Casting Qqqqqqqqqq

March 28, 2018 | Author: Jared Hart | Category: Casting (Metalworking), Crystalline Solids, Building Materials, Materials, Industrial Processes



Q ti t 2014 Question set‐2014Please check answer from my PPT y M t l C ti Metal Casting B   S K M d l By  S K Mondal IES‐2001 The main purpose of chaplets is (a) To ensure directional solidification (b) To provide efficient venting (c) For aligning the mold boxes (d) T h (d) To support the cores IES‐1996 Which of the following methods are used for bt i i di ti l lidifi ti f i d i obtaining directional solidification for riser design 1. Suitable placement of chills 1. Suitable placement of chills 2. Suitable placement of chaplets 3. Employing padding Select the correct answer. ( ) d (b) d ( ) d (d) d (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 IES 2007 Which one of the following is the correct t t t? statement? Gate is provided in moulds to (a) Feed the casting at a constant rate (b) Give passage to gases ( ) p g g (c) Compensate for shrinkage (d) Avoid cavities (d) Avoid cavities GATE‐2009 Match the items in Column I and Column II Match the items in Column I and Column II. Column I                       Column II P Metallic Chills            1  Support for the core P. Metallic Chills            1. Support for the core Q. Metallic Chaplets     2. Reservoir of the molten metal R  Riser                           3  Control cooling of critical         R. Riser                           3. Control cooling of critical         sections S  Exothermic Padding 4  Progressive solidification S. Exothermic Padding 4. Progressive solidification (a) P‐1,Q‐3, R‐2, S‐4 (b) P‐1,Q‐4, R‐2, S‐3 (c) P 3  Q 4  R 2  S 1 (d) P 4  Q 1  R 2  S 3 (c) P‐3, Q‐4, R‐2, S‐1 (d) P‐4, Q‐1, R‐2, S‐3 GATE‐1992 In a green‐sand moulding process, uniform  ramming leads to (a) Less chance of gas porosity (b) Uniform flow of molten metal into the mould  (b) Uniform flow of molten metal into the mould  cavity (c) Greater dimensional stability of the casting (c) Greater dimensional stability of the casting (d) Less sand expansion type of casting defect GATE 2011 Green sand mould indicates that Green sand mould indicates that (a) polymeric mould has been cured (b) mould has been totally dried (c) mould is green in colour ( ) g (d) mould contains moisture IES‐1995 Which one of the following materials will require the largest size of riser for the same size of casting? the largest size of riser for the same size of casting? (a) Aluminium ( ) (b) Cast iron (c) Steel (d) Copper. For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 1 of 17 GATE‐1999 Which of the following materials requires the l t h i k ll hil ki largest shrinkage allowance, while making a pattern for casting? ( ) l (a) Aluminium (b) Brass (c) Cast Iron (d) Plain Carbon Steel (d) Plain Carbon Steel IES‐1999 I lidifi ti f t l d i ti In solidification of metal during casting, compensation for solid contraction is p (a) Provided by the oversize pattern (b) Achieved by properly placed risers (c) Obtained by promoting directional lidifi i solidification (d) Made by providing chills (d) Made by providing chills ISRO‐2007 Shrinkage allowance is made by ( ) dd l d l d (a) Adding to external and internal dimensions (b) Subtracting from external and internal dimensions (c) Subtracting from external dimensions and ( ) g adding to internal dimensions (d) Adding to external dimensions and subtracting (d) Adding to external dimensions and subtracting from internal dimensions GATE‐2001 Shrinkage allowance on pattern is provided to compensate for shrinkage when p g (a) The temperature of liquid metal drops from pouring to freezing temperature pouring to freezing temperature (b) The metal changes from liquid to solid state at freezing temperature freezing temperature (c) The temperature of solid phase drops from f i freezing to room temperature (d) The temperature of metal drops from pouring to room temperature GATE‐2004 Gray cast iron blocks 200 x 100 x 10 mm are to be t i d ld Sh i k ll f cast in sand moulds. Shrinkage allowance for pattern making is 1%. The ratio of the volume of tt t th t f th ti ill b pattern to that of the casting will be (a) 0.97 (b) 0.99 (c) 1.01 (d) 1.03 GATE‐2008 While cooling, a cubical casting of side 40 mm undergoes 3%, 4% and 5% volume shrinkage during the liquid state, phase transition and solid state respectively The volume of metal state, respectively. The volume of metal compensated from the riser is (a) 2% (b) 7% (c) 8% (d) 9% GATE 2011 A cubic casting of 50 mm side undergoes volumetric A cubic casting of 50 mm side undergoes volumetric solidification shrinkage and volumetric solid contraction of 4% and 6% respectively No riser is contraction of 4% and 6% respectively. No riser is used. Assume uniform cooling in all directions. The side of the cube after solidification and contraction is side of the cube after solidification and contraction is (a) 48.32 mm (b) 49.90 mm (c) 49.94 mm 49 94 (d) 49.96 mm IAS‐1995 A i (A) A i d l i il Assertion (A): A pattern is made exactly similar to the part to be cast. R (R) P i d k h ld Reason (R): Pattern is used to make the mould cavity for pouring in molten for casting. ( ) B h A d R i di id ll d R i h (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) B h A d R i di id ll b R i h (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A ( ) A i b R i f l (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true IAS‐2003 M h Li I (M i l b ) i h Li II Match List I (Material to be cast) with List II (Shrinkage Allowance in mm/m) and select the correct answer using the codes given belowthe lists: correct answer using the codes given belowthe lists: List‐I List‐II (Material to Cast)  (Shrinkage Allowance in mm/m) (Material to Cast)  (Shrinkage Allowance in mm/m) (A) Grey cast iron 1. 7 ‐ 10 (B) Brass 2 15 (B) Brass 2. 15 (C) Steel 3. 20 (D) Zinc 4 24 (D) Zinc 4. 24 Codes:A B C D A B C D (a)  1 2  3 4 (b)  3  4  1 2 (a)  1 2  3 4 (b)  3  4  1 2 (c)  1  4  3 2 (d)  3  2 1 4 For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 2 of 17 IES‐1994 Which of the following materials can be used for making patterns? making patterns? 1. Aluminium 2. Wax 3. Mercury 4. Lead 3 y 4 Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (a) 1,3 and 4 (b) 2,3 and 4 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3 GATE‐2000 Disposable patterns are made of (a) Wood  (b) Rubber  (c) Metal  (d) P l (d) Polystyrene IES‐2008 The pattern adopted for those castings where there ti hi h t t ll k d are some portions which are structurally weak and are likely to break by the force of ramming are ll d called: (a) Loose piece pattern (b) Follow board pattern (c) Skelton pattern ( ) p (d) Single piece pattern GATE 2012 (PI) ( ) In sand casting, fluidity of the molten metal i ith increases with (A) increase in degree of superheat (B) decrease in pouring rate (C) increase in thermal conductivity of the mould ( ) y (D) increase in sand grain size ISRO‐2011 Fluidity in casting (CI) operation is greatly i fl d b influenced by a) Melting temperature of molten metal a) Melting temperature of molten metal b) Pouring temperature of molten metal b) Pouring temperature of molten metal c) Finish of the mould ) d) Carbon content of molten metal Calculate the permeability number of sand if it takes 1 min  25 s to pass 2000 cm 3 of air at a pressure of5 g/cm 2 through  the standard sample. 2 5.0 / 1min25 1 417min p g cm T s = = = 1min25 1.417min 501.28 70.75 5 1 417 T s R = = = = 5 1.417 × IES 2007 What is permeability? Permeability is more important  in the basic process of sand casting than porosity. Give   i t t   f  thi  f t one important reason for this feature. [2 marks] [2 marks] IES‐2002 Assertion (A): In CO casting process the mould or Assertion (A): In CO 2 casting process, the mould or core attains maximumstrength. Reason (R): The optimum gassing time of CO Reason (R): The optimum gassing time of CO 2 through the mould or core forms Silica Gel which imparts sufficient strength to the mould or core imparts sufficient strength to the mould or core. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A i f l b t R i t (d) A is false but R is true GATE 2008 (PI) GATE – 2008 (PI) In sand casting of a hollow part of lead, a cylindrical core g p , y of diameter 120 mm and height 180 mm is placed inside the mould cavity. The densities of core material and lead are 1600 kg/m 3 and 11 300 kg/m 3 respecti el The net are 1600 kg/m 3 and 11,300 kg/m 3 respectively. The net force (in N) that tends to lift the core during pouring of ( ) g p g molten metal will be (a) 19.7 (b) 64.5 (c) 193.7 (d) 257.6 For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 3 of 17 IES‐2008 Small amount of carbonaceous material sprinkled on the inner surface of mould cavity is called (a) Backing sand ( ) (b) Facing sand (c) Green sand (c) Green sand (d) Dry sand (d) Dry sand IES‐2002 In the grain ‐size determination using standard charts, the relation between the given size charts, the relation between the given size number n and the average number of grains 'N' per square inch at a magnification of 100 X is ( ) N n (a) N = 2 n (b) N = 2 n‐l (b) N 2 (c) N = 2 n + 1 (d) N = 2 n + 1 IES 2011 In light metal casting runner should be so designed In light metal casting, runner should be so designed that: It id i ti 1. It avoids aspiration 2. It avoids turbulence 3. The path of runner is reduced in area so that unequal volume of flow through each gate q g g takes place (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 G 20 0 ( ) GATE – 2010 (PI) D i h filli f i d ld i b During the filling process of a given sand mould cavity by molten metal through a horizontal runner of circular cross‐ section the frictional head loss of the molten metal in the runner will increase with the runner will increase with the (a) increase in runner diameter (b) decrease in internal surface roughness of runner (c) decrease in length of runner (d) increase in average velocity of molten metal (d) increase in average velocity of molten metal IES 2011 IES 2011 Match List –I with List –II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists : the code given below the lists : List –I  List –II A. Top gate 1. Heavy and large castings B. Bottom gate 2. Most widely used and economical g y C. Parting gate 3. Turbulence C d D. Step gate 4. Unfavourable temperature gradient Codes A B C D A B C D ( ) (b) (a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 1 4 2 3 (c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 1 2 4 3 IES‐1998 A sand casting mould A sand casting mould assembly is shown in the above figure. The the above figure. The elements marked A and B are respectively and B are respectively (a) Sprue and riser (b) I t d i (b) Ingate and riser (c) Drag and runner (d) Riser and runner GATE‐2002 The primary purpose of a sprue in a casting mould is to ou d s to (a)Feed the casting at a rate consistent with the rate of solidification of solidification (b)Act as a reservoir for molten metal ( ) d l l f h i b i h (c)Feed molten metal from the pouring basin to the gate (d)Help feed the casting until all solidification takes place IES 1998 IES‐1998 Which of the following are the requirements of an ideal  Which of the following are the requirements of an ideal  gating system? 1 The molten metal should enter the mould cavity with as  1. The molten metal should enter the mould cavity with as  high a velocity as possible. 2 It should facilitate complete filling of the mould cavity 2. It should facilitate complete filling of the mould cavity. 3. It should be able to prevent the absorption of air or gases  from the surroundings on the molten metal while  from the surroundings on the molten metal while  flowing through it. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) 1, 2 and 3  (b) 1 and 2  (c) 2 and 3  (d) 1 and 3 IES‐2009 C id  th  f ll i   t t t Consider the following statements: 1.The actual entry point through which the molten  metal enters the mould cavity is called ingate. 2.Bottom gate in case of a mould creates unfavourable g temperature gradient. 3.Sprue in case of a mould is made tapered to avoid air  3.Sprue in case of a mould is made tapered to avoid air  inclusion. Which of the above statements is/are correct? Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 4 of 17 GATE‐2001 The height of the down‐sprue is 175 mm and its ti l t th b i 2 Th cross‐sectional area at the base is 200 mm 2 . The cross‐sectional area of the horizontal runner is l 2 A i l i di t th also 200 mm 2 . Assuming no losses, indicate the correct choice for the time (in seconds) required to fill a mould ca it of olume 0 6 mm 3 (Use g 0 fill a mould cavity of volume 10 6 mm 3 . (Use g = 10 m/s 2 ). ( ) (b) ( ) (d) (a)2.67 (b)8.45 (c)26.72 (d)84.50 GATE 2007 GATE‐2007 A 200 mm long down sprue has an area of cross g p section of 650 mm 2 where the pouring basin meets the down sprue (i.e. at the beginning of the down sprue). p ( g g p ) A constant head of molten metal is maintained by the pouring basin. The Molten metal flow rate is 6.5 × 10 5 p g 5 mm 3 /s. Considering the end of down sprue to be open to atmosphere and an acceleration due to gravity of p g y 10 4 mm/s 2 , the area of the down sprue in mm 2 at its end (avoiding aspiration effect) should be ( g p ) (a)650.0 (b)350.0 (c)290.7 (d)190.0 Contd… IES‐2003 A ti ti f i d t d i th ti A gating ratio of 1: 2: 4 is used to design the gating system for magnesium alloy casting. This gating ratio refers to the cross∙ section areas of the various gating refers to the cross∙ section areas of the various gating elements as given below: 1 Down sprue 2 Runner bar 3 Ingates 1. Down sprue 2. Runner bar 3. Ingates The correct sequence of the above elements in the ratio 1: 2: 4 is ratio 1: 2: 4 is (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) d (b) 1,3 and 2 (c) 2, 3 and 1 (d) 3, 1 an 2 IES‐2005 The gating ratio 2: 8: 1 for copper in gating system d i f t th ti f f design refers to the ratio of areas of: (a) Sprue: Runner: Ingate (b) Runner: Ingate: Sprue (c) Runner: Sprue: Ingate ( ) p g (d) Ingate: Runner: Sprue GATE‐2010 In a gating system, the ratio 1:2:4 represents (a) Sprue base area: runner area: ingate area (b) Pouring basin area : ingate area : runner area  (c) Sprue base area : ingate area : casting area  (d) R      i     i   (d) Runner area : ingate area : casting area IAS‐1999 A i (A) Th f fl f l h h Assertion (A): The rate of flow of metal through sprue is NOT a function of the cross‐sectional areas of sprue runner and gate sprue, runner and gate. Reason (R): If respective cross‐sectional areas of sprue, runner and gate are in the ratio of 1: 2: 2, the p , g , system is known as unpressurised gating system. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct y explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the l i f A correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) f l b (d) A is false but R is true IES 1994 IES‐1994 Assertion (A): In a mould, a riser is designed and placed Assertion (A): In a mould, a riser is designed and placed so that the riser will solidify after the casting has solidified. Reason (R): A riser is a reservoir of molten metal which Reason (R): A riser is a reservoir of molten metal which will supply molten metal where a shrinkage cavity would have occurred. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A p (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A p (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true (d) A is false but R is true IES 2011 The relationship between total freezing time t The relationship between total freezing time t, volume of the casting V and its surface area A, according to Chvorinov’s rule is : g ( ) V a t k A ⎛ ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ( ) A A b t k V ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 2 ( ) V A c t k V ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 2 ( ) V V d t k A ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Where K is a constant A ⎝ ⎠ For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 5 of 17 IES‐1998 A spherical drop of molten metal of radius 2 mm was found to solidify in 10 seconds. A similar drop of radius 4 mmwould solidify in of radius 4 mmwould solidify in (a) 14.14 seconds (b) 20 seconds (c) 28.30 seconds (d) 40 seconds GATE 2013 GATE‐2013 A b h d ti lidifi i i Th A cube shaped casting solidifies in 5 min. The solidification time in min for a cube of the same material, which is 8 times heavier than the original casting, will be ( ) (b) ( ) (d) (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 24 (d) 40 GATE‐2003 With a solidification factor of 0.97 x 10 6 s/m 2 , the solidification time (in seconds) for a spherical casting of 200 mmdiameter is ( ) (b) 8 ( ) (d) (a) 539 (b) 1078 (c) 4311 (d) 3233 IES‐2006 According to Chvorinov's equation, the lidifi ti ti f ti i ti l t solidification time of a casting is proportional to: (a) v 2 (a) v (b) v (c) 1/v (d) 1/v 2 Where, v = volume of casting GATE – 2010 (PI) S lidifi ti ti f t lli ll ti i Solidification time of a metallic alloy casting is (a) Directly proportional to its surface area (a) Directly proportional to its surface area (b) Directly proportional to the specific heat of the y p p p cast material (c) Directly proportional to the thermal diffusivity of h l l the molten metal (d)Inversely proportional to the pouring (d)Inversely proportional to the pouring temperature. GATE‐2007 Volume of a cube of side 'l' and volume of a sphere of radius ‘r’ are equal. Both the cube and the sphere are solid d f t i l Th b i t Th ti f th and of same material. They are being cast. The ratio of the solidification time of the cube to the same of the sphere is: p ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 6 2 2 3 2 4 4 r 4 r 4 r 4 r a b c d 6 l 6 l 6 l 6 l π π π π ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 6 l 6 l 6 l 6 l ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ GATE ‐2011 (PI) ( ) In a sand casting process, a sphere and a cylinder of equal volumes are separately cast from the same of equal volumes are separately cast from the same molten metal under identical conditions. The height and diameter of the cylinder are equal. The e g t a d d a ete o t e cy de a e equa . e ratio of the solidification time of the sphere to that of the cylinder is (a) 1.14 (b) 0.87 ( ) 7 (c) 1.31 (d) 0 76 (d) 0.76 GATE‐2009 (PI) l d l d f d d h h l d l d A solid cylinder of diameter D and height equal to D, and a solid cube of side L are being sand cast by using the same material. Assuming there is no superheat in both the cases, the ratio of solidification time of the cylinder to the solidification time of the cube is (a) (L/D) 2 (a) (L/D) 2 (b) (2L/D) 2 (c) (2D/L) 2 (d) (D/L) 2 (d) (D/L) For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 6 of 17 IES 2012 IES ‐ 2012 Th   ti   f  f     f  l  f     it  l   f  The ratio of surface area of volume for a unit volume of  riser is minimum in case of (a) Cylindrical riser  (b) Spherical riser (c) Hemispherical riser  (d) Cuboids riser IES 2011 Conventional IES 2011 Conventional A round casting is 20 mm in diameter and 50 mm in length. Another casting of the same metal is elliptical in i i h j i i i f d cross section, with a major to minor axis ratio of 2, and has the same length and cross‐sectional area as the has the same length and cross sectional area as the round casting. Both pieces are cast under the same conditions. What is the difference in the solidification i f h i ? [ M k ] times of the two castings ? [10 – Marks] ( ) ( )( ) Areaof ellipse Ci f 3 3 3 ab b b b π = ⎡ ⎤ ( ) ( )( ) ( ) 2 2 Circumference 3 3 3 2 / 2 (approx.) a b a b a b a b π π ⎡ ⎤ = + − + + ⎣ ⎦ = + Conventional Question ESE 2003 Compare the solidification time of two optimum side – Compare the solidification time of two optimum side – risers of the same volume with one has cylindrical shape and other is parallopiped. [30 Marks] Conventional Question IES‐2008 Q Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (height and diameter equal) necessary to feed a steel slab casting of dimensions 30 x 30 x 6 cm with a side riser casting poured horizontally 30 x 30 x 6 cm with a side riser, casting poured horizontally into the mould. [Use Modulus Method] [ 0 Marks] [10 ‐ Marks] Conventional Question IES‐2007 Q Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (height and ) diameter equal) necessary to feed a steel slab casting of dimensions 25 x 25 x 5 cm with a side casting of dimensions 25 x 25 x 5 cm with a side riser, casting poured horizontally into the mould. [Use Caine’s Method] [ For steel a = 0.10, b = 0.03 and c = 1.00 ] IES‐1995 Directional solidification in castings can be improved by using (a) Chills and chaplets ( ) (b) Chills and padding (c) Chaplets and padding (c) Chaplets and padding (d) Chills, chaplets and padding. (d) Chills, chaplets and padding. GATE‐1998,2007 Chills are used in moulds to (a) Achieve directional solidification (b) Reduce the possibility of blowholes (c) Reduce freezing time (d) S h l fl f d i l (d) Smoothen metal flow for reducing splatter. IAS 1994 Chills are used in casting moulds to (a) Achieve directional solidification (b) Reduce possibility of blow holes (c) Reduce the freezing time (c) Reduce the freezing time (d) Increase the smoothness of cast surface IES‐1997 ( ) l b l d h bl l Assertion (A): Steel can be melted in hot blast cupola. Reason (R): In hot blast cupola, the flue gases are used to preheat the air blast to the cupola so that the temperature in the furnace is considerably higher than that in a i l l conventional cupola. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct l i f A explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the l i f A correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 7 of 17 IES 2012 IES ‐ 2012 Statement (I): Cupola furnace is not employed for ( ) C p p y melting steel in foundry Statement (II): The temperatures generated within a ( ) p g cupola are not adequate for melting Steel (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are ( ) ( ) ( ) individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true GATE‐1996 Light impurities in the molten metal are prevented f hi th ld it b idi from reaching the mould cavity by providing a (a) Strainer (b) Button well (c) Skim bob ( ) (d) All of the above GATE‐2005 A mould has a downsprue whose length is 20 cm d th ti l t th b f th and the cross sectional area at the base of the downsprue is 1cm 2 . The downsprue feeds a h i t l l di i t th ld it f horizontal runner leading into the mould cavity of volume 1000 cm 3 . The time required to fill the mould ca it ill be mould cavity will be (a)4.05 s (b)5.05 s (c)6.05 s (d)7.25 s GATE‐2012 (PI) A mould having dimensions 100 mm × 90 mm × 20 mm is filled A mould having dimensions 100 mm × 90 mm × 20 mm is filled with molten metal through a gate as shown in the figure. For height h and cross‐sectional area A, the mould filling time is t 1 . g g 1 The height is now quadrupled and the cross‐sectional area is halved. The corresponding filling time is t 2 . The ratio t 2 /t 1 is 1 ( ) 2 a 2 ( )1 ( ) b ( ) 2 ( )2 c d GATE 2006 GATE‐2006 In a sand casting operation, the total liquid head is i i d h h i i l h ld maintained constant such that it is equal to the mould height. The time taken to fill the mould with a top gate i If h ld i fill d i h b is t A. If the same mould is filled with a bottom gate, then the time taken is t B . Ignore the time required to fill h d f i i l ff A fill the runner and frictional effects. Assume atmospheric pressure at the top molten metal surfaces. Th l i b d i The relation between t A and t B is (A) 2 (B) 2 B A t t = (B) 2 (C) B A A B t t t t = = ( ) 2 (D) 2 2 B B A t t = GATE 2007 (PI) Li k d S 1 GATE – 2007 (PI) Linked S‐1 In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base diameter and 250 mm height leads to a runner which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size The volume flowrate (in mm 3 /s) is (a) 0.8 x 10 5 (b) 1.1 x 10 5 (c) 1 7 x 10 5 (d) 2 3 x 10 5 (c) 1.7 x 10 5 (d) 2.3 x 10 5 GATE 2007 (PI) Li k d S 2 GATE – 2007 (PI) Linked S‐2 In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base diameter and 250 mm height leads to a runner which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size The mould filling time (in seconds) is (a) 2.8 (b) 5.78 (c) 7 54 (d) 8 41 (c) 7.54 (d) 8.41 IES 2009 2 marks IAS‐2011 Main Sketch a mould for two hollow components to be cast. On the diagram, indicate runner, gate, riser, core, cope, sprue, pouring basin, sprue well, drag, parting line parting line. [10‐Marks] [ ] For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 8 of 17 GATE‐2004 Misrun is a casting defect which occurs due to (a) Very high pouring temperature of the metal (b) Insufficient fluidity of the molten metal (c) Absorption of gases by the liquid metal (d) I li f h ld fl k (d) Improper alignment of the mould flasks GATE‐2009 Two streams of liquid metal which are not hot h t f l lt i t ti d f t enough to fuse properly result into a casting defect known as (a) Cold shut (b) Swell (c) Sand wash (d) Scab ld h f Mold Shift The mold shift defect occurs when cope and drag ldi b h t b l li d or molding boxes have not been properly aligned. IES‐2001 Scab is a (a) Sand casting defect (b) Machining defect   (c) Welding defect (d) F i  d f   (d) Forging defect  IAS‐2004 Match List I (Casting Defects) with List II (Explanation) and select the correct  Match List‐I (Casting Defects) with List‐II (Explanation) and select the correct  answer using the codes given below the lists: List‐I List‐II (Casting Defects) (Explanation) (Casting Defects) (Explanation) A. Metallic projections 1. Consist of rounded or rough internal or exposed cavities      including blow holes and pin holes B. Cavities 2. Formed during melting, solidification and moulding. C. Inclusions 3. Includes single folds, laps, scars adhering sand layers and  oxide scale D. Discontinuities 4. Include cracks, cold or hot tearing and cold shuts Consist of fins  flash or massi e projections and rough  5.Consist of fins, flash or massive projections and rough  surfaces Codes:   A  B  C  D A  B  C  D (a)  1  5  3  2 (b)  1  5  2  4 (a)  1  5  3  2 (b)  1  5  2  4 (c) 5  1  2  4 (d)  5  1  3  2 GATE‐2003 Hardness of green sand mould increases with (a) Increase in moisture content beyond 6 percent y p (b) Increase in permeability (c) Decrease in permeability (c) Decrease in permeability (d) Increase in both moisture content and  bilit permeability IES‐1998 A i  (A)  S iff i   b   h    b   Assertion (A): Stiffening members, such as webs  and ribs, used on a casting should be liberally  provided   provided.  Reason (R): They will provide additional strength  to a cast member to a cast member. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the  correct explanation of A correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the  correct explanation of A  correct explanation of A  (c) A is true but R is false (d) A i  f l  b t R i  t (d) A is false but R is true IES‐2005 In gating system design, which one of the following is the correct sequence in which choke area, pouring time, pouring basin and sprue sizes are calculated? (a) Choke area ‐ Pouring time ‐ Pouring basin – Sprue (b) Pouring basin ‐ Sprue ‐ Choke area ‐ Pouring time (b) ou g bas Sp ue C o e a ea ou g t e (c) Choke area ‐ Sprue ‐ Pouring basin ‐ Pouring time (d) P i  b i   P i  ti   Ch k     S (d) Pouring basin ‐ Pouring time ‐ Choke area ‐ Sprue IES‐1997 If the melting ratio of a cupola is 10: 1, then the  coke requirement for one ton melt will be (a) 0.1 ton (b) 10 tons (b) 10 tons (c) 1 ton (d)  t (d) 11 tons For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 9 of 17 IES‐2009 In which one of the following furnaces most of the  non‐ferrous alloys are melted? (a) Reverberatory furnace (b) Induction furnace (b) Induction furnace (c) Crucible furnace (d) P t f (d) Pot furnace IAS‐2001 Which of the following pattern‐materials are used  in Precision Casting? 1. Plaster of Paris 2. Plastics 2. Plastics 3. Anodized Aluminium Alloy  F  M 4. Frozen Mercury Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) 1 and 2   (b) 2 and 4   (c)3 and 4   (d) 1 and 3 IAS‐2004 Which one of the following gating systems is best  suited to obtain directional solidification? (a) Top grating (b) Part‐line grating (b) Part line grating (c) Bottom grating (d) St d  ti (d) Stepped grating IES 2011 In the designation of Aluminium casting A514 0 In the designation of Aluminium casting A514.0 indicates : ( ) Al i i it (a) Aluminium purity (b) Aluminiumcontent (c) Percentage of alloy element (d) Magnesium Content (d) Magnesium Content A (d) Ans. (d) Special Casting Special Casting By  S K Mondal By  S K Mondal IES 2010 IES 2010 Consider the following advantages of shell  Consider the following advantages of shell  mould casting:  Cl  di i l t l 1. Close dimensional tolerance. 2. Good surface finish. 3. Low cost.  E i 4. Easier. Which of these are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 only  (b) 2, 3 and 4 only ( ) ( ) (c) 1, 2 and 4 only  (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 IES‐1996 Consider the following ingredients used in moulding: 1. Dry silica sand 2.Clay 2.Clay 3.Phenol formaldehyde S di ili t 4.Sodium silicate Those used for shell mould casting include (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 ( ) 3 ( ) , , 3 4 IES‐2005 I   h ll  ldi  h    th   h ll thi k   In shell moulding, how can the shell thickness  be accurately maintained? ( ) (a) By controlling the time during which the pattern  is in contact with mould       (b) By controlling the time during which the pattern  is heated (c) By maintaining the temperature of the pattern in  the range of 175 o C – 380 o C the range of 175 C  380 C (d) By the type of binder used For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 10 of 17 IES‐2006 Shell moulding can be used for: (a) Producing milling cutters g g (b) Making gold ornaments (c) Producing heavy and thick walled casting (c) Producing heavy and thick walled casting (d) Producing thin casting IES 2007 Which of the following are employed in shell ldi ? moulding? 1. Resin binder 2. Metal pattern 3. Heating coils Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 IAS‐2007 The mould in shell moulding process is made up f hi h f th f ll i ? of which of the following? (a) Gypsum + setting agents (a) Gypsum + setting agents (b) Green sand + clayy (c) Sodium silicate + dried sand (d) Dried silica + phenolic resin IAS‐1999 M t h Li t I (M ldi P ) ith Li t II (Bi di Match List I (Moulding Process) with List II (Binding Agent) and select the correct answer using the codes given belowthe lists: g List I List II A. Green sand 1. Silicate B. Core sand 2. Organic C. Shell moulding 3. Clay D CO Pl f P i D. CO2 process 4. Plaster of Paris 5. Plastic Codes:A B C D A B C D Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 2 5 1 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 2 3 5 4 (d) 2 3 4 5 (c) 2 3 5 4 (d) 2 3 4 5 IES 2009 2 marks IES 2011 The proper sequence of investment casting steps is : The proper sequence of investment casting steps is : (a) Slurry coating – pattern melt out‐Shakeout – Stucco ti coating (b) Stucco coating – Slurry coating – Shakeout – Pattern melt out (c) Slurry coating – Stucco coating – Pattern melt out – y g g Shakeout (d) Stucco coating – Shakeout – Slurry coating – Pattern (d) Stucco coating Shakeout Slurry coating Pattern melt out GATE‐2006 An expendable pattern is used in ( ) l h (a) Slush casting (b) Squeeze casting (c) Centrifugal casting (d) Investment casting (d) Investment casting GATE‐2011 (PI) Which of the following casting processes uses expendable pattern and expendable mould? (a) Shell mould casting ( ) (b) Investment casting (c) Pressure die casting (c) Pressure die casting (d) Centrifugal casting (d) Centrifugal casting ISRO‐2010 Investment casting is used for (a) Shapes which are made by difficulty using complex tt i d ti patterns in sand casting (b) Mass production p (c) Shapes which are very complex and intricate and can't be cast by any other method (d) There is nothing like investment casting (d) There is nothing like investment casting For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 11 of 17 IES‐1992 The most preferred process for casting gas turbine  blades is: (a) Die moulding (b) Shell moulding (b) Shell moulding (c) Investment moulding (d) S d  ti (d) Sand casting 20 0 JWM 2010 Consider the following materials : g 1. Wax  2  Wood 2. Wood 3. Plastic Which of these materials can be used as pattern in  investment casting process ? (a) 1, 2 and 3  (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only  (d) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only  (d) 1 and 3 only IES 2010 IES 2010 Assertion (A): The investment casting is used for ( ) g precision parts such as turbine plates, sewing machines etc. Reason (R): The investment castings have a good surface finish and are exact reproductions of the surface finish and are exact reproductions of the master pattern. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) B th A d R i di id ll t b t R i NOT th (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true IES 2007 IES 2007 Consider the following statements in respect of investment castings: 1. The pattern or patterns is/are not joined to a stalk or sprue also of wax to forma tree of patterns. 2.The prepared moulds are placed in an oven and heated gently to dry off the invest and melt out the bulk of wax. 3.The moulds are usually poured by placing the moulds in a vacuum chamber. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c)2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 3 y 3 IES‐2006 Which of the following materials are used for making patterns in investment casting method? 1. Wax 2. Rubber 3. Wood 4. Plastic Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) Only 1 and 3 (b) Only 2 and 3 ( ) O l d (d) O l d (c) Only 1, 2 and 4 (d) Only 2, 3 and 4 IAS‐1996 Light and intricate parts with close dimensional tolerances of the order of ± 0.005 mm are produced by (a) Investment castingg (b) Die casting (c) Centrifugal casting (c) Centrifugal casting (d) Shell mould casting IES 2013 IES‐2013 Statement (I): Mould walls of a permanent mould are kept thick kept thick. Statement (II): The thicker mould walls retain i h i i fl f l l maximum heat increasing flowof molten metal. (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of ( ) p Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true IES 2011 Consider the following advantages of die casting over Consider the following advantages of die casting over sand casting : 1 Rapidity of the process 1. Rapidity of the process 2. Smooth surface 3 Strong dense metal structure 3. Strong dense metal structure Which of these advantages are correct ? ( ) d (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only 3 y IES‐2009 Which of the following are the most suitable materials for die casting? (a) Zinc and its alloys (b) Copper and its alloys (b) Copper and its alloys (c) Aluminiumand its alloys (d) L d d it ll (d) Lead and its alloys For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 12 of 17 20 0 JWM 2010 Assertion (A) : In die casting method, small ( ) g , thickness can be filled with liquid metal. Reason (R) : The air in die cavity trapped inside the Reason (R) : The air in die cavity trapped inside the casting causes problems. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the  (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the  correct explanation of A (b) B h A  d R   i di id ll    b  R i   h   (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the  correct explanation of A  (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true ( ) IES‐2005 Which one of the following processes produces a casting when pressure forces the molten metal into the mould cavity? (a) Shell moulding (b) Investment casting g g (c) Die casting (d) Continuous casting IES‐2006 In which of the following are metal moulds used? (a) Greensand mould (b) Dry sand mould (c) Die casting process (c) Die casting process (d) Loam moulding IES‐1995 A i (A) A l i i ll i h % ili i Assertion (A): An aluminium alloy with 11 % silicon is used for making engine pistons by die casting technique technique. Reason (R): Aluminium has low density and addition of silicon improves its fluidity and therefore its p y castability. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct y explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the l i f A correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) f l b (d) A is false but R is true IES‐1995 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer taking the help  Match List I with List II and select the correct answer taking the help  of codes given below the lists: List I List II  (Products) (Process of manufacture) (Products) (Process of manufacture) A. Automobile piston in aluminiumalloy 1. Pressure die‐casting B. Engine crankshaft in spheroidal hi  i  G i  di i graphite iron 2. Gravity die‐casting C. Carburettor housing in aluminiumalloy 3. Sand casting D. Cast titanium blades 4. Precision investment  i casting 5. Shell moulding Code: A B C D A B C D (a) 2 3 1 5 (b) 3 2 1 5 (c) 2 1 3 4 (d) 4 1 2 3 IAS‐2007 Consider the following statements: 1. Zinc die castings have low strength. g g 2. In the die casting process, very thin sections or  complex shapes can be obtained easily. complex shapes can be obtained easily. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? ( )   l (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 ( ) IAS‐1996 A i (A) Di i i ld d f d Assertion (A): Die casting yields a product of good accuracy and finish. R (R) L l i ll d i di Reason (R): Low melting alloys used in die casting. ( ) B h A d R i di id ll d R i h (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) B h A d R i di id ll b R i h (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A ( ) A i b R i f l (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true IES 2011 Consider the following statements : Consider the following statements : 1. Hot chamber machine is used for casting zinc, tin and th l lti ll other low melting alloys. 2. Cold chamber machine is used for die casting of ferrous alloys 3. Rapid cooling rate in die casting produces high 3 p g g p g strength and quality in many alloys. Which of these statements are correct? Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only ( ) d l (d) d l (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only GATE‐2007 Which of the following engineering materials is th t it bl did t f h t h b di the most suitable candidate for hot chamber die casting? ( ) b l (a) Lowcarbon steel (b) Titanium (c) Copper (d) Tin (d) Tin For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 13 of 17 IES‐1995 A i (A) Al i i ll i h Assertion (A): Aluminium alloys are cast in hot chamber die casting machine. Reason (R): Aluminium alloys require high melting Reason (R): Aluminium alloys require high melting when compared to zinc alloys. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) (d) A is false but R is true GATE ‐2009 (PI) ( ) Hot chamber die casting process is NOT suited for (a) Lead and its alloy (b) Zinc and its alloy ( ) Ti d it ll (c) Tin and its alloy (d) Aluminumand its alloy ( ) y GATE‐2002 In centrifugal casting, the impurities are ( ) f l d b d (a) Uniformly distributed (b) Forced towards the outer surface (c) Trapped near the mean radius of the casting (d) Collected at the centre of the casting (d) Collected at the centre of the casting GATE‐1993 Centrifugally cast products have (a) Large grain structure with high porosity g g g p y (b) Fine grain structure with high density (c) Fine grain structure with lowdensity (c) Fine grain structure with lowdensity (d) Segregation of slug towards the outer skin of the ti casting GATE ‐2008 (PI) ( ) In hollow cylindrical parts, made by centrifugal casting, the density of the part is ( ) i h i (a) maximum at the outer region (b) maximum at the inner region (b) maximum at the inner region (c) maximum at the mid‐point between outer and inner ( ) p surfaces (d) uniform throughout IES‐2008 Which of the following casting processes does not Which of the following casting processes does not /do not require central core for producing pipe? 1 Sand casting process 1. Sand casting process 2. Die casting process 3 Centrifugal casting process 3. Centrifugal casting process Select the correct answer using the code given below: ( ) d (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 only 3 y IES‐2009 Which one of the following casting processes is b t it d t k bi i h ll best suited to make bigger size hollow symmetrical pipes? y p p (a) Die casting (b) Investment casting (c) Shell moulding (d) Centrifugal casting IES 2007 Which one of the following is the correct statement? In a centrifugal casting method (a) No core is used (a) No core is used (b) Core may be made of any metal ( ) C i d f d (c) Core is made of sand (d) Core is made of ferrous metal IES‐1998 Poor machinability of centrifugally cast iron pipe  is due to (a) Chilling (b) Segregation (b) Segregation (c) Dense structure (d) Hi h  ld  t ti   d (d) High mould rotation speed For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 14 of 17 IES‐2009 Which of the following are the most likely characteristics in centrifugal casting? (a) Fine grain size and high porosity (b) Coarse grain size and high porosity (b) Coarse grain size and high porosity (c) Fine grain size and high density (d) C i i d hi h d it (d) Coarse grain size and high density IES 2007 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given  Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given  below the Lists: List I List II (Casting Process) (Principle) (Casting Process) (Principle) A. Die casting 1.The metal solidifies in a rotating mould B. Investment casting 2.The pattern cluster is repeatedly dipped  into a ceramic slurry and dusted with  f refractory C. Shell moulding 3. Molten metal is forced by pressure into  a metallic mould D Centrifugal casting 4  After cooling  the invest is removed  D. Centrifugal casting 4. After cooling, the invest is removed  from the Casting by pressure jetting or  vibratory cleaning Code: A B C D A B C D (a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 4 2 1 (c) 2 4 3 1 (c)  3 1 2 4 IES‐2000 M t h Li t I (P )  ith Li t II (P d t / t i l )  Match List I (Process) with List II (Products/materials)  and select the correct answer using the codes given  below the Lists: List I  List II A. Die casting  1. Phenol formaldehyde B. Shell molding  2. C.I. pipes C. CO 2 molding  3. Non‐ferrous alloys D C if l  i    S di   ili D. Centrifugal casting  4. Sodium silicate Codes:A B  C  D  A  B  C  D (a)  1  3  4  2  (b)  3  1  4  2 (a)  1  3  4  2  (b)  3  1  4  2 (c)  3  1  2  4  (d)  1  3  2  4 IAS‐2004 Match List‐I (Name of the Process) with List‐II (Advantage) and select the correct  answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II List‐I List‐II (Name of the Process) (Advantage) A. Sand Casting 1. Large cylindrical parts with good quality B C i   ld  ti E ll t di i l    d  f B. Ceramic mold casting 2.Excellent dimensional accuracy and surface finish C. Die casting 3. Intricate shapes and close tolerance parts D C if l  i  Al     l i     d  h  if   li i   D. Centrifugal casting 4. Almost any metal is cast and there if no limit to size, shape and weight 5. Good dimensional accuracy, finish and low porosity Codes:A  B  C  D A  B  C  D (a)  2  3  5  1 (b) 4  1 2 3 (c)  2  1  5  3  (d) 4 3 2 1 IAS‐2003 A i (A) S i if l i i Assertion (A): Semi‐centrifugal casting process is similar to true centrifugal casting except that the central core is used in it to form inner surface central core is used in it to form inner surface. Reason (R): In semi‐centrifugal casting process the axis of spin is always vertical p y (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A p (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true IES‐2013 Statement (I): In semi centrifugal casting a particular shape of the casting is produced by mould, core and the p g p y centrifugal force of molten metal. Statement (II): The centrifugal force aids to proper Statement (II): The centrifugal force aids to proper feeding to produce the casting free from porosity. (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually t b t St t t (II) i t th t l ti f true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I) ( ) ( ) b ( ) f l (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true IES‐2000 M t h Li t I (T   f  ti )  ith Li t II (W ki   i i l )  Match List I (Type of casting) with List II (Working principles)  and select the correct answer using the codes given below the  Lists: Li t I Li t II List I List II A. Die casting 1. Molten metal is forced into the die  under pressure B. Centrifugal casting 2. Axis of rotation does not coincide with  axis of mould C.  Centrifuging 3. Metal solidifies when mould is rotating g g 3 g D. Continuous casting 4. Continuously pouring molten metal  into mould Codes: A B C  D A B  C D Codes: A B C  D A B  C D (a)  1  3  2  4  (b)  4  3  2  1 (c)  1  2  3  4  (d)  4  2  3  1 IAS‐2004 Which of the following are produced by slush casting? (a) Hollowcastings with thick walls (b) Hollowcastings with thin walls (b) Hollowcastings with thin walls (c) Thin castings (d) Thi k ti (d) Thick castings IES 2011 The method of casting for producing ornamental pieces The method of casting for producing ornamental pieces are: ( ) Sl h d it ti (a) Slush and gravity casting (b) Pressed and slush casting (c) Gravity and semi permanent mould casting (d) Semi permanent mould and pressed casting (d) Semi permanent mould and pressed casting For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 15 of 17 IES 2012 IES ‐ 2012 The process of making hollow castings of non‐circular The process of making hollow castings of non circular shape and desired thickness by permanent mould without the use of cores is known as without the use of cores is known as (a) Die casting (b) Slush casting ( ) P d ti (d) C t if l ti (c) Pressed casting (d) Centrifugal casting IAS‐2002 M t h Li t I (C ti  P )  ith Li t II  Match List I (Casting Process) with List II  (Applications) and select the correct answer using the  codes given below the Lists: g List I  List II (Casting Process)  (Applications) A. Centrifugal casting 1. Carburetor B. Squeeze casting 2. Pipes C Di  C i Wh l  f   C. Die Casting 3. Wheels for  automobiles 4 Gear housings 4. Gear housings Codes:  A B C A B C (a)  2 3 1 (b)  4 1 3 (a)  2 3 1 (b)  4 1 3 (c)  2 1 3 (d)  4 3 1 IES 2009 IES 2009 2 marks IES‐1996 Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? 1. Pit moulding ..................For large jobs. g g j 2. Investment moulding ... Lost wax process. 3 Plaster moulding   Mould prepared in   3. Plaster moulding ……… Mould prepared in   gypsum. ( )     d  (b)   d  (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3 IES‐1997 Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) Aluminiumalloy piston …………Pressure die casting (b) Jewellery……………………….. Lost wax process (b) Jewellery……………………….. Lost wax process (c) Large pipes ……………………..Centrifugal casting (d) L b ll L ldi (d) Large bells ………………………Loam moulding GATE‐1998 Li t I Li t II  List I List II  (A) Sand casting  (1) Symmetrical and  circular shapes only circular shapes only (B) Plaster mould casting  (2) Parts have hardened  skins and soft interior (C) Shell mould casting  (3) Minimum post‐ casting processing (D) Investment casting  (4) Parts have a tendency      (D) Investment casting  (4) Parts have a tendency      to warp (5) Parts have soft skin        (5) and hard interior (6) Suitable only for non‐ f   t l ferrous metals GATE‐1992 M h  h  f ll i   ldi / i     i h  Match the following moulding/casting processes with  the product: Moulding/Casting processes Product Moulding/Casting processes Product (A) Slush casting (P) Turbine blade (B) Shell moulding (Q) Machine tool bed (B) Shell moulding (Q) Machine tool bed (C) Dry sand moulding (R) Cylinder block (D) C t if l  ti (S) H ll   ti   (D) Centrifugal casting (S) Hollow castings  like lamp shades (T) Rain water pipe (T) Rain water pipe (U) Cast iron shoe  brake brake GATE‐1996 List I List II (A) Rivets for aircraft body  1. Forging y g g (B) Carburettor body  2. Cold heading (C) Crankshafts  3 Aluminium‐based  (C) Crankshafts  3. Aluminium‐based  alloy (D) N il   P  di   ti (D) Nails  4. Pressure die casting 5. Investment casting IES‐2003 M t h Li t I (P d t )  ith Li t II (C ti  P )  d  l t  Match List I (Products) with List II (Casting Process) and select  the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II (Products) (Casting Process) A. Hollow statues 1. Centrifugal Casting B Dentures 2 Investment Casting B. Dentures 2. Investment Casting C. Aluminiumalloy pistons 3. Slush Casting D. Rocker arms 4. Shell Moulding G i  Di  C i 5. Gravity Die Casting Codes: A  B  C  D A  B  C  D (a)  3  2  4  5 (b)  1  3  4  5 ( ) 3 4 5 ( ) 3 4 5 (c)  1  2  3  4 (d)  3  2  5  4 For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 16 of 17 IES‐1993 M h  h  i   f Li  I (E i )  i h  h  i   Match the items of List I (Equipment) with the items  of List II (Process) and select the correct answer using  the given codes the given codes. List I (Equipment)  List II (Process) P ‐ Hot Chamber Machine  1 Cleaning P ‐ Hot Chamber Machine  1. Cleaning Q ‐ Muller  2. Core making R ‐ Dielectric Baker  3 Die casting R ‐ Dielectric Baker  3. Die casting S ‐ Sand Blaster  4. Annealing 5 Sand mixing 5. Sand mixing (a) P‐2, Q‐1, R‐4, S‐5  (b) P‐4, Q‐2, R‐3, S‐5 (c) P 4  Q 5  R 1  S 2  (d) P 3  Q 5  R 2  S 1 (c) P‐4, Q‐5, R‐1, S‐2  (d) P‐3, Q‐5, R‐2, S‐1 IAS‐2004 M h Li I (N   f  h  C i  P )  i h Li II (P  D fi i i )  d  l   Match List‐I (Name of the Casting Process) with List‐II (Process Definition) and select  the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List‐I List‐II       (Name of the Castin  Process) (Process Definition) (Name of the Casting Process) (Process Definition) A. Die casting 1.This process involves use of a mould made of Dried silica sand and phenolic resin mixture B El t l ti    I  thi     lt   t l i  f d b B. Electroslag casting  2. In this process, molten metal is forced by Pressure into a metal mould C. Centrifugal casting  3. This process employs a consumable electrode D P i i   i    Thi    i l   i     ld  hil   h   D. Precision casting  4. This process involves rotating a mould while the  metal solidifies 5. This process produces very smooth, highly Accurate castings from both ferrous and non ferrous alloys Codes:A  B  C  D A  B  C  D (a)  5  4  1  2 (b)  2  3  4  5 (c)  5  3  4  2 (d)  2  4  1  5 GATE 2007 (PI) GATE – 2007 (PI) Match the lists Group‐1 Group‐2 P. Sand Casting 1. Turbine blades Q Centrifugal Casting 2  IC Engine Pistons Q. Centrifugal Casting 2. IC Engine Pistons R. Investment Casting 3. Large bells S. Die Casting 4. Pulleys (a) P – 4, Q – 1, R – 3, S – 2 (b) P – 2, Q – 4, R – 3, S ‐ 1 (c) P – 3, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 2 (d) P – 3, Q – 2, R – 1, S ‐ 4 ( ) 3, Q 4, , ( ) 3, Q , , 4 Q. No Option Q. No Option Conventional Casting Process  Ch‐21 Q. No Option 1 A 2 A p 13 C 14 D 2 A 3 C 14 D 15 D 4 A 5 D 16 B 17 B 6 A 7 D 18 B 19 D 8 C 9 B 20 A 21 A 9 B 10 D 11 A 21 A 11 A 12 B Special Casting Process  Ch‐22 Q. No Option Q. No Option 1 D 2 C 11 A 12 A 3 C 4 B 12 A 13 D 14 A 5 C 6 A 14 A 15 A 6 A 7 D 16 B 17 A 8 C 9 B 10 D For 2014 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 17 of 17
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