CE Detailed Syllebus

March 19, 2018 | Author: pallab | Category: Turbine, Sewage Treatment, Boundary Layer, Wastewater, Bending



Syllabus for B.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur DETAILED SYLLABUS FOR BTECH (CIVIL ENGINEERING) SECOND YEAR – THIRD SEMESTER Sl. No. Paper code Subjects Contact Hrs/week L 1 2 3 CV32 CVL32 4 5 6 CV34 CV35 CVL35 CV33 CV36 HU-311 7 SOFT 301 CV32 Strength of Materials Basic Material Testing Laboratory Surveying-I Theory & Practice Fluid Mechanics Theory Fluid Mechanics Practice Materials of Construction Applied Engineering Geology PowerPoint presentation, Business English and Indian constitution Soft Skill and Extra Curricular Activities Total Semester T/ P Total 3 7 1 4 4 3 4 0 300 200 1 0 4 5 3 200 300 200 300 300 300 2 2 300 32 2400 3 4 4 3 Total Marks 7 Strength of Materials Unit I Review of Basic Concepts of Stress and Strain: Normal stress, Shear stress, Bearing stress, Normal strain, Shearing strain; Hooke’s law; Poisson’s ratio; Stress-strain diagram of ductile and brittle materials; Elastic limit; Ultimate stress. Beam Statics: Support reactions, concepts of redundancy, axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for concentrated, uniformly distributed, linearly varying load, concentrated moments in simply supported beams, cantilever and overhanging beams Unit II Symmetric Beam Bending: Basic kinematic assumption, moment of inertia, elastic flexure formulae and its application, Bending and shear stress for regular sections, shear centre July 17, 2014 Syllabus for B.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur Deflection of statically determinate beams: Fundamental concepts: Elastic curve, moment Curvature relationship, governing differential equation, boundary conditions: Direct integration solution Unit III Analysis of determinate plane trusses: Concepts of redundancy, Analysis by method of joints, method of sections Two Dimensional Stress Problems: Principal stresses, maximum shear stresses, Mohr’s circle of stresses, construction of Mohr’s circle Unit IV Introduction to thin cylindrical & spherical shells: Hoop stress and meridonial - stress and volumetric changes. Torsion: Pure torsion, torsion of circular solid shaft and hollow shafts, torsional equation, torsional rigidity, closed coil helical; springs Columns: Fundamentals, criteria for stability in equilibrium, column buckling theory, Euler’s load for columns with different end conditions, limitations of Euler’s theory – problems, eccentric load and secant formulae. Reference and Text Books: 1 Strength of Materials G.H.Ryder 2 Mechanics Materials of Pytel Singer 3 Strength Materials of U.C. Jindal 4 Mechanics Materials of Beer Johnston ELBS & Macmilan & Harper Collins Publications India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Umesh Publications, New Delhi & Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi CVL32 Basic Material Testing Laboratory 1. Tensile Strength Test – Mild Steel and HYSD bar July 17, 2014 Syllabus for B.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur 2. Compressive Strength Test – Mild Steel and Cast Iron 3. Compressive Strength Test – Cement Cubes and Concrete Cubes 4. Compressive Strength Test – Bricks 5. Compressive Strength Test – Wooden Blocks 6. Hardness Test – Rockwell Hardness and Brinell Hardness 7. Impact Test – Izod and Charpy 8. Modulus of Rupture of Wooden Beam 9. Fatigue Test 10. Spring Test 11. Torsion Test CV34 Surveying-I Theory Unit I Introduction: Definition, classification of surveying, objectives, principles of surveying Classification, principles, types, propagation of errors. Chain surveying: Chain and its types, Optical square, Cross staff, Reconnaissance and site Location, Locating ground features by offsets – Field book. Chaining for obtaining the outline of structures, Methods for overcoming obstacles, Conventional symbols, Plotting chain survey and Computation of areas, Errors in chain surveying and their elimination: Problems Compass Surveying: Details of prismatic compass, Use and adjustments, Bearings, Local attraction and its adjustments. Chain and compass surveying of an area, Booking and plotting, Adjustments of traverse, Errors in compass surveying and precautions: Problems. Unit II Compass Surveying: Details of prismatic compass, Use and adjustments, Bearings, Local attraction and its adjustments. Chain and compass surveying of an area, Booking and plotting, Adjustments of traverse, Errors in compass surveying and precautions: Problems. Unit III Instruments, adjustments, levelling – principles, long section, cross section, reciprocal levelling, trigonometric levelling, effect of curvature and refraction. Contouring: Topographic Map, Characteristics of Contour, Contour Interval.Methods of Locating Contours, Interpolation of Contours Unit IV Theodolite Surveying: Components of a Transit Theodolite, Measurement of horizontal and vertical Angles, Co-ordinates and traverse Table Introduction to Total Station with Field applications Reference and Text Books : July 17, 2014 Important physical properties: density. 3. viscosity. Shahani by T. orificemeter. Forces on submerged plane and curved surfaces. Standard Book House. Measurement of pressure-manometers. Bernoulli’s equation and its application-venturimeter. pathlines and streakline. determination of metacentric height. surface tension. velocity potential. compressibility. 6.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management.2.&3 D flow. Momentum equation and its application to simple problems. Fly levelling. Plane Table Surveying. Laxmi Publications.Syllabus for B. pressure variation in a static fluid.P. Punmia. Classification of fluids-ideal and real fluid. Buoyant Force-centre of buoyancy. Jaipur 1. 4. 2. uniform and non-uniform flow.B. metacentre. Kinematics of Fluids Study of fluid motion-Lagrangian and Eulerian methods. pitot tube. by P. July 17.C. Scales of Pressure-absolute and gauge pressure. Circulation. vorticity. non-Newtonian fluids. traversing. Concept of streamlines. 5. Reciprocal levelling. Fluid Statics Pressure at a point-Pascal’s Law. Levelling: Observation using Dumpy level and staff. Continuity equation. Compass: Traversing. Surveying (Vol I & II) Surveying (Vol I & II) Surveying and Levelling (Vol I & II) Surveying Surveying A Text Book of Surveying by B. streamtube. stream function. Dynamics of Fluid Flow Euler’s equation of motion. Theodolite: measurement of angles. 1. relative equilibrium-translation and rotation of fluid masses. 2014 . specific weight. capplilarity. by Kulkarni by Hussain and Nagaraj CV34 Surveying Practice Chain Surveying. Flownet. rotational and irrotational flow. CV35 Fluid Mechanics Theory Basic Concepts Continum Approach. Equilibrium of floating and submerged bodies. laminar and turbulent flow. vapour pressure. Classification of flow-steady and unsteady flow. Karnatkar by Arrora. tolerance. 2014 . Siphon.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. preparation method. uses and properties of mortar and plaster. various standard test on building stores including compressive strength. quarrying of stones. CVL35 Fluid Mechanics Practice 1. dimension and tolerance test– Manufacture process. tests. To determine Cd of a mouthpiece. soundness and strength. Total Energy lines. mouthpiece running full and free. minor losses. Classification. Flow through Pipes Losses in pipe flow-major loss (Loss due to friction)-Darcy Weisbach equation. durability. impact value. Cement and Lime : Raw materials. July 17. tests for lime. tests for sand. CV33 Materials of Construction Stones : Classification. manufacture of OPC. 6. To determine viscosity of a given fluid. Various standard tests on Portland cements. orifice coefficients-experimental determination. as per IS code including consistency. 4. equivalent pipe. Velocity of Approach . To calibrate the Venturimeter. constituents of cement and their role. To determine Metacentrie Height. Lime: Classification. Clay Products : Bricks such as water absorption. Pipes in series. discharge through a free orifice. properties. glazing. 5. effloresces. compressive strength. Mortar and Plaster: Functions and types of sand. Hydraulic gradient lines. classification. water absorption. 2. bulking of sand. Cd of an orifice. setting time. Jaipur Orifice and Mouthpiece Classification.Broad crested weir. pipes in parallel. 3. To determine Cd of a V-notch. standard tests as per IS code. To calibrate the Orificmeter. External and internal mouthpiece. type of cement. identification. impact value. standard tests for tiles as per IS code such as water absorption. Cv. To verify the Bernoulli’s theorem. Notches and Weirs Classification. To determine Cc. 8. Dressing of stones. fineness. properties.Syllabus for B. tensile strength. Types of Tiles. Manufacture. selection criteria and uses of common building stones. 7. Chemistry of setting and hardening. types of panting. Prestressed and precast concrete. Fault. Engineering Properties of Rocks. seasoning.Syllabus for B. Miscellaneous: Properties and uses of glass. Structural Geology Causes & Classification of Fold. Engineering Geology July 17.I. preservation. Jaipur Timber : Definitions of related terms. of building by occupancy and by types of construction. Weathering and Work of Wind & River . fiber boards. Comparison between stone and brick masonary. Geophysical Methods Electrical resistivity & Seismic refraction method for civil engineering importance. different types of bonds. steel. Physical properties of Minerals. depth of footing. Brick and Stone Masonary : Basic principle of sound masonary work. Internal Structure of the Earth.. Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks. aluminum. classification. Ply woods. Geological Time Scale. classifications and properties. Importance of Geology in Civil Engg. uses..Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. fire proofing. General principles. Foundation : Purpose. types of foundation. single flemish and double flemish bond. properties. Classification. Petrology Origin. various types of paints and Varnishes. Building Requirements: Building components. classification of stone masonary. 2014 . defects in wood. their functions and requirements. Plastics : Introduction. load bearing construction and framed structure construction. CV36 Applied Engineering Geology General Geology Subdivision of Geology. foundation for black cotton soil. relative merits merit and demerits of English. types of plastering. conversion of wood. Texture & Structures of Igneous. Pointing & Plastering : Definition uses and Relative merits. bearing capacity of soil. Joints & Unconformities. Asbestos. G. causes of failure of foundation and remedial measure. classification. Election commission. advisory functions 3) Electoral system in India. Jaipur Geological investigation for site selection of site for Dams. court of record.functions.Preamble 2) Federal government with unitary features 3) Parliamentary government 4) Directive principles of the state policy 5) Universal and adult franchise 6) Single citizenship 7) Union executives – The president and other executive offices. removal 2) Functions of high Court.composition.Supreme Court. terms of office.Syllabus for B. composition and function of Public commission 5) Fundamental rights 6) Fundamental Duties Part 2. power and functions July 17. tenure. legislative and emergency situations 9) Council of ministers. Business English and Indian constitution Part 1. control over subordinate court. Reservoirs and Bridges.eligibility. executive powers –judicial. impeachment. Site improvement for different engineering projects. 1. 8) relevance. eligibility. HU-311 PowerPoint presentation. judicial review. judges’ appointment.structure.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. composition.Original jurisdiction. Tunnels. Appellate jurisdiction (criminal and civil). powers. duties and responsibilities.Indian Constitution 1) Basic Features. Remote Sensing Introduction and applications in Civil Engineering. 2014 . High court. functions and powers 4) Public service.Civics 1) Independent judiciary System. Syllabus for B. 2014 . Principles of planning – Orientation. objectives. Paper code Subjects Contact Hrs/week L 1 2 3 4 5 6 CV41 CVL41 CV42 CVL42 CV43 CVL43 CV44 HU-411 SOFT 401 Building Construction Theory Building Planning & Drawing Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Applied Engineering Geology Practice Surveying-II Theory Surveying II Practice Structural Analysis-I Modern Indian History & Economics Soft Skill and Extra Curricular Activities Total Semester T/P 4 3 Total 7 4 3 3 3 4 3 7 6 4 3 Total Marks 300 200 300 200 300 200 300 300 300 0 2 2 29 2400 CV41 Building Construction Theory Unit I Building and Its Types. Functional requirements. Types of foundation and their suitability. Cavity wall.administration.composition.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Building Bye-Laws.Bonds in Brick work. recommendations 14) Indian foreign policy. Rubble and Ashier masonry. Lintels and Arches. division of power between state and union territory 13) National Commission.legislative assembly. No.origin.Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and their presiding officers’ power and functions 11) State government. functions. Dead and Live loads. achievements SECOND YEAR – FOURTH SEMESTER Sl.chief minister and council of ministers composition. July 17. Jaipur 10) The Parliament. power.factors and features 15) United Nations. functions 12) Union territories. Front Elevation and Sectional Elevation from line diagram.its thickness.Syllabus for B. Stairs. 2014 . Ribbed floor. cavity wall and cross section of external wall 2. sphere and cylinder.Brick and Stone masonary ii. Development of Front Elevation and Sectional Elevation from a given plan 2. Drag on flat plate. Types of roof trusses. Jaipur Unit II Construction of details of timber. Provision of Damp Proof Course Building Planning – 1. Drawing of walls i. Boundary layer separation. Unit IV: Damp proofing. Mechanical properties. cross section of Dog legged stairs 5. Roof terracing. Types of Doors and Windows. Pointing. Types. Classification & properties of Bricks. Development of Plan. CVL41 Building Planning & Drawing 1. Momentum equation for boundary layer along a flat plate. Roofing & roof covering. Marble. precast. planning of stair. Karman vortex trail. Unit III: Stair Case. seasoning & preservation of Timbers. Circulation. Desirable properties. Constituents of Paints. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers. RCC. Lintels and Floors 3.types of drag. CV42 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Boundary Layer Theory Boundary layer growth . Arches. Terrazzo and mosaic floors.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. July 17. Dimensional analysis of drag and lift. Fixing Ventilators. Lift on a cylinder with circulation –Magnus effect. types. Jack arch. Foundations for Masonry Structures and Framed Structures. Roofs: Flat and Inclined (Steel) 6.Partition wall. Testing of bricks. Exclusion of water. Construction details. Termite proofing. cement concrete. Doors and Windows 4. Flow Past Submerged Bodies Drag and lift . Movable bed models. Kaplan Turbine. Other Impulse turbines. Model techniques. Design of Pelton wheel turbine. Distorted models. Draft tube. REACTION TURBINES Differences between an impulse and a reaction turbine. Dynamic equation of mass oscillation. Shear stress in turbulent flow. IMPULSE TURBINES Work done by impulse turbine. Pipe network –Hardy Cross method. Dimensionless numbers.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Types of draft tubes. pumps. Efficiencies of reaction turbine. INTRODUCTION: Types of hydraulics machines-turbines. 2014 . Classification of reaction turbines. Other reaction turbines. Efficiencies of Draft tube. Computation of flow profile – back water and drawdown curves.Syllabus for B. Euler’s equation of turbo machines. Moody diagram –its use for simple pipe flow problems. Water Hammer and Surge Tanks Hammer blow in pipes. Francis Turbine. Surge tanks – their types and location. Flow resistance in smooth and rough pipes. Uniform flow in open channel – Chezy formula. Efficiencies of an impulse turbine. Open Channel flow Open channel its types. Pressure rise due gradual and instantaneous valve closure -Rigid and elastic theories. Hydraulic jump. July 17. Power produced by a reaction turbine. Gradually varied flow (GVF). Fluid Machines Principles of fluid machines (impact of jets). Theory of rotodynamic machines-Euler’s equation. Cavitation in reaction turbines. Power produced by an impulse turbine. Velocity distribution. Classification of fluid machines – simple cases. Hydraulically smooth and rough pipes. Hydraulic Similitude and Model Studies Similarity laws. Manning’s formula. Specific energy. Jaipur Turbulent Flow in Pipes Prandtl’s mixing length theory. Elements of governing system. Selection of turbines based on head of water and also based on specific speed. Essential components and layouts. Operational difficulties in centrifugal pump. Minimum starting speed.Syllabus for B. Advantages and disadvantages of hydro. Reciprocating pump. unit speed and unit discharge. Double regulation of turbines. Jaipur GOVERNING OF TURBINES Purpose of governing. Workdone by the impeller . Work saved against friction. Multistage centrifugal pumps. Heads of pumps. Advantages of water turbines. Identification of Geological features through wooden Models a) Structural Geological Diagrams b) Petrological Diagrams c) Engineering Geological Diagrams July 17. Working of a centrifugal pump.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Slip of the pump. Power required. Work done against friction with or without air-vessels. 2014 . Selection of pumps. Characteristic of a centrifugal pump. Indicator diagram. Discharge . Identification of Minerals in Hand Specimen 4. Physical Properties of Minerals 2. Characteristic curves of turbines. Unit power.their types and working principles. Governing of reaction turbines. Losses and efficiencies . Governing of impulse turbine.electric plants. Pumped storage plants. Identification of Rocks in Hand Specimen 5. Effect of acceleration of the piston on indicator diagram. RECIPROCATING PUMP Pumps and its classifications. Hydro-electric plants their classification. Variation of pressure in the suction and delivery pipes. Maximum speed of the rotating crank with air-vessels.ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS Water wheels . Development of water turbines their classification and working principles. Priming . Advantages and disadvantages of water wheels. Physical Properties of Rocks 3. Effect of friction in the suction and delivery pipes on the indicator diagram. CVL42 Applied Engineering Geology Practice 1. HYDRO. Specific speed of a turbine their significances. Specific speed. Components of a centrifugal pump. Types. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP Advantages of centrifugal pump over reciprocating pump. PERFORMANCES OF TURBINES Characteristic of turbines. Relief valve or pressure regulator. Signals. 2014 . Error and Precision in Tacheometry. Time: Types. Triangulation: Triangulation systems. CVL43 Surveying II Practice Levelling Practices: Profile levelling. moment area method.Syllabus for B.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Setting out Works: setting out of buildings. Contouring. relief. Curves: Classification. application. bridges. setting out of circular curve and transition curve. Deflection in Beams: Computation of slope and deflection by double integration.) CV43 Surveying-II Theory Tacheometry: Principles. Bending moment. Jaipur 6. computations and adjustments. Tacheometric surveying. Prismoidal rules. Difference between determinate and indeterminate structures. Dip & Strike Problems (8 Nos. conditions of equilibrium of forces.) 7. Torsion & Shear Force in beams with concentrated load and distributed load. Trapezoidal. it’s application and scope. Conversion of times. Interpretation of Geological Map (10 Nos. sensors and platforms of remote sensing. Equation of time. conjugate beam method. applications to simply supported. Total station: Measurement of Angles and Distances. support and connections – reactions. Setting out of Circular curves. CV44 Structural Analysis-I Introduction to Structural analysis: Forms of structures. satellite stations. types. Statically Determinate Beams: Axial Thrust. Flight planning. July 17. EME. Remote Sensing: Principles. Intervisibility. Photogrammetry: Principles. Stadia and Tangential methods. Calculation of Area and Volumes: Different methods. overhang and cantilever beams. Free body diagram. Points of centra flexures. Loads and Forces. Total station Instruments: Introduction. Cross-sectioning. The Great Greek Philosophers (1hr) • History makers. Betti’s theorem and their applications. Castigliano’s theorems and their applications to find deflection and redundant forces in simple cases. Beam Column – stresses for combined bending and axial load. Three hinge stiffening Girder. Early Indian Philosopher/Thinkers • The four Purusharthas: Meaning and relevance 5. Definition 2. Deflection of joints.C. – 600 B.Syllabus for B. The five periods: • July 17. Analysis of Pin-Jointed Structure: Method of joints and sections. Column and Strut: Buckling load for different end conditions. Truss with single redundancy.) . bending. Arches (Three hinge and Two hinge arch). eccentrically loaded column.Indian Philosophy 1. Graphical method. Indian Philosophy (2hrs) • Origin of the word . What is Philosophy? (1hrs) • Origin of the word. Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. Jaipur Strain Energy and Virtual work: Strain energy for axial force. The History of Indian Philosophy (7 hrs) 7.Socrates. columns with initial curvature. The Systems of Indian Philosophy (2hrs) • The Orthodox systems • The Unorthodox systems • The differences between the two systems 6. its relevance 4. HU-411 Modern Indian History & Economics Part 1. Plato and Aristotle 3.C. shear and torsion. Cables.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. 2014 Vedic Period (2500 B. ) • Scholarly Period (600 A.D.D.) • Sutra Period (200 A. 2014 .D. Scarcity. Jaipur • Epic Period (600 B.D.Syllabus for B. Choice.C. 7) We proceed to introduce the concept of opportunity costs for making choices by the 8) consumers and producers to confront scarcity. 4) We proceed to emphasize that scarcity and choice are basic problems of Economics. July 17.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) up to Fourth year • Jamini-PURVA MIMAMSA • Shankaracharya-UTTAR MIMAMSA • Charvak-CHARVAKISM • Vardhamana Mahavira-JAINISM • Gautama Buddha-BUDDHISM Part 2. labour and capital as three factors of production.Economics SECTION I.D. and also explain 6) the role of entrepreneurs. Opportunity Cost 2) We start with students’ prevailing understanding of Economics by discussing what 3) students already know about Economics. Founders/Promoters of Different Philosophies and their Characteristics (7 hrs) • Gautam Maharishi.) • The Modern Period (1700 – present) 8. – 600 A.NYAYA • Acharya Kannad-VAISHESHIKA • Patanjali –YOGA • Maharishi Kapila-SAMKHYA Syllabus for B. – 200 A. BASIC ECONOMIC CONCEPTS 1) Economics. – 1700 A.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. 5) We Introduce lands. Determinants of Supply. Concepts of Inflation and Deflation. Production Function. Definitions of Consumption. d.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. f. Factors determining Demand. e. c. Price Determination in Markets. Excess Demand. and Law of a. i. Elasticity of Demand. Cross. The Major Macroeconomic Variables: National Income. Factors Affecting g. Demand and Supply. b. Demand Function.Syllabus for B. Law of Supply. monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Demand Curves. Supply. MICROECONOMICS a. Demand. Short Run and Long Run. Long Run and Short Run Cost Curves. Supply function. Cost of Production. Concept of Elasticity. Demand Schedule.Perfect competition. Circular Flow of Income. b.Price. Calculation of National Income. Employment. SECTION III. Perfectly elastic. Law of variable Proportions. Jaipur SECTION II. Income. Elasticity of Demand. MACROECONOMIC CONCEPTS a. monopoly. SOFT 401 Soft Skill and Extra Curricular Activities THIRD YEAR – FIFTH SEMESTER Sl. Elastic. Definition of Price. No. Completely Inelastic h. Expenditure methodIncome method. Equilibrium Quantity.Product Method. Excess Supply. b. Savings and Investments d. Determination of Income and Employment. Different types of market.Value Added . Inelastic. Equilibrium Price. Paper code Subjects July 17. 2014 Contact Hrs/week Total Marks . c. Introduction to working stress method of design. Draw : Line. CVL51 Computer Aided Structural Design Lab. Continuous Beams. Text. Footings – isolated and combined. bond. long and short columns. July 17. 2014 . Columns – centric and eccentric loading. Osnap. Rectangle. units. shear. Boundary. Irrigation. Snap. pan. Durability. Jaipur L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CV51 CVL51 Design of Structures RCC Computer Aided Structural Design Lab. Recycling of waste water ME(CS)581 JAVA HU 511 i) Principles of Management ii) Language Lab & Technical Report Writing iii) Mercantile Law Soft Skill and Extra Curricular SOFT 501 Activities Total Semester T/P Total 4 3 4 0 4 0 4 3 7 4 4 300 300 300 300 300 4 1 4 4 300 4 300 300 0 2 2 29 2400 CV51 Design of Structures RCC Properties of Concrete and reinforcing steel. Pline.Syllabus for B. mtext. polygard. flexure and deflection consideration. zoom. Spline. Standard tool bars : Match properties. Arc. Waterways. Grid. Circle. CV52 Geotechnical Engineering-I & Soil Testing CV53 Water Resources Engineering CV54 Design of Dam.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Simple and Continuous slab. mline. Donut. Introduction to Auto CAD Setting up Commands : Limits. doubly reinforced and Tee beams. Singly reinforced. Limit State Design philosophy. serviceability. Hatch. Ellipse. Retaining walls. Extend. CV 52: Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Testing Soil: Origin and types. Secondary Consolidation. Jaipur Modify/Edit : Erase. Index properties. line type. total and effective stress paths. Galgotia Publication 2. 3d – orbit. Radius. July 17. slope protection. aligned. stability of finite slope. Stability of Slope :Stability of infinite slope. diameter. 3-D : Solid editing. piping. View : UCS. Reference Books: 1. current layer. Flow nets – principles. Angular. Seepage: Darcy’s law of permeability. Determination of Coefficient of permeability. Style. active and passive earth pressure. vane shear. Graphical Solutions. estimation of consolidation settlement. Layer : New layer. filtration criteria. Baseline. array.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Effective stress analysis. Mirror. Equivalent permeability for stratified soil. lock. field compaction control. lengthen. Continue. Break. Dimensioning : linear. Preparation of a Building Plan. Identification and classification of soils. stretch. phase relationship. Lateral Earth Pressure: Earth pressure at rest. factors affecting compaction. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. rotate. sensitivity. fillet. quick sand condition. direct shear. Chamfer. 2014 . View ports. Compressibility and Consolidation: Terzagli’s theory of one-dimensional consolidation. Dhanpat Rai & Sons.Syllabus for B. unconfined compression test. Compaction: Principle of compaction. By BC Punmia. delete. Explode. consistency. Shear Strength of Soil: Strength envelope. evaluation of shear strength parameters. Rankine and Coulomb’s earth pressure theories. Introduction to Soil Mechanics by BM Das. Light and heavy compaction. copy. construction and application. freeze. trim. pore pressure. line weight. view. move. colour. render. clay mineralogy. Shade. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. scale. elevation and Section in Detail. Soil Mechanics by Gopal Ranjan & Rao. triaxial shear. offset. 3. Consumptive use of water. Classification of falls. causes of failures. duty of tube well water. outlets. Gravity Dams: Force acting on a gravity dam. Khasra Bandi. functions and advantages of irrigation. comparative merits and demerits. Recycling of waste water Regulation of works: Falls. classification for agriculture. July 17. silt excluders and different types of silt ejectors. different stages of rivers. Waterways. soil moisture and crop water relations. regimes of flow. Embankment Dams: Suitable sites. present status of irrigation in India. Well Irrigation: Open wells and tube wells. and degradation. stability and seepage analysis. Sajra Sheets). bed bars. principles of design of earth dams. CV54 Design of Dam. continuous delivery and delivery on demand. Jama Bandi. bed load. Role of command area development authority.Syllabus for B. multiple cropping. river training & bank protection works. Selection of site and layout. Design of falls. Cross-Drainage Structure: Necessity of Cross-drainage structures. Soil Mecanics by Whitman & Lambe. syphon aqueduct. resistance relationship for natural streams. design of weirs on permeable foundation. Irrigation. Hydraulics of Alluvial Rivers : Critical tractive force. design of various types of cross-drainage structure-aqueducts. Distributory head regulator and cross-head regulator. 5. suspended load and total equations. aggradations. precautions of piping. Instrumentation. water harvesting and conservation. their types and selection. types of tube wells. assessment of canal revenue. principal Indian crop seasons and water requirements. stability requirements. Jaipur 4. slope stability analysis. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg by VNS Murthy. superpassage syphon. Energy dissipation. types of weirs and barrages. Escape. Irrigation water quality. CV53 Water Resources Engineering Introduction: Definitions. Diversion Head works: Design for surface and subsurface flows. Distribution of Canal Water: System of regulation and control. John Willey. meandering. 2014 . level crossing and other types. hybrid crops. Water Distribution System: Rotational delivery (Warabandi. Bligh’s and Khosla’s methods.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. different parts of diversion headworks. Functions and organizational structures. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. flownet. elements of power house structure. Hydro Power Plant: General features of hydroelectric schemes. flood routing through spillways. Reservoir sedimentation and water shed management. selection of turbines. different types of spillways and gates. 2014 . Reservoirs: Evaluation of impact of water projects on river regimes and environment. energy dissipation below spillways. Optimization: Introduction to optimization technique July 17. Jaipur Spillways: Spillway capacity. draft tube and setting of turbine. cavitations.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management.Syllabus for B. cities as ecosystems. No. transit oriented development. quality of life. 2014 . inclusivity and equity. Jaipur THIRD YEAR – SIXTH SEMESTER Sl. Inner city – issues and problems. water resource & Irrigation Engineering Quantity Surveying and estimation Roads. concepts and concerns of urban sustainability. Ports & Design Transportation Engineering Design & Drawing of RC Structures Environmental Engineering-I CAD/CAM i) Das Kapital & Wealth of Nations ii) Laws of Contract Soft Skill and Extra Curricular Activities Total Semester Contact Hrs/week L T /P 4 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 1 0 7 4 1 5 3 2 3 Total Marks Total 4 300 300 6 5 3 200 300 200 300 200 300 300 0 2 2 32 2400 CV61 Town Planning & Sewerage System Urban Growth and System of Cities: Growth of cities scale. complexity and its impact on national development. concepts and concerns of urban sustainability. Planning Technique and its Implementation July 17. cities as engines of growth. social and environmental sustainability. climate change. problems.Syllabus for B. approach to development. resources in cities. Paper code 1 CV61 2 CV62 CVL62 3 4 5 6 CV63 CV64 CV65 CV66 ME(CS) 681 HU 611 7 SOFT 601 Subjects Town Planning & Sewerage System Hydrology. participatory planning. characteristics. Metro and Mega Cities: Problems and Issues Growth trends and processes. issues related to diversity and unintended growth.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. economic. manure and fertilizers for improving soil characteristics. base period. Planning process: definition. landscape planning. Contents of spatial planning for a settlement: Site planning. uses and economy of zoning. stages in preparation of master plan. disposal system. dist. engineering aspects of sewage disposal. necessity. political. standard for development and redevelopment of residential. low cost sanitation options. utility planning. Kor depth and Kor period. Introduction – definition. classification of residential building. treatment methods. systems concept. Master Plan and Zoning Method Master plan objects and necessity. Soil Water-plant Relationship – Soil-water plant relationship. society. method adopt to collect data. principles of zoning. delta. Analysis of discrete and continuous hydrologic data. command area. anti-water logging measures. water resource & Irrigation Engineering Hydrologic processes – Hydrologic cycle. causes of water-logging. source of supply. Water-logging – Definition. administrative level of planning (local. state and national). Wastewater – generation.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. statistical analysis including frequency analysis. landuse planning. disposal systems. design of residential area. types. Storm water drainage – systems CV62 Hydrology. advantages and disadvantages of irrigation. determination of irrigation water requirement. relation between delta. duty. duty and base period. aspects.Syllabus for B. block. principal crops in India. Water-requirements of Crops – factors affecting water-requirement of crops. objects and importance of zoning. Jaipur Basic Methods of various types of surveys. correlation and regression analysis. administrative and legal system on planning process. commercial and recreational area. Time series analysis and its application in hydrology. requirements of residential buildings. soil-fertility and crop rotation. objective and type of planning (sectoral and spatial). master plans. Harmonic analysis. function. Sanitation – concepts. transmission and distribution. Drainage system design. role of environment. July 17. 2014 . consumptive use of water. need and importance. Water Supply and Sanitation: Quantity & quality. collection of data. Hydrologic design of water resources systems. design guidelines. site for building. crop-water relationship. socio-economic data for urban planning. adverse effects of water-logging. transport planning. economy. Woodworks. 2014 . short wall method of estimate. colour wash. Jaipur Canal Head Works – Definition of diversion works and storage weirs and barrages. Administration Approval.K. items of works.N. Garg . PCC. Expenditure sanction. Schedule of rates & Measurement Book. Modi & S. Design principles only. openings. Building Cost Index. Irrigation & Water Power Engg. Types of estimate-preliminary. centre-line method. Pande & Lal Pub. Brickwork. Doors & Windows. Canal Fall – Necessity and location. By P. component of fall.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Plastering. Doors & windows. Khanna Pub. types of fall. types of cross drainage work. general layout and the components of head-words. Painting. woodwork. Brickwork. estimate of earthwork of road. RCC Works & structures: Different items of RCC work – RCC. measurement of reinforcing bars. white & colour wash. T-beam decking. white & colour washing.M. painting. shuttering.Syllabus for B. DPC. specifications for Roadwork. Reference Books: 1. revised estimate. rainwater exclusion. Irrigation Engg. Flooring. Structures Irrigation Engg. estimate of RCC slab culvert. Delhi 4. New Delhi. By GL Asawa. slab column. Estimate of RCC beam. detailed estimate. Smith 3. brickwork. (P) Ltd. selection of suitable type of cross drainage works. cement-concrete. Estimate of Building: Different items of works as per CPWD/APWD schedule such as earthwork. & Hydraulic by S. Cross Drainage Works – Necessity. RCC-floors. approximate. standard hooks & bends. footing & staircase. Pier & well foundation. 2. Bar-bending schedule. roofs. Application of Khosla’s theory of independent variables. long-wall. Plastering. supplementary estimate. plastering etc. cement painting. Analysis of Rates: Analysis of Rates of Building works-RCC. design of fall with hydraulic consideration-vertical drop fall and glacis fall. By Punmia. Technical sanction. plinth area estimate. estimate of metalled road. Irrigation and Water power Engg. Pipe Culvert. Willey Eastern Ltd Laxmi CVL62 Quantity Surveying and estimation Procedure of Estimating: Methods of Estimating. Roofing. flooring. July 17. Specifications: General specifications for building works-RCC. DPC.. Roads & Bridges :Introduction to the different items as per CPWD/APWD schedule. Distempering. terracing. rein-statement Method. by Hernjeff R & Makelvey. 3. Gradient & Grade Compensation..Syllabus for B.S. and transition curves. New Delhi CV63 Roads. Geometric Design – Alignments. Graw Hill. Rangwala.P. ICAO & FAA specifications. Pune. & Arora MG & Jain SS. Visual aids and Traffic Control – Airport marking & lighting. Wear & Creep of Rails. Investment Method. &IV by CPWD. Jaipur Valuations: The mathematics of valuation. Planning & Design of Airports July 17. New Delhi. Fillets. Runway and Taxiway Design – Runway Orientation. classification. Charoter Publisher. gauges. Airport obstructions – Zoning laws. Sleepers and Drainage. Join Book Agency. CPWD specifications Vol-I. Imaginary surfaces. abstractive method & belting method. Contracts & Estimates by B. Cross-section. Nemchand Bros. Calcutta. Geometric elements of Taxiway. Parking.. Air traffic control aids. Methods of valuation. 2. Dutta. Exit Taxiway. Estimating & Costing by M.C. & Arora S. Signalling and interlocking. Stresses. Delhi 2. Construction and Maintenance. CPWD Analysis of Rates by CPWD. Stations and Yards . III. Estimating & Costing by B. Join Book Agency. Joints. Terminal Building. A Text Book of Railway Engg. Chakraborty. Components & their functions. Methods of valuation of land-comparative method.N. orient-Longman Ltd. 5.K. Fittings and fixtures. equilibrium cant & cant deficiency . coning of wheels. Ballast. Turning Zone. valuation of freehold & leasehold properties. Valuation of Real Properties by S. Airport site selection and planning. Tractions and Tractive Resistance . Airport Planning & Design Roorkee 4. New Delhi. Hangers. 4. Indian Railway Track 3. Civil Engg. Mc.. 2014 By Saxena S. Reference Books: 1.M. M. Sachdeva Press.. Configurations. Calcutta. New York . Super elevation & negative super elevation. Separation clearance. Reference Books: 1. Railway Track. Runway length & corrections. Residual Method. Horizontal curves. Chakraborty. Heliports. Kalyani Publication. Comparison Method.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Contractors Method. Airport Engineering: Airport Planning – Aircraft characteristics. Ports & Design Railway Engineering: Introduction – Advantages. Approach Zone. II. Fixation of Rent.C. New Delhi by Khanna S. New by Agarwal M. Failure. Airport layout – Holding aprons. Patil. Dhanpat Rain & Sons. Points and Crossing . Developments of airports in India. Transportation demand & supply. Objectives. Classification of Roads. 2. Tokyo 4. CV65 Design & Drawing of RC Structures Review of Limit state method of Design and comparison of limit state method with other method. 3. Hay. Controls. Highway Engineering By S. IS code method. John Willey & Sons. Highway Alignment & Re-Alignment. Khanna & CEG Justo. Ltd. Surveys. Concept of Design of end block Magnate and Battens method . Intersections. Pavement Design: Types and Functions of Pavement Components. Water Tanks – Circular. various tests and specifications.J Yoder & M. Specifications and Design principles.K. Jaipur CV64 Transportation Engineering Introduction: Field. continuous beams. staging. Modes and Role of Transportation Engineering. Highway Materials: Properties of Subgrade. Lateral load analysis – portal and cantilever method. Geometric Design: Elements. Modes of travel and their co-ordination. Road Development Plans. ESWL. Relevant IRC Codes By IRC. Toppan Co. July 17. 2014 . Transfer of load from slab to beams equivalent load. Aggregates & Binding materials. overhead and underground tanks including intake tank. Highway Planning and Surveying: Necessity.W. losses. Prestressed Concrete – Concept. Delhi.Wittezal. Reference Books: 1. Design factors. Indian Roads Congress. IS code requirements (IS:1343) systems of prestressing. Terminals. By William W.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. EWLF and Stresses in Pavement. An Introduction to Transportation Engg. Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements (IRC method) Traffic Engineering: Traffic studies & their uses. Nemchand Bros. Road Patterns & Networking. rectangular. simple design. Marshall Mix Design. Building – Staircase.Syllabus for B. Tyre Pressure and Contact Pressure. Principles of Pavement Design By E. Reference Books: 1. Laxmi Publications.site selection. Analysis. 2. Disinfection. Portal. (Vol. Layout and Design. I & II) by Ram Chandra. Punmia.C. classification of timber. New Delhi. Reinforced Concrete Design by N. selection. Roorkee. Jaipur Steel & Timber: Steel Bridges – pedestrian truss bridge.Syllabus for B. sampling & analysis.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Krishna Raju. 4. 3. Classification.pressed steel tank and stagging. pumps-types. by Peavy & Raow. I) 2. design period. Water tank. Distribution System : Requirements. selection.types. McGraw Hill Publications.types. Coagulation and Flocculation. Masonry & Timber Structures by A. Nem Chand & Brothers. joints. Reference Books: 1. maintenance. Water Quality: Impurities – types and their effects. Standard Book House. testing. Knee braces. CBS Publishers and Distributors. Delhi. Beams. by S. Khanna Publications. water quality standard – potable and industrial. Filtration. Industrial Building – Trusses. Water Demand: Population forecasting. Miscellaneous Methods. selection. storage reservoir – yield and capacity estimation. Adv. Intakes: Intake Structure. columns. Delhi. well hydraulics. Arya.s. laying. Design of Steel Structures (Vol. Environmental Engg. Environmental Engg. factors affecting consumption and fluctuation of demand. water borne diseases and their control. 2014 by B. Tata McGraw Hill. Sub-surface water . types. selection. lamination. Planning and Components Source of Water: Surface source . Detection and Prevention of Wastage of Water. (Vol.K. July 17. Water Supply Engg. Water Purification : Sedimentation. Crane girder and gantry girder. estimation of water demand for various uses. CV66 Environmental Engineering-I Public Water Supply Scheme: Objectives. Garg. Prestressed Concrete by Krishna Raju. Distribution Pipe – types. Timber structures – IS Code requirements. jointing. I) 3. . 2014 . Collection and Conveyance of Sewage: Conservancy and water carriage system. Variation of flow. Jaipur 4. July 17. McGraw Hill Publications. Environmental Chemistry by Sewear.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. classification of water carriage system. Waste Water Flow: Estimation of Dry Weather Flow and Storm Water.S. No. sewage treatment system and waste water management.Syllabus for B. Birdi. 5. Water Supply by G. comparison. Paper code 1 CV71 2 CV72 3 4 CV73 CV74 CV75 5 CV76 6 7 ME(CS) 781 HU 711 8 PR 701 Subjects Environmental Engineering –II Theory & Practice Highway Geometric Design Theory Concrete & Highway Materials Design and Drawing of Bridges Theory Design of Masonry Structures Theory Design of Pre Stressed Concrete Structures DBMS i) Production & Operations Management ii) Concept of Marketing iii) Behavioral Science Projects on Innovative Marketable Products & Services Total Semester Contact Hrs/week L T/P 3 1 3 0 3 3 3 0 1 1 3 0 Total 4 3 3 300 300 300 300 3 3 5 3 Total Marks 2 6 300 4 300 3 300 2 300 31 2400 CV71 Environmental Engineering –II Theory & Practice Sanitary Engineering :Important terms. Estimation of design discharge. FOURTH YEAR – SEVENTH SEMESTER Sl. Treatment and Disposal of Sludge :Aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Rural Sanitation: CV72 Highway Geometric Design Theory Highway Materials and Construction: Desirable Properties. Road Markings and Road Intersections. Activated sludge process. O & D. minimum & maximum flow. Stone Aggregates. Waste Water Treatment: Flow diagram of conventional sewage. sewage sickness. testing and maintenance. Speed. population equivalent. Planning of sewerage system. Septic tank – design consideration. Sight Distances – definition and analysis of SSD and OSD. Structural design of Highway Pavements: Design of Flexible Pavements by G. soak pit and soak trench. and CBR methods. shapes. detritus tank. Signals. Design of Vertical Alignment – Gradients. Grit Chambers. Waste Water Characteristics: Constituent of sewage – physical & chemical. Specific features of rural roads. Testing Procedures. Waste Water Disposal: Dilution. oxygen demand. sedimentation – Plain & Chemical. oxidation pond and ditches. Methods of constructing different types of roads viz. Jaipur Sewer Design. WBM roads. camber. I. 2014 . disposal of sludge. hydraulic design. transition curves. Biological contractor. Design of Rigid Pavements by Westergard and modified methods. aerated lagoon. Design of Horizontal Alignment – Super elevation. fly ash embankments. Vertical curves. BOD. Relative Stability. Biological characteristics. COD. Primary treatment – screens. Highway Geometric Design: Cross Sectional Elements.Syllabus for B. Secondary treatment – Trickling fitters.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. land disposal. Bituminous roads and Concrete roads. materials. comparison of disposal methods. Standards and standard values relating to Soil. Stabilized roads. July 17. Drainage and maintenance of Hill roads. Bitumen and Tar. Earth roads. Volume. Construction and Maintenance: Sewer-types. Importance and types of Traffic Signs. treatment plant. skimming tank. Elementary Traffic Engineering: Significance of different Traffic Engineering Studies viz. Recent Developments in Urban Roads and their role in economic developments. (As per guidelines of IRC) Hill Roads: Special factors in Alignment and Geometric design. Parking and Accident’s Study. fly-ash/pond-ash. self-purification. extra widening. Road side Arboriculture and Landscaping. classification. design methods using Rothfutch’s method and specifications for voids in mineral aggregates. grading and compaction – their working principle. MOST specifications. requirements. requirements and tests. earthwork grading and construction of embankments and cuts for roads. percentage voids filled with bitumen. preparation. quality control tests. Analysis & design of small bridges and culvert. Bituminous Mixes – mechanical properties. Unit – IV Subgrade – functions. uses and tests. Fly-overs. properties and tests on road aggregates.origin. construction methods. quality control tests. requirements. Cutbacks and Modified binders– preparation. Analysis & design of RCC T-beam. properties and chemical constituents of bituminous road binders. Introduction to IRC codes for loading. different types of steel bridges. Base course and sub-base course layers – functions. Special equipment for bituminous and cement concrete pavement and stabilized soil road construction.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. CV74 Design and Drawing of Bridges Theory Introduction to various types of bridges. prestressed bridge. July 17. stability. Bitumen and Tar . concepts of size and gradation. specifications.origin. advantages and limitations. voids in total mix. Unit – III Equipment in highway construction – various types of equipment for excavation. aggregate blending to meet specifications. requirements. 2014 . specifications. Unit – II Bituminous Emulsions. Various types of bearings and their design concept. maximum aggregate size. Jaipur CV73 Concrete & Highway Materials Unit I: Aggregates . design gradation. plate girder etc Temporary analysis ofgirder.Syllabus for B. flow. I-beam and prestressed bridges using various shapes of girders. types. density. structural details of minor bridges and culverts. characteristics.l for the guide line of design of minor bridges. Preparation of subgrade. design of pre and post tensioned flexural members. 2014 . sub-structure and its maintenance. lateral supports and stability. Co. Codes. pre stressing techniques. return wall. load dispersion. RCC bridges and cable stayed bridges. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Construction & Practice in Bridge Engg. design loads. Design of Masonry Retaining Walls CV76 Design of Pre Stressed Concrete Structures Introduction: Systems of pre stressing in detail. types of commercially available jacks. Oxford & IBH Publishing Company. Classification of walls. Pre stressed Slab: Design of slabs. submergible bridges. Construction of superstructures for temporary bridges. transfer of pre stress. A Text Book of Bridge Engg. design of axially and eccentrically loaded brick walls Design of Brick Masonry as per I. tendon layout. effective height of wall and columns. wing wall. specifications of materials & workmanship. Bridge Project Management. permissible stresses. expansion joint. Anchorage Zone: end block stresses. production and their July 17. Ltd. Modern cable laying: materials & practices. precast slab. effective length of walls. simply supported and continuous members. protection works for shallow foundation for minor bridges. and special precautions during construction. wearing course. Ponnaswamy. 3.Syllabus for B. steel-arch bridges. of spans and the effect of contraction on the normal scour depth. Reference Books: 1. Design of Pre stressed Concrete Sections: Flexural. Design.S. Essentials of Bridge Engg. precautions etc.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. length of clear span & nos. preliminary and final design of sections. approach slab. shear and torsion resistance of members. computation of losses of pre stress. By K. Oxford & IBH Pub. Rakshit.S. low-cost bridges. semi-permanent bridges. By Johson Victor . Jaipur Abutment and pier design for minor bridges. depth of bridge foundation. Computation of deflection in pre stressed concrete members. Failure and restoration of bridge super-structure. design Cable profiles: Concordant and non concordant cable profile and associated factors in continuous members. CV75 Design of Masonry Structures Theory Introduction. By S. 2. approach road. Jaipur applications. Design of circular pipes and circular water retaining structures etc. methods. Case study of one bridge girder with design and constructional features July 17.Syllabus for B. practices and design. Partial Prestressing: Principles and advantages. 2014 .Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. No. Jaipur FOURTH YEAR – EIGHTH SEMESTER Sl.Syllabus for B. Rainwater management through contour design. ground water preservation. 2014 Traffic Engineering Pavement Materials and Construction.Design and Practice Cloud Computing 3 1 T/P 2 3 1 Total Marks Total 6 300 200 6 300 . Rainwater harvesting Theory & Practice Use of Architectural Engineering in design of mass housing & Town Planning i) Total Quality Management/Right to Information Act ii) Economics and Business Analytics iii) Intellectual Property & Right Projects on Innovative Marketable Products & Services Total Semester CV86 HU 811 PR 801 Contact Hrs/week Total Marks L T/P Total 4 0 4 0 3 3 1 1 4 4 300 300 3 3 6 300 2 3 5 300 4 0 4 300 0 2 2 300 33 2400 300 4 300 4 FOURTH YEAR – EIGHTH SEMESTER – OPTIONAL Sl.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Paper code Subjects Contact Hrs/week L 1(a) 2(a) CV667 CV763(A) ME (CS) July 17. Paper code 1 CV81 2 CV82 3 4 5 CV83 CV84 CV85 6 7 8 Subjects Design and Drawing of Steel Structures Theory Design of Hydraulic Structures waterways Dam design Urban Transport Planning Advanced Concrete Technology Design of Plumbing Lines. No. S. July 17. Phases of diversion. Plate Girders. River Diversion Diversion schemes. Tata Mc Graw Hill by A. Methods of design. Column Bases. Azmani. 2) Optional subject can be swapped against any backpaper of equal marks. Design of Tension Members. Reference Books: 1. advantages and disadvantages of each type. Design of Steel Structures Roorkee 4. Structural Connections. Diversion flood. Standard Book House. Roof Truss Design. New Delhi by L. Selection of type of dam.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Revetted. Features.L. Arya and J. Sub-surface exploration. Jaipur 2(b) 882 ME (CS) 883 Multimedia Technology 2 200 Note: 1) Optional subjects will be market driven & may be adopted accordingly by the academic council. 2014 . IS-800 by BIS. Nemchand Brothers. This swapping facility will be available from 1st Year to final year. CV81 Design and Drawing of Steel Structures Theory Structural Steel Sections and their Properties. Economic height of dam.single and built-up sections. Negi. Cofferdams. BIS 6. Design of Beams . IS-816 by BIS. Harper & Row N.Syllabus for B. Design of Steel Structures 3. BIS by Ramchandra. Tunnels. Foundation treatment. CV82 Design of Hydraulic Structures waterways Dam design Dams and their Characteristics Classification of dams. Design of Steel Structures 2. Steel Structural Design and Behaviour 5. Geological investigation. Design of Compression members – laced and battened Columns.S.Y. by Salmon and Johnson. Bolted and Welded connections. Choice of location. Investigation of Dam Site Various phases of investigation. acting on buttress Weirs and Barrages Types of weirs.Syllabus for B. New Delhi. Method of analysis. Surveying instruments. Most economical central angle. Design of arch dams based on cylinder theory. Forces acting on arch dams. Khoslas theory-method of independent variables. Bligh s creep theory. Earth dams. Reference Books: 1 Irrigation and Water Power Engineering 2 Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic Structures 3 Irrigation. Practical profile. Arora Standard Publishers. Hollow and Buttress Dams Hollow gravity dams. Garg Khanna Publishers. New Delhi. Stability analysis.types . Buttress dams. Embankment Dams Types of embankment dams. Linsley & McGraw Hill. Jaipur Gravity Dams Forces acting on gravity dams. Deformation measurement of dam body and its foundation. Design criteria. Design of weirs on permeable foundation. Forces dams. Sharma Metropolitan. Design of non-overflow and overflow sections by single-step method. Arch Dams Types of arch dams. Stability analysis. Water Resource Engineering July 17. Safety of d/s slope against steady seepage. Instrumentation Instrumentation in dams. Water Power & Water Resources Engineering 4 Concrete Dams 5. Structural competency of gravity dams. Causes of failure and stability requirements. New Delhi. Preliminary design. 2014 Punmia & Lal Standard Publishers. New Delhi. . Design of deck-slab type buttress dams. Phreatic line.Safety of u/s slope against rapid draw-down.Types of buttress dams. Causes of failure. Types of instruments. Load combinations for design.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. New Delhi. Modes of failure and stability requirements. Seepage analysis-Flow net. segregation. Land use transport models. 2014 . Traffic Engg. concrete in seawater. passenger trips and good movements. Prentice Hall of India By L. deterioration by fire.R. Urban Transportation Planning – Trip generation. Mass transportation facilities. Nem CV84 Advanced Concrete Technology Fresh Concrete: Rheological aspects such as workability-flow ability. Strength of Concrete: Compressive strength and factors affecting it. By C. Principle of Urban Transport System Planning 4. Kadiyali. Transport modes. Justo. Modal split. McGraw Hill By S. frost action. Khanna Publishers By B. Hutchinson . Highway Engineering Chand & Bros. Platen effect. bleeding & laitance. USPV. flexure test. sulphate attack. techniques. acid attack.G. Twenty year Road development Plan – objectives. carbonation. behaviours or concrete under various stress states. Khanna & C. Urban and Rural road Network systems. goals and Salient features. Transportation Survey – Traffic volume. non-destructive testing such as rebound hammer.E. traffic flow patterns – O & D studies. cost and benefits.K.S. And Transport Planning 3. Environment transport Management.Syllabus for B. compatibility & mobility of concrete. 2.C. creep of concrete and its effect. restraint and road pricing. congestion. factors affecting workability and lab determination. testing of hardened concrete-cube and cylinder test. Decision making theories. Growth of vehicular traffic.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Role of transportation system in National development. trip distribution. Durability of Concrete: Corrosion of reinforcing bars. Papacostas. traffic assignment. Jaipur CV83 Urban Transport Planning Transport systems and its sub systems. vehicle operating cost. core-cutting stress-strain relation and modulus of elasticity. July 17. accident studies. traffic problems in cities. Reference Books: 1. Road development. Fundamentals of Transportation Engg. shrinkage. urban public transportation systems. Travel demand and forecasting. Transport Economics – theories. Structure. Rainwater harvesting Theory & Practice Unit 1: Sanitary Plumbing. Advances in Construction Materials: Higher strength concrete.K.L. New Jersey. ground water preservation. Neville. USA. Ferro-cements & its applications. Jaipur Mix Design: Basic consideration-cost. 2014 . Water Scarcity and its impacts. Longman U. heavy weight and light weight concrete. Water Shortages vs. concrete containing polymers. Prentices-Hall. Properties of Concrete by A. Concrete Technology by M. Special Techniques & Materials for Concrete by Dhir. Thomas Telford Ltd. acceptance criteria for concrete.M. fibre-reinforced concrete. CV85 Design of Plumbing Lines. New York.. Water Resources Management in India Unit III July 17. workability. Gambhir . blended concrete. Tata McGraw Hill. Rainwater management through contour design.K. 6. Inc.Syllabus for B. 5. Details of water supply arrangement for residential and public building Rainwater and sewage collection systems Unit II: Functions of ground Water Resources Management.H. 3. Properties and Materials by P. mass concrete.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management.. Thomas Telford Ltd. Layout. Bungey.. Testing of Concrete in Structures by J. Mehta . WRM. Surrey Univ Press. London. Polymers in Civil Engg. Hollaway. London. strength and durability grading. 4. Reference Books: 1. By L. Concrete. method of mix design. 2. types of cities and new towns. Jaipur Concept of Integrated Water Resource Management. environmental pollution. climate control through design elements. evaluation of sites. 2014 . housing infrastructure.recharge pits percolation ponds .surface and subsurface dykes – recharge wells .construction. ecological principles relating to environment. planning regulations and building bye-law. sustainable development. role of government organizations. Rainwater harvesting in urban areas : RWH structures .design . plant characteristics and planting design. landscape elements and materials. Landscape Design: Principles of landscape design and site planning. finance and management.Syllabus for B.recharge borewells.maintenance and monitoring of RWH structures. neighbourhood concept. principles of city planning. Environmental Studies and Building Science: Principles of lighting and styles for illumination. basic principles of architectural acoustics.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. City Planning: Site planning.various artificial recharge structures: recharge ponds . CV86 Use of Architectural Engineering in design of mass housing & Town Planning Housing: Concept of housing. housing typology.basin spreading . history of landscape styles. housing standards. Groundwater Management ‐ Lumped Parameter Models Unit IV Types of pumps . components of Ecosystem. air pollution.effects on local groundwater environments remedial measures. July 17. Estimation of probable runoff from an area including from roof tops . environmental consideration in landscape planning. housing policies. Recycling of domestic water – sources of water for recharge in urban areas. Groundwater Management ‐ Basics and Principles. Study of benefits . application of G. decision making models. power supply. Planning Theory: Principles of Ekistics. Jaipur Development of Contemporary Architecture: Influence of modern art on architecture. specification. five-year plan. Infrastructure. post-modernism. building systems and prefabrication of building elements. recycle and reuse. Modes of travel and their co-ordination. planning survey techniques . Terminals. estimation. traffic survey methods. Para-transits and other modes of transportation. and remote sensing techniques in urban and regional planning. growth of cities and metropolises.I. Road Patterns & Networking. Highway Planning and Surveying: Necessity. solid waste disposal systems. settlement system planning.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management. Architectural developments and impacts on society since industrial revolution. project management techniques such as CPM. Objectives. site planning principles and design. Surveys. Building Construction and Management: Principles of modular coordination. network design and guidelines. Highway Alignment & Re-Alignment. pedestrian and slow moving traffic planning. water treatment. statistical methods of data analysis. 2014 . professional practice. history of human settlements. deconstruction in architecture. intelligent transportation system. hierarchy of roads and levels of services. Specifications and Design principles. Classification of Roads. intersections. action plans. intelligent transportation system. Road Development Plans. recreation education. Traffic and Transportation Planning: Principle of traffic engineering and transportation planning.S. valuation. Modes and Role of Transportation Engineering. waste treatment. urban conversation. mass transportation planning. Techniques of Planning: Preparation of urban and regional structure plans. CV667 Traffic Engineering Introduction: Field. Transportation demand & supply. development plans. structural and sectoral plan. Services and Amenities: Demography related standards at various levels of the settlements for health. works of national and international architects. principles of water supply and sanitation systems. design of roads. grade separators and parking areas. rural-urban migration. urban rainwater harvesting. regional planning. traffic and transport management in urban areas. July 17. religious. Geometric Design: Elements. mass transportation planning. and communication systems. public and semi-public facilities. urban renewal.Syllabus for B. stresses due to loads. Principles of Pavement Design By E. Design factors. Pavement Design: Types and Functions of Pavement Components.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management.Design and Practice Unit I: Types of Pavement-Factors affecting design of Pavements-wheel loads-ESWL Concept-Tyre pressure-contact pressure. 6.W. Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning By Kadiyali L. Tokyo 8. 7. Controls. Unit II Stresses in flexible pavement. Marshall Mix Design. stresses due to friction. An Introduction to Transportation Engg. Toppan Co.K.Syllabus for B. Relevant IRC Codes By IRC. 2014 .layered systems concept-one layer system-Boussinesq two layer system-Burmister Theory for Pavement Design. Khanna Publisher. Indian Roads Congress. material characteristics-environmental and other factors. Khanna & CEG Justo. EWLF and Stresses in Pavement. Ltd. Hay. Delhi 9. Intersections. Tyre Pressure and Contact Pressure. Unit III Stresses in rigid pavements-relative stiffness of slab. Unit IV Pavement Design: CBR Method of Flexible Pavement Design-IRC Method of flexible pavement design-AASHO Method of flexible pavement design Unit V IRC method of rigid pavement design-importance of joints in rigid pavements-types of joints-use of tie bars and dowell bars July 17. ESWL.J Yoder & M.stresses due to warping. John Willey & Sons. Aggregates & Binding materials. modulus of sub-grade reaction. Highway Engineering By S.Wittezal. Nemchand Bros. Delhi.. Jaipur Highway Materials: Properties of Subgrade. various tests and specifications. CV763(A) Pavement Materials and Construction. Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements (IRC method) Traffic Engineering: Traffic studies & their uses.R. By William W. Reference Books: 5. 2014 . Jaipur July 17.Tech (Civil Engineering) up to Fourth year University of Engineering and Management.Syllabus for B.
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