Cat Etc 2003

March 20, 2018 | Author: Jose Guerreiro | Category: Yield (Engineering), Welding, Strength Of Materials, Chemical Elements, Steel



WELDING PRODUCTSPRODOTTI PER LA SALDATURA WERKSTOFFE FÜR DAS SCHWEIßEN PRODUCTOS PARA LA SOLDADURA electrodes / elettrodi / elektroden / electrodos solid wires - TIG rods / fili pieni - barrette TIG fülldraht - stabelektrode TIG / hilos sólidos - varillas TIG flux cored wires / fili animati / bandelektrode / hilos tubulares submergered arc fluxes / flussi per arco sommerso schweisspulver für das up-schweißen / fluxes para arco sumergido submergered arc wires / fili per arco sommerso schweissdraht für das up-schweißen / hilos para arco sumergido backing strips / supporti ceramici keramikvorrichtung / respaldos cerámicos pickling paste / pasta decapante / beizpaste / pasta decapante GB Specialization in welding-engineering has led to many welding products. Often the differences are small, which does not make the choice of the right product to the job any easier. This general catalogue is written in four languages: English • Italian • German • Spain If you have a special welding problem please do not hesitate in contacting us. We will be glad to place at your disposal the data we got from our application laboratories in France and in Padova (Italy) and, of course, our experience. I La specializzazione nella tecnica di saldatura ha portato alla messa a punto di svariati tipi di prodotti di consumo. Spesso le differenze sono piccole, il che rende difficile molte volte la scelta del tipo di prodotto da impiegare in un certo lavoro. Questo catalogo generale descritto, in quattro lingue: Inglese • Italiano • Tedesco • Spagnolo si propone di facilitare la Vostra scelta. Se avete un problema particolare di saldatura non esitate ad interpellarci, saremo lieti di mettere a Vostra disposizione i dati ricavati presso i nostri laboratori di applicazione in Francia e presso la nostra sede di Padova, nonché la nostra esperienza D Die Spezialisierung in der Schweißtechnik hat zur Entwicklung von verschiedenen Verbrauchsgütern geführt. Häufig sind die Unterschiede minimal, was die Wahl des richtigen Produkts für einen bestimmten Einsatz schwierig macht. Dieser Katalog, der in vier Sprachen, nämlich Englisch • Italienisch • Deutsch • Spanien abgefaßt wurde, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Ihre Wahl zu erleichtern. Wenn Sie ein spezifisches Schweißproblem haben, zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren! Wir stellen Ihnen gerne unsere Erfahrung sowie die Daten zur Verfügung, die wir in unseren Anwendungslabors in Frankreich und hier am Sitz in Padua ermittelt haben. E La especialización en la técnica de la soldadura ha aportado un desarrollo de diversos tipos de productos de consumo. Frecuentemente las diferencias entre ellos son pequeñas, lo que hace difícil muchas veces la selección del tipo de producto a emplear en ciertos trabajos. Este catálogo general está escrito en cuatro lenguas Inglés • Italiano • Alemán • Español que persigue facilitar la búsqueda y selección de los productos. Si tuviese algún problema particular de soldadura no dude en consultarnos, estamos a su entera disposición para recavar sus datos y estudiarlos en nuestros laboratorios de aplicaciones de Francia o Italia, que gozan de una gran experiencia. ETC Elettrotermochimica Innovative products and marketing strategies have been the main strengths of ETC Elettrotermochimica since our foundation in 1947 as part of the Philips Group. When the Philips Group left the welding sector in 1985, ETC joined the multinational AIR LIQUIDE Group and has successfully carried on manufacturing high technology electrodes under the international ETC PH brand name. 1947 1985 TODAY ETC has gone on to become a true and renowned reference in the world of welding. The know-how and vast experience acquired over the years make ETC a leader on the domestic market and an important player on foreign markets. ISO 9001:2000 certification gives testimony to ETC’s constant pursuit of high quality standards and professional efficiency in all industrial fields: from off-shore to shipyards, from petrochemicals to energy production. Quality standards, innovative products, customer care and customer service are the principles of ETC’s strategy, which concentrates on our customers’ demand for constant technical competence and efficiency. To enhance our performance, ETC relies on technological progress, human resources and continuous feed-back from our customers. Thanks to high-quality products, particular attention to customers’ requirements and prompt delivery, ETC can provide a solution to any welding problem. Special attentiveness to technology, to the professionalism of the people who work with us and to our customers motivate ETC to invest in marketing, research and in the sales division, as well as improving our Quality Control and Quality Assurance system. ETC Elettrotermochimica INDEX >> 15 APPENDIX 15 AWS Classification 17 EN Classification 37 ELECTRODES 41 Rutile electrodes for welding non-alloy steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 50 Low hydrogen electrodes for welding non-alloy steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 63 PH 27 PH 27H PH 35S PH 35S DRY PH 36D PH 36S PH 37 PH 55H PH 56R PH 56ST PH 58 PH 58S PH 77 Cellulosic electrodes for pipeline welding ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 69 PH SMART PH 28 PH 42 PH 45 PH 46 PH 46S PH 48E PH 68 PH 78E PH 27P PH PIPELINE PH PIPELINE PH PIPELINE PH PIPELINE 60 60A 70 80 High efficiency rutile electrodes ETC PH C23 ETC PH C23H ETC PH C23S 72 High efficiency low hydrogen electrodes ETC PH C6 ETC PH C6HH ETC PH C16S ETC PH C57H 77 Series KV-KVL electrodes for low-alloy steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC INDEX PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH KV1 KV2 KV2HR KV2L KV3 KV3HR KV3L KV4 KV4L 7 << INDEX >> ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 95 PH PH PH PH PH KV5 KV5HR KV5L KV7 KV7M Chrome-molybdenum electrodes for applications after step ETC AL CROMO E225 ETC AL CROMO E225V ETC AL CROMO E300V 98 Cutting electrodes ETC PH GO 99 Electrodes for cryogenic and low temperature applications ETC PH NiCrFe7 ETC PH 75H ETC PH 85 ETC PH 87 ETC PH CN182 ETC PH 625 107 Electrodes for welding high-strength steels ETC PH 98 ETC PH 118 ETC PH 128 113 Electrodes for COR-TEN steels ETC PH 85CP 115 Electrodes for off-shore welding ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 121 Electrodes for welding stainless steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC INDEX PH 56S PH 75S PH 76S PH 88S PH 88S HR PH RSP PH RSP-B PH BS 307 PH BS 308L PH BS 308L VU PH BS 308LT PH RS 308L PH RS 308L VD PH BS 309Cb PH BS 309L PH BS 309Mo PH RS 309L PH RS 309Mo PH BS 310 PH BS 310Mo PH RS 310 PH BS 311 Cu LC H PH RS 312 PH BM 316L N PH BS 316L PH BS 316L VU PH BS 316LT PH RS 316L PH RS 317 PH BS 318 PH RS 318 8 << INDEX >> ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 157 PH BS 347 PH RS 347 PH BS 410 NiMoS PH BS 410S PH BS 430S PH RS 22.3L Easy Weld electrodes ETC PH RS 308L EW ETC PH RS 309L EW ETC PH RS 316L EW 160 High carbon electrodes for welding stainless steels ETC PH RS 308H 161 Electrodes for welding cast-iron ETC PH 801 ETC PH 802 ETC PH 803 167 Electrodes for hardfacing ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 177 PH HCM PH MN PH 250 PH 450 PH 600 Electrodes for welding Nickel and Cu-Ni alloys ETC PH CuNi 70-30 ETC PH NiCu 70-30 181 Electrodes for welding aluminum ETC PH Al ETC PH Al 5Si ETC PH Al 12Si 185 188 Electrodes Standard Packing Electrodes Vacuum Packing 201 SOLID WIRES 204 Solid wires for welding non-alloy steels ETC SG1 ETC SG2 ETC SG3 ETC 6000 ETC 6000 CF ETC 6010 TP 210 Solid wires for welding COR-TEN steels ETC CU 211 Solid wires for welding high tensile steels ETC 116 ETC 116S ETC 120 214 Solid wires for welding alloy and low-alloy steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC INDEX 1Ni 2Ni KV2 KV3 KV4 KV5 KV7 9 .9. << INDEX >> 221 Solid wires for welding stainless steels ETC 307 ETC 308H ETC 308L ETC 308L Si ETC 309L ETC 309L Mo ETC 309L Si ETC 310 ETC 311 CuL ETC 312 ETC 316L ETC 316L N ETC 316L Si ETC 318 Si ETC 347 ETC 410 NiMo ETC 410L ETC 420 ETC 430 ETC 22 9 3L 241 Solid wires for welding Nickel and Cu-Ni alloys ETC ETC ETC ETC 245 Ni 90 CuNi 70-30 NiCu70-30 CuNi 90-10 Solid wires for welding Ni-Cr alloys ETC 82 ETC 625 247 Solid wires for welding aluminum ETC ETC ETC ETC 250 Al Al Mg 4.5Mn Al Mg 5 Al Si 5 Solid wires for hardfacing ETC 350 ETC 650 253 Solid Wires Standard Packing 259 TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES 260 Tubular flux cored wires for welding non-alloy steels ETC 6103 ETC 6104 ETC 6105 ETC 6111 ETC 6112 ETC 6114 ETC 6114 CF ETC 6114E ETC 6119 ETC 6123 ETC 6130 ETC 6131 272 Tubular flux cored wires for welding COR-TEN steels ETC 6149B ETC 6149R INDEX 10 . << INDEX >> 274 Tubular flux cored wires for hardfacing ETC 6154 275 Tubular flux cored wires for welding low-alloy steel ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 6121 6132 6133 6602 6603 6605 281 STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES 282 Strip flux cored wires for welding non-alloy and low-alloy steels ETC 6100 ETC 6100C ETC 6100E ETC 6100Ni ETC 6117 ETC 6121S ETC 6121SR ETC 6170 ETC 6200 ETC 6202 ETC 6205 ETC 6206 ETC 6212 ETC 6225 ETC 6291 ETC 6400 ETC 6625 ETC ZN 300 Strip flux cored wires for welding stainless steels ETC 6293V ETC 6307L ETC 6308H ETC 6308L ETC 6308LF ETC 6309L ETC 6309L Mo ETC 6309LF ETC 6316L ETC 6316LF ETC 6347 311 Flux Cored Wires Standard Packing 315 TIG RODS 318 TIG rods for welding non-alloy steels ETC TIG SG1 ETC TIG SG2 320 TIG rods for welding alloy and low-alloy steels ETC TIG 1 Ni ETC TIG 2 Ni ETC TIG KV2 ETC TIG KV3 ETC TIG KV4 ETC TIG KV5 ETC TIG KV7 ETC TIG KV7M INDEX 11 . << INDEX >> 328 TIG rods chrome-molybdenum for applications after step cooling ETC AL CROMO W 225 ETC AL CROMO W 225 V ETC AL CROMO W 300 V 331 TIG rods for welding stainless steels ETC TIG 308H ETC TIG 308L ETC TIG 309L ETC TIG 310 ETC TIG 311 CuL ETC TIG 312 ETC TIG 316L ETC TIG 318 Si ETC TIG 347 ETC TIG 410L ETC TIG 22 9 3L 342 TIG rods for welding Nickel and Cu-Ni alloys ETC TIG CuNi 70-30 ETC TIG NiCu 70-30 344 TIG rods for welding Ni-Cr alloys ETC TIG 82 ETC TIG 625 346 TIG rods for welding aluminum ETC TIG Al ETC TIG Al Mg5 ETC TIG Al Si5 ETC TIG Al Mg4.5 Mn 351 SUBMERGED ARC FLUXES 357 Rutile fluxes for non-alloy steels ETC FX 28R ETC FXA 28R ETC FX 42R ETC FX 46R 365 Basic and semi-basic fluxes for alloy and non-alloy steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 384 FX 27SB FXA 27SB FX 35B FX 76B FXA 76B FX 77SB Fluxes for chrome-molybdenum steels in applications after step ETC AL CROMO F 537 386 Fluxes for stainless steels ETC FX 300 IR ETC FX 300B ETC FXA 300IR ETC FX 350 B 396 Rutile fluxes for stainless steel cladding ETC FX IRC ETC FX 300P ETC FX 400P INDEX 12 . << INDEX 399 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES 399 Submerged arc wires for non-alloy steels ETC ETC ETC ETC 400 AS1 AS2 ASH3 AS48 Submerged arc wires for low-alloy steels ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS KV7M ETC AS1 Cr Mo ETC AS1 Cr Mo ETC AS2 Cr Mo ETC AS2 Ni 1 ETC AS3 Ni Mo 402 2 5 1 1 Submerged arc wires for chrome-molybdenum in applications ETC AL CROMO S 225 ETC AL CROMO S 225 V ETC AL CROMO S 300 V 403 Submerged arc wires for welding stainless steels ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 407 AS 308H AS 308L AS 309L AS 309LMo AS 310 AS 311 CuL AS 312 AS 316H AS 316L AS 318 AS 347 AS 410 AS 410L AS 420 AS 430 AS 22 9 3L Submerged arc wires for welding Ni-Cr ETC AS 82 ETC AS 625 408 Submerged arc wires for welding Ni steels ETC AS2 Ni 3 ETC ASH3 1 Ni 0.25 Mo 409 Types of Packing 413 CERAMIC BACKING AND PICKLING PASTE 415 Ceramic backing ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC 421 KERAWELD P002 KERAWELD P003 KERAWELD F006 KERAWELD F007 KERAWELD D8T KERAWELD D10T KERAWELD D12T KERAWELD D15T KERAWELD D20T Pickling paste ETC INOXGEL INDEX 13 . . H4. AWS A5. max 8.AWS Classification The most commonly used classification system used for different welding products is that of the American Welding Society: AWS A5. HX Optional symbol for diffusible hydrogen content. max 16 ml H2 /100g C 100% CO2 "M" 75-80% Ar / balance CO2 deposited weld metal. ETC 6100 E 71 T-1M ETC 6200 E70T-5 M H4 E Symbol for electrode X Minimum tensile strength (in psi x 10 000) X Welding position of the electrode T Indicates flux-cored electrode X Indicates performance and applications M Symbol for shielding gas HZ Designates that the electrode meets the requirements of the diffusible hydrogen test APPENDIX 0 flat and horizontal position only 1 all positions "M" 75-80% Ar / balance CO2 15 . This classification includes metal-cored wires for carbon steels. H8 and H16 stand for respectively max 4. referred to as composite metal-cored to as composite metal-cored carbon steel electrodes for gas shielded arc welding: ETC SG2 ER 70S-6 E Symbol for electrode X Symbol for solid (R) 70 Two digit figure giving the min tensile strength in psi x 1000 X Symbol for solid wire or rod (S) or composite metal-cored wire (C) 6 Symbol for weld metal analysis X Symbol for shielding gas.18: Specification for solid carbon steel wires and rods for gas shielded arc welding.20: : Specification for carbon steel electrodes for flux cored arc welding. AWS Classification AWS A5.29: Specification for low-alloy steel electrodes for flux-cored: ETC 6605 E 80T5-B2 E Symbol for electrode X Minimum tensile strength (in psi x 10 000) X Welding position of the electrode T Indicates a flux cored wire X Indicates performance and applications X Chemical composition of deposited weld metal APPENDIX 0 flat and horizontal position only 1 all positions 16 .03 XX Additional alloying elements AWS A5.9: Specification for solid stainless steel welding wires and rods: ETC 309L Mo ETC 6309L Mo ER 309L Mo E 309L Mo E Symbol for electrode X Symbol for solid (R) XXX Chemical analysis X Suffix "L" when % C £0. 1 17 .6 .3%.EN Classification From now on all the EEC countries must adopt the EN regulations as a standard rule. up to now EN 499: Classification of covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels.4 1.2. otherwise the 0.3. they are compelled to eliminate all the national regulations they have been using.0 0. Moreover.6 3Ni 0.8 Mn 1 Ni > 1. Example: covered electrode ETC PH 75S E 50 6 2Ni B 3 2 H5 EN 499 Covered electrode Table 1 Table 2 Tabe 3 Table 7 Table 6 Table 5 Table 4 Table 1 Code digits for tensile strength and elongation properties of weld metal Code digit Minimum yield strength 1 [N/mm2] Tensile strength [N/mm2] Minimum elongation 2 [%] 35 38 42 46 50 335 380 420 460 500 440 .680 560 .4 . 2 Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameter.0 Mo 1. Nb<0.3%.60 Table 3 Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition 1-2-3 Symbols [%] Mn Mo Ni no symbols 2.2 2Ni 1.1.40 5 .640 530 .3 .4 0.0.4 0.05%.570 470 .Cu<0.4 .2 1 NiMo 1. V<0.720 22 20 20 20 18 For yield strength the lower yield (ReL) shall be used if yielding occurs.6 1Ni 1. 1 Table 2 Symbols for impact energy of all-weld metal Temperature for minimum Symbols Average impact energy of 47 J [∞C] Z no requirements A + 20 0 0 2 .6 0.2% proof strength (Rp0.600 500 .05%. 3 The results shall be rounded to the same decimal place.3 .6 .20 3 .8 .2.6 MnMo > 1.2%.50 6 .2.2) shall be applied. Ni<0.3 .2%.0.6 .6 .30 4 .4 > 2. Cr<0.4 0. 2 Single values shown in the table are maximum values.2 Z any other chemical composition agreed upon APPENDIX If not specified : Mo<0. flat fillet weld. 1 Table 6 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions.EN Classification Table 4 A C R RR RC RA RB B Symbols for type of covering acid covering cellulosic covering rutile covering thick rutile covering rutile-cellulosic covering rutile-acid covering rutile-basic covering basic covering Table 5 Code digit for weld metal recovery and type of current Code digit Weld metal recovery [%] Type of current 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ≤105 ≤105 >105 ≤125 >105 ≤125 >125 ≤160 >125 ≤160 >160 >160 alternating and direct current direct current alternating and direct current direct current alternating and direct current direct current alternating and direct current direct current In order to demonstrate operability on a.load voltage not higher than 65 Volts.. except vertical-down flat butt weld. flat fillet weld Vertical down and positions according to digit 3 Table 7 Symbols H5 H 10 H 15 APPENDIX Symbols for hydrogen content of all-weld metal Hydrogen content ml/100 grams deposited weld metal. max.c. horizontal vertical fillet weld flat butt weld. 5 10 15 18 . test shall be carried out with no. 6 0.3 .60 7 .2.0.4 .1.2 0.4 1.2.4 1NiMo 0.05%.0.5NiMo 1.0 MnMo 0. Nb<0.6 .EN Classification EN 757: Classification of covered electrodes for metal-arc welding of high-strength steels.80 Table 3 Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition 1-2-3 [%] (m/m) Mn Ni Cr Mo 1.6 .1080 980 .2%.3 .6 1.6 0. 2 Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameter.3 .70 8 .1.3%.8 0.8 . Ni<0. Cu<0.890 760 .02%. otherwise the 0.0 Mn 1 Ni 0.2.6 1.4 .2 0.025%.0. P <0.6 .0.3 .2% proof strength (Rp0.6 0.03-0.2. V<0.4 .2.10%.0. 2 Single values shown in the table are maximum values.3 .6 . Mo <0.3%.30 4 .8 .2.40 5 .3 .2%.6 0.0 Mn2NiCrMo 1. 1 Table 2 Symbols for impact energy of all-weld metal Temperature for minimum Symbols average impact energy of 47 J [°C] Z no requirements A + 20 0 0 2 .05%.0 Mn2Ni1CrMo 1.6 0.4 .3 .8 .8 .6 1.50 6 .780 690 .6 1. 1 19 .6 1. Cr<0.2.0 Mn1NiMo 0.6 1.1180 18 18 17 16 15 For yield strength the lower yield (ReL) shall be used if yielding occurs.6 Z any other chemical composition agreed upon Symbols APPENDIX If not specified : C 0.2) shall be applied. S <0.1.0 Mn2NiMo 1.3 .6 . 3 The results shall be rounded to the same decimal place. Example: 55 5 Mn1NiMo B T 4 2 H5 EN 757 Table 8 Table 7 Table 6 Table 5 Table 4 Covered electrode Table 1 Table 2 Tabe 3 Table 1 Code digit for tensile strength and elongation properties of the weld metal Code digit Minimum yield strength 1 [N/mm2] Tensile strength [N/mm2] Minimum elongation 2 [%] 55 62 69 79 89 550 620 690 790 890 610 .0.2 1.960 880 .2.3 .2.1.4 2NiMo 1.0 0.0.2 .4 .1.20 3 . Table 7 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions. Table 6 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Code digit for metal recovery and type of current Weld recovery [%] Type of current 1 ≤105 alternating and direct current ≤105 direct current >105 ≤125 alternating and direct current >105 ≤125 direct current >125 ≤160 alternating and direct current >125 ≤160 direct current >160 alternating and direct current >160 direct current In order to demonstrate operability on a. horizontal vertical fillet weld flat butt weld. 5 10 20 . other type of covering. max. between 560°C and 600°C. flat fillet weld.load voltage not higher than 65 Volts. flat fillet weld Vertical down and positions according to digit 3 Table 8 Symbols H5 H 10 APPENDIX Symbols for hydrogen content of all-weld metal Hydrogen content ml/100 grams deposited weld metal. except vertical-down flat butt weld.. see type EN 499 Table 5 Symbol T Symbol for the stress-relieved condition Meaning Properties of the all-weld metal apply to the stress-relieved condition of 1 hr.c.EN Classification Table 4 Symbol B Symbol for type of covering Meaning These electrodes have a basic covering. test shall be carried out with no. then furnace cooling to 300°C. 03-0.40-1.6 2.0-12.12 0.030 0.025 0.12 0.90-1.12 0.40-1. E CrMo 1 B 4 2 H5 EN 1599 Covered electrode Table 1/2 Table 3 Table 6 Table 5 Table 4 Table 1 Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition of all-weld metal [%] 1-2-3 Symbols C Si Mn P S Cr Mo V Mo MoV CrMo0.025 0.20 0.40 0.05-0.80-1.40 Z Other elements Ni 1.025 0.0-10.30 0.40-0.30 CrMoWV12 0.00 Nb 0.50 0.80 0.20 0.30-0.2%. V <0.0 0.12 0.30 0.80-1.025 0.70 0. 4 Mn-contents of 0.0 8.70 0.025 0. are usual for electrodes with rutil covering and Mn-contents of 0.80 0.40-1.5% for electrodes with basic covering.45-0.90-1.15-0.0-2.10 0.30 0. 1 APPENDIX 21 .40-1.70-1.20-0.025 0.02-0.40-0.40-1.15 0.504 0.80 0.90-1.10 N 0.70 0. Nb <0. 2 Single values shown in the table are maximum values.50 0.70 0.90-1.40-1.025 0.40-1.030 0.030 0.30 0.05-0.65 0.40-1.80 0.40-1.0 0.40-0.5 CrMo1 CrMo1L CrMoV1 CrMo2 CrMo2L CrMo5 CrMo9 0.3%.15 CrMo91 0.6 4.025 0.01%.12 0.030 0. 3 The results shall be rounded to the same decimal place.20 0.60 0.12 0.03%.40-1.80-1.60 any other chemical composition agreed upon If not specified: Ni <0.30 0.05 0.80 0.030 0.8 W 0.504 0.05-0.60 0.40-1.030 0.4% to 0. Cu <0.45-0.35 0.50 0.25-0.12 0.025 0.90-1.06-0.80 0.025 8. Cr <0.504 0.EN Classification EN 1599: Classification of covered electrodes for metal-arc welding of creep resistant steels.025 0.30 0.90-1.9%.65 0.80 0.025 10.80 0.07 Ni 0.5 0.22 0.03%.030 0.80 0.40-1.03-0.30 2.0 Ni 0.025 0.0-6.025 0.80 0.80 0.50 0.90-1.025 0.0-10.05-0.40 0.30 0.10-0.05 0.025 0.15-0.03-0.03-0.0-2.030 0.40-0.40-0.20 0.60 0.7% to 1.50 0. 4 The test piece shall be cooled in the furnace to 300°C. otherwise the 0. 6 Immediately after welding the test piece is to be cooled down to 120°C to 100°C and kept at this temperature for at least 1 hour. at a rate not exceeding 200°C/hr.2%-proof strength (Rp0.5 CrMo1 CrMo1L CrMoV1 CrMo2 CrMo2L CrMo5 CrMo9 CrMo91 355 355 355 355 355 435 400 400 400 435 415 510 510 510 510 510 590 500 500 590 590 585 22 18 22 20 20 15 18 18 17 18 17 47 47 47 47 47 24 47 47 47 34 47 38 38 38 38 38 19 38 38 38 27 38 CrMoWV12 550 690 15 34 27 <200 200-300 100-200 150-250 150-250 200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300 250-3506 or 400-5006 570-620 690-730 600-650 660-700 660-700 680-730 690-750 690-750 730-760 740-780 750-770 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120-180 740-780 120 For yield strength the low yield (ReL) shall be used if yielding occurs. 1 2 Table 3 Symbol R B Symbol for type of covering Type of covering rutile covered basic covered Table 4 Code digit for weld metal recovery and type of current 1 Code digit Weld metal recovery [%] Type of current 1 1 2 3 4 ≤105 ≤105 >105 ≤125 >105 ≤125 alternating and direct current direct current alternating and direct current direct current In order to demonstrate operability on a.2) shall be applied.c.EN Classification Table 2 Symbols Symbols for the mechanical properties of all-weld metal Impact energy [J] Weld metal heat treatment Kv bei + 20°C Yield Heat treatment of the test Tensile Elongation2 strength Minimum Preheat and piece strength Rm Minimum 1 A [%] average interpass [N/mm2] single 2 [N/mm ] temperature Temperature4 value from 3 Time in value 3 [°C] specimens [°C] minutes 5 Mo MoV CrMo0. 3 Only one single value lower than minimum average is permitted. test shall be carried out with no. APPENDIX 22 . 5 Tolerance ±10 min.load voltage not higher than 65 Volts.. Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameters. flat fillet weld Vertical down and positions according to digit 3 Table 6 Symbols H5 H 10 APPENDIX Symbols for hydrogen content of all-weld metal Hydrogen content ml/100 grams deposited weld metal. except vertical-down flat butt weld. 5 10 23 . max.EN Classification Table 5 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions. flat fillet weld. horizontal vertical fillet weld flat butt weld. EN Classification EN 1600: Classification of covered electrodes for metal-arc welding of austenitic stainless and heat resisting steels. 840°C-870°C for 2 h — furnace-cooling to 600°C. 1 2 APPENDIX 24 . 4 760°C-790° C for 2 h — furnace-cooling to 600°C. 3 580°C-620°C for 2 h — air-cooling. then air-cooling.2 [N/mm2] 250 500 300 350 320 350 350 320 350 350 450 500 550 550 300 300 320 320 320 240 350 350 400 320 350 350 450 320 350 400 350 350 350 350 Mechanical properties of all-weld metal Minimum tensile Minimum elongation1 A strength Rm [%] 2 [N/mm ] 450 15 750 15 450 15 550 30 510 30 550 25 550 25 510 25 550 25 550 25 550 20 700 15 620 18 620 18 480 25 480 25 510 25 510 25 510 25 500 25 500 25 500 25 620 20 510 25 550 25 550 25 650 15 510 25 550 30 600 15 550 25 550 20 550 105 550 105 Heat treatment 2 3 4 none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameters. then air cooling. 5 These electrodes have high carbon in the weld metal for service at high temperatures. Table 1 Alloy symbol 13 13 4 17 19 9 19 9 L 19 9 Nb 19 12 2 19 12 3 L 19 12 3 Nb 19 13 4 N L 22 9 3 N L 25 7 2 N L 25 9 3 Cu N L 25 9 4 N L 18 15 3 L 18 16 5 N L 20 25 5 Cu N L 20 16 3 Mn N L 25 22 2 N L 27 31 4 Cu L 18 8 Mn 18 9 MnMo 20 10 3 23 12 L 23 12 Nb 23 12 2 L 29 9 16 8 2 19 9 H 25 4 22 12 25 20 25 20 H 18 36 Minimum yield strength Rp0. Room temperature elongation has little relevance to such applications. horizontal vertical fillet weld flat butt weld. flat fillet weld.EN Classification Table 2 Symbol R B Symbol for type of covering Type of covering rutile covered basic covered Table 3 Code digit for weld metal recovery and type of current Weld metal Type of current 1 Code digit recovery [%] 1 ≤105 alternating and direct current 2 ≤105 direct current 3 >105 ≤125 alternating and direct current 4 >105 ≤125 direct current 5 >125 ≤160 alternating and direct current 6 >125 ≤160 direct current 7 >160 alternating and direct current 8 >160 direct current 1 In order to demonstrate operability on a.. flat fillet weld 25 .load voltage not higher than 65 Volts. Table 4 Code digit 1 2 3 4 APPENDIX Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions. except vertical-down flat butt weld.c. test shall be carried out with no. the manganese range is extended for a number of grades.5 0.025 0.04 0.5 Fully austenic.030 0.0 22.0-10.5-19.2 2.04 0.5-3.5 1.0 - 3.0-3.2 4.0 2.12 1.04 1.0 3.030 0.0 2.030 0.5 0.0-8.0 24.0-11.0 - 0.2 1.030 0.025 0.0 26.025 18.0-3.025 0.20 N 0.0-27.035 0.5-3.035 0.0 1.20 Cu 0.0-25.0 2.025 18.0 0. except for 25 7 2 N L / 18 16 5 N L /N20 16 3 Mn N L / 18 8 Mn / 18 9 MnMo/ 29 9.5 0.2 2.2 1.0 33.20 N 0.0 14.030 0.0 25 9 3 Cu N L8 0.030 0.08 0.2 1. up to 20% of the amount of Nb can be replaced by Ta.030 0. 8 Electrodes under this symbol are usually selected for specific properties and May not be directly interchangeable.0-27.025 0.04 0.0 15.0-29.0-20.5 0.5-19.0-13.2 1.0 2.0-17.025 11.025 11.1%.20 1.0 2.0 - 9. The occurance of cracking is reduced by increasing the weld metal manganese level and because of this.2 1. Cu < 0.0 0.030 0. 7 The all-weld metal is in most cases fully austenitic and therefore can be susceptible to microfissuring and solidification cracks.025 0.025 0.2 3.0 - 0.20-0.15 0.030 0.0 19.04 1.2 1.030 0.60%.030 0.030 0.0-20.12 1.0-5.5-1.0 20.0 10.5 0.08 0.025 0.0-23.5 2.0 4.5-10.0 2.0-11.0 23.0-14.025 17.04 0.0-14.0 - - - 0.25 N 0.0-20.04 0.0-13.0 4.75%.0 1. High corrosion resistance 0.0 - 9.0-37.5 14.10 0.5-3.0 17.0 2.0 3.0-4.0 22.0-3.15 1.04 1.035 0.5-3.5 0.0 1.0 1.EN Classification Table 5 Alloy symbol Martensitic/ferric 13 13 4 17 Austenitic C Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition [%] (m/m) 1-2-3 S4 Cr Mo 5 Si Mn P4 Ni 5 Other elements5 0.030 0.5 0.0 2.0 22 9 3 N L8 25 7 2 N L 0.0-20.5-7.5 15.0 2.2 1.5 2.0 2.0 10.08 0.30 Cu 1.5 2.5.0 22.030 0.2 1.030 0.0 - 7.5-9.0 18.0 N 0.0-33.5 2.0 20.025 18.2 1.2 1.0 30.0-28.5 2.04 0.0-18.025 0.0-7.0-13.0 24.025 0.030 0.0-27.2 1.025 0. W 1.15 0.25 Cu 1.0-11.0 18.0-11.N 0.025 0. High corrosion resistance 7.2 1.08-0.0-20.5-3.2 1.2-2.0-24.2 1.0 0.0 1.025 0.0-21.5 18 15 3 L7 18 16 5 N L4 20 25 5 Cu N L7 20 16 3 Mn N L7 25 22 2 N L7 27 31 4 Cu L7 Special grades 18 8 Mn7 18 9 MnMo 20 10 3 23 12 L 23 12 Nb 23 12 2 L 29 9 Heat resisting grades 16 8 2 19 9 H 25 4 22 12 25 207 25 20 H7 18 367 0.04 1.0 18.06-0.0 11.0 1.0 2.5 2.0-21.0 9.2 1.0-6.025 18.0-14.0-4.0 2.0-27.45 0.2 2.5-5.0-3.2 1.0-14.2 2.030 0.0-5.0-12.0 0.20 0.08 1.0.5 18.5-10.0-5.2 1.04 1.5-4.0 - 9.0 5.0-25.10-0. Covered electrodes not listed in this table shall be symbolized similarly and prefixed by the letter Z.0-21.0-8.025 0. 5 If not specified: Mo < 0.025 0.14 0.2 2.0 2.08 1.6-1.025 0.0 10.025 0.0 - - 19 9 19 9 L 19 9 Nb 19 12 2 19 12 3 L 19 12 3 Nb 19 13 4 N L7 0.025 21.2 1.0 7.0-22.5 N 0.0 23.35-0.25 1.6 0.0-31.0 17.030 0.025 0.0-25.0 11.5-4.0-10. 3 The result shall be rounded to the same decimal place as the specified values using the rules of ISO 31-0: 1992.025 24.5 0.0-21. 1 2 APPENDIX 26 .025 0.0-5.04-0.0-21.025 0.0 17.0 - 0.0 8.025 24.08 0.025 16.0-14.5 - 0.2 1.030 0.0-18.0 0.0 Nb6 - 0.0-13.04 0.030 0.5 25 9 4 N L8 0.5 1.0 10.025 24.04-0.0-4.0-22.0-21.5 8.0-22.0 12.0-20.0 - Single values in this table are maximum values.5 1.0 11.5-4.0-18.5 16.025 14.5 2.0-11.0-23.025 17.0-5.0-27.0-15.030 0.035 0.5 0.0 6.030 0.2 1.0-27.20 N 0.2 1.5 1.0-21.0 17.030 0.04 1.4 to 1.2 2.5 9.5 7.20 Austenitic-ferritic.030 0.030 0.5 2.050%.0-4.035 0.5 0.035 0.0 0. C max1. 6 Nb min 8%.0-4.5 2.0 27.0 2.75% and Ni < 0.2 2.0-12.0 Nb6 Nb6 N 0.030 0.5-16.20 Cu 1.04 1.0 2.04 0.0-3.5-2.0 1. 4 The sum of P and S shall not exceed 0.0 2.5 N 0.0 9.0-27.0 24.030 0.0 0.025 0.0 3.10 0.030 0.0 18. 40 5 .570 470 .2% proof strength (Rp0. 1 Table 2 Symbols for impact energy of all-weld metal Temperature for minimum Symbols Average impact energy of 47 J [°C] no requirements Z A + 20 0 0 2 .600 500 . carbon dioxide. C This symbol shall be used if classification has been performed with shielding gas EN 439-C1. APPENDIX 27 .50 6 . otherwise the 0.2) shall be applied.20 3 .60 Table 3 Symbols Symbols for shielding gas Meaning M This symbol for mixed gas shall be used if classification has been performed with shielding gas EN 439-M2. Example: ETC SG3 EN 440: G 42 3 M G4Si1 Table 1 Code digits for tensile strength and elongation properties of weld metal Code digit Minimum yield strength 1 [N/mm2] Tensile strength [N/mm2] Minimum elongation 2 [%] 35 38 42 46 50 335 380 420 460 500 440 .EN Classification EN 440: Classification of wire electrodes and deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of unalloyed steels and fine grain structural steels. but without helium.30 4 . 2 Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameter.640 530 .680 560 .720 22 20 20 20 18 For yield strength the lower yield (ReL) shall be used if yielding occurs. 025 0.020 0.025 0.02 0.35-0.30 0.06-0.14 0.40-0.025 0.80-1.06-0. 3 The result shall be rounded to the same decimal place as the specified values.50-0.90 0.15 Al Ti and Zr 0.02 0.30-1.70-1.40 0.020 0.02 0.04-0.08-0.40 0.15 0.40-0.14 0.60 0.30 0.025 0.05-0. Single values in this table are maximum values.35 and V ≤ 0.025 0.30-0.025 0.15 0.06-0.80 0.15 1.60 0.020 0.15 0.30 0.025 0.15 0.15 0.025 0.06-0.02 0.80 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.15 0.60-1.15 0.06-0.20 0.15 1.75 0. 1 2 APPENDIX 28 .90 0.70 0.50-0.80 0.EN Classification Table 4 Symbols G0 G2Si1 G3Si1 G4Si1 G3Si2 G2Ti G3Ni1 G3Ni2 G2Mo G4Mo G2Al Symbols for the chemical composition of wire electrodes Chemical composition [%] (m/m) 1-2-3 C Si 0.05-0.020 2.02 0. The amount of copper in the steel plus covering shall not exceed 0.14 0.15 0.08-0.30-1.15 1.60 1.40-0.35%.14 0.90-1.15 0.90-1.15 0.20 1.14 0.50-0.14 0.90-1.15.40-0.25 0. Cu ≤ 0.14 0.06-0.80-1.00-1.025 0.15 0.14 0.70 0.02 0.80 0.025 0.00-1.50 0.14 0.15 0.15 If not specified : Cr ≤ o.70-2.12 0.02 0.10-2.10 0.15 0.15 0.50 Mn P S Ni Mo any other chemical composition agreed upon 0.60 0.80-1.15 0.020 0.06-0.15 0.020 0.60 0.15 0.15 1.90-1.30 0.30-0.00 0.15 0.025 0.03.15 0.02 0. 4-2. 3 The results shall be rounded to the same decimal place.5%.8 Mn1Ni 1.2 1.40 .2% proof strength (Rp0. V <0.8 2Ni 1.2%. 2 Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameter.3-0.2%.50 .6-1.6 1Ni 1.0 0.4-2.08%.4 0.6-3.3-0.4 0.0%.EN Classification EN 758: Classification of tubular electrodes for metal arc welding with or without shielding gas of unalloyed and fine grain structural steels. Cu<0.6 3Ni 1.0 0.3-0.6 MnMo 1.0 Mo 1. 2 Single values shown in the table are maximum values.05%. Cr <0.6 Z any other chemical composition agreed upon Symbols APPENDIX If not specified : Mo <0. 1 29 .6 1.8-2.4 1.4 0.2-1.2 1NiMo 1.3% and only tubular cored electrodes to be welded without shielding gas Al <2. EN 758 : T 46 4 1Ni P M 1 H5 Example: ETC 6121 Table 1 Code digits for tensile strength and elongation properties of weld metal Code digit Minimum yield strength 1 [N/mm2] Tensile strength [N/mm2] Minimum elongation 2 [%] 35 38 42 46 50 335 380 420 460 500 440 ñ 570 470 ñ 600 500 ñ 640 530 ñ 680 560 .4 2.2 0. otherwise the 0. Ni <0. Nb <0.20 .2) shall be applied.30 .60 Table 4 Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition [%] (m/m) 1-2-3 Mn Ni Mo no symbols 2.720 22 20 20 20 18 For yield strength the lower yield (ReL) shall be used if yielding occurs.6-1. 1 Table 2 Symbols for tensile strength properties of single-pass welded joints Minimum tensile strength of Minimum yield strength welded joint of base metal Symbols [N/mm2] [N/mm2] 3T 4T 5T 355 420 500 470 520 600 Table 3 Symbols for impact energy of all-weld metal or welded joint Temperature for minimum impact energy of 47 J Symbols [°C] Z A 0 2 3 4 5 6 no requirements + 20 0 .6-1.5Ni 1. carbon dioxide Self. shielding tubular cored electrodes Table 7 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions. fast-freezing Single and multipass welding slag Basic Single and multipass welding Metal powder Single and multipass welding Rutile or Basic / Single pass welding fluoride Basic / fluoride Single and multipass welding fast-freezing slag Basic / fluoride Single and multipass welding fast-freezing slag other types - Shielding gas required required required required not required not required not required - Table 6 Symbols M C N Symbols for shielding gas Meaning If specification has been realized with shielding gas EN 439-M2. flat fillet weld. slow-freezing Single and multipass welding slag Rutile. without helium If specification has been realized with shielding gas EN 439-C1. 5 10 15 30 . except vertical-down flat butt weld.EN Classification Table 5 Symbols R P B M V W Y S Symbols for type of filling material Properties Type of weld Rutile. horizontal vertical fillet weld butt and fillet welds in the flat position vertical-down welds and as under 3 Table 8 Symbols H5 H10 H15 APPENDIX Symbols for hydrogen content of all-weld metal Hydrogen content ml/100 grams deposited weld metal. max. V <0. Single values shown in the table are maximum values.90-1.30 0.020 2.30 0.020 0.80 0.80 0.00 0.50 0.05-0.07-0.40-1.020 0. with a cooling rate below 200 °C /h.020 0.80 Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition [%] (m/m) 1-2-3 Mn P S Cr Mo 0.80 0.80 0.12 Si 0. 1 2 Table 2 Alloy symbol Mo/ MoL Mo V CrMo 1 CrMo 1L CrMo 2 CrMo 2L CrMo 5 Z Mechanical properties of all-weld metal Impact energy Kv [J] Heat treatment of weld metal at +20°C Minimum Preheat and Minimum elongation Heat treatment of test piece Minimum mean value interpass A5 [%] individual temperature Temperature3 from three Time4 value specimens [°C] [°C] [min] 22 47 38 <200 570-620 60 18 47 38 200-300 690-730 60 20 47 38 150-250 660-700 60 20 47 38 150-250 660-700 60 18 47 38 200-300 690-750 60 18 47 38 200-300 690-750 60 17 47 38 200-300 730-760 60 any other mechanical value agreed upon by manufacturer and user Minimum yield strength Rp0.40-1. slow-freezing slag P Rutile.40-1.07-0.07 0.05 0.30 0.45 - If not specified : Ni <0. Only one single value lower than minimum average is permitted.40-0.12 0.05 0.60-1.50-0.30 0.65 0.25-0.020 0.3%.020 0.80 0.60 0.020 0.40-0. The test piece must be furnace-cooled to 300 °C.05-0.90-1.12 0.020 0.80 0.3%.020 0. Cr <0. Table 1 Symbols Mo MoL MoV CrMo 1 CrMo 1L CrMo 2 CrMo 2L CrMo 5 Z C 0. 3 The results shall be rounded to the same decimal place.2 [N/mm2] Minimum tensile strength Rm [N/mm2] 355 355 355 355 400 400 400 510 510 510 510 500 590 590 Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameters.30 0.12 0.40-1.025 4.03-0.80 0.40 0.65 0.70 any other chemical composition V 0. fast-freezing slag B Basic M Metal powder Z other types APPENDIX 31 .40-0.30 0.020 0.020 2.30-0.50 0. Cu <0.40-0.020 0.40-1.01%.70 0.020 0.90-1.2%.00-2.40 0.00-2.00 0.03%.020 0.12 0.40-0. Nb <0.020 0.EN Classification EN 12071: Classification of tubular cored electrodes for gas-shielding metal arc welding of creep resistant steels.65 0.30 0.00-6.90-1. 1 2 3 Table 3 Symbols for type of filling material Symbols Properties R Rutile. 4 Tolerance ±10 minutes.60-1.30 0.40-1.80 0.65 0. carbon dioxide Table 5 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions. max. 5 10 32 . without helium If specification has been realized with shielding gas EN 439-C1. except vertical-down flat butt weld. horizontal vertical fillet weld butt and fillet welds in the flat position vertical-down welds and as under 3 Table 6 Symbols H5 H10 APPENDIX Symbols for hydrogen content of all-weld metal Hydrogen content ml/100 grams deposited weld metal. flat fillet weld.EN Classification Table 4 Symbols M C Symbols for shielding gas Meaning If specification has been realized with shielding gas EN 439-M2. EN Classification EN 12073: Classification of tubular cored electrodes for metal arc welding with or without shielding gas of austenitic stainless and heat resisting steels. carbon dioxide Self shielding tubular cored electrodes 33 . Remark: the elongation values of the weld metal may be lower thab those of the base metal. — furnace cooling at 600°C. Table 2 Symbols for the type of tubular cored electrode Symbol Properties R Rutile. then air cooling. 3 580°C to 620°C within 2hrs. Table 1 Minimum tensile strength of all-weld metal Alloy symbols Minimum 0. 4 760°C to 790°C within 2hrs. — air cooling. fast-freezing slag M Metal powder U Selfshielding Z other types Table 3 Symbol M C N APPENDIX Symbols for shielding gas Meaning If specification has been realized with shielding gas EN 439-M2.2% proof stress Rp0. without helium If specification has been realized with shielding gas EN 439-C1. slow-freezing slag P Rutile.2 [N/mm2] Minimum tensile strength Rm [N/mm2] Minimum elongation1 A5 [%] Heat treatment 2 13 250 450 15 2 13 Ti 250 450 15 3 13 4 500 750 15 4 17 300 450 15 19 9 L 320 510 30 none 19 9 Nb 350 550 25 none 19 12 3 L 320 510 25 none 19 12 3 Nb 350 550 25 none 19 13 4 N L 350 550 25 none 22 9 3 N L 450 550 20 none 18 16 5 N L 300 480 25 none 18 8 Mn 350 500 25 none 20 10 3 320 510 25 none 23 12 L 320 510 25 none 23 12 2 L 350 550 25 none 29 9 450 650 15 none 22 12 H 350 550 30 none 25 20 350 550 25 none 1 Gauge length is equal to five times the test specimen diameters. — furnace cooling at 600°C. then air cooling. 2 840°C to 870°C within 2hrs. APPENDIX 34 .0 N 0.04 0.025 18.2 2.0 22.0 9.030 0.5 0. horizontal vertical fillet weld butt and fillet welds in the flat position vertical-down welds and as under 3 Table 5 Alloy symbol Martensitic/ferric 13 13 Ti 13 4 17 Austenitic Symbols for chemical composition of all-weld metal Chemical composition [%] (m/m) 1-2-3-4 S5 Cr Mo Si Mn P5 Ni 0.5 2.08 0.5 0.2 1.0-22.0-20.0-21.0 11.025 0.0 17.030 0.0 1.025 0.5-10. up to 20% of the Nb-content may be substituted by Ta. 4 The result obtained have to be rounded to the same decimal place.0-20.0 2. 3 Tubolar cored electrodes not listed in this table are analogously to be marked with the preceding letter Z.5-5. high corrosion resistance 0.030 0. 8 In most cases.030 0.0-31.0 1.0-14.025 0.025 10.2 2.5-22.035 0.0-4. 2 Individual values in this table are maximum values.030 0.2 1.025 20. 7 Nb at least 8 times C not exceedine 1.0 - 18.030 0.0-4.04 0.15 1.2 1.030 0.025 0.04 1.4 to 1.0 0.0 - 3.0-5.12 1.030 0. 18 8 Mn and 29 9. flat fillet weld.0 17.035 0.0 11.0 - 0.5 0.0 0.0 17.2 1.025 0.0-27.0 2.0-20.5 2.0 - - - 0.0 22.205 Austenitic-ferritic. 6 Ti at least 10 times C not exceeding 1.0-24.0 - 9.20 1.15 1.08-0.030 0. With regard to this fact.04 0.2 2.030 0.04 1.2 1.10 0.025 0.0-13.0 3.20 0. all-weld metal is fully austenitic and may tend to produce microcracks.2 1.5 N 0.5-4.0 2. 9 Tubolar cored electrodes with this symbol are usually selected for special properties and are not simply interchangeable.0-20.0 1.0-25.025 18.030 0.0-11.2 1.04 1.06-0.050%. The formation of such cracks will be reduced by increasing the manganese content.08-0.0-10.0-14.08 0.0 0.0-21.0-25. 5 The sum of P and S must not exceed 0.0 8.0-14.5 16.80 1.0-23.0 10. Ni <0.0 1.0 - 0.0 - 10.5-7.5 0.0-3. except for 18 16 5 N L.030 0. the range of manganese of some types has been extended.0 0.025 23.0-11.0-12.0-14.0 - 7.0 2.04 1.75%.EN Classification Table 4 Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 Code digit for welding positions Welding positions all positions all positions.030 0.75%.0 15.025 17.0 - Ti6 - C Other elements 19 9 L 19 9 Nb 19 12 3 L 19 12 3 Nb 19 13 4 N L8 0.20 0.5-13.0-18.025 0.0 11.2 4.025 21.0 7.0 - 0.0-5.5%.0 2.1%. Cu <0.2 1.0-13.2 1.0-5.0-11.2 2.0 19.030 0.0 2.0-20.0 27.06 0.0 10.5-19.0-13.0 0.025 17.030 0.12 1.0 3.5 1.60%.0 0.025 11.0 12.035 0.5 2.5 2.025 0.20 0.035 0.0 Nb7 Nb7 N 0.5-3.5 0. except vertical-down flat butt weld.08 0.0-3.0 2.0 - 22 9 3 N L9 Fully austenic high corrosion resistance 18 16 5 N L8 Special types 20 10 3 23 12 L 23 12 2 L 29 9 Heat resisting grades 22 12 H 25 208 1 If not specified: Mo <0.5 9.0-4.0-15. AWS and EN Welding Positions 1G / PA 2F / PB 2G / PC 3G / PF 3G / PG 4G / PE 5G / PF 5G / PG . . Electrodes Elettrodi Elektroden Electrodos S.W Shielded Metal Arc Welding .A.M. . from the well-known and praised basic electrode ETC PH 35S to the rutile series. I ETC ELETTRODI Elevata versatilità di utilizzo: grazie alla sua versatilità. even the worst. from offshore to basic low alloy. from high-efficiency to cellulosic electrodes. hochfeste Qualitäten. anche le più difficili. celulósicos. von den Offshore-Elektroden bis zu den basisch niedriglegierten Elektroden. para fundición así como para aceros inoxidables. para aceros Cor-Ten. off-shore. l'impiego dell'elettrodo garantisce la facile realizzazione di giunti in tutte le condizioni. Acciaio inossidabile D ETC ELEKTRODEN Große Vielseitigkeit: Dank ihrer Vielseitigkeit garantieren ETC Elektroden hohe Leistungsstandards und eine gute Verschweißbarkeit unter allen Bedingungen . electrodos de tipo rutilo. Elektroden für Cor-Ten Stähle. además del ya conocido y apreciado ETC PH 35S.sogar unter den schlechtesten. Gußeisen und für nichtrostende Stähle. de alto rendimiento. The response to all welding needs: ETC Elettrotermochimica provides a wide range of products. Ghisa. Una risposta a tutte le esigenze: la ETC Elettrotermochimica grazie alla sua ampia gamma che comprende. de alta resistencia. cellulosici. Una respuesta a todas las exigencias: ETC Elettrotermochimica. ETC’s electrodes guarantee high standard performances and the welding of joints in all circumstances. Cor-Ten. oltre ai conosciuti ed apprezzati elettrodi basici ETC PH 35S. la utilización de este electrodo garantiza una fácil ejecución en la soldadura de juntas en cualquier condición. angefangen von der bekannten und beliebten basischen Elektrode ETC PH 355 bis zu den Rutilelektroden. posee una amplia gama de electrodos que comprende otros electrodos básicos.GB ETC ELECTRODES High versatility: thanks to its versatility. de baja aleación. E ETC ELECTRODOS Elevada versatilidad de empleo: gracias a su excelente comportamiento. basso legati. Die Lösung für alle Schweißaufgaben: ETC Elettrotermochimica bietet eine breite Produktpalette. von den Hochleistungselektroden bis zu den Zellulose-Elektroden. anche la serie rutili ad alto rendimento. Cor-Ten. high tensile. incluso en las más difíciles. off-shore. alta resistenza. cast iron and stainless steel electrodes. ELECTRODES 39 . . 0 6.50 x 350 55-90 17.46 S 0.25 x 450 80-130 39. SMART coating allows touch welding technique normally used for overhead and fillet position.25 x 350 80-130 30. N.30 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 41 .0 60.C.1 27. Eccezzionale saldabilità e controllo del bagno di saldatura.0 255 12.0 36.7 59.30 3.45 Si 0. Die ETC PH SMART Unmantelung ermöglicht das Verschweissen durch Heftarbeit. permite la soldadura por contacto. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 490 . DC- Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.0 420 16. (50V mínimo en circuito abierto) como en C. die besonders im Spitzen und Winkeln eingesetzt wird. Exceptional operability and weld pool control.50 2. assenza di spruzzi e scoria auto rimovibile.0 255 15. Anwendung sowohl in CA (50 Minimum bei geöffnetem Umkreis) als auch in CC. low spatter and easy slag removal. Milde Übertragung des Schweissgutes. Utilizzabile sia in CA (50V minimo in circuito aperto) che in CC.025 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.6 7. E Electrodo Rutilo para soldadura de aceros dulces.5 19.2 11.550 430 min 0°C ⁄ 50 min 24 min All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.10 2. Dolce trasferimento del metallo d’apporto.00 4.0 56. ausencia de proyecciones y una escoria autoeliminable. Optimale Schweissbarkeit und Kontrolle des Schmelzbades.00 x 350 120-180 47.0 77.0 720 12.025 max P 0.0 150 15.0 24. Current Conditions AC. utilizzata soprattutto in sopratesta e in angolo.ETC PH SMART EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 38 0 R 12 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 420 12.0 1020 11.00 x 450 160-240 102. Smooth metal transfer. Il rivestimento di SMART consente la saldatura con tecnica a contatto.30 5.00 x 450 120-180 60.1: E 6013 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 1 LRS TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile covered electrode for mild steel fabrication.5 70. Posee una suave transferencia del metal aportado.0 720 10. I Elettrodo a rivestimento rutile per fabbricazioni in acciai dolci.50 x 300 55-90 14.7 60.08 Mn 0. preservation.A. spritzfrei und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.00 x 300 40-60 11. Se puede utilizar tanto en C.4 33.90 3.5 50. El revestimiento SMART. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. utilizada principalmente en posiciones de techo y ángulo. D Rutil-Elektrode für das Verschweissen bei Schmiedeeisen.50 4. For use with both AC (minimum OCV of 50V) and DC.) 2.5 40. Excepcional soldabilidad y control del baño de soldadura. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Packaging Diam. 0 210 15.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 2. including pipes.03 max P Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V 0.25 x 450 85-140 42.60 85-140 32.40 3. Buen aspecto de cordón.5 19. salda con bassa tensione a vuoto. Admite baja tensión en vacío. Universal all-position electrode which is very easy to weld when used in the industries for all kinds of light constructional work.8 6.4 43.2 27.0 1080 11.ETC PH 28 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499:E 42 A R C 11 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.00 5.42 50. x Length Current (mm. Packaging Diam. preservation.0 880 3.570 430 min 20°C ⁄ 63 min 24 min Current Conditions A.0 380 18. (-) Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Buenas propiedades mecánicas en solicitaciones normales.0 195 18.70 20.3-0.2 56.C.0 285 17. Geeignet für Heftarbeiten. D.7 Si 0.0 420 17.2 48. Buone proprietà meccaniche a sollecitazioni normali. Good slag detachability and excellent bead appearence.1:E 6013 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 1 LRS TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Medium-coated rutile electrode yielding a moderately quick-setting type of slag. In allen Positionen schweißbar.00 x 350 120-190 48. Einwandfreies Nahtergebnis Geeignet für das Fallnahtschweißen von dünnen Wandstärken. schweißt mit Leerlaufspannung.00 x 450 120-190 62.00 x 350 180-240 71.6 35. E Electrodo rutilo de alta velocidad de soldificación de la escoria para soldadura en todas las posiciones.00 x 450 180-240 93. utilizzabile per puntature. D Rutil-Elektroden mit schneller Schlackenverfestigung.06-0. N. Operates on low open circuit voltage.30 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 42 .7 77.1 11.05 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0.0 60.8 70.0 24.C.3-0.25 x 350 17.7 S 0.50 x 350 60-100 10. Saldabile in tutte le posizioni.5 60. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.1 Mn 0. .05 max F. Storage. Besonders geeignet für unregelmäßige Schweißnähte. Indicato per saldature di spessori sottili in verticale discendente.00 x 300 25-60 2. Indicado incluso para soldar en espesores finos en vertical descendente y para puntear. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften unter normaler Belastung.40 4. Suitable for vertical down welding of thin plates. Adatto soprattutto per la saldatura di giunti irregolari.9 57. so good for tack welding. Indicado sobre todo para la soldadura de juntas irregulares. Buona estetica. I Elettrodo rutile ad alta velocità di solidificazione della scoria. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 .70 5.70 4.33 33.0 560 18. Einwandfreies Nahtergebnis. Spritzfreier Lichtbogen.3 48.4-0.40 2.7 Si 0.0 285 17.4 57. Ausreichend flüssige Schlacke.4 S 0.0 1080 11.ETC PH 42 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.25 x 450 70-130 43.20 2.50 x 250 20-50 5. Arco dolce senza spruzzi. I Elettrodo rutile. Spritzfreier Lichtbogen. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften. Packaging Diam. preservation.11 Mn 0.6 6. Einwandfreies Nahtergebnis.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 1. Buona estetica.00 x 450 190-250 95. Adatto per saldature in piano. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften. Suitable for 1G position welding. Small diameters are suitable for position welding.1:E 6013 499:E 42 A R 12 GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 1 Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile electrodes.4 10. N. Indicado para la soldadura en plano y en diámetros delgados puede ser utilizado en todas las posiciones.4 25. Bei kleineren Durchmessern kann auch Positionsschweißen durchgeführt werden.8 75.(-) Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. Geeignet für Flächenschweißen. Spatter free arc combined with a very smooth bead appearance.C. D. Buen aspecto del cordón. D Rutil-Elektrode.C.4 37.40 3. Bei kleineren Durchmessern kann auch Positionsschweißen durchgeführt werden.60 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 43 . Scoria sufficientemente fluida.3 92.0 660 11. I diametri più sottili possono essere impiegati anche per saldature in posizione.10 5. Geeignet für Flächenschweißen.50 x 300 60-100 17. x Length Current (mm.05-0.1 38.00 x 450 120-160 60.70 4. Fácil eliminación de escoria.7 3.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.2-0. Arco suave y con pocas proyecciones.0 405 17.Rutil-Elektrode. Ottime proprietà meccaniche.00 x 300 40-65 10.570 430 min 20°C ⁄ 47 min 24 min Current Conditions A.5 45.0 1800 10. Excellent mechanical properties. Easy detachable slag. E Electrodo rutilo. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.1 78.0 195 18. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Ausreichend flüssige Schlacke.03 max P 0.. Optimas propiedades mecánicas. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 . D Mittelstark verkleidete Rutil-Elektrode. I Elettrodo rutile con spessore di rivestimento medio.00 x 300 40-70 11.3 26.0 1800 10. ausgenommen Fallnahtschweißen.35-0. D.C.7 3.50 x 300 60-90 17. Geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 . ideale per applicazioni di puntatura su lamiere sporche o verniciate. E Electrodo rutilo de revestimiento medio.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Ottima stabilità d'arco anche con saldatrici a bassa tensione a vuoto.5 74. except vertical down. Gute Stabilität des Lichtbogens auch bei Schweißgeräten mit Leerlaufspannung.6 30.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 1. x Length Current (mm. indicado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones excepto en vertical descendente. Packaging Diam. N.7 Si 0.3 45.(-) Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. particularly suitable for tack welding applications on dirty or painted sheets.7 10. Optima soldabilidad incluso con grupos con baja tensión en vacío.40 3. The arc is stable also with welding equipment on low open circuit voltage. incluso soldar sobre chapa sucia o en mal estado.40 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 44 .06-0.2-0.4 44. preservation.0 6.50 x 250 25-50 5.570 430 min 0°C ⁄ 47 min 22 min Current Conditions A. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.20 2.03 max P 0.0 390 17. suitable for all position welding.00 2.0 645 11.ETC PH 45 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 1080 12.11 Mn 0..4 S 0.25 x 450 90-130 44. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.1: E6013 499: E 42 0 R 12 GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 Applications and Caratteristics GB Medium-coated rutile electrodes. Ideal para puntear. Ideal für Heftarbeiten auf verschmutztem oder gestrichenem Blech. indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni eccetto la verticale discendente.C. Winkeln. etc.00 x 450 200-260 95.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Anwendungsbereiche: Blechverarbeitungsindustrie.2 90. Brennstoff.80 2.0 285 17.0 57.0 12.06-0.7 10.. I Elettrodo rutile per saldature veloci di giunti verticali. Industrieartikel usw. sovrapposti e di testa in piano.50 x 350 60-90 20.6 6. Aplicaciones: industria de laminación.0 195 18.2 78.0 390 16.1:E 6013 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile electrodes for high speed welding of vertical. tanks for fuel or water.0 645 12. x Length Current (mm. Überlappungen und Stirnflächen.10 2.90 3.03 max P 0. fillet.25 x 450 80-140 43. Applications: rolling industry.0 55.4-0.ETC PH 46 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E 42 0 RR 13 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.7 Si 0.C. fabricación industrial en general.80 4. industrial supplies.C. D Rutil-Elektrode für das schnelle Verschweißen von vertikalen Nähten. Applicazioni: industriali di laminazione. Packaging Diam.00 x 450 130-180 61.50 x 300 60-90 16.1 26. forniture industriali.40 5.2-0. d'angolo. lap and flat butt joints. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. N.60 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 45 . All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 . recipienti per combustibili ed acqua.570 430 min 0°C ⁄ 47 min 24 min Current Conditions A.4 96. preservation.11 Mn 0. E Electrodo rutilo para soldadura de alta velocidad en todas las posiciones.(-) Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.4 S 0.0 1050 11.2 43.0 645 10. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.00 x 300 40-60 10.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2. tanques para combustibles y agua.und Wasserbehälter. D.1 37.4 30. 11 Mn 0.00 x 300 40 .0 150 16.5 39. N.150 34.25 x 350 80 .) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 2.20 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 46 . Basso contenuto di spruzzi e buona estetica del deposito. D Rutil-Elektrode mit starker Ummantelung.0 60.03 max P 0.9 39.3-0. adatto per la saldatura in piano e piano d'angolo.5 68.30 3.7 Si 0.05-0.00 x 450 220 . Indicato per applicazioni in industria automobilistica. redrying All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.8 31.560 430 min 0°C ⁄ 47 min 24 min Efficiency (%) 100 Current Conditions AC.0 64. high travelling speed and very extended weld length also suitable for contact welding.0 360 16. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 . Kleine Durchmesser können mit Leerlaufspannung und mit großer Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit verschweißt werden.00 3.0 255 16.ETC PH 46S EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E42 0 RR 14 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.00 x 350 160 .2 56. car industry and engineering workshop for welding of fillet welds and square and prepared butt joints.0 255 13.0 27. Bajo nivel de proyecciones y excelente estética del cordón.6 S 0. Geeignet für den Einsatz in der Autoindustrie.20 4.60 10. The smaller sizes operate on low open voltage. I Elettrodo rutile con rivestimento spesso.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Geringe Spritzverluste und einwandfreies Nachtergebnis. x Length Current (mm. Excellent bead appearance even at high travel speed.0 615 12. Especialmente indicado para la soldaura en plano y en ángulo.5 11.100 19. Application in furniture.8 78.20 4.25 x 450 80 . Los diámetros pequeños pueden utilizarse con baja tensión en vacío y alta velocidad de trabajo.150 45.210 51. Packaging Diam.0 90.00 x 450 160 .6 6.50 x 350 60 .3-0.1: E6013 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Heavily-coated rutile electrode with a soft arc.210 65. E Electrodo rutilo con revestimiento grueso.6 73. Für Flächen-Schweißen und das Verschweißen Winkeln. I diametri sottili possono essere saldati con bassa tensione a vuoto e con alta velocità di lavoro.290 108.2 20.10 2. preservation. low amount of spatter and a self-lifting slag.0 1050 11.0 360 12. DC - Hardness Storage.80 5. ETC PH 48E EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. DC- Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. All-position welding with particularly satisfactory results in the vertical down welding. Buoni risultati su lamiere arruginite e su lamiere protette da vernice.11 Mn 0.50 3.9 0.C.2 0.0 1161 12. Empleado principalmente en la industria naval y construcción de estructuras. Geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen.0 438 13. Besonders geeignet für das Fallnahtschweißen E Electrodo rutilo con alta velocidad de solidiificación de la escoria. Impiegato soprattutto per applicazioni navali per la saldatura di sentine e nell'industria di costruzioni meccaniche. Adatto per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni.7 max S 0. Indicado para soldadura en todas las posiciones especialmente en vertical descendente. D Elektroden mit schneller Schlackenverfestigung.0 0.06-0.03 max P 0.00 2. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.50 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 47 .0 0.0 0.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Particolarmente indicato nella saldatura verticale discendente. preservation. Spruzzi molto contenuti.50 4. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.00 x 300 50-90 10. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 480 min 430 min 0° C ⁄ 47 min 22 min Current Conditions A.50 x 350 70-100 19.3 0. Buenos resultados en aplicaciones sobre aceros envejecidos o con barnices.) 2.5-0.8 0.0 0. Good on rust and paint covered plates. Application in ship-building and general constructional structures.0 294 13. Gute Resultate bei angerosteten und gestrichenen Blechen.0 705 13.1: E6013 499: E38 0 R11 GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile coated electrode with a fast solidifying slag and a low amount of spatter. I Elettrodo rutile ad alta velocità di solidificazione della scoria. Vorwiegend eingesetzt in Werften für das Verschweißen von Kielräumen und der Maschinenbauindustrie. Geringe Spritzverluste.25 x 350 100-135 30. Proyecciones mínimas. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.. N.9 Si 0.00 x 350 160-180 45. 3 50. It can be used in all positions.7 S 0.0 315 13.8 11.) 2.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr 0. preservation. including vertical-down. DC- ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Employed in shipbuilding. Utilizable sobre chapas envejecidas o barnizadas.05 max F.3-0. Geeignet für gestrichene oder angerostete Bleche. One current setting can be employed for welds in all positions. and on all kind of constructions where large gaps have to be bridged. Empleado en astilleros y talleres de mantenimiento.1: E 6013 Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.25 x 350 90-120 31.3-0.11 Mn 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Packaging Diam.6 54.4 56.0 18. Utilizzabile in cantieristica navale ed in lavori di manutenzione.2 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.05-0. N.0 690 12.00 x 350 125-170 43. einschließlich Fallnahtschweißen. D Rutil-Elektrode mit mittelstarker Ummantelung und schneller Schlackenverfestigung.50 x 350 60-75 18. Kann für alle Schweißpositionen verwendet werden. E Electrodo rutilo con recubrimiento medio y rápida solidificación de la escoria.ETC PH 68 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E 42 0 RC 11 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 LRS TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Thin coated rutile electrode with a fast freezing slag. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510-570 460 min 0°C ⁄ 47 min 24 min Current Conditions AC.90 4. Può essere usato in tutte le posizioni inclusa la verticale discendente.03 max P 0. Für den Einsatz in Werften und für Wartungsarbeiten. repair and general construction using medium thick mild steel. Excellent on paint and rust-covered steel.0 420 12. Indicato per lamiere verniciate o arrugginite. I Elettrodo rutile con rivestimento di medio spessore a rapida solidificazione della scoria. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.80 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 48 . Puede ser empleado en todas las posiciones incluida la vertical descendente.8 26.7 Si 0.90 3. 9 11.0 57. wodurch er für den ersten Schweißauftrag besonders geeignet ist.7 max S 0.1 43. Der Lichtbogen ETC PH 78 E verfügt über gute Durchdringeigenschaften und kann außerdem mit Schwachstrom benutzt werden.00 x 450 130-210 59. Besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von dünnen Lagen. Arco stretto e concentrato. preservation.4 34.00 x 300 25-60 10.05-0. and is easily detached. x Length Current (mm.0 35.0 720 12.25 x 450 90-140 38.6 26. unite al fatto che esso può essere usato a basse intensità di corrente.0 960 17. The weld bead is of a flat finely rippled appearance.25 x 350 90-140 30.1 78. Soldadura en todas las posiciones.60 RUTILE ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 49 . Arco estrecho y concentrado que consigue excelentes penetraciones. der diese Elektroden für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet macht. Particolarmente adatto per la saldatura di piccoli spessori.0 465 18.8 Si 0. Current Conditions A. D.0 195 18.70 5.1: E 6013 BV GOST 9467-75:? 46-E43 3 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 78 E electrode has a fluid slag and is ideally suited to positional welding in the vertical-up position.60 4. The slag readily leaves the weld pool. horizontal-vertical and overhead positions and as such is ideally suited to a wide variety of industries including shipbulding.70 2..50 x 350 60-90 17.0 300 17.00 4.C.0 440 19.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - 24 min F.2 50.20 3.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2.03 max P 0.0 18.8 10.0 1110 11.ETC PH 78E EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 35 2 R 12 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.00 x 450 180-240 95.8 70.00 3. che rende questo elettrodo impiegabile in tutte le posizioni. Enger und konzentrierter Lichtbogen.6 6. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature Packaging Diam. I Elettrodo rutile a rivestimento medio con scoria fluida e notevole protezione di gas sviluppata dal rivestimento. Muy indicado para pasadas de raiz.9 66. lo rendono particolarmente adatto nell'esecuzione della prima passata.7 24. D Rutil-Elektrode mit mittelstarker Ummantelung. This electrode can also be used in the down-hand.4-0. E Electrodo rutilo de revestimiento medio con escoria fluida que confiere una notable y rápida protección del material depositado. L'arco dell'ETC PH 78 E ha buone proprietà di penetrazione che.0 600 18. Admite bajas intensidades.1 Mn 0. N.C. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 460 .00 2.4 58.50 x 300 60-90 16.00 x 350 130-210 44. (-) Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.4 90.560 390 min -20°C ⁄ 47 min Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. flüssiger Schlacke und Schutz gegen die Gasfreisetzung der Ummantelung. general construction and pipework. E Electrodo básico principalmente utilizado para la soldadura de juntas en posición vertical descendente.260 87.75 S 0.70 5. Packaging Diam.1: E7016 LRS GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 4 Applications and Caratteristics GB This basic coated electrode is primarily used for making vertical-down filled welds. I Elettrodo basico principalmente utilizzato per la saldatura di giunti in posizione verticale discendente.0 315 17. redrying All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Applications include the shipbuilding and general constructional works. preservation. Indicato nella carpenteria in genere e nella carpenteria navale. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.05 max F.0 210 18.05 max Sn Nb 0.7 72. Findet vorwiegend Verwendung im Handwerk und in Werften.025 max P 0.3 Si 0.180 56.1 max Ni 0. D Basische Elektrode.05 max Mo 0.590 440 min -30°C ⁄ 47 min Efficiency (%) 100 Current Conditions DC+. findet vorwiegend beim Fallnahtschweißen Einsatz.130 30.00 x 450 150 .2 33.05-0.05 max As Sb Pb V 0. The deposited weld metal has a flat profile of uniform cross-section.00 x 450 240 . Slag is self detaching and spatter levels minimised. La elevada velocidad de soldadura permite reducir al mínimo el aporte térmico y como consecuencia las deformaciones. Optima soldabilidad y baja emisión de proyecciones.25 x 350 100 . Optimale Schweißbarkeit und geringe Spritzverluste.4 50.8-1. La elevata velocità di saldatura consente di ridurre al minimo l'apporto termico e di conseguenza le deformazioni.ETC PH 27 EN Welding Positions Approvals DNV 499: E 42 3 B 11 H10 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.) 3.30 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 50 . The fast welding speeds possible minimise heat imput and therefore distortion.1 52. Indicado para astilleros e industria en general.3 18. AC Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage.10 4.2-0. Ottima saldabilità e bassa proiezione di spruzzi. N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 . Die hohe Schweißgeschwindigkeit reduziert die Wärmebelastung auf ein Minimum und senkt somit das Risiko der Verformung.1 Mn 0.05 max Cr 0.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0.5 70.0 465 14.03 max Cu 0. Ideal para puntear. usando tanto corriente alterna como contínua. Use short arc. es werden aber auch gute Resultate mit Pol.pole. N.25 x 350 140 .05 max As Sb Pb V 0.2 50. Debe utilizarse con arco corto.0 28. tuttavia si ottengono buoni risultati anche con la polarità -. en ésta es preferible a polo +.590 460 min -20°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions DC+.025 max P 0.7 S 0.05 max Sn Nb 0.05 max F.025 max Cu 0. Besonders geeignet für Heftarbeiten.0 20. Good results can be obtained with the .10 3. I Elettrodo studiato per la saldatura in verticale discendente usando sia la corrente alternata che la corrente continua. Excellent bead appearance and easy detacheable slag.erzielt).in diesem Fall ist Pol+ angebracht.3-0.05 max Cr 0. Da utilizzarsi in arco corto.150 34.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 2. Für kurzen Lichtbogen.100 21. Packaging Diam.ETC PH 27H EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. geeignet für das Fallnahtschweißen.1: E7048 499: E42 2 B 35 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 3 Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrode for vertical-down fillet welding using AC or DC with the electrode connected to the + pole. D Eine Elektrode. in questo caso è preferibile il polo + . E Electrodo estudiado para la soldadura en vertical descendente.0 450 15.7 50. Sie kann mit Wechselstrom und Gleichstrom benutzt werden.9 13.7-1.06-0.(. redrying All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. x Length Current (mm.9 52. Ideal for tack welding in any positions. AC Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage. Excelente aspecto del cordón y escoria facilmente eliminable. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 . Perfekte Schweißnaht und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Ottimo aspetto del cordone e scoria facilmente asportabile.00 x 350 190 .2 Si 0.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0.0 645 14.11 Mn 0. Ideale per puntature.40 LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 51 .200 48. aunque también se obtienen buenos resultados con la polaridad .50 x 350 90 .3 max Ni 0.0 300 14. preservation.30 4..05 max Mo 0. 0 90. bei Gas-Pipelines. The excellent mechanical properties also makes the electrode suitable for critical applications in such industries as offshore.6 85.5 S 0. Empleado en equipos a presión.0 42. etc.7 29.8 75.1 100. insbesondere bei niedrigen Temperaturen.03 max Cr 0. I D Basische Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung.560 400 min -50°C ⁄ 50 min 26 min As Welded 510 .00 x 450 170-220 105. in der Schiffsindustrie. Buena soldabilidad en la soldadura en posición.C. máquinas de movimiento de tierra.05 Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. store at 90-150°C until use. Packaging Diam.0 540 12. Ottima qualità radiografica. nuclear and pressure vessels as well as the general construction industry. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. preservation.9 95.50 x 350 70-100 23. de mantenimiento. Elettrodo basico contenente polvere di ferro nel rivestimento a bassissimo tenore di H2 con rendimento elevato.02 max Cu 0.25 x 450 90-130 48.8 0.04-0.00 x 450 210-280 150.00 x 450 110-170 70.0 240 16. dry at 390-430°Cx1h max 3 times. but still suitable for positional welding. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 2.1 12. metanodotti. Gute Schweißbarkeit beim Positionsschweißen.025 max Sn Nb -0. + (-) Efficiency (%) 120 Hardness Storage.. x Length Current (mm. N.50 2. max 3 times.ETC PH 35S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 5 B 32 H5 BV GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 6 CONTROLAS DB Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 35 S is a general purpose basic coated low hydrogen electrode containing a percentage of iron powder. construcción nuclear.0 345 16. Ottime proprietà meccaniche soprattutto a bassa temperatura.590 420 min -50°C ⁄ 47 min 26 min Current Conditions A. sehr niedriger H2-Gehalt bei hoher Ausbringung.5 63.60 3.0 165 17. industria navale. industria naval.7 7.80 4. Once opened. dry at 340-370°Cx1h. Optimale Röntgenqualität.08 max Ni 0. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Findet Einsatz bei Behältern unter Druck. macchine movimento terra.3 14. DNV GL LRS MMI RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.1 51. The weld appearance is excellent and spatter levels minimal. Optimas propiedades mecánicas sobre todo a bajas temperaturas.1: E 7018-1 H4 Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h 490 .80 2.015 max P 0. Buona saldabilità nella saldatura in posizione.5 Si 0.08 max Mo 0. ecc.0 540 10.08 max As Sb Pb V 0.50 x 300 70-100 20.40 6. Impiegato per serbatoi in pressione. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften. D.80 5.08 Mn 1-1.2-0. E Electrodo básico que contiene polvo de hierro en su revestimiento y un bajísimo contenido de hidrógeno con rendimiento elevado. costruzioni nucleari.1 48.00 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 52 .C. Bagger sowie im Nuklearbau usw.0 120 18.00 x 300 25-50 12. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Very good x ray quality.0 825 10. Optima calidad radiográfica. Ottime proprietà meccaniche soprattutto a bassa temperatura. ecc.7 29.80 5. store at 90-150°C until use.0 540 10.08 Mn 1-1. etc. H2 content 4 ml/100 g after having been left in an environement at 27°C with 80% Relative Humidity for 9 hours.04-0. Optimas propiedades mecánicas. preservation. Hardness Storage.08 max Ni 0.08 max Mo 0. construcción nuclear. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.C.08 max As Sb Pb V 0.80 2. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften.015 max P 0. Very good X-ray quality I Elettrodo basico contenente polvere di ferro nel rivestimento con tenore di H2 inferiore a 4 ml/100 gr dopo esposizione a 27°C con 80% di umidità relaliva per 9 ore.1. Ottima qualità radiografica.1 51. Optimale Röntgenqualität E Electrodo básico que contiene polvo de hierro en su recubrimiento con un contenido de H2 inferior a 4 ml/100 gr después de una exposición a 27ºC con un 80% de humedad relativa durante 9 horas. Impiegato per serbatoi in pressione.0 540 12.1 12.00 x 450 110-170 70.1: E 7018-1 H4 R Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h 490 .1. Findet Einsatz bei Druckbehältern.25 x 450 90-130 48. Gute Schweißbarkeit beim Positionsschweißen.) 2.02 max Cu 0.9 95.60 3. Empleado en equipos a presión. D. Optima calidad radiográfica. Packaging Diam. N. + Efficiency (%) 120 RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. nuclear and pressure vessels as well as the general construction industry.6 85.0 345 16. max 3 times. nach der Aussetzung bei 27°C mit 80% relativer Feuchtigkeit für 9 Stunden. laut AWS A5. dry at 340 .1. D Basische Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung.00 x 450 170-220 105. H2-Gehalt unter 4ml/100gr.590 420 min -50°C ⁄ 100 min 26 min Current Conditions A.50 x 300 70-100 20.560 380 min -50°C ⁄ 100 min 26 min As Welded 510 . sobre todo a baja temperatura.80 4. as per AWS A5. max 3 times. bei Gas-Pipelines. costruzioni nucleari. Buena soldabilidad en todas las posiciones.025 max Sn Nb 0.ETC PH 35S DRY EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 5 B 32 H 5 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 7 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrodes containing a percentage or iron powder.8 75. máquinas de movimiento de tierra.2-0. insbesondere bei niedrigen Temperaturen.3 14.370°C for 1h. Keep dry and store at room temp. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. como industria naval.03 max Cr 0.C.0 240 16.1. dry at 390-430°C for 1h. de acuerdo con AWS A5. macchine movimento terra.5 Si 0. in accordo con AWS A5.5 S 0.1 48. The weld appearance is excellent and spatter levels minimal.50 x 350 70-100 23. Buona saldabilità nella saldatura in posizione. in der Schiffsindustrie. The excellent mechanical properties also makes the electrodes suitable for critical applications in such industries as offshore.0 42. Bagger sowie im Nuklearbau usw. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.. industria navale.40 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 53 .0 165 17. Once opened.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.5 63. 00 x 450 170 .4 Si 0. Storage. Durch einen leichten und konzentrierten Lichtbogen wird bereits beim ersten Auftrag eine optimale Durchdringlichkeit erreicht. Für den ersten Auftrag beim Verschweißen von Rohren.240 87.7 50.8 88. Su arco suave y concentrado le confiere una alta adaptación que consigue una óptima penetración en la pasada de raiz.6 98.50 x 350 60 . 10mlH2/100g is required.0 420 16.90 4.170 45.50 5. Il suo arco dolce e concentrato lo rende molto adatto a conseguire ottime penetrazioni nelle prime passate. AC Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. preservation.0 420 12.50.590 420 min -40°C ⁄ 47 min Efficiency (%) 100 Current Conditions DC +.ETC PH 36D EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.50 is particularly suitable for the root pass in pipe welding.7 68.6 S 0. Mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit schweißen. Soldar con arco corto y baja velocidad de avance. empfehlen wir einen Durchmesser von 2.0 285 12.8-1.04-0.1: E7016 499: E42 5 B 12 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 5 Applications and Caratteristics GB This basic electrode has a very fine droplet transfer and a 10% higher deposition rete than conventional electrodes.5 11. Se aconseja el diámetro 2.7 18.) 2. The diameter 2. Employed for pipe welding and all kinds of constructional work where low-hydrogen weld metal content of max.90 19. Si consiglia il diametro 2.3 23.50 per prime passate in tubazioni.50 4.130 39. E Electrodo básico particularmente indicado para primera pasada y en el relleno de juntas en todas las posiciones. I Elettrodo basico particolarmente indicato nelle prime passate e nel riempimento di giunti in tutte le posizioni. Saldare con arco corto e bassa velocità di avanzamento.0 645 12.3 27. Excellent for root runs and filling as well. redrying Packaging Diam.00 x 450 125 .0 195 17. D Basische Elektrode besonders geeignet für den ersten Schweißauftrag und für das Füllen von Nähten in allen Positionen.9 35.90 3.0 97.120 30.25 x 450 80 . N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .7 53. Welding should be done with a short arc and low rate of travel.015 max P 0.50 para primera pasada en tubería.3-0.09 Mn 0.25 x 350 80 .4 97.0 285 16.170 57.00 x 350 135 .60 3.10 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 54 .02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. etc. D.3 6.1 Mn 1-1.0 960 9.C.00 x 450 110-170 62.4 Si 0.05 Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.90 4. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung für das Wurzelschweißen und für die Nahtverfüllung in allen Positionen. Hardness Storage.05-0. also for welding of storage tanks.0 540 10. max 5 times.02 max P 0.C. Keep dry and store at room temperature. store at 90-150°C until use.90 5.00 x 350 110-180 48. dry at 350-380°Cx1h.9 85. Optima soldabilidad y calidad radiográfica del depósito.2 26.0 180 17.4 45.25 x 350 85-140 33.1 75. preservation.3 20.90 2.50 für den ersten Auftrag empfehlen. Schwacher Lichtbogen zur Vermeidung von Randschnitten und Schlackenaufnahme.70 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 55 .75 S 0.50 x 350 55-85 19. boiler and pressure vessel industry.4 65.04 max Mo 0. The very good weldability and excellent X-ray quality of this electrode has led to its wide use in the ship-building.50 mm diameter is ideally suited for root pass welding.3 42.4 37.05 max As Sb Pb V 0.08 max Ni 0..7 50.0 360 15. E Electrodo de revestimiento básico para soldadura de penetración y para relleno en todas las posiciones. Once opened.0 255 12.9 11.50 x 300 55-85 18.00 x 300 35-60 10.25 x 450 85-140 44.60 3. que lo hacen idoneo para aplicaciones en astilleros y construcción en general.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 2.ETC PH 36S EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E 42 3 B 12 H 10 DB GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 4 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic-coated electrode for welding root passes and filling layers in all positions.5 11.+ ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. The electrode has been specifically designed for all position welding with specific emphasis on pipe welding.00 3. wo wir einen Durchmesser von 2. El electrodo está estudiado especificamente para soldadura de tubería donde recomendamos el diámetro 2.610 440 min -30°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions A.9 95. max 3 times. wodurch sich die Elektrode besonders für den Einsatz in Werften und dem Handwerk eignet.0 255 15. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.025 max Cu 0.0 360 12. Arco suave que evita mordeduras e inclusiones de escoria. dry at 390-430°Cx1h.2 29. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 . Die Elektrode wurde speziell für das Schweißen an Rohren ausgearbeitet.8 95. I Elettrodo dal rivestimento basico per saldatura a fondo cianfrino e per riempimenti in tutte le posizioni. x Length Current (mm.025 max Sn Nb -0.30 4. L'elettrodo è stato studiato specificatamente per saldatura di tubazioni dove raccomandiamo il diametro 2. In particular the 2.3 58.4-0.50 para soldadura en primera pasada.00 x 450 180-240 98. N. ottima saldabilità e qualità radiografica del dcposito chc lo rcndono idoneo per applicazioni in cantieristica navale e carpenteria in genere. Packaging Diam. The fairly wide-spreading type of arc is most helpful in avoiding slag tracks and undercut.20 2. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. optimale Schweißbarkeit und gute Röntgenqualität des Schweißgutes.03 max Cr 0.50 per la saldatura in prima passata.0 645 12. Arco dolce che evita incisioni marginali e inclusioni di scoria.1: E 7016 Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 26 min TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. esente da spruzzi. como C.. exento de proyecciones. Saldabilità paragonabile a quella di un elettrodo rutile.6 19.660 380 min -30°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions A.00 x 300 Fusion time 40-70 10. The excellent weldability properties of this unique electrode approach those of a rutile type. Keep dry and store at room temperature.25 x 350 95-150 32.A. D..6 73.00 3. buoni i valori meccanici. Once opened.C. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. gute mechanische Werte..2 57.3 Si 0. preservation. spritzfrei. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.. tanto en C.C. spatter-free.70 3. max 5 times.ETC PH 37 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 2 B 12 H10 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5-0.0 360 11. in C.3 max Mo 0. Soldabilidad comparable a la de un electrodo rutilo.A.2 11.C.5 38.0 1020 11. Stable arc also when used with low open circuit voltage.30 4. che in C.. Muy buena estética del cordón y buenos valores mecánicos incluso para su utilización a -20ºC.40 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 56 .0 49.50 x 350 60-90 19.00 x 450 140-190 63.C.3 max Cr 0.0 150 14.) 2. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage. E Electrodo básico especial con doble recubrimiento. und in C. Perfekte Schweißnaht.8 6.1 :E 7016 H 8 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 3 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Double coated low hydrogen electrode. Excelente estabilidad de arco incluso utilizando grupos con baja tensión de soldadura. Buona estetica del cordone.C.1 91.8 25.08 Mn 0. sia in C.0 360 15.30 5.2 max As Sb Pb V 0. excellent appearance and good mechanical properties up to -20°C. D Basische Spezial-Elektrode mit doppelter Ummantelung.08 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.03 max P 0.0 240 15. anche per impieghi fino a -20°C. Ottima stabilità d'arco anche nel caso di utilizzo di generatori a bassa tensione di saldatura. store at 90-150°C until use.1 93.C. and A.25 x 450 95-150 42.C. Die Schweißbarkeit entspricht einer Rutil-Elektrode. dry at 250-300°C for one hour.03 max Cu Ni 0.A.00 x 450 190-250 95. N. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.0 630 12.4 37.75 S 0.6 58. auch bei Einsatz bis -20°C.04-0.9-1. Packaging Diam. Optimale Stabilität des Lichtbogens auch beim Einsatz von niedriger Schweißspannung.10 2. I Elettrodo basico speciale a doppio rivestimento. both in D. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 . z. etc.80 3. Impiegato per saldatura di acciai ad elevato limite di snervameto ed alta resistenza a trazione.0 42. Krupp UMS55 e 65.08 Mn 0.: Fe52 B-C e D.7 29.40 6.B.7 85. ad es.025 max Cu 0.0 90. I Elettrodo a rivestimento basico ad elevata percentuale Mn. Empleado para soldadura de aceros de alto limite elástico y alta resistencia a la tracción: Fe 52 B-C y D.025 max P 0. +. dry at 340 370°Cx1h. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung und hohem Mn-Gehalt. high Mn content.610 420 min -50°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D. Deposita un cordón de soldadura con bajísimo contenido de H2 y con elevadas propiedades mecánicas. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage. Excellent weldability.25 x 450 90-130 48. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.6 Si 0.0 540 10.9 110.04-0. high mechanical properties.5 63. Krupp UMS55 und 65 etc.00 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 57 .08 max Ni 0. Einfacher Einsatz beim Positionsschweißen. store at 90-150°C until use RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.9-1. Fe52 B-C und D.80 4.2-0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Easy position welding. Ottima saldabilità. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .025 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.) 2. Facile impiego in posizione. Asera 52 and 52/B. Deposita un cordone di saldatura a bassissimo tenore di idrogeno con elevate caratteristiche meccaniche. as Fe 52 B-C and D. N. etc. Optima soldabilidad.1 115.1: E 7018-1 H4 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 46A-E43 6 2 LRS MMI Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic coated electrodes.50 x 300 70-100 20.ETC PH 55H EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 5 B 32 H 5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Fácil empleo en posición. Verwendet für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit hohem Erlahmungslimit und großem Dehnungswiderstand. aceros 52 y 52/B. Packaging Diam.0 345 16. Optimale Schweißbarkeit. Asera 52 und 52/B. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. Suitable for high yield strength and tensile strength steels.C.0 165 17. Once opened.0 12. Erzeugt eine Schweißnaht mit sehr niedrigem Wasserstoffgehalt und hohen mechanischen Eigenschaften. Krupp Ums 55 y 65. etc.0 50. Keep dry and store at room temperature.08 max Mo 0.0 240 16.C.00 x 450 210-280 150. max 3 times.00 x 450 110-170 70.08 max As Sb Pb V 0. Asera 52 e 52/B. preservation. Low Hydrogen content of the deposit. A.0 120 18. dry at 390-430°C x1h. max 3 times.00 x 450 175-220 105. Krupp UMS 55 and 65.80 5.6 S 0.03 max Cr 0.5 104. E Electrodo de revestimiento básico con elevado porcentaje de Mn. 6 53. without the need for intermediate chipping. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 530 .65%.8-1.2 max As Sb Pb V 0.65%. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage. Packaging Diam.5-0. wenn mit einer Kupferform als Unterlage gearbeitet wird.08 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. dry at 340 -370°Cx1h.1 Mn 0.1:E 7016 499: E 46 2 B 14 H 10 GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 3 Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic coated electrode especially designed for rapid joining of profiles with large cross sections.0 5. su barre tonde. besonders geeignet für die Überbrückung breiter Spalten. Mit kurzen Lichtbogen zu verwenden. Permite soldar aceros de alto contenido en Carbono ( 0.8 76.C. according to the enclosed welding process.03 max Cu Ni 0. rotaie con tenore di Carbonio non superiore a 0. I Elettrodo basico particolarmente impiegato per giunzioni su profili di sezione larga. Use short arc and high current in one layer.60 58 . dry at 390-430°C x1h.65% Carbon. preservation. die Schlacke muß nicht abgetragen werden. N.04 a 0.590 470 min -20°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions A. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.3 max Mo 0. max 3 times.3 max Cr 0. Once opened.) 260 . Keep dry and store at room temperature.06-0. Da usare con arco corto e non nccessita la rimozione della scoria se impiegato con conchiglia in rame. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. E Electrdo básico particularmente empleado para soldadura de carriles o perfiles de gran sección mediante el método de soldadura en molde.2 Si 0. D. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Debe utilizarse arco corto. Employed for round and flat bars.65%).C. store at 90-150°C until use All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.. rails etc.290 88. max 3 times.ETC PH 56R EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. D Basische Elektrode.00 x 450 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 210 18.9 S 0. Schienenstähle mit einem Kohlenstoffgehalt bis 0. having up to 0.03 max P 0. ) 2.5 63.6 12.50 x 300 70-100 20.03 max Cr 0. sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften.08 max Mo 0. elevate caratteristiche meccaniche.00 x 450 175-220 105.025 max Sn Nb Ti 0. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung und optimaler Schweißbarkeit. preservation.2-0. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 460 min -45°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions D.025 max Cu 0. Packaging Diam.0 42. Asera 52 e 52 B.08 max As Sb Pb V 0.25 x 450 90-130 49.3 100. Il deposito contiene una bassissima percentuale di idrogeno. Indicato per la saldatura con elevato limite di snervamento ed alta resistenza a trazione es.C.0 540 11.5: E 8018 G Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrodes with of excellent mechanical properties.8 Si 0.00 x 450 110-170 70. Acero 52 y 52B . Keep dry and store at room temperature. Krupp UMS55 und 65 etc. Once opened. etc. Das Schweißgut enthält einen sehr geringen Anteil an Wasserstoff.80 5.10 4.B.C. N. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.011 max Fe Al N Nb Ta F.08 max Ni 0.1 93. etc. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. A.05-0. El depósito contiene un bajísimo porcentaje de H2. z.3 60.ETC PH 56ST EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 46 4 B 32 H5 MMI GOST 9467-75:? 55-E51 6 RINA ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Einheits-Bruchbelastung über 550/Nmm2. I Elettrodo con rivestimento basico avente una ottima saldabilità. max 3 times. max 3 times. Fe52 B-C und D. Indicado para soldadura con elevado limite elástico y alta resistencia a la tracción en aceros : Fe 52 B C y D. Krupp UMS 55 and 65.4-1.40 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 59 . Krupp UMS 55 e 65.11 Mn 1. tensile > 550 N/mm2. as Fe 52 B-C and D.025 max P 0. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. dry at 390-430°Cx1h. dry at 340 .6 S 0. Geeignet für das Schweißen bei hohem Erlahmungslimit und großem Dehnungswiderstand.0 345 17. Asera 52 und 52/B. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. carico di rottura unitario maggiore di 550 N/mm2. etc.9 113.0 240 16.: Fe 52 B-C e D. E Electrodo con revestimiento básico que confiere una óptima soldabilidad. Asera 52 and 52/B.10 3. Suitable for high yield strength and tensile strength steels. Krupp Ums 55 y 65. +. elevadas propiedades mecánicas y una carga de rotura unitaria mayor a 550 N/mm2.370°Cx1h.6 30.0 165 17. store at 90-150°C until use. 08 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.25 x 450 90-140 46. ideal for ship-building applications and general construction.00 x 450 200-250 102. High deposition rate.80 4.ETC PH 58 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 3 B 32 H5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.80 5.) 2.0 360 16. D. adatto per la saldatura di acciai non legati.00 x 450 130-170 66.3 Si 0. Weld deposited with this type have exellent x-ray quality and very good impact values. Deposito dall’ottima qualità radiografica e buoni valori di resilienza.7 29. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 490-550 400 -30°C ⁄ 47min 26 min Current Conditions A. D Basische Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung. Depósito con óptima calidad radiográfica y buenos valores de resiliencia.0 135 19.. Adatto per impieghi di carattere generale nelle costruzioni navali ed industriali. Geeignet für allgemeine Schweißarbeiten im Schiffsbau und bei Industrie-Konstruktionen. preservation.0 255 16. für das Verschweißen von unlegiertem Stahl.2 101.8 86.1: E 7018 BV GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 5 LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen elecrode with iron powder coating suitable to weld no alloyed steels.2 0. I Elettrodo basico con polvere di ferro nel rivestimento.90 3.0 0.03 max Cu Ni 0.6 67.C. N.2 45.C.30 3. Elevato tasso di deposito. Elevada tasa de depósito. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.75 S 0.0 63. Packaging Diam.80 6. Indicado para su empleo en la construcción naval e industria en general. adaptado para la soldadura de aceros no aleados. E Electrodo básico con polvo de hierro en su recubrimiento.20 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 60 .3 max Mo 0.07 Mn 1-1.25-0.5 24. Schweißgut von sehr guter Röntgenqualität und kerbfreiem Übergang.0 165 16. + (-) Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.4 104. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. max 5 times.6 13.2 max As Sb Pb V 0. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.25 x 350 85-140 35.0 360 12.03-0.03 max P 0. Hohe Schweißgutmenge.4 44.3 max Cr 0.00 x 450 210-260 142.0 540 12. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.50 x 350 60-90 22. 5 max S 0.8 86.60 3.25 x 350 85-140 36. D Basische Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.2 35. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 490-550 400 -40°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions A.6 67. Excelentes resultados radiográficos y buenos valores de resiliencia.0 345 12.50 x 300 60-90 20. Elevada tasa de depósito.4 63.00 x 450 200-250 98.20 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 61 . Empleado para la soldadura de aceros no aleados.0 165 16. Schweißgut von sehr guter Röntgenqualität und kerbfreiem Übergang..0 240 16.20 4.0 540 10.8-1.2 44.5 Si 0.00 x 450 130-170 68.2 24. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. I Elettrodo basico con polvere di ferro nel rivestimento. High deposition rate. preservation.C. für das Verschweißen von unlegiertem Stahl.ETC PH 58S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E42 4 B 32 H5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Deposito dall’ottima qualità radiografica e buoni valori di resilienza.1: E7018.2 101.C.2 13. Geeignet für allgemeine Schweißarbeiten im Schiffsbau und bei Industrie-Konstruktionen.2 10.06-0.4 104.0 540 11. E Electrodo básico con polvo de hierro en su recubrimiento.50 x 350 60-90 23. RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. + (-) Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage. Redrying time 1 h 350°C. N.20 2.70 3.2 45.1 Mn 0. ideal for ship-building applications and general construction.25 x 450 90-140 47.50 5. Packaging Diam. Elevato tasso di deposito.) 2. max 5 times. Hohe Schweißgutmenge.02 max P 0. Adatto per impieghi di carattere generale nelle costruzioni navali ed industriali.0 345 16. Weld deposited with this type have exellent x-ray quality and very good impact values. D. adatto per la saldatura di acciai non legati.1 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen elecrode with iron powder coating suitable to weld no alloyed steels. en industria naval y construcción en general.2 29.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. ) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 2. earth moving machines and a wide variety of structural works.0 255 13..50 x 300 70-100 20. I Elettrodo con polvere di ferro nel rivestimento.04-0.00 x 450 180-240 102. + Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage. x Length Current (mm.08 max Mo 0.0 7.08 max As Sb Pb V 0.1 12.6 73. Schiffsbauindustrie.09 Mn 0. bietet diese Elektrode eine ausgezeichnete Schweißbarkeit und ist besonders für das Schweißen an bereits bestehenden Konstruktionen geeignet.50 x 350 70-100 23.6 29.0 83.9 92.80 4. dove si renda indispensabile l'impiego di un elettrodo basico. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. industria navale.0 180 18.C.0 66.025 max P 0. store at 90-150°C until use. Questo fatto lo rende particolarmente indicato nella saldatura in opera. E Electrodo con polvo de hierro en su revestimiento. N. Pur mantenendo delle notevoli proprietà meccaniche del deposito.0 540 10.0 62. Esto hace que esté particularmente indicado para la soldadura en montajes.08 max Cr 0. etc.1: E 7018-1 H4 R Low hydrogen iron powder coated electrode. It maintains excellent mechanical properties and offers good weldability. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .0 540 12. Packaging Diam.2-0. Viene impiegato per serbatoi in pressione. It is therefore particularly suitable for welding on yard where a low hydrogen electrode is required. Viene siendo utilizado en recepientes a presión.60 3.80 2. D. donde sea indispensable el empleo de un electrodo básico.0 840 10.0 53. macchine movimento terra.5 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.5 42. questo elettrodo offre delle eccezionali caratteristiche di saldabilità.75 S 0. Keep dry and store at room temperature.C.00 x 350 110-180 52. dry at 390-430°C x1h.0 360 16.10 5.00 x 300 20-50 13.07 max Ni 0.20 4. Verwendung bei Behältern unter Druck.5 27. industria naval. Baggerkonstruktionen etc.80 2.8-1. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.0 0. dry at 340-370°Cx1h.ETC PH 77 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 4 B 32 H5 BV CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.30 (second) LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 62 .025 max Cu 0.25 x 350 85-140 36. D Basische Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung. max 3 times.5 Si 0. preservation.8 43.2 0.6 23. este electrodo ofrece unas excepcionales características de soldabilidad. wo der Einsatz einer basischen Elektrode notwendig ist.25 x 450 90-145 46. Trotz Bewahrung der mechanischen Eigenschaften beim Schweißgut.0 360 13. max 3 times. Para mantener sus notables propiedades mecánicas del depósito. etc. DNV LRS MMI RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Used to weld boils in pressure.630 440 -40°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions A. shipbuilding applications.05 max Sn Nb 0.20 3.0 255 17.1 63. Once opened. máquinaria de movimiento de tierra.00 x 450 110-180 67. ETC ha desarrollado una gama de electrodos que satisfacen las necesidades de soldadura de cualquier tipo de acero que en la actualidad se viene empleando en este tipo de construcciones “pipeline”. ha già studiato e messo a punto in accordo con i grossi costruttori mondiali di "pipeline" i nuovi tipi di elettrodi per questi acciai introducendo il tipo ETC PH 27P come elettrodo basico per la saldatura di oleodotti e metanodotti. introduciendo además el tipo ETC PH 27P como electrodo básico para la soldadura de oleoductos y gasoductos. ETC Elettrotermochimica Srl ha estudiado y puesto a punto junto con los principales constructores del mundo de “pipeline” los nuevos tipos de electrodos para estos aceros. X65 und X70 bereits im Einsatz und es wird der Einsatz von Stahl X75 und X80 geplant. commonly used. se están ya desarrollando los aceros tipo X75 y X80. Außer dem herkömmlichen Stahl X52.r. I ELETTRODI CELLULOSICI PER LA COSTRUZIONE DI OLEODOTTI E METANODOTTI La tecnica moderna di costruzione degli oleodotti e gasdotti si orienta sempre più rapidamente verso l'utilizzazione di acciai debolmente legati ad elevate caratteristiche meccaniche che.UND GAS-PIPE-LINES Die moderne Bautechnik bei Öl. modern techniques and currently used in the construction of pipe-lines. new types of electrodes for these steels. Um mit dieser neuen Tendenz Schritt halten zu können. the X60. means that thickness of the steel is less. together with the some of the world's largest pipe-lines manufacturers. and plans to use X75 and X80 steels are already on the drawing board. ever more often. ETC has already studied and developed. As well as the normal X52 steels. CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR PIPELINE WELDING 63 . ETC has developed a range of tested electrode that can satisfy the needs of any kind of welding application with existing steels. the use of steels that only contain small amounts of alloys but have elevated mechanical characteristics which.l. ETC PH27 P electrode onto the market. E ELECTRODOS CELULÓSICOS PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE OLEODUCTOS Y GASODUCTOS La moderna técnica de construcción de los oleoductos y gasoductos se orienta cada vez más rápidamente hacia la utilización de aceros débilmente aleados y de elevadas características mecánicas que. L'ETC Elettrotermochimica s. Per poter seguire questi nuovi orientamenti moderni la ETC ha messo a punto una serie di collaudati elettrodi che possono soddisfare le esigenze di saldatura di qualsiasi tipo di acciaio attualmente impiegato nella costruzione di "pipeline". for welding oil and gas pipe-lines. introducing the low hydrogen. 120% efficiency. das durch verbesserte Qualität das Verschweißen von immer dünneren Stahlstärken erlaubt.und Gas-Pipes-lines orientiert sich immer mehr nach leicht legiertem Stahl mit hohen mechanischen Eigenschaften. die Produktenreihe erweitert. uniscono il vantaggio di poter impiegare spessori più sottili. hat die ETC eine Reihe von erprobten Elektroden entworfen. die den Erfordernissen beim Schweißen aller Stahltypen für den Bau von Pipe-lines gerecht wird. a migliore qualità. with better quality. Oltre agli acciai normali X52. Die ETC Elettrotermochimica Srl hat in Absprache mit den großen Weltunternehmen des Pipe-line-Baues neue Typen von Elektroden für diesen Stahltyp geplant und ausgearbeitet und mit der Elektrode ETC PH 27P. X60. X65 y X70. X65 and X70 types are. by now. Más allá de los aceros normales X52. mejoran la calidad. D ZELLULOSE-ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS SCHWEIßEN BEIM BAU VON ÖL. X65. i tipi X60.GB CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OIL AND GAS PIPE-LINES Modern techniques employed in the construction of oil and gas pipe-lines involves.und Gas-Pipe-lines. lo cual significa la ventaja de poder utilizar espesores más finos. produced by these new. sind die Typen X60. eine basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Öl. que son los más habitualmente utilizados. ed X70 sono ormai comunemente usati e si stà già progettando con acciai X75 ed X80. 2 Si 0. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Pipelines. Packaging Diam.ETC PH 27P EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E 46 4 B 35 H5 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 55-E51 5 TUV ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.05 max Mo 0.00 3. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di pipe-line. -.02 max Cu 0.50 x 300 60-100 18.03 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Gute Röntgenqualität. store at 90-150°C until use.X70 y otros.11 Mn 0. Indicado para soldadura de tubería en aceros X60 .0 450 15. In addition the low hydrogen weld metal can result in reduced preheat levels in comparison with cellulosic electrodes. Su bajo contenido en H2 garantiza óptimas características mecánicas y muy particularmente buenos valores de resiliencia a -40ºC. Il basso contenuto di idrogeno garantisce ottime caratteristiche meccaniche in modo particolare buoni valori di resilienza a -40°C.9-1. E Electrodo básico para soldadura pipe-line.0 50.X70 und darüber. Keep dry and store at room temperature.00 x 350 160-210 50.6 11.03 max Cr 0. Keep dry and store at room temperature.C. preservation.0 20. + Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 25 min Hardness Storage. dry at 280-300°Cx1h.0 645 12. Particolarmente adatto per la saldatura di tubazioni in acciaio X60 .X70 ed oltre. Optima calidad radiográfica. The low hydrogen weld metal makes this electrode ideally suited for hot tapping or sleeving applications.4 53.) 2. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550-630 460 min -40°C ⁄ 80 min Current Conditions D.00 CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR PIPELINE WELDING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 64 .0 300 15. Besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von Stahlrohren X60 .7 S 0. Once opened.3-0. Durch den niedrigen Wasserstoffgehalt werden optimale mechanische Eigenschaften und kerbfreier Übergang bei -40°C garantiert.05 max As Sb Pb V 0.0 30. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.015 max P 0. Ottima qualità radiografica.25 x 350 110-150 34.07 max Ni 0.30 4.4 50. The potential risk of hydrogen associated defects is minimised particularly in relation to higher strength line pipe.5: E 8018 G Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode designed primarily for the vertical-down welding of circumferential pipe butt joint.06-0. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. 0 900 14.40 5.ETC PH PIPELINE 60 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5 S 0.1: E 6010 499: E 38 0 C11 GOST 9467-75:? 46-E43 2 Applications and Caratteristics GB Cellulosic electrode for all-position welding of pipelines in conformity with API 5LX42. D Zellulose-Elektrode.50 x 350 40-80 15. N.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2.0 540 14.025 max Cu Ni 0.15-0.8 73. tubería de acero conforme a API 5LX42. E Electrodo celulósico idoneo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de tuberías.7 16. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. preservation. Redrying at 110°C for 1 h. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 430 .5 52.04 max Mo 0.4-0.00 x 350 110-170 57. Possibilità di saldare anche in posizione verticale discendente. condotte.00 x 350 80-150 38. Auch für Fallnahtschweißen zu verwenden.8 Si 0.40 4. Presenta ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e qualità radiografiche. geeignet für das Schweißen in allen Positionen bei Rohren.0 375 14.035 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.4 25. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 109.15 Mn 0. conductos. pipeline di acciaio conforme ad API 5LX42. X52. Optimas características mecánicas y alta calidad radiográfica.03 max Cr 0.560 360 min -30°C ⁄ 30 min Current Conditions DC + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage.015 max P 0.25 x 350 55-110 26. I Elettrodo cellulosico idoneo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di tubazioni. Posibilidad de soldar incluso en vertical descendente. X52.8 39.3 79. Excellent mechanichal properties and very good X-ray quality.10 3. Leitungen und Pipelines aus Stahl des Typs API 5LX42.1-0.7 8. X52. X52. x Length Current (mm. Also employed in vertical down position.60 CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR PIPELINE WELDING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 65 . Packaging Diam. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften und gute Röntgenqualität.0 270 15. 04 max Mo 0.00 x 350 110 .8 73. geeignet für das Schweißen in allen Positionen bei Rohren.4 8.80 15. E Electrodo celulósico idoneo para la soldadura de tubería en todas las posiciones.5 max Si 0.25 x 350 55 . Presenta óptimas características mecánicas y calidad radiográfica.90 4.0 285 12. Packaging Diam. pipeline di acciaio conforme ad API 5LX42.03 max Cr 0. X52. D Zellulose-Elektrode.0 109.9 39.550 470 min 0°C ⁄ 60 min 23 min Efficiency (%) 100 Current Conditions DC + Hardness Storage.0 420 12.0 210 13. N. Auch für Fallnahtschweißen zu verwenden. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften und gute Röntgenqualität. Presenta ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e qualità radiografiche. preservation. Leitungen und Pipelines aus Stahl des Typs API 5LX42. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 . Posibilidad de soldar incluso en posición vertical descendente.4 max S 0.1: E 6010 GOST 9467-75:? 46-E43 2 Applications and Caratteristics GB Cellulosic electrode for all-position welding of pipelines in conformity with API 5LX42.3 79.08 max Mn 0.2 25. I Elettrodo cellulosico idoneo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di tubazioni.150 43.03 max P 0.20 CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR PIPELINE WELDING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 66 . X52.ETC PH PIPELINE 60A Welding Positions DIN 1913: E 5143 C 4 EN 499: E 420 C 11 Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.30 5.50 x 300 40 . Excellent mechanichal properties and very good X-ray quality.110 30.03 max Cu Ni 0. X52.5 52. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.7 16.00 x 350 80 . condotte.0 720 11. Also employed in vertical down position.) 2.170 62. redrying All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Conforme a API 5LX42. X52. Possibilità di saldare anche in posizione verticale discendente.10 3.03 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. 08-0.C. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 .C.10 3. indicado para soldadura de tuberías hasta grado X 60.5: E 7010-G 499: E 42 0 Mo C 11 GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 3 Applications and Caratteristics GB Cellulosic electrodes in conformity with API 5 LX.5 50. x Length Current (mm. D.7 7.65 Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.1 107.10 CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR PIPELINE WELDING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 67 7 .12 Mn 0..3-0. geeignet für das Verschweißen von Rohren bis X 60.1-0.0 900 14.0 225 14. Redrying at 110°C All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.6 Si 0.0 70.50 x 350 50-90 15. indicato per la saldatura di tubazioni fino a X 60.ETC PH PIPELINE 70 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Packaging Diam. N. + Efficiency (%) 0 Hardness Storage. suitable for welding of pipes up to X60. preservation.7 16.25 x 350 70-130 26.610 450 min 0°C ⁄ 50 min 25 min Current Conditions A.4-0.03 max Cu Ni Mo 0.00 x 350 120-180 62.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2.00 x 350 90-170 39.40 4.4 S 0.0 360 14. I Elettrodo cellulosico rispondente alle normative API 5 LX.0 75. D Zellulose-Elektrode laut Norm API 5 LX.0 540 14. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.2 24.7 37.10 5. E Electrodo celulósico correspondiente a la normativa API 5LX.04 max P 0. ecc. Adaptado para la soldadura de tubería tipo X42 .08-0. Empleado en la construcción de oleoductos. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 . etc.30 3. Indicado particularmente para la soldadura de juntas en vertical descendente. metanodotti.00 x 350 120-180 59. Particularly suitable for welding of vertical down joints. Besonders geeignet für das Fallnahtschweißen. Packaging Diam. Sehr dünne.70 CELLULOSIC ELECTRODES FOR PIPELINE WELDING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 68 . Impiegato per la costruzione di oleodotti.X70. Escoria muy fluida y de fácil eliminación.C.00 x 350 90-150 38. Very thin and easy detachable slag.90 4. Redrying at 110°CX1h All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable for welding of tube up to X42 .50 x 350 50-90 15.4-0.0 9. E Electrodo celulósico correspondiente a la norma API5LX para soldadura de alta calidad en la construcción en aceros de construcción y tanques.04 max P 0.0 180 6.25 x 350 70-130 26.0 51. Adatto particolarrnente per la saldatura di giunti verticali discendenti.0 420 6.0 130 7.6 23.12 Mn 1 max Si 0.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2. x Length Current (mm..2 35.X70.4 S 0. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Rohren bis X42 . redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. D Zellulose-Elektrode laut Norm API 5 LX für Qualitätsschweißen bei Stahlkonstruktionen und Tanks.590 460 min -20°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions A. und leicht abzutragende Schlacke.1-0. etc.und Gaspipelines etc.8 16. I Elettrodo cellulosico rispondente alle norrne API 5LX per saldatura di alta qualità nelle costruzioni in acciaio e di serbatoi.1 76.0 260 6.C.ETC PH PIPELINE 80 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Adatto per saldatura di tubi tipo X42-X70. suitable for high quality welding of steel material and tanks. Scoria molto sottile e di facile asportazione. gasoductos.1: E 8010-G 499: E 46 0 C 11 GOST 9467-75:? 55-E51 3 Applications and Caratteristics GB Cellulosic electrodes in conformity with API 5LX. Findet Einsatz bei Öl.5 108. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage.90 5.0 72. D. Used for oil and methane pipeline constructions. N. preservation.03 max Cu Ni Mo 0.X70.65 Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. D. Packaging Diam. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 500 .C.) 3. Suitable for welding on primer-coated plates.7 86.0 40.30 6. Storage.20 HIGH EFFICIENCY RUTILE ELECTRODES (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 69 .25 x 450 130-160 67.6 161.0 120 17. E Electrodo rutilo con polvo de hierro y rendimiento 160%..0 195 18. Aplicaciones: industria naval.0 153.06-0. (-) Efficiency (%) 160 Hardness RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.560 430 min 0°C ⁄ 47 min 24 min Current Conditions A. etc. Excellent starting and re-starting properties and a self-releasing slag.10 4.7 S 0. N.2 max Cr 0. Ausbringung ca.00 x 700 210 . Idoneo per saldatura su lamiere trattate con primer. preservation. Applications are in the ship-building and pressure vessel industry. etc. Usato molto spesso per la saldatura di giunti testa a testa in piano.11 Mn 0. Idoneo para soldadura de chapa imprimada. I Elettrodo a rivestimento rutile con polvere di ferro rendimento pari al 160% ca.30 5. puentes.0 99 18. Findet oft Einsatz beim Schweißen von Stirnflächen.4 80.410 301.2 70. etc. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Ottima saldabilità e aspetto del cordone.0 255 17. equipos a presión. serbatoi in pressione.0 120.9 56. ponti. pilares.6 165. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Blechen mit Primer-Behandlung.025 max Cu 0.2 max As Sb Pb V 0.40 6. Also frequently employed for filling grooves in the downhand position.Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung.C.025 max P 0.0 240 61. con excelente comportamiento de cebado y recebados del arco eléctrico.320 256. Very good weldability and bead appareance. Optima soldabilidad y aspecto del cordón. tank bottom and bridge.7 86.40 5. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.00 x 700 280 .00 x 450 310-360 185.3 max Mo 0. con eccellenti proprietà di innesco e rinnesco all'arco elettrico. Applicazioni: industria navale.0 180. 160% mit guter Leitkapazität des elektrischen Lichtbogens. Brücken etc.00 x 450 170-210 93.ETC PH C23 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 0 RR 54 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. fabrication on rolling stock.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Optimale Schweißbarkeit und perfekte Schweißnaht.3-0. Behälter unter Druck.00 x 450 250-290 144.1: E 7024 Rutile iron-powder electrode with 160% recovery. It deposits very smooth standing and fillet welds at high deposition rates.05 max Sn Nb 0.0 200 60. Usado en grandes diámetros para la soldadura y relleno de juntas a tope en plano.15 max Ni 0. D Rutil. Verwendungsgebiet: Schiffsbauindustrie.5-1 Si 0.8 75. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 510 .ETC PH C23H EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 0 RR 74 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 44.3 max Cr 0.0 69 15.5 71.4 144.80 4. Efficiency (%) 185 Hardness Storage.0 64.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 3. N. wo dicke.5-1 Si 0. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. The electrode is ideally suited to the welding of standing and gravity fillets as well as downhand butt joints.25 x 450 130-165 70. Applications in ship-building.025 max P 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.11 Mn 0.3 max Mo 0.0 105 16.0 240 16. construction of bridges. +. Packaging Diam. preservation. Sehr schneller Auftrag. aber einwandfreie Schweißnähte erforderlich sind.0 150 15.3 78.15 max Ni 0. storage tanks. Findet Einsatz in Schiffswerften und bei allen Schweißarbeiten.06-0. Altissima velocità di deposito.90 HIGH EFFICIENCY RUTILE ELECTRODES 70 . Altísima velocidad de depósito.80 6.2 max As Sb Pb V 0. ETC PH C 23H is capable of depositing heavy welds of great length at high speeds.3-0.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.C. pressure-vessel industry. E Electrodo rutilo con polvo de hierro en el revestimiento.7 S 0.570 430 min 0°C ⁄ 47 min 24 min Current Conditions D.025 max Cu 0. Ausbringung 185%.7 72.4 74.00 x 450 180-210 106. Rendimiento 185%. I Elettrodo a rivestimento rutile con polvere di ferro nel rivestimento.C. Rendimento pari al 185%.08 max Sn Nb 0. D Rutil-Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung.00 x 450 260-300 160. Trova applicazione nella cantieristica navale e in tutte le situazioni di saldatura dove si richiedono cordoni di dimensioni notevoli e di bell'estetica.90 5. A.1: E 7024 LRS GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 RINA TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB This particular electrode is a heavy coated rutile type with a nominal efficiency of 185%.00 x 450 320-380 230.0 96. The slag is self-detaching and the weld bead profile is excellent. Aplicándose en la industria naval y en todas las situaciones de soldadura donde sean necesarios cordones de dimensiones notables y bella estética. x Length Current (mm. pochi spruzzi in considerazione dell'elevato rendimento. in series or in mass production.03 max P 0. Scoria facilmente remivibile.170 68. E Electrodo rutilo de revestimiento grueso con polvo de hierro.40 6.1 Mn 0. This type is highly appreciated for welding stiffening profiles. AC Efficiency (%) 140 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage.03-0.0 210 17. Leicht abzutragende Schlacke und trotz hoher Ausbringung geringe Spritzverluste.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. redrying TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.00 x 450 170 .7 50.0 90 17. Ausgezeichnete Eigenschaften beim Winkelschweißen über die gesamte Schweißnaht. D ETC PH C 23S ist eine Elektrode mit dicker Eisenstaubummantelung für das Verschweißen von Winkeln bei Schmiedeeisen. I Elettrodo dallo spesso rivestimento con polvere di ferro.02 max Cu 0.1: E7024 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 3 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB This is an heavy coated rutile iron powder electrode ideally suited for the welding of standing fillets in mild steel. Welds of exceptionalrun-out-length can be achieved with a mitreweld profile.4 85. preservation.8 Si 0.05 max Sn Nb 0.ETC PH C23S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E42 2 RR 54 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.2 max As Sb Pb V 0.300 129. x Length Current (mm. Escoria facilmente eliminable.3-0.3 max Mo 0. N.20°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions DC +.7 S 0.560 420 min .2 82.) 3.70 5.390 189.2 max Cr 0. Packaging Diam.1 113.50 4. The slag detachability is self releasing under optimum conditions and the spatter levels low for an electrode of this type.1 77.10 HIGH EFFICIENCY RUTILE ELECTRODES Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 71 . heavy beams.0 135 17. Ottime caratteristiche di saldabilitàin angolo lungo tutto il cordone. pocas proyecciones considerando su elevado rendimiento.4 88.3 max Ni 0.2 40.210 83.00 x 450 295 . All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 500 . girders. Excelentes características de soldabilidad en ángulo en largos cordones de soldadura. The electrode is employed with the touch-welding tecnique. and so on. adatto per la saldatura d'angolo di acciai dolci.25 x 450 (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) 130 .5-0.0 240 16.8 60. desarrollado para soldadura en plano y ángulo de acero dulce y al carbono.00 x 450 235 . 300°C for one hour.0 36.00 x 450 190 . Stabiler Lichtbogen und geringe Spritzverluste. Ottima qualità radiografica del deposito e buone caratteristiche con valori di tenacità fino a -40°.0 89. escoria facilmente eliminable. Gute Röntgenqualität des Schweißgutes und hohe Festigkeit bis .6 70.320 140. Optima calidad radiográfica del depósito y buenas características con valores de tenacidad hasta -40º. Packaging Diam.25 x 350 (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 135 . rendimiento 160%.00 x 450 260 .160 65. boiler and pressure vessel industry. store at 90-150°C until use. Rivestimento con polvere di ferro. dry at 280 .0 72.0 105 14. scoria facilmente removibile. Geeignet für den Schiffsbau und das Handwerk.4 125. Current Conditions D.160 46. A. bridge construction.70 6.3 28. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura a contatto di acciai non legati.250 92. indicato per saldatura in gravità di giunti ad angolo. Utilizado en construcción naval e industria en general. for heavy section joints.0 240 15.) 3. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .40°.0 165 15. für Schwerkraftschweißen bei Verschweißen von Winkeln. For very fast welding of gravity fillet joints and prepared butt joints x-ray quality weld metal can be deposited in heavy layers so minimizing distortion. Eisenstaub-Ummantelung.025 max P 0.1 83.C.+.05 max Mo 0. max 3 times.ETC PH C6 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E 42 4 B 54 H 10 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.590 420 min -40°C ⁄ 50 min Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Once opened.05 max Cr 0. Revestimiento con polvo de hierro.0 240 11. E Electrodo básico para soldadura por contacto de aceros no aleados.80 HIGH EFFICIENCY LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 72 . preservation.03 max Cu 0.3-0.1-1.380 207.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - 26 min F.1: E 7028 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 5 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low-hydrogen contact electrode having a recovery of 160%.C.8 84. Efficiency (%) 160 Hardness Storage. N. Arco estable con pocas proyecciones. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Applications are in shipbuilding. Deslagging properties are outstanding. Utilizzabile nella costruzione navale e carpenteria.60 4.7 S 0.10 3. Ausbringung 160%. rendimento 160%. leicht abzutragende Schlacke.08 Mn 1. x Length Current (mm.30 5.5 63. D Basische Elektrode für das Kontaktschweißen von unlegiertem Stahl.00 x 450 330 .7 60.04 max Sn Nb 0.0 81 16.07 max Ni 0.25 x 450 135 .05 max As Sb Pb V 0. Arco stabile con pochi spruzzi. Keep dry and store at room temperature. indicado para soldadura por grvedad de juntas en ángulo. Spatter loss is minimal.04-0.5 Si 0. ) 4. N.25 Si 0.50 5. Utilizzabile su acciai non legati.03 max Cu Ni 0. Altissima velocità di deposito e ottime caratteristiche meccaniche.03 max P 0.4 73. Storage. Applications include materials up to BS 4360.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Für das Flächenschweißen und das Verschweißen von Winkeln bei Kohlenstoff-Stahl.7-1.5 83. Bajísima emisión de proyecciones y escoria facilmente eliminable. Once opened. Altisíma velocidad de depósito y óptimas características mecánicas.Depósito con bajo contenido de H2.15 max Mo 0.0 120 16. Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 76. max 3 times.3 180. Indicato per la saldatura in piano ed angolo di acciai al carbonio. Deposito a basso contenuto di idrogeno.3-0.00 x 450 400-450 306.ETC PH C6HH EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 499: E 42 4 B 74 H5 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 2 LRS RINA Applications and Caratteristics GB An iron powder basic coated welding electrode with a nominal efficiency of 250%.5 75. Ideally suited for the fast filling of downhand butt joints.90 6. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. store at 90-150°C until use. Findet Einsatz im Schiffsbau und dem Handwerk. Empleado en la industria naval e industria pesada. Für unlegierten Stahl.0 75 15. boiler and pressure vessel industry.560 420 min -40°C ⁄ 48 min Current Conditions D.0 127.7 S 0. A.C.05 max Sn Nb 0.15 max Cr 0. Sehr schneller Auftrag und sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften. Indicado para soldadura en plano y ángulo de aceros al C no aleados.15 max As Sb Pb V 0. E Electrodo con revestimiento básico y alto rendimiento 250%. Applications are in shipbuilding. ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Bassissima proiezione di spruzzi e scoria facilmente asportabile. Packaging Diam. Sehr geringe Spritzverluste und leicht abzutragende Schlacke.1: E 7028 Efficiency (%) 250 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Spatter losses are very low. for joints in heavy sections. +. Schweißgut mit geringem Wasserstoffgehalt.C. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .420°C for one hour. Trova impiego nella cantieristica navale e carpenteria pesante. I Elettrodo con rivestimento basico ad alto rendimento 250%. Slag detachability is good and mechanical properties excellent for an electrode of this type. bridge construction.06-0.00 x 450 250-300 212. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung und hoher Ausbringung 250%.0 48 14.70 HIGH EFFICIENCY LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 73 .11 Mn 0.00 x 450 200-240 137. dry at 400 . preservation. max 3 times.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.11 Mn 1. Applications are in shipbuilding.20 4. Kerbfreier Übergang bei Temperaturen unter Null.0 150 16.25 x 450 140-170 77.60 HIGH EFFICIENCY LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 74 . Efficiency 160%. +. Bajo contenido de hidrógeno en el metal depositado con excelentes características mecánicas y de particular manera con buenas resiliencias a temperatura bajo cero.1 46.) 3.45 Si 0. I Elettrodo con rivestimento basico con polvere in ferro. Rendimiento 160%.2 max As Sb Pb V 0. Efficiency (%) 160 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 90 18.40 6.C.3 max Mo 0. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. nella grossa carpenteria.0 60. Storage.8 68. etc. E Electrodo con revestimiento básico con polvo de hierro. Keep dry and store at room temperature. bridge construction.0 120 17. A. N. Basso contenuto di idrogeno del metallo depositato con eccellenti caratteristiche meccaniche ed in particolar modo delle buone resilienze a temperature sotto zero.0 84. Rendimento 160%. dry at 250-300°C for one hour. en astilleros y estructuras de gran espesor.3-0.1: E 7028 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 3 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic coated electrodes with iron powder.3 80. Impiegato per il riempimento veloce di giunti in piano testa a testa ed angolo su lamiere di spessori medi e grossi nei cantieri navali.20 5.00 x 450 310-360 206.ETC PH C16S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 3 B 54 H10 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.7 S 0.05 max Sn Nb 0. tor heavy section joints. Once opened. Designed for high speed filing of flat butt joints and fillet joints on medium and large thickness sheets.C. D Basische Elektrode mit Eisenstaubummantelung.15 max Ni 0. Ausbringung 160%. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .00 x 450 230-290 145.0 210 16.2 max Cr 0.6 100. preservation.00 x 450 180-210 108. boiler and pressure vessel industry. Geeignet für das schnelle Verfüllen von Nähten bei Stirnflächen und Winkeln mit mittelstarken und dicken Blechwänden im Schiffsbau und im Handwerk etc. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Packaging Diam. Niedriger Wasserstoffgehalt im Schweißgut und ausgezeichnete mechanische Eigenschaften. store at 90-150°C until use. Empleado para la ejecución a alta velocidad de juntas en plano a tope y en ángulo sobre chapa de espesor medio o grueso.610 450 min -30°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D. Low Hydrogen content of the deposit and excellent mechanical properties.5 140.7 125.025 max Cu 0.025 max P 0.1-1.06-0. 15 max Ni 0. Good weld appearance. Leichter abzutragende Schlacke. N. Packaging Diam.590 420 min -40°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D.15 max Mo 0.60 x 700 180 . D Basische Elektrode mit 180% Ausbringung. Welds appearance including those of standing fillet welds are smooth and flat. Desarrollado para soldadura rápida de juntas horizontales en ángulo y para la unión de juntas a tope de acero dulce y de media resistencia.00 x 450 190-240 110. with a nice tie in with the base metal. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 510 .0 105 16. I Elettrodo basico con rendimento 180%. Facile rimozione della scoria.02 max P 0. Fácil eliminación de la escoria.10 5.9 73.5 85.50 HIGH EFFICIENCY LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES 75 .05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.00 x 700 200 .3 43. dry at 400-430°C x 1h.0 170 63.0 270 58. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. E Electrodo básico con rendimiento 180%.15 max Cr 0. +. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Studiato per la saldatura rapida di giunti orizzontali d'angolo e per il riempimento di giunti testa a testa di acciai dolci e a media resistenza.4 132. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. El cordón depositado es de buen aspecto estético.3 93. Easy slag detachability able to deposit short and long welds as well is remarcable for a low hydrogen electrode.50 4.6 91. dry at 280-300°CX1h.00 x 700 300 .ETC PH C57H EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 4 B 74 H10 CONTROLAS GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 5 DNV GL Applications and Caratteristics GB ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. x Length Current (mm.240 215. Once opened.10 4.3 163. Il cordone depositato si raccorda bene con il materiale base rendendo il deposito esteticamente apprezzabile. Designed for high speed welding of standing fillet joints and for filling prepared butt joints of mild and medium tensile steels. A.4 167. LRS RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.15 max As Sb Pb V 0.3-0. Gedacht für das schnelle Verschweißen von horizontalen Winkelnähten und für das Verfüllen von Stirnflächen bei Schmiedeeisen und Stahl vom mittlerer Festigkeit.00 x 450 230-340 154.02 max Cu 0.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 3.1: E 7028 Low hydrogen coated electrode with a 180% efficiency.4 162.0 195 14.0 224. Efficiency (%) 180 Elongation (%) 26 min Hardness Storage. preservation.0 150 16.20 5.25 x 450 150-180 72.3 Si 0.8-1.2 154. Das Schweißgut verbindet sich problemlos mit dem Grundmaterial und hinterläßt eine perfekte Schweißnaht.50 6.0 66.05 max Sn Nb 0.1 Mn 0.C.290 257.7 S 0. Optimo aspecto del depósito.430 374.05-0. max 3 times. Ottimo aspetto del riporto.0 220 56. max 1 times.C. store at 90-150°C until use. Perfekte Schweißnaht. . In practice it has heen found that under condition of great stress.GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CREEP RESISTING STEELS (CR-MO) The creep phenomenon in constructions subject to high temperatures is well known to everybody. thanks to the chrome and molibdenum content. a vast range of steel alloys with various percentages of chrome and molibdium have been studied and developed. short arcs. increase the oxidation temperature of the steel. For the execution of certain structures at various temperatures. in fact. it is advisable to follow the steel manufacturer's instructions. In the KV L series ETC has recently introduced the HP electrodes (High Purity) with an extremely low content of Sulpher and Phosphorous. Heat treatment after welding With reference to heat treatment after welding. ETC PH electrodes with a low carbon content Welding Cr-Mo steel alloys is difficult because of their brittleness. Both creep resistant steels and the relative electrodes. so that to allow considerable improvements with regard to cracking and impact value. a fairly closed run. during in the first pass. Given that products with a low alloy element are less brittle. For each of these types of steels a specific electrode has been developed which deposits weld metal with a similar chemical composition and which has the same creeping resistance and the same oxidation temperature. it means. where possible. ETC has developed the PH KV series of electrodes. Chrome and molibdenum prevent creeping and. permanent deformations called creeping. that after welding. Particular attention must be paid to the hydrogen content of the deposited metal when very hard steel is used. the structure is subiected to heat treatment which basically consists of stress relieving in order to improve the toughness of the weld. The easy by which the electrode can be welded depends on the alloy content in the electrode coating and increases as the alloy percentage increases. The interpass temperature should be. This electrodes bear a countersign. Is is well known. In fact. therefore. reduced advance speed. the same until the weld is put into the annealing furnace. be considered as being purely indicative. electrodes made with small amount of Cr-Mo in the alloy can give rise to flaws. Recommendations for welding ETC PH KV electrodes The ETC PH KV series of electrodes are made with a low hydrogen type of coating. even during the welding process and. Continuous loading even when the values are below the yield point of steel can cause. in particular. a toughness that can be checked by means of a resilience test. This ETC PH KV series of electrodes also reduce the risk of flaws appearing during the welding procedures. The well konwn rules relating to welding of low hydrogen electrodes should be followed. the ETC PH KV 1 is not produced according to the L modification. can be hardened even further. The data indicated in the programme relating to the heat treatment after welding must. a skilled welder can normally determine differences in the ease of welding with the PH type electrodes in the KV series which depends on the amount of alloy contained in the electrode. designed to increase the toughness of the weld and therefore ease the manipulation of the welded structures. at temperatures between 200°C and 600°C. wich refers to the amount of C contained in the weld and is particularly low in this series. KV-L. It is advisable that the heat treatment of steel should be carried out immediately after welding. The ETC PH electrodes in the KV series are supplied with a very well dried coations and therefore it is necessary to store them in a dry place. at the same time. but wich have not yet been subjected to stress relieving. SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS 77 . Trattamento termico dopo la saldatura Per quanto rigurda il trattamento termico dopo la saldatura si consiglia di seguire le raccomandazioni del fabbricante dell' acciaio. allo scopo di aumentare la tenacità che può essere controllata per mezzo delle prove di resilienza. Anche per questi elettrodi valgono le ben note norme relative alla saldatura degli elettrodi basici in genere cioè arco corto. una deformazione permanente chiamata scorrimento a caldo. Si consiglia il trattamento termico dell'acciaio che dovrà essere compiuto immediatamente dopo l'esecuzione della saldatura. Raccomandazioni per la saldatura degli elettrodi ETC PH KV Gli elettrodi della serie ETC PH KV sono realizzati con un rivestimento di tipo basico. il tipo ETC PH KV 1 non viene prodotto secondo la modificazione L. essere mantenuta fino all'introduzione della saldatura nel forno di ricottura. hanno una più alta temprabilità. SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS 78 . permettendo così di ottenere miglioramenti dal punto di vista della criccabilità e della tenacità.I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DI ACCIAI RESISTENTI ALLO SCORRIMENTO A CALDO (CR-MO) Il fenomeno dello scorrimento a caldo nelle costruzioni soggette ad elevate temperature è ben noto a tutti. Ora. Nella serie KV L. Gli elementi leganti che sono contenuti nel rivestimento dell'elettrodo influenzeranno. se possibile. gli elettrodi debolmente legati al Cr e Mo possono dare luogo a cricche già durante la saldatura ed in particolare modo durante la prima passata. Infatti. Il cromo e il molibdeno prevengono il fenomeno dello scorrimento a caldo e aumentato contemporaneamente la temperatura di ossidazione dell'acciaio. grazie al contenuto di cromo e molibdeno. la ETC ha realizzato una serie di elettrodi di ETC PH KV che presentano particolari vantaggi nei riguardi di questo fenomeno. la ETC Elettrotermochimica ha introdotto gli elettrodi HP (High Purity) nei quali sono presenti valori estremamente bassi di impurezze (S e P). e per diminuire il rischio della criccatura durante il procedimento di saldatura. passata non troppo larga. come è ben noto. le strutture vengono sottoposte ad un trattamento termico che consiste sostanzialmente in un trattamento di distensione. a temperature di esercizio fra 200-600°C. più ridotta velocità di avanzamento. Per l'esecuzione di determinate strutture a vari livelli di temperatura è stata studiata e messa a punto tutta una gamma di acciai legati con diverse percentuali di cromo e molibdeno. Sia gli acciai resistenti allo scorrimento che i relativi elettrodi. dopo la saldatura. Un carico continuo sia pure per il valore inferiore al limite di snervamento dell'acciaio può causare. In pratica si è constatato che in condizioni di tensioni elevate. sigla che si riferisce alla percentuale di C contenuta nella saldatura che risulta per questa serie notevolmente bassa. Infatti un saldatore di abilità normale può rilevare differenze nella saldabilità dei tipi di elettrodi ETC PH della serie KV a seconda che il contenuto dei leganti risulti più alto o più basso. Per ognuno di questi acciai è stato studiato un elettrodo appropriato. La temperatura di interpass dovrà. per aumentare la tenacità della saldatura e quindi per facilitare la manipolazione delle costruzioni saldate. la saldabilità dell'elettrodo. che deposita cioè un metallo di analoga analisi chimica. offrendo la stessa resistenza allo scorrimento e la stessa temperatura di ossidazione. La grande temprabilità impone particolare attenzione al contenuto di idrogeno del metallo depositato. relativi al trattamento termico dopo la saldatura devono quindi considerarsi puramente indicativi. Questi elettrodi portano la sigla KV-L. via via che il loro tenore aumenta. I dati indicati nei programmi. Gli elettrodi ETC PH della serie KV vengono forniti con un rivestimento essicato prodondamente e pertanto si raccomanda di tenerli in un ambiente asciutto. Dato che il pericolo della fragilità è ovviamente minore per i prodotti a basse percentuali di elementi leganti. ma non ancora sottoposte al trattamento di distensione. Elettrodi ETC a basso tenore di carbonio La saldatura degli acciai legati al Cr-Mo presenta delle difficoltà legate al problema della fragilità. Die Elektroden ETC PH der Serie KV werden mit einer stark getrockneten Ummantelung ausgeliefert und müssen daher an einem trockenen Ort gelagert werden. verringerte Schrittgeschwindigkeit und nicht zu breite Spalten. Für jeden dieses Stahltyps ist eine besondere Elektrode vorgesehen. die substantiell in einem Entspannungsglühen besteht. Eine andauernde Belastung. legierte Stahltypen mit unterschiedlichem Anteilen von Chrom und Molybdän erforscht und ausgearbeitet. Eine thermische Nachbehandlung des Stahls wird unmittelbar nach dem Schweißvorgang empfohlen. Eine große Härtbarkeit verlangt besondere Aufmerksamkeit hinsichtlich des Wasserstoffgehaltes im freigegebenen Metall. die diesem Problem Rechnung tragen. um die Festigkeit zu erhöhen. Die in den Programmen angegebenen Daten für die thermische Nachbehandlung sind als unverbindliche Daten zu betrachtet. auch unter Grenzwerten der Materialerlahmung des Stahls. die sich auf den Prozentsatz des Kohlenstoff-Gehaltes in der Schweißnaht bezieht. ETC Elektroden mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt Das Verschweißen von Stahl mit CR-Mo Legierung kann auf Grund eines größeren Bruchrisikos zu Problemen führen. Da die Zerbrechlichkeit offensichtlich bei Produkten mit niedrigem Bindemittel-Gehalt geringer ist. Chrom und Molybdän verhindern das Warmgleiten und erhöhen gleichzeitig die Oxydationsbeständigkeit des Stahls. werden die Strukturen nach dem Verschweißen einer thermischen Behandlung unterzogen. SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS 79 . Thermische Behandlung nach dem Verschweißen Für die thermische Nachbehandlung raten wir die Hinweise des Stahlherstellers zu beachten. die eine extrem niedrige Verunreinigung (S und P) aufweist und daher geringe Brüchigkeit und höhere Festigkeit aufweist. aber noch nicht dem Entspannungsglühen unterzogenen Konstruktionen. deren Schweißgut der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Stahls entspricht und daher bei Warmgleiten und der Oxidationstemperatur die gleichen Eigenschaften wie der Stahl aufweist. Die Serie KV L wurde von der ETC um die Elektroden HP (High Purity) erweitert. Unter hoher Belastung können Elektroden mit schwacher Cr und Mo Legierung schon während des Verschweißens. Für härtere Schweißnähte und eine einfache Handhabung der verschweißten. Auch für diese Elektroden gelten die allgemeinen Vorschriften für das Verschweißen von basischen Elektroden.und Molybdänanteiles eine größere Härtbarkeit. nach Version L hergestellt. Der warmfeste Stahl und die entsprechenden Elektroden haben Dank des Chrom. wurden verschiedene. und insbesondere schon bei der ersten Schweißnaht Risse aufweisen. kurzer Lichtbogen. sowie für die Vermeidung der Rissbildung während des Schweißvorganges. Für das Verschweißen von bestimmten Strukturen in unterschiedlichen Temperaturzonen.D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS VERSCHWEIßEN VON WARMFESTEN STAHL (CR-MO) Das Phänomen des Warmgleitens bei hohen Temperaturen ist allgemein bekannt. Ein geübter Schweißer kann diesen Unterschied bei der Schweißbarkeit der Elektroden ETC PH der Serie KV nach der jeweiligen Konzentration der Bindemittel beurteilen. d. kann bei einer Betriebstemperatur von 200-600 °C eine bleibende Verformung verursachen. werden die Elektroden ETC PH KV 1.h. Die Interpass-Temperatur sollte möglichst bis zur Einbringung des Schweißgutes in den Glühofen gehalten werden. hat die ETC eine Reihe von Elektroden ETC PH KV hergestellt. Diese Elektroden haben die Bezeichnung KV-L. Wie allgemein bekannt ist. beeinflussen mit ansteigender Feuchtigkeit die Schweißbarkeit der Elektroden. die durch Kerbschlagzähigkeitsteste geprüft werden kann. Die in der Ummantelung der Elektroden enthaltenen Bindemittel. Anweisungen für das Verschweißen von Elektroden ETC PH KV Die Elektroden der Serie ETC PH KV sind mit einer basischen Ummantelung versehen. der hier extrem niedrig ist. ETC Elettrotermochimica ha introducido los electrodos HP (High Purity) en los que son presentes además. pueden provocar a temperaturas de ejercicio entre 200-600ºC. existe una gama de aceros que han sido estudiados y desarrollados con distintos porcentajes de cromo y molibdeno. SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS 80 . no obstante. Estos electrodos se marcan con las siglas KV-L. En la práctica se ha constatado que en condiciones de tensiones elevadas. ofreciendo la misma resistencia a la fluencia y la misma resistencia a la oxidación. Tanto los aceros como los electrodos resistentes a la fluencia. Los datos indicados para este tratamiento térmico. como es ya sabido. una deformación permanente llamada fluencia en caliente. se aconseja seguir las recomendaciones del fabricante del acero.E ELECTRODOS PARA LA SOLDADURA DE ACEROS RESISTENTES A LA FLUENCIA (Cr-Mo) El fenómeno del agrietamiento en caliente en las construcciones sujetas a elevadas temperaturas y altas presiones es conocido por todos. Por lo tanto. debiendo prestar una atención especial en el contenido de hidrógeno en el material depositado. Tratamiento térmico después de la soldadura En referencia al tratamiento térmico post soldadura. gracias a los contenidos de cromo y molibdeno consiguen una alta templabilidad. Para la ejecución de distintas estructuras a diversas temperaturas. valores extremadamente bajos de impurezas (S y P). hasta la introducción en el horno de recocido. Además el tratamiento deberá realizarse inmediatamente después de la ejecución de la soldadura. permitiendo así mejoras desde el punto de vista de la tenacidad y el agrietamiento. Se deben aplicar las ya bien conocidas normas generales para la soldadura de electrodos de bajo contenido en hidrógeno: arco corto. que presentan particulares ventajas en cuanto a este fenómeno. La temperatura aplicada entre pasadas deberá mantenerse. La soldabilidad de los electrodos dependerá de la más o menos cantidad de elementos aleantes contenidos en el recubrimiento. con los electrodos débilmente aleados al Cr-Mo pueden darse lugar agrietamientos durante la soldadura y de modo particular durante la primera pasada. Para cada tipo de acero ha sido estudiado un electrodo apropiado. En la serie KV-L. con la finalidad de aumentar la tenacidad que puede ser controlada por medio de las pruebas de resiliencia. Efectivamente. baja velocidad de trabajo y cordones no demasiado largos. ETC ha desarrollado la serie de electrodos ETC PH KV. Electrodos ETC con bajo contenido en carbono La soldadura de aceros aleados al Cr-Mo presentan la dificultad de su fragilidad. indicativo de poseer un porcentaje muy bajo de C. cuando sea posible. Dado que el peligro de la fragilidad es obviamente menor para productos con bajo porcentaje de elementos aleantes. después de la soldadura existe un tratamiento térmico que básicamente es para el aliviado de tensiones. Continuas sobrecargas cuando se está por debajo de los valores de límite elástico del acero. deben ser tomados como puramente indicativos. el soldador puede notar diferencias en dicha soldabilidad dependiendo del rango de consumible que utilice. Recomendaciones para la soldadura con electrodos ETC PH KV Los electrodos de la serie ETC PH KV están fabricados con revestimiento de tipo básico. que deposita un metal de composición química análoga. el tipo ETC PH KV1 no se fabrican según la modificación L. El cromo y el molibdeno previenen este fenómeno y al mismo tiempo incrementan la temperatura de oxidación del acero. Los electrodos ETC PH de la serie KV están fabricados con un recubrimiento altamente seco y por lo tanto es recomendable su almacenamiento en lugares igualmente secos. 7 96. Efficiency (%) 100 F. E Electrodo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones con 0.5% Mo.65 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h 550 min 460 min 20°C ⁄ 70 min 19 min Current Conditions D. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai con 0. N.5% Mo. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von Stahl mit 0.20 4. La composizione chimica del deposito presenta un'alta insensibilità alla fessurazione di solidificazione.5: E 8016-B1 1599: E CrMo0. La saldatura andrà eseguita in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro.4-0.9 Si 0.00 x 450 240-290 132. La soldadura deberá efectuarse con arco corto y a baja velocidad de trabajo.9 11.4 30. Aconsejamos precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 150 .5% Mo. Ein Vorwärmen und Interpass von 150-200°C wird empfohlen.3 56.5% Cr 0. dry at 350-370°CX1h.5% Cr 0. Good X-ray quality and high resistance to solidification cracking.00 x 450 170-220 92. Short arc and slow heat input.00 6.4-0.7 21.200ºC. Mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit schweißen.9% Cr 0.0 360 13.5% Mo in allen Positionen.5% Mo oder mit 0. store at 90-150°C until use. +. Also used for welding of high tensile steels. Usato anche per la saldatura di acciai ad alta resistenza.ETC PH KV1 EN Welding Positions Approvals MMI ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Once opened. Hardness Storage. in this case you are suggested to follow strictly the general steel specifications. 0.5 B22H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09MX Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode for all-position welding of steels having 0. preservation.2 114. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.00 x 350 125-165 49. Packaging Diam. Le saldature presentano un'ottima qualità radiografica.5% Mo.80 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 81 .05-0.20 3. Geeignet auch für Stahl mit hohem Widerstand.9% Cr 0.9% Cr 0.0 80.0 195 18. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. en este caso se deberán seguir estrictamente las prescripciones previstas para estos aceros.5% Mo. Usado también para la soldadura de aceros de alta resistencia. Die Schweißnähte haben eine optimale Röntgenqualität.5-0.025 max Cu Ni Mo 0.5% Cr. dry at 400-420°C x 1h.65 Cr 0.4 69.) 2. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 150-200°C. o con 0. in questo caso si dovranno seguire strettamente le prescrizioni previste per l'acciaio.6 max S 0. Durch die chemische Zusammensetzung ist das Schweißgut fast unempfindlich gegen Rissbildung während der Verfestigung. für diesen Stahl müssen die Hinweise für das Schweißen strengstens beachtet werden.5% Cr 0.1 Mn 0.9% Cr und 0.0 150 19.0 79.6 54. o con 0. La composición química presenta una alta insensibilidad a la fisuración por solidificación.5% Mo. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.C.C. A. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.60 5.25 x 350 90-130 36.50 x 300 60-95 18.0 540 10. max 1 times Keep dry and store at room temperature. or 0.025 max P 0.0 255 12. max 5 times. Pre-heat and interpass temperature between 150-200° are advised. La soldadura presenta una óptima calidad radiográfica. 02 max Sn 0.25 x 350 90-130 34.5% Mo-Gehalt.30 4. Soldadura en arco corto y a baja velocidad de trabajo.5: E 7015-A1 RINA GOST 9467-75:? 09M TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode for all-position welding of steels having 0. Pre-heat and interpass temperature between 100-150°C are advised. Keep dry and store at room temperature. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.4 29. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h 510 .01 max Pb V 0. Ottima qualità radiografica.0 113.4-0.20 3.0 135 18.0 360 12.00 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 82 . max 5 times. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai contenenti circa lo 0. Optima calidad radiográfica. Good X-ray quality and high resistance to solidification cracking. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von Stahl mit ca.015 max Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage.ETC PH KV2 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1599: E Mo B 22 H5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. store at 90-150°C until use.05-0.2 20. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. preservation. Gute Röntgenqualität. Geeignet auch für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit hohem Widerstand.1 Mn 0.5% Mo. Schweißen mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit.015 max P 0.5% Mo.75-0.02 max Sb 0.C.3 80. in this case you are suggested to follow strictly the general steel specifications. Usato anche per la saldatura di acciai ad alta resistenza.08 max Mo 0. Das Schweißen mit dieser Elektrode an bereits installierten Rohren ist auf Grund guter Schweißbarkeit und Stabilität des Lichtbogens kein Problem.5% Mo.9 Si 0. Usado también para la soldadura de aceros de alta resistencia. Packaging Diam.00 x 450 240-290 133.00 x 350 125-165 49. Once opened.0 180 17. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. Excellent weldability and stable arc. max 1 times. el metal depositado presenta una alta insensibilidad a la fisuración por solidificación.150ºC.8 70.08 max As 0. Also used for welding of high tensile steels.00 x 450 170-220 96.02 max Cu 0.6 Cr 0.C. F.) 2. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. La saldatura di tubi in opera con questo tipo di elettrodo non presenta difficoltà data la buona saldabilità e stabilità d'arco.7 55. A. Das Schweißgut ist unempfindlich gegen Rissbildung während der Verfestigung. Short arc and slow heat input. in questo caso si dovranno seguire strettamente le prescrizioni previste per l'acciaio. Saldatura in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. Aconsejamos precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 100 . dry at 400-420°C x1h.60 5.690 420 min -20°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D. bei diesem Stahl die Anweisungen für das Schweißen strengstens beachten.0 540 10. 0. La soldadura de tubos con este tipo de electrodo no presenta dificultad alguna dada la buena soldabilidad y estabilidad del arco. +. E Electrodo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros con contenido de 0. N.7 97.9 11.1-0.0 255 12.7 79.07 max Ni 0. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 100-150°C wird empfohlen.6 S 0.40 6. en este caso se deberá seguir estrictamente las prescripciones previstas por el acero. in allen Positionen. il metallo depositato presenta un'alta insensibilità alla fessurazione di solidificazione.5 62.50 x 300 65-95 18. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 100-150°C. 610 420 min -40°C ⁄ 90 min Current Conditions D. D Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung für das Schweißen von Stahl mit ca. pre-heat and interpass temperature between 100-150°C are advised.00 x 450 240-290 145.0 150 15. F. in this case you are suggested to follow strictly the general steel specifications.7 78.5% Mo. Das Schweißgut ist unempfindlich gegen Rissbildung während der Verfestigung. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.015 max Cu 0.1 Mn 0.150ºC.4-0. Sono consigliati saldatura con arco corto.015 max P 0.6 115.0 240 12. Once opened. dry at 350. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.30 3.0 495 9.02 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.5 54. Also used for welding of high tensile steels.0 at 90-150°C until use.) 2. I Elettrodo con polvere di ferro nel rivestimento per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai contenenti circa lo 0. el metal depositado presenta una alta insensibilidad a la fisuración por solidificación. in questo caso si dovranno seguire strettamente le prescrizioni previste per l'acciaio. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 100-150°C wird empfohlen.9 Si 0. La soldadura de tubos con este tipo de electrodo no presenta dificultad alguna dada la buena soldabilidad y estabilidad del arco. il metallo depositato presenta un'alta insensibilità alla fessurazione di solidificazione.00 x 450 170-220 106.C. bei diesem Stahl die Anweisungen für das Schweißen strengstens beachten. in allen Positionen.0 105 15.30 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 83 . Usato anche per la saldatura di acciai ad alta resistenza. Excellent weldability and stable arc.5% Mo. Usado también para la soldadura de aceros de alta resistencia. Optima calidad radiográfica.25 x 350 90-130 35. max 5 times.50 x 300 65-95 18. Schweißen mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit.1-0. max 1 times.8 11.08 max As Sb Pb V 0. Packaging Diam. Ottima qualità radiografica.30 4.0 70.6 S 0. Storage. Das Schweißen mit dieser Elektrode an bereits installierten Rohren ist auf Grund guter Schweißbarkeit und Stabilität des Lichtbogens kein Problem.7 20. Good X-ray quality and high resistance to solidification cracking.75-0. E Electrodo con polvo de hierro en su recubrimiento para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros con contenido de 0. preservation. Keep dry and store at room temperature.7 0. +.6 Cr 0.90 6.08 max Mo 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h 510 .00 x 350 125-165 51.05-0. Aconsejamos precalentamiento y entrepasadas entrea 100 . N.8 68.0 345 12. Gute Röntgenqualität. Geeignet auch für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit hohem Widerstand. consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 100-150°C.C.3 29. Buona saldabilità e stabilità d'arco.30 5. en este caso se deberá seguir estrictamente las prescripciones previstas por el acero. Soldadura en arco corto y a baja velocidad de trabajo.5: E 7018-A1 1599: E Mo B 32 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09M Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen iron-powder electrode for all-position welding of steels having 0.ETC PH KV2HR EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5% Mo. redrying All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. 0.5% Mo-Gehalt.A. dry at 400-420°C x 1h .06 max Ni 0.370°Cx1h. Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage.5% Mo.0 180 17. durante la soldadura.5% Mo.9 11.00 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 84 .02 max Sb 0.) 2. Il basso tenore di carbonio riduce al massimo i rischi di cricche. Packaging Diam.20 3. sobre todo durante la primera pasada. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.C.02 max Sn 0.6 Cr 0.30 4.5-0. A. Once opened.1 114. Su bajo contenido de C reduce al máximo el riesgo de rotura. store at 90-150°C until use.07 max Ni 0. mainly during root pass. heat and interpass temperature of 100-150°C should be adopted.01 max Pb 0. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von Stahl mit ca.150ºC All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h 510 .015 max P 0. dry at 400-420°C x 1h.0 360 12. preservation.7 78.ETC PH KV2L EN Welding Positions Approvals RINA ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. max 5 times. The low carbon content reduce the risk of cracks.00 x 350 125-165 49. N.01 max V 0.50 x 300 65-95 18. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.0 255 12.00 x 450 170-220 96.0 540 10. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. durante la saldatura. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai contenenti circa lo 0. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 100-150°C wird empfohlen.8 68.00 x 450 240-290 133. E Electrodo para soldadura en todas posiciones de aceros con 0. +.5% Mo-Gehalt.08 max Mo 0. max 1 times. 0.7 38.5: E 7015-A1 1599: E Mo B 22 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09MX Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH KV 2 L is an positional basic coated electrode alloyed with a nominal 0.C.05 max Mn 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5% Mo. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Aconsejamos precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 100 . Durch den niedrigen Kohlenstoffgehalt wird die Gefahr der Rissbildung während des Schweißens (besonders beim ersten Auftrag) auf ein Minimum reduziert.25 x 350 90-130 34.4-0. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 100-150°C. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.9 Si 0.5 54.3 97.2 20.08 max As 0.015 max Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.4 29.40 6.0 80.012 max Cu 0.60 5. soprattutto durante la prima passata.0 135 18. in allen Positionen.610 420 min -20°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D.6 max S 0. 2 Cr 2-2.20 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 85 . Vorwärmen und Interpass von 200-250°C wird empfohlen. Once opened. für alle Schweißpositionen.0% Mo resistentes a la fluencia. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.03 max P 0.25% Cr 1% Mo resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo.4 11. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung für das Schweißen von warmfesten Stahl 2.00 x 450 170-220 96.0 540 10. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.25% Cr 1% Mo creep resisting steels. The deposit weld metal ensure the optimum mechanical properties and low sensitive to solidification problems.25% Cr.25% Cr 1. Si consiglia preriscaldo e interpass tra i 200-250°C. Il deposito garantisce ottima resistenza alla fessurazione di solidificazione.3 20.6 112.6 30.0 360 12. 1% Mo.50 x 300 65-95 19. Se aconseja precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 200 .0 255 12. max 1 times. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.250ªC. store at 90-150°C until use.6 97.3 78.ETC PH KV3 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. El depósito garantiza una óptima resistencia a la fisuración por solidificación. A.7 56. N. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.720 540 min 20°C ⁄ 70 min 18 min Current Conditions DC + . preservation.0 180 17.40 6.03 max Cu Ni 0.) 2.00 4.8 54.1 Mn 0.50 3.5-0.25 x 350 90-130 33. In order to achieve the desired level of heat affected zone properties it is recommended that a preheat and interpass temperature of between 200-250°C be adopted. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 700°C x 1h 630 . Keep dry and store at room temperature.00 x 450 240-290 128. E Electrodo con revestimiento básico para soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros 2.C. I Elettrodo a rivestimento basico per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai 2.90 5.5: E 9015-B3 1599: E CrMo2 B 22 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09X2M1 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH KV 3 is a basic coated low hydrogen electrode for the all position welding of 2.0 77. Das Schweißgut ist unempfindlich gegen Rissbildung während der Verfestigung.9-1.0 150 19.7 max S 0.08 max Mo 0. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.9 Si 0.00 x 350 125-165 50.0 68. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. Packaging Diam.05-0.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. max 5 times. 90 4. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 2.25% Cr 1. preservation. dry at 400-420°C x 1h max 1 times. 1. E Electrodo con polvo de hierro en su recubrimiento para soldadura en todas posiciones de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con contenido 2.015 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.05-0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 700°C x 1h 630 .25% Cr.0 345 12. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet.C. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Aconsejada la soldadura con arco corto.9-1.250ºC.25% Cr. Zu verwenden mit kurzem Lichtbogen bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit.00 x 350 125-165 53.720 540 min -20°C ⁄ 47min 20 min Current Conditions D.012 max Nb 0.0 31. N.00 x 450 170-220 106. El depósito es insensible al fenómeno de la fisuración por solidificación. +.Classification AWS A5.01 max Cu Ni 0.25 x 350 90-130 37. A. Efficiency (%) 120 Hardness Storage.0 240 12. Das Schweißgut ist rissfest während der Verfestigung. beständig gegen lamellenförmiges Abgleiten.0 70. max 5 times.0% Mo.08 max Mo 0.) 2.C.5 54. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.4 11. store at 90-150°C until use.01 max Pb 0. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 200¸250°C wird empfohlen.60 5. Excelente soldabilidad y estabilidad de arco.60 3.0% MoThe chemical composition of the weld metal guarantees a low sensitivity to solidification cracking. contenenti 2. L'eccellente saldabilità e stabilità d'arco.5 As Sb 0.0% Mo. Packaging Diam.50 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 86 ELECTRODES ETC PH KV3HR .1 Mn 0.0 Mo.01 max V 0. Il deposito è insensibile al fenomeno di fessurazioni di solidificazione.5-0.6 S 0.5: E 9018-B3 EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV In progress 1599: E CrMo2 B 32 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09X2M1 Applications and Caratteristics GB All-position electrode with basic coating for welding creep resisting steels alloyed with 2.5 68. Preheat and interpass temperature 200÷250°C are required.0 150 16. Consigliata la saldatura con arco corto.0 115.25% Cr 1. Keep dry and store at room temperature. preriscaldo ed interpass di 200 ÷ 250°C.03 max Sn 0.0 78.0 495 9. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.2-0. Durch gute Schweißbarkeit und Stabilität des Lichtbogens ist diese Elektrode auch für das Verschweißen von bereits installierten Rohren geeignet. Once opened. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. 1. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai resistenti allo scorrimentoa caldo.50 x 300 65-95 19. precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 200 .4 21.2 Cr 2-2.9 Si 0.01 max P 0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. 5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.00 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 87 ELECTRODES ETC PH KV3L .0 360 12. max 5 times.25 x 350 90-130 35.03 max Cu Ni 0. Keep dry and store at room temperature.90 5.7 114. Durch den niedrigen Kohlenstoffgehalt wir die Gefahr der Rissbildung während des Schweißens auf ein Minimum reduziert. dry at 400-420°C x 1h max 1 times.50 x 300 65-95 19.60 4. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 200-250°C wird empfohlen.8 78.25% Cr 1% Mo. El bajo contenido de C reduce al máximo el riesgo de rotura durante la soldadura. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.Classification AWS A5. Il basso contenuto di carbonio riduce al massimo il rischio di cricche durante la saldatura. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.3 80.6 97.7 56.25% Cr 1.00 x 450 240-290 133.00 x 350 125-165 50. Packaging Diam.0% Mo. Aconsejamos precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 200 .1-0. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.6 30.0 135 18. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von leicht legiertem Stahl (2.25% Cr.6 S 0. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai debolmente legati con 2.0 540 10.250º C.40 6. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.720 560 min +20°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions D. 1% Mo).25% Cr 1% Mo creep resisting steels.5: E 8015-B3L EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1599: E CrMo2L B 22 H5 RINA TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH KV 3 L electrodes are a basic coated low hydrogen electrode for the all position welding of 2. in allen Positionen. E Electrodo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros debilmente aleados 2. In order to achieve the desired level of heat accected zone properties it is recamended that a preheat and interpass temperature of between 200-250°C be adopted.9 54. The low Carbon content reduce the risk of cracks.9 max Si 0.0 21. Once opened.05 max Mn 0.) 2.03 max P 0.0 180 17.2 Cr 2-2.9-1. store at 90-150°C until use. N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 700°C x 1 h 630 .00 x 450 170-220 96.C.08 max Mo 0.50 3. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 200-250°C.0 255 12. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 19 min Hardness Storage.0 68.4 11. preservation. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. por ej. L'elettrodo presenta una buona saldabilità ed un arco stabile anche nella saldatura di tubi in opera.5 max S 0. Va saldato in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. These steels are often used in the oil industry.3 11.7 57.45-0. Zu Schweißen mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit. Se debe soldar con arco corto y baja velocidad de trabajo. F. bei unter Hochdruck stehenden Hydrier-Tanks. Preheat and interpass temperature 250-300°C is required.3 62. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 840°C x 2h 540 .20°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions D.05-0.01 max V 0.20 5.C. gedacht für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 4-6% Cr und 0. N.g.9 69.1 Mn 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. messo a punto per la saldatura di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo con 4-6% Cr e 0.0. Die Elektrode zeigt eine gute Schweißbarkeit und einen stabilen Lichtbogen auch beim Schweißen an bereits installierten Rohren unter Hochdruck.0 360 12.65 Cr 4-6 As 0. El electrodo presenta una buena soldabilidad y arco estable incluso en la soldadura de tuberías en montajes.02 max Sn 0. D Elektrode für das Schweißen in allen Positionen.07 max Ni 0.02 max Sb 0. E Electrodo para soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con 4 6% Cr y 0.5 80. Sie hat eine ausgezeichnete Röntgenqualität und ist unempfindlichen gegen Rissbildung während der Verfestigung.015 max P 0.015 max Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 20 min Hardness Storage. Eccellente qualità radiografica ed alto grado di insensibilità alle fessurazioni di solidificazione. Keep dry and store at room temperature.45-0.012 max Cu 0.4-0. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.0 180 17.45 .5: E 8015-B6 1599: E CrMo5 B 22 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 10X5MF similar Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic-coated all-position electrode developed for welding creep resisting steels containing 4-6% Cr and 0. Excelente calidad radiográfica y alto grado de insensibilidad a la fisuración por solidificación.90 4.65% Mo.8 31.00 x 350 125-165 51.25 x 350 90-130 35.) 2. e. Once opened.45 0.0 540 9. Questi acciai sono spesso impiegati nell'industria petrolifera. max 5 times.5-0.ETC PH KV4 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.65% Mo. Es aconsejable precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 250 . En equipos de hidrogenación y de alta presión. z. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. parts for high pressure hydrogenation vessels which must have good resistance against corrosion. such as 12 Cr Mo 19 5. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.1 97.640 460 min . Es wird Vorwärmen und Interpass bei 250-300°C empfohlen. max 1 times.65% Mo.40 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 88 .08 max Mo 0. Diese Stahlsorten werden häufig in der Mineralöl-Industrie verwendet. Estos aceros se emplean principalmente en la industria petrolífera.9 Si 0.00 x 450 170-220 96.C. store at 90-150°C until use.65% Mo (resistent gegen Warmabgleiten). ad esempio nei serbatoi di idrogenazione ad alta pressione.01 max Pb 0. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.8 21. +.300ºC. A. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni.0 255 13.50 x 300 65-95 18.90 3.B. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 250-300°C. Packaging Diam. preservation. 300ºC.0 22.02 max Sb 0.3 97. max 5 times.5-1 Si 0. parts for high pressure hydrogenation vessels which must have good resistance against corrosion. +. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.015 max P 0.45-0.02 max Sn 0. Once opened. such as 12 Cr Mo 19 5.80 3.00 x 450 170-220 98. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 4¸6% Cr und 0.0 180 17.05 Mn 0.015 max Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. e.) 2.C. store at 90-150°C until use.45-0.65% Mo. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.1 61.3 59.60 4.9 31. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai con 4÷6% di Cr e 0.C. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 250¸300°C wird empfohlen.0 360 12.5% Mo.25 x 350 90-130 35. Packaging Diam.70 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 89 ELECTRODES ETC PH KV4L . x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. preservation.05%C) developed for welding creep resisting steels containing 4-6% Cr and 0. Se aconseja precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 250 . A. 0.015 max Cu 0.3 70. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 840°C x 2h 540 . E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros 4 . Il basso contenuto di carbonio riduce al massimo i rischi di cricche e fessurazioni durante la saldatura.08 max Mo 0. N.g.07 max Ni 0.65 Cr 4-6 As 0. max 1 times.5: E 8015-B6L EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1599: E CrMo5L B 22 H5 TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic-coated all-position electrode (max.50 5. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.6% Cr y 0. Preheal and interpass temperature 250° to 300°C are required. These steels are often used in the oil industry. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. Keep dry and store at room temperature.00 x 350 125-165 52.01 max Pb V 0.5 max S 0.5% Mo.5% Mo.50 x 300 65-95 20.0 12.8 91. Si consiglia un interpass e preriscaldo di 250 ÷ 300°C. Su bajo contenido en C reduce al máximo el riesgo de rotura y fisuración durante la soldadura.0 255 13.0 540 10. Durch den niedrigen Kohlenstoffgehalt wird die Gefahr der Rissbildung während des Schweißens auf ein Minimum reduziert.03-0.640 460 min 20°C ⁄ 70 min 20 min Current Conditions D.Classification AWS A5. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. N.20 3. Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.02 max Sn 0. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.7 56. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento lamellare. Data l'eccellente saldabilità e stabilità d'arco permette la saldatura in opera di tubi. Puede ser usado también para soldadura de aceros con 0.5-0. 0.4-0.0 255 12.0 360 12.4 29. Dada la excelente soldabilidad y estabilidad del arco permite la soldadura de tubería en montaje sin ninguna dificultad. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.4 54.5% Mo.00 x 450 170-220 96.5% Mo. Durch gute Schweißbarkeit und Stabilität des Lichtbogens ist diese Elektrode auch für das Verschweißen von bereits installierten Rohren geeignet. max 1 times.ETC PH KV5 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. senza difficoltà.40 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 90 .5: E 8016-B2 1599: E CrMo 1 B 22 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09X1M similar Applications and Caratteristics GB All-position electrode with basic coating for welding creep resisting steels alloyed with 1.08 max Mo 0.5% Mo.25% Cr.015 max Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.60 5.65 Cr 1-1.650 min 470 min -20°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions D.9 77. Preheat and interpass temperature 150÷200°C are required.5% Mo.01 max Pb 0.2 20. The ETC PH KV 5 L is also recommended for welding 0.25 x 350 90-130 34.07 max Ni 0.1 Mn 0.9% Cr 0.C.50 x 300 65-95 18.01 max V 0. +. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 1.0 180 17.02 max Cu 0.25% Cr y 0.5% Mo. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 150¸200°C wird empfohlen. A.5% Mo. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet. Keep dry and store at room temperature. 05% Mo.7 69.5% Mo steel.6 max S 0.) 2.5 As 0. Esso va saldato in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.3 96.25% Cr.9% Cr y 0.200ºC. beständig gegen lamellenförmiges Abgleiten. Das Schweißgut ist rissfest während der Verfestigung.00 x 350 125-165 49.015 max P 0. E Electrodo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con contenido 1. Auch verwendbar für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 0. max 5 times. preservation.0 540 10. Once opened.9 Si 0.02 max Sb 0.C. 22 min Hardness Storage. El depósito es insensible al fenómeno de fisuración por solidificación. Packaging Diam. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 690°C x 1h 550 . Il deposito è insensibile al fenomeno di fessurazioni di solidificazione. Zu verwenden mit kurzem Lichtbogen bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit.9 11. Può essere usato anche per la saldatura dell'acciaio con 0. Es aconsejable precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 150 . dry at 400-420°C x 1h.9% Cr 0.9% Cr und 0. contenenti 1.25% Cr 0. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 150 ÷ 200°C. Debe ser empleado con arco corto y baja velocidad de trabajo.05-0.30 4. The chemical composition of the weld metal guarantees a low sensitivity to solidification cracking. store at 90-150°C until use. 012 max Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Packaging Diam.0 345 12. The iron-powder electrode with 120% recovery. contenenti 1. Auch verwendbar für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 0.1 Mn 0.95 19. +. Excelente soldabilidad y estabilidad de arco.6 S 0. Elektrode mit Eisenstaub-Ummantelung. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 150-200°C wird empfohlen.60 3.0 150 15. Once opened. store at 90-150°C until use. Zu verwenden mit kurzem Lichtbogen bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 1. Debe ser empleado con arco corto. Puede ser usado también para soldadura de aceros con 0.052 max Pb V 0. es aconsejable precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 150 .C.0 58.00 x 350 125 -165 52.C. Va saldato in arco corto.0 240 12. Elettrodo con polvere di ferro rendimento pari al 120%. dry at 400-420°C x 1h.5: E 8018-B2 EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV In progress 1599: E CrMo 1 B 32 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 09X1M similar Applications and Caratteristics GB All-position electrode with basic coating for welding creep resisting steels alloyed with 1.3 68. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 690°C x 1h 550 .01 max P 0.02 max Sn 0. Keep dry and store at room temperature.9% Cr 0. Das Schweißgut ist rissfest während der Verfestigung.5-0.30 (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 4.012 max Cu 0.90 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS 91 ELECTRODES ETC PH KV5HR . 0.9% Cr 0. consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 150 ÷ 200°C.5% Mo. 22 min Hardness Storage.) 2.6 Cr 1-1.5% Mo. N. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.25 x 350 90 .6 77.0 495 9. preservation. El depósito es insensible al fenómeno de fisuración por solidificación.7 21.5% Mo.08 max Mo 0.4-0. The chemical composition of the weld metal guarantees a low sensitivity to solidification cracking. The ETC PH KV 5 is also recommended for welding 0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. L'eccellente saldabilità e stabilità d'arco.5% Mo.05-0.5% Mo. 120% E Electrodo con polvo de hierro para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con contenido 1.130 35. Durch gute Schweißbarkeit und Stabilität des Lichtbogens ist diese Elektrode auch für das Verschweißen von bereits installierten Rohren geeignet.200ºC. Il deposito è insensibile al fenomeno di fessurazioni di solidificazione.25% Cr 0. A. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento lamellare.4 12.220 106. max 5 times.5% Mo steel.2-0. 05% Mo.5 As Sb 0.0 115.00 x 450 170 .25% Cr.690 min 470 min -40°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D.Classification AWS A5. max 1 times. beständig gegen lamellenförmiges Abgleiten.9% Cr und 0. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.60 5.5% Mo.9 Si 0. Può essere usato anche per la saldatura dell'acciaio con 0.25% Cr.25% Cr 0.1 54.9% Cr 0. Ausbringung ca.5 30. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.06 max Ni 0. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet.50 x 300 65 . Preheat and interpass temperature 150÷200°C are required. 4 54. Packaging Diam.015 max Cu Ni Mo 0.9% Cr 0. con contenido de 1. + . di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento lamellare. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Il basso tenore di carbonio riduce al massimo il rischio di cricche durante la saldatura.9 Cr 0. preservation.5-0.7 58.1 106.25 x 350 90-130 35.5% Mo. Auch verwendbar für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 0. Puede ser también usado para la soldadura de aceros con 0.C. contenenti 1. Può essere usato anche per la saldatura dell'acciaio con 0. soprattutto durante la prima passata.00 x 350 125-165 49. dry at 400-420°C x 1h.25% Cr 0.C. besonders während des ersten Schweißauftrages. Keep dry and store at room temperature.5% Mo.) 2.5% Mo.05 max Mn 0. de acero resistente a la fluencia.70 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 92 ELECTRODES ETC PH KV5L .4 112.60 4.4-0. The chemical composition of the weld metal guarantees a low sensitivity to solidification cracking I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet.5 Mo steel.0 68.00 x 450 240-290 131. A.50 x 300 65-95 18.0 360 12. max 5 times. Su bajo contenido de C reduce al máximo el riesgo de rotura de la soldadura.05%C) with basic coating for welding creep resisting steels alloyed with 1.0 540 10.Classification AWS A5. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 1.5% Mo. store at 90-150°C until use. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.4 30.015 max P 0. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm.0 255 12. 05% Mo.0 180 17. 0.5: E 7015-B2L EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1599: E CrMo1L B 22 H5 RINA TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB All-position electrode (max.0 21.45 max S 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. auf ein Minimum reduziert.25% Cr.650 470 min -20°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions D. E Electrodo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones. max 1 times.00 x 450 170-220 96.20 3.3 96. sobre todo en la primera pasada.60 5.65 Cr 1-1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 690°C x 1h 550 .25% Cr 0.5% Mo. Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 19 min Hardness Storage.9% Cr und 0.40 6.9 11. Once opened.0 135 17.4 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Durch niedrigen Kohlenstoffgehalt ist die Gefahr der Rissbildung während des Schweißens.9% Cr 0. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.0 77. N.25% Cr 0. beständig gegen lamellenförmiges Abgleiten.9 Si 0. Is also recommended for welding 0.5% Mo. 20 5. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni.00 x 450 170-220 93. dry at 400-420°C x 1h.6 max S 0. ma a pressioni relativamente basse.C. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 250-300 °C.C.9 Si 0.90 4.300ºC. aleado al 9% Cr 1. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros resistentes a la fluencia.8 74.4 max Mo 0.25 x 350 90-130 35.1% Mo. Besonders geeignet wo Korrosionswiderstand bei hoher Feuchtigkeit notwendig ist.2 Cr 8-10 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.30 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 93 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 255 13. Questo tipo di acciaio è impiegato soprattutto nell'industria petrolifera per temperature di esercizio fino a +625°C. max 1 times.9 56. low hydrogen electrode developed for the welding of creep resistant steels containing 9% Cr . Dieser Stahl wird vorwiegend in der Mineralöl-Industrie verwendet.0 360 12. preservation. Once opened.300°C. max 5 times.3 90. Este tipo de acero viene siendo empleado sobre todo en industria petrolífera con temperatura de ejercicio hasta +625ºC con presiones relativamente bajas.) 2. During welding the preheat and interpass temperature controls should be between 250 .025 max P 0.5: E 8015-B8 . La soldadura debe ser ejecutada con arco corto y baja velocidad de trabajo.00 x 350 125-165 51.0 195 18. di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo. bei Betriebstemperaturen bis +625°C und relativ geringem Druck.0% Mo. Keep dry and store at room temperature.80 3. donde se requiera particularmente resistencia a la corrosión en presencia de H2.2 56. N. A. Es aconsejable precalentamiento y entrepasadas entre 250 .ETC PH KV7 EN Welding Positions Approvals 1599: E CrMo9 B 22 H5 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH KV 7 is a basic coated. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 250¸300°C wird empfohlen. 1% Mo. store at 90-150°C until use. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 750°C x 1h 560 min 460 min 20°C ⁄ 40 min 20 min Current Conditions D. Packaging Diam. Hardness Storage.1 Mn 0. La saldatura va eseguita in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro.05 max Ni 0.8 21. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.50 x 300 65-95 20.025 max Cu 0.8 31.0 12.0 540 10.7 111. Das Schweißen erfolgt mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit.5-0. +.85-1.04-0. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von warmfesten Stahl mit 9% Cr. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet. legati al 9% di Cr e 1% Mo. dove si richieda particolare resistenza alla corrosione in presenza di idrogeno. store at 90-150°C until use. max 5 times.5 12.3 max S 0.50 x 350 70-95 20. V und T 91. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 750°C x 2h 640 min 480 min -20°C ⁄ 50 min Current Conditions DC +. empleado para aplicaciones resistentes a la fluencia en temperaturas superiores a 500ºC. dry at 350. für das Verschweißen von hitzebeständigen Baustählen.13 max Mn 1 max Si 0. con temperature superiori ai 500° C e su acciai quali 9% Cr 1% Mo con o senza V.00 x 350 135-165 52. types T91. 1% Mo and V.1 max Ni 1 max Mo 0. Usato nei settori quali petrolchimico e di generazione della corrente elettrica.0 360 12. 1% Mo.5: E 9018-B9 .15-0. Excellent weldability in all positions except vertical down. Used in petrochemical applications and power generation industry. Excelente soldabilidad en todas las posiciones excepto en vertical descendente. Sie findet Einsatz auf dem Sektor der Mineralölindustrie und der Energieerzeugung. D ETC PH KV7 M ist eine Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung. Usado principalmente en el sector petroquímico y de generación de corriente eléctrica. Keep dry and store at room temperature.C. suited for creep resistance for temperatures up to 500° C.01 max Nb 0. Eccellente saldabilità in tutte le posizioni eccetto la verticale discendente.01 max Cu 0.0 72.0 91.) 2. tipo P91. preservation. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100gr of weld metal. max 1 times. tipo T 91. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. Außer für das Fallnahtschweißen.0 630 12.5 As Sb Pb V 0.85-1. To obtain lessthan 5 ml H2/100gr of weld metal. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. A.0 61.25 Sn 0.90 3.70 SERIES KV-KVL ELECTRODES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 94 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 20 min Hardness Storage. sobre aceros con 9% Cr 1. bei über 500 C° und Baustählen des Typs 9% Cr.07 Nb Ta F.370°Cx1h. impiegato per applicazioni resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo. developed for the welding of creep resistant steels containing 9% Cr.0 225 11.0%Mo con o sin V.60 4. Packaging Diam.ETC PH KV7M EN Welding Positions Approvals 1599: E CrMo 91 B 32 H5 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH KV7M is a basic coated.03-0.2 Cr 8-9. E ETC PH KV7M es un electrodo básico.03-0. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. Once opened. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet. N.04 max N 0. I ETC PH KV7 M è un elettrodo a rivestimento basico.01 max P 0.0 22.1 Ti Fe Al 0.25 x 350 90-120 35.0 31. 0 165 15.01 max Cu Ni 0.15-0.170 60.25% Cr und 1.25% Cr. Factores X y J controlados. A 182 Cr F22 and F22a.00 x 450 130 .25% Cr e 1.01 max Ti Fe Al N 0.2-2. Once opened.0%Mo para aplicaciones después de step cooling.Classification AWS A5.00 x 450 170 .60 (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox CHROME-MOLYBDENUM ELECTRODES FOR APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COOLING 95 ELECTRODES ETC AL CROMO E225 . A 182 Cr F22 e F22a.25% Cr 1. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai 2.5 As 0.750 400 min -29°C ⁄ 54 min Current Conditions DC + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 20 min Hardness Storage.01 max Nb 0.01 max Sb 0. A 182 Cr F22 und F22a. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros 2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 690°C x 8h 620 . Packaging Diam.1 Cr 2. max 1 times.2 Nb Ta F. store at 90-150°C until use.02 max Sn 0.5 0.und J-Faktoren. Für den Einsatz nach step cooling gedacht. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Kontrollierte X.2 0. Keep dry and store at room temperature.9-1. preservation.00% Mo steels after step cooling applications. Adatto per la saldatura di acciai tipo: 10 Cr Mo 910.12 max Mn 1 max Si 0. Desarrollado para la soldaura de aceros tipo: 10 Cr Mo 910.5: E 9015-B3 Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS In GOST 9467-75:? 09X2M1 TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Low-hydrogen electrodes suitable for welding of 2. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von folgenden Stahlsorten: 10 Cr Mo 910. 1.8 0.01 max Pb V 0.220 94. dry at 400-420°Cx1h.0 37. A 182 Cr F22 y F22a.25 x 350 85 . X e J factor controllati.3 max S 0.2 max Mo 0.00 4.6 58.0 270 16.0 360 12.00% Mo. dry at 350370°Cx1h.01 max P 0.20 5. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. N. max 5 times.00% Mo per applicazioni dopo step cooling.3 19.130 33. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 2. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 3. Controlled X and J factor. Suitable for welding of steels type: 10 Cr Mo 910. 220 92.00% Mo. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 710°C x 8h 560 .00% Mo.00% Mo.13 Mn 1 max Si 0. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von folgenden Stahlsorten: 10 Cr Mo 910.01-0. X e J factor controllati.5 0. dry at 350370°Cx1h.2 max Ni 0.25 Sn 0.3 19.750 400 min -18°C ⁄ 54 min Current Conditions DC + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 18 min Hardness Storage. Factores X y J controlados. N. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.2-2.2 max Mo 0. auch nach dem step cooling einzusetzen. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.ETC AL CROMO E225V Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Low-hydrogen electrodes suitable for welding of 2.25% Cr. V para aplicaciones después de step cooling. 1.01 max Nb 0. A 182 Cr F22 und F22a.50 5. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Suitable for welding of steels type: l0 Cr Mo 9 l0.0%Mo. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.08-0. A 182 Cr F22 e F22a.0 165 15. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 2. V. Packaging Diam. max 5 times.25% Cr.00 x 450 130 .7 58. A 182 Cr F22 y F22a.30 (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox CHROME-MOLYBDENUM ELECTRODES FOR APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COOLING 96 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros 2.1 37.25% Cr und 1.2-0. Once opened. dry at 400-420°Cx1h. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai 2.) 3. Adatto per la saldatura di acciai tipo: l0 Cr Mo 9l0. 1.9-1.130 33. store at 90-150°C until use. Desarrollado para la soldaura de aceros tipo: 10 Cr Mo 910.170 61. preservation.01 max Pb V 0.01 max Sb 0. V steels after step cooling applications.1 Cr 2.00 4. V per applicazioni dopo step cooling. A 182 Cr F22 and F22a.5 As 0.2 0. max 1 times.25% Cr 1.00 x 450 170 .25 x 350 85 .01 max P 0.0 270 16.5: E 9015-G .01 max Cu 0. Controlled X and J factor.025 Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.0 360 12.8 0.3 max S 0. hydrocracking and synthesis of Ammonia. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 710°C x 8h 550 . Kontrollierter X und J-Faktor. A 336 Cr F21 und 21a.5 0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.00% Cr und 1. preservation.e.5 0. Once opened.5: E 9015-G . D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von leicht legiertem Stahl (3.01 max Pb V 0.80 5. Adatto a trattamenti di step cooling.75-3. Storage. A 336 Cr F21 and 21a. Auch nach step cooling geeignet. V). Para aplicaciones en la soldadura de reactores para la síntesis del amoníaco o petroquímico.01 max Sb 0.3 19. Applications: chemical industry i.00% Cr.00% Mo. A 182 Cr F21 und T21. 1. Factores X y J controlados.00 (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox CHROME-MOLYBDENUM ELECTRODES FOR APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COOLING 97 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.01 max P 0. A182 Cr F21 y T21. Applicazioni nella saldatura di reattori per la sintesi dell'ammoniaca o del petrolchimico. V. A 182 Cr F21 and T21.00 4.2 37. Desarrollado para tratamientos de step cooling. Controlled X and J factors. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. X e J factor controllati.24-0.) 3. A 335 Cr 821. A 335 Cr 821. V.1 58. Desarrollado para la soldadura de aceros tipo : 12 Cr Mo 910.25 As 0. 1. E Electrodo básico para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados 3% Cr. A 335 Cr 821.3 max S 0.25 x 350 85 .oder mineralölchemische Synthese.012 max Cu 0. Suitable for welding of steels type: 12 Cr Mo 910. max 1 times. Keep dry and store at room temperature.3 Sn 0.ETC AL CROMO E300V Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Low-hydrogen electrodes for welding of low-alloyed steels 3. A336 Cr F21 y 21a. A 336 Cr F21 e 21a.12 max Mn 1 max Si 0.0 360 12.2 0.00% Cr.0 165 18.01 max Nb 0.2 max Mo 0.00 x 450 140 .00 x 450 180 .0 270 16.1 Cr 2. dry at 400-420°Cx1h.2 max Ni 0.00% Mo.00%Mo.170 62.025 Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. V. N.130 33. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.01-0.00% Mo. A 182 Cr F21 and T21. A335 Cr 821. Packaging Diam. Adatto per la saldatura di acciai tipo: 12 Cr Mo 910.750 400 min -29°C ⁄ 54 min Current Conditions DC + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 18 min Hardness All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. store at 90-150°C until use.9-1. max 5 times.230 109. Suitable for after step cooling applications I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati 3. dry at 350370°Cx1h. 1. Geeignet für folgende Stahlsorten: 12 Cr Mo 910. Eingesetzt für das Schweißen an Reaktoren und der Ammoniak. Utilizar intensidad elevada. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. preservation.C. back-gouging root runs and removing rivets.20 4. A.3 0. die Nahtvorbereitung und das Brennputzen von leicht legiertem Kohlenstoff-Stahl. Abnahme des Angusses.90 CUTTING ELECTRODES (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 98 . x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. etc.5 0.25 x 350 130-150 35. Packaging Diam.0 0. Geeignet für die Beseitigung von Schmelzdefekten. la cianfrinatura e la scriccatura di acciai al Carbonio debolmente legati. ecc.) 3.0 0.20 5.00 x 350 200-230 56. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn Si S P Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. eseguire riprese a rovescio e rimuovere rivettature. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Current Conditions D. Also removing defects in castings or risers and gates. leghe al nichel. Brennputzen von defekten Schweißnähten. ghisa. scriccare saldature difettose. debilmente aleados.0 180 10.0 285 10. N. sowie für Gußeisen und Nickel-Legierungen etc. fundición. cast iron.0 0. D Elektrode für das Schneiden. Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Efficiency (%) (%) Hardness Storage. Nickel-based alloys. Utilizzato per rimuovere difetti di colata o ritiri di materozza. I Elettrodo indicato per il taglio. aleaciones de níquel.ETC PH GO Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification Applications and Caratteristics GB Cutting.1 0. gouging out defective welds. gouging or chamfering of mild and low-alloy steels. etc.00 x 350 220-280 82. (-).C. E Electrodo indicado para el corte o ranurado de aceros al carbono.0 120 9. Schweißen der Wurzelseite und das Entfernen von Nieten. aceros de grano fino al 3.fine grained steels or those with a 2. D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS VERSCHWEIßEN KRYOGENISCHEN UND KÄLTEBESTÄNDIGEM STAHL Die explandierende Entwicklung der kryogenischen Industrie und des Wirtschaftszweiges für die Lagerung und den Transport von Flüssiggas.fine grained steels or those with a 3. -101°C.acciai a grana fine. Tali ricerche hanno portato alla messa a punto di acciai a grano fine particolarmente trattati e di acciai al nichel che possono essere così suddivisi: .fine grained steels for working temperatures up to about -50°C . . Such research has resulted in the production of particularly treated. E ELECTRODOS PARA SOLDADURA CRIOGENICA Y ACEROS RESISTENTES A BAJAS TEMPERATURAS El gran desarrollo de la industria criogénica.25% di Ni per temperature di esercizio fino a circa -60°C .25% Ni content for working temperatures up to about -60°C .25% Ni-Gehalt für Betriebstemperaturen bis ca. hat die Metallindustrie zur Ausarbeitung einer dehnbaren. apoyado por la posibilidad de grandes ahorros económicos en el almacenamiento y transporte de gases licuados. per temperature di esercizio fino a circa -50°C . ha motivado una investigación y desarrollo por parte de los metalurgistas para conseguir unos aceros lo suficientemente dúctiles y tenaces a bajas e incluso extremadamente bajas temperaturas de ejercicio.50% Ni-Gehalt für Betriebstemperaturen bis ca.aceros de grano fino al 2.acciai a grana fine o al 3.50% Ni. with the resulting savings in stocking and transport cost of liquified gas. ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS 99 . Nelle pagine seguenti si possono trovare gli elettrodi di ETC appositamente studiati e messi a punto per ognuno di questi tipi di acciaio.aceros de grano fino al 9. -50 °C. Nachfolgend finden Sie ETC Elektroden.Feinkornbaustahl oder 2. der wie folgt klassifiziert werden kann: .25% Ni. have taken up considerable research resources in the search for sufficiently malleable and tough steels that can be used at low and extremely low working temperatures. .50% Ni content for working temperatures up to about -101°C . aber ausreichend festen Stahlsortel für den Einsatz bei niedrigen und extrem niedrigen Temperaturen veranlaßt. .50%o di Ni per temperature di esercizio fino a circa -101°C .acciai a grana fine o al 2. para temperaturas de ejercicio próximas a –196ºC En las páginas siguientes podrán encontrar los electrodos que ETC ha desarrollado para aplicaciones en este tipo de aceros. con la possibilità di realizzazione di grandissime economie nello stoccaggio e trasporto dei gas liquefatti. para temperaturas de ejercicio hasta aproximadamente –50ºC . ha notevolmente impegnato i metallurgisti con la ricerca di acciai sufficientemente duttili e tenaci a basse ed estremamente basse temperature di esercizio.GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE RESISTING STEELS The great development in the cryogenic industry. Estos requisitos han llevado a la puesta a punto de aceros de grano fino particularmente tratados y de aceros al níquel que se pueden subdividir en: .00% Ni.aceros de grano fino. sowie ein Nickel-Stahl. -60°C. Das Resultat ist ein feinkörniger und speziell behandelter Stahl. -196°C.acciai a grana fine o al 9% di Ni per temperature di esercizio fino a circa -196°C.Feinkornbaustahl oder 9% Ni-Gehalt für Betriebstemperaturen bis ca. para temperaturas de ejercicio próximas a –60ºC . extremely fine grained steels and nickel steels that can be subdivided as follows: .Feinkornbaustahl oder 3. para temperaturas de ejercicio próximas a –101ºC .Feinkornbaustahl für Betriebstemperaturen bis ca. I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DI ACCIAI RESISTENTI ALLA BASSA TEMPERATURA E CRIOGENICI Il grande sviluppo dell'industria criogenica. die für diese Stahlsorten geplant und ausgearbeitet wurden.fine grained steels or those with a 9% Ni content for working temperatures up to about -196°C The following pages give a list of the ETC electrodes that have been specially developed for each of the above types of steel. Redrying time 1h 280°C. I Elettrodo per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai al nichel tipo INCONEL 690. Once opened.75 max S 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 340 min -196°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions D. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von in Stahlsorten mit Nickel.015 max Cu Ni Mo Cr 28-31 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 7-12 Al N Nb Ta F.ETC PH NiCrFe7 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrode for all-position welding of nickel alloy steels type INCONEL 690. tipo INCONEL 690. Utilizado normalmente en la industria nuclear. preservation. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Good mechanical test. max 5 times.90 100 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.8 0.05 max Mn 5 max Si 0. x Length Current (mm.0 0. store at 90°-150°C until use. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften.0 (second) ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 255 12. Optimas propiedades mecánicas. Packaging Diam.C.) (ampere) 4. + Efficiency (%) 100 Storage.00 x 350 Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 50. E Electrodo para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros al Ni.01 max P 0. redrying Elongation (%) 31 min Hardness Keep dry and store at room temperature.11: E NiCrFe-7 . Ottime proprietà meccaniche. N. 3-0. Como todos los electrodos básicos la soldadura debe ser ralizada con arco corto y baja velocidad de trabajo.5 S 0.C.0 645 10. Die Elektrode ETC PH 75H wird beim Bau von Tanks.75 Mo 0. y después de tratamieto térmico.0 40. ETC PH 75H is used for the construction of tanks.2-0. Rendimento pari al 120% circa.50 x 300 60-120 16. La presencia del Ni mejora los valores de resiliencia a baja temperatura también en el caso de soldadura en posición. Durch den Nickelgehalt verbessert sich der kerbfreie Übergang bei niedrigen Temperaturen. A.) 2.015 max P 0. D Basische Elektrode mit Nickel-Schweißgut. Keep dry and store at room temperature.ETC PH 75H EN Welding Positions Approvals DNV 499: E 42 6 2Ni B 32 H5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. max 5 times.8 66. Current Conditions D. contenitori. L'ETC PH 75H viene impiegato nella costruzione di serbatoi. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.05 max Mn 0.7 10. 120%. auch beim Positionsschweißen und nach einer Wärmebehandlung.7 Si 0. preservation.660 440 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min Heat Treatment Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. e dopo trattamento termico. etc. I Elettrodo basico con deposito legato al nichel.0 29.25 x 450 100-140 47.80 (second) ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 101 .015 max Cu 0.4 72. contenedores químicos etc. Efficiency about 120%. E Electrodo básico con depósito aleado al Ni.7 90. eingesetzt. Use short arc and low travel speed. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm PWHT 620°C x 1h 510 min 420 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min As Welded 510 . N. max 1 times.0 240 15.00 x 450 180-250 101. Efficiency (%) 120 Hardness Storage.00 x 450 120-190 66.05 max As Sb Pb V 0.07 max Ni 2-2. Rendimiento 120%. Once opened.02 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Ausbringung ca. store at 90-150°C until use. Come tutti gli elettrodi basici la saldatura va eseguita in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. Behältern etc. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.01 max Cr 0.2 44.5 63. etc. +.0 360 16.5: E 7018-C1L RINA GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 7 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen Ni alloyed electrodes. Packaging Diam.C. ETC PH 75H viene siendo empleado en la construcción de depósitos.80 3.0 165 16. Das Schweißen erfolgt mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. High impact value even in case of temperature below zero.80 4. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.90 5. La presenza del nichel migliora i valori di resilienza a basse temperature anche nel caso di saldature in posizione. ETC PH 85 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.00 x 350 120 .0 62. gr.) 2.1 Mo 0.30 4.50 3.550 .35 max Cr 0.05 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.2 21.0 255 13.50 x 300 60 .04-0. N. Das Schweißen erfolgt mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit. según los tipos ASTM A333-67 A334-67 Gr1/6 a. all' 1% di nichel e per tutti i tipi di acciai con temperatura di esercizio di circa -50°C.25 x 350 80 . Soldadura con arco corto y baja velocidad de trabajo.6 max S 0. 1/6 a. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. die bei einer Betriebstemperatur von ca.C3 499: E 46 5 1 Ni B 12 H 5 GOST 9467-75:? 55-E51 6 Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrodes suitable to weld fine grain steels having 1% Ni and all kind of steels operating at excise temperatures down to -50°C.5: E 8016 . A334-67. AC Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage.50°C ⁄ 54 min Efficiency (%) 100 Current Conditions DC +. wie ASTM A333-67. geeignet für alle Stahlsorten. as ASTM A333-67.2 31.4-1. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von Feinkornbaustahl.2 Si 0.4 11. 1/6 a.90 19.2 62. E Electrodo desarrollado para la soldadura de aceros de grano fino al 1% Ni y para todo tipo de aceros con temperatura de ejercicio a -50º. redrying All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. -50°C eingesetzt werden. gr.20 5.0 540 10.60 (second) ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 102 .0 360 12. I Elettrodo messo a punto per la saldatura di acciai a grano fine.8-1.130 34. Packaging Diam. 1/6 a. gr. A334-67.2 88.00 x 450 170 .02 max P 0.9 57.15 max As Sb Pb V 0. come il tipo ASTM A333-67. A334-67.7 107.165 51.08 Mn 0. Use short arc and low travel speed. Saldatura in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 560 min 470 .220 104.02 max Cu Ni 0.0 150 15. 1% Nickel. preservation. gr. A334-67 gr.67 GrB: A333-67. -73°C eingesetzt werden.00 x 350 120-180 53. gr. B: A333-67.25 x 350 90-140 34.C. A333-67.4 100.ETC PH 87 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. A333-67. depósitos.8 46. Impiegato per la saldatura di acciai con temperature di esercizio fino a -73°C. A334-67 Gr3: etc All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h 510 min 440 min -101°C ⁄ 27 min 25 min As Welded 510 min 440 min -101°C ⁄ 27 min 25 min Current Conditions D.05 max Mn 0.90 5.30 4.5% di nichel. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.015 max P 0. Storage.C. legati al 3. serbatoi. E Electrodo para la soldadura de acero de grano fino. store at 90-150°C until use.3-0. etc. En acero del tipo ASTM A 203 . A334-67. A334-67.0 600 10. Empleado para la soldadura de aceros con temperatura de ejercicio hasta -73ºC. gr. type ASTM A203-67. 3. gr.07 max Ni 3. Employed for welding of steels operating at temperatures down to -73°C.50 3. sehr gute Resultate wurden auch bei -101°C erzielt. Die Elektrode wird eingesetzt für das Verschweißen von Rohren.02 max Cu 0. max 5 times. 3. Ottimi risultati sono stati ottenuti anche a -101°C. containers. tanks. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. etc. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.00 x 450 190-250 93. Optimos resultados conseguidos tambien a -101ºC.) 2. Once opened.5: E 7016 C2L 499: E 42 6 3 Ni B 12 H5 GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 7 Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrodes suitable to weld fine grain steels. etc. max 1 times.5% Nickel. preservation.75 Mo 0. I Elettrodo per la saldatura di acciai a grano fine.5% Ni. +. Packaging Diam.8 27.0 240 12. 3 etc. contenitori. Suitable to weld steel pipes. Excellent resulls are been obtained also at -101°C. etc.5 max S 0.5% Ni alloyed. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.2 18. Impiegato nella saldatura di tubi. gr. in acciaio del tipo ASTM A203-67. Empleado en la soldadura de tubería. B.50 x 300 60-90 17. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.3 53. aleado al 3.03 max Cr 0. aus Stahl des Typs ASTM A203-67.0 180 16.5 10.3-3. B. 3. geeignet für alle Stahlsorten.7 75. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von Feinkorbaustahl.05 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. equipos. A. 3: etc. die bei einer Betriebstemperatur bis ca. N.0 360 12. Tanks.6 Si 0.80 (second) ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 103 . Behälter etc.6 70. Keep dry and store at room temperature. 6 62. gr. max 5 times.0 72.4807 Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrodes suitable to weld 9% Ni steels and operating at temperatures down to -196°C.11: E NiCrFe-3 Wr.0 375 13. 8.02 max Cu 0. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. A553 58 Gr A y B. gr. refractory and hard-to-weld steels.50 5.5 Si 1 max S 0. E Electrodo para la soldadura de aceros al 9%Ni y aceros con temperatura de ejercicio hasta -196º. store at 90-150°C until use.0 180 14. etc.5 11.5 Ti 1 max Fe 10 max Al N Nb Ta F. A and B. come ASTM A333-64.25 x 350 75-95 36. ecc. gr.50 4. 8. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 30 min Hardness Storage. refrattari e difficilmente saldabili. refractarios y dificilmente soldables. preservation.10 3. E' comunque idoneo per la saldatura di acciai dissimili.0 48. gr. I Elettrodo per la saldatura di acciai al 9% Ni e comunque. A553 68. N. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 390 min -196°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions D. Once opened. 8.0 21.9 32.0 255 13.1 64.40 (second) ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 104 ELECTRODES ETC PH CN182 . as type ASTM A333-64. D Elektrode für das Schweißen von Stahl mit 9% Nickel und Stahlsorten für eine Betriebstemperatur bis minus196°C. A553-68. A und B etc Geeignet auch für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen. A533-68.0 600 11.) 2. A e B.1 46.015 max P 0.1 max Mn 5-9. Also suitable to weld dissimilar. acciai con temperatura di esercizio fino a -196°C.C.5 max Ni 59 min Mo Cr 13-17 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb 1-2. Packaging Diam.00 x 350 100-130 52. gr. Es especialmente idoneo para soldadura de aceros disimilares. gr. wie ASTM A333-64. hitzefesten und schwer schweißbaren Stahlsorten. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. según ASTM A333-64 Gr8.50 x 300 50-70 18. Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 2.00 x 350 140-170 80.Classification AWS A5. pitting and oxidation at high temperatures (max. +.015 max Cu 0. N. 1200°). 1200°). All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 150 13.C.0 21. alloys 625 and 825. It can also be used for welding cryogenic unions with 9% Ni.0 600 11. 1200ºC. picaduras y a la oxidación a altas temperaturas ( máx.170 90. E’ pure impiegato per la saldatura di giunti criogenici al 9% di Ni.8 32.50 (second) ELECTRODES FOR CRYOGENIC AND LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 105 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Storage.0 255 13. 1200°C).) All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 760 min 440 min -196°C ⁄ 30 min Current Conditions D.15 F.5 11.50 4. Sie wird auch für kryogenische Schweißnähte bei 9% Ni.75 max S 0. D Basische Elektrode zum Verschweißen von Ni-Stählen der Serie 625 oder 825 in allen Lagen.50 x 300 50-70 18.20 5. El material de depósito es resistente a la corrosión intergranular.ETC PH 625 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB A low hydrogen electrode for welding in all position for Ni steel series. other different steels with working temperatures up to –196°C. unähnlicher Stähle bei einer Betriebstemperatur bis zu –196°C zum Einsatz gebracht.0 43.1 46. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros al Ni serie alloy 625 y 825.0 375 13.2 max Ti Fe 7 max Al 0.00 x 350 100-130 51.C. A.4 max N Nb Ta 3. acciai dissimili con temperatura di esercizio fino a –196°C.) 2.15-4.00 x 350 140 . store at 90°-150°C until use.6 62.11: E NiCrMo-3 .1 64.1 max Mn 1 max Si 0. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai al Ni serie alloy 625 e 825. max 5 times. Packaging Diam. Once opened. Das Auftragsmaterial hält der Pitting-Korrosion der Zwischenkörnung sowie der Oxidation bei hohen temperaturen stand (max. The deposited material can resist inter-granular corrosion. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.0 72.10 3. aceros disimilares con temperaturas de ejercicio de hasta -196ºC. pitting e alla ossidazione ad alte temperature (max.1 max Ni 55 min Mo 8-10 Cr 20-23 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb 3. Redrying time 1h 280°C. indicado para soldadura de aceros criogénicos al 9% de Ni. preservation. redrying Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 30 min Hardness Keep dry and store at room temperature.25 x 350 75-95 36. Il materiale di deposito riesce a resistere alla corrosione intergranulare.015 max P 0. . In the event of welding high tensile steels. o parzialmente riempito. In order to ensure that the area subjected to a change of heat is sufficiently impact resistant. may be subject to hydrogen induced flaws. As soon as the electrodes have reached this temperature. square edged joints are better than V shaped ones. 118 e 128 . si dovranno eliminare le cause che provocano lo sviluppo di idrogeno. prima della saldatura. anche. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH STEELS 107 . Therefore. Nel caso di saldatura di acciai ad alta resistenza i controlli dei giunti devono essere più accurati che non quelli richiesti per un acciaio al carbonio non legato. gli ossidi. un lato del giunto. the steel supplier's recommendations about the preheating and interpass temperature must be followed. Any configuration that has considerable changes in the joint section can not be accepted whenever the joint is subject to great stress. It is also common practice to carry out vertical V welds. La saldatura di questi acciai di qualità prevede l'impiego di elettrodi come i tipi ETC PH 88. Pertanto. Pertanto si dovranno preferire dei giunti a lembi quadrati a quelli con preparazione a V. a causa della loro composizione chimica. however the electrodes should be furnace dried at a temperature of about 160°C. 118 or 128 types of electrodes. Dopo scriccatura con elettrodi di carbone sarà necessario molare e togliere almeno 1 mm di materiale. After the flaws have been removed with carbon electrodes. 108. that has a yeld point which is lower than the electrode used for filling the joint. because of their chemical composition. Una configurazione che presenti grossi cambiamenti di sezione del giunto non può essere accettata. I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DI ACCIAI AD ALTA RESISTENZA Gli acciai con uno snervamento minimo di 500 N/mm2 in genere rientrano nella categoria degli acciai ad alta resistenza. La puntatura e la passata di fondo devono essere eseguite con un elettrodo che abbia il limite di snervamento inferiore a quello dell'elettrodo impiegato per il riempimento del giunto. Generally. possono diventare sensibili alla fessurazione da idrogeno. 98. Welding these quality steels needs the PH 88. come lo sporco. using an electrode with a yield point that is inferior to the electrode used for making the flat. but rather. the joints must be more carefully checked than those required for a no alloy Carbon steel. Such advice should also be followed for spot welding and penetration runs. only the number that can be used over a period of 2 hours and these should be put in damp proof containers or portable furnaces. oxides etc. I'altro lato andrà saldato dopo scriccatura della passata di penetrazione. These electrodes are supplied in hermetically sealed packs to prevent the absorption of humidity during transport and stocking. square edged joint. si raccomanda di essicare gli elettrodi. Most of these are low alloy steels and. etc. I giunti a lembi quadrati vanno saldati da entrambi i lati. After having filled. it is necessary to grind and remove at least 1 mm of material. joints of this type can be easily inspected. 108. or partially filled one side of the joint.. Therefore. Moreover. 89. Inoltre i giunti di questo tipo possono venire più facilmente ispezionati. Questi elettrodi vengono forniti in confezioni ermeticamente chiuse per prevenire l'assorbimento di umidità durante il trasporto ed il magazzinaggio. It is advisable not to take too many electrodes to the welding station. must be removed. before being used. Electrodes that have not been kept under such conditions should be reconditioned at a temperature of +420°C for 2 hours and then stored in a furnace at +160°C. The square edged joints should be welded on both sides to avoid stress at the top of the weld. the elements which cause the release of hydrogen. grease. such as dirt. il grasso. Tuttavia.GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING HIGH TENSILE STEELS Steels with a minimum yield point of 500 N/mm2 are generally highly resistant steels. the other side should be welded after the flaws have been removed from the penetration run. Dopo aver riempito. before welding. La maggior parte di questi acciai sono debolmente legati e. È pratica comune. qualora il giunto sia sottoposto ad alti sforzi. they can be utilized. eseguire i giunti verticali con preparazione a V con un elettrodo che abbia un limite di snervamento inferiore a quello di un elettrodo usato per l'esecuzione di un giunto piano a lembi quadrati. in generale. per evitare l'insorgere di tensioni al vertice della saldatura. The spot welding and the root run must be carried out with an electrode. Auch bei großer Belastung darf die Naht ihre Eigenschaften nicht verlieren. Así pues. se deben seguir las recomendaciones de los fabricantes de los aceros en cuanto a tratamientos de precalentamiento y temperaturas entre pasadas a aplicar. Heftarbeiten und die Basisschweißnaht müssen mit einer Elektrode ausführt werden. Estos electrodos se presentan en cajas herméticamente cerradas para prevenir la absorción de humedad durante el transporte y su almacenamiento. wie z. la grasa. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH STEELS 108 . 108. para evitar la aparición de excesivas tensiones en el vértice de la soldadura. Para asegurar que la zona afectada térmicamente mantiene una suficiente resistencia al impacto. Meistens sind diese Stahltypen nur schwach legiert und auf Grund ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung empfindlich gegen Rissbildung durch Wasserstoff. 98. E ELECTRODOS PARA LA SOLDADURA DE ACEROS DE ALTO LIMITE ELÁSTICO Los aceros con un límite elástico mínimo de 500 N/mm2 entran en general en la categoría de aceros de alta resistencia. se procederá a eliminar el cordón de penetración. La soldadura de los aceros de esta calidad. Diese Art von Schweißnaht ist leicht zu kontrollieren. Nachdem die eine Seite der Naht ganz oder teilweise gefüllt wurde. Beim Verschweißen von hochfestem Stahl. deren Erlahmungslimit unter dem Limit der Elektrode für die flache Kantennaht liegt. el secado de los electrodos antes de ser usados. También es una práctica común ejecutar la soldadura en juntas en vertical. los óxidos. se deben ejecutar con un electrodo que tenga un límite elástico inferior al del electrodo a utilizar en la fase de relleno de la junta. 118 und 128. Aus diesem Grund müssen vor dem Schweißen müssen alle Ursachen beseitigt werden. La mayor parte de estos aceros son débilmente aleados y a causa de su composición química son susceptibles de sufrir fisuraciones por hidrógeno. Tanto las pasadas de raiz como los punteados. antes de la ejecución de la soldadura.D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS VERSCHWEIßEN VON STAHL MIT HOHER BESTÄNDIGKEIT Stahl mit einem Mindest-Erlahmungswert von 500 N/mm2 gehört in der Regel zu der Klasse der Stahlsorten mit hoher Beständigkeit. Así pues. Diese Elektroden werden in einer Vakuumverpackung geliefert. Vertikal VNähte werden einfachshalber mit einer Elektrode ausgeführt. deren Erlahmungslimit niedriger ist als jenes der Elektrode für das Ausfüllen der Naht. 108. Kantennähte werden beidseitig verschweißt. um Spannungen am Nahtanfang und Nahtende zu vermeiden. utilizando un electrodo que tenga un límite elástico inferior al utilizado normalmente para la soldadura en plano con juntas con bordes cuadrados. como la suciedad. Das Verschweißen dieser Stahlsorten verlangt den Einsatz von Elektroden des Typs ETC PH 88. En el caso de soldadura de aceros de alta resistencia. es preferible la preparación de juntas con talones o bordes cuadrados en vez de en V. 89. está prevista con los electrodos del tipo ETC PH 88. die zur Bildung von Wasserstoff beitragen können. Nach dem Brennputzen mit Kohlenstoffelektroden.B. wird die andere Seite nach dem Brennputzen der Basisschweißnaht geschweißt. Una vez terminado total o parcialmente este relleno de un lado. Fett. 118 y 128. Las juntas con bordes cuadrados pueden ser soldadas por ambos lados. muß mindestens 1 mm Material gelockert und abgetragen werden. Bei großer Schweißnahtbelastung ist eine Kantennaht vorzuziehen. um eine Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme während des Transportes oder der Lagerung zu vermeiden. Una presentación de juntas irregulares y de distinta sección no es aceptable ya que estarían expuestas a altos esfuerzos. Es wird auf jeden Fall empfohlen die Elektroden vor dem Gebrauch zu trocknen. comenzando la soldadura de la otra cara ya con el consumible adecuado. Además las juntas de este tipo se inspeccionan de manera más fácil. Oxyde usw. Schmutz. con una preparación de bordes en V. als es bei einem unlegierten Stahl erforderlich ist. etc. Es recomendable no obstante. deberemos eliminar las causas que provocan el desarrollo del hidrógeno. el control de las juntas deberá ser más meticuloso que en el de los aceros al carbono. müssen die Schweißnähte sorgfältiger kontrolliert werden. 4-1. Si raccomanda l'impiego ad arco corto. +.02 max P 0.0 645 10.2-0. D Basische Elektrode für das Schweißen von leicht legiertem Stahl mit einer Bruchfestigkeit zwischen 600-700 N/mm2.25 Si 0. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. Se recomienda el empleo de arco corto.6 45.0 240 12. It has also been applied for the welding of root runs and standing fillets in higher strength steels. Keep dry and store at room temperature. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 620 min 540 .05 max As Sb Pb V 0.C.7-1. A.7 21. Zähes Schweißgut.05 max Ni 1.00 x 350 110-180 52.50 x 300 55-105 15.5 31.0 66.8 9.4 103.05 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. dry at 350-370°Cx1h.15-0.C. Once opened.00 x 450 170-240 110.20 3.04-0.0 150 16.6 66.25 x 350 90-140 35. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 24 min Hardness Storage. N. Packaging Diam. Deposito di eccezionale tenuta anche a bassa temperatura.50 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 109 .8 96. It is generally applied for the welding of high strength steels with tensile. store at 90-150°C until use.620 -51°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions D.08 Mn 0. Depósito de excepcionales propiedades incluso a bajas temperaturas.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2.5 S 0. Es wird ein kurzer Lichtbogen empfohlen. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati aventi carichi di rottura compresi tra 600-700 N/mm2. auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. preservation. max 1 times.35 Cr 0. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados con craga de rotura comprendida entre 600-700 N/mm2. x Length Current (mm.ETC PH 98 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.60 5.02 max Cu 0.5: E 9018-M 757: E 55 5 Z B 32 H 5 GOST 9467-75:? 60-06G H1-6 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 98 ia a basic coated electrode depositing low hydrogen weld metal with an efficiency of 110-120%.0 345 12.8 Mo 0. max 5 times.30 4. properties of 600 N/mm2 min. ETC PH 118 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 757: E 69 5 Z B 32 H5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. N.0 108.) 2.5 S 0. Es recomendable un aporte térmico bajo. 110-120% mit flüssigem Schweißgut und ausgezeichnetem Nahtergebnis. etc.30 4. store at 90-150°C until use. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. The low hydrogen weld metal avoids any cold cracking risks.5 Mo 0.0 645 10.2-0.3 10. daß die Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme während des Einsatzes so gering wie möglich ist. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados con resistencia a la tracción de 760-870 N/mm2.35 max As Sb Pb V 0. Use shortest possible arc and low travel speed.05 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.25 x 350 90-140 34. dado el bajo contenido de hidrógeno.2 22.C. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati con resistenza alla trazione di 760-870 N/mm2.60 5.00 x 350 110-180 52.4 88. Once opened.1 max Ni 1. Das Schweißen erfolgt mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit. Inoltre. HY 80. come il T-1.370°Cx1h. Ausbringung ca. dato il basso contenuto di idrogeno.08 Mn 1. il rischio di cricche è praticamente inesistente. el riesgo de fisuración es prácticamente inexistente.0 240 12. Electrodo con rendimiento entre 110-120%. Keep dry and store at room temperature.2 66. HY 80.02 max Cu 0. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) 20 min Hardness Storage.02 max P 0.04-0. HY 80 etc. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 760 min 680 .g.5-2.0 360 12. Low heat input is reccomended. La composizione chimica ben bilanciata del metallo depositato garantisce delle buone proprietà di resilienza a temperature sotto zero. T1.0 150 16. Packaging Diam.3-1. +. Si dovrà porre particolare cura durante l'impiego di questi elettrodi affinchè l'assorbimento di idrogeno sia ridotto al minimo.760 -60°C ⁄ 70 min Current Conditions D.5 32. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. etc. Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Schweißgutes garantiert einen kerbfreien Übergang bei Temperaturen unter Null und durch einen niedrigen Wasserstoffgehalt ist eine Bildung von Rissen praktisch ausgeschlossen. Además.00 x 450 170-240 108. La saldatura va eseguita in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. max 5 times. wie T-1. caracterizado por una alta velocidad de depósito con óptima calidad de las juntas soldadas. dry at 350. bien equilibrada en el material de depósito. como los tipos T-1.5: E 11018-M DNV GOST 9467-75:? 70-06G H2-6 Applications and Caratteristics GB All-position low-hydrogen electrode with an efficiency of 110-120% for welding of high strength steels having tensile properties of 760-870 N/mm2 e.1 44. Se deberá tener particular cuidado durante el empleo de estos electrodos de modo que la absorción de hidrógeno sea reducida al mínimo. geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen. Su composición química. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.. HY-80. Elettrodo con rendimento di circa 110-120%.0 66.8 Si 0. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. dry at 400-420°C x 1h.5 Cr 0. max 1 times. etc.20 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 110 .C. caratterizzato da un'alta velocità di deposito con ottime qualità del giunto saldato.50 x 300 55-105 16. garantiza buenas propiedades de resiliencia a temperaturas bajo cero. D Basische Elektrode für das Schweißen von leicht legiertem Stahl mit einer Bruchgrenze von 760-870 N/mm2.25-0. preservation. A.50 3. Es ist darauf zu achten. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados con resistencia a la tracción de 850 N/mm2.180 51. bien equilibrada en el material de depósito. garantiza buenas propiedades de resiliencia a temperaturas bajo cero.4 88. Además.5: E 12018 – M .25 x 350 90 .0 690 11. dato il basso contenuto di idrogeno. Keep dry and store at room temperature.01 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.2 66.006 max Nb 0. D Basische Elektrode für das Schweißen von leicht legiertem Stahl mit einer Bruchgrenze von 850 N/mm2. caratterizzato da un'alta velocità di deposito con ottime qualità del giunto saldato.01 max Cu 0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.06 max Ni 1.3 22. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Heat Treatment Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 580°C x 4 h 800 min 740 min -51°C ⁄ 45 min 19 min As Welded 830 min 745 min -51°C ⁄ 45 min 18 min Current Conditions DC+ . max 3 times.3-1.9 Si 0. Use shortest possible arc and low travel speed.3-0. La composizione chimica ben bilanciata del metallo depositato garantisce delle buone proprietà di resilienza a temperature sotto zero. La saldatura va eseguita in arco corto ed a bassa velocità di lavoro. el riesgo de fisuración es prácticamente inexistente. Si dovrà porre particolare cura durante l'impiego di questi elettrodi affinché l'assorbimento di idrogeno sia ridotto al minimo.7 32. N. Electrodo con rendimiento entre 110-120%.5 As 0.140 34.01 max P 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Se deberá tener particular cuidado durante el empleo de estos electrodos de modo que la absorción de hidrógeno sea reducida al mínimo. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal.0 360 12.55 Cr 0.0 240 12.2 Mo 0. Das Schweißen erfolgt mit kurzem Lichtbogen und niedriger Geschwindigkeit. dry at 460°C for 1.00 x 350 110 . dry at 400-420°C for one hour.3-0. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.105 16.75-2. dado el bajo contenido de hidrógeno.50 x 300 55 . Packaging Diam. caracterizado por una alta velocidad de depósito con óptima calidad de las juntas soldadas. Es recomendable un aporte térmico bajo.5 hour. Inoltre.2-0. Ausbringung ca.1 Mn 1. Low heat input is recommended. 110-120% mit flüssigem Schweißgut und ausgezeichnetem Nahtergebnis. preservation. Su composición química.1 44. AC Efficiency (%) 120 Hardness Storage.60 4. Es ist darauf zu achten. geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen.02 max Sn 0. The low hydrogen weld metal avoids any cold cracking risks. Elettrodo con rendimento di circa 110-120%.40 3.05-0.60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 111 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. il rischio di cricche è praticamente inesistente.ETC PH 128 Welding Positions Approvals GOST 9467-75:? 85-08G 2H2-6 Applications and Caratteristics GB All-position low-hydrogen electrode with an efficiency of 110-120% for welding of high strength steels having yield strenght up to 850 N/mm2.7 10. Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Schweißgutes garantiert einen kerbfreien Übergang bei Temperaturen unter Null und durch einen niedrigen Wasserstoffgehalt ist eine Bildung von Rissen praktisch ausgeschlossen. max 1 times. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati con resistenza alla trazione superiore a 850 N/mm2. daß die Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme während des Einsatzes so gering wie möglich ist.) 2.35 S 0.005 max Pb V 0.006 max Sb 0. . Sie werden. soltanto attorno al 1958: viene attualmente prodotto da alcune acciaierie Europee su licenza della UNITED STATES STEEL e in Italia. Vienen siendo aplicados. consequently. ha adquirido una notable experiencia en este campo.B . because of the good mechanical properties type B and C are used for various structural works. differenziate dalle rispettive caratteristiche meccaniche e di resistenza alla corrosione atmosferica e da acidi deboli. A . In Italien stellt die Italsider diesen Stahl in drei verschiedenen Ausführungen.l. around 1958 and is actually produced in some European steel works under licence from UNITED STATES STEEL. in considerable quantities. D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS VERSCHWEIßEN VON COR-TEN STAHL Um das Jahr 1936 hat die UNITED STATES STEEL einen schwach legierten Stahl in Amerika auf den Markt gebracht. El acero COR-TEN aparece en Europa. Dieser Stahl wurde COR-TEN genannt. this type of steel is produced by Italsider.r. de manera apreciable. This type of steel. Er wird heute in einigen Stahlwerken Europas. Tal tipo de acero fue denominado COR-TEN (CORrosion resistance / TENsile strenght). ed è giunta alla messa a punto di elettrodi il cui metallo d'apporto risponde alle caratteristiche dei rispettivi materiali di base. called COR-TEN gives: CORrosion resistance TENsile strength. Introdujo en el mercado americano un tipo de acero débilmente aleado con una elevada resistencia a la corrosión atmosférica. A type is used by lhe building industry.Zerreißfestigkeit Der Stahl COR-TEN erlangt in Europa erst 1958 eine Bedeutung.C. in three different versions. ai più disparati campi della carpenteria generale dove vengono applicati per le buone caratteristiche meccaniche dei tipi B e C. wo die Typen B und C wegen ihrer großen Festigkeit sehr geschätzt sind. been working on these types of COR-TEN steels and has. exactly reflect the characteristics of the respective base materials. A . dalla Italsider in tre versioni diverse A . Sie unterscheiden sich vom schwachen Stahl durch unterschiedliche Eigenschaften. I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DELL'ACCIAIO COR-TEN Attorno al 1936 la UNITED STATES STEEL presentò sul mercato americano un tipo di acciaio debolmente legato avente una elevata resistenza alla corrosione atmosferica. the UNITED STATES STEEL Co. introduced onto the market a new type of low alloy steel but which was also highly resistant to corrosion.B .GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING COR-TEN STEELS Round about 1936.C. In Italy. her.korrosionsbeständig TENsile strenght . TENsile strenght . que trabaja desde hace años sobre el acero COR-TEN. ETC Elettrotermochimica S. in misura apprezzabile. unter Lizenz der UNITED STATES STEEL produziert.: CORrosion resistance . siendo producido actualmente por algunas acerías europeas bajo licencia de la UNITED STATES STEEL y en Italia particularmente por ITALSIDER en tres versiones diferentes: A-B-C. Tale tipo di acciaio fu denominato COR-TEN. L'ETC Elettrotermochimica s. L'acciaio COR-TEN apparve in Europa. da: CORrosion resistance .l.h. vengono impiegati normalmente allo stato non trattato . höhere Festigkeit und größere Witterungsbeständigkeit.resistenza meccanica. che lavora da anni sull'acciaio COR-TEN ha acquistato una notevole esperienza nel campo. ETC has. según las distintas características mecánicas y de resistencia a la corrosión atmosférica o a ácidos débiles.B . Because of the architectural beauty obtained. o en las más diversas estructuras industriales por sus buenas propiedades mecánicas (tipos B y C). E ELECTRODOS PARA LA SOLDADURA DE ACEROS COR-TEN Entorno a 1936 la UNITED STATES STEEL Co.und C. der sich als extrem witterungsbeständig erwiesen hat. because of the weld metal. The COR-TEN steel arrived in Europe. The Company has developed electrodes which. per gli effetti architettonici di particolare bellezza del tipo A.resistenza alla corrosione. en campos como la arquitectura de edificios por sus bellos resultados (tipo A).nei campi più diversi che vanno dall'edilizia. normalmente sin tratamientos térmicos. alrededor de 1958. in den verschiedensten Bereichen normalerweise unbehandelt eingesetzt: im Bauwesen der Typ A wegen seines äußeren Aspektes bei der architektonischen Gestaltung und auf breiter Ebene im Handwerk. considerable experience in the field. desarrollando unos electrodos adecuados a los requisitos exigidos por estos aceros. for many years. d.r. Each type has different mechanical properties and resistance to atmospheric corrosion and weak acids. ELECTRODES FOR COR-TEN STEELS 113 . 90 4.und Korrosionsbeständigkeit. Esso viene impiegato pure nelle costruzioni edili.90 3.40 ELECTRODES FOR COR-TEN STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 114 . Packaging Diam. confrontate a quelle di un acciaio al carbonio normale.8 82. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.0 180 17. store at 90-150°C until use.+ Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 27 min Hardness Storage. Idoneo para la soldaduara de aceros COR-TEN A. as lorries.7 As Sb Pb V 0. rendono il Cor-Ten idoneo alla costruzione di strutture mobili. Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 360 15.) 2..3-0. Cor-Ten is also used by building industries because of the particular colour of its surface which does not need any further painting. Bagger etc.00 x 450 160-240 96.50 5. contenenti percentuali relativamente alto di fosforo rame. N. Il deposito dello ETC PH 85CP ha le stesse caratteristiche dell'acciaio Cor-Ten A.50 x 300 60-90 18. sowie dem hohen Festigkeitsgrad besonders geeignet für mobile Konstruktionen.5-1 S 0.5 Ni 0.C. elimina el uso de otros acabados finales con pinturas o barnices. The deposit made with ETC PH 85CP has the very same appearance as Cor-Ten A steel.25 x 450 80-140 44. L'alta resistenza alla corrosione ed alla abrasione atmosferica. dry at 400-420°C x 1h. Idoneo per la saldatura dell'acciaio Cor-Ten A. La alta resistencia a la corrosión y a la abrasión atmosférica sumada a las elevadas propiedades mecánicas lo convierte en un material muy atractivo para la industria.5 Mo 0. Dieser Stahl wird auch im Bauwesen eingesetzt. da seine besondere Oberflächenfärbung keinen zusätzlichen Anstrich verlangt.08 Mn 0. rimorchi. comparing to a simple Carbon steel. dry at 350-370°Cx1h. etc. wie Lastwagen.9 Si 0.03-0. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. come autocarri. max 5 times. Due to its characteristics of high atmospheric corrosion resistance and also mechanical resistance.3 11.0 96. Cor-Ten is particularly suitable to build movable structures.00 x 450 110-180 64.6-0. trailers.7 58.6 105.7 39.5: E 8016-G 499: E 46 2 B 12 H10 GOST 9467-75:? 50-E51 3 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low Hydrogen electrodes suitable for welding of steels having high atmospheric corrosion resistance and high content of P and Cu. e l'alta resistenza meccanica. D. Geeignet für Cor-Ten A-Stahl. unlegierten Stahlsorten ist der Cor-Ten A-Stahl mit seiner hohen Witterungs.05 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Anhänger.3-0. macchine movimento terra. Das Schweißgut der ETC PH 85CP hat die gleichen Eigenschaften des Cor-Ten A-Stahls. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros resistentes a la corrosión atmosférica con contenidos porcentuales relativamente altos de fósforo y cobre.02 max P 0.02 max Cu 0. poichè la particolare colorazione della superficie fa sì che non vi sia bisogno di vernice. su color particular debido a la autoprotección superficial. etc.ETC PH 85CP EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.2 26.0 255 16. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. El depósito del ETC PH 85 CP es de similares características al del propio acero COR-TEN A. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h 535 min 629 min -20°C ⁄ 35 min Current Conditions A.2-0.2 46.0 540 9. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von witterungsbeständigem Stahl mit einem hohen Gehalt an Phosphor/Kupfer.C. preservation. Once opened. redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai resistenti alla corrosione atmosferica. Ideal for Cor-Ten A steel welding.1 max Cr 0. max 1 times. Im Gegensatz zu normalen. L'ETC Elettrotermochimica s. Zu diesem Zweck werden Plattformen benötigt. haben die Hersteller von Schweißmaterial vor eine große Aufgabe gestellt. deren Struktur mehrere Meter aus dem Wasser ragt und wo die Fundamente auf dem Meeresboden verankert sind. denen diese Konstruktionen ausgesetzt sind. D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS OFFSHORE-SCHWEIßEN Seit einiger Zeit haben die großen Erdölförderungsgesellschaften ihre Forschungen für die Gewinnung von Erdöl durch das Anbohren des Meeresgrund erweitert. it is necessary to construct platforms that the rest on the sea bottom and rise many tens of metres out of the sea. Molti di questi sono già stati impiegati con successo e ne testimoniano la validità. sumadas a las críticas condiciones ambientales de trabajo. Viele dieser Werkstoffe sind bereits zum Einsatz gekommen und konnten ihre Tauglichkeit unter Beweis stellen. Die hohe dynamische Belastung und die kritischen Witterungsverhältnisse. Unser technisches Büro steht Ihnen jederzeit für weitere Auskünfte gern zur Verfügung. es necesario la construcción de plataformas marinas que queden ancladas al fondo marino y emerjan muchas decenas de metros sobre el nivel del agua. Many of these have already been successfully used. Para realizar esto. Diese riesigen Stahlkonstruktionen bestehen vorwiegend aus verschweißten Rohrgestellen. Les recordamos que nuestro Servicio Técnico Comercial está a su disposición para ampliarles cualquier información al respecto. utilizados en estas aplicaciones. da anni dispone di una completa gamma di consumabili per la saldatura di offshore. We would remind you that our Technical Commercial Staff is at your complete disposal and can give you any information that you may require. uno soldado tras otro. developed a complete range of products for off shore welding. ETC has over many years. ELECTRODES FOR OFF-SHORE WELDING 115 . que han sido y lo son en la actualidad. The particular dynamic stresses to which they are subjected and the critical working conditions found in this type of environment have severely tested the manufacturers of the various materials used on the platforms. Le particolari sollecitazioni dinamiche a cui sono sottoposte queste strutture e le critiche condizioni ambientali di lavoro hanno messo a dura prova le case fornitrici di materiale. siendo testimonio de su validez. ETC Elettrotermochimica Srl dispone desde hace años de una completa gama de consumibles para la soldadura de offshore. han exigido unas duras pruebas a los materiales utilizados en las plataformas. Ricordiamo che il nostro Servizio Tecnico Commerciale è a vostra completa disposizione per fornirvi qualsiasi informazione. I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA OFFSHORE Da tempo le più grandi case petrolifere intensificano le ricerche per estrarre il petrolio perforando il fondo del mare. Die ETC Elettrotermochimica verfügt seit Jahren über eine komplette Auswahl von Zusatzwerkstoffen für das Offshore-Schweißen.r. attesting to their worth. These gigantic steel structures are mostly made of a series of tubes welded together. E ELECTRODOS PARA LA SOLDADURA OFFSHORE Desde hace tiempo las grandes compañías petrolíferas han intensificado su búsqueda para extraer petróleo del fondo del mar.GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING IN OFFSHORE APPLICATIONS For some time. the large petrol companies intensified their search to extract petrol from the sea bottom. Las particulares solicitaciones mecánicas a que son expuestas estas estructuras. Estas gigantescas estructuras de acero están principalmente construidas con tubos. Queste gigantesche strutture di acciaio sono per lo più composte da tubi saldati tra loro. In order to do so. Per fare questo bisogna erigere delle piattaforme che poggiando sul fondo del mare arrivando ad emergere di molte decine di metri.l. ETC PH 56S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 42 5 B 12 H5 BV GOST 9467-75:? 50A-E51 6 CONTROLAS DB Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 56 S is a basic coated low hydrogen electrode with a very thin coating to improve joint access and make the electrode suitable for root pass welding. The principal applications are related to all positional welding of materials to BS 4360-50D or equivalent. The electrode is ideally suited for pipe welding using the vertical-up technique. The main related industries are offshore, petrochemical and power engineering. I Elettrodo a rivestimento basico con ottima saldabilità in tutte le posizioni. Deposita un cordone di saldatura a bassissimo tenore di idrogeno con elevate caratteristiche meccaniche. Particolarmente indicato per la saldatura di off-shore e piattaforme marine. Ottimi risultati di C.O.D.. Arco molto protetto, ottima qualità radiografica. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung und optimaler Schweißbarkeit in allen Positionen. Das Schweißgut enthält nur geringe Mengen Wasserstoff und besitzt hohe mechanischen Eigenschaften. Besonders geeignet für das Offshore-Schweißen und den Bau von Bohrplattformen. Ausgezeichnete C.O.D. Resultate; geschützter Lichtbogen und optimale Röntgenqualität. E Electrodo de revestimiento básico con óptima soldabilidad en todas las posiciones. Deposita un cordón de soldadura con bajísimo contenido de hidrógeno y elevadas características mecánicas. Particularmente indicado para la soldadura de OFF-SHORE y plataformas marinas. Optimos resultados C.O.D. Arco muy protegido y excelentes resultados radiográficos. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm PWHT 620°C x 1h 510 min 390 min -50°C ⁄ 47 min 28 min As Welded 510 - 590 420 min -50°C ⁄ 47 min 26 min Heat Treatment ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.1: E 7016.1-H4 Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. -;+ Impact Value (J) Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 350-370°Cx1h, max 5 times. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 390-420°C x 1h, max 1 times. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. DNV GL LRS MMI RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.04-0.09 Mn 0.8-1.4 Si 0.3-0.6 S 0.015 max P 0.02 max Cu 0.08 max Ni 0.07 max Mo 0.02 max Cr 0.05 max As Sb Pb V 0.02 max Sn Nb 0.05 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) 2,00 x 300 60-75 10,3 6,3 45,0 960 9,90 2,50 x 300 60-90 16,3 10,0 48,0 645 10,50 2,50 x 350 60-90 19,5 11,7 51,0 645 12,60 3,25 x 350 80-130 30,7 18,7 53,0 420 12,90 3,25 x 450 80-120 39,3 23,8 73,0 420 16,50 4,00 x 350 125-170 45,3 27,6 62,0 285 12,90 4,00 x 450 125-170 57,9 35,0 83,0 285 16,50 5,00 x 450 170-240 87,7 53,4 90,0 195 17,10 ELECTRODES FOR OFF-SHORE WELDING Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 116 ETC PH 75S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 50 6 2Ni B 32 H5 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5: E 8018-C1 DNV GOST 9467-75:? 55-E51 7 LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Low Hydrogen electrodes suitable for all-position welding of offshore platforms. Deposit with a 2,5% Ni content; excellent mechanical properties and C.O.D. tests. To be used also in combination with ETC PH 88S or ETC PH 88S HR. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di offshore e piattaforme marine. Da origine ad un deposito con il 2,5% di Ni che conferisce ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e di C.O.D. test. Per le applicazioni può essere abbinato all'ETC PH 88S o ETC PH 88S HR. D Basische Elektrode für das Schweißen in allen Positionen, sowie Off-shore-Schweißen und den Bau von Bohrplattformen. Schweißgut mit 2,5% Ni, das optimale mechanische Eigenschaften und C.O.D. Tests garantiert. Sie kann in Kombination mit der Elektrode ETC PH 88S oder ETC PH 88S HR eingesetzt werden. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de OFF-SHORE y plataformas marinas. Depósito con contenido de 2,5% de Ni que confiere magníficas caracr¡terísticas mecánicas y de ensayos C.O.D. Según las aplicaciones puede ser combinado con los electrodos ETC PH 88S ó ETC PH 88S HR. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h 560 - 640 490 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min As Welded 520 - 640 490 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min Current Conditions D.C. +; AC Efficiency (%) 120 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 250-300°C for one hour, max 5 times. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.035-0.075 Mn 0.7-1.2 Si 0.2-0.5 S 0.015 max P 0.015 max Cu 0.07 max Ni 2.3-2.75 Mo 0.03 max Cr 0.05 max As Sb Pb V 0.02 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 350 50-100 19,5 11,7 50,0 645 12,60 3,25 x 350 90-140 35,7 21,9 53,0 345 12,30 3,25 x 450 100-140 47,0 28,5 58,0 345 16,20 4,00 x 350 120-180 51,3 31,4 66,0 240 12,30 4,00 x 450 120-190 66,2 42,1 68,0 240 15,90 5,00 x 450 180-270 100,0 60,9 80,0 165 16,50 ELECTRODES FOR OFF-SHORE WELDING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 117 ETC PH 76S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 46 6 1Ni B 32 H5 BV GOST 9467-75:? 55-E51 7 CONTROLAS DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH 76S is well suited for welding BS 4360 50D and similar grades used for offshore contructions. Satisfactory C.T.O.D. results avoid stress relieving for joints in plates up to approx. 50 mm thick. Many approved welding procedures for offshore and construction industries exist for this electrode. Very good properties are obtained even when no heat treatment is carried out. This electrode is of major importance for offshore work; it enables higher yield steels to be welded with absolute confidence. I Elettrodo ideato per la saldatura di acciai corrispondenti alle classificazioni BS 4360 50D e similari. Ottime caratteristiche di tenacità a bassa temperatura e ottimi valori di C.O.D. test. Ottime caratteristiche anche senza trattamento termico. Trova maggior applicazione in offshore, per la saldatura di strutture di primaria importanza dove è assolutamente importante avere un prodotto di sicura affidabilità D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl der Klasse BS 4360 50D oder artverwandte Stahlsorten. Ausgezeichneter Festigkeitsgrad bei niedrigen Temperaturen und optimaler C.O.D.-Test. Ideal für den Offshore-Einsatz. Sehr gute Eigenschaften auch ohne Wärmebehandlung. Wird vorwiegend bei Offshore-Schweißarbeiten eingesetzt und bei Strukturen, wo absolute Zuverlässigkeit erforderlich ist E Electrodo desarrollado para la soldadura de aceros correspondientes a las clasificaciones BS 4360 50D o similares. Optimas características de tenacidad a bajas temperaturas y excelentes resultados en ensayos C.O.D. Optimas propiedades incluso sin tratamiento térmico. Indicado principalmente para la industria de OFF-SHORE o en aplicaciones donde es absolutamente necesario un producto de altas garantías. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5: E 7018-G Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h 490 - 560 390 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 28 min As Welded 510 - 620 460 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min Current Conditions D.C. +; A.C. Efficiency (%) 120 GL LRS RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.03-0.07 Mn 1.3-1.7 Si 0.4 max S 0.01 max P 0.015 max Cu 0.03 max Ni 0.6-1 Mo 0.01 max Cr 0.2 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 350-370°Cx1h, max 3 times. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 400-420°C x 1h, max 3 times. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 80-100 18,1 10,9 56,0 645 11,70 2,50 x 350 80-100 20,9 12,8 59,0 645 13,50 3,25 x 350 100-140 36,5 21,3 60,0 345 12,60 3,25 x 450 100-130 47,0 27,4 96,0 345 16,20 4,00 x 450 120-180 67,1 40,4 100,0 255 17,10 5,00 x 450 180-270 101,8 63,6 106,0 165 16,80 ELECTRODES FOR OFF-SHORE WELDING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 118 ETC PH 88S EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 499: E 50 6 Mn 1 Ni B 12 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5: E 8016 G DNV GOST 9467-75:? 60-06G 2H1-7 LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 88S electrode is a low-alloyed developed for welding higher yield steels (min. 450/mm2), usually BS 4360-55 E/F and E 450 EMZ, introduced for topside facilities of production platforms. This electrode provides high impact and fracture (C.O.D.) toughness in as-welded and stress relieved conditions. Offshore yards report very favourable results with this electrode in all welding positions. This electrode is of major importance for offshore work; it enablcs higher yield steels to be welded with absolute confidence. Yards have reported low repair rates even when welds are subject to very intensive inspections. I ETC PH 88S è un elettrodo basico debolmente legato sviluppato per la saldatura di acciai ad elevato limite elastico (min. 450/mm2) tipo BS 4360-55 E/F e E 450EMZ, normalmente utilizzati nella costruzione offshore. Il deposito di questo elettrodo garantisce elevati valori di tenacità e ottimi C.T.O.D., sia allo stato come saldato che dopo trattamento termico. D Die ETC PH 88S ist eine basische Elektrode mit geringem Gehalt und für das Verschweißen von hochelastischemStahl mind. (450/mm2) der Klasse BS 4360-55 E/F und E 450EMZ, gedacht. Sie findet Einsatz bei Offshore-Konstruktionen. Schweißgut mit sehr hoher Festigkeit und ausgezeichneten C.T.O.D.-Werten im verschweißten Zustand und nach Wärmebehandlung. Sie wird vorwiegend bei Offshore-Schweißarbeiten eingesetzt und bei Strukturen, wo absolute Zuverlässigkeit erforderlich ist. E ETC PH 88S es un electrodo básico debilmente aleado desarrollado para la soldadura de aceros de elevado límite elástico (mín. 450 N/mm2) tipo BS 4360-55 E/F y E 450EMZ, normalmente utilizado en la construcción OFF-SHORE. El depósito de este electrodo gatrantiza elevados valores de tenacidad y óptimos valores en ensayos C.T.O.D. tanto sin o con tratamiento térmico. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h 570 - 640 460 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min As Welded 600 - 660 500 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 24 min Current Conditions DC +; AC Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.04-0.08 Mn 1.6-1.9 Si 0.2-0.5 S 0.015 max P 0.015 max Cu 0.07 max Ni 0.06-1 Mo 0.03 max Cr 0.05 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 350-370°Cx1h, max 3 times. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 400-420°C x 1h, max 3 times. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 350 55-85 19,1 11,7 50,0 645 12,30 3,25 x 350 80-140 30,7 18,4 54,0 420 12,90 3,25 x 450 80-130 39,3 23,7 58,0 420 16,50 4,00 x 450 110-180 59,0 35,4 82,0 255 16,80 5,00 x 450 180-230 90,8 54,7 89,0 195 17,70 ELECTRODES FOR OFF-SHORE WELDING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 119 ETC PH 88S HR EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5: E 8018-G 499: E 50 6 Mn 1Ni B 32 GOST 9467-75:? 60-06G 2H1-7 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 88S HR iron-powder electrode is a low-alloyed Mn/Ni developed for welding higher yield steels (min. 450/mm2), usually BS 4360-55 E/F and E 450EMZ, introduced for topside facilities of production platforms. This electrode provides high impact and fracture (C.O.D.) toughness in as-welded and stress relieved conditions. This electrode is of major importance for offshore work; it enables higher yield steels to be welded with absolute confidence. I L'ETC PH 88 HR è un elettrodo basico con polvere di ferro nel rivestimento, debolmente legato Mn/Ni sviluppato per la saldatura di acciai ad elevato limite elastico (min. 450/mm2) tipo BS 4360-55 E/F e E 450 EMZ, normalmente utilizzati nella costruzione offshore. Il deposito di questo elettrodo garantisce elevati valori di tenacità e ottimi C.T.O.D., sia allo stato come saldato che dopo trattamento termico D Die ETC PH 88HR ist eine basische Elektrode mit eisenstaub-Ummantelung, mit geringem C/Mn/Ni-Gehalt und für das Verschweißen von hochelastischem Stahl (mind. 450/mm2) der Klasse BS 4360-55 E/F und E 450EMZ, gedacht. Sie findet Einsatz bei Offshore-Konstruktionen. Schweißgut von sehr hoher Festigkeit und ausgezeichneten C.T.O.D.-Werten im verschweißten Zustand und nach Wärmebehandlung. Eine Ausbringung von 120% verleiht der Elektrode ETC PH 88S HR eine optimale Schweißbarkeit und einen leichten Lichtbogen in allen Positionen. E ETC PH 88S HR es un electrodo básico con polvo de hierro debilmente aleado al Mn/Ni ideado para la soldadura de aceros de elevado límite elástico (mín. 450 N/mm2) tipo BS 4360-55 E/F y E450 EMZ, normalmente utilizado en la construcción OFF-SHORE. El depósito de este electrodo garantiza elevados valores de tenacidad y óptimos valores en ensayos C.T.O.D. tanto sin o con tratamiento térmico. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h 570 - 640 460 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min As Welded 600 - 680 500 min -60°C ⁄ 60 min 24 min Current Conditions D.C. +; A.C. Efficiency (%) 120 Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.04-0.08 Mn 1.1-1.6 Si 0.2-0.5 S 0.015 max P 0.015 max Cu 0.07 max Ni 0.6-1 Mo 0.1-0.3 Cr 0.05 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying To obtain 5-10 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 350-370°Cx1h, max 3 times. To obtain less than 5 ml H2/100 gr of weld metal, dry at 400-420°C x 1h, max 3 times. Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 60-100 18,9 11,7 60,0 540 10,20 3,25 x 350 80-140 34,8 21,3 62,0 345 12,00 3,25 x 450 80-140 47,0 27,4 97,0 345 16,20 4,00 x 450 120-180 67,1 40,4 102,0 255 17,10 5,00 x 450 180-270 101,8 63,6 106,0 165 16,80 ELECTRODES FOR OFF-SHORE WELDING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 120 GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING OF CHROME-NICKEL AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS General characteristics The term stainless steel indicates any steel which contains sufficient Cr to make it corrosion resistant in an aggresive environment. The minimum quantity of Cr required is about 11-12%. Another important characteristic derives from the presence of austenitic elements such as nickel, which should be sufficient to render the matrix austenitic at all temperatures. Stainless steels are generally used because of their excellent mechanical resistance and oxidation at high temperatures. Low temperature resilience Austenitic stainless steels are highly resilient and are so malleable that they can not easily be fractured at low temperatures. Because of this intrinsic characteristic, they are often used to produce equipement designed to function at low temperatures, also very much below 0°C. When welded, the metal deposited normally contains a certain amount of delta ferrite which can change in the sigma phase, as a result of stress relieving by heat or stabilization of the weld at temperatures between 650°C and 925°C. This phase generally leads to a reduction in the malleability and toughness. Ferrite and sigma phase Even completely austenitic compositions in the semifinished state may contain small islands of delta ferrite in an austenitic matrix in the casting phase or molten metal due to welding. The presence of ferrite in the structure of the deposited metal depends mainly on the chemical composition. Many stainless steels that are corrosion resistant have in fact, a highly critical field of stability in the various phases and their totally austenitic partially ferritic field depends on the balance of the chemical composition. Given that the completely austenitic deposits may be, in certain cases, subject to hot cracks, the presence of ferrite prevents this tendency. It can, therefore, be said that in this phase, as oportunely balanced percentage is beneficial, as well as being a "lubrificant" for the crystaline grain which makes the reticular structure more malleable. The presence of this phase can be found by means of magnetic systems. Heat treatme after welding can reduce or even eliminate the ferrite in a weld deposit. In an austenitic structure ferrite and carbides may be found as well as an intermetalic chrome and iron compound called "sigma phase". This compound is normally formed when the ferrite is transformed as a result of keeping the steel at temperature between, 650°C and 925°Cfor a long time. This temperature depends on the chemical composition and structure of the steel. The sigma phasecan, however, also arise in austenitic matrices. The sigma phase can bring about the reduction in the corrosion resistance, but above all, there is a loss of malleabily and resilience. Given the high temperature reached by the electrical arc, it is possible to find this phase in the deposited metal on welding. It should be remembered that the sigma phase is very harmful, it may be dissoluted in the austenite on trasformed into delta ferrite by heating the steel above maximum stability temperature of the phase. ETC Elettrotermochimica check every type of austenitic electrode and each production lot, for ferrite in the deposit. The values are analysed and may be certified in accordance with: Schaffler; De Long; Espy; WRC; Permascope. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 121 I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DEGLI ACCIAI INOSSIDABILI AUSTENITICI AL CROMO-NICHEL Caratteristiche generali Con il nome di acciaio inossidabile si suole indicare qualsiasi acciaio nel quale sia presente l'elemento Cr in quanto è tale da renderlo resistente alla corrosione in ambiente aggressivo. Il tenore minimo di Cr si aggira intorno all' 11-12%. Altra caratteristica importante è costituita da quella conseguente alla presenza di elementi austenitici, di solito nichel, in quantità tale da creare una matrice austenitica a tutte le temperature. Gli acciai inossidabili sono sovente impiegati per l'eccellente resistenza meccanica ed all'ossidazione ad elevate temperature. Resilienza alle basse temperature Gli acciai inossidabili austenitici danno elevati valori di resilienza ed un'alta percentuale di duttilità alla rottura alle basse temperature. Per tale loro intrinseca caratteristica sono molto usati in apparecchiature destinate a lavorare a temperature anche molto al di sotto di O°C. Allo stato saldato il metallo depositato contiene normalmente una certa quantità di ferrite delta, la quale può trasformarsi in fase sigma a seguito di un eventuale trattamento termico di distensione o di stabilizzazione delle saldature nel campo tra 650°C e 925°C. La presenza di tale fase porta generalmente ad una diminuzione della duttilità e della tenacità. Fase sigma e ferrite Anche composizioni completamente austenictiche allo stato semi-lavorato possono presentare, allo stato di getto o di metallo fuso di saldatura, piccole isole di ferrite delta in una matrice austenitica. La presenza o l'assenza di ferrite nella struttura del metallo depositato dipende principalmente dalla composizione chimica. Infatti molti acciai inossidabili resistenti alla corrosione hanno un campo altamente critico di stabilità delle varie fasi ed il loro campo totalmente austenitico o parzialmente ferritico dipende dal bilanciamento della composizione chimica. Poichè i depositi completamente austenitici possono essere in certi casi soggetti a cricche a caldo, la presenza di ferrite inibisce tale tendenza. Si può pertanto dire che la presenza di tale fase, in percentuale opportunamente bilanciata, è benefica oltre a costituire un "lubrificante" del grano cristallino, che conferisce alla struttura reticolare maggiore duttilità. La presenza di questa fase può essere rilevata con sistemi magnetici. I trattamenti termici dopo la saldatura possono diminuire o addiruttura eliminare la ferrite in un deposito di saldatura. È possibile trovare in una struttura costituita da austenite, ferrite e carburi un composto intermetallico di cromo e ferro detto "fase sigma". Questo composto si forma normalmente per trasformazione della ferrite a seguito di un mantenimento prolungato dell'acciaio a temperature tra 650° e 925°C; tale temperatura è funzione della composizione chimica e strutturale dell'acciaio. La fase può tuttavia originarsi anche in matrici austenitiche. La fase sigma può provocare una diminuzione della resistenza alla corrosione, ma soprattutto si manifesta con una perdita di duttilità e resilienza. Date le alte temperature raggiunte dall'arco elettrico è possibile riscontrare la presenza di tale fase in metallo depositato allo stato saldato. Poichè la presenza di fase sigma è molto dannosa, si può ottenere la sua dissoluzione nell'austenite, o la trasformazione in ferrite delta, mediante riscaldamento dell'acciaio al di sopra della temperatura massima di stabilità della fase. Il controllo della ferrite nel deposito viene da ETC Elettrotermochimica fatto per ogni tipo di elettrodo austenitico e per ogni lotto di produzione. I valori vengono analizzati e possono essere certificati in accordo a: Schaffler; De Long; Espy; WRC; Permascope. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 122 D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS VERSCHWEIßEN VON AUSTENITISCHEM, ROSTFREIEM CHROM-NICKEL-STAHL Allgemeine Eigenschaften Als rostfreier Stahl gelten allgemein alle Stahlsorten, die auf Grund ihres Chrom-Gehaltes, unter aggressiven Bedingungen, korrosionsbeständig sind. Dieser Stahl muß Mindestgehalt an Chrom (11-12%) aufweisen. Eine weitere wichtige Eigenschaft ist ein Gehalt an austenitischen Elementen (normalerweise Nickel), der ausreichend ist, um bei allen Temperaturen eine austenitische Matrize zu bilden. Die rostfreien Stahlsorten sind bewährt wegen ihrer außergewöhnlichen mechanischen Beständigkeit und dem Widerstand gegen Oxydation bei hohen Temperaturen. Kerbschlagzähigkeit bei niedrigen Temperaturen Die rostfreien, austenitischen Stahlsorten zeigen bei Bruch durch niedrigen Temperaturen eine große Kerbschlagzähigkeit und hohen Dehnbarkeitsgrad. Auf Grund dieser besonderen Eigenschaften finden sie Einsatz bei Geräten, die bei Temperaturen auch weit unter 0°C eingesetzt werden. Im verschweißten Zustand enthält das Metall normalerweise eine bestimmte Menge an DeltaFerrit, das sich bei einer eventuellen Wärmebehandlung (Entspannung oder Stabilisierung der Schweißnaht zwischen 650 und 925°C) in eine Sigma-Phase umwandeln kann. Eine derartige Umformung führt im allgemeinen zu einer Verringerung der Dehnbarkeit und der Festigkeit. Sigma-Phase und Ferrit Auch voll austenitische, halbfertige Zusammensetzungen können in Form von Guß oder flüssigem Metall für das Schweißen, kleine Inseln von Delta-Ferrit in einer austenitischen Matrize bilden. Der Anteil, oder das Fehlen von Ferrit in dem aufgetragenen Metallgefüge, hängt vorwiegend von der chemischen Zusammensetzung ab. Viele rostfreie, korrosionsbeständige Stahlsorten haben ein sehr kritisches Stabilitätsfeld bei den verschiedenen Phasen und ein voll austenitisches oder teilweise ferritisches Feld hängt von einer ausgewogen chemischen Zusammensetzung ab. Voll austenitische Lagen unterliegen in einigen Fällen einer Rissbildung durch Wärme; ein Vorhandensein von Ferriten hemmt diese Tendenz. Eine solche Phase kann also bei einem ausgeglichenen Verhältnis nur von Vorteil sein und außerdem eine „Schmierung“ der Kristallkörnung veranlassen,, wodurch der Netzstruktur eine höhere Dehnbarkeit verliehen wird. Diese Phase kann mit magnetischen Systemen gemessen werden. Eine Wärmebehandlung nach dem Schweißen kann das Ferrit in dem Schweißgut reduzieren oder sogar ganz entfernen. In einem Schweißgefüge aus Austenit, Ferrit und Karbid kann eine intermetallische Verbindung aus Chrom und Eisen, eine sogenannte „Sigma-Phase“ entstehen. Diese Verbindung entsteht normalerweise durch Umwandlung des Ferrits, infolge einer andauernden Erhitzung des Stahls bei 650 und 925°C. Bei dieser Temperatur erfolgt die chemische und strukturelle Zusammensetzung des Stahls. Diese Phase kann auch in der austenitischen Matrize seinen Ursprung haben. Die Sigma-Phase kann den Widerstand gegen Korrosion verringern, aber vorallem führt sie zu einem Verlust der Dehnbarkeit und der Kerbschlagzähigkeit. Durch die hohen Temperaturen des elektrischen Lichtbogens kann sich diese Phase in verschweißtem Metall bilden. Die Bildung einer Sigma-Phase ist auf jeden Fall nicht von Vorteil; sie kann durch die Erwärmung des Stahls auf eine Temperatur über der max. Temperatur der Phasenstabilität im Austenit entfernt oder in Delta-Ferrit umgewandelt werden. Eine Ferritkontrolle des Schweißguts erfolgt seitens der ETC Elettrotermochimica für alle austenitischen Elektrodentypen und für jede Produktenserie. Die Werte werden analysiert und können nach Schaffler, De Long, Espy, WRC oder Permascope im Zertifikat dargestellt werden. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 123 Espy.E ELECTRODOS PARA LA SOLDADURA DE ACEROS INOXIDABLES AUSTENITICOS AL CROMO-NIQUEL Características generales Con el nombre de acero inoxidable se suele indicar cualquier acero que presenta el elemento del Cr de tal manera que consiga una resistencia a la corrosión en ambientes agresivos. la cual puede transformase en la fase sigma cuando procedemos por ejemplo a un tratamiento térmico de distensionado de la soldadura en rangos comprendidos entre 650ºC y 925ºC. Este compuesto se forma normalmente por la transformación de la ferrita a continuación de un mantenimiento prolongado del acero a temperaturas entre 650 y 925ºC. Permascope. Ya que la presencia de la fase sigma es muy perjudicial. El control de la ferrita en el depósito es verificado por ETC Elettrotermochimica para cada tipo de electrodo austenítico y para cada lote de producción. con una cantidad tal que sea capaz de crear una matriz austenítica a todas las temperaturas. son muy usados en la fabricación de equipos destinados a trabajar a temperaturas bajo cero. La fase sigma puede provocar un disminución de la resistencia a la corrosión. Dadas las altas temperaturas dentro del arco eléctrico. o en su transformación en ferrita delta. se puede obtener su dilución en la austenita. Resiliencia a bajas temperaturas Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos dan elevados valores de resiliencia y un alto porcentaje de resistencia a la rotura a baja temperatura. La presencia de tal fase viene acompañada generalmente de una disminución de la ductilidad y de la tenacidad. denominada “ fase sigma”. en general el Ni. pero sobre todo se manifiesta con una pérdida dúctil y de resiliencia . muchos aceros inoxidables resistentes a la corrosión poseen un campo altamente crítico de estabilidad en las distintas fases y en los campos totalmente austeníticos o parcialmente ferríticos depende del equilibrado de la composición química. ferrita y carburos como un compuesto intermetálico de hierro y cromo. que confiere a la estructura reticular mayor ductilidad. pequeñas islas de ferrita delta. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 124 . La presencia de esta fase puede ser detectada con sistemas magnéticos. los tratamientos térmicos después de la soldadura pueden disminuir o prácticamente eliminar la ferrita de un depósito de soldadura. La presencia o ausencia de ferrita en la estructura del metal depositado depende de la composición química . es posible reencontrar la presencia de tal fase en el metal depositado una vez soldado. Por lo tanto se puede decir que la presencia de tal fase. Ya que los depósitos completamente austeníticos pueden estar en ciertos casos sujetos a fisuraciones en caliente. Es posible encontrar en una estructura constituida de austenita. Otra característica importante es la presencia de elementos austeníticos. En efecto. Por tal característica intrínseca. El contenido mínimo de Cr oscila entre el 11-12%. oportunamente equilibrada y porcentuada es beneficioso al constituir un “lubrificante” del grano cristalino. WRC. Los aceros inoxidables son muy utilizados por su excelente resistencia mecánica. esta temperatura esta en función de la composición química y de la estructura del acero. De Long. Cuando es soldado. a la oxidación y a temperaturas elevadas. Esta fase incluso se puede originar en matrices austeníticas. la presencia de ferrita inhibe tal tendencia. en estado de colada o de metal fundido de soldadura. Ferrita y fase sigma Algunas composiciones completamente austeníticas en un estado semiterminado pueden presentar. Los valores analizados son certificados de acuerdo a Schaffler. mediante tratamiento térmico del acero por encima de la temperatura máxima de estabilidad de la fase. en una matriz austenítica. el material depositado contiene normalmente una cierta cantidad de ferrita delta. . scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato.680 20°C ⁄ 60 min 26 min Current Conditions A. N. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen.025 max Cu 0.30 5.02 max P 0. self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance.60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 125 ELECTRODES Classification .5 58. D Halbbasische Elektrode mit austenitischem.50 3. No debe ser empleado como material de aportación resistente a la corrosión. Besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten (z. Particularly suitable for dissimilar steels (i.ETC PH RSP Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode depositing an austenitic-ferritic weld metal which is highly resistant to cracking.6 52.5-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.50 x 300 45-75 18. ferrithaltigem Schweißgut von hohem Risswiderstand.0 50. preservation.9 39.0 240 12.8 75. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.8 61. Once opened. Es sollte nicht als korrosionsbeständiges Schweißgut eingesetzt werden. escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones.rostfreier Stahl mit Schmiedeeisen). Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc. For hardfacing the RSP is applied as a buffer layer to absorb stresses which can be expected between parent metal and lhe hard top layer. Utilizado como capa intermedia en los recargues duros puede absorver buena parte de las tensiones del metal base y del recargue.0 570 10.25 x 350 60-120 35.05 max Mn 1 max Si 1 max S 0. wo eine thermische Vor. Non deve essere impiegato come metallo d'apporto resistente alla corrosione. stainless steel with mild steel) where heat treatments are applicable. E Electrodo semi-básico con depósito austenítico-ferrítico de alta resistencia a la fisuración. x Length Current (mm. Impiegato come strato intermedio nei riporti duri per assorbire le tensioni tra il metallo base ed il riporto. store at 90-150°C until use. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. both before and after welding.3 6.60 4.15 max Ni 9-12 Mo 3-4 Cr 17.0 19.B. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 680 .0 930 10.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2.4 10.50 2. Es ist geeignet für die Zwischenlage bei der Hartmetallauftragung. Particolarmente indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili (ad es. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni. inox con acciaio dolce) dove sia possibile eseguire trattamenti termici prima o dopo saldatura. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.3 28. D.oder Nachbehandlung möglich ist.00 x 350 90-140 51. Particularmente indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares (inoxidable con acero al Carbono) donde es posible tratar térmicamente antes o después de la soldadura. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit bei spritzfreiem Lichtbogen. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.780 580 .C. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Elettrodo semi-basico con deposito austenitico-ferritico di alta resistenza alla criccabilità.0 360 12. Packaging Diam.00 x 300 30-50 11.0 150 12.00 x 350 130-180 84. max 5 times. um die Spannung zwischen dem Grundmetall und dem Schweißgut zu reduzieren.C.e. C.780 580 . ETC PH RSP-B está particularmente indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares ( inoxidable con Carbono). ETC PH RSP-B è particolarmente indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili (ad esempio inox con acciaio dolce). N. max 5 times. D Basische Ausführung der Elektrode ETC PH RSP mit austenitischem. store at 90-150°C until use. to absorb stresses resulting from the deposition of a hard top layer.Classification Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic version of the electrode ETC PH RSP. Redrying time 1 h 350°C. This electrode is also applied for depositing buffer layers before hardfacing. depositing an austenitic-ferritic weld metal which has extremely high resistance to cracking. I Versione basica dell'elettrodo ETC PH RSP con deposito austenitico-ferritico di alta resistenza alla criccabilità.6 19.680 20°C ⁄ 80 min 29 min Current Conditions A.025 max Cu 0. auch geeignet als Zwischenlage bei der Hartmetallauftragung.0 600 10.20 4.e. or to compensate the incompatibility of the chemical compositions of parent metal and surfacing material. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.5 61.20 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 126 ELECTRODES ETC PH RSP-B .05 max Mn 2 max Si 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 680 . ferrithaltigem Schweißgut und hohem Risswiderstand.5-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. preservation.00 x 350 90-140 48. Utilizzato anche come strato intermedio nei riporti duri per assorbire le tensioni tra il metallo base ed il riporto. ETC PH RSP-B is particularly suitable for welding dissimilar metals (i. + Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.3 52.0 405 13. rostfreier Stahl mit Schmiedeeisen)..6 58.0 270 13.15 max Ni 9-12 Mo 3-4 Cr 17.02 max P 0. Hardness Storage.5 max S 0. Packaging Diam. um die Spannung zwischen dem Grundmetall und dem Schweißgut zu reduzieren. for joining stainless steel to mild steel).20 3.C.) 2. Utilizado como capa intermedia en los recargues duros para absorver buena parte de las tensiones del metal base y del recargue.B. Once opened. D.25 x 350 60-120 32.0 10. Die Elektrode ETC PH RSP-B ist besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten (z. E Versión básica del electrodo ETC PH RSP con depósito austenítico-ferrítico de alta resistencia a la rotura.50 x 300 40-75 17.9 29. 3-4. adatto alla saldatura di acciai dissimili. N. indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 375 12.C. Stahl mit 13 % Mn.5 Mo 0.00 x 350 110-115 73.9 max S 0.0 10.0 50.40 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 127 .025 max Cu 0.4 21.0 255 12. al Cr.75 Si 0. Redrying time 1 h 280°C.1 Mn 3.8 41.60 5.90 4. Elettrodo con notevoli caratteristiche meccaniche e dall'alta resistenza alla fessurazione. Good corrosion and wear resistance. Das Schweißgut ist resistent gegen Verschleiß und Oxydation.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Electrodo con notables características mecánicas y alta resistencia a la fisuración. D Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung. Packaging Diam.5-1. Vergütungsstahl. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 590 min 320 min 20°C ⁄ 80 min 30 min Current Conditions A.) 2.4 29. acciai al Cr.16 max Ni 9-10. preservation. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. quenched and tempered steels and also steels having 13% Mn and Cr steels.50 x 300 50-75 18. Excellent mechanical properties and high crack resistance. Il deposito è resistente all'usura e all'ossidazione. store at 90-150°C until use. acciai da bonifica acciai al 13% Mn. 1.0 195 14.0 600 10. E Electrodo de revestimiento básico. I Elettrodo a rivestimento basico.C. ecc.ETC PH BS 307 EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.25 x 350 70-120 34. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.0 64. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5 Cr 18-20. etc. D. El depósito es resistente al desgaste y a la oxidación.04-0.4: E 307-15 1600: E 18 9 MnMo B 12 GOST 10052-75:? 10X20H9G 6C Wr. Elektrode mit guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und resistent gegen Rißbildung..4370 Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic-coated electrode suitable for dissimilar steels welding.025 max P 0.80 3. Chrom-Stahl etc.7 62. aceros al 13% Mn.00 x 350 90-120 49.9 45. max 5 times. Once opened. 4316 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH BS 308L is a basic coated all position stainless steel welding electrode ideally suited for pipe welding applications. Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo ETC PH BS 308 con C max 0.0 195 13. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm. Max. D ETC PH BS 308L mit basischer Ummantelung.20 3. preservation.00 x 350 130-170 70.25 x 350 65-120 32.00 x 300 2.9 29.0 39.80 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 128 . ideal para trabajos en tubería. C 0.0 600 10. Packaging Diam.1 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.04 max Mn 1-1.ETC PH BS 308L EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 270 13.20 5. Le caratteristiche dell'arco consentono di avere in prima passata penetrazione al vertice. 1..C. D. Once opened.00 x 350 100-140 48.8 43. Elektrode für alle Schweißpositionen und besonders geeignet für das Schweißen an Rohren.4 max S 0. Bajo pedido es posible confeccionar este electrodo con C máx.2 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. store at 90-150°C until use. N.025 max Cu 0.7 Si 0.0 960 9.20 4. Max service temperature +350°C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 35 min Hardness Storage.0 405 13.6 19. Durch die besonderen Eigenschaften des Lichtbogens erfolgt bereits beim ersten Auftrag ein maximales Durchdringen.C.08% All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 520 min 350 min -46°C ⁄ 40 min Current Conditions A.08%.5 47. The arc characteristics are such that a root bead of positive penetration can be easily achieved.0 10. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Massima temperatura di esercizio +350°C.025 max P 0.0 6. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +350ºC.08% max is available on request.60 45-70 17. The electrode ETC PH BS 308 having C 0. Las características del arco permite realizar las pasadas de raiz con una excelentes penetraciones.08% erhältlich. I ETC PH BS 308L è un elettrodo a rivestimento basico per tutte le posizioni ideali per applicazioni su tubi.7 75. Auf Anfrage ist die Elektrode ETC PH BS 308 mit max.) 2.50 x 300 30-55 10. E ETC PH BS 308L es un electrodo de revestimiento básico para soldadura en todas las posiciones.6 68.2 81. Betriebstemperatur + 350°C. max 5 times.4: E 308L-15 1600: E 19 9 L B 12 GOST 10052-75: ? 04X20H9 Wr. 0. N. 0. store at 90-150°C until use. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem.70 4. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.7 67. Durch die Spezial-Ummantelung ist Fallnahtschweißen möglich und macht die Elektrode ETC PH BS 308L-VU besonders geeignet für bereits bestehende Konstruktionen.4 42. C 0.08% erhältlich. The special coating allows vertical up welding and makes ETC PH 308L-VU particularly suitable for welding on yards.03 max Cu 0. max 5 times.0 570 9.5 S 0. muy indicado para soldadura en montaje.04 max Mn 1. D.ETC PH BS 308L VU EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 375 11.90 3. Lo speciale rivestimento consente di saldare in posizione verticale ascendente e rende l'elettrodo ETC PH BS 308 L-VU ideale per applicazioni in opera.4 29.08%.9 61.1 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos tipo AISI 304L ó 308L.0 255 12.00 x 350 100 . Once opened. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 380 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.130 49. Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo ETC PH BS 308 VU con C max 0. austenitischem Stahl. Il rivestimento altamente basico consente una eccezionale protezione del bagno dalla ossidazione. Die hoch basische Ummantelung schützt das Schmelzbad vor der Oxydation. Typ AISI 304L oder 308L.03 max P 0. The electrode ETC PH BS 308 VU having C 0. preservation.4 10. Current Conditions A.90 17.2 18. Su especial revestimiento permite sbre todo la soldadura en vertical ascendente.08%. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm.) 2.08% max is available on request.110 31.C.C.. The heavily basic coating allows the excellent protection of the weld pool from oxide. Bajo pedido se puede confeccionar ETC PH BS 308L VU con C máx.60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 129 .50 x 300 60 .4: E308L-15 1600: E 19 9 L B 12 GOST 10052-75: ? 04X20H9 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of austenitic stainless steels like AISI 304L or 308L.7 Si -0. El revestimiento altamente básico le da una alta protección al baño protegiéndole de oxidaciones. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili austenitici tipo AISI 304L o 308L. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. Packaging Diam.3-1. Auf Anfrage ist die Elektrode ETC PH BS 308 VU mit max.25 x 350 80 .2 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - 35 F. rostfreiem Stahl.0 255 12. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 35 min Hardness Storage. Packaging Diam.C.1 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0.04 max Mn 1-1.7 9. Basso tenore di carbonio e ottime caratteristiche meccaniche a -196°C.50 x 300 45-70 15. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.025 max Cu 0.7 Si 0.2 61. preservation.6 66.4: E 308L-15 1600: E 19 9L B 22 GOST 10052-75: ? 04X20H9 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrodes suitable for austenitic stainless steels welding. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos.80 3.2 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. x Length Current (mm. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 520 min 350 min -196°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions A. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 690 10. Niedriger Kohlenstoffgehalt und optimale mechanische Eigenschaften bei minus 196°C. store at 90-150°C until use..C.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici.0 405 12. D.1 28.4 max S 0.ETC PH BS 308LT EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Once opened.025 max P 0. Bajo contenido de carbono y óptimas propiedades mecánicas a -196ºC.00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 130 .25 x 350 65-120 31. Low carbon content and very good mechanical properties at -196°C.00 x 350 100-140 47.90 4. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von austenitischem.9 19. max 5 times.5 40. Deposito con contenuto di carbonio massimo dello 0. Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo ETC PH RS 308 con C max 0. max 5 times. Maximale Betriebstemperatur +300°C.e. I Elettrodo semi-basico per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili austenitici contenenti dal 16 al 20% di Cr e dall'8 al 12% di Ni (ad es.4 3. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. C 0.4316 Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode suitable for welding of austenitic steels having 16-20% Cr and 8-12% Ni (i. 0. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.0 150 12. AISI 308 and 308L).C. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit mit einem spritzfreien Lichtbogen.0 1290 6.und Chemie-Anlagen. D Halbbasische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem.04%.08% max is available on request.4 11. Schweißgut mit einem Kohlenstoffgehalt von max.00 x 350 100-140 52.C. Temperatura máxima de ejercicio +300ºC. store at 90-150°C until use.04%. Lebensmittel. chemical and alimentary fields.9 78.9 S 0.08% erhältlich. Particularly suitable for nuclear.B. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen.00 x 350 130-180 80. 35 Hardness Storage.) 1.8 31.0 21. Auf Anfrage ist die Elektrode ETC PH RS 308 mit max.0 240 12.50 x 250 2. TUV 1.ETC PH RS 308L EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 1600: E 19 9L R 12 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 570 10.60 5.1 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0. D. escoria facilmente eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeneo. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni. preservation.6 68. Deposit with a Carbon content max 0.50 x 300 50-80 18.0 930 10.6-0.2 max Cr 19-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.04%.0 6.60 4. Impiegato negli impianti nucleari. Particularmente indicado para la industria nuclear. Depósito con un Carbono máximo de 0.5-1 Si 0. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco carente practicamente de proyecciones. Excellent weldability with a spatter tree arc.025 max Cu 0.025 max P 0. AISI 308 e 308L).2 39. Bajo pedido se puede suministrar el electrodo ETC PH RS 308 con C máx. alimentari e chimici. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Once opened. N.0 61.035 max Mn 0.4: E 308L-16 CONTROLAS GOST 10052-75: ? 04X20H9 MMI Wr. Max service temperature +300°C. alimentaria y química. Packaging Diam. scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. .20 2. austenitischem Stahl mit 16-20% Cr und 8-12% Ni (z.00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 131 .25 x 350 60-120 35.0 360 12. 0.2 23. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.50 3. AISI 308 und 308L). self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 520 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions A. The electrode ETC PH RS 308 having C 0.00 x 300 20-30 5. Temperatura massima di esercizio +300°C. E Electrodo semi-básico para la soldura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos con 16-20% Cr y 8-12% Ni (AISI 308 Y 308L).04%.7 27.08%. Verwendet bei Nuklear-.08%.90 30-60 11.0 48. max 5 times.4 21. Su particular revestimiento garantiza unas óptimas características operativas.4: E308L-16 1600: E 19 9 LR 12 GOST 10052-75: ? 04X20H9 Wr. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Il particolare rivestimento garantisce delle ottime caratteristiche operative: scoria facilmente rimovibile. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 520 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min Current Conditions A. D.0 600 9. I ETC PH RS 308L VD è un elettrodo studiato per la saldatura di in verticale discendente.5-1. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.025 max P 0.4316 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH RS 308L VD is an electrode developed for welding of AISI 304L and 308L stainless steels. impiegato su lamiere inox tipo AISI 304L o 308L. 1. Die spezielle Ummantelung garantiert ausgezeichnete Qualität beim Schweißen. empleado sobre aceros inoxidables tipos AISI 304L o 308L.03 max Mn 0.60 60 .50 x 300 50 . leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. pochi spruzzi e cordoni di ottimo aspetto. Packaging Diam.ETC PH RS 308L VD EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. es un electrodo estudiado para la soldadura en vertical descendente.2 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.025 max Cu 0.C.2 3. Typ AISI 304L oder 308L. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc.100 30.25 x 350 39.0 61.C.5 Si 0.1 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0. Once opened. self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance.0 11. store at 90-150°C until use.9 S 0. preservation. geringer Spritzverlust und sehr schönes Nahtbild. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 35 Hardness Storage. pocas proyecciones y cordón de óptimo aspecto.80 16. N. D ETC PH RS 308L VD ist eine Elektrode für das Fallnahtschweißen bei rostfreiem Stahlblech. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. Escoria facilmente eliminable.30 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 132 .6-0.0 405 12.) 2. E ETC PH RS 308L VD. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.. preservation. La presencia de Nb asegura una acción estabilizante a efectos de la corrosión intergranular y mejora las características mecánicas a altas temperaturas de ejercicio. Verwendet als Zwischenlage für die Plattierung bei Stahl AISI 347 und für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl AISI 309.) 2.0 11. + Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. D.8 61.4 67.50 5.0 43.C. Used for welding of buffer layers of AISI 347 clad steels and dissimilar steels. Once opened. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm.1 max Ni 12-14 Mo 0. max 5 times.7-1 F.7 Si 0.06 max Mn 1.025 max P 0. The Nb presence improves the intergranular corrosion resistance and also the mechanical properties when working at high service temperature.00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 133 .ETC PH BS 309Cb EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Der Gehalt von Noibium garantiert eine Stabilisierung der Körnung-Korrosion und verbessert die mechanischen Eigenschaften bei hohen Betriebstemperaturen. Hardness Storage. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +1000ºC All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A. Max. Max service temperature +1000°C.0 270 13. store at 90-150°C until use.00 x 350 130-180 76.0 30.50 x 300 45-70 18.1 max Cr 22-25 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables AISI 309.25 x 350 65-120 36.0 375 13.4: E 309Cb-15 1600: E 23 12 Nb B 12 GOST 10052-75:?10 25H13G 2 B Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of stainless steels AISI 309.0 195 15. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.2-1.9 S 0.6 67..50 4. Puede ser usado como capa intermedia para el plaqueado de aceros AISI 321o para la soldadura de aceros disimilares.C.80 3. Packaging Diam. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. Betriebstemperatur + 1000°C.00 x 350 115-140 50. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili AISI 309.4-0.9 46. Massima temperatura di esercizio +1000°C.025 max Cu 0. La presenza del niobio assicura un'azione stabilizzante agli effetti della corrosione intergranulare e migliora le caratteristiche meccaniche ad alte temperature di esercizio.0 21. Usato come strato intermedio per la placcatura dell'acciaio AISI 347 e per la saldatura degli acciai dissimili. N.0 600 10. Good corrosion resistance. Guter Korrosionswiderstand. scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. D. Hardness Storage. Auf Anfrage ist die Elektrode ETC PH BS 309 mit max. Once opened.4332 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low-hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of austenitic stainless steels having 22-25% Cr and 12-14% Mo (AISI 309).20 3.0 600 10.5 Si 0. Suitable for welding of dissimilar steels (i. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili.04%. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de acero inoxidable tipo austenítico con 22-25% Cr y 12-14% Mo (AISI 309).B. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni. + Efficiency (%) 100 F. C 0. Carbon steel with stainless steel) and for buffer layers cladding.e. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.) 2.0 270 13.C. Depósito con contenido de Carbono máximo 0.0 195 14.25 x 350 65-120 34.025 max P 0.5 max Cr 22-25 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 520 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 40 min 30 min Current Conditions A. unlegierter Stahl mit rostfreiem Stahl oder Unterlage bei Plattierung.04 max Mn 0.C. como acero al carbono con acero inoxidable o plaqueados.04% Kohlenstoff. fácil eliminación de la escoria.00 x 350 115-140 48.4:E 309L-15 1600: E 23 12 L B 22 GOST 10052-75:?10X25H13G 2 similar Wr.9 45. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von austenitischen. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco con práctica ausencia de proyecciones.1 47.04%.50 x 300 45-70 17. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten. cordón con excelente aspecto.0 78. Buena resistencia a la corrosión. Indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. N. Buona resistenza alla corrosione. Packaging Diam. rostfreiem Stahl mit 22-25% Cr und 12-14% Mo (AISI 309). Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc.ETC PH BS 309L EN Welding Positions Approvals MMI ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.40 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 134 .0 375 12.08% erhältlich. come acciaio al carbonio con acciaio inox e sottostrato di placcatura.5-1.00 x 350 130-180 73.4 73. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. preservation.4 21. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit mit einem spritzfreien Lichtbogen. z.2-0. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm.7 65. 1.5 max Ni 12-14 Mo 0.9 29.20 5.. Schweißgut mit max. Deposito con contenuto di carbonio massimo 0. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance.90 4.04%.0 11.03 max Cu 0. max 5 times. store at 90-150°C until use. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai inox del tipo austenitico contenenti 22-25% Cr e 12-14% Mo (AISI 309). Deposit with a Carbon content max of 0.6 S 0. 0. 2 46. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl AISI 309. Besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten (rostfreier Stahl mit unlegiertem Stahl).20 5. N.6 62.0 375 13. Max. D. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili AISI 309.5 S 0.50 4.ETC PH BS 309Mo EN 1600: E 23 12 2L B 12 Wr.1 42. In this case the content of Mo improves the creep properties.0 165 12.5 Si 0. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. Once opened. Betriebstemperatur + 1000°C. 1. Redrying time 1 h 280°C.C.2-0. Packaging Diam.0 255 13.5 66. E Electrodo básico para la solsdaura de aceros inoxidables AISI 309.C.0 60. In diesem Fall verbessert das Mo den Widerstand gegen das lamellenförmige Abfließen.08 max Mn 1-1.90 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 135 . x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. preservation. È indicato per temperature di esercizio fino a +1000°C. Service temperature up to +1000°C.25 x 350 65-120 36.5 11. È particolarmente indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili (acciaio inossidabile con acciaio al carbonio). Está indicado para temperaturas de ejercicio hasta +1000ºC.. In tale caso la presenza di Mo migliora la resistenza allo scorrimento lamellare. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.4: E 309Mo-15 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of stainless steels AISI 309.) 2.8 31. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A.0 600 11. Particularly suitable for welding of dissimilar steels (stainless steels with Carbon steels). En tal caso la presencia de Mo mejora la resistencia a la fatiga laminar.00 x 350 115-140 51.1 max Ni 12-14 Mo 2-3 Cr 22-25 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. max 5 times. Está particularmente indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares (acero inoxidable con acero al carbono).4459 Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.025 max Cu 0.02 max P 0.10 3. store at 90-150°C until use.50 x 300 45-70 18.00 x 350 130-180 78.0 22. 25 x 350 65-120 35. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm. store at 90-150°C until use.0 52. Betriebstemperatur + 1000°C.1 max Ni 12-14 Mo 0.0 11. The electrode ETC PH RS 309 having C 0.6 7.4: E 309L-16 TUV GOST 10052-75:?10X25H13G 2 similar Wr. Esta particularmente indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares. Bajo pedido se puede suministrar el electrodo ETC PH RS 309 con C máx.50 x 300 45-70 19. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit mit einem spritzfreien Lichtbogen.08%.5-1 Si 0.00 x 350 130-180 86. scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato..5-24. I Elettrodo semi-basico per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili contenenti 22-25% Cr e 12-14% Ni (AISI 309). Particularly suitable for dissimilar steels welding. Current Conditions A. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo ETC PH RS 309 con C max 0.80 3. Packaging Diam. Once opened.0 34. 0. self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. max 5 times.0 360 12. Besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten.03 max P 0.90 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 136 .0 570 10.ETC PH RS 309L EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1600: E 23 12L R 12 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. D Halbbasische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl mit 22-25% Cr und 12-14% Ni (AISI 309). Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni.0 930 10.0 240 12. Auf Anfrage ist die Elektrode ETC PH RS 309 mit max. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente sin proyecciones. Service temperature +1000°C. C 0.C. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.90 5. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 520 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. 1. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc.6 58.08%.) 2. È particolarmente indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili. escoria facilmente eliminale y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeneo.4 62. preservation. Temperatura di esercizio +1000°C.80 2. Temparatura máxima de egercicio +1000ºC. N.04 max Mn 0.8 32.5-0.08% max is available an request.0 71.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.1 max Cr 22.00 x 350 115-140 53.4332 Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode suitable for welding of stainless steels having 22-25% Cr and 12-14% Ni (AISI 309).08% erhältlich.8 21.C.00 x 300 30-50 11.0 150 12. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.90 4. D. E Electrodo semibásico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables con 22-25% de Cr y 12-14% Ni (AISI 309).9 S 0.025 max Cu 0.6 40. ETC PH RS 309Mo EN Welding Positions Approvals RINA ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 309Mo-16 1600: E 23 12 2L R 12 GOST 10052-75:?10X25H13G 2 similar Wr. 1.4459 Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile electrode suitable for welding of steels type AISI 309. Also suitable for welding of dissimilar steels and buffer layers cladding. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc; self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. I Elettrodo rutile per la saldatura di acciai di tipo AISI 309. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili e sottostrati per placcature. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni; scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. D Rutil-Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl des Typs AISI 309. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten und als Unterlage bei Plattierung. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit mit einem spritzfreien Lichtbogen; leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. E Electrodo rutilo para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables tipo AISI 309. Indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables y plaqueado. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones; escoria facilmente eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeneo. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08 max Mn 1.5 max Si 0.9 max S 0.02 max P 0.02 max Cu 0.1 max Ni 12-14 Mo 2-3 Cr 22-25 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.) 2,00 x 300 30-50 11,9 7,1 38,0 930 11,10 2,50 x 300 45-70 19,0 11,9 42,0 570 10,80 3,25 x 350 65-120 36,7 22,0 55,0 360 13,20 4,00 x 350 115-140 55,0 33,1 54,0 240 13,20 5,00 x 350 130-180 86,0 52,3 64,0 150 12,90 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 137 ETC PH BS 310 Welding Positions EN 1600: E 25 20 B 12 Wr. 1.4842 Approvals MMI ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 310-15 Applications and Caratteristics GB Full austenitic basic electrodes suitable to weld heat resisting alloys (up to 1150°C) containing 25% Cr and 20% Ni (AISI 310). I Elettrodo basico di deposito completamente austenitico per la saldatura di leghe resistenti al calore (fino a 1150°C) contenenti 25% Cr e 20% Ni (AISI 310). D Basische Elektrode mit komplett austenitischem Schweißgut für das Verschweißen von warmfesten Legierungen (bis 1150°C) mit 25% Cr und 20% Ni. (AISI 310). E Electrodo básico de depósito completamente austenítico para la soldadura de aleaciones resistentes al calor (hasta 1150ºC) con 25% Cr y 20% Ni (AISI 310). All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 400 min -196°C ⁄ 27 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 30 min Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08-0.15 Mn 1.5-2.5 Si 0.3-0.75 S 0.02 max P 0.03 max Cu 0.2 max Ni 20-22 Mo 0.1 max Cr 25-28 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 45-70 18,4 11,2 43,0 570 10,50 3,25 x 350 70-120 34,4 20,7 69,0 375 12,90 4,00 x 350 110-140 50,6 30,9 78,0 255 12,90 5,00 x 350 140-170 76,4 46,5 81,0 165 12,60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 138 ETC PH BS 310Mo Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Full austenitic deposit basic electrode suitable for heat resisting alloys welding (up to +1150°C) containing 25% Cr and 20% Ni (AISI 310). Used to weld buffer layers of AISI 316 clad steels and dissimilar steels. I Elettrodo basico di deposito completamente austenitico per la saldatura di leghe resistenti al calore (fino a 1150°C) contenenti 25% Cr e 20% Ni (AISI 310). Usato nell'esecuzione dello strato intermedio nella placcatura degli acciai AISI 316 e per la saldatura degli acciai dissimili. D Basische Elektrode mit komplett austenitischem Schweißgut für das Verschweißen von warmfesten Legierungen (bis 1150°C) mit 25% Cr und 20% Ni. (AISI 310). Verwendet für die Zwischenlage bei Plattierungen von Stahl AISI 316 und für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten. E Electrodo básico de depósito completamente austenítico para la soldadura de aleaciones resistentes al calor (hasta 1150ºC) con 25% Cr y 20% Ni (AISI 310). Usado en la ejecución de capas intermedias en los plaqueados de aceros tipo AISI 316 y para la soldadura de aceros disimilares. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 400 min -196°C ⁄ 27 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 30 min Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08-0.12 Mn 0.5-1.5 Si 0.5-0.9 S 0.02 max P 0.03 max Cu 0.1 max Ni 20-22 Mo 2-3 Cr 25-28 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 45-70 18,0 10,9 45,0 600 10,80 3,25 x 350 70-120 32,6 19,8 64,0 405 13,20 4,00 x 350 110-140 50,0 30,0 64,0 270 13,50 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 139 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 310Mo-15 ETC PH RS 310 Welding Positions EN 1600: E 25 20 R 12 Wr. 1.4842 Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 310-16 Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile electrode having full austenitic structure suitable for welding of AISI 310 and of heat resistant alloys (up to 1150°C) containing 25% Cr and 20% Ni. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc; self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance I Elettrodo semibasico con struttura completamente austenitica per la saldatura di AISI 310 e per leghe resistenti al calore (fino a 1150°C) contenenti 25% Cr e 20% Ni. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni; scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. D Rutil-Elektrode mit komplett austenitischer Struktur für das Verschweißen von AISI 310 und für warmfeste Legierungen (bis 1150°C) mit 25% Cr und 20% Ni. Sehr gute Stabilität mit einem spritzfreien Lichtbogen; leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. E Electrodo rutilo con estructura completamente austenítica para soldadura de AISI 310 y para aleaciones resistentes al calor (hasta 1150ºC.) con 25% Cr y 20% Ni. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones, escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08-0.12 Mn 1.9-2.5 Si 0.8-1.25 S 0.02 max P 0.03 max Cu 0.2 max Ni 20-22 Mo 0.75 max Cr 25-28 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 45-70 17,9 10,9 40,0 570 10,20 3,25 x 350 70-120 34,2 20,7 57,0 360 12,30 4,00 x 350 110-140 52,5 32,1 62,0 240 12,60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 140 ETC PH BS 311 Cu LC H EN Welding Positions Approvals 1600: E Z 20 25 5 CuL B Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrode suitable for welding of Ni-Cr-Mo stainless steel; low Carbon content. Very good resistance to intergranular and pitting corrosion. It is particularly suitable for steels URANUS B6 - NSCD - HU7 - HU9. I Elettrodo per la saldatura di acciai inox Ni - Cr - Mo a basso contenuto di carbonio. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione in miscele solforose calde e cloridriche fredde. Buona resistenza intergranulare su acciai URANUS B6 - NSCD - HU7 - HU9. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl (Ni-Cr-Mo) mit niedrigen Kohlenstoffgehalt. Sehr guter Korrosionswiderstand bei warmen Schwefellösungen und kalten chlorhaltigen Lösungen. Guter Körnungswiderstand bei Stahl URASNUS B6 - NSCD -HU7 - HU9. E Electrodo para la soldadura de aceros inox. Ni-Cr-Mo con bajo contenido de Carbono. Optima resistencia a la corrosión por mezclas sufurosas calientes y clorhídricas frías. Buena resistencia intergranular sobre aceros URANUS B6 - NSCD - HU7 - HU9. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 460 min 320 min 20°C ⁄ 40 min 35 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 150 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.03 max Mn 1-2.5 Si 0.75 max S 0.03 max P 0.03 max Cu 1.2-2 Ni 24-26 Mo 4.2-5.2 Cr 19.5-21.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 65-80 25,7 15,4 40,0 420 10,80 3,25 x 350 95-120 50,0 30,0 61,0 240 12,00 4,00 x 350 130-160 72,6 46,0 70,0 165 12,00 5,00 x 350 165-200 112,5 54,1 72,0 105 11,70 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 141 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 385-15 ETC PH RS 312 Welding Positions EN 1600: E 29 9 R 12 Wr. 1.4337 Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 312-16 Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic coated electrodes suitable for welding and hard-facing of armour steels having 13% Mn. Used to weld buffer layers. The excellent mechanical properties and the high crack resistance make this electrode suitable to a general use. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc; self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. I Elettrodo a rivestimento semi-basico per la saldatura e la ricarica di acciai difficilmente saldabili, tipo acciai da corazza, al 13% Mn. Adatto per l'esecuzione di strati intermedi di riporti duri. Le elevate caratteristiche meccaniche e la grande resistenza alla fessurazione, rendono questo elettrodo di impiego universale. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni; scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. D Elektrode mit halb basischer Ummantelung für das Verschweißen und Auftragschweißen von schwer schweißbarem Stahl, z.B. Panzerstahl mit 13% Mn. Geeignet für die Zwischenlage bei der Hartmetallauftragung. Die guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und der große Risswiderstand machen diese Elektrode zu einer Universal-Elektrode. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit bei spritzfreiem Lichtbogen; leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. E Electrodo de revestimiento semi-básico para soldadura y recargue de aceros dificilmente soldables, tipo 13% Mn. Indicado para la ejecución de capas intermedias y de recargue duro. Las elevadas características mecánicas y la gran resistencia a la fisuración, hacen que este electrodo sea de empleo universal. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones, escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 660 min 450 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 22 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.15 max Mn 0.5-1.5 Si 0.9 max S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.2 max Ni 8.5-10.5 Mo 0.2 max Cr 27-30 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. Packaging Diam. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm.) 2,50 x 300 50-70 17,4 10,5 3,25 x 350 36,0 570 9,90 70-120 32,5 19,8 58,0 360 11,70 4,00 x 350 90-120 50,0 30,3 60,0 240 12,00 5,00 x 350 110-155 76,0 42,0 76,0 150 11,40 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 142 ETC PH BM 316L N Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrode suitable for welding of steel containing 19%Cr 12%Ni 2%Mo. The weld metal has an excellent resistance to very aggressive corrosive environments, such as urea. Good impact value at –196°C. I Elettrodo adatto per la saldatura di acciai 19%Cr 12%Ni 2%Mo. Il metallo depositato ha un’eccellente resistenza in ambienti estremamente corrosivi, come l’urea. Il deposito garantisce un’ottimo valore di tenacità a –196°C. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von austenitischem, rostfreiem von Stahl mit 19% Cr, 12% Ni 2%Mo.Schweißgut mit guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und hohem Widerstand gegen chemische Korrosion. Übergang bei -196°C garantiert. E Electrodo para la soldadura de aceros 19% Cr 12% Ni 2% Mo. El metal depositado tiene una excelente resistencia en ambientes extremadamente corrosivos, como la urea. El depósito garantiza unos óptimos valores de tenacidad a -196ºC. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 550 min 420 min -196°C ⁄ 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 30 min Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.035 max Mn 6-7.2 Si 0.2-0.35 S P Cu Ni 15-17 Mo 2.7-3.5 Cr 18-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N 0.15-0.2 Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2,50 x 300 45-70 14,8 10,48 44,0 690 10,20 3,25 x 350 65-120 30,1 19,9 61,0 420 12,60 4,00 x 350 115-140 46,7 28,5 67,0 270 12,60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 143 ELECTRODES Classification Wr. 1.4455 ETC PH BS 316L EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 316L-15 1600: E 19 12 2L B 12 GOST 10052-75:?02X20N14G2 M 2B Wr. 1.4430 Applications and Caratteristics GB Suitable for welding of austenitic stainless steels AISI 316 and 316L. Excellent mechanical properties of the deposit and good chemical corrosion resistance. Max service temperature +400°C.The electrode ETC PH BS 316 having C 0.08% max is available on request. I Elettrodo per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili austenitici AISI 316 e 316L. Deposito di ottime proprietà meccaniche e di grande resistenza alla corrosione chimica. Massima temperatura di esercizio +400°C.Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo ETC PH BS 316 con C max 0.08%. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen von austenitischem, rostfreiem Stahl (AISI 316 und 316L).Schweißgut mit guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und hohem Widerstand gegen chemische Korrosion. Max. Betriebstemperatur +400°C.Auf Anfrage ist die Elektrode ETC PH BS 316 mit max. C 0,08% erhältlich. E Electrodo para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 316 y 316L. Depósito con óptimas propiedades mecánicas y de gran resistencia a la corrosión química. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +400ºC.Bajo pedido es posible confeccionar este electrodo con C máx. 0,08% All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 490 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.035 max Mn 0.5-1.5 Si 0.5 max S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.15 max Ni 11-14 Mo 2-3 Cr 17-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.) 2,50 x 300 45-70 16,5 10,48 45,0 600 9,90 3,25 x 350 65-120 32,6 19,9 60,0 405 13,20 4,00 x 350 115-140 46,7 28,5 65,0 270 12,60 5,00 x 350 130-170 70,8 42,7 73,0 195 13,80 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 144 ETC PH BS 316L VU EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 316L-15 1600: E 19 12 3L B 12 GOST 10052-75:? 02X20N14G2 M 2B Wr. 1.4430 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrodes suitable for welding of stainless steels type AISI 316 and 316L. Excellent performance in vertical-up position. The low carbon content allows a better resistance to corrosion. I Elettrodo basico, per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili tipo AISI 316 e 316L. Ottima la saldabilità in posizione verticale ascendente. Il basso contenuto di C favorisce la resistenza alla corrosione. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl, Typ AISI 316 und 316L. Optimale Schweißbarkeit bei Fallnahtschweißen. Der niedrige Kohlenstoffgehalt erhöht den Korrosionswiderstand. E Electrodo básico, para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables tipo AISI 316 y 316L. Optima soldabilidad en posición vertical ascendente. El bajo contenido de Carbono favorece la resistencia a la corrosión. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 490 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.035 max Mn 0.5-1.5 Si 0.5 max S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.15 max Ni 11-14 Mo 2-3 Cr 17-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm.) 2,50 x 300 45-70 18,4 11,1 43,0 570 10,50 3,25 x 350 65-120 32,8 19,9 62,0 375 12,60 4,00 x 350 115-140 51,8 31,2 68,0 255 13,20 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 145 ETC PH BS 316LT DIN Welding Positions Approvals 1600: E 19 12 2L B 12 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrodes suitable for welding of stainless steels AISI 316 and 316L. Excellent mechanical properties of the deposit up to -196°C. I Elettrodo basico pcr la saldatura degli acciai inossidabili tipo AISI 316 e 316L. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche di deposito fino a -196°C. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl, Typ AISI 316 und 316L. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften und geeignet bis minus 196°C. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables AISI 316 y 316L. Excelentes valores mecánicos y de resiliencia a -196ºC. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 520 min 350 min -196°C ⁄ 47 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 35 min Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.035 max Mn 1.2-1.5 Si 0.4 max S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.1 max Ni 11-14 Mo 2-2.5 Cr 17-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2,50 x 300 45-70 16,1 9,6 48,0 690 11,10 3,25 x 350 65-120 31,1 18,9 58,0 405 12,60 4,00 x 350 115-140 47,1 28,8 63,0 255 12,00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 146 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 316L-15 ETC PH RS 316L EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 1600: E 19 12 3L R12 CONTROLAS GOST 10052-75:? 02X20N14G2 M 2B Wr. ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 316L-16 MMI 1.4430 RINA TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrodes suitable for welding of austenitic stainless steels containing 16-20% Cr, 10-14% Ni and 2-3% Mo (AISI 316 and 316 L). Good chemical corrosion resistance. The low Carbon content of the deposit guarantees a free-of-cracking welding. Max service temperature +400°C. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc; self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. I Elettrodo semi-basico per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili austenitici contenenti 16-20% Cr, 10-14% Ni e 2-3% Mo (AISI 316 e 316 L). Ottima resistenza alla corrosione chimica. Il basso contenuto di carbonio del deposito assicura una saldatura esente da cricche. Massima temperatura di esercizio +400°C. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco complelamente privo di proiezioni; scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. D Elektrode mit halb basischer Ummantelung für das Verschweißen von austenitischem, rostfreiem Stahl mit 16-20% Cr, 10-14% Ni und 2-3% Mo (AISI 316 und 316L). Guter Widerstand gegen chemische Korrosion. Der niedrige Kohlenstoffgehalt garantiert ein rissfreies Schweißen. Max. Betriebstemperatur +400°C. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit bei spritzfreiem Lichtbogen; leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. E Electrodo semibásico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos, con 16-20%Cr, 10-14% Ni y 2-3% Mo ( AISI 316 Y 316L). Optima resistencia a la corrosión qíimica. El bajo contenido en C. Del depósito asegura una soldadura exenta de fisuraciones. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +400ºC. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones, escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 490 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.035 max Mn 0.5-1 Si 0.6-1 S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.15 max Ni 11-13 Mo 2-3 Cr 17.5-19.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.) 1,50 x 250 2,00 x 300 20-30 5,4 3,2 31,0 1290 6,90 30-60 11,5 6,9 38,0 930 10,80 2,50 x 300 50-80 18,1 11,3 42,0 570 10,20 3,25 x 350 60-120 35,7 21,4 60,0 360 12,90 4,00 x 350 100-140 52,3 31,3 68,0 240 12,60 5,00 x 350 130-190 84,0 50,8 70,0 150 12,60 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 147 ETC PH RS 317 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode suitable for austenitic stainless steels welding having 16-20% Cr, 10-14% Ni and 3-4% Mo (AISI 317). The use of this kind of steels, and consequently of electrodes, is limited to strict corrosion conditions in the presence of sulphuric, and sulphurous acids and their salts. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc; self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. I Elettrodo semi-basico per la saldatura di acciai austenitici contenenti 16-20% Cr, 10-14% Ni e 3-4% Mo (AISI 317). L'uso di tali acciai, e di conseguenza degli elettrodi, è limitato ad applicazioni in severe condizioni di corrosione, in presenza di acido solforico e solforoso e dei loro sali. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni; scoria facilrnente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. D Halb-basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von austenitischem Stahl mit 16-20% Cr., 10-14% Ni und 3-4% Mo (AISI 317). Diese Elektrode wird für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit extremer Belastung durch Korrosion, Schwefelsäure und schwefelhaltigen Säuren, sowie Salzen eingesetzt. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit bei spritzfreiem Lichtbogen; leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. E Electrodo semi-básico para la soldadura de aceros austeníticos con 16-20% Cr, 10-14% Ni. y 3-4% Mo (AISI317). El uso de tales aceros, y como consecuencia de los electrodos, esta limitado a aplicaciones con severas condiciones de corrosión, en presencia de ácido sulfúrico o sulfuroso o de otras sales. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones, escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 28 min 30 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08 max Mn 0.5-1.5 Si 0.5-0.9 S 0.03 max P 0.03 max Cu 0.15 max Ni 12-14 Mo 3-4 Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 50-80 18,4 11,2 43,0 570 10,50 3,25 x 350 70-120 35,0 21,4 62,0 360 12,60 4,00 x 350 110-140 55,0 33,0 68,0 240 13,20 5,00 x 350 120-170 78,0 42,1 74,0 150 11,70 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 148 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 317-16 ETC PH BS 318 EN Welding Positions Approvals 1600: E 19 12 3Nb R 12 Applications and Caratteristics GB Basic electrode suitable for stabilized austenitic stainless AISI 318. The Niobium content allows a stabilizing effect with regard to the intergranural corrosion caused by the carbides precipitation. Mainly used for welding of steels having the same chemical composition. Max service temperature 450°C. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura degli acciai inossidabili austenitici stabilizzati AISI 318. La presenza del Niobio assicura un'azione stabilizzante agli effetti della corrosione intergranulare dovuta alla precipitazione di carburi. Impiegato soprattutto per la saldatura di acciai della stessa composizione chimica. Massima temperatura di esercizio +450°C. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem, austenitischem, stabilisiertem Stahl AISI 318. Der Gehalt an Niobium wirkt durch die Ausscheidung von Karbiten stabilisierend bei der Körnung-Korrosion. Sie wird vorwiegend für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit der gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung verwendet. Max. Betriebstemperatur plus 450°C. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de acero inoxidable austenítico estabilizado AISI 318. La presencia del Nb asegura una acción estabilizante a efecto de la corrosión intergranular debida a la precipitación de carburos. Empleado principalmente para la soldadura de aceros de similar composición química. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +450ºC. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 50 min 25 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.06 max Mn 0.5-1.5 Si 0.5 max S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.15 max Ni 11-14 Mo 2-3 Cr 17-20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 1 max F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 50-80 17,4 11,3 37,0 600 10,50 3,25 x 350 70-120 33,6 21,4 50,0 405 13,50 4,00 x 350 110-140 49,1 31,3 66,0 270 13,20 5,00 x 350 120-170 71,1 50,8 87,0 195 13,80 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 149 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 318-15 ETC PH RS 318 EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.4: E 318-16 1600: E 19 12 3Nb R 12 GOST 10052-75:?08X19H10G 2 M 2B Wr. 1.4576 Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode suitable for stabilized austenitic stainless steels AISI 318. The Niobium content allows a stabilizing effect with regard to the intergranular corrosion caused by the carbides precipitation. Mainly used for welding of steels having the same chemical composition. Max service temperature +450°C. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc; self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. The electrode ETC PH RS 318L having C 0.04% max is available on request. I Elettrodo semi-basico per la saldatura degli acciai inossidabili austenitici stabilizzati AISI 318. La presenza del Niobio assicura un'azione stabilizzante agli effetti della corrosione intergranulare dovuta alla precipitazione di carburi. Impiegato soprattutto per la saldatura di acciai della stessa composizione chimica. Massima temperatura di esercizio +450°C. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni; scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato. Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo ETC PH RS 318L con C max 0.04%. D Halb-basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem, austenitischem, stabilisiertem Stahl AISI 318. Der Gehalt an Niobium wirkt durch die Ausscheidung von Karbiten stabilisierend bei der Körnung-Korrosion. Sie wird vorwiegend für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit der gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung verwendet. Max. Betriebstemperatur plus 450°C. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit bei spritzfreiem Lichtbogen; leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen. Auf Anfrage ist auch die Elektrode ETC PH RS 318L mit max. C 0,04% erhältlich. E Electrodo semi-básico para la soldadura de acero inoxidable austenítico estabilizado AISI 318. La presencia del Nb asegura una acción estabilizante a efectos de la corrosión intergranular debida a la precipitación de carburos. Empleado sobre todo para soldadura de aceros de la misma composición química. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +400ºC. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones, escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno. Bajo pedido puede suministrarse el electrodo ETC PH RS318 con C máx. 0,08%. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.025 Mn 0.5-1 Si 0.5-0.9 S 0.02 max P 0.025 max Cu 0.15 max Ni 11-13 Mo 2-3 Cr 17.5-19.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0.36 F. N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 50 min 24 min Current Conditions A.C.; D.C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Once opened, store at 90-150°C until use. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.) 2,00 x 300 30-50 11,3 6,9 33,0 930 10,50 2,50 x 300 50-80 18,4 11,3 37,0 570 10,50 3,25 x 350 70-120 35,0 21,4 50,0 360 12,60 4,00 x 350 110-140 51,3 31,3 66,0 240 12,30 5,00 x 350 120-170 78,6 50,8 87,0 150 11,70 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 150 00 x 350 130-170 75. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Packaging Diam. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem.70 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 151 ..C. Once opened.0 405 13.50 x 300 45-70 17. max 5 times.0 195 14. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos estabilizados AISI 321 y AISI 347.0 270 12.5 max S 0.) 2.9 59. x Length Current Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) (mm. N.15 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0. Die Leistungen dieser Elektrode verbessern sich gegenüber der halb-basischen Elektrode erheblich. Le proprietà generali presentano un miglioramento rispetto alla versione semi-basica.C. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura degli acciai inossidahili austenitici stabilizzati AISI 321 e AISI 347. Las propiedades generales presentan una mejora respecto a la versión semibásica. stabilisiertem Stahl AISI 321 und AISI 347. preservation.6 49.6 76.6 19.5 10.4 45.02 max P 0. store at 90-150°C until use.7 Si 0. In comparison with the semi-basic type.9 65. D. 1.50 3. Redrying time 1 h 280°C.4: E 347-15 1600: E 19 9Nb B 12 GOST 10052-75:?08X20H10G 2B similar Wr.75 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb 1 max Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.4551 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for stabilized austenitic stainless steels AISI 321 and AISI 347. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 48 min 30 min Current Conditions A. the general properties have been considerably improved.25 x 350 65-120 32.20 4.08 max Mn 1-1.00 x 350 115-140 47.025 max Cu 0.0 600 10.8 28. austenitischem.ETC PH BS 347 EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.90 5. D. compromettendo così l'azione stabilizzante nel deposito. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco practicamente exento de proyecciones.25-1 Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.60 5.035 max Mn 0.C. store at 90-150°C until use. La presencia de Nb + Ta en el metal de aportación está justificada por el hecho de que el Ti a la temperatura de fusión del baño de soldadura.00 x 300 30-60 11. Máxima temperatura de ejercicio +400ºC. escoria facilmene eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeno.6 49.7 11.50 2. La presenza del Nb+Ta nel metallo d'apporto è giustificata dal fatto che il Ti. Bei hohen Temperaturen bessern sich die technischen Leistungen.5-0.80 3. alla temperatura di fusione del bagno di saldatura. I Elettrodo semi-basico per la saldatura degli acciai inossidabili austenitici stabilizzati AISI 321 e AISI 347.02 max P 0.4: E 347-16 1.5 57.0 570 10. F.4551 Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode suitable for stabilized austenitic stainless steels AISI 321 and AISI 347. Max.) 2. self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. E Electrodo semi-básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos estabilizados AISI 321 Y AISI 347. scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato.2 39.00 x 350 100-140 52. ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. wodurch die Stabilität des Schweißgutes geschwächt wird.5 63. The general properties are considerably improved at high temperatures. Flache und perfekte Naht und einwandfreie Schweißverbindungen.0 360 12. austenitischem. max 5 times.00 x 350 130-180 82. Packaging Diam.15 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0.C. Max temperatura di esercizio +400°C.9 S 0. The Nb+Ta presence in the weld metal is due to the Ti sublimation at the liquidus temperature of the weld pool.50 x 300 50-80 18. Once opened. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni. stabilisiertem Stahl AISI 321 und AISI 347. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 48 min 30 min Current Conditions A.0 930 10. Se obtiene una mejora de las propiedades generales a altas temperaturas. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 150 12.5-1 Si 0. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit bei spritzfreiem Lichtbogen.60 4. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc.5 31. N. Max service temperature +400°C. + All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 21. Der Gehalt an Nb + Ta im Schweißgut entsteht durch die Sublimierung des Ti bei der Schmelztemperatur. preservation. comprometiendo así la acción estabilizante en el material depositado.ETC PH RS 347 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1600: E 19 9Nb R 12 MMI GOST 10052-75:?08X20H10G2Bsimilar TUV Wr..6 37. sublimerebbe. se volatizaría. Betriebstemperatur plus 400°C. Si ha un miglioramento delle proprietà generali alle alte temperature.30 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 152 .75 max Cr 19-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta 0.025 max Cu 0. Titan stabilisiert. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.0 54.25 x 350 60-120 35. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm. solitamente stabilizzati al titanio.1 6. D Halb-basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem.0 240 12. 03 max Cu 0.50 5.3 23. Deposito esente da ferrite microstrutturale ottenuto bilanciando il contenuto di Ni e Mo.4351 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of ASTM CA6NM steels or similar.4-0.4: E 410 NiMo .0 68. Depósito carente de ferrita microestructural obtenido del equilibrio en el contenido de Ni y Mo. Welding Positions Approvals 1.5 86. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.90 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 153 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.12 60.03 max P 0.C.25 x 350 85-140 38. preservation.00 x 350 120-190 56. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai ASTM CA6NM o analoghi. x Length Current (mm.80 4.7 Cr 11-12.0 360 13.0 600 11. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros ASTM CA6NM o análogos.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 2.5 max Ni 4-5 Mo 0.ETC PH BS 410 NiMoS Wr.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F..50 x 300 65-95 18. Packaging Diam. D.3 34.00 x 350 190-240 86.5 11. Once opened. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) PWHT 600°C x 1h 850 700 20°C ⁄ 65 Current Conditions A. store at 90-150°C until use.C.06 max Mn 1 max Si 0.9 max S 0.0 240 13. Weld metal free of micro-structural ferrite and obtained by balancing the Ni and Mo content. N.0 150 12.0 81. Ein optimales Gleichgewicht des Ni und Mo Gehaltes ermöglicht ein Schweißgut ohne mikrostrukturellem Ferrit. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von ASTM CA6NM Stahl oder artverwandten Stahlsorten. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 22 Hardness Storage.10 3.0 52. Once opened. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) PWHT 780°C x 2h 620 450 min 40 min ⁄ 20°C 20 min Current Conditions A. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai al 15-17% Cr (AISI 430).9 80.90 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 154 . D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 15-17% Cr (AISI 430). Packaging Diam.25 x 350 85-140 38.0 240 13.6 max Mo 0.) 2.0 600 10.80 3.0 10. N. um eine ausreichend flexible Naht für die nachfolgende mechanische Bearbeitung zu schaffen.00 x 350 120-190 55.20 5.4: E 410-15 1600: E 13 B 12 GOST 10052-75:? 12X13 similar Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of 15-17% Cr steels (AISI 430). Tales tipos de aceros están previstos para su temple en aire y requiere por lo tanto de tratamiento de precalentamiento y de distensionado a fin de obtener la suficiente ductibilidad para su posterior mecanizado. preservation.5 max Ni 0.08 max Mn 1 max Si 0.03 max Cu 0. Diese Stahlsorten sind für das Lufthärten vorgesehen und verlangen daher ein Vorwärmen und eine Vordehnung. max 5 times.C. D.00 x 350 190-240 86. store at 90-150°C until use.5 max Cr 11-13.03 max P 0.0 52.60 4. This kind of steel has been developed for air hardening and need therefore pre-heating and stress relieving treatments in order to obtain a suitable ductility to allow mechanical working.2 23.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.2 65.ETC PH BS 410S EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros 12% Cr (AISI 410).0 330 12. Tali tipi di acciaio sono previsti per la tempra in aria e richiedono pertanto dei trattamenti di preriscaldo e di distensione al fine di ottenere delle saldature di sufficiente duttilità per la lavorazione meccanica.0 150 12.0 33.8 67.C.9 46. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.9 max S 0.50 x 300 65-95 18.. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. D Basische Elektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 15-17% Cr (AISI 430).ETC PH BS 430S EN 1600: E 17 B 12 Wr.9 max S 0.C.4: E 430-15 Applications and Caratteristics GB Low hydrogen electrode suitable for welding of 15-17% Cr steels (AISI 430).0 330 13. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. store at 90-150°C until use.20 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 155 . This kind of steel has been developed for air hardening and need therefore pre-heating and stress relieving treatments in order to obtain a suitable ductility to allow mechanical working. Tales tipos de aceros están previstos para su temple en aire y requiere por lo tanto de tratamiento de precalentamiento y de distensionado a fin de obtener la suficiente ductibilidad para su posterior mecanizado.0 33.. + Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) 20 min Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.) 3. Packaging Diam.1 65. um eine ausreichend flexible Naht für die nachfolgende mechanische Bearbeitung zu schaffen. N.0 67.00 x 350 120-190 55.03 max Cu 0. E Electrodo básico para la soldadura de aceros 15-17% Cr (AISI 430). Redrying time 1 h 280°C. 1.6 max Mo 0. max 5 times. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. I Elettrodo basico per la saldatura di acciai al 15-17% Cr (AISI 430).5 max Cr 15-18 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 24. D. Diese Stahlsorten sind für das Lufthärten vorgesehen und verlangen daher ein Vorwärmen und eine Vordehnung. preservation. Tali tipi di acciaio sono previsti per la tempra in aria e richiedono pertanto dei trattamenti di preriscaldo e di distensione al fine di ottenere delle saldature di sufficiente duttilità per la lavorazione meccanica.C.0 240 13.03 max P 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm PWHT 760°C x 2h 450 min Current Conditions A. Once opened.20 4.08 max Mn 1 max Si 0.25 x 350 85-140 40.4016 Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.5 max Ni 0. 3L EN Welding Positions Approvals BV 1600: E 22 9 3 NL R 12 Wr. store at 90-150°C until use. Das schweißgut der inox 1.7 Cr 21-23 As Sb Pb V 0.3 67. Redrying time 1 h 350°C. D Austenitisch-ferritische elektrode mit einem Ferritgehalt von 25-30% zum Schweißen von korrosionsbeständigen.25 x 350 60-120 37.00 x 350 90-140 55. E Electrodo particularmente indicado para la soldadura de aceros DUPLEX con 22% Cr 9% Ni y 3% Mo. scoria facilmente asportabile e cordone dall'aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato.5-2. max 5 times.ETC PH RS 22. Eccellente saldabilità con un arco completamente privo di proiezioni. Excellent resistance to intergranular corrosion.50 4.4 53. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) As Welded 700 min 600 min 20°C ⁄ 60 Current Conditions A. escoria facilmente removible y cordón de excelente aspecto.5 22. Optima resistencia a la corrosión intergranular.50 3.0 360 13. ferritisch-austenitischen Stählen (Duplex-stähle). Once opened. + Efficiency (%) 100 Elongation (%) 25 min Hardness Storage. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.) 2.4: E 2209-16 DNV 1.03 max Cu Ni 8-10. self-releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance I Elettrodo particolarmente adatto per la saldatura di acciai Duplex con 22% Cr 9% di Ni 3% Mo.00 x 350 140-210 82.03 max Mn 0. Packaging Diam.5 Mo 2. N.13 Nb Ta F. Low carbon content. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione intergranulare. 9% Ni and 3% Mo. D.5 56.0 33.C. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.C. ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. preservation.0 150 12.5-3.4 11.9. Excelente soldabilidad con un arco casi privado de proyecciones. Bajo contenido de Carbono.03 max P 0.0 570 10..50 x 300 35-70 18. Basso contenuto di Carbonio.4462hat eine hohe sichertheit gegenüber Spannungsrißkorrosion und Lochfraßkorrosion in chlor–und schwefelwasserstoffhaltigen Meddien bei Betriebstemperaturen bis 300°C.4462 RINA Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrodes particularly suitable for welding of Duplex steels having 22% Cr.30 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 156 .20 5.3 38.0 50.85 S 0. Excellent weldability with a spatter free arc. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 240 13.17 Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N 0.5 Si 0. Available in all standard diameters.25 x 350 60-120 34. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke und sehr schönes Nahtbild.60 3. D.00 mm mit einer Länge von 450 und einer Ausbringung von 120%.2 6.80 157 .00 und 5.C. empleado principalmente en la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos tipo 19% Cr 10% Ni.00mm per lunghezza 450 con un rendimento 120%. impiegato principalmente nella saldatura di strutture in acciaio inox austenitico tipo 19% Cr 10% Ni. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.0 180 16.0 540 9.00 mm. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 520 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 35 min All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.0 61. 1. cordoni di ottimo aspetto.00 x 450 130-180 134.20 5. sono disponibili su imballi vacuum packing. Ottima operatività. envasados al vacío V.9 11. preservation.7 21.) 2. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit. Good weldability with a spatter free arc. con longitud de 450 mm. Sie ist besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von austenitischen. I ETC PH RS 308L EW è un elettrodo versione 17.C.ETC PH RS 308L EW EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. max 5 times. In den Standard-Größen für alle Durchmesser lieferbar.03 max P 0. Once opened. Redrying time 1 h 350°C. Used for stainless steels structures as 19%Cr. D ETC PH RS 308L EW ist eine Elektrode in Ausführung 17.9 S 0.40 EASY WELD ELECTRODES Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 10.04 max Mn 0. N.00 y 5. the type 4.6-0.7 27. Disponible en formato standard para todos los diámetros y en diámetro 4.00 mm with efficency about 120% is available in vacuum packing. store at 90-150°C until use. rostfreien Baustählen des Typs 19% Cr und 10% Ni.1 58. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 330 11.50 x 300 50-80 17.00 x 300 30-60 11.0 90. E ETC PH RS308L EW es un electrodo en versión -17.00 x 450 100-140 90.4316 Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH RS 308L EW is an 17 version electrode. self releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance.40 4.1 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0.4: E 308 L-17 EN 1600: E 19 9 L R 12 GOST 10052-75:? 04X20H9 Wr. 10%Ni. suitable in all positions except in vertical down.0 108 14. i tipi 4. escoria facilmente eliminable y cordones de excelente aspecto.0 90.P. Disponibile su formato standard per tutti i diametri. Current Conditions A. con un rendimiento de 120%.03 max Cu 0.00 e 5. Die Größen 4. Optima operatividad.. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm.5-1 Si 0.0 960 2.00 and 5. scoria facilmente rimovibile. Packaging Diam.0 85.3 39. werden Vakuum verpackt ausgeliefert.2 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. 1 max Cr 22. Current Conditions A.6 45. max 5 times. N. cordoni di ottimo aspetto. scoria facilmente rimovibile.4: E 309 L-17 .ETC PH RS 309L EW EN Welding Positions Approvals EN 1600: E 23 12 L R 12 Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH RS 309L EW is an 17 version electrode.. store at 90-150°C until use. Available in all standard diameters.1 max Ni 12-14 Mo 0.00 y 5.00 und 5. envasados al vacío V.5-0. Once opened.C. E ETC PH RS309L EW es un electrodo en versión -17. sono disponibili su imballi vacuum packing. rostfreien Baustählen des Typs 23% Cr und 12% Ni.00 4. i tipi 4. suitable in all positions except in vertical down. Optima operatividad.00 and 5.00 x 300 30-50 11. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke und sehr schönes Nahtbild.00mm per lunghezza 450 con un rendimento 120%.3 11.7 65. Used for stainless steels structures as 23%Cr. D.0 240 13.04 max Mn 0. Ottima operatività.0 540 10.8 7.1 47.5-1 Si 0.00 e 5.00 mm mit einer Länge von 450 und einer Ausbringung von 120%.03 max Cu 0. empleado principalmente en la soldadura de trabajos en aceros inoxidables austeníticos 23% Cr y 12% Ni.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) 2.0 40.00 mm with efficency about 120% is available in vacuum packing.C. x Length Current (mm. D ETC PH RS 309L EW ist eine Elektrode in Ausführung 17. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. 12%Ni.P.1 29. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit.9 S 0. escoria facilmente eliminable y aspecto excelente.20 5.25 x 350 65-100 36.4-24. Sie ist besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von austenitischen. Disponible en formato standard para todos los diámetros. de longitud con un rendimiento 120%. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Diámetros 4.0 78.80 2. I ETC PH RS 309L EW è un elettrodo versione 17.2 21. self releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance.00 x 350 115-140 54.0 120 10.00 mm son de 450 mm. impiegato principalmente nella saldatura di strutture in acciaio inox austenitico tipo 23% Cr 12% Ni. preservation.50 x 300 45-70 19. Good weldability with a spatter free arc. Packaging Diam.00 x 350 130-180 86.4 73. Die Größen 4. Disponibile su formato standard per tutti i diametri.0 960 10. the type 4.025 max P 0.20 EASY WELD ELECTRODES Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 158 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.0 330 12. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 450 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. In den Standard-Größen für alle Durchmesser lieferbar. + Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. werden Vakuum verpackt ausgeliefert.80 3. 1 54. store at 90-150°C until use. empleado en todas las posiciones incluida la vertical descendente.5 Si 0.5 110. Ottima operabilità.80 159 . 12%Ni.40 4.0 540 9. Packaging Diam. pochi spruzzi e cordoni di buon aspetto.2 60.0 180 16. N. max 5 times. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von austenitischen.2 21. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) (mm. preservation. nicht geeignet für Fallnahtschweißen.5%Mo. impiegato in tutte le posizioni tranne che per la verticale discendente.C. pocas proyecciones y cordón de buen aspecto. escoria facilmente eliminable. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.P.00 e 5. con longitud de 450 mm.50 x 300 50-80 18. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. geringer Spritzverlust und sehr schönes Nahtbild.00 mm.5-19.20 5.03 max Mn 0.00 nelle lunghezze 450 con rendimento 120% sono disponibili su imballi vacuum packing.25 x 350 60-120 34.5 80.60 3. Hardness Storage. Used for stainless steels structures as 18%Cr.0 960 2. In den Standard-Größen für alle Durchmesser lieferbar.00 x 300 30-60 11. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.00 und 5.4430 Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH RS 316L EW is an 17 version electrode. rostfreien Baustählen der Zusammensetzung: 18% Cr.0 90.00. están envasados al vacío V.80 EASY WELD ELECTRODES Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 10.025 max Cu 0. Optima operatividad.0 108 13. I ETC PH RS 316L EW è un elettrodo versione-17. 12% Ni und 2. Sie kann in allen Positionen eingesetzt werden.02 max P 0. suitable in all positions ecept in vertical down.00 y 5. 12% Ni y 2. Usado en trabajos de acero inoxidable austenítio del tipo 18% Cr.2 6.00 and 5. Disponible en empaquetado standard para todos los diámetros.9 38. the 4. Usato su strutture in acciaio inox austenitico del tipo 18%Cr. mit einer Ausbringung von 120%.ETC PH RS 316L EW EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. 2. 12%Ni.5%Mo.00 x 450 150-200 90.1 11. werden Vakuum verpackt ausgeliefert. 1..0 330 11. DC + Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5-1.5% Mo. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit.) 2. Die Größen 4. Disponibile su formato standard per tutti i diametri.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. 2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 550 min 400 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 30 min Current Conditions A. con rendimiento 120%. D ETC PH RS 316L EW ist eine Elektrode in Ausführung 17.. Once opened. Länge 450.5 max Ni 11-13 Mo 2-3 Cr 17.3 42. Diámetros 4. Good weldability with a spatter free arc.5% Mo. scoria facilmente rimovibile.00 x 450 220-270 129.6-0. E ETC PH RS316L EW es un electrodo en versión -17.00 mm have an efficency about 120% and are available in vacuum packing. self releasing slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance.9 S 0. i tipi 4.4: E 316L-17 1600: E19 12 3 LR 12 GOST 10052-75:? 02X20N14G2 M 2B Wr. Available in all standard diameters. 08%. E Electrodo semi-básico para la soldura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos con 16-20% Cr y 8-12% Ni (AISI 308 Y 308L).ETC PH RS 308H EN Welding Positions Approvals ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.+ Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. D Halbbasische Elektrode für das Verschweissen von Stählen mit einem hohen Kohlenstoffgehalt des Typs AISI 304 oder AISI 308.9 78.50 3. N.6 68.C.5 Si 0.) 2.00 (second) HIGH CARBON ELECTRODES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 160 .C.5 31.9 S 0.00 x 350 130-180 80. I Elettrodo semibasico per la saldatura di acciai ad alto tenore di carbonio serie AISI 304 o AISI 308.2 39.4: E 308H-16 1600: E 19 9 R 12 GOST 10052-75: ? 07X20H9 Applications and Caratteristics GB Semi-basic electrode for welding type AISI 304 or 308 high carbon content steels. Depósito con un Carbono máximo de 0.75 max Cr 18-21 As Sb Pb V 0.03 max P 0. Packaging Diam. Excelente soldabilidad con con un arco carente practicamente de proyecciones.1 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F.25 x 350 60-120 35.75 max Ni 9-11 Mo 0. escoria facilmente eliminable y cordón de aspecto plano y homogeneo. Auf Anfrage ist die basische Elektrode erhältlich.4 11. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm. max 5 times. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.5-1.0 240 12. Particularmente indicado para la industria nuclear. alimentaria y química.50 x 300 50-80 18. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.0 360 12. preservation. D. NOTE: Basic electrode available on request.0 48.6-0.0 61. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) As Welded 520 min 350 min 20°C ⁄ 60 min 35 min Current Conditions A.0 570 10. Once opened.03 max Cu 0. store at 90-150°C until use.00 x 350 100-140 52. .0 21.08 Mn 0. Temperatura máxima de ejercicio +300ºC.04-0. Su richiesta è disponibile l'elettrodo basico.0 150 12.60 5.60 4. reduces the contraction and expansion stress which. These are obtained by transforrning the graphite flakes. As can be imagined. the cast iron welded joints are subject to less severe checks. carbide is found in the form of free graphite flakes. However. This is due to their malleability and the grain resistance as well as their ability to precipate the carbide. Queste ghise (ghise nodulari. il fosforo e specialmente lo zolfo sono presenti come impurità. Nickel. la ghisa duttile è più facilmente saldabile della ghisa rigida. This type of work has become more and more important in the manufacture of structures with cast iron parts. the malleable cast iron can be welded more easily than the rigid cast iron which tends to favour the formation of flaws in the base metal. Inoltre. in the form of free graphite. Il che si ottiene trasformando i fiocchi di grafite. Tn the normal grey iron. which greatly reduces its resistance to tensile stress. Questo data la loro duttilità e resistenza del grano.GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CAST IRON The welding of cast iron is widely used as a solution for fusion defects. while phosphorous and. Elements based on nickel are the most satisfactory in the welding of cast iron. etc. cromo o rame. spheroidal cast iron etc.) sono più duttili ed hanno una resistenza alla trazione da due a tre volte quella della ghisa grigia. sulpher are present as impurities. La profondità di questa zona è funzione diretta del calore introdotto. a causa del basso grado di plasticità del materiale base. riduce gli sforzi di espansione e di contrazione. Sia questa che la duttile sono saldabili. under the influence of heat and fast cooling speeds. or those where steel and cast iron welded together. when it is contained. given that they are mainly subjected to compressive stress. poiché essi sono sottoposti principalmente a sollecitazioni di compressione. possono facilmente dar luogo a cricche. in noduli. The depth of this area depends directly on the heat introduced. dannose alla resistenza dei giunti. Le ghise contengono carbonio al 3-5% e piccole quantità di silicio e manganese. a strutture dure e fragili. which weaken the tensile resistance. Cast iron products with improved mechanical properties can be produced because of special metallurgic techniques. Tuttavia. La maggior parte delle saldature in ghisa vengono eseguire con elettrodi a base di nichel studiati in modo da apportare una bassa energia termica. Cast iron a 3 . la quale è responsabile della scarsa resistenza sotto uno sforzo di trazione. per la riparazione di macchine o per la rigenerazione di superfici. quando sia contenuta.) is more malleable and the tensile resistance is two or three times greater than the grey iron. sferoidale. Questa energia. i quali. nonché la loro capacità di precipitare in carbonio proveniente dal metallo base sotto forma di grafite libera. in terrnini di proprietà meccaniche. Both this type and the malleable one can be welded. the area adjacent to the weld. The greater part of the cast iron welds are carried out with nickel containing electrodes welding with a heat imput as low as possible. This type of cast iron (nodular. I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DELLA GHISA La saldatura della ghisa viene applicata su larga scala per ovviare a difetti di fusione. la zona adiacente alla saldatura dà luogo. Per mezzo di tecniche metallurgiche speciali possono venire prodotte delle ghise con proprietà meccaniche migliorate. sotto l'influenza del calore e dei raffreddamenti veloci. che indeboliscono la resistenza alla trazione. in particular. o in ghisa e acciaio uniti tra loro per mezzo della saldatura. Cast iron should be welded by suitable means and with suitable weld material. i giunti saldati in ghisa sono soggetti a controlli meno severi in questo senso. Le ghise legate possono presentare aggiunte di nichel. molybdenum chrome or copper are generally added to cast iron to compose the alloy. in terms of mechanical properties. la quale ha più tendenza a favorire la formazione di cricche nel metallo base. because of the low degree of plasticity of the base material can easily give rise to faults. molibdeno.5% carbide content and small quantities of silicon and manganese. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CAST-IRON 161 . La ghisa va saldata per mezzo di tecniche appropriate e con appositi materiali d'apporto. Questo tipo di lavoro è venuto assumendo una sempre maggiore importanza nella fabbricazione di strutture con componenti in ghisa. Moreover. Nella ghisa grigia normale il carbonio è presente sotto forma di fiocchi di grafite libera. gives rise to a hard. Gli elementi a base di nichel si sono dimostrati essere i più soddisfacenti per la saldatura della ghisa. repairing machines or restoring surfaces. Come si può immaginare. fragile structure which endangers the resistance of the joints. This heat. into nodules. from the base metal. sowie durch Bildung von Kohlenstoff aus dem Grundmetall in Form von freiem Graphit. E ELECTRODOS PARA LA SOLDADURA DE LA FUNDICIÓN La soldadura de la fundición es un procedimiento largamente utilizado para remediar algunos defectos de fusión. bajo la influencia del calor y de un enfriamiento rápido. durch die ein geringer Widerstand bei der Ziehbelastung entsteht. están sujetas a controles menos severos. en términos de propiedades mecánicas.) sind elastischer und haben eine zwei. Gußteile enthalten 3-5% Kohlenstoff und geringe Mengen an Silizium und Mangan. desarrollados para conseguir el menor aporte térmico posible. Durch gute Dehnbarkeit und Körnungswiderstand. In legiertem Guß können Nickel. a estructuras duras y frágiles que pueden poner en peligro la resistencia de las juntas. Das Verschweißen von Guß erfolgt vorallem mit Elektroden mit einem niedrigen Nickel-Gehalt. was die Beständigkeit der Naht beeinflussen kann. Dieses Verfahren gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung bei dem Bau von Strukturen und Gußteilen. También. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CAST-IRON 162 . que como ya sabemos reducen la resistencia a la tracción. Los elementos con base níquel son los más satisfactorios en la soldadura de la fundición. Durch spezielle Stahlverarbeitungstechniken entstehen Güsse mit besseren mechanischen Eigenschaften. Mediante técnicas metalúrgicas especiales se viene produciendo en la actualidad fundición con propiedades mecánicas mejoradas. schnelle Abkühlung werden die Bereiche um die Schweißnaht hart und brüchig. Además. Diese Güsse ( Sphäroguss usw. obtenemos una mejor ductilidad y una resistencia a la tracción hasta tres veces mayor que la de la fundición gris y conseguimos además una notable mejora en su soldabilidad. frente a los problemas de la fundición dura que tiene tendencia a producir fisuraciones en el metal base. para la reparación de máquinas o para la restauración de superficies. la zona adyacente a la soldadura puede dar lugar. Diese Güsse sind schweißbar. consistente en transformar las perlas de grafito. wenn sie vorwiegend Druckbelastungen ausgesetzt sind. erweisen sich Elektroden mit Nickel für das Verschweißen von Gußeisen als besonders geeignet. cromo o cobre pueden ser utilizados como elementos aleantes. Chrom und Kupfer als Zusatzstoffe enthalten sein. una gran importancia en la fabricación de estructuras con componentes de fundición. debido al bajo grado de plasticidad del material de base. dando una maleabilidad y gran resistencia de grano que le confiere una buena capacidad en la precipitación de carburos procedentes del metal de base bajo forma de grafito liberado. etc. en nódulos. die nur eine geringe Wärmezufuhr erzeugen. debido a que soportan principalmente solicitaciones de compresión. Diese Verbesserung erfolgt durch die Umwandlung der Graphitkristallen (durch die geringer Dehnbarkeit entsteht) in Kugeln.D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS SCHWEIßEN VON GUßTEILEN Elektroden für das Schweißen von Gußteilen finden großen Einsatz. oder beim Verschweißen von Guß mit Stahl. La mayor parte de la soldadura se realiza con electrodos de base níquel. esferoidal.und Schrumpfungskapazität und erhöht die Gefahr der Rissbildung. Cuanto menor es esta energía aportada. Es ist eindeutig. bei der Reparatur von Maschinen oder für Oberflächenverhärtung. Este tipo de trabajos han ido adquiriendo cada vez más. Molybdän. Im normalen grauen Graphit ist der Kohlenstoff in Form von freie Graphitkristallen vorhanden. lo cual reduce la resistencia a la tracción. La fundición viene siendo soldada mediante técnicas apropiadas y consumibles específicos. molibdeno. Die Tiefenwirkung hängt von der Erwärmungsdauer ab. Eine niedrige Wärmezufuhr reduziert die Dehnungs. Durch Erwärmung und eine anschließende. el carbono está presente bajo forma cristalizada. En la fundición gris.bis dreimal höhere Dehnbarkeit als der Grauguss. En la fundición gris nodular. La fundición contiene un carbono entre 3-5% y pequeñas cantidades de silicio y manganeso. Gußteile werden durch besondere Schweißtechniken und mit geeignetem Zusatzwerkstoff verschweißt. las juntas soldadas. Phosphor und besonders Schwefel sind nur als Spuren enthalten. Unter mechanischem Aspekt benötigen Gußschweißnähte keine besonders aufmerksame Kontrolle. el fósforo y especialmente el azufre son considerados impurezas. pueden fácilmente dar lugar a rotura. menores son los esfuerzos de expansión y de contracción. los cuales. daß ein Guß mit großer Dehnbarkeit einfacher zu verschweißen ist als ein harter Guß. El níquel. um Defekte bei dem Gießvorgang zu korrigieren. o en la soldadura mixta entre fundición y acero. La extensión de esta zona va en función directa del calor aportado. bei dem die Gefahr von Rissbildung im Grundmetall deutlich höher ist. Grauguß kann mit Stahl verschweißt werden. Redrying time 1 h 180°C. engine blocks.50 x 300 30-80 16. Motorblöcke aus Aluminiumbronze etc. usually without need for preheating during production.25 x 350 50-100 30. e ciò è necessario per introdurre il minimo calore richiesto dalla ghisa. camme. preservation.8 27. gear and pump housings and correcting machining errors.03 max Cu 2. Si può saldare la ghisa grigia con l'acciaio. le zone alterate termicamente sono molto contenute. blocchi motore. normally without preheating. in bronzo d'alluminio.C.00 x 350 80-130 45. etc. anche quando si prendano particolari precauzioni. con arco suave y es necesario introducir el mínimo aporte térmico posible al material base.0 900 14. Nocken. Se puede soldar fundición con acero. Also joining these cast irons to steel. Diese Eigenschaften sind notwendig.5 max S 0. Also for cracks or fractures of machine bases. N. siempre que se tenga una particular precaución. con arco molto dolce.0 9. D Elektrode mit fast reinem Nickelschweißgut.50 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CAST-IRON Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 163 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. A. E Electrodo con depósito de Ni casi puro.1 51. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 2 max Mn 0. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Narrow fusion zone. It deposits nearly pure nickel which is fully machinable.C. la zona alterada térmicamente es mínima.7 max Si 2. Die Elektrode arbeitet mit niedriger Spannung und sehr leichtem Lichtbogen. Questo tipo di elettrodo lavora a tensione bassa. El material de aporte afecta a una zona de fusión muy reducida y por tanto. etc.6 18. Typical applications are repair of castings. um die Erwärmung bei Gußeisen so gering wie möglich zu halten.0 510 15.03 max P 0.60 4. x Length Current (mm.40 3. Impiegato anche nella costruzione di ingranaggi.0 360 16. Il metallo d'apporto ha una zona di fusione molto ristretta e. Verwendet beim Bau von Zahnrädern. pertanto.(*) Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Efficiency (%) 100 F. también en bronce aluminio. Smooth quiet arc suitable for deep cracks and cavities. max 5 times. Este tipo de electrodo trabaja con baja tensión. Packaging Diam.15: E Ni CI .) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) 2. (%) Hardness Storage. Der Werkstoff hat eine begrenzte Schmelzzone und auch bei besonders sorgfältigem Schweißen sind Wärmeeinflußzonen sehr gering. I Elettrodo con deposito di nichel quasi puro. particularly malleable and nodular types.5 max Ni 92 min Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 0. bloques y bases de motores.4 Al 1 max N Nb Ta - All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Current Conditions D. +. thus heat affected areas are minimal.9 50.9 50. Empleado en la construcción y mantenimiento de engranajes.ETC PH 801 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB For welding of cast irons. Geeignet für alle schweißbaren Gußeisen. "Meehanite". “Meehanite” etc. perlithaltigem oder kugelgrafithaltigem Gußeisen. etc. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.50 x 300 30-80 15.1 Ni 48 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 47 Al 1 max N Nb Ta F. etc.0 795 12. Facilità di rimozione della scoria. es läßt sich leicht bearbeiten. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Current Conditions D.03 max Cu 0. wie “Ductile”.2 38.03 max P 0.25 x 350 50-100 30. D Elektrode mit Eisen-Nickelschweißgut.00 3. como el tipo "Ductile".Niquel. e per la saldatura di queste all'acciaio.15: E NiFe CI . grafitosferoidali.grafítica esferoidal. incluso aquella con un alto contenido de fosforo. Il deposito è privo di cricche e pori e si può lavorare.7 max Si 0. modern spheroidal cast irons. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von großen Teilen oder für Schweißnähte. Leichtes Verschweißen und eine glattes Nahtbild. Deposited weld metal is machinable and resistant to cracking. Extrema facilidad de soldadura y cordón plano con buen aspecto. Easy detachable slag. A. type "Ductile". x Length Current (mm. ETC PH 802 está ideado para la soladura de fundición ferrítica o perlítica. preservation. incluse quelle con un alto contenuto di fosforo. "Meehanite". particularly suitable for all kind of cast irons. +. included those having a high phosphorus content. Die ETC PH 802 eignet sich für das Schweißen von eisenhaltigem. ETC PH 802 is suitable for welding mild steel to all grades of cast iron.ETC PH 802 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB It deposits a nickel-iron alloy of relatively high strenght and ductility. Ideal for repairs to production castings and damaged castings Particularly suitable for ordinary grey irons.40 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CAST-IRON Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 164 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A 5.0 300 14. die großer Belastung ausgesetzt sind.5 Mn 0. I Elettrodo con deposito in lega ferro-nichel. etc. "Meehanite". auch mit hohem Phosphorgehalt. Das Schweißgut ist nicht porös und frei von Rissen.1 72. El depósito es mecanizable y resistente a la fisuración.40 4. N. Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Efficiency (%) 100 (%) Hardness Storage.5 71. Adaptado para todos los tipos de fundición soldable. Escoria facilmente eliminable. max 5 times.0 17. Empleado para la soldadura de piezas gruesas con presencia de altas solicitaciones. Adatto per tutti i tipi saldabili di ghisa. Die Schlacke ist problemlos abzutragen. Packaging Diam. und das Verschweißen dieser Gußeisensorten mit Stahl.0 29.6 max S 0.C.0 480 14. E Electrodo con depósito de aleación Ferro . All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 1.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) 2.C. L'ETC PH 802 è adatto per la saldatura di ghise ferritiche o perlitiche. Redrying time 1 h 180°C. come il tipo "Ductile".1 9. Estrema facilità di saldatura e deposito piano di bell'aspetto.00 x 350 80-130 48. Impiegato per la saldatura di grossi pezzi o laddove ci sia presenza di alte sollecitazioni. x Length Current (mm. Facilmente mecanizable.0 9.025 max P Cu 30-35 Ni 65-70 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 3-6 Al N Nb Ta F.2 18.15: E NiCu B . Packaging Diam.3 max Si 0. preservation.0 510 15. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.C.75 max S 0. N. Geeignet für die Reparatur von Gußeisen und Gußstücken.0 900 14.40 3. Tal aleación tiene un punto bajo de fusión que garantiza una buena soldabilidad y estética del depósito. A. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.50 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CAST-IRON Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 165 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Tale lega ha un punto basso di fusione e garantisce una completa lavorabilità ed elasticità del deposito.25 x 350 90-120 31.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) 2.C. I Elettrodo che deposita una lega tipo Monel. Indicado para la reparación de fundición gris mediante relleno de las zonas defectuosas. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) (%) As Welded Current Conditions D. D Elektrode mit Monel-Schweißgut.ETC PH 803 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB It deposits a Monel alloy of relatively high strength and ductility and having a low fusion point. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature.8 27.50 x 300 45-80 16.0 360 16.55 Mn 2. Particularly suitable for reparing of production castings and damaged casting.35-0. +.7 51.9 71.9 70. Indicato per la riparazione di fusioni e getti. E Electrodo que deposita una aleación tipo MONEL.90 4. Diese Legierung hat einen niedrigen Schmelzpunkt und garantiert Bearbeitbarkeit und Elastizität des Schweißgutes. max 5 times. Redrying time 1 h 180°C.00 x 350 120-140 45. . together with elements such as nickel. the worn parts are restored. both in the construction of machine parts or facing. The main data relating to the mechanical and physical properties of the base metal must be determined before the correct welding procedure can be established. Whenever the dominant stress is due to wearing of metal against metal and severe impacts. g. tungsten. Even though the alloy is often subject to abrasion. Considerable time and material can be saved if the opportune evaluations are carried out first ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING 167 . first by a soft facing which is less resistant to wear than the final one. This intermediate facing must be such that is can not be easily deformed in order to constitute a good base for the final one. molybdenum. and this is often overlooked. Moreover. heat and corrosion. as well as the corrosion resistance of certain allovs used for facing (e. The alloys used are generally classified according to their function. but they are also used for facing on carbon steel. Howerer. This latter is designed to provide the maximum protection against a certain type of corrosion or a combination of corrosive agents. The corrosion resistance of the facing depends on the carbide percentage (of chrome. the hardness and crystalline structure can be considerably modified wen the deposit is fused with the base metal. austenitic manganese steel should be used for the facing material. the effects are minimized after the third pass. Generally. production quantity and quality are concepts that are rarely directly dependent on each other.GB HARDFACING ELECTRODES Hardfacing means applying an alloy which is corrosion proof to a metal surface in order to increase the resistance of components subject to abrasion. etc. The main purpose of a facing is to increase the working life of any given component in order to improve the service time. form optimum alloys in particular working conditions. Usually. knocks. under some circumstances the alloy must also be highly resistant to knocks. Electrodes with a 13% manganese deposit are often used to restore steels having the same chemical composition. The choice of a facing must be made after having carefully analysed the working conditions. manganese. self-tempering ones). It should be remembered that the facing properties indicated by the manufactured generally refer to the pure deposited metal .) and the matrix which. silicon and cobalt. The cooling time can also modify the structure. or a combination of these. calore e corrosione. La scelta di un riporto dev'essere fatta dopo un'attenta analisi delle condizioni di lavoro. Qualora le sollecitazioni dominanti siano l'attrito metallo su metallo e dei forti urti. Secondo la pratica generale i componenti usurati vengono rigenerati. etc. urto. Lo scopo principale di un riporto è quello di aumentare la durata di esercizio di un certo componente. Sebbene l'abrasione sia presente in molti casi. in modo da limitare i tempi morti. facendo lega con elementi quali il nichel. o ad una combinazione di questi. Tuttavia. dapprima per mezzo di un riporto dolce e meno resistente all'usura di quello finale.I ELETTRODI PER RIPORTI Riporto significa applicare una lega resistente alla corrosione su una superficie metallica. Quest'ultimo viene studiato per dare la massima resistenza ad un certo tipo di corrosione o ad una combinazione di agenti corrosivi. ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING 168 . gli effetti vengono minimizzati dopo la terza passata. tungsteno. ma sono impiegati per riporti su acciai al carbonio. Le leghe usate vengono generalmente classificate a seconda che la loro funzione sia di costruzione di parti di macchina o di riporto. in talune condizioni si richiede una grande resistenza all'urto. Sono spesso impiegati gli elettrodi con deposito al 13% di manganese per rigenerare gli acciai della stessa composizione chimica. Opportune valutazioni in questo senso si traducono in notevoli risparmi di tempo e di materiale. Tale riporto intermedio deve avere una buona resistenza alla deformazione in modo da costituire un buon rapporto per il riporto finale. e questo viene spesso trascurato. molibdeno. Inoltre. E' buona norma ricordare che la proprietà del riporto indicate dal fabbricante. Anche la velocità di raffreddamento può modificare la struttura. La resistenza alla corrosione del riporto dipende dalla percentuale di carburi (di cromo.) e dalla matrice che. il manganese. la durezza e la struttura cristallina possono venire notevolmente modificate dalla diluizione del deposito con il metallo base. la quantità e la qualità di produzione sono dei concetti che raramente sono funzione diretta uno dell'altro. al fine di aumentare la resistenza di componenti soggetti ad abrasione. il silicio ed il cobalto. autotempranti). Si dovrebbero rilevare i dati principali relativi alle proprietà meccaniche e fisiche del metallo base e stabilire di conseguenza una corretta procedura di saldatura. Di regola. il materiale prescelto per i riporti è l'acciaio austenitico al manganese. nonché la resistenza alla corrosione di certe leghe per riporti (ad es. può dare delle ottime prestazioni in particolari condizioni di lavoro. generalmente sono relative al metallo puro depositato. Wärme und Korrosion. sowie den Korrosionswiderstand bestimmter Legierungen für das Schweißgut (z. selbsthärtende) beeinflussen. zu machen. die einem Verschleiß durch aneinander reibende Metallteile oder einer starken Stoßeinwirkung ausgesetzt sind.und Materialersparnis. Auch die Kühlzeit kann zur Veränderung der Struktur beitragen. Die erste Verstärkung sollte unbedingt formbeständig sein. sie werden aber auch für den Auftrag auf unlegierten Stahl verwendet.D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DEN OBERFLÄCHENAUFTRAG Unter Oberflächenauftrag versteht man das Auftragen einer korrosionsbeständigen Legierung auf eine Metalloberfläche. Die Auswirkungen werden in der Regel nach dem dritten Durchzug minimiert. Normalerweise werden verschleißte Bauteile erst leicht verstärkt und bekommen erst später einen Oberflächenauftrag. oder ein Zusammenspiel dieser Belastungen. von der Matrize ab.). Oft werden Elektroden mit 13% Mangan für die Regenerierung von Stahl mit gleicher chemischen Zusammensetzung verwendet. Molybdän etc.B. bzw. Abriebfaktoren sind zwar ein häufiges Problem. aber auch der Einfluß von Stoßeinwirkung sollte nicht unterschätzt werden. ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING 169 . Für Maschinenbauteile. normalerweise auf das reine Metall bezieht. beweist sich der austenitische Mangan-Stahl als das ideale Schweißgut. Die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Schweißgutes gegen Korrosion hängt vom Anteil der Karbide (Chrom. Silizium und Kobalt. optimale Leistungen unter besonders schwierigen Bedingungen möglich sind. um Bauteile widerstandsfähiger gegen Abrieb. Die Legierung wird je nach ihrem Verwendungszweck gewählt: für die Erstellung von Maschinen-Bauteilen oder für den Oberflächenauftrag. Nur selten lassen sich Produktionsquantität und -qualität miteinander vereinbaren. Mangan. Die Materialauswahl für das Schweißgut muß nach dem jeweiligen Verwendungszweck erfolgen. Es muß bedacht werden. Eine korrekten Bewertung bringt Zeit. Stöße. Die Festigkeit und das Kristallingefüge können nennenswert durch eine Verdünnung des Schweißgutes mit dem Grundstoff modifiziert werden. daß sich der Hersteller bei den Angaben zum Schweißgut . Die Legierung für den Oberflächenauftrag wird für aximale Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen eine bestimmte Art von Korrosion oder eine Kombination von Korrosionsfaktoren erstellt. um eine gute Grundlage für den endgültigen Oberflächenauftrag zu bilden. durch den in Verbindung mit Nickel. Ziel eines Oberflächenauftrages ist eine längere Betriebsdauer des Bauteils und die Reduzierung der Totzeit. Es sollten die Grundwerte bezüglich der mechanischen und physischen Eigenschaften des Basismetalls berücksichtigt und eine entsprechende Schweißart festgelegt werden. Tungsten. Lo que perseguimos principalmente en un recargue. son utilizados para la restauración de los aceros con similar composición química y aceros al carbono en general. Los electrodos con 13% manganeso. o una combinación de estos. ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING 170 . La dureza y la estructura cristalina pueden variar según el grado de dilución del material depositado con el de base. calor y corrosión. los elementos desgastados serán regenerados. haciendo aleación con elementos como el níquel. aceros autotemplantes). siempre se refieren al metal puro depositado. La resistencia a la corrosión y al desgaste del recargue depende del tanto por ciento de carburos (de cromo. consiguen las mejores prestaciones según las particulares condiciones de cada trabajo. así como la resistencia a la corrosión y desgaste de ciertas aleaciones usadas para el recargue (ej. En el caso de grandes solicitaciones en fricciones de metal contra metal y choques importantes. Como práctica general. es aumentar la duración de ciertos componentes cuando están en servicio eliminando los tiempos muertos. La ejecución del recargue debe hacerse previo un atento análisis de las condiciones de trabajo. el manganeso. Siendo este último el estudiado para cada tipo de corrosión o combinación de agentes corrosivos. molibdeno. también se requiere en muchos casos una resistencia al impacto.E ELECTRODOS PARA RECARGUE Recargue significa aplicar una aleación resistente a la corrosión y al desgaste sobre una superficie metálica. golpe. primeramente por un recargue dulce y menos resistente al desgaste que la aportación final. Como norma. La velocidad de enfriamiento puede modificar también la estructura. Si bien la abrasión está presente en casi todos los casos. etc) y de la matriz que. hay que tener en cuenta que la cantidad y la calidad de producción. Este recargue intermedio (tampón) deberá tener una buena resistencia a la deformación de manera que sirva de colchón al recargue final. el consumible seleccionado será del tipo austenítico al manganeso. Es conveniente indicar que los datos aportados por el fabricante sobre el recargue. son dos conceptos que raramente van en función el uno del otro. el material puro depositado se consigue a partir de la tercera pasada. tungsteno. el silicio y el cobalto. La aleación usada vendrá generalmente clasificada según si la función es construir o reparar una máquina. a fin de aumentar la resistencia de componentes sujetos a abrasión. Además. Se recomienda depositar cordones finos. Thin runs are suggested.30 5.00 4. El depósito presenta una altísima resistencia al golpe y a la abrasión. ohne Wärmebehandlung.C.0 420 18.2 39. Si raccomanda di depositare delle passate sottili. El metal depositado llega a alcanzar la dureza de 500 Hv sin necesidad de tratamiento térmico.4 140.40 ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 171 ELECTRODES Classification DIN 8555: E 6-500 . The weld metal harness is ~ 500 HV. Redrying time 1 h 350°C. Baggerschaufeln etc.0 180 17.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 3.00 x 450 100-135 64. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. N. Es werden dünne Aufträge empfohlen. preservation.7 93. +. Das Schweißgut erreicht ein Härtegrad von ca. Packaging Diam. Das Schweißgut zeigt einen sehr hohen Verschleiß. no heat treatment required.7 58. D Elektrode mit martensistischer Struktur. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness 250-350 HV Storage. Geeignet für die Regenerierung von Mischern.7 max Si 5 max S P Cu Ni Mo 2. A. Il metallo depositato raggiunge la durezza di ~ 500 HV senza essere sottoposto a trattamento temnico. palas excavadoras. max 5 times.ETC PH HCM Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH HMC deposits a weld metal of martensitic structure.7 max Mn 1.9 25.und Abriebwiderstand. 500 HV.00 x 450 150-185 96. etc.C.0 110. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 1.0 285 18. Particularly suitable when resistance to abrasion and corrosion is required. ecc. x Length Current (mm. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) (%) As Welded Current Conditions D. I Elettrodo con deposito a struttura martensitica.5 Cr 6. Adatto per il recupero di miscelatori. Empleado en la recuperación de mezcladores.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. E Electrodo con depósito de estructura martensítica.25 x 450 75-105 42. Il deposito presenta un'altissima resistenza all'usura e all'abrasione. pale di escavatori. 00 5.7 32. El martilleo sobre el material depositado mejora la dureza y la resistencia al agrietamiento.5-0.4 Cr 0. Es wird ein erster Auftrag mit einer basischen Elektrode (z.3 69.B. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. I Elettrodo basico per leghe al 14% di Mn.00 x 450 190-230 113. Es wird ein kurzer Lichtbogen und niedrige Stromzufuhr empfohlen. preservation. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness 220 min HV Storage.9 Mn 11-16 Si 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Redrying time 1 h 350°C.) 3. La martellatura dopo deposito migliora la durezza e la resistenza alla criccatura. E' consigliabile eseguire un deposito con un elettrodo basico classico (come l'ETC PH 35S) prima di depositare l'ETC PH MN. E Electrodo básico de estrucutra austenítica (14% Mn).03 max Cu Ni Mo 0.30 4. A.3-1. In certain case it may be necessary to apply a buffer layer with ETC PH 35S.C. Es aconsejable establecer un depósito intermedio en el material base con un electrodo básico clásico ( como ETC PH 35S) antes de depositar el ETC PH MN.00 x 450 125-170 71.7 156. La struttura è austenitica.25 x 450 90-130 53. Si raccomanda di riportare in arco corto ed a bassa intensità di corrente. Das Nachhämmern erhöht den Härtegrad und den Rißwiderstand. Short arc and low current input are suggested. Packaging Diam. D Basische Elektrode mit austenitischer Struktur. depositing an austenitic weld metal which is ideally suited to applications where heavy impact loads are involved.3 S P 0.4 43.0 210 15.6-1.C.4 119. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) (%) As Welded Current Conditions D. Se recomienda soldar con arco corto y a baja intensidad de corriente.3 152.0 285 15. ETC PH 35S) vor dem endgültigen Auftrag mit der ETC PH MN empfohlen. alloyed at 14% Mn. N. +.0 135 15.30 ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 172 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5.13: E FeMn B . x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.ETC PH MN DIN Welding Positions Approvals 8555: E7-250K Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH Mn ia a basic-coated electrode. max 5 times.5 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. ETC PH 250 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB The ETC PH 250 electrode is designed to deposit an air hardening deposit. Thanks to its basic coating there is no risk of cracking. Downhand or vertical down application. The deposited weld metal hardness is between 250-350 HV but can be increased by quenching in water or oil from a temperature of 900°C. I Elettrodo per riporti duri con deposito resistente all'usura e con notevole resistenza all'urto. Può essere saldato in piano o in verticale ascendente. Grazie al rivestimento basico il rischio di cricche è praticamente escluso. La durezza del deposito è funzione della velocità di raffreddamento. In genere essa è di 250-350 HV circa; pertanto il deposito è lavorabile. Raffreddando il deposito in acqua o olio da 900°C si può raggiungere una durezza di circa 500 HV. D Elektrode für die Hartmetallauftragung, mit hoher Verschleißbelastbarkeit und Stoßwiderstand. Geeignet für das Flächen- und Fallnahtschweißen. Durch die basische Ummantelung ist die Rissempfindlichkeit praktisch ausgeschlossen. Der Härtegrad des Schweißgutes hängt von der Abkühlgeschwindigkeit ab. Der Härtegrad liegt normalerweise zwischen 250-350 HV. Das Schweißgut kann daher bearbeitet werden. Durch eine Abkühlung in Wasser oder Öl bei 900°C, kann ein Härtegrad von 500 HV erreicht werden. E Electrodo para recargue duro con depósito resistente a la abrasión y con notable resistencia al impacto. Puede ser empleado en soldadua en plano o vertical ascendente. Gracias a su recubrimiento básico el riesgo de fisuración está practicamente excluido. La dureza del depósito viene en función de la velocidad de enfriamiento. En general la dureza alcanzada oscila entre 250 - 350 Hv, por lo tanto su depósito es mecanizable. Enfriando el depósito con agua o aceite a 900ºC. se pueden conseguir durezas de hasta 500 Hv. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) (%) F. N. As Welded Current Conditions D.C. +; A.C. Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.3 Mn 0.8-1.2 Si 0.6-1 S P Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta - Hardness 250 - 350 HV Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 3,25 x 450 85-130 43,1 25,9 72,0 390 16,80 4,00 x 450 100-165 63,3 38,2 105,0 270 17,10 5,00 x 450 170-210 95,4 57,7 108,0 195 18,60 ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 173 ELECTRODES Classification DIN 8555: E 1-250 ETC PH 450 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH 450 is a basic-coated hardfacing electrode. The hardness of the metal is approx 450 HV wheather heat treatment is applied or not. Fields of application include workpieces which have to undergo a heat treatment (forging) following hardfacing, or components in respect of which, owing to their shape or size, the cooling-rate cannot be controlled properly. I Elettrodo per riporti duri. Il metallo depositato raggiunge la durezza di 450 HV ~ senza necessità di trattamento termico. Il campo di applicazione include sia materiali che devono essere sottoposti a trattamento termico (forgiati) e a riporti duri, sia materiali la cui velocità di raffreddamento non è facilmente controllabile di particolari forme o misure. D Elektrode für die Hartmetallauftragung. Das Schweißgut erreicht einen Härtegrad von ca. 450 HV und bedarf keiner Wärmebehandlung. Das Anwendungsgebiet umfaßt Material für eine Hartmetallauftragung mit Wärmebehandlung (geschmiedet), sowie Material, dessen Abkühlungsgeschwindigkeit auf Grund seiner Form oder Ausmaße nur schwer kontrollierbar ist. E Electrodo para recargue duro. El metal depositado consigue durezas de hasta 450Hv sin necesidad de tratamiento térmico. El campo de aplicación incluye piezas con o sin necesidad de tratamiento térmico (forja) y de recargues duros. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) (%) As Welded Current Conditions D.C. + ; A.C. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness 400 - 550 HV Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.1-0.2 Mn 3.5-4.5 Si 0.5-0.9 S P Cu Ni Mo Cr 0.2-0.4 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) 3,25 x 450 75-130 43,2 26,6 84,0 375 16,20 4,00 x 450 100-180 63,5 39,3 101,0 255 16,20 ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 174 ELECTRODES Classification DIN 8555: E 1-450 ETC PH 600 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB This electrode deposits a weld metal of martensitic structure with finely disperced chrome-carbides. The deposit has to be ground and is ideally suited to applications where resistance to abrasion, shock and friction is required I Elettrodo per riporti duri con deposito a struttura martensitica con carburi di cromo finemente distribuiti. Alta resistenza all'azione abrasiva nei casi di attrito radente e volvente. Non ne è raccomandato l'impiego in presenza di forti urti. Il deposito è lavorabile. La durezza di questo è funzione della velocità di raffreddamento e dell'uso di preriscaldi. Impiegato per il recupero di trapani, pale, utensili per escavatori, ecc. D Elektrode mit martensistischer Struktur und dünn verteiltem Chromkarbid für Hartmetallauftragungen. Hoher Abriebwiderstand bei Flächenreibung. Bei starker Schlageinwirkung wird der Einsatz dieser Elektrode nicht empfohlen. Das Schweißgut kann bearbeitet werden. Der Härtegrad des Schweißgutes hängt von der Abkühlgeschwindigkeit und eventuellem Vorwärmen ab. Wird verwendet bei der Aufarbeitung von Bohrspitzen, Schaufeln, Baggerbauteilen etc. E Electrodo para recargue duro con depósito de estructura martensítica con carburos de Cr finamente distribuidos. Alta resistencia a la acción abrasiva. No es recomendado su empleo en presencia de fuertes golpes. Depósito mecanizable. La dureza alcanzada está en función de la velocidad de enfriamiento y del suo de precalentamiento. Empleado en la recuperación de trépanos, palas, coronas, etc. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) (%) As Welded Current Conditions D.C. +; A.C. Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness 550 - 800 HV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5-0.8 Mn 0.6-1 Si 0.5-1 S P Cu Ni Mo Cr 2-2.9 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Al N Nb Ta F. N. Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Redrying time 1 h 350°C, max 5 times. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 50-100 17,5 10,5 30,0 600 10,50 3,25 x 450 85-130 42,1 26,1 83,0 420 17,70 4,00 x 450 100-165 62,1 37,5 105,0 285 17,70 5,00 x 450 170-210 100,0 60,3 127,0 195 19,50 6,00 x 450 200-290 133,3 81,0 150,0 135 18,00 ELECTRODES FOR HARDFACING (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 175 ELECTRODES Classification DIN 8555: E 2-55 GB ELECTRODES FOR WELDING CuNi AND NiCu ALLOYS Copper-nickel and nickel-copper alloys, especially normal or cladded sheet metal, have, for some years, been widely used in environments subject to corrosion, for example, erosion by sea water, evaporators, condensers and desalination plants in general. ETC has a wide range of electrodes for seam welding - continuous wire - TIG, in this sector too. The Technical Commercial staff is at your complete disposal and can give any information you may need helping to make the choice of the most suitable product for your application. I ELETTRODI PER LA SALDATURA DI LEGHE CuNi E NiCu Le leghe rame-nichel e nichel-rame, soprattutto in forma di lamiere normali o placcate, trovano ormai larga applicazione da anni negli ambienti interessati da problemi di corrosione: erosione causate da acqua di mare, evaporatori, condensatori, ed impianti di dissalazione in genere. Anche in questo settore l'ETC Elettrotermochimica s.r.l. ha una gamma di prodotti per la saldatura completa nei procedimenti ad elettrodo - filo continuo - TIG. Per la scelta del prodotto più idoneo al vostro lavoro, il Servizio Tecnico Commerciale è a vostra completa disposizione per fornirvi qualsiasi informazione. D ELEKTRODEN FÜR DAS VERSCHWEIßEN VON LEGIERUNGEN CuNi UND NiCu Nickel-Kupfer, und Kupfer-Nickel-Legierungen finden großen Einsatz, vorallem in Form von normalem oder doubliertem Blech, bei Korrosionsproblemen: Erosion durch Meerwasser, Verdampfer, Kondensatoren und Entsalzungsanlagen. Auch für diesen Bereich hat die ETC Srl eine Reihe von Produkten für das Elektrodenschweißen -Rollenelektroden- TIG, erstellt. Bei der Auswahl des richtigen Produktes, steht Ihnen unsere technische Beratung jederzeit gern zur Verfügung. E ELECTRODOS PARA SOLDADURA DE ALEACIONES CuNi y NiCu Las aleaciones cobre-níquel y níquel-cobre, sobre todo en chapas normales o plaqueadas, están siendo desde hace años usadas en trabajos sujetos a condiciones medioambientales de corrosión, como por ejemplo las producidas por, agua de mar, evaporadores, condensadores y plantas desalinizadoras en general. ETC tiene para aplicar en este sector, una gama de consumibles para los distintos procesos de soldadura: electrodos, hilos sólidos y varillas TIG. Nuestro Departamento Técnico Comercial está a su completa disposición para darles mayor información con respecto a este tipo de consumibles. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NIKEL AND CuNi ALLOYS 177 Classification AWS A5.6: E CuNi Welding Positions Approvals MMI Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrodes suitable for welding or facing alloys having the same chemical composition. Weld metal with excellent mechanical properties. High chemical corrosion resistance in saline environments. Typical application in desalination plants. I Elettrodo studiato per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe con uguale composizione chimica. Ottime carattetistiche meccaniche del deposito. Elevata resistenza alla corrosione chimica in ambiente salino. Campo di applicazione nei dissalatori. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen oder das Auftragschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher, chemischer Zusammensetzung. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften des Schweißgutes. Hoher Korrosionswiderstand gegen chemische Substanzen in salzhaltiger Umgebung. Sie findet Einsatz in Entsalzungsanlagen. E Electrodo desarrollado paa soldadura o plaqueado de aleaciones de igual composición química. Optimas características mecánicas del depósito. Elevada resistencia a la corrosión química en ambiente salino. Campo de aplicación: plantas desalinizadoras. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm As Welded 350 min Current Conditions D.C. +; A.C. Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) 20 min Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.05 max Mn 1-2.5 Si 0.5 max S P 0.02 max Cu remaining Ni 29-33 Mo Cr As Sb Pb 0.02 max V Sn Nb Ti 0.5 max Fe 0.4-0.7 Al N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (mm.) 2,50 x 300 50-70 17,5 10,6 0,0 600 10,50 3,25 x 350 75-100 35,2 21,2 0,0 375 13,20 4,00 x 350 90-130 52,9 32,1 0,0 255 13,50 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 178 ELECTRODES ETC PH CuNi 70-30 Classification AWS A5.11: E NiCu-7 Welding Positions Approvals MMI Applications and Caratteristics GB Electrodes suitable for welding or facing alloys having the same chemical composition or for cladding. Excellent mechanical properties and chemical corrosion resistance. Typical application in desalination plants for MONEL type alloy. I Elettrodo con deposito indicato per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe aventi uguale composizione chimica o per sottostrati di placcature. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e resistenza chimica. Applicazione negli impianti di dissalazione per acciai tipo MONEL. D Elektrode für das Verschweißen oder das Auftragschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher, chemischer Zusammensetzung oder als Unterlage bei Plattierungen. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften und chemischer Widerstand. Sie findet Einsatz in Entsalzungsanlagen. E Electrodo indicado para soldadura o recargues de aleaciones de igual composición química.Optimas características mecánicas y resistencia química. Aplicaciones: plantas desalinizadoras para aceros tipo MONEL. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm As Welded 480 min Current Conditions D.C. +; A.C. Yield Strength 2 N/mm Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) 30 min Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage, preservation, redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Redrying time 1 h 280°C, max 5 times. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.05 max Mn 2-4 Si 1 max S 0.015 max P 0.02 max Cu 28 Ni -1 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 1 max Fe 2.5 Al 0.75 max N Nb Ta F. N. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time 2,50 x 300 50-70 3,25 x 350 75-100 16,3 9,8 0,0 720 11,70 31,0 18,9 0,0 435 4,00 x 350 90-130 13,50 47,4 28,8 0,0 285 13,50 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 179 ELECTRODES ETC PH NiCu 70-30 2% Mn. ELECTRODES FOR WELDING ALUMINIUM 181 . suitable for welding of ANTICORODAL alloys 163 and 11. libres de pátinas o suciedad. Va ricordato che nella saldatura dell'alluminio particolare cura deve essere adottata per la preparazione dei lembi.2% Mn. indicato per la saldatura di alluminio con 7-12% Si. ETC PH Al 5 Si. indicado para la soldadura de aleaciones tipo ANTICORODAL 163 y 11. tipo ALLUMAN ecc. Bei dem Verschweißen von Aluminium müssen die Schweißkanten mit besonderer Sorgfalt vorbereitet werden und dürfen keine Schmutzspuren aufweisen. indicato per la saldatura dell'alluminio puro e sue leghe fino a 1. Es muy importante en la ejecución de este tipo de soldadura.GB ALUMINIUM ELECTRODES ETC Elettrotermochimica.2% di Mn. which must be completely clean. indicado para la soldadura de aluminio puro y aleaciones hasta 1. type ALLUMAN etc. We remind you that. ETC PH Al 12 Si. geeignet für das Verschweißen von reinem Aluminium und Aluminium-Legierungen bis 1. with regard to Aluminium welding. en el campo de la soldadura del aluminio presenta tres tipos de electrodos: ß ETC PH Al. geeignet für das Verschweißen von Legierungen ANTICORODAL 163 und 11. I ELETTRODI PER ALLUMINIO La ETC Elettrotermochimica nel campo della saldatura dell'alluminio è presente con tre tipi di elettrodi: ETC PH Al. ß ETC PH Al 5 Si. ETC PH Al 5 Si. etc. has three different types of electrodes: ETC PH Al. ETC PH Al 5 Si. ß ETC PH Al 12 Si. indicado para la soldadura de aluminio con 7-12% Si.20% Mn. for welding of Aluminium a particular care should be taken of preparation of joints. indicato per la saldatura di leghe ANTICORODAL 163 e 11. D ELEKTRODEN FÜR ALUMINIUM Das Programm der ETC Elettrotermochimica umfaßt für das Verschweißen von Aluminium drei Typen von Elektroden: ETC PH A1. tipo ALLUMAN. ETC PH A1 12 Si. geeignet für das Verschweißen von Aluminium mit 7-12% Si.. E ELECTRODOS PARA ALUMINIO ETC Elettrotermochimica. suitable for welding of pure Aluminium and its alloys up to 1. ETC PH Al 12 Si. la preparación adecuada de las juntas que deben presentar un excelente estado de limpieza. Typ ALLUMAN etc. che devono essere esenti da tracce di sporco. suitable for welding of Aluminium with 7-12% Si. Mg 0. Precalentamiento entre 100 . The electrode deposits a high purity weld metal. flüssige Schlacke.3 8.9-Mg 0. max 5 times. The electrode should be preferably welded in the downhand position.05 Si 0.3: E 1100 . D Die Elektrode ETC PH A1 ist für das Verschweißen von reinem Aluminium ( 99.0 5. Lo speciale rivestimento garantisce stabilità d'arco e fluidità della scoria e assicura la rimozione dell'ossido di superficie durante la saldatura. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Su recubrimiento especial garantiza una estabilidad de arco y fluidez de la escoria y asegura el desprendimiento de óxido de la superficie durante la soldadura.25 x 350 60-90 13. se aconseja arco corto para evitar proyecciones excesivas.0 450 6. Particular attention should be paid to joint region which must be clean and free from any contamination.0 600 4. The special flux coating provides good arc stability and slag fluidity and ensures the removal of surface oxide during the welding operation. Vorwärmung zwischen 100-300°C. si consiglia arco corto per evitare spruzzi eccessivi. I ETC PH Al è indicato per la saldatura di tutti i tipi di materiale in alluminio puro al 99. L'elettrodo è da utilizzarsi preferibilmente in posizione piana. Packaging Diam.3 S P Cu 0..1 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 0. E ETC PH Al está indicado para todos los tipos de materiales con aluminio puro al 99. Diese Elektrode eignet sich vorwiegend für das Flächenschweißen.9 .9-Mg 0.5%).5%( Al 99.3 Mn 0.300ºC.5 0. x Length Current (mm. N.ETC PH Al Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH Al stick electrodes are designed for welding the majority of grades of commercially pure aluminium.80 3.00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 182 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. Es wird ein kurzer Lichtbogen empfohlen.5 geeignet. preservation.5% tipo Al 99. Este electrodo debe utilizarse preferiblemente en posición plana.4 max Al remaining N Nb Ta F. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm As Welded 80 min 30 min Current Conditions D.C. Hardness Storage.2 0. Preriscaldo tra i 100-300°C.5. Preheat in the range 100-300°C and use short arc to avoid excessive spattering.5). um übermäßige Spritzverluste zu vermeiden. baut das sich während des Schweißens bildende Oxyd ab. Die Spezial-Ummantelung garantiert Stabilität des Lichtbogens. Typ A1 99. + Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) 30 min Efficiency (%) 100 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.50 x 350 40-70 8. Redrying time 1 h 280°C.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 2. 0 5. Consigliamo una particolare cura nella pulizia del giunto pre-saldatura.3 max Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. baut das sich während des Schweißens bildende Oxyd ab.0 450 6. Preriscaldo tra i 100-300°C.5-6 S P Cu 0. E ETC PH AL Si5 está indicado para soldadura de aluminio al 5% de silicio. Diese Elektrode eignet sich vorwiegend für das Flächenschweißen.0 600 4.5 0. The electrode should be preferably welded in the downhand position. max 5 times.25 x 350 60-90 13. Las características de su recubrimiento garantizan un arco estable y una escoria fluida que asegura el desprendimiento del óxido de la superficie durante la operación de soldadura.80 3. flüssige Schlacke.2 0. L'elettrodo è da utilizzarsi preferibilmente in posizione piana. Preheat in the range 100-300°C and use short arc to avoid excessive spattering. Es wird ein kurzer Lichtbogen empfohlen.05 max Si 4. Vorwärmung zwischen 100-300°C. Aconsejamos un particular cuidado en la limpieza de las juntas antes de la soldadura.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 2. 15 min Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage. El electrodo ha de utilizarse preferiblemente en posición plana.3: E4043 .ETC PH Al 5Si Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH Al Si5 is aluminium 5% silicon stick electrode for the fabrication and repair of aluminium silicon alloys. Die Spezial-Ummantelung garantiert Stabilität des Lichtbogens.300ºC. I ETC PH Al Si5 è indicato per la saldatura di alluminio con il 5% di silicio. se aconseja arco corto para evitar excesivas proyecciones.. preservation. Packaging Diam. x Length Current (mm. si consiglia arco corto per evitare spruzzi eccessivi . D Die Elektrode ETC PH l Si5 ist für das Verschweißen von Aluminium mit 5% Silizium geeignet. um übermäßige Spritzverluste zu vermeiden.C. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm As Welded 160 min 90 min Current Conditions D. + Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0.3 8.2 max Fe Al remaining N Nb Ta F. Precalentamiento entre 100 . Es wird eine akkurate Säuberung der Schweißflächen vor dem Schweißen empfohlen.50 x 350 40-70 8. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. The special flux coating provides good arc stability and slag fluidity and ensures the removal of surface oxide during welding operation. N. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Particular attention should be paid to the joint region which must be free from any contamination. Lo speciale rivestimento garantisce stabilità d'arco e fluidità della scoria e assicura la rimozione dell'ossido di superficie durante la saldatura.00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 183 ELECTRODES Classification AWS A5. N. si consiglia arco corto per evitare spruzzi eccessivi. flüssige Schlacke. El electrodo ha de utilizarse preferiblemente en posición plana. Preriscaldo tra i 100-300°C. Es wird eine akkurate Säuberung der Schweißflächen vor dem Schweißen empfohlen. Packaging Diam. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm As Welded 180 min 80 min Current Conditions D. Consigliamo una particolare cura nella pulizia del giunto pre-saldatura. Particular attention should be paid to the joint region which must be free from any contamination. um übermäßige Spritzverluste zu vermeiden.2 0. Diese Elektrode eignet sich vorwiegend für das Flächenschweißen.ETC PH Al 12Si Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC PH Al 12Si in an aluminium 12% silicon stick electrode for the fabrication and repair of aluminium silicon alloys. The electrode should be preferably welded in the downhand position. + Impact Value (J) Elongation (%) All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0. 5 min Efficiency (%) 100 Hardness Storage.50 x 350 40-70 8.300ºC.3 max Si 11-13. D Die Elektrode ETC PH A1 12Si ist für das Verschweißen von Aluminium mit 12% Silizium geeignet.C.0 450 6. I ETC PH Al 12Si è indicato per la saldatura di alluminio con il 12% di silicio.0 5. Es wird ein kurzer Lichtbogen empfohlen. Precalentamiento entre 100 .4 max Al remaining N Nb Ta F. Lo speciale rivestimento garantisce stabilità d'arco e fluidità della scoria e assicura la rimozione dell'ossido di superficie durante la saldatura. E ETC PH AL 12 Si está indicado para soldadura de aluminio al 12% de silicio.0 600 4.5 S P Cu 0. x Length Current (mm. Die Spezial-Ummantelung garantiert Stabilität des Lichtbogens.) (ampere) Electrode average weight (gr) Weld metal weight per electrode (gr) Fusion time (second) Number of pieces Guaranteed per outerbox minimum weight per outerbox 2.5 0. preservation.00 ELECTRODES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 184 ELECTRODES Classification DIN 1732: EL-AlSi12 . Aconsejamos un particular cuidado en la limpieza de las juntas antes de la soldadura. Preheat in the range 100-300°C and use short arc avoid excessive spattering. L'elettrodo è da utilizzarsi preferibilmente in posizione piana. baut das sich während des Schweißens bildende Oxyd ab.3 8.. Redrying time 1 h 280°C. redrying Keep dry and store at room temperature. Vorwärmung zwischen 100-300°C.25 x 350 60-90 13. max 5 times. se aconseja arco corto para evitar excesivas proyecciones. The special flux coating provides good arc stability and slag fluidity and ensures the removal of surface oxide during welding operation.80 3. Las características de su recubrimiento garantizan un arco estable y una escoria fluida que asegura el desprendimiento del óxido de la superficie durante la operación de soldadura.05 max Fe 0.05 min Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. Rutile high recovery / Rutile alto rendimento / Rutil mit hoher Ausbringung / Rutilos de alto rendimiento . 3 luftdicht verschlossene Rohre mit Plastikdeckel.Low hydrogen / Basico / Basische / Básicos .High alloyed / Alto legati / Für stark legierte Stahlsorten / Altamente aleados .Low alloyed / Basso legati / Leicht legierte / Débilmente aleados .Aluminium / Alluminio / Für Aluminium / Aluminio ELECTRODES 185 .Low hydrogen high recovery / Basico alto rendimento / Basische mit hoher Ausbringung / Básicos de alto rendimiento .STANDARD PACKING IMBALLO STANDARD / STANDARD-VERPACKUNGEN / EMBALAJE STANDARD 1 cardboard outer box (210x70 mm) containing: 1 scatola esterna (210x70 mm) contenente: 1 Äußere Verpackung (210x70mm) enthält: 1 caja externa (210x70 mm) contiene: 3 inner carton boxes (65x65 mm) wrapped in heatshrinkable polythene film.Creep resisting steels / Acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo / Für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit Widerstand gegen Warmabgleiten / Resistentes a la fluencia "TIN" PACKING TUBO DL ALLUMINIO / ALUMINIUM-ROHR / EMBALAJE EN TUBO DE ALUMINIO 1 cardboard outer box (240x85 mm) containing: 1 scatola esterna (240x85 mm) contenente: Äußere Verpackung (240x85mm) enthält: 1 caja externa (240x85 mm) contiene: 3 sealed tins with plastic cover (diam.Cast iron / Ghisa / Für Schmiedeeisen / Fundición . 3 tubos sellados herméticamente con tapa en plástico Groups of electrodes packed with tin packing: Elettrodi confezionati in tubi di alluminio: Elektroden mit Alurohrverpackung: Electrodos confeccionados con este embalaje: .Stainless steels / Acciai inossidabili / Für rostfreien Stahl / Inoxidables .High tensile steels / Alto snervarnento / Mit hohem Erlahmungswiderstand / Alto límite elástico . 3 scatole interne (65x65 mm) avvolte in polietilene termoretraibile. 3 paquetes internos (65x65 mm) protegidos por un film de polietileno termoretráctil.Hardfacing / Riporti / Für Oberflächenauftrag / Recargues .Rutile / Rutile / Rutil / Rutilos . Groups of electrodes packed with standard packing Elettrodi confezionati con imballo standard: Elektroden mit Standard-Verpackung: Electrodos confeccionados con embalaje standard: . 3 Schachteln (65x65mm) in verschweißter Hülle. 75 mm). 3 tubi sigillati ermeticamente con coperchio in plastica. 6 Vakuum-Einzelverpackungen.) LARGE PACK 3 inner boxes under vacuum.VACUUM PACKING-STANDARD IMBALLO SOTTOVUOTO / VAKUUM-VERPACKUNG / EMBALAJE AL VACIO (V. 3 Vakuum-Einzelverpackungen. 3 confezioni di elettrodi sotto vuoto. 12 confezioni di elettrodi sotto vuoto. 12 paquetes internos envasados al vacío Outer box (cm): Scatola esterna (cm): Äußere Verpackung (cm): Caja externa (cm): 230 x 70 x 340 230 x 70 x 390 230 x 70 x 490 ELECTRODES Inner box (cm) Confezione interna (cm) Einzelverpackungen (cm) Paquete interno (cm) 65 x 15 x 300 65 x 15 x 350 65 x 15 x 400 186 .P. 12 Vakuum-Einzelverpackungen. 6 confezioni di elettrodi sotto vuoto. 6 paquetes internos envasados al vacío Outer box (cm): Scatola esterna (cm): Äußere Verpackung (cm): Caja externa (cm): 230 x 70 x 340 230 x 70 x 390 230 x 70 x 490 Inner box (cm) Confezione interna (cm) Einzelverpackungen (cm) Paquete interno (cm) 65 x 32 x 300 65 x 32 x 350 65 x 32 x 400 MICRO PACK 12 inner boxes under vacuum. 3 paquetes internos envasados al vacío Outer box (cm): Scatola esterna (cm): Äußere Verpackung (cm): Caja externa (cm): 230 x 70 x 340 230 x 70 x 390 230 x 70 x 490 Inner box (cm) Confezione interna (cm) Einzelverpackungen (cm) Paquete interno (cm) 65 x 65 x 300 65 x 65 x 350 65 x 65 x 400 SMALL PACK 6 inner boxes under vacuum. ghisa. stark legierte Elektroden und Elektroden für Aluminium. cast iron. ghisa. de fundición. 6 capas de cajas para electrodos inoxidables. aluminium electrodes). high alloyed. fundición. LENGTH OF ELECTRODES LUNGGIEZZA ELETTRODI LÄNGE ELEKTRODE LONGITUD DE LOS ELECTRODOS NR. alto legati. für Gußeisen. alluminio). alto legati. LENGTH OF ELECTRODES LUNGHEZZA ELETTRODI LÄNGE ELEKTRODE LONGITUD DE LOS ELECTRODOS NR.OF BOXES / PALLET NR.EURO PALLETS (dimensions: 1200x800x650 mm) EURO-PALETTEN (1200x800x650 mm) / EURO PALLETS ( dimensiones: 1200x800x650 mm) 7 layers of boxes for all kind of electrodes (except for stainless steels. cast iron high alloyed. 6 Lagen mit Schachteln: Elektroden für rostfreien Stahl. altamente aleados y aluminio). 7 strati di scatole per tutti i generi di elettrodi (eccetto per gli elettrodi inossidabili. Dl SCATOLE / PALLET ANZAHL SCHACHTELN/PALETTE Nº DE CAJAS / PALET 300 cm 70 350 cm 54 ELECTRODES 187 . Gußeisen. stark legierte Elektroden und Elektroden für Aluminium). 7 Lagen mit Schachteln für alle Elektrodentypen (ausgenommen Elektroden für rostfreien Stahl.OF BOXES / PALLET NR. 7 capas de cajas para todos los tipos de electrodos en general (excepto electrodos inoxidables. Dl SCATOLE / PALLET ANZAHL SCHACHTELN/PALETTE Nº DE CAJAS / PALET 250cm 98 300 cm 77 350 cm 56 450 cm 49 EURO PALLETS (dimensions: 1200x800x650 mm) EURO-PALETTEN (1200x800x650 mm) / EURO PALLET (dimensiones: 1200x800x650 mm) 6 layers of boxes for stainless steels. aluminium electrodes. alluminio. 6 strati di scatole per tutti gli elettrodi inossidabili. altamente aleados y aluminio. At the moment of opening undamaged packing. The electrodes are packed inside the container to which a total vacuum is applied. Once the vacuum operation has been carried out.The guarantee of being able to use eletrodes at the welding site with the residual moisture level of the electrode coating equal to that at the moment of packing at the production plant. lower or equal to the minimum values indicated on the packing itself. it is necessary to establish optimum procedures and equipment for the storage. have carried out a project into vacuum packing which can be applied to basic low hydrogen. .l. with the aim of ensuring defects-free weld metal and satisfactory mechanical integrity at low temperatures in low alloyed and non-alloyed ferritic steels. .The possibility of eliminating the need for equipment and procedures for the optimum storage and re-conditioning of electrodes.r.The possibility of continuously verifying that the seal of the container is unbroken. ELECTRODES 188 . In order to minimise the hydrogen which is derived mostly from the residual moisture of the electrode coating.GB NEW ETC VACUUM PACKING ETC Elettrotermochimica s. ETC Elettrotermochimica s. guarantees a level of diffusible hydrogen in the deposited metal.A greater protection against damage due to transport and handling. the rolled section is thermo-sealed so that the vacuum effect is complete to the end of the wrapper thus enabling the container to be easily opened and also to provide a visual effect if the vacuum pack has been damaged. re-conditioning and handling of welding electrodes. This packing is consisting of a multilayers flexible rolled section which is resistant to handling abuse and which forms a barrier against moisture.l. The highest requirements for Welding applications require weld deposits with extremely low levels of diffusible hydrogen. which represents an unquestionable and definitive saving for the end-user. non-alloyed and low/high alloyed electrodes. always mindful of clients' quality requirements.. This packing system has the following advantages: .r. . with a minimum increase in the product cost. è necessario predisporre procedure ed attrezzature per la conservazione. all'atto dell'apertura.Una maggiore protezione contro l'azione meccanica dovuta al trasporto ed alla manipolazione. costituente una barriera di protezione totale contro l'umidità. È sempre più sentita l'esigenza. a fronte di un limitato incremento del costo dell'imballaggio. . attenta e sensibile alle richieste qualitative della clientela. Gli elettrodi vengono posti all'interno di tale protezione nella quale viene praticato un vuoto estremamente spinto.. ha realizzato un progetto di imballaggio sotto vuoto applicabile ugli elettrodi basici non legati e debolmente legati. ciò che rappresenta una indiscutibile e quantificabile economia per l'utilizzatore.La possibilità di poter verificare in ogni momento la perfetta tenuta dell'involucro.r.La possibilità di eliminare attrezzature e procedure per la conservazione ed il ricondizionamento degli elettrodi. La ETC Elettrotermochimica s. da parte della clientela più sofisticata.La garanzia di poter disporre sul posto di saldatura di elettrodi con percentuale di umidità residua del rivestimenlv puri a quella che essi avevano all 'epoca dell 'imballaggio presso lo stabilimento di produzione. Al fine di minimizzare l'azione dell'idrogeno. proveniente in massima parte dall'umidità residua del rivestimento degli elettrodi. . inferiore o uguale ai valori indicati sulla confezione stessa. il tenore di idrogeno diffusibile. di ottenere depositi di saldatura con valori di idrogeno diffusibile estremamente bassi al fine di garantire caratteristiche meccaniche soddisfacenti a bassa temperatura negli acciai non legati e debolmente legati. Tale sistema di imballaggio offre i seguenti vantaggi: .l. resistente an'azione meccanica.I I NUOVI IMBALLI SOTTO VUOTO ETC ETC Elettrotermochimica s. il ricondizionamento e la manipolazione degli elettrodi stessi. Una volta realizzato il vuoto il laminato viene termosaldato al fine di garantirne l'effetto fino ad apertura dell'involucro per l'utilizzo degli elettrodi. La ETC garantisce.r. ELECTRODES 189 . .l. Tale imballaggio viene realizzato utilizzando un laminato flessibile multistrato. die einen einwandfreien Zustand bis zum Gebrauch der Elektroden garantiert. Die ETC garantiert. ELECTRODES 190 . bis zum Öffnen der Packung. unveränderten Feuchtigkeitsgehalt in der Ummantelung. basische Elektroden geschaffen. als der geringe Aufpreis für die Vakuumverpackung. den auf der Konfektion angegebenen (oder geringeren) diffusiblen Wasserstoffgehalt. . die Aufbereitung und die Handhabung der Elektroden. Die Kosten für die bisherige Aufbereitung sind entschieden höher.aus der Restfeuchtigkeit der Ummantelung . der gegen mechanische Einflüsse resistent ist und einen absoluten Schutz gegen Feuchtigkeit bildet.Die Garantie einer Elektrode mit einem.Die absolute Dichtheit der Vakuum-Verpackung kann zu jeder Zeit überprüft werden. . bedarf es bestimmter Arbeitsabläufe und -geräte für die Konservierung. Die Elektroden befinden sich in einer kantenverschweißten Vakuum-Schutzhülle. entfallen. Diese Verpackungsart bietet folgende Vorteile: .auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren.Geräte und Arbeitsvorgänge.Ein guter Schutz gegen eventuelle mechanische Einflüsse während des Transportes oder der Handhabung.D DIE NEUEN ETC-VAKUUMVERPACKUNGEN ETC Elettrotermochimica Srl Es besteht eine ständig wachsende Nachfrage seitens der Kundschaft. die bisher für die Aufbereitung der Elektrode notwendig waren. Um die Wirkung des Wasserstoffs . Für diese Verpackung wird ein flexibler Schichtstoff verwendet. nach einem Schweißgut mit extrem niedrigem Gehalt an diffusiblem Wasserstoff. . um auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen zufriedenstellende Schweißergebnisse beim Verschweißen von nicht legiertem und leicht legiertem Stahl zu erzielen. Um den Bedürfnissen der Kundschaft zu entsprechen hat die ETC Elettrotermochimica Srl eine Vakuumverpackung für legierte oder leicht legierte. ELECTRODES 191 . el contenido de hidrógeno difusible. Este sistema de embalaje ofrece las siguientes ventajas: .Una mejor protección contra la acción mecánica debida al transporte y su manipulación.. lo que representa una indiscutible y cuantificable economía para el usuario. . pendiente y sensible ante la demanda de calidad de sus clientes. resistente a la acción mecánica. que en el momento de su apertura.r. que proviene principalmente de la humedad residual en el recubrimiento de los electrodos. Una vez realizado este vacío se termosuelda el laminado con el objeto de garantizar este efecto hasta la apertura del paquete para la utilización de los electrodos.l. es necesario preparar procedimientos y métodos para la conservación. será inferior o igual a los valores impresos sobre el mismo paquete.La posibilidad de poder verificar en todo momento el perfecto estado del envoltorio.E NUEVO EMBALAJE AL VACIO ETC ETC Elettrotermochimica s. Este embalaje se realiza utilizando un laminado flexible multiestrato. ETC garantiza. Los electrodos se disponen en el interior de esta protección a la que se le practica un vacío extremadamente severo. consistente en una barrera de protección total contra la humedad.La garantía de poder disponer en el puesto de soldadura de electrodos con un porcentaje de humedad residual de su revestimiento equivalente a la del momento de su embalaje en fábrica. ha realizado un proyecto de preparación de embalajes al vacío aplicables a los electrodos básicos no aleados y a los débilmente aleados. A fin de minimizar la acción del hidrógeno. Los altos requisitos en aplicaciones para la soldadura requieren un material depositado con valores extremadamente bajos de hidrógeno difusible a fin de garantizar unas características mecánicas satisfactorias a baja temperatura en los aceros no aleados y en los débilmente aleados. ETC Elettrotermochimica s.r. . reacondicionamiento y manipulación de los mismos electrodos.l.La posibilidad de eliminar los equipos y procesos para la conservación y reacondicionamiento de los electrodos. frente a un limitado incremento en el coste del embalaje. . . 25 4.00 2.00 5.50 3.Vacuum packing data for ETC PH Electrodes micro Packing (n.5 3.00 2.25 4.00 300 300 350 350 450 350 450 450 ETC PH 55H 2.25 4.25 4.00 5.00 5.50 3.50 2.25 3.25 4. Lenght (mm) (mm) large Trade denomination Code large small micro Low hydrogen electrodes for welding non-alloy steels ETC PH 35S DRY 2.50 3.00 300 350 450 450 450 540 540 330 240 150 10610012 10610212 10610015 10610016 10610018 ETC PH 37 2.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 450 350 350 350 450 350 450 350 330 350 540 330 240 150 ETC PH 35S 2.00 4.5 300 350 350 450 300 350 900 495 330 240 10605209 10605212 10605215 10605216 ETC PH 56ST 3.25 4.25 4.5 2.00 5.00 5.00 450 450 330 240 ETC PH 77 2.00 2.25 4.00 2.5 350 ELECTRODES 840 540 540 360 360 255 255 180 001060510 001060511 10603009 10603012 10603212 10603215 10603015 10603216 10603016 10603018 10603509 10603512 10603712 10603715 10603515 10603716 10603516 10603518 10604009 10604012 10604212 10604215 10604015 10604216 10604016 10604018 10605512 10605515 10605516 10605518 10605412 240 10607015 10604515 10604516 10605012 10605015 10605016 10605018 540 108 240 001060431 10602012 10602312 10602015 10602016 10602018 10610512 1068512 193 .50 3. pcs.50 2.) small Diam.25 3.00 300 350 450 450 450 540 540 330 240 150 ETC PH 58S 2.00 ETC PH 36S 960 540 10606515 10606516 750 540 540 330 330 240 240 150 720 480 480 240 240 216 216 156 300 450 450 450 540 330 270 180 540 3. 25 4.5 3.00 300 350 350 450 330 240 120 480 13124512 13124515 13124516 13124518 Electrodes for cryogenic and low temperature applications ETC PH 625 ELECTRODES 2.25 4.00 300 350 350 480 330 240 480 13107512 13107515 13107516 13107712 ETC PH KV4L 2.00 5.50 3.25 4. Lenght (mm) (mm) large Trade denomination Code large small micro Cellulosic electrodes for pipeline welding ETC PH 27P 2.) small Diam.50 3.50 3.50 3.25 4.00 5.25 4.00 5.00 5.25 4.Vacuum packing data for ETC PH Electrodes micro Packing (n.00 300 350 350 540 420 300 12102012 12102015 12102016 High efficiency low hydrogen electrodes ETC PH C57H 4. pcs.00 450 450 120 90 11106016 11106018 ETC PH C6 3.00 450 450 450 150 108 11106515 11106516 11106518 Series KV-KVL electrodes for low-alloy steels ETC PH KV2 2.00 300 350 350 480 330 240 480 13108512 13108515 13108516 13108712 ETC PH KV5L 2.25 4.50 3.00 300 350 350 350 660 360 270 240 12109012 12109015 12109016 12109018 194 .25 4.00 300 350 350 480 330 240 480 13109012 13109015 13109016 13109212 ETC PH KV5HR 2.50 3.00 300 350 350 480 330 240 13103512 13103515 13103516 13103712 ETC PH KV3L 2. 00 4.00 5.00 4.00 3.25 4.50 3.) small Diam.00 5.00 350 350 450 450 540 330 210 150 540 240 216 12102512 12102515 12102516 12102518 12111512 12111515 12111516 ETC PH 88S 2.Vacuum packing data for ETC PH Electrodes micro Packing (n.25 4.25 4.00 350 350 450 450 450 600 390 390 270 150 540 12105012 12105015 12105315 12105016 12105018 12113512 ETC PH 76S ETC PH 56S ETC PH 88S HR ELECTRODES 270 180 180 120 390 240 216 156 540 540 240 960 216 216 180 240 12102915 12102715 12102916 12102716 12102718 12102912 10606012 10606015 10606316 10606016 10606018 10606020 10606315 480 12112015 12112016 12112018 12112012 10606412 10608015 10606409 10608316 10608016 10608018 10608315 12105712 12105815 12105716 12105718 12105715 240 240 12113015 12113016 195 .50 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 300 350 350 690 360 240 ETC PH 118 2.25 2.25 4.50 350 450 350 450 450 350 330 330 240 240 150 540 2.25 4.50 3.00 300 350 350 450 330 240 120 ETC PH 98 12107112 12107115 12107116 540 12107512 12107515 12107516 12107518 540 12116012 12116015 12116016 12116018 Electrodes for off-shore welding 3.00 5.25 300 350 450 450 450 330 240 150 330 ETC PH 75S 2.25 3.50 3.00 5.5 3.00 5.25 4.25 300 450 300 350 450 450 450 350 540 390 2.00 4.50 3. Lenght (mm) (mm) large Trade denomination Code large small micro Electrodes for welding high-strength steels ETC PH 128 2.00 6.00 5.25 4.00 300 350 350 450 330 240 120 2.25 3. pcs.50 3. 25 300 350 330 2.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 300 350 350 540 330 240 540 12613012 12613015 12613016 12614012 ETC PH RS 316L 2.00 300 300 350 450 450 960 540 12611509 12611512 330 180 108 2.00 2. Lenght (mm) (mm) large Trade denomination Code large small micro Electrodes for welding stainless steels ETC PH RS 308L 2.50 3.00 300 300 350 450 450 330 180 108 12618515 12618516 12618518 350 350 150 108 001401201 001401201 12611515 12611516 12611518 540 12613512 12613515 960 540 12618509 12618512 Electrodes for hardfacing ETC PH 1000 ELECTRODES 4. pcs.25 4.25 4.5 3.00 300 350 350 540 330 240 540 12618012 12618015 12618016 12619012 ETC PH RS 347 2.Vacuum packing data for ETC PH Electrodes micro Packing (n.00 5.00 5.5 3.50 3.25 4.25 4.50 3.00 196 .25 300 350 540 330 540 12611012 12611015 12612012 ETC PH RS 309L 2.50 3.25 4.00 300 350 350 540 330 240 540 1261012 12621512 12621015 12621016 Easy Weld electrodes ETC PH RS 308L EW ETC PH RS 309L EW ETC PH RS 316L EW 2.) small Diam. have been removed from their hermetically sealed containers (these electrodes need not be redried). Redrying data of each type of ETC PH electrodes are described in this catalogue. 70° C. HOLDING OVEN The holding oven is used for intermediate storage before electrode distribution to the welders. PRECAUTION AT THE SITE At the site electrodes must be held in electrically heated quivers having a temperature of min. Conditions of the holding oven shall be: a) Tempetature: 90°-150°C. b) Total period of storage: max. Electrodes stored in the holding oven are electrodes which: . The holding period of electrodes in these quivers should not exceed 8 hrs. STORAGE The room in which the electrodes are stored shall have: . 6 weeks. ELECTRODES 197 . The remaining electrodes at the end of the working day must be returned to the holding oven. . care must be taken during storage and handling to prevent excessive moisture absorption resulting in an unacceptable hydrogen content in the weld metal. VACUUM PACKED ELECTRODES These electrodes can also be stored in different conditions from standard electrodes requirements.are considered in good condition and transferred directly from storage after unpacking.a relative humidity of maximum 50%. provided the boxes are unbroken.GB RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STORAGE AND REDRYING OF ETC PH LOW HYDROGEN COATED ELECTRODES Since basic type electrode coatings are more or less sensitive to moisture absorption.have been redried.a minimum temperature of 15°C: . REDRYING Redrying of the electrodes before use is necessary where it is suspected thet they will not meet the application required for the weld metal hydrogen content (usually less than 10 ml H2 or 5 ml H2 per 100 g of weld deposit). From the time of opening pay attention to the above mentioned recommendations or to those written on the boxes. . RICONDIZIONAMENTO Il ricondizionamento degli elettrodi prima dell'uso è necessario qualora vi sia il sospetto che essi non soddisfino i requisiti di contenuto di idrogeno nel deposito di saldatura (normalmente inferiore a 10 ml di H2 o 5 ml di H2 per 100 gr di metallo depositato).sono stati ricondizionati. FORNI DI MANTENIMENTO I forni di mantenimento vengono usati per una conservazione intermedia prima della distribuzione degli elettrodi ai saldatori. . I parametri per il ricondizionamento sono descritti all'interno di questo catalogo per ogni tipo di elettrodo ETC PH.I CONDIZIONI PER LA CONSERVAZIONE ED IL RICONDIZIONAMENTO DEGLI ELETTRODI RIVESTIVI ETC PH Poichè il rivestimento degli elettrodi. I parametri dei forni di mantenimento dovranno essere: a) temperatura: 90°C -150°C. . si dovrà porre particolare cura durante la conservazione e manipolazione allo scopo di evitare un eccessivo riassorbimento di umidità.temperatura minima di 15°C. soprattutto per il tipo basico. ELECTRODES 198 . per un max 8 ore.umidità relativa massima del 50%.sono stati tolti dai loro contenitori sigillati (tali elettrodi non hanno bisogno di essere ricondizionati). . Gli elettrodi posti nei forni di mantenimento sono elettrodi che: . è più o meno sensibile al riassorbimento di umidità. CONSERVAZIONE L'ambiente nel quale gli elettrodi vengono immagazzinati dovrà avere: . b) durata totale di mantenimento: max 6 settimane. PRECAUZIONI SUL POSTO DI SALDATURA Sul posto di saldatura gli elettrodi devono essere mantenuti in stufette con temperature min. di 70°C. Gli elettrodi rimanenti alla fine della giornata lavorativa devono essere riportati nelforno di mantenimento. Dal momento dell'apertura della confezione valgono le raccomandazioni di cui sopra e/o quelle riportate sulla confezione stessa. il quale avrebbe come conseguenza un contenuto di idrogeno inaccettabile nel deposito di saldatura. Tali elettrodi possono essere stoccati in condizioni al di fuori di quanto previsto per gli standard. ELETTRODI IN IMBALLO VP. purchè mantenuti nelle confezioni integre.sono considerati in buone condizioni e trasferiti direttamente dal magazzino dopo sballaggio. aufbereitete Elektroden. Die nicht gebrauchten Elektroden müssen am Ende Arbeitstages wieder in den Aufbereitungsofen zurückgelegt werden. . LAGERUNG Folgende Lagervoraussetzungen sollten gegeben sein: . Der Ofen muß folgende Voraussetzungen aufweisen: a) Temperatur: 90°C .Mindesttemperatur von 15°C. Die Angaben für die Aufbereitung sind in diesem Katalog für jede ETC PH-Elektrode beschrieben.Relative Feuchtigkeit max. ELEKTRODEN IN DER VAKUUMVERPACKUNG Elektroden in der Vakuumverpackung bedürfen keiner besonderen Lagervoraussetzung.150°C b) Dauer der Aufbewahrung: max. 6 Wochen AUFBEREITUNG Eine Aufbereitung vor dem Einsatz der Elektrode wird notwendig. Ein zu hoher Feuchtigkeitsgehalt führt zu einem zu hohen Gehalt an Wasserstoff im Schweißgut. daß der Wasserstoffgehalt in dem Schweißgut nicht den erforderlichen Werten entspricht.Elektroden direkt aus einer verschweißten Packung ( Aufbereitung nicht erforderlich) .Elektroden in einwandfreiem Zustand und die sofort nach der Entfernung der Verpackung im Ofen gelagert werden. muß darauf geachtet werden. (normalerweise unter 10 ml H2 o 5 ml H2 pro 100gr. Schweißgut.D VORSCHRIFTEN FÜR DIE AUFBEWAHRUNG UND DIE AUFBEREITUNG DER ELEKTRODEN MIT ETC PH UMMANTELUNG Da besonders die Ummantelung der basischen Elektroden empfindlich auf Feuchtigkeit reagiert. FOLGENDE ELEKTRODEN WERDEN IN ÖFEN GELAGERT: . VORSICHTSMAßNAHMEN AM SCHWEIßORT Die Elektroden müssen am Schweißort in kleinen Öfchen bei einer Mindesttemperatur von 70°C und für maximal 8 Stunden aufbewahrt werden. Nach Öffnen der Vakuumverpackung gelten die aufgedruckten Hinweise und/oder die Anweisungen auf der Verpackung. wenn der Verdacht besteht. daß während der Lagerung oder der Handhabung eine übermäßige Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme vermieden wird. Die Vakuumverpackung darf jedoch nicht beschädigt sein. ELECTRODES 199 . bevor die Elektroden an die Schweißer ausgegeben werden. 50% LAGERUNG IN ÖFEN Die Lagerung im Öfen ist eine Zwischenlagerung. . . En el momento de la apertura de los paquetes. durante un máximo de 8 horas.P. es más o menos sensible a la reabsorción de humedad. Los parámetros de reacondicionamiento se encuentran descritos en el interior de este catálogo para cada tipo de electrodo. CONSERVACIÓN El ambiente en que los electrodos deben almacenarse deberá tener: . se ha de poner un especial cuidado durante su conservación y manipulado. ELECTRODOS ENVASADOS AL VACIO (V.Han sido trasladados desde contenedores sellados herméticamente (estos electrodos no necesitan ser secados) . ELECTRODES 200 .Han sido secados Los parámetros para el mantenimiento en los hornos son los siguientes: a) Temperatura: 90 – 150ºC b) Duración máxima del mantenimiento: 6 semanas máximo. Los electrodos sobrantes al final de la jornada de trabajo deberán retornarse al horno de mantenimiento.) Estos electrodos pueden ser almacenados en condiciones distintas a las de los electrodos con embalajes consideran en buenas condiciones y están transferidos directamente del almacén sin haber estado abiertos los paquetes.E CONDICIONES PARA LA CONSERVACION Y REACONDICIONAMIENTO DE LOS ELECTRODOS REVESTIDOS ETC PH Ya que el revestimiento de los electrodos. PRECAUCIONES EN EL PUESTO DE SOLDADURA (ESTUFAS DE MANTENIMIENTO) En el puesto de soldadura los electrodos deberán ser mantenidos en estufas con temperatura mínima de 70º. se debe prestar atención a las recomendaciones escritas por el fabricante sobre los paquetes. debido a la integridad de este tipo de paquetes. a fin de evitar este fenómeno que produciría un contenido de hidrógeno inaceptable en el depósito de la soldadura.una temperatura mínima de 15ºC .una humedad relativa máxima del 50% HORNOS DE MANTENIMIENTO Los hornos de mantenimiento serán utilizados para una conservación intermedia antes de la distribución de los electrodos entre los soldadores. SECADO Y REACONDICIONAMIENTO El reacondicionamiento de los electrodos antes de su uso es necesario si existe la sospecha de que no satisfacen los requisitos de contenido de hidrógeno difusible en el material depositado (normalmente inferior a 10 ml / H2 ó 5 ml / H2 por cada 100 gr de material depositado). sobre todo los de tipo básico. Los electrodos introducidos en los hornos son electrodos que: . M.Solid Wires Fili Pieni Massivdrähte Hilos Solidos G.A.W Gas Metal Arc Welding . . these wires were submitted to strict quality testing procedures in our laboratories and passed all the tests inposed by the most important Certification Bodies.GB ETC SOLID WIRES ETC Elettrotermochimica has developed a full range of products. débilmente aleados. D ETC MASSIVDRAHT La ETC Elettrotermochimica hat für das Verschweißen von hochfestem Kohlenstoffstahl. ha desarrollado. Alluminio e leghe Nichel. debolmente legati. son sometidos a un exigente examen de calidad en nuestros laboratorios.l. elevada resistencia. Estos hilos. Before being placed on the market. elevata resistenza. suitable to meet the widest requirements in MIG MAG welding. I ETC FILI PIENI La ETC Elettrotermochimica ha messo a punto. Questi fili. sono stati sottoposti ad un attento esame qualitativo. die den Bedürfnissen des MIG-MAGSchweißverfahrens gerecht werden. una gama de productos que puedan satisfacer las mayores exigencias en el campo de la soldadura MIG-MAG. leicht legierte Edelstahsorten. ed hanno superato le prove imposte dai più importanti Enti di omologazione. bases níquel.r. E ETC HILOS SOLIDOS ETC Elettrotermochimica s. recargue. Wires to weld Carbon. inoxidables. aluminio. high resistance. sowie für Aluminium und Nickellegierungen eine Reihe von Werkstoffen ausgearbeitet. stainless and low alloy steels. GMAW 203 . prima di essere messi sul mercato. una gamma di prodotti in grado di soddisfare le maggiori esigenze nel campo della saldatura MIG-MAG. per la saldatura di acciai al Carbonio. etc. Alluminium and Nickel alloys. wurden diese Drähte sorgfältig auf Qualität geprüft und in unseren Werkstätten zahlreichen. antes de ser lanzados al mercado. inox. para la soldadura de aceros al carbono. strengen Tests der Prüfungsvorschriften unterzogen. habiendo superado siempre las pruebas impuestas por las entidades de homologación más importantes. Vor ihrer Einführung auf den Markt. eseguito nei nostri laboratori. St E 290. St E 285. St 37. T St E 255. St 37. W St E 355. W St E 355.0.8.oder Mischgasatmosphäre. I Filo pieno dalle ottime proprietà meccaniche usato per la saldatura in atmosfera di CO2 o miscela. Buena calidad radiográfica y óptimo aspecto del cobrizado. Indicado para la unión de aceros no aleados y al Carbono. W St E 315. St 37. Gute Röntgenqualität. Suitable For St 33. Geeignet im Stahlbau für das Verschweißen von unlegierten und Kohlenstoff-Stählen. T St E 315.4.ETC SG1 Classification AWS A5. N.0.7.7 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. St E 255. St B 360. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 480 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min 0°C 90 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 204 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . ETC SG1 is indicated to weld fabrication. T St E 285. St E 315. St 44. St 52-3. St 60-2.7. St 50-2. U St 37. D Verkupferte Massivdrahtelektrode mit ausgezeichneten mechanischen Eigenschaften für das Schweißen in CO2.4. St 45.5 max Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0. St E 240. St E 320.4.035 max P 0. T St E 285.7. St 44. St 35. St 44. St E 210. T St E 255.025 max Cu 0. St E 355.07 Mn 0.025 max Nb Ta F. St 52.8. W St E 315. Excellent mechanical properties. T St E 355. T St E 315. no-alloyed and carbon steels. Buona qualità radiografica ottimo aspetto della ramatura.0.0.63 S 0. St 52. E Hilo sólido de óptimas propeidades mecánicas utilizado para soldadura con atmósfera de CO2 o mezcla. W St E 285.18: ER 70S-3 EN Welding Positions Approvals 440: G3Si1 GB Solid wire suitable to weld in CO2 or Mix conditions. Good x-ray quality and excellent coating appearance. Indicato nelle carpenterie per l'unione di acciai non legati ed al carbonio.7.87 Si 0. T St E 355. W St E 255. 18: ER 70S-6 F. T St E 285. ETC SG2 is indicated to weld fabrication. H II. St E 285. Indicado para la unión de aceros no aleados y al Carbono.7. non-alloyed and carbon steels.07 Mn 1. St 50-2.8.45 Si 0. St E 210. W St E 255. Gute Röntgenqualität. St 44. Excellent mechanical properties.01 Cu 0.oder Mischgasatmosphäre. Suitable For St 33. St E 240. U St 37. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 510 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 430 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -29°C 27 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 205 . St 37. St B 360. St 37. St 44. Good x-ray quality and excellent coating appearance. W St E 355.7. Geeignet im Stahlbau für das Verschweißen von unlegierten und Kohlenstoff-Stählen. 19 Mn 5.7. T St E 355.0. T St E 315. St 60-2.04 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW Classification AWS A5. T St E 255. St E 315.7 TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. St 52-3. Buona qualità radiografica ottimo aspetto della ramatura D Verkupferte Massivdrahtelektrode mit ausgezeichneten mechanischen Eigenschaften für das Schweißen in CO2.01 P 0. N. E Hilo sólido de óptimas propeidades mecánicas utilizado para soldadura con atmósfera de CO2 o mezcla. St E 320.4. St 45.8. St 52. W St E 285 W St E 315. Indicato nelle carpenterie per l'unione di acciai non legati ed al carbonio. St E 255. St E 290. St 35.0. Buena calidad radiográfica y óptimo aspecto del cobrizado. 17 Mn 4. H I.4.4. St 52. I Filo pieno dalle ottime proprietà meccaniche usato per la saldatura in atmosfera di CO2 o miscela.ETC SG2 EN Welding Positions Approvals DB 440: G 42 2 M G3 Si1 LRS RINA Applications and Caratteristics GB Solid wire suitable to weld in CO2 or 80% Ar-20% CO2 conditions.0. St E 355. St 37.8 S 0. St 44.7.0. manganeso y de alta resistencia típo Fe 490 Fe 510. für das Schweißen an Geräten für die Erdreichbewegung und Konstruktionen.ETC SG3 Classification AWS A5. D Verkupferte Massivdrahtelektrode. N. movimento terra e costruzione. earthmoving and construction site work.oder Mischgasatmosphäre Ar/CO2. Einzusetzen unter CO2.7 Si 1 S 0. Geeignet im Stahlbau. Suitable for high strength carbon-managese steels types Fe 490 Fe 510. E Debe utilizarse con protección de gas CO2 o mezcla. I Da utilizzarsi con protezione di gas CO2 o miscele Ar/CO2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 440 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 -29°C 27 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 206 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Idoneo para aceros al carbono . Typ Fe 490 Fe 510. movimiento de tierra y construcción en general.02 max Cu 0.25 max Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.08 max Mn 1.03 max P 0. Suited for metal structural work. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.18: ER 70S-6 EN Welding Positions Approvals DB 440: G4 Si1 RINA GB Use with CO2 or mixed Ar/CO2 shielding gas. Indicado para trabajos de la industria. Adatto per lavori di carpenteria. Indicato per acciai al carbonio-manganese ad alta resistenza tipo Fe 490 Fe 510. Geeignet für hochfeste Kohlenstoff-Mangan-Stähle. 19 Mn 5 W St E 315.0. W St E 355. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 500 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 -29°C 27 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 207 GMAW EN Welding Positions . 17 Mn 4.8. Sehr gute Röntgenqualität.4.0. H I.ETC 6000 Classification AWS A5. St 37. T St E 355.025 max P 0.7. St 37. St E 320.4.18: ER 70S-6 Approvals ABS 440: G3 Si1 CONTROLAS DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB GL Solid wire suitable to weld in CO2 or 80% Ar-20% CO2 conditions. T St E 255. non-alloyed and carbon steels. St E 210.7.6 Si 0. St 37. St 44. E Hilo sólido de óptimas propiedades mecánicas usado para soldadura en atmósfera de CO2 o mezcla.3 max Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. H II. St 44. St 44. St 60-2. Good x-ray quality and excellent coating appearance. Buena calidad radiográfica.oder Mischgasatmosphäre. St 52. St 50-2. St 52-3. T St E 315. D Verkupferte Massivdrahtelektrode mit ausgezeichneten.3-1.0. I Filo pieno dalle ottime proprietà meccaniche usato per la saldatura in atmosfera di CO2 o miscela. ETC 6000 is indicated to weld fabrication. T St E 285. Indicato nelle carpenterie per l'unione di acciai non legati ed al carbonio. Suitable For U St 37. mechanischen Eigenschaften für das Schweißen in CO2.0 St 45. St E 240. Findet Einsatz in der Schmiede für das Verschweißen von unlegierten Baustählen und Kohlenstoffbaustählen. St E 290. Indicado en la unión de aceros no aleados y al Carbono. N.7-1 S 0. Buona qualità radiografica ottimo aspetto della ramatura. Excellent mechanical properties.025 max Cu 0. Optimo aspecto del cobrizado.13 Mn 1.7. LRS TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.06-0.7 St 33. St E 355. T St E 355. St 60-2. buena calidad radiográfica. St 52-3. St 52. N. St E 285.29°C 27 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 208 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . ETC 6000CF is indicated to weld fabrication. Indicato nelle carpenterie per l'unione di acciai non legati ed al carbonio. E Hilo sólido no cobrizado con óptimas propiedades mecánicas usado para soldadura en atmósfera de CO2 o mezcla. St 45. Excellent mechanical properties.ETC 6000 CF Classification AWS A5.7.7 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.7. St E 240.4.8. St 50-2. St 37.4. non-alloyed and carbon steels.12 Mn 1. St E 290.75-1. I Filo pieno non ramato dalle ottime proprietà meccaniche usato per la saldatura in atmosfera di CO2 o miscela. T St E 315. St E 255.18: ER 70S-6 EN Welding Positions Approvals 440: G42 2 M G3 Si1 GB Copper free solid wire. 17 Mn 4. St B 360. W St E 285. Eignet sich im Metallbau zur Verbindung von unlegierten und Kohlenstoffstählen. St 33. St E 315. Buona qualità radiografica.0. T St E 285. Gutes Röntgenverhalten.0. St 44.0. W St E 315. St 37. W St E 255. St E 210. T St E 255. W St E 355. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 510 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 430 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min . 19 Mn 5.4-1. St 44. die zum Verschweißen in Kohlendioxid-Umgebung oder Mischgasatmosphäre verwendet wird.7 Si 0. D Unverkupferte Massivdrahtelektrode mit optimalen mechanischen Eigenschaften.7. St 35.7.0. St 44.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.8. H I.03 max P 0. Indicado para uniones de aceros no aleados y al carbono. St 37.1 S 0. St 52. suitable to weld in CO2 or 80% Ar-20% CO2 conditions. St E 320. Suitable For U St 37.06-0.4. H II. Geeignet für hochfeste Kohlenstoff-Mangan-Stähle. St 37.manganeso y de alta resistencia tipo Fe 490 Fe 510. St E 320. T St E 355. I Da utilizzarsi con protezione di gas CO2 o miscele Ar/CO2.7. St 37. LRS TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -29°C 47 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2. Suitable for high strength carbon-managese steels types Fe 490 Fe 510.4.ETC 6010 TP EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 440: G 42 3 M G3 Si1 DB DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB Use with CO2 or mixed Ar/CO2 shielding gas. St 52. Indicato per acciai al carbonio-manganese ad alta resistenza tipo Fe 490 Fe 510. St E 255. H II.4.015 Cu 0. W St E 355.4. Indicado para aceros al carbono . St E 355.0.7. St E 360.7. * GEDACHT FÜR TIME PROCESS-VERFAHREN. * TIME PROCES is indicate for ternary and quaternary mix Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 209 . St E 315. construcción y movimiento de tierras.9 S 0. Bauteile für Maschinen für die Erdreichbewegung. W St E 255.8. z. St E 290. St 35. St 45. 17 Mn 4. earthmoving and construction site work. movimento terra e costruzione. Adatto per lavori di carpenteria. St 52-3. St E 285. W St E 315.B. E De utilización con protección de gas CO2 o mezcla e indicado para trabajos industriales.08 Mn 1. St 44. St E 240. Suited for metal structural work. * DESARROLLADO PARA APLICACIÓN "TIME PROCES".0. St 52.oder Mischgasatmosphäre Ar/CO2. N. im Stahlbau.7. Fe 490 Fe 510. T St E 255.04 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW Classification AWS A5. * DEVELOPED FOR TIME PROCESS WELDING.65 Si 0.0. T St E 315. St E 210.8.7 H I. W St E 285. Geeignet für das Schweißen von Baustählen. * SVILUPPATO PER APPLICAZIONI TIME PROCESS. U St 37. St 44. St 37. St 44. Suitable For St 33. D Zum Einsatz unter CO2.0. T St E 285.015 P 0.18: ER 70S-6 F. E Hilo sólido para soldadura bajo protección gaseosa de aceros al carbono tipo COR-TEN.B.04 Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.03 max P 0. Patinox.6 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V 0.ETC CU Classification AWS A5.4 Ni 0. Tenaspo All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Resco 36.8 S 0.02 max Cu 0. Patinox. Le sue caratteristiche meccaniche consentono l' impiego anche su acciai ad elevato limite elastico. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Kohlenstoffstählen.B. ETC Cu mechanical properties allow its use on high yield strength steels.C.1 Mn 1. Sus características mecánicas admiten su empleo incluso sobre aceros de elevado límite elástico.C.C.. Patinox. Resco 36.28: ER 80S-G EN Welding Positions Approvals 440: G 46 2 MC G0 GB Solid wire suitable to weld carbon steels like COR-TEN. unter Schutzgasatmosphäre. Resco 36.B. Tenaspo etc.4 Si 0. Tenaspo. Seine mechanischen Eigenschaften erlauben einen Einsatz auch bei Baustählen mit hoher Streckgrenze. Resco 36. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -20°C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING COR-TEN STEELS 210 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Acciai tipo Cor Ten A. N.B. zB Stahltypen COR TEN A.C. Tenaspo ecc. Ensacor. etc. Patinox. Suitable For Cor Ten A. Aplicaciones: aceros tipo Cor-Ten A. Typ COR-TEN. I Filo per la saldatura sotto protezione gassosa di acciai al carbonio tipo Cor Ten. Low heat inputs are suggested to obtain a good performance. Se aconseja trabajar con baja aportación térmica con el fin de obtener mejores características. NAXTRA 70 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.HY80.08 Mn 1.HY80.7 S 0.54 Mo 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 690 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 610 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 16 min -20°C 70 J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING HIGH TENSILE STEELS 211 .ETC 116 Classification AWS A5. Für ein besseres Schweißergebnis. E Hilo sólido aleado Cr-Ni-Mo indicado para soldadura MAG de aceros de elevada resistencia y del tipo T1 .4 Si 0.28: ER 100S-G EN Welding Positions Approvals 12534: G 55 2 M Mn 3 Ni Applications and Caratteristics Alloyed solid wire Cr-Ni-Mo suitable for MAG welding of high tensile strength steels like Tl -HY 80.02 Cu 0.03 P 0. Excellent mechanical properties.25 Ni 0. wird ein Schweißen unter geringer Wärmezufuhr empfohlen. N. Ottime proprietà meccaniche del materiale deposilato. I Filo pieno legato Cr-Ni-Mo impiegato nella saldatura MAG di acciai ad elevata resistenza e del tipo T1-HY80. D Massivdrahtelektrode mit Cr-Ni-Mo-Legierung. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften des Schweißgutes.2 Cr 0. Si consiglia di lavorare con bassi apporti termici al fine di ottenere migliori caratteristiche.52 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. Geeignet für das MAG-Schweißverfahren bei hochfesten Stählen und Stahl des Typs TI-HY80. Optimas propiedades mecánicas del material depositado. Suitable For T1 . 55 Si 0.HY80. D Massivdrahtelektrode mit Cr-Ni-Mo-Legierung. NAXTRA 70 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.008 Cu 0.25 Cr 0. Ottime proprietà meccaniche del materiale depositato. Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften des Schweißgutes. Für ein besseres Schweißergebnis. wird ein Schweißen unter geringer Wärmezufuhr empfohlen.005 N Nb Ta - GMAW Classification AWS A5.3 As Sb Pb V 0. N. Se aconseja trabajar con baja aportación térmica con el fin de obtener mejores características.07 Mn 1. E Hilo sólido aleado Cr-Ni-Mo indicado para soldadura MAG de aceros de elevada resistencia y del tipo T1 . Geeignet für das MAG-Schweißverfahren bei hochfesten Stählen und Stahl des Typs TI-HY80.6 S 0. Suitable For T1 .05 Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al 0.HY80.5 Mo 0.ETC 116S EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 12534: G 62 3 M Mn 3 Ni DB TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Alloyed solid wire Cr-Ni-Mo used for MAG welding of high tensile strength steels and type Tl-HY80. Si consiglia di lavorare con bassi apporti termici al fine di ottenere migliori caratteristiche. Excellent mechanical properties.15 Ni 1. Low heat inputs are suggested to obtain a good performance. Optimas propiedades mecánicas del material depositado.890 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 690 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 16 min -40°C 50 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING HIGH TENSILE STEELS 212 .008 P 0. I Filo pieno legato al Cr-Ni-Mo impiegato nella saldatura MAG di acciai ad elevata resistenza tipo T1-HY80.28: ER 100 SG F. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 770 . XABO 90 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable For Tl . Optimale mechanische Eigenschaften des Schweißgutes mit einem Strecklimit = 900 N/mm2 und Bruchgrenze = 950 N/mm2.75 S 0. D Massivdraht für das Verschweißen von Cr-Ni-Mo schwach legierten Baustählen und Baustahl mit hohem Strecklimit.7 Si 0.55 Cr 0.HY80. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche del metallo depositato con limite elastico = 900 N/mm2 carico di rottura = 950 N/mm2. NAXTRA 70.ETC 120 Classification AWS A5. N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 900 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 850 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 16 min -20°C 70 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING HIGH TENSILE STEELS 213 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics .02 max Cu Ni 2 Mo 0. Optimas características mecámicas del metal depositado con límite elástico = 900 N/mm2 carga de rotura = 950 N/mm2.28: ER 110S-1(approx) EN Welding Positions Approvals 12534: G 89 2 M Mw 4 Ni GB Solid wire suitable to weld Cr-Ni-Mo low alloyed steels and high yield strength.1 Mn 1. Excellent mechanical properties yield strength 900 N/mm2 and tensile strength = 950 N/mm2.3 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati al Cr-Ni-Mo ed acciai ad elevato limite elastico.02 max P 0. E Hilo sólido para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados al Cr-Ni-Mo y aceros de alto límite elástico. 08 Mn 1. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados al 1% Ni y con grano fino para aplicaciones a baja temperatura.15 As Sb Pb V 0.6 S 0. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati al 1% Ni e a grano fine per applicazione a bassa temperatura.4 Si 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 640 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -60°C 35 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 214 .05 Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F.02 Cu Ni 1.ETC 1Ni Classification AWS A5. für den Einsatz bei niedrigen Temperaturen.15 Mo 0.28: ER 80S-Ni1 EN Welding Positions Approvals 440: G50 6M G3Ni1 Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable for low alloyed 1% Ni and fine grain steels for low temperature applications. N.02 P 0. D Massivdraht für das Verschweißen von schwach legierten Feinkornbaustählen mit 1% Ni. Suitable For ASTM A 333-67 A 334-67 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.3 Cr 0. für den Einsatz bei niedrigen Temperaturen.02 Cu Ni 2. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de acero debilmente aleado al 2% Ni y para aplicaciones a baja temperatura. N. TT SE 35 N E SE E 380 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. D Massivdrahtelectrode für das Verschweißen von niedriglegierten Feinkornbaustählen mit 2% Ni. l0 Ni 14. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften in unbehandeltem und spannungsarmgeglühtem Zustand. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche sia in condizioni as-welded che dopo trattamento termico di distensione. Suitable For 14 Ni 6.02 P 0. Excellent mechanical properties both in as-welded and stress relieved conditions. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati al 2% Ni e per applicazioni a bassa temperatura.8 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 620 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 510 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 25 min -60°C 40 J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 215 . Optimas características mecánicas tanto sin tratamiento térmico como con tratamiento térmico de distensionado.ETC 2Ni Classification AWS A5.28: ER 80S-Ni2 EN Welding Positions Approvals 440: G50 6M G2Ni22 Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable to weld low alloyed steels 2% Ni and low temperature applications.5 S 0.08 Mn 1. 16 Ni 14.1 Si 0. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de aceros con 0.28: ER 80S-D2 EN Welding Positions Approvals 440: G 46 A M G4Mo Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable to weld 0. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai 0. Das Schweißgut besitzt hohe Rißunempfindlichkeit.6 S weld deposit. Cold cracking . All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. El metal depositado presenta una alta insensibilidad a la fisuración. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 0.5 Mo.3 Ni 0. usato anche per la saldatura di acciai ad alta resistenza.02 Cu 0.9 Si 0. usado para la soldadura de acero de alta resistencia.5 Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. A 369-76.15 Mo 0.5 Mo steels and high resistant steels.ETC KV2 Classification AWS A5. N.5 Mo-Gehalt.09 Mn 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 690°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -20°C 80 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 216 .02 P 0.5 Mo. Suitable For ASTM A 335-76. Il metallo depositato presenta una alta insensibilità alla fessurazione. Geeignet auch für hochfeste Stähle. 25% de Cr o del tipo 10 Cr Mo 910-G5 ó 10 Cr Mo 910. ASTM A 369-76. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von niedriglegiertem Stahl mit 2.2 Mo 0.ETC KV3 Classification AWS A5.28: ER 90S-B3 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: G CrMo 2Si Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable to weld low alloyed 2.02 P 0. Optimas características mecánicas y depósito insensible a la fisuración. hohe Rißbeständigkeit und gute Roentgenqualität.25% Cr oder 10 Cr Mo 910-G5 und 10 Cr Mo 910. N. ASTM A 200-75. E Hilo sólido indicado para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados con 2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 690°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 620 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -20°C 70 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 217 . Good x-ray quality. Buone qualità radiografiche. 10 Cr Mo 910-G5.25% Cr steels or 10 Cr Mo 910-G5 or 10 Cr Mo 910 steels. Excellent mechanical properties and notch-free weld deposit.07 Mn 0. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76.5 Si 0.5 S 0. 10 Cr Mo 910 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Filo adatto per la saldatura dell'acciaio debolmente legato con 2.25% Cr o del tipo 10 Cr Mo 910-G5 o 10 Cr Mo 910.21 Ni 0. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e deposito insensibile alle fessurazioni. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.02 Cu 0. Buena calidad radiográfica.98 Cr 2.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. 5% Mo. Vorwärmen und von Schweißtemperatur von 250-300° C wird empfohlen.28: ER 80S-B6 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: G CrMo 5Si Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable to weld creep resistant 5. suitable for chemical and ammonia synthesis applications.5% Cr 0.5% Mo.5% Cr 0. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo con 5.07 Mn 0. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76. N. Pre. Si consiglia preriscaldo ed interpass di 250-300°C.5% Cr 0.heating and interpass 250-300°C are suggested. ASTM A 387-76 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. ASTM A 213-76d ASTM A 335-76. Eingesetzt in der chemischen Industrie und bei der Ammoniak-Synthese. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stählen mit 5.5 S 0.02 P 0.ETC KV4 Classification AWS A5.5% Mo und hitzebeständigen Stahlsorten. ASTM A 369-76. Se aconseja precalentamiento y temperatura entre pasadas de 250 .350ºC. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con 5. Empleado en la industria química y en procesos de síntesis del amoniaco.6 Mo 0.6 Cr 5. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 630 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 480 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 218 . ASTM A 200-75.5% Mo steels.5% Cr 0.7 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F.02 Cu Ni 0.5 Si 0. Impiegato nell'industria chimica e nei processi di sintesi dell'ammoniaca. Igualmente puede ser usado para la soldadura de aceros con 0. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 1.5% Mo. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de aceros con 1.5% Mo. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche. ASTM A 387-76 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5% Mo steels. ASTM A 213-76d ASTM A 335-76. Kann auch für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 0.9% Cr y 0.25% Cr e 0. N. ASTM A 369-76. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -20°C 70 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 219 .9% Cr und 0.ETC KV5 Classification AWS A5. Può essere anche usato per la saldatura dall'acciaio con 0. El depósito es insensible a la fisuración por solidificación. Il deposito è insensibile alle fessurazioni di solidificazione. Das Schweißgut ist rißunempfindlich während der Verfestigung.6 S 0.5 Cr 1. Cold cracking .3 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB weld deposit. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.5% Mo steels.5% Mo.02 P 0.5% Mo.25% Cr 0.25% Cr und 0.02 Cu Ni 0.6 Si 0.5% Mo eingesetzt werden. Excellent mechanical properties.25% de Cr y 0.9% Cr 0. I Filo impiegato per la saldatura di acciai con 1. Optimas características mecánicas.9% Cr e 0.28: ER 80S-B2 Welding Positions Approvals RINA Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable to weld 1. ASTM A 200-75.09 Mn 0. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76.5% Mo. It can also be used to weld 0.2 Mo 0. donde se requiera particularmente resistencia a la corrosión en presencia de hidrógeno. N. Questo tipo di acciaio è impiegato soprattutto nell'industria petrolifera per temperature di esercizio fino a +625°C.98 Cr 8. During welding the preheat and interpass temperature controls should be between 250-300°C. 1%Mo. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76.300ºC. ASTM A 369-76. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass di 250-300°C.025 max P 0. Besonders geeignet wo Korrosionswiderstand bei hoher Feuchtigkeit notwendig ist. aleados al 9% Cr y 1% Mo.2 max Mo 0.025 max Cu 0.1 Mn 0.28: ER 80S-B8 Welding Positions Approvals GB ETC KV7 is a solid wire developed for the welding of creep resistant steels containing 9%Cr and 1%Mo. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation 5d (%) 22 min Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 70 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 220 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Dieser Stahl wird vorwiegend in der Mineralöl-Industrie verwendet. ASTM A 200-75.5 S 0. con una presión relativamente baja. ma a pressioni relativamente basse.7-1 Si 0. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo. E Hilo sólido para la soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fluencia. bei Betriebstemperaturen bis +625°C und relativ geringem Druck.78 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Vorwärmen und Interpass von 250-300°C wird empfohlen. D Draht für das Verschweißen von warmfesten Stahl mit 9%Cr.04-0. für alle Schweißpositionen geeignet. ASTM A 213-76d ASTM A 335-76. legati al 9%Cr e 1%Mo. Es aconsejable precalentamiento y temperatura entre pasadas de 250 .35 max Ni 0.ETC KV7 Classification AWS A5. ASTM A 387-76 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. dove si richieda particolare resistenza alla corrosione in presenza di idrogeno. Este tipo de acero es empleado sobre todo en la industria petrolífera para temperaturas de ejercicio hasta +625ºC. acciai al Cr.4301 .4543 .75 Cr 19.4306 . E Hilo sólido inoxidable para soldadura de aceros disimilares.X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 590 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 221 .4541 . acciai da bonifica. I Filo inox per la saldatura di acciai dissimili. Indicado para la ejecución como capa tampón ó capa intermedia en plaqueados. aceros al Cr.8 S 0.X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18 10 1.03 P 0. N. aceros bonificados. Geeignet für die Bildung von Pufferlagen und Zwischenlagen bei Plattierung. Suitable For 1. al 13% Mn.X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1.4303 .ETC 307 Classification AWS A5. Depósito con notables características mecánicas y de resistencia al desgaste. aceros de blindaje. dissimilar steels All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 1. D Rostfreier Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Baustählen.03 Cu 0. ETC 307 is also indicated for buffer layers.1 Mn 7.15 Si 0.X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.15 Mo 0.45 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F.7 Ni 9.X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 AISI 307.4550 . Vergütungsstählen mit 13% Mn. Good mechanical properties and wear standing. al 13% Mn. 13% Mn steels. acciai da corazza a balistici. Schweißgut mit guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und Verschleißfestigkeit. Deposito con notevoli caratteristiche meccaniche e di resistenza all‘ usura. Indicato anche per l'esecuzione di strati cuscinetto e strati intermedi di placcature. Cr-Stahl und ballistischem Panzerstahl. Cr steels and ballistic steels. hardening and tempering steels.9: ER 307 (approx) EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: G 18 8Mn Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire suitable to weld dissimilar steels. Sehr hohe Rißunempfindlichkeit.4 Mo 0.9: ER 308H EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: G 19 9H Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like ER 308H suitable to weld austenitic stainless steels like AISI 304H and AISI 308H. I Filo inox del tipo ER 308H indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox austenici del tipo AISI 304H e 308H.X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18 10 1.ETC 308H Classification AWS A5. Sehr gute mechanische Beständigkeit und Korrosionswiderstand.4541 . AISI 304H und 308H. N.4543 .X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1.X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4301 . All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 222 . Suitable For 1.3 Ni 10.85 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F.02 P 0. z.9 Si 0. Notch-free weld deposit. Excelente resistencia a la corrosión y buenas propiedades mecánicas.4306 .X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 1.03 Cu 0. Elevada resistencia a la fisuración.X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5 Cr 20.X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1.45 S 0. Elevata resistenza alla fessurazione. E Hilo sólido inoxidable ER 308H indicado para la soldadura de acero inoxidable austenítico del tipo AISI 304H y 308H. geeignet für das Verschweißen von rostfreien austenitischen Baustählen. Excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties.4550 .4303 .06 Mn 1. Ottima resistenza meccanica e alla corrosione.B. D Rostfreier Massivdrahtelektrode des Typs ER 308H. 4541 . Elevada resistencia a la fisuración.X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 1. E Hilo sólido inoxidable del tipo ER308L indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos del tipo AISI304 y 308.X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1. Suitable For AISI 308 1. rostfreiem Stahl des Typs AISI 304 und 308. 1.2 Cr 20.4316 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like ER 308L suitable to weld austenitic stainless steels like AISI 304 and AISI 308. D Rostfreier Massivdrahtelektrode des Typs ER 308L. Optima resistencia mecánica y a la corrosión.4550 .X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18 10 1.4301 . Ottima resistenza meccanica e alla corrosione.02 P 0.8 Si 0. Excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties.45 S 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 540 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 223 .9: ER 308L Welding Positions EN 12072: G 19 9L Wr.02 Mn 1. Hohe Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Rißunempfindlichkeit. I Filo inox del tipo ER 308L indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox austenici del tipo AISI 304 e 308.2 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F.ETC 308L Classification AWS A5. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von austenitischem.4306 . Elevata resistenza alla fessurazione.4543 .4303 .025 Cu 0.X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1. Notch-free weld deposit. N.X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.2 Ni 10 Mo 0. rostfreiem Stahl des Typs AISI 304 und 308L. 1.ETC 308L Si Classification AWS A5.4316 Welding Positions Approvals TUV Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like ER 308L suitable to weld austenitic stainless steels like AISI 304 and AISI 308L Excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties.X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1.4306 . El contenido de Si = 0.085% le confiere unas mejores características de soldabilidad y estética. Ottima resistenza meccanica e alla corrosione.4541 .X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 1. Hohe Korrosionsbeständigkeit und mechanische Beständigkeit. I Filo inox del tipo ER 308L indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox austenici del tipo AISI 304 e 308L.8 Si 0.X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4301 .025 Cu 0.85%) garantiert verbesserte Schweißbarkeit und ein schönes Nahtbild.02 P 0. E Hilo sólido inoxidable tipo ER308L indicado para soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos del tipo AISI 304 y 308L.4550 .2 Mo 0. Suitable For AISI 308 1. Der Si-Gehalt (0.X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18 10 1.X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 99% Ar 1% O2 99%Ar 1%O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 224 .2 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F.025 Mn 1. Il contenuto Si = 0.85% conferisce una migliore caratteristica di saldabilità ed estetica. Optima resistencia mecánica y a la corrosión.X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1.4543 . Geeignet für das Verschweißen von austenitischem.4303 . D Rostfreier Massivdrahtelektrode des Typs ER 308L. Si = 0. N.9: ER 308L Si EN 12072: G 19 9 Lsi Wr.2 Ni 10.85 S 0.85% content improves weldability and appearance. 12%. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 99% Ar1% O2 99%Ar 1%O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 225 . Temperature up to 300°C. 1.2 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. Il filo pieno ETC 309 con C 0.03 P 0. 0. C.4332 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire suitable to weld austenitic-ferritic steels with 25% Cr and 12% Ni. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von austenitisch ferritischem Stahl mit 25% Cr und 12% Ni. Auf Anfrage ist der Massivdraht ETC 309 mit max C 0.03 Cu 0.02 Mn 1. 0. SUS 309S.12% está disponible bajo pedido.ETC 309L Classification AWS A5.12% max.45 Mo 0.2 Ni 13. è disponibile su richiesta. Suitable For AISI 309. N. E Hilo sólido inoxidable para la soldadura de aceros austeníticos-ferríticos. Este hilo con C máx. I Filo inox per la saldatura di acciai austeno-ferritici con 25% Cr e 12% Ni.45 S 0. X 6 Cr Ni 2314. Temperatura máxima de ejercicio 300ºC. con 25% Cr y 12% Ni.9: ER 309L Welding Positions EN 12072: G 23 12L Wr. Massima temperatura di esercizio + 300°C. Maximale Betriebstemperatur plus 300 C°.3 Cr 24. Upon request we can supply ETC 309 full wire with max.12% erhältlich. dissimilar steels All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.8 Si 0. E' indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici del tipo AISI 309.03 Mn 1.6 Si 0. ETC 309L Mo is generally used to weld dissimilar steels. Está indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos del típo AIS I309. N.5 Ni 15 Mo 2. Suitable to weld austenitic stainless steels like AISI 309. X 6 Cr Ni 2314. Dissimilar steels All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.9: ER 309L Mo EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: G 23 12 2L Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like 25Cr Ni l2 with low C and high Mo.7 Cr 22 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. Es muy empleado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares. E Hilo sólido inoxidable del tipo 25% Cr 12% Ni con bajo contenido en C y alto contenido de Mo. Suitable For AISI 309.03 Cu 0. Viene impiegato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili. SUS 309S. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem. austenitischem Stahl des Typs AISI 309. I Filo inox del tipo 25Cr 12Ni con basso contenuto di C e alto contenuto di Mo. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas 99% Ar 1% O2 99%Ar 1%O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 226 .ETC 309L Mo Classification AWS A5.03 P 0.45 S 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode des Typs 25 Cr und 12 Ni mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt und hohem Mo-Gehalt. Es wird für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Baustählen eingesetzt. Der höhere Si-Gehalt verleiht dem Draht eine gute Schweißbarkeit. E Hilo sólido inoxidable tipo 25Cr 12%Ni con bajo contenidoo en C.1 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 227 .3 Ni 13. Es wird eingesetzt für das Verschweißen von unterschiedlichen Baustählen und die Bildung von Pufferlagen.1 Mo 0.02 Mn 1.5 Si 0. El alto porcentaje de Si le confiere una óptima soldablidad.3 Cr 24. Viene impiegato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili e per strati cuscinetto.ETC 309L Si Classification AWS A5. Muy empleado en la soldadura de aceros disimilares y plaqueados. ETC 309L Si is suitable to weld austenitic stainless steels like AISl 309.03 Cu 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode des Typs 25Cr und 12Ni mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt. The increased Si quantity gives the wire an excellent weldability.03 P 0. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem. It is generally used to weld dissimilar steels and buffer layers. Está indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos del tipo AISI 309. E' indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici del tipo AISI 309. austenitischem Stahl des Typs AISI 309.85 S 0.9: ER 309L Si EN Welding Positions Approvals 12072: G 23 12 L Si Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like 25 Cr 12 Ni low C content. N. Suitable For AISI 309 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Filo inox del tipo 25Cr 12Ni con basso contenuto di C. La più alta percentuale di Si conferisce al filo un'ottima saldabilità. 9: ER 310 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: G 25 20 Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like ER310 with 25% Cr and 20% Ni. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione anche a caldo.ETC 310 Classification AWS A5. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 390 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 228 . I Filo inox del tipo ER310 con 25%Cr e 20%Ni indicato per la saldatura di acciai aventi la stessa composizione chimica o per acciai dissimili.03 Cu 0. Gute Korrosionsfestigkeit auch im Warmzustand.03 P 0. The deposit is totally austenitic. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Baustählen mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung oder unterschiedlichen Stahlsorten.8 Si 0. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione anche a caldo. Excellent high temperature corrosion resistance.Filo inox del tipo ER310 con 25%Cr e 20%Ni indicato per la saldatura di acciai aventi la stessa composizione chimica o per acciai dissimili. Optima resistencia a la corrosión incluso en caliente. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode des Typs ER 310 mit 25% Cr und 20% Ni. Deposito completamente austenico.3 Cr 26 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. Suitable For AISI 310. X 22 Cr Ni 2520 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Depósito completamente austenítico. Suitable for welding steels having the same chemical compositions or dissimilar steels. Deposito completamente austenico.12 Mn 1.6 S 0. N.3 Ni 21 Mo 0. E Hilo sólido inoxidable del tipo ER 310 con 25%Cr y 20%Ni indicado para la soldadura de aceros con la misma composición química o para aceros disimilares. Voll austenitisches Schweißgut. 9: ER 385 L Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire for welding of stainless steels type 904L. con bajo contenido de C. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione in miscele solforose e cloridriche.ETC 311 CuL Classification AWS A5. Suitable For AISI 904L. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai tipo AISI 904L altamente legati. E Hilo sólido para la soldadura de aceros tipo AISI 904L altamente aleado.Mischungen. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode zum Verschweißen von hochlegiertem Stahl des Typs AISI 904L mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt. Buona resistenza alla corrosione intergranulare.025 Mn 1. N. Gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung.025 P 0.02 Cu 1. Optima resistencia a la corrosión en mezclas sulfurosas y clorhídricas.4 S 0.15 Nb Ta F. Optimale Korrosionsbeständigkeit in Schwefeldioxidund Salzsäure.9 Si 0.1-0.5 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0. Very good resistance to intergranular and pitting corrosion.5 Ni 25 Mo 4. low carbon content. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 410 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -70°C 100 J min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 229 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. con basso contenuto di carbonio. Buena resistencia a la corrosión intergranular. Suitable to weld buffer layers of hard depositions.03 P 0. N. Indicado para la ejecución de capas intermedias en recargues duros. I Filo inox per la saldatura e la ricarica di acciai difficilmente saldabili.3 Mo 0.4 S 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen und das Auftragschweißen schwer schweißbarer Baustähle.25 Ni 9. E Hilo sólido inoxidable para la soldadura y recargue de aceros dificilmente soldables. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 650 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 230 . The excellent mechanical properties and the notch resistance make this wire of general use.1 Mn 1.8 Si 0.4337 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire suitable for welding or surfacing hardly weldable steels. Geeignet für die Schaffung von Zwischenlagen bei Hartmetallauftrag.2 Cr 29-30 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. Sus elevadas características mecánicas y la gran resistencia a la fisuración hacen que este hilo sea de empleo universal. Le elevate caratteristiche meccaniche e la grande resistenza alla fessurazione rendono questo filo di impiego universale.03 Cu 0. Adatto per l'esecuzione di strati intermedi di riporti duri. 1.9: ER 312 EN 12072: G 29 9 Wr.ETC 312 Classification AWS A5. Suitable For AISI 312 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Durch seine sehr guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und große Rißunempfindlichkeit findet dieser Draht als universal Werkstoff seinen Einsatz. 45 S 0. Gutes Nahtergebnis.02 P 0.08% erhältlich. Geeignet für das Verschweißen oder das Auftragschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung. (AWS A5.9: ER 316H) Suitable For AISI 316 L. Typ ER 316L mit 0.03%.9: ER 316L Welding Positions EN 12072: G 19 12 3L Wr. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 231 . Il filo pieno ETC 316H con C 0.9: ER 316H) I Filo inox tipo ER 316L con C 0. X 2 Cr Ni Mo 1712.9: ER 316H) E Hilo sólido inoxidable tipo ER 316L con C. Optimale mechanische und chemische Beständigkeit. Excelente estética del cordón.03% max.08%. (AWS A5. Ottima estetica. (AWS A5. Excellent mechanical and chemical resistance. X 2 Cr Ni Mo 1713 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08% está disponible bajo pedido. suitable for welding or surfacing stainless steels having the same chemical analysis. Excelentes características mecánicas y químicas. Auf Anfrage ist der Massivdraht ETC 316H mit max C 0.4430 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like ER 316L with C 0.025 Cu 0. máx.03% max Kohlenstoff.02 Mn 1. 1. Excellent appearance. N. C. Upon request we can supply ETC 316H full wire with max. 0. Indicado en la soldadura y recargue de aceros inoxidables con igual composición química. El hilo ETC 316L con C máx.ETC 316L Classification AWS A5.3 Mo 2.2 Ni 12. è disponibile su richiesta (AWS A5.6 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. 0. indicato nella saldatura o ricarica di acciai inox con uguale composizione chimica.9: ER 316H) D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode.08% max. 0.03% max.4 Si 0. Ottima resistenza meccanica e chimica. Good mechanical and chemical resistance. indicado en la soldadura o recargue de aceros inoxidables con igual composición química. Suitable For Vessels.02 max Cu Ni 17 Mo 3 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0.ETC 316L N Classification DIN 8556: 20 16 3 Mn L Welding Positions Approvals RINA GB Stainless steel solid wire like ER 316L with N.oder Auftragschweißen korossionsbeständiger Stähle und 5 % Nickel-Stähle.9 S 0. Hohe mechanische und chemische Beständigkeit. ähnlich ER 316L mit Stickstoff.02 max P 0. boiler fabrication. zum Schweißen von korrossionsbeständigen Stählen.02 Mn 7 Si 0. E Hilo sólido inoxidable tipo ER 316L con añadido de N. D Massivdrahtelektrode. I Filo inox tipo ER 316L con aggiunta di azoto.15 Nb Ta F. Ottima resistenza meccanica e chimica. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. indicato nella saldatura o ricarica di acciai inox e acciai al 5% di Ni. Optima resistencia mecánica y química. N. suitable for welding or hardfacing stainless steels and 5% Ni steels. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 580 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 38 -120°C 47 Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 232 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . geeignet zum Verbindungs. Excellent appearance.02 Mn 1. indicato nella saldatura o ricarica di acciai inox con uguale composizione chimica. Typ ER 316L mit 0.8 Si 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode. Optimale mechanische und chemische Beständigkeit. Suitable For AISI 316 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.85% Si.025 Cu 0.4430 Welding Positions Approvals TUV Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire like ER 316 with C 0. Ottima resistenza meccanica e chimica. 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 510 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 20°C 47 Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 233 .85% de Si.2 Ni 12 Mo 2. I Filo inox tipo ER 316L con C 0. 0.03% max and Si 0.7 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. suitable for welding or surfacing stainless steels having the same chemical analysis. Excellent mechanical and chemical resistance.85 S 0. Ottima estetica. Excelente estética del cordón.9: ER 316L Si EN 12072: G 19 12 3L Si Wr. Gutes Nahtergebnis. indicado para soldadura o recargue de aceros inoxidables con igual composición química. Optima resistencia mecánica y química. Geeignet für das Verschweißen oder das Auftragschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung.02 P 0.03%max C und 0.85 %.ETC 316L Si Classification AWS A5.85%. E Hilo sólido inoxidable tipo ER 316L con C máx.03% y 0. N.03%max con Si 0. Das Vorhandensein von Stabilisierern verbessert die Oxidationsfestigkeit des Auftrags. Pipes fabrications.4576 Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire suitable to weld stabilised austenitic steels like AISI 318.75 Si 0.7 GMAW GB F. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode zum Verschweißen von austenitischem stabilisiertem AISI 318-Stahl.02 Cu 0. Welding Positions Approvals 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 234 . boilers fabrication including for chemical industry.6 Mo 2.015 P 0.25 Ni 12. N. I Filo inox per la saldatura di degli acciai austenitici stabilizzati del tipo AISI 318.ETC 318 Si Classification EN 12072: 19 12 3 Nb Si Wr.6 Cr 19.85 S 0. Vessels. La presencia de estabilizantes mejora la resistencia a la oxidación del depósito.07 Mn 1. E Hilo sólido inoxidable para la soldadura de aceros austeníticos estabilizados del tipo AISI 318. La presenza di stabilizzanti migliora la resistenza all’ossidazione del deposito. Suitable For Metal working industry. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.13 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta 0. Nb + Ta improve the weld deposit oxidation resistance. 4 GMAW GB F.4551 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Stainless solid wire suitable to weld stabilised austenitic steels like AISI 321 and 347. La presencia de estabilizantes mejora notablemente la resistencia a la oxidación del depósito.03 Cu Ni 10 Mo 0. Typ AISI 321 und 347. Der Stabilisator verbessert die Oxydationsbeständigkeit des Auftrages. Nb+Ta improve the weld deposit oxidation resistance. AISI 321 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. 1. I Filo inox per la saldatura degli acciai austenici stabilizzati.05 Mn 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 235 .75 Cr 19. N.ETC 347 Classification AWS A5. austenitischen Stählen. X 6 Cr Ni Nb 1811.45 S 0.03 P 0.6 Si 0.9: ER 347 Welding Positions EN 12072: G 19 9Nb Wr. Suitable For AISI 347. del tipo AISI 321 e 347.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta 0. La presenza dello stabilizzante migliora notevolmente la resistenza all'ossidazione del deposito. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von stabilisierten. E Hilo sólido inoxidable para soldadura de aceros austeníticos estabilizados del tipo AISI 321 y 347. 06 Mn 0. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai serie AISI 410 Ni Mo.7 Ni 5 Mo 0.9: ER 410 NiMo EN Welding Positions Approvals 12072: W 13 4 Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire to weld steels AISI 410 Ni Mo.ETC 410 NiMo Classification AWS A5.6 Si 0.5 S 0.hardening steels and usually require pre-heating and stress relieved treatments in order to obtain ductile metals. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 760 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min 20°C 47J Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 236 . Diese Stahlsorten sind selbsthärtend und müssen daher für eine ausreichende Dehnbarkeit der Naht. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stählen mit AISI 410 Ni Mo. N. Tali acciai sono del tipo autotemprante e pertanto richiedono trattamenti di preriscaldo e di distensione al fine di ottenere delle saldature con sufficiente duttilità.03 P 0. vorgewärmt und vorgestreckt werden.03 Cu 0. These are self. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable For Chemical and petrochemical hard facing. E Hilo sólido para la soldadura de aceros serie AISI 410 Ni Mo.7 Cr 12. Tales aceros son del tipo autotemplados y por tanto requieren tratamientos de precalentamiento y distensionado a fin de obtener una soldadura con suficiente ductilidad.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. 03 max Mn 0.7 max Cr 13.0. è disponibile su richiesta.Tali acciai sono del tipo autotemprante e pertanto richiedono trattamenti di preriscaldo e di distensione al fine di ottenere delle saldature con sufficiente duttilità.08%. Auf Anfrage ist der Massivdraht ETC 410 mit max C 0. These are self.5 max S 0.08%.ETC 410L Classification AWS A5.Tales aceros son del tipo autotemplados y por tanto requiere tratamiento de precalentamiento y de distensionado a fin de obtener una soldadura con suficiente ductilidad. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min 20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 237 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . N.08% está disponible bajo pedido. El hilo ETC 410 con C máx.hardening steels and usually require pre-heating and stress relieved treatments in order to obtain ductile metals. Diese Stahlsorten sind selbsthärtend und müssen daher für eine ausreichende Dehnbarkeit der Naht. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai al 12% Cr (AISI 410). 1.03 max P 0. X 12 Cr 13 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable For AISI 410. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de aceros al 12% Cr (AISI410).4 max Si 0.03 max Cu 0.6 max Mo 0.9: ER 410 EN 12070: G 13L Wr. vorgewärmt und vorgestreckt werden.5 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Il filo pieno ETC 410 con C 0. Upon request we can supply ETC 410 solid wire with max C 0.4009 Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire to weld 12%Cr steels (AISI 410).08% max.2 max Ni 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stählen mit 12% Cr (AISI 410). 9: ER 420 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12072: G 13L GB Solid wire to weld steels AISI 420. por lo que requieren tratamiento de precalentamiento y de distensionado. Tali acciai sono del tipo autotemprante e pertanto richiedono trattamenti di preriscaldo e di distensione al fine di ottenere delle saldature con sufficiente duttilità.4 S 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stählen mit AISI 420.45 Si 0.025 P 0. a fin de obtener una soldadura con la suficiente ductilidad.03 Cu 0.2 Cr 13. Diese Stahlsorten sind selbsthärtend und müssen daher für eine ausreichende Dehnbarkeit der Naht. N.45 Mo 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min 20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 238 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . These are self.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.2 Ni 0.3 max Mn 0. que son del tipo autotemplante. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai serie AISI 420. vorgewärmt und vorgestreckt werden. X 12 Cr 13 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.ETC 420 Classification AWS A5. E Hilo sólido para la soldadura de aceros de la serie AISI 420. Suitable For AISI 410.hardening steels and usually require pre-heating and stress relieved treatments in order to obtain ductile metals. um eine ausreichend flexible Naht für die nachfolgende mechanische Bearbeitung zu schaffen.45 max Ni 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 770°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 450 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min 20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 98% Ar 2% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 239 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics .9: ER 430 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12072: G 17 GB Solid wire suitable for welding of 15-17% Cr steels (AISI 430).ETC 430 Classification AWS A5. Diese Stahlsorten sind für das Lufthärten vorgesehen und verlangen daher ein Vorwärmen und eine Vordehnung. Tali tipi di acciaio sono previsti per la tempra in aria e richiedono pertanto dei trattamenti di preriscaldo e di distensione al fine di ottenere delle saldature di sufficiente duttilità per la lavorazione meccanica. Suitable For AISI 430. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai al 15-17% Cr (AISI 430).6 Si 0.055 max Mn 0.03 max Cu 0.4 S 0.45 Mo 0. N.64 Cr 17 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Tales tipos de aceros están previstos para su temple al aire y requieren por tanto de tratamiento de precalentamiento y de distensionado a fin de obtener la suficiente ductilidad para su mecanizado.03 max P 0. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 15-17% Cr (AISI 430). E Hilo sólido para la soldadura de aceros al 15-17% Cr (AISI 430). This kind of steel has been developed for air hardening and need therefore pre-heating and stress relieving treatments in order to obtain a suitable ductility to allow mechanical working. 025 Cu Ni 9.15 Mo 3.15 Nb Ta - GMAW GB F. Temperature up to 280°C. Betriebstemperatur bis 280°C.012 P 0. Eine gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit und gute mechanische Eigenschaften des Auftrages hängen in bedeutendem Ausmaß von der angewandten Schweißtechnik ab. Temperatura de ejercicio hasta 280ºC.4462 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Filo pieno per la saldatura di acciai bifasici tipo Duplex. N.02 Mn 1. Suitable For Duplex 1. La óptima resistencia a la corrosión y las características mecánicas del depósito dependen mucho de la técnica de soldadura. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 800 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 600 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 26 min 20°C 80 J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 99% Ar 1% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 99% Ar 1% O2 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 240 .9: ER 2209 Welding Positions EN 12072: G 22 9 3NL Wr. D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Zweiphasen-Stahl.4462 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Solid wire suitable to weld two-phase Duplex. Temperatura di esercizio fino a 280°C.ETC 22 9 3L Classification AWS A5. La ottima resistenza alla corrosione e le caratteristiche meccaniche del deposito dipendono molto dalla tecnica di saldatura. 1.5 S 0. The excellent corrosion resistance and the weld metal mechanical properties depend on welding procedures. Typ Duplex. E Hilo sólido para soldadura de aceros tipo Duplex.25 Cr 23 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0.7 Si 0. 7 S 0. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen oder Auftragschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung.15 Mg Al N Nb Ta F. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 380 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 509 Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 38 Hardness HB Shielding Gas 99% Ar + O2 1% or 75% He + 25% Ar Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS 241 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . I Filo pieno indicato per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe con uguale composizione chimica. Buona estetica e ottima resistenza agli agenti chimici. E Hilo sólido indicado para la soldadura o recargue de aleaciones con igual composición química.1 Mn 1 Si 0. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Good appearance and excellent chemical resistance.25 max Ni 93 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 3 Fe 0. N.015 P 0. Gutes Nahtergebnis und hohe Beständigkeit gegen chemische Substanzen. Buena estetica y óptima resistencia a agentes químicos.03 Cu 0.14: ER Ni-1 Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire suitable to weld alloys with equal chemical analysis.ETC Ni 90 Classification AWS A5. Off-shore fabrication. Good appearance and excellent weld deposit properties.02 max V Sn Nb Ti 0. I Filo indicato per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe con uguale composizione chimica. dissalatori). Suitable For Vessels. N. E Hilo sólido para soldadura o recargue de aleaciones con iguales composiciones químicas. Gutes Nahtergebnis und hohe Beständigkeit gegen chemische und salzhaltige Substanzen (z. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen oder Auftragschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung. Excellent corrosion resistance in saline solutions. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 345 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 99% Ar 1% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS 242 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Entsalzungsanlagen). (Ej:desalinizadoras). Cladding All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.B.5 Mg Al N Nb Ta F.3 Fe 0. Buena estética y óptima resistencia a agentes químicos y marinos.ETC CuNi 70-30 Classification AWS A5.7: ER CuNi Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire suitable to weld alloys with equal chemical analysis. boiler fabrication (including the chemical/petrochemical industry).1 Mn 1 Si 1 S P Cu remaining Ni 30 Mo Cr As Sb Pb 0. Pipes fabrication. Buona estetica e ottima resistenza agli agenti chimici e marini (es. 1 Mn 4 Si 1 S P Cu 30 Ni 65 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 0. Optima estética y excelente resistencia a la ocrrosión en presencia de ambientes salinos. Cladding All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Aplicaciones en plantas desalinizadoras para aceros tipo MONEL. Suitable for desalination plant construction. MONEL type alloy.ETC NiCu70-30 Classification AWS A5. von Legierungen mit gleichen Nahteigenschaften und guter Korrosionsbeständigkeit. Suitable For Vessels. Entsalzungsanlagen. E Hilo sólido indicado para soldadura de recargue de aleaciones de igual composición. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen oder Auftragschweißen in salzhaltigem Umfeld. Applicazione tipo dissalatori per leghe tipo MONEL. Pipes fabrication. Off-shore fabrication. I Filo pieno indicato per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe con uguale composizione estetica e ottima resistenza alla corrosione in presenza di ambienti salini. N.14: ER NiCu7 Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire suitable to weld alloys with equal chemical analysis. boiler fabrication (including the chemical/petrochemical industry). All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 480 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 99% Ar 1% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS 243 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Anwendungsbereich z. Good appearance and excellent corrosion resistance in saline solutions.B.4 Mg Al N Nb Ta F. 2 max S 0. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen oder Auftragschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung. I Filo indicato per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe con uguale composizione chimica. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 380 Yield Strength 2 N/mm (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) Hardness HB Shielding Gas 99% Ar 1% O2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS 244 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . dissalatori). Gutes Nahtergebnis und hohe Beständigkeit gegen chemische und salzhaltige Substanzen (z. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.1 n° 2.05 Mn 1 Si 0. Desalinizadoras). Excellent corrosion resistance in saline solutions.ETC CuNi 90-10 Classification DIN 1733: PART. Buena estética y óptima resistencia a los agentes químicos o marinos ( ej.0873 Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire suitable to weld alloys with equal chemical analysis. Good appearance and excellent weld deposit properties. N.B.5 max Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Buona estetica e ottima resistenza agli agenti chimici e marini (es.5 min Fe 1. Entsalzungsanlagen).02 max Cu remaining Ni 9-11 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 1. E Hilo sólido indicado para la soldadura o recargues con igual composición química.015 max P 0. 5-3.5 max S 0. Excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.5 max Ni 67 min Mo Cr 18-22 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0.Up to 1100°C high temperature. Suitable For INCONEL 600.5 Si 0. E Hilo sólido para la soldadura o recargues de aleaciones inconel 600 o incoloy 800.03 max Cu 0. Optimas características mecánicas y a la corrosión. ETC 82 ist auch für das Verschweißen von artfremden oder schwer schweißbaren Stählen geeignet. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 380 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 25 min -196°C 55 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas 99% Ar + 1% O2 or 98% He + 2% Ar Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NI-CR ALLOYS 245 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . D Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen oder Auftragschweißen von Legierungen Inconel 600 oder Incoloy 800. ETC 82 is also suitable to weld dissimilar or hardly weldable steels.14: ER NiCr-3 Wr.01 max Mn 2. I Filo pieno per la saldatura o ricarica di leghe inconel 600 o incoloy 800. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e resistenza alla corrosione. INCOLOY 800 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.75 max Fe 3 max Mg Al N Nb Ta 2-3 F.ETC 82 Classification AWS A5. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften und Korrosionsbeständigkeit. ETC 82 è anche indicato nel caso di saldature di acciai dissimili o difficilmente saldabili. N. Welding Positions Approvals 2. ETC 82 está también indicado en los casos de soldaduras de aceros disimilares o dificilmente soldables.4806 GB Solid wire for inconel 600 or incoloy 800 alloys welding.015 max P 0. Dank seiner Hochwärmefestigkeit ist er bei sämtlichen Installationen einzusetzen. I Filo pieno a struttura austenitica.5 max Si 0. Buena resistencia a la corrosión intercristalina.4 max N Nb Ta 3.4 max Fe 5 max Mg Al 0.4831 Welding Positions Approvals GB Austentic solid wire. Good resistance to intercrystalline corrosion. Pipes fabrication. grazie alla sua buona tenuta alle alte temperature(1100°C) può essere utilizzato su tutte le installazioni soggette a trattamento termico. for use in cryogenic welding and 9% Ni steel welding. Cladding All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.15 F. Suitable For Vessels.15-2. E Hilo sólido con estrucutra austenítica que puede ser usado para soldadura criogénica de aceros al 9% Ni. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 750 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 440 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -196°C 55 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Ar + 2-3%CO2 .ETC 625 Classification AWS A5.5 max S 0.5 max Ni 58 min Mo 8-10 Cr 20-23 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb 4 Ti 0. Gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung. 2.14: ER NiCrMo-3 EN 12072: W 19 9 Nb Wr. Off-shore fabrication.012 max P 0. N.02 max Cu 0. boiler fabrication (including the chemical/petrochemical industry). thanks to the good resistance to high temperatures(1100°C) it can be used for any parts which will undergo heat treatments. die wärmebehandelt werden müssen. può essere utilizzato per saldature criogeniche e acciai al 9% Ni.Ar + 1-3% O2 – Ar + He Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING NI-CR ALLOYS 246 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . der für kryogenisches Schweißen und Verschweißen von Stählen mit 9% Ni verwendet werden kann. gracias a su buena capacidad a la alta temperatura(1100°C) puede ser utilizado sobre todas las instalaciones sometidas a tratamiento térmico.1 max Mn 0. D Austenitischer Massivdrahtelektrode. Buona resistenza alla corrosione intercristallina. 5% pure Al.4 Mg Al remaining N Nb Ta F.5 .3 S P Cu 0.55 Al. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione chimica. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften und gute magnetische Durchlässigkeit. Indicado para la soldadura de aleaciones de aluminio puro. Buone caratteristiche meccaniche e buona permeabilità magnetica.0259 GB Solid wire that deposits 99.0 . D Massivdrahtelektrode mit einem Schweißgut von 99.200 Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 19 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 247 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . N. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen und Reinaluminium. Buenas características mecánicas y buena permeabilidad magnética. Hohe Beständigkeit gegen chemische Korrosion.5% de Al puro. Adatto per la saldatura di leghe d'alluminio e alluminio puro.2 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. I Filo pieno che deposita alluminio al 99.10: ER 1100 Wr.3 Si 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 180 . E Hilo sólido con depósito 99. Good mechanical properties and magnetic permeability. Welding Positions Approvals 3.Al 99. Suitable For Al 99. Suitable to weld Al and pure Al alloys.55.ETC Al Classification AWS A5.Al 99. Excellent chemical corrosion resistance.05 Fe 0.05 Mn 0.230 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 150 .7. Optima resistencia a la corrosisión química.E-Al All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. D Massivdrahtelektrode mit einem Schweißgut von 4.ETC Al Mg 4. I Filo pieno che deposita una lega con 4. Welding Positions Approvals DB 3.15 max Fe 0. E Hilo sólido que deposita una aleación con 4. G-Al Mg 3Si. Good mechanical properties.5Mg.0259 GB Solid wire that deposits a 4.7. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche. Suitable For Al Mg 3.4 max Mg 4. Al Mg Si 0.25 max S P Cu 0.5 Al remaining N Nb Ta F.1 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0.10: ER 5183 Wr. Al Mg 5. N. Optimas características mecánicas. G-Al Mg 5Si. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 240 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 110 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 248 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Al Zn Mg 1.1 max Ni Mo Cr 0.5% Mg alloy. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.5% Mg.5Mn Classification AWS A5.5% di Mg. Al Mg 1SiCu. Al Mg Mn.8 Si 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0. G-AlMg10. 7. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0.1 Si 0.1 Fe 0.ETC Al Mg 5 Classification AWS A5. Good mechanical properties. I Filo pieno che deposita una lega con 5% di Magnesio.3556 LRS RINA Applications and Caratteristics GB Solid wire that deposits a 5% Mg alloy. D Massivdrahtelektrode mit einem Schweißgut von 5% Magnesium. G-Al Mg 3Si. Suitable For Al Mg 3. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 240 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 110 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 249 GMAW Wr. Optimas características mecánicas. Al Mg Mn.1 Ni Mo Cr 0. G-AlMg10. Welding Positions . Al Mg 5. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche.3 Mg 5 Al remaining N Nb Ta F. N.1 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. Al Mg 1SiCu. E Hilo sólido que deposita una aleación con 5% Mg.10: ER 5356 Approvals DB 3.2 S P Cu 0. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften. Al Zn Mg 1. Al Mg Si 0. G-Al Mg 5Si. 5. Al Mg Si0.8. Al MgSi1. I Filo pieno che deposita una lega con 5% di Si.05 Al remaining N Nb Ta F. Ottima saldabilità e buone caratteristiche meccaniche. Gute Schweißbarkeit und gute mechanische Eigenschaften.05 Si 5 S P Cu 0. Al Mg Si 0. N. D Massivdrahtelektrode mit einem Gehalt mit 5% Si. E Hilo sólido que deposita una aleación con 5% de Si. Al Cu Mg. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 120 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 40 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 8 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR WELDING ALUMINUM 250 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics . Optima soldabilidad y buenas carácterísticas mecáncias.2 Fe 0.ETC Al Si 5 Classification AWS A5. Welding Positions Approvals 3.2245 GB Solid wire that deposits a 5% Si alloy. Excellent welding characteristics and good mechanical properties. Al Zn Mg.3 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0.10: ER 4043 Wr. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0. Suitable For Al Si5.8 Mg 0. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das verschleißfeste Auftragschweißen zur Regenerierung von abrasionsbeständigen Oberflächen. E Hilo sólido para recargue antidesgaste indicado para recargar superficies que deben ser expuestas a la abrasión. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) As Welded Hardness HB 320-380 Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR HARDFACING 251 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics .15 Mn 1. Se aconseja en algunos casos el uso de capa tampón. In some cases the use of a buffer layer is suggested. Si consiglia in alcuni casi uno strato cuscinetto. Las características de dureza se obtienen en condiciones de material de aporte puro. Das Schweißgut nimmt eine hohe Härte an. Le caratteristiche di durezza si ottengono in condizioni di solo materiale d'apporto.8 S P Cu Ni Mo 1 Cr 6 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. I Fili pieni per riporti antiusura indicati per pristinare superfici che devono essere sottoposte ad abrasioni.ETC 350 Classification Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire for hardfacing suitable to restore surfaces to be subjected to abrasive wear. N. In einigen Fällen werden Zwischenschichten empfohlen. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. und der Auflegierungseffekt hängt stark von den gewählten Schweißdaten ab.1 Si 0. 320-380 Hb is obtained in all weld metal conditions. E Hilo sólido para recargue antidesgaste indicado para el plaqueado superficial que debe ser expuesto a la abrasión.2 As Sb Pb V 0. In some cases the use of a buffer layer is suggested. D Massivdrahtelektrode für das verschleißfeste Auftragschweißen zur Regeneration von abrasionsbeständigen Oberflächen.ETC 650 Classification Welding Positions Approvals GB Solid wire for hardfacing suitable to restore surfaces to be subjected to abrasive wear. Si consiglia in alcuni casi uno strato cuscinetto. 570-660 Hb is obtained in all weld metal conditions. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) As Welded Hardness HB 570-660 Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 253 SOLID WIRES FOR HARDFACING 252 GMAW Applications and Caratteristics .1 S P Cu Ni Mo 1.4 Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Le caratteristiche di durezza si ottengono in condizioni di solo materiale d'apporto. N.4 Cr 5. Das Schweißgut nimmt eine hohe Härte an. und der Auflegierungseffekt hängt stark von den gewählten Schweißdaten ab. Las características de dureza se obtienen cuando se consigue un aporte de material puro. I Fili pieni per riporti antiusura indicati per ripristinare superfici che devono essere sottoposte ad abrasione.35 Mn 0. In einigen Fällen werden Zwischenschichten empfohlen.4 Si 1. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Solid Wires .Standard Packing Trade denomination D 200 Plastic K200 Basket (3 inner boxes) (3 inner boxes) R LW R LW D 300 Plastic K 300 Basket BS 300 Basket 52 R Daytona System R LW R LW LW Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 250 Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 250 ETC SG3 Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 250 ETC 6000 Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 250 ETC 6000 CF Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 250 ETC 6010 TP Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 250 Solid wires for welding non-alloy steels ETC SG1 ETC SG2 Kg 15 Solid wires for welding COR-TEN steels ETC CU Kg 16 Solid wires for welding high tensile steels ETC 116 Kg 16 ETC 116S Kg 16 ETC 120 Kg 16 Solid wires for welding alloy and low-alloy steels ETC 1Ni Kg 15 ETC 2Ni Kg 15 ETC KV2 Kg 15 ETC KV3 Kg 15 ETC KV4 Kg 15 ETC KV5 Kg 15 ETC KV7 Kg 15 Solid wires for welding stainless steels ETC 307 SOLID WIRES Kg 15 253 . Standard Packing Trade denomination D 200 Plastic K200 Basket (3 inner boxes) (3 inner boxes) R LW R LW D 300 Plastic R LW K 300 Basket R LW ETC 308H ETC 308L BS 300 Basket 52 R Daytona System LW Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 15 ETC 308L Si Kg 15 ETC 309L Kg 15 ETC 309L Mo Kg 15 ETC 309L Si Kg 15 ETC 310 Kg 15 ETC 311 CuL Kg 15 ETC 312 Kg 15 ETC 316L Kg 15 ETC 316L N Kg 15 Kg 15 ETC 316L Si Kg 15 ETC 318 Si Kg 15 ETC 347 Kg 15 ETC 410 NiMo Kg 15 ETC 410L Kg 15 ETC 420 Kg 15 ETC 430 Kg 15 ETC 22 9 3L Kg 200 Kg 15 Solid wires for welding Nickel and Cu-Ni alloys ETC Ni 90 Kg 16 ETC CuNi 70-30 Kg 16 ETC NiCu70-30 Kg 16 ETC CuNi 90-10 Kg 16 SOLID WIRES 254 .Solid Wires . Solid Wires .Standard Packing Trade denomination D 200 Plastic K200 Basket (3 inner boxes) (3 inner boxes) R LW R LW D 300 Plastic R LW K 300 Basket R LW BS 300 Basket 52 R Daytona System LW Solid wires for welding Ni-Cr alloys ETC 82 Kg 15 ETC 625 Kg 15 Solid wires for welding aluminum ETC Al Kg 6 Kg 6 Kg 7 ETC Al Mg 4.5Mn Kg 6 Kg 6 Kg 7 ETC Al Mg 5 Kg 6 Kg 6 Kg 7 Kg 6 Kg 7 ETC Al Si 5 Solid wires for hardfacing ETC 350 Kg 15 ETC 650 Kg 15 SOLID WIRES 255 . . Flux Cored Wires Fili Animati Bandelekttrode Hilos Tubulares F.A.W Flux Cored Arc Welding .C. . manufactured by ETC Elettrotermochimica. Il filo viene originato dalla piegatura e successiva saldatura di un nastro metallico. Durch dieses Verfahren wird absolute Dichte des Drahtes erreicht. The last operation is the coppering. Dies führt zu einer längeren Lebensdauer des Kontaktrohres und reduziert Spritzer.GB ETC TUBOLAR FLUX CORED WIRES The flux cored wires. consiguiéndolo mediante el plegado y soldadura continua de una pletina metálica. La sección del hilo es tubular. El cobreado le confiere al hilo una óptima protección contra la oxidación y garantiza un constante y perfecto contacto eléctrico entre el tubo portacorriente de la antorcha y el propio hilo: esto aporta una mayor duración del tubo portacorrientes y una disminución de las pérdidas. I ETC FILI ANIMATI TUBOLARI I fili animati prodotti da ETC Elettrotermochimica sono ottenuti con un particolare procedimento brevettato e per questo si distinguono da tutti gli altri fili animati. E ETC HILOS TUBULARES Los hilos tubulares producidos por ETC Elettrotermochimica se consiguen a partir de un peculiar procedimiento patentado que los distingue respecto de otros hilos tubulares. The wire section is tubular. Als letzter Vorgang erfolgt die Verkupferung. The wire is originated from the bending and the following welding of a metallic strip. D ETC FÜLLDRAHT Der Fülldraht der ETC-Elettrotermochimica wird durch ein patentiertes Verfahren hergestellt und unterscheidet sich dadurch von anderen Fülldrahtsorten. Die Verkupferung schützt den Draht vor Oxydation und garantiert einen konstanten elektrischen Kontakt zwischen Lichtbogen und Draht. poi viene riempito di flusso e quindi trafilato. Dieses geschweißte Rohr wird mit Schweißpulver ausgefüllt und gezogen. presentará unos niveles de hidrógeno difusible extremadamente bajos: 1-3 ml/100 gr. La ramatura conferisce al filo un'ottima protezione contro l'ossidazione e garantisce costantemente un perfetto contatto elettrico tra tubetto portacorrente e filo stesso: ciò porta ad una durata maggiore del tubetto porta corrente e ad una diminuzione delle perdite. In questo modo è costituita la tenuta stagna del filo. L'ultima operazione è quella di ramatura. La total estanqueidad del hilo inhibe completamente el paso de la humedad del ambiente externo. De este modo se obtiene un hilo estanco que posteriormente pasa a la fase final de cobrizado. el material depositado. por lo tanto. then filled up with flux and drawn. Er entsteht durch Biegung und anschließendes Verschweißen eines Metallbandes. das Schweißgut enthält daher einen sehr niedrigen Gehalt an diffusiblem Wasserstoff: 1-3 ml/100 gr. The coppering confers a good protection to the wire against oxidation and assures firmly a perfect electric contact between the feeding pipe and the wire: this leads to a longer life of the feeding pipe and a reduction of losses. La tenuta stagna del filo inibisce completamente l'ingresso dell'umidità da parte dell'ambiente esterno: il metallo depositato si presenterà così con un contenuto di idrogeno diffusibile estremamente basso: 1-3 ml/100 gr. FCAW 259 . La sezione del filo è tubolare. Durch die absolute Dichte des Drahtes wird eine spätere Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme verhindert. que es rellenada con flux y posteriormente trefilada hasta el diámetro deseado. are obtained with a particular patented process and therefore they distinguish themselves from all the other flux cored wires. The waterproof wire inhibits completely the pick-up of humidity from the surrounding area so that the welded metal will have an extremely low content of diffusible hydrogen: 1-3 ml/100 gr. In this way the wire is waterproof. 18: E 70C-6MH4 . Gute Roentgenqualität auch bei Wurzelnähten. Durch seinen schlackefreien Auftrag ist der Fülldraht ETC6103 besonders für das automatische Schweißen oder das Schweißen mit Robotertechnik geeignet. para el uso en aplicaciones automáticas o de robótica. ETC 6103. Suitable For St 33. this wire is well suited for gap bridging and positional welding. LRS RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.7 TM to St E 480.08 Mn 1.6 S 0.7 TM. E' possibile eseguire più cordoni di saldatura senza dover eliminare la scoria tra una passata e l'altra. H II. Geringer Spritzverlust und gleichmäßiges Nahtbild. Ottima qualità radiografica anche in fondo cianfrino. El depósito sin escoria da un rendimiento ideal a este hilo tubular con polvo de hierro. Weld with wire pointing towards the weld pool. B. little oxide formation on the weld surface . St 52-3. Cordón exento de proyecciones y aspecto uniforme. St 37-2. Metallpulver-Fülldraht. H I.02 max P 0. Il deposito senza scoria rende ideale il filo animato metal cored ETC 6103 in applicazioni automatiche ed in isole robotizzate.3 Si 0. Because of the easily controllable weld profile. D. X 42 to X 70 F. Optima soldabilidad tanto en arco corto como en arco spray. N. St 44-2. St E 290. ohne Entfernung von Schlacke. Buone caratteristiche meccaniche fino a -30°C. Es posible depositar más cordones de soldadura sin tener que eliminar la escoria entre una pasada y otra. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften bis minus 30°C. Almost spatter free in the spray-arc range. E.multipass welding possible without cleaning between runs. AH 32 bis EH 36 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 580 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -30°C 60 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 260 FCAW Classification AWS A5. Characteristic features are: good edge wetting. finely rippled welds. 17 Mn 4. Buenas características mecánicas hasta -30ºC. Optima calidad raiográfica incluso en pasada de raiz. notch-free weld transition. Cordone senza spruzzi e con maglia regolare.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Filo animato metal cored con ottima saldabilità sia in short arc che in spray arc. Shipbuilding steels A. ausgeführt werden. Es können mehrere Schweißabläufe hintereinander.ETC 6103 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758 : T 42 3 M M1 H5 BV CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB I D E DNV Metal cored flux cored wire with excellent welding properties with short and spray arc. Gute Schweißbarkeit in Kurz. Good restricting characteristic even with cold wire and. consequently suitable for robotic applications.und Sprühlichtbogen. para el uso en aplicciones automáticas o de robótica.85 S 0. ausgeführt werden. Geringer Spritzverlust und gleichmäßiges Nahtbild. St 44-2. St 52-3 F. consequently suitable for robotic applications. finely rippled welds. Optima soldabilidad incluso sobre juntas con presencia de òxidos superficiales. 17 Mn4 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 390 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 510 27 -20°C 50 min As Welded 540 460 24 -20°C 60 min Heat Treatment Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 261 FCAW Classification AWS A5. El depósito sin escoria da un rendimiento ideal a este hilo tubular con polvo de hierro. Good wetting also on oxided points. Gute Schweißbarkeit in Kurz.multipass welding possible without cleaning between runs. H II.6 Si 0. Cordone senza spruzzi e con maglia regolare. this wire is well suited for gap bridging and positional welding. Weld with wire pointing towards the weld pool.ETC 6104 EN Welding Positions Approvals DNV 758 : T 46 2 M M1 H5 GL LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Metal cored flux cored wire with excellent welding properties with short and spray arc. little oxide formation on the weld surface .02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - St 33.02 max P 0.und Sprühlichtbogen. Es können mehrere Schweißabläufe hintereinander. Good restricting characteristic even with cold wire and. ETC 6104. Almost spatter free in the spray-arc range. Il deposito senza scoria rende ideale il filo animato metal cored ETC 6104 in applicazioni automatiche ed in isole robotizzate. I Filo animato metal cored con ottima saldabilità sia in short arc che in spray arc. Ottima qualità radiografica anche in fondo cianfrino. Ottima bagnabilità anche su giunti con presenza di ossidi superficiali. Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 H I.18: E 70C-6MH4 . Es posible depositar más cordones de soldadura sin tener que eliminar la escoria entre una pasada y otra. St 37-2.1-1. E' possibile eseguire più cordoni di saldatura senza dover eliminare la scoria tra una passata e l'altra. Suitable For TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.55-0. ohne Entfernung von Schlacke. N. notch-free weld transition. D Metallpulver-Fülldraht. E Optima soldabilidad tanto en arco corto como en arco spray. Durch seinen schlackefreien Auftrag ist der Fülldraht ETC 6104 besonders für das automatische Schweißen oder das Schweißen mit Robotertechnik geeignet.08 Mn 1. Because of the easily controllable weld profile. Gute Roentgenqualität auch bei Wurzelnähten. Cordón exento de proyecciones y aspecto uniforme. Characteristic features are: good edge wetting. notch-free weld transition.ETC 6105 AWS A5. Weld with wire pointing towards the weld pool.multipass welding possible without cleaning between runs.5 Si 0.45 S 0.20: E71T-1MJH4 F. Good restricting characteristic even with cold wire and. consequently suitable for robotic applications.7 TM to St E 480.07 Mn 1. Buone caratteristiche meccaniche fino a -40°C. H II. Sehr gute Roentgenqualität auch bei Wurzelnähten. Optima calidad raiográfica incluso en pasada de raiz. St 44-2. Because of the easily controllable weld profile. Il deposito senza scoria rende ideale il filo animato metal cored ETC 6105 in applicazioni automatiche ed in isole robotizzate. El depósito sin escoria da un rendimiento ideal a este hilo tubular con polvo de hierro ETC 6105 para el uso en aplicciones automáticas o de robótica. FCAW Classification AWS A5. Almost spatter free in the spray-arc range.18: E 70C-6MH4 EN 758 : T 46 4 M M 1 H5 Welding Positions Approvals ABS BV CONTROLAS DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB LRS Metal cored flux cored wire with excellent welding properties with short and spray arc. Buenas características mecánicas hasta -40ºC. St 37-2. E' possibile eseguire più cordoni di saldatura senza dover eliminare la scoria tra una passata e l'altra. D. Durch den schlackenfreien Auftrag wird dieses Fülldraht ETC 6105 ideal für automatische Anlagen und Robotertechnik. St E 290. Cordón exento de proyecciones y aspecto uniforme.und Sprühlichtbogen.025 P 0. X 42 to X 70 Shipbuilding steels A. Es posible depositar mas cordones de soldadura sin tener que eliminar la escoria entre una pasada y otra. Ebenmäßige Schweißnaht. 17 Mn 4. Es können mehrere Schweißaufträge hintereinander ohne Schlackenentfernung vorgenommen werden. Characteristic features are: good edge wetting. H I. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften bis minus 40° C.7 TM. Sehr gute Schweißbarkeit im Kurz. finely reppled welds. Cordone senza spruzzi e con maglia regolare. D Metallpulver-Fülldraht. E Optima soldabilidad tanto en arco corto como en arco spray.025 Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - St 33. Ottima qualità radiografica anche in fondo cianfrino. E. AH 32 bis EH 36 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 Elongation 5d (%) PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520-620 As Welded 530 -650 460 Heat Treatment Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 27 -40°C 100 24 -40°C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 262 . N. I Filo animato metal cored con ottima saldabilità sia in short arc che in spray arc. this wire is well suited for gap bridging and positional welding. B. Suitable For RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. little oxide formation on the weld surface . St 52-3.Spritzfreier Auftrag. 03 max P 0.20: E 71T-1 MH4 EN 758: T 42 2 PM 1 H5 EN 758: T 42 0 PC 1 H5 Welding Positions Approvals ABS LRS GB Rutil flux cored wire. N. 17 Mn 4. easy slag removal. stable. D Rutil. Für das Schweißen unter CO2 -Atmosphäre oder Mischung geeignet. Deposita un cordón de óptimo aspecto y con escoria facilmente eliminable. stabiler Lichtbogen unter allen Arbeitsbedingungen. E Hilo tubular con características de rutilo.7 TM to St E 480.550 420 min 26 min 0°C 70 min Heat Treatment KV (J) Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 263 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .4 Si 0. Indicado para soldadura con protección tanto de mezcla como CO2.6 S 0. St E 290. H II. pratically spatter-free arc. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 430 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) As Welded Mix Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 510 . Arco eléctrico muy estable en cualquier condición de empleo y exento de proyecciones. Utilizzato per acciai al C-Mn ed a grana fine. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. For structures subject to low temperature: down to .20°C. welded under Ar/CO2 shielding mix.05 Mn 1.560 24 min -20°C 50 min As Welded CO2 500 . I Filo animato tubolare a caratteristica rutile. Spritzfreier.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Carbon steel H I. Indicato per la saldatura sia in miscela che in CO2.Fülldraht.ETC 6111 Classification AWS A5. Utilizado para soldaduras de aceros al C .Mn y de grano fino. Bildet eine schöne Schweißnaht mit leicht zu entfernender Schlacke. Deposita un cordone di ottimo aspetto e con scoria facilmente eliminabile.7 TM X 42 to X 70 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 F. Arco elettrico stabile in qualsiasi condizione di impiego ed esente da proiezioni di spruzzi. excellent bead appearence. Eingesetzt für das Verschweißen von C-Mn Feinkornbaustahl. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Lagerbehältern. thus increasing the deposition rate.05 max Mn 1. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Utilizado en la soldadura de tanques. good slag detachability. Little formation of spatter. scoria facilmente eliminabile. Gute Roentgenqualität.25 Si 0. auch im Fall von erhöhter Stromzufuhr.55 S 0. vertical storage tanks.Fülldraht mit schneller Schlackenverfestigung. D Rutil. Geeignet für alle Positionen. N.03 max P 0. Minima formazione di spruzzi.H II. escoria facilmente eliminable.7 TM H I.ETC 6112 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758: T 46 2 PC1H5 GL LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB The easily controllable weld pool means that excellent welding properties are obtained in all position when high currents are used. óptima calidad radiográfica. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.g. I Filo animato rutile con scoria a rapida solidificazione. Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni anche nel caso vengano impiegate elevate correnti di saldatura.20: E 71T-1 H5 .7 TM to St E 480. Ottima qualità radiografica. Indicado para soldadura en todas las posiciones donde se puede emplear elevada corriente de soldadura.600 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 min -20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 264 FCAW Classification AWS A5. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 530 . Geringe Spritzverluste. fine bead appearance and excellent x-ray quality. Also suited to welding in the transverse position e. In vertikaler Position mit einem Durchmesser von 1.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - X 42 to X 70 Carbon Steel St E 290. 17 Mn 1.2 ist Fallnahtschweißen möglich. Mínima formación de proyecciones. E Hilo tubular rutilo con escoria de rápida solidificación. Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 F. Indicato per la saldatura di serbatoi di stoccaggio. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 530 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 min -20°C 50 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 265 FCAW Classification AWS A5.7 TM St 33. St 52-3 F.4 mm. notch-free interface. In diesem Fall garantiert das ETC Massivdraht 6114 erhöhte Schweißgeschwindigkeit.03 max P 0. Ottima qualità radiografica. St 37-2. D Rutil.5 S 0.05 Mn 1. consequently giving a high deposition rate. I Filo animato rutile con scoria a rapida solidificazione. N. excellent welding properties in all positions. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Pipeline in Verbindung mit Orbital-Automation. Erlaubt auch den Einsatz bei erhöhter Stromzufuhr. fine bead appearance. porosity-free welds. Indicado para soldadura en todas las posiciones donde se puede emplear elevada corriente de soldadura. escoria facilmente eliminable. Indicato per la saldatura di serbatoi di stoccaggio. geeignet für das Schweißen unter Mischgas-Atmosphäre. When carrying out orbital welding the best results are to be achieved in the 6 o’clock position with wire dia. Partly and fully mechanised circumferential pipe welding is a particular strengh of this wire.2-1. Stabiler und spritzfreier Lichtbogen. good slag detatchability.Fülldraht.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - X 42 to X 70 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 H I. E Hilo tubular rutilo con escoria de rápida solidificación. St E 290. This allows all-position welding with high currents. 1. H II. óptima calidad radiográfica. St 44-2. scoria facilmente eliminabile. Suitable For GL LRS TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Minima formazione di spruzzi. Utilizado en la soldadura de tanques. Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni anche nel caso vengano impiegate elevate correnti di saldatura.7 TM to St E 480.20: E 71T-1MJH4 .ETC 6114 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758: T 46 2 PM 1 H5 BV CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB DNV Easily controllable weld profile. 17 Mn 4. Low spatter losses.2 Si 0. Mínima formación de proyecciones. 04-0. Geeignet für Stahlbau und Schiffbau.08 Mn 1. caldareria e cantieristica navale. D Nicht kupferplattierter Fülldraht zum Verschweissen von Metallbauteilen in mehrfacher Lage. 17 Mn 4. H II. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 .02 max P 0. calderería y construcción naval. F. Indicado para carpintería.7 S 0.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - St e 290.ETC 6114 CF Classification AWS A5. storage tanks and general applications. for welding in single or multipass technique.7 Si 0. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Gas de protección mezcla. I Filo animato tubolare non ramato per saldatura in multipass di strutture metalliche. St 52-3 Fine grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 H I.7 TM to St E 480. St 44-2. N. E Hilo tubular no cobreado para soldadura con multipasadas de estructuras metálicas. Ideal for shipbuilding application.2-1. Anwendung unter Formiergas.35-0. St 37-2.7 TM X 42 to x 70 St 33. Shielding gas Mix. Indicato per carpenteria. Utilizzo in miscela.680 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 min -20°C 70 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 266 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .20: E 71T-1 MH4 EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T 46 2 PM 1 H5 GB Copper free flux cored wire. fine bead appearance. excellent welding properties in all positions.D. Low spatter losses. St E 290. Mínima formación de proyecciones.4 mm. In diesem Fall garantiert das ETC Massivdraht 6114E erhöhte Schweißgeschwindigkeit.B. porosity-free welds. H II.ETC 6114E EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758: T 46 2 PM 1 H5 BV CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB DNV Easily controllable weld profile. N. D Rutil.7 TM X 42 to X 70 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 F. Stabiler und spritzfreier Lichtbogen. St 37-2.03 max P 0. Indicato per la saldatura di serbatoi di stoccaggio.630 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 min -20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 267 FCAW Classification AWS A5. E Hilo tubular rutilo con escoria de rápida solidificación. St 52-3 Shipbuilding steels A. This allows all-position welding with high currents. Suitable For GL LRS TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. geeignet für das Schweißen unter Mischgas-Atmosphäre. Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni anche nel caso vengano impiegate elevate correnti di saldatura.E. escoria facilmente eliminable y óptima calidad radiográfica.7 TM to St E 480.20: E 71T1 MH4 .2-1. Utilizado en la soldadura de tanques y equipos. When carrying out orbital welding the best results are to be achieved in the 6 o’clock position with wire dia. Indicado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones donde se puede utilizar elevada corriente de soldadura. 1. Erlaubt auch den Einsatz bei erhöhter Stromzufuhr. St 44-2. Ottima qualità radiografica.AH 32 bis EH 36 H I. scoria facilmente eliminabile. I Filo animato rutile con scoria a rapida solidificazione. good slag detatchability. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 500 . Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Pipeline in Verbindung mit Orbital-Automation.Fülldraht. consequently giving a high deposition rate. Partly and fully mechanised circumferential pipe welding is a particular strengh of this wire. 17 Mn 4.2 Si 0.5 max S 0. Minima formazione di spruzzi. notch-free interface.03 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - St 33.05 Mn 1. 02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - H I.D. for welding metal constructions in single or multipass technique. assenza di spruzzi. E Hilo tubular para la soldadura de una sola pasada o multipasadas en estrucutras metálicas. D Kupferplattierter Fülldraht zum Verschweißen von Metallbauteilen in einfacher oder mehrfacher Lage. Particolarmente indicato per impieghi in cantieristica navale soprattutto nella saldatura in posizione verticale discendente. facile rimozione della scoria.05 Mn 1. even without waving the torch in order to obtain small size beads.20: E 71T-1H4 . Shielding gas: CO2. consequently giving a high deposition rate. Besonders geeignet für den Einsatz im Schiffbau.650 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -20°C 70 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 268 FCAW Classification AWS A5. X 42 to X 70 St E 290. Excellent welding properties in all positions. spritzfrei.AH 32 bis EH 36 F.02 max P 0. I Filo animato tubolare ramato per saldatura in passata singola o multipass di strutture metalliche. Particularly designed for shipbuilding application. N.ETC 6119 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758: T 46 2 P C 1 H5 BV DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB GL Rutile seamless copper coated cored wire.7 TM to St E 480. fácil eliminación de la escoria. especially for vertical up welding. St 52-3 Shipbuilding steels A.45 Si 0. con arco stabile. St 44-2. Permette di realizzare alte velocità di deposito.7 TM Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 St 33. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 530 . Particularmente indicado para su empleo en astilleros. St 37-2. Permite realizar una alta velocidad de depósito con arco estable exento de proyecciones. vor allem beim vertikalen Abwärtsschweißen.B. Anwendung unter CO2-Schutzgas. This allows all-position welding with high currents. Protección gaseosa de CO2.5 S 0. Hohe Auftragsgeschwindigkeiten bei stabilem Bogen. 17 Mn 4. einfach zu entfernende Schlacke. Impiego sotto protezione gassosa di CO2. H II. Suitable For LRS All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. sobre todo en soldadura en vertical descendente.E. even without weaving the torch in order to obtain small sized beads. 1 % Ni. ottima estetica del cordone e totale assenza di porosità. fácil desprendimiento de la escoria y óptima estética del cordón.und niedriglegierte Stähle mit ca.7 S 0. I Filo animato tubolare rutile per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni di acciai al carbonio e basso legati con circa 1% Ni.5 Si 0. consentendo la realizzazione di cordoni di piccolo calibro. Pochi spruzzi.1-1. Designed for CO2 shielding gas especially for vertical up welding. Debe utilizarse bajo protección gaseosa de CO2.3-0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550-650 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -40°C 60 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS <= 4 269 FCAW Classification AWS A 5. Suitable For Shipbuilding steels AH 32 to EH 36. wobei ohne Pendeln schmale Schweißraupen zu erzielen sind.04-0. Da utilizzare sotto protezione gassosa in CO2 pura. Mínimas proyecciones. easy slag removal and good bead aspect.015 max P 0. in particolare per saldature in posizione verticale ascendente. N. E 81 T1-1Ni .07 Mn 1.8-1 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.015 max Cu Ni 0. Low spatters. para la soldadura en todas las posiciones de aceros al carbono y de baja aleación con 1% Ni.ETC 6123 EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758: T46 Ni PC1H5 GL LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile copper coated flux cored wire. for welding in all position of carbon and low alloy steels with approximately 1%Ni. facile distacco della scoria. D Verkupferte Rutil-Fülldrahtelektrode zum Schweißen in allen Positionen unter dem Schutzgas CO2. especialmente en soldadura en posición vertical ascendente. RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. admitiendo la realización de cordones finos incluso sin balanceo de la antorcha. E Hilo tubular cobreado de tipo rutilo. mit besonderer Eignung für das Schweißen in senkrechter Position. geeignet für unlegierte.29. 4. E Hilo tubular básico.0. St 37.4 S 0. St 34. therefore suitable for fillet welds.4 Si 0. H II. St 44. ottima qualità radiografica e facile rimozione della scoria. Bassissimo contenuto di H2 nel deposito. gute Roentgenqualität und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. St E 360. È quindi indicato per saldature fortemente sollecitate e per acciai ad elevato contenuto di carbonio equivalente. St E 240. Bajísimo contenido de H2 en el depósito. St 52. St 44.7 including the thermo-mechanical grades All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 430 min Elongation A5 (%) PWHT 580°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 490 . St 45. Low convexity bead profile.7. St 37. Easy deslagging.025 max P 0.7. Está indicado para soldaduras con fuertes solicitaciones y para aceros de elevado contenido de C equivalente. St 35.8 Fine grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 355 W St E 255 to W St E 355 T St E 255 to T St E 355 Non-alloyed structural steel St 33. Excellent x-ray quality. 19 Mn 5 F. äquivalenten Kohlenstoffgehalt geeignet. Fine bead apperance.0. Quiet and smooth running with low spatter loss. St E 320. N. Es ist daher für Schweißnähte mit besonderer Belastung und Stählen mit hohem. Sehr niedriger H-Gehalt im Auftrag. Die Eigenschaften des Auftrages entsprechen dem Schweißgut einer Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung. St E 290. St 52-3. Suitable for crack resistant and tough welds. Le caratteristiche del deposito ottenute con questo filo si possono assimilare alle caratteristiche ottenute con elettrodi rivestiti basici.560 26 -40°C 60 min As Welded 500 .8. St 70 Boiler plates H I. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Filo animato a caratteristica basica.ETC 6130 Classification AWS A5. óptima calidad radiográfica y fácil eliminación de la escoria. D Basisches Fülldraht.590 420 min 26 -40°C 50 min Heat Treatment Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 270 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .7.20: E 70-T5 JH4 Welding Positions Approvals ABS EN 758: T 42 4 BM 3 H5 LRS EN 758: T 42 4 BC 3 H5 TUV GB Basic flux cored wire. St E 210. Las características del depósito de este hilo son similares a las obtenidas con electrodos de revestimiento básico.025 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Pipe steels U St 37. St 52. The properties obtained with this wire are to be compared to those obtained with low hydrogen coated electrodes. St St 50.05 Mn 1.7. 17 Mn 4. 19 Mn 5 Pipe steels U St 37. Sehr niedriger H-Gehalt im Auftrag.600 25 min -40°C 65 min As Welded 510 . Easy deslagging. H II.7. Bajísimo contenido de H2 en el depósito.7 F.20: E 71T-5MJH4 Approvals ABS 758: T 42 4 M1H5 BV CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB DNV Basic flux cored wire. St 52. Ottima saldabilità anche in posizione verticale ascendente. Suitable for crack resistant and tough welds.7. D Basisches Fülldraht.0.St 35. Low convexity bead profile therefore suitable for fillet welds. Fine bead appearance.7. 17 Mn 4. gute Roentgenqualität und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.8 St 45. St 52. The properties obtained with this wire are to be compared to those obtained with low hydrogen coated electrodes. St E 290.03 max P 0.03 max Cu Ni 0. Bassissimo contenuto di H2 nel deposito. St E 240. St E 360. Es ist daher für Schweißnähte mit besonderer Belastung und Stählen mit hohem. Non-alloyed structural steel St 33.4.3-0.4. St E 360. Good weldability.ETC 6131 Classification AWS A5. E' quindi indicato per saldature fortemente sollecitate e per acciai ad elevato contenuto di carbonio equivalente. E Hilo tubular básico. Die Eigenschaften des Auftrages entsprechen dem Schweißgut einer Elektrode mit basischer Ummantelung. St 44. St E 210.7.7. óptima calidad radiográfica y fácil eliminación de la escoria.7 Fine grain structurals steels St E 255 to St E 355 W St E 255 to W St E 355 T St E 255 to T St E 355 Boiler plates H I. Le caratteristiche del deposito ottenute con questo filo si possono assimilare alle caratteristiche ottenute con elettrodi rivestiti basici.up position. Las características del depósito obtenidas con este hilo son similares a las obtenidas con electrodos de revestimiento básico. St 50.0.560 420 min 24 min -40°C 80 min Heat Treatment Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC - Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 4 271 FCAW EN Welding Positions .7.15 max Mo 0.45 S 0. äquivalentem Kohlenstoffgehalt geeignet.8. St 52-3. St 44.8. I Filo animato a caratteristica basica. Gute Schweißbarkeit auch beim Fallnahtschweißen.08 Mn 0. St E 240.7. St 34. St E 320. St 37.7.15 max Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - St 45. St 70 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 410 min Elongation A5 (%) PWHT 580°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 500 .0. Suitable For GL LRS TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Quiet and smooth running with low spatter loss. St E 290. N. St E 210. ottima qualità radiografica e facile rimozione della scoria. St E 320.0.4 Si 0. Está indicado para soldaduras con fuertes solicitaciones y para aceros de elevado contenido de C equivalente. St 37.9-1. St 60. Excellent x-ray quality. vertical. Adaptado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones. ETC 6149B Classification AWS A5. Patinax 37.29: E80T5-G EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T 46 6 1Ni BM3 H5 GB Basic flux cored wire. N. Excelente penetración y buenas características del metal depositado. Easy slag removal. Fácil eliminación de la escoria y buen aspecto del cordón. Hoesch Resista. Acor 50. regular bead appearance.4 Si 0.5 max Ni 1.03 max P 0. W St E 460 F.2 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - E St E 420. St E 460 W St E 420. D Basisches Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von witterungsbeständigen Baustählen.600 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -60°C 50 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING COR-TEN STEELS 4 272 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . I Filo animato basico per la saldatura di acciai resistenti alla corrosione atmosferica.03 max Cu 0.35 S 0. Low spatter loss. E Hilo tubular básico para soldadura de aceros resistentes a la corrosión atmosférica. T St E 460 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. RBH 35 CuNi-alloyed fine-grain structural steel St E 420. Gutes Durchdringen und optimale Schweißeigenschaften des Auftrages. Acor 50 Super.05 Mn 1. suitable for welding weather proof and fine-grain stuctural steels. Suitable For T St E 420. E St E 460 Weatherproof steels WT St 37 Wt St 52.g. Ottima penetrazione ed eccellenti caratteristiche del metallo depositato. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 . Acor 37. cordone di bell'aspetto. e. Leicht zu entfernende Schlacke und schönes Nahtergebnis. Buona rimozione della scoria. Patinax 37.02 max P 0.g. RBH 35 Weatherproof steels WT St 37-2. Pore-free weld seams. N. E Versión rutilo del hilo tubular ETC 6149B. Optimale Schweißeigenschaften und schönes Nahtergebnis. Acor 37.ETC 6149R Classification AWS A5. Indicado para la soldadura de aceros resistentes a la corrosión atmosférica. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Fine bead appearance. Particularly suitable for fillet welds.05 Mn 1. WT St 52-3.6 S 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 570 . I Versione rutile del filo animato ETC 6149B. Für das Verschweißen von witterungsbeständigen Baustählen. Acor 50. ETC 6149B is better suited for thick work-pieces and for use under conditions of high restraint.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - COR-TEN A. Acor 50 Super. óptima soldabilidad y estética del depósito. D Die Rutil-Ausführung des Fülldraht ETC 6149B.6 Mo Cr 0. C Hoesch Resista.02 max Cu 0.690 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -30°C 27 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING COR-TEN STEELS 4 273 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . F. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai resistenti alla corrosione atmosferica.6 max Ni 0. suitable for welding weatherproof steels.2 Si 0. WT St 37-3. B. ottima saldabilità ed estetica del deposito.29: E81T1-W Welding Positions Approvals GB Rutile flux cored wire. e. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm Yield Strength 2 N/mm (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) Hard.5 Mn 1.6 Cr 5. Su mecanizado es posible mediante amolado. per materiali ad elevato contenuto di carbonio equivalente un filo austenitico. und für Material mit einem hohen Gehalt an äquivalentem Kohlenstoff. Se aconseja para recargues de grandes espesores.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - excavator parts. mit einem austenitischen Fülldraht empfohlen. etc. grab teeth. E Hilo tubular básico indicado para recargues resistentes a la abrasión.03 max P 0.6 S 0. Deposito resistente alla criccalura ed esente da porosità. F. bucket teeth. Rißfester und porenfreier Auftrag. Si consiglia: per riporti di spessore elevato una imburatura con filo animato ETC 6130. D Basisches Fülldraht für das abrasionsbeständige Auftragschweißen. Für dickes Auftragschweißen wird eine Vorbehandlung mit ETC 6130. donde es recomendable dar una capa tampón con el hilo tubular ETC 6130. beaters. crusher cones.5 Si 0. Para materiales de elevado contenido de C equivalente es aconsejable utilizar como capa intermedia un hilo austenítico.ETC 6154 Classification DIN 8555: MSG 6-60 Welding Positions Approvals GB Medium-alloy basic type-cored wire for tough and abrasion resistant overlaying of component parts subjected to high wear and tear. Machining is possihle only by grinding. Weld metal is crack and pore-free and resistant to load and impact conditions. La lavorazione meccanica è possibile solo mediante molatura. worm conveyors. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Eine mechanische Bearbeitung kann nur durch Schleifen erfolgen. I Filo animato basico indicato per riporti resistenti all'abrasione. crusher jaws. N. A buffer layer (with ETC 6130) is required only on base materials which are difficult to weld.03 max Cu Ni Mo 0. In as-welded d Hardness HB 57 -62 HRC Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR HARDFACING Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) 4 274 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . 015 max Cu Ni 0. tubazioni per impieghi in off-shore. DIN 17 155 St 33.25 Si 0. Deposito di elevate caratteristiche meccaniche e di ottima resistenza a basse temperature. good slag detachability.045 Mn 1.9 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Shipbuilding steels AH 32 to EH 36. Depósito de elevadas características mecánicas y de óptima resistencia a baja temperatura. St 37-2. When carrying out orbital welding the best results are to be achieved in the 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions with wire Ø 1. St 44-2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 570 . St 37. Auftrag mit hohen mechanischen Eigenschaften und guter Kerbschlagzähigkeit bei niedrigen Temperaturen. consequently giving a high deposition rate. Arco facilmente controllabile in tutte le posizioni. E Hilo tubular rutilo con escoria de rápida solidificción.4 DIN 1628/1630 H I. Indicado para la soldadura de grano fino y tubería para empleo en off-shore. excellent x-ray quality. I Filo animato rutile a scoria di rapida solidificazione. Geeignet für Feinkornbaustähle und das Verschweißen von Rohren im Offshorebereich. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Partly and fully mechanised circumferential pipe welding is a particular strength of this wire. DIN 17 100 F.670 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 490 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -40°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING LOW-ALLOY STEEL 4 275 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Indicato per la saldatura di acciai a grana fine. N. Low spatter losses.4 mm.0 to St 52.29: E 81 T1-Ni1 EN Welding Positions Approvals TUV 758: T 46 4 1 Ni P M 1H5 GB Rutile flux-cored wire with a rapidly solidifying slag Easily controllable weld pool. In allen Positionen leicht zu kontrollierender Lichtbogen.5 S 0. This allows all-position welding with high currents.Fülldraht mit schneller Schlackenverfestigung. 17 Mn 4.015 max P 0. H II.ETC 6121 Classification AWS A5. D Rutil. Arco de fácil control en todas las posiciones. fine bead appearance.2-1. St 52-3. excellent welding properties in all positions. Bauteilen für Erdreichbewegungsmaschinen. T 1 B F. I Filo animato basico indicato per la saldatura di acciai legati al Cr-Ni-Mo utilizzati per la costruzione di macchine movimento terra. Low spatter.g.4 As Sb Pb V 0. von Kränen und Strukturen die hohe mechanische Eigenschaften erfordern. Spritzfreier Auftrag und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.ETC 6132 Classification AWS A5. N-A-XTRA 63. T 1 A. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 760 . Depósito exento de proyecciones con escoria facilmente eliminable. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. easy slag removal. E Hilo tubular básico idnicado para la soldadura de aceros aleados al Cr-Ni-Mo utilizados en la construcción de maquinaria de movimientos de tierra.05 Mn 1. carri ponte e strutture dove vengono richieste elevate caratteristiche maccaniche.025 max P 0.05 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Creep resistant fine-grain structural steels e.850 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 680 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 min -51°C 30 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING LOW-ALLOY STEEL 4 276 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . D Basisches Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von Cr-Ni-Mo legierten Baustählen. N. T 1.2 Mo 0. Deposito esente da spruzzi e con scoria facilmente eliminabile. gruas y estructuras donde son requeridas elevadas características mecánicas. suitable for welding high strength fine-grain stuctural steels.025 max Cu Ni 2.29: E 110 T5-K4 Welding Positions Approvals ABS DNV GB Basic flux cored wire.4 Cr 0. regular bead appearance.5 Si 0.5 S 0. for applications requiring very high yeld points and impacts values at very low temperatures. Suitables for steels like E 690 (A 517 FCR Creusot-Loire) and similars.3-0. special Cr-Ni-Mo alloyed. D Einsetzbar für das Verschweißen von Cr-Ni-Mo an hochfesten Feinkornbaustählen.6 Cr 0. copper coated. Gas de protección.07-0. para aplicaciones donde son requeridos elevados valores de límite elástico y de resiliencia a bajas temperaturas. E Hilo tubular cobreado. Indicato per acciai tipo E 690 (A 517 FCR Creusot-Loire) e simili.ETC 6133 Classification AWS A5.5 Mo 0.4-0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 760-900 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 690 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 15 min -60 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 82% Ar 18% CO2 Current Conditions DC- Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING LOW-ALLOY STEEL 4 277 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . N.1 Mn 1.015 max P 0. guter Schlackenabgang.4-1. I Filo animato tubolare ramato basico speciale legato al Cr-Ni-Mo. Indicado en aceros tipo E 690 (A 517 FCR Creusot-Loire) o similares.per applicazioni richiedenti elevatissimi valori di limite elastico e di resilienza a bassa temperatura.2-0.5 S 0.015 max Cu Ni 2-2. de tipo básico.35 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - OFF-SHORE APPLICATION F.29: E111 T5-G Welding Positions Approvals ABS GB Basic seamless cored wire. Utilizzabile in tutte le posizioni di saldatura. Admite soldadura en todas las posiciones. gleichmäßige Nahtzeichnung.8 Si 0. para la soldadura de aceros al Cr-Ni-Mo. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Geringe Spritzverluste. To be used with Ar/CO2 mix shielding gas. mezcla Ar/CO2. Suitable in all positions welding. Usare gas di protezione miscela Ar/CO2. X 60 FCAW GB F.5% Mo. GS-22 Mo V 22.4 Si 0.012 Cu Ni Mo 0. 16 Mo 5.7 including the thermo-mechanical grades Steels to API-Norm X 52.5 Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Fine-grain structural steels Cast steels GS-52. Pore-free weld seams. boiler plates. Suitable for welding creep resistant steel with 0. Ottima estetica e alto tasso di deposito. Gutes Nahtergebnis und hohe Schweißgutmenge. regular bead appearance.ETC 6602 Classification AWS A5. Optima estética y alta tasa de depósito.35 S 0. 15 Mo 3. D Basisches Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von Baustählen mit 0.05 Mn 1. GS-20 Mn 5.650 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -30°C 70 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING LOW-ALLOY STEEL 4 278 .5% Mo. St E 385. I Filo animato basico per la saldatura degli acciai 0. St 45.29: E 80T5-G EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T46 2 Mo BM 3 H5 Applications and Caratteristics Medium-alloy highly basic type flux-cored wire. GS-22 Mo 4. X 56. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5% Mo. low spatter loss.8 St E 360. N. easy slag removal. GS-24 Mn Mo 5St E 355 to St E 460 W St E 355 to W St E 460 T St E 355 to T St E 460 Boiler plates and pipe steels 17 Mn 4. E Hilo tubular básico para la soldadura de aceros al 0. Stable arc. GS-60.5% Mo. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 .7. Trova il suo campo di impiego nell'unione di acciai a grana fine con temperature di esercizio fino a 500°C.7.015 P 0. Se utiliza para uniones de acero de grano fino con temperaturas de ejercicio hasta 500ºC. St E 415. pipe steels and fine-grain structural steels up to operating temperatures of 500°C. Zum Verschweißen von Feinkornbaustählen bei Betriebstemperaturen bis 500°C. 19 Mn 5. Es wird empfohlen. 1 and 2. A 387 Gr. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.02 max P 0.4 S 0. e. F 22 and F 22 A F.3 As 0. Vorwärmen und Interpass bei 200-250°C wird empfohlen. Depósito altamente insensible a la fisuración en caliente. die Wärmezufuhr auf 12 KJ/cm zu beschränken. A 182 Gr.25% Cr .e. A 336 Gr. 12 Cr Mo 9 10. Su bajo contenido de impurezas le confiere unas excepecionales características de tenacidad. sehr gute Schweißausführbarkeit und hohe Ausbringung.02 max Cu Ni Mo 1 Cr 2. Specially developed for MAG Welding of type 2.g. Il basso contenuto di impurezze conferisce eccezionali caratteristiche di tenacità. Eccellente qualità radiografica. Durch hohen Reinheitsgrad wird optimale Festigkeit erreicht.29: E 90T5-B3 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12071: T CrMo 2 BM 3 H5 GB Medium-alloy highly basic type flux-cored wire. ammonia syntheses. E Hilo tubular básico para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados al 2.1% Mo.ETC 6603 Classification AWS A5. Unempfindlich gegen Warmrißbildung. D Basisches Fülldraht für leicht legierte Stahle mit 2. i. 22 Cl. when correct welding parameters are used. óptima soldabilidad operativa y elevado rendimiento. adequate resistance to in-service embrittlements is obtained. F 22.1% Mo. hydrocrackers. Deposito altamente insensibile alla fessurazione a caldo. Consigliato preriscaldo ed interpass a temperatura di 200-250°C.1 Mo creep resistant steels. Weld metal will meet step cooling requirements. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 690°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 .25 Cr . also for coal gasification. N. Sehr gute Roentgenqualität.09 Mn 1 Si 0. Excelente calidad radiográfica. Field application: chemical plant. Aconsejamos precalentamiento e interpasadas a temperatura entre 200-250ºC. ottima saldabilità operativa ed elevati rendimenti. se recomienda limitar el aporte térmico a 12 Kj/cm. Pre-heating and interpass 200-250°C are suggested I Filo animato basico per la saldatura degli acciai debolmente legati al 2.1% Mo.25% Cr .690 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 19 min 20°C 100 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING LOW-ALLOY STEEL 4 279 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .02 max Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - 10 Cr Mo 9 10. a tal proposito si raccomanda di limitare l'apporto termico a 12 KJ su cm.25% Cr .. 25% Cr .5% Mo. Besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von Druckbehältern und Rohrleitungen bei Betriebstemperaturen von 550°C.5% Mo. GS-22 CrMo 54 F.25% Cr .03 max Cu Ni Mo 0.25% Cr . H IV L Cast steels GS-17 CrMo 55.03 max P 0.2 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Boiler plates and pipe steels 13 CrMo 44.ETC 6605 Classification AWS A5.5 max Cr 1.0. Suitable for welding high temperature. pore-free weld seams. creep resistant 1. Der Auftrag ist beständig gegen das Warmabgleiten.0. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Quiet and smooth running.0. scoria facilmente asportabile. GS 22 CrMo 5. D Basisches Fülldraht für niedrig-legierte Baustähle mit 1.29: E 80T5-B2 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12071: T CrMo 1 BM 3 H5 GB Medium-alloy highly basic type flux-cored wire. Arco stabile. Deposita una struttura resistente allo scorrimento a caldo particolarmente indicata per la saldatura di recipienti a pressione e tubazioni che lavorano a temperature di 550°C. escoria facilmente eliminable y óptimo rendimiento. Deposita una estructura resistente a la fisuración en caliente. I Filo animato basico per la saldatura degli acciai debolmente legati 1. 13 CrMo V 42.0. Regular bead appearance.650 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min 20°C 120 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING LOW-ALLOY STEEL 4 280 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . GS-22 CrMo V 32. particularmente indicado para la soldadura de recipientes a presión y tuberías que trabajan a temperaturas de 550ºC. Easy slag removal. Arco estable. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 690°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 . 15 CrMo 3. Stabiler Lichtbogen.35 S 0.06 Mn 1 Si 0. ottimo rendimento. low spatter loss. N.5% Mo.25% Cr .5% Mo alloy boiler plates and pipe steels up to operating temperatures of 550°C. E Hilo tubular básico para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados 1. Hohe Ausbringung. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Um die Schweißeigenschaften bei diesem Verfahren zu verbessern. Optimale Schweißausführbarkeit und hohe Ausbringung zeichnen diese Methode aus. débilmente aleados. schwach legiertem und rostfreien Baustählen erstellt. unendo una facile saldabilità operativa in tutte le posizioni ed alti tassi di deposito. inoxidables. Mit dem Massivdraht können im automatischen. easy operative all-position weldability and high deposition rates.GB ETC STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES The flux cored wire welding procedure in protective atmosphere is in its field one of the most technologically advanced methods of welding. riporti e per applicazioni in cantieristica ed offshore. La richiesta generale circa la possibilità di realizzare un aumento della produttività unitamente al costante miglioramento della qualità. so that to have the possibility to obtain weld deposits with excellent mechanical properties.und Offshore-Bereich. With a view to increasing the properties of this method we have launched a new series of flux cored wires which have been manufactured with a “strip” technologic and are suitable for claddings and shipyard and offshore applications. D ETC-STRIP-FÜLLDRAHTE Der Einsatz von Massivdraht unter Schutzatmosphäre gilt als eines der technologisch modernsten Schweißverfahren. Bauteile aller Größen unter Optimierung der Technologie und großer Wirtschaftlichkeit geschweißt werden. FCAW 281 . Il metodo a piattina consente un ottimale e bilanciato riempimento dando la possibilità di ottenere depositi con eccezionali caratteristiche meccaniche. se ha puesto a punto una nueva serie de hilos tubulares con tecnología de pletina. Die Flachdrahtmethode gestattet ein optimales und gleichmäßiges Auffüllen mit einem Schweißgut von ausgezeichneten mechanischen Eigenschaften. I FILI ANIMATI ETC A PIATTINA Il procedimento di saldatura mediante filo animato in atmosfera protettiva costituisce uno dei sistemi tecnologicamente più avanzati nel campo della saldatura. führt auch bei den Produzenten von Schweißzusätzen zur Entwicklung ständig neuer Schweißverfahren. The common request of increasing productivity together with a steady improvement of quality. E ETC HILOS TUBULARES DE PLETINA El procedimiento de soldadura mediante hilo tubular con atmósfera protectora constituye uno de los sistemas tecnológicamente más avanzados en el campo de la soldadura. debolmente legati. hace que también los fabricantes de productos de soldadura estemos constantemente trabajando en el desarrollo de nuevos procedimientos. para la soldadura de aceros no aleados. sowie für das Schweißen und die Oberflächenverhärtung im Baustellen. En el intento de incrementar las características del método en cuestión. aber auch im halb automatischen Verfahren. für das Schweißen und Auftragschweißen von unlegiertem. recargues. inox. La demanda general para aumentar la productividad unido a la constante mejora de la calidad. Der Wunsch nach Produktionserhöhung und gleichzeitig steigender Qualität. wurde eine Reihe neuer Massivdrähte mit Flachdrahttechnologie. fa si che anche i fabbricanti di prodotti per la saldatura siano costantemente impegnati nella ricerca di nuovi procedimenti. Estos hilos permiten un excelente relleno de juntas con altas tasas de depósito y al mismo tiempo unas extraordinarias características mecánicas del material depositado. y para aplicaciones en astilleros y off-shore. Aus diesem Grund steht dieses Verfahren in der Maschinenbauindustrie an erster Stelle. Nell’intento di accrescere le caratteristiche del metodo in questione è stata messa a punto una nuova serie di fili animati prodotti con tecnologia a piattina per la saldatura e ricarica di acciai non legati. bei ständig wachsender Nachfrage. dando una muy buena soldabilidad operativa en todas las posiciones. The “strip” method allows a very good and balanced filling up. causes the welding consumables fabricators to carry out a constant research of new procedures. Indicato per la saldatura di serbatoi di stoccaggio.3 Si 0. Findet Einsatz im Schiffs. Indicado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones. I Filo animato a piattina di tipo rutile con scoria a rapida solidificazione. scoria facilmente eliminabile. Mínima formación de proyecciones. escoria facilmente eliminable y óptima calidad radiográfica. wire diameter 1.55 S 0. D Rutil. Utilizado en la soldadura de tanques de almacenamiento. incluida la de vertical descendente.und Stahlbau. Ottima qualità radiografica.ETC 6100 Classification AWS A5. Suitable For Shipbuilding steels A.AH 32 bis EH 36 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 A 510 AP . fine bead appearance and porosity-free welds. vertical storage tanks.05 Mn 1. notch-free weld interface. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Lagerbehältern.E 355 . leicht zu entfernende Schlacke und gute Roentgenqualität. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) As Welded Mix Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 590 26 . Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni verticale discendente inclusa.7 TM to St E 480.20° C 90 As Welded CO2 510 470 29 -20° C 100 Heat Treatment KV (J) Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <5 282 FCAW EN Welding Positions . good slag detachability. Minima formazione di spruzzi.20: E 71T-1 MJ 758: T 46 2 RM1 H5 EN 758: T 46 2 RC1 H5 Approvals ABS BV CONTROLAS DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB LRS The easily controllable weld profile means that excellent welding properties are obtained in all position.2 mm suitable for vertical down welds.Fülldraht mit schnell erstarrender Schlacke.FE 410 to 510 St E 290.B. Also suited to welding in the transverse position e.E. carpenteria in genere. Geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen. construcción naval e industria en general.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Cantieristica navale.D.7 TM. X 42 to X 70 RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. N. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina con escoria de rápida solidificación. Geringe Spritzbildung. Little formation of spatter.02 max P 0.g. einschließlich das Fallnahtschweißen. 2 mm suitable for vertical down welds. Schutzgas nur bei Kohlendioxid.g. Indicado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones incluida la vertical descenedente. Metallbau im allgemeinen. Gas di protezione solo in CO2. Ottima qualità radiografica.7 TM.35 S 0. Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni verticale discendente inclusa.4 max Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - St E 290. construcción naval e industria en general. notch-free weld interface. Suitable For Shipbuilding steels A.D. carpenteria in genere. einschließlich abfallender Position. Für das Verschweißen von Lagertanks besonders angezeigt. escoria facilmente liminable y óptima calidad radiográfica. Desarrollado para la soldadura de tanques de almacenamiento.02 max P 0.2 Si 0. Cantieristica navale. vertical storage tanks. N. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina con escoria de rápida solidificación. D Rutil-Fülldraht mit schnellfestigender Schlacke. scoria facilmente eliminabile. fine bead appearance and pore-free welds. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. Indicato per la saldatura di serbatoi di stoccaggio. wire diameter 1.E 355 . good slag detachability.02 max Cu Ni 0.AH 32 bis EH 36 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 A 510 AP .7 TM to St E 480. Eignet sich zum Schweißen in allen Lagen. X 42 to X 70 F. Mínima formación de proyecciones.20: E 71T-1 . Minima formazione di spruzzi.Also suited to welding in the transverse position e. Optimales Röntgenverhalten. Geringe Spritzentwicklung.E. Little formation of spatter.05 Mn 1.B. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded CO2 Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 500 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 28 min -20° C 70 Hardness HB Shielding Gas CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <= 5 283 FCAW Classification AWS A5.FE 410 to 510 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.ETC 6100C EN Welding Positions Approvals DNV 758: T 42 2 PC 1 H5 MMI RINA Applications and Caratteristics GB The easily controllable weld profile means that excellent welding properties are obtained in all position. Shielding gas CO2 I Filo animato a piattina di tipo rutile con scoria a rapida solidificazione. Schiffbau. N. excellent finish to the welding bead. It can be used in any position. ottima estetica del cordone di saldatura.7 TM to St E 480.20: E 71T-1 . X 42 to X 70 RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.AH 32 bis EH 36 Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460 A 510 AP . and it can be used with either thermit mixture or with CO2. Suitable For Shipbuilding steels A. Empleado en todas las posiciones con fácil eliminación de escoria y óptima estética del cordón de soldadura. con utilización de gas mezcla o CO2. D Rutil-Fülldraht. con utilizzo dello stesso sia in Miscela che in CO2.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.06 max Mn 1.D. Trova applicazione nella piccola e media carpenteria. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.5 S 0.35 Si 0. facile rimozione della scoria.E.B. Anwendung im Klein– und mittleren Stahlbau unter Formiergas oder CO2.7 TM. sehr gutes Nahtergebnis. easy scale removal.02 max P 0. Especialmente indicado en pequeña y mediana carpintería metálica.FE 410 to 510 St E 290. In allen Positionen einzusetzen. Impiegato in tutte le posizioni. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded CO2 Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 480 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -20° C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <= 5 284 FCAW Classification AWS A5.ETC 6100E EN Welding Positions Approvals ABS 758: T 42 2 PC 1 H5 DNV LRS Applications and Caratteristics GB Rutile flux-cored wire. It is suitable in small and medium metal work.E 355 . I Filo animato a piattina versione rutilica. D Rutil. su materiali in acciaio al carbonio per temperature a -50°C. Indicado para soldadura en todas posiciones. Ideale su applicazioni quali serbatoi di stoccaggio. of carbon steel at -50°C.Fülldraht mit schnell erstarrender Schlacke. Suitable for welding in all position. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina con escoria de rápida solidificación. naval shipyards. sobre materiales de acero al carbono para temperaturas a -50ºC. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.29: E 81T1-Ni1 EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T 46 5 1 Ni PC 1H10 GB Rutile stripflux cored wire with good slag detachability. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded CO2 Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 590 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 -40° C 120 590 540 23 -50° C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <5 285 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Findet Einsatz im Schiffs. Gute mechanische werte bei –50°C.015 max Cu Ni 1 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.und Stahlbau. Ideal para trabajos en tanques de almacenamiento.35 S 0.ETC 6100Ni Classification AWS A5. construcción naval e industria en general. Utizzo con gas di protezione CO2. einschließlich das Fallnahtschweißen. Ideal for application in storage tanks. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke und gute Roentgenqualität.012 max P 0. Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni.9-1. carpenteria in genere.25 Si 0. cantieristica navale. and general fabrication.06 Mn 0. Geringe Spritzerbildung. I Filo animato a piattina di tipo rutile con scoria a rapida solidificazione. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Lagerbehältern. Geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen. N. 2 mm suitable for vertical down welds. fine bead appearance and porosity-free welds. notch-free weld interface. scoria facilmente eliminabile. wire diameter 1.55 S 0. verticale discendente inclusa. Geeignet für alle Schweißpositionen.und Stahlbau. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Lagerbehältern. good slag detachability. N.20: E71T-1 M EN Welding Positions Approvals LRS 758: T 42 2 PM1 H5 RINA GB The easily controllable weld profile means that excellent welding properties are obtained in all position. Indicato per la saldatura in tutte le posizioni. ottima qualità radiografica. Indicado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones. einschließlich das Fallnahtschweißen.05 Mn 1. incluida la de vertical descendente.Fülldraht mit schnell erstarrender Schlacke. vertical storage tanks. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina con escoria de rápida solidificación. carpenteria in genere. construcción naval e industria en general. Findet Einsatz im Schiffs. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke und gute Roentgenqualität. cantieristica navale. Utilizado en la soldadura de tanques de almacenamiento. escoria facilmente eliminable y óptima calidad radiográfica.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Mínima formación de proyecciones.3 Si 0. Little formation of spatter. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 545 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 475 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 28 -20°C 90 Hardness HB Shielding Gas 82% Ar + 18% CO2 Current Conditions DC+ Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <5 286 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Geringe Spritzbildung. I Filo animato a piattina di tipo rutile con scoria a rapida scolidificazione.02 max P 0.g. D Rutil.ETC 6117 Classification AWS A5. Indicato per la saldatura di serbatoi di stoccaggio. Also suited to welding in the transverse position e. Minima formazione di spruzzi. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. St 37-2.ETC 6121S Classification AWS A5. St 44-2.7 TM DIN 17 172 St 33. Ideal for offshore and naval shipyard fields. DIN 17 100 DIN 17 155 E St E 255 to E St E 460 DIN 17 102 X 42 to X 80 API-Norm Shipbuilding steels AH 32 to EH 36. All-position excellent weldability. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. St 52-3 H I. Indicado para soldadura de grano fino para aplicaciones a baja temperatura.7 TM to St 480. N.01 max Cu Ni 0.4 Si 0. D Rutil-Fülldraht.4 S 0. Geeignet für den Offshore-Bereich und Schiffswerften.17 Mn 4. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai a grana fine per applicazioni a bassa temperatura.01 max P 0.07 Mn 1. Hohe Auftragsmenge. Ottima saldabilità in tutte le posizioni. H II. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina. I Filo animato a piattina a caratteristica rutile. Gute Schweißbarkeit in allen Positionen. Suitable for fine-grain structural steels for low temperature applications. Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460.9 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 45 max Nb Ta F.7 to St E 415.7 DIN 17 172 St E 290. Optima soldabilidad en todas posiciones.29: E 81T1 Ni1 H4 EN Welding Positions Approvals DNV 758: T 46 5 1Ni PM 1H5 RINA GB Strip proceeding flux cored wire with rutile properties. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 620 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 550 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 min -50° C 80 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <4 287 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Suitable For St E 210. geeignet für das Verschweißen von Feinkornbaustählen bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Ideale per applicazioni offshore e cantieristica navale. Ideal en trabajos off-shore y navales. All-position excellent weldability. Hohe Auftragsmenge. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai a grana fine per applicazioni a bassa temperatura. H I. Optima soldabilidad en todas posiciones.ETC 6121SR Classification AWS A5.7 TM DIN 17 172 X 42 to X 80 API-Norm Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460.25 Si 0.05 Mn 1. geeignet für das Verschweißen von Feinkornbaustählen bei niedrigen Temperaturen. D Rutil-Fülldraht. Indicado para soldadura de grano fino para aplicaciones a baja temperatura.8 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - DIN 17 172 E St E 255 to E St E 460 DIN 17 102 St 33. H II.7 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.35 S 0. I Filo animato a piattina a caratteristica rutile.DIN 17 155 St E 290. Ideal en trabajos off-shore y navales. St 44-2.01 max P 0. Suitable for fine-grain structural steels for low temperature applications. Suitable For St E 210. E Hilo tubular rutilo de pletina. Gute Schweißbarkeit in allen Positionen.7 TM to St 480. F. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) PWHT 580°C x 2 h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 540 26 -60° C 35 As Welded 580 510 24 -60° C 70 Heat Treatment KV (J) Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 4 288 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .01 max Cu Ni 0.17 Mn 4. St 52-3 DIN 17 100 Shipbuilding steels AH 32 to EH 36. N.7 to St E 415. Ideal for offshore and naval shipyard fields. Geeignet für den Offshore-Bereich und Schiffswerften. Ideale per applicazioni offshore e cantieristica navale.29: E81 T1 Ni1 H4 EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T 46 5 1 Ni PM 1 H5 GB Strip proceeding flux cored wire with rutile properties. St 37-2. Ottima saldabilità in tutte le posizioni. 01 max Cr 0. Low spatter. Deposito esente da spruzzi e con scoria facilmente eliminabile.7 DIN 17 172 E St E 255 to E St E 460 DIN 17 102 St 33.01 max Ni 2. N. Spritzfreier Auftrag und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. easy slag removal. Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460. Bauteilen für Erdreichbewegungsmaschinen.015 Cu 0.015 P 0. St E 210.7 TM to St 480. utilizado para la construcción de máquinas de movimiento de tierras. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.03 max As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - H I. D Massiv-Flachdraht mit Rutileigenschaften für das Verschweißen von Cr-Ni-Mo legierten Baustählen. St 52-3 DIN 17 100 F.5 Mo 0. H II. von Kränen und Strukturen die hohe mechanische Eigenschaften erfordern. carri ponte e strutture dove vengono richieste elevate caratteristiche maccaniche. puentes gruas y estructuras donde son necesarias elevadas características mecánicas.DIN 17 155 X 42 to X 80 API-Norm St E 290. low alloyed with Cr-Ni-Mo. St 44-2.7 to St E 415. E Hilo tubular rutilo indicado para la soldadura de aceros aleados al Cr-Ni-Mo.60°C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 4 289 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .07 Mn 1.4 S 0. regular bead appearance I Filo animato rutile indicato per la saldatura di acciai legati al Cr-Ni-Mo utilizzati per la costruzione di macchine movimento terra.7 TM DIN 17 172 Shipbuilding steels AH 32 to EH 36.ETC 6170 Classification AWS A5.17 Mn 4. Depósito exento de poryeccioens y fácil eliinación de escoria.4 Si 0. St 37-2. especially suitable for welding high strength fine-grain structural steels.29: E 101T1-G H4 Welding Positions Approvals GB Rutile flux cored wire. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 770 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 680 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 . ETC 6200 Classification AWS A5. I Filo animato a piattina del tipo Metal Cored con elevato tasso di deposito e ottima stabilità sia in short arc che in spray arc. Cordone senza spruzzi e con maglia regolare. tanto en arco corto como en arco spray. H II. Because of the easily controllable weld profile. N. Il deposito senza scoria rende ideale il filo animato ETC 6200 in applicazioni automatiche ed in isole robotizzate. St52-3 H I. Gute Roentgenqualität auch bei Wurzelnähten. E. Spritzfreier Auftrag und gleichmäßige Nahtzeichnung. Particularly suitable for robotic applications. B.04 Mn 1. Characteristic feautures are: good edge wetting. St 44-2.7 TM Shipbuilding steels. E Hilo tubular Metal Cored de pletina con elevada tasa de depósito y óptima estabilidad.multipass welding possible without cleaning between runs. Ottima qualità radiografica anche in fondo cianfrino. AH 32 bis EH 36 Fine-grain structural steels St E 225 to St E 460 DNV LRS RINA TUV All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.6 Si 0. Almost spatter free in the spray-arc range.02 max P 0. little oxide formation on the weld surface . finely rippled welds. mehrere Schweißvorgänge ohne Schlackenabtragung auszuführen.18: E 70 C-6 M Approvals ABS 758: T 46 4 MM 1H5 BV CONTROLAS Applications and Caratteristics GB DB Excellent welding properties with short and spray arc. Es ist möglich. St 37-2. Durch den schlackenfreien Auftrag ist das ETC Draht 6200 für automatische Schweisßvorgänge oder Robotertechnik geeignet. notch-free weld transition. D Metallpulver-Fülldraht mit hoher Auftragsmenge und guter Schweißbarkeit in Short Arc und Spray Arc. A.7 TM to St E 480. El depósito sin escoria hace del hilo ETC 6200 un producto ideal para aplicaciones automáticas o robotizadas. Cordón exento de proyecciones y de aspecto regular.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Suitable For St 33. this wire is well suited for gap bridging and positional welding.5 S 0. Optima calidad radiográfica inluso en pasada de raiz. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) PWHT 620°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 540 24 min -40°C 100 As Welded 580 480 24 min -40°C 80 Heat Treatment Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <=5 290 FCAW EN Welding Positions . D. Metal cored flux wire with high deposition rate. 17 Mn 4 X 42 to X 70 St E 290. para aplicacioens a baja temperatura.7 TM DIN 17 172 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) PWHT 580°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 27 -60°C 60 As Welded 600 530 27 -60°C 60 Heat Treatment Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 5 291 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Utilizzabile su acciai a grana fine temprati e rinvenuti. H I. Suitable for fine-grain structural quenched and tempered steels.02 max P 0. Diffusible Hydrogen £ 5 ml/100 g. DIN 17 172 Shipbuilding steels AH 32 to EH 36. Deposito senza scoria.ETC 6202 Classification AWS A5. Hohe Auftragsmenge in allen Positionen. D Metallpulver-Fülldraht. E Hilo tubular con polvo de hierro (Metal Cored). Idrogeno diffusibile £ 5 ml/100 g. I Filo animato con polvere di ferro (Metal cored).02 max Cu Ni 0. St 52-3 DIN 17 100 St E 290. N. Hidrógeno difusible < 5 ml/100 gr. Aplicaciones principales: off-shore y construcción naval. Schlackefreier Auftrag.9 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Fine-grain structural steels St E 255 to St E 460.7 Si 0. Besonders geeignet für automatisierte Schweißverfahren in Multipass von dicken Werkstücken. suitable for multipass automatic welding of heavy thickness. St 33. per applicazioni a bassa temperatura.7 TM to St 480. ideale per la saldatura in automatico in multipass di forti spessori. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von gehärteten und angelassenen Feinkornbaustählen und niedrigen Betriebstemperaturen. H II.7 F.7 to St E 415. No slag bead.04 Mn 1.5 S 0. Utilizado sobre aceros de grano fino templados y revenidos. Diffusibler Wasserstoff £5 ml/100 gr. High deposition rate in all positions. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Haupteinsatzbereich: Offshore-Bereich und Schiffswerften.18: E 70 C-G EN Welding Positions Approvals DNV 758: T 46 6 Mn 1Ni MM 1 GB Metal cored flux wire with iron powder. Main applications: offshore and naval shipyards. Depósito sin escoria ideal para soldadura en automatismos y en multipasadas en juntas de grandes espesores.17 Mn 4. DIN 17 155 E St E 255 to E St E 460 DIN 17 102 X 42 to X 80 API-Norm St E 210. St 37-2. Alta tasa de depósito en todas las posiciones. Alto tasso di deposito in tutte le posizioni. Applicazioni principali: offshore e cantieristica navale. St 44-2. Excellent x-ray quality. St 44-2. E Hilo tubular metal cored con elevada tasa de depósito. Suitable For St 33.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.18: E 70 C-6 M EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T 46 4 MM 1 H5 GB Metal cored wire with high deposition rate. D Metallpulver-Fülldraht mit hoher Auftragsleistung.6 Si 0. Optima calidad radiográfica incluso en pasada de raiz. N. I Filo animato metal cored. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) PWHT 620°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 540 24 -40°C 100 As Welded 580 480 24 -40°C 80 Heat Treatment Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <=5 292 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . 17Mn 4 X 42 to X 70 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Ottima qualità radiografica anche in fondo cianfrino. H II. La ausencia de escoria lo hace ideal para su empleo automático sobre aceros al C. Optimale Röntgeneigenschaften auch unter Stemmeissel.ETC 6205 Classification AWS A5. Il filo animato viene confezionato su bobine in random.02 max P 0.5 S 0. L’assenza di scoria lo rende ideale per impieghi in automatico su acciai al carbonio. St 37-2. Este hilo viene confeccionado con bobinado tipo random.04 Mn 1. this wire is well suited for gap bridging and positional welding. suitable for automatic welding on carbon steel. ETC 6205 is random packed on spools. St52-3 H I. Der Fülldraht wird auf Random-Spulen geliefert. Die Schlackenfreiheit macht ihn ideal für den automatischen Einsatz auf Kohlenstoffstählen. ad elevato tasso di deposito. No slag bead. Deposito senza scoria. macchine movimento terra. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 480 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 28 -30°C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 5 293 FCAW Classification AWS A5. Diffusible hydrogen 5 ml/100g.6 Si 0. 5 ml/100 g. Besonders geeignet für das automatische Schweißen von Einzelnähten oder in Multipass. Hidrógeno difusible 5 ml/100 gr. 3 e 4 E 36-3.18: E 70 C3 M . I Filo animato a piattina tipo metal cored. High deposition rate and exellent arc weldability. Main applications: mechanical constructions. Schlackenfreier Auftrag. Principales aplicaciones en la construcción de tipo mecánico. eingesetzt. ecc. Diffusibler Wasserstoff max.06 Mn 1. D Metallpulver-Fülldraht mit hohem Schweißauftrag und sehr guter Lichtbogenstabilität.. con elevato tasso di deposito e ottima stabilità d’arco. etc. máx. E Hilo tubular metal cored de pletina. No slag bead. ideale per la saldatura in automatico con una o più passate. Idrogeno diffusibile 5 ml/100g.6 S 0. Depósito sin escoria. max. suitable for single and multipass automatic welding. Suitable For A 33 A 34-1 e 2 E 24-2. ideal para soldadura en automático. N. max.ETC 6206 EN Welding Positions Approvals BV 758: T 46 3 MM 1H 5 CONTROLAS DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB Strip proceding metal cored wire. E 355 R A 37 CP e AP A52 CP e AP A 50-1 e 2 LRS All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. con elevada tasa de depósito y óptima estabilidad de arco. earth movement machines.02 max P 0. Principali applicazioni nelle costruzioni di tipo meccanico.02 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - A 42 CP e AP XC 10 a X 25 F. con una o más pasadas. 3 e 4 E 28-2. Wird vorwiegend im Maschinenbau und für Bauteile von Maschinen für die Erdreichbewegung usw. máquinas de movimiento de tierras. 29: E 81 T5 B2 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12071: T CrMo 1 L GB Metal cored wire for chromium molybdenum steels resistant to creep.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. chimico e costruzione di scambiatori di calore. NOTE: AVAILABLE IN VACUUM PACK SYSTEM.ETC 6212 Classification AWS A5. heat exchangers. petroleum chemistry.25 max Si 0. E Hilo tubular "metal cored" con tecnologìa de pletina.03 max P 0. chemistry.4-0.12 max Mn 1. Settori di applicazione petrolchimico. utilizzato per acciai debolmente legati serie cromo molibdeno in posizioni piano e piano frontale. NOTE: IN VAKUUMVERPACKUNG GELIEFERT.P. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 700°C x 1 h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 580 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 480 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 23 min -20° C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 82% Ar + 18% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <=5 294 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .8 max S 0. I Filo animato a piattina tipo metal cored. N. Besonders eingesetzt im chemischen und petrochemischen Bereich und in Wärmeaustauscher. Sectores tìpicos de aplicaciòn: petroquìmico.03 max Cu Ni Mo 0. NOTA: ENVASADO AL VACIO (V. NOTA: FORNITO SU IMBALLO SOTTO VUOTO.65 Cr 1-1. D Metal cored Fülldraht zum Schweissen von Chrom-Molibdän legierten Stahl.) Suitable For ASTM A 182 Gr11 ASTM A 387 Gr12 ASTM A 182 Gr12 ASTM A 387 Gr11 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. quìmico y construccìon de intercambiadores de calor. Main application in sheet metal works. utilizado para la soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados de la seria Cr-Mo. E Hilo tubular metal cored.ETC 6225 Classification AWS A5. heat exchangers. petroquímico e intercambiadores de calor. petrolchimici.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.2 Cr 2-2. soprattutto nelle prime passata. NOTE: IN VAKUUMVERPACKUNG GELIEFERT. Principali applicazioni nei settori chimici.12 max Mn 1. Root pass with back penetration. chemistry. vor allem beim ersten Schweissauftrag.29: E 91 T5 B3 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12071: TCr Mo2 GB Metal cored wire for chromium molybdenum steels resistant to creep.03 max P 0. N. petroleum chemistry.9-1. NOTA: FORNITO SU IMBALLO SOTTO VUOTO. NOTE: AVAILABLE IN VACUUM PACK SYSTEM.) Suitable For ASTM A 387 Gr22 ASTM A 182 Gr22 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.25 max Si 0. Besonders eingesetzt im chemischen und petrochemischen Bereich und in Wärmeaustauscher. utilizado para la soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con 2.00 Mo. Geeignet für das Schweissen in allen Positionen. I Filo animato metal cored per la saldatura di acciai legati cromo molibdeno. scambiatori di calore.03 max Cu Ni Mo 0.i. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 690°C x 1 h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 690 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 19 min -20°C 47 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 82% Ar + 18% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <=4 295 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Main application in sheet metal works. Desarrollado para la soldadura en todas las posiciones y muy indicado para primera pasada de penetración. Principales aplicaciones: químico.P.8 max S 0. D Metal cored Fülldraht zum Verschweissen von Chrom-Molibdän legierten Stählen.25% Cr 1. NOTA: ENVASADO AL VACIO (V. Usable in all position.25 max Si 0. NOTA: FORNITO SU IMBALLO SOTTO VUOTO. Particolarmente indicato in applicazioni quali chimico.1 max Ti Fe Mg Al 0.25V . Utilizado para soldadura en todas posicioens de aceros debilmente aleados.5 As Sb Pb V 0. D Metal cored Strip-Fülldraht.13 Mn 1. NOTA: ENVASADO AL VACIO V. Geeignet für das Schweissen in allen Positionen von leicht legierten Stählen des Typs 9%Cr .P.28: ER90S-B9 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12071: TZ MM 1-H5 GB Metal cored wire for steel resistant to creep (9% Cr. petrolchimico.25 .25 Sn Nb 0.15-0.2 max Ni 1 max Mo 0. ripristino di fusione. Utilizzato per la saldatura in posizione piano e piano frontale degli acciai debolmente legati tipo 9%Cr . energy production (boiler). incinerators.0. E Hilo tubular metal cored de pletina. NOTE: IN VAKUUMVERPACKUNG GELIEFERT. 1%Mo.0. tipo 9% Cr .25% V). Findet Einsatz besonders im chemischen und petrochemischen Bereich. Suitable For ASTM A 369 P91/ P22 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. N.07 max Nb Ta F.1 Cr 8-9.1% Mo . Main application: petroleum chemistry. petroquímicas. 0.1%Mo .ETC 6291 Classification AWS A 5. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 760°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 710 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min 20°C 47 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 82% Ar + 18% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS <4 296 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .25% V.8-1.01 max Cu 0. I Filo animato a piattina metal cored.3 S 0.0.1%Mo . Particularmente indicado en aplicaciones químicas. fonderie.07-0.04 max N 0.15-0.01 max P 0. exellent mechanical properties. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.025 max Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - Pipe steels U St 37.7 S 0. Stable arc. Excellent low temperature impact value and stess-relieved conditions. E Hilo tubular básico de pletina con óptimas características mecánicas y elevada resistencia a la fisuración. St 37. high creep resistance. Utilizado para la soldadura de estructuras con altas solicitaciones o de elevado espesor. Depósito con bajo contenido de hidrógeno difusible <5ml/100 gr. Suitable For RINA All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. St 70 Fine-grain structural steels St E 225 to St E 355 W St E 255 to W St E 355 F. Deposito a basso contenuto di idrogeno diffusibile £ 5 ml/100g. Utilizzato per saldatura di strutture molto sollecitate o di elevato spessore. H II. St E 240.07 Mn 1. St E 210. Ottimi valori di resilienza a bassa temperatura sia allo stato come saldato che dopo distensione. St E 360.7 including the thermomechanical grades All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Yield Strength 2 N/mm 440 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) PWHT 580°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 545 27 -50°C 60 As Welded 560 450 25 -50°C 60 Heat Treatment Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC - Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 5 297 FCAW EN Welding Positions . elevata resistenza alle fessurazioni. Arco stabile ed esente da spruzzi sia in posizione piana che verticale. N.3-1.0. St 52-3.025 max P 0. diffusiblem Wasserstoffgehalt £ 5 ml/100gr. Gute Kerbschlagzähigkeit bei niedrigen Temperaturen in unbehandelten und spannungsarmgeglühtem Zustand. St 60. 19 Mn 5 Non-alloyed structural steel St 33.45- Boiler plates H I. St 44. tanto en posición plana como en vertical.0.ETC 6400 Classification AWS A5. St 52.7. Optimos valores de resiliencia a baja temperatura tanto antes como después de tratamiento de distensionado. St 35. St E 290. hohe Rißunempfindlichkeit. Auftrag mit sehr niedrigem. D Basischer Fülldraht mit Striptechnologie. T St E 255 to T St E 355 St 45. 17 Mn 4. I Filo animato basico con tecnologia a piattina: ottime caratteristiche meccaniche. Depost with a very low Hydrogen content: £ 5 ml/100g. St 44. St 50.7.7. spatter-free both in flat and vertical positions. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von besonders dicken Werkstücken oder stark belastete Strukturen. St 34.4. Arco estable y exento de proyecciones.0. Stabiler und spritzerfreier Lichtbogen in flacher oder vertikaler Position. St 37.St 320.4.20: E 71T-5 Approvals BV 758: T 42 5 BM 1H5 CONTROLAS DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB LRS Strip proceeding low Hydrogen flux cored wire.04-0. St 52. Suitable for heavy thickness welding.0.7 Si 0. 5 max Ni Mo 8-10 Cr 20-23 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 7 max Mg Al N Nb Ta 3.196°C 55 min Hardness HB 90-92 HRB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 298 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Inconel 625-Legierungen oder anderen Stählen mit einer Einsatztemperatur bis zu -196°C. E Hilo tubolar rutilo con tecnologìa de pletina. utilizado para la soldadura de aceros criogénicos al 9% Ni. D Rutil-Fülldrahtelektrode. Lochfraß und Oxidation bei hohen Temperaturen (max. Gracias a su buen comportamiento a altas temperaturas puede ser utilizado sobre equipos o trabajos sujetos a tratamientos térmicos. Inconel 625 alloys. pitting and oxidation at high tempeartures (max 1200°C) I Filo animato rutili a piattina. geeignet für das Schweißen von kaltzählen Stählen mit 9 % Ni. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 750 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 440 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min . utilizzato per la saldatura di acciai criogenici al 9% N e leghe Inconel 625.15-4. Das Schweißgut ist beständig gegen interkristalline Korrosion. other different steels with a working temperature up to . Suitable For Inconel 625 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Grazie alla sua buona tenuta alle alte temperature può essere utilizzato su tutte le istallazioni soggette a trattamento termico e per la minore imburratura di acciai dissimili. The bead is resistant to integranular corrosion. used for welding cryogenic steels with 9% Ni. 1200°C). Buena resistencia a la corrosiòn intercristallina.11: E NiCrMo3 Welding Positions Approvals GB Cored rutile strip wire.01 Cu 0.ETC 6625 Classification AWS A5. Buona resisenza alla corrosione untercristallina.01 P 0.15 F.01 max Mn 1 max Si 0. N.75 max S 0.196°C. Principali applicazioni nell’industria automobilistica. Prova trazione: rottura materiale base.0. Lado externo 180º. Low spatter and excellent bead appereance. Fülldraht für das Schweißen im Einzelnahtverfahren von verzinkten Blechen mit Wandstärke von 0. diámetro). astilleros.17 V . strutture zincate in genere. N. di lamiere zincate con spessore da 0. espesor 3 mm. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn Si S P Cu Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. spessore 3 mm. Filo metal cored indicato per la saldatura in passata unica. cantieri navali impianti di condizionamento. manual o automática de chapas zincadas o galvanizadas en espesores entre 0. mandrel) external bead: 180° no crack.8 bis 4 mm im manuellen oder automatischen Schweißvorgang. Limited oxidation zone around the bead. im Schiffsbaubereich beim Bau von Klimaanlagen und beim allgemeinen Schweißen von verzinkten Bauteilen. óptima estética del cordón. Tensile test: parent metal breaks. ohne Risse. Valores de resiliencia a temperatura ambiente mínimo 42J Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 99% Ar + 1% O2 or mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 Current Conditions DC - Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 299 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . 330 A . Findet vorwiegend Einsatz in der Autoindustrie. manuale o automatica. Limitata zona di ossidazione su bordo cordone. maquinaria de refrigeración y estructuras zincadas en general. Begrenzter Oxydationsbereich an den Nahtkanten. D Schweißgut mit hohem Al-Anteil. Typical heat input: 4. D Überlappung auf Blech A33 – A37 mit 3mm Wandstärke. Wert der Kerbschlagzähigkeit bei Raumtemperatur: min. Pliegue longitudinal (con mandrinado de 25 mm. shipyards. air conditioning equipments. La zona de oxidación está limitada al borde del cordón. All-weld metal Chemical Composition GB The wire contains high percentage of Al: it must be used for single-pass welding with dilution of the parent metal. indicato per passata singola. Längsfalte (mit Spindel 25mm). Außenseite 180°. I Giunti sovrapposti su lamiera A33 . Se aplica principalmente en la industria automovilística. Piega longitudinale (con mandrino 25 mm diam.8 a 4.00 mm. Bagno con pochissimi spruzzi.A37.8 m/min. single-pass welding of thin zinc-coated or painted plates (0. E Depósito con alto porcentaje de Al. Geringer Spritzverlust. Baño con poqíisimas proyecciones.) lato esterno 180°: senza cricche. 42 J. Sin rotura. ottima estetica del cordone. E Juntas superpuestas en chapas A33 . indicado para una sola pasada. Longitudinal bending (25 mm diam. geeignet für das Einzelnahtverfahren. Main applications are in the car industry. Hilo tubular metal cored indicado en soldadura de una única pasada. I Deposito con alta percentuale di Al. Valori di resilianza a temperatura ambiente min.8 a 4. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties GB Lap-joint weld on A 33-A 37 plate: thickness 3 mm.18: E 70 C GS EN Welding Positions Approvals 758: T 3 TZV 1H15 GB I D E Metal cored wire suitable for manual or automatic.8 to 4 mm).ETC ZN Classification AWS A5. 42J. Streckgrenze-Test: Bruch des Grundmaterials. Prueba de tracción: Rotura de material base.00 mm. schönes Nahtergebnis.2 kj/cm.A37. 5 S 0.4462 und 1.04 max Mn 1. Excellent bead appereance.5-23.ETC 6293V Classification AWS A5. X2 CrNiMoN 22 5 3/1.5 Cr 21.5 Mo 2.4362 UNS S 31803.012 Cu Ni 7.4362 UNS S 31803. Buena soldabilidad en posición vertical ascendente y óptima estetica del cordón de soldadura. Good saldability in all the positions.B. z.5-9.4362 UNS S 31803. E Hilo tubular rutilo utilizado para la soldadura de aceros de la serie dúplex austenítico-ferríticoo X2 CrNiMoN 22 5 3/1. I Filo animato rutile utilizzato per la saldatura di acciai della serie duplex austeno-ferritici X2 CrNiMoN 22 5 3/1.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0.2 Nb Ta F. N.1 Si 0.1-0. also vertical-up position.025 P 0.4462 e 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 700 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 585 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -30° C 45 min Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 300 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . D Rutil-Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von austenisch-ferritischen Duplex-Stählen. Buona la saldabilità nella posizione verticale ascendente.4462 e 1.22: E 2209 T-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals RINA 12073: T 22 9 3 NL P M1 GB Rutile flux cored wire suitable to weld duplex austenitic-ferritic steels X 2 CrNiMoN 22 5 3/1. Sehr gutes Nahtergebnis. Gute Schweißbarkeit bei ansteigender Vertikalnaht.4462 y 1.5-3. ottima l’estetica del cordone di saldatura.4362. UNS S 31803.4552 G-X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable For 1. y aceros bonificados al 12% Mn. per la saldatura di acciai dissimili. Geeignet für den Einsatz bei Roboter-Anlagen.03 P 0.ETC 6307L Classification AWS A5. Vergütungsstählen und Baustählen mit 12% Mn. E Hilo tubular inoxidable.03 max Cu Ni 8 Mo Cr 19 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.4552 G-X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. para la soldadura de aceros disimilares. Utilizable sobre equipos robotizados. Ottima estetica del cordone di saldatura. Sehr gutes Nahtergebnis. I Filo animato inox.7 S 0. D Rostfreier Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von artfremden Baustählen. hardening and tempering steels and 12% Mn steels. particularly suitable for robotic applications.5 Si 0. Optima estética del cordón de soldadura. Suitable For 1. acciai da bonifica e al 12% Mn. Excellent bead appearance. Utilizzabile su impianti robotizzati. N.22: E 307LT1-1/4 Welding Positions Approvals GB Stainless flux cored wire for welding of dissimilar steels. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 640 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 440 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 -20° C 50 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 301 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .03 Mn 6. B.22: E308 HT1-4 Welding Positions Approvals GB Cored stainless steel wire.ETC 6308H Classification AWS A5.1 max Ni 10 Mo Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.N. 3-10 (WRC) FORNITO SU IMBALLO VACUUM PACKING. E Hilo tubolar inoxidable. such as in the chemical and petrocemical industries. Particularmenteindicado para aplicaciones a altas temperaturas en industria quìmica. Der Draht wird in Vakuumverpackung geliefert.85 S 0. die bei hohen Temperaturen betrieben werden. in der chemischen und petrochemischen Industrie. Es eignet sich sehr gut für das Schweißen von Bauteilen. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -20°C 30 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar 20% CO2 CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 302 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Das Schweißgut entspricht einer austenitischen Chrom-Nickel-Legierung. Deposito con ferrite F. wie z. Particolarmente indicato in applicazioni ad alte temperature. It is perfect for working at high temperatures.015 max P 0. Deposita una aleaciòn austenìtica Cr-Ni. It forms a bead of austenitic Cr-Ni alloy. Bead with ferrite F. 3-10 (WRC) SUPPLIED IN VACUUM PACKING. for welding high carbon content stainless steel. D Hochlegierte Fülldrahtelektrode zum Schweißen von hoch kohlenstoffhaltigen hochlegierten Stählen.N.2 max Cu 0. adatto per la saldatura di acciai ad alto Carbonio. indicado para la soldadura en aceros con alto contenido en Carbono.04 max Mn 1. 3-10 (WRC).6 Si 0.N. N. Das Schweißgut hat einen Ferritgehalt F. petrolchimico. I Filo animato inox. petroquìmica. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Deposita una lega austenitica Cr-Ni. quali chimico. Indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables estabilizados y no estabilizados del tipo 19/9. Excelente estética del depósito. En cualquier caso. Resistant to grain disintegration at operating temperatures up to 350°C. Ottima estetica del deposito.4311 X 2 Cr Ni N 18 10 1. N. rostfreiem Stahl des Typs 19/9. flat notch-free weld interface. comunque.6 S 0. almost spatter free welding properties are typical of ETC 6308L. I Filo animato che deposita una lega austenitica Cr Ni.4541 X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18 10 1. scale resistant at up to approx.800°C. Low pickling costs as only slight discolouring of welds due to annealing. Slag-detachability is excellent. Particularly fine bead appearance.4 Si 0. Gutes Nahtergebnis. D Fülldraht mit austenitischem CrNi Legierung.8 Mo Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 8 max Mg Al N Nb Ta - FCAW GB Steel grades: 1. Exceptionally pleasant.02 P 0. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von stabilisierten und nicht stabilisierten.02 Cu Ni 9. Sollte ein Abbeizen notwendig werden. Optima resistencia a la corrosión intergranular hasta temperaturas de 350ºC. so empfehlen wir ETC INOXGEL. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.22: E 308LT1-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 12073: T 19 9L P M1 TUV Applications and Caratteristics Austenitic CrNi-flux cored wire in extra low carbon (ELC) quality with rutile type slag base.4552 G-X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 . El depósito no necesita de particulares tratamientos de decapado. even in fillets and tight angles. 1.4303 X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.4550 X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 1.ETC 6308L Classification AWS A5.4306 X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1. lndicato per la saldatura di acciai inox stabilizzati e non stabilizzati del tipo 19/9. Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung bis 350°C. si consiglia di applicare il prodotto specifico ETC INOXGEL. Il deposito non necessita di particolari trattamenti di decapaggio. ln caso. E Hilo tubular que deposita una aleación austenítica al Cr Ni.620 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -196° C 27 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 303 .03 Mn 1. Suitable for MAG welding of unstabilised and stabilised 19/9 CrNi stainless steels. Der Auftrag bedarf keiner besonderen Abbeizbehandlung. puede ser aconsejable el uso del decapante ETC INOXGEL. scoria facilmente asportabile.4543 X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4301 X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 also: F. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione intergranulare fino a temperature di 350°C. escoria facilmente eliminble. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 .02 max P 0. Gutes Nahtergebnis.22: E 308LT0-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12073: T 19 9 LRM5 GB This flux cored wire is excellent for welding in flat position. Ottima estetica del deposito. Slag-detachability is excellent. En cualquier caso puede ser aconsejable el uso del decapante ETC INOXGEL.4306 X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1.4552 G-X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1. lndicato per la saldatura di acciai inox stabilizzati e non stabilizzati del tipo 19/9.ETC 6308LF Classification AWS A5.4550 X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 1.4301 X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 also: 1. Suitable For 1. Indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables estabilizados y no estabilizados del tipo 19/9. Optima resistencia a la corrosión intergranular hasta temperaturas de 350ºC.4303 X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1. E Hilo tubular para soldadura en plano principalmente. I Filo animato ottimo per la saldatura in posizione piana.03 Mn 1. flat notch-free weld interface. leicht zu entfernende Schlacke. escoria facilmente eliminble.4311 X 2 Cr Ni N 18 10 1. que deposita una aleación austenítica al Cr.6 Si 0. El depósito no necesita de particulares tratamientos de decapado. scoria facilmente asportabile. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von stabilisierten und nicht stabilisierten. rostfreiem Stahl des Typs 19/9. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione intergranulare fino a temperature di 350°C. Excelente estética del depósito.4541 X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18 10 Steel grades: 1. Der Auftrag bedarf keiner besonderen Abbeizbehandlung.02 max Cu Ni 10.65 S 0. Low pickling costs as only slight discolouring of welds due to annealing. even in fillets and tight angles.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 8 max Mg Al N Nb Ta F. D Massivdraht geeignet für das schweissen in flacher position. Particularly fine bead appearance.4543 X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Fülldraht mit austenitischem CrNi Legierung. Resistant to grain disintegration at operating temperatures up to 350°C.Ni.5 Mo Cr 19. Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung bis 350°C. N.620 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -20° C 27 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 304 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Flat notch-free welds with a clean surface.4837 G-X 40 Cr Ni Si 25 12 1.6 Mo Cr 24 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 18 Mg Al N Nb Ta F.4713 X 10 Cr A1 7 Dissimilar joints (e. Impiego in tutte le posizioni D Fülldraht mit ferritisch-austenitischen CrNi Auftrag.4742 X 10 Cr Al 18 1.6 Si 0. Ottima stabilità d’arco e scoria facilmente asportabile. almost spatter-free welding properties. material nos.4832 G-X 25 Cr Ni Si 20 14 1. Indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares y para capas intermedias en plaqueados. Puede ser empleado en todas las posiciones.3 Mn 1.Ni.6 S 0.4828 X 15 Cr Ni Si 20 12 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.02 max Cu Ni 12. 1.22: E 309LT1-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 12073: T23 12L P M1 TUV GB ETC 6309L is characterised by good. Heat resisting steels e.ETC 6309L Classification AWS A5.02 max P 0. Finely rippled welds. Special in all positions. Optima estabilidad de arco y fácil eliminación de la escoria. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von artfremden Baustählen und für Zwischenlagen beim Auftragschweißen. N. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai dissimili e per strati intermedi su riporti duri. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 610 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 31 -60° C 30 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 305 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . very good slag detachability. I Filo animato che deposita una struttura austeno-ferritica Cr Ni.g 1 4583 . Gute Stabilität und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke E Hilo tubular que deposita una estrucutra austeno-ferrítica al Cr.H11).g. Suitable For 1.4724 X 10 Cr Al 13 1.4826 G-X 40 Cr Ni Si 22 9 1. Scoria facilmente asportabile con cordone di saldatura dall’aspetto piano e perfettamente raccordato.4713 X 10 C r A1 7 1.02 max P 0.ETC 6309L Mo Classification AWS A5. Escoria facilmente eliminable con un cordón de soldadura de aspecto plano y perfectamente recortado.6 Cr 24 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F. Indicato per la saldatura di acciai eterogenei e sottostrati di placcature.4724 X 10 Cr Al 13 1.4832 G-X 25 Cr Ni Si 20 14 1.4828 X 15 Cr Ni Si 20 12 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Heat resisting steels e. material nos. 1.22: E 309LMo T1-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals RINA 12073: T23 12 2L R M5 GB Stainless flux cored wire with austenitic-ferritic deposit.6 Si 0. Suitable for dissimilar steels welding and buffer layers cladding. D Fülldraht mit austenisch-ferritischem Schweißgut.03 Mn 1.7 S 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 710 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 530 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min -40° C 30 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 306 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .g.02 max Cu Ni 13 Mo 2. Self-removable slag combined with a very smooth bead appearance. Einwandfreies Nahtergebnis bei kerbfreiem Nahtübergang. Für das Verschweißen von artgleichen Baustählen und für Zwischenlagen bei Plattierung. N.H11).4742 X 10 Cr Al 18 1.4837 G-X 40 Cr Ni Si 25 12 1.4826 G-X 40 Cr Ni Si 22 9 1. I Filo animato che deposita una struttura austeno-ferritica. Suitable For Dissimilar joints (e. Leicht anzutragende Schlacke.g 1 4583 . Indicado para soldadura de aceros disimilares y capas intermedias en plaqueado. E Hilo tubular que deposita una estructura austeno-ferrítica. almost spatter-free welding properties.H11).7 S 0.22: E 309LT0-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12073: T 23 12 LRM5 GB This flux cored wire is excellent for welding in flat position. Fülldraht mit ferritisch-austenitischen CrNi Auftrag.4713 X 10 Cr A1 7 1.ETC 6309LF Classification AWS A5.02 max Cu Ni 13 Mo Cr 24 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta F.Ni. Flat notch-free welds with a clean surface.4724 X 10 Cr Al 13 1.4837 G-X 40 Cr Ni Si 25 12 Dissimilar joints (e.03 Mn 1. D Massivdraht geeignet für das schweissen in flacher position.4826 G-X 40 Cr Ni Si 22 9 1.02 max P 0. ETC 6309LF is characterised by good. Heat resisting steels e. material nos. I Filo animato ottimo per la saldatura in posizione piana.g 1 4583 .55 Si 0. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von artfremden Baustählen und für Zwischenlagen beim Auftragschweißen. ETC 6309LF deposita una struttura austeno-ferritica Cr Ni.4742 X 10 Cr Al 18 1. very good slag detachability. Indicato per la saldatura in posizione piana di acciai dissimili e per strati intermedi su riporti duri. Optima estabilidad de arco y fácil eliminación de la escoria. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Finely rippled welds. Indicado para soldadura en plano principalmente.4832 G-X 25 Cr Ni Si 20 14 1. Suitable For 1.4828 X 15 Cr Ni Si 20 12 1. Ottima stabilità d’arco e scoria facilmente asportabile. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 610 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 460 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 31 -60° C 35 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 307 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Indicado para la soldadura de aceros disimilares y para capas intermedias en plaqueados. E Hilo tubular que deposita una estrucutra austeno-ferrítica al Cr. Gute Stabilität und leicht zu entfernende Schlacke.g. N. Steel grades: 1. Exceptionally pleasant.02 max Cu Ni 12 Mo 2..22: E 316LT1-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 12073: T19 12 3LP M1 TUV GB Austenitic CrNiMo-flux cored in extra low carbon (ELC) quality with rutile type slag base. I Filo animato austenitico per la saldatura di acciai Cr Ni Mo. almost spatter free welding properties are typical of ETC 6316L. notch-free weld interface.4435 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 14 3 1. E Hilo tubular austenítico para la sodadura de aceros Cr. Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung bis 400°C. Gute Roentgenqualität und hohe Rißunempfindlichkeit.4406 X 2 Cr Ni Mo N 17 12 2 1.4573 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 F.03 Mn 1. Particularly fine bead appearance.4581 G-X 5 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 10 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Resistant to grain corrosion at operating temperatures up to 400°C. Indicado en los aceros tipo 19/12/3 incluso estabilizados. Depósito de buena estética y arco estable sin proyecciones. even in fillets and tight angles.6 S 0. auch stabilisierten Baustählen des Typs 19/12/3.4436 X 5 Cr Ni Mo 17 13 3 1.4571 X 6 Cr Ni Mo Ti 17 12 2 All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 580 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -110° C 32 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 308 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . Indicato per la saldatura degli acciai tipo 19/12/3 anche se stabilizzati.6 Si 0. Slag-detachability is excellent. ll deposito può essere decapato con prodotto ETC INOXGEL. Deposito di buona estetica ed arco stabile e senza spruzzi. D Austenitischer Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von CrNiMo-Baustählen.4583 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 8 Mg Al N Nb Ta - 1. Suitable For 1.4580 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 10 1. Schönes Nahtergebnis und spritzfreier stabiler Lichtbogen.4404 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 17 13 2 1.02 max P 0.6 Cr 19. Suitable for MAG welding unstabilised and stabilised 19/12/3 CrNiMo stainless steels. Resistente alla corrosione intergranulare fino a temperature di 400°C. Der Auftrag kann mit ETC INOXGEL abgebeizt werden. Resistente a la corrosión intergranular hasta temperatura de +400ºC. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von. Optima calidad radiográfica y a la rotura.Ni -Mo.4401 X 5 Cr Ni Mo 17 12 2 also: 1.ETC 6316L Classification AWS A5. flat. El cordón de soldadura puede ser decapado con ETC INOXGEL. Ottima qualità radiografica e resistenza alla criccabilità. N. 22: E 316LT0-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12073: T19 12 3LRM5 GB This flux cored wire is excellent for welding in flat position. even in fillets and tight angles.4580 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 10 1.4581 G-X 5 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 10 1.4435 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 14 3 1. Resistant to grain corrosion at operating temperatures up to 400°C.4436 X 5 Cr Ni Mo 17 13 3 1. Suitable For Steel grades: 1. notch-free weld interface. Schönes Nahtergebnis und spritzfreier stabiler Lichtbogen. Indicado en los aceros tipo 19/12/3 incluso estabilizados. Deposito di buona estetica ed arco stabile e senza spruzzi. flat. El cordón de soldadura puede ser decapado con ETC INOXGEL. Exceptionally pleasant.Ni . Resistente alla corrosione intergranulare fino a temperature di 400°C.03 Mn 1. Slag-detachability is excellent. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von.Mo. auch stabilisierten Baustählen des Typs 19/12/3.4401 X 5 Cr Ni Mo 17 12 2 also: 1.4404 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 17 13 2 1. I Filo animato ottimo per la saldatura in posizione piana.6 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe 8 Mg Al N Nb Ta F. N. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 570 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 430 Elongation (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 -110 32 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 309 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics .02 max P 0. Gute Roentgenqualität und hohe Rißunempfindlichkeit. ll deposito può essere decapato con prodotto ETC INOXGEL. Ottima qualità radiografica e resistenza alla criccabilità..4406 X 2 Cr Ni Mo N 17 12 2 1. Particularly fine bead appearance.4583 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1. almost spatter free welding properties are typical of ETC 6316LF.02 max Cu Ni 12 Mo 2.4571 X 6 Cr Ni Mo Ti 17 12 2 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Depósito de buena estética y arco estable sin proyecciones. Optima calidad radiográfica y a la rotura.6 Si 0. E Hilo tubular austenítico para sodadura en plano principalmente de aceros Cr.4573 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 1. Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung bis 400°C. D Massivdraht geeignet für das schweissen in flacher position.55 S 0. Resistente a la corrosión intergranular hasta temperatura de +400ºC. Der Auftrag kann mit ETC INOXGEL abgebeizt werden.ETC 6316LF Classification AWS A5. Austenitisches Fülldraht für das Verschweißen von CrNiMo-Baustählen. 03 Mn 1. D Austenitischer Fülldraht zum Veschweißen von stabilisiertem Stahl des Typs AISI 321 und 347. Suitable For Steel grades: AISI 347.15 Cr 19 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 580 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 410 Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 20° C 60 Hardness HB Shielding Gas Mix of 80% Ar + 20% CO2 or only CO2 Current Conditions DC + Sizes/Packing See Standard Packing data page 311 Diffusible H2 (ml/100g) STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 310 FCAW Applications and Caratteristics . La presencia del estabilizante mejora la resistencia a la oxidación del depósito.22: E 347LT1-1/4 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12073: T 19 9 Nb PM1 GB Stainless flux cored wire suitable to weld stabilised austenitic steels like AISI 321 and 347.48 F. N. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Excellent x-ray quality and crack resistance.6 Si 0. I Filo animato austenitico per la saldatura degli acciai austenitici stabilizzati del tipo AISI 321 e 347. Der Stabilisator verbessert die Oxidationsfestigkeit des Auftrags.ETC 6347 Classification AWS A5. Optimales Röntgenverhalten und Rißfestigkeit.Ottima qualità radiografica e resistenza alla criccabilità.6 S 0. E Hilo tubular austenítico para la soldadura de aceros estabilizados del tipo AISI 321 y 347. X 6 CrNiNb 1811. AISI 321.03 max P 0. Nb+Ta improve the welld deposit oxidation resistance. Optima calidad radiográfica y resistente a la rotura. La presenza dello stabilizzante migliora la resistenza all’ossidazione del deposito.03 max Cu Ni 10 Mo 0. Standard Packing Trade denomination D 200 Plastic K200 Basket (3 inner boxes) (3 inner boxes) R LW R LW D 300 Plastic R LW K 300 Basket R LW BS 300 Basket 52 R Daytona System LW Tubular flux cored wires for welding non-alloy steels ETC 6103 Kg 15 ETC 6104 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 16 ETC 6105 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6111 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6112 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6114 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6114 CF Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6114E ETC 6119 Kg 16 Kg 15 ETC 6123 Kg 16 Kg 200 Kg 16 ETC 6130 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6131 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 16 Kg 200 Tubular flux cored wires for welding COR-TEN steels ETC 6149B Kg 16 ETC 6149R Kg 16 Tubular flux cored wires for hardfacing ETC 6154 Kg 16 Tubular flux cored wires for welding low-alloy steel ETC 6121 ETC 6132 Kg 16 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6133 Kg 16 ETC 6602 Kg 16 ETC 6603 Kg 16 ETC 6605 Kg 16 TUBULAR FLUX CORED WIRES Kg 200 311 .Flux Cored Wires . 5 ETC 6121S Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6121SR ETC 6170 Kg 15 Kg 16 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6200 Kg 16 ETC 6202 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6205 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6206 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6212 Kg 18 ETC 6225 Kg 18 ETC 6291 Kg 18 ETC 6400 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6625 ETC ZN Kg 16 Kg 15 Kg 16 Strip flux cored wires for welding stainless steels ETC 6293V Kg 15 ETC 6307L Kg 15 Kg 15 ETC 6308H ETC 6308L ETC 6308LF STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 15 Kg 15 312 .5 Kg 15 ETC 6100Ni Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6117 Kg 13.Flux Cored Wires .Standard Packing Trade denomination D 200 Plastic K200 Basket (3 inner boxes) (3 inner boxes) R LW R LW D 300 Plastic R LW K 300 Basket R LW BS 300 Basket 52 R Daytona System LW Strip flux cored wires for welding non-alloy and low-alloy steels ETC 6100 Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6100C Kg 15 Kg 16 ETC 6100E Kg 13. Flux Cored Wires .Standard Packing Trade denomination D 200 Plastic K200 Basket (3 inner boxes) (3 inner boxes) R LW R LW D 300 Plastic R LW ETC 6309L Kg 15 Kg 15 ETC 6309L Mo Kg 15 Kg 15 ETC 6309LF Kg 15 ETC 6316L Kg 15 ETC 6316LF Kg 15 ETC 6347 Kg 15 STRIP FLUX CORED WIRES K 300 Basket R LW BS 300 Basket 52 R Daytona System LW 313 . . TIG Rods Barrette TIG WIG-Schweisstäbe Varillas TIG G.W Gas Tungsten Arc Welding .T.A. . The process is normally applied manually and is capable of welding steels and nonferrous metal in all positions. E ETC VARILLAS TIG El procedimiento de soldadura Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW).cupro ed alluminio. The process is commonly used on thin metals and for the root and hot pass on tubing and pipe. Das Verschweißen kann mit oder ohne Zusatzwerkstoff erfolgen. inox. Filler may or may not be used. L'arco elettrico scocca tra un elettrodo in tungsteno ed il materiale base. Das Schutzgas besteht aus einer Edelgasmischung. Es ist ein halbautomatisches Schweißverfahren und kann in allen Positionen eisenhaltiges und nicht eisenhaltiges Material schweißen. o soldadura Tungsten Arc. níquel–cobre y aluminio. saldatura Argon o saldatura Tungsten Arc. nutzt die vom elektrischen Lichtbogen erzeugte Wärme. D ETC WIG-SCHWEISSTABE Das Schweißverfahren "Gas Tungsten Arc Welding". Argon . ETC Elettrotermochimica has been working in this field for many years and has a full range of TIG rods suitable to weld Carbon. sowie für Nickel-. nichel . La ETC Elettrotermochimica è da anni presente in questo settore con una completa gamma di barrette per la saldatura di acciai al carbonio. Es un proceso de soldadura manual y posibilita la soldadura en todas las posiciones de materiales férreos o no. GTAW 317 .GB ETC TIG RODS Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. es un proceso en el que un arco eléctrico funde las partes a ser soldadas mediante un electrodo de tungsteno (no consumible). donde se necesitan las máximas garantías en términos de penetración. CuNi and NiCu alloys and Aluminium. Der elektrische Lichtbogen zündet zwischen der Tungsten-Elektrode (Wolfram-Elektrode) und dem Grundmaterial. La saldatura può essere fatta con o senza materiale d'apporto. La soldadura puede realizarse con o sin aporte de material. inoxidables. I ETC BARRETTE TIG Il procedimento di saldatura Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. debolmente legati. soldadura Argón. auch als TIG-WIG. conosciuto anche come saldatura TIG. Principalmente utilizzato per la saldatura in prima passata dove è necessaria la massima garanzia in termini di penetrazione. débilmente aleados. leghe al nichel. Shielding is obtained from an inert gas or an inert gas mixture. El gas protector del arco suele ser una mezcla de gases inertes. Argon oder Tungsten Arc-Verfahren bekannt. Principalmente es utilizado para soldadura en primera pasada. wo gute Durchdringlichkeit garantiert werden muß. um zwei Leitsubstanzen zu verschmelzen. Es wird hauptsächlich für den ersten Schweißauftrag benutzt. also known as TIG Welding. is an electric arc welding process which fuses together the parts to be welded by heating them with an arc between a non consumable tungsten electrode and the work. denominado también soldadura TIG. Nickel alloys. low alloy and stainless steels. NickelKupfer und Aluminium-Legierungen entwickelt.Arc Welding and Tungsten Arc Welding. Die ETC Elettrotermochimica ist seit Jahren auf diesem Gebiet tätig. Il gas di protezione è dato da una miscela di gas inerti. Sie hat eine große Auswahl von Stabelektroden für das Verschweißen von Kohlenstoffstahl. Cupro-Nickel-. aleaciones de níquel. É un procedimento di saldatura manuale e consente di saldare in tutte le posizioni materiali ferrosi e non ferrosi. è un procedimento che sfrutta il calore provocato dall'arco elettrico per fondere assieme due materiali conduttori. schwach legierten und rostfreien Baustählen. cupro nichel. ETC Elettrotermochimica está presente desde años en este sector con una amplia gama de varillas para la soldadura de aceros al carbono. * THE TYPE ETC SG1 FF TO 1KG. * SU RICHIESTA È DISPONIBILE LA VERSIONE ETC SG1 FF DA KG1.ETC TIG SG1 Classification AWS A5. ETC TIG SG1 is generally used in root pass and to support the welding when no back pass is possible. N.025 max P 0. * AUF ANFRAGE STEHT DIE AUSFÜHRUNG ETC SG1 FF DER ELEKTRODE KG1.und Gegenlage nicht möglich ist.25 Si 0. FOR APPLICATIONS IN “COLD WIRE”. IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai dolci e al carbonio impiegata nelle prime passate e a fondo cianfrino come passata di supporto o nei casi dove sia impossibile la ripresa a rovescio.18: ER 70S-3 EN Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS 1668: W 42 5 W 2Si DNV Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld mild and carbon steels. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften und hohe Festigkeit bei niedrigen Temperaturen. PER APPLICAZIONI A “FILO FREDDO”.025 max Cu 0.08 Mn 1. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Gußeisen und Kohlenstoffstahl. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 500-640 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC - Standard Packing Tube 5 Kg Spool 1 Kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -50° C 47 min 318 . Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e di tenacità a bassa temperatura.35 max Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. PARA APLICACIONES EN " HILO FRIO".6 S 0. FÜR DAS KALTZÜNDEN ZUR VERFÜGUNG. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de acero dulce y al carbono empleada en la primera pasada como penetración o pasada de soporte. Excellent mechanical and toughness properties when in low temperature conditions. Geeignet für den ersten Auftrag und für Wurzelnähte als Stütznaht. Optimas características mecánicas y de tenacidad a baja temperatura. * BAJO PEDIDO SE ENCUENTRA DISPONIBLE LA VERSION TIG SG1 FF DE 1 KG. wo ein Schweißen in Lage. 35-1.1 Mn 1. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Gußeisen und Kohlenstoffstahl.und Gegenlage nicht möglich ist.18: ER 70S-6 EN Welding Positions Approvals 1668: W 42 5 W3Si1 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld mild and carbon steels.025 max Cu 0. wo ein Schweißen in Lage.ETC TIG SG2 Classification AWS A5. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai dolci e al carbonio impiegata nelle prime passate e a fondo cianfrino come passata di supporto o nei casi dove sia impossibile la ripresa a rovescio. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e di tenacità a bassa temperatura. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften und hohe Festigkeit bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Optimas características mecánicas y de tenacidad a baja temperatura. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Shielding Gas Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520-640 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 min -50°C 47 min Ar Current Conditions Standard Packing Tube 5 Kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING NON-ALLOY STEELS 319 .8 max S 0. ETC TIG SG2 is generally used in root pass and to support the welding when no back pass is possible. Excellent mechanical and toughness properties when in low temperature conditions.025 max P 0. Geeignet für den ersten Auftrag und für Wurzelnähte als Stütznaht.06-0. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de acero dulce y al carbono empleada en la primera pasada como penetración o pasada de soporte.5 Si 0.35 max Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. N. ETC TIG 1 Ni Classification AWS A5.08 Mn 1-1. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati al 1% Ni e a grana fine per applicazione a bassa temperatura.640 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 -60°C 40 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 320 .025 max P 0. N.6 Si 0.6 S 0. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados al 1% Ni y de grano fino para aplicaciones a baja temperatura.3 Mo 0.28: ER 80S-Ni1 EN Welding Positions Approvals 1668: W3 Ni1 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable for low alloy 1% Ni and fine grain steels for low temperature applications.025 max Cu Ni 0.15 Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von leicht legierten Baustählen (1% Ni) und Feinkornbaustählen sowie Schweißen bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Suitable For ASTM A 333-67 A 334-67 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 640 .8-1.740 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 Kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 540 . All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 620 .720 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 510 . 10 Ni 14. Excellent mechanical properties both in as-welded and stress relieved conditions.610 Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 24 min -60°C 47 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 321 . N. tanto en condiciones sin tratamiento térmico. TT SE 35 N E SE E 380 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.28: ER 80S-Ni2 EN Welding Positions Approvals 1668: W2 Ni2 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld low alloy steels 2% Ni and low temperature applications.08 Mn 1.02 max Cu Ni 2. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati al 2% Ni e per applicazioni a bassa temperatura. 16 Ni 14. como después tratamiento térmico de distensionado. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von niedriglegierten Baustählen (2% Ni) und für Schweißen bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Suitable For 14 Ni 6. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften im geschweißten und spannungsarmglühem Zustand. Optimas características mecánicas.02 max P 0.ETC TIG 2 Ni Classification AWS A5. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche sia in condizione as-welded che dopo trattamento termico di distensione.1-2.5 S 0.7 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados al 2% Ni y para aplicaciones a baja temperatura.4 max Si 0. 15 max As Sb Pb V 0. *THE TYPE ETC KV2 FF TO 1KG.6 Cr 0. IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST.8 S 0.1 Si 0.025 max P 0. *AUF ANFRAGE STEHT AUCH DIE VERSION ETC KV2 FF DER ELEKTRODE KG.05% Mo y para aceros con elevada resistencia. Das Schweißgut ist rißfest und unempfindlich gegen Rißbildung auch wahrend der Verfestigung. El metal depositado presenta una notable insensibilidad a la rotura y a la fisuración por solidificación. Cold cracking-free weld deposit.6-2. FOR APPLICATIONS IN COLD WIRE. ZUR VERFÜGUNG.ETC TIG KV2 Classification AWS A5.02 max N Nb Ta - GTAW F.5 Mo e per acciai con elevata resistenza. Suitable For ASTM A 335-76. * BAJO PEDIDO ES DISPONIBLE LA VERSION ETC TIG KV2 FF DE UN 1 KG PARA APLICACIONES CON " HILO FRIO". All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC - Standard Packing Tube 5 kg * Spool 1 Kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 min -29°C 27 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 322 .07-0. N.4-0. I Barretta per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati con 0.12 Mn 1.5 max Ni 0.03 max Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al 0. Il metallo depositato presenta una notevole insensibilità alle cricche e alla fessurazione da solidificazione.5 Mo und hochfesten Baustählen.5 Mo steels and high resistant steels. FÜR DAS KALTZÜNDEN. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados con 0.5-0.025 max Cu 0.28: ER 80S-D2 Welding Positions Approvals CONTROLAS TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld 0. PER APPLICAZIONI A FILO FREDDO. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von niedriglegierten Baustählen mit 0. A 369-76 10 Cr Mo 9 10 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. *SU RICHIESTA È DISPONIBILE LA VERSIONE ETC KV2 FF DA KG1.15 max Mo 0. 5 Si 0. ASTM A 369-76 10 Cr Mo 910-G5.1. PARA APLICACIONES CON " HILO FRIO". IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST.25% Cr – 1. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche e deposito e grande insensibilità alle fessurazioni.0% Mo.25% Cr.02 max Cu 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 600°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 570 . Indicata anche per la saldatura degli acciai debolmente legati con 2.0 % Mo.25% Cr.1 Cr 2. I Barretta adatta per la saldatura di acciai con 2.08 Mn 0.25% Cr . E Varilla TIG indicada para la soldadura de aceros con 2.28: ER 90S-B3 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: W CrMo Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld low alloy 2. 10 Cr Mo 910 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. ZUR VERFÜGUNG. Excellent mechanical properties and notch-free weld deposit. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76. Optimas características mecánicas del depósito y gran insensibilidad a la fisuración. *SU RICHIESTA È DISPONIBILE LA VERSIONE ETC KV3 FF DA KG1. ASTM A 200-75. N. * BAJO PEDIDO ES DISPONIBLE LA VERSION ETC TIG KV3 FF DE UN 1 KG. FOR APPLICATIONS IN “COLD WIRE”. *THE TYPE ETC KV3 FF TO 1KG. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von niedriglegierten Baustählen mit 2.25% Cr. *AUF ANFRAGE STEHT AUCH DIE VERSION ETC KV3 FF DER ELEKTRODE KG1.25% Cr steels or 10 Cr Mo 910-G5 or 10 Cr Mo 910 steels.35 max Ni Mo 1.25% Cr – 1.680 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC - Standard Packing Tube 5 kg * Spool 1 Kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 .02 max P 0. Puede ser utilizada igualmente para soldadura de aceros debilmente aleados con 2. FÜR DAS KALTZÜNDEN. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften. PER APPLICAZIONI A “FILO FREDDO”.0% Mo. Schweißgut unempfindlich gegen Rißbildung.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.ETC TIG KV3 Classification AWS A5.550 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 min -29°C 70 TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 323 .6 S 0. Good x-ray quality. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Baustählen mit 2. 5% Mo.3 max Ni 0. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fluencia con 5% Cr 0. Impiegato nell'industria chimica e nei processi di sintesi dell'ammoniaca.7 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.5% Mo steels. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo con 5% Cr 0. Ein Vorwärmen und Interpass bei 250-300 °C wird empfohlen. Pre. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76.025 max P 0. Se aconseja precalentamiento e interpasadas entre 250 . D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von warmfesten Baustählen mit 5% Cr und 0. Suitable for chemical and ammonia synthesis applications. ASTM A 387-76 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.6 max Mo 0. ASTM A 200-75.025 max Cu 0. N.6 S 0. Si consiglia preriscaldo ed interpass di 250-300°C.28: ER 80S-B6 classification EN 12070 W CrMo 5Si Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld creep resistant 5% Cr 0. ASTM A 213-76d.730 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 480 .6 Cr 5.5% Mo.300ºC. Empleada en la industria química y en los procesos de síntesis del amoníaco.5% Mo. ASTM A 335-76 ASTM A 369-76. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 840°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 630 .5-0. Sie findet Einsatz in der chemischen Industrie und bei der Ammoniak-Synthese.heating and interpass 250-300°C are suggested.07 Mn 0.5 Si 0.ETC TIG KV4 Classification Welding Positions Approvals nearest AWS A5.560 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 19 min -29°C 60 TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 324 . ASTM A 200-75. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 620°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 .25% Cr y 0.6 Si 0. Cold cracking-free weld deposit. Excellent mechanical properties.670 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 470 .9% Cr und 0.5% Mo. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aceros con 1.9% Cr y 0.2 max Mo 0. Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften.025 max P 0. Il deposito è insensibile al fenomeno delle fessurazioni.9% Cr e 0. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai con 1.3 max Ni 0.5% Mo steels.5% Mo. Puede ser empleado para la soldadura del acero con 0. FÜR DAS KALTZÜNDEN.09 Mn 0. * AUF ANFRAGE STEHT AUCH DIE VERSION ETC KV5 FF DER ELEKTRODE KG1.5% Mo verwendet werden. * THE TYPE ETC KV5 FF TO 1KG. * SU RICHIESTA È DISPONIBILE LA VERSIONE ETC KV5 FF DA KG1.ETC TIG KV5 Classification AWS A5.25% Cr und 0.25% Cr e 0. Das Schweißgut ist unempfindlich gegen Rissbildung. * BAJO PEDIDO ES DISPONIBLE LA VERSION ETC TIG KV5 FF DE 1 KG.5% Mo. ZUR VERFÜGUNG.5 Cr 1. Kann auch für das Verschweißen von Baustählen mit 0. N. FOR APPLICATIONS IN “COLD WIRE”.540 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -29°C 70 TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 325 .025 max Cu 0.5% Mo. IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST.3 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.6 S 0. ACTM A 387-76 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable For ASTM A 199-76.28: ER EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: W CrMo 1Si Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld 1. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche. PARA APLICACIONES CON " HILO FRIO". El depósito es insensible al fenónmeno de la fisuración. Optimas características mecánicas. It can also be used to weld 0. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Baustählen mit 1.5% Mo. ASTM A 213-76d.5% Mo steels.25% Cr 0. PER APPLICAZIONI A “FILO FREDDO”.9% Cr 0. Può essere impiegato per la saldatura dell'acciaio con 0. ASTM A 335-76 ACTM A 369-76. Buone le caratteristiche meccaniche. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.9: ER 80S-B8 EN Welding Positions Approvals 12070: W CrMo 9 Applications and Caratteristics GB Tig rod suitable to weld 9.ETC TIG KV7 Classification AWS A5.1 Mn 0.025 max Cu 0.025 max P 0.0% Cr 1% Mo steels.2 Cr 8-10.04-0.85-1.7 Si 0. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Excellent mechanical proprieties. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di materiali tipo 9. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de materiales tipo 9.0% Cr und 1% Mo. N. D WIG Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Baustählen mit 9.0 % Cr 1% Mo. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 530 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -29°C 60° C TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 326 .5 S 0.35 max Ni 0. Buenas características mecánicas. Cold cracking-free weld deposit.0% Cr 1% Mo.2 max Mo 0. Buone le caratteristiche meccaniche.1 Mn 1. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.54 Mo 0. D WIG Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von leicht legierten Baustählen des typst P91. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Excellent mechanical proprieties.21 Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.3 S P Cu 0.25 Si 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 482 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 645 Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 21 min -29°C 65 Shielding Gas Current Conditions Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALLOY AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS 327 .91 Cr 8.28: ER 90S-B9 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod for welding type P91 low-alloy steels.12 Ni 0.ETC TIG KV7M Classification AWS A5. N. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai debolmente legati tipo P91. Buenas propiedades mecánicas.8 As Sb Pb V 0. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fluencia tipo P91. 05 max Ni 0.25% Cr 1% Mo per applicazioni in step cooling. ONLY REQUEST.1-0.003 max P 0.004 max Fe Mg Al 0.01 Ti 0.6 Si 0.25% Cr 1% Mo for step cooling applications.95-1. ZUR VERFUGUNG. N.02 max Sn 0.45-2.01 max N Nb Ta - GTAW F. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 2.28: ER 90S-B3 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG welding rods suitable for welding of 2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 690°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 630 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 530 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 -20°C 54 min TIG RODS CHROME-MOLYBDENUM FOR APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COOLING 328 . BAJO PEDIDO Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.13 max Mo 0.12 Mn 0.45-0.08 max S 0. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros 2.01 max Pb 0.005 max Nb 0.1 Cr 2. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai 2.002 max V 0.004 max Cu 0.ETC AL CROMO W 225 Classification AWS A5.01 max Sb 0.25% Cr und 1% Mo für den Einsatz nach Step cooling.65 As 0. SU RICHIESTA.25% Cr 1% Mo para aplicaciones con step cooling. 45-2.005 max Nb 0.25% Cr V. ONLY REQUEST. Depósito con niveles bajísimos de impurezas.003 max Pb 0. ZUR VERFUGUNG.28: ER 90S-G Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG welding rods suitable for welding of 2.3 Sn 0.65 As 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 705°C x 2h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 660 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 500 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 18 -29°C 54 J TIG RODS CHROME-MOLYBDENUM FOR APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COOLING 329 .95-1.1 Cr 2.25-0.01 max N Nb Ta - GTAW F.04 max Fe Mg Al 0. Geeignet für einen Einsatz nach Step cooling.45-0. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai 2. Particulary suitable for applications after step cooling.018-0. Adatto per applicazioni dopo step cooling.004 max Cu 0.003 max P 0. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Very low impurity deposit. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Stahlmit 2. Deposito a bassissime impurezze.25% Cr V steels.13 max Mo 0.6 Si 0.08 max S 0.023 Ti 0. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros 2.1-0.12 Mn 0. Auftrag mit sehr geringer Verunreinigung. BAJO PEDIDO.002 max V 0. Desarrollado para aplicaciones con step cooling.01 max Sb 0.ETC AL CROMO W 225 V Classification AWS A5. SU RICHIESTA.05 max Ni 0.25% Cr V.25% Cr V. N. ONLY REQUEST.003 max P 0.018-0. Adatto per applicazioni in step cooling. ZUR VERFUGUNG E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros 3.1 Cr 2. Very low impurity deposit.15 As 0.95-1. Deposito a bassissime impurezze. SU RICHIESTA. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Stahl mit 3% Cr V. Desarrollado para aplicaciones con step cooling.002 max V 0.01 max N Nb Ta - GTAW F. N.004 max Fe Mg Al 0. Depósito con niveles bajísimos de impurezas.3 Sn 0.003 max Pb 0.023 Ti 0. Suitable for step cooling applications.28: ER 90S-G Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG welding rods for welding of 3% Cr V steels.25-0.95-3.ETC AL CROMO W 300 V Classification AWS A5.005 max Nb 0. Geeignet für einen Einsatz nach Step cooling.13 max Mo 0.1-0.45-0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 710°C x 8h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550-750 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 min -29°C 54 TIG RODS CHROME-MOLYBDENUM FOR APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COOLING 330 . BAJO PEDIDO.6 Si 0.05 max Ni 0. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai al 3% di Cr V.01 max Sb 0.00% Cr V.08 max S 0. Auftrag mit sehr geringer Verunreinigung.004 max Cu 0.12 Mn 0. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 1.4 Ni 9. Typ AISI 304H.X 2 Cr Ni l9 11 l.4301 .X 6 Cr Ni Ti l8 l0 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Suitable For 1.4 S P Cu 0.9: ER 308H EN Welding Positions Approvals 12072: W 19 9 H Applications and Caratteristics GB Stainless TIG rod like ER 308 H suitable to weld stainless austenitic steels like AISI 304H.X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 l. Sehr gute mechanische Beständigkeit. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de acero inoxidable austenítico tipo AISI 304H.rostfrei für das Verschweißen von austenitischen Baustählen.4306 .4303 .5 Mo 0. N.4543 . D WIG-Schweißstab. Optima resistencia mecánica. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici del tipo AISI 304H. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -196°C 60 min 331 . Excellent mechanical resistance.X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 1.4550 .ETC TIG 308H Classification AWS A5.2 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. Ottima resistenza meccanica.8 Si 0.05 Mn 1.454l . Typ 308L.1 Ni 10 Mo 0. rostfrei.X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 1. geeignet für das Verschweißen von austenitischen.2 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.4306 .4301 . Notch-free weld deposit.X 6 Cr Ni Ti l8 l0 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. Sehr guter mechanischer Widerstand und Korrosionsbeständigkeit. D WIG-Schweißstab. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -196°C 60 min 332 . Typ AISI 304 und 308.4303 .X 2 Cr Ni l9 11 l. rostfreien Stählen. Ottima reistenza meccanica e alla corrosione.9: ER 308L EN Welding Positions Approvals MMI 12072: W 19 9L TUV Applications and Caratteristics GB Stainless TIG rod like ER 308L suitable to weld austenitic stainless steels like AISI 304 and 308.4543 .03 min Cu 0.454l . Hohe Rißunempfindlichkeit. Elevada resistencia a la fisuración.X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.03 min P 0. Excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. Suitable For 1.ETC TIG 308L Classification AWS A5.X 5 Cr Ni 18 12 1.4 S 0. E Varilla TIG del tipo ER 308L indicada para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos del tipo AISI 304 y 308.X 6 Cr Ni Nb 18 10 l.7 Si 0.02 Mn 1. N. Optima resistencia mecánica y a la corrosión. I Barretta TIG inox del tipo ER 308L indicata per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici del tipo AISI 304 e 308.4550 . Elevata resistenza alla fessurazione. N.9: ER 309L EN Welding Positions Approvals 12072: W 23 12L Applications and Caratteristics GB Stainless TIG rod like ER 309L to weld stainless austenitic steels like AISI 309.8 Si 0. Aufgrund seiner besonderen chemisch. SUH 309. D WIG-Schweißstab.4 Ni 13 Mo 0. zum Verschweißen von austenitischem AISI 309-Edelstahl. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de acero inoxidables austenítico tipo AISI 309. Excellent high temperature oxidation resistance. Suitable For AISI 309. Por sus particulares características químicas y mecánicas se viene empleando para la soldadura de aceros disimilares y para plaqueado. It is generally used to weld dissimilar and hardly weldable steels. X 16 Cr Ni 2314. Dissimilar steels All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 20°C 47 min 333 .mechanischen Eigenschaften wird er auch zum Verschweißen von Eisenstahl durch Auftragsunterschichten verwendet. ETC 309L is also suitable for buffer layers.5 S P Cu 0.75 Cr 24 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.03 max Mn 1. Guter mechanischer Widerstand bei Warmoxidierung.ETC TIG 309L Classification AWS A5. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici tipo AISI 309. Buone caratteristiche meccaniche di resistenza all'ossidazione a caldo. Buenas caractrerísticas mecánicas de resistencia a la oxidación en caliente. Per le sue particolari caratteristiche chimico meccaniche viene impiegata per la saldatura anche di acciai dissimili inox ferro per sottostrati di riporti. rostfrei. Suitable For AISI 310. Suitable for welding steels having the same chemical compositions or dissimilar steels. rostfrei. como para el plaqueado de aceros disimilares o al carbono. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai inox Completamente austenitici del tipo AISI 310 o similari.8 Si 0.8 Mo 0. Sie kann auch für das Verschweißen oder die Plattierung von artfremden Baustählen oder Kohlenstoffstahl eingesetzt werden. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 min 20°C 47 min 334 . Das voll austenitische Schweißgut garantiert einen großen Korrosionswiderstand bei hohen Temperaturen. Welding Positions Approvals 1. Excellent high temperature corrosion resistance.12 Mn 1.ETC TIG 310 Classification AWS A5. può essere impiegata anche per la saldatura o placcatura di acciai dissimili o al carbonio. für das Verschweißen von voll austenitischen und rostfreien Baustählen des Typs AISI 310 oder artverwandte Baustähle.45 S P Cu 0. N.4842 Applications and Caratteristics GB Stainless TIG rod like ER 310 with 25% Cr and 20% Ni. El depósito confiere una gran calidad de resistencia a la corrosión a altas temperaturas. X 22 Cr Ni 2520 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.3 Cr 26 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. puede ser empleada tanto para la soldadura. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de acero inoxidable completamente austenítico del tipo AISI 310 o similares. Il deposito completamente austenitico conferisce grandi qualità di resistenza alla corrosione ad alte temperature. D WIG-Schweißstab. The deposit is totally austenitic.3 Ni 20.9: ER 310 Wr. Very good resistance to intergranular and pitting corrosion.9 Si 0.9: ER 385 L Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG wire for welding of stainless steels type AISI 904L.Mischungen. Optimale Korrosionsbeständigkeit in Schwefeldioxid. con basso contenuto di carbonio. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros tipo AISI 904L altamente aleado.025 max Mn 1.ETC TIG 311 CuL Classification AWS A5.und Salzsäure. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.02 max P 0. con bajo contenido de carbono.5 Ni 25 Mo 4.4 S 0. Optima resistencia a la corrosión en ambientes sulfurosos y clorhídricos. I Bacchetta TIG per la saldatura di acciai tipo AISI 904L altamente legati.6 Cr 20 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0. Buena resistencia a la corrosión intergranular. low carbon content. D WIG-Schweißstab Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode zum Verschweißen von hochlegiertem Stahl des Typs AISI 904L mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt.1-0. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione in miscele solforose e cloridriche. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 430 min Shielding Gas Mix of 98% Ar 2% O2 or 99% Ar 1% O2 Current Conditions DC + Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 32 min -70°C 90 min 335 .15 Nb Ta - GTAW F. Buona resistenza alla corrosione intergranulare. Gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung. N. Suitable For AISI 904L.02 max Cu 1. 8 Si 0. für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl mit gleicher. Panzerstahl oder ballistischer Stahl.4337 Applications and Caratteristics GB Stainless TIG rod suitable for welding or surfacing hardly weldable steels.ETC TIG 312 Classification AWS A5.oder Cr-Stahl.2 Cr 30 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.9: ER 312 Wr. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 660 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 22 20°C 40 min 336 . N. Mn.2 Ni 9. aceros al C. The excellent mechanical properties and the notch resistance make this rod of general use. Suitable For AISI 312 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. La notable elasticidad del depósito y la gran resistencia a la fisuración hace de esta varilla que sea de empleo universal. Die hohe Dehnbarkeit und Rißunempfindlichkeit des Schweißgutes machen diese Schweißsstab zum universellen Schweißzusatz. al Cr y aceros de blindaje. D WIG-Schweißstab. al Mn. La notevole elasticità del deposito e la grande resistenza alle fessurazioni rendono l'impiego di tale bacchetta universale. rostfrei.1 Mn 1. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables de igual composición química y de aceros dificilmente soldables.03 max P 0. Welding Positions Approvals 1. Suitable to weld buffer layers of hard depositions.4 S 0.2 Mo 0. wie C-.02 max Cu 0. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai inox di eguale composizione chimica e di acciai difficilmente saldabili quali acciai al C al Mn al Cr acciai da corazza e balistici. chemischer Zusammensetzung und schwer schweißbare Baustählen. 02 Mn 1. Buenas características de resistencia a la corrosión siendo su natural campo de aplicación la industria química y petroquímica. Findet Einsatz in der chemischen Industrie und der Mineralölindustrie. La varilla ETC TIG 316H con C máx.4 Si 0. 0.45 S 0. rostfrei. Excellent mechanical and corrosion resistance. La barretta TIG 316H con C max 0. Upon request we can supply TIG 316H rods with max. N. Hoher Korrosionswiderstand. I Barretta in acciaio inox del tipo AISI 316L indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox con analoga composizione chimica.6 Cr 19 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW GB F. C.08% erhältlich E Varilla TIG en acero inoxidable del tipo AISI 316L indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables con análoga composición química. Auf Anfrage ist auch der TIG-Schweißstab 316H mit max C 0.ETC TIG 316L Classification AWS A5. Buone caratteristiche di resistenza alla corrosione trova il suo naturale campo di applicazione nell'industria chimica e petrolchimica. Suitable For AISI 316 L.08% es disponible bajo pedido. 0. suitable for welding or surfacing stainless steels having the same chemical analysis.9: ER 316L Welding Positions EN 12072: W 19 12 3L Wr. D WIG-Schweißstab.4430 Approvals MMI TUV Applications and Caratteristics Stainless TIG rod like ER 316L with C £ 0. X 2 Cr Ni Mo 1712.03%. 1.08%. X 2 Cr Ni Mo 1713 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.08% è disponibile su richiesta.13 Ni 12.018 Cu 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 490 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 20°C 47 min 337 .5 Mo 2.01 P 0. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von rostfreiem Stahl mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung. La presenza di stabilizzanti migliora la resistenza all’ossidazione del deposito.4576 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Stainless TIG rod suitable to weld stabilised austenitic steels like AISI 318. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.5 Mo 2.ETC TIG 318 Si Classification AWS A5.5 Cr 18. 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 25 min 20°C 47 min 338 . boilers fabrication including for chemical industry. D WIG-Schweißstab. E Varilla TIG en acero inoxidable del tipo AISI 318. La presencia de estabilizantes mejora la resistencia a la oxidación del depósito. rostfrei.9: ER 318 Welding Positions EN 12072: W 20 10 3 Wr. Vessels.5 Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW GB F.04 Mn 1.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb 0. Die Stabilisatoren verbessern den Oxydationswiderstand des Schweißgutes. I Barretta in acciaio inox del tipo AISI 318. Pipes fabrications. Suitable For Metal working industry. N. the weld deposit oxidation resistance.5 Si 0. Nb improve considerably.85 S P Cu Ni 11. Findet Einsatz beim Verschweißen von Baustählen des Typs AISI 347 und 321. Suitable For AISI 347. für den ersten Schweißauftrag oder bei der Regeneration von Plattierungen. für das Verschweißen von stabilisierten Baustählen. Nb improve considerably the weld deposit oxidation resistance.6 Si 0. D WIG-Schweißstab.03 max P 0. Der Stabilisator erhöht die Korrosionsbeständigkeit bei niedrigenTemperaturen.75 Cr 19.03 max Cu 0.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb 0. Trova il suo campo d'impiego nella saldatura di AISI 347 e 321 in prima passata o ripristini di placcatura.05 Mn 1. Welding Positions Approvals 1. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 20°C 47 min 339 .8 Mo 0. N.45 S 0. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai inox stabilizzati. X 6 Cr Ni Nb 1811. La presencia de los estabilizantes mejora las características de resistencia a la corrosión por temperatura.4 Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta 0. La presenza dello stabilizzante migliora le caratteristiche di resistenza alla corrosione a temperatura. rostfrei.4551 Applications and Caratteristics GB Stainless TIG rod suitable to weld stabilised austenitic steels like AISI 321 and 347.9: ER 347 Wr.75 max Ni 9. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros inoxidables estabilizados.ETC TIG 347 Classification AWS A5.4 GTAW F. Su campo de empleo se utiliza en la soldadura de AISI 347 y 321 como primera pasada o para relleno. AISI 321 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciaio con 12%Cr tipo AISI 410. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment PWHT 750°C x 1h Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC- Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 20°C 47 min 340 . D Rostfreie Massivdrahtelektrode für das Verschweißen von Stählen mit 12% Cr (AISI 410).2 Ni 0.5 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. N.9: ER 410 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod with high carbon content for welding 12% Cr steels (AISI 410).03 Mn 0. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aceros con 12% Cr tipo AISI 410.3 S P Cu 0.2 Cr 13. Suitable For AISI 410.3 Mo 0. X 12 Cr 13 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.4 Si 0.ETC TIG 410L Classification AWS A5. 02 Mn 1. Suitable For Duplex 1.02 P 0.ETC TIG 22 9 3L Classification AWS A5. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Zweiphasen-Stahl. N.2 Mo 3. The excellent corrosion resistance and the weld metal mechanical properties depend on welding procedures. La óptima resistencia a la corrosión y a las características mecánicas del depósito dependen mucho de la técnica de soldadura. Temperature up to 280°C.4462 Approvals Applications and Caratteristics TIG rod suitable to weld two-phase Duplex.4462 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. La ottima resistenza alla corrosione e le caratteristiche meccaniche del deposito dipendono molto dalla tecnica di saldatura. 1.6 Si 0. Typ Duplex. Temperatura de ejercicio hasta 280ºC.8 S 0.2 Cr 23 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti Fe Mg Al N 0.9: ER 2209 Welding Positions EN 12072: W 22 9 3NL Wr. Betriebstemperatur bis 280°C. Temperatura di esercizio fino a 280°C. Eine gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit und gute mechanische Eigenschaften des Auftrages hängen vorallem von der Schweißtechnik ab. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aceros bimetálicos típo Duplex. I Barretta TIG per la saldatura di acciai bifasici tipo Duplex.15 Nb Ta - GTAW GB F.03 Cu Ni 8. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 800 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm 600 TIG RODS FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 26 -50°C 100 min 341 . Good appearance amd excellent weld deposit properties. Pipes fabrication. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.ETC TIG CuNi 70-30 Classification AWS A5.7: ER CuNi Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics GB Solid wire suitable to weld alloys with equal chemical analysis.5 Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione agli agenti chimici e marini. Buena estética y óptima resistencia a la corrosión en presencia de ambientes salinos y agentes químicos. Suitable For Vessels. Aplicación típica en desalinizadoras. boiler fabrication (including the chemical/petrochemical industry). Buona estetica ed ottime caratteristiche del deposito. Schönes Nahtergebnis und gute Eigenschaften des Auftrages. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aleaciones con igual composición química. Off-shore fabrication. N. Hoher Korrosionswiderstand gegen chemische und salzhaltige Substanzen. Excellent corrosion resistance in saline solutions.25 S P Cu 65 Ni 30 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. I Barretta GTAW indicata per la saldatura di leghe con uguale composizione chimica. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 345 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC - Standard Packing Tube 5 kg Yield Strength 2 N/mm TIG RODS FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 20 342 . D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung.05 Mn 1 Si 0.3 Fe 0. Schönes Nahtergebnis und hoher Korrosionswiderstand in salzhaltiger Umgebung. Suitable for desalination plant construction for MONEL type alloy. I Barrette per la saldatura GTAW di leghe con uguale composizione chimica.B.ETC TIG NiCu 70-30 Classification AWS A5. N.2 Mg Al N Nb Ta - GTAW F.1 Mn 4 Si 1.5 Fe 2. Buona estetica e ottima resistenza alla corrosione in presenza di ambienti salini.4377 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod suitable to weld alloys with equal chemical analysis. Einsatz in Entsalzungsanlagen. Applicazione tipo dissalatori per leghe tipo MONEL. E Varilla TIG para la soldadura de aleaciones con igual composición química. Findet z. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Legierungen mit gleicher chemischer Zusammensetzung. Off-shore fabrication. Aplicaciónes en plantas desalinizadoras para aceros tipo MONEL. Buena estética y óptima resistencia a la corrosión en presencia de ambientes salinos. boiler fabrication (including the chemical/petrochemical industry). Good appearance and excellent corrosion resistance in saline solutions. Welding Positions Approvals 2. Suitable For Vessels. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 480 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 480 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING NICKEL AND CU-NI ALLOYS Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 30 30 343 . Pipes fabrication.25 S P Cu remaining Ni 69 Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 1. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.14: ER NiCu 7 Wr. INCOLOY 800 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0. N. Indicada en el caso de soldadura de aceros dificilmente soldables y disimilares.ETC TIG 82 Classification AWS A5.75 max Fe 3 max Mg Al N Nb Ta 2-3 GTAW F.5-3. La barretta ETC TIG 82 è anche indicata nel caso di saldature di acciai difficilmente saldabili e dissimili. Ottima resistenza meccanica ed alla corrosione. ETC 82 is also suitable to weld dissimilar or hardly weldable steels.015 max P 0.5 max S 0.5 max Ni 67 min Mo Cr 18-22 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. Optima resistencia mecánica y a la corrosión. Hoher mechanischer Widerstand und Korrosisonsbeständigkeit. Welding Positions Approvals 2. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC – Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING NI-CR ALLOYS Yield Strength 2 N/mm 360 min Elongation 4d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 25 min 344 . Excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistancc.4806 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod for inconel 600 or incoloy 800 alloys welding.5 Si 0. I Barretta per la saldatura GTAW di leghe inconel 600 o incoloy 800. D WIG-Schweißstab für das Verschweißen von Legierungen Inconel 600 oder Incoloy 800.03 max Cu 0. Suitable For INCONEL 600. E Varilla TIG para soldadura de aleaciones inconel 600 o incoloy 800.14: ER NiCr 3 Wr.01 max Mn 2. Der Schweißstab ETC TIG 82 ist auch für schwer schweißbare und artfremde Stahlsorten geeignet. 02 max Cu 0.5 max S 0.012 max P 0. Gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit der Zwischenkörnung. Good resistance to intercrystalline corrosion. impiego per saldature criogeniche e acciai al 9% Ni. der für kryogenisches Schweißen und Verschweißen von Stählen mit 9% Ni verwendet werden kann.4 max Fe 5 max Mg Al 0.Ar + 1-3% O2 – Ar + He Current Conditions DC + Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING NI-CR ALLOYS Elongation A5 (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min -196°C 55 min 345 .5 max Ni 58 min Mo 8-10 Cr 20-23 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. Buona resistenza alla corrosione intercristallina. for use in cryogenic welding and 9% Ni steel welding. Dank seiner Hochwärmefestigkeit ist er bei sämtlichen Installationen einzusetzen.15-4.14: ER NiCrMo-3 EN 12072: W 19 9 Nb Wr. die wärmebehandelt werden müssen. Buena resistencia a la corrosión intercristalina. 2.1 max Mn 0. I Barretta TIG a struttura austenitica.4 max N Nb Ta 3. grazie alla sua buona tenuta alle alte temperature può essere utilizzato su tutte le installazioni soggette a trattamento termico. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 750 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 440 min Shielding Gas Ar + 2-3%CO2 . E Varilla TIG de estructura austenítica empleada para la soldadura criogénica de aceros al 9% Ni.ETC TIG 625 Classification AWS A5. Gracias a su buen comportamiento a las altas temperaturas puede ser utilizada en todas las instalaciones sujetas a tratamiento térmico.4831 Welding Positions Approvals Applications and Caratteristics Austentic TIG wire. N. thanks to the good resistance to high temperatures it can be used for any parts which will undergo heat treatments. D Austenitischer WIG-Schweißstab.5 max Si 0. Suitable For All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C 0.15 GTAW GB F. 10: ER 1100 Wr. Ottima resistenza alla corrosione. P-ALP 99. E Varilla TIG que deposita aluminio puro al 99.4 Mg Al remaining N Nb Ta - GTAW F. I Barretta che deposita alluminio puro al 99.05 Fe 0.5% pure Al. Gute Schweißeigenschaften und magnetische Durchlässigkeit. Adatto per la saldatura con procedimento TIG alluminio al 99. Buenas características de sodabilidad y pearmibilidad magnética. Hohe Korrosionsbeständigkeit.05 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0.04 Si 0.5% Gehalt Reinaluminium.5-99. Good mechanical properties and magnetic permeability.8%. Excellent chemical corrosion resistance. Optima resistencia a la corrosión. Schweißstab geeignet für das WIG-Verfahren mit Aluminium 99.8%.5-99. Welding Positions Approvals 3.5 UNi 4507. Suitable to weld Al and pure Al alloys. Buone caratteristiche di saldabilità e permeabilità magnetica. Desarrollada para la soldura con procedimiento TIG de alumino al 99. D WIG-Schweißstab mit 99.8%.8 UNi 4509 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0.ETC TIG Al Classification AWS A5.3 S P Cu 0. N. Suitable For P-ALP 99 UNi 3567. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 65 min Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC- Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALUMINUM Yield Strength 2 N/mm 20 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 35 min 346 . P-ALP 99.5-99.0259 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod that deposits 99.5%.5%. Optimas características mecánicas. N.5 .1 Si 0.Anticorodal 11 All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.2 UNi 3568. D WIG-Schweißstab mit 5% Magnesiumgehalt. Welding Positions Approvals 3. P-Al Mg 2.15 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0.3 Mg 5 Al remaining N Nb Ta - GTAW F. Suitable to weld alloys like Peraluman 3. Suitable For P-Al Mg 1. E Varilla TIG que deposita una aleación de aluminio al 5% Mg. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche. Geeignet für das Verschweißen von Legierungen des Typs Peraluman und Anticoral. Indicato per la saldatura di leghe tipo Peraluman ed Anticoral. Peraluman 3. I Barretta che deposita una lega di alluminio al 5% di Magnesio. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 240 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions AC Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALUMINUM Yield Strength 2 N/mm 110 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 347 .10: ER 5356 Wr.3556 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod that deposits a 5% Mg alloy. Indicado para la soldadura de aleaciones tipo Peraluman y Anticoral.2 S P Cu 0.4 UNi 5452.5 and 5 and Anticorodal 11.1 Fe 0.5 UNi 3575. P-Al Mg 3.ETC TIG Al Mg5 Classification AWS A5.5 UNi 3574.Peraluman 5 . P-Al Mg 4. P-Al Mg 5 UNi 3576. Suitable for welding Anticorodal 163 and 11 alloys. Adaptada para la soldadura de aleaciones ANTICORODAL 163 y 11.10: ER 4043 Wr.3 Ni Mo Cr As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. E' adatto per la saldatura di leghe Anticorodal 163 e 11. N. I Barretta TIG che deposita una lega di alluminio al 5%Si. Geeignet für das Verschweissen von Legierungen des Typs Anticorodal 163 und 11.8 Mg 0.05 Al remaining N Nb Ta - GTAW F. D WIG -Schweissstab mit Auftrag einer Aluminium Legierung mit 5% Si Gehalt. E Varilla TIG que deposita una aleación de aluminio al 5% Si.2245 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG rod that deposits a 5% Si aluminum alloy. Suitable For Metal working industry Railways and civil works All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0.05 max Si 5 max S P Cu 0. Welding Positions Approvals 3.ETC TIG Al Si5 Classification AWS A5.2 Fe 0. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 255 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions AC Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALUMINUM Yield Strength 2 N/mm 110 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 18 348 . D WIG-Schweißstab mit einem Schweißgut von 4.ETC TIG Al Mg4.5 %Mg. Al Mg Mn. E Varilla TIG que deposita una aleación con 4. I Barretta TIG che deposita una lega con 4.3548 Applications and Caratteristics GB TIG wire that deposits a 4. G-Al Mg 3Si.7.5% Mg alloy.5 Al remaining N Nb Ta - GTAW F.4 max Mg 4. Al Mg 5. Ottime caratteristiche meccaniche.10: ER 5183 Wr. Optimas características mecánicas. N. Al Mg 1SiCu. Gute mechanische Eigenschaften.5 Mn Classification AWS A5. All-weld metal Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment As welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 240 Shielding Gas Ar Current Conditions DC- Standard Packing Tube 5 kg TIG RODS FOR WELDING ALUMINUM Yield Strength 2 N/mm 110 min Elongation 5d (%) Test Temperature (°C) KV (J) 17 349 .5% Mg. G-Al Mg 5Si.8 Si 0. Welding Positions Approvals 3.1 As Sb Pb V Sn Nb Ti 0. All-weld metal Chemical Composition (%) C Mn 0. Suitable For Al Mg 3. Al Zn Mg 1. G-AlMg10.5% Mg.25 max S P Cu Ni Mo Cr 0.1 Fe 0. Al Mg Si 0. Good mechanical properties. . W Submerged Arc Welding .ETC Welding Fluxes and Wires for Submerged Arc Welding ETC Flussi e Fili per la Saldatura in Arco Sommerso ETC Schweisspulver und Schweissdraht für das Up-Schweißen ETC Fluxes y Hilos para Arco Sumergido S.A. . Consequently. g. the mechanical properties are most certainly going to vary from those quoted in the catalogue.e.Wire: dia. This is also essential. The all-weld deposit is produced using the following conditions: Inter Pass Temperature: a) for non-alloyed and alloyed steels: 150-200°C.GB ETC SUBMERGED ARC FLUXES The fluxes are arranged in the following groups and are classified according to their flux analysis: Manganese-Silicate-Type: MnO + SiO2 > 50% Calcium-Silicate-Type: CaO + MgO + Si O2 > 60% Aluminate Rutile-Type: Al2O3 + Ti O2 > 45% Aluminate Basic-Type: Al2O3 + CaO + MgO > 45% Al2O3 ≥ 20% Basic Fluoride-Type: CaO + MgO + MnO +CaF2 > 50% Si O2 ≤ 20% CaF2 ≥ 15% The mechanical property values indicated in the following reference sheets are values resulting from all-weld metal. b) for Cr-Ni-steels: 100-150°C Welding Parameters: a) non alloyed and alloyed steels as well as creep resisting steels: . Current: 600 A. Production of Submarged-Arc Fluxes: Agglomerated fluxes consist of a granular mixture of various finely ground components bound with silicate. edge preparation. the technological properties of the all-weld metal of the wire/flux combination involved is the decisive factor in multipass welds. Functions of Submerged-Arc Flux: Fluxes are granular. when the flux quantity in the circulation system has been reduced by 50-60%. During recycling it is almost inevitable that some change in the grain-size distribution will occur. 4 mm. On the other hand. Voltage: 30 V. In such a weld. Flux Recovery and Recycling: Flux which remains unmelted during submerged-arc welding can be reintroduced into the welding process. As agglomerated fluxes are produced at temperatures below the reactivity of the raw materials. Voltage: 30 V.Wire: dia. FLUXES AND WIRES 353 . Unused flux can be recycled a number of times. provided the recovery and transport system respect the characteristics of submerged-arc fluxes. Welding speed: 70 cm/min. b) Cr-Ni steels: . namely 1) Improving the conductivity of the arc gap by facilitating striking and stabilising the arc. Welding speed: 60 cm/min. Mo. Ni). they have a low consumption rate on account of their bulk density. the flux supply should be topped up with dry. Different mechanical properties may occur in a welded joint according to the quality of the plate. fresh flux. welding parameters and cooling conditions. deoxidising and alloying elements into the weld metal thereby improving both the mechanical properties and the welding characteristics. it is possible to introduce metallic. Although these fluxes are expensive to manufacture. 4) Dexidation any alloying by the addition of deoxidising agents and in some instance of alloying elements (e. Cr. the recycling speed should not be too high. i. if the welded joint is to be heat-treated. For example. 3) Influencing the metalurgical properties of the weld metal in the gaseous sector of the arc cavity via the reaction of the molten flux and the weld metal. Current: 550 A. 4 mm. the distance travelled by the flux should be as short as possible and without any sharp turns. it is possible in a square butt joint for the proportion of base material contained in the weld metal to be as high as 75%. 2) Formation of slag which shields both the droplet transfer and the molten weld pool and also shapes the seam and reduces the rate of cooling. This ensures that the flux in circulation is regularly mixed with new flux. For the above reasons it is advisable to carry out test welding on the parent metals involved and under the appropriate welding conditions. After granulation they are baked at between 600 and 800°C. fusible mineral materials which play a similar role in submerged-arc welding to that of the stick electrode coating in MMAW. corrente 600 A. Produzione di flussi agglomerati. tensione 30 V. 2) Proteggono il materiale fuso dall'ossidazione atmosferica. velocità di saldatura 70 cm/min Differenti parametri operativi possono influenzare in modo considerevole le caratteristiche meccaniche del deposito.filo diam. Sono flussi caratterizzati da una notevole versatilità di impiego e che abbracciano tutta la gamma di tipologia di saldatura.I ETC FLUSSI PER ARCO SOMMERSO I flussi si possono suddividere in cinque principali gruppi sulla base delle loro analisi chimiche: Manganese-Silicio: MnO + SiO2 > 50% Calcio-Silicio: CaO + MgO + Si O2 > 60% Rutilo-Alluminato: Al2O3 + Ti O2 > 45% Basico-Alluminato: Al2O3 + CaO + MgO > 45% Al2O3 ≥ 20% Basico-Fluoridrico: CaO + MgO + MnO +CaF2 > 50% Si O2 ≤ 20% CaF2 ≥ 15% Le caratteristiche meccaniche e i valori di analisi chimica riportati in questo catalogo sono riferiti a tutto materiale d'apporto ed utilizzando i seguenti parametri operativi: Inter Pass: a) 150-200°C per acciai non legati e debolmente legati. corrente 550 A. 4. I flussi agglomerati sono una miscela di minerali portati alla granulometria desiderata e trattati termicamente a temperature comprese tra i 600 e gli 800°C. b) 100-150°C per acciai al Cr Ni. b) per acciai Cr Ni: . 3) Intervengono bilanciando l'analisi del metallo depositato ottimizzandone i valori. tensione 30 V. 4.. Parametri di saldatura: a) per acciai non legati o debolmente legati: . Si raccomanda inoltre di tenere sempre presente la eventuale diluizione con il materiale base che può essere determinante al fine di riprodurre le esatte caratteristiche del metallo depositato. Durante l'operazione di riciclaggio si deve evitare di esporre i flussi in ambiente umido per lungo tempo al fine di evitare l'assorbimento di acqua. quindi: 1) Favoriscono l'innesco e la stabilità dell'arco.filo diam.00 mm. velocità di saldatura 60 cm/min. In tale fase consigliamo di addizionare al flusso riciclato almeno un 60% di flusso nuovo al fine di non alterare eccessivamente le caratteristiche del deposito. Funzioni del flusso: I flussi sono principalmente minerali granulari fondenti e svolgono un'azione per certi versi simile a quella del rivestimento per gli elettrodi. 4) Forniscono un'azione compensante o riducente per gli elementi Cr Ni Mo. Explanation of abbreviation Heat treatments U as welded / come saldato S stress relieved / disteso N normalized / normalizzato A tempered / temprato N+A normalized and tempered / normalizzato e temprato V hardened and tempered / bonificato L solution treated / solubilizzato FLUXES AND WIRES 354 . Recupero e riciclaggio: I flussi agglomerati possono essere riciclati più volte.00 mm. Il loro procedimento di fabbricazione consente l'introduzione di elementi che possono conferire un'azione disossidante sul metallo base migliorandone quindi le caratteristiche meccaniche. Si raccomanda di setacciare il flusso da riciclare per separare eventuali scorie. Draht 4.00 mm Durchm. Strom 600 A.h. Regenerierung und Wiederaufarbeitung: Das agglomerierte Schweißpulver kann mehrmals wieder aufgearbeitet und benutzt werden. Schweißgeschwindigkeit 70cm/min.und Mo-Gehaltes. b) für CrNi Stahl: . Während der Wiederaufarbeitung darf das Schweißpulver nicht für längeren Zeit in feuchter Umgebung gehalten werden. 4) es bewirkt einen Zu. damit die ursprünglichen Eigenschaften des Materials weitgehend erhalten bleiben. Schweißparameter a) für unlegierte und schwach legierte Baustähle:.D ETC SCHWEIßPULVER Das Schweißpulver wird. 3) es dient zur Konzentrationsbestimmung des Schweißauftrages und optimiert die Werte..Draht 4. um eventuelle Schlacke abzutrennen.oder Abbrand des Cr-. Spannung 30 V. Agglomerierte Schweißpulver Sind mit Hilfe eines Bindemittels (Wasserglas) zusammengefügte Körner aus einem Gemisch von feingemahlenen Einzelkomponenten. der für alle Schweißarten eingesetzt werden kann. um eine Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme zu verhindern. b) 100-150°C für CrNi Baustähle. Funktion des Schweißpulvers: Das Schweißpulver besteht meistens aus einer geschmolzenen Mineralkörnung und hat im gewissen Sinne die gleiche Aufgabe wie die Ummantelung bei der Elektrode. die nach dem Granulieren bei einer Temperatur zwischen 600 und 800 °C geglüht werden. In dieser Phase wird eine Zugabe von mindestens 60% neuen Schweißpulvers empfohlen. 2) es schützt das Schmelzbad von der witterungsbedingten Oxydierung. in 5 Hauptgruppen aufgeteilt: Mangan-Silikat: MnO + SiO2 > 50% Kalzium-Silikat: CaO + MgO + SiO2 > 60% Aluminat-Rutil: Al2O3 + TiO2 > 45% Aluminatbasisch: Al2O3 + Ca + MgO > 45% Al2O3 ≥ 20% Fluoridbasisch: CaO + MgO + MnO + CaF2 > 50% SiO2 ≤ 20% CaF2 ≥ 15% Die in diesem Katalog aufgeführten Werte der chemischen Analyse beziehen sich auf Schweißzusätze mit den folgenden Einsatzparametern: Interpass: a) 150-200°C für unlegierte und schwach legierte Baustähle. Ni. Es ist ein Schweißzusatz von vielseitiger Verwendbarkeit. Strom 550 A. Erklärung der Abkürzungen Wärmebehandlung U unbehandelt S spannungsarmgeglüht N normalisiert A gehärtet N+A normalisiert und gehärtet V vergütet L lösungsgeglüht FLUXES AND WIRES 355 .und Legierungsbestandteile ins Schweißgut eingebracht werden und den Schweißeigenschaften sowie den mechanischen Gütewerten nutzbar gemacht werden.00 mm Durchm. Spannung 30 V. je nach seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung. Durch das besondere Produktionsverfahren können auch metallische Desoxidations. kann sich durch eine eventuelle Verdünnung mit dem Auftragsmaterial durch das Grundmaterial ergeben. d.. Eine weitere Abweichung der hier angegebenen Werte. Abweichende Parameter können die mechanischen Eigenschaften des Schweißauftrages in bedeutendem Maße beeinflussen. Schweißgeschwindigkeit 60 cm/min.: 1) es unterstützt die Zündung und die Stabilität des Lichtbogens. Es wird ein Aussieben des aufzuarbeitenden Schweißpulvers empfohlen. ya que: 1) Favorecen el cebado y la estabilidad de arco. El procedimiento de fabricación consiste en la introducción de elementos que confieran una acción desoxidante sobre el metal base mejorando las características mecánicas. 4) Produce una acción compensadora o reductora para los elementos Cr Ni Mo. Es aconsejable adicionar flux nuevo sobre el usado en un 60%. Son fluxes caracterizados por su notable versatilidad de empleo y que abarcan toda la gama de tipos de soldadura. 4. tener siempre en cuenta las posibles diluciones con el material de base. corriente 600A. velocidad de soldadura 70 cm/min.hilo dia. 3) Intervienen en el equilibrio químico del metal depositado optimizando los valores. Función del flux: Los fluxes son principalmente minerales granulados fundentes que confieren una acción en cierta manea similar a la del revestimiento de los electrodos.00 m. b) Para aceros Cr Ni: . Se recomienda tamizar el flux para separar la escoria producida. 4. Recuperación y reciclaje: Los fluxes aglomerados pueden ser reciclados varias veces. tensión 30 V. Parámetros de soldadura: a) Para aceros no aleados o débilmente aleados: . ya que puede ser determinante en la consecución de las exactas características del metal depositado.E ETC FLUXES PARA ARCO SUMERGIDO Los fluxes pueden ser subdivididos en cinco grupos principales según la base de sus análisis químicos: Manganeso-Silicio: MnO + SiO2 > 50% Calcio-Silicio: CaO + MgO + Si O2 > 60% Rutilo-Aluminato: Al2O3 + TiO2 > 45% Básico-Aluminato: Al2O3 + CaO + MgO > 45% Al2O3 > 20% Básico-Fluorhídrico: CaO +MgO +MnO + CaF2 > 50% SiO2 ≤ 20% CaF2 ≥15% Las características mecánicas y los valores de análisis químico indicados en este catálogo se refieren siempre al material aportado y utilizando los siguientes parámetros operativos: Inter Pass: a) 150-200ºC para aceros no aleados y débilmente aleados. Se recomienda además. tensión 30V. Diferentes parámetros operativos pueden influenciar de modo considerable las características mecánicas del depósito.00 mm. Abreviaturas utilizadas: Tratamientos térmicos U S N A N+A V L FLUXES AND WIRES según soldado distensionado normalizado templado normalizado y revenido bonificado solubilizado 356 .hilo diam. Durante esta operación se debe evitar exponer el flux a ambientes húmedos durante largo tiempo a fin de evitar el absorbimiento de agua. a fin de no alterar excesivamente las características del depósito. 2) Protegen el material fundido de la oxidación atmosférica. b) 100-150ºC para aceros al Cr Ni. velocidad de soldadura 60cm/min. Producción de flux aglomerado Los fluxes aglomerados son una mezcla de minerales con la granulometría deseada y tratados térmicamente a temperaturas comprendidas entre 600-800ºC. corriene 550ª. 08 - 1. ETC FX 28R can be welded on DC or AC at up to 1000 A (with the single-wire process).EL12 ETC AS1 Approvals AWS A5. Körnung gemäß DIN 32 522:2-16.2-1. Admite tanto corriente continua como alterna hasta 1000 A (en procesos de sodadura con un solo hilo). ecc.6 0. Su granulometría se correspode con DIN 32 522: 2-16 Main Constituents SiO2 + TiO2 30 % Al2O3 + MnO 55 % CaF2 Basicity to Boniszewski 0. On account of its good slag detachability ETC FX 28R is very commonly used when welding fillets. El flux ETC FX 28R es un flux aglomerado de tipo alumino-rutilo. Feuchtes Pulver muß bei 300-350°C nachgetrocknet werden. Il flusso umido dovrebe essere ritrattato a 300-350°C. pressure vessel steels as well as fine-grain steels with a yield strength of up to 355 N/mm◊. ETC FX 28R ist für das Schweißen an Gleich.04-0.6 0.5 - - - With wire Mechanical Properties With Wire Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 450 . scale.04-0. The weld metal is not susceptible to porosity when welding on workpiece surfaces contaminated by rust.2-1. La granulometria è secondo DIN 32 522: 2-16. Kesselbaustählen und das Schweißen im Stahlbau. equipos industriales e industria en general. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C. con limite elastico fino a 355 N/mm◊. ETC FX 28R può essere saldato con AC o DC fino a 1000 A (nell’ambito di un procedimento ad un solo filo).und Wechselstrom bis 1000 A geeignet (im Einzeldraht-Verfahren). Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-16. Es kann auch zum Schweißen an Feinkornbaustählen bis zu einer Streckgrenze von 355 N/mm2 eingesetzt werden. serbatoi e carpenteria in generale.680 450 min 18 min RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 357 . El metal depositado no es susceptible de porosidad.550 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 360 min Elongation 4d (%) 22 min ETC AS1 As Welded ETC AS2 As Welded 500 .04-0.9-1. part 1. I Il flusso ETC FX 28R è un flusso agglomerato di tipo alluminato-rutile. Questo flusso ha una scoria facilmente asportabile.08 - 0. adatto per saldare acciai da costruzione. DVS-Merkblatt 0907. incluso cuando se trabaja sobre superficies sucias o mal preparadas.17:F7A0 .600 400 min 22 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 580 . Il metallo saldato non è suscettibile di porosità.8 - 0.ETC FX 28R Classification AWS A5.17:F7A0 .5-0.8 - - - - - ETC AS2 0. Può essere utilizzato anche su acciai a grana fine. quando si fanno saldature su superfici in opera contaminate da ruggine.5-0.8 - - - - - ETC AS2 Mo 0.08 - 1. Puede ser utilizado en aceros de grano fino con límite elástico hasta 355 N/mm2.EM12K ETC AS2 EN 760: SA AR 1 97 AC XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FX 28R is an agglomerated aluminate rutile type flux for welding general structural steels. 5 % FLUXES & WIRES D All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0. El flux húmedo debe ser reacondicionado a 300-350ºC. scorie. etc.4 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire.3 0. indicado para la soldadura de aceros de construcción. Este flux tiene una escoria de fácil eliminación. E ETC FX 28R ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver des Typs Aluminat-Rutil für das Verschweißen von allgemeinen Baustählen.5-0. St E 240. St 37.7. R St 37-2 ETC AS1 General structural steels St 44-2.40 .ETC FX 28R Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 ETC AS1 60 min ETC AS2 50 min ETC AS2 Mo 50 min 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) . Boiler steels H I.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Si Pipe steels St 52.7 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Si Pipe steels St 37. St 44.80 . U St 37-2.7.18 .60 . typical values for as-welded cond.7 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Si Pipe steels St E 320.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Si Pipe steels St 44.20 . St E 360. St 52. St E 290.101 Application For multipass joint welds.4 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Si Standard Packing ETC AS2 25 Kg PLASTIC BAGS RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 358 . H II ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Boiler steels 17 Mn 4. St 45. St 52-3 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 210. typical values for as-welded condition Material For joint welds with two run tech. 19 Mn 5 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Boiler steels 15 Mo 3 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Boiler steels 13 Cr Mo 44 ETC AS2 Mo General structural steels St 37-2. St 44-3.7. St 35.4.4. 03-0. Tiene un comportamiento activo con el Mn y el Si que le hace idoneo para la soldadura hasta tres pasadas. Ha un comportamento attivo in Mn e Si che lo rende idoneo alla saldatura fino a tre passate.23: F8 AZ .6 0.17: F7A0 EL 12 ETC AS1 EN 756: S 4T 0 AR S2 ETC AS2 EN 760: SA AR 1 87 AC EN 756: S 4T A AR S1 XXXXXXXX ETC AS1 Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FXA 28R is an agglomerated rutile type flux for welding general structural steels. Indicato per la saldatura sia in corrente continua che in corrente alternata.17: F7A0 EM 12K ETC AS2 Approvals AWS ETC AS48 A 5.4 0.ETC FXA 28R Classification AWS A5.5 0. auch bei besonders engen Wurzelnähten.03-0. Puede ser empleado con hilo doble o en tandem. (DVS-Merkblatt 0907.4 With wire Mechanical Properties With Wire Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 510 . E El flux ETC FXA 28R es del tipo aglomerado rutilo.650 400 min 22 min ETC AS48 As Welded 550 . También puede ser usado en aceros de grano fino con límite elástico no superior a 355 N/mm2.05 - 1. ETC FXA 28R is particularly well-suited to twin-wire.6-1 0. I Il flusso ETC FXA 28R è del tipo agglomerato rutile indicato per la saldatura di normale carpenteria.690 470 min 22 min RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 359 . Gute Schlackenlöslichkeit.9 - - - 0.05 - 1. It can also be used with the two-run technique especially when welding Ihin-walled spiral tubes. part 1).650 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) 22 min ETC AS1 As Welded ETC AS2 As Welded 520 .6-0. On account of its good slag detachability ETC FXA 28R is very commonly used when welding fillets. indicado para la soldadura de estructuras en general. Es kann auch zum Schweißen an Feinkornbaustählen mit Strecklimit von 355 n/mm2 eingesetzt werden. wodurch es bis zu drei Nahtgängen eingesetzt werden kann. D ETC FXA 28R ist ein agglomeriertes Schweisßpulver der Rutil-Typengruppe geeignet für den allgemeinen Stahlbau. Relatively high silicon pick-up is achieved with the flux and when used in conjunction with ETC AS1.025-0.und Wechselstrom.oder Tandemverfahren.9-1.1-1.EG-G AWS A5. ETC AS2 wire electrodes manganese pick-up also results. Admite tanto corriente continua como alterna hasta 1000 A.1 - - - - - ETC AS48 0.und Si-aktives Verhalten. ETC FXA 28R can be welded on DC or AC at up to 1000 A.05 - 0. It can also be used for welding fine-grain steels with a yield strength of up to 355 N/mm2. Ottimo distacco della scoria anche in fondo a cianfrini particolarmente stretti. Geeignet für Gleich. FLUXES & WIRES Main Constituents All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0. Auch geeignet für das Doppeldraht.4 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire.5-1. Das Pulver hat ein Mn. Può essere anche utilizzato su acciai a grano fine con limite elastico non superiore a 355 N/mm2. Può essere impiegato anche a filo doppio ed in tandem.6-1 - - - - - ETC AS2 0. Excelente desprendimiento de la escoria incluso en pasadas de penetración en juntas estrechas.2-1. tandem and multi-wire welding at high speeds. SiO2 19 % CaO + CaF2 + MgO 17 % Al2O3 + TiO2 + ZrO2 52 % Mo + FeO 17 % Basicity to Boniszewski 0. St 44-3.7. St 52. U St 37-2.7.101 27 min ETC AS2 27 min ETC AS48 30 min Application Material For multipass joint welds. St 44. General structural steels St 44-2. St 45.4 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Standard Packing ETC AS2 25kg PLASTIC BAGS RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 360 .4.80 . typical values for as-welded condition For joint welds with two run tech.7 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St 44.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St 52. St E 360.7 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St 37. R St 37-2 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 210.7. St E2 40.40 . St 52-3 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 General structural steels St 37-2. St E 290. typical values for as-welded cond.4.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 320.18 .ETC FXA 28R Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .60 ETC AS1 . St 35.20 . St 37. Die hohe elektrische Leitfähigkeit erlaubt eine hohe Schweißgeschwindigkeit im Einzeldraht-. Stirnflächenschweißen in Lage-Gegenlage. en tandem o twin-arc. The metallurgical behaviour of this flux mean that it can be used to good effect when welding with the two-run tecnique. In caso di umidità il flusso deve essere ricondizionato ad una temperatura di 300-350 °C. Indicado para la soldadura en ángulo o a tope con multipasada. ETC FX 42R can be welded with DC or AC at up to 1000 A. 355 N/mm2. siendo su empleo con hilos del tipo ETC AS1. El depósito tiene aditivos de Si y Mn y está particularmente equilibrado.g. Bei Feuchtigkeit wird ein Nachtrocknen bei 300-350°C empfohlen. tale da consentire l’impiego anche su cianfrini molto stretti. Indicato per saldatura d’angolo o testa a testa a passate contrapposte. E ETC FX 42R es un flux aglomerado de alumino-rutilo indicado para la soldadura de aceros no aleados y de grano fino con límite elástico hasta 355 N/mm2. (DVS-Merkblatt 0907. Il distacco della scoria è estremamente facile.Il deposito è additivato con Silicio e Manganese ed è particolarmente bilanciato per l’impiego con fili del tipo ETC AS1. Der Auftrag bewirkt einen Silizium. ETC AS2. D ETC FX 42R ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver der Rutil-Aluminat-Typengruppe und geeignet für das Verschweißen von unlegierten Baustählen und Feinkornbaustählen mit einer Streckgrenze 355N/mm2.ETC FX 42R Classification AWS A5. A further application is the welding of pipe-web-pipe joints or membrane wall welds. High silicon and manganese pick-up is obtained with this flux and it can therefore be combined with wire electrodes ETC AS1. Grano di dimensioni conformi alle DIN 32522: 2-16. Körnung laut DIN 32 522:2-16. RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 361 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics . I ETC FX 42R è un flusso agglomerato rutil-alluminio indicato per la saldatura di acciai non legati e a grano fine con limite elastico max. En caso de humedad en el flux debe ser reacondicionado a una temperatura de 300-350ºC.17: F7AZ-F7PZ EL 12 ETC AS1 Approvals AWS A5. con un amperaje máx. part 1). Optima resistencia al campo magnético. Main Constituents CaF2 10 % SiO2 + TiO2 30 % Al2O3 + MnO 50 % Basicity to Boniszewski 0. Puede ser utilizado tanto en c. Ottima resistenza al campo magnetico. Se destaca que su escoria es extremadamente fácil de eliminar.c. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C.a. ETC AS2SI. Geeignet für Gleich. pressure vessel steels and pipe steels as well as fine-grain steels with a yield strength of up to 355 N/mm◊.4 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. ETC FX 42R is well suited to high-speed welding with the twin-wire process. de 1000A.und Manganzubrand und eignet sich besonders für den Einsatz mit einer Elektrode des Typs ETC AS1 und AS2.. e. as well as to tandem and multi-wire welding. Talla del grano conforme a DIN 32522: 2-16. Geeignet für das Winkel. ETC AS2Si. Tandemoder Twin-Arc-Verfahren. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-16. lo cual permite su utilización en juntas muy estrechas. Si può utilizzare sia in corrente continua che in corrente alternata con amperaggi massimi di 1000 A. On account of the goods slag detachability ETC FX 42R is particularly suitable for fllet welding applications. ETC AS2 and ETC AS 2Si. L’elevata conducibilità elettrica consente alte velocità di saldatura sia con procedimento a monofilo che a doppio filo in tandem o twin-arc.bzw. Guter Magnetfeldwiderstand.und Wechselstrom bis 1000 A. When using DC the wire electrode should be connected to the +pole. como en c.17: F7A-F7PZ EM 12K ETC AS2 EN 760: AR 1 88 AC XXXXXXXX GB FX 42R is an agglomerated aluminate-rutile type flux for welding general structural steels. longitudinal pipeline welds or spiral tubes in thin materials. ETC AS2. Die leichte Schlackenlöslichkeit erlaubt einen Einsatz auch bei sehr engen Wurzelnähten. La elevada conductividad eléctrica conlleva una alta velocidad de soldadura tanto con procedimiento monohilo como con doble hilo. Doppeldraht-. St E 360.3-1. St 35. St 52-3 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 210. St 44-3.1-1.101 Application For multipass joint welds. 19 Mn 5 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 Boiler steels 15 Mo 3 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels H I.08 - 1.620 Heat Treatment With Wire Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 4d (%) 22 min ETC AS1 As Welded ETC AS2 As Welded 560 .9 - 0.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St St E 290.80 .9 - - - - - ETC AS2 Mo 0.4.5 - - - With wire Mechanical Properties Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 . typical values for as-welded condition Material For joint welds with two run tech.18 .7 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St 44. H II ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Fine-grain structural steels ETC AS2 ETC AS2 St E 225 .ETC FX 42R All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0. St 45.03-0.660 450 min 22 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 610 .7 0.3-1.04-0.7. St 37.40 . St E2 40.7.4 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 320.20 .08 - 1.710 490 min 18 min Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 ETC AS1 50 min ETC AS2 50 min ETC AS2 Mo 50 min 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) . St 52.5 0.08 - 1. U St 37-2.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Standard Packing ETC AS2 25 Kg PLASTIC BAGS RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 362 .St E 335 ETC AS1 General structural steels St 37-2. St 44. Boiler steels 17 Mn 4. R St 37-2 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 General structural steels St 44-2.7 0.9 - - - - - ETC AS2 0.60 .6-0.6-0.04-0. typical values for as-welded cond.7 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St 52. 7 - - - - - ETC AS2 0. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C. Es ist besonders für das Mehrdrahtverfahren bei hoher Geschwindigkeit geeignet.04-0. Grano di dimensioni conforme alle DIN 32 522: 2-16. I ETC FX 46R è un flusso agglomerato calcio-silicato indicato per la saldatura di acciai non legati e a grano fine. Talla del grano conforme a DIN 32 522: 2-16. In caso di umidità il flusso il flusso deve essere ricondizionato ad un atemperatura di 300-350°C.18 . É particolarmente indicato per la saldatura in multifilo e ad alte velocità. most suited to welding low alloy steels and fine-grain steels.7 - - - - - With wire Mechanical Properties ETC AS1 As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 420 . It’s particularly indicated for welding multi-wire and high-speed. C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0.520 ETC AS2 As Welded 520 . Particularmente indicado en la soldadura multihilo y de alta velocidad. este debe ser reacondicionado a una temperatura de 300-350ºC.3 0.20 . E ETC FX 46R es un flux aglomerado calcio-silicato indicado para soldadura de aceros no aleados y de grano fino.ETC FX 46R Classification AWS A5.1-1.620 Heat Treatment With Wire Yield Strength 2 N/mm 360 min Elongation 4d (%) 24 min 400 min 24 min Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .101 363 FLUXES & WIRES All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) .17: F7AZ EL 12 ETC AS1 LRS ETC AS2 EN 760: SA CS 1 77 AC RINA ETC AS2 XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FX 46R is an agglomerated calcium-silicate type flux. part 1). Main Constituents Al2O3 + MnO 25 % CaF2 10 % SiO2 + TiO2 40 % CaO + MgO 20 % Basicity to Boniszewski 1 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire.7 0. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-16.3-0.08 - 0. D ETC FX 46R ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver des Typs Kalzium-Silikat.17: F7A0 EM 12K ETC AS2 Approvals ABS ETC AS2 AWS A5.08 - 1.60 ETC AS1 30 min ETC AS2 50 min RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS . Feuchtes Pulver muß bei 300-350 °C nachgetrocknet werden.40 . (DVS-Merkblatt 0907.3-0. En caso de humedad en el flux.80 . Körnung laut DIN 32 522:2-16.04-0.8-1. geeignet für das Verschweißen von unlegierten Baustählen und Feinkornbaustählen. St 35. St 52. St E 360. St 45. X 56 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St 35. U St 37-2. H II ETC AS1 ETC AS2 General structural steels St 44-2. St 44-3. St 52-3 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 General structural steels St 37-2. St 45. St 35.4.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 Standard Packing ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 25Kg PLASTIC BAGS RUTILE FLUXES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS 364 . R St 37-2 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 Pipe steels St 52. X 52.4. St E2 40. 19 Mn 5 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Boiler steels H I. St E 290.4 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 320.7 ETC AS1 ETC AS1 Pipe steels St 45.7.8 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Pipe steels X 46.7. Boiler steels 17 Mn 4. typical values for as-welded cond.7 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Pipe steels X 42 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 210. typical values for as-welded condition Material For joint welds with two run tech.ETC FX 46R Application For multipass joint welds.7. 5-0. può essere saldato sia in DC polo +. ETC FX 27SB tiene una elevada conducción de corriente y está muy indicado para la soldadura de multipasadas.8-1. D ETC FX 27 SB ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver der fluoridbasischen Typengruppe und geeignet für das Verschweißen von Kohlenstoffstählen. The special production method ensures that the flux has low moisture pick-up and the weld metal a low hydrogen content. As the bulk density is low. CaO + MgO 30 % Al2O3 + MnO 25 % CaF2 20 % SiO2 + TiO2 20 % Basicity to Boniszewski 1. Feinkornbaustählen und das Schweißen im Stahlbau. Tiene una escoria facilmente eliminable. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C.2 0.23: F7 A2 .3 max ETC ASH3 0. che in AC fino a 1200 A. Feuchtes Schweißpulver muß bei 300-350°C nachgetrocknet werden.17: F6A4-F6P5 EL12 ETC AS1 EN 760: SA FB 1 65 AC H5 XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FX 27 SB is an agglomerated fluoride-basic type flux for joint welding general structural steels. admite c.08 - 0. ETC FX 27 SB can be welded on DC + pole and AC at up to 1200 A. I ETC FX 27 SB è un flusso agglomerato di tipo fluor-basico adatto per la saldatura di acciai al carbonio.6 0. Druckbehältern.08 - 0. ETC FX 27 SB kann in DC Pol +. E ETC FX 27 SB es un flux aglomerado del tipo flúor-básico adaptado para la soldadura de aceros al C en recipientes a presión y trabajos en aceros y aceros de grano fino. DVS-Merkblatt 0907.04-0. Lo speciale metodo di produzione garantisce un basso contenuto di umidità.3-1.c y c. part 1. ed un basso contenuto di idrogeno nel deposito.5 max ETC AS2 Mo 0.1-0. Su granulometría es conforme a DIN 32 522: 2 .9-1. contenitori a pressione. pipe steels and fine-grain steels.08 - 0.04-0.04-0. ed è perciò adatto per la saldatura di cordoni sovrapposti. ETC FX 27 SB è un elevato conduttore di corrente.3 0. Das besondere Herstellungsverfahren garantiert einen niedrigen Feuchtigkeitsgehalt und einen geringen Wasserstoffgehalt im Auftrag.25 - - - - 0.2 BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 365 .15-0. Il flusso umido dovrebbe essere ricondizionato a 300-350°C.5 min - - 0. carpenteria in acciai e acciai a grano fine. pressure vessel steels.25 - - - - - With wire 0.04-0. wie auch in AC bis 1200 A verschweißt werden.08 - 1. La granulometria è secondo DIN 32 522: 2-20. La scoria di questo flusso è facilmente asportabile.7 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. so is the consumption rate. The flux has an easily detechable slag.17: F7A5-F6P5 EM 12K ETC AS2 Approvals AWS ETC AS2 Mo A5.EA2 A2 AWS A5. El flux húmedo deberá ser reacondicionado a 300-350ºC.8 - - - - - ETC AS2 0. Die Körnung ist nach DIN 32 522:2-20. Su especial método de producción garantiza un bajo contenido de humedad y por lo tanto bajo contenido de H2 en el depósito.8-1.20.ETC FX 27SB Classification AWS A5.15-0.17: F7A4-F6P4 EH 12K ETC ASH3 AWS A5. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-20.a hasta 1200 A. FLUXES & WIRES Main Constituents All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0. ETC FX 27 SB has a high current-carrying capacity and is therefore also suited to welding fillets with a large throat thickness in steel constructions.2 - 0. 60 + 20 0 ETC AS1 110 min 95 min 85 min ETC AS2 150 min 110 min 90 min ETC AS2 Mo 90 min 70 min 40 min ETC ASH3 160 min 130 min 100 min .680 450 min 20 min ETC ASH3 As Welded 500 .18 .600 400 min 24 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 580 .80 .550 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 360 min Elongation 4d (%) 24 min ETC AS1 As Welded ETC AS2 As Welded 500 .40 .20 .ETC FX 27SB Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment With Wire Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 450 .101 70 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 366 .600 400 min 24 min Charpy Notch With Wire Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) . 4 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 37. W St E 420 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 225. typical values for as-welded condition Material ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo 25Kg PLASTIC BAGS BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 367 . W St E 355 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo T St E 255. typical values for as-welded cond.4. R St 37-3 ETC AS1 General structural steels St 37-3. X 65.7. T St E 355 ETC ASH3 Fine-grain structural steels St E 285. Boiler steels 15 Mo 3 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels 17 Mn 4. St E 480.7 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 320. 19 Mn 5 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels H I. St 44-2. St 52. St 35. St 37.8 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels X 42 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Pipe steels St E 415. T St E 285 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St 37-2.ETC FX 27SB Application For joint welds with two run tech.7 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Standard Packing ETC AS2 ETC ASH3 FLUXES & WIRES For multipass joint welds. W St E 380 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels T St E 315. St 44. W St E 255 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels T St E 380 ETC ASH3 Fine-grain structural steels St E 315.7. X 52.7. W St E 285 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 355. X 56 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 210. St E 360. St 44-3 ETC AS2 General structural steels St 52-3 ETC AS2 Pipe steels X 60.7.8 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 44. H II ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels 13 Cr Mo 44 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 420.7. St E 240. St E 445.4. U St 37-2. St 45. St E 290. X 70 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 52. W St E 315 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 380.7.7 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 Pipe steels X46. St E 385. ETC FXA 27SB Classification AWS A5. Druckbehältern. Rohrleitungen und Feinkornbaustählen. I Il flusso ETC FXA 27 SB è un flusso basico per la saldatura di strutture sollecitate meccanicamente.3 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. The flux behaviour in terms of manganese is neutral. Tiene un comportamiento metalúrgico neutro con el empleo de hilos del tipo ETC AS1.23:F8A2 . Puede ser utilizado en twin-arc o tandem y en multipasadas con un elevada velocidad de depósito.6 0.05 - 1-1.EG ETC AS48 TUV ETC AS2 EN 760: S A AB 1 67 AC H5 XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FXA 27 SB is an agglomerated semi basic type flux for joint welding general structural steels. ETC AS2.A4 ETC AS3 Mo RINA ETC AS2 / ETC AS2 Mo AWS A5. Può essere utilizzato sia in corrente continua che in corrente alternata.65 - - - ETC AS48 0.6 - 0.2-0.04-0.23:F7A2 .g. ETC ASH3.08 - 1.und Wechselstrom eingesetzt werden.3-1. Ideal para soldadura de tubería donde deben ser obtenidos los mejores resultados en términos de productividad.08 - 1.5 - - - - - ETC AS2 0.3 max ETC AS3 Mo 0.EA2 A2 ETC AS2 Mo LRS ETC AS2 / ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 AWS A5.EA4 .3 0. MnO + FeO 9 % CaO + CaF2 + MgO 39 % Al2O3 + TiO2 + ZrO2 30 % SiO2 20 % Basicity to Boniszewski 1. part 1. FLUXES & WIRES Main Constituents All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0.4-0. pressure vessel steels.ETC ASH3. Può essere utilizzato in twin-arc tandem e multipass anche con elevata velocità di deposito.c o c.3-1.04-0.04-0. e.65 - - 0. tubería y acero de grano fino.5 max ETC AS2 Mo 0. Es kann in Twin-Arc-. ETC AS2 und ETC ASH3 bewirkt es ein neutrales metallurgisches Verhalten.a.ETC ASH3) ETC FXA 27 SB is suitable for submerged.1-1.4 max ETC ASH3 0. E ETC FXA 27 SB es un flux básico para la soldadura de estructuras con elevadas propiedas mecánicas. tubazioni ed accia a grana fine. Besonders geeignet für das Schweißen an Pipeline.6 - 0.und Multipassverfahren auch mit hoher Schweißgeschwindigkeit eingesetzt werden.6 0. Puede ser utilizado en c. the use of wires with a relatively high manganese content is therefore required (ETC AS1 .08 - 1.2 - - - - - With wire BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 368 .03-0. Ideale per la saldatura di pipe dove si ottengono degli ottimi risultati in termini d produttività. recipientes a presión.4 0. pipe steels and fine-grain steels.2-0.04-0.4-0.7 - - - 0.6 - - - - 0.ETC AS2 .4-1.EH12K ETC ASH3 GL ETC AS2 AWS A5. Kann mit Gleich.6 0.17: F7A4 F7P4 . ETC FXA 27 SB can be welded on DC and AC. tandem and multi-wire welding a well as for welding with the two-run techinique.7 0.arc twin-wire. Tandem. DVS-Merkblatt 0907. in the production of large pipes. Bei Einsatz von Draht des typs ETC AS1.2-0. recipienti a pressione. wo hohe Ausbringung bewirkt wird. Ha un comportamento metallurgico neutro con l'impiego di fili del tipo ETC AS1 .6-1 0. D ETC FXA 27 SB ist ein basisches Schweißpulver für das Verschweißen von Strukturen mit mechanischer Belastung.2-0.1-0.1-0.06 - 0.23: F8A2 F7P2 .08 - 1.EM12K ETC AS2 Approvals ABS AWS A5 17:F7A5 F7P5 .03-0. 40 .550 360 min ETC AS2 As Welded 520 .620 430 min 24 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 560 .60 .80 .680 500 min 22 min Heat Treatment With Wire ETC AS 3 Mo Yield Strength 2 N/mm 490 min Elongation 4d (%) 22 min 24 min ETC AS48 As Welded 500 .ETC FXA 27SB Mechanical Properties As Welded Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 560-680 ETC AS1 As Welded 450 .18 .101 80 ETC AS1 90 min ETC AS2 150 min 110 min 40 min ETC AS2 Mo 90 min 70 min ETC AS48 100 min 90 min 60 min 70 min ETC ASH3 150 min 120 min 90 min 70 min 40 min 50 min FLUXES & WIRES 70 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 369 .20 .600 400 min 24 min Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 0 ETC AS 3 Mo Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .600 450 min 25 min ETC ASH3 As Welded 500 . St E 445. St E 290.7 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels X 46.7. typical values for as-welded condition Material For joint welds with two run tech.ETC FXA 27SB Application For multipass joint welds. U St 37-2. St E 360. typical values for as-welded cond. W St E 420 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 380. T St E 355 ETC ASH3 Fine-grain structural steels T St E 380 ETC ASH3 Fine-grain structural steels St E 225. W St E 380 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo General structural steels St 52-3 ETC AS2 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo General structural steels St 37-3.7. R St 37-3 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 210.7. St 52. T St E 285 ETC ASH3 Fine-grain structural steels St E 355. St E 240. St 44-3 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo General structural steels St 37-2. H II ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Fine-grain structural steels St E 285.7 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 320. W St E 355 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 420.7 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels X 42 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 44. St E 385. St 45.4 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 415. X 56 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Standard Packing ETC AS2 Mo 25 kg PLASTIC BAGS BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 370 . W St E 285 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels St E 315. St 37.4. St 35.8 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 52. X 70 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 37.8 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Pipe steels X 60.7. St E 480. Boiler steels 17 Mn 4 ETC AS2 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 Boiler steels 19 Mn 5 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels 15 Mo 3 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels H I. X52. W St E 315 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels T St E 315. W St E 255 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Fine-grain structural steels T St E 255.4.7. St 44. X 65.7. St 44-2. Rohrleitungen im Primär. Nel campo nucleare pùò essere usato in molte applicazioni. come recipienti a pressione per reattori.5 - - - ETC AS2 Mo 0.7-0. Dampfkessel. generatori a vapore.1-0.15 0. La granulometría es conforme a DIN 32 522: 2 .15 0. All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 0. pressurizer. In the nuclear sector it can be used for many applications when combined with different wires.08 - 0.1 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. Es ist besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von Bauteilen. Il flusso umido deve essere ricondizionato a 300 . z. en el circuito primario y secundario.6 0. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C. ETC FX 35B deve essere saldato in DC polo + .2-0. equipos de seguridad para reactores. asi como para los elementos auxiliares. serbatoi di sicurezza per reattori.7-0.3 1. steam generators. compresores.2 0. hasta un máx.B.08 2.und Sekundärbereich sowie Nebenanlagen.05-0. ETC FX 35B ist an Gleichstrom +Pol bis etwa 800 A verschweißbar. Es kann auch für warmfesten Baustähle eingesetzt werden. I ETC FX 35B è un flusso agglomerato di tipo fluor-basico adatto per la saldatura di acciai a grano fine ed elevato carico di rottura. Im Nuklearbereich findet es zahlreiche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Kombination mit verschiedenen Schweißdrähten. ETC FX 35B should be welded on DC+ pole at up to approximately 800 A.1-0. Sicherheitsbehälter für Reaktoren. ETC FX 35B debe ser soldado en DC+.350°C. nei circuiti primari e secondari. E’ anche adatto per la saldatura di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo.2 - 0.05-0.2 - 1 - - - ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 0.3 - - - - - With wire BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 371 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics .5 - - - ETC AS2 Ni 1 0. de 800 A.6 0. El flux húmedo debe ser reacondicionado a 300-350ºC. DVS-Merkblatt 0907. En el campo nuclear puede ser usado en distintas aplicaciones.05-0.2-0.F7P10 ENi1 ETC AS2 Ni 1 EN 760: SA FB 1 53 DC H5 XXXXXXXX GB ETC FX 35B is an agglomerated fluoride-basic type flux for welding high-tensile finegrain steels as well as heat-resistant structural steels. Está particularmente desarrollado para soldadura de recipientes a presión para reactores.23: F8A8-F6P5 EA2 ETC AS2 Mo Approvals AWS A5.17: F7A8-F6P8 EH12K ETC ASH3 AWS A5.2 0.08 1 0.1-0.9 0. fino ad un massimo di 800 A circa.08 0.2 0. Kompressoren. reactor safety tanks and pipes in the primary and secondary circuits as well as the auxiliary units. part 1.04-0.compressori.2-0.4-0. It is best used for joint welding components such as reactor pressure vessels.ETC FX 35B Classification AWS A5. Grain size accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-20.9 0.3 - - - ETC ASH3 0.05-0.3 - 0. generadores de vapor. Main Constituents CaO + MgO 35 % CaF2 30 % SiO2 10 % Al2O3 + MnO 20 % Basicity to Boniszewski 3.20.08 - 1.08 5 0.23: F7A8 . suministrando diversos hilos. come pure negli elementi ausiliari.05-0. Druckbehälter für Reaktoren.9-1. Körnung gemäß DIN 32 522:2-20.2 - 0. Indicado para soldadura de acero de grano fino y elevada carga de rotura. E ETC FX 35B es un flux aglomerado del tipo flúor-básico.4-0. E’ particolarmente adatto per la saldatura di componenti. D ETC FX 35B ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver der fluoridbasischen-Typengruppe für das Verschweißen von Feinkornbaustählen mit hoher Streckgrenze. abbinandolo a diversi fili.6 - - - ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 0. Está muy indicado para soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fisuración en caliente. Feuchtes Pulver ist bei 300-350°C nachzutrocknen. La granulometria è secondo DIN 32 522: 2-20. 40 .650 450 min 22 min ETC AS2 Cr Mo 5 PWHT 550-650 450 min 20 min 20 min PWHT 550 .650 450 min ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Cr Mo 5 As Welded 570 .60 ETC AS2 Mo 140 min 120 min 100 min 70 min 50 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 150 min 130 min 100 min 70 min 50 min ETC ASH3 170 min 150 min 120 min 70 min 40 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 1 200 min 150 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 140 min 100 min ETC AS2 Cr Mo 5 120 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 170 min 140 min 110 min 90 min 70 min .18 .670 490 min 20 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 PWHT 480 .500 380 min 26 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 As Welded 500-600 420 min 24 min ETC ASH3 As Welded 530 .80 .630 450 min 24 min Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .ETC FX 35B Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment With Wire Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 530-630 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 380 min Elongation 4d (%) 24 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 1 PWHT ETC AS1 Cr Mo 1 PWHT 430-530 310 min 30 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 PWHT 520 .101 90 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 372 .620 400 min 22 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 PWHT 550 .20 . W St E 420 T St E 420 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 355. W St E 255. TT St 41 V ETC AS2 Ni 2 Nuclear steels 15 Mn Ni 63 ETC AS2 Ni 1 Nuclear steels 22 Ni Mo Cr 37 ETC ASH3 Ni Mo 1 Nuclear steels 15 Ni Cu Mo Nb 5 ETC ASH3 Ni Mo 1 Nuclear steels 20 Mn Mo Ni 55 ETC ASH3 Ni Mo 1 Standard Packing ETC AS2 Ni 1 FLUXES & WIRES Material 25 kg PLASTIC BAGS BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 373 . T St E 285 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 380. T St E 255 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 500. W St E 460 T St E 460 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 315. W St E 355. typical values for as-welded condition General structural steels St E 420.T St E 355 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 460. W St E 380 T St E 380 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 500. W St E 315. W St E 500 T St E 500 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 255. W St E 285.ETC FX 35B Application For multipass joint welds. TT St 35 V ETC AS2 Ni 2 Low temperature steels 10 Ni 14 ETC AS2 Ni 2 Low temperature steels TT St 41 N. T St E 315 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 285. W St E 500 T St E 500 ETC ASH3 Ni Mo 1 Heat-resistant steels 13 CrMo44 ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 Heat-resistant steels 12 Cr Mo 19 5 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 Heat-resistant steels 10 Cr Mo 9 10 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 Low temperature steels TT St 35 N. D. part 1. The resulting slag is short allowing circumferantial welding on small-diameter parts without the risk of uncontrolled slag. Damp flux should be redried at 300 . satisfies high requirements at sub-zero temperatures.T. d.und Siliziumgehalt verwendet werden müssen.23:F8A6-F8P6 EA2 ETC AS2 Mo TUV ETC AS3NiMo1 AWS A5.noch Abbrand.23:F7A8-F7P8 ENi1 ETC AS2 Ni 1 TUV ETC ASH3 AWS A5. Este flux está especialmente indicado para la soldadura en tandem o multihilo. Questo flusso è particolarmente adatto per la saldatura in tandem e multi filo.O.acciai a grano fine. es erfolgt weder Zu. Es kann für das Schweißen von Rundnähten an Bauteilen mit kleinerem Durchmesser eingesetzt werden ohne daß die Schlacke abfließt. aceros de grano fino.Adatto sia per corrente continua che per corrente alternata. Das Schweißpulver kann in Gleichstrom Pol+ und Wechselstrom bis 1000 A geschweißt werden. Feinkornbaustähle.23:F7P2-EB3-B3 Approvals C O N T R O L ETC ASH3 AS DNV ETC ASH3 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 AWS A5. Regularly shaped welds are deposited without reduction of area or interface notches. apliciones a baja temperatura y aceros debilmente aleados. Su granulometría es conforme a DIN 32 522: 2 . ETC FX 76B wird auf Grund seiner erfolgreichen COD-Prüfung bevorzugt im Offshorebereich eingesetzt.350°C.F6P3 EM12K ETC AS2 XXXXXXXX GB ETC FX 76B is an agglomerated basic type flux most suited to welded joints on high-tensile.h. fine-grain steels as well as steels which are tough at sub-zero temperatures and resistant to ageing. ETC FX 76B is widely used for welding offshore components. La granulometria è secondo DIN 32522:2-20. senza correre il rischio di avere problemi di scorificazione.T. The flux is particularly well. D ETC FX76 ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver der fluoridbasischen Typengruppe und besonders geeignet für das Verbindungsschweißen von Komponenten mit großer mechanischer Belastung.suited to welding with tandem and multi-wire processes.O.23:F7P4-EB2-B2 ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 AWS A5.c como c. für das Verschweißen bei niedrigen Temperaturen sowie für schwach legierte Baustählen. por esto es necesario soldar con hilos con contenidos de Mn y Si relativamente altos. The weld metal deposited when ETC FX 76B is used in combination with suitable wire electrodes. Si possono fare saldature circoferenziali su elementi di diametro sottile. Das Schweißpulver verhält sich hinsichtlich Silizium und Mangan neutral. Körnung laut DIN 32 522:2-20 E ETC FX 76B es un flux aglomerado del tipo flúor-básico para soldadura de estructuras con altas solicitaciones. BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 374 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics . As a result of the COD test carricd out with wire electrode ETC ASH3. Indicato per la saldatura in off-shore anche quando viene richiesto il C. per cui è necessario saldare con fili contenenti manganese e silicio in quantità relativamente elevate.ETC FX 76B Classification AWS A5. ETC FX 76B tiene un comportamiento neutro debido al aporte de Si y Mn.17:F7A6-F7P6 EH12K ETC ASH3 RINA ETC AS2 Ni2 AWS A5. The neutral behaviour of ETC FX 76B in terms of silicon and manganese pick-up and burn-out implies that it should be welded with wires like ETC ASH3. applicazioni a bassa temperatura e acciai debolmente legati L'ETC FX 76B ha un comportamento neutro per quanto riguarda l’apporto di silicio e manganese. DVS-Merkblatt 0907. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-20.und Mehrdrahtschweißverfahren geeignet.D. so daß Drahtelektroden mit höheren Mangan. I Il flusso ETC FX 76B è del tipo agglomerato di tipo fluor basico indicato per la saldatura di strutture altamente sollecitate. Indicado para la soldadura de off-shore incluso cuando tiene requerimientos de C.20. Main Constituents SiO2 + TiO2 15 % CaO + MgO 40 % Al2O3 + MnO 20 % CaF2 25 % Basicity to Boniszewski 3.350°C. El flux puede ser reacondicionado a 300-350ºC. Admite tanto c. The flux can be welded on DC-pole and AC at up to approximately 1000 A. Dieses Schweißpulver ist besonders für das Tandem.1 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire.17: F7A2 . Il flusso può essere ricondizionato a 300 . Se pueden realizar soldaduras circunferenciales sobre elementos de diámetro pequeño sin correr riesgos por problemas de escorificación. Feuchtes Schweißpulver muß bei 300-350°C nachgetrocknet werden.a. 550 360 min 28 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 580-680 500 min 20 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 PWHT 480 .2 0.08 1 0.08 - 1.3-1.650 450 min 20 min ETC AS1CrMo5 PWHT 550 .05-0.630 380 min 24 min ETC AS2CrMo1 PWHT 430 .25-0.4 1.7-1 0.25 - - - - - ETC ASH3 0.25 - 0.4 - - - - - Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 .25 - 0.08 5 0.560 330 min 24 min ETC AS2CrMo1 PWHT 530 .5 0.3-1.6 0.15-0.2-0.25-0.08 2.650 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 450 min Elongation 4d (%) 22 min ETC AS1CrMo2 PWHT ETC AS1CrMo2 PWHT 520 .3 0.3 - 0.2-0.750 540 min 20 min ETC AS4 As Welded 540-630 470 min 24 min ETC ASH3 As Welded 540 .05-0.3 - 1 - - - ETC AS1CrMo5 0.15 - - - ETC AS2CrMo1 0.645 460 min 24 min ETC AS2 Si As Welded 480 .05-0.5 0.2-0.05-0.15-0.08 - 1.5-0.ETC FX 76B All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1CrMo2 0.3 With wire ETC AS2 Ni 3 0.6 - - - ETC AS4 0.15-0.08 - 1-1.6 - - - ETC AS2 0.4 0.580 380 min 26 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 As Welded 500 .05-0.05-0.08 - 0.05-0.8 0.610 430 min 26 min ETC AS2 Ni 3 As Welded 565 .6-1.5 - - - ETC AS2 Ni 1 0.5-2 0.2 0.08 - 1-1.05-0.5 - - - ETC AS3 Mo 0.5-0.640 450 min 25 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS FLUXES & WIRES With Wire 375 .4 - 0.05-0.3 - - - - - ETC AS2 Mo 0.2 - - - - 0.650 450 min 20 min ETC AS2 As Welded 450 .600 420 min 24 min ETC AS2 Ni 3 PWHT 500 .25-0.7-1 0.05-0.8 0.08 - 0.730 540 min ETC AS3NiMo1 As Welded 650 .4 1 0.2-0.5 - - - ETC AS3NiMo1 0.13 - 3.08 - 1.05-0.700 530 min 18 min 22 min ETC AS3 Mo ETC AS3NiMo1 PWHT 630 .7-1 0.530 310 min 30 min As Welded 600 .620 400 min 22 min ETC AS1CrMo5 PWHT 550 . 80 .ETC FX 76B Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .18 .101 50 min 50 min 70 min 60 min 50 min 376 .40 .60 ETC AS2 160 min 100 min ETC AS2 Mo 120 min 100 min 70 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 130 min 100 min 70 min 50 min ETC AS2 Ni 3 140 min 120 min 100 min 70 min ETC AS2 Si 100 min 80 min ETC AS3 Mo 120 min 100 min 70 min 50 ETC AS3NiMo1 120 min 90 min 70 min 50 min ETC AS4 130 min 100 min 60 min ETC ASH3 160 min 140 min 100 min 70 min ETC AS1CrMo2 100 min 140 min 120 min 90 min 120 min 90 min 70 min ETC AS1CrMo5 90 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 110 min ETC AS2 Ni 3 160 min ETC AS2CrMo1 150 min ETC AS3NiMo1 140 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS .20 . W St E 315 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 355. A St 41 ETC ASH3 Ageing resistant steels A St 45. W St E 460 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 500.ETC FX 76B Application Ageing resistant steels A St 35. W St E 355 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 380. W St E 420 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 460. TT St 41 V ETC AS2 Ni 2 Standard Packing FLUXES & WIRES For multipass joint welds. typical values for as-welded condition Material ETC ASH3 Ni Mo 1 25kg PLASTIC BAGS BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 377 . W St E 255 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 285. A St 52 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 255. W St E 500 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 Ni Mo1 General structural steels T St E 255 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 285 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 315 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 355 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 380 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 420 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 460 ETC ASH3 General structural steels T St E 500 ETC ASH3 Heat-resistant steels 15 Mo 3 ETC AS2 Mo Heat-resistant steels 13 Cr Mo 44 ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 Heat-resistant steels 10 Cr Mo 9 10 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 Heat-resistant steels 12 Cr Mo 19 5 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 Low temperature steels 10 Ni 14 ETC AS2 Ni 2 Low temperature steels TT St 35 N. W St E 380 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 420. TT St 35 V ETC AS2 Ni 2 Low temperature steels TT St 41 N. W St E 285 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 315. 350°C nachgetrocknet werden.350°C. D ETC FXA 76B ist ein agglomeriertes Schweißpulver der basischen Typengruppe für das Verschweißen von Bauteilen mit hoher mechanischer Belastung. tanto en tandem como en multipasadas.O. L'ETC FXA 76B ha un comportamento neutro per quanto riguarda l’apporto di silicio e manganese. anche nel caso di utilizzo di fili del tipo ETC ASH3.-Test erforderlich wird. The flux is particularly well.350°C.O.T. Tale abbinamento può soddisfare le più selettive richieste meccaniche sia in tandem che in multipass.suited to welding with tandem and multi-wire processes. The neutral behaviour of ETC FXA 76B in terms of silicon and manganese pick-up and burn-out implies that it should be welded with wires like ETC ASH3.17: F7A8 EH12K ETC ASH3 EN 760: S A FB 1 55 AC H5 EN 756: S 50 4 FB S2Mo ETC AS2 Mo EN 756: S46 6 FB S3 Si ETC ASH3 Approvals DNV ETC ASH3 XXXXXXXX GB ETC FXA 76B is an agglomerated basic type flux most suited to welded joints on high-tensile. Auch unter Einsatz einer Drahtelektrode des Typs ETC ASH3 bewirkt das Schweißpulver ETC FXA 76B hinsichtlich Si und Mn ein neutrales Verhalten. part 1 BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 378 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics . As a result of the C.Tal combinación puede satisfacer las mas elevadas propiedades mecánicas. anche a bassa temperatura.a. Ideal para la unión de aceros de grano fino y debilmente aleados. ETC FXA 76B tiene un comportamiento neutro debido al aporte del Si y Mn.350ºC. Geeignet für das Offshorebereich. Il flusso può essere ricondizionato a 300 . Dieses Verhalten wird auch sehr hohen mechanischen Ansprüchen beim Tandem. auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen. ETC FXA 76B is widely used for welding offshore components. I Il flusso ETC FXA 76B è del tipo agglomerato di tipo basico indicato per la saldatura di strutture altamente sollecitate. incluso a baja temperatura. Adatto sia per corrente continua che per corrente alternata. Das Schweißpulver kann bei 300 .7 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire.23: F8AP4 EA2 A2 ETC AS2 Mo AWS A5. Mit Gleichstrom und Wechselstrom zu verschweißen. DVS-Merkblatt 0907.T.ETC FXA 76B Classification AWS A5.c. Main Constituents MgO 28 % SiO2 15 % Mn 4 % CaO 18 % Basicity to Boniszewski 2. Ideale per l’unione di acciai a grana fine e debolmente legati.D. Puede ser utilizado tanto en c. auch von ein C. Geeignet für das Verbindungsschweißen von Feinkornbaustählen und schwach legierten Baustählen.und Multipassverfahren gerecht.D. Puede ser reacondicionado a 300 . fine-grain steels as well as steels which are tough at sub-zero temperatures and resistant to ageing. The flux can be welded on DC and AC. test carried out with wire electrode ETC ASH3.17: F7A5 EM12K ETC AS2 AWS A5. indicado para la soldadura de estructuras con altas solicitaciones. Damp flux should be redried at 300 . E ETC FXA 76B es un flux de tipo aglomerado-básico. como en c. incluso en el caso de utilización de hilos del tipo ETC ASH3. 5 0.2 - 0.ETC FXA 76B All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 0.08 - 0.5-0.08 - 1.3 2 - - - - ETC AS3 Mo 0.05-0.3 - 0.550 330 min 28 min 24 min ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 PWHT 530 .4 1 0.6 0.530 310 min 30 min ETC AS2 Mo PWHT 550 .25-0.6 - - - ETC AS2 0.650 450 min 24 min ETC AS3 Mo As Welded 600 .730 540 min 22 min ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 As Welded 650 .08 - 1-1.5 - - - ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 0.7-1 0.650 450 min 20 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 ETC AS2 PWHT 550 .650 450 min 20 min As Welded 450 .08 2.7-1 0.3 - - - - - ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 0.6 - - - ETC ASH3 0.3-1.08 5 0.4 1.8 0.580 380 min 26 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 As Welded 500 .2-0.2-0.620 Yield Strength 2 N/mm 400 min Elongation 4d (%) 22 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 PWHT ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 PWHT 550 .25-0.2 - - - - ETC AS2 Ni 2 0.05-0.05-0.650 480 min 20 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 PWHT 480 .3 0.3-1.05-0.25 - 0.2-0.650 450 min 22 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 PWHT 550 .630 380 min ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 PWHT 430 .2 0.4 - 0.600 430 min 26 min ETC AS2 Ni 2 As Welded 550 .08 - 0.4 0.05-0.05-0.600 420 min 24 min ETC AS2 Ni 2 PWHT 500 .2-0.8 0.12 - 0.7-1 0.2-0.3 - 1 - - - ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 0.7-1 0.05-0.1-0.5-0.05-0.05-0.15-0.5 - - - ETC AS2 Ni 1 0.4 - - - - - With wire Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 .08 - 1-1.650 480 min 20 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 550 .750 540 min 20 min ETC ASH3 As Welded 540 .08 - 1.2-0.08 1 0.640 450 min 25 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS FLUXES & WIRES With Wire 379 .700 530 min 18 min ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 PWHT 630 .5 - - - ETC AS2 Mo 0.05-0. 40 .80 .ETC FXA 76B Charpy Notch With Wire ETC AS2 + 20 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .101 60 min 50 min 90 min ETC AS2 Mo 30 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 170 min 140 min 110 min 90 min 70 ETC AS2 Ni 2 180 min 160 min 140 min 120 min 90 min ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 160 min 140 min 120 min 90 min 70 min BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 70 min 380 .18 .20 .60 180 min 160 min 100 min ETC AS2 Ni 1 150 min 130 min 100 min 70 min 50 min ETC AS2 Ni 2 160 min 140 min 120 min 100 min 70 min ETC AS3 Mo 140 min 120 min 100 min 70 min 50 min ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 160 min 140 min 120 min 90 min 70 min ETC ASH3 200 min 180 min 140 min 100 min 70 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 140 min 100 min ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 120 min ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 200 min 150 min ETC AS2 Mo . W St E 285 ETC ASH3 General structural steels T St E 315 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels T St E 500 ETC ASH3 ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 General structural steels T St E 420 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 255. TT St 41 V ETC AS2 Ni 2 Low temperature steels TT St 35 N. typical values for as-welded condition Ageing resistant steels A St 45. A St 52 ETC ASH3 Ageing resistant steels A St 35. W St E 380 ETC ASH3 General structural steels T St E 380 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 315. TT St 35 V ETC AS2 Ni 2 Low temperature steels 10 Ni 14 ETC AS2 Ni 2 Standard Packing ETC AS2 Ni 1 ETC AS2 Ni 1 FLUXES & WIRES Material ETC AS2 Ni 1 25 kg PLASTIC BAGS BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 381 . W St E 460 ETC ASH3 General structural steels T St E 460 ETC ASH3 General structural steels T St E 285 ETC ASH3 Heat-resistant steels 13 Cr Mo 44 ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 Heat-resistant steels 12 Cr Mo 19 5 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 Heat-resistant steels 15 Mo 3 ETC AS2 Mo Heat-resistant steels 10 Cr Mo 9 10 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 Low temperature steels TT St 41 N. W St E 500 ETC ASH3 ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 General structural steels T St E 255 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Ni 1 General structural steels St E 285.ETC FXA 76B Application For multipass joint welds. W St E 315 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 420. W St E 355 ETC ASH3 General structural steels T St E 355 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 460. A St 41 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 380. W St E 420 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 500. W St E 255 ETC ASH3 General structural steels St E 355. mientras que la reducción de Si es leve. Slight silicon pick-up and average manganese pick-up and average manganese pick-up occur. part 1. D ETC FX 77SB ist ein aluminate-basisches Schweißpulver für das Verschweißen von Strukturen mit mechanischer Belastung.350°C. Tandem. Adatto sia per corrente continua che per corrente alternata fino a 1000A. ETC FX 77SB has a short slag i. Il flusso indicato può essere adatto in abbinamento con i fili ETC AS1. wo hohe Ausbringung bewirkt wird.und Multipassverfahren auch mit hoher Schweißgeschwindigkeit eingesetzt werden.5 - - - With wire BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 382 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics . It is suitable for submerged-arc single-wire. tandem and multi-wire welding as well as when using the two-run technique.2-0.05-0. ETC AS2. La riduzione di manganese che si verifica è nella media. que confiere una buena adaptación para la soldadura circunferencial de piezas de poco diámetro. pressure vessel steels as well as fine-grain steels.1 0. La granulometria è secondo DIN 32522:2-20. circumferantial welding can be carried out on small-diameter workpieces. ETC FX 77SB ha una buona scorificazione.2-1.08 - 1. desarrollado para soldadura de aceros al C y soldadura de aceros de grano fino.und Wechselstrom eingesetzt werden.4 - - - - - ETC AS2 0. Adpatado tanto para c.g.2-0. I Il flusso ETC FX 77SB è del tipo agglomerato di tipo basico-alluminato. Bei Einsatz von Draht des Typs ETC AS1. without the ride of uncontrollable slag. e.a hasta 1000A.08 - 1.6 0. Es kann in Twin-Arc-.0 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. in the production of large pipes.2-1. ETC FX 77SB can be used with ETC AS1.7-1. DVS-Merkblatt 0907. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-20.20. Este flux puede ser combinado con los hilos ETC AS1 ETC AS2 o ETC AS2MO.ETC FX 77SB Classification AWS A5. che lorende adatto alla saldatura circonferenziale su pezzi in opera di piccolo diametro. E ETC FX 77 SB es un flux aglomerado del tipo alumino-básico. Granulometría conforme a DIN 32 522: 2 . adatto per la saldatura di acciai al carbonio.05-0. ETC AS2 und ETC ASH3 bewirkt es ein neutrales metallurgisches Verhalten.4 - 0. ed acciai a grana fine. ETC FX 77SB tiene una buena solidificción de escoria. Main Constituents Al2O3 + MnO 45 % SiO2 + TiO2 20 % CaF2 10 % CaO + MgO 20 % Basicity to Boniszewski 1.17:F7AZ-F7PZ EM 12K ETC AS2 Approvals AWS A5. All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS1 0. Damp flux should be redried at 300 350°C. mentre la riduzione di silicio è lieve. El flux húmedo puede ser reacondicionado a 300-3501C.c como para c.6 0.08 - 0. Rohrleitungen und Feinkornbaustählen.e. ETC AS2 oppure ETC AS2Mo.17:F7AZ-F7PZ EL 12 ETC AS1 EN 760: SA AB 1 67 AC XXXXXXXX GB ETC FX 77SB is an agglomerated aluminate-basic type for welding general structural steels. ETC FX 77SB can be welded on DC and AC at up to 1000A. La reducción de Mn verificada esta en la media. ETC AS2 Mo wire electrodes.4 - - - - - ETC AS2 Mo 0. Kann mit Gleich. Il flusso umido può essere ricondizionato a 300 . On account of its metallurgical behaviour. pipe steels. Druckbehältern. Besonders geeignet für das Schweißen an Pipeline.2-0.05-0. 40 . typical values for as-welded cond. St 44. Boiler steels 13 Cr Mo 44 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels 17 Mn 4.ETC FX 77SB Mechanical Properties Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 420 . R St 37-3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo General structural steels St 37-3. U St 37-2. St 35.7 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels X 42 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 37. typical values for as-welded condition Material 25kg PLASTIC BAGS BASIC AND SEMI-BASIC FLUXES FOR ALLOY AND NON-ALLOY STEELS 383 . 19 Mn 5 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels 15 Mo 3 ETC ASH3 ETC ASH3 ETC AS2 Mo Boiler steels H I. St 45. X 52. X 65. H II ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo General structural steels St 37-2.7.7 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Standard Packing FLUXES & WIRES For multipass joint welds.80 .520 Heat Treatment With Wire Yield Strength 2 N/mm 360 min Elongation 4d (%) 24 min ETC AS1 As Welded ETC AS2 As Welded 500 . St 52-3 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels X46.60 + 20 0 90 min 50 min 35 min ETC AS2 90 min 50 min 35 min ETC AS2 Mo 65 min 50 min 35 min . St 37.8 ETC AS1 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels X 60. X 70 ETC AS2 Mo ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 52. St E 240. St E 360.8 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 290.700 450 min 18 min Charpy Notch With Wire ETC AS1 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) . St 52.4 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St E 210.600 400 min 22 min ETC AS2 Mo As Welded 600 . St 44-2. St E 320.20 .7.4. X 56 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 ETC AS2 Mo Pipe steels St 44.4.18 .7. St 44-3.101 Application For joint welds with two run tech. Estremamente basso l'apporto di Si e neutro in termini di Mn. I ETC AL CROMO F 537 è un flusso speciale agglomerato fluor basico studiato principalmente per la saldatura di acciai resistenti allo scorrimento a caldo per applicazioni dopo step cooling.05-0. Damp flux should de redried at 300-350°C.08 ETC AL CROMO S 300 V 0.6 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. Il flusso può essere ricondizionato a 300-350°C. Este flux puede ser utilizado con procedimientos twin-arc o tandem.25 - 1 0. FLUXES & WIRES Main Constituents All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) With wire % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu 1 max 0.und Wechselstrom bis 800 A verschweißt werden. besonders geeignet für das Verschweißen von hitzebeständigen Baustählen und nach Einsatz von Step Cooling.025 - - 3 1 max 0.ETC AL CROMO F 537 Classification AWS A5.C. estudiado principalmente para soldadura de aceros resistentes a la fluencia después de tratamiento de step-cooling. può essere utilizzato in A.01-0. Es un flux con baja densidad y una baja tasa de consumo.025 - - C Cr 0. Es kann für das Twin-Arc. Il flusso può essere utilizzato con procedimenti twin-arc o tandem. As the bulk density of this flux is low.oder Tandemverfahren eingesetzt werden.C./ D. so is the rate of consumption.05-0.C.25 - 1 0. Granulometría conforme a DIN 32 522: 2 .01-0. part 1.05-0. Tiene un bajísimo aporte de Si y neutro en Mn.2 ETC AL CROMO S 225 V 0. CaO + MgO 40 % CaF2 25 % Al2O3 + MnO 20 % SiO2 + TiO2 15 % Basicity to Boniszewski ~ 2. Grain size in accordancc with DIN 32 522: 2-20.08 ETC AL CROMO S 225 X factor Mn Si = 10P + 5Sb + 4Sn + As (ppm) 100 J factor = (Mn + Si) x (P + Sn) x 10 4 FLUXES FOR CHROME-MOLYBDENUM STEELS IN APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COO ING <15 <150 384 . Es kann in Gleich.C con amperajes hasta 800A.05-0.08 2. E ETC AL CROMO F 537 es un flux especial aglomerado tipo flúor-básico.20. It can be welded on D. D ETC AL CROMO F 537 ist ein agglomeriertes Spezialschweißpulver der fluoridbasischen Typengruppe. con amperaggi fino a 800 A. Nachtrocknen bei 300-350°C.05-0.C.C./D. The flux can be welded with the twin-wire process and can also be used for tandem welding with two or more wire electrodes. Puede ser reacondicionado a 300-350ºC.23: F9P2 EGR G EN 760: SA FB 1 55 AC H5 Approvals TUV ETC AL CROMO S 225 XXXXXXXX ETC AL CROMO S 300 V ETC AL CROMO S 225 V Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC AL CROMO F 537 is a special agglomerated fluoride-basic type flux best suited to welding heat-resistant steels after step cooling.25 - 1 - - - 2.05-0. puede ser utilizado en A. Exceptionally low silicon pick-up and neutral behaviour in terms of manganese are typical of the metallurgical properties of this flux. Das Schweisspulver hat ein geringes Schüttgewicht mit entsprechend niedrigem Verbrauch. Flusso a bassa densità e a basso tasso di consumo. Hinsichtlich Si erfolgt ein geringer Zubrand.23: F9P2 EGR G AWS A5. and A. wahrend für Mn ein neutrales Verhalten erfolgt. le dimensioni del grano sono in accordo con le DIN 32 522: 2-20. at up to 800 A.23: F9P2 EB3 RB3 AWS A5. Körnung laut DIN 32 522:2-20. DVS-Merkblatt 0907.4 1 max 0. 40 .ETC AL CROMO F 537 Mechanical Properties ETC AL CROMO S 225 PWHT Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 520 . FLUXES FOR CHROME-MOLYBDENUM STEELS IN APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COO ING 385 .80 .101 Application Material For multipass joint welds. typical values for as-welded condition Creep resistant steels 10 Cr Mo 9 10 ETC AL CROMO S 225 Creep resistant steels 12 Cr Mo 9 10 ETC AL CROMO S 225 40kg PLASTIC BAGS FLUXES & WIRES Standard Packing For joint welds with two run tech.620 ETC AL CROMO S 225 PWHT 500 .60 0 100 min 100 min 50 min ETC AL CROMO S 225 V 100 min 50 min ETC AL CROMO S 300 V 100 min 50 min .20 .18 .600 400 min ETC AL CROMO S 225 V PWHT 660 550 min 20 ETC AL CROMO S 300 V PWHT 700 570 min 20 Heat Treatment With Wire Yield Strength 2 N/mm 420 min Elongation 4d (%) 25 25 Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 ETC AL CROMO S 225 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) . typical values for as-welded cond. In respect to the carbon content of the weld metal. Il flusso umido deve essere ricondizionato a 300 . Das Pulver zeichnet sich durch eine gute Schlackenentfernbarkeit aus und eignet sich daher besonders für das Schweißen von engen Winkeln. Adatta per D. speciale per la saldatura di acciai inossidabili e resistenti al calore in combinazione a filo conforme a DIN 8556. Körnung laut DIN 32 522:2-16.3L RINA ETC AS 309L Mo RINA ETC AS 316LN TUV ETC AS 316L XXXXXXXX GB ETC FX 300 IR is a special semi-basic welding flux used for welding stainless and heat resistant steels in combination with the wire electrodes of DIN 8556.C. Main Constituents SiO2 + TiO2 10 % Al2O3 + MnO 35 % CaF2 50 % FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS Basicity to Boniszewski 1. ETC FX 300 IR is neutral. Also. Reacondicionamiento a 300-350ºC. Geeignet für das Schweißen an Gleichstrom +Pol bis 800 A. I cordoni di saldatura si prestano piani e regolari senza tracce di ossidazione in zona di transizione e senza residui di scoria. lo que le confiere una gran adaptación a la soldadura de raiz en juntas de ángulo estrecho.9. Hinsichtlich des Kohlenstoffgehaltes im Schweißgut verhalt sich das Schweißpulver ETC FX 300 IR neutral. The welds are smooth and have a fine ripple without undercuts at the toe of base metal and without slag residues. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C. I Il tipo ETC FX 300IR è un flusso semi basico.ETC FX 300 IR Classification EN 760: SA AF 2 54 DC Approvals RINA ETC AS 22. Indicado para C. Particle size distribution according to DIN 32 522:2-16. Granulometria in base a norma DIN 32 522: 2-16. part 1. fino a 800A.350°C. El cordón de soldadra es plano y de aspecto muy regular sin trazas de oxidación en la zona de transición y sin residuos producidos por la escoria. 386 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics . DVS-Merkblatt 0907. D ETC FX300 IR ist ein Sonderschweißpulver der basischen Typengruppe für das Verschweißen von rostfreien und hitzebeständigen Baustählen. It is used on DC with up to 800 A. therefore this flux is ideal for fillet welding.C.8 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. Il flusso si evidenzia grazie anche alla sua eccellente proprietà di rimozione della scoria ed è pertanto particolarmente appropriato per la saldatura in angoli stretti. slag detachability is superb. in Kombination mit einer Drahtelektrode nach DIN 8556. Feuchtes Schweisspulver muß bei 300-350 °C nachgetrocknet werden. que además es de fácil eliminación. especial para la soldadura de de aceros inoxidables y resistentes al calor que se usa en combinación con hilos conforme a DIN 8556. E ETC FX 300IR es un flux semi básico. 06 max 18 min - - 10 min 2.5 min - - - ETC AS 318 0.5 min - - - ETC AS 316 L 0.015 max 18.75 0.07 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - 0.ETC FX 300 IR All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS 22 9 3L 0.8 5 0.025 0.025 max 19 min - - 22 min 4 min - - 1.03 max 21 min - - 15 min 3 min - - - ETC AS 311 CuL With wire 0.15 - ETC AS 347 ETC AS316 LN Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 4d (%) 35 min 35 min ETC AS 308 H As Welded ETC AS 308 L As Welded 500 min 350 min ETC AS 316 As Welded 550 min 350 min 30 min ETC AS 316L As Welded 525 min 350 min 30 min ETC AS 316LN As Welded 570 min 390 min 35 min ETC AS 318 As Welded 600 min 370 min 30 min ETC AS 347 As Welded 575 min 370 min 30 min ETC AS311CuL As Welded 560 min 370 min 35 min ETCAS2293L As Welded 680 min 500 min 25 min ETCAS309LMo As Welded 600 min 420 min 25 min FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS FLUXES & WIRES With Wire 387 .03 max 18 min - - 10 min 2.06 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - ETC AS 308 L 0.5 min - - - 0.6 15 2.03 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - ETC AS 309LMo 0.07 max 18 min - - 10 min 2.5 ETC AS 316 0.03 max 23 min - - 9 min 3 min - - - ETC AS 308 H 0. 4306 ETC AS 308 H 1.ETC FX 300 IR Application Material Material no.4462 ETC AS 22 9 3 L 1.4551 25 Kg PLASTIC BAGS FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS 388 .4300 ETC AS 308 L 1. ETC AS 316L X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 10 1.4571 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 1.4550 ETC AS 347.4541 ETC AS 347 X S Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4404 ETC AS 316.4302 X 5 Cr Ni 18 8 1.4435 ETC AS 316.4316 X 2 Cr Ni 18 8 1.4403 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1. With wire Material no.4583 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4543 ETC AS 347 X 10 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4430 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 12 1. X 2 Cr Ni Mo N 22 5 1.4870 ETC AS 347.4580 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1.4301 ETC AS 308 L X S Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1.4576 1.4573 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 l0 1. ETC AS 316L 1. ETC AS 318 Standard Packing 1.4401 ETC AS 316 1.4462 X 2 Cr Ni 18 9 1. ETC AS 318 X 12 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1. 5 min - 0. E ETC FXA 300IR es del tipo aglomerado indicado para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos incluso estabilizados. Es können auch Bauteilen mit kleinerem Durchmesser bei hoher Geschwindigkeit verschweißt werden. Indicato sia per la saldatura a filo singolo che a più fili.03 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - 0.2 Metallurgical Behaviour The pick-up and burn-out of the alloying elements Si and Mn in relation to the content of the respective elements in the wire. I I1 flusso ETC FXA 300IR è del tipo agglomerato indicato per la saldatura di acciai inox austenitici anche se stabilizzati. Adatto per la saldatura di spessori sottili ad alte velocità di lavoro.18 - ETC AS 308H 0. C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS 22 9 3L 0.03 max 21. D ETC FXA 300IR ist ein agglomeriertes Schweisspulver für das Verschweißen von rostfreien. Gute Schlackenentfernbarkeit auch bei warmen Blechen.06 0.04-0. The flux is particularly well-suited to welding with single wire and multiwire. Excelente eliminación de la escoria incluso con metal base caliente.5 min - - - ETC AS 347 0.5 min - - 8 min 3 min - 0.35 max ETC AS 309LMo 0.5 min - - - ETC AS 318 0. Eignet für das Einzeldraht.03 max 21 min - - 15 min 3 min - - - ETC AS 311 CUL 0. ETC FXA 300IR has a chromium compensation.12-0. Excellent slag detachability also on hot plates.07 max 18 min - - 9 min - - 0.ETC FXA 300IR Classification EN 760: S A FB 2 53 AC Approvals ETC AS 309LMo RINA ETC AS 22 9 3L TUV ETC AS 316L XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FXA 300IR is a special agglomerated flux used to weld austenitic stainless steels even when stabilised. Desarrollado para soldadura de espesores pequeños y con alta velocidad de trabajo.5 ETC AS 316 0. part 1. DVS-Merkblatt 0907. Es verhält sich neutral hinsichtlich des Kohlenstoffgehaltes.07 max 18 min - - 10 min 2. Esta compensado considerando su contenido de Cr. austenitischen.06 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - ETC AS 308L 0.06 0. auch stabilisierten Baustählen. Ottima rimozione della scoria anche su lamiere calde. E' compensante per quanto riguarda il contenuto di Cr.025 max 19 min - - 24 min 4 min - - 1.03 max 18 min - - 10 min 2.04-0.06 max 18 min - - 11 min 2.35 max ETC AS 316L 0. Suitable to weld thin plate at high travel speed.und Mehrdrahtverfahren.35 max With wire FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS 389 FLUXES & WIRES All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) . Main Constituents SiO2 7 % CaO + CaF2 + MgO 54 % Al2O3 37 % Basicity to Boniszewski 2. Indicado para la soldadura con un solo hilo o multihilos. 4462 ETC AS 22 9 3 L ~ 1.4870 ETC AS 347.4401 ETC AS 316 1. ETC AS 316 L 1.ETC FXA 300IR Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment With Wire Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 540 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 4d (%) 25 min ETC AS 22 9 3L As Welded ETC AS 308H As Welded 550 min 350 min 35 min ETC AS 308L As Welded 500 min 350 min 35 min ETC AS 309LMo As Welded 600 min 370min 25 min ETC AS 311 CUL As Welded 570 min 420 min 30 min ETC AS 316 As Welded 550 min 370 min 30 min ETC AS 316L As Welded 525 min 350 min 30 min ETC AS 318 As Welded 600 min 390 min 30 min ETC AS 347 As Welded 575 min 500 min 30 min Application Material Material no.4573 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1.4403 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1.4583 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4462 X 2 Cr Ni 18 9 1.4404 ETC AS 316.4551 25kg PLASTIC BAGS FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS 390 .4580 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 10 1.4543 ETC AS 347 X 12 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4300 ETC AS 308L 1.4306 ETC AS 308H 1.4435 ETC AS 316.4301 ETC AS 308L X 2 Cr Ni 18 8 1.4430 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 12 1. X 2 Cr Ni Mo N 22 5 1.4316 X 5 Cr Ni 18 8 1.4571 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 1.4541 ETC AS 347 X S Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1. With wire Material no.4576 l.4550 ETC AS 347. ETC AS 316 L X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 l0 1. ETC AS 318 Standard Packing 1.4302 X S Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1. ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1. Da un punto di vista metallurgico ha un comportamento moderatamente compensante per quanto riguarda il Cromo. which deposit a weld metal with a low diffusible hydrogen content. In terms of weld metal C content. Es hat ein Chromabbrand ausgleichendes Verhalten und ist für das Verschweißen von austenitischen Baustählen (auch des Typs E. Main Constituents Basicity to Boniszewski CaO + MgO 40 % CaF2 25 % SiO2 + TiO2 15 % Al2O3 + MnO 20 % FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS ~ 2. Ein Abbrand erfolgt nur beim Einsatz von Elektroden mit einem hohen Mangangehalt.23: F 62PZ EB9-B9 EN Approvals ETC AS KV7M XXXXXXXX 760: SA FB 2 55 AC H5 GB ETC FX 300 B is a special agglomerated.a como en c. Desde un punto de vista metalúrgico tiene un comportamiento moderamente compensatorio por su relación con el Cr. El depósito posee un bajísimo contenido de H2 que le confiere una gran resistencia a la fisuración. fluoride-basic type flux welding stainless and heat-resistant steels when used in conjunction with wire electrodes to DIN 8556. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C.e. L’ETC FX 300 B è indicato per la saldatura di grossi spessori anche in multipass. ETC FX 300 B ist geeignet für das Verschweißen von dicken Werkstücken. Manganese burn-out only occurs when wires with a high manganese content are used. D ETC FX 300 B ist ein basisches Schweisspulver für das Verschweißen von rostfreien. nonchè stabilizzati.C. E ETC FX 300B es un flux básico para la soldadura de aceros inoxidables de estructura austenítica y austenítica-ferrítica no estabilizadas.L. Il deposito è a bassissimo contenuto di Idrogeno ed ha una grande resistenza alle fessurazioni. ETC FX 300 B está indicado para soldadura de grandes espesores o multipasada. La granulometria è conforme alle DIN 32 522: 2-20. In terms of silicon and manganese. It is equally suited to welding on DC+ and AC at up to 800A. the behaviour of ETC FX 300 B can be described as neutral. E’ indicato per la saldatura di acciai austenitici anche del tipo E. Das Schweisspulver kann bei 300-350°C nachgetrocknet werden.) geeignet. auch stabilisierten Baustählen. ETC FX 300 B is intended for joint welding large cross-sections. Granulometría conforme a DIN 32 522: 2 .ETC FX 300B Classification AWS A5. I ETC FX 300 B è un flusso basico per la saldatura degli acciai inossidabili a struttura austenitica e austeno-ferritica. Smooth welds with a good finish and free from notches in the transition zone are a further advantage of this flux.7 Metallurgical Behaviour 391 FLUXES & WIRES Applications and Caratteristics . Il flusso può essere ricondizionato a temperature comprese tra i 300 ed i 350°C.20. there is neither pick-up nor burn-out.c. Indicato per la saldatura sia in corrente alternata che in corrente continua. Für das Schweißen in Gleich. El flux puede ser reacondicionado a temperaturas comprendidas entre 300 y 350ºC. ELC quality steels may be welded. austenitischen und austeno-ferritischen. the metallurgical behaviour is neutral. auch im Multipassverfahren. Está indicado para la soldadura de aceros austeníticos y también del tipo ELC . Beim Einsatz von Drahtelektroden mit einem normalen Mangangehalt hat es hinsichtlich des Mangans ein ausgleichendes Verhalten. Der Auftrag hat einen sehr geringen Wasserstoffgehalt und hohe Rißbeständigkeit. thus if suitable wires are used. ETC FX 300 B is particularly suited to tandem and multi-wire welding. Indicado para la soldaura tanto en c. In termini di Manganese ha un’azione compensante nel caso di fili con contenuti normali di Manganese e riducente solo nel caso si utilizzino fili alto legati in Manganese. It is one of the range of controlled-hydrogen fluxes. i.C.oder Wechselstrom geeignet. Körnung nach DIN 32 522:2-20. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-20.L. El Mn tiene una acción equilibrante en el caso de utilizar hilos con contenidos normales de este elemento y de reducción solo en el caso de utilizar hilos con alta aleación de Mn. 101 70 min 392 .38-0.03 max 20-23 - - 60 min 8-10 3.20 .5 - - ETC AS KV7M 0.15 - ETC AS 318 0.03 max 23 - - 9 3 - 0.1 0.6 - 0.09 335 max 0.03 max 20 - - 16 3 - 0.5 min - - - ETC AS 316N 0.39 0.38 0.13 1.1 - ETC AS 308L 0.5 ETC AS 316L 0.07 max 8.60 .07 max 18 min - - 10 min 2.03 max 18 min - - 10 min 2.03 max 19-22 - - 74 min - 2.025 max 20 - - 25 4.03 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - 0.93 0.40 .07 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - ETC AS 625 0.80 .18 .ETC FX 300B All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS 22 9 3L 0.35 With wire ETC AS 311 CuL Mechanical Properties Heat Treatment With Wire Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 650 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350min Elongation 4d (%) 25 min ETC AS 22 9 3 L As Welded ETC AS 308 L As Welded 550 min 350 min 35 min ETC AS 311 Cu L As Welded 560 min 380 min 35 min ETC AS 316 L As Welded 550 min 370 min 30 min ETC AS 316 N As Welded 600 min 410 min 30 min 30 min ETC AS 318 As Welded 600 min 370 min ETC AS 347 As Welded 575 min 370min 30 min ETC AS 625 As Welded 760 min 450 min 23 min PWHT 680 min 550 min 22 min ETC AS KV7M Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 ETC AS 22 9 3 L 100 min ETC AS 308 L 75 min ETC AS 311 Cu L 60 min ETC AS 316 L 75 min ETC AS 316 N 120 min ETC AS 318 65 min ETC AS 347 65 min ETC AS 625 60 min FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS 0 Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .65 0.5 - - ETC AS 82 0.5 min - - - ETC AS 347 0. 4580 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 1.4462 ETC AS 22 9 3 L ~ 1.4302 1. X 2 Cr Ni Mo N 22 5 1.4583 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 10 1.4435 ETC AS 316 L 12 Ni 19 1.4316 1.4550 ETC AS 347 X 12 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4573 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4435 ETC AS 316 L X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1.4306 ETC AS 308 X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1.4301 ETC AS 308 X 2 Cr Ni 18 9 1.5680 ETC AS 316 N X 8 Ni 9 1.4878 ETC AS 347 X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4455 1.4583 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1.4301 ETC AS 308 X 5 Cr Ni 18 8 1.4404 ETC AS 316 L 1.4541 ETC AS 347 X 10 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4401 ETC AS 316 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 12 1. With wire Material no.ETC FX 300B Application Material no.5662 ETC AS 316 N 10 Ni 14 1.4404 ETC AS 316 L 1.4573 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 10 1.4878 ETC AS 347 X 12 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4306 ETC AS 308 L X 5 Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1.4455 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1.4430 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 12 1.4576 FLUXES & WIRES Material 25 kg PLASTIC BAGS FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS 393 .4571 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 l0 1.4462 X 5 Cr Ni 18 8 1.4580 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 10 1.4571 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 1.5637 ETC AS 316 N X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1.4543 ETC AS 347 Standard Packing 1. 600 A.25 3 1. FLUXES & WIRES Applications Hardness * HB 30 ETC FX 350 B Adatto per accompagnamenti scorrevoli. empfohlen. Für Auftragschweißungen an Kupplungsteilen.5 - 0.ETC FX 350 B Classification EN 760: SA CS 3 97 CrMo AC Approvals XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FX 350 B is an agglomerated.a.7 0.00 mm. Se aconseja la utilización con hilo de diámetro 4. Il flusso può essere ricondizionato a 300°C. The alloying effect is greatly dependent on the welding data chosen. It should be stored in a dry condition. All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) With wire ETC AS1 C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu 0. D ETC FX 350B ist ein agglomeriertes Spezialschweißpulver für auflegiertes. The optimum parameters when welding with wires 4 mm in diameter are DC and AC. Indicato per la saldatura sia in corrente continua che in corrente alternata.4 - - - Mechanical Properties With Wire Flux ETC AS1 350-450 For alloy welding of coupling parts. 600 A 32 V y velocidad de 50 cm/min. 32 V und einer Geschwindigkeit von 50 cm/Min.und Wechselstrom. Indicado para soldadura tanto en c. 32 V e velocità di 50 cm/min. piston rods ends and excavator parts.c como en c. Es wird ein Draht mit Durchmesser 4. E ETC FX 350 B es un flux aglomerado especial para recargues antidesgaste equilibrado para conseguir un depósito de 350 Hb en caso de ser combinado con un hilo del tipo ETC AS1.00mm. Adapté pour pièces coulissantes. pistons et parties d’excavateurs. El flux puede ser reacondicionado a 300ºC. Das Schweisspulver kann bei 300°C nachgetrocknet werden. Standard Packing 25kg PLASTIC BAGS FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEELS 394 . Si consiglia l’utilizzo con filo di diametro 4. 600 A. Kolbenstangenenden und Baggerteilen. Geeignet für das Schweißen an Gleich. Damp flux should be redried at 300°C.00 mm . verschleißfestes Auftragschweißen. alloy-fortified surfacing flux intended for use with a low-alloy wire. I ETC FX 350 B è un flusso agglomerato speciale per riporti anti usura bilanciato per avere un deposito di 350 Hb nel caso venga abbinato a fili del tipo ETC AS1. für einen Auftrag 350 Hb bei eventueller Kombination mit Schweißdraht des Typs ETC AS1. pistoni e parti di escavatori. 350ºC. Il flusso è caratterizzato da una bassa densità e ne consegue un limitato consumo per kg di materiale depositato. Grain size in accordance with DIN 32 522: 2-20.03 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - ETC AS 316L 0. D ETC FX IRC ist ein agglomeriertes Spezialschweißpulver für das Bandplattieren. Granulometría acorde con DIN 32 522: 2 . the best results are abtained on DC (+pole).0 C Cr Mn Si % Weight Ni Mo Nb N Cu ETC AS 308L 0. This flux may be welded on either AC or DC. The flux can be supplied in metal drums to prevent moisture pick-up.5 min - - - ETC AS 347 0.oder Wechselstrom geeignet. Damp flux should be redried at 300-350°C. 1 kg/dm3. Si può saldare sia in corrente continua che in corrente alternata. Cr-Ni-Mo-Zusätzen. Cr Ni Mo. Flux consumption is aproximately 650g per kg weld metal. Puede ser empleado también para aleaciones de alto contenido en Ni. La granulometria è conforme alle normative DIN 32 522: 2-20. Cr Ni Mo. Geeignet für das Schweißen mit austenitischen Cr-Ni-. Das Schweisspulver hat ein geringes Schüttgewicht mit entsprechend niedrigem Verbrauch. Indicato per essere utilizzato con nastri austenitici Cr Ni.07 max 18 min - - 9 min - - - - With wire FLUXES & WIRES All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis Values (typical values) Mechanical Properties With Wire Heat Treatment Tensile Strength 2 N/mm 550 min Yield Strength 2 N/mm 350 min Elongation 4d (%) 35 min ETC AS 308L As Welded ETC AS 316L As Welded 550 min 370 min 30 min ETC AS 318 As Welded 600 min 370 min 30 min ETC AS 347 As Welded 575 min 350 min 30 min RUTILE FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING 395 .a.ETC FX IRC Classification EN 760: SA CS 2 99 Cr AC Approvals XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB ETC FX IRC is an agglomerated flux for joint welding and strip cladding with chrome. Può essere impiegato anche per leghe alto legate in Nichel.5 min - - - ETC AS 318 0. Es kann auch für Legierungen mit einem hohen Nickelgehalt eingesetzt werden. Indicado para ser utilizado con fleje austenítico Cr Ni. El flux está caracterizado por tener una baja densidad y conseguir una limitación de consumo por kg de material depósitado. Se puede soldar tanto en c. El flux puede ser reacondicionado a 300 .03 max 18 min - - 10 min 2. It is also suitable when cladding with nickel-based alloys.c como en c. Für das Schweißen an Gleich. Main Constituents Basicity to Boniszewski CaO + MgO 20 % CaF2 10 % Al2O3 + MnO 25 % SiO2 + TiO2 35 % 1.07 max 18 min - - 10 min 2. however. Il flusso può essere ricondizionato a 300-350°C. and chrome nickel molybdenum consumables. chrome nickel. E ETC FX IRC es un flux aglomerado específico para el plaqueado mediante banda.20. Die Körnung entspricht DIN 32 522:2-20. Das Schweisspulver kann bei 300-350°C nachgetrocknet werden. I ETC FX IRC è un flusso agglomerato specifico per la placcatura a nastro. The flux has a bulk density of approx. ETC FX IRC has chrome compensation. When used for cladding. 60 0 .4435 ETC AS 316 L X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 10 1.4316 X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18 12 1.4576 l.18 .20 . X 2 Cr Ni 19 11 1.4541 ETC AS 347 X 12 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.4580 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 12 1.4583 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18 9 1.101 Application Material Material no.ETC FX IRC Charpy Notch With Wire + 20 ETC AS 308L 55 min ETC AS 316L 55 min ETC AS 318 45 min ETC AS 347 45 min Charpy V Notch Impact Strength (J) .40 .80 .4571 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 12 1.4404 ETC AS 316L X 10 Cr Ni Mo Ti 18 10 1. With wire Material no.4306 ETC AS 308L 1.4878 ETC AS 347 X 10 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4551 25kg PLASTIC BAGS RUTILE FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING 396 .4573 ETC AS 318 X 10 Cr Ni Mo Nb 18 l0 1.4543 ETC AS 347 Standard Packing 1.4550 ETC AS 347 X 5 Cr Ni Nb 18 9 1.4430 1. E Flux aglomerado para plaqueado mediante arco sumergido de materiales serie inoxidables AISI 300 Cr .ETC FX 300P Approvals Classification XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB Agglomerated flux for submerged arc cladding of inox materials AISI 300 Cr-Ni stabilizing and not. D Agglomeriertes Schweißpulver für Plattierung im UP-Verfahren bei rostfreien Baustählen des Typs AISI 300 Cr-Ni.1. stabilisiert und nicht stabilisiert.Ni estabilizados o no. Basicity to Boniszewski ~ 1.4 .2 2h x 300°C Standard Packing DRUM 30kG FLUXES & WIRES Redrying RUTILE FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING 397 . I Flusso agglomerato per placcatura in arco sommerso di materiali serie inox AISI 300 Cr – Ni stabilizzati e non.0 Current Condition DC + Grain Size 0. Basicity to Boniszewski ~ 1.2 Redrying 2h x 300°C Standard Packing DRUM 30kG RUTILE FLUXES FOR STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING 398 . D Agglomeriertes Schweißpulver für Plattierungen im UP-Verfahren bei rostfreien Baustählen des Typs AISI 400 Cr.4 .0 Current Condition DC + Grain Size 0.1.ETC FX 400P Classification Approvals XXXXXXXX Applications and Caratteristics GB Agglomerated flux for submerged arc cladding of inox materials AISI 400 Cr I Flusso agglomerato per placcatura in arco sommerso di materiali serie inox AISI 400 Cr. E Flux aglomerado para plaqueado mediante arco sumergido de materiales serie inox AISI 400 Cr. 00 2.17: EL 12 EN 756: S1 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.20 - 36507514 ETC AS48 4.02 0.00 36506016 36506043 - Classification AWS A5.40 K 415 27 - 36507509 36507511 Diameter (mm) 2.00 4.17: EM 12K EN 756: S2 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.3 1.20 - 36508014 4.75 5.60 2.00 36508016 36508043 - 399 .00 2.75 5.25 1 - 0.1 0.1 0.17: EH 12K EN 756: S3 Si Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.7 - - - 0.1 0.60 2.02 0.1 1 - - - 0.00 4.00 2.50 3.01 - - Standard Packaging Diameter (mm) 2.7 0.5 - - - - - 0.01 0.50 3.07 - 0.00 4.01 0.75 5.04 - 0.40 K 415 27 36505506 36505509 36505511 - 36505514 ETC AS2 4.02 - - Standard Packaging Diameter (mm) 2.25 0.006 - - Spool Weight Kg 1.50 3.20 Spool Weight Kg 1.4 - 0.1 0.40 K 415 27 36506006 36506009 36506011 - 36506014 ETC ASH3 4.00 4.00 36505516 36505543 - Classification AWS A5.00 2.02 - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.ETC Submerged Arc Wires Submerged arc wires for non-alloy steels ETC AS1 Classification AWS A5.60 2.20 Spool Weight Kg 1.40 K 415 27 36508006 36508009 36508011 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR NON-ALLOY STEELS Diameter (mm) 2.1 0.60 2.00 36507516 36507543 - FLUXES & WIRES Standard Packaging Classification Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.50 3.75 5. 23: EB9 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu 0.40 K415 25 - 37017809 - Diameter (mm) 2.5 0.03-0.00 4.23: EA2 EN 756: S2 Mo Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.75 5.00 - - - Classification AWS A5.6 5.5 - - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.40 K415 27 - 37012009 37012012 - 37012014 ETC AS KV7M 4.75 5.40 K415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.20 37017512 37017513 4.60 2.23: EB3 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.00 2.13 - 1.00 4.8-1.2 1 0.2 8-9.50 3.07 0.00 4.15-0.07-0.01 max 0.00 37017516 - - 400 .2 0.5 1 2.00 2.1 max N P S V 0.5 0.1 max 0.60 2.20 37017012 37017013 ETC AS1 Cr Mo 5 4.50 3.60 2.00 4.75 5.20 37017812 - ETC AS1 Cr Mo 2 4.25 Nb 0.60 2.50 3.03-0.1 Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.75 5.1 max 0.12 0.40 K415 25 - - - SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS Diameter (mm) 2.23: EB6 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.ETC Submerged Arc Wires Submerged arc wires for low-alloy steels ETC AS2 Mo Classification AWS A5.50 3.5 - - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.1 0.20 Spool Weight Kg 1.00 2.5 - - - - - - - - Standard Packaging Diameter (mm) 2.3 0.4-1 0.00 2.00 37012016 - - Classification AWS A.00 37017016 - - Classification AWS A5.01 max 0. 50 3.ETC Submerged Arc Wires ETC AS2 Cr Mo 1 Classification AWS A5.50 3.23: EB2 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.20 37014012 37014013 ETC AS3 Ni Mo 1 4.12 0.1 0.4 0.75 5.1 1.2 - - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.75 5.007 0.40 K415 25 - - 37015511 Diameter (mm) 2.045 0.15 1 - - 1.2 1 0.00 37014016 - - Classification AWS A5.75 5.1 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 37015516 - - FLUXES & WIRES Spool SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR LOW-ALLOY STEELS 401 .40 K415 27 - - 37016811 Diameter (mm) 2.00 4.60 2.50 3.20 - 37015514 4.00 4.5 0.00 4.00 2.23: E Ni1 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.06 - 0.20 - 37016814 ETC AS2 Ni 1 4.40 K 415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.60 2.00 2.3 0.006 - - Standard Packaging Weight Kg 1.00 37016816 - - Classification AWS A5.00 2.3 1.60 2.23: EM2 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.5 1. 23: EG Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.1 0.20 - 37018414 ETC AL CROMO S 300 V 4.20 - 37018214 ETC AL CROMO S 225 V 4.23: EB3 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.60 2.00 37018516 - 37018518 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR CHROME-MOLYBDENUM IN APPLICATIONS AFTER STEP COO ING 402 .50 3.25 - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.1 - 0.001 - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.75 5.60 2.5 - - - - - 0.60 2.15 0.00 4.40 K415 27 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.7 1 2.ETC Submerged Arc Wires Submerged arc wires for chrome-molybdenum in applications after step cooling ETC AL CROMO S 225 Classification AWS A5.00 37018416 - 37018418 Classification AWS A5.00 2.004 0.00 2.00 37018216 - 37018218 Classification AWS A5.1 - 0.1 0.00 4.50 3.20 - 37018514 4.50 3.23: EG Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.5 0.40 K415 27 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.75 5.00 2.75 5.032 - 0.40 K415 27 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.25 - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.7 1 3 - - - - - 0.5 1 2.00 4. 20 37510512 37510515 ETC AS 309LMo 4.75 5.00 37510516 - - Classification Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.50 3.7 21.5 12.9: ER 308H Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.4 1.50 3.02 0.20 37510212 37510215 ETC AS 308L 4.2 20 9.60 2.50 3.00 2.40 K415 25 - 37510009 - Diameter (mm) 2.45 1.00 2.00 4.02 0.5 2.40 K415 25 - 37510509 - Diameter (mm) 2.00 2.00 37510016 - - Classification AWS A5.00 4.00 2.8 0.75 5.40 K415 25 - 37510709 - Diameter (mm) 2.5 - - - - - - Spool Weight Kg 1.50 3.60 2.ETC Submerged Arc Wires Submerged arc wires for welding stainless steels ETC AS 308H Classification AWS A5.4 1.05 0.2 24 13.02 0.20 37510012 37510015 ETC AS 309L 4.2 1.60 2.8 0.00 - - - Classification AWS A5.9: ER 309L Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.1 20 10.40 K415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.60 2.9:ER 308L Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.75 5.75 5.00 4.8 0.20 37510712 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 37510715 4.2 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 4.5 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 37510716 - - 403 FLUXES & WIRES Standard Packaging .5 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1. 8 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.20 37511312 37511315 ETC AS 316H 4.40 K415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.9: ER 385 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N -0.9: ER 312 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.2 30 9.8 0.00 2.5 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.02 max 0.00 37511316 - - Classification AWS A5.00 4.00 - - - Classification AWS A5.05 0.75 5.45 1.3 26 20.4 1.1-0.20 37511012 37511015 ETC AS 311 CuL 4.60 2.75 5.75 5.00 2.40 K415 25 - 37511009 - Diameter (mm) 2.00 37511016 - - Classification AWS A5.50 3.12 0.9: ER 316H Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.00 4.8 0.20 37511412 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 37511415 4.5 11.00 - - - 404 .025 0.6 20 25 - 0.50 3.ETC Submerged Arc Wires ETC AS 310 Classification AWS A5.9: ER310 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.2 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.60 2.1 0.00 4.50 3.40 K415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.40 K415 25 - 37511309 - Diameter (mm) 2.8 2.75 5.60 2.00 4.4 1.20 37511212 37511215 ETC AS 312 4.15 P S 0.50 3.02 max V Nb - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 2.4 1.2 19.9 4.00 2.60 2. 1 - 0.9: ER 347 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.8 - - - - - - Spool Weight Kg 1.00 37512316 - - 405 FLUXES & WIRES Standard Packaging .ETC Submerged Arc Wires ETC AS 316L Classification AWS A5.75 max 13 0.75 5.50 3.75 5.85 1.40 K415 25 - 37511509 - Diameter (mm) 2.5 max 0.75 5.50 3.00 2.00 37511916 - - Classification AWS A5.20 37512012 37512015 ETC AS 410 4.5 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 2.6 2.2 12.5 9.75 5.00 2.4 2.00 2.6 max 0.60 2.9: ER 410 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.6 19 11.00 4.00 37511516 - - Classification AWS A5.9: ER 318 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.00 4.6 - 19.12 max 0.01 - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.015 0.6 18.9: ER 316L Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.60 2.00 37512016 - - Classification AWS A5.00 4.45 1.20 37511912 37511915 ETC AS 347 4.40 K415 25 - 37512009 - Diameter (mm) 2.2 0.20 37512312 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 37512315 4.40 K415 25 - 37511909 - Diameter (mm) 2.60 2.75 max - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.50 3.01 0.40 K415 25 - 37512308 - Diameter (mm) 2.4 max 0.05 0.50 3.00 4.60 2.4 1.04 0.20 37511512 37511515 ETC AS 318 4. 75 5.00 2.75 5.75 max 13 0.9: ER 430 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.75 5.ETC Submerged Arc Wires ETC AS 410L Classification AWS A5.40 K415 25 - 37512708 - Diameter (mm) 2.50 3.20 37512812 37512815 ETC AS 22 9 3L 4.00 2.50 3.5 0.6 max 0.3 0.025 0.00 4.20 37515012 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR WELDING STAINLESS STEELS 37515015 4.3 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 4.75 max - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.3 max 0.75 max 16 0.2 12.60 2.03 0.00 2.50 3.9: ER 410 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.1 max 0.60 2.5 max 0.20 37512712 37512715 ETC AS 430 4.4 0.60 2.5 max 0.50 3.6 max 0.40 K415 25 - 37512509 - Diameter (mm) 2.2 2 - 23 9 - 0.00 37512516 - - Classification AWS A5.00 4.00 37512816 - - Classification AWS A5.20 37512512 37512515 ETC AS 420 4.1 - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.40 K415 25 - 37512809 - Diameter (mm) 2.40 K415 25 - 37515009 - Diameter (mm) 2.60 2.75 5.00 37515016 - - 406 .00 4.1 max 0.75 max - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.9: ER 420 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.9: ER 2209 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.00 - - - Classification AWS A5.00 2.6 max 0. 75 5.ETC Submerged Arc Wires Submerged arc wires for welding Ni-Cr ETC AS 82 Classification AWS A5.40 K 415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.50 3.00 4.50 3.05 max 0.05 max 8-10 20-23 60 min - - - - - - Standard Packaging Weight Kg 1.75 5.40 K 415 25 - 37513009 - Diameter (mm) 2.60 2.02 0.20 37514012 37514015 4.1 3 - 20 74 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.20 37513012 37513015 ETC AS 625 4.5 max 0.00 37513016 - - Classification Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.14: ER NiCr-3 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.00 37514016 - - FLUXES & WIRES Spool SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR WELDING NI-CR 407 . 50 3.00 4.23: E Ni3 Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0.40 K 415 25 - - - Diameter (mm) 2.25 - 1 - - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.00 2.7 0.25 Mo 4.40 K 415 27 - - 37016211 SUBMERGED ARC WIRES FOR WELDING NI STEELS Diameter (mm) 2.20 - 37016214 4.12 0.35 - - - - - Standard Packaging Spool Weight Kg 1.20 37014811 37014814 ETC ASH3 1 Ni 0.60 2.ETC Submerged Arc Wires Submerged arc wires for welding Ni steels ETC AS2 Ni 3 Classification AWS A5.60 2.75 5.1 3.00 4.50 3.00 37014816 - - Classification AWS A5.5 0.15 1.1 1 - 0.00 2.00 37016216 - - 408 .75 5.1 0.23: EG-G Wire Chemical % Analysis C Si Mn Mo Cr Ni Cu N P S V Nb 0. LAYER WOUND (PRECISION) In this case the wire is spooled automatically according to a precision order. COR-TEN. for this reason this spooling system is called random. IRON SPOOL K300 D D1 A mm mm mm 180 300 100 (A) Weight kg 16 (D1) (D) To be used with adaptor code: 9010904556 For this kind of spool you have to use the adaptor with the inner diameter 52. Speaking about the kind of spooling (for the basket spool) we could have two different methods: 1. This is necessary to install the spool into the machine. High Tensile Strength Steels like T1-HY80 The correspondent ETC series are: 6000. Layer Wound (Precision) RANDOM There is not a precious way to spools the wire into the basket. CU. 116 and 116S . Random 2. we called this kind of spooling Layer Wound or Precision. SG2. These are the main version that our customers are choosing but please also consider that we have available 5 kilos spools and other different dimension available into the market.WIRES BASKET SPOOLS Please find here below our current basket spools used for all our wires.Flux Cored Wire WIRE SPOOLS 409 . Groups of wire spooled with this basket: .Solid Wires for CO2. Solid Wires for Aluminium. Groups of wire spooled with this basket: .Stainless Steel Wire . it is like the standard K300 but with the inner diameter 52 already welded to the basket. This will allow you to do not use the adaptor.inner d.Solid Wires for low alloyed steels.Flux Cored Wire (A) PLASTIC SPOOL D D1 A mm mm mm 52 300 100 Weight kg 15 A mm mm 52 200 55 Weight kg (D) D1 mm (D1) Available also the following 5 Kg. Available also the smaller version of 5 Kg.Solid Wires for CO2. Solid Wires for High Tensile Strength Steels like T1-HY80 . spool D 5 This kind of packaging is composed by a basket completely in plastic and it already has the inner diameter 52. Solid Wires for Hardfacing WIRE SPOOLS 410 .IRON SPOOL K300 . Also for this kind of basket spool there are the two different kind of spooling: random or layer wound (precision). Groups of wire spooled with this basket with inner diameter 52: .Aluminium Wire . 52 D D1 A mm mm mm 52 300 100 Weight kg 16 Another iron spool. Groups of wire spooled with this drums: . The weight could change from 27 Kg. On the photo you see the complete pack ready for the usage but please consider that the plastic cone. depending by the item.Solid Wires for CO2 .Submerged Arc Welding Wire ETC DRUM .0 . spools.2 the total weight is 250 Kilos. to 25 Kg.8 .1.Solid Wires for CO2 .DAYTONA SYSTEM D H cm cm 52 82 Net Weight kg 250 Plastic cone code 2315265 Wire inner code 2315273 Adaptor kit code 2315281 This kind of packing is called ETC Daytona System and for the diameter 0.Stainless Steel Wire .6 the weight is 200 Kilos. WIRE SPOOLS 411 . Groups of wire spooled with this drums: .Submerged Arc Welding Wire FLUXES PLASTIC BAGS ETC is also able to supply a complete range of Fluxes for submerged arc welding. For the diameter 1. These fluxes are packed in a special plastic bag of 25 Kg.BASKET SPOOL K415 D H cm cm 300 415 Net Weight kg 27 / 25 This big spool is dedicated only for Submerged Arc Welding Wire. the wire inner and the adaptor kit are sold separately. The stainless steel wire is always supplied in 25 Kg.Stainless Steel Wire .1. . Backing Strips Supporti Ceramici Keramikvorrichtung Respaldos Ceramicos . . The backup has no humidity absorption due to the use of watertight ceramic material. or on an iron streep. ETC Elettrotermochimica through its Marketing Dept. performed in any position.It is totally passive against the fused metal and provides high quality weld joints. Construction The backups are made of a high refractary ceramic material. while making the procedure easier. Phisical and chemical properties The ceramic material used can withstand high energies.SAW in semi or fully automatic mode. designed to match with all fit-up types. and stuck on an adhesive foil made of aluminium for flexible strips. Costs saving · semplification in joint preparation · one side welding avoids parts turn over · allows high deposition welding processes to perform the first layer · eliminates backgouging and root pass weld repairs. OTHER PRODUCTS Method of use The ETC KERAWELD welding backup system is designed for the one-side welding of metals through high energy processes such as GMAW . CERAMIC BACKING 415 . lt is advisable to prepare the joint with a distance between the borders from 4mm to 8mm. Using this backup will guarantee consistent high quality backside welds with any commonly used arc welding processes applied in the most unusual positions. Principle The ETC KERAWELD welding backup system is designed to fit on the back side of any assembly weld joint of steel plates. The mounting surfaces receiving the adhesive aluminium foil have only to be well cleaned.GB ETC KERAWELD The ETC KERAWELD welding backup systems are based on a very high fusion point ceramic material. It has no chemical reaction with the welding characteristics of the weld joint. to maintain and protect the backbead during a one-side arc welding process operation.FCAW . Applications The set-up of the ETC KERAWELD backup doesn't require any special preparation. can project different ceramic backup types following specific requests from the customers. The backups are assembled through concave/convex knukle joint. The backups are convenient for the in-line or circular welds. Proprietà fisiche e chimiche La composizione chimico fisica del materiale ceramico permette la tenuta di forti energie. Utilizzo Il sistema di sostegno ETC KERAWELD è applicabile in tutti quei procedimenti. I supporti ceramici ETC KERAWELD sono dotati di pellicola adesiva in alluminio. oppure montati su canalina in ferro. Costituzione I supporti sono fatti con un materiale ceramico altamente refrattario. ETC Elettrotermochimica tramite il Servizio Marketing. in modo da garantire un alto tasso di deposito in prima passata. in tutte le posizioni. · saldatura da un solo lato evitando la ripresa al rovescio.SAW in modo semi o totalmente automatico. Si ricorda inoltre che su richieste specifiche da parte della clientela. permette di ottenere ottimi risultati per quanto riguarda la saldabilità e la qualità del giunto saldato. non esige delle preparazioni particolari. Principio Il sistema di sostegno è progettato per essere collocato sul lato sottostante di ogni giunto da assemblare per mantenere e proteggere il bagno di fusione durante tutto il processo di saldatura. può studiare e progettare diverse tipologie di supporto ceramico. il profilo si può adattare a seconda dei giunti da saldare. permettono di realizzare dei cordoni di saldatura in tutte le posizioni. Il sostegno non assorbe umidità grazie all'uso di materiale ceramico impermeabile. E' consigliabile una preparazione dei giunti con distacco tra i lembi da 4mm a 8mm. che utilizzano forti apporti termici tipo: GMAW FCAW . Le forme particolari dei supporti ceramici a contatto con il bagno di fusione. CERAMIC BACKING 416 . · processi ad alto amperaggio. E' un composto idrofugo. è richiesta una buona pulizia lungo tutto il giunto dove si applica il supporto adesivo. I sistemi di sostegno sono indicati per saldature lineari o circolari.I ETC KERAWELD L'utilizzo dei supporti ceramici ETC KERAWELD ad alto punto di fusione e neutri nei confronti del metallo fuso. non ha reazioni chimiche con il materiale depositato. Risparmio economico · semplificazione della preparazione dei cianfrini. Applicazioni L'applicazione di questi sistemi. · eliminazione delle operazioni di molatura e ripresa. Das Schweißen in Gegenlage entfällt. Besonderheiten und chemische Eigenschaften Die physisch chemische Eigenschaft des Materials erlaubt die Speicherung großer Energien. mit hohem Schmelzpunkt und neutralem Verhalten gegenüber dem geschmolzenen Metall. um das Schmelzbad während des gesamten Schweißvorganges warm zu halten und zu schützen. im teil. z.Vereinfachte Vorbereitung der Wurzelnaht.FCAW und SAW. Zusammensetzung Diese Vorrichtung besteht aus einer extrem hitzebeständigen Keramikzusammensetzung und kann der jeweiligen Nahtform angepaßt werden. Der Abstand zwischen den zu verschweißenden Teile sollte 4 mm bis 8 mm betragen. es wird nur noch eine Seite geschweißt. . Das Material dieser Vorrichtung ist wasserundurchlässig und nimmt daher keine Feuchtigkeit auf. Die Vorrichtung ETC KERAWELD ist mit einer Klebefolie versehen oder auf einer Führungsschiene aus Eisen montiert. OTHER PRODUCTS Einsatz Die Vorrichtung ETC KERAWELD ist für alle Schweißvorgänge mit hoher Wärmezufuhr geeignet.D ETC KERAWELD Durch den Einsatz der Keramikvorrichtung ETC KERAWELD.Das Brennputzen und Nachschweißen entfällt. Das Material ist absolut wasserabweisend. je nach Kundenwunsch angefertigt. ohne eine chemische Reaktion mit dem Schweißauftrag zu bewirken. . können Schweißqualität und Schweißnahtergebnis erheblich verbessert werden. . Anwendung Der Einsatz dieser Vorrichtung bedarf keiner besonderen Vorbereitungen.B. Wirtschaftlichkeit .Schweißen bei hoher Voltzahl möglich. Die Oberfläche für die Anbringung der Vorrichtung sollte aber sauber und trocken sein. Zweck Die Vorrichtung wird an der unteren Seite der auszuführenden Schweißnaht angebracht. GMAW .oder vollautomatischen Verfahren. um eine große Auftragsmenge schon beim ersten Durchgang zu garantieren. Auf Anfrage werden vom Marketing Service der ETC Elettrotermochimica Sonderausführungen. CERAMIC BACKING 417 . Sie ist für gerade Schweißverläufe und für Rundstrecken in allen Schweißpositionen geeignet. Durch ihre besondere Form kann sie für alle Schweißlagen eingesetzt werden. Se recuerda que bajo pedido específico. que ofrecen altas tasas de depósito en primera pasada. no se producen absorciones de humedad.simplificación de la preparación de chaflanes. . Es aconsejable una preparación de juntas con separación entre talones de 4 a 8 mm. Está indicado en soldaduras tanto lineales como circulares y en todas la posiciones. permite obtener óptimos resultados desde el punto de vista de la soldabilidad y de calidad de las juntas soldadas. Reducción de costes . Características Los respaldos son fabricados con materiales cerámicos altamente refractarios. ETC Elettrotermochimica puede tramitar a su departamento de marketing. Aplicaciones Las aplicaciones de este sistema. permite realizar los cordones de soldadura en todas las posiciones. su perfil se adapta al de las juntas a soldar. La forma particular de los soportes cerámicos en contacto con el baño de fusión. evitando voltear la pieza a soldar. que utilicen fuertes aportes térmicos como: GMAW – FCAW – SAW.E ETC KERAWELD (RESPALDOS CERAMICOS) ETC KERALWELD es un sistema de respaldo para la soldadura.soldadura con elevadas intensidades. Principio El sistema está desarrollado para ser colocado bajo la junta a soldar para mantener y proteger el baño de fusión durante todo el proceso de soldadura. Utilización El sistema ETC KERAWELD es aplicable en todos los procedimientos. basado en el alto punto de fusión del material cerámico.eliminación de operaciones de amolado y manipulación. Su comportamiento inalterable ante el metal fundido. el desarrollo de distintas tipologías según la necesidad del cliente. CERAMIC BACKING 418 . . no exigen preparaciones particulares pero es necesario una limpieza a lo largo de toda la junta donde será aplicado el adhesivo. de manera semi o totalmente automática. Propiedades físicas y químicas La composición químico física del material cerámico le permite soportar fuertes energías sin sufrir reacciones químicas con el material depositado. . Gracias a su impermeabilidad.soldadura por un solo lado. = 18 Code: 0041011500 One piece L= 25 mm OTHER PRODUCTS 7.3 Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°30 pcs Total MT.ETC KERAWELD F006 Metal Tracks 16 1.5 Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°18 pcs Total MT.5 3 1. = 18 Code: 0041009700 One piece L= 100 mm 1. = 18 Code: 0041011700 One piece L= 25 mm ETC KERAWELD P002 Aluminium tape 27 10 3 7 Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°30 pcs Total MT.5 25 ETC KERAWELD P003 Aluminium tape 26 12. = 10.3 7 CERAMIC BACKING Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°30 pcs Total MT.8 Code: 0041012200 One piece L= 100 mm 419 .4 9 35 ETC KERAWELD F007 Metal Tracks 14 1. = 12 Code: 0041014500 One piece L= 25 mm 20 ETC KERAWELD D20T Aluminium tape Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°15 pcs Total MT.8 ETC KERAWELD D8T Aluminium tape Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°40 pcs Total MT. = 24 Code: 0041013900 One piece L= 25 mm 12 ETC KERAWELD D12T Aluminium tape Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°30 pcs Total MT. = 9 Code: 0041014800 One piece L= 25 mm CERAMIC BACKING 420 . = 18 Code: 0041014200 One piece L= 25 mm 15 ETC KERAWELD D15T Aluminium tape Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°20 pcs Total MT. = 24 Code: 0041013400 One piece L= 25 mm 10 ETC KERAWELD D10T Aluminium tape Total Length = 600 mm 1 Box contains N°40 pcs Total MT. Pickling Paste Pasta Decapante Beizpaste Pasta Decapante . . D BEIZPASTE Das Abbeizen ist ein Vorgang. una pasta per il decapaggio dell’acciaio inossidabile priva di acido fluoridrico. PICKLING PASTE 423 . allo stesso tempo. ETC Elettrotermochimica hat ETC INOXGEL. entwickelt. sabbiatura) che chimicamente usando soluzioni fortemente aggressive. 40005500 Cod. más seguro en su utilización. così da offrire agli utilizzatori un prodotto dalle caratteristiche eccellenti e . in order to offer to the operators a product with excellent characteristics and. a pickling paste for stainless steel free from hydrofluoric acid. indem man hochaggressive Lösungen zum Einsatz bringt. 40006000 OTHER PRODUCTS Each packing is equipped with a leaflet explanning instructions for use and a special acid resisting paint-brush. que ofrece al operario un producto de características excelentes y al mismo tiempo. taking care of their safaty. at the same time. Dekapiert werden kann entweder mechanisch (z. durch Sandstrahlen)oder chemisch. ETC Elettrotermochimica has developed ETC INOXGEL. Il decapaggio può avvenire sia meccanicamente (es.Bsp. I PASTA DECAPANTE Il decapaggio è un’operazione destinata a rimuovere gli ossidi che si formano lungo i cordoni di saldatura. Pickling operations can be done both mechanically (e. ETC Elettrotermochimica. una pasta para el decapado del acero inoxidable sin ácido fluorhídrico. säurefester Pinsel sind beigepackt. Anschauungsmaterial sowie ein spezieller. più sicuro per chi opera. sand-blasting) and chemically using highly aggressive solution. Se puede realizar de manera automática (ej. das jedoch auch mehr Arbeitssicherheit gewährleistet. sodaß den Anwendern ein Produkt mit ausgezeichneten Eigenschaften geboten wird. Cada caja contiene un modo de empleo. die Oxide zu entfernen. ETC Elettrotermochimica ha sviluppato ETC INOXGEL. usando soluciones fuertemente agresivas. eine Paste zum Beizen von Edelstahl ohne Fluorwasserstoffsäure. ETC INOXGEL KG 3 ETC INOXGEL KG 6 ETC INOXGEL KG 25 Cod. ha desarrollado ETC INOXGEL. der dazu bestimmt ist. 40005000 Cod. chorreado) o químicamente.g. E PASTA DECAPANTE El decapado es una operación destinada a eliminar los óxidos que se forman a lo largo del cordón de soldadura. Ogni confezione è corredata da depliant illustrativo e uno speciale pennello resistente all’acido. welche sich entlang der Schweißnähte bilden.D PICKLING PASTE The pickling operation is adopted to remove oxides from welding layer. . NOTE . NOTE . NOTE . NOTE . NOTE . NOTE . Las características. ITALY 2002 . Puede ser modificado sin previo aviso. Possono essere modificate senza preavviso.The features. descrizioni e illustrazioni sono a titolo indicativo e non impegnano l’azienda. They may be modified without prior notice. descriptions and illustration are purely indicative and are not binding. Le caratteristiche. descripciones e ilustraciones son a título indicativo y no comprometen al fabricante. Die in diesem Katalog angegebenen Eigenschaften. Beschreibungen und Darstellungen sind nicht verbindlich und können von der ETC jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden.
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