Cause Codes Release



Cause codes from1. 1. Cause codes from network. Postedby: Caterpillar on: July 20, 2011  In: Uncategorized  Leave a Comment Cause No. 1 “unassigned (unallocated) number” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause indicates that the destination requested by the mobile station cannot be reached because, although the number is in a valid format, it is not currently assigned (allocated). Cause value = 2 IMSI unknown in HLR (Causes related to MS identification) This cause is sent to the MS if the MS is not known (registered) in the HLR. This cause code does not affect operation of the GPRS service, although is may be used by a GMM procedure. Cause value = 3 Illegal MS (Causes related to MS identification) This cause is sent to the MS when the network refuses service to the MS either because an identity of the MS is not acceptable to the network or because the MS does not pass the authentication check, i.e. the SRES received from the MS is different from that generated by the network. When used by an MM procedure, except the authentication procedure, this cause does not affect operation of the GPRS service. Cause No. 3 “no route to destination” (UMTS specific cause values for call control)This cause indicates that the called user cannot be reached because the network through which the call has been routed does not serve the destination desired. Cause value = 4 IMSI unknown in VLR (Causes related to MS identification) This cause is sent to the MS when the given IMSI is not known at the VLR. Cause value = 5 IMEI not accepted (Causes related to MS identification) This cause is sent to the MS if the network does not accept emergency call establishment using an IMEI. Cause value = 6 Illegal ME (Causes related to MS identification) This cause is sent to the MS if the ME used is not acceptable to the network, e.g. blacklisted. When used by an MM procedure, this cause does not affect operation of the GPRS service. Cause No. 6 “channel unacceptable” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause indicates the channel most recently identified is not acceptable to the sending entity for use in this call. Cause value = 7 GPRS services not allowed (Additional cause codes for GMM) This cause is sent to the MS if it requests an IMSI attach for GPRS services, but is not allowed to operate GPRS services. Cause value = 8 GPRS services and non-GPRS services not allowed (Additional cause codes for GMM) This cause is sent to the MS if it requests a combined IMSI attach for GPRS and non-GPRS services, but is not allowed to operate either of them. Cause No. 8 “operator determined barring” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause indicates that the MS has tried to access a service that the MS’s network operator or service provider is not prepared to allow. Cause value = 9 MS identity cannot be derived by the network (Additional cause codes for GMM) This cause is sent to the MS when the network cannot derive the MS’s identity from the P-TMSI in case of inter-SGSN routing area update. 2. 2. Cause value = 10 Implicitly detached (Additional cause codes for GMM) This cause is sent to the MS either if the network has implicitly detached the MS, e.g. some while after the Mobile reachable timer has expired, or if the GMM context data related to the g. by subscription. Cause value = 17 “Network failure” (Causes related to PLMN specific network failures and congestion / Authentication Failures) This cause is sent to the MS if the MSC cannot service an MS generated request because of PLMN failures. Cause value = 20 “MAC failure” (Causes related to PLMN specific network failures and congestion/Authentication Failures) This cause is sent to the network if the SIM detects that the MAC in the authentication request message is not fresh (see 3GPP TS 33. the source of this cause is not the network. Cause value = 16 MSC temporarily not reachable” (Additional cause codes for GMM)This cause is sent to the MS if it requests a combined GPRS attach or routing are updating in a PLMN where the MSC is temporarily not reachable via the GPRS part of the GSM network. Cause value = 14 GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN (Additional cause codes for GMM) This cause is sent to the MS which requests GPRS service in a PLMN which does not offer roaming for GPRS services to that MS. no answer” (UMTS specific cause values for call control)This cause is used when a user has provided an alerting indication but has not provided a connect indication within a prescribed period of time. 19 “user alerting. by subscription. Cause value = 12 Location Area not allowed (Cause related to subscription options)This cause is sent to the MS if it requests location updating in a location area where the MS. but when it should find another allowed location area in the same PLMN.g. by subscription.102). Cause value = 13 Roaming not allowed in this location area (Cause related to subscription options) This cause is sent to an MS which requests location updating in a location area of a PLMN which offers roaming to that MS in that Location Area. Cause No. It is noted that the user equipment is compatible with the call. NOTE: Cause #15 and cause #12 differ in the fact that cause #12 does not trigger the MS to search for another allowed location area on the same PLMN. is not allowed to operate. e. Cause value = 21 “Synch failure” (Causes related to PLMN specific network failures and congestion/Authentication Failures) This cause is sent to the network if the SIM detects that the SQN in the authentication request message is out of range (see 3GPP . Under normal situations. Cause No. is not allowed to operate. Cause value = 15 No Suitable Cells In Location Area (Cause related to subscription options) This cause is sent to the MS if it requests location updating in a location area where the MS. 3. Cause No. Cause No. by subscription or due to operator determined barring is not allowed to operate.subscription dose not exist in the SGSN e.16 “normal call clearing” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users involved in the call has requested that the call be cleared. problems in MAP. 3. 18 “no user responding” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is used when a user does not respond to a call establishment message with either an alerting or connect indication within the prescribed period of time allocated (defined by the expiry of either timer T303 or T310). Cause value = 11 PLMN not allowed (Cause related to subscription options) This cause is sent to the MS if it requests location updating in a PLMN where the MS. because of a SGSN restart.17 “user busy” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is used when the called user has indicated the inability to accept another call. see 3GPP TS 44. no channel. 1 “unassigned (unallocated) number” shall be used. The new called party number may optionally be included in the diagnostic field.102). secondary PDP context activation request or PDP context modification request cannot be accepted due to insufficient resources. Cause value = 22 “Congestion”(Causes related to PLMN specific network failures and congestion/Authentication Failures) This cause is sent if the service request cannot be actioned because of congestion (e. a physical layer or data link layer failure at the remote user. 26 “non-selected user clearing” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) Cause No.065 [78]) Cause value = 26 “Insufficient resources“ (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the MS or by the network to indicate that a PDP context activation request. If a network does not support this capability. 4. facility busy/congested etc.. 27 “destination out of order” (UMTS specific cause values for call control)This cause indicates that the destination indicated by the mobile station cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not functioning correctly. Cause No. e. Cause No.g. The term “not functioning correctly” indicates that a signalling message was unable to be delivered to the remote user.). 21 “call rejected” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept this call. if the SM receives a SNSM-STATUS. Cause value = 28 “Unknown PDP address or PDP type” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the requested .g. 22 “number changed” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is returned to a calling mobile station when the called party number indicated by the calling mobile station is no longer assigned.request message with cause “DM received ” or “ invalid XID response “. 28 “invalid number format (incomplete number)” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause indicates that the called user cannot be reached because the called party number is not a valid format or is not complete. Cause value = 23 “GSM authentication unacceptable”(Causes related to PLMN specific network failures and congestion/Authentication Failures) This cause is sent to the network in UMTS if the MS supports the UMTS authentication algorithm and there is no Authentication Parameter AUTN IE present in the AUTHENTICATION REQUEST message. Cause No. 4. Cause value = 25 “LLC or SNDCP failure (GSM only)” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the MS indicate that a PDP context is deactivated because of a LLC or SNDCP failure (e. cause No. Cause No.g.TS 33. although it could have accepted the call because the equipment sending this cause is neither busy nor incompatible. etc. Cause No. user equipment off-line. Cause value = 27 “Unknown or missing access point name” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the requested service was rejected by the external packet data network because the access point name was not included although required or if the access point name could not be resolved. 25 “pre-emption” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is returned to the network when a mobile station clears an active call which is being preempted by another call with higher precedence. Cause No. Cause value = 33 ”Requested service option not subscribed”(GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause is sent when the MS requests a service option for which it has no subscription. Cause value = 38 Call cannot be identified (Causes related to nature of request) This cause is sent when the network cannot identify the call associated with a call re-establishment request.5.attempting the call is not likely to be successful. unspecified” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is used to report a normal event only when no other cause in the normal class applies. 29 “facility rejected” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is returned when a facility requested by user can not be provided by the network. accepted that were indicated by the network in the PDP Context Modification procedure. Never to be sent. Cause value = 34 “Service option temporarily out of order” (Causes related to nature of request) This cause is sent when the MSC cannot service the request because of temporary outage of one or more functions required for supporting the service. Cause value = 35 “NSAPI already used” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code may be used by a network to indicate that the NSAPI requested by the MS in the PDP context activation request is already used by another active PDP context of this MS. 30 “response to STATUS ENQUIRY” (UMTS specific cause values for call control) This cause is included in STATUS messages if the message is sent in response to a STATUS ENQUIRY message. immediately re. but can be received from a R97/R98 network at PDP context activation Cause value = 36 “Regular PDP context deactivation” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used to indicate a regular MS or network initiated PDP context deactivation. Cause No..g. Cause value = 31 “Activation rejected. Cause value = 32 “Service option not supported” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network when the MS requests a service which is not supported by the PLMN. 38 “network out of order” (Resource unavailable class) This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to last a relatively long period of time. Cause No. Cause No. Cause value = 37 “QoS not accepted” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the MS if the new QoS cannot be 5. See also subclause 5. Cause No. Cause value = 38 Network failure . 5. Cause value = 30 “Activation rejected by GGSN” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the requested service was rejected by the GGSN.service was rejected by the external packet data network because the PDP address or type could not be recognised. unspecified” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the requested service was rejected due to unspecified reasons. Cause value = 29 “User authentication failed” (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the requested service was rejected by the external packet data network due to a failed user authentication. 31 “normal.3. 34 “no circuit/channel available” (Resource unavailable class) This cause indicates that there is no appropriate circuit/channel presently available to handle the call. e. e.. Cause value = 44 semantic errors in packet filter(s) (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that there is one or more semantic errors in packet filter(s) of the TFT included in a secondary PDP context activation request or an MS-initiated PDP context modification. 43 “access information discarded” (Resource unavailable class) This cause indicates that the network could not deliver access information to the remote user as requested.g. Cause No. Cause value = 41 semantic error in the TFT operation. 6. high layer compatibility. It is noted that the particular type of access information discarded is optionally included in the diagnostic. Cause value = 46 PDP context without TFT already . 42 “switching equipment congestion” (Resource unavailable class) This cause indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencing a period of high traffic. but the SGSN does not have any active PDP context(s). Cause value = 40 Feature not supported (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the MS to indicate that the PDP context activation initiated by the network is not supported by the MS. 44 “requested circuit/channel not available” (Resource unavailable class) This cause is returned when the circuit or channel indicated by the requesting entity cannot be provided by the other side of the interface. low layer compatibility. or sub-address as indicated in the diagnostic. (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the there is a semantic error in the TFT operation included in a secondary PDP context activation request or an MS-initiated PDP context modification. a user-to-user information.(GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the PDP context deactivation is caused by an error situation in the network..e. Cause No. 6. Cause value = 39 Reactivation requested (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to request a PDP context reactivation after a GGSN restart. Cause value = 43 unknown PDP context (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the PDP context identified by the Linked TI IE the secondary PDP context activation request is not active. the mobile station may wish to try another call attempt almost immediately. Cause value = 40 No PDP context activated (Additional cause codes for GMM) This cause is sent to the MS if the MS requests an establishment of the radio access bearers for all active PDP contexts by sending a SERVICE REQUEST message indicating “data” to the network. (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that there is a syntactical error in the TFT operation included in a secondary PDP context activation request or an MS-initiated PDP context modification. i. 41 “temporary failure” (Resource unavailable class) This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is not likely to last a long period of time. Cause value = 45 syntactical error in packet filter(s) (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that there is one or more syntactical errors in packet filter(s) of the TFT included in a secondary PDP context activation request or an MSinitiated PDP context modification. Cause value = 42 syntactical error in the TFT operation. Cause No. Cause No. 69 “Requested facility not implemented” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested supplementary service.213. 50 “Requested facility not subscribed” (Service or option not available class) This cause indicates that the requested supplementary service could not be provided by the network because the user has no completed the necessary administrative arrangements with its supporting networks. 68 “ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax” (Service or option not available class) This cause is used by the mobile to indicate that call clearing is due to ACM being greater than or equal to ACMmax. 55 “Incoming calls barred within the CUG” (Service or option not available class) This cause indicates that although the called party is a member of the CUG for the incoming CUG call. 79 “service or option not implemented. 81 “invalid transaction identifier value” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a transaction identifier which is not currently in use on the MS. 49 “quality of service unavailable” (Service or option not available class) This cause indicates to the mobile station that the requested quality of interface. 57 “bearer capability not authorized” (Service or option not available class) This cause indicates that the mobile station has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but the mobile station is not authorized to use. incoming calls are not allowed within this CUG. 63 “service or option not available. unspecified” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause is used to report a service or option not implemented event only when no other cause in the service or option not implemented class applies. Cause No. 70 “only restricted digital information bearer capability is available” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause indicates that one equipment has requested an unrestricted bearer service. but that the equipment sending this cause only supports the restricted version of the requested bearer capability. cannot be provided. unspecified” (Service or option not available class) 7. Cause No. 58 “bearer capability not presently available” (Service or option not available class) This cause indicates that the mobile station has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but which is not available at this time. Cause No. Cause No. Cause No. Cause No. Cause No. This cause is used to report a service or option not available event only when no other cause in the service or option not available class applies. Cause No. as defined in ITU-T Recommendation X. 65 “bearer service not implemented” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the bearer capability requested. Cause No. unspecified” (Resource unavailable class) This cause is used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the resource unavailable class applies. Cause No. 47 “resource unavailable. Cause No. Cause No. Cause No. 7.activated (GPRS specific cause values for session management) This cause code is used by the network to indicate that the network has already activated a PDP context without TFT. 87 “user not member of CUG” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause indicates that the called user for the incoming CUG call is not a member of the . Cause No. Cause No. 96 “invalid mandatory information” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a non-semantical mandatory IE error (see subclause 8. Cause No. or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause.8). This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined. 100 “conditional IE error” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with conditional IE errors (see subclause 8.5). 99 “information element non-existent or not implemented” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes information elements not recognized because the information element identifier is not defined or it is defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause. Cause No.7. unspecified” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause is used to report a protocol error event only when no other cause in the protocol error class applies. Cause No. 96 “invalid mandatory information” (Causes related to invalid messages) Cause No.2). 95 “semantically incorrect message” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause is used to report receipt of a message with semantically incorrect contents (see subclause 8. 101 “message not compatible with protocol state” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that a message has been received which is incompatible with the protocol state or that a STATUS message has been received indicating an incompatible call state. 127 “interworking. 97 “message type non-existent or not implemented” (Causes related to invalid messages) 8. 102 “recovery on timer expiry” This cause indicates that a procedure has been initiated by the expiry of a timer in association with 3GPP TS 24. Cause No. the information element is not required to be present in the message in order for the equipment sending the cause to process the message. 88 “incompatible destination” (Service or option not implemented class) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a call which has low layer compatibility. Cause No.. However. 98 “message type not compatible with protocol state” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message not compatible with the protocol state (subclause 8.008 error handling procedures. Cause No. Cause No. 98 “message type not compatible with protocol state” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message not compatible with the protocol state. Cause No. high layer compatibility. Cause No. or other compatibility attributes (e. data rate) which cannot be accommodated. unspecified” This cause indicates that . 8. Cause No.g. 111 “protocol error. or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause.4). Cause No. Cause No. 91 “invalid transit network selection” (Service or option not implemented class) Cause No. 97 “message type non-existent or not implemented” (Causes related to invalid messages) This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined.specified CUG. there has been interworking with a network which does not provide causes for actions it takes. the precise cause for a message which is being sent cannot be ascertained Related . thus.
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