CAT 2008.pdf

May 12, 2018 | Author: Arun Ebenezer | Category: Realism (Arts), Balance Of Payments, Government Budget Balance, Money Supply, Argument



Time: 10:00 to 12:00 HoursMaximum Marks: 120 2008 Question Paper Code A GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. This is the ‘Text Booklet’ inside which lies an ‘Answer Sheet’ {Objective Response Sheet (ORS)}. 2. Take out the ‘Answer Sheet (ORS)’ from this ‘Test Booklet’ without breaking the seal. 3. Check whether the ‘Text Booklet’ code and ‘Answer Sheet (ORS)’ Code is same. 4. Donot open seal of the question paper unless asked to do so by the invigilator. 5. Read and follow carefully all the instructions given on the ‘Answer Sheet (ORS)’. 6. The ‘Text Booklet’ contains four sections and 120 questions. Four possible answers (A, B, C and D) are given and there is only one correct answer for each question. Choose correct answer by darken the appropriate bubble option ‘A, B, C or D’ in the ‘Answer Sheet (ORS)’ with HB pencil. In case you wish to change an answer erase the old answer completely using a good soft eraser. 7. Each correct answer carries one mark and a wrong answer carries negative 0.25 marks. 8. Please donot tamper with the ‘Bar Code’ or make any unwanted mark on the ‘Answer Sheet (ORS)’. You will be disqualified if found doing so. 9. All the rough work should be done only on the blank pages provided for this purpose at the end of this Test Booklet. No extra page will be provided. 10. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall for any reason during the test. You are allowed to leave the hall only after the ‘Answer Sheets (ORS)’ from all the candidates have been collected and accounted for. 11. Calculator, electronic diary, cellular phone, pager and any such electronic gadget will not be allowed in the examination hall. 12. Candidates found violating the instructions of the Test/Invigilator, will be disqualified. A candidate giving assistance to any other candidates or seeking/receiving help from any source in answering questions or copying in any manner in the test will forfeit his/her chance of being considered for admission. 13. This question paper contains 40 printed pages including pages for rough work. Please check all pages and report, if there is any discrepancy. Name:…………………………………Registration No.:…………………………… Section-I : Verbal Communication I. 1. From lthe given options, identify the word or phrase which you think is nearest in meaning to the key word Raiment A. Remain B. Entertainment C. Clothing D. Raindrops 2. Mien A. Mean B. Demeanour C. Methodical D. Catlike 3. Menagerie A. Low-level work B. Diverse Group C. Pertaining to laborers D. Archaic 4. Arcanum A. Cranium B. Mystery C. Acidic D. Arduous 5. Cormorant A. Selfless B. Huge C. Greedy D. Imitative II. From the given choices, identify the word or phrase which you think is opposite in meaning to the key word 6. Censure -2- A. Dull B. Star C. Express approval D. Prodigy 7. Recondite A. Conducive B. Simple to understand C. Greedy D. Not conducive 8. Susurration A. Surrender B. A whisper C. Esurient D. A loud noise 9. Argus-eyed A. Extremely Careless B. Watchful C. Reticent D. Agile 10. Irenic A. Promoting conflict B. Godly C. Ironic D. Containing Iron III. Directions: The following passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing the statements. Choose the one you think fits best. The glade was pear-shaped, roughly a hundred yards long and fifty yards wide, with a stagnant pool of rain-water in the center of it. Deer and other game used this pool as a drinking-place and wallow and, curious to see the tracks round it, I left the path, which skirted the left-hand side of the glade and passed close under a cliff of rock which extended up to the road. As I approached -3- B. He did not want to disturb the deer and other animals which were drinking there D. and if I could continue to make her think I was unaware of her presence. 13. My movements up to this had been quite natural. The tigress had gone into the jungle because A. The tigress had seen me. He did not keep a careful look-out in front D. A great chance lost. However. C. He did not keep a careful look-out behind. C. and then. Here I built a small fire. and watching me from cover as she undoubtedly was. She had approached the pool from the same direction as the author. splashed the water about. she would assume I was going to the pool to drink as she had done. moving very slowly and gathering dry sticks on the way. She had seen the author coming.the pool I saw the pug-marks of the tigress in the soft earth at the edge of the water. B. or she would not have crossed the pool and hurried for shelter. He crossed the pool and disappeared into the jungle. The author left the path because A. I went to the foot of the steep rock. I then lay down. The author did not see the tigress before she saw him because A. 12. the advantages were now all on my side and distinctly in my favour. and. -4- . He wanted to skirt the left-hand side of the glade C. He wanted to see the tracks round the pool. and putting my back to the rock lit a cigarette. I coughed several times. though I had missed a chance. D. Having seen me. for had I kept as careful a look-out in front as I had behind I should have seen her before she saw me. By the time the cigarette had been smoked the fire had burnt out. as her tracks showed she had done. B. she would possibly give me a second chance. she had also seen that I was alone. She wanted to cross the water. She had approached the pool from the same direction as I had. had crossed the water and gone into the dense tree and scrub jungle on the right-hand side of the glade. He was not aware of her presence near the pool. 11. She had left her pug marks in the soft earth at the edge of the water. He wanted to see the tracks round it. Stooping down and keeping a very sharp look-out from under my hat. evidently disturbed by me. and pillowing my head on my left arm placed the rifle on the ground with my finger on the trigger. D. Malodorous C. Bold C. Some indulgent mothers ________ their children too much. A. From the four choices. obviously not a _________. identify the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. The author coughed and splashed the water in order to A. C. The tigress would come out of her hiding place. A poor copy of the monument was erected in the count yard and many unsuspecting travellers paid homage to that ________ master piece. Make the tigress to move away from her hiding place. B. Wiseacre D.14. The author was expecting that A. Ersatz B. Wizened 19. 16. Condone C. The deer and other animals would come to drink water at the pool. 15. Acrimonious B. D. Make the tigress believe that he was unaware of her presence. Placid D. A. The old lady’s eyes were clean and shining set deeply in her ________ face. He would see the pug-marks of the tigress again. Cosset D. Make the tigress think that the author was aware of her presence. Because of his movements the tigress would disappear into the jungle. Socialite -5- . A. IV. Admire 17. Petrify B. A. Redolent 18. Queen B. She was well-dressed. B. Keep a sharp look-out C. Hypothesis V. Lavery with a distanced Victorian nobility. a student of Orpen's. although also captivated by the French plein air school. Luminary D. nationalist energies were beginning to coalesce. Mendicant 20. a landmark achievement. reviving interest in Irish culture— including Irish visual arts. Copyright C. Beatrice Elvery's Éire (1907). and Orpen allied himself with a group of English artists. both as painter and teacher. Conundrum B. Caveat D. looked elsewhere for influence. revealing a more sinister and realistic vision. exemplified by the paintings of Paul Henry and Seán Keating. while at the same time participated in the French avant-garde experiment. Lavery chose as this figure Éire. However. both of whom made paintings depicting World War I. Orpen closer to the front. Directions: The following passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements about the passage. whose travels throughout the rugged and more authentically -6- .C. counterpoint to the Edwardians and realists came Jack B. In the past century Irish painting has changed from a British-influenced lyrical tradition to an art that evokes the ruggedness and roots of an Irish Celtic past. At the turn of the twentieth century Irish painters. A. Osborne's exposure to "plein air" painting deeply impacted his stylistic development. Meanwhile. And. merged the devotional simplicity of fifteenth-century Italian painting with the iconography of Ireland's Celtic past. memories of Edwardian romanticism coexisted with a new sense of realism. linking the history of Irish Catholicism with the still-nascent Irish republic. Sir John Lavery invoked the mythology of his native land for a 1928 commission to paint the central figure for the bank note of the new Irish Free State. Realism also crept into the work of Edwardians Lavery and Orpen. with her arm on a Celtic harp. the national symbol of independent Ireland. Yeats. In Irish painting from about 1910. including notables Walter Frederick Osborne and Sir William Orpen. Choose the one you think fits best. The young management graduates worked up some optimistic projections--with a ___________ that these were speculative and should of course be tested. each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing the statements. B. Beatrice Elvery D. 23. Which of the following best explains the author's use of the word "counterpoint" in referring to Yeats? A. 21. C. for a time painters from each school influenced painters from the other school 22. With respect to which of the following painters does the passage provide LEAST support for the assertion that the painter was influenced by the contemporary art of France? A. the transition in Irish painting from one predominant style to the other was not an abrupt one B. D. The author points out the coexistence of romanticism and realism most probably in order to show that A. elevating it to unprecedented artistic heights. Irish painters of the early twentieth century often combined elements of realism with those of romanticism into a single painting. Yeats built upon the realism painting tradition. Yeats avoided religious and mythological themes in favor of mundane portrayals of Irish life. Which of the following is the most likely title of a longer article in which the passage might have appeared? -7- . Irish painters of the early twentieth century tended to romanticize the harsh reality of war D. C. Walter Frederick Osborne B. Yeats reacted to the realism of his contemporary artists by invoking nineteenthcentury naturalism in his own painting style. Fusing close observations of Irish life and icons with an Irish identity in a new way. Yeats' paintings differed significantly in subject matter from those of his contemporaries in Ireland. Sir William Orpen C. Seán Keating 24.Irish West led him to depict subjects ranging from street scenes in Dublin to boxing matches and funerals. Yeats changed the face of Irish painting and became the most important Irish artist of his century. Romanticism: Ireland's Struggle for National Identity" D. A lawyer who defends criminals C.A. Present a counter argument without believing in it. Admitting that one was wrong C. Make knowledgeable conversation about something -8- . An albatross around your neck A. Play safe C. A watch 26. Not accepting one’s fault D. 25. "Realism vs. A self. "Irish Paintings: Reflections of an Emerging Independent State" VI. Who Deserves Credit for the Preeminence of Yeats among Irish Painters?" C. Respond in writing 28. From the given choices. Support an argument with a lot of conviction B. Sail close to the wind A. identify the word or phrase which you think is nearest in meaning to the given phrase/idiom. Play the Devil’s Advocate A. "20th Century Irish Masterpieces: A Coalescence of Painting Styles" B. Vent your spleen A. A medallion that is won through one’s own efforts B. Eating Lunch B. B. An expensive necklace C. Being Clever 29. Take risks B. Eat Crow A. Get your stomach and spleen examined. D.created problem that hinders progress D. Go boating D. Enjoy the breeze 27. Issue a challenge D. Get a surgery performed.C. Make others aware C. 30. Dress up for a formal occasion < End of Verbal Communication Section > -9- . Accept defeat B. Throw down the gauntlet A. Release all the anger about something D. D. Punjabi. V. Directions for Questions 31-34 Read the text and the numbered statements carefully and answer the questions given at the end. B. White. C. Tea is drunk in the blue house. The Keralite lives adjacent to blue house. Keralite.10 - . VI. Cocoa. Fruit juice Q 33. Milk. Milk is drunk by A. B. The Keralite drinks A. VII. None of the above. Q 31. Each person has a different favourite drink. III. Maharastrian. The white house is to the right of the red house. IV. . II. Four people of different states live on the same side of a street in four houses each of different color. The Bengali drinks fruit juice. Tea. VIII. Q 32. The color of the Keralite’s house is A. B. C. The following additional information is also known: I. D.Section II: Analytical / Logical Reasoning Mark your response among A. C. Yellow. The Maharastrian drinks tea. B. In the second house from the left they drink milk. The Punjabi lives in the red house. D. The Keralite lives in the first house on the left. ATMOSPHERE : STRATOSPHERE A. Proper : Improper . The Maharastrian lives next to the Bengali. Nimbus : Cloud B. DROUGHT : FAMINE A. Sports : Fan D. Maharastrian lives in the blue house.11 - . Directions for Questions 35-38 Each question has a pair of CAPITALISED words followed by four pairs of words. Fair : Whimsical C. Q 35. B. Red. JUST : ARBITRARY A. The Bengali lives in the corner house. Training : Skill Q 38. D. Craft : Skill Q 37. Q 34. Choose the pair of words which best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. Aircraft : Jet D. Instrument : Calibration C. Poverty : Plenty B. Hope : Surprise D. Order : Chaos B. Book : Critic B. Camera : Flim D. D.C. Blue. Which of the following is not true? A. FOOD : GOURMET A. Climate : Rain Q 36. Art : Connoisseur C. Milk is drunk in the red house. Drip : Fluid C. C. potato. beans. cabbage and potato B. tomato. carrot and potato in the first year. beans. carrot D. C. II. he also plants beans that year. which of the following combinations must be planted in the third year? A. Q 39. beans. cabbage and carrot C. Q 41. beans. B. Quality of life demands economic opportunities. If the farmer plants potato in one year. carrot. cabbage. tomato. Quality of education is high in India. beans.Question 39-40 are based on the following: A farmer can plant only five different kind of vegetables: beans. the farmer plants no more than one of the vegetables he planted in the previous year. Education fetches high salaries. cabbage. beans. . Select the assumption that is absolutely necessary so that the second statement can be interpreted from the first statement. carrot C. If in any year. potato and carrot D. A. potato. III. beans. carrot and tomato. D. carrot. beans. he does not plant in the next year. potato Q 40. Every year the farmer plants exactly three kinds of vegetables according to the following restrictions: I. tomato B. carrot and tomato Directions for Questions 41 .43 The following questions have two statements. If the farmer plants cabbage. Economically rich people can avail better health care. cabbage. beans. cabbage. carrot. Education is free. tomato. Economic prosperity is an essential component to have quality of life. potato. cabbage. carrot. If the farmer plants beans. Which of the following is a possible sequence of combinations for the farmer to plant in two successive years? A. beans.12 - . potato. S.47 In the following questions statement(s) (i) and (ii) are followed by two conclusions (a) and (b). C.13 - . competitiveness is temporary. Conclusions: (a) Social scientists lack objectivity. Give answer: A: if only conclusion (a) follows. High IQ can not be sustained on challenge projects.S. MNC firms are at higher altitude. A. A B C D Q 45.Q 42. (b) Indian firms are unlikely to win in game of instrumentation-driven nano-bio against firms from Japan. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true even if they seem to be absurd or against the material truth or commonly known facts and then decide. C.g. Q 43.S. The sun never sets in the U. Conclusions (a) Firms in Japan should not compete with firms in India in nano-bio. D. The decline in the U. The U. Q 44. used to rank at No. dollars. Corporates in India are not very good at absorbing IIT students. .S. B. Many IIT students have excessively high IQ. B. prosperity is technology-driven. Directions for Question 44 . Massive imbalances (e.S. D: if neither (a) nor (b) follows.S. Statement (i) Firms in India have more strength in instrumentation than nano-bio. A. B: if only conclusion (b) follows. which of the two conclusions logically follow. D. 1 position in competitiveness reports. Statement: It must be recognized that the analysis of society scientist cannot be expected to be wholly free from biases derived from social milieu. (ii) Firms from Japan plan to dominate in the game of instrumentation-driven nano-bio. C: if either (a) or (b) follows. have reached bottom. trade. Attitude decides altitude. Most countries have significant reserves in U. The U. fiscal) in U. empire. Many corporations in India prefer students from less famous institutes for challenge projects of higher altitude. B: if only argument (b) is strong. Mark answer: A: if only argument (a) is strong. Arguments: (a) Yes-Because they can revolutionise agriculture and revamp rural atmosphere. Statement: . Statement: The dissimilarities between the problems of rural and urban development stand out clearly when we compare the attitude of the government towards these fields. A B C D Q 47. Q 48. A B C D Q 49. D: if neither argument (a) or (b) is strong.14 - . (b) There are more learned people than doctors. (ii) Some doctors are authors. (b) No-The educated people should be employed in cities only because otherwise their education will go waste. Conclusions: (a) Government has more favorable attitude towards rural development than urban development. (b) Government has more favorable attitude towards urban development than rural development. A B C D Q 46. C: if either argument (a) or (b) is strong.(b) Social milieu creates various types of biases in the minds of the people living in that society. Statements: (i) Authors are learned people. Statement: The educated people should work in villages. Conclusions: (a) Some doctors are learned people. A B C D Directions for Question 48-50 In each of the following questions one statement is followed by two arguments (a) and (b) one supporting and the other against it. After ICT. the centre of Asia. A B C D Q 50.15 - .e.Should the strikes be banned legally in India? Arguments: (a) Yes-Because strikes hamper production and create artificial scarcity of necessary goods. it properly follows from the statement of facts given. though not definitely true in light of the facts given. A B C D . D: The inference is probably false. Industrial and other revolutions shifted the centre of gravity of world economy towards West in Europe and later in America. automobile and electronics and achieved superior trade balance. (b) No-India will have a weak centre with powerful states within the country. though not definitely false. Q 51. biotechnology and nanotechnology are the next emerging industries of future. Mark answer: A: The inference is definitely true. C: The data is inadequate. A B C D Directions for Questions 51 .58 Below given is a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. in light of the facts given. shipbuilding to rail-roads. You have to examine each inference separately and decide upon the degree of truth or falsity. B: The inference is “probably true”. (b) No-Because the workers will lose right of expression and would be subjected to managerial dictates. Passage: With productive population in large countries such as India and China Asia was a key centre of world. Japan created many world-class emerging industries of the time from steel. i. The centre of gravity of world economy will again return to India. Statement: Should the states be autonomous in India? Arguments: (a) Yes-India should have ‘Unity in Diversity’ in true sense of the term. India should prepare well to compete successfully in nanotechnology. Since China is so aggressive to lead the world and India being a soft-power. With firms like Honda and Toyota still rising. A B C D Directions for Questions 59-60 Each of the following problems consists of a question and two statements are labelled (1) and (2). but can not compete as well as India in knowledge industries such as biotech and nanotech.16 - . if statement (2) alone is sufficient to answer the question asked. With strength in software. A. Trade balance for India in ICT is showing negative trend. B. A B C D Q 55. India should shift rapidly into nanotech. if both statements (1) and (2) together sufficient to answer the question asked. India need to be competitive in several industries across the spectrum from automobiles to nanotechnology to have superior trade balance. if statement (1) alone is sufficient to answer the question asked. India should learn to form alliances to progress.Q 52. Choose the correct answer from A to D as per the following guidelines. With so many countries vying for competitiveness in emerging industries. India will lead the world in ICT. and make the appropriate marking in the answer sheet. but neither statement is alone sufficient. A B C D Q 57. A B C D Q 58. . A B C D Q 54. C. Japan was and will remain competitive in automobiles industry for few more decades. You must decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the question using the data and your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts. A B C D Q 53. China has become factory of world. A B C D Q 56. Is city X a state capital? (1) X has 4 museums (2) X is a sea port A B C D < End of Analytical / Logical Reasoning Section > . (2) Tallest structure in India is a building. Qutub is the tallest Minar in Delhi. Q 59.17 - . All state capitals in a country are sea ports. Which is the tallest structure in India? (1) Air India building is tallest building in India.D. A B C D Q 60. if statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient to answer the question asked and additional data are needed. How much angle does the miscellaneous expenses sector make at the centre? A. Rs.7502 much amount is spent on clothing per month? A. clothing and conveyance every month? A.1694 64. 46 degrees C. Rs. How much saving per annum is made by the family? A. Rs. Rs. Rs. 60 degrees B. Rs.3080/.1794 B. Rs. A= Food B= Conveyance C= Clothing D= Miscellaneous E= Saving F= House Rent D 10% A 25% F 15% E C 18% B 12% 61.18 - .7392 . 33 degrees 63. How much total expenses are incurred on food.1584 D. 36 degrees D.580 D.534 B.Section III: Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation Answer Q 61 to 64 from the information given below in the diagram.7382 C.1684 C. Rs. Rs.554 62. Rs.545 C. Rs. If total monthly income of the family is Rs. D. Rural. 2 C.9080. 9 C. 4. 1280 D. 3.00 pm on Sunday. What is the share of B? A. 2000 B. 6 D. graduate people who are neither honest nor hard working and indicated by A. 6 B. 8 C.20000.12000. C joined with Rs.15000. 7 . 9 D. = Graduates = Rural population = Hard working people = Honest people 11 4 12 5 3 6 1 8 9 2 7 10 67. What will be the true time when the watch shows 4. 3. while after 4 months after commencement of business by A.36 pm A started business with Rs. 4 D. hard working and honest rural population is indicated by A. 3 69.7902 65.19 - . The profit was Rs. 2800 C. 3000 Study the diagram and answer the questions 67-71 that follow 3 3 66.24 pm D.12 pm C. 3 B. 4. After 2 months B joined with Rs. Rs. Graduates. 1 68. A watch which gains 12 minute in a day is 12 minutes fast at 4.00 pm on Wednesday? A. 5 B.00 pm B. Which number indicates urban graduate people who are neither hard working nor honest? A. 23 73.20 - 75. How many bananas should he sell for a rupee to gain 44%? A.5 each. 6 C. 26 ft C. The height of the wall is A. 7 D. 28 ft D.70.3 to each. but are not hard working are represented by A. The length of a ladder exactly equals the height of a wall. The sum of their reciprocals is 9/14. 20 D. 6 B. 9 72. I shall need Rs. Two positive integers differ by 5. . If I give Rs. 8 D. 15 ft B.4 less but that if I give Rs. 1 B. 7 C. 9 C. 9 74. 8 71. Then one number is . If a man lose 4% by selling bananas at 12 a rupee. 8 D. If the ladder is placed on a 2 feet tall stool placed 10 feet away from the wall then its tip can just touch the top of the wall. 32 ft. 18 B. How much money do I have? A. I have a certain sum of money to be distributed among certain number of boys. People who are honest but not hardworking and do not live in villages are indicated by A. I shall spend Rs. People who are graduate and honest and live in villages.6 more. 19 C. 10 B. 79. Rs 7250 B.000 and Rs 40. . 1910 km C. Rs 8000 Two buses travel to a place at a speed of 95 kmph and 80 kmph respectively.000 at that rate at the end of four years? A. D. what part of workers are without children? A.000 is A. 76. 1/2 of the women are married and 1/3 of the married women have children. B. Rs 2000 C. 3/7 D. 200 miles B.000 and Rs 3. Rs 35.000 respectively. None of the above In a firm A. 80.000 as salary to B and C respectively for their services to the firm. 1980 km D. If 3/4 of the men are married and 2/3 of the married men have children. 22 miles D. How far from the shore does the plane catch the ship? A. Rs 9000 C. Rs 4000 D. 20 miles In an office 1/3 of workers are women. What will be the total simple interest on Rs 8. If the second bus takes 3¾ hours more than the first for the journey.A. 1900 km B. C. a plane whose speed is 10 times that of the ship is sent to deliver a bomb on the ship. 220 miles C. Data inadequate B. 7/18 C. Rs 3750 .21 - 77. the length of the journey is A. They agree to divide the profit in proportion to their capitals and to pay Rs 2. 11/18 An amount doubles itself at the end of 8 years with certain rate of simple interest. The amount which A would get out of the net trading profit of Rs 20. B and C contribute as capital Rs 25000. When it is 18 miles from the sea shore. 5/18 B. 3 2 1 None A ship leaves on a long voyage. 78. After carefully studying the graph. 66. Which type of medicines show the same percentage of production in both the Bombay and Punjab units of the company? A. Vitamin tablets C. if 2% of total production amounts to 2. Work out tonnage of vitamin tablets produced both in Bombay and Punjab factories of the company. 3250 cases C. Pain Killer Antibiotic Capsules Iron Tonic 25% 13% 18% 32% Vitamin Tablets Diagram A Diagram B Antibiotic Injection 13% 20% 30% 12% 10% 27% 81.4 tonnes B.22 - . Antibiotic injection B. 64. answer the questions 84-86. Both the units are manufacturing certain types of diagrams. A.7 tonnes in each factory. how many cases of pain killers are produced in both units of the company? A. 64. Vitamin and iron tonics D. 1040 cases B. If 25% production at each factory amounts to 2000 cases. Pain killer 82. 2160 cases D. Diagram `A’ represents a Bombay based pharmaceutical factory of large company.8 tonnes C. . Diagram ‘B’ represents a Punjab based factory of the same company.4 tonnes D. 3200 cases The graph below shows sales progression of company Y 1998 to 2002.D. 64. Rs 4000 Study the following diagrams and answer questions 81-83.6 tonnes 83. 6% D. 64% The percentage drop in sales between 1998 and 1999 is A.Detergent .321 Indirect manufacturing costs 7.0% C. -4. 130% B.4% 86. 230% D.Scrap/unusable items Refunds .Excise duty Rs. 60% B.6 4.7 22.054 Labour costs 23.024 % 43.3 2. 1.84. Study the data given in the statement and answer the following questions 87-89.Washing soap . -4.6% B.21. The statement given below is the receipts and expenditure of a firm manufacturing soaps and detergents.0 8.352 62.1 8.Toilet soap . 62% C. -95. 234% 85. The total sales in 2002 when compared with 1998 is A.662 Packing materials 73.206 % 40. Direct manufacturing expenses Raw materials 1.0 19.390 55. RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT Gross Receipts Item Sales proceeds .7 Gross Expenses Item Rs.5 .164 13.12.095 24.3 26. The increase in sales between 2001 and 2002 is A.23 - . 76% D. 134% C. -4. 1/3 C. Both represent expenditure C.677 2. 5x C. Z contains zinc and tin in the proportion of A.7 2.975 100. 90.. Both are related to employees benefits D.4 3.975 1.Loans 13.777 6. There is no correlation B. marketing expenditure and general over-heads? A.768 4.0 Total Receipts 2. 7:4 < End of Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation Section > . Approximately what fractions of the total annual expenditure of the firm was the average yearly combined expenditure on packing materials.2 3.5x D. x5 B. the total income during the same period is about A.8 100. 4:3 D.743 8. Both are equal in terms of percentage and total sum.24 - .925 11. 3:4 B.80. 1/2 D. What is the correlation between refunds of loans and the indirect manufacturing costs and pension funds? A.80. 1/4 B.2 4. x2 88.6 4.991 12. 2/3 If the income from the sale of toilet soap during the given year is x.9 Staff welfare Pension fund Sales Tax Excise duty Marketing Expenses General Overheads Total Expenses 4. 4:7 C. Equal weights of alloys X and Y which contain zinc and tin in the proportion of 8:3 and 6:5 respectively are melted to form a third alloy Z.801 10.0 87. 89. 0. South Korea B. Indonesia D. Which bank introduced the first ATM in India? A. The rate of exchange at equilibrium is one that maintains A. satisfactory foreign exchange reserve at the disposal of the monetary authority. the balance of payments at equilibrium over a certain period. HSBC B. there will be A. Subscriber Identification Module C. balance of payment deficit D. Subscriber Identity Management 96. an increase in the rate of interest. China 93. D. Subscriber Identification and Membership B. SSE Composite Index belongs to which of the following countries? A. capital budget deficit C. 95. a fall in the level of prices B. interest payment on public debt 94. Supply of money remaining the same.Section IV: Business Awareness 91. revenue deficit B. State Bank of India C. Japan C. Citibank D.25 - . when there is an increase in demand for money. What does SIM stand for in mobile phone industry? A. Bank of America 92. the balance between imports and exports B. Budgetary deficit does NOT take into account A. Subscriber Identity Module D. C. the balance of payments at equilibrium with domestic deflationary policy. . Barclays B. Banque de France 102. improve the current account and worsen the capital account. i goes up.1 billion rogue trade fraud? A. Societe Generale C. IBM B. the correct likely sequence would be: A. B. I goes down. I goes up. I goes down. decrease all prices in the same proportion. Reliance D. i is rate of interest. 101. Microsoft C. an increase in the domestic interest rate would tend to A.C. and I is investment. D. GNP goes up. I goes up. SUN Microsystems D.26 - . GNP goes down. Where M is money supply. D. Java the computer language was invented by A. C. Tata B. AMD 100. GNP goes down. i goes up. a decrease in the rate of interest. Birla C. increase all prices in the same proportion. Mahindra 98. i goes down. C. Credit Agricole D. Which French Bank was recently in the news for a $7. M decrease. an increase in the level of income and employment. M decrease. increase all prices in different proportions. Neutrality of money implies that a given increase in the money supply will A. not change prices at all. M goes up. In a flexible exchange rate system. 99. GNP goes up. M decrease. . D. 97. B. i goes up. Which Indian business group has a joint venture with Mitsubishi for cars? A. Money held in local currency B. Money that is easily convertible to cash D. B. D. In which of the following situations should a country pursue a cheap monetary policy? A. Gold is likely to flow out of the country. 103. Tata Teleservices . Hutchison Essar D. Balance of Trade is unfavorable. Open market operations refer to A. 104. What is "Near money"? A. In India. 107. borrowing by scheduled banks from the RBI. Prices are rising. improve the current and capital accounts. worsen the current account and improve the capital account. Deposit mobilization. Budget deficit is high. Lending by commercial banks to the industry and trade. B. Vodafone has entered the Indian mobile phone services market by acquiring a stake in A. D. C. C. Spicetel B. Idea C. Foreign sector 105. Agriculture sector B. C. Services sector D. Purchase and sale of government securities by the RBI. the main source of national income is A. 106.27 - .B. Money held in foreign currency C. worsen both the accounts. Money in the nearest bank. Manufacturing sector C. D. Ved Prakash Arya 110. Which brand of clothing has the adline "Power dressing for the new millennium"? A. XI B. Trade Relations in Intellectual Property 111. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights B. Trade Relations of Intellectual Property D. What is the full form of TRIP? A. Van Heusen D.108. Jet Sahara C. IX D. Which of the following mergers has not taken place? A. Trade Related Intellectual Provisions C. Benchmark Asset Management Company D. The MD of Pantaloon Retail India Limited is A. Deccan Kingfisher B. Peter England B. X C. Arrow C. Which of the following asset management companies does not offer a Gold ETF in India? A. State Bank of India 109.28 - . Indian Airlines and Air India . GopiKishan Biyani D. UTI Mutual Fund B. Kotak Mahindra C. Kishore Biyani C. Harish Biyani B. Which 5 Year Plan is currently going on? A. XII 113. Louis Philippe 112. Prahalad D. Deepak Jain B. Which Indian industrialist became the first Indian to get the Wharton School Dean's Medal? A. The book “Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid” is written by A. Malvinder Singh C. C.29 - . Ratan Tata B. 30 D. Dhirubhai Ambani C. Ahluwalia B. Y. What is the name of the merged entity of Indian Airlines and Air India? . Rangarajan 116. K. V. How many companies are included in the NIFTY? A. Khwaja Abdul Hamied D. Mukesh Ambani D. Spicejet Indigo 114. 50 117. CIPLA was set up by A. Manmohan Singh 115. 20 C.K. Bimal Jalan D.R.D. Montek S. S. Dr. Kotler C. L N Mittal 118. C. Who is the current RBI governor? A. Oberoi B. Burman 119.S. Reddy C. 15 B. P. S&P NIFTY C. Name the index which used to detect the Bullish or Bearish trend in the stock market. Indigo 120. Indian B. Indian Airlines C. CNX 10 < End of Business Awareness Section > . Air India D.A. A.30 - . Advance Decline Index B. BSE SENSEX D.
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