Case Study
Case Study
March 29, 2018 | Author: Yusuf Ali Mohammed | Category:
Cartesian Coordinate System
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Pick and Place RobotsGroup Members: Karen Mascarenhas Mohammad Saad Siddique Naomi D’Souza Wardah Sajid TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................................3 OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................3 ARTICULATED ROBOT – Mohammad Saad Siddique................................................................4 Introduction..................................................................................................................................4 Degrees of Freedom.....................................................................................................................4 Forward Kinematics.....................................................................................................................5 Link Parameters...........................................................................................................................5 SCARA ROBOT – Naomi D’Souza................................................................................................7 Introduction..................................................................................................................................7 Degree of Freedom......................................................................................................................8 Forward Kinematics.....................................................................................................................8 Link Parameters...........................................................................................................................9 CYLINDRICAL ROBOT – Karen Mascarenhas..........................................................................11 Introduction................................................................................................................................11 Degrees of Freedom...................................................................................................................15 Forward Kinematics...................................................................................................................16 Link Parameters.........................................................................................................................16 SPHERICAL ROBOT – Wardah Sajid..........................................................................................18 Introduction................................................................................................................................18 Degrees of freedom....................................................................................................................19 Forward kinematics...................................................................................................................20 Link Parameters.........................................................................................................................21 COMPARISON.............................................................................................................................24 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................25 Cylindrical Robot.......................................................................................................................25 Spherical Robot.........................................................................................................................25 SCARA Robot...........................................................................................................................25 Page 2 of 26 Robots are used in warehouses to move objects around. For each robot. acceleration. modelling and analysis of various kinds of mechanisms for pick and place industrial robots. Modern robots are composed of kinematic joints attached to a set of links and these robots utilize an end effector or gripper to handle tools and objects. The use of geometry enables the links of the robot to be modeled as rigid bodies and the joints to work under the assumption of providing translation or pure rotation.ABSTRACT This report consists of the classification. direction. Pick and place robots pick up parts and place them in a different location with great speed and accuracy. dangerous or dull without suffering from fatigue and with great accuracy. and distance of a chain of coordinated motions. Robots not only reduce the labor and capital costs but also reduces work danger as they can be used for hazardous jobs. number of axes and structural design. this individual study takes into consideration the working principles. to assemble parts in the automotive industry. Forward kinematics uses the joint parameters to find the configuration of the chain . Robot kinematics consists of the application of geometry to study the movement of kinematic chains in robotic systems. Typical industrial robots do repetitive jobs that are difficult. A crucial tool in calculating robot kinematics is the use of kinematic equations based on the chains that form the robot. The mechanisms are modelled by using a CAD software and enabling analysis of forward kinematics where a transform matrix is derived for each robot. characteristics and improvements. CNC machines and various other manufacturing processes. The robots are grouped according to the speed. degrees of freedom. They are extremely consistent and greatly benefit and increase output of whichever industrial sector they are placed in. Robotics has gained a lot of importance in the modern industrial world as they are used in almost every industrial sector. deceleration.For serial open chain robotic arms the configuration is found by the substitution of the joint parameters into the forward kinematics equations. Page 3 of 26 . OVERVIEW An industrial robot is designed for the purpose of moving parts. Robotics have various advantages over human work force as they are more efficient and faster. size and range of work envelope. These motions are determined by programming that specifies the velocity. industrial application. There has been a considerable increase in the product quality and work output rate by the introduction of robotics. They are an important investment as over a period of time they become much cheaper than a human working. payload capacity. materials and tools in addition to executing a variety of programmed tasks in production and manufacturing sector. and information processing. also a very important factor is that the labor costs are reduced when these robots are used as the play a considerable part in decreasing production costs. structural disposition. Pick and place robots are a type of industrial robots which are widely used for material handling. Many robots do jobs that are hazardous for humans such as defusing bombs. sensory feedback. greater reliability and uniform speed. construction. consistency. a total of 3 revolute joints are Page 4 of 26 . handling radioactive materials. these robots can pick objects off a conveyer belt and then placing them in boxes for packaging. There are many advantages of using pick and place robots. Thus pick and place robots have been used for repetitive material handling tasks which may be hazardous and time consuming. The key factors for these robots are quality and efficiency which can be easily said is the main fundamentals of manufacturing. operation. The quality of the material also remains unhindered by the use of the pick and place robots and the work rate increases considerably. mining. exploring ship wrecks and mining purposes. ARTICULATED ROBOT – Mohammad Saad Siddique Introduction Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design. Certain articulated robots need visual guidance due to complexity of process. Revolute joints have been used to connect the links of the robot.The most commonly used robots for pick and place applications are described below. manufacture and application of robots and computer systems for their control. these robots increase the efficiency of the work. Pick and place robots are used for a variety of transfer applications. Pick and place robots provide safety in terms of both prevention of accidents and avoiding injuries. Degrees of Freedom j F=∑ f i i=1 N – number of links = 4 J – number of joints = 4 Number of fingers = 4 fi = degree of freedom for each joint = 1 F – Degree of freedom = 4 The planar pick and place robot has a total of four links including the motor and the base. The tasks can be performed with great accuracy. The degree of freedom of this robot is 4.used. by applying the formula for an open loop robot [ j F=∑ f i ] i=1 Forward Kinematics Link Parameters Links αi-1 li-1 di Θi 1 0o 0 0 Θ1 2 90o L1 0 Θ2 Page 5 of 26 . 3 0o L2 0 Θ3 4 0o L3 0 Θ4 Kinematic Diagram for the Robot 1 0 00 T0 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 00 1 1 0 0l 1 T1 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 2 x 1 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 10 x cosθ 1 −sinθ 1 0 0 sinθ 1 sinθ 1 0 0 0 0 10 x 0 00 1000 1 Page 6 of 26 . rigid in the direction of Z. they can be manipulated to have end effectors as pincers or magnets for various pick and place applications for tasks that require electronic components insertion. accurate and repeatability movements. they consume too much headroom. inclusive of a rotary movement at the gripper for intensive assemblies thus the expression: Selective Compliant. Due to its parallel-axis geography. moving numerous objects or palletizing. This compliance pertains to the fact that these particular robotic arms have a very stern vertical axis that provides support and ensures high support to the vertical plane. Figure 1 Through research it is found that majority of the SCARA robots constitute of four degrees of freedom in which two are found at the elbow and wrist and rest as horizontal servo-controlled joints that make up the shoulders.1 0 0l 2 T2 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 3 x 1 0 00 0 1 000 00 1 0 0 10 1 0 0l 3 4 T3 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 00 0 1 000 00 1 0 0 10 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 10 x 0 00 1 x 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 10 0 0 sinθ 2 −sinθ 2 0 0 sinθ 2 sinθ 2 0 0 0 0 10 x 0 00 10 00 1 x sinθ 3 −sinθ 3 0 0 sinθ 3 cosθ 3 0 0 0 0 10 x 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 SCARA ROBOT – Naomi D’Souza Introduction A 'Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm' also known as SCARA is an industrial robot that has similar features and resemblance to a human arm. the arm is marginally flexible is the X-Y direction however. Since SCARAs are tall. Since these robots have fast. Page 7 of 26 Figure 2 . Joint 2 Joint 1 Joint 3 & Joint 4 (quil) Figure 4 Figure 5 It can be concluded that the SCARA model has. joints and angles on them. Motors were applied at the joints to trigger and restrict the rotary motions accordingly. Transitional. Page 8 of 26 . The centre rod. Then two rotary parts were created and joined to the cylindrical base. also known as the ‘Quil’ was inserted on the void and compliments a restricted Harmonic Motion. Harmonic and Revolute Motions were allocated to the Quil and Pincers for repeated movements. Figure 3 Degree of Freedom Figure 4 and Figure 5 is a 3D sketch of the SCARA robot which displays the links. As shown in Figure 3. 4 Links 1 Grounded Cylindrical Joint (Link 0) 3 Revolute Joints 2 Transitional Joints 4 Axes On application of the below formula the Degree of Freedom for a SCARA Robot can be calculated. as shown in Figure 2. The grounded cylindrical joint was constructed as separate part.The final SCARA was modeled and eventually animated using Solid Edge. j: Number of Joints (3 revolute joints + 1 grounded cylindrical joint) fi: DOF at each joints (1DOF at each revolute joint + 1DOF at the cylindrical joint) ∴ DOF = (3 × 1) + 1 = 4 Forward Kinematics Forward kinematics is the method of using kinematic equations for a robot to calculate the final posture of the end-effector from given dimensions of joints and links. Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 6 and 7 show the Kinematic Denavit-Hartenberg (D–H) criterion for SCARA Robot.j DOF = ∑×fi i=1 Where. Link Parameters ϴi di ai αi (Joint Angle) (Link Offset) (Link Length) (Link Twist) 1 ϴ1 0 L1 0 2 ϴ2 0 L2 180 3 0 d3 0 0 4 ϴ4 d4 0 0 Links (i) Page 9 of 26 . 5 0. ϴ1 = 300° ϴ2 = 90° ϴ4 = 180° Using the Standard D–H Convention Matrice given below the final Transformation Matrices can be calculated. s = sin} Solving the conventions by substituting links and angles provided to the Matrix above respectively.866 0 271 −0.Figure 8 – SCARA ROBOT BLUEPRINT From the above blueprint of a SCARA. L1 = 542mm L2 = 520mm d3 = 385mm d4 = 245mm Assuming the angles according to modeling the SCARA on Solidedge for Case Study purposes.300 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ] T 12 = A2 = [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 520 0 −1 0 0 0 1 ] Page 10 of 26 .866 0.5 0 −469. O T1 [ = A1 = 0. [ c ϴi −s ϴi c α i s ϴi s α i Li c ϴ i s ϴi c ϴi c α i −c ϴi s α i Li s ϴ i 0 sαi c αi di 0 0 0 1 ] {Where c = cos. 0.500 0 −209. -245. 0.866. 0. -1. 0. 0. 0. 1. -0. 271.300 0 0 1 140 0 0 0 1 ] Page 11 of 26 .866 −0. -469. 1] A2 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0.866 0 721. 0.320 −0. 0. 0. -1. 0. 1] A4 0. 0. = [-1.3. 0. = [0. 0. -385. 0. 1] A3 1. 1. = [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -1. 520. 0.500 −0.866. 0. 0. 0. 0.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.T 23 = A3 = [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 −385 0 0 1 ] T 34 = A4 = [ −1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 1 −245 0 0 0 1 ] Through a Matlab Code the Final Transformation Matrix (position of the end effector) was calculated = A1 × A2 × A3 × A4 A1 = [0. 1] T4 = A1*A2*A3*A4 T= [ −0. 1. 0. 0. 0.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. this is because under the cylindrical coordinate system. is a cylindrical robot. cylindrical robots are usually identified as a mechanism that is opposite to a Cartesian robot. these kinds of robots mainly allow only a rotational movement. where the robot is limited extending left or right. The main purpose of using cylindrical robots within an industrial sector is to handle machine related tools. conduct assembly operations. the robot is restricted as the end effecter cannot pick up an object directly below the arm of the structure. [1] However.CYLINDRICAL ROBOT – Karen Mascarenhas Introduction Another form of pick and place robot considered. spot welding and to handle die-casting machines. Secondly. looking into a vast majority of cylindrical robots there are several disadvantages taken into consideration that have made the cylindrical robot obsolete. the cylindrical robot tends to have a reduced workspace as shown in Figure (1). [1][2] Page 12 of 26 . Moreover. Firstly. This specific robot has axes that form a more cylindrical coordinate system. The cylindrical robot is considered to be one of the fastest robots when compared to others and moreover. when weighed against a SCARA robot. the cylindrical robot has relatively good access to machine openings and cavities. which collectively is mounted on a rotating base. Furthermore. it makes the base incredibly powerful. Finally. Another two highlighted points that add to its advantages is the robot is comparatively collision free and does not depend on gravity. there are several ways to alleviate these disadvantages. [3] [4][5] Figure (2) shows the modified Cylindrical Robot structure The above figure represents the modified cylindrical model when taking into consideration some of the disadvantages of the ideal case. This main frame also consists of an end effecter that is aligned facing the bottom of the structure. The same joint is mounted onto another prismatic joint that moves up and down the vertical columns.Figure (1) shows the ideal Cylindrical Robot workspace On the other hand. when hydraulic drivers are implemented to the base of the cylindrical robot. This model shows an horizontal arm fixed along two vertical columns. The horizontal arm has a linear motion as it moves in and out of the prismatic joint. the whole structure Page 13 of 26 . 4) This horizontal components is connected to the end effector and the vertical column. It's a translational movement along the horizontal axis. 2) The end effector is one of the main components of the robot. The base is usually grounded for stability which is termed as Link 0. The rotary plate is connected to the horizontal component which allows the fingers to reach destination. This is because at this point the object is picked up and transferred to the end position. The plate also allows the fingers to translate in order to get a better grip on the object. this vertical column is attached to base of the model. Moreover. Page 14 of 26 . Parts 1) The first part of the robot considered is the base of the modeled robot. thus allowing the column to rotate. the base of the robot facilitates the rotary movement of heavy objects when fixed to the ground. within the confined space. This prismatic joint allows the fingers of the robot to pick any object in the left or right direction. 3) This vertical column provides the horizontal component to move in a up and down motion which helps the end effector reach the object.is mounted a square base that has a rotary joint that allows the arm to move freely in a circular manner within the workspace limits. Moreover. F=1+ 1+ 1+ 1+1=5 Page 15 of 26 . the vertical and horizontal joint and lastly the fingers. there appears to be two revolute joints. J F=∑ f i I=1 Therefore. The degrees of freedom can calculated by the summation of the joints and degree of freedom of each joint (fi).Lastly. It moves along the vertical axis and at the same time it can also translate along the horizontal axis. 5) Degrees of Freedom Figure (3) Figure (4) The degrees of freedom for this model can be determined by considering the number of links (n) and the number of joints (J) of the cylindrical robot. On the other hand. there are three translational joints. As shown in Figure (3). one at the base of the robot and the other at the end effector. this part of the robot is a prismatic joint that connects the vertical column to the horizontal component. angles of the links with respect to the origin and X axes about Z. Even though the O0 point is located randomly.Forward Kinematics The above diagram illustrates the joints and axes of an ideal cylindrical robot. as Z1 and Z2 meet. Xo axis is considered to be perpendicular to the page. it affect the origin O2 which is positioned at this intersection. In order to determine the Forward Kinematic analysis it is imperative to tabulate the number of links. distances of the links with respect to the X axes along Z and the link twists about the Z axes. In order to make θ2 equal to 0. Page 16 of 26 . [9] The following standard matrix for each link obtained by the following 4x4 matrix. Since θ1 is taken as 90°. Moreover. additionally it appears that Z1 and Z0 are coinciding which leaves the O1 at joint 1. the X2 axis has to be parallel to X1. the distance D1 is 0. it is possible to consider the position of O0 to be at joint 2. [8] Link Parameters Link 1 2 3 Ai 0 0 0 αi 0 -90 0 Di Θi * D1 D2* D3* Θ1* 0 0 Table (1) tabulates the respective angles and distances within the robot The starting point O0 of the robot along the Z 0 axis and the Xo direction are considered to be arbitrary. [ cos 1 0 −sin 1 −sin1 × D3 sin 1 0 cos1 cos1 × D3 X 03 =X 01 × X 12 × X 23= 0 −1 0 D 1+ D 2 0 0 0 1 [ ][ ] cos1 (0) 0 −sin1 (0) −1 ×15 0 0 −1 −15 sin1 (0) 0 cos 1(0) 0 ×15 = 1 0 1 0 0 −1 0 37 0 −1 0 22+15 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ] Where. D2 is taken as 15cm and D3 is taken as 15cm. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 X 12= 0 −1 0 D2 0 0 0 1 ] [ . Page 17 of 26 .[ cos1 −sin 1 X 01 = sin1 cos 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D1 ] [ . D1 is taken as 22cm. 1 0 X 23= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 D3 1 ] [7] Where the final transform matrix is derived. SPHERICAL ROBOT – Wardah Sajid Introduction Pick and place robots increase the production rate by speeding up the process of picking up and placing parts in new locations. They are most commonly used in assembly lines where repetitive and complicated tasks need to be executed with accuracy. A spherical or polar robot can be used as a pick and place robot in numerous industrial applications. It was designed in 1969 and was extremely vital in creating the first knowledge base for robot control. Spherical or polar robot arms are built as stationary robots with near spherical work envelopes. They are considered to be more sophisticated than cylindrical or Cartesian robots with most modern industrial robots being a derivative of the original polar robot. Stanford robot arm Overview and parts of the robot Different views of the robot: Parts of the robot Page 18 of 26 . The Stanford arm depicted below is one such example and it has five rotary joints and one linear joint. Spherical robots hold a special place in history since they were one of the oldest robots. The robotic polar arm is built as a stationary assembly with three degrees of freedom (DOF).Degrees of freedom The degrees of freedom of a robotic arm are considered to be equal to the number of independent parameters which are required to uniquely define its position in space at any given time. F=3 x 1 = 3 degrees of freedom DOF. This spherical robot arm has 3 joints hence it has 3+1 = 4 links. These three degrees of freedom represent the ability of the robot to orient itself about a specified axis. A robot arm with n joints has n+1 links because each joint will connect 2 links. Conventionally. j=number of joints and fi =degree of freedom of the ith joint. The base link zero is fixed and does not move when the joints are actuated. Page 19 of 26 . the joints are numbered from 1 to n and the links are numbered from 0 to n where the base is link zero.This arm is an open chain serial robot hence the degrees of freedom can be calculated: j F=∑ f i i=1 Where the number of degrees of freedom of the robot is represented by F. Forward kinematics Forward kinematics is used to find the relationship between the individual joints of the robotic arm and the position and orientation of the end-effector. The position and orientation of the endeffector is determined from the joint angles. d=link offset. each homogeneous transformation matrix Ai is represented as a product of four basic transformations. Page 20 of 26 . Four parameters are used in this analysis with a= link length. The positioning of the polar arm is done in the workspace with the aid of joint rotation and linear movement. or D-H convention. To perform a kinematic analysis. The links can be defined as the solid structural members of the arm and the joints are the movable components that correlate between the two. As depicted above. coordinate frames are assigned rigidly to each frame. and θ=joint angle.α=link twist. the polar arm consists of two revolute joints and one prismatic joint which allows the robot to rotate and point in various directions increasing the work envelope and reach out some distance with the linear bearing slider and pick up objects. a rotating elbow (3) and a slider with an electromagnetic end-effector (4) that moves in a linear manner.The robotic arm is composed of four links and three joints.In this convention. a rotating shoulder (2). This robot has a fixed circular base (1). The chief objective of conducting a forward kinematic analysis is to determine the cumulative effect of the entire set of joint variables. The most common method used conventionally for assigning reference frames is the Denavit-Hartenberg. The T30 matrix which describes the pose of the end-effector relative to base can finally be calculated using the formula below. The A matrices were then calculated using Matlab analysis and are detailed in the appendix of the document.Kinematic Scheme Link Parameters Links a i-1 α i-1 d 1 0 0° 0 0° 2 0 -90° 600 0° 3 0 -90° 0 -90° 4 0 0° 120 0° i i θi The spherical robot arm was assigned reference frames and the D-H parameters were found. T30=T1T2T3 The T30matrixwas obtained to be 0 0 1 120 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 600 0 0 0 1 Page 21 of 26 . it can be used for handling at machine tools. die casting. multiple transformer cores plates. The spherical work envelope and the linear movement of the slider nearly covers the entire 360° area around the arm enabling the arm to pick up objects from hard to reach places. The pivot axis in the vertical plane permits access to points at base level or below it. and accurately position.Applications The spherical (polar) robotic arm has many versatile applications. spot welding. major productivity gains can be achieved by utilizing a robotic gripper that is able to handle. In the industrial transformer core assembly process. Using an electromagnetic gripper also gives the advantage of extremely fast pickup time when compared to a conventional gripper. With the addition of the electromagnetic gripper. The primary application of this arm in specific is the picking up of multiple industrial transformer core lamination plates in the transformer core manufacturing industry. fettling machines. Besides the application of pick and place. ferromagnetic materials such as steel and iron can be picked up easily and placed where required. gripped work part might slip out when using the magnet and an inefficient long low design. Transformation matrix [ cosθ −sinθcosα sinθsinα sinθ cosθcosα −cosθsinα 0 sinα cosα 0 0 0 acosθ asinθ d 1 ] A1 matrix between reference frame zero and 1 A1= 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 −1 0 600 0 0 0 1 A2 matrix between reference frame 1 and 2 A2= Page 22 of 26 .Some of the disadvantages of a spherical robot with an electromagnetic gripper is the small size of the work envelope when compared to the size of the arm. etc and be financially beneficial. a=0. sin(theta)*sin(alpha).cos(alpha).0. alpha=-pi/2. %find A2 matrix between reference frame 1 and 2 A2=[cos(theta). a=0. alpha=-pi/2.sin(theta).0 0 1 −1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A3 matrix between reference frame 2 and 3 A3= 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 120 0 1 T30=A1A2A3 The T30 matrix was obtained to be 0 0 1 120 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 600 0 0 0 1 Matlab code theta=0. Page 23 of 26 . a*cos(theta). sin(theta)*sin(alpha).cos(theta)*cos(alpha).cos(alpha).sin(theta). d=0. %find A1 matrix between reference frame zero and 1 A1=[cos(theta).0.d.0.-sin(theta)*cos(alpha).sin(alpha).sin(alpha).1] theta=-pi/2.0.-sin(theta)*cos(alpha).0.d. a*cos(theta).cos(theta)*sin(alpha).a*sin(theta).cos(theta)*sin(alpha).0.a*sin(theta). d=600.cos(theta)*cos(alpha).1] theta=0.0.0. 2. High Repeatability 1. Very fast pick and place since endeffector is an electromagnet 2. 1. Reduced Worked Space 2. a=0. Ideal for Hazardous condition. sin(theta)*sin(alpha). Precise access within cavities and 2. Compact Structure restricts motion.No 1 2 3 4 Robot Articulated Cylindrical SCARA Spherical 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 3 1.cos(alpha). Decreases machine manufacturin openings g costs. Not appropriate for handling liquids 2. Nearly spherical workspace so better mechanical flexibility. %find A3 matrix between reference frame 2 and 3 A3=[cos(theta).sin(theta). Quick Movements 1.sin(alpha).-sin(theta)*cos(alpha).d.cos(theta)*sin(alpha). 2 axes with relatively low Page 24 of 26 . Limited workspace 1.0. a*cos(theta).cos(theta)*cos(alpha).0.alpha=0. Preferred for vertical axis assemblies Model Picture No of Links Degree of Freedom 1. d=120. Expensive set up 1.0.0. Advantages Disadvantage s 2.1] %Overall transformation matrix T3=A1*A2*A3 COMPARISON S. Rapid movements at pick and place operations 1. Cannot reach an object if its 2.a*sin(theta). html 4. Furthermore. Packaging Application s only.com/robotics/29395-base-bodies-of-robots-cylindricalbase-robot/ 2.allonrobots. the articulated robot has an open loop mechanism with multiple degrees of freedom which makes it the most flexible robot compared to the rest. Less flexibility compared to articulated robots resolution that varies with the arm length 1.industrial-electricity. 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