Catalogue Dorset Hinges and Locks 2015 2016

April 2, 2018 | Author: Frans Yoyon | Category: Lock (Security Device), Door, Innovation, Architectural Elements, Components



CATALOGUE | 2015-16 IssueVersion 1.2 /DOOR HANDLES /LOCKS & SECURITY SYSTEMS /ELECTRONIC SAFES /DOOR CONTROL SYSTEMS /ACCESSORIES TM THE GLOBAL SUPERPOWER EDITION Corporate Office: New Delhi Unit I: Gurgaon Unit II & Unit III: Haridwar State of art Automatic Plating Facility at Unit I: Gurgaon Established since 1995, the Group is an ISO 9001: 2008 company is a well-known name in the industry of Architectural hardware and high security locking solution for providing a complete range of products to style homes, o ces, hotels, hospitals, etc. The company s motive is to provide designers & building owners with versatile collection of door-ware, locking mechanism & glass xtures & ttings conveying contemporary aesthetics & are manufactured to technological accuracy of highest standard. Apart from adding new segments to its existing collections, Dorset has raised its quality standards & expanded its International presence with a Joint Venture with Kaba Holdings AG of Switzerland to bring into Indian market a spectrum of Mechanical, High end Mechatronic & Access control systems for all business verticals. Armed with technologically advanced Manufacturing facilities spanning over three units, Dorset s commitment to perfection is evident in regular innovation, clubbed with intensive cost analysis to provide sophisticated designer products at a ordable prices. Dorset is a preferred supplier in the business due to its all-encompassing building products range as well as unparalleled e ciency in providing revolutionary solutions in record lead time. Dorset building solutions include a versatile collection of Architectural Hardware - door handles in Brass, Zinc & Stainless Steel; State-of-the- art Locking systems - Mortise Locks, Night Latches, Cylindrical locks, Europro le Cylinders; & Door hardware - Door closers, Floor springs, Glass ttings, Tower bolts, Hinges, Patch ttings. The company is one of the patrons of Swarovski crystals which are an integral part of its luxurious door handle designs & also o ers customized solutions for all types of doors. Dorset insists on rigorous craftsmanship & constant innovation, the ideologies that have been synonymous with the Brand s identity in design & manufacture of Hardware. Our e orts at Dorset remain to gratify both the aesthetic & practical requirements of the user by mastering the science & sentiment in design. We have some of the best brains in the Industry comprising of people who are techno‐commercial having a sense of business & acumen to understand the customer needs and aspirations. INNOVATIVE AND PROFITABLE MAJOR SUPPLIER OF TOTAL ACCESS. VALUE ‐ BASED AND TRUSTABLE PRODUCTS” .Vision “ TO BE AN ENTERPRISING. PRODUCTS FOR BUILDING AND EMPLOYER TO CREATE VALUE FOR STAKEHOLDERS “ Misson “DORSET INSIDE” WE SHALL REACH IN ALL BUILDING WITH INNOVATIVE. 700sqm.500sqm & 2.000sqm. .. Exports & profit centers Cost ‐ Productivity & Value Engineering for upcoming projects on Electronic Security Delivery ‐ Supply Chain Management Systems. spread across a land with area of 20.000sqm. has a vast network of interrelated manufacuring units spread across Northern India including ‐ Unit ‐I atGurgaon (Haryana) in abuilt area of 4.THE TEAM OUR BUSINESS MANTRA All the personnel handling the business are Customer First qualified & skilled Professionals with rich Focus on Technology to create World Class Products ‘Hands On experience in the respective work Value for Money profiles Continuous Improvement The Team under these HODs are professional. Ltd. Unit ‐II & III at Haridwar (Uttarakhand) in a built area of 2. all cut out to give the desired results to the DORSET GROUP FOCUS AREAS organization Productivity There are separate divisions for Channel sales. ESTABLISHMENT Dorset Kaba Security Systems Pvt. Quality ‐ Design Capability & Process Improvement Institutional sales. DOOR HANDLES Luxury Collection Lever Handles 03 Pull Handles 09 Premium Collection Lever Handles 15 Pull Handles 32 Standard Collection Lever Handles 39 Pull Handles 41 2. LOCKS & SECURITY SYSTEMS Main Door Lockset 47 Standard Lockset 49 Mortise Locks 54 Cylinders 56 Master key systems 57 Cylindrical Lock 58 Night Latch 58 Multipurpose Locks 59 3. ACCESSORIES 71 .Index 1. ELECTRONIC SAFES 61 4. DOOR CONTROL SYSTEMS Door Closers 67 Floor Springs 69 Hinges 70 Tower Bolts 71 5. OUTSIDE Eye Viewer Lever Handles Mortise Locks Euro Profile Cylinder Lock Door Stopper .DORSET PRODUCTS | DOOR LAYOUT . DORSET PRODUCTS | DOOR LAYOUT .INSIDE Door Springs Tower Bolt Eye Viewer Door Chain Hinges Night Latch Lever Handles Mortise Locks Door Stopper Euro Profile Cylinder Lock . OPTION 2 PULL HANDLE : Any of the plate or NIGHT LATCH : NL 500.Pro le & rosette 100 .ML 100 . ML 120.ML 110.DORSET | DOOR SOLUTION MAIN ENTRANCE SOLUTION . CYLINDER : 200H . ML 110. ML 110 . ML 111.ML CYLINDER : Euro .PROFILE : HALF & one side rose of same design a . 201 H Lever Hanlde ML 120 . Cylinder & super series cylinder. Cylinder & Super Series Cylinder. ML 121 Exact Cylinder . NL Rosette models of pull handles 500D/ NL501.ML 121 BEDROOM DOOR SOLUTION . ML 111 . ML 120.ML 100. ML 111 .OPTION 3 HANDLE : One side Pull handle LOCK BODY : Mortise Locks EURO . ML 121 Exact Cylinder MAIN ENTRANCE SOLUTION .OPTION 1 HANDLE : All Mortise handles in LOCK BODY : Mortise locks CYLINDER : Euro-Pro le 10 plate or rosette . NL 501D MAIN ENTRANCE SOLUTION .OPTION 1 HANDLE : All Mortise Handle in 10 Plate LOCK BODY : mortise locks . OPTION 1 HL B LOCKSET : 8 LOCK BODY : Mortise Handles lockset latch ML 103 BATHROOM DOOR SOLUTION .OPTION 2 HANDLE : All Mortise handles in LOCK BODY : Mortise CYLINDER : Euro . Cylinder ML 111. ML 110 .OPTION 2 HANDLE : All Mortise handles in LOCK BODY : ML 170 Lock CYLINDER Euro -Pro le 8 plate body cylinder & super series cylinder BATHROOM DOOR SOLUTION .Pro le Half 8 /10 plate locks . 201 H .ML 100 /ML 170 Cylinder 200H.ML 100 . DORSET | DOOR SOLUTION BEDROOM DOOR SOLUTION . ML 120 BALCONY DOOR SOLUTION HANDLE : All Mortise handles in LOCK BODY : Mortise Euro .Pro le 10 plate & rosette locks . THE LUXURY COLLECTION . . DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | LUXURY SOLO SIZE 10” SOL OR SS LUXE LUX OR SS LUX 10 SS Abbreviations. 04 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 10:10 Plate. SC. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. Finishes:NI. SS. FG.OR:On Rose. : Available pull handles. SG. EP. PT. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | LUXURY ELIKA SIZE 8” EK OR SS EK 10 SS ORA SIZE 8” ORA OR SS ORA 10 SS 05 | DORSET CATALOGUE . PT. Finishes:NI. EP. SG. 10:10 Plate. SS. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | LUXURY MADONNA SIZE 10” MA OR SG(AB) MA 10 SG(AB) MARQUIS SIZE 10” MR OR FG MR 10 FG Abbreviations. : Available pull handles. FG. 06 | DORSET CATALOGUE .OR:On Rose. SC. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | LUXURY CANARY SIZE 10” CA OR FG CA 10 FG SIENA SIZE 10” SI OR PT SI 10 PT 07| DORSET CATALOGUE . 08 | DORSET CATALOGUE . Finishes:NI. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | LUXURY SS HANDLE SIZE 8”. SS. PT. FG. 10” & 12” SL WC SS MAGICA MG OR FG Abbreviations. SC.OR:On Rose. : Available pull handles. SG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 10:10 Plate. EP. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | LUXURY RHYTHM SIZE 10” SOLO SIZE 10” NEW Launch RHY 10 PR SS SO 10 PR SS ELIKA SIZE 8” ORA SIZE 8” ORA 08 PR SS EK 08 PR SS 09 | DORSET CATALOGUE . OR:On Rose. : Available pull handles. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SS. EP. SG. SC. Finishes:NI. 10:10 Plate. PT. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | LUXURY MADONNA SIZE 10” MARQUIS SIZE 10” MA 10 PR SG(AB) MR 10 PR SS CANARY SIZE 10” SIENA SIZE 10” CA 10 PR PR SI 10 PR PT Abbreviations. FG. 10 | DORSET CATALOGUE . DOOR HANDLES | PULL | LUXURY PICASSO SIZE 6”. 8” DELFINO SIZE 8” & & 10” 10” DE 10 PR FG PI 08 P FG ANTIRE SIZE 8”& JEFFREY SIZE 6” 10” AT 08 PR SG JF 06 PP FG 11 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 10” & 12” 10” & 12” SH 10 PC SS ST 10 PC SS CRYATAL KNOB SIZE 20. 10:10 Plate. SC. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 12 | DORSET CATALOGUE . PT. 30 & 40 MM CK 20 FG Abbreviations. SS. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | LUXURY SS ‘H’ TYPE SIZE 8”. Finishes:NI. EP. FG.OR:On Rose. SG. SS ‘T’ TYPE SIZE 8”. : Available pull handles. THE PREMIUM COLLECTION . DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM CORNUS STARK NEW NEW Launch Launch COR OR WD STA OR SS PRESO FAUSTA FAU OR SC PRE OR SC EDGE FORTUNA EDG OR SS FO OR SS 15 | DORSET CATALOGUE . DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM ARIA ARI OR SC ARI 10 SC ELDA ELD OR SC ELD 10 SC ELIS ELS OR SS ELS 10 SS Abbreviations- OR:On Rose; 10:10 Plate; : Available pull handles; Finishes:NI, SS, EP, PT, SC, FG, SG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 16 | DORSET CATALOGUE DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM PETRA PET OR SC PET 10 SC MORPHOS MOR OR SS MOR 10 SS TERZA TER OR SC TER 10 SC 17 | DORSET CATALOGUE DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM GEMMA GE OR SC LUISA LI OR SC LI 10 SC CHAIRA CH OR SS CH 10 SS Abbreviations- OR:On Rose; 10:10 Plate; : Available pull handles; Finishes:NI, SS, EP, PT, SC, FG, SG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 18 | DORSET CATALOGUE MESSY AMELIA VOLANTE 19 | DORSET CATALOGUE DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM MEY OR SS (Brass) MYZ OR SS (Zinc) VO OR SS AM OR SC MEY 10 SS (Brass) MYZ 10 SS (Zinc) VO 10 SS AM 10 SS SG. FG. PT. EP. 10:10 Plate. SC. 20 | DORSET CATALOGUE .OR:On Rose. Finishes:NI. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM COLUMBINE NEW Launch CLM OR SC CLM 10 SC CURA NEW Launch CRA OR SS CRA 10 SS VERO NEW Launch VRO OR SS VRO 10 SS Abbreviations. SS. : Available pull handles. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM TRILBY TRI OR SS TRI10 SC XIA SIZE 8” & 10” XI OR SG XI 10 SG ELIXER SIZE 8” & 10” EL OR SC EL 10 SC 21 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SS. SG. 22 | DORSET CATALOGUE . PT. Finishes:NI. 10:10 Plate. EP. FG. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM SANA SIZE 8” SN OR SG SN 10 SG MYSTIQUE SIZE 8” MY OR SS MY 10 SS EBONY SIZE 8” & 10” EB OR SS EB 10 SS Abbreviations. : Available pull handles. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request.OR:On Rose. SC. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM OPERA SIZE 8” OP 0R SS OP 10 SS NIKA SIZE 10” NK OR SS NK 10 SS DOE SIZE 10”. 13” & 16” DOE OR SG DOE 10 SG 23 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SC. : Available pull handles. EP. SS. FG. 10:10 Plate. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SG. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM GALAXY SIZE 6” & 10” GA OR SG GA 10 SC BLOB BB OR FG MADONNA SIZE 10” MA OR SG MA 10 FG Abbreviations. PT. Finishes:NI.OR:On Rose. 24 | DORSET CATALOGUE . DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM DANA DA OR SS DA 10 SS IRISH IR OR SG IR 10 SG FILA FI OR SS FI 10 SS 25 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 10:10 Plate. Finishes:NI.OR:On Rose. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM JULIET SIZE 10” JL OR SC JL 10 SC LAMOREE lM 10 SG VATIKA VT OR SS Abbreviations. : Available pull handles. PT. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SG. SS. EP. FG. SC. 26 | DORSET CATALOGUE . DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM ROMA RO OR SS RO 10 SS ZENITH ZE OR FG ZE 10 PT ICON SIZE 10” IN OR SG IN 10 SG 27 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SG. Finishes:NI. EP. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM OLIVE OL OR FG OL 10 FG GALA GL OR SS GL 10 SS MIRAGE MI OR SC MI 10 SC Abbreviations. SS.OR:On Rose. PT. : Available pull handles. FG. 10:10 Plate. SC. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 28 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 10” & 13 VE OR PT VE 10 PT KNOB RK OR FG 29 | DORSET CATALOGUE .DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM VERSA SIZE 6”. OR:On Rose. SG. : Available pull handles. FABIO 10” &12 FB OR SS FB 10 SS Abbreviations. SS. Finishes:NI. EP. FG. 10:10 Plate. PT. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 10” & 12” ED OR SS ED 10 SS ELMO SIZE 6”. SC. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM EDEN SIZE 6”. 8”. 8”. 10” &12 EM OR SS EM 10 SS SIZE 6”. 8”. 30 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 8”. 8”. 10” &12 PR OR SS PR 10 SS 31 | DORSET CATALOGUE .DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | PREMIUM NERO SIZE 6”. 10” &12 NE OR SS NE 10 SS PRIMO SIZE 6”. Finishes:NI. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | PREMIUM ARCH CURVE SIZE 8” SIZE 8” & 10” NEW NEW Launch Launch CUR 10 PWR SC CUR 10 PGR SC ARH 10 PR SS XIA ELIXER SIZE 8” & 10” SIZE 8” & 10” EL 08 PR SS EL 10 PP SC XI 10 PR SC SANA MYSTIQUE SIZE 8” SIZE 8” MY 08 PR SG SN 08 PR SC Abbreviations. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SC. SS. SG. : Available pull handles. 32 | DORSET CATALOGUE .OR:On Rose. EP. 10:10 Plate. FG. PT. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | PREMIUM EBONY OPERA SIZE 8” & 10” SIZE 8” OP 08 PR SS EB 08 PR SS NIKA DOE SIZE 10” SIZE 10”.13” & 16” DOE 10 PR FG DOE 10 PP SS NK 10 PR SG GALAXY MADONNA SIZE 6” & 10” SIZE 6” & 10” MA 10 PR SG MA 10 PP SG GA 10 PR SC GA 10 PP FG 33 | DORSET CATALOGUE . DOOR HANDLES | PULL | PREMIUM ICON VERSA SIZE 10” SIZE 6”. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request.OR:On Rose. SC. 10” & 13” VE 06 PR PT IN 10 PR SC VE 10 PP PT IN 10 PP SG ACE ACE SIZE 10” & 12” SIZE 10” & 12” FOR GLASS DOOR AC 10 GD SC AC 10 PR SC ALINE ZUMA SIZE 16” SIZE 8”. SS. : Available pull handles. Finishes:NI. PT. 10:10 Plate. EP. 34 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SG. 10” (ADJUSTABLE) & 12” FOR GLASS DOOR NEW Launch ZU 10 PR SS ALI GD SC Abbreviations. FG. 12” & 12” FOR GLASS DOOR ZU 10G PR SS CU 10 PR SS ZARA ATINA SIZE 8” & 10” SIZE 8” & 10” ZA 10 PR SC AI 10 PR SS DELFINO INSPIRE SIZE 8” & 10” SIZE 8” & 10” DE 10 PR FG IP 08 PR SC 35 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 10” SIZE 10”.DOOR HANDLES | PULL | PREMIUM ZUMA CAULLI SIZE 8”. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SS. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | PREMIUM ELOSIS ROHO SIZE 8” & 10” SIZE 10” ES 08 PR SG RO 10 PR PT MAGNUS SIROCCO SIZE 10” SIZE 12” MG 10 PR SS SR 12 PR FG LEEBA SIZE 8” & 10” LE 08 PR FG Abbreviations. SC. FG. Finishes:NI.OR:On Rose. EP. 36 | DORSET CATALOGUE . PT. SG. 10:10 Plate. : Available pull handles. THE STANDARD COLLECTION . . DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | STANDARD ‘C’ TYPE ‘D’ TYPE SD OR SS SC OR SS ‘D’ TYPE ‘D’ TYPE (ON PLATE) (ON PLATE) SIZE 175 MM SIZE 210 MM x 175MM x 55MM SD OP2 SS SD OP1 SS ‘L’ TYPE SLP SLP OR SS SL OR SS 39 | DORSET CATALOGUE . 10:10 Plate. : Available pull handles. SG. FG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request.OR:On Rose. SC. PT. 40 | DORSET CATALOGUE . EP. SS. DOOR HANDLES | LEVER | STANDARD SO SO OR SS SEP SEP OR SS ‘U’ TYPE SU OR SS Abbreviations. Finishes:NI. 10”& 12” S TYPE PULL HANDLE SIZE AVAILABLE DIA 8 . 8”. 8”. 8”. 10”. SIZE 6”. 8”. 10” SIZE 8” & 10” & 12” & 12” SEP 10 P SS SU 08 P SS ‘S’ TYPE SIZE 8”. SIZE 8”. 10” & 12” 10” & 12” 10” & 12” EM 10 P SS ED 10 P SS FB 10 P SS PRIMO NERO SOP SIZE 6”.DOOR HANDLES | PULL | STANDARD EDEN ELMO FABIO SIZE 6”. 10 & 12 22MM SS 10 P SS 41 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SIZE 6”.8”. 10” & 12” 10” & 12” & 12” SOP 10 P SS PR 10 P SS NE 10 P SS SEP TYPE ‘U’ TYPE SIZE 8”. SIZE 6”. 10 & 12 22MM 14 . FG. 36 & 48 32MM & 48” ‘T’ TYPE T TYPE SIZE 8”. 10 & 12 19MM & 22MM 30”. 10 & 12 22MM 18”. PULL HANDLE SIZE AVAILABE DIA 18”. 16 & 18 25MM ST 08 P SS Abbreviations. 18 .OR:On Rose. 36”. 6 . 30 . 16”. EP. 24”. 8 . & 18 25MM SH 08 P SS 30”. SC. 14 . 16 . 24 . 24”. 8”. 16” & 18” 8 . 36” & 48” 16 . 20”. 16”. SS. 10”& 12” PULL HANDLE SIZE AVAILABLE DIA 14”. 30 . 10:10 Plate. : Available pull handles. 42 | DORSET CATALOGUE . & 20 25MM SD 6 P SS 24 . Finishes:NI. D TYPE 12”. 36 & 48 32MM SD 24 P SS ‘H’ TYPE H TYPE SIZE 8”.10”. PT. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 8 . 10”. DOOR HANDLES | PULL | STANDARD ‘D’ TYPE SIZE 6”. SG. 14”. PULL HANDLE SIZE AVAILABLE DIA 12”. LOCKS & SECURITY SYSTEMS . . Lily. Primo. MORTISE HANDLE SET (8”/OR)+ MORTISE LATCH (ML 103) (HL. Eden. Celio. CL 206. Fabio. Atina. Onix. Letezia. Divine. Amy. Badroli. Quadra. Stella. Piera. 8” MORTISE HANDLE SET + MORTISE LOCK (ML 170) + CYLINDER (CL 200. Zara. Hannah. Zara. Letezia. Hermes. Ostler. CL 201. Cara. Noha. Art. Amy. Lily. Divine. Lily. Chord. Lia. Piera. Quadra. Cosmo. Fina. Amy. Fina. Cosmo. CL 202. Skat.DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | LOCKSET Available Models: MAINDOOR Beryl. Serena. Cosmo. Zara. Elmo. Divine. Pontus. (KY) Ceto. Eden. Twist. Hannah. Elmo. Alya. 8” MORTISE HANDLE SET + MORTISE LOCK (KY) HL LEVER Art. Atina. Remus 45 | DORSET CATALOGUE . Primo. Ceto. ML OR) Pontus. Stella. LOCKSET Quadra. Noha. Fina. Piera. Ostler. Stella. Serena. Cara. Inspire. Nero. CL 208) LOCKSET Twist. Twist. CL 207. + HL AI B SS Fabio. Badroli. Atina. Celio. Nero. Remus + + HL AI SS Available without Cylinder also Available with handles-Hale. Ostler. Hannah. Serena. Inspire. Noha. Onix. Lia. Onix. Cara. PULL HANDLE + MORTISE HANDLE + MORTISE LOCK (ML 111) + CYLINDER (CL 201/CL 207) SET Aten MD BER 01 SC (RH) + + + HL Available with handles-Hale. Art. Ceto. Inspire. ML AI OR WR SS Letezia. Grus. Celio. Badroli. Pontus. Oblo HL AI SS (KY) + Available with handles- LATCHSET Hale. Inspire. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | LOCKSET ML Available with handles- Hale. CL 208) LOCKSET Pontus. Cosmo. Nero MORTISE HANDLE SET (10”/OR) + MORTISE LOCK (ML 171) + CYLINDER (CL 200. FG. Lia. Quadra. PT. Letezia. CL 202. Finishes:NI. Serena. MORTISE HANDLE SET (10”/OR) + MORTISE LOCK (ML 110) + CYLINDER (CL 200. LOCKSET CL 206. CL 201. Noha. Ceto.PR:Pull handle on Rose. CL 201. CL 208) + + ML FB OR SS ML FB SS Available without Cylinder also SS ML OR Available with handles- D Type. Stella. Art. Lily. Atina. Divine. Piera. Elmo. SLP. CL 206. CL 201. LOCKSET CL 206. Fina. Ostler. Zara. Badroli. Amy. CL 202. Hannah. SEP ON ROSE MORTISE HANDLE SET + MORTISE LOCK (ML 171) + CYLINDER (CL 200. CL 207) ML SD OR SS + + Available without Cylinder also Abbreviations. 46 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SC. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SS. Remus ML AI OR SS + + ML AI SS Available without Cylinder also SS ML Available with handles-Eden. L Type. SG. Fabio. CL 207. EP. Primo. Cara. Twist. 10:Pull handle on 10 Plate. CL 207. Onix. Celio. DOOR HANDLES | LOCK SET | MAIN DOOR LOCKSET BERYL NEW Launch MD BER 01 SC (L) HERMES NEW Launch MD HEM 01 SC (L) ALYA NEW Launch 1 SC (L) MD ALY 0 47 | DORSET CATALOGUE . EP. FG. 48 | DORSET CATALOGUE . : Available pull handles.OR:On Rose. SS. 10:10 Plate. PT. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SG. Finishes:NI. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | MAIN DOOR LOCKSET SKAT NEW Launch MD SKA 01 SC (L) GRUS NEW Launch MD GRU 01 SC (L) ATEN NEW Launch MD ATE 01 SC (L) Abbreviations. SC. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | STANDARD LUKE BIVA HL 160 SS HL LU SG VENIZA DIVA HL 170 SS HL VN SG RENY MONARCH HL MO SS HL RE SS PIERA LETIZIA NEW NEW Launch Launch ML LET OR SS ML PIE OR SS ML LET SC ML PIE SC HLLET SC HLPIE SC 49 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SS. 50 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SG. Finishes:NI.PR:Pull handle on Rose. EP. 10:Pull handle on 10 Plate. FG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | STANDARD FINA SERENA ML SAR OR SS ML FIN OR SS ML SAR SC HL SAR SC ML FIN SS HL FIN SS CELIO ART ML CEL OR SC ML ART OR SC HL CEL SS ML ART SC ML CEL SS HL ART SC HALE DIVINE ML HAL OR SS ML DIV OR SC ML HAL SS HL HAL SS ML DIV SC HL DIV SC CARA LILY ML CAR OR SC ML LY OR SS ML CAR SC HL CAR SC ML LY SC HL LY SC Abbreviations. PT. SC. TWIST COSMO STELLA PONTUS ML ST OR SC ML CS OR SS ML TW SS ML PU OR SC 51 | DORSET CATALOGUE ML ST SS ML CS SS HL TW SS ML PU SS DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | STANDARD HL ST SS HL CS SS HL PU SS AMY CETO ATINA HANNAH ML HN OR SS ML AI OR SC ML CO OR SC ML AMY OR SC ML HN SS ML AI SS ML CO SS ML AMY SC HL HN SS HL AI SS HLCO SS HL AMY SC . SC. SG. EP. SS. 52 | DORSET CATALOGUE . FG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. Finishes:NI.PR:Pull handle on Rose. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | STANDARD ONIX OSTLER ML ON OR SS ML OS OR SS ML ON SS ML OS SS ML OS SS HL ON SS INSPIRE NOHA ML NO OR SC ML IN OR SS ML NO SC HL NO SS ML IN SS MLIN SS BADROLI QUADRA ML QU OR SC ML BA OR SC ML QU SS ML BA SS HL QU SS HL BA SS ZARA EDEN ML ZA OR SC HL ED OR SS ML ED SS ML ZA SS HL ED SS HL ZA SS Abbreviations. PT. 10:Pull handle on 10 Plate. NEW NEW Launch Launch OBLO FABIO PRIMO REMUS HL OBL SC ML REM OR SC ML FB OR SS ML PR OR SS 53 | DORSET CATALOGUE ML REM SC ML FB SS ML PR SS DOOR HANDLES | LOCKSET | STANDARD HL REM SC HL FB SS HL PR SS NEW NEW LIA Launch Launch ELMO CHORD HL CHO SC ML LIA OR SC ML EM OR SS ML LIA SC ML EM SS HL LIA SC HL EM SS . 54 | DORSET CATALOGUE .OR-On Rose. Finishe-NI. SG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. SC. HL-8 Mortise lock. SS. 10-10 Plate. EP. FG. ML-10 Mortise lock. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | MORTISE LOCKS ML 121 ML 100 ML 100 D NEW LOCK BODY DEAD LOCK Launch ML 100D SS Ml 100 EPL ML 121 SS ML 100 L ML 100 P ML 110 MORTISE LATCH LOCK BODY LOCKED BODY EC ML 100P SS ML 100L SS ML 110 SS ML 111 ML 120 ML 112 LOCKED BODY EC LOCK BODY DEAD LOCK EC ML 120 EPL ML 111 SS ML 112 SS ML 102 ML 103 ML 160 DEAD LOCK MORTISE LATCH LOCK BODY EC ML 102 EPL ML 103 EPL ML 160 NI Abbreviations . PT. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | MORTISE LOCKS ML 170 ML 140 ML 141 LOCK BODY EPL LOCK BODY DEAD LOCK ML 170 EPL ML 140 NI ML 141 NI MGL 700 CROSS KEY DEAD LOCK MGL 700 SS 55 | DORSET CATALOGUE . Finishes:NI. 80. 90 & 100 MM CL 201 CL 202 CL 201 SS CL 202 SS CL 200 H HALF CYLINDER CL 201 H HALF CYLINDER SIZE 60. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. 70. 80 & 100MM SIZE 60. SS. SG. 90 & 100 MM workers during construction Available with CL Euro pro le cylinder series Construction key stops working when the Owner key is used srt CL 200 EPL time. Available with all cylinders in all nishes. 70 & 80 MM DKQ KNK SIZE 60. 70 & 80 MM DEX 200 SIZE 60. 80. 10:10 Plate. DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | CYLINDERS CYLINDER CONSTRUCTION KEY Construction key to be used by CL 200 SIZE 60. 80 & 100 MM CL 201H EPL CL 200H SS SUPER CYLINDER SUPER CYLINDER DKQ BSK SIZE 60. SC. EP.OR:On Rose. 70. FG. 70 & 80 MM DEX 201 SS DEX 200 SS Abbreviations. 70 & 80 MM 1st TIME IN INDIA 1st TIME IN INDIA DSK KNK SS DKS BSK SS Four row High Secirity Cylinder with International Certi cation. 70. 80. 70. PT. 56 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SIZE 60. DEX 201 SIZE 60. 90 & 100MM SIZE 60. 70. common rooms/doors. 57 | DORSET CATALOGUE . Main Entrance door of an cylinders assigned to a group. cabin areas Banks Rented Commercial spaces Hospitals . individual ats only APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS Ideal for O ce Floors with di erent cabin Ideal for Apartment/Housing complexes Ideal for O ce oors with Executive/ doors Hospitals Shopping complex Guest House hospital oors with common & O ce Rooms Banks Large Hotels utility areas University & School. GM key garage O ce 3 Apartment 3 O ce 3 O ce 4 Apartment 4 Group MS 1 O ce 4 MASTER KEY SYSTEM CENTRAL LOCKING SYSTEM GRAND MASTER KEY SYSTEM A Master Key System is one. storage. in which one A Central Locking system is a system used for A grand master key system is a system single Master Key can open a set of cylin. e.g. individual apartment keys open A group of keys can operate the central di erent doors in the group whereas a cylinder Grand Master key opens all the cylinders All keys are di erent and they operate made under the system. Central Locking & Grand Master (GM) O ce 1 Group MS 2 O ce 1 Apartment 1 (housekeeper) Master key O ce 2 Common O ce 2 Apartment 2 doors Entrance. where in a master key can open one set of ders made under a speci c system.DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | MASTER KEY SYSTEMS AVAILABLE KEY SYSTEMS | Master Key (MS). DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | CYLINDRICAL LOCKS CYLINDERICAL LOCKS CODES | Cylindrical locks series ET Cylindrical Lock Entrance. NL 500 & NIGHT LATCH CODES | Night Latch BOTH SIDE (Available for Inside & Outside 500D KEY opening doors) NL 500 & NL 500D Night latch with NL 500 D NEW both side key Launch NL 501 & NL 501D Night latch with key on outside and knob inside Available in Ivory & Nickel Silver Finish NL 500 / NL 501 with normal key NL 500 NL 500 D/ NL 501 D with Dimple Key NL 501 & NIGHT LATCH ONE SIDE KEY 501D ONE SIDE NL 501 D KNOB NEW Launch NL 501 58 | DORSET CATALOGUE . ET TO SS PR TO AC Satin Brass (SB) Masterkey system also available with Cylindrical locks. Polished Brass (PB). Antique Copper (AC). Antique Brass (AB). PR Cylindrical Lock Privacy Available Finishes for the Cylindrical Lock series are Silver Satin (SS). DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | MULTIPURPOSE LOCKS SECURA WARDROBE LOCK NEW Launch Available in 25mm & 32mm AL 400 SS SECURA DRAWER LOCK NEW Launch Available in 20mm AL 410 SS SM MP 390 MULTIPURPOSE LOCK NEW Launch SM MP 390 MP 330 MULTIPURPOSE LOCK MP 330 SS 59 | DORSET CATALOGUE . DOOR HANDLES | LOCKING SYSTEM | MULTIPURPOSE LOCKS MP 360 MULTIPURPOSE LOCK Available in 22mm MP 360 SS MP 370 MULTIPURPOSE LOCK Available in 32mm MP 370 SS MP 310 ALMIRAH LOCK MP 310 EPL CODES Multipurpose Locks MP 330 Multipurpose Lock Round MP 330 KAL Alike in set of 10 locks MP 360 Multipurpose Lock 22mm MP 370 Multipurpose Lock 32mm MP 360 KAL/ Alike in set of 10 locks. MP 370 KAL Alike in set of 10 locks 60 | DORSET CATALOGUE . ELECTRONIC SAFE . . ELECTRONIC SAFE COLT E-SAFE Model Dimensions Weight No.0 COLT 10 VAULT E-SAFE Model Dimensions Weight No. (w) x (h) x (d) (kg) Colt 10 310 X 200 X 200 3. (w) x (h) x (d) (kg) Vault 11 350 X 250 X 250 10.0 BOND 22 63 | DORSET CATALOGUE .8 Colt 11 350 X 250 X 250 6.0 Vault 55 385 X 517 X 362 21.0 Bond 22 450 X 200 X 380 14. (w) x (h) x (d) (kg) Bond 11 350 X 250 X 250 11.0 Vault 44 380 X 380 X 362 17.0 VAULT 11 BOND E-SAFE Model Dimensions Weight No. 0 MAGNUM E-SAFE Model Dimensions Weight No.0 Magnum 55 460 X 600 X 470 87. (w) x (h) x (d) (kg) Shield 10 310 X 200 X 200 7.5 Shield 44 440 X 317 X 350 17. (w) x (h) x (d) Book 01 158 X 240 X 59 BOOK 01 64 | DORSET CATALOGUE .0 MAGNUM 11 Magnum 99 600 X 990 X 570 195.5 Shield 11 350 X 250 X 250 11.0 SHIELD 10 Shield 55 415 X 497 X 350 22. (w) x (h) x (d) (kg) Magnum 11 495 X 380 X 390 48.0 Shield 22 450 X 200 X 380 13. ELECTRONIC SAFE SHIELD E-SAFE Model Dimensions Weight No.0 BOOK SAFE E-SAFE Model Dimensions No. DOOR CONTROL SYSTEM . . DC 60 SM Recommended for Door up to 60 Kg. . Finishe-NI. Launch Suitable for both left & right handed opening doors. PDC: Presure Die Cast. Easy & accurate two-valve door operating speed adjustment DOOR CLOSER (closing & latching speed).000 cycles Tested. 1.. High quality steel rack & pinion construction provides smooth DC 80 EXT and precise control. Standard body cover in sprayed nish. NEW Pressure die cast body of aluminum alloy. Recommended for Door up to 40 Kg. Angle of opening up to 67 | DORSET CATALOGUE Abbreviations . Angle of opening up to DC 40 180°.00. Suitable for both left & right handed opening doors.000 cycles Tested. SS. Adjustable closing & latching speed. EXT Adjusting valves on the front side. Angle of opening up to 180°. Recommended for Door up to 80Kg. DC 60 Recommended for Door up to 65 Kg. EXT: Extrusion. Angle of opening up to 105°. High quality oil used to withstand extreme temperatures. Adjusting valves on the front side. Suitable for both left & right handed opening doors.00. SG. DC 60 SM DOOR CLOSER Easy & accurate two-valve door operating speed adjustment (closing & latching speed).DC: Door Closer. Pressure die cast body of aluminum alloy. SC.DOOR HANDLES | DOOR ACCESSORIES | DOOR CLOSER DC 40 SM DOOR CLOSER Easy & accurate two-valve door operating speed adjustment (closing & latching sped). EP. Compact and stylish design. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. Pressure die cast body of aluminium alloy. 3. Angle of opening up to 105°.000 cycles Tested. 1. Compact and stylish design. Launch Suitable for both left & right handed opening doors. DC 80 DOOR CLOSER Extruded body of aluminium alloy. High Quality oil used to withstand extreme temperatures. Special o-ring design seals to avoid leakage. Compact and stylish design. High Quality oil used to withstand extreme temperatures. DC 40 SM Recommended for Door up to 40 Kg.. High Quality oil used to withstand extreme temperatures.00. DC 60 Special o-ring design seals to avoid leakage. Suitable for both left & right handed opening doors.00. FG. covering the closer body & mounting screw.000 cycles Tested. 5. NEW Pressure die cast body of aluminum alloy. PT. High quality steel rack & pinion construction provides smooth and precise control. DOOR CLOSER Easy & accurate two-valve door operating speed adjustment DC 40 (closing & latching speed). 00. 85 Kg 5. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. Compact & slim body with a width of 32mm. Suitable for left & right handed doors.000 cycles Tested. only adjust them slightly. ACCESSORY TOP PIVOT (FS-TP) FS-TP Install it on the suitable door accordingly. Special o-ring design seals to avoid leakage. EXT (H) Pressure die cast body of aluminium alloy. Suitable for both left and right handed opening doors.000 cycles Tested DC 80 DOOR CLOSER EXT (WP) DC 80 EXT (WP) Concealed Door closers tted inside the door. PT. Can be installed in either standard or the reverse mode. DC 85 CO DOOR CLOSER Adjustable closing & latching speed. Special o-ring design seals to avoid leakage. FS-BP Abbreviations . EXT: Extrusion. 65Kg. PDC: Presure Die Cast. SC. to hold the door at desired angle without stopper. Don t turn the screw of BOTTOM PIVOT (FS-BP) regulating valves thoroughly out incase of oil leakage. High quality steel rack & pinion construction provide precise control. Pressure die cast body of aluminium alloy. Compact & slim body with a width of 32mm. SS. Pressure die cast body of aluminium alloy. 68 | DORSET CATALOGUE . Adjusting valves on the front side. Suitable for left & right handed doors. Recommended for Door weight .000 cycles Tested. In-built hold open feature. 5. Can be installed in either standard or the reverse mode. Concealed Door closers tted inside the door. DC 65 CO DOOR CLOSER Adjustable closing & latching speed.00. 5. DC 65 CO Recommended for Door up to. In-built hold open feature. Finishe-NI. DOOR HANDLES | DOOR ACCESSORIES | DOOR CLOSER With hold open Arm.DC: Door Closer.80 Kg. High Quality oil used to withstand extreme temperatures. FG. Angle of opening up to 120. Special o-ring design seals to avoid leakage. DC 85 CO Recommended for Door up to. Angle of opening up to 120. High quality steel rack & pinion construction provide precise control. SG. Angle of opening 180°. EP. DC 80 DOOR CLOSER Adjustable closing & latching speed. High Quality steel rack & pinion construction provides smooth DC 80 EXT (H) and precise control.00. Consistent closing cycle virtually una ected by changes in temperature. Universally suitable for both single & double action doors. Double spring action for better e ciency. Single spring action. 5. glass & aluminum doors. CYLINDER) Max opening angle in each direction 120°. glass & aluminum doors. Optical integrated xed position hold open. FS 100 FLOOR Universally suitable for both single & double action doors.00.000 cycles Tested Product code Door Weight Door Width FS A85 20-85 kg 1000 mm ADJUSTABLE Suitable for wooden. reduced handling weight due to aluminum body. Max opening angle in each direction 120°. ADJUSTABLE FS A-85 FLOOR Closing action e ective from 175°. FS 7085 Product code Door Weight Door Width FS 7085 85 kg 900 mm 69 | DORSET CATALOGUE .000 cycles Tested Product code Door Weight Door Width FS 100 100 kg 1000 mm FS 100 FS 120 120 kg 1200 mm FS 150 150 kg 1200 mm FLOOR Suitable for wooden. 3.DOOR HANDLES | DOOR ACCESSORIES | FLOOR SPRING Rugged construction for door weight up to 85kg. (SINGLE Inbuilt hold open feature at 90°. SPRING Inbuilt hold open feature at 90°. Consistent closing cycle virtually una ected by changes in temperature 5.000 cycles Tested DC 40 PDC Product code Door Weight Door Width FS 6080 80 kg 1000 mm FS 6120 120 kg 1200 mm FS 7085 ADJUSTABLE FLOOR SPRING Suitable for wooden.00. SPRING Easy adaptability to individual requirements owing to adjustable closing force & two independently adjustable closing speed valves. Single spring action for better e ciency. Consistent closing cycle virtually una ected by changes in temperature. Max opening angle in each direction 120°. FS 6080 SPRING Universally suitable for both single & double action doors. Consistent closing cycle virtually una ected by changes in temperature. FS A 85 High corrosion resistance.00. glass & aluminum doors. (SINGLE CYLINDER) Universally suitable for both single & double action doors. high mechanical e ciency. In-situ adjustment in cement box. Inbuilt hold open feature at 90°. 11 HG 1000 SS HG 1001 SS HG 1010 127x 25x 4 5 x 1 x 0.09 (WITH SCREW) HG 1153A 102x 76x 3 4x 3x 0.1 x 0.11 RAILWAY HINGES HG 1001 76x 25x 3 3 x 1 x 0.8 x 0.1 x 0.5 5x 3x 0. EP.07 TWO BALL HG 1151 102x 76x 2.16 Note: All Railway hinges are HG 1011 127x 28x 3 5 x 1.1 x 0. HG 1016 152x 28x 4 6 x 1. FG.5x 0.11 HG 1154A 127x 76x 3 5x 3x 0. 70 | DORSET CATALOGUE .09 BEARING HINGES HG 1152 127x 76x 2.11 HG 1004 102x 25x 4 4 x 1 x 0.TB: Tower Bolt.11 -Certi ed Note: All Two Ball Bearing hinges are available in Satin Silver (SS) nish.5x 0. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request.5 4x 3x 0. SG.11 BRASS HG 1003 102x 25x 3 4 x 1 x 0. Satin Silver (SS) & Patina (PT).16 HG 1009 127x 25x 3 5 x 1 x 0.5 4x 3x 0.11 HG 1154 127x 76x 3 5x 3x 0.16 SIZES mm in HINGES HG 1150 76x 64x 2 3x 2.5 X 0. PT.1 x 0. Finishe-NI.11 HG 1006 102x 28x 4 4 x 1.09 BEARING HINGES HG 1152A 127x 76x 2. 3” 4” 5” HINGES SIZES mm in HG 1253 102 X 76 X 3 4 X 3 X 0.1 x 0. DOOR HANDLES | DOOR ACCESSORIES | HINGES SIZES mm in HINGES HG 1000 76x 22x 3 3 x 0.11 HG 1155 127x 89x 3 5x 3.16 HG 1005 102x 28x 3 4 x 1. 3” 4” 5” HINGES SIZES mm in SS TWO BALL HG 1151A 102x 76x 2.09 (STAINLESS STEEL) HG 1153 102x 76x 3 4x 3x 0. Polished Brass (PB).11 STEEL DOOR TWO HG 1256 102 X 89 X 3 4 X 3.11 -Certi ed Note: All Two Ball Bearing hinges are available in Satin Silver (SS) nish.5 5x 3x 0.11 BALL BEARING HINGES (STAIN - Note: All Steel Door hinges are available in Satin Silver (SS) LESS STEEL) nish only. SS.11 available in nishes Satin Brass HG 1012 127x 28x 4 5 x 1.16 (SB). SC. HG 1253 SS HG 1256 SS -Certi ed-SS304 Abbreviations . 1010 10 or 250mm TS .4x0.6x0. STAINLESS STEEL TOWER BOLTS available sizes - TOWER BOLT Model Height TS .DOOR HANDLES | DOOR ACCESSORIES | ACCESSORIES HINGES PIN TYPE HINGES (STAINLESS STELL) SIZES mm in HG-2150 75x48x1.3x0. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. All Dorset Tower Bolts are round shaped (dia 10mm). TB R4” FG TB R6” FG TB R8” FG PT & FG nishes.SB (Satin Brass).5 4x2.7 3x1.09 HG-2151 100x58x1.9 4x2.5 5x2.1810 18 or 450mm DOOR DOOR DOOR DOOR STOPPER STOPPER STOPPER STOPPER DS HR (SS) Wall/ Door Wall/ Door Floor mounted Hanging Type DB WC 22 DS HR (Z) DSHT (Z) mounted mounted DB 22 (22 mm) DSHT 71 | DORSET CATALOGUE Note .06 HG-2152H 125x65x2.09 HG-2150 HG-2151 HG-2152 HG-2152 125x61x1. SS.9 5x2.06 HG-2150H 75x48x2. PT (Patina). .410 04 or 100mm TS .4x0.8x0.09 BRASS TOWER BOLTS available sizes - TOWER BOLT Model Height TB R310 3 or 75mm TB R410 4 or 100mm TB R610 6 or 150mm TB R810 8 or 200mm TB R1010 10 or 250mm TB R1210 12 or 300mm TB R10” FG Note: All Tower bolts are available in SB.06 HG-2151H 100x61x2.5 3x1.8x0.Finishes . PB (Polished Brass). PB. and FG (Full Gold). SS (Satin Silver).610 06 or 150mm TS .810 08 or 200mm TS-1210 SS TS-410 SS TS-810 SS TS .1210 12 or 300mm TS . SC.Brass (DDML) Dead lock .W STOPPER STOPPER STOPPER STOPPER Door mounted Door mounted Wall/Door mount. DOOR HANDLES | DOOR ACCESSORIES | ACCESSORIES DOOR DOOR DOOR DOOR DB PVC . PT. 72 | DORSET CATALOGUE . SS.SS (DDDL) IB 390 DOOR CHAIN DOOR GUARD BABY LATCH DOOR LATCH (BL) MODEL CODE SIZE Door Gaurd Buckle Type BL (S) -3 BL (B) -5 DSC (M) DGBT EYE VIEWER MEF (S) ME (B) Abbreviations . EP. Magnetic Door DSSA (B) DSSA (S) MDC SS DBRB-B ed Catcher ACCESSORY ACCESSORY INDICATOR BOLT Double door attachment for Double door attachment for Mortise lock . FG. Di erent sizes & nishes available on request. Finishe-NI. SG.TB: Tower Bolt. GURGAON AWHO. GURGAON PALM HILLS.PALM DRIVE. GURGAON . CHENNAI RAISENA RESIDENCY. SONEPAT GRAND ARCH. JINDAL GLOBAL UNIVERSITY.P. BANGALORE PARK AVENUE. GURGAON VICTORY VALLEY. GURGAON O. CLIENTS .com .INDIA For complete list of clients and additional references please visit www.dorsetindia. Full Gold (FG).Bright Nickel (NI). FG MI .OR . SG HANDLE DESIGN HANDLE DESIGN Eg: SA .CODING | Lever Handles CODING | Pull Handles MA . EPL Silver Gold Satin Silver Patina Silver Chrome Full Gold . Finishes . Patina (PT). PR . 10 .Sana Eg: SA Sana HANDLE TYPOLOGY HANDLE SIZE OR Lever on Estucheon (with Euro Eg: 08 Size 8 pro le) 10 Size 10 08 Lever on 8 Plate with key 12 Size 12 pro le/Euro Pro le 10 Lever on 10 Plate with Euro pro le MOUNTING TYPE RK Round Knob on Estucheon (with PR Pull Handle on Estucheon/ Rose Euro pro le) PP Pull Handle on Plate P Pull Handle PH Single Pull Handle FINISH CODE NI Bright Nickel WD Wood Finish FINISH CODE SS Silver Satin FG Full Gold FCH Full Chrome SS Silver Satin EP Lacquered Brass SC Silver Chrome FG Full Gold EP Lacquered Brass PT Patina SG Silver Gold SC Silver Chrome PT Patina PB Polish Brass SB Satin Brass SG Silver Gold AC Antique Copper AB Antique Brass NS Nickel Silver IV Ivory FCH Full Chrome Euro Pro le Brass Cylinder (both side key) CL 200 CL 206 CL 203 CL 214 CL 211 Euro Pro le Brass Cylinder (one side knob & one side key) CL 201 CL 207 CL 204 CL 215 CL 212 Euro Pro le Brass cylinder (one side knob & emergency opening) CL 202 CL 208 CL 205 CL 216 CL 213 Master key & Grand Master key available on request. Lacquered Brass (EP). Silver Satin (SS). Kaizen & Poka Yoke In house Product Reliability Testing Facility like: 1. UV Light Resistance Dyed Brass Less than E 2. (Natural salt spray test as per ASTM B117) 4. Pencil hardness (Gauge method load on Pencil approx 2000 gm) 4 H+ 3. C) at 500 Hrs. Sweat Resistance cycle (ANS/BHMA test USA speci cation) 6 Pass 7. Abrasion resistance litres sand (as per ASTM D968 using Ottowa sand) 18+ (litres sand) 5. Solvent resistance (Double rubs acetone test) 1000+ 2.0 (Using UV B313 tubes 2 hours UV at 60 deg. load atmospheric conditions etc. Colour E change (CIELAB) 6. PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ISO 9001:2008 Certi ed Company Certi cation No. 9910001125 UL R . Corrosion resistance (Zinc die cast) hours 240+ In house Environmental Test Facility Salt Spray Chamber Endurance Rigs Available Facilities for Ottawa sand. Corrosion resistance (polished brass) 500Hrs. TQM.OUR QUALITY STANDARDS Certi ed Quality System as per ISO9001-2008 Follow best quality practices like 5S. We reserve the right to make alterations to the models without prior notice.Binola. recording or any other informa- tion storage and retrieval system. Branch O ces : Ahmedabad I Bengaluru I Chennai I Ghaziabad I Gurgaon Hyderabad I Kochi I Kolkata I Lucknow I Mumbai I Zirakpur Manufacturing Plant: Unit I . Please check physical product before placing your order. New Delhi -110037 (India). Mahipalpur extension. 2. Corporate Office: A-88.Haridwar (Uttarakhand) Copyright © 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Reproduction or transmission in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical of this publication in part or whole is prohibited.Dorset Kaba Security Systems Pvt. without prior permission from Dorset Kaba Security Systems Pvt. E-mail: [email protected] (Uttarakhand) Unit III .com Website: www. Ltd. Road no.dorsetindia. Phone: +91-11-46138800 (100 lines) Fax: +91-11-46138880. All sizes and nishes as portrayed through photographs in this Catalogue may vary from the actual product. including photocopy. . Gurgaon (Haryana) Unit II .
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