131 121-134 124-141 132-148 131-147 66-94 33-95 104-139 128-143 114-139 126-143 83-120 83-126 80-119 85-124 132-148 136-146 112-139 111-147 40-107 67-106 54-143 60-90 53-100 77-99 121-141 132-148 151-241 180-253 143-180 143-205 166-254 144-242 181-244 140-224 145-239 U/R&M Not in Op.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S. 5 63.8 Annexure – 14.5 200 210 210 210 40 40 40 40 120 120 1 2 1 2 250 250 210 210 2007-08 B. Name of TPS Unit No. 14.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S. (MW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 63.5 62.5 62. 21 DHUVARAN 22 UKAI 23 GANDHINAGAR 24 WANAKBORI 25 SIKKA RPL 26 KUTCH LIGNITE 27 SABARMATI 28 SATPURA 29 KORBA(E) 30 Dr. No. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee TPS 31 KORBA(W). HASDEO TPS 8 Section 14 SPM report 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-12 Closed Closed Closed Closed 122-205 138-205 130-173 136-196 102-146 63-105 83-103 82-125 78-125 56-105 209-329 159-260 93-126 144-248 179-239 248-301 51-133 128-143 108-146 132-318 168-452 126-296 138-142 63-82 45-69 38-81 138-212 142-160 140-150 144-182 138-150 376-518 398-598 365-618 345-562 146-287 138-142 147-282 146-296 146-283 142-146 Closed Closed Closed Closed 11-13 8-10 95-299 93-288 132-284 148-299 112-226 56-124 56-88 82-143 72-123 67-117 210-275 180-259 192-251 161-273 110-239 178-250 60-129 82-285 80-148 175-984 136-594 116-216 134-159 29-98 29-98 60-87 36-86 54-92 140-168 142-177 146-210 140-154 142-167 183-524 205-518 420-546 283-540 WESTERN REGION 78-85 72-93 84-114 82-112 69-114 79-112 56-92 U/R&M 116-128 106-146 86-149 145-253 U/R&M 88-234 132-183 123-168 130-186 136-177 142-295 74-145 72-158 100-221 42-148 50-120 44-110 41-153 49-142 61-146 119-218 90-279 110-192 109-234 109-289 104-148 64-116 38-117 61-102 252-513 247-360 200-342 277-427 252-304 163-253 284-507 234-365 181-290 269-500 284-341 176-303 196-312 206-258 148-237 250-353 220-277 152-269 109-144 82-116 92-136 97-169 130-171 129-149 94-156 134-162 144-165 110-173 90-182 98-215 110-415 145-390 245-975 159-368 168-452 86-139 69-86 56-145 23-118 31-99 21-129 24-96 30-95 33-105 23-124 54-98 144-243 140-240 132-210 140-171 142-239 137-212 143-174 142-170 140-165 146-189 140-190 130-190 140-160 140-156 140-170 541-722 540-689 512-744 603-779 578-836 510-694 517-823 510-592 522-602 513-734 562-763 480-780 177-343 126-190 143-145 179-341 136-182 142-146 176-341 136-183 142-144 189-343 129-184 139-144 136-145 115-145 140-146 130-138 132-138 133-142 Unit 1 to 4=Stack-I & Unit 5&6= Stack-II 75-86 68-80 101-128 113-132 131-138 115-129 128-142 130-143 65-71 66-75 122-150 124-153 147-148 141-147 44-72 45-72 121-139 124-139 .5 140 140 120 120 200 200 210 120 120 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 120 120 70 70 70 75 30 30 120 110 110 62.5 63. Cap.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.5 62.5 63.5 62. 2009 Unit 3&4=PH-I and Unit5=PH-II 210 105-148 108-139 134-144 134-148 210 95-148 94-134 120-145 131-148 210 85-138 94-142 108-145 128-146 210 94-133 102-141 130-145 132-144 500 82-95 43-89 49-84 200 122-147 117-136 112-132 113-123 200 125-145 118-136 114-133 115-127 200 124-142 115-131 107-131 110-122 500 120-146 114-137 119-134 121-129 500 115-142 111-135 119-135 121-126 500 114-138 112-128 116-133 127-130 500 210 138-149 142-148 140-148 132-141 210 135-147 133-148 138-147 140-145 210 142-149 137-148 134-147 134-145 210 136-147 136-149 140-148 133-144 210 132-147 141-147 137-147 136-144 210 139-148 138-148 141-148 131-143 500 90-98 92-96 91-98 86-96 500 92-98 91-98 89-97 82-96 500 91-97 78-91 84-93 82-92 500 90-95 74-94 84-92 86-92 250 30-43 32-43 38-44 250 34-42 30-43 38-44 250 31-42 32-43 39-44 250 38-44 30-46 38-45 140 103-155 138-147 143-146 143-147 140 121-153 141-148 140-147 143-147 210 60-128 68-92 63-99 64-80 210 135-309 222-672 169-296 231-278 210 187-382 215-657 249-348 229-281 Unit 1 & 2 Closed on 01-07-2011 115 127-186 148-380 305-496 269-689 115 125-236 176-442 294-649 310-638 115 115 200 210 210 210 210 210 210 58 250 250 58 210 132-396 134-143 80-148 129-711 371-892 125-142 117-146 115-134 110-129 110-148 136-150 250-443 147-465 199-425 90-366 70-615 285-489 135-145 120-142 116-137 90-138 145-166 107-147 138-145 245-327 337-543 304-538 69-140 69-142 150-516 129-141 129-142 125-134 105-131 110-201 81-121 141-152 288-325 327-720 304-755 85-414 142-323 232-713 131-138 128-135 102-129 121-134 119-139 71-95 79-83 148-151 310-370 2011-12 126-142 128-144 Closed Closed 119-148 119-148 67-98 136-148 140-148 135-145 133-145 78-93 117-123 118-127 115-123 123-139 124-136 122-136 42-48 132-143 138-144 128-142 135-144 130-144 131-142 84-90 88-92 81-90 81-91 31-42 36-41 33-42 39-45 Closed Closed 55-88 176-320 206-286 - 258-377 329-609 143-320 125-144 106-140 102-135 115-140 78-106 77-88 203-471 .4. Name of TPS 32 AMARKANTAK 33 SANJAY GANDHI BIRSINGHPUR 34 KORBA STPS 35 VINDHYACHAL 36 OP Jindal STPP 37 NASIK 38 KORADI 39 KHAPERKHERA 40 PARAS 41 BHUSAWAL 9 Section 14 SPM report Unit No.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S. 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 (MW) 210 152-166 138-185 73-146 118-152 210 170-174 132-172 95-158 127-154 30 140-165 146-400 Closed 20 140-165 151-410 Closed 120 145-153 140-230 126-160 NA 120 145-153 140-255 132-154 NA 210 82-100 NA U-1&2 closed since 1.9 Annexure – 14. 14. 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 Cap.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. No. Name of TPS 42 PARLI 43 CHANDRAPUR 44 TROMBAY 45 DAHANU (REL) 46 SIPAT (NTPC) 47 KOTHAGUDEM ST. 2011 & Feb.e Nov .10 Annexure – 14. No. 2012 C.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S. 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 (MW) 210 133-150 139-161 143-334 140-321 30 156-177 153-175 145-173 183-225 30 153-176 156-174 144-169 155-220 210 299-744 322-665 284-517 276-820 210 185-376 193-289 194-264 154-306 210 147-299 120-274 143-308 136-288 250 83-149 84-134 250 78-113 210 120-183 132-147 141-160 121-163 210 135-194 141-168 145-178 144-170 210 115-146 94-138 86-124 129-145 210 120-145 96-141 97-142 99-146 500 127-145 124-146 115-148 138-145 500 139-148 137-148 137-149 132-145 500 136-147 137-149 111-149 142-148 150 500 500 34-77 47-67 31-80 21-78 250 250 26-45 27-44 35-47 37-47 250 25-49 33-49 37-46 34-46 660 500 500 *Based on data for three months i. SOUTHERN REGION 60 90-115 82-114 76-98 65-96 60 96-321 74-114 58-98 65-105 60 109-189 138-184 140-184 140-200 60 83-112 74-96 65-113 80-109 105 84-127 68-98 64-98 83-112 105 92-122 72-108 69-104 71-120 110 99-290 90-136 89-110 63-116 110 108-132 96-118 91-114 85-122 250 94-112 100-113 102-112 250 97-112 98-112 104-115 500 210 106-141 101-118 100-144 107-202 210 91-104 99-135 100-139 108-252 210 80-130 105-152 93-140 109-187 210 82-280 105-152 72-148 98-237 210 72-113 91-113 93-144 85-138 210 100-145 102-150 104-146 112-207 500 62.5 102-110 122-352 122-340 NA 210 89-112 86-112 54-112 89-110 210 83-111 94-113 90-114 93-109 210 59-112 57-105 44-103 36-69 210 54-97 37-93 28-72 210 200 83-108 81-107 85-103 NA 200 90-112 90-107 89-109 NA 200 86-107 90-104 92-110 NA 500 94-110 87-112 107-112 NA 500 96-114 96-113 106-113 NA 500 92-111 91-110 106-112 NA 2011-12 139-436 231-535 153-293 138-336 77-117 72-111 148-173 124-170 119-149 98-146 108-150 110-149 114-149 44-83 21-25 11-56 40-48 39-47 45-47* 40-49 30-49 60-110 58-108 138-190 60-96 83-112 65-108 102-114 96-114 111-141 114-214 114-214 104-209 113-253 88-220 104-182 102-305 121-196 56-106 132-234 95-110 92-113 37-78 40-76 71-97 88-102 90-102 92-103 102-109 105-110 105-110 . 14.VI 48 VIJAYAWADA 49 50 R'GUNDAM B RAYALSEEMA 51 R'GUNDAM STPS 10 Section 14 SPM report Unit No.Dec.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.V ST. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 8 1 2 1 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cap. ** Based on data for Sep. No. 145-149 124-148 128-205 136-148 137-230 145-149 137-147 127-144 129-146 135-173 87-201 140-182 61-256 178-271 108-204 39-228 58-251 136-273 69-256 78-314 . To Dec. (MW) 500 500 500 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 500 60 60 110 110 110 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 *Based 210 210 30 30 70 62 TENUGHAT 1 2 63 IB VALLEY 64 DURGAPUR (DPL) 1 2 1 2 3 11 Section 14 SPM report 2007-08 44-69 70-114 65-104 71-142 90-145 68-143 46-135 62-145 64-168 33-108 143-168 145-170 145-172 146-165 144-170 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-12 52-89 45-88 NA 63-86 75-101 58-111 63-86 58-98 61-101 48-99 79-112 86-113 76-148 90-126 59-124 64-110 68-150 92-131 94-127 73-120 55-144 98-148 92-132 90-138 64-150 84-145 100-140 43-122 73-148 74-148 75-138 94-115 55-146 110-148 102-143 104-121 38-137 52-101 64-120 91-126 95-138 NA 94-110 139-143 73-146 121-142 140-148 137-143 120-124 124-142 142-148 137-142 89-145 138-141 138-147 125-147 128-145 141-148* 140-143 129-147 138-145 141-149 *Based on data available for April to Sep. Name of TPS 52 SIMHADRI 53 RAICHUR 54 55 BELLARY ENNORE 56 TUTICORIN 57 METTUR 58 NORTH CHENNAI 59 NEYVELI--I 60 NEYVELI-II 61 NEYVELI FST EXT Unit No..1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S.. 2011. EASTERN REGION 96-98 92-213 95-99 92-96* 89-96 93-98 96-169 184-92 85-90** on data for Aug. 2011. 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 Cap..11 Annexure – 14.2011 756-1195 952-1195 475-1571 197-700 114-808 216-335 193-298 194-790 139-755 434-1567 148-393 196-712 703-2501 1382-5499 7731-7654 146-476 144-307 143-481 470-1263 602-4946 148-225 141-198 150-506 204-829 420-2071 84-239 50-196 52-147 108-281 46-243 61-356 46-301 79-148 74-289 83-289 81-237 26-242 49-143 83-280 43-143 78-294 80-194 77-175 122-278 115-257 75-99 82-128 112-135 95-125 108-130 82-98 79-120 111-125 102-131 109-136 80-109 94-122 118-129 110-138 115-140 56-74 41-90 56-81 55-81 38-68 53-78 51-97 46-66 57-83 36-80 50-69 43-74 49-71 54-69 38-69 53-72 54-81 53-68 52-81 43-71 44-88 43-74 49-70 47-98 38-70 52-78 52-68 47-68 55-71 37-75 54-71 54-74 46-92 51-76 36-90 85-91 62-94 51-88 76-96 42-92 47-92 61-98 66-77 46-64 41-86 53-94 67-91 40-92 35-49 31-94 36-51 60-67 39-52 42-100 40-81 39-61 49-51 30-52 40-82 35-86 29-66 36-61 24-97 37-39 34-40 36-69 57-64 35-63 37-93 22-53 23-42 26-63 25-41 22-69 20-55 22-48 29-48 27-57 24-64 D. 14.to Dec.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. **Based on data for Sep 2011 to Feb 2012. 2011 to Dec.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. Jul & Sep.e April. No. 14. June. (MW) 75 75 110 300 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-12 41-284 67-205 45-265 84-207 119-347 60-284 106-241 138-383 193-268 250-406 85-284 185-250 266-722 291-405* 62-104 73-98** Unit 1 &2 Decommissioned on 1/4/2011 * Based on data for May. Aug to Oct and Dec.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S.f 07-10-2008 to 18-12-2009 1 210 51-140 97-130 139-834 144-152 112-145 2 210 56-144 87-140 137-643 138-306 82-333 3 210 46-145 92-139 139-617 142-179 132-189 4 210 118-147 128-149 118-279 132-322 136-321 5 210 129-149 125-149 146-560 130-146 137-356 6 210 118-147 133-147 142-777 128-233 139-425 U 1 to 6. Based on data for six months i.5 54-87 31-97 52-108 23-72 45-115 2 67. 2011 1 210 18-63 24-44 12-143 26-136 33-77 2 210 16-45 19-49 14-125 29-134 37-127 3 210 18-50 28-91 14-65 22-75 25-116 4 210 27-90 31-122 29-64 5 210 26-62 25-91 26-58 1 300 18-29 52-89 19-144 2 300 15-95 36-130 22-324 1 210 NA 162-381 148-230 134-227 126-566 2 210 NA 172-289 127-220 140-219 136-860 3 210 NA 182-275 135-212 135-200 139-734 3 140 34-142 109-146 65-148 111-492 83-155 4 210 42-142 48-146 55-144 100-658 143-536 1 210 37-142 67-145 88-112 12-86 59-144 2 210 71-138 54-159 109-140 30-190 42-143 3 210 121-149 121-147 118-146 13-130 91-143 4 210 62-137 51-128 88-127 24-130 42-105 5 250 55-81 21-82 32-81 45-126 6 250 45-56 28-129 18-142 25-144 U 1 to 6. 4 5 6 7 Cap. Name of TPS 65 BANDEL 66 SANTALDIH 67 KOLAGHAT 68 BAKRESWAR 69 SAGARDIGHI 70 BOKARO 'B' (DVC) 71 DURGAPUR (DVC) 72 MEJIA (DVC) 73 NEW COSSIPORE 74 TITAGARH 75 SOUTHERN REPL 76 BUDGE BUDGE 12 Section 14 SPM report Unit No. 1 60 14-138 37-158 20-195 31-304 98-310 60 2 81-148 58-190 32-131 47-333 102-325 60 3 15-189 29-144 36-101 52-292 74-340 60 4 32-148 42-173 38-309 40-317 91-305 5 210 25-146 40-147 51-145 40-364 50-153 1 120 47-146 18-191 139-270 2 120 17-170 66-180 144-296 * 3 120 24-144 134-210 4 120 40-170 106-158 5 250 25-71 32-48 33-124 *U-1 to 4 decommissioned w.5 50-118 36-97 54-100 39-95 37-113 1 250 21-41 21-57 29-63 33-104 30-65 2 250 28-85 35-92 31-106 28-68 31-75 3 250 24-46 22-49 .e. Based on data for six months i.12 Annexure – 14. 2011. 2011 1 20 85-136 48-123 24-120 37-129 38-138 2 20 85-136 48-123 24-120 55-135 38-138 3 45 27-137 30-130 31-126 29-129 32-93 4 45 31-136 13-138 33-131 55-135 42-93 1 60 19-67 14-62 12-47 21-74 23-40 2 60 12-78 17-55 16-49 26-65 24-39 3 60 19-62 12-61 18-49 23-74 32-47 4 60 11-54 19-91 13-41 23-74 25-39 1 67.e May. 13 Annexure – 14. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 1 2 Cap. 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 (MW) 200 34-92 57-94 63-92 56-92 200 47-85 61-108 68-94 61-91 200 48-82 57-90 61-99 63-104 500 49-112 75-96 72-97 40-118 500 65-92 63-129 67-118 54-126 210 133-145 136-143 137-146 133-146 210 138-148 140-147 141-147 131-147 210 142-160 143-149 142-148 138-147 210 143-149 144-149 140-147 137-147 500 47-98 41-47 500 42-97 38-47 500 40-46 60 115-129 103-129 112-131 111-129 60 115-131 107-129 100-131 114-127 60 111-134 97-127 115-140 121-131 60 117-136 109-132 85-127 104-130 110 140-148 142-147 143-185 116-145 110 141-147 142-148 143-186 123-145 500 109-118 107-138 108-120 107-117 500 109-117 108-132 107-122 106-122 500 57-80 55-108 72-109 53-129 500 43-74 49-130 68-115 51-131 500 42-72 49-133 51-95 41-138 500 44-75 53-97 62-99 46-139 130 21-131 130 19-131 130 121-133 250 250 U 4 to 6 Closed.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. 14. U 7 & 8 Based on data for Dec.1 SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER (SPM) EMISSIONS AT STACKS OF VARIOUS UNITS OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS STACK EMISSIONS: Suspended Particulate Matter (mg/Nm3) S. No.2011 to March.2012 110 110 - 2011-12 53-96 44-95 51-110 39-125 23-134 131-144 134-139 129-143 133-142 37-49 37-48 38-48 106-131 107-129 117-132 124-132 135-145 133-145 62-329 79-446 52-305 48-124 41-134 65-123 94-165 106-145 74-131 88-124 96-122 130-275 . 77 78 Name of TPS FARAKKA KAHALGAON 79 TALCHER 80 TALCHER STPS 81 CHANDRAPURA (DVC) 82 MUZAFFARPUR 13 Section 14 SPM report Unit No. Source: EPA Notification [G.14 THERMAL POWER PLANTS: EMISSION STANDARDS Annexure – 14. dt. 742(E). 14.S. The particulate matter emission limits for thermal power stations are as follows: 150 mg/Nm3 1.5 MW and plant Commissioned prior to 1. Generation capacity 62.3 .R. 150 mg/Nm3 THERMAL POWER PLANTS: STACK HEIGHT/LIMITS Generation Capacity Stack Height (Meters) 500 MW and above 275 200 MW/210 MW and above to less than 500 MW Less than 200 MW/210 MW 220 H= 14 Q where Q is emission rate of SO2 in kg/hr. and H is Stack height in meters.1.82 350 mg/Nm3 3. 1990] 14 Section 14 SPM report 0. 30th Aug. Units located in protected area irrespective of generation capacity. Generation capacity less than 62.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.5 MW or more 2.2 NOTIFICATION MOEF vide Notification of 19th May 1993 issued as amendment rules to environment (Protection) Act 1986. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.5 Chlorine 1.5 to 8. 844(E). dt 19th Nov.0 Zinc 0.5 please refer to Annex-14. 14. mg/l (except for pH & Temp.15 Annexure-14.4 .5 to 8.0 (Total) Iron (Total) Free available 0.0 Phosphate Limit to be established on case by case basis by Central Board in Other case of Union Territories and State corrosion Boards in case of States inhibiting material pH 6.0 Copper 1.O.3 THERMAL POWER PLANT: STANDARDS FOR LIQUID EFFLUENTS Source Parameter Condenser Cooling Water (once PH through higher cooling system) Temperature Boiler Blow down Cooling Tower 60 Blow down As pond effluent Free available 0.) 6.5 Chlorine Suspended 100 solids 20 Oil & grease 1. 1986] 15 Section 14 SPM report Concentration not to exceed.5 Suspended solids 100 Oil & grease 20 Source: EPA Notification [S.2 Chromium (Total) 5. In case of discharge of cooling water into sea. Existing thermal power plants. shall install cooling towers irrespective of location and capacity. 1999. 16 Section 14 SPM report . Thermal power plants which will use sea water for cooling purposes. proper marine outfall shall be designed to achieve the prescribed standards. Rise in temperature of condenser cooling water from inlet to the outlet of condenser shall not be more than 10oC. The discharge point shall preferably be located at the bottom of the water body at midstream for proper dispersion of thermal discharge. which will be using water from rivers/lakes/reservoirs. New thermal power plants commissioned after June 1.16 Annexure-14. New projects in coastal areas using seawater. 1998] . The thermal power plants using seawater should adopt suitable system to reduce water temperature at the final discharge point so that the resultant rise in the temperature of receiving water does not exceed 7oC over and above the ambient temperature of the receiving water bodies. 3. Guidelines for discharge point: 1. B. The point of discharge may be selected in consultation with concerned State Authorities/NIO. C. No cooling water discharge shall be permitted in estuaries or near ecologically sensitive areas such as mangroves.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. coral reefs/spanning and breeding grounds of aquatic flora and fauna. New thermal power plants. 22. Source: EPA Notification [GSR 7. the condition below will apply. 14. D. 2. dated Dec.4 TEMPERATURE LIMIT FOR DISCHARGE OF CONDENSER COOLING WATER FROM THERMAL POWER PLANT A. 0 1. Sensitive Area Weighted Residential.Chemiluminescence ** 24 hour Annual* 400 05 400 05 . Rural (notified by Average and Other Area Central Govt.TOEM .Gravimetric .AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent filter paper Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year at a particular site taken twice a week 24 hourly at uniform intervals.Chemical Method .5 ** 24 hour ** 24 hour ** 8 hours ** 1 hour * Annual .17 Ministry of Environment & Forest NOTIFICATION New Delhi.ED-XRF using Teflon filter . 14. ng/m3 Annual* 20 20 . 2% of the time.) Annexure –14.TOEM .Gravimetric . the 16th November.UV photometric .Chemiluminescence Particulate Matter (size less than 10µm) or PM10 µg/m3 * Annual 60 60 100 100 .AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent filter paper .50 180 0.Beta attenuation . shall be complied with 98% of the time in a year. 17 Section 14 SPM report .Beta attenuation Particulate Matter (size less than 2. (µg/m3) Lead (Pb) µg/m3 Benzene (C6H6) µg/m3 ** Method of measurement * Annual Sulphur Dioxide (SO2).Ultraviolet fluorescence 40 30 Modified Jacob & Hochheiser (Na Arsenite) ** 24 hour 80 80 .50 ** 24 hour 1.0 Carbon Monoxide (CO) mg/m3 ** 8 hours 02 02 ** 1 hour 04 04 Ammonia (NH3) µg/m3 * Annual 100 100 . they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.Improved West & Gacke ** 24 hours * Annual 80 80 . as applicable. 24 hourly or 08 hourly or 01 hourly monitored values.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No. (µg/m3) * Concentration in Ambient Air Ecologically Time Industrial. 2009 NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS Pollutant 50 20 .5 µg/m3 Ozone (O3) µg/m3 * Annual 40 40 60 100 60 100 180 0. ng/m3 Annual* 01 01 Solvent followed by analysis extraction HPLC/GC Annual* 06 06 Nickel (Ni).Non Dispersive Infra Red (NDIR) Spectroscopy Benzopyrene (BaP) – particulate phase only.Chemiluminescence . ng/m3 Arsenic (As).AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent filter paper .5µm) or PM2.Indophenol blue method Gas chromatography based continuous analyzer -Absorption and Desorption followed by GC analysis Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). 5-8. where Q is the emission of SO2 in kg/hr.4) Free available chlorine 0.20 Phosphate 5.5 As applicable for other thermal power plants (please refer to Annex-14.00 Source: EPA Notification [GSR 7. at 15% excess oxygen) (i) 50 ppm for the units burning natural gas. subject to a minimum of 30 mts. (iii) Liquid waste discharge limit Parameter Maximum limit of concentration (mg/l except for pH and temperature) pH Temperature 6. 22.00 Copper (total) 1.0 Oil & grease 20. 14.6 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS FOR GAS / NAPTHA BASED THERMAL POWER PLANTS (i) Limit for emission of NOx (a) For existing units . 1998] 18 Section 14 SPM report .150 ppm (v/v) at 15% excess oxygen. Total generation of gas turbine (a) 400 MW and above Limit for Stack NOx emission (v/v). Dec.18 Annexure –14.00 Zinc Chromium (total) 1.50 Suspended solids 100. (ii) 100 ppm for the units burning naphtha (b) Less than 400 MW but up to 100 MW (i) 75 ppm for the units burning natural gas (ii) 100 ppm for the units burning naphtha (c) Less than 100 MW 100 ppm for units burning natural gas or naphtha as fuel (d) For the plants burning gas in a 100 ppm conventional boiler.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 14 Page No.00 Iron (total) 1. (ii) Stack height H in m should be calculated using the formula H= 14 Q0. (b) For new units with effect from 1-6-99.3.00 0. dt. auxiliaries. The main focus of these study tours will be on the following topics: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Operation and Maintenance Modernisation and Retrofit Online and off-line Monitoring Programme Supercritical power plant and Equipments Coal Blending Technology . Human resource development to improve knowledge on critical areas such as boiler. 2013) were finalized.Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 Section 15 Page No. Implementation agreement between Ministry of Power and M/s GIZ was signed in November. super-critical units. To introduce the model power plant concept in 4 thermal power stations. GIZ has proposed three study-cumfamiliarisation tours to Germany/Europe for 51 power plant engineers of thermal generating utilities and CEA. which has been found to be the least-cost option to bridge the gap between demand and supply.1 SECTION-15 ENERGY CONSERVATION AND EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT OF THERMAL POWER STATIONS 15. The implementation agreement between GIZ. Indo-German Energy Efficiency Programme: 1. Measures to conserve energy are being continuously devised and implemented on both the supply side and the end-use (Demand) side. 15.2. O&M. A project “Power Plant Optimization Component: Improvement in the availability and efficiency of Power Plants” under Indo–German Efficiency programme (IGEN) is being implemented jointly by M/s GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and CEA with the objective to promote energy efficiency and its conservation through improvement in the availability and efficiency of Power Plants. 15. and Under human resource development programme for enhancing the expertise in critical areas such as boiler. 2006. online optimization and fault diagnostic through conduct of study-cum-familiarisation tour to Germany/Europe upto two weeks are being organized. 2011 and the the other two batches will proceed in the year 2012. 2009 – September. Under the programme the work of mapping of 85 units at 47 nos. The first batch consisting of 15 engineers from various states power utilities and CEA has already completed two week study tour in Germany from 10th to 21th October. thermal power stations all over the country has been completed in association with GIZ. BEE and CEA was signed on 1st November. 2010 during the 4th Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEN) meeting held in New Delhi. auxiliaries and C&I. turbine. turbine. The proposed activities for thermal power plant optimization component under Phase II of Indo German Energy Programme (IGEN Programme) (October. Activities under IGEN Phase II Programme are as follows: (a) (b) (c) To support 15 Thermal Power Generating Utilities in various States for their plant efficiency improvement using diagnostic tools and giving them Ebsilon software.1 The strategy developed to make power available to all includes promotion of energy efficiency and its conservation in the country. instrumentation and control. Performance Review of Thermal Power Stations 2011-12 15.3. CBIP – Member and Treasurer Director Technical. BEE – Member Chief Engineer (C&E). b) c) d) e) f) The constitution of the Governing Body of the EEC is as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (v) (vi) (vii) Chairperson. it was proposed that a common platform should be made available where latest state of the art technologies. NTPC Director (IGEN). GIZ A nominee of VGB The activities of the Centre will focus on three fields:• • • Technology Personnel skill Processes EEC has since been operationalised after the signing of Implementation Agreement by CEA. BEE and GIZ on September 8.2 Excellence Enhancement Centre for Indian Power Sector: In order to deal with the complex operational problem arising from the operating power stations and to deal with the enhancement of efficiency at the operating power stations. To raise awareness for the need of excellence. Section 15 Page No. EEC has already been registered as a society under societies Registration Act XXI 1860 applicable to NCT with the following objectives: a) Provide a common platform to share best practices in all areas of power sector and providing broad based expertise. CEA – President Member (Planning). CEA – Vice-President Director General. Provides a platform for interaction amongst the power industries and power plant operators for technological development. problems and remedial actions can be shared effectively among power utilities and professionals. Disseminate the best practices at the power stations. Provide common solutions and joint action plans for mitigating problems associated with power sector in consultation with top experts of power sector. pamphlets or other printed mode for the development and advancement of excellence in power sector. EEC was officially launched by Minister of States for Power on February 2. 2012 at New Delhi. . 15. print. 2011. CEA – Member Secretary Secretary. Translate. Under the Indo-German Energy Forum an “Excellence Enhancement Centre for Indian Power Sector” (EEC) was set up in order to initiate a mind-setting process towards a spirit to excellence and leadership. The office of EEC has already been setup in New Delhi. publish and circulate appropriate material for dissemination of useful knowledge through magazines. 16.II R&M PROGRAMME In view of the encouraging results achieved from the Phase-I programme. The programme was successfully completed during the 7th Plan and much more benefits than the anticipated were achieved. The main features of the Programme are as under: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Number of thermal power stations covered Number of thermal units covered Total capacity involved Average PLF of 163 units before R&M Programme Anticipated PLF after completion PLF achieved after completion Anticipated additional generation after completion Actual additional generation achieved after completion Year of completion Total expenditure incurred a) Central Loan Assistance b) State Plan Resources 16. The Central Loan Assistance (CLA) was also managed by CEA till the formation of PFC in March.1 PHASE-I R&M PROGRAMME The roving teams comprising engineers from CEA. The R&M works relating to environmental improvement in the power plants were accorded high priority and about 47% of the total investment was made on environmental pollution control measures. the Life Extension (LE) works on 4 units (300 MW) of Neyveli Thermal Power Station were completed.2 HISTORY OF R&M PROGRAMME: 16. An expenditure of Rs.) of thermal power stations were covered under the Phase-I R&M Programme.664 Crores PHASE .SECTION-16 RENOVATION AND MODERNISATION OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS 16. the Phase-II programme for R&M of 44 nos. All the schemes were identified by the Roving teams comprising of engineers from CEA. putting immense pressure on the existing power plants to deliver higher level of performance. Besides generation improvement. BHEL. safety and reliability.2. of thermal power stations was taken up in the year 1990-91 Power Finance Corporation (PFC) was assigned to provide loan assistance to the State Electricity Boards for R&M works. ILK and Keltron visited various thermal power stations and assisted SEBs in identifying areas of attention and formulation of R&M Schemes during early eighties.862 crores was incurred and an additional generation of 5000 MU/ year has been achieved.2. Thirty four (34 Nos. Renovation and Modernisation (R&M) and Life Extension (LE) of an existing old power station provides an opportunity to get additional generation at low cost and short gestation period.2 34 163 13570 MW 46% 53% 56% 7000 MU/ annum 10000 MU/Annum 1990-91 Rs. The approval to the Scheme of R&M of Thermal Power Stations in the country was accorded in the year 1984 under Central Loan Assistance.402 Crores Rs.1066 Crores Rs. BHEL and concerned utilities. The entire programme starting from the concept stage was coordinated by the Central Electricity Authority. 1988. .1 INTRODUCTION India is a power deficit country. Also. it results in improvement of environmental emissions and improvement in availability. Remaining 27 units (3974 MW) were slipped beyond 10th Plan. 977 crore were identified for sustenance of their performance for completion during the plan.00 % 79. 106 old thermal units (10413 MW) were identified for Life Extension works. The R&M programme covered 127 units at 29 stations.1700 Crores 1685 MW 1731 MW 47.e. 862 Crores 5000 MU/annum 300 MW R&M /LIFE EXTENSION PROGRAMME (LEP) DURING 9th PLAN Some of the pending R&M works of the 8th Plan and the additional works subsequently identified were covered under 9th Plan Programme.2.2 THE SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROGRAMME ARE AS UNDER:Sl.2. of thermal units which had already completed their designed life of 25 years were also taken up for life extension works based on RLA studies during the 9th Plan. LE works on 11 units (985 MW) i. No.4.2.5 & 6 of Korba (East) TPS and unit-1&2 of Bathinda had been completed & 23 units (2253 MW) had been transferred to Partnership-in-Excellence (PIE) programme.2.7&8 of Kothagudem TPS. The R&M works have been completed.The salient features of the Programme are as under: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 16.913 Crores 17306 MW 61.4 Particulars R&M LEP Number of thermal power stations covered Number of thermal units Estimated Cost Total capacity involved Expected capacity after LEP Average PLF of the units before R&M/LEP programme Average PLF of the units after R&M/LEP programme Actual additional generation achieved/ annum Total expenditure incurred 29 7 127 Rs. the Life Extension works on 45 units (3201 MW) were not found techno-economically viable.3 16. 25 Nos. unit-1&2 of Ennore. The economic designed life of the thermal power units is considered to be 25 years.1560 Crores R&M/LIFE EXTENSION PROGRAMME DURING 10TH PLAN 16.8% unit-1.75% 25 Rs. 16.1 R&M works on 57 units (14270MW) at an estimated cost of Rs.3.1 Number of thermal power stations covered Number of thermal units covered Total capacity involved Expenditure incurred Total additional generation achieved after completion. The works on 14 units (2460 MW) had been completed and for balance units major activities have been completed. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) 16. Capacity taken up for Life Extension Works 44 198 20870 MW Rs. unit-6. . The LE works on all the 25 units have been completed. 850 Crores Rs.7% 9475 MU 5028 MU Rs. Based on subsequent techno-economic examination. 2. i) Particulars Number of thermal power stations identified Number of thermal units Number of units not found to be technoeconomical viable Number of units transferred to “PIE’ Programme Estimated Cost Works completed ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Average PLF of the units before R&M Programme PLF after completion (Actual) viii) ix) Actual additional generation annum Total expenditure incurred x) 16.4.3. 214 Crores Rs.1 achieved/ R&M(Life Extension Programme) 32 57(14270 MW) - 106 (10413 MW) 45 (3200 MW) - 23 (2253 MW) Rs. LE works have been completed in 13 units comprising 10 units in the state sector and 3 units of NTPC in the central sector out of total 53 units planned for 11th plan. of units 16.3 16.9200 Crores 11 units (985 MW before LEP) (1040 MW after LEP 61. of units) Obra TPS Unit – 1 (40 MW) Obra TPS Unit – 2 (40 MW) Obra TPS Unit – 6 (94 MW) Obra TPS Unit – 9 (200 MW) Haduaganj TPS Unit – 5 (60 MW) Panipat TPS Unit – 1 (110 MW) Ukai TPS Unit – 1 (120 MW) Ukai TPS Unit – 2 (120 MW) Amarkantak TPS Unit – 2 (120 MW) Amarkantak TPS Unit-1 (120 MW) Central Sector (3 Nos. Sector wise details of units where LE works have been completed are furnished as under:State Sector (10 Nos.3. of units 20 Capacity (MW) 2794 Total (State sector + Central Sector No.2 THE SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROGRAMME ARE AS UNDER:Sl.2 R&M (not involving LE works) 13 Central Sector No. LE works 33 Capacity (MW) 4524 2.16.65 % sustenance 2146 MU/annum Rs.977 Crores 14 units (2460 MW) Rs. No. of units) Anta CCGT (NTPC) GT – Units 1 to 3 (3x89 MW) Sub total (LE) .13 Units (1291 MW) .34 % 82 % sustenance 81.950 Crores R&M/LIFE EXTENSION PROGRAMME DURING 11TH PLAN (2007-08 to 2011-12) The Sector wise break up of units identified for LE / R&M works during 11th plan is furnished as under :Sl No. R&M works 27 6015 49 12950 76 18965 Total 60 10539 69 15744 129 26283 Achievement of LE Programme during 11th Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12) During 11th Plan. of Capacity units (MW) 53 7318 1. Particulars of works State Sector No. Unit 1 & 2 (2x210 MW) Rihand St – 1.3.4 . – 1. Unit – 5 & 6 (2x110 MW) * Singrauli STPS Unit 1 to 7 (5x200 + 2x500 MW) Unchahar TPS St. Sector wise details of units where R&M works have been completed are furnished as under:State Sector (20 Nos. of units) Korba STPS Unit – 1 to 6 (3x200 + 3x500 MW) Vindhyachal STPS Unit – 1 to 6 (6x210 MW) Ramagundem STPS Unit – 1 to 6 (3x200 + 3x500 MW) Farakka STPS St-I. i) ii) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Particulars R&M LE Number of thermal power stations identified Number of thermal units Estimated Cost Works completed Average PLF of the units before R&M Programme PLF after completion (Actual) 59 13 76 (18965 MW) Rs 4487 crore 59(14855 MW) 85 % 53(7318 MW) Rs 12433 crore 13(1291 MW) 42. R&M works have been completed in 59 nos. No. Unit – 1 to 3 (3x200 MW) Tanda TPS Unit – 1.16.3% sustenance sustenance some units are under stabilisation 1800 MU/annum Rs. of units) Ropar TPS Unit – 1 to 6 (6x210 MW) Koradi TPS Unit – 5 to 7 (1x200 + 2x210 MW) Chandrapur TPS Unit – 1 to 6 (4x210 + 2x500 MW) Parli TPS Unit – 3 to 5 (3x210 MW) Rajghat TPS Unit .72 Units (16146 MW) THE SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROGRAMME ARE AS UNDER:Sl.1 & 2 (2x67. 1409 Crores Rs. Unit 1 & 2 (2x500 MW) Sub total (R&M) . 3 & 4 (3x110 MW) Talcher TPS .3. of units) Durgapur TPS (DVC) Unit 3 & 4 (130 MW + 210 MW) b) NTPC (37 nos. of units and 39 nos. of units planned for the 11th plan.3 Achievement of R&M Programme during 11th Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12) During 11th Plan.5 MW) Central Sector a) DVC (2 Nos. of units in the state and central sector respectively as against total 76 nos. of units comprising 20 nos.59 Units (14855 MW) Total (LE and R&M) 16. 1430 Crores Actual additional generation annum Total expenditure incurred * * figures are tentative achieved/ . U-1. i) Bokaro ‘B’ TPS. 1 1. KfW has financed the project for Standardization of the Tendering Procedures and Preparation of Model Contract for the R&M of Fossil Fuel Based Power Plants in India. of units & No. of units & capacity capacity (MW) (MW) 3 4 38 (6820) 32 (5246) 20(4150) 45 (13151) 58 (10970) 77 (18397) Total (State Sector + Central Sector) 5 70 (12066) 65 (17301) 135 (29367) EXTERNAL CO-OPERATION FOR R&M OF TPS The KfW-Germany has financed Energy Efficiency R&M programme of old thermal units of 210 MW at three thermal power stations in India. b) Kolaghat TPS : The final DPRs for Unit-1. The implementation of R&M/LE works based on the Detailed Project Report (DPRs) would be taken up by the concerned utilities. 16. KfW Development Bank –Germany has also provided a soft loan of Euro 90 million for the implementation of Energy Efficiency R&M at two units one each at Nasik TPS and KolaghatTPS. Similarly the World Bank has financed the Coal Fired Rehabilitation Programme – India for demonstration of Energy Efficiency Rehabilitation & Modernization of Coal Fired Generating Units. M/s Evonik Energy Services GmBH. KfW Bank has provided a grant of Euro 1. . 16. U-1 .TENTATIVE R&M/LE TARGET FOR THE 12TH PLAN: 16. a) Nasik TPS : The DPR for Unit-3 (210 MW) was prepared by M/s Evonik and submitted to Mahagenco. U-3 (210MW) of Mahagenco. In addition. 2 & 3 (3x210MW) of DVC.5 Particulars 2 LE R&M Total Revised Tentative LE/R&M works during 12th Plan on account of slippage from 11th Plan State Sector Central Sector No. Also.2 & 3 (3x210 MW) of Kolaghat TPS were prepared by M/s Evonik and submitted to WBPDCL.No.4 Break-up of revised tentative LE and R&M works of 29367 MW.3 million for preparation of feasibility reports/DPR to identify & finalize the scope of works for R&M/LE for the following seven units.5. 2. METI (Ministry of Economy. on account of slippage from 11th Plan. The DPR was approved by MERC and Mahagenco. DPRs were accepted by WBPDCL. to be taken up during 12th Plan in terms of Central/State sector-wise is furnished below : S. iii) Nasik TPS.1 Energy Efficiency R&M Programme funded by KfW Bank-Germany Under EE R&M. Germany have been selected as consultant through ICB route to prepare feasibility study/DPR for the above seven (07) units at three power stations.2 & 3 (3x210MW) of WBPDCL. ii) Kolaghat TPS. Trade and Industry) and MOP have agreed to extend their cooperation in sharing of technical expertise as well as in actual implementation of mutually agreed techno-economical R&M solutions. 5 millions GEF Grant for the Component -2. The DPRs for Unit-1. the finalization of Technical & Commercial specification is in process. AHP & Electrical packages. The project has two components:- Component . M/s NASL & M/s Dongang.2 Coal Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project funded by World Bank The World Bank has financed the project “Coal-Fired Generation Rehabilitation ProjectIndia” for demonstrating Energy Efficiency Rehabilitation & Modernization (EE R&M) at coal fired generating units. Component . After evaluation .01.O(Poland) & APIL (India). 2010 with last date for submission as 15th Feb. U-6 (210MW) of Mahagenco For BTG packages NIT was floated on 7th August. 2012.2012.. M/s DHIC emerged the successful bidder.2&3 of Bokaro ‘B’ TPS were submitted.02. developing a pipeline of EE R&M interventions. 2011. The World Bank has earmarked US $ 180 million of IBRD loan and US $ 37.2012 and sent to DVC for their examinations/acceptance. U-5 (210 MW) of WBPDCL WBPDCL invited fresh single stage bids for BTG Package in September 2010. Contract was signed on 29. A. Koradi TPS Unit-6 (210 MW) of Mahagenco and Panipat TPS Unit-3&4 (2x110 MW) of HPGCL. 2011 and bids were opened on December 22. LOA has been issued to ABB on 19.2011. Mahagenco carried out 1st stage evaluation and is in the process of obtaining No Objection from World Bank For Electrical Package. Technical Assistance to CEA and Utilities The Technical Assistance component of the project is aimed at providing support in implementation of EE R&M pilots.03. The same is awaited. After discussion between CEA. ii) Koradi TPS. NIT for BOP Package was published on June 9. Bids were received from BHEL. 16.1. DVC and M/s Evonik.c) Bokaro ‘B’ TPS The Feasibility Reports for unit 1. ASSpZO. the scope of R&M works were finalized.The last date for submission of bids was 22.2.03. Pilot R&M Projects funded by World Bank i) Bandel TPS.5. .2012.2&3 (3x210 MW) of Bokaro ‘B’ TPS have been prepared by M/s Evonik in March.9 million of GEF grants for the Component-1.The bids were received from M/s Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Company (DHIC) and Consortium of NASL (India). The World Bank has earmarked USD 7. For CHP. Energy Efficiency R&M at Pilot Projects This component would fund Energy Efficient R&M of 640 MW capacity comprising Bandel TPS Unit-5(210 MW) of WBPDCL.LOA was placed to M/s DHIC on 12. M/s Doosan. The Technical evaluation for the 1st stage of bidding is in progress. addressing barriers to EE R&M projects and strengthening institutional capacities of implementing agencies for improved operation and maintenance practices.2011. 2 Study on Reduction of Barriers to R&M intervention in thermal power station in India The negotiations with the consultant M/s Mercados Energy Market India have been completed and the Contract Document to be signed has been finalized.Th. The project is being implemented by CEA through appointment of consultants for carrying out the studies.2012) 1 Implementation Consultancy Support The ISC was appointed on 28.2011 and RLA/EA reports in August.2012. 2011.01.2011 at PTPS.3 Consultancy services Status (31. The assignment is to be completed in two phases as under: Phase-I Task The objective of Phase-I activity is an assessment of tendering procedures currently being followed by public utilities in India and a review of documents used for standard . U-3 & 4 (2x110MW) of HPGCL M/s Energo Engineering (Projects Design Consultant) submitted the DPRs for both units in June. No. Panipat to review the Inception report.10. The appointment of various consultants for carrying out the studies is under progress and the present status is as under: Sl.2012. The HPGCL is in the process of reviewing the DPRs.03. 5/33/2009-S.1 million as a part of GEF grant to CEA under “Coal Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project-India” for addressing the barriers to Energy Efficient R&M of coal fired generating units in India.2010 and is assisting CEA in implementing the project. Proposals have been received from the short listed consultants on 20. Development of the Tendering Procedures and Model Contract for the R&M of Fossil Fuel Based Power Plants in India.CEA was constituted vide MoP letter no. Technical Assistance to CEA The World Bank is providing technical assistance of US $ 1. 4 Review of Experience from Pilot R&M projects 5 Review of Institutional Capacity and capacity strengthening interventions in CEA Proposals have been received from the short listed consultants on 25.03. B. The contract is likely to be signed in 1st week of April. The Technical Evaluation of the proposals is under progress. dated 29/10/2009 comprising the members from various power utilities. 2012. The negotiated draft contract is likely to be signed in 1st week of May.A review meeting was held on 28.2012.5. After discussion these reports accepted by the PTPS. The acceptance of DPRs by HPGCL is awaited.12. 3 Study on Developing Markets for implementation of R&M in thermal power stations in India M/s Mercados Energy Market India has been selected for negotiations. 16. RLA reports and Energy Audit Report submitted by the consultant.iii) Panipat TPS.” A Task Force on “Development of Tender Procedure and Model Contracts for the Renovation & Modernization (R&M) of Fossil Fuel Based Power Plants” under the chairmanship of Member (Thermal). The “No Objection” to the Technical Evaluation Report is awaited from World Bank. 16.5. The units of Mahagenco for above mentioned studies include Bhusawal TPS. Phase-II Task The main objective of Phase-II activity is the preparation of the model documents/templates for R&M Projects in consultation with task force. The Phase –I activity has been completed by M/s Evonik Energy Services India. on 16. Ramagundem STPS (NTPC) and Vijaywada TPS (APGENCO) for pre – primary studies.R&M projects as well as the documents which have already been developed for Energy Efficiency R&M projects financed particularly by World Bank.5. JCOAL had short listed four candidate coal fired power plants viz.5 Financial Assistance by World Bank under GEF facility as Grant for 12TH Plan During the 12th Five Year Plan. After Pre-Primary Studies. 2011. The consulting contract has been signed between CEA and M/s Lahmeyer International (India) Pvt.2012.Units-2&3(2x210MW). Chandrapur TPS. Ukai and Wanakbori TPS (GSECL).2010.Primary study Environmental improvement of Coal fired stations. they submitted the report in September. MoP has nominated CEA as “ Project Executing Agency”.Unts-1&2 (2x210MW) and Parli TPS. M/s Lahmeyer International (India) Ltd. 16.4. 2nd Phase MOU between CEA and JCOAL need to be signed for further detailed studies at these units. Vijaywada TPS Unit-1 (210 MW) of APGENCO. power utilities & financing agencies. World Bank has made available GEF Grant for various studies viz. Wanakbori TPS Unit-1 (200 MW) of GSECL and Kahelgaon STPS Unit. Ltd. *** .. of Efficiency and A MOU between Central Electricity Authority and Japan Coal Energy Centre (JCOAL) for preliminary study of Efficiency and Environment improvement study in coal fired power plants was signed during the meeting of India-Japan high level Energy Dialogues held in New Delhi on 30. JCOAL have finalized 3 units viz.03.(210 MW)of NTPC for detailed study. Project Design. 2009. JCOAL visited these stations along with experts and the final report was submitted on 6th May.Unit3(210MW). has been selected for carrying out the Phase –II Activity following the ICB route.4 Japan-India co-operation for Pre. Environment Audit & Due Diligence analysis (EA DDA) and Rapid Social Assessment (RSA) for carrying out LE works at various thermal units of Mahagenco. Under the MOU.
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