CBIT B Category Merit List 2011-12

March 30, 2018 | Author: TeluguKingdom Net | Category: Further Education, Business, Technology (General), Science



CHAITANYA BAHARATHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYChaitanya Bharathi P.O., Gandipet, Hyderabad - 75 Ph.Nos.040-24193276, 77, 79; 24193280 Date: 22-08-2011 Sub: CBIT - List of merit candidates for admission under 'B' category seats for the academ ic year 2011-12 - Reg. From the applications received in response to our web notification dated 18-07-201 I and Newspaper notification dated 18-07-2011, the following candidates are selected for admission into BE 1 B.Tech 1 MBA 1 MCA courses for the academic year 2011-12 under 'B' category seats. The selected candidates are advised to report on or before 29-08-2011 at the Office of the Principal, CBIT, Gandipet, Hyderabad 75 with the following documents. 1) All original certificates (SSC; Inter: T.C: Bonafide, EAMCET 1 AIEEE Hall Ticket & Rank Card for BE 1 B.Tech 1 Degree; I-Cet Hall Ticket & Rank Card, Migration Certificate and relevant certificates for MBA 1 MCA) along with Two sets of Xerox copies. D.D's. drawn in favour of Principal, CBITpayable a. at Hyderabad. 2) for BE 1 B.Tech Rs.95,0001-** Tuition fee + 3,0001- Accreditation fee + 5,5001- Miscellaneous fee and other deposits = Total Rs.1,03,5001-. b. -a. for MBA, MCA Rs.78,0001-** Tuition fee + 3,0001- Accreditation fee + 5,5001- Miscellaneous fee and other deposits = Total Rs.86,50013) Six (6) passport size photographs. Electronics and Communication Engineering - (ECE): Rank: Lowest - 1211; Highest - 3522 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of the candidate M. Pratyusha K. H. Krishna Harsha P. Jaaath Chandra Varsha Mukkamala Y. Harshavardhan Reddy M. Sai Shiva Sneha A. Sumalika Neela Sandeep K. Swarai Ch. Akshitha S. Nitheesha Bhimavarapu Sai Rejiv Reddy Kumar Father's Name M. Murali Krishna Mohan K. Nanadakumar P. Krsihna Mohan Srinivasa Rao.M Y. Madhusudhan -M. Mallikariuna A. Balaii Rao N. Jancaiah K. Bhaskar Ch. Ashok Kumar S. Jeevan Reddy B. Srinivasa Reddy Reddy Reddy Rank 1211 1585 1761 1822 2017 2063 2138 2836 3187 3373 3433 3522 10. 11. 12. Yijay Kumar K.S. H·19les Name of the candidate S. 9. Krishna Reddy G. Sridhar Bonala Narsimulu S.Y. Srinivas U. Ramprasad Rank 3635 3749 4689 5227 5265 5624 M. Santosh U. Nikhil 10.v.v. * 11.4979 . Harish P. Monisha Undavalli Aruna Muthyala Anvesh S.3635 . 8. 6. Someswara M. Himangi T. Narendra Reddy U.(CSE): Rank: Lowest . Spoorthi Kunam Aakash Reddy Father's Name Y. Mohan A. Naqireddv Vyshnavi K. Sundeep Praveen Mettu Sai Bharqav 2.G. 4. 5.No. & Note:- Approved by AICTE. Osmania University. II. Srinivas C. Nimisha J. Subba Rao M.R. 7.Computer Science and Engineering . Kodanda Rama Reddy J. Divakara Sarma B. Father's Name A. Narayana Rao 5. Name of the candidate 1. 4. 4. * But subject to grant of permission Mechanical Engineering: h t . Suryanarayana .B.S. Abilash Reddy G. Manisha * * * P. Rajendra Prasad N. Highest . harischandra Reddy 2. Naga Manikanta Siva Kalyan B. Bhavana Vurukonda Arun Kumar Reddy Ravi Teia A. Nageswara Rao K. 3. Vijaya Simha C. Rank 2047 2393 3523 3577 3602 3761 3766 3894 4490 4501 4530 4535 Civil Engineering: h est . 5.M. Sukesh Kumar Reddy E.S.No. Krishna E. Nagi Reddy N. 6.2047. Srikanth Prajwal Eachempati Sameksha Chigarapalli Reddy E. 1. Janardhan M.S. 10. Mohan Reddy K. * Rank 4979 5156 ~7586 9579 9653 9838 9903 10269 10444 10653 10736 10808 by Govt. Karunakar Reddy Reddy Rao V. Vikas G. Sri Charitha Bonala Bhargav Ram Sunkara Sai Susheel K.No.P Marisetti V. Surya Vamshi Vemuluru N. 6.4535 S. Srinivas T. 1. 12. * 12. 3. H·Igl S. M.10808 R an k : L owes t . Raghavendra C. vv. Nagaiah P. 2. V. Krishna M. Father's Name M.5624 R an k : L owest . K Harinath G. 8. 3. Siddhartha 7. Pavan Kumar. Name of the candidate Y. Sai Babu A. 9.v. 6.17896 S. Venkateshwarlu G. Venkata Ramana K. 5.Attavar V. Name of the candidate 1. Chandra Sekhara Varma M.4773 Igl S. 6. Krishna Murthy Pradhan Lakshmi Neelima Emani T.v. Krishna Reddy Y. 6. Kaushal Rank 7514 11365 13332 13952 15030 16346 Information Technology . 5.No.V. Varun Kumar Gurram Vinith Saqar Pradhan Hasanth Sista MVN. Venkata Sai K Karthik Kotha Vmdhva Y. H" hest . H'Ighest. 3. Srija . 3.S. 4.S. 4. 2. 3.S. Father's Name Ramakrishna Emani Rao T.4635. Govardhan Rank 8752 10481 14169 16818 17754 17896 Pranav. 2. H'Iglhest. Shree Datta Guru Deva Gupta Y.No. V. R.Electrical and Electronics Engineering . Deepti Priva Darshini Mandli Neha Reddy T. 2. Name of the candidate 1. Satyanarayana Y. Nandini Rao Y. Father's Name Champaknath.(EEE): R an k : Lowes t .16346 S. Shekhar Rao Y. Rank 3110 4223 4226 4230 4747 4773 Production Engineering: R an k : L owest . Chandra Sekhar Rao Y. 5.3110.(IT): R an k : L owest . 4. Father's Name P.R. Akhilesh 5.7011 S. 4. Ravindra Ravula Vinayak Rao l. Praneeth Y. Satyanarayana T. Monica Reddy Saraf Bindu Rank 4635 5649 6463 6692 6864 7011 Chemical Engineering: R an k : L owest . 2. Veerabhadra Saranqdhar Sarada Sista M.8752. Attavar V. Siva Kaushik Ravula Manideep I. Srinivas Reddy P. H'iglhest. C.Vinod Kumar Reddy Pamulaoati Vivek Reddy Saurabh Kabra N. Venkateswara Govind Kabra N. 3. Name of the candidate 1.7514. Laxma Reddy Saraf Krishna Reddy Pritesh Soni Kolli Deepika P.No.No. 6. Father's Name Juqal Kishore Soni K. Name of the candidate 1. P.No. Saran Kumar G. Laxmi Gayatri Devi V.** Any difference of fee is payable subject to the further orders of Hon'ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh in W. Varun Sree Harsha Y. Rohit Chowdary S. 2. Kanna Varma Mohammad T ousif Bandaly Father's Name U.20535 of 2010 in terms of the interim orders given by Hon'ble High Court dated 18-08-2010 in W. Subramanya Sarma 3. 4.No.No. 6. H'Igi S. 5. Madhuri G. Name of the candidate J.Bio-Technology: hest. S.N . Pradeep Kumar R. Narsinq Rao A. Name of the candidate 1. Ramesh Rao S. 4. Krishnam Raiu Ansar Husain Bandaly M. Note:. Venkata Koulini B.No. B. Hanesh Kumar Sd/(Or. Narsinq Rao Rank 6110 8182 12062 14647 16207 16337 2. Devendar Reddy A. 4. Father's Name Rank 3853 9602 11028 13609 16422 17948 Y. Rahul Mastan Rao V. CBIT.205350f2010.N. Mallikarjuna S.17948 R an k : Lowes t . N. 1.B. Kashinatham R. Asfar Abbas Prakash Kumar Singh 6.No. Name of the candidate U. Azhad B. Bala Bhaskar Md. Jamal Sharief Md. 5. 3. Keerthi Balieet Sinqh A. M. 6. 5.K.Reddy) President. . Yousuf Sharief Md. 3. Prasada Rao V.3853. 2. Singh Rank 1076 12402 26956 34373 P. Srinath Yampalla Suresh Reddy Y. Mahesh Kumar V. 1. Sindhura Manmeet Kaur Father's Name K.P. Vijaya Karthik Md.
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