
March 20, 2018 | Author: Mavhungu Marvin | Category: Routing, Network Switch, Router (Computing), Computer Network, Transmission Control Protocol



IP RoutingRouting: The routing is the process taking a packet from source to destination based on ip address. Routed Protocol: Used to update user data through the internet work. Protocols used to support data traffic are called routed protocol. Ex: IP, IPX, Apple Talk. Routing Protocol: Used to update neighboring routers about the networks connected to all routers within the internet work, Protocols that send route update packets are called Routing Protocols. Ex: RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP To Route, the router knows, i) Destination Address ii) Neighbor routers. iii) Possible Path iv) Best Path v) To verity and maintained the routing table Types of Routing: i) ii) iii) Static Route Dynamic Route Default Route Static Route: Uses a route that network administrator enters into the router manually. Advantages of Static Route : o Saves bandwidth and router CPU. o Routing table maintains by administrator. o No overhead in Processing, Sending or Receiving updates. Disadvantages of Static Routes: i) The administrator must really understand in the internet work. 10.168. Once of these tables keeps track of directly attached neighbor.0.How far Vector – Direction Link state routing protocol: In link state routing protocols also called shortest path first protocols. Each time a packet goes through a router that is called hop count.0. Note : Distance – No Vector -direction . The distance vector indicates the direction to the remote network. Static Route Syntax: Ip route [Destination add] [subnet mask] [exit interface / next hop add] Dynamic Route: Uses a route that network routing protocols automatically traffic or topology changes. Note: Distance .ii) iii) iv) How each router is connected? The administrator has to add a route to it on the entire router to all.0 0. Ex: Ip route 0.5 Distance Vector routing protocol: The distance vector routing finds the best path to a remote network by judging distance. It is no feasible in large network to type in hand. Routing table is maintained by Routing process. Link state routers know more about the internet work than any distance vector routing protocol. Router CPU is used to process. send and receive updates.0.0 192. The route with the least number of hops to the network is determined to be best route. one determines the topology of the entire internet work. Default Route: Use default routing to send packet with a remote network but not in the routing table to the next hop router. and one is used as the routing table. Advantages of Dynamic route: • • • Bandwidth is consumed as routing updates are transmitted between routers.0. the routers each create three tables. For example EIGRP. minus the routes learned from that interface 4. Has a maximum reachable hop count of 15 ( 16 is the defined maximum ) 5.Hybrid Routing protocol: Hybrid protocols use aspects of both distance vector and link state. Sends periodic updates every 30 sec by default. OSPF. It is called discontinuous networks. It sends only major network: Ex: RIP V1. Rip timers: • • • • Update time : 30 Sec Invalid time : 180 Sec Hold down time : 180 Sec Flush time : 240 Sec To prevent Routing Loops: i) ii) Split Horizon Route Poisoning . Classful routing: To advertise our routing information to our neighbor without subnet mask. IGRP.0. Sends updates out as a broadcast ( RIP v1 ) 6. RIP V2 Discontinuous Network: It is one that. It has two or more sub network of classful networks connected together by different classful network. Classless Routing: To advertise our routing information to our neighbor with subnet mask. Sends the entire routing table out every interface .0. Ex: EIGRP. 2. Uses hop count as a metric 3.9. RIP v2 uses a multicast address of 224. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) RIP: 1. Support Multicast Address . RIP V2 1. Each time a packet goes through a router that is called hop count.Support VLSM and Discontinuous network 5. Distance Vector 2.Not Support VLSM and discontinuous Network 5. Where 0 means most trusted.Not support authentication 6. Exterior Gateway Protocol: (EGP) It will share the Routing information having the different autonomous System Number.Support authentication 6.Maximum Hop count 15 3.Classless 4.Distance Vector 2. 255 means no traffic via this route. Autonomous System Number: AS means group of Router of networks controlled by Single Administrator.Maximum hop count 15 3.Classful 4. Interior Gateway Protocol : (IGP) It will share the Routing information having the same Autonomous System Number.It is an Integer 0 to 255. Passive Interface: (In RIP) It will not send routing updates but receive from their recipient. support Broadcast address Administrative Distance: AD is used to rate of worthiness of routing information received on a router from the neighbor router .iii) iv) v) Poison Reverse Hold down time Maximum Hop count Difference Between Rip V1 and V 2 : RIP V1 1. Hop Count: The distance vector routing finds the best path to a remote network by judging distance. Can be used in Small network 2.1 . minus the routes learned from that interface. Not support Autonomous Sys.120 .Administrative Distance 100 4.Metric Hop count IGRP 1. MTU. Number 3. Number 3. Does track hop count but only uses it as a tie-breaker. load. Uses a composite metric consisting of bandwidth. Sends updates out as a broadcast.Can be used in Large network 2. 3. 5. 6. Difference between RIP and IGRP: RIP 1. load .Route table updates every 90 Sec 5. delay . Only uses bandwidth and delay by default. Sends the entire routing table out interface.160 . 4.Administrative Distance 120 4.external 20 . Metric ( bandwidth .100 . delay. Support Autonomous Sys.AD Value of all Routing Protocols: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Static Route RIP IGRP EIGRP OSPF BGP IS-IS Connected ODR Unknown .Route table updates every 30 Sec . Default maximum hop count is 224.115 . 7.90 . reliability. Reliability) 5. Sends periodic updates every 90 sec by default 2. MTU .110 .0 .255 Interior Gateway Routing Protocol IGRP: 1. internal 200 . MTU . reliability. Considered an advanced distance vector routing protocol 2. Reliability) 3.Classful routing 5. IPX and Apple Talk via protocol dependent modules.0. Best path selection via DUAL. Sends only information that has changed not entire routing table. .10 and 224. Default hop count is 100. Sends updates out as a multicast. Not support VLSM EIGRP 1. Internal and external routes are there 4.Class less routing 5.10 Advantages of EIGRP: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Support for IP. Does track hop count but only uses it as a tie-breaker.Administrative Distance 90 2. Uses a composite metric consisting of bandwidth. Default maximum hop count is 224. delay. Considered Classless Support VLSM and discontinuous networks Support for summarization Efficient neighbor discovery Communication via Reliable Transport Protocol. Metric ( bandwidth . 10. Only uses bandwidth and delay by default 7. load.Administrative Distance 100 2. Support VLSM Enhanced IGRP EIGRP: 1. 11. 8. Reliability) 3.Difference between IGRP and EIGRP: IGRP 1. Sends triggered updates when necessary 4. 9.0. Metric ( bandwidth .No internal and external routes 4.0. delay . 6. delay . MTU.0. 5. Uses a DUAL 3. load . load . Sends updates out on a multicast address of 224. MTU . the router goes to passive State . and it’s considered a backup route. When it gets acknowledge from successor.EIGRP Packet Types: • • • • • Hello Update Query Reply Acknowledge What conditions to form Neighbor? 1. K – values match ( Identical K values) Successor: A successor route is the best route to a remote network. A Feasible Successor is path whose reported distance is less than the feasible distance. DUAL Algorithm allows for the following: Backup route determination if one is available Support of VLSM Dynamic Route recoveries Queries for an alternate route if no route can be found.Active and Passive State: (EIGRP) If any router interface seems to be down. At that time the router is in Active State. A successor route is stored in the topology table and also placed in the routing table. Then its wait for acknowledge from the Successor. A successor route is used by EIGRP to forward traffic to destination and is stored in routing table. Hello or Acknowledge received 2. it sends request to successor. Feasible Successor: A destination entry is moved from the topology table to the routing table when there is a feasible successor. Feasible Condition: AD or RD >= FD . Note: A feasible successor is a backup route and is stored in the topology. AS numbered match 3. 0.5 and 224. Hello packets are addressed to 224.0. Sends triggered updates when necessary. then it reply for query message with in three minutes.Passive Interface: (In EIGRP) It will neither send nor receive routing updates. 2. Uses a cost metric Interface bandwidth is used to calculate cost ( Cisco ) Uses two multicast address of 224. 4.0. 3. OSPF Packet types: • • • • • Hello LSR ( Link State Request ) LSDB (Link State Database ) LSU ( Link State Update ) LSA ( Link State Acknowledge ) Hello protocol: The OSPF Hello packet or protocol provides dynamic neighbor discovery and maintain relationships. Sends only information that has changed not entire routing table. the route is an SIA and then the router resets the neighbors.0. Allows multi vendor deployment ( Open standard ) Support hierarchical design (using areas). Has un limited Router. Stack in Active (SIA): In EIGRP. Hello packet and Link state Advertisement build and maintain the topological database. otherwise the neighbor is fails to reply to query. OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST OSPF: 1. Advantages of OSPF: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Consists of area and autonomous systems Minimizes the routing updates traffic Allows Scalability Support VLSM and Discontinuous networks.5 . the neighbor gets the query. Router ID: The Router ID is an ip address used to identify the router. 3. • Authentication Password • Hello or Dead intervals • Stub area Flag • Area ID Difference between Autonomous System Number and Process ID: Autonomous System Number 1. 2.( Alternate Route ) The BDR Router receives all routing updates from the OSPF adjacencies router. Highest ip address of Active Interface. Highest Priority.It may not be same Backup Designed Router: (BDR) It is an backup route of Designated Router.It must be same Neighbor?        Down state Init state Two way state Exstart State Exchange state Loading state Full state Process ID 1. Group of Router or networks controlled by single Administrator. 2. Loop back interface. but four things must be matched then only it considers a neighbor. but does not flood LSA updates. How to select. Used for which area the router is functioning. . 2. 1.Hello Packet: Hello packet contains a lot of thing. Process ID: Used for which area the router is functioning. if no hello is received with in four times of hello periods. No DR and BDR RFC or CISCO RFC RFC CISCO CISCO .Non Cisco Proprietary 4. DR and BDR Manual . Does not Support Authentication Link State Advertisement: A Link State Advertisement is an OSPF data packet containing link state and routing information that is shared among OSPF routers.Easy to implement 2.Dead Intervals: A neighbor is considered lost. Auto and Manual Summarization 5. DR and BDR Auto .Difficult to Implement 2.Cisco Proprietary 4.Point to Multipoint Non broadcast Preferred Topology Fully mesh Partial or Star mesh Fully mesh Partial or Star mesh Subnet Address Same subnet Same subnet Same subnet Same subnet Adjacency Manual . It is called as Dead time.Broadcast 4. OSPF Topology: Mode 1. Manual Summarization only 5. Supports Authentication OSPF LSA types:        Router LSA -1 Network LSA -2 Summary LSA -3 Summary LSA -4 External Summary LSA – 5 Multicast LSA -6 NSSA ( Not So Stub Area ) -7 EIGRP 1. Difference between EIGRP and OSPF: OSPF 1. DR and BDR Auto .NBMA 2. An OSPF router will exchange LSA packet only with routers to which it has established adjacencies.Equal Load Balancing 3.Point to Multipoint 3.Equal and Unequal Load Balancing 3. Properitary BGP: 1.Algorithms 11.VLSM and Discontinuous network 4. Reliability) Auto summarization.Hop count 3. Uses a complex metric system .Point to Point Partial or Star mesh Different for each subnet Auto . Types of routing 5. delay . 2. load .Hold down time 9.Summarization Auto summarization 14. 4. Non Cisco Cisco Non Cisco Actually a very advanced distance vector routing protocol Sends triggered updates when necessary Sends only information that has changed not entire routing table.5. delay .V2 -170 255 Support Classless Hybrid 30 sec 120 sec DUAL Support Metric ( bandwidth .Invalid time 8. 3. Reliability) Auto summarization EIGRP V1-90 .Autonomous System Number 12. No DR and BDR CISCO Difference between All routing Protocols: Concepts 1 Administrative Distance 2.Flush time 10. If we need .Update time 7.Metric Value RIP 120 15 V1=don’t support V2 = support V1-classful V2 –classless Distance vector 30 sec 180 sec 180 sec 240 sec Bellmen ford Not Support Hop count IGRP 100 255 Don’t support Classful Distance vector 90 sec 270 sec 280 sec 630 sec Diffy Helmen Support Metric ( bandwidth .Protocol Type 6. load . we will do manual summary Cisco OSPF 110 Unlimited Support Classless Link state 10 sec Wait interval 40 sec Dead time 40 sec Dijkstra ( SPF ) Support Cost =100000000/ bandwidth Only do manual summary 13. MTU . MTU . Layer in OSI: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data link Physical OSI Model: These layers are introduced in ISO. Multicasting: Any communication between a single sender and multiple receivers. Where do sent the packet this information tells to data link header. . which frames that have collided and damaged. MAC: (Media Access Control) Media Access Control is learned by switch. Here first 24 bits is allocated for OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier). It has hexadecimal format. Remaining 24 bits are allocated for vendor used. 2) Flow control and Sequence of Control bits.OSI Model: Broadcast Domain: A group of devices receiving broadcast frames initiating from any device within the group. LLC: (Logical Link Control) 1) It is a sub layer of data link layer. How to transfer the message from source to destination host. Collision Domain: The network area in Ethernet over. Every one has their own collision domain (Individual Bandwidth) on each switch port. Network devices us the same pair of wire to both transmit and receive. Connectionless 2. EIA / TIA -232 2. No Windowing flow control 5. b. such as Server to switch. Virtual Circuit LAN Physical layer: 1. or Router to Switch.Reliable 3. V. 2.Connection Oriented 2. Half Duplex: a. Full Duplex: a. Used through Hubs (Layer 1 devices) – every one shares the available Bandwidth. Windowing flow control 5. Note: (Service Provider) DTE: (Data Terminal Equipment) Any device located at the end user. EIA / TIA -449 3. Must be point to point stations. c. and providing a clocking signal to synchronize data transmission between DTE and DCE devices. b. Category 3 Cabling Category 4 Cabling Category 5 Cabling Category 6 Cabling UDP 1.Not Reliable 3. Uses one pair of wire for sending and another pair for receiving. 3. 4. . forward traffic. No Virtual Circuit WAN Physical Layer: 1.Difference between TCP and UDP: TCP 1.Not Acknowledge 4.35 DCE: (Data Communication Equipment) The DCE supplies the physical connection to the network.Acknowledged 4. It is one of the Managing protocols.UDP-17 IGRP -9 EIGRP -88 OSPF -89 IPV6-41 GRE-47 L2TP-115 ICMP -1 IP in IP -4 ICMP: (Internet Control Message Protocol) Provides control and feedback messages between IP devices.Routers Access layer – Switches . Layers Transport Network Data link Physical Cisco Three layer Hierarchical Model : i) ii) iii) Core layer – High Speed Routers. Multi layer switches. Distribution layer . Some function: i) Unreachable ii) Buffer full iii) Trace route iv) Ping v) Hop count ARP : (Address Resolution Protocol) Traces Physical address using Ip address. It works at network Layer. It is used by ip for many services.DOOM -666 NEWS-119 Transport TCP TCP TCP TCP UDP UDP UDP UDP Protocol Number TCP -6. It carries the message by an ip datagram.PDU: (Packet Data Unit) The process at each layer of the OSI model. Bridges. Hubs PDU Segments Packets Frames Bits or Bytes Port Number of Protocols: Application FTP TELNET SMTP DNS DNS SNMP RIP TFTP POP 3 – 110. . HTTP -80 Port 20/21 23 25 53 53 161/162 520 69 HTTPS – 443 . Layer 2 switches and bridges are faster than routers because they don’t take up time looking at the Network layer header information. Difference between Switch and Hub : Switch Switches Operate at layer 2 Filtering decision using MAC add Address Learning Create broadcast and breaks up Collision Domain States in Switching: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Listening Learning Forwarding Blocking Disable Hub Hubs operate at layer 1 No Filtering No Address Learning Create broadcast and collision domain Blocking State: Timer: Max age 20 Sec. Offers connectionless. they look at the frame’s hardware addresses before deciding to either forward the frame or drop it. but listens BPDU messages.RARP: (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) Traces the IP address using physical address IP: (Internet Protocol) Provides the logical addressing structure. Switches use ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) to build and maintain their filter or forwarding table or Mac database. Best effort delivery of packets (datagram’s) Switching: Switching Services: Switches breaks up the Collision and Create a broadcast domain. Instead. Discards frame. Listening State: Timer: Forward Delay 15 Sec Discards frame. Does not learn Mac address. . Learning State: Timer: Forward Delay 15 Sec Discards frame.learns Mac address 4. 48 . 100 ports 2. has 16 ports 2. STP is used to select best path.Hardware based ( ASIC ) 3.One STP per Bridge 6. It is used to select the root bridge. but receives BPDU messages to determine its role in the network.Does not learn Mac address. Does learn Mac address. has at layer 2 5. but receives and transmits BPDU messages. Does learn Mac address. It stop loop occurrence by shutting any redundancy links. How do we select the Root Bridge? • • Lowest MAC address Lowest Priority Switch 1. BPDU: (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) Each switch compares the parameter in the BPDU that they sent to the one neighbors with one that receive from another neighbors. Forwarding State: Timer: no timer Accepts Frames.Software based 3. works at layer 2 5. STP is used to find redundancy link dynamically and create topology database.Learns Mac address 4. but receives and transmits BPDU messages. Relatively slow STP: (Spanning Tree Protocol) It is a bridge protocol. Switch Function: i) ii) iii) Address learning Forward or filter decision Loop avoidance Difference between Switch and Bridge: Bridge 1. Many STP per Bridge 6.Fast . and scalability. broadcast. It is reduced the broadcast domain. If we enable the vtp pruning. VTP pruning send to broadcast to trunk link. mobility. and why? Cut through switching is the fastest method because the switches read only the first six bytes of the frame before forwarding it. 2. Accurate tracking and monitoring of VLANs . Consistent VLAN configure across all switches in the network. Allows VLANs to be trunked over mixed networks 3. multicast. broadcast. unicast and multicast are increased in switch. VTP: (VLAN Trunking Protocol) It is used to update switch database with VLAN information and how trunking used in send information from all VLAN across only. Which of the three switching methods is fastest. In all catalyst switches VTP pruning is disable then to reduce the unicast. Security. VLAN: VLAN is a logical group of user and resources administratively defined on switch ports. Modes in VTP: i) ii) iii) Server mode Client mode Transparent mode Advantages of VTP: 1.Types of Switch: i) ii) iii) Cut Through Fragment Free ( Modify Cut Through ) Store and Forward. VTP Pruning: VTP provide way for you to preserve bandwidth by confically. Features: To increase broadcast. Saved in NVRAM VTP advertise to all Switches.0.255.255 EIGRP – Multicast Address 224.255. It is used to reduce network traffic. 4. What encapsulation used in Trunk Links? • • ISL ( Cisco proprietary) IEEE 802. remove.0. 5.11 . To create VLAN only local significant but it can’t advertise to server domain switches. modify. Dynamic reporting of added VLAN to all switches in the VTP domain. 2. Plug and Play VLAN adding. and rename VLAN. 4. But it gets the VTP advertisement from domain and then forward to who are directly attached to transparent switches.0. Server Mode: i) ii) iii) To create.10 and 224.0.4. 3. modify. ROUTING PROTOCOLS: 1. Does not get any VLAN creation from domain. Subnet: A subdivision of an IP network.1q ( Non Cisco Proprietary ) Client mode: i) ii) Don’t create. 5.255 RIP V2 – Multicast Address 224. Saved in NVRAM Note: Sub netting: a.255. Used in IP networks to break up large network into smaller sub networks.0. Not saved in NVRAM. b. RIP V1 – Broadcast Address 255. 3.255. 2. remove (Can’t make any changes). Transparent Mode: 1. In switches transparent mode don’t participate in the VTP domain.0.9 IGRP –Broadcast Address 255. 255 192.5.H N. (DR) and 224. OSPF – Multicast Address 224.0 192.255.N.0.0.168.H.0 Multicasting Research End ip add 10. .0 172.255.255 Format N.255 172. OSPF: LAN Link: Hello time: 10 Sec Hold down time: 40 Sec WAN Link: Hello time: 30 Sec Hold down time: 120 Sec.H To Find range ( First binary bits) 0 10 110 111 1110 EIGRP: LAN Link: Hello time: 5 Sec Hold down time: 15 Sec WAN Link: Hello time: 60 Sec Hold down time: 180 Sec.0.H.0.255.0.H N.N.6 (NBMA) VLSM: Type Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Range 1 -126 128-191 192-223 224-239 240-255 Start ip add 10.168.0.H.0.
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