Catalouge of Microbial Culture



Catalogue of Microbial CulturesNATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT MICROORGANISMS National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection (NAIMCC) 2011 Fungi Yeast Bacteria Actinomycetes Blue Green Algae NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT MICROORGANISMS Kusmaur, Mau Nath Bhanjan - 275 101 (U.P.) Published by Dilip K. Arora Director, NBAIM, Mau Compiled & Edited by Sudheer Kumar Alok K Srivastava Renu Assistance Anchal Kumar Srivastava Copyright © All rights reserved. No part of this report shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form by print, microfilm or any other means without written permission of the Director, NBAIM TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction I II Preservation Deposition of cultures in the public collections Guidance for depositors Guidance for sending strains to nbaim Supply of cultures Terms and condition of supply III Guide of enteries IV Catalouge of Fungi Catalogue of Bacteria 1-86 87-113 Catalogue for Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and Microalgae 114-115 Culture Media 116-118 Media List 119-132 National repositories under Biological Diversity Act, 2002 133 World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) 134-136 Methods of short and long term storage of microbial cultures 137-141 IPR Guidelines for Microbes 142-148 Microbial biosafety 149-150 Microbial biosecurity 151-155 Utilization of agriculturally important microorganisms 156-157 Application for Deposit of Biological Material 158-159 Passport Data for Submission of Microbial Cultures 160-161 Guidelines for Registration of Microbial Germplasm 162-163 Procedure submission of proposal/germplasm material Annexure I 164 165-167 Annexure II 168 Annexure III 169 Annexure IV 170 Annexure V 171 About NBAIM 172-175 Numerical index for Fungi 176-201 Numerical index for Bacteria 202-210 Numerical index for Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and Microalgae 211 Organizational chart of National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Director, (NBAIM) Prof. D.K. Arora Incharge NAIMCC Dr. Sudheer Kumar Units Fungi Section Dr. Alok K. Srivastva Dr. Sudheer Kumar Bacteria Section Actinomycetes Section Dr. Renu Dr. K.K. Meena Dr. Mahesh Yendigeri Mr. Anurag Chaurasia Technical Assistant Manish Roy Soma Sani Saida Reddy Anchal Kumar Srivastava Alok Upadhya Cyanobacteria Section Dr. D.P. Singh oil and mineral extraction. (~4. It is of great concern that how and to which extent such environmental degradation affects microbial abundance and species richness. Currently. Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes in addition to yeasts. playing a very important role in maintaining the well being of our global environment. Therefore. and to carry out related research and human resource development for sustainable growth of agriculture. Public collections of microorganisms have been established since the late 19th century. It also serves as an information resource for the customers of the MRCs. various microbial resource centers (MRCs) throughout the world were opened. deforestation. Ascomycetes. By implementing guidelines compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. very little is known of their diversity. The second edition of Catalogue embodies the up dated accession of different group of microorganisms being maintained at NBAIM. Mastigomycetes. But.4%). These biological resource centers (BRCs) may be the preferred mechanism for the appropriate exploitation of microbial resources by offering the guarantee of accessibility and of transparency of supply. as required by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The enormity of environmental degradation and their effect on agriculture as a consequence of human intervention is well known through the effects of land and water pollution. The vast majority of these organisms cannot be cultured in the laboratory and so were not amenable to study by the methods that had proved so successful with known microorganisms throughout the 20th century. many public service collections evolve into professional ex situ repositories of biodiversity and distribution nodes for known. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has initiated a visionary and thoughtful step towards their long term conservation in the beginning of 21st century by establishing the National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). BRCs are essential infrastructures supporting the future of life sciences and biotechnology. India is recognized as one of the seventeen mega diversity regions of the world.PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Microbes are important for the Earth System. Presently. and currently 591 service collections are registered at the World Data Center for Microorganisms (www. Until recently. there were no appropriate techniques available to answer these important questions. Nearly 54% of India's microbial wealth is constituted by fungi (~31. (~15. India's contribution to the global biodiversity is around 8% which is only 2. Apart from the details of cultures different articles related to different culture usefulness of microbes in agriculture. bioseurity guidelines. To achieve these goals. guidelines for registration of elite microorganisms in India. land management disturbance. NBAIM act as a vehicle for networking all the research institutes working with the aim of conserving agriculturally important microorganisms in India. taking into account all relevant regulations and stakeholders' rights. about 80% belong to mitotic fungi.K. still the existing MRCs carry a very small component of this diversity. Among the 205 genera reported from India. Some institutes have their own collection of important microbes but status of preservation is not satisfactory.8%) by lichens and (~1. Scientists are encouraged to deposit researched microbial material at public BRCs to contribute to the science (semi-) commons and maximize the impact of prior knowledge. Despite the obvious importance of microbes. biosafety. validated and precisely identified microbial resources and associated information to legitimate end-users.8%) by virus/bacteria . bacteria. how many species are present in the environment. its ecological function. The mandate of the bureau is to act as a nodal center at national level for acquisition and management of indigenous and exotic microbial genetic resources for food and agriculture. It was only with the development of high-throughput technology to analyze and sequence DNA from the natural environment that information began to accumulate that demonstrated the exceptional diversity of microbes in nature in fact. The two major hotspots in the present scenario of India's biodiversity are the Western ghats and the North-eastern region. preservation techniques for microorganisms has also been included to make the catalogue more useful. While undertaking a biodiversity census of the Western ghats. it was reported that in a set of 2500 species. approximately 17% were microorganisms. bio-prospecting and fundamental scientific research concentrating on agriculture. it maintains fungal cultures of different groups which include Myxomycetes. cataloging and preservation of microbial flora showing significance towards agriculture become necessity of the present time for the proper regional and national microbial resource management.4% of the total global area. On behalf of editorial board I am thankful to all who contributed their cultures and other information with us. Indian mycologists have described more than 14500 fungal species within the globally known number of 72000 species.e. Zygomycetes. urbanization and global warming. actinomycetes and blue green algae (BGA).5%) by algae . All together. So far. From a global point of view.7 million microorganisms.wdcm. Arora Director I . and what each individual species does i. they hold more than 1. D. most microbes are entirely novel and have not previously been described. The relatively simple PCR based procedures were developed to differentiate between closely related isolates of Rhizoctonia solani and Macrophomina phaseolina. Human Resource Development. Delhi and Chandigarh) was done. the cultures are maintained on the slants in appropriate medium at 4oC II . Biodiversity Authority of India recognizes the NBAIM culture collection as the National Repository.Digitization of data of about 30. bacteria. sandy soil. Bacillus and Bacillus derived genera and fluorescent pseudomonads using specific DNA molecular makers. regionally and globally competitive. conservation. CABI. Hilly regions etc. The NBAIM has developed state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities based on modern technologies for the identification of indigenous species.Introduction The NBAIM since its developmental phases has played an important role in isolation. Despite the well recognized importance of microorganisms. Some rare types/ endangered species of microbes of agricultural importance have been isolated and preserved.000 fungal species has been done under NATP funded project on “Digitization of fungal species of Indian Origin” under UK-CABI work plan”. For short-term storage. Database of the entire collection of fungal species on electronic format for easy access to information is in progress. Over 725 fungi. their identification and preservation for different applications in agriculture and food sectors. characterized and preserved in the culture collection of the NBAIM. Himachal Pradesh. and races of agriculturally important microorganisms (AIMs). The bureau has also prepared monographs and synoptic keys for authentic identification of some of these AIMs. Over 150 Cultures were exchanged from different culture collection organizations/ ICAR institutes/ Universities. maintenance and utilization of AIMs. Over 1427 Fungal species will be repatriated from UK. Several diversity rich areas like Western Ghats. In India. These microorganisms have been identified. microbial biodiversity and systematics. and hilly trains (Uttar Pradesh. The Bureau aims to excel in isolation and utilization of genes for conventional and unforeseen products of high economics and value in environment and agriculture. Fungi are preserved under mineral oil and by freezedrying/ lyophilization. The bacteria. forest. actinomycetes and yeasts are maintained under the long-term preservation. collection and isolation of hundreds of AIMs from different geographical/ agro-ecological niche of India e. as a result of which. biodegraders and bioremediators. preservation and characterization of AIMs. agricultural lands. only less than 5% of the world's microorganisms are on record. The bureau follows strict quality control and biosafety standards in the culture collection as well as in laboratories. evaluation and conservation of agriculturally important microorganisms (AIMs). bioindicators. characterization and documentation of AIMs. Rajasthan. have been explored for collection of valuable microbial genepool resourses and are now part of the national repository. Exploration. strains. Nagaland. plant growth and yield. For many years. desert. the Indian Council of Agricultural Research established National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM) for exploration. Eastern Ghats. The Bureau is one of its kinds not only in India but whole in South East Asia as it focuses on the conservation and preservation of microbial diversity of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms The unique genetic and biosynthetic capabilities of microorganisms has made them likely candidates for solving particularly difficult problems in the agriculture. Various types of microorganism including filamentous fungi. identification. It is expected that NBAIM continues to fulfil its mandate to make Indian agriculture locally. Jammu & Kashmir. From being an institute primarily concerned with microorganisms today NBAIM plays a key role in the overall management of microbes in India.g. Riverbeds. very limited and isolated efforts were made for tapping of microbial diversity of AIMs.All the microbial data available at NBAIM have been digitized and put-up in a retrievable format. actinomycetes and yeast are preserved by freeze-drying/ lyophilization and in glycerol at –80oC. 65 bacteria and 27 actinomycetes have been isolated during the exploration missions. Some of the isolates may be useful as biofertilizer. Madhya Pradesh. and plant health. The importance of microbial diversity in India was also realized. Each culture is preserved by two methods according to the type of microorganism. Different microbial cultures were supplied at the National level to the user scientists for use as Biocontrol agents/ Biofertilizers/ PGPRs/ Phosphate solubilising bacteria etc. biopesticides growth promoters. soil microbiologists and microbial ecologists have tended to differentiate soil microorganisms as beneficial or harmful according to their functions and how they affect soil quality. diversification of agriculture in India through exploration of agriculturally important microorganisms. 80o C. ■ NBAIM does not supply cultures having abbreviations and accession number of the other culture collection(s). Please send all your cultures well packed to avoid breakage of the tubes. The NBAIM offers different types of deposited in the collection like restricted collections. However. for more information gothrough "International Regulations for Packaging and Shipping of Microorganisms". It has space for images.ebrcn.php. plant. cultural details. authenticity and viability of culture are care fully examined by NBAIM. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE". ■ Cultures are not supplied to private addresses. ■ Most of the cultures are supplied in lyophilized form and some are supplied in active form. etc. generates Bar codes. Each culture is preserved by at least two methods according to the type of microorganism. these properties may not retained by the cultures at the time of delivery. ■ Some properties (Like production of metabolites. can be expanded as required. or 2 agar slants In cases where the depositor is unable to supply lyophilized preparations. Equivalent cultures may not necessarily be exactly identical because genetic drift may occur. ■ NBAIM will not be responsible for misuse or improper handling of the culture(s) received from NBAIM.) associated with cultures are quoted by depositor. GUIDLINES FOR SENDING STRAINS TO NBAIM: NBAIM prefers to receive the cultures in one package. the NBAIM will prepare lyophilized cultures at the time of deposit from the material supplied by the depositor. DEPOSITION OF CULTURES IN THE PUBLIC COLLECTIONS: Cultures can be deposited free of charge in the public collections and will be available for any third parties under the terms of the Material Transfer Agreement. Software 'MCCD' was developed at NBAIM for the digitization of AIMs. provided by European Biological Resource Centres Network (EBRCN) website: www. The format is organized to permit rapid searches and to facilitate communication between database and user. either under mineral oil storage. ■ NBAIM supplies cultures bearing its own accession number. degradation of specific compound etc. Mau Nath Bhanjan 275101 (UP). ■ Cultures should be revived / subcultures immediately after its receiving. etc. TERMS AND CONDITION OF SUPPLY ■ Recipients of NBAIM culture should not pass on such cultures to others. insect. name of the donor (person or Institute).org/docs. subcultures derived from the original isolate (equivalent culture) may be available. actinomycetes and yeasts isolated from various sources like soil. The NBAIM will not entertain complaints received beyond this period. safe deposits and public collection. DATABASE All the microbial data available at NBAIM have been digitized and put-up in a retrievable format. and we prefer that you include two subcultures (preferably slants) of each strain. reminder for revival time of culture. To deposit the cultures you have to send the culture along with dully filled pass port data or culture deposition form. A variety of data can be accommodated in fields like information on passport data of a culture like its geographical location of isolation . the form in which it is preserved. if there is any complainant about culture(s). genus and species of the cultures should be clearly mentioned. The cultures are preserved by at least two ways to prevent the loss upon accidents. etc. SUPPLY OF CULTURES ■ All the orders for supply of cultures should be addressed to the Director. active cultures growing on a suitable nutrient medium are acceptable. or 2 agar slantsYeasts12 lyophilized ampoules plus 1 agar slant (preferably). ■ Purity.PRESERVATION NBAIM follows strict quality and biosafety standards in the laboratories as well as culture collection. Where it is undesirable or impossible to supply lyophilized preparations. or by freeze-drying/ lyophilization or under cryopreservation. GUIDLINES FOR DEPOSITORS: The NBAIM prefers to receive micro-organisms submitted for deposit as lyophilized preparations. maintains inventory for lyophyllization. Please label your parcel: "MICROBIAL CULTURE. ■ All culture should be handled carefully taking proper and established safety precaution. or storage in glycerol at . Most properties can be described in simple logical fields. name of the depositor. The software is on MySQL database management system. are around 100 and. NBAIM. The NBAIM accession number. one in mineral oil and secondly by lyophilization and also under cryopreservation. bacteria. However. III . please inform the Director with in three months of the receipt of the cultures. NBAIM repository includes filamentous fungi. The number of fields. The minimum number of replicates that must be supplied by the depositor when making his deposit is as follows:Fungi12 lyophilized ampoules (preferably). or 2 agar slantsBacteria12 lyophilized ampoules plus 1 agar slant (preferably). Other Details IV . 4. 7 9 0 1986./variety NBAIM accession number Culture receive from and / or equivalent numbers (if known) of other culture collection and/or depositor strain number 5.Mukhopadyay. Year of deposition 9. Genus Species followed by subsp. 2. Pantnagar.N. PCA. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) 6 field soil. 3. India. 25±1 C 8 10 1. Depositor's name 7. Place of isolation 8. Growth temperature 11. Culture media 10. Source of isolation 6. A.GUIDE OF ENTRIES 1 NBAIM-F-00001 3 2 Trichoderma koningii 4 5 CABI-304055. PDA. Milk + 5% inositol) . MO. ATCC14614. Singh. OA+Lupin 230C. PDA. P. Dehra Dun India. Soil of gelatin factory rich with feathers. MA. 1976. PDY. Ishwaque Ahmed India. ATCC-14615. Indent host. Allahabad India.C.Cajanus cajan seed. Compost. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00015 Achaetomium thielavioides CABI-288625. Soil. CABI 1968. RT 230C. Singh. Sheton. PDA.62. LY. (Crandall) W. 230C NAIMCC-F-02414 Achaetomium CABI-169584. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00016 Achetomium globosum CABI-351758. Varanasi India. D. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00011 Achaetomium globosum CABI-304913. PCA. CBS 682. CABI 1974. Chaurasia. PDA. PCA 230C. OA.P. HG-1. Soil. S.K. cylindrospora CABI-060231. Poona India. Gams. HG-1. CECT-2718. 250C. Patent strain NAIMCC-F-00022 Acremonium curvulum CABI-297016. 1975. OA+W. isolated from Leaf litter. Bakshi. 23°C 4 weeks. A. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00008 Absidia cylindrospora var. (10% sk. PCA. malviya. Varanasi India. 25±20C.P. India. Soil. PCA. 230C. MA. CABI-198277. MA. Dung. Brassica nigra. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00012 Achaetomium macrosporum CABI-334582. HG-1. PCA . Mangifera indica. V. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00023 Acremonium diospyri MTCC. India. Production of protease. Type strain of Cephalosporium diospyri. Guru Nanak Dev University India. Gams. India. Dehli India. 230C.1316. DW8. new Yamuna river Agra U. S. Poona India. NL 370C. M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00004 Absidia corymbifera CABI-115180(T). NL 23-450C. H. MA-2 NAIMCC-F-02412 Achaetomium CABI-205029. Jamaluddin Bihari. M.Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Catalogue for Fungi NAIMCC-F-00001 Abortiporus biennis (Bull) Singer MTCC-1176.S. riboflavin and exocellular glucan. HG-1. HG-1. 1990. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00009 Absidia pseudocylindrospora MTCC-550. PDA. Tandon. 1981. Varanasi. K. 23OC NAIMCC-F-00003 Absidia californica CABI-246261.CABI-169584. Delhi. MUCL-9718. 25±20C. LY. CABI 1975. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00018 Acremonium acutatum CABI-185374. PCA+FP. Jabalpur M. CABI 1986. M. Dr. CABI 1980. ATCC 32209. MA. AG17. MA. F. cylindrospora Hagem CABI321127. Sesamum indicum. HG-1. Ellis. HACC-110. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00017 Acremoniella atra On Tamarindus indica leaves. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00006 Absidia corymbifera CABI-210241. PDA. Sarbhoy. Sesamum indicum. HG-2. Type strain. PCA. HACC-113. DL 230C. CABI 1977. N. S.. Tiwari. Excreta of bird. CABI 1992. CABI 1962. A. DL 230C. Dung of Nilgai. PCA. India. Saxena.62. Production of hydroxylated biphenyl compounds NAIMCC-F-00020 Acremonium chrysogenum CABI-091579. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02458 Achaetomium thielavioides CABI-288625. RT 6 days NAIMCC-F-00019 Acremonium breve CABI-091578. 2004. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00021 Acremonium chrysogenum MTCC-886 (Thirum and Sukapure) W. Gupta. E. India. India. Production of carotenoid. MA. IFO30055. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-00010 Achaetomium globosum CABI-255004. YpSS Agar. 230C. Soil. India. HG-1. MA. J. B. CABI 1984. PCA. 25±20C. India NAIMCC-F-00014 Achaetomium sp. YPSS. PCA.LN (10% glycerol) NAIMCC-F-00013 Achaetomium macrosporum CABI-373135. Pavgi. Hesseltine and J. PCA. MA. CBS-144. Nilgai. MO. PCA. India. Hazardous Group 1 . 230C. MA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00007 Absidia cylindrospora var. HG-1. CBS-150. Ishwaque Ahmed. CABI 1965. Kalyani W. paste material. Chaudhuri. DL 230C. OA . 30±20C NAIMCC-F-00002 Absidia blakesleeana CABI-198277. CABI 1955. PDA. CABI 1985. Delhi India.P. Bengal India. Soil. 230C NAIMCC-F-00005 Absidia corymbifera CABI-130866. CABI 1962. India. P. HG-1. 1984.71. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02290 Absidia blakesleenana. HG-1. B. K. India. HG-1. India. (Nicot) W. Gorakhpur India 1974. Maunath Bhanjan. indet. P. 230C. 230C. 230C NAIMCC-F-00043 Acremonium roseogriseum On soil. HG-1. J. LY. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00028 Acremonium kiliense CABI-090242. PCA. CABI 1965. HG-1. Poona India. LY. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00041 Acremonium radiatum CABI-091573. Soil. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00029 Acremonium kiliense CABI-091572. 23°C. HG-1. K.74. dung. 230C. K. M. 230C. Chaubattia Almora India. Chaurasia. HG-1. PCA. PCA. CBS 721. Oatflake Medium. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00044 Acremonium roseolum CABI-131950. Hydrabad India. HG-1. Karnataka. P.72. Karad India. Sinha. 230C. Gams. HG-2. PCA. MA. HG-1.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00024 Acremonium hansfordii CABI-185375. PCA. PCA. Kamal. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00034 Acremonium nigrosclerotium CABI-185369. India 1985. CABI 1961. CBS 154. Poona India. HG-1. isolated from Vitis vinifera. CABI 1974. . Soil. host. 25±20C Hazardous NAIMCC-F-00026 Acremonium implicatum MTCC-2025. W. CABI-273917. 1967. PCA. Uredospores of Puccinia arachidis. LY. Vikarabad India. S. CABI-164571. MUCL-9722. Banglore India. LY. Gams CBS 385. CABI 1985. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00027 Acremonium incoloratum CABI-091577.61. B. S. PCA. Rana. PCA. HG-1. 2005. PCA. J. CBS-152. LY. 230C. ATCC-14612. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00045 Acremonium salmoneum CABI-185379. Tamilnadu West of Madras India. Thirumalachar 1958. W.62. 230C. HG-1. Agra India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00048 Acremonium sp. TWA+W 23°C NAIMCC-F-00047 Acremonium sp. LY. 230C. 25±20C. Poona India. Cocos nucifera. CBS-141. .62. Gams CBS 390. IMI 1987. Soil. CABI 1961. LY. M. 230C. MA-2 NAIMCC-F-02417 Acremonium recifei CABI-291633. Rajasthan India. India. 230C. B. MA. CABI-315765. Soil. Varanasi India. HACC 103. air above field. PCA. ATCC-14611. 230C. LY. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00053 Acremonium strictum MTCC-1466. CABI 1974. HG-1. Soil. ATCC 32186. Jaipur Rajasthan India. CABI 1961. J. LY. CABI 1974. MA. Sharma. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-00025 Acremonium implicatum CABI-110457. Poona India. ICRISAT Hyderabad 2007 India. Type strain NAIMCC-F-00032 Acremonium minutisporum CABI-091576. LY. ATCC14491.. HACC-109. CABI-128923. CABI 1962. Sehgal. HG-1. (Abbott) W. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00037 Acremonium persicinum CABI-091575. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00046 Acremonium sordidulum CABI-185373. Thirumalachar 1957. LY. forest trees. PCA. Sporophore. MA.N. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00031 Acremonium kiliense Grutz MTCC-899. Euphorbia triticulli. PDA. MA-6 2 NAIMCC-F-00042 Acremonium recifei CABI-291633. PCA. Gams. CABI 1974. N. 23°C . HG-1. HG-1. Koyna Valley Chiplun India. Kamat . 230C. old stem. PCA. Shama Bhat. ATCC-14494. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00030 Acremonium kiliense CABI-091581. Lodha & Gams. M. Gams. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00033 Acremonium nigrosclerotium CABI-246283. K. . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00049 Acremonium sp. P. Kernataka India. CABI 1961. MA. HG-1. Kishore Babu. 230C. CABI-205029. ATCC14608. MA6 NAIMCC-F-00051 Acremonium sp. MA. PCA+FP. PCA. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00050 Acremonium sp. 230C.73. Bombay India. Cocos nucifera. ATCC 32183. CABI 1961. LY. LY. W. Rhizosphere of Oryza sp. rhizosphere. Thirumalachar. S. PCA. Potato Carrot Agar. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00038 Acremonium persicinum CABI-115969. Soil. CABI 1978. Pond water. CBS 311. HACC-104. PCA. ATCC14609. PCA. ATCC-14613. soil. MA. J. Soil. Vaidehi 1967. 20±20C. B. Potato Carrot Agar. HACC-108. NAIMCC-F-00035 Acremonium obclavatum CABI-185383. LY. Brassica nigra. Soil. CABI 1961. MA. Type strain . Morchella sp. LY. HG-1. CABI 1986. M. MA. Subrahmanyan. ATCC 32185. Shama Bhat. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00052 Acremonium strictum CABI-230422. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00036 Acremonium ochraceum CABI-303620. Saccharum officinarum. CBS-147. MO. HG-1. CABI 1974.K. India NAIMCC-F-00040 Acremonium persicinum MTCC-2022. HG-1. 230C. Poona India. PCA. LY. CABI 1968.71. isolated from Musa. CABI 1980.73. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00039 Acremonium persicinum CABI-104440. Seed of Cajanus cajan. Onion leaf. 23-450C. OA. Shimogha. HG-1. India. tomato leaf. Shimogha. PDA. tomato leaf. Vaidehi 1967. CABI 1968. C. R. Mughogh. Singh. 2008. 25±20C. CABI 1976. isolated from Parthenium hysterophorus. 2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00073 Alternaria alternata No-020. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00056 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-076567. N. Himachal Pradesh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00067 Alternaria alternata CABI-359781. 2008. Tumkur. C. New Delhi. Girija Ganeshan. Upadhyay. S. 2008. PDA. hazardous NAIMCC-F-00068 Alternaria alternata NRCOG-AA-1. Orissa India. Milk + 5% inositol) NAIMCC-F-00065 Allomyces reticulates Emerson and Robertson. HG-1. HG-1. 23450C. Girija Ganeshan. Sagar. Girija Ganeshan. Grassland soil. S.NAIMCC-F-02392 Acremonium zeae CABI-282166. K. 2009. PCA. PDA. Girija Ganeshan. India. G. Rai 1967. Onion leaf. 23-450C. PDA. 23-450C. PDA. Anjugraman. CABI 1972. Karnataka. Lucknow India. CABI 1959. J. Karnataka. Jodhpur. PDA. Type strain. S. Ghosh. MA6 NAIMCC-F-00078 Alternaria alternata No-9. 1985. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00071 Alternaria alternata No-012. PDA. EmYPSS. (Eidam) C. LY. Girija Ganeshan. MO. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00072 Alternaria alternata No-018. Panwar. R. Saksena 1952. Soil. R. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00080 Alternaria alternata No-22. 28+2oC. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00060 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-168411. Himachal Pradesh. CABI 1954. 2008. Rajasthan. Girija Ganeshan. CABI 1971. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00061 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-206908. Kolar. 2009. LY. PDA. Zea mays. Onion leaf. UP. Karnataka. D. PDA. R. Girija Ganeshan. L. Hazardous NAIMCC-F-00076 Alternaria alternata No-024. PCA.PCA. 230C-450C Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02371 Altermaria tenuissima CABI-289679. Jodhpur India. 2009. Sikar. PDA. Neotype strain. Jodhpur India. 25±20C. Ramraj. 230C NAIMCC-F-00066 Alternaria alternata CABI-256370. K. Panwar. LY. C. 230C. ATCC-22555. B. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02278 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-206908. 28+2oC. buffalo. LY.K. Hazardous NAIMCC-F-00062 Actinomucor elegans MTCC-963. PDA. Hazardous NAIMCC-F-00063 Agaricus campestris Link MTCC-972. Solan. Onion seeds. NAIMCC-F-00074 Alternaria alternata No-021. Hirchalli. R. PDA. 1976. IARI. 250C. Girija Ganeshan. tomato leaf. Sagar India. PDA. Onion leaf. C. Solan.129802. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02118 Agrocybe erebia Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00058 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI. Zea mays. New Delhi. Bagalur. Rajasthan. PDA. K. Sorghum. India. PDA. 250C. Tumkur. Hyderabad 2007 India. tomato leaf. R. PDA. Karnataka. LY ( 10% sk. P. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00075 Alternaria alternata No-022. 21+2oC NAIMCC-F-00070 Alternaria alternata No-011. HG-1. CABI 1967. PDA. LY. LY. India. PDA. CABI 1968. PCA CZ MCZ TGT23-450C. PDA. India. Edward 1957. 23°C. Soil. Gwalior India. HG-1. Girija Ganeshan. soil. Karnataka. 250C. Hazardous NAIMCC-F-00077 Alternaria alternata No-8. K.K. PDA. IARI. CABI-179837. IMI 1974. Agarwal. NRCOG Puna. India. CABI-168411. 2008. PDA. HG-1. 28+2oC 3 . 23-450C. PDA. 2008. B. hazardous NAIMCC-F-02288 Acrohialophora fusispora.S Chauhan. 2008. 2008. Triticum. LY. Hirchalli. HG-1. RP Singh. 2008. R. S. HG-1. kamakumari. 2008. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00064 Agarwalia terricola CABI-169048. 220C. 2008. 23-450C. PDA. Onion rhizosphere. 230C -250C NAIMCC-F-00055 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-057442. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00057 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-078708. MTCC1061. NAIMCC-F-00079 Alternaria alternata No-19. Rajgarh. NAIMCC-F-02119 Agrocybe aegerita Wood. 21+2oC NAIMCC-F-00069 Alternaria alternata NRCOG-AA-2. Onion peduncle. Sagar. Onion leaf. Onion peduncle. Girija Ganeshan. 1984.S. Soil. Allahabad India. Upadhyay. Chauhan. 28+2oC. Soil. 230C NAIMCC-F-02115 Agrocybe chanxigua Wood. Jaipur. LY. NAIMCC-F-00054 Acrodontium sp. India. MA. P. NRCOG Puna. Girija Ganeshan. RP Singh. 1972. PDA. 2008. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00059 Acrophialophora fusispora CABI-131951. Himachal Pradesh. Datura metel. HG-1. Decomposting horn. Gwalior. 25±20C. Soil. Benj and Hesseltine. Upadhyay. 2010. tomato leaf. Singh. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. D Singh. 2010. C. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01973 Alternaria alternata NO-32. C. PDA. Plant. Uttar Pradesh. Hazardous NAIMCC-F-02196 Alternaria brassicae SS-8. 250C NAIMCC-F-00088 Alternaria brassicae B-137. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. PDA. 28 ± 2oC 4 NAIMCC-F-02200 Alternaria brassicae SS-12. Uttar Pradesh. Singh. 250C NAIMCC-F-00086 Alternaria brassicae B-108. Kanpur. Chattopadhyay. Plant. 2002. Leaf of Brassica juncea. Chattopadhyay. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-02193 Alternaria brassicae SS-5. PDA. Leaf of Brassica chinensis. Uttar Pradesh. Chattopadhyay. 250C. Chattopadhyay. NAIMCC-F-02201 Alternaria brassicae SS-13. Jammu & Kashmir. 2008. C. Plant. IARI New Delhi. 2010. Kanpur. Chattopadhyay. N. Corn Meal Agar. Uttar Pradesh. 2010. Sappadi. Kanpur. Plant. 2008. Jhajhar Haryana. Orrissa. D Singh. 2008. PDA. Chattopadhyay. Chirantan Chattopadhyay. Plant. 2003. C. Kanpur. PDA. 25 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-00082 Alternaria arberescens No-28. C. CCSHAU Haryana. 250C. Gujarat. C. PDA. Uttranchal. Harayana. D. Kanpur. Brassica napus. C. PDA. 2006. leaf of Brassica napus. 250C NAIMCC-F-02194 Alternaria brassicae SS-6. 250C. 2010. PDA. 250C. Chirantan Chattopadhyay. Srinagar. Girija Ganeshan. Artemisia annua.P. Yamunanager. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-02199 Alternaria brassicae SS-11.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00081 Alternaria alternata No-48. 25OC NAIMCC-F-00084 Alternaria brassicae B-70. 250C NAIMCC-F-02190 Alternaria brassicae SS-2. 2006. 2010. Uttar Pradesh. Chattopadhyay. PDA. PDA. Sachin Gupta. 250C. Shillong. M. PDA. Aligarh. PDA. 2008. Ganeshan Girija. C. Kumarganj Faizabad. 2009. Plant. PDA. Chattopadhyay. Tomato fruit. PDA. CCSHAU Haryana. Chirantan Chattopadhyay. Kanpur. 2008. Chirantan Chattopadhyay. PDA. Leaf of Brassica juncea. Chattopadhyay. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01978 Alternaria brassicae HAB-87. Kanpur. D. Chirantan Chattopadhyay.P. Plant. Chattopadhyay. Uttar Pradesh. . Chirantan Chattopadhyay Nasipur. Harayana. Singh. Nagpur Maharashtra. 2006. 2010. Plant. U. 2006. Brassica juncea. Kanpur. Brassica juncea. NAIMCC-F-00089 Alternaria brassicae B-33. 250C. Umrar latmarlad Meghalaya. NAIMCC-F-00090 Alternaria brassicae B-99. 2010. 250C NAIMCC-F-02195 Alternaria brassicae SS-7. 2006. C. Khada. C. PDA. 250C. Chattopadhyay. PDA. NAIMCC-F-00087 Alternaria brassicae B-132. D. Plant. NAIMCC-F-00094 Alternaria brassicae Brassica oleracea leaves. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. Plant. 2006. C. 2010. Kanpur. Kanpur. 250C NAIMCC-F-02197 Alternaria brassicae SS-9. Assam. Pantnagar. Chowdhry and Aizaz Hussain. Kunal. C. leaf of Brassica juncea. 2010. Plant. P. Aligarh . C. 2010. Uttar Pradesh. Kanpur. 250C NAIMCC-F-00085 Alternaria brassicae B-56. 2006. 250C NAIMCC-F-00091 Alternaria brassicae HAB-44. Berhampore West Bengal. NAIMCC-F-00093 Alternaria brassicae HAB-87. U. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01974 Alternaria brassicae B-29. NAIMCC-F-00092 Alternaria brassicae HAB-82. 2008. 250C. PDA. 2010. NAIMCC-F-00095 Alternaria brassicae Brassica juncea var. PDA. Kanpur. 2006. Chirantan Chattopadhyay. C. Tamilnadu. 250C NAIMCC-F-02189 Alternaria brassicae SS-1. PDA. PDA. S. Kanpur. Girija Ganeshan. Plant. Uttar Pradesh. 2006. 2006. 250C NAIMCC-F-02198 Alternaria brassicae SS-10. 250C. 2010. PDA. C. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-02191 Alternaria brassicae SS-3. Chattopadhyay. Chattopadhyay. 2008. Plant. Uttranchal. Kaziranga. tomato calyx. PDA. Chattopadhyay. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01976 Alternaria brassicae B-44. Uttar Pradesh. CCSHAU Haryana. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01975 Alternaria brassicae B-97. PDA. Anand. PDA. Chatterjee. 250C. 2010. PDA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02141 Alternaria alternate Crop Leaf. C. C. V-8 juice Agar. 250C. Chattopadhyay. Girija Ganeshan. PDA. 25oC NAIMCC-F-01977 Alternaria brassicae HAB-82. Chattopadhyay. PDA. 25 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-00083 Alternaria arberescens No-49. 24±20C. 2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02179 Alternaria brassicae Leaves. tomato leaf. West Bengal. PDA. Behrampur. cuneifolia leaves. 2008. NAIMCC-F-02192 Alternaria brassicae SS-4. Boriavi . Girija Ganeshan. Bharatpur. Meena. 2011. West Bengal. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00096 Alternaria brassicicola No-08. 2009. 2011. Banglore.D. 2011. Chowdappa. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02620 Alternaria brassicae BAB-50.D. 25°C . 25°C NAIMCC-F-02618 Alternaria brassicae BAB-48. 2011. 25°C 5 . 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02608 Alternaria brassicae BAB-29.D. Brassica juncea . Kamrup. Chowdappa. P. Bharatpur. PDA. P. P.D. P. Bharatpur. PDA. 25°C . 25°C . P. PDA. Meena. 2010. 2011. PDA. Brassica juncea . PDA. Brassica juncea. NAIMCC-F-02630 Alternaria brassicicola OCA14. Banglore. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02616 Alternaria brassicae BAB-45. PDA.D. Chowdappa. P.D. Meena.D. PDA. Belgaum. Brassica juncea . Bharatpur. Meghalaya 2010. Meena. Meena. P. PDA. 25°C . P. P.D. PDA. Chowdappa. NAIMCC-F-02631 Alternaria brassicicola OCA17. Jammu. PDA. 25°C . Brassica juncea . 25°C NAIMCC-F-02628 Alternaria brassicicola OCA10. 2009. PDA. Rajasthan. Bharatpur. Brassica juncea. P. PDA. Banglore. NAIMCC-F-02604 Alternaria brassicae BAB-6. Bharatpur. NAIMCC-F-02610 Alternaria brassicae BAB-39. NAIMCC-F-02632 Alternaria brassicicola OCA18. P. Chowdappa. 2011. Meena. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02615 Alternaria brassicae BAB-44. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02619 Alternaria brassicae BAB-49. 25°C . NAIMCC-F-02606 Alternaria brassicae BAB-18. Brassica juncea.D. Brassica rapa spp yellow sarson . 2010. Fungi NAIMCC-F-02599 Alternaria brassicae BAB-1. NAIMCC-F-02607 Alternaria brassicae BAB-28. Bharatpur. Mau. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02613 Alternaria brassicae BAB-42. P. Brassica juncea. Banglore. PDA. Bharatpur. Rajasthan. Banglore. Brassica juncea . Meena. Pantnagar. Meena. 2011. Golaghat. PDA. Meena. PDA. PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02603 Alternaria brassicae BAB-5. 2010. NAIMCC-F-02629 Alternaria brassicicola OCA11. NAIMCC-F-02609 Alternaria brassicae BAB-30. Bharatpur. Chowdappa. 2010. 2010. P. P. Rajasthan. Assam.D. P. Banglore.D. Jagadhary.D. Uttarakhand. 2010. Meena. P. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02622 Alternaria brassicae OCA5. PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02626 Alternaria brassicicola OCA6.D. PDA. 2010. PDA. Rajasthan. 25°C . Chowdappa.D. Meena.D. Chowdappa. PDA. Bharatpur. PDA. P. Karnataka. 2009. 2010. Brassica juncea . 2011. Rajasthan. P. 2010. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02612 Alternaria brassicae BAB-41. Brassica juncea . 25°C NAIMCC-F-02621 Alternaria brassicae OCA3.D. Chowdappa. Chowdappa. Meena. 2011. PDA. Meena. 25°C . Rajasthan. PDA. Bharatpur.D. P. 2009. 2011. Brassica rapa var toria. P. 25°C . 2010.D. P. Rajasthan. 2011. Rajasthan. PDA. Meena. NAIMCC-F-02605 Alternaria brassicae BAB-12. NAIMCC-F-02627 Alternaria brassicicola OCA9. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02601 Alternaria brassicae BAB-3. jayant. P. Meena. P. Meena. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02600 Alternaria brassicae BAB-2. Brassica juncea . 2010. Banglore. 25°C . Meena. PDA. Banglore. Banglore. Brassica juncea. PDA. Meena. Navgaon. 2008. Brassica juncea . P. Chowdappa. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02611 Alternaria brassicae BAB-40. Bharatpur. Rajasthan. Rajasthan. P. PDA. Chowdappa. PDA. Brassica carinata cv. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02614 Alternaria brassicae BAB-43. 2010. P. Brassica juncea . Meena. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02624 Alternaria brassicae OCA16. 25°C . P. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02633 Alternaria brassicicola OCA19. Brassica juncea . Meena. 25°C .D. Rajasthan. Banglore. Bharatpur. 2010. PDA. Haryana. PDA. Banglore. Assam. 2010. 2010. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02602 Alternaria brassicae BAB-4. P. Meena. Brassica juncea . P. P. 2009.D. Chowdappa.D. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02623 Alternaria brassicae OCA15. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02625 Alternaria brassicicola OCA1.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02617 Alternaria brassicae BAB-47. P. 2010. PDA. P. PDA. Brassica juncea. Ribhoi. Rajasthan. PDA. 25°C . Banglore. Brassica juncea. PDA. P. 2011. PDA. Uttar Pradesh.D. P. Rajasthan. Meena. P. Banglore. Alwar. Onion leaf. 2011. Mohanpur. 2011. 2008. 300C NAIMCC-F-02514 Alternaria mali RL-8. Punjab. Rangareddy. Banglore. 2008. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02637 Alternaria porri OOA6 . 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00105 Alternaria porri No-015. Plant. 250C. Banglore. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02643 Alternaria porri OOA19 . Punjab. Karnataka. Raichur. Girija Ganeshan. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00103 Alternaria porri No-09. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00109 Alternaria porri NRCOG-AP-1. Udaipur India. PDA. PDA. Chowdappa. PDA. PCA. Cuddappa. 230C NAIMCC-F-00100 Alternaria porri No-04. Onion leaf. Plant. Banglore. 2011. L. Dharwad. Girija Ganeshan. PCA. 2011. Udaipur India. PDA. D. 300C NAIMCC-F-00099 Alternaria palanderi No-014. 23oC NAIMCC-F-00097 Alternaria cassiae CABI-105610. Ganeshan Girija. P. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00101 Alternaria porri No-05. PDA. 2011. Banglore. Bider. NAIMCC-F-01979 Alternaria cassia CABI-257253. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00107 Alternaria porri No-017. P. PDA. 2011. 2011. Andhra. PDA. Amritsar. Chowdappa. Goa. Chowdappa. P. Wagdal. 2011. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01980 Alternaria poneasis CABI-285505. Kolar. Verma. Onion leaf. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02640 Alternaria porri OOA13. Coimbatore India. Girija Ganeshan. Onion leaf. 23oC NAIMCC-F-02349 Alternaria Poonensis CABI-285505. 25°C . R. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02645 Alternaria sesame OSA1 . Onion leaf. PDA. Shiratti. Jain. Girija Ganeshan. Dharwad. Andhra Pradesh. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Onion leaf. Nandipalli. Plant. Onion leaf.P. 2011. R. PCA. 2011. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00108 Alternaria porri No-24. Onion leaf. 2011. 2011. Banglore. Punjab. P. 2010 PDA. Chowdappa. Banglore. Cassia corymbosa. PDA. Andhra. Girija Ganeshan. India. Aralur. Girija Ganeshan. Chittor. Pradesh. Banglore. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00104 Alternaria porri No-013. P. P. Jain. Girija Ganeshan. 1984. 2008. PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02644 Alternaria porri OOA23. Coriandrum sativum. Amritsar. India. Onion leaf. Onion leaf. Girija Ganeshan. R. Banglore. P. 2008. Karnataka. PDA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02263 Alternaria mali RL-8. tomato Calyx. Banglore. Amritsar. PDA. PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02642 Alternaria porri OOA15 . Punjab. 25°C . Andhra. 28+2oC 6 NAIMCC-F-00106 Alternaria porri No-016. 2008.Singh. Chowdappa. PDA. Banglore. TWA+W. Onion leaf. Kolar. isolated from Cassia fistula. Onion leaf. NAIMCC-F-02636 Alternaria porri OOA5. 2008. Banglore.L. Amritsar. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02646 Alternaria sesame OSA15 . Karnatake.P. Chowdappa. PDA. 2011. 2008. 2008. P. Gorakhpur India. P. Girija Ganeshan. Banglore. Girija Ganeshan. 2008. PDA. Cuddappu. Banglore. Chowdappa. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00102 Alternaria porri No-07. Torri Bijapur. PDA. P. Pradesh. K. 2011.1984. Sengold. NAIMCC-F-02223 Alternaria carthemi Safflower. India. 2008. Prasad. PDA. PDA. PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02647 Alternaria sesame OSA22 .Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02634 Alternaria brassicicola OCA20. 25°C . India NAIMCC-F-02264 Alternaria compacta RL-14. 300C NAIMCC-F-00098 Alternaria gossypina CABI-329738. PDA. P. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Gossypium hirsutum: boll. PDA. 25°C . Karnataka. Chowdappa. 2011. Chowdappa. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02639 Alternaria porri OOA12 . PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02638 Alternaria porri OOA8 . leaf. India. 21±20C NAIMCC-F-01981 Alternaria porri NO-3. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02641 Alternaria porri OOA14. 2011. Plant. P. PDA. 2011. Chowdappa. 2011. Chowdappa. 2011. PCA. PDA. PDA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02635 Alternaria porri OOA3. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Chowdappa. Coriandrum sativum K. 300C NAIMCC-F-02515 Alternaria compacta RL-14. P. P. 2008. Chowdappa. CABI 1989. Pradesh. PDA. Chowdappa.NRCOG Puna. PDA. Aralur. Banglore. 2008. India. Girija Ganeshan. 2011. New. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00116 Alternaria solani No-34. Loganathan. Ganashan Girija. tomato leaf. Dharwad. Girija Ganeshan. Tomato. Tomato. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02670 Alternaria solani HP-T-6. PDA. 2009. 2011. 2008. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00115 Alternaria solani No-31. West Bengal. Banglore. M. PDA. 1978. PCA. PDA. 25±20C 7 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Loganathan. PDA. Hirchalli. Banglore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00139 Alternaria Solani No-53. P. Girija Ganeshan. TWA+W. Jammu. 2008. 230C NAIMCC-F-02649 Alternaria sesame OSA42 . 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02667 Alternaria solani HP-T-3. Tomato. 2008. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02656 Alternaria solani UP-T1. Loganathan. Loganathan. Tomato. Chowdappa. tomato fruit . tomato leaf. Tomato. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00118 Alternaria solani No-52. Lal. M. Banglore. Banglore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02654 Alternaria sesame OSA67. Loganathan. Loganathan. PDA. Onion peduncle. Himachal Pradesh. Jammu. Uttar Pradesh. Karnataka. Loganathan. M. Chowdappa. 2010. Loganathan.P. Himachal Pradesh. Kashmir.Karnataka. tomato leaf. Loganathan. 2009. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00111 Alternaria solani No-025. 2008. Himachal Pradesh. M. Loganathan. 25°C . M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00114 Alternaria solani No-29. Chowdappa. Tomato stem. PDA. 2010. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02666 Alternaria solani HP-T-2. Manikala U. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02663 Alternaria solani J-T-5. 2010. Solanum tuberosum. 2010. 2011. P. 2010. Tomato. Tomato. PDA. Girija Ganeshan. M. PDA. 2011. M. P. Varanasi.NAIMCC-F-02648 Alternaria sesame OSA23 . Onion leaf. NAIMCC-F-02660 Alternaria solani J-T-2. Karnataka. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02651 Alternaria sesame OSA57 . Chowdappa. Himachal Pradesh. IARI. 2008. Loganathan. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02664 Alternaria solani K-T-6. Chowdappa. 2008.B. PDA. 2011. PDA. Himachal Pradesh. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02668 Alternaria solani HP-T-4. PDA. M. PDA. Tomato. PDA. 2010. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02658 Alternaria solani Kar-T-1. Loganathan. P. Tomato. PDA. PDA. Rangareddy. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00117 Alternaria solani No-50. Girija Ganeshan. 2008. S. Chowdappa. M. Jammu. P. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02665 Alternaria solani HP-T-1. Tumkur. PDA. Loganathan. 2011. PDA. Jaipur Rajasthan. Girija Ganeshan. PDA. Loganathan. P. PDA. Tomato. PDA. 2010. 2010. PDA. 2010. M. 2009. PDA. Tomato. 2010. Ambikapur. tomato fruit. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02661 Alternaria solani J-T-3. Varanasi. M. M. Chowdappa. Himachal Pradesh. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02653 Alternaria sesame OSA66. Dharwad. Banglore. P. 25°C . M. Indri. P. Girija Ganeshan. Jammu. Girija Ganeshan. Chattisgarh. PDA. Tomato. . Uttar Pradesh. Delhi. PDA. M. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02671 Alternaria solani OTA37 . 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02650 Alternaria sesame OSA53 . Banglore. 25°C . 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02669 Alternaria solani HP-T-5. Hassarghatta. 2010. Loganathan. Ambala. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00112 Alternaria solani No-10. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02662 Alternaria solani J-T-4. PDA. 2008. Loganathan. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02408 Alternaria solani CABI-226598. Andhra Pradesh. PDA. Bangalore. Chowdappa. 2011. Banglore. PDA. 2011. Kalyani. M. Banglore. 2010. tomato leaf. Jammu. PDA. 2009. Tomato. 2008. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00113 Alternaria solani No-18. M. tomato stem. Tomato. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01982 Alternaria solani NO-36. M. Varanasi. 2008. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02652 Alternaria sesame OSA63. 2008. Uttar Pradesh. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00110 Alternaria solani No-023. Simla. Girija Ganeshan. PDA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02657 Alternaria solani UP-T2. NAIMCC-F-02659 Alternaria solani J-T-1. Tomato. PDA. Girija Ganeshan. Tomato. tomato stem. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02655 Alternaria solani Raj-T-1. Girija Ganeshan. Artemisia brevifolia. Chowdappa. PDA. tomato leaf. Girija Ganeshan. Chowdappa. Banglore. 2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00131 Alternaria tenuissima No-40. Srivastava. Karnataka. Banglore. U. PDA. Banglore.P. Banglore. tomato leaf. IARI.. Onion leaf. PDA. 2008. Triticum sp. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00124 Alternaria tenuissima No-1. 2008. Girija Ganeshan. tomato leaf. Tamilnadu. PDA. Naubad. Chowdappa. PDA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02258 Alternaria tenuissima Gul-5. Lingasur. PDA.. P. NAIMCC-F-01983 Alternaria spp. New Delhi. tomato leaf. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00126 Alternaria tenuissima No-14. Banglore. CABI 1984. 2011. PDA. tomato stem. Banglore. Girija Ganeshan. QM 1787. PDA. Davangere. 2011.P. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00130 Alternaria tenuissima No-38.97. 23oC NAIMCC-F-02151 Alternaria tennussima Soil. LY. U. Girija Ganeshan. Girija Ganeshan. IIHR Banglore. PDA. Chowdappa. New.. PDA.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02672 Alternaria solani OTA38 . 2011. 2008. Onion peduncle. Haryana. Badol. Punjab. PCA. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00123 Alternaria tenuissima No-019. Coimbatore. P. IARI. Andhra Pradesh. Girija Ganeshan. CBS 911. P. PCA. India. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00132 Alternaria tenuissima No-41. TWA+W. IARI. Girija Ganeshan. PDA. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Girija Ganeshan. Bider. Girija Ganeshan. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02676 Alternaria solani OTA45 . 2008. Rachur. Girija Ganeshan. YMAgar.40C NAIMCC-F-00119 Alternaria tenuissima CABI-289679. P. 2008. Girija Ganeshan. Bagalur. Amritsar. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02675 Alternaria solani OTA43 . 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00122 Alternaria tenuissima No-03. PDA. Chowdappa. Bulandshahar. A. 2008. tomato leaf. Morus. Jhajhar. India. Plant leaf. 2008. Lay ladhak. tomato stem. Ramraj.P. PDA. Jammu and Kashmir. Girija Ganeshan. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00138 Alternaria tenuissima No-47. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00125 Alternaria tenuissima No-4. P. tomato Calyx. PDA. Chowdappa. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00121 Alternaria tenuissima No-02. 300C NAIMCC-F-02509 Alternaria tenuissima Gul-5. Banglore. PDA. PDA. PDA. Plant leaf. 28+2oC 8 NAIMCC-F-00129 Alternaria tenuissima No-37. India. 2008. Alipur. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00140 Alternaria tenuissima No-55. PDA. PDA. P. PDA. tomato leaf. PDA. Karanataka. tomato fruit. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02674 Alternaria solani OTA40 . U. 2011. 2008. PDA. Girija Ganeshan. Girija Ganeshan. IMI 1992. Punjab. 2011. PCA. Kolar. 2011. Chowdappa. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00134 Alternaria tenuissima No-43. PDA. 2008. 25±20C . 2011. Amritsar. Aralur. 2008.K. 2008. P. Kolar. 2009. 2008. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02677 Alternaria solani OTA48 . 2008. Banglore. U. Banglore. Cuddappu. HG-1. tomato leaf.P. PDA. India. 2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02673 Alternaria solani OTA39 . Chiaballapur. Onion leaf. 230C. Girija Ganeshan. Girija Ganeshan. PDA. 2008. Rangareddy. India. Himalaya. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00136 Alternaria tenuissima No-45. Girija Ganeshan. tomato leaf. tomato leaf. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00120 Alternaria tenuissima CABI-353944. tomato leaf. Delhi. 2011. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02680 Alternaria solani OTA69. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Chowdappa. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00137 Alternaria tenuissima No-46. 2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00133 Alternaria tenuissima No-42. NAIMCC-F-01984 Alternaria spp. Pelpa. PDA. 300C . Raichur. 2011. Yeraguntapalli. Ganashan Girija. Karnataka 2008. PDA. Chowdappa. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02679 Alternaria solani OTA67 . 2011. 2008. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00128 Alternaria tenuissima No-33. tomato stem. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02678 Alternaria solani OTA66 . PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00135 Alternaria tenuissima No-44. P. PDA. 2011. PDA. New Delhi. Onion leaf. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01985 Alternaria tenuissima NO-O-10.. tomato leaf. Banglore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00127 Alternaria tenuissima No-26. Girija Ganeshan. NAIMCC-F-01986 Alternaria tenissima CABI-056271. HG-1. D. MA. YPSS. MA. Sigler. production of glucoamylase NAIMCC-F-00146 Angulimaya cf. B. CBS 477. LY. 280C NAIMCC-F-00149 Apinisia queenslandica CABI-185320. PDA. 1969. LY. C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00157 Armillaria mellea (Vahl) Kummer MTCC-409. Soil. India. 230C. MA. Mizoram University. Pauri. India. PDA.K. Bombay India. India. Man (Poultry attendant). Uttarakhand 2009. Nair. Kushwaha. C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00155 Arcuadendron ovatum CABI-215303. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02495 Arthrinium sp. Cornmeal Agar. HG-1. L. LY. sundara CABI-382644. Peechi Kerala India. MA. Luminescence NAIMCC-F-02275 Arthobotrys oligospora CABI-294557. DGISP 267. Dayal. MA. Nematode trapping. PDA. HG-1. 1987. MA-6 9 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . stem. 230C NAIMCC-F-00151 Aplosporella sp. Upadhyay. Bakshi. LY. India NAIMCC-F-00144 Amorphotheca resinae CABI-089560. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00150 Aplosporella leucaenicola CABI-293342. HG-1. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00145 Ampelomyces rouxii Calmette MTCC-983. India. 1977. YPSS. Faizabad India. Leucaena leucocephala. India. Weitzman. HG-1. Soil. 230C NAIMCC-F-02112 Amanita rubrovolvata Wood. R. India. Jabalpur India. RDA. Jabalpur India. Sigler . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00156 Areolospora bosensis CABI-347935. HG-1. CABI 1955. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00142 Amblyosporium coprophiloides CABI-138038. LY. India NAIMCC-F-00147 Antromycopsis broussonetiae var. minor CABI-266347. 250C. Madhuravani. N. Leaf litter. dung of cow. LY. 23 oC NAIMCC-F-01988 Alternaria triticola NAIMCC-F-00141 Alternaria zinniae CABI-322622. 230C. 230C. PDA. Bhim Pratap Singh. Type strain.. LY. CABI 1988. Triticum sativum. 230C. BPS-14. India. Banana Rhizospere soil. CZ. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02317 Aplosporella leucaenicola CABI-293342. H. CABI 1988. Varanasi.C. Newspaper.1978 CBS. PCM 611. Singh 1962. Gupta. TWA+W. 25±20C. PDA. CABI 1985. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00152 Aplosporella terricola CABI-168255. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00161 Arthrobotrys oligospora CABI-294558. Gugnani. teaching strain. H. 230C. C. CABI 1978. OA. B. CABI 1988. K. CABI 1961. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00148 Aphanoascus fulvescens CABI-322625. MA. 230C. MA. 230C. HG-1. HG-1. India. Madhurai. Malt Yeast Agar. 2010. Poultry. isolated from Theobroma cacao. Mutch. CZ . MA.. Mohanan. 1985. PDA. NAIMCC-F-00154 Arcuadendron ovatum CABI-211190. Kerosene filter. K. R. Homo Sapiens. leaf of Balsam sp. CABI 1985. M. R. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00159 Arthrinium phaeospermum CABI-060232. OA. Madhurai India. Gugnani. Saxena (D1). 230C. 230C. OA . OA. LY.Sharma. 230C. CABI 1978.78. LY. 25±20C. C. Rhizosphere of Nicotiana tabacum. Bombay India. B. CABI 1972. 1985. HG-1. Gorakhpur India. MA. HG-1. Soil. 25±20C. OA. MA. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00165 Arthroderma simii CABI-101301. LY. effluent. CABI 1981. 230C. MTCC-421. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00160 Arthrinium urticae CABI-326344. India. N. 230C NAIMCC-F-00158 Arthrinium aureum CABI-252326d. HG-1. Dayal. P. J. Mohanan. KFRI 1485. Type strain NAIMCC-F-00164 Arthroderma simii CABI-098944.NAIMCC-F-01987 Alternaria triticola CABI-244979. R. PCA. Mizoram. R. UAMH-2737. Misra. Dalbergia sissoo rhizosphere. HG-1. Bombay India. P. PDA OA. A. buried hair. isolated from air. production of carbohydrate binding proteins NAIMCC-F-00163 Arthroderma fulvum (+) (Stockdale) MTCC-1276. LY. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00143 Amorphotheca resinae CABI-088974. C. Sikkim India. 1984. Hedychium sp. Soil. PCA. R. PDA. MA. LY. Sabouraud's Agar. PCA. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02401 Arcuadendron ovatum CABI-211190. Gorakhpur India. A. Kanaujia. C. TWA+W. 1961. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00153 Apophysomyces elegans CABI-327146. 230C. Helianthus annuus: seed. L. Pandey. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00162 Arthrobotrys oligospora Fres. Varanasi India. CABI 1988. S. S. HG-1. Mutch. CABI 1982. 25±20C. K. Water from aircraft fuel tank. Poaceae: soil. R. Singh. CABI-284206. Leucaenia leucocephala. MA. PDA. CABI 1977. PDA. L. Spondias cytherea. HG-1. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00169 Ascochyta rabiei CABI-342267. Cicer arietinium:seed. PDA. M. production of humicolin NAIMCC-F-00186 Aspergillus avenaceus CABI-232294. Mehrotra. S. CABI 1988. ATCC16916. Rai. Paper.P. HG-1. Soil. CABI 1977. Maize grain. 230C.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00166 Ascobolus stercorarius (Bulliard) MTCC-1363. LY. India. HG-1. India. Meena Shakhar. Jammu and Kashmir. K. India. 280C NAIMCC-F-02092 Aspergillus flavus AF-34. Sudheer Kumar. CABI 1963. Pisum sativum. Karnal. PCA+FP. Wild type black-purple spores NAIMCC-F-00167 Ascochyta pisarum CABI-370477. MO. paper. 23°C.65. CBS-463. Meena Shakhar. PQ 108. CZ. Maize grain. Soil. CZ. K. 230C NAIMCC-F-00179 Aspergillus aeneus CABI-086833. MCZ. 280C NAIMCC-F-02094 Aspergillus flavus AF-36. PCA. NRCOG Puna. CABI 1974. CABI 1978. PCA+W. Meena Shakhar. Homo sapiens nail. 280C NAIMCC-F-00178 Aspergillus aculeatus CABI-216214. Singh. 21±20C NAIMCC-F-00184 Aspergillus arenarius CABI-055632ii. Meena Shakhar. CZ. Sohi. R. 230C. Sahu 27. India. Mysore India. CZ. WB-4273. OA. Soil. Maize grain. Beguslarai. LY. LY. K. 230C. J. Patna India. Patel. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02386 Aspergillus aculeatus CABI-216214. 2008. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00181 Aspergillus allahabadii CABI-139273. Pantanagar U. Haryana. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02369 Ascotricha xylina CABI-290443. 2007. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00187 Aspergillus brunneouniseriatus CABI-227677. B. Mishra 52.P. Garlic(stored). CZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00185 Aspergillus asperescens Stolk MTCC-1380. LY. CZ. H. PDA 280C NAIMCC-F-02089 Aspergillus flavus AF-28. Haryana. Haryana. PDA. Bihar. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00170 Ascodesmis nigricans CABI-179865. PDA. Kapoor. PDA. RDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00180 Aspergillus aeneus CABI-086833ii. MA. MCZ. LY. PDA 280C NAIMCC-F-02090 Aspergillus flavus AF-31. Maize grain. N. isolated from Cuminum cyminum. Bugusarai. 2008. LY. 1984. HG-1. K. stem. Type strain. dung. Teaching strain. Meena Shakhar. CZ. CBS-127. PCA. J. HG-1. India. WB-4649. 2008. New Delhi India. Yuill. HG-1. CABI 1978. HG-1. P.40C. Maize grain. HG-1. S. MCZ 23°C. Karnal. 280C 10 NAIMCC-F-02087 Aspergillus flavus AF-21. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00174 Ascotricha xylina CABI-290443. 2008. CYA. QM-6990. CABI 1969. Patel. Himalaya. Patna. PDA. PDA. LY. ATCC-15055. Meena Shakhar. 230C. CABI 1973. M. P. LY. Lay ladhak. N. MCZ. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02152 Asordaria sibatti Soil. HG-1.. J. Bhedaghat India. Karnal. Karnal. NRRL-WB5012. NAIMCC-F-02088 Aspergillus flavus AF-26. Maize grain. 2008. Allahabad India.K. WB4429. Karnal. Alsronia scholaris. India NAIMCC-F-00168 Ascochyta pisi CABI-137796. YMAgar. CABI 1967. R. 230C NAIMCC-F-00176 Asordaria humana CABI-126605. HG1. PDA. MCZ. 2008. Maize grain. Soil. Spondias cytherea. CABI 1984. MA-6 . CABI 1969. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00175 Ascotricha xylina CABI-323733. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00171 Ascotricha bosei CABI-252032. CABI 1988. Meena Shakhar. Bakshi 1955. S. 25±20C. PDA. OAT. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00182 Aspergillus allahabadii MTCC-2792. Bihar. 280C NAIMCC-F-02095 Aspergillus flavus AF-10. Agrawal. N. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00183 Aspergillus amsteludami NRCOG-AA-1. CZ.P. PCA. Melia azadirachta: seed. 230C. Maize grain. Bihar. Himachal Pradesh India. A. Haryana. India. Schroeter. 230C. MCZ. Das Gupta. 2008. India. OA. Haryana. CABI 1990. PDA. 2009. 25±20C. India. C. LY. Mehrotra and Agnihotri. Cellulose material. Haryana. LY. Karnal. HG-1. 230C. LY. Maize grain. WB4539. PDA. Jabalpur India. RDA. M. Begulsarai.61. MCZ. ATCC-16830. 1977. 280C NAIMCC-F-02091 Aspergillus flavus AF-32. India. Meena Shakhar. isolated from Pisum sativum. B. MCZ. 230C. Rai. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00177 Asordaria humana CABI-328011. Yeast Extract-Glucose Medium. Meena Shakhar. PDA. Bilgrami. S. 280C NAIMCC-F-02093 Aspergillus flavus AF-35. E. CABI 1961. 230C. Das Gupta. 2008. Soil. India NAIMCC-F-00173 Ascotricha erinacea CABI-329578. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00172 Ascotricha bosei CABI-368921. 2008. CABI 1981. 2008. A. PDA. S. B N Chakraborty. LY. MCZ. N. M. 2008. Begusorai. Dhar. India. Maize grain. Hyderabad 2007. India. Soil. HG-1. 2008. CZ. PDA. 23-450C. CBS-49. HG-1. CZ.S Kumar Kornal.S Kumar.75. Haryana. CYA. MCZ. Meena Shekhor. India. 28 oC. Hyderabad 2007. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00191 Aspergillus carneus CABI-114463.S Kumar. Nayar. HG-1. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00208 Aspergillus flavus AF-4. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00204 Aspergillus flavus CABI-210543. CZ. Meena Shekhor. 2008. Soil. LY. CZ. MCZ. soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00203 Aspergillus fischeri var. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00189 Aspergillus caesiellus CABI-254821. D. B. 230C. CABI 1987. India. 230C. MA. Allahabad India. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00201 Aspergillus dorothicus CABI-357698. Agra India. India.S Kumar. 1978. Vijaya Lakshrin. 230C. LY. P. India. CABI 1978. Srivastava. CZ. Maize grain. S. HG-1. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00211 Aspergillus flavus AF-7. PDA.NAIMCC-F-00188 Aspergillus brunneouniseriatus CABI-226009. LY. HG-1.. Bihar. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00205 Aspergillus flavus CABI-327634. CABI 1968. MCZ. MCZ. 250C.S Kumar Kornal. CABI 1976. Maize grain. fungus resistance testing NAIMCC-F-00196 Aspergillus cleistominutus CABI-131554. LY. LY. CZ. PDA. HG-1. LY. MCZ. MCZ. LY. air. A. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02286 Aspergillus chevalieri. 28±10C 11 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00192 Aspergillus chevalieri CABI-196858. BSM Allahabad University. Rhizosphere of Cynodon dactylon infected with Ustilago cynodontis. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00194 Aspergillus clavatus CABI-245856. CABI 1987. CABI 1981. LY. CABI 1980. CZ. LY. HG-1. MCZ.. Bihar. M/20. Hind Nagar Lucknow India. Jabalpur. QM-9184. Chaurasia. CZ. Shillang India. LY.B. CZ. 230C.74. 23°C. LY. CZ. J. Kumar. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01947 Aspergillus clavatus RHS/P-38. LY. Begusorai. MCZ. Haryana. MCZ. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00209 Aspergillus flavus AF-5. India. Maize grain. N. Bihar. Maize grain. HG-1. 2009. PDA. CABI 1977. CZ. Dr. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00206 Aspergillus flavus AF-1. M/20. Kornal. NRRL-3651. Water. Jabalpur India. Darjeeling. Srivastava. India. Haryana. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00215 Aspergillus flavus AF-24. HG-1. NAIMCC-F-00195 Aspergillus clavatus Desm. Maize grain. Maize grain. Bihar. Begusorai. CABI 1978. Seed of Zinnia sp. 2008. MCZ. 1975. CABI 1968. 230C NAIMCC-F-00193 Aspergillus clavatonanica CABI-317108. production of clavacin. CABI 1985. CZ. PDA. Soil. Soil. PDA. 230C. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00210 Aspergillus flavus AF-6. Nayar. HG-1.S Kumar. Gupta. Maize grain. Begusorai. MCZ. Begusorai. 230C. 2008. R. PDA. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00214 Aspergillus flavus AF-22. Kamal. CABI 1974. Air.28±10C NAIMCC-F-00207 Aspergillus flavus AF-3. Water.P. West Bengal. 2008. LY. HG-1. K. M. MCZ. S. 2008. Tiwari.P. MTCC-1323. MCZ.. Haryana. 25±20C.K. CBS-387. India. PDA. CABI 1969. 2008. Soil. Type strain. HG-1. CABI-196858. Maize grain Meena Shekhor. Sharma. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00217 Aspergillus flavus AF-39. CZ. MCZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00190 Aspergillus candidus CABI-213355. D. Adyar-S. isolated from soil. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00213 Aspergillus flavus AF-19. Maize grain. Batra. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00198 Aspergillus cristatus CABI-260779. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00212 Aspergillus flavus AF-11. CABI 1988. HG-1. 2008. Soil. PDA. India. CZ. Karnal. Phaseolus aconitifolius. Jabalpur India. CZ. Maize grain. 250C. Madras India. S. P. Bihar. 1981. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00200 Aspergillus dimorphicus CABI-131553. Meena Shekhor. CZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00199 Aspergillus deflectus CABI-183397. 230C NAIMCC-F-00202 Aspergillus elongates CABI-278385. 230C. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-02400 Aspergillus brunneouniseriatus CABI-226009. S.C. HG-1. Nagar India. Brassica juncea. PDA. PDA. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00216 Aspergillus flavus AF-30. Dehli. Meena Shekhor . 230C. Batra. Maize grain. Rhizosphere soil. CABI 1975. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00197 Aspergillus crassihyphae CABI-261883. G. spinosus CABI-228566. 2008. 2008. Alkaline Soil. 250C. Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00218 Aspergillus flavus AF-41, Maize grain, Meena Shekhor New Dehli, 2008, PDA, 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00236 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01162, soil, V Kumar, Kolar, A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00219 Aspergillus flavus AF-46, Maize grain Meena Shekhor, New Dehli, 2008, PDA, 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00237 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01161, soil, V Kumar, Kolar, A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00220 Aspergillus flavus AF-50, Maize grain Meena Shekhor, New Dehli, 2008, PDA, 28±10C NAIMCC-F-00238 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01120, soil, V Kumar, Kolar, (A.P.), 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00221 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01018, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00239 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01118, soil, V Kumar, Kolar (A.P) , 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00222 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01047, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00240 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-02026, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Jenefarh Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00223 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01078, soil, V Kumar, Tumkuur A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00241 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-03004, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Jenefarh Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00224 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01106, soil, V Kumar, Kolor A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00242 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-02031, soil, V Kumar Amreli Junagorh, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00225 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01109, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00243 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01171, soil, V Kumar, Kolar (A.P.), 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00226 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01112, soil, V Kumar, Kolor A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00244 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01163, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00227 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01113, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00245 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-04005, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00228 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01114, soil, V Kumar, Tumkuur A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00246 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-03035, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00229 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01079, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P.,2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00247 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-03027, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00230 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01082, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P.,2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00248 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-03003, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00231 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01084, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P.,2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00249 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-02043, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00232 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01093, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P., 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00250 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-05011, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00233 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01096, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P.,2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00251 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-06003, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00234 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-01097, soil, V Kumar, Chittoor, A.P.,2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00252 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-06009, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00235 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-02021, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Junagarh Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-00253 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-06010, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C 12 NAIMCC-F-00254 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-07001, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-01924 Aspergillus flavus AF-23, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar, 2008 ,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00255 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-08014, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-01925 Aspergillus flavus AF-27, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Karnal,Haryana, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00256 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-09004, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-01926 Aspergillus flavus AF-29, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00257 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-10003, soil, V Kumar, NRCG Gujarat, 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-01927 Aspergillus flavus AF-33, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Karnal,Haryana, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00258 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-11011, soil, V Kumar, Tirupati, A.P. 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-01928 Aspergillus flavus AF-37, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Karnal Haryana, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00259 Aspergillus flavus NRCG-11012, soil, V Kumar, Tirupati, A.P. , 2008, SDYA, 25-300C NAIMCC-F-01929 Aspergillus flavus AF-38, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Karnal,Haryana, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00260 Aspergillus flavus On Citrus auranticum fruit, A. B. Dash 2005, Varanasi, Czepeck's Agar, 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01930 Aspergillus flavus AF-40, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-00261 Aspergillus flavus On insect, D. K. Arora 2005, Pune, Czepeck's Agar, 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01931 Aspergillus flavus AF-43, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01914 Aspergillus flavus AF-8, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01932 Aspergillus flavus AF-44, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01915 Aspergillus flavus AF-9, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01933 Aspergillus flavus AF45, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01916 Aspergillus flavus AF-12, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01934 Aspergillus flavus AF-48, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01917 Aspergillus flavus AF-13, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01935 Aspergillus flavus AF-49, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Delhi, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC NAIMCC-F-01918 Aspergillus flavus AF-14, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01936 Aspergillus flavus AF-25, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Begusarai Bihar, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01919 Aspergillus flavus AF-15, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-01989 Aspergillus flavus AF-14, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Bihar, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01920 Aspergillus flavus AF-16, Maize grain, Meena Shekher, Begusarai Bihar,2008,PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-02399 Aspergillus flavus CABI-210543, Zinnia, seed , R. N. Srivastava, India, 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-01921 Aspergillus flavus AF-17, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-02472 Aspergillus flavus 5, Decomposed plant, Harinder Singh Oberoi, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab,2010, PDA, 300C, NAIMCC-F-01922 Aspergillus flavus AF-18, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-02473 Aspergillus fumigates 6, Sewerage waste, Harinder Singh Oberoi, PAU, Ludhiana, Panjab, 2010, PDA, 300C NAIMCC-F-01923 Aspergillus flavus AF-20, Maize grain, Sangit Kumar, Begusarai Bihar, 2008, PDA, 28 ± 1oC. NAIMCC-F-02475 Aspergillus fumigates 8, Mushroom compost, Harinder Singh Oberoi, PAU, Ludhiana, Panjab, 2010, YMA, 300C 13 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00262 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-016195, Corchorus sp. fibre, S. W. Basu 1940, Calcutta India, CABI 1947, PCA, PDA, CZ, 35-400C, LY, HG-2, MA-2 NAIMCC-F-00263 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-089353, LSHB-A46, Soil, L. D. Galloway, India, CABI 1961, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-2, MA-2 NAIMCC-F-00264 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-262955, Cooling towers, G. S. Desai, Gujarat India, CABI 1981, CZ, MCZ, PDA, 23-450C, LY, HG-2, MA-2 NAIMCC-F-00276 Aspergillus lanosus CABI-130727, CBS-650.74, QM-9183, Soil, A. Kamal 1965, K. S. Bhargava, Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh India, CABI 1968, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA6 NAIMCC-F-00277 Aspergillus lanosus CABI-226007, Soil, B. K. Nayar, India, CABI 1978, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02328 Aspergillus lanosus CABI-226007, Soil, B.K. Nayar, India, 1978, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-00265 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-269204, R. Narain, India, CABI 1982, CZ, MCZ, PDA, 23-450C, LY, HG-2, MA-2 NAIMCC-F-00278 Aspergillus lucknowensis CABI-278379, NRRL-3491, Alkaline Usar soil, Lucknow India, CABI 1987, CZ, MCZ, 250C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00266 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-361365, isolated from soil, India NAIMCC-F-02385 Aspergillus lucknowensis CABI-278379, alkaline Usar Soil, India, 1975, 1987, CZ, MCZ, 250C NAIMCC-F-00267 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-361368, isolated from Soil, India NAIMCC-F-01940 Aspergillus melleus FS/P-05,Forest soil Lohagarh forest, B N Chakraborty, Darjeeling, West Bengal,2009,PDA, 28 o C. NAIMCC-F-00268 Aspergillus fumigatus CABI-378801, isolated from Cocos nucifera; stump, India NAIMCC-F-02260 Aspergillus fumigatus Gul-17, Plant leaf, Bhupinder Singh Chadha, Amritsar, Punjab, India, 2011, PDA, 300C NAIMCC-F-02511 Aspergillus fumigatus Gul-17, Plant leaf, Bhupinder Singh Chadha, Amritsar, Punjab, India, 2011, PDA, 300C NAIMCC-F-00269 Aspergillus fumigatus var. acolumnaris CABI-174456, isolated from soil, India NAIMCC-F-01942 Aspergillus melleus FS/L-12,Forest soil Lohagarh forest, B N Chakraborty,Darjeeling, West Bengal, 2009, PDA, 28 o C. NAIMCC-F-01943 Aspergillus melleus FS/L-13,Forest soil Lohagarh forest, B N Chakraborty, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 2009, PDA, 28 o C. NAIMCC-F-01944 Aspergillus melleus FS/L-17, Terrestrial, forest soil Lohagarh forest, B N Chakraborty, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 2009, PDA, 28 oC. NAIMCC-F-00270 Aspergillus funiculosus CABI-181146, Pennisetum typhoides; leaf, V.R. pandotra, India, CABI 1974, CZ,MCZ, PDA, 23°C -45°C, LN (10% glycerol), LY ( 10% sk. Milk + 5% inositol) NAIMCC-F-01945 Aspergillus melleus FS/L-18, Terrestrial, forest soil Lohagarh forest, B N Chakraborty, Darjeeling, West Bengal,2009,PDA, 28 oC. NAIMCC-F-00271 Aspergillus funiculosus A. K. Gupta 2003, PDA, 25±10C NAIMCC-F-00279 Aspergillus microcysticus CABI-239768, Jabalpur India, D. P. Tiwari, CABI 1979, CZ, MCZ, 23°C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00272 Aspergillus gorakhpurensis CABI-130728, CBS-648.74, Soil, A. Kamal, K. S. Bhargava, Gorakphur Uttar Pradesh India, CABI 1968, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00280 Aspergillus nidulans CABI-075006, A. Lal, India, CABI 1958, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00273 Aspergillus janus var. brevis CABI-266635, Air, D. K. Sandu, Amritsar India, CABI 1982, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-00281 Aspergillus nidulans CABI-206939, Soil, Gwalior India, CABI 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00274 Aspergillus japonicus CABI-240698, ATCC-48116, Green berry of coffee, C. Rajendran, India, CABI 1980, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00282 Aspergillus nidulans CABI-223986, K. R. Aneja, Kurukshetra India, CABI 1980, CZ, MCZ, 23 °C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00275 Aspergillus japonicus CABI-352917, pavri musical instrument, N.R. Shah 27 Oct 91 no. N3, Museum Baroda Gujrat India, MCZ, 25°C NAIMCC-F-00283 Aspergillus nidulans CABI-269905, B. S. Siradhana, Seed of Zea mays, Jaipur India, CABI 1982, CZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 14 NAIMCC-F-02321 Aspergillus nidulans CABI-206939, Soil, Gwalior, India, 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-00295 Aspergillus niger C1, Rhizosphere of Chickpea plant, M. R. Khan, Badaun UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02403 Aspergillus nidulans CABI-223986,K.R. Aneja, Kurukshetra, India, 1980, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-00296 Aspergillus niger C2, Rhizosphere of Chickpea plant, M. R. Khan, Mathura, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00284 Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus CABI-126693, ATCC16829, LCP-84.2556, NCPF-2180, QM-8172, CBS-114.63, WB-4908, Finger nail of man, Delhi India, CABI 1965, CZ, MCZ, 230C, HG-1,MA-3. NAIMCC-F-00297 Aspergillus niger C3, Rhizosphere of Chickpea plant, M. R. Khan, Hathras UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00285 Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus CABI-198223, Sesamum indicum, I. Ahmed, India, CABI 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00286 Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus CABI-198238, Sesamum indicum, I. Ahmed, India, CABI 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C, HG1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02330 Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus CABI-198223, Sesamum indicum, I. Ahmed, India, 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-02384 Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus CABI-198238, Sesamum indicum, I. Ahmed, India, 1976, CZ, MCZ, 230C NAIMCC-F-00287 Aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus CABI-193022, Lagenaria vulgaris, J. S. Chauhan, India, CABI 1975, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00288 Aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus CABI-262833, Cacao plant, K. N. Murthy, Kamataka India, CABI 1981, CZ, MCZ, PDA, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02280 Aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus CABI-193022, Lagenaria vulgaris, J. S. Chohan, India, 1975, 230C NAIMCC-F-00289 Aspergillus nidulans var. latus CABI-253867, A. Godheja, India, CABI 1981, CZ, MCZ, 23°C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00298 Aspergillus niger C4, Rhizosphere of Chickpea plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00299 Aspergillus niger T1, Rhizosphere of Tomato plant, M. R. Khan, Bulandshahar UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00300 Aspergillus niger T2, Rhizosphere of Tomato plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00301 Aspergillus niger T3, Rhizosphere of Tomato plant, M. R. Khan, Palwal Haryana, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00302 Aspergillus niger PM1, Rhizosphere of Pearl millet plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C, MO NAIMCC-F-00303 Aspergillus niger PM2, Rhizosphere of Pearl millet plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00304 Aspergillus niger PM3, Rhizosphere of Pearl millet plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00305 Aspergillus niger PM4, Rhizosphere of Pearl millet plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C, MO NAIMCC-F-00306 Aspergillus niger L1, Rhizosphere of Lentil plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00307 Aspergillus niger L2, Rhizosphere of Lentil plant, M. R. Khan, Etah UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00290 Aspergillus niger CABI-015241a, fruit of Punica granatum, S.A. Malik India, CABI 1947, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00308 Aspergillus niger L3, Rhizosphere of Lentil plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00291 Aspergillus niger CABI-213036, Soil, A. C. Jain, Jabalpur India, CABI 1977, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00309 Aspergillus niger R1, Rhizosphere of Rice plant, M. R. Khan, Mathura UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00292 Aspergillus niger CABI-229360, V. Kumar, Varanasi India, CABI 1978, CZ, MCZ, 230C, LY, HG-1, MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00310 Aspergillus niger R2, Rhizosphere of Rice plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00293 Aspergillus niger CABI-337685, Arachis hypogaea: nut, Hadwan, H.A. India, CABI 1990, CZ, MCZ, 25°C NAIMCC-F-00311 Aspergillus niger R3, Rhizosphere of Rice plant, M. R. Khan, Aligarh UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00294 Aspergillus niger CABI-337686, Arachis hypogaea: nut, Hadwan, H.A. India, CABI 1990, CZ, MCZ, 25°C NAIMCC-F-00312 Aspergillus niger R4, Rhizosphere of Radish plant, M. R. Khan, Badaun UP, 2006, PDA, 25±20C 15 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 28 oC. MCZ. Ludhiana. 250C. Aligarh UP. Khan. Bhubaneswar India. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00316 Aspergillus niger M4. West Bengal. PDA. Rhizosphere of Pigeonpea plant. Imphal. CZ. Khan. Harinder Singh Oberoi. CZ. India. K. Rhizosphere of Mango plant. N. Darjeeling. Vellayani India. R. R. 2006. M. Ludhiana. CZ. 230C NAIMCC-F-00331 Aspergillus parasiticus CABI-270422. 300C NAIMCC-F-02469 Aspergillus oryzae 2. Dried Curcuma longa. damaged rice grains. Hazard Group 1 toxin producer: Microbiological Risk Assessment 5 NAIMCC-F-02471 Aspergillus niger 4. Imphal. NAIMCC-F-01946 Aspergillus niger FS/L-40 Terrestrial. Dried. Soil. M. 25oC NAIMCC-F-02468 Aspergillus oryzae 1. Soil. A. soil wetland. 300C NAIMCC-F-00327 Aspergillus ostianus CABI-237221. M. 2006. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00315 Aspergillus niger M3. Jabalpur. CABI 1982. Narain. HG-1. Bishnupur India. Rhizosphere of Mango plant. Padmakumary. India. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02426 Aspergillus paradoxus CABI-291112. Central Plant Crops Research Institute. PDA. 2009. Harinder Singh Oberoi. S. West Bengal. PDA. Panjab. HG-1. PDA. CABI 1982. Mandal. 2006. Soil. M. MCZ. PDA. Soil wetland. Khan. B N Chakraborty. PDA. M. MCZ. Manipur. LY. WB-5048. CZ. Panjab. CABI 1979. 2009. 28oc NAIMCC-F-01991 Aspergillus niger Phyllosphere of Alnus nepalensis. Aligarh UP. CZ.1978. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00330 Aspergillus paradoxus CABI-343734. A. Rhizosphere of Pigeonpea plant. MCZ. Harinder Singh Oberoi. B N Chakraborty. Soil. HG-1. Lucknow India. CZ. D. CABI 1991. 28 oC. Aligarh UP. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00321 Aspergillus niger PO1. Curcuma longa. 23°C. Darjeeling. CABI 1990. India. Central Plant Crops Research Institute. 2006. PDA. Rhizosphere of Mango plant. 230C. 25oC NAIMCC-F-02325 Aspergillus niger CABI-213036. MCZ. PDA. Rhizosphere of Potato plant. Aligarh UP. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00314 Aspergillus niger M2. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01939 Aspergillus niger FS/L-04. Pulses.Bandopadhayay. 2010. 300C NAIMCC-F-00332 Aspergillus parasiticus Air flora. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01941 Aspergillus niger FS/P-14. Khan. India. LY. M. PDA. PDA. Riverrine soil Panighatta. Jain. CABI 1975. R. Manipur.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00313 Aspergillus niger M1. 230C. CZ. MCZ. Soil. CZ. 230C. Arora 2003. Christensen. LY. CZ. Khan. CZ. MCZ. B N Chakraborty. M. R. MCZ. LY. K. V. 230C. Soil and rice straw. MCZ. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00320 Aspergillus niger PP4. PDA. MCZ. India. R. 1972. NRRL-20745. HG-1. India. 230C. Kashyap. MCZ. Kamal. S. Christensen. HG-1. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00324 Aspergillus niveus CABI-343702.PDA. West Bengal. Aligarh UP. 230C. New Delhi. Panjab. India. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00322 Aspergillus niger On Allium cepa rotting bulbs. Laboratory of Applied Mycology BHU Varanasi. Pandey. R. Kamal. CABI 1984. 1984. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00318 Aspergillus niger PP2. R. WB-4695. D. CABI 1981. M. R. 2006. Khan. Rice straw.2010. 2008. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00329 Aspergillus paradoxus CABI-291112. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00328 Aspergillus ostianus CABI-270031. M. Aligarh UP. 2006. G. 28oC.MA-5. PDA.Forest soil Lohagarh forest. CZ. 230C NAIMCC-F-02346 Aspergillus niveus CABI-156808. PDA. CZ. 2008. 2008. Sastry. Gupta. Rhizosphere of Mango plant. A. 1977. PAU. LY. forest soil Lohagarh forest. Kumar. R. Zea mays. M. Seed. 230C NAIMCC-F-00326 Aspergillus ochraceus CABI-261653. Ludhiana. C. 230C NAIMCC-F-00325 Aspergillus nomius CABI-190557. 2004. 2010. NAIMCC-F-02396 Aspergillus niger CABI-229360. Orissa India. Darjeeling. 2006. R. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01992 Aspergillus ochraceus Phyllosphere of Schima wallichii Leaf. Agra India. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00319 Aspergillus niger PP3. Rhizosphere of Pigeonpea plant. Aligarh UP. Khan. 1975. 2006. Khan. PAU. NAIMCC-F-02327 Aspergillus nomius CABI-19055. Varanasi. PDA. HG-1. R. LY. PDA. CABI 1972. Badaun UP. Khan 2006. S. Aligarh UP. CZ. Dr. M. HG-1. PDA. Padma kumary . Vellayani. NAIMCC-F-01990 Aspergillus niger AN-15 Pegionpea . Jammu-Tawi India.2009. Rhizosphere of Pigeonpea plant. R. MCZ. PAU. 24±20C 16 . LY. Pandey. J. 250C. C. R. CZ. 230C. G.HG-1. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00323 Aspergillus niveus CABI-156808. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00317 Aspergillus niger PP1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00341 Aspergillus restrictus CABI-192364. G. CZ. Patel. HG-1. Kagh Islands West Bengal India. Agosti 1954. 23 0C. M. CZ. 250C NAIMCC-F-02397 Aspergillus sulphureus CABI-229428. India. 230C. MCZ. 230C. MCZ. Jabalpur India. 230C. Raut. CZ. India. Soil. production of sterigmatocystin NAIMCC-F-00346 Aspergillus sclerotiorum CABI-257435. India. K. CABI 1968. 230C. L. HG-1. 230C. soil. Jodhpur India. Singh. 230C. LY. R. G. CABI 1981. Mukerji 1966. D. HG-1. CZ. Akola India. 230C. 23M/40. CABI 1982.G. Soil. S.G. Raghavendra Rao. Mathur 1965. Kamal. Panwar.1978. 230C 17 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 25±20C. Muthappa. J. LY. N. S. Mosquitoes. 230C. Jodhpur. Soil. UC-4182. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00338 Aspergillus quadricinctus CABI-334362. 230C NAIMCC-F-00352 Aspergillus striatus CABI-096679. Dhootie India. CZ. CABI 1977. MCZ.P. MCZ. MCZ. 23 °C NAIMCC-F-00337 Aspergillus quadricinctus CABI-264903. IHEM4515.1977. MCZ. CZ. Ahmedabad India. Jaipur India. Soni. MCZ. LY. Singh. Smith 1926. PDA. CZ. A. L. P. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00347 Aspergillus silvaticus CABI-321631. MCZ. MCZ. Karnataka India. 230C NAIMCC-F-02351 Aspergillus striatus CABI-163899. CABI. B.67. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02324 Aspergillus stellatus var. N. Pachmadi M. N. 1972. Helianthus annuus seed. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02332 Aspergillus striatus CABI-209108. CZ. India. HG-1.3319. MCZ. HG-1. CZ. Soil. N. HG-1. CABI 1978. 230C. Shillong India. 1974. CABI 1988. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02181 Aspergillus sulphureus Decomposed green manure. Strivastava. NAIMCC-F-00340 Aspergillus quercinus CABI-257368. LCP-82. MCZ. HG-1. CABI 1981. CZ. MCZ. air. B. Sharma. 230C NAIMCC-F-00350 Aspergillus stellatus On soil. Vellyani. MCZ. MA-5. Pande. Singh. CZ. 230C. HG-1. Delhi India. India. N. LY. L. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00355 Aspergillus striatus CABI-239468. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02387 Aspergillus sparsus CABI-293246. K. MCZ. MA-5. astellatus CABI-187294. Nainital India. Mangrove mud. Gupta. 230C. N. HG-1. isolated from Substance. HG-1. K. India. D. Akola. NAIMCC-F-00344 Aspergillus rugulosus CABI-092002. CZ. LY. LY. CABI 1974. Soil. HG-1. 230C. 2005. K. A. R. B. CZ. CZ. G. Psidium guagjava. N. CABI 1963. Soil. J. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00336 Aspergillus puniceus CABI-183396. HG-1. Karnataka India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00349 Aspergillus sparsus CABI-293246. MCZ. India. Uttar Pradesh. MCZ. D. G. R. Soil. CABI 1989. MCZ. MCZ. Mandarin orange plant soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00357 Aspergillus sulphureus CABI-229428. Mathur. Soil. HG-1. ATCC-16815. LY. B. CZ. 230C. soil alkaline. LY. P. Paper. CABI 1977. CZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00334 Aspergillus pulverulentus CABI-239073. Vellyani India. CZ. Seed of Helianthus annuus. India NAIMCC-F-00343 Aspergillus rubber CABI-094147. Das. CABI 1962. LY. L Das. LY. H. Bagool. CZ. 230C. Soil. Raghavendra Rao. CABI 1975. CABI 1979. HG-1. CZ. CABI 1981. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00345 Aspergillus rugulosus Thom and Raper MTCC-976. Brassica campestris seed. CZ. Varanasi. LY. CZ. CZ. India. Tagetes erecta. MCZ. Sarwal. WB-4699. Sharma. 230C. Book paper. Soil. CZ. 230C. Soil. LY. Maunath Bhanjan. HG-1. Rai 1960. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00351 Aspergillus stellatus var.NAIMCC-F-00333 Aspergillus penicilliformis CABI-132430. 2010. G. K. CZ. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00348 Aspergillus sojae CABI-287278. India. HG-1. MCZ. S. 230C. India. Soil. Ravindera Kumar. MCZ. CABI 1962. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00353 Aspergillus striatus CABI-114658.D. India. CABI 1979. MCZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00354 Aspergillus striatus CABI-209108. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00342 Aspergillus rhizopodus CABI-385057. 230C NAIMCC-F-00356 Aspergillus sulphureus CABI-213350. Chandigarh India. CZ. Tiwari. Udaipur India. LY. Coffea arabica. HG-1. CBS-283. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00335 Aspergillus pulverulentus CABI-255331. CABI 1961. 1985. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00339 Aspergillus quadrilineatus CABI-089350. Dr. LY. CZ. CYA. India. LY. Shillong. LY. LY. MCZ. HG-1. Czepeek's Agar. CZ. Type strain. 230C. MCZ. CABI 1985. CABI 1985. astellatus CABI-187294. MCZ. S. Fennell. Pathak. 230C. HG-1. Chaudhuri. Fennell.indicus CABI-172295. Mysore India. J. Assam India. 230C NAIMCC-F-00368 Aspergillus terreus var. Cloth. I. PDA. isolated from soil. CABI 1975. S. HG-1. MCZ. MA-5. PDA. HG-1. MCZ. CZ. OA. Sarbhoy. V. E. 230C. . India NAIMCC-F-00375 Aspergillus versicolor var. I. Jaipur India. CZ. HG-1. Lucknow India. India. MA-5. 28OC NAIMCC-F-00373 Aspergillus versicolor CABI-094152. 2003. Gupta. MCZ. WB5280. Coffea arabica. Lucknow. MCZ. Production of endo-polygacturonase NAIMCC-F-00378 Aureobasidium sp. Coffe Research Station 1954. MCZ. PCA. Hainsworth. CZ. isolated from soil. NAIMCC-F-00376 Aspergillus violaceofuscus CABI-063766. MA-5. CABI 1973. India NAIMCC-F-00366 Aspergillus terreus var. CABI 1973. CABI 1960. Fennell. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02352 Aspergillus terricola var. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00369 Aspergillus tubingensis CABI-358698. alkaline soil. CABI 1962. PDA. India. HG-1. India. Agra India. HG-1. CZ. PDA. MA-5. MA. 230C. CABI 1956. CZ. Subramanian. MCZ. 230C. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00379 Auxarthron conjugatum CABI-386070. Rhizosphere. Agra India. HG-1. R.S. MA-5. MA-5. MA. CZ. HG1. U. Soil. CABI 1983. Agra India. bread. LY. 230C. MCZ. India . Carica papaya. MA5. More. 230C. Mishra. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02425 Aspergillus sulphureus. PDA. rutilobrunneus CABI-174454. T. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02382 Aspergillus terreus var globosus CABI-174455. Haryana. NAIMCC-F-00363 Aspergillus terreus CABI-016032. 230C NAIMCC-F-00371 Aspergillus unguis CABI-247536. isolated from mud. WB-5281. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00370 Aspergillus unguis CABI-197101. Punicagranatum. Soil. K. 230C. CZ. Mishra. Camellia sinensis flowers. Sugar. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00367 Aspergillus terreus var. 2010. Rai. U. D. Malt Extract Agar-Blakeslee's Formula. NRRL-5585. Smith. B. MA. LY. CZ. globosus CABI-174455. India. Litter and keratin. 23°C. CABI 1980. CABI 1972. Watts Padwick 1939. Bischofia javanica. 25±20C. N. D. Mysore India. PCA. Hordeum sp. HG-1. CABI 1947. NAIMCC-F-00381 Bartalinia bischofiae CABI-081612. Kashyap. CABI 1954. 1973. CABI-277513. India. MCZ. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00377 Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) MTCC-1991. CZ. India. India NAIMCC-F-00383 Bartalinia bischofiae CABI-159333. NAIMCC-F-00362 Aspergillus tamarii CABI-270725. Alkaline soil. Gwalior India. Crassus CABI-174453. Mehrotra & Agnihotri . MUBL-2351. MA-5. Lucknow India. Joshi.. CABI 1972. S. 230C. PDA. 230C. HG-1. HG-1. MCZ. Soil. CABI 1977. India. A. PCA. Punjab India. CABI 1962. MA-5. J. 230C NAIMCC-F-00382 Bartalinia bischofiae CABI-159332. 230C NAIMCC-F-00359 Aspergillus tamarii CABI-056820. NAIMCC-F-00374 Aspergillus versicolor CABI-349032. NAIMCC-F-00360 Aspergillus tamarii CABI-093396. Var. isolated from Citrullus colocynthis. PCA. Sarbhoy. MA-5. India. NAIMCC-F-00365 Aspergillus terreus On Soil IARI. CZ. 230C. CABI 1973. H. S. NRRL-5584. A. MCZ. 230C. India. MA-5. 1973. TWA +W. isolated from Soil. MA. G. africanus CABI-147296. MCZ. MCZ. D. India.1975. S. CZ. Soil. C.I. K. Plant debris and soil. NAIMCC-F-00361 Aspergillus tamarii CABI-215140. PCA. 23°C. NAIMCC-F-00380 Bahusutrabeeja dwaya CABI-213921. CZ. Karnal. CZ. africanus CABI-247171. CABI 1980. MCZ. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-02178 Aspergillus var columnaris Sludge. MA-5. LY. NRRL-5586. WB-5388. Gupta. P. Pantagar Lucknow India. New Delhi. Soil. LY. 230C. I. MA. Plant debris and soil. V. HG-1. Fennel. Lucknow. 230C. HG-1. 23°C. 1979. K Joshi. dehydrated fruit slices. CZ. 18 NAIMCC-F-00384 Bartalinia bischofiae CABI-357618. India NAIMCC-F-02373 Baltraniella humicola CABI-233746. Xylotrechus quadripes. Nag Raj 1959. CABI 1947. MCZ. Jabalpur India.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00358 Aspergillus sulphureus var. PDA. Sinha 1962. HG-1. Rahuri. 23°C. crassus CABI-174453. 230C. 230C NAIMCC-F-00372 Aspergillus ustus CABI-380985. NAIMCC-F-00364 Aspergillus terreus CABI-016044. 1973. CZ. India. HG-1. LY. I. D. B. 230C. LY. Cicer sp. J. NAIMCC-F-02331 Aspergillus unguis CABI-197101. OA. G. HG-1. Arnaud. CABI 1977. 2008. PDBC Banglore. Nymphs of Nilaparvata lugens. Un Known insect (rice pest). LY. Luke. PDBC Banglore. SDYA. Adult tree hopper. MA. Sarbhoy. soil of rice fallow fields. SDYA. C. 250C NAIMCC-F-00392 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-2. Nandi Hills Mysore India. OA. Grubs of Dicladispa armigera. PDBC Banglore. LY. CABI 1974. A. LY. 2008. SDYA. Eucalyptus. Andhra Pradesh. Un Known insect. P. B Ramanujam. 2008. PDBC Banglore. India NAIMCC-F-00407 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-25. PDBC Banglore. 2008. 250C NAIMCC-F-00411 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-31. PCA. 250C NAIMCC-F-00401 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-13. SDYA. SDYA. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-00396 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-5a. India. Grubs of Plocaederus ferrugineus. PDBC Banglore. CABI 1966. PDBC Banglore. Krishnan. 2008. B Ramanujam. 2008. 250C NAIMCC-F-00399 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-8. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02294 Bartalinia terricola CABI-287776. 2008. PDBC Banglore. B Ramanujam. C. S. 250C NAIMCC-F-00402 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-14. MA. 250C. PDBC Banglore. Grubs of Holotrichia serrata. 230C NAIMCC-F-00389 Beauveria bassiana CABI-189552. Plant detritus. Nymphs of Pentalonia nigronervosa. 1975. Ramanujam. 2008. Soil. HG-1.. PDBC Banglore. PDBC Banglore. 230C NAIMCC-F-00388 Basidiobolus heterosporus CABI-118288. Leaf of Eucalyptus sp. 250C NAIMCC-F-02070 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-34. 230C. PDBC Banglore. 230C NAIMCC-F-02306 Bartalinia terricola CABI-230563. HACC-240. PDBC Banglore. isolated from Emmalocera depressella. PDBC Banglore. larvae of Hypothenemus hampei. HG-1. OA. OA. 2008. PDA. B Ramanujam. SDYA. 250C NAIMCC-F-00400 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-11. MA. CABI 1991. PDBC Banglore. PDA. 2009. 250C NAIMCC-F-00405 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-23. PCA. OA.. 2008. B Ramanujam. PDBC Banglore.SDYA. Luke. Soil. 1972. Adult Neochetina bruchi. PDBC Banglore. B Ramanujam. 250C NAIMCC-F-00395 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-5. 250C NAIMCC-F-00410 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-30. 250C NAIMCC-F-00413 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-33. 2008. M. B Ramanujam. Grubs of Brahmina sp. 2008. Un Known insect. SDYA. SDYA. SDYA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00387 Bartalinia terricola CABI-346944. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00386 Bartalinia terricola CABI-287776. 250C NAIMCC-F-00409 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-29. SDYA. 1984. SDYA. 230C. Soil. B Ramanujam. India. CABI 1984. B Ramanujam. soil from Pineapple fields. SDYA. soil of rice fallow fields. HACC 194. LY. K. sodic soil. B Ramanujam.NAIMCC-F-02372 Bartalinia bischofiae CABI-159332. 250C NAIMCC-F-00390 Beauveria bassiana CABI-348041. PDBC Banglore. K. India. P. B Ramanujam. 2008. 2008. India. Nymphs and adults of Tetranychus urticae. B Ramanujam. B Ramanujam. 2008. HG-1. 19 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . B Ramanujam. OA. Thirumalachar. J. B Ramanujam. LY. PDBC Banglore. B Ramanujam.. SDYA. 2008. PDBC Banglore. gut. Insect. B Ramanujam. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02422 Beauveria brongniartii CABI-189555. S. Earthworm. K. East Godavari. SDYA. 250C. soil from Brinjal fields. B. B Ramanujam. HG-1. India. India. 2008. PDBC Banglore. B Ramanujam. PDBC Banglore. PDA. India. NAIMCC-F-00385 Bartalinia terricola CABI-230563. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00398 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-7. 250C NAIMCC-F-00394 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-4. 2008. Larvae of Spodoptera litura. 2008. SDYA. leaf. Mohanan. SDYA. 1978. NRRL-3687. 250C NAIMCC-F-00408 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-26. SDYA. 2008. 250C NAIMCC-F-00393 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-3. CABI 1978. 250C NAIMCC-F-00404 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-16. B Ramanujam. B Ramanujam. MA. SDYA. SDYA. SDYA. 250C NAIMCC-F-00406 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-24. 2008. 230C. Larvae of Maruca testulalis. Grubs of Micraspis Sp. 2008. adults of Hypothenemus hampei. PDA. Warangal Andhra Pradesh India. ATCC-16580.Un Known insect. 250C NAIMCC-F-00397 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-6. PDBC Banglore. 230C. B Ramanujam. SDYA. SDYA. 250C NAIMCC-F-00403 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-15. 250C NAIMCC-F-00391 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-1. Krishnan. Mohanan. 2008. 250C NAIMCC-F-00412 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-32. (SDYA). B Ramanujam. HG-1. 2009.P. Singh. Trichy. OA. 250C NAIMCC-F-02134 Beauveria brongniartii PDBC-Bbr-5. Prakasham. SDYA. Hyderabad 2007 India. Coimbatore. PDA. LY. S. Ramanujam. 230C NAIMCC-F-00414 Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. Trichy. SDYA. Bapatla. B. Chickpea field. MGT. Krishnan. 2009. (SDYA). 250C. D and E NAIMCC-F-02127 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-49. Insect (Lepidopteran larvae from oil palm). PDA. NAIMCC-F-00420 Beltrania rhombica CABI-229346. B. 250C. 230C. LY. Insect. 2009. B. HG-1. Rhizosphere soil. SDYA. Ramanujam. NAIMCC-F-02124 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-45. 2009. Non Bt cotton field. NAIMCC-F-02133 Beauveria brongniartii PDBC-Bbr-4. MO. Ramanujam. 2009. SDYA. K. Ramanujam. A. 25±20C. Soil. Ramanujam. Trichy. 250C. Rhizosphere soil. CMA. NAIMCC-F-02132 Beauveria brongniartii PDBC-Bbr-3. 250C.P. HG-1. Psidium guajava. Guntur. 250C. India. Vodarevu. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00422 Beltraniella humicola CABI-099471. 2009. SDYA. LY. A. Emmon's modification of Sabouraud's Agar. HG-1. NAIMCC-F-02135 Beauveria brongniartii PDBC-Bbr-6. Yanam. Allahabad India. (Pondicherry). Panwar. Rajasthan. TN. Ramanujam.P. Kumar. 250C. NAIMCC-F-00415 Beauveria brongniartii CABI-189555. NAIMCC-F-02120 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-37. Malt Yeast Agar. Production of antifungal cyclosporins A. 250C NAIMCC-F-02121 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-38. PDA. Insect White grub.P. OA. Tamil nadu. 230C. B. 250C. B. 2009. C. Ramanujam. B. Jodhpur India. 2009. Ramanujam. PCA. 2009. SDYA. B. Rhizosphere soil from Tea plantation. Bananna crop. Insect. HACC-241. SDYA. A. B. Jodhpur. Ramanujam. B. PDA. Production of niddamycin.P.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02071 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-34b. Lal. 250C. Infected root grub. PDA/MEA. Rhizosphere soil of Bananna crop. CABI 1978. SDYA. CMA. HG-1. Guntur. 25±20C. Ramanujam. B. CABI 1971. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02129 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-55. 2009. 2009. NAIMCC-F-02123 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-43. SDYA. HG-1. A. NAIMCC-F-02130 Beauveria brongniartii PDBC-Bbr-1. Danninggton. Rhizosphere soil. SDYA. 1974. (SDYA). Allahabad India. Ramanujam. NAIMCC-F-02109 Beauveria bassiana CAB-1. PDA. Tamil nadu. CABI 1963. 250C. Insect Larvae of Diatraea saccharalis. Bapatla Agri Farm. NAIMCC-F-00419 Beltrania rhombica CABI-226187. B. Vishakhapatnam. LY. Insect White grub. MTCC-984. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02128 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-50. 250C. V. B. K. B. HG-1. B. MA. 2009. Potato. Himachal Pradesh. Danninggton. 230C. Psidium guajava. A.P. magnamycin and leucomycin derivatives 20 NAIMCC-F-00421 Beltrania rhombica CABI-235919. 250C. S. A. (SDYA) 250C. Visakhapatnam. Devarakottapalem Prakasham. Ramanujam. 2009. Ramanujam. Rhizosphere soil from paddy field. B. B. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02072 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-35.P. 2009. K. B. CABI 1978. 2008. OA. Leaf of Punica granatum. Rhizosphere soil from Chillies field. 250C. SDYA. S. OA. Tamil nadu. Soil. East Godavari. LY. B. Ramanujam.S. 250C. NAIMCC-F-02122 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-39. 230C. Rama Rao. Rhizosphere soil. 250C NAIMCC-F-02125 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-46. Varanasi India. Tamil nadu. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00417 Beauveria felina (DS) Carmichael MTCC-2499. Bangalore India. Nilagiri. Prakasham. SDYA. NAIMCC-F-00418 Beauveria nivea (Rostrup) v. LY. 2009. Devarakottapalem. 2009. 2009. Ramanujam. Rhizosphere soil. A. Theni. MA-6 . Ramanujam. Andhra Pradesh. Ramanujam. Tamil nadu. B. coconut garden. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00423 Beltraniella humicola CABI-155820. Solan. CABI 1979. SDYA. SDYA. TN. Andhra Pradesh. Insect. Bananna crop. Krishnan India. 230C. Rhizosphere soil. Rhizosphere soil from Carrot field. LY. CABI 1975. NAIMCC-F-02391 Beauveria bassiana CABI-189552. B. 2009. MA. SDYA. Arx MTCC-557. 250C NAIMCC-F-00416 Beauveria densa CABI-168426. Nilagiri. 250C NAIMCC-F-02131 Beauveria brongniartii PDBC-Bbr-2. CABI 1972. B. Ramanujam. 30±20C NAIMCC-F-02126 Beauveria bassiana PDBC-Bb-47. Visakhapatnam. CMA. Lal. PCA. 230C. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00425 Beltraniella portoricensis CABI-293937. Karnataka India. 1955. HG1.. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00442 Botryosphaeria ribis CABI-301140. PDA. NAIMCC-F-00436 Bipolaris tropicalis CABI-235542. CABI 1968. Rotted Cocos nucifera fibre. LY. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00441 Botryodiplodia theobromae CABI-210881. CABI 1985. Agnihotri. CABI 1969. G. CABI 1969. 230C. R. Soil and leaf of Piper betle. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00432 Bipolaris heveae CABI-163331. B. Rai. J. Lucknow India. 230C. 230C NAIMCC-F-00444 Botrytis cinerea CABI-322230. HG-1. MCPLR-1. CBS-421. Sagar India. CABI 1970. V. Bilgrami. LY. S. HG-1. CABI 1979. Albelmoschus sp. OA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00439 Boothiella tetraspora CABI-291723. HG-1. Lucknow India. PCA. Gorakhpur UP India. CABI 1973.Podder. Uttar Pradesh. LY. Orissa India. CABI 1990. PDA. R. PDA. Indet. N. Raigarh India. LY. CABI 1985. 230C. CABI 1971. MA. PCA. PCA. LY. Muthappa. LY. PCA. 230C. Tejgam India. R. C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00449 Cephalotrichum microsporum CABI-132170. LY. Misra. Rai. Soil. CABI 1960. PDA. PDA. M. CABI 1990. P. K. Benny. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00435 Bipolaris papendorfii CABI-337278. NAIMCC-F-00446 Cephaliophora tropica CABI-080675. N. S. Soil. Type strain NAIMCC-F-00430 Bipolaris colocasiae CABI-172992. 230C. India. CABI 1988. Colocasia esculenta. PCA. B. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00450 Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum CABI-137993. HG-1. 230C. Eucalyptus tereticornis. Prasad. LY. YPSS Agar. LY. Varanasi. CMA YPSS 230C. MA. India. CABI 1968. HG-1. N. P. Samson and Srivastava. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00448 Cephalotrichum microsporum CABI-132169. Leaf of Hevea sp. India. LY. 23°C. MA. LY. HG-1. Portulaca oleracea. LY. CMA. J. J. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00427 Beniowskia macrospora CABI-099625. P. Mohan no. Bhargava. CABI 1972. OA. LY. Punica granatum. HG-1. PCA. V. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02182 Botrydiptodia sp. Kharwar. Allium sativum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00451 Ceratocystis adipose CABI-159574. HG-1. S. TWA+W. Poona India. India. N. CABI 1985. Allahabad India. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00429 Benjaminiella multispora MTCC-893. MA. A. PDA. India. B. U. Rubber Board. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00428 Benjaminiella multispora CABI-234109. Allahabad India. HG-1. PDA. M. Madras India. Poona India. TWA+W. Submramanian. S. Leaf of Annona squamosa. HG-1. PCA. P. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00433 Bipolaris indica CABI-129790. 230C. PDA. Coimbatore India. Fruit of Punica granatum. Rao. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00447 Cephalosporium sacchari On Saccharum officinarum leaves. B. Lucknow India. B. 230C. HG-1. Capsicum annum. PDA. 230C. R. Host. R. PCA+FP. PCA. humus rich soil. Grass. 250C NAIMCC-F-00440 Botryodiplodia ananassae CABI. HG-1. 230C. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00452 Ceratocystis paradoxa CABI-077668.080379ii. Rai. CABI 1972.. MA. LY. Tandon. 230C. Rahuri India. Lucknow India. Singh. Srivastava. HG-1. CABI 1959. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00426 Beltraniella portoricensis CABI-334638 . LY. LY. K. PCA 250C. PCA. LY. HG-1. CABI 1989. PCA.R.70. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00453 Ceratocystis paradoxa CABI-136346. MA-6 21 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Uttar Pradesh. Kalankath India. 2010. India. Mehrotra. 230C. N. MA. 1973. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00431 Bipolaris colocasiae CABI-337267. L. Saikia. Indet. Varanasi. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00437 Bipolaris zeae CABI-265563. Beta vulgaris. 2005. Tandon. CABI 1982. Mohanty. Colocasia esculenta. HG-1. India. Pachmarhi Hills India. Plant. 250C. Srinivasan. India. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00445 Calonectria kyotensis CABI-061680. 1979. LY. CBS-334. CABI 1972. Capsicum annum. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00438 Blakeslea monospora CABI-164967. CABI 1979. More. S. C. 230C. HG-1. Lucknow India. C. CABI 1963. TWA+W. ICI 2646. S. Cocos nucifera. PDA. LY. CABI 1967. Soil. 230C. LY.67. India. Sonchus asper. V. Host. Elaeis guineensis. LY. HG-1. Patil. LY. HG-1. HG1.NAIMCC-F-00424 Beltraniella humicola CABI-233746. P. CABI 1977.R.Podder. K. HG-1. Costus speciousus. Coffea arabica. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02452 Bipolaris colocasiae CABI-172992. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00443 Botrytis cinerea CABI-100465. CABI 1963. Saksena. 230C. 230C. 25±20C. M. HG-1. LMN1. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00434 Bipolaris indica CABI-164633. Saxena. Indet seed.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00454 Ceratocystis paradoxa CABI-247479. PCA 250C. 250C. Delhi . India. CABI 1986. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00465 Chaetomium bostrychodes CABI-279573. R. OA+W. LY.U. India. PCA+FP. PCA+FP. Poultry feed. HG-1. OA. LY. CABI 1987. PCA. Leaf. T. Ganagawane. Kerala India. India. cellulose material. S. Khurana. CABI 1983. Jabalpur India. K. 250C. 25°C. PCA+FP. India. Bhagalpur India. PCA. LY. TWA+W. PCA. BHU. LY. dung. Warangal India.M. V.P. leaf of Saccharum officinale. 250C. BHU.P. root. 17. Carica papaya. OA NAIMCC-F-02457 Chaetomium CABI-190923. ulcer. And Johansen.. 2010. PCA. PCA+FP. HG-1. Varanasi. LY. India. Water. LY. RT. U. MA. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00464 Chaetomium aureum CABI-334634. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00473 Chaetomium brasillense CABI-340452. India. Solanum tuberosum. LY. CZ. 230C. Bhide. U. HG-1. HG-1. CABI 1991. Mehrotra. 230C. 25°C. S. (Berk. U. HG-1. Katra Allahabad India. NAIMCC-F-00467 Chaetomium brasiliense CABI-262847. CABI 1969. MA. PCA. PCA+FP. HG-1. Pune India. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-00462 Chaetomium aterrimum CABI-283965. PCA+FP. TWA+W. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00469 Chaetomium brasiliense CABI-283370. CABI 1984.K. Nampoothiri231. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00468 Chaetomium brasiliense CABI-281382. Delhi India. 25oC NAIMCC-F-02482 Cercospora canescens Strain Cerm-15-09. D. NAIMCC-F-00476 Chaetomium cuniculorum CABI-155487. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00472 Chaetomium brasiliense CABI-310181. S. Kerala India. 2. Singh. MA-6 . Varanasi. V8. Piper longum. CABI 1986. Wani. Babu. A. PDA. Cocoa. CABI 1990. OA. Triticum sativum. PDA. Thirumalachar. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00463 Chaetomium aureum CABI-287072. Chivala. SDA 250C.P. Reddy. A. P. TWA+W. LY. India.P. CABI 1960. HG-1. LY. Benincas hispida:seed. Shukla. LY. 30±20C. P. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00461 Chaetomella raphigera CABI. Areca catechu. N. PCA. 1975. HG-1. Lucknow India. Stem and leaf of Sesamum indicum. D. TWA+W. LY. Soil. CABI 1980. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00470 Chaetomium brasiliense CABI-287113. CABI 1986. S. PCA.C. CMA. 3. Dung of rabbit. MA. Murthy. HG-1. V. Kannataka India. F.P. India. PCA. Saxena. HG-1. HG1. CMA. 230C. Man. Pimpri Poona India. L. CABI 1989. India NAIMCC-F-02339 Chaetomium CABI-198820. CABI 1983. Horhat India. A. 230C. Paspalum sp. R. TWA+W.. PCA. CABI 1981. MO NAIMCC-F-00459 Chaetomella raphigera CABI-081602. K.K. 230C.103665. CABI 1986. Claviceps purpurea. MA-6 22 NAIMCC-F-00466 Chaetomium bostrychodes CABI-323415. Leaf. LY. J. Oryctolagus cuniculus. CABI 1988. D. 25oC NAIMCC-F-00456 Cercospora sesami CABI-318913. CABI 1984. leaf. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00478 Chaetomium cymbiforme CABI-252060. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02416 Chaetomium cuniculorum CABI-155487. CABI 1984. 25/04/90. isolated from Cocos nucifera. 230C. 1976. 1971. 230C NAIMCC-F-00477 Chaetomium cupreum CABI-299545. Singh. M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00479 Chaetomium cymbiforme CABI-305603. 230C. N. 2010. OA. isolated from soil. HG-1. LY. Jain T3. Chockalingam. M. Narai. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00460 Chaetomella raphigera CABI-137649. V. Datta Munshi.U. George. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00455 Ceratocystis paradoxa CABI-349541.decomposing wood. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00474 Chaetomium carinthiacum CABI-315655. 25°C. CABI 1971. 194. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00475 Chaetomium circinatum CABI-333715. 230C. N. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. NAIMCC-F-00458 Ceriporia xylostromatoides MTCC-1174. Chand Ramesh. Vigna radiate. Saika. RT. HG-1. CABI 1989.S.S. D. Aurangabad India. M. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00457 Cerebella andropogonis CABI-341788. Goel. Elaeis guineensis. LY. Nayar. Hug.) Ryv. Shukla. J. 230C.N. LY. Dhaka India. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-02481 Cercospora canescens Strain Cerm-12-09. PCA+FP. HG-1.M.. CABI 1984. 25°C. PCA. HG-1. HG-1. CABI 1982. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00471 Chaetomium brasiliense CABI-304990. HG-1. India. Chand Ramesh. Senapoty. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02334 Chaetomium erraticum CABI-284160. Chauhan. Leaf of Holarrhena antidysenterica. CABI 1985. N. Rai. Kurukshetra India. R. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00504 Chaetomium gracile CABI-335944. Katra. G. K. Citrus aurantifolia. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00481 Chaetomium cymbiforme CABI-315845. CABI 1983. 230C. Sagar India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00485 Chaetomium erectum CABI-275306. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02376 Chaetomium gracile CABI-292444. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00496 Chaetomium globosum CABI-292471. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00490 Chaetomium funicola CABI-318396. 250C. N. B162. MA. S. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00503 Chaetomium gracile CABI-309055. PCA. Allium cepa. 230C NAIMCC-F-00497 Chaetomium gracile CABI-086456. CABI 1990. 23°C. India. HG-1. P. QM-4802. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00488 Chaetomium funicola CABI-234370. R. CABI 1986. Jabalpur India. 230C. PDA. Gupta. HG1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00499 Chaetomium gracile CABI-202484. PCA. 230C. MA. CABI 1987. India. P. LY. S. 230C. HG-1. CABI 1987. Paper. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00483 Chaetomium cymbiforme CABI-324065. PCA+FP. Dapoli Maharashtra India. Khan (TRTC). LY. stored medicinal seed of Datura stramonium. 230C. P. Soil. HG-1. LY.S. 230C NAIMCC-F-00505 Chaetomium hamadae CABI-244947. P. Pantnagar India.V. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00495 Chaetomium globosum CABI-257594. LY. RDA. PCA. Guntur India. RDA. B. HG-1. A. CABI 1986. S. CABI 1961. Allahabad. Trifolium alexandrinum. HG-1. PCA. 1985. Corchorus clitorius. LY. R. PCA+FP. LY. MA. 230C. Udagawa.P. HG-1. Devi. LY. Arora. PCA+FP. LY. LY. Oryza sativa grains. AADF-37. India. 230C. Seed of Glycine max. PCA+FP. TWA+W. Bilgrami 1960. P. Soil.S. India. ATCC16021. HG-1. PCA. Soil (oil polluted). Gwalior India. US 8713. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00502 Chaetomium gracile CABI-292444. Gupta . 230C. India. L. Allahabad. PCA. New Delhi India. MA-6 23 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00501 Chaetomium gracile CABI-269168. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00493 Chaetomium globisporum CABI-280383. 23°C. Rhizosphere of Cicer arietinum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02365 Chaetomium funicola CABI-286715. Corchorus olitorius. LY. Pennisetum typhoides. Sharma. CABI 1980. Gupta. Singh. HG-1. DSM-2142. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-00487 Chaetomium funicola CABI-082766.. India. seed. Lal. CABI 1947. Devi. Rosa sp. 230C NAIMCC-F-00491 Chaetomium gangligerum CABI-287075. cellulose materials. CABI 1979. PCA+FP. OTM. Tiwari. S. CABI 1981. LY. Pennisetum typhoideum. Arora. CABI 1984. upper soil horizon. Trifolium alexandrinum. PDA. HG-1. CABI 1985. Seed of Pennisetum typoides. TWA+W. HG-1. 230C. India. PCA. Mehrotra. HG-1. Soil. 230C NAIMCC-F-00494 Chaetomium globosum CABI-016203. HG-1. LY. PCA. PCA. HG-1. India. HG-1. CABI 1984. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00486 Chaetomium erraticum CABI-284160. PCA+FP. Bagool. CABI 1988. Soil. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02295 Chaetomium globosum CABI-292471. seed. LY. CABI 1982. J. 230C. CABI 1987. Y.D. India. M. 230C. 1962. HG-1. Basu. CABI 1984. CMA. Singh. 25°C. P. 230C. 25°C.. TWA+W. L. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00500 Chaetomium gracile CABI-257840. K. TWA+W. 1985. 230C. India. Gorakhpur India. LY. stem of Solanum tuberosum. PCA.Mishra. RDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00489 Chaetomium funicola CABI-286715. LY. HG-1. PCA. Glycine max. Soil.G. LY. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00482 Chaetomium cymbiforme CABI-318414. HG-1. OTM. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00484 Chaetomium deltosporum CABI-309557. CABI 1983. TWA+W. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02460 Chaetomium globisporum CABI-280383. 230C. 230C. Calcutta India. D. K. Sonar. LY. 1984. India. Jabalpur India. Poonam. K. 1984. CABI 1960. India. HG-1. HG-1. Bagool. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00498 Chaetomium gracile CABI-126013. K. CABI 1976. S. 250C.S. S. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00492 Chaetomium gelasinosporum CABI-342516. 1983. Sagar. PCA+FP.NAIMCC-F-00480 Chaetomium cymbiforme CABI-312917. India. HG-1. Lucknow India. R.S. Cellulose materials. UP 13. CABI 1989. 230C. N. Allahabad India. India. India. PCA. PCA. Air. PCA. Zachariah. Mishra India. S. K. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. CABI 1987. HG-1. CABI 1981. Rani. India. HG-1. 230C. PCA+FP. CABI 1985. OA. 1985. Jamaluddin. isolated from Oryza sativa. soil. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00518 Chaetomium longicolleum CABI-256285.. Allhabad. CABI 1984. Singh. Singh. Pisum sativum. Chowdhry. 3. HG-1. Pandey. TWA+W. Agra College Agra India.Bairwa. K. Jabalpur India. CABI 1985. Plant Diseases Clinic. A. HG-1. HG-1. HG-1. India. CABI 1981. CABI 1965. 1985. Oryza sativa . PCA. Lal. PCA+FP. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00514 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-287386. Lycopersicon esculentum. LY. CABI 1983. Jabalpur India. indet. B. Joint Director. TWA+W. Allahabad India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00528 Chaetomium medusarum CABI-322635. V. Singh. PCA+FP. Singh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00516 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-324072. B. CABI 1986. PCA. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00517 Chaetomium lawransamesii CABI-384786. HG-1. PCA. LY. Cajanus cajan. 1984. Bamusa leaf litter. B. LY. CABI 1984. PCA. 230C. CABI 1984.S. Bhombe. India. Hevea. LY. PCA. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00520 Chaetomium lucknowense CABI-114529. Jabalpur.D. Gupta. 4. isolated from Cucurbita. D11. OA. Soil. CABI 1984. PCA+FP.. LY. HG-1. PCA+FP. Sharma. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. Setaria italica. HG-1. Warangal India. MA6 NAIMCC-F-00510 Chaetomium jabalpurense CABI-291973. soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00508 Chaetomium indicum CABI-335670. LY. PCA. isolated from air. India. PCA. 25°C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00521 Chaetomium lucknowense CABI-311001. L. Host. PCA. NAIMCC-F-02461 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-284297. Gandhar. Jaipur. Agra India. B. Jacaranda orelifolia. 230C. B. RT. Seed of Pisum sp. HG-1. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02350 Chaetomium medusarum CABI-294699. CABI 1987. Citrus sinensis. LY. TWA+W. NAIMCC-F-00525 Chaetomium medusarum CABI-292336. 230C. Pandey. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00519 Chaetomium longicolleum CABI-307835. HG-1. CABI 1989. Tiwari. India. NAIMCC-F-02347 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-287386. 230C. B. D. PCA. Saxena. Setaria italica. PCA. Jaipur India.250C NAIMCC-F-00511 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-209594. MA-6 . 23°C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00513 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-284297. Soil. N. India. 1985. 230C NAIMCC-F-02364 Chaetomium medusarum CABI-292336. HG-1. rhizosphere. Kerala India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00515 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-317631. P. CABI 1985. HG-1. TWA+W.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00506 Chaetomium hispanicum CABI-316453. PCA. India NAIMCC-F-00507 Chaetomium indicum CABI-286054. HG-1. K. PCA+FP. India. TWA+W. TWA+W. India. 230C. Industrial waste. Reddy. LY. Bambusa. 230C NAIMCC-F-02450 Chaetomium jabalpurense CABI-290792. India. PCA+FP. HG-1. LY. Jabalpur India. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00526 Chaetomium medusarum CABI-294699. Jobner India. PCA+FP. I MI 1988. M. CABI 1988.. S. MA6 NAIMCC-F-00509 Chaetomium jabalpurense CABI-290792. TWA+W. leaf litter. 25°C. 25°C. PCA. K. L. TWA+W. Jacaranda ovalifolia. 24 NAIMCC-F-00522 Chaetomium lucknowense CABI-347931. PCA+FP. 1984. B. PCA. India NAIMCC-F-00524 Chaetomium madrasense CABI-331135. PCA+FP. Jabalpur India. Jayarathnam DR-10. 230C. N. A. 250C. 230C. Garakhpur India. N. K. Singh . M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02366 Chaetomium jabalpurense CABI-291973. 230C NAIMCC-F-00529 Chaetomium mollipilium CABI-281662.N. HG-1. N. HG-1. CABI 1985. CABI 1989. Pisum seed. 230C. CABI 1987. 250C. OA. Lal. 250C. HG-1. Soil (oil polluted). CABI 1987. Choudhury. 1977. R. Cajanus cajan. 1985. effluent. PCA+FP. CABI 1977. OA. 8. Bhombe. B. India. India NAIMCC-F-00523 Chaetomium luteum CABI-141563. Singh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00527 Chaetomium medusarum CABI-317647. 230C. TWA+W . 250C. India. Jamaluddin. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00512 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-276987. PCA. LY. 230C NAIMCC-F-02415 Chaetomium jodhpurense CABI-209594. N. LY. S. Luffa acutangula. 230C. Choudhury. India. S. LY. B. Wax paper. India. LY. Jabalpur. Jabalpur. LY. CABI 1965. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00532 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-114513. 250C. V. 230C. Shreemali. HG-1. PCA. Patel. CABI 1980.Saxena. CABI-260356. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02338 Chaetomium nigiricolor CABI-192252. PCA. 1985. Agra India. India. LY. 230C. Lakshmikant LK 83. HG-1. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00535 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-290791. 230C NAIMCC-F-00558 Chaetomium spiralotrichum CABI-339200. 230C NAIMCC-F-00539 Chaetomium raii CABI-207400. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02367 Chaetomium raii CABI-207400. B. CABI 1987. PCA.K. isolated from soil. CABI 1990.U. 1976. M. HG-1. Air. PCA. Prasad. Rai. India NAIMCC-F-02368 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-290791. R. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00540 Chaetomium raii CABI-232292. CABI 1977. Aligarh India. Jabalpur. CABI 1961. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02335 Chaetomium raii CABI-232292. PCA. CABI 1983. India. HG-1. PCA+FP. N. PCA. isolated from Paper. 230C. 230C NAIMCC-F-00545 Chaetomium senegalense CABI-244366. Srivastava. CABI-254583. Sagar. LY. PCA. India. Bhagalpur India. HG-1. PCA. CABI 1987. K. M. India. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00537 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-144976. CABI-280367. HG-1. Gupta. HG-1. Root of Areca catechu. PCA. 1975. leaf litter. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00541 Chaetomium raii CABI-232678. Agra India. Sida rhombifolia. S. Stored wheat grain. Ixora excelsa. Soil. TWA+W. P. PCA.P. 230C. Jabalpur India. Soil. Seed of Pinus caribeaea. CABI 1983. Aligarh India. India. Trigonella foenumgraecum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00550 Chaetomium sp. HG-1. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00549 Chaetomium sp. Misra. CABI 1989. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-00534 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-282968. 230C. Saxena. HG-1. Prasad. India NAIMCC-F-00538 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-348380. S. M. N. PCA. CABI-163112. P. 230C 25 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Mangifera indica. K. PCA+FP. HG-1. Bedi. PCA. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00542 Chaetomium raii CABI-244384. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00548 Chaetomium sp. Acacia catechu. M. HG-1. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00533 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-192252. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00546 Chaetomium senegalense CABI-335680. Solanum tuberosum. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00559 Chaetomium strumarium CABI-082624. PCA. V. M. CABI 1989. CMA. PCA. India. HG-1. isolated from leaf of leaf spot on Aralia. LY. PCA. PCA. Verma. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00552 Chaetomium sp. CABI 1985. P. 230C. Amrarati. Singh Jabalpur. CABI-280365. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00556 Chaetomium spinosum CABI-296107. J. Singh. Bambusa. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00543 Chaetomium reflexum CABI-245810. Singh. India. Kapoor. Nayar. N. stored grain. HG-1. Mathura U. J. TWA+W. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00551 Chaetomium sp. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00554 Chaetomium sp. India. stem and leaf. HG-1. CABI-260186. TWA+W. India. CABI-190923. Lucknow India. HG-1. Pelargonium graveolens. S. Gujarat. Trigonella foenum-graecum. 230C. CABI 1980. LY. Triticum aestivum. PCA. 1977. soil. HG-1. 230C. Soil. HG-1. 230C. PCA. Singh. botrytis. India. PCA. India. Pisum sativum. LY. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00555 Chaetomium sp. PCA+FP. P. Soil. 25°C. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00547 Chaetomium senegalense CABI-348709. S. CABI-198820. PCA+FP. HG-1. HG-1. 230C. Vittal India. J. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00531 Chaetomium murorum CABI-319137. Junagadh. J. S. Prunus persica. PCA+FP. Garakhpur. CABI 1975. N.NAIMCC-F-00530 Chaetomium mollipilium CABI-281941. PCA. 230C. N. India. agricultural wastes. Brassica oleracea var. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00557 Chaetomium spinosum CABI-314060. Nicotiana. K. CABI 1986. PCA+FP. L. V. M. CABI 1978. Vaishnav. C. India. OA. Kapoor. HG-1. TWA+W. Mangifera indica. India. India. India. Neeley. V. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00553 Chaetomium sp. ITCC-2038. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00544 Chaetomium reflexum CABI-259986. PCA. CABI 1980. CABI 1981. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00536 Chaetomium nigricolor CABI-330775. C. 230C. 230C. 1978. Pisum sativum.. New Delhi India. Lucknow India. 230C. PCA. PCA. Chivala India.C. Anand India. 230C. Agrawal. 230C. 230C. HG-1. MA. Bangalore India. J. Sagar. Bedi. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. India. 230C. CABI 1978. 230C. Shah.K. Lagenaria vulgaris. Benny. R. M. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00579 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-189415. isolated from soil. K. CABI 1987. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00578 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-130846ii. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00585 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-265041. Hesseltine. Kharwar.K. PDA. R. Jobner Inida. Dead insect. TWA+W. RDA. CABI 1982. CABI 1974. HG-1.K. 250C NAIMCC-F-00563 Chaetomium strumarium CABI-291960. Hyderabad. A. RDA. Allahabad India. 250C. CABI 1988. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00580 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-211017b. C. 230C. ATCC 32319. Cumium cymnium. PCA+FP MGT 23°C DL 26 NAIMCC-F-00582 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-213038. HG-1. India. CABI 1987. S. Das Gupta. TWA+W. India. M.67.. India NAIMCC-F-00581 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-212963. HG-1. Arx) Udagawa MTCC-980. YPSS. CABI 1985. K. W. PDA. CBS 444. PCA+FP. pisum seed. Rikhy & Mukerji. CMA.176873ii. Kurukshatra India. HG-1. YPSS. NRRL-3024. S. Varanasi. Samani. Plant. HG-1. CABI 1987. 37±20C. YPSS. G. RDA. S. Solanum tuberosum. Kaira India. Calamus. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00569 Chaetomium virescens (v. India. CABI 1971. CABI 1985. 30-370C. V. Babusa arundinacea: leaf. Jaipur India. India. S. RDA. Mushroom compost. CABI 1974. A. Prasad. YPSS. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00576 Chetomium virescens CABI-185905. India. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00561 Chaetomium strumarium CABI-158086. M. R. solanum melongena. CABI 1977. S. . Bengal India. India. 230C. D. Thind. PCA. L. TWA+W. CABI 1989. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00564 Chaetomium subaffine CABI-317788b. Seed of Pisum sp. CABI 1987. RDA. ITCC 1575. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02359 Chaetomium strumarium CABI-291960. TWA+W. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00574 Chetomium nigricolor CABI-327958. 1977. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00584 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-253900. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02186 Chetomium sp MCPLR-21. India. CABI 1979. CABI-256869. RDA. OA. Oryza sp. Karnataka India. leaf of triticum. R. TWA+W. S. 230C. PCA+FP. Gupta AZM47. India. S. NRRL-A-10898. N. Rhizosphere. Hyderabad 2007. Dasgupta. YPSS. PCA. Choudhury. 230C . 1979. PCA+FP. Trichosanthes dioica. Garcha. Aneja. India. 230C. YPSS. India. Jalandhar Punjab India. 230C. C. CABI 1981. Muzaffarpur India. Kerala India. HG-1. TWA+W. 230C. HG-1. Indet. Theobroma cacao. Uttar Pradesh. 250C. Ravindranath. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00573 Chetomium heterosporum CABI. YPSS. India. NAIMCC-F-00562 Chaetomium strumarium CABI-239261. HG-1. Rabbit Food Agar. RDA. CABI 1979. C. HG-1. Singh Chahal. Soil. J. YPSS. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00568 Chaetomium virescens CABI-317939. 1985. PCA+FP. HG-1. 230C NAIMCC-F-00577 Chetospermum carneum CABI-331638. CBS 333. W. OA. Mathur. B. HG-1. RDA. B. 230C NAIMCC-F-02441 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-233998.S. Punjab. PCA+FP. Thirupathaial. Benjamin. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00565 Chaetomium sulphureum CABI-333004. S. L. Arachis hypogaea leaf. YPSS. G. India. India. HG-1. Seed of Vigna aconitifolia.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00560 Chaetomium strumarium CABI-082624ii. KFRI 1522. ATCC-18561. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02268 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-212963. Host. CABI 1977. Mehrotra. CABI 1968. R. Wheat straw compost. 2010. K. G. India. isolated from Artocarpus heterophylla. J. J. V. Mukerji.. PCA. CABI 1989.75. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00575 Chetomium senegalense CABI-319893. Air. CABI 1988. 230C. Rahthore. HG-1. Conversion of agricultural waste into animal feed NAIMCC-F-00570 Chaetopyrena hesperidium CABI-108457. Ricinus communis. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00572 Chetomium hamadae CABI-326940. Jaipur. MCZ. Ravindra Nath. India NAIMCC-F-00571 Chalara sp. MUCL 39287. Chohan. 230C. V. CABI 1979. PCA. CZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00566 Chaetomium thermophilum CABI-318199. Mohanan. CABI 1977. HG-1. PDA. Chowdhury. RDA. L. HG-1. 25°C. H. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00583 Choanephora cucurbitarum CABI-233998. Solanum melongena. Godheja. 250C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00567 Chaetomium thermophilum CABI-348710. Capsicum annuum. Punjab India. 230C. KFRI 1290. PCA+FP. K. Mohanan. PDA CMA YPSS 230C. Sharma (KFRI). Jabalpur. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00603 Circinella muscae CABI-206881. HG-1. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00602 Circinella mucoroides CABI-322259. CABI 1988. CABI 1976. MA. Punjab. Nema. PDA. 1987. PCA. Cicer arietinum Seed. S. HG1. CABI-318146. PDA. MA. Bengal India. MA. HG1. Himalaya. PCA. Jabalpur India. CABI 1983. PCA. Fruit. Leaf. India. 230C. CABI 1977. PCA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00587 Chrysoporium CABI-313130. 25±20C. MO NAIMCC-F-00591 Chrysosporium keratinophilum MTCC-1367. 25°C. Type strain NAIMCC-F-00606 Cladobotryum varium CABI-248634. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00599 Chrysosporium tropicum J. Jammu and Kashmir. D. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00596 Chrysosporium sp. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02187 Cladosporium cladosporidis MCPLR-27. HG-1. Soil. Plant. BL. Plant. N. 230C NAIMCC-F-00590 Chrysosporium indicum MTCC-2831. HG-1. HG-1. 2011. IMI 1987. India. MGT. Saikia 2004.M. CABI 1985. Homo sapiens: skin. Harsh.K. IMI 1987. 2011. 230C. Gupta 15.NAIMCC-F-00586 Choanephora infundibulifera CABI-333198. More. Plant. Indet. 300C NAIMCC-F-02265 Cladosporium cladosporioides TL-1. Uttar Pradesh. YMAgar. S. W. CABI-278831. Soil. Dung of horse. India.P. PDA. HG-1. B. Amritsar. Amritsar. 230C. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00604 Circinella muscae CABI-213240. Frey. India. Bhare. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-02150 Cladosporium antarticum Soil. 250C. Haryana. PCA. Coriolus versicolor. 250C. Coffea arabica. R. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00588 Chrysoporium CABI-319390. U. MA.40C NAIMCC-F-00593 Chrysosporium lucknowense CABI-112798. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00601 Circinella mucoroides CABI-276533. 250C NAIMCC-F-02259 Cladosporium cladosporioides Gul-16. N. Sudheer Kumar. Gelatin factory effluent. 1977. 2009. Degradation of Keratin NAIMCC-F-00600 Ciliochorella mangiferae CABI-289319. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Effluent. MTCC-2827. Muthappa.S. Karnataka India. 2011. Kumaun University India. CABI 1988. Rama. PDA. Seed of Bajri sp. PDA. 250C. B. 300C NAIMCC-F-02510 Cladosporium cladosporioides Gul-16. Kalyani. Maunath Bhanjan. 24±20C. PDA. MA. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Randhawa and Sandhu. V. India NAIMCC-F-00594 Chrysosporium sp. R. PDA. PDA. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Amritsar. PCA. India. CABI-317833. Emmon's modification of Sabouraud's Agar. Bisht and M. K. Hasija. CABI 1980. 2011. India. Tectona grandis. CABI 1987. Varanasi. 25±20C. Plant leaf. Gauramghat India. CABI 1987. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00595 Chrysosporium sp. Jabalpur. Maharashtra India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00597 Chrysosporium sp. Saxena. Joshi. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00609 Cladosporium oxysporum CABI-224152. Inida. 230C. Oryza sativa seed. Kushwaha S1. Amritsar. PDA. HG-1. PDA. 230C. D. isolated from soil. MA. isolated from soil. 230C.. MA. HG-1. Kharwar. 300C NAIMCC-F-00607 Cladosporium multigeniculatum CABI-328740. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00598 Chrysosporium tropicum CABI-318557. PCA. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. B. N. Jabalpur India. Punjab. CABI 1989. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00589 Chrysosporium indicum CABI-318149. Punjab. PCA. 250C. 230C. CABI 1978. PDA. wool. OA MGT23 DL. K. HG-1. HG-1. MA. PDA. V. PDA. MA. CABI-318565. OA. D. Seed of Cicer arietinum. 2010. Bombay India. MA. soil. MA-6 27 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . R. Plant leaf. Plant. 25±20C. PCA. CABI 1977. Nayak. Carm. India. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00608 Cladosporium oxysporum CABI-222980. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00592 Chrysosporium lucknowense CABI-112798ii. MA-3. Degradation of Keratin NAIMCC-F-00605 Cladobotryum variospermum On Lentinus sp. India. P. HG-1. Singh J53. Nema. D. Lay ladhak. 300C NAIMCC-F-02516 Cladosporium cladosporioides TL-1. PDA. PDA. PCA. India. India. NAIMCC-F-02433 Circinella muscae CABI-213240. Punjab. K. PDA. PCA+WS 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02456 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-280161.opportunistic pathogens of man: Microbiological Assessment 3 NAIMCC-F-00611 Cladosporium tenuissimum CABI-224833. HG-1. 230C. Datton. PCA. Ayachi. 230C. PCA. M. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. Banglore. K. Allium Porium. Madras India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00624 Cochliobolus spicifer CABI-136810. India. U. CABI 1984. HG-1. N. H. CABI 1984. PDBC. CABI 1983. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02485 Clonostachysrosea f catenulate BPS-4. Jhansi India. India NAIMCC-F-00634 Colletotrichum acutatum CABI-350839.. PCA. Tiwari. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00620 Cochliobolus lunatus CABI-146545. P. HG-1. PDA. Mizoram University. S. 2008. 230C. Srivastava. PCA+WS 23. 2010 PDA. Malt Extract Agar. PCA. 230C. OA. leaf. 1953.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00610 Cladosporium sphaerospermum CABI-117921. Jabalpur. M. France vai. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00618 Cochliobolus hawaiiensis CABI-035572. India 28 NAIMCC-F-00636 Colletotrichum acutatum CABI-383015. France Vai Madras. Bhim Pratap Singh. CABI 1968. New Delhi India. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00629 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-280161. fruit. MTCC-1479. HG-1. R. 25±20C. Leaf and seed surface Phlox drummondii. HG-1. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-00632 Cochliobolus verruculosus CABI-274328. HG-1. Mizoram. CABI 1981. Sarkar. 230C. PCA. Ayachi.. Ludhiana. Muthaivan. Leucaena leucocephala. CABI 1949. 2008. Seed surface of Foeniculum vulgare. K. CABI 1953. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00627 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-167977.. Cotton dosotee. Dosootie. isolated from Paper. 250C NAIMCC-F-00615 Clonostachys compactiuscula CABI-282806.Cattlefeed. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00635 Colletotrichum acutatum CABI-360386. S. 1984. 280C NAIMCC-F-00616 Cochliobolus australiensis CABI-115373. S. Kampur Bombay India. Nainital. 250C NAIMCC-F-00614 Clodosporium oxysporum PDBC-Co-2. PDA. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00628 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-278848. S.) Tul. HG1. TWA+W. Dosootie. Allium porrum. CABI 1953.. 230C. R.Brinjansveringpest Nymphs of Lipaphis erysimi. Khetrapol.. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00617 Cochliobolus eragrostidis CABI-136812. petiole leaf and twig. MA. CABI 1950. 230C. India. Punjab India. 230C. PCA. PDA. HG1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00633 Coleophoma empetri CABI-252114. CABI 1972. Jabalpur. 230C. V. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00623 Cochliobolus pallescens CABI-052827. India. D. isolated from Coriandrum sativum. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00631 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-287394. Oryza sativa. C. HG-1. Joshi. CABI 1978. 230C. Musa sp. PCA. Forest litter. isolated from Hevea brasiliensis. Joshi. Panipat India. CABI 1984. Linum sp. Kanpur India. Muthaivan. Pandit. Hyderabad 2007 India. HG-1. MUCL39317. Lall. SDYA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00630 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-286597. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02410 Cladosporium tenuissimum CABI-224833. Production of alkaloids and clavicipitic acid NAIMCC-F-00613 Clodosporium oxysporum PDBC-Co-1. India NAIMCC-F-00622 Cochliobolus miyabeanus CABI-145070. 230C. PDA. CABI 1950. Banglore. isolated from Psidium guajava. 230C. HG-1. Gwalior India. CMA. Triticum sp. CABI 1984. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00625 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-043707. 230C NAIMCC-F-00612 Claviceps purpurea (Fr. HG-1. 1978. isolated from Pelargonium graveolens. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00626 Cochliobolus tuberculatus CABI-043708. N. Jabalpur India. 230C. Jabalpur. Kampur Bombay. India NAIMCC-F-00621 Cochliobolus melinidis CABI-259810. India. Nainital India. CABI 1980. K. PCA. PCA. Pennisetum typhoideum. Singh. PCA. Hazard Group 1 . MA. HG-1. 230C. Tiwari. B Ramanujam. Rajendranagar Inida. S. PCA. B Ramanujam. HG1. Nymphs of Lipaphis erysimi. S. HG-1. BL. PDBC. L. S. PCA. India. 230C.PCA. CABI 1968. Osmania University 1953. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00619 Cochliobolus hawaiiensis CABI-052822. Cattle feed. PCA. India . Soil. Dhaniya Rhizospere soil. Brassica oleracea.U. Osmania University. PDA. Suryanarayana 1965. PCA. CABI 1966. Hyderbad India. C. Triticum sp. SDYA. CABI 1984. B. Germ plasm. PCA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02701 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg10.Pandey. B. Mango. PCA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00639 Colletotrichum capsici CABI-357076. CABI 1984. PDA. Palarapwar. Curcuma longa. CARI Port Blair. 2009.Pandey. sp.Tamilnadu. Y.Pandey. Potato Carrot Agar. 2009. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00645 Colletotrichum crassipes CABI-300589. Sydow) E. Jayakumar. M. Coimbatore.Pandey. CABI 1956. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02694 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg2.K.K. PCA. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-00641 Colletotrichum capsici f. 2009. Sugarcane. Palarapwar. Mango.K. N. leaf of Chilly (Capsicum annum).P. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00647 Colletotrichum curcumae CABI-288937. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00649 Colletotrichum curcumae CABI-288940. R.Viswanathan. M. V. B. 230C. Lucknow. Mangat. Cymbopogon martini. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02695 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg3. Lucknow. Coimbatore. Jayakumar.Pandey. PDA.Pandey. Warora India. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02699 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg8. leaf of Ivy gourd. R. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02696 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg4. R. Sugarcane. NRCOG. Citrus jambher. B. 2009. B. CABI 1953. PDA.Pandey. Mango. Haryana India. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00655 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides FB2. 250C NAIMCC-F-00651 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides NRCOG-CG-1. isolated from Chlorophytum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00652 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides FC-2. 28°C 29 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02737 Colletotrichum falcatum Cf 1148.Tamilnadu. S. Mango. B. PDA. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00643 Colletotrichum chlorophyti CABI-103806. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00642 Colletotrichum caudatum CABI-196464. TWA+W. V. CMA. CARI Port Blair. PDA. PCA.Pandey. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00644 Colletotrichum crassipes CABI-298898. Y. 2009.Tamilnadu.Viswanathan. CABI 1984. 230C. Arx MTCC-2223. HG-1. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02697 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg6.Pandey. Katiyar and Sharma. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. 230C.Viswanathan. PCA. TWA+W.Tamilnadu. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00640 Colletotrichum capsici (H. Das Gupta. TWA+W. 2009. PDA. PDA.Viswanathan. CABI 1975. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02693 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg1. R. Lucknow. OA. PDA. Butler and Bisby MTCC-2071. Lucknow. PDA.K.K. S. Y. leaf of Cinnamon.Pandey. CABI 1984. Mango.) v. Lucknow.Tamilnadu. Singh. cyamopsidicola CABI052284. PCA. CABI 1984. Coimbatore.K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00653 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides FC4. 230C. Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. B. PCA. Uttar Pradesh. N. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. Pune. PDA. HG-1. 230C. Curcuma longa. PDA. Mango. 230C. Mango. R. Lucknow.NAIMCC-F-00637 Colletotrichum acutatum f. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00638 Colletotrichum capsici CABI-063597. 2009. India. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02702 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg13. Curcuma longa. 2009. B. 1953. PDA. pineum Dingley and Gilmour MTCC-381. HG-1. India. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00646 Colletotrichum crassipes (Speg. leaf of Clove. TWA+W. HG-1. Lucknow. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02700 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg9. PCA. M. HG-1. V. Lucknow. Cyamopsis psoraloides. isolated from Carica papaya. PDA. 2009. V. Warora India. Palarapwar. India NAIMCC-F-00654 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides FS2. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02738 Colletotrichum falcatum Cf 419. Coimbatore. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02740 Colletotrichum falcatum Cf 647. Warora India.K. Uttar Pradesh. P. India. 300C NAIMCC-F-02739 Colletotrichum falcatum Cf 671. 2009. Sugarcane.K. 230C. PDA. Shillong India. CABI 1986. Sugarcane. PDA. Peperomia magnolifolia. India NAIMCC-F-02741 Colletotrichum falcatum Cf 648. B. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02698 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg7. Mango. PDA. Jayakumar. Warora India. Onion. PDA. HG-1. TWA+W. PDA. HG-1.K.K. Coimbatore. B. Mango. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00648 Colletotrichum curcumae CABI-288939. Orchidaceae. Uttar Pradesh. 1956. 2009.Viswanathan. Uttar Pradesh. Prasad. Potato Carrot Agar. PDA. Jayakumar. CARI Port Blair. decaying fruit. B. B. Y. South Andaman Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Palarapwar. M. India. PDA. Curcuma longa. CMA. Sugarcane. 2008. CABI 1986. HG-1. 2009. Lucknow. OMA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00650 Colletotrichum curcumae CABI-288941. 2009. Mango.Leaf R. 2009. Mango. Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow.Chowdappa. Mango. Lucknow. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02714 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg25. P. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. 2009. PDA.Pandey. PDA.K. 2009. 2009. Mango. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. -. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02708 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg19. Uttar Pradesh. B. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02736 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg73. Lucknow. B.Pandey. 2009. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02718 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg29. Mango.Pandey. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02735 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg72. Mango. PDA.K. Bangalore.K. Mango. PDA. B. Mango. Mango. PDA. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02706 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg17.Pandey.Pandey.K. B. PDA. Mango. Lucknow.Pandey. 2009. Mango.Pandey.K. PDA.Pandey.K. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02709 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg20. Uttar Pradesh. Mango.K. B. P. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02730 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg62.K. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh.K.K. Mango. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02707 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg18. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. Mango. Mango. Uttar Pradesh. B. Lucknow. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02717 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg28. Lucknow. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02719 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg30. Lucknow. Mango. Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow. PDA.Pandey. Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh. 2009.K. B. 2009. Mango. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02732 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg69.K. B. PDA. 2009.K. Lucknow. Mango. 2009.K.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02703 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg14. Lucknow. B. B. Lucknow. Lucknow. Lucknow.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02704 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg15. 2009.K. Mango. B. Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow. B. Lucknow. Mango. 2009. B.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02734 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg71. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02725 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg38. 2009. Lucknow.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02724 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg36.K. PDA.K. PDA. Lucknow.Pandey. Mango. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02710 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg21. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02731 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg68. Mango. PDA.Pandey. PDA.K. Mango.Pandey. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02733 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg70. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02716 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg27. PDA. PDA. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02715 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg26. 2009.K.Chowdappa. B.K. B.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02721 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg32. Lucknow. B. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02722 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg33.Pandey. Mango. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02726 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg41. Mango. 2009. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. Bangalore. B. 2009. Uttar Pradesh.K. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02728 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg45. Uttar Pradesh. PDA.K. Lucknow. 2009. B. Lucknow.K. PDA. PDA. Lucknow.K. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02727 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg43.Pandey.K. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C 30 . 2009. B.Pandey. Mango. 2009. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02713 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg24. 2009.Pandey. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow.K. B. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh.K.2009. Uttar Pradesh.Pandey.Pandey.K. Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh. B. Mango. Lucknow. PDA. Lucknow. 2009. 2009. PDA. B. B. PDA. 2009. B.Pandey. Lucknow. Mango. Lucknow. 2011.K. Mango. Mango. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02723 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg34.Pandey. B.Pandey. Mango. B. Uttar Pradesh.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02753 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OTEC1. Uttar Pradesh. PDA.Pandey. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. B. Lucknow.Pandey.Pandey.K. PDA. B. 2009.K. B. 2009. B. Uttar Pradesh. B. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02712 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg23. Uttar Pradesh. Mango. 2011. PDA.Pandey. PDA. Lucknow.Pandey. Lucknow. B. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02729 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg46. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02720 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg31. Mango.Pandey. Mango. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02705 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg16.K.K. Lucknow. B. PDA.Pandey. -.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02752 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OGC1. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02711 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg22. Uttar Pradesh. B. 2009. Lucknow.K. Mango. Lucknow. 2011. leaf of Black pepper. PDA. Arx. 230C. Bangalore. 2009. Sunita Lal. CARI Port Blair. PDA. leaf spot.Sawant. P. P. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00660 Colletotrichum sp. Uttar Pradesh. NAIMCC-F-02145 Colletotrichum sp. P. V. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. Bhide. Indu S. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02749 Colletotrichum species IR-8. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02761 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OTC1.Pandey. Bangalore. Indu S. Leakey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02744 Colletotrichum species IR-3. V. 2009. Grapes. Sugarcane. Sugarcane. Indu S. 280C-300C. -.Chowdappa. Lucknow. Pune. PDA. Resistance to benomyl and thiabendzole fungicides NAIMCC-F-02743 Colletotrichum species IR-2. C. 2011. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00657 Colletotrichum musae CABI-351354. Bangalore. -. B. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02748 Colletotrichum species IR-7. PDA. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02684 Colletotrichum species 20-P-5. PDA. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow. P. Lucknow.Chowdappa. Sunita Lal.Lucknow.K. CMA. Sugarcane. India NAIMCC-F-02742 Colletotrichum species IR-1. P. Sunita Lal. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02746 Colletotrichum species IR-5. Sunita Lal. Pune. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02687 Colletotrichum species 25-L-2. India. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02683 Colletotrichum species 19-L-1. Lucknow. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02747 Colletotrichum species IR-6.Chowdappa. 2009. Uttar Pradesh.Chowdappa. Leaf. Sugarcane.Sawant. 2011.K. Sunita Lal. Indu S. Grapes.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02759 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OEFC1. Pune. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. Lucknow. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02688 Colletotrichum species Coll-17. PDA. 2011. Indu S. 2009. Potato Carrot Agar. 2009. PDA. Curtis) v. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02689 Colletotrichum species Coll-45.Pandey. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02686 Colletotrichum species 25-L-1. And M.Sawant. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. P. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. Sugarcane. 2009. Uttar Pradesh.K. -. Grapes. PDA. PDA. Jayakumar. 2009. Cornmeal Agar. Sunita Lal. Krishna Kumar. Bangalore. Grapes. -. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02690 Colletotrichum species Coll-68. FM3. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02691 Colletotrichum species Coll-70. Lucknow. PDA. 2009. PDA. 2009. 2009. 25±20C. B. Grapes. LY. Uttar Pradesh.Sawant. Uttar Pradesh. Sunita Lal. Sugarcane. P. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02745 Colletotrichum species IR-4. Andaman and Nichobar Island. Grapes. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02755 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OBP2. 280C-300C NAIMCC-F-02681 Colletotrichum species 17-P-3. L. Pune. A. PDA. B. Sugarcane. isolated from Musa sapientum. Pune. B.Sawant. Sugarcane. Bangalore. PDA. FR-4. Indu S. -. PDA. Bangalore. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02750 Colletotrichum species IR-9. 2009. Lucknow.Chowdappa. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02758 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OGNC2. Sugarcane. PDA. P. PDA. 28°C 31 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Uttar Pradesh. Grapes. PDA. Sugarcane. Sugarcane.K. Indu S. PDA. SW1. Bangalore. 2011. Lucknow. 2009.K. Sunita Lal. CABI 1960. Leaf. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00659 Colletotrichum nupharicola MTCC-2984. (Berk. 2009. Sugarcane. Andaman and Nichobar Island. 2009. Sugarcane. 2011. PDA.Pandey. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02685 Colletotrichum species 22-P-4. Lucknow. -. Pune. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-02142 Colletotrichum sp. 2011.Chowdappa. Uttar Pradesh. -. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02760 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OAC1. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02756 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OOKC8. PDA.Pandey.NAIMCC-F-02754 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OCLC1.Chowdappa. PDA. 2011.Chowdappa. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00658 Colletotrichum musae MTCC-1037. P. Sunita Lal. A. Lucknow. Lucknow. B. -. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02692 Colletotrichum species Coll-73. 2009. Lucknow. HG-1. PDA.Sawant. 2009. 2009. PDA. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00656 Colletotrichum indicum CABI-079569. Bangalore. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02757 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides OCAC1.Sawant. Krishna Kumar. PDA. Sugarcane. PDA. PDA. Pune. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02682 Colletotrichum species 17-L-1. Biju C. OA. Betelvine. CABI 1972. Oil palm. Calicut. Coffee. ATCC-15160.. CBS-183. PDA.. 2011. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00663 Colletotricum gloeosporioides Infected leaf of Pepper.N. Mud..N. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02377 Coniochaetidium boothii CABI-164567. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00665 Conidiobolus globuliferus CABI-102044. 25±200C NAIMCC-F-02488 Cornespora cassicola BPS-11. 23°C. PDA.. Black pepper. K. Decaying plant material. Uttar Pradesh. Elephantfoot yam. Biju C. 2011. B. 2011. Biju C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02763 Colletotrichum species 2.N. Calicut. Turmeric. 2011. J. Biju C. Lucknow. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00670 Coniochaetidium boothii CABI-164567. HG-1. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. 2011. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02771 Colletotrichum species 10. Soil.N.. MA. Biju C. Mustard Rhizospere soil. Arecanut. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00668 Coniella petrakii CABI-100482. mud. Rao. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02768 Colletotrichum species 7. Calicut.N. 230C. PDA. Biju C. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00667 Coniella fragariae CABI-081599. Biju C. R. Black pepper. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02779 Colletotrichum species 18. PDA. Vitis vinifera. NAIMCC-F-02776 Colletotrichum species 15. India. S. Calicut. Calicut. Calicut. CABI 1952. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00662 Colletotricum gloeosporioides Infected leaf of Mango. HG-1. CBS-381. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02770 Colletotrichum species 9. Cardamom. Rao. Vikarabad..N. 28°C 32 NAIMCC-F-00671 Coprinus cinereus (Schaeffer) S.N. 2011. Calicut. Uttar Pradesh. Chilli. PDA. 280C . Biju C. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02769 Colletotrichum species 8. Vikarabad India. Biju C. Decaying wood.. 2007. Thirumalachar. PDA. 2011. HG-1. 240C. HACC-139. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00669 Coniochaeta leucoplaca CABI-144079. India NAIMCC-F-02773 Colletotrichum species 12. CABI 1963. 2011. HG1. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02762 Colletotrichum species 1. Ginger. Suruli Falls India. Biju C. India NAIMCC-F-02767 Colletotrichum species 6. HG-1. Calicut. 230C.N. M. V. Biju C. Mizoram University. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00666 Conidiobolus nanodes CABI-092299. Nicotiana tabacum. Andaman & Nicobar island. Bilgrami. Calicut. 2011. Rajahnundry India. ATCC14651. PDA. PDA. CABI 1960. CARI. Gray MTCC-422.N.64.N.. Calicut. PDA. M. PDA. PDA. F. Biju C. V. Thirumalachar. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02764 Colletotrichum species 3. PDA. Calicut. PDA. Biju C. 2011. V Jayakumar .62. CABI 1964. OA.1972. 2010. PDA. Biju C. Calicut.. J.. isolated from Malus pumila. MA PDA MGT23 DL.60.N. MA. PDA. Poona India. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02777 Colletotrichum species 16. isolated from petro-chemical wastewater.N. Calicut. V Jayakumar . CMA. Calicut. Biju C.2010. 2011. 2011. PDA. Bhatt 1959. PDA. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02778 Colletotrichum species 17. S. Biju C.N. HG-1. Cardamom. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-02766 Colletotrichum species 5. 2007.. PDA.. Black pepper. MA.. PDA. Mau. Sugarcane. 230C..N. PDA. 2011. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00661 Colletotrichum tabacum CABI-50187. Cardamom. 2009. Calicut. 230C. PDA. Pune. Sunita Lal.N. Biju C. CBS-218.N. India.N. Black pepper. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-02765 Colletotrichum species 4. 2011. India.. PDA. Kadam 1952. Mizoram. PCA. D K Arora. 2011. Bhim Pratap Singh.. CABI 1962. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on potato stems in soil. PDA. Clove. 2011. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02522 Coniothyrium minitans ATCC-32870. PDA. Calicut. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02774 Colletotrichum species 13.N.. 28°C NAIMCC-F-02772 Colletotrichum species 11. CBS-165.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02751 Colletotrichum species IR-10. LY. Calicut. Biju C. Calicut. PDA. PDA. 2011. 230C NAIMCC-F-02775 Colletotrichum species 14. 28°C NAIMCC-F-00664 Comamonas acidovorans CABI-366616.74. sclerotia. Cardamom. Tea. R.. 2011. India. MA. India NAIMCC-F-00690 Curvularia falax NRCOG-CF-1. PSA. L. Eucalyptus grandis. CABI 1962. D. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00695 Curvularia lunata Soil IARI field. HG-1. Laboratory of Applied Mycology BHU Varanasi. Sinha 1967. Cellulose material. Gupta. 250C. N. Seed of Triticum sp. CABI 1968. P. CABI-346258. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00687 Cunninghamella elegans CABI-188670. PDA NAIMCC-F-02429 Curvularia CABI-171003. Onion Seedling. C. S. PDA. J. isolated from Oryza sativa. MA. OA. CMA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02446 Cunninghamella echinulata CABI-188395. K. MA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00680 Cryptosporiopsis sp. Wani. HG-1. Singh. Mondal. PDA. OA. CABI 1974. Neergaard 1968. Gwalior India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00684 Cunninghamella echinulata CABI-136322. Leaf of Lycoeprsicon esculentum. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00696 Curvularia lunata var. Varanasi India. HG-1. 230C. 1985. C. A. Soil. CABI 1985. Eucalyptus grandis. PDA. Soil.P. 230C. D. Soil. Cyperus rotundus. Cyperus rotundus. Grassland soil. CABI 1987. NRCOG Pune. 230C. Pisum. India. ATCC-26316. Litchi chinensis: leaf. TWA. (Arachishypgaea). G. 20°C NAIMCC-F-00673 Corynascus novoguineensis CABI-291955. ATCC 49634. M. New Delhi. 1974. S. HG-1. 24±20C 33 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . CABI 1978. PDA. MA. 230C. India. Soil. L. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02281 Cunninghamella elegans CABI-188670.N. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00693 Curvularia lunata WF(Cr)94. Sagar India. R. HG-1. HG-1. HG-1. 1976. Shreeram kumar. Kerala India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00682 Cunninghamella blakesleeana CABI-223655. Jabalpur India. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-00678 Corynespora cassiicola CABI-056007. Shreeram kumar. M. Mohanty 1953. Assam India. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00683 Cunninghamella blakesleeana CABI-223658. Cuttock India. 230C. PCA. 2004. Alcorn. PDA. S. PDA. CABI 1981. OA. Maunath Bhanjan. PDA. CABI 1988. MA PDA. P. PCA. Singh.L. India. 230C. MCZ. CABI 1989. HG-1. Leaf of Dahlia variabilis. HG-1. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00691 Curvularia fallax On Musa paradisiaca fruits. Rama Devi. PDA. 230C. PDA. CABI 1974. Jain. Choudhury. 230C. Soil. MA.K. HG-1. Jalandhar Panjab. R. P. Choudhary. U. Bilgrami 1962. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00694 Curvularia lunata On Triticum aesativum leaves. aeria CABI-096846. CABI 1990. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00677 Corynascus verrucosus CABI. PCA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00676 Corynascus sepedonium CABI-332912. 2008. CABI 1967. PDA. Seed of Pisum sp. G. Rama Devi. TWA+W. Shukla TH4. D. rhizosphere. Despande. PCA. R. Hibiscus esculentus.. IMI1991.L. Agarwal. Tripathi 2004. HG-1. pisum. 230C NAIMCC-F-00675 Corynascus sepedonium CABI-325134. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00697 Curvularia lunata var. CABI 1971. Jaipur. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00698 Curvularia lunata var. New Delhi. PCA. 230C NAIMCC-F-02311 Cunninghamella intermedia CABI-200623. Jaipur India. CABI 1968. 25°C. R.. seed. Arora 2003. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00692 Curvularia lunata WF(Cr)91. Gwalior India. PCA 23<Bl NAIMCC-F-00689 Curvularia borreriae CABI-155733. PDA. Jain. 1985.387108. Soil. HG-1. D. CABI 1963. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00681 Cryptosporiopsis sp. Choudhury. HG-1. Choudhury. N. Agartala Tripura India. S. Kerala India. A. 2008. CABI 1954. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02274 Corynascus novoguineensis CABI-291955. seed. G. 230C. Triticum grain. Madhuban. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00685 Cunninghamella echinulata CABI-188395.S. Varanasi. aeria CABI-096842. PDA. CABI-346256. Soil.S. 23370C. India. 230C. NAIMCC-F-00674 Corynascus sepedonium CABI-252062. Assam. PCA. India. India. India. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00679 Corynespora cassiicola CABI-132039. India. 230C. Bilgrami(13). Jabalpur India. MA. 1974. Leaf of Carica papaya. Agra India. K. YPSS. 230C NAIMCC-F-02421 Corynascus novoguineensis CABI-291955. 230C. CABI 1978. Hevea: bark of main branch & stem. K. India. S. R. NAIMCC-F-00686 Cunninghamella elegans CABI-128924. HG-1. PDA. Arora 2005. Jaipur. Ayachi. K. D. Bilgrami 1962. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00688 Curvularia andropogonis CABI-320469. PCA. 2008. India. MA. PDBC Bangalore.NAIMCC-F-00672 Corticium salmonicolor CABI-337488. S. TWA+W. PCA. Gupta. 230C. Allahabad India. P. aeria Soil. 230C. K. HG-1.C. S. R. Lahaul & Spiti. Kanwer. PDA. Zinnia elegans. NAIMCC-F-00710 Cylindrocarpon lichenicola CABI-313108. N. N. S. Solanum tuberosum. Sarbhoy 1960.) Scholten NA. Lagenaria vulgaris. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00719 Dichotomocladium robustum CABI-352417. Sorghum. ATCC-34601. University. NA. P. Kota India. India. 25±20C. isolated from Nymphaea stellata. CABI 1965. 23°C. 250C. Lahaul & Spiti. Sorghum sp. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02251 Debaromyces hansenii Dh02. Himachal Pradesh. Nilamber India. 230C. corneal ulcer. 230C. Bilgrami 1963. R. CABI 1980. PCA. K. Momordica charantia. R. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00701 Curvularia ovoidea CABI-188158.. Mathur 1957. J. S. HG-1. HG-1. 1972. India 34 NAIMCC-F-00714 Cytospora eriobotryae CABI-136523. MGT. HG-1. 230C NAIMCC-F-02291 Curvularia ovoidea. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00718 Dichotomocladium hesseltinei CABI-115181. J. W. Oryza sativa. PDA. 2010. MA. Solanum tuberosum. KFRI 1548-IMI. Poona India. S. S. Hygrophila spinosa. Chohan. Thirumalachar 1944. 230C.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02362 Curvularia lunata var. Chohan. Sharma. India NAIMCC-F-00721 Dichotomophthoropsis nymphaearum CABI-146434. HG-1. Dhanda. India. A. Babru . isolated from Eucalyptus. India. 280C NAIMCC-F-00725 Doassansia hygrophilae CABI-113699. S. 2010. PCA. PCA. Tandon 1960. Jasminum sambac. J. PDA. India. Dracaena sp. S. ATCC-16202. SNA+FP+Y. Oryctolagus cuniculus: dung. Oryza sativa. OA MGT23 DL. K. fruit. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00704 Curvularia prasadii CABI-284252. Mustard Rhizospere soil. Saharanpur India. Beta vulgaris. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00702 Curvularia ovoidea CABI-188180. G. PCA. Poona. 1974. CABI 1968. PDA. CABI 1992. Production of deltatestololactone from progesterone Patent strain NAIMCC-F-00708 Cylindrocarpon lichenicola CABI-244341. HG-1. K. P. Eriobotrya japonica. CABI-188158. leaf spot on living leaf. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00715 Cytospora sp. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00723 Dictyoarthrinium sacchari CABI-080894.Chohan. Mizoram University. 230C. NAIMCC-F-00709 Cylindrocarpon lichenicola CABI-256712. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02355 Curvularia oryzae CABI-160069. L. (Zinssm. HG-1. Bhaturu . Allahabad India. Kanwer. 1988. 230C. MA. PCA. J. India. CABI-100477. Agra College India. J. SNA+FP+Y. India. MA-3. CABI 1969. CABI 1960. 1974. CBS346. PCA. MA. HG-1.64. HACC-177.D. B. CABI-171003. India. Lagenaria vulgaris. S. 230C. CABI 1974. CBS-143. 230C. Jabalpur India. TWA+W PDA MGT. 230C NAIMCC-F-00712 Cylindrocladium colhounii CABI-364412. S. Chohan. CABI 1974. 250C NAIMCC-F-02252 Debaromyces hansenii Dh03. isolated from soil. PCA. Soil. R. HG-1. PDA. HG-1. Dhanda. RSA 1729. Momordica charantia. CABI 1958. CABI 1981. Bhargava. 230C.. Wangikar. SNA+FP+Y. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00705 Curvularia sp. HG-1. MA-3. S. PDA.aeria CABI-152469. IMI 1987. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-00699 Curvularia oryzae CABI-160069. S. Citrullus vulgaris.W. HG-1. Dendrocalamus longispathus. G. Seed of Foeniculum vulgare.S . 2010. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00716 Dactylaria CABI-327745. CABI 1960. . TWA+WPDA. India. CABI 1972. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-00722 Dictyoarthrinium sacchari CABI-080895. UV 14-21 days. India. Siradhana. Bhim Pratap Singh. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-00703 Curvularia prasadii CABI-071475. RSA 1729. RT. S. PCA. isolated from Cydonia oblonga. 230C. HG-1. OA. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00724 Dictyoarthrinium sacchari CABI-100461. MA6 NAIMCC-F-00706 Curvularia trifolii CABI-132043. J. Allahabad India. HG-1. Chohan. CABI 1974. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00720 Dichotomomyces cejpii CABI-109460. HG-1. HG-1. MA-6 . India.D. Delhi India. R. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02312 Curvularia ovoidea CABI-188154. Mysore India. India. India 1970. Mus: dung. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00713 Cytophaga winogradsky CABI-347352. India. MA-3.. Dracaena sp. Tandon 1960. NAIMCC-F-00711 Cylindrocladium colhounii CABI-359430. CABI 1984. Mizoram. 230C. PDA. 230C. IMI B08170. Neergaard. 230C. CABI 1965. 230C. OA. Himachal Pradesh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02486 Discostrama tricellulare BPS-7. PDA. QM-7932. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00707 Cylindrocarpon destructans MTCC-1180. M. Soil. D. PCA. HG-1. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-00700 Curvularia ovoidea CABI-188154.65. 250C NAIMCC-F-00717 Dichotomocladium hesseltinci CABI-352419. PDA. Verma. Soil. 2010. 230C. India. CABI 1969. PDA. Pandey. HG-1. Patent strain NAIMCC-F-00743 Emericellopsis synnematicola CABI-092694. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00741 Emericellopsis minima CABI-384891. Mizoram University. Rai. isolated from Sesbania grandiflora. WB-4696. PDA. CABI. K. Soil. Tamarindus indicus. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02292 Exophiala jeanselmei var. Bangalore India. CABI 1963. Thirumalachar 1959. CABI 1983. Plant. Thirumalachar 1957. V. India NAIMCC-F-00734 Emericella variecolor CABI-343714. 280C NAIMCC-F-00735 Emericellopsis minima CABI-091580. 25±20C. J. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00744 Emericellopsis synnematicola Mathur and Thirum. OA. S. 1983. Lucknow India. Punjab. 230C. MGT. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00731 Elsinoë jasmini CABI-100603. CZ.N. India. Soil. Uttar Pradesh India. PCA.63. K. Christensen. MCZ. India. MA. India NAIMCC-F-00727 Dwayamala prathilomaka CABI-100458. 230C NAIMCC-F-00750 Exophiala mansonii CABI-245895. Decomposed leaf litter. R. 2011. 250C. Rao. N. India. CABI 1981. HG-1. MTCC-921. 23°C NAIMCC-F-00740 Emericellopsis minima CABI-348964. S. BL. India. Poona India. K. Thirumalachar. J. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00749 Exophiala jeanselmei var. soil. R. ATCC-14616. 230C. Soil. leaf. Soil. R. Allahabad India. PDA. HG-1. Soil. HG-1. Industrial waste. 230C. PDA. OA. India. CABI 1982. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02434 Emericellopsis minima CABI-164568. CABI 1962. MA. CABI 1962. M. Malt Extract Agar MEA20A. PDA.PDA. 23370C. N. isolated from Chloroxylon swietenia. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00736 Emericellopsis minima CABI-096683. PDA. Col. 230C. Jasminum malabaricum. PDA. OA. Plant. M. Verma. Mohanty. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00737 Emericellopsis minima CABI-164568. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02282 Engyodontium rectidentatum CABI-215001. India. ICAR Shillong India. Amritsar. 300C NAIMCC-F-00752 Fennellia flavipes CABI-055341. 230C NAIMCC-F-00745 Entyloma globigenum CABI-137654. Mud. R. S. 230C. Pakhal forest NAIMCC-F-00742 Emericellopsis minima Stolk MTCC-898. Rao. India NAIMCC-F-00733 Emericella pluriseminata CABI-382786. Pithoragarh India. CABI 1963. PCA. CABI 1982. 300C NAIMCC-F-02513 Exsudativum rostratum EL-3. HG-1.NAIMCC-F-00726 Drechslera teramera On Pisidium guajava leaves. Bhim Pratap Singh. HG-1. OA. Shilong.62.K. PCA. India. 230C. Decaying plant material. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02489 Emericellepsis humicola BPS-12. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00747 Erratomyces thirumalacharii CABI-113118. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02262 Exsudativum rostratum EL-3. MA. isolated from Soil. Leaf of Phaseolus sp. India. CABI 1991. Dhaniya Rhizospere soil. lecanii-corni CABI-278277. 230C. HG-1. L. Hindustan Antiobotics Ltd India. CABI 1962. M. Srivastava. PDA. Marathwada University India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00729 Eleutherascus lectardii CABI-371924. OA. 1972. India. Mysore India. Adhikari. isolated from Soil. J. CZ. Pands. HG-1. MA. Jamaluddin. J. V. Bihar India. N. OA+W 230C. Amritsar. 230C. Tripathi 2004. Soil. Mizoram. 23°C. 230C. MA. 1987 India. G. HG-1. litter. J. 230C. C.lecanii-corni CABI-278277. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-00748 Exophiala dermatitidis CABI-264937. CABI 1972. 230C. PCA. CABI 1968. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00738 Emericellopsis minima CABI-317643. Andra Pradesh. New Delhi. MA-6 35 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 1978. PDA. Punjab. Mud. MGT. CBS-212. M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00746 Ephelis oryzae CABI-165998. PDA. CABI 1987. 230C. Agnihothrudu. Rai. HG-1. isolated from Soil 29/10/95. CMA. Khandala. Cutting. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00739 Emericellopsis minima CABI-320525. HG-1. Bilgrami. 2011. Gangawane. HG-1. A. isolated from Oryza sativa.. India. R. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00751 Exserohilum heteropogonicola CABI-268958. Cornmeal Agar. HG-1. C. BL. PDA. LY. MA . NAIMCC-F-00728 Echinocatena arthrinioides CABI-254970. CABI 1954. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00732 Emericella indica CABI-378663. CABI 1980. India NAIMCC-F-00730 Ellurema indica CABI-136542. Type strain. 230C. Warangal. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. N. CABI 1972. HG-1. CBS226. PDA MA. Poona. U. R. PDA. N. Petroleum refinery contaminated soil. 280C NAIMCC-F-00760 Fusarium acutatum CABI-375327. G.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00753 Fennellia flavipes CABI-343703. S. PCA. India. R. 250C. India. HG-1. CABI 1990. Alok K Srivastava. Singh. HG-1. PDA/MEA. Basu 1960. Arora 2005.P. NAIMCC-F-00764 Fusarium bugnicourtii CABI-328394. isolated from soil. India. K. HG-1. Christensen. G. Biological control of water hyacinth NAIMCC-F-00759 Fusariella hughesii CABI-210724. HG-1.75. D. PSA. SNA+FP. 2008. Kodnad India. PCA. TWA+W. Oatmeal Agar.C. India NAIMCC-F-00761 Fusarium avenaceum On Triticum aestivum Seeds. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00770 Fusarium chlamydosporium Woolenw and Reinking MTCC-2099. Mau. 25±200C NAIMCC-F-02478 Fusarium accuminatum GV-1.. 250C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00754 Fennellia flavipes CABI-334935. N. MA-6 . 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00758 Fusariella hughesii CABI-209319. SNA+FP. 2004. Camellia sinensis: stem. Muraliidharan (1). Maharashtra. Petroleum refinery contaminated soil. Alok K Srivastava. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00756 Fungi CABI-366620. 2008. India. Sm. CABI 1986. MTCC-2090. A. PCA.) Sacc. Sm. 270C NAIMCC-F-02370 Fusariella hughesii CABI-209319. India NAIMCC-F-00757 Fusariella concinna CABI-277515. Allahabad. PDA.P. PSA. Muraliidharan 2. Cyperus rotundus. Kanaujia. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00769 Fusarium chlamydosporium Pisidium guajava fruits. Mau. 230C. Tiwari. Parkia sp. CABI 1988. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00771 Fusarium clamydosporum F6. India.CBS 1975. Misra. Rajasthan. K. MA. 230C. Pinus sp. Gazipur. Jalandhar Panjab. Rakesh Kumar. CZ. root. N. 2010 PDA. 2008. 2010 PDA. 25±200C NAIMCC-F-01893 Fusarium fusarioides SF001 Sorghum grain Das I. V. PCA. 280C NAIMCC-F-00762 Fusarium bugnicourtii CABI-301160. Jute Canvas. dead wood. NAIMCC-F-00773 Fusarium culmorum (W. CZ. Tripathi 2005. 230C. MCZ. HG-1. CFSH Lucknow. Dehra Dun India. C. Solanum tuberosum. India. SNA+FP. 25°C 36 NAIMCC-F-00774 Fusarium decemcellulare Rosa indica rotton flower. D. 1977. Maunath Bhanjan. Jabalpur India. Alok K Srivastava. PDA. 25°C. Jabalpur India. PSA. CABI 1981. HG-1. CABI 1986. Soil. ITCC 1575. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02477 Fusarium equiseti GV-21. HG-1. Tamilnadu India. 25°C. NBAIM. R. S. PSA. CABI 1977. P. CABI1989. CABI 1961. C. NAIMCC-F-02106 Fennellomyces linderi UD/95/08. CABI 1983. Potato Sucrose Agar. 25°C. 250C. K. R. Kanaujia. Singh 2005. Lucknow. 24±20C. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) 28 ± 2oC. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02476 Fusarium brachygibbosum GV-20. Achyranthus aspersa. U. SNA. Petroleum refinery contaminated soil.Mouli. HG1. Litter and keratin material. S. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00776 Fusarium equiseti Zea mays seeds. PDA. Sankaram. Maunath Bhanjan. Potato Sucrose Agar. SNA+FP.K. PDA. Shreeram kumar. MO NAIMCC-F-00768 Fusarium chlamydosporium Panicum sp. India. NBAIM. 250C. KFRI-1305. Solanumtuberosum.) Sacc. K. 280C NAIMCC-F-00777 Fusarium graminearum CABI-300505.P. K. CBS 444. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00767 Fusarium chlamydosporium Oryza sativa rhizosphere. Udaipur. CABI 1977. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00775 Fusarium equiseti WF(Cr)99. 25°C NAIMCC-F-00766 Fusarium chlamydosporium CABI-083659. 230C NAIMCC-F-00772 Fusarium culmorum (W. Costus speciosus. soil.. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00763 Fusarium bugnicourtii CABI-328393. CABI 1988. K. S. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00779 Fusarium illudens CABI-256214. P. Jahardhanan. 230C. MTCC-349. B. PSA. R. Mau. PDA. Pali. 250C. K. PDA. Xyleborus fornicatus mycangia. B. Maunath Bhanjan.. PSA. Xyleborus fornicatus mycangia. PCA. SNA+FP. Guntur. PSA. M. Tripathi 2004. Lucknow India. 25±20C. A. NAIMCC-F-00755 Fungi CABI-318130. Kanaujia. 2008. CABI 1991. Andhra Pradesh. Kishore Babu 2005. PDA. S. LY. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00778 Fusarium graminearum Schwabe MTCC-1893. 2010 PDA. gelatine factory effluent. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00765 Fusarium bugnicourtii CABI-339338. U. India. NBAIM. S. A. 2008. HG-1. Misra. K. 2004. PDA. CISH Lucknow. PSA. C. R. Dwivedi. S. Chilli crop.PDA. 2006. 270C NAIMCC-F-00789 Fusarium moniliforme CABI-302210. Andhra Pradesh 2008.. Moratagi Bijapur. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00783 Fusarium longipes CABI-311604. Bengal India. NAIMCC-F-00792 Fusarium moniliforme MK-40. Malakpet. A. PDA.SNA+FP. 250C. A. 270C NAIMCC-F-01879 Fusarium moniliforme SF096 Sorghum. India. Chaudhuri. Hydearabad. W. K. 250C. 2008. Hyderabad. Maunath Bhanjan. 2008. PDA 28 ± 2oC. IMI 1986. CABI 1985. Ranga Reddy District. Trichosanthes dioica.. Andhra Pradesh. Rakesh Kumar 2005. Waste water and sludge from alkali pulp manufcture from rice straw. PDA 28 ± 2oC. Misra. HG-1. HG-1. Rakesh Kumar. NAIMCC-F-01884 Fusarium moniliforme SF017O Sorghum Das I. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00791 Fusarium moniliforme CABI-316823. Singh. 28 ± 2oC. 24±200C NAIMCC-F-00781 Fusarium lateritium Nees MTCC-636. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00797 Fusarium moniliforme leaf litter. PDA. Das I. root of Psidium guajava. R..73. HG-1. 2005. PSA. Tripathi.K Naik. New Delhi. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00790 Fusarium moniliforme CABI-158047. 25 0C. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00786 Fusarium merismoides CABI-297028. 37 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01880 Fusarium moniliforme SF057 Sorghum.. 2008. PDA. Gulbarga. Andhra Pradesh. PSA. PDA. Singh. W. Sorghum vulgare. 2005. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00793 Fusarium moniliforme MK-46. Erragadda. Andhra Pradesh. Guava root. K. 28 ± 2oC.NAIMCC-F-00780 Fusarium lateritium On Mushroom fruiting. Jeratagi Gulbarga. PSA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00794 Fusarium moniliforme Cestrum diurnum. Das I. NAIMCC-F-01886 Fusarium moniliforme SF122 Sorghum DasI. CISH Lucknow. Naik. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00796 Fusarium moniliforme leaf litter. Waste water and sludge from alkali pulp manufacture from rice straw. Das I. CABI 1975. 2008. NAIMCC-F-00788 Fusarium moniliforme F34. Samshabad. A. Shadnagar. Rakesh Kumar Maunath Bhanjan. 250C. K. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00800 Fusarium moniliforme Soil. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00785 Fusarium merismoides CABI-297027. 2006 . NAIMCC-F-00787 Fusarium moliniformae F33.K. Cymbopogon martini. Potato Sucrose Agar. PSA. S. India. Andhra Pradesh.K. 2004. C. Chilli crop. K. Srinagar. 28 ± 2oC. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00801 Fusarium moniliforme Field soil. 2008. CABI 1987. CABI 1986. CABI 1985. PDA. Smanganj Hyderabad. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00798 Fusarium moniliforme Cynnodon dactylon leaves. Singh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00795 Fusarium moniliforme Eleusine corasana. CABI 1971. Husain. 2004.PDA. Chaudhuri. 250C. K. Das I. 25°C. Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. Prasad. 2003. Lucknow. 28 ± 2oC. NAIMCC-F-01885 Fusarium moniliforme SF092 Sorghum Das I. K. A. Guava root.PDA. S. HG-1. NAIMCC-F-01881 Fusarium moniliforme SF004 Sorghum. Chaudhuri. CBS-125. 28 ± 2oC. PDA. Srivastava. SNA+FP. 2008. Bengal India. 2004... W.. PDA. N. R. 24±2oC NAIMCC-F-00799 Fusarium moniliforme Sorghum vulgare seeds. M. Munshi 2002. PDA. 250C. HG-1. ATCC24378. P. PDA. Shadnagar Mahboobnagar. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00802 Fusarium moniliforme Soil. Shadnagar. K. Andhra Pradesh. PDA. K. K. New Delhi. 30±200C NAIMCC-F-00782 Fusarium longipes CABI-196466. PSA. PDA. PDA. Ballia. Muzaffarpur India.K..K. PSA. 2004. PDA. 2008. Waste water and sludge from alkali pulp manufacture from rice straw. Mahboobnagar. Tripathi. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01878 Fusarium moniliforme SF083 Sorghum. Das I. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00784 Fusarium merismoides CABI-297032. PDA. A. MA-5. CABI 1985. A. Guntur. 28 ± 2oC. Bengal India. Jhushi Allahabad. HG-1. IARI New Delhi. Maunath Bhanjan. 250C. NAIMCC-F-01882 Fusarium moniliforme SF050 Sorghum. A. S. seed of Trigonella foenum-graecum. PDA. M.K. Mahboobnagar. 2008. India. Chowdhry and N. Hydearabad. Uttar Pradesh. NAIMCC-F-01892 Fusarium moniliforme SF015 Sorghum Das I. Seed. Guntur.. Hydearabad. 2008. 2008. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Dash. NAIMCC-F-01903 Fusarium moniliforme SF051 Sorghum Das I. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Hyderabad. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02156 Fusarium moniliforme K-4. R. Erragadda. Andhra Pradesh. PDA. 2008. K. 28 ± 2oC. 28 ± 2oC. NAIMCC-F-01901 Fusarium moniliforme SF013 Sorghum Das I. K. NAIMCC-F-01905 Fusarium moniliforme SF123 Sorghum Das I. 2008. NAIMCC-F-01912 Fusarium moniliforme SF003 Sorghum Das I. K. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Erragadda. K Shadnagar. PDA. Shadnagar. 2008. 2008. 28 ± 2oC. K.. 2008.. K. K. 2008. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) 28 ± 2oC.D. NAIMCC-F-01904 Fusarium moniliforme SF078. Samshabad. Manipur.. 28 ± 2oC. Guntur.2008. Andhra Pradesh. K. 2008 Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). NAIMCC-F-01891 Fusarium moniliforme SF014 Sorghum Das I. 28 ± 2oC. NAIMCC-F-01894 Fusarium moniliforme SF00 Sorghum Das I.2008. A. K. Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. Erragadda. K Indore.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01887 Fusarium moniliforme SF039 Sorghum Das I.. NAIMCC-F-01890 Fusarium moniliforme SF085 Sorghum Das I. K.. B. Andhra Pradesh. Hydearabad. K. Guntur. Imphal. 2008. K. Hyderabad. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01898 Fusarium moniliforme SF120 Sorghum Das I. Osmanganj Hyderabad. Pandey. Andhra Pradesh. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). 2008. PDA. 2008. K. K Osmanganj.. Hyderabad. K. 2008. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA).. NAIMCC-F-01909 Fusarium moniliforme SF071 Sorghum Das I. Andhra Pradesh. 28 ± 2oC. 2008. NAIMCC-F-01889 Fusarium moniliforme SF116 Sorghum Das I. Andhra Pradesh. Hydearabad. NAIMCC-F-01906 Fusarium moniliforme SF037 Sorghum Das I. 28 ± 2oC. 28 ± 2oC. NAIMCC-F-01896 Fusarium moniliforme SF087 Sorghum Das I. 25oC NAIMCC-F-01900 Fusarium moniliforme SF108 Sorghum Das I. NAIMCC-F-01902 Fusarium moniliforme SF118 Sorghum Das I. 28 ± 2oC. 28 ± 2oC. 38 NAIMCC-F-01994 Fusarium moniliforme SF-035. Andhra Pradesh. 28 ± 2oC. smanganj. Sorghum Das I. 28 ± 2oC. Shadnagar. 2008. Ranga Reddy District. Guntur. Andhra Pradesh... Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) .. Mahboobnagar. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). B. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). K. NAIMCC-F-01910 Fusarium moniliforme SF009O Sorghum Das I. K. 28 ± 2oC.K.. NAIMCC-F-01911 Fusarium moniliforme SF119 Sorghum Das I. K. 2009. Andhra Pradesh. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). 25OC . Kanpur. Hydearabad. 28 ± 2oC. PDA. A. Andhra Pradesh. Mahboobnagar. Andhra Pradesh. R. 2008. NAIMCC-F-01897 Fusarium moniliforme SF084 Sorghum Das I. 2008. Mahboobnagar. NAIMCC-F-01993 Fusarium moniliforme Phyllosphere of Alnus nepalensis.D. Guntur. NAIMCC-F-01907 Fusarium moniliforme SF002 Sorghum Das I. Guntur. Andhra Pradesh. Erragadda. 28 ± 2oC. Andhra Pradesh. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). I. Andhra Pradesh. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). 2008. Andhra Pradesh. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). 28 ± 2oC. Erragadda. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). 2008.. Shadnagar. 2008. Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. Shadnagar. 2008. Andhra Pradesh. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Osmanganj. Mahboobnagar. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Seed. 28 ± 2oC. Sorghum. K.. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). 2008. PDA. Mahboobnagar. Mahboobnagar. Madhya Pradesh. NAIMCC-F-01888 Fusarium moniliforme SF035 Sorghum Das I. 28 ± 2oC.. R.. K. Mahboobnagar.. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01895 Fusarium moniliforme SF110 Sorghum Das I. Andhra Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. K. Andhra Pradesh. Dash. Das. R. NAIMCC-F-01908 Fusarium moniliforme SF086 Sorghum Das I. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) 28 ± 2oC. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). K Osmanganj.28 ± 2oC. K. Shadnagar.. 2008. 28 ± 2oC. 2008. Guntur. PDA. Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. Allahabad. 28 ± 2oC. 2008.K. 25OC NAIMCC-F-02157 Fusarium moniliforme A-4.. Hyderabad. Shadnagar. 28 ± 2oC. Andhra Pradesh.. NAIMCC-F-01899 Fusarium moniliforme SF010 Sorghum Das I.. 2009. 28 ± 2oC. PDA. B. SNA+FP. 2006. Guava root. 250C. intermedium CABI-312324. India. 2000. Guava root. 2008. B. Banana Plant. 250C. Saccharum officinarum. CISH Lucknow. Chatterjee. 270C NAIMCC-F-00814 Fusarium oxysporum F56. PDA. 2006. Seed. 2006. B. S.NAIMCC-F-02158 Fusarium moniliforme C-4. isolated from Taxus baccata. PDA. 25OC. Rakesh Kumar. K. Muzaffarpur. Palampur. PSA. Misra. India. 270C NAIMCC-F-02000 Fusarium oxysporum F-54. A. HG-1.S. 2008. 270C NAIMCC-F-00822 Fusarium oxysporum cubence FOC-13. India NAIMCC-F-00810 Fusarium oxysporum MK-14. PDA. Lentil. HG-1. Uttar Pradesh. 2008. N. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00812 Fusarium oxysporum WF(Cr)101. Mangifera indica. PDA. Buthanahosur. Nirenberg 1975. Saxena. India NAIMCC-F-00807 Fusarium moniliforme var. Saxena. C. Cuttack. Tripathi. intermedium CABI-358912. 250C. Seed. IMI 1986. PDA. A. CABI 1976. Banana .K. Tomato. Kanpur. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02161 Fusarium moniliforme M-1. 2006. Naik. CABI 1986. Maunath Bhanjan. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01996 Fusarium oxysporum ITCC-4918. AK Misra. 2009. R. Guava root. AP. K. Guava root. HG-1. Bangalore. 25oC NAIMCC-F-01998 Fusarium oxysporum F-30. PDA. Nanjangud rasabale. K. D. PDA. R. Uttar Pradesh. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00813 Fusarium oxysporum F48. M. Kovvur. PDA. Imphal. 2008. K. PDA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00825 Fusarium oxysporum cubense FOC-18.D. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01997 Fusarium oxysporum Phyllosphere of Schima wallichii . Seed. Banana Plant. 2009. 2008. R. subglutinans CABI-202881. PDA. 2004. intermedium CABI-300386. PDA. CABI 1986. R. 2009. Pantnagar India. P Shreeram Kumar. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02439 Fusarium moniliforme CABI-158047. A. 250C. Varanasi. PDA. Chilli crop. K. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00805 Fusarium moniliforme var. 25OC NAIMCC-F-00815 Fusarium oxysporum F84. Dharwad.76. PDA. A. Misra. A. NAIMCC-F-00818 Fusarium oxysporum Chick pea. Mandya. A. Guava root. UAS. seed of Brassica oleracea var.K. A. 2004. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00811 Fusarium oxysporum MK-21. 25-280C 39 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00823 Fusarium oxysporum cubence FOC-23. PDA. PDBC Bangalore. Horticulture plot. Uttar Pradesh. Dash. Lucknow. PDA. R. HG-1. Yelakki. Misra. Ratul Saikia 2003. Saikia. Burdwan. New Delhi. PDA. Misra. Lucknow.K. 2008. PDA. Orissa. NAIMCC-F-00819 Fusarium oxysporum Daucus carota roots. Dash. 1977. root and stem. PDA. Chilli crop.K. botrytis. 2006. B. 270C NAIMCC-F-02159 Fusarium moniliforme K-1. 270C NAIMCC-F-01995 Fusarium oxysporum ITCC-4998. Ganadalu Raichur. PDA. isolated from Oryza sativa. 2000. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00809 Fusarium oxysporum CABI-361213. R. Allahabad. A. Lucknow. A. PDA.D. CISH Lucknow. Misra. Prasad. A. 270C NAIMCC-F-02084 Fusarium oxysporum F-44. Devarasanahalli Mysore. India. Misra. PDA. Trichosanthes dioica. . India NAIMCC-F-00806 Fusarium moniliforme var. A. R. isolated from Nigella sativa. 2005. PDA. A. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00808 Fusarium moniliforme var. Maunath Bhanjan. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00824 Fusarium oxysporum cubense FOC-10. 2009. Sharma. 25OC NAIMCC-F-00817 Fusarium oxysporum Solanum tuberosum rhizosphere. Arora. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00820 Fusarium oxysporum Croton sylvaticus host. 2005. Saccharum officinarum. 250C. PSA. 2006. Dash. PSA. K. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00821 Fusarium oxysporum Carissa carandas.D. Lucknow. PDA. Dash. Pandey. A. Misra. PDA. CISH Lucknow. 2008. Laboratory of Applied Mycology. K. Saxena. Guava root. Tarabanahalli. H. Cyperus rotundus. Guava root. C. intermedium CABI-361565.PDA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00804 Fusarium moniliforme var. 25OC NAIMCC-F-00816 Fusarium oxysporum F164. CISH Lucknow. Manipur. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00803 Fusarium moniliforme var. A. Mau. 2008.K. PSA. CBS-223. BHU. 270C NAIMCC-F-01999 Fusarium oxysporum F-91. Lucknow. A. Saxena. stem.D.K. Banana. Seed. 270C NAIMCC-F-02160 Fusarium moniliforme A-1. 2008. India. Guava root. Manjanath Krishnappa Naik. subglutinans CABI-304063. PDA. 2008. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00847 Fusarium oxysporum f. A. Parbhani Maharashtra. Kukat Karnataka. carthemi 40. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00846 Fusarium oxysporum f. Safflower. Safflower Root. 2010 PDA. 2006. Bangalore. carthemi 142. D. R. Solapur Maharashtra. PDA. 2006. Prasad. PDA. R. R. R. ciceri I-4.PDA. 2010. Godavari. Prasad.PDA. PDA. Kukat Karnataka. S. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00852 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00828 Fusarium oxysporum cubense FOC-47. 2010 PDA. sp. R. sp. 250C NAIMCC-F-00833 Fusarium oxysporum f. R. PDA. Chakkrakeli. Prasad. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00829 Fusarium oxysporum cubense FOC-50. 2006. sp. Indore MP. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00853 Fusarium oxysporum f. Andhra Pradesh. carthami 44. D. ciceri I-23. 2006. Andhra Pradesh. PDA. Race4. New Delhi. Safflower Root. PDA. Prasad. Prasad. Mylaram AP. R. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02222 Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami 8. R. 2005.PDA. R. Om Gupta. Prasad. Saikia. Race1. R. D. R. Prasad. 250C NAIMCC-F-00834 Fusarium oxysporum f. Safflower Root. Prasad. Chickpea. 2006.PDA. Safflower. Andhra Pradesh. 25±20C. sp. Safflower. Indore Chattisgarh. 2006. 2006. PDA. 2010 PDA. Rewa MP. 2010 PDA. Prasad. sp. R. D. 2006. Prasad. Safflower Root. sp. Safflower Root. sp. Chickpea. Indore Chattisgarh. A. ciceri I-31. R. PDA. carthami 14. D. R. carthemi SOP187. Varanasi. R. Safflower Root. Om Gupta. 2006. Indore MP. sp. carthemi MP83. ciceri Chick pea. ciceri I-21. Prasad. Safflower Root. Race1. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02218 Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri I-6. Saxena. sp. Chakkrakeli. sp. ciceri FOC-38. D. carthami 1. Chevella AP. carthami 28. D. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00844 Fusarium oxysporum f. Safflower Root. PDA. . Race2. carthami 46.PDA. A. Prasad. sp. Prasad. 2006.PDA. Safflower. carthami 15. carthemi 11. carthemi 8. Safflower Root. D. sp.PDA. Prasad. 2006.PDA. Safflower. Prasad. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02224 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2006. sp. PDA. PDA. Prasad. 250C NAIMCC-F-00836 Fusarium oxysporum f. D. sp. Prasad. D. R. Prasad. Om Gupta. R. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00827 Fusarium oxysporum cubense FOC-43. Chickpea. 250C NAIMCC-F-00839 Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami 32. 2006. Roval palam East Godavari. 2010. K. C. Banana. Chickpea. 2006. Chickpea. Prasad. sp. sp. Safflower Root. R. 2006. carthami 16. D. sp. 2010. PDA. A. sp. 2006. Saxena. Andhra Pradesh. 2006. sp. DOR AP. carthemi 3. 250C NAIMCC-F-00835 Fusarium oxysporum f. 250C NAIMCC-F-02211 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2006. sp. 2006. D. Safflower Root. Andhra Pradesh. Safflower Root. Om Gupta Narsinghpur.PDA. 2006. Phaltan Maharashtra. sp. Chickpea. 250C NAIMCC-F-00837 Fusarium oxysporum f. D. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00843 Fusarium oxysporum f.PDA. Om Gupta. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00850 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02216 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2006. R. PDA. Phaltan Maharashtra. D. K. Solapur Maharashtra. PDA.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00826 Fusarium oxysporum cubense FOC-35.Safflower Root. Annigiri Karnataka. D. PDA. sp. sp. sp. Safflower Root. sp. D. PDA. MO NAIMCC-F-00845 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. Nulla East. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02219 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2006. Andhra Pradesh. D. Race4. Karnataka. Chattisgarh. sp. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02221 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00855 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. R. PDA. 2010. K. 2006. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00854 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami 5. sp. R.PDA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00851 Fusarium oxysporum f. D.Lalle East Godavari. Prasad. PDA. Om Gupta Narsinghpur. Safflower Root. carthami 12. D. Tandur AP. Root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00842 Fusarium oxysporum f. Andhra Pradesh. 2010. D. carthami 11. ciceri I-20. Prasad 2006. sp. PDA. Chickpea. 24±20C 40 . Prasad. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00848 Fusarium oxysporum f. Prasad. Akola Maharashtra. D. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-02220 Fusarium oxysporum f. R. sp. R. PDA. Chakkrakeli. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00840 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-02217 Fusarium oxysporum f. Indore. Safflower. Saxena. Prasad. Safflower. 2006. D. Safflower. Safflower Root. sp. carthami 19. Rewa MP. Saxena. R. carthami 50. Race3. R. carthemi 21. Andhra Pradesh. carthami 47. 250C NAIMCC-F-00838 Fusarium oxysporum f. Dubey. D. D. Race2. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00841 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2006. carthami 6. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00849 Fusarium oxysporum f. Race3. Jabalpur. Chickpea. Utter Pradesh. ciceri FOC-53. sp. Vishwa Dhar. Gujarat. ciceri FOC-63. sp. C. PDA. 2010. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02878 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vishwa Dhar. K. ciceri FOC-35. Chickpea Root. PDA. Vishwa Dhar. Y. Andhra Pradesh. Chickpea. Nene. ciceri FOC-1. MA-6 41 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Rewa. Vishwa Dhar. Dahod. Chickpea. Chickpea Root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02869 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02215 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. sp. Utter Pradesh. New Delhi. 2010. Madhya Pradesh. S. 250C NAIMCC-F-02210 Fusarium oxysporum f. Tikamgarh. PDA. ciceri FOC-33. Jaipur. Jharhand. Sp. Vishwa Dhar. 250C NAIMCC-F-02867 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2007. Vishwa Dhar. S. PDA. 2010. Chickpea Root. Utter Pradesh. sp. 250C NAIMCC-F-02213 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. PDA. Root. PDA. PDA. Vishwa Dhar. Vishwa Dhar. Dubey. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02880 Fusarium oxysporum f. S. PDA. C. 2010. Banda. sp. New Delhi. Root. ciceri FOC-31. PDA. C. sp. Chickpea Root. Chickpea Root. sp. PDA. ciceri Chick pea. 2010.Chickpea Root. Punjab. sp. PDA. C. Chickpea Root. Gulberga. New Delhi. Dubey. Andhra Pradesh. Vishwa Dhar. sp. Gujarat. sp. Chickpea Root. Indore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02862 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. 2010. 2010. ciceri FOC-10. sp. S. ciceri FOC-79. Narsinghpur. Root. D. 2010. C. Chickpea Root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02871 Fusarium oxysporum f. Raipur. PDA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02202 Fusarium oxysporum f.25±20C NAIMCC-F-02874 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. sp. ciceri FOC-17. sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02870 Fusarium oxysporum f. Chickpea. 250C. Chickpea Root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02881 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02863 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. sp. Jhansi. sp. S. Madhya Pradesh. ciceri FOC-108. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02864 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. New Delhi. ciceri FOC-76. Chickpea Root. Chickpea Root. 250C NAIMCC-F-02212 Fusarium oxysporum f. Arora. ciceri FOC-NRRL-32153 NAIMCC-F-02203 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. Madhya Pradesh. Laboratory of Applied Mycology BHU Varanasi. ciceri FOC-60. sp. 2003. Vishwa Dhar. sp. Porbandar. ciceri FOC-22. Chhattisgarh.NAIMCC-F-00856 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. 250C NAIMCC-F-02207 Fusarium oxysporum f. Dubey. PDA. C. PDA. ciceri FOC-53. Root. Jaunpur. sp. ciceri FOC-90. Chickpea. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02877 Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri FOC-NRRL-32155 NAIMCC-F-02205 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. S. Dubey. Warangal. sp. Dubey. PDA. Dubey. Vishwa Dhar. ciceri FOC-NRRL-32156 NAIMCC-F-02206 Fusarium oxysporum f. Rajasthan. Chickpea. Chickpea Root. ciceri FOC-NRRL-32154 NAIMCC-F-02204 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02865 Fusarium oxysporum f. Dubey. 250C NAIMCC-F-02208 Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri FOC-17. ciceri FOC-7. Dubey. ciceri FOC-98. Vishwa Dhar. PDA. S. Chickpea Root. L. CABI 1981. Hyderabad India. 2010. Vishwa Dhar. 2010. Chickpea Root. Chickpea Root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02873 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. Root. C. NAIMCC-F-02214 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri FOC-98. Karnataka. ciceri FOC-34. 250C. New Delhi. Vishwa Dhar. PDA. Chickpea Root. S. New Delhi. Root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02866 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. HG-1. Maharashtra. sp. Vishwa Dhar. Vishwa Dhar. sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02875 Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri FOC-72. ciceri FOC-88. Amravati. Kanpur dehat. 2010. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02872 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2010. 2010. 250C NAIMCC-F-02876 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. 2010. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02868 Fusarium oxysporum f. Madhya Pradesh. sp. ciceri FOC-49. Vishwa Dhar. Root. New Delhi. ciceris CABI-259237. Plant. Chickpea Root. ciceri FOC-100. PDA. sp. PDA. Chickpea. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02879 Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri FOC-41. Ranchi. Chickpea Root. 2010. ciceri FOC-6. PDA. sp. Chickpea. 2010. sp. 2010. Vishwa Dhar. PDA. Cicer arietinum. Karnataka. sp. sp. PDA. Raichur. 2010. Chickpea Root. sp. Utter Pradesh. Ropar. Vishwa Dhar. Vishwa Dhar. PDA. 2010. PSA. 2010. New Delhi. IARI. ciceri FOC-43. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00857 Fusarium oxysporum f. C. Madhya Pradesh. ciceri FOC-40. PDA. Durgapur. 250C. PSA. HG-1. sp. cucumerium 9. 2810C. 2005.P. Root. 2006. sp. Cucumber Root. Rajasthan. NAIMCC-F-00832 Fusarium oxysporum f. NAIMCC-F-00871 Fusarium oxysporum f. Ghagicbod & U. NAIMCC-F-00869 Fusarium oxysporum f. New Delhi. CABI 1980. Pratibha Sharma. sp. Pratibha Sharma. sp. Cucumber Root. Durgapur. Cucumber Root. 2006.Pratibha Sharma. sp. PDA. 2006. 25±30C NAIMCC-F-00863 Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium 10 Cucumber. cucumerium CRD-3 Cucumber Root. Cucumber Root. sp. (U. cucumerium P. PDA. N Ramachandran.P. PSA. Pratibha Sharma. 2810C NAIMCC-F-02209 Fusarium oxysporum f. Puna Maharashtra.PDA. Cucumber Root Pratibha Sharma. 2006. 2006. Pratibha Sharma. Cucumber. Cucumber Root. sp. sp. Dubey. M. 25±30C NAIMCC-F-00876 Fusarium oxysporum f. Kutpoli. sp. cucumerium CRT-2. CABI 1981. sp.2810C. sp. Pra Cucumber Root. 250C. sp. ciceris CABI-241424. PDA. Hyderabad. 2005. India. 2006. Pratibha Sharma. Pratibha Sharma. 2006. Durgapur. dianthi CKAB011. Cucumber Root. 2005. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00883 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2005. sp. Cucumber Root. cucumerium CRU Cucumber Root . PDA. PDA. sp. 2810C. Alipur. Chickpea.). Cucumber Root..Cucumber Root. Durgapur. Pratibha Sharma. Pratibha Sharma. PDA. cucumerium CRWB-1 Cucumber. 2007. carnation plant. NAIMCC-F-00878 Fusarium oxysporum f. NAIMCC-F-00882 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2810C. Sikar Rajsthan. gladioli GUPG01. sp. Cucumber Root. PDA. sp. sp. cucumerium CSWB-3. Sivar. cucumerium CRD-5. Pratibha Sharma. Pratibha Sharma. Pratibha Sharma.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00858 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. PDA. sp. Pratibha Sharma. sp. gladiolus corm. Pratibha Sharma. carnation plant. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00831 Fusarium oxysporum f.PDA. Hyderabad. 25±30C NAIMCC-F-00862 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. sp. 2810C 42 . 2006. 2006. 2005. 2006. cucumerium CRB-2. PDA. NAIMCC-F-00880 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2005. NAIMCC-F-00884 Fusarium oxysporum f. Durgapur. Tonk II Rajsthan. PDA. PDA. Cicer arietinum. 2005. sp. Durgapur. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00870 Fusarium oxysporum f. IIHR Banglore. 250C NAIMCC-F-00875 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Y.nPratibha Sharma.. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00860 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2005. Cucumber Root Pratibha Sharma. cucumerium CRD-1. PDA. (Tonk Rajasthan) 2005. 2006. cucumerium 7. 2010. cucumerium CRD-6. CRD-1Delhi. NAIMCC-F-00861 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2007. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00866 Fusarium oxysporum f. . 25±30C NAIMCC-F-00865 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Alipur. 2006. N Ramachandran. Delhi. Rajasthan. cucumerium 8. 2810C. cucumerium CSWB1. 2810C. 2005. 2006. Delhi. 2810C. 2006. 1979. cucumerium CSD-2. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00881 Fusarium oxysporum f.). 2810C. PDA. sp. NAIMCC-F-00830 Fusarium oxysporum f. Pratibha Sharma. 2006. Pratibha Sharma. Cucumber Root. cucumerium CRK-2. dianthi CMHP01. 2006. Cucumber Root. Cicer arietinum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00873 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2006. sp. Durgapur. P. Pratibha Sharma. PDA. PDA. PDA. ciceris FOC-24. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00874 Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium CRA. Pratibha Sharma. 2810C. L. Root. sp. ciceris CABI-259236. 2810C. cucumerium CSWB-3. NAIMCC-F-00877 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. 2810C. Vjhs (U. Delhi. Delhi . Pratibha Sharma Ujha UP. Cucumber Root. PDA. PDA. Banas Rajsthan. cucumerium 6. sp. S. Cucumber Root.2810C NAIMCC-F-00867 Fusarium oxysporum f. Pratibha Sharma. UP.P. N Ramachandran. PDA. PDA. PDA. PDA. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00868 Fusarium oxysporum f. India. sp. cucumerium CSWB-1. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00859 Fusarium oxysporum f.PDA. Cucumber Root. 2005. sp. Nene. PDA. Haware. 2810C. Durgapur. HG-1. Pratibha Sharma. NAIMCC-F-00879 Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium CSWB-4. 25±30C NAIMCC-F-00864 Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium CSWB-2. NAIMCC-F-00872 Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium CRS. Pratibha Sharma. C. cucumerium CSWB-2 Cucumber Root. K. Tomato. lycopersici HY-F-1. sp. Tomato. 2006. Japur (Raj. Kamrup. lycopersici AS-F-3. Tamilnadu. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00890 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. 2006. K. Raipur. lycopersici JP-F-1. sp. lycopersici AS-F-4. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. lycopersici BI-F-1. sp. K.2810C NAIMCC-F-00911 Fusarium oxysporum f.2810C NAIMCC-F-00912 Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici VA-F-14. West Bengal. Patiala. Guwahati. lycopersici BH-F-2. PDA. PDA. Varanasi. Haderabad. PDA. PDA. sp. Tamato. M. Varanasi. 2005. K. 2005. Tomato root. lycopersici Fus-Va-5. K. 2005. K. lycopersici VA-F-26. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00892 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. K. Assam. Raipur. sp. Varanasi. Coimbatore.10C NAIMCC-F-00896 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02784 Fusarium oxysporum f. Varanasi. sp. lycopersici Fus-Va-4. Korauta Bazar. PDA. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00891 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. PDA. Pandey. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. Tomato. Loganathan. Tomato. K. K. Pandey. Pandey. PDA. K. K. Tomato.. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00906 Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici DU-F-1. K. Tomato. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00910 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2005. K. 2006. Jabolpur. Tomato. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00889 Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici VA-F-18. Bengol. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02782 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2009.NAIMCC-F-00885 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. Chattisgarh. Tomato.K. Tomato. Coimbatore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02783 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00902 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. K. K. IIVR. lycopersici NA-F-2. Durg. 280C NAIMCC-F-00903 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00907 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. lycopersici RO-F-1. Tomato. lycopersici RAF-1. sp. sp. 2009. PDA. 2006. K.). K. PDA. K. Pandey. Kamrup. 2005. sp. K. Miraban. K. lycopersici Fus-Va-1. PDA. K. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00899 Fusarium oxysporum f. Chattisgarh. Pandey. K. 2006. Pandey. Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh 2005. Tomato. Pandey. sp. K. lycopersici CO-F-3. K. Pandey. sp. PDA. lycopersici VA-F-2. 25±20C 43 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 2810C NAIMCC-F-02780 Fusarium oxysporum f. Assam. sp. lycopersici ASF-5 Tomato. K. Tomato. K.P. K. PDA. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00894 Fusarium oxysporum f. Tomato. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00905 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. K. 2006. K. PDA. Pandey. Agartala. 2006. Tomato root. sp. sp. lycopersici VA-F-28. lycopersici JO-F-2. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02781 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2005. sp. sp. lycopersici PA-F-1. Pandey. 2006. Pandey. Pandey. Utter Pradesh. sp. PDA.PDA. Assam. sp. 2005. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00895 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. Loganathan. 2005. Varanasi. 2004. lycopersici TP-F-4 Tomato. lycopersici RA-F-2. Chattisgarh. Pandey. K. K. Tomato. Pandey. K. Pandey. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00900 Fusarium oxysporum f. Pandey. Tomato root. Tomato. Assam. 2006. Utter Pradesh. Pandey. Utter Pradesh. Utter Pradesh. lycopersici Tomato. Ttripura. K. PDA. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00908 Fusarium oxysporum f. Pandey. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00898 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00888 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. 2006. PDA. Tomato root. 2005. lycopersici Fus-Va-2. Varanasi. PDA. K. Pandey. Varanasi. M. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00909 Fusarium oxysporum f.). Uttar Pradesh. PDA. sp. lycopersici JAF-1 Tomato. PDA. 2005. Varanasi. 2006. sp. lycopersici Fus-Va-3. K. K. K. West. PDA. PDA. K. sp. 2006. K. Pandey. sp. Patiyala. sp. sp. 2009. sp. Badhainikala. Loganathan. Pandey. lycopersici AG-F-2. K. K. Panjab. lycopersici GU-F-1. 2009. K. Pandey. Uttar Pradesh. Chattisgarh. K. K. Utter Pradesh. Tomato. Varanasi. 2009. Tomato. sp. Gorakhpur (U. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00897 Fusarium oxysporum f. Pandey. Bilaspur. Pandey. 2006. Pandey. PDA. Varanasi. Naria. 2005. PDA. PDA. K. Assam. M. PDA. K. 2005. Bhuboneshwar. Andra Pradesh. M. 28. Tomato. PDA. PDA. Tamilnadu. lycopersici AM-F-1. K. K. Tomato. sp. PDA. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00887 Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici VA-F-6. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00901 Fusarium oxysporum f. Chattisgarh. Tomato. 2005. lycopersici Co-F-1. Tomato root. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00913 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. K. PDA. Siifilli. 2005. K. Loganathan. Pandey. Punjab. Pandey.P. 280C NAIMCC-F-00904 Fusarium oxysporum f. IIVR. Orissa. lycopersici GO-F-1. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00914 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. Chattisgarh. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00893 Fusarium oxysporum f. K.Tomato. Raipur. K. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00886 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. K. Pandey. Tomato. Pandey. Tomato. Pandey. Uttar Pradesh. 2005. Loganathan. lycopersici ASF-7 Tomato. 2009. sp. Tomato root. 25±20C 44 NAIMCC-F-02799 Fusarium oxysporum f. meloni MRT-1. Loganathan. Coimbatore. lycopersici Fus-Co-1. PDA. 2009. Punjab. Pratibha Sharma. meloni Cucumber 4. Haryana. 2006. lycopersici Fus-Co-2. Mindipatti. sp. Varanasi. PDA. 2005. Tomato root. Pratibha Sharma Tonk Rajsthan. PDA. lycopersici FWT-6. sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02790 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02807 Fusarium oxysporum f. Loganathan. Loganathan. lycopersici FWT-3.2005. Tomato root. lycopersici Fus-Va-6. Haryana. Kanpur. 2009. Tomato root. sp. Tomato root. sp. sp. lycopersici Fus-Va-7. Tomato root. Tomato root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02796 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. Tamil Nadu. lycopersici FWT-7. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00921 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2009. Utter Pradesh. 2009. 2005. PDA. sp. Jammu and Kashmir. Rajsthan. Loganathan. PDA. PDA. meloni MRD. M. 2810C . Loganathan. Loganathan.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02785 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. meloni Cucumber 1. lycopersici Fus-Ba-1. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02805 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02798 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02802 Fusarium oxysporum f. Jammu and Kashmir. PDA. PDA. sp. lycopersici Fus-Mi-3. U. Tomato root. PDA. Majhawa Taras. M. 2009. Utter Pradesh. meloni MRB-1. Banood. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02801 Fusarium oxysporum f. Loganathan. PDA. sp. M. Patiala. sp. Patiala. Tomato root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02793 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. meloni MRK. M. sp. sp. Haryana. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02787 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. Delhi. M. lycopersici Fus-Va-8. lycopersici Fus-Bh-1. PDA. Tomato root. 2006. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02786 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Haryana. PDA. 2009. Punjab. Loganathan. meloni MRG. lycopersici Fus-Mi-2. Tomato root. 2009. Root. Jammu and Kashmir. 2006.P. PDA. Mirzapur. lycopersici Fus-Mi-1. sp. Loganathan. Coimbatore. Basaratpur. Tomato root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02788 Fusarium oxysporum f. Loganathan. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02795 Fusarium oxysporum f. Orrisa. sp. Loganathan. PDA. M. Tamil Nadu. Mirzapur. PDA. PDA. lycopersici FWT-2. lycopersici FWT-8. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00922 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. PDA. lycopersici FWT-4. Rajshthan. PDA. Punjab. Varanasi. Coimbatore. 2009. Tamil Nadu. Tomato root. M. lycopersici FWT-5. Tonk. Shikhad. Loganathan. PDA. Utter Pradesh. Tomato root. Loganathan. sp. 2009. sp. 2009. PDA. Loganathan. 2009. Tomato root. Kot putli. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00916 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2005. Pratibha Sharma. Tomato root. sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02806 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. Utter Pradesh. M. Tomato root. Loganathan. Loganathan. sp. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00920 Fusarium oxysporum f. Cucumber Pratibha Sharma. 2009. Cucumber Pratibha Sharma. M. lycopersici Fus-Ag-1. sp. Haryana. Loganathan. Utter Pradesh. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02803 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02800 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Mishrapur. M.25±20C NAIMCC-F-02789 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2009. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02791 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00917 Fusarium oxysporum f. Jammu and Kashmir. Loganathan. 2005. M. Tomato root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02792 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. 2009. lycopersici FWT-9. M. sp. PDA. Gurgaon. Ramrajpur. sp. Tomato root. Loganathan. Rejasthan. Bhuvaneshwar. Tomato root. Alamgeer. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02797 Fusarium oxysporum f. Cucumber Root. 2009. PDA. Cucumber Pratibha Sharma. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00915 Fusarium oxysporum f. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02804 Fusarium oxysporum f. Utter Pradesh. sp. Pratibha Sharma Gurgaon Haryana. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00919 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. 25±30C NAIMCC-F-00918 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. 2009. sp. Tomato root. Utter Pradesh. Loganathan. Ishwarpatti. 2009. sp. lycopersici Fus-Co-3. 2009. sp. M. M. 2009. Cucumber Pratibha Sharma. M. lycopersici Fus-Va-10. Bagpat. Loganathan. lycopersici Fus-Va-9. M. Tomato root. Loganathan. Loganathan. meloni Cucumber 2. sp. 2009. sp. M. lycopersici FWT-1. M. 2009. Mirzapur. Varanasi. Tomato root. Root. Varanasi. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02794 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2009. Root. Utter Pradesh. M. PDA. sp. Varanasi. carthami MS-152. PDA. M. 2008. carthami MS-25. M. PDA. MPKV Maharastra. Rangnath. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00937 Fusarium oxysporum f. Cicer arietinum. MPKV Maharastra. stem & root of sufflower. 2007.sp.sp.MPKV Maharastra. N. MPKV Maharastra.D. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00941 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. 2007. 2007.D. Rangnath. Rangnath. carthami MP-64. M. Rangnath. carthami MS-448. MPKV Maharastra. M.D.sp. Garlic bulb(stored). Rangnath. R.sp. stem & root of sufflower. Rangnath. M.D. PDA.D. carthami MS-281. carthami MP-27. MPKV Maharastra. MPKV Maharastra.sp. Rangnath. Rangnath. sp. PDA. PDA. MPKV Maharastra. carthami MS-732. Rangnath. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00930 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2007.sp. MPKV Maharastra. 2007.sp. carthami MS-193.D. M.sp. PDA. Rangnath. MPKV Maharastra. M. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00936 Fusarium oxysporum f. MPKV Maharastra. Rangnath. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00938 Fusarium oxysporum f. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00935 Fusarium oxysporum f. stem & root of sufflower. carthami MS-520. 2007. PDA. Rangnath.D. Stem & root of sufflower. carthami MS-473. stem & root of sufflower. Rangnath. M. stem & root of sufflower. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02002 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. PDA. Rangnath. 28+20C NAIMCC-F-00928 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. MPKV Maharastra. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02003 Fusarium oxysporum f. Prasad. carthami MS-656. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00943 Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami MS-303. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-00948 Fusarium oxysporum f. MPKV Maharastra. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00927 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. PDA. stem & root of sufflower. Prasad. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00946 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA.P. 2007. Stem& root of Safflower . MPKV Maharastra. M. sp.D. MPKV Maharastra. stem & root of sufflower. stem & root of sufflower. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00929 Fusarium oxysporum f. Rangnath.sp. Rangnath.sp. PDA.D. Udaipur. MPKV Maharastra. 21+1oC 45 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MD Rangnath.D. Rangnath. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00939 Fusarium oxysporum f. Rangnath. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00933 Fusarium oxysporum f.NAIMCC-F-00923 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. carthami MS-626. MPKV Maharastra.sp. 1942. cepae NRCOG-FO-1. MPKV Maharastra. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-00924 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2007. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00934 Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami MS-47. ciceri ITCC-2791. carthami MP-03. stem & root of sufflower. Rangnath. 2007. 2007. Potato Sucrose Agar. N. 2007. Rangnath. stem & root of sufflower. carthami MP-75. M. Udaipur. stem & root of sufflower. Rangnath. 2007. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00944 Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. 2007. PDA. M. 2008.D.sp.sp. carthami MS-281. stem & root of sufflower. stem & root of sufflower. Singh. M. Cicer arietinum.D. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00947 Fusarium oxysporum f. M.D. 2007. D.D. Rangnath. PDA. 2007. stem & root of sufflower.sp. carthami MS-752.sp. M. M. stem & root of sufflower.sp.sp. 1942.sp. stem & root of sufflower. 2007. stem & root of sufflower. 28+20C NAIMCC-F-00931 Fusarium oxysporum f. M.D. 2007. MPKV Maharastra. sp. NRCOG Pune. carthami MS-473. M. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00940 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. PDA. 2007. Rangnath. 2007. carthami MP-101. MPKV Maharastra.D. Rangnath. MPKV Maharastra. stem & root of sufflower.sp. M. stem & root of sufflower. M. PDA. PDA.D.sp. PDA. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00925 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA.D. carthami MS-27. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00932 Fusarium oxysporum f. M. ciceri ITCC-549. M. PDA. 2007.D. carthami MS-258.sp. Bamori. sp.D. stem & root of sufflower. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02001 Fusarium oxysporum f. MPKV Maharastra. MPKV Maharastra. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00926 Fusarium oxysporum f.D. PDA. MPKV Maharastra. stem & root of sufflower. carthami MP-23. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00945 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. PDA. carthami MP-75. 2007. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-00942 Fusarium oxysporum f. stem & root of sufflower.D. pisi (van Hall) Snyder and Hansen MTCC-2480. 2007.sp.D. 2007.sp. carthami MS-645. stem & root of sufflower.sp. sp. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00951 Fusarium oxysporum f. PDA. Cyperus rotundus.IARI New Delhi. Puna. PDA. P. Dattamajumder. Navsari. Lucknow. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Dattamajumder.D. Pune. 2007 NAIMCC-F-00973 Fusarium sacchari COC 671 (5B) Sugercane. PDA. Root. Mahajan. Motipur. Osmanganj. Hyderabad.ricini FOR-50. C. Testing for mould resistance NAIMCC-F-02004 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. Pennisetum typhoideum. isolated from Saccharum officinarum. College of Agriculture. NAIMCC-F-00969 Fusarium sacchari Sugercane S. 250C. S. PDA. LY. S. PDA. Shreeram kumar. Mahajan. Bihar.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00949 Fusarium oxysporum f. vesinfectum Isolate-5. Ramanujam. NAIMCC-F-01883 Fusarium palhidoroseum SF070 Sorghum Das I. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00956 Fusarium pallidoroseum WF(Cr)92. Jalandnar. Dattamajumder. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00959 Fusarium pallidoroseum WF(Cr)97. P Sharma . C. Motipur. stem. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00960 Fusarium pallidoroseum PDBC-Fp-2. Punjab. 2008. Madhya Pradesh. Potato Sucrose Agar. 2008. isolated from Rauwolfia serpentina. P. P. 28 ± 2oC. Indore.PDA. Grubs of Cnaphalocrosis medinalis. 2008. K. PDA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00963 Fusarium pallidoroseum (Cooke) Sacc. NAIMCC-F-00968 Fusarium sacchari CO 7717 Sugercane (29). 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00970 Fusarium sacchari CO 422 B.meloni Cucumber root. NAIMCC-F-00965 Fusarium sacchari CABI-375344. sp. NAIMCC-F-00954 Fusarium pallidoroseum CABI-378606. PDA. NAIMCC-F-00971 Fusarium sacchari COSE 2231 Sugercane. 2007 NAIMCC-F-00974 Fusarium sacchari CO 92121 . S. P. Navsari. Dattamajumder. larva. Sugercane K. Shreeram kumar. K. 28 ± 2oC. sp. Pondi Cherry. Bihar. K. Shreeram kumar. 2005.D. Mahajan. 2008. Potato Sucrose Agar.sp. 2008. isolated from Anopheles stephensi. Cyperus rotundus. 2008. HG-1. PDA. Chilli crop. Jalandnar. vesinfectum Isolate-2.D. P. PDA. 28 ± 2oC. Kerimnagar India. Dattamajumder. S. R. SNA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-00977 Fusarium solani CABI-358911. 2008. 250C NAIMCC-F-00961 Fusarium pallidoroseum Curcuma domestica rhizomes.sp. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00950 Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00964 Fusarium proliferatum (mats. . India 46 . Punjab. Mahajan. 2005. NAIMCC-F-00966 Fusarium sacchari COP 3181 (Y) Sugercane. PDA.. Motipur. Bihar. A. 30±20C. College of Agriculture. M. 28 ± 2oC. Tripathi New Delhi. PDA. vesinfectum Isolate-6. PDA. Dattamajumder. 2006. Dattamajumder. Puna. PDA. 2007. Cyperus rotundus. Tripathi New Delhi. 2005 . vesinfectum Isolate-4. M. Puna. Andhra Pradesh. 2008. K. Puna. P. Punjab . K. Dattamajumder. R. College of Agriculture. S. 25-280C. Grisham. 2007. 2007 NAIMCC-F-01913 Fusarium oxysposum SF018 Sorghum Das I. 2004. S. 2007 NAIMCC-F-02007 Fusarium oxysporum f.IARI New Delhi. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-00976 Fusarium solani CABI-293970. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00962 Fusarium pallidoroseum Coccinia grandis leaves. 2006. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00957 Fusarium pallidoroseum WF(Cr)93 Cyperus rotundus. PDA. Andhrapradesh. vesinfectum Isolate-1. India NAIMCC-F-00955 Fusarium pallidoroseum MK-49. Lucknow. S. Raoof Nalgonda. MTCC-2083. K. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00952 Fusarium oxysporum f. 2007 NAIMCC-F-02006 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. CABI 1985.D. castor. P. SDYA. P Sharma .cucumarium Cucumber root. Punjab 2008. Bihar.K. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00958 Fusarium pallidoroseum WF(Cr)95. 2004. B. PDA. 2008. P.) Nirenberg MTCC-286. 2008. S. 2008. P. College of Agriculture. India NAIMCC-F-02005 Fusarium oxysporum f. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-00953 Fusarium oxysporum f. K. NAIMCC-F-00967 Fusarium sacchari BO 150 Sugercane. Naik. 28 ± 2oC. Ambikapur Uttar Pradesh.IARI New Delhi. P Sharma . Dattamajumder. Bihar. PDA.. sp.D. College of Agriculture. PSA. 2007 NAIMCC-F-00972 Fusarium sacchari CO 422 Sugercane. 2007 NAIMCC-F-00975 Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel MTCC-2085. Sngorcone S. Shreeram kumar. Sp. Karai Kal. Jalandnar.meloni Cucumber root.sp. Jalandnar. K. Mahajan. PDA.K. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01012 Fusarium solani Solanum melongena fruits. M. 2004. 2006. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00992 Fusarium solani MK-18. Chilli crop. M. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00987 Fusarium solani MK-12. 2006. M. Chilli crop. Manadurga Gulbarga. Bicchali Camp Raichur. PDA. Sindhanur Raichur. NRCOG Pune. 2006. Naik. Naik. Gogi kona Gulbarga. PDA. 2006.PDA.PDA. Chilli crop. PDA. M. 2003. 2006. Chilli crop. Chilli crop. K. Cucumber root. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00988 Fusarium solani MK-13. Rakesh Kumar.NAIMCC-F-00978 Fusarium solani MK-1. Singh. 2006. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01011 Fusarium solani Brassica compestris var toria fruits. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00998 Fusarium solani MK-28. PDA. 2006.PDA. Allahabad2004. K. Naik. Tad Tegnur Gulbarga. 2006. M. Naik. PDA. M. Chilli crop. R. Naik. Chilli crop. Chilli crop. Plot Gulbarga. Delhi. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-00991 Fusarium solani MK-17. Chilli crop. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00982 Fusarium solani MK-5. K. N. Duddhi Sonebhadra. Chilli crop. Chilli crop.PDA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01001 Fusarium solani MK-35. 2006. K. 2810C NAIMCC-F-00990 Fusarium solani MK-16. Haranigere Gulbarga. Chilli crop. K. PDA. PDA. M. M. 2006. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00979 Fusarium solani MK-2. K. PDA. K. U. K. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01000 Fusarium solani MK-34. K. K. K. 2008. K. Naik. 2006. M. 2006. K. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01003 Fusarium solani MK-37. 2006. PDA. Rakesh Kumar. Naik. K. PDA. 2006. UAS Botany garden Dharwad. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01008 Fusarium solani NRCOG-FS-1.PDA. 2006. K. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00999 Fusarium solani MK-31.PDA. Chilli crop. K. Naik. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00995 Fusarium solani MK-24. Onion rhizosphere. Shahpur Gulbarga. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00986 Fusarium solani MK-11.PDA. 2006. 2004. Naik. M. Madarki2 Gulbarga. M. Naik. Naik. Naik. Yethinagudda Dharwad. M. 2006. PDA. M. Chilli crop.K. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00996 Fusarium solani MK-25. Mandevala Gulbarga. Chilli crop. PDA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01013 Fusarium solani Capsicum annuum roots.A. 2006. M. Chilli crop. PDA. M. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00994 Fusarium solani MK-22. Mudaboola Gulbarga.PDA. Naik. PDA. Adigellu Gulbarga. Singh. B'gudi UAS expt. PDA. Chowdhry New Delhi. IIHR Bangalore. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01005 Fusarium solani MK-45.PDA. PDA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01007 Fusarium solani CRD. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00981 Fusarium solani MK-4. Gillesugur Raichur. Hulkal Gulbarga. M. M. Naik. K. K. K. 2006. Naik. Naik. Naik. Naik. 2006. PDA. M. Chilli crop. Narendra Dharwad. Chilli crop. 24±20C 47 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Chilli crop. A. 2006. Naik. Chilli crop.Naik. Chilli crop. M. Chilli crop. Chilli crop. 2006. 2006. K. PDA. . 2006. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01009 Fusarium solani Solanum tuberosum Rhizosphere. K. New Delhi. Naik. Naik. PDA. K. PDA. Chilli crop. M.K. K. Maddi thanda Gulbarga.PDA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-00993 Fusarium solani MK-19. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00980 Fusarium solani MK-3. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00984 Fusarium solani MK-7. K. Naik. M. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00997 Fusarium solani MK-27. K. Naik. Naik. Chilli crop. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01010 Fusarium solani Solanum tuberosum tubers. K. Mukesh Yadav Bhopal. M. 2006. M. 2006.S Entomology plot Dharwad. 2006. Chilli crop. 2005. Chilli crop. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01006 Fusarium solani MK-48. M. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01004 Fusarium solani MK-38. Naik. Naik.P. M. 2006. Pratibha Sharma. Airapur Raichur. 2006. PDA. Madraki1 Gulbarga. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01002 Fusarium solani MK-36. Belur-2 Gulbarga. PDA. Hanamapur Raichur.Naik. Meenajagi Gulbarga. Chilli crop. Rabbanahalli Gulbarga. Adoni Andhra Pradesh. M. 2006. Naik. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00989 Fusarium solani MK-15.PDA. M. M. M. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00983 Fusarium solani MK-6. Gunjalli Raichur. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-00985 Fusarium solani MK-9. K. Chilli crop. PDA. Melakunda Gulbarga. P. PDA. Guava plant. Lucknow. PDA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02082 Fusarium solani F-119. Guava root. Gazipur. M. PDA. 2009. M. Loganathan. 2009. K. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02014 Fusarium solani F-113. PDA. Mishra. Tripathi New Delhi.270C NAIMCC-F-02815 Fusarium solani FWC-8. PDA. Tripathi. PDA. PDA. 270C NAIMCC-F-02819 Fusarium solani FWC-12. 2005. Lucknow. 2005. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02010 Fusarium solani F-82. 2008. Guava root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02013 Fusarium solani F-77. D. A. K. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01022 Fusarium solani AKMF-7. Utter Pradesh. Utter Pradesh. Utter Pradesh. A. Loganathan. Maunath Bhanjan. 2010. Utter Pradesh. 2008. Loganathan. K. CISH Lucknow. PDA. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02008 Fusarium solani F-4. M. Misra. Chilli root. A. Arora Solan HP. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02011 Fusarium solani F-111. K. Guava root. Guava root. Utter Pradesh. K. M. A. Mishra CISH Lucknow. Maunath Bhanjan. 2009. Guava plant. K. 2009. Misra. Chilli root. Mishra 2005. Loganathan. Chilli root. Loganathan. PDA. Guava root. Tripathi. 25±20C 48 . Chilli root. Lucknow. Utter Pradesh. D. Chilli root. Chilli root. Varanasi. Misra. Guava root. A. 2009. Misra. Plant. Guava plant. C. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02016 Fusarium solani F-3. PDA . Guava root. N. 2008. PDA. A. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02086 Fusarium solani F-7. Utter Pradesh. PDA NAIMCC-F-02183 Fusarium solani MCPLR-2. 2008. Chilli root. Lucknow. PDA NAIMCC-F-02808 Fusarium solani FWC-1. Lucknow. K. 270C NAIMCC-F-02818 Fusarium solani FWC-11. PDA. Loganathan. 2005. PDA. 270C NAIMCC-F-01017 Fusarium solani Solanum melongena L. 270C NAIMCC-F-01016 Fusarium solani Mushroom fruit body. 2008. Utter Pradesh. PDA. Chilli root. 2009. Lucknow. Chilli root. Guava root. PDA. A. 2005. Guava plant. K. Misra. 2009. PDA. A. R. PDA. Utter Pradesh. 2004. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02009 Fusarium solani F-28. 270C NAIMCC-F-01019 Fusarium solani AKM-F3. PDA NAIMCC-F-02809 Fusarium solani FWC-2. Guava root. Loganathan. A. 2004. CISH Lucknow. Misra. 270C NAIMCC-F-01015 Fusarium solani Brassica campestris var. 2008. Loganathan.K. Guava root. K. Loganathan. M. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02812 Fusarium solani FWC-5. 270C NAIMCC-F-02817 Fusarium solani FWC-10.K. 2008. Kharwar. Uttar Pradesh. M. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01021 Fusarium solani AKMF-5. 2008.K. Misra. PDA. K. R. A. C. PDA. Lucknow. Mishra CISH Lucknow. Loganathan. Chilli root. A.K. A. C. R.K. 250C NAIMCC-F-01020 Fusarium solani AKM-F4. 2005. A. R. 2008. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02015 Fusarium solani F-118. 2008.K. Guava root. Utter Pradesh. PDA. A. 270C NAIMCC-F-02814 Fusarium solani FWC-7. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02083 Fusarium solani F-106. 2009. 2009. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02811 Fusarium solani FWC-4.PDA. fruit. 2005. M. A. PDA. Mishra. K.K. PDA NAIMCC-F-02810 Fusarium solani FWC-3. 2009. 2008. Guava root. Guava root. Mishra. Loganathan. Lucknow. 2008. Guava root. Utter Pradesh. 270C NAIMCC-F-02813 Fusarium solani FWC-6. Utter Pradesh. A. Lucknow. PDA. M. PDA. PDA. Lucknow. PDA. PDA. PDA. 2008. Misra. Misra. 270C NAIMCC-F-01018 Fusarium solani Citrus reticulata fruits.K. A. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02081 Fusarium solani F-121. toria fruits. Misra. M. 270C NAIMCC-F-02816 Fusarium solani FWC-9. Loganathan. PDA. Chilli root. A. 2009. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02085 Fusarium solani F-21. K.PDA. Lucknow. Arora. Chilli root. 2008. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02012 Fusarium solani F-97.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01014 Fusarium solani Spinacea oleracea leaves. Misra. PDA. Misra. M. 2009. Lucknow. Haryana. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02829 Fusarium solani FWC-22. Potato Sucrose Agar. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02831 Fusarium solani FWC-24. Chilli root. M. Chilli root. Punjab. PDA. Chilli root. PDA. 2009. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02840 Fusarium solani FWC-33. Jammu and Kashmir. M. Loganathan. M. Loganathan. 2009. M. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02841 Fusarium solani FWC-34. M. 250C NAIMCC-F-01036 Fusarium tumidum Sherb MTCC-2462. Loganathan. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02824 Fusarium solani FWC-17. Haryana. Haryana. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02823 Fusarium solani FWC-16. Loganathan. 2009. Chilli root. PDA. Chilli root. M. 25±20C. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01033 Fusarium spp. Sugarcane stalk tissue. Loganathan. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02838 Fusarium solani FWC-31. Rasappa Viswanathan Kattak. 2009. 2009. 2009. M. PDA. 2009. PDA. Potato Sucrose Agar. NAIMCC-F-01031 Fusarium sp. M. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02822 Fusarium solani FWC-15. Punjab. Haryana. 2009. Loganathan. MRB. Chilli root. PDA. PDA. MTCC-2082. 2009. Jammu and Kashmir. MTCC-2935. Loganathan. MTCC-1756. Loganathan. NAIMCC-F-01034 Fusarium stilboides CABI-294142. M. M. Sugarcane stalk tissue. PDA. Loganathan. Chilli root. Potato. 25-280C. 2009. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01032 Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb. Chilli root. Chilli root. PDA. Fs 006 GU6. 2005. Gujrat.PDA. Jammu and Kashmir. Citrus medica var. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01026 Fusarium solani (Martius) Sacc. M. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01027 Fusarium solani (Martius) Sacc. M. PDA. Loganathan. PDA. Rasappa Viswanathan Hoshiyarpur. Imphal India. PDA. Sucrose Agar. Loganathan. 2009. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02830 Fusarium solani FWC-23. Chilli root. MTCC-350. Chilli root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02827 Fusarium solani FWC-20. Punjab. 2009. 25±20C Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-01025 Fusarium solani (Martius) Sacc. M. 250C. 2006. 2009. 2005. Chilli root. M. Potato. Shows antagonism but itself pathogenic NAIMCC-F-02826 Fusarium solani FWC-19. Loganathan. MTCC-2671. PDA. Fs 085 OR1. Orissa . LY. Loganathan. Sucrose Agar. Pratibha Sharma. Potato. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02839 Fusarium solani FWC-32. Loganathan. 2009. Haryana. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02828 Fusarium solani FWC-21. M. Potato Sucrose Agar.NAIMCC-F-02820 Fusarium solani FWC-13. PDA. Chilli root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02832 Fusarium solani FWC-25. Punjab. 30±20C NAIMCC-F-01028 Fusarium solani (Martius) Sacc. Bangalore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02821 Fusarium solani FWC-14. acida. Punjab. Production of cellulase NAIMCC-F-01029 Fusarium sp. Punjab. Fs 003 PU1. Loganathan. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01035 Fusarium tricinctum (Corda) Sacc. Loganathan. PDA. PDA. Chilli root. Chilli root. PDA. MTCC-3004. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01024 Fusarium solani (Martius) Sacc. Potato. Sucrose Agar. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01023 Fusarium solani (Martius) Sacc. CABI 1985. PDA. Chilli root. Loganathan. 25±20C. Loganathan. 2005. MTCC-2081. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02825 Fusarium solani FWC-18. Sucrose Agar. Punjab. Chilli root. Haryana. 2009. 2009. Sugarcane stalk tissue. Punjab. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02834 Fusarium solani FWC-27. PSA.PDA. PDA. Chilli root. Type strain. Potato. Punjab . 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02837 Fusarium solani FWC-30. 2009. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01030 Fusarium sp. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02833 Fusarium solani FWC-26. PDA. 2009.Cucumber root. Sucrose Agar. Haryana. PDA. Potato. Loganathan. Loganathan. MTCC-2080. Rasappa Viswanathan Navsari. Haryana. Chilli root. Sucrose Agar. 2810C. 2009. M. Loganathan. 25±20C. Chilli root. M. Chilli root. Chilli root. Black light recommended for sporulation 49 . M. Haryana. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02835 Fusarium solani FWC-28. Loganathan. 2009. PDA. 2009. Punjab. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02836 Fusarium solani FWC-29. Jammu and Kashmir. 2009. HG-1. Pigeonpea plant. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01057 Fusarium udum 56. 300C NAIMCC-F-01061 Fusarium udum 106. Husain. M. 2006. 2006. 2006.PDA. Saifulla Sirunuru Gulbarga.Pigeonpea plant. 25±20C. 300C NAIMCC-F-01070 Fusarium udum 39. M. 2006. Hyderabad 2007 India. Saifulla Magihalli Titpur Tumkur. Cajanus indicus. PDA. PDA. M. Saifulla Konkanahalli Sedam Gulbarga. 300C NAIMCC-F-01047 Fusarium udum 14. 300C NAIMCC-F-01060 Fusarium udum 77. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01058 Fusarium udum 57.Pigeonpea plant. 2006.Pigeonpea plant. PDA. PDA. 300C . M. 2006. PDA.Pigeonpea plant. PDA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01071 Fusarium udum 40. 2006. India.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Humnabad Humnabad Bidar. 300C NAIMCC-F-01065 Fusarium udum 10. CABI 1975. M. Saifulla Keralli Vikarabad Rangareddy. 300C NAIMCC-F-01062 Fusarium udum 1.Pigeonpea plant. PDA. 25 0C. Saifulla Kavur Chilakalurpet Guntur. Saifulla Mannabad Afzalpur Gulbarga. 300C NAIMCC-F-01068 Fusarium udum 37. M.Pigeonpea plant.Pigeonpea plant. 2006.Pigeonpea plant. 300C NAIMCC-F-01048 Fusarium udum 15. Saifulla Athanur Afzalpur Gulbarga. PDA. Saifulla Hadalagi Aland Gulbarga. PDA. 250C. 300C NAIMCC-F-01054 Fusarium udum 35. M. 2006. Saifulla Reddygondamanapalli Veira Khammam. 300C NAIMCC-F-01051 Fusarium udum 24. M. CABI 1980. 300C NAIMCC-F-01045 Fusarium udum 10. 2006. 2006.Pigeonpea plant. M. PDA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01042 Fusarium udum 3. Saifulla Bendukur Khammam. 2006. M.Pigeonpea plant. 2006.Pigeonpea plant. 2006. HG-1. Saifulla Khalya-3 Magadi Bangalore rural.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Venkatapura Chincholli Gulbarga. 300C NAIMCC-F-01072 Fusarium udum 4. M. Haware 1979. PDA. PDA. HG-1. Saifulla Auradh Gulbarga. 300C NAIMCC-F-01064 Fusarium udum 9. M. M.Pigeonpea plant. 2006. 300C NAIMCC-F-01066 Fusarium udum 14. 300C 50 NAIMCC-F-01059 Fusarium udum 74. M. Saifulla Thonasahalli Jevargi Gulbarga. PSA. M. 300C NAIMCC-F-01038 Fusarium udum CABI-170431. Saifulla Vebbaran Veira Khammam. PDA. Saifulla Kudureshwaram Kodangal Rangareddy. Cicer arietinum. 2006.PDA. M. PDA.Pigeonpea plant. M. Saifulla Shahabad cross Jevargi Gulbarga.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Umeshwaram Kodangal Rangareddy. 2006. 300C NAIMCC-F-01039 Fusarium udum CABI-193652.Pigeonpea plant. PDA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01041 Fusarium udum 2. M. 2006.Pigeonpea plant.Pigeonpea plant. PSA. Saifulla Daggupadu Inkallu Guntur. Saifulla Dhannampalya Magadi Bangalore rural. M. PDA. Potato Sucrose Agar. 2006. PDA. Saifulla Jidaga Aland Gulbarga.Pigeonpea plant.Pigeonpea plant. 2006. A. Hyderabad 2007 India. 300C NAIMCC-F-01069 Fusarium udum 38. M. 2006. PDA. PDA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01067 Fusarium udum 17. PDA. 2006.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Hallapur Aland Gulbarga. CABI 1973. PDA. M.Pigeonpea plant. M. PDA. 25 0 C. 300C NAIMCC-F-01053 Fusarium udum 31. PDA. 2006. PDA. M. L. Nene. PDA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01044 Fusarium udum 9. PDA. 2006. M.Pigeonpea plant. PDA. Saifulla Varagal Chittapur Gulbarga. Saifulla Rudrapada Narasaropet Guntur. M. 300C NAIMCC-F-01040 Fusarium udum CABI-241426. PDA. MTCC-2384.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Khazuri Aland Gulbarga. M. Saifulla Thiruchi Thiruchi. 2006. 300C NAIMCC-F-01063 Fusarium udum 3. M. Crotalaria verrucosa. PSA. M. M.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01037 Fusarium tumidum Sherb. Saifulla Sengal Jevargi Gulbarga. Saifulla Nagireddypalli Kodangal Rangareddy. M. 2006. PDA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01050 Fusarium udum 23.Pigeonpea plant. 2006. 300C NAIMCC-F-01043 Fusarium udum 5.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Neelahalli Sedam Gulbarga. P.Pigeonpea plant. 300C NAIMCC-F-01049 Fusarium udum 4. 2006. 300C NAIMCC-F-01046 Fusarium udum 12. M.Pigeonpea plant. Saifulla Chandakapur Basavakalyani Bidar. 2006. 2006. 2006. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01056 Fusarium udum 46. 300C NAIMCC-F-01052 Fusarium udum 26. SaifullaChaudapur Afzalpur Gulbarga. 2006. HG-1. M. M. Y.Pigeonpea plant. Black light recommended for sporulation NAIMCC-F-01055 Fusarium udum 36. PDA.Pigeonpea plant. Upadhyay Dholi Bihar. M. Saifulla Kudahalli Chincholli Gulbarga. NAIMCC-F-01084 Fusarium udum 64. NAIMCC-F-01087 Fusarium udum Pigeon pea . 2006. Patna . 2006. 2006. Saifulla Thiruvarankulam Alangudi Pudukotti.plant stem . Karnataka. 25-280C. Rajasthan . PDA. NAIMCC-F-01106 Fusarium udum FU-57.Pigeonpea root. P. PDA. 51 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . PDA. PDA. Pigeon pea root. 2006. Fatehpur. Saifulla Chodenahalli Nagamangala Mandya. M. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01082 Fusarium udum 62. Kamu NAIMCC-F-01079 Fusarium udum 59. Pigeon pla M. PDA. PDA. 2006. J. Form. PDA. PDA. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01097 Fusarium udum Fu-37. 2810C NAIMCC-F-01088 Fusarium udum 65 Pigeon pea. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01080 Fusarium udum 60. P. Saifulla Holenarasipura Holenarasipura Hassan. 2005. NAIMCC-F-01101 Fusarium udum FU-21. J. 2006. M.M. 2006. Pigeon pea Stem. P. M. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01085 Fusarium udum 71. M. Bihar. 2006. NAIMCC-F-01105 Fusarium udum Pigeonpea root. Saifulla Chitravathi Chikkaballapur Kolar. PDA. M. 25-280C. P. 25-280C. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01078 Fusarium udum 54. 2006. 25-280C.2810C. PDA. Saifulla Vidurashwattha Gouribidanur Kolar. M. Banka. P. Pigeon pea. PDA. Upadhyay Dholi Bihar. PDA. 2006. PDA. Saifulla Kottapalli Gouribidanur Kolar. M. Pigeon pla.PDA. 2810C. PDA. Bangalore . 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01092 Fusarium udum Pigeon pea plant stem.Pigeonpea root. 2006. M. Pigeon pla M. NAIMCC-F-01103 Fusarium udum FU-29. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01081 Fusarium udum 61. GKVK. Upadhyay. M.Pigeonpea plant. 2810C. Bihar. Upadhyay. NAIMCC-F-01089 Fusarium udum 86 Pigeon pea. PDA. Saifulla Koradampalli Chincholli Gulbarga. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01076 Fusarium udum 51. Saifulla Nagaragere-1 Gouribidanur Kolar. plant stem.Pigeonpea root. 2006. 300C NAIMCC-F-01091 Fusarium udum Pigeon pea.Pigeonpea plant. P. P. PDA.PDA. 2006. Lautan.PDA. Dalsingh Sarai. 2006. Jnalwar. PDA. Parimal Sinha. 25280C NAIMCC-F-01090 Fusarium udum Pigeon pea . PDA. PDA. Pigeon pea Stem. Pigeon pea. 25-280C. PDA. patna. 2810C NAIMCC-F-01102 Fusarium udum FU-24. 2005. PDA. Pigeon pea. J. Upadhyay. 2006. 2006. M. 2006. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01077 Fusarium udum 52. Saifulla Gandhigahalli Channarayapattana Hassan. M. Karnataka . 25280C NAIMCC-F-01093 Fusarium udum Pigeon pea plant stem.NAIMCC-F-01073 Fusarium udum 5. 25280C NAIMCC-F-01075 Fusarium udum 48. Upadhyay. Pigeon pea. NAIMCC-F-01104 Fusarium udum FU-43.PDA. Saifulla Warangal. J. Saifulla Kanchanahalli Channarayapattana Hassan. J. Pigeon pla . M. NAIMCC-F-01095 Fusarium udum Fu-5. 2006. Pigeon pea. Pigeon pea root. 25-280C. 2006.Pigeonpea root. Pigeon pea. Saifulla Mahagar cross Gulbarga. Upadhyay. Bihar. stem M. 2006. 2006. 2005. Saifulla Nagaragere-2 Gouribidanur Kolar. J. PDA. plant stem. Saifulla Hulasagooda Chincholli Gulbarga. Pusa. J. Upadhyay. Karnataka . Karnataka NAIMCC-F-01083 Fusarium udum 63. 2005. M. 2810C NAIMCC-F-01100 Fusarium udum FU-1. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01086 Fusarium udum 64. Saifulla Hosur Channarayapattana Hassan . 25280C NAIMCC-F-01074 Fusarium udum 17. J. Samastipur. 25280C NAIMCC-F-01094 Fusarium udum Pigeon pea plant stem. 25-280C. Saifulla Metalakuntapalli Kodangal Rangareddy. Saifulla Koravi Chincholli Gulbarga. PDA. 2005. 2810C. Upadhyay. Pigeon pla M. 2810C. Patna. Andhra Pradash . M. PDA.Pigeonpea root. Saifulla Venkatapur Bagepalli Kolar. PDA. 2810C NAIMCC-F-01099 Fusarium udum P-3. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01096 Fusarium udum Fu-12. Saifulla Kandali Channarayapattana Hassan. 2005. M. P. Upadhyay Dholi Bihar . J. P. 2005. 2006. 2005.Pigeonpea root. P. PDA. Muzaffarpur 2005. 2006. 25-280C. J. 25-280C NAIMCC-F-01098 Fusarium udum RF 3. PDA. Bangalore 2006. M. PDA. Pigeon pea root. Ajimchak.2006. Saifulla Sadenahalli Bangalore rural. plant stem . Saifulla Udayapur Channarayapattana Hassan. PDA. Parimal Sinha. Katari. Pigeon pea. M. Kopergaon. PDA. Jharkhand. Saifulla. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01124 Fusarium udum FU-91. PDA. 2007. Pigeon Pea. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-02024 Fusarium udum HF-7. PDA. 26+1oC NAIMCC-F-01123 Fusarium udum FU-89. Saifulla. C. PDA. Varanasi. Haryana. Sinha Primal. PDA. Anand Nagar Maharashtra. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01119 Fusarium udum MSFU-15. Pigeonpea. 2010. Saifulla. JP Upadhayay. Parbhani. PDA. Pigeonpea stem basal part. Rohtak. Pigeon pea. M. Pigeon pea Stem. Kichvala. Pigeonpea. 2006. M. Pigeonpea. Sinha Primal. 2007. 2006. M. 2006.Pigeon pea. 2010. Rajasthan. Sinha Primal. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01117 Fusarium udum MSFU-1. Bijapur Karnataka. 2004. Faridabad. plant stem. JP Upadhayay. Pigeon pea . Sinha Primal. PDA. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02843 Fusarium udum NF16. Jharkhand . 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01121 Fusarium udum FU-83. PDA. Haryana. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01122 Fusarium udum FU-88. Pigeon pea. Jharkhand . Pigeonpea stem basal part. Rai chur Karnataka. UAS Bangalore. Pigeon pea . Tandawa. Vishwa Dhar. Haryana. Pigeon Pea. PDA. M. Garhwa. JP Upadhayay. PDA. Pigeonpea. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02022 Fusarium udum HF-5. PDA. 2006. 2006. M. PDA. Pigeonpea. Saifulla M. Kichvala. Saifulla.PDA. 2006. Pigeonpea.Beed District . Bhiwani. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02018 Fusarium udum RF-6. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01111 Fusarium udum KFU-148. Pigeonpea. Pigeon pea Stem. Saifulla. Dolpur. Vishwa Dhar. plant stem. Saifulla. 2006. 2006. plant stem. Maharashtra.P. 2006. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01116 Fusarium udum MSFU-4. PDA. Haryana. Saifulla. Sinha Primal. Haryana. IIPR Kanpur. PDA. Hatua. Maharashtra. Pigeonpea. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-02025 Fusarium udum HF-9. Utter Pradesh. PDA. Kichvala. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01110 Fusarium udum KFU-126. Karnatka. 2006. M. Dauulatabad. J. Garhwa. Jharkhand. 2006. 2006. PDA. M. 2006. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02020 Fusarium udum H-1. 26+1oC NAIMCC-F-02028 Fusarium udum HF-23. Primal. Saifulla. Mysore Karnataka. Garhwa. PDA. 2006. Pigeon pea. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02021 Fusarium udum HF-3.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01107 Fusarium udum APFU-67. M. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02017 Fusarium udum Pigeonpea stem. Akola Maharashtra . Hisar. Sonipat. plant stem. Saifulla. Maharashtra. plant Stem. PDA. Kurnool Andhra Pradesh. Pigeonpea. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01114 Fusarium udum MSFU-13. 2006. M. 2006. PDA. Sangbaria. plant stem. PDA. Sonipat. Bhiwani. Sangbaria. 2006. Sinha Primal. Utter Pradesh. 2006. 2006. Pigeonpea stem basal part. Lakhia. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01115 Fusarium udum MSFU-3. 2006. Pigeonpea stem basal part. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02019 Fusarium udum RF-11. Jhagger. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01113 Fusarium udum APFU-66. PDA. R. Maharashtra. Murshidabad . 2006. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01108 Fusarium udum TNFU-6. Saifulla. plant stem. Sinha Primal. PDA. PDA. Garhwa. PDA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01118 Fusarium udum MSFU-11. Upadhayay.PDA. Sinha. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02842 Fusarium udum F3. JP Upadhayay. Haryana. PDA. 2007. Pigeon Pea. Nadu. plant stem. 2007. PDA. Pigeon Pea. 2006. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01120 Fusarium udum MSFU-12. 2006. 2006. Tamil. 26+1oC NAIMCC-F-01125 Fusarium udum FU-93. Pigeon pea..P. PDA. Haryana. M. Sonipat. Sinha Primal. plant Stem. Saifulla. Sinha Primal. Sinha Primal. 26+1oC NAIMCC-F-01126 Fusarium udum On Chick pea rhizosphere. Haryana.PDA. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-02023 Fusarium udum HF-6. 2006. Sinha Primal. Pune. Dolpur. M. Pigeon pea. plant Stem M. Pigeon pea plant stem. Saifulla. Mahaboob Nagar A. Rajasthan. Pigeonpea. 26+1oC 52 NAIMCC-F-02029 Fusarium udum HF-25.plant stem. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01109 Fusarium udum APFU-73. Pigeonpea. Coimbatora. Tripathi Varanasi. plant Stem. plant Stem. Gulbarga. 2006. PDA. Pigeon pea. 2007. PDA. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01112 Fusarium udum KFU-159. 25±20C . Pigeonpea. Saifulla. 2006. Pigeon pea. Haryana. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-02026 Fusarium udum HF-10. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-02027 Fusarium udum HF-16. Saifulla M. PDA. Rohtak. Pigeonpea stem basal part. Haryana. PDA. Maharashtra . Gunasekaran Coimabatore. Pigeon pea Stem. Vishwa Dhar. Pigeon pea Stem. CISH Lucknow. Arecanut Fruiting body. Vishwa Dhar. Bihar. Pigeon pea Stem. PDA.PDA. Utter Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. A. Misra. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01129 Fusariun solani F4.K.K. Gulberga. Vishwa Dhar. 2010. 2010. PDA. PDA. PSA. Gunasekaran Kamroop Assam. Butler MTCC-2755. Vishwa Dhar. 270C NAIMCC-F-01131 Fusariun solani F59. Pototo root. Haryana. CISH Lucknow. Pigeon pea Stem. 270C NAIMCC-F-01133 Fusariun solani F78. Vishwa Dhar. Arecanut Fruiting body. 2006. 2010. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02852 Fusarium udum H1. CISH Lucknow.K. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01136 Ganoderma lucidum G11. HG-1.K. Jabalpur. CISH Lucknow. CISH Lucknow. Vishwa Dhar. 2010. PDA. K. Potato root. Gunasekaran Paadi Kasaragod. Mathur. Chomu India. Pigeon pea Stem. Badnapur. 230C. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02860 Fusarium udum MSF4. Aloka. Karnataka. Arecanut root. PDA. 2008. Pigeon pea Stem. Lyer and M. 1976. West Bengal. A. PDA. 2010. R. Faridkot. Arecanut Fruiting body. 2008.25±20C NAIMCC-F-02854 Fusarium udum ICRISAT-1. 270C NAIMCC-F-01130 Fusariun solani F28. Pigeon pea Stem.K. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01141 Ganoderma lucidum G31. Ranchi. Madhya Pradesh. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02850 Fusarium udum Fu37.K. 2006.NAIMCC-F-02844 Fusarium udum NF72. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01139 Ganoderma lucidum G19. Vishwa Dhar. Vishwa Dhar. Pigeon pea Stem. Pigeon pea Stem. Potato Sucrose Agar. PDA. Misra. Vishwa Dhar. A. Karnataka. A. Latur. Maharashtra. 2008. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02849 Fusarium udum Fu12. India. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02847 Fusarium udum NF133. Arecanut Fruiting body. PDA. 2006. L. 250C. Pigeon pea Stem. Misra. R. Hyderabad. Pigeon pea Stem. PDA. Jharkhand. 2008. Lyer and M. 2006. Madhya Pradesh. Guntur. 2010. Vishwa Dhar. 2010. Punjab. Y. Vishwa Dhar. 2010. PDA. Utter Pradesh. Pigeon pea Stem. 2010. Pigeon pea Stem. Aligarh. Misra. 2010. Misra. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02857 Fusarium udum KA8. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02845 Fusarium udum NF81. Andhra Pradesh. Cajanus indicus. 2008. CABI 1986. PDA. PDA.PDA. Lyer and M. 270C NAIMCC-F-01132 Fusariun solani F65. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01128 Fusarium ventricosum CABI-298444. Misra. 2006. 2010. Hissar. 270C NAIMCC-F-02438 Fusrium udum CABI-205517. Maharashtra. Vishwa Dhar. PSA. Vishwa Dhar. PDA. PDA. Vishwa Dhar. PDA. 2008. A. Bahraich. PDA. PDA. PDA. Hibiscus esculentus. CISH Lucknow. PDA. 2710C 53 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 2710C NAIMCC-F-01142 Ganoderma lucidum G32. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02858 Fusarium udum KA14. Pigeon pea Stem. Maharashtra. 2006. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02848 Fusarium udum NF132. PDA. Hyderabad. 2006. NAIMCC-F-01135 Ganoderma lucidium (Leysser) Karsten MTCC-1039. R. Lyer and M. 2010. PDA. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02856 Fusarium udum AP7. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02853 Fusarium udum P3. R. Tamil Nadu. PDA. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01140 Ganoderma lucidum G30. PDA. PDA. 2010. Gunasekaran Hirehalli Tumkur. Lyer and M. Allahabad. Vishwa Dhar. Lyer and M. Pigeon pea Stem. PDA. Arecanut root. Pigeon pea Stem. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02851 Fusarium udum Fu61. Gunasekaran Kayyur Kasaragod. R. 2010. 2010. PDA. Arecanut Fruiting body. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01127 Fusarium udum E. Potato root. Krishnagiri. Pototo root. 2010. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01138 Ganoderma lucidum G18. A. Sagar. Vishwa Dhar. Pigeon pea Stem. R. Potato root. Berhampur. Gunasekaran Kamroop Assam. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02846 Fusarium udum NF117. 270C NAIMCC-F-01134 Fusariun solani F120.25±20C NAIMCC-F-02855 Fusarium udum AP5. Banglore. Lyer and M. Potato root. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02859 Fusarium udum Akola1. Vishwa Dhar. Vishwa Dhar. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01137 Ganoderma lucidum G14. PDA. Utter Pradesh. 2010. PDA. Malt Extract Agar. PDA. Mujaffarpur. Pigeon pea Stem. 2010. R. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-02861 Fusarium udum MSF14. Nene. Jammu and Kashmir. polluted water. Bengal. Shankhapal.Soil. K. Venkata Ram. PDA. Arecanut Fruiting body. HG-1. CABI 1976. CABI 1986. K. PDA. CZ. PDA. isolated from Pyrus malus. PDA.A. V. Prasad. Soil around rhizosphere of tea plant. Ficus carica. CABI 1967. Chatel. Lyer and M. PDA. Almore. HG-1. Naini Tal & Bhim Tal lakes. 230C. India NAIMCC-F-01152 Geotrichum candidum CABI-190582. 2710C NAIMCC-F-02442 Gilbertella persicaria CABI-207368. K. NAIMCC-F-01171 Gliomastix musicola CABI-078646. Rai 1967.MA. Shankhapal Nagpur India. PDA. 230C. CABI-316347. Shankhapal Nagpur India. IMI 1992. India. Arecanut Fruiting body. HG-1. India. HG-1. Jodhpur. 230C. 250C NAIMCC-F-01149 Gelasinospora indica CABI-120719. R. 23°C HG-1. Uma Pandey. HG-1.K. MA. Manipur. R. V. 1975. 230C NAIMCC-F-02030 Gliocladium penicillioides Phyllosphere of Schima wallichii. HG-1. HG-1. 2009. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01166 Gliocladium sp. S. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. 2006. J. 2710C NAIMCC-F-02104 Ganoderma lucidum CAW-17. India. Fruit body of mushroom. India. K. Durg India. India. India. K. CABI 1959. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01154 Geotrichum candidum CABI-190584. K. 230C. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. MA. 2006. Soil. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. 23°C. 25oC NAIMCC-F-01164 Gliocladium roseum CABI-068997. PDA. 230C. PDA. 230C. RDA. Singh. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01158 Gilbertella persicaria CABI-273341. Kang. M. K. Arecanut Fruiting body. Rai India. HG-1. PCA. MA-6 . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01147 Ganoderma lucidum G37. 1976. PDA. CABI 1986. 1975. NAIMCC-F-01146 Ganoderma lucidum G36. S. ladhak. C. Himalaya. OA. Imphal Manipur India. PCA. PCA. Stored fruit of Citrus reticulata. V. N. Shankhapal. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01144 Ganoderma lucidum G34. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01168 Gliocladium virens CABI-342970. Phylloplane. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01167 Gliocladium virens CABI-299583. Soil. RDA. MA-6 54 NAIMCC-F-01162 Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium CABI-199804. Stem base. Leh. 230C. 230C. PCA. Chaudhuri. Lucknow India. Acasia. Pandey. S. 2006. Lyer and M. R. YMAgar. India. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02147 Geomyces sp. HG-1. OA. MA. Nanaya. CABI 1983. 1966. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01169 Gliocladium virens CABI-304061. CABI 1979. Arecanut Fruiting body. IMI 1987. isolated from Rivea hypocrateriformis. 230C. R. D. S. PDA/MEA. 1975. 230C NAIMCC-F-01156 Gilbertella persicaria CABI-207368. N. Rajasthan. PCA. R. Durgapal. Lyer and M. S. 250C. RDA. 230C. R. S. 2006. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01161 Glioc1adium virens CABI-295989. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01163 Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium CABI-141880. 1975. Fruit of Psidium guajava. Imphal. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01160 Gilmaniella humicola CABI-129794. Arecanut Fruiting body. PDA. PCA. PDA. PDA. HG1. Pantnagar India. HG-1. K. Bhiar. N. A. 1985. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01145 Ganoderma lucidum G35.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01143 Ganoderma lucidum G33. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01153 Geotrichum candidum CABI-190583. MA. V. OA. 230C. Arecanut Fruiting body. Uma Pandey. 230C. CABI 1990. Dung of buffalo. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01170 Gliomastix CABI-354106. India NAIMCC-F-01151 Geosmithia lavandula CABI-141053. S. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01159 Gilbertella persicaria CABI-280841. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01157 Gilbertella persicaria CABI-234001. HG-1. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01155 Geotrichum candidum CABI-190585. India. Psidium guajava. RDA. PCA. PDA. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02380 Geotrichum candidum CABI-190585. Waste from alkali pulp manufacture from rice straw. 2006. MA. Bhardwaj. C. Shankhapal Nagpur India. India. 220C. OA. M. Soil. Soil. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. isolated from air. Soil. India NAIMCC-F-02337 Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium CABI-199804. HG-1. Lyer and M. Lyer and M. S. W. MA. MA. PCA. Srivastava. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01165 Gliocladium sp. Das Gupta. PCA. R. V. 230C. A. V. 230C. 2008. Arachis hypogaea. HG-1. PDA. 230C. CABI 1983. CABI 1957. 2006. R. Gunasekaran Coimabatore. MA. Pathak. PCA. Soil. India. 1975. 2008. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01148 Ganoderma lucidum G38. 23°C. HG-1. 40C NAIMCC-F-01150 Georgefischeria riveae CABI-105386. Lyer and M.MA. 230C. HG-1. CABI-316583. J. Solan Himachal Pradesh India. India. Mangifera indica. CMA. Babu Jan 1992. Excoecaria agallocha. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02266 Gliomastix Novae-zelandiae CABI-168027. S. K. MA. rotted fruit. Compositae. OA. CABI 1992. 230C. MA. Ipomoea pes-caprae. PCA.K. HG-1. S. Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan India. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01193 Glomerella cingulata CABI-352156. M. Cocos nucifera: leaf spot. MA. 250C. Acacia planifrons: shoot tip. MA. 250C. CMA. S. R. HG-1. Udaipur Rajasthan India. Sorghum. OA. OA. leaf 55 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . OA. OA. NAIMCC-F-01176 Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers. OA. IMI 1992. OA. G. Raipur India. Calcutta India. Allahabad India. HG-1. Godara 1991. MA. PCA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01194 Glomerella cingulata CABI-353942. Mysore Karnataka India.K. HG1. India NAIMCC-F-01200 Glomerella cingulata CABI-359778. Jan 92. 230C. IMI 1992.K. CABI 1990. OA. M. PCA. Aligarh India. Bera. isolated from Prunus armeniaca. Rawla 1971. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01190 Glomerella cingulata CABI-351902. Andaman & Nicobar Island India. PCA. MA. PCA. C. PCA. HG-1. A. 230C. M. Bera. 1972. India. CABI 1991. CABI 1961.S. 230C. CABI 1991. Shrotri. India NAIMCC-F-01183 Glomerella cingulata CABI-343608. Derris scandens. PCA. Andaman & Nicobar Island India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01181 Glomerella cingulata CABI-343604. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01199 Glomerella cingulata CABI-357665. CABI 1990. India.Babu. Andaman & Nicobar Island India. MA. Shrotri. 230C. 230C. India. Camellia sinensis. CABI 1972. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01177 Gloeosporium theae-sinensis CABI-084792. Cassia siamea. Eupatorium: leaf spot.. leaf spot on living leaf. Bombax malabaricum: leaf spot. W. CABI 1990. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01195 Glomerella cingulata CABI-144061. CABI 1992. New Delhi India. C.C.Babu. S. S. MA. Excoecaria agallocha. 230C NAIMCC-F-01187 Glomerella cingulata CABI-344281. Calcutta India. 230C. HG1. PCA. MA. OA. leaf spot on living leaf. MA. TWA+W. Saccharum officinarum. isolated from Parthenium hysterophorus. 230C. PCA. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01198 Glomerella cingulata CABI-357143. 23°C. TWA+W. Morus alba: leaf spot on living leaf. MA. CABI 1990. 1972. MA.D. PCA. Ceriops sp. OA. isolated from Eichhornia crassipes.Babu. Philip Feb92. MA. PCA. CABI 1961. CABI 1990.NAIMCC-F-01172 Gliomastix novae-zelandiae CABI-168021. Compositae. Calcutta India. Aligarh India. CABI 1992. leaf. HG-1. OA. HG-1. CABI 1972. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02411 Gliomastix Novae-Zelandiae CABI-168021. Shrotri. PCA. T. HG-1. Patel. HG-1. Jan 92. Aligarh. CABI 1992. India NAIMCC-F-01197 Glomerella cingulata CABI-357075. Fruit of Psidium guajava. S. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01188 Glomerella cingulata CABI-345261. Bhargava. isolated from Acanthus ilicifolius. Mathur. isolated from Avicennia. 230C. Meerut India. Singh. PDA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01192 Glomerella cingulata CABI-352154. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01182 Glomerella cingulata CABI-343605. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01186 Glomerella cingulata CABI-344280. Coimbatore. Udaipur Rajasthan India. India NAIMCC-F-01196 Glomerella cingulata CABI-348460. S. HG-1. PCA. Compositae. PCA. PCA. Calcutta India. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01191 Glomerella cingulata CABI-351996. India. CABI 1991. India NAIMCC-F-01184 Glomerella cingulata CABI-343609. PCA. CABI 1972. Aligarh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01173 Gliomastix novae-zelandiae CABI-168027. Saccharum muja. Kumar 21 SEP 91. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01189 Glomerella cingulata CABI-351481. Citrus sinensis: Fruit. C. PCA. Sirumugai. 230C. Bera. PCA. HG-1.I. 230C. OA. Eupatorium: leaf spot.) Murrill MTCC-355. CABI 1974. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01178 Glomerella CABI-351900. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01175 Gloeocercospora sorghi CABI-1806789g. Calcutta India. Fruit of Psidium guajava. CABI 1990. isolated from Carica papaya. 25°C NAIMCC-F-01179 Glomerella cingulata CABI-343600. HG-1. PCA. Jan 92. M. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01180 Glomerella cingulata CABI-084384. Compositae. S. Andarman & Nicobar Islands. Shrotri. H. 230C NAIMCC-F-01174 Gloeocercospora sorghi CABI-165194 Sorghum vulgare. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01185 Glomerella cingulata CABI-343610.K. PCA. Tamilnadu India. OA. C. F. Seed of Amaranthus. QM-8527. Reddy. 230C NAIMCC-F-01218 Gymnascella dankaliensis CABI-118522. India NAIMCC-F-01216 Guignardia heveae CABI-155981. isolated from Hevea brasiliensis. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02420 Greeneria uvicola CABI-214095. Dung of mouse. PCA. Surendran Poona India. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01222 Gymnascella nodulosa CABI-168760. 23 0 C. I. CABI 1991. India NAIMCC-F-01217 Gymnascella citrina CABI-187321. 230C. NRRL-2882. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01209 Gongroncella butleri CABI-183292. isolated from Achras zapota. 230C. Thirumalachar 1964. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01224 Gymnoascoideus petalosporus CABI-187322. HG-1. CBS-369. Ghosh G. S. PDA. PCA. 23°C < BL NAIMCC-F-01214 Graphium putredinis CABI-321128. Upadhyay. PCA. Orr. G. NRRL-2881. M. IMI 1992. PCA 230C. F. Reddy. PDA. HG-1.MCZ. 230C NAIMCC-F-01212 Graphium penicillioides CABI-161795. 1974. Cuttack Orissa India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01210 Gonytrichum macrocladum CABI-060230. CABI 1974. CABI 1972.65. PDA. RDA. CABI 1988. India NAIMCC-F-02110 Griffola frondosa Wood. HACC 198. G. CABI 1972.P. PDA. R. MA. G. Soil. HG-1. Calcutta India. R. 230C. K. OA. MA. CBS577. Soil. Verma. Soil.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01201 Glomerella cingulata CABI-359878. dung. MA. soil. CABI 1974. HG-1. Sagar market Sagar M. ATCC-28562. G. HACC 162. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01226 Gymnoascus alatosporus CABI-169642. CBS-457. PCA. PDA. Phyllanthus acidus. CBS-294. IHEM 3416. J. Dehradun India. RDA. NAIMCC-F-01202 Glomerella cingulata CABI. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01211 Gonytrichum macrocladum CABI-278340. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01203 Glomerella cingulata CABI-383016. Poona India. N. 250C. CABI 1974. Anantapur Andhra Pradesh India. India. HG-1. F. Orissa India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01223 Gymnascella nodulosa CABI-168761. Rao. Rhizosphere of Vigna sinensis. Natarajan. Thomos. R. PCA. India. 56 NAIMCC-F-01227 Hansfordia pulvinata CABI-144302a. Orissa India. J. India. RDA. Vitis vinifera. Orr. isolated from Hevea brasiliensis. HG-1. India. 230C. CMA. HG1. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01207 Glomerrela cingulata CABI-352911. MA. B. G. OA. India. K. PCA.66.. Cocos nucifera. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01204 Glomerella cingulata CABI-383017. Dung of Guinea pig. HG-1. HG-1. India. clinicalsource. CABI 1977. 230C. 230C. R. Carica papaya. PCA. India NAIMCC-F-01228 Hansfordia pulvinata CABI-144303. Uttarakhand. Forest soil. Vikarabad India. PCA. OA. CABI 1972. Vitis vinifera. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01208 Gonatobotryum apiculatum CABI-343483. Jabalpur India. ATCC-15318. RDA. 2009. PCA. India. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01206 Glomerrela cingulata CABI-352870. R. leaf. leaf spot. F. 1977. Orr. 230C. 230C NAIMCC-F-02302 Gymnascella nodulosa CABI-168760. PCA. OA. Orr. Shilong. H. India. G. Abutilon indicum. K. Clinical source. Eugenia caryophylla. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02393 Gonytrichum macrocladum CABI-278340. OA. CABI 1987. R. Orissa. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01213 Graphium penicillioides CABI-322197. ATCC-16653. HG-1. Thirumalachar 1957. Aves: feather. CABI 1972. J. HG-1.72. Dung of Guinea pig. Soil. G. G. RDA. 1992. HG-1. 230C.362328. M. Krishnapuram India. Calcutta. Jabalpur India. CABI 1966. 230C. Poona India. leaf. Bakshi 1955. Orr. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01225 Gymnoascoideus petalosporus CABI-321124. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01215 Greeneria uvicola CABI-214095. 230C. 1966. Cavia porcellus.73. Saline soil. H. isolated from Zizyphus jujuba. 230C. R. India . HG-1. . CABI 1988. PCA. RDA. PDA MCZ MGT 23°C DL NAIMCC-F-01221 Gymnascella marginispora CABI-318824. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01219 Gymnascella dankaliensis CABI-119450. India NAIMCC-F-01205 Glomerella phyllanthi CABI-122826. Pauri. 1959. PDA. PDA. N.63. R. Vijaya kumar. OA. PDA. Soil. Orr. K. Poonam P85. isolated from Cassia angustifolia. CABI 1955. CABI 1972. Verma. Kerala India. CABI 1983. K. Ghosh. Malviya 24. Ghosh. Madras India. Leaf of Hevea sp. CABI 1988. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01220 Gymnascella hyalinospora CABI-099725. HG-1. isolated from Cercospora leucadis. PDA. F. IFO-31789. B. C. HG-1. R. Wilson. F. Shillong India. PCA. Manjusha 08 Dec 90. Kuriam. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02304 Gymnascella citrina CABI-187321. 1983. CBS-548. leaf. 1972. ATCC-16192. India. 230C. CABI 1966. India. Kanwer. K. 1977. 25±20C. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02462 Hymenopsis trochiloides CABI-206198. Pariyat tank. HG-1. 2009.E. Lens culinare. Krishna Kumar. Potato Carrot Agar. HG-1. 2010. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01230 Helminthosporium compactum Karst. 450C. B. T. Zachariah.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-01242 Hyphomucor assamensis CABI-210192. 230C. prosopis aineraria. 450C. Yeast Starch Agar medium. Saxena. Mizoram University. Soil. 2010. OA. Krishna Kumar. Kanpur. S. Pathak. A. PDA. 230C. Vijay. Seed. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01238 Humicola grisea CABI-100946. HG-1. OA. Mustard Rhizospere soil. India NAIMCC-F-01248 Kernia bifurcotricha CABI-141564. Vijay. MTCC-564. Sangla. India. Lens culinaris. PDA. Fisher MTCC-2339. S. MA. isolated from soil. G. Uttar Pradesh. B. Bhim Pratap Singh. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Belapurkar. Rhizosphere soil. 2010. Bambusa bambos. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01237 Humicola fuscoastra CABI-093724. Harinder Singh Oberoi. Soil. Seed. Sangla. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Himachal Pradesh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02173 Hypocrea orientalis TMC1. 2010. N. PAU. 230C. PDA/MEA. Satyanarayana India.N. H. IMI 1990. dung. isolated from Cercospora. NAIMCC-F-01240 Hyalodendron lignicola Diddens MTCC-917. Faasur. HG-1. Cuttack. Malt Extract Agar MEA20A. 1977 NAIMCC-F-02162 Helminthosporium oryzae K-4. PCA. PDA. 230C. CBS 101. Himachal Pradesh . isolated from soil. Soil. Stem base.D. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02464 Humicola grisea G-4.. Rai 1967. K. PDA. HG-1. India. CABI 1980. Gwalior India. 2010. 2010. Treatment of spent sulphite liquor NAIMCC-F-01241 Hymenopsis trochiloides CABI-206198. Singh. 37±20C NAIMCC-F-02465 Humicola rusoleus I-33. PDA. HG-1. Soil. 250C NAIMCC-F-02256 Issatchenkia oriental Io04. 2009. U. A. 250C. Kanwer. CABI 1980. MTCC-351. NAIMCC-F-01239 Humicola insolens Cooney and Emer. PDA. Kanwer. Khandwa India. Solan. TWA+W. YMA. K. Compost. 25OC NAIMCC-F-01243 Hypocopra hypocoproides CABI-128460. 2010. B. H. CABI 1968. 25OC NAIMCC-F-01231 Heterocephalum aurantiacum CABI-131684. OA. J. PDA. MA-6 Fungi NAIMCC-F-01229 Hansfordia pulvinata CABI-146915. 350C NAIMCC-F-02255 Issatchenkia oriental Io01. M. PDA MA. Rajasthan. G. HG-1. CABI 1974. India. PCA. Sangla. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Yeast Starch Agar medium. 2009. K. 250C NAIMCC-F-02257 Issatchenkia oriental Io05. YpSS Agar. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02470 Issatchankia orientalis 3. NAIMCC-F-02107 Inonotus patouillardii CAW-14. PCA. BPS-13. LY. India 57 . 230C. PDA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02494 Hypocreales sp. Solan Himachal Pradesh. 250C NAIMCC-F-01245 Isaria felina CABI-247166. Orissa. India. India NAIMCC-F-01247 Keratinophyton terreum CABI-147544. Panjab. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02163 Helminthosporium oryzae C-4. soil. MO NAIMCC-F-02314 Hyphomucour assamensis CABI-210192. S. I. PCA. OA.79. Mizoram. HG-1. 280C NAIMCC-F-01233 Heterocephalum aurantiacum CABI-181705. ATCC 36778. S. PDA. CABI 1983. Himachal Pradesh. Dash. A.Apple wine. Sugarcane juice. 230C. isolated from Eriophyes guerreronis. India. J. 230C. Lucknow India. 250C NAIMCC-F-01246 Keratinophyton terreum CABI-108689. Apple wine. isolated from Macropus. Himachal Pradesh.P. PDA. S. Krishna Kumar. Joshi. 280C NAIMCC-F-02172 Hypocrea lixxi TJP1. Ludhiana. Gupta 1074. 2009. M. S. Saxena. 1968. Rhizosphere soil. 30±20C. India NAIMCC-F-01236 Hirsutella thompsonii F. Jabalpur. PDA. 2008. Decaying plant twig. soil. PDA. 2009. PCA. 280C NAIMCC-F-01232 Heterocephalum aurantiacum CABI-276848a. 25°C NAIMCC-F-01235 Hirsutella thompsonii CABI-382199. R. CABI 1963. S. CABI 1976. Soil. C. Satyanarayana. 1976. Dash. Compost. MA. CABI 1967. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-02169 Hypocrea lixxi TGN1. Rhizosphere soil. Aug 89. S. India or USA. 280C NAIMCC-F-01234 Heteroconium chaetospira CABI-244949. Jodhpur.D. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01244 Hypoxylon CABI-340985. Jacob. MA. R. B. India. Dr. PDA. Baijal. Pisum seed. R. HG-1. NRRL-3781. 28+1oC . 250C. Baijal. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01261 Macrophomina phaseolina CABI-277878. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01253 Lentinus tigrinus (Bull. Andhra Pradesh 2007. 2007. YPSS. CABI 1983. PDA. C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01263 Macrophomina phaseolina CABI-179649. 230C. 230C. soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01262 Macrophomina phaseolina CABI-312908. Sofflower R. isolated from Chlorophytum borivilianum. B. 2007. isolated from Aves. PCA. BPS-26. 25±20C. Upadhyay. decomposing feather. CABI 1982. India. Bareilly India. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01271 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-14. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02307 Kirkomyces cordensis CABI-211278. elatius CABI-249760. HG-1. CABI 1980. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-02111 Lentinus squarrosulus Wood. NRRL-A-11530. PDA. R. Prasad.D. Prasad. Kerala. U. Gams and Mc Ginnis MTCC-2555. PDA. Prasad. MA.D. 1985. soil. HG-1. CABI 1970. PDA. 230C. R. Patil. Uttarakhand 2009. 2007. HG-1. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-02496 Leptosphaeria sp. Chowdhery. Forest soil. Jaipur. MA 25°C 7 days NAIMCC-F-02114 Leucocoprinus sp. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01264 Macrophomina phaseolina CABI-387291. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01250 Kirkomyces cordensis CABI-211278. Safflower. 25±20C. B. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01269 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-11. R.D. Vigna 1aconitiflius. 280C NAIMCC-F-01255 Leptoxyphium CABI-320557. PDA.) Fr. B. Safflower. 230C NAIMCC-F-01257 Lophotrichus bartlettii CABI-291958. Safflower.D. Karnafalea 2007. Bachchhav. Safflower. Sofflower R. S. U.D. 2009. Bilgrami.L.D. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01274 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-19. 1970. 230C. Safflower. Mehrotra. India. Prasad. 1963. BL. CABI 1987. HG-1. fruit. Prasad. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01273 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-18. MA. OA. India NAIMCC-F-02342 Lophotrichus bartlettii CABI-291958. 2007. HG-1. R. CABI 1985. Mizoram. Sofflower R. 2007. India. forest soil.D. OA 23°C 1 week. 230C 58 NAIMCC-F-01268 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-9. S. Saccharum officinarum. stem of Sesamum indicum. CABI 1977.D. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01276 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-21. Diospyros melanoxylon. Allahabad India. S. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01272 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-16. Seed of Sesamum sp. Choudhury. R. 230C. Prasad. India. Seed of pea. Monokaryotic NAIMCC-F-01266 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-7. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01258 Lophotrichus bartlettii CABI-350404.D. 230C. R. HG-1. PDA. chromium. DAOM 166. Safflower. Prasad. BL. Arsenic. R.S. 2007. Dayal. Mizoram University.D. IM 05/11/87. HG-1. Saksena. copper and creosote tolerant NAIMCC-F-01260 Macrophomina phaseolina CABI-263176. R. PDA TWA+W. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01270 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-12. 438. Prasad. Soil. India. Karnafalea. Allhabad. Pauri. CABI 1974. Malt Extract Agar. 230C NAIMCC-F-01251 Lecanicillium psalliotae CABI-179841. L. NAIMCC-F-01265 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-2. Bhim Pratap Singh. NAIMCC-F-01256 Linderina pennispora CABI-150888. CABI 1960. PCA. S. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01267 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-8. Prasad. R. Mishra (US 874). 2007. Prasad. Gujarat India. S.Andhra Pradesh 2007. R.D. Safflower.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01249 Khuskia oryzae CABI-082764. Safflower. Jaipur India. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01254 Leptodontidium elatius var. Elettaria cardamomum. 250C. M. Prasad. Saroj Singh. India NAIMCC-F-01259 Lophotrichus bartlettii CABI-372026. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01275 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-20. Safflower. PDA. YPSS. PDA.. Andhra Pradesh. MA.D. PDA. PDA. PDA.63. MTCC-1043. MA. leaf. 2007. India. Andhra Pradesh. PDA. R. Mehrotra 1962. S. isolated from Terminalia catappa. Beyma) W. NRRL2987. CBS-223. Upadhyay. Prasad. 1960 K. RSA-12222. India NAIMCC-F-01252 Lecythophora mutabilis (v. U. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02449 Linderina pennispora CABI-150888. India. isolated from Lycopersicon esculentum. C. 2010. PDA. India. Andhra Pradesh 2007. Grubs of Holotrichia serrata. Andhra Pradesh 2007. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02493 Metacrodyceps sp. 230C.D. Kamat1956. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-01302 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-10. Seed of Brassica campestris var. Anand. 250C 59 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 1983. NAIMCC-F-01281 Malbranchea sulfurea CABI-337352. PCA. Soil. B. MCZ CZ. SDYA. S. 2008. 45°C. Jain. 230C. Larvae of Chilo Partellus. Onion leaf. Ambrosia beetle (scolytid). B Ramanujam. PDA.P. Sofflower R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02273 Memnoniella echinata CABI-204547. HG-1. CABI 1990. PDA. Grubs of Oryctes rhinocerous. HG-1. B Ramanujam. 250C NAIMCC-F-01298 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-6. 2008. BPS-1. SDYA. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01286 Melanospora zamiae CABI-316844. 2008. India. Ramanujam. PDA. Kerala. SDYA. IMI 1987. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01290 Merimbla ingelheimense CABI-242204. Kerala 2008. Minoura and Udagawa MTCC-1336. 23°C < 3 weeks. SDYA. Sesamum. isolated from leaf miner. M. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-01283 Melanocarpus thermophiles CABI-375408. Tamilnadu. Dakshina Kannada Karnataka. B Ramanujam. HG-1. OA. India. PDBC Banglore. PDA. B Ramanujam. 25±20C. B Ramanujam. PDA. Gujrat. SDYA. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-02073 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-17. Andhra Pradesh 2007. Grubs of Plocaederus ferrugineus. Patil. PDA. Larvae of Amasacta albistriga. (SDYA). Larvae of Plutella xylostella. 1947. PDBC Banglore. Mizoram University. larva. HG-1. PDA.Singh. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01304 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-13. Saccharum officinarum. PCA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01297 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-5. Grubs of Basilepta fulvicorne. soil from tomato crop. Mudigere India. S. India NAIMCC-F-01284 Melanospora singaporensis Morinaga. LY. Malt Yeast Agar. PCA. India. Gujarat. OA. 2008. 2009. HG-1. LY (10% sk. Chennai. J. N. Karnataka. MA6 NAIMCC-F-01279 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-28. India. Cotton fabric. 230C. B Ramanujam. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01288 Memnoniella echinata CABI-204547. 230C. Prasad. 2007.NAIMCC-F-01277 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-25. Larvae of Agrotis ipsilon. SDYA. PDA. Prasad. HG-1. 1979. Andhra Pradesh. Sesamum indicum. R. PDBC Banglore. SDYA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01301 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-9. 230C. 1956. 1976. 250C NAIMCC-F-01294 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-2. 250C NAIMCC-F-01300 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-8. 280C NAIMCC-F-01292 Metarhizium anisopliae CABI-375858. Insect Shimoga. Milk + 5% inositol) NAIMCC-F-01282 Massariothea shawiae CABI-348607. B Ramanujam. Dhania Rhizospere soil. LY. 1976. LY. India. PCA. Karnataka. B Ramanujam. NAIMCC-F-01278 Macrophomina phaseolina MP-26. B Ramanujam. Davangere. Mizoram. PDBC Guwahati Assam. Prasad. Idukki.D. isolated from soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01287 Memnoniella echinata CABI-016201. Chauhan. PDBC Banglore. Ongole.NRCOG Puna. Tamilnadu. Prasad. LY. 230C. P. Coimbatore. B Ramanujam. 230C. India NAIMCC-F-01293 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-1. Kasaragod. Type strain NAIMCC-F-01285 Melanospora zamiae CABI-062569a. B Ramanujam. 250C NAIMCC-F-01296 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-4. SDYA. Bhim Pratap Singh. Grubs of Oryctes rhinocerous. N. 2008. seed. 2008. Prasad. LY. sarson. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01280 Macrophomina phaseolina NRCOG-MP-1. 2008. 1971. B Ramanujam. T. 2008. 28+1oC NAIMCC-F-01291 Metarhizium anisopliae CABI-152223. stem of Zea mays. PCA. Sofflower R. 2010.D.SDYA. isolated from Soil. India. 1981. Sofflower R. Basu 1943. 2008.SDYA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01295 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-3. 21±20C NAIMCC-F-02436 Macrophomina phaseolina CABI-277878. Grubs of Odoiporus longicollis. Andhra Pradesh 2007. 250C. 2008. OA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01299 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-7. Sesamum indicum. SDYA. India. LY. 2008. T. Coconut. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-01289 Memnoniella levispora CABI-255547. 250C NAIMCC-F-01303 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-11. SDYA. Compost. 1984. PDA. 1978. 230C. OA. MA. G. C. 1987. LY. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01322 Microsporum canis Bodin MTCC-2820. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01317 Microascus griseus CABI-113680. from potato fallow fields. Hoskote/Chintamani. 230C. MA-6 60 NAIMCC-F-01331 Monodictys fluctuata CABI-213030. Degradation of Keratin NAIMCC-F-01323 Microsporum gypseum (Bodin) Guiart and Grigorakis MTCC-2819. 230C. Leaf of Gossypium sp. SDYA. S. CZ 23°C NAIMCC-F-01312 Microascus cinereus CABI-285964. 250C NAIMCC-F-02443 Metarhizium anisopliae CABI-152223. (Metschnikoff) Sorokin PDA.K. Lonawala Maharashtra India. Rajakumari. PCA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01311 Microascus brevicaulis CABI-321340. India. Thirumalachar 1965. NAIMCC-F-01330 Monascus ruber CABI-81596. MA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01318 Microascus trigonosporus CABI-284162. B. 230C. tomato. 230C.M. 230C . Ramanujam. PDA. India. PCA. S. 25±20C. CBS 365.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01305 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-14. PDA. SDYA. NAIMCC-F-02108 Metarhizium anisopliae Var. 1977. kolar. Reddy. MGT. soil from termite mounds from tea garden. NAIMCC-F-01320 Microdochium oryzae CABI-344013. India. Grover. Soil from tomato. Reddy R3 01/07/88. India NAIMCC-F-01310 Microascus albonigrescens CABI-351634. Paharpur Muzaffarpur Bihar India. Linum usitatissium. 1990. M. Ludhiana India. Trivandrum Kerala India. R. LY. Pennisetum typhoideum. Radhakrishnan. C. Grover. C. 2008. 250C NAIMCC-F-01306 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-15. HG-1. PDA. Sharma. OA. Soil. anisopliae CAW-1. isolated from soil. 2008. Assam. Majholi Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh India. Rajak. Rhizosphere soil. 230C. 2008. indet host. PDA. OA. Solan. R. Karnataka. HG-1. R. India. S. IMI 316322. MA. PDA. Cyperus rotundus. Chahal. PDBC Banglore. HG-1. Jodhpur. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-01314 Microascus cirrosus CABI-114503. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01327 Moesziomyces penicillariae CABI-292500. 25±20C. N. 25±20C. Degradation of Keratin NAIMCC-F-01324 Microsporum gypseum (Bodin) Guiart and Grigorakis MTCC-2829. PCA. K. Pennisetum typhoides. PDA. India. India NAIMCC-F-01316 Microascus doguetii CABI-321022. Naseema 7. OA. Soil. ATCC 16204... Naganahally. Reddy. 1991. M. LY. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01329 Monascus ruber CABI-322714. R. LY. 1984. HACC 1252. isolated from Oryza sativa. LY. Choudhary. 1985..65. 05 Jun 91. S. Dead twig. PCA. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01319 Microascus trigonosporus CABI-343963. 1991. CABI 1968. 250C NAIMCC-F-01309 Metarhizium flavoviride CABI-384796. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01321 Microphomina phaseolina WF(Cr)100. LY. K. HG-1. India. OA. PDA. PDA/MEA. S. HG-1. 230C. P Shreeram kumar. B Ramanujam. Pennisetum typhoides. D. Poona India. Himachal Pradesh. Soil. 2008. isolated from soil. Gupta. LY. M. R. Degradation of Keratin NAIMCC-F-01325 Microxyphiella hibiscifolia CABI-130976. 250C NAIMCC-F-01308 Metarhizium anisopliae MTCC-892. Chaudhary. dead twig. HG-1. 230C. Production of chitinase. India. SDYA. Eucalyptus sp. A. B Ramanujam. PDA. M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01313 Microascus cinereus CABI-340731. HG-1. 230C. 230C. Skin lesion of man. Pupae of Brahmina sp. Singh. SDYA. 1984. A. Ludiana India. Rajasthan. PDA. PCA. S. PDA. 230C. Ludhiana India. MA-3 NAIMCC-F-02427 Microascus trigonosporus CABI-284162. 250C NAIMCC-F-01307 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-16. Coriandrum sativum: seed. R. India. Jorhat. 25°C NAIMCC-F-01315 Microascus cirrosus CABI-325225. BL.C. 1971OA. HG-1. OA. S. LY. LY. HG-1. J. lipase and protease NAIMCC-F-02136 Metarhizium anisopliae PDBC-Ma-18. India. MGT. Mysore Karnataka. 1965. ambrosia Beetle. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02430 Monodictys fluctuata CABI-224338. 2008. Ludhiana India. leaf. R. Rattan. 1988.C. R. 25±20C. Soil. India. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01326 Microxyphiella hibiscifolia CABI-130977. 1978. 1987. Cocos nucifera stem. LY. soil. 230C. Leaf of Gossypium sp. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01332 Monodictys fluctuata CABI-224338. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01328 Monascus rubber CABI-109730. HG-1. East Godavari. 2009. 230C. ATCC-32593. Sesamum: oil cake. PDA.D. 23°C. 1992. HG-1. Jain. PDA. Rajak. B Ramanujam. 1988. CABI 1968. PDA MA. 25 °C.C Katoch. Soil. Singh. Alahabad. PDA. MA. isolated from Alcoholic fermented finger millet beverage. CABI 1963. V. HG-1. LY. Indet seed. PDA MA. IMI 1988 TWA+W. PCA. PCA. CBS-293. New Delhi. CABI 1975. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02271 Mucor circinelloides f. Muthappa. S. Duby. Mehrotra. HG-1. PDA. griseocyanus CABI-238022.N. 1975. Verma. 230C. B.357696. V. Saxena & R. Kashyap 2004. India. PDA MA. B. HG-1. 1976. India NAIMCC-F-02270 Mucor circinelloides CABI-206734. B. 230C NAIMCC-F-01342 Mucor circinelloides f.NAIMCC-F-02435 Monodictys fluctuate CABI-213030. India NAIMCC-F-01356 Mucor variabilis CABI-117670. India. 230C. PDA MA. 1990. PDA MA. 12 feb 91.N. MA. CABI 1976. R. India. 1979. 24±20C. 1975. Excreta of man. Pathak. 230C NAIMCC-F-02303 Mucor circinelloides CABI-208101. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01338 Mucor circinelloides CABI-199841. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01345 Mucor circinelloides f. Sorghum sp. Fruit of Carica papaya. PCA. 230C. India. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01339 Mucor circinelloides CABI-203484. India. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01335 Mucor circinelloides CABI-209547. 230C NAIMCC-F-02287 NAIMCC-F-01355 Mucor subtilissimus CABI-330760.Carica papaya. NRRL-A12568. N. India. LY. MA. IMI 1992. NRRL-3694. C. LY. NAIMCC-F-01350 Mucor mucedo CABI-316770. OA PDA MA. PDA. 230C. 230C. Cinchona C. 230C. 37°C NAIMCC-F-01358 Mycoleptodiscus unlsteralis CABI-324533. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-01354 Mucor racemosus On Capsicum annuum seeds. B. India. CBS-564. paste material. 1989. 1976. S. Singhai. Lucknow India. PDA MA. 1979. HG-1. PDA. Chlorophytum capense. PDA. LY. 1975. 1987. 230C. CABI 1968. LY. PDA. M. India.71. Allahabad India. 1966. K. 1975. 230C. PCA. G. isolated from Helianthus annuus. LY. HG-1. Jain J. 1977. HG-1. India. 1976. HG-1. MA-3 NAIMCC-F-01357 Myceliophthora thermophila CABI-337521. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01349 Mucor hiemalis f. A. MA. and cotton. aborted foetus. S.K. V. Trivandrum Kerala India. Coffea arabica. Tandon. indet seed. 1987. LY.C. Mukerji 1967. Mehrotra 1968. Coffea Arabica. 230C.MGT. K. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01337 Mucor circinelloides CABI-190060. Orchidaceae:tuber.I. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01334 Mucor bainieri CABI-101214. isolated from Sorghum bicolor. 1968. N. M.C. 25°C Mucor circinelloides CABI-190060.. VKM-F-1239. LY. PDA. HG-1. India. 1976. janardhanan. Abortion in Jersey heifer. Coffea arabica. HG-1. 25°C. NAIMCC-F-02272 Mucor circinelloides CABI-199841. A. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01347 Mucor hiemalis f. Tandon. circinelloides CABI-375454. India. MA. HG-1. Muthappa. Cinchona sp. PDA.corticola CABI-320772. PDA. Gupta & K. Prunus domestica. mushroom spawn Agaricus. RSA-1210. 1977. S. India. India. Phyllanthus emblica. PDA. M. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01348 Mucor hiemalis f. Fruit. MA. PDA. janssenii CABI-191464. India. CBS-210. HG-1. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01333 Mucor CABI-351763. NRRL-A-11496.P. India.. Lal. 1975. Magnifera indica. 230C NAIMCC-F-01336 Mucor circinelloides CABI-130844. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01352 Mucor racemosus CABI-357694. HG-1. MGT. R. India. 230C. P. YPSS+AB. Muthappa. CABI 1977. India. NAIMCC-F-01343 Mucor circinelloides f. Gangawane. B. LY. MA. luteus CABI-235539. LY. Fruit of Prunus domestica. Dung of kangaroo. India NAIMCC-F-02269 Mucor circinelloides CABI-203484. T. PDA. HG-1. 230C. PCA. Kamala Nair (6). MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01346 Mucor flavus CABI-136624. 20°C NAIMCC-F-01344 Mucor circinelloides f. LY. India NAIMCC-F-01341 Mucor circinelloides CABI-208101. PDA MA 230C. India. Bos Taurus. PDA MA. La.P. HG-1. ATCC-15088. PDA. 1980. fermented seed. MA. Fruit. Sarbhoy 1963. 230C. LY. Katoch. S. R. HG-1. Venkata Ram. MA. Kodmelmar. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01340 Mucor circinelloides CABI-206734. janssenii CABI-191464. Forest soil. MA.66. 230C. OA. India. Allahabad India. Venkata Ram. LY. C. B. HG-1. 230C. MA. luteus CABI-276667. Psidium sp. Taj Mahal near Yamuna river Agra U. lyer. PDA. PDA MA.62. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01351 Mucor odoratus CABI.S. Dung of peacock. 23°C. 61 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . LY. 230C NAIMCC-F-01353 Mucor racemosus CABI-357695. V. soil. isolated from Triticum aestivum. L. 1983. griseocyanus CABI-245925. B. BL. India. 230C. paste material used to embed precious and semi. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01372 Myrothecium roridum CABI-303687. BL. Andaman and Nichobar Island.. T. LY. 1965. 230C. MA. Rhizosphere of Camellia sinensis.64.India 1985. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01384 Neocosmospora vasinfeeta var. P. HG1. Gupta. D. LY. Rama Rao. PCA. HACC-229. C. ATCC-22088. C. MA. 1984. LY. HG-1. isolated from decaying stem and stump. 230C. 1982. isolated from Morus alba.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01359 Mycosphaerella coffeicola CABI-101686. 230C. CBS-131. 1992. LY. Krishna Kumar. detached horn. Sinha. Leaf of Hibiscus rosasinenesis. 1964. CABI-202228. 230C. 280C NAIMCC-F-01360 Mycosphaerella mori CABI-281787. Soil. Mysore India. ATCC-16686. 1986. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01365 Mycotypha microspora CABI-267009. India. LY. India NAIMCC-F-01378 Nectria gliocladioides Smalley and Hansen MTCC-1355. Rhizosphere. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01361 Mycosphaerella mori CABI-356555. Papaya Rhizospere. 25±20C. 1986. Neotype strain NAIMCC-F-02285 Myrothecium verrucaria CABI-291788. India. 230C. K. DGISP25338. India. U. M. OA PDA. Thirumalachar. PDA. PCA. MA. 2009. India. PCA. Soil. 2010. 30±20C. HG-1. LY. 230C. leaf spot on living leaf.65. V. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01371 Myrothecium roridum CABI-103602ii. Aghihotri. India. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-01382 Neocosmospora vasinfecta CABI-296507. LY. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01368 Myrothecium leucotrichum CABI-103664. CBS-533. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01383 Neocosmospora vasinfecta CABI-302625. OA. Morus sp. PCA. Pagar .precious stones in Taj Mahal. India. 23°C . PDA MA. 1977. S. Cymbopogon martini. Chauhan. India. Quisqualis indica. Pagar India. HG-1. Gdn. V. Kanaujia. Sci. 1984. Bot. 230C. 1971. PCA. Mizoram University. Soil. M.70. PCA. Foeniculum vulgare. India. NAIMCC-F-01366 Myrotheciopsis sp. HG-1. 1984. LY. Lucknow India. S. 230C. Bostaurus. Mohanty. MA. India. And Schwein. India. PCA. India OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01369 Myrothecium prestonii CABI-078650. CBS-670. Triticum sp. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01363 Mycotypha indica CABI-287391. isolated from Citrus limon. MA. 230C. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01373 Myrothecium verrucaria CABI-291788. MA. Tandon. HG-1. vasinfeeta CABI-351755. HG-1. HG-1. 1976. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02289 Myrotheciopsis CABI-202228. Tiwari. Mizoram. HG-1. Coll. Shukla. NAIMCC-F-01380 Nectria viridescens CABI-112790. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01376 Nattrassia mangiferae CABI-283830a. 230C. Aghihotri. K. LY. HG-1. L. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01377 Nattrassia mangiferae CABI-350679. P. 230C. (Alb. MA6 NAIMCC-F-02484 Myrothecium verricaria BPS-3. India. BL. India. 04 Aug 90. W. HG-1. PDA. India. 280C-300C NAIMCC-F-01379 Nectria illudens CABI-210640a. Lycopersicon esculentum. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01370 Myrothecium roridum CABI-061681. PDA. 1964. OA PDA. PDA. LY. 1956. R. 230C. LY. M. 1969.. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01364 Mycotypha microspora CABI-139110. 1959. FR3. isolated from Musa sapientum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01367 Myrothecium carmichaelii CABI-199044. K. LY. OA.230C NAIMCC-F-01375 Narasimhania alismatis CABI-052807ii. Coffea arabica. HG-1. K. PCA. HG-1. Bhim Pratap Singh. 230C. Singh. PSA 230C. India. Hedge. V. Young. Venkata Ram. India NAIMCC-F-01381 Nematospora coryli CABI-282267 . 1975. PDA. LY. Alisma reniforme. Ponnappa. HG-1. 230C. P. Subramanian. Detached horn of cow. PDA.S. PDA. PDA. OA. LY. S. R. Saxena & Singh. DGISP-60. Eichhornia crassipes. 1985. Type strain NAIMCC-F-02143 Nectria haematococca sp. 1952. 1986. leaf. Quisqualis indica. S. HG-1. 230C. HG1. HG-1. HG-1.K. Govt. India. Soil. Jabalpur India. R. Kanaujia. LY. 1976. 230C. 230C. Leaf. K. N. George. PDA. PDA MA. S. 1976. 230C. MA-6 62 NAIMCC-F-01374 Myrothecium verrucaria MTCC-158. India NAIMCC-F-01362 Mycotypha indica CABI-211999. R. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02440 Nectria illudens CABI-210640a. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp..) Ditmar. LY. LY. PSA. HG-1. HG1. Leaf. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01395 Neurospora tetrasperma MTCC-986. Bihari Lal. Bhim Pratap Singh. India. Insect. Allium cepa. NRCOG Puna. 1971. 30±20C. Andhra Pradesh. K. Y. LY. K. SMYA. 1962. 250C NAIMCC-F-01408 Oidiodendron echinulatum Barron MTCC-1356. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01394 Neurospora tetrasperma CABI-345059. isolated from Soil. MGT. MA. J. B. 230C NAIMCC-F-02284 Neotestudina rosatii CABI-210762 i. LY. New Delhi. SDYA. Andaman and Nichobar Island. B. HG-1. Kapoor. Andhra Pradesh. M. PDA. PCA. PDA. 2009. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-02078 Nomuraea rileyi PDBC-Nr-45. 1986. glabra (Fennell and Raper) MTCC-1291. K. LY. Sagar India. India NAIMCC-F-02283 Neotestudina rosatii CABI-210762. 250C NAIMCC-F-02076 Nomuraea rileyi PDBC-Nr-24. 1991. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01386 Neotestudina rosatii CABI-210762ii. OA. OA. Mizoram University. ITCC1910. India. India. 1967. PDA. CZ MCZ PDA. Mangifera indica. PCA. Warangal. India. CABI 1978. LY. PCA. 230C. OA. N. B. LY. PDA. 25±20C. Bilgrami 1967. India. Guntur. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-01397 Nigrospora panici CABI-155109. 230C. India. 2009. OA. Sm. 230C. Production of viridiol and desmethoxyviridin NAIMCC-F-01404 Nodulisporium indicum CABI-129300. ATCC-34207. Bilgrami. Seed of Coriandrum sativum. Ramanujam . Soil. PDA. Mating type A NAIMCC-F-01396 Nigrospora oryzae NRCOG-NO-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01402 Nodulisporium griseobrunneum CABI-185446. M. CMA MA PDA. 280C-300C NAIMCC-F-01399 Nodulisporium africanum CABI-093684. 1974. PDY. India. HG-1. A. Saksena 1960. 230C. Larvae of Helicoverpa armigera. Bombay India. B Ramanujam. Insect. SMYA. HG-2. 25±20C. Krishna Kumar. 250C NAIMCC-F-02079 Nomuraea rileyi PDBC-Nr-47. 2008. N. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01400 Nodulisporium gregarium CABI-126596. CMA MA. India NAIMCC-F-01390 Neurospora crassa Shear and Dodge MTCC-159. 250C NAIMCC-F-02077 Nomuraea rileyi PDBC-Nr-36. N. SMYA. 2010. PDA. Allahabad. MA. Mathur. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01407 Nomuraea rileyi PDBC-Nr-29. LY. CABI 1980. MA-2 NAIMCC-F-01387 Neotestudina rosatii CABI-210762i. N. S. CABI-137984. 230C. HG-1. leaf RP Singh. 230C. 2009. MA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01385 Neosartorya fischeri var. 230C. 1967. Nicotiana tabacum. India. S. 1960.NAIMCC-F-02144 Neofusicoccum parvum FR2. HG-1. stem of Zingiber officinale. PCA. Udaipur Rajasthan India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01405 Nodulisporium sp. Eulocastra argentisparsa larva. B. HG2. HG-1. 25±20C. LY. PDA. Malt Extract Agar-Blakeslee's Formula. PDA. Onion. MA OA PDA. Frietas. Seed of Coriandrum sativum. Bahi. L. PDA. Kammam. Bahl. Mizoram. R. Annona squamosa. HG-1. CBS-123. Yadav. HG-1. CBS331. CBS-331. K. Shear and Dodge. 2009. Cornmeal Agar.78. LY. J. 1971. 230C. India.83. Kolar. Degradation of cellulose. HG-1. pectin and xylan. 230C. isolated from Coriandrum. HG-1. CABI-301236. Seed of Coriandrum sativum. LY. S. LY. Ponnappa. India. production of polyphenol oxidase NAIMCC-F-02492 Pacelomyces marquandii BPS-21. 230C. India. ITCC1910. 1959.S. Insect. Ramanujam.K. Ramanujam. MA-6 63 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MA-2 NAIMCC-F-01388 Neotestudina rosatii CABI-146558. PDA. IMI-229083. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01398 Nigrospora panici CABI-078285b. LY. MGT. Kapoor. Katra. 2008. 230C. Ramanujam. 230C. 2009. 1976. 1978. LY. New Delhi India. Contamination. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01401 Nodulisporium griseobrunneum CABI-080672. 230C NAIMCC-F-01389 Neurospora Africana CABI-371207. ATCC-36254. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01392 Neurospora sitophila Shear and Dodge MTCC-417. 230C. MA. Cornmeal Agar. B. HG-1. J. MA OA PDA. SMYA. LY. Type strain. Mustard Rhizospere soil. MA. Krishna. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01406 Nomuraea rileyi CABI-155833. Gupta. Solanum tuberosum. Warangal Andhra Pradesh. Insect. 280C NAIMCC-F-01409 Paecilomyces clavisporus CABI-248496. CBS-331. HG-1. X-ray mutant NAIMCC-F-01391 Neurospora dodgei CABI-309056.78. 230C. 25±20C NAIMCC-F-01393 Neurospora sp. 1976. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01403 Nodulisporium hinnuleum G. CMA. Andhra Pradesh . MTCC-506.73. Karnataka. Seed of Coriandrum sativum. MCZ. PDA MGT. Mineral oil. LY. Soil. India.PDA. MCZ. HG-1. B. 1947. 2009. HG1. K. 230C. HG-1. Production of dextranase NAIMCC-F-01426 Peltasterinostroma rubi CABI-236259. M. BL. 2009. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01413 Paecilomyces lilacinus CABI. 280C NAIMCC-F-02519 Paecilomyces lilacinus NBAII PL 55. 230C NAIMCC-F-02322 Pencillium albicans CABI-233074. PCA. N.S. MA. H. Soil. 230C. B. D. India. India. LY. Singh. U. Kolar. Spodeptera sp. MCZ. NAIMCC-F-02521 Paecilomyces lilacinus NBAII PL 57. 300C-320C. 2009 SDYA. 230C. Larvae of Oligonychus coffeae. N. India. PDA. 1965.. B. 230C NAIMCC-F-02483 Paecilomyces lilacinus BPS-2. PDA. 1977. MA. 1977. karamchadu. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-01416 Paecilomyces sp. Solanum melongena. Compost. Nagesh. 230C NAIMCC-F-02323 Pencillium crustosum CABI-229439. Jacob. India. Bishnupur Shillong India. B Ramanujam. Wani. PDBC Solan. Insect Larvae. D. 1987. Kolar. LY. LY. LY. 230C. MA-6 . 1977. MCZ. NAIMCC-F-02520 Paecilomyces lilacinus NBAII PL 56. N. PDA. 250C. D. PCA. eye granuloma. P. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01424 Paracercospora egenula CABI-212953. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01412 Paecilomyces lilacinus CABI-131696.V. Canphalocrosis medinalis from rice field. 230C NAIMCC-F-02326 Pencillium meleagrinum CABI-210922. PDA. rhizosphere soil. CABI-256273. Karnataka. 250C NAIMCC-F-01427 Penicillium albicans CABI-233074. Egg masses. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01421 Paecilomyces variotii PDBC-Pv-1. 230C. S. P.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01410 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus CABI-361372. P. 2011. A. Nagesh.. 1968. Arachis hypogaea. CZ. 18-122008. LY. CABI-303769. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01411 Paecilomyces inflatus CABI-114487. Karnataka. 2010. 300C-320C. 230C. CABI-255290. 1979. Basu. Guntur Dist. Soil. dead adult. 250C NAIMCC-F-02140 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus PDBC-pfu-5. O. Egg masses. LY. Gangavaripalem West Godavari. Bahl. Homosapiens. S.P. D. CZ. soil. SDYA. MCZ. 230C. HG-1. Triticum. Wani. 2009. Mizoram. Cellulosic material. HG-1. SDYA. Nagesh. India.P. Wangiker. Jabalpur India. 2011. PDBC-P-1. PCA. SDYA. LY. Ramanujam. MCZ. Himachal Pradesh. HG-1. 230C. 1972. Insect. M. isolated from Shorea robusta.P. N. 230C NAIMCC-F-02345 Pencillium funiculosum CABI-170614. 25±20C. 300C-320C. S. Kolar. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01420 Paecilomyces variotii CABI-276211. 2008. India. Karnataka. 1979. Ullasa. MCZ. 230C. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01423 Papulaspora byssina CABI-313770. CZ. A. CZ. 230C. 1983. PDA. Singh. MA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01418 Paecilomyces sp. Dhaniya Rhizospere soil. India NAIMCC-F-01425 Pectinotrichum llanense CABI-322640. Egg masses Soil and root. D. Insect. NAIMCC-F-01415 Paecilomyces sp. India. Twig of Rosa sp. CZ. Srivastava. LY. LY. LY. 2011. Sharma. A. 250C NAIMCC-F-02138 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus PDBC-pfu-4a. PDA.. India.L. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02139 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus PDBC-pfu-5. Naval Dockyard Bombay India. Ramanujam. HG-1. M. India. India. Prakasham Dist. Chohan. SDYA. Ganti. PDA. 1979. Gupta. HG-1. Ramanujam. Garcha. BL.M. India. From potato fields. UV light. SMYA. 23°C.C. MA. Coimbatore. 1983. Bhim Pratap Singh. PDA. B. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-01422 Papulaspora byssina CABI-275864. Fibre of Corchorus sp. Adult and nymphs of Bemisia tabaci form brinjal field. Cellulosic material.141049. 1988. Canphalocrosis medinalis from rice field. 1970. India. Lucknow. unknown Insect form brinjal fields. Agra. NAIMCC-F-01414 Paecilomyces lilacinus MTCC-601. Ramanujam. NAIMCC-F-01419 Paecilomyces variotii CABI-016196. 1978. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02080 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus PDBE-Pfu-1.D. (Thom) Samson.P. Soil. A. B Ramanujam. CZ. Tamilnadu 2008. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-01417 Paecilomyces sp. Punjab Agricultural University India. OA. Saxena D16. Ramananujam. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02137 Paecilomyces fumosoroseus PDBC-pfu-4. J. Grubs of Brahmina sp. CZ. HG-1. B. G. M. A. Mizoram University. Bapatla. Insect Larvae. CZ. effluent. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02404 Paecilomyces lilacinus CABI-213487. Egg masses. Tumkur. Karnataka. Gangavaripalem West Godavari Dist. PDA. (SDYA). T. isolated from Hypothenemus lampei. MA-6 64 NAIMCC-F-02343 Pencillium chemesinum CABI-150253. B. 1981. Kamal. India. G. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01445 Penicillium decumbens Thom MTCC-1013. 1977. soil from ravines. MCZ. CZ. HG-1. CZ. Sharma. 250C NAIMCC-F-01430 Penicillium avellaneum CABI-244393. D. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01440 Penicillium citrinum NRCOG-PC-1. Soil. Petroleum refinery contaminated soil. Chanhan. Trigonella foenumgraecum. CZ. Asparagusracemosus. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01431 Penicillium camembertii Thom MTCC-418. 25±20C.CZ. CZ. 1977. LY. Sandhu and R. French camembert cheese NAIMCC-F-01432 Penicillium capsulatum CABI-260518. K. Alok K Srivastava. Soil. 25±20C Type strain. A. Malt Extract Agar. Diospyros kaki. 1978. India. 1985. MCZ. 1978. 230C. 230C. MCZ. CZ. Soil. B. Production of Penicillin and cheese NAIMCC-F-01439 Penicillium citrinum CABI-274774. Expressing antagonism NAIMCC-F-01447 Penicillium digitatum CABI-134431. LY. MCZ. Himalaya. M. 230C. Srivastava. Sandhu. Chanhan. CZ. Air. I. 1978. R. CBS-115. 230C. 250C NAIMCC-F-01443 Penicillium daleae CABI-228583. Mau. CYA. D. MCZ. G. MCZ. LY. G. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01433 Penicillium capsulatum CABI-302213. A. NRCOG Puna. 1978. C. HG-1. K. India. India. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01442 Penicillium crustosum CABI-286238. Air. HG-1. India. 65 . Sputum of man. Chauhan. J. 1974. Type strain. 230C NAIMCC-F-01429 Penicillium aurantiogriseum CABI-286235. MCZ. CZ. India. Kurukshetra. Chanhan. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02398 Penicillium echinulatum CABI-229404. M. 230C.63. 2010. MA-6 Fungi NAIMCC-F-01428 Penicillium anatolicum CABI-212381. Sharma.D. India. India. Asparagus racemosus. Mizoram. Citrus sinensis. 2010 PDA. MCZ. MCZ. CZ. Chanhan. Singh. 230C NAIMCC-F-02406 Penicillium chermesinum CABI-189003. MCZ. 230C. M. 230C. India. LY. 250C NAIMCC-F-01449 Penicillium echinulatum CABI-229404. MCZ.S Chauhan. S. LY. NAIMCC-F-02480 Penicillium citrinum GVD-5. 230C. HG-1. 1978. CZ. Kamal.1985. Aneja. HG-1. Soil. Jammu and Kashmir. D. India. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-01450 Penicillium emmonsii CABI-183983. HG-1. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02389 Penicillium aurantiogriseum CABI-286235. Rana. MCZ. MCZ. Malt Extract Agar.Citrus grandis bark. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01444 Penicillium daleae CABI-228585. Lay ladhak. India.Bulb RP Singh. CZ. CZ. CYA. CZ. India. LY. D. Shukla. Shukla. MCZ. ATCC-18324. 1978. Sharma.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02394 Penicillium anatolicum CABI-212381. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02402 Penicillium chermesinum CABI-223979. Soil from ravines. 1980. Bhim Pratap Singh. 1985. K. HG-1.YMAgar. CZ. CZ. LY. HG-1. LY. 1974. M. R. PDA. 25±20C. Kapoor. Soil.40C NAIMCC-F-01438 Penicillium chrysogenum Thom MTCC-160. U. 250C. P. Bhagabati. MCZ. MCZ. 280C NAIMCC-F-01441 Penicillium crustosum CABI-229439. HG-1. 25±20C. LY. HG-1. IFO-31744. N. D. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01448 Penicillium diversum CABI-303611. 1972. Rhizosphere of Cajanus cajan. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02383 Penicillium e xpansum CABI-232297. Godheja. Garlic. R. 230C. CZ. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01434 Penicillium capsulatum CABI-272959. MCZ. 1983. PDA. CZ. HG-1. 1983. Delhi India. 230C. Sukhadia Univ India. HG-1. India. Type strain NAIMCC-F-01446 Penicillium decumbens Thom MTCC-2494. CZ. 1986. CZ. MCZ. Rikhy. S. LY. 1974.N. 230C. CZ. Triticum. Sharma . 20°C-35°C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01435 Penicillium chermesinum CABI-166620. 250C. India. India. 1983. HG-1. stored grain. CZ. 2008. Soil. 230C NAIMCC-F-02154 Penicillium chrysogenum Soil. LY. LY.G. Aneja. MCZ. MCZ. LY. LY. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-02437 Penicillium citrinum CABI-274774. India. 1968. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01437 Penicillium chermesinum CABI-223979. LY. V.R. 230C.CZ. India. 23-350C. Dr K. Kurukshetra India.Triticum aestivum. S. 2009. FRR-3387. Rairpur India. Mizoram University. R. K. D. R. Soil. India. NBAIM. Mustard Rhizospere soil. Kulhara. CZ. Sharma. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01436 Penicillium chermesinum CABI-189003. MCZ. HG-1. Sharma. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02390 Penicillium crustosum CABI-286238. 230C.P. G. PDA. CZ.V. MCZ. 230C. 1986. 1985. MCZ. 1978. MCZ. MCZ. 1978. HG1. MCZ. HG-1. 280C NAIMCC-F-02490 Penicillium citrinum BPS-17. CZ. LY. 230C. India.S. CZ. LY. HG-1. Sinha. MCZ. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01453 Penicillium expansum CABI-279025. Hibiscus sp. More. India. HG-1. S. B. Kamal. 1979. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02155 Penicillium lariosum Soil. 230C. LY. MCZ. 230C. M. N. India. S. MCZ. HG-1. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01471 Penicillium montanense CABI-303277. S. CZ. Agosti. K. CZ. Pathak. P.86. MCZ. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01465 Penicillium islandicum CABI-215135. Oryzopsis juncea. 230C. CBS272. K. MCZ. 1974. LY. W. India. India. Mathur. India. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01462 Penicillium implicatum CABI-189016. Raper 1943. MCZ. Wani. Hibiscus.. C. fruit. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01452 Penicillium expansum CABI-232297. New Delhi. soil of western ghats of Kerala. India. NRRL-2061. 1981. HG-1. MA6 NAIMCC-F-01477 Penicillium piceum CABI-318314. FRR2061. Zea mays. S.. J. Lagenaria vulgaris. Compost. LY. 250C NAIMCC-F-01454 Penicillium funiculosum CABI-193019ii. N. HG1. HG-1. H. India. CZ 23°C NAIMCC-F-01457 Penicillium glabarum PSF-6. J. 230C NAIMCC-F-02405 Penicillium implicatum CABI-190235. MCZ. MCZ. More. Soil in rhizosphere of Arachis hypogaea. 250C. MCZ.. 230C. 230C NAIMCC-F-01467 Penicillium kloeckeri CABI-212320. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01474 Penicillium oxalicum CABI-150255. 1978. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01463 Penicillium intermedium CABI-224154. corm. V. India. HG-1. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01458 Penicillium glabrum CABI-096659. S. Lagenaria vulgaris. U. 230C. Pune India. CZ. Soil. Coffea arabica. HG-1. K. CZ. HG-1. New Delhi India. HG-1. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01470 Penicillium meleagrinum CABI-210922. Kapor India. 230C. LY. 1977. CZ. 250C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01461 Penicillium implicatum CABI-099927.B. Chohan. CZ. Oak forest soil. 230C. LSHB-GA816. MCZ. HG-1. 2009. CZ. India. 1983. 250C. India. Chohan. India. CZ. MCZ. D. MA-6 66 . 23°C NAIMCC-F-01469 Penicillium megasporum CABI-228212. 1987. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02344 Penicillium oxalicum CABI-150255. J. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01473 Penicillium oxalicum CABI-093376. V. Cellulose fibres. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02329 Penicillium erubescens CABI-199546. 230C NAIMCC-F-01476 Penicillium papuanum CABI-256326. MA. India. W. vitis. Muthappa. India. Dubey. HG-1. HG-1. LY. LY. B. LY. isolated from Gladiolus. CZ.CZ. MCZ. MCZ. K. 1972. 1970. CZ. Citrus sinensis. Nayar. 1972. LY. S. 230C. India. 1978. CZ. CZ. J. D. leather chharri/soil/air. CZ. CZ. Elaeocarpus floribundus. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01464 Penicillium islandicum CABI-168423. India. MCZ. LY. MCZ. CZ. Rhizosphere. IMI 193019. Soil. K. FRR-1630. Soil. 1974. 230C. India.Girja. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01478 Penicillium pinophilum CABI-150155. G. Stored wheat grain. Raghavendra Rao. B. 1986. LY. Soil. India. 230C. Reddy. 230C. CZ. HG-1. LY. 1963. MCZ. MCZ. MCZ. 230C. 1975. CZ. LY. India. HG-1. N. Saccharum officinarum. India. Panwar. S. 1972. LY. Gorakhpur. S. HG-1. Singh. Agaricus bispmus. 1962. Mandarin orange plant soil. Singh. MCZ. Chohan11.40C NAIMCC-F-01468 Penicillium lehmanii CABI-184214. 1975. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01460 Penicillium implicatum CABI-190235. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01472 Penicillium olsonii CABI-257448. MCZ. L. S. H. Panwar. CZ. 1977. Himalaya. D. LY. J. D. 1970. India. Gorakhpur India. LY. India NAIMCC-F-02357 Penicillium islandicum CABI-168423. K. KAU Kerala. HG-1.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01451 Penicillium erubescens CABI-199546. Mangifera indica. Das Gupta. MCZ. 1970. Srivastava. M.YMAgar. 1978. 230C. MCZ. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01455 Penicillium funiculosum CABI-170614. Chohan. B. A. 230C. Fruit of Vitis sp. Air. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01475 Penicillium oxalicum CABI-193773. 1983. 250C. Sali. MCZ. LY. India. Raper. India. D. CZ. 230C. CZ. 1977. N. MCZ. D. Mathur. HG-1. 1974. Soil. Triticum sp. 1981. MCZ. HG-1. K. HG-1. V. HG-1. MCZ. 250C. India. Pikovskayas. MCZ. Sesamum indicum. CZ. MCZ. LY. 230C. K. Triticum. 1964. CZ. India. MCZ. CZ. M. 230C. Lay ladhak. 230C NAIMCC-F-01466 Penicillium islandicum CABI-234169. HG-1. HG-1. D.1975. Kamla Nager Agra India. 230C. Singh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01459 Penicillium gladioli CABI-140809. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01456 Penicillium funiculosum CABI-321331. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02388 Penicillium expansum CABI-279025. Jammu and Kashmir. 1975. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02381 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-209549. Czapek's Agar. 230C. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02313 Penicillium pinophilum CABI-150155. Soil.S. LY. 1977. HG-1. Kodmemar. MCZ. 1989. 1981. R. isolated from indet. R. Triticum sativum. K. 230C. S. Kodmewar. R. 25±20C. R. HG-1. India. crop plant. 1961. 1970. TWA+W. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01502 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-276481. MCZ. NE/AD/L/27. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01493 Pericinia echinochloae CABI-336351. TWA+W. Trichur Pattikad Irumpulalam India. Manipur. TWA+W. M. FRR-3397. seed. 230C. Chohan. Sorghum. R. 230C. Pitt. R. M. Chandra. LY. PCA. PCA. MCZ. CABI-303732. Jodhpur India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01482 Penicillium raistrickii CABI-137808. 25±20C. 230C NAIMCC-F-02409 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-224342. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01483 Penicillium roseopurpureum CABI-256324.CZ. MCZ. Mandi India. PCA.K. India. G. D. S. Mehrotra 5. India.R. Impatiens balsamina. 1987.141047. 1969. HG-1. LY. 230C. ATCC-15067. 25°C. 1990. S. S. CZ. and cotton. CZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01500 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-244975. PCA. 1978PCA. R. Sorghum sp. LY. S. Chickhalda India. S. Areca catechu. 1980. J. LY. 1981.CZ. HG-1. 1978. G. HG-1. HG-1. India. Neelay. India. India. P.Pandey Imphal. HG-1. Leaf. 1988. India. Czapek's Agar. C. HG-1. MCZ. Solanum tuberosum. I. HG-1. TWA+W. 1977. CBS304. India NAIMCC-F-02395 Penicillum oxalicum CABI-193773. India NAIMCC-F-01487 Penicillium sclerotiorum CABI-245816. leaf. TWA + W. V. 230C NAIMCC-F-02031 Penicillum rugulosum Phyllosphere of Schima wallichii. C. dead twig. MCZ. India NAIMCC-F-01489 Penicillium sclerotiorum CABI-146604. 1966. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01481 Penicillium purpurogenum CABI-254204. LY. Efficient phosphate solubiliser. H. India. Paul. 230C. Decaying chirpine needle of Pinus roxburghii. K. Triticum sativum. India. Mehrotra. LSHB-SM1. PCA. Sohi. 230C. Assam India. R. HG-1. isolated from Paper. PCA. India. isolated from Phaseolus. PDA. 230C. Rajak. Misra.Zea mays. 2008. CZ. PCA. India.63. S. 1983. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01496 Periconia narsapurensis CABI-225786. J. 230C.NAIMCC-F-01479 Penicillium pinophilum CABI-166618. HG-1. Pandey. 1990. Indet. soil. MA-5 NAIMCC-F-01497 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-224342. 230C. MCZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01505 Pestalotiopsis versicolor CABI-076409. Nainital Uttar Pradesh India. Agarwal. Allahabad India. S. 230C. PDA. HG-1. 230C NAIMCC-F-01503 Periconia sp. A. Shillong India. LY. India. MCZ. M. isolated from Shorea robusta. PCA. MCZ. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01488 Penicillium sclerotiorum CABI. HG-1. CZ. HG-1. 230C. MA-5 NAIMCC-F-01485 Penicillium rugulosum CABI-314411. LY. Abelmoschus esculentus. PCA. Hevea brasiliensis. 25oC NAIMCC-F-01498 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-120804. India. Production of oxalic acid from glucose NAIMCC-F-01491 Penicillium spirillum CABI-228605. 1978. Bilgrami. R. LY. PDA. 230C. MA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02413 Periconiana sapurensis CABI-225786. India. India. MCZ. Reddy. Leaf of Anogeissus latifolia. Bambusa arundinacea: leaf sheath. J. LY. Forest soil. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01501 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-244991. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01484 Penicillium rugulosum CABI-089380. Citrus sinensis. 230C. V. CZ. LY. PCA. PCA. Sharma. Reddy. Rajak. HG-1. 1978. India. Saccharum offcinarum. LY. HG-1. LY. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01486 Penicillium sclerotigenum CABI-308977. 1980. R. PCA. PCA. 1959. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01492 Penicillium variabile CABI-146735. Dead twig. Chohan. Reddy. India. 1978. 1975. PCA. PDA. 250C. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01480 Penicillium pinophilum Hedge MTCC-2192. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01499 Periconia saraswatipurensis CABI-209549. S. Mehrotra. LY.V. host. 230C NAIMCC-F-01494 Periconia cookei CABI-327733. 230C NAIMCC-F-01504 Pestalotiopsis aquatica CABI-342287. S. LY. MA-6 67 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 1972. Fungus resistance testing NAIMCC-F-01495 Periconia manihoticola CABI-341748. India NAIMCC-F-01490 Penicillium solitum Westl MTCC-2353. 1980. HG-1. J. 230C. PCA. K. Salam and P. 1965.. Menon. Lata. Cocos nucifera. 230C. Bengal India. 230C. MA. Hyderabad 2007 India. M. Roy. A. OA. PDA. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01511 Phacidiopycnis padwickii CABI-326148. Plant. PDA. Khatua. HG-1. HG-1. Rao 1952. HG-1. leaf NAIMCC-F-01525 Phoma nebulosa CABI-307851. M. MA. C. HG-1. PCA. Jodhpur. 2010. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02316 Phialophora CABI-287579. 2008. Soil /pp/pf-1. V. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01518 Phialophora CABI-321021. Stem base. PCA. PDA/MEA. MUCL-11498. RDA. CBS-572. P. Rajasthan. LY. Soil. CMA. Cicer arietinum. 68 NAIMCC-F-01523 Phoma multirostrata CABI-081598. HACC-165. HACC-164. Delhi. U.Capsicum annuum.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01506 Pestalotiopsis versicolor CABI-082770. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01528 Phoma piperis betle D. Reddy. N. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01519 Phialophora richardsiae CABI-076548. HG-1. Cicer arietinum. OA. PDA. PDA. A. A. W. B. OA. 1960. India. CBS-429. 1973. LY. Siradhana. NAIMCC-F-02487 Phoma putaminum BPS-8. M. HG-1. India. IMI 1987. Mizoram. BL. K. 1965. Oryza sativa. HG-1. 1962. Radhakrishnan (COC4). Jussiaea repens. Cicer arietinum. India. OA. India. 1969. 230C. K. K. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01514 Phaeosporis melasperma CABI-090324. CMA. Singh. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01522 Phoma multipora CABI-387106. India. Mustard Rhizospere soil. 230C. 2010. C. Saline soil. L. R. 230C. Boerhaavia diffusa. S. 1985. Singh. 2008.Mishra. 1988. B. S. Sri T. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01515 Phaeotrichoconis crotalariae CABI-052821. Cocosnucifera. India. LY. NAIMCC-F-01510 Phacidiopycnis padwickii CABI-326133. India. India NAIMCC-F-01513 Phaeoisaria clematidis CABI-171447.K.P. LY. 230C. CABI-287579. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02300 Phacidiopycnis padwickii CABI-295020. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02101 Phanerochaete chrysosporium UD/102/08. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02467 Phanerochaete chrysosporium Vv18. Bhim Pratap Singh. Nandi 1962. Saline soil. 250C NAIMCC-F-02185 Pestolotia sp MCPLR-8. kipar. 230C. Dead wood Bargad tree (Ficus bengalensis). P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01524 Phoma multirostrata CABI-381005. Mall. India. OA. OA. HG-1. C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01509 Phacidiopycnis padwickii CABI-295020. Crotalaria verrucosa. J. PDA 230C. N. 230C. M. University of Gorakhpur U. Tandon. India. 2008. Udaipur. IARI. India. P. Dausa India. 1968. 250C. 1985. 1988. P. HG-1. Bambusa. 230C. T. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01512 Phaeocytostroma megalosporum CABI-092336. 1960. S. isolated from Lantana camara. PDA. Soil (Sandy). PDA/MEA. A. S. . 230C. A. CBS284. Nene. CMA. LY. S. Mishra15. Radh. K. 2005. Eugenia jambolana. PCA. LY. LY.C. MA. PDA. Jodhpur. LY. Soil. 370C. LY. 1972. S. Soil. isolated from Saline soil. Y. OA. R. HG-1.West Bengol. PDA. PCA. 2010. PDA. India. Thirumalacher. Varanasi.20C. S. HG-1. Varanasi. OA. HG-1. Poona India. Kerala Agricultural University India. Singh. Bambusa sp.63. Das. 250C NAIMCC-F-02184 Pestolotia sp MCPLR-3. Neergaard. R. S. India. Kharwar. Rajasthan. PDA/MEA. Uttar Pradesh. PDA. LY. ATCC-16207. 1959. boerhaaviae CABI-137485. B. 280C. Siradhana. OA. India. 230C. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01520 Phialophora sp. 25C. Plant. HG-1. N. PDA. 300C. 1970. Rajasthan. OA. Das. Mizoram University. 230C. C. 1975. Y. LY. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-01507 Pestalozziella parva CABI-124039. 230C. Reddy. MA. Bilgrami.P. PCABI-y field soil. Cicer arietinum. K. LY. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-01508 Phacidiopycnis padwickii CABI-192211. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01516 Phaeotrichoconis crotalariae CABI-132040. Nadia. HG-1. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02319 Phaeoisaria clematidis CABI-171447. Kharwar. PCA.73.65. 230C. OA. Uttar Pradesh. LY. LY. LY. PDA. MCZ. 230C. 27-12-10. OA. M. Grassland soil. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01526 Phoma nyctaginea var. 1973. 230C NAIMCC-F-01521 Phoma multipora CABI-113689. 1986.Gauhati Refinery Soil. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01527 Phoma ostiolata CABI-113691. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02105 Phallorinia herculean CAW-25. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02103 Phallorinia rependus CAW-8. LY. OA. PDA. Rao. India. thatch. NAIMCC-F-01517 Phialomyces macrosporus CABI-151584. India. Cicer arictinum. chlamydosporia NBAII PC69. K. 1965. Soil. PCA.69. Mehrotra. LY. Mizoram University. 1985. 230C. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01538 Piptocephalis brijmohnii CABI-339038. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02444 Phoma sorghina CABI-288135. P. NAIMCC-F-02518 Pochonia chlamydosporia var. PDA/MEA. 1977. Singh. . 250C NAIMCC-F-01550 Pleurotus sajor-caju CABI-199761. 300C NAIMCC-F-02512 Phoma sojicola RL-2. OA. 300C NAIMCC-F-01530 Phoma sorghina CABI-270347. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01533 Phomopsis sp. MA. PDA. Rajasthan. 230C . PDA. PCA. V8 MGT. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01544 Pithomyces cynodontis CABI-239471. OA. HG-1. India. Tiwari. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01531 Phoma sorghina CABI-288135. 230C. 230C. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02517 Pochonia chlamydosporia var. India. Soil. 1971. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. Jandaik. M. 230C. PDA/MEA. India. Bambusa. A.S. Mucor sp. N.W. 230C.2010. India. HG-1. 2011. L. Srivastava. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. root. 230C. PDA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01539 Piptocephalis curvata Baijal & B. Mukherji. Plant. India. malayan squirrel:dung. OA. Bhim Pratap Singh. 1969. Uttar Pradesh India. P. LY. Mehrotra & U. LY. Udaipur. MA. S. Bangalore. OA.C. HG-1. Sagar India. S. RDA. Ramarao. G. 2011. CABI-113613. RDA. Beta vulgaris. M. A. S. 230C. LY. Narain. 230C. CABI-274729.. PDA. H. 1985.K. OA. Oryctolagus cuniculus:dung. P. 1972. CBS-191. 2011. HG-1. MA. 1976. HG-1. Soil. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01534 Phomopsis sp. 230C. Plant. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01540 Piptocephalis indica CABI-339042. C. on YPSS. Udaipur. Punjab. 230C. India. leaf litter. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01535 Pilidium acerinum CABI-211987. Fruit of Catha. P. Oryctolagus cuniculus: dung. PDA. P. LY.P. MA. 2011. PCA. Mehrotra & U. Sarbhoy. D. 0 Singh. 1986. 2008. HG-1.G. Amritsar. PCA. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01542 Piptocephalis tieghemiana CABI-339474. Tiwari. Soil. India. LY. 1990. K. India. India. B. isolated from Oryza. Mucor hiemalis. K. CMA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02096 Pleurotus pulmonarius UD/25/08. Bhupinder Singh Chadha. HG-1. chlamydosporia NBAII PC57. LY. OA. PDA/MEA. Bangalore. 1990. 280C-300C. LY. LY. 2008. PDA. India. 280C-300C.86. 1990. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01541 Piptocephalis lepidula CABI-339043. D. Singh. 230C. 1972. India. India. Seed of vegetable/pulse/cereal. Mizoram. CBS-110. RSA-1709. 280C NAIMCC-F-01532 Phomopsis sp. Baijal. Soil. India NAIMCC-F-01546 Pithomyces terricola CABI-161793. 1979.S. Amritsar. S. leaf. Wangikar. Leaf of Ananas comosus. PCA. PDA. 2008. Shillong India. N. Karnataka. 1978.NAIMCC-F-01529 Phoma radicina CABI-384931. HG-1. 230C NAIMCC-F-01551 Podospora pauciseta CABI-280368. K. Singh. 230C. 230C. B. Nagesh. 1985. LY.. India.K. OA. HG-1. 230C NAIMCC-F-01536 Piptocephalis brijmohanii Mukerji CABI-164897. PDA. Rajsamand. MA. HG-1. P. India. Rajasthan. Sehgal. Mud. Karnataka. Nagesh. Gupta. S. 1966. PCA. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01537 Piptocephalis brijmohnii CABI-338750. HG-1. 1983. India. Mukerji. Mucor sp. 1990. YPSS. Mukerji. T. LY. HG-1. Mango tree. S. MA. Mishra.chlamydosporia CABI156157. Chaturvedi. India. Mehrotra CABI136623. G. Leaf of Medicago sativa. C. Young. Punjab. ATCC-16982. CABI-266942. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01543 Piptocephalis tieghemiana Matr. MA. PDA. HG-1. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01548 Pleospora infectoria CABI-139266. S. 230C. LY. Piperbetle. LY. PDA. LY. B. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02309 Pilidium acerinum CABI-211987. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01549 Pleospora papaveracea CABI-119161. Singh. Mangifera indica. India. NAIMCC-F-02099 Phomopsis conorum UD/61/08. PCA. India. 230C. HG-1. India. K. Papaver somniferum. 1990. soil. PDA. Jabapur. MA-6 69 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . India NAIMCC-F-02261 Phoma sojicola RL-2. D. LY. Gupta 1982. Jabalpur India. MA. Soil. CABI 1969. Baijal. India. NAIMCC-F-02363 Pochonia chlamydosporia var. P. NRRLA14572. isolated from Oryza sativa. Dung of rabbit. 230C. Oryctolagus cuniculus: dung. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01545 Pithomyces maydicus CABI-146557. BL. 25 C NAIMCC-F-02102 Pleurotus pulmonarius UD/15/08. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02491 Plectosphaerella cucumeria BPS-18. 280C NAIMCC-F-01547 Pleospora herbarum CABI-276975. Rajasthan. CABI-271627. HG-1. Mus: dung. Lucknow India. paint. LY. 25°C NAIMCC-F-01561 Pseudocercospora cavarae CABI-190017. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01574 Pyrenochaeta dolichi CABI-217261. Choudhuri. P. 230C. India. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01557 Preussia globosa CABI-384894. Karnataka India. Tiwari. Gwalior India. 230C NAIMCC-F-02445 Pyrenochaeta dolichi CABI-217261. Grassland soil. OA. HG-1. India. LY. W. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-01571 Pycnidiophora multispora CABI-086823. BL. 1987. R. 230C. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01575 Pyrenochaeta dolichi CABI-217262. Singhal A-97. soil. 230C. Choudhuri. Pangtey. N. isolated from Gardenia jasminoides. 1977. Coffea arabica. LY.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01552 Podospora pauciseta CABI-280389. PCA. LY. 230C. R. Coffea arabica. 1978. 1959. OA. Y. 1978. LY. 1983. 230C NAIMCC-F-01563 Ptychogaster rubescens CABI-183786. India. S.P. OA. K. Pangtey. 1961. Dolichos biflorus. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01567 Pycnidiophora dispersa CABI-295972. S. RT. S. Soil. Waste from alkali pump. Glycyrrhiza glabra. P. Tiwari. Naini Tal India. LY. MA6 NAIMCC-F-02298 Pseudomorfea coffeae CABI-225238. V. HG-1. PDA. N. PCA. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01570 Pycnidiophora dispersa CABI-320523. Citrus aurantifolia. T. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01553 Poitrasia circinans CABI-211996. Dolichos biflorus. India.23 0C NAIMCC-F-01576 Pyrenochaeta gardeniae CABI-108771. Rai. B. Mohanty. India NAIMCC-F-01558 Preussia vulgaris CABI-335948. 230C. LY. 1977. OA. isolated from Oryza sativa. HG-1. Decaying plant material. PCA. soil.OA. HG-1. India. 230C. MGT. waste from alkali pump. HG-1. P. soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02423 Podospora pauciseta CABI-280368. HG-1.S. OA. 230C. PDA. 1961. OA. Glycyrrhiza glabra. PCA. Plant material. Gupta. R. Y. 230C. OA. LY. S. V. PDA. Nanital. 1978. PCA. Soil. NAIMCC-F-01565 Pycnidiophora aurantiaca CABI-329563. HG-1. HG-1. India.K. India. J. D. PCA.G. 230C. MA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01555 Polyschema indica CABI-161603. 1974. Jabalpur India. MGT. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02297 Pyrenochaeta dolichi CABI-217262. PDA. BL.S. Effluent. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01559 Protomycopsis phaseoli CABI-150036. HG-1. MA. India. D. LY.P. Pangtey. LY. J. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01568 Pycnidiophora dispersa CABI-318144. CECT-20041. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01556 Preussia globosa CABI-082625. N. isolated from Vigna mungo. 230C. N. OA. N. P. Soil. Soil. OA.K. 1972. 23°C 70 NAIMCC-F-01566 Pycnidiophora dispersa CABI-086824. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02354 Pycnidiophora dispersa CABI-295972. Rai. ATCC-14745. 1989.S. 1957. LY. OA. J. Mud. RT. 1987. Chauhan. P. 230C. Gupta. 230C. Gwalior. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01572 Pycnoporus sanguineus CABI-075002. Saksena. Sagar. CMA. CMA. B. 1983. A. Naini Tal. S. PCA. D. OA. 1974. Soil. HG-1. 1989. 230C. PCA .N. OA. 1977. PCA. Dolichos biflorus. ATCC-14738. India. IFO-32588. Dolichos biflorus. 5-6 DAYS NAIMCC-F-02455 Psudocercospora cavarae CABI-190017. P. L. 1976. Dolichos biflorus. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01562 Pseudomorfea coffeae CABI-225238. CEC-20042. PDA. India NAIMCC-F-01560 Pseudallescheria ellipsoidea CABI-329753. Bengal. HG-1. 1960. Lal. LY. OA. HG-1. India. PDA. India. Bagool.P. S. Kalyanai W. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01569 Pycnidiophora dispersa CABI-311608. 1986. 230C. Pandotra. 230C. 230C. OA. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01564 Pycnidiophora aurantiaca CABI-086825. OA. RDA. S. MA6 NAIMCC-F-02267 Polyschema chambalensis CABI-206935. India.Mishra (K-14). 1976. 1961. 1989. MA. LY. Rai. India. Muthappa 1978. PDA. LY. R. India. J. India. India. Chauhan. B. HG-1. Gaur(S 14). PCA. Pandotra. 1974. Muthappa. N. 1977. Bengal India. PDA. BL. India. India. N. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01573 Pyrenochaeta dolichi CABI-068705. Hasija 19. India. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01554 Polyschema chambalensis CABI-206935. Decaying wood. OA. decaying (aquatic habitat).S Pangtey. RDA. S. R. Bombay India. Agarwal. 230C. PCA. PCA. T. PDA. 1986. OA. LY. PCA. Rai. HG-1. India . HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02308 Poitrasia circinans CABI-211996. PDA. HG-1. India. Naini Tal India. India. 2009. R. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01592 Rhizopus homothallicus CABI-268347. MGT. Bachchhav. 230C. 250C NAIMCC-F-01580 Radiomyces spectabilis CABI-338435. India. India. PDA. Shukla & P.C. Saccharum officinarum. Soil. A. LY. 280C NAIMCC-F-01578 Pyrenochaeta penniseti CABI-346314. Mau. 2008. 1981. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01582 Ramichloridium subulatum CABI-249830. B. S. Soil. Dash. 1988. India. PDA. L. Sorghum vulgare. HG-1. 1971. PCA. 1991. 25OC NAIMCC-F-01586 Rhizomucor pusillus CABI-226166. India. (7. LY. PDA. Johari. ATCC-22373. 25°C. air. A. 230C NAIMCC-F-01585 Rhinocladiella indica CABI-131989. 1983. D. 25OC NAIMCC-F-02463 Pyricularia oryzae Rice Blast disease. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01589 Rhizopus microsporus var . 1973. Sagar M. 230C. 370C. B. L. Shukla. 280C NAIMCC-F-02424 Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis CABI-232937. Mau. Oryza sativa. 230C NAIMCC-F-02276 Rhizopus microspores var. LY. Jain (86). L. 370C-450C NAIMCC-F-01590 Rhizopus homothallicus CABI-075136. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02333 Rhizomucor pusillus CABI-226172. seed of Pennisetum americanum (pearl millet). LY. S. PDA. PDA. India. Rawla. PDA. Almora. PDA. Dash. Uttarakhand. B. PDA. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02165 Pyricularia grisea A-2. PDA. PDA. 1978. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01593 Rhizopus homothallicus CABI-280658. 370C. PDA. LY. Saksena. India. B. Dung. HG-1. India. PDA. B. 2008. HG-1. Lucknow. PCA.L. India. (Cohn)Schipper and Stalpers. PDA. Bilgrami. 1958. P. PDA. PCA. P. A. NRRL-3695. R. Nath& B. Uttar Pradesh. PCA. LY. LY. Zea mays.300C). A. Agarwal. 1974. 230C. 37-450C. Sorghum halepense. A. P. Type strain NAIMCC-F-01969 Rhizoctonia solani 11. Dash. PDA. 1978. HG-1. Rawla. Air. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01588 Rhizomucor pusillus CABI-226172. 1982. ATCC-52803.NAIMCC-F-01577 Pyrenochaeta oryzae CABI-274148. NAIMCC-F-02166 Pyricularia grisea M-2. India. Nath and B. HG-1. PCA. K. Uttar Pradesh. Rawla. MA. HG-1. HG-1. Bostaurus. PDA. 230C. LY. B. 1980. B. 71 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 230C. Tiwari. Lucknow India. Cuttack. sheath blight affected rice plant. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01591 Rhizopus homothallicus CABI-255538. B. HG-1. Saini.N. 230C. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01972 Rhizoctonia solani 14. Soil. 37-450C. PCA. PDA. Sandhu.P.rhizopodiformis MTCC-838. R. Chauhan. PDA. 230C. 280C NAIMCC-F-02279 Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis CABI-210242. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01584 Ramulispora sorghi CABI-153077. Haryana India. Mau. LY. PDA. MA. PCA. HG-1. 2008. LY. A. P. Dash. Singh. HG-1. sheath blight affected rice plant. M. Air. 2008. 2009. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01583 Ramulispora sorghi CABI-153076. PCA. A. India. 1978. PDA. Singh. MA. . LY. PDA. 1984. 1971. CBS343. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02360 Ramulispora sorghi CABI-153076. 02-07-09 NAIMCC-F-02167 Pyricularia grisea C-2. Triticum grains. India. 1978. 37-450C. LY. 25°C NAIMCC-F-02378 Ramulispora sorghi CABI-153077.P. B. R.K. 1978.29. Soil. HG-1. C. Uppal. MA. Sorghum bicolor. Mau. A. LY. sheath blight affected rice plant. PDA. PDA. B. Orissa. India. Mus: dung. PDA. India. Allahabad. 1975. MA. PDA. rhizopodiformis CABI-188055. Rawla. 230C. B. HG-1. MGT. Salam. India. Hawalbagh. D. A. K. K. Sorghum halepense. India. Orissa. PCA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01594 Rhizopus homothallicus CABI-321220. PDA. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01971 Rhizoctonia solani 13. Dash. S. 1976. Dash.69. CBS179. 1984. HG-1. 2009. Gwalior India. LY. 230C NAIMCC-F-01970 Rhizoctonia solani 12. Cuttack. 25OC. Uttar Pradesh. 370C. Mau. 1981. Dash. 1971. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01587 Rhizomucor pusillus CABI-193776. Hyderabad 2007 Andhra Pradesh India. MGT. India. PDA.P. India. HG-1. Decaying leaf. Air. MA. 1990. S. India. Uttar Pradesh. sheath blight affected rice plant. Soil. India. B. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02164 Rhizoctonia solani C-1. MA. R. Submerged senescing plant material. 1971. 37-450C NAIMCC-F-02432 Rhizomucor pusillus CABI-226166. 280C NAIMCC-F-01579 Pyrenochaeta rubi-idaei CABI-282528. Dash. P. 2010. 25OC. Mshra. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01581 Ramichloridium apiculatum CABI-251347. L.C. A. Kodmelmar. 230C NAIMCC-F-02459 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-280098. LY. S. HG-1. Udaipur. Lycopersico nesculentum. India. LGS NAIMCC-F-01620 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3054. LY. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. M. P. V. 230C. India. LGS NAIMCC-F-01615 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3045. India. Cucumis melo var. 1975. PCA. Rajeev Kaushik. N. rhizopodiformis CABI-188055. India. PDA. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. LGS NAIMCC-F-01618 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3052. isolated from Artocarpus heterophylla. LGS NAIMCC-F-01621 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3061.Joy no. isolated from Compost made for cultivation of Agaricus bisporus. Cucumis melo. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01604 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-280098. Cotton lint. Malt Extract Agar. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01597 Rhizopus microsporus var. India. Das Gupta. 1983. Soil. Malt Extract Agar. PCA. 1976. K. PDA. HG-1. PDA. Malt Extract Agar. 28°C. PCA. 28°C. Rajeev Kaushik. Rajeev Kaushik. M. LGS NAIMCC-F-01622 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3063. India NAIMCC-F-01612 Saccharomyces cerevisiae IARI 1033. V. OA 28°C NAIMCC-F-01609 Robillarda sessilis CABI-109996.P. PDA. isolated from soil. India. HG1. MA PDA. 230C. India NAIMCC-F-01611 Roumegueriella rufula CABI-178383. M. LY. India. LY. India. R. PCA. Patel. IMI 1992. Rajeev Kaushik. NAIMCC. stolonifer CABI-357697. 230C. 28°C. LY. K. India NAIMCC-F-01606 Rhizopus stolonifer var. 28°C. India NAIMCC-F-01610 Robillarda sessilis CABI-146439. 28°C. NAIMCC-F-02301 Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis. 28°C. isolated from Starter culture traditional mix beverage. PCA. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01603 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-202127. R. rhizopodiformis CABI-216235. 1947. 28°C. PDA. Malt Extract Agar. HG-1. B. NAIMCC. K. LGS NAIMCC-F-01619 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3053. OA. NAIMCC. LY. Babu Singh Siradhana. 1977. K. Agra India. Malt Extract Agar. Rajeev Kaushik. Rajeev Kaushik. Tiwari. isolated from Borassus flabellifer. 1974. Breeder cow. Gossypium sp. 230C. S. K. LY. 230C. LGS NAIMCC-F-01614 Saccharomyces cerevisiae IARI 1035. Rajeev Kaushik. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01601 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-016641. 1988. rhizopodiformis CABI-216238. 28°C. PDA.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02428 Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis CABI-216238. NAIMCC. PCA. LGS NAIMCC-F-01616 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3046. IMI 1992. M. CABI216235. HG-1. Malt Extract Agar. 1983.K. 230C. 28°C. Das Gupta. Rajeev Kaushik. Kodmelmar. PCA. LGS . HG-1. PDA. Gelatin factory effluent. NAIMCC. Johri. jabalpur India. stolonifer CABI-324540. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01600 Rhizopus microsporus var. PCA. 28°C. Uppal. NAIMCC. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01599 Rhizopus microsporus var. LGS NAIMCC-F-01623 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3073. 230C. D20. microsporus CABI-190511. Soil. NAIMCC. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01598 Rhizopus microsporus var. 28°C. Chandra E. K. NAIMCC. D. Gossypium. M. ATCC-52804. 230C. 1976. PDA. LY. LY. Mathur. Malt Extract Agar. 230C. OA. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02340 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-201119. Malt Extract Agar. 230C NAIMCC-F-02448 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-202127. Chandra. 1977. 25°C NAIMCC-F-01608 Rhodococcus CABI-352510. India. India. NAIMCC. Saxena RDVV D31. lyococcos CABI-375453. D. Lycopersicon esculentum. 28°C. 230C. LGS NAIMCC-F-01617 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3048. NAIMCC. 5 sept. Rajeev Kaushik. 28°C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01602 Rhizopus oryzae CABI-201119. LGS NAIMCC-F-01613 Saccharomyces cerevisiae IARI 1034. India. OA. NAIMCC. 1976. 1976. Rajeev Kaushik. HG-1. PDA. NAIMCC. LGS NAIMCC-F-01624 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3107 Rajeev Kaushik. Malt Extract Agar. Das Gupta. K. Malt Extract Agar. LY. PDA. Rajeev Kaushik. Malt Extract Agar. 1991. 1977. 1978. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01596 Rhizopus microsporus var. India. Das Gupta. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01605 Rhizopus stolonifer var. HG-1. NAIMCC. 230C NAIMCC-F-01595 Rhizopus microsporus var. P. Rajeev Kaushik. India. HG-1. MGT. 1977. HG-1. rhizopodiformis CABI-210242. utilissimus. rhizopodiformis CABI-232937. E. Malt Extract Agar. Malt Extract Agar.. India 72 NAIMCC-F-01607 Rhizopus stolonifera var. OA. OA. Malt Extract Agar. Udaipur. Lahaul & Spiti. Kanwer. Chilra . 250C. HG1. 2008. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02241 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc08. India. Sweet sorghum biomass. Aara. LGS NAIMCC-F-02236 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc02. Kanwer. Oryza sativa. MA PDA OA MGT 23°C NAIMCC-F-02240 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc06.S. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02097 Schizophyllum commune UD/26/08. Sangla. S. Himachal Pradesh. 250C NAIMCC-F-01633 Sarocladium oryzae CABI-334320. Hyderbad India. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01627 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3588. Venkataran. MUCL 39405. Beverage. PDA. 2010. LGS NAIMCC-F-02474 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7. PDA.N. PDA. Chiang. Himachal Pradesh. Tamilnadu India. Harinder Singh Oberoi. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01636 Sclerotium hydrophilum CABI-317803. Lahaul & Spiti. S. Oryza sativa :sheath. S. Bambus nutuans:stem. Himachal Pradesh. 280C NAIMCC-F-01629 Sacrocladium oryzae CABI. Udaipur. NAIMCC. S. PDA.73. PDA. Lahaul & Spiti. Rajeev Kaushik. 1988. S. S. Himachal Pradesh. PCA. Kanwer. PDA. Kinnaur. S. Oryza sativa :sheath. Hyderabad. Hyderabad India. Himachal Pradesh. Malt Extract Agar. Himachal Pradesh. PDA/MEA. PCA. 1975. 2010.PDA. 2009. S. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01630 Sarocladium oryzae CABI-239872. Kanwer. 2010. S. 250C Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02497 Saccharomyces sp. 2010. India. PDA.K.182421. Singh. 2010. 250C NAIMCC-F-02237 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc03. 2008. Babool tree. 280C NAIMCC-F-02498 Saccharomyces sp. 1990. Rajasthan. Tamilnadu India. Himachal Pradesh. S. Lahaul & Spiti. Panjab. 230C. NAIMCC-F-02248 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc21. 250C NAIMCC-F-02249 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sfo3. 1974. Lahaul & Spiti. 250C NAIMCC-F-02254 Schizosaccharomyces pombe Sp02. Lahaul & Spiti. R. Rajeev Kaushik. PDA. 28°C. S. 2010. PDA. Lahaul & Spiti. S.Namdeo. Himachal Pradesh. 230C. Rajasthan. Fermented food. Kanwer. S. Lugari. HG-1. MA-6 73 . PCA .NAIMCC-F-01625 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3186. Beverage. S. Agnihothrudu. S. PDA. PDA. Oryza sativa. Rahman. S. 28°C.. 250C NAIMCC-F-02247 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc20. Kanwer. S. Chilra. Lahaul & Spiti. 2010. MUCL 39406. 2010. NAIMCC. C. Kanwer. Apple wine. S. PDA/MEA. S. Kanwer. 250C. L. Himachal Pradesh. Rajeev Kaushik. S. Himachal Pradesh. G. 250C NAIMCC-F-02244 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc14. Babru. V. Rao. PDA. 01-09-10 NAIMCC-F-02245 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc15. LY. 250C NAIMCC-F-01632 Sarocladium oryzae CABI-334318. PDA. S. Sweet sorghum biomass. S. Bharmour. S. 250C NAIMCC-F-01626 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3583. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02239 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc05.J. NAIMCC-F-02253 Schizosaccharomyces pombe Sp01. S. S. 2010. Xylose sugar medium. S. Kanwer. 1987. 2010. S. PAU. SSMCC: 2. Khameer. OA. India. R.Wine. Singh. PDA. Himachal Pradesh. Basar. Rajendranagar. Joe. 2010.73. YMA. Y. Joe. Malt Extract Agar. S. Himachal Pradesh. 250C NAIMCC-F-01631 Sarocladium oryzae CABI-184922. Kanwer. 250C NAIMCC-F-02243 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc13. 2010.Wine. Himachal Pradesh. S. PDA. Rajeev Kaushik. Y. PDA. . PDA. PDA. 250C NAIMCC-F-02246 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc17. S. 250C NAIMCC-F-01634 Sarocladium oryzae CABI-339944. SSMCC: 1. Moses & M. Oryza sativa. 250C NAIMCC-F-02113 Schizophyllum commune Wood. 300C. 250C. Sangle. NAIMCC. 2010. Lahaul & Spiti. K. Kanwer. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02242 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc09. S. 2010. OA. Pangi. Kanwer. OA. MA. Kanwer. Rao. Ludhiana. K. LGS NAIMCC-F-02250 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sfo4. Kanwer.Chuli. S. Kanwer. 250C NAIMCC-F-01635 Sclerotinia ricini CABI-320787. 1979. W. PCA. Reddy(3). Kanwer. Kanwer.. 2010. Kerala India. S. 2010. MA. S . Lahaul & Spiti. Malt Extract Agar. CBS 399. 2010. S. 250C NAIMCC-F-02098 Schizophyllum commune UD/46/08. 2010. 250C NAIMCC-F-02238 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc04. S. 1988. MA. Scirpus supinus. Upadhyay. Hyderabad.Khameer. 28°C. PDA. Sangla. Himachal Pradesh. S. S . Amin. 28°C. Himachal Pradesh. Ricinus communis: twig and leaf. Sangla.S. S. Sangle. Apple wine. 2010. S. Arunachal Pradesh. K. PDA. Himachal Pradesh. Gams CBS 399. Rajendranagar. LGS NAIMCC-F-01628 Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3618. LY. NAIMCC. Himachal Pradesh. Soil. Dhaeli. R. Soil. PCA. PCA. CMA. Y. V. India. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01645 Scolecobasidium humicola CABI-247464. OA. Agarwal. D. Garhwal India..S. Andhra Pradesh. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01663 Sordaria sp. India. HG1. 1980. India. OA. Yeast Starch Agar medium.S. Thirumalachar. 230C.. isolated from Coriandrum. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01649 Scopulariopsis brumptii CABI-166268. LY. LY. MA. 1952. CMA.CTCRI. LY. PDBC Bangalore. C. Alok K Srivastava. India. Raphanus. LY. India. PDA. 1972. Compost. 230C.K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02299 Setosphaeria holmii CABI-225032. OA.Misra. Panwar. B. PCA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01646 Scolecobasidium terreum CABI-234390. 450C. HG-1. S. K. Petroleum refinery contaminated soil. Poaceae. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02379 Scopulariopsis brumptii CABI-166268. MA-6 . HACC-195. S. M. HG-1. R. R. India. Roy. India. 1987. 230C. 1971.P. CMA. S. LY. K.Misra. S. 230C NAIMCC-F-01650 Scopulariopsis carbonaria CABI-183395. HG-1. CMA. Vijay.2008. RDA. PCA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01655 Setosphaeria pedicellata CABI-048332. D. D. 230C. 2008.Misra. HG-1.Soil. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01662 Sordaria lappae CABI-258666. PDA. 1972. LY. Venkataran. 230C. India. OA. PDA. 230C. HG-1.Orissa. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01656 Setosphaeria pedicellata CABI-157286. HG-1. 230C. P. 2010. soil. Soil. HG-1.Misra.S. OA. Soil. Mysore India. PDA. Grassland soil. Oryza sativa.Andhra Pradesh.W. Kodmelwar and B. India. PDA. J. 1978. 230C NAIMCC-F-01657 Setosphaeria rostrata CABI-076563. RP Singh. OA. NBAIM. PDA. Gossypium . Panwar.V. D. MA. LY. Hyderabad . S. OA. Gupta. 1966. Mall. MGT. 2010 PDA. B. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01643 Sclrotium rolfsii S 13. Panwar. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01664 Sordaria superba CABI-372027. LY. T. HG-1. PDA. Cyperus rotundus. India.S. PCA. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. CABI-261830.P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01658 Setosphaeria rostrata CABI-061868. 1972. R. isolated from Eucalyptus. Subramanian. OA. Air. P. LY. Srivastava. India NAIMCC-F-02466 Scytalidum thermophilum X-21. forest soil. RDA. India. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-01640 Sclrotium rolfsii S 5. MA6 NAIMCC-F-02375 Setosphaeria pedicellata CABI-157286. Kodmelwar & B. CBS-312. India 74 NAIMCC-F-01653 Seimatosporium fusisporum CABI-360861. HG-1. LY. O. P. V. K. Ovary of Heteropogon contortus. R. India. Minter. C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01638 Sclerotium rolfsii WF(Cr)102. 230C. 1978. Agarwal. 1978. MA. 1987. HG-1. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. 1976. India NAIMCC-F-01665 Sorosporium heteropogonicola CABI-118289. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01642 Sclrotium rolfsii S 12. LY.Misra. Mishra. R. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. ATCC-332.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01637 Sclerotium hydrophilum CABI-317802.2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01644 Sclrotium rolfsii\ S 1.S. 1959.2008. isolated from Eucalyptus. U. Raphanus sp. India. 1981. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01659 Setosphaeria rostrata CABI-199760. PDA. 230C. HG-1. PCA. Bhombe. HG1. 230C. S. S. Triticum aestivum. R. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01660 Setosphaeria rostrata CABI-146554. B. PDA. LY. India. Bhombe. LY. PDA. S. 230C. Solan Himachal Pradesh. 230C. CMA. Chauhan. 1974. PDA. India. NRCOG Puna. Lakshadweep Island. L.66. LY. Mehrotra.2008. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01648 Scopulariopsis brumptii CABI-166265. isolated from Mangifera indica. Gossypium sp. Grassland soil. Onion bulb. OA MA MGT 23°C NAIMCC-F-01651 Scytalidium thermophilum CABI-361370. India NAIMCC-F-01661 Sordaria fimicola CABI-314767. 1971. PDA. Mau. 230C. MA. R. India. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01652 Seimatosporium falcatum CABI-360858. ATCC16581. R. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01641 Sclrotium rolfsii S 11. 2008. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01647 Scolecobasidium verruculosum CABI-098297. 280C NAIMCC-F-01654 Setosphaeria holmii CABI-225032. Ramakrishnan. LY. R. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01639 Sclerotium rolfsii NRCOG-SR-1. 230C. 23°C. HG-1. OA. P Shreeram kumar. isolated from soil. Andhra Pradesh.2008. India NAIMCC-F-02479 Septoglocum mori GB-14. Soil. Oryza sativa. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01676 Sporothrix sp.NAIMCC-F-01666 Spegazzinia sundara CABI-160298. LY. Rhizosphere soil. D. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02148 Thelebolus microspores Soil. HG-1. CABI 1984. Prunus cerasus: fruit. CBS-344. India.T. 1986. HG-1. HG-1. 1978. M. Himalaya. ARS-A10034. India.L. HG-1. 230C NAIMCC-F-02361 Themomyces stellatus CABI-283837. CBS-547. Nahikkar. Singhai. R. CBS104. S. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01688 Thamnostylum piriforme CABI-251324. HG-1. P.. Sehgal. 230C. PCA. K. P. Milk + 5% inositol) . 1972. OA. Grassland soil. A. PCA. NRCOG Puna. India. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01680 Staphylotrichum coccosporum CABI-169060. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01671 Sphaeronaema sesami CABI-100417. ATCC-14746. 230C. 1978. India. LY. 1990. YMAgar. Dung of rabbit. PCA. India. 1984. K. LY. HG-1.D. J. India. K. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01690 Thermoascus aurantiacus CABI-337519. LY. LY. Agarwal. 1980. Echinochloa sp.64. Darjeeling. India. 1979. Sudheer Kumar. Mehrotra. India. West Bengal 2009. LY. OA. 1976. NRRL-2892. 1976. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02341 Sporotrichum pulverulentum CABI-287531.75. 2009. OA PDA MA 230C. PCA.69. Chandrashekara. Milk + 5% inositol) NAIMCC-F-01683 Stigmina platani CABI-136770. HG-1. B. Soil. S. PDA. OA. 230C. 1976. soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01672 Sporormiella minima CABI-351349. OA. LY. S. Shimla. 1960. 1971. Sesamum indicum. HG-1. 1974. HG-1. B. India. 370C NAIMCC-F-01689 Thermoascus aurantiacus CABI-293236. Lucknow India. 28 oC. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01679 Stachybotrys bisbyi CABI-283959. 230C NAIMCC-F-01677 Sporotrichum pulverulentum CABI-287531. 1984. India NAIMCC-F-01686 Tetraploa ellisii CABI-204539. C. T. 1974. HG-1. isolated from Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01674 Sporothrix cyanescens CABI-271038. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01687 Thamnostylum lucknowense CABI-086838. Municipal compost. rhizosphere. India. CBS 576. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02116 Stropharia coronilla Soil. PDA. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01685 Syncephalus depressa CABI-202105. HG-1. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01669 Sphacelotheca destruens CABI-314116. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02407 Tetraploa ellisii CABI-204539. LY. Soil. MA. HG-1.40C NAIMCC-F-02318 Themoascus aruantiacus CABI-293236. J. S. PDA. OA.Leef. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-01667 Spegazzinia sundara CABI-185949. N. 1963. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01670 Sphaeronaema indicum CABI-081597. Mucor sp. India. Chail forest. G. 230C. Poaceae. 23 C. India. LY. L Das. Srivastava. leaf spot. B. Cymbopogon flexuoesus. K. Harwan India. M. Soil. India NAIMCC-F-01948 Talaromyces flavus RHS/P-51.60. Sesamum indicum . LY. BL. Janardhanan.. 230C. LY. Upadhyay. CBS-273. NAIMCC-F-01673 Sporormiella minima CABI-370864. PDA. 230C. India. 2008. K. Rai. Soil. LY (10% sk. OA. Jammu and Kashmir. Agarwal. 30350C. HG-1. LY. NAIMCC-F-01684 Sutravarana samala CABI-205842. S. Bakshi. LY. PCA. 230C. 1985. 230C. HG-1. India. HG-1. Poona India. L. Grassland soil. India. Oryza sativa. NRRL-6429. Litter and soil. India. PCA. Onion. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01681 Stemphylium vesicarium NRCOG-SV-1. 1961. HG-1.82. Rai. Cicer sp. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01682 Stigmina carpophila CABI-321464. soil. 230C. P. B N Chakraborty. LY (10% sk. PDA MA. 1972. TWA+W MGT 23°C DL. Saksena. PDA. 230C. 2009. ATCC-28404.LN (10% glycerol) NAIMCC-F-01691 Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae CABI-234110. MGT. India. 1968. Prasad. K. HG-1. PCA. S. India. Das. Thirumalachar. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01678 Stachybotrys atra CABI-096689. MA. CABI 1988. 230C. D. Soil. 250C. PDA. HG-1. India. isolated from Musa sapientum. B. sagar. PCA. N. CABI-269716. 23°C 1 week. K. NCIM-1106. LY. HG-1. 230C. Lay ladhak. HACC-243. MA. Soil. 230C. BL. PDA. PDA. PDA. Vellayani India. 1985. Poona India. L. 37°C. India. 230C. 230C.76. J. V. Prasad. MA. MA-6 75 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02277 Staphylotrichum coccosporum CABI-169060. Jain. LY. RP Singh. LY. 1983. Menon. 1962. MA. Benny. 1984. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01668 Spegazzinia sundara CABI-183791. Agarwal. 0 Bilgrami. 230C. OA. MA. Puttoo(4). MA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01675 Sporothrix rectidentata CABI-215001. RSA-1015. Sesamum indicum. C. Platanus orientalis. India. PDA. LY. Soil. HG-1. CBS-447. LY. compost. India. 25oC NAIMCC-F-02170 Trichoderma asperillum TWD1. Udaipur. CABI-287117. fruit. PDA. Citrus aurantifolia. 23°C NAIMCC-F-02374 Thielavia subthermophila CABI-226156. 1974. Sirodhana. leaf.M. 1985. PDA. 280C NAIMCC-F-02176 Trichoderma brevicompactum TBC1. quaternella CABI-114511. Rakesh Kumar Maunath Bhanjan. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01696 Thielavia appendiculata CABI. 1972. 230C NAIMCC-F-01713 Trichoderma asperellum Soil. Cain. Krishna Kumar. Gorjhamar Forest India. India NAIMCC-F-02315 Thielavia basicola CABI-196465. PCA+FP. HG-1. PDA. OA. India. HG-1.C. Soil. HG-1. LY. PDA. OA TGT37 NAIMCC-F-01693 Thermomyces stellatus CABI-283837. Soil. 1984. India. 2010.. 1967. Vigna radiata: pod. Uttarakhand. Diospyros melanoxylon. PDA. isolated from Soil. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. India. PDA. HG-1. Walnut Soil. B. TWA+W. India. quaternella CABI-126846. 1985. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02451 Trichobotrys effusa CABI-185947. isolated from Punica granatum. India.K Singh. 1987. Cain. S. LY.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01692 Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae CABI-346637. P. Nagar. K. 230C. NAIMCC-F-01707 Thielavia tortuosa CABI-372840. 230C NAIMCC-F-01708 Torula caligans CABI-126844. India. LY. PDA. Tamil Tadu India. 230C. Piper leaf. Dead wood. OA. Air. 1975. TWA+W. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01703 Thielavia subthermophila CABI-329570. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01709 Torula herbarum f. 1991. 1968. 250C NAIMCC-F-02100 Trichoderma erinaceum UD/117/08. PDA. PDA. LY. Rhizosphere soil. Vigna radiata. A. 260C NAIMCC-F-01712 Trichobotrys effusa CABI-185947. Husain. Cocos nucifera rhizosphere. 230C. India. LY. HG-1. 23°C.Oryza sativa. TWA+W. OA. 1974. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01695 Thielavia appendiculata CABI-335941. MA-6 76 NAIMCC-F-02447 Tichoderma harzianum CABI-287858. 2009. HG-1. Krishna Kumar. Soil. HG-1. S. PCA. OA. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01698 Thielavia hyrcaniae CABI-284914. 1989. 2009. TWA+W. 230C. A.P. TWA+W. India. India. M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01706 Thielavia terricola CABI-104951.S. 230C. LY. 1988. PDA . 1965. Krishna Kumar. Almora. Jabalpur M. 1972. 370C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01705 Thielavia terricola CABI-337354. Misra. LY. S. air. 230C. MUBL-2247. PDA. Rhizosphere soil. Rajasthan. 2005. PCA. Soil. PCA+FP. 1990. PDA. 1967. TWA+W. 280C . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02431 Thielavia fragilis CABI-169641. HG-1. LY. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01700 Thielavia sp. PDA. Andaman and Nicobar Islands.Mishra. N. Thiruvanathapuram. Albizia lebbek. J. A. A. OA. 230C. Sagar India. HG-1. K. 1989. India. OA. MA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01702 Thielavia subthermophila CABI-319643. 2009. Bhargava. K. Sudheer Kumar. Leaf of Piper sp. Pennisetum typhoideun. isolated from Ficus. Sagar India. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01710 Torula herbarum f. PDA/MEA. S. TWA+W. R. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01699 Thielavia hyrcaniae CABI-327461. India. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01937 Trichoderma asperellum UTP-16. OA. Mentha arvensis. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01701 Thielavia subthermophila CABI-226156. PDA. Bhedaghat India. P. India. kerala.. HG-1. PDA. 1987. Natarajan. LY. HG-1. Bhargava. S. 2009. OA. C. India. Vyas. Soil. PDA. Rhizosphere of Pennisetum typhoideum. 1984. S. 280C NAIMCC-F-02180 Trichoderma erinaccum Soil. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01711 Torula terrestris CABI-115294. PCA. Gupta 34 June 1988. 230C. PCA. India NAIMCC-F-01694 Thielavia appendiculata CABI-316441. Uttaranchal. sagar. PCA. 2009. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02588 Trchoderma sp PBAT-66. Rhizosphere soil. 370C. India. PCA 370C NAIMCC-F-01704 Thielavia terricola CABI-128930. Singh. India. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. PCA. Patel. HG-1. Kerla. Gupta. 250C NAIMCC-F-02171 Trichoderma erinaceum TND1. rhizosphere. Sinha. Natarajan. Kumar. CABI 1978. PDA. PDA. 1965. HG-1. India NAIMCC-F-02320 Thielavia CABI-287117. L. Patel. 370C. PDA. 1978. 230C. Soil. 2008. OA. LY.104944. 230C NAIMCC-F-01697 Thielavia fragilis CABI-169641. Soil. 2010. Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. PCA. NRC Soybean. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01733 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-297033. LY. RT. K. CECT-2932. . Prasad. V Jayakumar . Dr. 2007 PDA. Mukhonadyay.PDA. CECT-2924. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01718 Trichoderma hamatum TNL -1. LY. 1985. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01722 Trichoderma hamatum Soil. Coimbatore. Dr. V Jayakumar . Dash Maunath Bhanjan. LY.V Jayakumar . N. Rhizospheric soil of Lady's finger. Jhaira.NAIMCC-F-01714 Trichoderma fasiculatum NRCOG-TF-1. U. Pantnagar India. 2007. 2007 PDA. 1984. Tiwari. Sugorcone Rhizosphere. PCA. D. Onion rhizosphere. 1985. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01741 Trichoderma harzianum MTCC 7105. K. Gujurat India.Soil. Soil. K Joshi. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01720 Trichoderma hamatum TDK1. Haryana. PDA. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01735 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-304057. 230C. OA. Maharastra India. PCA. LY. OA. Gupta 2003. A. 280C NAIMCC-F-02336 Trichoderma hamatum CABI-224801. K. 1978. OA. R. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-02032 Trichoderma hamatum PHA-7. 24±2oC NAIMCC-F-01723 Trichoderma hamatum A. India. OA. Cultivated soil. Bengal India. India. HG-1. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01726 Trichoderma hamatum A. Gupta 2003. . 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01724 Trichoderma hamatum A. 1986. PDA. OA.Coimbatore. 230C. 2008. 2007. LY. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. HG-1. V. 230C. PDA. V Jayakumar . N. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01725 Trichoderma hamatum A. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. B. PDA. . 2006. K. Field soil (Lycopersion esculentum) tomato. Rhizospheric soil of Lagenaria sinceraria . U. PCA. RT. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01734 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-303775 Citrus species trunk. 2007. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01738 Trichoderma harzianum Sugarcane. Rao. OA. Field soil (Beta vulgaris) sugarbeet. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01727 Trichoderma harzianu. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02168 Trichoderma hamatum TSD1. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-02177 Trichoderma fasiculatum Sludge. PCA. Pantnagar India. R. 230C. . PDA. Verma.Coimbatore. Malathi P. CECT-2931. HG-1. 2007. Andhra Pradesh. H. S. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. . CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. 2007 PDA. Jabalpur India. 2007. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. Cattle feed. PCA. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01732 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-293162. Rhizospheric soil of Cow pea. Rhizospheric soil of Brinjal. 28±10C 77 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01719 Trichoderma hamatum TMB-3. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01728 Trichoderma harzianu. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01740 Trichoderma harzianum Sugarcane. Malathi P. 2007. PDA. 2007 . Rhizospheric soil of Coccinia grandis. HG-1. A. PCA. Sugorcone Rhizosphere Malathi P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01731 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-288012. 2007 PDA. LY. 1978. K. PDA. B. Gunicheranam. 2007. Tiwari. RT. Malathi P. 1984. V Jayakumar . LY. 1986. Gupta 2003.V Jayakumar . LY. Malathi P. HG1. K. Chaudhuri. OA. 28OC NAIMCC-F-01715 Trichoderma hamatum CABI-224801. Coimbatore. LY. 2007 PDA. PDA. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. India. Waste water & sludge from alkali pulp manufacture from rice straw. PCA. 230C. 230C. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01739 Trichoderma harzianum Sugarcane. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01730 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-287858. HG-1. Cattle feed. 1985. Gupta 2003. Rhizosphere soil. Dr. Kerala India. PDA. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01717 Trichoderma hamatum TNL-2. HG-1. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01729 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-287561. RP Singh. 1986. 230C NAIMCC-F-01736 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-304058. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01716 Trichoderma hamatum TDK-4. Indore MP. W. NRCOG Puna. Coimbatore. Mukhopadhyay. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01721 Trichoderma hamatum Rhizospheric soil of Cinnamon. A. PCA. Sushil Kumar Sarma. PCA. Krishna Kumar. HG-1. PDA. Karnal. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01737 Trichoderma harzianum Sngorcone. PDA. N. PDA. HG-1. 2007. PDA. PDA. Malathi P. Rhizosphere of Cocos nucifera. 2009. B. Andaman and Nicobar Island. Prasad.2008. Andaman and Nicobar Island. 1985. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. Kerala Porert. PDA. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram.S.2008. 13-01-11. Rajasthan.Misra. Gujarat. Kerala Porert. Chattopadhyay Chiranthan. Someshwar Bhagat. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01754 Trichoderma harzianum TCF 460. R. PDA. PDA. 1985.Misra. 280C. PCA. NAIMCC-F-02508 Trichoderma harzianum Th-CARI-23. India. Andaman and Nicobar Island. Andhra Pradesh. NRC Soybean. Mathivanan. PDA.2008. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram.S.Misra. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01750 Trichoderma harzianum TCF 26. R.S. PDA. Chattopadhyay Chiranthan. Kerala Porert. Someshwar Bhagat. V Jayakumar .D. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. soil. Onion Rhizospheric soil R. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. Kerala Porert. Bharatpur. OA. PDA. PDA. 280C.2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01749 Trichoderma harzianum TCF 10. 2011.S.Misra. 230C NAIMCC-F-02419 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-295979. R. Andaman and Nicobar Island. 2011. Andhra Pradesh. 2007. Chaudhri. Lerala. R. Pune. S. Leaf of Brassica juncea. Orissa. Orissa. PDA. Kerala Porert.2008.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01742 Trichoderma harzianum Rhizospheric soil of Pumpkin. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01744 Trichoderma harzianum Th 1.wastefro alkali pulp manufacture from rice stra w. Bandopadhayay. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. 280C NAIMCC-F-02033 Trichoderma harzianum S1-2. Soil. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01746 Trichoderma harzianum Th 3. Chattopadhyay Chiranthan. PDBC Bangalore 2004. NAIMCC-F-02506 Trichoderma harzianum Th-CARI-25.Misra. Bharatpur.S. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01747 Trichoderma harzianum Th 4. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. J. Project Director.Misra. Orissa. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01743 Trichoderma harzianum MTCC 7105. Uttarakhand. Singh. Theni. 2007. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02504 Trichoderma harzianum Th-CARI-21. U.2008. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02040 Trichoderma harzianum Sl-1. Rajasthan. 2007. Bharatpur. Rajasthan. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02035 Trichoderma harzianum MML-3002. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. Chattopadhyay Chiranthan. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02038 Trichoderma harzianum P. PDA. PDA. 2007. NAIMCC-F-02507 Trichoderma harzianum Th-CARI-20. Someshwar Bhagat. Bharatpur. Kumar. 2011. Sushil Kumar Sharma. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01751 Trichoderma harzianum TCF 232. R. Chennai. Indore MP. Mango. NAIMCC-F-02523 Trichoderma harzianum PB-01. PDA. PDA. 2006. Mango. 2011. PDA.2008. Kerala Porert. Mango. 2006. Prasad. R. 2010.V. Sunflower. 13-01-11. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01745 Trichoderma harzianum Th 2.S. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01755 Trichoderma harzianum PDBC-TH10. Nagar. Prasad. R. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. NAIMCC-F-02505 Trichoderma harzianum Th-CARI-30. PDA28oc NAIMCC-F-02037 Trichoderma harzianum TH-2. 280C. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02188 Trichoderma harzianum (Th 4d).S. .D. Scletoria of Scletotinia sclerotium. P. 13-01-11.2008. PDA.S.Misra.S. PDA. PDA. Andaman and Nicobar Island. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01753 Trichoderma harzianum TCF 459. 280C. R.S.S. R. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02039 Trichoderma harzianum TH-4. PDA. PDA. R. 250C NAIMCC-F-02356 Trichoderma harzianum CABI-293162. India. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02036 Trichoderma harzianum JPT-2 Pegionpea . PDA. R.2008. 2005. Rao.Misra. Someshwar Bhagat. 2011. S. OA. 2006. R. Rajasthan. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. R. PDA. Andhra Pradesh. Someshwar Bhagat. Soil. PDA. R. 2009. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01748 Trichoderma harzianum Th 5. PDA. PDA. 280C.Misra. 2006. Orissa. Mango. PDA. Mango. Soil. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01752 Trichoderma harzianum TCF 430. Soil of Scletotina sclerotium infected. 2008.2008. 13-01-11. PDA. 13-01-11. D. 2008. 260C. 28 ± 2oC 78 NAIMCC-F-02041 Trichoderma harzianum NRCOG-TH-1. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02034 Trichoderma harzianum GR. PDA.2008. CTCRI Thiruvanantha-puram. PDA. PCA.Misra.Misra. 2009. Kumar. Nagar. U. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. NAIMCC-F-02562 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-40. NAIMCC-F-02558 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-36. S. Soil. 2009. Nagar. Kumar. S. J. J. Soil. Nagar. J. U. 2009. NAIMCC-F-02544 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-22. 2009. S. J. J. 2009. J. J. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02554 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-32. S. J. J. 2009. 2009. S. NAIMCC-F-02525 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-03. Uttarakhand. 260C. U. Uttarakhand. 260C. 260C. 2009. 2009. S. Kumar. PDA. S. S. Soil. Uttarakhand. 260C. Nagar. J. U. NAIMCC-F-02526 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-04. Nagar. Lentil Soil. Uttarakhand. PDA. PDA. 260C. U. 2009. U. 2009. J. S. 260C.NAIMCC-F-02524 Trichoderma harzianum PB-02. J. S. Nagar. 260C. NAIMCC-F-02561 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-39. Nagar. S. 2009. U. 2009. 2009. NAIMCC-F-02537 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-15. S. Soil. Kumar. J. Kumar. 260C. Uttarakhand. PDA. S. J. S. NAIMCC-F-02555 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-33. 260C. Nagar. PDA. 2009. U. Kumar. 260C. J. 260C. 260C. PDA. 260C. NAIMCC-F-02557 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-35. NAIMCC-F-02556 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-34. 260C. Uttarakhand. J. 2009. PDA. S. 260C. J. 260C. S. Nagar. U. Soil. NAIMCC-F-02545 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-23. Uttarakhand. J. Nagar. Soil. PDA. Cheek pea Soil. U. 2009. 2009. Nagar. 260C. Rice Soil. Kumar. PDA. Kumar. Kumar. U. Soil. Uttarakhand. PDA. U. Uttarakhand. Rice Soil. Kumar. Nagar. 260C. Nagar. 2009. Nagar. PDA. Uttarakhand. PDA. Nagar. 260C. 2009. 2009. Uttarakhand. PDA. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02534 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-12. NAIMCC-F-02559 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-37. J. 2009. Kumar. 2009. Kumar. S. NAIMCC-F-02540 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-18. U. J. U. J. PDA. Cheek pea Soil. PDA. U. Uttarakhand. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02543 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-21. Kumar. PDA. Nagar. U. NAIMCC-F-02542 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-20. PDA. Cheek pea Soil. Uttarakhand. Nagar. Nagar. NAIMCC-F-02532 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-10. Kumar. Soil. U. Nagar. S. Uttarakhand. J. J. NAIMCC-F-02530 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-08. NAIMCC-F-02539 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-17. Uttarakhand. 2009.Soyabean Soil. Nagar. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. NAIMCC-F-02528 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-06. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02553 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-31. S. Kumar. Nagar. Kumar. Kumar. U. 2009. PDA. Soil. PDA. PDA. Uttarakhand. PDA. S. 260C. PDA. U. Lentil Soil. Uttarakhand. Kumar. Soil. Uttarakhand. S. 260C. 260C. U. Uttarakhand. NAIMCC-F-02551 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-29. Uttarakhand. J. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. Nagar. NAIMCC-F-02531 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-09. NAIMCC-F-02550 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-28. U. 260C. J. U. U. Kumar. U. Kumar. J. Nagar. Rice Soil. Soil. U. PDA. 260C. 2009. Kumar. S. S. S. Kumar. PDA. Nagar. 260C. 260C. Kumar. U. 260C. S. Kumar. Nagar. J. Kumar. U. Uttarakhand. NAIMCC-F-02527 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-05. U. NAIMCC-F-02552 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-30. J. Nagar. Soil. 2009. U. NAIMCC-F-02563 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-41. Uttarakhand. J. 260C. 2009. 2009. NAIMCC-F-02564 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-42. Uttarakhand. J. 260C. U. PDA. 2009. Soil. S. PDA. Soil. S. Nagar. Soil. Nagar. 260C. Uttarakhand. Soil. Nagar. NAIMCC-F-02536 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-14. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02549 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-27. S. J. Lentil Soil. U. Rice Soil. Rice Soil. Kumar. S. Soil. Uttarakhand. Soil. J. Kumar. U. J. PDA. U. 2009. J. Uttarakhand. S. Soil. PDA.Cheek pea Soil. 2009. S. Kumar. PDA. Soil. Kumar. Uttarakhand. J. S. 2009. Soil. U. 2009. Kumar. 2009. PDA. S. Nagar. Kumar. PDA. U. Soil. Nagar. 79 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 260C. Nagar. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02560 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-38. Nagar. Nagar. NAIMCC-F-02533 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-11. 2009. Soil. Uttarakhand. U. Nagar. PDA. 260C. NAIMCC-F-02535 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-13. S. Uttarakhand. 260C NAIMCC-F-02541 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-19. PDA. Nagar. S. PDA. 260C. Kumar. J. 260C. Uttarakhand. 260C. S. Rice Soil. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. Darjeeling. J. Kumar. Kumar. Rhizosphere soil. Kumar. J. S. West Bengal 2009. NAIMCC-F-02594 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-72. B N Chakraborty. PDA. Uttarakhand. Nainital Uttarakhand. Rice Soil. 260C. 2009. NAIMCC-F-02586 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-64. 2009. 28 oC. 2009. 2009. 2009. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. 2009. PDA. 260C NAIMCC-F-02571 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-49. PDA.Girja. B N Chakraborty. PDA. 260C. PDA. U. Kumar. Pea Soil. Kumar. PDA. Almora. J. 2009. J. 28 oC. Rice Soil. Uttarakhand. Kumar. Toria Soil. 30oC NAIMCC-F-02579 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-57. PDA. Rice Soil. Kumar. 2009. J. Nagar. Uttarakhand. 2009. Uttarakhand. J. 2009. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02596 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-74. Malda. J. Dehradun. PDA. Uttarakhand. PDA. PDA. Tehri garhwal. Kumar. Almora. Rice Soil. 260C. NAIMCC-F-02583 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-61. PDA. J. Rice Soil. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. Dehradun. PDA. PDA. Almora.Rhizosphere soil. Kumar. U. Dehradun. Uttarakhand. 260C. 2009. NAIMCC-F-02590 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-68. Nagar. PDA. 260C. S. Malda. Almora. Maize Soil. PDA. Rice Soil. Nainital Uttarakhand. NAIMCC-F-02587 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-65. 2009. 2009. 2009. J. PDA. 260C. PDA. Haridwar. U. 2009. Uttarakhand. Kumar. J. TSM. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02589 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-67.2009. J. PDA. Nagar. S. NAIMCC-F-02592 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-70. J. Rice Soil. PDA. Kumar. S. Kumar. PDA. Almora. 260C NAIMCC-F-02578 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-56. 2009. Uttarakhand. Rice Soil. NAIMCC-F-02585 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-63. Uttarakhand. 80 . PDA. Rice Soil. NAIMCC-F-01963 Trichoderma harziunum AG/S-471. Dehradun. J. S. Sukna forest soil. PDA. PDA. J. 2009. Kumar. Kumar. Almora. Dehradun Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. 260C. 260C. J. 2009. 260C NAIMCC-F-02569 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-47. Kumar. 2009. Rice Soil. Kumar. Rice Soil. J. KAU Karela. J. Uttarakhand. 260C. NAIMCC-F-02595 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-73. Rice Soil. Nagar. 2009. PDA. PDA. Nagar. Uttarakhand. PDA. PDA. 260C. PDA. Rice Soil. 2009. Kumar. Malda. Almora. J. NAIMCC-F-02566 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-44. NAIMCC-F-02597 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-75. B N Chakraborty. Haridwar. 260C. Rice Soil. S. Kumar. U. Uttarakhand. S.Pea Soil. Dehradun. PDA. Nagar. Strawberry Soil. Uttarakhand. 260C. U. U. Uttarakhand. Chick pea Soil. Uttarakhand. Almora. J. J. J. U. PDA. Uttarakhand. PDA. 260C. S. U. West Bengal 2009. Apple Soil. 2009. J. Kumar. Nagar. Kumar. 260C NAIMCC-F-02573 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-51. 28 oC. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02593 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-71. NAIMCC-F-02581 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-59. NAIMCC-F-01961 Trichoderma harziunum AG/S-476. 260C. S. 2009. Nainital Uttarakhand. 260C. 2009. Rice Soil. Uttarakhand. NAIMCC-F-02582 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-60. Rice Soil. 2009. U. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-01962 Trichoderma harziunum FS/S-477. J. Kumar. 260C NAIMCC-F-02572 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-50. 2009. Uttarakhand. 260C NAIMCC-F-02575 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-53. Rice Soil. 260C. Nagar. West Bengal. Kumar. Rice Soil. Kumar. J. Uttarakhand. J. PDA. 260C. 260C NAIMCC-F-02568 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-46. 2009. Maize Soil. Rice Soil. J. B N Chakraborty. J. 2009. 260C NAIMCC-F-02570 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-48. 260C NAIMCC-F-02576 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-54. Rice Soil. PDA. 260C NAIMCC-F-01756 Trichoderma harziunum T-2. Chick pea Soil. Kumar. 260C NAIMCC-F-02577 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-55. Kumar.Rhizosphere soil.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02565 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-43. S. 2009. J. Kumar. J. soil of western ghats of Karela. J. Rice Soil. 260C NAIMCC-F-02574 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-52. Uttarakhand. 2009. 2009. PDA. S. U. J. Nagar. D. Kumar. U. Nagar. Nagar. 260C NAIMCC-F-02567 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-45. NAIMCC-F-01964 Trichoderma harziunum AG/S-479. 260C. West Bengal. Kumar. NAIMCC-F-02598 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-76. 28 oC NAIMCC-F-02580 Trichoderma harzianum PBAT-58. 2009. Acacia Rhizosphere soil. D. Kasbe camp. PCA. 2009. India NAIMCC-F-01763 Trichoderma lectea MTCC 7110. Kasbe camp. Chandel. LK. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01967 Trichoderma harziunum RHS/AC-4825. K. LY. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01768 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-315851. NAIMCC-F-01766 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-299911. K.Acacia Rhizosphere soil. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02174 Trichoderma ovalisporum TCC1. MA. RT. PDA. OA. Maunath Bhanjan. Rathinasabapathy UR4. 230C. M. Karnataka. PDA. B N Chakraborty.Indore MP.NAIMCC-F-01965 Trichoderma harziunum RHS/AC-480. 28 oC. NRC Soybean. K. MA6 NAIMCC-F-01770 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-352545. Prasad. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01765 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-299901. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 2005. Ramwapur India. Darjeeling. Chickpea. South Andaman. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01762 Trichoderma koningii Oudemans A. HG-1. 1986. OA. Rakesh Kumar.Acacia Rhizosphere soil. Pitchavaram India. Sushil Kumar Sarma. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. PDA. R. U. PDA.91. M. 2007.B N Chakraborty. Ramwapur India. 2009. Lakshmikant. 2007 NAIMCC-F-01764 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-294517. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-01761 Trichoderma koningii Soil. isolated from Soil. India. Karnataka. Pantnagar India. Mukhopadyay. Agricultural waste. West Bengal. PCA. Dr A. 270C. 2009. Pitchavaram India. Gorakhpur India. 2007. Lakshmikant. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01775 Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rhizospheric soil of Cow pea. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01968 Trichoderma harziunum RHS/AC-483. OA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01773 Trichoderma pseudokoningii CABI-348275. CABI 14/04/92. CECT-2935. PDA. LY. OA. 28 oC. HG-1. 1984. 14/04/1992. 2007. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02232 Trichoderma piluliferum Tri-19. PCA NAIMCC-F-01757 Trichoderma koningii CABI-299898. PDA. West Bengal. OA. 28±20C 81 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . PCA. K. V Jayakumar . PCA. PCA. Krishna Kumar. B N Chakraborty. 2007. Mukhopadyay. K. NAIMCC-F-02234 Trichoderma piluliferum Tri-40. Cajanus cajan. V Jayakumar . Wandoor. LY. Building. OA. Dr. LY. 28 oC. 1987. Jawalgera. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-01938 Trichoderma koningii TWC-2.Acacia Rhizosphere soil. PCA. Agricultural waste. LY. Rathinasabapathy UR5. Gupta 2003. 2009. 2009. Rhizosphere soil. PDA. Karnataka. PCA NAIMCC-F-01758 Trichoderma koningii CABI-304055. LY. Jay Kumar. PCA. Naik. PDA. V Jayakumar . 2009. soil. PDA. M. OA. 2010. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-01760 Trichoderma koningii Rhizospheric soil of Tomato. V. HG-1. 280C NAIMCC-F-02227 Trichoderma piluliferum Tri-2. PDA. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01759 Trichoderma koningii CABI-304059. 28±10C NAIMCC-F-01774 Trichoderma pseudokoningii Malathi P. U. Leaf litter of Bambusa sp. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-02229 Trichoderma piluliferum Tri-8. LY. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01772 Trichoderma pseudokoningii CABI-287096. RS. West Bengal. HG1. Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Cucumber. 1986. Pantnagar India. 28±20C NAIMCC-F-01776 Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rhizospheric soil of Cucumber. PDA. 230C. 1986. Andaman and nicobar Islands. West Bengal. A. PDA. Darjeeling.B N Chakraborty. Dr. HG-1. Thodehala. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01771 Trichoderma longibrachiatum A. Sugaerbeet (Beta vulgaris) field soil. HG-1. 1986. N. HG-1. LY. PDA. OA. 230C. . NAIMCC-F-01767 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-302407. 230C. Agricultural waste. CARI Andaman & Nicobar island. Laskshmikant. OA. NAIMCC-F-01769 Trichoderma longibrachiatum CABI-352544. Naik. PCA. Karnataka. S. 2010. Naik. PCA. K. PDA. Nisha Singh. Sarbhoy. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01966 Trichoderma harziunum RHS/AC-481. 2010. Darjeeling. N. Wood. Stored medicinal seed of Datura stramonium. CBS-403. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) field soil. HG-1. PDA. 2010. India. 28 ± 2oC. 1985. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-02042 Trichoderma koningii TKI. HG-1.D. 2007. 28oC. India. Darjeeling. 1986. M. 25°C 1 week. Chickpea. RT. Durg India. PDA. Naik. 1986. Cotton NRS. Erode. M. S. 2010. Gunasekaran and Sheena Kumari T.4-8-10 NAIMCC-F-02233 Trichoderma virense Tri-23. Nagar. 260C. K. Nagar. 2007. K. Kumar. U. IISR-1434. Laboratory of Applied Mycology BHU Varanasi. PDA. 2010. IISR-1101. IISR-1264. Kumar. Kumar. PDA. Baidoddi. Prasad. TSP-2. soil. PDA. 2006. Kumar. NRS. 2006. PDA. PDA. Naik. NAIMCC-F-02584 Trichoderma virens PBAT-62. 2710CO NAIMCC-F-01809 Trichoderma viride Soil. 2009. PDA. J. RP Singh. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01783 Trichoderma sp. Nagar. Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand. PDA. Pigeon pea. 2003. Onion rhizosphere. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02044 Trichoderma sp. Sorghum. R.D. Uttarakhand. On Ulma Tree. Lentil Soil. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-02529 Trichoderma virens PBAT-07. IISR-1105. NRS. PDA. S. IISR-1402. Kumar. Kayyur Kasaragod. PDA. M. M. 260C NAIMCC-F-02045 Trichoderma virens MML-3152. PDA. 2009. Almora. 2008. IISR-1417. Karnataka. TSM. IISR-1410. Karnataka. IISR-1102. TSM. 2009. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02538 Trichoderma virens PBAT-16. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01787 Trichoderma sp. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01780 Trichoderma sp. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01784 Trichoderma sp.Girja. NRCOG Puna. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01795 Trichoderma sp. Brinjal. soil of western ghats of Karela. D. soil of western ghats of Karela. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01782 Trichoderma sp. RS. Mathivanan. PDA. PDA. Uttarakhand. PDA. B. IISR-1388. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01788 Trichoderma sp. J. NAIMCC-F-01818 Trichoderma viridae T-12. Nagar. Maize Soil. Broccoli Soil. PDA. IISR-1106 PDA. 2009. PDA. 2009. IISR-1392. PDA. K. TSP-3. 2010. NAIMCC-F-02548 Trichoderma virens PBAT-26. PDA. PDA. U. K. IISR-1247. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-02235 Trichoderma virense Tri-42. 260C. S. Shakthinagar. Andhra Pradesh. 2710C NAIMCC-F-01812 Trichoderma viride Soil & Sugarcane stock Malathi P. Coimbatore tomilnadu 2007 PDA. PDA. 2010. PDA. K. 2710C NAIMCC-F-02591 Trichoderma rinaceum PBAT-69. U. KAU Kerala. Chennai. Soil. J. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01792 Trichoderma sp. Naik. Naik. Cotton. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01789 Trichoderma sp. Haridwar. PDA. 2009. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01785 Trichoderma sp. Prasad. 260C. IISR-1358. Singh 2004. 2006. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-02043 Trichoderma sp. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01790 Trichoderma sp. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01815 Trichoderma viride T-7. 2005. 24±20C 82 NAIMCC-F-02546 Trichoderma virens PBAT-24.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01777 Trichoderma pseudokoningii NRCOG-TP-1. Paadi Kasaragod. U. U. Andhra pradesh. Hosur road. 30oC . N. NAIMCC-F-01779 Trichoderma sp. Rakesh Kumar. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02547 Trichoderma virens PBAT-25. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01786 Trichoderma sp. PDA. M. 200C-300C. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01797 Trichoderma virens Soil. M. K. Gunasekaran and Sheena Kumari T. J. M. 260C. PDA. R. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01794 Trichoderma sp. PDA. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-02230 Trichoderma virense Tri-12. S. 2009. Jaunpur. IISR-1399. Shakthinagar. 260C. Uttarakhand. PDA. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01808 Trichoderma viride Soil. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-01810 Trichoderma virens Soil. K. PDA. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01781 Trichoderma sp. Pathepur cross. Naik. Soil. 2007 PDA. Karnataka. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01791 Trichoderma sp. RS. IISR-1345. Nagar. PDA. IISR-1239. J. Soil. Paadi Kasaragod. Uttarakhand. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01796 Trichoderma sp. J. IISR-1262. PDA. . S. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01778 Trichoderma sp. Uttarakhand. PDA. Kumar. Karnataka. 260C. Gunasekaran and Sheena Kumari T. PDA. KAU Kerala. PDA. P. Karnataka. 200C-300C NAIMCC-F-02231 Trichoderma virense Tri-15. Naik.Girja.D. 200C-300C. Soil. PDA. Bananna. M. K. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01793 Trichoderma sp. M. Kumar. D. IISR-1370. PDA. J. NAIMCC-F-02228 Trichoderma virense Tri-5. New Delhi. TSM. MA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01819 Trichoderma viride T-15. OA. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01949 Trichoderma viride FS/L-20. PDA. TSM.Girja. NCIM-1195. 1985. HG-1. 230C. Project Director. 230C. Darjeeling. PDA.Girja.Girja. soil of western ghats of Karela. TSM. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01816 Trichoderma viride T-8. Padmakumary. PDA. MA6 NAIMCC-F-01803 Trichoderma viride CABI-293690. NAIMCC-F-01801 Trichoderma viride CABI-293250. Sukna forest soil. PDA. D. D. Laboratory of Applied Mycology BHU Varanasi. OA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01826 Trichoderma viride In Soil. D. 2003. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01814 Trichoderma viride NRCOG-TV-1. PDA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01802 Trichoderma viride CABI-293426. PCA. Cinchona forestsoil. Bengal India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01804 Trichoderma viride CABI-295977. NAIMCC-F-01951 Trichoderma viride FS/M-258. IMI 1987. TSM. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01798 Trichoderma viride CABI-016198. Calcutta India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01820 Trichoderma viride T-16. Chowdhry. 2003. Onion rhizosphere. B N Chakraborty. 28 oC. Mahananda reserve forest. 2009. PCA. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01831 Trichoderma viride A. HG-1. soil of western ghats of Karela. LY. Darjeeling. Bilgrami. LY. PDA. L. D. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01825 Trichoderma viride Garden Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01833 Trichoderma viride PDBC-TV23. LY. Vellayami India. PCA. D.Girja. G. 1985. 2009. Gupta 2003. Tea Rhizosphere soil. OA. PDA. West Bengal. Darjeeling. PCA. TSM. KAU Kerala. PCA. LY. Darjeeling. B N Chakraborty. Chowdhry. 230C. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01799 Trichoderma viride CABI-287532. KAU Kerala. PDA.NAIMCC-F-01817 Trichoderma viride T-9. New Delhi. 25 0C HG-1. West Bengal. 25±10C NAIMCC-F-01830 Trichoderma viride A. Soil. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01805 Trichoderma viride CABI-304054. B N Chakraborty. 1985. Rakesh Kumar. HG-1. 230C.C.Girja. KAU Kerala. PCA. PDA. Coimbatore tomilnadu 2007 PDA. K. OA. 2009. B N Chakraborty. 28 oC. OA. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01827 Trichoderma viride On Pisidium guava fruits. NAIMCC-F-01952 Trichoderma viride FS/S-458. West Bengal. Pantnagar India. PDA. PDA. PCA. R. NRCOG Puna. 1948. Pattambi India. HG-1. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01829 Trichoderma viride A. Rakesh Kumar 2003. Darjeeling. Burhi Gandak India. RP Singh. HG-1. West Bengal. 1985. TSM. LY. D. Coimbatore tomilnadu 2007 PDA. 2009. West Bengal. HG-1. Gupta 2003. . B N Chakraborty. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01807 Trichoderma viride CABI-312271. 28 oC. OA. Soil. K. India. 230C. Das. Gupta 2003. Chaudhuri. Soil. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01822 Trichoderma viride T-20. PDA. West Bengal. 83 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 280C NAIMCC-F-01800 Trichoderma viride CABI-291126. PCA. PCA. 1986. HG-1. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01811 Trichoderma viride Soil & Sugarcane stock Malathi P. . Barua. OA. Fibre of Corchorus sp. P. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01950 Trichoderma viride FS/C -90. Ficus elastica. P. KAU Kerala. soil of western ghats of Karela. Sukna forest soil. PDA. Wet land soil. PDA. OA. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01824 Trichoderma viride On Triticum aestivum rhizosphere. Lohagarh forest soil. 230C. Gupta 2003. N. Pantnagar India. NAIMCC-F-01954 Trichoderma viride FS/S-463. TSM. MA. 28 oC. PDBC Bangalore 2004.Girja. CECT-2945. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01806 Trichoderma viride CABI-304060. New Delhi. B N Chakraborty. KAU Kerala. N. K. 230C. PDA. LY. 1986. 30oC NAIMCC-F-01813 Trichoderma viride Soil & Sugarcane stock Malathi P. Water. soil of western ghats of Karela. D. 2008. Kerala India. PDA. LY. 1984. 2009. 2003. 21+1oC NAIMCC-F-01823 Trichoderma viride T-21. HG-1. HG-1. 28+2oC NAIMCC-F-01821 Trichoderma viride T-19. K. 230C. Rakesh Kumar. 28 oC.. K. 2003. PCA. soil of western ghats of Karela. Waste from alkali pulp manufacture from rice straw. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01832 Trichoderma viride A. Kalyani W. LY. India. Soil. 2009. Darjeeling. S. Laboratory of Applied Mycology BHU Varanasi. 1985. LY. 28 oC. 230C. soil of western ghatsof Karela. KAU Kerala. soil of western ghats of Karela.Girja. PDA. PDA. KAU Palakkad Kerala. NAIMCC-F-01953 Trichoderma viride RHS/T-460. 24±20C NAIMCC-F-01828 Trichoderma viride On Annona squamosa fruits. 2010. PDA. 2007. R. 2007. Andhra Pradesh. D. Prasad. D. Black pepper. NAIMCC-F-02051 Trichoderma viride TV-1. 2007.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01955 Trichoderma viride RHS/T-455. D. Mathivanan. R. Padmakumary. 250C. B N Chakraborty. 28 oC. Andaman and Nicobar Island. Prasad. Andhra Pradesh. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02068 Trichoderma viride JPT-1 Pegionpea . 2007. R. Andhra Pradesh. Darjeeling. 2009. 2010. Tea Rhizosphere soil. 28 oC. R. R. West Bengal. Sukna forest soil. Prasad. Andhra Pradesh. 28 ± 2oC. West Bengal. 1985. Someshwar Bhagat. PDA. PCA. PDA. Andhra Pradesh. D. 280C. India. B N Chakraborty. Vellayami. PDA. 84 . Safflower. D. West Bengal. Andhra Pradesh. NAIMCC-F-02058 Trichoderma viride TV-30. 2009. PDA. 250C. R. 2007. D. 1985. Andhra Pradesh. PDA. R. 28oc. Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. 2007. B N Chakraborty. 28 ± 2oC. D. PDA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02067 Trichoderma viride TV-13. D. R. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01959 Trichoderma viride FS/S-475. Prasad. 2007. NAIMCC-F-02050 Trichoderma viride TV-19. Andhra Pradesh. R. PDA. Prasad. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02066 Trichoderma viride TV-20. R. PDA. Ficus elastic. 2007. 2009. D. Andhra Pradesh. 280C NAIMCC-F-02052 Trichoderma viride TV-3. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02225 Trichoderma viride Tv5. D. R. B N Chakraborty. R. Prasad. Safflower. PDA. Prasad. PDA. Prasad. Andhra Pradesh. 2007. R. PDA. D. 2008. 2009. 2007. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02053 Trichoderma viride TV-6. Andhra Pradesh. PCA. Prasad. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02046 Trichoderma viride TV-22. Bandopadhayay. D. 28 oC. Prasad. Sukna forest soil. Prasad. PDA. PDA. Prasad. Tea Rhizosphere soil. D. 2007. R. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02499 Trichoderma viride Tv-CARI-21. R. N. Andhra Pradesh. L Das. PDA. Chennai. NAIMCC-F-02061 Trichoderma viride MML-3102. 2007. Andhra Pradesh. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02175 Trichoderma viride TGD1. Darjeeling. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01956 Trichoderma viride RHS/T-472. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-02055 Trichoderma viride TV-18. 28 oC. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02065 Trichoderma viride TV-28. Prasad. India. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02418 Trichoderma viride CABI-293690. 2009. PDA. R. NAIMCC-F-02062 Trichoderma viride TV-15. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01960 Trichoderma viride FS/S-478. Prasad. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02047 Trichoderma viride TV-4. 28 oC. Andhra Pradesh. Darjeeling. 2007. PDA. R. Prasad. West Bengal. West Bengal 2009. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02064 Trichoderma viride TV-14. D. Krishna Kumar. PDA. NAIMCC-F-02049 Trichoderma viride TV-17. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02353 Trichoderma viride CABI-293250. PDA. Andhra Pradesh. 2007. OA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02358 Trichoderma viride CABI-291126. 230C NAIMCC-F-02057 Trichoderma viride TV-26. Andhra Pradesh. Prasad. PDA. Pattambi. R. Prasad. Soil. Andhra Pradesh. R. NAIMCC-F-02063 Trichoderma viride TV-5. Andhra Pradesh. Prasad. NAIMCC-F-02060 Trichoderma viride TV-12. PDA. D. PDA. 2007. 2007. OA. 2007. Kerala. Darjeeling. D. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-02056 Trichoderma viride TV-23. D. B N Chakraborty. PDA. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02048 Trichoderma viride TV-7. 2007. Darjeeling. G. D. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. PDA. 2009. West Bengal. PDA. PDA. Prasad. R. Sukna forest soil. wet land soil. Andhra Pradesh. 2007. 2007. R. 2011. NAIMCC-F-02059 Trichoderma viride TV-2. 2007. R. D. Rhizosphere soil. Prasad. Prasad. D. India 1985PCA. R. B N Chakraborty. D. NAIMCC-F-02054 Trichoderma viride TV-17. PDA. Andhra Pradesh. OA. 2005. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-02226 Trichoderma viride 7316. Prasad. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01958 Trichoderma viride FS/S-474. Prasad. Andhra Pradesh. 28 oC. Darjeeling. 28 ± 2oC NAIMCC-F-01957 Trichoderma viride FS/S-473. PDA. soil. Erode. D. D. PDA. Sukna forest soil. PDA. 230C NAIMCC-F-01834 Trichothecium parvum CABI-237262. Coorg. India. Ramakrishnan. Himalaya. 1982. Jammu and Kashmir. LY. MA. HG-1. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01846 Verticillium lamellicola CABI-346243. S. B Ramanujam. 230C. Rust Pustules of Hemileia vastatrix. 2009. Karnataka . Soil. PDA. N. QA. 2011. B Ramanujam. Jodhpur University India. 1978. Someshwar Bhagat. Soil. Pinus roxburghii. Black pepper. Agra India. SDYA. 13-01-11. Pandey. B. LY. MA-3 NAIMCC-F-01840 Ulocladium botrytis CABI-226602 Solanum tuberosum. 2008. CABI 1983. Coimbatore Tamil Nadu.73. NAIMCC-F-01843 Utharomyces epallocaulus CABI-211587. MA. SDYA.NAIMCC-F-02500 Trichoderma viride Tv-CARI-33. India. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01838 Tritirachium oryzae CABI-114536. B. 2008. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02305 Ulocladium botrytis CABI-226602. Trichy. Bilgrami. Chandel. Lal. B. HG-1. 1977. 13-01-11. 250C NAIMCC-F-01853 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-13. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01845 Venturia pyrina CABI-273204. Kumaun Himalya Naini Tal U. LY. PDA. Nymphs of Aphis craccivora. Lay ladhak. CMA. Karnataka. Durg. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01847 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-1.40C NAIMCC-F-02146 Ulocladium sp. India. YMAgar. India NAIMCC-F-01836 Tricladium indicum CABI-353996. 2011. S. India. Someshwar Bhagat. Aphids of vegetable crops. B Ramanujam.P. 15°C NAIMCC-F-02348 Tricoderma longibrachiatum CABI-294517. SDYA.SDYA. YMAgar. M. L. 1979. P. Andaman and Nicobar Island. B. R. PCA. NAIMCC-F-02153 Ulocladium tuticulutum Soil. 250C NAIMCC-F-01850 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-4. Someshwar Bhagat. 250C NAIMCC-F-01852 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-10. 2008. Himalaya. Ghosh. 25oC. Coorg. Solanum tuberosum. Coorg. PCA 230C. Lal. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02149 Ulocladium consottialle Soil. B Ramanujam. LY. Insect of Toxoptera aurantii. PDA. Soil. Someshwar Bhagat. 230C. 250C 85 Fungi Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 230C NAIMCC-F-01841 Ulocladium consortiale CABI-078707. R. B Ramanujam. Lay ladhak. Kirk. Black pepper. Karnataka. PDBC Banglore. SDYA. Andaman and Nicobar Island. Soil. HG-1. PDA. LY. M. 2008. Andaman and Nicobar Island. HG-1. 1992. 1991. Cassia siamea.40C NAIMCC-F-02501 Trichoderma viride Tv-CARI-27. 1978. M. T. NAIMCC-F-02310 Utharomyces epallocaulus CABI-211587. 280C. Sudheer Kumar. HG-1. 1977. Srivastava. 1973. Nymphs of Coccus viris. S. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02503 Trichoderma viride Tv-CARI-26. Abutilon indicum : seed. Andaman and Nicobar Island.Tamil Nadu. 13-01-11. Black pepper. Rust pustules. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01839 Tritirachium oryzae CABI-118059. HG-1. 250C NAIMCC-F-01851 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-8. NAIMCC-F-01844 Venturia inaequalis CABI-273208 Malus pumila. Pyrus communis. MA. L. CMA. SDYA. 2009. 2011. Agra India. MA.1985. LY. 230C. 1974. soil from Banana crop. 13-01-11. Sudheer Kumar. ATCC 22537. Lay ladhak. 1959. PCA. 2008. HG-1. OA.40C NAIMCC-F-02069 Varticillium terrestre Phyllosphere of Alnus nepalensis. Imphal. 280C. P. Poonam P84. 230CHG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01835 Trichurus spiralis CABI-145114. 230C. S. Tiwari Jul90. 280C. 230C. MA. soil. 230C. 2011. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02502 Trichoderma viride Tv-CARI-28. K. R. India. soil from rice fallow. G. 250C NAIMCC-F-01848 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-2c. CBS-329. SDYA. 230C. Puttoo. PCA. decaying chirpine needle. S. Pulses. ATCC-22524. Kirk. LY. India. HG-1. Himalaya. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-01837 Tricurus spiralis CABI-322196. PCA. 230C. India. 1966. isolated from Paper. India. India. Gupta. PDBC Banglore. B Ramanujam. MA. MA. 250C NAIMCC-F-01849 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-3f. Puttoo. 2009. Nymphs of Coccus viris. SDYA. HG-1. India. PCA. Manipur. Black pepper. Cheneai Tamil Nadu. K. PDA. Jammu and Kashmir. Gorakpur U. S. N. MA. B Ramanujam. 280C. 1965. India. 250C NAIMCC-F-01854 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-14. 1988. J. Eye of man. 2008. B Ramanujam. Cajanus cajan. D. 2008. NAIMCC-F-01842 Ulospora bilgramii CABI-120811.P. Jammu and Kashmir. 2008. A. 2008. YMAgar. PDA. Gupta. PDA. 1965. Khandala India. 2009. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01877 Zygosporium masonii CABI-322211. HG-1. Ramanujam. 230C. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01870 Zopfiella tetraspora CABI-191320. B. Kotagiri Tamil Nadu.. 23°C NAIMCC-F-01869 Zopfiella tetraspora CABI-191319. M. MA. Pavgi. Tiwari. PDA. NAIMCC-F-01867 Xylochia stegonsporioides CABI-293746. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02296 Volutella lini CABI-224502. PCA. B. 250C NAIMCC-F-01856 Verticillium nigrescens CABI-112791. India NAIMCC-F-01857 Verticillium psalliotae CABI-090246. PDA. N. 250C NAIMCC-F-02074 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-Vl-18. Isolated from Plantae. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01868 Zopfiella karachiensis CABI-340453. N. Imphal India. OA. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02293 Verticillium theobromae CABI-225818. HG-1. Coorg. Varanasi India. B. 230C. 230C. India. M. 1978. HG-1. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01871 Zopfiella tetraspora CABI-191321. Issac. K. Ra. LY. India NAIMCC-F-01876 Zygosporium gibbum CABI-294170. LY. Tewari. M20. N.George 18. MA. PSN-26. 08/03/90. 25 °C NAIMCC-F-01865 Wardomyces inflatus CABI-234312. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02117 Xerula furferacea Soil. N. Soil. Pavgi. J. 2009. N. Chowdhry. 1987. B Ramanujam. India.. India. Soil. 1962. M. India. 1979. Soil. 230C. HG-1. 230C. 250C. CBS154. LY. OA. S. India. Soil. 23°C. NAIMCC-F-02075 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-Vl-19. Guntur. HG-1. LY. PDA. PCA. D. 1985. Psidium sp. 1978. India NAIMCC-F-01863 Volutella sp. Soil. M. A.61. India.). 23 0C NAIMCC-F-01862 Volutella lini CABI-224502. . MA-6 NAIMCC-F-02454 Zychaea mexicana CABI-191320. 2008. I. LY. 230C NAIMCC-F-01874 Zygorhynchus moelleri CABI-141727. LY. Musa. 230C. HACC-105. LY. J. HG-1. P. M. 1975. 1987. Bapatla. 23 0C NAIMCC-F-01861 Volutella lini CABI-092688. PDA. 1985. Ramanujam. India. 230C NAIMCC-F-02453 Zychaea mexicana CABI-191321. Kerala India. S. N. P. 250C. M. HG-1. LY. MA. I. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01860 Verticillium sp. HG-1. Soil.Fungi National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01855 Verticillium lecanii PDBC-VI-15. CABI-318574. 1988. M. Raghavendra. Pavgi. OA. HG-1.K. Pavgi. 1975. New Delhi India. Medical college Jabalpur. LY. 230C. PCA. Raghavendra. soil. PCA. C. India. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01864 Wallemia sebi CABI-320891. 230C. (SDYA). OA. PCA. A. Sankaran. Insect of Pepper scale(Lepidosphaes sp. India. HG-1. Homo sapiens nail. S. M. Anantapur AP India. N. IMI 1987. Abutilon indicum. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01872 Zopfiella tetraspora CABI-318826. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01873 Zygorhynchus heterogamous CABI-114703. ATCC-14495. HG-1. LY. LY. HG-1. Singh. CMA. India. HG-1. PCA. M. Himachal Pradesh. E. Bremmer. LY. India. S. V. M. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01866 Wiesneriomyces laurinus CABI-237876. Raghavendra. India.P. 250C. SDYA. PCA+FP. Ludhiana India. Vijayakumar 1987. LY. 230C. Soil. Fallen coffee berries. Soil. PDA. CMA. Gorakpur U. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01859 Verticillium sp. 230C. isolated from Air. Soil. India. Sarbhoy. 1961. B.P. 2009. Bambusa sp. HG1. S. 1975. HG-1. 230C. Barde. 230C. R. 230C. Raghavendra. Benincasa hispida:seed. L. HG-1. MGT. PDA. 1978. K. 1975. PCA. Andhra Pradesh. 25°C. 230C. Soil. Thirumalachar. PCA+FP. M. 1978. OA. Raghavendra. SDYA. PCA. CABI-273954. M. Solan. D. Karnataka. India. Uredinium of rust. MGT. CABI-315612. 1975. N. OA. Upadhyay. CABI-282170. Insect. 1990. finger nail. Pavgi. LY. OA. Mathur. isolated from Oryza sativa. LY. MA-6 NAIMCC-F-01858 Verticillium sp. MA-6 86 NAIMCC-F-01875 Zygosporium echinosporum CABI-182368. S. Poonam P99. NA. 32°C. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00012 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 96. Medium. N. Paddy field soil. L. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00017 Acinetobacter junii NBRAJG 72. NAIMCC-B-00544 Acinetobacter haemolyticus PHA-2.K. Rai. Uttar Pradesh. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00006 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 81. Rai. 30oC. Uttar Pradesh. 2008. L. N.A. N. NBAIM. NBAIM. Saxena. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00008 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 86. NBAIM. Uttar Pradesh.K. Rajgir water samples. NBAIM. NBAIM. A.K. Bus well and Haas mineral medium. NBAIM. Rai. C. Uttar Pradesh.A. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00529 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-89. A. Rai. Saxena. Varanasi. Rajgir water samples. Varanasi.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00001 Acetobacter pasteurianus NCIM 2432. C. Rajgir water samples. NAIMCC-B-00528 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-88.A. Paddy field soil.A. 2008. Mathura. Allahabad. 30oC. Kanpur. Rai. L. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00005 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 80. Paddy field soil. 30oC. A. NBAIM. Saxena. PHA-4. NAIMCC-B-00539 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-16. Medium. NBAIM. Paddy field soil. L. NBAIM. 2008.K.A. L. Varanasi. B. Varanasi. N.A. Rai. Saxena.K. NA. B. Medium. NAIMCC-B-00016 Acinetobacter junii NBRAJG 72. 30oC. B. NA. Saxena. 28oC. 2009. Rajgir water samples. 30oC. 2008. Uttar Pradesh. Lata. Rajgir water samples. L. NBAIM. Medium. 2009. Varanasi. L. 2009.A. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00013 Acinetobacter baylyi NBRAJG 74. K. Paddy field soil. Refinery soil. L. NA. NA. L. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00004 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 76. 2008 . 2009. 2008. A. C. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00015 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NBRAJG 75. NAIMCC-B-00535 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-100. Uttar Pradesh. L. Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh. Medium. L. NBAIM. A. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00002 Achromobacter lacticum NCIM 2884. NA. Saxena. Saxena. Paddy field soil. A. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00010 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 88. B. Starch casein agar. Rajgir water samples. A. NA. C. N. Lata. L. C. L. 2009. B.K. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00009 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 87. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00014 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NBRAJG 93. Rajgir water samples.K. Refinery soil. N.A. 2009. NA. NA. A. NAIMCC-B-00538 Acinetobacter johnsonii LCR-94. NA. Rajgir water samples. NBAIM. C. Rajgir water samples. Saxena.A. 30oC. 2009. N. N. 2008. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00003 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 73. NBAIM. NA.K. 2008. Rai. 2008.A.K. NAIMCC-B-00534 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-102.K. Varanasi. Saxena. Uttar Pradesh.K. C. 30oC. Rajgir water samples. Saxena. Medium. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00545 Acinetobacter sp. N. Saxena. 30oC. Rajgir water samples. 28oC. C. A. A. L. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00011 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 89. B.K. Rajgir water samples. 2008. A. A.K. Saxena. Saxena. N. NAIMCC-B-00604 Actinomyces bacterium NBVH-41. NA.A. Medium. L. Varanasi. A. NA. Rai. B. N. Rajgir water samples. Paddy field soil. Mathura. 2008. C. Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. 87 Bacteria Catalogue for Bacteria . NA. 2008. 30oC. B. Medium. L. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00007 Acinetobacter baumannii NBRAJG 82. Uttar Pradesh. NA. NA. Srivastava. 2009. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00526 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-85.K. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00530 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-90. B. Saxena. 2008. 2008. 2008. Medium. Bus well and Haas mineral medium. 2009. Rai. A. NA. L. Saxena. Paddy field soil. NAIMCC-B-00531 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus LCR-91. NBAIM. Rajgir water samples. Rajgir water samples. Rhizospheric soil. Paddy field soil. NBAIM. Uttar Pradesh. L. A.K. A. NA. Mishra. Digiteria decumbens roots. C. Soil. Dairy salt. NA. JNF. 28-30°C NAIMCC-B-00035 Azospirillum amazonense Magalhaes et al.Syst. 23:42. Fish viscera. Soil.21:1510. V-2 Johnius. 2009. 23:585.J.K. K.LGS NAIMCC-B-00533 Aeromonas hydrophilla LCR-97. Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00896 Azospirilium brasilense SK-20. Imelda Joseph.J. L. Can. 1970. 37oC. 2008. NAIMCC-B-00712 Alcaligenes faeccalis NBJ-36. NAIMCC-B-00020 Actinoplanes ferrugineus Palleroni 1979 MTCC-1418.300C).Bacteriol. N. NA. NBAS-18. Medium. 2011. DSM30199. 280C). Type strain. Kerala. KCCA0165. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00031 Aquitalea maqnusonii NBRAJG 84. NAIMCC-B-00022 Actinoplanes italicus Beretta MTCC-1412. Uttar Pradesh.Microbiol. (205. L. Varanasi. Syst.P. Production of lipiarmycin. (67. A. 250C). (133. NAIMCC-B-00502 Agrobacterium sp. Soil. Plasmid required for virulence.9:110. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00572 Arthrobacter NAIMCC-B-00026 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Townsend) Conn MTCC-431. B. Syst. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00624 Arthrobacter sp. Type strain. J.1987. KCCA0277. AK Saxena. (39. DSM43807. J. ATCC29868.1980.A. Punjab. Saxena. K. Medium. 2008. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00034 Arthrobacter sp. Brackishwater. N. 29:55. 2008 (Streptomycetes Medium. Ashok Kumar. Stem gall. 2830oC. Type strain. Bact. M. ATCC27976.123:255.A. 1984 . Gosal. Cherry gall. 30oC. Ludhiana. Soil. (3. L. S.A. Paddy field soil. Yandigeri. T.A.30:244. P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. J.78:227239. Taran taran. (31. NA. 2009. 2009. 280C). J. 2011. Jensen's Medium . A.1975. Uttar Pradesh. KCCA-0059. Eastern U. Production of lipiarmycin. JCM3247. Int. 300 C).Microbiol. Mayee . Bacteriol. 1973. ATCC27366. 28°C. 250C). R. Santiago. 3035°C. NBAIM. ATCC-21983. Biological agent of Hazard Group 1 of Low Risk: Microbiological Assessment 6 NAIMCC-B-00893 Agrobacterium vitis SK-91. NAIMCC-B-00027 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Townsend) Conn MTCC-609. Kanjirampally. 2008. AK Saxena. Soil.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Syst. MTCC-263.64. Rice field Soil. Plasmid 1:238. A. MTCC-2693.J. Type strain. Jensen's Medium .S. Zobell Marine Agar. C. Rajgir water samples. Aus. 1979. NBAIM. (93. IFO12511. C. Gosal. 28°C Aerobic). 280 C). Saxena. 34:355. ATCC33970. Int.Sci. CBS190. Gosal. Mau. 78:227. 2009. 37oC. ATCC35119. J. ATCC15348. 25°C. DSM30200. Type strain. K.Microbiol.Gen. NBAIM 2008. 30oC. 2009.Microbiol. 2008. J2s5. Paddy field soil. Ditch water (3. Uttar Pradesh.K. J. N. JCM3278. JFM. N. B. Helianthus annuus (sunflower). NBAIM.Gen. DSM43146. NAIMCC-B-00025 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (Riker et al) Conn 1942 MTCC-2364.Bact. L. K. 300 C). Int. Oatmeal agar. 25°C. 2009. 1973 NAIMCC-B-00023 Actinopolyspora halophila Gochnauer et al. Syst. 2009. IMI 1977.1975. Patent strain.AS 18. 1978 NAIMCC-B-00028 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Townsend) Conn 1942 MTCC-2250. Varanasi. Kerala. 28oC.Appl. NA. NA. Kapurthala. Kalpakam. 370C. 250C). Int. S. Extremely good crown gall producer. Punjab. Jaunpur. NA. NAIMCC-B-00513 Alteromonas macheodi CIBA-AG-2. India. 83. DSM43148.370C). Rajgir water samples. DSM43834. ATCC21983. Rai. LCR-18. ATCC15955. 28-30°C NAIMCC-B-00508 Alcaligenes faecalis Soil. NA. A. KCCA-0278. (179. NAIMCC-B-00019 Actinoplanes deccanensis Parenti et al MTCC-711. NAIMCC-B-00024 Aeromonas hydrophila S23. C. NAIMCC-B-00029 Agrobacterium tumefaciens biovar 1 CABI-347322. Bacteriol. wheat rhizosphere soil 2007. Rai. 30-37 o C NAIMCC-B-00032 Aquitalea sp. NBAIM. NAIMCC-B-00030 Aquitalea maqnusonii NBRAJG 83. (54. Zobell marine agar.Boiol. NCIB11472. Type strain produces antibiotic 672-A NAIMCC-B-00607 Actinoplanes deccanensis MTCC-711. Saxena. Punjab. 88 NAIMCC-B-00553 Agrobacterium tumefaciens Wheat cropping system. Tamil Nadu. DSM2787. NAIMCC-B-00021 Actinoplanes brasiliensis MTCC 4019. King's B. KCCA0247. K. Type strain.1973. Trivandrum. NCIM 2320. Rhizospheric soil (Jatropa plant). Nitrogen free media. IFO14106. NAIMCC-B-00033 Arthrobacter citreus. DSM43806. 35°C. S. .National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00018 Actinoplanes campanulatus (Couch) Stackebrandt & Kroppenstedt MTCC-1981. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00540 Arthobacter sp. Wheat rhizospheric soil. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00049 Azotobacter chroococcum NBCBD-1. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00880 Azospirillum brasilense WT-AS3. NBAIM.1978. 17:917. Wheat rhizospheric soil.Microbiol. A. 2008. N free Jensen's Agar. Rhizoshperic Soil. Type strain. N free Jensen's Agar. A. 2008. DSM1691. Saxena. A. ATCC478.1980. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00047 Azotobacter chroococcum NB8A. Saxena.1978. Nitrogen fixation. Bact. (181. Biotech. 37±1°C NAIMCC-B-00050 Azotobacter chroococcum NBCBD-15. NAIMCC-B-00042 Azotobacter vinelandii Lipman MTCC-2459. NBAIM.K. Production of L-carnitine. . N free Malate Medium (NFB). 2008. N free Jensen's Agar. K. NAIMCC-B-00040 Azotobacter beijerinckii Lipman MTCC-2641. Type strain. 300C). AK Saxena. Wheat rhizospheric soil. Wheat rhizospheric soil. . S. N free Jensen's Agar. S. Rhizoshperic Soil. Saxena. Syst. Western Himalayas. Soil. 2009. NBAIM. NBAIM. 3037°C 89 Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00036 Azospirillum lipoferum (Beijerincki 1925) Tarrand et al. 2008. Lett. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00056 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa6. A. A. NCIB12096. NCIB8948. M. Vermani and M. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00055 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa5. AMS. 1997 NAIMCC-B-00043 Azotobacter vinelandii Lipman MTCC-2460.K. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00059 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa9. S.K. Nitrogen fixation. (56. 2008. NBAIM. A.K. Mau Nath Bhanjan. J. Microbiol. Meena. NBAIM. Appl. NAIMCC-B-00052 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa2. ATCC29145. 1995 NAIMCC-B-00044 Azotobacter vinelandii Lipman MTCC-124. 24:379.K. Nitrogen fixation under microaerobic condition.J. 300C). Exopolysaccharides and cyst formation. MTCC-125. Int. NCIB12096. 1996. NCIB11860. Saxena. Biotech. Wheat rhizospheric soil. Can. Digitaria decumbens. Production of extracellular polysaccharide. Wheat rhizospheric soil. AK Saxena.V. S. Paul. Coconut Palm's surface sterilized roots. Kamat.K. Production of extracellular polysaccharide. NBAIM. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00048 Azotobacter chroococcum NB9A.K. ATCC8372. AK Saxena. Saxena. Wheat rhizospheric soil. Saxena. Lett. 2008. NBAIM. Wheat rhizospheric soil. MTCC2694. 1979 NAIMCC-B-00038 Azospirillum brasilense Tarrand et al. Lett. (16. Wheat rhizospheric soil. (56. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00053 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa3. Int. Wheat rhizospheric soil. Kamat. A. 2008. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00057 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa7. (3.V. A. 2008. N free Jensen's Agar. (198. NBAIM. 37±1°C NAIMCC-B-00051 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDA1. Soil. ATCC8372. M. N free Jensen's Agar. WDN-1. 300 C). Type strain. 2008. 29:79. NBAIM. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00054 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa4. ATCC9043. N free Jensen's Agar. N free Jensen's Agar. 30°C. 300C). N free Jensen's Agar. 2008. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00580 Azospirillum lipoferum NB. Vermani and M. K. Nitrogen fixation. Uttar Pradesh. N free Jensen's Agar. NCIB11694.24:967. (197. Bacteriol. N free Jensen's Agar.K. NBAIM.Microbiol. Wheat rhizospheric soil. Activated sludge. DSM2289. N free Jensen's Agar. Production of poly-â-hydroxybutyrate as intracellular polymer and extcellular polysaccharide. DSM2289. 300C). 300 C). Kanwar.Y. Kanwar. K.K. Symbiont with grass in nitrogen fixation. J. 300 C). ATCC478. 2008. N free Malate Medium (NFB). Syst. Nitrate reduction NAIMCC-B-00046 Azotobacter chroococcum NB5A. N free Jensen's Agar. Wheat rhizospheric soil. 2011. 2011. Western Himalayas. NBAIM. 2008. NAIMCC-B-00041 Azotobacter chroococcum Beijerinck MTCC-446. 30:225. Wheat rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00045 Azotobacter chroococcum 1A. Wheat rhizospheric soil. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00879 Azospirillum brasilense MZ-AS2. 2008. Saxena. Saxena. ATCC19360. Type strain.Y. 2008. (16. AK Saxena. N free Jensen's Agar. Canadian J. Wheat (206. 300 C).Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00037 Azospirillum lipoferum (Beijerincki)Tarrand et al. ATCC29707. A. N free Jensen's Agar. AK Saxena. 18:587. Type strain.24:967:980. A. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00039 Azotobacter beijerinckii Lipman MTCC-123. NBAIM. Wheat rhizospheric soil. 2008. AK Saxena. 300 C). 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00058 Azotobacter chroococcum NBDa8. DSM2286. NBAIM. Saxena. NBAIM. AK Saxena. NA. Kerela. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00768 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GRB35. Arora.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. H. LY (7% suc.A. No. NA. Wheat rhizospheric soil.NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00066 Bacillus freudernechii NCIM 2463. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00074 Bacillus aquimaris AS 8. A. 2010. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00853 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BaMBTDO0709-101. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00630 Bacillus aquimaris NBAS-44. NA. 2009. Saxena. 2008. G Selvakumar Almora. S. 37oC. Rhizospheric soil (Ginger). Dilip K. NAIMCC-B-00076 Bacillus brevis IC Bora. NAIMCC-B-00078 Bacillus cereus ATCC-10876. NAIMCC-B-00834 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens P2. Heat resistance strain NAIMCC-B-00772 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NBJ4. Eastern U. K. Saxena. Dilip K.A. NA. NAIMCC-B-00623 Bacillus arsenicus NBAS-13. S.Wheat Rhizospheric soil.A. NA. Zobell Marine Agar. Leh.) NAIMCC-B-00627 Bacillus aquimaris NBAS-08. Madhya Pradesh. 28oC. 35°C. 2. Creek water. Jensen's Medium . Deviah. NCTC9848. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00079 Bacillus cereus WGPSB-2. Rajgarh. Psychrophilic water sample. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00073 Bacillus aneurinolyticus NCIM-2233. Kozhikode. N Rao. Almora. N free Jensen's Medium. Psychrophilic water sample. Vijayan. AK Saxena. 2010. Gosal.A. A. NA. K. 2009. NA 28°C. 2010.C. Anandraj. NA. 30-37 °C NAIMCC-B-00558 Bacillus cereus PW-6. 2009. Lucknow. N. Pious Thomas. Production of citric acid. N free Jensen's Agar. NA. M. Punjab. Midgut. 35°C. NCIM 2927. AK Saxena. A. Bangalore Karnataka India. New Delhi. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00061 Azotobacter chroococcum NBW5. Kerala. 2009. T. Cochin. Deviah. NBAIM. NAIMCC-B-00524 Bacillus benzoevorans Pap. 2010. Loganathan. NA. 1015oC. NA & Zobell's Marine Agar. NAIMCC-B-00065 Bacillus firmus NCIM 2264. K. Wheat rhizospheric soil. K.A. Arora. NA. Soil. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00754 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SK-511. NAIMCC-B-00814 Bacillus arbutinivorans NB6L. 2008.P. Eastern U.P. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00067 Bacillus megaterium de Bary MTCC-2412.P. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00064 Bacillus sp. Aggarwal. whole body of Bombyx mori (silk worm). 28-30oC. Oyster Farm. Ludhiana. Wheat-Rice Rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00511 Bacillus boronililus CIBA-T7. U. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. 2009. Andhra Pradesh. 37oC. 2010. (3. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00895 Azotobacter chroococcum SK-19. 2008.O. (3. NA. 30-37 °C NAIMCC-B-00781 Bacillus atrophaeus NBC2. 2011. Arora. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00072 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens M Gunashekharan. NA. N. K. VPKAS. NBAIM. Pongong lake. Gosal. Bangalore. 10-15oC. AK Saxena. L. 2010. NA 37oC. K.8246.P. M. 35°C. 2009. Punjab. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00875 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BA-1. 35°C. NA. NAIMCC-B-00068 Bacillus megaterium de Bary 1884 MTCC-1684. 2009.A. Eastern U. K. NA. 2011. Saxena. Dilip K. NA. 30oC. Nellore.P. Leh. M. NA. . 10-15oC. N. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00062 Azotobacter chroococcum NB10B. Santiago. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. NA. Papaya Plant. Pep. Pongong lake. 2008. Dilip K.550 C). Hoshiarpur. Assam. Jenson's medium.ViBa05. N. Rhizoshperic Soil. Wheat rhizosphere soil. NAIMCC-B-00626 Bacillus cereus NBAS-24. Kasargod. Arora. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00071 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NCIM2829. Geelakhedi. M. Varanasi. 28-30°C NAIMCC-B-00063 Azotobacter vinelandi . Manikaran hot water spring. 28oC. 2009. N free Jensen's Agar. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00075 Bacillus brevis ATCC.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00060 Azotobacter chroococcum M4. Varanasi. Psychrophilic water sample.P. NAIMCC-B-00070 Bacillus aminovorans NCIM 2456. C. Eastern U. U. IARI. Wheat rhizospheric soil 2008. Pongong lake. N. K. D. CABI-352384. Leh. 90 NAIMCC-B-00077 Bacillus brevis NCIM-2216.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. N. NAIMCC-B-00069 Bacillus alvei CS Purushothaman. NBAIM. 370 C). Lata. N free Jensen's Agar.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. NBAIM.C. IMI 1991. NAIMCC-B-00777 Bacillus aryabhattai NBL3. A. Saxena. 28oC. Saxena. 28oC. U.P. Srivastava. Saxena. Tamil Nadu. Kovalam. CIFA. Pulikat lake. N. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. 30-37°C. A. 45oC. Rajasthan. 2009. K. 2008. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00565 Bacillus clausii PR-5. Arora. K. Dilip K. Mumbai. New Delhi. Leh. Maiti. Leh. Saxena. 2010. 30oC.P. NAIMCC-B-00789 Bacillus horneckiae NBB13. 30oC. Jenson's medium. Rajasthan. Paddy straw. 2010.P. NA. Fish Viscera (Sphyraena sp. Dilip K. C. NBAIM 2008. Pongong lake. Varanasi. Purushothaman. 28-32oC. 2009. Orrisa. NAIMCC-B-00761 Bacillus cereus Rhizospheric soil. Dilip K. 10-15oC. Soil and water. Psychrophilic water sample. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00842 Bacillus cereus P64. CMC agar. K. Maiti. Arora. Lata. Saxena.P. K. CMC agar. 30-37°C Bacillus cereus NBRSANP-3.). S. NAIMCC-B-00810 Bacillus cereus NB74L. NAIMCC-B-00743 Bacillus cereus O3. U. AK Saxena. 2010. Gosal. NA. NA. K. NA. A. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. NAIMCC-B-00656 Bacillus cereus C9E. NBAIM 2008. NA. 2010. Chennai. N. 35°C. U. Orrisa. L NAIMCC-B-00744 Bacillus cereus O5. Purushothaman. Vermicompost. AK Saxena. 2010. 2010. Madhya Pradesh. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00755 Bacillus circulans SK-512. 2011. 2009. KB 10%NaCl. Thoothukudi. K. 37oC. CMC agar. Pongong lake. L. Water sample. Mumbai. U. NAIMCC-B-00813 Bacillus farraginis NB2L. NAIMCC-B-00808 Bacillus clausii NB12L. NA 5% NaCl. NA. Maharashtra. Arora. NA. 2010. NAIMCC-B-00084 Bacillus fusiformis 7C. NAIMCC-B-00083 Bacillus coagulans NCIM 2030. Punjab. Maharashtra. L. Paddy straw. Rhizoshperic Soil. NAIMCC-B-00655 Bacillus cereus C8K3. Dilip K. 30oC. NA. 2010. Srivastava. M.P. Purushothaman. 2010. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00718 Bacillus halophilus NB. NA. NA. Water sample (hot springs). 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00621 Bacillus horikoshi NBSL-27. Tamil Nadu. NA. S. NAIMCC-B-00080 Bacillus circulans 107. 2830oC. 37°C. 1015oC. Jatakheda. K. Lucknow. NAIMCC-B-00740 Bacillus cereus M5. Arora. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. Orrisa. Psychrophilic water sample. Maiti. Pious Thomas. Sambhar lake. A. NA. KB 10%NaCl. NAIMCC-B-00711 Bacillus cereus NBH-9. Psychrophilic water sample. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00082 Bacillus circulans NCIM 5057. NA 37oC. Tamil Nadu. 2010. 2009. Imelda Joseph . Mumbai. CIFA. S. A. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00871 NAIMCC-B-00086 Bacillus globisporus CS Purushothaman. Varanasi. Fish gill (Sphyraena sp. U. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. A. NAIMCC-B-00783 Bacillus endophyticus NBA4. NA. Kerela. K. K. C. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Himachal Pradesh. NA. Orrisa. Fish Skin (Raconda sp. Manikaran. 10-15oC. 2011. NA. NA. Gujarat. Lucknow. N. Dilip K. NA 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00520 Bacillus fusiformis 3MW-ARB02. 2009. 2009. 2010. IARI. NAIMCC-B-00899 Bacillus circulans SP-G1. Thoothukudi. A. NAIMCC-B-00081 Bacillus circulans NCIM 2107. Sambhar lake. 37°C.) Imelda Joseph. N Rao. NA 37oC. Maharashtra. . 91 Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00651 Bacillus cereus C1H. 2011. N. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. N. NAIMCC-B-00867 NAIMCC-B-00085 Bacillus globigii NCIM 2792. NA. NA. Maiti. A. 2011. Lucknow. 35°C. Dilip K. D.A. Pongong lake. CIFA. Rhizoshperic Soil. Plant. K. Sehore. N. CIFA. S. . NAIMCC-B-00900 Bacillus cereus SP-V1.A. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00902 Bacillus circulans Ti-S3.) Imelda Joseph . 2009.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00653 Bacillus cereus C5A. 2010. Tamil Nadu 2008. NA. 2009. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00620 Bacillus horikoshi NBSL-26. Saxena. Boat scrapings. 2009. K. 37°C. 30-37°C Bacillus cereus NBRSANP-10. Thurmus medium. NAIMCC-B-00778 Bacillus cibi NBB7. 30oC. Jeeva. Wheat-Rice Rhizospheric soil. Vengodu. 37°C. C. NA. NA. Leh. 2011. Ludhiana. Arora. 37°C. Bangalore. K. NAIMCC-B-00671 Bacillus cereus NBAS-4. Arora. Water sample. NAIMCC-B-00100 Bacillus mycoides CS Purushothaman. NBAIM 2008. NA. Microbiol. L. 2010. NCTC1032. NAIMCC-B-00892 Bacillus licheniformis SK-24. Ashok Kumar. NA. Bhopal. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00091 Bacillus licheniformis NCIM 2042. NA. 92 . 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00102 Bacillus oleronius NB127. 2009. NBAIM 2008. Arora. NA. Tamil Nadu. Lucknow. NAIMCC-B-00098 Bacillus megaterium de Bary MTCC-453. Boat scrapings. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00779 Bacillus malacitensis NBO1. Zobell marine agar. Leh. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00099 Bacillus megaterium de Bary MTCC-428. S. 28oC. Rai. Uttar Pradesh. ATCC14945 (3. N Rao. N Rao. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00097 Bacillus megaterium ATCC-14581. NA. Varanasi. Medium. 37oC. Ghazipur. N. Dilip K. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00878 Bacillus lichiniformis PT-A1. Arora.P. NAIMCC-B-00542 Bacillus megaterium LCR-107. Type strain. 2009. 2010. NA. NAIMCC-B-00742 Bacillus megaterium M9. Arora. NA 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00843 Bacillus megaterium P65. Lucknow. J. NA.64. Mandapam. Psychrophilic water sample. Plant. U. J. Gen. 30oC. S. Gosal. 2010. DSM32. 30-35°C. 2010. K. Leh. 2010. U. 34:271. Madhya Pradesh. AK Saxena. N.A.A. Psychrophilic water sample. ATCC14581. D. 30-370C NAIMCC-B-00105 Bacillus pasteurii CS Purushothaman. Rhizospheric soil of Wheat. AK Saxena. D. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00575 Bacillus marisflavi S3 Carangoides. C. Syst. NA.300C) NAIMCC-B-00107 Bacillus pumilus AS 3. Bacteriol. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00782 Bacillus licheniformis NBE33. NA. U. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. Jensen's Medium. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. 2010 NA. 1964. NA. Pongong lake. 30oC. NA. Pongong lake. Bacteriol. NAIMCC-B-00106 Bacillus pasteurii NCIM 2477. Purushothaman. NAIMCC-B-00850 Bacillus megaterium 249. NA. S. NBAIM. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00101 Bacillus oleronius NB109. 2010. NA 37oC. Dilip K.NA. Arora.A. NCIB9376 (3. Madhya Pradesh. Dilip K.28oC. 10-15oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00095 Bacillus macquarensis NCIM 2474. NAIMCC-B-00839 Bacillus licheniformis P48. Lucknow. production of â-amylase. AK Saxena. L. Mumbai. Maharashtra. 2010. NA. 30oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00104 Bacillus pantothenticus NCIM 2476. 2011. Dilip K. D. 1015oC. L. Psychrophilic water sample. Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00087 Bacillus laevolacticus NCIM 2464. NA. NA. Pongong lake. NAIMCC-B-00847 Bacillus megaterium P70. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00090 Bacillus laterosporus NCIM 2465. L. 2010. 28oC. Jensen's Medium . Leh. Wheat rhizosphere soil. Dilip K. AK Saxena. CMC agar. Sehore. NBAIM 2008. Rhizospheric soil of Wheat. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00103 Bacillus oleronius NBB2. Soil. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00094 Bacillus macerans NCIM-2131. Taran taran. Pareek. N.P. 1916. Balia 2008. JNF. Arora. Pious Thomas. C. NAIMCC-B-00096 Bacillus marcescens NCIM 5037.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00815 Bacillus humi NB79C. NAIMCC-B-00812 Bacillus koreensis NB5L. Rice field Soil. NA. L. Kanwar. Western Himalayas. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. 2009. B. NA 37oC. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. 1980 NAIMCC-B-00506 Bacillus megaterium G1s3. Arora. Int. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00784 Bacillus psychrosoccharolyticus NBA6. NA. P. Bangalore. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00093 Bacillus licheniformis R. Madhya Pradesh.300C). Jabalpur. 2010. N Rao. Rhizospheric soil of Chickpea. NA. NA. CCM2007. 10-15oC. NA. D. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00088 Bacillus larvae CS Purushothaman. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. Rhizoshperic Soil. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00521 Bacillus pumilus 3MW-ARB03. 1:302. NA. 28oC. 30: 257. 2010. NAIMCC-B-00809 Bacillus parabrevis NB27L. 2011. JCM2506. Punjab. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00092 Bacillus licheniformis NCIM 2044. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00089 Bacillus laterosporus ATCC. Dilip K. Paddy field soil. N Rao. S.BISR.P. Imelda Joseph. J. Fish skin. Madhya Pradesh. L. Bhopal. C. Orrisa. Psychrophilic water sample. Maharashtra. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00514 Bacillus subtilis CIBA-AT-6. IARI. N. Sehore. NA. NAIMCC-B-00737 Bacillus pumilus M1. 37oC. CMC agar. Lata. Saxena. CMC agar. K.A. NA. 3037 °C NAIMCC-B-00115 Bacillus sterothermophilus NCIM 2235. New Delhi. NBAIM 2007. 28oC. NA. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00631 Bacillus subtilis NBAS-47. 2009. 10-15oC. A. IARI. IARI. NBAIM 2007.P. Bangalore. 2010. 28oC. K. Maharashtra. NA. Soil.P. S. NA. Lata. N. Trypticase Soya agar. Creek water. Psychrophilic water sample. A. Gujarat. 30oC. Kakinada. 2010. L. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00632 Bacillus pumilus NBAS-121. N. Tamil Nadu 2008. 93 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . CIFA. Arora. A.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00629 Bacillus pumilus NBAS-05. Purushothaman. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00738 Bacillus pumilus M2. A. NBAIM. 2009. Saxena. Saxena. 2009. NA. N Rao. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00562 Bacillus subtilis PR-2. 2010. 30oC. D.P.A. Lata. Pongong lake. NAIMCC-B-00675 Bacillus sp. Leh. Rajasthan. Soil and water. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00564 Bacillus subtilis PR-4. K. NAIMCC-B-00111 Bacillus sphaericus ATCC. NA. NAIMCC-B-00112 Bacillus sphaericus NCIM 2478. NA. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00854 Bacillus pumilus BpMBTDI0709-101.A. NAIMCC-B-00776 Bacillus pumilus NBJ7. Eastern U. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00116 Bacillus subtilis M Gunasekaran. 35°C. NA. Dilip K. NBAIM 2008. Kolkata. Arora. D. 35°C. NAIMCC-B-00724 Bacillus sp. Kasargod. NA.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. A. Arora. 2008. Dilip K.A. Leh. 2009. NB1. S. 2010.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. 37oC. NA. K. A. AK Saxena. 10-15oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00114 Bacillus stearothermophilus CS Purushothaman. NA. Saxena. 2009. K. 28oC. 35°C. New Delhi. NA. NA. NA. Dilip K. Soil. NAIMCC-B-00120 Bacillus subtilis NCIM 2236. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00657 Bacillus pumilus 8DKS1.A. 28oC. N. N. 28oC. Mumbai. 35°C. 2010. NA. N. K. Saxena. Bus well and Haas mineral medium. 37°C. N Saha. New Delhi.P. Mangrove. NBSL -1. 2010. NA. M. NAIMCC-B-00786 Bacillus simplex NBP1. Psychrophilic water sample. Arora. CMC agar. NBAIM 2007. NA. NA & Zobell's Marine Agar. N. A. Eastern U. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00119 Bacillus subtilis NCIM 2192. Kasargod. NAIMCC-B-00678 Bacillus pumilus NBAS-5. Vermicompost. NAIMCC-B-00522 Bacillus subtilis 3MW-ARB04. NBDS B1. 2009. Boat scrapings. K. Maharashtra. NAIMCC-B-00548 Bacillus subtilis PHA-58. NA 5% NaCl.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Andhra Pradesh. CRIJAF. C. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. 2010.A. N. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00113 Bacillus sporothermodurans B4. NA. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00109 Bacillus sp. Purushothaman.4525.K. T. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00628 Bacillus pumilus NBAS-03. Pulikat lake. Pongong lake. Cochin. AK Saxena. Mumbai.A. Santiago. K.A. NAIMCC-B-00652 Bacillus subtilis C2B. K. Purushothaman. 37°C. Pulikat lake. Mumbai. 2009. C. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00739 Bacillus pumilus M3. Lata. NA 5% NaCl. Madhya Pradesh. 30oC. 2009. C. Boat scrapings. 10-15oC. Jatakheda. 2009. Boat scrapings. Leh. NB121. 2009. NA. Manali Refinery soil. 30oC.NAIMCC-B-00550 Bacillus pumilus PW-1. NAIMCC-B-00849 Bacillus pumilus P72. K. NAIMCC-B-00118 Bacillus subtilis M Gunasekaran. NA. Kerala. Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00722 Bacillus pumilus NB14. NA. Pious Thomas. NA. Maiti. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00117 Bacillus subtilis AK Saxena. S. A.A. Saxena. Plant. K. NA. N. N. 37oC. Tamil Nadu 2008. NAIMCC-B-00108 Bacillus sp. Pongong lake. Eastern U. AK Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00110 Bacillus sp. 37oC. Soil and water. Chennai. NB103. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Saxena. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00771 Bacillus pumilus NBA1. 37oC. Vijayan. Eastern U. L. NA. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. Sehore. K.28oC. 2010. NA. N Rao. 30-37°C 94 . U.P. Leh. Saxena. Soil and water. Jeeva. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00835 Bacillus subtilis P4. N Rao. 2011. L. Tamil Nadu 2008. Hyderabad 2007. D. N Rao.. Pongong lake. Sehore. NA. I. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00132 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Arora. NA. K.P. 2830oC. N. NA. 28oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00845 Bacillus subtilis P67. NAIMCC-B-00741 Bacillus subtilis M6. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00751 Bacillus subtilis Rhizospheric soil (Amorphophallus). K. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00876 Bacillus subtilis BS-2. NA 5% NaCl. A. NA. 10-15oC. Harbour. NA. Madhya Pradesh. 37oC. Ferozpur. D. 10-15oC. 2009. K. NA. NA. 2010. D. L. K. NA 28-32oC. Rajgarh. Madhya Pradesh. Rajgarh. NAIMCC-B-00848 Bacillus subtilis P71. Geelakhedi. NA. A. 2010. Sehore. Sorghum root.P. NAIMCC-B-00126 Bacillus thuringiensis NCIM 2977. Rhizoshperic Soil. 28oC. CIFA. U. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. D. 2011. A. NA. NAIMCC-B-00750 Bacillus subtilis SK-505. Vermicompost. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. Vermicompost. Mau. Pseudomonas agar. L. Pongong lake. Purushothaman. NA. Geelakhedi. Psychrophilic water sample. Madhya Pradesh. N Rao. 28oC. 2010. N Rao. D. 28oC. L. Geelakhedi. U. L. 30oC. Mumbai. Srivastava. Maharashtra. L. Vimla Devi. NA. Rajgarh. 28oC. 2011. CMC agar. S. NA & Zobell's Marine Agar. NAIMCC-B-00855 Bacillus subtilis BsMBTDI0809-103. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00874 Bacillus subtilis NBRSANP-13. 28oC. Rajgarh. K. Arora. Dilip K. L.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00654 Bacillus subtilis C8K. Rhizoshperic Soil. Hyderabad 2007. Jatakheda. Maharashtra. NA. Madhya Pradesh.P. NA. Gosal. Orrisa. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00129 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 2010. Geelakhedi. K. NA. VPKAS. Maiti. 37°C. 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00125 Bacillus thuringiensis KR-1. 28oC. NA. Almora 2007. 28oC. NA. S. NAIMCC-B-00127 Bacillus thuringiensis NCIM 5113. NA. 2010. Jenson's medium. NAIMCC-B-00844 Bacillus subtilis P66. NA. U. Madhya Pradesh.Mau. N Rao. NAIMCC-B-00543 Bacillus subtilis SRB254. 28oC. 2010. D. Vermicompost. Madhya Pradesh. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. K Das. A. Kanpur. Jatakheda. Loganathan. Dilip K. Jatakheda. Pulikat lake. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00128 Bacillus thuringiensis P. N Rao. 2009. 2008. 2010.S. Madhya Pradesh. N Rao. Rhizospheric soil (Jatropa plant). 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00846 Bacillus subtilis P68. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. NAIMCC-B-00713 Bacillus subtilis NBJ-55. L. 2010. Rhizoshperic Soil. Cochin Kerala. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. Saxena. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00773 Bacillus subtilis NBE32. K. N. NAIMCC-B-00135 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Sholapur. Srivastava. Sehore. Rajgarh. Geelakhedi. L. NAIMCC-B-00837 Bacillus subtilis P10. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00836 Bacillus subtilis P6. NA. Boat scrapings. Punjab. Hyderabad 2007. Vijayan. Rhizoshperic Soil. 2010. G Selvakumar. Kerela. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00721 Bacillus subtilis NB10. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00131 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NAIMCC-B-00840 Bacillus subtilis P53. Hyderabad 2007. NAIMCC-B-00134 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. N Rao. D. NAIMCC-B-00870 Bacillus subtilis NBRSANP-7. D. Wheat-Rice Rhizospheric soil. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00133 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NAIMCC-B-00841 Bacillus subtilis P63. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00872 Bacillus subtilis NBRSANP-11. NA. Jatakheda. NA. 2010. 2010 NA. NAIMCC-B-00780 Bacillus subtilis NBI3. Psychrophilic water sample. M. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00130 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. C. Vermicompost. Varanasi. 2011. A. Leh. Madhya Pradesh.A. D. 2009. K. Madhya Pradesh. 2010. M. Srivastava. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00138 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00161 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00140 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00149 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00165 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00157 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00158 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00153 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00170 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00143 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00162 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00168 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00139 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00171 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00154 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00148 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00150 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. NA.NAIMCC-B-00136 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00152 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00142 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00151 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00164 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00156 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00147 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00159 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00146 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00141 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00137 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. NA. NA. NA. NA. NA. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00167 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00163 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00166 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00155 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007.LGS 95 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00145 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00169 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00144 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00160 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00194 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00198 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00203 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00184 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00173 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00192 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00176 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00193 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00188 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00185 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00202 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00204 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00190 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00196 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00191 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00178 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00175 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00177 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00174 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00186 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C 96 . NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00206 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00197 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00180 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00179 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00182 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA.Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. NA. NA. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00181 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00205 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00187 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. NA. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00199 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00200 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00183 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00207 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA.Hyderabad 2007. NA. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00189 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00172 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00201 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00195 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00121 Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp. CRYEMA. (Arachis). (Vigna). 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00124 Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp.K. Hyderabad 2007. Saxena 2007. MB-7. A. A. GN-25. ICRISAT. NBAIM. CRYEMA. Saxena. (Arachis). Hyderabad 2007. Dilip K. NA. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. Hyderabad 2007. 28°C 97 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . NA. NA. NA. NA. NAIMCC-B-00903 Brachybacterium conglomeratum G-2. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00223 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. ICRISAT. NBAIM 2007. NBAIM 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 10-15oC. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00229 Bradyrhizobium japonicum RS-139. NA. (Arachis). AK Saxena 2007. NA. CRYEMA. A. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00225 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Saxena.K. GN-17. IC 7017. Hyderabad 2007. Calicut. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00787 Bacillus thuringiensis NBB6. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00221 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00231 Bradyrhizobium sp. K. CRYEMA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00216 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00228 Bradyrhizobium japonicum (strain 505). 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00209 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NAIMCC-B-00210 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 2011. israelensis NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00235 Bradyrhizobium sp. Hyderabad 2007. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00233 Bradyrhizobium sp.) Imelda Joseph . Hyderabad 2007. Rhizoshperic Soil. 2010. NA. aizawai NCIM 5116. Saxena 2007. U. NBAIM 2007. CRYEMA. Hyderabad 2007. Leh. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00215 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00220 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007.K. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00224 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Saxena 2007. A. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00217 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00775 Bacillus velezensis NBA3. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00873 Bacillus thuringiensis NBRSANP-13. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00214 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00232 Bradyrhizobium sp. Srivastava. NA. NA. NA. NA. NBAIM. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00226 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 10-15oC. Arora. 2010. 5a/70. NC92.P. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00212 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Dilip K. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00211 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Arora. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00213 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00234 Bradyrhizobium sp. Kerala. Hyderabad 2007.NAIMCC-B-00208 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Psychrophilic water sample. IC 7001. NA. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00123 Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp galleriae NCIM 5112. A. Pongong lake. Leh. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00227 Bradyrhizobium japonicum NCIM 2002. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. NA. Fish gill (Polynemusa sp. NA. (Arachis). Hyderabad 2007. 2011. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00236 Bradyrhizobium sp. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00219 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. Hyderabad 2007.K. A. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. CRYEMA. Kanpur. Hyderabad 2007. Hyderabad 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00222 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. B-39. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00218 Bacillus thuringiensis Vimla Devi. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00122 Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp entomocidus NCIM 5111. NA. USDA-6. NA. NBAIM. Pongong lake.K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00230 Bradyrhizobium japonicum Tal-102. NA. Psychrophilic water sample. K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00263 Bradyrhizobium sp. 10-15oC. CRYEMA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00244 Bradyrhizobium sp. Plant. (Arachis). IC-3107.K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00266 Bradyrhizobium sp. (Cajanus). Saxena 2007. (Vigna). IC-3145. M-11. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00256 Bradyrhizobium sp. Hyderabad 2007. A.NC-92. Saxena 2007. A. IHP 511. IC-3165. ICRISAT. (Vigna). CRYEMA. Saxena 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00259 Bradyrhizobium sp. (Cajanus). 28°C NAIMCC-B-00243 Bradyrhizobium sp. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00519 Brevibacillus sp. (Cajanus).CP-27. NBAIM. A. (Cajanus). IC-3146. 5F. 28°C 98 NAIMCC-B-00785 Brevibacterium frigoritolerans NBC7. NBAIM. IC-3135. A. CRYEMA. (Cajanus). AK Saxena 2007. Saxena 2007. CRYEMA. Nambor wild life sanctuary. CRYEMA.K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00248 Bradyrhizobium sp. NAIMCC-B-00252 Bradyrhizobium sp. (Cajanus). NAIMCC-B-00253 Bradyrhizobium sp. AK Saxena 2007. NBAIM. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00251 Bradyrhizobium sp. Leh. Saxena 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00267 Bradyrhizobium sp. Hyderabad 2007. NBAIM. ICRISAT. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00269 Brevibacterium divericatum NCIM2634.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00237 Bradyrhizobium sp. R GT-022. Saxena 2007. M-11-85. IC-3043-2. Dilip K. NA. AK Saxena 2007. A. Saxena 2007. SMS 176. CC-1.IC 4062. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. ICRISAT. CP-34. CRYEMA. NBAIM. (Cajanus).K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00261 Bradyrhizobium sp. 30oC. A. Saxena 2007. Hyderabad 2007. CRYEMA. Arora. IC 7029. A. Saxena 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00242 Bradyrhizobium sp. CRYEMA. Saxena 2007. CRYEMA. IC-3525. Raout. M065. IC 7113. IC-3154. Saxena 2007. ICRISAT. (Vigna). Hyderabad 2007. 2010. (Cajanus). K-7. Saxena 2007. ICRISAT.K. NBAIM. NBAIM. A. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00257 Bradyrhizobium sp. ICRISAT. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00254 Bradyrhizobium sp. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00264 Bradyrhizobium sp. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00745 Brevibacillus laterosporus BPM3. (Arachis). IC 7114. (Cajanus). 28°C NAIMCC-B-00265 Bradyrhizobium sp. CRYEMA. (Vigna). ICRISAT. R. 1 HP 100. AK Saxena 2007. Saxena 2007. NBAIM. Hyderabad 2007. N. Pious Thomas. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. F4. (Arachis). CRYEMA.K. Parbhani. (Vigna). 28°C NAIMCC-B-00240 Bradyrhizobium sp. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00258 Bradyrhizobium sp. NBAIM. NBAIM. IC-3145. IC 3195 (a). NBAIM. (Cowpea).K. A. CRYEMA. Bangalore. CRYEMA. A. (Arachis). CRYEMA. Assam.K. Saxena 2007. IC 4059. (Cowpea). A. Saxena 2007. (Vigna). 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00246 Bradyrhizobium sp.K. (Cajanus).K. NBAIM. CRYEMA. ARBG-1. NBAIM. IC 3100. Saxena 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00268 Bradyrhizobium sp.IHP 195. Mud sample.K.K. . 28°C NAIMCC-B-00255 Bradyrhizobium sp. CRYEMA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00239 Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna).K. NBAIM. IHP 514.A. (Cajanus). AK Saxena 2007. (Cajanus).K. CRYEMA. (Cajanus). NBAIM.K. Tal 1000. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00241 Bradyrhizobium sp. IC-3471. A. Hyderabad 2007. ICRISAT. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00238 Bradyrhizobium sp. 2009. (Cowpea). M-2-97. CP-60. CRYEMA. A. IHP 512. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. NA. AK Saxena 2007. CRYEMA. (Arachis). Ratul Sakia. 2010. CRYEMA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00249 Bradyrhizobium sp. CRYEMA. (Cajanus). (Cajanus). 28°C NAIMCC-B-00245 Bradyrhizobium sp. 30oC. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00250 Bradyrhizobium sp. A. CRYEMA. IC-3109.IC-3169. Psychrophilic water sample. CRYEMA. (Cajanus). Pongong lake. A.S. Mung-I. A. AK Saxena 2007. Hyderabad 2007. CRYEMA. Hyderabad 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00247 Bradyrhizobium sp. (Cajanus). 28°C NAIMCC-B-00262 Bradyrhizobium sp. BDN A2. NBAIM.IC 4060. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00260 Bradyrhizobium sp. CRYEMA. NA. NBAIM. RP 182-13.K. Refinery soil. NA. BBSR. NA. Paddy field soil. Rajgir water samples 2008. 30oC.C.K. NA. Lata. Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh. Rai. Wheat rhizosphere soil. Rhizoshperic Soil. 2009. CIFA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00289 Edwardsiella tarda CIFA-32. L. NBAIM. Yanam. Lata. N. Carotovora CABI-347394. Medium. King's B. N K Maiti. 2009. NA. Creek. 2009. BBSR. Karnataka. Biological agent of Hazard Group 1 of Low Risk: Microbiological Assessment 6 NAIMCC-B-00295 Erwinia carotovora sub sp. Lata. 37oC. Rhizospheric soil (Ginger). India. 30-37°C . N. N. University. A.A. 30-37 °C NAIMCC-B-00285 Edwardsiella tarda CIFA-11. L. Coorg. CIFA. CIFA. 2010. 2011. 2009. New Delhi. Anandraj. N K Maiti. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00816 Clavibacter michiganensis ACT1. S. N K Maiti. Andhra Pradesh. 37±1°C NAIMCC-B-00273 Burkholderia cepacia NBRAJG 98. NAIMCC-B-00290 Enterobacter asburiae G Selvakumar.A. Biological agent of Hazard Group 1 of Low Risk: Microbiological Assessment 6 NAIMCC-B-00296 Erwinia carotovora subsp. Santiago. Mukhergee . MTCC-709. N. NA.A. Rhizospheric soil (Black Peper). 2009. Santiago. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. C. AR Algawadi. VPKAS. NA. NAIMCC-B-00882 Burkhoderia cepacia PT-P2. M.A. Mathura. BBSR. ATCC33937. NAIMCC-B-00275 Candida albicans NCIM 3557. Kozhikode. 28oC. Paddy field soil. B. New Delhi. AIA. IARI. Uttar Pradesh. Dharwad. 30°C. S. CIBA. PW-9. 28-30oC. N K Maiti. NAIMCC-B-00271 Brevibacterium vitanomas NCIM 2330. Rai. BBSR. IMI 1980. Wheat-Rice Rhizospheric soil. Jenson's medium. Almora. Ferozpur. L. NA. IARI. NAIMCC-B-00294 Erwinia carotovora CABI-347372. Antimicrob. NA. New Delhi. B. CIFA.A.G. NA. caeruleus (Horan and Brodsky) Tamura et al. Andhra Pradesh. NA. Santiago. S. B. CIFA. Hazard Group 2: Microbiological Assessment 2 NAIMCC-B-00292 Enterobacter cloacae CIBA 52RP2. CIFA. 30°C. NAIMCC-B-00561 Brevundimonas diminuta PR-1. India. NBAIM. Bus well and Haas mineral medium. Kerala. N K Maiti. 2009. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00293 Enterobacter cloacae CIBA 53RP2. NCPPB 1982. Uttar Pradesh. DSM43634. CIBA. Medium. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Varanasi. Stephen Joseph. 37°C. Creek water. 28°C. NA. India. Production of antifungal antibiotics. T. NA. S. Coffea arabica. carotovora CABI-347386. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00288 Edwardsiella tarda CIFA-31. NAIMCC-B-00560 Brevundimonas sp. K. Agent Chemother. Subramaman 1967. Solanum melongena. Rhizosphere soil of vanilla. NAIMCC-B-00566 Brevundimonas diminuta PR-7. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00291 Enterobacter cloacae CABI-347357. C. NA 28oC. P. V. N. 37oC. Punjab. S. M. Yanam. Type strain. New Delhi. 48-96hrs. 2010. NA. BBSR. T. Chakravarti 1991. Lata. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00559 Brevundimonas diminuta PW-7. N. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00286 Edwardsiella tarda CIFA-12. BRB28. India. Western Himalayas. Kerela. N. KCCA43634. NAIMCC-B-00277 Couchioplanes caeruleus subsp. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00748 Chryseobacterium indologenes SK-503.260C). L. T. Gosal. JCM3195. Hegde 1991. NAIMCC-B-00770 Burkholderia sp. 2009. N K Maiti.CHROMagar. 2009. 28oC. Biological agent of Hazard Group 1 of Low Risk: Microbiological Assessment 6 99 Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00272 Brevibacterium roseum NCIM 2270. PHA-44. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00287 Edwardsiella tarda CIFA-2. PSB13. GRB25. NA. Lata. 30oC.A. M. 28°C. 37oC. Saxena. Pikovaskaya's medium. NA.A. 25°C. Anandraj. NA. IMET9248. IARI. (46. Chennai. Chennai. BBSR. IARI.C Santiago. 2009. NA. Soil. Kanwar. DSM1037. NA. T. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00767 Burkholderia sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00270 Brevibacterium saccharolyticus NCIM 2238. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00276 Cellulomonas flavigena 7(1) WGUK. AIA 30oC. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00537 Enterobacter cloacae LCR-82. C. NAIMCC-B-00597 Clavibacter michiganensis CIBA-ACT-6.7:457. NA. 30-37 o C NAIMCC-B-00274 Burkholderia sp. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00547 Brevibacterium sp. LY.C. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00525 Enterobacter aerogenes LCR-83.1975. Patent strain NAIMCC-B-00284 Edwardsiella tarda CIFA-1. IFO13939. 2010. . 370C NAIMCC-B-00283 Escherichia coli NCIM-5012. K Mishra. K Mishra. T. Varanasi. NA. T. BAP. BAP. 29oC. NA. Chennai. 29oC. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. 29oC. Uttar Pradesh. A. NA. Shieh Agar. T. Zobell Marine Agar. 30-35°C. NAIMCC-B-00282 Escherichia coli BPEC B1. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. Saxena. 2010. 2830oC. 15-20oC. NA 5% NaCl. NAIMCC-B-00517 Halobacillus sp. Tarn Taran.C. HsIi2. PSB12. T. D. G Selvakumar. NAIMCC-B-00510 Flavobacterium sp. NA 5% NaCl. A. K Mishra. Uttar Pradesh. Trivandrum. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00733 Frankia sp. 29oC. Tamil Nadu 2008. NAIMCC-B-00725 Halomonas aquamarina NB34.A. A. ATCC 7953. HsIi2. D. 29oC. NAIMCC-B-00299 Flavobacterium devorans NCIM 2581. NAIMCC-B-00728 Frankia sp. 2010. Don). K Mishra. BAP. A. 29oC. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. 29oC. Gosal. K. Chennai. Don). Don). NAIMCC-B-00611 Halomanas sp. Uttar Pradesh. 30-35°C. Don). Lucknow. HsIi2. CIBA. Gaurav Rathore. Santiago. BAP. NA. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. A. NA. 37oC. Varanasi. K Mishra. Santiago. D. Don. CIBA. Rhizosphere soil of rubber. HsIi2. K. Uttar Pradesh. Imelda Joseph. Fish skin. Santiago. BAP. NAIMCC-B-00279 Escherichia coli B 3. Uttar Pradesh. Kerala. T. K Mishra. Pulikat lake. T. isolated from pointed gourd. Pikovaskaya's medium.C. A.C. D. A. HsIi2. Santiago. T. Uttar Pradesh. Varanasi. D. 2009. BAP. A. Soil and water. Rajasthan 2008. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00734 Frankia sp. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. A. D. 37oC. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh. BAP. N. 29oC. Santiago. K. Cochin. BAP. A. NAIMCC-B-00518 Halobacillus trueperi CIBA-HS-3. Uttar Pradesh. Kerala. D. Santiago. Uttar Pradesh.A. 2009. CIBA-HS-1. 30 oC NAIMCC-B-00578 Halobacillus dabahensis CIBA-CST4.C. 2010. A. Rajasthan. Aquatic environment. 19RDCA2. K Mishra. NAIMCC-B-00727 Frankia sp. C. Fish viscera. D. 2010. A. C. 15-20oC. CIBA. Nagapattinam. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. 2010. Chennai. NA. Trivandrum. HsIi2. 29oC. A. M. Don). Aquatic environment. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00736 Frankia sp. Varanasi. Shieh Agar. 2009. 2009. 2010. 100 NAIMCC-B-00301 Gluconobacter sp. Saxena. Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh. BAP. Punjab. HsIi2.A 15%NaCl.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00297 Erwinia tracheiphila CABI-347433. K Mishra. Back water. Root (Hippophae salicifolia). Tamil Nadu. Varanasi. D. A. Don). 2010. NA. Root. Cytophaga Agar. 19RDCD1. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00726 Frankia sp. NAIMCC-B-00576 Halomonas aquamarina V2 Trigger. NA. K Mishra. 37°C. Don). 2010. Soil and water. 2009. NA. Varanasi. Santiago. 2010. 30°C. Don. NAIMCC-B-00714 Halomonas campisalis NB37. Tamil Nadu. Saxena. Don). CIBA. 2009. Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh. CIBA. NAIMCC-B-00552 Flavobacterium anhuiense Wheat cropping system. NAIMCC-B-00280 Escherichia coli B 4. HsIi2. Stephen Joseph. Saxena. K Mishra. Imelda Joseph. 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00574 Halomonas marina strain DSM4741 S1Trigger. VPKAS. HsIi2. K. 37oC. 29oC. NAIMCC-B-00278 Escherichia coli B 2. Creek water. S. Tamil Nadu 2008. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00300 Geobacillus stearothermohilus. N. Don). Chennai. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00735 Frankia sp. 2009. Zobell marine agar. Varanasi. Cytophaga Agar.G. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. NA 2% NaCl. Kerala. C. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. NAIMCC-B-00729 Frankia sp. 2010. Varanasi. Santiago. T. Gaurav Rathore. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. K. Zobell Marine Agar. Sambhar lake. Soil and water. HsIi2. Zobell marine agar. Brackish water. NAIMCC-B-00731 Frankia sp. D.C. Chennai. A. Vampar. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00509 Flavobacterium sp. N. NAIMCC-B-00281 Escherichia coli B5. Varanasi. 2009. HsIi2. NAIMCC-B-00730 Frankia sp. Sambhar lake water sample. NAIMCC-B-00716 Halomonas pacifica NB51. NBSL-9. D. Root (Hippophae salicifolia. India NAIMCC-B-00732 Frankia sp. University. Pulikat lake. Kerala. BAP. Lucknow. K Mishra. (Hippophae salicifolia). 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00298 Exiguobacterium acetylicum strain 1P. Almora. Nitrogen free media. BAP. Zobell marine agar. 28oC. 29oC. K.K. Soil. Karnal NAIMCC-B-00614 Halomonas sp. NA. NAIMCC-B-00311 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-6. 35°C. Mau Nath Bhanjan. 35°C.P. Rajasthan. K. Karnal L NAIMCC-B-00306 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-11. Dinesh Kumar. Saxena. K. NAIMCC-B-00805 Methylobacterium radiotolerance NBCT23. 2010. A. Saxena. NBAIM. 2009. N. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00305 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-1. NA. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00516 Klebsiella pneumonae CIBA-AT-4. NAIMCC-B-00313 Mesorhizobium ciceri NBTaL-620. Rhizoshpreic soil. A. 37oC NAIMCC-B-00503 Klebsiella sp. T. Meena. Sambhar lake water sample. Karnal Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00612 Halomonas sp.P. Srivastava. NA. Karnal NAIMCC-B-00613 Halomonas sp. U. NA. Saxena. 2009. Wheat field Soil. NAIMCC-B-00309 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-4. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). A. NAIMCC-B-00663 Methylobacterium suomiense NBCT6. Dinesh Kumar. K. Rajasthan. 2009. Saxena. Wheat field soil. AMS.A. Srivastava. Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00310 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-5. Meena. K. 2011. K. Mau Nath Bhanjan. 35°C. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi).P. K. 37oC. Psychrophilic water sample. 30°C. N. A. NAIMCC-B-00869 Lysinibacillus fusiformis NBRSANP-6. Rajasthan. Sambhar lake water sample. Leh. Lata. Leaf Phyllosphere. K.A 15%NaCl. 2009. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00582 Hyphomicrobium facile NBCS7. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). 30°C. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00676 Halomonas taecheunque NBSL -14.C. Rajasthan. Mau Nath Bhanjan. Rajasthan. NAIMCC-B-00312 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-7. Creek water. Meena. A. Sambhar lake water sample. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00584 Methylobacterium extorques NBCS12. Lucknow. KB 10%NaCl. NAIMCC-B-00866 Lysinibacillus fusiformis NBRSNPB-1. K. NBSL-25. PHA-15. Varanasi. K. Sambhar lake water sample. 35°C. Rhizoshperic Soil. Jaunpur. N. K. 37oC.Dinesh Kumar. 2009. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). K.P. Dilip K. Uttar Pradesh. NAIMCC-B-00302 Klebsiella pneumonae NBRAJG 95. A. Uttar Pradesh. U. NBSL-14. Tamil Nadu. Saxena. 30°C. 3037 oC NAIMCC-B-00501 Klebsiella sp. 30°C NAIMCC-B-00505 Klebsiella oxytoca MK3s11. JNF. Chennai.A. NA. Mirjapur. NAIMCC-B-00549 Lysinibacillus sp. Saxena.Dinesh Kumar. Rhizoshperic Soil. AMS. A. K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00583 Methlobacterium organophilum NBCS8. 2009. K. Karnal NAIMCC-B-00677 Halomonas sp. NAIMCC-B-00793 Lysobacter sp. NA. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). K. K. AMS. A. K. CRYEMA. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. 35°C. K. Dinesh Kumar. 37oC NAIMCC-B-00304 Lactobacillus acidophilus NCIM 2285. A. 2009. U. AMS. Rajasthan. NBC5. M2s3. Pongong lake.A 15%NaCl. AMS 37oC. A. Leaf Phyllosphere. NBSL-19. 2009. CIBA. Ashok Kumar. Dinesh Kumar. Rice field soil. Mau. K. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). NBSL-10. NBAGR. K. Varanasi. Srivastava. NBAGR. NBSL -25. VB-456.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00308 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-3. 30°C. D5. Rajasthan. A. Soil.P. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). Soil. Mau Nath Bhanjan. T. 2009. Uttar Pradesh. K. Santiago. Water sample Sambhar lake. C. NA. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00610 Marinobacter alkaliphilus NBSL-7. K.NBAGR. 37oC. Soil. 2011. A. Ashok Kumar. 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00586 Methylobacterium hispanicum NBCS18. 2010. Meena. 2009. AMS. Rajgir water samples 2008. Saxena. A. Santiago. Meena. NBAGR. Saxena. 2010. Soil. NAIMCC-B-00303 Klebsiella sp. Ashok Kumar. Dinesh Kumar.A 15%NaCl. NA.K. Karnal NAIMCC-B-00619 Halomonas sp. Guwahati.NBAGR. Dinesh Kumar. Karnal NAIMCC-B-00307 Lactobacillus paracasei NRC-2. NAIMCC-B-00868 Lysinibacillus fusiformis NBRSANP-4. K. Bus well and Haas mineral medium. N. Meena. Uttar Pradesh. U. 10-15oC. Soil. NBAIM. N. NBAIM. Nagapattinam. Karnal NAIMCC-B-00616 Halomonas sp. Zobell Marine Agar. JNF. JM 5%NaCl. 101 . NBSL-13. U.A 15%NaCl. 37oC. Yak Milk Cheese (Churpi). 2011. 30°C. 2009. NA. 2009. N. Kanpur. Vadodara Refinery soil.NBAGR. Mau.NBAGR. Arora. Sambhar lake water sample. JNF.NBAGR. Saxena. 37oC. Rajasthan. Leaf Phyllosphere. U. NA. 2009. 2011.P. Chennai.P. Sambhar lake.K. 25°C. 2010. A. STP101. Papaya Plant. U. Arora. Soil. Water sample. 2010. U. K. Meena. 37oC. 37oC. Mau. K. Mau. 30°C. 2010. Leaf Phyllosphere.K. Tamil Nadu. 3037°C NAIMCC-B-00720 Micrococcus sp. Pulikat lake. Mau. U. AMS. Meena. NBCT21. 2010.. Mau. University of Newcastle.. K. K. NAIMCC-B-00674 Methylobacterium sp. Leaf Phyllosphere. 37oC. NBCT20. K. NAIMCC-B-00672 Methylobacterium salsuginis NBCT13. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00314 Micrococcus sp. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. AMS 37oC. Leaf Phyllosphere. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. K. U. 37oC. AMS 37oC. Meena. K. NAIMCC-B-00897 Micobacterium esteraromaticum SRG1.P. K. AMS 37oC. Leaf Phyllosphere. NBCT4. K.A. 37oC. Leaf Phyllosphere. 30°C. AMS. Meena. AMS 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00661 Methylobacterium sp. Mau. Leaf Phyllosphere. K. Meena. Meena. Meena.P. 28oC. NB20(2). Saxena. Leaf Phyllosphere. Mau. 2010. NAIMCC-B-00803 Methylobacterium sp. 2010. Mau. Meena. B.P. Meena. U. Mau. Pongong lake. Mau.K. NAIMCC-B-00659 Methylobacterium sp. U. KB 10%NaCl. NAIMCC-B-00622 Micrococcus luteus NBSL-29.P. AMS 37oC. AMS. Leaf Phyllosphere. U. K. K. AMS. K. NBCT18. Leaf Phyllosphere. 2009. Fish Skin (daysciaena sp.) Imelda Joseph. Streptomyces media (93). U. K. K. Meena. Imelda Joseph. Mau. NAIMCC-B-00579 Methylobacterium radiotolerans NBCS1.. NAIMCC-B-00898 Micrococcus luteus KS-2. Soil. AMS 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00523 Micobacterium esteraromatiucm Pap. 2010. K. AMS. K. Uttar Pradesh.P.. 2010.P. Tamil Nadu 2008. Mau. NBCT19. K. U. Meena. Mau. NAIMCC-B-00801 Methylobacterium sp. Leaf Phyllosphere. Mau. AMS 37oC. U.. K.. Leaf Phyllosphere. Leaf Phyllosphere. Bangalore. K. Kovalam. AMS. Leaf Phyllosphere. Leaf Phyllosphere. Goodfellow. 2010. NAIMCC-B-00679 Methylobacterium mesophylicum NBCT16. Meena. 11/04/2010 NAIMCC-B-00667 Methylobacterium oryzae NBCT10. AMS 37oC. U. K. K. Tamil Nadu. K. U. NAIMCC-B-00660 Methylobacterium oryzae NBCT3. K. Psychrophilic water sample. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00605 Micromonospora echinaurantiaca MTCC-4152. Meena. Meena. NBCT9. NAIMCC-B-00666 Methylobacterium sp. Rajeev Kaushik. Leaf Phyllosphere. AMS 37oC. Mau Nath Bhanjan. 2010. Mau. NAIMCC-B-00658 Methylobacterium mesophylicum NBCT1. 37oC. K. Kanyakumari. NAIMCC-B-00673 Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae NBCT14. Leaf Phyllosphere. NAIMCC-B-00665 Methylobacterium suomiense NBCT8. AMS. Meena. Meena. A. K. Meena. Mau.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00807 Methylobacterium hispanicum NBCT25.. U. 2010. K. Leh. AMS. NAIMCC-B-00669 Methylobacterium salsuginis NBCT11. 30oC. Leaf Phyllosphere. NAIMCC-B-00806 Methylobacterium suomiense NBCT24. Mau. U. U.P. K. 30°C. Meena.P. K. Soil. U. Leaf Phyllosphere. Mau. Mau. K. AMS. Mau. Production of rosaramycin . 1015oC. K. U. AMS. 2009.. Dilip K. NA 5% NaCl. 2010. 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00585 Methylophilus methylotrophus NBCS15. 2011. NBCT15. NA. N. Mau. Uttar Pradesh. Leaf Phyllosphere. 102 NAIMCC-B-00581 Methyloversatilis universalis NBCS4. NAIMCC-B-00606 Micromonospora rosaria MTCC-1052. S-131. K. U. 2010. K.P.P. Water sample. 2010. Degradation of chitin. 2009. 30°C. Mau.P. Meena. K. Kapadnis. K. Pious Thomas.P. Mau. K.P. Leaf Phyllosphere. K. K.K. Meena. Mau Nath Bhanjan.P. AMS 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00670 Methylobacterium radiotolerance NBCT12. U. 2010. 35°C. K. Meena.P. K. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00798 Micrococcineae bacterium NBD2. Leaf Phyllosphere.Fish gill(Sardinella sp.ViBa1. NBCT2. 2010.P. Rajasthan. U. Meena.P. NBAIM. 2010. Soil. U. 2010. AMS 37oC.P.P. K. NAIMCC-B-00800 Methylobacterium sp. AMS 37oC. AMS 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00662 Methylobacterium suomiense NBCT5. U. Saxena. K. Mau Nath Bhanjan. Meena. K. 37oC. 2009. Meena. K. P. AMS 37oC.P. Maharashtra. NAIMCC-B-00799 Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae NBCT17.P. Meena. NAIMCC-B-00802 Methylobacterium sp. NAIMCC-B-00664 Methylobacterium hisponicum NBCT7. Meena. M. 2009. AMS. Leaf Phyllosphere. Uttar Pradesh. Mau. NAIMCC-B-00804 Methylobacterium salsuginis NBCT22. AMS 37oC. K. U. K. Starch Casein agar. K. K. K. Soil and water. K.K. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Maheshwari. Jenson's medium. Mumbai. Arora. NAIMCC-B-00568 Ochrobacterium anthropi PR-10. 2011. Fish skin. K. Thurmus medium. Larvae (Heterorhabditis indica). D. PW-4. A. S. 37°C. IFO13392. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00791 Ochrobactrum sp.NAIMCC-B-00315 Nocardia sp. Punjab. 45oC. NBB20. Psychrophilic water sample. NAIMCC-B-00320 Pediococcus cerevisiae NCIM-2171. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00327 Pseudomonas sp. India. 30-37 o C NAIMCC-B-00557 Providencia sp. 2009. CICR. K. Pareek. 2010. NAIMCC-B-00317 Paenibacillus macquariensis (Marshall and Ohye) Ash et al. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00865 Paenibacillus polymyxa MRG8. NA. Arora. NAIMCC-B-00797 Pasteurella pneumotropica NBB18. S. Psychrophilic water sample. Rajasthan. Water sample (hot springs). NA. K. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00324 Pseudomonas fluorescens R. IARI. NA. Wheat-Rice Rhizospheric soil. Maheshwari. Psychrotroph. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00556 Paenibacillus qinsenqaqri PW-3. NAIMCC-B-00788 Paenibacillus pabuli NBD10. IARI. King's B. Ludhiana.Syst.Reddy. King's B. K. NAIMCC-B-00891 Paenibacillus panacisola SK-23. Pongong lake. Zobell marine agar. 1980. 2B. NA. Leh. DSM2. NAIMCC-B-00316 Nocardiopsis dassonvillei ( Brooq-Rousseau) Meyer MTCC-1102. T. Leh. Imelda Joseph. 37oC. Jenson's medium. slow growing. Arora. 2009.Bact. Sambhar lake water sample. Water sample Sambhar lake. N. BISR. 2008.P. 37oC. Gosal. 1015oC. Lucknow. Jaipur. Lata. Psychrophilic water sample. N. N. OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00756 Paenibacillus sp. NAIMCC-B-00811 Pontibacillus sp. 37°C. 2011. P. D. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. New Delhi. NAIMCC-B-00618 Ochrobactrum sp. Taran taran. Dilip K. 28-30oC. ATCC23464. Punjab. Punjab. JNF.A. Santiago.A. NAIMCC-B-00746 Photorhabdus sp. King's B. Varanasi. IARI.P. Gosal. Uttar Pradesh. Almora. 1015oC. K. 28-30oC. Himachal Pradesh. NCIB9934 Macquarie Island Soil. Dilip K. Saxena. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. 10-15oC. Leh. Int. IARI. 2009. 2010. NAIMCC-B-00567 Ochrobacterium intermedium PR-9. Jensen's Medium . IARI. ATCC23612. Leh. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00323 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIM 2036. 2010. Type strain. NA. Lata. U.A. King's B. 3035°C. NB71C. Pankaj Mishra. JM 5%NaCl. 2009. Pongong lake. NA. JM 5%NaCl. ISP5464. King's B. New Delhi. Arora. Manikaran. NAIMCC-B-00710 Paenibacillus macerans NBH-7. D11 & S. 37oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00668 Ochrobactrum sp. 28°C 103 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures .M. 2010. Saxena. Arora. Saxena. 2011. Rice field Soil. S.A. N. K. NA. SK-515. 2010.C. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. 2009. Root Nodules.J. 37oC. 2009. Ashok Kumar. Maharashtra. CB693. NA. IMI 1992. Gosal.P. NAIMCC-B-00573 Planococcus maritimus ACS-6. NAIMCC-B-00322 Proteus sp. MTCC-1269. 250C). U. Rajasthan.72. G Selvakumar.30:225. New Delhi. Pongong lake. NBSL-23. Chamoli Garwal. 2009. 200C). 28°C NAIMCC-B-00325 Pseudomonas putida NCIM 2650. NAIMCC-B-00319 Pantoea dispersa strain 1A.A. 2010.Joy no. NA. VPKAS. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. RIA1353. A. Pongong lake. (101. CABI-352503. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00615 Ochrobactrum sp. Uttar Kashi. K. Maharashtra. NAIMCC-B-00864 Paenibacillus polymyxa MRG4. PR-3. NA 37oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00749 Paenibacillus polymyxa SK-504. N. DSM 40465. NBSL-17. New Delhi. NTCC10419. Rajasthan. Soil. NAIMCC-B-00321 Peudomonas aeruginosa NJ-101 Javed Musarrat AMU. NA. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00318 Paenibacillus polymyxa ATCC-43865. K. 2010. Dilip K. NA. NA. Type strain NAIMCC-B-00774 Paenibacillus xylanexedens NBJ5. NAIMCC-B-00504 Pantoea agglomerans V1s7. Dilip K. Saxena. Indo Gangatic Plains-soil. 30oC. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00326 Pseudomonas solanacearum NCIM 5103. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. New Delhi. Lata. Chennai. U.K. 2009.A. NAIMCC-B-00563 Providencia sp. Root Nodules. Gurdaspur. 37oC. Psychrophilic water sample. K.P. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Lata. A. 35°C. N. Dilip K. 35°C. (3. Lata. CIBA. 10-15oC. Nagpur. E. 2010. Wheat-Cotton Rhizospheric soil. Sambhar Lake. Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar. A. NBSL-16. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00350 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. RRL Jorhat. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00334 Pseudomonas aeruginosa R 13.K. Gosal. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00881 Pseudomonas aeruginosa MZ-P4. NA & Zobell's Marine Agar. Rhizospheric soil (Black Peper).Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. RRL Jorhat. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00340 Pseudomonas flourescens NCIM-2141. Ongole.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. M. King's B. Saxena.K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00351 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00358 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. RRL Jorhat. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00331 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NBRAJG 92. RRL Jorhat. Rhizoshperic Soil. 2011. Cochin Kerala. Isolated from Lycopersicon esculentum. Coorg. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00336 Pseudomonas aisophila NCIM-5094. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00347 Pseudomonas fluorescens KKM2. King's B. Ludhiana. NFA medium . Soil. A. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00856 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PsaMBTDI0909-101. King's B.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. RRL Jorhat. Ashok Kumar. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00349 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. JNF. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00345 Pseudomonas fluorescens ARR IG. King's B. King's B. King's B. King's B. S. Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore NAIMCC-B-00348 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. King's B. King's B. Saxena 2008. King's B. King's B. 2009. Vijayan. Santiago. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00894 Pseudomonas aeruginosa SK-37. King's B. Buxar.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. NCIM-2175. RRL Jorhat.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00329 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NBRAJG 77. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00335 Pseudomonas aeruginosa IC Bora.K. 28oC. NBAIM. 2009. King's B. S. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00332 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIM 5210. 37oC. King's B. 2009. S.P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. King's B. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00343 Pseudomonas fluorescens AFG 4. A. Anandraj. King's B. 2009. 28-30°C NAIMCC-B-00353 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00357 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. RRL Jorhat. King's B. K. RRL Jorhat. Saxena 2008. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00330 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NBRAJG 78. N. Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. King's B.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00328 Pseudomonas aeruginosa NBRAJG 70. Punjab.A. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00355 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00344 Pseudomonas fluorescens ARR 10. 2011. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00354 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. Saxena 2008. King's B. RRL Jorhat. P Gunashekhran. Andhra Pradesh. K. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00342 Pseudomonas fluorescens SCEP 3. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00338 Pseudomonas corrugata CABI-347485a. NBAIM. 30±1°C NAIMCC-B-00352 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. RRL Jorhat. K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00515 Pseudomonas aeruginosa CBIA-AT-2. C. King's B. Soil. NAIMCC-B-00765 Pseudomonas aeruginosa BRB28. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00333 Pseudomonas aeruginosa R 11. Mangrove. Bihar. Kanwar. Madurai K University. Western Himalayas. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00507 Pseudomonas aeuruginosa BX5-5. NA. Assam. Zobell Marine Agar. 28°C 104 NAIMCC-B-00356 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 37oC. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00337 Pseudomonas convexa.K. King's B. RRL Jorhat. King's B. United Kingdom NAIMCC-B-00339 Pseudomonas desmolyticum NCIM2112 (A). NA. King's B. 30-37oC NAIMCC-B-00341 Pseudomonas fluorescens AFG 2. T. 37±2°C NAIMCC-B-00346 Pseudomonas fluorescens EP1. 28°C . NBAIM. King's B. A. King's B. A. Creek water. Karnataka. NBAIM. 2009. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00370 Pseudomonas fluorescens SCEP 2. Kerala. NAIMCC-B-00366 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 28-30oC. Leh. 37oC.P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. 37oC. NAIMCC-B-00367 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 37oC. D. NAIMCC-B-00571 Pseudomonas fluorescens ID-6-PF4. Kings B agar. Soil. 30°C. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00362 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 2009. Idukki. 2009. Psychrophilic water sample. 37oC. 2009. Kerela. CPBMB. D. N. 2009. Girija. Kerela. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00371 Pseudomonas fluorescens SCEP 5. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00681 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-2. NA. VPKAS. CPBMB. NA. CPBMB. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00685 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-6. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00689 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-13. NAIMCC-B-00680 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-1. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00690 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-14. 37°C. NA. D. Pongong lake. Girija. Girija.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. Gujarat. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00687 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-11. Idukki. Kerela. Soil. 2009. Girija. K. CPBMB. 2009. N. D. King's B. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00368 Pseudomonas fluorescens S 22. King's B. 37oC. 2009. 28°C 105 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . Arora. D. Kerela. Idukki. NAIMCC-B-00372 Pseudomonas fluorescens VPT 4. NA. 2008. Kings B agar. 2009. CPBMB. D. D. Kerela. NAIMCC-B-00570 Pseudomonas fluorescens ID-6-PF3. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00373 Pseudomonas fragi NCIM-2391. 2009. NA. G. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00688 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-12.A.II sp NCIM-5095. King's B. K Pal. Selvakumar. 2009. RRL Jorhat. NAIMCC-B-00364 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. Girija. NA. King's B. 37oC. Kerala.P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. Girija. NAIMCC-B-00363 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00682 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-3. King's B.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00377 Pseudomonas libensis R 9. Girija. Girija. 2010. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00762 Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar 3(232) 57. King's B. NA. 2009. Kerela.A. NAIMCC-B-00365 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. Kerela. CPBMB. Kings B agar. Rhizospheric soil of Pigeon Pea. Kerela. Dilip K. RRL Jorhat. CPBMB. NA. Girija. NAIMCC-B-00374 Pseudomonas gr. RRL Jorhat. King's B.A. King's B. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00683 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-4. 37oC. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00684 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-5. King's B. Girija. 30°C. King's B. NA. Kutch and Sapedi. 37oC.Viswanathan Rasappa SBI Coimbatore. NAIMCC-B-00369 Pseudomonas fluorescens S16. RRL Jorhat.NAIMCC-B-00359 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. RRL Jorhat. RRL Jorhat. D. D. CPBMB. King's B. Girija. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00686 Pseudomonas fluorescens PF-10. Kerela. Girija. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00378 Pseudomonas libensis S1. NAIMCC-B-00361 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 2009. Girija. Kerela. RRL Jorhat. CPBMB. NAIMCC-B-00360 Pseudomonas fluorescens Ratul Saikia. 1015oC. Girija.P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. RRL Jorhat. D. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00794 Pseudomonas geniculata NBG2. Kerela. King's B. P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. D. CPBMB. RRL Jorhat. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00650 Pseudomonas fragi CSIIRH1. Uttarakhand. 30°C. NA. NA. 37oC. D. D. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00376 Pseudomonas libensis R 6. 37oC. Kerala. 37oC. N. P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. Soil. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00375 Pseudomonas hydrophila NCIM-2203. D. King's B. CPBMB. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00569 Pseudomonas fluorescens ID-6-PF2. NA. NA. NBAIM. P. L. Medium. King's B. Gunashekharan. K. Gunashekharan. Selvakumar. Saxena. Balasore. L. Paddy field soil. Gunashekharan. Madurai K University. NA. K Pal. Saxena. Mau. 37oC. Gunashekharan. N. Santiago. Gunashekharan. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00394 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S 18. Rhizospheric soil of groundnut. Gunashekharan. 2008. P Gunashekhran Madurai K University. 27°C. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00387 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 2. King's B. Rhizospheric soil of groundnut. King's B. CCSHAU. Kutch. Madurai K University. 28°C 106 NAIMCC-B-00399 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S13. Uttar Pradesh. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00389 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 21. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00386 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 19. A. P. P. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00396 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S 22. King's B. Gunashekharan. King's B. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00397 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S 7. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00385 Pseudomonas oleovorans NCIM-2867. A.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00379 Pseudomonas libensis S17. 27°C. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00398 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S 9. Madurai K University. L.B. Medium. Punjab. Varanasi. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00382 Pseudomonas mendocina NBAS 40. 28°C . 28°C NAIMCC-B-00541 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida LCR-93. Rai. Eastern U. K. C. 30oC.K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00390 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 24. King's B. King's B. Ropar. 2009. 2008. 2008. NAIMCC-B-00763 Pseudomonas putida biovar A(330) 330. Soil. King's B. Varanasi. 28-30oC. Gunashekharan. L. Gunashekharan. Reeta Goel. VPKAS. Madurai K University. King's B. G. A. KB. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00384 Pseudomonas oleovorans NCIM-2867. Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00404 Pseudomonas solanacearum NCIM 5103. Hissar. 2009.Wheat Rhizospheric soil. K. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00532 Pseudomonas putida LCR-92. Madurai K University. Madurai K University. Madurai K University. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00401 Pseudomonas putida Pankaj Mishra. King's B. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00402 Pseudomonas putida PS-2 Javed Musarrat AMU. 2009. P. 2009. Patiala. King's B. K. Madurai K University. NA. 30oC NAIMCC-B-00512 Pseudomonas pseudoalcalisis CIBA-T3. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00391 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 4. P. A. Madurai K University. NAIMCC-B-00648 Pseudomonas putida NBP2. C. K. A. Gunashekharan. 37oC. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Almora. India. King's B. Kutch. 30oC. NA. 2009. 2009. B. Pantnagar. NA. 35°C. Saxena. P. Soil. K. 28°C Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00381 Pseudomonas maltophilia PK Sharma. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00403 Pseudomonas putida Reeta Goel. Orissa. NAIMCC-B-00764 Pseudomonas putida biovar A(357) 330. Jharkhand. P. Paddy field soil. 2009. P. C. 2008. Uttar Pradesh. Gunashekharan. Rhizosphere soil. King's B. P. N. P. Saxena. Pant Nagar. King's B. A. Madurai K University. Punjab. Gujarat. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00380 Pseudomonas lurida Pankaj Mishra. wheat rhizosphere soil. Creek water. Madurai K University. Rai. NAIMCC-B-00395 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida. King's B. P. NAIMCC-B-00647 Pseudomonas putida NBP1. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00691 Pseudomonas putida NBP-1. 30oC. P. Madurai K University. B.P. T. Gunashekharan.A. King's B. Zobell Marine Agar. NAIMCC-B-00700 Pseudomonas monteilli 97AN. NA. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00393 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida S 11. Nutrient Agar. Gujarat. KB. NA. Punjab. King's B. Gunashekharan. Soil. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00388 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 20. Madurai K University. K. King's B. P. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00692 Pseudomonas putida NBP-2. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00392 Pseudomonas plecoglossicida R 5. Gunashekharan. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. Punjab. Madurai K University. K Pal. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00625 Pseudomonas mendocina NBAS-40. K. 28-30oC. King's B.A. King's B. Saxena. King's B. P. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00400 Pseudomonas poae RT5RP2 (MTCC 9243). S 19. NAIMCC-B-00383 Pseudomonas morganii NCIM 2040. 37oC. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00792 Psuedomonas poae NBB19. NBP-16. NA. 2009. R3889. 37OC. K. Punjab. NBP-17. 37oC. NA. NAIMCC-B-00698 Pseudomonas sp. Dilip K. Soil. CRYEMA. 37oC. 2009. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00649 Pseudomonas sp. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00407 Pseudomonas sp. 2009. Saxena. G. NAIMCC-B-00705 Pseudomonas sp. NBP-8. India NAIMCC-B-00795 Psuedoalteromonas sp. 37oC. Tamil Nadu. Saxena. NA. Soil. NA. Halo Blight. A. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00420 Rhizobium sp. Arora. A. Saxena. King's B. 2009. Saxena. A. NBP-14. NA. R382. K. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00411 Pseudomonas sp. NAIMCC-B-00706 Pseudomonas sp. CCSHAU. (chickpea). PK Sharma. NA. King's B. 37oC. K. IC 166. K. King's B. Saxena. 28°C 107 Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00405 Pseudomonas solanacearum NCIM-5103. 28°C . PCRP7(2). ICRISAT. NAIMCC-B-00704 Pseudomonas sp. 37oC. A. NAIMCC-B-00418 Ralstonia solanacearum biovar. A. NA. Saxena. A. NBP-3. NA. Punjab. Punjab. Punjab. NA. Arora. A. Saxena. K. Tal 619. Saxena. Soil. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00421 Rhizobium sp. NAIMCC-B-00693 Pseudomonas sp. Punjab. 2009.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00406 Pseudomonas sp. K. NAIMCC-B-00697 Pseudomonas sp. 2009. mud composed of Cocos nucifera. Soil. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00414 Pseudomonas sp. NAIMCC-B-00707 Pseudomonas sp. NBP-5. NBC6. Hyderabad 2007. NBP-7. King's B. NA. K. IC 2001. King's B. K. Saxena. 37oC. King's B. 37oC. King's B.) Imelda Joseph . 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00409 Pseudomonas sp. NBP-6. 37oC. Saxena. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00415 Pseudomonas sp. Hissar. 25°C. K. NA. 2009. A. A. A. NA. Saxena. NBP-12. K. 37oC. King's B. 10-15oC. Punjab. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00410 Pseudomonas sp. K. Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00702 Pseudomonas sp. Hyderabad 2007. VPKAS. CC1192. Soil. (chickpea). NBP-9. 37oC. Arora. NA. NAIMCC-B-00695 Pseudomonas sp. King's B. NAIMCC-B-00699 Pseudomonas sp. CRYEMA. 37oC. K. NBP-18. 1015oC.K. A. K. Soil. Fish skin (terapon sp. Selvakumar. NAIMCC-B-00694 Pseudomonas sp. NBP-11. sesami CABI-347536. 2011. NA. Punjab. IV CABI-347587. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. Psychrophilic water sample. garcae CABI-347446. CB 1189. Tal 620. NAIMCC-B-00701 Pseudomonas sp. Punjab. NAIMCC-B-00901 Pseudomonas stutzeri T-S3. NAIMCC-B-00703 Pseudomonas sp. isolated from leaf of Coffea arabica. IC 2002. NBP-4. NAIMCC-B-00709 Pseudomonas sp. Psychrophilic water sample. Punjab. Soil. Gujarat. NA. 2009. Gujarat. NBAIM. (chickpea). Saxena. 37oC. Assam. A. IMI 1977. 37oC. Saxena. NA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00422 Rhizobium sp. K. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00412 Pseudomonas sp. isolated from Sesamum indicum. NBP-10. Pongong lake. 2009. 2009. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00416 Pseudomonas syringae pv. NA. Soil. Soil. 37oC. 2009. NA. IC 2058. A. Soil. India NAIMCC-B-00419 Ralstonia solaneceorum IC Bora. India NAIMCC-B-00417 Pseudomonas syringae pv. Punjab. Hazard Group 2: Microbiological Assessment 2 NAIMCC-B-00408 Pseudomonas sp. Saxena. Soil. 37oC. Soil. Soil. NA. CRYEMA. K. NBP-15. 2009. A. NAIMCC-B-00708 Pseudomonas sp. 2009. ICRISAT. King's B. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00413 Pseudomonas sp. 2010. Dilip K. 2009. Punjab. ICRISAT. Saxena. NAIMCC-B-00696 Pseudomonas sp. NBP-13. 2009. Soil. Pongong lake. Soil. NA. Leh. Leh. Thoothukudi. NA. 2009. Uttarakhand. India. Punjab. NBDS P 1. A. Punjab. Punjab. CABI-347317. isolated from Corchorus olitorius. Ca-181. 37oC. K. D. A. Soil. 2010. Saxena 2007. DNase Test Agar. CRYEMA. 28-30oC. Deviah. Dnase Test Agar. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00431 Rhizobium phaseoli CRYEMA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00427 Rhizobium meliloti USDA 9032.72.K. JCM4748. CRYEMA. A. NBAIM. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00551 Rhizobium sp. CRYEMA. (chickpea). Saxena 2007. A. Gosal.K. DNase Test Agar. Saxena. Saxena 2007. IMI 1991. Saxena 2007. 2010.P. IFO 13426. LM8. DNase Test Agar. A. M. LM7. NBAIM. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00437 Rhizobium sp. CRYEMA. K Bansal.K. K. IC 2099. whole body of Bombyx mori (silk worm).K.A. 28±1°C NAIMCC-B-00443 Saccharopolyspora erythraea MTCC 1103. Hyderabad 2007.K. CABI-352392. M. U. DNase Test Agar. NBAIM. Saxena 2007. A. A. 28oC. CABI-352385.K. NBAIM. A. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00438 Rhizobium sp. CRYEMA. A. Type strain. Tal 1111. M. CRYEMA.K. D. 2008 (Corynebacterium agar.K. NBAIM. (Leucaena). VPKAS. ICRISAT. 28 °C. Saxena 2007. A. BISR. Saxena 2007. Deviah.K. A. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00432 Rhizobium phaseoli 28°C NAIMCC-B-00433 Rhizobium phaseoli FB-17.. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00435 Rhizobium phaseoli FB-20. No. Natrajan. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. CBS727. P.C. ATCC11635. IC 2018. G Selvakumar. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00449 Serratia marcescens NB835. K. No.K. A. NA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00430 Rhizobium meliloti R. TNAU 14. Patent Strain NAIMCC-B-00426 Rhizobium lupini NCIM-2754. B and C). Hyderabad 2007. Bangalore Karnataka India. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar. 28°C 108 . Saxena 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00424 Rhizobium sp. CRYEMA. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00434 Rhizobium phaseoli FB-2. ISP 5517. Rajasthan. whole body of Bombyx mori (silk worm). NCIB8594. 28°C FB-12. TNAU CRYEMA. Saxena 2007. Almora. NA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00445 Serratia sp. Dnase Test Agar. 30°C Aerobic). Deviah. DL-1. R. A. Type strain identical with DSM43349 NAIMCC-B-00862 Rhizobium leguminosarum MRG6. NBAIM. NBAIM. Saxena 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00439 Rhizobium sp.K. DSM 41036. NRRL2338. A. (Leucaena). NBAIM. Yandigeri.C. CFN 42. CRYEMA. CRYEMA. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00454 Serratia marcescens BWS endj.nilotica). 2011. Saxena 2007. M. Root Nodules. IC 76. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00444 Serratia sp. CRYEMA. 10. A. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00453 Serratia marcescens NBA-2. NAIMCC-B-00442 Rhodococcus equi MTCC 3551. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00441 Rhizobium sp. Punjab.K. Amritsar. 28 °C NAIMCC-B-00429 Rhizobium meliloti R. NAIMCC-B-00758 Rhizobium larrymoorei SK-03.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00423 Rhizobium sp. 2008 (Starch Tryptose Peptone Agar medium. BISR. IMI 1991. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00452 Serratia marcescens NBA-1. G 10. Saxena 2007. NAIMCC-B-00447 Serratia marcescens NB11C. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00446 Serratia marcescens SRM. CRYEMA. Production of erythromycin complex (A.K. Durgapur. P. Saxena 2007. RIA 1387. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00451 Serratia marcescens NB9b. M. Dnase Test Agar. Wheat-maize Rhizospheric soil. ISP5517. Jenson's medium. M. Tehri garhwal. 30-37 oC FB-9. Midgut.4026. Yandigeri. NBAIM DNase Test Agar.K. N. (chickpea).K. A. Saxena 2007. N68. DSM 40517.K. DNase Test Agar. Deviah. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00425 Rhizobium sp. CRYEMA. Hyderabad 2007. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00440 Rhizobium sp. 25°C). 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00428 Rhizobium meliloti NCIM 2754. 3. Lentil Rhizospheric soil. Maheshwari.C. NBAIM. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00436 Rhizobium phaseoli FB-77. Jaipur. Saxena 2007. Bangalore Karnataka India. Saxena 2007. S. Pareek. F 75. A. (Acacia. A. A. NBAIM. NBAIM. NAIMCC-B-00448 Serratia marcescens NB2a. Pareek. Midgut. 2007. LG NAIMCC-B-00450 Serratia marcescens NB9b R. Jaipur. A. (chickpea).K. (chickpea). CRYEMA. ICRISAT. Saxena 2007.K. S. NBAIM.C. ICRISAT. L. DNase Test Agar. Purushothaman. Kozhikode. Saxena 2007. 2011. NBAIM. Saxena 2007.K. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00471 Sinorhizobium meliloti USDA 1002. Varanasi. Pongong lake. NAIMCC-B-00457 Serratia marcescens NBD11/B. Ferozepur. DNase Test Agar. Wheat-Cotton Rhizospheric soil.K. SK-508. 2010. Dharwad. CRYEMA. Saxena 2007.A. 2010. Kerala. N. NA With 2% NaCl & Zobell's Marine Agar. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00469 Shwanella algae FD 1. Kerala. Rai. L. Mathura. NA. A. Punjab. 109 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures . 28-30oC. Jenson's medium. NBAIM. Calicut. NAIMCC-B-00904 Staphylococcus warneri V-3.A. S. NBAIM DNase Test Agar.K. Anandraj. Saxena 2007. Madhya Pradesh. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00465 Serratia marcescens NBSE-8. Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar. DNase Test Agar. 30oC. Medium. A.C. Nitrogen free media. 2010. Dharwad. 2009. NAIMCC-B-00577 Sporosarcina saromensis V3 Lutjanus. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00766 Serratia marcescens BRB49. A. Gurdaspur. DNase Test Agar. Hoshiapur. T. 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00458 Serratia marcescens NBD-16. Gosal. 2009. B.K. Rajgarh. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00460 Serratia marcescens NBILC-116. Santiago.K. Lata. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00769 Serratia marcescens GRB68. Nitrogen free media. A. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00470 Sinorhizobium meliloti A. A. NBAIM.R. Javed Musarrat AMU. A. 28±1°C NAIMCC-B-00461 Serratia marcescens KR-4. DNase Test Agar. Kerela. DNase Test Agar. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00464 Serratia marcescens NBRjC. 2009. NBAIM. L.K. Maheshwari. NAIMCC-B-00554 Sphingomonas paenimobilis Wheat cropping system. New Delhi. 28-30oC. G Selvakumar. CIBA. VPKAS. NAIMCC-B-00456 Serratia marcescens C. NBAIM. 28-30oC. Saxena 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00527 Serratia marcescens LCR-87. 28-30oC. PAH contaminated soil. A. NA. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00467 Serratia marcescens SM-13. D. NAIMCC-B-00536 Serratia marcescens LCR-101. S. Punjab. Fish viscera. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00851 Serratia marcescens L11. Wheat-Cotton Rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00555 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Wheat cropping system.A. NA. NBAIM. NA. CRYEMA. NBC4. IARI. A. K. L. M.NAIMCC-B-00455 Serratia marcescens BWS. NAIMCC-B-00473 Stenotrophomonas acetaminiphila JS-1. Saxena 2007. S. Saxena 2007. Imelda Joseph. Saxena 2007. NAIMCC-B-00472 Staphylococcus saprophiticus NB36. A. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00466 Serratia marcescens NBSE-9. DNase Test Agar. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. 10-15oC. A. C. NBAIM. DNase Test Agar. 2010. Chennai. 30-37 °C NAIMCC-B-00462 Serratia marcescens NBMZJ. Zobell marine agar. Rai.28oC.P. DNase Test agar. Champawat. Trivandrum. N Rao. Coorg. 30-35°C. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00463 Serratia marcescens NBR8A. Jenson's medium. 28°C NAIMCC-B-00459 Serratia marcescens NBD6A. Punjab. Punjab. NBAIM DNase Test Agar. D.K.K. Saxena 2007. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00468 Serratia marcescens SM-5. U. Paddy field soil. 28oC. S. 2009. Algawadi. NAIMCC-B-00790 Sphingomonas sp. Uttar Pradesh. Geelakhedi. Saxena 2007. DNase Test Agar. C. K. NA. 30oC. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00863 Sinorhizobium meliloti MRK10. 28oC. 30-35°C NAIMCC-B-00546 Serratia marcescens PHA-L11. 2009. Karnataka. NA.S.) Imelda Joseph .R. Gosal.K. N. 28oC. 2009. N. NAIMCC-B-00747 Sphingomonas paucimobilis SK-501. NBAIM. DNase Test Agar. Kumaon. NAIMCC-B-00752 Sphingobacterium sp. L. Uttar Pradesh.K. 30-35oC. Saxena 2007. M. A. A. Gosal. Root Nodules. A. Fish Viscera (Cynoglossus sp. Saccharaum munja compost. Bus well and Haas mineral medium.K. Dilip K. 2011. NBAIM. Psychrophilic water sample. Medium. NBAIM. Gosal. A. Saxena 2007. Rhizospheric soil (Ginger).A. Anandraj. NA. Algawadi. Almora. Mansa. K. Rhizospheric soil (Black Peper). Arora. 2010. Lata. DNase Test Agar. Leh. Rhizospheric soil of Soyabean. K. N.K.K. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00838 Staphylococcus succinus P17. B. Varanasi. 2009. Saxena 2007. K. Paddy field soil. IMI 1992. IMI 1992. Lucknow. Western Himalayas. NA. 280C). Punjab. Dilip K. DSM40226. (ISP-2. C. Starch casein agar. S. Psychrophilic water sample. Gurdaspur. CABI-352506. E. Jenson's medium.K. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. K. 5-7 days. Wheat-Cotton Rhizospheric soil. J. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. IMI 1992.68. NAIMCC-B-00757 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia SK-514. J.82:1127. Uttar Pradesh. IFO12837. OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00480 Streptomyces albulus Routien MTCC-503. S. 2010. 16 July 1991. 2009. (93.Joy no. Soil. carries out 16á-hydroxylation of steroids. S. Hopwood. 5-7 days. Andhra Pradesh. (ISP-2. 2010.68. NAIMCC-B-00603 Streptomyces avidinii VH-32. 10-15oC. Jenson's medium. 2010. 1972. 30°C. OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00479 Streptomyces sp. NAIMCC-B-00591 Streptomyces acrimycini N-53. Starch casein agar. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. Medak.P. AIA 30oC.Bacteria National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00753 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia SK-510. Lucknow. RIA 1140 (93. Starch casein agar. 30±1°C NAIMCC-B-00759 Stenotrophomonas sp. 2010. 6 June 1991.P. Andhra Pradesh 2011. OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00477 Streptomyces sp. Starch Casein Agar.C Santiago. India. 30:225. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. NAIMCC-B-00832 Streptomyces carpaticus NBN29. .Starch Casein Agar. Pongong lake. India. Punjab. IMI 1992. Srivastava. 5-7 days. 2010. 32°C. NAIMCC-B-00889 Streptomyces africansis KAI-24. D17. ATCC23878. A. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. NAIMCC-B-00481 Streptomyces albunnaceus MTCC-13. CM Media 30°C. IMI 1992. Wheat-Rice Rhizospheric soil. Pridham et al. 2011. Allahabad. Waksman and Henrici. Int. 13 Aug 1991. J. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00484 Streptomyces argenteolus Tresner et al. 32°C. Syst. NAIMCC-B-00483 Streptomyces aminophilus Foster MTCC-2526. Creek water.72. Punjab. K. CBS662.K. 28-30oC. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. Medak. Uttar Pradesh. Creek. ATCC12757.. Rhizoshperic Soil. NA. Type strain. 28-30oC. Type strain. 11 Dec. K. Punjab. ISP5186. Wheat crop Rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00590 Streptomyces albogriseolus N-71. K. Kanwar. Syst. RIA 1168. NAIMCC-B-00474 Streptococcus diacetilactis NCIM 2142. 32°C. S. NRRL 2390. NAIMCC-B-00608 Streptomyces ceolicolor MTCC-09. Gopalakrishnan. Jensen's Medium. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00796 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia NBH3. Lucknow.1960. 32oC. 2010.Soc. 2010. S. E. S.Joy no. IFO13410. IMTECH. Uttar Pradesh. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil. IMI 1992.P. NAIMCC-B-00823 Streptomyces bacillaris NBD14. J. Type strain. 2010. Wheat Crop rhizosphere soil. 300C) NAIMCC-B-00482 Streptomyces albus MTCC-1137. Uttar Pradesh. S. ATCC11009. 250C) 110 NAIMCC-B-00588 Streptomyces albogriseolus N-40. 2009. 1980 NAIMCC-B-00883 Streptomyces anulatus CAI-24. Mahesh Yandigeri. D18. SCA. Uttar Pradesh. Gurdaspur.5-dimethylcylohexyl)-2-hydroxylethyl] glutarimide and derivative. Leh. Andhra Pradesh. Mahesh Yandigeri. 10 Aug 1991.Joy no. AIA. CABI-352509. 1980 NAIMCC-B-00826 Streptomyces atrovirens NBN23. S. Wheat-maize Rhizospheric soil. Gosal. SCA. 2009. IMI 1992. MTCC-2527. SCA. Chandigarh. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. Ludhiana.Am. 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00475 Streptomyces sp. Bacteriol. CABI-352507. Santiago. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil. Gosal. India.K. India. NAIMCC-B-00877 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia WT-A2. Patent strain. CBS617. IMI 1992. production of 3-[2-(5-acetoxy-2hydroxy-3. Compost. Mahesh Yandigeri. Bacteriol. Starch casein agar.P. E.K. E. production of vitamin B12. ATCC23882. Mahesh Yandigeri.Chem. 280C). 1991. 22:271. 2010.K. Mahesh Yandigeri. Syst. 2010. 280C). Das. ISP5226.Joy no.P. 30:225.Joy no. 32°C. CABI-352504. Uttar Pradesh. IMI 1992. IFO12841. soil.A. India. OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00478 Streptomyces sp. ATCC14961. Uttar Pradesh. Kakinada. nystatin. 2011. 32oC. DSM40492. Gopalakrishnan. CABI-352508. RIA1371. Gosal. Int. SK-07. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil. Andhra Pradesh. T. Yanam. Mahesh Yandigeri. D14. E. 32oC. Lumbricus terrestris: gut. Wheat Crop rhizosphere soil. ISP5492. NAIMCC-B-00817 Streptomyces albogriseolus ACT12. Bacteriol. D19. Rhizospheric soil. NAIMCC-B-00595 Streptomyces chuglohounsis CIBA-ACT-3. cyclohexamide. OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00476 Streptomyces sp. Production of antifungal agent perimycin. CBS711. S. 2010. JCM4623. (ISP-2. T. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. Jenson's medium. Pakhal forest Warangal District A. Arora. D. Das. 48-96hrs. IMI 1992. 28-30oC. Int. DSM40186. Kanpur. D16. M. Uttar Pradesh. Uttarakhand. Medak. Starch casein agar. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00601 Streptomyces globosus VH-18.. 2010. Gopalakrishnan. 2008 (Streptomycetes Medium. 5-7 days. NAIMCC-B-00831 Streptomyces griseoflavus NBN49. 2011. Mahesh Yandigeri.P. Uttar Pradesh. Indo Gangatic Plains-Rhizospheric soil. Andhra Pradesh. C. Rhizospheric soil. 2009.Starch Casein Agar. Nagapattinam. Soil.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00859 Streptomyces flovidofuscus NBCD21. Chennai. Allahabad. Kanpur. 2011. S. CAI-17. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00587 Streptomyces macrosporeus N-19. SC Agar & GYME Broth.. AIA. Starch Casein Agar. S. NAIMCC-B-00599 Streptomyces pseudogreseolus CIBA-ACT-8. Kakalwip. Gopalakrishnan. Uttar Pradesh. 5-7 days. 2010. 2009. C. S. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00885 Streptomyces setonii CAI-127. NAIMCC-B-00822 Streptomyces rubrolavendulae NBD43.. Compost. Wheat Rhizospheric soil.P. Mahesh Yandigeri. Compost. U. Srivastava. S. Gopalakrishnan. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00860 Streptomyces fumigatiscleroticus NBC4. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. U. 5-7 days. 32oC. 2010. U. New Delhi. Allahabad. A. 5-7 days. 2011. Lucknow. Kenknights medium. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00592 Streptomyces sp. SC Agar & GYME Broth. 30°C. Wheat crop Rhizospheric soil. Medak. Gopalakrishnan. Wheat field. 35°C. NAIMCC-B-00886 Streptomyces sampsonii KAI-26. Compost. 2010. Creek water. 5-7 days. 2009. 3035oC. 5-7 days. Lata. 2009. 32oC. M. U. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil.P. Mahesh Yandigeri. 2009. AIA. Herbal Compost. 32oC. Chennai. NAIMCC-B-00589 Streptomyces griseorubens N-45. 30°C. . Santiago. 28°C.. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00486 Streptomyces scabiei MTCC 3966. AIA. Mahesh Yandigeri. SCA. Indo Gangatic Plains-Rhizospheric soil. Starch Casein Agar. Uttar Pradesh. Type strain produces streptomycin NAIMCC-B-00824 Streptomyces humidus NBN9. Starch Casein Agar. K. Mahesh Yandigeri. NAIMCC-B-00594 Streptomyces sp. Santiago. Wheat Crop rhizosphere soil. SCA. Rajeev kaushik. 32°C. Creek water. SCA. NAIMCC-B-00596 Streptomyces pseudogreseolus CIBA-ACT-5.P. Wheat Rhizospheric soil. 5-7 days. 2009.Starch Casein Agar. Medak. Mahesh Yandigeri. 2010. Gopalakrishna. 2010. Starch casein agar. U. 111 Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00825 Streptomyces coeruleorubins NBN22. 2011. NAIMCC-B-00602 Streptomyces rochei VH-52. AIA. Rhizospheric soil. 2009. IARI. Medak. 32oC. U. NAIMCC-B-00829 Streptomyces pseudogriseolus NBN44. NBAIM 2008 (Streptomycetes Medium. Mahesh Yandigeri. Starch casein agar. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil. Muttukadu. 2011. A. Uttar Pradesh. Back water. AIA. 32oC. Andhra Pradesh. griseus MTCC 4734. Compost. West Bengal. S. CAI-78. NAIMCC-B-00593 Streptomyces sp. 32oC. 2011. NAIMCC-B-00888 Streptomyces koyangensis KAI-27. 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00485 Streptomyces griseus subsp. Srivastava. Santiago. SCA. 30°C Aerobic). Mahesh Yandigeri. Andhra Pradesh. NAIMCC-B-00819 Streptomyces koyangensis NBA52. NAIMCC-B-00884 Streptomyces griseus CAI-68. C. Mahesh Yandigeri. NAIMCC-B-00600 Streptomyces pseudogreseolus CIBA-ACT-9. T. NAIMCC-B-00633 Streptomyces sp. NAIMCC-B-00852 Streptomyces rochei PAH13. NBC38. Mahesh Yandigeri. C. 32°C. Andhra Pradesh 2011. PAH contaminated soil. Mahesh Yandigeri. Gopalakrishnan. Andhra Pradesh. 2010. 2010. T. K. SC Agar & GYME Broth. Yanam. Andhra Pradesh. Starch casein agar.P. 2009. S. Karnataka. 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00861 Streptomyces fradiae NBC46. Lalkuan. 2010. Uttar Pradesh. 2009. SCA. T. Hyderabad. U. Yandigeri. Creek water. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil. CIBA-ACT-2. Degradation of chitin NAIMCC-B-00890 Streptomyces setoni CAI-24. 2010.S. Santiago. U. T. Lucknow.P. Hyderabad. Yandigeri. S. NBAIM.P. Gopalakrishna. Starch casein agar. Mahesh Yandigeri. AIA. 32oC. SCA. 30°C Aerobic). 32°C. NAIMCC-B-00820 Streptomyces rochei NBA147. SCA. Andhra Pradesh. 32°C.P.Rhizospheric soil. 30°C. 2011. Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil. 30°C. 28°C. Indo Gangatic Plains-Rhizospheric soil. S.. Kanpur. National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00634 Streptomyces sp. NBE45, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 35°C. Bacteria NAIMCC-B-00635 Streptomyces sp. NBE12, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00636 Streptomyces sp. NBE9, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00637 Streptomyces sp. NBE6, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00638 Streptomyces sp. NBC37, Wheat field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00639 Streptomyces sp. NBC15, Wheat field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00640 Streptomyces sp. NBE24, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, 2009, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00641 Streptomyces sp. NBE3, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00642 Streptomyces sp. NBE40, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00643 Streptomyces sp. NBE34, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00644 Streptomyces sp. NBE7, Effluent contaminated field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00645 Streptomyces sp. NBC8, Wheat cropping field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00646 Streptomyces sp. NBC5, Wheat cropping field, Rajeev kaushik, Lalkuan, Uttarakhand, 2009, Starch casein agar, 37°C. NAIMCC-B-00818 Streptomyces sp. ACT10, Creek, T.C Santiago, Yanam, Andhra Pradesh, 2010, AIA 30oC, 48-96hrs. NAIMCC-B-00858 Streptomyces spiralis NBC5, Wheat Rhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, U.P, 2011, SC Agar & GYME Broth, 32±2°C 112 NAIMCC-B-00887 Streptomyces tendae KAI-32, Soil, S. Gopalakrishnan, Medak, Andhra Pradesh, 2011,Starch Casein Agar, 28±2°C NAIMCC-B-00598 Streptomyces thermocarboxydus CIBA-ACT-7, Creek water, T. C. Santiago, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, 2009, AIA, 30°C. NAIMCC-B-00830 Streptomyces thermocarboxydus NBN46, Indo Gangatic Plains-Rhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, Uttar Pradesh, 2010, SCA, 32oC, 5-7 days. NAIMCC-B-00821 Streptomyces thermoluteus NBD4, Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, Uttar Pradesh, 2010, SCA, 32oC, 5-7 days. NAIMCC-B-00609 Streptomyces toxytricini VH-22, Rhizospheric soil, A. K. Srivastava, Allahabad, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 2009, Starch casein agar, 32°C. NAIMCC-B-00857 Streptomyces variabilis NBC12, Wheat Rhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, U.P, 2011, SC Agar & GYME Broth, 32±2°C NAIMCC-B-00833 Streptomyces variegatus NBD69, Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, Uttar Pradesh, 2010, SCA, 32oC, 5-7 days. NAIMCC-B-00828 Streptomyces vinaceus NBN37, Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, Uttar Pradesh, 2010, SCA, 32oC, 5-7 days. NAIMCC-B-00827 Streptomyces viridis NBN26, Indo Gangatic PlainsRhizospheric soil, Mahesh Yandigeri, Uttar Pradesh, 2010, SCA, 32oC, 5-7 days. NAIMCC-B-00487 Streptoverticillum sp. CABI-352501, Lumbricus terrestris: gut, E.K.Joy no. D11 & S.M.Reddy, Pakhal forest Warangal District A.P. India, IMI 1992, OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00488 Streptoverticillum sp. CABI-352502, Lumbricus terrestris: gut, E.K.Joy no. D12, 10 Aug 1991, IMI 1992, Pakhal forest Warangal District A.P. India, IMI 1992, OA 28°C NAIMCC-B-00617 Tsukamurella sp. NBSL-21, Sambhar lake water sample, A. K. Saxena, Rajasthan, 2009, JM 5%NaCl, 35°C. NAIMCC-B-00719 Vergibacillus sp. NB20(6), Soil and water, A. K. Saxena, Pulikat lake, Tamil Nadu 2008, NA 5% NaCl, 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00489 Vibrio campbelli 1FD1, T.C. Santiago, CIBA, Chennai, NA, 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00490 Vibrio campbelli 2FD1, T.C. Santiago, CIBA, Chennai, NA, 30-37 oC NAIMCC-B-00715 Virgibacillus sp. NB65, Soil and water , Pulikat lake, A. K. Saxena, Tamil Nadu 2008, NA 5% NaCl, 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00495 Xanthomonas campestris pv. clitoriae CABI-349479, Isolated from Clitoria biflora, India NAIMCC-B-00717 Virgibacillus sp. NB31, Soil and water, A. K. Saxena, Pulikat lake, Tamil Nadu 2008, 5% NaCl-NA, 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00496 Xanthomonas campestris pv. cyamopsidis CABI-349471, Isolated from Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, India NAIMCC-B-00723 Virgibacillus sp. NB20(8), Soil and water, A. K. Saxena, Pulikat lake, Tamil Nadu 2008, NA 5% NaCl, 28oC. NAIMCC-B-00497 Xanthomonas campestris pv. desmodiirotunifolii CABI349451, Isolated from Desmodium rotundifolium, India NAIMCC-B-00491 Xanthomonas axenopodis D.C. Khatua, West Bengal, NA, 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00498 Xanthomonas campestris pv. holicola CABI-349477, Isolated from leaf of Sorghum, India NAIMCC-B-00492 Xanthomonas campestris pv. amaranthicola CABI349483, Isolated from Amaranthus, India NAIMCC-B-00499 Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitiswoodrowii CABI349469, Isolated from leaf of Vitis vinifera, India NAIMCC-B-00493 Xanthomonas campestris pv. argemones CABI- 349476, Isolated from Argemone mexicana, India NAIMCC-B-00500 Xanthomonas malvacearum NCIM 2310, NA, 30-37°C NAIMCC-B-00494 Xanthomonas campestris pv. azadirachtae CABI-349474, Isolated from Azadirachta indica, India NAIMCC-B-00760 Xanthomonas oryzae SK-510, Wheat-Cotton Rhizospheric soil, S. K. Gosal, Mansa, Punjab, 2010, Jenson's medium, 28-30oC. 113 Bacteria Catalogue of Microbial Cultures National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Cyano Catalogue for Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and Microalgae NAIMCC-C-00029 Anabaena constrictaRice field, L. C. Rai, BHU, Varanasi, U. P., 2009, Allen and Arnon medium, 25OC. NAIMCC-C-00046 Hapalosiphon hansgirgi CCCNO:58, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00001 Anabaena doliolum 3, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Porompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00055 Hapalosiphon hibernicus CCCNO:127, CCUBGA, IARI, New Delhi, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00002 Anabaena doliolum, 28,Moist soil, O.N.Tiwari, Senapati, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00044 Hapalosiphon luteolus CCCNO:32, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00030 Anabaena fertilissima Rice field, L. C. Rai, BHU, Varanasi, U. P., 2009, Allen and Arnon medium, 25OC. NAIMCC-C-00008 Limnothrix obliqueacuminata 7, Wall, O. N. Tiwari, Wangkhei, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00050 Anabaena fertilissima CCCNO:70, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00009 Lyngbia allorgei 8, Moist soil, O. N. Tiwari, Tamu, Burma, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00054 Anabaena orientalis CCCNO:83, VIB, Nimpith, West Bengal, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00010 Lyngbia laxespiralis 9, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Kakching, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00003 Aulosira sp. 30,Moist soil, O.N.Tiwari, Takyelpat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00011 Lyngbya truncicola 35, Lithophilic, O.N.Tiwari, Makokchung, Nagaland, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00048 Calothrix brevissima CCCNO:65, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00043 Mastigocladus laminosus CCCNO:31, Nagpur, Maharashtra, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00004 Calothrix geitonos 1, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Singda, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00038 Microchaete sp. CCCNO:15, Nagpur, Maharashtra, BG11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00005 Calothrix javanica 2, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Singda, 0 Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 251 C, NAIMCC-C-00012 Microcheate tenera 20,Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Kumbi, 0 Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 251 C, NAIMCC-C-00006 Calothrix maechica 19,Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Singda, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00013 Microcheate uberrima 21, Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Prompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11,2510C, NAIMCC-C-00037 Calothrix Sp. CCCNO:14, Sam, Rajasthan, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00034 Nostoc calcicola CCCNO:2, Sam, Rajasthan, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00039 Calothrix sp. CCCNO:18, Bhuj, Gujarat, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00014 Nostoc carneum 23,Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Nambol, Manipur, 2009, BG-11,2510C, NAIMCC-C-00042 Cylindrospermum sp. CCCNO:22, Arunachal Pradesh, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00040 Nostoc commune CCCNO:19, Nagpur, Maharashtra, BG11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00007 Dichothrix sp. 32,Epiphloeophyte,O.N.Tiwari,Ukhrul,Manipur, 2009,BG11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00028 Nostoc ellipsosporum Rice field, L. C. Rai, BHU, Varanasi, U. P., 2009, Allen and Arnon medium, 25OC. NAIMCC-C-00036 Hapalosiphon fontinalis CCCNO:12, Nagpur, Maharashtra, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00031 Nostoc entophytum Rice field, L. C. Rai, BHU, Varanasi, U. P., 2009, Allen and Arnon medium, 25OC. 114 NAIMCC-C-00015 Nostoc hatei 22,Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Prompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11,2510C, NAIMCC-C-00024 Plectonema litorale 12, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Langjing, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00032 Nostoc linckia Rice field, L. C. Rai, BHU, Varanasi, U. P., 2009, Allen and Arnon medium, 25OC. NAIMCC-C-00025 Plectonema radiosum 13, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Porompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00016 Nostoc muscorum 24, Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Lamphelpat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11,2510C, NAIMCC-C-00026 Plectonema radiosum 25, Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Prompat, Manipur,2009, BG-11,2510C, NAIMCC-C-00052 Nostoc parmelioides CCCNO:79, RAU, Pusa, Bihar, BG11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00027 Plectonema tomasinianum 37, Moist soil, O.N.Tiwari, Senapati, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00035 Nostoc punctiforme CCCNO:8, Nagpur, Maharashtra, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00045 Scytonema simplex CCCNO:55, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00057 Nostoc sp. CCCNO:514, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00041 Scytonema bohneri CCCNO:20, Arunachal Pradesh, BG11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00017 Oscillatoria acuta 10, Slope of hill, O. N. Tiwari, Tamu, Burma, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00053 Scytonema iulium CCCNO:82, RAU, Pusa, Bihar, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00018 Phormidium ambiguum 36, Epilithic, O.N.Tiwari, Gangtok, Sikkim, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00049 Scytonema tolypothrix hides CCCNO:66, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium NAIMCC-C-00019 Phormidium angustissimum 15, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Moirang, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00033 Synechocystis sp. CCCNO:1, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00020 Phormidium foveolarum 16,Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Canchipur, Manipur, 2009,BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00047 Tolypothrix phyllophila CCCNO:64, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium NAIMCC-C-00021 Phormidium fragile 17, Rice field, O.N.Tiwari, Porompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, , 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00056 Tolypothrix tenuis CCCNO:443, Tamil Nadu, BG-11 Medium, NAIMCC-C-00022 Plectonema boryanum 14, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Porompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, NAIMCC-C-00051 Westiellopsis prolifica CCCNO:74, Baharaich, Uttar Pradesh, BG-11 Medium NAIMCC-C-00023 Plectonema boryanum 18, Rice field, O. N. Tiwari, Porompat, Manipur, 2009, BG-11, 2510C, 115 Cyano Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). high-temperature processes are more lethal to organisms and less chemically damaging than are longer. minerals and metals results in nutrient destruction. Chemical degradation e. protozoans. Some media consist of complex ingredients such as extracts of plant of animals tissue (e. Various types of living cells. however. 3 minutes at 134°C is preferable to 20 minutes at 115°C.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection CULTURE MEDIA Renu and Dilip K. It is important. Heat-treatment of complex culture media which contain peptides. As a general rule it is accepted that short-duration. It will be essential to do this when volumes of media greater than two litres are prepared. unopened containers should be stored at room temperature 15-20°C. Light All prepared culture media and their components should be stored away from light and exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided at all times. 116 Prepared Plates of Culture Media: Poured plates of agar media are especially vulnerable to infection. which contain nutrients in addition substances that prevent the growth of certain organisms but not others PREPARATION AND STORAGE OF CULTURE MEDIA Culture media must be stored at the specified temperature. It is important that opened containers are stored in a dry atmosphere at room temperature.g. Do not store these kits at a higher temperature for long periods. Weight loss greater than 5% will indicate a significant loss of water. either by direct thermal degradation or by reaction between the medium components. Water losses on storage can be minimised by impermeable wrapping and/or storage at 2-8°C. Shelf life 3 years. Shelf life 1 to 5 years. Culture Media: Sealed. Susceptibility Discs: Store at -20°C but keep working stock at 2-8°C. particularly containers which are frequently opened and closed. The following product groupings will help to differentiate the various requirements.g. The following general rules will help to ensure that they are kept in an optimum environment. Gas Generating Kits: Store at 2-8°C in a dry place. Shelf life 6 months to 2 years. therefore. An adjacent cold room or an adequate storage cupboard are preferable storage areas. India INTRODUCTION CULTURE MEDIUM is a solution freed of all microorganisms by sterilization ( usually in an autoclave.. Temperature and time The temperature storage conditions of culture media and their components vary widely. STERILIZATION OF CULTURE MEDIA Although sterilization of culture media is best carried out in a steam autoclave at temperatures between 121-134°C it has to be recognised that damage is caused to the medium by the heating process. yeast extract). Do not allow the products to freeze. Hot. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. Simple weighing tests of fresh and stored plates will determine the rate of moisture loss. Opened containers should have the cap or lid carefully and securely replaced. Aseptic preparation and storage are essential to protect plates from microbial infection. Autoclaves vary in performance. peptone. also may be used as media. Sterile Reagents: Store at 2-8°C. algae and fungi. lower temperature processes e. In order to avoid overheating large volume units of media. It is important. oxidation or antimicrobial loss. Prepared Broth Media: Store at 2-8°C. to monitor the storage of prepared plates by quality control tests so that any deterioration can be detected and the storage period accurately determined. Kushmaur. The medium may be solidified by the addition of agar. and thermocouple tests using different volumes of media should be carried out to determine the 'heat-up and 'cool-down' times. steamy media preparation rooms are not suitable environments to store containers of culture media. heat and dehydration. to optimise the heating process so that a medium is sterile after heating but minimal damage is caused to the ingredients of the medium. others contain exact quantities of known inorganic salts and one or more organic compounds (synthetic or chemically defined media). Shelf life 1 to 2 years.g. except Horse Serum store at -20 to +8°C. Sterilization Cycle . Uttar Pradesh. Opened containers of dehydrated powders will be affected by high humidity. can be retarded by protection from light. under specified conditions and not longer than the shelf-life periods appropriate to each product. A general instruction for sterilizing culture media in volumes up to one litre at 121°C for 20 minutes is given on each label. Humidity Sealed glass and plastic containers are unaffected by normal laboratory humidity. where it undergoes heating pressure for a specific time) and containing the substances required for the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria. the 'heat-up' and 'cool-down' periods are normally integrated into the 121°C holding time. dehydration and chemical degradation. however. or tissue culture. Toxic products caused by chemooxidation can also be formed during heat-treatment. sugars. meat extract. Catalogue of Microbial Cultures The sterilization cycle can be divided into its four stages: Stage 1 20°-121°C Chamber heat-up time The chamber heat-up time depends on the efficiency of the autoclave (air discharge/steam input) and the size of the load in the chamber. The time required for this stage is measured with a recording probe located in the airdischarge valve located in the base of the chamber. Stage 2 <100°-121°C Heat penetration time of the medium container The heat penetration time depends mainly on the volume of the individual containers, although the shape and the heat-transfer properties of the containers may affect this stage. The time required for the medium volume to reach 121°C is measured with thermocouples placed in the centre of the innermost container. Volume (ml) in glass bottles Time (min) 100 ml 19 min 500 ml 18 min 1000ml 22 min 2000 ml 27 min 5000 ml 37 min These times assume that agar media have been dissolved before autoclaving. It is also assumed that maximum exposure to steam is possible. Stage 3 121°-121°C Holding time at the prescribed temperature The holding time at 121°C depends on (i) the number of organisms originally present in the medium (ii) the fractional number of an organism presumed present after heating e.g. N = 0.001 equivalent to one bottle in every 1000 bottles heated becoming contaminated (iii) the thermal death rate constant of the presumed organism present at 121°C. The recommended holding times are: Temperature (°C) 121 126 134 Time (minutes) 20 10 3 Stage 4 121°- 80°C Cool-down time for the chamber to reach 80°C The cool-down time depends on the size of the load in the chamber and the heat loss rate from the autoclave. Water-sprays are used to accelerate cooling in commercial sterilizers but very careful control is required to avoid bottle fracture and the ingress of the cooling spray into the sterilized medium. The latter problem occurs when the vacuum formed in the head-space during cooling sucks contaminated cooling fluid up the thread of the cap and into the bottle. Culture media autoclaves should be unlagged and of moderate chamber capacity only. Thermal locks on the doors should prevent them opening when the chamber temperature is above 8O°C but even in these circumstances care should be taken to avoid sudden thermal shock when removing glass bottles of hot liquid from the autoclave. When screw-capped containers are placed in an autoclave the caps should be a half-turn free to allow the escape of heated air. When removed from the autoclave the containers should be allowed to cool down in a laminar airflow cabinet. Alternatively screw-capped containers may be sterilized in a jar which is covered by a piece of felt which effectively protects the containers from infection by airborne microorganisms. Caps are screwed down tightly after the contents have cooled to ambient temperature. Sterilization checks All autoclaves should be checked at fixed periods of time to ensure that they are functioning efficiently. Physical measurements should be made on temperature and pressure readings, the quality of the steam should be checked, the efficiency of the 'near-to-steam' air traps in the base of the autoclave should be determined and the safety valves checked. Overheating effects Overheating is a common cause of pH drift, darkening, precipitation, poor gel strength and reduced bacteriological performance. These effects can also be produced if a concentrated 'pool' of ingredients at the bottom of the container is heated. All culture media should be in solution before sterilization. This will reduce the occurrence of Maillard-type reactions (non-enzymatic browning) taking place in the medium. Overheating effects will occur if agar media are allowed to gel in bottles and are later steamed to melt the agar. They will also occur if molten media are held at 50°C for more than 3 hours before use. Agar media with pH values at or below 5.0 are very sensitive to overheating in any form because the agar is hydrolysed and the gel strength fails. It is recommended to sterilize the agar of media of a pH lower than 5.0 separately. Most of the difficulties in culture media sterilization occur when large unit volumes of media (>2 litres) must be processed. The best solution to this problem is the use of a culture medium preparator. These semi-automatic processors, made by New Brunswick and other manufacturers overcome the problem of poor heat penetration of agar by a continuous stirring or agitation of the medium during the heating phase. Such preparators will significantly reduce the time required for sterilization at 121°C or in some models at 134°C. They are strongly recommended because of their high efficiency and minimal damage to culture media. Following problems may occur during media sterilization with their possible causes · Wrong pH value: pH test carried out above 25°C. Overheating through prolonged sterilization, remelting or overlong period at 50°C. Incomplete solution of medium. Poor quality water or containers. Dehydrated medium stored incorrectly or beyond the stated shelf-life. · Turbidity, precipitation: Poor quality water or containers. Overheating or prolonged storage at 50°C. pH value incorrect. Incomplete solution. · Darkening: Overheating, incomplete solution or pH drift. Presence of phosphate in addition of glucose or 117 National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection other sugars and agar. · Soft gel: Agar not in solution, poor mixing, prolonged storage at 50°C. Overheating at low pH values. Error in weighing or overdilution with inoculum or media supplements. pH too low for agar. · Poor bacterial growth: Prolonged and excessive heating, incomplete solution. Inhibitory substances in water or containers. Darkening and pH drift. Preparation of sterilized media Liquid media which are sterilized in their final containers should be cooled down to room temperature as rapidly as possible. Screw caps should then be tightened. Medium should be allowed to cool till 50°C water bath and the medium dispensed as soon as it reaches this temperature. The medium should be mixed thoroughly, without bubble formation and aseptically dispensed into sterile containers. Do not expose dishes of agar media to sunlight; it causes excessive condensation on the lids and may cause the formation of inhibitory substances by photooxidation. Heat-labile supplements should be added to the medium after it has cooled to 50°C. Allow the sterile supplement to come to room temperature before adding it to the agar medium. Very cold liquids may cause agar to gel or form transparent flakes which can easily be seen e.g. in blood enriched agar. Mix all supplements into the medium gently and thoroughly, then distribute into the final containers as quickly as possible. Storage of prepared media · The recommended shelf-life of prepared culture media varies considerably. Screw-capped bottles of nutrient broth and agar can be stored for 6 months at low ambient temperatures (12-l6°C). It is important to store all media away from light. Agar plates should be stored at 2-8°C in sealed containers to avoid loss of moisture. THEY SHOULD NOT BE FREEZED. · Fresh media are better than stored media therefore avoid long storage times. Some very labile beta-lactam selective agents have very short active lives and media 118 containing such substances should be used within a few days of preparation. · Loss of moisture from agar plates is a common cause of poor bacteriological performance. Do not preincubate all plates overnight as a sterility check. Only obviously wet plates require pre-inoculation drying. · Ensure that all plates are incubated in a humid environment. · Examine prepared media before inoculation. Look for evidence of contamination, uneven filling or bubbles on surface of agar, colour changes, haemolysis and signs of dehydration such as shrinking, cracking and loss of volume. Discard any defective plates or tubes. USER-LABORATORY QUALITY CONTROL TESTS ON PREPARED MEDIA 1. pH value: Check that the pH of the prepared medium, when tested in final form at ambient temperature (25°C) lies within the range given on the product label. The medium should be discarded if the pH value lies outside the specified range. 2. Sterility: A representative sample of each lot/batch of medium should be incubated for 2-5 days at 30-35 °C and 50-55 °C. As a general rule, for a lot of 100 or less units a 3-5% sample should be tested. For a larger lot,10 random plates or tubes are taken. There should be no evidence of microbial growth after incubation. Discard all sterility samples when the tests have been completed. 3. Growth performance: Test the growth support properties of the product by inoculating the medium with appropriate stock cultures and/or fresh isolates. Use a standard inoculation procedure and examine the quantitative and qualitative results obtained. If testing new lots/batches of media, inoculate old and new lots in one test and compare the performance of the two lots side by side. 4. Stability: Periodically perform the above procedures on stored prepared media in order to determine whether the storage conditions will give optimal results. Catalogue of Microbial Cultures MEDIA LIST 1. Actinomycetes Isolation Medium Sodium caseinate Asparagine Sodium propionate Dipotasium phosphate MgSO 4.7H2 O FeSO 4 Agar Glycerol Distilled water PH : 2.0g : 0.1g : 4.0g : 0.5 g : 0.1g : 0.001g : 15.0g : 5.0mL : 1.0L : 8.1 Use: For the i solat ion and cultivation of Actinomyc etes species 2. Agrobacterium Agar Glucose Yeast Extract (NH 4) 2SO 4 KH 2PO 4 Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Agrobacterium rhizogenes and Agrobacterium tume faciens . 3. Azotobacter Medium K 2 HPO 4 KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4.7H 2O CaCl 2 Na 2MoO 4.2H 2O FeCl 3 Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a variety of bacteria, including Azotobacter species. : 10.0g : 10.0g : 1.0g : 0.25g : 15.0g : 1.0L : 0.05g : 0.15g : 0.2g : 0.02 g : 2.0g : 1.0g : 15.0g : 1.0L 4. Beef Extract Agar Beef extract Peptone Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a wide variety of microorganisms. Recommended for the culture of microorganis ms from milk and water 5. Beef Infusion Agar Ground defatted beef Peptone NaCl Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivatio n of a variety of microorganisms. 6. Bennett’s Agar Glucose N-Z amine, type A Beef extract Yeast Extract Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Actinomadura umbrina, Micromonospora purpurea, Microtetraspora helvata, Nocardia salmonicolor and Streptomyces species. : 3.0g : 5.0g : 15.0 g : 1.0 L : 7.4±0.2 : 453.6g : 10.0g : 5.0g : 20.0g : 1.0 L : 10 .0g : 2.0g : 1.0g : 1.0g : 15.0g : 1.0 L : 7.3±0.2 119 National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 7. Brevibacterium Medium KH 2PO 4 Na 2HPO 4 (NH4) 2SO 4 Yeast extract Tween 60 MgSO 4.7H 2O FeSO 4.7H 2O MnSO 4 n-Hexadecane Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Brevibacterium species . 8. Casein Agar Skim milk Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and differentiation of aerobic actinomycetes based on casein utilization. 9. Cereal Agar Cereal, precooked mixed Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and sporulation of fungi. 10. CM Medium Polypeptone TM Yeast Extract Agar Distilled Water pH Use: For the cultivation of Clostridium s pecies. 11. Cornmeal Agar Corn meal , solids from infusion Agar Distill ed water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of fungi. For the production of chlamydospores by Candida albicans and the cultivation of phytopathological fungi. 120 : 2.0g : 2.0g : 2.0g : 2.0g : 2.0g : 2.0g : 0.1g : 0.01g : 50.0ml : 30.0g : 1.0L : 7.0±0.2 : 50.0ml : 10 .0g : 1.0L : 100.0g : 15.0g : 1.0L : 10.0g : 10.0 g : 20.0g : 1.0 L : 7.0±0.2 : 2.0 g : 15.0 g : 1.0 L : 5.6 -6.0 12. Cornmeal Agar with Dextrose Corn meal, solids from infusion Glucose Tween 80 Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Helicodendron tubulosum, Microsporum distort um, Mortierella humilis, Mortierella hygrophila, Mortierella minutissima and Nigrospora sphaerica. 13. Czapek -Dox with Sucrose NaNO 3 KCl MgSO 4.7H 2O K 2HPO 4 FeSO 4.7H 2O Sucrose Agar Distilled water Use : For the cultivation of a variety of microorganisms. 14. Czapek Peptone Yeast Agar Sucrose Peptone NaNO 3 Yeast Extract K 2HPO 4 KCl MgSO 4.7H 2O FeSO 4.7H 2O Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation of various actinomycetes 15. Dextrose Soil Agar Soil Glucose Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Chaetomium globosum : 2.0g : 2.0g : 1.0g : 15.0g : 1.0 L : 5.6-6.0 : 3.0 g : 0.5 g : 0.5 g : 1.0 g : 0.01g : 170.0 g : 15.0g : 1.0 L : 30.0g : 5.0g : 3.0g : 2.0g : 1.0g : 0.5g : 0.5g : 0.01g : 15.0g : 1.0L : 7.3±0.2 : 150.0g : 5.0g : 20.0g : 1.0L 0g : 3. 22. H2O Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the selectiveIisolation and cultivation of Streptomycetes.5g : 1.0g : 1.0g : 4.0±0.0mg : 15. Glycerol Arginine Agar Glycerol Arginine K 2HPO 4 NaCl MgSO 4.49g : 15g : 1. H 2O ZnSO 4. Halophilic Agar NaCl MgSO 4.5g : 20.0mg : 1.5 g : 10 ml : 15 g : 1.0g : 20.2 : 10. such as Pseudomonas species and Flavobacterium species from fish and salted foods.0 L : 12.0g : 20.15g : 1.01g : 1.0g : 0.5g : 1.7H 2O Agar Distilled water pH Use : For the cultivation and maintenance of Allomyces and other fungi . Dictyostelium Medium Glucose Peptone Yeast Extract Na 2HPO 4.0 L : 7.0g : 1. 2 : 4. Fusobacterium spp .0g : 5.5g : 0.6H 2O CuSO 4. 19.0 : 250.7H 2O Glycerol Agar Distilled water pH Use: For t he cultivation and maintenance of Pseudomonas glumae : 20.0 g : 1.0g : 15. Emerson Agar Glucose Beef extract Pancreatic digest of gelatin NaCl Yeast Extract Agar Distilled water pH Use: This medium is available as a premixed powder from BD Diagnostic System.2 : 20 g : 1.0L 20.0±0.0g : 20.0g : 0.0L : 6. EmYpSs Agar Yeast Extract Soluble Starch K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4.0g : 1.0g : 10. 12 H 2O K 2HPO 4 Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation of Dictyostelium discoideum and Fusarium acuminatum 17.3g : 7.0g : 2.0g : 17.0L : 7.7H 2O Casamino acids Yeast extract Protease peptone Trisodium citrate KCl Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the isolat ion and cultivation of halophilic microorganisms from food.0g : 1.0g : 10.and Leconostoc spp.2±0.0g : 1. 23.0 L : 7.0g : 25.0g : 1. King’s B Medium Peptone K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4.0 121 .7H 2O Fe 2(SO4) 3.0 L : 7.2 : 74.0g : 1.0g : 10.0L : 7. : 15.0g : 2.0g : 4.5 g : 1. Glucose Yeast Extract Agar Glucose CaCO 3 Yeast extract Agar Distilled Water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Pseu domonas glathei 21.0g : 2.7±0. GAM Semisolid GAM broth Agar Distille d water Use: For the cultivation of maintenance of Actinomyces spp.0g : 1.4g : 14. 18.5 H 2O MnSO 4.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 16.28g : 0.0mg : 1. 0g : 1.0g : 20.8 -7.7H 2O MnSO 4 Liquid par affin Distilled Water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Mycobacterium paraffinicum .0g : 5. LB Medium Tryptone Yeast Extract NaCl Distilled water Use: For the cultivation of Escherichia coli 25. Medium for Thermophilic Actinomycetes Soluble starch Maize extra ct NaCl Peptone CaCl 2 Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation of thermophilic actinomycetes .0g : 15.0g : 5. Homogenize and add 1. Mycorrhiza Medium Malt extract Glucose Asparagine Casei n hydroly sate K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4.2% solution) MnSO 4.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 24. Methyl red agar (Hagedorn and Holt. 122 : 10 g : 5.0g : 1.0g : 1.5g : 20.0g : 0.0g : 1.0g : 5.0g : 0.0 29.0 g : 1.0g : 10 g : 1.0g : 7.0g : 4ml : 15g : 1.0L : 6. : 5.2g : 5.0 L : 8.0 L : 7.5% agar and autoclave 31.0g : 25.0g : 1.2% solution) Agar Distilled water pH 30.0g : 1.0g : 1. Neopeptone Glucose Agar Glucose Neopeptone Agar D istilled water pH Use: For the maintenance of stock cultures of a variety of microorganisms.0L : 10.0g : 1.H 2O (0.0g : 5.0g : 15.5 g : 0. Use: For cultivation of Gram positive bacteria.0g : 1.7H 2O Yeast extract Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Thelephora terrestris.0ml : 1.0g : 0.0 : 1.5g : 0. 27.7H 2O FeCl 3. 28. Oidiodendron spp.5g : 1. Mycobacterium Medium (NH 4) 2SO 4 Na 2HPO 4 KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4 FeSO 4. MPSS Agar Peptone Succinic aci d (NH 4)SO 4 MgSO 4.0 L : 20.05 w/v) and filter sterlize.0L : 6.0g : 0.0 g : 20.0mg : 2.5± 0.2 .0mg : 5.0L : 3.0g : 1.0g : 20.6H 2O (0.5g : 0. Malt Dextrose Peptone Agar Malt extract Glucose Peptone Agar Distilled water Use: For the Cultivation Aspergillus candidus.0L : 10. 1975) Beef Extract Peptone Methyl red * Agar Distilled wa ter pH Prepare stock solution of Methyl red (0.5g : 1.0g : 5.0 L : 7.0 : 20. Malt Extract Agar Malt extract Glucose Peptone Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Allomyces and other fungi 26. Odontia uda.0ml : 1.0ml : 15. 32. add after sterilization of medium.0g : 1. 0 g : 10. 34.0 L 36. 1977) Malic Acid K 2HPO 4 KOH MgSO 4 NaCl CaCl 2 FeSO 4 Na 2MoO 4 MnSO 4 0.2 g : 15. 40.5g 4.2 : 1.0g : 1.05g 0. N free Jensen’s agar for isolation of free living nitrogen fixers (Jenson. 1968).0g : 1. 37.0g : 2.0g 0.0g : 1.0 g : 1.0 g : 1.05% Bromo Thyman Blue (Alcoholic) – Agar pH For growing Azospirillum in solid or liquid medium.0 L : 10.0g : 1.0g : 0.8g : 6. Norris and Chapman.0g : 2. Actinoplanes spp. Oatmeal Agar Oat flakes Oatmeal Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Actinomadura species. 38.8±0. Staphylococcus species and Vibrio species.0g : 5.0± 0.& Streptomyces species.0 g : 1. 1954. : 30. Nutrient Agar with 3% NaCl Nutrient agar +3% NaCl Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Bacillus species.2 : 20. Use: For isolation of Azospirillum spp. Halococcus species .0g : 5.00g : 18.. Oat flake Medium Oat flakes Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of actinomycetes and fungi.0 g : 15.02g 0.0g : 15.0g 0.0L : 7. 39.5g : 0. Sucrose K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4 NaCl Na 2MoO 4 FeSO 4 CaCO 3 Agar Distilled water pH Use: For isolation of F ree living Nitrogen Fixers. N. Promicromonospora species. Nutrient Agar Beef Extract Yeast Extract Peptone NaCl Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a wide variety of mi croorganism. Oatmeal Agar B Powdered Oatmeal K 2HPO 4 KNO 3 Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation of Actinomodura spp.0g : Malate Medium for Azospirillum (Okon at al.5g : 0. Organic Medium 79 Peptone Glucose NaCl Pancreatic digest of casein Yeast extract Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation of Acinetobacter species. Nocardioides spp ..001g : 0.0 L : 10. Actinomadura species.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 33.9±0.0 g : 0.0L : 7.1g 0.0 L : 3.01g 0. : : : : : : : : : : 5.0g : 6.01g : 2..002g 0.2 123 . A ctinoplanes species.5g : 0.0g : 10.01g 2ml : 1.0g : 15. 35. NH 4Cl (1g/ l) has to be added. Cellulomonas species. 0 g : 15.0g : 5. 43. 1982) DL Malic acid K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4 NaCl Yeast extract FeCl 3 6H 2O KOH Congo Red A gar Distilled water pH Use: For isolation of Azospitillum spp.0g : 1.0g : 5.5±0.0g : 1.0mg : 4.1N KOH) 47. Pseudonocardia thermophila. 124 : 5.1g : 40. Strain through cheesecloth add agar to the f iltrate.5g : 0.0g : 0.0g : 15.5g : 0.0L : 10.0g : 0. Potato Dextrose Agar Potato (scrubbed and diced or sliced ) Dextrose Agar pH Use: For the cultivation and enumeration of yeasts and molds.6 : 10.0mg : 20.0g : 12.0L : 6. 1:400 aqueous solution of Congo red to be autoclaved separately and added after sterilization of medium. Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Alternaria species.0g 45. Streptomyces species. For the enume ration of yeasts and molds in butter by the plate count method.0g : 1.0L : 7.8g : 15 ml : 18g : 1.0 g : 3.0g : 20.0 g : 1. 42.2H 2O Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Actinomadura rubrobrunea.0 g : 20. Skim Milk Agar Skim milk powder Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and differentiation of bacteria based on proteolytic activity.5g : 0.0g : 20.0L : 7.0 g : 1.8±0. Peptone Corn Agar Corn steep liquor NaCl Peptone CaCl 2.0g : 15.2 : 20. Rhizobium Agar Mannitol Yeast Extract Sodium glutamate KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4.0g : 5.2g : 0.0 L : 100 .5g : 16.2±0. : 200.0g : 0.0L : 7 (with 0. Rojo Congo Medium (Rodriguez – Caceres.0g : 1.7H 2O CaCl 2.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 41. Starch Agar Starch (soluble) Beef extract Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Aspergillus awamori : 8.1g : 0.2 : 5. 46.5g : 0. Potato Carrot Agar Potato (Scrubbed and diced) Carrot (peeled and grated) Agar Cook Potatoes and carrot in water for 30 min.Thermoactinomyc e tes species. 44. 2H 2O FeCl 3 Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Rhizobium species.2 . Soybean Agar White soybean Agar Distilled water Use: F or the cultivation and maintenance of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas syringae 48.015g : 4. Pseudomonas fluorescens.0 ml : 5. Trichoderma Selective Medium (Elad & Chat 1983 ) K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4.0 (adjust with NaOH) : 200 ml : 3. Tomato Juice Agar Tomato juice (solids from 400 ml) Peptone Peptonized milk Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation of lactobacilli. Starch Casein Agar Soluble starch K 2HPO 4 KNO 3 NaCl Casein MgSO 4. and Enterococcus species.0 L : 5.0g : 20.05g : 0.1 : 100.2 125 .7H 2O KCl NH 4NO 3 Glucose Chlororamphenicol Pentachloronitrobenzene Rose . 50.66g : 18.02g : 0. : 0.01g : 15.0g : 1. 51.0g : 1. TY . : 5.3g : 20. V8 Juice Agar Medium (V8) V-8 juice CaCO 3 Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the isolation and c ultivation of Filobasidiella depauperata and Leucodporidium scottii. TGYM Medium Tryptone Glucose Yeast extract DL -Methionine Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Deinococcus species.0g : 2.0g : 2. : 10.0L : 7.0g : 0.0 L 54.0L 53.25g : 0.02g : 0. Tomato Juic e Yeast Extract Milk Medium Filter tomato and leave overnight at 10 oC.0g : 1.0±0.Medium Tryptone Yeast extract Calcium Chloride Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation of a wide variety of bacteria : 20.0g : 3.0g : 10. Streptococcu .2 : 10.0g : 1.0g : 3.7H 2O Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation and enumeration of Actinomycetes species from water and soil samples by the double -layer agar technique . 10. especially Lactobacillus acidophilus 52.0g : 1.0g : 12.0 g : 100.0 g : 1.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 49.0g 56.2g : 0. Yeast Glucose Agar Yeast Extract Glucose Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Bacillus species.2±0.0L : 6.0 g : 15.9 g : 0.0g 55.15 g : 1.0 L : 7.7H 2O CaCO 3 FeSO 4.0g : 15.5g : 1. Skim Milk Tomato Juice Yeast extract Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a variety of fastidious bacteria that require complex growth factors.0g : 1.0g : 0.0g : 2.0L : 7.0g : 3.bengal Captan F enaminosu lf Agar Distilled water Use: For isolation Trichoderma spp.0g : 0. incl uding Lactobacillus.2g : 0.2 g : 0.3g : 0.0g : 0. For the cultivation and maintenance of Actinomadura species.0g 2. Kitasatospoai species.7H 2O Agar Distilled water Use: For the cultivation of bacteria that c an utilize starch as a carbon source.2 at 61. YEPD Medium Yeast Extract Peptone Dextr ose Agar Distilled water pH Use: For the cultivation of Microbacterium species.7H 2O NaCl FeSO 4.0g 1.2 at Use: For the cultivation of Streptomyces species according to the International Streptomyces Project 62.0g : 15.2±0.1g : : : : : : : : : : : 20. ISP .0g 10.0g : 1.1g 0. ISP -2 Agar Malt Extract Yeast Extract Glucose pH : : : : : 20.0g 7.0 L : 5.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 57.0g 1.0g : 15.7H 2O ZnSO 4.0 g : 0. 59. .4±0.1g : 0. 60.0g 18.0mg 7.7H 2O MnCl 2. Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar Mannitol KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4.0g 1.0g 1.0g : 5.0g 10. ISP -1 Pancreatic digest of casein Yeast Extract pH Use: For the cultivation of Streptomyces species according to the International Streptomyces Project 126 : 10.4H 2O ZnSO 4.2 : : : : : : 20.0ml 7.0g : 3.0mg 1.0g : 20.1g : 18.0ml 0.2 : 4.7H 2O pH Use: For the characterizing Streptomyces species.0mg 1.5±0. 64.0 – 7.0g : 15.1g 0. YpSS agar Yeast Extract Soluble Starch K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4.7H 2O MnCl 2.0g 4.0g 1.0g 1.5g : 0.0g 4. ISP -4 Agar Soluble starch CaCO 3 (NH 4) 2SO 4 K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4. 58.2 at : : : : : : 20.0 : 10.0g 10.7H 2O NaCl Yeast Extract Agar Distilled water pH For isolation and purification of Rhizobium. 63.0g 1.0g : 20.3±0.0g : 1. ISP -3 Oatmeal Agar Trace salt solu tion FeSO 4.0g : 7.0g : 1.0 L : 7.2g : 0.5 Agar Glycerol L-Asparagine K 2HPO 4 Trace salts solution pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of the Pseudonocardia species and Streptomyces peucetius.0g 1.7H 2O Use: For the cultivation of Streptomyces species according to the International Streptomyces Project.0g 2.0g : 1. sterilized 10 ml (1/400 aqueous solution) of congored is to be added to YEMA just before pouring of plates and the medium is referred as CRYEMA Use: For the cultivation of members of the Rhizobiaceae.0 L : 5. 06 mg 0.0g 3.02 mg 0.2 at : : : : : 15.0g 0.0g 0.0g 15.7H 2O NaCl FeSO 4.3±0.3mg 0.7H 2O K 2HPO 4 KH 2PO 4 NH 4Cl CaCl 2.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 65.01g 7.7H 2O pH Use : For the cultivation and maintenance of Streptoalloteichus species.6g 0.0g 1. ISP .0g 15.8±0.0g 5.6 Agar Peptone Proteose pep tone K 2HPO 4 Yeast Extract Ferric ammonium citrate Na 2S 2O3 Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Streptomyces species. 68.0 mg 0.0g 1. ISP – 7 (Tyrosin Agar) Agar Glycerol L-Tyrosine L-Asparagine K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4. Ammonium Mineral Salt Medium Agar MgSO 4.1 at : : : : : : : 17. 67 Trypticase Soy Agar Pancreatic digest of casein Agar NaCl Papaic digest of soybean meal K 2HPO 4 Glucose pH : : : : : : : 15. 70.0g 0.3±0.5g 1.2H 2O FeSO 4.01 mg 6.7g 0. Cultures are grown under an atmosphere of 50% methane.g 0.0g 5.0g 15.2 mg 0.0g : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15.2 at Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a wide variety of heterotrophic microorganisms. For the differentiation of Streptomycetes species based on melanine production . 66.8±0.2 at Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Methylosinus trichosporium and other methane -oxidizing bacteria.1 mg 0.0g 2.0g 1.3H 2O KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4.5g 0.08g : : : : : : : : : 20.0g 5.54g 0.4H 20 NiCl 2. Production of Poly â – Hydroxybutyrate is determine by staining cells with Sudan Black B. Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Streptomyces rectus.2g : 10.0g 0.5g 0. Poly â – Hydroxybutyrate Medium PART A K 2HPO 4.2g 0. 127 .2H 2O pH : : : : 0.5g 0.6H 2O CuCl 2. Soil Extract Medium Agar Pancreatic digest of gelatin Beef Extract Soil Extract pH 69.2H 2O MnCl 2.0g 250mL 6.7H 2O Na 2MoO 4.5g 7.7H 2O H 3BO 4 CoCl 2.7H 2O (NH 4) 2SO 4 PART B Glucose Use: For the cultivation and differentiation of Pseudomonas species based on their ability to produce intracellular Poly â – Hydroxybutyrate.03mg 0.6H 2O ZnSO 4.2g 4.2g 0.5g 0.0g 3.5g 2. MacConkey Agar 76.01g 100.0g :10.0g 10.0g 2.0g 7. Lactose Broth Lactose Pancreatic digest of gelatin Beef extract pH Use: For the detection of lactose -fermenting. Nitrate Mineral Salt Medium Noble agar MgSO 4. cultivation and differentiation of coliforms and entries pathogens based on the ability to ferment lactose. and in the study of lactose fermentation of bacteria in general. such as Pseudomonas species and Flavobacterium species from fish and salted foods. Bacteria that do not ferment lactose appear as colorless or transparent. EMB (Eosine Methylene blue) Media Agar Lactose Pancreatic digest of gelatin K 2HPO 4 Eosin Y Methylene Blue pH :15.4±0.5g 1.1g 0.0g 1.5g 0.0g : 2.2 at : : : : : 15.0g 5. Gram negative coliforms. especially the coliform bacterium Escherichia coli .0g 10.0g 0.2 at 0.0g 5. cultivation and differentiation of Gram -negative enteric bacteria based on lactose fermentation.2g 4.7H 2O K 2HPO 4 Us e: For the cultivation of myxoba cteria 73.0g 5. as a pre en richment broth for Salmonella species. Soluble Pancreatic digest of casein MgSO 4.717g 0.5 mL 6.2±0.0g 5.0g : 0. 77. : : : : : : : 20. 72. Bacteria that ferment lactose. Halophilic Broth NaCl MgSO 4.2 at .7H2O KNO 3 Na 2HPO 4. light purple colonies.12H 2O KH 2PO 4 CaCl 2.4±0.25g : : : : : : : : : : : : 250. Methylococcus capsulatus .National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 71.4g : 0.8±0. Halophilic Medium Glucose KNO 3 FePO 4 Artificial seawater Use: For the cultivation of halophil ic bacteria.2 at Use: For the isolation.2 at : : : : 5.0g 5. Methylomonas agile and Methylomonas methanica.75g 7.0g 25.065g : 6.0 mg 0.272g 0.0g 0. AMB Agar Agar Starch .0g 3.05g 0.0g 10.0g 3. 128 : : : : : : : : : 12.0g : 10. Peptone Agar Lactose Bile Salt NaCl Neutral Red pH Use: For the selective isolation.0g 12. 74. app ear as colonies with a green metalic sheet or blue-black to brown color.6H 2O Feric ammonium EDTA Trace elements solution pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Methylob acterium species.5g 0.0g 2.0g 7.7H 2O Casamino acids Yeast extract Proteos peptone Trisodium citrate KCl pH Use: For the isolation and cultivation of halophilic microorganisms from foods.8±0.0mL 75. 5mg 30.0g 5.0g 2.0 mL 7.2H 2O FeS O 4.7H 2O Pyrrolidine pH : : : : : : : : : : 2. Acetobacter pasteuriams.0g 1.0g : 0.7H 2O MnSO 4. and Methylophilus species.3g 0.0mg 2.0g : : : : : : : 1.0g 2. and other bacteria that can utilize mannitol as a carbon source.2 at Use: For the cultivation of Alteromonas species.0g 129 .0g : 1.4±0. Marine Methylotroph Agar Agarose Bis(2 -hydroxyethyl) aminotris (hydroxymethyl)methane KH 2PO 4 Ferric ammonium citrate Methanol Vitamin B 12 solution pH : : : : 25. Acetobacter hansenii.0g 5.0g 15. Gluconobacter oxydans.2 at : 12. Peptone Carbonate starch Agar Soluble starch Agar Peptone Yeast extract K 2HPO 4 MgSO 4.0g 0.layer agar technique. 80.1g : 7.2H 2O Urea solution Methanol Use: For the cultivation of Hyphomicrobium vulgare.2 at : : : : : : : : : 15.06g 2. Methanol Mineral Salt M edium Na 2HPO 4 KH 2PO 4 (NH 4) 2PO 4 MgSO 4. Highly purified Manganous acetate pH Use: For the cultivation of manganese oxidizing bacteria.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 78.0 mL 1.02g 4.0g 1.2g 10.01g Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Pseudomonas f luorescens.7H 2O Na 2CO 3 Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Bacillus species .13g 1.0±0. Manganese Acetate Agar Agar.0g : : : : : : 2.0 mL 83.7H 2O CaCO 3 FeSO 4.5mg 2. : 10. 85. Methylophaga marina . 81.0g 2.14g 0. : 10.0g 0.15g 1.0g 15. Mannitol Agar Mannitol Agar Yeat Extract Peptone Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Acetobacter aceti. 79.02g 0.36g 0. Frateuria aurantia.0g 5.0g 10.2g 0.01g 5. 82. Methylophaga thalassica . Pseudomonas Medium K 2HPO 4 NH 4NO 3 Yeast extract KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4.0g 0.0 mL 7.5H 2O NaMoO 4.0g 0.05g 0. 84.0L : : : : : : : 20.0 mL 5.7H 2O CaCl 2. Peptone M edium Peptone Distilled Water Use: For the cultivation an d maintenance of Escherichia coli.5g 0. Starch C asein Agar Agar Soluble starch K 2HPO 4 KNO 3 NaCl Casien MgSO 4.0±0.625g 0.0g 3.7H 2O Use: For the cultivation and enumeration of Actinomycetes species from water and soil samples by the double . 2 at : : : : : 30.5g 0.1 mg 0.2H 2O FeSO 4.0g : 7.0g 2.0g : 5.6H 2O Solution C Sodium glutamate Calcium pantothenate Thiamine. 93.0g 1.22g : 0.5µg : 15.01g : : : : 20.0g 5.HCl Biotin Use: For the isolation of Rhizobium species.0g 5.5mg 7.5mg 0. Thermus Medium Agar Polypeptone Yeast extract NaCl pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Thermus aquaticus and other Thermus species.0g 3. Beef extract broth Peptone Beef Extra ct pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a wide variety of microorganisms. 130 : 9.2 at 90.4±0.2 at .7H2O pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Pannonibacter phragmitetus.0g 7.0 mL : : : : : : : : 15. 87.7H 2O pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas species.0g 1.1g 0.7H 2O Yeast extract CaCl 2.0g : 3.0g 14. infusion from Tartaric acid solution 88.1g 0. Glycocholate Mineral medium Agar K 2HPO 4 (NH 4) 2SO 4 Sodium glycocholate KH2PO 4 MgSO 4.0g : 3.0g 0.08g : 0.0 g : 0. 89. Glucose Yeast Extract Medium Agar Glucose Yeast Extract Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Xanthobacter species.1g : 0.1g 0.0g 4.4g : 0. Recommended for the culture of microorganism from milk and water : : : : : : : : : : 15.7H 2O CaCl 2.2g 9.0g 5. Glutamate Medium Solution A Mannitol K 2HPO 4 Solution B MgSO 4.5g 2.1g : 1.0g 10. 92.5g : 5.0g 15. 91. Potato Dextrose Admine A gar Glucose Agar Potato.6H 2O FeCl 3.0±0.0g 8.5±0.0±0.7H 2O FeSO 4.0g 2.2g : 0.01g 0.05g : : : : 11.0g 4.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 86.7H 2O Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Pseudomonas cepacia. Phthalic Acid M edia Solution 1 KH 2PO 4 (NH 4) 2SO 4 Solution 2 MgSO 4.2 at : 10. Horikoshi M edia Agar D -glucose Peptone Yeast extract Na2CO3 KH2PO4 MgSO4. Clearing around a colony indicates utilization of tyrosine.0 mL 1.5 0.4mL 1. including Candida species. 97.56 0.84 0. 98.0g 5.0 ml : 7.64mL 1. 95. Cryptococcus vishnaicii : 900. Glucose Agar Glucose Agar KNO 3 KH 2PO 4 MgSO 4. Cladosporium herbarum.5g : 15.3g : 0.0±0. specially Escherichia coli. Cladosporium.2 at : : : : : 50.0 1.0g 20.0g 2.01% solution) L-Phenylalanine (1% solution) L-Alanine (1% solution) L-Threonine(1% solution) L-Arginine. and Harmoniconis rusince. Rizophylctis rosea. HCl(0.0g 1.0 1.2 at 131 .01 0.HCl (1% solution) Le (1% solution) L-Aspartate (1% solution) L-Valine (1% solution) Biotin (0.4mL 1.52 0.05% Solution) MnCl 2 (10 mm solution) ZnSO 4. evenly in a thin layer over th e surface of a plate .17g : : : : : 20.01% solution) Thiamine.0mL 1.H 2O(1% solution) L-Tryptophan (1% solution) CaCl 2 (5% solution) FeCl 3.01 0. Cladosporum macrocarpum.HCl. Glucose Peptone Medium Agar Glucose Peptone Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Acytostelium ellipticum.3mL 1.26mL 1.5 0.0g 7. Sphaerosperinum. Cryptococcus laurenti i. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10.Lysine.0mL 5.0g 6.01 0.0g : 0.0 0.3±0.01 0. Rhizophyctis harderi. Cladosporium cucumerinum.0±0.64 0. Cryptococcus albidosimilis.0mL 4.0g 6. Cladosporium uredinic ola. Phlyctoclytrim africanum.7H 2O (5% solution) pH Use: For the cultiv ation and spo rulation of Bacillus strearothermophilus in a chemically defined medium.01% solution) Glucose (20 % solution) L-Isoleucine (1% solution) L-Proline (1% so lution) Nicotinic acid (0. Tyrosine Agar Solution1 Solution2 pH Use: For the differentiation of aerobic Actinomycete species.2 at 10.0 1.8±0. Glucose Yeast Peptone Medium Agar Glucose Peptone Yeast extract pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of a variety of yeasts.H 2O (1% solution) L-Cystine (1% solution) L-Glutamine (1% solution) L-Histidine.3 0.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 94.0g 3.42 0.5 0.01 7.5 0. 99.2 at 96. Top Agarose media Pancreatic digest of casein NaCl Agarose pH Use: For the distribution of bacteriophage or bacterial cells.6H 2O (0.84 0.0mL 1. Bacillus stearothermophilus Defined B roth Mineral salt solution Potassium Phosphate buffer L-Glutamate.HCl (1% solution) L-Tyrosine (1% solution) L-Metheonine (1% solution) Glycine (1% solution) L-As paragine.86 0.0g 8. Cryptococcus albidis.HCl (1% solution) L-Leucine(1% solution) L.7H 2O Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of cladosponium.0g 0.0ml : 100.0g 5. Clodosporiods. Sccharopolyspora hirsute 132 :30.0g 16. Xerocomus badius.0g 5.01g 6. For agar dilution testing of antifungal age nts.0g 10. CYC Agar Sucrose Agar Vitamin assay Casmino acids NaNO 3 Yeast extract Magnesium glycerophosphate KCl FeSO 4 pH Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Pseudonocardia thermophila.5g 5.0g 5.0g 2.0g 1.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 100. Saccharomonospora viridis. Sccharomonospora caesia.0g 9.5g 0.5±0.2 at : : : : : : : : : : 30.0g 3. Antridia serialis . 102.0g 12.0g 12.0mg : 10.2 at 103.0g : 100.0g :15.0g : 15.0g :3.2 at 104. : : : : : : : : 15.0L . Kimmig’s Agar Agar Glucose Pancreatic digest of gelatin Beef extract NaCl Peptone Glycerol pH Use: For the assay of fungistatic agents.0g 0.0g 1.0 L 105 Corynebacterium A gar Glucose Casein Yeast Extract NaCl Agar Distilled Water pH : : : : : : 5.0g 10.0g 2.0g 2.0g 5. Starch Tryptose Peptone Agar Lab Lamco Peptone Yeast Extract Tryptose CaCO 3 Starch Glucose Agar Distilled Water pH : 10. Malt Extract Yeast Agar Glucose Agar Malt extract powder Yeast Extract pH Use: For the isolation and cultivation of osmotolerant microorganisms from foods.0mg : 100.5g 5.0g 15. DSM 4436 .0mL 6.0g 5.0g : 2. Malt Extract Charcoal M edi um Malt Extract Agar Charcoal Use: For the cultivation and maintenance of Boletus edulis .35g 0. 101.9±0. and other field mentous fungi.0g : 2.0g 5.8±0. For the cultivation and preservation of various fungi.0g 6.0g : : : : : 400. Macrofungi. Macrofungi. and Tropical Forest TFRI only Fauna (termites. Coimbatore.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures National repositories under Biological Diversity Act.P. Dehradun Flora (Angiosperms. Dehradun Faunal resources in protected areas National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms. Mau Nath Bhanjan. Macrofungi. Karnal. Pteriodophytes. Lucknow Flora Flora (Angiosperms. Gymnosperms. New Delhi Microbes / fungi 133 . butterflies. Agriculturally important microorganisms Institute of Microbial Technology. Gymnosperms. Dehradun. Bryophytes. Harayana Genetic resources of domestic animals National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources. U. Institute of Forest Bryophytes. Macroalgae). Goa Marine flora and fauna Wildlife Institute of India. Lichens. Lichens. moths) Research Institute. Lichens. Gymnosperms. 2002 Name of Institute Categories of biological resource Botanical Survey of India. Kolkata Fauna National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources. Pteriodophytes. Bryophytes. New Delhi Plant genetic resources National Botanical Research Institute. Macroalgae) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education. (Forest Research Institute. U. Fish genetic resources National Institute of Oceanography.P. Lucknow. Jabalpur Zoological Survey of India. Macroalgae) National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources. Pteriodophytes. Chandigarh Microorganisms National Institute of Virology. Kolkata Flora (Angiosperms. Pune Viruses Indian Agricultural Research Institute. For Genetics and Tree Breeding. Russia http://www. The WFCC has an on-going concern with all aspects of culture collection activity and. The WFCC (through the activities of Professor Skerman. Retention and support of existing collections. Each of these records is linked to a second record containing the list of species held. This data resource is now maintained at National Institute of Genetics (NIG). 760874 of them are The Federation has an Executive Board and works through a series of committees. India The World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) is a Multidisciplinary Commission. Some of the major Microbial Resource Centres with approximate number of organisms held Name Country Approx. of organisms holdings Agricultural Culture Bejing.xml?59 BIOTECH Culture Collection National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Thailand http://www. and his colleagues in the 1960's) pioneered the development of an international database on culture resources worldwide resulted the WFCC World Data Center for Microorganisms (WDCM). publications and newsletters and work to ensure the long term perpetuation of important collections. Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). authentication.000 strains .ac. no. 2011) there are 591 culture collections in 68 countries registered in in particular. The members of WFCC constitute a unique global network for ex situ preservation of microbial diversity which underpins life on earth. Commissions and Federations) of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) and a Federation within the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS).vkm. Virgina.html More than 4. University of Queensland.nig.616 strains More than More than 68. The records contain data on the organization. The WDCM database forms an important information resource for all microbiological activity and also acts as a focus for data activities among WFCC members. Australia. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. There are totally 1748439 microbes in the above collections . to provide liaison and set up an information network between the collections and their More than 9.atcc. Dipak T. Bangkok. According to WDCM statistics (as on 20th April. maintenance and distribution of cultures of microorganisms and cultured cells.biotec. Japan and has records of nearly 591 culture collections from 68 countries. management.317 strains American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) Manassas. Uttar Pradesh. 506408 The WFCC is concerned with the strains Bioresource Collection and Research Centre (BACC) Hsinchu.or. to organize workshops and conferences.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) Renu. services and scientific interests of the collections. Nagrale and Dilip K. 15743 viruses. with the encouragement of new initiatives and improvement of the quality standards of scientific services provided to the international user community. COMCOF (Committees. Taiwan http://wdcm. USA http://www. China Collections of China (ACCC) http://micronet. 11649 cell lines and 453765 of them are other kinds of microbes. as well as assistance and advice to help new collections become established remain key activities.100 strains All-Russia Collection of Microorganisms (VKM) Moscow. Its aim is to promote and support the establishment of culture collections and related services.asp 134 More than 11. UK http://www. China http://www.htm 135 .000 strains Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (CCFC) Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre. Sweden http://www2. no. Czech Republic More than Canada 10.000 strains Common Access to Biological Resources and Information (CABRI) http://www. Fungal Genetic Stock Centre (FGSC) Department of Microbiology.500 yeast strains www. Technical University of Denmark.china-cicc.dtu. USA http://fgsc.cas. The Netherlands http://www.000 Fungal strains Czech Republic >700 fungal strains Culture Collection of Fungi Institute Department of Botany.000 fungal strains Industrial Yeasts Collection Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale e Biotechnologia Perugia.718 strains and yeast cultures Culture Collection of Basidiomycetes (CCBAS) Institute of More than Pennsylvania State University.botany. Rotorua. of organisms holdings CABI Bioscience Genetic Resource Collection More than 38.asp More than 28.gc. Surrey.cuni. Germany http://www. Lyngby.000 Fusarium cultures IBT Culture Collection of Fungi BioCentrum. Italy >20.000 strains Forest Research Culture Collection New Zealand Forest Research Institute.510 filamentous fungal strains Fungal Cultures Botanical Institute 9.botany.000 fungal strains University of Goteborg (FCUG) Goteborg. Ottawa. France >16. USA http://frc.000 filamentous fungal strains Fusarium Research Centre (FRC) Department of Plant Pathology.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Name Country Approx. Praha.php fungal strains Deutsche Sammlung von Mikrooganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ) Braunschweig.fbd.000 fungal cultures and cloned gene and gene library Fungal Strain Collection Museum National ’Histoire 17. New Zealand http://www.agr. Denmark http://www.agr.000 strains Centralal bureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS) Utrecht.knaw.psu.cas. University of Kansas Medical China Centre for Industrial Culture Collection China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation 1.unipg. Paris. Kansas.cabi. Charles University. be/ More than 25.html All biological materials transferred to NBRC International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants Plant Diseases Division National Institute of Agrobiological Science Ibaraki.493 strains National Collection of Agricultural and Industrial Microorganisms Szent Istvan University Budapest.000 Saccharomyces stocks Pasteur Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria Peris http://www. Auckland.arc.landcareresearch.or. New Zealand http://www. Japan http://www.nig. UK strains University of Alberta Microfungus Collection and Herbarium More than 10. of organisms holdings Institute for Fermentation (IFO) 750 strains Centre for Conservation & Utilization of Blue Green Algae(CCUBGA) Pretoria.jsp *Source – WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms and links to other sites http://wdcm. Japan www. USA http://www.229 strains Yeast Genetic Stock Centre At ATCC >7. Belgium http://bccm.ifo. Japan http://www.uni-corvinus.html 136 .ukncc.brc.100 fungal strains National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi PHLS Mycological Reference Laboratory.asp?Database_Collection_ID=6 >10.410 strains http://www.affrc.gene.ualberta.Agro/Industrial Fungi & Yeast Collection Mycotheque de l’ Universite Catholique de Louvain.asp?pid=929 5. Japan More than 18.941strains Korean Agricultural Culture Collection (KACC) National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. South Africa f_info. >25.go.380strains National Institute of Technology and Energy Biological Resource Centre (NBRC) Tsukuba.riken.agric.belspo.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Name Country Approx. no. New Delhi 550 Strains http://web. Canada http://www.htm >1.990strains National Collection of Fungi: Culture Collection ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute.html 10 000 The Belgian Coordinated Collection Collections of Microorganisms (BCCMTM) BCCMTM/ >95. 500 strains Japan Collection of Microorganisms RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research).devonian2.nite.000 strains of filamentous and yeastlike fungi United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) ARS Culture Collection (NRRL) Alberta. Hungary > >4.aspx MAFF Genebank. imperative that isolates are adequately preserved to maintain their integrity for future use in screening. such as storage in distilled water and the silica gel. sterilized silica. there are different methods which are specific for particular genus and group of organisms. global climate change. Silica gel. unless it is a common organism and has a specific host or environment. What is less appreciated. · Grow fungal culture on suitable medium till sporulation. silica gel.). Sporeforming strains (with the exception of zoosporic fungi) can usually be freeze-dried successfully. are good. glycerol and slants for short term and needs revival continuously. genetic improvement and production of desirable end products. or even of the same species. fungal strains are preserved for short term on sand. · Prepare a 10% solution of skim milk and autoclave it. However. Both types can be frozen and stored for long periods in liquid nitrogen or liquid nitrogen vapor. · Drying is the most useful method of preservation for culture that produces spores or other resting structures. water. Conservation Methods: There are different methods of preservation of microbial cultures ex-situ as per the type of organism. However. · In continuous growth methods. Lyophilization and conservation in liquid nitrogen are for long term conservation. Protocol · Fill silica gel granules (6 – 22 mesh) in vials upto half. is the pervasive influence that other microbes have on plant health and growth. It is. because they are quickly consumed and require frequent subculturing. The primary methods of culture preservation are as continuous growth. biological diversity has been reduced significantly by varied human activities (e. etc. as nitrogen fixation by rhizobia and other bacteria for promotion of plant growth. Other tham these. clearing of tropical moist forests for agricultural purposes. The plant microbe interactions have produced a large amount of knowledge and given insights into the mechanisms of these interactions. drying and freezing. they enhance stress tolerance. cryopreservation and low temperature storage. Add the suspension slowly and evenly. India Microbial communities have a significant role in existence of life on the earth and contribute the maximum biodiversity. aid nutrient availability and uptake and promote biodiversity. Similarly also causes diseases and result in economic losses. This method is highly successful for fungi that produce spores. silica gel. dried host tissues and distilled water. Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). · Add 0. Maintenance of the fungi in certain culture media requires lot of care.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Methods of short and long term storage of microbial cultures Sudheer Kumar and Dilip K. air and water pollution. Gently scrape the surface with a sterile loop to loosen the spores. provide disease resistance. Similar success with nonsporulating strains is far less likely. Kushmaur. demanding time and allowing contamination and decrease in virulence. The impact of the microbial world on plants is evident worldwide.5 m1/4 g) suspension to a vial of chilled. Uttar Pradesh. · Add 2 or 3 ml of sterile skim milk to the culture. the properties of the strain may be different due to considerable intraspecific variation that exists. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. Some low-cost methods of preservation. Long-term preservation of microbial strains is essential for their in-depth study and for future exploitation. type and degree of sporulation and resources available. even if the same species is re-isolated. Shake the vial during and after the 137 . put on caps loosely. both the viability and the stability of living cells should be ensured during the preservation period. But then. cultures are grown on agar medium and typically used for short storage. Storage in Silica gel Storage in the silica gel is a good option for short term storage of sporulating fungi where lyophilization or liquid nitrogen storage is not possible. · Freeze-drying or lyophilization. If a strain is lost. from the natural environment can be difficult and for practical purposes impossible. Glass beads and Soil are substrata commonly used in drying. Due to these difficulties. availability of resources. Commonly used methods are cryopreservation and lyophilization for long term preservation and storage in mineral oil. the microbial cultures are frozen and then subsequently dried under vacuum. size of collection and need. but for short term. and sterilize by heating at 180oC in oven for at least 90 minutes. the recovery of that strain. · Freezing methods include. their application in biotechnology and agriculture has yet to be exploited. are versatile and widely applicable. and less well understood.5 ml of the milk-spore (0. therefore. Preservation methods for filamentous fungi vary depending on species of concern.g. Mineral Oil Storage · Mineral oil is generally used to preserve filamentous fungi and yeast but can be applied successfully to bacteria. · Use a sterile cork borer to cut small pieces of agar (1cm) containing mycelium. the water suppresses morphological changes in most fungi. Cryopreservation: · Lowering the temperature of biological materials reduces the rate of metabolism. All the fungi can be cryopreserved but this method has special significance for those that do not sporulate in culture and fungi that have large and delicate spores that will not survive in freeze drying. It is also equally good for long term . sprinkle a few silica grains on suitable media and incubate at optimum temperature. · The maximum height of oil overlay should not be exceeding more than 10 mm. the other as working stock. basidiomycetes. · The cultures may take a bit longer than normal to start growing. ectomycorrhizal fungi. · Label the tubes. · The reserve stock culture is used only when represervation becomes necessary when all the inoculum has been removed. · Do not use old plates for preservation more than 2 weeks. recrystallization of ice can occur at temperature above 139oC and this can cause damage during storage. · Pour sterile mineral oil (Liquid paraffin or medicinal paraffin specific gravity 0. exposed mycelium or agar on the sides of the container may allow moisture to evaporate and the cultures become dry out. Recovery · Remove a portion of the working stock culture using a sterile needle or loop. · Observe for pure growth and sporulation. Screw cap tubes are stored in a temperature controlled (15 to 18oC) room. Protocol · Fill liquid scintillation vials 1/3 full with ultrapure water and autoclave it. · Drain as much oil as possible from the inoculum. Consequently. Cautions · Incubate at optimum temperature until suitable growth and sporulation. it will become wet. hyphomycetes and plant pathogenic fungi. · Inoculate at least two screw cap tubes for each strain to be maintained and label one culture as reverse stock. Revival · To revive. It involves the covering of cultures with mineral oil to prevent the dehydration and slowdown the metabolic activity and growth through reduced oxygen tension. · Store at 18 – 200C · More than one subculture may require after retrieval as the growth rate may be reduced because of oil. · Grow fungal culture on suitable medium for 1-2 weeks (do not use older plates). Penicillium. · The fungal mycelium may easily recover from the edge of the colony on the first agar plate and transfer to fresh media. · Prepare medium slants in 30 ml screw cap tubes (slanting at 30 degree). Revival · To revive cultures. While. · Tighten the cap on the vial. · Store at 18 – 20 oC. A wide range of fungi survives by this method. seal with parafilm and label the vial. · Transfer the pure culture of fungi and incubate at optimum temperature. water molds. Autoclave twice at 121oC for 15 minutes) .89. Storage in Water · Another inexpensive and low-maintenance method for storing fungal cultures is in distilled water.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection process of adding the suspension. · Inoculate on fresh growth medium (it is often best to inoculate a slope so that the adhering oil can drain and the organism can grow up the slope away from the oil at point of inoculation). ascomycetes. Below -70oC very little metabolic activity takes place.83 to 0. Cautions: · Do not autoclave the Silica. However. · Put these agar pieces into the chilled vials of water. · Vials can be stored at 4oC for short term or at -80oC for longer period. the storage of microorganism at ultralow temperature (below -139oC) in or above liquid nitrogen is the best method. Apparently. 138 Protocol · Preparation of mineral oil stock should be carried out in appropriate microbiological safety cabinet using aseptic techniques and good laboratory practice at all time. when it is contaminated or when the shelf life expiry date set for the organism has been reached.83 to 0. However. · Use the small circular paper for labeling the tubes. · Label and store vials at 4oC. The method has been used successfully to preserve oomycetes. species of Aspergillus. the fungi are sensitive to other techniques can be stored successfully in oils. If oil overlay is more than 10 mm the fungi may not receive sufficient oxygen and may die. place agar pieces on an appropriate agar medium. Phytophthora and Pythium. saprolegniaceae.89). if the depth is less. Pure and sporulating cultures on agar slants (30o to the horizontal in 30 ml universal bottles) are covered by 10mm sterile (achieved by autoclaving twice at 121oC for 15 minutes) minerals oil (liquid paraffin or medicinal paraffin specific gravity 0. For example. This may either be a connection with a liquid nitrogen container or a generator. Protective clothing (coat. Protocol · The protocols varying with equipment. Freeze Drying (Lyophilization) Lyophilisation is a highly successful method for preserving bacteria. For revival. Freeze-drying should be optimized for different organisms and cell types. at 30°C). for example. The vials are rinsed in ethanol 70%. are punched out from the agar culture with a cork borer with pin (Stalpers et al.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures storage of bacteria. · When taking vials out of the cryostat. The sample temperature must not rise above the melting point until 139 . Cautions: · General safety precautions for handling liquid nitrogen have to be followed. During the freeze-drying process water is removed directly from frozen material by sublimation under vacuum. vials are thawed in a waterbath for five min at 30°C. are used in most of the protocols. The optimal cooling rate depends on the size of the cell. structural change and retain viability for longer period. · For each strain 12 . dextran. During freezing the bulk of the free water crystallizes. A simple method is described here. Cryoprotectants are of two types: ( i)Penetrating agents such as glycerol. precautions have to be taken that the material warms as little as possible. · Freezing and thawing can damage the living cells. Fungi are stored in sealed polypropylene cryovials. opened gently and placed on the suitable agar medium. which dehydrate and shrink to obtain an osmotic equilibrium. one is stored separately in the back up collection. which exert their protection effect external to membrane. There are a vast array of freeze-drying equipment available. the material should be unbreakable to prevent splintering in case of leakage and penetration of liquid nitrogen in the cryovial. then cooled for 4oC to – 40oC at the rate 1°C per minute and from -40°C to -90°C at 10oC per minute. glucose. the storage room should be provided with an oxygen detector. 0. yeast and spores of the filamentous fungi. which readily pass through the cell membrane and protect intracellularly and extracellularly. Growth and identity of the 5 to 8 plugs per dish is checked by the specialists and these data are recorded in a logbook and in the stock control system. · When stored in liquid nitrogen. polyvinyl-pyrrolidone. Generally the cryovials are thawed in a waterbath (revival 5 min.10 are stored in main collection. hydroxyethyl starch. · When the material is stored in the vapour phase. This may either imply not to remove the container completely or to place it in a cooled (about -70 °C) chamber. an automatic level controller is required as the vivostat contains relatively little liquid nitrogen. (Some species or groups may not survive 30°C.15 vials are prepared. Revival Organisms are revived immediately after storage and after 5 years. 8 . The recommended final moisture content following drying is between 1 and 2%. ranging from laboratory bench models to pilot scale and huge industrial installations. ( ii) Non penetrating agents such as sucrose. · When the identity is correct and the culture is actively growing. which is applicable to a large variety of microorganism such as bacteria. leaving a saturated solution of high osmotic value surrounding the still unfrozen cells. gloves. · The fungi or bacteria are grown on the suitable culture media in 9 cm petridish. 5-8 plugs of 3 . Oomycota are thawed at 25°C). some species or groups may not survive 30°C. the last (2) vials are spared in case of leakage after sealing. · They are stored in the vapor phase above liquid nitrogen ( -150oC to -180oC) in a cryopreservator equipped with a auto Level Controller or in a -135°C or -140°C freezer provided with a LN2 back-up system. polyethylene glycol and dimethyl sulpfoxide (DMSO). sorbitol. known as cryoprotectants. 1987) and transferred into the vials. glasses) should be used while handling cryogenic equipment. Changes in morphology are also noted in the database. mannitol. · Material is revived by warming it as fast as possible. fungi. However. including eventual remarks.. · The vials are placed in programmable freezer and allowed to equilibrate at 4oC for about 10 minutes.5 ml sterilized 10% glycerol is added to the vials with a sterile syringe and close them. the thickness of the cell-wall and the cryoprotectant. one is opened for a viability check after 24 hours storage and one for a viability check after 5 years. Oomycota are thawed at 25° C. After incubation the identity is checked by the specialist and notes are reported in a logbook. special needs preference of materials or the type of organism. An alarm system to detect the lowest permittable level is always necessary. chemical protectants.. To minimize the damage. If carried out correctly. · Gycerol and DMSO have been proved to be most effective for fungi. freeze drying process will prevent shrinkage. etc. · When liquid nitrogen is used. · Freezers should be provided with an alarm system and a back-up system.4 mm diam. Labels with accession number. mould and yeast. · The vials have to be closed to prevent infection (liquid nitrogen or nitrogen vapour is not sterile). The exposure of the cells to this solution should result in dehydration to such an extent that the freezing temperature is depressed sufficiently. All manipulations are carried out in a recirculating laminar airflow cabinet to avoid contamination of the organisms and contact with the technicians handling them. Pleurotus sajor-caju. Ampoules take little space and can be easily stored. Lyophilization or freeze drying is not appropriate for all fungi. 1976.5 to 2. sucrose. Excess water was drained by sieving through a muslin cloth and dried in shade for 4 h to allow evaporation of any excess water. microbial cultures become susceptible to sudden change in temperature and pressure. · Store lyophilized ampoules at 4oC. straw particles. while the content of each tube freezes. which disrupts the fluid-mosaic structure of the membrane. after that manifolds raised to remove the tubes from solvent bath. which may culminate in cell damage. Protocol · Grow the fungal or bacterial cultures on suitable medium that supports good growth and sporulation (in case of fungi) till it reaches the resting phase.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection most of the water has been removed. In the absence of hardy structures like double walled spores or sclerotia. · The manifolds with tubes are immersed in dry ice or ethylene glycol or water bath that is maintained at 40oC. glycerol. CaSO4) and 0. replacing water and lowering the transition temperature. There are many advantages of freezedrying over other methods including the total sealing of the specimen and protection from infection and infestation. Opening Ampoules or Vials Re-hydration should be carried out slowly giving time for absorption of water before plating on a suitable medium. Ampoules 1. A. It should be properly sealed and checked for vacuum. which may not eventually result in fruiting. Cultures generally have good viability/ stability and can be stored for many years. · The purity and viability of the preparation should be checked after 1 to 2 weeks. Agaricus bisporus. inoculate test tubes by transferring aseptically growing mycelium from freshly subcultured stocks maintained on WEA. · Add 1. · Vacuum is applied to the system for about 30 minutes. except V. Washed grains were soaked in sufficient water for 30 min and then boiled for 20 min.5% calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to maintain pH around 7. However. However. bisporus. To ensure that a high quality product is produced and maintained. etc. flabellatus. time consuming and may be expensive. Lyoinjury can occur during the cooling and drying stages. are invariably stored as mycelial cultures because spores of heterothallic and secondary homothallic species are produced through a sexual process and have genetic differences. etc. 140 · The tubes are sealed under vacuum by a double flame cross torch. All inoculated test tubes were then incubated at 25°C for 2 weeks. Earlier reports on freeze-drying of fungal hyphae used aqueous solution of culture suspension in trehalose. · Spores or bacterial cells are suspended in the lyoprotectant by gentle scraping of agar surface with a scraper or Pasture pipette. Volvariella volvacea. Mushrooms viz. the process of lyophilization is relatively complex. Each mushroom mycelial culture was multiplied on pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) grains. 2. Ampoules of freeze-dried organisms must be stored out of direct sunlight and chilled storage will reduced the rate of deterioration and will extend self life. P. Mycelial cultures multiplied on pearl millet grain were subjected to lyophilization. sapidus. · Prepare a lyoprotectant suspension of 10% Skimmed milk (w/v) + 5% inositol (w/v) in double distilled water and sterilize by autoclaving. Re-hydrate the dried suspension by adding 3-4 drops of sterile distilled water from a Pasteur pipette and allowing 30 minutes for absorption of the water. Auricularia polytricha. Morchella esculenta. the equipment used must be reliable and conditions reproducible from batch to batch. Lentinula edodes. P. etc. This causes leakage of the membrane. The boiled grains were mixed with 2% gypsum (calcium sulphate. · Dispense approximately 200 µl cell suspension to each pre-sterilized glass tube.0.o ml sterile lyoprotectant suspension to sporulating culture on pertiplate. 3. Ryan. Streak the contents of the ampoule into a suitable agar . bitorquis. Opening ampoules by scoring the tube midway down the length of the cotton wool plug and cracking the ampoules by touching it on the score with a tip of a hot glass rod. 1999). as these may leak over long term storage and allow deterioration of the freeze-dried organisms. volvacea which was incubated at 32°C for 10 days. there are disadvantages as some isolates fail to survive the process and other has reduced viability and genetic change may occur (Smith and Grant. The sealing of ampoules or vials is most. · Tubes are then plugged loosely with cotton and open end of the tube is lubricated with castor oil and then tubes are places on vacuum manifold. Pleurotus ostreatus. Take care not to create aerosols during the re-hydration process. The phase changes encountered during the drying process can cause the liquid crystalline structure. The pearl millet grains were thoroughly washed with sufficient water to remove debris. in fact the technique is used primarily for the species that produce numerous small propogules or spores. undesirable seeds of grasses. Skimmed milk is a suitable protectant for fungi and is sometime used in combination with inositol. A. skimmed milk. · Test the tubes for proper sealing and vacuum. Saccharides such as trehalose also protect membranes by attaching to the phospholipids. After autoclaving. · Drying for the lyophilization will remain continues at room temperature until the pressure in the lyophilizer reaches about 30 milliTorrs or moisture reduces upto 2 per cent. The fungi does not produce spore in culture or produces large spores that tend to collapse during the lyophilization process and the structural damage caused is not reversible on hydration. bovine serum albumin. Allow 30 minutes for absorption of water. 1. 141 . Watcharee Kunyalung and Usa Klinhom 2008. Mueller. C. Nakasone. Development of a novel lyophilization protocol for preservation of mushroom mycelial cultures. C. Mycopathologia. Bills and Mercedes S. Upadhyay. 3. Remove the metal cap carefully. Stephen W. Sofia Mata and Marianne Middelveen 1989. Development of Long-term Preservation Techniques for Ex Situ Conservation of Microalgal Strains at MIRCEN. replace the bung or plug with sterile cotton plug. In a microbiological Class 1 or Class 2 safety cabinet loosen the bung to allow a slow influx of air. Elsevier Academic Press USA. 87: 568-570 · Suki C. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. K. Preservation of fungi in water (Castellani): 20 years. 4. 1-6. Yadav and Mugdha Tiwari 2004. 2. 106: 73-79 · David Smith 1993. Mycologia. In “Biodiversity of fungi: Inventory and monitoring methods” (eds. Peterson. Long-term preservation of test strains (fungus). Vials The glass vial is fitted with butyl rubber bung help in place by a soft metal cap. Preservation and distribution of fungal cultures. TISTR. Croan 2000.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures medium ensuring that all the spores adhering to the ampoule walls are removed and incubate at an appropriate growth temperature. Gregory M. Foster). S.. and ShungChang Jong 2004. R. Streak the contents of the vial onto a suitable agar medium ensuring that all the spores adhering to the vial walls are removed and incubate at an appropriate growth temperature. Pp 37-47. pp. Lyophilization of hypha-forming tropical wood-inhabiting Basidiomycotina. · Singh. GMSARN International Conference on Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the GMS. 92: 810-817. Further Readings: · Aparat Mahakhant. Current Science. Remove the bung and add 1 ml of sterile distilled water. M. Gerald F. 31: 227-230 · Karen K. · Claudia Hartung de Capriles. India Organisms originating from different habitats all over the world are deposited in collections. Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank (MTCC). seeks to safeguard the country's biological resources from being destroyed and stolen. policymakers must implement technology transfer with a strong inclination towards active participatory approaches to research and extension. World biodiversity scenario Biodiversity is the basic of our sustainability. India as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is obliged to comply with the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). 14500 species of fungi. animals and microorganisms or parts thereof. animal and plant cells. According to the data of the World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) describes over 591 culture collection centers in 68 countries and the number of all the holdings is recorded to be 1748439. Government of India. In India. such as agro-biotechnology will require intellectual property (IP) protection through patents and other forms of IPR. a national facility established in 1986. plant seeds. Indian biodiversity scenario India is classified among the 12 mega-diversity centers of the world. ICAR recognizes that research in frontier sciences. and empower the tribal. nations agreed to recognize the sovereign rights of nations with respect to their genetic resources. There are more than 34 IDAs around the world and over 20 in Europe which accept patent deposits of human. 64 species of gymnosperms and 17500 species of angiosperms. Uttar Pradesh. cyanobacteria. nematodes. which since 1 January 1995 requires that member countries provide for intellectual property rights (IPR) in one form or the other in all fields of technology. Geneva. bacteria. algae. non-pathogenic protozoa. plasmids. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) bestows sovereign rights over genetic resources to the country of origin. As in the world biodiversity scenerio British Government in 1973 proposed that the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Likewise others. the reason to conserve our genetic diversity and to encourage innovation out of these biogenetic resources is to improve the quality of human life. Kushmaur. farmers and . It will be in line with the legal framework required as per the TRIPS Agreement and Convention on Biological Diversity. The National Bio-diversity Bill. India has a rich and varied heritage of biodiversity. including agriculture. This document comprises the IPR policy framework of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the guidelines for IP management in the field of microbial biotechnology. Hungary during April. only with the consent and involvement of the concerned community and after entering into a benefitsharing arrangement. The treaty came into effect in 1980. On deposit the issue of ownership of intellectual property associated with them must be addressed. Lalan Sharma. fungi. 6500 species of algae. The transfers of genetic resources will be made under material transfer agreements designed to protect source nations' interests in any resulting profits. it can get them only with 'prior informed consent'. Ultimately.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection IPR Guidelines for Microbes Mahesh Yandigeri. can use community knowledge. For this to work. 2002 of India has defined various terms. In the International Convention on biodiversity (CBD) signed at Rio in 1992. 2002. Switzerland as an International 142 Depository Authority (IDA) on 4 October 2002. The advent of new biotechnologies and the capacity to identify and incorporate microbes into commercial products has forced the pace of change in agriculture and industry. As “Biological resources” means plants. If a country wants biological resources from another country. viruses (plant and animal) and yeasts. Sanjay Goswami and Dilip K. Biological Diversity Act. but intellectual property rights covering their use in processes is another matter. is funded jointly by the Department of Biotechnology and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. their genetic material and byproducts with actual or potential use or value but does not include human genetic material. 1100 species of pteridophytes. thus becoming the first IDA in India. South East Asian countries are rich in microbial diversity but the exploitation of microorganisms in such areas has not been completed. MTCC was recognized by WIPO. It has 850 species of bacteria. The successful development of biological diversity will depend upon creative relationship that can be nurtured between two opposite poles –formal innovative and community systems. 1977 and a treaty was adopted called the 'Budapest Treaty on the international recognition of the deposit of microorganisms for the purpose of patent procedure'. A formal body was put up by the recommendations of an expert committee in a conference held in Budapest. seventh in Asia and thirty-fourth in the world. 2850 species of bryophytes. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. 2000 species of lichen. The management approach as described in the guidelines will conform to the national IPR laws and policies in force in the country. Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). should take the initiative to study the feasibility of a single deposit fulfilling the need of depositing culture in other countries where patent applications are filed. “Biological Diversity” means the variability among living organisms from all sources and the ecological complexes of which they are part and includes diversity within species or between species and of eco-systems. The 30 nation trading block of which India is a leading country. The task of registration and conservation of plants and animal genetic diversity has been entrusted to National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). somaclonal variation. University of Mumbai. Food and Fermentation Technology Division. genetic conservation and exchange of materials. Mau Nath Bhanjan. . Pathogen variability Disease diagnostics Mycoinsecticides. Genetic diversity. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology. Izatnagar.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures the like who protect our genetic wealth. Bangalore 10. Chandigarh 14. Indian Institute of Science. Bareilley. New Delhi 11. University of Delhi. 2001 in old NBPGR building. Conservation of beneficial microbes is important and various deposition country are1. plant propagules & artificial seeds. National Dairy Research Institute. UP 8. Delhi University Mycological Herbarium. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). Defence Research and Development Organization. New Delhi 9. Pune 12. Marathwada Agricultural University (Collection of insect pathogens). Kusmaur.Institute of Microbial Technology. Bacteria Based insecticides. Microbial requirements for deposition in culture bank as mentioned above. A National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) shall be set up which will scrutinize proposals for transfer of genetic resources and guide the Center on conservation. 143 . Molecular farming. Bangalore Technology Meristem and bud culture Zygotic/ embryo culture Anther & microspore culture Cell & Tissue culture Chromosome engineering Protoplast culture Genetic engineering Molecular Marker (RFLP & RAPD) Monoclonal antibodies Modified microbes 2. insect -viruses. may possess Applications Micro-propagation. specialty chemicals 2n gametes for interspecific crosses Protoplast fusion Gene transfer. Biodiversity Documentation Centre. it can get them only with 'prior informed consent'. Parbhani 13. Kolkata 7. Defence Material and Stores Research and Development Establishment Culture Collection. Indian Agricultural Research Institute. 3. Hyderabad College of Agriculture. has evolve a strategy in which an applicant for the patent relating to biological materials or traditional knowledge would have to provide certain information as a precondition to acquiring patents rights. Udaipur 4. Wide hybridization Haploid production In vitro selection. Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank (MTCC) . Mumbai The process of producing a known product using conventional method by isolating or synthesizing gene and transforming the cell (genetic manipulation). sustainable use and benefit sharing. Karnal. Transgenic plants & animals. Aid to breeding programs. Likewise. MACS Collection of Microorganisms. others only with the consent and involvement of the concerned community and after entering into a benefit-sharing arrangement can use community knowledge. New Delhi to conserve agriculturally important microbes. Fungal Culture Collection. It provides for establishment of Bio-diversity Heritage Sites and funds at national. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research. Jakkur. Nematode bacteria complexes. Division of Mycology and Plant Pathology. Myco-Herbicides. New Delhi 6. Maharana Pratap Agricultural University. Karnal 16. Bose Institute. New Delhi 5. state and local levels to support conservation and benefit sharing. Pune 18. National Bureau Of Agriculturally Important Microorganism is established. Department of Microbiology. National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms National Chemical Laboratory. Indian Type Culture Collection. If a country wants biological resources from another country. National Collection of Dairy Cultures. The legislation prohibits transfer of Indian genetic material outside the country without the specific approval of the government. Indian Veterinary Research Institute. Uttar Pradesh 15. somatic embryogenesis. respectively. Recently. India is pursuing similar deals of international disclosure of biological origin with 11 international patent search agencies. Division of Standardization. New Delhi and National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR). Genetic linkage maps and marker aided selection. Thus various governments would turn down patent applications if knowledge about the 'innovation' is already in public domain and shall be treated as 'prior art'. Intellectual Property thus refers to inventions. literary and artistic work. Protection against unfair competition and all others rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial. Hence. the inventors have little incentive to commit resources to produce it. biotechnological and microbiological process. that are never captured in the balance sheet. The widest possible dissemination of new knowledge makes the greatest economic efficiency. Scientific discoveries (no property rights to scientific discoveries.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection novelty but lacks required degree of inventiveness. The stated purpose of IPRs is to stimulate innovation. in corporate sector. According to the provision (ii) to section 10(d) the microorganism if not being described fully and particularly and is not available to public. Besides. seed purity testing. Trademark. The word patent has been derived from the Latin word 'patent-em' meaning open. AQUAS has clinching alliance for lab testing with world traceability major Genetic ID which has accreditation on all of its analytical methods through United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). scientific. Industrial designs 6.) 5. These tricks provide the missing elements of ingenuity and form the basis for grant of patents as may be revealed by investigating the scheme for genetic manipulation using plasmid vector. service marks and commercial names and designations 7. which states – chemical processes include biochemical. AQUAS are now the exclusive license holder of Genetic ID for Bangladesh and India. are still not dismissed because particular tricks are required to be applied to make the system (cell) effective. 2002. The most vital distinction between the legal 144 practices of India and developed countries is that India (or developing countries) does not allow patenting of microorganisms that already exist in nature as the same is considered to be a discovery according to the provisions of the section 3(d). the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) stipulated that Intellectual Property should include the following: 1. But the claim for patents based on application of these techniques. Performance of performing artists.aBangalore based firm with its traceability testing laboratory for foods in the International Centre for Research in Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) campus. Microorganisms patenting was earlier considered to be a product patent. But if everybody is free to access new knowledge. Intellectual Capital (IC) is the prime creator of economic value and accounts for 75% of market value of top global corporate. Literary. and accessibility of that microorganism from the depositories. network and customers). Amendment of the Indian Patent Act added explanation to chemical process. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Creations of the human brain are called intellect and if they have commercial value they can be classified as property. Avesthagen Quality Agricultural Services (AQUAS). the period of protection was five years from the date of grant or. Inventions in all kind of human endeavour 4. Hyderabad has first mover advantage with its cutting edge Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology. AQUAS also provide services for Total Plant Certification ID. phonograms and broadcasts 3. The grant of patent in respect to microorganisms depends upon the regulations concerning the requirements for the deposition of microorganisms under the Budapest Treaty of which India has become a member. internal structured capital (intellectual properties and processes) and relational structural capital (brand. as the term suggests are meant to be rights to ideas and information which are used in new inventions or processes. seven years from the date of filing of application for patent. genetically modified versions of the same microorganisms that result in enhancement of its known efficacies are patentable. companies find an IC rating useful during an M&A. the said microorganism is to be deposited before the International Depositary Authority under the Budapest Treaty. Intellectual Capital consists of intangible factors like human capital (management and employee). artistic and scientific works 2. industrial and economic development. . The biotechnological innovations have their multifarious applications. Now grant of patents for microbiological inventions is for a period of 20 years from the date of filing. literary or artistic fields. So the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). symbols. In 1967. used in commerce. for a limited period of time. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) temporarily transform knowledge from a public good into a private good so that owners of intellectual property can recoup their expenditure in creating new knowledge. The effect of IPR is therefore monopoly over commercial exploitation of the idea/ information. genetic purity through DNA finger printing. But. etc. The grant of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) encourages innovation and inventive activity which promotes technical. by offering higher monetary returns than the market otherwise might provide. industrial designs for article. recognized throughout Europe and widely on five continents. Lower Parel (West) Mumbai 400 013 2. Patent and Trademark Organization (PTO) of USD recommended deposit of microorganism with a culture collection. an organizational development exercise or simply a bench mark. (vi) Technical field to which the invention belongs 5. Gujarat. 3rd floor. The steps involved in patenting as mentioned above are1. 145 . ATCC and NRRL of USA. Grant of Patent\Publication of Patent documents The cost of filling a patent application is Rs. the sequence or expressed sequence tag (EST) can be patented if is useful. antibiotics. etc. 2. In 1977. Amendment of 2005 in Indian patent act also recognized Budapest Treaty and procedure of culture deposition for the purpose of Patent on microorganisms. the recognized depositaries have been. Chennai – Kerala. In 1873. Sun Mill Compound. such as microorganisms including plasmids and viruses. CBS of Netherlands. Tamil Nadu. Filing the Patent Application with the Patent Office 7.P. Mumbai – Maharastra. Seeking assistance of the legal experts 6. sub-section 2. waste matter degradation. The head office of the patent office is at Kolkata and branch offices are in Mumbai.e. FRI of Japan. Examination of the Patent Application in the patent office 8. 4. 300/-. M. The US patent office has now included a new section in its Manual of Patent examining procedures. In 1949. industrial processes using microorganisms such as in fermentation. DSM of Germany and NCYC and NCIB of U. Also patentable are the processes for producing new microorganisms through genetic engineering and the products that result out of this process. Establish essentiality of protection through Patents 2.. Why then is good public money spent on protecting worthless 'intellectual property'. Drafting of original Patent Application 4. The booklet entitled “General Information for Applications for Patents in India” is available free of cost from Patent office. However. Historical background: Patent to microbiological inventions 1. The bacteria eat away oil spills.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures an IPO. this is done because there do not exist internal mechanisms in many laboratories for technical and commercial evaluation. can be patented. Karnataka. where by microorganisms qualify for patenting if it is shown that the hand of man has been involved in their procurement. Microbiologists have accepted scheme of classification such as Bergey's Manual for protection of microorganisms. Since the public to which any patent is addressed is primarily the public in the territory covered by the patent. unread by anyone. Goa. A large number of patents which are filed do not even have a chance of attracting a potential license. Anand Chakrabarty was granted patent on modified bacteria that digests hydrocarbon.. its method of production and introduced vector. Basic elements of Patent application: (i) Title of the invention (ii) Abstract containing a concise summary of disclosure in the description (iii) Description (iv) Claims (v) Any drawings etc. they are like the many papers in the literature.P. which lie buried. LOUIS PASTEUR was granted patent by US (US 141072) for claim on yeast free from organisms or germs of disease as an article of manufacture and recognizing microorganisms as handy work of nature. The patent was claimed on bacteria itself.K. In 1971. Delhi and Chennai. Daman and Diu. Presumably. Patent Office Branch: Todi Estates. if they are non-living. it is reasonable for every patent examining body to require an internationally approved deposit in its own territory. patents are granted on the utility function of the gene i. which is given an accession number of the deposit of a culture. 3. Under TRIPS Article 27. Decision to file a Patent 3. A. How to patent/ where to apply The world of IPR and commercialization of scientific success is largely one-sided and Westerndominated at present. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 1973 worked on procedure of deposition which leads to signing of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the deposit of Microorganisms for the purpose of Patent Procedure. The territorial jurisdiction of the head office and branch offices is indicated below: 1. Dadar and Nagar Haveli. 'Institutions' would mean any technical. 14. 54 or 135 and rule 20(1) accompanied by provisional/ complete specification a) For each sheet of specification in addition to 30. Chandigarh. Kailash Colony Extention. Floor. Form2. Ownership of Intellectual Property: Institutions shall be encouraged to seek protection of intellectual property rights in respect of the results of R&D. The salient features of the guidelines are : 1. Form2. Wallajah Road. However. exclusively licensed to market the innovation in India. The institution may determine the share of the inventor(s) and other persons from such actual earnings. AJ Bose Road. research institutions and universities in projects funded by the Department of Science and Technology. Satsang Vihar Marg. New Delhi – 110067 (iii) NRDC. New Delhi – 110005 (ii) IPMD Unit (CSIR). The institution and industrial concern may transfer the technology to a third party for commercialisation on exclusive/non-exclusive basis. Karol Bagh. Haryana. 2. The third party. Department of Biotechnology. 400 ii. 4. Patent Facilitating Fund: The owner institution(s) shall set apart no less than 25% of the revenue generated from IPR. Zamrudpur Community Centre. Form3 Amount of fees (in rupees) For other than natural person(s) either alone or jointly with natural person(s) Fee-On what payable For natural person(s) On application for a patent under sections 7. 3.P.Form1. Such share(s) shall not exceed 1/3rd of the actual earnings.405. 200 ii. Norms for Private Industry: IPR generated through joint research by institution(s) and industrial concern(s) through joint efforts can be owned jointly by them as may be mutually agreed to by them through a written agreement. 20-22.000 Multiple of 4. The institution may determine the share of inventor(s) and other persons from such actual earnings. March In Rights: The Government shall have a royalty-free license for the use of intellectual property for the purposes of the Government of India. must manufacture the product in India. 7. scientific or academic establishment where research is carried out through funding by the central/state government..P. 5. Patent Office Branch: (i) United 401. generated out of the IPR. Delhi. MS Office Building. Kolkata – Rest of India. H. 5th & 7th Floor. Municipal Market Building Saraswati Marg. Guidelines related to IPR and Technology Transfer As Ministry of Science and Technology has issued the guidelines “Instructions for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights”. the benefits and earnings arising out of IPR and the turnover of the products periodically to the department/ Ministry which had provided funds.. which would help in enhancing the motivation of scientists. The Patent Office Branch: 61. 6. The Fund shall be utilized by the owner for updating inventions. Royalty to Inventors: The owner institution is permitted to retain the benefits and earnings 146 4. Transfer of Technology: The institutions shall take the necessary steps to commercially exploit patents on exclusive or non-exclusive basis. New Delhi 4. b) For each claim in addition to 10. Information: The institutions shall submit information relating to the details of the patent obtained. The joint owners may share the benefits and earnings arising out of commercial exploitation of the IPR. Minicoy and Aminidevi Islands. J&K. 1000 Multiple of 1000 in case of every multiple priority. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and Department of Ocean Development. They may retain the ownership of such IPR. 3rd. Laccadive. Nizam Place. such share(s) shall be limited to one third of the actual earnings. 100 i. Form3 and Form5 Forms required filing provisional specification.000 in case of every multiple priority i. Madras – 600 002 3. Rajasthan.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Forms required filing complete specifications. U. filing new patent applications and protecting the IP rights against infringement and for building competency in the area of IPR and related issues.Form1. 800 UTs of Pondicherry. . Calcutta -700020. to create a Patent Facilitating Fund. Delhi – Punjab. The Patent Office Branch: 2nd. 234/ 4. In particular.html. 10.ipdl http://www19. Patentable part of know-how. The biological material such as recombinant DNA. bye-products.inpit. 8. there is no IPR enabling provision under the existing Indian laws. Various microorganism based formulations.indianpatents.. http://www. which are new. ICAR genetic resources bureau for agriculturally important microorganisms will make efforts to register. constructs.espacenet. To pre-empt any unforeseen grant of patents on microbes from India.ipindia. Therefore.wipo. and are patentable under the Patent Act. 2002. The Patents Act. The ICAR has a system in place for microbial germplasm registration and documentation at its National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). etc. biofertilizers. 9. specific dairy catalysts. Novel genes from microbial systems. http://patft. etc. ICAR will seek patents on microorganisms as per the Patents Act.nic. document and index these knowledge items in public domain. Research results in any field of microbial . http://patinfo. however. 5.inpit. and the processes related to their application/use.pctdb/en/ Management of Intellectual Properties The IP rights acquiring to ICAR related to microbial biotechnology would be embodied in the following Indian Acts. Microbe based ICAR shall system of Microbial germplasm registration at NBAIM to register and document the elite strains developed in etc.www. Isolation of indigenous genes from microbial systems and their application for specific target traits will have special significance and prospects.uspto. will constitute the patentable IP related to microbes: 1. The following research results in ICAR. Various genetically engineered microorganisms for an array of specific uses. Novel microbial products. 4..html · Japan patent office database – http://www.uspto. research tools of genetic engineering. · European patent office database (EPO) — http://ep. 2004 (Ordinance). their purification and testing processes. whether processes or products. ICAR shall also disclose the traditional knowledge related to the innovations made in its set up in all its patent/ IPR applications to the best of its knowledge and information. Selective culture media. 7. Forms of IP Generated in ICAR related to Microbes Patents on Microorganisms. such as biodegraders. and various formulations. The Indian Patents Act and some other IPR Acts require a disclosure of traditional knowledge used in the invention/innovation.bigpatents. 1. http://eo. etc.corn/. bio-protectants etc.wipo. and processes for their production and use. Registration and Documentation for Microbial Genetic Resources.go. bio-stimulants. such as those of bio-control agents. 3. Accordingly. Diagnostic TIFAC. Plasmids and processes of manufacturing thereof are patentable provided they are produced by substantive human for example. 2002 along with Rules 2004 (Biodiversity Act) specifies procedures for access to biological/genetic materials for agricultural research and their IPR protection. This is to discourage any patenting of the public domain 147 . such as gene primers.ipdl. 2.tifac. The Biological Diversity Act. such as enzymes. as amended from time to time.htm. it will not seek patent on a microorganism in the same form in which it is retrieved from its natural gene transfer tools. for scaling up of research results or manufacture of commercial products.nic. Information systems and software.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures List of important free patent search sites · Indian Patent office-www.go. constitute the patentable IP of ICAR. 1970 as amended in 1999. http://www. inventive (non-obvious) and useful (industrially applicable). Traditional · World intellectual property organization (WIPO) le=en_EP · United state patent office database (USPTO) http://www. and the processes for their use. 6. Protection and facilitated access to microbial germplasm is granted under the Biodiversity Act. 2005 and 2006 along with Rules 2005 (Patents Act) 2. etc. New biological materials used in the invention disclosed in the patent application are required to be deposited in any of the International Depositary Authorities (IDA) recognized under the Budapest Treaty on or before filing of the application. Reference number of deposition to be included in the specification within three months from the date of filing of the Application.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection traditional knowledge. The source or geographical origin of biological material used in the invention disclosed in the patent application will be mentioned in the specification. Deposition date shall be before the filing of Indian Application. Biological Material Used in the Invention. 5. However. all ICAR institutions must take individual initiative of depositing a referral sample at the respective National Bureaus for Microbial Genetic Resources before filing a patent for any invention based on biological material. 4. Therefore. benefit sharing and management of IP generated in the field of microbial biotechnology shall be governed as per the ICAR policies. . which receives specimens of certain microbial species only. in case of any litigation it is likely that the evidence in the form of such duly characterized and documented referral sample can be held valid at the discretion of a Court of Law. Specific attention will be given to the following points: 1. there is only one recognized depository in India under Budapest Treaty. 148 3. The issues regarding IP ownership. As of now. to supplement the description for sufficiency of disclosure of the invention. It is the Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH). Reference of such a deposit has also to be made in the patent specification. The reference samples deposited at the Genetic Resources Bureaus of ICAR will be helpful for internal reference only. 2. Publicprivate partnership. Chandigarh. Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells” through the Notification No. procedures. Streptococcus. practices. safety equipment. evaluation of GMOs etc. With good microbiological techniques.).). 1989 under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act. and Toxoplasma spp. risk groups. These Guidelines provide information to the researchers on the Rules. use risk groups in addition to biosafety levels.R. Primary barriers such as splash shields face protection. BSL3: Here. as well as the World Health Organization. approval mechanisms. the guidelines under the title “Recombinant DNA Safety Guidelines” were published. and many European countries. etc. asporogenic Bacillus subtilis or Bacillus licheniformis. BSL2: Work is done with the broad spectrum of indigenous moderate-risk agents present in the community and associated with human disease of varying severity. DBT has brought out guidelines from time to time. These levels are also similar to the ''levels of containment'' used by professional microbiologists. These rules are commonly referred as 'Rules 1989'. and laboratory facilities (Nurettin Sahin. the Government of India has notified “Rules for the Manufacture/Use/Import/Export and Storage of Hazardous Microorganisms. provided the potential for producing splashes or aerosols is low. From time to time. 1986 through the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF).1037(E). Work in microbiology and biotechnology may be categorized into four biosafety Levels (BSLs). Diagnostics and other biologicals”. and of minimal potential hazard to the environment.S. and gloves should be used. Four BSLs are described which consist of combinations of laboratory practices and techniques. Biosafety involves the elimination and reduction of chances of exposure of individuals and the environment to potentially hazardous biological agents. Biosafety also refers to promoting safe laboratory practices. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. For implementation of the Rules 1989. Uttar Pradesh. import of GMOs. G. Ministry of Science and Technology.S.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Microbial biosafety Sudheer Kumar and Dilip K. Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). U. BSL1: This represents a basic level of containment that relies on standard microbiological practices which can be carried without any specialist training. Biosafety refers to the need to protect the environment including human and animal health from the possible adverse effects of the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and products thereof derived from the use of modern biotechnology. DBT in 1999. In 1998. Yoghurt bacteria (Lactobacillus spp. implementation of the provisions of the Rules. India Modern Biotechnology (recombinant DNA technology) is recognized as having great potential for the promotion of human well being. particularly in meeting critical needs for food. risk assessment and risk management. are of minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel. Staphylococcus. Government of India. 2006). category of experiments and testing procedures for toxicity and allergenicity. proper use of containment equipment and facilities. Secondary barriers such as hand washing. Each combination is specifically appropriate for the operations performed with the documented or suspected routes of transmission of the infectious agents. safety equipment. These Guidelines provide the information on level of approvals for conducting research in transgenic plants. DBT is devising proformas for submission of applications to various Competent Authorities for specific approvals. Kushmaur. DBT has published guidelines under the title “Revised Guidelines for Research in Transgenic Plants and Guidelines for Toxicity and Allergenicity Evaluation of Transgenic Seeds. gowns. these agents can be used safely in activities conducted on the open bench. Biosafety regulations are to facilitate and regulate use of modern biotechnology work at different stages to achieve the objectives of biosafety.. or Spirulina sp. waste decontamination and disposal facilities must be available to reduce potential environmental contamination. The recommended biosafety level(s) for the organisms represent those conditions under which the agent can ordinarily be safely handled. Plants and Plant Parts”. handling of GMOs. In 1990. and facilities are 149 . Representative organisms assigned to BL2 are the Salmonellae. The two main agencies identified for implementation of the Rules 1989 are the Ministry of Environment & Forests and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). also brought out guidelines for “Generating pre-clinical and clinical data for r-DNA based Vaccines. agriculture and healthcare. yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces carlsbergensis for the production of bread or beer and some unicellular algae (Chlorella sp. and for the laboratory function or activity. The Rules 1989 have also defined Competent Authorities and the composition of such Authorities for handling of various biosafety aspects. For facilitating and regulating the research work on GMOs & products thereof at laboratory scale and also in commercial applications. Risk groups are another way of assessing certain health and safety related characteristics of microorganisms. etc. Escherichia coli K12 (cloning strains) are representative of those microorganisms that are not associated with disease in healthy adult humans. dated 5th December. WHO and Govt. The primary hazards to personnel working with Biosafety Level 4 agents are respiratory exposure to infectious aerosols. use. import. . Louis encephalitis virus. The NBIAM follows the guidelines provided by the WFCC. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. mucous membrane exposure to infectious droplets. All the safety procedures of microorganism handling described in the Biosafey Manual for Laboratories are in practice in the NBAIM laboratories. teaching. and which may cause serious and potentially lethal infection. Primary hazards to personnel working with these agents relate to autoinoculation.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection applicable to clinical. and autoinoculation. and facilities are applicable for work with dangerous and exotic agents that pose a high individual risk of life threatening disease. 1989). export and transport of microorganisms and their risk assessment is according to the Acts and Rules of Govt. of India to develop their laboratory and for the research work. and for which there is no available vaccine or therapy. or production facilities in which work is done with indigenous or exotic agents with a potential for respiratory transmission. and exposure to infectious aerosols. ingestion. which may be transmitted via the aerosol route. safety equipment. The Import. of India (Rules for the manufacture. research. and Coxiella burnetii are representative of microorganisms assigned to this level. diagnostic. genetically engineered organisms or cells. BSL4: In this case practices.Crimean hemorrhagic fever are manipulated at Biosafety Level 4. St. export & storage of hazardous micro organisms. Viruses such 150 as Marburg or Congo. For the purposes of this section the term “biosecurity” will refer to the protection of microbial agents from loss. this has not eliminated the risk of misuse of biosciences research. the term biosecurity is used in place of the term biosafety. biomedical. while there is also the risk that terrorists will use biological agents and toxins (bioterrorism). for example by adopting codes of conduct. In the animal industry. through laboratory design and access restrictions. yet maintain control over and account for research materials. Generally biosecurity is used to check introduction of new pathogens from cross boundary of a territory. additional rules and provisions will sometimes be necessary. stockpiling and acquisition of biological and toxin weapons by signing and ratifying the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). biological materials. production. While the objectives are different. the same knowledge and understanding can also be misused to develop biological and toxin weapons. protect relevant sensitive information. However. Uttar Pradesh. accountability and oversight are targeted mainly at individuals: researchers. laboratory workers. However. This was recently reaffirmed in the final declaration issued at the end of the sixth BTWC review conference (NovemberDecember. Their actions are also governed by legislation and by numerous codes of practice. Biosafety is achieved by implementing various degrees of laboratory control and containment. Implementation and compliance with the code of conduct The rules laid down in the Biosecurity Code of Conduct call for implementation and compliance at different levels.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Microbial biosecurity Sudheer Kumar and Dilip K. Because the provisions of the code of conduct apply at different levels and to different types of organization. Biosafety programs reduce or eliminate exposure of individuals and the environment to potentially hazardous biological agents. use of containment equipment. Kushmaur. 2006). Several of the security measures discussed in this section is embedded in the biosafety levels that serve as the foundation for good laboratory practices throughout the biological laboratory community. These levels correspond with the various target groups identified in the code. theft. which also referred to the importance of raising awareness of the issue. diversion or intentional misuse. However. and safe methods of managing infectious materials in a laboratory setting. the term biosecurity relates to the protection of an animal colony from microbial contamination. Security is not a new concept in biological research and medical laboratories. concepts. This is consistent with current WHO and American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) usage of this term. Many of these rules and regulations greatly reduce the risk that research in the life sciences can be misused to develop biological or toxin weapons. The objective of biosecurity is to prevent loss. Research in the life sciences generates knowledge and understanding that make a significant contribution to global health and welfare. Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). in the interests of oversight 151 . many of the rules in the code of conduct will already be implemented by virtue of existing rules and guidelines based on biosafety policy or occupational health and safety legislation. There is therefore no need for a central supervisory body. India The term “biosecurity” has multiple definitions. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. In some countries. biosafety and biosecurity measures are usually complementary. it is the responsibility of the organizations themselves to tailor the practical implementation of the code of conduct to the needs of their institution. theft or misuse of microorganisms. A large number of countries took an important step towards ending the development. These measures are in place in most laboratories that apply good laboratory management practices and have appropriate biosafety programs. personnel expertise and training. it is important to continue highlighting the potential for misuse (dual use) of life science research. and research-related information. managers and others. Scientists and other professionals engaged in biological. However. biotechnological and other life sciences research are bound by the codes of ethics of their professions and their responsibilities as scientists. Other provisions apply to research institutions or financing or monitoring agencies. In practice. research materials and information. Supervision and oversight The organizations and institutions will be able to monitor compliance with these additional rules and instructions themselves. Some states have still not signed the convention. Calls for awareness. This is accomplished by limiting access to facilities. and work in facilities with access controls commensurate with the potential public health and economic impact of the biological agents in their collections. Most biomedical and microbiological laboratories do not have biological agents or toxins. Nevertheless. Biosafety and biosecurity Biosafety and biosecurity are related. but not identical. The organizations and institutions will have to appoint compliance officers with responsibility for this supervision. or appropriate authorities. organisations. and use of scientific knowledge. § performing regular evaluations of awareness of and compliance with the Biosecurity Code of Conduct. organisations and institutions that issue permits for life sciences research or which subsidise. institutions and companies that conduct life sciences research. The centre's activities would include: § monitoring relevant developments in the field of biosecurity. Work to ensure that their discoveries and knowledge do no harm (I) by refusing to engage in any research that is intended to facilitate or that has a high probability of being used to facilitate bioterrorism or biowarfare. editors and publishers of life sciences publications and administrators of websites dedicated to life sciences. Work for ethical and beneficent advancement. § consulting experts who can provide advice on whether the results of potential dual use life science research should be published. § coordinating the publication of information and educational materials. biotechnological and other life sciences research and the constraints imposed by the BTWC and other regulations in that context. 5. § maintaining contacts with relevant actors in the government and civil society. institutions and companies that provide education and training in life sciences. Code of ethics for the life sciences All persons and institutions engaged in any aspect of the life sciences must 1. Shipment and transport § Carry out (additional) screening with attention to biosecurity aspects of transporters and recipients of potential dual-use biological materials. or acquisition of microbial or other biological agents or toxins. 2. facilitate and monitor or evaluate that research. 4. Code of conduct on biosecurity Basic principles The aim of this code of conduct is to prevent life sciences research or its application from directly or indirectly contributing to the development. biotechnological and other life sciences research. institutions and companies where relevant biological materials or toxins are managed. Accountability and oversight § Report any finding or suspicion of misuse of dual-use technology directly to the competent persons or commissions. whatever their origin or method of production. 3. Target group The Biosecurity Code of Conduct is intended for: 1. § Weigh the anticipated results against the risks of the research if possible dual-use aspects are identified. Internal and external communication § Provide (additional) security for internal and external e-mails. telephone calls and data storage concerning information about potential dual-use research or potential dual-use materials. Accessibility § Carry out (additional) screening with attention to biosecurity aspects of staff and visitors to institutions and companies where potential dual-use life sciences research is performed or potential dual-use biological materials are stored. authors. § Reduce the risk that the publication of the results of potential dual-use life sciences research in scientific publications will unintentionally contribute to misuse of that knowledge. and (ii) by never knowingly or recklessly contributing to development. post. 7.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection and coordination it would be useful to create a National Biosecurity Centre. including maintaining a website with up-to-date information. therapeutic. professionals engaged in the performance of biological. Seek to allow access to biological agents that could be . 3. 2. § Take whistleblowers seriously and ensure that they do not suffer any adverse effects from their actions. or other peaceful purposes. 4. Call to the attention of the public. professional associations and organisations of employers and employees in the field of life sciences. production or stockpiling of biological weapons. § organising conferences. stockpiled or shipped. § Devote regular attention to the theme of biosecurity in professional journals and on websites. organisations. of types or in quantities that cannot be justified on the basis that they are necessary for prophylactic. activities (including unethical research) that there are reasonable grounds to believe are likely to contribute to bioterrorism or biowarfare. production. organisations. protective. 6. stored. or to any other misuse of biological agents and toxins. in consultation with the competent authorities and other parties. 152 Research and publication policy § Screen for possible dual-use aspects during the application and assessment procedure and during the execution of research projects. biomedical. as described in the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). biomedical. scientific organisations. development. Rules of conduct Raising awareness § Devote specific attention in the education and further training of professionals in the life sciences to the risks of misuse of biological. 153 . Assumptions include: l although a wide range of threats are possible. location and quantities. The stakeholders include but are not be limited to: senior management. Most importantly.e. and (ii) involvement of human or animal subjects is ethical and essential for carrying out highly important research. theft and potential misuse of pathogens and toxins. A biosecurity risk assessment should analyze the probability and consequences of loss.e. Step 1: Identify and Prioritize Biological Materials § Identify the biological materials that exist at the institution. l Evaluate the probability of each scenario materializing (i. including non-replicating materials (i. scientific staff. the likelihood) and its associated consequences. and opportunity of these various potential adversaries. security and engineering officials. form of the material. 9. an adversary. Step 2: Identify and Prioritize the Threat to Biological Materials § Identify the types of “Insiders” who may pose a threat to the biological materials at the institution..e. Example guidance for these five steps is provided below.. Faithfully transmit this code and the ethical principles upon which it is based to all who are or may become engaged in the conduct of science. means. § Identify the types of “Outsiders” (if any) who may pose a threat to the biological materials at the institution. researchers and laboratory supervisors must be committed to being responsible stewards of infectious agents and toxins. 4) design and develop an overall risk management program. Abide by laws and regulations that apply to the conduct of science unless to do so would be unethical and recognize a responsibility to work through societal institutions to change laws and regulations that conflict with ethics. vulnerability and mitigation. 5) regularly evaluate the institution's risk posture and protection objectives. § Prioritize the biological materials based on the consequences of misuse (i. l all agents/assets are not equally attractive to an adversary. 2) identify and prioritize the adversary/threat to biologicals and/or toxins. 7. 5.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures used as biological weapons only to individuals for whom there are reasonable grounds to believe that they will not misuse them. Subject research activities to ethics and safety reviews and monitoring to ensure that (i) legitimate benefits are being sought and that they outweigh the risks and harms. l how the existing protection measures could be breached (i. A Biosecurity Risk Assessment and Management Process Different models exist regarding biosecurity risk assessment. Development of a biosecurity program should be a collaborative process involving all stakeholders. l how the undesired event could occur. Seek to restrict dissemination of dual-use information and knowledge to those who need to know in cases where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the information or knowledge could be readily misused through bioterrorism or biowarfare. 6. and the potential need for select enhanced precautions are considered. threat. information technology staff. § Prioritize or rank the scenarios by risk for review by management. 3) analyze the risk of specific security scenarios. no additional steps would need to be completed. or undesired events that could occur at the institution (each scenario is a combination of an agent. Consider: l access to the agent within your laboratory. l valid and credible threats. and safety..e. Recognize. human resource officials. all persons' rights of conscientious objection to participation in research that they consider ethically or morally objectionable. In this event. toxins). The entire risk assessment and risk management process may be divided into five main steps. timely and cost effective solutions addressing the identified security risks without unduly affecting the scientific or business enterprise or provision of clinical and/or diagnostic services. Step 3: Analyze the Risk of Specific Security Scenarios l Develop a list of possible biosecurity scenarios. § Evaluate the motive. l protective measures in place to prevent occurrence. each of which can be further subdivided: 1) identify and prioritize biologicals and/or toxins. At this point. This coordinated approach is critical in ensuring that the biosecurity program provides reasonable. an institution may find that none of its biological materials merit the development and implementation of a separate biosecurity program or the existing security at the facility is adequate. and an action). risk of malicious use). existing precautions. certain threats are more probable than others. Developing a Biosecurity Programme Management. Most models share common components such as asset identification. 8.. without penalty. § Evaluate the potential for misuse of these biological materials. The involvement of organizations and/or personnel responsible for a facility's overall security is critical because many potential biosecurity measures may already be in place as part of an existing safety or security program. vulnerabilities). The need for a biosecurity program should reflect sound risk management practices based on a site-specific risk assessment. § Evaluate the consequences of misuse of these biological materials. the biosecurity risk assessment should be used as the basis for making risk management decisions. institutional management must support the biosecurity program. The need for entry by visitors. use. documenting which biosecurity scenarios represent an unacceptable risk and must be mitigated versus those risks appropriately handled through existing protection controls. management should define: 1) the materials (or forms of materials) subject to accountability measures. visitor management. management can designate an accountable individual who is knowledgeable about the materials in use and responsible for security of the materials under his or her control. how material is identified. 3) operating procedures associated with inventory maintenance (e. implementation. etc.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Step 4: Develop an Overall Risk Management Program § Management commits to oversight. Employee screening policies and procedures are used to help evaluate these individuals. Step 5: Reevaluate the Institution's Risk Posture and Protection Objectives § Management regularly reevaluates and makes necessary modifications to the: · biosecurity risk statement. Personnel Management Personnel management includes identifying the roles and responsibilities for employees who handle. 2) records to be maintained.. and 4) documentation and reporting requirements. and reporting of security incidents. Policies should be developed for personnel and visitor identification. Methods for limiting access could be as simple as locking doors or having a card key system in place. Information Security Policies should be established for handling sensitive information associated with the biosecurity program. and incident response plans. It is important to emphasize that microbiological agents are capable of replication and are often expanded to accommodate the nature of the work involving their use. sensitive information and/or other assets. The effectiveness of a biosecurity program against identified threats depends.). the biosecurity program and incident response plans. Evaluations on the levels of access should consider all facets of the laboratory's operations and programs (e. training and annual re-evaluation of the security program. cleaning/maintenance staff and emergency response personnel should be considered. Program components should be site-specific and based upon organizational threat/vulnerability assessment and as determined appropriate by facility management. store and transport dangerous pathogens and/or other important assets. update intervals and timelines for record maintenance. Depending on the risks associated with a pathogen or toxin..). used. transfer and destruction of dangerous biological materials and assets when no longer needed. Inventory and Accountability Material accountability procedures should be established to track the inventory. toxins. training and maintenance of the biosecurity program. § Management ensures necessary resources to achieve the protection measures documented in the biosecurity plan. and revised as needed. access procedures. Many requirements for a biosecurity plan may already exist in a facility's overall security plan. students. Physical Security – Access Control and Monitoring The physical security elements of a laboratory biosecurity program are intended to prevent the removal of assets for non-official purposes. Examples of sensitive information may include facility security plans. To achieve this. The objective is to know what agents exist at a facility. ELEMENTS OF A BIOSECURITY PROGRAM Many facilities may determine that existing safety and security programs provide adequate mitigation for the security concerns identified through biosecurity risk assessment. For the purpose of these policies "sensitive information" is that which is related to the security of pathogens and toxins. · the institution's biosecurity program/plan. storage. management officials. access control codes. use. § Management develops a biosecurity plan to describe how the institution will mitigate those unacceptable risks including: · a written security plan. agent inventories and storage . where they are located. laboratory workers. The biosecurity program should be integrated into relevant institutional policies and plans. An evaluation of the physical security measures should include a thorough 154 review of the building and premises. first and foremost. exercised.g. Appropriate authority must be delegated for implementation and the necessary resources provided to assure program goals are being met. · written protocols for employee training on potential hazards. roles. § Management assures the daily implementation. and responsibilities should be distributed to the staff. etc. · biosecurity risk assessment process. Access should be limited to authorized and designated employees based on the need to enter sensitive areas. § Management develops a biosecurity risk statement. Therefore. · the institution's biosecurity systems. Program Management If a biosecurity plan is implemented. knowing the exact “working” quantity of organisms at any given time may be impractical. where it can be stored. Program management should ensure that biosecurity plans are created. freezer access. and who is responsible for them. on the integrity of those individuals who have access to pathogens.g. An organizational structure for the biosecurity program that clearly defines the chain of command. or other critical infrastructure information. the laboratories and biological material storage areas. laboratory entrance requirements. standard operating procedures. incident reporting and identification of and response to security breaches. unauthorized personnel in restricted areas. and after transport of pathogens or other potentially hazardous biological materials. Transport of Biological Agents Material transport policies should include accountability measures for the movement of materials within an institution (e. Personnel should be adequately trained and familiar with regulatory and institutional procedures for proper containment. and mitigate the identified threats.. missing biological agents. Facilities are encouraged to coordinate with medical. documentation and transport of biological materials. computer drives. and any relevant regulatory or public authorities.g. Transport security measures should be instituted to ensure that appropriate authorizations have been received and that adequate communication between facilities has occurred before. 155 . injury or other safety issue or security threat.g. The roles and responsibilities of all involved officials and programs should be clearly defined. Incorporating biosecurity measures into existing procedures and response plans often provides efficient use of resources saves time and can minimize confusion in an emergency situation. police and other emergency officials when preparing emergency and security breach response plans. fire. during. between institutions or locations). Laboratory emergency response plans should be integrated with relevant facility-wide or site specific security plans. Accident. These plans should also consider such adverse events as bomb threats. Biosecurity program managers should develop and conduct biosecurity program audits and implement corrective actions as needed. This communication chain should include laboratory and program officials. between laboratories. Transport policies should address the need for appropriate documentation and material accountability and control procedures for pathogens in transit between locations. Program management should establish training programs that inform and educate individuals regarding their responsibilities within the laboratory and the institution. Facilities should develop policies that govern the identification. Policies should address the reporting and investigation of potential security breaches (e. etc. labeling. Audit results and corrective actions should be documented. emergency response to accidents and injuries. Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) should be developed that minimize the potential exposure of responding personnel to potentially hazardous biological materials. Reporting and Communication Communication is an important aspect of a biosecurity program.. Policies for properly identifying and securing sensitive information including electronic files and removable electronic media (e.g. A “chain-of notification” should be established in advance of an actual event.). natural disasters and severe weather. the safety and health of laboratory employees and the surrounding community must take precedence in an emergency over biosecurity concerns. institution management.) should be developed. The objective of an information security program is to protect information from unauthorized release and ensure that the appropriate level of confidentiality is preserved. Security Updates and Reevaluations The biosecurity risk assessment and program should be reviewed and updated routinely and following any biosecurity-related incident. Practice drills should address a variety of scenarios such as loss or theft of materials. unusual or threatening phone calls. support the mission of the organization.) and outside of the facility (e. CDs. Training and Practice Drills Biosecurity training is essential for the successful implementation of a biosecurity program. Injury and Incident Response Plans Laboratory security policies should consider situations that may require emergency responders or public safety personnel to enter the facility in response to an accident. Reevaluation is a necessary and on-going process in the dynamic environments of today's biomedical and research laboratories. power outages. packaging.g. The preservation of human life. etc. It is critical that access to sensitive information be controlled. Records should be maintained by the appropriate program officials. The information security program should be tailored to meet the needs of the business environment. These scenarios may be incorporated into existing emergency response drills such as fire drills or building evacuation drills associated with bomb threats..Catalogue of Microbial Cultures locations. and other facility emergencies that may introduce security threats. marking and handling of sensitive information. during shipping and receiving activities.. etc. Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis for disease control. · Use of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) e. It is clear that microorganisms do. · Use of microbial egg parasite of nematodes. Thus there is an urgent need to recycle all available organics in a more efficient way and improve and expand biofertilizer usage. offer considerable potential (generally unexploited) for insect. Kushmaur. India Microorganisms take a decisive role in sustainable and organic agriculture. and potential of these species that was not evident before the availability of the genome sequence. Microorganisms present in the rhizosphere are reported to alleviate the salinity or drought stress by different mechanisms. · Use of entomopathogenic fungi for control of insect pests. with close links to value addition of food by microorganisms to promote agro-industries. aeuroginosa. biodynamic compost and microbial liquid manures. The identification of new genes from indigenous microbes will help in development of transgenic crops tolerant to abiotic and biotic stress. Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). and insufficient application of nutrients has led to serious nutrient imbalances. stimulating plant growth. Introducing screening programs to collections will give biodiversity rich countries ownership and through partnerships allow them to benefit from exploitation of the microbial diversity they hold. Bacillus subtilis. stutzeri. · Use of AM-based bio-fertilizers and bio-preparations. Biological control agents (BCAs). Microbial diversity. particularly those which contribute to reducing losses and to increasing the efficiency of “post-production system”. Pseudomonas fluorescens. Post harvest sector is focused on ensuring enhanced value of food and agricultural products in developing countries through the application of cost-efficient and environmentally-sound post-harvest techniques. Potential areas in agriculture for harnessing the microbial resources for sustainable agriculture: Microbial management of diseases and insect in crop plants · Development of BCA for soil borne plant pathogens. as well as ensuring a fully-integrated approach to postproduction management. aid in the characterisation of strains and establish ex situ conservation programs to utilize preservation technologies to retain properties and introduce modern methodologies to add value to strains. They can help initiate targeted isolation programs. increasing nutrients availability and accelerating decomposition of organic materials. P. Culture collections can play a capacity-building role to help biodiversity-rich countries better understand and utilize their microbial diversity. the identification of metabolic pathways and the analysis of transporter profiles across various species. Environmental stresses such as the application of agrochemicals practiced in agriculture are evaluated from the decrease in microbial diversity and the structural change of microbial communities. provide solutions to societal problems. Microbial management in horticulture · Microbial analysis of biodynamic preparations. P.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Utilization of agriculturally important microorganisms Alok Kumar Srivastava and Dilip K. · Use of asymbiotic nitrogen fixers. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. and will continue to. impaired soil health and declining factor productivity. · For induced systemic resistance. the tremendous success of genome 156 sequencing has allowed us to pursue other avenues where we can now derive genomic information from the multitudes of uncultivable prokaryotic species and complex microbial populations that exist in nature. · As growth promoters. Most significantly.g. activities. Bradyrhizobium japonicum. They have very wide potentialities by controlling soil-borne pathogens. Every genome that has been sequenced to date has provided new insight into biological processes. Sequence databases and comparative tools are now more easily accessible and allow for successful comparisons of different genomes. The field of microbial genomics has provided opportunities for identification of novel genes. Plant Growth Promoting Microorganisms (PGPM) · Use of Trichoderma harzianum. The continuous decline in soil organic matter levels due to continuous cropping without recycling enough crop or animal residues. microbial load. and are anticipated to increase crop production as well as maintain sound environments for crop production. Community structure of microorganisms is also important to take into account for sustainable agriculture. presence of indicator microorganisms are useful index to study soil health. particularly fungal and bacterial agents. . disease and weed control. Uttar Pradesh. · Use of mycorrhizal fungi. and they have a role in sustainable development. Microbial strategy for improving crop nutrition · Developing BGA biofertilizer technology. Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus sp. 157 . Cephalobus persegnis. are used as compost accelerator after supplementation of rock phosphate and urea to narrow down the C: P and C: N ratio of substrates. · Use of Bacteriovorous nematodes eg. · Trichurus spiralis. · Developing technology to prepare microbial enriched compost. Paeciliomyces fusisporus. · Large scale microbial-based vermicomposting of coconut wastes using a local species of epigeic earthworm (Eudrilus sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures · As detoxificants of xenobiotics.). Microbes for agro-waste management/composting · Use of microorganism that can hasten the process of composting. for aerobic composting. · Use of mesophilic/ thermophilic cultures for agricultural residue management. Mesorhabditis cranganorensis and Panagrolaimus sp. Microbes in bioremediation · Use of microorganisms in remediation of heavy metals and other pollutants. · As nutrient solubilizer and mobilizer. Post Bag No. Type of Applicant Individual Organizational Identification Number: ______________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Representative: ____________________________________________________________ Correspondent: ____________________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________________ FAX: _____________________________ e-mail address: _____________________________________________________________ II. Term of deposit: _______________________________________________________________ 158 . E-Mail : nbaimicar@gmail. the Form 1 Application for Deposit of Biological Material I. Deposition of Biological Material Scientific Name: ____________________________________________________________ Identification number of symbol given by the applicant: _________________________ Preserved in: Freeze-dried ampoules.275101 Tel : (0547) 2530080. Frozen vials slants Microtiter plates Others (__________________________________) Amount: ____________________________ ampoules/ vials/ slants/ plates Hazardous to: None animals plants human (BSL: 1 2 3 4 ) Origin country: __________________________________________________________________ Sampling permit obtained from the country? Yes No NA Resulted from Government fund project? No Yes (from _______________________) Published or to be published? No Yes (References: ________________________) The intellectual property right belongs to the applicant Other (________________) III. The “derivative” means material created from the biological material that is substantially modified to have new properties such as. 6. recombinant DNA clones made using the biological material) ? Safe Deposit: without written consent of the applicant. Terms & Condition for Deposition (Here Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT MICROORGANISMS (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Kusmaur. Uttar Pradesh. the biological material. (Web): www. or the related information shall not be provided to any third party. Mau Nath Bhanjan. FAX : (0547) 2530381.nbaom. the “duplicate” means progeny of the biological material without substantial modification. Catalogue of Microbial Cultures ? Public deposit: upon accepted by NBAIM. dissemination of samples. The applicant certify his or her lawful ownership or lawful license interest in the subject biological material. the applicant shall bear all responsibility. If the recipient wishes to use the biological material. Applicant: ____________________________________________ (Signature) Representative: ________________________________________ (Signature) Date: ___________________________________________________________ 159 . or other action as to the subject biological material. Signature…………………. which action include deposit of the biological material and may further include access and use. Other terms and conditions: __________________________________________________ IV. and agrees to the NBAIM regulations for deposits and samples of biological material. or certify that he or she has the lawful right to take all such action as are entailed in the depository process for which he or she applies. Attachment Fees for safe deposit: ________________________________________________________ Basic information on biological material (Passport data form) Import permit for the biological material Samples Others ______________________________ V. The biological material may be made publicly accessible Immediately not until the date of _____________________________________ 2. and shall have no legal resources for damages against NBAIM or its officers or personnel. In the event of any dispute. 1. Use restriction None For experimental or research purposes only. 1. and shall declare whatever contractual or other legal restrictions apply to his or her right to take such actions. The applicant hereby files an application with NBAIM for deposit the sample identified in this application form. Others _____________________________________________________________________ 3. donation. or to authorize NBAIM to take such actions as are set out in the application. the biological material may be listed in the publicly accessible bioresource catalogue of BCRC and NBAIM shall have the right to furnish the biological material to the public. 2. the recipient shall negotiate with the applicant for another agreement. duplicates or derivatives for commercial purposes. Passport Data for Submission of Microbial Cultures Name of Depositor: Designation: Address: Phone/Fax: E-mail: Microorganism's details Name of Microorganism (with race/biotype etc. FAX : (0547) 2530381.275101 Tel : (0547) 2530080. Uttar Pradesh.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection je°^erÙe ke=âef<e GheÙeesieer met#cepeerJe yÙetjes NATIONAL BUREAU OF AGRICULTURALLY IMPORTANT MICROORGANISMS YeejleerÙe ke=âef<e DevegmebOeeve heefj<eod (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) kegâmeceewj. (Web): www.) Type of Microorganism Fungus Bacterium Actinomycetes Cynobacterium Other Isolation details Source of Isolation Plant Animal Insect Soil Name of host Variety Isolated from which part Isolated by with date Geographical origin Longitude & Latitude Place/Village District State Growth and maintenance Growth & maintenance Media Temperature Incubation time Other 160 Growth Sporulation Water Other . E-Mail : nbaimicar@gmail. Gòej ØeosMe-275101 Kusmaur. IPR/Patent information Any other Signature and Date Attach separate sheet. if any) Image Economic importance (provide details) Agriculturally Industrially Medicinally Pathogenic details (virulence/aggressiveness) Other Other Deposited in form of Deposited in other collection with no.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Identification details Morphological description Image Chemotaxonomic description Image Physiological description Image Molecular description (with NCBI/EMBL/DDBJ accession number. 161 . Attach separate sheet for each isolate. Photocopies of this form may be used. Tick appropriate box. if necessary. according to the evaluation of the risks as for the manipulation and for the storage of the microorganism in the environment of the NBAIM. Material for which any form of protection has been sought elsewhere. Publication in standard peer reviewed journal (a copy of 162 reprint to be submitted). for a maximum of three years period. including bacteria. with the approval of the Chairman. genetically modified. institutional or national identity. a microorganism of Group P3 may be accepted. All claims concerning the material submitted for registration should accompany scientific evidence for uniqueness (Annexure III). The Director. Do not contain complete passport data. Eligibility Criteria for Registration The germplasm should have complete passport data information.P. NBAIM. which is unique. novelty. 3. The NBAIM will not recognize plasmids as “kind of microorganism". will be the nodal agency for registration of germplasm. agricultural and industrial or commercial value shall be registered. symbionts and hosts.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection GUIDELINES FOR REGISTRATION OF MICROBIAL GERMPLASM A. 5. Certified evaluation data for at least three years under AICRP trial/nursery tests supported with relevant extracts of the documents or verification by concerned PD/ PC or three location data under any other relevant system. Microbial Germplasm to be Registered Germplasm of the microorganisms. including taxonomy. 6. risk group and the uniqueness of the germplasm. distinct and stable. geographical location. Mau Nath Bhanjan. exceptionally. Information related to the development and contribution. Microorganisms are not accepted where they are contaminated. The NBAIM accepts these microorganisms whether they are. The Depositor / Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for completing a Biosafety registration form. This is needed to maintain registries of persons at risk for exposure to biological agents. It will have provision for adoption of need-based specialists of a group of microorganism with reference to the material under consideration. scientific. 5. Publication of information on potential value of proposed germplasm in institute annual report or any other such reports. 4. isolation and sporulation requirements. method of preservation. or a microorganism of Group P2 may be refused. but as part of the properties of an accepted microorganism. including authenticated taxonomic identity. if any · Phenotypic and genetic markers (if available) · The degree of relatedness with other related groups · The brief description of identification and detection techniques · The sensitivity. geographical location of origin and all such information relating to the development and contribution. AND/ OR 3. reproducibility and value in the form of1. Microorganisms are not accepted where their properties are so exceptional that the NBAIM is technically not in a position to perform the tasks. reliability in quantitative terms and specificity of detection and identification techniques · Verification of the genetic stability of the organisms and factors affecting that stability (if known) · The description of the geographic distribution and of the natural habitat of the organisms including information on natural predators. cynobacteria. The application should be addressed to the Director. Microorganism that require physical containment levels of P3 or P4 are not accepted. A committee would be constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Director General (Crop Sciences). Nodal Agency 1. . or not. actinomycetes and viruses. Microbial Germplasm Ineligible for Registration 1. NBAIM will be a permanent member and it would include a senior level scientist from NBAIM to function as Member Secretary. 3. Indian Council of Agricultural Research. AND/ OR 4. Microbial Germplasm Registration Committee (MGRC) 1. 2. Complete passport data should include · Scientific name · Any other name or synonyms. E. 2. AND/ OR 2. if any to the uniqueness of the germplasm. 1. B. NBAIM. 7. · Possible ecological sites from where microorganisms were isolated 2. and has potential proven attributes of academic. U. along with the microbial cultures and a certificate of submission of microbial culture for conservation. Authenticated taxonomic identity 3. prey parasites and competitors. D. C. Certificate of the validation test of the claimed attribute by any institution as per the advice of registration authority. Institutional or national identity 4. Microbial germplasm and genetic stock without accompanying documentary evidence for the claim made in the application. fungi. H. De-registration A registration may be repealed by the MGRC in case of false claim(s) or disputed IPR claim. PD or PC for validation of information. Conservation. Each proposal will be forwarded to the relevant Director. MGRC will duly acknowledge with date. The novel gene will be conserved in the gene bank of the NBAIM. The proposals complete in all respect along with the comments of relevant Director. F. Appeal for counter claim. NBAIM Internet Website http://www. Indian Journal of Microbiology – published by Association of Microbiologists of India. NBAIM Annual Report. ICAR Annual Report 5. will screen the proposal(s) submitted on prescribed Proforma. 2. The revised application should accompany such report duly endorsed by the competent authority of the institute. advised for the validation. 7. Maintenance and Sustainable Utilisation of Registered Germplasm 1. NBAIM will maintain a permanent register and database listing the germplasm materials approved by MGRC with details on unique traits and other related information. A brief description of not more than one page (see Annexure IV for instructions) would be published in the ensuing issue of appropriate periodicals. for consideration of applications and related matters. NBAIM. 6. 2. 163 . if any. The Member Secretary. G. UP. particularly on uniqueness and novelty of the proposed germplasm. the applicant would be asked to produce a validation report from an appropriate institute. I. The decision of the MGRC will be final. with the concurrence of the Chairman. ICAR News . Krishi Anusandhan Delhi University.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures 2. The institution associated with the development of the germplasm is also to be mandated with the maintenance of working stock of germplasm for supply to users. Notification of Registered Germplasm All germplasm material approved for registration would be officially communicated to the applicants along with Registration Number. K. After initial screening.nbaim. 275101 3. Validity of Registration The period for validity of registration shall be five years after which the registered germplasm would be national sovereign property. PD or PC will be put up to the Registration Committee for consideration. Registered germplasm will be conserved in the culture collection of NBAIM in mineral oil or liquid nitrogen or lyophilized. 4. Screening of Application(s) and their Consideration by the MGRC 1. 3. ICAR. New Delhi – 110 012 4. New Delhi – 110 012 2. the receipt of the application and of the microbial culture. 3. A certificate to this effect will also be issued to the applicant. 5. Annexure I). the incomplete applications would be advised for appropriate revision. Application Form Application shall be made on the prescribed Proforma (Form A. such as: 1. The Member Secretary. should reach the MGRC within a period of three months of the publication of brief note. The MGRC shall meet at least twice a year. The MGRC will consider the proposal as early as possible and not later than one year. 3.published by the Publication and Information Division. as per the guidelines of the checklist at NBAIM (Annexure II). Maunath Bhanjan. MGRC. The application in which the validation of the data is felt necessary. advised by the Director NBAIM. 2. The Form-A must be accompanied by complete description of the germplasm material using standard taxonomic descriptors. It may include morphological characters (along with colony and microphotograph). The material must be accompanied with properly filled Form-A (Annexure-I). FAX: . A declaration to the effect that working-stock for supply to users would be maintained by the institution associated with the development of the material. Maunath Bhanjan. Submission of Application and Material 1. they should be preserved after sporulation or submitted on slants with details of growth and sporulation conditions. actinomycetes and cyanobacteria should be submitted. 2. 275101 UP Phone: 0547-2530080. Guidelines for Submitting the Culturable Microorganisms The microorganism that can be cultured on different media should be submitted as: 1.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL/ GERMPLASM MATERIAL A. B. They should be submitted as : 1. In case of viruses it should be in the form of purified virus preparation or in any other established protocol for conservation like low temperature vacuum dried infected leaves. Two lyophilized tubes or three slants of fungi. biochemical and molecular characteristics. 3. The cultures should be viable and pure. Guidelines for Submission of Obligate Microorganisms Obligate microorganisms remained associated with their living host and can not be cultured on the medium. 4. All microbial germplasm proposed to be registered should be submitted to the following address: The Director .com. These microorganisms should be submitted with infected part of their host or in the form of resting structures / spores should be submitted with established conservation protocol. C. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms Kusmaur. only in cases. duly signed by the applicant and the Head of the institution with official seal (15 copies each with attached documentary evidences to be submitted). bacteria. where established protocols are available for their conservation using cryogenic or any other technology.547-2530358 Email: nbaimicar@gmail. 2. In case of spore forming fungi. Kaithauli. 3. 164 . The obligate microorganism can be submitted to NBAIM. 3. date of 1st application (v) If validation test suggested. Alternate identity 6. Application status (Code) New Revised 2. II. Taxonomic name (ii) Date of application (iii) Whether new or revised (iv) If revised. Basis of eligibility (code) AR PR CT Other 10. Value referred to (code) Scientific Academic Commercial Other (xi) Remarks 9.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Annexure I Form 'A' Application for Registration of Microbial Germplasm (To be submitted to The Director. Criteria for registration (Unique feature(s)) I. Maunath Bhanjan. 275101 UP Please refer to guidelines for filling the application form appended and Codes 1. Validity test suggested Yes No 11. whether report 4. sent for revision (vii) Whether registered or rejected Yes No (viii) Date of registration or rejection (ix) Registration Number 7.) Designation Address Telephone Fax E-mail (Please attach separate sheet for additional name(s) and address(es) of co-authors (Persons responsible) 165 . Sent for validation c. Type of microorganism Fungi Bacteria Cyanobacteria Virus For Use of NBAIM (i) Application number Actinomycetes Other 3. NBAIM. Biological status of the material to be registered RE MU GP Other 5. Quantity deposited (Actual) (x) Notified on 8. attached (vi) Action taken a./Ms/Mr. Forwarded for registration b. III. Incomplete. Particulars of the scientist(s)/person(s) who developed germplasm/genetic stock Name (Dr. NBAIM and also its sustainable use by maintaining appropriate quantity of Active/Working Collection and providing access as appropriate on prior informed consent and on mutually agreed terms. Passport information of germplasm Accession number Fax Other identity Source Soil Other Insect Plant Animal Place / geographical area of isolation Growth and maintenance Culture medium for growth and sporulation Temperature for growth and sporulation Time for sporulation any other Importance of microorganism Agricultural Biotechnological Other Industrial Nature of microorganism Plant pathogenic Animal / human pathogenic Hazardous Risk to environment Unknown Other Gene identified (if any) 14./Ms/Mr. biochemical and molecular (if necessary attach details in separate sheet) 1. Salient characteristics morphological. Name and address of the corresponding person (Developer / Depositor) Name (Dr. COUNTERSIGNED BY HEAD OF INSTITUTE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPOSITOR Full Name Designation & Address (Stamp) Full Name Designation & Address 166 . 3. 2.) Designation Address Telephone E-mail 13. Recommendation of Institute’s Germplasm Identification Committee UNDERTAKING I/We undertake to ensure deposition of genetic material for long term conservation of the aforesaid germplasm/genetic stock at the National Genebank. 15.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 12. I/We also agree to provide any further information or data pertaining to the description and unique characteristics to the ICAR/NBAIM in a transparent manner. Additional information / remarks (if any) 16. address and phone/fax/email. etc. Use separate sheet and fill in additional names along with designation. MO = Mineral oil. All items are self-explanatory. 7. 8 and 9. wherever needed. GY = Glycerol stock. On the other hand. OT = Other (specify) SC = Scientific. Include isozyme or DNA profile or other chemical/biochemical characteristics. 8. PR = Published with peer review . Give particulars of developer(s) in Item 11 over and that of corresponding person in Item 12 as the applicant and developer may not be always the same as the first person responsible for development of the material. CP = Culture plate. which may be read and implied before putting signatures. traits or alleles. Give minimal explanation for a particular item in “Remarks” (Item 16). Give name(s) of all persons associated with development of the material in Item 11. considered suitable for consideration of registration. 5. 7. GP = Germplasm SL = Slant. Use codes for filling in Item 1. 8 and 9 Item 1 Item 4 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 N = New. In case of non-availability of national identity. 7. 2 on new sheet. based on passport data provided. OT = Other (specify) 167 . Use capital letters or write legibly. give only the most salient features.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Guidelines for filling Form A and description of Codes 1. Undertaking to the effect ensuring long term conservation and maintenance of active material for facilitating access and sustainable use has been given. 2. In Item 13 you must provide basic passport information that should include National Identity accession number given by NBAIM or other Identity Number allotted and maintained in other culture collection. in the same format 6. MU = Mutant . 4. AC = Academic. Give main taxonomic and morphological characteristics in description. R = Revised RE = Recombinant . CM = Commercial AR = Institute Annual Report . Codes for filling information in Col. CT = All India Co coordinated trail data. Be to the point for Item 6. 4. SB = Saline buffer. Use separate sheet if needed. if available. No. In case of the code "Other" fill in specific details in Item 15. beginning with S. NBAIM will provide a unique accession number. 1. give detailed description of traits and characteristics of the material in Item 14. LY = Lyophilised. 4. 3. institution. MGRC at NBAIM shall screen all applications and make recommendations to the MGRC for inter alia the following points Whether this is a new application? YES NO The application is revised one? YES NO Whether same or similar material has been registered earlier? YES NO Whether unique or distinguishing characteristics of potential value merit consideration for registration? YES NO Whether documentary evidence or data is provided in support of the claim on potential value of germplasm? YES NO State any other economic potential value of germplasm. university. if possible. or centre has given a commitment for maintenance and supply of germplasm for use? YES NO Whether germplasm sample is appropriate for long term storage at National Genebank or for conservation and maintenance? YES NO Whether detailed address of the corresponding person is given? YES NO Whether appropriate institutional authority has duly endorsed the application? YES NO NBAIM viewpoint about the candidate germplasm.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Annexure II CHECK-LIST FOR SCREENING OF APPLICATIONS The Member Secretary. YES NO Whether applicant. 168 . ... Plant diseases ii. Any other ………………….. Uniqueness for utilization in agriculture 1..... Mushroom ii... industry....... Uniqueness other then above mentioned. Ammonia producer vi...e...... Non Symbiotic 2... Any other ………………. Insects iii.. Nematodes iv.. if any .. Note: § The uniqueness of the organism should be supported with proper documentary evidence. 3. Morphological 2.... IAA producer iv. Nitrogen fixer i... Heavy metal remediation iv. Any other ……………………………… C...... Agro waste decomposer ii.. Biocontrol agent i.. Uniqueness for Academic / research 1..... Bioremediation i..... 169 .Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Annexure III Uniqueness of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms A... Any other ………………....... 4...... § Attach separate sheet..... Genetic B..... 6. Any other …………………..... P solublizer ii.. environment etc..... Pesticide remediation iii... Plant Growth Promoter i.. Weeds v... Sidrophore producer iii. if required... Symbiotic ii..... Mycorrhizae 7. ………………………………………………………………………………… D............ Yeast iii... Edible fungi i....... ACC deaminase producer v.. Biochemical 3........... 5.. medical.... Uniqueness other than in agriculture i.. In: Applied Mycology and Biotechnology. Saikia R.: Agriculture and Food Production (Eds. ciceri and Macrophomina phaseolina. b. Curr Sci. G.K. 2. c. Netherlands pp. Characters: It should provide the morphological. Singh MP. It should briefly describe the importance and utilization in agriculture. Khachatourians and D. The total length of the manuscript should be one to two pages. Vol 1. The content of the manuscript should be in the form of a short communication that is structured as follows: a. Khachatourians GG and Arora DK (2001) Applied mycology and Biotechnology for Agriculture and Foods. Induction of resistance in chickpea by treatment with cell wall protein of Fusarium oxysporum f. 4. Elsevier Science. The name of the journal should be abbreviated. References: References in the text should be cited by author.g. Arora. Yadav M. 3.G. Nothing should be underlined and Latin names should be italicized. The title of the note should be in the title case. industry and in any other. year of publication (e. biochemical and molecular description. Arora). Introduction: It should deal with the unique characters for which the germplasm has been registered.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Annexure IV Instructions to Authors for Organization of Manuscript Note on Registered Germplasm 1. . ii. The following examples may be useful for citations: i. 91(11): 1543-1546. 170 The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman and Font 12 in double-space on A4 paper leaving the 1” margin on all side. It should be followed by authors's name with address. sp. 2007) and multiple citations should be in chronological order. Gogoi DK and Arora DK (2006). 112. Attach seperate sheet for each isolate. etc. if any Identified by Geographical Origin A Brief description or distinctive features of the microorganisms Any record on RFLP/RAPD pattern or unique markers Whether deposited microorganisms are Taxonomic data Microorganism is deposited in Nature Agriculturally important. if any Provide accession number.) Growth and Maintenance Medium of growth Medium for sporulation Optimum temperature for growth Incubation time Subculture period Special requirements for growth & sporulation.) Collection Date Collected by District & State Details of Isolation Isolated by (person and adddress) Isolation date Specimen isolated from (eg.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Passport Data Form Annexure V Name of the Depositor Designation Affiliation Fax Telephone E-mail Type of Culture : Bacterium Fungus Actinomycete Virus Other Details of source culture Place of Isolation (habitat. insect. Tick appropriate box. root. soil. egg mass. crop. 171 . plant or animals. Photocopies of this form may be used. if deposited elsewhere Any other information Signature and date Attach seperate sheet. etc. if yes. if necessary. please provide details/published materials Industrial/Biotechnological Importance Any Other Morphological Bio-chemical/Immunological Molecular (DNA fingerprint/Sequence analysis) (Enclose available douments) Lyophilized form (in ampules) Plant pathogenic Risk to environment In Slants Any Other Pathogenic to animals/humans Unknown Hazardous Any other IPR/Patent information. leaf stem. conference hall and mini-conference rooms with state of the art audiovisual equipments and Agricultural Research Information Service (ARIS) cell. Maunath Bhanjan. n The NBAIM is developing databases of all the AIMs in the electronic passport data management system 'Micro NBAIM'. and all the units of NBAIM are linked with various ICAR institutes and research organization all over the country. administration block. Uttar Pradesh. on 1 June. India The National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM) was established in the IXth plan in 2001. 2004 to the vacant premises of the National Institute of Sugarcane and Sugar Technology (NISST) at Kusmaur. Sequencing laboratory and Geoinformatics centre. Fungi are preserved under mineral oil and by freeze drying/ lyophilization. n The NAIMCC has conserved bacterial isolates reported from extreme environments for the first time in India n . Characterization of microbes is of paramount importance. At present. The Bureau follows strict quality control and biosafety standards in the culture collection as well as in laboratories. preserve and conserves microbial diversity of the country. Confocal and SEM microscopy. and has acquired gene sequencing units. A local area network and websites of NBAIM have been created. HPLC and GC units and a separate unit for computerized documentation. The bacteria. library. Prem Lal Kashyap. Nagrale and Dilip K Arora National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM). Using these techniques. actinomycetes and yeasts are preserved by freeze drying/lyophilization and in glycerol at -800C. Shotgun cloning lab. not only from the point of conserving them and protecting their gene pool resources but also for enhancing crop productivity. separate fungal and bacterial laboratories. maintenance and utilization of AIMs n Surveillance of indigenous/exotic AIMs n Microbial diversity and systematic n Human resource development n Infrastructure The NBAIM has well equipped research laboratories. including cyanobacterial culture unit. scientists' lobby. as it focuses on the conservation and preservation of microbial diversity. For short-term storage.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection About NBAIM Sanjay Kumar Goswami. n The NAIMCC exchange cultures on MOU basis with different National Institutes/organizations. Various types of microorganisms including filamentous fungi. for sustainable growth of agriculture Objectives Exploration and Collection of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (AIMs) n Identification. n The NAIMCC has developed state of the art short-term conservation of Agriculturally important microorganisms (AIMs) based on culture and mineral oil techniques. New Delhi. bacteria. DNA fingerprinting unit. Each culture is preserved by two methods according to the type of microorganisms. Kushmaur. gene mining and bioproduct development. Mandate To act as the nodal centre at national level for acquisition and management of indigenous and exotic microbial genetic resources for food and agriculture and to carry out related research and human resource development. Dipak T. genomics. characterization and utilization of genes for conventional and unforeseen products of high economics and value in environment and agriculture. n The NAIMCC has high capacity lyophilizers for long term preservation of AIMs (20-25 years) under vacuum at -60 0C. Molecular biology lab. The Bureau was shifted from old NBPGR Building. Bureau has no regional stations/base centers. Uttar Pradesh. Lyophilization unit. characterization and documentation of AIMs n Conservation. Genomics unit with ultramodern instrumentation. AIMs can be conserved for 5-10 years. n The culture collection. central instrumentation facility. Such efforts will greatly strengthen national capabilities in quarantine and other regulatory matters. The Bureau is one of its kinds not only in India. the Bureau has taken a lead in research and development in the areas. culture collection facility. actinomycetes and yeasts are maintained under the long term preservation. 172 Looking at the prospects of the most modern research trends including microbial ecology. The Bureau aims to excel in isolation. National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection (NAIMCC) Biodiversity Authority of India recognizes the NBAIM culture collection as the National Repository. Lalan Sharma. the cultures are maintained on the slants in appropriate medium at 4 0C. Mau Nath Bhanjan-275 101. but also in South East Asia. Microbial Genome Resource Repository (MGRR). The collection has wide diversity of fungi and bacteria. bioprospecting. n The identification of indigenous species. Fusarium. Verticillium spp. n The Bureau will also perform an important function of repository of AIMs. B niacin. n Successful validation of diagnostic probe devised for the identification of Bacillus. n The NBAIM has collected thousands of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (AIMs) (pathogenic and saprophytic) from local crop plants/survey of IndoGangetic plains/other extreme environments. Streptomyces. n In order to access microbial diversity from cold regions. western plains Kachchh and part of Kathiawar peninsula. M. Halomonas sp. which in the present and coming century will be the main armory for the eco-friendly management of biotic stresses. Beauveria spp. Azotobacter. 173 . environmental and agricultural values. not well understood and conserved so far. n The Bureau will provide good opportunities for isolating and utilizing genes for conventional and unforeseen products of high economic. warm sub-humid and cold arideco-region. B. Eastern plateau (Chhottanagpur) and Eastern plain. Verticillium spp. Marinobacter alkaliphilus. Halomonas variabilis. sporothermodurans. Eastern Ghats with hot semi-arid eco-region. Paecilomyces spp. physiology and biochemical parameters. Northern plain-hot sub-humid (dry) ecoregion. asahii. Metarhizium spp.. Unit contains rooms for electrophoresis. hot humid to per humid island ecoregion were conducted to isolates microbes of agriculture potency. Paecilomyces spp. hot sub humid (moist) eco-region. It contains Pyro DNA sequencer (454 Technology). the Bureau will help in understanding and conserving our national heritage of microorganisms. ecology. Nitrinicola lacisaponensis. n NBAIM will pool all the available resources and upgrade the facilities to meet the current and future requirement for the conservation and characterization of AIMs in the country.. B. PCR (Amplicon room). Assam and Bengal Plain. pumilus. lilacinus. races and types of microorganisms in identifying and developing suitable biocontrol agents. fumarioli. B. hot arid eco-region. Azosprillium. well equipped with highly advanced instruments routinely used for DNA profiling and fingerprinting.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures such as Bacillus humi. n The bureau has developed several protocols based on morphological/physiological and molecular tools for identification and characterization of Trichoderma. B. djibeloresis. physiological profiling. Moderately to gently slopping Chhattisgarh/Mahanadi basin. Gliocladium verens. B. thuringiensis.. Altermonadales bacterium. hot arid region with deep loamy and clayey mixed red and black soil (low to medium awc and lgp)... hydrocarbonoelasticus. Karnatka plateau (Rayalaseema). B. Alternaria and Macrophomina. n Effort will be made to strengthen the national capability in quarantine and other regulatory matters. All strains were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Marinibacter aquaeolei etc. hot subhumid to humid ecoregion. hot moist/dry sub humid transitional with deep loamy to clayey red and yellow soils. Search for novel bioactive compounds from the microorganisms present in the diversified agroecosystems of India will also provide a valuable resource. Islands of Andaman –Nicobar and Lakshadweep.. and DNA sequencing section. B. Survey of Western Himalayas. Gujarat plain and Kathiawar peninsula. pathogenic/nonpathogenic nature. The Bureau is also using metabolic genes and toxin genes to develop diagnostic DNA probes for some AIMs. drentensis. Northern plains (and central highlands). Biopesticides: Beauveria spp. Bundelkhand). Above all. Gel documentation. detailed available information about specific properties and molecular tools used for the characterization of AIMs. Deccan plateau.. which will facilitate the Catalogue of Microbial Cultures process of registration and patenting. Bacillus. Pseudomonas. n DNA fingerprinting Unit The NBAIM has fully operational DNA fingerprinting unit. These includes:Biocontrol Agents: Trichoderma spp. DNA sequencer (ABI) and Real Time PCR. chemotaxonomic as well as biochemical assays including carbon utilization pattern (BIOLOG). twenty five Streptomyces strains were isolated from Pangong lake in Suglacial Himalayan region of n Leh and Ladakh. semi-arid eco region. Chromohalobacter Salexigens. Eastern coastal plains-hot sub humid to semiarid ecoregion.52mg of IAA per mg protein). Diversity of exotic AIMs in different ecological niche Conservation and characterization of AIMs for its optimum utilization by the future generations. B. n Some useful AIMs available at NBAIM The Bureau has a good collection of very useful microbes with fascinating properties of agricultural and industrial importance. Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMAAS232 was found most potent in terms of IAA production (7. b. fluorescence and Trichoderma harzianum are being performed. morphology. Significant Achievements Whole genome sequencing of Mesorhizobium ciceri ca181. P. cohnii. Nomuraea spp. n A software developed by the Bureau lists out characteristics of AIMs in terms of origin. strains. n Greenhouse trials for some PGPR and biocontrol agents such as P. (Malwa. oleronius. Tamil Nadu uplands-hot semiarid eco-region. B.. senequalensis. n Two novel p-nitrophenol degrading Bacillus spp. Complete assembled genome is about 8. Verticillium spp. bioremediation and microbes in post harvest and processing A novel species of Streptomyces with unique and uncommon growth and pigmentation pattern has been isolated that has tremendous potential in reclaiming contaminated soils.. n Formulation of microbe or microbe-based preparations for biocontrol of phytopathogens. ciceri has been prepared in pUC19. (vii) Human resource development Objectives of AMAAS Cold tolerant strains of Pseudomonas fragi and Pseudomonas lurida showing phosphate solubilizing ability at 4 0C have been reported for the first time. and one o-nitrophenol degrading Baciilus spp. Whole genome sequencing of Mesorhizobium ciceri ca181: The NBAIM is the nodal centre for complete genome sequencing of an agriculturally important bacterium Mesorhizobium ciceri ca181. Metarhizium spp.. Bacillus subtilis. n n n Characterization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and to develop bioconsortium for enhanced growth and yield of important crop plants. Bradyrhizobium spp. Several genes have been identified that can be further used in different studies. (iii) Microbial management and agrowaste. which can effectively reclaim HCH contaminated soils. (iv) Microbial management of abiotic stress. frequentens. n Development of technologies for rapid microbial diagnostics. n Promising isolates of entomogenous fungi have been identified against sucking pests like Aphis craccivora. n Serratia marcescens is reported for the first time to reclaim soils contaminated with poly aromatic hydrocarbons n Potential HCH degrading sphingomonad and nonsphingomonads strains have been isolated. Aspergillus spp. n Management of agro-waste. n Harnessing microbial activities for bioremediation of organic and inorganic environmental pollutants. Nutrient Management. Nomuraea spp. n n 174 Microbial Genomic Resource Repository (MGRR) .11 Mb base pair and largest contig is having 0. P. Azospirillum and Azotobacter Application of Microorganisms in Agriculture and Allied Sectors (AMAAS) The mega network project has seven components: (i) Microbial diversity and identification. n Management of abiotic stresses using microorganisms.57 Mb base pair. PGPR and Biocontrol. Entomopathogenic: Beauveria spp. Seed inoculation also induced synthesis of a novel high molecular weight protein. M. (ii) Nutrient management. bioremediation and microbes in post-harvest and processing. ciceri is highly specific and promising bacterial strain for chickpea with multiple plant growth promoting activities. (v) Microbial Genomics. Penicillium citronum. have been isolated from flooded rice soils retreated with respective isomers of nitrophenol.68 million sequences reads from whole genome sequencing of M.. Scirtothrips dorsalis. n An economically viable and rapid method for compost production has been developed for mushroom production using thermophilic fungi. This huge sequence data was assembled through De novo Genome Assembler (Newbler assembler) software. Brevibacillus laterosporus Biofertilizers: Rhizobium. About 849 million base pairs sequence data was generated in the form of 2. Paenibacillus alvei. n Deciphering the structural and functional diversity of agriculturally important microorganisms and to develop microbial map of the country. A total of 64 contigs were formed having average length of 0. n Improving nutrient use efficiency through microbial interventions for sustainable crop production and maintenance of soil health. insect pests and weeds. n Microbial management of abiotic stress A bacterial isolate identified as Bacillus pumilius has been found to increase grain yield of wheat by 21% under saline soils. oxysporum.0 Mb with 70 X coverage depth. F. Cyanobacteria Potential Enzymes/ Antibiotics/ Toxins producers: Fusarium pallidoroseum. Rhizobium spp. Microbial Genomics Human resource development in microbial conservation and utilization.. (vi) Microbial Genomics Resource Repository. Verticillium chalamydosporium Bacteria possessing nematicidal and insecticidal properties: Bacillus brevis.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Plant growth Promoters: Pseudomonas fluorescence. Genomic DNA library of M. Egg parasitic fungi: Paecilomyces lilacinus. ciceri ca181 by using 454 pyrosequencing technologies. Bemisia tabaci and Myzus persicae based on laboratory bioassay studies.. n Development of microbe mediated processes for product development and value addition in agriculture. n Unraveling microbial genomics for its utilization in agriculture and industry. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Biocontrol MGRR is well established at the NBAIM and it is carrying Development of microbe-based technologies for agrowaste management and biodegradation for sustainable crop production. Seed bacterization with stress tolerant strains of Pseudomonas facilitated sorghum and pearl millet seedlings to survive at 500C up to 21 days. conservation. evaluation. USA. ATCC. n Collection and Digitization of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms and their DNA Fingerprinting. Bioscience. n International linkages NBAIM is an affiliated member of World Federation of Culture Collection (WFCC). bioremediation and biocomposting or addressing the pathogens causing either diseases or spoilage in agri-products constitute important national priority. n Transfer of technology from the laboratory to land. Bacillus Genetic Stock Centre. Hiroshima University. characterization. n The Bureau has linkages with International microbial n 175 . n Human resource development (HRD) Provide training to researchers in the field of Molecular identification of AIMs and tools for technology development and its implementation.K.. n Development of Molecular Markers for the Identification and Characterization of Fusarium group of Plant Pathogenic Fungi. identification and utilization of AIMs in the processes of biofertilization.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures out the following functions:Collection of DNA material from microorganisms and the relevant organisms. n NBAIM is a consortium leader of the NAIP project on “Diversity analysis of Bacillus and other predominant genera in extreme environment and their utilization in agriculture”. USA. n resource centers covered under the umbrella of WFCC and OCDE. bioindicators and for biodegradation. and documentation of various categories of microbes important to agriculture/ animal science/fisheries have to be facilitated in the national system. UK in 2003. maintenance. HUT.. The NBAIM is the only national body which can take lead in this matter and scientists and researchers from all over the country could get “identification and diagnostics” of AIMs. Agricultural Research Service Culture Collection. growth promoting microorganisms. validation and conservation of microbial genomic resources n Production /multiplication and quality control for distribution n Exchange of genomic resources under a material transfer agreement (MTA) n Development of a user friendly web-based information system for microbial genomic resources. n Externally Funded Projects Diversity and Conservation of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms and their potential as Biocontrol Agents. Japan. USA. Fungal Genetic Stock Centre. ICAR approved projects under Bioscience Component with the ICAR-CABI Bioscience. drought. Under the World Bank aided National Agricultural Technology Project. biopesticides. which results from various molecular genetics and genomics research programmes n Acquisition of gene construct from various sources n Value addition to genomic resources n Characterization. n Enhancing productivity of crop plants n Deciphering functional diversity of bacteria with respect to abiotic stresses (soil salinity. n Identification of hitherto microbial diversity of the country and also strengthen the extensive training programs on molecular characterization of AIMs. USA. n Development of Sustainable Management Strategies for the Control of Parthenium weed in U. n Isolation.P using Biotechnological Approaches. n Future Vision Isolation and Identification of AIMs n Exploration. U. NBAIM has imported cultures from CABI. n Biosystematics of microbial isolates of Indian origin is urgently needed. n The NBAIM is a consortium partner in the NAIP Mega Project on “Bioprospecting of genes and allele mining for abiotic stress tolerance”. temperature) for use in agriculture. Acremonium sp. Achaetomium thielavioides Achetomium globosum Acremoniella atra Acremonium acutatum Acremonium breve Acremonium chrysogenum Acremonium chrysogenum Acremonium curvulum Acremonium diospyri Acremonium hansfordii Acremonium implicatum Acremonium implicatum Acremonium incoloratum Acremonium kiliense Acremonium kiliense Acremonium kiliense Acremonium kiliense Acremonium minutisporum Acremonium nigrosclerotium Acremonium nigrosclerotium Acremonium obclavatum Acremonium ochraceum Acremonium persicinum Acremonium persicinum Acremonium persicinum Acremonium persicinum Acremonium radiatum Acremonium recifei Acremonium roseogriseum Acremonium roseolum Acremonium salmoneum Acremonium sordidulum Acremonium sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Numerical index for Fungi NAIMCC-F-00001 NAIMCC-F-00002 NAIMCC-F-00003 NAIMCC-F-00004 NAIMCC-F-00005 NAIMCC-F-00006 NAIMCC-F-00007 NAIMCC-F-00008 NAIMCC-F-00009 NAIMCC-F-00010 NAIMCC-F-00011 NAIMCC-F-00012 NAIMCC-F-00013 NAIMCC-F-00014 NAIMCC-F-00015 NAIMCC-F-00016 NAIMCC-F-00017 NAIMCC-F-00018 NAIMCC-F-00019 NAIMCC-F-00020 NAIMCC-F-00021 NAIMCC-F-00022 NAIMCC-F-00023 NAIMCC-F-00024 NAIMCC-F-00025 NAIMCC-F-00026 NAIMCC-F-00027 NAIMCC-F-00028 NAIMCC-F-00029 NAIMCC-F-00030 NAIMCC-F-00031 NAIMCC-F-00032 NAIMCC-F-00033 NAIMCC-F-00034 NAIMCC-F-00035 NAIMCC-F-00036 NAIMCC-F-00037 NAIMCC-F-00038 NAIMCC-F-00039 NAIMCC-F-00040 NAIMCC-F-00041 NAIMCC-F-00042 NAIMCC-F-00043 NAIMCC-F-00044 NAIMCC-F-00045 NAIMCC-F-00046 NAIMCC-F-00047 NAIMCC-F-00048 NAIMCC-F-00049 NAIMCC-F-00050 176 Abortiporus biennis (Bull) Singer Absidia blakesleeana Absidia californica Absidia corymbifera Absidia corymbifera Absidia corymbifera Absidia cylindrospora var. Acremonium strictum Acremonium strictum Acrodontium Acrophialophora fusispora Acrophialophora fusispora Acrophialophora fusispora Acrophialophora fusispora Acrophialophora fusispora Acrophialophora fusispora Acrophialophora fusispora Actinomucor elegans Agaricus campestris Agarwalia terricola Allomyces reticulates Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria arberescens Alternaria arberescens Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria cassiae Alternaria gossypina Alternaria palanderi Alternaria porri . Acremonium sp. NAIMCC-F-00051 NAIMCC-F-00052 NAIMCC-F-00053 NAIMCC-F-00054 NAIMCC-F-00055 NAIMCC-F-00056 NAIMCC-F-00057 NAIMCC-F-00058 NAIMCC-F-00059 NAIMCC-F-00060 NAIMCC-F-00061 NAIMCC-F-00062 NAIMCC-F-00063 NAIMCC-F-00064 NAIMCC-F-00065 NAIMCC-F-00066 NAIMCC-F-00067 NAIMCC-F-00068 NAIMCC-F-00069 NAIMCC-F-00070 NAIMCC-F-00071 NAIMCC-F-00072 NAIMCC-F-00073 NAIMCC-F-00074 NAIMCC-F-00075 NAIMCC-F-00076 NAIMCC-F-00077 NAIMCC-F-00078 NAIMCC-F-00079 NAIMCC-F-00080 NAIMCC-F-00081 NAIMCC-F-00082 NAIMCC-F-00083 NAIMCC-F-00084 NAIMCC-F-00085 NAIMCC-F-00086 NAIMCC-F-00087 NAIMCC-F-00088 NAIMCC-F-00089 NAIMCC-F-00090 NAIMCC-F-00091 NAIMCC-F-00092 NAIMCC-F-00093 NAIMCC-F-00094 NAIMCC-F-00095 NAIMCC-F-00096 NAIMCC-F-00097 NAIMCC-F-00098 NAIMCC-F-00099 NAIMCC-F-00100 Acremonium sp. Acremonium sp. cylindrospora Absidia cylindrospora var. cylindrospora Absidia pseudocylindrospora Achaetomium globosum Achaetomium globosum Achaetomium macrosporum Achaetomium macrosporum Achaetomium sp. Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-00101 NAIMCC-F-00102 NAIMCC-F-00103 NAIMCC-F-00104 NAIMCC-F-00105 NAIMCC-F-00106 NAIMCC-F-00107 NAIMCC-F-00108 NAIMCC-F-00109 NAIMCC-F-00110 NAIMCC-F-00111 NAIMCC-F-00112 NAIMCC-F-00113 NAIMCC-F-00114 NAIMCC-F-00115 NAIMCC-F-00116 NAIMCC-F-00117 NAIMCC-F-00118 NAIMCC-F-00119 NAIMCC-F-00120 NAIMCC-F-00121 NAIMCC-F-00122 NAIMCC-F-00123 NAIMCC-F-00124 NAIMCC-F-00125 NAIMCC-F-00126 NAIMCC-F-00127 NAIMCC-F-00128 NAIMCC-F-00129 NAIMCC-F-00130 NAIMCC-F-00131 NAIMCC-F-00132 NAIMCC-F-00133 NAIMCC-F-00134 NAIMCC-F-00135 NAIMCC-F-00136 NAIMCC-F-00137 NAIMCC-F-00138 NAIMCC-F-00139 NAIMCC-F-00140 NAIMCC-F-00141 NAIMCC-F-00142 NAIMCC-F-00143 NAIMCC-F-00144 NAIMCC-F-00145 NAIMCC-F-00146 NAIMCC-F-00147 NAIMCC-F-00148 NAIMCC-F-00149 NAIMCC-F-00150 NAIMCC-F-00151 NAIMCC-F-00152 NAIMCC-F-00153 NAIMCC-F-00154 NAIMCC-F-00155 NAIMCC-F-00156 Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria Solani Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria zinniae Amblyosporium coprophiloides Amorphotheca resinae Amorphotheca resinae Ampelomyces rouxii Calmette Angulimaya cf. sundara Antromycopsis broussonetiae var. minor Aphanoascus fulvescens Apinisia queenslandica Aplosporella leucaenicola Aplosporella sp. Aplosporella terricola Apophysomyces elegans Arcuadendron ovatum Arcuadendron ovatum Areolospora bosensis NAIMCC-F-00157 NAIMCC-F-00158 NAIMCC-F-00159 NAIMCC-F-00160 NAIMCC-F-00161 NAIMCC-F-00162 NAIMCC-F-00163 NAIMCC-F-00164 NAIMCC-F-00165 NAIMCC-F-00166 NAIMCC-F-00167 NAIMCC-F-00168 NAIMCC-F-00169 NAIMCC-F-00170 NAIMCC-F-00171 NAIMCC-F-00172 NAIMCC-F-00173 NAIMCC-F-00174 NAIMCC-F-00175 NAIMCC-F-00176 NAIMCC-F-00177 NAIMCC-F-00178 NAIMCC-F-00179 NAIMCC-F-00180 NAIMCC-F-00181 NAIMCC-F-00182 NAIMCC-F-00183 NAIMCC-F-00184 NAIMCC-F-00185 NAIMCC-F-00186 NAIMCC-F-00187 NAIMCC-F-00188 NAIMCC-F-00189 NAIMCC-F-00190 NAIMCC-F-00191 NAIMCC-F-00192 NAIMCC-F-00193 NAIMCC-F-00194 NAIMCC-F-00195 NAIMCC-F-00196 NAIMCC-F-00197 NAIMCC-F-00198 NAIMCC-F-00199 NAIMCC-F-00200 NAIMCC-F-00201 NAIMCC-F-00202 NAIMCC-F-00203 NAIMCC-F-00204 NAIMCC-F-00205 NAIMCC-F-00206 NAIMCC-F-00207 NAIMCC-F-00208 NAIMCC-F-00209 NAIMCC-F-00210 NAIMCC-F-00211 NAIMCC-F-00212 Armillaria mellea (Vahl) Kummer Arthrinium aureum Arthrinium phaeospermum Arthrinium urticae Arthrobotrys oligospora Arthrobotrys oligospora Fres. Arthroderma fulvum (+) (Stockdale) Arthroderma simii Arthroderma simii Ascobolus stercorarius (Bulliard) Ascochyta pisarum Ascochyta pisi Ascochyta rabiei Ascodesmis nigricans Ascotricha bosei Ascotricha bosei Ascotricha erinacea Ascotricha xylina Ascotricha xylina Asordaria humana Asordaria humana Aspergillus aculeatus Aspergillus aeneus Aspergillus aeneus Aspergillus allahabadii Aspergillus allahabadii Aspergillus amsteludami Aspergillus arenarius Aspergillus asperescens Stolk Aspergillus avenaceus Aspergillus brunneouniseriatus Aspergillus brunneouniseriatus Aspergillus caesiellus Aspergillus candidus Aspergillus carneus Aspergillus chevalieri Aspergillus clavatonanica Aspergillus clavatus Aspergillus clavatus Desm. Aspergillus cleistominutus Aspergillus crassihyphae Aspergillus cristatus Aspergillus deflectus Aspergillus dimorphicus Aspergillus dorothicus Aspergillus elongates Aspergillus fischeri var. spinosus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus 177 National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00213 NAIMCC-F-00214 NAIMCC-F-00215 NAIMCC-F-00216 NAIMCC-F-00217 NAIMCC-F-00218 NAIMCC-F-00219 NAIMCC-F-00220 NAIMCC-F-00221 NAIMCC-F-00222 NAIMCC-F-00223 NAIMCC-F-00224 NAIMCC-F-00225 NAIMCC-F-00226 NAIMCC-F-00227 NAIMCC-F-00228 NAIMCC-F-00229 NAIMCC-F-00230 NAIMCC-F-00231 NAIMCC-F-00232 NAIMCC-F-00233 NAIMCC-F-00234 NAIMCC-F-00235 NAIMCC-F-00236 NAIMCC-F-00237 NAIMCC-F-00238 NAIMCC-F-00239 NAIMCC-F-00240 NAIMCC-F-00241 NAIMCC-F-00242 NAIMCC-F-00243 NAIMCC-F-00244 NAIMCC-F-00245 NAIMCC-F-00246 NAIMCC-F-00247 NAIMCC-F-00248 NAIMCC-F-00249 NAIMCC-F-00250 NAIMCC-F-00251 NAIMCC-F-00252 NAIMCC-F-00253 NAIMCC-F-00254 NAIMCC-F-00255 NAIMCC-F-00256 NAIMCC-F-00257 NAIMCC-F-00258 NAIMCC-F-00259 NAIMCC-F-00260 NAIMCC-F-00261 NAIMCC-F-00262 NAIMCC-F-00263 NAIMCC-F-00264 NAIMCC-F-00265 NAIMCC-F-00266 NAIMCC-F-00267 NAIMCC-F-00268 178 Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus fumigatus NAIMCC-F-00269 NAIMCC-F-00270 NAIMCC-F-00271 NAIMCC-F-00272 NAIMCC-F-00273 NAIMCC-F-00274 NAIMCC-F-00275 NAIMCC-F-00276 NAIMCC-F-00277 NAIMCC-F-00278 NAIMCC-F-00279 NAIMCC-F-00280 NAIMCC-F-00281 NAIMCC-F-00282 NAIMCC-F-00283 NAIMCC-F-00284 NAIMCC-F-00285 NAIMCC-F-00286 NAIMCC-F-00287 NAIMCC-F-00288 NAIMCC-F-00289 NAIMCC-F-00290 NAIMCC-F-00291 NAIMCC-F-00292 NAIMCC-F-00293 NAIMCC-F-00294 NAIMCC-F-00295 NAIMCC-F-00296 NAIMCC-F-00297 NAIMCC-F-00298 NAIMCC-F-00299 NAIMCC-F-00300 NAIMCC-F-00301 NAIMCC-F-00302 NAIMCC-F-00303 NAIMCC-F-00304 NAIMCC-F-00305 NAIMCC-F-00306 NAIMCC-F-00307 NAIMCC-F-00308 NAIMCC-F-00309 NAIMCC-F-00310 NAIMCC-F-00311 NAIMCC-F-00312 NAIMCC-F-00313 NAIMCC-F-00314 NAIMCC-F-00315 NAIMCC-F-00316 NAIMCC-F-00317 NAIMCC-F-00318 NAIMCC-F-00319 NAIMCC-F-00320 NAIMCC-F-00321 NAIMCC-F-00322 NAIMCC-F-00323 NAIMCC-F-00324 Aspergillus fumigatus var. acolumnaris Aspergillus funiculosus Aspergillus funiculosus Aspergillus gorakhpurensis Aspergillus janus var. brevis Aspergillus japonicus Aspergillus japonicus Aspergillus lanosus Aspergillus lanosus Aspergillus lucknowensis Aspergillus microcysticus Aspergillus nidulans Aspergillus nidulans Aspergillus nidulans Aspergillus nidulans Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus Aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus Aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus Aspergillus nidulans var. latus Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niveus Aspergillus niveus Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-00325 NAIMCC-F-00326 NAIMCC-F-00327 NAIMCC-F-00328 NAIMCC-F-00329 NAIMCC-F-00330 NAIMCC-F-00331 NAIMCC-F-00332 NAIMCC-F-00333 NAIMCC-F-00334 NAIMCC-F-00335 NAIMCC-F-00336 NAIMCC-F-00337 NAIMCC-F-00338 NAIMCC-F-00339 NAIMCC-F-00340 NAIMCC-F-00341 NAIMCC-F-00342 NAIMCC-F-00343 NAIMCC-F-00344 NAIMCC-F-00345 NAIMCC-F-00346 NAIMCC-F-00347 NAIMCC-F-00348 NAIMCC-F-00349 NAIMCC-F-00350 NAIMCC-F-00351 NAIMCC-F-00352 NAIMCC-F-00353 NAIMCC-F-00354 NAIMCC-F-00355 NAIMCC-F-00356 NAIMCC-F-00357 NAIMCC-F-00358 NAIMCC-F-00359 NAIMCC-F-00360 NAIMCC-F-00361 NAIMCC-F-00362 NAIMCC-F-00363 NAIMCC-F-00364 NAIMCC-F-00365 NAIMCC-F-00366 NAIMCC-F-00367 NAIMCC-F-00368 NAIMCC-F-00369 NAIMCC-F-00370 NAIMCC-F-00371 NAIMCC-F-00372 NAIMCC-F-00373 NAIMCC-F-00374 NAIMCC-F-00375 NAIMCC-F-00376 NAIMCC-F-00377 NAIMCC-F-00378 Aspergillus nomius Aspergillus ochraceus Aspergillus ostianus Aspergillus ostianus Aspergillus paradoxus Aspergillus paradoxus Aspergillus parasiticus Aspergillus parasiticus Aspergillus penicilliformis Aspergillus pulverulentus Aspergillus pulverulentus Aspergillus puniceus Aspergillus quadricinctus Aspergillus quadricinctus Aspergillus quadrilineatus Aspergillus quercinus Aspergillus restrictus Aspergillus rhizopodus Aspergillus rubber Aspergillus rugulosus Aspergillus rugulosus Thom and Raper Aspergillus sclerotiorum Aspergillus silvaticus Aspergillus sojae Aspergillus sparsus Aspergillus stellatus Aspergillus stellatus var. astellatus Aspergillus striatus Aspergillus striatus Aspergillus striatus Aspergillus striatus Aspergillus sulphureus Aspergillus sulphureus Aspergillus sulphureus var. crassus Aspergillus tamarii Aspergillus tamarii Aspergillus tamarii Aspergillus tamarii Aspergillus terreus Aspergillus terreus Aspergillus terreus Aspergillus terreus var. africanus Aspergillus terreus var. africanus Aspergillus terreus var. globosus Aspergillus tubingensis Aspergillus unguis Aspergillus unguis Aspergillus ustus Aspergillus versicolor Aspergillus versicolor Aspergillus versicolor var. rutilobrunneus Aspergillus violaceofuscus Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) Aureobasidium sp. NAIMCC-F-00379 NAIMCC-F-00380 NAIMCC-F-00381 NAIMCC-F-00382 NAIMCC-F-00383 NAIMCC-F-00384 NAIMCC-F-00385 NAIMCC-F-00386 NAIMCC-F-00387 NAIMCC-F-00388 NAIMCC-F-00389 NAIMCC-F-00390 NAIMCC-F-00391 NAIMCC-F-00392 NAIMCC-F-00393 NAIMCC-F-00394 NAIMCC-F-00395 NAIMCC-F-00396 NAIMCC-F-00397 NAIMCC-F-00398 NAIMCC-F-00399 NAIMCC-F-00400 NAIMCC-F-00401 NAIMCC-F-00402 NAIMCC-F-00403 NAIMCC-F-00404 NAIMCC-F-00405 NAIMCC-F-00406 NAIMCC-F-00407 NAIMCC-F-00408 NAIMCC-F-00409 NAIMCC-F-00410 NAIMCC-F-00411 NAIMCC-F-00412 NAIMCC-F-00413 NAIMCC-F-00414 NAIMCC-F-00415 NAIMCC-F-00416 NAIMCC-F-00417 NAIMCC-F-00418 NAIMCC-F-00419 NAIMCC-F-00420 NAIMCC-F-00421 NAIMCC-F-00422 NAIMCC-F-00423 NAIMCC-F-00424 NAIMCC-F-00425 NAIMCC-F-00426 NAIMCC-F-00427 NAIMCC-F-00428 NAIMCC-F-00429 NAIMCC-F-00430 NAIMCC-F-00431 NAIMCC-F-00432 NAIMCC-F-00433 NAIMCC-F-00434 Auxarthron conjugatum Bahusutrabeeja dwaya Bartalinia bischofiae Bartalinia bischofiae Bartalinia bischofiae Bartalinia bischofiae Bartalinia terricola Bartalinia terricola Bartalinia terricola Basidiobolus heterosporus Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. Beauveria brongniartii Beauveria densa Beauveria felina (DS) Carmichael Beauveria nivea (Rostrup) v. Arx Beltrania rhombica Beltrania rhombica Beltrania rhombica Beltraniella humicola Beltraniella humicola Beltraniella humicola Beltraniella portoricensis Beltraniella portoricensis Beniowskia macrospora Benjaminiella multispora Benjaminiella multispora Bipolaris colocasiae Bipolaris colocasiae Bipolaris heveae Bipolaris indica Bipolaris indica 179 National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00435 NAIMCC-F-00436 NAIMCC-F-00437 NAIMCC-F-00438 NAIMCC-F-00439 NAIMCC-F-00440 NAIMCC-F-00441 NAIMCC-F-00442 NAIMCC-F-00443 NAIMCC-F-00444 NAIMCC-F-00445 NAIMCC-F-00446 NAIMCC-F-00447 NAIMCC-F-00448 NAIMCC-F-00449 NAIMCC-F-00450 NAIMCC-F-00451 NAIMCC-F-00452 NAIMCC-F-00453 NAIMCC-F-00454 NAIMCC-F-00455 NAIMCC-F-00456 NAIMCC-F-00457 NAIMCC-F-00458 NAIMCC-F-00459 NAIMCC-F-00460 NAIMCC-F-00461 NAIMCC-F-00462 NAIMCC-F-00463 NAIMCC-F-00464 NAIMCC-F-00465 NAIMCC-F-00466 NAIMCC-F-00467 NAIMCC-F-00468 NAIMCC-F-00469 NAIMCC-F-00470 NAIMCC-F-00471 NAIMCC-F-00472 NAIMCC-F-00473 NAIMCC-F-00474 NAIMCC-F-00475 NAIMCC-F-00476 NAIMCC-F-00477 NAIMCC-F-00478 NAIMCC-F-00479 NAIMCC-F-00480 NAIMCC-F-00481 NAIMCC-F-00482 NAIMCC-F-00483 NAIMCC-F-00484 NAIMCC-F-00485 NAIMCC-F-00486 NAIMCC-F-00487 NAIMCC-F-00488 NAIMCC-F-00489 NAIMCC-F-00490 180 Bipolaris papendorfii Bipolaris tropicalis Bipolaris zeae Blakeslea monospora Boothiella tetraspora Botryodiplodia ananassae Botryodiplodia theobromae Botryosphaeria ribis Botrytis cinerea Botrytis cinerea Calonectria kyotensis Cephaliophora tropica Cephalosporium sacchari Cephalotrichum microsporum Cephalotrichum microsporum Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum Ceratocystis adipose Ceratocystis paradoxa Ceratocystis paradoxa Ceratocystis paradoxa Ceratocystis paradoxa Cercospora sesami Cerebella andropogonis Ceriporia xylostromatoides Chaetomella raphigera Chaetomella raphigera Chaetomella raphigera Chaetomium aterrimum Chaetomium aureum Chaetomium aureum Chaetomium bostrychodes Chaetomium bostrychodes Chaetomium brasiliense Chaetomium brasiliense Chaetomium brasiliense Chaetomium brasiliense Chaetomium brasiliense Chaetomium brasiliense Chaetomium brasillense Chaetomium carinthiacum Chaetomium circinatum Chaetomium cuniculorum Chaetomium cupreum Chaetomium cymbiforme Chaetomium cymbiforme Chaetomium cymbiforme Chaetomium cymbiforme Chaetomium cymbiforme Chaetomium cymbiforme Chaetomium deltosporum Chaetomium erectum Chaetomium erraticum Chaetomium funicola Chaetomium funicola Chaetomium funicola Chaetomium funicola NAIMCC-F-00491 NAIMCC-F-00492 NAIMCC-F-00493 NAIMCC-F-00494 NAIMCC-F-00495 NAIMCC-F-00496 NAIMCC-F-00497 NAIMCC-F-00498 NAIMCC-F-00499 NAIMCC-F-00500 NAIMCC-F-00501 NAIMCC-F-00502 NAIMCC-F-00503 NAIMCC-F-00504 NAIMCC-F-00505 NAIMCC-F-00506 NAIMCC-F-00507 NAIMCC-F-00508 NAIMCC-F-00509 NAIMCC-F-00510 NAIMCC-F-00511 NAIMCC-F-00512 NAIMCC-F-00513 NAIMCC-F-00514 NAIMCC-F-00515 NAIMCC-F-00516 NAIMCC-F-00517 NAIMCC-F-00518 NAIMCC-F-00519 NAIMCC-F-00520 NAIMCC-F-00521 NAIMCC-F-00522 NAIMCC-F-00523 NAIMCC-F-00524 NAIMCC-F-00525 NAIMCC-F-00526 NAIMCC-F-00527 NAIMCC-F-00528 NAIMCC-F-00529 NAIMCC-F-00530 NAIMCC-F-00531 NAIMCC-F-00532 NAIMCC-F-00533 NAIMCC-F-00534 NAIMCC-F-00535 NAIMCC-F-00536 NAIMCC-F-00537 NAIMCC-F-00538 NAIMCC-F-00539 NAIMCC-F-00540 NAIMCC-F-00541 NAIMCC-F-00542 NAIMCC-F-00543 NAIMCC-F-00544 NAIMCC-F-00545 NAIMCC-F-00546 Chaetomium gangligerum Chaetomium gelasinosporum Chaetomium globisporum Chaetomium globosum Chaetomium globosum Chaetomium globosum Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium gracile Chaetomium hamadae Chaetomium hispanicum Chaetomium indicum Chaetomium indicum Chaetomium jabalpurense Chaetomium jabalpurense Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium lawransamesii Chaetomium longicolleum Chaetomium longicolleum Chaetomium lucknowense Chaetomium lucknowense Chaetomium lucknowense Chaetomium luteum Chaetomium madrasense Chaetomium medusarum Chaetomium medusarum Chaetomium medusarum Chaetomium medusarum Chaetomium mollipilium Chaetomium mollipilium Chaetomium murorum Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium nigricolor Chaetomium raii Chaetomium raii Chaetomium raii Chaetomium raii Chaetomium reflexum Chaetomium reflexum Chaetomium senegalense Chaetomium senegalense Arx Colletotrichum curcumae Colletotrichum curcumae Colletotrichum curcumae Colletotrichum curcumae Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum indicum 181 .) v. Ciliochorella mangiferae Circinella mucoroides NAIMCC-F-00602 NAIMCC-F-00603 NAIMCC-F-00604 NAIMCC-F-00605 NAIMCC-F-00606 NAIMCC-F-00607 NAIMCC-F-00608 NAIMCC-F-00609 NAIMCC-F-00610 NAIMCC-F-00611 NAIMCC-F-00612 NAIMCC-F-00613 NAIMCC-F-00614 NAIMCC-F-00615 NAIMCC-F-00616 NAIMCC-F-00617 NAIMCC-F-00618 NAIMCC-F-00619 NAIMCC-F-00620 NAIMCC-F-00621 NAIMCC-F-00622 NAIMCC-F-00623 NAIMCC-F-00624 NAIMCC-F-00625 NAIMCC-F-00626 NAIMCC-F-00627 NAIMCC-F-00628 NAIMCC-F-00629 NAIMCC-F-00630 NAIMCC-F-00631 NAIMCC-F-00632 NAIMCC-F-00633 NAIMCC-F-00634 NAIMCC-F-00635 NAIMCC-F-00636 NAIMCC-F-00637 NAIMCC-F-00638 NAIMCC-F-00639 NAIMCC-F-00640 NAIMCC-F-00641 NAIMCC-F-00642 NAIMCC-F-00643 NAIMCC-F-00644 NAIMCC-F-00645 NAIMCC-F-00646 NAIMCC-F-00647 NAIMCC-F-00648 NAIMCC-F-00649 NAIMCC-F-00650 NAIMCC-F-00651 NAIMCC-F-00652 NAIMCC-F-00653 NAIMCC-F-00654 NAIMCC-F-00655 NAIMCC-F-00656 Circinella mucoroides Circinella muscae Circinella muscae Cladobotryum variospermum Cladobotryum varium Cladosporium multigeniculatum Cladosporium oxysporum Cladosporium oxysporum Cladosporium sphaerospermum Cladosporium tenuissimum Claviceps purpurea (Fr. Carm. Chetomium hamadae Chetomium heterosporum Chetomium nigricolor Chetomium senegalense Chetomium virescens Chetospermum carneum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora cucurbitarum Choanephora infundibulifera Chrysoporium Chrysoporium Chrysosporium indicum Chrysosporium indicum Chrysosporium keratinophilum Chrysosporium lucknowense Chrysosporium lucknowense Chrysosporium sp. Chaetomium spinosum Chaetomium spinosum Chaetomium spiralotrichum Chaetomium strumarium Chaetomium strumarium Chaetomium strumarium Chaetomium strumarium Chaetomium strumarium Chaetomium subaffine Chaetomium sulphureum Chaetomium thermophilum Chaetomium thermophilum Chaetomium virescens Chaetomium virescens (v. Chrysosporium sp.) Tul. Chaetomium sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-00547 NAIMCC-F-00548 NAIMCC-F-00549 NAIMCC-F-00550 NAIMCC-F-00551 NAIMCC-F-00552 NAIMCC-F-00553 NAIMCC-F-00554 NAIMCC-F-00555 NAIMCC-F-00556 NAIMCC-F-00557 NAIMCC-F-00558 NAIMCC-F-00559 NAIMCC-F-00560 NAIMCC-F-00561 NAIMCC-F-00562 NAIMCC-F-00563 NAIMCC-F-00564 NAIMCC-F-00565 NAIMCC-F-00566 NAIMCC-F-00567 NAIMCC-F-00568 NAIMCC-F-00569 NAIMCC-F-00570 NAIMCC-F-00571 NAIMCC-F-00572 NAIMCC-F-00573 NAIMCC-F-00574 NAIMCC-F-00575 NAIMCC-F-00576 NAIMCC-F-00577 NAIMCC-F-00578 NAIMCC-F-00579 NAIMCC-F-00580 NAIMCC-F-00581 NAIMCC-F-00582 NAIMCC-F-00583 NAIMCC-F-00584 NAIMCC-F-00585 NAIMCC-F-00586 NAIMCC-F-00587 NAIMCC-F-00588 NAIMCC-F-00589 NAIMCC-F-00590 NAIMCC-F-00591 NAIMCC-F-00592 NAIMCC-F-00593 NAIMCC-F-00594 NAIMCC-F-00595 NAIMCC-F-00596 NAIMCC-F-00597 NAIMCC-F-00598 NAIMCC-F-00599 NAIMCC-F-00600 NAIMCC-F-00601 Chaetomium senegalense Chaetomium sp. Chrysosporium tropicum Chrysosporium tropicum J. cyamopsidicola Colletotrichum caudatum Colletotrichum chlorophyti Colletotrichum crassipes Colletotrichum crassipes Colletotrichum crassipes (Speg. Chaetomium sp. Chaetomium sp. Chaetomium sp. Chaetomium sp. Chaetomium sp. Chaetomium sp. Chrysosporium sp. Clodosporium oxysporum Clodosporium oxysporum Clonostachys compactiuscula Cochliobolus australiensis Cochliobolus eragrostidis Cochliobolus hawaiiensis Cochliobolus hawaiiensis Cochliobolus lunatus Cochliobolus melinidis Cochliobolus miyabeanus Cochliobolus pallescens Cochliobolus spicifer Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus tuberculatus Cochliobolus verruculosus Coleophoma empetri Colletotrichum acutatum Colletotrichum acutatum Colletotrichum acutatum Colletotrichum acutatum f. Arx) Udagawa Chaetopyrena hesperidium Chalara sp. sp. Chrysosporium sp. pineum Colletotrichum capsici Colletotrichum capsici Colletotrichum capsici Colletotrichum capsici f. Colletotrichum tabacum Colletotricum gloeosporioides Colletotricum gloeosporioides Comamonas acidovorans Conidiobolus globuliferus Conidiobolus nanodes Coniella fragariae Coniella petrakii Coniochaeta leucoplaca Coniochaetidium boothii Coprinus cinereus (Schaeffer) S. F. Cunninghamella blakesleeana Cunninghamella blakesleeana Cunninghamella echinulata Cunninghamella echinulata Cunninghamella elegans Cunninghamella elegans Curvularia andropogonis Curvularia borreriae Curvularia falax Curvularia fallax Curvularia lunata Curvularia lunata Curvularia lunata Curvularia lunata Curvularia lunata var. aeria Curvularia lunata var.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00657 NAIMCC-F-00658 NAIMCC-F-00659 NAIMCC-F-00660 NAIMCC-F-00661 NAIMCC-F-00662 NAIMCC-F-00663 NAIMCC-F-00664 NAIMCC-F-00665 NAIMCC-F-00666 NAIMCC-F-00667 NAIMCC-F-00668 NAIMCC-F-00669 NAIMCC-F-00670 NAIMCC-F-00671 NAIMCC-F-00672 NAIMCC-F-00673 NAIMCC-F-00674 NAIMCC-F-00675 NAIMCC-F-00676 NAIMCC-F-00677 NAIMCC-F-00678 NAIMCC-F-00679 NAIMCC-F-00680 NAIMCC-F-00681 NAIMCC-F-00682 NAIMCC-F-00683 NAIMCC-F-00684 NAIMCC-F-00685 NAIMCC-F-00686 NAIMCC-F-00687 NAIMCC-F-00688 NAIMCC-F-00689 NAIMCC-F-00690 NAIMCC-F-00691 NAIMCC-F-00692 NAIMCC-F-00693 NAIMCC-F-00694 NAIMCC-F-00695 NAIMCC-F-00696 NAIMCC-F-00697 NAIMCC-F-00698 NAIMCC-F-00699 NAIMCC-F-00700 NAIMCC-F-00701 NAIMCC-F-00702 NAIMCC-F-00703 NAIMCC-F-00704 NAIMCC-F-00705 NAIMCC-F-00706 NAIMCC-F-00707 NAIMCC-F-00708 NAIMCC-F-00709 NAIMCC-F-00710 NAIMCC-F-00711 NAIMCC-F-00712 182 Colletotrichum musae Colletotrichum musae Colletotrichum nupharicola Colletotrichum sp. Entyloma globigenum Ephelis oryzae Erratomyces thirumalacharii Exophiala dermatitidis Exophiala jeanselmei var. lecanii-corni Exophiala mansonii Exserohilum heteropogonicola Fennellia flavipes Fennellia flavipes Fennellia flavipes Fungi Fungi Fusariella concinna Fusariella hughesii Fusariella hughesii Fusarium acutatum Fusarium avenaceum Fusarium bugnicourtii Fusarium bugnicourtii Fusarium bugnicourtii Fusarium bugnicourtii Fusarium chlamydosporium Fusarium chlamydosporium . Cryptosporiopsis sp. Gray Corticium salmonicolor Corynascus novoguineensis Corynascus sepedonium Corynascus sepedonium Corynascus sepedonium Corynascus verrucosus Corynespora cassiicola Corynespora cassiicola Cryptosporiopsis sp. Curvularia trifolii Cylindrocarpon destructans Cylindrocarpon lichenicola Cylindrocarpon lichenicola Cylindrocarpon lichenicola Cylindrocladium colhounii Cylindrocladium colhounii NAIMCC-F-00713 NAIMCC-F-00714 NAIMCC-F-00715 NAIMCC-F-00716 NAIMCC-F-00717 NAIMCC-F-00718 NAIMCC-F-00719 NAIMCC-F-00720 NAIMCC-F-00721 NAIMCC-F-00722 NAIMCC-F-00723 NAIMCC-F-00724 NAIMCC-F-00725 NAIMCC-F-00726 NAIMCC-F-00727 NAIMCC-F-00728 NAIMCC-F-00729 NAIMCC-F-00730 NAIMCC-F-00731 NAIMCC-F-00732 NAIMCC-F-00733 NAIMCC-F-00734 NAIMCC-F-00735 NAIMCC-F-00736 NAIMCC-F-00737 NAIMCC-F-00738 NAIMCC-F-00739 NAIMCC-F-00740 NAIMCC-F-00741 NAIMCC-F-00742 NAIMCC-F-00743 NAIMCC-F-00744 NAIMCC-F-00745 NAIMCC-F-00746 NAIMCC-F-00747 NAIMCC-F-00748 NAIMCC-F-00749 NAIMCC-F-00750 NAIMCC-F-00751 NAIMCC-F-00752 NAIMCC-F-00753 NAIMCC-F-00754 NAIMCC-F-00755 NAIMCC-F-00756 NAIMCC-F-00757 NAIMCC-F-00758 NAIMCC-F-00759 NAIMCC-F-00760 NAIMCC-F-00761 NAIMCC-F-00762 NAIMCC-F-00763 NAIMCC-F-00764 NAIMCC-F-00765 NAIMCC-F-00766 NAIMCC-F-00767 Cytophaga winogradsky Cytospora eriobotryae Cytospora sp. aeria Curvularia oryzae Curvularia ovoidea Curvularia ovoidea Curvularia ovoidea Curvularia prasadii Curvularia prasadii Curvularia sp. Dactylaria sp. Dichotomocladium hesseltinci Dichotomocladium hesseltinei Dichotomocladium robustum Dichotomomyces cejpii Dichotomophthoropsis nymphaearum Dictyoarthrinium sacchari Dictyoarthrinium sacchari Dictyoarthrinium sacchari Doassansia hygrophilae Drechslera teramera Dwayamala prathilomaka Echinocatena arthrinioides Eleutherascus lectardii Ellurema indica Elsinoë jasmini Emericella indica Emericella pluriseminata Emericella variecolor Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Emericellopsis minima Stolk Emericellopsis synnematicola Emericellopsis synnematicola Mathur and Thirum. aeria Curvularia lunata var. sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-00768 NAIMCC-F-00769 NAIMCC-F-00770 NAIMCC-F-00771 NAIMCC-F-00772 NAIMCC-F-00773 NAIMCC-F-00774 NAIMCC-F-00775 NAIMCC-F-00776 NAIMCC-F-00777 NAIMCC-F-00778 NAIMCC-F-00779 NAIMCC-F-00780 NAIMCC-F-00781 NAIMCC-F-00782 NAIMCC-F-00783 NAIMCC-F-00784 NAIMCC-F-00785 NAIMCC-F-00786 NAIMCC-F-00787 NAIMCC-F-00788 NAIMCC-F-00789 NAIMCC-F-00790 NAIMCC-F-00791 NAIMCC-F-00792 NAIMCC-F-00793 NAIMCC-F-00794 NAIMCC-F-00795 NAIMCC-F-00796 NAIMCC-F-00797 NAIMCC-F-00798 NAIMCC-F-00799 NAIMCC-F-00800 NAIMCC-F-00801 NAIMCC-F-00802 NAIMCC-F-00803 NAIMCC-F-00804 NAIMCC-F-00805 NAIMCC-F-00806 NAIMCC-F-00807 NAIMCC-F-00808 NAIMCC-F-00809 NAIMCC-F-00810 NAIMCC-F-00811 NAIMCC-F-00812 NAIMCC-F-00813 NAIMCC-F-00814 NAIMCC-F-00815 NAIMCC-F-00816 NAIMCC-F-00817 NAIMCC-F-00818 NAIMCC-F-00819 NAIMCC-F-00820 NAIMCC-F-00821 Fusarium chlamydosporium Fusarium chlamydosporium Fusarium chlamydosporium Woolenw and Reinking Fusarium clamydosporum Fusarium culmorum Fusarium culmorum Fusarium decemcellulare Fusarium equiseti Fusarium equiseti Fusarium graminearum Fusarium graminearum Schwabe Fusarium illudens Fusarium lateritium Fusarium lateritium Nees Fusarium longipes Fusarium longipes Fusarium merismoides Fusarium merismoides Fusarium merismoides Fusarium moliniformae Fusarium moliniformae Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme var. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. ciceris Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. intermedium Fusarium moniliforme var. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium 183 . cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. subglutinans Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum NAIMCC-F-00822 NAIMCC-F-00823 NAIMCC-F-00824 NAIMCC-F-00825 NAIMCC-F-00826 NAIMCC-F-00827 NAIMCC-F-00828 NAIMCC-F-00829 NAIMCC-F-00830 NAIMCC-F-00831 NAIMCC-F-00832 NAIMCC-F-00833 NAIMCC-F-00834 NAIMCC-F-00835 NAIMCC-F-00836 NAIMCC-F-00837 NAIMCC-F-00838 NAIMCC-F-00839 NAIMCC-F-00840 NAIMCC-F-00841 NAIMCC-F-00842 NAIMCC-F-00843 NAIMCC-F-00844 NAIMCC-F-00845 NAIMCC-F-00846 NAIMCC-F-00847 NAIMCC-F-00848 NAIMCC-F-00849 NAIMCC-F-00850 NAIMCC-F-00851 NAIMCC-F-00852 NAIMCC-F-00853 NAIMCC-F-00854 NAIMCC-F-00855 NAIMCC-F-00856 NAIMCC-F-00857 NAIMCC-F-00858 NAIMCC-F-00859 NAIMCC-F-00860 NAIMCC-F-00861 NAIMCC-F-00862 NAIMCC-F-00863 NAIMCC-F-00864 NAIMCC-F-00865 NAIMCC-F-00866 NAIMCC-F-00867 NAIMCC-F-00868 NAIMCC-F-00869 NAIMCC-F-00870 NAIMCC-F-00871 NAIMCC-F-00872 NAIMCC-F-00873 NAIMCC-F-00874 NAIMCC-F-00875 NAIMCC-F-00876 Fusarium oxysporum cubence Fusarium oxysporum cubence Fusarium oxysporum cubense Fusarium oxysporum cubense Fusarium oxysporum cubense Fusarium oxysporum cubense Fusarium oxysporum cubense Fusarium oxysporum cubense Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. intermedium Fusarium moniliforme var. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. subglutinans Fusarium moniliforme var. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. Cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. intermedium Fusarium moniliforme var. intermedium Fusarium moniliforme var. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. sp. ciceris Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. gladioli Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. dianthi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. vesinfectum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum Fusarium pallidoroseum (Cooke) Sacc.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.sp. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp.sp. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami NAIMCC-F-00933 NAIMCC-F-00934 NAIMCC-F-00935 NAIMCC-F-00936 NAIMCC-F-00937 NAIMCC-F-00938 NAIMCC-F-00939 NAIMCC-F-00940 NAIMCC-F-00941 NAIMCC-F-00942 NAIMCC-F-00943 NAIMCC-F-00944 NAIMCC-F-00945 NAIMCC-F-00946 NAIMCC-F-00947 NAIMCC-F-00948 NAIMCC-F-00949 NAIMCC-F-00950 NAIMCC-F-00951 NAIMCC-F-00952 NAIMCC-F-00953 NAIMCC-F-00954 NAIMCC-F-00955 NAIMCC-F-00956 NAIMCC-F-00957 NAIMCC-F-00958 NAIMCC-F-00959 NAIMCC-F-00960 NAIMCC-F-00961 NAIMCC-F-00962 NAIMCC-F-00963 NAIMCC-F-00964 NAIMCC-F-00965 NAIMCC-F-00966 NAIMCC-F-00967 NAIMCC-F-00968 NAIMCC-F-00969 NAIMCC-F-00970 NAIMCC-F-00971 NAIMCC-F-00972 NAIMCC-F-00973 NAIMCC-F-00974 NAIMCC-F-00975 NAIMCC-F-00976 NAIMCC-F-00977 NAIMCC-F-00978 NAIMCC-F-00979 NAIMCC-F-00980 NAIMCC-F-00981 NAIMCC-F-00982 NAIMCC-F-00983 NAIMCC-F-00984 NAIMCC-F-00985 NAIMCC-F-00986 NAIMCC-F-00987 Fusarium oxysporum f. vesinfectum Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.sp.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. vesinfectum Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp.) Nirenberg Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sacchari Fusarium sambucinum Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani . sp. vesinfectum Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vesinfectum Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-00877 NAIMCC-F-00878 NAIMCC-F-00879 NAIMCC-F-00880 NAIMCC-F-00881 NAIMCC-F-00882 NAIMCC-F-00883 NAIMCC-F-00884 NAIMCC-F-00885 NAIMCC-F-00886 NAIMCC-F-00887 NAIMCC-F-00888 NAIMCC-F-00889 NAIMCC-F-00890 NAIMCC-F-00891 NAIMCC-F-00892 NAIMCC-F-00893 NAIMCC-F-00894 NAIMCC-F-00895 NAIMCC-F-00896 NAIMCC-F-00897 NAIMCC-F-00898 NAIMCC-F-00899 NAIMCC-F-00900 NAIMCC-F-00901 NAIMCC-F-00902 NAIMCC-F-00903 NAIMCC-F-00904 NAIMCC-F-00905 NAIMCC-F-00906 NAIMCC-F-00907 NAIMCC-F-00908 NAIMCC-F-00909 NAIMCC-F-00910 NAIMCC-F-00911 NAIMCC-F-00912 NAIMCC-F-00913 NAIMCC-F-00914 NAIMCC-F-00915 NAIMCC-F-00916 NAIMCC-F-00917 NAIMCC-F-00918 NAIMCC-F-00919 NAIMCC-F-00920 NAIMCC-F-00921 NAIMCC-F-00922 NAIMCC-F-00923 NAIMCC-F-00924 NAIMCC-F-00925 NAIMCC-F-00926 NAIMCC-F-00927 NAIMCC-F-00928 NAIMCC-F-00929 NAIMCC-F-00930 NAIMCC-F-00931 NAIMCC-F-00932 184 Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.sp. sp.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. cepae Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. Fusarium proliferatum (mats. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerium Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum f. meloni Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Fusarium spp. Fusarium sp. Fusarium sp. Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb. Fusarium stilboides Fusarium tricinctum Fusarium tumidum Sherb Fusarium tumidum Sherb.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-00988 NAIMCC-F-00989 NAIMCC-F-00990 NAIMCC-F-00991 NAIMCC-F-00992 NAIMCC-F-00993 NAIMCC-F-00994 NAIMCC-F-00995 NAIMCC-F-00996 NAIMCC-F-00997 NAIMCC-F-00998 NAIMCC-F-00999 NAIMCC-F-01000 NAIMCC-F-01001 NAIMCC-F-01002 NAIMCC-F-01003 NAIMCC-F-01004 NAIMCC-F-01005 NAIMCC-F-01006 NAIMCC-F-01007 NAIMCC-F-01008 NAIMCC-F-01009 NAIMCC-F-01010 NAIMCC-F-01011 NAIMCC-F-01012 NAIMCC-F-01013 NAIMCC-F-01014 NAIMCC-F-01015 NAIMCC-F-01016 NAIMCC-F-01017 NAIMCC-F-01018 NAIMCC-F-01019 NAIMCC-F-01020 NAIMCC-F-01021 NAIMCC-F-01022 NAIMCC-F-01023 NAIMCC-F-01024 NAIMCC-F-01025 NAIMCC-F-01026 NAIMCC-F-01027 NAIMCC-F-01028 NAIMCC-F-01029 NAIMCC-F-01030 NAIMCC-F-01031 NAIMCC-F-01032 NAIMCC-F-01033 NAIMCC-F-01034 NAIMCC-F-01035 NAIMCC-F-01036 NAIMCC-F-01037 NAIMCC-F-01038 NAIMCC-F-01039 NAIMCC-F-01040 NAIMCC-F-01041 NAIMCC-F-01042 NAIMCC-F-01043 Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium sp. Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum NAIMCC-F-01044 NAIMCC-F-01045 NAIMCC-F-01046 NAIMCC-F-01047 NAIMCC-F-01048 NAIMCC-F-01049 NAIMCC-F-01050 NAIMCC-F-01051 NAIMCC-F-01052 NAIMCC-F-01053 NAIMCC-F-01054 NAIMCC-F-01055 NAIMCC-F-01056 NAIMCC-F-01057 NAIMCC-F-01058 NAIMCC-F-01059 NAIMCC-F-01060 NAIMCC-F-01061 NAIMCC-F-01062 NAIMCC-F-01063 NAIMCC-F-01064 NAIMCC-F-01065 NAIMCC-F-01066 NAIMCC-F-01067 NAIMCC-F-01068 NAIMCC-F-01069 NAIMCC-F-01070 NAIMCC-F-01071 NAIMCC-F-01072 NAIMCC-F-01073 NAIMCC-F-01074 NAIMCC-F-01075 NAIMCC-F-01076 NAIMCC-F-01077 NAIMCC-F-01078 NAIMCC-F-01079 NAIMCC-F-01080 NAIMCC-F-01081 NAIMCC-F-01082 NAIMCC-F-01083 NAIMCC-F-01084 NAIMCC-F-01085 NAIMCC-F-01086 NAIMCC-F-01087 NAIMCC-F-01088 NAIMCC-F-01089 NAIMCC-F-01090 NAIMCC-F-01091 NAIMCC-F-01092 NAIMCC-F-01093 NAIMCC-F-01094 NAIMCC-F-01095 NAIMCC-F-01096 NAIMCC-F-01097 NAIMCC-F-01098 NAIMCC-F-01099 Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum 185 . Gliomastix musicola Gliomastix novae-zelandiae Gliomastix novae-zelandiae Gloeocercospora sorghi Gloeocercospora sorghi Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers. Butler Fusarium ventricosum Fusariun solani Fusariun solani Fusariun solani Fusariun solani Fusariun solani Fusariun solani Ganoderma lucidium (Leysser) Karsten Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma lucidum Gelasinospora indica Georgefischeria riveae Geosmithia lavandula Geotrichum candidum Geotrichum candidum Geotrichum candidum Geotrichum candidum NAIMCC-F-01156 NAIMCC-F-01157 NAIMCC-F-01158 NAIMCC-F-01159 NAIMCC-F-01160 NAIMCC-F-01161 NAIMCC-F-01162 NAIMCC-F-01163 NAIMCC-F-01164 NAIMCC-F-01165 NAIMCC-F-01166 NAIMCC-F-01167 NAIMCC-F-01168 NAIMCC-F-01169 NAIMCC-F-01170 NAIMCC-F-01171 NAIMCC-F-01172 NAIMCC-F-01173 NAIMCC-F-01174 NAIMCC-F-01175 NAIMCC-F-01176 NAIMCC-F-01177 NAIMCC-F-01178 NAIMCC-F-01179 NAIMCC-F-01180 NAIMCC-F-01181 NAIMCC-F-01182 NAIMCC-F-01183 NAIMCC-F-01184 NAIMCC-F-01185 NAIMCC-F-01186 NAIMCC-F-01187 NAIMCC-F-01188 NAIMCC-F-01189 NAIMCC-F-01190 NAIMCC-F-01191 NAIMCC-F-01192 NAIMCC-F-01193 NAIMCC-F-01194 NAIMCC-F-01195 NAIMCC-F-01196 NAIMCC-F-01197 NAIMCC-F-01198 NAIMCC-F-01199 NAIMCC-F-01200 NAIMCC-F-01201 NAIMCC-F-01202 NAIMCC-F-01203 NAIMCC-F-01204 NAIMCC-F-01205 NAIMCC-F-01206 NAIMCC-F-01207 NAIMCC-F-01208 NAIMCC-F-01209 NAIMCC-F-01210 NAIMCC-F-01211 Gilbertella persicaria Gilbertella persicaria Gilbertella persicaria Gilbertella persicaria Gilmaniella humicola Glioc1adium virens Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium Gliocladium roseum Gliocladium sp.) Murrill Gloeosporium theae-sinensis Glomerella sp. Gliocladium virens Gliocladium virens Gliocladium virens Gliomastix sp. Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella cingulata Glomerella phyllanthi Glomerrela cingulata Glomerrela cingulata Gonatobotryum apiculatum Gongroncella butleri Gonytrichum macrocladum Gonytrichum macrocladum . Gliocladium sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01100 NAIMCC-F-01101 NAIMCC-F-01102 NAIMCC-F-01103 NAIMCC-F-01104 NAIMCC-F-01105 NAIMCC-F-01106 NAIMCC-F-01107 NAIMCC-F-01108 NAIMCC-F-01109 NAIMCC-F-01110 NAIMCC-F-01111 NAIMCC-F-01112 NAIMCC-F-01113 NAIMCC-F-01114 NAIMCC-F-01115 NAIMCC-F-01116 NAIMCC-F-01117 NAIMCC-F-01118 NAIMCC-F-01119 NAIMCC-F-01120 NAIMCC-F-01121 NAIMCC-F-01122 NAIMCC-F-01123 NAIMCC-F-01124 NAIMCC-F-01125 NAIMCC-F-01126 NAIMCC-F-01127 NAIMCC-F-01128 NAIMCC-F-01129 NAIMCC-F-01130 NAIMCC-F-01131 NAIMCC-F-01132 NAIMCC-F-01133 NAIMCC-F-01134 NAIMCC-F-01135 NAIMCC-F-01136 NAIMCC-F-01137 NAIMCC-F-01138 NAIMCC-F-01139 NAIMCC-F-01140 NAIMCC-F-01141 NAIMCC-F-01142 NAIMCC-F-01143 NAIMCC-F-01144 NAIMCC-F-01145 NAIMCC-F-01146 NAIMCC-F-01147 NAIMCC-F-01148 NAIMCC-F-01149 NAIMCC-F-01150 NAIMCC-F-01151 NAIMCC-F-01152 NAIMCC-F-01153 NAIMCC-F-01154 NAIMCC-F-01155 186 Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum E. Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-01212 NAIMCC-F-01213 NAIMCC-F-01214 NAIMCC-F-01215 NAIMCC-F-01216 NAIMCC-F-01217 NAIMCC-F-01218 NAIMCC-F-01219 NAIMCC-F-01220 NAIMCC-F-01221 NAIMCC-F-01222 NAIMCC-F-01223 NAIMCC-F-01224 NAIMCC-F-01225 NAIMCC-F-01226 NAIMCC-F-01227 NAIMCC-F-01228 NAIMCC-F-01229 NAIMCC-F-01230 NAIMCC-F-01231 NAIMCC-F-01232 NAIMCC-F-01233 NAIMCC-F-01234 NAIMCC-F-01235 NAIMCC-F-01236 NAIMCC-F-01237 NAIMCC-F-01238 NAIMCC-F-01239 NAIMCC-F-01240 NAIMCC-F-01241 NAIMCC-F-01242 NAIMCC-F-01243 NAIMCC-F-01244 NAIMCC-F-01245 NAIMCC-F-01246 NAIMCC-F-01247 NAIMCC-F-01248 NAIMCC-F-01249 NAIMCC-F-01250 NAIMCC-F-01251 NAIMCC-F-01252 NAIMCC-F-01253 NAIMCC-F-01254 NAIMCC-F-01255 NAIMCC-F-01256 NAIMCC-F-01257 NAIMCC-F-01258 NAIMCC-F-01259 NAIMCC-F-01260 NAIMCC-F-01261 NAIMCC-F-01262 NAIMCC-F-01263 NAIMCC-F-01264 NAIMCC-F-01265 NAIMCC-F-01266 NAIMCC-F-01267 Graphium penicillioides Graphium penicillioides Graphium putredinis Greeneria uvicola Guignardia heveae Gymnascella citrina Gymnascella dankaliensis Gymnascella dankaliensis Gymnascella hyalinospora Gymnascella marginispora Gymnascella nodulosa Gymnascella nodulosa Gymnoascoideus petalosporus Gymnoascoideus petalosporus Gymnoascus alatosporus Hansfordia pulvinata Hansfordia pulvinata Hansfordia pulvinata Helminthosporium compactum Karst.) Fr. elatius Leptoxyphium Linderina pennispora Lophotrichus bartlettii Lophotrichus bartlettii Lophotrichus bartlettii Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina NAIMCC-F-01268 NAIMCC-F-01269 NAIMCC-F-01270 NAIMCC-F-01271 NAIMCC-F-01272 NAIMCC-F-01273 NAIMCC-F-01274 NAIMCC-F-01275 NAIMCC-F-01276 NAIMCC-F-01277 NAIMCC-F-01278 NAIMCC-F-01279 NAIMCC-F-01280 NAIMCC-F-01281 NAIMCC-F-01282 NAIMCC-F-01283 NAIMCC-F-01284 NAIMCC-F-01285 NAIMCC-F-01286 NAIMCC-F-01287 NAIMCC-F-01288 NAIMCC-F-01289 NAIMCC-F-01290 NAIMCC-F-01291 NAIMCC-F-01292 NAIMCC-F-01293 NAIMCC-F-01294 NAIMCC-F-01295 NAIMCC-F-01296 NAIMCC-F-01297 NAIMCC-F-01298 NAIMCC-F-01299 NAIMCC-F-01300 NAIMCC-F-01301 NAIMCC-F-01302 NAIMCC-F-01303 NAIMCC-F-01304 NAIMCC-F-01305 NAIMCC-F-01306 NAIMCC-F-01307 NAIMCC-F-01308 NAIMCC-F-01309 NAIMCC-F-01310 NAIMCC-F-01311 NAIMCC-F-01312 NAIMCC-F-01313 NAIMCC-F-01314 NAIMCC-F-01315 NAIMCC-F-01316 NAIMCC-F-01317 NAIMCC-F-01318 NAIMCC-F-01319 NAIMCC-F-01320 NAIMCC-F-01321 NAIMCC-F-01322 NAIMCC-F-01323 Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Macrophomina phaseolina Malbranchea sulfurea Massariothea shawiae Melanocarpus thermophiles Melanospora singaporensis Melanospora zamiae Melanospora zamiae Memnoniella echinata Memnoniella echinata Memnoniella levispora Merimbla ingelheimense Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium anisopliae Metarhizium flavoviride Microascus albonigrescens Microascus brevicaulis Microascus cinereus Microascus cinereus Microascus cirrosus Microascus cirrosus Microascus doguetii Microascus griseus Microascus trigonosporus Microascus trigonosporus Microdochium oryzae Microphomina phaseolina Microsporum canis Bodin Microsporum gypseum 187 . Leptodontidium elatius var. Heterocephalum aurantiacum Heterocephalum aurantiacum Heterocephalum aurantiacum Heteroconium chaetospira Hirsutella thompsonii Hirsutella thompsonii Humicola fuscoastra Humicola grisea Humicola insolens Hyalodendron lignicola Hymenopsis trochiloides Hyphomucor assamensis Hypocopra hypocoproides Hypoxylon Isaria felina Keratinophyton terreum Keratinophyton terreum Kernia bifurcotricha Khuskia oryzae Kirkomyces cordensis Lecanicillium psalliotae Lecythophora mutabilis Lentinus tigrinus (Bull. griseocyanus Mucor circinelloides f. Nomuraea rileyi Nomuraea rileyi Oidiodendron echinulatum Barron Paecilomyces clavisporus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Paecilomyces inflatus Paecilomyces lilacinus Paecilomyces lilacinus Paecilomyces lilacinus Paecilomyces sp. Nodulisporium indicum Nodulisporium sp. Paecilomyces sp. luteus Mucor hiemalis f. luteus Mucor hiemalis f. circinelloides Mucor circinelloides f. Sm. Neurospora tetrasperma Neurospora tetrasperma Nigrospora oryzae Nigrospora panici Nigrospora panici Nodulisporium africanum Nodulisporium gregarium Nodulisporium griseobrunneum Nodulisporium griseobrunneum Nodulisporium hinnuleum G. Paecilomyces sp. janssenii Mucor flavus Mucor hiemalis f. Mucor bainieri Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides f.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01324 NAIMCC-F-01325 NAIMCC-F-01326 NAIMCC-F-01327 NAIMCC-F-01328 NAIMCC-F-01329 NAIMCC-F-01330 NAIMCC-F-01331 NAIMCC-F-01332 NAIMCC-F-01333 NAIMCC-F-01334 NAIMCC-F-01335 NAIMCC-F-01336 NAIMCC-F-01337 NAIMCC-F-01338 NAIMCC-F-01339 NAIMCC-F-01340 NAIMCC-F-01341 NAIMCC-F-01342 NAIMCC-F-01343 NAIMCC-F-01344 NAIMCC-F-01345 NAIMCC-F-01346 NAIMCC-F-01347 NAIMCC-F-01348 NAIMCC-F-01349 NAIMCC-F-01350 NAIMCC-F-01351 NAIMCC-F-01352 NAIMCC-F-01353 NAIMCC-F-01354 NAIMCC-F-01355 NAIMCC-F-01356 NAIMCC-F-01357 NAIMCC-F-01358 NAIMCC-F-01359 NAIMCC-F-01360 NAIMCC-F-01361 NAIMCC-F-01362 NAIMCC-F-01363 NAIMCC-F-01364 NAIMCC-F-01365 NAIMCC-F-01366 NAIMCC-F-01367 NAIMCC-F-01368 NAIMCC-F-01369 NAIMCC-F-01370 NAIMCC-F-01371 NAIMCC-F-01372 NAIMCC-F-01373 NAIMCC-F-01374 NAIMCC-F-01375 NAIMCC-F-01376 NAIMCC-F-01377 NAIMCC-F-01378 NAIMCC-F-01379 188 Microsporum gypseum Microxyphiella hibiscifolia Microxyphiella hibiscifolia Moesziomyces penicillariae Monascus rubber Monascus ruber Monascus ruber Monodictys fluctuata Monodictys fluctuata Mucor sp. griseocyanus Mucor circinelloides f. glabra Neotestudina rosatii Neotestudina rosatii Neotestudina rosatii Neurospora Africana Neurospora crassa Neurospora dodgei Neurospora sitophila Neurospora sp. Paecilomyces variotii Paecilomyces variotii Paecilomyces variotii Papulaspora byssina Papulaspora byssina Paracercospora egenula Pectinotrichum llanense Peltasterinostroma rubi Penicillium albicans Penicillium anatolicum Penicillium aurantiogriseum Penicillium avellaneum Penicillium camembertii Penicillium capsulatum Penicillium capsulatum Penicillium capsulatum Penicillium chermesinum . Paecilomyces sp. Myrothecium carmichaelii Myrothecium leucotrichum Myrothecium prestonii Myrothecium roridum Myrothecium roridum Myrothecium roridum Myrothecium verrucaria Myrothecium verrucaria Narasimhania alismatis Nattrassia mangiferae Nattrassia mangiferae Nectria gliocladioides Nectria illudens NAIMCC-F-01380 NAIMCC-F-01381 NAIMCC-F-01382 NAIMCC-F-01383 NAIMCC-F-01384 NAIMCC-F-01385 NAIMCC-F-01386 NAIMCC-F-01387 NAIMCC-F-01388 NAIMCC-F-01389 NAIMCC-F-01390 NAIMCC-F-01391 NAIMCC-F-01392 NAIMCC-F-01393 NAIMCC-F-01394 NAIMCC-F-01395 NAIMCC-F-01396 NAIMCC-F-01397 NAIMCC-F-01398 NAIMCC-F-01399 NAIMCC-F-01400 NAIMCC-F-01401 NAIMCC-F-01402 NAIMCC-F-01403 NAIMCC-F-01404 NAIMCC-F-01405 NAIMCC-F-01406 NAIMCC-F-01407 NAIMCC-F-01408 NAIMCC-F-01409 NAIMCC-F-01410 NAIMCC-F-01411 NAIMCC-F-01412 NAIMCC-F-01413 NAIMCC-F-01414 NAIMCC-F-01415 NAIMCC-F-01416 NAIMCC-F-01417 NAIMCC-F-01418 NAIMCC-F-01419 NAIMCC-F-01420 NAIMCC-F-01421 NAIMCC-F-01422 NAIMCC-F-01423 NAIMCC-F-01424 NAIMCC-F-01425 NAIMCC-F-01426 NAIMCC-F-01427 NAIMCC-F-01428 NAIMCC-F-01429 NAIMCC-F-01430 NAIMCC-F-01431 NAIMCC-F-01432 NAIMCC-F-01433 NAIMCC-F-01434 NAIMCC-F-01435 Nectria viridescens Nematospora coryli Neocosmospora vasinfecta Neocosmospora vasinfecta Neocosmospora vasinfeeta var. vasinfeeta Neosartorya fischeri var.corticola Mucor mucedo Mucor odoratus Mucor racemosus Mucor racemosus Mucor racemosus Mucor subtilissimus Mucor variabilis Myceliophthora thermophila Mycoleptodiscus unlsteralis Mycosphaerella coffeicola Mycosphaerella mori Mycosphaerella mori Mycotypha indica Mycotypha indica Mycotypha microspora Mycotypha microspora Myrotheciopsis sp. Pithomyces cynodontis Pithomyces maydicus Pithomyces terricola Pleospora herbarum 189 . Pilidium acerinum Piptocephalis brijmohanii Piptocephalis brijmohnii Piptocephalis brijmohnii Piptocephalis curvata Piptocephalis indica Piptocephalis lepidula Piptocephalis tieghemiana Piptocephalis tieghemiana Matr. Pestalotiopsis aquatica Pestalotiopsis versicolor Pestalotiopsis versicolor Pestalozziella parva Phacidiopycnis padwickii Phacidiopycnis padwickii Phacidiopycnis padwickii Phacidiopycnis padwickii Phaeocytostroma megalosporum Phaeoisaria clematidis Phaeosporis melasperma Phaeotrichoconis crotalariae Phaeotrichoconis crotalariae Phialomyces macrosporus Phialophora Phialophora richardsiae Phialophora sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-01436 NAIMCC-F-01437 NAIMCC-F-01438 NAIMCC-F-01439 NAIMCC-F-01440 NAIMCC-F-01441 NAIMCC-F-01442 NAIMCC-F-01443 NAIMCC-F-01444 NAIMCC-F-01445 NAIMCC-F-01446 NAIMCC-F-01447 NAIMCC-F-01448 NAIMCC-F-01449 NAIMCC-F-01450 NAIMCC-F-01451 NAIMCC-F-01452 NAIMCC-F-01453 NAIMCC-F-01454 NAIMCC-F-01455 NAIMCC-F-01456 NAIMCC-F-01457 NAIMCC-F-01458 NAIMCC-F-01459 NAIMCC-F-01460 NAIMCC-F-01461 NAIMCC-F-01462 NAIMCC-F-01463 NAIMCC-F-01464 NAIMCC-F-01465 NAIMCC-F-01466 NAIMCC-F-01467 NAIMCC-F-01468 NAIMCC-F-01469 NAIMCC-F-01470 NAIMCC-F-01471 NAIMCC-F-01472 NAIMCC-F-01473 NAIMCC-F-01474 NAIMCC-F-01475 NAIMCC-F-01476 NAIMCC-F-01477 NAIMCC-F-01478 NAIMCC-F-01479 NAIMCC-F-01480 NAIMCC-F-01481 NAIMCC-F-01482 NAIMCC-F-01483 NAIMCC-F-01484 NAIMCC-F-01485 NAIMCC-F-01486 NAIMCC-F-01487 NAIMCC-F-01488 NAIMCC-F-01489 NAIMCC-F-01490 NAIMCC-F-01491 Penicillium chermesinum Penicillium chermesinum Penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium citrinum Penicillium citrinum Penicillium crustosum Penicillium crustosum Penicillium daleae Penicillium daleae Penicillium decumbens Penicillium decumbens Penicillium digitatum Penicillium diversum Penicillium echinulatum Penicillium emmonsii Penicillium erubescens Penicillium expansum Penicillium expansum Penicillium funiculosum Penicillium funiculosum Penicillium funiculosum Penicillium glabarum Penicillium glabrum Penicillium gladioli Penicillium implicatum Penicillium implicatum Penicillium implicatum Penicillium intermedium Penicillium islandicum Penicillium islandicum Penicillium islandicum Penicillium kloeckeri Penicillium lehmanii Penicillium megasporum Penicillium meleagrinum Penicillium montanense Penicillium olsonii Penicillium oxalicum Penicillium oxalicum Penicillium oxalicum Penicillium papuanum Penicillium piceum Penicillium pinophilum Penicillium pinophilum Penicillium pinophilum Hedge Penicillium purpurogenum Penicillium raistrickii Penicillium roseopurpureum Penicillium rugulosum Penicillium rugulosum Penicillium sclerotigenum Penicillium sclerotiorum Penicillium sclerotiorum Penicillium sclerotiorum Penicillium solitum Westl Penicillium spirillum NAIMCC-F-01492 NAIMCC-F-01493 NAIMCC-F-01494 NAIMCC-F-01495 NAIMCC-F-01496 NAIMCC-F-01497 NAIMCC-F-01498 NAIMCC-F-01499 NAIMCC-F-01500 NAIMCC-F-01501 NAIMCC-F-01502 NAIMCC-F-01503 NAIMCC-F-01504 NAIMCC-F-01505 NAIMCC-F-01506 NAIMCC-F-01507 NAIMCC-F-01508 NAIMCC-F-01509 NAIMCC-F-01510 NAIMCC-F-01511 NAIMCC-F-01512 NAIMCC-F-01513 NAIMCC-F-01514 NAIMCC-F-01515 NAIMCC-F-01516 NAIMCC-F-01517 NAIMCC-F-01518 NAIMCC-F-01519 NAIMCC-F-01520 NAIMCC-F-01521 NAIMCC-F-01522 NAIMCC-F-01523 NAIMCC-F-01524 NAIMCC-F-01525 NAIMCC-F-01526 NAIMCC-F-01527 NAIMCC-F-01528 NAIMCC-F-01529 NAIMCC-F-01530 NAIMCC-F-01531 NAIMCC-F-01532 NAIMCC-F-01533 NAIMCC-F-01534 NAIMCC-F-01535 NAIMCC-F-01536 NAIMCC-F-01537 NAIMCC-F-01538 NAIMCC-F-01539 NAIMCC-F-01540 NAIMCC-F-01541 NAIMCC-F-01542 NAIMCC-F-01543 NAIMCC-F-01544 NAIMCC-F-01545 NAIMCC-F-01546 NAIMCC-F-01547 Penicillium variabile Pericinia echinochloae Periconia cookei Periconia manihoticola Periconia narsapurensis Periconia saraswatipurensis Periconia saraswatipurensis Periconia saraswatipurensis Periconia saraswatipurensis Periconia saraswatipurensis Periconia saraswatipurensis Periconia sp. Phoma multipora Phoma multipora Phoma multirostrata Phoma multirostrata Phoma nebulosa Phoma nyctaginea var. Phomopsis sp. Phomopsis sp. boerhaaviae Phoma ostiolata Phoma piperis betle Phoma radicina Phoma sorghina Phoma sorghina Phomopsis sp. microsporus Rhizopus microsporus var. Robillarda sessilis Robillarda sessilis Roumegueriella rufula Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sacrocladium oryzae Sarocladium oryzae Sarocladium oryzae Sarocladium oryzae Sarocladium oryzae Sarocladium oryzae Sclerotinia ricini Sclerotium hydrophilum Sclerotium hydrophilum Sclerotium rolfsii Sclerotium rolfsii Sclrotium rolfsii Sclrotium rolfsii Sclrotium rolfsii Sclrotium rolfsii Sclrotium rolfsii\ Scolecobasidium humicola Scolecobasidium terreum Scolecobasidium verruculosum Scopulariopsis brumptii Scopulariopsis brumptii Scopulariopsis carbonaria Scytalidium thermophilum Seimatosporium falcatum Seimatosporium fusisporum Setosphaeria holmii .National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01548 NAIMCC-F-01549 NAIMCC-F-01550 NAIMCC-F-01551 NAIMCC-F-01552 NAIMCC-F-01553 NAIMCC-F-01554 NAIMCC-F-01555 NAIMCC-F-01556 NAIMCC-F-01557 NAIMCC-F-01558 NAIMCC-F-01559 NAIMCC-F-01560 NAIMCC-F-01561 NAIMCC-F-01562 NAIMCC-F-01563 NAIMCC-F-01564 NAIMCC-F-01565 NAIMCC-F-01566 NAIMCC-F-01567 NAIMCC-F-01568 NAIMCC-F-01569 NAIMCC-F-01570 NAIMCC-F-01571 NAIMCC-F-01572 NAIMCC-F-01573 NAIMCC-F-01574 NAIMCC-F-01575 NAIMCC-F-01576 NAIMCC-F-01577 NAIMCC-F-01578 NAIMCC-F-01579 NAIMCC-F-01580 NAIMCC-F-01581 NAIMCC-F-01582 NAIMCC-F-01583 NAIMCC-F-01584 NAIMCC-F-01585 NAIMCC-F-01586 NAIMCC-F-01587 NAIMCC-F-01588 NAIMCC-F-01589 NAIMCC-F-01590 NAIMCC-F-01591 NAIMCC-F-01592 NAIMCC-F-01593 NAIMCC-F-01594 NAIMCC-F-01595 NAIMCC-F-01596 NAIMCC-F-01597 NAIMCC-F-01598 NAIMCC-F-01599 190 Pleospora infectoria Pleospora papaveracea Pleurotus sajor-caju Podospora pauciseta Podospora pauciseta Poitrasia circinans Polyschema chambalensis Polyschema indica Preussia globosa Preussia globosa Preussia vulgaris Protomycopsis phaseoli Pseudallescheria ellipsoidea Pseudocercospora cavarae Pseudomorfea coffeae Ptychogaster rubescens Pycnidiophora aurantiaca Pycnidiophora aurantiaca Pycnidiophora dispersa Pycnidiophora dispersa Pycnidiophora dispersa Pycnidiophora dispersa Pycnidiophora dispersa Pycnidiophora multispora Pycnoporus sanguineus Pyrenochaeta dolichi Pyrenochaeta dolichi Pyrenochaeta dolichi Pyrenochaeta gardeniae Pyrenochaeta oryzae Pyrenochaeta penniseti Pyrenochaeta rubi-idaei Radiomyces spectabilis Ramichloridium apiculatum Ramichloridium subulatum Ramulispora sorghi Ramulispora sorghi Rhinocladiella indica Rhizomucor pusillus Rhizomucor pusillus Rhizomucor pusillus Rhizopus microsporus var .rhizopodiformis Rhizopus homothallicus Rhizopus homothallicus Rhizopus homothallicus Rhizopus homothallicus Rhizopus homothallicus Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis NAIMCC-F-01600 NAIMCC-F-01601 NAIMCC-F-01602 NAIMCC-F-01603 NAIMCC-F-01604 NAIMCC-F-01605 NAIMCC-F-01606 NAIMCC-F-01607 NAIMCC-F-01608 NAIMCC-F-01609 NAIMCC-F-01610 NAIMCC-F-01611 NAIMCC-F-01612 NAIMCC-F-01613 NAIMCC-F-01614 NAIMCC-F-01615 NAIMCC-F-01616 NAIMCC-F-01617 NAIMCC-F-01618 NAIMCC-F-01619 NAIMCC-F-01620 NAIMCC-F-01621 NAIMCC-F-01622 NAIMCC-F-01623 NAIMCC-F-01624 NAIMCC-F-01625 NAIMCC-F-01626 NAIMCC-F-01627 NAIMCC-F-01628 NAIMCC-F-01629 NAIMCC-F-01630 NAIMCC-F-01631 NAIMCC-F-01632 NAIMCC-F-01633 NAIMCC-F-01634 NAIMCC-F-01635 NAIMCC-F-01636 NAIMCC-F-01637 NAIMCC-F-01638 NAIMCC-F-01639 NAIMCC-F-01640 NAIMCC-F-01641 NAIMCC-F-01642 NAIMCC-F-01643 NAIMCC-F-01644 NAIMCC-F-01645 NAIMCC-F-01646 NAIMCC-F-01647 NAIMCC-F-01648 NAIMCC-F-01649 NAIMCC-F-01650 NAIMCC-F-01651 NAIMCC-F-01652 NAIMCC-F-01653 NAIMCC-F-01654 Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis Rhizopus oryzae Rhizopus oryzae Rhizopus oryzae Rhizopus oryzae Rhizopus stolonifer var. lyococcos Rhizopus stolonifer var. rhizopodiformis Rhizopus microsporus var. stolonifer Rhodococcus sp. rhizopodiformis Rhizopus microsporus var. stolonifer Rhizopus stolonifera var. Sordaria superba Sorosporium heteropogonicola Spegazzinia sundara Spegazzinia sundara Spegazzinia sundara Sphacelotheca destruens Sphaeronaema indicum Sphaeronaema sesami Sporormiella minima Sporormiella minima Sporothrix cyanescens Sporothrix rectidentata Sporothrix sp. quaternella NAIMCC-F-01711 NAIMCC-F-01712 NAIMCC-F-01713 NAIMCC-F-01714 NAIMCC-F-01715 NAIMCC-F-01716 NAIMCC-F-01717 NAIMCC-F-01718 NAIMCC-F-01719 NAIMCC-F-01720 NAIMCC-F-01721 NAIMCC-F-01722 NAIMCC-F-01723 NAIMCC-F-01724 NAIMCC-F-01725 NAIMCC-F-01726 NAIMCC-F-01727 NAIMCC-F-01728 NAIMCC-F-01729 NAIMCC-F-01730 NAIMCC-F-01731 NAIMCC-F-01732 NAIMCC-F-01733 NAIMCC-F-01734 NAIMCC-F-01735 NAIMCC-F-01736 NAIMCC-F-01737 NAIMCC-F-01738 NAIMCC-F-01739 NAIMCC-F-01740 NAIMCC-F-01741 NAIMCC-F-01742 NAIMCC-F-01743 NAIMCC-F-01744 NAIMCC-F-01745 NAIMCC-F-01746 NAIMCC-F-01747 NAIMCC-F-01748 NAIMCC-F-01749 NAIMCC-F-01750 NAIMCC-F-01751 NAIMCC-F-01752 NAIMCC-F-01753 NAIMCC-F-01754 NAIMCC-F-01755 NAIMCC-F-01756 NAIMCC-F-01757 NAIMCC-F-01758 NAIMCC-F-01759 NAIMCC-F-01760 NAIMCC-F-01761 NAIMCC-F-01762 NAIMCC-F-01763 NAIMCC-F-01764 NAIMCC-F-01765 NAIMCC-F-01766 Torula terrestris Trichobotrys effusa Trichoderma asperellum Trichoderma fasiculatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma harzianu. Sporotrichum pulverulentum Stachybotrys atra Stachybotrys bisbyi Staphylotrichum coccosporum Stemphylium vesicarium Stigmina carpophila Stigmina platani Sutravarana samala Syncephalus depressa Tetraploa ellisii Thamnostylum lucknowense Thamnostylum piriforme Thermoascus aurantiacus Thermoascus aurantiacus Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae Thermomyces stellatus Thielavia appendiculata Thielavia appendiculata Thielavia appendiculata Thielavia fragilis Thielavia hyrcaniae Thielavia hyrcaniae Thielavia sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-01655 NAIMCC-F-01656 NAIMCC-F-01657 NAIMCC-F-01658 NAIMCC-F-01659 NAIMCC-F-01660 NAIMCC-F-01661 NAIMCC-F-01662 NAIMCC-F-01663 NAIMCC-F-01664 NAIMCC-F-01665 NAIMCC-F-01666 NAIMCC-F-01667 NAIMCC-F-01668 NAIMCC-F-01669 NAIMCC-F-01670 NAIMCC-F-01671 NAIMCC-F-01672 NAIMCC-F-01673 NAIMCC-F-01674 NAIMCC-F-01675 NAIMCC-F-01676 NAIMCC-F-01677 NAIMCC-F-01678 NAIMCC-F-01679 NAIMCC-F-01680 NAIMCC-F-01681 NAIMCC-F-01682 NAIMCC-F-01683 NAIMCC-F-01684 NAIMCC-F-01685 NAIMCC-F-01686 NAIMCC-F-01687 NAIMCC-F-01688 NAIMCC-F-01689 NAIMCC-F-01690 NAIMCC-F-01691 NAIMCC-F-01692 NAIMCC-F-01693 NAIMCC-F-01694 NAIMCC-F-01695 NAIMCC-F-01696 NAIMCC-F-01697 NAIMCC-F-01698 NAIMCC-F-01699 NAIMCC-F-01700 NAIMCC-F-01701 NAIMCC-F-01702 NAIMCC-F-01703 NAIMCC-F-01704 NAIMCC-F-01705 NAIMCC-F-01706 NAIMCC-F-01707 NAIMCC-F-01708 NAIMCC-F-01709 NAIMCC-F-01710 Setosphaeria pedicellata Setosphaeria pedicellata Setosphaeria rostrata Setosphaeria rostrata Setosphaeria rostrata Setosphaeria rostrata Sordaria fimicola Sordaria lappae Sordaria sp. Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma lectea Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma longibrachiatum 191 . Thielavia subthermophila Thielavia subthermophila Thielavia subthermophila Thielavia terricola Thielavia terricola Thielavia terricola Thielavia tortuosa Torula caligans Torula herbarum f. quaternella Torula herbarum f. Trichoderma harzianu. Trichoderma sp. Verticillium sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Wallemia sebi Wardomyces inflatus Wiesneriomyces laurinus Xylochia stegonsporioides Zopfiella karachiensis Zopfiella tetraspora Zopfiella tetraspora Zopfiella tetraspora Zopfiella tetraspora Zygorhynchus heterogamous Zygorhynchus moelleri Zygosporium echinosporum Zygosporium gibbum Zygosporium masonii Fusarium moniliforme . Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma virens Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma virens Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viridae Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride NAIMCC-F-01823 NAIMCC-F-01824 NAIMCC-F-01825 NAIMCC-F-01826 NAIMCC-F-01827 NAIMCC-F-01828 NAIMCC-F-01829 NAIMCC-F-01830 NAIMCC-F-01831 NAIMCC-F-01832 NAIMCC-F-01833 NAIMCC-F-01834 NAIMCC-F-01835 NAIMCC-F-01836 NAIMCC-F-01837 NAIMCC-F-01838 NAIMCC-F-01839 NAIMCC-F-01840 NAIMCC-F-01841 NAIMCC-F-01842 NAIMCC-F-01843 NAIMCC-F-01844 NAIMCC-F-01845 NAIMCC-F-01846 NAIMCC-F-01847 NAIMCC-F-01848 NAIMCC-F-01849 NAIMCC-F-01850 NAIMCC-F-01851 NAIMCC-F-01852 NAIMCC-F-01853 NAIMCC-F-01854 NAIMCC-F-01855 NAIMCC-F-01856 NAIMCC-F-01857 NAIMCC-F-01858 NAIMCC-F-01859 NAIMCC-F-01860 NAIMCC-F-01861 NAIMCC-F-01862 NAIMCC-F-01863 NAIMCC-F-01864 NAIMCC-F-01865 NAIMCC-F-01866 NAIMCC-F-01867 NAIMCC-F-01868 NAIMCC-F-01869 NAIMCC-F-01870 NAIMCC-F-01871 NAIMCC-F-01872 NAIMCC-F-01873 NAIMCC-F-01874 NAIMCC-F-01875 NAIMCC-F-01876 NAIMCC-F-01877 NAIMCC-F-01878 Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichothecium parvum Trichurus spiralis Tricladium indicum Tricurus spiralis Tritirachium oryzae Tritirachium oryzae Ulocladium botrytis Ulocladium consortiale Ulospora bilgramii Utharomyces epallocaulus Venturia inaequalis Venturia pyrina Verticillium lamellicola Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Verticillium nigrescens Verticillium psalliotae Verticillium sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Verticillium sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01767 NAIMCC-F-01768 NAIMCC-F-01769 NAIMCC-F-01770 NAIMCC-F-01771 NAIMCC-F-01772 NAIMCC-F-01773 NAIMCC-F-01774 NAIMCC-F-01775 NAIMCC-F-01776 NAIMCC-F-01777 NAIMCC-F-01778 NAIMCC-F-01779 NAIMCC-F-01780 NAIMCC-F-01781 NAIMCC-F-01782 NAIMCC-F-01783 NAIMCC-F-01784 NAIMCC-F-01785 NAIMCC-F-01786 NAIMCC-F-01787 NAIMCC-F-01788 NAIMCC-F-01789 NAIMCC-F-01790 NAIMCC-F-01791 NAIMCC-F-01792 NAIMCC-F-01793 NAIMCC-F-01794 NAIMCC-F-01795 NAIMCC-F-01796 NAIMCC-F-01797 NAIMCC-F-01798 NAIMCC-F-01799 NAIMCC-F-01800 NAIMCC-F-01801 NAIMCC-F-01802 NAIMCC-F-01803 NAIMCC-F-01804 NAIMCC-F-01805 NAIMCC-F-01806 NAIMCC-F-01807 NAIMCC-F-01808 NAIMCC-F-01809 NAIMCC-F-01810 NAIMCC-F-01811 NAIMCC-F-01812 NAIMCC-F-01813 NAIMCC-F-01814 NAIMCC-F-01815 NAIMCC-F-01816 NAIMCC-F-01817 NAIMCC-F-01818 NAIMCC-F-01819 NAIMCC-F-01820 NAIMCC-F-01821 NAIMCC-F-01822 192 Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma longibrachiatum Trichoderma pseudokoningii Trichoderma pseudokoningii Trichoderma pseudokoningii Trichoderma pseudokoningii Trichoderma pseudokoningii Trichoderma pseudokoningii Trichoderma sp. Volutella lini Volutella lini Volutella sp. Trichoderma sp. Alternaria tenuissima Alternaria tenissima Alternaria triticola Alternaria triticola Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus niger 193 .Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-01879 NAIMCC-F-01880 NAIMCC-F-01881 NAIMCC-F-01882 NAIMCC-F-01883 NAIMCC-F-01884 NAIMCC-F-01885 NAIMCC-F-01886 NAIMCC-F-01887 NAIMCC-F-01888 NAIMCC-F-01889 NAIMCC-F-01890 NAIMCC-F-01891 NAIMCC-F-01892 NAIMCC-F-01893 NAIMCC-F-01894 NAIMCC-F-01895 NAIMCC-F-01896 NAIMCC-F-01897 NAIMCC-F-01898 NAIMCC-F-01899 NAIMCC-F-01900 NAIMCC-F-01901 NAIMCC-F-01902 NAIMCC-F-01903 NAIMCC-F-01904 NAIMCC-F-01905 NAIMCC-F-01906 NAIMCC-F-01907 NAIMCC-F-01908 NAIMCC-F-01909 NAIMCC-F-01910 NAIMCC-F-01911 NAIMCC-F-01912 NAIMCC-F-01913 NAIMCC-F-01914 NAIMCC-F-01915 NAIMCC-F-01916 NAIMCC-F-01917 NAIMCC-F-01918 NAIMCC-F-01919 NAIMCC-F-01920 NAIMCC-F-01921 NAIMCC-F-01922 NAIMCC-F-01923 NAIMCC-F-01924 NAIMCC-F-01925 NAIMCC-F-01926 NAIMCC-F-01927 NAIMCC-F-01928 NAIMCC-F-01929 NAIMCC-F-01930 NAIMCC-F-01931 NAIMCC-F-01932 NAIMCC-F-01933 NAIMCC-F-01934 Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium palhidoroseum Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium fusarioides Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium oxysposum Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus NAIMCC-F-01935 NAIMCC-F-01936 NAIMCC-F-01937 NAIMCC-F-01938 NAIMCC-F-01939 NAIMCC-F-01940 NAIMCC-F-01941 NAIMCC-F-01942 NAIMCC-F-01943 NAIMCC-F-01944 NAIMCC-F-01945 NAIMCC-F-01946 NAIMCC-F-01947 NAIMCC-F-01948 NAIMCC-F-01949 NAIMCC-F-01950 NAIMCC-F-01951 NAIMCC-F-01952 NAIMCC-F-01953 NAIMCC-F-01954 NAIMCC-F-01955 NAIMCC-F-01956 NAIMCC-F-01957 NAIMCC-F-01958 NAIMCC-F-01959 NAIMCC-F-01960 NAIMCC-F-01961 NAIMCC-F-01962 NAIMCC-F-01963 NAIMCC-F-01964 NAIMCC-F-01965 NAIMCC-F-01966 NAIMCC-F-01967 NAIMCC-F-01968 NAIMCC-F-01969 NAIMCC-F-01970 NAIMCC-F-01971 NAIMCC-F-01972 NAIMCC-F-01973 NAIMCC-F-01974 NAIMCC-F-01975 NAIMCC-F-01976 NAIMCC-F-01977 NAIMCC-F-01978 NAIMCC-F-01979 NAIMCC-F-01980 NAIMCC-F-01981 NAIMCC-F-01982 NAIMCC-F-01983 NAIMCC-F-01984 NAIMCC-F-01985 NAIMCC-F-01986 NAIMCC-F-01987 NAIMCC-F-01988 NAIMCC-F-01989 NAIMCC-F-01990 Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Trichoderma asperellum Trichoderma koningii Aspergillus niger Aspergillus melleus Aspergillus niger Aspergillus melleus Aspergillus melleus Aspergillus melleus Aspergillus melleus Aspergillus niger Aspergillus clavatus Talaromyces flavus Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Trichoderma harziunum Rhizoctonia solani Rhizoctonia solani Rhizoctonia solani Rhizoctonia solani Alternaria alternata Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria cassia Alternaria poneasis Alternaria porri Alternaria solani Alternaria spp. Alternaria spp. sp ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f.ricini Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Gliocladium penicillioides Penicillum rugulosum Trichoderma hamatum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma koningii Trichoderma sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-01991 NAIMCC-F-01992 NAIMCC-F-01993 NAIMCC-F-01994 NAIMCC-F-01995 NAIMCC-F-01996 NAIMCC-F-01997 NAIMCC-F-01998 NAIMCC-F-01999 NAIMCC-F-02000 NAIMCC-F-02001 NAIMCC-F-02002 NAIMCC-F-02003 NAIMCC-F-02004 NAIMCC-F-02005 NAIMCC-F-02006 NAIMCC-F-02007 NAIMCC-F-02008 NAIMCC-F-02009 NAIMCC-F-02010 NAIMCC-F-02011 NAIMCC-F-02012 NAIMCC-F-02013 NAIMCC-F-02014 NAIMCC-F-02015 NAIMCC-F-02016 NAIMCC-F-02017 NAIMCC-F-02018 NAIMCC-F-02019 NAIMCC-F-02020 NAIMCC-F-02021 NAIMCC-F-02022 NAIMCC-F-02023 NAIMCC-F-02024 NAIMCC-F-02025 NAIMCC-F-02026 NAIMCC-F-02027 NAIMCC-F-02028 NAIMCC-F-02029 NAIMCC-F-02030 NAIMCC-F-02031 NAIMCC-F-02032 NAIMCC-F-02033 NAIMCC-F-02034 NAIMCC-F-02035 NAIMCC-F-02036 NAIMCC-F-02037 NAIMCC-F-02038 NAIMCC-F-02039 NAIMCC-F-02040 NAIMCC-F-02041 NAIMCC-F-02042 NAIMCC-F-02043 NAIMCC-F-02044 NAIMCC-F-02045 NAIMCC-F-02046 194 Aspergillus niger Aspergillus ochraceus Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium oxysporum f.meloni Fusarium oxysporum sp.sp ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f.cucumarium Fusarium oxysporum sp. Trichoderma sp.sp. carthami Fusarium oxysporum sp. Trichoderma virens Trichoderma viride NAIMCC-F-02047 NAIMCC-F-02048 NAIMCC-F-02049 NAIMCC-F-02050 NAIMCC-F-02051 NAIMCC-F-02052 NAIMCC-F-02053 NAIMCC-F-02054 NAIMCC-F-02055 NAIMCC-F-02056 NAIMCC-F-02057 NAIMCC-F-02058 NAIMCC-F-02059 NAIMCC-F-02060 NAIMCC-F-02061 NAIMCC-F-02062 NAIMCC-F-02063 NAIMCC-F-02064 NAIMCC-F-02065 NAIMCC-F-02066 NAIMCC-F-02067 NAIMCC-F-02068 NAIMCC-F-02069 NAIMCC-F-02070 NAIMCC-F-02071 NAIMCC-F-02072 NAIMCC-F-02073 NAIMCC-F-02074 NAIMCC-F-02075 NAIMCC-F-02076 NAIMCC-F-02077 NAIMCC-F-02078 NAIMCC-F-02079 NAIMCC-F-02080 NAIMCC-F-02081 NAIMCC-F-02082 NAIMCC-F-02083 NAIMCC-F-02084 NAIMCC-F-02085 NAIMCC-F-02086 NAIMCC-F-02087 NAIMCC-F-02088 NAIMCC-F-02089 NAIMCC-F-02090 NAIMCC-F-02091 NAIMCC-F-02092 NAIMCC-F-02093 NAIMCC-F-02094 NAIMCC-F-02095 NAIMCC-F-02096 NAIMCC-F-02097 NAIMCC-F-02098 NAIMCC-F-02099 NAIMCC-F-02100 NAIMCC-F-02101 NAIMCC-F-02102 Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Varticillum terrestre Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Metarhizium anisopliae Verticillium lecanii Verticillium lecanii Nomuraea rileyi Nomuraea rileyi Nomuraea rileyi Nomuraea rileyi Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium oxysporum Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus flavus Pleurotus pulmonarius Schizophyllum commune Schizophyllum commune Phomopsis conorum Trichoderma erinaceum Phanerochaete chrysosporium Pleurotus pulmonarius .meloni Fusarium oxysporum sp. Fusarium solani Pestolotia sp Pestolotia sp Chetomium sp Cladosporium cladosporidis Trichoderma harzianum Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. Ulocladium sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. ciceri 195 . Agrocybe chanxigua Stropharia coronilla Xerula furferacea Agrocybe erebia Agrocybe aegerita Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria bassiana Beauveria brongniartii Beauveria brongniartii Beauveria brongniartii Beauveria brongniartii Beauveria brongniartii Beauveria brongniartii Metarhizium anisopliae Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Alternaria alternate Colletotrichum sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02103 NAIMCC-F-02104 NAIMCC-F-02105 NAIMCC-F-02106 NAIMCC-F-02107 NAIMCC-F-02108 NAIMCC-F-02109 NAIMCC-F-02110 NAIMCC-F-02111 NAIMCC-F-02112 NAIMCC-F-02113 NAIMCC-F-02114 NAIMCC-F-02115 NAIMCC-F-02116 NAIMCC-F-02117 NAIMCC-F-02118 NAIMCC-F-02119 NAIMCC-F-02120 NAIMCC-F-02121 NAIMCC-F-02122 NAIMCC-F-02123 NAIMCC-F-02124 NAIMCC-F-02125 NAIMCC-F-02126 NAIMCC-F-02127 NAIMCC-F-02128 NAIMCC-F-02129 NAIMCC-F-02130 NAIMCC-F-02131 NAIMCC-F-02132 NAIMCC-F-02133 NAIMCC-F-02134 NAIMCC-F-02135 NAIMCC-F-02136 NAIMCC-F-02137 NAIMCC-F-02138 NAIMCC-F-02139 NAIMCC-F-02140 NAIMCC-F-02141 NAIMCC-F-02142 NAIMCC-F-02143 NAIMCC-F-02144 NAIMCC-F-02145 NAIMCC-F-02146 NAIMCC-F-02147 NAIMCC-F-02148 NAIMCC-F-02149 NAIMCC-F-02150 NAIMCC-F-02151 NAIMCC-F-02152 NAIMCC-F-02153 NAIMCC-F-02154 NAIMCC-F-02155 NAIMCC-F-02156 NAIMCC-F-02157 NAIMCC-F-02158 Phallorinia rependus Ganoderma lucidum Phallorinia herculean Fennellomyces linderi Inonotus patouillardii Metarhizium anisopliae Var. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. Nectria haematococca sp. Geomyces sp. anisopliae Beauveria bassiana Griffola frondosa Lentinus squarrosulus Amanita rubrovolvata Schizophyllum commune Leucocoprinus sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. Neofusicoccum parvum Colletotrichum sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceris Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. Thelebolus microspores Ulocladium consottialle Cladosporium antarticum Alternaria tennussima Asordaria sibatti Ulocladium tuticulutum Penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium lariosum Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme NAIMCC-F-02159 NAIMCC-F-02160 NAIMCC-F-02161 NAIMCC-F-02162 NAIMCC-F-02163 NAIMCC-F-02164 NAIMCC-F-02165 NAIMCC-F-02166 NAIMCC-F-02167 NAIMCC-F-02168 NAIMCC-F-02169 NAIMCC-F-02170 NAIMCC-F-02171 NAIMCC-F-02172 NAIMCC-F-02173 NAIMCC-F-02174 NAIMCC-F-02175 NAIMCC-F-02176 NAIMCC-F-02177 NAIMCC-F-02178 NAIMCC-F-02179 NAIMCC-F-02180 NAIMCC-F-02181 NAIMCC-F-02182 NAIMCC-F-02183 NAIMCC-F-02184 NAIMCC-F-02185 NAIMCC-F-02186 NAIMCC-F-02187 NAIMCC-F-02188 NAIMCC-F-02189 NAIMCC-F-02190 NAIMCC-F-02191 NAIMCC-F-02192 NAIMCC-F-02193 NAIMCC-F-02194 NAIMCC-F-02195 NAIMCC-F-02196 NAIMCC-F-02197 NAIMCC-F-02198 NAIMCC-F-02199 NAIMCC-F-02200 NAIMCC-F-02201 NAIMCC-F-02202 NAIMCC-F-02203 NAIMCC-F-02204 NAIMCC-F-02205 NAIMCC-F-02206 NAIMCC-F-02207 NAIMCC-F-02208 NAIMCC-F-02209 NAIMCC-F-02210 NAIMCC-F-02211 NAIMCC-F-02212 NAIMCC-F-02213 NAIMCC-F-02214 Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Fusarium moniliforme Helminthosporium oryzae Helminthosporium oryzae Rhizoctonia solani Pyricularia grisea Pyricularia grisea Pyricularia grisea Trichoderma hamatum Hypocrea lixxi Trichoderma asperillum Trichoderma erinaceum Hypocrea lixxi Hypocrea orientalis Trichoderma ovalisporum Trichoderma viride Trichoderma brevicompactum Trichoderma fasiculatum Aspergillus var columnaris Alternaria brassicae Trichoderma erinaccum Aspergillus sulphureus Botrydiptodia sp. sp. Gymnascella nodulosa Mucor circinelloides Gymnascella citrina Ulocladium botrytis Bartalinia terricola Kirkomyces cordensis Poitrasia circinans Pilidium acerinum Utharomyces epallocaulus Cunninghamella intermedia Curvularia ovoidea Penicillium pinophilum Hyphomucour assamensis Thielavia basicola Phialophora Aplosporella leucaenicola Themoascus aruantiacus Phaeoisaria clematidis Thielavia Aspergillus nidulans Pencillium albicans Pencillium crustosum Aspergillus stellatus var. sp. carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. rhizopodiformis Staphylotrichum coccosporum Acrophialophora fusispora Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis Aspergillus nidulans var. sp. echinulatus Cunninghamella elegans Engyodontium rectidentatum Neotestudina rosatii Neotestudina rosatii Myrothecium verrucaria Aspergillus chevalieri. sp. sp. sp. astellatus .National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02215 NAIMCC-F-02216 NAIMCC-F-02217 NAIMCC-F-02218 NAIMCC-F-02219 NAIMCC-F-02220 NAIMCC-F-02221 NAIMCC-F-02222 NAIMCC-F-02223 NAIMCC-F-02224 NAIMCC-F-02225 NAIMCC-F-02226 NAIMCC-F-02227 NAIMCC-F-02228 NAIMCC-F-02229 NAIMCC-F-02230 NAIMCC-F-02231 NAIMCC-F-02232 NAIMCC-F-02233 NAIMCC-F-02234 NAIMCC-F-02235 NAIMCC-F-02236 NAIMCC-F-02237 NAIMCC-F-02238 NAIMCC-F-02239 NAIMCC-F-02240 NAIMCC-F-02241 NAIMCC-F-02242 NAIMCC-F-02243 NAIMCC-F-02244 NAIMCC-F-02245 NAIMCC-F-02246 NAIMCC-F-02247 NAIMCC-F-02248 NAIMCC-F-02249 NAIMCC-F-02250 NAIMCC-F-02251 NAIMCC-F-02252 NAIMCC-F-02253 NAIMCC-F-02254 NAIMCC-F-02255 NAIMCC-F-02256 NAIMCC-F-02257 NAIMCC-F-02258 NAIMCC-F-02259 NAIMCC-F-02260 NAIMCC-F-02261 NAIMCC-F-02262 NAIMCC-F-02263 NAIMCC-F-02264 NAIMCC-F-02265 NAIMCC-F-02266 NAIMCC-F-02267 NAIMCC-F-02268 NAIMCC-F-02269 NAIMCC-F-02270 196 Fusarium oxysporum f. carthemi Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma piluliferum Trichoderma virense Trichoderma piluliferum Trichoderma virense Trichoderma virense Trichoderma piluliferum Trichoderma virense Trichoderma piluliferum Trichoderma virense Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Debaromyces hansenii Debaromyces hansenii Schizosaccharomyces pombe Schizosaccharomyces pombe Issatchenkia oriental Issatchenkia oriental Issatchenkia oriental Alternaria tenuissima Cladosporium cladosporioides Aspergillus fumigatus Phoma sojicola Exsudativum rostratum Alternaria mali Alternaria compacta Cladosporium cladosporioides Gliomastix Novae-zelandiae Polyschema chambalensis Choanephora cucurbitarum Mucor circinelloides Mucor circinelloides NAIMCC-F-02271 NAIMCC-F-02272 NAIMCC-F-02273 NAIMCC-F-02274 NAIMCC-F-02275 NAIMCC-F-02276 NAIMCC-F-02277 NAIMCC-F-02278 NAIMCC-F-02279 NAIMCC-F-02280 NAIMCC-F-02281 NAIMCC-F-02282 NAIMCC-F-02283 NAIMCC-F-02284 NAIMCC-F-02285 NAIMCC-F-02286 NAIMCC-F-02287 NAIMCC-F-02288 NAIMCC-F-02289 NAIMCC-F-02290 NAIMCC-F-02291 NAIMCC-F-02292 NAIMCC-F-02293 NAIMCC-F-02294 NAIMCC-F-02295 NAIMCC-F-02296 NAIMCC-F-02297 NAIMCC-F-02298 NAIMCC-F-02299 NAIMCC-F-02300 NAIMCC-F-02301 NAIMCC-F-02302 NAIMCC-F-02303 NAIMCC-F-02304 NAIMCC-F-02305 NAIMCC-F-02306 NAIMCC-F-02307 NAIMCC-F-02308 NAIMCC-F-02309 NAIMCC-F-02310 NAIMCC-F-02311 NAIMCC-F-02312 NAIMCC-F-02313 NAIMCC-F-02314 NAIMCC-F-02315 NAIMCC-F-02316 NAIMCC-F-02317 NAIMCC-F-02318 NAIMCC-F-02319 NAIMCC-F-02320 NAIMCC-F-02321 NAIMCC-F-02322 NAIMCC-F-02323 NAIMCC-F-02324 Mucor circinelloides f.lecanii-corni Verticillium theobromae Bartalinia terricola Chaetomium globosum Volutella lini Pyrenochaeta dolichi Pseudomorfea coffeae Setosphaeria holmii Phacidiopycnis padwickii Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis. sp. janssenii Mucor circinelloides Memnoniella echinata Corynascus novoguineensis Arthobotrys oligospora Rhizopus microspores var. Mucor circinelloides Acrohialophora fusispora. Exophiala jeanselmei var. sp. carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. Curvularia ovoidea. Myrotheciopsis Absidia blakesleenana. carthemi Alternaria carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthemi Fusarium oxysporum f. aeria Pochonia chlamydosporia var.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02325 NAIMCC-F-02326 NAIMCC-F-02327 NAIMCC-F-02328 NAIMCC-F-02329 NAIMCC-F-02330 NAIMCC-F-02331 NAIMCC-F-02332 NAIMCC-F-02333 NAIMCC-F-02334 NAIMCC-F-02335 NAIMCC-F-02336 NAIMCC-F-02337 NAIMCC-F-02338 NAIMCC-F-02339 NAIMCC-F-02340 NAIMCC-F-02341 NAIMCC-F-02342 NAIMCC-F-02343 NAIMCC-F-02344 NAIMCC-F-02345 NAIMCC-F-02346 NAIMCC-F-02347 NAIMCC-F-02348 NAIMCC-F-02349 NAIMCC-F-02350 NAIMCC-F-02351 NAIMCC-F-02352 NAIMCC-F-02353 NAIMCC-F-02354 NAIMCC-F-02355 NAIMCC-F-02356 NAIMCC-F-02357 NAIMCC-F-02358 NAIMCC-F-02359 NAIMCC-F-02360 NAIMCC-F-02361 NAIMCC-F-02362 NAIMCC-F-02363 NAIMCC-F-02364 NAIMCC-F-02365 NAIMCC-F-02366 NAIMCC-F-02367 NAIMCC-F-02368 NAIMCC-F-02369 NAIMCC-F-02370 NAIMCC-F-02371 NAIMCC-F-02372 NAIMCC-F-02373 NAIMCC-F-02374 NAIMCC-F-02375 NAIMCC-F-02376 NAIMCC-F-02377 NAIMCC-F-02378 NAIMCC-F-02379 Aspergillus niger Pencillium meleagrinum Aspergillus nomius Aspergillus lanosus Penicillium erubescens Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus Aspergillus unguis Aspergillus striatus Rhizomucor pusillus Chaetomium erraticum Chaetomium raii Trichoderma hamatum Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium Chaetomium nigiricolor Chaetomium Rhizopus oryzae Sporotrichum pulverulentum Lophotrichus bartlettii Pencillium chemesinum Penicillium oxalicum Pencillium funiculosum Aspergillus niveus Chaetomium jodhpurense Tricoderma longibrachiatum Alternaria Poonensis Chaetomium medusarum Aspergillus striatus Aspergillus terricola var. Crassus Aspergillus paradoxus Microascus trigonosporus Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis Curvularia Monodictys fluctuata Thielavia fragilis Rhizomucor pusillus Circinella muscae 197 . Var.indicus Trichoderma viride Pycnidiophora dispersa Curvularia oryzae Trichoderma harzianum Penicillium islandicum Trichoderma viride Chaetomium strumarium Ramulispora sorghi Themomyces stellatus Curvularia lunata var.chlamydosporia Chaetomium medusarum Chaetomium funicola Chaetomium jabalpurense Chaetomium raii Chaetomium nigricolor Ascotricha xylina Fusariella hughesii Altermaria tenuissima Bartalinia bischofiae Baltraniella humicola Thielavia subthermophila Setosphaeria pedicellata Chaetomium gracile Coniochaetidium boothii Ramulispora sorghi Scopulariopsis brumptii NAIMCC-F-02380 NAIMCC-F-02381 NAIMCC-F-02382 NAIMCC-F-02383 NAIMCC-F-02384 NAIMCC-F-02385 NAIMCC-F-02386 NAIMCC-F-02387 NAIMCC-F-02388 NAIMCC-F-02389 NAIMCC-F-02390 NAIMCC-F-02391 NAIMCC-F-02392 NAIMCC-F-02393 NAIMCC-F-02394 NAIMCC-F-02395 NAIMCC-F-02396 NAIMCC-F-02397 NAIMCC-F-02398 NAIMCC-F-02399 NAIMCC-F-02400 NAIMCC-F-02401 NAIMCC-F-02402 NAIMCC-F-02403 NAIMCC-F-02404 NAIMCC-F-02405 NAIMCC-F-02406 NAIMCC-F-02407 NAIMCC-F-02408 NAIMCC-F-02409 NAIMCC-F-02410 NAIMCC-F-02411 NAIMCC-F-02412 NAIMCC-F-02413 NAIMCC-F-02414 NAIMCC-F-02415 NAIMCC-F-02416 NAIMCC-F-02417 NAIMCC-F-02418 NAIMCC-F-02419 NAIMCC-F-02420 NAIMCC-F-02421 NAIMCC-F-02422 NAIMCC-F-02423 NAIMCC-F-02424 NAIMCC-F-02425 NAIMCC-F-02426 NAIMCC-F-02427 NAIMCC-F-02428 NAIMCC-F-02429 NAIMCC-F-02430 NAIMCC-F-02431 NAIMCC-F-02432 NAIMCC-F-02433 Geotrichum candidum Periconia saraswatipurensis Aspergillus terreus var globosus Penicillium e xpansum Aspergillus nidulans var. dentatus Aspergillus lucknowensis Aspergillus aculeatus Aspergillus sparsus Penicillium expansum Penicillium aurantiogriseum Penicillium crustosum Beauveria bassiana Acremonium zeae Gonytrichum macrocladum Penicillium anatolicum Penicillum oxalicum Aspergillus niger Aspergillus sulphureus Penicillium echinulatum Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus brunneouniseriatus Arcuadendron ovatum Penicillium chermesinum Aspergillus nidulans Paecilomyces lilacinus Penicillium implicatum Penicillium chermesinum Tetraploa ellisii Alternaria solani Periconia saraswatipurensis Cladosporium tenuissimum Gliomastix Novae-Zelandiae Achaetomium Periconiana sapurensis Achaetomium Chaetomium jodhpurense Chaetomium cuniculorum Acremonium recifei Trichoderma viride Trichoderma harzianum Greeneria uvicola Corynascus novoguineensis Beauveria brongniartii Podospora pauciseta Rhizopus microsporus var rhizopodiformis Aspergillus sulphureus. Arthrinium sp. Saccharomyces sp. chlamydosporia Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia Paecilomyces lilacinus Paecilomyces lilacinus Paecilomyces lilacinus Coniothyrium minitans Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma virens Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma virens Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum . Leptosphaeria sp. Hypocreales sp. Saccharomyces sp. Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma viride Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Alternaria tenuissima Cladosporium cladosporioides Aspergillus fumigatus Phoma sojicola Exsudativum rostratum Alternaria mali Alternaria compacta Cladosporium cladosporioides Pochonia chlamydosporia var.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02434 NAIMCC-F-02435 NAIMCC-F-02436 NAIMCC-F-02437 NAIMCC-F-02438 NAIMCC-F-02439 NAIMCC-F-02440 NAIMCC-F-02441 NAIMCC-F-02442 NAIMCC-F-02443 NAIMCC-F-02444 NAIMCC-F-02445 NAIMCC-F-02446 NAIMCC-F-02447 NAIMCC-F-02448 NAIMCC-F-02449 NAIMCC-F-02450 NAIMCC-F-02451 NAIMCC-F-02452 NAIMCC-F-02453 NAIMCC-F-02454 NAIMCC-F-02455 NAIMCC-F-02456 NAIMCC-F-02457 NAIMCC-F-02458 NAIMCC-F-02459 NAIMCC-F-02460 NAIMCC-F-02461 NAIMCC-F-02462 NAIMCC-F-02463 NAIMCC-F-02464 NAIMCC-F-02465 NAIMCC-F-02466 NAIMCC-F-02467 NAIMCC-F-02468 NAIMCC-F-02469 NAIMCC-F-02470 NAIMCC-F-02471 NAIMCC-F-02472 NAIMCC-F-02473 NAIMCC-F-02474 NAIMCC-F-02475 NAIMCC-F-02476 NAIMCC-F-02477 NAIMCC-F-02478 NAIMCC-F-02479 NAIMCC-F-02480 NAIMCC-F-02481 NAIMCC-F-02482 NAIMCC-F-02483 NAIMCC-F-02484 NAIMCC-F-02485 NAIMCC-F-02486 NAIMCC-F-02487 NAIMCC-F-02488 NAIMCC-F-02489 198 Emericellopsis minima Monodictys fluctuate Macrophomina phaseolina Penicillium citrinum Fusrium udum Fusarium moniliforme Nectria illudens Choanephora cucurbitarum Gilbertella persicaria Metarhizium anisopliae Phoma sorghina Pyrenochaeta dolichi Cunninghamella echinulata Tichoderma harzianum Rhizopus oryzae Linderina pennispora Chaetomium jabalpurense Trichobotrys effusa Bipolaris colocasiae Zychaea mexicana Zychaea mexicana Psudocercospora cavarae Cochliobolus tuberculatus Chaetomium Achaetomium thielavioides Rhizopus oryzae Chaetomium globisporum Chaetomium jodhpurense Hymenopsis trochiloides Pyricularia oryzae Humicola grisea Humicola rusoleus Scytalidum thermophilum Phanerochaete chrysosporium Aspergillus oryzae Aspergillus oryzae Issatchankia orientalis Aspergillus niger Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus fumigates Saccharomyces cerevisiae Aspergillus fumigates Fusarium brachygibbosum Fusarium equiseti Fusarium accuminatum Septoglocum mori Penicillium citrinum Cercospora canescens Cercospora canescens Paecilomyces lilacinus Myrothecium verricaria Clonostachysrosea f catenulate Discostrama tricellulare Phoma putaminum Cornespora cassicola Emericellepsis humicola NAIMCC-F-02490 NAIMCC-F-02491 NAIMCC-F-02492 NAIMCC-F-02493 NAIMCC-F-02494 NAIMCC-F-02495 NAIMCC-F-02496 NAIMCC-F-02497 NAIMCC-F-02498 NAIMCC-F-02499 NAIMCC-F-02500 NAIMCC-F-02501 NAIMCC-F-02502 NAIMCC-F-02503 NAIMCC-F-02504 NAIMCC-F-02505 NAIMCC-F-02506 NAIMCC-F-02507 NAIMCC-F-02508 NAIMCC-F-02509 NAIMCC-F-02510 NAIMCC-F-02511 NAIMCC-F-02512 NAIMCC-F-02513 NAIMCC-F-02514 NAIMCC-F-02515 NAIMCC-F-02516 NAIMCC-F-02517 NAIMCC-F-02518 NAIMCC-F-02519 NAIMCC-F-02520 NAIMCC-F-02521 NAIMCC-F-02522 NAIMCC-F-02523 NAIMCC-F-02524 NAIMCC-F-02525 NAIMCC-F-02526 NAIMCC-F-02527 NAIMCC-F-02528 NAIMCC-F-02529 NAIMCC-F-02530 NAIMCC-F-02531 NAIMCC-F-02532 NAIMCC-F-02533 NAIMCC-F-02534 NAIMCC-F-02535 NAIMCC-F-02536 NAIMCC-F-02537 NAIMCC-F-02538 NAIMCC-F-02539 NAIMCC-F-02540 NAIMCC-F-02541 NAIMCC-F-02542 NAIMCC-F-02543 Penicillium citrinum Plectosphaerella cucumeria Pacelomyces marquandii Metacrodyceps sp. Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02544 NAIMCC-F-02545 NAIMCC-F-02546 NAIMCC-F-02547 NAIMCC-F-02548 NAIMCC-F-02549 NAIMCC-F-02550 NAIMCC-F-02551 NAIMCC-F-02552 NAIMCC-F-02553 NAIMCC-F-02554 NAIMCC-F-02555 NAIMCC-F-02556 NAIMCC-F-02557 NAIMCC-F-02558 NAIMCC-F-02559 NAIMCC-F-02560 NAIMCC-F-02561 NAIMCC-F-02562 NAIMCC-F-02563 NAIMCC-F-02564 NAIMCC-F-02565 NAIMCC-F-02566 NAIMCC-F-02567 NAIMCC-F-02568 NAIMCC-F-02569 NAIMCC-F-02570 NAIMCC-F-02571 NAIMCC-F-02572 NAIMCC-F-02573 NAIMCC-F-02574 NAIMCC-F-02575 NAIMCC-F-02576 NAIMCC-F-02577 NAIMCC-F-02578 NAIMCC-F-02579 NAIMCC-F-02580 NAIMCC-F-02581 NAIMCC-F-02582 NAIMCC-F-02583 NAIMCC-F-02584 NAIMCC-F-02585 NAIMCC-F-02586 NAIMCC-F-02587 NAIMCC-F-02588 NAIMCC-F-02589 NAIMCC-F-02590 NAIMCC-F-02591 NAIMCC-F-02592 NAIMCC-F-02593 NAIMCC-F-02594 NAIMCC-F-02595 NAIMCC-F-02596 NAIMCC-F-02597 NAIMCC-F-02598 NAIMCC-F-02599 Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma virens Trichoderma virens Trichoderma virens Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma virens Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trchoderma sp Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma rinaceum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Trichoderma harzianum Alternaria brassicae NAIMCC-F-02600 NAIMCC-F-02601 NAIMCC-F-02602 NAIMCC-F-02603 NAIMCC-F-02604 NAIMCC-F-02605 NAIMCC-F-02606 NAIMCC-F-02607 NAIMCC-F-02608 NAIMCC-F-02609 NAIMCC-F-02610 NAIMCC-F-02611 NAIMCC-F-02612 NAIMCC-F-02613 NAIMCC-F-02614 NAIMCC-F-02615 NAIMCC-F-02616 NAIMCC-F-02617 NAIMCC-F-02618 NAIMCC-F-02619 NAIMCC-F-02620 NAIMCC-F-02621 NAIMCC-F-02622 NAIMCC-F-02623 NAIMCC-F-02624 NAIMCC-F-02625 NAIMCC-F-02626 NAIMCC-F-02627 NAIMCC-F-02628 NAIMCC-F-02629 NAIMCC-F-02630 NAIMCC-F-02631 NAIMCC-F-02632 NAIMCC-F-02633 NAIMCC-F-02634 NAIMCC-F-02635 NAIMCC-F-02636 NAIMCC-F-02637 NAIMCC-F-02638 NAIMCC-F-02639 NAIMCC-F-02640 NAIMCC-F-02641 NAIMCC-F-02642 NAIMCC-F-02643 NAIMCC-F-02644 NAIMCC-F-02645 NAIMCC-F-02646 NAIMCC-F-02647 NAIMCC-F-02648 NAIMCC-F-02649 NAIMCC-F-02650 NAIMCC-F-02651 NAIMCC-F-02652 NAIMCC-F-02653 NAIMCC-F-02654 NAIMCC-F-02655 Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicae Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria porri Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria sesame Alternaria solani 199 . Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. . Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides NAIMCC-F-02712 NAIMCC-F-02713 NAIMCC-F-02714 NAIMCC-F-02715 NAIMCC-F-02716 NAIMCC-F-02717 NAIMCC-F-02718 NAIMCC-F-02719 NAIMCC-F-02720 NAIMCC-F-02721 NAIMCC-F-02722 NAIMCC-F-02723 NAIMCC-F-02724 NAIMCC-F-02725 NAIMCC-F-02726 NAIMCC-F-02727 NAIMCC-F-02728 NAIMCC-F-02729 NAIMCC-F-02730 NAIMCC-F-02731 NAIMCC-F-02732 NAIMCC-F-02733 NAIMCC-F-02734 NAIMCC-F-02735 NAIMCC-F-02736 NAIMCC-F-02737 NAIMCC-F-02738 NAIMCC-F-02739 NAIMCC-F-02740 NAIMCC-F-02741 NAIMCC-F-02742 NAIMCC-F-02743 NAIMCC-F-02744 NAIMCC-F-02745 NAIMCC-F-02746 NAIMCC-F-02747 NAIMCC-F-02748 NAIMCC-F-02749 NAIMCC-F-02750 NAIMCC-F-02751 NAIMCC-F-02752 NAIMCC-F-02753 NAIMCC-F-02754 NAIMCC-F-02755 NAIMCC-F-02756 NAIMCC-F-02757 NAIMCC-F-02758 NAIMCC-F-02759 NAIMCC-F-02760 NAIMCC-F-02761 NAIMCC-F-02762 NAIMCC-F-02763 NAIMCC-F-02764 NAIMCC-F-02765 NAIMCC-F-02766 NAIMCC-F-02767 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum falcatum Colletotrichum falcatum Colletotrichum falcatum Colletotrichum falcatum Colletotrichum falcatum Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-F-02656 NAIMCC-F-02657 NAIMCC-F-02658 NAIMCC-F-02659 NAIMCC-F-02660 NAIMCC-F-02661 NAIMCC-F-02662 NAIMCC-F-02663 NAIMCC-F-02664 NAIMCC-F-02665 NAIMCC-F-02666 NAIMCC-F-02667 NAIMCC-F-02668 NAIMCC-F-02669 NAIMCC-F-02670 NAIMCC-F-02671 NAIMCC-F-02672 NAIMCC-F-02673 NAIMCC-F-02674 NAIMCC-F-02675 NAIMCC-F-02676 NAIMCC-F-02677 NAIMCC-F-02678 NAIMCC-F-02679 NAIMCC-F-02680 NAIMCC-F-02681 NAIMCC-F-02682 NAIMCC-F-02683 NAIMCC-F-02684 NAIMCC-F-02685 NAIMCC-F-02686 NAIMCC-F-02687 NAIMCC-F-02688 NAIMCC-F-02689 NAIMCC-F-02690 NAIMCC-F-02691 NAIMCC-F-02692 NAIMCC-F-02693 NAIMCC-F-02694 NAIMCC-F-02695 NAIMCC-F-02696 NAIMCC-F-02697 NAIMCC-F-02698 NAIMCC-F-02699 NAIMCC-F-02700 NAIMCC-F-02701 NAIMCC-F-02702 NAIMCC-F-02703 NAIMCC-F-02704 NAIMCC-F-02705 NAIMCC-F-02706 NAIMCC-F-02707 NAIMCC-F-02708 NAIMCC-F-02709 NAIMCC-F-02710 NAIMCC-F-02711 200 Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Alternaria solani Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Colletotrichum sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Colletotrichum sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. Colletotrichum sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. Colletotrichum sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. Colletotrichum sp. sp. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani NAIMCC-F-02824 NAIMCC-F-02825 NAIMCC-F-02826 NAIMCC-F-02827 NAIMCC-F-02828 NAIMCC-F-02829 NAIMCC-F-02830 NAIMCC-F-02831 NAIMCC-F-02832 NAIMCC-F-02833 NAIMCC-F-02834 NAIMCC-F-02835 NAIMCC-F-02836 NAIMCC-F-02837 NAIMCC-F-02838 NAIMCC-F-02839 NAIMCC-F-02840 NAIMCC-F-02841 NAIMCC-F-02842 NAIMCC-F-02843 NAIMCC-F-02844 NAIMCC-F-02845 NAIMCC-F-02846 NAIMCC-F-02847 NAIMCC-F-02848 NAIMCC-F-02849 NAIMCC-F-02850 NAIMCC-F-02851 NAIMCC-F-02852 NAIMCC-F-02853 NAIMCC-F-02854 NAIMCC-F-02855 NAIMCC-F-02856 NAIMCC-F-02857 NAIMCC-F-02858 NAIMCC-F-02859 NAIMCC-F-02860 NAIMCC-F-02861 NAIMCC-F-02862 NAIMCC-F-02863 NAIMCC-F-02864 NAIMCC-F-02865 NAIMCC-F-02866 NAIMCC-F-02867 NAIMCC-F-02868 NAIMCC-F-02869 NAIMCC-F-02870 NAIMCC-F-02871 NAIMCC-F-02872 NAIMCC-F-02873 NAIMCC-F-02874 NAIMCC-F-02875 NAIMCC-F-02876 NAIMCC-F-02877 NAIMCC-F-02878 NAIMCC-F-02879 NAIMCC-F-02880 NAIMCC-F-02881 Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium solani Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium udum Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Colletotrichum sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. Colletotrichum sp. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. ciceri 201 . lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. Colletotrichum sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-F-02768 NAIMCC-F-02769 NAIMCC-F-02770 NAIMCC-F-02771 NAIMCC-F-02772 NAIMCC-F-02773 NAIMCC-F-02774 NAIMCC-F-02775 NAIMCC-F-02776 NAIMCC-F-02777 NAIMCC-F-02778 NAIMCC-F-02779 NAIMCC-F-02780 NAIMCC-F-02781 NAIMCC-F-02782 NAIMCC-F-02783 NAIMCC-F-02784 NAIMCC-F-02785 NAIMCC-F-02786 NAIMCC-F-02787 NAIMCC-F-02788 NAIMCC-F-02789 NAIMCC-F-02790 NAIMCC-F-02791 NAIMCC-F-02792 NAIMCC-F-02793 NAIMCC-F-02794 NAIMCC-F-02795 NAIMCC-F-02796 NAIMCC-F-02797 NAIMCC-F-02798 NAIMCC-F-02799 NAIMCC-F-02800 NAIMCC-F-02801 NAIMCC-F-02802 NAIMCC-F-02803 NAIMCC-F-02804 NAIMCC-F-02805 NAIMCC-F-02806 NAIMCC-F-02807 NAIMCC-F-02808 NAIMCC-F-02809 NAIMCC-F-02810 NAIMCC-F-02811 NAIMCC-F-02812 NAIMCC-F-02813 NAIMCC-F-02814 NAIMCC-F-02815 NAIMCC-F-02816 NAIMCC-F-02817 NAIMCC-F-02818 NAIMCC-F-02819 NAIMCC-F-02820 NAIMCC-F-02821 NAIMCC-F-02822 NAIMCC-F-02823 Colletotrichum sp. ciceri Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. sp. sp. sp. Bacillus firmus Bacillus freudernechii Bacillus megaterium Bacillus megaterium Bacillus alvei Bacillus aminovorans Bacillus amyloliquifaciens Bacillus amyloliquifaciens Bacillus aneurinolyticus Bacillus aquimaris Bacillus brevis Bacillus brevis Bacillus brevis Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Bacillus circulans Bacillus circulans Bacillus circulans Bacillus coagulans Bacillus fusiformis Bacillus globigii Bacillus globisporus Bacillus laevolacticus Bacillus larvae Bacillus laterosporus Bacillus laterosporus Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus macerans Bacillus macquarensis Bacillus marcescens Bacillus megaterium Bacillus megaterium Bacillus megaterium Bacillus mycoides Bacillus oleronius . Azospirillum amazonense Azospirillum lipoferum Azospirillum lipoferum Azospirillum brasilense Azotobacter beijerinckii Azotobacter beijerinckii Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter vinelandii Azotobacter vinelandii Azotobacter vinelandii Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum NAIMCC-B-00051 NAIMCC-B-00052 NAIMCC-B-00053 NAIMCC-B-00054 NAIMCC-B-00055 NAIMCC-B-00056 NAIMCC-B-00057 NAIMCC-B-00058 NAIMCC-B-00059 NAIMCC-B-00060 NAIMCC-B-00061 NAIMCC-B-00062 NAIMCC-B-00063 NAIMCC-B-00064 NAIMCC-B-00065 NAIMCC-B-00066 NAIMCC-B-00067 NAIMCC-B-00068 NAIMCC-B-00069 NAIMCC-B-00070 NAIMCC-B-00071 NAIMCC-B-00072 NAIMCC-B-00073 NAIMCC-B-00074 NAIMCC-B-00075 NAIMCC-B-00076 NAIMCC-B-00077 NAIMCC-B-00078 NAIMCC-B-00079 NAIMCC-B-00080 NAIMCC-B-00081 NAIMCC-B-00082 NAIMCC-B-00083 NAIMCC-B-00084 NAIMCC-B-00085 NAIMCC-B-00086 NAIMCC-B-00087 NAIMCC-B-00088 NAIMCC-B-00089 NAIMCC-B-00090 NAIMCC-B-00091 NAIMCC-B-00092 NAIMCC-B-00093 NAIMCC-B-00094 NAIMCC-B-00095 NAIMCC-B-00096 NAIMCC-B-00097 NAIMCC-B-00098 NAIMCC-B-00099 NAIMCC-B-00100 NAIMCC-B-00101 Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter chroococcum Azotobacter vinelandi Bacillus sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection Numerical index for Bacteria Accession Number NAIMCC-B-00001 NAIMCC-B-00002 NAIMCC-B-00003 NAIMCC-B-00004 NAIMCC-B-00005 NAIMCC-B-00006 NAIMCC-B-00007 NAIMCC-B-00008 NAIMCC-B-00009 NAIMCC-B-00010 NAIMCC-B-00011 NAIMCC-B-00012 NAIMCC-B-00013 NAIMCC-B-00014 NAIMCC-B-00015 NAIMCC-B-00016 NAIMCC-B-00017 NAIMCC-B-00018 NAIMCC-B-00019 NAIMCC-B-00020 NAIMCC-B-00021 NAIMCC-B-00022 NAIMCC-B-00023 NAIMCC-B-00024 NAIMCC-B-00025 NAIMCC-B-00026 NAIMCC-B-00027 NAIMCC-B-00028 NAIMCC-B-00029 NAIMCC-B-00030 NAIMCC-B-00031 NAIMCC-B-00032 NAIMCC-B-00033 NAIMCC-B-00034 NAIMCC-B-00035 NAIMCC-B-00036 NAIMCC-B-00037 NAIMCC-B-00038 NAIMCC-B-00039 NAIMCC-B-00040 NAIMCC-B-00041 NAIMCC-B-00042 NAIMCC-B-00043 NAIMCC-B-00044 NAIMCC-B-00045 NAIMCC-B-00046 NAIMCC-B-00047 NAIMCC-B-00048 NAIMCC-B-00049 NAIMCC-B-00050 202 Name of organism Acetobacter pasteurianus Achromobacter lacticum Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baylyi Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Acinetobacter junii Acinetobacter junii Actinoplanes campanulatus Actinoplanes deccanensis Actinoplanes ferrugineus Actinoplanes brasiliensis Actinoplanes italicus Actinopolyspora halophila Aeromonas hydrophila Agrobacterium rhizogenes Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agrobacterium tumefaciens biovar 1 Aquitalea maqnusonii Aquitalea maqnusonii Aquitalea sp. Arthrobacter citreus. Arthrobacter sp. israelensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis NAIMCC-B-00156 NAIMCC-B-00157 NAIMCC-B-00158 NAIMCC-B-00159 NAIMCC-B-00160 NAIMCC-B-00161 NAIMCC-B-00162 NAIMCC-B-00163 NAIMCC-B-00164 NAIMCC-B-00165 NAIMCC-B-00166 NAIMCC-B-00167 NAIMCC-B-00168 NAIMCC-B-00169 NAIMCC-B-00170 NAIMCC-B-00171 NAIMCC-B-00172 NAIMCC-B-00173 NAIMCC-B-00174 NAIMCC-B-00175 NAIMCC-B-00176 NAIMCC-B-00177 NAIMCC-B-00178 NAIMCC-B-00179 NAIMCC-B-00180 NAIMCC-B-00181 NAIMCC-B-00182 NAIMCC-B-00183 NAIMCC-B-00184 NAIMCC-B-00185 NAIMCC-B-00186 NAIMCC-B-00187 NAIMCC-B-00188 NAIMCC-B-00189 NAIMCC-B-00190 NAIMCC-B-00191 NAIMCC-B-00192 NAIMCC-B-00193 NAIMCC-B-00194 NAIMCC-B-00195 NAIMCC-B-00196 NAIMCC-B-00197 NAIMCC-B-00198 NAIMCC-B-00199 NAIMCC-B-00200 NAIMCC-B-00201 NAIMCC-B-00202 NAIMCC-B-00203 NAIMCC-B-00204 NAIMCC-B-00205 NAIMCC-B-00206 NAIMCC-B-00207 NAIMCC-B-00208 NAIMCC-B-00209 NAIMCC-B-00210 NAIMCC-B-00211 Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis 203 . Bacillus sphaericus Bacillus sphaericus Bacillus sporothermodurans Bacillus stearothermophilus Bacillus sterothermophilus Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp. Bacillus sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00102 NAIMCC-B-00103 NAIMCC-B-00104 NAIMCC-B-00105 NAIMCC-B-00106 NAIMCC-B-00107 NAIMCC-B-00108 NAIMCC-B-00109 NAIMCC-B-00110 NAIMCC-B-00111 NAIMCC-B-00112 NAIMCC-B-00113 NAIMCC-B-00114 NAIMCC-B-00115 NAIMCC-B-00116 NAIMCC-B-00117 NAIMCC-B-00118 NAIMCC-B-00119 NAIMCC-B-00120 NAIMCC-B-00121 NAIMCC-B-00122 NAIMCC-B-00123 NAIMCC-B-00124 NAIMCC-B-00125 NAIMCC-B-00126 NAIMCC-B-00127 NAIMCC-B-00128 NAIMCC-B-00129 NAIMCC-B-00130 NAIMCC-B-00131 NAIMCC-B-00132 NAIMCC-B-00133 NAIMCC-B-00134 NAIMCC-B-00135 NAIMCC-B-00136 NAIMCC-B-00137 NAIMCC-B-00138 NAIMCC-B-00139 NAIMCC-B-00140 NAIMCC-B-00141 NAIMCC-B-00142 NAIMCC-B-00143 NAIMCC-B-00144 NAIMCC-B-00145 NAIMCC-B-00146 NAIMCC-B-00147 NAIMCC-B-00148 NAIMCC-B-00149 NAIMCC-B-00150 NAIMCC-B-00151 NAIMCC-B-00152 NAIMCC-B-00153 NAIMCC-B-00154 NAIMCC-B-00155 Bacillus oleronius Bacillus oleronius Bacillus pantothenticus Bacillus pasteurii Bacillus pasteurii Bacillus pumilus Bacillus sp. aizawai Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp entomocidus Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp galleriae Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp. Bacillus sp. Candida albicans Cellulomonas flavigena Couchioplanes caeruleus subsp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Gluconobacter sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. .National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00212 NAIMCC-B-00213 NAIMCC-B-00214 NAIMCC-B-00215 NAIMCC-B-00216 NAIMCC-B-00217 NAIMCC-B-00218 NAIMCC-B-00219 NAIMCC-B-00220 NAIMCC-B-00221 NAIMCC-B-00222 NAIMCC-B-00223 NAIMCC-B-00224 NAIMCC-B-00225 NAIMCC-B-00226 NAIMCC-B-00227 NAIMCC-B-00228 NAIMCC-B-00229 NAIMCC-B-00230 NAIMCC-B-00231 NAIMCC-B-00232 NAIMCC-B-00233 NAIMCC-B-00234 NAIMCC-B-00235 NAIMCC-B-00236 NAIMCC-B-00237 NAIMCC-B-00238 NAIMCC-B-00239 NAIMCC-B-00240 NAIMCC-B-00241 NAIMCC-B-00242 NAIMCC-B-00243 NAIMCC-B-00244 NAIMCC-B-00245 NAIMCC-B-00246 NAIMCC-B-00247 NAIMCC-B-00248 NAIMCC-B-00249 NAIMCC-B-00250 NAIMCC-B-00251 NAIMCC-B-00252 NAIMCC-B-00253 NAIMCC-B-00254 NAIMCC-B-00255 NAIMCC-B-00256 NAIMCC-B-00257 NAIMCC-B-00258 NAIMCC-B-00259 NAIMCC-B-00260 NAIMCC-B-00261 NAIMCC-B-00262 NAIMCC-B-00263 NAIMCC-B-00264 NAIMCC-B-00265 NAIMCC-B-00266 NAIMCC-B-00267 204 Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus thuringiensis Bradyrhizobium japonicum Bradyrhizobium japonicum Bradyrhizobium japonicum Bradyrhizobium japonicum Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Nocardia sp. Klebsiella pneumonae Klebsiella sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Brevibacterium divericatum Brevibacterium saccharolyticus Brevibacterium vitanomas Brevibacterium roseum Burkholderia cepacia Burkholderia sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Carotovora Erwinia carotovora subsp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Nocrdiopsis dassonvillei Paenibacillus macquariensis Paenibacillus polymyxa Pantoea dispersa Pediococcus cerevisiae Peudomonas aeruginosa Proteus sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus paracasei Mesorhizobium ciceri Micrococcus sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. NAIMCC-B-00268 NAIMCC-B-00269 NAIMCC-B-00270 NAIMCC-B-00271 NAIMCC-B-00272 NAIMCC-B-00273 NAIMCC-B-00274 NAIMCC-B-00275 NAIMCC-B-00276 NAIMCC-B-00277 NAIMCC-B-00278 NAIMCC-B-00279 NAIMCC-B-00280 NAIMCC-B-00281 NAIMCC-B-00282 NAIMCC-B-00283 NAIMCC-B-00284 NAIMCC-B-00285 NAIMCC-B-00286 NAIMCC-B-00287 NAIMCC-B-00288 NAIMCC-B-00289 NAIMCC-B-00290 NAIMCC-B-00291 NAIMCC-B-00292 NAIMCC-B-00293 NAIMCC-B-00294 NAIMCC-B-00295 NAIMCC-B-00296 NAIMCC-B-00297 NAIMCC-B-00298 NAIMCC-B-00299 NAIMCC-B-00300 NAIMCC-B-00301 NAIMCC-B-00302 NAIMCC-B-00303 NAIMCC-B-00304 NAIMCC-B-00305 NAIMCC-B-00306 NAIMCC-B-00307 NAIMCC-B-00308 NAIMCC-B-00309 NAIMCC-B-00310 NAIMCC-B-00311 NAIMCC-B-00312 NAIMCC-B-00313 NAIMCC-B-00314 NAIMCC-B-00315 NAIMCC-B-00316 NAIMCC-B-00317 NAIMCC-B-00318 NAIMCC-B-00319 NAIMCC-B-00320 NAIMCC-B-00321 NAIMCC-B-00322 Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. (Arachis) Bradyrhizobium sp. Bradyrhizobium sp. caeruleus Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Edwardsiella tarda Edwardsiella tarda Edwardsiella tarda Edwardsiella tarda Edwardsiella tarda Edwardsiella tarda Enterobacter asburiae Enterobacter cloacae Enterobacter cloacae Enterobacter cloacae Erwinia carotovora Erwinia carotovora sub sp. carotovora Erwinia tracheiphila Exiguobacterium acetylicum Flavobacterium devorans Geobacillus stearothermohilus. Bradyrhizobium sp. Pseudomonas sp. Rhizobium sp. Pseudomonas syringae pv. Pseudomonas corrugata Pseudomonas desmolyticum Pseudomonas flourescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fragi Pseudomonas gr. sesami Ralstonia solanacearum biovar. garcae Pseudomonas syringae pv. Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas poae Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas solanacearum Pseudomonas solanacearum Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. IV Ralstonia solaneceorum Rhizobium sp. Pseudomonas sp. Rhizobium sp.II sp Pseudomonas hydrophila Pseudomonas libensis Pseudomonas libensis Pseudomonas libensis NAIMCC-B-00379 NAIMCC-B-00380 NAIMCC-B-00381 NAIMCC-B-00382 NAIMCC-B-00383 NAIMCC-B-00384 NAIMCC-B-00385 NAIMCC-B-00386 NAIMCC-B-00387 NAIMCC-B-00388 NAIMCC-B-00389 NAIMCC-B-00390 NAIMCC-B-00391 NAIMCC-B-00392 NAIMCC-B-00393 NAIMCC-B-00394 NAIMCC-B-00395 NAIMCC-B-00396 NAIMCC-B-00397 NAIMCC-B-00398 NAIMCC-B-00399 NAIMCC-B-00400 NAIMCC-B-00401 NAIMCC-B-00402 NAIMCC-B-00403 NAIMCC-B-00404 NAIMCC-B-00405 NAIMCC-B-00406 NAIMCC-B-00407 NAIMCC-B-00408 NAIMCC-B-00409 NAIMCC-B-00410 NAIMCC-B-00411 NAIMCC-B-00412 NAIMCC-B-00413 NAIMCC-B-00414 NAIMCC-B-00415 NAIMCC-B-00416 NAIMCC-B-00417 NAIMCC-B-00418 NAIMCC-B-00419 NAIMCC-B-00420 NAIMCC-B-00421 NAIMCC-B-00422 NAIMCC-B-00423 NAIMCC-B-00424 NAIMCC-B-00425 NAIMCC-B-00426 NAIMCC-B-00427 NAIMCC-B-00428 NAIMCC-B-00429 NAIMCC-B-00430 NAIMCC-B-00431 NAIMCC-B-00432 NAIMCC-B-00433 NAIMCC-B-00434 Pseudomonas libensis Pseudomonas lurida Pseudomonas maltophila Pseudomonas mendocina Pseudomonas morganii Pseudomonas oleovorans Pseudomonas oleovorans Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Pseudomonas plecoglossicida. Rhizobium sp. Pseudomonas sp. Rhizobium sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Rhizobium lupini Rhizobium meliloti Rhizobium meliloti Rhizobium meliloti Rhizobium meliloti Rhizobium phaseoli Rhizobium phaseoli Rhizobium phaseoli Rhizobium phaseoli 205 . Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aisophila Pseudomonas convexa. Pseudomonas sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00323 NAIMCC-B-00324 NAIMCC-B-00325 NAIMCC-B-00326 NAIMCC-B-00327 NAIMCC-B-00328 NAIMCC-B-00329 NAIMCC-B-00330 NAIMCC-B-00331 NAIMCC-B-00332 NAIMCC-B-00333 NAIMCC-B-00334 NAIMCC-B-00335 NAIMCC-B-00336 NAIMCC-B-00337 NAIMCC-B-00338 NAIMCC-B-00339 NAIMCC-B-00340 NAIMCC-B-00341 NAIMCC-B-00342 NAIMCC-B-00343 NAIMCC-B-00344 NAIMCC-B-00345 NAIMCC-B-00346 NAIMCC-B-00347 NAIMCC-B-00348 NAIMCC-B-00349 NAIMCC-B-00350 NAIMCC-B-00351 NAIMCC-B-00352 NAIMCC-B-00353 NAIMCC-B-00354 NAIMCC-B-00355 NAIMCC-B-00356 NAIMCC-B-00357 NAIMCC-B-00358 NAIMCC-B-00359 NAIMCC-B-00360 NAIMCC-B-00361 NAIMCC-B-00362 NAIMCC-B-00363 NAIMCC-B-00364 NAIMCC-B-00365 NAIMCC-B-00366 NAIMCC-B-00367 NAIMCC-B-00368 NAIMCC-B-00369 NAIMCC-B-00370 NAIMCC-B-00371 NAIMCC-B-00372 NAIMCC-B-00373 NAIMCC-B-00374 NAIMCC-B-00375 NAIMCC-B-00376 NAIMCC-B-00377 NAIMCC-B-00378 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas solanacearum Pseudomonas sp. Rhizobium sp. Pseudomonas sp. Streptomyces sp. Bacillus fusiformis Bacillus pumilus Bacillus subtilis Micobacterium esteraromatiucm Bacillus benzoevorans Enterobacter aerogenes Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Serratia marcescens Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Pseudomonas putida Aeromonas hydrophilla Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Serratia marcescens Enterobacter cloacae Acinetobacter johnsonii Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Arthobacter sp. Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Serratia marcescens Shwanella algae Sinorhizobium meliloti Sinorhizobium meliloti Staphylococcus saprophiticus Stenotrophomonas acetaminiphila Streptococcus diacetilactis Streptomyces sp. Flaobacterium sp. Serratia sp. argemones Xanthomonas campestris pv. Halobacillus trueperi Brevibacillus sp. holicola Xanthomonas campestris pv. Rhizobium sp. cyamopsidis Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitiswoodrowii Xanthomonas malvacearum Klebsiella sp. desmodiirotunifolii Xanthomonas campestris pv. Klebsiella sp. Agrobacterium sp. griseus Streptomyces scabiei Streptoverticillium sp. Rhizobium sp. Streptoverticillium sp. Rhizobium sp. Streptomyces griseus subsp. clitoriae Xanthomonas campestris pv. amaranthicola Xanthomonas campestris pv. Streptomyces sp. Pantoea agglomerans Klebsiella oxytoca Bacillus megaterium Pseudomonas aeuruginosa Alcaligenes faecalis Flaobacterium sp. Streptomyces sp. Pseudomonas plecoglossicida Bacillus megaterium .National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00435 NAIMCC-B-00436 NAIMCC-B-00437 NAIMCC-B-00438 NAIMCC-B-00439 NAIMCC-B-00440 NAIMCC-B-00441 NAIMCC-B-00442 NAIMCC-B-00443 NAIMCC-B-00444 NAIMCC-B-00445 NAIMCC-B-00446 NAIMCC-B-00447 NAIMCC-B-00448 NAIMCC-B-00449 NAIMCC-B-00450 NAIMCC-B-00451 NAIMCC-B-00452 NAIMCC-B-00453 NAIMCC-B-00454 NAIMCC-B-00455 NAIMCC-B-00456 NAIMCC-B-00457 NAIMCC-B-00458 NAIMCC-B-00459 NAIMCC-B-00460 NAIMCC-B-00461 NAIMCC-B-00462 NAIMCC-B-00463 NAIMCC-B-00464 NAIMCC-B-00465 NAIMCC-B-00466 NAIMCC-B-00467 NAIMCC-B-00468 NAIMCC-B-00469 NAIMCC-B-00470 NAIMCC-B-00471 NAIMCC-B-00472 NAIMCC-B-00473 NAIMCC-B-00474 NAIMCC-B-00475 NAIMCC-B-00476 NAIMCC-B-00477 NAIMCC-B-00478 NAIMCC-B-00479 NAIMCC-B-00480 NAIMCC-B-00481 NAIMCC-B-00482 NAIMCC-B-00483 NAIMCC-B-00484 NAIMCC-B-00485 NAIMCC-B-00486 NAIMCC-B-00487 NAIMCC-B-00488 NAIMCC-B-00489 NAIMCC-B-00490 206 Rhizobium phaseoli Rhizobium phaseoli Rhizobium sp. Bacillus boronililus Pseudomonas pseudoalcalisis Alteromonas macheodi Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Klebsiella pneumonia Halobacillus sp. Streptomyces sp. Vibrio campbelli Vibrio campbelli NAIMCC-B-00491 NAIMCC-B-00492 NAIMCC-B-00493 NAIMCC-B-00494 NAIMCC-B-00495 NAIMCC-B-00496 NAIMCC-B-00497 NAIMCC-B-00498 NAIMCC-B-00499 NAIMCC-B-00500 NAIMCC-B-00501 NAIMCC-B-00502 NAIMCC-B-00503 NAIMCC-B-00504 NAIMCC-B-00505 NAIMCC-B-00506 NAIMCC-B-00507 NAIMCC-B-00508 NAIMCC-B-00509 NAIMCC-B-00510 NAIMCC-B-00511 NAIMCC-B-00512 NAIMCC-B-00513 NAIMCC-B-00514 NAIMCC-B-00515 NAIMCC-B-00516 NAIMCC-B-00517 NAIMCC-B-00518 NAIMCC-B-00519 NAIMCC-B-00520 NAIMCC-B-00521 NAIMCC-B-00522 NAIMCC-B-00523 NAIMCC-B-00524 NAIMCC-B-00525 NAIMCC-B-00526 NAIMCC-B-00527 NAIMCC-B-00528 NAIMCC-B-00529 NAIMCC-B-00530 NAIMCC-B-00531 NAIMCC-B-00532 NAIMCC-B-00533 NAIMCC-B-00534 NAIMCC-B-00535 NAIMCC-B-00536 NAIMCC-B-00537 NAIMCC-B-00538 NAIMCC-B-00539 NAIMCC-B-00540 NAIMCC-B-00541 NAIMCC-B-00542 Xanthomonas axenopodis Xanthomonas campestris pv. Rhizobium sp. Rhodococcus equi Saccharopolyspora erythraea Serratia sp. Streptomyces albulus Routien Streptomyces albunnaceus Streptomyces albus Streptomyces aminophilus Foster Streptomyces argenteolus Tresner et al. azadirachtae Xanthomonas campestris pv. Pseudomonas fragi Bacillus cereus Bacillus subtilis Bacillus cereus Bacillus subtilis 207 . Brevundimonas diminuta Bacillus subtilis Providencia sp. Streptomyces sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00543 NAIMCC-B-00544 NAIMCC-B-00545 NAIMCC-B-00546 NAIMCC-B-00547 NAIMCC-B-00548 NAIMCC-B-00549 NAIMCC-B-00550 NAIMCC-B-00551 NAIMCC-B-00552 NAIMCC-B-00553 NAIMCC-B-00554 NAIMCC-B-00555 NAIMCC-B-00556 NAIMCC-B-00557 NAIMCC-B-00558 NAIMCC-B-00559 NAIMCC-B-00560 NAIMCC-B-00561 NAIMCC-B-00562 NAIMCC-B-00563 NAIMCC-B-00564 NAIMCC-B-00565 NAIMCC-B-00566 NAIMCC-B-00567 NAIMCC-B-00568 NAIMCC-B-00569 NAIMCC-B-00570 NAIMCC-B-00571 NAIMCC-B-00572 NAIMCC-B-00573 NAIMCC-B-00574 NAIMCC-B-00575 NAIMCC-B-00576 NAIMCC-B-00577 NAIMCC-B-00578 NAIMCC-B-00579 NAIMCC-B-00580 NAIMCC-B-00581 NAIMCC-B-00582 NAIMCC-B-00583 NAIMCC-B-00584 NAIMCC-B-00585 NAIMCC-B-00586 NAIMCC-B-00587 NAIMCC-B-00588 NAIMCC-B-00589 NAIMCC-B-00590 NAIMCC-B-00591 NAIMCC-B-00592 NAIMCC-B-00593 NAIMCC-B-00594 NAIMCC-B-00595 NAIMCC-B-00596 NAIMCC-B-00597 NAIMCC-B-00598 Bacillus subtilis Acinetobacter haemolyticus Acinetobacter sp. Streptomyces sp. Streptomyces sp. Planococcus maritimus Halomonas marina strain DSM4741 Bacillus marisflavi Halomonas aquamarina Sporosarcina saromensis Halobacillus dabahensis Methylobacterium radiotolerans Azospirillum lipoferum Methyloversatilis universalis Hyphomicrobium facile Methlobacterium organophilum Methylobacterium extorques Methylophilus methylotrophus Methylobacterium hispanicum Streptomyces macrosporeus Streptomyces albogriseolus Streptomyces griseorubens Streptomyces albogriseolus Streptomyces acrimycini Streptomyces sp. Bacillus horikoshi Bacillus horikoshi Micrococcus luteus Bacillus arsenicus Arthrobacter sp. Streptomyces sp. Streptomyces chuglohounsis Streptomyces pseudogreseolus Clavibacter michiganensis Streptomyces thermocarboxydus NAIMCC-B-00599 NAIMCC-B-00600 NAIMCC-B-00601 NAIMCC-B-00602 NAIMCC-B-00603 NAIMCC-B-00604 NAIMCC-B-00605 NAIMCC-B-00606 NAIMCC-B-00607 NAIMCC-B-00608 NAIMCC-B-00609 NAIMCC-B-00610 NAIMCC-B-00611 NAIMCC-B-00612 NAIMCC-B-00613 NAIMCC-B-00614 NAIMCC-B-00615 NAIMCC-B-00616 NAIMCC-B-00617 NAIMCC-B-00618 NAIMCC-B-00619 NAIMCC-B-00620 NAIMCC-B-00621 NAIMCC-B-00622 NAIMCC-B-00623 NAIMCC-B-00624 NAIMCC-B-00625 NAIMCC-B-00626 NAIMCC-B-00627 NAIMCC-B-00628 NAIMCC-B-00629 NAIMCC-B-00630 NAIMCC-B-00631 NAIMCC-B-00632 NAIMCC-B-00633 NAIMCC-B-00634 NAIMCC-B-00635 NAIMCC-B-00636 NAIMCC-B-00637 NAIMCC-B-00638 NAIMCC-B-00639 NAIMCC-B-00640 NAIMCC-B-00641 NAIMCC-B-00642 NAIMCC-B-00643 NAIMCC-B-00644 NAIMCC-B-00645 NAIMCC-B-00646 NAIMCC-B-00647 NAIMCC-B-00648 NAIMCC-B-00649 NAIMCC-B-00650 NAIMCC-B-00651 NAIMCC-B-00652 NAIMCC-B-00653 NAIMCC-B-00654 Streptomyces pseudogreseolus Streptomyces pseudogreseolus Streptomyces globosus Streptomyces rochei Streptomyces avidinii Actinomyces bacterium Micromonospora echinaurantiaca Micromonospora rosaria Actinoplanes deccanensis Streptomyces ceolicolor Streptomyces toxytricini Marinobacter alkaliphilus Halomanas sp. Bacillus subtilis Bacillus clausii Brevundimonas diminuta Ochrobacterium intermedium Ochrobacterium anthropi Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Arthrobacter sp. Streptomyces sp. Streptomyces sp. Bacillus cereus Brevundimonas diminuta Brevundimonas sp. Streptomyces sp. Halomonas sp. Streptomyces sp. Flavobacterium anhuiense Agrobacterium tumefaciens Sphingomonas paenimobilis Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Paenibacillus qinsenqaqri Providencia sp. Ochrobactrum sp. Streptomyces sp. Pseudomonas mendocina Bacillus cereus Bacillus aquimaris Bacillus pumilus Bacillus pumilus Bacillus aquimaris Bacillus subtilis Bacillus pumilus Streptomyces sp. Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas sp. Halomonas sp. Ochrobactrum sp. Streptomyces sp. Streptomyces sp. Halomonas sp. Halomonas sp. Streptomyces sp. Serratia marcescens Brevibacterium sp. Bacillus pumilus Rhizobium sp. Streptomyces sp. Streptomyces sp. Halomonas sp. Bacillus subtilis Lysinibacillus sp. Tsukamurella sp. Streptomyces sp. Pseudomonas sp. Bacillus pumilus Methylobacterium mesophylicum Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Frankia sp. Bacillus subtilis Bacillus pumilus Virgibacillus sp. Micrococcus sp. Frankia sp. Halomonas aquamarina Frankia sp. Pseudomonas sp. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Rhizobium larrymoorei Stenotrophomonas sp. Bacillus sp.National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00655 NAIMCC-B-00656 NAIMCC-B-00657 NAIMCC-B-00658 NAIMCC-B-00659 NAIMCC-B-00660 NAIMCC-B-00661 NAIMCC-B-00662 NAIMCC-B-00663 NAIMCC-B-00664 NAIMCC-B-00665 NAIMCC-B-00666 NAIMCC-B-00667 NAIMCC-B-00668 NAIMCC-B-00669 NAIMCC-B-00670 NAIMCC-B-00671 NAIMCC-B-00672 NAIMCC-B-00673 NAIMCC-B-00674 NAIMCC-B-00675 NAIMCC-B-00676 NAIMCC-B-00677 NAIMCC-B-00678 NAIMCC-B-00679 NAIMCC-B-00680 NAIMCC-B-00681 NAIMCC-B-00682 NAIMCC-B-00683 NAIMCC-B-00684 NAIMCC-B-00685 NAIMCC-B-00686 NAIMCC-B-00687 NAIMCC-B-00688 NAIMCC-B-00689 NAIMCC-B-00690 NAIMCC-B-00691 NAIMCC-B-00692 NAIMCC-B-00693 NAIMCC-B-00694 NAIMCC-B-00695 NAIMCC-B-00696 NAIMCC-B-00697 NAIMCC-B-00698 NAIMCC-B-00699 NAIMCC-B-00700 NAIMCC-B-00701 NAIMCC-B-00702 NAIMCC-B-00703 NAIMCC-B-00704 NAIMCC-B-00705 NAIMCC-B-00706 NAIMCC-B-00707 NAIMCC-B-00708 NAIMCC-B-00709 NAIMCC-B-00710 208 Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Bacillus pumilus Methylobacterium mesophylicum Methylobacterium sp. Frankia sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Methylobacterium oryzae Ochrobactrum sp. Paenibacillus macerans NAIMCC-B-00711 NAIMCC-B-00712 NAIMCC-B-00713 NAIMCC-B-00714 NAIMCC-B-00715 NAIMCC-B-00716 NAIMCC-B-00717 NAIMCC-B-00718 NAIMCC-B-00719 NAIMCC-B-00720 NAIMCC-B-00721 NAIMCC-B-00722 NAIMCC-B-00723 NAIMCC-B-00724 NAIMCC-B-00725 NAIMCC-B-00726 NAIMCC-B-00727 NAIMCC-B-00728 NAIMCC-B-00729 NAIMCC-B-00730 NAIMCC-B-00731 NAIMCC-B-00732 NAIMCC-B-00733 NAIMCC-B-00734 NAIMCC-B-00735 NAIMCC-B-00736 NAIMCC-B-00737 NAIMCC-B-00738 NAIMCC-B-00739 NAIMCC-B-00740 NAIMCC-B-00741 NAIMCC-B-00742 NAIMCC-B-00743 NAIMCC-B-00744 NAIMCC-B-00745 NAIMCC-B-00746 NAIMCC-B-00747 NAIMCC-B-00748 NAIMCC-B-00749 NAIMCC-B-00750 NAIMCC-B-00751 NAIMCC-B-00752 NAIMCC-B-00753 NAIMCC-B-00754 NAIMCC-B-00755 NAIMCC-B-00756 NAIMCC-B-00757 NAIMCC-B-00758 NAIMCC-B-00759 NAIMCC-B-00760 NAIMCC-B-00761 NAIMCC-B-00762 NAIMCC-B-00763 NAIMCC-B-00764 NAIMCC-B-00765 NAIMCC-B-00766 Bacillus cereus Alcaligenes faeccalis Bacillus subtilis Halomonas campisalis Virgibacillus sp. Bacillus sp. Bacillus pumilus Bacillus pumilus Bacillus pumilus Bacillus cereus Bacillus subtilis Bacillus megaterium Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Brevibacillus laterosporus Photorhabdus sp. Bacillus halophilus Vergibacillus sp. Pseudomonas sp. Frankia sp. Halomonas pacifica Virgibacillus sp. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bacillus circulans Paenibacillus sp. Pseudomonas monteilli Pseudomonas sp. Frankia sp. Halomonas taecheunque Halomonas sp. Xanthomonas oryzae Bacillus cereus Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar 3(232) Pseudomonas putida biovar A(330) Pseudomonas putida biovar A(357) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Serratia marcescens . Frankia sp. Frankia sp. Sphingomonas paucimobilis Chryseobacterium indologenes Paenibacillus polymyxa Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Sphingobacterium sp. Frankia sp. Methylobacterium oryzae Methylobacterium sp. Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. Frankia sp. Pseudomonas sp. Frankia sp. Methylobacterium suomiense Methylobacterium suomiense Methylobacterium hisponicum Methylobacterium suomiense Methylobacterium sp. Methylobacterium salsuginis Methylobacterium radiotolerance Bacillus cereus Methylobacterium salsuginis Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae Methylobacterium sp. Bacillus koreensis Bacillus farraginis Bacillus arbutinivorans Bacillus humi Clavibacter michiganensis Streptomyces albogriseolus Streptomyces sp. Psuedomonas poae Lysobacter sp. Streptomyces koyangensis Streptomyces rochei Streptomyces thermoluteus Streptomyces rubrolavendulae NAIMCC-B-00823 NAIMCC-B-00824 NAIMCC-B-00825 NAIMCC-B-00826 NAIMCC-B-00827 NAIMCC-B-00828 NAIMCC-B-00829 NAIMCC-B-00830 NAIMCC-B-00831 NAIMCC-B-00832 NAIMCC-B-00833 NAIMCC-B-00834 NAIMCC-B-00835 NAIMCC-B-00836 NAIMCC-B-00837 NAIMCC-B-00838 NAIMCC-B-00839 NAIMCC-B-00840 NAIMCC-B-00841 NAIMCC-B-00842 NAIMCC-B-00843 NAIMCC-B-00844 NAIMCC-B-00845 NAIMCC-B-00846 NAIMCC-B-00847 NAIMCC-B-00848 NAIMCC-B-00849 NAIMCC-B-00850 NAIMCC-B-00851 NAIMCC-B-00852 NAIMCC-B-00853 NAIMCC-B-00854 NAIMCC-B-00855 NAIMCC-B-00856 NAIMCC-B-00857 NAIMCC-B-00858 NAIMCC-B-00859 NAIMCC-B-00860 NAIMCC-B-00861 NAIMCC-B-00862 NAIMCC-B-00863 NAIMCC-B-00864 NAIMCC-B-00865 NAIMCC-B-00866 NAIMCC-B-00867 NAIMCC-B-00868 NAIMCC-B-00869 NAIMCC-B-00870 NAIMCC-B-00871 NAIMCC-B-00872 NAIMCC-B-00873 NAIMCC-B-00874 NAIMCC-B-00875 NAIMCC-B-00876 NAIMCC-B-00877 NAIMCC-B-00878 Streptomyces bacillaris Streptomyces humidus Streptomyces coeruleorubins Streptomyces atrovirens Streptomyces viridis Streptomyces vinaceus Streptomyces pseudogriseolus Streptomyces thermocarboxydus Streptomyces griseoflavus Streptomyces carpaticus Streptomyces variegatus Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Staphylococcus succinus Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus cereus Bacillus megaterium Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus megaterium Bacillus subtilis Bacillus pumilus Bacillus megaterium Serratia marcescens Streptomyces rochei Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bacillus pumilus Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Streptomyces variabilis Streptomyces spiralis Streptomyces flovidofuscus Streptomyces fumigatiscleroticus Streptomyces fradiae Rhizobium leguminosarum Sinorhizobium meliloti Paenibacillus polymyxa Paenibacillus polymyxa Lysinibacillus fusiformis Bacillus cereus Lysinibacillus fusiformis Lysinibacillus fusiformis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus cereus Bacillus subtilis Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bacillus subtilis Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Bacillus lichiniformis 209 . Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Pasteurella pneumotropica Micrococcineae bacterium Methylobacterium phyllosphaerae Methylobacterium sp. Methylobacterium sp. Ochrobactrum sp. Methylobacterium salsuginis Methylobacterium radiotolerance Methylobacterium suomiense Methylobacterium hispanicum Bacillus clausii Bacillus parabrevis Bacillus cereus Pontibacillus sp. Methylobacterium sp. Pseudomonas geniculata Psuedoalteromonas sp. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Serratia marcescens Burkholderia sp. Methylobacterium sp. Bacillus pumilus Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bacillus subtilis Paenibacillus xylanexedens Bacillus velezensis Bacillus pumilus Bacillus aryabhattai Bacillus cibi Bacillus malacitensis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus atrophaeus Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus endophyticus Bacillus psychrosoccharolyticus Brevibacterium frigoritolerans Bacillus simplex Bacillus thuringiensis Paenibacillus pabuli Bacillus horneckiae Sphingomonas sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures NAIMCC-B-00767 NAIMCC-B-00768 NAIMCC-B-00769 NAIMCC-B-00770 NAIMCC-B-00771 NAIMCC-B-00772 NAIMCC-B-00773 NAIMCC-B-00774 NAIMCC-B-00775 NAIMCC-B-00776 NAIMCC-B-00777 NAIMCC-B-00778 NAIMCC-B-00779 NAIMCC-B-00780 NAIMCC-B-00781 NAIMCC-B-00782 NAIMCC-B-00783 NAIMCC-B-00784 NAIMCC-B-00785 NAIMCC-B-00786 NAIMCC-B-00787 NAIMCC-B-00788 NAIMCC-B-00789 NAIMCC-B-00790 NAIMCC-B-00791 NAIMCC-B-00792 NAIMCC-B-00793 NAIMCC-B-00794 NAIMCC-B-00795 NAIMCC-B-00796 NAIMCC-B-00797 NAIMCC-B-00798 NAIMCC-B-00799 NAIMCC-B-00800 NAIMCC-B-00801 NAIMCC-B-00802 NAIMCC-B-00803 NAIMCC-B-00804 NAIMCC-B-00805 NAIMCC-B-00806 NAIMCC-B-00807 NAIMCC-B-00808 NAIMCC-B-00809 NAIMCC-B-00810 NAIMCC-B-00811 NAIMCC-B-00812 NAIMCC-B-00813 NAIMCC-B-00814 NAIMCC-B-00815 NAIMCC-B-00816 NAIMCC-B-00817 NAIMCC-B-00818 NAIMCC-B-00819 NAIMCC-B-00820 NAIMCC-B-00821 NAIMCC-B-00822 Burkholderia sp. National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection NAIMCC-B-00879 NAIMCC-B-00880 NAIMCC-B-00881 NAIMCC-B-00882 NAIMCC-B-00883 NAIMCC-B-00884 NAIMCC-B-00885 NAIMCC-B-00886 NAIMCC-B-00887 NAIMCC-B-00888 NAIMCC-B-00889 NAIMCC-B-00890 NAIMCC-B-00891 210 Azospirillum brasilense Azospirillum brasilense Pseudomonas aeruginosa Burkhoderia cepacia Streptomyces anulatus Streptomyces griseus Streptomyces setonii Streptomyces sampsonii Streptomyces tendae Streptomyces koyangensis Streptomyces africansis Streptomyces setoni Paenibacillus panacisola NAIMCC-B-00892 NAIMCC-B-00893 NAIMCC-B-00894 NAIMCC-B-00895 NAIMCC-B-00896 NAIMCC-B-00897 NAIMCC-B-00898 NAIMCC-B-00899 NAIMCC-B-00900 NAIMCC-B-00901 NAIMCC-B-00902 NAIMCC-B-00903 NAIMCC-B-00904 Bacillus licheniformis Agrobacterium vitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Azotobacter chroococcum Azospirilium brasilense Microbacterium esteraromaticum Micrococcus luteus Bacillus circulans Bacillus cereus Pseudomonas stutzeri Bacillus circulans Brachybacterium conglomeratum Staphylococcus warneri . Calothrix geitonos Calothrix javanica Calothrix maechica Dichothrix sp. Calothrix sp. Mastigocladus laminosus Hapalosiphon luteolus Scytonema simplex Hapalosiphon hansgirgi Tolypothrix phyllophila Calothrix brevissima Scytonema tolypothrix hides Anabaena fertilissima Westiellopsis prolifica Nostoc parmelioides Scytonema iulium Anabaena orientalis Hapalosiphon hibernicus Tolypothrix tenuis Nostoc sp. 211 . Aulosira sp. Nostoc calcicola Nostoc punctiforme Hapalosiphon fontinalis Calothrix sp.Catalogue of Microbial Cultures Numerical index for Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and Microalgae NAIMCC-C-00001 NAIMCC-C-00002 NAIMCC-C-00003 NAIMCC-C-00004 NAIMCC-C-00005 NAIMCC-C-00006 NAIMCC-C-00007 NAIMCC-C-00008 NAIMCC-C-00009 NAIMCC-C-00010 NAIMCC-C-00011 NAIMCC-C-00012 NAIMCC-C-00013 NAIMCC-C-00014 NAIMCC-C-00015 NAIMCC-C-00016 NAIMCC-C-00017 NAIMCC-C-00018 NAIMCC-C-00019 NAIMCC-C-00020 NAIMCC-C-00021 NAIMCC-C-00022 NAIMCC-C-00023 NAIMCC-C-00024 NAIMCC-C-00025 NAIMCC-C-00026 NAIMCC-C-00027 NAIMCC-C-00028 NAIMCC-C-00029 Anabaena doliolum Anabaena doliolum. Microchaete sp. Nostoc commune Scytonema bohneri Cylindrospermum sp. Limnothrix obliqueacuminata Lyngbia allorgei Lyngbia laxespiralis Lyngbya truncicola Microcheate tenera Microcheate uberrima Nostoc carneum Nostoc hatei Nostoc muscorum Oscillatoria acuta Phormidium ambiguum Phormidium angustissimum Phormidium foveolarum Phormidium fragile Plectonema boryanum Plectonema boryanum Plectonema litorale Plectonema radiosum Plectonema radiosum Plectonema tomasinianum Nostoc ellipsosporum Anabaena constricta NAIMCC-C-00030 NAIMCC-C-00031 NAIMCC-C-00032 NAIMCC-C-00033 NAIMCC-C-00034 NAIMCC-C-00035 NAIMCC-C-00036 NAIMCC-C-00037 NAIMCC-C-00038 NAIMCC-C-00039 NAIMCC-C-00040 NAIMCC-C-00041 NAIMCC-C-00042 NAIMCC-C-00043 NAIMCC-C-00044 NAIMCC-C-00045 NAIMCC-C-00046 NAIMCC-C-00047 NAIMCC-C-00048 NAIMCC-C-00049 NAIMCC-C-00050 NAIMCC-C-00051 NAIMCC-C-00052 NAIMCC-C-00053 NAIMCC-C-00054 NAIMCC-C-00055 NAIMCC-C-00056 NAIMCC-C-00057 Anabaena fertilissima Nostoc entophytum Nostoc linckia Synechocystis sp. National Agriculturally Important Microbial Culture Collection 212 .
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