Catalogo Libros ISA

March 20, 2018 | Author: Andres Hincapie | Category: Product Lifecycle, Automation, Programmable Logic Controller, Boiler, Control System



ISA BooksUnbiased Technical informaTion from indUsTry experTs 2011–2012 New to automation? his easy-to-read book provides a basic functional understanding of the field of industrial automation. The authors provide an introductorylevel approach, covering major industrial automation topics, such as distributed control systems (DCSs), programmable logic controllers (PLCs), manufacturing execution systems (MESs), and so on. Ideal for executives, business managers, information technologists, accountants, maintenance professionals, operators, production planners, just to name a few, this book and an in-depth but easy overview for people new to the field who want to quickly educate themselves. Whether you are a student just starting out or are a top-level executive or manager well-versed in one domain, but have limited knowledge of the industrial automation industry, you’ll gain a basic functional understanding in the field of industrial automation. Turn to page 7 T Transform manufacturing for a better world! The ISA-95 best practice methods discussed here will help transform your manufacturing company and its manufacturing systems into a structured form to compete globally in the 21st century. For this manufacturing transformation to actually work, says editor and contributing author, Charlie Gifford, manufacturing organizations must consolidate all manufacturing IT systems into an autonomous single manufacturing operations management (MOM) architecture and manufacturing systems technology organization. Book 2.0 explains how to implement ISA-95 workflow applications in Manufacturing 2.0 Architecture (Mfg 2.0) to execute operations tasks through the MOM and physical process levels while coordinating them to streamline plant Continued on pg. 2 Understand process documentation today! o better understand process documentation today, you need insight into how and when documents are developed, who develops them, why they are developed, and how they are used. This book includes discussions on process flow diagrams, piping and instrumentation drawings, instrument lists, specification forms, logic diagrams, installation details, location plans, and loop diagrams so that you can understand and apply the symbols and documents used to define a modern industrial instrumentation and control system. Turn to page 8 T New books from influential innovator and industry author, Greg McMillan Essentials of Modern Measurements and Final Elements in the Process Industry is a comprehensive resource that increases awareness of the opportunities afforded by modern measurement instruments and final elements, and shows how to get maximum benefit from the revolution in smart technologies. Advanced Temperature Measurement and Control helps readers gain a comprehensive view of what is needed to take advantage of the latest developments in smart and wireless temperature measurements and control strategies and a fundamental understanding of the capabilities of temperature sensors and the advances in wireless technology. Turn to page 12 Continued on pg. 2 Turn to page 5 Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits e xp e rT kn owle d g e Visit us online at Wealth of knowledge helps professionals gain insight into automation and control technologies As the winner of ISA’s prestigious 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award and currently the program committee chair for ISA Automation Week 2011 (17–20 October, Mobile, Alabama), Gregory K. McMillan is one of the most influential and prolific authors today in the area of automation and control. An ISA Fellow, McMillan is known to share his knowledge with less-experienced engineers and technicians by teaching, mentoring, and writing. He has written several best-selling technical books and especially likes to showcase his less serious side with humorous books. The following book list highlights just some of McMillan’s numerous contributions to the automation field. Read more about McMillan’s achievements in InTech magazine at n Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for Optimum Benefit Terrence L. Blevins, Gregory K. McMillan, Willy K. Wojsznis, and Michael W. Brown n Models Unleashed: Virtual Plant and Model Predictive Control Applications Gregory K. McMillan and Robert Cameron Price: $89 ISA Member; $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-815-3 Price: $49 ISA Member; $59 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-857-3 n Advanced pH Measurement and Control, Third Edition Gregory K. McMillan and Robert A. Cameron n New Directions in Bioprocess Modeling and Control: Maximizing Process Analytical Technology Benefits Michael A. Boudreau, Gregory K. McMillan Price: $79 ISA Member; $89 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-43-4 Price: $89 ISA Member; $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-905-1 n Advanced Temperature Measurement and Control, Second Edition Gregory K. McMillan n The Funnier Side of Retirement for Engineers and People of the Technical Persuasion Gregory K. McMillan and illustrated by Ted Williams Price: $59 ISA Member; $69 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-38-7 Price: $25; ISA Member $25 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-28-1 n Essentials of Modern Measurements and Final Elements in the Process Industry: A Guide to Design, Configuration, Installation, and Maintenance Gregory K. McMillan n The Funny and Not So Funny Side of Life as an Automation Engineer Gregory K. McMillan, Stan Weiner, and illustrated by Ted Williams Price: $109 ISA Member; $119 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-23-3 Price: $149 ISA Member; $179 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-95-3 n Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide, Second Edition Gregory K. McMillan Transform manufacturing (continued from pg.1) operations and align those operations with ever-changing supply chain processes. This collection of white papers—each focusing on a specific component of the manufacturing transformation—are authored by subject-matter experts from 14 countries, and peerreviewed by expert reviewers from 13 countries. Gifford has contributed to and taught many manufacturing operations standards, such as ISA-88, ISA-95, Next Gen MESA and Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) models. He’s published over 40 papers and four books on the subject of operations and management best practices, and was awarded the 2007 MESA International Outstanding Contributor Award and 1995 Captain’s Citation Award for Innovation. An electronic version of this book is also available on CD-ROM. Price: $99 ISA Member; $109 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-62-2 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-936007-83-7 (CD-ROM) Price: $49 ISA Member; $59 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-940-2 n How to Become an Instrument Engineer: The Making of a Prima Donna Gregory K. McMillan, Stan Weiner Price: $25 ISA Member; $25 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-884-9 n Life and Times of an Automation Professional— An Illustrated Guide Ted Williams, Stan Weiner, and Gregory K. McMillan Price: $25 ISA Member; $25 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-957-0 Check out McMillan’s Deminar Series for additional educational resources. 2 Visit us online at isa re so U rce s ISA Resources Automation Books from ISA— Authoritative and Practical Solutions ISA books bring you the most authoritative technical resources in automation. Relying on subject-matter experts in the field to write and review books on current and emerging technologies and applications, ISA provides a variety of titles for engineers, technicians, management, sales and marketing professionals, and academia. InTech Magazine InTech provides the most thoughtprovoking and authoritative coverage of automation technologies, applications, and strategies to enhance automation professionals’ on-the-job success. Published in print and on the web, InTech addresses industry challenges, new technologies, and fundamentals in a practical approach written for engineers, managers, and other automation professionals. InTech subscribers also receive an e-newsletter with the latest industry news each week. ISA Member: FREE subscription List: Contact ISA Table of Contents: View book highlights for seven popular automation and process and control categories: New and Notable ......................................................... 4–6 Academia ................................................................... 7–10 Instrumentation and Control .................................... 11–14 Management..................................................................15 General Interest ........................................................ 16–17 Alphabetical Index ..........................................................18 Ordering Information......................................................23 ISA Directory of Automation The ISA Directory of Automation is an online directory, produced in collaboration with Irving, Texas-based MultiView, offering extensive information about manufacturers and service companies at your disposal whenever you need it. View it at ISA Online Bookstore The ISA online bookstore displays books in several convenient categories: New and Notable, Bestsellers, Basic, Advanced, Technician, Management, and General Interest. Shop with confidence 24/7, using the secure ISA online bookstore. ISA Transactions Technical Papers/Proceedings Covering topics in effectively every area of automation, ISA’s conferences and symposia technical papers inform on the latest technology developments and applications. Thousands of contributions from experts located around the world keep you informed and ready to solve today’s problems. Find out more about ISA‘s resources at A Journal for the Science and Engineering of Measurement and Automation Targeted for leading-edge industrial practitioners and applied researchers, ISA Transactions aims to be the respected journal of advances in the science and engineering of process measurement and automation. ISA Transactions explores the topics of measurement, automation, and any equipment, techniques, and best practices that support them. ISA Member: $59 annual subscription rate (print) List: Contact ISA Did you know ISA members get great discounts on ISA publications and other resources? ISA provides its members with unparalleled access to technical information, professional development resources, and opportunities to network with other automation professionals. In addition to these unique benefits, membership supports a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the state-of-the-art, and recognition of the automation profession. Join today and get the member discount on most resources in this catalog, and more. Go to to learn about all the benefits of ISA membership. Publishing ISA is the authoritative publisher of technical resources covering the automation profession. Written and reviewed by experts, these publications help keep automation professionals fully informed about the latest technical developments, applications, trends, and standards. 3 The second edition is filled with good examples and explanations of procedures.isa.isa.isa. additional P&ID drawings and examples of permissive startup and tripping logic for Price: $69 ISA Member. It is based on hundreds of successful projects. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-20-2 Alarm Management: A Comprehensive Guide. and equations to estimate process dynamics. Price: $59 ISA Member. F. McMillan This book provides a comprehensive view of what is needed to take advantage of the latest developments in smart and wireless temperature measurements and control strategies. Second Edition G. and manufacturers to manage the life cycle information of their products seamlessly over all life cycle phases. Second Edition Gregory K. The information deals primarily with water tube boilers with Induced Draft (ID) and Forced Draft (FD) fan(s) or boilers containing only FD fans. improved supply chain efficiency.n e w a n d n oTa ble Visit us online at www. and better rebuilding and recycling choices. various problems of alarm systems are covered with precise guidance on how they come about and how to effectively correct them. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-55-4 Closed-Loop Product Life Cycle Management—Using Smart Embedded Systems Markus Frey. control systems engineers. or operators. Better understanding of product life cycles leads to process improvements and to reduced total product costs. Second Edition. as well as information on the latest ISA-77 series of standards. It also covers different control schemes for furnace draft control. Eddie Habibi In this second edition. This new closed-loop PLM—developed and validated in the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) project PROMISE—enables product users. Alarm Management: A Comprehensive Advanced Temperature Measurement and Control. NFPA 85 Code 2007 control system requirements are included. and environments requiring effective alarm Price: $89 ISA Member. The effect of sensor types and installation on measurement accuracy and speed is detailed. It can also apply to any fuel-fired steam generator. Hollifield. processes. better product quality. The appendices provide solutions to the exercises.isa. www. Guidance is provided for making the commonly faced choice between thermocouples versus resistance temperature detectors. Editor The PROMISE technologies are a new type of “Closed-Loop Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) using Smart Embedded Systems. maintenance technicians. with illustrated examples of coal fired boilers. This expanded and updated second edition includes drum level compensation equations. A fundamental understanding of the capabilities of temperature sensors and the advances in wireless technology are Price: $79 ISA Member. maintainers. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-93600-738-7 Boiler Control Systems Engineering. with practical lists and tips on how one should proceed. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-61-5 4 . oil. www. Second Edition Bill R. data important for heat transfer.” which allow tracking of product information at all times and in any location around the world. It is written by individuals with vast experience in the different plants. a unification of controller tuning methods. and coal fired boilers. The temperature control requirements for various types of equipment are discussed. Control systems to meet specific objectives are provided. power plant managers. (Jerry) Gilman This book is for anyone who works with boilers: utilities managers. www. and how to increase accuracy of life-cycle cost estimates. Delamer. which are used to process the ontologies autonomously. Ivan M.isa. Domain ontologies are the formal representation of knowledge about manufacturing systems.isa. The book is also an excellent text for college courses due to its detailed explanations. introduces tools for editing them. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-01-1 Control Loop Foundation—Batch and Continuous Processes By Terrence Blevins and Mark Nixon In this in-depth book. Third Edition William M. This updated third edition provides the detailed background necessary to understand how to meet important new safety regulations and reliability engineering topics. industrial equipment. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-80-9 Domain Ontologies for Reasoning Machines in Factory Automation Jose L. Each chapter contains exercises to assist the reader in applying the theories presented with their practical Price: $109 ISA Member. simple process examples are used to illustrate how these techniques are applied in industry. www.Visit us online at www. McMillan This resource covers the aspects of measurements. and others that are new to process control or experienced control engineers who are unfamiliar with multiloop control techniques. Installation. Goble This book is intended to serve a wide variety of users. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-93600-754-7 Essentials of Modern Measurements and Final Elements in the Process Industry: A Guide to Design. practical presentation. and discussion of the difference between theory and real-world application.isa. www. including probability. Fernando Ubis This book targets knowledge representation and reasoning machines and introduces the concept of domain ontologies. reliability theory definitions. Professional control system designers will learn how to properly evaluate control system components and various system architectures. It also provides a comprehensive exploration of the technology that supports the rapidly expanding opportunities of WirelessHART instrumentation.isa. and basic reliability modeling techniques. The use of domain ontologies has received increasing attention within the manufacturing field. most notably since the emergence of Web-based solutions and the Semantic Web. industrial processes. As a bonus. As control techniques are introduced. www. The book is written to act as a guide for engineers. and Maintenance Gregory K. $119 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-23-3 5 .org/ontologies Price: $79 ISA Member. how to better communicate with Price $99 ISA Member.isa. The terminology provides a foundation for subsequent chapters that focus on what is needed for lowest life-cycle cost and best automation system performance. statistics. It provides a basic foundation of material. and products to be manufactured. and final elements for applications in the process industry. Configuration. the authors address the concepts and terminology that are needed to work in the field of process control. as well as advanced topics relevant to safety instrumented and control systems. Martinez Lastra. managers. This reference presents a methodology for building domain ontologies. measurement n e w a n d n oTa ble Control System Safety Evaluation & Price: $99 ISA Member. www. dynamic process simulations are built into web-based workshops to give the reader a realistic “hands-on” experience. and discusses logic reasoners. technicians. isa. supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for utilities. This fourth edition includes a unit about improving the security of SCADA systems and has been rearranged to provide a more logical presentation of the subject. and operators on how to keep our industrial networks secure amid rising threats from hackers. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-09-7 Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation. Boyer This reference book offers overviews of SCADA’s component technologies.0) approach. and have a basis for selecting appropriate SCADA technology for their operational requirements. disgruntled employees. www. In addition. Second Edition Frederick Price: $99 ISA Member. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-51-6 When Worlds Collide in Manufacturing Operations: ISA-95 Best Practices Book 2. understand the basic technology of the system’s building Industrial Network Price: $99 ISA Member. especially ANSI/ISA5. Editor and Contributing Author Book 2. Whether we talk about process control systems that run chemical plants and refineries.Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. technicians.isa.1-2009 . understand its limitations. www. it uses industry standards. Meier and Clifford A.isa. www. Fourth Edition Stuart A. or factory automation systems for discrete manufacturing.isa. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-07-3 SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Price: $79 ISA Member. Second Edition David J. readers should be conversant with SCADA nomenclature and architecture. The methodology white papers focus on applying the ISA-95 standards to accelerate the adoption of Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) systems and the Manufacturing 2. This easy-to-read book introduces managers. Meier This edition provides the knowledge needed to understand and develop the documents and symbols that define a modern industrial measurement and control system. as well as details necessary to understand the big picture.n e w a n d n oTa ble Visit us online at www. the backbone of our nation’s critical infrastructure consists of these industrial networks and is dependent on their continued operation. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-62-2 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-936007-83-7 (CD-ROM) 6 . Almost daily an article comes out describing the threat to our critical infrastructure.0 Charlie Gifford. from spies in our electrical grid. www. After completing these 15 self-study units. to the looming threat of Price: $59 ISA Member. Teumim Nowadays one only needs to read the newspaper headlines to appreciate the importance of Industrial Network Security. and even cyberterrorists. There is a focus on how to build a Manufacturing Transformation Strategy where manufacturers discover that using MOM systems combined with continuous improvement methods dramatically accelerate transformation and time-to-benefit. engineers. understand how it can benefit particular operations. to define and describe the symbol-based “language” that identifies measurement and control devices.0 is the second collection of public methodology white papers from the ISA-95/MESA Best Practices Working Group.0 Architecture (Mfg 2. The information deals primarily with water tube boilers with Induced Draft (ID) and Forced Draft (FD) fan(s) or boilers containing only FD fans. and gives practical advice on how to apply control valves for safety. and time proportioning control. It can also apply to any fuel-fired steam generator. 2nd Edition Harold Price: $69 ISA Member. as well as information on the latest ISA-77 series of standards. Baumann Includes insights on valve sizing. maintenance technicians. shares his expertise on designing control loops and selecting final control elements. reduced energy costs. intuition. smart (digital) valve positioners. techniques for increasing effective valve rangeability. The easy-to-read text provides shortcuts through complex sizing and noise calculation formulas including for liquids and cavitation. Hans Baumann. control systems engineers. and other control techniques such as split-range control. network system technology. but have limited knowledge of the industrial automation industry.isa. This expanded and updated second edition includes drum level compensation equations. F. and knowledge of the particular process. imperfect processes rather than system theory and gives guidance on how engineers can best apply their own experience.isa.Visit us online at www. with illustrated examples of coal fired Price: $69 ISA Member. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-06-6 Control Valve Primer. This book is suitable for beginning or experienced process control engineers. Trying to keep up with changing technologies. and easy maintenance. www. additional P&ID drawings and examples of permissive startup and tripping logic for gas. Examples from the commercial world are given. and coal fired boilers. power plant managers. (Jerry) Gilman This book is for anyone who works with boilers: utilities managers. loop stability. It also covers different control schemes for furnace draft control. programmable logic controllers (PLCs).isa. it is very easy to see the industrial automation industry interoperates with other functions within the enterprise. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-450-2 Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design and Application. such as distributed control systems (DCSs).org/regcontrol Price: $89 ISA Member. www. it provides a basic functional understanding in the field of industrial automation. and control loop performance evaluation. floating control. The authors provide an introductory-level approach. NFPA 85 Code 2007 control system requirements are included. and so on. www.isa. Martin. covering most of the major industrial automation topics. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-20-2 7 . $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-873-3 Boiler Control Systems Engineering. Second Edition G. is never easy and the industrial automation environment is no exception. field-based architecture. The book teaches the practice of process control for the wet process industries. That is where this easy-to-read book comes in. Gregory Hale After a quick glance at the plant floor. The text summarizes the general characteristics of process and control loops and discusses feedback control and its nuances. it’s easy to find yourself adrift in this evolving industry. Wade The second edition of this best-seller covers the topics of tuning feedback control loops. www. multiplicative feed-forward control. Whether you are a student just starting out or are a toplevel executive or manager well-versed in one domain. however. or operators. The reader will learn the bottom-line benefits of advanced regulatory control strategies.isa. a holder of more than 150 patents. cross-limiting control. It stresses the study of real. and more. and author of over a hundred publications in control valve technology. oil. Third Edition Hans a ca d e mia Automation Made Easy: Everything You Wanted to Know about Automation— and Need to Ask Peter Price: $99 ISA Member. manufacturing execution systems (MESs). Meier and Clifford Price: $129 ISA Member.isa. and accuracy are addressed. It includes a complete description of relevant terminology. and specifications. Industrial Networks and Applications. and density measurement for various process conditions and measurement demands are covered in this guide for technicians and engineers who design. standards. enterprise computing. Other sections introduce the new generation of distributed controls and digital automation systems are introduced. troubleshoot. and Density Measurement. www. pressure. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-424-3 8 Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation. Contents: Historical Overview. FOUNDATION Fieldbus. covering every major control system element. Thompson Following the boom in networking and data communications advancements throughout industry. and computer and control system security. and IEEE 802.isa.isa. from sensors to final control elements. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-51-6 . Installation requirements. Second Edition Donald R. the book comes with the full text and graphics on a CD-ROM. and multivariable and differential pressure transmitters and applications. comparators. especially ANSI/ISA5. it uses industry standards. $159 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-863-4 Industrial Pressure. A complete glossary and index make the book especially useful as a handy desk reference. and maintain both legacy and leadingedge systems. Second Edition D. Wide Area Networks. Meier This edition provides the knowledge needed to understand and develop the documents and symbols that define a modern industrial measurement and control system. calibrate. open systems. The text emphasizes practical functional aspects of common systems rather than design criteria.A cA d e miA Visit us online at www. ActiveX.isa. In addition. wireless networks. www. Fourth Edition Lawrence (Larry) M. 485. Second Edition Frederick Price: $109 ISA Member. and more.1-2009 . Level. calibration procedures. including HART. Communication Foundations. A.NET™. Network Operating Systems and LAN Management. mounting techniques. and current migration strategies for expanding and upgrading existing systems. industrial communications network hardware and software. This edition includes a chapter covering equipment selection. install. RIP and OSPF router technologies. This edition provides updates on a range of topics including Internet communications. and other test Price: $89 ISA Member.Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. Physical Layer and Data Link Fundamentals of Industrial Control. www. As a bonus. Coggan The second edition of this best-selling classic provides a unique balance between control system theory and effective application. and more. OLE for Process Control (OPC). virtual private Price: $79 ISA Member. Local Area Networks. New material in this edition includes updated information on 100 MBps and 1000 MBps Ethernet. and maintain instruments. wireless transmitters. www. Other topics include: calibration and re-ranging updates for process calibrators. troubleshoot. selection criteria. $119 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-34-2 Industrial Data Communications.isa. Gillum Techniques and devices for level. in the context of overall control strategies and system design. and protocols including EIA/TIA 232. digital transmitter and communication updates. this fourth edition of an ISA best-seller gives technical professionals who have little or no background in data communications the knowledge they need to understand. The growth and application of data communications in the industrial environment as well as emerging technologies are discussed. to define and describe the symbol based “language” that identifies measurement and control devices. added emphasis on noncontact level measurement. and . engineering firms.isa. and Justification. Second Edition Paul Gruhn. expanded. glossaries. technicians. www. Engineers. and the addition of sections on the international standard for PLC languages.isa. Flow. Topics include explanations. . technicians. but not accustomed to complex theory and mathematics. drive innovations such as vector drives. www. Electrical and Viscosity measurements. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-946-4 Measurement and Control Basics.Eng. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-916-7 Motors & Drives: A Practical Technology Guide David Polka The guide offers engineering concepts of motors and drives understandable to engineers who are unfamiliar with the technology and technicians who are technically literate. a ca d e mia ISA Handbook of Measurement Equations and Tables. www. P CFSE and Harry L. and personal computer-based control systems. process Price: $99 ISA Member. Safety Instrumented Systems: Design. the luxury of learning from experience no longer exists. this book has provided students. and sales professionals employed by end users.. and strategies involved in industrial process control. Fourth Edition Thomas A. and maintaining safety instrumented systems. This book is a practical how-to text on the analysis. Tables and equations have been added to all the previous edition’s chapters covering Units of Measurement. and improved version provides hundreds of essential equations and tables to help you select. www. design. 2nd Edition addresses the increased realization that today’s engineering systems—and the computers used to control them—are capable of large-scale destruction. and Environmental Measurements. with special emphasis given to common motion control applications for each. sales people. and others with an introduction to the technologies. linear stepper and linear servo motors. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-800-9 Safety Instrumented Systems: Design. Safety. When even a single accident could be disastrous. Level. application and installation of safety instrumented systems. Hughes Ideal for classroom use or self-study.. summaries. CFSE This revised best-seller is ideal for instrumentation and control system engineers in the process industries who are responsible for designing. and Justification. and consultants can all benefit from the material presented here.Visit us online at Price: $89 ISA Member. The text offers an explanation of the principles of DC and variable frequency AC drive technology. review questions. Pressure. Humidity. New features include improved coverage of analytical measurement and control. The book also includes solutions to exercises that make it more suitable for self-study and a bonus CD-ROM. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-956-3 9 . installing.isa. P . step Price: $89 ISA Member. The 2nd Edition adds brand new chapters packed with tables and equations for Industrial Communications Buses. brushless servo motors. It also covers DC and AC motor and drive operation. systems.E. managers. and reference tables. Analysis. PWM stepper and servo drives. AC vector motors. systems integrators. operate and maintain measurement devices. The text offers an overview of drive components and types of drives. Price: $89 ISA Member. The text provides definitions and concepts in the principles necessary to understand the variables that affect process control systems.isa. Temperature. Second Edition Jim Strothman This updated.isa. hints and troubleshooting Price: $69 ISA Member. Subjects include documentation requirements. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-963-1 10 . both basic and advanced. planning & resource coordination. and analytical instrumentation. electronic systems. and closeout. troubleshooting safety. www. Jeffery In today’s markets. Mostia provides a discussion of the logical framework that underlies all troubleshooting. documentation. This application-oriented book provides an overview of the scope of duties a technician must perform in real-world situations. electrical systems. manufacturers strive to improve manufacturing performance to meet their business needs. all peer-reviewed for accuracy and relevance to technicians. performance benchmarking. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-910-5 Troubleshooting: A Technician’s Guide. pneumatic systems. www. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-912-9 Start-Up: A Technician’s Guide Diane Harris When new plants or systems go online. and conversion and reference tables serves as a very useful reference. information about training. and sustaining performance. the control systems technician (CST) faces special challenges. Topics include terminology. final control. www. answers. and valves. Jr. The book is a learning tool with questions and answers in each chapter. basic maintenance concepts. instrument classification systems. An appendix containing sample P& Price: $59 ISA Member. This technician’s guide defines loop checking in the broader scope of control loop performance in addition to the more traditional terms of the plant startup. P. fully indexed. level.isa. spec sheets. process Price: $59 ISA Member. Second Edition William L. Topics include troubleshooting methods.E.. $59 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-677-7 Loop Checking: A Technician’s Guide Harley M. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-75-5 Calibration: A Technician’s Guide Mike Cable A Technician’s Guide provides a foundation for understanding principles and applications of the most frequently performed tasks of a technician. as well as advanced troubleshooting techniques. If you calibrate instruments or supervise someone that does.isa.T e ch n icia n Visit us online at www. loop diagrams. He explores the causes of failures and the techniques that engineers and technicians use to trace them down. practice questions and exercises. The final chapter follows two CCST’s through a control system replacement ISA Technician Series The ISA Technician Book Series is a resource featuring practical methodologies that help technicians do their jobs more easily and safely. The author explores and explains the crucial role of a technician in this process. It discusses methods and practices that can be applied across processes or industries. and specific calibration techniques for temperature.isa.isa.isa. factory acceptance Price: $49 ISA Member. Project Management: A Technician’s Guide Leo Staples This text explores project management from a technician’s perspective. www. It includes over 30 figures and tables. field calibration. As process control loops have a major impact on a plant’s financial performance. Price: $59 ISA Member. and the developing troubleshooting skills. loop vs. flow.isa. www. These subjects are covered in domains six (project organization) and seven (administration) of the ISA Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) exam. The current series includes a variety of topics. This book offers a clear overview of typical start-up responsibilities. Each chapter includes self-study learning objectives. wiring and loop checks. communication requirements. sample calibration procedures. focusing on loop performance is critical. Topics include: loop checking basics. bench vs. individual instrument calibration. It also includes examples of troubleshooting problems in mechanical systems. and listings of relevant standards. Mostia. The book is a must read for technicians preparing for this exam and those who manage technicians during automation projects. pressure. you need this book. monitoring & control. Whether you are an engineer. but augments it through use of advanced control techniques. www. long process dead times. and continuous emissions monitoring systems to better provide the reader with comprehensive information about all major topics in the broad field of automation. Wojsznis. including the mixing and reagent piping requirements that are important for a successful application. estimators. and oscillatory systems.Visit us online at www. Particular attention is given to specific challenges such as reset windup. and implementation examples. Modeling methods. This book includes a CD-ROM that helps bridge the theoretical concepts and practical implementations by providing real Delta V simulations and displays. simulators. manager. Blevins. diagnostics. implementation details. This book provides a solid foundation for understanding. linear reagent demand Price: $79 ISA Member. Åströ Price: $99 ISA Member. and control strategies for pH applications critical for product and water quality in the process industry. Trevathan with contributions from over thirtyfive leading experts from all aspects of automation. and problem-solving techniques are also presented. The edition covers system design. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-43-4 Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for Optimum Benefit Terrence L. $119 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-942-6 11 . control equipment structure. www. Gregory K. and maintain electrodes. Brown This publication bridges the gap between theory and practice and provides the basis for assessing the benefits of advanced control–covering auto-tuning. control valves. while also describing the technical skills professionals require to implement them in today’s industrial environment. or educator. and performance assessment. The CD-ROM offers practical design. www.isa. and Michael W. Second Edition Vernon L. The capability of dynamic online pH estimators is explored to make existing pH measurements faster and more reliable. McMillan. Edited by Vernon L. student. operating and implementing the more advanced features of PID controllers. this book defines the most important automation concepts and processes. adaptive control.isa. Configuration and case files are supplied and PowerPoint files suitable for lectures on each unit are also included. Trevathan A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge. fuzzy control. control systems Price: $109 ISA Member. www. install. neural networks. expert systems. Second Edition. McMillan and Robert A. in sT rU me n TaT ion a n d con Trol A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge. you will turn to this book again and again as the ultimate source on what is encompassed by automation. Cameron This book provides a view of how to select. Third Edition Gregory K. A Microsoft Excel workbook file is included for generating titration curves and analyzing pH control system performance. has been updated and additional topics added covering custom software. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-815-3 Advanced PID Control Karl J. Developments in advanced batch control. $129 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-984-6 Advanced pH Measurement and Control. including auto-tuning. Tore Hägglund Advanced PID Control builds on the basics learned in PID Controllers.isa. Willy K. simulation. gain scheduling and Price: $89 ISA Member. and model predictive control are also presented. model predictive control. and better rebuilding and recycling choices. This book is ideal for industrial engineers. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-38-7 Closed-Loop Product Life Cycle Management—Using Smart Embedded Systems Markus Frey. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-61-5 Automation Network Selection: A Reference Manual. This second edition has been updated with those changes. www. The effect of sensor types and installation on measurement accuracy and speed is detailed. Implications on modern automation systems are outlined in theory and practice. as well as important standards like OPC and the ISA95 series of standards. better product quality. This new closed-loop PLM—developed and validated in the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) project PROMISE—enables product users. Some promised network standards have become reality and some new standards have begun. The appendices provide solutions to the exercises. Collaborating with other industry experts. data important for heat transfer. and equations to estimate process dynamics. In this time period. as well as with several Application/User layers. plant asset management. Second Edition Gregory K. maintainers. www.isa. security.isa. and operator Price: $69 ISA Member. Control systems to meet specific objectives are provided. Guidance is provided for making the commonly faced choice between thermocouples versus resistance temperature detectors. wireless networks have proliferated. Even wireless now carries the traffic once assigned to the wired Ethernet network. The temperature control requirements for various types of equipment are discussed. advanced process control. This in-depth reference focuses on the differences between a CPAS and traditional automation systems. McMillan This book provides a comprehensive view of what is needed to take advantage of the latest developments in smart and wireless temperature measurements and control strategies. www. www. a unification of controller tuning methods. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-10-3 .org/lifecycle Price: $89 ISA Price: $89 ISA Member. the author covers the system architecture and infrastructure required for a CPAS. A fundamental understanding of the capabilities of temperature sensors and the advances in wireless technology are Advanced Temperature Measurement and Control. Editor The PROMISE technologies are a new type of “Closed-Loop Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) using Smart Embedded Systems.insT rU me n TaT ion a n d con Trol Visit us online at www. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-89-2 12 Collaborative Process Automation Systems Martin Hollender Providing a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in Collaborative Process Automation Systems (CPAS). Ethernet has continued its assault on all of the wired networks and has become dominant at the base network layers. Second Edition Dick Caro Are you trying to make sense of all the different industrial automation networks on the market today? Whether you’re a novice industrial network user or someone who simply needs to brush up on the technology. improved supply chain efficiency. and manufacturers to manage the life cycle information of their products seamlessly over all life cycle phases. Automation networks have changed from the initial publication in 2003. Automation Network Selection will help you better understand and select the “right” network for a given application. and two standards are emerging: WirelessHART and ISA100. enterprise connectivity.isa. this book discusses topics such as engineering.11a. as well as graduate students in control and Price: $59 ISA Member. Better understanding of product life cycles leads to process improvements and to reduced total product costs.” which allow tracking of product information at all times and in any location around the world. maintenance. network system technology. An Adobe Acrobat document is included that provides a sample project and builds a project estimate. the specific issues to address in a well-designed I&C system. and author of over a hundred publications in control valve Price: $99 ISA Member. event-triggered real-time systems. reduced energy costs. www. the elements of a successful project. loop stability. The CD-ROM contains Microsoft Excel files for use in designing a project and approximately 200 figures. Instruction in sT rU me n TaT ion a n d con Trol Control Valve Primer: A User’s Guide. The easy-to-read text provides shortcuts through complex sizing and noise calculation formulas including for liquids and cavitation. smart (digital) valve positioners. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-50-2 Real-Time Execution for IEC 61499 Alois Zoitl IEC 61499 is the newly adopted standard for distributed control systems and follows on from the IEC 61131 standard for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). field-based architecture.isa.Visit us online at www. www. Baumann Includes insights on valve sizing. The book provides an understanding of how to design and reconfigure control applications at the real-time control layer of the automation system. Sequential Function Chart. It also covers how to introduce reconfiguration to existing and new software architectures and how to support reconfiguration in an execution environment. increased coverage of all five standard PLC programming languages—Ladder Diagram. $109 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-992-1 13 . This applications-based book provides a clear and concise presentation of the fundamental principles of programmable controllers for process and machine control. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-27-4 Programmable Controllers: Fourth Edition Thomas A. www. a holder of more than 150 patents. and software engineers intending to develop distributed flexible industrial automation systems and developers of adaptable embedded systems should read this book. This book discusses real-time execution of the models defined in the IEC 61499 standard with a look at predictable. and gives practical advice on how to apply control valves for safety. and manpower loading plan. and easy maintenance. schedule. shares his expertise on designing control loops and selecting final control elements. automation. and forms for use as training or presentation aids. and Structured Text—includes numerous programming applications and examples.isa. Hughes This book discusses all phases of programmable controller applications from systems design and programming to installation. Hans Baumann.isa. charts. Fourth Edition Hans Price: $99 ISA Member. www. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-899-3 Successful Instrumentation and Control Systems Design with CD Michael D.isa. and control loop performance Price: $89 ISA Member. Function Block Diagram. Control. and start-up. and the engineering products that enable practical design and successful maintenance.isa. Whitt This book and CD-ROM provide a roadmap to understanding the design Price: $79 ISA Member. Instructors can use this book at workshops in commerce. She also provides a bird’s-eye view of the widely adopted ISA-95 standard to facilitate effective. Scholten’s book sheds light on how to complete your plant’s move into the twenty-first century. and maintainability.isa. www. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-962-4 Maintainability & Maintenance Management. Fourth Edition Joseph D. availability. Martin This newly revised edition helps today’s manufacturing companies face the challenges of a global marketplace where every part of the operation must become more efficient to enhance the bottom line. change and optimize the MOM business processes and supporting MOM system architectures within the distributed pull supply chains.isa. Implement. maintenance managers. predictive. This book emphasizes the concepts of preventive. Bottom-Line Automation presents an overview of more than 30 years of industry trends. Editor and Contributing Author This book provides in-depth coverage on how you can apply ISA-95. and others concerned with the practice of maintainability and maintenance. Bottom-Line Automation. and colleagues who have been through the MES experience. Price: $99 ISA Member. www. as well as in college and university courses.isa. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-944-0 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Manufacturing Operations Management: ISA-95 Best Practices Book 1.isa. program managers. product planners. and managers. Topics include maintainability program planning and Price: $79 ISA Member. configuration management. www. CFOs. Scholten covers MES selection. and data exchanges. It consists of a series of related “how-to” white papers described in the context of ISA-95 models. service analysts. system engineering of reliability. and industry. Second Edition Peter G. efficient communication between company systems. maintainability specialists. Jr. and Maintain a Manufacturing Execution System Bianca Scholten Ideal for CEOs. The book also explains how manufacturers selected automation technology suppliers for state-of-the-art technological features in their systems rather than for the improvements the technology could offer the manufacturing operation. and return on investment considerations. EnterpriseControl Integration Standard. and reliabilitybased total maintenance and total quality management and continuous improvement. designers. implement. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-03-5 14 . system Price: $69 ISA Member.isa. quality Price: $89 ISA Member. to help lower TCO of manufacturing operations management (MOM) systems and their enterprise and plant interfaces. what to expect during implementation and initial use. The book is a flexible text and reference for engineering. Based on the results and conclusions of an applied research project of process manufacturing operations directed by the author. www.0 Charlie Gifford. and maintainability process. pointing out the strengths and pitfalls of each. $109 List ISBN: 978-0-9792343-9-2 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-934394-21-2 (CD-ROM) MES Guide for Executives: Why and How to Select. This book explains the business cases for using evolving ISA-95 methods to effectively design. production managers. Patton. It provides a look at technological advances and the cost advantages of investing in maintainability. New topics in the book discuss the economic optimization of industrial assets. the advantages of using a single MES for multiple sites (and how to develop one). Using knowledge gleaned from her extensive experience as an MES consultant and from IT n a g e me nT Visit us online at www. When even a single accident could be disastrous. technicians. Starting with an overview of what every project manager needs to know. better. the construction and defense industries have implemented project management strategies—now this book focuses specifically on techniques proven to be effective in the instrumentation and automation field. The book is a must read for technicians preparing for this exam and those who manage technicians during automation projects. and sales professionals employed by end users. monitoring & control. this book serves as a practical tool for the instrumentation and automation professional. and closeout.isa. Price: $69 ISA Member. CFSE This revised best-seller is ideal for instrumentation and control system engineers in the process industries who are responsible for designing. For years. contracts.E. P. The final chapter follows two CCST’s through a control system replacement project. negotiating. This book devotes special attention to oftenneglected project completion and closeout activities.isa. www. It defines each unique phase of a project and then provides practical knowledge in areas such as budget and cost estimates. and Justification. and Justification. Cheddie. engineering firms. Second Edition Paul Gruhn. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-956-3 Project Management: A Technician’s Guide Leo Staples This text explores project management from a technician’s perspective. team building.Visit us online at www.isa. systems integrators. In addition. design. Cockrell The pressure’s on.E. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-75-5 CAP ad 15 . Analysis. P. W. Subjects include documentation requirements. organizations must perform faster. Second Edition addresses the increased realization that today’s engineering systems—and the computers used to control them—are capable of large-scale destruction.. www. Analysis. planning & resource coordination. the luxury of learning from experience no longer exists. In today’s economy. Harry L. Engineers.isa. application. communication requirements. and choosing project management software. Safety Instrumented Systems: Design. scheduling. including tips for how to write and make the most of final project reports. Yet most technical professionals have no training in project management. This book is a practical how-to text on the analysis. These subjects are covered in domains six (project organization) and seven (administration) of the ISA Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) exam. and installation of safety instrumented systems. $79 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-735-4 Safety Instrumented Systems: Design. and bids used for automation projects. and consultants can all benefit from the material presented here. managers. and cheaper. and maintaining safety instrumented Price: $89 ISA Member. administration. ma n a g e me nT Practical Project Management— Learning to Manage the Professional G. www. the book includes a number of appendices that provide sample forms. Projects have to conform to ever-tightening schedules and budgets. Price: $59 ISA Member. $59 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-22-9 Basic Math for Process Control Bob Connell A practical tutorial on the mathematics essential to the process control field. and chemical engineering disciplines. Experience in engineering or designing process control systems is almost a necessity to pass this Price: $79 ISA Member. sizing process control elements. available in a downloadable PDF format. transfer functions and block diagrams.isa. Second Edition Paul G. $59 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-813-9 Control Systems Engineering Study Guide. The manual provides candidates for this professional engineer license with information about the scope and design of the CSE exam. which covers a broad range of subjects. from the electrical. Topics in the book include process measurement and calibration. process safety and shutdown. A glossary is added to help define economic terms.isa. is for use in preparing for the Control Systems Engineering (CSE) examination.isa. NEC and NFPA codes. and the Z-N approximation. including chapters on frequency response Price: $49 ISA Price: $49 ISA Member. Friedmann Covering the economic aspects of automation and process control. www. and resources for further study. A quick-and-easy review of the mathematics common to the field. written by an experienced process control engineer for practicing engineers and students. www. sample Price: $49 ISA Member. www. including batch and discrete parts manufacturing. $59 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-881-8 16 .org/publishing Automation and Control Systems Economics. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-951-8 Control Systems Engineering Exam Reference Manual: A Practical Study Guide Bryon Lewis This practical reference manual. www. analog signals. mechanical. This manual will review the foundations of process control and demonstrate the breadth and width of the CSE examination.g e n e rA l in t e re st Visit us online at www. industrial control networks. Sections have been added to extend application of economic and financial analysis to control of discontinuous processes. especially those concerned with continuous processes.isa. this edition expands on how the tools of economic and financial analysis can be applied to automation projects. Fourth Edition ISA This downloadable fourth edition is for use in preparing for the Control Systems Engineering (CSE) examination. digital logic. A handy desk reference for process control engineers—a helpful aid to students in mathematics courses. Recommended reference material and detailed examples are also provided. org/publishing g e n e rA l in t e re st The Funny and Not So Funny Side of Life as an Automation Engineer Greg Price: $149 ISA Price: $35 ISA Member. predictive success. Stan Weiner. Dick skewers conventional wisdom and provides insight into his unique reality. Good luck! www.523 • A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Control Room • Dispersing Heat through Conviction • Logical Thoughts at 4:00 am • The Life and Times of an Automation Professional: An Illustrated Guide • The Retirement of an Automation Engineer • The Funnier Side of Retirement for Engineers and People of the Technical Persuasion www. Product Showcase C. Completed Listing ISADirectoryofAutomation. and some theory regarding marketing in engineering and industry and a little food for thought on PLCs. He strongly recommends you have two cups of coffee before digesting his latest thoughtprovoking prose. $179 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-95-3 Techshock Caution: Future Under Repair Dick Morley In Dick Morley fashion. This easyto-read guide provides new information on presentation materials. Several recorded commentaries by McMillan himself describe each book and explain how he and Weiner got started on this road to Price: $49 ISA Member.Visit us online at www. which will help you become a more competent speaker and let you face a crowd with confidence. Any proposed plans seldom survive such an autopsy. $59 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-54-0 A. this book reveals Dick’s opinions on technological analysis. styles.isa. Second Edition Paul Gruhn This edition of Sell More Through Effective Technical Presentations provides helpful tips and real-life examples on how to give effective technical presentations from a sales perspective. and illustrated by Ted Williams A CD-ROM collection containing classic cartoon books. $35 List ISBN: 978-1-934394-97-7 4067 ISA Directory Ads--fractionals. From start to finish.isa. the Father of the PLC doesn’t hold back expressing his views on a world undergoing major technological change.pdf 3 4/25/2011 11:32:01 AM How ISA Helps Your Business Sell More Through Effective Technical Presentations. The author includes his own humorous cartoons at the start of each chapter to help illustrate what you should or shouldn’t do when giving a 17 . Branding Opportunities B. Books included: • How to Become an Instrument Engineer: The Making of a Prima Donna • How to Become an Instrument Engineer Part 1. and the use of technology.isa. www. The index covers pertinent material appearing in six series of publications including Analysis Instrumentation. The engineers and technical persons in these industries responsible for instrumentation must continually improve their knowledge in this highly specialized field. Test Measurement. Papers cover important topics like electronic instrumentation. Fundamentals of Aerospace Instrumentation. wireless technology. North Carolina. St. $69 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-81-3 Analysis Division Proceedings: A Compilation of the Proceedings for Analysis Division Symposia: First Edition: April 2010 This two-volume CD is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference to nearly a thousand technical papers and articles published under ISA auspices since 1947. instrumentation.isa. Price: $89 ISA Member. Over 70 technical papers/presentations were presented during joint sessions with fossil and nuclear focus. virtual instrumentation systems. www. Sessions include: Biomechanics. Bioinstrumentation. Louis.a d d iT ion a l re so Urce s Visit us online at www. regulatory issues.isa. National Instrumentation Analysis Price: $59 ISA Member. Advances in Instrumentation. This event will provide power generation industry leaders with information on the latest innovations in controls. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-52-3 57th International Instrumentation Symposium The 57th International Instrumentation Symposium (IIS) is sponsored jointly by the Aerospace Industries. electrochemistry. laser and electro-optics instrumentation. Price: $89 ISA Member. cybersecurity.isa. Biomaterials. and variable energy technologies—which impact the power generation delivery systems. process measurement and control. 14–17 April 2011. Price: $79 ISA Member. Embassy Suites Hotel in Charlotte-Concord. Biochemistry. Colorado.isa. Tissue Engineering. Texas A&M University strives to assist them in gaining new information. Price: $65 ISA Member. and sample handling. Student Posters. aerospace systems. Papers were presented in several different areas of interest and included topics on spectroscopy. www. chromatography. Gas Chromatography.isa. $99 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-46-2 18 . $49 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-71-4 (CD-ROM) ISBN: 978-1-936007-70-7 (Print) 56th Analysis Division Symposium Proceedings Compilation of technical papers presented at the 56th ISA Analysis Division Symposium in League City. $89 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-86-8 54th Annual ISA POWID Symposium The 54th Annual ISA POWID Symposium. The international conference brings together industry professionals in the power generation field with a primary focus on instrumentation and controls. www. and Instrumentation in the Aerospace Industry. POWID Controls and Instrumentation Conference. and remote sensing. and Process Measurement & Control Divisions of 48th Annual Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Technical papers composing the proceedings of the 48th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium and 48th International ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium in Denver. 5-10 June www. The symposium convened 20-24 June 2011 at the Chase Park Plaza. www. Smart Price: $45 ISA Member. Biomedical Modeling. Technical papers are presented with the entire focus being on education.isa. cybersecurity. Missouri. on 11–14 April 2011.isa. and Non-Student Posters. $75 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-85-1 66th Annual Instrumentation Symposium for the Process Industries (Texas A&M University) The Instrumentation Symposium for the Process Industries is in its 66th year of educating professionals and students in the instrumentation industry. FLOWEL is part of a total flow element solution that includes training. and venturis easier than ever. Second Edition The new ISA Documentation Standards and User Resources for Industrial Automation and Control Price: $299 ISA Member. the electric grid.0 c/w Fluid Property Package www.isa. technical a d d iT ion a l re so Urce s Boiler Sim MS Windows Version This software simulates a single burner. The CD also includes the best-selling technical publication. and instrument specification forms covering valves and regulator devices. and Instrumentation Dictionary. Fourth Edition. $ Price: $2. Tennessee.isa. and other related topics. as well as chapters on “Process Instrumentation” and “Control System Documentation” from the book. intelligent building controls. $599 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-467-0 FLOWEL—Flow Element Sizing and Documentation Version 4. nozzles.01 Specification Forms (2006) in a database management system interface. www. and a redesigned.895 List ISBN: RFLOWELFP ISA Documentation Standards and User Resources for Industrial Automation and Control Systems. The simulation includes three-element and one-element drum level control. A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge. fuel gas fired boiler for training boiler plant operators. Second Edition CD offers the widely used ISA documentation standards and technical reports. astronomical. energy efficiency. The forms include operating parameter forms to define an instrument’s process parameters.895 ISA Member. New features include updated calculation methods such as ISO 5167(2003) and ASME MFC 14M.isa. Oak Ridge. Price: $199 ISA Member.isa. $59 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-82-0 ISA-20—Instrument Forms Plus LITE Instrument Forms Plus LITE provides the basic ISA-TR20. an optional Fluid Property Package. Second Edition The new Industrial Air Measurement Standards and User Resources. The Automation. industrial. cross limited fuel air ratio control and a burner management system that follows the requirements set down set down in NFPA 8501 Chapter 2 Single Burner Boilers. Second Edition. $495 List ISBN: RINSTLITE 19 .895 List ISBN: RFLOWELW FLOWEL 4. medical. modular reactor technologies.Visit us online at Price: $395 ISA Member. These technical papers focus on the future of instrumentation and the impact of current trends in instrumentation technology on application areas.isa. level. The boiler can be brought on line and fully loaded in a manner that closely follows an actual boiler start up. www. and Instrumentation Dictionary. The interface includes an instrument tag list and file utilities for backup and restore.isa. Systems. consumer. renewable energy sources. Second Edition CD offers the widely used ISA92 documents addressing performance requirements for industrial air measurement instrumentation related to health and safety and the ISA12 recommended practices and technical reports documents on combustible gases and vapors related to health and safety.895 ISA Member.00. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). $2. www. pressure and differential pressure. $395 List ISBN: RBOILRSIM Industrial Air Measurement Standards and User Resources. and temperature instruments. and instrumentation and process control Price: $495 ISA Member. as well as several best-selling technical publications listed below. flow. www. including Price: $49 ISA Member. Systems. Price: $1. highly intuitive user interface. $699 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-462-5 Future of Instrumentation International Workshop 2010 Proceedings Proceedings of the Future of Instrumentation International Workshop 2010 held 8-10 November 2010.0 for Windows FLOWEL 4 makes sizing orifice plates. This comprehensive CD also includes the Automation.isa. and ISO 9000 validation documentation. technicians. along with chapters (“Process Instrumentation” and “Control Valves”) from A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge. $5. include operating parameters. $225 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-730-9 ISA77 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Standards and User Resources. Price: $5. Fourth Edition (Hans Price: $219 ISA Member. Key documents focus on practices and procedures related to instrumentation and controls utilized in fossil fuel power generating stations.isa. Third Edition.500 ISA Member. A few instruments to several hundred thousand can be easily managed and fully documented with a single application running on a terminal server linked to a Microsoft SQL database.01—Specification Forms in Microsoft® Word Format.a d d iT ion a l re so Urce s Visit us online at www. Also included on the CD are ISA best sellers. and managers the software tools to both manage an on-going new design project.Enterprise version software by adding instrument loop generation and conduit and cable schedules in an AutoCAD® drawing Price: $515 ISA Member. $649 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-464-9 ISA-TR20. www. www. Second Edition CD include the ISA75 updated series covering all ISA standardization work related to valves.395 List ISBN: RINSTFMNT ISA75 Control Valve Standards and User Resources.isa. $595 List ISBN: 978-1-55617-974-7 20 . manage an existing instrument preventative maintenance program. www. Second Edition. Second Edition Key documents on this new ISA75 Control Valve Standards and User Resources. and provide critical plant information all in the same database management Price: $195 ISA Member.395 ISA Member. Third Edition The third edition of the ISA Specification Forms in Word Format on CD-ROM provides electronic forms that greatly aid the design. Also included on the CD are several best-selling books including Control Valves (Guy Borden and Paul Friedmann. editors) and Control Valve Primer. covering a wide range of instrumentation. general requirements. Second Edition and SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. www.isa.isa. Second Edition This comprehensive ISA77 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Standards and User Resources CD provides a thorough guide to information about fossil fuel power plants. $ Price: $249 ISA Member. device specifications. www.isa. $699 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-463-2 ISA-20—Instrument Loop Forms Plus Combo This software module enhances the Instrument Forms Plus Pro .isa. Supplementary listings for each form provide ready guidance on entering data and ISA-20—Instrument Forms Plus Pro Instrument Forms Plus Pro .isa.Enterprise Version is designed to manage multiple users at both a single site and multiple sites when configured as a terminal server installation. loop sheet and conduit and cable schedule can be created via the database interface and generated utilizing Autodesk’s AutoCAD® Lite software. With this standalone or add on module.500 List ISBN: RLOOP ISA-20 Specification Forms (Excel) Price: $1. and more. This software provides engineers. Baumann).00. and manufacture of process measurement and control instrumentation. The 77 reusable forms. Control of Boilers. A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge.isa. the new ISA95 Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Standards and User Resources. The realistic interface resembles a typical process operator’s workstation.isa.isa.isa. $599 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-92-9 This MS Windows®-based process control loop simulation program enables the user to practice various controller tuning procedures and view the effect of both set point changes and disturbances. technical publications.459 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-77-6 ISA99 Security Guidelines and User Resources for Industrial Automation and Control Systems. $ Price: $99 ISA Member. www. Second Edition The new ISA84 Process Safety Standards and User Resources CD.isa. The CD-ROM also includes notable technical publications written by industry subject experts. Second Edition. Third Edition With a wealth of information on a single CD.Visit us online at www. $459 List ISBN: 978-1-936007-37-0 PC-ControLAB. Release 3 ISA88 Batch Standards and User Resources.” “Project Management and Execution. Also included on the CD are WBF and ISA technical papers on manufacturing execution systems. www. as well as associated technical publications and resource Price: $495 ISA Member. www. along with the benchmark ISA84 standards and technical reports. Fourth Edition With a wealth of information on a single CD-ROM. Third Edition The new ISA99 Security Guidelines and User Resources. $779 List ISBN: 978-1-93439-468-7 21 . Second Edition provides recently published Price: $469 ISA Price: $299 ISA Member. Third Edition for Industrial Automation and Control Systems CD contains critical industry technical reports developed by world-renowned cybersecurity and automation systems experts. and other important information for the industrial automation and control systems professional. www. A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge. Other features include chapters on “Process Safety and Safety Instrumented Systems” and “Safe Use and Application of Electrical Apparatus” from the book.” and “Manufacturing Execution Systems & Business Integration” from the book. Second Edition. $495 List ISBN: RPCLAB03 ISA95 Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Standards and User Price: $499 ISA Member. Third Edition compiles the essential ISA manufacturing enterprise systems standards. the ISA88 Batch Standards and User Resources is now in its Fourth Edition and compiles the essential ISA batch systems standards. www. related book chapters on “Automation Benefits and Project Justifications. notable technical a d d iT ion a l re so Urce s ISA84 Process Safety Standards and User Resources. therefore requires a minimal user learning curve. org/CyberU or ISA at +1 919-549-8411. self-paced distance education that fits your schedule. Choose from 100s of self-directed courses. Assisted Instructor- ISA CyberU provides portable.isa. Learn more about ISA CyberU by scanning this code with your smart phone! To scan the QR code.or http://ww g/CyberU When: Where: My Time My Place Device: Desktop Laptop one Smart Ph e bile Devic Other Mo Format: Online DVD inar Web Sem Online. 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