CE6304-Surveying-I_2 Marks & 16 Marks



AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYCE6304 SURVEYING–I QuestionsBank UNIT-I FUNDAMENTALS AND CHAINSURVEYING Part A 1) Define surveying. 2) What are the types of surveying? What are the primary divisions of surveying? 3) State the principle ofsurveying. 4) Why not “part to whole”Explain. 5) Differentiate plan and map? 6) What are source oferrors? 7) What are the kinds of errors? Give example? 8) Classify surveying based on accuracy? 9) Mention the different types ofchain 10) Which type of areas is best suited for chainsurveying? 11) What are accessories used in chainsurveying? 12) What are errors in chaining? 13) DefineRanging? 14) What are the types of Ranging? 15) Defines checklines 16) Define tie stations 17) What is cross staff? Mention itstypes? 18) What are the types of opticalsquare? 19) What are the well conditioned and ill conditioned triangles? 20) What is mean by representative fraction ofscale? 21) Why is it necessary to draw a scale on the map at the time ofPlotting? 22) Calculate the sag correction for a 100m tape weighting 1.3kg and used under a pull of 9 kg in equal spans of 25m each. 23) A 100m tape is held 2m out of a line. What is the truelength? Part B 1.Explaintheprinciplesofsurveying?Withasimplesketchstatetheconstructionand use of a crossstaff 2. a. Explain the different method of ranging with neatsketch. b. What are the accessories for a chain survey? Explain the functions of each. 3 How chain can be done on an uneven ground or sloping ground? Point out the advantages and disadvantages of this method. 4 Explain different corrections that can be applied to chain or tape. Explain in details how a chain traversing can be done A.MUKKANNAN M.E., A.M.I.E., DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 1 Find thetrue length of theline.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 5 The distance between two points measured with a Gunter’s chain was found to be 7500 links. Define theterms a. How dipeliminated? 9.1m too long after chaining 2400m. The same distance was measured with an Engineers chain and was found to be 4930feet. Mention different types ofcompasses? 2.08 sq.0000063 per 1F and e = 2.1 x 10 3 kg /sq..cm.B toR. The area of the cross section of the tape was 0.B 6. given that cross sectional area of the tape is 0.I. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 2 .cm.M.cm and the specific weights of steel is 7. What are thetypes? 10. State the conversion rule for W. the co efficient of expansion= . Find the bearing of line AB whose FB is 1448’ andS1440’E 7.E. the weight of 1 cc = 0. calculate the length of the line. Types of bearing andmeridian 3.MUKKANNAN M.cm UNIT-II COMPASSSURVEYING Part-A 1.0077 kg. A 30m steel tape was standardized on the flat and was found to be exactly 3mm under no pull at 66F.04 sq. A. 9.000012 per 1C. 10 A steel exactly 30m long at 18C when supported throughout its length under a pull of 8kg. It was used in catenar to measure a base of 5bays the temperature during the measurement was 92F and the pull exerted during the measurement was 10kg. 12430’ toRB ii.cm. Find the magnetic declination at a place if the magnetic bearing of the sun at noonis i) 18400’ ii) 35024’ A.C. If the Gunter’s chain was 0. and the modulus of elasticity = 2.. A line was measured with a tape under a pull of 12kg and found to be 1602m.109 x 10 6 kg/sq. N1048’W toW.C. find the true distance. Find the true area of the field.B 4.86 g/cc. 8. Meridian c. The area of the plan drawn to a scale 8cm to1cm was 220sq. Bearing b. the mean temperature during the measurement was 26C.25 Link too short. What is different between fore bearing and backbearing? 5. Define dip. A = 0. Define magnetic declination. Assuming the tape to be supported at every 30m. what was error in engineer’s chain? 6 A chain was tested before starting a survey and was found to be exactly 20m and20cm. 7 A 30m chain was found to be 0. If the chain was correct before commencement of the work.E. Convert i. What are errors in compasssurvey? 18.E.Findthecorrectmagneticbearings. Explain with neat sketches the different types ofcompasses. Differentiate prismatic and survey or compass. 4.MUKKANNAN M.E. The following are themagneticbearingsofaclosedtraverseABCDcarriedoutinan areaundertheinfluenceoflocalattraction.. Define traverse? 13. What are the types of traverse? 16. What is localattraction? 17. A. Explain different method of plotting a compasstraverse? 7..I. Define agonic and isogoniclines 14.find also the truebearings. How local attraction can bedetected? 15.B. Determinecorrect bearings. Define the variation ofdeclinations? 19. What are the temporary adjustments incompass? Part – B 1. Station FB BB A S100’W N850’E B S770’E N100’E C N050’ N750’W D N540’W S020’ E S880’W S500’ 5. Magneticbearing Line AB BC CD DA FB BB 2114’ 13820’ 20218’ 29341’ 20230’ 31820’ 2323’ 11120’ 8. The following angles were observed in clockwise direction in anopen traverse angle ABC = 12415’. 3. What is different between magnetic bearing and truebearing? 20. 2.M. Also determine the included angles at A.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 11.C. The bearing of one side of a regular pentagon was found to be N300E. 6. angle BCD = 15630’ angle CDE = 1020’ angle DEF= A. How local attraction can be eliminated? 12.D andE. What would be the bearing of line FG =?. The following angles were observed in clockwisedirectioninanopentraverseangle ABC=12415’. How closing error can be adjusted by using graphicalmethod? Examine the following notes on a compass survey for local attraction.ifthe magnetic declination for the area is 145’E. Find bearingsof other lines. angle BCD=15630’ angle CDE=1020’ angle DEF=9515’ angle EFG=21530’ magnetic bearing of line AB was 24130’. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 3 . Explain strength of fix. 3.. State any two lahman’srule. 2. Explain three-pointproblem. What is plane tabling? 2. Explain radiation method of planetabling. Explain different method of plotting a compasstraverse? The following are the magnetic bearings of a closed traverse ABCD carried out in an area under the influence of local attraction. Mention the suitability and unsuitability of planetabling? 3. Explain intersection method of planetabling. 9. What are the errors in planetabling? 13. 5. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 4 .E.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 9515’ angle EFG = 21530’ magnetic bearing of line AB was 24130’. When strength of fix is good? 11. What is triangle of error? Part – B 1. What are the temporary adjustments in planetabling? 8. When strength of fix is bad? 12.. Find bearings of other lines. A. What is back raymethod? 14. A. What are the accessories of planetabling? 6. if themagnetic declination for the area is 145’E. What are the equipments used in planetabling? 4.MUKKANNAN M.M.I. Find also the truebearings.E. 7. 4. Explain traversing method of planetabling. 6. Explain two-pointproblem. What would be the bearing of line FG=?. UNIT-II PLANE TABLE SURVEYING Part-A 1. What are the methods of planetabling? 5. 9. Magneticbearing Line AB BC CD DA FB BB 2114’ 13820’ 20218’ 29341’ 20230’ 31820’ 2323’ 11120’ The bearing of one side of a regular pentagon was found to be N300E. What is resector andresection? 10. State two point problem and three-pointproblem. Find the correct magnetic bearings. How it’s possible for leveling. 8. Reading on inverted staff on point A whose reduced level is 52. Mention the permanent adjustments of a dumpylevel. Calculate the combined correction for value 6000m &9000m. Find the distance of visible horizon from the top of the light house. The observed staff reading on a staff held at A was 2.565 Reading on staff on point B natural ground =0. Define levelbook. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 5 . Mentions the arithmetical check in rise and fall method and height of collimationmethod.MUKKANNAN M. 23. Mention the different types of levelingerrors.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY UNIT-III LEVELING Part – A 1. The staff reading on a certain peg is 3.625m.. 12.25m out of plumbbob in its total length of 4 m . 13. 7. Define parallax. Give the necessarychecks. Mention the temporary adjustments ofleveling. Find the curvature correction for a distance of9000m. Explain its classification.the staff was found to be 15cm off the vertical through its bottom. 22. 27. 21.820 when the staff is held 0. 9. Mention the types oflevel. Mention the types of levelingstaves. 4. Why is it necessary to bring the bubble to mid run just before taking thereading? 28. How to level cross a pond or alake? 19. 5. 17.345 = 3. What are back sights and foresights? 6. 24. How is it eliminated in alevel? 11. 25.E.48mhigh. if the BM lies above the line ofcollimation.find the correct staff reading for staff heldVL.I. 14. Define changepoint.E. 2. 16.M.. 10. 15.855 A. How leveling can be done when the staff station was too long or toohigh? 18. What is reciprocal leveling? Mention theadvantages? 26. Define leveling. Find the correct staffreading. Find the refraction correction for a distance of6000m. A. Define height ofinstrument. 2) a) Mention the differences between height of collimation method and rise and fall method b) Record the following observations in the form of a leveling field book and obtain the reduced level of the each point. Define intermediatesight. 20. Define BM. What is the principle ofleveling? 3. What is the need for balancing the fore sight and back sightdistances? Part – B 1) Explain the different types of levels and staves with neatsketches. Mention the method of reduction oflevels. 30. 875. What will be the difference in answers areinterchanged? 8) Two points A and B are 1200m apart across a wide river.865 on B. 5) Insert the missing enters and rebook by rise and fall method.I.640 X 281.34m on A.475.010 X X 278. A. 2. Reading on staff on point B on ground =1. Staff readingon Inststation A B A 1. The following reciprocallevels are taken with one level.210 Reading on inverted staff on point C =3.070 3.MUKKANNAN M. Apply usualchecks.485 2. 1.Calculate the true difference of level between A and B and the error due to refractiononly.365 B 1. in details.650 OBM 2.745.125.370 0. 3..M. 4) Explain.945.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Change of instruments position.820 2. 3.402 The error in the collimation adjustment of the level is +0.965. 2. 1. the different types ofleveling. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 6 . Also find the gradient of the lineAB.E. 1.370 TBM 6) What is sensitiveness? How is it measured?Explain.410 280.035 1.980 X 1. Staff Readingon Inst. 2.655.350. A.E.080 277. 3) The following consecutive readings were taken along AB with a 4m leveling staff on continuously slowing ground at intervals of 20m : 0. BS IS FS HI RL Remarks X 279.380 Find (a)trueRLofQ (b)Combination for curvature and refraction (c)Angular error in collimation adjustment of theinst. 0.450.at Remarks A B P 1.740 Dist PQ = 1010m Q RL of P =126. 3. The elevation A was 60.008min 60m.630.. enter the above readings in a level book form and workout RLs by rise and fall method.975 Use rise and fall method and height of collimation method.400 X 278.680 2. 7) The following notes refer to reciprocal levels taken with onelevel. 22. Defines topographicmaps.I. 24. State prismoidal rule and average and end areamethod. What is the uses ofplanimeter? 20. How Volume is estimated using contouringplan? A. 10.105 B 1.465 2. Dist between A &B =80m FindoutthestaffreadingsonAandBinorderthatthelineofcollimationistrulyHlwhen the instruments was atD. Define median and double mediandistance.MUKKANNAN M.E. the following observationswere obtained. Mention the graphical methods of determiningareas. Staff readingon Level at A B A 1. Why simpson’s rule is used for odd number of ordinatesonly? 19. Define contour interval and horizontalequivalent.C&B. What are the methods adopted for estimatingvolume? 21. Define horizontal and vertical control. 7. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 7 . 8. 15. 3. 2. State mid ordinate and average ordinaterules..370 2. How areas are computed bymap? 18.M. Staff readingson Level at Remarks A B C 1. defineprismoid. 12. What are the uses of contourmaps? 11. 17. What are the uses ofcontours? 13. Mention the different methods ofcontouring. 9. 23. Define contouring and contours. Mention the methods of interpolatingcontouring. 14.765 Is the line of collimation adjustments? Find the truereadings.310 1.660 as A. How a hill and a depression can be differentiated usingcontouring? 6.140 1. Define LS and CS.E. 10) The following reciprocal level were taken during the testing of a dumpylevel. State trapezoidal and simpson’srule. 16. A.. Define contourgradient.005 C’ Is exactly midway between A&B ‘D’ Is midway between A & C and in same St.line D 1. UNIT-IV LEVELLINGAPPLICATIONS Part – A 1. Mention the curvature correction for 2 levelsections. 4. What are the factors on which the choice of contour intervaldepends? 5.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 9) In testing a dumpy level for the collimation error. Explain the interpolation of contours with neatsketch Explain the uses of contoursmaps. What are the advantages and disadvantages of subtense method over stadiamethod? 9.E. Define lead andlift.60. 6. 3. 8.MUKKANNAN M. PQ=130m. Define stadiaintercept.20. 4. Part – B 1. 3. calculate the volume contained in a length of 150m. What is tacheometry? A.. List out the different stadiamethods. 11. 12. Explain the methods of locatingcontours. 4.20.. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 8 .6. 4. 2. Assuming the ground tobe level in a direction traverse to the centerline.I. What is the principle of stadiamethod? 13. calculate the area using average ordinate rule. What is tacheometric surveying? 2. the central heights at30m intervals beings 2. QR=200m. 3. List out the different methods oftacheometry. 8. Compare tangential and stadiamethod.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 25.75.00. and 2. 3.75 respectively. What are the errors that may arise instadia? 10.M. PR=230m. 7.0 and 0 10.1. What are the advantages of an anallatic lens used intacheometer? 7. 5. Derive the formulas for calculation of areas andVolumes. Explain about the Mass hall Diagrams with neatsketch.65. 5. 6.6. Drive on expression for simpson’s rule and trapezoidalrule. 6.QR.2. The following offsets were taken from a chain line to a hedge. 30. 60. Give the precision of stadiasurvey.5. What are the three types of telescope used in stadiasurveying? 6.25.00. 11. trapezoidal rule and simpson’s rule. Explain the characteristics ofcontours.Offset taken outwards from PS to the irregular boundary at chain ages 0. A. 4. 3. 8. Define stadia method oftacheometry. Calculate the area Of the field from the followingdata.8. 5. The following perpendicularoffsets were taken at10metres intervals from a survey line to a an irregular boundary line. 5.120 and 150 Have values 0. UNIT-V THEODOLITESURVEYING Part-A 1.25.75. Certain field has three straights sides PQ. 90. PS=150m. What is mass hauldiagram? 26.3.20. A railway embankment is 10m wide with side slopes 2:1.RS and an irregular side PS.4.65. 4.E. 3. Distance inm 0 6 12 18 24 36 48 60 72 81 90 Offsets inm Calculate the area using (i) Simpson’s rule (ii) trapezoidalrule 9. 39. What istheodolite? 23. How omitted measurements can becalculated? 40.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 14. What are the sources of errors intheodolite? 32. A. 19. What are the fundamental lines of a transittheodolite? 31. Give the use of Analyticlens. Swinging the telescope h.I.M. What is the use of Gale’s traversetable? 38. 22. Give the expression for V in tangentialmethod. d. A. What is directionmethod? 30. 24.MUKKANNAN M. 27. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 9 . 36. determine the horizontal distance between the twostations. What is a subtense bar? 21. What is easting andwesting? 35. Mention the Classification ofTheodolites.E. Changing face.why? 17. What is trigonometriclevelling? Part-B 1.E. Mention the parts ofTheodolites 25. Mention some cases of omittedmeasurements. Define latitude anddeparture 33. 15. 20. Verticalaxis b. What are methods of balancing thetraverse? 37. Define closing error... The following readings were taken on a vertical staff with a tacheometer fitted with an analytic lens and having a constant of100. In the fixed hair method. Movable hair method is not adopted generally. Centering f.If additive constant is zero. Axis of level tube e. What is northing and southing? 34. Give the expression for RL of staff above the station in stadia fixed. What is the difference between theodolite andtacheometer? 16.7m. What are the advantage of method ofrepetition? 29. Telescope normal j. What is the use of peep sight andplummet? 26. Line of sight / line ofcollimation. when line of sightis inclined and staff normal toit. Define the following terms:a. Horizontalaxis c. What is multiplying constant and additiveconstant? 18. What are the temporary adjustment oftheodolite? 28. Face left / face rightobservation i. the line of sight is horizontal and staff is held vertically. Transiting g. multiplying constant is 100 and distance two hairs is2. Telescopeinverted k. 5m. Calculate the horizontal and vertical distances using tangential tacheometry when Both the observed angles are angle of elevation and angle ofdepression.819.Q and R and the horizontal distances PQ andQR. 3.1.M.. station P P Q Heightof axis 1. = 460.MUKKANNAN M. Explain the procedure of estimating the horizontal and vertical distanceswhere the line of collimation is inclined to the horizontal and the staff is held normalto the line ofcollimation 4. Staff Station P Q Vertical Angle 8°36’ 6°6’ Staff Intercept AxialHair reading 2.292m when sighted A.000 3. 5. 2.060 8°0’ 0.863 12°27’ 1.055 1.E.895 The Instrument is fitted with an analytic lens and the constant is 100-computethe length of PQ and R-C of Q that of P being321.341. 2.515.6 Staffs tation B. 6.L ofB. A tacheometer is setup at an intermediate point at on a traverse course PQ.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Staff station Bearing A B 47°10’ 227°10’ Staffreadings Vertical angles 0.847 2. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 10 .M. How do you calculate the horizontal and vertical distances between a instrument station and a staff station when the line of collimation is inclined to the horizontal and the staff is heldvertically.067 7°5’ 0.5 1.M Q R Vertical Hairreadings angles -6°12’ 0. the multiplying constant being100: Inst.860. 7. Compute the reduced levels of P..2.The Following observations are made on the vertically heldstaff.105 2.940 1. A.The centre reading on a vertical staff held at point B was 2.E.3.963. 1.I.445.5 1.030 Remarks R.153 -5°0’ CalculatetherelativelevelofthegroundatAandBandthegradientbetweenAandB. 1.65m staffheld vertically. A theodolite has atacheometric multiplying constant of 100 and an additive constant of zero.500 2.350 2. The following notes refer to a line levelled tacheometrically with an anallatic tacheometer. 1.66m while the vertical angle was 9°30’.605. Two points A & B are on opposite sides of a summit.150.. How will you determine the stadia constants? 9. and the following readings weretaken. Find also the gradient of the lineAB. In the case of the first. Using these values.750 Calculate the distance AB. 8.500 A -10° 1. If the vertical angle was +25º and the horizontal distance AB 190. and the RLs of A and B. 2. 2.25m and the height of the instrument was 1.MUKKANNAN M.00.95.500 B -12° 0. Inst.500m P 1. RL of P= 2.calculatetheotherstaffreadingsandshowthatthetwointerceptintervalsarenotequal.855. Heightof Staffs Vertical Hair Remarks station axis tation angles readings P 1. The instrument was then set over a station P of R. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 11 .355 10.355 = 150.1. calculate the level of B if A is 37.447mand b1. The hair readings on a staff held vertically at station Q were 1.950m angle of depression and the height of the instrument is 1. RL ofO 2. Explain the parts of theodolite? 15.L 500.155.193m respectively.755. Explain the permanent adjustment of theodolite? 14. Calculate the reduced level of the staff station and its distance from the instrument.the multiplying constant being100. Heightof Staffs WCB Vertical Hairreadings Remarks station axis tation angles O 1. Find the distance PQ andthe RL of Q.AKSHAYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY from A.75. Two observations were taken upon a vertical staff by means of a theodolite.050.M. thereduced level of its trunnion axis being 160.1.. Explain the different between tangential and stadia tacheometry. 2. A.45 and the angle of elevation 5°48’. 13.550 A 30°30’ 4°30’ 1. In the case of second observation.E. The tacheometer was set up at Pon top of the summit. the angle of elevationwas 4°36’ and the staff reading 0.93 and 2.00 B 75°30’ 10°15’ 1.35m. 12.2.I.45m. A staff was held vertically at distance of 45m and 120m from the centre of a theodolite fitted with stadia hairs and the staff intercepts with the telescope horizontal were 0.326 m. the staff reading was 3.950 450.250. The following observation were made using a tacheometer fitted with an anallaticlens. How horizontal angles are measured using repetition a reiteration method? A. Inst.20.E. 11.
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