
May 14, 2018 | Author: Dussel7 | Category: Orchestras, Musical Instruments, Classical Music, Music Technology, Hornbostel Sachs



MADERASPARTE I METALES PERCUSIÓN CUERDAS INSTRUMENTOS NO SINFÓNICOS PREORQUESTA ORQUESTA PARTE II BANDA ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS MÚSICA DE CÁMARA CORO TEORÍA MUSICAL Sistema Nacional de Orquestas Sinfónicas Juveniles e Infantiles de Colombia CATÁLOGO BIBLIOGRÁFICO BIBLIOTECA MUSICAL BATUTA CALLE 9 No 8 - 97 TELS: 333 67 65 - 333 67 68 - 333 71 55 FAX: 333 12 60 BOGOTÁ D.C. MADERAS ° ESTUDIOS ° METODOS ° OBRAS . METALES ° ESTUDIOS ° METODOS ° OBRAS . PERCUSION ° ESTUDIOS ° METODOS ° OBRAS . CUERDAS ° ESTUDIOS ° METODOS ° OBRAS . TEORIA . ORQUESTA ° OBRAS . BANDA ° OBRAS . ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS . VIDEOS . BIBLIOGRAFIAS . CORO ° OBRAS . MÚSICA DE CÁMARA ° OBRAS . INSTRUMENTOS NO SINFÓNICOS ° ESTUDIOS ° METODOS ° OBRAS . PRE ORQUESTA ° OBRAS . Contenido TABLA DE CONTENIDO ° INFORMACION GENERAL Tabla de contenido Introducción Abreviaturas Apéndice del sistema de clasificación ° MADERAS Flauta Oboe Clarinete Fagot ° METALES Saxofón Corno Trompeta Trombón Tuba Baritono ° PERCUSION Tambores Timbales Placas/Mallet Percusion Menor °CUERDAS Violín Viola Violonchelo Contrabajo ° INSTRUMENTOS NO SINFÓNICOS Arpa Piano Flauta Dulce Guitarra Bajo Eléctrico ° GRUPOS MUSICALES Orquesta Banda Orquesta de cuerdas Pre-orquesta Cámara Coro ° TEORÍA MUSICAL Composición Arreglos Orquestación Dirección Improvisación Armonía Contrapunto y fuga Lecto escritura Pedagogía Formas musicales Apreciación musical Historia de la música Bibliografía (Revistas) Construcción de instrumentos Tecnología BANCO DE MÚSICA . Abreviaturas ABREVIATURAS Alto Alt Arpa Arp Arreglista Arr Bajo Bj Barítono Bar Clarinete Cl Contrabajo Cb Corno Cn Fagot Fg Flauta Fl Flauta Dulce fl Guitarra Guit Multipercusión Multip Oboe Ob Páginas p.Ritm Tambores Tam Tenor Ten Tomo Tom Trombón Trb Trompeta Trp Tuba Tb Viola Vla Violín Vl Violonchelo Vc Volúmen Vol BANCO DE MÚSICA . Percusión Perc Piano pno Piano acompañante pno.acc Placas Plac Saxofón Sx Scores Sc Sección Ritmica Sec. enciclopedias 201 Arreglos 211 Contrapunto y fuga 221 Pedagogía General 231 Apreciación musical 241 Biografía 202 Orquestación 222 Pedagogía Infantil 232 Historia de la música 203 Dirección 223 Pedagogía Instrumental 204 Improvisación OTROS FORMATOS CDs DISCOS COMPACTOS CST CASETES VHS VIDEOS (Formato Vhs) SUBDIVISIONES PARA INSTRUMENTOS PARA GRUPOS MUSICALES 0 CLASE DE MATERIAL 1 OBRAS (No instrumentales) 0 CLASE DE MATERIAL 0 PARA ORQUESTA Y BANDA 01 Estudios 10 Solos 01 Entrenamientos 10 Solo scores 02 Métodos 11 Duetos 03 Obras 11 Colecciones 03 Obras (repertorio) 12 Trios 12 Obras en General 13 Cuartetos 14 Quintetos 15 Ensambles (Más de 6 instrumentos) BANCO DE MÚSICA . Clasificación BANCO DE MÚSICA SISTEMA DE CLASIFICACION INSTRUMENTOS 000 MADERAS 010 METALES 020 PERCUSION 030 CUERDAS 040 OTROS INSTRUMENTOS 001 Flauta 011 Corno 021 Tambores 031 Violín 041 Arpa 002 Oboe 012 Trompeta 022 Timbales 032 Viola 042 Piano 003 Clarinete 013 Trombón 023 Placas / Mallet 033 Violonchelo 043 Flauta Dulce 004 Fagot 014 Tuba 024 Percusión Latina 034 Contrabajo 044 Guitarra 005 Saxofón 015 Baritono 025 Bateria 046 Bajo Eléctrico 25 Multipercusión GRUPOS MUSICALES 100 ORQUESTA 110 BANDA 120 ORQUESTA DE C UERDAS 130 PREORQUESTA 140 MÚSICA DE CÁMARA 150 CORO TEORÍA MUSICAL EN GENERAL 200 Composición 210 Armonía 220 Lecto escritura 230 Formas musicales 240 Diccionario. . 24 p.. Jeff Sultanof. Sc] __(000.0312/007). [Fl..Grant us peace: dona nobis pacem / Arr. Ob.... Fg] __(000.0313/003)... Arr. Cn. 19 p. Karl Jenkins. Cl.... 20 p.Ot darab . 11 p.Rondo from sonatina in F / Ludwing Van Beethoven . 16 p. [Fl.Suite of carols for woodwind / Arr.0314/007). Bram Wiggins. Jesús Ortega.. Cl. 14 p. Acton Ostling. Arr..0313/001)..Concierto para niños No. Arr.. Sc] __(000. Cn... 2Cl.. 20 p. Carrol M. Fg.. Fg.Minuet and trio / Luigi Boccherini ..0314/001). Albert Morris.. Fg.. Ob. Cl] CUARTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE MADERA __(000. 2Cl. Cn. Ob.Trio for woodwinds / Arr. 16 p. Sc] __(000.. Butts.A la cubana / Enrique Granados . Sc] __(000... 1: Sobre los cantos que se usan para jugar / Jose A. Cl... Fg. Clark McAlister. Leroy Anderson. [Fl.0312/001).. Fg. Cl... Fg] __(000.0315/001).Serenade for heidi / Ralph R... Cl. 21 TRIOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE MADERA __(000. Jesús Ortega. Ob. Arr..0312/002).... Cl] __(000.Great movie and television hits / Arr..... [Pc. Don Schaeffer.Ocho contradanzas / Manuel Saumell ..Reverie / Claude Debussy . Fg] __(000. Ob.. Perez Puentes. Ob...Little triptych / Romuald Twardowski. Arr.0315/002).. Cl.Nightfall / Beldon Leonard.. 2Cl. Guenther. 16 p.0314/003). Cl. Cn. Cn. [2Fl. 23 p.. Cl.. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA . 18 p.0314/002).Broadway nostalgia / Arr. Arr.. 251 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . [2Fl.Aubade: for 2 flutes and Bb clarinet / Gordon Jacob.Divertimento: K..Andante: from symphony No 94 "surprise" / Joseph Haydn . 3 p..La poule / Rameau . Fg] ENSAMBLES PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE MADERA __(000. Ob. 8 p.Seis danzas / Ignacio Cervantes . Sc] __(000. 36 p. Cl. Fg. 2Fg. 2Cl] __(000.. Fg] __(000. [Fl.0314/009).0314/006). Cl] __(000... Imre Sulyok.. 18 p.five pieces / Ferenc Liszt . Cn.…Concierto Infantil No. [Fl.0313/005). Ob. [Fl. Harry Gee.0314/008). __(000. Sc] __(000. [Fl.. Fg. Cl. Sc] __(000.. Don Schaeffer. __(000..Ten woodwind trios / Don Schaeffer.. Marcel Frank. 2Ob. Cl. Ob. Sc] __(000. Ob. Ob. Arr. 2: Premio Concurso "La Edad de Oro" 1978 / Jose A.0314/004). Cl... [Fl.... 30 p... Arr.0313/004).0313/002). 6 p. 12 p. Ob.. Sc] __(000. Tony Esposito. Cl.Little suite for flute and two clarinets / Arr. Cl.. Ob. Gail Kubik. [Fl. Sc] __(000. [Fl.. Arr. Arr. Ob..0312/005).. Maderas Pág. [Fl. 70 p. [Fl. [Fl.0314/005). [Fl. Fg] __(000.. [Fl. Cn... Ob.. 24 p. 80 P. Sc] QUINTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE MADERA __(000.. 118 p.. Cn.. Ob.0312/003). [Fl. 9 p...0312/004). 2Fl. 15 p..0312/006). Cn..0313/006).. Cl... [Fl.. [Fl.....Twelve trios for woodwinds / Arr. Fg. [2Fl. Perez Puentes.... ..0311/012). __(001. Vol..2 (32 p..) [Fl] METODOS PARA FLAUTA __(001.) [2Fl] __(001... 24 p. 31 p.......3 (186 p.. James Ployhar. [2Fl] __(001..02/001).Fingering flute chart...Duets for flute students (Elemental) / Fred Weber. Mizzy McCaskill.) [Fl] DUETOS PARA FLAUTA __(001.. Vol 1.Solo pieces for the beginning flutist / Arr. Vol 1 (Nos.0310/005).) [2Fl] __(001... Hovey.02/002).) [Fl] __(001.. 2 (32 p. Vol.. + 1 casete [3Fl]..) [Fl] __(001. 1 (36 p. Fred Weber..01/004).. Vol.0311/011). Pno.0311/009)... Bach / Arr.Flute duet album / Milburn Carey. S. 1 (32 p. Vol.1 (32 p.Flute Intermediate: graded duets for the developing musician / Keith Snell... [Fl.0312/017)...02/003). Mizzy McCaskill. Dona Gilliam.. Vol. Vol. Fred Weber.....0311/004).0310/006).02/005)...0310/002).) [Fl] __(001.) [Fl] __(001. Vol. Vol.01/003). 2 (32 p. Douglas Steensland... 2 (32 p. Bach / Arr. 22 ESTUDIOS PARA FLAUTA __(001. Livingston Gearhart.. Mizzy McCaskill.... (96 p.... Pno acc] __(001. Dona Gilliam. Flauta Pág.…Fun pak for flutes / Arr.Flute method / Kenneth Gekeler . __(001. [Fl.Tunes for flute technic (Elemental) / Douglas Steensland.Tone development throug the works of J. Arr. Vol.. 1 (16 p..... Fred Weber. 80 p.0311/008)... Pno acc] __(001..Flute method / Kenneth Gekeler .. 3 (32 p. [Fl] __(001..) [Fl] __(001.02/005). [Fl] __(001..02/008).Flute Advanced: graded duets for the developing musician / Keith Snell... Dona Gilliam. (45 p.) [2Fl] __(001. [Fl] __(001..The flutist's companion: a comprehensive method / Mizzy McCaskill...02/004). Vol...Thirty easy and progressive studies for flute / Giuseppe Gariboldi.. 2 (16 p.Flute soloist-Solo Book (Elemental) / Douglas Steensland. [2Fl] __(001... Acton Ostling..) [2Fl] __(005. Dona Gilliam.Thirty easy and progressive studies for flute / Giuseppe Gariboldi.. [Fl] __(001. John Hollins. 30 p.) [Fl] __(001. John Ford.. exercises and etudes for the developing flutist / Arr.0311/004)..01/004). 14 p. James Ployhar.Flute student: a method for individual instruction (Intermedio-Avanzado) / Fred Weber..Twenty studies for flute: Opus 132 / Giuseppe Gariboldi.Studies and melodiuos etudes for flute (Intermedio )/ Douglas Steensland.) [2Fl] __(001... [Fl] __(001..02/001)..A flute primer: For beginning instruction / Lou Hittler. 24 p.) [Fl] __(001....Studies and melodiuos etudes for flute (elemental )/ Douglas Steensland. 16 p.0311/012).Indispensable scales..01/006).. James Ployhar.Flute Advanced: graded duets for the developing musician / Keith Snell...Flute student: a method for individual instruction (Elemental) / Fred Weber. 22 p. Arr..1 (91 p..) [2Fl] BANCO DE MUSICA .0310/004). [Fl] __(001..0312/017).Flute handbook / Mizzy McCaskill. 3 (32 p. Douglas Steensland. Vol.) [2Fl] __(001.Technique development throug the works of J.. 4 p. 16 p... [ Pno acc] __(001.01/002).... Arr.. Fred Weber..1 (40 p.. Acton Ostling.Método de flauta / Henri Altes.. Mizzy McCaskill.Tunes for flute technic (Intermedio) / Douglas Steensland. Vol.. [2Fl] __(001.Tunes for flute technic (Intermedio-Avanzado) / Douglas Steensland... Vol.0310/006).. Vol.01/004).Duets for flute students (Intermedio) / Fred Weber. 56 p..…Fun pak for flutes / Arr. 20 p.2 (44 p.Flute Intermediate: graded duets for the developing musician / Keith Snell..... [Fl] SOLOS PARA FLAUTA __(001.Método de flauta / Henri Altes. + 1 casete [3Fl].. Dona Gilliam. Vol....16-30) .) [Fl] __(001..) [Fl] __(001./ Mel Bay's. Vol.. 8 p.0310/001).Flute duets / Arr. Nilo W. Hovey.0310/003)...Método de flauta / Henri Altes.0311/002).. Dona Gilliam... Vol.. Dona Gilliam. 20 p. Kenneth Henderson. __(001....02/009). Dona Gilliam. Arr. Vol 2 (Nos. 47 p.3 (44 p..) __(001..Firts year flute duets / Dore Groocock. Fred Weber.Flute soloist Piano accompaniment (Elemental) / Douglas Steensland...Flute solos: Through the works of J.1-15) ....Studies and melodiuos etudes for flute (Intermedio-Avanzado )/ Douglas Steensland. Fred Weber.Great classics for flute solo / Arr. Bach / Arr... Vol.Ensemble for flute: Second and third flute parts fpr suzuki flute schools / Suzuki Method International. S.0310/005).. Douglas Steensland.01/006)...acc] __(001.. [Fl.02/009).) [Fl] __(001. 50 p.. Vol.0311/009). S. 29 p.0311/010).. 1 (32 p.Flute student: a method for individual instruction (Intermedio) / Fred Weber.) [Fl] __(001...0311/008).... Vol.. Pno acc] __(001..) [Fl] __(001..... 2 (32 p. Nilo W.) [Fl] __(001. Fred Weber.. 65 p.02/007).02/005).Flute duets for all. [Fl] __(001. 15 p...0310/005)...2 (153 p.... Mizzy McCaskill.. [Fl... Albert Stoutamire..Duets Sessions: Music for two in many combinations of instruments / Livingston Gearhart. (45 p. John Ford... 112 p.) [Fl] __(001. Fred Weber...02/001). 1 (32 p. Mizzy McCaskill..01/005)..... ..0312/010)... 38 p...0311/006).. Sc] __(001. John Ford. Arthur Frackenpohl. 17 p.0312/004). Robert Mols. 9 p.(Sc)] __(001. Sc] __(001. + 1 Casete [3Fl] __(001.nosed reindeer / Johnny Marks . Arr.Valse staccato: Op.. 25 / Ludwing Van Beethoven . Vol. Colin Cowles.. [3Fl] __(001. [3Fl] __(001. Arr.0314/007). [3Fl..0313/005)..... Ritm.. Krell ...0313/003). Calvin Custer. 7 p. Ritm..0313/010)..0313/013). [4 Fl.. [4Fl..Theme and variations: from Op. [4Fl. 32 p.Scarboroug fair .. Arr..Prelude on David of the white rock: welsh . Kenneth Henderson. Arr..0313/004).. Sc] __(001. sec.0313/007). 21 p. Ritm. [2Fl] __(001.0312/003).. Arr... + 1 casete [5Fl.0312/015)..0312/011).. Frank Miller.. Sec..reading / Paul Harvey. [4Fl. 1 (36 p.. 34 p.. Arr. Sc] __(001.....See the conquering hero comes: from Judas Maccabaeus / George Friederich Handel ... [4Fl...Valsette / J. Sc] __(001... Calvin Custer 44 p. Arr... [2Fl] __(001.0311/001). Arr...0313/011).0312/010). [3Fl. S.. 48 p.0312/008).. 25 p. Arr. Sec.0312/007).. Elmer Fetherston. Sc] __(001.. Arr. Acton Ostling.. + 1 casete [5Fl.. Arr.Christmas carols for flute choir / James Christensen.0313/008).0312/013).. Ricky Lombardo. [2Fl] TRIOS PARA FLAUTA __(001.20 modern duets for flute . + 1 casete [5Fl..Three grand trios: Opus 86 / Friedrich Kuhlau. Jean Pierre Rampal... Arr... H... [3Fl.. 42 p. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA ..0314/006). Ralph R. Calvin Custer. Arr.. Elmer Fetherston.. Calvin Custer.. Jane Gannaway.Three grand trios: Opus 86 / Friedrich Kuhlau. 10 p..Take five / Paul Desmond.0313/001)..0314/002). [3Fl] CUARTETOS PARA FLAUTA __(001. [4Fl. 11 p.Fun pak for flutes .0313/012).. Arr.... Emil Eck.. Pno acc] __(001...We wish you a merry christmas ...... [4 Fl..Rudolph the red . Sc] __(001.Yankee doodle dandies / George Cohan .Mississipi Rag / W.. Arr.Sleigh ride / Frederick Delius .Three duets: opus 68 / Ignace pleyel .0312/017). Igor Hudadoff. 23 __(001.Habanera from "carmen" / Georges Bizet . 18 p. Arr. 71 / Peter Tchaikovsky .. 24 p...Tioga waltz / Stephen Foster ...... [3Fl.Batman theme / Neal Hefti . 48 p. 7 p. 2 (40 p.Caravan / Duke Ellington.. Frank Erickson.0312/016). [3Fl..0314/005).. Sec. Arr. Calvin Custer. Sc] __(001. Sc] __(001..Meditation (based on J.. Vol.. 13 p.0312/002). Arr. 56 p.Over the rainbow: featured in the mgm picture the wizard of oz / Harold Arlen .. Arr. James Christensen.. [4Fl. 11 p.) [3Fl] __(001..At twilight / Carl Reinecke ....0312/006)..... 16 p. Sc] __(001. Colin Cowles.0312/010). Sc] __(001. Arr.Quartets for all / Albert Stoutamire.. + 1 casete [5Fl. Arr.0314/001). [4 Fl... Sec.104 p. Colin Cowles..0311/005).. Arr. [4 Fl.. Arr. Sc] __(001.0313/006). 7 p.) [3Fl] __(001..0312/005)..Three grand trios: Opus 86 / Friedrich Kuhlau.. Arr.. [4 Fl... Sc] __(001.. Calvin Custer.Jingle bells samba / John Pierpont . Arr. Sc] QUINTETOS PARA FLAUTA __(001.. [3Fl.. Pno acc] __(001. James Christensen. + 1 casete [Pc. 13 p. 26 p.. Ritm. Ritm. Ritm.Sinfonico: for four flutes Opus 12 / Anton Reicha. Arr. 23 / Anton Rubinstein . Pno acc] __(001.0312/009).... [3 Fl] __(001. [4Fl. Guenther.More christmas carols for flute choir .. Arr... Anderson . Sc] __(001. [3Fl] __(001..... [3 Fl] __(001.Thirty miniature duets: a progressive guide to sight . 34 p... 31 p. Bach's prelude in C) / James Christensen... [4 Fl. Arr. Sc] __(001.24 flute trios .. [2Fl] __(001.0312/001).Lear to play flute duets .. Arr.... 56 p. 15 p. 6 p.. 15 p..The Drunken sailor: shanty .Dance of the reed-flutes: from the "Nutcrakrer suite" Op.Scherzo brilliante / Arthur Severn. Frank Erickson..Quartet repertoire for flute .0314/003).. [3Fl] __(001.. Arr. William Eisenhaver.. 3 (33 p. 5 p. Sec..Flirty flutes / John Short..30 plus trios for flute ... 7 p. [3Fl] __(001....0311/003).. Acton Ostling.. Sc] __(001....0312/014).0314/004).On green dolphin street / Bronislau Kaper ... 5 p.Rondo: from divertimento No 2 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . 6 p. Calvin Custer. John Cacavas. 18 p.. + 1 casete [5Fl.. 24 p.. Sc] __(001. + 1 casete [5Fl.0313/009).. Juan Tizol . 4Fl. Elmer Fetherston...Little scherzo / Dimitri Kabalevsky .. Sc] __(001. [3Fl] __(001. 33 p.0313/002). 3 p.. Ritm. Arr. Jane Gannaway.) [3Fl] __(001. Sc] __(001.Rondo / Ludwing Van Beethoven . Arr.. Vol.0312/012). Sec. Himie Voxman. Arr. Flauta Pág.. 6 p. Sc] __(001. .. Fred Weber.Oboe method / Kenneth Gekeler .Folk songs from grieg . 56 p. [Ob] __(002.. [Ob] SOLOS PARA OBOE __(002.45 etudes for the oboe / Ludwig Wiedemann. 1 (48 p. 3 Vol... [3 Ob.Twenty two traditional tunes for beginner ..0310/001).02/004). 32 p.Trios for all .0312/001)...02/007).Methode Complete de Hautbois / A.0310/002)..) [Ob] METODOS PARA OBOE __(002. [Ob..) [Ob] __(002...Oboe solos: Level one. Arr.. Frank Erickson.Solo sounds for obe: levels 3 .02/002).. 23 p.Oboe .0310/003).15 studies for the oboe / Mille. Fred Weber.02/005). [2 Ob] __(002..02/001).Oboe student: a method for individual instruction / Blaine Edlefsen..0311/004)... [Ob.. [Ob. Vol..Gekeler method for oboe / Kenneth Gekeler..01/002). Arr.R. Pno acc] __(002... Arr... 61 p... 45 p.0310/004). Arr. (124 p. Kenneth Henderson... Pno acc] __(002....Six pieces from children's album: Op.) [Ob] __(002.. Fred Weber.....0312/002). Vol...... 65 p..Studies and melodious etudes for oboe / Blaine Edlefsen. William Ryden.. Pno acc] DUETOS PARA OBOE __(002. Arr.0310/010). [Ob.. [Ob. Vol.02/002). (96 p.0310/005).Practical studies for oboe: First Book / Kenneth Gekeler. Vol. 5 p..0310/007).0310/007). 29 p. [Ob.02/005).Duet Sessions: Music for two in many combinations of instruments / Livingston Gearhart.Breeze easy method oboe / Valentine Anzalone.Oboe solos: Level two....0311/002).... 32 p. 56 p.Oboe note speller / Fred Weber..) [Ob] __(002.Solo sounds for oboe: Level 1-3..) [Ob] __(002. Vol... [Ob.. [Ob. 1 (32 p.. 2 (32 p.. Livingston Gearhart..M..02/006)..02/003)... Arr. [Ob] __(002. 3 (109 p. Pno acc] __(002.0311/001)..... 3 Vol. [2 Ob] __(005..... [Ob.0310/007)...0310/008).. [Ob] __(002...) [Ob] __(002..Albert Stoutamire.. 2 Vol. [3 Ob. Pno acc] __(002.. 2 (32 p.) [Ob] __(002... 24 p.Breeze easy method oboe / Valentine Anzalone..) [Ob] __(002. [Ob] __(002..Tunes for oboe technic / Blaine Edlefsen.0310/006). Pno acc] __(002. 32 p.. 2 (48 p. 39 / Peter Tchaikovsky . Vol.. Arr Kenneth Henderson..01/001).. 1 (32 p.Practical hints on playing the oboe / Earl Clemens.Tunes for oboe technic / Blaine Edlefsen.. Fred Weber. (80 p.. 50 p.... Nilo Hovey..5.Gekeler method for oboe / Kenneth Gekeler. Pno acc] __(002.... James Ployhar... Vol....01/004). Vol. Oboe Pág....Christmas duets for all . [Ob] __(002... Pno acc] __(002. 32 p. James Ployhar. Barret..Christmas trios for all ... William Ryden. Pno acc] __(002...24 ESTUDIOS PARA OBOE __(002.01/005).Le Hautboiste: Methode practique et progressive / André Curette.. Thomas Johnson.Duets for all ..) [Ob] __(002. Robert Girlamo...0310/011). 24 p.. Jack Lamb.24 p.. 58 p. 32 p. Pno acc] BANCO DE MUSICA . Patricia Ramsay.) [Ob] __(002. TRIOS PARA OBOE __(002. 24 p.Tunes for oboe technic / Blaine Edlefsen.01/003). Arr.) [Ob] __(002. 37 p. 3 (32 p.Oboe soloist / Blaine Edlefsen.... Pno acc] __(002.. Arr... Arr. 23 p.50 rounds (canones) for 2 or more clarinets / Robin De Smet. [Cl] SOLOS PARA CLARINETE __(003.01/009).) [Cl] __(003.Progressive ensemble studies for youg clarinet .. clarinet and other Bb Instruments / Dix Bruce (24 p. [Cl] (Trax Backup) __(003..Tunes for clarinet technic / Fred Weber. Vol. 2 (48 p.......Progressive ensemble studies for youg clarinet .0310/005).. 1 (32 p.0310/003).. Vol.. Pno acc] __(003. Vol..) [Cl] __(003.. Fred Weber.. Vol.02/003).) [Cl] __(003. Vol.Duo en tres partes para dos clarinetes / Calixto Alvarez.Petite piéce and premiere rhapsodie for Bb clarinet and piano / Claude Debussy.0310/036). 2 (48 p...01/001).01/006)...Traditional Jazz & Dixieland: for trumpet clarinet and tenor sax / Dix Bruce...01/005).. 1 (32 p.. Pno acc] __(003.02/005). Robert Lowry.. Vol..0310/005). 2 (16 p. 24 p.) [Cl] __(003.0311/008).. Acton Ostling. 1 (40 p.... Vol. [Cl.... Pno acc] __(003. Clarinete Pág... [Cl. [2Cl] BANCO DE MÚSICA ..01/003).Clarinet soloist: Level One (Elementary) / Fred Weber.01/006).. [2Cl] __(003..) [Cl] __(003. 146 p.01/009).. Pno acc] __(003. Hovey.Technical studies for clarinet: a compendium of scales..Solo pieces for the beginning clarinetist: with piano accompaniment / Norma Heim.Three pieces for clarinet solos / Igor Stravinsky. Vol.. [Cl] __(003.01/002).0311/006).. Acton Ostling...0311/008).02/007)..Melodic etudes for beginning clarinet / Norma Heim.Swing & Jazz: for trumpet.) [Cl] __(003.. Robert Lowry... 1 (16 p. 25 ESTUDIOS PARA CLARINETE __(003..0310/008).. Robert Lowry. 4 p.... [Cl.. arpeggios and rutines / Norma Heim 52 p.. Vol.. Pno acc] __(003..) [Cl] __(003..0310/001).Clarinet method / Louis Hittler....Clarinet soloist: Level One (Elementary) Piano accompaniment / Fred Weber.) [Cl] __(003.....Pro art clarinet method / Charles Benham... 98 p. 3 (32 p.) [Cl] __(003. chords.. 21 p....) [Cl] __(003. 1 (16 p.) [Cl] __(012...Technical studies for beginning clarinet / Norman Heim. Vol... 38 p.A handbook for clarinet performance: a guide to establish habits for successful clarinet performance / Norman Heim.... [2Cl] __(003.0310/007). Arr. 16 p.01/001)..) [Cl] __(003.......Practical studies for clarinet / Nilo W.Clarinet student: a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber.0310/001).... DUETOS PARA CLARINETE __(003.Duets for clarinet students / Fred Weber..) [Cl] __(003. 4 p... 3 (40 p.Studies and melodious etudes for clarinet / Robert Lowry..0310/006). 33 p..Studies and melodious etudes for clarinet / Robert Lowry...The clarinet: a comprehensive tutor for the boehm clarinet / Frederick Thurston..Tunes for clarinet technic / Fred Weber.Duet Sessions: Music for two in many combinations of instruments / Livingston Gearhart....Concertino in E-Flat major: Opus 26 for clarinet and piano / Carl Maria Von Weber.. 1 (32 p.. Arr....01/004)... Robert Lowry.) [Cl] __(003.. 25 p... Robert Lowry. Fred Weber..Solo pieces for the intermediate clarinetist: with piano accompaniment / Norman Heim.0311/003).Progressive ensemble studies for youg clarinet . 20 p.. Robert Lowry. 16 p.01/001).Duets for clarinet students / Fred Weber....Tunes for clarinet technic / Fred Weber. [Cl] __(003. Arr.0310/002). tenor sax.. Vol..02/002).02/001). 2 (32 p. Vol. Abraham Schwadro. [Cl....Solo pieces for the advanced clarinetist: with piano accompaniment/ Norman Heim. Vol.. 53 p...0311/001).. 2 (32 p. [Cl.. Hovey.14 jazz-rock duets / John LaPorta. [Cl] __(003..0310/005).... [Cl] __(003...... 132 p... 128 p.0310/009).0310/004).Clarinet student: a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber.01/008).. [Cl] __(003. [Cl] __(003..) [2Cl] __(003... Vol. Pno acc] __(003.. [Cl] __(003...The development of the altissimo register / Norman Heim.. Vol.Practical studies for clarinet / Nilo W. [2Cl] __(003. 3 (32 p. 68 p.. Alan Frank. 22 p....Pro art clarinet method / Charles Benham.The clarinet instructor for class or private instruction / Norman Heim. Robert Lowry.) [Cl] (Trax Backup). 2 (32 p. [Cl] METODOS PARA CLARINETE __(003... Vol. Vol.01/006). Vol... [Cl.. 2 (12 p.0311/005).) [Cl] __(003.) [2Cl] __(003. [Cl.02/004). 19 p. 3 (12 p...) [Cl] __(003.Methode Complete de Clarinette: Nouvelle Editon in cinq parties / H..Studies and melodious etudes for clarinet / Robert Lowry.. [Cl] __(003.02/006).. (65 p.. Abraham Schwadro.01/008). 23 p..) __(003. 1 (48 p... Fred Weber.20 modern duets for clarinet / Robert Mols.) [Cl] __(003... Vol.01/009).02/006)..0311/004). Pno acc] __(003..... Klose (285 p.. 1 48 p...Clarinet student: a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber..Fingering clarinet chart.. Robert Lowry. Abraham Schwadro.. . 6 p.Under the double ragle / John Sousa . [4Cl. Calvin Custer. Sc] __(003. Arr...0311/006)... + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb. Sc] __(003.0311/006).0313/011). 11 p..Minuetto from divertimento No 1 / Joseph Haydn ..Melodies modiste from Víctor Herbert's Mille / Víctor Herbert .0312/002). Arr... 8 p. [2Cl] __(003.0315/007). Sc] __(003. [3Cl..Hove yourself a merry little christmas / Hung Martin. 48 p..0312/012)...1Alt. 16 p.. Arr. Sc] __(003.1Alt.. [2Cl] __(003. Sec...Learn toplay clarinet duets: a carefully graded selection of compositions of varied styles .0315/008)....... G. 24 p..Nina / G...1Bj). Sc] __(003. [3Cl] __(003.. + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb. [4Cl... 10 p. 16 p. Sc] ENSAMBLES PARA CLARINETE __(003.. 23 p.. Sc] __(003.....0313/004). 69 P.B.1Bj).0313/008). Arr.... SC] __(003. [2Cl] TRIOS PARA CLARINETE __(003..Nativity suite II ...0311/004). Arr.. 10 p.Liberty bell / John Sousa . Arr.. Arr. 16 p. [4Cl..Electronic brain / Noah Klauss .50 rounds (canones) for 2 or more clarinets / Robin De Smet...0312/006)..0312/008).. Daniel Dorff. [3Cl.0312/011).0312/007). Hirst. Barr. Clarinete Pág.. [2Cl] __(003.0315/004).1Bj). Jerry Troxell.0312/010).1Bj).0315/009). Arr. 6 p.Wachet auf!: chorale prelude from cantata 140 / Johann Sebastian Bach .. Arr. 10 p.. 8 p.0312/001). [3Cl] CUARTETOS PARA CLARINETE __(003. Arr.Dance of the mirlitons / Peter Tchaikovsky . + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb.1Atl.0315/002).1Alt. Acton Ostling. Ritm.Six duets for two clarinets: Opus 70 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. [4 Cl.. Sc] __(003.. Sc] __(003. Arr. [5Cl(3Bb.0313/003).0313/006).. Sc] __(003. Arr..Christmas quartets for all / William Ryden...1Alt... Ritm.. 12 p.0313/001). Calvin Custer..Fun pak for clarinets .1Alt...0312/013). Arr.50 rounds (canones) for 2 or more clarinets / Robin De Smet.. Arr. Daniel Dorff. [3Cl] __(003..0315/001)... Arr.0313/010). 12 p. Hirst. [4Cl...Moon Walk / Beldon Leonard. [Sc] __(003.1Bj). 7 p. [4Cl. Frank Erickson. Sc] __(003. [3Cl] __(003..Stephen foster jazz suite . Sc] __(003.Serenade / Franz Joseph Haydn .. Sc] __(003.. [4Cl. Sc] __(003.. Arr.. John De Bueris. 26 __(003. Frank Sacci.In the mood / Joe Garland ..A study in contrasts / Sammy Nestico. 27 p.. 24 p..The pink panther / Henry Mancini .. [2Cl] __(003.9 trios for clarinet / Vaclav Nelhybel..... + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb. Acton Ostling. 11 p. Arr. [4Cl] __(003.. Arr. __(003. Graham Hirst.Norwegian dance / Edward Grieg .0311/007)..Christmas eve in my home town / Stan Zabka. Chaminade .1Bj). Beldon Leonard.. G. + 1 casete [3Cl] __(003. Sc] BANCO DE MÚSICA . [3Cl.The pink panter / Henry Mancini ..0313/002). Don Upton ..1Alt.0315/003)...... 10 p. John De Bueris.. Sc] __(003. Arr.0312/005)..0312/014).Dance creole / C. 7 p.. 10 P. Arr.Earth / Guillermo Rendón Garcia.... Don McCathren..0313/005)..... Arr.Two pieces by purcell .0315/006).. [5Cl(3Bb..... Sec.0313/009).Air on a G string: from orchestral suite No 3 / Johann Sebastian Bach . 33 p. Sc] __(003.... Arr.0312/003)...Folk dance / Dimitri Kabalevsky . John Ford. Beldon Leonard.. Arr...Eine kleine nachtmusik: (1st movement allegro) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .... Sc] __(003. 9 p. Arr.. 21 p..0311/002).. 16 p. 8 p..0313/012)...0312/009).. Ritm..Nativity suite I .0313/007).. [4Cl. Frank Erickson. [4Cl. Robert M. Sc] __(003.1Bj). 23 p..... [3Cl...Two fuges / Howard Feldsher.. 6 p.[4 Cl.. 49 p. Calvin Custer... Sc] __(003.Versetes opus 43 / Norman Heim. 21 p..Sentimental nocturne / Beldon Leonard. Sc] __(003... Thomas Gordon Campbell.. William Eisenhauer. James Christensen. 23 p. 24 p. Sc] __(003. Sec. Sec.0312/004).. Arr. 8 p... 6 p.. [3Cl.. Arr. [5Cl(3Bb.Boure‚ / George Friederich Handel . Ritm.. Arr. 11 p. 40 p.Minuet and trio / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Arr.. Jeff Jarvis. Lennie Niehaus.1Alt. [5Cl(3Bb. [3Cl.. Sc] __(003. Pergolesi. Calvin Custer.. [3Cl.... Sc] __(003.1Bj). Ralph Blane . Frank Erickson.. [3Cl] __(003..Russian rondo / Dimitri Kabalevsky . . from 2 to 100 ..0310/016). 24 p. William Ryden. Henry Paine.Duets for all ..) [Fg] __(004..02/004).. Pno acc] __(004. Fred Weber.. 3 (32 p. Arr. Vol...) [Fg] __(004.... 47 p.. [4Fg] __(004.0311/002). Vol...Quartets for all . [Fg. 62 p.01/001). McDowells .... 3 (32 p.Christmas trios for all .) [Fg] __(004..Tunes for bassoon technic ..0310/001). Arr. Pno acc] __(004... [3Fg] CUARTETOS PARA FAGOT __(004.... [Fg] __(004..0310/016). 30 p. Pno] __(004.. 11 p.. [Fg] __(004. Fred Weber. 63 p. [Fg... [Fg..01/001)...Christmas quartets for all .. 5 p.0312/001). [Fg] __(004.. Arr.. 1 (32 p.Concerto in F major for bassoon and piano: Opus 75 / Carl Mar¡a Von Weber.. 32 p. Pno acc] __(004.0310/007).. Henry Paine.0310/015).Bassoon soloist / Robert Girlamo. Albert Stoutamire. Kenneth Henderson..Bassoon: Volume 1 .0310/008).. Arr.. James D.) [Fg] METODOS PARA FAGOT __(004.. [Fg. [Fg. Arr.Studies and melodious etudes for bassoon / Henry Paine..... Arr. 11 p..0311/002).) [Fg] __(004.0310/012). William Ryden..02/003).Andante in E-Flat major: K.. Pno acc] __(004.0310/002).0310/006).. Nilo Hovey. Allen Ostrander.A little song / Roy Johnson.0310/003). Nilo Hovey. 28 p..Bassoon student: a method for individual / Henry Paine. 3 (40 p... 33 / Rimsky Korsakoff.. Ployhar. [Fg.01/002)... [3Fg] __(004..Bassoon student: a method for individual / Henry Paine. [Fg. Henry Paine.. 3 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Arr... Arr.. Daniels Rudgers.Concert fantasy for bassoon and piano: Op. Vol.. 2 (32 p. Arr.0310/013)..Concerto in Bb major (K. 6 p.Sarabande (from suite pour le piano) / Claude Debussy ...01/001).. 191) for bassoon and piano / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.. Arr. Henry Paine..Poupée valsante / Eduard Poldini .. Arr. [Fg. [Fg] __(004. Wilbur Simpson. McDowells . Arr..0310/009)..Practical studies for bassoon / D.. Vol.. Vol.Polichinelle (Rigoudon a Rondeau) / Karol Rathaus. Albert Stoutamire.0313/002).. from 2 to 100 . [Fg.. 5 p.. Pno acc] __(004....) [Fg] __(004.. Vol.) [Fg] __(004. [Fg. 167 p.0310/016). 1 (32 p. Arr. Kenneth Henderson.. Vol.Trios for all . Arr.. Pno acc] __(004. 2 (31 p. Arr. 16 p.Ensembles for all.... from 2 to 100 .Ensembles for all. 2 (32 p. Pno acc] __(004.. 1 (31 p.. Pno acc] __(004. [Fg.Studies and melodious etudes for bassoon / Henry Paine..0310/014).. [2 Fg] TRIOS PARA FAGOT __(004.0310/004)..Ensembles for all....) [Fg] DUETOS PARA FAGOT __(004. [Fg. [Fg] __(004.02/002). [Fg.. 35 p.. 5 p.Método para fagot / Emanuel Krakamp... 32 p.. Walter Bergmann.Bassoon note speller / Fred Weber...Bassoon student: a method for individual / Henry Paine.. [Fg] SOLOS PARA FAGOT __(004.. Daniels Rudgers. Pno acc] __(004.0310/011). Vol. Vol. 24 p. [Fg] __(004.Tunes for bassoon technic .. [4Fg] BANCO DE MUSICA ...First book of bassoon solos / Lyndon Hilling.. 19 p.. 24 p. 24 p. 24 p... Arr. 4 p... Pno acc] __(004.0311/003)....02/001)...) [Fg] __(004....Breeze easy method bassoon / Valentine Anzalone.Practical hints on playing the bassoon / Roy Johnson.....02/001). [Fg..27 ESTUDIOS PARA FAGOT __(004.Bassoon: volume 2 . Jack Lamb. Arr... Arr.Gavotte for bassoon / Alan Hawkins..0311/002).Tunes for bassoon technic . Jack Lamb.Practical studies for bassoon / D.. Vol.. 2 (40 p... Pno acc] __(004..) [Fg] __(004.. Fagot Pág...0310/005).Three pieces for bassoon & piano / Vladimir Bakaleinikoff. [Fg] __(004.... 16 p. Kenneth Henderson..Studies and melodious etudes for bassoon / Henry Paine. 1 (40 p.. 32 p. Fred Weber..Five duets / Giuseppe Concone . 13 p.01/002). Arr.) [Fg] __(004.The happy hunter / Henry Paine....0312/002).. 4 p... [2Fg] __(004.02/001). Pno acc] __(004... Pno acc] __(004... Daniels Rudgers.... Vol..... 16 p.0313/001).0310/010)... Albert Stoutamire.. Alan Hawkins.0311/001)...02/005). TRIOS PARA SAXOFON __(005.: byn. [Sx.Methode Sax Jazz / Michael Golberg.) [2Sx] __(005. Keith Snell.0310/002).) [2Sx] __(005.0310/009). Fred Weber..) [Sx] __(005. 32 p. 1 (32 p.. levels 3 .) il. Vol. John Ford.) [Sx] __(005.0311/002).0310/003). Klosé. Willis Coggins.01/004).. 95 p... [Sx] __(005.) [2Sx] __(005.. Vol.01/005).. 3 (32 p.. clarinet and other Bb Instruments / Dix Bruce (24 p.. Vol.. 99 p..) + 2 CD (instruments) __(005....0311/002). Willis Coggins.02/001)... 65 p..02/003).02/007).Melodic etudes for beginning saxophone: level 1 / Mike Buerk.Modal Studies for Saxophone: A scale mode approach / Andy Mc Ghee. Willis Coggins. 1 (32p.Alto saxophone student: a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber... 69 p. (494 p.Studies and melodious etudes for alto saxophone / Willis Coggins.: col + CD __(005..... 2 (32 p. Arr. il.. Acton Ostling. Vol.Le Sons Multiplex aux Saxophone / Daniel Kientzy. 81 p.….. Pno acc] __(005.. Vol.0311/002).. James Ployhar... Acton Ostling.Solo sounds for alto saxophone volumen 1....) [Sx] __(005. (473 p... 3 Vol..Fun pak for saxophones . James Ployhar.Belwin master duets saxophone volumen 1 . Vol.. 213 p. Arr.02/004).: foto.Alto saxophone student: a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber. Willing Coggins.Le Saxophone / Frederic Jaranville. 3 Vol. Keith Snell.. tenor sax. 28 ESTUDIOS PARA SAXOFON __(005. [Sx... 2 (32 p.. James Ployhar.. Fred Weber.... Vol. 1 (32 p...0311/003).01/007). 22 p. Vol. Vol..Quartet Repertoire for Saxophone / Himie Voxman.... Willing Coggins.Belwin master duets saxophone volumen 1 . 88 p.Technical studies for begining saxophone: Level 1 / Mike Buerk.) [Sx] __(005.Studies and melodious etudes for alto saxophone / Willis Coggins. 2 Vol.Tenor saxophone student: a method for individual instruction / Willis Coggins... Arr.Belwin master duets saxophone volumen 2 . Fred Weber.) [Sx] __(005..) [2Sx] __(005....1Ten)] BANCO DE MUSICA . Livingston Gearhart.02/001). Arr. [Sx]. 2 (48 p.) [Sx] __(005..: col.. 16 p.Belwin master duets saxophone volumen 1 . Vol.....Methode de Saxophone: Pour Debutants / Claude Delangle. + 1 casete [3Sx (2Alt. 2 Vol.. Arr. [Sx] METODOS PARA SAXOFON __(005.: byn (Oaverture) [Sx] __(005. 1 (32 p... Keith Snell.0311/003). Fred Weber....Belwin master duets saxophone volumen 2 . [Sx] __(005...Sax / Flute Lassons With the Greats / Bruce Mischkit. foto. Keith Snell. Arr. 14 p....... il: col.01/004)........0312/001).0310/001).0311/001). (99 p. [Sx] __(005..Tunes for alto saxophone technic .. Fred Weber... Willis Coggins.0310/004).. James Ployhar.. [Cl] (Trax Backup) __(012..) [Sx... Fred Weber..02/006).Alto saxophone soloist . Major Herman Vincent..167 p.. (68 p.. Willis Coggins. DUETOS PARA SAXOFON __(005.... Fred Weber.0310/006). John Xepoleas.02/002). Vol..01/001). Fred Weber...01/005)..) [Sx] __(005.Sx __(005...Funk / rock alto sax / Mike Buerk.02/005).) ( Berklee Series Saxophone) [Sx] SOLOS PARA SAXOFON __(005. 3 Vol../H. 33 p.. Vol.. 1 (116 p..Duet Sessions: Music for two in many combinations of instruments / Livingston Gearhart..Tunes for tenor saxophone technic / Major Herman Vincent.... Keith Snell. 2 Vol.) [2Sx] __(005..Studies and melodious etudes for tenor saxophone .. 1 (40 p..) [Sx] __(005.Método completo para los saxofones. 3 (48 p..5.Studies and melodious etudes for alto saxophone / Willis Coggins. Arr. Christophe Bois.. Arr. 2 Vol. [Sx] __(005.0311/004). 2 (32 p. Pno acc] __(005.01/002). 69 p. 2 (32p. Saxofón Pág. Arr.. Fred Weber. Fred Weber. [Sx] __(005. Arr.0310/005).02/001).The Technique of the saxophone / Joseph Viola.. 3 (32 p. Arr. (34 p.Traditional Jazz & Dixieland: for trumpet clarinet and tenor sax / Dix Bruce. 17 p. James Ployhan..01/003). __(005. Pno acc] __(005..Alto saxophone student: a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber.01/006). byn.) [Sx] __(005.0310/007).02/008)..) [2Sx] __(005... Vol. Arr. [Sx] __(005......01/004).. Arr.Swing & Jazz: for trumpet. [Sx] __(005......... 101 p. James Ployhar. Fred Weber.Studies and melodious etudes for tenor saxophone .. James Ployhar..Solo sounds for alto saxophone volume 1 levels 1 -3.Tenor saxophone soloist . James Ployhan.Duets for alto saxophone students ... Vol. 21 p. [Sx] __(003.0310/036)...) [Cl] (Trax Backup). . Sec.2Ten.1Bar). Sec.0314/005). [4Sx. Ritm..0313/002). Sc] __(005.2Ten.1Ten) Sc] QUINTETOS PARA SAXOFON __(005.0314/003). + 1 casete [5Sx(2Alt..13 saxophone quartets . Calvin Custer. Arr... [5Sx(2Alt.Theme from ice castles (through the eyes of love) / Marvin Hamlisch .1Bar). Arr. Sec..1Bar)...Over the rainbow: feactured in the MGM picture "the wizard of Oz" / Harold Arlen . Ritm.2Ten. 24 p. Arr. Sc] __(005. Calvin Custer. Colin Cowles. [5Sx(2Alt. + 1 casete [5Sx(2alt. Sc] __(005.. 29 CUARTETOS PARA SAXOFON __(005.2Ten.. Sec.. Arr.0314/006). Sc] __(005.Ritm.2Ten.. Arr..Marziale from symphony No 2 (the little russian) / Peter Tchaikovsky ..0314/002).Sc] __(005. Sec.. Sec. 45 p.... 37 p.0314/001).Little boy last (piece of dreams) / Michel Legrand . 30 p. + 1 casete [5Sx(2alt.. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA .. Sc] __(005.. Ritm.1Bar). [4Sx(3alt.. Ritm. Elton Burgstahler. Arr..1Bar). 17 p. [5Sx(2Alt.... Saxofón Pág.. (3 Alt. Arr.Caravan / Duke Ellington .1Ten).Georgia on my mind / Hoagy Carmichael . Ritm.. Calvin Custer. Arr. Calvin Custer..1Bar). 39 p.2Ten. 41 p..Satin doll / Duke Ellington . Calvin Custer.. Calvin Custer.. 47 p.0314/004).0313/001). . [2 Trp.0313/025).. 50 p.. 2Trb. [2 Trp.... Philip Jones. Trb. 16 p. Tb. Arr.Battle suite for brass quintet / Samuel Scheidt . Philip Jones. [2 Trp. Philip Jones.0314/011). Arr.. Frank Erickson. 57 p. Trb. Ralph Saver. Arr..0314/019). Trb.0313/008). Cn. 54 p.0313/006)...España / emil Waldteufel . Elgar Howarth. Philip Jones. Arr. Cn. Arr. Sc] __(010. 65 p.. 31 p. Cn. Cn. Arr.. John Marcellus.. [2 Trp.0313/005). Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. [2 Trp.. Tb.Le can-can / Jacques Offenbach . Tb..Six for three: Short classical pieces . Hague.02/001).Contrepoint A 4 / Guillaume de Machaut ...0314/008). Hague.. Trb. Cn. METODOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METAL __(010. Arr. Arr..Fugue en re majeur / Johann Sebastian Bach . Cn... Trb... Sc] __(010.. Arr.Peacherine rag / Joplin .. [ Trp...March for brass quartet / Dimitri Shostakovich . James Ployhar.…Musical Calisthenics for brass / Camine Caruso..Mysterious march of a marionette / Charles Francois Gounod ... Hague. 2 Trb. Arr. foto... [2 Trp. Tb... Arr. 56 p.. Jean Louis Petit.Canzona / Giovanni Gabriel . Trb. Tam.Brass fugue / Johann Sebastian Bach .. Arr.... horn and trambone / Raymond Premru ... Cn.. Tb.. Arr..0313/012). 17 p. Trb. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010.. 25 p.. Trb.Quartet for two trumpets. [2 Trp. 11 p. Sc] __(010.. Tb..Brass polka for brass quartet / Joseph Horovitz . Cn.Christmas crackers for brass quintet .Mini overture for brass quintet / Witold Lutoslawski . Trb.Echo fantasia for brass quartet / Adriano Banchieri .. Trb. Cn..Quartets for brass: Volume I .0314/012). Tb. Sc] __(010.) [4 Trp] __(010. [2 Trp.... 2 Trb.0313/019). Sc] __(010.Stephen foster jazz suite ..Yuletide jazz suite # 1 .. 2 Trb. 19 p. 38 p..Humoresque / Anton Duorak . TRIOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METAL __(010. 3 (Advanced).Three dances for brass quartet / Claude Gervaise . Cn....0314/023)... Metales Pág. Cr.…In the Mood / Joe Garland.. Tom. Arr. Arr....... Trb. Arr. [2 Trp.. 2 Trb. Chris Hazell. Arr.. Trb.0313/023). [2 Trp. Elgar Howarth. Sc] Nivel '4 USA' CUARTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METAL __(010. Arr.Canzona for brass quintets / Samuel Scheidt . Sc] __(010. Bar op. Tom. Arr. [2 Trp..0313/025).Anecdotes for brass quartet / Peter Sander ... C.. 41 p.. Elgar Howarth. 62 p.. Arr. [2 Trp. Elgar Howarth... Cn op. (The California Brass Goes Pops) [2 Trp. [2 Trp. Cn.Folk song fantasy for brass quintet / Joseph Horovitz .. Arr.0313/004).. Hague. [2 Trp. [2 Trp.0313/016). Sc] __(010. Tb.. Per op. [2 Trp.Il est bel et bon / Passereau . Arr. Sc] __(010.0314/021).0312/001). Arr. Sc] __(010. 10 p. Sc] __(010. Cn. [2 Trp.. Trb. Ascap.. Cn. [2 Trp. Trb. Don Schaeffer. Sc] __(010. 38 p. Cn. Sc] __(010.... [2 Trp.Hiplips II (Philipïs) for brass quintet / Leslie Pearson .. 2 (Intermediate). Arr. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. 13 P.. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010.0314/001).…Contemporary Brass Technique: Manual and Study Guide / Vernon F. Trb.0312/002). Leidig. Sc] __(010. [2Trp. 61 p. John Iveson. Arr. Keith Snell. Trb. Sc] __(010.. John Marcellus... Arr. Pno acc. 29 p. Tb.. Cn. Sc] __(010.0313/010). [2 Trp.) [4 Trp] __(010. Philip Jones... 9 p. Trb. Cn. Tb. 35 p.. Arr. Cn. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA ... 51 p.. Elgar Howarth...... [2 Trp. Arr. 11 p. Sc] __(010. 81 p..0313/011). 9 p... Stephen Dodgson. Sc] __(010. [2 Trp.0313/022).Quartets for brass: Volume I ... [2 Trp. Trb.. Work . Jean Louis Petit. [2 Trp.. Arr. Philip Jones. Arr... Don Schaeffer. Arr. Trb. Arr.0314/006). 30 ESTUDIOS PARA METALES __(010. Hague. Acton Ostling.. Arr. Cn.0313/017).0313/013). Trb... Sc] __(010..0314/024).Cuatro abstracciones para cobres / Juan Carlos Marulanda Lopez. [2 Trp. Lennie Niehaus. Trb.. Arr. Sc] __(010. Cn. [2 Trp..Baroque sonatas for brass quintet / Domenico Scarlatti . Cn. Trb. Paul Stouffer...0313/009). 9 p.: byn.0313/007).... Cn. Trb. 15 p. Trb.. Sc] __(010. [ Trp. 2 Trb.0314/015). 2 Trb.Four dances (1611) / Paul Peverl . Trb. Cn...0313/014). Elgar Howarth.. Tom.Huit chorals du "petit livre d'orgue" / Johann Sebastian Bach .Four swiss tunes for brass quintet ..01/001). Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. 63 p. Cn.. [Trp. 14 p... Sc] __(010.Festive occasion for brass quintet / Howard Burrell ... Cn.... Cn.0314/002). 21 p. Cn.0313/020)..... 12 p..(15 p.0313/003).Espagnuola for brass quartet / Beldon Leonard .0313/018).Brass for festive hymns . Trb. Trb. [2 Trp.English madrigal suite . Peter Reeve. Hague.. Arr.. Sc] QUINTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METAL __(010. Arr.. Sc] __(010.. Lennie Niehaus. 2 Trb. 11 p. Cn.. Tb. Peter Reeve. Arr. Arr. Trb.Chopsticks .... [2Bb Trp. [2 Trp. 45 p. Philip Jones. [2 Trp. Philip Jones. [2 Trp.Four outings / Andr‚ Previn . Sc] Nivel '3 USA' __(010. [2 Trp. Elgar Howarth. 34 p.. 19 p.. Philip Jones. 22 p....0313/002).... [2 Trp. Cn. Richard Decker....Excerpt from "Clair de lune" / Claude Debussy .. Trb.. Tb.0314/003).. Tb.. 15 p.0314/007). Sc] __(010. Peter Reeve. 10 p.Five brass quintets . Tb. 19 p. 2 Trb. Sc] __(010.0313/001). 7 p.0314/016).. 1 (Easy-Intermediate).0313/015)..0313/024). Sc] __(010. Arr. [2 Trp.. Arr.Irish airs (on irish folk songs) . Cn. Cn. Keith Snell. Arr. Sc] __(010. Frigyes Varasdy. Arr. Arr. [2 Trp..(15 p. Sc] Nivel '4 USA' __(010. Trb.Quartets for brass: Volume I . [2 Trp.0313/021)...My grandfather's clock / H. Trb...(15 p..0314/014). Cn. Trb.0313/025). 19 p. 8 p.Tb. Elgar Howarth. Jean Luis Petit. Elgar Howarth. Philip Jones. Cn... 42 p.) [4 Trp] __(010. John Marcellus. [2b Trp.Sonata for brass quintet / Derek Bourgeois . 3Trb. 62 p. Peter Reeve.0314/017). 31 p. 64 p.. Bar.0315/023). Sc] __(010... Arr. Robert Foster.0315/013).. Arr. [2 Trp. Tb.0314/018). 4Trb. Arr. Arr. Arr..Suite from "The terpsichore" / Michael Praetorius . 34 p. Arr.. 4Trb. Cn. 17 p.. Tb..Based on the blues for brass ensemble . Rory Bayle. Sc] __(010. [2 Trp.. Tb. + 1 casete [2 Trp.0315/005)..0315/041). Sc] __(010.0315/015).. Sc] __(010. [2 Trp. Cn. Keith Snell. [2 Trp. Tb..... Sc] __(010.. Arr. Sc] __(010. 2Trb. Cn. Arr.19 p. 60 p. 2Cn. Calvin Custer. 2Trb. 2Trb.0315/045).Christmas hymns ..The earle of oxford's march for brass / William Byrd . [4 Trp... 31 p. Sc] __(010. Trb... Sec... 41 p.. Tb.0315/046). 75 p. Ritm.. Cn. Bar. Cr. Sc] __(010. Tb... Tb.. Tb. Arr..0315/018)..The little drummer boy / Katherine Davis.. [2 Trp.0315/007)..0315/008).. Sc] __(010.. Trb.0315/002).. [2 Trp. 3Trb.The carnival of venice for brass ensemble .Sinfonia for brass quintet / Claudio Monteverdi ... Bar.Sc] __(010.. Trb.... Elgar Howarth.Sonata for brass quintet / Stephen Dodgson . Trb.. Sc] __(010.. [2 Trp.Sonata for brass sextet / Geoffrey Grey . 2Trb.. Cn.. Arr..0314/013). Elgar Howarth.Another cat: Kraken for brass ensemble / Chris Hazell . 41 p.. Arr. Tb. 3 Trb. [4 Trp. Douglas Townsend.... [4 Trp.Suite de danses pour 4 trompettes et 4 trombones / Johann Sebastian Bach ..Theme from "Superman" Contemporary Music Transcribed and Arranged for the Modern Brass Quintet / John Williams.. 26 p.. [Solo Cn. Bar.. Stephen Dodgson.... Tb.Canzon 8 (1615) for brass octet / Giovanni Gabrieli . (Classic Brass Quintets) [2Bb Trp.Deck the halls with boughs of holly .0315/038).0314/004). Calvin Custer.0314/026). 8 p.Proud mary / J. Paul Archibald. 10 p. Alan Civil. Sc] __(010... Trb. Trb. + 1 casete [2 Trp. Cn. Andrew Balent. Sc] __(010. 2Cn. Per op.Porgy and bess / George Gershwin .. Arr. Tb.. Ritm.Suite for brass ensemble / Elgar Howarth . Arr.. Tb. Heinz Czadek. Sc] __(010.. Tb. 38 p.0315/003).Among the lilies for brass octet / Michael Berkeley . Acton Ostling... Philip Jones. Sc] __(010. Elgar Howarth.. Sammy Nestico. Tb.. Sc] __(010. Trb. Philip Jones. Philip Jones. Cn. [2 Trp. Arr. 3Trb..Scherzo / Felix Mendelssohn . [2 Trp. Arr.0315/025). 3Trb. Arr.. Elgar Howarth. Arr. Philip Jones. Cn. Rory Boyle. Cn. Sec. Arthur Wise. Arr. 47 p. Arr. Sc] __(010.0315/040).. [Pic Trp. Arr.The world of brass ensemble .Sourwood mountain (on the American mountain air) for brass sextet . Cn. Trb... Arr.. 28 p.0314/025).0315/034). Bar. Arr...It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing) / Duke Ellington.Quintet in Bb major / Victor Ewald ... Cn. 22 p. Elgar Howarth. Acton Ostling.…Suite for brass quintet / Edward Grieg .. Cn.. Sc] __(010.. Cn. 32 p.. 11 p. Trb. Sc] __(010.Santa claus is comin' to town / Fred Coots . Tb. Per op. Cn. Sc] __(010...0315/028). Arr. 24 p.. Per. Arr.. Arr.. Sc] __(010. Trb... Cr..Sc] __(010.0315/019). Sc] __(010. Bar..0315/033).Peter gunn / Henry Mancini . [2 Trp. Calvin Custer. Arr.. 96 p.Old french dances for brass ensemble . 27 p. [2 Trp. Trb. 16 p..Capriccio for brass sextet / Franz Joseph Haydn . 4 Trb.0315/011).. 3Trp. Ritm. Tb. Arr. David Morgan. Tb. Philip Jones. Trb.. Cn.0315/036).. 2 Trb.Joy of thy salvation / Johannes Brahms . Arr.. Sc] __(010. Fun / Brian Wilson.More cards for brass ensemble . Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA . 2Cn. Arr. 3Trb. 18 p..Marche romaine for brass sextet / Charles Gounod . Arr. [3 Trp.Suite for brass septet / Stephen Dodgson .Sonata pian'e forte for brass octet / Giovanni Gabrieli .. Bar.. Sec.. [2Trp. Arr..Pequeña pieza instrumental para orquesta de cuerdas y metal / Jorge Luis Pujals..... [Pcc Trp... [2 Trp. Cn..... Philip Jones.. 3Trb. Sc] __(010. Tb... [Pcc Trp. Cn. Philip Jones. Cn. Arr. 63 p... Trb. Cn. 36 p. Trb. Tb. Sc] __(010. Elgar Howarth. Metales Pág. Elgar Howarth. Arr.0315/031).0315/047).. Tb..... Per op.. 40 p. [2 Trp. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. 48 p. [2 Trp. Cn.. Ritm.0315/039).0314/022). Philip Jones.. Sc] __(010.0314/005). 15 p..0315/042)..0315/006).. Bar. Stefan de Haan. Jean Thilde. Fun.. 34 p.. Sc] __(010. Trb. 2Trb. 30 p. Trb.. [2 Trp. 4 Trb. 3Trb.. Elgar Howarth.Miscellany one for brass ensemble . Arr. Arr.. Sc] __(010. Tb.. Trb.. Cn. Tb. Irving Mills .. Trb.0314/009).0315/043).0314/020). Arr. 42 p.. [2 Trp. Sec... Bob Russell . Cn. 31 __(010..0315/032). Arr. Arr.. [2 Trp. Sc] __(010. 53 p. 3 Trp. 13 p. 3 Trp. Arr.. Keith Snell. Cn.... Trb.Stardust for horn and brass ensemble / Hoagy Carmichael . Philip Jones. Tb.. Cn. Peter Reeve. Trb. C. Philip Jones.. Elgar Howarth. Ritm.0314/010). Arr..0315/014). [2 Trp.. 42 p.. 4Trb.. 23 P.. Sec.0315/020).. 3Trb. Tb. Arr. [Pic Trp.. Cn.Three sonatas for brass quintet / Domenico Scarlatti . Sc] __(010. Tb. 67 p. 4Trp.Pops for four . 37 p.. Arr..[2Bb Trp.. Tb. Matty Shiner... Cn. Calvin Custer. Sc] __(010. 41 p. Cn. Jay Zorn..Trumpet Tune & Ayre / Henry Purcell.0315/012)..The arrival of the queen of sheba for brass / George Frederick Handel .. Trb.. Arr....Seven moods and dances for brass .. 53 p. Bar.. 6 p. Arr... Cn. 40 p. Trb. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. [3 Trp.. Arr. + 1 casete [2 Trp. Tb... Arr. 47 p. Cn. Sec.0315/044). Tb. 3Trb. Tb. Chris Hazell. Sc] __(010.0315/010). Tb. + 1 casete [2 Trp. Trb. Calvin Custer.. Cn...Music from harter fell for brass sextet / Raymond Premrv . 48 p.0315/029). 3Trp. [2 Trp.. Cn.. Per..0315/026). [4 Trp. 14 p. Calvin Custer... Cn. Ritm. John Iveson..Suite de danses pour 2 trompettes et 4 trombones / Arcangelo Corelli . Tb. Sec. [3 Trp. Bar. (California Brass Ensemble) [2 Trp. Jean Thilde.. Trb... Dave Pernottet.Fun. Henry Onorati.Four carols for brass ensemble . Tb. Philip Jones. [2 Trp. Tb. Trb.. Cn. Fogerty . Sc] __(010. 81 p. 26 p. Mike Love . Harry Simeone. + 1 casete [2 Trp. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010.. Arr... + 1 casete [2 Trp... [2 Trp. Elgar Howarth.Five movements from divertimento / Raymond Premry . Philip Jones. Arr. Trb. 3Trb. Sc] __(010. Elgar Howarth.0315/004). Sc] __(010..Don't get around much anymore / Duke Ellington. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. 79 p.0315/017). Sc] __(010. Cb. Sc] ENSAMBLES PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METAL __(010. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010. Ritm.. + 1 casete [2 Trp... Cn. Cn. Arr. [4Trp.0315/037). [3 Trp. 30 p. Calvin Custer. Per op.. Cn.Four dances from terpsichore for brass ensemble / Michael Praetorius . Keith Snell. [2 Trp.. [3Trp. [2 Trp. Sc] __(010. Tb.0315/030).. Trb.Greensleeves for brass ensemble . [2 Trp. Philip Jones.Three latin American dances for brass . Sc] __(010. Cn. Cn.. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA . Elgar Howarth. Arr. 4Trb.. Tb y/o Bass] __(010. Sc] __(010. 23 p. Arr.. 2Cn. Sc] __(010.. Euryenthe) .0315/027).. Elgar Howarth.. Sc] __(010.. 3Trb. 40 p... [3 Trp.... Arr.0315/001). Cn. 41 p.. Elgar Howarth. [2 Trp. 2Trb..0315/035). 83 p... Per. 16 p.. Trb..0315/024). [2 Trp. Bruce Fraser. 32 __(010..Three brass cats / Chris Hazell . 3Trb.. Ce. Tb. Arr. Elgar Howarth. Bar. Philip Jones..Three norwegian tunes for brass ensemble / Edward Grieg . 53 p. Arr. [4 Trp. Tb.. Arr. [2 Trp. [2 Trp.. 2Trb.. [2 Trp.. Arr. Bass Trb.Two classics (Romeo and Juliet. (Just Brass) [4 Trp.. 3Trb. Peter Reeve. Sc] __(010. Sc] __(010.0315/022).. Cn.. Metales Pág.Three miniatures for brass ensamble / Ian MacDonald . Cn.Trumpet Tone and Air / Henry Purcell. Colin Asher. Philip Jones.0315/021). 47 p. Cn. Cn. Ed Shiner. Per op.. Elgar Howarth.0315/009).... 2Trb.Three sea shanties for brass ensemble . Philip Jones. Arr.. Tb. Arr. Tb. 23 p. 46 p.0315/048).0315/016).... Trb. Sc] __(010.Three little suites for brass ensemble / Peter Lawrance .Two processional fanfares / Elgar Howarth . Tb. Metales Pág. Trb. 33 Cn. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA . [Cn.Embouchure building for french horn / Joseph Singer ...Horn (F)volumen 2 . Pno acc] __(011. Arr. Fred Weber..02/001). [Cn] __(011.... Jack Lamb.. (16 p. (44 p. 5 p.0310/006).Ten progressive studes for horn / Joseph Rudolph lewy..) [Cn] __(011. Fred Weber... (15 p. Vol.. Pno acc] __(011.French horn soloist . 2 Tom..) [Cn] __(011. 145 p.. Arr. Pno acc] __(011.Tritons eight easy pieces for horn (in Eb o F) and piano / Bram Wiggins. [Cn] __(011. (16 p..Hovey method for french horn / Max Pottag.0310/003).. 1 Vol. James Ployhar....Solo sounds for french horn: Volume 1 Levels 3-5. Pno acc] __(011. Kopprasch . 6 p... [Cr] __(011.. Pno acc] __(011. (32p. Fred Weber.. 8 p. 2 Tom (16p. 3 Vol... Arr. Nilo Hovey... [Cn] __(011.01/002)... 2 Vol.French horn student / James Ployhar. Pno acc] __(011..French horn note speller / Fred Weber. No 5 / Robert Schumann .0310/005).. Pno acc] __(011. 41 p.0310/020)... [Cn.) [Cn.. [Cn.) [Cn. [Cn.) [Cn.Practical studies for french horn / Robert Getchell... (32 p. Arr.) [Cn] __(011..) [Cn] __(011.Gavotte / Giambattista Martini .... Pno acc] BANCO DE MUSICA . (32 p.Studies and melodius etudes for french horn / James Ployhar. W... 12 p. 1 vol.) [Cn. Arr.) [Cn] __(011.. (48 p. (16 p..01/003)... Arr... Fred Weber...2 (40 p.) [Cn.Horn (F)volumen 2 . James Ployhar.) [Cn.....01/001)..Caprice / James Ployhar. Pno acc] __(011.01/001).02/003).. 2 Vol.. (32 p. Ascap. [Cn] __(011. 2 Tom. 2 Vol....Daily exercises for french horn / Max Pottag... Pno acc] __(011.0310/001).01/005).) [Cn.. [Cn. 7 p......) [Cn. (51 p. Pno acc] __(011. Pno acc] __(011.... Charles Forsberg.0310/016). 4 p.Legato etudes for french horn / John Shoemaker..0310/003).0310/008).Embryo brass: ten short solos for beginners brass player .....French horn soloist . Pno acc] __(011.0310/003). Reid Poole. Fred Weber..) [Cn] __(011. [Cn..0310/009). 1 Vol.) [Cn] __(011. 33 p... Fred Weber... (40 p......Canzona horn in F and piano / Vladimir Bakaleinikoff. Nilo Hovey.Studies and melodius etudes for french horn / James Ployhar. Arr... Fred Weber.02/001). [Cn] __(011. Pno acc] __(011...French horn passages / Max Pottag..0310/017). (40 p...01/004).) [Cn.Autumm dream to billy / G. 1 Vol. 8 p. (16 p....Pottag ....02/007). Fred Weber. 24 p. Pno acc] __(011... 3 Vol.. 1Tom.) [Cn.The entertainer / Scott Joplin . 2 Vol.0310/002)..) [Cn.Tunes for french horn technic .... [Cn.... Pno acc] __(011. [Cn...) [Cn] __(011.0310/001). Pno acc] __(011... 1 Tom.. Donald Pease..Cavatina: horn in F and piano / Vladimir Bakeleinikoff. 4 p. 34 p.0310/013). [Cn] SOLOS PARA CORNO __(011.. 47 p..) [Cn.Ten horn studies / Johannes Brahms.Studies and melodius etudes for french horn / James Ployhar. 2 Tom. James Ployhar.....Embouchure builder for horn in F and double horn: for daily use with any method / Lowell Little... Arr. (39 p.) [Cn] __(011. 2 vol. [Cn] METODOS PARA CORNO __(011....Practical studies for french horn / Robert Getchell...) [Cn. 5 p. Arr.Solo sounds for french horn: Volume 1 levels 1 .. Pno acc] __(011.. [Cn] __(011.0310/005).... [Cn..02/004).. John Humphries.... (15 p. 3 Vol... Arr. 5 p. Arr. Pno acc] __(011.French horn student / James Ployhar.. [Cn.3.Solo sounds for french horn: Volume 1 levels 1 . Lotzenhiser.....) [Cn..Tunes for french horn technic ... 50 p.. Arr... Pno acc] __(011...Hovey method for french horn / Max Pottag.Themes from academic festival overture / Johannes Brahms ... [Cn. James Ployhar. Pno acc] __(011.) [Cn] __(011.... 5 p.0310/002).02/008). Pno acc] __(011.02/002). John Humphries. [Cn.0310/014). Jack Lamb.01/002).. [Cn. 33 P. [Cn] __(011..0310/015).Tunes for french horn technic .0310/006). 5 p.Breeze esay method french horn / John Kinyon..Breeze esay method french horn / John Kinyon.0310/019). Arr. 17 p..01/006).02/002).Solo sounds for french horn: Volume 1 Levels 3-5.French horn student / James Ployhar.Horn (F) .Largo from winter the four seasons / Antonio Vivaldi . (32 p.02/005)...Mhetode de Cor Chromatique / Jean Devemy. Arr.. Jack Lamb..French horn passages / Max Pottag... 1 vol. James Ployhar.1 (40 p.02/006). Jack Lamb... 1 Tom. 1 Tom.0310/002).0310/004).02/003). 1 Tom (40p.0310/007)..0310/007). Arr. James Ployhar.Pottag . Arr.. Pno acc] __(011. (15 p... 1 Vol.3....0310/010).0310/018).) [Cn....Horn (F) . Pno acc] __(011.. Richard Ballou..F french horn / Bram Wiggins. Arr. (32 p.0310/012).Indigo: to ruth and lou hornberger / Leonard Smith . (32p. 22 p. (40 p. Vol..01/001)..0310/011).. Pno acc] __(011.) [Cn. 1 Vol.) [Cn] __(011...01/007). 138. Charles Forsberg. 2Tom... Pno acc] __(011.0310/004). (32p. Pno acc] __(011....French horn passages / Max Pottag.. Pno acc] __(011...Sixty selected studies for horn..Russian dance: solo etude for french horn / C. (42 p.02/001)..) [Cn] __(011. 28 p. (48 p.Pro art french horn method in F and Eb / Charles Petrie. Pno acc] __(011....Romanza Op... Corno Pág 34 ESTUDIOS PARA CORNO __(011... 2 Vol. . Albert Stoutamire. 44 p. [3Cn] __(011..0312/002).Quartets for all . William Ryden.... Sc] Nivel '2 USA' __(011... 12 p..0313/003).Duets from the old master : for two horns.. (15 p..0311/004).0313/006).. Von Weber . E. Sc] __(011. 3 Tom..Christmas duets for all .. 11 p... William Ryden.0313/005)... Sc] __(011... Arr.. Shaw.... 25 p. Arr.0311/006)..The king's prayer (from "lohengrin") / Richard Wagner .. Max Pottag.0311/002)...0313/002). [4Cn. Sc] __(011......0313/001). Arr.... [2Cn] __(011.. Arr. M.Three Bach Chorales / Johann Sebastian Bach . Lloyol Conley.... [2Cn] __(011.. W. Arr. 25 p. Sc] __(011..Six for two short classical pieces . 1 Tom.To Elmo Lantz the call and the hunt for horn quartet / G... 19 p. Albert Stoutamire. [4Cn. Paul Stouffer... 28 / David Uber..30 selected works for three horns...) [4Cn. [4Cn...Trios for all .. 4 Tom. Sc] __(011.Sixty french horn duets : book one No 1 to 34 ..Christmas trios for all . William Ryden. Albert Bigelow. 23 p... Ascap..0311/003). 16 p... [2Cn] TRIOS PARA CORNO __(011.) [4Cn.Quartet repertoire for horn.Christmas for two . 2 Tom. 25 p. Max Pottag. Sc] Nivel '2 USA' __(011.. Kenneth Henderson. (15 p..Quartet repertoire for horn. Albert Stoutamire.. 5 Tom. [3Cn] __(011. (15 p. 25 p. 25 p. 7 p. 29 p.0311/005).. Corno Pág 35 DUETOS PARA CORNO __(011.Land sighting for horn quartet / Edward Grieg . [4Cn] __(011.) [4Cn. Arr.Quartet repertoire for horn. Arr.Quartet repertoire for horn.Christmas quartets for all .0313/001). Kenneth Henderson. [2Cn] __(011...0312/004)....0312/005). [3Cn.Suite for three horns Op.....0313/007).. [4Cn. Sc] __(011.) [4Cn...0312/003).. Arr. L.0313/001)... [2Cn] Nivel '2 USA' __(011.. Arr. [3Cn. 25 p. 7 p. (15 p. 29 p.Quartet repertoire for horn.. 8 p. Arr. Sc] __(011. (52 p. [4Cn] __(011. [2Cn] __(011... Lotzenhiser ..) [4Cn. Arr.. Arr. Leonard Smith.0313/001)...0312/001).. Kenneth Henderson.0311/001). 12 p. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA ...Thirty duets for two horns / Henri Kling.. [3Cn] CUARTETOS PARA CORNO __(011. [2Cn] Nivel '2 USA' __(011.0313/001)... Arr.0313/004). Sc] __(011. Arr...Duets for all .Hunting chorus french horn quartet / C.0311/007). : col. [Trp. G... 1 Vol. Vol II: 24 p.Capriccio pour cornet ou trompette Si b et piano / Marcel Bitsch.0310/001).. Pno acc.. Pno acc] __(012.01/006). [Trp] __(012. (40 p.0310/038). foto.) __(012.......02/012). il. 81 p.Studies and melodious etudes for cornet / Fred Weber. Fotocopia.Le débutant trompettiste en deux cahiers/L...Studies and melodious etudes for cornet / Fred Weber..Rhythm & melodic studies for beginning trumpet : level 1 / William Bay...02/004)...Trp __(012.... 2 Vol.65 p.. [Trp] __(012.... Pno acc] __(012.Trumpet handbook / William Bay.Trp __(012.. (32 p. Arban..Arban's : Complete method for the trumpet / cornet / Willard Musser. 34 p... 15 p. Major Herman Vincent.Armand Porret.. 24 p.0310/032)...... 12 p....Trp __(012. [Trp.0310/012)..... 174 p.. Bernard Fitzgerald... [Trp. 31 / Martin Mailman..) [Trp] __(012.. 21 p...Vol I: 17 p... Major Herman Vincent.Andante et allegro pour cornet Si b ou saxhorn Si b ou trompette Ut ou Si b et piano / Guillaume Balay.02/001)..The Allen Vizzutti trumpet method technical studies / Allen Vizzutti.Quinze etudes pour cornet a pistons / Guillaume Balay. (32 p. [Trp] __(012..Trp __(012.Concerto for trumpet and piano/Alexander Arutunian.02/002)....Trumpet method / William Bay.Andante et scherzo pour trompette Ut ou Si b et piano / J.. 3 Vol.240 double and triple tonguing exercises: progressivelly arranged for cornet (trumpet) baritone t. [Trp] __(012..01/009).. Fotocopia. 2 Vol. Arr.. __(012.0310/004)... Pno acc] __(012.. Smith[Comp].. 3 Vol..Daily drills and technical studies for trumpet/Max Schlossberg.. [Trp] __(012.Melodius fundamentals/46 . 365 p..0310/034).Cornet student : a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber..Badinage pour trompette ut ou Si b et piano / Eugene Bozza. 36 ESTUDIOS PARA TROMPETA __(012. Fotocopia.. Bach pour trompette / Francis Bodet... [Trp] __(012. 7 p. Claude Gordon[Comp].. Pno acc] Nivel 'VI USA' __(012.0310/030)........L.Intermediate serial studies for trumpet "to Vincent Cichowicz" / Charles Decker.02/004).Trp __(012.Méthode de Trompette cornet pistons ou bugle pour Débutants / Rene Caron....The jazz trumpet primer / Randall Reyman..) [Trp] __(012...... Pno acc] __(012..0310/014).02/004)...02/009)....Concertino for trumpet and band (version for trumpet and piano) Op.02/002).N..Technical studies for the corrnet/H.0310/039)..J.02/006). 41 p. Balay.01/005). 35 p.Trp. S.01/003)...Warm-ups + studies/James Stamp...02/003). Pno acc] __(012..02/011). 89 p.. Bordogni.02/007). 10 p.) [Trp] __(012... Pno acc] __(012. 3 Vol..Vol I:59 p... Fotocopia.02/003).Trp __(012. (40 p..02/008).Arban's Complete conservatory method for trumpet/Joseph J.Concerto en Mi b pour Trompette et orchestre/Joseph Haydn.) [Trp] __(012.Methode complete de cornet a pistons ou de trompette ou de saxhorn / G.. (104 p. 15 p.01/013).) __(012. Pno acc] Nivel 'IV USA' __(012. [Trp.. [Trp] __(012..) [Trp] __(012.0310/013).. Pno acc __(012. 16 p. Arr.. [Trp.Studies and melodious etudes for cornet / Fred Weber.Concerto in Eb for trumpet and piano/J.) __(012.The Allen Vizzutti trumpet method technical studies / Allen Vizzutti. (32 p. Major Herman Vincent. Pno acc] __(012.. Clarke. Trompeta Pág.... Major Herman Vincent. 13 p.01/010).... Edwin Franko Goldman[Comp].Technique studies for beginning trumpet : level 1 / William Bay..Trp.01/001).. Pno Acc. 73 p. [Trp] __(012.c. 1 Vol...Trp METODOS PARA TROMPETA __(012... 16 p.Trp... Fotocopia... E.02/002)..... [Trp..02/003)..p Fotocopia. Fotocopia. Daniel Mincarelli...02/010).. Vol II: 80 p..01/011).Vannetelbosch.Exploring the trumpet's upper register / Jay Zorn..Belle province Rouyn pour bugle Si b ou cornet Si b et piano / Andre Ameller. Walter M. [Trp.Concerto pour trompette et orchestre / Henri Tomasi. Fotocopia..Cornet student : a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber. [Trp] __(012. Pno acc] BANCO DE MUSICA .31 p.. [Trp] __(012.Caprice Op.0310/011). 17 p.0310/002)..01/008).) [Trp] __(012.. [Trp..01/004)... (40 p.Aria con varianzioni / George Friedrich Handel ....The Allen Vizzutti trumpet method technical studies / Allen Vizzutti. Major Herman Vincent. [Trp] __(012.. 58 p.54 p. Fotocopia..02/005).. Major Herman Vincent.48 p. 25 p.Trp __(012. [Trp] __(012..Jazz trumpet studies : for studio & stage band performance / Bill Bay. Barat.... / Victor Salvo. 25 p..Bach suite / Johann Sebastian Bach ...0310/003). 2 Vol. (128 p. Hummel. 1 Vol.01/007). Jean Thilde[Rev].Andante et scherzo pour trompette Ut ou Si b et piano / Henri Busser.. (80 p.. [Trp] SOLOS PARA TROMPETA __(012.... 18 p... 19 p. + 1 CD __(012.01/002).. [Trp..23 p. foto byn Fotocopia..Seize etudes de virtuosite D'Apres J. [Trp.Cornet student : a method for individual instruction / Fred Weber.Vingt-quatre vocalises Adaptées á la trompette Ut ou Si b au cornet et-au saxhorn/M. __(012. 47 pour trompette et piano / Eugene Bozza. 37 p....VII.. 15 p..: col...01/012). [Trp.30 p. Bernard Fitzgerald. Pno acc] __(012..Méthode compléte de cornet á pistons ou de trompette ou de saxhorn /Guillaume Balay.0310/037)...34 p.. ..0312/001). Arr..0310/016). Arr. Pno acc] __(012. Pno acc..0310/028).0310/023)....Quatre variations sur un theme de Domenico Scarlatti pour trompette Si ou cornet et piano / Marcel Bitsch.0310/010). [Trp.0310/022)... John Frith. Beldon Leonard.0311/008). Arr.. G. [Trp. John Ford.) [Trp. 1 Vol.one duets for Bb cornets or trumpets ...0312/009).12 concert pieces / Vaclav Nelhybel. 5 p..) [2Trp] __(012. threne et danse pour trompette ut et orchestre / A.... au cornet et au saxhorn / M. [2Trp] TRIOS PARA TROMPETA __(012..Belwin master duets trumpet volume 2 . 20 p. Keith Snell.. clarinet and tenor sax / Dix Bruce. Sc] __(012... 2 Vol.. Pno acc... [Trp...Trumpeldor pour trompette Ut ou Si b et piano / Roger Boutry. Desenclos.. (32 p.Lied pour trompette Ut ou Si b et piano / Raymend Gallois Montbrun... Pno acc] __(012.. [3Trp... Arr. (32 p... Ascap. Arr. 8 p.0310/026)..0310/031).) [Trp] __(012..0310/017).Trumpet solos: level two.....14 jazz . (32 p.....0312/015). Fred Weber.. (31 p. (47 p.Vingt-quatre vocalises adaptees a la trompette Ut ou Si b. Sc] __(012. 1 Tom.) [Trp] __(012.Six for three shor classical pieces ..Belwin master duets trumpet volume 1 .) [2Trp] __(012.El caballero / Gerald Knipfel. Fred Weber..... 1 Vol. Arr..) [Trp.. Trompeta Pág. 6 p. 1 Tom..Fun pak for trumpets . Arr. Paul Stouffer. 3 Tom.0310/006).0310/025).Teacher and i play trumpet duets .. 18 p. Pno acc] __(012.Piece de concours pour cornet a pistons en Si b avec accomp de piano / Guillaume Balay.. Major Herman Vincent...0312/008)... 3 Tom.. Bordogni . (14 p. 22 p. [Trp...0310/005)...0311/002). Pno acc] __(012.. (16 p. + 1 casete [3Trp] __(012. [3Trp.Road runner / Leonard Smith .. Fred Weber. 2 Vol.0310/021)..Vingt etudes pour trompette Ut ou Si b / Marcel Bitsch..0310/024).) [Trp] __(012.Trumpet solos: level one. 19 p. 2 Tom.Belwin master duets trumpet volume 2 ..) [2Trp] __(012...Tunes for cornet technic . [Trp.0311/002)..... Fred Weber.0310/018). 2 Tom..Suite for trumpets: II pastorale / Frank Erickson..0311/001). theme & variations on the carnival of venice / Jean Baptiste Arban . William Bay. Pno acc] __(012. Pno acc] __(012.....0310/021). [Trp.0310/009)... 29 p. 16 p.Impromptu pour trompette et piano / Jacques Ibert.Rhapsodie pour Ut ou Si b et piano / Eugene Bozza...... Pno acc] __(012.) [Trp. 2 Tom.0312/006).Cornet soloist .) [Trp. (24 p. [Trp..0310/020)... Pno acc] __(012...0310/027). 1 Tom. (16 p....Duets for cornet students . 37 __(012.. Arr. Major Herman vincent. Arr.. 27 p....0310/007).0310/023).. [3Trp... Pno acc] __(012... 6 p.Belwin master duets trumpet volume 1 . Pno acc] __(012. [3Trp. Pno acc] __(012. (14 p.Tunes for cornet technic .... 35 p. Keith Snell. (32 p.Cornet soloist . Arr.. Pno acc] __(012..0310/008)...Lead trumpet Book / Sammy Nestico. [Trp.. Fred Weber. Arr.) [2Trp] __(012..0311/004).Marche pour trompette ut Si b et piano / Raymond Gallois Montbrun.) [2Trp] __(012..0311/003). 20 p.... (32 p. Arr... Pno acc] __(012.Marche et scgerzo pour trompette ut Si b et piano / Jean Emmanuel Aubain..) [2Trp] __(012.0310/033).. 1 Vol.A trumpeter's lullaby / Leroy Anderson.0310/022).. 29 p. Don Owen. (32 p. [Trp. 17 p. Major Herman vincent. 22 p..) (Trax Backup).) [2Trp] __(012.0311/005).. Keith Snell.) [2Trp] __(012.0310/036). 35 p...Lied et scherzo pour trompette Ut ou Si b et piano / Jacques Albrespic. Pno acc] __(012. Pno acc] __(012. 18 p. 3 Vol..0310/019). (39 p.. 8 p. Pno acc] __(012.30 duets for two trumpets ....0310/021)..0310/024). (24 p. Arr. Robert Nagel.. 2 Vol.... [Trp] DUETOS PARA TROMPETA __(012... 2 Tom. Pno acc] __(012. Arr. (32 p. (39 p. Armand Porret....... 8 p. 22 p.rock duets for Bb trumpets / John LaPorta..0310/029). 9 p. Fred Weber.) [Trp] __(012.. Arr. Major Herman Vincent. 12 p.. Acton Ostling. 1 Tom. Major Herman Vincent.. (32 p.Swing & Jazz: for trumpet.....Incantation. Arr.. (Trax Backup) __(012. Keith Snell. [Trp] __(012... 8 p.. Sc] __(012.0312/002).. John Frith. [Trp...0311/002). [Trp.0312/003)....0310/009). Keith Snell...0311/004). Arr.. [3Trp.... 33 p.0312/010). [Trp.. Sc] __(012.. __(003. Pno acc] __(012....Tunes for cornet technic .0311/006).) [Trp.... Keith Snell.Traditional Jazz Dixieland: for trumpet..) [2Trp] __(012.Bugler's holiday / Leroy Anderson.. 12 p. Arr..Fanfare and air / Acton Ostling.. Arr.. 12 p.Belwin master duets trumpet volume 1 . Pno acc] __(012. tenor sax. 6 p.. (20 p.Suite for trumpets: I fanfare / Frank Erickson..28 modern jazz trumpet solos .0311/003). Arr. Erik Leidzen.. [2Trp] Nivel '3 USA' __(012...Trumpet solos: level two.. [Trp.. [Trp.. 17 p. Pno acc] __(012.Trumpet solos: level one..0311/007). 1 Tom.. Fred Weber.0311/003).Duets for cornet students . [2Trp] Nivel '4 USA' __(012.Twenty ..Fantasie.. Pno acc] __(012. 2 Vol. Sc] __(012. [Trp. 2 Tom.Easy solos for beginning trumpet : level 1 .Summertime for trumpet in Bb and piano / George Gershwin . Ken Slone.Belwin master duets trumpet volume 2 .) [Trp.. Arr.. clarinet and other Bb Instruments / Dix Bruce (24 p.10 Jazz inventions for 2 trumpets / Lennie Niehaus. Robin De Smet. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA . [3Trp. Arr.0311/001).. Acton Ostling. 11 p. [3Trp] __(012.0310/015). 23 p. Arr. [2Trp] __(012... [Trp] __(012. Arr.. Arr....... (117 p..Teacher and i play trumpet duets ..) [2Trp] __(012. .0312/011).. Sc] __(012. Sc] __(012.0313/007). 15 p.. Kenneth Henderson.. 4 Tom.Suite for trumpets: III finale / Frank Erickson... 5 Tom.Quartet repertoire for cornet or trumpet. [4Trp.Quartet repertoire for cornet or trumpet.. [3Trp......The three troubadors for trumpet / cornet trio / Leonard Smith....) [4Trp... William Ryden.0313/001). Arr... Sc] CUARTETOS PARA TROMPETA __(012.. [3Trp. 7 p. 19 p..) [4Trp.. 15 p. [3Trp. Trompeta Pág. Sc] __(012.......0313/001).0312/005)... (16 p. Sc] __(012.Quartet repertoire for cornet or trumpet.. (16 p. [4Trp.0312/014).Three trumpet quartets / Michael East . [4Trp.. 25 p.. Sc] Nivel '3 USA' __(012. [4Trp. 3 Tom.Trumpets of spain / Robert Nagel. Sc] Nivel '3 USA' BANCO DE MUSICA ...) [4Trp...0313/001).. 30 p. 9 p... Arr. 8 p. Pno acc. Arr.Contrasts / Thomas Morley ..) [4Trp. [4Trp.Quartet repertoire for cornet or trumpet..Trumpet voluntary for 3 cornets or trumpets and piano / Henry Purcell . Kevin Kaisershot...Festival prelude / William Spencer Johnson. 38 __(012.0313/006). (51 p.. Albert Stoutamire. (16 p.0312/012). Glenn Cliffe Bainum.. Sc] Nivel '2 USA' __(012. 25 p.0313/004). [3Trp] __(012..0313/005)..0312/007)..0313/003).. 7 p. [4Trp] __(012.. Pno acc. Sc] __(012. Agostini .0313/001).A yuletide treasury of carlos .. [3Trp.Quartet repertoire for cornet or trumpet... Pno acc.. Sc] __(012.. Sc] __(012. Charles Decker.The three trumpeters / G..0313/001).Trios for all Bb cornet ... Don Schaeffer. (16 p.. Charles Decker. Arr. Arr.. Pno acc. Arr. 1 Tom. Sc] __(012. Sc] __(012. [3Trp. 13 p..0312/004).. Arr..Christmas quartets for all for Bb trumpet . Sc] __(012. Leonard Smith. 2 Tom. Sc] __(012.. 9 p.French renaissance dances / Claude Gervaise ..) [4Trp..0313/002).. Arr. . 1 Tom.0310/008)..52 p.. (40 p.Studies and melodious etudes for trombone / Paul Tanner....... Pno acc] __(013.0310/009).... Arr. Paul Tanner .) [Trb.) [Trb] __(013..0310/010)... Bar __(013. [Trb] __(013..... 1971. (32 p. [Trb.Arban's famous method for trombone .Moonlight shadows / Paul tanner.... Pno acc] __(013...Trb.Tunes for trombone technic / James Ployhar....0310/003).0310/006). Willard Musser.. Arr.Trb __(013.Belwin master solos trombone easy: volume 1 ..Belwin master solos trombone advanced volume 1 . 35 p. 33 p.Trombone soloist . Pno acc] __(013..) [Trb] __(013..Patterns in tongueing / Donald Wittekind . Fred Weber.. 2 Tom. [Trb] __(013.) [Trb] __(013..Studies and melodious etudes for trombone / Paul Tanner.. 3 Vol. Pno acc] __(013.0310/011).0311/002).) [Trb] __(013... Acc. 72 p.) [Trb. Arr. (32 p.01/007).) [Trb.Escuela para trombon de varas / Antonio Pugliese.. Fotocopia........ 1 Vol (71 p... Simone Mantia. Keith Snell.0310/002).. (Trax Backup) __(013. Pno acc] __(013. Arr. Pno acc] __(013. Arr. __(013. Pno acc] __(013..02/003). Fred Weber.: byn..... Pno acc] __(013.) [Trb] __(013... (41 p. 49 p.. 1 Tom.02/001). Paul Tanner. Keith Snell.0310/007)...Solo sounds for trombone: volume 1 levels 3-5. (39 p. Arr...Trombone student / Fred weber. (32 p. (44 p... Arr..) [Trb] __(013. Arr. 2 Vol (48 p. (16 p...Trb __(013.02/005).. Fotocopia.0310/005). (16 p..) [Trb...) [Trb..01/001).. Paul Tanner ... [Trb] __(013. 2 Tom. 1 Tom.Solo sounds for trombone: volume 1 levels 3-5... Blazewitch..0310/004).01/001). 1 Tom.. 4 p... 2 Vol. Fotocopia. (98 p..) [Trb.Method for the trombone / Walter Beeler.0310/007).Trb.. Keith Snell.. 2 Tom. (110 p.01/006). (16 p.. Keith Snell.0310/001).. Charles Randall..0310/014). [Trb] __(013..) [Trb. Arr..02/008). 2 Tom. 2 Vol..Melodious Etudes for trombone selected from the Vocalises of Marco Bordogni/Vol I:88 p..Tunes for trombone technic / James Ployhar. 1 Vol.0310/015)... M....Trombone: volume 2 .Trombone: volume 2 .170 studies for trombone / Jaroslav Cimera....... (16 p.Trombone student / Fred weber. __(013.51 p. Jack Lamb. [Trb. Pno acc] __(013.02/004)..... (20 p. Pno acc] __(013. (40 p. [Trb.. (39 p..01/001)... (32 p.02/009). 2 Tom. Pno acc] __(013. Pno acc] __(013.) [Trb.Méthode compléte de Trombone a coulisse/André Lafosse.. Fred Weber...) [Trb] DUETOS PARA TROMBON __(013.) [Trb] SOLOS PARA TROMBON __(013. 2 Tom. 1 Vol. 4 p. Arr. (16 p. Arr....Trombone .....Smooth sailing / Paul Tanner. (57 p. Paul Tanner.. Arr. [Trb] __(013.) (Trax Backup).. (32 p. 261 p.. Fotocopia.Tunes for trombone technic / James Ployhar..0310/012)...Daily drills and technical studies for trombone/Max Schlossberg...) [Trb.01/002). Paul Tanner.0310/003).) [Trb. Pno acc] __(013.Method for the trombone / Walter Beeler.) [Trb] __(013.. Pno acc] __(013. [Trb] __(013... 2 Tom.Swing & Jazz Vol 1: for trombone and other bass clef Instruments / Dix Bruce (24 p.01/004)....) [2Trb] __(013. Pno acc] __(013.02/006)... Trombón Pág 39 ESTUDIOS PARA TROMBON __(013.... Fink. Paul Tanner. Paul Tanner.0310/001). 1 Tom.. 2 Tom.. Arr.02/001). Jack Lamb.....Belwin master duets trombone voleme 1 .. 32 p.02/005).0310/001). Pno.. 18 p..Trombone .....0310/013)...... 2 Vol.02/003).Traditional Jazz Dixieland: for trombone and other bass clef Instruments / Dix Bruce..Elementary method Trombone or Baritone/Newell H. Arr. Keith Snell.0310/006)..Trombone soloist ... Arr.Enjoy playing the trombone First lessons for young students/Christopher Williams. (32 p.0310/005). Keith Snell.0310/004). 1971.) [Trb] __(013.) [Trb] __(013.01/008).. Arr. 1971.. (16 p.Trb __(013. 2 Vol. Keith Snell. (47 p.... 3 Vol.Belwin master solos trombone advanced volume 1 ... Fred Weber. Fotocopia.Solo in waltz time / Paul Tanner....Escuela para trombon de varas / Antonio Pugliese. 37 p. (32 p.. 2 Tom..01/003).Concert piece No 5 / B. (32 p. Pno acc] __(013. 3 Vol.. 1 Tom. (48 p..Position trombone chart.) [Trb] __(013. [Trb] METODOS PARA TROMBON __(013.02/002). 1 Tom.) [Trb.) [Trb.. 4 p.) [Trb.) [Trb] __(013...Belwin master duets trombone voleme 1 ..32 p.Belwin master solos trombone intermediate volume 1 .... Arr.The jazz trombone primer / Randall Reyman.Trb __(013.02/001). 4 p. 1 Tom... Paul Tanner . 1 Vol...XIV.) [2Trb] BANCO DE MUSICA . il. 33 p.....0310/008).. Keith Snell.02/007).The art of doodul tonguing for trombone (baritone) / Curtis Fox.) [Trb.01/005)..Intermediate etudes for tenor trombone: 15 original etudes / Tommy Pederson. Fred Weber.0311/002).. Pno acc] __(013. Jack Lamb. Jack Lamb.. Arr.02/010).Advanced etudes for tenor trombone: 15 original etudes / Tommy Pederson. Vol I: 66 p. [Trb] __(013.Belwin master solos trombone easy: volume 1 .. Pno acc] __(013... (40 p. Pno acc] __(013.Trombone student / Fred weber. (16 p..... [Trb..Solo sounds for trombone: volume 1 levels 1-3. 1 Vol.0310/009)... (42 p.) [Trb.) [Trb. Long.Introducing legato for trombone/Reginals H.Solo sounds for trombone: volume 1 levels 1-3.. Pno acc] __(013.Studies and melodious etudes for trombone / Paul Tanner.. 1 Tom. Arr..Belwin master solos trombone intermediate volume 1 .0310/002).72 p. Paul Stouffer. Robert Jordahl. 28 p..0311/003)..Melodic trios for trombone: twenty contemporary originals / David Uber. 1 Tom.Quartets for brass: bass clef instruments volume 1 . Sc] __(013.. John Frith.5 more trombone duets for advancing players / Art Dedrick.0314/001).... Keith Snell.. Sc] __(013.... Arr. (32 p. [3Trb. Sc] CUARTETOS PARA TROMBON __(013.Salute to honor / William Pelz. Arr. Arr.... [4Trb..0312/004)...Easy six for two: short classical pieces .. [3Trb.... [2Trb] __(013.0312/001). 32 p.. Sc] __(013. Acton Ostling. Keith Snell..Belwin master duets trombone volume 2 .. Sc] __(013.Duets for trombone students / Fred Weber.. Sc] Nivel '2 USA' __(013. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA ...0312/005)..Duets for all .0313/005)...... 2 Vol.. ( 16 p. Arr.. [3Trb. Paul Stouffer.0312/007).0311/012). Bar op...Trombone ensemble folio . Kenneth Henderson. ( 51 p.... 9 p. 13 p.0313/001). 1 Tom.. [2Trb] Nivel '2 USA' __(013. Arr....Concert duets for two trombones / Jean Blazhevich..) [2Trb] __(013. Sc] __(013. 30 p.0312/002).0311/013).. (32 p..0311/003).... Richard Fote..0313/001). Arr.Quartets for brass: bass clef instruments volume 1 .. Sc] __(013.) [4Trb] __(013... 63 p. 1 Tom. 7 p.Jig-Saw for trombone (baritone) quartet / Frank Erickson.0311/006). [2Trb] __(013... Arr.. (16 p. [2Trb] TRIOS PARA TROMBON __(013... Bar op. 1 Vol.0313/007)...Four short dances . Sc] __(013... Sc] __(013. John Marcellus..... [2Trb] __(013... Acton Ostling. Bar op...0313/003)... 3 Tom. ( 16 p..0313/001).0311/005).Quartets for brass: bass clef instruments volume 1 . Bar op. [5Trb.rock duets / John LaPorta. 1 Tom. (15 p..0312/006). 3 Tom...0313/001).0313/003). Don Schaeffer. [3Trb.) [2Trb] __(013...Belwin master duets trombone volume 2 ..Play trombone duets vol 1 .. Arr... [2Trb] Nivel '2 USA' __(013. (32 p. 1 Tom. Sc] __(013......0313/002)..Belwin master duets trombone volume 2 ...Quartet repertoire for trombone.. 18 p..Quartet repertoire for trombone..0313/001).. Sc] __(013. 25 p.. Sc] __(013...Six for two short classical pieces .) [2Trb] __(013.Gilbert & Sullivan excerpts for trombone quartet / Arthur Sullivan .. Bar op.My shining hour / Harold Arlen ... 25 p. 1 Tom.14 jazz . 25 p. Arr.Trios for all .. Trombón Pág 40 __(013. 31 p.0311/011).. 2 Tom.0311/003)..) [4Trb. John Marcellus..... Arr. 23 p..Adelita (mexican folk song) for trombone (baritone) quartet .Quartet repertoire for trombone.76 trombones minus 72 for trombone quartet / Leonard Smith.. (15 p.. 2 Tom. Arr.0312/003).) [4Trb. 68 / Robert Schumann .. [4Trb] QUINTETOS PARA TROMBON __(013..... Arr. Albert Stoutamire..0313/003).) [2Trb] __(013. 7 p.. Arr.. John Marcellus. John Ford.0311/007). 14 p.0311/010).. 17 p + 1 casete [3Trb. 6 p. [2Trb] __(013....0311/008)..0313/004).) [4Trb. Arr. [2Trb] __(013.0311/009).) [4Trb] __(013.0313/008). 1 Tom.. [4Trb..) [4Trb] __(013.Christmas trios for all .. ( 16 p. [3Trb. Bar op.. 13 p.. Edward McLin. Keith Snell..Quartet repertoire for trombone. ( 16 p. 14 p....0313/009). Arr. 8 p...10 jazz inventions / Lennie Niehaus.) [4Trb. Albert Stoutamire.. Arr.0313/001).Quartet repertoire for trombone. 8 p. Arr..0313/006). [3Trb. ( 16 p.. William Ryden. Arr. Sc] __(013. Acton Ostling. [2Trb] __(013. Sc] __(013.Quartet repertoire for trombone. [4Trb.Fugue Op.Ten trios for trombone / Tommy Pederson.. (15 p.0311/004).. 25 p.Fun pak for trombones ..) [4Trb.0311/001).19 progressive trombone duets for young player / Art Dedrick. Arr.. Sc] __(013.Christmas quartets for all ... 7 p.... (16 p.) [4Trb. 1 Tom. Arr.. William Ryden.) [2Trb] __(013. Sc] __(013.. Kenneth Henderson. [2Trb] Nivel '4 USA' __(013. Sc] __(013. Frank Erickson... Bill Holman. [4Trb. [4Trb.Renaissance ballade / Giovanni Palestrina . Arr. Sc] __(013.Duets for trombone students / Fred Weber.. [4Trb. 25 p.....0311/001).. 12 p. 3 Vol.Tuba (Eb and BBb) note speller / Fred Weber. Bill Laas.. James Ployhar..0310/002). Pno acc] __(014.Practical studies for tuba / Robert Getchell ... 15 p.Solo sounds for tuba: volume 1 levels 3-5... 2 Vol. Pno acc] __(014..Solo sounds for tuba: volume 1 levels 1-3.Breeze easy method BBb tuba / John Kinyon. 2 Vol. Pno acc] __(014. Pno acc] __(014. 2 Tom..Tuba solos level one. 1 Vol.01/001).. (32 p.01/001)..Cimera method for tuba BBb and Eb / John Kuhn. Jack Lamb..Studies and melodius etudes for tuba (bass) .. 3 Vol... Ken Swanson. Arr..Embouchure builder for BBb bass (tuba): for daily use with any method / Lowell Little... (32 p. Arr.. [Tb. [Tb....0310/004). Fred Weber.. (38 p. 5 p.) [Tb. Pno acc] __(014...0310/003). William Bell.. 10 p.) [Tb. Jack Lamb. 4 p.. Pno acc] __(014. William Bell. 4 p. 1 Tom. William Bell...Studies and melodius etudes for tuba (bass) . 5 p. Fred Weber. 4 p... Pno acc] __(014.01/002)... Acton Ostling.... 1 Tom...0310/001)... (41 p.) [Tb.) [Tb. [Tb... 42 p. 1 Vol. 1 Tom. (16 p.Tuba volume 2 .. 1 Tom. 1 Tom.. Arr. (14 p..) [Tb] __(014... Fred Weber..0310/009). Arr.) [Tb..Method for the BBb tuba / Walter Beeler.) [Tb] __(014.02/007).02/002)..... Arr.Honor and arms / Georg Friedrich Haendel . Pno acc] __(014. 6 p.. (16 p. 2 Tom..Tuba .02/006). Fred Weber.0310/013). Pno acc] __(014.... [Tb. 1 Vol. 7 p... Nilo Hovey. 50 p. [Tb..02/003)... 2 Tom. Bill Laas. Pno acc] __(014. (19 p. Arr... Arr.) [Tb] __(014...Solo sounds for tuba: volume 1 levels 1-3.0310/016).Largo and presto / Benedetto Marcello . Arr. Arr. Nilo Hovey. (32 p...0311/001). 2 Vol..0310/007).) [Tb] __(014.) [Tb] __(014...0310/008)..Tuba volume 2 ...0310/014).Russian medley .0310/007). (32 p. Pno acc] __(014. Pno acc] __(014.. Pno acc] __(014. Jack Lamb.0310/010). Acton Ostling. Arr.. 66 p.... [Tb.Tuba solos level two..02/002). Jack Lamb. [Tb] __(014.01/002)..0310/006).0310/004)...) [Tb.0310/005). / Fred Weber... Pno acc] __(014.. 2 Tom. (48 p.) [Tb. Fred Weber....0310/005).. Donald Little..) [Tb. (32 p.01/001). Arr.) [Tb] __(014. (123 p.Tuba (bass) soloist . [Tb] __(014......02/001). Kenneth Henderson.) [Tb.02/003). Bill Laas.0310/006)....Breeze easy method BBb tuba / John Kinyon.... (16 p..Practical hints on playing the tuba (bass). Acton Ostling.....Studies and melodius etudes for tuba (bass) ..Tuba solos level one. [Tb] __(014.. Pno acc] __(014... [Tb. (32 p...) [Tb] __(014.0310/008).Aurora / Acton Ostling....0310/002)... 6 p. Donald Little. William Bell... (72 p.. Arr...Military march (Marine's hymn and caisson song) . Troje Miller.. 25 p... Jaroslav Cimera. Pno acc] __(014. Arr.Tuba (bass) soloist . 1 Tom. Pno acc] __(014... (48 p... 2 Tom..Sonatina classica / N.. Pno acc] __(014.. [Tb... Arr..Tunes for tuba (bass) technic . 17 p.0310/015). (32 p. Arr.His majesty the tuba / Robert Dowling.. Pno acc] __(014... [2Tb] BANCO DE MUSICA ... (47 p. 41 ESTUDIOS PARA TUBA __(014.02/004)... Pno acc] __(014.. / Donald Little..0310/003). Arr.0310/017)... Arr.Practical studies for tuba / Robert Getchell . 1 Tom. Arr... [Tb. [Tb.01/003)... [Tb.. William Bell.) [Tb] __(014.) [Tb] METODOS PARA TUBA __(014. (40 p.... Pno acc] __(014.) [Tb] __(014..73 Advanced tuba studies / Jaroslav Cimera.Kuhn .) [Tb] __(014.The tubaman . 33 p. (32 p.Method for the BBb tuba / Walter Beeler. 4 p... Fred Weber..Tuba solos level two. (32 p.. Pno acc] __(014...Blue bells of scotland . Arr.) [Tb. 2 Tom..Carmen excerpts / Georges Bizet . Tuba Pág. 2 Tom.Duets for all . 32 p. [Tb] __(014.... 2 Vol.0310/012).. 1 Vol. Kenneth Swanson.Tuba . Pno acc] __(014..02/005)..Tuba (bass) students). [Tb] DUETOS PARA TUBA __(014.Solo sounds for tuba: volume 1 levels 3-5.... Arr.. (16 p. (14 p.The spartan ..) [Tb. [Tb] SOLOS PARA TUBA __(014. Arr.) [Tb..0310/018)..0310/011). Albert Stoutamire.) [Tb] __(014.0310/019). [4Bar] BANCO DE MUSICA . (32 p. Major Herman Vincent.. Major Herman Vincent. Major Herman Vincent. [3Bar] CUARTETOS PARA BARITONO __(015... Albert Stoutamire. Kenneth Henderson. (40 p.. Arr.0310/001).Baritone (B...) technic / Fred Weber.Tunes for baritone (B..Baritone (B.) [Bar] __(015.) technic / Fred Weber...0310/001)..) [Bar] SOLOS PARA BARITONO __(015.. (40 p. 1 Tom. 25 p. James Ployhar..... (32 p....Christmas trios for all .) [Bar] TRIOS PARA BARITONO __(015.. James Ployhar.Trios for all .) [Bar] __(015.0312/002)..02/001)..Quartets for all .02/001). 25 p.... (32 p.) student / Fred Weber. 1 Tom.C.C.) student / Fred Weber.) technic / Fred Weber. 25 p. Arr. Arr. 42 METODOS PARA BARITONO __(015.02/001)..0313/001). (40 p..) [Bar] __(015. 2 Tom.0310/001). James Ployhar.) student / Fred Weber.C.C...Tunes for baritone (B.Tunes for baritone (B.) [Bar] __(015.. 3 Tom. Albert Stoutamire. William Ryden. Baritono Pág.... 2 Tom. 3 Tom.C.Baritone (B. Kenneth Henderson. [3Bar] __(015....0312/001)..C. [ DUETOS PARA PERCUSION __(026.Tom's] __(020.0310/004). Xil.pno] __(026.Vib.. 5 Tom.Bat] __(020.A la Maniere de No..Bong.Bossa Nova Without Instruments / William J. pno.Bj. [1 Multip..0310/011). Glock.Counternoint for percussion Quartet advanced / Gregory Kosteck.Leidig. Xil.Protoplasm: Graded percussion ensenble series / Frank Proto......Tria.Plat-Susp..0313/001)..Dupin..7: Pour deux percussions avec accompagnement et piano/ Jaques Delecluse.0315/007). 24 p. Phil Faini. 13 p.0313/005)...Approche de la Musique D'Ensemble: 6 pieces Faciles (debutant-preparatoire) / J. 22 pg [1 Multip. Akins..0315/014)...... 6 p.Arnold. 6 pg [1 Multip. 13 pg [Xil..0310/001).Glock.Timb.Trois Etudes: Pour instruments percussion et piano. [Palt- Susp..... __(020. [1 Multip.A la Maniere de No.. Tom's Mar-cs..2:pour caisse claire. pno] CUARTETOS PARA PERCUSION __(020.. Timb. Cymbale suspendue et piano / Francois Dupin. F..0310/006). 50 p. (114 p. / Marcel Jorand. Panache / Jacques Delecluse.0310/003).Danse:pour instruments a percussion et piano / Simone ple. 7 p.3:pour caisse claire et accesoires avec accompagment de piano. 62 p.0313/002).Marimb..Xilo.... Plat-Susp.. [1 Multip. pno] __(026. 13 p [Glock.. [1 Multip. 5 p.Bat] ENSAMBLES PARA PERCUSION __(020.5 Items for solo Marimba and Percusion Ensemble / Anthony J.. [Vib.Contemporary Percussion Technique and Method / Vernon F.Danse / Simone Ple. SOLOS PARA PERCUSION __(026..Jorand. Gong..pno] __(026.A la Maniere de No. Bj.Bj... Vib.Sept Pieces Pour percussion et piano (ad Libitum) en quatre Cahiers.Courtes Pieces Album No. [1 Multip.Cinq pieces Breves: pour instruments a percusion et piano / Jacques Delecluse.. Aubain.. Gui. Timb... / J. 18 pg [1 Multip. pno] __(026. Tim...The Pink Panther / Henry Mancini.…El Cumbanchero / Rafael Hernandez... 11 p. + 1 cassette [Marimb. [1 Multip. Schinstine..0310/007). [1 Multip.Timb] __(020.0310/002). __(020. pno] __(026..01/003).) (Percussion Ensembles) __(020..0310/005)..0311/001)...Drum Fun: Elementary Junio High / Thomas Brown. A.Mouvements: pour instruments … percusion et piano / Georges Delerue. Bat] BANCO DE MÚSICA .Set pieces: pour percussion et piano (ad libitum) / M.01/002).6: pour Caisse-Claire. 102 p.0310/009). pno] __(026... [1Multip...Tim.Deslogues.. METODOS PARA PERCUSION __(020.0310/010).pno] __(026.A la Maniere de No. 9 p.. Cirone. Francois Dupin...0310/012)....0310/008)...Drumset II:Suite pour instruments a percussion et piano.pno] __(026...Bomb. + 1 cassette (Percussion Ensembles) [Glock.02/001).. 24 p.Trois Dances Pa‹ennes pour instruments a percussion et piano / Serge Baudo.Marimb. 43 ESTUDIOS PARA PERCUSION __(020. 39 p. 36 p..0315/006)... Thomas N.. 17 p. Bong. pno] __(026. Bomb] __(020.36 p. pno] __(026. Percusión Pag..Modern Drum Studies: A Series of carefully-conceived exercises fpr tje Snare Drum / Simon Sternburg.. 17 p. Vib... tria.Redb. 10 p.0313/004).Met.[1 Multip.. Marimb. pno] __(026. 63 p.5:pour deux timbales et xilophone avec accompagnement de piano / Jacques Delecluse.Clv.... Arr.0313/003). .0315/009). Plat-Susp] __(020. Glock..) (Percussion Performance) [ Xil. (Graded Ensemble) [Sonidos Corporales) __(020. Tom's. Plat-Susp.. Brown.. 10 p.. Marimb.Bomb.Fascinanting Rhythm / Ira Gershwin. Timb] __(020.0315/005)…. Bomb..Taller de Percussion / Francisco Sánchez Ávila. Plat-Sus.Tocata Without Instruments / Ramon Meyer. Tria. Bj. Marimb. 2 Vol.Plat-Susp. Tom's. gong. Tam. Quij. Tom's.. Vib.Timb] __(020. Timb] __(020... Frazeur..Percussion Ensambles / Sandy Feldstein.. 61 p..A Medley Arranged for percussion Ensemble / Allan Murray 15 p. Bat. Bat. Cast.Uhuru (A percussion Ballet) / Theodore C. Timb] __(020. Percusión Pag. (Easy Pops) [Camp.. Marimb... Sandy Feldstein. Vib... 30 p. 27 p. Redb.Tria. Camp.0315/002). Bomb. Clv] __(020. Gong. Pand.Percussion Ensamble Collection:Contains 4 ensembles for 6 players / Harold Farberman.Latin Fantasy / Jhon H. 31 p.. (Percussion Performance) [ Xil.0315/004)….bat. 15 p.0315/008). George Gershwin.0315/011)….. Tria. Tom's.Xil. [Plac. 44 __(020. 19 p.. (The Belwin Ensemble) __(020. Xil.. [Camp.0315/012).. Tria..Morning Flower: Percussion Ensamble with Solo Flauta (Xylophone) / Thomas A.Extremes / David Mancini. (Graded Percussion Ensemble) [Clv. Plat-Susp.. Plat-Susp.. Marimb.0315/013)…. (73 p.Finale for percussion Sextet /25 p.0315/003).. Timb] __(020. 31 p. (Graded Percussion Ensemble) [Vib. Timb. Redb..0315/010). Bong. [Caja.0315/001).The Wizard of OZ:.. (Percussion Performance) [Glock. Xil. Bat. Glock.. Tam] __(020. Tom's] BANCO DE MÚSICA .. Beck. .......Conjuntos de Percusión: Primera parte / Marco A...The orchestral Snare Drummer / Anthony J.. Fred Weber .0310/003).. [Redb.. 6 p.. Cirone.) (Student Elementary Course) __(022. Clv.Speed and Endurance Studes: A Warm-Up book for Drummers / Nick Cerali... Tambores Pág 1. 25 p.A la maniere de No.Studies and etudes for Drums (Snare and Bass Drum) / Saul Feldstein.0310/002). Rob Carson.01/001)... (99 p. Timb] __(021..Duet No. 3 Vol. 71 p. Bomb.Tam] __(021..0310/002). 3 Vol. [Redb] __(021.02/002). Plat... 48 p..Drumset III:Suite pour instruments a percussion et piano / Jacques Delecluse..0311/001). (98 p.....02/001)...... Wendell Yuponce.. 3 Vol. Bongo.. (123 p. 33 p..12 Duets for the intermediate Snare Drummer / Rudolph Emilson.01/004).0310/001). 1 Tom (21 p.01/003).The Drumset performer / Steven Houghton.) __(022. SOLOS PARA TAMBORES __(021.. Fred Weber.. 6 p.02/001). Arr... 13 p.…Drum Soloist (Snare and Bass Drum) / Sandy Feldstein..1:Graded percussion ensemble series / David Mancini..0311/002).Timpani Soloist / Saul Feldstein . Redb. [ Redb.16 Toques para banda rítmica / Tomas Jimeno. + 1 CD METODOS PARA TAMBORES __(025. Plat-Susp. 16 p..0310/001).. Clav...) (Student Instrument Course) DUETOS PARA TAMBORES __(021. Cenc] __(021.. 16 p.. Bomb. Tria...01/002).1: pour caisse claire et piano / Jacques Deleuse... (68 p. Tom's.The Vic Firhttimpani solo series / Vic Firth . ESTUDIOS PARA TAMBORES __(021. Sandy Feldstein...02/003). Pand.. Valcarcer Dominguez.. __(021... [ Caja. __(021..) (Student Instrumental Course) __(021... 2 Tom. Dave Black [Red] BANCO DE MÚSICA . Book1 / Sandy Feldstein.0311/003)...Drum Set principles / Paul Humphrey. __(021...International Drum Rudiments / Joy Wanamaker...Drum Student (Snare and Bass Drum) / Sandy Feldstein.…Alfred's Beginning Snare Drum Duets: 15 duet that correlate Alfred's Drum Method. 57 p. __(022. 44 p. __(021.) __(025..01/002)... .Timpani Student: A method for individual instruction / Saul Feldstein.Timpani Soloist / Saul Feldstein.0310/002).. __(022. Sandy Feldstein.. 1 Tom ( 21 p) (Student Instrumental Course) BANCO DE MÚSICA . 3 Vol.0310/001). 16 p.. (68 p. 13 p.. ESTUDIOS PARA TIMBALES __(022.....Studies and Etudes for timpani / Saul Feldstein...0310/003)... Timbales Pág 1.The Vic Firth timpani Solo series / Vic Firth.01/001)...Drumsec III.. Suite pour instruments a percussion et piano: Timabales/ Jacques Delecluse. (66 p) __(022.. METODOS PARA TIMBALES __(022... Sandy Feldstein.... __(022..The Orchestral Timpanist / Anthony J.... 3 Vol (123 p..02/002)..... 2 Vol.. Sandy Feldstein...02/001)...) (Student Instrumental Course) SOLOS PARA TIMBALES __(022. ) __(022... 43 p..Trente études pour timbales / Jacques Delècluse. Cirone..01/002). Tunes For Mallet percussion Technic / Saul Feldstein.02/001)..0311/001).. Arpa.Four Pieces from the Goyane Rallet Suite (Mallet Quartet) / Aram Khachaturian.) (Student and Instrumental Course).Vib] BANCO DE MÚSICA .pno] __(023. [Pno....Drumset I: Suite pour instruments a percusion et piano / Jacques Delecleuse. Placas Pag...0310/004).A La Manique de No.) (Student Instrumental Course) DUETOS PARA PLACAS __(023.. [Vib..Xil. [Xil. ESTUDIOS PARA PLACAS __(020. (66 p.. 16 p.. __(023...) __(023. (99 p..14 Jazz-Rock Duets / Jhon la Porta. Kenneth Henderson .. Bass Drum and Keyboard Percussion Instruments / Sandy Feldstein.pno] __(023.Courtes Pieces Album No.Studies and Melodious etudes For Mallet / Saul Feldstein... 32 p. METODOS PARA PLACAS __(023. (44 p. pno].... 2 Vol. SOLOS PARA PLACAS __(023. Kenneth Henderson.0313/001). 4 : Pour Vibraphone.0310/002). 24 p..01/001).0310/003).Trios for All. Albert Stoutamire.. 2 Vol.Deux-Cents Exercices Journaliers pour Xylophone / Jacques Delecleuse.. (123 p.0312/001).) (Student Instrumental Course) __(023.6: pour xylomarimba et marimba seus / Jacques Delecleuse. 10 p. 3 Vol.... __(023. Plac.. 2 vol. [et. / Albert Stoutamire.... James Playhar. 2 Vol.... Arr.Guit. Ob. 1.Playable on Any Three instruments or any number of instruments in ensemble..) (Student Instrumental Course)....) [Xl]. Al] 3 Vol.Building Percussion Technique.. Xilophone ou Marimba et Piano / Francois Dupin 19 p.Marimb] TRIOS PARA PLACAS __(023. (128 p.Vib.…Contemporary Vibraphone Technique: A musical Approach / Dave Samuels..01/001).Marimb..0310/001).. Marimb.01/002)..02/002).......Mallet Soloist / Saul Feldstein.0311/002). 88 p. [Glock.. [Plac.Mallet Student / Saul Feldstein. (54 p. For Snare Drum. Guit] CUARTETOS PARA PLACAS __(023. [Xil. __(023. ..02/003). SOLOS PARA PERCUSION LATINA __(024.Uribe...0315/001). 132 p. Henry Adler.02/004)....0310/001). BANCO DE MÚSICA . Latin American Rhythms instruments / Humberto Morales. 33 p. [ __(024...... __(024.328 p. 33 p. + 1 CD. 33 p..Latin and Caribbean Rhythms / Mac Gollehon.02/001).. SOLOS PARA PERCUSION LATINA __(024. Horns and Strings / Ed. ESTUDIOS PARA PERCUSION LATINA __(024. Guitar. Piano..01/001)..Authentic Bongo Rhythms / Bob Evans. METODOS PARA PERCUSION LATINA __(024..57 p. __(024...Conga Town: Percussion Ensembles for upper elementary and Middle School / Jimm Solomon...Brazilian Percussion Manual:Rhythm and Techniques Application for the Drum Set / Daniel Sabanovich..02/002)..The essence os Afro-Cuban Percussion and Drum Set Includes the Ritm section parts for Bass.How to play.... Percusión Latina Pag 1...Authentic Conga Rhythms / Bob Evans. 33 p. + 1 CD METODOS PARA BATERIA __(025.02/001). 79 p.Practical Aplications Using Afro-Caribean Rhythms to Develop Comand and Control of the drumset / Chuck Silverman.Omar Hakim: Let if Flow / [Omar Hakim] 39 p.01/004)......0310/002). ESTUDIOS PARA BATERIA __(025. Foto. SOLOS PARA BATERIA __(025.. 48 p.. 33 p. 41 p....Drum Set principles / Paul Humphrey..: byn + 1 CD __(025.01/003).. Henry Bellson [et al] 48 p.…Billy Cobham by Dising / Billy Cobham. + 1 CD __(025..01/002).The Drumset performer / Steven Houghton.. Bateria Pag 1.…Liberty Devitto off the record / Liberty Devitto..0310/001)..01/001).. __(025. 3 Vol..... + 1 CD BANCO DE MÚSICA . (179 p..Contemporary Brush Techniques / Loulie Bellsan.) + 2 CD. Wendell Yuponce. __(025. . 36 pg [1 Multip. [1 Multip... [1 Multip.. 22 p.. pno __(026. 18 pg [1 Multip.0310/004).. [ BANCO DE MÚSICA . pno] __(026.2: Pour caisse claire.. Multipercusión Pag.0310/006).A la Maniere de No. [1 Multip.Mouvements: pour instruments … percusion et piano / Georges Delerue. Panache / Jacques Delecluse.0310/007).. pno] __(026.......pno] __(026.A la Maniere de No. pno] __(026.... 10 p. pno] __(026...0311/001)....Danse / Simone Ple.0310/005). 17 p..Trois Dances Païennes pour instruments a percussion et piano / Serge Baudo.0310/001).. Cymbale suspendue et piano / Francois Dupin....3:pour caisse claire et accesoires avec accompagment de piano.Drumset II:Suite pour instruments a percussion et piano. 11 p. 6 pg [1Mult...0310/003).. pno] __(026.0310/010). 6 p...pno] __(026.. 24 pg [1 Multip.: (21 p.A la Maniere de No.A la Maniere de No.Courtes Pieces Album No.. 6 p.. ) [1Multip.6: pour Caisse-Claire. [1 Multip. Francois Dupin.0310/002). 2 Vol.pno] __(026.Set pieces: Pour percussion et piano (ad libitum) / Marcel Jorand..Danse:pour instruments a percussion et piano / Simone ple.....5:pour deux timbales et xilophone avec accompagnement de piano / Jacques Delecluse..0310/009).Cinq pieces Breves: pour instruments a percusion et piano / Jacques Delecluse. [1 Multip. [1 Multip... pno] __(026..0310/011).. pno] __(026. 50 MULTIPERCUSION __(026.7 / Jaques Delecluse..0310/008).. ] 7 p.. Cuerdas Pag. Pno acc. 1 Op.0313/004).University String Builder / Samuel Applebaum. Scores.0313/005). 46 / Edward Grieg.Treasury of Scales for Orchestra / Leonard B.. Sc] Nivel 2 USA BANCO DE MÚSICA .…Morning: from "Peer Gynt" Suite No. Arr. (Music for String) [Cdas 4 ptes. (230 p.…Lyrischeu Suite für Straichquartett / Alban Berg.0313/001). (541 p. Sc] CUARTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE CUERDAS __(030. 9 p. Sc] __(030.) [Cdas 4 ptes.) [Vl] __(120. (Premios Nacionales de Cultura 1996) __(030.94 ENTRENAMIENTOS PARA CUERDAS __(030. 9 p.0313/002). Arr.A Rhytm A day for Strings.. Smith. Violin / Igor Hudadoff.) (A Rhythm a Day) [Vl] __(030.. (Philharmonia: Partituren.) [ Cdas 4 Ptes.. Sc] __(030. 91 p.. 5 Tom.…Cuatro piezas para cuarteto de cuerdas / Luis Guillermo Quijano R.…String quartets for begining ensembles... 3 Vol.01/002). Joseph Knaus. (Music for String) [Cdas 4 ptes.01/001)... Donald Fraser...01/015).. (78 p..0313/003). / Arr.. 4 Vol (40 p.... Donald Fraser. Partitions) __(030. 3 Vol..…Theme form "The planets" (I vow to thee my country) / Gustav Hols. 32 p. .Rieding.. Pierre Dounkan 59 p.... 47 p.....) (L'ecole du violon) [Vl] __(031.02/004). 53 p... 154 p. [Vl] __(031.) [Vl] __(031. pno] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] __(031..02/012)..0310/015). 79 p...01/010).Iniciacao An violino com base no folclore musical brasileiro / Emmanuel Coelho Maciel.0310/022)..01/014)..01/015).01/017). __(031.) [Vl] __(031.. Szervanszky.... 23 p.01/002)..La Technique Superieure de L'Archet pour violon / Lucien Capet.School of violin technics / Otakar Sevick. 41 p. 1 Exercises in the first position for violin / Otakar Sevick.Fiddlinn for fun functionally / Patty Nicholas. 15 p.: byn. __(031... 66 p.... 22 p. fotocopia.36 Etudes Violin Solo: Complete opus 20 / Kayser...01/009).: byn..... 25 (1st..L'abc de Jeune violoniste: Cahier 3. 86 p..: byn __(031.01/008).. opus 9 / Otakar Secvik... 3rd and 5th position) / O...Biblioteca del pequeño Violinista / Vladimir Vulfman.Suzuki Violin School / Suzuki Method International... Op.. 23 p.01/007).36 Etüdes: Für die violine Opus 20 / Heinrich Ernst Kayser. (L'ecole du violon) [Vl] __(031.Adventures in Violinland / Shirley Givens.02/011).. 70 p...02/006).. __(031.1 pour violin et piano en La mineur / J. 31 p. 2. Vol..01/003). 3 ( 212 p... 2 Vol.75 Melodius and progresive Studies: Opus 36 / Jacques Mazas.Methode de violon / Sandor..02/014). Vol..77 Variations on Suzuki Melodies. 2 (XI..02/013).. 52 p.02/008).36 Etüdes (Capricen) : Für Violine Solo / Fr.Concerto in A minor.... Rieding.01/001).. __(031. Jean Francois Gonzales. 44 p. 2 Vol (80 p. (L'Ecole Du Violon) [Vl] __(031. 49 p.. Xl.....01/018).... Op.Concertino No.La enseñanza del Violín / Krassimira Vasseva.. VIOLÍN Pag. Foto.. Op. [Vl] __(031.01/020). __(031. (Colecao Saci Perere) [Vl].. (103 p. 30 Etudes preliminares / Pierre Doukan...Escalas: Libro 1 / Vladimir Volfan.... 20 p. il.02/003)... (126 p.pno] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] __(031. [Vl. 148 p... 24 (1st. Vol. Rieding... (Music for violin) [Vl] __(031.. Leonard. Il.. [Vl.. Arr.. Op.School of violin technics: Op. 2 Vol. __(031....Methode de violon: Debutants / Bruno Garlej..35 (1st position) / O.) [Vl] __(031. 22 (1st position) / F..School of violin technics: Book One / Exercises for promoting dextery in the various positions for violin / Henry Schradiekc. 64 p... (A Kalmus Classic Edition) [Vl].Metodo de Violín / Valdimir Vulfman.01/005). 55 p.L'ABC Du Jeune Violiniste: Methode complete pour debutants / Jean Lenert.pno] __(031.. 33 p....01/011). 3rd and 5th position) / D Rieding..01/012)..pno] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] __(031. Fiorillo.Escuche y toque Libro 1 y 2: Basado en el método de enseñanza de violin de Chinichi Suzuki / Jhon Kendall. 58 p. 23 p... [Vl] __(031.0310/023). [Vl] METODOS PARA VIOLIN __(031. Accolaÿ .…Position changing for the violin: Exercise and melodies for class and individual use / Neil Mckay.. 49 p.. 7 Vol. (315 p. 26 p. 130 p. Mathieu Erick Boom... Seitz....02/002)..02/001).B.Thirty progressive Exercises: Op.. __(031..Forty-Two Studies or caprices: for Violin / Rodolphe Kieutzer.02/007).Op.. [Vl...0310/019).Violín: 12 estudios / Armando Toledo. [Vl.02/009). Vol. (Cuadernos de música: guía para maestros) __(031. 51 p.. [ Vl. 190 p. pno] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] BANCO DE MÚSICA .0310/020)...) il.. Max Rostal.) (Kalmus String Serie ) __(031.. __(031.Winmmer String Aventure Series) __(031.. Arr. Jardanyl. 38 for the violin with accompaniment of second violin / Jacob Dont... Revidiert Von Hans Sitt...... [Vl] __(031.Concertino in D.El Violín / Olga Chamorro... 1.01/004).Preparatory Excercises in double-stopping:for the violin.La iniciación en el Violín II: selección de piezas del repertorio universal para los primeros Grados / Armando Toledo.... 61 p. __(031. __(031..Concertino in G... (Kalmus String Series) [Vl] __(031. [Vl] SOLOS PARA VIOLIN __(031. Violin y Flechas: Para pedagogos y estudiante de violin / Fredy Muñoz Navarro. (100 p.. [Vl] __(031.. Vol.. pno ] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] __(031. (L'ecole du violon) [Vl] __(031. 19 p.: byn (Givens .Etudes progressives en 14 cahiers / Pierre Doukan..…Petite gymnastique du jeune violinste: The young violonist's daily dozen / H. (Edition Nationale de Musique Calassique ) __(031.) [Vl] __(031...Arco.0310/018).01/013)... 27 p. 1 Part....01/021)..Concerto in D.Scale Studies: for the Violin / Jan Hrimaly. [Vl] __(031..02/005).21 (1st and 3rd position) / O.. [Vl.01/019).02/010). (A Kalmus Classic Edition) [Vl] __(031. __(031. 1..01/006). 15 p.Concerto in B minor. 52 ESTUDIOS PARA VIOLIN __(031.... 113 p..Das Skalensystem: Scale System le Systeme de Gammes / Carl Flesch.. Technique Builders for Violin / Willian Starr. 4 vol.School of Mechanism for the violin / Charles Danela.01/016).. 39 p..... .Lilia Vásquez.0310/008).. __(031.Concerto in D. [4Vl] __(031... [Vl. pno] __(031.0310/024). 7 (3rd and 5Th position) / F...0310/014). 193 p..Konzert d moll: fur zwei Violine... [Vl. 57 p. 24 p.Konzert fur Violine und Orchester: C-dur..Concerto in A major. Artur F..Concerto in B flat Major.... 70 p..0310/007).pno] __(031..acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Vl..For Violin an Orchestra / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.Lilia Vásquez. (Belwin Course for string) [2Vl] __(031.0310/004).0312/003).. [3Vl] __(031.pno.Vl. Elizabeth A..Book Two / Samuel Applebaum.. 25 p.. [Vl. 53 __(031.... [Vl..... 48 p. 51 p.. [3Vl] CUARTETOS PARA VIOLIN __(031.Duets for Strings. Ut majeur / Joseph Haydn....... 50 p.. [Vl. 49 p.. 48 p.Konzert fur Violine und Orchester: C-dur.Konzert in a-moll: fur Violine. Ut mmajeur / Joseph Haydn..Book two / Samuel Applebaum.0310/013)...0310/005).Vl..0312/002)..] __(031. 12 p.. [Vl... 32 p..Vl.Duets for Strings.. Arr..Vl. 25 p. 16 p....0311/007).Seitz.0311/006)...For Violin an Orchestra / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. __(031. Arr. Op.0310/026)..Fun with the violin / Bill Bay. Streicher and Basso continuo / Johann Sebastian Bach..Book One / Samuel Applebaum 17 p. Streicher and Basso continuo / Johann Sebastian Bach. acc.23: G dur / G major... __(031.Warm-Up and Play for violin: A collection of student pieces form classic to contemporary composers featuring correlated warm-up. Rieding...... 124 p.Vl.9 für violine und orchester A-Moll / Charles Auguste de Beriot.0310/011)..0313/001). pno..0310/016). pno. (Belwin Course for string) [2Vl] __(031. 32 p.. C major..H.. pno] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] __(031... [Vl. [2Vl.0310/021).pno] __(031.Drei Sonaten und drei Partiten: fur Violino solo / Johann Sebastian Bach. __(031...] BANCO DE MÚSICA .Konzert in E-dur: fur Violine..Duets for Strings... 32 p.. 22 p.0310/002).0310/017).. [Vl] __(031..acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Vl.Kadensen Nr.Vl.] __(031. 40 p.).. Isaac..Vl.] __(031... [2Vl..pno] __(031..../2 Tom. [Vl. (60 p. Arr.Vl.... pno] (Easy concertos and concertinos for Violin and Piano) [Vl] __(031.0311/004). Green. (154 p.Orchester-Probespiel Violine / Karin Broerries. For violin and Orchestra / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.0311/003)..22 für violine und orchester A-Moll / Giovanni Batista Vioti. [4Vl. __(031...Fiddle Sessions / Arr. [2Vl.Higland / Etling Violin quartet series: Book 2 / Merle J.V...pno] __(031...Concerto in G. 33 p..Vl.)...0312/001). pno] __(031..0310/001).. pno] __(031. Wendt..For violin and Orchestra / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart..Book one / Samuel Applebaum. IV. TRIOS PARA VIOLIN __(031. 2 Vol.Concerto in D major..Book three / Samuel Applebaum..... 17 p. 39 p.Kadensen Nr. pno..Vl __(031.Sessions for string trios: A multi-pupose collection of single pieces and complete works in the lower positions / Vicente Oddo... Siennicki. __(031.24 p.0310/010). Streicher and Basso continuo / Johan Sebastian Bach.Vl.0313/002)....Concerto in G..0311/005)..... [Vl.Kanon: fur drei Violinen und Basso continuo oder Streichorchester / Johann Pachelbel.Book Tthree / Samuel Applebaum. Arr.Kadenzen zum viotti-konzert Nr.. Lilia Vásquez 47 p.pno] __(031. VIOLÍN Pag..Concerto in D major..Trios for all: playade on any Three instruments or any number of instruments in ensemble / Kenneth Henderson. 63 p...Chamber Music for two String instruments. 54 p. Albert Stoutamire. DUETOS PARA VIOLIN __(031... C major... Violine und Orchester / Paul Klengel. 34 p [Vl.0310/012).0311/002).Easy pieces for Three violins / Alfred Böckmann.acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Vl. 28 p. For Violin and Orchestra / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.Chamber Music for two String instruments... __(031.0310/005).Chamber Music for two String instruments. Op.0310/003).0310/009). Livingston Gearthat... 34 (1st position) / O.. Lilia Vásquez. Arr. (Belwin Course for string) [2Vl] __(031. 46 p...0310/025)... __(031.Higland / Etling Violin quartet series: Book 1 / Edmund J.Lilia Vásquez..0311/001)... 54 ### ### ### ### ### ### BANCO DE MÚSICA . VIOLÍN Pag. ....Suzuki viola School.. [Vla] DUETOS PARA VIOLA __(032. __(032.01/007). __(032.. 16 p..... Arr...01/002). / Arr..02/004).pno.02/004). Volume II / Paul Klengel.Vla.01/014).8 for Viola (Alto): Changes of position & preparatory scale studies / 25 p... 16 p....acc] __(032..Sevcik Op.0310/002)...Duets for Strings Book one / Samuel Applebaum.Metode D'Alto: Debutants / Bruno Garlej..01/010)...Sevcik Op.3 Volumenes (152 p.) [Vla..) [Vla...pno....0310/001).01/008)..Fereol Mazas.02/001).. Kenneth Henderson.0310/001).Duets for Strings....acc] __(032.....02/004)...0311/002)....Suzuki viola School. Renee Benoit.fot. Vla..acc] __(032.0312/001)...Vla.01/013).: il..Das Skalensystem fur Viola / Carl Flesch...Vla.Album of classical pieces:for viola and piano.viola part: Volume I / Shinichi Suzuki.:byn..)..Vla __(032... 17 p..Vla. Vol 2 (32 p. __(032... [Vla] __(032. __(032. 17 p. [2Vla. 49 p..Forty-two Studies for the Violin: Transcribed for the viola / Rodolphe Kreutzer. Phyllis Rowe. Book I / Jacques....01/015).book Three / Samuel Applebaum.) [Vla] __(032.. 75 p.30 Etudes Speciales for Viola: Opus 36...Sevcik Op....Suzuki viola School. Vol 4 (31 p.. Vol 2 (27 p..02/003).) [Vla] __(032.... 2 Vol..2 Part 1: School of Bowing Tecniquefor Viola / 44 p.Vla.Vla...Sevcik Op. [2Vl] __(032..) [Vla] SOLOS PARA VIOLA __(032. 2: School of bowing technique for viola (alto) / 33 p.book two / Samuel Applebaum. __(032..L'ABC du jeune altiste: Transcription de l'ABC du jeune violoniste.01/012). 55 ESTUDIO PARA VIOLA __(032..L'Ecole de L'Alto: Etudes originales et progressive pour alto en 6 volumenes/ Frederic Laine... Jean-Francois Gonzales....Otacar Sevcik Opus 3: Forty variations for Viola / 24 p..01/006)..Vla..Chamber Music for two string instruments. [2Vla.0311/003)..01/009).Vla.. __(032...acc] __(032.Vla. __(032.pno. __(032.viola part: Volume III / Shinichi Suzuki.Sevcik Op.Trios for all.. [2Vla.Sevcik Op.Book two / Samuel Applebaum. Vol 1 (23 p..02/004).02/002)..pno.. Viola Pag.68 p.(122 p..Vla...1 Part 2: School of Technique for viola (alto) / 45 p. 17 p. 9: Preparatory studies in double-stopping for viola (alto) / 22 p..Sevcik Op.117 p.Duets for Strings....Sevcik Op. __(032.01/004).. __(032..Vla.acc] __(032... __(032./Anne-Genevieve Auvray..viola part: Volume IV / Shinichi Suzuki...1 Part 1: School of Technique for viola (alto) / 40 p...0311/001).Chamber Music for two string instruments..): il.01/003)...Suzuki viola School. 32 p......pno. MÉTODOS PARA VIOLA __(032. Jean Lenert. [2Vl] __(032.Fun with the viola / Bill Bay..Vla..0310/001).Vla. Book three / Samuel Applebaum.Vla. Volume I / Paul Klengel.).36 Studies for Viola: Opus 20 (Elementary and Progressive) / Kayser Heinrich Ernst... [ 2Vl] TRIOS PARA VIOLA __(032.Warm-Up and play for viola: A collectionof student pieces form classic tocontemporary composers feturing correlated warm-up exercises... albert Stoutamire / 25 p.Vla __(032..viola part: Volume II / Shinichi Suzuki..Vla.......:col..Methode Elementaire D'Alto: D'apres la Celebre Methode de Violon de Maurice Hauchard / Henry Benoit... __(032. __(032. (84 p. Vol 1 (32 p.0311/006). 51 p...2 Part 2: School of Bowing Tecnique for Viola(alto) / 32 p.Praktische Bratschenschule / Carl Herrmann.01/011).1 Parts 3 & 4: School of technique for viola (alto) / 44 p.fot.0311/005).. 2 Vol....Chamber Music for two string instruments.. [Vla] ENSAMBLES PARA VIOLA BANCO DE MUSICA ....01/005). 16 p. 70 p.Album of classical pieces:for viola and piano. __(032..book one / Samuel Applebaum... 33 p. Vol 3 (24 p.. Foto.. __(032.01/001).) [Vla] __(032.0311/004). 2 Vol... [Vla] BANCO DE MUSICA . 56 __(032. (72 p.).Ensembles for Viola / Suzuki Methodo International.0315/001). Viola Pag... Arr... [2Vc.: col.01/012).Melodische und progressive Etuden fur violoncello: opus 31 / Sebastian Lee. [Vc. Arr..Methode de Violoncelle: Debutants / Odile Bourin. 16 p... 24 p. Arr. 4 Vol. 48 p...02/004).. 88 p..01/009).Ensembles for cello Suzuki Method International .. [Vc] __(033.....Melodische und progressive etuden fur viloncello opus 31 / Sebastian Lee.Trios for All.0311/001).Vc MÉTODOS PARA VIOLONCHELO __(033.. 44 p.. Loeb. Arr. Feuilllard.01/001).Vierzig Leichte Etuden in der ersten lage fur violoncello: Opus 70 / Sebastian Lee... Arr.40 Studies High School of Cello Playing: Opus 73 / David Popper.02/003).01/004)... Wolfgang Boettcher.: byn...... 33 p. 89 p. Doigtées et annotées / L. il.pno..113 studies for cello:_ Book 1 (Nos.02/005). Vol. Feuillard.La tecnique du violoncelle: Huit volumes D'Etudes Progressives choisies.94 ESTUDIOS PARA VIOLONCHELO __(033...... 20 p. Vc __(033.......01/008).. 17 p.0311/002).: col..R.Five studies in major and minor for cello alone: Opus 67 / Dimitri Kabalevsky.. [2Vc] (Belwin Course for strings) [Vc] TRIOS PARA VIOLONCHELO __(033....Chamber music for two string instruments / Samuel Applebaum... 1-34) / Justus Johann Dotzauer.pno.0312/001). 3 Vol.Fifteen studes for the cello: Opus 76 / David Popper.. Vc __(033. Albert Stoutamire. (145 p.Duets for strings: Book Three / Samuel Applebaum... Vc __(033..78 p.... 5 Vol. Arr..Warm-up and play for cello A collection of student pieces from classic to contemporary compeser feature correlated warm-up / Arr.pno.01/010).. Vc __(033.. [3Vc] BANCO DE MÚSICA ... [Vc] SOLOS PARA VIOLONCHELO __(033. [2Vc] (Belwin Course for strings) [Vc] __(033... [2Vc] (Belwin Course for strings) [Vc] __(033...01/002).02/002).Chamber music for two string instruments / Samuel Applebaum.Duets for Strings: Book Two / Samuel Applebaum.02/001).Bernhard Schmidt. 16 p.01/005).0311/003). Vc __(033.. [Vc] __(033. 15 p.. Vc __(033.acc] DUETOS PARA VIOLONCHELO __(033.. 24 p. Dotzauer. 87 p.Vc __(033...Trumb Position for Beginners: Easy pieces for cello duet and cello / piano / Pat Legg & Alan Gout.01/015).. 32 p... (92 p.Methode du jeune violoncelliste / L...01/017).0311/005).01/007).. 63 p.. 29 p. [Vc] __(033.0311/001)... Phyllis Rowe. 76 p........ 20 p.: byn.. 8 p.15 Easy studies preparatory to studies: Opus 76 & 73 for cello (with Cello II ad libitum) / David Popper.acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Vc] __(033. Vc __(033. Hugo Becker... Vc __(033....Studies Preparatory to the High School of cello playing:Opus 76 / David Popper..Suzuki Cello School Cello part: Revised Editon / Suzuki Method International...J..: 1.113 Violoncello-Etuden: Book I / J. __(033.acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Vc] __(033.Vc __(033....01/013)...Vc __(033.....Zwolf melodishe Etuden fur violoncello: opus 113 / Sebastian Lee. Vc __(033..Gordonkaiskola: / Friss Antal....Le violoncelle contemporarin / Jacques Wiederker...01/006). [Vc] __(033.. 7 Tom. 25 p. Playable on any Three instruments or any number of instruments in ensemble / Kennet Henderson.. Rick Mooney..Das Skalensystem fur violoncello / Carl Flesch..0310/001).... [2Vc....: 2.Vc...01/014).)... 113 p.Gammes et Arpeges / J.. 17 p..Duets for strings: Book One / samuel Applebaum.). 24 p.113 Studies for the cello: Book 4 / Justus Johann Dotzuer.. Vol..High school of cello playing for the cello: Opus 73 / David Popper.01/016).. 48 p. foto. byn... 28 p.. [Vc] __(033.01/003)...01/011).. (395). 88 p.Vc __(033. foto..R.F... VIOLONCHELO Pag. Foto.0310/002). Vc __(033. Hugo Becker.... Hugo Becker.. Vc __(033.. Book three / Samuel Applebaum. 2 Vol.Chamber music for two strings.).. 15 p..Technique de la contrebasse / Bernard Salles. 2 Vol... [2Cb] (Belwin Course for Strings) [Cb] BANCO DE MÚSICA . 61 p. foto.. 16 p. 16 p....Chamber music for two strings.pno...0311/005)..Book one / Samuel Applebaum. [Cb] DUETOS PARA CONTRABAJO __(034. CONTRABAJO Pag.Ma Premiere Annee de Contrabasse / Jean-Loup Dehant.. 2 Vol....Chamber music for two strings.01/001).......0311/002)..Book two / Samuel Applebaum.. (VIII. 54 p.acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Cb] __(034.. 61 p.01/002). [2Cb] (Belwin Course for Strings) [Cb] __(034... [Cb] __(034..110 Studies for string bass: Opus 20 / Wilhelm Sturm.... [2Cb.Duets for strings.).. 15 p.. [2Cb] (Belwin Course for Strings) [Cb] __(034. [Cb] __(034.. il.acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Cb] __(034.. [Cb] __(034..02/006).: (148 p. [2Cb.02/002)...)..0310/002). [Cb] METODOS PARA CONTRABAJO __(034.Fun with the bass / Bill Bay...0311/006).0311/004)..Book two / Samuel Applebaum.Cb __(034.: byn...Yorke studies for double bass / Yorke Edition.: byn [Cb] __(034. VIII.acc] (Samuel Applebaum course for strings) [Cb] __(034. [Cb] __(034.02/004)..: byn.94 ESTUDIOS PARA CONTRABAJO __(034... 69 p.. [Cb] __(034.. 32 p.0311/003). 104 p.. (42 p. 16 p.Suzuki Bass School: Bass part / Suzuki Method International.02/005)...Nouvelle Technique de la contrebasse: Methode complete et progressive / Francois Rabbath.Enseignement Complet de la Contrabasse a 4 et 5 cordes / Edouard Nanny 2 Vol. foto...Book three / Samuel Applebaum.Technique de la contrebasse / Bernard Salles.. [2Cb.pno. (89 p.02/001). 61 p..Duets for strings...Duets for strings.Book one / Samuel Applebaum.: byn...)..02/003).0310/001)... 16 p.. [Cb] SOLOS PARA CONTRABAJO __(034..pno..Technique de la contrebasse / Bernard Salles...0311/001). il.. .0312/005). 4 Perc] __(121. Gustavo Parra. Samuel Pottle. Juan Gabriel Osuna. Arr..0312/009)...PreOrquesta nivel 1: El puente de Aviñón / Arr...... Marcela García. Marcela García... Arr. __(121. 10 p. tiple] __(121. __(121. 2 Met.0312/012).. 2Met..PreOrquesta nivel 3: Andante / Igor R. Arr. 3 p.0312/013).0312/011). Arr... [Xil. Marcela García...PreOrquesta nivel 2: Tema del show de los muppets / Jim Henson. 2 Per ] BANCO DE MUSICA . Arr.59 OBRAS PARA PRE-ORQUESTA __(121... 4 p.El Gallo Pinto (Canción tradicional) / Anónimo.PreOrquesta nivel 0 (sensorial): La tejedora / Arr. __(121.0312/001).. __(121.. 3 Perc] __(121.0312/002).. Arr.. __(121..Pequeño Vals / Jairo Rincón Gómez. 1 Sistro. 6 p.. Marcela García... __(121.. 4 p. __(121. __(121. Arr. Met. Juan Gabriel Osuna.. Stravinski.0312/011).0312/010)..0312/012). 3 p.. 6 p..... 1 fl.Pasa el Batallón (Canción Tradicional) / Arr. [ 2Met... [2 Xil... Gustavo Parra. Juan Gabriel Osuna.. 6 p.PreOrquesta nivel 1: Vamos pastorcitos / Arr. __(121..PreOrquesta nivel 0 (sensorial): Dos Por diez / Arr.PreOrquesta nivel 3: Pequeña Canción / Dimitri Kabalesvski. Arr. __(121.. Gustavo Parra. Marcela García. Arr. 4 p. 4 p. Arr...El tiple y el pañolón (Guabina) / Marcela García.PreOrquesta nivel 2: Rudolph.0312/011). [2 Xil.. 3 Perc.. 3 p. 3fl... __(121... 5 p..PreOrquesta nivel 4: Minueto y trio / Luigi Bocherini.0312/009)..... el reno de la nariz roja / Johnny Marks.0312/004). Leonor Pieschacón... 11 p. 6 p.PreOrquesta nivel 1: Arrurrú de la luna / Olga Lucía Jiménez. Voz..PreOrquesta nivel 4: Sumercé Querida / Luis Lleras Codazzi.. PRE-ORQUESTA Pag. __(121.. 2fl. Juan Gabriel Osuna...0312/010).0312/013). Juan Gabriel Osuna..PreOrquesta nivel 3: Minueto / Ludwing Van Beethoven.. Juan Diego Gómez.. pno.PreOrquesta nivel 2: Mi burrito sabanero / Hugo Blanco. Gustavo Parra.. Marcela García. Marcela Gracía... Y Juan Gabriel Osuna. Gustavo Parra.. __(121....Tres Hojitas Madre (Canción tradicional española) / Arr.0312/003)...0312/009). __(121. 2 p.PreOrquesta nivel 0 (sensorial): El Trompo Gordito / Marcela García. [Fl. Xil Bj... 3 p. 6 p.0312/012). 2 p..0312/010). Voz. Rafael Rubio. 4 p. 4 Perc] __(121.PreOrquesta nivel 4: Canción de cuna / Johannes Brahms... 6 p. __(121. Arr. Arr..0312/013). . __(100.0310/020)..Drei Orchesterstücke: Op.Four orchestral works / Sergei Prokofiev . ORQUESTA pág 60 ENTRENAMIENTOS PARA ORQUESTA __(100... 83 p.Passio et Mors Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Secundum Lucan / Krzysztof Penderecki.. Perc..Robbins Landon.Night on the Bare Mountain / Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. __(100..Piano Concertos Nos... 267 p.. __(100.. 80 p..... Alt...Grand Canyon Suite/Ferde Grof‚. [ __(100.. __(100.... 27 p. Arr.0310/067).40 p. __(100..0310/038). __(100.0310/028). 157 p. __(100.117 p..0310/006)....Calvalcade for orchestra / Martin Butler. Arr.0310/040).173 p.Romeo and Juliet Overture and Capriccio italien in full score / Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky. __(100..Concerto for Orchestra / Béla Bartok.Pierrot lunaire Op. 58 p. 12-16 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart... Scores.0310/054)... Vicente Gerbasi[Letra].0310/022).Great romantic cello concertos in full score / Robert Schumann.0310/044).. (Oxford Music for orchestra) __(100. 449 p. __(100... Manuel Rodriguez Cardenas [Letra]. [ BANCO DE MUSICA . [ __(100. 11-16 In full score: with Mozart's Cadenzas for Nos. 411 p.Pini di Roma: Poema Sinfonico / Ottorino Respigui.. 40 p. 1 miniature score / Aran Khachaturian.. __(100.0310/058)..... VI..0310/046).0310/055)... Perc.0310/013).. 193 p..... 366 p... Helmut May. Arr.W.. __(100.101 rhythmic rest patterns ..... Plac.. __(100.. __(100.0310/062). Ernst Praetorius. Helmut May / 50 p. __(100...0310/045).0310/032). Antonin Dvorak. (484 p.. Vla. Claude Smith... __(100. __(100.Ala Et Lolly: Suite Scythe pour grand orchestre.0310/002)....Gayaneh ballet suite No. 24 p. [ __(100. __(100.0310/012). Sax. Sc. 206 p. H. H.... 430 p..Symphonic techniques for band and orchestra . __(100. __(100...Complete london symphonies in full score: series II Nos... Arr.Celebration Overture / Philip Lane. 32 p..Bolero (1928) / Maurice Ravel (1875-1937).Four symphonies in full score / Franz Schubert .. Arr.0310/053).. __(100..Dances from terpsichore / Michael Praetorius. 99-104 / Joseph Haydn . 198 p...Appalachian Spring: (Ballet for Martha) / Aaron Copland.Peter and the wolf: A musical tale for children / Serge Prokofieff. 135 p. Fred Weber..) [(1-1-1-1)(1-1-1-1) Plac...Ma mere l'Oye: Cinq Pieces Enfantines / Maurice Ravel.0310/003)....Gayaneh ballet Suite No. Cdas a 5 partes. 93-98 / Joseph Haydn .Cecilia Mujica (Ballet Nacionalista Sinfonico-coral)/Angel Sauce. 76 p. 83 p.Chamber Symphony / John Adams. __(100. __(100.0310/039)....Orchestra rehearsal fundamentals / Merle Isaac... Ernst Praetorius. (352 p. __(100. __(100... 2 miniature score / Aran Khachaturian..Suite of Costwold folkdances/Philip Lane.. [ __(100. Partitions) __(100.. __(100. 90 p. Arr..Complete symphonies in full score / Robert Schumann .. Sc] SOLO SCORES PARA ORQUESTA __(100.0310/018)....C..... 108 p...0310/065). 256 p.... 321 p.Musik der romantik partitur / Arr. Andre Caplet..0310/050). Schlagzeug und Celesta / Béla Bartok. Camille Saint-Saens..[ __(100.Concerto pour la main gauche: Piano et Orchestre / Maurice Ravel.... 264 p..Adagio for Strings / Samuel Barber...Complete concerti grossi in full score / Arcangelo Corelli. __(100.. 16 Tom.Complete concerti grossi in full score / George Frideric Handel. Robbins Landon... __(100.... 150 p. [ __(100. XV...... (595 p.0310/064).... Opus 20 / Serge Prokofieff. (1-1-1-1)(1-1-1-1) Plac.. Clara Schumann.La Valse: In full score / Maurice Ravel...0310/001).Neue musik partitur/ Arr.0310/059). __(100.146 p....0310/026).0310/049).. 377 p... 16 Tom.Poema de sombra y fuego/Gerando Americo Gerulewicz. [ __(100..68 p. 114 p.Complete london symphonies in full score: Series I Nos.01/003).Symphonies 88-92 in full score / Joseph Haydn.. A.. 244 p... __(100.. 40 p. Vl. Partiture / Arnold Schoenberg.0310/036)..Piano Concertos Nos..0310/034).01/002). (Orchester-Schulwerk) __(100.El maleficio de la Luna roja/Francisco Rodrigo. __(100. Arr.. 17-22 In full Score: with Mozart's Cadenzas for Nos.0310/060).0310/019). [ __(100. (Kalmus Orchestra Library) __(100.. 138 p.. 8 and 9 in full score / Ludwing Van Beethoven. Johannes Brahms.. 303 p.. Cb __(100..0310/004).A Second Book of Assembly Music for School Orchestra / Arr.Musik für Saiteninstrumente. Vla.....0310/030).. __(100.......Symphonie fantastique and Harold in Italy in full score / Hector Berlioz ..... Arr. 257 p. Benoy. [ __(100....) [(1-1-1-1)(1-1-1-1) Timb. 7 p. Perc. Grover Yaus...0310/043). 65 p.) [Clbj....0310/014).. 71 p.0310/047). 58 p.. __(100..Symphonies Nos..... 6 / Alban Berg. 23 p.0310/066).Le tombeau de Couperin / Maurice Ravel. 101 p.C. __(100...01/001).0310/005). 21..0310/023).Children's corner suite for orchestra: conductor's score / Claude Debussy . Felix Weingartner....0310/048)...Les Noces: Scenes Choregraphiques Russes / Igor Stravinsky. 15 Tom.Raiders March: From the Paramount Motion Picture Raiders of teh Lost Ark) / John Williams.Petite Suite: Pour Orchestre / Andre Ameller..0310/031)... 173 p. Vc. (Orchester Schulwerk) __(100. 85 p. 17-19 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.0310/027).0310/029)..Cb..0310/011).. (Philarmonia: Partituren. Charles Malherbe. 113 p... Lewis Roth... Arr...0310/052)..0310/007). 109 __(100... .none shown on manuscript No.. Arr.0311/002).. 5 No.. __(100. Mozart No... __(100.6 oeuvres de 6 compositeurs: Feuilles vives pour orchestre ..0310/008)...0310/021).F Minor Op. 4 Reflets sur feuilles / Henri Sauguet No..D Minor Op.Violin Concerto No. 140 p.C Major Op.. 3) (Scotch) / Felix Mendelssoohn No. Philip Gordon. 3 Mystérieux et intense / Max Pinchard No. 92: Dedicated to Count Imperial Moritz von Fries No. Tod und Verklärung. Guy Lacour. __(100.. 21: Dedicated to Baron Van Swieten No.. Don Quixote.The Romance of the Rose / Michael Berkeley.0310/010).0310/009). BANCO DE MUSICA . 1 Symphony I .0310/056). Op...... 76 p...The young person's guide to the orchestra: Variations and Fugue on a theme of purcell: Opus 34 / Benjamin Britten.Two Fanfares for Orchestra / John Adams. 54 p. No. 137. 10 y Op. Op...... 36 Dedicated to Prince Karl Lichnowsky No.. 22-34 in full score / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. __(100..0311/009). 29 p... / Arnold Schoenberg.... 36 p.0310/063)....Variationen für Orchester.... 337 p.0310/024). Op. [ __(100. No. 6 Divertimento.. 5 Pastel / Francois Vercken No. 53 Imperial ) / Joseph Haydn No.. __(100. 3 / Franz Liszt No. 282 p.F Major Op.2 / Béla Bartok. No.0310/033).Tone poems: series I.. 7 / Arcangelo Corelli No. 5 Minuetto (From Symphony No... 289 p. 3 Symphony III . 1 Sonata (Op 4. Tchaikovsky No.. 17-21: In C Major / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. __(100.0310/016).. __(100. 9 Symphony IX .. Op.) No.. 1 Scherzando / Jean Michel Damase No.Symphonies Nos.B Flat Major Op. 33) / Sergei Prokofieff __(100. 8 / Giuseppe Torelli No.Symphonies Nos... Don Juan. K. (473 p.D Major Op..Tone poems: series II in full score / Richard Strauss. 55 ("Eroica"): Dedicated to Prince Franz Joseph von Lobkowitz No. N. (749 p.0310/057). 11 Traditional airs (From for the children I. __(100. 227 p..8 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 2 Christmas concerto..0310/035).The six brandenburg concertos and the four orchestral suites in full score / Johann Sebastian Bach. 8 Symphony VIII .E Flat Major Op. Arr...0310/051).0311/004)..Beethoven: Alfred's complete orchestral parts / Ludwing Van Beethoven..von Lobkowitz and Count von Rasumoffsky No.. 93: Dedication . 1 (Primer movimiento) / Franz Shubert No... 192 p..Symphonies Nos.. __(100...The Planets: Suite for large orchestra: Opus 32 / Gustav Holst. 5 Symphony V . in full score Richard Strauss. 363 p.. 39 y II Nos. 92 p. 7 Sonatina.. 4 Overture / George Frideric Handel No. 37A) / Peter I.. 3 and 4 in full score / Gustav Mahler. COLECCIONES PARA ORQUESTA __(100.Symphonies Nos. [ __(100..C Minor Op. 60: Dedicated to Count Franz von Oppersdorff No. 2 Avec vivacité / Pierre Max Dubois No. 12 March (From the love for three oranges... 9 Tom.Wassail Dances Orchestra / Philip Lane. 4 y 13 )/ Béla Bartók No..A. __(100. 270 (Primer movimiento) / W.0310/025)...Three dances (from gayane ballet) miniature score / Aran Khachaturian. 21 p. __(100. 72 p.The great waltzes in full score / Johann Strauss Jr. 72 p. 9 Consolation No.. 125 ("Choral"): Dedicated to King Friedrich Wilberm III of Prussia..0310/017).0310/061). 81 p..Threnody: To the Victims of Hiroshima for 52 strings / Krzysztof Penderecki. 1 .. [ __(100.The African Trilogy / Neil Diamond.0310/041). [ __(100.. 195 p. __(100..0310/037). 10 Song of the reapers (From the Seasons.0310/042)...68 : Dedicated to Prince Franz J. 6 Symphony VI ... __(100. 285 p. 7 Symphony VII .. 6 Pour les trilles et les notes repetees / Jean Jacques Werner __(100. 98 p. 8 Adagio (From Symphony No. 67: Dedicated to Prince Franz Joseph von Lobkowitz and Count von Rasumoffsky No. Partitur. 17 Tom.... 4 Symphony IV ....The Planets: In full score / Gustav Holst.A Major Op. 3 Suite / Jean Philippe Rameau No. 318 p. 2 Symphony I I .0310/015). [ __(100.4 centuries for orchestra .) [ No. ORQUESTA pág 61 __(100. 11 Our heritage (patriotic (optional chorus) / Robert Schumann No. 7 Two mexican songs (Lullaby-the crickets) (optional chorus) / Traditional No. Felix Mendelssohn No. (461 p..0311/003). 2 O Sacred head Now Wounded / Hans L.. 10 Joyful. Arr. 3 Gypsy dance / Hungarian folk song No. 1 Trumpet parade / Based on an old french No.) No. 9 Kailua (Kai-loo-a-hawaiian song) (optional chorus) / Kamuela Price and Ma Ma Loa No. Charles Gounnod No. Vernon Leidig. Franz J. Bach No. 6 Concertone for orchestra / I. 10 Themes from first symphony / Johannes Brahms. 21 Tom. My heart. Arr. 2 Minuet / J. 3 Thank We Thee Lord / Michaelk Praetorius No. Holy (Sanctus) / Franz Schubert No.. 9 Now thank we all god / Johann Cruger No. 14 Heart of Jesus! Golden Chalice / Bishop Casartelli. the lords is king (Tune-Gopsal) / Charles Wesley..Orchestral holiday .S. 5 Theme from pastorales (From christmas concerto) / Arcangelo Corelli No. Arr. 1 Alleluia! The Strife is Over (Tune-Victory) / Giovanni P. 11 Holy. Lennie Niehaus. Louis Gottschalk No.0311/010). Bach No.(384 p. 3 Tango / James D. Handel BANCO DE MUSICA . joyful we adore thee (tune-Ode to Joy) / Henry Van Dyke. Edward Jurey. Ludwing Van Beethoven No. Mozart No. Franz J. Jeremiah Clark No. [ (409 p. James Ployhar. 7 Careless clyde . 68 No. Op.. I my cross have taken (Tune-Ellesdie) / Henry F.) No. Hassler No. 12 March from riccardo / G. 24 Tom. Mozart No. George F. Van Beethoven No. 5 Lullaby / French tune No. 7 Glorious Things of thee are spoken (Tune-austria) / John Newton. 7 Rigadoon / Henry Purcell No. 2 Arapahoe warriors / Indian Tune No. 1 Two chorales / J. 16 Be Still My Soul (tune-Finlandia) / Katharina vol Schlegel. 11 Classical overture / W. 9 Jesús. Pleyel No. 8 Emperor waltz / Johann Strauss No. Holy.Chorale Masters: Sixteen Chorale Melodies of the Great Masters / 16 Tom. 13 Lord. 5 Chopsticks ( Pizzicato novelty) / Traditional No. Haydn No..A.. 4 The Head taht was onece crowned with thorns / Thomas Kelly.0311/006). 8 O workship The King (tune-Hanover ) / Robert Grant. 5 Awake.0311/005). Haydn No... Da Palestrina No. 9 Western frontier / Traditional No. 26 Tom. Robert Schumann No.. 4 Village festival / Based on a Czech folk song No. 1 Concert march / Henry Purcell No. Wolfgang A... 8 German waltz / Folk Song No. Truth Divine (Tune-Mercy) / Samuel Longfellow. 4 Sonatina in G / L.F. 15 Holy Spirit. 12 O word of god incarnate (Tune-Munich) / William How. 8 We join in song (Honoring graduates or special groups) (optional chorus) / Ludwing Van Beethoven No.S. Handel No. 12 Roving cowboy (optional chorus) / Traditional __(100.) No.) No. speak to me that I may speak (Tune-Canonbury) / Frances Havergal. 2 Poco pizzicato / Lennie Niehaus No... (243 p. 11 Christmas is here / English Carol __(100. 10 O come. 6 Rejoice. Samuel Applebaum.. and sing / Johann S.First orchestra program album ..Early program orchestra folio with optional chorus .. 6 Indian sketches (Quail song and totem pole) / American Indian Songs No. ORQUESTA pág 62 __(100. 4 Two norwegian dances / Edvard Grieg No. Jean Sibelius __(100.the crazy composer (Narration with orchestra) No. 6 Country dance / French Tune No. Ployhar No. 10 Counting song (optional chorus) / Traditional No. 3 Allegretto / Johannes Brahms No. Bach No. little children / German Carol No. Lyte. ORQUESTA pág 63 __(100.0311/007).....Second orchestra program album ; Arr. Edward Jurey, 23 Tom. (239 p.) No. 1 Processional march (From "Iphigenia in aulis") / Christoph W. Gluck No. 2 Morning hymn ((From "Iphigenia in aulis") / Christoph W. Gluck No. 3 The metronome / Edward B. Jurey No. 4 Tyrolienne / Based on an Austrian Dance No. 5 El tanguillo (Little tango) / Edward B. Jurey No. 6 Gallic circle dance / French Folk Dance No. 7 Cathedral chimes / Polish Folk Song No. 8 Christmas greeting ("Pray god bless all folks here, a merry, merry christmas and a happy new year") / Old Rour No. 9 Christmas musette / French Carol No. 10 Two psalms / Heinrich Schütz (a) Sing to the lord a new song (b) As thou art on my side, lord No. 12 Air from the peasant cantata / Johann Sebastian Bach __(100.0311/001).....The blue orchestra album (early performance series) ; Arr. Lennie Niehaus; Vernon Leidig, 27 Tom. (408 p.) No. 1 Grank parade / Traditional No. 2 Le petite (French dance ) / Francois Couperin No. 3 Oriental Lanterns / Chinese Melody No. 4 Vesper Hour / Wolfgang A. Mozart No. 5 The toy drummer (Pizzicato strings) / Lenie Niehaus No. 6 Gavotte / George F. Handel No. 7 March for a puppet / Russian Theme No. 8 Trampin / Spiritual No. 9 Hopak / Lennie Niehaus No. 10 Processional / Felix Meldelssohn No. 11 Tango / Lennie Niehaus No. 12 Christmas medley (Away in a manger - we three kings) / Traditional __(100.0311/007).....Third orchestra program album ; Arr. Edward Jurey, 25 Tom. (264 p.) No. 1 March in C major / Czerney No. 2 German dance / Beethoven No. 3 Indian lament / Wiwok Chant No. 4 Procession of the pilgrims / Jurey No. 5 Tallis canon / Tallis No. 6 Minuet in G minor / Bach No. 7 Kindermarsch (Children's March) / Schubert No. 8 Pat-a-pan / French Carol No. 9 Tomorrow will be christmas No. 10 Two studen songs OBRAS PARA ORQUESTA __(100.0312/127).....Abejas: Orquesta Sinfónica / Gustavo Parra, 65 p. __(100.0312/093).....A christmas festival / Leroy Anderson, 84 p. [Pic(2222)Sax(0210(4331) Perc, Timb, Arp, Org, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/057).....A foggy day / George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 41 p. [(2221)(4331) Timb, Clock, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/097).....A Handel Celebration ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 143 p. [(212Clbj1)Sax(0110)(2221) Perc, Timb, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/068).....A salute to the big apple: Theme from New York, New York ; Arr. Clavin Custer, 161 p. [(21Clbj21) (4331) Timb, Vib, Xilo, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] __(100.0312/119).....A Salute to the Big Bands Arr. Calvin Custer, / 144 p. [(21Clb21)(44331) Timb, Plac, Perc, Pno, Cdas] __(100.0312/087).....A tribute to Henry Mancini / Henry Mancini ; Arr. Calvin Custer, 132 p. [Pic(212Clb1)(4331) Glock, Timb, Xilo, Vib, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] __(100.0312/014).....Air from the peasant cantata / Johann Sebastian Bach ; Arr. Edward Jurey, 31 p. [(1121)Sax(0110) (2310)Arp, Perc, Pno, Cdas] Nivel '1 USA' __(100.0312/099).....American salute: Based on "When Johnny Comes marchine home" / Morton Gould, 89 p. [Pic(22(Cor ing)2Clbj2)(4331) Glock, timb, Perc, Harp, Pno, Guit, Cdas.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/118).....Andantino / Anton Diabelli ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 32 p. [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Guit, Glock, Vib, Perc, BANCO DE MUSICA ORQUESTA pág 64 Timb, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/058).....April in Paris / E. Y: Harburg; Vernon Duke ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 48 p. [(2221)(4331) Timb, Xilo, Perc, Secc rit, Cdas.] __(100.0312/109).....Aquilon suite pour orchestre junior / André Ameller, 111 p. [(1111)Sax(0100)(1210) Perc, timb, Xilo, Glock, Arp, Cdas.] __(100.0312/118).....Ave María / Franz Schubert ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 34 p. [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Guit, Glock, Vib, Perc, Timb, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/100).....Bacchanale from Samson & Delilah / Camille Saint-Saens ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 117 p. [Pic(212Clbj1) Sax(0110)(2221) Timb, Perc, cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/104).....Bach in rock: From Anna Magdalena's notebook / Johann Sebastian Bach ; Arr. Saul Feldstein, 28 p. [(1121)Sax(0100)(1211) Perc, Guit, Cdas.] __(100.0312/096).....Ballet music from Aida / Giuseppe Verdi ; Arr. Marle Isaac, 119 p. [Pic(222Clbj2)(4231) Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/071).....Batman Theme / Neal Hefti ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 30 p. [(1121)(1211) Glock, Perc, Pno, Cdas, Vl3 op.] __(100.0312/018).....Beach boys favorites: California girls / Fun, fun, fun / Brian Wilson; Mike Love ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 38 p. [Timb, (1121)(1211) Timb, Pno, Perc, Cdas(Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/092).....Beach boys medley for orchestra ; Arr. calvin Custer, 128 p. [Pic(2221)(4331) Glock, Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/106).....Bébé rose: Petite suite d'orchestre pour les jeunes / Pierre Max Dubois, 49 p. [(1110)Sax(0110)(1100) Perc, Guit, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/012).....Bercuse and finale "firebird suite" / Igor Stravinsky ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 63 p. [(22(Clbj)22)Sax(0110)(4331) Timp, Pno, Arp, Perc, Cdas.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/078).....Blue tango / Leroy Anderson, 34 p. [Pic(2222)Sax(0210)(4331) Glock, Perc, Cdas] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/059).....Body and soul / John Green ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 40 p. [(2221)(4331) Timb, Glock, Perc, Secc rit, Cdas.] __(100.0312/079).....Brazil (Aquarela do Brasil) / S. K. Russell; Ary Barroso ; Arr. Marty Gold, 72 p. [(2121)(2321) Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas] __(100.0312/107).....Carte postale No 1 lille (Octobre 1984) / Serge Lancen, 45 P. [(2221)Sax(0211)(2210) Timb, Buit, Vib, Pno, Arp, Glock, Perc, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/095).....Cartoon capers (Casper & Popeye) ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 56 p. [(1121)(1211) Perc, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/027).....Chariots of fire / Vangelis ; Arr. Nicholas Hare, 37 p. __(100.0312/113).....Choeur des fiancailles / Richard Wagner ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 32 p. [(222cLBJ1)Sax(1211)(2220) Guit, Arp, Glock, Vib, Perc, Timb, Pno, Org op, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/094).....Christmas - that special time of the year ; Arr. Calvin Custer, 108 p. [Pic(2221)(4331) Glock, Timb, Xilo, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/043).....Clasical overture / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Arr. Samuel Applebaum; James Ployhar, 58 p. [(1121) Sx(0110)(2211) Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas, [Vl3 op.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/086).....Dave brubeck: It's about time / Paul Desmond; Dave Brubeck ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 112 p. [Pic(2221) (4331) Timb, Perc, Cdas, Incluye Bj Electrico.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/112).....Didon et énée "suite de choeurs" / Henry Purcell ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 55 p. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220) Perc, Timb, Vib, Glock, Arp, Guit, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/131).....Die Seitenstetten-Menuette ; Arr. HC Robbins Landon, 57 p. (Diletto Musicale, DM 855) __(100.0312/010).....Divertimento IV / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Arr. Robert Klotman, 35 p. [(2121)Sax(0100)(2211) Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '2 USA'+A120 __(100.0312/002).....Duke Ellington! (a medley for orchestra) / Duke Ellington ; Arr. Calvin Custer, 129 p. [Piic(2222)(4331) Timp, Xilo, Glock, Vib, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/128).....El Camino de la Vida / Hector Ochoa Cárdenas; Arr. Jaime Torres Donneys, 101 p. (Premios Nacionales de Cultura) __(100.0312/080).....El cumbanchero / Rafael Hernandez ; Arr. Marty Gold, 65 p. [(2121)(2321) Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/035).....El relicario / José Padilla ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 69 p. [(22Clb21)Sx(0110)(4231) Timb, Perc, Cdas, Vl3 op.] __(100.0312/029).....Embraceable you / George Gershwin ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 42 p. [(2221)(4331) Timb, Pno, Perc, Cdas] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/017).....(Everything i do) I do it for you: from the motion picture "Robin Hood: Prince of thieves" / Bryan Adams; R. J. Lange; M. Kamen ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 34 p. [(1121)(1211) Glock, Perc, Pno, Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/034).....Farandole: from l'arlesienne suite No 2 / Georges Bizet ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 70 p. [(21Clb21)Sx(0110)(2221) Timb, Perc, Cdas, Vl3 op.] __(100.0312/060).....Fascinating rhythm / Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 85 p. [Picc(2221)(4331) Xilo, Perc, Secc rit, Cdas.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/041).....Finale : from "surprise symphony" / Joseph Haydn ; Arr. Lennie Niehaus; Vernon Leidig, 29 p. [(1121) Sx(0110)(1311) timp, Perc, Pno, Cdas] __(100.0312/126).....First Essay for Orchestra / Samuel Barber, 97 p. __(100.0312/102).....Fugue (Allegro, from concerto II, of twelve concerti grossi, Op. 6) / George Friederich Handel ; Arr. Samuel Applebaum; James Ployhar, 63 p. [(1121)Sax(0110)(2211) Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/123).....Gavottes I et II / J.S. Bach, 69 p. __(100.0312/130)..…Geilon: Orquesta Sinfónica / Gustavo Parra Arévalo, 98 p. (Premios Nacionales de Cultura) __(100.0312/081).....Georgia on my mind / Hoagy Carmichael ; Arr. Marty Gold, 36 p. [(2121)(2321) Timb, Perc, Vib, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/061).....Granada / Dorothy Dodd; Agustin Lara ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 68 p. [Picc(2221)(4331) Timb, Xilo, Glock, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] __(100.0312/001).....Handels's greatest hits / George Friederich Handel ; Arr. Owen Goldsmith, 73 p. [(2121)(2211) Timb, Pno, BANCO DE MUSICA ORQUESTA pág 65 Perc, Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/069).....Happy birthday medley ; Arr. Larry Kerchner, 48 p. [(1121)(1331) Timb, Glock, Arp, Perc, Cdas, + Coro] Nivel '2 USA' __(100.0312/111).....Hymne a la joie / Ludwin Van Beethoven ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 36 p. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220)Arp, Glock, Guit, Pno, Timb, Perc, Acord, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/123).....Hymne Des Pretresses / C.W. von Gluck; Arr. Guy Lacour, 70 p. [(2221) sax(1211)(2221) Tim, Glock, Perc, Pno, Guit, Arp, Cdas] __(100.0312/056).....Hungarian rhapsody No 2 / Franz Liszt ; Arr. Owen Goldsmith, 72 p. [(21Clbj21)(2221) Timb, Perc, Pno, Vib, Cdas, Vl3 op.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/013).....I will always love you / Dolly Parton ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 35 p. [(1121)(1211) Glock, Pno, Perc, Cdas(Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/072).....I'll be there / Berry Gordy; Hal Davis; Willie Hutch; Bob West ; Arr. Bob Cerrulli, 33 p. [(1121)(1211) Glock, Timp, Perc, Pno, cdas, Vl3 op.] Nivel '2 USA' __(100.0312/050).....Intermezzo (from cavalleria rusticana) / Pietro Mascagni ; Arr. Owen Goldsmith, 32 p. [(21Clbj21)(2221) Cdas, Vl3 op.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/004).....Jazz pizzicato / Leroy Anderson, 30 p. [(1222)Sax(0210)(4330)Perc, Cdas.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/038).....Jupiter - bringer of Jollity from "The planets" / Gustav Holst ; Arr. Vernon Leidig, 97 p. [Picc(2121) Sx(0110)(2331) Timb, Glock, Perc, Cdas, Vl3 op.] __(100.0312/125).....Konzert in D: fur Klavier (Cembalo) und Orchester / Joseph Haydn, 78 p. __(100.0312/064).....Kitchen percussion march for "special guest soloists" and orchestra / Steven Rosenhaus, 69 p. [(2222)(2321) Timp, Perc, Cdas, 3 Perc Solista] __(100.0312/114).....La finta giardiniera (ouverture) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 46 p. [(222Clbj) Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Guit, Glock, Vib, Perc, Timb, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/112).....Le moine bourru / Robert Schumann ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 30 p. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220) Perc, Timb, Vib, Glock, Arp, Guit, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/085).....Leroy Anderson favorites / Leroy Anderson ; Arr. Calvin Custer, 162 p. [Pic(2222)(4331) Glock, Timb, Xilo, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/019).....Love theme from St. elmo's fire (Instrumental) / David Foster ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 36 p. [(1121)(1211) Pno, Perc, Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '2 USA' __(100.0312/082).....Mancini memories (Breakfast at tiffany's/Baby elephant walk), 70 p. [(2121)(2321) Glock, timb, Vib, Xilo, Glock, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/033).....March from 2nd symphony / Peter Tchaikovsky ; Arr. Vernon Leidig, 52 p. [(21Clb21)Sx(0110)2221) Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas, Vl3 op.] __(100.0312/114).....Marche militaire / Franz Schubert ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 46 p. [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Guit, Glock, Vib, Perc, Timb, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/112).....Marche solennelle / George Friedrich Handel ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 31 p. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220) Perc, Timb, Vib, Glock, Arp, Guit, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/112).....Mazurka Op. 68 No 3 / Federico Chopin ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 31 p. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220) Perc, Timb, Vib, Glock, Arp, Guit, Pno, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/115).....Menuet (de la petite musique de nuit) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 27 p. [ (222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Guit, Glock, Vib, Perc, Timb, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/111).....Menuet: du sextuor Op. 71 / Ludwin Van Beethoven ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 33 p. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Glock, Vib, Guit, Pno, Timb, Perc, Acord, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/065).....Misty / Eroll Garner ; Arr. Marty gold, 36 p. [(2121)(2321) Timb, Vib, Perc, Pno, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/066).....Misty / Erroll Garner ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 40 p. [(2221)(4331) Timb, Glock, Perc, Sec ritm, Cdas.] __(100.0312/115).....Mon coeur soupire (des noces de Figaro) / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; Arr. Guy Lacour, 37 p. [(222Clbj) Sax(1211)(2220) Arp, Guit, Glock, Vib, Perc, Timb, Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/073).....Moonlight Serenade / Glenn Miller ; Arr. Bob Cerulli, 35 p. [(1211)(1211) Timb, Glock, Perc, Pno, Cdas, Vl3 op.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/052).....New England holiday / Robert Washburn, 97 p. [(2222)(4331) Timb, Glock, Xilo, Perc, Cdas.] __(100.0312/101).....New world symphony: first movement / Antonin Dvorak ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 86 p. [(222cLBJ2)(4231) Timb, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/030).....Night and day / Cole Porter ; Arr. Steven Rosenhaus, 67 p. [(2121)(2321) Timp, Xilo, Glock, Perc, Pno, Cdas] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0312/011).....Norwegian dances Nos 2&3 / Edward Grieg ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 81 p. [Picc(21(Clbj)21)(2221) Timb, Pno, Perc, Cdas.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/006).....Nutcracker ballet set I: Dance of the sugar plum fairy; waltz of the flowers / Peter Tschaikowsky ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 122 p. [(212(Clbj)1)Sax(0110)(2221)Timb, Perc, Pno, Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/007).....Nutcracker balle set II: March of the nutcracker; Trepak / Peter Tschaikowsky ; Arr. Merle Isaac, 110 p. [(212(ClBj)1)Sax(0110)(2221) Timb, Pno, Perc, Cdas(Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/040).....On the steppes of central asia / Alexander Borodin ; Arr. Vernon Leidig, 112 p. [(21Clb21)Sx(0110)(2331) Timp, Cdas, Vl3 Op.] __(100.0312/023).....Over the rainbow: from the MGM picture "The wizard of oz" / Harold Arlen ; Arr. Chuck Sayre, 37 p. [(1121)(2331) Timb, Glock, Pno, Perc, Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '3+ USA' __(100.0312/044).....Overture to the mariage of figaro: / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arr. Merle Isaac, 100 p. [(22Clb22) (2220) Timb, Cdas ] Nivel "5 USA" __(100.0312/054).....Pavane for a dead princess / Maurice Ravel ; Arr. Owen Goldsmith, 50 p. [(21Clbj21)(2221) Glock, Perc, Cdas, Vl3 op.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/022).....Peter gunn: Theme song from the television series / Henry Mancini ; Arr. Calvin Custer, 45 p. BANCO DE MUSICA 54 p. Perc... 1994) __(100. Glock.0312/045).. Arr. [(222cLBJ1)Sax(1211)(2220) Guit.. 76 p. Perc. Cdas. [(2221)(4331) Timb. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. Belisario Errante. Owen Goldsmith.. Glock.Suite from tannhauser / Richard Wagner . Xilo. [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp. Pno... [(2222)(1110) Vib. Pno.....] Nivel '4 USA' __(100. Vl3 op. Bob Cerulli..0312/105). [ (1121)(1211) Glock.. symphony #7 in D minor) / Antonin Dvorak . 79 p. Charpentier .. (Premios Nacionales de Cultura. Mike Stoller .. 20 p. Arr.. Vib. [(2121)(1221) Timb. Chuck Sayre.Te Busco: Homenaje a Lucho Bermudez (Arreglo para orquesta sinfonica) / Jorge Olimpo Manrique. 33 p. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.... 70 p... 94 p. Arr.. Arp. [(21Clb21) (2221) Timb. Lennie Niehaus. Pno.Quatre morceaux lyriques / Edward Grieg . Pno.. Arr. Pno.. Nicholas Hare. [(222Clb1)Sax(1211)(2220)Timb. Chuck Sayre. Org op... Vib. Timb. [(212Clbj2)Sax(1110)(3330) Timb. Bob Cerulli. C. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. Perc. Guy Lacour.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100..Summertime / George Gershwin .Sinfonia en D / Ignaz Holzbauer: Arr...0312/133). Arr. 52 p. [(2121)(2321) Timb.. Timb.. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220)Arp. Arp. Cdas. Perc. Pno.. 68 p. Guy Lacour.. Perc. Cdas..] __(100. Cdas.. Timb. Pno.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100. Glock. 43 p.0312/063). Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100... Acord.Tambourin / Jean Philippe Rameau . 93 p.0312/084)... Perc. 48 p.. Owen Goldsmith.Sophisticated lady: from "I married an angel" / Duke Ellington .Russian sailor's dance: from "The red poppy" / Reinhold Gliére . Sherman.. 34 p. 40 p. Pno. Pno.0312/055). [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp. 36 p.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100. __(100.Suite Enfantine: Pour quintettes homogenes ou multiples ou Orchestre plus Piano/Jacques Devogel..Poéme pour violoncelle et orchestre junior / Piotr Moss. Guy Lacour.. Marty Gold..Serenade / Franz Schubert . Perc. Arr... Vl..Romance / Ludwing Van Beethoven .. Glock. Incluye Vc Solo..... Glock. Guit..0312/116). (diletto Musicale. Perc.. [(21Clb21)Sx(0110)(2331) Timb. Perc. Merle Isaac. Arr.0312/074). 194 p. __(100...Tchaikovsky's fifth symphony (fourth movement) / Peter Tchaikovsky ..... Vib. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100.0312/009).Symphonic tribute / Nancy Pettersen. Arr.0312/039)... Cdas. Glock. 47 p.Petite Suite: Pour orchestre / André Ameller. Arr. Vib. Guy Lacour.Petite symphonie landaise / Désire Dondeyne....Te deum / M..0312/046). Glock. Guit. Guy Lacour..Premier menuet / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Perc... Cdas. Arr. Cdas.Ivanov . Vib. Arp. Timb..0312/122). 37 p. Timb.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.. Vla. Cb.. 69 p... Vib.Selections from Hook: from the tristar pictures feature film "Hook" / John Williams .... Perc. Pno. Merle Isaac. Marty Gold.0312/091). [(21Clbj21)(4321) Timb. [(1121)(1211) Timb... [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp.0312/111). Wilhelm Jerger.. Arr... Glock. [(112Clbj1) Sax(0110)(2321) Glock.Scherzo (from symphony No 4 in D minor) / Robert Schumann . Vl3 op. Guit. Leiber Stoller.. 69 p. ORQUESTA pág 66 [(21(Clbj)21) Sax(0211)(2331) Xilo.0312/111).. 93 p..Someone to watch over me / George Gershwin .0312/032). Perc.. Secc rit.0312/049)..] __(100.. Perc..] Nivel '2 USA' __(100. Perc. Pno. Arr. Acordeon.Pomp and circumstance: Themes from marches Nos 1 and 4 / Edward Elgar . __(100.. [(21Clbj21)(2221) Timb. Xilo.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100. Cdas. Arr. Harry Alshin.. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. Ippolitov . Glock.. Glock. Cdas] __(100. [(2232)(2321) Timb. Vl3 op. Arr. Perc.0312/070).. Guy Lacour..Rock masterpieces (joy to the world/Proud Mary) / Hoyt Axton. Arr. 33 p.0312/118). Arr. [(22Clb22)Sx(0110)(4331) Timp. Arr.. Calvin Custer.. Arr. Arr.. Glock. Cdas.. Charles H... Cdas. Secc ritm.. Perc. 38 p..Procession of the sardar from caucasian sketches / M..Scherzo from symphony in C major / Georges Bizet .. Arr.Sarabande / Arcangelo Corelli ..] Nivel '5 USA' __(100.0312/025)... 31 p.. [(2221)(4331) Timb.0312/047). Guit. Guit. Arr.. Fogerty .. Pno.. 32 p.Summertime from porgy and bess / George Gershwin . Perc. Arr. 65 p. J.. 27 p.... [(2121)(2321) Timb.Rudolph. Pno. [Picc(2222)(4331)Timb. Vib.. 152 p... Glock.... Merle Isaac. Cdas..0312/076).. BANCO DE MUSICA . Vib.Sinfonia en C (perguer 4): Dileto Musicale 346 / Johann Michael Haydn. Arr.. 78 p. [(22Clbj22)(4231) Timb. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. Perc.0312/088).0312/116).0312/108). Plac. 109 p. [(21Clbj21)(2221) Timb. Hoagy Carmichael . Chuck Sayre. Vl3 op.Sinfonia in D: Die Bauernhochzeit / Leopold Mozart... Arr. [Picc (11Clbj21)Sx(0110)(2221) Timb. Vib.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. Vl3 op. Guit. 62 p... Guit. (Felix Schroeder].. Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '2 USA' __(100.. __(100.0312/113).] __(100.0312/083). Pno. 59 p.0312/062). Perc. Guy Lacour.. Cdas.0312/003). Perc.Scenes from carmen suite No 1 / Georges Bizet ...] __(100. Arr. 42 p. Arr.0312/110).Sounds from hollywood (a medley for orchestra) . Vernon Leidig. Perc. Glock. Arr. [(222Clbj1)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp. Pno. Cdas. No. Cdas. [(1111)(1100) Timb...Skylark / Johnny Mercer.0312/124). Timb. Perc... Arr.. Glock. Elliot Del Borgo. A. Perc. Guy Lacour.Take five / Paul Desmond . Nicholas Hare. Calvin Custer..Selections from porgy and bess / George Gershwin ... Pno. Pno. Cdas] __(100. Perc.0312/121). Cdas.Suite pour la jeunesse / Robert Schumann ..0312/117).. Cdas] __(100. Vib. Perc. 110 p..0312/028).. Arp. Cdas.. Bob Cerulli. Vl3 op. Vib. Cdas. Cads.. Arr. [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp.. [Picc(2121)(2220) Timb. [(1121)(1211) Glock. Perc.0312/005). (Diletto Musicale) __(100.. Arr... 33 p. 25 p. Perc.Shalom chavarine . 166) __(100.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100. Vib. Bc (sin score) pno. Xilo. 53 p.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100. 32 p..0312/036).] __(100. 61 p.0312/129)....0312/075).0312/132). [(2121)(2321)Timb.Stand by me / Ben King. Cdas] __(100. Arr. Marty Gold. Vib.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100. the red-nosed reindeer / Johnny Marks . Perc.Scherzo (Third movement. Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '3+ USA' __(100. Glock. Glock.. Arr. 0312/037). 29 p... Pno. Owen Goldsmith..0312/048).The great gate of kiev and hopak / Modest Mussorgsky . Glock. [(212Clb1)(2221) Timb. Arr. 80 p.. BANCO DE MUSICA . Glock.Theme from "Eroica" (symphony No 3 in E Flat) / Ludwing Van Beethoven . Guy Lacour. 10 No 3 version simplifiée / Frederic chopin .Yellow submarine / John Lennon.. Cdas. 55 p. Cdas. [(222Clbj)Sax(1211)(2220) Arp. 29 p.0312/044). Paul McCartney . Merle Isaac..0312/103).. Celest.] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.Cdas] Nivel '5 USA' __(100. Vib.0312/067). Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100..The syncopated clock / Leroy Anderson. [(1121)(2331) Glock... Guy Lacour.. [(2122)Sax(0110)(2221) Timb.. Pno. Timb.0312/090)..Tocata / Girolamo Frescobaldi .. Timp.... Calvin Custer.. Cdas] __(100. Glock. [(21Clb21) Sx(0110)(2221) Timp... Glock. Cdas(Vl3 op)] __(100. ORQUESTA pág 67 Pno. Arr..2CFg)(4231) Timb. Pno. Vib..0312/015). Arr.. Cdas.The pink panther / Henry Mancini . 34 p. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100..Variations on a theme by Beethoven / Ralph Matesky.Valse: Op.0312/021). [(21Clbj21)(2220) Timb. Cdas.. 56 p.The pink panther / Henry Mancini . Edmund Siennicki.. Perc.The little drummer boy / Katherine Davis. Arr. Timb. Cdas. Perc. [(2222)Sax(0210)(4320) Perc. [(212Clbj1)(2221) Glock. Perc. Perc. Arr. Vl3 op. 50 p.. Chuck Sayre. Pno. Glock. Arr. [(21Clbj21)(2220) Timb.0312/031)..] Nivel '2 USA' __(100...The girl with the flaxen hair / Claude Debussy . Cdas... Owen Goldsmith.0312/098).0312/116). Marty Gold. 39 No 15 / Johannes Brahms . Arr.. Bob Cerulli. Perc.0312/053).Themes from the unfinished symphony / Franz Schubert . Arr.] __(100.The mariage of figaro: Overture / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .... 34 p. [(1121)(1211) Timb. Glock. Cdas] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/020).] Nivel '3 USA' __(100. [Picc(21Clbj21)(4331) Timb. Perc. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100. 28 p. [(3222Clbj2)(43331) Timb.. Perc. Perc.] __(100.. Arr. Pno.. Clavin Custer. Secc rit.. Perc. Arr.Tristesse: Op....0312/008). [(21(Clbj)21)Sax(0211)(2331) Xilo.0312/077). Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100... 37 p. 39 p.Viva Verdi / Giuseppe Verdi .0312/113)..0312/042)... Bob Cerulli. Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '4 USA' __(100..2Clb.. Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '2 USA' __(100. 60 p. 37 p. Timb.. Org op..The man I love / George Gershwin . Vl3 op. Pno. [(22Clb22) (2220) Timb. Arr. 114 p.] __(100. Arr. Pno..] Nivel '3 USA' __(100... Arr. Arr. Pno.. [(21Clbj2Cl1)(2221) Timp..0312/026). Vib. 28 p. Arr. Henry Onorati. Perc... 60 p. 100 p.. [ (222cLBJ1)Sax(1211)(2220) Guit... Owen Goldsmith. Vib.. Cdas. Owen Goldsmith. Arr. Nicholas Hare.] Nivel '4 USA' __(100. [Picc(2CnIng. Edmund Siennicki. Pno.....Themes from symphony No 5 / Ludwing Van Beethoven . 36 p. __(100.. Cdas. Glock.0312/089)..0312/051).. Arr.... 44 p.. Paul McCartney ... Arr.Twister (main theme) / Mark Mancina .Yesterday / John Lennon. [(1121)(1211)Vib... Perc. 32 p.. Perc. Acor.. Vl3 op. Harry Simeone .. Perc. Cdas (Vl3 op)] __(100. 91 p. Pno.The Montagues and the Capulets: from Romeo and Juliet / Serge Prokofieff . Arp. Bob Cerulli. [82121)(2321) Timb. Nicholas Hare. Guit. Arr..The shadow of your smile (love theme from "the Sandpiper") / Johnny Mandel . Cdas (Vl3op)] Nivel '2 USA' __(100. Hans Kindler..0312/024). 49 p....0312/016). Owen Goldsmith. [ (1121)(1211) Glock.. Arr. Pno..The shadow of your smile (love theme from "the sandpiper") / Johnny Mandel . Arp.. 0312/047).. [ __(110...Passacaglia in G minor / Houston Bright..0312/017).. [ __(110..Fanfare and allegro concert band / Clifton Williams..0312/031). 81 p.0312/020).... Arr. Arr.Robin Hood soundtrack highlights / Michael Kamen . IJuan Tizol .0312/016). [ __(110. Robert Smith.Mission: Impossible theme / Lalo Schifrin .0312/001).. 36 p.0312/051). Arr..0312/063).... 62 p....Mardi gras: from "Mississippi suite" / Ferde Grof‚ .0312/030).. Floyd Werle. Arr. [ __(110.. Arr. 90 p. Robert Smith. Arr..0312/021).. Calvin Custer.. 99 p.....0312/067). [ __(110.... Arr..0312/028). [ __(110. Jerry Brubaker.0312/027). 74 p.... Arr.0312/046). Philip Lang. Arr.. [ __(110. Calvin Custer..Dance of the reed flutes: from the nutcracker suite / Peter Tchaikovsky ... [ __(110. Johnny Mandel . [ __(110.0312/056). John Wasson... [ __(110. [ __(110.Kilimanjaro: An African Portrait / Robert Washburn.. [ __(110.Symphony No 3 finale (Excerpts) / Gustav Mahler . [ __(110.0312/054). 38 p..0312/026)..0312/041).0312/058).0312/065)... Clarinet.0312/014). 79 p. Joseph Paulson... [ __(110.. Jerry Brubaker.. Arr.April in Paris / Vernon Duke ....... [ __(110... [ __(110... Jimmie Howard Reynolds. [ __(110....Mighty morphin power rangers meet the x-men: A super hero medley! / Shuki Levy. [ __(110..John williams: evening at pops . Arr... Ira Gershwin . Arr. [ __(110.....A mike post collection / Mike Post .. Arr. [ __(110.0312/062).... Arr. 153 p......0312/052). John Wasson..Fascinating rhythm / George Gershwin..Clarinet boogie: Featuring the clarinet / James Ployhar. [ __(110.0312/037)..Discovery 1492 an historic suite for band . BANDA 68 OBRAS PARA BANDA __(110... Warren Barker. [ __(110. 31 p. 130 p. Jack Bullock.. 152 p. Jack Bullock. Robert Smith. John Wasson. [ __(110... [ __(110.. [ __(110.... 33 p. [ __(110. 69 p. [ BANCO DE MUSICA . John Boyd. 173 p..Berceuse from "Jocelyn" / Benam¡n Godard .. Arr.Best of the 80's . 63 p..0312/039).Jurassic suite / Ken Dye.. [ __(110.. Ascap.. 23 p. 114 p.pop for concert band ... 35 p. Chuck Sayre. [ __(110.0312/002)...... Arr.. Robert Lowden... Marty Shubert..Frankie and Johnnie: Overture / Maurice Whitney.. Murice Gardner.. Arr. Paul Cook... 93 p..Live and let die / Paul McCartney. Calvin Custer.. [ __(110.. 83 p. 152 p..The Big B!: Big band boogie / Paul Holliday. Arr. [ __(110. 37 p..Caravan / Duke Ellington.. 84 p.Classic T..0312/055)..Four dances from "femmes d'alger" / Joseph Horowitz . Arr.. Ray Morrau. Arr. Erick Leidz‚n.0312/068).V. [ __(110....0312/043). Arr. 54 p. John Wasson.New sounds of the carpenters ... Arr.Hook: from the tristar picture feature film / John Williams .James Bond suite .0312/061).Sabre dance: from gayane ballet / Aram Khachaturian .. [ __(110..0312/064). John Wasson..0312/042)... 192 p.. Kussa Machi . [ __(110... 62 p... Arr...0312/023).Little Bach suite / Johann Sebastian Bach . 60 p.0312/053)..... Arr.... V¡ctor Lopez.Christmas concerto: for solo instrument and band (trumpet..0312/025).. 171 p. [ __(110.Song from M*A*S*H (suicide is painless): from the twentieth century fox motion picture M*A*S*H / Mike Altman.0312/015).. John Higgins.0312/012).0312/060). 84 p.0312/018)..Ellington (A tribute to the Duke) / Duke Ellington ...0312/050). 67 p. [ __(110.Prelude and fugue in F minor / Houston Bright.0312/011)..0312/036). Arr. Arr.. [ __(110..0312/034)..Saint Louis blues: Fantasy for military / William Christopher Handy .. 35 p..... Mariah Carey . Elliot Del Borgo. 31 p. Arr.. 122 p.. [ __(110. Flute or Alto Saxophone) .. Arr. 30 p. [ __(110. John Wasson.. 80 p.. 108 p.. 125 p..0312/003).0312/024). Arr.. [ __(110.Light vibrations / Sammy Nestico....Llullaby for trumpet: (Trumpet solo or alto saxophone) with band accompaniment / eric Osterling.. [ __(110.Suite for synthesizer and band: for concert band with synthesizer / Donald Megill.. Robert Smith. [ __(110.0312/032). Arr. Elliot Del Bargo.Summertime / George Gershwin ..Here's that rainy day / Johnny Burke. Frank Erickson.0312/035)..0312/045)...Duke Ellington! / Duke Ellington .....0312/057). 61 p... Peter Ippolito.Eagles medley .0312/010). [ __(110. Jimmy Von Heusen .... [ __(110. 84 p. Peter Ipolito. Arr..Calyso isle / Carl Strommen... Linda McCartney . Frank Erickson. 87 p.0312/007).. Larry Kerchner. 283 p.Aria for winds for young bands / John Cacavas.0312/009).... [ __(110.Hollywood! . 33 p. [ __(110.. 49 p. Arr. Calvin Custer..American salute: based on "when Johnny Comes marchine home" / Morton Gould .. themes .. Arr...0312/049).Hero / Walter Afanasieff. Gerald Sebasky. 25 p.. [ __(110.0312/048). 76 p..A bugs Bunny twosome the merry-go-round broke down / this is it! .. Jay Bocook. 83 p.Fiesta tropical: A medley for concert band . Arr. 30 p.. 36 p. Les Taylor.. [ __(110..Clarinet blues (featuring the clarinet section) / Mike Story... Arr.An Ellington portrait .. 87 p. [ __(110. [ __(110.. [ __(110... Arr.0312/008). 1994 [ __(110. Arr. 54 p.Calypso collage . [ __(110... 99 p.In the hall of the mountain king: from Peer Gynt suite No 1 / Edvard Grieg . [ __(110.. Arr.Pavane (pour une infante defunte) / Maurice Ravel .Festival / Clifton Williams..Peter gunn / Henry Mancini .... 98 p. Arr. Arr.. Arr. 32 p...0312/038).. [ __(110.. Arr. 143 p. 54 p.An american in paris / George Gershwin .Over the rainbow / Harold Arlen . 39 p..0312/029).0312/019).Mancini Magic / Henry Mancini ..... [ __(110. Paul Cook.. [ __(110. [ __(110. Arr..... Mike Story.The legend of sleepy hollow: a descriptive american fantasy / David Bennett. Jeremiah Clarke . Arr. Arr..Troika: from "lieutenant kije" / Sergei Prokofiev ..0312/013). 25 p.0312/059).. Arr.. [ __(110.0312/040)...0312/004).0312/044)... Neal Hefti ..Two famous processionals / Edward Elgar. Arr.. Arr.The simpsons / Danny Elfman .. 80 p. [ __(110...0312/022).. 35 p.. Mike Story..0312/066). [ __(110. [ __(110. 46 p. 34 p. [ __(110. 35 p..The pink panter meets batman / Henry Mancini.. 25 p. Arr. [ BANCO DE MUSICA . Paul Jennings. [ __(110.... [ __(110.The great escape march: from the united artists motion picture "The great escape" / Elmer Bernstein ...0312/006). 36 p. Jerry Brubaker.... Paul Cook.... [ __(110.The great gate of kiev: from mussorgsky pictures at an exhibition / Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky . BANDA 69 __(110.. Robert Smith. Arr... 24 p....Tropical twilight / Eric Osterling. John O'Reilly..Toyland: from babes in toyland / V¡ctor Herbert .0312/005). . 6 Tom. Sc] __(120.01/005). Pno acc. Sc. 6 Tom..) [Cdas 4 ptes. (302 p. Sc. quintets and string orchestras: Volumen 1 . Samuel Applebaum. 5 Tom (216 p.. Samuel Applebaum.. 6 Tom.. Sc] __(120.. Pno acc. Arr. Sc.. Pno acc..... Sc] __(120. 9 Tom.01/002)..01/011). Philip Gordon..0311/013). James Kjelland. (248 p.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno acc.) [Cdas 4 ptes.01/003).01/002).. Ardelle Womack.01/013). Vl open. Pno acc.Second and fourth position string builder . Vl3 op. Pno acc. Arr. Pno acc.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Arr. 5 Tom. (265 p..) [Cdas 4 ptes.) [Cdas 4 ptes..] __(120.) [Cdas 4 ptes.01/006).) [Cdas 4 ptes. 8 Tom..Scales for strings: Book one ..0311/009). Pno acc. (201 p.. Sc.. 6 Tom. ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS pág....01/002). (145 p.. (184 p.Learn to play a stringed instrument ! Book 1 . 6 Tom.. 8 Tom.] __(120. Sc] __(120. Pno acc. Samuel Applebaum. 6 Tom.] __(120.01/010). (449 p...... (168 p. 5 Tom. (168 p.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Arr..) [Cdas 4 ptes. (227 p. (156 p. Arr. Sc] __(120.. Arr. 4 Tom.) [Cdas 4 ptes.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno acc.Third and fifth position string builder ..) [Cdas 4 ptes...Solo time for strings: Book 3. (164 p.. Pno acc.. Pno acc. Pno acc... Arr. 6 Tom.Early etudes for strings . 6 Tom.) [Cdas 4 ptes..) [Cdas 4 ptes.01/001)..Building technic with beautiful music: Volume IV . (541 p. 6 Tom... Sc] __(120. 3 tom.) [Cdas 4 ptes.01/004). 6 Tom. (66 p.0311/014).Solo time for strings: Book 4....) [Cdas 4 ptes.. Sc] __(120.. Sc] __(120..) + 2 Cd's [Cdas 4 ptes.. Samuel Applebaum..Chamber music for string orchestra: Book 1 .The young string student / Samuel Applebaum..01/014)......Etling string class method: Book 1... (138 p. 5 Tom. Pno acc. (168 p.. Sc. (239 p. Pno acc..01/012). Samuel Applebaum.01/005).01/015).) [Cdas 4 ptes.Building technic with beautiful music: Volume II .. Sc] __(120... Samuel Applebaum. William Ryden.01/012).Solo time for strings: Book 2. Pno acc.01/006).4 centuries for strings . Pno acc.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno acc...) [Cdas 4 ptes.Applebaum string method: A conceptual approach Book 3 / Samuel Applebaum.) [Cdas 4 Ptes.01/006).Applebaum string method: a conceptual approach Book 1 / Samuel Applebaum.... (209 p.] BANCO DE MUSICA .) [Cdas 4 ptes. 6 To. Per op.. Samuel Applebaum. 6 Tom. Sc. Samuel Applebaum..] __(120.) [Cdas 4 ptes. (349 p...) [Cdas 4 ptes.Scales for strings: Book two .01/016). Sc] __(120. (200 p.Orchestral bowing etudes .Henry Mancini for strings: Volume one / Henry Mancini ... (211 p. Arr. Sc] __(120.. Arr.... Samuel Applebaum. Sc] __(120... (135 p. 9 Tom. (182 p.Building technic with beautiful music: Volume III ... Ardelle Womack.] __(120..) [Cdas 4 ptes..Strictly strings: a comprehensive string method Book 1 / Jacquelyn Dillon. (148 p. Arr. Arr..) [Cdas 4 ptes...... 5 Tom. Pno acc..Etling intermediate string techniques.Learn to play a stringed instrument ! Book 3 . string quartet or string orchestra ..Solo time for strings: Book 1..01/011). Pno acc. Vl3 op.. Pno acc.. Arr.01/012).Etling string class method: Book 2.) [Cdas 4 ptes.. (231 p. Samuel Applebaum. Pno acc.Encore! popular standards for string quartets. Sc] __(120. (217 p.Henry Mancini for strings: Volumen two / Henry Mancini .Building technic with beautiful music: Volume I . 6 tom (219 p.. 6 Tom.] __(120. 5 Tom. Samuel Applebaum... Pno acc.. Samuel Applebaum.) [Cdas 4 ptes.0311/007).] __(120. 6 Tom. (250 p....] __(120.. Vl3 op. (138 p.Concert program for string orchestra . Pno acc. Arr.. Arr. Arr. Pno acc. Sc] __(120. Pno acc. Vl3 op.. 70 ENTRENAMIENTOS PARA ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS __(120.Learn to play a stringed instrument ! Book 2 . Vl3 op. Ralph Matesky..0311/002).0311/007).Belwin string orchestra folio: Volume 1. John O'Reilly.. Samuel Applebaum. Sc] __(120. (195 p. Arr. (98 p.. 6 Tom. 6 Tom.0311/010)..... Vl3 op. (172 p. Pno acc. 6 Tom.String buider: Book one / Samuel Applebaum.Chamber music for string orchestra: Book 2 . (229 p. 5 Tom.First position etudes for strings . Sc] __(120.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc] __(120. Sc.) [Cdas 4 ptes. 5 Tom.Chorales for strings: 30 easy chorales for violin trio.. Arr.01/012).. 5 Tom. William Zinn.... (168 p. Sc] __(120.01/001)....01/002). (241 p..) [Cdas 4 ptes.. Pno acc.01/009). Pno acc.... 9 Tom. Sc] __(120.] __(120. Pno acc.] __(120.01/013). Sc] __(120. 5 Tom. (341 p. Sc] __(120... Pno acc. Pno acc] __(120.. Pno acc.. Edward Mclin. Vl open.. Arr... Arr.. 5 Tom. (216 p... (108 p.0311/022).0311/003). Sc..) [Cdas 4 ptes.) [Cdas 4 ptes.01/013). Samuel Applebaum....... (168 p..01/001)..) [Cdas 4 ptes.String buider: Book two / Samuel Applebaum. Sc.. William Zinn.Solo time for strings: Book 5.) [Cdas 4 ptes..] __(120. Pno acc.. Sc] __(120..University string builder / Samuel Applebaum.Ensemble time for strings: Book 2 / Edmund Siennicki. Pno acc.String buider: Book three / Samuel Applebaum.] __(120. Sc.01/012). Pno acc. 6 Tom.01/007).. Sc] __(120. Ralph Matesky..) [Cdas 4 ptes.. Ardelle Womack. (364 p.Concert time for the young string orchestra .) [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc... Sc... Sc] __(120.. Arr.) [Cdas 4 ptes..] __(120.... Ralph Matesky.. (249 p.] __(120. Sc] COLECCIONES PARA ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS __(120.Applebaum string method: A conceptual approach Book 2 / Samuel Applebaum. Arr. Arr. 6 Tom.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno acc.. Norman Ward.. 6 Tom. Arr. 5 Tom...) [Cdas 4 ptes..0311/014).) [Cdas 4 ptes. 6 Tom.01/008). 4 Tom.0311/011). Sc] __(120. [Cdas 4 ptes. Vl3 op..0312/036).] Nivel '3 USA' __(120.. Cdas 4 ptes.0311/019)... ritm. Sc. Vl3 op.Fugue (Pachelbel) / Johann Pachelbel .. [Bb Cn solo. Arr. 5 Tom.Moonglow (featuring clarinet solo with strings) / Will Hudson. G..0312/024).0311/005).. Arr.. Tony Esposito. Sc. 46 / Edvard Grieg ..Bowing baroque . Paul Paradise.) [Cdas 4 ptes..0312/014).. Sc.] __(120.] Nivel '3 USA. Arr. Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes. Livingston Gearhart.. Calvin Custer. Sec ritm.The best of Schubert for string quartet or string orchestra / Franz Schubert . Pno acc. 26 p.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Sec ritm...] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. [Cdas 4 ptes. (242 p. 6 Tom.) [Cdas 4 ptes.0311/001).. Calvin Custer.Movie music (volumen two) .) [Cdas 4 ptes..Silver strings: Book 2 . Sc.. Jean Louis Petit. ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS pág. Sc.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Jean Louis Petit.0312/010). (121 p. Pno op.0312/012).. Sc..] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. Arr.0312/017).. James Red McLeod. Vl3 op. Arr. Arr... 26 p.. Arr. Arr. 7 Tom. 38 p.Embraceable you (flugelhorn solo with strings) / George Gershwin. William Zinn. James Red McLeod. Lloyd Conley. Vl3 op.. (236 p.] __(120.] __(120. James Red McLeod..Bewitched / Richard Rodgers . Eb alto Sx solo.. 17 p.] __(120.. Vl3 op. Sc..Fugue in C / Johann Sebastian Bach .. Lew Brow.. 8 Tom.] __(120.. Bob Cerulli.. [Cdas 4 ptes. 3 Vol.0312/008). Arr. Sec ritm.. Arr. Vl3 op...0312/033).] __(120.. 46 p. Arr.. Sc] Nivel '2 USA' __(120.0312/009). Vl3 op. Vl3 op..0312/022).. Arr. 36 p. Sec ritm. Paul Paradise..Arioso: Viola or cello solo (or section solo) with string orchestra / Johann Sebastian Bach . Calvin Custer.Danse macabre (solo violin) / Camille Saint Saens . Arr. Sc... Cdas 4 ptes.. (217 p. (265 p. 6 Tom... Arr.0312/019).] __(120..Leroy Anderson for strings / Leroy Anderson .) [Cdas 4 ptes. Samuel Applebaum.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120... 6 Tom. DeSylva.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno op. Sc.. Arr. Arr.. Sc. Leon Metcalf.. Sc.. Calvin Custer.20 easy pieces for the young string orchestra . Arr. Vla solo. [Bb Cn solo.] __(120...] BANCO DE MUSICA . Paul Paradise..Learn to play in the orchestra: Book 2 . Vl3 op. Sc. Cdas 4 ptes. 6 tom. 42 p.A song of india (from act II of "Sadko") / Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov .. 6 Tom. Pno acc. Calvin Custer. Calvin Custer.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120.0311/015). Sc.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120. 13 p.. Arr. Arr. (304 p.. Arr. [Cdas 4 ptes.] Nivel '4 USA' __(120.] __(120....... (225 p. Sec ritm. Calvin Custer.....] __(120. 25 p.. Ira Gershwin .. 6 Tom. Arr.. Vl3 op.. Arr... Pno acc.0312/031). Samuel Applebaum. Sc. Calvin Custer. (236 p...] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. 36 p. Calvin Custer.. Sc.0312/037).] __(120.The best of Arcangelo Corelli: concerti grossi for string orchestra or string quartet / Arcangelo Corelli . Donald Fraser.. Vc solo...Brazil / Ary Barroso .) [Cdas 4 ptes.. Arr.) [Cdas 4 ptes. 14 p. Pno op. Pno acc. Ira Gershwin . Sc.Birth of the blues (clarinet solo with strings) / B...] __(120.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Arr. 8 Tom..] __(120. Vl3 op. Cdas 4 ptes. 9 p. Vl3 op.. (252 p.As time goes by / Herman Hupfeld .] __(120. 8 Tom.0312/032). Sec ritm.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. Eddie DeLange. Ralph Matesky. Arr.) [Cdas 4 ptes.. Joseph Knaus. Arr..La visionnaire: suite pour orchestre a cordes / Francois Couperin . Arr. Arr.. 24 p. Calvin Custer.. Pno op.. Vl3 op.] __(120. Cdas 4 ptes.0311/016).. Sc..0312/035). 50 p..] __(120. Sec ritm.0312/034).0312/023). Sec ritm.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. Per op.Morning: from "Peer Gynt" suite No 1 Op. Sc.. Sc..0311/012).....Silver String: Book 4 .Georgia on my mind (featuring solo trombone with strings) / Hoagy Carmichael .Silver strings: Book 3 .. William Zinn. Arr. (192 p.Ragtime favorites for strings / Scott Joplin ..Fascinatin' rhythm / George Gershwin. 44 p.0312/048).. Bob Cerulli. Cdas 4 ptes. Norman Ward.0311/020)... Arr.. Arr... [Cdas 4 ptes.. Merle Isaac.Funeral march of a marionette / Charles Francis Gounod . 13 p. (262 p.. Pno acc. Arr. 6 Tom..For all we know (featuring solo flugelhorn or trumpet with strings) / Fred Coots . Pno acc. 26 No.0312/060). Vl3 op.) [Cdas 4 ptes... [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc.String quartets for beginning ensembles . Arr. Sc.] __(120.. Arr. James Red McLeod... [Bb Cl solo.Rhytms and styles for string orchestra with optional piano and percussion / Merle Isaac.. 32 p.0311/001).Silver strings: Book 1 . Sec ritm.. Arr.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. [Cdas 4 ptes..0311/018).0311/021). Sc.Misty (Clarinet solo with strings) / Eroll Garner . Vl3 op.Body and soul (Bb tenor or Eb alto saxophone solo with strings) / John Green . Arr. [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc.Cabaret / John Kander.. 13 p. Arr.0311/001). Vl3 op. Pno op. (222 p.. [Trb solo. Irving Mills . Vl3 op. Sec ritm.. Vl3 op. Robert Frost.] __(120. Sc.. Pno acc. [Cdas 4 ptes. Fred Ebb . Sc.The best of Mozart for string quartet or string orchestra / Wolfgan Amdeus Mozart .0312/047). Sc... Paul Paradise.. (254 p. Sc.) [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc.. Vl3 op. Harry Alshin. 19 p. Sc. [Vl Solo. Vl Solo 4 USA' __(120..) [Cdas 4 ptes.0312/045).The best of Haynd for string quartet or string orchestra / Joseph Haydn ... 35 p. Vl3 op.] OBRAS PARA ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS __(120.. Cdas 4 ptes... Cdas 4 ptes..) [Cdas 4 ptes..The best of Beethoven for string quartet or string orchestra / Ludwing Van Beethoven .0311/006). [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes. Vla2 op. (135 p. Pno op. (159 p.] __(120. Edmund Siennicki.0312/015).] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. [Bb Cl solo.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. [Bb tenor Sx Solo.0311/008). Arr..] Nivel '3 USA' __(120.. 22 p..) [Cdas 4 ptes. Ray Henderson ..... [Cdas 4 ptes. 44 p.0311/001).....The best of first year pops for string orchestra: Volumen I . 1 / Michel Corrette . Sc...0312/061).Indian canzonetta: from "Violin sonata" / Antonin Dvorak .Concerto No 1 pour clavencin ou orgue et orchestre de chambre: Op. 44 P. (171 p.. [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc.. 9 Tom. Sc.... 71 __(120..0312/046). Sc. Arr.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120.. Sc. Calvin Custer. Sc. Merle Isaac. 41 p. Paul Paradise..0311/017). Vl3 op. 8 Tom.. [Cdas 4 ptes..] __(120. [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc..0311/004).. Vl3 op. Pno op.. [Cl Bb Solo. 7 Tom. Arr.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. Continuo. [Cdas 4 ptes.0312/025)..Villancicos cubanos siglo XVIII / Esteban Salas. Sec ritm. Sc. Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes.. Sc.The christmas waltz / Jule Styne . Sc. Arr. 14 p. Pierre Doukan.] Nivel '5 USA' __(120. simplified tenor saxophone or alto saxophone solo with strings) / Bob Haggart .. Calvin Custer.] __(120. 25 p. 19 p. Sc.] __(120.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120. 31 p.] Nivel '4 USA' __(120. 32 p. Bob Cerrulli. Vl3 op..] Nivel '2 USA' __(120.. Pno op.. Bob Cerulli. [Cdas 4 ptes... Continuo. Arr.0312/018).Someone to watch over me (trombone solo with strings) / George Gershwin.Over the rainbow (Trombone solo with strings) / Harol Arlen .What's new? (featuring tenor saxophone.. Sc. Calvin Custer. Sc. Jean Louis Petit.. 33 p. [Vc solo... Sec ritm.0312/011). Sc.] __(120. 16 p. Alain Abbott. Pno op.Ragtime dance / Scott Joplin . [Cdas 4 ptes.. Vl3 op..Postcard greetings / Jeno Takacs.. [Bb Trb solo.. Sc... Cdas 4 ptes. Nikolaus Harnoncourt.0312/013). [Fl solo. Calvin Custer.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120. Arr... Vl3 op...] Nivel __(120. [Fl solo. Sc.] __(120.. [Cdas 4 ptes.Suite / Georg Philipp teleman. 53 p.You are the sunshine of my life (featuring solo with strings) / Stevie Wonder . Bob Cerulli. Pierre Doukan.Theme from "The planets" (I vow to thee my country) / Gustav Holst .0312/042). [Cdas 4 ptes..Scheherazade: 3rd movement theme / Nicolai Rimsky Korsakoff . 13 p.0312/003).0312/040)..0312/044)...Vocalise / Sergej Rachmaninoff .0312/057). 72 p.] __(120.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120.. Arr..0312/059). 13 p. Arr.. Sc.. Sc.. Arr. 17 p....0312/055).Suite pour cordes: de l'opera 'scylla et glaucus' / Jean Marie Leclair ... ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS pág. 51 p.... 12 p. Sc. Sec ritm... Pno op. Sc. Arr. [Cdas 4 ptes. [Cdas 4 ptes.0312/026). 24 p.0312/058). Thelonious Monk ...Old time rock & roll / George Jackson..Sing (From "sesame street) / Joe Raposo . Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes.] __(120....] Nivel '4 USA' __(120.. Sc..The simpsons / Danny Elfman . Vl3 op. Sc.. Cdas 4 ptes. 24 p..0312/004)..'Round midnight (Bb flugelhorn / Bb trumpet solo with string orchestra) / Cootie Williams.] __(120.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. [BB tenor Sx or Eb alto Sx solo. Paul Lavender.0312/039).] Nivel '1 USA' __(120..] __(120..0312/056).0312/063).] __(120..... Vl3 op. Harry Alshin. 12 p.. 33 p. Arr.Suite en sol majeur / Henry Purcell.. Sc.5ø concerto pour orchestre cordes et clavier / Michael Corrette .. Vedremo" from madame / Giacomo Puccini . [Trb solo. Arr.. Paul Angerer.. 44 p. Vl3 op] __(120. 11 p. 17 p. [Cdas 4 ptes.. Sc. 22 p. [Bb Cn (Trp) solo. Arr.] __(120. Sc. Sc. 22 p. [Cdas 4 ptes.0312/028). Vl3 op. Arr.. Calvin Custer. Harry Alshin.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. Arr... [Cdas 4 ptes. Arr. Vl3 op..0312/062). Sc.. [Cdas 4 ptes..] Nivel '3 USA' __(120.. Cdas 4 ptes. Sec ritm.. 25 p. 13 p. Arr.] Nivel __(120... Thomas Jones III .] __(120. Cdas 4 ptes. Calvin Custer.. Sc. Robert Frost. __(120.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120.Sinfonies pour les pastres / Jean Baptista Lully . Arr.. Cdas 4 ptes..0312/054).. Arr.. Vl3 op. Sec ritm..0312/002).0312/043).0312/007). Cdas 4 ptes. Sc... Vl3 op. 13 p. 46 p.. Arr..] Nivel '11/2 USA' __(120. 45 p..Two cakewalks by Claude Debussy / Claude Debussy .0312/041). [Cdas 4 ptes. Steve Sample. [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno op... Sec ritm.. Sc. Arr. [Cdas 4 ptes. 11 p.. [Cdas 4 ptes. James Higgins.Queen noor suite / Robert Washburn. Arr. Arr. Arr.0312/016)..0312/064).0312/001).] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. Jeff Silbar .0312/053).. [Cdas 4 ptes. Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes..] __(120. Sc..Plink. [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno op. Arr. 72 __(120. Arr. Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes.. Sec ritm. Sec ritm.Overture in C / Johann Joseph Fux . [Cdas 4 ptes.. Robert Frost. Bob Cerulli.. Vla op.. Sc...... 45 p..] Nivel '3 USA' __(120.. Vl3 op.. 27 p. Sc.. Arr. Vl3 op. 47 p. [Cdas 4 ptes.] Nivel '2 USA' __(120. Calvin Custer. plunk ! / Leroy Anderson.. Donald Fraser. Sc. Arr. Steven Rosenhaus. 39 p. Vl3 op. Sc... Arr.0312/030).. Arr...] __(120.. [Cdas 4 ptes. Arr. Bob Cerrulli. Sc.. Calvin Custer. [Cdas 4 ptes...."Un bel di..... Vl3 op.Peter gunn: Theme song from the television / Henry Mancini ... Pno acc. 13 p. Cdas 4 ptes. Sc. Sc. [Cdas 4 ptes.. 43 p. Sec ritm.0312/049). Continuo..Tiny toons adventure (theme song) / Bruce Broughton . Arr... Cdas 4 ptes.The rootbeer barrel polka / John O'neill.Six Bartók miniatures / Béla Bartók . Sc. Arr.0312/051)...0312/027).0312/006).....0312/029).Suite en sol / Jean Michel Damase. 35 p. Sc.Silent night . 9 p. Pno acc.Variationen Uber Mendelssohns 'hochzeitsmarsch' / Peter Heidrich. Sc.. [Cdas 4 ptes..0312/058). Bob Cerulli. [Cdas 4 ptes. 19 p. Vl3 op. [Cdas 4 ptes. [Cdas 4 ptes... Harry Alshin.] Nivel __(120..Overture des nations anciens et modernes / Georg Philipp Teleman . Bob Cerulli.. 12 p.. Sc.The wind beneath my wings (flute solo with string) / Larry Henley. Pno acc.] Nivel '3 USA' __(120...Sonata a G in B: fur streicher und basso continuo / Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber ... 24 p.] Nivel '1 USA' __(120..Over the rainbow: from the wizard of oz" / Harold Arlen .] __(120.0312/050). 61 p.Willow weep for me (Flute solo with string orchestra) / Ann Ronell ...The pink panther / Henry Mancini ... [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno acc.Two songs from king Arthur / Henry Purcell ..0312/021)...0312/005). [Cdas 4 ptes.. [Cdas 4 ptes.] BANCO DE MUSICA .. Pno op...] Nivel '3 USA' __(120..Romanian dances / B‚la Bartok ..0312/038).. Vl2 op.. Ira Gershwin .0312/020). Harry Alshin..] Nivel '4 USA' __(120.. Sec ritm..Orchala: Pour orchestre de chambre (cordes) et violoncelle solo / Marc Didier Thirault. [Fl solo.0312/052). plank. Arr...... 19 p. Tony Esposito.0310/002)... __(042.Romance: Boleros Inolvidables / Warner Bros.0310/024)... SOLOS PARA PIANO __(042. Bill Dobbins... __(042...How to Comp: A Study In Jazz Accompaniment / Hal Crook. 57 p. 120 p.. 45 p. (Compositores Quindianos) [pno] __(042. 40 p.. / 154 p.0310/006). [pno] __(042.02/002). il.Suzuki Harp school/Suzuki method international. Sam Raphling...) [Arp] __(041..0310/035).. Gabriel Bock... Arr. il.Asi cantaba que yo la vi / Roberto Valera. ed.....0310/003).. Moreno. __(042.La Cancion Culta / VII..0310/022).. METODOS PARA PIANO __(042.... eds..... pour 1 et 2 harpes celtiques (ou Grandes harpes) Yvon Rivoal. Keith Snell 33 p.Favorite Latin Standards for piano: Solos.0310/043). (Música Colombiana) __(042..0310/008). [pno] __(042.. 191 p. Arr... 92 p.Cuaderno Ana Magdalena Bach / María Rosa Calvo-Manzano. 58 p.Lección de gramática: Voz y Piano / Electo Silva.0310/032).. [pno] __(042.. 95 p. __(042. trad..... __(042.0310/020)..Album Colombiano para la Juventud / Mauricio Lozano. 11 p. 61 p. 5 p. [pno] __(042. Duets and trios with piano accompaniment / Arr.. [pno] __(042..: [byn] [Arp] __(041...Chansons et danses D'Amerique latine.Pavec Lingus a Maria Errazuriz / Gustavo Adolfo Parra Arevalo.Suite de Canciones Infantiles / Jose Maria Vitier..0310/011). 67 p.. Gabriel Bock... 6 p. Wesley Schaum...Complete Star Trek theme music: Themes from all TV Show & Movies / Arr..0310/028).Colombia en 50 canciones: exitos de todas las‚ épocas y todos los rincones del país: Para piano y voz. Schaum..... Researched..:EN: Revista Contratiempo 9 __(042.. __(042. Variaciones y Presto Alucinante para piano...0310/019).Luis A..02/004).....0310/001).Classical Piano Literature for the intermediate Piano / David Carr Glover... [pno]...NO SINFÓNICOS Pag.. __(042... 18 p... [pno] __(042....0310/014)..Adult Keyboard Course The Pop Book / Sandy Feldstein..33 p. [pno] __(042. __(042.....73 MÉTODOS PARA ARPA __(041.. [pno] BANCO DE MUSICA ..25 p.: byn __(042..0310/039). INST.. Arr. Arr. Maurice Hinson..72 p.Chick Corea piano improvisation / [Chick Corea].V.Scythian Suite: Complete Piano Solo / Serge Prokofieff... [pno] __(042.... foto.. Keith Snell.... Foto..190 / Blas Atehortua... David Chericián.0310/030).. 21 p.] 125 p.. 27 p.0310/027). il. Alvaro Pareja Castro.].Manha de carnaval / Luiz Bonfa... Arr...The Best of T. [pno] __(042.Music From Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace / John Williams. [comp.... 3 Vol 1 (75 p.. Arr.0310/005). 4 p. [pno] __(042.0310/002).. 33 p..02/003)..0310/015).....Música Folclórica Contemporanea / Hernando Ibarra Campos.John William's Star Wars Suite / John William's. Duets and trios with piano accompaniment / Arr.. [et. Foto. [pno] __(042.0310/037).Cine Chansons Vol..Misty / Erroll Garner.0310/018)...Favorite Movie Standards for piano: Solos..0310/004)..0310/042).0310/010).0310/021)...0310/036).. Chick Corea / 53 p. op.Favorite Jazz Classics piano accompaniment: Solos.. [pno] __(042. Duets and trios with piano accompaniment / Arr. [pno] __(042.. __(042..02/001). Keith Snell.. 2 / Maria Matilde Alea... __(042... VI....Chick Corea for piano solo. 25 p.Debussy pour le piano / Maurice Hinson..... Mateo Albeniz.. 68 p.: byn __(041..Miniaturas Ritmicas Cubanas No. Alison Kinnaird. 44 p.. Martha Cecilia [comp.Preludio.177 p.02/002).Pequeñas piezas para piano / Leo Brouwer ... Arr. 56 p.02/003).0310/023).02/004)...02/001).. 105 p.Jouer et apprendre la Harpe Celtique Methode vivante / Denise Megevand..The Harp Key: Music for the scottish Harp / Arr..Méthode D'accompagnement Bossa Piano: 14 grands standards pour apprendre jouer la bossa et s'accompagner au piano / Didier Marchand. [pno].0310/040). Elaine Schmidt. Gerson A.. __(041. 26 p.: byn.... [pno] __(042..Dancitas de Ayer / Maria Emma Botet. Moreno / Luis A.:[byn]..: [col]....... 2: 30 chansons paroles originales et piano /chant / 121 p. 88 p. 71 p...Latin America Harps History.Great Film Scores / [Music Sales]..0310/034).0310/033)...Arp..0310/041).. 71 p.. [pno] __(042. [Arp] __(041..02/005).. __(042... Urbina Wilches... [pno] __(042.For the Young Virtuoso: Piano Mater Lessons / Jerome Rose..Seize Sonates Anciennes d'Auteurs Espagnols / Antonio Soler. [pno... 38 p.al]. 5 p...0310/007).] __(042...... SOLOS PARA ARPA __(041. [pno] __(042.. Music and Techniques: Pedal and Non-Pedal Harpists / Alfredo Rolando Ortiz 75 p. Series / 53 p.. 42 p.. Catherine Garson. [pno] __(042...0310/001). 31 p.Popular Piano Pieces / John W. [pno] __(042.Suite Cubana para niños / Harold Gramatges.Begin the Harp: an elementary tutor for the Folk or No-Pedal Harp / Nancy Calthorpe... ..Iniciación a la flauta dulce.....0310/001). [guit] __(044...The English Patient: Selections from the Oscar-winning picture arranged for solo piano / Gabriel Yared. [pno] METODOS PARA FLAUTA DULCE __(043. [pno] __(042.. 88 p. [fl] __(043....... (104 p.02/003).Lieder Zur Weihnachtszeit / Altblockfl”te. Henry Geehl..The Koln Concert: Original Transcription Piano / Keith Jarrett.02/003). [pno] __(042. 73 p.. [guit] BAJO ELÉCTRICO __(045. __(043... Wulmar De Carvalho. [fl] __(043.02/002).Warsaw Concerto / Richard Addinsell."Astuces" de la Guitare Brasilienne": Méthode Bossa-Samba / Denis Roux..[byn] __(043.Recorders: A basic method for class or individual instruccion with songs to sing and play / William Bush.. Brazilian Music. 18 p. 41 p.02/004).John Patitucci: Electric Bass 2 / John Patitucci..: byn + 2 CD __(045.. Pedro Paulo Esteves.. Gabriel Bock.02/002).Methode de Guitare Bossa Samba.Slap it! Funk Studies for the Electric Bass / Tony Oppenheim.... Onelia Cabrera.pno] DUETOS PARA FLAUTA DULCE __(043... Latin Jazz / 575 p./ Jean-Claude Moulin.How to play the recorder / Morton Manus...:byn[pno] __(042. Choice Standards..02/005). Malcolm Binney. [pno] __(042...02/005).. __(042.fl..Weihnachtslieder für blockflötenquartett leicht gesetzt / Theo Warttman. Arr... BANCO DE MUSICA . Michael Ghuzel....) + 2 CD __(044. + 1 CD __(045.....Weihnachts-sterne / Claire Schmid. 4 p.....The Disney Afternoon: Songbook / 103 p. 32 p.. Jerry Jemmott.0310/016). il.: byn __(042.. 35 p. 48 p.... + 1 CD __(044.02/002). foto. VI.Ya soy pianista: 19 piezas muy faciles para piano / Carmen Valdes.. foto.. INST. 373 p.Cinco Miniaturas brasileiras.0310/009).02/001)...foto..Modern Classroom Recorder / Sandy Feldstein..NO SINFÓNICOS Pag.0310/017).02/001).. 33 p...The New Real Book: Jazz Classics.... 33 p. 72 p.02/004). Co].Metodo de guitarra: segundo curso / Isaac Nicola.. CUARTETOS PARA FLAUTA DULCE __(043.0310/013)..02/004). 30 p.0310/031).The girl from Ipanema / Antonio Carlos Jobim...John Patitucci: Electric Bass / John Patitucci. 2 Vol....: byn + 1 CD... (54 p) [fl] __(043.74 __(042.: byn + 1CD __(045. 40 p. __(044..0310/029)....02/003). Pop-Fusion Classics / [Sher Music.... 39 p. 42 p.0310/026). Michael Ghuzel.. foto... 18 p.Metodo de guitarra: Primer curso / Isaac Nicola.. [pno] __(042..Le Génie de la Guitare Brasilienne: Méthode Bossa-samba / Denis Roux. 40 p.. 2 vol.[ fl.. Mario A Videla........ foto..Tomo 1 / Judith Akoschky.... Villani Côrtes... 32 p.. Arr.. [4fl] MÉTODOS PARA GUITARRA __(044. Para flauta dulce et piano / E...0313/001). [fl] SOLOS PARA FLAUTA DULCE __(043...0311/001).…The Latin Real Book: The best contemporary & Classic Salsa.. 61p...02/001).0311/002)...0310/012).Classroom Recorder Method Leading to Mastery of the instrument through Ensemble Playing / Richard Mc Nicol. 12 p. 35 p.Jaco Pastorius: Modern Electric Bass / Jaco Pastorius. Keith Snell 33 p. [pno] BANCO DE MUSICA .75 r.NO SINFÓNICOS Pag. INST. Cl..Fl. Jouée et Dansée en Deux Parties/Igor Stravisky. __(140. . Clarinete..0312/007).21 p..A la cubana/Enrique Granados...23 p. Ob.95 y 115/Guillermo Uribe Holguin.Serenade for heidi/Ralph R....18 p....0312/008)...Tres Piezas para Percusion. __(140. Marley.. Bajo.Secreto/Luis H.... Ob.. Ob.Fl.... Fg.Suite of carols for woodwind/70 p. Cl..94 MÚSICA DE CÁMARA __(000.Twelve trios for woodwinds/24 p..Little suite for flute and two clarinets/8 p...Fl.0312/005).... Cn.30 p.16 p... Fg __(140... Ob.... Sc __(000.Cdas 4 ptes.0314/006)... Fg __(000.0312/001). Cl __(140. Ramuz.0313/002). Cl.6 p. Sc __(000.Fl.Trios op. __(000.2Fl.VIII.Ot darab . Cl. Sc __(000.41 p... Fg.0312/004)..11 p.. __(000..Fl.0312/005). Ob. Sc __(140. Fg..Fl.11 p...Vc __(140.Grant us peace: dona nobis pacem/3 p.0313/001). il......five pieces/Ferenc Liszt. Cl..String quartets for beginning ensembles/3 Vol... Cn.. BANCO DE MÚSICA ..0310/005).and Cello/Bassamo. Sc __(000... 2ob... Cn.14 p.94 p.Symphonies of wind instruments/Igor Stravinsky.....Fl. Fg __(000.16 p. Fg __(000. Cl.0312/003).. __(140.. Ob.Bambuquisimo/Leon Cardona Garcia.../Michael Prescott.0310/001). Ob... Cn..0314/005).Reverie/Claude Debussy.Fl.0312/007)...Trombono The Bad: A dramatic quarted for flute. __(000.0312/009)..: byn.Vla.....Cuatro piezas para cuarteto de cuerdas/Luis Guillermo Quijano R. Cl __(140....20 p. __(030. __(000. __(000..0310/002)..36 p....2Fl. Ob.. Fg.2Fl. Fg... 2Cl.34 p.Great movie and television hits/80 P.Rondo from sonatina in F/Ludwig Van Beethoven.0314/007). __(140.18 p. with Piano accompaniment. __(140.Vc __(000. Lupo.. Cl.9 p...133 p. Guenther.Fl.Claves: Sexteto de Percusion/Juan Carlos Marulanda.El Gavan: (Arreglo para conjunto instrumental)/Hernan Cortes Vergel.0314/002).. 2Cl __(000...0315/002)...57 p..Vla..Despositorios Misticos: Coltralto.... Cl....Ten woodwind trios/Don Schaeffer. Fg __(000.Fl.39 p..Fl.La poule/Rameau.Fl........Vl.. Sc __(140. Sc __(140.).. Cl.19 p..Kleine Instrumentalstucke fur das erste Zusammenspiel/Peter-Michael Riehm.Divertimento: K. Ob.. C. __(140. Cl. Cn. Ob. Ob...0312/006)...0312/006)...... Cn. Ob.48 p...... Cl __(000..0313/003).. Viola. Cn...0314/003). (230 p.Histoire Du Soldat: Lue.Seis danzas/Ignacio Cervantes.0310/004).Vl..0312/002).Pc. Sc __(140..0312/004)..Easy fantasias for Violin....Metamorfosis para quinteto de cuerdas/Rodolfo Ledesma Aragon...24 p....24 p. Trumpet and Trombone. Pulido.. Sc __(140... 2Cl. 251/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.. 2Fg.131 p.Nightfall/Beldon Leonard.Fl.Aubade: for 2 flutes and Bb clarinet/Gordon Jacob. Violin y Piano/Luis Guillermo Quijano... Ob.35 p.0314/008). Fg.Ocho contradanzas/Manuel Saumell. Cn.0313/004).. 2Fl. Fg __(000..0314/001).Delires: Sobre textos de Arthur Rimbaud/Johann Hasler. 74.. Cl.. Cl..Andante: from symphony No 94 "surprise"/Joseph Haydn. Arpa.Fl....Trio for woodwinds/15 p. 89 p..0310/003). __(000.0312/001).0314/004).0312/003)..... Ob.. Sc...Little triptych/Romuald Twardowski.Fl. Celesta y Piano (Jovenes compositores) /Johann Hasler.. Cl.0312/002). 2Cl...40 p.149 p. Música de Cámara Pág ......0313/004)..F...Fl. Sc __(000.0310/007). .85 p.0310/022).. Nicolas Guillen. 71 p.0310/015)...13 p....Adivinanzas 1/Nilo Rodriguez.XXXIV... Vicki Clark [et...0310/043)....7 p...Para que la ronda ronde.Cine Chansons Vol.Guabina Huilense: (arreglo coral)/Cecilia Pinzon Urrea... __(150.Si compartimos nuebes/Guido Lopez Gavilan. __(150... el canto cante y el juego juege/Jairo A.0310/010).. il: byn.V..7 p.... __(150. il.0310/021).. BANCO DE MÚSICA .Canciones Infantiles Cubanas/Gisela Hernandez...Music From Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace/John Williams.Cinco Cantos folkloricos: Voz y Piano/J.). Bill Katz.... solista y continuo/Juan de Herrera (1670-1738)...De cara al viento: Todos los estudiantes cantan/Mario Baeza..... Guerra Peña [Comp] . __(150.0310/006).Villancicos/Marta Luna.2 Vol. __(042..Christmas Goes Galactic: A one-act Christmas Musical for unison or two-part voices /Kelly Hinton.13 p..Suspiros para mi-yo: Bambuco para cuatro voces mixtas/Orlando Perdomo Escandon. Aragon.126 p.(63 p...... foto: color + 1CD.30 Canciones Populares Cubanas/Electo Silva.. __(150....Suite de Canciones Infantiles/Jose Maria Vitier... __(150...0310/003).pno __(150.0310/001).26 p.. __(042.. __(150....0310/016). __(150. (200 p. Berroa..0310/008). __(150...: byn...0310/012).pno __(222/017)..0310/023). il:[col]. 2: 30 chansons paroles originales et piano/chant/121 p..0310/039)...0310/013)..0310/004).La Cancion del Son/Martin Pedreira. il...94 OBRAS PARA CORO __(150.11 p.. __(042.292 p. __(150.].2 Vol... Series/53 p. __(042..The Best of T. __(150.Leon de Greiff en Coro/Gustavo Yepes..15 p..3 Tom.). __(150.0310/007).Complete Star Trek theme music: Themes from all TV Show Movies/71 p........26 Sobre mi tierra/Olga de Blanck..10 p.. __(150...0310/005).46 p..Patrick Muldoon and his Magic Balloon: A one-act musical play for unison or two-part voices/Ruth Roberts...26 p.141 p.38 p...)..0310/009). __(042.: col. (118 p.0310/011). 172 p..Tres misas de difuntos: para coro. __(150..0310/024).El beso que yo le robe a la luna/Luis E... __(042... foto...[col]..al]...0310/002)... il:[col. Coro pág..La Cancion Culta/VII..0310/014). Berlioz / CH.. Fotocopia.The Technique of Orchestration / Kent Kennan.... __(200/007). __(202/009).260 p.. __(200/003)... Mortari. 107 p..).336 p.. V..... Jazz....25 p.Modal Jazz Composition & Harmony / Ron Miller.... __(200/006).:byn... __(201/004).....] . M. foto.Orquestación / Walter Piston...Advanced Techniques for film Scoring: A complete Text / Earle Hagen.... Jazz-Rock / David Baker's. Lang. foto. __(200/004). Jacques Feuillie.XVI. __(202/018).Music Arranging and Orchestration / John Cacavas.......Orchestration / Kent Kennan......Arrangement & Composition de la Musique de Jazz: Une Approche Lineaire.... __(202/017).Modern Arranging Technique / Gordon Delamont. 238 p.La Partition Interieure...Arranging Concepts Complete: The ultimate Arranging Cuorse for today's Music / Dick Grove..33 p.. BANCO DE MÚSICA . 255 p. 64 p..The Contemporary Arranger / Don Sebesky. __(202/011).Practical Applications Using Afro-Caribbean Rhythms. __(202/008).. __(042.XIX 508 p.. __(202/015).Le Livre du jazz en France: Partitions / 456 p..... 93 p.. __(201/005).XX 856. Casella..... 254 p...[et al.25 p.IV.... XIII...Essential dictionary of orchestration/Dave Black...... ORQUESTACIÓN __(202/002).. 216 p... __(201/006). 240 p. 171 p..... R&B..Pedagogies de L'Ecriture / Jean Claude Baertsoen.Arranging & Composing: For the small ensemble: Jazz.. 493 p.. ARREGLOS __(201/012)..296 p. 340 p...Technique de L'Arrangement/ Ivan Jullien.R&B.. Joel T.Scoring for the band / Philip J. __(202/006).On the track (A guide to contemporary film scoring)/Fred Karlin. Jazz-Rock / David Baker's... __(200/011)... __(042.. __(202/005)...50 p.. Teoría Pag 78. __(201/012). 87 p. __(201/011)..Scoring for Voice: A guide to writing vocal arrangements / Jimmy Joyce.Arranging Techniques for Synthesis / Eric Turkel. __(202/012).VI. __(200/012).. __(202/013)..... 434 p.. __(200/010)... Owen Reed.55 p.. __(201/002).The Professional Arranger Composer / Russell Garcia.......303 p.Precis Technique de Composition Musicale: Theorie et practique / Julien Falk. 59 p.: byn...... Leach. foto.. 176 p. Brazilian Music..... __(201/008).. (289 p.02/004). 31 p. 403 p. __(201/009).. XI. 82 p....Essential Guide to Latin Styles for Keyboard / Christopher Norton's.769 p.... __(202/014).VI.Latin and Caribbean Rhythms / Mac Gollehon....To Develop command and control of the drumset / Chuck Silverman.. __(024. 776 p....The Latin Real Book: The best contemporary & Classic Salsa..... 185 p... + 1 CD... __(200/010).. __(201/001).IX...Instrumentation and orchestration / Alfred Blatter.Le Livre du jazz en France: Partitions / 456 p.. Tom Gerou.VI. __(202/007)..: byn.. Latin Jazz / 575 p...Sounds and Scores: A practical guide to professional Orchestration / Henry Mancini.Scoring for Films: Updated editon / Earle Hagen ..VI. __(202/004)....150 p.. COMPOSICIÓN __(200/001).Scoring For Percussion and the instruments of the percussion section / H. Widor. __(202/003).148 p.....IV.Arranging for the Concert Band / Frank Erickson...Music Arranging and Orchestration / John Cacavas. __(201/003)..La técnica de la orquesta Contemporanea / A...177 p...Composición serial y atonalidad (Una introducción a la música se Schoenberg y Webern)/Gerorge Perle.0310/001)...Orchestration (with 23 illustrations and 296 music examples) / Cecil Forsyth.352 p.XII.. 176 p.203 p..].64 p..0310/016).. Rayburn Wright.....vi.Transcripcion para banda / Samuel Bedoya Sanchez./ Bill Dobbins..Technique de L'Orchestre Moderne: Faisant suite au Traite de'Instrumentation et d'Orchestration de H.Arrangement & Composition de la Musique de Jazz: Une Approche Lineaire...Los instrumentos de percusión: su historia y su __(201/009)..VIII..The Study of Orchestration / Samuel Adler..Arranging & Composing: For the small ensemble: Jazz... 171 p.. Musiques Improvisees / Jacques Siron.. __(201/003)... 314 p... + 1 CD..The complete Arranger / Sammy Nestico... foto. Donald Grantham. __(201/010)... X.... __(200/008)... __(201/007). __(202/016).... 2 Vol.. __(200/002).XV. + 1 CD. IV.Analyser Construire Developper une Composition / Eric Boell..Orchestration Theory (A bibliography)/James E.How to Comp: A Study In Jazz Accompaniment / Hal Crook. 173 p..Tecnique de la Musique Atonale / Julien Falk.... + 1 CD. + 1 CD. __(200/013)..VI. __(202/001).. __(202/010)... 264 p.The Jazz Languaje / Dan Haerle.. __(200/009).......XXII.: byn..XII 545 p.. / Bill Dobbins.Traite d'Instrumentation et d'Orchestration / Hector Berlioz.... Perone [Comp.... ..Vade Mecum de la Armonía / Manuel Bimbwadyo.Tratado de fuga / Andre Gedalge...Curso de Armonia / Guillermo Uribe Holguín. __(210/001)... __(21..... XVII.III. + 2 CD __(204/004)... 680 p. Outtman ......Le livre de la theorie du Jazz / Mark Levine....XII... __(211/003).... de sextos y de doceavos de tono / Alis Haba.2 Vol.32 p.Basic Theory-Harmony: A text and Work Book for the School Musician / Joseph Paulson.......+ Workbook. __(204/001)...How To Create Jazz Chard progressions / Chuck Marohnic.56 p.+ 1 Cassette...... LV. 429 p./ Olivier Messiaen..Contrapunto Creativo / Johannes Forner../ Max Rudolf.Theorie Harmonie: Methode d'improvisation pour tout instrument / Patrice Galas. IMPROVISACIÓN __(204/002)..Cles Pour L'Harmonie: l'usage de l'analyse.. de tercios.... 131p.Interaction: Opening up the jazz ensemble / Graham Collier.... __(203/003)... 117 p. Marcel Bitsch..Tratado de Contrapunto: Tonal y Atonal / J... __(210/005).... 263 p.Basic Conducting techniques / Joseph A. Arr..Modern Arranging Technique / Gordon Delamont... __(211/010). __(204/003). __(210/021). Carl Shachter.Traitè de Contrepoint / Noel Gallon..195 p. (X.. 387 p. __(211/005)..: byn.. (XXII.. la composition/Jo Anger-Weller... Irving Cheyette.Vingt Lecons d'Harmonie: Dans le style de quelques auteurs importants de "l'Histoire Harmonique" de la musique depuis Monteverdi..How to improvise: An approach to practicing improvisation / Hal Crook. 428 p. foto....A WorkBook in Practical Harmony / Frederic Fay Swift.The Grammar of Conducting: A comprehensive guide to baton technique and interpretation.2 Vol.Contrapunto / Walter Piston. 291 p.Precis D'Harmonie Tonale / Marcel Bitsch..Treatise on Harmony / Jean-Philippe Rameau. 239 p. foto.....The Harmony of Bill Evans / Jack Reilly.04/005). 69 p.... l'improvisation.. 103 p.. cromático..... __(210/013).Funciones estructurales de la armonía/Arnold Schoenberg.Contrapunto / Diether de la Motte..Modern Contrapuntal Technique / Gordon Delamont...) + 2 cassettes __(210/008).XX.. Dorothy Payne. __(210/019). BANCO DE MÚSICA ...:byn.....Fundamentos Psicológicos de la improvisación musical / Violeta Hemsy de Gainza. __(211/008)...04/008).191 p.112 p. de cuartos. 65 p. + 1 CD __(223/023)...Elementary Harmony: Theory and Practice / Robert W....Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music / Robert Gauldin. __(210/006). __(211/002)....... __(210/003).. __(210/012).133 p.Basic Conducting techniques / Joseph A.. Jean Bonfils..Armonia / Walter Piston. __(210/016).... __(211/011). 445 p... __(210/009)... Teoría Pag 79. IX.Some aspects of counterpoint in selected works of Arnold Shoenberg / Boris William Pillin.. 205 p..Aide-M‚moire du contrepoint du XVI Siécle / Olivier Trachier... __(210/010)..La Fugue / Marcel Bitsch.192 p.XX 420 p.. 241 p.. (Fotocopia) 550 p. __(211/012).Creative comping for improvisation: Play-along Recordings / Hal Crook..Ejercicios Preliminares de contrapunto / Arnold Schoenberg.... + 1CD... __(21. Garcia Gago. __(210/011)... __(210/004). Pierre Cammas.. 64 p...695 p. CONTRAPUNTO Y FUGA __(211/009). 224 p.115 p.131 p..292 p.Le Jazz classique et L'Improvisation: Methode d'Improvisation pour tout instrument / Patrice Galas. 325 p. 323 p. 85 p. __(211/007).Modern Harmonic Technique / Gordon Delamont. Tr... 979 p.…Nuevo tratado de armonía: De los sistemas diatónicos. Pierre Cammas.Direccion y montaje de repertorio / Samuel Bedoya Sanchez.V.136 p. __(211/006)..XXII. __(210/007)... 449 p. __(210/014). __(210/018)............ Labuta.. __(210/017).219 p....23 p..34 p.V.Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music/Stefan Kostka... __(210/002)..Tableau complet des accords: Methode d' Improvisation pour claviers / Patrice Galas.. __(210/015)... ARMONIA __(210/020). Labuta.... __(211/001). __(203/002).Armonia del siglo XX / Vincent Persichetti.. __(210/022).. XX..)..... Ramon Barce... 45 p.VI.. DIRECCIÓN __(203/001).. 523 p.......El contrapunto en la composición (El estudio de la conducción de las voces)/Felix Salzer. __(211/004).486 p.. 65 p. Pierre Cammas... Jürgen Wilbrandt..Teoria Musical y Armonía Moderna / Enric Herrera. 90 p. .. 86 p.. __(221/008).Solfege Syncopé: Etudes du Rythme Sincopé / Dante Agostini... __(220/014).M..Fundamentos Teóricos de la música / Georgina Ramos Blanco... __(221/003).Baker.. XI.2 Tom..Music in the Elementary School / Robert E...Du Solfege Sur La F... 2 Vol.Murray Shafer.. Vernice Trousdale Nye. 5 Tom. (85 p.Solfege Rythmique / Dante Agostini.....107 p.(209 p. __(220/011).) __(220/017). Pratique d'ensemble / Dominique Daigremont.Shinichi Suzuki: His Speeches And Essays / Suzuki Method International.. __(221/010). LECTO-ESCRITURA __(220/027)... __(221/002)... __(221/009)...4 (54 p.67 p. (73 p.. 303 p.. 481 p.: byn.Solfege Sincopé No....) __(220/003)..M. foto. 109 p. 93 p... Rythme. __(221/013).. XIV..) __(220/014). Intonation. 3 Vol.. Théorie. Constance Starr... foto.(142 p....) + 2 cassetes....) __(220/014)..139 p.) + 3 CD __(220/024). (153 p..4: Lecture-Rythme. Rythme.. 121 p. Nye.Cantar Oir Escribir: Practica de enseñanza musical / Walter Kolneder.Lectura musical / Juan Elósegui..3: Lecture-Rythme. IX. __(220/016).2 Vol...: byn..) __(220/001). __(221/011)...Je Decouvre la cle de sol et la cle de fa / Elisabeth Lamarque..."Tutti": Solfége associé á la practique d'ensemble: Lecture-ecriture.. Teoría Pag 80. 3.M.. Bidot.. Douglas Boyd... __(220/020). __(220/002).9 Vol.....Modulos de capacitacion para instrumentistas y directores de banda de vientos / Samuel Bedoya Sanchez... (74 p.La Clé Des Chants: Chansons originales avec accompagnment pour la Formation Musicale (solfége chanté) / Jean-Marc Allerme.132 p...54 p. __(220/005)..... X. (82 p. Rexroad.) __(220/012).Octava conferencia interamericana de educación musical / III.)+ 2 CD... __(220/021).. Pierre Cammas.....) __(220/004).....Solfége: Lecture.. (469 p.. 43 p. 217 p.Vol.) il. BANCO DE MÚSICA .) __(220/009).5 Tom. (60 p.Iniciación Musical en la enseñanza primaria y secundaria / Madeleine Gagnard. Amelia Brito [Trad].La Théorie Musicale des Jeunes / Marguerite Surloppe.2 Vol. (230 p..53 p.Teaching Music: Managing The succesful Music Program / Darwin E.Dibujo rítmico El garabateo de la gramática musical/Tita Maya.. __(221/005)....440.... __(221/006).. __(220/023).440..440... [et.. __(221/001)....147 p.143 p.... (79 p. __(221/014).. 2 Vol.. Marie-Jos‚ Goudard. Volumen 4 / Jean-Marc Allerme...).15 Exercices D'Intonation pour les cours moyens et Diplome de fin D'Etudes / Patrick Nedellec.: byn __(221/007).Du Solfege Sur La F.440. Volumen 1 / Jean-Marc Allerme. Guía práctica para padres y educadores /Atarah Ben-Tovim. __(220/018). Bauman. __(220/007)..Les Intervalles: 13 lecons de solfege pour l'étude systématique des intervalles mélodiques/ Jacques Casterede.. PEDAGOGIA INSTRUMENTAL __(221/012).. __(220/013)... Michael Meriot. 398 p.. Chant / 6 Vol.Modus Vetus / 218 p. (154 p. __(221/004). foto. 5 Vol.......Music Notation: A Manual of Modern Practice / Gardner Read..) __(220/014).... (75 p.. __(220/010).. 49 p. Eric Boell... 13 p.) __(220/014). 310 p. 2 Tom.. X...2 Tom.242 p..Teaching Elementary School Music / Eileen F.440.. Volumen 5 / Jean-Marc Allerme..Nouvelles Lecons de Solfege Rythmique / Marie-Jeanne Bourdeaux. Vol. Walker.Movement That Fits: Dalcroze Eurhythmics and the suzuki method / Joy Yelin..Technique de L'Improvisation: Méthode d'Improvisation pour tout instrument / Patrice Galas...Le Guide de la Formation Musicale: 9 Volumenes / AlainTruchot.Ear Training tapes for the jazz musician / David N.. 2 Tom..: byn + 1 cassette..2 Vol..Du Solfege Sur La F. __(220/026). byn...... (385 p. Jos‚ M.5: Lecture-Rythme.) __(220/028).2 Tom.. Volumen 2 / Jean-Marc Allerme...(83 p.. Chant-audition.To Learn With Love: A companion for Suzuki Parents / William Starr..Nurtured by love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education / Suzuki Method International.. __(220/019).El camino de la Musica: Una manera sencilla de aprender la teoria de la música / Diana Cendra de Abreu.Dictados Musicales Progresivos / Antonio Zamorano Donoso. il...1: Lecture-Rythme.: byn.Du Solfege Sur La F...al].) __(220/025).. 88 p.. 2 Vol. Fotocopia...In search of the Japanese Spirit in talent education: A research Essay / Susan C... il.) __(220/022)..2: Lecture-Rythme..M. (152 p......Ambiguités de la Pedagogie Musicale: Et Solutions Psychotechniques / Michael Stanziano. Volumen 3 / Jean-Marc Allerme.Theorie Musicale / Sophie Joeve-Ganvert. (88 p......1 bis: Etude de Rythme Sincopé / Dante Agostini.Version jazz: Thémes de jazz chanter et joue / Daniel Francois. 2 Tom. (73 p.) __(220/008).Du Solfege Sur La F..Hacia una educación sonora / R..Como escoger el instrumento mas adecuado para su hijo...M.107 p.Que Nota / Patricia Samper.145 p. ... eds.. 2 Vol.A propos de la Flúte / Robert Hériche.. Recording / Michael Hurd.."Sandy" Adam...: byn.) __(222/020).: byn BANCO DE MÚSICA .. Scott..: byn __(222/004).. 25 p. Carlos Gómez Rosero[ed..Palabras que cantan / Myriam Manrique.....Do Re Mi Educación Musical/José Ignacio Pilonieta Peñuela. il. foto.186 p. __(223/003)..Rhythm and Movement: Applications of Dalcroze Eurhythmics / Elsa Findlay.. (1302 p. il.5 x 38 cms.. 143 p. __(223/017).. 1 casete. 25 p.. foto... il.. __(222/002). 25 p.... Louise B. __(223/023).. Diana Echeverrí. 1 casete.Méthode Martenot / 3 Vol..)+ 12 Cassetes..: col + 1 CD.... Alyn Shipton....Tap..95 p. + 6 lams... (179 p..: byn. (VI. Beatrice Harrop. PEDAGOGÍA INSTRUMENTAL __(023/026). 25 p. 344 p..Ronda que ronda la ronda: Juegos y cantos infantiles de Colombia / Olga Luc¡a Jiménez. 3 cd's __(223/001). 54 p.A propos du Trombone / Jean Dovay.. 25 p.: byn __(223/009)..: byn __(222/015).Allegro in mondo 1 re anné de formation musicale/Virginie Tharaud. 3 cd's __(223/021)..El Violonchelo: Asi Interpreto..[pleg. __(223/022)....: byn....Guide to teaching Woodwinds / Frederick W.Principles of violin: Playing & Teaching / Ivan Galamian.il...25 p... 1 casete.. Listen...Brass / Clifford Bevan. 43 p.] __(223/007). Germán Pinilla Higuera. eds.Electronic and Mechanical Instruments / Neil Ardley..].. 51 p..]: 49.: byn...]..) __(223/021)... clap.95 p.. __(222/013)... + 6 lams. 114 p. Diane Laucirica.5 x 38 cms.. 6 Vol.The Art of French Horn Playing / Philip Farkas..Kodály Approach / Katinka Scipiades Daniel... 200 p.) il... 95 p..al.+ 4casetes.. (Dans la collection musique) __(223/024). foto. + 1 CD __(222/005). Natasha suvorova. Natasha Suvorova. 36 p.: byn __(223/021)..Fundamentos Psicológicos de la improvisación musical / Violeta Hemsy de Gainza.85 p. el canto cante y el juego juege/Jairo A. foto..La lecon du Maitre / Yehudi Menuhin. 3 cd's __(223/019)..]: 49..: byn __(223/011). Anne-Violaine Szabados.Para que la ronda ronde......) __(223/006).Percussion / Clifford Bevan.(144 p. + 4 lams.... foto: color + 1CD.Composing..5 x 38 cms... 47 lams.:col... __(222/018). foto... 94 p.49 p.. il: byn. 1 casete.El violin interior / Dominique Happenot.5 x 38 cms........ + 8 lams.5 x 38 cms..La flauta / Pierre-Yves Artaud. PEDAGOGIA INFANTIL __(222/016).... __(223/021).Principios básicos para el estudio y ejecución del violín / José Francisco del Castillo. il. il.. 2 Vol.: byn __(223/021).. il.Move.XII.. __(223/015)..Folk Dances of Latin America / Debbie Cavalier...The Boy's Changing Voice: New Solutions for Today's Choral Teacher / Terry J. 2 Vol. __(223/010).... + 1 CD __(222/014).....85 p. 3 cd's __(223/008). Wood. 25 p..[pleg. __(222/021)..: byn. Sing.. 71 p. 1 casete.. foto.... (102 p.49 p.. (1540 p. __(223/018).. Teoría Pag 81.xi. Adhesivas.: byn + Fig.Manual de Mantenimiento: Instrumentos de Viento / Yamaha Corporation. il:byn __(222/019).: col.Guide To Music / André Previn's. Susan Lamb Cook.Fundamentacion Instrumental / Samuel Bedoya Sanchez.. 72 p. 14 tom.139 p.15 Tom........ + 6 lams.L' Art de jouer du violon: Six lessons with Yehudi Menuhin) / Yehudi Menuhin..: byn __(223/020). il.[pleg.:byn __(223/002). 20 p.[pleg. il.foto. foto. Trb.: byn. [pleg..Suzuki Repertory Group Lessons for Violin & Viola / Carolyn McCall Meyer...... Darolyne L..Guide to teaching Strings / Norman Lamb. 215 p.46 p. __(222/001).. Performing. __(223/021)... Tba __(223/012).[pleg. Guerra Peña [Comp]...Orff instrument Source Book / Elizabeth Nichols..85 p..Keyboard Instruments / Neil Ardley.. 190 p. 1 casete..Mi primer libro de música / Helen Drew.... Patricia Samper.[pleg.]: 49..The Art of Basson Playing / William Spencer.) il: byn __(222/010)..Trp.) il: byn __(222/008).. il.il.. Nelson..Singing Fun / Lucille F.. foto.215 p.Mi primer libro de música/José Angel Pérez. 4 Vol.:byn __(222/011).Band Instrument Care & Repair / Burton Stanley.. foto. __(222/012).12 cd's..... (160 p.The Art of Trombone Playing / Edward Kleinbammer..Flyng a round: 88 rounds and partner songs / David Gadsby. Barbara Pointon.Mi librito de música/José Angel Pérez Puentes.A.. foto....62 p.. Barham..A propos de la Clarinette / Guy Vangain...Quiz Book / 17 p.: byn __(222/009).]: 49.Activity Book / Malcolm Pointon.. 107 p..: col..: byn __(223/021)..135 p. 86 p.100 Jeux Musicaux / Ger Storms.: byn..]:49.: col.) __(223/025). [et... __(222/017).. foto.. byn __(222/006)...... Odalis Soto. Asi enseño / Paul Tortelier.La Máscara Fisiológica: Embocadura / Taller de Musica la Florida.: byn Fotocopia....160 p.. 212 p.Superlung power and breath control in 5 minutes a day/A... 25 p.: byn...10 Ans Avec / Institut de Pedagogie Musicale et Choregraphique. __(222/007).67 p.Strings / Richard Balkwill.Folk Dances From Around the world / Debbie Cavalier........ Play: Preparing the young child for music/ Donna Wood. 3 cd's __(223/028).. il..126 p...23 p....47 p. fotocopia (11 p... __(222/003).XII.. il..: byn __(223/021).. __(223/021). foto.(258 p.. __(223/005).Fredy Fiddle and Betty Bow in the violin activity book / Kendra Law. and sing!: Note reading Activity / Peggy Wise.). 348 p..Je ne Manque Pas De Souffle / Michel Ricquier. 3 cd's __(223/013). Jannet King. foto.:byn __(223/016)..]: 49. vii. Westphal. + 6 lams. foto..5 x 38 cms.. ) __(230/009). 370 p... __(230/003). il...).25 p.De Fastos a Fiestas: Navidad y Chirimias en Popayan / Carlos Miñana Blasco.]: 49..Instrumentos Musicales / Jaime Rico Salazar.... 3 Vol.... 149 p.) __(230/012). 615 p... Deutsch.. 82 p...The Norton Scores: A Study Anthology / Kristine Forney. 1 casete.. __(231/012).Instrumentos musicales: Folklore colombiano / Guillermo Abadia Morales..... De Couleur..: byn __(223/027)...... 149 p. foto..Coplerio Colombiano / Guillermo Abadia Morales.....Theorie de la musique en bandes dessinées / Denis Lambaley...Technique de Mon Langage Musical / Olivier Messiaen. 2 Vol. foto: byn __(232/002).. __(232/004).. (XVI... foto. 158 p..Music in Theory and Practice / Bruce Benward....195 p..Traité Méthodique de Pedagogie Instrumentale: Principes physiologiques et psychologiques de la colonne d'air / Michel Ricquier.. XV.135 p. 208 p.: byn __(231/008). 1073 p.. 216 p......ABC del Folklore Colombiano / Guillermo Abadia Morales..) foto. Alex North. __(231/013). 241 p...580 p. análisis. 273 p..XV.[pleg.. __(231/003)...2 Vol. __(230/013)...Nuestra Música / Octavio Marulanda Morales...[pleg. __(230/010).. (30 p.Voice / Clifford Bevan.: byn __(230/002).... Gary White...: byn + 1 CD __(230/008)... + 5 lams.. Jesus Antonio Ferrer...Norton Anthology of Western Music / Claude V. il. HISTORIA DE LA MÚSICA __(232/005). Warch..... il.... foto.. il.Mi primer libro de Música: Método intuitivo de Audición Musical Aplicable a las enseñanzas primaria y secundaria / Antonio Hernández Moreno.. __(230/007). 367 p..La discoteca ideal de musica clasica / Kenneth McLeish....El concierto / Julio Sánchez Reyes..El arte del cuarteto de cuerda /David Blum. David Raksin..Música y Poesia en un Pueblo Colombiano: Una Herencia Tri-Cultural / George List.Inside the score: a detailed analysis of 8 classic Jazz ensemble charts / Rayburn Wright . Valerie McLeish.The Suzuki Violinist: A guide for teachers and parents / Willian Starr.. __(231/011)..Comprendre le Jazz: Par l'analyse de la sonate No.... (XXX....1665 p.Music for Study: A Source Book of Excerpts / Robert A Melcher..Electroacustic Music: The first Century / Herbert A. BANCO DE MÚSICA .80 p.Formas Musicales Colombianas / Samuel Bedoya Sanchez..Introducción a la Música Española del Renacimiento / Hans Federico Neuman... 267 p.). foto.: [byn].......198 p. + 6 lams...).. Et D'Ornithologie (1949-1992): en sept tomes. XI. 85 p. APRECIACIÓN MUSICAL __(231/007). __(231/001). 2 Vol..VI.1 Tom..Vol...) __(230/005).5 x 38 cms..Guabinas y Mojagangas / Guillermo Abadia Morales.131 p.[byn] __(231/010).. 3 cd's __(223/021). __(232/007).Woodwind / Clifford Bevan. Teoría Pag 82.: byn foto byn Fotocopia.. (137 p.. il: [col] __(232/006)...76 p.4 Vol.150 p. col.La música de cámara de Johann Sebastian Bach: Consideraciones previas..1 Vol.2.... obras / Hans Vogt. 51 p.660 p..289 p.. 1 casete..El Choco y su Folklore / Leonidas Valencia..185 p. Leonard Rosenman / George Burt.... __(231/005).La Musica en las Publicaciones Periodicas Colombianas del Siglo XIX (1848-1860) / Ellie Anne Duque.. __(230/001).5 x 38 cms.1 Vol.: byn __(232/001)...) __(231/006)... foto..174 p..... il.: byn.. Willard F. __(223/021). 2 (X..... 547 p. Mast.Traite de Rythme. __(230/004)...) __(230/006). (1545 p.16 pour piano de Mozart / Eric Boell.. (157 p. foto[byn] __(231/009)..Principles of Rhythm / Paul Creston. (347 p.The trumpeter's Handbook A comprehensive guide to playing and teaching the trumpet/Roger Sherman. (147 p... 3 cd's FORMAS MUSICALES __(230/011).The Art pf Film Music: Special emphasis on Hugo Friedhofer....Twentieth-Century Music / Elliott Antokoletz. 27 p. Palisca.Trp __(223/014). __(231/004).: byn __(231/002)..: col.25 p.La música para todos / Pilar Lago../Olivier Messiaen.. Paul B.XIV. __(223/004).. (LXV.) __(232/003).1 Vol.300 Adiciones al Vocabulario Folklorico colombiano / Guillermo Abadia Morales..Colombia y su Música / Jose Portaccio Fontalvo.]: 49. ...Maurice Ravel: Poeta Riguroso. __(241/012). IX.....154 p.. __(241/016).Compositores de las Américas: Datos biográficos y catálogos de sus obras / Organizacion de los Estados Americanos.... foto... 238 p.: byn. 154 p.Practical Vocabulary of Music / Roberto Braccini. col. (DCLXII..37 p. col...).Pat Metheny: Biographie..... __(240/006).Non.Johannes Brahms: Un romántico clásico / 16 p. X.. foto.. __(241/010).. __(240/003).. DICCIONARIO.Arvo Pärt / Paul Hillier.: col... col... __(241/007)..20 Vol..Sergei Prokofiev: Un moderno clasico/16 p.127 p.Otto de Greiff 90 años / 136 p....Harvard Dictionary of Music / Willi Apel...: byn __(241/004).) __(240/008). instruments / Luigi Viva. il...Arthur Honegger / Arthur Honegger: 1892-1955 Centenaire. foto.byn __(241/001)....: byn CONSTRUCCION DE INSTRUMENTOS __(260/002).Prokofiev Claude Samuel / Claude Samuel Prokofiev. foto.Planet Musician: The World Music Sourcebook for Musicians / Julie Lyonn Lieberman. 60 p.50 p..Jean Sibelius: Gigante de la musica finlandesa / 16 p. foto...37 p. ENCICLOPEDIA __(240/004).: byn.. 11 p... __(241/018). __(240/005). __(240/002).Afro-Latin Rhythm: Dictionary / Thomas A..... Secretaria Gral.[byn] __(241/009).. byn __(241/014).: byn.. 83 p.. Brown.. il.Compositores Colombianos: Vida y obras / Instituto Colombiano de Cultura.. foto. doscientos años: Conmemoración del bicentenario de la muerte del compositor austriaco 1791-1991 / Instituto Colombiano de Cultura..) __(241/011).. foto [byn] __(250/003). 17366 p.. 220 p.Franz Schubert: Una vida entregada a la musica / 16 p.Mozart...Alfred's Disco Drums Dictionary: Handy Guide / Sandy Feldstein.... frío colorista / 16 p. 70 p. __(241/019).…..Audio Digital: Conceptos Básicos y Aplicaciones / Jose Chilitos Valenzuela. XVIII..... foto.The home studio guide to microphones / Loren Alldrin. __(240/007)..VIII... __(240/009). foto.414 p.. Je ne suis pas du tout un excentrique / Glenn Gould... 4270 p.......000 Twinkles/Carroll Morris. (1694 p..Diccionario de la lengua española / Real Academia Española. REVISTAS __(241/006). 172 p. 20 Vol.. 2 Vol.. 643 p. il.. foto.. __(241/008)...[col] __(241/013).... __(241/003)..: byn foto[byn] BANCO DE MÚSICA . 49 p..: byn __(241/017)..Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolivar / Soledad Mendoza. 88 p.....Practical Dictionary of Musical Terms / Sandy Feldstein.251 p. + 1 CD __(250/001).Johann Sebastian Bach: La figura paterna / 16 p..The New Grove Dictionary of music and musicians / Satnley Sadie. __(241/020).. 80 p... __(241/015).: byn. foto.. 222 p.. Sam Morgenstern..Olav Roots: Trayectoria Artística / Instituto Colombiano de Cultura.. __(241/005).. Teoría Pag 83. foto.) __(240/001).…Cotidiáfonos / Instrumentos sonoros realizados con objetos cotidianos / Judith Akoschky.XIII. 2 Tom..: byn.Piano del Siglo XX / Carlos Barreiro Ortiz. (XCVI.... XV.. style...: byn. foto. (98 p. __(260/001)..: byn __(241/002). col.. col...Music in the 21st Century: The New Language / William Lee...My Life With Suzuki / Waltraud Suzuki.. 165 p.A Suzuki Parentïs Diary: Or How I Survived My First 10..: byn.A Dictionary Musical Themes / Harold Barlow...…Manual del Luthier: Tratado práctico sobre la construcción de violines / Ramón Pinto Comas. foto. TECNOLOGÍA __(250/002). 935 p.... 50 p.. Teoría Pag 84. BANCO DE MÚSICA . BANCO DE MÚSICA . Teoría Pag 85. Teoría Pag 86. BANCO DE MÚSICA Teoría Pag 87. BANCO DE MÚSICA VIDEOS pág. 88 FLAUTA __(VHS-M/001)......Anyone can play flute / Mel Bay Publications, 1 video (54 min aprox) __(VHS-M/002)......Flute for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (54 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet CLARINETE __(VHS-M/003)......Clarinet for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (54 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet FAGOT __(VHS-M/004)......Bassoon level 1 / Jack Bullock; Anthony Maiello, 1 video (54 min aprox) SAXOFON __(VHS-MT/002)......El moderno saxofon / Eric Marienthal, 1 video (74 min aprox) "Subtitulos en español" __(VHS-MT/003)......Tocando saxophone des el primer día / Eric Marienthal, 1 video (61 min aprox) "Subtitulos en español" __(VHS-MT/001)......Saxophone for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (45 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet TROMPETA __(VHS-MT/004)......Trumpet for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (45 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet TROMBON __(VHS-MT/005)......Trombone for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (49 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet __(VHS-MT/006)......Trombone level 1 / Jack Bullock; Anthony Maiello, 1 video (54 min aprox) TUBA __(VHS-MT/007)......Tuba for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (49 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet PERCUSION __(VHS-P/002)......Alfred's drum method, Book 1 / Sandy Feldstein; Dave Black, 1 video (67 min aprox) __(VHS-P/003)......Alfred's drum method, Book 2 / Sandy Feldstein; Dave Black, 1 video (64 min aprox) __(VHS-P/008)......Brazilian percussion / Airto Moreira, 1 video (76 min aprox) __(VHS-P/005)......Keyboard percussion level .1 / Jack Bullock; Anthony Maiello, 1 video (54 min aprox) __(VHS-P/006)......Mallet keyboard musicianship: steps to excellence Vol 1 / Dave samuels, 1 video (60 min aprox) __(VHS-P/007)......Mallet keyboard musicianship: steps to excellence Vol 2 / Dave samuels, 1 video (60 min aprox) __(VHS-P/004)......Percussion level 1 / Jack Bullock; Anthony Maiello, 1 video (54 min aprox) __(VHS-P/001)......Snare drum for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (55 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet __(VHS-P/009)......The essence of playing congas / Jerry Steinholtz, 1 video (55 min aprox) VIOLIN __(VHS-C/001)......Anyone can play violin / Mel Bay's, 1 video (55 min aprox) __(VHS-C/002)......Violin for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (45 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet VIOLA __(VHS-C/003)......Viola for beginners / Music video products, 1 video (63 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet BANCO DE MUSICA 1 video (58 min aprox) + Instruction Booklet PIANO __(VHS-NS/001). 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/009)..Mozart (IV) / Serie Musica maestro... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/004)..... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/003)...Chaikovsi / Serie Musica maestro.Bach / Serie Musica maestro. 1 video (52 min aprox) MISCELÁNEA __(VHS/001). 1 viideo (13 min aprox) + 1 Casete y cuento __(VHS/002).Bhother John and the village orchestra (Cuento infantil) / Guessing Game......... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/005)...Concepts for jazz/rock piano / Donald Fagen..The old king and his fiddlers four (Cuento infantil) / Guessing Game.Yamaha mantenimiento de instrumentos de viento... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/013).Mozart (V) / Serie Musica maestro. 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/010).Mozart / Serie Musica maestro.. 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/012).Brahms / Serie Musica maestro.Mozart (III) / Serie Musica maestro.....Schubert / Serie Música Maestro........... 89 VIOLONCHELO __(VHS-C/004)..... 1 viideo (13 min aprox) + 1 Casete y cuento __(VHS/004).........The art of movement / Mary Gae George... 1 Video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/014).. 1 video (40 min aprox) __(VHS/005)......Vivaldi / Serie Musica maestro.Mozart (I) / Serie Musica maestro....... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/015).Mozart (II) / Serie Musica maestro..... 1 Video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/006).........Haydn / Serie Musica maestro..Grieg / Serie Música Maestro.... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/011). 1 video (50 min aprox) BANCO DE MUSICA .... 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/002). 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/007)......Chopin / Serie Musica maestro............ 1 video (52 min aprox) + 1 Casete y manuel __(VHS/003). VIDEOS pág.. 1 video (52 min aprox) __(VHS-C1/008)....Cello for beginners / Music video products.Orquesta "Batuta" archipielago presentación teatro Hollywood...Dvorak / Serie Musica maestro.. 1 video (70 min aprox) ORQUESTA __(VHS-C1/001).. Ewa Mekwinski. Christmas duets for all .. 24 p. [4Cl] ENSAMBLES PARA CLARINETE __(003. Calvin Custer... + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb.0311/002). Arr. Cn.0314/003).0312/004). 19 p.0314/020).. 5 Vol.Christmas trios for all . 40 p. Tb.Christmas carols for flute choir / James Christensen.. Cn. Arr... 42 p.0315/002).0313/011).. + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb.. 24 p. Ritm.. Arr.. William Ryden. Arr.0314/011).The little drummer boy / Katherine Davis. [Pc. 7 p.. 38 p.. 2Fg.0312/003). + 1 casete [5Fl. Ritm.Christmas quartets for all / William Ryden.. [2Ob] TRIOS PARA OBOE __(002.0312/002).1Alt. Sc] QUINTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METALES __(010. Sc] DUETOS PARA OBOE __(002. 65 p.. Lennie Niehaus.1Alt. 11 p. [2Bb Trp.. Tb....0313/009). Pno acc... Harry Simeone .1Bj). 24 p.. William Ryden.. Sc] __(003.Christmas eve in my home town / Stan Zabka.. Sc] __(003.0313/001). [2Bb Trp. 24 p. Ricky Lombardo. 2Fl.. Sc] ENSAMBLES PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METALES BANCO DE MUSICA ..] TRIOS PARA CLARINETE __(003.. Sc] __(001. Ralph Blane ...Hove yourself a merry little christmas / Hung Martin.. [3Fg] CUARTETOS PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE METALES __(010..Suite of carols for woodwind .0313/007).. Thomas Gordon Campbell...1Bj). 70 p.0315/006). Leroy Anderson. Jeff Jarvis. John Iveson. Sec.. 24 p. [3Ob. Sec. 2 Trb.... William Ryden. 5 Vol. 2Cl....0312/002). [2Bb Trp. Arr...Nativity suite I .. Sc] CUARTETOS PARA FLAUTA __(001. Arr. Cn. Sc] QUINTETOS PARA FLAUTA __(001. 11 p... [3Cl.More christmas carols for flute choir .. Arr.Nativity suite II .We wish you a merry christmas .. Arr. [3Cl.) [4Fl.. Arr.Christmas trios for all . Don Upton . MÚSICA DE NAVIDAD ENSAMBLES PARA INSTRUMENTOS DE MADERA __(000.. Arr.... (56 p. [4Fl.Yuletide jazz suite # 1 .... Arr. Trb. Arr.. MUSICA DE NAVIDAD pág.) [4Fl.. James Christensen. Henry Onorati. Sc] __(001. Sec.. Calvin Custer.. Sc] CUARTETOS PARA CLARINETE __(003. Keith Snell. Ritm...0315/009). 2ob.. Arr. Sc] __(010. Arr. Trb.Jimgle bell samba / John Pierpont .0313/008). Calvin Custer..Christmas crackers for brass quintet . (56 P. Sc] TRIOS PARA FAGOT __(004. ..0312/094). William Ryden. Sc] __(010. Tb.] Nivel '2 USA' __(100. Timb.] Nivel ' 4 USA' __(100. 25 p. Rory Bayle. 42 p. Bar. [2Bb Trp.... Cdas...0315/047). [4Cn] OBRAS PARA ORQUESTA __(100...0311/002)....Rudolph. Bob Cerulli...0312/075). Henry Onorati. [Cdas 4 ptes. Ritm. Timb. 25 p..0312/052)...0312/061). Continuo. [3Cn] CUARTETOS PARA CORNO __(011.The little drummer boy / Katherine Davis. Trb. Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '2 USA' OBRAS PARA BANDA __(110. Perc. Arr. 23 p..Santa claus is comin' to town / Fred Coots . William Ryden.. Perc.Christmas ... [ (1121)(1211) Glock.Christmas concerto: for solo instrument and band (trumpet.. 2Trb. + 1 casete [2Bb Trp.] Nivel '1 USA' __(120. Calvin Custer. Arr. Per.. [Pic(2221)(4331) Glock. Bob Cerulli. Bar. Cn.] Nivel '5 USA' __(100... Perc... [ OBRAS PARA ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS __(120.0311/007). Arr.that special time of the year . Sec.0315/034).Christmas quartets for all . Arr.Silent night . Cn. 25 p......Villancicos cubanos siglo XVIII / Esteban Salas. [Cdas 4 ptes. MUSICA DE NAVIDAD pág. Sc] __(010..More cards for brass ensemble .] BANCO DE MUSICA .. Robert Smith.. Cdas. Pno. Arp. William Ryden.. Sc. 13 p. Pno... Flute or Alto Saxophone) ..0312/007).. Arr.A christmas festival / Leroy Anderson. Vl3 op. Bob Cerulli. 84 p. 2Trb. [Cdas 4 ptes. Arr. 62 p.Christmas hymns ...0315/018). Vl3 op. Cdas. 108 p. 12 p...0312/093). Arr.. Pno. the red-nosed reindeer / Johnny Marks . 17 p. Arr. Sc. Cn.0313/007). __(010.. Arr. Xilo.. Calvin Custer. Lloyol Conley. 51 p. 32 p.Christmas duets for all . [2Cn] Nivel '2 USA' TRIOS PARA CORNO __(011. Arr... Sc] DUETOS PARA CORNO __(011.... Per op. Pno op..0312/005).Christmas for two .. [Pic(2222)Sax(0210(4331) Perc..0312/077).] Nivel '3 USA' __(120. [2Bb Trp.. Arr.0312/025).. Org. Harry Simeone . 36 p. Arr. [2Cn] __(011. Glock.. Steve Sample.. [(1121)(1211) Timb.. Arr. Sammy Nestico.The christmas waltz / Jule Styne .Christmas trios for all . Clarinet. 63 p. Sc] BANCO DE MUSICA . MUSICA DE NAVIDAD pág. Cn. Tb. Trb. rp. 1Bar).. Glock..Peter gunn: Theme song from the television series / Henry Mancini . Secc rit. Arr. J. Calvin Custer. Arr. 34 p..Over the rainbow: from the MGM picture "The wizard of oz" / Harold Arlen . [Pic(212Clb1)(4331) Glock.. Arr. + 1 casete [6Cl(4Bb.] __(100....0312/017). Calvin Custer.. Bob Cerulli.Theme from ice castles (through the eyes of love) / Marvin Hamlisch .Sounds from hollywood (a medley for orchestra) .. [(1121)(2331) Timb. Arr. Pno. Sc] OBRAS PARA ORQUESTA __(100. SC] ENSAMBLES PARA CLARINETE __(003.0312/027).Chariots of fire / Vangelis .0313/004). 45 p.The pink panther / Henry Mancini . Glock. Sec. Pno... Chuck Sayre.0314/002).2Ten. Arr..0312/087). Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '3+ USA' __(100. Pno..Over the rainbow: feactured in the mgm picture the wizard of oz / Harold Arlen . Glock. Calvin Custer...] BANCO DE MUSICA . Pno.0312/005). Cdas. Cdas (Vl3op)] Nivel '2 USA' __(100. Nicholas Hare. 31 p. 23 p. [5Sx. Pno. 37 p. Timb. Calvin Custer. [(1121)(1211) Timb.Cartoon capers (Casper & Popeye) .. Sc] __(001.Selections from Hook: from the tristar pictures feature film "Hook" / John Williams . Calvin Custer.. Vib. 9 p. Perc. Xilo. 132 p. Sec....] __(100.. 30 p. . 34 p..] Nivel '5 USA' __(100. Xilo..... Arr. Vib. Pno.. Bob Cerulli... Ritm..nosed reindeer / Johnny Marks ... Arr. [Picc(21Clbj21)(4331) Timb. [Picc(2222)(4331)Timb. Arr. Bob Cerulli. Glock. Marty Gold. Arr. 152 p.Twister (main theme) / Mark Mancina . Arr. Cdas. Arr.. Vib. [(1121)(1211) Glock. Ritm.1Alt. Arr..(Everything I do) I do it for you: from the motion picture "Robin Hood: Prince of thieves" / Bryan Adams. [(1121)(1211)Vib. Bob Cerulli. Pno.. 44 p + 1 casete [5Fl. TEMAS DE PELICULAS pág. Perc.. + 1 casete [Pc.. Perc.. Perc... Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100. M.... + 1 casete [5Fl.. Pno. [4 Col.. 37 p.. Arr. 39 p.Batman Theme / Neal Hefti .. Timp.. Cdas(Vl3 op)] __(100.... [(2121)(2321)Timb. Glock. Perc.Over the rainbow: feactured in the MGM picture "the wizard of Oz" / Harold Arlen .0312/003). Perc. Arr. Sc] __(005... Ritm. Glock... Arr. Sc] CUARTETOS PARA CLARINETE __(003. Secc rit.The shadow of your smile (love theme from "the sandpiper") / Johnny Mandel ... 56 p.. Cdas. Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '4 USA' __(100.0312/022)..A tribute to Henry Mancini / Henry Mancini .. [(21(Clbj)21)Sax(0211)(2331) Xilo. 69 p. Arr. Arr. [(1121)(2331) Glock. Ritm.. Calvin Custer..Rudolph the red . Bob Cerulli. Chuck Sayre.. [(1121)(1211) Glock. 50 p.0312/015). Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100. Perc..1Bj). Arr.The pink panther / Henry Mancini .Batman theme / Neal Hefti . Kamen .0312/016).0314/001). Glock. Lange. Cdas (Vl3 op)] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.0314/005).0314/001). Sc] __(001.0312/023).0312/071). [(1121)(1211) Perc.. Ritm. Pno. 93 TEMAS DE PELICULAS QUINTETOS PARA FLAUTA __(001. [ __(100..0312/095). Calvin Custer. Arr. Pno.The shadow of your smile (love theme from "the Sandpiper") / Johnny Mandel .. Perc. 34 p. Vl3 op..] Nivel '3 USA' __(100.... Cdas(Vl3 op)] Nivel '3+ USA' __(100.. Cdas.. Calvin Custer. Pno. [(21(Clbj)21)Sax(0211)(2331) Xilo. R... Arr. Perc. Sec.. Calvin Custer.. Arr. Sec. Calvin Custer...... Sec.The pink panther / Henry Mancini . Perc.0312/067). Vib. [5Sx(2Alt.0312/020). 37 p.. Cdas. Glock.0315/008). Sc] ENSAMBLES PARA SAXOFON __(005.The pink panther / Henry Mancini .. Calvin Custer.0314/002). 44 p. 45 p. Ritm. James Christensen. 34 p. Sec.0312/021). 4Fl. Sc..] __(120. [ __(110. Bob Cerulli. [ __(110... 122 p. Vl3 op. 31 p.. Bob Cerulli. 44 p. John Wasson..Sing (From "sesame street) / Joe Raposo . Arr. [Cdas 4 ptes.Henry Mancini for strings: Volumen two / Henry Mancini . [Cdas 4 ptes..... [ __(110. Robert Smith. Sc.0312/050).Henry Mancini for strings: Volume one / Henry Mancini .0312/053). Cdas 4 ptes.) [Cdas 4 ptes.. 54 p. [Bb Trb solo.0312/020). Arr.. 12 p...... 30 p..] Nivel '2 USA' __(120. [ __(110.. Arr.....Movie music (volumen two) .0312/038). (135 p....0312/004)..0312/040).. Arr. [ __(110. [ __(110.] __(120.... Arr.. Neal Hefti . 6 Tom.. [ __(110.. Sc.. Arr.James Bond suite ..0312/039). Mike Story..... Paul Lavender.0312/028). Johnny Mandel .The simpsons / Danny Elfman . Pno acc..] Nivel '2 USA' __(120. 24 p. Arr..0312/006). 63 p.0312/037). Vl2 op. [Cdas 4 ptes. [ __(110. 19 p.. [ OBRAS PARA ORQUESTA DE CUERDAS __(120. [Cdas 4 ptes.Over the rainbow: from the wizard of oz" / Harold Arlen .. Peter Ipolito.Mission: Impossible theme / Lalo Schifrin . 171 p.0312/021).. Arr.0311/014).The simpsons / Danny Elfman ... Arr.. Arr..The pink panther meets batman / Henry Mancini..0312/059). Sc. 41 p..] __(120.Song from M*A*S*H (suicide is painless): from the twentieth century fox motion picture M*A*S*h / Mike Altman.] __(120. Arr. 11 p.. Arr.. 67 p. Paul Cook.Hook: from the tristar picture feature film / John Williams .. 173 p. 6 Tom. Jack Bullock. [ __(110. Robert Smith. 87 p..] Nivel '4 USA' __(120. 60 p. Vl3 op... Tony Esposito. Arr.0312/029).Peter gunn / Henry Mancini .0312/044).. 35 p. Vl3 op... Calvin Custer. Sec ritm..] __(120..Classic T.. Arr...0312/030). Chuck Sayre. [ __(110.... TEMAS DE PELICULAS pág.. Frank Erickson. 80 p.Robin Hood soundtrack highlights / Michael Kamen .Peter gunn: Theme song from the television / Henry Mancini . Warren Barker. themes . [ __(110. 152 p.0312/038). 34 p.. Arr.... Arr... Steven Rosenhaus.... [ __(110.Over the rainbow / Harold Arlen ..V. Arr. John Wasson... [ __(110.) [Cdas 4 ptes.The great escape march: from the united artists motion picture "The great escape" / Elmer Bernstein .. 33 p.. 35 p. Jerry Brubaker.. [Cdas 4 ptes. Pno acc. Arr.Jurassic suite / Ken Dye. William Zinn. 94 OBRAS PARA BANDA __(110. Arr. [ __(110. Sec ritm. Sc.Hollywood! . Arr..... Arr.. (138 p. [ __(110. Pno op..0312/036).0312/002). Arr. Kussa Machi . Sec ritm.0311/014). Sc..Over the rainbow (Trombone solo with strings) / Harol Arlen ..A bugs Bunny twosome the merry-go-round broke down / this is it! .. 22 p.Mighty morphin power rangers meet the x-men: A super hero medley! / Shuki Levy. [Cdas 4 ptes.. Arr. [Cdas 4 ptes. [ __(110. William Zinn. Sc...] BANCO DE MUSICA . John Wasson.0312/047).The great gate of kiev: from mussorgsky pictures at an exhibition / Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky .. Bob Cerulli.. Marty Shubert.. [ __(110.... Arr.... 11 p. Paul Jennings. Sc.Mancini Magic / Henry Mancini . 130 p..0312/049).0312/034). Jay Bocook. Bob Cerulli.. Sc...0312/035).A mike post collection / Mike Post .0312/003).. Arr. Pno acc.Tiny toons adventure (theme song) / Bruce Broughton .The pink panther / Henry Mancini . Jerry Brubaker. Arr. Arr.0312/019). 13 p.. Sc.] Nivel '1 USA' __(120...0312/018).0312/041).
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