Case Error Codes

March 26, 2018 | Author: Alexandru Sintu-lasat | Category: Relay, Transmission (Mechanics), Electrical Connector, Fuse (Electrical), Instrumentation



Section 55Chapter 9 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) TG SERIES P.I.N. JAW 137300 AND AFTER Programming and Fault Codes Special Note: Only Fault Codes which have changed due to the Later Version ICU (ICU2) are included in this section. If the tractor has the Later Version ICU, use the schematic foldouts in this section with the early version fault code troubleshooting. SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) ......................................................................................................................... 9-4 Warning/Fault Displays ......................................................................................................................................... 9-6 Critical Warning Displays - Level 1 ................................................................................................................... 9-6 Non-Critical Displays - Level 2 .......................................................................................................................... 9-7 Deluxe Monitor Display (If Equipped) ............................................................................................................. 9-11 INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................................ General Information ........................................................................................................................................ Operation Setup .............................................................................................................................................. RADAR CALIBRATION .................................................................................................................................. Controller Configuration .................................................................................................................................. Configuration/Calibration Mode ..................................................................................................................... 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-16 9-19 9-20 FAULT CODE RETRIEVAL ................................................................................................................................ 9-24 PASSIVE TERMINATOR BENCH TEST ............................................................................................................ 9-26 SYMPTOM BASED FAULTS - NO FAULT CODES ........................................................................................... 9-27 STANDARD INSTRUMENTATION CONTROLLER FAULT CODES ................................................................ 9-31 ARMREST CONTROLLER CALIBRATION ....................................................................................................... General Information ........................................................................................................................................ Entering Armrest Calibration ........................................................................................................................... Hitch Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... Throttle Menu .................................................................................................................................................. Remote Valve Menu ....................................................................................................................................... ARM MFD ....................................................................................................................................................... ARM TRANS ................................................................................................................................................... View Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... Exit Calibration ................................................................................................................................................ 9-52 9-52 9-53 9-53 9-55 9-55 9-58 9-58 9-59 9-60 ARMREST CONTROLLER FAULT CODES ...................................................................................................... 9-61 TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION AND CALIBRATION ...................................................... Important General Information ........................................................................................................................ When Calibration is Required ......................................................................................................................... To access these menus: ............................................................................................................................... Trans View Mode ............................................................................................................................................ Trans Setup Mode .......................................................................................................................................... Clutch Calibration Procedure .......................................................................................................................... Calibration Error Messages ............................................................................................................................ Gear Default Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 9-62 9-62 9-62 9-63 9-64 9-71 9-72 9-77 9-77 TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER FAULT CODES ............................................................................................ 9-90 9-2 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (LATER VERSION) - CHAPTER 9 REMOTE HYDRAULICS CONTROLLER CALIBRATION ................................................................................. 9-94 Requirements For Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 9-94 Aux Set Main Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 9-94 Aux View Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 9-95 Aux Adjust Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 9-97 Aux Setup Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 9-98 Aux Cal Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 9-99 Calibration Process ....................................................................................................................................... 9-99 If Equipped with MegaFlow ......................................................................................................................... 9-100 REMOTE (AUX) CONTROLLER FAULT CODES ............................................................................................ 9-102 HITCH CONTROLLER CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................ Setup Process ............................................................................................................................................... Requirements For Calibration ..................................................................................................................... Hitch Setup Main Menu ............................................................................................................................... Hitch Calibration Menu .................................................................................................................................. Hitch Setting Menu ........................................................................................................................................ Hitch View Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 9-104 9-104 9-104 9-104 9-105 9-110 9-112 HITCH CONTROLLER FAULT CODES ........................................................................................................... 9-113 PTO CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................... 9-116 General Information ...................................................................................................................................... 9-116 PTO Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 9-116 PTO Speed Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 9-117 View Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 9-117 SYMPTOM BASED FAULTS - NO FAULT CODES ......................................................................................... 9-119 PTO CONTROLLER FAULT CODES .............................................................................................................. 9-121 SCHEMATIC FOLDOUTS ................................................................................................................................ 9-125 Data Bus sections 12 through 18 .................................................................................................................. 9-125 Instrument Cluster ......................................................................................................................................... 9-127 Transmission ................................................................................................................................................. 9-129 Transmission Control System ....................................................................................................................... 9-131 PTO Controller System ................................................................................................................................. 9-133 Hitch Control System (EDC) ......................................................................................................................... 9-135 Auxiliary Control System ............................................................................................................................... 9-137 Seat ............................................................................................................................................................... 9-139 9-3 old hours will be displayed.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Auto auxiliary (if equipped) display will also override the engine hour display.The keypad is used to access. contact your dealer. modify. KEYPAD . engine hours are displayed at the top of the display. clear or set limits to the information within the display or to clear fault warnings from the display. All indicator lamps and display screens will energize for 3 seconds. MT04M007 1. When the key switch is turned to the ON position. PROGRAMMABLE DISPLAY .This display is us e d to c o mmun ic a te i nfo r ma ti on o r tex t messages. If any system is not operating. the tractor instrumentation will do a self check of all monitored systems. The Standard (six key) and Deluxe (twelve key) keypad functions are as follows: 9-4 .Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . but not the PTO display.CHAPTER 9 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) The instrument cluster is mounted on the front right hand cab post. 2. Normally. LED indicator lamps and LCD text displays. transmission and hydraulic systems. Text messages will override entire display when in programming mode or when warnings occur. make sure all systems are operating. 1 2 MT04M021 The Standard Programmable Display provides p e r fo r m a n c e i n fo r m a t i o n o n t h e e n g i n e . Each message is associated with a graphic icon to identify the vehicle system. The condition of the monitored systems is indicated by analog gauges. If the RESET is pressed and held for 2 seconds. See your operator’s manual for further information regarding the instrument cluster. transmission and hydraulic systems as well as fault warnings when they occur. When the PTO is engaged the PTO icon and the speed will override the engine hour display. The instrument cluster will automatically monitor various operating systems and functions on your tractor. Before starting the tractor. The instrument cluster displays tractor performance information and provides audible alarm conditions which are important to the operation of the tractor and implement system. The Deluxe Programmable Display provides additional perfor mance infor mation on the engine. as well as fault warnings when they occur. AUTO Function not available. “B” To toggle menu screen selection. DIAG To enter diagnostics mode and display ENGINE hours. DELUXE KEYPAD Key Function “A” To toggle menu screen selection.SECTION 55 . TIMER* To display remote hydraulic timer screen.CHAPTER 9 STANDARD KEYPAD Key Function PROG 1 . INCR To increase value of displayed number or (Up Arrow) scroll up through information screens. 2 .To enter display monitor adjustment menu for ICU data screen order.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . INCR (Up Arrow) To increase value of displayed number or scroll up through information screens.To enter setup mode and to select parameters within setup and diagnostics mode. programming modes and diagnostic modes. 9-5 . PROG 1 . *This function is not available on tractors equipped with stepper motor AUX valves. programming modes and diagnostic modes. SLIP To display percent slip when equipped with radar. backlighting and contrast. **This function is not available on tractors equipped with mechanical fuel injection pumps.To enter setup mode and to select parameters within setup and diagnostics mode. AREA To display Area Information screen or to edit implement width and accumulated area. 2 . RESET Used to reset warning faults. RI05D004 % POWER** To display % power. backlighting and contrast. DECR (Down Arrow) To decrease value of displayed number or scroll down through information screens. AUTO Function not available. DECR To decrease value of displayed number or (Down Arrow) scroll down through information screens. RESET RI05D001 Used to reset warning faults. % slip and fuel rate. DIAG To enter diagnostics mode and display ENGINE hours.To enter display monitor adjustment menu for ICU data screen order. hydraulics or other operational systems that require corrective action.CHAPTER 9 WARNING/FAULT DISPLAYS The programmable display will notify the operator when there is a problem with the engine. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check the heat exchanger for blockage. transmission. Display Problem Corrective Action ENGINE INTAKE AIR TEMP VERY HIGH Very high air to air temperature. For very high engine coolant temp and very low engine oil pressure. Critical Warning Displays . ENGINE COOLANT TEMP VERY HIGH Very high engine coolant temperature.SECTION 55 .Level 1 Level 1 critical warnings require immediate attention or there will be serious damage to the tractor. When a critical fault occurs. Shut down the engine immediately. The warnings are divided into four levels of importance and descending order of priority within each level. The warnings include an audible alarm. ENGINE OIL PRESSURE VERY LOW Very low engine oil pressure.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . one or more indicator lights and text in the programmable display. TRANSMISSION OIL TEMP VERY HIGH High transmission oil temperature. the amber warning light and the audible alarm will flash continuously and a text message will appear in the lower display. the light near the gauge will also flash. problems and corrective action required in order of importance and priority. warning text. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check coolant level or radiator for blockage or other cause. In the case of multiple faults or warnings the higher level or higher priority within a level will be the warning displayed. the engine will be shut down in 30 seconds after the fault is detected. 9-6 . The lower display will show the 30 second count down timer. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check oil level or other cause. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check for blocked cooler or other cause. NOTE: For tractors equipped with the Deluxe Instrument Cluster. The following tables are listings of the icons. the red stop light. and #15 if necessary. ENGINE CONTROLLER OFF LINE The engine electronic controller is not communicating over the data bus. If condition persists contact your dealer. condition persists contact your dealer.Critical Faults. When the RESET key is pressed the warning text will clear for 10 minutes but the amber light will remain on. A Level 2 fault could also cause other systems to be inoperative. Check for blocked air cooler.CHAPTER 9 Non-Critical Displays . The transmission electronic controller is not communicating over the data bus.Level 2 Faults or warnings are for conditions that will not immediately damage the tractor but left uncorrected could develop into Level 1 . INSTRUMENT OFF LINE The tractor monitor is not Check and replace fuses #16 and #37 if communicating over the data cable. TRANSMISSION FAULT The transmission electronic controller has detected an electronic or electrical failure. If condition persists contact your dealer. HITCH CONTROLLER OFF LINE The hitch electronic controller is not Check and replace fuse #39 if necessary. AUX CONTROLLER OFF LINE The remote hydraulic electronic controller is not communicating over the data bus. The hitch electronic controller has detected an electronic or electrical failure. PTO CONTROLLER OFF LINE The PTO electronic controller is not Check and replace fuse #38 if necessary. necessary. If condition persists contact your dealer. If condition persists contact your dealer. ARMREST FAULT The transmission electronic controller has detected an electronic or electrical failure. condition persists contact your dealer. ARMREST CONTROLLER OFF LINE The arm rest control console electronic controller is not communicating over the data bus. The audible alarm will sound continuously for 4 seconds and the programmable display will show the fault text continuously. If condition persists contact your dealer. When Level 2 fault warnings occur. Check and replace fuse #1. Check and replace fuse #43 and #44 if necessary.SECTION 55 . If condition persists contact your dealer. If communicating over the data bus. If condition persists contact your dealer. the amber light will flash for 4 seconds then be on continuously. If condition persists contact your dealer. When the fault is corrected the amber lamp will go off. If communicating over the data cable. . ENGINE AIR TEMP TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER OFF LINE HITCH FAULT 9-7 Check and replace fuse #36 if necessary. Display Problem Corrective Action High air to air temperature approaching critical. If condition persists contact your dealer. Check and replace fuse #33 if necessary.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . INSTRUMENT FAULT The tractor monitor has detected an If condition persists contact your dealer.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Check this sensor or wiring. Move lever(s) back to neutral.CHAPTER 9 Display AUX FAULT Problem Corrective Action The remote hydraulics electronic controller has detected an electronic or electrical failure. *INSTRUMENT SETUP Calibration setup programming is required on the tractor monitor. *ENGINE SETUP Calibration setup programming is required on the engine electronic controller. *TRANSMISSION SETUP Calibration setup programming is required on the transmission electronic controller. *ARMREST SETUP Calibration setup programming is required on the arm rest control console electronic controller Contact your dealer. The hitch position control did not match the actual hitch position on startup. Contact your dealer. *HITCH SETUP Calibration setup programming is required on the hitch electronic controller. position. ENGINE FAULT The engine electronic controller has If condition persists contact your dealer. *AUX SETUP Calibration setup programming is required on the remote hydraulic electronic controller. Contact your dealer. electronic or electrical failure. Move the hitch position control to match the actual hitch position. Mechanical fuel pump models only. *TURN PTO OFF *HITCH CAPTURE ENGINE INTAKE AIR TEMP SENSOR FAULT The power take off switch was not in Move power take off switch to the OFF the off position on startup. Contact your dealer. Contact your dealer. 9-8 . detected an electronic or electrical failure. *AUX NEUTRAL The remote hydraulic control lever(s) were not in neutral on startup.SECTION 55 . *These faults/warnings will cause the audible alarm to sound three times which means operator action is required. Contact your dealer. If condition persists contact your dealer. The tractor has detected the presence of an operator for 25 hours continuously. Check engine oil level or other causes. If condition persists contact your dealer. MX230. MX285) The transmission is overspeeding. MX255. Low transmission oil pressure. SIT DOWN (MX 180. If condition persists contact your dealer. the operator needs to stand up then sit down in the seat. If condition persists contact your dealer. ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SENSOR FAULT Mechanical fuel pump models only. contact your dealer. MX200.CHAPTER 9 Display Problem Corrective Action ENGINE COOLANT TEMP SENSOR FAULT Mechanical fuel pump models only. Check coolant level or blocked air cooler. NOTE: The audible alarm will sound continuously. sit down and then proceed. Check for blocked air cooler. Check this sensor or wiring. Low engine oil pressure. SLOW DOWN (MX210. With the key switch ON. throttle lever is not at the minimum position. MINIMUM THROTTLE The electronic engine controller has Move the throttle lever to the minimum taken the engine to low idle and the position (lever full back). ENGINE COOLANT TEMP HIGH High engine coolant temperature. Check transmission oil level or other causes. MX220. Slow the tractor down.SECTION 55 . Shift the transmission to PARK. MX240 and MX270 only) The transmission was shifted from PARK or NEUTRAL without the operator seated. Check this sensor or wiring.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . If condition persists contact your dealer. CHECK SEAT SWITCH ENGINE OIL PRESSURE LOW TRANSMISSION OIL PRESSURE LOW 9-9 . TRANSMISSION OIL TEMP HIGH High transmission oil temperature approaching critical. The ground speed readout will flash. Amber warning lamp will flash continuously. If condition persists. The audible alarm will sound for 4 seconds continuously and the programmable display will flash the text continuously. HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER BLOCKED Hydraulic oil filter restriction. Clean engine primary air filter at earliest convenience. Check battery water level.SECTION 55 . LOW FUEL BATTERY VOLTAGE LOW Level 4. When the RESET key is pressed the warning text will clear for 1 hour.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . When the RESET key is pressed the warning text will clear for 10 minutes but the amber light will remain on until the fault is corrected. Low fuel level. Faults for conditions that will not immediately damage the tractor but will require servicing soon. when Level 4 warnings occur. but the amber lamp will remain on until the fault is corrected. Replace hydraulic filter at earliest convenience. FUEL SENSOR FAULT Fuel sensor below 1.25 volts for 1 second. High electric load or bad battery. The audible alarm will sound continuously for 4 seconds and the programmable display will flash the fault text continuously. Check fuel sensor or wiring. Replace transmission filter at earliest convenience.CHAPTER 9 Level 3. Faults are for conditions that will not immediately damage the tractor but will require service. TRANSMISSION OIL FILTER BLOCKED Transmission oil filter restriction. Check for cause at earliest convenience. Refuel. Test battery. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE HIGH Alternator high voltage Check for cause at earliest convenience. Check alternator belt. the amber light will flash for 4 seconds then be on continuously. the amber light will flash for 4 seconds then be on continuously. Display Problem Corrective Action Engine air filter restriction. Display Problem Corrective Action ALTERNATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE LOW Alternator no output. When Level 3 warnings occur. ENGINE AIR FILTER BLOCKED 9-10 . TRANSMISSION OIL TEMP SENSOR FAULT Faulty signal Check transmission oil temp sensor or wiring. Battery voltage is below 11 volts. transmission. There are two monitor systems. MX200.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . MX220. MX240 and MX270 with stepper motor AUX system. RI05D004 9-11 . An important feature of the Deluxe Performance Monitor is that it includes an automatic engine shut down if a critical fault warning is active. distance. area. MT04M021 / RI05D001 The Deluxe Performance Monitor displays the same information as the Standard Monitor with additional information on the engine. the Standard Performance Monitor and the optional Deluxe Performance Monitor. fuel.CHAPTER 9 Deluxe Monitor Display (If Equipped) The performance monitor is a two part system which includes the display (1) and the keypad (2). hydraulics.SECTION 55 . wheel slip. The key pad is used to access or edit information on the display. The AUX (remote EHR) timer button function has no effect on available monitors for tractor models MX180. 1 2 The Standard Performance Monitor displays information on the engine. end of row (if equipped) and tractor service systems. NOTE: The automatic temp control button has no effect on current production tractors. hydraulic or climate control systems and through the (six key) keypad to scroll through the information screens and edit those screens. The enhanced (twelve key) key pad allows the operator to scroll through or directly access these systems and edit the contents. The display communicates performance information and system fault warnings. NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded. The default highlighted option is ICU. Turn off all accessories during configuration. The s eco nd leve l. STEP 1 Enter operation setup by pressing and holding the PROG key for 3 seconds within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position. co ntr oll er configuration permits viewing of the current selection for trac tor m odel ( set dur ing thi rd l eve l) an d configuration of the electronic controllers that are expected to be on the TDB (Tractor Data Bus). 9-12 .Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . STANDARD INSTRUMENTATION 2.CHAPTER 9 INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAMMING General Information Operation Setup The standard instrumentation controller must be configured/calibrated before any other controller. Be sure the batteries are fully charged. Tractor Standard instrumentation programming is perfor med through three levels.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The first level. they must be corrected before configuration is possible. The third level requires the use of the service tool to select the tractor model and fuel tank size. 1 RD05F102 The display will read CONFIG MENU with all menu items listed. PROGRAMMABLE DISPLAY MD05F003 Configure the instrumentation with the key in the ON position and the engine not running. Press the PROG key. IMPORTANT: All three levels of programming must be performed when moving an instrumentation controller from one tractor to another. operation setup permits adjustment of display units and ti re radi us. NOTE: Configuration can only be entered within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position. NOTE: If another option is highlighed use the INCR or DECR keys to highlight ICU. STEP 2 NOTE: When replacing the standard instrumentation controller the fuel tank size selection must be selected using the service tool configuration window. See Fault Code Retrieval in this section. 2 MD05F002 1. Radar Cal. The default will highlight Operator Setup. Press the PROG key. The last stored heading will be highlighted. Unit. The default setting is English. The default will highlight Unit. Operator Setup. Controller Config and Exit.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . either English or Metric. Press the PROG key. Old Hours and Exit. Tire Radius. Display units can now be selected. The display will return to the operator setup options. 9-13 .SECTION 55 . MD05F009 Use the INCR or DECR keys to highlight Tire Radius. Press the PROG key to save your choice. by using the INCR or DECR keys. Press the PROG key. The display will show under the UNIT heading English and Metric.CHAPTER 9 STEP 3 STEP 5 MD05F005 MD05F007 The display will read CONFIG ICU with options. STEP 4 STEP 6 MD05F006 The display will read CONFIG ICU with the operator setup options. CHAPTER 9 STEP 7 STEP 9 MD05F010 MD0F012 The display will read TIRE RADIUS with the radius icon above the MANUAL or AUTO options. 7.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Mark a straight-line course of 60 meters (196. 1.22 KPH). 5. With the ICU highlighted press the PROG key. Press and hold the PROG key for 3 seconds within the first 10 seconds of starting the engine. Press the PROG key to enter the selected format. When the correct radius number is reached.SECTION 55 . 2. Use the INCR or DECR keys to select AUTO and press the PROG key. 4. 9-14 . The display will show the CONFIG ICU options. Turn the key switch OFF. The display will read CONFIG MENU followed by Operator Setup. Pressing and holding the INCR or DECR keys will rapidly change the radius number. MD05F011 When the MANUAL format is selected the display will read TIRE RADIUS with the radius icon above the previously saved radius. STEP 8 3. The display will read TIRE RADIUS with the ra dius i con above the MANUAL or AUTO options. Controller Config and Exit. press the PROG key to save that number. 6. Use the INCR and DECR keys to select either MANUAL or AUTO format. The display will read CONFIG MENU and a list of options. Position the tractor at an adequate distance from the start line to allow the tractor to achieve and maintain a steady speed faster than 2 MPH (3. 1. With Operator Setup highlighted press the PROG key. proceed to Step 9. 2. Use the INCR or DECR keys to select Tire Radius and press the PROG key.86 feet) with a start line and finish line that can be clearly seen from the cab. If AUTO (automatic) is selected. Use the INCR or DECR keys to change the radius number by 1 mm (0. To use the AUTO format for determining tire radius the following preparations must be made: If MANUAL is selected. proceed to Step 8.1 inch). INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . MD05F014 Select a forward gear and engine rpm that will maintain a steady speed above 2 MPH (3. STEP 11 If unsuccessful.22 KPH). The display will read *WORKING* and PRESS <DECR> TO STOP. Press the DECR key when the front wheels touch the finish line. release the clutch and press the INCR key when the front wheels touch the start line. 9-15 .CHAPTER 9 STEP 10 STEP 12 MD05F013 MD05F015 When the AUTO format is selected in Step 9 the display will show the radius icon followed by AUTO. diplay and save the new value for 2 seconds before returning to the CONFIG ICU options screen.SECTION 55 . If successful the ICU will calibrate the tire radius. Repeat Steps 9 through 12. due to unsteady tractor speed or the INCR and DECR keys were not pressed at the proper time the display will read *FAILED* for 2 seconds before returning to CONFIG ICU options. The next line reads *READY* and the bottom of the screen reads PRESS <INCR> TO START. Use the INCR and DECR keys to highlight either MANUAL or AUTO. proceed to Step 15. Use the PROG key to enter the selected format. 2 and 3 to display the CONFIG ICU options. 9-16 . The MANUAL format may need to be repeated numerous times before the correct calibration is achieved. complete Steps 1. The next line shows MANUAL with the manual icon and the bottom line shows AUTO. MD05F016 After the Tire Radius has been completed the CONFIG ICU options screen is displayed. Use the INCR or DECR keys to highlight Radar Cal and press the PROG key. If the tractor is not equipped with radar the display will read RADAR NOT PRESENT. NOTE: It is recommended to use the AUTO format.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .SECTION 55 . proceed to Step 16. If MANUAL is selected. If AUTO (automatic) is selected. NOTE: If only calibrating the radar.CHAPTER 9 RADAR CALIBRATION STEP 14 STEP 13 MD05F017 The display will show the radar icon and RADAR CAL. The next line reads AUTO and below that *READY*. With ICU highlighted press the PROG key.CHAPTER 9 STEP 15 3.47) calibration number. Mark a straight-line course of 60 meters (196. The next line reads MANUAL followed by the manual icon and the bottom line reads AUTO. The display will show the CONFIG ICU options.22 KPA). press the PROG key to save that number.22 KPH). 6. Turn the key switch OFF. The bottom of the screen reads PRESS <INCR> TO START. release the clutch and press the INCR key when the front wheels touch the start line.86 feet) with a start line and finish line that can be clearly seen from the cab. The bottom of the display will show the previously saved or default (27.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . When the corrected calibration number is reached. MD05F020 STEP 16 When the AUTO format is selected in Step 16 the display will show the radar icon and RADAR CAL. Use the INCR or DECR keys to change the number. Use the INCR or DECR key to select AUTO and press the PROG key. STEP 17 1. Press and hold the PROG key for 3 seconds within the first 10 seconds of starting the engine.SECTION 55 . Increase the number to decrease the read out speed and increase the percentage of slip display. 4. 2. 9-17 . The display will read CONFIG MENU. MD05F018 When the MANUAL format is sected the display will show the radar icon followed by RADAR CAL. Use the INCR or DECR keys to select Radar Cal and press the PROG key. MD05F021 2. Select a forward gear and engine rpm that will maintain a steady speed above 2 MPH (3. 5. Position the tractor at an adequate distance from the start line to allow the tractor to achieve and maintain a steady speed faster than 2 MPH (3. STEP 18 MD05F019 To use the AUTO format for determining the radar calibration the following preparations must be made: 1. The display will show the radar icon followed by RADAR CAL. Decrease the number to increase radar read out speed and reduce the percentage of slip displayed during operation. the display will read *WORKING* and PRESS <DECR> TO STOP. STEP 23 If the programmable display reads FAILED at any time during the calibration process a condition has occurred which caused the calibration process to fail. the display will read *FAILED*. Repeat Steps 16 through 19. If unsuccessful. Press the PROG key to exit tractor setup and return to normal operation. STEP 20 RD05F101 Press the INCR key to highlight EXIT.CHAPTER 9 STEP 19 STEP 21 MD05F022 RD05F101 Press the DECR key when the front wheels touch the finish line. due to unsteady tractor speed or the INCR and DECR keys were not pressed at the proper time. MD05F005 Press the DECR key to highlight EXIT.SECTION 55 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . the ICU will calculate the new radar calibration and display *COMPLETE*. Press the PROG key to exit the calibration. 9-18 . STEP 22 If successful. or press PROG to exit the RADAR CAL. Press the PROG key to save the new value and return to the CONFIG ICU options screen. The CONFIG MENU is displayed. Press the PROG key. See Fault Code Retrieval in this section. The display will read CONFIG MENU. Press the PROG key to enter the controller configuration menu. Press the DECR key to highlight 2. Controller Config. 2. Pressing the DECR key will toggle through the list of controllers.SECTION 55 . Operator Setup. Press the PROG key with ICU on the display. The display will read CONFIG ICU. NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded. and 3. Controller Config (Instrumentation controller configuration). Exit. 2. the display will read COMM ERR (communication error). This is the control selection menu. RD05F101 1. Enter the operation setup by pressing and holding the PROG key for 3 seconds within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position.CHAPTER 9 Controller Configuration STEP 25 NOTE: Configuration can only be entered within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position. NOTE: If the selected controller does not exist or respond to communication.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The controllers will appear in this order (if equipped): ICU (Instrumentation Controller) TRANS (Transmission Controller) ARM (Armrest Controller) HITCH (Hitch Controller) AUX (Remote Hydraulic Controller) PTO (PTO Controller) 9-19 . they must be corrected before configuration is possible. The display can be cleared by pressing the PROG key. (Instrumentation operation setup). STEP 24 MD05F025 3. 1. MD05F174 Select between MANUAL or AUTO and press the PROG key. Press the INCR or DECR key to select NO and press the PROG key. use the Electronic Service Tool configuration window. STEP 28 MD05F027 The bottom of the display will read SWCD (Color Display not available at this time). Controller Config and press the PROG key. Controller Config and 4. The system will go to the next step. If the MANUAL format is selected the controller menus must be toggled through and configured into the system manually. STEP 26 STEP 27 MD05F026 The display will read CONFIG ICU. If the AUTO is selected. Fuel Tank do not need to be configured unless the ICU has been replaced.SECTION 55 . Exit. Tractor Model. tractor model select option to correct the model number. Use the INCR or DECR key to highlight 3. the system will go to Step 35. 3. the instrumentation controller will check to see which other controllers are present on the tractor through the Case Data Bus. Use the INCR or DECR keys to select (highlight) either MANUAL or AUTO. If the model number is not correct. If MANUAL was chosen. the system will go to the next step. NOTE: The 1.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Tractor Model or 2. Fuel Tank. 9-20 . Use the INCR and DECR key to highlight and the PROG key to view Tractor Models or fuel Tank. 2. 1. The default format is MANUAL.CHAPTER 9 Configuration/Calibration Mode The display will read MANUAL and AUTO. If AUTO was chosen. Press the INCR or DECR key to toggle between YES and NO. The system will go to the next step. press the PROG key. Select your choice.CHAPTER 9 STEP 29 STEP 31 MD05F029 MD05F176 The bottom of the display will read ENGINE (engine controller). Press the INCR or DECR key to toggle between YES and NO. Select your choice and press the PROG key. Press the INCR or DECR key to toggle between YES and NO. Select your choice and press the PROG key. Press the INCR or DECR key to select YES and press the PROG key. STEP 30 STEP 32 MD05F030 MD05F031 T h e b o t t o m o f t h e d i s p l ay w i l l r e a d T R A N S (transmission controller). The bottom of the display will read ARM (armrest controller). The system will go to the next step.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .SECTION 55 . 9-21 . The bottom of the display will read HITCH (hitch controller). The system will go to the next step. The system will go to the next step. Press the INCR or DECR key to toggle between YES and NO. Select your choice and press the PROG key.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the INCR or DECR key to toggle between YES and NO. The system will go to the next step. The system will go to the next step. STEP 35 MD05F036 The bottom of the display will read Tractor ECU (Not available at this time).SECTION 55 . 9-22 . Select your choice and press the PROG key. Press the INCR or DECR key to select NO and press the PROG key. The system will go to the next step. The bottom of the display will read PTO (PTO controller).CHAPTER 9 STEP 33 STEP 34 MD05F032 RD05G002 The bottom of the display will read AUX (remote hydraulic controller). Operator Setup. 2. Use the DECR key to highlight Exit. 3. Erase the fault codes if any exist. 9-23 .CHAPTER 9 STEP 36 MD05F025 Press the DECR key.SECTION 55 . IMPORTANT: The controller must be calibrated when moved from one tractor to another. t h e n O N . STEP 37 RD05F101 The display will read CONFIG MENU. Exit. STEP 38 C y c l e t h e key sw i t c h O F F. 1. C h e ck controllers for any fault codes. The display will read CONFIG ICU. Press the PROG key to return to normal operation. Controller Config. The display will read Exit. Press the PRO G key to exi t i ns tr u me nt at io n c on tr ol l er configuration.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the INCR key. will be at the bottom of the display. The controller name will be at the top of the display. press and hold the DIAG key on the programmable display key board to enter the controller selection screen.ARM (armrest) .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 .PTO (PTO Controller). The fault code and which number that fault is (01 to 10). Up to 10 fault codes can be stored in each controller. STEP 1 MD05F040 When the required controller is displayed. RD05F161 Use the DECR key to scroll through the different controllers: ICU (standard instr umentation) ENGINE (engine) . the display will read COMM ERR.HITCH (three point hitch) .AUX (remote hydraulics) . press the PROG key. If a controller is selected that is not on the Data Bus (does not exist).CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE RETRIEVAL STEP 3 Controllers can be checked for fault codes at any time. 9-24 .TRANS (transmission) . MD05F003 With the key switch in the ON or RUN position. STEP 4 STEP 2 MD05F041 Use the INCR and DECR keys to scroll through the 10 possible fault codes. The display will read DIAG MENU. INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . scroll until EXIT is displayed and press the PROG key. STEP 8 STEP 6 RD05F164 To exit the select controller screen. This will return you to normal operation. RD05F163 When the fault codes are erased. Another controller can be selected at this time by using the INCR and DECR keys to scroll through the controller list as in Step 2.SECTION 55 . press and hold both the INCR and DECR keys for 10 seconds.CHAPTER 9 STEP 5 STEP 7 MD05F041 MD05F003 To erase the fault codes from a controller. 9-25 . the display will return to the DIAG MENU screen for that controller. NOTE: All the fault codes for that controller will be erased. do the following: 4. 1. or OL (overload). Use a digital multimeter (CAS1559) for the following checks. If the correct resistance readings are not measured the terminator must be replaced. 6. To bench test an passive terminator.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 22 and 23 9-26 . The passive terminators are used to stabilize the data bus system This test can be used in conjunction with data bus fault codes when it is desired to check passive terminators. 3. Next measure the resistance between terminals 2 and 1. 5. 2 and 3 and 4 and 1. 4 and 3. Disconnect the terminator and remove it from the tractor.CHAPTER 9 PASSIVE TERMINATOR BENCH TEST The Tractor is equipped with two passive terminators. Measure the resistance between terminal 2 (can high) and 4 (can low). 75 CAN HI CAN LO 75 CAN GND CAN POWER 3000 PASSIVE TERMINATOR RI02E021. 2. One is located on the engine by the engine controller and the other is in the cab behind the standard instrumentation controller.SECTION 55 . The resistance should be approximately 3000 ohms. Measure the resistance between terminal 1 (can power) and 3 (can ground). The resistance should be approximately 150 ohms. After a momentary resistance reading the meter will show an open circuit. engine will run after starting.Failed key switch No power to key switch Failed wire from the key switch to relay Background: The key switch activates the cab power relay and the controller relay when the key is placed in the start and run position.Cycle key switch .OK .(20 times) Turn the front wiper on. STEP 2 . 3. -. STEP 4 . -.The wiper turned on but the display did not turn on when the key was turned on.engine will stop after starting. STEP 3 .Go to Step 5.Relay clicks. Go to Step 3. 2.engine will stop after starting.NOT OK .NOT OK .Check power supply to relay. Both relays must be powered for the controllers to be powered. Wiring information: Instrumentation controller connector CN2-2<-->Fuse 37<--->241 (Controller relay) 241<--->138 (cab power relay) 240<--->unswitched power Corrective action: STEP 1 . The cab power relay supplies battery power (switched power) to the controller relay. -. 4.OK . 5.CHAPTER 9 SYMPTOM BASED FAULTS . Check fuse 37.OK . Failed key switch . Turn the key on. go to Step 9. Go to Step 4. -. -.Check power and ground to the cab power relay Check relay ground . Failed cab power relay . -.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . NOTE: Both the cab power relay and the controller relay must make a clicking sound when the key is turned on.NOT OK . Turn the key switch on and off while monitoring the display and the front wiper. Meaning: The INST controller (display) is not to be powered or has failed. the relay should make a clicking sound.Replace relay -. Turn key on. Check for relay coil power at ring terminal 138 for switched power from the key switch. Possible failure mode: 1.OK .NOT OK . Fuse #37 failed or circuit from fuse to controller pin 2 of connector CN2 failed open.Replace fuse. go to Step 2.The display and front wiper turned on every time when key switch was turned on. 9-27 .Check fuse 37 With the key switch on the display will not illuminate.NOT OK .Relay did not click . If fuse fails when key is turned on. -.Check power to cab power relay T h e c a b p o w e r r e l ay i s l o c a t e d i n t h e f u s e compartment behind the operator seat. but wiper did not turn on Replace relay (failed contacts). Failed controller power relay .correct if needed. the display and front wiper must turn on and off everytime when the key is cycled. Poor ground supply to Display pin 4 of connector CN2.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 .The display and the wiper did not turn on.NO FAULT CODES Instrumentation Display Will Not Illuminate When Key Is Turned On No Fault Code -. Check the power supply to the instrumentation controller Install fuse 37.Go to Step 7. Check for relay coil power at ring terminal 241 at the Cab power relay. Remove the instrumentation controller. -. Check relay ground supply wire.Correct grounding problem. Turn the key on. -. CONTROLLER RELAY 2.NOT OK .CHAPTER 9 STEP 5 .SECTION 55 . 2 1 RD02E266 Fuse/relay compartment (behind operator seat) 1.NOT OK .OK .OK .Go to Step 8. -. STEP 8 . one of the relays is starting to fail or has dirty contacts.Plug the instrumentation controller in. CAB POWER RELAY 9-28 .Go to Step 6. pin 2 for 12 volts.Replace the instrumentation controller. Remove fuse 37 and check for 12 volts. If fuse 37 fails replace the instrumentation controller.OK .Replace relay.NOT OK .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Turn the key on. Check connector CN2. pin 4 Check the ground supply at connector CN2. -. STEP 9 . STEP 7 . Replace the wire between fuse 37 and the instrumentation controller connector CN2.Check power and ground supply to the instrumentation controller Install fuse 37. pin 2.Check the ground supply at connector CN2.Check controller relay The controller relay is located in the fuse compartment behind the operator seat. Turn key on. Remove the instrumentation controller.fuse fails. -.OK .Failed wire from the controller relay to fuse 37. -.OK .Replace the wire between fuse 37 and the instrumentation controller connector CN2.Check power at fuse 37 With the key switch on and the display not illuminate.NOT OK .NOT OK . -. STEP 6 . Check connector CN2. NOTE: If the problem is intermittent. pin 4. -. pin 2 for 12 volts. pin 2. -. -. -. Turn key on. -.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .NOT OK . Remove the instrumentation controller.OK . 3.OK .CHAPTER 9 The Tractor Will Start But The Display Does Not Illuminate No Fault Code Meaning: The instrumentation controller (display) is not powered or has failed.OK .Check the ground supply at connector CN2. -. STEP 2 . STEP 4 . Wiring information: Instrumentation controller connector CN2.Replace the wire between fuse 37 and the instrumentation controller connector CN2. Possible failure mode: 1. If fuse fails when replaced go to Step 6.Check fuse 37 With the key switch on and the display not illuminated. pin 2.Replace the instrumentation controller. STEP 5 . -. Background: The key switch activates the cab power relay and the controller relay when the key is placed in the start and run position.Go to Step 4. pin 2 for 12 volts. 9-29 .OK . -. pin 4 Check the ground supply at connector CN2.Go to Step 3.Check the power supply to the instrumentation controller Install fuse 37. Poor ground supply to Display pin 4 of connector CN2.Engine will stop after starting. Turn the key on. Failed controller power relay . The cab power relay supplies battery power (switched power) to the controller relay.SECTION 55 .NOT OK . Both relays must be powered for the controllers to be powered.Check controller relay The controller relay is located in the fuse compartment behind the operator seat. -.Replace fuse.-NOT OK .NOT OK . -. Check relay ground supply wire.Go to Step 5.Replace relay. -.Correct grounding problem. Check for relay coil power at pin 85 at the controller relay. pin 2<-->fuse 37<--> 241 (Controller relay) 241 <--> 138 (cab power relay) 240 <--> unswitched power Corrective action: STEP 1 . pin 4. Check fuse 37.NOT OK . Fuse #37 failed or circuit from fuse to controller pin 2 of connector CN2 failed open. Check connector CN2. NOTE: Both the cab power relay and the controller relay must make a clicking sound when the key is turned on. -.OK . Check fuse 37. 2. .Check power at fuse 37 With the key switch on and the display not lit.Go to Step 4. STEP 3 .Failed wire from the controller relay to fuse 30. Turn the key on. -.Check the power supply to the instrumentation controller Install fuse 37. Check connector CN2. pin 2 for 12 volts. NOTE: If the problem is intermittent.CHAPTER 9 STEP 6 . If fuse 37 fails replace the instrumentation controller. 9-30 .NOT OK .fuse fails.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . -. Remove the instrumentation controller. replace the wire between fuse 37 and the instrumentation controller connector CN2.OK . pin 2.SECTION 55 . the controller power relay is starting to fail or has dirty contacts.Plug the instrumentation controller in. Check the seat switch function with the service tool. C. Faults occurring on inputs that the instrumentation is not configured for will not be reported as a fault FAULT CODE INST 1015 Seat Switch Stuck Closed Cause: The switch is located in the seat cushion. B. If the status on the screen does not change with the operator’s position. Probe between pin 5 and pin 6 of connector C133. 3. If the seat switch does function correctly. Seat switch stuck closed. Disconnect the seat switch at the connector C133 (located behind seat). If the status on the screen changes with the operator’s position. Seat switch not located correctly in seat. Seat switch must close when seat is sat in and opened when operator gets off the seat. check for the following: A. 2. 1. 9-31 . The seat switch should close when the seat is sat in and open when the operator gets up. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. Check the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the seat switch connector C133 There should be continuity from cavity 2 of connector CN1 to cavity 6 of connector C133. B. the seat switch is functioning OK.’ Now you can monitor the function of the seat switch. Go to the next Step. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. The seat switch status can be monitored through the monitor screen of the service tool.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Sit down and then stand up a few times.CHAPTER 9 STANDARD INSTRUMENTATION CONTROLLER FAULT CODES NOTE: Inputs that go out of range are considered in fault.’ When the ‘PARAMETER LIST’ screen shows up. Failed seat switch. select ‘SEAT OPERATOR PRESENT SW’ and add it to the ‘VIEW LIST. Solution: Check the seat switch function.SECTION 55 . If the switch is closed for over 24 engine hours. 2. If the seat switch does not function correctly. and will be reported on the instrumentation display as INST with the fault code number. NOTE: See schematic section 68 at the rear of this section. go to the next Step. The fault code might be recorded for intermittent seat problems. there is a problem with the seat switch or their wiring. Possible failure mode: 1. Click the button ‘CHANGE PARAMETER SELECTIONS. The seat switch closes when the seat is sat in and opens when the operator gets up. Check the seat switch function A. this fault code will be recorded. Seat switch wiring circuit problems. There should be 12 VDC power supply at the cavity 5 of connector C133. Check the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the seat switch. short to ground).INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Check the function of the engine oil pressure sensor. 2. then check for 5 volts out of the instrument controller pin 8 at connector CN2. If not. Disconnect connector C216 from the engine oil pressure sensor. NOTE: Use the correct tool to remove pins from connectors. go to the next Step. If yes. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Engine oil pressure sensor wiring harness problems (open circuit. 2. Validate that the sensor output voltage is greater than 0. Engine oil pressure sensor failed. If there is any open circuit. check the continuity from C216 to connectors CN1 and CN2 to locate the problem. Open up the tractor hood and locate the engine oil pressure sensor. It must be 5 volts. If there is not good continuity. then pull pin 8 terminal out to determine if 5 volts is present on the controller pin when pin 8 wire is not connected. Instrument controller failure. There should be good continuity between pin A of C216 and the clean ground. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged.25 volts at pin C of connector C216. Validate the pressure sensor power supply. Clean the mating pin and connector. 9-32 . Measure the continuity between pin A of connector C216 to the chassis ground. Solution Check the engine oil pressure sensor resistance and the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the engine oil pressure sensor. There should be good continuity between pin C of C216 and pin 23 of connector CN1. If there is not 5 volts at the controller. Check the sensor ground. then replace the engine oil pressure sensor. pin B. If there is good continuity (less than 1 ohm). 1. then locate and repair an open circuit in the wire harness signal line. go to step 4. Check the wiring from the engine oil pressure sensor connector C216 to connectors CN1 and CN2 at the instrument controller. go to the next step. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. If it is as specified. 4. Measure the voltage at the supply input. and C in the connector. If there is no voltage at the controller.25 volts for 1 second). Clean the connection. If not. B.SECTION 55 . There should be good continuity between pin B of C216 and pin 8 of connector CN2. 3. 3. Possible failure modes: 1. then validate that output voltage is present at the instrument controller input pin 23 at connector CN1. Inspect pin A.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 5011 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Signal Too Low Cause: The engine oil pressure sensor signal voltage is out of range low (the signal was below 0. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. 3.0 hours to highlight the failure. 4. Calibrate the instrumentation controller.SECTION 55 . Solution: 1. If the same fault appears again. It will continue counting the hours from that point. Shut down the tractor and restart. replace the controller. 9-33 . 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. the controller will reset engine hour meter to 50000.loss of valid engine hours EEPROM checksum. Make sure the controller has a good connection (connector CN2) to the battery and is properly grounded. 2. Possible failure modes: Memory defect or intermittent controller.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 10031 Controller Memory Error Cause: Controller memory error . When the valid engine hours are lost in the controller memory (EEPROM checksum).INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . change the controller. Shut down the tractor and restart.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 10032 Controller Memory Error Cause: Controller failure: vehicle configuration information lost. FAULT CODE INST 10034 Controller Memory Error Cause: Controller memory error: loss of valid fuel table information. 3. If the same fault code appears again. Solution: 1. replace the controller. Calibrate the instrumentation controller. Make sure the controller has a good connection (connector CN2) to the battery and is properly grounded. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. 2. FAULT CODE INST 10033 Controller Memory Error Cause: Controller failure: customer configuration information lost. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Clear the fault codes. 2. Clear the fault code. Solution: Use the service tool fuel update screen to load a new fuel table into the instrumentation controller. Set English/metric setting to proper mode and set the tire radius accordingly. Shut down the tractor and restart. This is triggered once when either the tire or the English/ Metric setting is detected or lost. If the same fault code appears again. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. 9-34 . 2. Shut down the tractor and restart 3. Clear fault code. Possible failure modes: 1. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Possible failure modes: Memory defect or intermittent controller. Shut down the tractor and restart. Calibrate the instrumentation controller.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . NOTE: Updating software to a later version requires loading a new fuel table. If the same fault appears again. change the controller. Updated software without loading new fuel table. make sure the controller has a good connection (connector CN2) to the battery and is properly grounded. 4. Make sure the controller has a good connection (connector CN2) to the battery and is properly grounded.SECTION 55 . NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Clear the fault code. Clear the fault code. If problem persists. Memory defect or intermittent controller. Possible failure modes: Memory defect or intermittent controller Solution: 1. then ON. 1. Turn the key switch OFF. Intermittent power supply or ground to controller. replace the instrumentation controller.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 10035 Controller Memory Error Loss Of Valid Radar Configuration Information Cause: Controller memory error: loss of valid radar configuration information. 3. Possible failure modes: 1. Make sure the controller has a good connection (connector CN2) to the battery and is properly grounded. If the same fault code appears again. Perform radar calibration per the operator’s manual. Controller memory defect. 2. Perform the radar calibration for the instrumentation controller per the operator’s manual. Solution: Verify power and ground to the controller. Clear the fault code. 2.SECTION 55 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 9-35 . There should be good continuity between pin B of connector C066 and pin 21 of connector CN2. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. the fuel level signal from pin B should be around 0. then check for 8 volts out of the instrument controller pin 21 at connector CN2. check the continuity from connector C066 to C060 to CN1 to locate the problem. Test the resistance of the fuel level sensor: Locate the fuel level sensor on the top of the fuel tank. Possible failure mode: 1.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 4.125 volts for 1 second). 3. If there is not 8 volts at the controller. Clean the mating pin and connector.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 11011 Fuel Level Sensor Signal Too Low Cause: Fuel level sensor signal voltage out of range low (The signal was below 0. Clean the mating pin and the connector. If the signal is within range. Instrument controller failure. 1.25 V. NOTE: Use the correct tool to remove pins from connectors. If not. and C in the connector. validate that the voltage signal is present at the instrument controller input pin 21 at connector CN2. Disconnect connector C066 from the fuel level sensor. locate and repair an open circuit in the wire harness signal line. Validate that the sensor output voltage is greater that 0. Measure the continuity between pin C of connector C066 and the chassis ground. 2. If there is not 8 volts. A straightforward way of testing the fuel sender is to put the sender into a tall oil container and watch the voltage change when the sender is at different depths. If there is 8 volts. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section.50 V. When the fuel tank is full. 9-36 . If no voltage is present at the controller. go to the next step. There should be good continuity between pin C of C066 and the clean ground. Clean the connection. go to step 4. Validate that the sensor is getting 8 volts at its power supply input at pin A. go to step 2. There should be good continuity between pin A of connector C066 and pin 22 of connector CN1. replace the fuel level sender. Fuel level sensor wiring harness problems. Inspect pin A. There should be 8 VDC power at supply pin A of C066 when the tractor key is in the ON position. If 8 volts is present. Check the sensor ground. Check the function of the fuel level sensor. The power supply to the fuel sensor is 8VDC from cavity 22 of the instrument controller connector CN1. then replace the instrument controller. If the signal is out of range. Clean the connection. 2. 3. Check the wiring from the fuel level sensor connector C066 to connector CN2 at the instrument controller.B. If there is any open circuit. If there is good continuity (less than 1 ohm).SECTION 55 . NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Fuel level sensor failure. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. pull pin 8 terminal out to determine if 8 volts is present on the controller pin when pin wire 8 is not connected. Solution: Check the fuel sensor resistance and the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the fuel level sensor. then go to step 4 and check for shorts to ground in the harness. When the fuel tank is empty. If there is not good continuity. the fuel level signal from pin B should be around 4.125 volts at pin B of connector C066. With the key switch in the ON power to the controller. If the above checks are ok. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175.5 volts nominally). Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. PTO 54120 and 54140.5 volts nominally). At pin 3. the green wire should have 1 to 2. Replace the instrument controller. Controller failure Solution: Make sure both the armrest controller and the instrument controller function properly.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. A. A. such as unusual symbols.5 volts (2. check the power supply and its fuse. At pin 3. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other end. B. 4.controller is OK. Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators. Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. B. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. 1. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. At pin 4. Check the data bus connections. its fuse and the ground to the controller. Check the function of the Instrument controller. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. If not. If not. Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. 2. NOTE: The LED lamp for the armrest controller is located on the controller circuit board.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12011 Communication Lost With Armrest Controller Cause: Communication lost between the instrumentation controller and the armrest controller. If the above checks are OK. INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. A.5 volts nominally). and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. go to number 3. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. It can be seen by looking through the opening next to connector C137 from the rear of the armrest.5 to 4 volts (2. If the voltage is not as specified. C. LED lamp flashing . the yellow wire should read 2. go to the next check. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in. the yellow wire should read 2. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175.SECTION 55 . NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. There should be 12 volts.5 volts nominally).5 volts (2. B. At pin 2. At pin 1. If the above checks are OK. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. LED lamp off . the green wire should have 1 to 2. Check the function of the Armrest controller.5 to 4 volts (2.failed controller. replace the controller. LED lamp on . check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. B. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41. Check the power supply. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. Turn the tractor key switch ON. check the power supply from the switched power. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good. A. 2. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. Check the LED lamp on the armrest controller. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031. Possible failure modes: 1. At pin 2. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. 9-37 . there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. If not. Bad connection between the instrumentation controller and the armrest controller. 3. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. At pin 1. If the display is normal. Make sure the connector C137 is plugged in to the armrest controller. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. At pin 4. 5 volts nominally). Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. Solution: Make sure both the instrument controller and the remote hydraulic controller are functioning correctly. Check the Data Bus connections. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. LED lamp on . Check the function of the Instrument controller. 2.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12021 Communication Lost With Remote Hydraulic Controller Meaning: Communication lost between the instrumentation and the remote hydraulic controller. 3. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . B. Check the function of the Remote hydraulic controller. At pin 4. 2. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. At pin 1. 25 and 26 and sections 53 and 54 at the rear of this section. Controller failure. check the power supply and its fuse. check the power supply from the switched power. A. If the voltage is not as specified. such as unusual symbols.5 to 4 volts (2. Replace the instrument controller. At pin 3.5 volts nominally). C. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller.failed controller. the yellow wire should read 2. Bad connection between the instrumentation and remote hydraulic controller. B. If not. A. LED lamp flashing . If the display is power to the controller. With the key switch in the ON position. the green wire should have 1 to 2. LED off . its fuse and the ground to the controller. B. Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. 4. PTO 54120 and 54140.5 volts nominally). A.5 to 4 volts (2. 9-38 .5 volts (2. If not. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. Check the power supply. If the above checks are OK. Make sure connector (C055) is plugged in to the remote hydraulic controller. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. B. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. At pin 2. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. go to number 3. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031. If the above checks are OK. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other end. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good.5 volts nominally). the yellow wire should read 2. At pin 4. replace the controller. 1. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41. Check the LED lamp on the remote hydraulic controller.controller is OK. Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor.5 volts (2. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. Turn the tractor key switch ON. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. There should be 12 volts.SECTION 55 . Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in. INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. A. Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators. At pin 1. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. the green wire should have 1 to 2. go to the next check. At pin 2. At pin 3. Possible failure modes: 1. and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. If the voltage is not as specified. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. check the power supply and its fuse. Solution: Make sure both the hitch controller and the instrumentation controller are functioning correctly. 3. 4. At pin 4. Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in. 2. such as unusual symbols.5 volts nominally). measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. At pin 1. Make sure the connector (C059) to the hitch controller is plugged in. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. LED off . The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . go to the next check. A. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Check the Data Bus connections. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good.5 volts nominally). 2. Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. check the power supply from the switched power. A. Check the function of the hitch controller. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other end. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. If not. Turn the tractor key switch ON. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground.5 volts nominally).5 volts nominally). NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller.5 to 4 volts (2. Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators. Check the function of the instrument controller. go to number 3. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. LED lamp flashing . There should be 12 volts. replace the controller. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. With the key switch in the ON position.5 to 4 volts (2. At pin 1. Check the LED lamp on the hitch controller. PTO 54120 and 54140. At pin 2. At pin 3. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12031 Communication Lost With Hitch Controller Cause: Communication is lost between the instrumentation controller and the hitch controller.5 volts (2.5 volts (2. 1. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031. At pin 4. If the above checks are OK. C. If not. the green wire should have 1 to 2. A. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK.SECTION 55 . Controller failure. B.failed controller. the yellow wire should read 2. If the above checks are OK. If the display is normal. 9-39 . At pin 3. A. Replace the instrument controller. the green wire should have 1 to 2. Bad connection between the instrumentation controller and the hitch controller. its fuse and the ground to the controller. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. the yellow wire should read 2. Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. LED lamp on . Check the power supply. Possible failure modes: 1.controller is OK. B. 25 and 26 and 51 and 52 at the rear of this power to the controller. At pin 2. B. B. Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. If not. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. If the voltage is not as specified.5 volts nominally). the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. If the above checks are OK. If the display is normal. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. A. At pin 2. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. At pin 4. With the key switch in the ON position.5 volts nominally). Data Bus is shorted. 9-40 .5 volts nominally). At pin 4. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. go to number 2. Solution: Make sure the instrumentation controller is properly connected with the Data Bus. 3. the green wire should have 1 to 2. and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. B. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic.5 to 4 volts (2. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators.SECTION 55 . the yellow wire should read 2. B.5 volts (2. If not. B. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12043 Communication Lost With Data Bus and all Other Controllers Cause: The instrumentation controller has found that it cannot communicate with the Data Bus. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other end. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031. Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in. Possible failure modes: 1. its fuse and the ground to the controller. Passive terminator failed.5 volts (2. Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. A. Turn the tractor key switch ON. check the power supply from the switched power. 3. 1. Data Bus is not powered. the green wire should have 1 to 2. 2. At pin 3. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. C. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. such as unusual symbols. 2. Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. Check the function of the instrument controller. go to the next check. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. At pin 1. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage.5 to 4 volts (2. Check the Data Bus function. At pin 2. INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. There should be 12 volts.5 volts nominally). Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. At pin 1. Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. A. PTO 54120 and 54140. Replace the instrument controller. If the above checks are OK. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. Check the power supply. the yellow wire should read 2. At pin 3. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. 2.5 to 4 volts (2. Solution: Make sure both the PTO controller and the instrumentation controller are functioning properly. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031.5 volts nominally). LED lamp off . At pin 4. 2. 4. Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. its fuse and the ground to the controller.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12051 Communication Lost With PTO Controller Cause: Communication lost between the instrumentation controller and the PTO power to controller. At pin 1. At pin 4. Possible failure modes: 1. such as unusual symbols. PTO 54120 and 54140. With the key switch in the ON position. go to number 3. At pin 1. At pin 2. If the voltage is not as specified. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175.5 to 4 volts (2. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41. Check the power supply. B.5 volts nominally). 1. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation.5 volts nominally). Turn the tractor key switch ON. the green wire should have 1 to 2. If the display is normal. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage.5 volts nominally). the yellow wire should read 2. If not. If the above checks are OK. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Bad connection between the instrumentation and PTO controller.SECTION 55 . Check the function of the PTO controller. Replace the instrument controller. Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. At pin 3. the green wire should have 1 to 2. LED lamp on . NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. Controller failure. Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators. Make sure the connector (C056) to the PTO controller is plugged in. replace the controller. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. If the above checks are OK. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good. If not. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. go to the next check. B.5 volts (2. Check the function of the instrument controller. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. A. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. At pin 2. check the power supply and its fuse. check the power supply from the switched power. 9-41 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. Check the Data Bus connections. C. the yellow wire should read 2. LED lamp flashing . Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in.controller is OK. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller. Check the LED lamp on the PTO controller. There should be 12 volts. 25 and 26 and 44 and 45 at the rear of this section. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK.5 volts (2. B. Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. A. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus.failed controller. At pin 3. The following checks are done looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other end: A. 3. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. the green wire should have 1 to 2. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. At pin 3. There should be 12 volts. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031. its fuse and the ground to the controller. the yellow wire should read 2. B. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good.5 volts (2. Solution: Make sure both the transmission controller and the instrumentation controller are functioning properly. B. Turn the tractor key switch ON. the yellow wire should read 2. If the above checks are OK. At pin 4. If the above checks are OK.SECTION 55 . Check the function of the instrument controller. If the display is normal. Possible failure mode: 1. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. At pin 2. go to the next check. A. If the voltage is not as specified. LED lamp flashing . Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . If not. Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor.5 to 4 volts (2. 4.controller is OK. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other power to the controller. Check the LED lamp on the transmission controller. At pin 4. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. LED lamp off . and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. At pin 3. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. B. Check the function of the transmission controller. 2. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. check the power supply and its fuse. Check the power supply. C.5 volts nominally). Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic.failed controller. A. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Replace the instrument controller. PTO 54120 and 54140. If not. Bad connection between instrumentation controller and transmission controller.5 volts nominally). bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. such as unusual symbols. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. go to number 3. 1.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12071 Communication Lost With Transmission Controller Cause: Comminution is lost between the instrumentation controller and the transmission controller. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. 2. A. A.5 volts nominally). LED lamp on . NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged.5 volts (2. check the power supply from the switched power. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. 25 and 26 and 37 through 40 at the rear of this section. Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. Controller failure. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring.5 to 4 volts (2. 3. Check the Data Bus connections. the green wire should have 1 to 2.5 volts nominally). The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41. 9-42 . Make sure connector C027 is plugged in to the transmission controller. replace the controller. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. At pin 1. With the key switch in the ON position. B. Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in. At pin 1. At pin 2. 5 to 4 volts (2. At pin 3. PTO 54120 and 54140. NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. the yellow wire should read 2. the green wire should have 1 to 2. If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. 3.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . check the power supply from the switched power. it means the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. its fuse and the ground to the controller. Make sure the connector (CN2) to the instrumentation controller is plugged in. Solution: Make sure both the engine controller and the instrumentation controller are functioning properly. Check the Data Bus connections. the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 12091 Communication Lost With Engine Controller Cause: Communication lost between the instrumentation controller and the engine controller. this fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011 and 12031. Check the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. Check the function of the engine controller. the green wire should have 1 to 2. With the key switch in the ON position. A. At pin 2. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. such as unusual symbols. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. the yellow wire should read 2. A. check for bad connections and damaged wires along the data bus. NOTE: Refer to the engine controller troubleshooting procedures. Replace the instrument controller. B. At pin 1. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data bus and checking the terminator at the other end. At pin 3. If the above checks are OK. Possible failure modes: 1. If the voltage is not as specified. INST 12011 and 12031 and AUX 12011. 1. 9-43 . Turn the tractor key switch ON. go to number 3. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. 2. At pin 1. Connect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. If not. If the above checks are OK. 4.5 volts (2.5 volts nominally). NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. Check the power supply. Check the power supply at Fuse # 41. B. C.5 volts nominally). the red wire should have 12 volts battery voltage. If the display is normal. 2. If the engine controller is correctly connected with the Data Bus. Make sure the connector to the engine controller is plugged in and the Data Bus connectors are all properly connected. B. A. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. If not.5 volts (2. replace the engine controller.5 volts nominally).5 to 4 volts (2.5 volts nominally). At pin 4. Check the integrity of the Data Bus passive terminators. then the fuel lift pump will buzz when the key switch is turned to the ON position. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. At pin 2. B. Check the function of the instrument controller. If the fuel lift pump does not make noise with the key on. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse # 41.SECTION 55 . At pin 4. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. There should be 12 volts. go to the next check. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Make sure Fuse # 41 is good. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. A. it means the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. Controller failure. Bad connection between the instrumentation controller and the engine controller. Check the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. Disconnect connector C215 from the engine coolant temperature sensor. Inspect the connector and clean the connection. Engine coolant temperature sensor wiring harness problems (short to ground). 1. replace the engine coolant temperature sensor. Solution: Check the engine coolant temperature sensor resistance. If it is as specified.3K 90 2K 110 1.SECTION 55 . the instrumentation controller and the wiring to the engine coolant temperature sensor.3K 130 835 If the resistance is not as specified.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13011 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal Too Low Cause: Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage out of range low.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 2. Test the resistance of the engine coolant temperature sensor. Measure the sensor resistance between the connection and the chassis ground as shown in the table below. Possible failure modes: 1. Temp Deg F Ohms 0 24K 10 18K 50 5. Engine coolant temperature sensor failed. Check for an open circuit or short to ground. There should be good continuity from the engine coolant temperature sensor connector C215A to the cavity 5 of C060 and then to the cavity 20 of CN1. Instrument controller failure.5K 70 3. 2. The power supply at the engine coolant temperature sensor connector should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ‘ON’ position. Open up the tractor hood and locate the engine coolant temperature sensor. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. 3. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. 9-44 . Check the wiring from the engine coolant temperature sensor to connectors CN1 and CN2 at the instrumentation controller. go to the next Step. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Engine coolant temperature sensor failed. replace the engine coolant temperature sensor.3K 130 835 If the resistance is not as specified.5K 70 3. Check for an open circuit and shortage to power. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Engine coolant temperature sensor wiring harness problems (open circuit. Measure the sensor resistance between the connection and the chassis ground as shown in the table below. If it is as specified. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Inspect the connector. Open up the tractor hood and locate the engine coolant temperature sensor. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. Possible failure modes: 1. short to power). Instrument controller failure. Solution: Check the engine coolant temperature sensor resistance. 3. Test the resistance of the engine coolant temperature sensor. The power supply at the engine coolant temperature sensor connector should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ‘RUN’ position.3K 90 2K 110 1. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Temp Deg F Ohms 0 24K 10 18K 50 5. There should be good continuity from the engine coolant temperature sensor connector C215A to the cavity 5 of C060 and then to the cavity 20 of CN1. Check the wiring from the engine coolant temperature sensor to connectors CN1 and CN2 at the instrumentation controller. the instrumentation controller and the wiring to the engine coolant temperature sensor. go to the next Step. 2.SECTION 55 .CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13012 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal Too High Cause: Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage out of range high. Clean the connection. 9-45 . Disconnect connector C215 from the engine coolant temperature sensor. 2. 1. Check the wiring from the transmission oil temperature sensor C89 pin 1 to connector C60 pin 22 to connector CN1 pin 24 at the instrumentation controller. Check for an open circuit or short to the ground. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. If it is as specified. 2.5K 70 3. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Transmission oil temperature sensor failed. Clean the connection. There should be good continuity from the transmission oil temperature sensor connector to the cavity 4 of C060 and then to the cavity 10 of CN2. Possible failure modes: 1. 3.SECTION 55 . Measure the sensor resistance between the connection and the chassis ground as shown in the table below. Test the resistance of the transmission oil temperature sensor Locate the transmission oil temperature sensor at the transmission oil filter.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13021 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor Signal Too Low Cause: Transmission oil temperature sensor voltage out of range low. The power supply at the transmission oil temperature sensor connector should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ‘ON’ position. Inspect the connector. 9-46 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Transmission oil temperature sensor wiring harness problems (short to ground). NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. 2.3K 90 2K 110 1. Temp Deg F Ohms 0 24K 10 18K 50 5. Disconnect connector C089 from the transmission oil temperature sensor. Instrument controller failure. replace the transmission oil temperature sensor. Solution: Check the transmission oil temperature sensor resistance.3K 130 835 If the resistance is not as specified. 1. the instrumentation controller and the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the transmission oil temperature sensor. go to the next Step. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. 5K 70 3. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Test the resistance of the transmission oil temperature sensor. replace the transmission oil temperature sensor. pin 24 at the instrumentation controller.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Temp Deg F Ohms 0 24K 10 18K 50 5. 1. 2.SECTION 55 . short to power).3K 90 2K 110 1. 3. the instrumentation controller and the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the transmission oil temperature sensor. Measure the sensor resistance between the connection and the chassis ground as shown in the table below. 9-47 . Inspect the connector. If it is as specified. Check the wiring from the transmission oil temperature sensor C89 pin 1 to connector C60 pin 22 to connector CN1. Transmission oil temperature sensor failed. go to the next Step.3K 130 835 If the resistance is not as specified. 2. There should be good continuity from the transmission oil temperature sensor connector to the cavity 22 of C060 and then to the cavity 10 of CN2. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. Instrument controller failure. The power supply at the transmission oil temperature sensor connector should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ‘ON’ position. Transmission oil temperature sensor wiring harness problems (open circuit. Locate the transmission oil temperature sensor at the transmission oil filter. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Possible failure modes: 1. Check for an open circuit or short to the ground. Clean the connection. Solution: Check the transmission oil temperature sensor resistance.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13022 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor Signal Too High Cause: Transmission oil temperature sensor voltage out of range high. Disconnect connector C089 from the transmission oil temperature sensor. to connector 333F. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. to connector 7M. 9-48 . Solution: 1. Defective fuel shutoff relay. to fuel shutoff relay. This fault code may be generated during a Level 1 critical warning for very high engine intake air to air temperature. Possible short circuit in Wire 602(W) beteween Conector CN2.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13044 Short is Detected as Fuel Shutoff Relay is Latched (Mechanical Engine Only) Cause: When fuel shut-off is latched. 2. or very high transmission oil temperature. Check for short circuit in wire 602(W) from connector CN2. NOTE: See schematic sections 19 through 24 at the rear of this section. very low engine oil pressure. pin 14. very high engine coolant temperature . pin 13 and fuel shutoff relay pin 2. pin 13 to connector 60M. 2. connector CN2 on instrument cluster. pin B. Replace fuel shutoff relay with known good relay.SECTION 55 . Possible failure modes: 1. pin 8. greater than 500 milliamp current draw was sensed at fuel relay solenoid Pin 13. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. pin 2. If it is as specified.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13051 Air To Air Intake Temperature Sensor Signal Too Low Cause: Air to air intake temperature sensor voltage out of range low. Inspect pin A and B in the connector. 3. Temp Deg C Ohms 0 32650 5 25390 10 19900 15 15710 20 12940 25 1000 30 8057 If the resistance is not as specified. Use the table below and measure the sensor resistance between pin A and pin B. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. go to the next Step. There should be good continuity between pin B of C075 and the clean ground. Open the tractor hood and locate the air to air intake temperature sensor. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Solution: Check the air to air intake temperature sensor resistance. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. Instrument controller failure. replace the air to air intake temperature sensor. 1. Clean the mating pin and the connector. the instrumentation controller and the wiring from the instrumentation controller to the air to air intake temperature sensor. 2. Disconnect connector C075 from the air to air intake temperature sensor. Test the resistance of the air to air intake temperature sensor. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. 9-49 . Clean the connection. Possible failure modes: 1. Air to air intake oil temperature sensor wiring harness problems (short to ground). Check for open circuit and shortage to ground.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .SECTION 55 . There should be good continuity from pin A of C075 to pin 8 of connector C334 to cavity 26 of connector C060 and then to cavity 21 of connector CN1. The power supply at the pin A of the air to air intake temperature sensor connector should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ‘ON’ position. Check the wiring from the air intake temperature sensor to connectors CN1 and CN2 at the instrumentation controller. 2. Air to air intake oil temperature sensor failed. The power supply at the pin A of the air to air intake temperature sensor connector should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ‘ON’ position. Possible failure modes: 1. Inspect pin A and B in the connector. replace the air to air intake temperature sensor. 2. short to power). Temp Deg C Ohms 0 32650 5 25390 10 19900 15 15710 20 12940 25 1000 30 8057 If the resistance is not as specified. Air to air intake oil temperature sensor failed. 3.Instrument controller failure. Clean the connection. There should be good continuity between pin B of C075 and the clean ground. 9-50 . go to the next Step. . 2.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. NOTE: See schematic sections 24.SECTION 55 . Test the resistance of the air to air intake temperature sensor. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Disconnect connector C075 from the air to air intake temperature sensor. the instrumentation controller and the wiring from the instrument controller to the air to air intake temperature sensor. Air to air intake oil temperature sensor wiring harness problems (open circuit. 1. Open the tractor hood and locate the air to air intake temperature sensor. Check for open circuit and shortage to ground. Solution: Check the air to air intake temperature sensor resistance. Use the table below and measure the sensor resistance between pin A and pin B. Clean the mating pin and the connector. Check the wiring from the air intake temperature sensor to connectors CN1 and CN2 at the instrumentation controller.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 13052 Air To Air Intake Temperature Sensor Signal Too High Cause: Air to air intake temperature sensor voltage out of range high. There should be good continuity from pin A of C075 to pin 8 of connector C334 to cavity 26 of connector C060 and then to cavity 21 of connector CN1. If it is as specified. 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check the heat exchanger for blockage. 2. 9-51 . very low engine oil pressure or very high transmission oil temperature. Very High Engine Intake Air to Air Temperature 4. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check coolant level or radiator for blockage or other cause. Very High Engine Coolant Temperature 2. Very High Transmission Oil Temperature Solution: This fault code is recorded each time a Level 1 Critical Warning automatic engine shutdown has been activated.SECTION 55 .CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE INST 53005 Engine Shutdown activated by ICU2 Controller Causec This fault code is generated by the instrument cluster due to a Level 1 Critical Warning. very high engine coolant temperature. 4. The Instrument Cluster signaled very high engine intake air to air temperature. 1. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check oil level or other cause. Shut the tractor engine OFF immediately and check for blocked cooler or other cause. 3. Very Low Engine Oil Pressure 3.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Possible failure modes: 1. 5.This menu is used to see what version of software is currently installed.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . HITCH . VIEW . AUX FLOW . (Except the front and rear differential lock switches and the PTO switch. MD05F183 STANDARD MD05F002 There are a five possible main menus that can be cycled through.This menu calibrates the flow potentiometers for high and low flow. ARM TRANS . NOTE: The standard instrumentation controller must be calibrated before the armrest controller is calibrated.CHAPTER 9 ARMREST CONTROLLER CALIBRATION General Information 3. DELUXE The INCR and DECR keys are used to toggle between these menus.This menu is for the calibration of the hitch position command potentiometer. Armrest controller calibration is performed through t h e p r o g r a m m a b l e d i s p l ay o n t h e s t a n d a r d instrumentation.This menu calibrates the flow potentiometers for high and low flow. 4. AUX LEVER .Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . 6. 7. The armrest controller is located in the right hand ar mrest of the operators seat. and to record the voltage for the extend and retract position for each of the valve control levers.(Remote hydraulic valve) This menu is used to tell the controller how many remote hydraulic valves are present on the tractor. THROTTLE . The possible menus are: MD05F003 1. 2.) The other controllers on the tractor obtain this information from the TDB. These switches are wired directly to relays. Only those menus that the standard instrumentation controller is configured for will appear on the display. EXIT . 9-52 .This menu calibrates the hand throttle lever potentiometer voltage for high and low idle.Used to exit armrest controller calibration. ARM MFD . The controller monitors the switches and potentiometers which are located in the armrest and then broadcasts their status over the Tractor Data Bus.This menu calibrates the flow potentiometers for high and low flow. 8. Press the PROG key to enter the programing menus. MD05F099 The display will read H Pos Up. do the following: STEP 1 MD05F097 Select the calibration option for the hitch control lever (if equipped). press the PROG key. 9-53 . STEP 2 MD05F098 RD05F143 Press the DECR key until ARM is highlighted.CHAPTER 9 Entering Armrest Calibration Hitch Menu STEP 3 NOTE: Programming can only be entered within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position. go to Step 13.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Push the program key and hold for two seconds within the first ten seconds of turning on the key switch. NOTE: If not equipped with a hitch. To get to the armrest controller calibration main menu. When the display reads ARM HITCH. NOTE: Do not go to the transport lock position. An asterisk (*) will appear on the display when the potentiometer is in a valid range. Move the hitch position lever to the full up position. STEP 4 RD05F101 Turn the keys switch to the ON position.SECTION 55 . A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. Press the PROG key to record the voltage. INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The display will read H Pos Dn. Press the DECR key and go to the next step to continue with armrest calibration. 9-54 . Press the PROG key. the display will read cal failed and this calibration option will abort. The hitch calibration option is now complete. and the asterisk did not appear in the display. Select No Draft and the hitch will be configured as a position only hitch.CHAPTER 9 STEP 5 STEP 6 MD05F100 RD05F189 MD05F101 MD05F102 Press the PROG key. There must be a hitch load command potentiometer in the armrest controller to select Draft. Press the PROG key to record the voltage. The display will read ARM HITCH.SECTION 55 . NOTE: If either the up or down position was not valid. Move the hitch position lever to the full down position. To exit the armrest calibration go to step 29. An asterisk (*) will appear in the display when the potentiometer is in a valid range. A problem will have to be corrected before calibration will be possible. The display will now read Draft or No Draft. CHAPTER 9 Throttle Menu STEP 9 STEP 7 MD05F105 The display will read lo idle. Move the hand throttle lever to the high idle position. The problem will have to be corrected before calibration will be possible. Remote Valve Menu STEP 10 MD05F104 The display will read hi idle.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . MD05F106 Select the calibration option for the remote hydraulic flow controls. the display will read cal failed and this calibration option will abort. An asterisk (*) will appear on the display when the potentiometer is in a valid range. go to Step 29. STEP 8 NOTE: If either the high or low idle position was not valid. Press the PROG key to record the voltage. When the display reads ARM AUX FLOW press the PROG key. MD05F103 Select the calibration option for throttle lever. Press the PROG key to record the voltage. An asterisk (*) will appear in the display when the potentiometer is in a valid range. To ex i t t h e a r m r e s t calibration. Move the throttle lever to the low idle. The display will now r e a d A R M T H R OT T L E . Press the DECR key and go to the next step to continue with the armrest calibration.SECTION 55 . press the PROG key. When the display reads ARM THROTTLE. and the asterisk did not appear in the display. 9-55 . The display will read -XXXX hi flow.SECTION 55 . If equipped with a fifth remote hydraulic section. ARM AUX FLOW. Press the PROG key.CHAPTER 9 STEP 11 STEP 13 The screen reads. press the PROG key. press and release the fifth remote hydraulic control switch (momentary) in the extend direction (rearward). STEP 15 MD05F107 Tu r n t he #1 f low pot e nt i ome t e r c o mp l et el y counterclockwise until the 1 appears in the first X position of the display. STEP 12 MD05F111 The display will read AUX EXT (extend). STEP 14 RD05F145 The display will read -XXXX lo flow.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Turn the #1 flow potentiometer completely clockwise until the 1 appears in the first .position of the display. MD05F110 When the display reads ARM AUX LEVER. RD05F188. Press the DECR key to select AUX ARM LEVER. Move all the remote hydraulic levers to the full extend position (Rearward detent). 9-56 . Press the PROG key. The display will indicate which levers are in the retract position with the number of the remote. Press the PROG key to record the voltage for all the levers in the retract position. press the PROG key. The number 5 will already appear on the display.SECTION 55 . To exit the armrest calibration. A dash (-) indicates that the corresponding lever is not in the retract position. 9-57 . An X will be displayed for any lever that did not have a valid extend voltage recorded. it need not be actuated again. MD05F113 The display will read AUX RET (retract). If the 5th remote was actuated for the extend position. The voltage for all the levers that are in the extend position will be recorded.CHAPTER 9 STEP 16 STEP 18 MD05F112 MD05F114 The display will indicate which levers are in the extend position with the number of the remote. When completed with all the levers. Move all the remote hydraulic levers to the full retract position (First forward detent). go to Step 21. A dash (-) indicates that the corresponding lever is not in the extend position. An X will be displayed for any lever that did not have a valid retract voltage recorded. Press DECR and go to the next step to continue with the armrest calibration. STEP 17 The remote lever calibration is now complete.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . NOTE: Do not move the lever to the float position. Press PROG and the display will now read ARM AUX LEVER. INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the PROG ket to exit the ARM TRANS menu. The display will read ARM TRANS. Press the PROG ket to exit the ARM MFD menu. The display will read ARM MFD. Press the PROG key.CHAPTER 9 ARM MFD ARM TRANS STEP 19 STEP 20 RD05F147 RD05F151 RD05F148 RD05F153 Select the software view option from the main menu.SECTION 55 . 9-58 . The display will read YES MFD ? Press the INCR key to change to NO MFD ? if not equipped. Press the PROG key. The display will read YES Creeper ? Press the IN CR key t o c ha ng e t o N O C re e per ? if no t equipped. Select the software view option from the main menu. The software is displayed in two par ts. 9-59 . The display will read ARM VIEW.CHAPTER 9 View Menu STEP 22 STEP 21 MD05F117 MD05F115 MD05F115 The second part of the software code will now be shown.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . MD05116 Select the software view option from the main menu. The display will read Ver#2 on the top and the software code on the bottom of the display. Press the PROG ket to exit the view menu. The display will now read ARM VIEW. Press the PROG key. The display will read Ver#1 on the top of and the first part of the software code on the bottom of the display.SECTION 55 . Press the PROG key. INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the PROG key to return to normal operation. Press the INCR or DECR key until the display reads EXIT SET MENU.SECTION 55 . 9-60 .CHAPTER 9 Exit Calibration STEP 23 MD05F118 Use the DECR key to select the ARM EXIT menu and press the PROG key to exit armrest controller calibration. The display will now read CONFIG MENU. Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 ARMREST CONTROLLER FAULT CODES FAULT CODE ARM 1019 Transmission Gear Selection Switch Failure Cause: This fault code is triggered when up shift and down shift switches are detected to be closed at the same time. Possible failure modes: 1. Switch failed. 2. External wiring failure (damaged wires, loose connectors, or bent pins). 3. Armrest controller internal failure (power supply or signal sensing failed). Solution: Test the switch function, wiring, and the function of the armrest controller. NOTE: The transmission gear selection switch information is broadcast over the Data Bus. The transmission gear selection switch can be monitored using the MONITOR window in the service tool and selecting Armrest Trans Shift Switch - Shift Down and Armrest Trans Shift Switch - Shift Up. 1. Open the armrest controller housing and disconnect connector J211. 2. Test the transmission gear selection switch and its wiring. Pay attention to wiring damage, loose connectors, or bent pins. a. When the switch is in SHIFT UP position, there should be continuity between pin 1 and pin 2 and no continuity between pin 1 and pin 3. b. When the switch is in SHIFT DOWN position, there should be continuity between pin 1 and pin 3 and no continuity between pin 1 and pin 2. c. When the switch is in OFF position, there should be no continuity between any two of pin 1, pin 2, and pin 3. If the switch is not functioning as specified above, replace the switch. 3. Check controller function: a. Cycle the key switch to OFF, then to the ON position. Measure the voltage output from the controller at pin 1 of J211. It should be approximately 12 volts. b. Short pin 1 to pin 2 to simulate the shift up function. Short pin 1 to pin 3 to simulate the shift down function. Monitor the switch status on the monitor screen of the service tool. If the controller does not function properly, replace the armrest controller. 9-61 Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION AND CALIBRATION Important General Information • Before star ting the transmission calibration pr oc e d ur e, c h e ck th e wi r i n g h a r n es s a n d components for damage or loose connections. Replace or repair any damaged par t as necessary. • • Before calibrating the transmission controller, be sure the Standard Instrumentation (ICU) and Armrest (ARM) controllers are calibrated. Be sure that no persons are in front of or in back of the tractor during calibration. ! • • WARNING: Since the clutch calibration process involves engaging transmission clutches, this procedure should only be performed in open areas, free of obstructions. The tractor may experience a small amount of movement during calibration and the tractor operator should be ready to stop the tractor at any time. M588 MD05F002 The transmission oil must be warmed to more than 60°C (140°F). There are 6 main menu options in the transmission configuration/calibration mode: The engine speed must be 1200 RPM or higher during calibration. 1. TRANS VIEW - This menu displays clutch calibration values (milliamp and temperature). System oil temperature, inching pedal calibration values, software revision numbers, transmission system pressure, and engine load in percent. Normal tractor operation is allowed while this menu is being displayed. When Calibration is Required After s er vic e wor k has b een perfor med on a transmission valve, master clutch, clutch pedal or the transmission controller calibration is required. 2. TRANS SETUP - This menu is used to enter the clutch calibration and to set default gear values for transmission controller. C l u t c h c a l i b r a t i o n i s p e r fo r m e d t h r o u g h t h e p r o g r a m m a b l e d i s p l ay o n t h e s t a n d a r d instrumentation. 3. TRANS ADJUST - This menu can only be accessed when the Electronic Ser vice Tool (EST) is in use on the tractor. Do Not Enter this menu. 4. TRANS DIAG - This menu can only be accessed when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use on the tractor. Do Not Enter this menu. 5. TRANS FSUS - This menu can only be accessed when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use on the tractor. 6. TRANS EXIT - This menu entry will exit the calibration mode for the transmission system. 9-62 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 To access these menus: STEP 3 STEP 1 RD05F104 The display will read TRANS VIEW. Press The DECR key. RD05F101 Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. STEP 4 STEP 2 RD05F125 The display will read TRANS SETUP. Press the DECR key. RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. 9-63 IMPORTANT: The TRANS ADJUST menu will only appear when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use.SECTION 55 . STEP 6 NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded. Trans View Mode The display will read TRANS ADJUST. See Fault Code Retrieval in this section. Retrieve. they must be cleared before calibration is possible.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . STEP 9 RD05G006 IMPORTANT: The TRANS DIAG menu will only appear when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use. record and clear any fault codes. IMPORTANT: The TRANS FSUS menu will only appear when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use. The next display will be TRANS FSUS.CHAPTER 9 STEP 5 STEP 8 RD05G004 RD05F134 The display will read TRANS EXIT. RD05F101 STEP 7 Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. Press The DECR key. but only if equipped with the Suspended Axle Option. The display will read TRANS DIAG. Do Not enter this menu. Press the DECR key. Press the DECR key. Do Not enter this menu. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. NOTE: Calibration can only be entered by pressing and holding the PROG key within the first 10 seconds of starting the tractor. Press The PROG key to exit. Press The DECR key. Press the DECR key. 9-64 . 9-65 . Continue pushing the DECR key to display the calibrated clutch current values for C1. RD05F179 The display will read EVEN mA. C5. Press The PROG key to enter the Transmission View Menus.CHAPTER 9 STEP 10 STEP 13 RD05F106 The display will read ODD mA.SECTION 55 . RD05F105 The display will read VIEW CLTCH. MID. STEP 12 NOTE: Pushing the PROG key at any point will return you to the upper level menu.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . STEP 11 STEP 14 RD05F104 The display will read TRANS VIEW. HIGH. This displays the calibrated clutch current values in milliamps. REV and MSTR clutch. RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. VIEW CLTCH. Push the PROG key. C3. Push the DECR key. LOW. This displays the calibrated clutch current values in milliamps. The ODD clutch current value is displayed first. Push the DECR key.CHAPTER 9 STEP 15 STEP 17 RD05F107 RD05F108 The Master Clutch milliamp reading is the final readout. Push the PROG key. T h e Calibration Clutch Temperature View Menu shows the clutch temp at whic h the calibration was performed. RD05F105 The display will return to VIEW CLTCH. The Calibration Clutch Temperature View Menu shows the clutch temp at which the calibration was performed. To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. Push the PROG key.SECTION 55 . 9-66 . NOTE: If you continue to push the DECR key the display will start through the menu again starting with the ODD clutch mA reading. STEP 18 STEP 16 RD05F109 The display will read ODD DEGC.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . T h e d i s p l ay w i l l r e a d C A L C LT C H T M P. The display will return to CAL CLTCHTMP.SECTION 55 . Pres the PROG key. Continue pushing the DECR key to display the calibrated clutch temperature values for C1. To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. NOTE: If you continue to push the DECR key the display will start through the menu again starting with the ODD clutch temp reading. Push the PROG key. STEP 23 RD05F110 The Master Clutch temperature display reading is the final readout. REV and MSTR clutch. STEP 22 NOTE: Pushing the PROG key at any point will return you to the upper level menu. C5. The Calibration Clutch Temperature View Menu shows the clutch temp at which the calibration was performed. STEP 20 RD05F111 The display will read OIL TEMP. CAL CLTCHTMP.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . LOW. 9-67 . HIGH. This is the actual transmission oil temperature. C3. RD05F112 The display will read OIL DEGC.CHAPTER 9 STEP 19 STEP 21 RD05G008 RD05F108 The display will read EVEN DEGC. MID. Push the PROG key. To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. The display will read SW REVISION. Push the PROG key. The Clutch Pedal View Menu displays the position of the clutch.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .CHAPTER 9 STEP 24 STEP 27 RD05F111 RD05F115 The display returns to OIL TEMP display. STEP 25 STEP 28 RD05F113 RD05F113 The display will read VIEW PEDAL. This is the Software Revision View Menu.SECTION 55 . Push the PROG key. Release pedal and push the PROG key. STEP 26 STEP 29 RD05F114 RD05F116 The current pedal position is displayed. To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. Depress the inching pedal to the floor. 100% for inching pedal up (top of clutch). 9-68 . The display will read 0% for inching pedal to the floor (bottom of clutch). The display will again read VIEW PEDAL. Version #2 is the engineering software version numbers. RD05F118 The display will read VER#2. The display will again read SW REVISION. the lower number (1. Push the PROG key. STEP 33 STEP 31 RD05F119 The display will read PRES TRNSDCR. This menu leads to the transmission system pressure display. This is the Transmission System Pressure. 9-69 . Push the PROG key.11. STEP 34 RD05F120 The display will read PRES KPA.CHAPTER 9 STEP 30 STEP 32 RD05F117 RD05F116 The display will read VER#1. To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. Version #1 is the major software version number.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .SECTION 55 . Push the PROG key.) is the minor software version number. Push the DECR key. The display will again read ENG LOAD.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . STEP 37 RD05F122 The display will read LOAD %. STEP 36 STEP 39 RD05G009 RD05F124 The display will read LOAD.SECTION 55 . Push the PROG key. The display will read EXIT VIEW. Push the PROG key to exit. Push the PROG key. Press the DECR key to return to the first item in menu. 9-70 . To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. This is the engine load display. To display the next Transmission View Menu push the DECR key. The engine load is displayed in percentage related to the engine torque.CHAPTER 9 STEP 35 STEP 38 RD05F119 RD05G009 The display will again read PRES TRNSDCR. Retrieve.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .SECTION 55 . record and clear any fault codes. Press The PROG key. STEP 40 RD05F104 The display will read TRANS VIEW. NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded. Press The DECR key. See Fault Code Retrieval in this section. RD05F125 STEP 41 The display will read TRANS SETUP. STEP 43 RD05F101 Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor.CHAPTER 9 Trans Setup Mode STEP 42 NOTE: Calibration can only be entered by pressing and holding the PROG key within the first 10 seconds of starting the tractor. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. 9-71 . they must be cleared before calibration is possible. unless the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use. NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . To see the next setup menu press the DECR key. See the Gear Default Mode in this section. WARNING: Since the valve calibration process involves engaging transmission clutches. Press the DECR key. ! IMPORTANT: The SETUP BKUP ALM menu will only appear when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use. Press The PROG key to exit. The display will read GEAR DEFAULT. STEP 45 Clutch Calibration Procedure The display will read RESET NVM. Do Not enter this menu. Retrieve. Press the DECR key. NOTE: Calibration can only be entered by pressing and holding the PROG key within the first 10 seconds of starting the tractor. M588 STEP 47 STEP 50 The display will read SETUP FSUS. To see the next setup menu press the DECR key. The transmission oil temperature should be above 60 degrees C (140 degrees F) for the calibration procedure. GEAR DEFAULT.CHAPTER 9 STEP 44 STEP 48 RD05F126 RD05F131 The display will read CLTCH CAL. Start the tractor. IMPORTANT: The RESET NVM menu will only appear when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use. The tractor must be running to perfor m clutch calibration procedure. STEP 46 The display will read SETUP BKUP ALM. IMPORTANT: The SETUP FSUS menu will only appear when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use. The tractor may experience a small amount of movement during calibration and the tractor operator should be ready to stop the tractor at any time. To see the next setup menu press the DECR key. To see the next setup menu press the DECR key. Do Not enter this menu. record and clear any fault codes.SECTION 55 . Press The DECR key. free of obstructions. The display will read EXIT SETUP. To see the next setup menu press the DECR key. 9-72 . STEP 49 NOTE: The display will go directly to Step 48. See the Clutch Calibration Procedure. this procedure should only be performed in open areas. they must be cleared before calibration is possible. push the DECR key. 9-73 . STEP 51 RD05F104 When the TRANS VIEW menu is displayed.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Push the PROG key. RD05F125 The display will read TRANS SETUP. The display will read CLTCH CAL.CHAPTER 9 STEP 52 RD05F101 Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. Press The PROG key to enter the Transmission Setup Menus. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. STEP 53 RD05F103 RD05F126 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again.SECTION 55 . After several seconds the display will change. NOTE: If the PROG key is pressed when LOW OIL TEMP is on display the calibration procedure may be continued. RD05G016 The display will now read ENG STBLZNG. NOTE: If the temperature was not in range see Step 55. Increase the engine RPM to 1100 to 1300 RPM. The transmission oil temp should be between 60 and 105 degrees C (140 to 221 degrees F). Push the PROG key. To continue the calibration procedure push the PROG key. If the transmission oil temperature was in the proper range see Step 56. The display will then retur n to the oil temperature display. Push the PROG key. Calibration at a lower temperature should only be performed when the recommended temperature range cannot be achieved. NOTE: If the program key is pushed when the RPM is not in the proper range The display will read CAL ABORTED. NOTE: If the oil temp is above 105 degrees C the display will read HOT OIL TEMP. 9-74 . STEP 55 STEP 57 RD05F129 If the transmission oil temp is below 60 degrees C the LOW OIL TEMP message will be displayed for 4 seconds. if the oil temp is below 10 degrees C the display will read COLD OIL TEMP. The display will return to oil temperature display after 4 seconds. The display will read ENG RPM.SECTION 55 .CHAPTER 9 STEP 54 STEP 56 RD05F128 MD05F072 The display will read OIL DEGC.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Pushing the PROG key again will display CAL EXIT. free of obstructions. the display will read PEDAL UP. RD05F178 The display will read EVEN CLUTCH. Move inching pedal to up position. Shift the transmission control lever to FWD. M588 STEP 62 STEP 59 If the inching pedal is not up.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . T h e t r a c t o r transmission controller will automatically run through the Odd clutch calibration procedure. Push the PROG key once.CHAPTER 9 STEP 58 STEP 61 RD05F173 RD05F182 The display will read SHIFT TO FWD. The tractor may experience a small amount of movement during calibration and the tractor operator should be ready to stop the tractor at any time. ! WARNING: Since the valve calibration process involves engaging transmission clutches. Push the PROG key.SECTION 55 . STEP 60 RD05F175 The display will read *ODD mA when the Odd clutch calibration is completed. T h e d i s p l ay w i l l r e a d O D D m A . Push the PROG key and the tractor transmission controller will automatically run through the Even clutch calibration procedure. 9-75 . STEP 63 RD05F174 The display will now read ODD CLUTCH. this procedure should only be performed in open areas. Shift the transmission control lever into PARK position. STEP 67 RD05F186 After performing the calibration procedure on all clutches the display will now read *MSTR mA. The calibration will be saved when the tractor is shutdown. RD05G017 The display will now read EXIT CAL. HIGH. Repeat this procedure to calibrate the C1. STEP 64 RD05G018 The display will now read SHIFT TO PARK. MID. 9-76 . Reduce engine speed to low idle. Push the prog key once. REV and MSTR clutch. Push the PROG key. C3.SECTION 55 . Push the PROG key once. Turn ignition switch to OFF position. C5.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .CHAPTER 9 STEP 66 The display will read *EVEN mA when the Even clutch calibration is completed. LOW. STEP 65 RD05G017 The display will now read EXIT CAL again. SLOW UP MVMNT: Not moved over a certain time when raising. SLOW TO MIN: Minimum position not reached in time. RD05F104 When the TRANS VIEW menu is displayed. Follow this procedure to change the Forward. 9-77 . or Reverse default gear settings. RD05F101 Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. SLOW TO MAX: Maximum position not reached in time. NOTE: Do not perform this procedure with the Electronic Service Tool in use. NOTE: Calibration can only be entered by pressing and holding the PROG key within the first 10 seconds of starting the tractor.SECTION 55 . A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. TRCTR MOVING: Tractor moving when calibrating. Reverse gear default can be set for 1st through 4th gear. push the DECR key. POT OPEN CKT: Potentiometer open circuit or disconnected. POT SHRT CKT: Potentiometer short circuit. NOT CAL: Front suspension not calibrated. POT LOW VAL: Potentiometer is lower than safety value.CHAPTER 9 Calibration Error Messages STEP 68 Listed below are calibration error messages that can appear during a calibration failure. SLOW DN MVMNT: Not moved over a certain time when lowering. STEP 69 Forward gear default can be set for 1st through 13th gear. When a tractor is started up and shifted into Forward the default gear is 7th.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Gear Default Mode RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. If shifted into Reverse the default gear is 2nd. POT HIGH VAL: Potentiometer is higher than safety value. or press the DECR key to decrease the gear number. Push the PROG key 9-78 . Press the PROG key when desired gear number is set.SECTION 55 . Push the PROG key STEP 71 STEP 74 RD05F126 RD05F167 The display will read CLTCH CAL. STEP 72 STEP 75 RD05F131 The display will read GEAR DEFAULT. The display will read SETUP FWD GEAR. The display will read *FWD GEAR# 7. RD05F168 The display will read SETUP REV GEAR. Press The PROG key to enter the Transmission Setup Menus. Push the DECR key. If no change is desired leave gear number as it is.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the INCR key to increase the gear number.CHAPTER 9 STEP 70 STEP 73 RD05F125 RD05F166 The display will read TRANS SETUP. Push the PROG key. CHAPTER 9 STEP 76 STEP 77 RD05F169 RD05F171 The display will read *REV GEAR# 2. The display will read EXIT SET GEAR.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . or press the DECR key to decrease the gear number.SECTION 55 . Press the PROG key to exit this menu. Press the PROG key when desired gear number is set. If no change is desired leave gear number as it is. 9-79 . Press the INCR key to increase the gear number. STEP 80 RD05F101 Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 9-80 . STEP 78 RD05F104 When the TRANS VIEW menu is displayed. RD05F125 The display will read TRANS SETUP. push the DECR key. or remove the FSUS (Front Suspension). NOTE: This menu will only work when the Electronic Service Tool is in use. Press The PROG key to enter the Transmission Setup Menus. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU.CHAPTER 9 Front Suspension Installation Menu STEP 79 This menu allows the user to install.SECTION 55 . SECTION 55 . Press the PROG key to enter the Menu. After 1 second the display exits this menu. STEP 82 RD05G037 RD05G035 The display will read NO FSUS.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the DECR key multiple times until SETUP FSUS is displayed.CHAPTER 9 STEP 81 STEP 83 RD05G041 RD05G012 The display will read DONE. When the status is correct press PROG key. 9-81 . or YES FSUS. To change status press INCR or DECR key. 2. 3. FSUS CAL . 9-82 . EXIT FSUS.This menu can only be accessed when the Electronic Service Tool (EST) is in use on the tractor.This menu entry will exit the Front Suspension Menus. It allows the user to switch the Front Suspended Axle ON or OFF especially at speeds greater than 12 KMH.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . FSUS MANUAL . The axle may be raised or lowered when the tractor is stationary.CHAPTER 9 Front Suspension Menus The following menus are available for the Front Suspension. FSUS DEMO .This menu allows the operator to manually operate the Front Suspension.SECTION 55 .This menu allows the user to Calibrate the Front Suspended axle. 4. 1. INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 9-83 . Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. Press The DECR key. STEP 87 RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. RD05F125 The display will read TRANS SETUP. STEP 86 RD05F101 Start the engine. STEP 84 RD05F104 When the TRANS VIEW menu is displayed.SECTION 55 . push the DECR key. RD05G019 The display will read TRANS FSUS.CHAPTER 9 Front Suspension Calibration STEP 85 NOTE: This menu will only work when the Electronic Service Tool is in use. Press The PROG key. SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 STEP 88 STEP 90 RD05G042 RD05G026 The display reads FSUS CAL. Press the PROG key to automatically start the calibration process. The Suspended Axle Switch lamp will flash on and off. When the calibration is completed the display will show FSUS Cal Done. NOTE: If the PROG key is pressed during the calibration the display will read CAL ABORTED. STEP 89 STEP 91 RD05G030 RD05G043 The display numbers (nnnn) will change as the calibration is in progress. This display is the front axle position sensor output voltage. 9-84 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 RD05G044 If the calibration process fails the display will read CAL FAILED. The Suspended Axle Switch lamp will turn off. If the CAL FAILED message appears press the PROG key to access the Error Message Display. STEP 92 RD05G047 Error Message Display Example. Possible Error Messages tttt bbbbbbbb POT POT POT POT POT SLOW SLOW SLOW SLOW NOT WHEEL OPEN CKT HIGH VAL SHRT CKT LOW VAL LOW RNG UP MVMNT TO MAX DN MVMNT TO MIN CAL MOVED 9-85 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 Front Suspension Demo STEP 94 The menu is accessed through the Trans Setup Menu. NOTE: This menu will only work when the Electronic Service Tool is in use. STEP 93 RD05F104 When the TRANS VIEW menu is displayed, push the DECR key. STEP 95 RD05F101 Start the engine. Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. RD05F125 The display will read TRANS SETUP. Press The DECR key. STEP 96 RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. RD05G019 The display will read TRANS FSUS. Press The PROG key. 9-86 When the status is correct press PROG key. STEP 99 RD05G038 Press the DECR key multiple times until FSUS DEMO is displayed. The DEMO allows the user to switch the Front Suspended Axle ON or OFF especially at speeds greater than 12 KMH. RD05G040 RD05F103 Push the DECR key until the display reads TRANS and press the PROG key again. To change status press INCR or DECR key. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. Push and hold the PROG key for two seconds within the first ten seconds after starting the tractor. STEP 98 RD05F101 Start the engine. RD05G039 The display will read DEMO OFF. 9-87 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .CHAPTER 9 Front Suspension Manual Menu STEP 97 NOTE: This menu will only work when the Electronic Service Tool is in use. or DEMO ON.SECTION 55 . Press the PROG key. SECTION 55 . The display will read POS nnnn mV. Push the DECR key until the display reads FSUS Manual and then press the PROG key. 9-88 .CHAPTER 9 STEP 100 STEP 103 RD05F104 RD05G028 When the TRANS VIEW menu is displayed. Press The DECR key. This display is the front axle position sensor output voltage. Press The PROG key.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the DECR key. STEP 102 RD05G019 The display will read TRANS FSUS. push the DECR key. STEP 101 STEP 104 RD05F125 RD05G030 The display will read TRANS SETUP. Both the upper and lower lock solenoids are now powered ON. Power the raise solenoid ON and OFF and check for 12 volts at raise solenoid. Press and hold the Front Suspended Axle switch to raise the suspended axle. The display will read EXIT MANUAL. Power the lock solenoids ON and OFF and check for 12 volts at the upper and lower lock solenoids. The display will read LOCK nnnn mV. Press and hold the Front Suspended Axle switch to power OFF the lock solenoids. NOTE: The manual raise feature can be useful for troubleshooting the raise function.SECTION 55 . NOTE: The manual lock feature can be useful for troubleshooting the lock function.CHAPTER 9 STEP 105 STEP 107 RD05G031 RD05G034 The display will read RAISE nnnn mV. Release the switch to stop. Press the DECR key again. Press and hold the Front Suspended Axle switch to lower the suspended axle. Press the DECR key again. STEP 106 To continue manual adjustments press the INCR keys to get back to lower and raise screens. RD05G045 NOTE: The manual lower feature can be useful for troubleshooting the lower function.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the DECR key when the display reads LOCK nnnn mV. Release the switch to stop. 9-89 . STEP 108 RD05G033 The display will read LOWER nnnn mV. Press PROG key to exit menu. Power the lower solenoid ON and OFF and check for 12 volts at lower solenoid. 2. Follow the wiring schematics. Turn Key 'ON' and watch the shuttle position display.3000 Ohms when in other positions. If no switch failure is detected. problems can be detected by viewing the display while shifting the transmission control (FNRP) lever. Possible failure modes: 1. Conduct continuity checking (in a similar way to the way specified in step 2) between pins at each connectors. Make sure the operator is not holding the lever up for too long. either the Reverse switch failed open or its wiring shorted to ground. Check the wiring from connector C051 to connector C351 on the transmission controller. Measure continuities on the transmission control (FNRP) pot side. 4. wire damage. If Neutral icon does not lit up steady when in Neutral or Park. 9-90 . NOTE: Neutral switch off indicates tractor is in Neutral. Solution: The transmission control (FNRP) pod is directly wired to the transmission controller. there should be no continuity in Park or Neutral position and there should be continuity in Forward or Reverse positions. loose pin. The transmission controller monitors the shuttle shifting and displays the shuttle position on the instrumentation cluster. If Forward icon does not lit up on display when in Forward. The transmission control (FNRP) pot failure 3.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The operator may be holding the lever up for too long. the Reverse switch fails open. either the Neutral switch failed closed or its wiring shorted to power. there should be about 500 . If not. If not. not in forward.600 Ohms when in Reverse position and about 2500 . the transmission controller will record this fault code. the Neutral switch failed. Check the wiring from connector C051 to the transmission controller. Measure between Pin 5 (Reverse) and Pin 8.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . the Forward switch failed. and not in reverse for 2. Measure between Pin 7 (not Neutral) and Pin 3. 1. If any above switch failure is detected. Wiring harness problem from the transmission control (FNRP) pot to the transmission controller. Locate connector C051. Measure between Pin 6 (Forward) and Pin 8 (5 Vref).5 seconds. If Reverse icon does not lit up on display when in Reverse. Disconnect the cover panel under the Armrest (steering column for MU8).600 Ohms when in Forward position and about 2500 . and any possible shortage between pins and wires. 2. either the Forward switch failed open or its wiring shorted to ground. replace the transmission control (FNRP) pot. If not.3000 Ohms when in other positions.CHAPTER 9 TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER FAULT CODES TRANS 60 FNRP pod in illogical state (in no position) Cause: If FNRP pot indicates not in neutral. there should be about 500 . go to next step. In some cases. Neutral switch on indicates tractor is not in Park. NOTE: Pay attention to bent pin. 3. Troubleshooting by viewing the shuttle position display. Troubleshooting by checking FNRP switch function. 9-91 . Solution: 1. Possible failure modes: 1. This fault code is recorded each time the transmission is oversped. Take precautions to avoid over-speeding the transmission. especially when pulling heavy loads.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The transmission was oversped.SECTION 55 .CHAPTER 9 TRANS 76 Transmission over speed Cause: The transmission controller is hard wired to the wheel speed sensor. Select lower gear when traveling down inclines. At pin 2. With the key on. Possible Failure modes: 1. With the key on. At pin 1. At pin 3.5 V nominally). At pin 4.SECTION 55 . At pin 2. it should read 2. and other controllers claim communication lost with the Instrument controller. 9-92 . The following checks are basically looking into one end of the bus and check the terminator at the other end.5 to 1 volts (2.CHAPTER 9 TRANS 136 Communication lost with the instrumentation controller Cause: Communication lost between transmission controller and instrumentation controller. it is more like the Instrument controller failed. There should be 12 volts. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. Check from the Passive Terminator at the Front of the Tractor Reconnect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. the green wire. the black wire. check the power supply from the switched power. go to step 3. it should read 2. its fuse. Check the power supply at Fuse #41. Check power supply. such as totally strange symbols. Solution: Make sure both the transmission controller and instrumentation controller are functioning OK. If not. Make sure Fuse #41 is not burned out. B. it should read 12 volts battery voltage.5 V nominally). Check the function of the transmission controller: Make sure there is no other fault code or symptom indicating transmission controller malfunctioning. Controller failure. the yellow wire. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse #41. 4. Check from the Passive Terminator at the Rear of the Tractor Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. Check the integrity of Data Bus at the Passive Terminators. the black wire. it is more likely that there is no power to controller. Bad Can Bus connection between the transmission controller and instrumentation controller. At pin 3. 3. A. B. 1. 2. the yellow wire.5 to 1 volts (2. it should read 2. If nothing wrong can be found with the Instrument controller. Make sure the connector (CN2) to the Instrument controller is plugged in. If not. go to next. If the above checks are ok. the red wire. Check the Data Bus connections. the red wire. If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. At pin 1.5 V nominally). 2. A. Check the function of the Instrument controller: A. C.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. it should read 12 volts battery voltage. Replace the controller. Turn the tractor Key 'ON'. it means that the front terminator and data bus wiring is ok. If there is display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. B. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. and the ground to the controller.5 to 1 volts (2. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C205. 9-93 . PTO 54120. the green wire. check for bad connection and damaged wire along the Data Bus.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . INST 12011. INST 12031. If not. it should read 2. the fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 135.5 V nominally). and wire damage. AUX 12011. it means that the rear terminator and data bus wiring is ok.SECTION 55 . NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. NOTE: Pay good attention to loose connectors.CHAPTER 9 At pin 4.5 to 1 volts (2. If the above checks are ok. and PTO 54140. bent pins in the connector. Engine speed must be set to 1500 RPM or higher. Replace or repair any damaged par t as necessary. be sure the Standard Instrumentation (INST) and Armrest (ARM) controllers are calibrated. Before starting the remote hydraulic calibration pr oc e d ur e.Used to exit the AUX. Only the valves that are configured in the armrest controller at power up are calibrated. remote hydraulics calibration can begin. AUX ADJUST . MD05F002 Once the requirements for calibration have been met. • • • • • 2. 4. Aux Set Main Menu MD05F120 Remote hydraulic calibration is performed through t h e p r o g r a m m a b l e d i s p l ay o n t h e s t a n d a r d instrumentation. c h e ck th e wi r i n g h a r n es s a n d components for damage or loose connections. AUX CAL . one and two. IMPORTANT: The remote hydraulic controller must be calibrated anytime any service work is done on the remote valves or when the controller is changed. AUX VIEW . 3. The hydraulic oil must be warmed to 49°C (120°F) or higher. 5. Push the DECR key four times. T h e ex t e n d a n d r e t r a c t f l o w s a r e adjustable independently. 9-94 . NOTE: Programming can only be entered within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position or starting the tractor. do the following: 1. Disconnect any implements before calibration. AUX SETUP . 4.The setup option menu is for the configuration of the implement controls.The adjustment menu offers the operator a means of tailoring the flow from a remote section to meet the needs of the job to be d o n e . Default is none.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . Before calibrating the remote hydraulic controller. The display should read AUX.The calibration menu allows the control to find the flow thresholds of the valves.CHAPTER 9 REMOTE HYDRAULICS CONTROLLER CALIBRATION Requirements For Calibration To get to the aux set main menu. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. There are 5 main menu options in the AUX: 1. Start the tractor.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Push the PROG key to enter the main menu. 3. There is the option of none. AUX EXIT .This menu displays the software revision code and scraper configuration. 2. Push the PROG key and hold for two seconds within the first ten seconds. STEP 2 MD05F122 The current software is displayed in two parts.CHAPTER 9 Aux View Menu STEP 1 MD05F003 Use the INCR or DECR key to move through these menus. Ver #1 is the first part of the current software number. To enter the menu of your choice.SECTION 55 . MD05F121 With AUX VIEW on the display.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . press the PROG key. 9-95 . press the PROG key. The display will now show how many scrapers are configured in the system.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the PROG key. Press the PROG key again to exit the view menu. The AUX VIEW screen will now be displayed. Press the PROG key to display AUX EXIT. The screen will now read Ver #2. STEP 4 MD05F124 Press the PROG key.CHAPTER 9 STEP 3 STEP 5 MD05F123 MD05F121 Press the PROG key. This is the second part of the current software number.SECTION 55 . NOTE: Scraper configuration is performed in the AUX SETUP menu. 9-96 . If the value is decreased. If the va lue di sp layed is in cr eas ed . NOTE: Only valve sections with a valid lever range and no faults will be broadcast (over the Tractor Data Bus) from the armrest controller will be listed in this menu. the shift in the flow curve will take effect immediately. The current valve setting.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . the flow will change 0. press the PROG key. MD05F125 With AUX ADJUST on the display. This res ul ts in a higher flow for a given flow potentiometer setting for that flow direction.2 to 0.SECTION 55 . As the displayed value is changed. with 0 having no effect on the flow curve. the flow curve associated with that valve will be shifted to the right. This results in a lower flow for a given flow potentiometer setting for that direction. which will be a number between -20 to +20 will be displayed.6 GPM (0.2 LPM).7 to 2. 9-97 . Each time the INCR or DECR key is pressed. MD05F128 Pr es s th e I NCR o r DEC R key to in cr ea se or decrease the number. STEP 7 STEP 9 MD05F126 Press the INCR or DECR key to select the remote section (1 through 5) and the extend or retract circuit for that section. the fl ow c ur ve associated with that valve will be shifted to the left.CHAPTER 9 Aux Adjust Menu STEP 8 STEP 6 MD05F127 Press the PROG key for the section circuit of your choice. The range of adjustment is -20 to +20. INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . push the PROG key. 9-98 . Use the INCR or DECR key to select your option.SECTION 55 . Press the PROG key. NOTE: The AUX controller must leave through the EXIT screen or the adjustments will not be saved. STEP 11 STEP 13 MD05F134 Press the INCR or DECR key to return to the EXIT screen. MD05F129 With AUX SETUP on the display. either none. Repeat Step 7 through 9 for other valve sections. then push the PROG key.CHAPTER 9 Aux Setup Menu STEP 10 STEP 12 MD05F126 Press the PROG key to return to the valve section selection menu. MD05F130 The SETUP menu will be entered at the current value. 1 or 2 scrapers. the commanded current will be incremented until the feedback signal has become greater than 27 PSI (186 kPa) from the initial value recorded. The valve is then commanded to zero current and allowed to settle for three seconds. the lever of valve being Calibration Process calibrated was moved from neutral. the pressure reading is verified that it has not changed more than 27 PSI (186 kPa) higher.SECTION 55 . If the feedback signal does not decay within the time frame allowed.CHAPTER 9 STEP 14 Ever y 200 mS. Before the calibration process starts. If the feedback signal is above this. MD05F129 The display will return to the AUX SETUP screen.During calibration. calibration will be stopped. If the value is below this pressure check. If the checks pass. The sequence of calibration is sequential from valve section one through section five of the available sections. one of the following messages will be displayed: Aux Cal Menu • Enable . The valve order for each section is lower first. If calibration is stopped. • There are no faults present. the present calibration values are set to a default value and the calibration process will begin. The feedback is then checked for a value below 18 PSI (124 kPa) from the initial value.Feedback signal out of range low or high during pre-cal check. 9-99 . INCR. The valve is commanded to starting current. Selection of the INCR or DECR key will bring the main calibration menu back.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . This check includes: • • • • Levers and switches for the available valve sections are in the neutral position. The valve is then commanded at the current just found minus 16 mA. the calibration will exit. Use the INCR or DECR key to go to the next menu item. Cal Fail .25 volts. After three seconds.Starting current generates too much pressure or the commanded current has gone through its valid range without finding the threshold. then raise. the pressure reading is stored for the initial value and used for a relative reference for the remainder of this valve calibration. the calibration will be exited with a message displayed of the fault. NOTE: Before performing the AUX CAL procedure. • The feedback signal used for the calibration indicates less than 100 PSI (689 kPa) and is greater than 0. When calibration is completed. • If any of these checks do not pass.lever not in neutral during pre-cal check. Decr or PROG key was pushed. cycle each remote hydraulic section to the extend and retract detente position. make sure valve spools are moving freely. the system will perform a pre-calibration check. • Quit . The valve and section that is in process of calibration will be displayed. A minimum of one second and up to 30 seconds is allowed for this signal to decay. the thresholds will be s a v e d a n d D o n e w i l l b e d i s p l ay e d o n t h e instrumentation display.Pressure takes to long to drop during settling phase of calibration Cal Halt . Cal Time . Again the valve is allowed to settle as above. With the engine running. NOTE: Disconnect any implement from the remote hydraulic valves before performing the AUX CAL procedure.Anytime a fault is associated with the section is detected. The current is incremented every three seconds until a change of 27 PSI (186 kPa) or greater from the initial value is reached. PSI . During calibration.Starting current generates too much pressure or the commanded current has gone through its valid range without finding the threshold. After three seconds. The valve is then commanded to zero current and allowed to settle for three seconds. one of the following messages will be displayed: • Enable . move the 3rd remote lever out of neutral. If the feedback signal is above this. a pause is provided to allow field technicians to calibrate both remote systems with one pressure transducer.SECTION 55 . make sure valve spools are moving freely.Anytime a fault is associated with the section is detected. the calibration will exit. If the feedback signal does not decay within the time frame allowed. NOTE: Before performing the AUX CAL procedure. The calibration will pause after the 2nd remote section is calibrated. NOTE: Disconnect any implement from the remote hydraulic valves before performing the AUX CAL procedure. the pressure reading is stored for the initial value and used for a relative reference for the remainder of this valve calibration. Cal Fail . calibration will be stopped.CHAPTER 9 • If Equipped with MegaFlow For vehicles equipped with the Mega-Flow option. The feedback is then checked for a value below 18 PSI (124 kPa) from the initial value. INCR. Again the valve is allowed to settle as above. Place the 3rd remote lever back into neutral and select continue from the menu. Press the PROG key. STEP 15 The valve is commanded to starting current. RD02E096 Connect Remote Hydraulic Calibration Tool CAS 2806 to the implement potentiometer connector (C150M below cab) and the load sensing diagnostic port on the remote valve. STEP 16 When calibration is completed. the commanded current will be incremented until the feedback signal has become greater than 27 PSI (186 kPa) from the initial value recorded. Cal Time .Feedback signal out of range low or high during pre-cal check. MD05F131 With AUX CAL on the display. Every 200 mS. The valve is then commanded at the current just found minus 16 mA.lever not in neutral during pre-cal check. • Quit . the lever of valve being calibrated was moved from neutral. 9-100 . the pressure reading is verified that it has not changed more than 27 PSI (186 kPa) higher. Decr or PROG key was pushed.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . If the value is below this pressure check. Move the transducer to the right side diagnostic fitting.Pressure takes to long to drop during settling phase of calibration Cal Halt . A minimum of one second and up to 30 seconds is allowed for this signal to decay. The current is incremented every three seconds until a change of 27 PSI (186 kPa) or greater from the initial value is reached. Once the calibration procedure is in progress for the 1st remote section. With the engine running. The calibration process will continue. If calibration is stopped. cycle each remote hydraulic section to the extend and retract detente position. the thresholds will be saved and Done will be displayed on the standard instrumentation display. • • • PSI . 1. STEP 19 NOTE: An EXIT option is available by pressing the INCR key. Steering was activated. STEP 18 MD05F133 Press the PROG key to select START. If the display reads AUX Psi. When calibration is completed. The screen will display each remote valve as it is calibrated and will automatically cycle through all remote valves in numeric order. 9-101 . Selecting EXIT will bring you back to the previous menu. 3. MD05F182 If any of the remote levers are not in the neutral position the display will read AUX Enable. Do not move the remote levers out of the neutral position. the display will read the reason why. MD05F177 The system will go automatically into the calibration process when the pre-calibration is completed. The calibration process for a five valve remote system will take approximately five minutes. There is a fault in the hydraulic system. 5. 4. The Remote Hydraulic Calibration Tool CAS 2806 is not connected.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Selection of the INCR or DECR key will bring the main calibration menu back. the display will read Done. A hydraulic lever was activated. If the calibration process could not be completed. the calibration will be exited with a message displayed of the problem.SECTION 55 . See Calibration Process at the beginning of Aux Cal Menu.CHAPTER 9 STEP 17 If any of these checks do not pass. MD05F132 The display will read AUX Start. This will start the pre-calibration checks. 2. The load sense pressure is too high. Push the PROG key to return to the AUX Cal menu. a) Make sure Fuse #41 is not burned out. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse #41.5 to 4 volts (2. and the ground to the controller. At pin 3. At pin 1. With the key ON. If the above checks are OK. a) Check from the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. Check power supply. If not. check power supply and its fuse.5 V nominally). 1. At pin 4. LED off . Solution: Make sure both the armrest controller and the remote hydraulic controller are functioning OK. Check the function of the Instrument controller: a) If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. its fuse. the yellow wire.controller is OK.failed controller. it means that the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. If not. it should read 2.CHAPTER 9 REMOTE (AUX) CONTROLLER FAULT CODES FAULT CODE AUX 12041 Communication Lost With The Instrumentation Controller Cause: Communication lost between remote hydraulic controller and the instrumentation controller. replace the controller. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the bus and check the terminator at the other end. Check the Data Bus connections. 3. At pin 4. c) If the display is normal. Check the integrity of Data Bus at the passive terminators. the red wire. go to step 3.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . it means that the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. b) If there is display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is power to controller.5 to 1 volts (2.5 to 4 volts (2. At pin 2. the green wire. Check the function of the remote hydraulic controller: a) Make sure connector (C055 Green) is plugged in to the remote hydraulic controller. 4. b) Check the LED light on the remote hydraulic controller.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . 9-102 . Bad connection between remote hydraulic controller and the instrumentation controller. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C205. If the above checks are OK. it is more likely that there is no power to controller. the yellow wire. With the key ON. LED light on . Controller failure. it is more likely the Instrument controller failed. and other controllers claim communication lost with the Instrument controller.5 V nominally). Make sure the connector (CN2) to the Instrument controller is plugged in. Reconnect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. it should read 2. it should read 2. it should read 12 volts battery voltage. b) Turn the tractor Key ‘ON’. The LED light for remote hydraulic controller is on the bottom of the controller. it should read 12 volts battery voltage. the red wire. Possible failure modes: 1. If not.5 V nominally). there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. At pin 2. 2.5 to 1 volts (2. check for bad connection and damaged wire along the Data Bus. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. check the power supply from the switched power.5 V nominally). it should read 2. such as totally strange symbols. At pin 1. 2. LED light flashing . Check the power supply at Fuse #41. go to next. replace the controller. At pin 3. the green wire. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. b) Check from the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. There should be 12 volts. SECTION 55 . the fault code will be accompanied by a whole bunch of fault codes such as AUX 12011. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damage.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . TRANS 12011. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. INST 12011. PTO 54120. INST 12031. 9-103 . TRANS 12031. and PTO 54140.25 and 26 and sections 53 and 54 at the rear of this section. NOTE: See schematic sections 24.CHAPTER 9 IMPORTANT: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Start the tractor. NOTE: The standard instrumentation and armrest controllers must be calibrated before the hitch controller can be calibrated. Push the PROG key to enter the main menu.Capability to set user settings of certain parameters. A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. Calibration of systems configuration. RD05F101 To get to the hitch setup main menu. B. A.CHAPTER 9 HITCH CONTROLLER CALIBRATION Setup Process Requirements For Calibration NOTE: Programming can only be entered within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the ON position. check the wiring harness and com ponents for damage or loose connections. they must be corrected before programming is possible. Push the DECR key three times to highlight HITCH. When the Hitch Set main menu is entered.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . 4. Before starting the hitch calibration procedure. 4. HITCH CAL . Be sure that the hitch is free to move all the way between the lift cylinders minimum and maximum limits. The transmission oil must be warmed to more than 38°C (100°F). Hitch Setup Main Menu 2. the setup options include the following: 1. Be sure there are no persons in the back of the tractor during hitch calibration. Push the PROG key and hold for two seconds within the first ten seconds after turning on the key switch. HITCH EXIT .Used to exit the hitch menus. hitch calibration can begin. Hitch setup / calibration is perfor med from the programmable display on the standard monitor.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . HITCH SETTINGS . The engine speed must be 1600 RPM or higher during calibration. 3. MD05F002 Once the requirements for calibration have been met. Replace or repair any damaged part as necessary. Make sure that no interference exists during h i t c h m ove m e n t ( s u c h a s a q u i ck c o u p l e r contacting a draw bar). Calibration of systems parameters 2. do the following: 1.Capability to calibrate the hitch system. Do not calibrate the hitch with the tractor moving. 3. • • • • • NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded.Capability to view information about the controller. 9-104 . HITCH VIEW . If the tractor has been previously calibrated.75 inch) ID cylinders. MD05F045 The Hitch Cal menu allows the user to calibrate the system parameters. press the PROG key to enter the selection. 1 = Two 88. the top line will have that calibration number. DELUXE RD05G046 1. When the correct cylinder size is found.125 inch) ID cylinders.2 mm (3.5 inch) ID cylinders. NOTE: If any fault codes are recorded.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .75 inch) ID cylinders. HITCH SETTINGS. 3 = Two 95.9 mm (3. they must be corrected before programming is possible.5 mm (3.5 inch) and One 95. position feedback potentiometer and valve thresholds. 9-105 . HITCH VIEW and HITCH EXIT.CHAPTER 9 Hitch Calibration Menu The HITCH CAL will be the first option upon entry into the setup main menu. the display will default to the number 1. 2. MD05F003 2. MD05F183 1.SECTION 55 .8 (4. press PROG. The tractor type must be entered in the top line of the display.2 mm (3. 4 = One 92. Use the INCR or DECR keys to scroll through the cylinder sizes to find the size that applies to your tractor. Press the INCR or DECR key to move through the main menu which includes HITCH CAL. These parameters include the tractor type. 2 = One 88.9 mm (3. If the controller has not been calibrated.75 inch) and One 104. To enter the submenu of your choice. STANDARD STEP 1 The lower line of the display will have the word Type. While the hitch is lowering. the lower line of the display will read “Pins”. NOTE: Fault code HITCH 9313 will not stop the calibration process. the top line of the display will read “0”. 9-106 .SECTION 55 . NOTE: If a failure is detected. When the PROG button is released. 1. 6. Fault code HITCH 9313 will be recorded if draft pins are detected. press and hold the PROG key until the hitch lowers completely. the system will go to Step 4. the display will change to Hitch Lower ON. and the armrest controller is calibrated for draft. the controller will assume there are no draft pins and go to Step 3. If neither item 1 or 2 are true. 3. If the hitch controller has been previously calibrated. press the PROG key to select that number of draft pins. 5. It will allow you to lower the hitch. 2. 1. To abort calibration. press either the INCR or DECR key. This means that the number of draft pins must be programed into the controller. 3. Be sure the engine is at 1600 RPM minimum. The system will go to Step 3 after the selection has been made NOTE: If a failure is detected. the controller is looking for the number of draft pins in the system. 4. the system will go to Step 10. Use the INCR or DECR keys to scroll through the number of draft pins.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . If the hitch controller detects two draft pins. The system will go to Step 9. The hitch will lower as long as the PROG key is depressed. If the armrest controller is calibrated for position only. 2. the hitch controller will assume there are two draft pins and go to Step 3. To lower the hitch. I f t he c o nt ro l le r h as neve r b ee n calibrated.CHAPTER 9 STEP 2 STEP 3 At this step. the top line will have that calibration nu mb er. When the correct number of draft pins is displayed on the upper line of the display. the system will go to Step 9. MD05F179 The display will now read Lower Hitch. MD05F049 The display will read ENG SPD. If there is no asterisk. the system will go to Step 10. there will be an asterisk (*) on the display. Whenever current is applied to the coil. To calibrate the lower portion of the hitch valve. 9-107 . The controller will start the lower calibration. the hitch will move to the maximum raised position. MD05F050 The display will now read Cal Lower. 3.CHAPTER 9 STEP 4 STEP 5 The display will now read Cal Raise. This will allow you to calibrate the raise threshold of the hitch valve. NOTE: Calibration may take a few minutes. press the PROG key. When the controller has found the raise threshold of the valve. Then press the PROG key. the display will change to Cal Lower ON. Cal Fail will appear on the display and calibration cannot continue. press the PROG key. the “ON” will flash intermittently. If the engine RPM is at or above 1600 RPM. NOTE: If the program key is pressed without an asterisk on the display. To calibrate the raise portion of the hitch valve. 1. While calibration is taking place.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The system will then go to Step 5. the display will change to Cal Raise ON. Whenever current is applied to the coil. increase engine speed until the asterisk appears.SECTION 55 . 1. This will allow you to calibrate the lower threshold of the hitch valve. NOTE: If a failure is detected. To abort calibration. The controller will start the raise calibration. The system will go to Step 9. MD05F047 STEP 6 MD05F048 2. press either the INCR or DECR key. SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 STEP 7 The display will now read Lower Limit ON. The system wants you to acknowledge that the hitch has reached the lower limit. 1. Push the “PROG” key to acknowledge that the hitch is at the lower limit. The system will then go to Step 8. MD05F051 2. The hitch will move down for approximately 0.8 seconds as soon as the PROG key is released. The hitch will then stop while the hitch valve finds it’s lower threshold. Then the hitch will move down to the lower limit. NOTE: Calibration may take a few minutes. While calibration is taking place, the “ON” will flash intermittently. MD05F052 2. To abort calibration, press either the INCR or DECR key. The system will go to Step 9. 3. To abort calibration, press either the INCR or DECR key. The system will go to Step 9. NOTE: If the PROG key is not pressed within 6 minutes, the calibration will fail and the system will go to Step 9. NOTE: Be sure the engine is at 1600 RPM minimum. NOTE: If a failure is detected, the system will go to Step 10. NOTE: If a failure is detected, the system will go to Step 10. 9-108 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 STEP 8 STEP 9 If the display reads Cal Aborted. This means that the calibration process was aborted at some point. 1. Press the PROG key to return to the main menu. 2. There are several things that can cause the calibration to be aborted. A. The tractor starts moving. B. No engine speed. C. The operator aborted calibration. STEP 10 MD05F053 When the display reads Cal Fail, it means that a failure has occurred during the calibration process. The controller will now be in the halt mode. The display will now read Cal Done. This indicates th a t h i tc h c a li b ra t io n ha s b ee n s uc c e s s f ul l y completed. 1. Press the PROG key to go back to the main menu. 1. Press the PROG key to return to the hitch main menu. NOTE: Entry into hitch calibration will not be allowed until the key switch has been cycled OFF, then ON. MD05F045 MD05F063 2. HITCH CAL will be on the display. Press the INCR key to go to HITCH EXIT menu. Press the PROG key to exit calibration. 9-109 Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) - CHAPTER 9 Hitch Setting Menu STEP 11 Go to the Hitch Setting menu as shown under Hitch Setup Main Menu. The Hitch Setting Menu allows you to set certain performance parameters. The lower line of the display will read R/D Rate (raise/drop rate). The top line of the display will show the present user setting for this (either yes or no). If Yes is selected, the system will use the drop rate setting to set the raise rate. If No is selected, the hitch will raise to the rate specified in Step 12. The default setting for this step is No. MD05F054 NOTE: Each parameter has a default setting that would be preferred under normal operating conditions. MD05F056 Press PROG key. 1. Press the INCR or DECR key to toggle between Yes and No. STEP 10 2. Press the PROG key to select your choice. If Yes is selected, the system will go to Step 13. If No is selected, the system will go to Step 12. The lower line of the display will read Drop 1. This will allow you to set the slowest drop rate of the hitch. The three choices are 12, 16 and 20 second. The default setting is 12 seconds. STEP 12 The lower line of the display will read Raise. This will allow you to choose the approximate desired time to fully raise the hitch. There are five choices for this: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 seconds. The default time is 2 seconds. MD05F055 1. Press the INCR or DECR key to scroll through the selections. 2. Press the PROG key to select your choice of drop rate. The system will go to the next step. MD05F057 1. Press the INCR or DECR key to change the selection. 2. Press the PROG key to choose your selection. The system will go to Step 13 when your choice is made. 9-110 MD05F060 2. Press the PROG key to return to HITCH SETTINGS. The display will now read Done Settings. The system will go to step 14.CHAPTER 9 STEP 13 STEP 14 The lower line of the display will now read Hitch Up. The default is 70%. 9-111 . This i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e u s e r s e t t i n g s h av e b e e n successfully programed.area accumulation function. MD05F058 2. MD05F059 1. the main menu. MD05F058 1.SECTION 55 . Press the DECR key to go to the HITCH VIEW menu. 70%.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . To select a percentage. press the PROG key. 80% and 90%. This will allow you to choose the desired percentage of hitch travel that will be used to determine if the hitch is up for the auto . Press the INCR or DECR key to change the selection. There are four choices: 60%. Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . This indicates that this menu is completed. Erase any fault codes if they exist. Press the PROG key to go to the next step. MD05F062 Press the PROG key to go to the next part of the number. This indicates that the bottom line of the display will have the first two characters of the version number. STEP 15 MD05F060 The display will now read HITCH VIEW. The top line of the display will read Ver #2 This indicates that the bottom of the display will have the last two characters of the version number. STEP 18 MD05F061 The top line of the display will read Ver #1. Press the PROG key with HITCH VIEW on the display. STEP 16 MD05F063 Press the PROG key to exit the hitch menus STEP 19 Cycle the key switch OFF. then ON. Press DECR key to go to HITCH EXIT. Check to see if there are any fault codes. 9-112 .CHAPTER 9 Hitch View Menu STEP 17 The Hitch View Menu allows the user to see the version number of the software presently programed into the controller.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Drive the tractor and watch the signal change when the tractor speed changes. go to next step. Check for open circuit and wiring shortage.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . The hitch controller received the signal from the instrumentation controller. 2. There should be good continuity from pin B of connector C069 to the clean ground. You will be able to monitor the wheel speed sensor signal on the screen. If the service tool is connected to the tractor. NOTE: See schematic sections 24. If only HITCH 3010 is recorded. check the function of the instrumentation controller and the hitch controller. replace the transmission speed sensor. do the following: Go to the Monitor screen. Possible failure mode: 1. go to step 2. click the Monitor Icon. Click the CHANGE PARAMETER SELECTIONS Icon. If the speed signal looks fine on service tool but not on the instrumentation cluster. 2. 4. The instrumentation controller sends the wheel (transmission) speed signal to the hitch controller and the PTO controller by way of the Data Bus. Select the INST GROUND SPEED . There should be a 5 VDC power supply from pin 12 of CN1 to pin A of connector C069 when the tractor key is in the ‘RUN’ position. Software execution error in instrumentation controller (small chance). Disconnect connector C069 from the sensor. Check the wiring from the transmission speed sensor to connector C060 and then to connector CN2 at the instrumentation controller. Solution: The speed sensor is hard wired to the instrumentation controller. Measure the sensor resistance between pin A and Pin B. 1. If the resistance is not in the specified range. it is more likely a problem with the instrumentation cluster.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . If there is no wheel speed signal. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldout at the end of this section. If none of above. the problem is more likely with the hitch controller. If it is as specified.WHEEL and then ADD. 9-113 . 25 and 26 at the rear of this section. The transmission speed sensor failed (in most cases). 3. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. Inspect the connector. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damage. If both signals seem fine. Test the resistance of the transmission speed sensor: Locate the transmission speed sensor on top of the transmission. check the function of the hitch controller. Clean the connection. compare it to the speed display on the instrumentation cluster.CHAPTER 9 HITCH CONTROLLER FAULT CODES FAULT CODE HITCH 3010 Transmission Speed Sensor Failed Cause: The Data Bus signaled that the transmission speed sensor has failed. The resistance should be around 3 k ohms at 20 degree Celsius. If there is wheel speed signal. If the sensor or the instrumentation controller has problem. both fault code HITCH 3010 and PTO 54060 should appear. it should read 12 volts battery voltage. its fuse. At pin 2. Solution: Make sure both the instrument controller and the hitch controller functioning OK. check power supply and its fuse.controller is OK. and the ground to the controller.failed controller. With the key on.5 V nominally).CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE HITCH 12041 Communication Lost With The Instrument Controller Cause: The hitch controller is not receiving or recognizing information from the instrumentation controller. it means that the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. Replace the controller. replace the controller. Check the integrity of Data Bus at the passive terminators. Check the function of the instrument controller. Possible failure codes: 1. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. At pin 1. If the above checks are OK. At pin 1. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. At pin 3. Reconnect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. such as unusual symbols.5 to 1 volts ( power to controller. 1. go to step 3. it should read 2. b) Turn the tractor Key ’ON’. a) If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. If not. Controller failure. With the key on. 2. a) Make sure the connector to the hitch controller is plugged in. 3. it should read 2. Check the Data Bus connections. check the power supply from the switched power. Check the power supply at Fuse #41. it is likely that the instrument controller has failed. The following checks are basically looking into one end of the bus and check the terminator at the other end. the red wire. the red wire.5 to 4 volts (2. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C205. measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. it means that the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK. it should read 2. 2. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. If the above checks are OK.SECTION 55 . it should read 12 volts battery voltage. and other controllers claim communication is lost with the instrument controller. the yellow wire. b) Check the LED light on the hitch controller. 9-114 . Bad connection between hitch controller and the instrument controller. At pin 4. At pin 3. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse #41. the yellow wire. c) If nothing can be found wrong with the instrument controller. LED off . a) Check from the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor. go to next step. At pin 4.5 V nominally).INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . the green wire. Check power supply. Make sure the connector CN2 to the instrument controller is plugged in. If not. LED light on . b) If there is a display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. a) Make sure Fuse #41 is not burned out.5 to 1 volts (2. it should read 2. the green wire. At pin 2.5 to 4 volts (2. check for bad connection and damaged wire along the Data Bus. 4. it is more likely that there is no power to controller. b) Check from the passive terminator at the front of the tractor.5 V nominally). there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. LED light flashing . If not. Check the function of the hitch controller. There should be 12 volts.5 V nominally). INST 12011. AUX 12011. NOTE: Also see the Data Bus schematic foldouts 12 through 18 at the end of this section.SECTION 55 . NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting.CHAPTER 9 NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 51 and 52 at the rear of this section. INST 12031. 9-115 . NOTE: See schematic sections 24. the fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011. TRANS 12031 and PTO 54140. PTO 54120. 4.Allows the operator to view PTO software version and the ratio between the engine speed and the PTO shaft speed. Push the PROG key and hold for two seconds within the first ten seconds of turning on the key switch. STEP 1 RD05F101 Turn the key switch to the on position.CHAPTER 9 PTO CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION General Information PTO Main Menu NOTE: The standard instrumentation and armrest controllers must be calibrated before the PTO controller can be configured. NOTE: Controller programming can only be entered within the first 10 seconds of turning the key switch to the on or run position. PTO SPEED . 3.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 .Returns to the main menu. Press the PROG key.Selects either a one or two speed PTO. The INCR and DECR keys are used to toggle between these menus. The PTO controller configuration is performed through the programmable display on the standard instrumentation.Allows the brake lamp relay controller to be used by the PTO. 2. STEP 2 MD05F002 There are three operations under the main PTO menu.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . A short beep will indicate that the program mode has been accessed and the display will read CONFIG MENU. RD05F135 Press the INCR key until the display reads PTO . B LAMPS . VIEW . 1. 9-116 . EXIT . Press the PROG key again. The display will read (1) or (2) SPEED.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Press the PROG key. Use the INCR or DECR key to toggle between 1 and 2 and choose the number that applies to the number of PTO speeds that the tractor has.SECTION 55 . RD05F140 Press the PROG key. This is the first part of the software version number. The display will read SW 2.CHAPTER 9 PTO Speed Menu View Menu STEP 3 STEP 5 RD05F136 RD05F138 The display will read PTO SPEED. The display will read SW 1. This is the second par t of the software version number. The menu will read PTO VIEW. STEP 6 RD05F137 Press the PROG key to record your choice. 9-117 . STEP 4 RD05F139 Press the DECR key. Pressing the PROG key will exit from PTO configuration. 9-118 . Press The DECR key and the display will read PTO EXIT.CHAPTER 9 STEP 7 RD05F138 RD05F141 Press the PROG key.SECTION 55 . The display will read PTO VIEW.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . 2. Turn PTO ON and then OFF. Start the tractor and check the display for engine RPM (Tractors without a engine controller). Once shaft rotation is detected the PTO controller will control clutch modulation and run up speed for several seconds before full clutch pressure is applied. -. alternator (engine RPM) or output shaft speed sensor. Tractors with an engine controller -.No PTO fault codes and PTO will not turn.6. -.No engine RPM read on display.Template Name: OML_2_col Template Date: 2001_03_06 Rac 0-00000 SECTION 55 . STEP 2 . -. Possible failure mode: 1.If the PTO solenoid circuit is failed open.NOT OK . Go to Step 2 (Tractors with no engine controller). The 12 volt power supply wire or the PTO solenoid failed OPEN (Pin C057-4 Black connector). -. Check for PTO fault codes.NOT OK . Background: The PTO controller looks at engine speed from the alternator and PTO output shaft speed before and after the PTO switch is turned on.8 ohms at 25 C (70 F). go to Step 3 (Tractor with engine controller).“TURN PTO OFF” Is On Display Meaning: The PTO will not turn when PTO switch is placed in the ON position and no fault codes are recorded.A new PTO fault code was record. PTO controller is not reading engine RPM at PIN C056-1 (Gray) from the alternator. Tractors without a engine controller -.Alternator check Clear all fault codes.If the PTO solenoid circuit is failed open no fault code is recorded.The alternator provides engine RPM to the display and to the PTO controller.Check the alternator Check alternator output at terminal “W”.CHAPTER 9 SYMPTOM BASED FAULTS .Problem with PTO solenoid. Go to Step 3. If the PTO controller fails to receive information from the PTO solenoid circuit.NOT OK . -. Problem with PTO solenoid circuit. Wiring information: NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged or bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . The PTO controller will engage the PTO solenoid just enough to start shaft rotation.Problem with PTO solenoid.Replace alternator. -. go to new fault code for corrective action. C057-5 --> C159-B (PTO solenoid) C159-A --> C057-4 Alternator (W) --> C085 --> C333-12 --> Splice--> C060-12 -->CN1-19 (instrument cluster) Corrective action: STEP 1 . -. The transmission controller uses data bus information from the instrumentation controller.PTO did not turn and PTO fault code 54261 is recorded. -.NO FAULT CODES PTO Will Not Engage -. -. no fault code is recorded.NOT OK . When the alternator fails the PTO and the transmission will not engage. 3. therefore the PTO will not engage when the PTO is turned on if the alternator fails.The engine controller will provide engine RPM to the display when the alternator fails but not to the PTO controller.NOT OK .0 . 9-119 .Go to Step 3. PTO solenoid resistance PTO solenoid 6. the PTO will not engage. Engine RPM will not be displayed on the instrumentation display. -.OK . NOT OK .The resistance was not between 6.OK .Test solenoid Disconnect PTO solenoid at connect C0159. Inspect connector pins.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . -.Check wiring Remove the controller cover from the rear of the tractor.Replace damaged wire.Replace PTO solenoid.Check PTO solenoid circuit Disconnect Connector C057 Measure the resistance between pin C057-5 and C057-4.0 and 6.OK . STEP 5 .0 to 6.SECTION 55 . go to Step 5. NOTE: A test wire can be run from the alternator terminal “W” to the PTO controller pin C056-1.8 ohms.8 ohms at 25 C (100 F).NOT OK . Check the wire and connections between the alternator terminal “W” and the PTO controller pin C056-1 for an open circuit. Measure the resistance of the PTO solenoid. 9-120 .CHAPTER 9 STEP 3 .Resistance measured was between 6. STEP 4 . -. -. -. d. 1. Disconnect connector C068 at the radar. So a quick hand moving in front of the radar will be an easy way to test the frequency change of the radar signal. There should be good continuity from pin A of connector C068 to the clean ground. Pin D is the signal from radar to ICU indicating radar is connected to the system. Install the new radar. b. wheel speed sensor) failed (in most cases).CHAPTER 9 PTO CONTROLLER FAULT CODES FAULT CODE PTO 54050 Wheel Slip Sensing Error In The Instrumentation Controller Cause: The percent slip is decided by the difference between the wheel speed and the ground speed.25 and 26 at the rear of this section. Pin B is the radar signal. Pin C: B+ Pin D: Present Pin A is the radar ground. RADAR FUNCTION The radar is connected to the vehicle electrical system through a 4 pin connector. Pin C is the power supply to the radar from Fuse 34 through connector C010 pin 83. Its frequency is scaled to 44 HZ/mph and proportional to ground speed. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. 3. 2. Reconnect the wiring and check the function of the new radar. then fault code HITCH 3010 and PTO 54060 should be recorded. The radar will detect the speed of any thing moving in front of it. check the function of the instrumentation controller and the hitch controller. 9-121 . The power supply at pin C of connector C068 should be about 5 VDC when the tractor key is in the ’RUN’ position. replace the radar in the following procedures: a. Wheel slip sensing (radar gun. Disconnect the radar wiring. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged. If the problem is with the wheel speed sender. The signal is of square wave form with ’Low’ 0. Check for open circuit and wiring shortage. Check the wiring of radar gun. The signal is from Pin B of the radar and connected to the pin 13 of the instrument cluster through Pin 25 of connector C060. Pin A: GND Pin B: SIG. Possible failure mode: 1. There is also a small chance of instrumentation controller malfunction. the problem is most likely with the radar gun. Check the function of the radar. It is connected to the ICU Pin 13 through connector C060 Pin 28. Percent slip calculation failed in instrumentation controller (small chance).INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Solution: The wheel speed sensor and the radar gun (for the ground speed) are hard wired to instrumentation controller. 2. Which is connected to the vehicle clean ground through SPL-F1. Special tools (such as oscilloscope) is needed to check the frequency. If there is no HITCH 3010 and PTO 54060.8 VDC or less and ’High’ 3. Remove the radar from the vehicle.7VDC minimum. If there is no problem with the radar and its wiring.SECTION 55 . The signal is connected to the ICU pin 13 CN1 through connector C060 Pin 25. c. The hitch controller receives the slip signal information from the instrumentation controller through the Data Bus. If the radar does not work as expected. If there is no wheel speed signal.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE PTO 54060 Ground Speed Signal Failed In The Instrumentation Controller Cause: The Data Bus signaled that the transmission speed sensor has failed. go to step 2. The resistance should be around 3 k ohms at 20 degree celsius. WHEEL SPEED SENSOR INFORMATION Cavity A: Signal Cavity B: Ground Operating Temperature: . NOTE: See schematic sections 24. Inspect the connector.9 to 2. You will be able to monitor the wheel speed sensor signal on the screen.9 H Output: 30 Hz to 7 kHz Quasi-Sinusoidal Solution: The speed sensor is hard wired to the instrumentation controller. Click the CHANGE PARAMETER SELECTIONS Icon. Possible failure mode: 1. If none of above. If the speed signal looks fine on service tool but not on the instrumentation cluster. If the service tool is connected to the tractor. If the resistance is not in the specified range. it is more likely a problem with the instrumentation cluster. If both signals seem fine. Measure the sensor resistance between pin A and Pin B. Disconnect connector C069 from the sensor. 2. check the function of the PTO controller.WHEEL and then ADD. 9-122 .SECTION 55 . Test the resistance of the transmission speed sensor: Locate the transmission speed sensor on top of the transmission. The transmission speed sensor failed (in most cases). 1. do the following: Go to the Monitor screen by clicking on the Monitor Icon. There should be 5 VDC power supply from pin 12 of CN1 to pin A of connector C069 when the tractor key is in the ’RUN’ position. If it is as specified. compare it to the speed display on the instrumentation cluster. There should be good continuity from pin B of connector C069 to the clean ground. If the sensor or the instrumentation controller has a problem. Drive the tractor and watch the signal change when the tractor speed changes. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting.40 degree C to 125 degree C Resistance: 2700 to 3300 ohms Inductance: 1. 3. Check for open circuit and wiring shortage. 4. go to next step. Select the INST GROUND SPEED .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . check the function of the instrumentation controller and the PTO controller. The instrumentation controller sends the wheel (transmission) speed signal to the hitch controller and the PTO controller via Data Bus. The PTO controller received the signal from the instrumentation controller. the problem is most likely with the PTO controller. Software execution error in instrumentation controller (small chance). 2. If only PTO 54060 is recorded. Clean the connection. replace the transmission speed sensor. Check the wiring from the transmission speed sensor to connector C060 and then to connector CN1 at the instrumentation controller. If there is wheel speed signal. NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged.25 and 26 and 12 thru 18 at the rear of this section. both fault code HITCH 3010 and PTO 54060 should appear. it is most likely the instrument controller has failed. Bad connection between PTO controller and instrumentation controller. At pin 1.failed controller. LED off . Controller failure. its fuse.5 V nominally). measure the voltage on the wires connected to C175. check power supply and its fuse. b) Check from the passive terminator at the front of the tractor. a) Make sure Fuse #41 is not burned out. the yellow wire. it should read 2. the green wire. go to step 3. Reconnect the rear terminator and disconnect the front terminator at connector C205. it should read 2. c) If nothing wrong can be found with the instrument controller. If not. it means that the rear terminator and data bus wiring is OK. At pin 2. Check the power supply at Fuse #41. b) Turn the tractor key ’ON’. Check the integrity of Data Bus at the passive terminators The following checks are basically looking into one end of the data . check for bad connection and damaged wire along the Data Bus. At pin 3. Make sure the connector CN2 to the instrument controller is plugged in. Solution: Make sure both the instrumentation controller and the PTO controller are functioning OK.controller is OK. go to next. the red wire. 3. Replace the controller.bus and checking the terminator at the other end. the red wire. it should read 12 volts battery voltage. At pin 2. If the above checks are OK. 9-123 . a) Check from the passive terminator at the rear of the tractor.CHAPTER 9 FAULT CODE PTO 54130 Communication Lost With The Instrumentation Controller Cause: Communication lost between PTO controller and instrumentation controller. Check the function of the Instrument controller: a) If there is no display and no back light on the tractor instrumentation. Check the power supply to the Data Bus. 2. If not.SECTION 55 . Check the function of the PTO controller: a) Make sure the connector (C056) to the PTO controller is plugged in. At pin 3. it is most likely that there is no power to the controller.5 to 1 volts (2. b) Check the LED lamp on the PTO controller. such as unusual symbols. LED lamp on . 4.5 to 1 volts (2. Disconnect the terminator at connector C175. it means that the front terminator and data bus wiring is OK.5 V nominally). If the above checks are OK. There should be 12 volts. 1. At pin 1. and other controllers claim communication lost with the instrument controller. the green wire. At pin 4. check the power supply from the switched power.5 to 4 volts (2. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. it should read 12 volts battery voltage. Possible failure mode: 1. the yellow wire. Check the power supply. there should be continuity from pin 3 to the clean ground. it should read 2. At pin 4. and the ground to the controller. The power supply to the Data Bus is from the switched power through Fuse #41.5 to 4 volts ( power to controller. With the key on.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . LED lamp flashing . b) If there is display on the tractor instrumentation but the display is erratic. 2. it should read 2. With the key on. replace the controller. If not.5 V nominally). Check the Data Bus connections.5 V nominally). measure the voltage on the wires connected to C205. AUX 12011. the fault code will be accompanied by multiple fault codes such as TRANS 12011.45 and 24 at the rear of this section. bent or dislocated pins when troubleshooting. INST 12011. INST 12031. PTO 54120. NOTE: See schematic sections 44. 9-124 . NOTE: Always inspect connector ends for damaged.CHAPTER 9 NOTE: When there is a bad connection along the Data Bus wiring. NOTE: Also see the data bus schematic foldout at the end of this section.SECTION 55 . TRANS 12031 and PTO 54140.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 .CHAPTER 9 9-125 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-126 . CHAPTER 9 9-127 .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 . PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-128 . 0 550A T1 TO NOT PARK SIGNAL (1-2) EVEN MASTER SOL SOL SOL (3-4) SOL ODD CREEP SOL SOL CLEAN GROUND OPEN BOC SWITCH 1 2 1 31M 30M 2 1 35M 1 2 32M 2 1 2 29M 1 179AC 2 SHT 2 SECTION 51 TO SWITCHED B+ TO DIFF SOLENOID AT SPLICE C9 SHT 1 SECTION 21 39M 175E Bk .5 VIA SPLICE F4 SHT 2 SECTION 41 175G 26 OPEN 10 C3-4 CLUTCH LOW SIDE CHASSIS GROUND T . T .8 ODD CLUTCH LOW SIDE 8 580A T .0.0.8 557C Bk .0 Bk . PARK BRAKE CONTROL 4 C3-4 CLUTCH HIGH SIDE CN1-A 201E EVEN CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 558B R .0.3.8 10F RANGE 557B Bk .0.5 5 201G R. 20 20 SHT 2 SECTION 45 24 25 175J R.5 SHT 2 SECTION 44 C1-2 CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 10 MASTER CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 5 586A R.8 WHEEL SPEED SIG FROM SPL-T4 SHT 1 SECTION 26 SHT 1 SECTION 32 Bk .5 26 26 CHASSIS GROUND 26 175H Bk .1.0 550J SWITCHED B+ TO CONN 51M.0.0.8 1 561C LU .2.8 MID CLUTCH LOW SIDE 10 220C T .0.5 2 HIGH CLUTCH LOW SIDE 4 589A T .8 550A R .0.0.5 REVERSE SIGNAL 12 552A T . 7 201F R.8 TO PARK SOLENOIDS CREEP CLUTCH LOW SIDE 3 590A T . 22 511B T .0.8 FUSE #44 15A 10M AT CONN 160M.8 551A T .8 LU .5 220E 201G 37M R.3.8 SHT 2 SECTION 45 19 B FUSE #43 15A 200D AT CONN 158M.8 1 17 NOT PARK SIGNAL 24 T .5 552A T .2.5 T50 REVERSE CLUTCH HIGH SIDE B+ 12V FROM NEUTRAL RELAY 101E T .LOW (GREEN WIRE) B+ 12V FROM NEUTRAL RELAY T .5 511B T .0.0.5 6 588A R.8 AT CONN 51M.0.8 CREEP CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 11 201N R.0.8 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 259M 259F AUTO A A HITCH 44M 38M A B HI SOL C 555A LO SOL R .0.5 SWITCHED B+ 12V 8 550M R.5 553A T . C5-6 CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 13 201D R.5 UNSWITCHED B+ 12V 14 114B R.0 13 13 C1-2 CLUTCH LOW SIDE OPEN 550K R . CAV 11 Bk .5 MASTER CLUTCH LOW SIDE 4 220B T .0.8 6 201C R.0 175K 220F 20 557A 23 Bk .8 561A Bk .8 337A 338M 338F 571B 174H R .8 Bk . AT SPLICE A11 R.0.0.8 553B J13 TO MDF SOLENOID Bk .8 OPEN 562A R.8 R .1.0.5 (N/C) SHT 1 SECTION 35 TO CONN 58M.0.8 MASTER CLUTCH POT 5V OPEN Bk .8 SWITCHED B+ 12V 2 550D R.8 561D 555A 556A R .0.0.8 93 93 21 C5-6 CLUTCH LOW SIDE R .0.5 34M 220E R.0.5 561A T .5 Bk . 337A BACKUP ALARM Bk .0. CAV 2 R.0.0 337B 337B CHASSIS GROUND CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND CLEAN GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 37 SECTION 38 SECTION 39 CHASSIS GROUND FO_37_39.5 LU . CAV 2 Or .0.0.8 T6 567L 561D R .1.0.MIF 9-129 .0.5 T .0.0 568A A R .0 SEE SECTION 13 CAN .0.0.8 10F 92 92 10M 2 R.8 REVERSE CLUTCH LOW SIDE 2 583A 175F 557A 175B 584A T . 220M 27 27 562B SEE SECTION 43 9 R .0.0.8 2 2 CHASSIS GND ENGINE ALT SPEED 33 216E T .0.0.5 33M 1 2 220H R.8 Bk .0 FUSE #32 5A 114A 32 32 558B 13 TRANSMISSION CONTROLLER .8 777A Or .0 556A 34 16 SHT 1 SECTION 19 550C 36M LOW CLUTCH LOW SIDE FNRP SWITCH 5V UNSWITCHED B+ 61 61 16 PARK BRAKE FEEDBACK R . 27 558A Or .0 10F CHASSIS GROUND CHASSIS GROUND R .0.0.5 R.0.Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 .0 HIGH CLUTCH HIGH SIDE RANGE PRESSURE SIGNAL Or .8 585A T .1.0.8 1 18 220D T .0 1 1 2 2 114B R .8 2 BACK UP ALARM POWER 9 MID SOL 1 2 5-6 SOL REV SOL 11 28 567L Bk .5 23 553A T .8 ODD CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 9 201B R.0 12 12 6 582A T .0.5 EVEN CLUTCH LOW SIDE 1 581A T . SHT 1 SECTION 25 FROM SPLICE A13 TRANS WHEEL SPEED 34 215D Y .5 1 LOW CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 14 587A R.5 FORWARD SIGNAL 13 551A T .5 B+ 12V FROM NEUTRAL RELAY 25 220G R.1.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .5 SEE SECTION 43 CN3-B 16 16 10M 355M 1 R .5 TO ALTERNATOR FREQUENCY VIA SPLICE F6.2.0 62 62 MID CLUTCH HIGH SIDE 571A Bk .8 563A MASTER CLUTCH SIGNAL NOT NEUTRAL 557C T7 351M CN1-B R.8 175D T2 220A R .8 1 1 Bk .0.5 SWITCHED B+ 12V 3 550H R. CAV 4 179C CAN`+ HIGH (YELLOW WIRE) CASE GROUND 511A 567L 571A 174G SEE SECTION 43 R .CHAPTER 9 TRANSMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM TRANSMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM UNSWITCHED POWER UNSWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER TRANSMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM UNSWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER 350M SWITCHED B+ 12V 1 550B R. CAV 3 T3 353M CN2 50M SHT 1 SECTION 35 TO CLEAN GROUND Bk . PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-130 . 8 TO BRAKE LIGHT 177X K .CHAPTER 9 TRANSMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM UNSWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER 263F 263F B1 B3 C1 C3 263F E1 E3 550F R .8 177AW Bk . CAV D2 SHT 1 SECTION 29 SHT 1 SECTION 28 553F TO FNRP MODULE T .0.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) . CAV 7 SHT 1 SECTION 35 TO PNEUMATIC AIR SWITCH AT CONN 67M.8 177AS Bk .8 TO CONN 51M.0 TO FNRP 94 94 AT CONN 51M.8 177AR Bk .0 RELAY AT CONN 263F.8 1 3 1 3 1 PARK RELAY 550G R .2.MIF 9-131 .Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 .0.2. CAV 5 90 90 552B T .8 SHT 1 SECTION 35 89 89 553D T .8 R .8 562A T .0.8 PNEUMATIC B INDICATOR C 10M 10F 312C 30 30 566A LU . CAV D2 SHT 1 SECTION 28 TO INTERLOCK RELAY AT TO REAR WORKLIGHTS RELAY CONN 263F.0.1.8 177AW Bk .0 #5 2 C4 263F 5 4 2 B2 B5 B4 263F 5 4 NEUTRAL RELAY RELAY #2 #6 2 C2 C5 C4 263F 177AP 3 5 4 E2 E5 E4 Bk .0.0.8 91 91 561B Bk .8 CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 40 FO-40.8 B TO CONN 51M.0.0 220M R .8 38 38 555D LU . 558A Or .1.8 SHT 1 SECTION 35 58 58 88 88 551D T . CAV A2 AT CONN 263F.0.0.0. CAV 1 SHT 2 SECTION 41 MASTER CLUTCH TO SWITCHED B+ PEDEL POD AT SPLICE C40 52M SHT 1 SECTION 34 A 566B LU .8 C12 VIA CONN 51M.0.1. CAV 8 SHT 1 SECTION 35 567L Bk . CAV F2 SHT 1 SECTION 34 TO REAR WORK LIGHT RELAY AT CONN 263F. A LU .8 39 39 40 40 320M 556D 557D 566A R . CAV 6 Bk .0. PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-132 . 8 509B K .0.8 LEFT BRAKE B B SWITCH (NC) Bk .8 294B 174D 336F W.8 TO CHASSIS GROUND TO ARMREST AT SPLICE A13 SHT 1 SECTION 32 FUSE #38 CONTROLLER 10A AT CONN 137M 146M 336M 146F A A 174C B B Bk .0.8 12 R .8 AT CONN 263F. 1 Bk . 174E 9 295A Y . CAV 3 179G Bk . 145F A A PTO SHAFT B B SPEED TO BRAKE 293B 163M C8 LIGHT RELAY Y .1.8 293A Y .8 TO CONN 335M. A A Bk .8 9 530A R . CAV C8 PTO CONTROLLER TO SWITCHED B+ SHT 2 SECTION 52 AT SPLICE C9 SHT 1 SECTION 21 TO CHASSIS GROUND AT SPLICE A13 SHT 1 SECTION 32 159M 57M SWITCHED B+ 599A A 598A Bk .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .0.8 15 15 599B R .0.0.8 PTO SOLENOID RETURN 5 598A Bk .0 14 14 311A R .0.0.8 K .8 TO AFS AT AT SPLICE T3 CONN 278M.3.8 B PTO SOLENOID R .8 11 11 510B K .0.0.8 Bk .0 2 SECTION 54 TO SPLICE T3 SHT 179A Bk .0. CAV L SHT 2 SECTION 38 SHT 2 SECTION 71 SHT 2 SECTION 54 179H Bk .8 599D R .8 10 540A R .CHAPTER 9 PTO CONTROLLER SYSTEM PTO CONTROLLER SYSTEM PTO CONTROLLER SYSTEM PTO CONTROLLER SYSTEM UNSWITCHED POWER UNSWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER TO SPLICE F6 56M GRAY J1 ENGINE RPM 1 RIGHT BRAKE 2 LEFT BRAKE 3 OPEN 4 PTO "ON" 5 OPEN 6 SHT 216D 510A K . CAV 1 SHT 179C Bk .0.3.8 294A W.8 11 CLEAN GROUND 12 158M 530A 175E 1 2 DIFFERENTIAL SOLENOID TO CLEAN GROUND AT SPLICE T3 SHT 2 SECTION 38 A11 179F R .0 R .0 540A 175D R .0.0.0 Bk .8 B B C C CAVITY 7 PTO DUAL 599E SPEED SENSOR 200C R .0 2 OPEN BLACK J2 1 597A LU .1.0 2 MFD SOLENOID TO CLEAN GROUND 179BJ TO CONN 335M. 2 SECTION 38 TO CLEAN GND AT RING TERM 200F SHT 2 SECTION 57 CHASSIS GROUND CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 44 SECTION 44 SECTION 45 SECTION 45 9-133 . CAV F1 SENSOR 163F A A RIGHT BRAKE B B SWITCH (NC) SHT 1 SECTION 34 11 OPEN PTO SPEED SIGNAL 599C 162F A A 29 29 CDB LO (TR) 10 162M 509A 145M OPEN 10F 10 10 CDB HI (TR) PTO SPEED SHAFT 10M 1 SECTION 25 Y .0.0 SHT 2 SECTION 49 J5 JUMPER TO FUSE #39 FUSE BLOCK 262.8 OPEN 6 OPEN 7 OPEN 8 DIFF SOLENOID B+ MFD SOLENOID B+ OPEN 702A T .0.1.Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 .0 160M Bk .0.8 BRAKE LIGHT RELAY 3 PTO SOLENOID B+ 4 597A LU . PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-134 . 8 B B 516B TO SWITCHED B+ RIDE CONTROL CONTROL WITH PICKUP SWITCH AT SPLICE C30 HITCH LATCH PICKUP HITCH OFF SHT 2 SECTION 43 OFF ON C C R .0.8 512C DU .0.0 HITCH SOLENOID DOWN 3 529C LU .0 4 4 529C LU .8 STD RIDE RIDE CONTROL 119M LEFT HAND 517A Bk .0 2 2 SOLENOID FUSE #39 10F 10A 596A 9 9 314F T14 LU .0.0 152M R .0 5 5 528E 58M J1 (GREEN) 528E 1 HITCH SOLENOID UP 2 527C LU .8 RIGHT PIN SIGNAL 3 514A LU .0 312M 314M LU .8 C 10M CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 51 531H R .8 74 74 75 75 518B DU .8 A A 515A LU .8 POTENTIOMETER 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 6 6 5 7 7 8 8 7 6 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 A 507A LU . T17 DRAFT PIN 153M CDB HI (TR) R .0.0 1 1 HITCH DOWN LU . C 500H CENTER REMOTE HITCH SWITCH RAISE T16 500D R .0.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .0.8 9 OPEN 10 EDC LOAD PIN GND RIDE CONTROL 11 R .0 OPEN 4 OPEN 5 OPEN 6 PICKUP HITCH LATCH OPEN 7 513C 10 526A LU .0.0.8 LEFT PIN SIGNAL 506A 313MB 315M A A B B LU .0.0.0 2 2 SOLENOID 3 3 V1 1 1 R .0.0 11 179AC 12 528A 529A 152F R .0.8 B LU .1.Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 .0.8 ROCK SHAFT POT LOW 8 508A Bk .8 J2 ROCK SHAFT POT HI 6 (BROWN) ROCK SHAFT POT SIG 7 507A LU .1.0 REMOTE SWITCH DOWN R . A A R .1.0 JUMPER TO FUSE #38 FUSE BLOCK 512A DU . 512C DU .8 A R .8 C C 526F LOWER LU .0.1.8 B 508A Bk .8 B B LU .8 WHITE COLORED CONNECTOR 518B DU . CAV C10 SHT 2 SECTION 45 518A DU .8 C C DRAFT PIN ROCKSHAFT 155M 506A 518A DU .0.8 C C 513E 500K LOWER LU .0 HITCH SOLENOID B+ 528C 500G T15 526C Bk .0.0.0 1 1 HITCH UP LU .0 313MA RAISE LH REMOTE HITCH SWITCH LOWER TO CLEAN GND AT SPLICE T3 HITCH CONTROLLER (EDC) SHT 2 SECTION 38 315F 526B 500E 59M EDC +8VDC 1 513B 516A 2 515A LU .0.8 B 526G LU .0.8 A 500J R .1.1.8 A R .1.8 C RIGHT HAND CDB LO (TR) OPEN 526E RH REMOTE HITCH SWITCH RAISE R .0.1.8 LU .8 A A 514A LU . B B 516C R .8 513A 9 EDC AND REMOTE B+ 500B 8 REMOTE SWITCH UP CLEAN GROUND 10M R . J5 R .8 R .8 153F 517C Bk .MIF 9-135 .0.8 10F CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 52 FO_51_52.0 2 2 527C LU .0.CHAPTER 9 HITCH CONTROL SYSTEM (EDC) HITCH CONTROL SYSTEM (EDC) UNSWITCHED POWER UNSWITCHED POWER SWTICHED POWER SWITCHED POWER 151M 335M 335F 528B 6 6 527A 151F R .8 T18 12 154M 154F 517B Bk .0.0.8 C 513G LU .8 B 513F LU . PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-136 . 1.1.0 1 1 HITCH UP LU .0 B+ AUX 3 A LOWER 2 AUX3_BOT1 Bk .0 2 900C 8 OPEN 9 OPEN 10 SPARE SENSE 11 SPARE SOURCE 12 TO CLEAN GND 179G Bk . RETURN AUX 4 B RAISE 8 AUX4_TOP2 Y .0 528A 529A 152F R .0 2 AUX4_BOT1 Y .1.1.0 AUX5_BOT2 DU . 5 5 528E CLEAN GROUND 528B 3 3 AT SPLICE A11 SHT 2 SECTION 44 CHASSIS GROUND 335F 528C 152M R .1.1.0 B+ AUX 2 A LOWER 4 AUX2_BOT1 R .1.0 2 AUX2_TOP2 R .0 RETURN AUX 3 A LOWER 11 AUX3_BOT2 Bk .0 J1 (GRAY) R .0 AUX2_TOP1 R .8 6 6 2 918A LU .0 AUX2_BOT1 R .0 AUX2_BOT2 RAISE LOWER R .INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .0.8 3 IMPLEMENT POTENTIOMETER B+ 4 R .0.0 1 AUX1_BOT1 LG .2 11 179AS AUXILIARY B+ 2 12 900B 1 2 RAISE AUX 5 1 2 LOWER 344F Bk .0 4 4 529C LU .1.8 SECTION 53 527A 6 6 151F R .0 141F RETURN AUX 2 B RAISE 10 AUX2_TOP2 R .1.8 RETURN AUX 5 A LOWER RETURN AUX 5 B RAISE CLEAN GROUND .0 2 2 527C LU .1.0 B+ AUX 4 B RAISE 5 AUX4_TOP1 Y .1.1.0 AUX1_BOT2 LG .1.8 Bk . AUX5_TOP2 DU .1.0 2 LG .0 9 AUX5_BOT2 DU .0 AUX 3 AUX1_TOP1 LG .Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 .8 1 1 IMPLEMENT POTENTIOMETER GROUND 3 919A Bk .1 2 179AR B+ AUX 5 B RAISE 3 AUX5_TOP1 DU .0 2 RAISE AUX 4 AUXILIARY CONTROLLER (AUX) LOWER 343F 900C R .0.1.8 179AR Bk . B+ AUX 5 A LOWER 4 AUX5_BOT1 DU .0 AUX5_BOT1 DU .0 B+ .8 OPEN (GREEN) 920A 5 CAN DATA BUS LO (TR) 341F 150F IMPLEMENT POTENTIOMETER SIGNAL SPARE SINK J3 150M FUSE #36 140F 15A TO SWITCHED B+ 1 3 AT SPLICE C9 2 2 2 SHT 1 SECTION 21 4 4 5 5 900D R .0 B+ AUX 1 B RAISE 5 B+ AUX 1 A LOWER 6 RETURN AUX 1 A LOWER 7 AUX1_BOT2 RETURN AUX 1 B RAISE 8 AUX1_TOP2 RETURN AUX 2 A LOWER 9 AUX1_TOP1 AUX1_BOT1 AUX2_BOT2 LG .1.0 1 B+ AUX 2 B RAISE 2 3 AUX2_TOP1 R .1.1.0 10M 76 76 R .0 179AS RAISE AUX 1 1 900E CAN DATA BUS HI (TR) OPEN LOWER AT SPLICE A11 916A 915A DU .0 1 1 HITCH DOWN LU .0 B+ AUX 4 A LOWER 6 AUX4_BOT1 Y .1.0.0 2 2 SOLENOID V1 1 1 R .1.2.8 151M SHT 2 SECTION 44 335M R .1 Bk .8 TO CLEAN GND 179H Bk . AUX3_TOP2 Bk . 1 AUX4_BOT2 Y .0 AUX3_TOP1 Bk .0 RAISE AUX 2 J8 JUMPER TO FUSE 37 1 2 CAVITY C12 SHT 1 SECTION 24 55M 1 917A Bk .0 342F LG . 10F 200B R .0 1 AUX4_TOP2 Y .1.0 LG .1.0 2 2 SOLENOID CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 54 9-15 . 1 RETURN AUX 3 B RAISE 12 AUX3_TOP2 Bk .0 RETURN AUX 4 A LOWER 7 AUX4_BOT2 Y .0 AUX1_TOP2 LG .1.0 54M J2 (BLACK) 142F B+ AUX 3 B RAISE 1 AUX3_TOP1 Bk .1.0.8 143F A10 AUX4_TOP1 Y . 9 AUXILIARY CONTROL SYSTEM AUX CONTROL VALVES UNSWITCHED POWER UNSWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER 53M 1 900A CLEAN GROUND .8 LOWER 340F R .2.8 144F AUX5_TOP1 DU .1.0 R .0.0 AUX3_BOT1 Bk .0 AUX3_BOT2 Bk .0 10 AUX5_TOP2 DU .8 R .1. PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-138 . 8 303A T .1.INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (ICU2) .1.8 4 4 S4 5 5 S12 73D R .0 1S 1 2S HEIGHT ADJUST 6S SWITCH 1 S5 FUSE 3S #9 15A 4S 1 AIR B OPERATOR SWITCH #2 PUMP 1 CPRSR 11S 73A R .0 7 7 S17 Bk .0.0 2 2 S2 S3 177AC Bk .0 8 8 S18 177AE 5A SHOCK CONTROLLER OBSORBER ORANGE POSITION GREEN POT BLACK 9 9 7S 10 10 TO ICU INSRTUMENT CLUSTER FUSE AT CONN 61M.8 6 6 S13 259A R .0.Template Name: SM_fold Template Date: 1997_01_13 Alt= to hide template information Alt+ to display template information SECTION 55 . 1 1 S1 73C R .CHAPTER 9 SEAT UNSWITCHED POWER SWITCHED POWER TO RING TERM 138A SECTION 21 102F R .2.0 A S11 PRESENCE SEAT M S10 5S 12S 1 1 S7 S6 A 2 2 S9 S8 B OPERATOR PRESENCE SWITCH #1 CALIBRATION C15 SHORTING LEADS 133M TO SPLICE SPL-C22 SECTION 31 133F 73B R .2.8 3 3 177AD Bk . CAV 23 #29 SHT 1 SECTION 24 10A 11 11 S14 A 12 12 S28 B 13S 2 1 14S 2 1 S19 S30 BACK CUSHION HEATER 8S SEAT S15 A CUSHION S20 B HEATER S26 C S29 D NTC 9S 102J R .1.0 S16 A S27 B S21 C HEATER CONTROL MODULE D 10S HEATER SWITCH TSR S24 A S25 B TO SWITCHED B+ S23 C AT SPLICE C21 S22 D CLR + - SHT 1 SECTION 20 CHASSIS GROUND CLEAN GROUND SECTION 68 9-139 . PRINTER NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BLANK 9-140 .
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