Catalog Prym

March 23, 2018 | Author: mirelamar | Category: Rivet, Jeans, Clothing, Fashion & Beauty, Textiles



Non-Sew Press Fasteners, Eyelets and Rivets7 Eyelets and Rivets Non-Sew Press Fasteners, For handicrafts. Non-sew products from Prym are exclusively manufactured from high-quality materials. fine leather A variety of fasteners can easily be attached without any problem using the Prym Vario pliers. parkas. Jersey – light fastening strength for baby and children’s wear Anorak – medium fastening strength for anoraks. eyelets. jeans buttons. Sport & Camping – heavy fastening strength for sportswear. tent fabrics Eyelets with Washers for lace-up fastenings. Perfected production processes and finishing techniques ensure resistance to corrosion resistance and precise. Washing. for garments and home décor Jeans Buttons for denim jackets and jeans 7|3 . ironing. rivets. mangling – no problem for non-sew products from Prym. lasting function. the cleverly designed attaching tools and clear.Success every time. Quality in highest precision – Prym non-sew press fasteners. handicrafts. hobby or repair work. eyelets. as fashionable decorative elements. The branded quality of non-sew press fasteners. easy to understand instructions for use. skirts. spinning. thick leather. rivets and buttons already comes to light in the simple and problemfree riveting. dry cleaning. dresses. sleeping bags. rivets with piercing tools for 3 and 4 mm Ø card of 1 piece 390 900 A Piercing tools for textiles. 390 321) 10 press fasteners Anorak 15 mm black oxidized (refill: code no. foil etc. 542 401) instructions for use assortment kit 651 420 D 7| 4 . leather. 4 and 8 mm Ø for Vario pliers card of 3 pieces 673 125 B Revolving punch pliers for textiles. Vario pliers for riveting press fasteners. for 6 hole sizes 2. 3. 390 106) 25 eyelets 4 mm silver-coloured (as code no. 542 400) 25 eyelets 4 mm gold-coloured (as code no. foil etc. Illus.Prym Non-Sew Description Presentation Code No.5-5 mm card of 1 piece 390 905 C Vario Plus Kit with basic assortment. 390 202) 10 press fasteners Jersey 10 mm silver-coloured (refill: code no. jeans buttons. 390 327) 10 press fasteners Sport & Camping 15 mm silver-coloured (refill: code no. refillable pliers. eyelets. leather. piercing and riveting tools 10 press fasteners Anorak 15 mm silver-coloured (refill: code no. B 57 x 93 mm A 93 x 285 mm C 93 x 285 mm D 240 x 190 mm 7| 5 . Illus. plastic on the outside 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm white red blue navy blue black card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces 390 420 390 427 390 433 390 423 390 421 A Jersey light fastening strength. brass. without instructions for 390 107 for 390 120 for 390 111 for 390 117 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 12 mm silver-coloured silver-coloured white mother-of-pearl imitation card of 20 pieces card of 20 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 6 pieces 390 106 390 104 390 121 390 122 7| 6 . brass. rustproof ring ring ring pearl cap cap cap lacquered cap lacquered 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 12 mm 10 mm 12 mm 12 mm silver-coloured silver-coloured white mother-of-pearl imitation silver-coloured white black card of 10 pieces multipac of 200 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 9 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces 390 107 390 127 390 111 390 117 390 120 390 171 390 170 B Jersey refill packs without tools. rustproof. Color light fastening strength.Prym Non-Sew Description Size Colour Rivetable with Presentation Code No. 13 mm 390 420 390 427 390 433 Color 390 423 390 421 A 93 x 140 mm 10 mm 10 mm 12 mm Jersey 390 107 390 111 390 117 390 120 390 171 390 170 B 93 x 140 mm 7| 7 . rustproof 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm cap lacquered cap lacquered cap lacquered cap lacquered 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm silver-coloured gold-coloured antique brass antique copper antique steel black oxidized silver-coloured silver-coloured gold-coloured antique brass antique brass antique copper antique steel black oxidized black oxidized white red blue black card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces multipac of 100 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces multipac of 100 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces multipac of 100 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces 390 330 390 332 390 334 390 336 390 335 390 339 390 301 390 260 390 314 390 299 390 262 390 309 390 310 390 302 390 261 390 306 390 305 390 303 390 307 B A Anorak refill packs without tools. brass. brass. Illus.Prym Non-Sew Description Size Colour Rivetable with Presentation Code No. Mini light fastening strength. without instructions for 390 330 for 390 301 for 390 314 for 390 309 for 390 302 12 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm silver-coloured silver-coloured gold-coloured antique copper black oxidized card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces 390 331 390 321 390 392 390 328 390 327 7| 8 . rustproof 8 mm silver-coloured card of 10 pieces 390 360 Anorak medium fastening strength. 8 mm 12 mm 390 330 390 360 Mini Anorak 390 336 15 mm 390 332 390 334 390 335 390 339 390 301 390 314 390 299 390 309 390 310 390 302 390 306 390 305 390 303 390 307 B 93 x 140 mm A 105 x 210 mm 7| 9 . without instructions for 390 201 for 390 200 15 mm 15 mm silver-coloured black oxidized card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces 390 202 390 230 7| 10 .Prym Non-Sew Description Size Colour Rivetable with Presentation Code No. rustproof 13 mm 13 mm silver-coloured black oxidized card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces 390 501 390 502 Sport & Camping heavy fastening strength. rustproof 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm silver-coloured silver-coloured antique brass antique steel black oxidized black oxidized card of 10 pieces multipac of 100 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces multipac of 100 pieces 390 201 390 241 390 199 390 198 390 200 390 240 B Sport & Camping refill packs without tools. rustproof Design Spirit Design Wheel Design Flat Design Flat Design Spirit Design Wheel Design Flat Design Flat Design Collage Design Excursion Design Fusion 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm antique silver antique brass antique steel matt black oxidized matt antique silver antique brass antique steel matt black oxidized matt antique brass silver matt antique silver card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces 390 520 390 521 390 371 390 372 390 358 390 355 390 376 390 377 390 510 390 511 390 513 A Sport Mini heavy fastening strength. brass. brass. Anorak Design medium fastening strength. Illus. brass. 390 520 390 521 390 371 390 372 390 358 390 355 390 376 390 377 390 511 390 513 390 510 13 mm 15 mm A 93 x 140 mm 390 501 390 201 390 198 390 200 B 93 x 140 mm 7| 11 . brass. rustproof 9 mm 9 mm silver-coloured/ antique steel antique copper/ black oxidized card of 24 pieces card of 24 pieces 403 101 403 102 C 7| 12 . rustproof 33 mm silver-coloured card of 4 pieces 545 510 Jeans buttons plastic/brass. brass. caravans.Prym Non-Sew Description Size Colour Rivetable with Presentation Code No. design Star open top. caravans. rustproof plain design laurel wreath plain design laurel wreath design laurel wreath design laurel wreath design American Star design flower open top. brass. brass. rustproof 15 mm silver-coloured card of 10 pieces 390 211 A TENAX Safety fasteners for camping requirements. design Star 14 mm 14 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm silver-coloured antique copper silver-coloured silver-coloured matt antique copper antique copper antique silver antique brass antique brass/ matt white antique bronze card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces multipac of 100 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 8 pieces card of 6 pieces card of 6 pieces 622 201 622 200 622 240 622 251 622 241 622 190 622 210 622 211 622 239 622 238 B Rivets can be used on both sides. rustproof 20 mm silver-coloured card of 2 pieces 416 495 Turn clasps for camping requirements.. Yacht & Caravan press fastener underpart can be screwed on.. boats etc. Illus. boats etc. 390 211 416 495 545 510 A 93 x 140 mm 622 201 622 240 622 200 622 251 622 241 B 93 x 140 mm 622 210 622 211 622 239 622 238 403 101 403 102 C 93 x 140 mm 7| 13 . 6 mm for material thickness 4 . Tubular rivets brass. mild steel.Prym Non-Sew Description Size Colour Rivetable with Presentation Code No.9 mm 7 mm 7 mm 10 mm 10 mm 13 mm 13 mm silver-coloured silver-coloured silver-coloured silver-coloured silver-coloured silver-coloured card of 20 pieces multipac of 400 pieces card of 15 pieces multipac of 200 pieces card of 8 pieces multipac of 100 pieces 403 150 403 160 403 151 403 161 403 152 403 162 A Hooks and bars rivetable. Illus. brass. for trousers and skirts.9 mm for material thickness 6 . rustproof for material thickness 3 .6 mm for material thickness 6 .4 mm for material thickness 3 . rust protected 13 mm silver-coloured multipac of 100 pieces 265 820 7| 14 . rustproof 13 mm 13 mm silver-coloured/ black oxidized silver-coloured/ black oxidized card of 4 pieces multipac of 100 pieces 265 811 265 815 B Hooks and bars with plate.4 mm for material thickness 4 . 7 mm 10 mm 13 mm 403 150 403 151 403 152 A 67 x 140 mm 13 mm 13 mm 265 811 265 820 B 93 x 140 mm 7| 15 . rustproof 4 mm inside Ø 4 mm inside Ø 4 mm inside Ø silver-coloured gold-coloured black oxidized card of 50 pieces card of 50 pieces card of 50 pieces 542 400 542 401 542 402 Eyelets with washers brass.Prym Non-Sew Size Colour Rivetable with Presentation Code No. rustproof 4 mm inside Ø 4 mm inside Ø 4 mm inside Ø 5 mm inside Ø 5 mm inside Ø 5 mm inside Ø 5 mm inside Ø 5 mm inside Ø 8 mm inside Ø 8 mm inside Ø 8 mm inside Ø 11 mm inside Ø 11 mm inside Ø 11 mm inside Ø 14 mm inside Ø 14 mm inside Ø 14 mm inside Ø silver-coloured gold-coloured black oxidized silver-coloured silver-coloured gold-coloured antique steel black oxidized silver-coloured gold-coloured black oxidized silver-coloured gold-coloured black oxidized silver-coloured gold-coloured black oxidized card of 50 pieces card of 50 pieces card of 50 pieces card of 40 pieces multipac of 500 pieces card of 40 pieces card of 40 pieces card of 40 pieces card of 24 pieces card of 24 pieces card of 24 pieces card of 15 pieces card of 15 pieces card of 15 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces card of 10 pieces 542 407 542 408 542 409 542 410 542 420 542 411 542 412 542 371 541 374 541 375 541 376 541 370 541 371 541 381 541 383 541 373 541 384 B A 7| 16 . Eyelets for belts brass. Illus. 4 mm 542 400 4 mm 542 401 542 402 542 407 542 408 542 409 5 mm 542 410 8 mm 542 411 542 412 542 371 A 93 x 140 mm 541 374 541 375 541 376 11 mm 541 370 14 mm 541 371 541 381 541 383 541 373 541 384 B 93 x 140 mm 7| 17 .
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